< Mpl ntfi; H^'i- \. ■ I, THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY T(d3 F35^ The person charging this material is re¬ sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library SEP 1 3 191 OCT 0 9 19 rK 2 5.1990 m L161—0-1096 Lithographers Supplies Inks, Materials, Stones Bronze Powders Machinery THE FUCHS & LANG MANUFACTURING CO. Main Office: 29 Warren Street, New York Branches: Chicago Philadelphia Boston f If; A' »a ' .ffr-^ Jo. . S“ ■' ' V/^*'--’,. ■ ^ W - r .'( ’ ’ ''A ^ r ,•! S|?%'i5 t 'v;^, ■ . g. . • .. :^* '";' > ^^ipf taiDBM ■ ir ; ' ? ' ’ ■ ..-iv* 'jt “w ' '■: fi&i ■’ .J -.-v ■' .rn ^ \\ •- T-.;-r' .< W I , ■ r^l” ^'|{ ■' Vi- v] _ '^'- t., 1 ^ v\'’- fMrii.A it ‘ '*■ . 7 ' '■ „., ,. r/ ’ 'Sim ' . - ‘ !• • .-Vi •' ♦** ' ; ; •--T •• ...■■■ J;? ■■' .. '- '*M.''' ^ ' ’•*' ■( •^'’’ ' * ** ' . s; ■ * ’ *' I'tV' '-^ - 4 -'^ ■fe'’* JkiAnJfigaA « . -. ’’ .li '''' ji'i* r.M -.IttUilSyaW f?)St Lithographic Inks Lithographic Inks STEAMPRESS BLACKS Best Commercial Black, G.per lb. Commercial Black, B.per lb. Commercial Black, No. 103.per lb. Crayon Steampress Black, F.per lb. Superior Black, J.per lb. Steampress Black, R.per lb. Aluminum Rotary Black.per lb. New Black, S.per lb. Theatrical Black.’.per lb. Tinplate Black.per lb. HANDPRESS BLACKS Litho. Transfer Ink, No. 1.per lb. Crayon Ink, No. 1 (Noir de Dessin No. 1) . . per lb. Crayon Ink, No. 2 (Noir de Dessin No. 2) . . per lb. Best Hand Press Black, G.per lb. Pen Ink, No. 1.per lb. Rolling-up Black.per lb. Van Hymbeck’s Transfer Ink.per lb. Van Hymbeck’s Crayon Black .per lb. Steel & Copper Plate Transfer Ink.per lb. Husnick’s Photo Litho. Transfer Ink . per 8-oz. bottle BLUES Best Bronze Blue, G.per lb. Bronze Blue, Reg.per lb. Bronze Blue, F.per lb. Bronze Blue, A.per lb. Aluminum Bronze Blue.per lb. Best Milori Blue.per lb. Milori Blue.per lb. Milori Blue, A.per lb. Tang Jin Blue.per lb. Prussian Blue.per lb. Fine Oriental Blue.per lb. Ultramarine Blue, No. 152 B.per lb. Ultramarine Blue.per lb. New Blue.per lb. Deep Blue Lake.per lb. Light Blue Lake.per lb. Orchid Blue.per lb. Rochester Blue.per lb. Antwerp Blue.per lb. Genuine Cobalt Blue.per lb. Imitation Cobalt Blue.per lb. Peacock Blue.per lb. 4 Lithographic Inks PURPLES Purple Lake, B. (bluish).per lb. Purple Lake, M. (medium).per lb. Purple Lake, R. (reddish).per lb. Perm. Purple Lake.per lb. Magenta Lake.per lb. YELLOWS Primrose Yellow.per lb. Lemon Yellow, soft A.per lb. Lemon Yellow, F. B.per lb. Lemon Yellow, K. & H.per lb. Lemon Yellow, C.per lb. Lemon Yellow, E. C.per lb. Lemon Yellow, No. 25.per lb. Lemon Yellow, No. 173.per lb. Medium Chrome Yellow, L. K. E. No. 208 . . per lb. Medium Chrome Yellow, No. 163.per lb. Medium Chrome Yellow, C.per lb. Orange Yellow.per lb. Deep Bond Yellow. per lb. Cadmium Yellow, lemon.per lb. Cadmium Yellow, orange .per lb. Indian Yellow.per lb. Yellow Lake, best (light or deep) .... per lb. Yellow Lake, No. 1.per lb. Naples Yellow.per lb. GREENS Deep Milori Green.per lb. Medium Milori Green.per lb. Light Milori Green.per lb. Bond Green.per lb. Viridine Lake, light.per lb. Viridine Lake, deep.per lb. Night Green Lake.per lb. Emerald Green.per lb. Peacock Green.per lb. BROWNS Burnt, or Raw Sienna, extra fine.per lb. Burnt, or Raw Sienna, No. 1.per lb. Burnt, or Raw Umber, extra fine.per lb. Burnt, or Raw Umber, No. 1.per lb. Bismarck Brown.per lb. Brazil Brown.per lb. Chocolate Brown.per lb. Jacaranda Brown.per lb. 5 Lithographic Inks BROWNS—Continued Van Dyke Brown.per lb. Sepia Brown (light and deep).per lb. Flesh Ochre.per lb. Yellow Ochre.per lb. Indian Red.per lb. Photo Brown and deep).per lb. REDS Genuine XX Pale English Vermilion .... per lb. German Vermilion.per lb. Vermilion, No. 80 A.per lb. Vermilion, X.per lb. Deep Vermilion, No. 38.per lb. Brilliant Vermilion.per lb. Columbia Red.per lb. Columbia Red, Y.per lb. Columbia Red, B.per lb. Monogram Red.per lb. Brilliant Regal Red.per lb. Deep Brilliant Regal Red.per lb. Deep Oxblood Red, No. 180.per lb. Sterling Red.per lb. Duke’s Red.per lb. Standard Red.per lb. Liberty Red.per lb. Bright Red, No. 1192.per lb. Permanent Royal Red.per lb. Poster Red, H. W.per lb. Buffalo Red.per lb. RED LAKES Carmine Lake, superfine.per lb. Carmine Lake, No. 87.per lb. Cochineal Lake.per lb. Crimson Lake.per lb. Cardinal Lake.per lb. Geranium Lake .per lb. Jacqueminot Lake, No. 109 F.per lb. Scarlet Lake, S. E.per lb. Permanent Geranium Lake.per lb. Madder Lake, No. 83 L.per lb. Perm. Madder Lake, H. No. 84 (for damp paper) per lb. Genuine Rose Madder Lake.per lb. Rutherford Toning Red.per lb. Scarlet Red, No. 2694 B.per lb. Rutherford Red, No. 24.per lb. 6 Lithographic Inks WHITES Best White.per lb. Heavy White.per lb. Chremnitz White.per lb. Tin Plate White.per lb. Economy Transparent White.per lb. Economy Gloss White.per lb. Gloss White No. 6848 .per lb. Magnesia Best.per lb. Magnesia No. 1.per lb. Rutherford Lake (for tints).per lb. Lake tine (reducer).per lb. GOLD SIZES, ETC. Diamond Gold Size.per lb. Brown Gold Size.per lb. Gold Size.per lb. Diamond Silver Size.per lb. Metal Leaf Size.per lb. Flock Size.per lb. Satin Gloss Ink.per lb. Gloss Varnish, H.per lb. DRYERS Liquid Secatif Dryer.per lb. Secatif Dryer (in powder).per lb. Japan Dryer.per gal. Ozone Dryer.per gal. ANTI-DRYERS Excelsior Compound, No. 1.per lb. Excelsior Compound, No. 2.per lb. Excelsior Compound, No. 3.per lb. Palm Oil.per lb. Inkola.per lb. SAFETY CHECK TINT INKS Blue, Green, Rose, Buff, Carmine and Brown . per lb. Special shades to order.per lb. Lichtdruck Inks and Gelatines Lichtdruck Black, No. 1.per lb. Lichtdruck Black, No. 2.per lb. Sepia Brown.per lb. Bismarck Brown.per lb. 7 Lithographic Inks LICHTDRUCK INKS - Continued Indian Red.per lb. Sienna (raw and burnt).per lb. Umber (raw and burnt).per lb. Vermilion.per lb. Permanent Madder Lake, H. 84.per lb. Photo Tints.per lb. Lemon Yellow.per lb. Milori Blue.per lb. Indigo.per lb. Special shades made to order. Lichtdruck Gelatine “Kreutz”.per lb. Lichtdruck Gelatine “Swiss” Prof. Eder . . per lb. Merck’s Bichromate of Ammonia.per lb. Lichtdruck Presses, Slabs, Glass, Plates, etc. Masks, Composition and Leather Rollers made to order. Lithographic Inks for Metal Printing Tin Plate White, Best.per lb* Tin Plate White, M.per lb. Tin Plate White.per lb. Chremnitz White, T. P.per lb. Deep Vermilion, No. 168.per lb. Brilliant Vermilion, T. P.per lb. Bright Body Red, No. 5604 .per lb. Bright Red T. P., No. 1112.per lb. Non-fading Red.per lb. Special Columbia Red, T. P.per lb. Blood Red.per lb. Prussian Blue, T. P.per lb. Best Milori Blue, T. P.per lb. Chinese Blue, T. P.per lb. Lemon Yellow, T. P.per lb. Medium Yellow, T. P.per lb. Orange Yellow, T. P.per lb. Tinplate Black.per lb. GOLD PRINTING LACQUERS All shades.per lb. COLORED PRINTING LACQUERS Blue, Red, Green, etc.per lb. Tin Printing Gold Size.per lb. We manufacture a complete line of special colors for tin printing. 8 \^arnishes Litho. Varnish, No. 00000 . . per gallon j ( In tins Litho. Varnish, No. 000 ... per gallon -j i In tins Litho. Varnish, No. 00 ... per gallon j ( In tins Litho. Varnish, No. 0 .... per gallon ( In tins Litho. Varnish, No. 1 ... . per gallon j ( In tins Litho. Varnish, No. 2 ... . per gallon \ i In tins Litho. Varnish, No. 3 . . . . per gallon ^ ( In tins Litho. Varnish, No. 4 ... . per gallon ] (In tins. Litho. Varnish, No. 5 . . . . per gallon ] ( In tins Litho. Varnish, No. 7 ... . per gallon -j (In tins Plate Oil, thin.per gallon j Plate Oil, medium.per gallon j Thin Boiled Oil.per gallon ] Heavy Boiled Oil.per gallon j 1 In tins Damar Varnish (light). . . . per gallon i 1 In tins Damar Varnish (heavy) . . . per gallon I (In tins Gloss Varnish, H.per gallon j Label Machine Gloss Varnish . per gallon j (In tins Satin Gloss Ink.per lb. Reducing Varnish for ^ In bbls. Bronze Blue Ink ' ' ’ ' P" 8“"““ ) i„ ti„g Reducing Varnish for __^ j In bbls. Gold Bronze Ink ’ ' ' ' Sallon ^ 9 Complete Line of Dry Colors for the Lithographing and Printing Trades Prices on application 10 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials 11 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials ENGRAVING NEEDLES F. & L. Round Needles, Nos. 0 to 6 .... per doz. Klimsch Round Needles, Nos. 0 to 6 ... . per doz. Renard (French) Round Needles, Nos. 1 to 4 per doz. F. & L. Square Needles, Nos. 0 to 6 ... . per doz. Klimsch Square Needles, Nos. 0 to 6 . . . . per doz. Renard (French) Square Needles, Nos. 1 to 4 per doz. Klimsch Oval Needles, Nos. 1 to 6.per doz. F. & L. 5-comered Needles, Nos. 0 to 6 . . per doz. Berlin 6-cornered Needles, Nos. 0 to 6 . . per doz. 12 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials ENGRAVING NEEDLES-Continued F. & L. Scraping Needles, Nos. 3 and 6 . . . per doz. Berlin Scraping Needles.per doz. We recommend the F. & L. Needle on account of the superiority of the steel. IT HOLDS a point and is not brittle. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS—DIVIDERS No. 1 No. 4 No. 15 W No. 19 W No. 1 Steel Spring Bow Pencil, 3J-inch, with German silver handle.each No. 2 Steel Spring Bow Pencil, 3i-inch, with needle point.each No. 3 Steel Spring Bow Pen, 3J-inch, with German silver handle.each No. 4 Self-adjusting Combination Spring Bow Pen and Pencil, 4i-inch, for small circles .... each Plain Dividers, No. 15, W. (German silver) . . each Plain Dividers, No. 19, W. (German silver) . . each No. 21 Steel Spring Dividers, 3i-inch, with German silver handle .each 13 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials DRAWING INSTRUMENTS—Continued No. 35 No. 36 No. 35 Steel Spring Bow Pen with pencil and needle point, 4J-inch, German silver .... each No. 36 Combination Bow Pen and Pencil (German silver).each Plain Dividers (German silver).each German Silver Litho. Compass, very strong, with arc set screw and micrometer adjustment, eight-inch, with pen, pencil point, lengthening bar and wrench key, in case.each Without case.each 14 Artists’ and Engravers' Material DRAWING INSTRUMENTS-Continued Best Instruments, of German silver, in morocco case containing 1 compass, 5J-inch, with fixed I I needle point; pencil and pen points; lengthening bar; 1 divider 5-inch; 1 ruling pen 5J-inch; 1 i j lead box and key. No. 133 W Extension Compass, No. 133 W., with ruling pen, lead pencil and needle points.each Proportional Dividers (brass), 6i-inch, in case, each Proportional Dividers (German silver), 6J-inch, in case.each Proportional Dividers (German silver), 7i-inch, case.each 15 ‘ Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials jl 'i |l DRAWING INSTRUMENTS—Continued !! Whole and Half Dividers, inches long . . . each j RULING PENS i 6i-inch, best quality.each | 6-inch, best quality.each ; And all other sizes. i LITHO. PENS i Gillott’s Pens, No. 291.per gross i 1' .. -KT I , Gillott’s Pens, No. 290 .per gross j; Gillott’s Pens, No. 170.per gross li I Sommerville’s Pens, No. 2340 per gross ■ Brandauer’s Pens, No. 518.per gross Brandauer’s Pens, No. 517.per gross ‘ Mitchell’s Pens, No. 0870 .per gross | I Crowquills, No. 659, carded.per doz. j Eagle Litho. Pens, carded.per doz. | HOLDERS No. 1 Conte Crayon Holders (ebony handle), I German silver.per doz. j I No. 1 Conte Crayon Holders (ebony handle), : German silver.each - No. 2 Conte Crayon Holders (red handle), brass per doz. ! ! No. 2 Conte Crayon Holders (red handle), brass . each Brass Crayon Holders.per doz. > Brass Crayon Holders.each Needle Holders.each Brass Crayon Holders.each Needle Holders.each VAN HYMBECK’S SCRAPERS No. 1 Scraper.each Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials VAN HYMBECK’S SCRAPERS—Continued No. 3 Scraper.each ARM RESTS 12 inches long. RULING MACHINERY F. & L. Straight Line Ruling Machine (includ¬ ing 3 extra counting wheels), 9 x 31 inches between the frames.each F. & L. Self-counting Straight Line Ruling Machine (including 3 extra counting wheels), 9x31 inches between the frames.each Circle Table No. 19, for use in connection with above ruling machines in ruling sun-ray- effects, etc.each Same, with register screw.each Circle Ruling Machine (for circle ruling under 2^ inches) .each Wave Line and other special ruling machinery- imported on order. DIAMONDS Split Ruling Machine Diamond, extra fine . . . each ^ Split Ruling Machine Diamond, No. I . . . . each Split Ruling Machine Diamond, A.each Ground (polished) Ruling Machine Diamond, ,, extra fine.each Ground (polished) Ruling Machine Diamond, No. I each Ground (polished) Ruling Machine Diamond, A. each Script Diamond, extra fine.each Script Diamond, No. I .each Script Diamond, A.each 17 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials STEEL SQUARES Hand-finished, absolutely true. 2x4 inches .each 3x6 inches .each Six 6i inches .each 4x7 inches .each 5x8 inches .each 6x9 inches .each 6 xlO inches .each 8 xl2 inches .each Any other sizes made to order. STEEL RULES Hand-finished, absolutely true. 12-inch .each 18-inch .each 24-inch .each 36-inch .each Any other sizes made to order. CRAYONS Currier’s No. 0 (extra soft).per gross Currier’s No. 1 (s '>ft).per gross Currier’s No. 2 (medium).per gross Currier’s No. 3 (hard) .per gross Korn’s No. 0 (extra soft).per gross Korn’s No. 1 (soft) .per gross Korn’s No. 2 (medium).per gross Korn’s No. 3 (hard) .per gross Korn’s No. 4 (extra hard).per gross Korn’s No. 5 (copal).per gross Lemercier’s (round) No. 1 (hard) .... per gross Lemercier’s (round) No. 2 (medium) . . per gross Lemercier’s (round) No. 3 (soft) .... per gross Conte No. 1 (hard) .per gross Conte No. 2 (medium) .per gross Conte No. 3 (soft).per gross Conte Crayon Pencils.each Korn’s Crayon Pencil, Blaisdell style.each Korn’s Tablets (crayon).per doz. No. 1 (soft) .per doz. No. 2 (medium).per doz. No. 3 (hard) .per doz. Crayon Holders. See Drawing Instruments. 18 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials TOUCHE F. & L. Van H3mabeck’3. Lemercier’s. Korn’s. German Schrift. Steinberg Transparent .... P. & L. Liquid Touche .... Senefelder. Aluminum. Extra Fat. per doz. sticks per doz. sticks per doz. sticks per doz. sticks per doz. sticks per doz. sticks per 4-oz. bottle per doz. sticks per doz. sticks per doz. sticks RUBBING INK F. & L. (soft and hard).per doz. sticks Korn’s (soft and hard).per doz. sticks AUTHOGRAPHIC INK Fluid. Fluid. Fluid. TRACING GELATINE Thin, 17 x 21 inches ... Thin, 17 x 21 inches ... Medium, IGJ x 24 inches. . . Medium, 16i x 24 inches. . . Thick, 17 X 21 inches . . . . Thick, 17 X 21 inches . . . . Extra Heavy Transparent Celluloid, 20 x 50 per sheet TRACING AND ARTISTS’ TRANSFER PAPERS Vegetable Tracing Paper, 19x25 inches(O.L.)per ream Vegetable Tracing Paper, 19x25 inches (O.L.) per quire Tracing Paper, 19 x 25 inches, heavy (N. L.) per ream Tracing Paper, 19 x 25 inches, heavy (N. L.) per quire Common Tracing Paper, 19 x 25 inches, (No. 241 L).per ream Common Tracing Paper, 19 x 25 inches, (No. 241 L). .per quire Ordinary Tracing Paper, 20 x 29 inches . . per ream French Tracing Paper, W., 43 inches wide, 10 meter rolls.per roll French Tracing Paper, B., 43 inches wide, 10 meter rolls.per roll 19 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials TRACING AND ARTISTS’ TRANSFER PAPERS—Continued French Tracing Paper, U., 42 inches wide, 20 meter rolls.per roll Parchment Tracing Paper, 43 inches wide, 10 meter rolls.per roll Rowney’s Tracing Paper, No. 1,40 inches wide, 20 yard rolls.per roll Van Hymbeck’s Transier Tracing Paper, 31 X 43 inches . . . . .per sheet Van Hymbeck’s Transfer Tracing Paper, 31 X 43 inches.per quire Le Claire’s Transfer Tracing Paper, 28 x 41 inches.per sheet Le Claire’s Transfer Tracing Paper, 28 x 41 inches.per quire Autograph Paper, 17 x 22 inches (canary) per sheet Autotype Paper, 20 x 24 inches (white) . per sheet Autotype Paper, 20 x 24 inches (white) . per quire For other papers see page 30 MISCELLANEOUS Tracing Blue (in lumps).per oz. Tracing Blue (in lumps).per lb. Black Ground.per stick Red Chalk, in sticks (Keel).per lb. Dissolved Syrian Asphaltum.per 8-oz. bottle Prepared Varnish Etching Ground . . per 8-oz. bottle Higgins’Waterproof Black Drawing Ink . . per bottle Windsor & Newton’s India Ink.per bottle Rouget Sketching Charcoal, No. 2, per box of 25 sticks Rouget Sketching Charcoal, No. 3, per box of 25 sticks Venetian Charcoal.per box of 50 sticks Steel Thumb Tacks.per doz. Steel Thumb Tacks.per gross India Ink, in sticks (extra fine quality) . . per stick India Ink, in sticks. No. 1.per stick STOPPING-OUT BRUSHES No. 1 each No. 1 .per doz. No. 2 each No. 2 .per doz. No. 3 each No. 3 .per doz. No. 4 each 20 Artists’ and Engravers* Materials STOPPING-OUT BRUSHES—Continued ^ .per doz. No- 5 .each No* 5 .. No* 6 .. No* 6 per (jo2. GENUINE RUSSIAN RED SABLE ARTIST BRUSHES No- 1 .each No* 1 per doz. No* 2 .. No* 2 .. No* 3 .. No- 3 .. No* 4 .. No* 4 . (Jq 2. No* 5 .. No- 5.per (Jqz. No- 6.each No* 6 per No* 7 each No- 7 per doz. No* 8.each No* 8 per doz. No* 9 each No- 9 per doz. No* 10.each No* 10. per doz. No* 11.each No* 11.per doz. No* 12.each No* 12.per doz. VARNISH ETCHING GROUND BRUSHES (Camel hair, tin bound) 2"ioch.each 2J-inch.each ^^^oh.each ENGRAVERS’ LOUPES (Magnifying Glasses) Set in Hard Rubber Double Lens, 1-inch diameter.each Double Lens, 2-inch diameter.each Single Lens, 1-inch diameter.each Single Lens, 2-inch diameter.each 21 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials ARKANSAS OIL STONES Arkansas Oil Stone Slips, all sizes . . \ ( Soft, per lb. Arkansas Oil Stones, 3 J x 1 inch, in vul- ( Hard, each canized rubber case. ( Soft, each Arkansas Oil Stones, mounted, 4 x ( Hard, each inches . (Soft, each Arkansas Oil Stones,mounted,5 x 2inches j ( Soft, each Arkansas Oil Stones, mounted, 6x2 inches •! ( Soft, each Arkansas Oil Stones, mounted, 7x2 inches -j (Soft, each ArkansasOilStones,mounted,8x2 inches \ ( Soft, each WATER COLORS Antwerp Blue Cobalt Blue . Prussian Blue Burnt Sienna Chrome Yellow Dragons Blood Emerald Green Gamboge . . Hooker’s Green Indian Red . Lamp Black . New Blue . . Olive Green . Payne’s Gray Raw Sienna . SCHOENFELD’S .i .I .I . { . 1 . 1 .I •{ ■1 ■{ oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each 22 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials WATER COLORS—Continued Sap Green . . Vandyke Brown Vermilion . . Yellow Ochre . Carmine Lake . Purple Lake . . Sepia—Warm . Rose Madder oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each oz. bottles, each tubes, each WINDSOR & NEWTON’S Antwerp Blue . Burnt Sienna . Cobalt Blue . . 4 Prussian Blue . Chrome Yellow Dragons Blood . Emerald Green Gamboge . . . Hooker’s Green 1 i half pans, each whole pans, each tubes, each half pans, each whole pans, each tubes, each half pans, each whole pans, each tubes, each half pans, each whole pans, each tubes each half pans, each whole pans, each tubes, each half pans, each whole pans, each tubes, each half pans, each whole pans, each tubes, each half pans, each whole pans, each tubes, each half pans, each whole pans, each tubes, each 23 Artists’ and Engravers’ Materials . , ■ V 1 1 1 i ) WATER COLORS—Continued i j ' half pans, each Indian Red.^ \ whole pans, each < tubes, each ' half pans, each < i Lamp Black. h 1 whole pans, each 1 tubes, each r half pans, each « New Blue . . •.H ( whole pans, each ^ tubes, each ’ half pans, each Olive Green.^ \ 1 whole pans, each < tubes, each j half pans, each Payne’s Gray.-( ( whole pans, each [ tubes, each ' half pans, each Raw Sienna.H \ whole pans, each k tubes, each ' half pans, each Sap Green.■ ( whole pans, each tubes, each half pans, each Vandyke Brown.j < I whole pans, each ^ tubes, each r half pans, each Vermilion .^ { whole pans, each L tubes, each ’ half pans, each Yellow Ochre.■ ( whole pans, each ^ tubes, each ' half pans, each Carmine Lake. ^ 1 whole pans, each > tubes, each ' half pans, each Purple Lake. 1 whole pans, each i tubes, each [ half pans, each Sepia—^Warm. 1 whole pans, each [ tubes, each f half pans, each Rose Madder. * whole pans, each L tubes, each 24 Stonegrinders’ Materials 25 Stonegrinders’ Materials TRIUMPH POLISHING STONE Superior Substitute for Hone and Lump Pumice “Triumph” Polishing Stone .each “Triumph” Polishing Stone . per doz. “Triumph” Polishing Stone (large).each “Triumph” Polishing Stone (large) .... per doz. “Triumph” Polishing Stone (small cone) . . . each “Triumph” Polishing Stone (small cone) • • per doz. “Triumph” Polishing Stone (machine) .... each “Triumph” Polishing Stone (machine) . . . per doz. SCHUMACHER STONES (Standard Size) 2-II (extra soft), 3-1 (soft),3-II (medium), ( each 3-UI (hard), 4-III (extra fine and hard), \ per doz. In cases of 330 pounds.per lb. Schumacher Stones (large size),4ix7|x2 ( each inches.( per doz. Gamburger Slips.per doz. SCOTCH HONE Tam O’Shanter (gray), large.per lb. Tam O’Shanter (gray), small.per lb. Water of Ayr (blue), large.per lb. Tam O’Shanter (blue), small.per lb. Snake Slips (see page 31). PUMICE STONE Lump Pumice Stone, selected, only Perfect pieces .per lb. Lump Pumice Stone in barrel lots.per lb. Powdered Pumice Stone, fine, special for lithographers .per lb. 20 Stonegrinders’ Materials CHARCOAL Finest Willow, 6x1x1 inches.per stick Finest Willow, 6x1x1 inches.per Ib. No. 1 Polishing, 4| x 3 x IJ inches.each No. 1 Polishing, 42 x 3 x 1J inches .... per doz. SANDS, CEMENT, ETC. French Graining Sand, (fine, medium and .per lb. White Flint Sand, (fine, medium and course). per lb. Emery Powder, No. 80, No. 90, No. 100, No. 120 and No. 140.per lb. Powdered Stone Cement.per lb. Liquid Stone Cement.per lb. BRASS LITHOGRAPfflC SIEVES 7J-inch Diameter. No* 30 each No. 40 each No. 50 each No. 60 each No. 70 each No. 80 each No. 90 each No. 100.each No. 120. eLt No. 140.each No. 150.each Any other sizes made to order. 8-inch diameter.each 10-inch diameter.each 12-inch diameter.each 14-inch diameter.each Any other sizes made to order. 27 Stonegrinders’ Materials STONE TROLLEYS Stone Trolleys.each Stonegrinders’ Steel Straight Edges, 2J inches wide by J inch thick by 46 inches long . per inch Any desired length made to order .... per inch Stone Planer Knives. per inch STONE FILES, ETC. Stone Files, 18 x If x | inches (best steel, hand cut).each Stone Files, 18 x If x | inches (best steel, hand cut)..each Stone Files, 14x2x/g inches (machine cut) . each Stone Files, 16x2X inches (machine cut) . each Stone Chisels, broad (for cutting stone) . . . each Stone Chisels, narrow (for trimming sides) . . each Tooth Hammers (for finishing sides).each Tooth Hammers (for rough surfaces) .... each MARBLES, ETC., FOR GRAINING Glass Marbles, No. 0.per M Glass Marbles, No. 1. per M Glass Marbles, No. 2. per M Glass Marbles, No. 3.per M Glass Marbles, No. 4.per M Maplewood Marbles, l-inch .per M Lignum Vitae Marbles, |-inch.per M Porcelain Marbles.per M Steel Marbles (all sizes) . per M Felt Blocks, 6x3x3 inches.each Graining Felt (in small squares).per lb. Aluminum Felt, brown, 36 x 36 x | inches (7 to 8 pounds per piece).per lb. 28 Transfer and Press-room Materials 29 Transfer and Press-room Materials TRANSFER PAPER India Paper, extra heavy per case of 10 bundles . . Single bundles.per bundle India Paper, medium weight, “ Cheshing,” per case of 10 bundles. Single bundles. per bundle India Paper, medium weight, “B,” per case of 10 bundles . Single bundles.per bundle India Paper, regular weight, *‘Laiwo,” per case of 10 bundles. Single bundles.per bundle (per quire Prepared India Transfer Paper .... j ghget Gelatine (Silver brand), for preparing India Paper.per lb. ^ . • . . • per sheet F. & L. Superior Prepared J , . . per 100 sheets Transfer Paper, 25 J x 30 | . . . per 500 sheets * .per case 3000 sheets j per sheet Autotype Paper (white), 20x24 . . . per doz. German Enameled Transfer Paper, U. (per sheet No. 4,20 X 24 (Half-tone Transfer Paper) ( per quire Transparent (Chromo) Transfer Paper, 17x22. Transparent (Chromo) Transfer Paper, 31x43. Husnick’s Photo-Litho Transfer Paper, 24x36 . Acme Sticking-up Paper, 36 x 52 Red Press Board, 24 x 32 Red Press Board, 80 x 44 . Red Press Board, 38 x 56 . Other sizes special. Decalcomania Papers imported on order. For other papers see page 20. (per quire (per ream (per sheet (per quire j per sheet (per quire (per sheet ■j per 100 (per lb. (per sheet (per lb. (per sheet (per lb. (per sheet i per lb. 30 Transfer and Press-room Materials SCRAPERWOOD, ETC. Boxwood . . •. Apple wood. French Scraper Leather . , SPONGES Best selected sheeps’ wool (forms) .... per lb. Best selected sheeps’ wool (large), about 6 to the pound. Best selected sheep’s wool (small), about 9 to the pound. Velvet Litho. Sponges . . . Other grades. Prices on application. SNAKE SLIPS l-inch . ^g-inch. J-inch . f-inch . J-inch . i-inch . |-inch. 1-inch . Gamburger . PALETTE K FUCHi LAlir MPr rn - - NF VES IliluwHHiHaial Special F. & L. (with forged shank): 6-inch blade. 8-inch blade. 10-inch blade. 12-inch blade. each per doz. each per doz. each per doz. each per doz. Transfer and Press-room Materials PALETTE KNIVES—Continued Palette Knives (standard shank): 6-inch blade.| 8-inch blade.Iperdoz. lO-inch blade.jperdoz. 12-inch blade.Iperdoz. MIXING KNIVES Special F. & L. (with forged shank): 10-inch X 21-inch blade . . . 12-inch X 3-inch blade. SCRAPER KNIVES ( each ( per doz. \ each ( per doz. Special F. & L. (with forged shank, long handle): (each (per doz. (each \ per doz. dj-inch ' 3- inch (extra long handle) 4- inch. 5-inch per doz. ( each I per doz. 82 Transfer and Press-room Materials SCRAPER KNIVES—Continued (Standard Shank) 2-inch. \ ' ' ’ i per doz. 2^inch . \ ( per doz. S-inch. ( per doz. 35-inch . 5 ( per doz. 4-mch. j ( per doz. TRANSFER WHEELS Transfer Wheels, (hard rubber), |-inch Transfer Wheels, (hard wood), i-inch . Transfer Wheels, (hard wood), 1-inch . STEAMPRESS ROLLER SCRAPERS each each each Each DRY POINTS Dry Points, double-pointed (cork handle) . . . each Dry Points, spiral steel handle (double-pointed) each 33 Transfer and Press-room Materials WESEL INDESTRUCTIBLE SAFETY BENZINE CANS 1 pint.each 1 quart.each Champion High Etching Lamp.each “Durant” Counters (for steampresses, etc.) . . each Zinc, Brass and Leather T 3 mipan 8 (all sizes) ACID BRUSHES Camel Hair (best), rubber set and bound, 4-inch, 5-inch, 6-inch, 7-inch and 8-inch .... per inch Badger Hair, rubber set and bound, 4-inch, 5-inch, 6-inch, 7-inch and 8-inch .... per inch Wagner's Badger Hair (set in wood), 4-inch, 5- inch, 6-inch, 7-inch and 8-inch. . . . per inch Wagner’s Round Acid Brushes, |-inch thick . . each Camel Hair (leather bound), 4-inch, 5-inch, 6 - inch, 7-inch and 8-inch.per inch Special sizes made to order. Artists’ and Engravers’ Brushes (see page 21). MISCELLANEOUS Jenning’s Magnesia, J-lb. blocks.per lb. Carb. Magnesia, F. & L., J-lb. blocks. . . . per lb. Gum Arabic: No. 1 quality, selected white.per lb. C. grade.per lb. N. L. grade.per lb. 84 Transfer and Press-room Materials iy £ i MISCELLANEOUS—Continued Powdered Red Chalk (offset powder) . . . per lb. Aluminum Offset Powder.per lb. Mineral Red Offset Powder.per lb. Parsloes’ Etching Powder (in cans) .... per lb. Finest Powdered Rosin (in cans).per lb. Rosin (purified lump).per lb. Burgundy Pitch.per lb. Powdered Soap Stone .per lb. Powdered French Chalk.per lb. Powdered Carb. Magnesia.per lb. Whiting.per lb. Rutherford Stone Preparation Hardens soft, chalky stones so that they will hold the finest crayon work. As a counter-etch it has no equal.per quart bottle Black Asphaltum, No. 1.per gal. Best French Asphaltum.per gal. Transferine.per pint Transferine.per quart Transferine.per gal. Husnick’s Photo-litho. Transfer Ink . per 8-oz bottle Zinc Etching Fluid.per 8-oz. bottle Zinc Etching Fluid.per pint Zinc Etching Fluid.per gal. Dauber Cloth, M., 54 inches wide.per yard Dauber Felt Blocks, 6x3x3 inches .... each Rubber Backing, 30 inches wide .... per yard Rubber Backing, extra heavy, 30 inches wide per yard Glass Brushes, (for aluminum).each REDUCING MACHINES F. & L. Reducing Frames, 22 x 28 inches . . . each 85 Transfer and Press-room Materials REDUCING MACHINES—Continued Fougeadoire (French) Reducing Machines No. 2, 17i X 19i inches.each No. 3, 19| X 24J inches.each No. 4, 23J X 27| inches.each No. 5, 24J X 31i inches.each No. 6, 25| X 33| inches.each German Reducing Machines and Pantagraphs of all makes imported on order. Reducing Rubber for French Machines New or Old Style, No. 1.each New or Old Style, No. 2.each New or Old Style, No. 3.each New or Old Style, No. 4.each New or Old Style, No. 5.each New or Old Style, No. 6.each Reducing Rubber (medium), 30 inches wide . per yd. Reducing Rubber (heavy), 36 inches wide . per yd. Rubber Cement .per pint Rubber Cement.per quart “Centennial” Reducing Composition, best on the market .per bottle HAND ROLLERS, ETC. French Schmautz Hand Rollers (rough or smooth), 12 - inch.each 13- inch.each 14- inch.each 15- inch.each 18-inch.each French Hand Roller Skins (rough or smooth), 12 - inch.each 13- inch.each 14- inch.each STEAM PRESS ROLLER SKINS (Rough or Smooth) Potter Press No. 2, 36 X 2\% inches.. No. 3, 47 X 21-1 inches. No. 4, 50 X inches.. No. 5, 65 X 2J^| inches. 38 Transfer and Press-room Materials STEAM PRESS ROLLER SKINS—Continued i L Scott Press I No. 2, 36 X 2f| inches. No. 3, 44 X 2[| inches. No. 5, 53 X 2}| inches. No. 7, 65 X 2^1 inches. i f ! ! Campbell Press No. 3, 33 X 3i*g inches. No. 2, 40 X 3 j* 8 inches. No. 1, 49 X 3^*8 inches. No. 0, 49 X 3i*6 inches ... Hoe Press No. 2, 36 X 3 inches. No. 3, 44 X 3 inches. No. 3J, 47 X 3 inches. No. 4, 50 X 3 inches. No. 4^, 53 X 3 inches, and 3i inches No. 5J, 65 X 3 inches, and 3^ inches Aluminum Press, 65 x 3 inches . . . LITHO. RUBBER BLANKETS Width 2-ply t’a-inch 3-ply T2-inch 4- and 6-ply 26 inches . . per yd. $ 5.00 $ 6.25 $ 7.25 30 inches . . per yd. 5.50 6.75 8.25 32 inches . . per yd. 5.75 7.00 8.75 34 inches . . per yd. 6.25 7.50 9.75 36 inches . . per yd. 6.50 7.75 10.25 38 inches . . per yd. 7.25 8.50 11.25 40 inches . . per yd. 7.50 8.75 11.75 42 inches . . per yd. 8.00 9.50 12.50 44 inches . . per yd. 8.50 10.00 13.50 46 inches . . per yd. 9.50 11.00 14.50 48 inches . . per yd. 10.50 12.00 16.00 50 inches . . per yd. 12.00 14.00 18.00 52 inches . . per yd. 14.00 16.00 20.00 54 inches . . per yd. 16.00 18.00 22.00 56 inches . . per yd. 18.00 20.00 24.00 58 inches . . per yd. 20.00 22.00 26.00 60 inches . . per yd. 22.00 24.00 28.00 62 inches . . per yd. 23.00 25.00 29.00 64 inches . . per yd. 24.00 26.00 30.00 66 inches . . per yd. 25.00 27.00 31.00 Transfer and Press-room Materials SPECIAL ALUMINUM PRINTING RUBBER BLANKETS 38 inches wide.per yard 44 inches wide.per yard 48 inches wide.per yard 64 inches wide.per yard 65 inches wide.per yard SPECIAL TIN PRINTING RUBBER BLANKETS The Standard of Quality. 24 inches wide, 3-ply .per yd. 26 inches wide, 3-ply .per yd. 28 inches wide, 3-ply .per yd. 30 inches wide, 3-ply .per yd. 33i inches wide, 3-ply .per yd. 38 inches wide, 3-ply .per yd. 42 inches wide, 3-ply .per yd. EXTRA QUALITY LITHO. FLANNELS (Extra Fine Grade of Wool) No. 21 (extra thin), 54 inches wide .... per yd. No. 27 (thin), 54 inches wide.per yd. No. 31 (medium thin), 54 inches wide ... per yd. No. 37 (medium), 54 inches wide.per yd. No. 41 (medium thick), 54 inches wide ... per yd. No. 45 (thick), 54 inches wide.per yd. No. 55 (extra thick), 54 inches wide .... per yd. LITHO. FLANNELS A (20-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. A (22-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. A (24-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. A (28-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. B (30-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. C (32-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. D (36-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. E (40-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. F (44-ounce), 54 inches wide . ..per yd. G (48-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. H (55-ounce), 54 inches wide.per yd. STICKING-UP PLATES Zinc (any thickness), in all sizes. Aluminum (any thickness), in all sizes. 38 Transfer and Press-room Materials LITHO. ZINC PLATES Fine Grained Medium Grained Coarse for Size for Transfers for Crayon Crayon Each Each Each 8 X 10 10 X 12 12 X 16 14 X 18 16 X 22 18 X 24 20 X 26 22 X 28 24 X 80 26 X 36 28 X 42 30 X 44 32 X 46 34 X 48 36 X 52 44 X 64 48 X 64 48x65 Also any other sizes. ALUMINUM PLATES in all sizes. Drying Oven for Plates, fitted with gas heating jets, to take plate up to 48 x 65 .each MOLLETONS, MOLESKINS, ETC. Best Molleton (medium), 36 inches wide . per yard Best Molleton (heavy), 36 inches wide . per yard Best Molleton (medium), 40 inches wide . per yard Best Molleton (heavy), 40 inches wide . per yard Special French Molleton (heavy), 44 inches wide per yd. Special French Molleton (extra heavy), 44 inches wide.p©]* yard Moleskin (best), 30 inches wide .... per yard Moleskin, No. 1, 30 inches wide.per yard Litho. Felt, extra quality (thin), |-inch thick per lb. Litho.Felt,extra quality (medium) ,J-inch thick per lb. Litho.Felt,extra quality (heavy), f-inch thick per lb. 39 Transfer and Press-room Materials MOLLETONS, MOLESKINS, ETC—Continued Litho.Felt, No. 1 quality (thin), |-inch thick per lb. Litho.Felt,No.l quality (medium),J-inch thick per lb. Litho. Felt, No.l quality (heavy), f-inch thick per lb. Cork Bedding (best), |-inch thick . . . per yard Cork Bedding (best), i-inch thick . . . per yard Dauber Cloth, M., 54 inches wide .... per yard Dauber Felt Blocks, 6x3x3 inches.each CYLINDER FELTS, ETC. Cylinder and Roller Felts (all widths and thicknesses). Canvass, all widths (for lengthening rubber blankets) ASSORTMENT OF STEEL ENGRAVED LATHE BORDERS, LATHE ROSETTES, CHECK TINTS, ETC., of which we sell transfers on paper or on stone. Send for specimen sheet and price list. INK SLABS, ETC. 16 X 20 . . .. 16 X 22. 18 X 24. 20 X 26 . 22 X 28 . 24 X 30 . INK MOLLERS Litho. Stone Ink Mollers.each each each each each each each SLATE SLABS—Finished on both sides (For Backing Up Litho. Stones) J-inch (in any size) .per sq. ft. l-inch (in any size) .per sq. ft. 1- inch (in any size) .per sq. ft. li-inch (in any size).per sq. ft. li-inch (in any size).per sq. ft. If-inch (in any size).per sq. ft. 2- inch (in any size) .per sq. ft. 40 , -i Bronze Powders RICH GOLD Label W. P. R.. Label No. 19. Ruby. Ruby M. Embossing Ruby Extra Fine . . . Embossing Light F. Embossing H.. French Leaf B. M. French Leaf B. G. PALE GOLD Rutherford B.IL . . E. B. No. 634 .... Ruby. Embossing Light F, Embossing H. . . French Leaf B. M. French Leaf B. G. ALUMINUM Diamond No. 00 Diamond No. 1 M. No. 1 . . . M. MISCELLANEOUS Lemon, Orange, Copper, Silver, Colored and Patent Bronzes. Prices on application. i. I We manufacture a complete line of Bronze Powders for Lithographers and Printers ••• ; . Lithographic Stones SIZE BLUE 5x6 5^ X 6x8 6 X 12 7x9 8x10 9x11 9 X 12 10 X 12 10 X 13 10 X 14 11 X 13 11 X 14 11 X 15 12 X 16 12 X 18 ■ 13 X 17 14 X 18 I 14 X 20 I 14 X 22 I 15x19 ! I 15 X 21 I 16x20 ■ 16 X 22 \ I 17 X 23 ! 18 X 24 ‘ 19 X 25 ' i 20 X 26 I ' 20 X 28 20 X 30 I I 21 X 27 : I 22 x28 I S 22 x 30 ; j 22 x 32 ' 24 X 30 j I j 24 X 32 i I i i 24 x34 I I YELLOW ] I 42 > The '■ '■ ■ ■■'■ . '•■•»» ■'«. Lithographic Stones —Continued SIZE 24x36 26x34 26 X 36 26 X 38 28x38 28 X 40 28 X 42 29x43 30 x40 30x42 30x43 30 X 44 32 x42 32x44 32x46 32x48 34x48 34 X 49 34 X 50 35x 50 36 X 52 36 X 54 37 X 53 " 38 X 56 38x58 40 X 60 42x62 44 X 64 i! BLUE YELLOW 43 > . I * ' ■i -, • Standard Bronzing IVIachine Century Bronzini? Machine No. Size of Sheet Inches Floor Space over all Power Required Speed— Sheets Per Hour Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 5 25 X 38 4' 7" X 9' 3" % H. P. 1400 1400 1600 6 28x 44 4' 10" X 10' 3" 2 H. P. 1400 1500 1725 n i 34x 60 5' 4" X 11' 3" 1 H. P. 1200 1600 1850 8 36 X 54 5' 6" X 11' 10" 1 H. P. 1200 1700 2000 10 64 X 41 7' 10" X 10' 7" 2 H. P. 1200 2700 3100 No. Size of Sheet Inches I'loor Space over all Power Required Speed- Sheets Per Hour Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 6 30 X 44 5' 0" X 11' 0" 1 H.P. 1200 2150 2350 7 36 X 54 5' 6" X 12' 6" 1 H.P. 1200 2350 2600 8 44 X 64 6' 2" X 14' 6" H H.P. 1200 2600 2900 10 64 X 64 7' 10" X 14' 6" 2 H.P. 1200 3400 3800 47 D ,|L No. 3 and 4 Bronzing Machine No. Size of Sheet Inches Floor space over all Power Required Speed — Sheets I’er Hour Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 3 16x30 to X 00 00 iH. P. 1200 950 1100 4 20x35 4' 6" X 9' G" JH. P. 1200 1050 1200 No. 2 Bronzing Machine No. Size of Sheet Inches Floor space over all Power Required Speed — Sheets Per Hour Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 2 14x25 3' 2" X 4' 0" h H. P. 1800 500 600 I I I ! I J 48 Flat Bronze Diistinfy Machine ' ’ ♦ Xo. Size of Sheet Inches Floor Space over all Power Required Speed — Sheets Per Hour Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 65 x48 8' 4" X 12' 7" 2 II. P. 1200 3000 3800 2 36x48 6' 0" X 12' 7" 2 H. P. 1200 2800 3600 Uprio’ht Bronze Dustini^ Machines No. Size of Sheet Inches Floor Space over all Height Power Required Speed — Sheets Per Hour Net Weight Shipping Weight i 36 X 54 6' 6" X 14' 8" 6' 7" 1 H.P. 1200 2100 2450 10 44 X 64 7' 2" X 16' 4" 6' 7" UH-P. 1200 2450 2950 4 20 X 25 5' 0" X 6' 0" 6' 3" 1 H.P. 1500 1200 1450 5 25 X 38 5' 0" X 8' 0" 6' 3" 1 H.P. 1400 1250 1550 49 Century Bronze Dusting Machine No. Size of Sheet Inches Floor Space over all Power Required Speed— Sheets Per Hour Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 2 14 X 25 00 X o 1 H. P. 1800 1100 1500 ( i t i Revolving Bronze Sieve No. Capacity of Sieve Floor Space over all Power Required Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 10 lbs. 13 " X 18" i^o H. P. 70 100 2 25 lbs. lej" X 22" h H.P. 100 150 \ 50 Roller Embossing Machines No. Width of Sheet Inches Floor Space over all Power Required Speed Per Minute Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 6 36 6' 8" X 12' G" 3 H.P. 50' 3500 4000 7 40 7' 0" X 12' 10" 4 H.P. 50' 5400 5950 8 42 7' 2" X 18' 2" 4J H.P. 50' 5700 6300 No. Width of Sheet Inches Floor Space over all Pow'er Required Speed Per Minute Net Weight Shipping Weight 3 18 4' 4" X 6' 9" UH. P. 40' 1500 1700 4 24 4' 10" X 8' 7" 2 H.P. 40' 1700 1950 5 30 5' 4" X 9' 7" H. P. 40' 2200 2500 51 Roller Embossing Machine Width of Power Kequired Speed Approxi- Approximate No. Sheet Floor Space over all Per mate Net Shipping Inches Minute Weight Weight 1 12 3' 4" X 5' 1" 1 H.P. 40' 725 970 2 15 3' 7" X 6' 2" 1 H.r. 40' 875 1120 Cxiant Hand Press Size of Bed Inches Size of Stone or Plate Inches Floor Space Power Required Approxi¬ mate Net W eight Approximate Shipping Weight 50 X 73 48 X 68 6' 3" X 13' 8" 1 H. P. 3450 4100 52 Lithographic Hand Presses Style Size of Bed Size of Stone Price Inches Inches Medium and J. 24 X 33 22 X 28 $105.00 Medium and |. 26 x41 24 X 36 110.00 Medium and |, geared. 26 x41 24 X 36 125.00 Double medium, geared. 28 X 41 26x36 140.00 Double medium and geared. 30x47 28 X 42 175.00 Double medium and geared. 32 x49 30 X 44 210.00 Double medium and geared. 34 X 53 32 X 48 230.00 Triple medium and geared. 36 X 55 34x50 255.00 Triple medium and geared. 39 X 57 37 X 52 300.00 Triple medium and f, geared. 44 X 67 42 X 62 350.00 03 Litho.fyraphic Stone Planer No. Size of Stone Inches Floor Space over all Power Eequired Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 45 X 65 6' 0" X 13' 10" 3 H. P. 8400 9100 2 37 X 56 5'4"xl3' 0" H. P. 7600 8300 Lithographie Stone Grinding Maehine No. Size of Stone Inches Floor Space over all Power Required Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 30 X 44 4' 8" X 6' 8" 1 H. P. 2400 3200 2 36 X 52 5' 2" X 9' 0" IJ H. P. 4100 5000 3 44 X 64 7' 8" xlO' 9" 2 H. P. 6000 7000 54 Kutherford Grinder, Grainer and Polisher No. Size of Stone Inches Floor Space over all Power Eequired Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 6 26 X 36 5' 9" X 6' 9" 2 H. P. 4000 4600 i 34 X GO 6' 5" X 9' 2" 2 H. P. 4500 5550 9 44 X 64 7' 8" X 12' 0" 3 H. P. 6200 7400 Perfeetion Damping Maehine No. Size of Sheet J iiches Floor Space over all Power Required Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 26 X 36 7' 6" X 4' 3" iH. P. 850 1230 55 Metal I3ecorating Press No. Size of Stone Inches Size of Sheet Inches Floor Space over all Power Eequired Speed- Sheets Per Hour Approx. Net Weight Approx. Shipping Weight 2 26x36 26 X 36 8' 9" X 14' 6" UH. P. 1000 to 1200 18000 20000 Tin Bronzing IVIaeliine No. Width of Sheet Inches Floor Space over all Power Keq Hired Speed— Sheets Per Hour Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 28 4' 11" X 10' 9" UH.P. 1200 2100 2400 2 40 6' l"xl2'4" H H.P. 1200 2500 2850 Furnished with or without Maj^nesia Fountain 56 Rutherford Coating Machine No. Width of Sheet Inches Floor Space Without Tape Delivery Power Required Approximate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight r- i 30 5' 3" X 5' 0" i H. P. 2000 2400 8 36 5' 9" X 5' 0" h H. P. 2150 2550 9 40 6' 1" X 5' 0" i H. P. 2350 2750 Junior Coating Machine No. Width of Sheet Inches Floor Space Without Tape Delivery Power Required Approximate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 5 20 X CO i H. P. 1290 1600 6 24 oc X oc h H. P. 1390 1725 7 30 3' 4" X 5' 2" h H. P. 1540 1900 8 36 3' 4" X 5' 8" I H. P. 1690 2100 9 40 3' 4" X G' 0" 1 H. P. 1790 2200 57 Varnishing and Lacquering Machine No. \V idth of Sheet Inches style Floor Space Without Tape Delivery Power Kequired Approximate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 30 Without Vibrator 4' 4" X 5' 6" 1 H.P. 1100 1400 2 36 Without Vibrator 4' 10" X 6'0" UH.P. 1125 1500 3 40 Without Vibrator 5' 4" X 6'0" liH.P. 1350 1625 4 30 With Vibrator 4' 4" X 5' 6" 1 H.P. 1125 1400 5 36 With Vibrator 4' 10" X 6' 0" UH.P. 1150 1500 6 40 With Vibrator 5' 4" X 6'0" UH.P. 1375 1625 Metal Dusting Machine Width of Sheet Inches Floor Space Power Required Approximate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 28 3' 6" X 2' 9" Nominal 230 300 58 Rubber Transfer Cylinder Hand Press Ruling Machines Plain Self-counting No. Size of Stone Inches Floor Space over all Approximate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 22 x30 7' 10" X 4' 3" 2300 2850 59 r Three-roller Ink Mills Xo. Style Front Foil Grinding Surface of Rolls Floor Space over all Power Required H.P. Approx. Net Weight Approx. Shipping Weight 0 Stenm and Water Connections Not Vibrating 40"xl6" 8' 7" x6' 3" 7 to 10 12000 14000 00 Plain Not Vibrating 40"xl6" 8' 7"x6' 3" 7 to 10 12000 14000 No. style Front Roll Grinding Surface of Roll Floor Space over all Power Required H.P. Approx. Net Weight Approx. Shipping Weight 1 Steam and Water Connections Vibrating 27"xl2" 4' 10"x7'0" 3 to 6 4600 5600 2 Steam and Water Connections Not Vibrating 30"xl2" 4' 10"x7'0" 3 to 6 4600 5600 3 Plain Vibrating 27"xl2" 4' 10" X 6' 0" 3 to 6 4550 5500 4 Plain Not Vibrating 30"xl2" 4' 10"x5' 9" 3 to 6 4550 5500 1 I i I I 60 Three-roller Ink Mill No. Front Koll Grinding Sur¬ face of Kolls Inches Floor Space over all Power Eequired Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 5 Vibrating 24 X 12 6' 3" X 4' 7" 3 toSH.P. 3000 3750 Three-roller Ink Mill No. Front Roll Grinding Sur¬ face of Rolls Inches Floor Space over all Power Required Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 6 Vibrating 00 X 3' 6" X 5' 0" IJ to 3 II. P. 1900 2300 61 Three-roller Ink Mill No. Front Roll GrindiugSur- tace of Rolls laches Floor Space over all Power Required Approxi¬ mate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 7 Not Vibrating 16 xG 3' 4" X 2' 7" Ih H. P. 950 1100 Pony Ink Mill No. Size of Rolls Floor Space Power Required Approximate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 8 10" X 3J" 21" X 26" i 11. P. 150 225 62 Two-roller Ink Mill No. Size of Top Roll Size of Bottom Roll Floor Space Power Required Approximate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 IS" X 4" lS"xl2" 3'0"x4'0" UH. P. 900 1200 Color Mixer No. Floor Space over all Capacity of Tubs Power Required Approximate Net Weight Approximate Shipping Weight 1 2'0"x3' 11" About 15 gals. 1 H. P. 725 950 t)3 No. Floor Space over all Capacity Power Required Approximate Net Weight Approximate Gross Weight 1 4' 0" x6' 6" 54 Gallons 2 H. P. 1750 2200 McKinley Distributing Roller for Lithographic j or Letter Presses (I (i 64