BUTTERWORTH SCHOOL-BUILDING SCORE CARD I / O Devised by Julian E. Butte: ^ ^ Professor of Rural Education, Cornell BUTTERWORTH Professor of Rural Education, Cornell University FOR ONE-TEACHER SCHOOL BUILDINGS Name of School.County. Scorer.Date . filinoN INDEX State. Year schoolhouse was built. ... Year of additions or alterations costing $500 or over. . . . Estimated present value of buildings and grounds. . . Assessed valuation of district. Is title to school property properly recorded ? Amount for which building is insured .. 1. Size of classroom 1. Width . 2. Length . 3. Height . 4. Pupil capacity. 5. Enrollment. 6. Floor area . 7. Area per pupil of room capacity. 8. Area per pupil of enrollment . 9. Cubical contents. ^10. Cu. ft. per pupil of room capacity . 11. Cu. ft. per pupil of ( enrollment . 2. Shape of classroom 12. Ratio width to length. . . 5. Shades 23. Color . . 24. Type . . 25. Condition 6. Floor 26. Material 27. Condition 7. Walls 28. Kind . . . 29. Finish . . 30. Condition 8. Color scheme 31. Ceiling.; walls dado . 3. Window placement 13. Number of windows for lighting on: front.; rear.; right.; left. 14. How far do windows extend beyond front seats?. 15. Height of window sill. 16. Distance top of windows to ceiling. 17. Distance between windows on left . 18. Ratio height of windows to width of room. 19. If ventilation windows, name requirements not met. 4 Glass area 20. Front.; rear right.; left. 21. Total area. 22. Ratio glass area to floor 9. Inside finish (woodwork) 32. Material . 33. Color . 34. Workmanship . 35. Simplicity. 10. Blackboard 36. Kind . 37. Location. 38. Height from floor. 39. Number linear feet. . . 40. Condition. 11. Bulletin board 41. Kind . 42. Size . 43. Is it within reach of children? . 12. Desks 44. Kinds of pupils’ desks area 45. Is number sufficient?. 46. Number of sizes.. . 47. Is this number sufficient?. 48. % cases where seat is not properly adjusted . 49. °/o cases where desk is not properly adjusted .. 50. Condition . 51. Type of teacher’s desk. 52. Type of teacher’s chair 53. Condition. 13. Seating arrangements 54. Are seats arranged on long axis of room?. 55. Width of aisles. 56. Minimum distance between desks and right wall.; desks and left wall. 57. Are rows of seats arranged so far as possible according to size?. 58. °/o cases where distance between desk and seat is not satisfactory 14. Closet (for teaching supplies) 59. Facilities provided. 60. Deficiencies . 15. Clock 61. Kind. 16. Fuel room 62. Facilities provided. 63. Deficiencies Published by World Book Company, Yonkers-on-Hudson, New York, and 2126 Prairie Avenue, Chicago Copyright, 1921, by World Book Company. All rights reserved, bsbsc —4 l 17. Cloakroom 64. Facilities provided 65. Deficiencies 18. Workroom 66. Facilities provided 67. Deficiencies 19. Storeroom 68. Facilities provided 69. Deficiencies 20. Library 70. Facilities provided 71. Deficiencies 21. Teacher’s room 72. Size. 73. Equipment . 74. Deficiencies 22. Playroom 75. Facilities provided 76. Deficiencies 23. Neighborhood room 77. Facilities provided 78. Deficiencies 24. Heat and ventilation 79. Facilities. 80. Grate area . . . 81. Area air intake 82. Area foul air outlet. . . 83. Is there a thermometer? 84. Deficiencies . 25. Fire extinguisher 85. Kind . 26. Cleaning system 86. Method of sweeping 87. Method of dusting. 88. Is floor oiled?. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 27. Water supply 89. Source . 90. How far is water carried?. 91. Distance of well from nearest stable, outhouse, or other possible source of contamination. 92. Is well protected from surface drainage? . 93. How often is water analyzed ?. 94. Other facts. 35. 95. Drinking facilities provided. 96. If not fountain, are paper cups or individual drinking cups used? 97. Are individual drinking cups ade¬ quately protected when not in use? 98. Washing facilities provided 38. 99. Kind of towel provided 100. Is soap provided?, . . . 101. Is there a mirror?. .. . 28. Artificial lighting 102. Kind . 103. Is it sufficient?. 104. Rooms not lighted... 39. 29. Toilets 105. Kind. 106. Location. 107. Is there sufficient seclusion ? 108. Are they well lighted?. . . 109. Are they well ventilated? 110. Are they adequate?. 111. Condition . 41. Telephone 112. Is there one?.... Bell 113. Kind. First aid outfit 114. Is there one?. ... Mail box 115. Is it satisfactory? Flag and pole 116. Size of flag. 117. Location of pole. 118. Condition of flag. 119. Deficiencies .... V estibule 120. Size. 121. Is it well lighted?. 122. For what purposes used? 123. Other deficiencies Material of construction 124. Material . 125. Color of paint. Foundation 126. Material . 127. Height . 128. Condition. Roof 129. Material. 130. Condition. Condition of repair 131. Repairs needed Location on grounds 132. Does building interfere with play¬ ground ? ... 133. Is it well placed for aesthetic effect?. Orientation 134. Direction . 135. Is this the most satisfactory orien¬ tation under the conditions?. 151. Condition 42. Architectural appearance 136. Desirable features. . .. 46. Condition 143. Unsightly objects 137. Undesirable features 144. Attractive features 50. Environment 152. Desirable features 43. Size of grounds 138. Number sq. rds. 139. For what purpose is more land than 160 sq. rds. needed under these conditions?. 47. Fencing 145. Kind . .. 146. Height . 147. Condition 44. Shape of grounds 140. Shape described 48. Walks 148. Kind 149. Condition 49. Playground apparatus 45. Slope and drainage 150. Apparatus . 141. Are grounds fairly level?. . 142. Are they well drained ?. . 153. Undesirable features 51. Accessibility 154. How far is school from one of the main highways of the district? 155. Percentage of homes in district within 1 mile.; 1-1 x / 2 miles .; over \ l / 2 miles. 156. Is transportation at public ex¬ pense provided for pupils over lp 2 miles away?. THE SCORE Note. In column 2 below place the credit allowed each item as “essential standard credit”; in column 4 place the “additional credit” allowed in terms of the standards and values presented in the bulletin that is designed to accompany this scale. The various credits may be summarized in columns 3 and 5 under the different group headings. If additional credit is granted for items not given in the bulletin, these should be included at the bottom of this page under “Other Items.” Essential Standard Credit Additional Credit 1 2 3 4 5 I. The Classroom. 340 1. Size. 40 2. Shape. 20 3. Window placement. 35 4. Glass area. 30 5. Shades. 15 6. Floor. 15 7. Walls. 15 8. Color scheme. 20 9. Inside finish. 15 10. Blackboard. 30 11. Bulletin board. 10 12. Desks a. Pupils. 40 b. Teachers. 10 13. Seating arrangement. 25 14. Closet. 15 15. Clock. 5 II. Other rooms or room facilities. . 80 16. Fuel room. 20 17. Cloakrooms. 25 18. Workrooms. — 19. Storeroom. 15 20. Library. 20 21. Teacher’s room. — 22. Playroom. — 23. Neighborhood room. — III. General Service Equipment. 255 24. Heat and ventilation a. Kind. 30 b. Adequacy. 30 c. Thermometer. 10 25. Fire extinguisher. — 26. Cleaning system. 20 27. Water supp'y. a. Source. 25 b. Facilities for drinking. 20 c. Facilities for washing. 15 Essential Standard Credit Additional Credit 1 2 3 4 5 28. Artificial lighting. 10 29. Toilets a. Kind. 20 b. Placement. 10 c. Condition. 20 d. Adequacy. 15 30. Telephone. —■ 31. Bell. 5 32. First aid outfit. 10 33. Mail box. 5 34. Flag and pole. 10 IV. The building in general. 155 35. Vestibule. 20 36. Material of construction. 25 37. Foundation. 15 38. Roof. 20 39. Condition of repair. 30 40. Location on grounds. 20 41. Orientation. 25 42. Architectural appearance. — V. The grounds. 170 43. Size. 25 44. Shape. 10 45. Slope and drainage. 25 46. Condition. 20 47. Fencing. ..'. 5 48. Walks. 10 49. Playground apparatus. 25 50. Environment. 25 51. Accessibility. 25 Other Items: 1 . 2. 3 4. 5 6. Total Score.