HERRINGSHAW'S City Blue Book OF BIOGRAPHY CHICAGOANS OF 1919 TEN THOUSAND BIOGRAPHIES EDITED BY MAE FELTS HERRI NGSII AW CHICAGO CLARK J. HERRINGSHAW PUBLISHER Entered according to act of Congress in 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916 1917, 1919 by MAE FELTS HERRINGSHAW in the office of the Librarian of Con- gress, at Washington, D. C. - FOREWORD f I ^HE purpose of Herringshaw's City Blue Book of Biography is to present in one volume, and in condensed form, a standard work of Biographical Reference, giving appropriate notices of all those who are identified in any capacity with Chicago's Educational, Social, Civil, Professional, Financial, Industrial and Commercial affairs. The work contains an Alphabetical Record of Chicago's Business Men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Builders, Financiers, Lawyers and Jurists, Physicians, Clergymen, Educators and other Progressive Citizens who hold positions of trust and honor in their chosen vocation in the various lines of human effort. These Representative Citizens of character and influence, by their enterprise and thrift, by their activity and sagacity in business, and by their zeal in educational, social and public matters, have con- tributed vastly to the moral, spiritual and material prosperity of the community in which they live. As Builders and Merchants, they have erected buildings and illumined the marts of trade; in the field of Science and Medicine they have obtained great prominence; in the arena of Statesmanship they have produced men of thought and men of action; while at the Bar and in the administration of Justice they have shown erudition and wisdom. As Clergy- men, Educators and Lecturers they have occupied high places; and as Artists, Musicians, Composers and Authors they have contributed profusely to social life. Of many men more might have been written. But where not enough has been said, the fault must be attributed to the indifference of the person mostly interested. The Editor is only too pleased to receive Data to the end that each and everyone may receive due recognition and an authentic record. We feel confident that this authentic collection of Chicago's foremost leaders of Life and Thought will be an invaluable acquisition to current Litera- ture, and will meet with a hearty welcome at the hands of an intelligent public. With such continued and courteous co-operation and support our best efforts will be directed in mak- ing Herringshaw's City Blue Book of Biography more and more complete from year to year. PUBLISHER'S NOTE Mistakes will undoubtedly be found in this volume, but they exist not for want of painstaking efforts to avoid them, but generally from imperfect manuscripts or conflicting statements of standard authorities. What is worth recording .at all, is worth recording carefully and correctly; and when mistakes are discovered, a mem- orandum of the errors should at once be sent to the publisher for correction iu future editions of this work. ONE THING IS FOREVER GOOD— THAT ONE THING IS SUCCESS. Ralph Waldo Emerson HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY Aaron, Charles, Attorney-at-Law of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. 28, 1890, in New York, N. Y. Since 1912 he has been a mem- ber of the law firm of Henry J. and Charles Aaron. He is a Director of the Drovers Trust and Savings Bank; Fort Dearborn Safe De- posit Company; and the Liberty Car and Equipment. He is a member of the City and Standard Clubs; Chicago Bar Association; and Chicago Law Institute. Aaron, Edward A., Commission Merchant of 72 West South Water Street, was born July 10, 1867, in Chicago, 111. He is President and Treasurer of E. A. Aaron and Brothers. Aaron, Henry J., Attorney-at-Law of 76 West Monroe Street, was born July 4, 1879, in Russia. Since 1900 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is a Director of the Drovers National Bank; and the Fort Dearborn Trust and Savings Bank. He is a member of the City Club; Saddle ami Sirloin Club; Iroquois Club; National Arts Club of New York; Chi- cago Bar Association; American Bar Associa- tion; Chicago Law Institute; and the Masonic Order. Abbey, Charles Peters, Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearbor n Street, was born May 2.;, " 1S63, in Chicago, 111. He was educated at the Univer- sity of Chicago, Northwest- i > it University, and Chicago College of law. Since 1891 he has practiced his profes- sion in Chicago. In 1907-9 he was Viee-President of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion. He is a member of the University and Hamilton Clubs. Abbott, Edith, Sociologist of 800 South Halsted Street, was born at Grand Island, Neb. Since 1908 she has been a. resident of Hull House. She is the author of The De- liquent Child, and a contributor to the Ameri- can Journal of Sociology and other papers. Abbott, Frank Banfoid, Musical Editor of 407 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 29, ls-">M, in Bethel, Vt. He graduated in Music and Literature from the Episcopal College of Faribault, Minn. In IsSt be founded Presto, a. musical journal; and is the author of numer- ous Musical Papers and Monographs. He is now President and Manager of the Presto Publishing Company, Abbott, Frank Irving, Lumber Merchant of 2201 Loomis Street, was born Dec. 31, 1860, in Tonawanda, X. Y. Since 1911 he has been President of the Frank I. Abbott Lumber Com- pany. Abbott, Grace, Social Worker, was born Nov. [33 17, 1878, in Grand Island, Neb. Since 1908 she has been a Director of the Immigrants' Protective League; and is interested in other organizations. Abbott, Homer, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 29, 1866, in Mineral, 111. In 1898 he was City Attorney of Chicago Heights; and 1903-11 Judge of the City Court of Chicago Heights. Abbott, John Jay, Banker of 208 South La- Salle Street, was born March 11, 1871, in New York City. In 1899-1910 he was associated with the American Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago; and is now Vice-President of the Continental and Commercial Trust and Sav- ings Bank, its successors. "Abbott, Wallace Calvin, Physician and Editor of 1:753 Ravenswood Park, was born Oct. 12, 1857, in Bridgewater, Vt. He is Presi- dent of The Abbott Laboratories; and is also Editor-in-chief of The American Journal of Clinical .Medicine. Abbott, William Lamont, Mechanical En- gineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Feb. 11, 1861, in Morrison, 111. Since 1899 he has been Chief Operating Engineer of the Com- monwealth Edison Company. He is also Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Illinois. Abbott, William R., Physician and Surgeon of 7500 Cottage Grove Avenue, was born Feb. 12, 1885, in Illinois. He is engaged in the general practice of surgery. Residence, 7428 Rhodes Avenue. Abbott, William Rufus, 212 West Washing- ton Street, was born Sept. L8, 1869, in New York City. Since 1893 lie has been associated with the Chicago Telephone Company, and 3ince 1914 has been General .Manager.' Abbott, William Tabor, Attorney-at-Law and Banker of 12' W est Monroe Street, was born ' Feb. 16, 1868, at Wells River, Vermont. He was formerly engaged in the practice of law in Chicago. He is now First Vice-Presi- dent of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. He is a member of the Union League Club, and the Uni- versity Club, and a member of ut her organizations. Abel, Edward James, Manufacturing Chem- ist of 2246 Austin Avenue, was born Nov. 26, L859, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1877 he has been engaged in the manufacture of chemicals in Chicago, and is head of the firm bearing his name. Abel, Theodore C. F., Physician of 7 West ] 34 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Madison Street, \\;is born Oct. 24, 1869, in Gernsbach, Germany. Be is President of the Burdick Abel Laboratory. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Commerce; the Chi- cago .Medical Society; the Illinois State Medi- cal Society; the American Medical Associa- tion; and Union Park Lodge Mo. 610, A. F. and A. M. Abele, Ludwig Hermann, Oculist of 209 Smith State Street, was horn duly 6, 1865, in Konstanz, Germany, since L901 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago. He is Con- sulting Oculist to St. Joseph Hospital and At- tending Oculist to the Grant Hospital. Abells, Harry D., Educator, was born Oct. 18, L872, in Hatfield, -Mass. He was Secretary of the Chicago Young .Men's Christian Asso- ciation, and Instructor at the Morgan Park Academy. He is Superintendent of the Mor- gan Park Military Academy. Abrams, Duff Andrew, Engineer and Scien- tist of 400 South Hamlin Avenue, was born April 25, 1880, in (hand Tower, 111. In 1905 he received the degree of B. S. from the Uni- versity of Illinois, and in 1909 the degree of ( '. E. from thai institution. In 1905-14 he was with the Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois. Since 1914 he has been Professor in Charge of the Structural Mate- rials Research Laboratory, Lewis Institute, Chicago. He is author of numerous papers on tests and properties of materials; a Fellow of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science; member of the American Society for Testing Materials, American Mathematical Association, Illinois Society of Engineers, and the Chicago Engineers Club. A 'Brunswick, Frank P., Attorney-at-Law of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 3, 1871, in New York City. Prior to 1897 he was tele- graph operator and station agent for the Philadelphia and Beading, Chicago and Alton and the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Rail- road; and for the following seventeen years was en- gaged in the grain business in i hicago; studied law, and in 1911 received the degree of LL. B. from the Western College of Paw; in 1 i> 1 1! was admitted to the Supreme Court of Illinois; and in 1911 the United States Courts. He is interested in several local and foreign corporations; and is a member of the Chicago Law Institute; Chicago and Illinois Par Associations; and Montjoie Conimanderv. Abt, Isaac Arthur, Physician of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Pee. PS, 1867, in Wilmington, 111. In PSit] he received the de- gree of M. D. from the Chicago Medical Col- lege; and in L893 I took post graduate work in Vienna and Berlin. He is Professor of Dis- eases of Children in Northwestern University Medical School; and Attending Physician to the Children's Hospital, Michael Reese Hos- pital. Abt, Jacob J., Industrial Advisor of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1867, in Wilmington, 111. He is President of the Whole- sale Clothiers Association of Chicago; and Vice-President of the National Association of Clothiers. Achaid, Herman J., Physician and Editor of 4742 Magnolia Avenue, was born in 1866, in Berlin, Germany. He was formerly Librarian and Secretary of the von Ruck Research Lab- oratory for Tuberculosis, Asheville, N. C. He is now Associate Editor of the American Jour- nal of Clinical Medicine. Ackert, Charles H., of 58 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 19, 1856, in Dutchess County, N. Y. In 1872 he entered railway service as a telegraph operator, and has held various positions with the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern and other railroads. He is now Presi- dent of the National Railway Time Service Company. Acres,' Louise, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born July 30, 1857, in Burlington, Iowa. Since 1893 she has practiced medicine in Chicago; and for ten years was Obstetrician to the Mary Thompson Hospital for Women. Adair, Sadie Bay, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Aug. 11, 1873, in Hays City, Kans. She is Chairman of the Public Policy Committee of the Illinois State Medical Society. In 1915-16 she was President of the Women's Medical Club of Chicago. Adam, Alexander Bruce, Wholesale Mer- chant of 24 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 2, 1839, in Dunfermline, Scotland. Since 1864 he has been engaged in the wholesale millinery business, and is now President of the Edson Keith Company. Adams, Albert Hamilton, Patent Atorney of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 14, 1863, in Jacksonville, 111. Since 1885 he has practiced his profession. In 1893-4 he was President of the Patent Law Association of Chicago. Adams, diaries, Surgeon of 33 Bellevue Place, was born May 29, 1847, in England. In 1895-1913 he practiced surgery in Chicago. For fifteen years he was Surgeon-Major in the Illinois National Guard. Adam, Cyrus Hall, Jr., Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, was born July 30, 1881, in Chicago, 111. Since 1907 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. Adams, Edward M., of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 1, 1876, in Cherry Val- ley, HI. In 1909-11 and 1911-13 he was Mayor of Harvey, 111. He is now Secretary of the Inland Steel Company, and Secretary of the Inland Steamship Company. He resides in Harvey, 111. Adams, Edward Shields, Commission Mer- chant of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 12, 1S59, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 he HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 35 has been a member of the Edwards S. Adams Company. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Adams, Edwin Augustus, Clergyman of 854 Lakeside Place, was born Oct. 21, 1837, in Franklin, Mass. In 1884-1907 he was head of the Bohemian Mission Congregational Church of Chicago. Adams, Elmer Haney, Attorney-at-Law of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 22, 1.870, in .New Windsor, 111. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the practice of law, and is a member of the law firm of Adams, Crews, Bobb and Wescott. Adams, George Everett, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born June 18, 1840, in Keene, N. H. In 1881-3 he was a mem- ber of the Illinois State Senate; 18S3-91 mem- ber of the Forty-eighth to the Fifty-first Con- gresses. He is a Trustee of the Newberry Library. Adams, George J., Live Stock Commission Merchant, was born July 16, 1855, in Welling- boro, England. He is a partner in the firm of Adams and Kitchin, Union Stock Yards. Adams, Harry Coburn, Coal Merchant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1858, in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is President of the Peerless Coal Company, and is a director in other corporations. Adams, James Alonzo, Clergyman of 714 East Fortieth Street, was born May 21, 1842, in Ashland County, Ohio. He has been Pastor of the Warren Avenue Church and the Millard Avenue Church, Chicago. Since 1910 he has been Editor-in-Chief of The Advance. Adams, John D., Capitalist of 332 South Michigan Avenue. He is a Director of The Power Wagon; and Treasurer of the Peabody Coal Company. Adams, John Quincy, Investment Dealer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born June 16, 1848, in Troy, Vt. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the investment business. He is President of the Adams Investment Company; and President of the Coast Line Land Com pany. Adams, Milward, Theatrical Manager and Consul, was born dan. 6. 1857, in Lexington, Ky. For eight years he was Manager of the old Central Music Hall; ten years Man- ager of the Theodore Thom- as Orchestra; and in 1892 was Manager of the Dedi- catory ceremonies of the World's Columbian Exposi- tion. Since 1906 he has been Consul at Siam. Adams, Myron Eugene, Clergyman, of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Feb. 19, 1876, in Palmyra, N, Y. In 1912-16 he was Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Chicago; 1917 Director of Morale at the Fort Sheridan Reserve Officers Training Camp. Adams, Nathaniel Holder, Physician and Surgeon of 108 North State Street, was born Jan. 14, 1871, in Lexington, Ohio. He was formerly Professor of Nervous Diseases in the Illinois Medical College. He is now engaged in the general practice of medicine, and makes a specialty of diseases of the nervous system. Adams,' Samuel, Attorney-at-Law of L'57 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 12, 1871, in Syracuse, N. Y. For some years he was Professor of Law in Northwestern University Law School. He is now senior member of the law firm of Adams, Follansbee, Hawley and Shorey. Adams, Spencer L., Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born June 12, 1870, in Skaneateles, N. Y. Since 1896 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Lyman, Adams and Bishop. In 1910-11 he was Secretary of the City Club. Adams, William Alexander, Attorney-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 10, 1871, in Chicago, 111. In 1902 he was admitted to the bar, and has since practiced law in Chicago. In 1908-13 he was Professor of Law in the Illinois College of Law. Adams, William Porter, Manufacturer of 726 Washington Boulevard, was born in Cam- bridgeport, Mass. Since 1890 he has been President of the Adams and Elting Company, manufacturers of paint specialties; and is a director in other corporations. Adcock, Albert Y., of 111 West Monroe Street, was born March 30, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is Manager of the Harris Trust Build- ing. Adcock, Edmund David, Atorney-at-Law of 900 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 29, 1877, in Galesburg, 111. In 1902 he was admitted to the bar. Since 1912 he has been Attorney for the Sanitary District of Chicago. Addams, Jane, Lecturer, Reformer and Au- thor of 808 South Halsted Street, was born Sept. 6, 1860, in Cedarville, 111. Since 1889 she has been head resident of Hull House of Chicago. She is the author of Democracy and Social Ethics; Philanthropy and Social Prog- ress; Newer Ideals of Peace; A New Con- science; and other works. Addington, Keene Harwood, Attorney-at- Law of 105 West Monroe Street was born March 3, 1874, in Baltimore, Md. In 1890 he came to Chicago, and in 1895 was admitted to the bar. Since 1900 he has been associated with Civile Jones, and they are Editors of sixty volumes of reports of the Appellate Courts of Illinois, and the authors of eight volumes of the Annotated Statutes of Illinois, and ten volumes of Notes of Illinois Reports. He is President of the Sprague Canning Ma- chinery Company; Secretary of the Benjamin Electric Company of Illinois; and Treasurer of the Benjamin Electric Manufacturing Com- pany of Canada, Limited; and the Benjamin Electric, Limited, England. He is a member 36 IIIKKlM.sil wv's CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. of the University Club, the Chicago Athletic Association, Old Elm Club, 'Shore Acres Club, and the Onwentsia club. Ade, George, Author, was born Feb. 9, 1866, in Kentland, Ind. He is the author of The College Widow, The County Chairman, Fables in Slang, and numerous other works. Adkins, William Griffin, Public Accountant of 64 Wesl Randolph Street, was born .Inly 2)5, 1856, in Watertown, N. Y. Since 1874 he has resided in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of William G. and Herbert Adkins. He is a member of the Illinois Society Sons of the American Revolution, Midwest Chapter Alden Kindred of America, Veteran Corps First In- fantry Illinois' National Guard, Society of Colonial Wars, American Institute of Ac- countants, Illinois Institute of Accountants, and the Empire State Society of 'Chicago; and a member of the Iroquois Club, and Chicago Association of Commerce. Adkinson, Elmer Williams, Attorney-at-Law of 17U West Washington Street, was born Nov. 28, 1844, in East Enterprise, Ind. Since 1873 he has practiced law in Chicago. Adler, Arthur M., Merchant of 327 South La Salle Street, was born in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Vice-President and Secretary of Alder and Oberndorf. He is now proprietor of Arthur M. Adler and Company, dealers in packing house by-products Adler, Herman Morris, psychiatrist of 119 East Huron Street, was bom Oct. 10, 1876, in New York. Until 1916 he was chief of the staff of the Boston Psychopathic Hospital. In 1917 he was appointed State Criminologist of Illinois; and since Feb. 10, 1917 has been •Director of the Juvenile Psychopathic Insti- tute. Adler, Sidney J., Life Underwriter of 111 West Monroe Street, was born June 26, 1876, in Chicago, 111. Prior to 1903 he was drafts- man and Superintendent of Construction for Dankmar and A. K. Adler; and in 1903-11 De- partment Manager for Sulzberger and Sons Company. Since 1911 he has been Special Agent for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. He is a member of the Ravisloc Country Club; the City Club; the Life Under- writer's Association; and the Shoe and Leal her Association. Adolphus, Philip, Physician of 1639 Wash- ington Boulevard, was born in ISl'8 in Berlin, Germany. He has been Clinical Professor of Gynecology in K'ush Medical College and other Medical Institutions. He is now Consulting Physician to the Presbyterian Hospital. Adsit, Charles C, Broker of 209 South La- Balle Street, was born duly 14, 1 S;!.!, in Chi- cago. : Since ls7il he has been a dealer in stocks and bonds. 1 u 1897-8 he was Presidenl of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Affeld, Charles Ernest, Underwriter of 1 75 Wr-I Jackson Boulevard, was born March 10, 1843, in Stettin, Prussia. From 1861-4 he served in the Civil War. Since 1914 he has been a member of the firm of Affeld, Tonk and Company. Affleck, Benjamin Franklin, Cement Manu- facturer of 210 South La Salle Street, was born March 1, 1869, in Belleville, 111. Since 1915 he has been President of the Universal Portland Cement Company; and is also Presi- dent of the Calumet Supply Company, and the Portland Cement Association. He is a member of the Union League, Rotary and Mid-Day Clubs. Agar, James Scanlan, Packer of 3854 South Morgan Street, was born in 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been Vice-President of the Agar Packing Company; President of the Western Packing and Provision Company; and a member of the Board' of Directors of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Agar, John, Merchant of 4057 South Union Street, was born Oct. 3, 1S38, in Carlow County, Ireland. He is President of the Agar Provision Company. Ahem, Mary Eileen, Editor of 6 North Mich- igan Avenue, was born near Indianapolis, Ind. In 1893-5 she was State Librarian of Indiana; and since 1896 has been Editor of Public Libraries. Ahrens, Mary A., Lawyer of 5495 Cornell Avenue, was born Dec. 29, 1836, in Stafford- shire, England. She was the promoter and founder of the Mary A. Aherns Mission; and has been Vice-President of the Protective Agency for Women and Children. Aiken, William James, Insurance Manager of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born dune 2, 1848, in Fayetteville, Tenn. He was formerly Superintendent of the American Ex- press Company. Since 1889 he has been Gen- eral Manager of the Preferred Accident In- surance Company. Ainslie, James Stewart, Clergyman of 5057 Kenmore Avenue, was born May 6, 1S56, in Otsego County, 111. In 1900 he organized and was pastor of the North Shore Congregational Church. He is now pastor of he Argyle Com- munity Church, Independent, which he or- ganized in 1916. Ainsworth, Franklin Fessenden, Publisher of 623 South Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. 5, 1856, in Boston, Mass. He is Treasurer of the Board of Missions of the Diocese of Chi- cago, Treasurer of the Church Home for the Aged and Treasurer of the Western Theolog- ical Seminarv. Akin, William J., Manufacturer of ,1801 Di- versey Avenue, was born Feb. 7, 1854, in Mon- treal, Canada. He is Vice-President, Treas- urer and Director of the Illinois Malleable Iron Company; Treasurer and Director of the International Malleable Iron Company, Can- ada; Director of the Mountain States Supply Company, Salt Lake City; Treasurer of the Bullock Tractor Company, Chicago; and an officer in other industrial corporations. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 37 Aisthon, Richard Henry, Railway Official of 226 West Jackso n Boulevard, was born June 2, I860, in Evanston, 111. He entered railway service in 1878 with the Chicago and Northwestern Railway; and has held various posi- tions with the same road; and since 1900 has been Vice-President in charge of operation. He is a member ^4£l ^^9^^ "'' ''"' Union League ami Glen View Clubs. Albaugh, George Sylvanus, Manufacturer of 2100 Marshall Boulevard, was born in John- son County, Mo. With his brother he founded the Albaugh-Dover Company, manufacturers of farm tractors and cut gears, of which he is President and General Manager. He is also an officer and director in other corpora- tions. Albers, Anna, Physician of 723 Belden Ave- nue, was born Aug. 8, 1863, in Muscatine, Towa. She is a member of the Staff of the Augustana Hospital; and is a contributor to medical journals. Albert, Allen Diehl, Sociologist and Writer of 1044 Hollvwood Avenue, was born Oct. 3, 1874, in Williamsport, Pa. In 1906-10 he was City Editor and Managing Editor of the Washington Times; and 1914-16 associate Publisher of the Minneapolis Tribune. Since 1916 he has devoted his time to political econ- omy and sociology. Albovicz, Ignatius, Catholic Priest of 717 West Eighteenth Street, was born Aug. 6, 1890, in Lithuania. For four years he was assistant Pastor of St. George's Lithuanian Roman Catholic Church. He is now Pastor of the Providence of God Roman Catholic Church, Lithuanian. Albright, Charles E., Life Insurance Expert of 209 smith LaSalle Street, was born dan. 1, 1S67, in Dancyville, Tenn. From 1891-1903 he was As- sistant Medical Director of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee. Since 1904 he has been a life insurance expert. He is a Director of the Wisconsin National Bank; the Wisconsin Secur- ities 'Company, both of Milwaukee, and a Di- rector of the Wisconsin Trust Company of Milwaukee. He is the largest individual writer of life insurance in the world. Albro, Merlin Zeno, Physician and Oculist of 4658 South Ashland Avenue, was born Oct. 8, 1865, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Since 1916 he has been Professor of Ophthalmology in the Eye, Ear Nose and Throat College. In 1908-9 lie was Secretary of the Chicago Medi- cal College. Alden, William Tracy, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSall e Street, was born Sept. 20, 1866, in Pleasanton, Iowa. He received the degree of I'll. B. from Northwestern University in 1891; and IS*:: the degree of LL. B. from Northwestern Univer- sity Law School. Since 1893 he has practiced his profes- sion ; and is now senior member of the firm of AJden, Latham and Young. He is a member of the American Bar Association; and the University, Chicago Athletic, Union League and Glen View Golf Clubs. Aldis, Arthur Taylor, Real Estate Dealer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 7, 1861, in St. Albans, Yt. He was educated at Harvard College and Harvard Law School, since 1890 he has been a partner in the real estate firm of Aldis and Company. He is a member of the City, University, Onwentsia and Chicago Clubs. Aldis, Mary, Social Worker and Author of Lake Forest, 111., was bom June 8, 1872, in Chicago, 111. She is President of the Chicago Yisiting Nurse Association; and Director of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. She is the author of Plays for Small Stages; Flash- lights; and other works. Aldis, Owen, Franklin, Real Estate Dealer id' 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 6, 1853, iu St. Albans, Yt. In 1S77-90 he prac- ticed law. He is now senior member of the firm of Aldis and Company. Aldrich, Charles Henry, Attomey-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 28, 1850, in LaGrange County, Ind. Since 1886 he has practiced law in Chicago. In 1892-.'! he was Solicitor-General of the United States. Aldrich, Frederick Clement, Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 12, 1S62, in Chicago, 111. Since 1880 he has been en- gaged in the grain business; since 1889 stocks and grain; and since 1915 a member of the firm of Clement Curtis and Company. In 1913-15 he was President of the Chicago Stock Ex- change. Aldrich, Windsor F., Stock Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born May 19, 1876, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has been en- gaged in the stock brokerage business. He is a member of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Alexander, Herbert G-. B., Underwriter of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 26, 1860, in London, England. Since 1906 he has been President of the Continental Casualty Company in Chicago; and is an officer in other corporations. Alexander, John T., Commission Merchant, was born Nov. 19, 1850, in Morgan County, 111. Since 18S7 he has been engaged in the live stock commission business in Chicago; 38 HERRIXGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. and is President of the firm of Alexander, Ward and Conover, Union Stock Yards. Alexander, Stuart Robb, Importer of 183 North Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 26, 1852, in Glasgow, Scotland. •Since 1903 he has been engaged in the coffee importing and roasting business in Chicago. He is also Con- sul of Brazil in Chicago. Alexander, William Arthur, Insurance Broker of 134 South LaSalle street, was born May 2, 1858, in Corinth, Miss. Since 1885 he has been senior member of the W. A. Alexander Insur- ance Company. He is Vice-President of the Sheridan Road Association and a Trustee of the George A. Fuller Estate. Alford, William Hedley, Contractor of 6039 Harper Avenue, was born April 8, 1860, in Brighton, England. Since 1902 he has been Vice-President of the Weary and Alford Com- pany, contractors for bank equipment. Alfson, Howard Albert, Printer and Engrav- er of 1104 South Wabash Avenue, was born Nov. 24, 1876, in Columbus, Ohio. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the engraving busi- ness; and since 1914 has been Vice-President of the Columbian Bank Note Company. Alison, Alexander, Jr., Clergyman of 1342 East Fifty-third Street, was born in 1874, in London, Canada. He was educated at Hamil- ton College and Princeton Theological Semi- nary, and has received the degrees of A.B. and A.M. For six years he was Pastor of the South- western Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, Pa.; and for seven years was Pastor of the West Presbyterian Church of Wilmington, Del. Since 1912 he has been Pastor of the Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, Chicago. Allais, Arthur L., Coal Operator of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 17, 1868, in Maries, France. Since 1898 he has been en- gaged in the" coal business. He is Vice-Presi- dent of the United Coal Corporation; Presi- dent of the Brazil Collieries Company; and General Manager of the Columbus Mining ( lompany. Allen,' Abel L., Attorney-at-Law, 155 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 25, 1850, in Ken- ton, Ohio. He is author of The Message of New Thought, also author of the article on New Thought in the encyclopedia of religion and ethics, published in Edinburgh, Scotland. Allen, A. Brom, Dentist of 59 East Madison Street, was born in 1862, at Lake Geneva, Wis. He is a Lecturer of Exodontia in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Allen, Andrews, Civil Engineer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 11, 1870, in Madison, Wis. Since 1911 he has been Presi- dent of the Allen and Garcia Company; and is Vice President of the Allit h-Prouty Com- pany of Danville, 111. In 1909 he was Presi- dent of the Western Society of Engineers. Allen, Benjamin, Wholesale Jeweler of 10 South Wabash Avenue, was born Oct. 7, 1848, in Goderich, Ontario. Since 1870 he has been engaged in the wholesale jewelry business. He is Vice-President and Treasurer of the Spauld- ing Company, and a Director of the First Na- tional Bank. Allen, Edwin M., of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1873, in Richmond, Ind. He was formerly President of the Fayette Manu- facturing Company of New York. He is now Vice-President and General Manager of the American Refractories Company, and the Austro- American Magnesite Company. Allen, Hariy Windiate, Manufacturer of 118 North Peoria Street, was born Nov. 23, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has ueen asso- ciated with the firm of J. W. Allen and Com- pany and is now President; also Treasurer and a Director of the Meeker Sugar Refining Com- pany; and Director of the Mid City Trust and Savings Bank. He is a member of the Oak Park and Oak Park Country Clubs. Allen, Leon Menard, Railway Official of 143 West Van Buren Street, was born July 4, 1863, in Davenport, Iowa. In 1881-98 he held vari- ous positions with the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway at Davenport; and since 1909 has been Passenger Traffic Manager for the same company, Chicago. Allen, Paul Riley, Cleryman of 925 Lakeside Place, was born May (5, 1876, in Tompkins County, N. Y. Tn 1902 he was ordained in the Congregational Ministry; and since 1917 has been Pastor of the North Shore Congregational Church, Chicago. Allen, Philip Schuyler, Educator of 6019 Kimbark Avenue, was born Aug. 23, 1871, in Lake Forest, 111. Since 1909 he has been an Associate Professor in the University of Chi- cago; and is Managing Editor of Modern Philology. Allen, Thomas Grant, Physician of 5731 Dor- chester Avenue, was born in 1863, near Brock- ville, Canada. Tn 1894-8 he was Professor of Chemistry in Armour Institute. Since 1903 he has been Professor of the Diseases of Chil- dren in the Post Graduate Medical School. Allen, William D., Manufacturer and Brass Founder of 566 West Lake Street. President of the W. D. Allen Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of leather belting and general mill supplies. Ailing, Charles, Jr., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 13, 1865, in Madison, Ind. In 1885 he received the de- gree of A. B. from Hanover College; and in 1888 the de- gree of LL.B. from the Uni- versity of Michigan. Since 1888 he has practiced law in Chicago. In 1897-1901 and 1901-5 he was an Alder- man in the Third and Sec- ond Wards in Chicago; and in 1907 was ap- pointed Attorney for the State Board of Health. He is a member of the Chicago and HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 39 Illinois State Bar Associations; and the Union League and University Clubs. Allen, William K., Railway Official of 20 West Jackson Boulevard. He is a Director of the Chicago Lake Shore and Eastern Railway Company; and Secretary of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway. Allen, Worth, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 9, 18S7, at Greensburg, Ky. In 1912 lie was admitted to the bar, and has since practiced law in Chi- cago. Since 1914 he has been a member of the faculty of the John Marshall Law School. Allinsori, Thomas W., Social Worker of 5650 Stony Island Avenue, was born Oct. 4, 1864, in New York. He has been Head Resident of the Henry Booth House; President of the So- cial Service Club; and a Trustee of the Chi- cago Ethical Society. Allison, Samuel B., Educator of 7 South Dearborn Street. Assistant Superintendent in charge of the Department of Educational Standards and Statistics, Board of Education, Chicago. Residence 6148 Woodlawn Avenue. Allport, Frank, Physician of 7 West Madi- son Street, was born Feb. 22, 1856, in Water- town, N. Y. Since 1889 he has specialized in ophthalmology and otology in Chicago. He is Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital, and Eye and Ear Surgeon to the Chicago Board of Educa- tion. Allport, Henry Whipple, Physician of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 5, 1S65, in Chicago, 111. Since 1900 he has practiced in Chicago, specializing in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He is a member of the Staff of the Michael Reese Hospital. Allpoit, Walter Heydock, Surgeon of 607 Rush Street was born in 1862. He is Surgeon to the Alexian Brothers Hospital. Allstrum, L. S., of 157 West Harrison Street, was born April 11, 1875. He is District Mana- ger of the George H. Morrill Company, manu- facturers of printing inks and dry colors; and Secretary of the Allstrum Printing Company, Tacoma, Wash. He was Vice-President of the Los Angeles Credit Men's Association, where he formerly resided. Almert, Harold, Consulting Engineer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1877, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1909 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago as counsel for the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, The Commonwealth Edison Company, and other in- dustrial and public utility corporations. Almes, Hermann Earhert, Physician of 4255 Indiana Avenue, was born Dec. 28, 1867, in Long Run, Pa. Since 1896 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. Alrutz, Louis Ferdinand, Physician and Sur- geon of 3957 West Sixteenth Street, was born Feb. 9, 1876, in Chicago. He is Senior Profes- sor of Obstetrics and head of the Department of Obstetrics in the Jenner Medical College. Alsip, Charles H., Brick Manufacturer of 111 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 28, 1874, in Chicago, HI. In 1905 he organized the Calumet Brick Company, of which he is Secretary and Treasurer. He served in the First Cavalry Illinois National Guard, retiring as Major in 1917. Alvord, John Watson, Consulting Hydraulic Engineer of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 25, 1861, in Newton Center, Mass. He has been Consulting Engineer and Expert to the City of Columbus, Ohio; the United States Steel Corporation at Gary, Tnd.; and to various other cities and corporations. He is Past Pres- ident of the American Waterworks Associa- tion, Past President of the Western Society of Engineers, and a Fellow of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science. He is now senior member of the firm of Alvord and Burdick, the well known consulting hy- draulic engineers. Alwart, Frederick W., Coal Merchant of 1554 Webster Avenue. He is President of Alwart Brotheis Coal Company. Amberg, John Henry, Stationer and Printer of 17 West Lake Street, was born Dec. 23, 1853, in Mineral Point, Wis. Since 1870 he has been associated with Cameron, Amberg and Company, and is now a member of the firm. Amberg, Theodore Jacob, Manufacturer and Merchant of 544 Melrose Street, was born Sept. 12, 1858, in Mineral Point, Wis. He is President of the Amberg File and Index Com- pany, manufacturers of letter files and filing devices, and a member of the firm of Cameron, Amberg and Company, stationers and printers. Ambler, Eugene, Merchant and Manufactur- er of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1875, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is Secretary of Eugene Ambler and Company, wholesale coal; and is an officer in other corporations. Amerson, George C, Surgeon of 29 South St. Louis Avenue, was born Nov. 8, 1S77, in Chi- cago, 111. For eight years he was Attending Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital. He is now Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery. Amerson, William H., Physician and Surgeon of 3354 West Madison Street, was born Feb. 16, 1869, in Chicago. He was Vice-President of the Cook County Hospital staff for six years. He is a member of the City. County, State and American Medical Associations. Ames, Edward Scribner, Clergyman and Ed- ucator of 5722 Kimbark Avenue, was born April 21, 1870, in Eau Claire, Wis. He is Pro- fessor of Philosophy in the University of Chi- cago; and is also Pastor id' the Hyde Park Church of the Disciples of Christ. Ames, James C, Investment Banker of 105 South LaSalle Street, was bom in Chicago, 111. Since 1911 he has been a member of the firm of Ames, Emerich and Company. 40 BEBBINGSHAW'S CIT? BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Ames, John C, United States Marshal, Fed era! Building, was born Julj 7, I s ">l'. in La- Salle < 'omit v, 111. For sonic time he was engaged in the hardware busine s, and Later organized the J. Q. Ames Lumber < lompany, St reator, III., of which he is still President. In L891 he or- ganized the City National Hank of Streator and be- came President. Since 1893 hi Has >een United States Marshal for the Noii hem Disl rict of I llinois. Ames, Knowlton L., Corporation Official of 22 Wesl Monroe Street. President of tic- Booth Fisheries Company. Amling, Ernst C, Wholesale Florist and Banker of 17:; North Wabash Avenue, was born Oct. in, L868, in Maywood, 111. Since 1887 he lias been engaged in business as a fiorisl and since 1910 Presidenl of E. C. Am- ling and Company. He is also President of the State Hank of Oak Park. Amsbary, Wallace Bruce, Author and Lec- turer of 4809 Lake Avenue, was born Feb. 13, L867, in Pekin, 111. Since 1907 he has been a chautauqua lecturer and interpreter of liter- ature, and is now associated with the Central and Redpath Lyceum Bureaus. He is the au- thor of The Folk Lore of Tolstoi, and other works. Andersen, Andreas Vilhelm, Clergyman of 2846 Cortez Street, was born Aug. 31, 1871, in Westerns, Sweden. He is Pastor of the Danish Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church, and Su perintendent of the Danish Lutheran Orphan's Home. Andersen, Arthur E., Educator and Account- ant of 111 West Monroe St l'eet , was born May 30, 1885. Since 1912 he has been Professor of Accounting in Northwestern University; and is senior member of the firm of Arthur Ander- sen and Company, certified public accountants. Anderson, Alfred, Clergyman of 5002 North Ashland Avenue, was born March 3-, 1851, in Sweden, lie was formerly manager of the Swedish Methodist Episcopal Book Concern; and District Superintendent of the Chicago 1 district. Anderson, Augustine Hugo Wells, Clergy- man of 1550 North Hermitage Avenue, was born July 19, 1874, in Providence, P. I. In 1907-9 he was Archdeacon of Cairo, 111.; and since 1909 Rector of All Saints Church, Ra- venswood, Anderson, Charles Palmerston, Bishop, 1612 Prairie Avenue, was born in 1864, in Kemp ville, Canada. He was formerly Rector of Grace church of Oak Park. 111. In 1900 he was consecrated Bishop of Chicago. Anderson, Charles Titus A., 'Real Estate Dealer of 35 Smith Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 4, L872, in Sweden. Since l s !'s he has been engaged in the real estate business. In 1906 7 he was President of the Lutheran League of Illinois. Anderson, David Howard, Editor and Pub- lisher if 30 North Dearborn Street, was bom Nov. 19, 1858, in Tara, Canada. Since 1880 he has been engaged in newspaper work; 1885-91 published the Implement Age, Philadelphia; and since 1891 has been Editor and Publisher of the Implement Age. Anderson, E. Bernard, Physician and Sur- geon of 304 West Sixty-third Street, was born in 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the Staff of the Englewood Hospital. Anderson, Frank Leonard, Clergyman of 125 North Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 7, L865, in Red Wing, Minn. Since 1909 he has been Superintendent of the Baptist Executive Coun- cil. In 1913-16 he was President of the Bap- tist Young Peoples Union of America. Anderson, Gustaf Bernhard, Attorney-at- Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born April 19, 1867, in Sweden. He is senior mem- ber of the law firm of Anderson and Anderson; and Swedish Vice-Consul in Chicago. Anderson, John Allen, Physician of 2935 East Seventy-ninth Street, was born June 2:-!, 1S66, at Apple River, 111. Since 1898 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is attend- ing Physician to the South Shore and South Chicago Hospitals; and a Lecturer in the Training School for Nurses, South Chicago Hospital. Anderson, Joseph Lawrence, Clergyman of 956 Montrose Boulevard, was born July 20, 1870, in Tarkio, Mo. In 1898 he was ordained in the Methodist Episcopal Ministry. Since 1915 he has been Pastor of the Sheridan Road Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago. Anderson, Norman Kendall, Attorney-at- Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born I>e,. 24, 1876, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has practiced law in Chicago. Anderson, Peivce, Architect of 80 East Jack- son Boulevard, was born Feb. 20, 1870, in Oswego, N. Y. Since 1900 he has been asso- ciated with the firm of D. H. Burnham and Company, and their successor Graham, Ander- son, Probst and White. In 1912 was appointed a member of the Commission of Fine Arts. Anderson, Robert R., Contractor of 1841 West Pake Street, was born Nov. 4, 1861, in Kingston, Canada. He is President of the Robert R. Anderson Company, cement con- tractors. Anderson, Sherwood, Author of 12 East Di- vision Street, was born Sept. 13, 1876, in Cam- den, Ohio. He is the author of Windy Mc- pherson's Son; Marching Men; and other works. Anderson, William Arthur, Attorney-apLaw of 105 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 7, 1880, in Chicago, 111. In 1907 he received the degree of LL.B from the Chicago Kent College of Paw, and has since practiced in Chicago. HERRIXGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 41 He is a member of the Lawyers Association of Illinois; and the Irish Fellowship Club. Anderson, William C, Engine Manufacturer of 4036 North Rockwell Street, was born in 1875, in St. Joseph, Mich. He is President and Manager of the Anderson Engine Company, manufacturers of marine engines. Anderson, William F., Merchant of 4206 Wesl Harrison Street, was bom May 6, L859, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Ander- son Tea ( iompany. Anderson, William J., Ink Manufacturer of 2314 West Kinzie Street, was born Mareh 15, 1863, in Ireland. Since 1914 he has been President of the American Printing Ink Company, manufac- turers of inks. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association; Oak Park Country, and Garden City Clubs; and a member ^liA 1 °f * tne Masonic Order, ; m ;, ii : :i j ' oi M.-tor\ and Medinah Temple. Anderson, William Purdy, Grain Commis- sion Merchant of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1862, in Chicago, 111. Since 1884 he has been identified with the grain business, and since 1902 President and Treasurer of W. P. Anderson and Company. Andrew, Edward, Grain Merchant of 140 Wesl Van Buren Street, was bom July 9, 1858, in Tarrytown, X. Y. In 1911-12 he was Vice- President of the Chicago Board of Trade; 1913 President; and a director for six years. He is Secretary of the Nash- Wright Grain Company; and Secretary end Treasurer of the Ellis Drier and Elevator Company. Andrews, Albert Henry, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born Dec. 21, 1861, in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Since 1895 he has practiced as an Oculist and Aurist in Chicago. He is Professor of Otology and Laryngology in the Chicago Polyclinic. Andrews, Alfred B., Contractor of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born in Chicago, 111. Since L901 he has been Secretary of the Bulley and Andrews Company. Andrews, Archie Mouiton, Investment Bank- er of 108 South LaSalle Street, was bom April 8, 1879, in Chicago, 111. In 1900 he was asso- ciated with A. I). Nast and Company; 1905 Secretary of the Dudley A. Tyng Company; and now Chairman of the Board of Andrews and Company, dealers in investment securities. Andrews, Benjamin Franklin, Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 26, 1864, in Pleasant Plain, Iowa. He was formerly Professor of Rhinology and Laryngology in the Chicago Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat College. He is now Professor of Oto-Larvngologv in the Illinois Post-Graduate Medical' School'. Andrews, Carlos Samuel, Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 16, 1871, in Annawan, 111. In 1895 he was ad- mitted to the bar. He is now a member of the firm of Culver, Andrews King and Cook. Andrews, Clement Walker, Librarian of 1446 Dearborn Avenue, was born Jan. 13, 1858, in Salem, Mass. He received the degree of A.M. from Harvard University. For twelve years he was Instructor in the Massachusetts 'institute of Technology, of which Institution he was also Librarian for six years. Since 1895 he has been Librarian of the John Crerar Library. Andrews, Edward WyHys, Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 25, 1856, in Chicago, 111. Since 1881 he has prac- ticed surgery in Chicago; since 1883 Professor of Surgery in Northwestern University Medi- cal School; and since 1891 Surgeon to Michael Reese Hospital. Andrews, Emory C, Manufacturer of 161 West Harrison Street, was born Jan. 16, L878. He is Second Vice-President of Philip Ruxton Company; is the author of Color and its Ap- plication to Printing, and other works. Andrews, Eugene E., Underwriter of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born in September, 1869, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of E. E. Andrews and Company. Andrews, Frank Taylor, Physician of 448 Barry Avenue, was born April 10, 1858, in Chi- cago. He was Professor of Gynecology in the Northwestern University Medical College. In 1911 he was appointed First Lieutenant of the United States Army Medical Reserve Corps. Angell, James Rowland, Psychologist of 1314 East Fifty-eighth Street, was born May 8, 1869, in Burlington, Vt. He was President of the University of Chicago Settlement. He is now Professor and head of the Department of Psychology and Dean of the Faculties in the University of Chicago. Andrews, Launcelot Winchester, Chemist of 6547 Stewart Avenue, was born June 13, 1856, in London, Canada. In 1885-1904 he was Pro- fessor of Chemistry in the State University of Iowa; and in 1913-14 Special Investigator in the United States Department of Agriculture. Since 1915 he has been research chemist with the Victor Chemical Works. He is the author of numerous scientific works. Andrews, Martin, Engineer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 11, 1861, in Steubenville, Ohio. He was formerly Vice- President of the King and Andrews Company, Chicago; now President of the Andrews Engi- neering Company. Angerstein, Thomas Chester, Attorney-at- Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born . Nov. 10, 1886, in Hillsboro, 111. He received his education in the Hillsboro High School, the Illinois College of Jacksonville, 111., and re- ceived the degree of LL.B. from the Univer- sity of Illinois in 1910. He was an attorney in the law offices of Scott, Bancroft and 4U HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Stephens in L910; and from L91 l 12 was As- sistant Trial Attorney for the International Earvester Company; and until mil Associate Commerce Counsel for the Internationa] 1 1 :i c vester Company. Be is a member of the City Club, the lllini' Club, and the Illinois Athletic Association; American Bar Association ami Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations. Angier, Walter E., Civil Engineer of 220 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1863, in Fit zwilliam, \. II. Since L910 he lias been a partner in the firm of Modjeski and Angier, inspecting and testing engineers. Anguish, Benjamin D., Commission Merchant of 192 North Clark Street, was born in Chit- tenango, X. Y. Since 1878 he has resided in Chicago. He is engaged, in the wholesale pro- duce business. Anson, Adrian C, Public Official, was born April 17, 1852, in Marshalltovvn, Iowa. For twenty two years he was Captain and Mana- ger of the Chicago National League Baseball Club. In L905 he was elected City Clerk of the City of Chicago. Residence 6347 Kenwood A \ enue. Anthony, George Fort Donelscn, Attorney- at-Law of 431 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. is, 1862, in Chicago, 111. Since 1907 he has been Dean of the American Correspond- ence School of Law. Antisdale, Edwin Sawyer, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born May 17, 1861, in Manchester, X. V. Be is Professor of the Ear, Nose and Throat in the Chicago Hos- pital College of Medicine. Ap Madoc, William Tudor, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dea rborn Street, was born Sept. 20, 187:?, in Utica, N. Y. He has been a member of the Lower House of the Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Illinois Gen- eral Assemblies. Since 18992 3 lie was Assistant City Attor- ney; and 1903 5 City Prosecuting Attorney. Ashby, James H.] was born Nov. 17, 1874, in Dutc hess ('.unity, N. Y. Since 1880 he has Keen a resident in Chicago. ; He is General Superintend ent of the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company; Pres- 4 ident of it lie Amity Building and Loan Association; and ! is a Director of the Stock Yards National Bank and the National Live Stock Bank. Ashcraft, Edwin M., Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 27, 1848, in Virginia. In 1873 he was admitted to the bar. He is a member and Ex-President of the • 'hicago Bar Association. Ashcraft, Raymond Moore, Attorney-at-Law of 134 Smith LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 9, l s 7t;, in Vandalia, 111. Since 1897 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is a Trustee of 1 [ahnemann Hospital. Ashley, Burton J., Consulting Sanitary En- gineer of 11112 South Hoyne Avenue, was born March 17. L8'57, in Sparta, Ohio. For six years he was County Engineer of Morrow County, Ohio; was Arbitrating Engineer for the World's Fair in Chicago, building the big pier into Lake Michigan; and has been Village Engineer of Morgan Park and Consulting En- gineer to many municipalities. The Art In- stitute of Chicago was built under his engi- neering superinteudency. Atkeisson, John Edward Hall, Physician of 1954 Milwaukee Avenue, was born March 20, 1874, in Nashville, Tenn. Since 1898 he has practiced medicine in Chicago; since 1906 Anesthetist to St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospi- tal, and since 1915 to Alexian Brothers Hos- pital. Atkin, Godfrey Harold, Sales Manager of 1 W South Dearborn Street, was born May 10, 1866, in Yorkshire, England. For ten years he was connected with the General Electric Com- pany. Since 1902 he has been Sales Manager of the Electric Storage Battery Company of Philadelphia. Atkinson, Charles Andrew, Attorney-at-Law of 168 North Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 9, 1852, in Webster, Ohio. He is Vice-Presi- dent and General Counsel of the Federal Life Insurance Company. Atkinson, Charles Thomson, of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 4, 1804, in El- mlra, N. Y. He is Secretary of the Chicago S ock Exchange. Atkinson, Eleanor, Author of 5750 South Park Avenue, was born in Rensselaer, Ind. In 1900-7 she was Editor of The Little Chronicle. She is the author of a Loyal Love; The Story of (hicago; and other books of fiction and history. Attiey, James Miles, Lumber Merchant of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born June 30, 1857, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he has been en- gaged in the lumber business in Chicago; and is head of the firm of J. M. Attiey and Com- pany. Atwell, Charles Beach, Botanist of 1938 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, 111., was born April 11, 1855, in Theresa, N. Y. Since 1880 he has been identified with Northwestern Uni- versity and Evanston Public Schools; and sime 1894 Professor of Botany in the former, lie is the author of the Genealogy of the At- well Family of New London, Conn.; and has contributed articles to scientific and botanical journals. Atwill, Fenwick C, Coal and Coke Merchant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 4, 1878, in Burlington, Vt. He is President of the Atwill-Makesom Coal and Coke Company. Atwood, Fred Holmes, Attorney-at-^aw of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 4, 1863, in LeRoy, Mich. In 1890-1 he was Assistant County Attorney, and in 1892 a Presidential Elector. He is now a member of the law firm of Atwood, Pease and Loucks. Atwood, Harry Fuller, Lawyer, Lecturer and Writer of 7245 Princeton Avenue, was born Jan. 1, 1870, near Morgan Park, 111. Since 1S99 he has practiced law in Chicago; in 1901-4 was Assistant State's Attorney; 1908-11 As- sistant United States Attorney; and 1915-17 HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 45 Attorney for the Board of Local Improve- ments. Atwood, R. Jay, Specialist of 32 North State Street, was born in 1865, in Peoria, 111. He is Professor of Oto-Laryngology in the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College, Chicago. Auerbach, Benjamin, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Herrick, Auerbach and Vastine. Aurand, Samuel Herbert, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born Oct. 26, 1854, in Loran, 111. He is Professor of Materia Medica and 'Clinical Medicine in the Hahne- mann Medical College. Aurelius, Marcus A., Banker, was born Aug. 13, 1874, in Cleveland, Ohio. Vice-President and Cashier of The Calumet National Bank. Austin, Bernard Nelson, Railway Official of 112 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 9, 1856, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1897 he has been General Passenger Agent of the Balti- more and Ohio Railroad Company, Chicago. Austin, Frederick Carleton, Municipal En- gineer of SO East Jackson Boulevard. He is President of the F. C. Austin Company, Incor- porated. Austin, Harry Geoffrey, of 230 South La- Salle Street, was born June 10, 1868, in Lon- don, England. He is President of the Chicago Compressed Gas Company. Austin, Heniy Warren, Bank President of 179 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 22, 1864, in Oak Park, 111. He is President of the Oak Park Trust and Savings Bank; and Treas- urer of the Village of Oak Park, 111. Austin, Merritt B., Merchant of 700 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 24, 1869, in Terre Haute, Ind. He is President and a Di- rector of The M. B. Austin Company. Austin, William Baden, Real Estate Dealer, Lawyer, and Broker of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 21, 1860, in Rensselaer, Ind. He was admitted to the bar in 1882, and practiced law until 1900. In 1913 he was Pres- ident of the Indiana Society of Chicago. Austrian, Alfred S., Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born June 15, 1S70, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Piatt. Avery, Sewell Lee, of 205 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 4, 1874, in Saginaw, Mich. Since 1905 he has been President of the United States Gypsum Company. He is a member of the Middav, Evanston County, Glen View and Old Elm Clubs. Ayer, Edward Everett, Contractor of 80 East, Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 16, 1841, in Kenosha, Wis. He is a Director of the Ayer and Lord Tie Company. In 1893-8 he was President of the Field Museum of Natural History. Ayers, Frank David, Attorney-at-Law of 133 West Washington Street, was born June 15, 1867, in Bloomington, 111. He graduated from the Illinois Wesleyan University of Blooming- ton. He was First Assistant City Attorney for two terms under John F. Smulski, becom- ing his successor later; and Attorney for the Election Board for four years. He is now practicing law with his brother under the firm name of Ayers and Ayers. Eaackes/ Frank, General Sales Manager of 208 South LaSal le Street, was bom March 9, 1863, in Germany. He has always been engaged in the steel and wire business. He is now Vice-President and General Sales Manager for the American Steel and Wire Company. He is a member of the Union League, South Shore Coun- try, ' cago Automobile, Germania, and Midday ( js and the Chieago Athletic Association. Babbitt, Benton Hole ^ .b, of 25 South Wa- bash Avenue, was born ->\ y 2, 1858, in Warren County, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been General Manager of the Alfred Peats Company, wall paper. He is a member of the Congregational Club, the Hamilton Club, and the Birehwood Country Club. Babcock, Adolph Borie, Stock Broker of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 10, L876, in Washington, D. C. He is associated with Babcock, Rushton and Company, bankers anil broke i ■ . Babccck, Frederick Reynolds, Attorney-at- Law of 140 Sout h Dearborn Street, was born May 4, 1865, in Milwaukee, Wis. He graduated from Harvard College in 1SS6, and in 1889 was admitted to the bar. In 1906-10 he was a member of the firm of Finley Barrel! and Com- pany, bankers ami brokers. He is a member of the Chi- eago Bar Association; the Press South Shore Country, Chicago Athletic, and Chicago Clubs. Babcock^ Leland Almanzo, of 222 North Wa- bash Avenue, was born Oct. 6, 1S6S, in Free- port, 111. He is Vice-President and Secretary of the Sprague Canning Machinery Company; and an officer and director in other corpora- tions. Babcock, Orville Elias, Banker ami Broker of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 13, 1^72, in Chicago, 111. He is senior member <>f the firm of Babcock, Rushton and Company; and a. member of the Chicago Slock Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade, and the New York Stock Exchange. Babco-k, Robert Hall, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1851, in Water town, N. Y. In 1891-1905 he was Professor of Clin'cal Medicine and Diseases of the Chest in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of K, IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Chicago. He is aow Consulting Physician to the '(ink County Hospital. He is author of Diseases of the Heart and Arterial System; and I ►iseases of t he Lungs. Bach, Julius Henry, Brick Manufacturer of 2647 Montrose Boulevard, was born Sept. 21, is, in Plochingen, Germany. Since boyhood he has been identified with the brick manufac- turing industry, and is now Vice-President and Superintendent of the Bach Brick Company. Bach, William Frederick, Brick Manufac- turer of 2647 Montrose Boulevard, was born Nov. 29, 1861, in Plochingen, Germany. In 1883 he entered the brick manufacturing busi- ness with his father, and since 1916 has been President of the Bach Brick Company. Bache, Joseph Lloyd, School Superintendent of 1532 Parwell Avenue, was born Oct. 7, 1871, in Peoria, 111. He is Superintendent of the Jewish Training School of Chicago. Backus, Theodore Bernardo, Manufacturer of 621 South Kedvale Avenue, was born Aug. 12, 1880, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Manager of The Blackburn Company. He is now President of The Backus Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of marking crayons and shipping room supplies. Bacmeister, Theodore, Physician and Sur- geon of 4041 North Keeler Avenue, was born May lo, ISTti, in Toulon, 111. He is Secretary of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Associa- tion; and Editor of The Clinique. Bacon, Asa Singer was born dan. 15, 1S66, in Midland City, Mich. He is Superintendent of the Presbyterian Hospital; Treasurer of the American Hospital Association; and President of the Chicago Cook County Hospital Associa- tion. Bacon, Charles Sumner, Physician of 2156 Sedgwick Street, was born in 1856, at vSpring Prairie, Wis. He is Professor of Obstetrics in the Illinois State University Medical School, and in the Chicago Policlinic. Bacon, DeWitt Clinton, Dentist of 31 North State Street, was born July 13, 1864, in Oneida, 111. Since 1SS7 he has practiced den- tist rv in Chicago. He is a member of the Chicago Dental Society. Bacon, Edward Richardson, Grain Merchant and Elevator Owner of 230 South LaSalle Street, was bom Feb. 22, 1857, in Chicago, 111. In 1878 he received the degree of A.B. from Harvard College. Since 1878 he has been en- gaged in the grain business, and is now Presi- dent of the Aberdeen Elevator Company. He is a member of the Harvard Club and Scituate Yacht Club. Residence, Congress Hotel. Bacon, Martin W., Physician and Surgeon of 6857 Went worth Avenue, was born May 1"., L845, in Geauga County, Ohio. In 1875 he grad- uated from the University of Michigan. He is Surgeon to the Chicago, Rock Island and Pa- cific Railway and Englewood Hospital. He is a member of the American Medical Associa- tion; Illinois State Medical Association; Cook County Medical Association; Englewood Med- ical Society; American Association of Railway Surgeons; Bock Island Railway Association; and the Physicians' Club. Bacon, Robert Stillwell, Merchant and Man- ufacturer of 213 North Ann Street, was born in 187.'!, in Hannibal, Mo. He is President anil Treasurer of the R. S. Bacon Veneer Company. Bacon, Wilbur C, Business Manager of 2617 Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 15, 1886, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly engaged in the practice of law. He is now manager of the Chicago Branch of the 'Service Motor Truck Company. He is a member of the Hamilton and Traffic Clubs. Bacon, William T., Bond Dealer of 7 West Madison Street, was born May 25, 1885, in Derby, Conn. He is Vice-President of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. Badenoch, John Joseph, Commission Mer- chant of 400 North Union Street, was born April 19. 1851, in Fyfeshire, Scotland. In 1873 he established the firm of J. J. Badenoch and Company, of which he is President. He has been Alderman of the Old Eleventh Ward; President of the Board of Election Commis- sioners; and General Superintendent of Police of the City of Chicago. Badger, Alpheus Shreve, Lumber Merchant of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 16, 1862, in Chicago, 111. Since 1876 he has been engaged in the lumber business. He is now President of the A. S. Badger Company. Badgerow, Harve G., Underwriter of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1882, in Sioux City, Iowa. He is President of the Badgerow Company; and President of the Rockwood -Badgerow Company. He has been President of the Illinois Insurance Federation. Badgerow, Ralph J., Underwriter of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 15, 1881, in Sioux City, Iowa. He is a member of the Rockwood-Badgerow Company. During the war with Germany he was a Captain in the Motor Transport Corps. Baer, Almerin Webster, Physician of 29 East Madison Street, was born Feb. 3, 1862, in Wayne County, Ohio. Since 1889 he has prac- ticed medicine in Chicago. Baggott, James Edward, Manufacturer of 19 East Lake Street, was born Sept. 6, 1865. He is President of the E. Baggott Company, man- ufacturers of lighting and plumbing fixtures. Bagley, Henry Patterson, Surgeon of 31 North State Street, was born Dec. 21, 1876, in Huntington, Ind. He is an Associate in the Nose and Throat Department of Rush Medical College; and a specialist on diseases of the nose and throat. Bailey, Edward Payson, Banker of 7 West Madison Street, was born Dec. 28, 1841, in Al- inont, Mich. In 1882-1911 he was associated with ' the Chicago Malleable Iron Company. He is now Vice-President and a Director of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Com- HERBINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 47 pany. He is a member of the Bankers', Mid- lothian and Union League Clubs. Bailey, Edward William, Grain Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 31, 1S43, in Elmore, Vt, Since 1879 he has been engaged in the commission business in Chicago as E. W. Bailey and Company. Bailey, Eli Stillman, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born Sept. 2, 1851, in Little Genesee, N. Y. He was formerly Dean of Hahnemann Medical College. Since 1878 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. Bailey, William E., Railway Official of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 26, 1857, in Dowagiac, Mich. In 18S1 he entered railway service with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; and since 1905 has been General Auditor. He is Ex-President of the Association American Railway Account- ing Officers. Baillot, Edouard Paul, Educator of 426 Ham ilton Street, Evanston, 111., was born July 28, 1861, in Paris, France. Since 1890 he has been engaged in educational work in America; and since 1898 has been Professor and head of tlie department of Romance Languages in Northwestern University. Baily, Jacob L., Afctorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 29, 1851, in Fulton County, 111. Since 1900 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Barrow and Baily. Bain, Fores, Patent Lawyer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 1, 1S53. He is senior member of the law firm of Force, Bain and May. Bain, John, Banker of 1610 West Sixty-third Street, was born Nov. 26, 1868 in Stornaway, Scotland. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the real estate business as John Bain and Company. He is also President of the Drexel Park Investment Company, the Marquette Park Bank, and the Englewood Ashland Stale Bank. Baird, George Ambrose, Mine Operator of 110 'South Dearborn Street, was bom May 10, 1865. in Rochester, Pa. He is President of the Kimberly Corporation, iron and steel. Baird, Harry K., Merchant and Importer of 200 West Adams Street. He is Vice-President of the Morris Woolf Silk Company. Baird, Wyllys Warne", Heal Estate Dealer of 29 South LaSalle Street was born in New Haven. Conn. He is senior member of the firm of Baird and Warner. In 1903 he was President of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Baker, Albert I*, of 212 West Washington Street, was horn Feb. 21, 1861, in Aurora. 111. He is Secretary and Manager of the Produce Reporter Company, which he organized in 1899, a national organization of wholesale fruit and produce shippers, brokers and commission merchants, Baker, Alfred Landon, Stock and Bond Br oker of 141 So uth LaSalle Street, was born April ::<>, 1859, in Boston, Mass. In 1S99 he organized the firm of Alfred L. Baker and Company, stock brok- ers; and in '1898-1900 was President of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Ho is Vice-President of the Na- tional City Bank and the Calumet and Chicago Canal and Dock Company. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, the New York Stock Exchange and the Chicago Stock Exchange. Bake:, Charles, Broker of 146 West Nan Buren Street, was horn Oct. 25, 1874, in Evans- ville, Ind. Since 1890 he has been identified with the grain commission business; and is now President of Simons, Day and Company, dealers in grain, stocks and provisions. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Baker, Charles M., of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born in 1855, in Alexandria, Pa. He is General Superintendent of the Postal Telegraph Company; and President of the Telegraphers Building and Loan Association. Bakei, Cornelia, Author of 216 East Erie Street, was born June 16, 1855, in Jackson County, Ohio. Since 1904 she has been a con- tributor to magazines. She is the author of The Court Jester, and other works. Bake;, Dillard B., Atorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born July, 1876, in Mount Sterling, Ky. Since 1903 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago; and is now a member of the Faculty of the Chicago Law School. Baker, Edgar O., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 10, 1861, in Chicago, III. Since 1881 he has been en- gaged in the insurance business, and since 1907 has been associated with the firm of Moore, (Vise, Lyman and Hubbard. Baker, Elmer Jerome. Publisher of 159 North State Street, was born Nov. 3, 1861, in Buchanan County. Iowa. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the publishing business, and is now Publisher of the Farm Implement News. Baker, Francis E., Jurist, was born Oct. 20, I860 in Goshen, In. I. In 1899 L902 he was Judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana. Since 1902 he has been Judge of the United States Cir n't Court of Appeals. Chicago. Bake-. Frank Joseph, Engineer of 72 West Adams Street, was bom Sept. 11, 1864. in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1911 he has been Vice- President of the Public Service Company of I llinois. Baker, Frank Spencer, Architect of 133 W. Washington St.. was born May 2, 1874. in Chi- cago, II!. In 1906-15 he was Vice President of the Citizens ' League. Baker, Frederick Philip, Clergyman of 4045 North Keeler Avenue, was born Feb. 2."), 1848, in The Netherlands. Since 1899 he has been 48 HERRIXGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Irving Park. Baker, George, Sales Manager of 7:2 West Adams Street, was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He is Genera] Manager of Sales for the Dlinois Steel Company; and Manager of Sales for the Carnegie steel Company. Baker, I. Wesley, Attorney-at-Law of L55 North dark street, was born June L8, 187*5, in Iowa City. Iowa, lie graduated from the Collegiate and Law Department of the State University of Iowa, and since 1898 has been engaged in general practice. He is a mem ber of the Illinois State Bar Association, thfc Lawyers' Association of Illinois; and Son? of Veterans; and resides in Norwood Park. Baker, John Ezra, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born May 23, 1876, in St. Paris, Ohio. In 1898 he was admitted to the bar, and has since been engaged in practice. He is a member of the firm of Baker and Holder, lawyers. He is a member of the University Club, the Chicago Athletic Asso- ciation, and the Chicago Yacht Club. Baker, Josephine Turck, Mrs. Frederiea Sherman Baker, Editor and Author of 1516 Maple Avenue, Evanston, was bom in Mil- waukee, Wis. She received the degree of B. A. from Milwaukee Downer College. In 1899 she founded and has since been editor of the. Coirect English Magazine. She is author and publisher of several books on Correct Eng- lish, which have a world-wide use and repu- tation. Baker, Lucius K., Lumberman of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 16, 1855, in Kel- loggsville, Ohio. He is President of the J. S. Stearns Lumber Company, of Odanah, AVis.; and President of the Baker Lumber Companv. Baker, William Henry, Coal Merchant of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born in 1865, near Lyons, HI. He is President and a mem- ber of the firm of Baker Brothers. In 1900-10 he was Trustee of the Sanitary District of ( Ihicago. Balatka, Christian Ferdinand, Musician of 131 South Wabash Avenue, was horn in 1861, in Chicago, 111. He is Director of the Balatka Musical College, whieh was established by his father in 1S7P. Baldus, Simon A., Editor and Lecturer of ."..".2 South Michigan Avenue, was horn May 19, L872. He is Managing Editor of the Exten- sion Magazine; and a lecturer on social and economic subjects. Baldwin, A. Stuart, Civil Engineer of 1364 East Forty-ninth Street, was horn Sept. 28, L861, in Winchester, Va. He has held various positions in the engineering departments of the Chesapeake and Ohio, Baltimore anil Ohio, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, Louisville and Nashville and Illinois Central Railroads. He is now Vice President of the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company. He is a. member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Am- erican Railway Engineering Association, Franklin Institute, Western Society of En- gineers, Piifrineers' Cluh, City Club, Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia, and the Flossmoor Country Club. Baldwin, Henry R.,' Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Washingto n Street, was' horn May 24. 1 358, in Greenwood, 111. He has been engaged in gen- eral practice of law for many years, and is now At- torney for the Calumet Trust and Savings Hank. He has been Second Vice-President and Vice-President of the Chicago Bar Association; Vice-President of the Ham- ilton Club; and has held various local offices in Morgan Park, where he now resides. Baldwin, Jesse A., Lawyer and Jurist, was born Aug. 9, 1854 , in Greenwood, 111. In 1877- 84 he was Assistant United States Attorney; and later was Chief Justice of the Appellate Court, First Dis- trict. He is now Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. He is also a Trustee of the University of Chi- cago, Rush Medical College, and the Central Free Dis- pensary. Baldwin, Robert Rogers, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 14, 1860, in Clinton, Iowa. Since 1884 he has been practicing law and has been an officer and committeeman in various political, civic, reform and patriotic organizations. Balke, Julius, Merchant and Manufacturer of 623 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 27, 1857, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1875 he has been associated with the Brunswick and Balke Company, and its successor the Bruns- wick-Balke-Collender Company, and since 1906 Vice-President. Balkwill, John F., Manufacturer of 1010 Ful- lerton Avenue. President of the Balkwill ami Patch Furniture Company. Ball, Charles B., Sanitary Engineer, was born Aug. 31, 1854, in New Haven, Conn. He is Chief of the Bureau of Sanitation in the Department of Health of Chicago. Ball, Edward H., Manufacturer of 113 North Green Street, was horn Oct. 12, 1889. He is Vice-President of the Chicago Belting Com pany. Ball, Farlin Herbert, Attorney at Law of 09 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 19, 1S7L', in Chicago, 111. Since 1S9S he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and since 1912 has been Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of ('ook County. Ball, Thomas Muller, Manufacturer of 2001 Calumet Avenue, was horn in 1878, in Lafay- ette, I ml. lie is Vice-President and General IIERRIXCSIIAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPPIY. 49 Manager of Kogers and Company, catalog mak- ers. Ballard, George S., Real Estate Dealer of 7 South Dearborn Street. He is a member of the firm of Ballard, Rowe and Whitman. Ballinger, John Ralph, Surgeon of 4603 Sheridan Road, was born April 9, 1875, in Atchison, Kans. Since 1900 he has practiced surgery in Chicago. He is Surgeon to the Norwegian Deaconess and West Side Hospi- tals; and Professor of Neurology in the Illi- nois Post Graduate School. Ballou, Ralph Norton, Banker of 165 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 15, 1877, in Naper- ville, 111. He is Cashier of the National Prod- uce Bank of Chicago; Vice-President of the Irving Park National Bank; and an officer and director in other banks. Banner, Edwin, Author, was born duly 26, 1883, in Chicago, 111. He is a contributor to the 'Saturday Evening Post, the Ladies Home Journal, The Outlook and to other magazines and journals. He is also the author of Way- laid by Wireless; and Science of Advertising. Bancroft, Edgar Addison, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 20, 1857, in Galesburg, 111. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Scott, Bancroft, Martin and Stephens; and General Counsel for the International Harvester Company. He has been President of the Illinois 'State Bar As- sociation. Banford, Henry Harris, Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 4, 1869, in Danville, Ky. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chi- cago, and is head of the firm of H. H. Banford and Company. In 1905 he was Secretary of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Bangs, Frederick Augustus, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born April 3, 1865, in Lacon, 111. He has been President of the Hamilton Club; and in 1901-5 was Presi- dent of the West Park Board. Bangs, Hal Crumpton, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was bom in 1880. In 1905 he was admitted to the bar; and since 1907 has been a member of the law firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Piatt. Banks, Alexander French, Railway Official of 20S S. LaSalle Street, was born' Jan. 31, 1861, in Crawford County, Ind. In 1877 he entered railway service with the St. Louis and 'Southeastern Railway Company at Evans- ville, Ind; and has since held various railway posi- tions. Since 1900 he has been President of tin- Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railroad Company; and is a director in other corpora- tions. Bannard, Henry day, Merchant and Manu- |v/^«|| <&A h facturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 21, 1844, in New York City. Since 1899 he has been President of the United Breweries Company. Banning, Ephraim, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 7, 1885, in Chicago. Since 1909 he has been practicing law with the firm of Banning and Banning, specializing in patent and trade mark law. Banning, Thomas A., Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 16, 1851, in McDonough County, 111. He is Patent Counsel for the Moline Plow Company; and senior member of the firm of Banning and Banning, patent attorneys. Banta, N. M., Publisher and Author of 536 South Clark Street, was born Dec. 3, 1867, in Rensselaer, Ind. He is President of the Amer- ican Audubon Association. He is the author of a number of children's story books; and Editor of Nature Neighbors. Barasa, Bernard Philip, Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born April 15, 1878, in Negaunee, Mich. He has been At- torney for the Italian Consul in Chicago, and Attorney for the Italian Chamber of Com- merce. Barbee, William S., Attorney-at-Law of 79 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 28, 1865, in Jefferson County, 111. Since 1912 he has been proprietor of the Page and Shaw Candy Stores. Barber, Albert Harris, Merchant of 306 West Austin Avenue, was born Feb. 13, 1882, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the A. H. Barber Creamery Supply Company, and A. II. Barber and company, wholesale cheese dealers. Barber, Courtenay, Life Underwriter of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 5, 1877, in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada. Since 1902 he has been General Agent for the Equitable Life Assurance Company. He is a member of the Hamilton Club, Chi- cago Athletic Association and the Union League Club; and First Vice-President of the Brotherhood of St. An- drew. Barber, Herbert Lee, Publisher and Invest- ment Banker of 2.0 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 20, 1865, in Jackson, Mich. For three years he w as Principal of a Grammar School; and for twelve yeaTS was President of a Chicago publishing house, publishing numerous books of the late Murat Halstead and other authors. Since 1905 he has beeB the proprietor of H. L. Barber and Company, pub- lishers and investment bank- ; ers; and since 1905 has also edited a monthly financial journal. He is a 50 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUB BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the Hamilton Club and various other .social and patriotic societies. Barber, Hiram, Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born March 24, 1835, in Queensbury, V V. For three years he was a student at the University of Wisconsin, and later attended Albany Law School. In 1856 he was admitted to the bar; and since 18(30 has practiced law. In L879-81 he was a mem- ber of Congress, and secured the appropria- tion for the Waukegan Harbor; 1881-5 receiver of Land Office, Mitchell, Dakota; later re- turned to Chicago, and since 1891 lias been Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. Barber, Sherman, Manufacturer of 2814 South Wabash Avenue, was horn March 8, 1^71, in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 be has been identified with the Jones Positive Lock Nut Company, and is now President. Barbour, Frank, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1862, in Nor- walk, Conn. He has been in the insurance business for forty years; and is a member of the firm of Critchell, Miller, Whitney and Barbour. Bard, Francis N., Manufacturer of 212 West Illinois St net, was bom in Cleveland, Ohio. lie is Vice-President and Treasurer of the Bar- co Manufacturing Company. Bard, George Morris, Manufacturer of 212 West Illinois Street, was born July 22, 1852, in Alliance, Ohio. In 1899-1901 he was Vice- President, Genera] Superintendent and a Di- rector of the Republic Iron and Steel Com- pany. He is now President of the Barco Manufacturing * lompany. Bardwell, Orsamus Hevelock, Manufacturer of 11 North Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 17, 1859, in Shelburne, Mass. Since 1896 he has been Manager of the Chicago Branch of the Globe Wernicke Company. Barker, Burt Brown, Attorney-at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 3, 1873, in Waitsburg, Wash. In L897 he received the de- gree of A. B. from the University of Chicago, and was a member of the first winning debat- ing team of that institution; 1901 graduated from Harvard Law School; and in 1902 was admitted to the bar. He is Secretary of the Chicago Mar Association, and Chairman of the Committee on Defense' of Prisoners of the same. In 1906 he was President of the Alumni Association of the University of Chi- cago. He is a charter member of tin' Delta Sigma Kho Fraternity; a perpetual member of the South Shore Country and paid up mem- ber "f the Union League Clubs, Chicago; mem- ber id' the Harvard Club, Chicago; and a non- resident member of the City ami Harvard Clubs. New York City. Barker, Clarence Freeman, Physician of 3942 Ellis Ave , was bom Jan. 10, 1852, in Mont- ville, Maine. He was formerly Professor of Surgery in the Hahnemann Medical College. Barker, David Nelson, of 1220 Ridge Ave- nue, Evans ton, was bom March 3, 1844, in Homer, N. Y. For twenty-two years he was Chicago Manager of the Jones and Laughlin Steel Company. He is a Director of the State Bank of Chicago. Barker, Frank William, Retired Business Man of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 15, 1851, in Chicago. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kenwood Bridge Company. Barler, Augustus Condon, Manufacturer of 34 1 East Ohio Street, was bom May 23, 1856, in Chester, 111. He is President of the A. C. Barler Manufacturing Company, which he organized in 1892. Barlow, Henry Clay, Traffic Director of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 15, 1850, in Niles, Mich. He was formerly Traffic Man- ager of the Wisconsin Central Lines. He is now Traffic Director of the Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce. Barnard, James Henry, Attorney-at-Law of 220 South State Street, was born Feb. 4, 1869, in Albion, N. Y. Since 1890 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a Director of the Hibernian Banking Association; and Presi- dent of the Benedetto Allegretti Company. Barnes, Albert Crane, Jurist of 1223 East Fiftieth Street, was born in Addison, Vt. In 1896-1904 he was First Assistant States At- torney; 1904-11, Judge of the Superior Court; and since 1912 Justice of the Appellate Court for the First District of Illinois. Barnes, Albert Rice, Printer of 1100 South Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. 21, 1851, in Springfield, Mass. He is President of A. li. Barnes and Company, printers; and a member of the Executive Board of the Chicago Asso- ciation of Commerce. Barnes, Carl L., Manufacturing Chemist of 15 East Washington Street, was born May 18, 1872, in Connellsville, Pa. He is President of the United States Chemical Company; President of the Sanitary Products Company; and Dean of the Barnes University of Applied Science. Barnes, Cecil, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born April, 1880, in Chi- cago. He is a member of the firm of Miller, Starr, Brown, Packard and Peckham; and a Lecturer on Illinois Law at Northwestern Uni- versity Law School. In 1917-19 he served in the United States Food Administration, Wash- ington. Barnes, Clifford Webster, Educator of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1864, in Corry, Pa. In 1900-5 he was President and Professor of Sociology in the Illinois College. Since 1907 he has been Executive Chairman of the International Committee on Moral Training. Barnes, Edwin C, Merchant of 72 West Adams Street, was born May 28, 1878, in HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 51 Jefferson City, Wis. He was formerly Western Manager for Thomas A. Edison. He is now head of the firm of Edwin C. Barnes ajid Brothers, selling agents for Thomas A. Edison. Barnes, Harry C, Lawyer, 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 27, 1884 in Cincinnati Hamilton County, Ohio. Admitted to Ohio State Bar in June, 1906 and practiced at Cin- cinnati from that date until October, 1917, when he came to Chicago and engaged in the practice of law here; served one term as mem- ber Ohio House of Representatives and one term as Assistant State's Attorney in Hamilton County, Ohio. As a member of the Ohio Leg- islature he drafted and fathered the passage of the entire code of civil service laws now in force in that State and which have been adopted by a number of the other States. He is the author of the well-known work "Barnes on Interstate Commerce," an authoritative legal treatise on the Federal regulation of interstate commerce) and commoji carriers. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Commerce; Chicago Bar Association; Illinois State Bar Association; American Bar Associa- tion; City Club of Chicago; B. P. O. Elks; Scottish Rite Masons and Medinah Temple. Barnes, Nelson Ludington, Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born May 31, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He was educated at Yale Uni- versity. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the bond brokerage business in Chicago; and is now associated with Babcock, Rushton and Company. Barnes, William L., Railway Official of 72 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 12, 1857, in Illinois. He was formerly Superintendent of Transportation of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway Company. He is now associated with the U. S. Railroad Adminis- tration. Barnes, William Bobbins, Bookseller of 1018 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 12, 1866, in Hinsdale, 111. He is President of the C. M. Barnes-Wilcox Company, which was estab- lished by his father in 1873. Barnett, Otto Raymond, Attorney-at-Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 21, 1868, in Washington, D. C. In 1889 he was admitted to the bar of the Illinois Supreme Court; and 1897 the United States Supreme Court. Since 1902 he has been Professor of Patent Law in Northwestern University. In 1917 he was president of the Patent Law As- sociation of Chicago. Barnhart, Marvin Elmer, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born June 17, 1869, in Twelve Mile, Ind. Since 1912 he has been Assistant States Attorney. Barnheisel, Frederick R., Manufacturer and Merchant of 616 South Michigan Avenue. He is President and a Director of H. H. Kohlsaat Company. Barr, Norman Burton, Clergyman of 1500 Hudson Avenue, was born Jan. 26, 1868, in Mount Palatine, 111. He graduated from the Nebraska State University with the degree of B. A., and from the McCormick Theological Seminary with the degree of D.D. He has been President of the Ministers' Association of the Chicago Presbytery. Since 1897 he has been Minister of the Olivet Memorial Church; and has been Superintendent of the Olivet In- stitute from its founding. Barr, Silas Miller, Life Insurance Under- writer of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born April 11, 1865, in Aurora, 111. Since 1887 he has been engaged in the life insurance busi- ness. In 1905-6 he was Superintendent of Agents for Cook County; and since 1918 has been General Agent for the Mutual Life In- surance Company. Barr, William 'Allen, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born April 4, 1860, in Clark County, 111. 'Since 1893 he has specialized in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He is Professor of Ophthalmology in the Chi- cago College of Medicine and Surgery; and Ophthalmologist to the Frances Willard Hos- pital. Barrell, Albert M., Broker of 203 South La- Salle Street, was born in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Finley Barrell and Company, stock and grain brokers. Barrell, Finley, Stock and Grain Broker of 11 LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 28, 1864, in Chicago, 111. He was educated in the public and high schools and Aliens Academy, Chicago. In 1890-1914 he was engaged in business for himself, was senior member of Finley Barrell and Company. He is a member of the Union League, Chicago, Chicago Yacht, and Onwent- sia Clubs. Barrett, Channing Whitney, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1866, in Blissfield, Mich. He was formerly Professor of Gyne- cology in the Chicago Clini- cal School. He is now Pro- fessor of Gynecology in the Chicago Polyclinic School ami in the University of Illinois Medical School. In 1917-19 he served in a base hospital in France with the rank of Major. He has contributed numerous articles to medical journals. Barrett, Edward Ernest, Engineer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct 12, 1870, in Port Byron, 111. In 1892-1900 he was a surveyor and engineer with the United States Engineering Corps. Since 1904 he has been associated with the Roberts and Schaefer Company, and is now Vice-President and Director. Barrett, Fred T., Manufacturer of 1112 52 HBRRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. West Thirty seventh Street, was born in 1872, in Rutland, Vt. For seven years he was asso- ciated with the Clawson Company, Philadel- phia; and ten years with the Van Camp Pack- ing Company. Since L910 he has been Secre- tary of the Peroxide Specialty Company, man- ufacture] of peroxide, Chicago, St. Louis and Philadelphia. Barrett, Frederick L., Architect of 900 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 24, 1871, in LaSalle, 111. lie is Architect for the Sanitary I >ist rid iif ( Ihicago. Barrett, Marcus Lorenzo, Manufacturer of 233 West Lake Street. He is President and Treasurer of the Barrett Vanish Company, and M. L. Barrett and Company. Barron, Edward Hopkins, Attorney-at-Law of 21 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 7, 1878, in Chicago, 111. Since 1904 he has been Secretary, Treasurer and a Director of Edson Keith and Company. Barion, John Thomas, of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 26, 1865, in Cambridge, X. Y. Since 1882 he has been connected with the American Powder Mills; and for the past ten years has been Western Manager of that corporation. Barrows, George Groves, Lumber Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 6, 1853, in Waterville, N. Y. He is President of the Barrows and Donnellan Company; and Vice-President of the South Chicago Savings Bank. Barrows, Harlan H., Geographer of 6116 Ingleside Avenue, was born April 15, 1877, in Armada, Mich. Since 1904 he has been iden- tified with the University of Chicago; and since 1914 Professor of Geography, in that institution. Barrows, Stanley Hill, of 19 South La Salle Street, was born in 1883, in Chicago, 111. He is ['resident of the National Kellastone Com-* pany; and President of Park Eidge State Bank. Barry, Thomas F., Life Underwriter of 431 South Dearborn Street, was' born June 18, 1856, in Ireland. In 1903 he received the de- cree of LL. B. from the Illinois College of Law He is Secretary and General Manager of the Globe Mutual Life Insurance Association of Chicago, which he organized in 1895; and edits The Globe Weekly News, an organ of the Globe Mutual Life insurance Association. Barstow, Rhoda Pike, Physician of 4210 Irv- ing Park Boulevard, was born Nov. 22, 1852, in Carmel, Maine. She was formerly Pro- fessor of Obstetrics in Hering Medical College. Sfhe is now Superintendent of the Daily News Fresh Air Sanitarium. Bartak, Joseph Paul, Clergyman and Social Worker lit' L853 Loomis Street, was born Dec. 25, l^ s 7, in Sedlonov, Bohemia. In 1912 he received the degree of A.B. from Southwestern University, 1914 the degree of D. B. from Vanderbilt University; and 1917 the degree of A. M. from tin- University of Chicago. Since 1914 he has been Pastor of the Bethlehem Congregational Church, in which he is also. Director of Institutional Work. In 1916 he was Assistant Moderator of the West Division Chicago Congregational Association; and litis Vice-President of the Chicago Congre- gational Ministers' Union. Bartelme, Ferdinand E., Lumber Dealer of 2350 Laflin Street, was born Jan. 16, 1856, in Alsace-Lorraine. He is President and a Di- rector of The Keith Lumber Company; and a director in other corporations. Bartelme, Mary Margaret, Attorney-at-Law, County Building, was born in Chicago, 111. Since 1901 she has been Public Guardian of Cook County; and is also Secretary of the Public Safety Commission of Chicago and Cook Count v. Bartels, William Henry, Publisher of 332 Sherman Street, was born Sept. 17, 1849, in New York City. Since 1862 he has been en- gaged in the printing and publishing business in Chicago; and in 1867 established the Daily Trade Bulletin, a Board of Trade Paper. He is a member of the firm of Howard Bartels and Company, Printers and Publishers. Barth^ Lewis K, Lumberman of 2341 South Lincoln Street, was born Dec. 31, 1850, in South Bend, Ind. He is Vice-President and a Director of the Edward Hines Lumber Com- pany; and a Director of the John E. Burns Lumber Company. Bartholomay, Herman, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1885, in Rochester, N. Y. He is a partner in the Bartholomay-Darling Company. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Athletic Association and University Club. Bartholomew, Eric K., Physician and Sur- geon of 2600 West Division Street, was born May 10, 1881, in Wabash, Ind. He is a mem- ber of the Attending Staff of St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital. Bartlett, Adolphus Clay, Merchant of 303 North State Street, was born 1844, in Salis- burg, N. Y. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hibbard, Spencer Bartlett and Company; and a Trustee of the University of Chicago. Bartlett, Charles CarrolL Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 5, 1868, in Manchester, N. H. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is now Assist- ant Attorney General of Illinois. Bartlett, Charles Lincoln, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 4, 1860. in Morris, 111. He is General Counsel and a Director of the Chicago Title and Trust Company. Bartlet, Earle B., Piano Dealer of 304 South Wabash Avenue. He is Vice-President of the W. W. Kimball Company. Bartlett, Frederick Clay, Artist of 2901 Prai- rie Avenue, was born June 1, 1873, in Chicago, HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 53 111. He specializes in mural decorations and landscapes; has done work for the University of Chicago; the University Club, and has made decorations in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, the Second Presbyterian Church and the Fourth Presbyterian Church. He received a Silver Medal at the St. Louis Exposition; and was given honorable mention at the Carnegie Institute of Pittsburg. Bartlett, Frederick Henry, Eeal Estate Dealer of 69 W est Washington Street, was born Feb. 6, 1875, in Bing- hamton, N. Y. In 1S90-6 he was associated with Mar- shall Field and Company. Since 1896 he has been en- gaged in the real estate business; and since 1899 has been head of the firm c\f Frederick H. Bartlett and Companv. Bartlett, Orton W., Sales Manager of 209 South State Street, was born Dec. 3, 1879, in Rutland, Mass. Since 1912 he has been Gen- eral Sales Manager for the American Slicing Machine Company. Bartlett, Warren Goddard, Manufacturer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born March 18, 1877, in St. Louis, Mo. He is Vice-Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Northwestern Ex- panded Metal Company. Bartley, Charles Earl, Attorney and Coun- selor-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born July 1, 1868, in Coldwater, Mich. Since 1909 has been Treasurer of the Aero Club of Illinois. Barton, Arthur Willis, Educator of 2731 Indiana Avenue, was born June 8, 1873, in Abilene, Kans. Since 1916 he has been Pro- fessor of Botany and Pharmacognosy in North- western University School of Pharmacy. Barton, Samuel George, Merchant of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born June 11, 1871, in Mercer County, 111. In 1900 was as- sociated with the Henneberry Publishing Company; and later the Dearborn Paper Com- pany. He is now President of the Barton- Ilobart Paper Company. Barton, William Eleazar, Clergyman of 223 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1861, in Sublette, 111. He is President of the Ad- vance Publishing Company; and associated with numerous religious and educational in- stitutions. Bartzen, Peter, of 2546 Lawrence Avenue. He was President of the Board of Cook County Commissioners. He is senior member of the firm of Peter Bartzen and Son. Baskervill, Charles Read, Educator and Au- thor of 5709 Kimbark Avenue, was born in 1872, at Covington, Tenn. He is Associate Professor of English in the University of Chi- cago and the author of books and articles on English Literature. Bass, Elizabeth, Club Woman, and Welfare Worker of 6050 Prairie Avenue, was born in Buxton, Maine. In 1916 she was Manager of the Woman's Bureau of the Democratic National Campaign. She is now chairman of the National Woman's Bureau of the Demo- cratic Party. Bass, George, Attorney-at-Law of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 10, 1846, in Williamstown, Vt. He has practiced law since 1875, and in 1892 was a member of the State Senate. Bass, John Foster, War Correspondent of 203j South Dearborn Street, was born in 1866, in Chicago, 111. He has been correspondent in the Spanish American War, the Philippine Insurrection, the Boxer Insurrection in China, the Bulgarian Uprising in Macedonia; the Rus- sian-Japanese War; and in 1916-18 with armies in Italy, France and Belgium. Bass, Mrs. John Foster, of 242 East Walton Place, was born in Boston, Mass. - She is President of the Federation of Sufferage Club; and a member of the Cook County Executive Committee of the Progressive Party. In 1915-17 she was engaged in news- paper and hospital work in Italy, France, The Balkans, and Russia. Bassett, Frederick Pomeroy, Manufacturer of 711 Milwaukee Avenue, was born Aug. 13, 1876, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is Vice-Presi- dent of the M. Schulz Company, piano manu- facturers; and a director in other corpora- tions. Bassett, Neal, Fire Underwriter of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 3, 1871, in Huntsville, Ala. Since 1901 he has been en- gaged in the fire insurance business in Chi- cago, and now Vice-President and Western Manager of the Firemen's Insurance Company of Newark, N. J., the Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Philadelphia, and the Mechanics Insurance Company of Philadel- phia. Bassler, Clarence J., Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street. He is a member of the law firm of Bassler, Bippus and Rose. He is the author of several law books; a member of the Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Bar Asso elation; and the Cook County Real Estate Board; and resides in Oak Park, 111. Bassoe, Peter, Physician of 30 North. Michi gan Avenue, was born in 1874", in Dram men, Norway. He is Associate Professor of Nerv- ous and Mental Diseases in Rush Medical College; and Attending Neurologist to the Presbvterian Hospital. Bastian, Charles Leopold, Manufacturer of 125 West Austin Avenue, was born Nov. 16, 1861, in Baden Baden, Germany. He is Presi- dent of the Bastian-Blessing Company. Bastien, John Ernst, Commission Merchant of 307 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 21, 1863, in Ottawa, 111. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the grain business in Chicago. Batchelder, Frank C, Railway Official, was 54 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. bom May 27, 1857, in Fall River, Wisconsin. In liiii? 10 lif was General Superintendent of the Main Line System of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. He is now President of the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Bail- road. Batckelder, George Hutchinson, Fire Under- writer of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was horn Oct. 8, lS(ii>, in St. Paul, Minn. Since 1880 be has been engaged in the insurance business, and since 1915 manager of the Penn Fire Insurance Company in Chicago. Bateman, F. L., Traffic Manager of 203 South Dearborn Street, was born July 26, 1875. He was Auditor of the New York Dispatch Line. He is now President of the Trans- Continental Freight Com- pany; and Traffic Manager of the Chicago Furniture Forwarding Company. He is also a Director of the American Warehousemen 's | Association; Secretary of the Chicago Furniture Manufacturers' As- sociation; President of the Illinois Furniture Warehousemen's Association; and Secretary- Treasurer of the Soo Terminal Warehouse Company. Bates, James Benjamin, Shipbuilder of 175 W.st Jackson Boulevard, was born April 22, IS 12, in Windsor, N. S. In 1869 he entered the shipbuilding business; and in 1892 established the firm of J. B. Bates and Company, of which he was senior partner. Bates, Mark, Commission Merchant of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 30, 1867, in England. Since 1900 he has been Vice President of W. G. Press and Company. Bates, Onward, Retired Civil Engineer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 24, 1850, in St. Charles County, Mo. In 1897 he re ceived the honorary degree of C. E. from the Univer- sity of Chicago. In 1899 he was President of the West era Society of Engineers ; and 1909 President of the American Society of Engin- eers. He is a Trustee of the Chicago Bureau of Public Efficiency; a member of the Engineers', City, and Uni- versity Clubs, Chicago, the Engineers' Club of New York; and a member of various technical and philanthropic organizations. Bates, Bobert Peck, Educator of 17 Scott Street, was born Jan. 28, 1872, in Coventry, R. I. Since 1 s!»4 he has been Headmaster of the Chicago Latin School, 18 East Division Street. Batten, John Henry, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born July 16, 1850, in London. England. For two years he was Acting Judge in the County Court of Cook County; and in 1899-1900 Acting Probate J udge. Battey, Paul L., Engineer of 105 South La Salle Street, lie is Vice-President of The Ar- nold Company. Bauer, John C, Publisher of 159 North State Street, was born Oct. 25, 1858, in La Porte, Ind. In 1873-1887 he was engaged in the printing business; and in 1S87 estab- lished the Horse Review Company, publishers of the Horse Review, of which he has since been President. Bauer, William Charles, Electrical Engineer of 2140 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, 111., was born Dec. 26, 1873, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been engaged in educational work; and since 1909 Professor of Electrical Engineering in Northwestern University. Bauer, William Fairbanks, Business Man- ager of 2025 South Michigan Avenue, was bom Sept. 14, 1868, in Baltimore, Md. He is Chicago Manager of the Edison Storage Bat- tery Company; and is Ex-President of the Railway Electrical Supply Manufacturers As- sociation. Bauer, William M., Piano Manufacturer of 305 South Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 11, 1870, in Chicago. He is President and a Di- rector of Julius Bauer and Company. Bauemfeind, J. H., Clergyman of 1832 Ham- mond Street, was born in April, 1868, in Min- nesota. He is Superintendent of the Evangel- ical Deaconess Hospital. Baum, William Louisi, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born May 11, 1867, in Morris, 111. He is Treasurer and Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases in the Chicago Post-Graduate Medical School; and Derma- tologist to the Post-Graduate Hospital. Baumer, Barnard J., Attorney at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 27, 1870, in Chicago, 111. For five years he was Professor of Real Property Law in Loyola University. During the war with Spain he was in command of Company K, First In- fantry Illinois United States Volunteers. Baiimgartl, Isidor, Manufacturer of 4600 Drexel Boulevard, was born March 29, 1860, in Austria. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the United Brewers Company ; President of the Art Wall Paper Mills; and President of the Federal Cement Tile Com- pany. Baxter, George Edwin, Physician of 4603 Broadwa.v, was born Oct. 27, 1874, in Griggs ville, 111. In 1902-3 he was Instructor in Hae- motology in the Northwestern University Medical School; and Assistant Editor of the Illinois Medical Journal. Baxter, John Sydney, Publisher of SOS South Dearborn Street, was born June 25, 1867, in Bertie, Ontario, Canada. He was formerly President and General Manager of the Baxter Register Company. He is now President and Treasurer of the Union Book HERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 55 and Publishing Company; and is also Man- ager of The Art Publisher. Bayless, Dudley Dean, Extraction Specialist of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1876, in Atlanta, 111. In 1905-6 he was Super- intendent of Clinics in the Northwestern Uni- versity Dental Sehool. He is a Lecturer on Teeth and Mouth Hygiene in the Chicago Training School. Bayley, Edwin Fisher, Attorney-at-Law of 19 South La Salle Street, was born June 11, 1845, in Manlius, N. Y. Since 1872 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is now senior member of the law firm of Bayley and Web- ster. Baylies, Ripley N., Attorney-at-Law of 80 E. Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 5, 1845, in Louisiana. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago. Baynes, James, Editor of 407 South Dear- born Street, was born Nov. 30, 1840, at Valley Forge, Pa. In 1881 he was a ^Representative in the Territorial Legislature of South Dakota. In 18S5 he founded and has since been Editor and General Man- ager of the A m eric a n Swineherd, the largest mag- azine devoted to the swine industry in the United States. Bays, Alfred William, Attorney and Profes- sor Law of 109 North Dearborn Street, was born July 12, 1876, in Vermont, 111. Since 1905 he has been Lecturer on Law in the Northwestern University School of Law; and is also Professor of Law in the Northwestern University School of Commerce. He has a large private practice; and is a member of several societies. Beach, Chandler Belden, Editor and Pub lisher of 29 South LaSa.lle Street, was born June 27, 1839, in Gorton, N. Y. During the Civil war he served as a Captain and Assist ant Quartermaster. Since 1870 he has been en- gaged in the publishing and bookselling busi- ness in Chicago. He is a Director of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. Beach, Clinton Stillwell, Commission Mer- chant of 140 West Van Buren Street; was born Aug. 8, 1875, in Chicago, 111. He is a partner in the Beaeh-Wickham Grain Com- pany. Beach, Edmund Chandler, Gas Operator of 39 South La Salle Street, was born July 24, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1912 he has been President of the Gas and Electric Improve- ment Company. Beach, F. L., Manufacturer of 3323 Cum, I Avenue, was born May 10, 1886. He is Presi- dent and Sales Manager of the Sandow Truck Company. Beachi, Henry Lawrence, Wool Merchant of IS West Austin Avenue, was born Dec. 22, 1872, in Chicago, 111. For seven years lie was engaged in the real estate and building busi ness in Chicago. Since 1910 lie has been Treasurer of the Chicago Wool Company. Beach, Raymond Waiter, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington street, was born Nov. 29, 1863, in Chicago, 111. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Beach and Beach, corpora tiou, real estate and insurance law. He is also a Lecturer on Common Law Pleadings in the Chicago Law School. Beal, Sarell Wood, Lumber Dealer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 13, 1S70, in Grand Rapids, .Mich. Since 1887 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and since 1908 ha.s been Vice-presideni and Treas- urer of the James D. Lacey Lumber Company; also Treasurer and Director of the Clallam Lumber Company. Beale, William Gerrish, Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 10, 1854, in Winthrop, Maine. In 1891-2 he was President of the Board of Education ; and 1895-7 Corporation Counsel of Chicago. He is now head of the law firm of Isham, Lincoln and Beale. Beardslee, Frank Smilie, Manufacturer of 220 South Jefferson Street, was born Dec. 28, 1861, in DeKalb County, 111. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Beardslee Chandelier Manufacturing Company. Beardsley, Arthur Leaman, of 9 North Jef- ferson Street, was born Dec. 27, 1869. He is Manager of the Cleveland Twist Drill Com- pany in Chicago. Beaton, Lindsay A., Physician and Surgeon of 2573 North Clark Street, was born March 1, 1880, in Glasgow, Scotland. He is Surgeon to the Sheridan Park Hospital, Chicago. Beattie, Robert Hezekiah, Clergyman of 219 North Central Avenue, was bom Nov. 10, 1864, in Orange County, N. Y. Since 1903 he has been Pastor of the Austin Presbyterian Church, lie is also President of the Night Church. Beatty, George Bateman, was bom April 13, 1S6S, in Philadelphia. He is Manager id' the Chicago House of George P. Ide and Com pany. Beatty, Ross James, Steel Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 12, 1854, in Beaver County. Pa. IP' is Vice Pres ident and a Director of the Inland Steel Com pany. Beatty, William Trimble, Manufacturer of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was bom Oct. 2, lsdp in New Brunswiek, N. d. since- 101 t he has been President and General Manager of the Austin Manufacturing Company. He is also President and General Manager of the Austin Western Company. Beaumont, George, Architect of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 13, 1854, near Leeds. England. Since 1886 he has been en gaged in the practice of architecture in Chi- 56 BERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. lie organized the Architectural Club of Chicago, and was its Presidenl in L886-7, Beaupre, Arthur Mathias, Diplomal of 1224 Hazel Avenue, was bom July 29, 1853, in Oswego, III. In Pints he was Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Argentine Republic; L908-1I to the Nether laiuls and Luxemburg; and 191 L-13 to Cuba. Beaven, George W., Broker of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 23, 1869, in Brooklyn, N. V. He is Manager of Lamson P.rot hers and Company. Bebb, Edwin, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington [Street, was horn Oct. 19, 1858, in Salem, 111. Since L893 he has practiced law in Chicago. Beck, Carl, Surgeon of 108 North State Street, was horn March 26, 1864, in Milan, Austria, lie is Professor of Surgery in the Chicago College of Physicians and Burgeons; and Attending Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital. Beck, Edward Scott, Newspaper Man of 1 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 112, I Mis, in Bainbridge, Ind. Since 1893 he has been on the editorial staff of the Chicago Trili une, and is now Managing Editor of the same. Beck, Emil Georg, Surgeon of 108 North State Street, was born in 1866, in Prague, Bohemia. In 1906 he founded and built the North Chicago Hospital. Beck, Joseph Carl, Physician of 10S North State Street, was born Sept. 26, 1870, in Bo- hemia, Austria. He is Attending Oto-Laryn gologist to the Cook County Hospital; Asso- ciate Professor of Laryngology, Khinology and Otology and head of the Department in the University of Illinois; and Attending Oto- laryngologist to the North Chicago Hospital. Becker, Abraham G., Bond Dealer of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 21, 1857, in Warsaw, Ohio. He is President and Treas- urer of A. G. Becker and Company, dealers in commercial paper. He is also a Director of the, Live Stock Investment Company. Becker, Benjamin Vogel, Attorney at-Law of 7f> West Monroe Street, was born June 20, L871, in Warsaw, Ind. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Levinson, Becker, Schwartz and Frank. Becker, Charles Jacob, Manufacturer of 23 North Jefferson Street, was horn Aug. 27, 1867, in Preeport, 111. In L891 he and his brother established the firm of Becker Broth- ers, manufacturers and electrical repairers, of which he is Vice-President. In 1917-18 he was President of the Rotary Chili. Becker, George W., Railway Official, the Central station. He is Assistanl General Freight Agent for the Illinois Central Rail- road; ex President of the South Shore Coun- try Club. Becker, Ludwig, Violinist of 509 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 23, 1873, in Germany. In 1897 he joined the Theodore Thomas Orchestra in which he was assistant eoncertmeister and first concertmeister until 1911. He is now head of the violin depart- ment of the Columbia School of Music. Becker, Oliver Edward, Electrical Engineer of 23 North Jefferson Street, was born Feb. 9, 1871, in Lanark, 111. He is President of the (inn of Becker Brothers, engineers; and an officer in other corporations. Becker, Otto M., Educator of Berwyn, 111., was born Nov. 20, 1869, in LaMoille, 111. He is Principal of the Ericsson School. Beckett, James Beach, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 12, 1871, in Chicago, 111. In 1893 he gradu- ated from Yale University, and later attended the University of Michigan Law School. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association. Beckley, Walter Louis, Merchant of 1801 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 21, 1867, at Crystal Lake, 111. He is President of the Beekley-Ralston Company, automobile sup- plies. Beckman, Bernard Christian, Business Man of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 20, 1877, in Naperville, 111. He is President of the Beckman-Dawson Company, roofing material; and President of the Winthrop Asphalt Shingle Company. Beckwith, Clarence Augustine, Theologian of 5757 University Avenue, was born July 21, 1849, in Caremont, Mass. He is Professor of Systematic Theology in the Chicago Theologi- cal Seminary. Beckwith, Edwin Burt, Physician and Sur- geon of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1870, in Ridgebury, Pa. He was educated at Phillipps Exeter Academy, Harvard Uni- versity and Hering Medical College. He has been a member of the Staff of the Chicago Homeopathic Hospital ; and Professor of Or- thopedic Surgery in Hering Medical College He is one of the Board of Censors of the Illi- nois Homeopathic Medical Society; and Vice- President of the Chicago Theosophica.1 Asso- ciation Beckwith, Floyd Irving, Clergyman of 3355 Vest Monroe Street, was born June 8, 1875, near Holly, Mich. He is Pastor of the Taber- nacle Baptist Church; and President of the Garfield Park Ministerial Federation. Beckwith, John William, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born April 17, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Felsenthal and Beckwith, lawyers. In 1912 he was appointed Frst Assistant Cor- poration Counsel of Chicago; October, 1914, appointed Corporation Counsel, City of Chi- cago; and 1916 appointed Judge of the Muni- cipal Court, Chicago. Bedford, Scott E. W., Educator of 6158 University Avenue, was born March 7, 1876, in Winterset, Iowa. He was formerly Profes- HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 57 sor of Sociology in Miami University, Oxford, O. He is Associate Professor of Sociology in the University of Chicago; and Secretary and Treasurer of the American Sociological So- ciety. Beebe, William, Attorney-at-Law of 7 So. Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 29, 1872, in Chicago, 111. In 1894 he was admitted to the bar, and was Attorney for the Sanitary District of Chicago for more than ten years. Beecroft, David, Editor of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 17, 1875, in Wingham, Ont., Canada. He was Advertising Solicitor for the Chicago Daily News. He is now Editor of the Motor Age. Beery, Charles Curtis, Physician of 1737 South Wabash Avenue, was born April 14, 1854, in Clyde, Ohio. In 1879-81 he was in the United States Marine Hospital Service; and since 1881 has been engaged in the gen- eral practice of medicine in Chicago. Behan, Louis Joseph, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born March 10, 1876, in New Orleans, La. Since 1898 he has been en- gaged in the practice of law. In 1902-3 he was Master-in-Chaneery of tlie Circuit Court of Cook County; 1907-10 assistant county attorney; and in 1916 special counsel for the city of Chicago in the Michigan Avenue widening case. Behan, Warren P., was born Sept. 21, 1871, in Saginaw, Mich. He was formerly director of Biblical and Social Studies in the Young Men 's Christian Association College, Chicago, and later Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Morgan Park. He is now President of the Baptist Missionary Training School, 2969 Ver- non Avenue, Chicago. Beidler, Francis, Lumber Merchant of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1854, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Republic Lumber Company; the Santee River Cypress Lumber Company; and the Commercial Sash and Door Company. Beidler, George, Real Estate Dealer of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 28, 1864, in Chicago, 111. He was Manager of the prop- erty of Jacob Beidler until 1900; and is now owner and operator of factory buildings on the west side. Beifeld, Alexander, Real Estate Dealer of 234 South Wells Street, was born July 7, 1864, in Hungary. He is head of the firm of Beifeld, Hirsch and Company. Befl, Carl, Sculptor of 19 East Pearson Street, was born Dec. 9, 1857, in Stetten, Ger- many. He was Superintendent of the Sculp- ture Department of the Chicago, Buffalo and St. Louis Expositions; and has a display of his work in the LaSalle and Congress Hotels. Beitler, Brooks Hurd, Newspaper Man of 15 North Wells Street, was born Aug. 3, 1881, in Alvada, Ohio. Since 1900 he has been engaged in newspaper work, and since 1915 City Editor of the Chicago Daily News. Beitler, Henry Clay, Lawyer and Jurist, of 110 South Dearb orn Street, was born July 1, 1866, near Hagerstown, Md. In 1898 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives and served several terms. In 1888 he was admitted to the bar, and engaged in practice in his birthplace; and since 1890 has practiced in Chi- cago. He was formerly judge ol the Municipal Court of Chicago. Belden, Ira C, Attorney-at-Law of 226 West Jaskson Boulevard, was born July 2, 1871, jn Kaneville, 111. He is General Attorney for the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company. Belden, Joseph Congdon, Manufacturer of 2300 South Western Avenue, was born June 11, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Belden Manufacturing Company. Manu- facturers of electrical wire, cordage and cables. Belfield, William Thomas, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born in 1856, in St. Louis, Mo. He is Professor of Genito-Urinary and Venereal Diseases in the Chicago Policlin- ic College; and Professor of Genito-urinary Surgery in the Rush Medical College. In 1887- 8 he was President of the Chicago Medical Society. Bell, Ernest A., Clergyman of 219 North Mason Avenue, was born Nov. 3, 1865, in Can- ada. In 1892-4 he was a missionary in India and elsewhere; and later Superintendent of the Midnight Mission, Chicago. Bell, Fred C, Real Estate Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was. born Oct. 25, 1862, in Colerain, Mass, Since 1893 he has been engaged in the real estate business, and since 191.". President of H. O. Stone and Com- pany. Bell, Herbert E., Coal Merchant of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born June 20, 1867, in Columbia, Wis. He is President of the Bell and Zollar Coal Company. Bell, James W., Publisher of 542 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 9, 1S66, in Wallaceburg, Canada! Since 1887 he has been engaged in the publishing business in Chicago, and since 1910 President of the American Poultry Journal Publishing Company. Bellj Laird, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born in Winona, Minn. He is a member of the law firm of Fisher, Boyden; Kales and Bell; and a Director of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. Bell, Marcus Lafayette, Attorney-at-Law of 143 West Van Buren Street, was born Jan. 11, 1880, in Pine Bluff, Ark. In 1898 he_re : ceived the degree of A. B. from the University 58 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Of Arkansas; and in 1903 was a law student at the University of Chicago. Since 1904 he has been associated with the law depart incut of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Rail- way, anil is now Vice-president and General Counsel, and Vice-president and Counsel of the Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad Com- pany. He is a member of the Kxmoor, Indian Hill, University, City, and Chicago Clubs. Bell, Will J., Lawyer and Mortgage Dealer of 69 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 4, 1870, in Rochester, Minn. In 1899 he re- ceived the degree of LL. B. from the Chicago College of Law, and was admitted to the bar the same year. In 1889-97 he was engaged in the real estate and abstract business, and since 1897 has been engaged in the real estate loan business for himself and clients at his present address. He is also a director and officer in numerous corporations. He is an active member of the Chicago Real Estate Board and the Cook County Real Estate Board, a member of the Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations; the Masonic Order; and the Hamilton Club. BelL William Edward, of 212 West Wash- ington Street, was born March 6, 1856, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Since 1908 he has been Division Commercial Superintendent of the American Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany. Bellows, John Austin, Publisher of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 9, 1866, in Guilford, Mo. He is President of the Hanson- Bellows Publishing Company. Bemis, Edward Webster, Utility Expert of 139 Xorth Clark Street, was born in 1860, in Springfield, Mass. In 1889-92 he was Pro- fessor of Political Economy in Vanderbilt Uni- versity; and in 1892-5 in the University of Chicago. Bender, Fred, Manufacturer of 1912 South State Street, was born Feb. 7, 1866, in Ger- many. Since 1883 he has been a manufacturer of store fixtures. Bendheim, Berthold H., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer of 14 East Jackson Boule- vard, was born in Little Rock, Ark. He is Vice-President and General Manager of the F. E. Newbery Electric Company, Chicago, and Vice President of the Newbery-Bend- heim Electric Company of California. Benham, John, Manufacturer of 15 South Throop Street, was born March 3, 1846, in Western Star, Ohio. He is Vice-President of the International Register Company. Benington, Harold, Certified Public Account- ant of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 9, 1875, in England. He is a partner in the firm of Ernest Reckitt and Company. In 1917 he was commissioned a Captain in the U. S. Army, and in 1918 was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the accounting and auditing department of Military Aeronautics. Benjamin, Reuben B., Manufacturer of 128 South Sangamon Street, was born May 20, 1 stilt, in Fulton, Oswego County, N. Y. He is President of the Benjamin Electric Manufac- turing Company. Bennet, John Percy, Physician of 21 East Van Buren Street, was born Oct. 30, 1870, in Halifax, N. S. In 1915 he was President of the Illinois State Eclectic Medical Society; and 1914-16 Instructor in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine. Bennett, A. Milo, Theatrical Agent and Pray Writer of 36 West Randolph Street, was born Dec. 25, 1865, in Kalamazoo, Mich. Since 1891 he has been proprietor and manager of Ben- nett's Dramatic and Musical Exchange. In 1900 he was a delegate to the Silver Republi- can Convention, Kansas City; 1910 a delegate to the Deep Waterways Convention, St. Louis, 1912, Little Rock, Ark., and 1913, Washington, D. C. He is the author of Zero, a play, and several dramatic sketches, stories, and verse; and a lecture written in connection with the Centennial Anniversary of the admission of the state of Illinois, entitled The Building of a State. Bennett, Frank Ira, Lawyer, Home and In- vestment Dealer, of 5807 Blackstone Avenue, was born Oct. 17, 1858, in Galva, 111. For twelve years he was an Alderman from the Seventh Ward in Chicago, and was Chairman of the Finance Committee; and was Vice- President of the Board of Education and Chairman of the Finance Committee of that body. He is now Commissioner of Public Works of Chicago. Bennett, Frank Ryerson, Business Manager, of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 16, 1870, in Leonia, N. J. In 1891-1901 he was associated with the A. Featherstone Com- pany; and 1901-3 the J. Spencer Turner Com- pany. He is now Manager of the W T illiam L. Barrell Company. Bennett, Helen Marie, Author of 17 North State Street, was born in Washington, Iowa. For four years she was County Superintendent of Schools, Lawrence County, S. D.; and three years Club Editor of the Record Herald. Since 1913 she has been Manager of the Chicago Collegegiate Bureau of Occupations. Bennett, Inslee A., Manufacturer of 112 West Adams Street, was born April 12, 1874, in Somerville, Ohio. He is President and Treasurer of the I. A. Bennett Company, elec- trical supplies; and Treasurer of the Chicago Atwood Company, Manufacturers of Vacuum Cleaners. Bennett, James Ewing, Commission Mer- chant of 332 South La Salle, was born April 3, 1871, in St. Louis, Mo. He is senior mem- ber of James E. Bennett and Company. Bennett, James O'DonnelL Journalist, was born May 1, 1870, in Jackson, Mich. He was Correspondent for the Chicago Journal in the Spanish- American War; and later Dramatic Critic of the Chicago Record-Herald. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 59 Bennett, Nelson James, Fire Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 20, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now a member of the firm of Critchell, Mil- ler, Whitney and Barbour. Bennett, Bawson, Journalist, and Actuary of 15 South Market, was born Dec. 5, 1863, in Franklin, Ind. In 1914-16 he was Chief Editorial Writer of the Chicago Herald. He is now associated with the Chicago Journal. Bennett, Bobert John, Wholesale Grocer, the Twentv-second Street Bridge, was born Feb. 9, 1839, in Pulaski, N. Y. He is Vice-President of the W. M. Hoyt Companqy. He is also President of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, and Trustee of the Young Men's Christian Association. Bensinger, Benjamin Edward, Manufacturer of 623 South Wabash Ave- nue, was born Jan. 4, 1868, in Louisville, Ky. He was educated in the Moseley public school and business college. In 1S80-90 he was Secretary of the Bensinger Self-Adding Cash Register Company. He is now Presi- dent of the Brunswick-Balk- Collendcr Company, billiard tables. He is a member of the Hamilton and Standard Clubs. Bensley, Bobert Bussell, Educator of 5447 Ellis Avenue. He is Professor of Anatomy in the University of Chicago. Benson, Alfred J., Wholesale Merchant of 648 West Randolph Street, was born June 6, 1881, in Chicago, 111. He is Manager of the C. L. Benson Company, and President of the Western Fisheries Company. Benson, Christian Ludwig, Wholesale Fish Merchant of 648 West Randolph Street, was born April 22, 1856, Haderslev, Denmark. Since 1876 he has been an importer of Norwe- gian, Holland and Swedish products. In 1900- 4 he was a member of the board of commis- sioners of the North Shore Park District. Benson, Ernest S., Railway Official of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1855, in Worcester County, Mass. He has been Audi- tor of the Iowa Central Railroad; Auditor of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Com- pany; Auditor of the Southern Pacific Atlan- tic System, and General Auditor of the Isth- mian Canal Commission. He is now Comptrol- ler of the Chicago and Alton Railroad Com- pany. Benson, Bobert Lee, Manufacturer, Real Es- tate and Investment Dealer of 122 South Mich- igan Avenue, was born in 1863, in Louisville, Ky. He is Vice-President of the J. C. Grant Chemical Company, the Crown Baking Powder Company and the McMahon Transfer Com- pany, all of East St. Louis, 111. He is also Countersigning Trustee of the Associated Em- ployers' Exchange; Treasurer of the American Baking Powder Association; a member of the Cook County Real Estate Board, the Chicago Association of Commerce and the Chicago Ath- letic Association; and resides at River Forest, 111. Bent, Edward T., Coal Operator of 407 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 20, 1863, in Kenosha, Wis. He was Secretary and Treas- urer of the Illinois Coal Operators Association. He is now President of the Oglesby Coal Com- pany. Bent, George Payne, Manufacturer of 214 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 16, 1854, in Dundee, 111. He is President of the George P. Bent Company, manufacturers of pianos. Bentley, Arthur, Manufacturer, Fourteenth and Robey Streets. He is First Vice-President and a Director of the Miehle Printing Press and Manufacturing Company. Bentley, Charles Edwin, Dentist of 25 East Washington Street, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was President of the Odontography Society; and Secretary of Provident Hospital. He is the author of Care of the Mouth; and numerous other works on dentistry. Bentley, Cyrus, Attorney-at-Law of 203 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 5, 1861, in Chicago, 111. He has practiced law in Chi- cago since 1883. Bentley, Frank Taggart, Traffic Manager of 208 South LaSalLe Street, was born May 2, 1864, in Charlestown, Ind. He entered railway service in 1885, and has been con- nected with the Chicago and Northwestern and the Chi- cago and Great Western Railroads in various capaci- ties. He is now Traffic Man- ager for the Illinois and In- diana Steel Companies. Bentley, Frederick William, Attorney-at-Law of 106 North LaSalle Street, was born July 22, 1860, in Edgerton, Wis. For seventeen years he was Attorney for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; and five years United States Attorney for national banks in liquida- tion. He is a member of the law firm of Co- burn and Bentley. Beranek, Emanuel G., Banker of 137 South LaSalle Street. He is a Director of the Amer- ican State Bank. Berger, Anton J., Manufacturer of 2414 North Spaulding Avenue, was born in 1878, in Christiana, Norway. For thirty years he has been engaged in the iron and steel business; and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Stand- ard Spiral Pipe Works. For six years he was Treasurer of the Norwegian Old Peoples Home. Berger, Henry A., Attornev-at-Law, was born April 23, 1886, in Chicago, 111. In 1911 he was appointed Assistant Corporation Coun- sel of the City of Chicago. He is now Assist- ant States Attorney. Berger, William B., Attorney-at-Law of 111 GO HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Wesl Monroe Street, was born Jan. 23, 1892, in Chicago, III. lie has been a clerk with the Federal National Bank, and the Continental National Hank; and Traffic Manager of the Squire Dingee Company. Since 1913 he has been engaged in the practice of law for him- self. Bergeron, Joseph Z., Physician of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 16, 1X64, in Kankakee, III. He is Oto-Laryngologist to St. Joseph's Hospital; and a member of several medical societies. Bergh, Hans P., Clergyman of 3922 North Ki'dzir Avenue, was born Jan. 19, 1846. He lias been a teacher, missionary, and editor in Norway; and was formerly a Professor in the Norwegian-Danish Theological Seminary in Evanston, 111. He has now retired. Berkebile, Kinter, Sales Manager of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 6, 1872, in Hooversville, Pa. He is Assistant District Sales Manager for the Cambria Steel Com- pany. He is a member of the Kenwood and Quadrangle Clubs. Berkson, Maurice, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 15, 1880, in Rock Island, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Sonnenschein, Berkson, Lautman and Levinson. Berlin, Robert Carl, Architect of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 11, 1853, in Put- nam County, 111. In 1877 he graduated from the Polytechnic School of Zurich, Switzerland. He is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects. Bernard, Charles C, Physician of 2402 Lin- coln Avenue, was born in Chicago, 111. He is Oculist and Aurist to the Chicago Union. Hos- pital. Bernstein, Fred, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 18, 1S82, in Chicago, 111. He is Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County; and Vice- President and Director of the United States Bank of Chicago. Bernsten, Harry, Manufacturer of 237 South Market Street, was born in 1876, in Warsaw, Russia, lie is engaged in the manufacture of women's cloaks and suits. Bemts, Olaf, of 30 North LaSalle Street, was bom Oct. 28, 1870, in Christ iania, Norway. Since 1916 he has been Norwegian Vice-Consul in Chicago; and since 1918 acting consul. Berrinian, Edward Charles, Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born March 28, L864, in Oswego, N. Y. He is a member of the firm of Berriman Brothers, cigar manufactur- ers. Berry, Albert Leslie, Wholesale Coal and Coke Dealer of 2304 Smith LaSalle Street, was born in Norwalk, Ohio. lie is a member of the Berry-Sweeney ( Company. Berry, Joseph J., Merchant of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born May 23, 1862, in St. Louis, Mo. In 1883-9 he was engaged in the grocery and feed business in St. Louis; and in 1889 came to Chicago and engaged in the molasses and sugar refining industry. He is now President of the Meeker Sugar Refining Company. Berry, S. S., Real Estate Operator of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born June 8, 1884. He was formerly President of Berry 's Incor- porated, and the Berry Candy Company. He is now engaged in the real estate business on his own account. Berryman, John Brondgeest, of 826 South Michigan Avenue. Since 1892 he has been identified with the Crane Company, and since 1914 First Vice-President. Bersbach, Alfred, Engraver of 4015 Ravens- wood Avenue, was born Nov. 5, 1856, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1872 he has been engaged in the engraving business, and since 1890 Treas- urer and Manager of the Manz Engraving Company. Bersbach, Emil, Manufacturer of 630^ West Adams Street, was born Nov. 2, 1861, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1886 he has t been associated with The Tablet and Ticket Company, and is now Second Vice-President and Sales Manager of the company. He is a life member of the Illinois Athletic Club. .., „, Bertling, Adolphus Edmund, Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1866, in Germany. He is Professor in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery; and a member of the staff of the Francis Wil- lard Hospital. Bertschinger, Carl F., Physician of 1010 North Robey Street, was born Feb. 24, 1868. He is a member of the Staff of the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Hospital. Besley, Frederick Atwood, Physician of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 19, 1868, in Waukegan, 111. He is Attending Sur- geon to the Cook County Hospital, and Wesley Hospitals. Best, Albert Starr, Merchant of 1 North Wa- bash Avenue, was born April 25, 1871, in Buf- falo, N. Y. He is President and Treasurer of A. Starr Best, Incorporated, infants', chil- dren's and young men's outfitters, which he established in 1901. Best, William, Importer and Manufacturer of 533 South Wa bash Avenue, was born Aug. 29, 1841, in Canterbury, England. Since 1852 he has been a resident of Chicago. He has been a member of the Board of South Park Commissioners and Presi- dent and Secretary of the board. He is President of * the firm of Best and Russell, importers and manufactur- ers of cigars. Best, William, Jr., Importer of 535 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 13, 1873, in HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 61 Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President and a Di- rector of Best and Russell. Bestor, Arthur Eugene, of 122 South Michi- gan Avenue, was born May 19, 1879, in Dixon, 111. In 1901-3 he was Professor of History and Political Science in Franklin College, Indiana. Since 1905 he has been associated with the Chautauqua Institution, and since 1915 Presi- dent. Betak, Theodore W., Accountant of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 18, 1878. He has been Supervising Accountant for the In- vestor's Audit Company; Accountant for the Chicago Commission on City Expenditures; and Lecturer at the Northwestern University School of Commerce. He is now senior mem- ber of the firm of T. W. Betak and Company, public accountants. Betz, Frank S., Manufacturer of 30 East Randolph Street, was born June 11, 1861, in Eau Claire, Wis. Since 1895 he has been en- gaged in the manufacture of surgical instru- ments, and is now President of the Frank S. Betz Company, factory at Hammond, Ind. He is also a Director of the First National Bank; and a Director of Gostlin, Meyer and Com- pany. Betz, Hugo Edward, Physician of 5500 South Halsted Street, was born Dec. 15, 1861, in Dav- enport, Iowa. He has been Physician to the Cook County Hospital; and a member of the consulting staff of several other hospitals. Betz, Mathew J., Wholesale Milliner of 225 North Wabash Avenue, was born March 19, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1887 he has been identified with the millinery firm of D. B. Fisk and Company, of which corporation he is Vice- President. He is a member of the Evanston and Birchwood Country Clubs. Bevan, Arthur Dean, Physician of 1550 North State Street, was born Aug. 6, 1861, in Chicago, 111. He is Professor of Surgery in Rush Medical College; and President and Sur- geon of the Presbyterian Hospital. In 1898-9 he was President of the Chicago Medical So- ciety. Bevington, Benton L., of 549 Washington Boulevard, was born Dec. 20, 1855, in Butler, Ohio. He is proprietor of the B. L. Bevington Machinerv Company. Beye, William, Lawyer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born duly 21, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Knapp and Campbell. Beymer, W. D., Railway Official of 135 East Eleventh Place, was born April 10, 1866, in Clyde, Ohio. He was formerly Comptroller of the Central of Georgia Railway and the Ocean Steamship Company. He is now Federal Audi- tor of the Illinois Central Railway. Bickett, Cornelius A, Manufacturer and Merchant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 15, 1864, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is President of the Chicago Bearing Metal Company; President of the Bickett Coal and Coke Company, and a Director of the Fort Dearborn National Bank. He is a member of the South Shore Country, Union League, and Chicago Automobile Clubs. Bidwill, Joseph E., Engineer of 155 North Clark Street, was born Feb. 21, '1857/ in Chi- cago, 111. In 1901-4 he was Chief Grain In- spector of Illinois. He is now Treasurer of the American Engineering and Construction Com- pany. Biehn, Joseph Favil, Physician of 5444 Lakewood Avenue, was born April 1, 1878, in Chicago, 111. In 1904-9 he was superintendent of the Municipal Laboratory of Chicago. He is now Bacteriologist to the Mercy and Wesley Hospitals; and Director of Biologic Depart- ment of The Abbott Laboratories. Bigelow, Harry Augustus, Educator of 1225 East Fifty-sixth Street, was born Sept. 22, 1874, in Norwood, Mass. Since 1909 he has been Professor of Law in the University of Chicago. He is a writer of legal treatises and articles. Bigger, Robert Rush, Clergyman of 3614 Lake Park Avenue, was born April 27, 1867, in New Coiieord, Ohio, in 1893 he was or- dained in the Presbyterian Ministry, and since 1916 lias been Pastor of the Sixth Presbyterian Church, Chicago. He is the founder of the Presbyterian Brotherhood of America. Biggert, C'assius F., Manufacturer of 606 South Michigan Avenue. Vice-President of the Wisconsin Steel Company. He is a mem- ber of the Illinois Athletic, Skokie Country, and Evanston Clubs; the Wisconsin Society of Chicago; and resides in Evanston, HI. Bill, Ingram Ebenezer, Clergyman of 1515 East Sixty-ninth Place, was born Nov. 28, 1872, in Hampton, Canada. Since 1894 lie lias been engaged in ministerial work; and since 1916 Pastor of the Parkside Congregational Church, Chicago. Billig, George W., Physician and Surgeon of 2041 Byron Street, was born in Forreston, 111. He is Surgeon to the Chicago Union Hospital. Billings, Charles Lewis, Attorney at Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born in High- land, Wis. He has been engaged in the gen- eral practice of law in Chicago since L890. In 1906 he was State Senator from the First Senatorial District. Billings, Frank, Physician of 122 Sour-h Michigan Avenue, was born April 2, 1854, in Highland, Wis. He is Professor of Medicine in the University of Chicago. He is also First Lieutenant of the United States Army Medi- cal Reserve Corps; and President of the Illi- nois State Board of Charities. Billow, Clayton Oscar, Consulting Engineer of 416 West Grand Avenue, was horn dune 1 1, 1860, in Shelby, Ohio. In 1890 he organized and has since been Secretary of the National Supply Company. In 1916-17 he was Presi- dent of the Ohio Society of Engineers. Billow, Elmer Ellsworth, Mechanical Engi- 62 HBRRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. neer of 416 Grand Avenue, was born May 11, 1862, in Shelby, Ohio. Since 1888 he has been President of the National Supply Company. Binswanger, Augustus, At torney at-Law of 10") West Monro e Street, was born Jan. 19, ■PPH I 1844, Catonsville, M.I. He I graduated from Yale Law JUL School. Since 1867 he has r,- fc| ^ S been engaged in the general JBI practice of law, practicing Hj*% ^H twenty-one years St. jg North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 15, lM'.i, in Newark, X. .1. He is senior member of the firm of William A. Bond and Company. He has been President of the Chicago Real Estate Hoard; ami Vice -President of the Chi- cago Association of Commerce. Bond, William Scott, Real Estate Dealer of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born May 9, 1S76, in Chicago. He is a member of the real estate firm of William A. Bond and Company. He is also Vice-President of the University of Chicago Settlement. Bone, Alfred Rufus, Telephone Official of 12 1 12 West Washington Street, was born dune 125, 1871, in Shelbyville, Ind. Since 1899 he has been identified with the Chicago Tele- phone Company, and is now General Commer- cial Superintendent. In 1915 he was Presi- dent of the Electric Club. Bonggren, Olof Jakob, Editor of 208 North Wells Street, was born Oct. 7, 1851, in Sweden. From 1875-82 he was a clerk in the Swedish Royal Mail Service; and from 1882-83 a trav- eling correspondent. Since 1883 he has been Editor of the Svenska Amerikanaren, the Swedish American. He has written two books of poems in Swedish, 1882 and 1902; has trans- lated two books from the English language; and has written critical essays and other pam- phlets. Bonheim, Lee M., Chemist of 28 East Kinzie Street, was born May 12, 1860, in Schwerin, Germany. He is President of the Savoy Drug and Chemical Company; and a consulting chemist. Bonner, Charles, Manufacturer of 133 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 15, 1855, in Pennsylvania. He is President of the Bonner and Marshall Company, manufacturers of and dealers in pressed brick. Bonner, Robert Johnson, Educator of 5470 Greenwood Avenue, was born Oct. 24, 1868, in Oxford County, Ontario. Since 1913 he ha? been Professor of Greek in the University of Chicago. He is the author of Elementary Greek; and other works. Bonncy, Lawton Cori, Manufacturer of 2710 South Throop Street, was born Jan. 2, 1862, in Chicago. In 1892-9 he was Secretary, Treas- urer and a Director of the Chicago General Railway Company. He is now President and a Director of the Chicago Starch Company. Boord, Clarence N., Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 5, 1870, in Fountain County, Ind. He was Assistant Corporation Counsel four years; and in 1917 was appointed Assistant Attorney General of Illinois. Boorman, James M., Importer and Jobber of 159 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 8, 1877-, in Joliet, 111. He is Secretary and Man- ager of the Chicago Mercantile Company, mil- linery. Boom, William Charles, Fire Underwriter of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 30, 1863, in Kenosha, Wis. He is Assistant Gen- eral Agent of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. Boot, George William, Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born 1870, in Wilton Junction, Iowa. He is Chief of the Staff and Surgeon to St. Francis Hospital, Evanston; Instructor in the Ear, Nose and Throat De- partment of Rush Medical College; Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon to the Cook County Hos- pital; and Assistant Otologist to the Presby- terian Hospital. Booth, Alfred Vernon, Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 25, 1865, in Dubuque, Iowa. He is owner of Al. V. Booth and Company. Booth, William Gordon, Real Estate Dealer of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born July 7, 1874, in Dundee, Scotland. In 1911 he was Secretary of the Chicago Real Estate Board. He is a member of the firm of William A. Bond and Company. Boothroyd, Charles Hyde, Broker, the Ex- change Building, Union Stock Yards, was born in 1872, in Dakota City, Iowa. He is President and General Manager of H. D. Copeland and Company. Booz, Edwin G-., Business Analyst and Stat- istician of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 2, 1887, in Reading, Pa. He has been Statistician for the Woman's World, Chi- cago; Investigator for the Merriam Commis- sion; and Director of the Business Research Service, Chicago. In 1918-19 he was a Major in charge of the Division of Organization and Business Methods of Inspector General's De- partment, Washington, D. C. He is now Man- ager of the Business Engineering Service, Chi- cago. Booz, John Taylor, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 21, 1868, in Staunton, Va. He was educated in the public schools and Fishburne military academy, and later studied law. In 1891 he was admitted to the Virginia bar; in 1892 came to Chicago, and has since practiced his profession in this city. Bopp, William George, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born March 3, 1880, in Chicago 111. He was educated at the University of Chicago. In 1904 he was ad- mitted to the bar, and has since practiced in Chicago. Borcherdt, Frederick H., Manufacturer of 217 North Lincoln Street, was born June 2, 1874, in Chicago, 111. He is President and Treasurer of the Borcherdt Malt Extract Com- pany. Borden, C. S., Produce Commission Merchant of 220 West South Water Street, was born in 1881, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President and Manager of S. S. Borden and Company; and President of the Borden and Hopkins Poultry Company. Borden, John, Lawyer and Explorer of 6 HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 69 North Michigan Avenue, was born May 21, 1884, in New York City. In 1906 he received the degree of B. A. from Yale College; and 1908 the degree of LL. B. from Northwestern University. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Shaw Corporation and the Yellow Cab Company. In 1918-9 he was a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy. He is a member of the Onwentsia, Chicago Golf, Saddle and Cycle, and Chicago Clubs. Borden, Seymour S., Broker of 220 West South Water Street He is President of the S. S. Borden Company, commission merchants. Borders, M. W.,' Lawyer of 38 South Dear- born Street, was b om May 9, 1867, in Randolph County, 111. He was a grad- uate of Monmouth College and the Columbia Law School. He has been Citv Attorney of Belleville, 111.'; and Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of' St. Clair County, 111. Since 1903 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is now Gen- eral Counsel for Morris and Company, pack- ers. He is a member of the South Shore Coun- try and Flossmoor Country Clubs, and the Chi- cago Athletic Association. Borgmeier, Adolph John, Attomey-at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 18, 1869, in Chicago. He was formerly Cap- tain of the First Infantry Illinois National Guard, Commanding Company A. Borland, Chauncey Blair, Real Estate Man- ager of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 26, 1878, in Chicago. He is Manager of the Borland Properties; Trustee and Secretary of St. Luke's Hospital; Trustee of The Old People's Home of City of Chicago; Director of the Chicago Railways Company, and the Building Managers Association. Borland, Leonard Clifford, Physician of 209 South State Street, was born May 25, 1863, in Cook County, 111. In 1887 he received the degree of M. D. from Rush Medical College, lie is assistant Professor of Anatomy in the Chicago College of Denial Surgery; and dis- tributor of the Demonstrators Association of Illinois. Born, Moses, Wholesale Tailor of 540 Wells Street, was born May 6, 1851, in Germany. He is President and a Director of M. Born and Company; and a Director of Michael Reese Hospital. Born, Philip A., Wholesale Druggist of 152 West Kinzie Street, was born Dec. 24, 1882, in Sheboygan, Wis. He is President of the Philip A. Born Company. Borowski, Felix, Composer and Critic of 624 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 10, 1872, in Burton, England. Since 1916 he has been President of the Chicago Musical College. He is the composer of numerous works for orchestra, violin and piano, and a contributor to musical periodicals. Bosley, Edward Franklin, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 29, 1870, in Chicago. He is President of The D. W. Bosley Company; and President of the Standard Cleaner Company. Bosworth, Harry John, of 6 North Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 1, 1873, in Cannon Falls, Minn. For ten years he was Manager for Gideon Sibley, dental manufacturer. For the past eleven years he has been Manager of the Ritter Dental Supply House, Chicago; and is head of the Harry J. Bosworth Com- pany, modern dental furnishings, 6 North Michigan Avenue. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club. Both, William C," Illustrator and Commer- cial Artist of 2314 Indiana Avenue. He is Vice-President of the Meyer-Both Company. BoufHeur, Albert I., Surgeon of 2449 Wash- ington Boulevard, was born Aug. 20, 1864, in Springfield, Wis. He is Chief Surgeon to the Washington Boulevard Hospital; and Chief Surgeon for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company. Boughan, Andrew B., Attomey-at-Law of 5 North La Salle Street, was born in 1871, in Chicago Ho is Counsel for the International Motion Picture Exhibitors League. Boughan, John P., Journalist of 155 North Clark Street, was born in 1860, in Auburn, N. Y. For the past thirty years he has been an Editor and Correspondent of the Associated Press; and is now Editor in the Chicago office of the same. Bougher, William Sherman, Physician and Surgeon of 6304 South Halsted Street, was born June 21, 1867, in Athens, Ohio. In 1908 he received the degree of M. D. from Jenner Medical College. He is Attending Physician to the West Side Dispensary, the Jewish Aid Society, and Englewood Hospital. Bourke, John W., Manufacturer of 507 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 14, 1868, in Bridgeport, N. J. He is President of the Bourke-Rice Envelope Company. Bourke, Roger J., Certified Public Account- ant of 69 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 20, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He is an in- come tax specialist and public accountant. Residence, 5832 Indiana Avenue. Bourque, Odeon, Physician and Surgeon of 3839 Grand Boulevard, was born April 6, 1878, is Paris, France. In 1903 he graduated from the University of Paris, and subsequently graduated from the University of the State of New York and the University of Nashville, Tenn. He is Vice-President of the Farmers' Loan and Trust Bank. He is President of the Chicago Hospital-College of Medicine, and Professor of Anatomy and the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat in that institution; Chief Surgeon to the Fort Dearborn Hospital; and President 70 BERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. of the Stall of the Chicago Posl Graduate School of Medicine. Bourland, Norman T., Stuck Broker of II South LaSalle street, was bom Aug. 20, 1873, in Peoria, 111. He is a member of the firm of John Burnham and Company. Bournique, Augustus Eugene, Dancing Pro- fessor of 624 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 27, 1842, in Cirey, France. He has a large academy on Twenty-third Street, be- tween Prairie and Calumet Avenues; and conducts branches on the North and West Sides; and in several other cities. Bournique, Eugene A., Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was horn June 13, 1864, in Chicago, 111. He is President of E. A. Bournique and Company. Boutell, Henry Sherman, Statesman and Diplomat, was horn March 11, 1856, in Boston, ' Mass. In 1897-1911 he was a member of the Fifty-fifth, Fifty-sixth, Fifty-seventh, Fifty-eighth, Fifty-ninth, Sixtieth and Sixty-first Con- gresses of Illinois. In 1911- ■ 13 he was United States ^^0T j^^ Minister to Switzerland. tfr ^rAf since is;)!) ),e tins been WTSSSr MM?) Trustee of the University of Chicago. Bovee, Arthur Gibbon, Educator of 533-4 Kinibark Avenue, was born Feb. 17, 1882, in Washington, D. C. He was formerly an in- structor in Northwestern University. He is now head of the department of French in the High School of the University of Chicago; and Instructor in the University College. Bowe, Frederick O., Physician asd Surgeon of 3000 Belmont Avenue, was born Dec. 26, 1878, in Germany. He is an Associate in Ob- stetrics in the Northwestern University Med- ical School; and Attending Obstetrician to the Chicago Lying-in Hospital and Pvangelical Deaconess Hospital. Bowe, John H., Dentist of 25 East Washing- ton Street, was born Sept. 4, 1881, in Chi- cago, 111. He is a member of the Chicago Dental Society; the Illinois State D'enftal Society; the National Dental Association; and Medinah Temple. Bowen, Joseph T., Jr., Heal Estate Dealer of Hi South LaSalle Street, was born in 1888 in Par Harbor, Maine. For some years he was identified with the Northern Trust Company in a clerical capacity. lie is now a partner in the firm of Albert J. Allen and Company. Bowen, Louise de Koven, 14150 Astor Street, she is President of the Juvenile Protective Association; President of the Woman's City Club; Vice President of the United Charities; member of the State Council of Defense; and Trustee and Treasurer of the Hull House Association. She is the author of Safeguards for City Youth and numerous pamphlets. Bowers, Henry T., Hanker of 1 1 2 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1864, in Osh- kosh, Wis. lie is Vice-President and Cashier of the Old Colony Trust and Savings Hank, lb' is ex-President of the Illinois Club. Bowes, Frank B., Railway Official of 6727 Euclid Avenue, was born Jan. 29, 1862, in Chicago, 111. In 1876 he entered railway ser- vice with the Illinois Central Railroad Oom- pany, and since 1912 has been Vice-President in charge of traffic. Bowes, Frederick M., Real Estate Dealer of 1 1 1 West Washington Street. He is President of the Bowes Realty Company. Bowes, Leon M., Physician of 6031 West. Circle Avenue, was born Sept. 1, 1878, in Mauston, Wis. He is Attending Physician to the Norwegian Old Peoples Home; and At- tending Physician to the Norwegian Children's Home. Bowey, Charles F., Manufacturing Chemist, 4(H West. Superior Street, was born in 1873, in Lucan, Canada. He is President of the Ilorine and Howey Company. Bowles, John P., Live Stock Commission Merchant, the Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards, was born May 26, 1859, in Quin- cy, 111. He is President of the Bowles Live Stock Commission Company. Bowman, Harold Leonard, Clergyman of 1429 East Sixty-fifth Place, was born Oct. 12, 1889, in Omaha, Neb. In 1915-17 he was Assistant Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Chicago, and since 1917 Pastor of the Woodlawn Park Presbyterian Church. Bowman, John Gabbert, Educator of 30 Noirth Michigan Avenue, was born May 18, 1S77, in Davenport, Iowa. In 1911-14 he was President of the State University of Iowa: and since 1915 Director of the American Col- lege of Surgeons. Bowman, John Montgomery, Wholesale Merchant of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born in Muncy, Pa. He graduated from La- fayette College. For some time he was con- nected with a firm of medical publishers in New York City; and then became District Manager of the Atlantic Refining Company at Cleveland, Ohio. He is now a partner in the firm of Bowman Brothers, wholesale furni- ture. Bowman, Johnston R. of 152 West Ontario Street. He is President of the Bowman Dairy Company. Bowman, William Charles, Manufacturer of 1.14 West Austin Avenue, was born Feb. 9, 1861, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is Manager of The Linen Thread Company, dealers in threads ami twines. Bowsfield, Colvin C, Author of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1855, in Orange- ville, Ontario, Canada. In 1889 he was Sec- retary of the North Dakota Senate. He is the author of Wealth from the Soil; How Boys and Girls Can Make Money; and a contribu- tor to daily papers. HERRINGS!! AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 71 Bowyer, Lorraine Fleetwood, Coal Operator of 168 North Michigan Avenue, was born June 30, 1866, in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. He is President and Treasurer of the Kanawha Valley Coal Company; and Vice-President of the New Kanawha Coal and Mining Company. Boyce, Ben S., Publisher of 500 Dearborn Avenue, was born Nov. 8, 1884, in Lisbon, N. D. He is Vice-President of the W. D. Boyce Company, publishers of Boyce 's Week- lies. In 1917-18 he served in the U. S. Signal Corps in France. Boyce, William D., Publisher of 500 Dear- born Avenue, was born June 16, 1858, in Alleghany County, Pa. He has always been engaged in the publishing business, established the Saturday Blade, acquired the Chicago Led- ger, and subsequently established, Boyce 's Monthly, now the Woman's World. He is now President of the W. D. Boyce Company and owner of the Boyce Office Building in Chicago. He is a member of the Union League Club, <:he South Shore Country Club, and the Chicago Athletic Association. Boyden, William Cowper, Attomey-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born April 6, 1864, in Sheffield, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Fisher, Boyden, Kales and Bell ; and a Director of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. Boylan, Peter R., Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 15, 1865, in Portage, Wis. In 1905-6 he was Prin- cipal of High Schools, Monticello, Wis.; Prin- cipal of the Teachers' School, Westfield, Wis.; and in 1900-6 Professor of Conflict Laws in the Chicago Law School and Illinois College of Law. Boyle, Clarence, Wholesale Lumber Mer- chant of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 21, 1861, in Indiana. He is President of Clarence Boyle, Incorporated. Boyle, Daniel, Printer and Binder of 732 Federal Street, was born June 6, 1854, in County Donegal, Ireland. In 1885 he came to Chicago. He is General Director of Sales of the W. J. Hartman Company; Treasurer of the Lakewood Lot Owners Association. He is a member of the Irish Fellowship Club, Iroquois Club, and other organizations. Boyle, John Patrick, Ice Manufacturer of 135 W. Lake Street, was born July 6, 1870, in Chicago. In 1895-6 he was Assistant General Manager of the Knickerbocker Ice Company. He is now President of the Boyle Ice Com- pany. Boynton, Charles E., Educator, was born in 1860, in Masachusetts. He is Assistant Prin- cipal of the Waller High School; and In- structor of Chemistry in the same institution. Boynton, Frederick P., Manufacturer of 1725 Dickson Street, was born Oct. 3, 1874, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Boynton Company, manufacturers of moulding. Boynton, Charles T., Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 5, 1858, in West Stockbridge, Mass. He is Vice-President and a Director of Pickands, Brown and Company; Vice- President and Director of the By-Products Coke Cor- poration; aaid a Director of the Continental and Com- mercial National Bank; and an officer and director in other corporations. Boynton, Melbourne Parker, Clergyman of 6529 Ingleside Avenue, was born Nov. 6, 1867, in Lynn, Mass. He is Pastor of the Woodlawn Baptist Church; and Secretary of the Head- quarters Committee of the Anti-Saloon League of Illinois. Boynton, Percy Holmes, Educator of 5748 Kimbark Avenue, was born Oct. 30, 1875, in Newark, N. J. Since 1914 he has been As sociate Professor of English and Dean of the Junior College in the University of Chicago ; and since 1914 principal of the summer schools in the Chautauqua Institution. He is the author of First View of English and American Literature; Principles of Composition; and other works. Boynton, Stuart Dunlevy, Mechanical En- gineer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 23, 1869, in Chicago, Illinois. He is President of the Power Equipment Company, contractors for steam and electric plants. Boynton, WiUiam E., Oculist and Aurist of 22 East Washington Street, was born May 28, 1872, in Manchester, Iowa. He is Associate Professor of the Diseases of the Eye in Hah- nemann Medical College, and a member of the staff in the same. Boysen, Louis K., Farm Mortgage Banker and Lawyer of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born April 22, 1878, in Milwaukee, Wis. He was formerly a Director of the Pearsons Taft Land Credit Company. He is now Manager of the American Division of George M. Fornian and Company. He is a member of the Chi- cago Athletic Association, and Hamilton Club. Bracken, Willard S., Physician and Surgeon of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 23, 1867, in Henry, 111. He is an Instructor in the North Western University Medical School; and Associate Professor in Laryn- gology and Rhinology in the Loyola Uni- versity Medical College. Bradford, William Josiah, Taper Manufac- turer of 152 West Kinzie Street, was born Nov. 29, 1858, in Romulus, N. Y. He is Pres- ident of the General Paper and Twine Com- pany. Bradley, Benjamin Webster, Grain Commis- sion Merchant of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in April, 1863, in Broadhead, Wis. Since 1879 he has been engaged in the grain business in Chicago, and is now a member of 72 Ml SRRINGSH A\v's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. the firm of Bulburd, Warren and Chandler. He is ;i member of the Chicago and New York Exchanges, and the Chicago Board of Trade. Bradley, Charles A., Contractor of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born in Troy, N. V. He is Vice-President of the Standard Paving ( lompany. Bradley, Harold, Heal Estate, Mortgage and In\ ( stincnt Dealer of 719 North Michigan Avenue. In 1910 13 he was Auditor and Comp trailer of the Chicago Tribune; and Vice-Prep Ldent and Director of the West Town State Hank. He is now head of the firm of Harold Bradley and Company, investment and real estate brokers. Bradley, Herbert E., Attomey-at-Law of 133 West Washington, was horn Dec. 20, 1874, in Brooklin, Canada. Since 1896 he lias prac- ticiil law in Chicago, lie is Vice-President of the Windsor Park Bank. Bradley, John Dorr, Real Estate Dealer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was horn Feb. 9, 1864, in Boston, Mass. Since 1897 he has been a member of the real estate (inn of Aldis and < lompany. Bradley, John J., Public Official, was born in 1866, in Ottawa, 111. Since 1902 he has been engaged in the real estate business. In L902-6 li<" was an Alderman in the Thirtieth Ward in Chicago"; and in 1014 was appointed United States Marshal for the Northern Dis- trict of Illinois. Bradley, Kenneth McPherson, Musical Edu- cator of !S;!9 North Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 27, 1S72, in Campbellsville, Ky. He is Director of the Bush Temple Conservatory of .Music. He is the author of Harmony and Analysis; and other works. Bradley, Mary Hastings, Author of 5344 East End Avenue, wa;S born in Chicago, 111. She is the author of The Favor of Kings; The Splendid Chance; and other works. Bradley, Ralph Robinson, Attorney-at Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born March 17, 1870, in Chicago, 111. In 1893 he received the degree of LL. B. from Northwestern Uni- versity Law School. He is General Counsel for the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad : a member of the Legal Staff of the Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Companies; and a member of the law firm of Goodrich, Vincent and Bradley. Bradley, Thomas E. D., Attorney at Law of lit South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 1.3, 1861, near Waynesville, 111. In 1891-2 he was Professor of Law in Northwestern University Law School; and 1892 9 Professor of the Law of Contracts and Evidence in the Chicago Kent College of Law. He is senior member of the law firm of Bradley and Kearns. Bradt, Charles Edwin, Clergyman of 17 North State Street, was born Nov. 7, 1863, in La Porte, Ind. He is Field Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Brady, William, Chemist of 7*512 Marquette Avenue, wa.s born Oct. 28, L863, in La Fayette, Ind. He is Chief Chemist and Chemical En- gineer with the Illinois Steed Company. Bragg, Everett B., Manufacturing Chemist of 112 West Adams Street, was born in 1856, in Koyalstou, Mass. He is Vice-President of the General Chemical Company. Bramkamp, John Milton, Clergyman of 1114 North Tripp Avenue, was born Dec. 21, 1867, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1906 he has been I'astor of the Calvary Lutheran Church. lie has been President of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Northern Illinois. Branch, Benjamin N., Jr., Real Estate Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 13, 1869, in Herefordshire, England. He is head of the real estate firm of Benj. N. Branch, Jr. and Company. Branch, Joseph Gerald, Author and Pub- lisher of 542 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1866 in Columbia, Tenn. He graduated from Princeton University and the University of Berlin. He is President of the Joseph Branch Publishing Company. Brand, Horace L., Publisher of 24 South Fifth Avenue, was born Oct. 6, 1868, in Chi- cago, 111. He has been President of Brand Brothers Company; President of Brandsville Fruit Farm Company; Treasurer of the North- western Terra. Cotta Company; and President of the Vril Company. Brandon, George Russell, Mechanical En- gineer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 10, 1869, at Salt Springs, Mo. Since 1891 he has been associated with the Whiting Foundry Company, and since 1906 Vice-Presi- dent and General Manager. Brandriff, Charles Daniel, Auditor of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was bom Feb. 18, 1874, in Millville, N. J. Since 1910 he has been General Auditor of the Chicago and North- western Railway Company. Brandt, Frank Ervin, Clergyman of '5710 Midway Park, was born Aug. 10, 1869, in Hamilton, Ohio. He was formerly a news- paper man, and Editor of the Hamilton Daily Republican, Hamilton, Ohio. He has held pastorates in Wilmette, Dundee, Harvard, Aurora, and Winnetka. He is now Rector of St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Austin; Sec- retary of the Board of Missions of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Chicago, and Secretary of the Board of Trus- tees of Waterman Hall, Sycamore, 111. He is a member of the University Club; Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolu- tion; a Thirty second Degree Mason; Odd Fellow; and a life member of the Order of Elks. Brandt, Henry, Wholesale Merchant of .107 \Yc-t Monroe Street, was born Feb.. 16, 185*5, in Hanover, Germany. Since 1907 he has been engaged in the wholesale shoe business as senior member of the firm of II. Brandt and HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 73 Sons. For three years he was a member of tue Board of Directors of the German Hos- pital. Branen, Frank, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born Aug. 5, 1865, in Fayette County, Ohio. He is a professor in Hahne- mann Medical College; and Gynecologist to the Garfield Sanitarium. Branham^ Benjamin Pope, Publisher of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 26, 1865, in Owen County, Ky. He is President of Ben P. Branham Printing Co., publishers of The Hotel Bulletin; Vice-President of the In- surance Field Company, publishers of The In- surance Feld; and Vice-President of the Courier-Journal Job Printing Company. Branham, John M., Publishers Represent- ative of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 24, 1873, in Nashville, Tenn. Since 1894 he has been connected with the Nashville Ten- nesesean and American, and with several other daily papers. He is President of the John M. Branham Company, which represents more than twenty leading publications. Braucher, Ernest Newton, Architect of 6 North Clark Street, was born July 16, 1866, in Lincoln, 111. In 1891 he received the de- gree of B. S. from the University of Illinois, Urbana. In 1891-5 he was a draftsman with Holabird and Roche; 1895-6 draftsman with the Evans Marbel Company; 1898-1907 en- gineer and map and architectural draftsman for the City of Chicago; and in 1907 drafts- man with Armour and Company. Since 1907 he has been engaged in business for him- self. Braun, David Johann, Retired Manufact- urer of 6800 North Ashland Avenue, was born Dec. 30, 1842, in Germany. He was President of the David J. Braun Manufacturing Com- pany, manufacturers lighting fixtures. Braun, George Philip, Jr., Investment Deal- er of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 1(1, 1885, in Chicago, 111. In 1905-8 he was I 'resident of the George P. Braun Company, manufacturers of oleomargarine. He is now a dealer in investment securities, and President of the McFatrich Land Company. Braune, Frank R., Physician, Pharmacist and Chemist of 3611 Wilton Avenue, was born July 11, 1886;, in Jena, Germany. He specializes the diseases of women, and X-ray and electro therapeutic practice. He is a member of the Masonic Order and a Knight Templar. Brawley, Frank Ellis, Physician of 7 West Madison Street, was born in Orion, 111. Since 1902 he has been Oculist and Aurist to St. Luke's Hospital. He is the author of numer- ous works on the eye and nose, and a con- tributor to medical journals. Breakstone, Benjamin Henry, Physician and Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born March 27. 1877, in Poland, Russia. In 1904 he was Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital. He is now Attending Surgeon to Jefferson Park Hospital and Polyclinic ; and Professor of Surgery in the Bennett Medical College, Loyola University. Breasted, James Henry, Orientalist of 5615 University Avenue, was born Aug. 27, 1865, in Rockford, 111. He is Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History in the University of Chi- cago; and Director of the Haskell Oriental Museum of the University of Chicago. Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston, Social Worker of 2559 Michigan Avenue, was born in Lexington, Ky. Since 1908 she has been Assistant Professor of Household Administra- tion in the University of Chicago; and is in- terested in civic and philanthropic work. Breckinridge, William Lewisi, Civil En- gineer of 226 West Adams Street, was born June 29, 1857, in Louisville, Ky. Since 1879 he has been associated with the Chicago, Bur- lington and Quincy Railroad Company, and since 1900 has been Engineer of Maintenance. Brede, Max L., Real Estate Dealer of 6 North Clark Street, was born Feb. 25, 1865, in New York City. In 1901 he became associated with the Chicago Bar Supply Company, which later consolidated with Albert Pick and Com- pany, of which he is now Vice-President. Breed, Reuben Leonard, Clergyman of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 11, 1874, in Utica, Mich. In 1896 he was ordained in the Congregational ministry. Since 1916 he has been Superintendent of the City Mission- ary Society. Breitenbach, Charles G., of 608 South Dear- born Street, was born 1861, in New York. He is President and Treasurer of The Georgetown Tunnel Transportation Company. Bremerman, Lewis Wine, S r urgeon of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 12, 1877, in Washington, D. C. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Neurology in Bennett Med- ical College and is Surgeon to the Oak Park Hospital. He is the author of numerous articles contributed to medical journals. Bremner, David Francis, Retired Manufac- turer of 5001 Greenwood Avenue, was born June 30, 1839, in Ottawa, Canada. He served in the Civil War. After the war he engaged in the manufacture of crackers, and was Presi- dent of the American Biscuit Manufacturing Company. Bremner, Edward A., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard. He is a member of the firm of Moore, Case, Lyman and Hubbard, Insurance Agents. Bremner, George Hampton, Civil Engineer of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 17, 1861, in Marshalltown, Iowa. For twenty- eight years he was a civil engineer with the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. He is now District Engineer, Interstate Commerce Commission, Bureau of Valuation. Bremner, Robert Joseph, Manufacturer of 1276 Clybourn Avenue, was born Sept. 20, 74 BERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE HOOK OF HKKJRAIMI V. 1864, in Chicago, III. Since leaving school he has been engaged in the baking business, and was formerly associated with the I>. F. Brem- ner Baking Company and the National Biscuil Company. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the baking business on his own account. Brennan, Bernard G., Packer, Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards, was born in 1864, in Wisconsin. Since L883 lias been engaged in the packing business and is now I 'resident of the Bren- nan Packing Company, pork packers. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade; Chicago Athletic Association; aind Sout h Shore Country, Iroquois, Beverly Golf, and Saddle and Sirloin 1 Clubs. Brennan, George E., Underwriter of 134 South LaSalle Street. lie is Manager of the I', s. Fidelity and Guaranty Company. Brennan, Patrick, Packer of 4033 South Ilalsted Street, was born May 4, 1861, in Ire- land. He was educated in Sparta, Wis. When seven- teen years of age he came to Chicago and engaged in the stock business at the Union Stock Yards. In 1895 he organized the National Provision Company, and was President until 1904. He is now President of The Independent Packing Company, which he or- ganized. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club and the Chicago Athletic Asso- ciation. Brennemann, Joseph, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was horn Sept. 25, 1872, in Peru, 111. In 1905-6 he was Professor of the diseases of children in the Chicago Post Graduate Medical School. He is now Attend- ing Physician in the children's department of St. Luke's, Wesley and Cook County Hos- pitals. Brenner, Nathan T., Manufacturer of 964 West Twenty-first Street. He is President of the American Insulated Wire and Cable Com- pany. Brentano, Theodore, Lawyer and Jurist, was born March 29, 1864, in Michigan. In 1888 he was Assistant City Attorney of Chicago. Since 1890 he has been Judge of the Superior Court of Cook Countv, present term ending in 1921. Breslich, Ernst Rudolph, Educator of 7130 Vernon Avenue, was born Aug. 30, 187 1, in Germany. He is head of the department of Mathematics in the University High School. He is the author of a series of mathematical ti xt books published by the University of Chi- cago Press. Brewer, Orville, Publisher of 56 East Con- gress Street, was born March 31, 1857, in Ashton, III. Since 1900 he has been Manager of The Brewer Teachers' Agency. He is the author and publisher of Brewer's National Songs and Hymns; and Brewer's Assembly Song Book. Brewer, Robert T., Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born June 13, 1863, in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 he has been engaged in the real estate business, and is now head of the firm of Robert T. Brewer and Company. Brewster, Walter Stanton, Banker and Broker of 116 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 4, 1872, in Evanston, 111. Since 1904 he has been a partner in the firm of Russell, Brewster and Company. He is a member of the Chicago and New York Stock Exchanges. Brianza, Arthur Mario, physician of 2758 Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 26, 1867. He has been County Physician, City Physician and a member of the staff of the Cook County Hospital. Brice, Frank H., Investment Banker of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 5, 1858, in St. Paul, Minn. He is Secretary of the American Bankers Trust Company; Secretary of the Insurance Trust Company; and Presi- dent of the firm of Frank H. Brice and Com- pany, investment bankers. Brickwood, Albert W., Jr., Diplomat and Consul of 80 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 14, 1879, in Chicago, 111. He is Consul in Chicago for The Argentine Re- public. Bridge, George Smith, Commission Merchant of 141 West. Jackson Boulevard, was born June 28, 1860, in Fort Atkinson, Wis. For many years he has been identified with the Chicago Board of Trade, and is now senior member of the firm of Bridge and Leonard, dealers in hay and grain. Bridge, Norman, Physician of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 30, 1844, in Windsor, Vt. Since 1901 he has been Professor Emeritus in Rush Medical College. In 1882-3 he was President of the Chicago Board of Education; and 1886-90 a member of the Board of Election Commissioners of the City of Chicago. He is the author of House Health ; Fragments and Addresses; and other works. Bridges, Horace James, Lecturer and Writ- er, of 531 Oakdale Avenue, was born Aug. 31, 1880, in London, England. He is Leader and Lecturer of the Chicago Ethical Society. He is the author of Criticisms of Life, 1915; The Religion of Experience, 1916; Our Fellow Shakespeare, 1916; and On Becoming an American, 1919. Bright, Orville T., Educator of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1840, in Rich- land, N. Y. Since 1859 he has been engaged in educational work; and is now District Super- intendent of Schools, Chicago. Bridgman, Walter Ray, Educator of Lake HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 75 Forest, 111., was born Aug. 11, 1860, in El- bridge, N. Y. In 1881-91 he was Professor of Greek in Miami University. He now holds the same chair in Lake Forest University. Briggs, Charles Harold, Importer of 231 Wells Street, was born Nov. 7, 1874, in St. Louis, Mo. He is President of Charles H. Briggs and Company, tanners and importers of leather. Brigham, Henry H., Corporation Official of .'127 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1868, in Sharon, Wis. Since 1908 he has been President of the Atlantic Seaboard Despatch, and the North American Car Company, Chicago. He is a member of the Union League, Skokie, Traffic, and Church Clubs. Bright, Philip Vaughan, Importer of 148 West Kinzie Street, was born, Dec. 11, 1879, in Tynneberth, Wales. He is President and Treasurer of the P. V. Bright Company, im- porters of salt and canned fish. Brimson, William George, Retired Railway President of 426 West Sixty-second Street, was born April 27, 1850, in Tiverton, England. In 1868 he entered railway service as a tele- graph operator; 1896-9 President of the Chi- cago, Lake Shore and Eastern Railway; and in 1910 became President of the Texas City Railway Company. Brinkerhoflf, James Hunt, Railroad Official, LaSalle Street Station, was born in Kansas City, Kans. He is Terminal Manager of the Chicago Terminal District of the U. S. Rail- road Administration. Britigan, William Henry, Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn .Street, was born Dec. 9, 1881, in St. Marys, Ohio. In 1904-7 he was educational Director of the West Side Y. M. C. A., New York; and in 1914 came to Chi- cago to sell Marquette Manor. Since 1915 he has been head of the real estate firm of Wil- liam H. Britigan and Company. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Brittain, Joseph King, Real Estate Dealer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 27, 1867, in Greenville, Pa. He was formerly a member of the firm of Brown and Brittain. Britten, Frederick Albert, General Con- tractor of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 18, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is senior member of the firm of Britten and Reynolds. In 1908-12 he was an Alderman in the Twenty- third ward; and since 1913 a member of Con- gress from the Ninth District of Illinois. Britton, Gertrude Howe, Social Worker of 800 South Halsted Street, was born Oct. 30, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1895 she has been a resident of Hull House; 1910-15 an officer of the Juvenile Protective Association; and 1913-16 a member of the Chicago Board of Education. Since 1916 she has been superin- tendent of the Bureau of Social Service of Cook County. Broad, Charles A., Wholesale Merchant of 37 South Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 3, 1868, in Freeport, Illinois.* He is President of the Weiskopf Company, wholesale millinery. Broadbent, Thomas Albert, Dentist of 25 East Washington Street, was born Sept. 29, 1862, in Illinois. He was Secretary of the Illinois State Board of Dental Examiners; and President of the National Association of Dental Examiners. Brock, Andrew A., Real Estate and Mort- gage Broker of 69 West Washington Street, was born in 1865, in Illinois. In 1888 he was Deputy Clerk of Whiteside County, 111.; and in 1889-90 review clerk with the McCorrniek Harvester Company. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chi- cago, and is a member of the firm of Edgar M. Snow and Company. He is a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Brocklebank, John Charles Fremont, Manu- facturer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was boi a June 1, 1854, in St. Catherines, Canada. He is President of J. C. Brocklebank and Com- pany, paper manufacturers. Brode, Willard Demetrius, Physician and Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 2.1, 1870, in Prosper, Minn. Since 1899 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is Attending Physician to the Frances Willard Hospital. Brooke, Freeborn D., Clergyman of 1142 West Sixty-second Street, was born Dec. 27, 1858, in Oregon, 111. In 1910-14 he was Presiding Elder of the Chicago District of the Free Methodist Episcopal Church; and since 1914-16 President of the Union Missionary cago. Brookman, Joseph S., Manufacturer of 220 West Huron Street, was born Aug. 15, 1855, in Newark, N. J. He is President of the Colum- bia Chemical Works. Brooks, Jesse Wendell, Clergyman of 440 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 26, 1858, in Cheshire, Conn. In 1884 he was ordained in the Congregational ministry; 1914-6. President of the Union Missionary Training School; and since 1916 Secretary and Superintendent of the Chicago Tract Society. Brooks, Virginia, Reformer and Lecturer of 610 Groveland Park, was born Jan. 11, 1888, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 she has been en- gaged in reform work; and was the founder and first President of the Hammond Settle- ment Association. Broome, Thornhill, of 3S South Dearborn Street, President of the Midland Warehouse and Transfer Company; Secretary and Director of the Chicago Junction Railway Company; and Director of Stock Yards Savings and Stock Yards State Banks. Broomell, Chester Chapin, Real Estate Deal- er of 111 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 19, 1862, in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Broomell Brothers, real estate and loan dealers, which was established in 1904. 76 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Brophy, Truman Wiliiam, Surgeon of 81 Easl Madison Street, was born April L2, L848, in Will County, III. Hi' is President and Pro- fessor of Oral Surgery in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery: and a member of the staffs of St. Joseph s and Michael Reese II is- pitals. In LM5 he was President of the international Dental Federation. Brosseau, Louis Charles, Grain Commission Merchant of 111 Wesl Jackson Boulevard, was born June 2i>, 1886, in Chicago, III. He is head of the firm of Brosseau and Company; and a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. In 1916 he was Vice-Presiden1 of the Harvard Club. Brothers, David M., Lawyer and .lurist, was horn Jan. 1, 1861, in Xeenah, Wis. In 1898 he was admitted to the bar, and practiced law until 1915, when he was elected .Indue of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Brower, Abraham T. H., of 2::6 South La- Salle Street. He is a Director of the Ameri- can Type Founders Company, and a manu- facturer of printers machinery. Biower, Jule Franklin, Attorncy-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born dune lit, L868, in Ottawa, 111. He has been engaged in the practice of law in Chicago since 1 s;>2 ; and has been Resilient Consul of the Republic of Guatemala at Chicago since 1909. Brown, Albert C, Manufacturer of 2712 North Crawford Avenue, was born 1863, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is President of The Chicago Faucet Company. Brown, Arthur Charles Lewis, Educator, was born Aug. 18, 1869, in Avon, N. Y. Since 1906 he has been Professor and head of the department of English in Northwestern Uni- versity. Brown, Calvin E., Physician of 143 North Ked/.ie Avenue, was born May 11, 1879, in Stone Creek, Ohio. He is a member of the staff of the Garfield Park Hospital. Brown, Charges Albert, Attomey-at-Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 2"), 1858, in Manchester, N. Y. Since 1891 he has been practicing law. He is President of the Hinsdale Trust and Savings Bank; and an officer and director in other corporations. Brown, Charles Edward, of 320 South Wells Street, was horn 1866, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is Vice-President and Secretary of the Central Electric Company. Brown, Charles Franklin, Manufacturer of 12.") Honore Street, was horn March 12, 1867, in Onarga, HI. He is President and Treasurer of the Physicians Supply and Drug Company. He is Past President of the Chicago Surgical Trade Club. Brown, Charles LeRoy, Lawyer of 105 South LaSalle Street, was horn Dec. 11, 1S74, in Meyersdale, Pa. Since 1^97 he has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago, during which time he has been attorney for various street railroads. Brown, De Witt, Onion Stock Yards. He is First Vice-President of the Armour Fertilizer Works. Residence, South Shore Country Club Brown, Edward Eagle, Attorney at Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born dune 4, 1885, in Chicago, 111. In 1908 he was admitted to the bar, and has since practiced law in Chi- cago, lie is a member of the law firm of Miller, Starr, Brown, Packard and Peckham, and Attorney for the First National and First Trust and Savings Banks. Brown, Edward Milton, Physician and Sur- geon of 2."i Last Washington Street, was born dan. 1, 1869, in Ottawa, III. Since 1893 he has practiced medicine and surgery in Chi- cago. He is Surgeon to the West Side Hos- pital; and Professor of Surgery in the Chicago College id' Medicine and Surgery, and the Post Graduate School of Medicine. Brown, Edward Osgood, . I mist of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 5, 1847, in Salem, Mass. In 1904-9, and 1910-15 he was Judge of the Appellate Court of Illinois. He is now engaged in the general practice of the law. B.own, Edward Vail Lapham, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 15, 1876, in Morrison, 111. He is Professor and head of the Department of Ophthalmology in the University of Illinois College of Medi- cine; and Eye Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital. Brown, Edwin E., Sales Manager of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born April 27, 1875, in Akron, Ohio. He has held various positions with the Quaker Oats Company, and is now Manager of Sales for the Southern territory. B.own, Everett Chase, Commission Mer- chant, Union Stock Yards, was born Oct. 14, ISo".'!, in Oneida, HI. He is General Manager of the Brown-St. John Commission Com- pany. In 1910-11 he was President of the Chicago Athletic Association; 1914-19 inclu- sive, President of the South Shore Country (luh; and 1910-11 President of the Amateur Athletic Union, the controlling body of ath- letics in the United States. Blown, Fidelio F., Dentist of 159 North State Street, was born Jan. 31, 1870. He was formerly Professor of Operative Dentistry in Northwestern College of Dental Surgery. B.own, Frank Arnold, Merchant of Will- in o 1 1 e , 111., was bom Oct. 14, 1872, in Chicago. Since 1894 he has been associated with the Squire Dinge Company, pickle packers, and is now its President. He is Fx-President of the Ravenswood Club and Ouilmette Country Club; and President of the National Pickle Packer As-ociat ion. Brown, Frank Melven, of 122 South Michi- gan Avenue, was born Feb. 14, 1855, in St. Joseph County, Mich. Since 1898 he has been associated with the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, and is now purchasing agent in HERRIKGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 77 Chicago. He is a member of the Illinois Ath- letic Club; and resides in Elmhurst, 111. Brown, Frank Townley, Attomey-at -Law of 312 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 2, 1857, in Louisville, Ky. He has been engaged in practice of patent law since 1889; and is a member of the firm of Brown and Hopkins. Brown, Frederick Anson, Attomey-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 9, 1867, in Decatur, 111. He is Vice-President of the Illinois State Bar Association; and Director and Counsel of the Lincoln State Bank of Chicago. During the war with Ger- many he served as a Captain, and was com- missioned Major when discharged from ser- vice. Brown, Frederick Lee, Lumberman of 3300 South Racine Avenue, was born Nov. 4, 1870, in Albion, Pa. He is a member of the firm of Crandall and Brown, wholesale hardwood lum- ber. In 1910-1911 he was President of the Chicago Hardwood Lumber Exchange. B.own, Heman Hampton, Physician of 31 North State Street, was born duly 8, 1863, in Jersey Shore, Pa. For a number of years he was President of the Illinois Medical College. He is now Ophthalmologist to the Columbus and Tribune Hospitals. He is a member of the American Medical Association; the Illinois State Medical Society; the Chicago Medical Society; Chicago Ophthalmological Society; and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Brown, Henry Seymour', Clergyman of 561 Stratford Place, was born Nov. 2, 1875, in Rochester, N. Y. He is Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Lake A T iew, Chicago. Brown, Henry Temple, Merchant of 76 Fast Lake Street, was born dan. 21, 1866, in Yar- mouth, N. S. In 1888-1900 he was Assistant Manager of the Chicago Department of Chase and Sanborn; and since 1900 a partner in the firm. Brown, Isaac Eddy, of 5315 Drexel Avenue, was bom May 17, 1849, in Chautauqua County, N. Y. Since ISSU lie has been associated with the Young Men's Christian Association, and since 1909 has been Dei £ the Young .Men's Christian Association College. Brown, John A., At honey at Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born June 21. 1876, in Tannersville, N. Y. Be graduated from the Chi- cago Kent College of Law and the Illinois College of Law, and ha; beei! a Di- rector of the latter. He was formerly a member of the law linn of Kern and Brown; now practicing alone. He is a member of the Illinois Athletic Club, Chicago Gun Club, Prairie Club and Press Club. Brown, James Edgar, Attorney at Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 8, 1865, in West Virginia. Since 1892 he has practiced law continuously in Chicago. He is a director in various corporations; and has contributed numerous articles to current liter- ature. Brown, Joshua M., Physician and Surgeon of 1753 West Lake Street, was born dune 25, 1885, in Orangeburg, S. C. In 1910 he was census enumerator in Orangeburg County, and later a teacher in the public schools of South Carolina. He is now health officei, City of Chicago. • Blown, Lincoln, Investment Dealer of 123 West Madison Street, was born Sept. 23, 1861, in Galesburg, 111. Since 1895 he has been en- gaged in the real estate business in Chicago. He is also President of the Elk Rapids Iron Company. Brown, Marshall L., Commission Merchant of 231) North Clark Street, was born Nov. 11, 1861, in Sycamore, 111. He is sole owner of Marsh. L. Brown and Company, wholesale but- ter and eggs; is a Director of the Chicago Cold Storage and Warehouse Company; and President of the Mexico Fuel Oil Company of Tampico, Mexico. Brown, Ralph Crissman, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 10, 1878, in Morrison, 111. He is Associate Attend- ing Physician to the Presbyterian Hospital; and Associate 'Professor in Rush Medical Col- lege. Brown, Sanger Monroe, Physician of 59 East Madison Street, was born Feb. Hi. 1 352, in Bloomfield, Ont., Canada. He is Professor of Clinical Neurology in the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of the University of Illi- nois; ami Professor of Neurology in the Post Graduate Medical School. Brown, Scott, Lawyer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 15, 1875, in Defiance, Ohio. In 1897 he received the degree of A. B. from the University of Chicago; 1899 the degree of Ph. D. from Northwestern Univer- sity, and was admitted to the bar the same year. In 1901-5 he was a Director of the Chatauqua Institution, 1905-14 Counsel and Secretary of the Studebaker Brothers Manu- facturing Company and the Studebaker Cor- poration, and in 1914 resumed the practice of law in Chicago. He is treasurer and Director of the North American Light and Power Com- pany, and Director and Manager of the Stude- baker Bi others Trust. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association; Union League, Uni- versity, and Quadrangle Clubs, Chicago; and the Lotos Club, New York. Brown, Taylor E., Attomey-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 22, 1860, in St. Louis, Mo. He is Past Commander-in- Chief of the National Commandery of Naval and Military Order of the Spanish American War, and of the Veteran Corps of the First Infantry Illinois National Guard. Brown, Walter Burrows, Chemist of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born April 23, 78 HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE HOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 1874, in Lee County, 111. In 1900-3 he was Chief Chemisl for Munis and Company, Stock Yards. He is now Vice-President of the Vic- tor Chemical Works. Brown, William, Jr., A.ttorney-at-Law of 1 12 Wesl Adams Street, was bom Oct, 24, L870, in Jacksonville, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Hay and Brown, local attorneys for the Wabash Railroad Company, and the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Com- pany; and is Naval Officer of U. S. Customs for ilic District of Chicago. Brown, William Bruce, Manufacturer of 76 West Monroe Street, was horn Feb. 3, 1S76, in Edinburgh, Scotland. lie is First Vice- President and a Director of the Durand steel Locker Company, manufacturers of steed fur- niture. Brown, William Coren, of 5014 Blackstone Avenue, was born Ai^ r . 26, 1872, in Plaine- lield, N. .1. Since I s«ni he has been associated with the Chicago Drop Forge and Foundry Company, and since I'.his General Manager. Brown, William Henry, Eeal Estate and Farm Mortgage Dealer of 5 North LaSalle Street, was horn May 14, 1S60, in Warren, 111. lie is a member of the firm of William H. Brown and Sons; and President of the William II. Brown ( lompany. Brown, William Liston, Iron Merchant of .".:;:! South Michigan Ave., was born Aug. 23, 1ML', in St. Joseph, Mich. He was president and a director of a number of blast-furnaces and ore-mining companies. He is now Presi- dent of Pickands, Drown and Company; and a Director of the First National Bank; and various other corporations. Browne, Charles Edward, Manufacturer of 953 Washington Boulevard, was born Oct. 27, 1864, in Colon, Mich. He is Secretary of Henry Newgard and Company; and President of the American Electrical Supply Company. Browne, Charles Francis, Artist of 1543 East Fifty-seventh Street, was born May 21, 1859, in Natick, Mass. He was Art Com- missioner for the United States at Buenos Ay res and Santiago, South America; and in 1910 President of the Society of Western Artists and the Artists' Guild. Browning, Granville Williams, Lawyer and Jurist of § South Dearborn Street, was born March 14, 1S56, in [ndian- apolis, Did. In 1S77 he receh ed t he degree of B. S. from the University of Michigan; and in 1880 was admitted to the bar. In j 1897-1906 he was Special | Counsel for the City of Chi- cago. Since 1906 he has Keen Master in Chancery of the Circuil Court. He is a member of the University and Onwentsia Clubs. Browne, Maurice, Theatrical Director of 1 In South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 12, 1881, in Reading, England. In 1912 he was one of the founders and Director of the Chicago Little Theatre. He is the author of the Temple of the Living Art; The New Rhythmic Drama; and other works. Bruce, Charles Austin, Packer, Forty-sixth and Packers Avenue, was born July 17, 1853, in Racine, Wis. In 1897 he entered the em- ploy of Miller and Hart, packers, and since 1898 has been Treasurer. Bruce, James Edward, of 811 East Forty- ninth Street, was born April 14, 1860, in Brooklyn, Iowa. For over thirty years he was prominently identified with the business and political affairs of his native state; in 1891 Prosecuting Attorney; 1901-12 State Senator; and was associated with several banks. In 1910 he established the first and head Xeal Institute for the treatment of drink and drug addictions, by the Neal method, in Chicago. Brucker, Mathew W., Physician and Sur- geon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born April 6, 1882, in Empire, Wis. He is Professor of Clinical Laryngology in the Chicago Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery; and Laryn- gologist to the West Side Hospital. Bruckner, William T., Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 1, 1869, in Mon- roe, Mich. Since 1892 he has been identified with the Commercial National Bank and with its successor, the Continental and Commercial National Bank, of which he is Vice-President. He is also a Director of the Lake View Trust and Savings Bank; and a Director of the Cicero State Bank of Cicero, 111. Brumback, Arthur Henry, Phvsician of 32 North State Street, was born March 31, 1862, in Hancock County, 111. He has been practic- ing in Chicago since 1890; and is now Gyne- cologist to the West Side Hospital. Brumley, Daniel Joseph, Civil Engineer, was born March 19, 1865, in Leipsic, Ohio. In 1895 he received the degree of C. E. from the Ohio State University, Columbus. Since 1895 he has been engaged in railroad work; and since 1918 chief corporate engineer of the Illinois Central Railroad. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers; the American Institute of Electrical Engin- eers; the American Railway Engineering Asso- ciation, and the Olympian Fields Country Club. Brummell, Henry Christopher, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 11, 1878, in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Brummel Brothers. Brummitt, Dan Bearley, Clergyman and Ed: tor of 740 Rush Street, was born' Aug. 13, 1867, in Batley, England. Since 1912 he has been Editor of the Epworth Herald. Brunker, Albert Ridgeiy, Manufacturer of 3100 South Kedzie Avenue, was born Jan. 7, 1883, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1908-13 he was General Sales Manager for the American Steel Foundries. He is now President of the HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 79 Liquid Carbonic Company; President of the Federal Brass Company; and an officer in other companies. Brundage, Edward Jackson, Attorney-at- Law. 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 13, 1869, in Campbell, N. Y. He has been a member of the House of Representa- tives in the Forty-first and Forty-third General Assem- blies; President of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Cook County; and Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. He is now Attorney General of Illinois. Brunner, John, Engineer, of 20S South La- Salle Street, was born near Warberg, Sweden. He graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He has been in the Government Engineering Corps of Sweden; with the Carnegie Steel Company; and City Engineer of Pittsburg, Pa. Since 1902 he has been associated with the Illinois Steel Company. Bruns, Chester H., Jobber and Broker of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born in Chicago, 111. Brushingham, John P., Clergyman of 817 North Dearborn Street, was born in 1855, in New York. For over thirty years he has held a pastorate in Chicago; and is Pastor of the South Park Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church; Trustee of Northwestern University; and President of the Chicago Methodist Epis- copal Social Union and Preacher's Meeting. Bryan, Benjamin B., Commission Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard. Member of the firm of Logan and Bryan. Bryan, Charles Page, Diplomat, University Club, was born Oct. 2, 1856, in Chicago, 111. In 1888-97 he was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives; 1887-96 Colonel on the staffs of Governors Fifer, Oglesby and Altgeld; and 1911-12 Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Japan. Bryan, W. S. Plumer, cfergyman of 840 Belden Avenue, was born Aug. 30, 1856, in Pittsburg, Pa. Since 1895 he has been Pastor of the Church of the Covenant. Bryant, Edward Francis, Banker, was born April 30, 1861, in Dedham, Mass. He was formerly Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank of Woburn, Mass. He is now President of The Pullman Trust and Savings Bank; and Yice-President of The Roseland State Savings Bank. He is a member of the Chicago Club, the Chicago Athletic Associa- tion, the South Shore Country Club and the Midlothian Country Club. Bryant, Harold J., Real Estate Dealer of 110 South Dearborn Street. Yice-President of the Palm Beach Farms Company. Bryant, Henry Willis, College President of SO East Randolph Street, was born July 22, 1855, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1879 he has been associated with the Bryant and Stratton Business College, which was founded by his father, and since 1892 haa been its President. Bryant, John Jay, Jr., Stock Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 9, 1875, in Chicago, 111. He is resident partner of das. H. Oliphant & Co., members of the New York and Chicago Stock Exchanges. He is a mem- ber of the University and Saddle and Cycle Clubs. Brydges, James Charles, Physician of 711 East Thirty-seventh Street, was born May 20, 1858, in Harrisburg, Ontario, Canada. He is Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Hospi- tal College. Bryson, Charles Lee, Author of 6919 Lake- wood Avenue, was born March 10, 1868, in Dade County, Mo. He is a member of the Staff of the Chicago Examiner; and is the author of Tan and Teckle, and other works. Bryson, William John, Retired Civil Engi- neer of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 16, 1845, in New Ro- chelle, N. Y. He was As- sistant Engineer of the Chi cago and Alton Railway; now retired from active bus in ess. He is a Director of James B. Clow and Sons, and the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway Company. He is a member of the Chi- cago, Glen View and South Shore Country Clubs. Buchan, Edward J., Physician of 408 Briar Place, was born Jan. 22, 1881, in Racine, Wis. He is Chief of the Surgical Staff of the Emer- gency Aid Hospital. Buchanan, DeWitt W., Coal Dealer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born May Hi, 1876, in Chicago. He is President and a Director of the Old Ben Coal Corporation. Buchanan, Frank, Congressman of 2502 North Central Park Avenue, was born June 14, 1862, in Jefferson County, Ind. In 1911-17 he was a member of Congress from the Sev- enth District of Illinois. Buchanan, James Nelson, Real Estate Dealer of 74 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 16, 1849, in Chicago, 111. He served in the First Regiment National Guard eight years; and was a representative in the Legislature in the Thirty-second General Assembly of the State of Illinois. Buchanan, W. W., of 20 South Clark Street, was born Sept. 29, 1868, in Attica, Ind. He is Yice-President of the Baker- Vawter Company; and President of the Evanston Hospital Asso- ciation. Buck, Carl Darling, Educator of 5609 Ken- wood Avenue, was born Oct. 2, 1866, in Or- land, Maine. He is Professor and Head of the Department of Comparative Philology in the University of Chicago. In 1913-15 he was 80 HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Vice President of the American Philological Association. Buck, Lillie West Brown, Dramatic Critic of 6814 Cresenl Avenue, was born Oct. 11, I860, in West Burlington, Iowa. Since 1889 she has been Dramatic Critic of the Chicago Dailv .News, under the pen name Amy Leslie. Buck, Nelson L., Manufacturer of 3527 South Ashland Avenue, was born in 1882, in Chicago, III. He is General Manager of Fac- tories of the William Wrigley, Jr., Company; and a Director of the Central Manufacturing District Dank. Buck, John R., Automobile Manufacturer of 2500 South Michigan Avenue. He is Vice- President an,l Manager of The Peerless Motor Car Company of Illinois. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club, and the Chi- cago Automobile Club. Buck, Niels, Architect and Builder of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born March 24, 1S66, in Morso Denmark. He is a member of the firm of Niels Buck and Company, con- tractors and builders; and President of the Ziegler District Colliery Company. Buck, Orlando J., of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 30, 1852, in Buckfield, Maine. Since 1881 he has resided in Chicago. He was formerly General Superintendent of the Zeno Manufacturing Company; and Gen- eral Superintendent of the William Wrigley Jr. Company. He is Vice-President of the Otis Lithograph Company. He is Ex-Presi- dent of the Beverly Country Club; and a life member of the Hamilton Club, the New Illi- nois Athletic Club and the Beverly Country Club; and a life member of the Art Institute, Press Club and Sportsman's Club of America. Buckbee, John Calvin, Engineer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 12. 1876, in Galena, S. D. In 1906 he was a delegate to the National Mining Congress. He is Presi- dent of the J. C. Buckbee Company, engineers; and an officer in other corporations. Buckingham, George Tracy, Afctorney-at- Law of 105 Sou th LaSalle Street, was born April 21, 1864, in Delphi, Ind. In 1890 he was ad- mitted to the bar, and since 1908 has been engaged in active practice in Chica- go. He is now a member of the law firm of Defrees, Buckingham and Eaton, and Assistant Attorney General of Illinois. He is a member of the City, Hamilton and Union League Clubs. Buckley, Charles Wilbur, Grain Commission Merchant of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 20, 1857, in Peoria, 111. He is owner of Buckley and Company, commission mer- chants; and an officer in other corporations. Buckley, Homer John, Advertising, 632 Sherman Street, was born March 16, 1878, in Rock Island, 111. hi 1905 he organized Buck- ley, Dement and Company and is now Treas- urer of the company. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, and La Grange Country Club; and resides in La. Grange, III. Buckley, John P., Dentist of 39 South State Street, was born Dec. 20, 1873, in Lowell, Ind. .Since L904 he has been Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the University of Illinois College of Dentistry. He has been President of the Illinois State Dental Society and the Chicago Dental Society. Bucklin, Edward Ira, Attorney at-Law of 111 W. Washington St., was born Sept. 18, 1873, in Danby, Vt. Since 1897 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and is now senior mem- ber of the firm of Bucklin and Scheunemann. Buckwater, Clarence J., of 1018 South Wabash Avenue, was born in 1882, in Silver Cliff, Col. He was formerly President of the Motor Supplies Company. He is President and General Manager of the American Bureau of Engineering, Incorporated. Residence, 42D! North Ashland Avenue. Budd, Britton Ihrie, Street Railway Official of 72 West Adam s Street, was born Sept. 7, 1871, in San Francisco, Cal. In 1893 he became associated with the Metro- politan West Side Elevated Railway Company, and in 1910 became President and General Manager of the company. Since 1911 he has been President of the Northwestern Elevated Railroad and the South Side Elevated Rail- road. Budlong, Frederick, Clergyman of 531 Briar Place, was born in Camden, N. Y. Since 1916 he has been Rector of St. Peters Episcopal Church, Chicago; and is a lecturer at the Western Theological Seminary. Budlong, Joseph James, Banker of 5224 Lincoln Avenue, was born in 1869, in Chicago. He is owner of the Budlong Gardens ; and President of the Lake View Trust and Sav- ings Bank. Budzban, Nicholas Stanislaus, Public Offi cial was born Sept. 15, 1877, in Poland, Ger- many. In 1905-7 he was a member of the Board of Local Improvements; 1908-12 a mem- ber of the State Board of Equalization; and since 1913 Deputy Clerk of the Municipal Court, Chicago. Buecking, Edward Frederick, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born Sept. 18, 1857, in Washington, Mo. He has been engaged in practice in Chicago since 1877. He is now a Professor in the Bennett Medical College. Buehler, Ernest, Lawyer, Criminal Court Building, was born March 9, 1884, in Chicago, 111. Assistant States Attorney. Buehler, William Emmet, Physician and Surgeon of 64 East Van Buren Street, was HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 81 born Jan. 27, 1869, in Pennsylvania. He was Professor in Anatomy and Minor Surgery in the Bennett Medical College, Hering Medical College and the American College of Medi- cine and Surgery. In 1909 he was a delegate to the International Congress of Physicians and Surgeons, Budapest. Buehr, Carl Albert, Artist of 1727 Chase Avenue, was born in Germany. He is an In- structor in Painting in the Art Institute of Chicago. In 1904 he received a medal at the St. Louis Exposition; and in 1914 Chicago Artist 's Medal. Buel, Munscn Parker, Commission Mer- chant, the Union Stock Yards, was born Oct. 14, 1845, in Ctoton, Ohio. In 1904 16 he was President of the Chicago Live Stock Ex- change. He is President of the Evans, Snider, Buel Company. Buell, Charles Clinton, Attorney at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 14, 1866, in Sterling, 111. He has practiced his profession in Chicago since 1888, and is now a member of the firm of Buell and Abbey. Buell, John J., 140 South State Street, was born 1876, in Burlington, Iowa. He was for- merly Superintendent of Siegel Cooper ami Company. He is now Superintendent of the Fair. Bufflngton, Eugene Jackson, Steel Merchant of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born March 14, 1863, in Guyandotte, W. Va. Since 1899 he has been President and Director of the Illinois Steel Company. He is also a Director of the Continental and Commercial National Bank; and President of the Gary Land Com- pany. Buford, Coleman G., Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 25, 1872, in Lafayette County, Mo. From 1897-1907 he was Instructor in Surgery in the Northwestern University Medical School; 1900-7 Assistant Surgeon in the Mercy Hospital; and 1908-13 Attending Surgeon in St. Joseph 's Hospital and the Home for Destitute Crippled Children. He is now Assistant Clinical Professor of Sur- gery in Rush Medical College; Attending Surgeon in the Children's Memorial Hospital; Associate Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital; and Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Poly- clinic. He is a member of the North Side Medical, the Chicago Medical, the Illinois State Medical, and American Medical Associa- tions; Chicago Institute of Medicines; and the Chicago Surgical Society; and a Fellow of The American College of Surgeons. Buhlig, Walter H., Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Sept. 24, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is Attending Physician to the German Evangelical Deaconess Hospital. In 1916-17 he was President of the Englewood Medical Society. Buker, Joseph E., Manufacturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard. He is Vice-President and a Director of the Vapor Car Heating Com- pany. Buikley, Almon Wheeler, Attorney-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born April 13, 1852, in Groton, N. Y. He has practiced his profession in Chicago since 1880, and is now senior member of the law firm of Bulk- ley, More and Tallmadge. Bull, Follett Wilkison, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born June 30, 1870, in LaSalle, 111. He is General Counsel for the Security Life Insurance Company of America. Bullen, Fred Fitzherbert, of 160 West Jack- son Boulevard, was born Nov. 25, 1853, in Delaware, Canada. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Fred F. Bullen Malting Company. Since 1S97 he has been President of the Wil- noiia Malting Company. Bulley, Frederick, General Contractor of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born in England. He is President of Bulley and Andrews; and President of the Masons and Builders Associa- tion. Bullock, Henry Edwin, Manufacturer of 1801 Diversey Parkway, was born March 29, 1852, in Otterville, Ontario. Since 1884 he has been President of the Illinois Malleable Iron Company. He is also President of the International Land and Live-Stock Company. Bunch, Thaddeus O., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born in 1874, in Ford County, HI. He has practiced law since 1896, and is. a member of the Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations. Bunge, Albert J., Coal Merchant of 1640 Lake Street. President of the Bunge Brothers Coal Company. Bunker, Charles Henry, Retired Underwriter of 4454 Drexel Boulevard, was born Sept. 22, 1850, in East Troy, Wis. He has been Presi- dent of the Continental Casualty Company; and President of the International Association of Accident Underwriters. Bunnell, John Alexander, Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Blvd., was born April 21, 1864, in Branford, Ontario. Since 1891 he has been a member of the Chi- cago Board of Trade; 1897- 9 a Director, and in 1909 was President. He is a member of the firm of Hately Brothers, grain and provisions. He is a member of the Exmoor Country Club and Union League Club; and resides in Highland Park. Bunting, Guy J., Auditor of 80 East Jack- son Boulevard, was born July 4, 1881, in Portsmouth, Va. He is General Auditor of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company. Bunting, Henry Stanhope, Publisher of 9 South Clinton Street, was born Aug. 10, 1869, SL' nERRINGSTIAW's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. in Galveston, [Texas. H<' is Editor and Pub- lisher of The Novelty News; and author of several standard text books on advertising. Burch, William A., of 17 North Wabash Ave., was born in Warwich, Canada. He was formerly financial secretary of Northwestern University. He is now Vice President of the Pathescope < !ompany. Burchard, Edgar Warne, of* 21 Wesi Elm Street, was born Aug. 7, I Mil', in St. Louis, Mo. He is Treasurer of the Goats and Bur- chard Company; .'ui, England. He is a member of the Loyal Legion; the Naval Order of the United States; and President of the Chicago Automobile Club. Calvert, Thomas Elwood, Engineer of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 10, is Hi, „car Philadelphia, Pa. In 1871 he en- tered railway service with the Chicago, Bur- lington and Quincy Railroad, and since 1905 has been Chief Engineer of the entire system. Cameron, Charles C, Railway Official, Cen- tral Station, was born 1869, in St. Louis, Mo. He is General Freight Agent of the Illinois Central Railroad. Cameron, Edgar Spier, Artist of 10 East Ohio Street, was horn May 26, 1862, in Otta wa. 111. In 1891-1900 he was Art Critic of the Chicago Tribune; and was one of the found- ers of the Municipal Art League. Cameron, John McRae, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 18, L867, in Ottawa, Canada. Since 1889 he has practiced his profession in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Custer and Cameron. In 1905 9 he was President of the Village of Riverside, 111. Cameron Ossian, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born March 22, 186S, in Montreal, Canada. In 1893 he received the degree of LL.B. from the Chicago College of Law; and has since practiced law in Chi- cago. He is the author of the Illinois Criminal Law and Practice; and Illinois City and Village Laws; and other legal treatises. Uamoron, William Allan, Manufacturer of 115 Rush Street, was horn Aug. 9, 1876, in De- troit, Mich. He is President of the Cameron- Sehroth Company, manufacturers of boilers and radiators. Camheld, Bradford A., Physician and Sur- geon of 140 North State Street, was born Oct. 17, L864, in Boston, Mass. Since 1888 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. He was the founder of the Chicago Eye and Ear Hos- pital and Infirmary; and President of the Chi- cago College of Ophthalmology and Otology. He is now Dean of the Faculty of the Chicago College of Ophthalmology and Otology; and Surgeon to the Chicago Eye and Ear Hospital Infirmary. Cammack, Herbert M., Investment Dealer of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born July 12, 1875, in Oakland, La. He was educated in the public schools of Waco, Tex., and St. Mary's School, San Antonio. In 1899 he was admitted to the bar, and practiced law in Waco until 1902; and in 1902-6 was Judge of the Corpora- tion Court. Since 1906 he has been engaged in the bond and investment business in Chi- cago; and since 1915 Manager of the Chicago office of Weil, Roth and Company, Cincinnati and New York. He is a member of the Union League Club. Camp, Walter Mason, Editor of 537 South Dearborn Street, was born April 21, 1867, in Camptown, Pa. Prior to 1897 he was in rail- way service; and since that time has been Edi- tor of the Railway Review. Campanini, Cleofonte, Musical Director, the Auditorium Theatre, was born Sept. 1, 1S60, in Parma, Italy. Since 1910 he has been Di- rector of the Chicago Opera Company. Campbell, Archibald Matthew, Contractor of 30 North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 4, 1868, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Archibald M. Campbell Company. Campbell, C. R., Manufacturer and Merchant of 111 West Washington Street, was born April 12, 1868, in Batavia, III. He is Vice- President of the Consumers Company. Campbell, Daniel Alexander, Ex-Postmaster, 5646 Sheridan Road, was born June 23, 1863, in Elgin, 111. He was a member of the Thirty- eighth General Assembly of Illinois; and in 1907-17 Postmaster of the City of Chicago. Campbell, David A., Lawyer of 116 South Michigan Avenue, was born at Millers Station, Harrison County, Ohio. For four years he was County Treasurer of Cass County, Nebraska; Clerk and Reporter of the Supreme Court of Nebraska, and State Librarian. He is now en- gaged in the practice of his profession in Chi- cago. Campbell, Mrs. David Allen, Editor of 616 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Platts- mouth, Neb. She is editor and owner of The Musical Monitor, the official organ of the Na- tional Federation of Musical (Hubs. Campbell, Donald A., Stock Broker of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born April 27, 1855, in Canada. He is head of the firm of Donald A. Campbell and Company. Campbell, Donald Francis, Educator and Actuary of 76 West Monroe Street, was born April 26, 1867, at East River, Nova Scotia, Canada. Since 1897 he has been engaged in educational work; and since' 1900 Professor and head of the department of Mathematics in Armour Institute of Technology. Campbell, Edward Taylor, Railway Official HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 89 of 60S South Dearborn Street, was born in Lansingburgh, N. Y. Since 1893 he has been engaged in railroad work; and since 1909 Gen- eral Traffic Manager of the Erie Railroad. Campbell, Homer Charles, of 111 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 19, 1881, in Akron, Ohio. He received the degree of A. B. from Adelbert College, Cleveland, Ohio; and the degree of LL. B. from the Western Re- serve Law School, Cleveland. In 1905-10 he practiced law in Cleveland; 1911-12 Manager of the Retail Credit Company, Cincinnati; and since 1913 has been Chicago Manager of the same. Campbell, Hilary Erskine, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 3, 1876, in Havana, 111. Since 1902 he has been engaged in the general practice of law in Chi- cago. Campbell, James Tweedie, Physician of 30 North Michigan Boulevard, was born Nov. 9, 1865, in Whitby, Canada. He is Laryngologist and Rhinologist to St. Luke's Hospital; and Professor of Otology, Laryngology and Rhin- ology in the Post Graduate Medical School. Campbell, John Gladstone, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 28, 1869, in Whitby, Ontario. He was admit- ted to the bar in 1892, and has since practiced his profession in Chicago. Campbell, Robert Willis, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born July 30, 1874, in Frankfort, Ind. Since 1904 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Knapp and Campbell; and Gen- eral Attorney for the Illinois Steel Company. Campbell, William Lome, Druggist, of 122 North State Street, was born Dec. 23, 1871, in Toronto, Can. Since 1916 he has been Presi- dent of the Economical Drug Company. Campbell, William Patterson, of 125 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 30, 1846, in Bath, N. Y. He is Vice-President and Mana- ger of the Chicago Safe Deposit Company. Canby, Caleb Harlan, Grain Merchant of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 7, 1856, in Massillon, Ohio. He is senior mem- ber of C. H. Canby and Company, brokers. In 1914-16 he was President of the Chicago Board of Trade. Oanfield, Lewis T., Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue. President and a Di- rector of Cardwell Manufacturing Company. Cannon, Thomas Henry, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 23, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1892 he has prac- ticed his profession, and is now a member of the law firm of Cannon and Poage. Capitain, Henry D., Manufacturer of 184 West Lake Street, was born in 1862, in Eng- land. He is President, of the Western Leather Manufacturing Company. Since 1911 he has been an Alderman in the Twenty-fifth Ward of Chicago. Capper, John Sheville, Merchant of 102 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 19, 1867, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is President of Capper and Capper, manufacturers and retail- ers of men 's furnishing goods. Oapps, Joseph Almarin, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 28, 1872, in Jacksonville, 111. He is Associate Professor of Medicine in Rush Medical Col- lege; and Attending Physician to the Cook County Hospital. Carden, John, Grain Commission Merchant of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 10, 1855, in Phelps, N. Y. Since 1908 he has been a member of Brennan and Carden. He has been a director of the Chicago Board of Trade. Cardona, Raymond, Banker, was born July 8, 1868, in Detroit, Mich. President of the Reliance State Bank. Cardwell, James Robert, Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 27, 1873, in Concord, Va. In 1905 he organized and has since been President of the Union Draft Gear Company. He is the inventor of the friction draft gear and a number of other devices now in use. Carhait, George Tappen, Grain Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 17, 1871. Since 1888 he has been engaged in the grain commission business and is now Presi- dent of the Carhart-Code-Harwood Company. Carlile, William Buford, Postmaster, was born Jan. 21, 1870, in Lebanon, Ky. In 1890- 1917 he was engaged in the life insurance business. Since 1917 he has been Postmaster of Chicago. He is a member of the South Shore Country, Chicago Yacht, and Mid-Dav Clubs. Carlin, Nellie, Attornev-at-Law, was born June 24, 1869, in Chicago,' 111. Since 1913 she has been public guardian of Cook County. She is President of the Women 's Protective Association; and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Women's Bar Association of Illinois. Carlson, Anton Julius, Physiologist of 5228 Greenwood Avenue, was born Jan. 29, 1875, in Sweden. He is Professor of Physiology in the University of Chicago; and a contributor to journals of physiology. Carmack, Edgar H., Life Underwriter of 122 South Michig an Avenue, was born July 10, 1852, in Monongahela, Pa. Since 1870 he has been en- gaged in the life insurance business in Chicago; and since 1898 General Agent for the State Mutual Life Assurance Company of Worcester, Mass. He is a member of the Chicago Ath- letic, the South Shore Coun- try, the Exmoor Country and the Evanston Golf Clubs; a life member of the Press Club; and a member of the Chicago Association of 90 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Commerce, and the Life Underwriters of Chi- cago. Carlton, William Newnham Chattin, Libra- rian, was born June 29, 1873, in Gillingham, England, since L909 he has been Librarian of the Newberry Library. He is a contributor to The Educational Review, and other publiea- I ions. Carman, George Noble, Educator of 1951 West Madison Street, was born July 18, 1856, in Walworth, X. Y. He was formerly Dean of the Morgan Pari Academy. Since 1895 he has been Director of Lewis Institute. Carnahan, Charles Calvin, Attorney-at-Law of lit) South Dea rborn Street, was horn April 3, 1868, in Cochran's Mills, l'a. Since 1892 lie has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He lias been Secretary of the Lincoln Club of Chicago; 1 'resident of the Men's Club of Wihnette; and a Director and Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Ouilmette Country Club. In 1900 he was Republican Nominee for Con- gress from the Fifth Illinois District. Carney, William Roy, Coal Operator of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 15, 1889, in Chicago. He is Secretary of the Coal Com- pany, the Sayler Coal Company, and the Shaw Oil Company. He is a member of the Uni- versity, South Shore Country and Quadrangle Clubs." Carney, William James, Coal Operator of 70 West Monroe Str eet, was born Sept. 20, 1855, in Ireland. In 1862 he came to Chicago, and was educated in the Chicago public schools and Drews Business College. Since 1872 he has been engaged in the lumber business; 1884 became associated with R. H. McElwee in the commission lumber busi- ness; 1903 was one of the organizers of the Edward Hines Lumber Company, of which he is still a Director. In 1905 he assisted in or- ganizing the Carney Coal Company of Caraey- ville, Wyo., which town he also organized, and which now has a population of twenty-rive hundred people. He is now President of the ('a nicy Coal Company; Savior Coal Company, Carney, Iowa; the Scaudia Coal Company, Ma- drid, Iowa; and the Carney-Cherokee Coal Company, Mulberry, Kansas. He is also a Di- re. -tor ot the Dolese and Shepard Company, and the Standard Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago. He is a member of the South Shore Country, Midlothian Country, and Hyde Park American Clubs; and resides at 4411 Grand Boulevard. Carolan, Joseph, County Commissioner, was born Feb. 25, 1852, in Oswego, N. Y. In 1898- 1912 he was a member of the Board of Com- missioners of Cook County, and was again elected in 191-1 for a term of four years. Carpenter, Allen Ray, Teacher and Soloist of 308 South Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. Is, L887, in Lamar, Mo. He has studied with Frederic W. Root, Chicago, and de Reszke and Debussy, Paris, France. Since 1906 he has been a vocal teacher in Chicago; and has ap- peared at the expositions of Paris, Chicago, San Francisco, and San Diego. He is now soloist in the Tenth Scientist Church, and head of the vocal department of Wesleyan Univer- sity, Bloomington, 111. His repertoire consists of English, French, German and Italian. Carpenter, Augustus Albert, Manufacturer and Contractor of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 9, 1868, in Chicago, 111. He is Director of the First National Bank, the First Trust and Savings Bank and the National Safe Deposit Company; and Vice-President and Director of the Ayer and Lord Tie Com- pany. Carpenter, Austin B., Merchant of 111 West Washington Stre et, was born Nov. 3, 1865, in Windsor, Ohio. He was ed- ucated in the Ashtabula county schools. For twen- ty-one years he was associ- ated with Armour and Company; and 1911-15 Pres- ident of the Booth Fisher- ies Company; and President of the Northwestern Fish- eries Company. He is now associated with the American Sugar Refining Company. Carpenter, Benjamin, Merchant of 430 Wells Street, was born Sept. 16, 1865, in Chicago, 111. He is President of George B. Carpenter and Company; Vice-President of the Anniston Cordage Company; and a Director of the Corn Exchange National Bank. Carpenter, Edward Farrington, Wholesale Merchant of r>01 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 23, 1853, in Bane, Vt. He is Presi- dent of Guthmann, Carpenter and Telling, wholesale shoe dealers. Carpenter, Frank De Groat, Coal Dealer of 1215 East Sixty-third Street, was born Sept. 22, 1869, in Bowersville, Ohio. He is President and Treasurer of the F. D. Carpenter Coal Company. Carpenter, Frederic Ives, Investment Dealer of 5533 Woodlawn Avenue, was born Nov. 29, 1861, in Monroe, Wis. He was formerly en- gaged in educational work; and in 1910-11 was Professor of English in the University of Chi- cago. He is a member of the Board of Trus- tees of Ho' Newberry Library. Carpenter, George Albert, Lawyer and Jurist, was born Oct. 20, 1867, in Chicago, 111. la L906 he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, and was again elected in 1909. Since 1910 has been Judge of the HEERINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 91 United States District Court, Federal Build- ing. Carpenter, Henry Clay, Manufacturer of 72 West Adams Street, was born March 2, 18)65, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is Vice-President of the Camden White Lead Works. Carpenter, John Alden, Merchant and Com- poser of 430 Wells Street, was born Feb. 28, 1876, in Park Kidge, 111. Since 1909 he has been Vice-President of George B. Carpenter and Company. He is also a Director of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society. Carpenter, Myron Jay, Railway Official, the Grand Central Station, was born April 12, 1850, in Caledonia, 111. Until 1902 he was 1 'resident of the Chicago and Eastern Indiana Railway; and 1902-4 Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager of the Pere Marquette Railroad Company. He is now President of the Chi- cago, Terre Haute and Southeastern Railroad. Carpenter, William Montelle, Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1S66, in Wooster, Ohio. For twenty-two years he was associated with the Western Electric Company. He is now an officer and director of numerous corporations. Carqueville, Alexander R., Lithographer of 213 Institute Place, was born April 23, 1S73. He is President of the Rolland and Carqueville Company. Carqueville, Walter Max, Lithographer of 125 West Ohio Street, was born Feb. 18, 1868. Since 1898 he has been President of the Wal- ter M. Carqueville Lithographing Company. Carr, Clyde Mitchell, Merchant of 2538 West Sixteenth Street , was born July 7, 1869, in Will County, Illinois. He was educated at Lake For- est Academy and North- western University. He is President of Joseph T. Ry- erson and Son; a Director of the Chicago Great West- ern Railroad, and the Corn Exchange National Bank; and is a Trustee of the Art Institute of Chicago. Carr, George RusselL Manufacturing Chem- ist of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 23, 1878, in Argenta, 111. In 1901 he re- ceived the degree of B.S. from the University of Illinois. Since 1901 he has been associated with the Dearborn Drug and Chemical Works, and its successor, the Dearborn Chemical Com- pany, of which he is now Vice-President and General Manager. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association; and the Univer- sity, Chicago Automobile, and Exmoor Coun- try Clubs. Carr, Patrick J., Public Official of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 2, 1880, in Chicago, 111. In 1911-1914 he was an Alderman in the Fifth Ward of Chicago. He is now a Trustee of the Sanitarv District, Chicago. Carr, Robert Franklin, Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 21, 1871, in Argenta, 111. In 1893 he graduated from the University of Illinois. He has been associated with the Dearborn Chemical Com- pany for several years, first as Secretary, later becoming Vice-President and General Mana- ger of the company; and for some years past has been President. He is a member of the University Club, the Union League Club, the Exmoor Country Club, the Chicago Athletic Association, and the Railway Club of New York. Carr, Walter Everett, Manufacturer and Builder of 4111 Ravenswood Avenue, was born April 20, 1856, in Beloit, Wis. He was for- merly Secretary and Treasurer of the John M. Ewen Company, builders. He is now Presi- dent of the Ashbrook Electric Company. Carr, Walter S., Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue. President and Treasurer of the Sheffield Car and Equipment Company. Carrier, Augustus Stiles, Clergyman of 2304 North Halsted Street, was born Dec. 30, 1857, in Ripley, N. Y. Since 1892 he has been Pro- fessor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis in the McCormick Theological Seminary. Carrier, Wilbur Oscar, Clergyman of 509 South Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 28, 1860, in Marshall, Mich. Since 1886 he has been a Presbyterian Minster; and since 1917 Super- intendent of the Church Extension Board of the Presbytery of Chicago. He is also a Di- rector of the McCormick Theological Semi- nary. Carroll, John Alexander, Banker of 1533 East Fifty-third Street, was born 1878, in On- tario, Canada. He is senior member of the John A. Carroll and Brother Company; and President of the Hyde Park State Bank; and the South Shore State Bank. Carry, Edward Francis, Manufacturer of 80 Hasl Jackson Boulevard, was born May 16, 1867, in Fort Wayne, Ind. In 18SS-99 he was Secretary • of the Wells and French Company; 1899-1915 First Vice-President and Mana- ger the American Car and Foundry Company; a n d since 1916 President of the Haskell and Barker Com- pany. He is a member of the Mid-Day, Onwentsia, and Chicago Clubs. Carry, Joseph 0., Dealer in Railway .Mate- rials, 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born May 11, 1873, in Iola, Kaiis. He was former- ly Vice-President and Director of the United Supply and Manufacturing Company. He is now engaged in business on his own account. Carson, Frank Wesley, Newspaper Man of 1 South Dearborn Street, was born March 16, 1881, in Chicago, 111. Since 1901 he has been engaged in newspaper work; and since 1915 Day City Editor of the Chicago Tribune. Carstens, Henry, Manufacturer of 567 West 92 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGEAPHT. Lake Stieet, was born March 3, L859, in Plens- burg, Germany. He is Presidenl of the II. Carstens Manufacturing Company, surgical in st ruments. Carter, Allan John, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 11, L885, in Mollis, 111. Ill 1913-16 he was Assistant United States Attorney in Chicago. He is now a representative in the General Assembly of Illinois. Carter, Byron B., Consulting Mechanical En- gineer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 30, 1860, in Lancaster, Wis. lie has been consulting engineer for numerous rail- roads and other corporations. Carter, Ford R., Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was horn Oct. 30, 1*7(5, in Highland I'ark, 111. He is a member of the firm of Les- ter, Carter and Company. In 1916-17 he was President of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Carter, Fred Mason, Manufacturer of 12040 Peoria Street, was born Dee. 20, 1868, in Beardstown, 111. Since 1908 he has been Pres- ident of the Carter White Lead Company. Carter, Henry Wallace, Mechanical Expert of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 5, 1866, in Chicago, 111. Since 1892 he has been engaged in practice as expert and coun- sel in patent causes. Carter, James Benapah, Grain Merchant of 813 West Sixteenth Street, was born Oct. 16, 1849, in Jefferson County, N. Y. Since 1877 he has been engaged in the grain business and is now a member of the firm of Z. R. Car- ter and Brother. Carter, Orrin Nelson, Lawyer and Jurist, County Building, was born Jan. 22, 1S54, in Jefferson County, N. Y. In 1892-4 he was At- torney for the Sanitary District of Chicago; 1894-1906 County Judge of Cook County, lie is now Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Carter, Zina R., Merchant of 81)'. West Six- teenth Street, was born Oct. 23, 1S46, in Jef- ferson County, N. Y. He is head of the firm of Zina R. Carter and Brother. In 190:5-5 he was President of the Board of Trustees of tho Sanitary District of Chicago; and 1898 Presi- dent of the Chicago Board of Trade. Carton, Laurence Arthur, Packer, Union Stock Yards. Director of Libby, McNeill and Libby; Treasurer and a Director of Swift and Company; and Director of the National Pack- ing ( ' pany. Cartwright, Charles Merritt, Insurance Edi- tor of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 12, 1869, in Waynesville, Ohio. He has been Insurance Editor of the Chicago Inter- Ocean and the Chicago Tribune. He is now Managing Editor of the National Underwriter. Cams, Paul, Editor and Author of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 18, 1852, in llsenburg, Germany. He is the author of The Rise of Man; Truth on Trial; The Age of Christ; and numerous other works. Cary, Frank, Physician of 30 North Michi- gan Avenue, was born Oct. 21, 1857, in Calu- met, Wis. lie is Obstetrician to St. Luke's and Michael Reese Hospitals. Cary, French Strother, Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 1, 1879, in Richmond, Va. He is Associate Professor of Urology and Urological Surgery and head of the depart nient in the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois; and Secretary and Treasurer of the Chicago Urological Society. Cary, Henry Nathaniel, Journalist of 7 South Dearborn street, was born Feb. 11, 1858, in Racine, Wis. Since 1880 he has been engaged in newspaper work, and since 1911 has been General Manager of the Chicago Newspaper Publishers ' Association. Cary, Robeit John, Attorney-at-Law of 143 West Van Buren Street, was born Feb. 6, 1868, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1892 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Glennon, Walker and Howe, General Counsels for the New York Central Railroad ( lompany. Case, Calvin Suveril, Specialist of 108 North State Street, was born 1847, in Jackson, Mich. He was formerly a Demonstrator of Prosthetic Dentistry and Lecturer on Oral Surgery in the University of Michigan. He is now Pto- fessor of Orthodontia in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Case, Charles Center, Jr., Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 14, 1878, in Boone County, 111. He was educated at the Roekford, 111., High School, Northwest- ern University, Harvard University, and Northwestern Law School. Since 1903 he has practiced law in Chicago, except when in the public service. In 1906 he was Chief Clerk of the Circuit Court and in 1907 Assistant City Prosecuting Attorney. From 1912 to 1919 he was Assistant State's Attorney of Cook Coun- ty, at various times Grand Jury Assistant, head of the Criminal Court Trial Department, County Attorney, in charge of the County's Law Department, and Acting Chief Assistant. Case, Elmer G., Manufacturer of 1807 Wal- nut Street. President of the Case and Martin Company, manufacturers of pies. Case, Francis M., Real Estate Dealer of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born April 17, 1866, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of F. M. Case and Company. Case, Shirley Jackson, Educator, was born Sept. 28, 1872, in Canada. Since 1917 he has been Associate Professor of Early Church His- tory and New Testament Interpretation in the University of Chicago; and since 1912 Managing Editor of the American Journal of Theology. Casei William Warren, Attorney -at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born March 5, 1857, in Worthington, Ohio. Since 1884 he has been engaged in praetice in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Fisher, Boyden, Kales and Bell. HERRIXG.SHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 93 Caspers, Frank T., Income Tax Specialist of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 17, 1868, in Wyandotte, Mich. He has been a writer on various Chicago daily papers: and for five years deputy collector of Internal Rev- enue, First District of Illinois. He is now Secretary of the Tax Return Association, in charge of income and excess profits tax divi- sion. He served in the Spanish-American War and was formerly a Captain in the Second In- fantry, Illinois National Guard. Cassady, Harry James, Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 3, 1857, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was formerly President of the Cassady-Fairbank Manufac- turing Company. He is now Director of the Steel Car Company and the Cleveland (Ohio) and Groveland Coal Company. Cassels, Edwin Henry, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South La Sall e Street, was horn in Tomah, Wis. In 1900 he was ad- mitted to the bar, and since 1903 has practiced law in Chicago. From 1907-9 he was Assistant Corporation Counsel in Chicago; and 1909-11 Counsel to Harbor Committee of Chicago City Council. During the Great War he served in the United States Field Artillery. Castle, Charles Sumner, Banker of 105 West Monroe Street, was born May 13, 1859, in Bar- rington, 111. He is President of the Standard Trust and Savings Bank; and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Austin State Bank. Castle, George, Theatrical Manager of 22 West Monroe Street. President of the Kohl and Castle Amusement Company. Castle, Percy V., Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 15, 1857, in Barrington, 111. In 1906-9 he was Inheri- tance Tax Attorney for Cook County. He is now senior member of the law firm of Castle, Williams, Lono- and Castle. Castle, Perley de los, Banker of 5914 Mid- way Park, was born March -. 1863, in Barring- ton, 111. He is Vice-President and Director of the Austin State Bank of Chicago; and Di- rector of the Standard Trust and Saving.* Bank. Castor, Hiram Charles, Underwriter of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born April 11, 1866, in Indianapolis, End. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the insurance business in Chicago. During the Great War he was Major and Ad- jutant General in the Thirty-third Division, American Expeditionary Forces. Caswell, Charles Lee, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born Dec. 10, ls7t, in Chicago, 111. He is senior member of the law firm of Caswell, Mabee and O 'Mal- ley; and President of the Caswell Bond and Mortgage Company of Chicago. Catheiwood, Robert, Lawyer and Farmer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 7, 1^74, in Hoopeston, 111. In 1896-1910 he prac- ticed law in Chicago; 1908-12 President of the Chicago Civil Service Reform Association of Chicago; and 1912-14 President of the Cook County Civil Service Commission. Catiin, Franklin Sexton, Attorney -at-Law of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 16, 1S76, in Chicago. He was twice a Representa- tive in the Illinois General Assembly. He is Secretary of the Unity Church; and Secretary of the Chicago Boat Club. He is a member of the Patriotic Ancient and Honorables of the G. A. R.; the Sportsmen's Club of America; Chicago Bar Association; Illinois State Histo- rical Society; Sons and Daughters of Chicago; Past Master of Oriental Lodge No. 33, A. F. and A. M.; Past Regent of Gross Park, Council No. 1058, B. A.: member of Lafayette Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.; Palestine Council No. 66, R. and S. M.; Chairman of the Committee on Laws of the Grand Council of Royal Arcanum of the State of Illinois; and Representative of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi A. F. and A. M., near the Grand Lodge of Illinois. Cavanaugh, John Algernon, Physician and Surgeon of 7 West Madison Street, was born April 15, ls7!>, in Nevada, 111. He specializes in diseases of the ear, nose and throat; At- tending Oto-Laryngologist to St. Anthony's Hospital and St. Joseph's Home. Ca vender, John H., of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 8, 1883, in Connellsville, Pa. General Sales Manager for the American Refractories Company. Caverly, John Richard, Lawyer and Jurist, City Hall, was born Dec. 6, 1861, in London, England. He graduated from St. Patrick's Academy; and received the degree of LL. B. from Lake Forest Uni- versity. In 1S97-1903 he was Assistant City Attor ney of Chicago; and in 1903 became Justice of the Peace and Police Magis- trate; and 1906-1910 City Attorney of Chicago. He is now Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is a member of the Iroquois and Illinois Athletic Clubs. . Caward, Olin Mason, Clergyman of 7153 Princeton Avenue, was born in Hall, Ontario County, N. Y. He received the degree of B. A. from Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.; and the degree of M. A. from Harvard Lniversity, and has held pastorates in the Con- gregational churches of Brooklyn. N. Y., and Mattoon, 111. Since 1909 he has been Pastor of the Normal Park Presbyterian Church, Chi- cago. Caylor, Worth Ernest, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 25, 1867, in Indiana. In 1895-7 he was Assistant City Attornev of Chicago. Cerf, William, Wholesale Merchant of 317 94 HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. South Market Street, was born in L875, in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. He is head of the firm of Wil- liam Corf and Company, wholesale woolens. Cermak, Anton J., of 3347 West, Twenty- sixth Street, was horn May 9, 1N73, in Bohe- mia. He was State Representative in the forty-third to the forty sixth General Assem- blies; and in 1909-12 an Alderman from the Twelfth Ward of Chicago. In November. L912, he was elected chief Bailiff of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is also Secretary of the United Societies for Local Sclf-Govern- ment. and engaged in the real estate business. Cervenka, John Albert, Brewer of 3065 West Twenty sixth Street, was l.orn Feb. 5, 1870, in Bohemia. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the brewing business, and is now President and General Manager of the Pilseu Brewing ( lompany. Chace, Charles C, Auditor of 38 South Dear- born Street, was bornj Aug. 30, 1858, in Point Jervis, N. Y. He is Auditor of the Chicago Junction Railway Company, and the Union stuck Yards and Transit Company. Chadwick, Charles H., Business Man of 251 6 South Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 14, 1865, in Mdline, 111. He is President of the Chicago Towel Company. He is a member of the South Shore Country and Midlothian Country Clubs, and the Chicago Athletic Association. Chalmers, Thomas Stuart, Manufacturer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 21, 1881; in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of Fraser and Chalmers, manufacturers of mining and crushing machinery; and President of Chal- mers and Williams. During the Great War he was Major in the Engineers Corps, United States Army, stationed in France. Chalmers, William James, Retired Manufac- turer of 72 West Adams Street, was born July in, L8'52, in Chicago. He was formerly Presi- dent of Fraser and Chalmers; and Vice-Presi- dent of the Allis-Chalmers Company. He is now a Director of Fraser and Chalmers, Lim- ited, London, England; the Continental and Commercial Trust Company; and the Conti- nental and Commercial Safety Vault Com- pany; and is a Trustee of the Field Museum nt' National History. Chamberlain, Arthur French, Hat Manufac- turer of 6542 Kimbark Avenue, was born in Westmoreland, N. H. For the past fifteen years lie has been a member of the firm of I'M-nn Keith and Company. Chambevlain, Charles Joseph, Botanist of 6130 Greenwood Avenue, was born Feb. 23, 1863, in Sullivan, Ohio. Since 1915 he has been Professor of Morphology and Cytology in the University of Chicago; and since L895 a, contributor to the Botanical Gazette. Chamberlain, Paul Mellen, Mechanical En- gineer nf I t0 Smith Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 28, L865, in Three Oaks, Mich. In 1909- 1914 he was senior member of the firm of Chamberlain and Howell, consulting engineers. He is the inventor of various devices and engi- neering met hods. Chamberlain, Oscar Pearl, Civil Engineer, was l.orn Nov. 26, 1870, in Pitt stow n, N. Y. lie was educated at the Central High School, Philadelphia, and the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. In 1889-1902 he was Assistant Engineer with the Pennsyl- vania Railroad, 1902-4 As- sistant Engineer, Chicago Great Western Railway; 1904-5 Division Engineer with the Northern Pacific Railway; 1905 Chief Engi- neer of the Chicago and Illinois Western Rail- road; 1914-17 Vice-President and General Manager of the Dolese and Shepard Company. In 1911-12 he was President of the Western Society of Engineers. In January, 1918, he was commissioned a Major in the Quartermas- ters Corps, United States Army, and April, 1918, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Chamberlain, William A., Manufacturer of 636 Fairbanks Court, was born Aug. 26, 1861, in Cortland, N. Y. Since 1908 he has been President of the Photo Products Company. Chamberlin, Henry Barrett, Journalist and Publisher of 326 West Madison Street, was born March 10, 1867, in Washington. In 1913- 18 he was Editor-in-Chief of the Chicago Rec- ord-Herald; 1909-10 President of the Rotary Club. Chamberlin, Joseph Henry, Underwriter of 175 West' Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 24, 1850, in Schnectady, N. Y. Since 1887 he has been engaged in the insurance business in Chicago and is a member of the firm of Letter- man and Chamberlin. Chamberlin, Walter Howard, Attorney-at- Law of 1 40 Sout h Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 9, 1866, in Detroit, Mich. In 1900-1 he was As- sistant Commissioner of Patents at Washington, D. C. He is now a member of the law firm of Chamberlin and Freudenreich. In 1917 he was President of the Birchwood Country Club of Chicago; and has been Pres- ident of the Michigan Society of Chicago. Chamberlin, William Harvey, Educator of 6042 Ingleside Avenue, was born in Knox County, Ohio. Principal of the Cyrus H. Mc- Cormick School. Chambers, Edward, Railway Official of SO Fast Jackson Boulevard. He was formerly Vice-President of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe System. He is now Director of Traf- fic, United States Railroad Administration, Washington, D. C. Champlin, Daniel H., Manufacturer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 7, 1861, in Westerly, R. I. He is President of the HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 95 Champlin Manufacturing and Sales Company, manufacturers of printing machinery. Chancellor, Justus, Attorney-at-Law of 6 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 12, 1863, in Oxford, Ind. Since 1886 he has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Thornton and Chancellor. He is a member of the American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. Chandler, Buckingham, Real Estate Dealer of 56 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 22, 1878, in Florence, Italy. For three years he was manager of Chandler and Company; and six years a partner in the firm of Knott, Chandler and Company. Since 1908 he has been a partner in the firm of Chandler ITil- dreth and Company. During the Great War he served in the American Red Cross in France. Chandler, Charles, Educator of 6437 Wood- lawn Avenue, was born Jan. 15, 1850, in Pon- tiac, Mich. Since 1915 he has been Professor Emeritus of Latin in the University of Chi- cago. Chandler, Charles Thomas, Fire Underwrit- er of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept, 2, 1856, in Galena, 111. Since 1877 he has been engaged in the fire insurance busi- ness; and is now a member of the firm of Critchell, Miller, Whitney and Barbour. Chandler, Frank Randolph, Retired Real Es- tate Dealer of 744 Rush Street, was born Oct, 2, 1840, in Putney, Vt, In 1897-1902 he was President of the Chandler Mortgage Company. He edited and published the Assessor's Land Valuations of City of Chicago, 1908. Chandler, Homer Weed, Lumberman of 3500 South Racine Avenue, was born Jan. 1, 1865, in Oshkosh, Wis. Since 1908 he has been Treasurer of the Rittenhouse and Embree Lumber Company. Chandler, Joseph Harvey, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 30, 1842, in Niles, N. Y. He served as a Captain during the Civil War. Since 1887 he has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago. Chandler, Reuben Grigsby, Broker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dee. 16, 1852, in Rockbridge County, Va. He is a member of the firm of Hulburd, Warren and Chandler, stock brokers and commission merchants. In 1903 he was President of the Chicago Board of Trade. Channell, Charles Arthur, Manufacturer of 1419 Carroll Avenue, was born March 15, 1876, in Montreal, Canada, He is a direct descend- ant of John Webster of Revolutionary fame; and a descendant of other Revolutionary War Veterans. Since 1906 he has been engaged in business on his own account; and is now I 'res- ident of the Channell Chemical Company, man- ufacturers of O-Cedar products. Channon, Harry, Merchant and Manufactur- er of 174 North Market Street, was born Nov. 9, 1868, in Chicago. He is President of the McMaster-Carr Supply Company, dealers in railway supplies. Channon, Henry, Merchant of 150 North Market Street, was born Feb. 24, 183 t, in Bridgewater, England. In 1876 he began deal- ing in ship and railroad supplies; and since 1881 President of the H. Channon Company. Channon, James Harrison, Manufacturer of 227 West Erie Street, was born July 21, 1866, in Chicago. He is President of the Jame"§ H. Channon Manufacturing Company. Chapell, George Ernest, of ' 1101 North Franklin Street, was born May 20, 1855, in Belvidere, 111. He is President and Treasurer of the Kee and Chapell Dairy Company; and President and Treasurer of the Chapell Ice Cream Company. Chapin, Edward Fisher, Broker and Export- er of 141 West Jackson Boulevard* was born in 1846, in Brookline, Mass. He was formerly head of the firm of Chapin and Edwards. He is now associated with Rumsey and Company. Chapin, Lowell M., Manufacturer of Chicago Heights, 111., and 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1885, in Niles, Mich. In 1909 he graduated from Yale University. He is Vice- President and General Manager of the Zouri Drawn Metals Company; Vice-President and General Manager of the International Store Front Company; and a Director of the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company, and the Play- house Company. Chapin, Simeon Brooks, Banker and Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born May 31, 1865, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1892 he has been proprietor of S. B. Chapin and Company, dealers in stocks and bonds. Chapline, Jesse G., University President of 2550 South Michigan Avenue. President of the LaSalle Extension University. He is First Vice President of the Colonial Club and a member of the South Shore Country Club. Chapman, Benjamin Edar, Clergyman of 3438 West Adams Street, was boni Oct, 8, 1877, in Hamburg, Iowa. Since 1916 he has been Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Chicago. Chapman, Charles Arthur, Electrical Engi- neer of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born dan. 25, 1875, in Copley, Ohio. He is Presi- dent of C. A. Chapman, Incorporated. Chapman, Frederick Leslie, Journalist and Publisher of 141 West Ohio Street, was born April 21, 1864, near Elgin, 111. Since 1908 he has been Editor of the Farm Press; and is also President of the Farm Press Publishing Com- pany. Chapman, James Rounseville, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1855, in Westfield, Mass. In 1902 he was Vice-Presi- dent of the American Trust and Savings Bank; and since its consolidation with the Conti- nental and Commercial National Bank, Vice- President. 06 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Chapman, John Adams, Investment Dealer of L'.:t South LaS alle Street, was born in 1873, in Chicago, 111. In 1893 he was associated with Fraser and Chalmers, mining ma- chinery; and 1895-8 the Chicago Telephone Com- pany. He is now a Direc- tor of the International Harvester Company; the Chicago Railways Com- pany; and the Ludowici Celadon Company. Chapman, Theodore S., Attomey-at-Law of 1 1 1 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 27, 1877, in Jersey ville, 111. Since 1900 he has practiced law in Chicago, and since 1909 Coun- sel for the Harris Trust and Savings Bank. Charles, John Joseph, Merchant of 303 North State Street, was born Feb. 5, 1856, in Wil- liamsport, Md. Since 1873 he has been asso- ciated with Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett and Company, and since 1915 has been its Presi- dent. Charles, Thomas, Merchant of 2249 Calumet Avenue, was born Dec. 15, 1829. He is head of the Thomas Charles Company, school and kindergarten supplies. Charlton, George James, Railway Official of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 9, I860, in Hamilton, Ont. Since 1875 he has been in, the employ of the Chicago and Alton Railway, and since 1909 Passenger Trallic Manager. Charter, James Adams, Mechanical Engineer of 431 South Dearborn Street, was born July 24, 1865, in Sterling. 111. Since 1885 he has been engaged in engineering work. He is the designer and inventor of the Fairbanks-Morse gas and gasoline engines. Chase, Audrie Alspaugh, Newspaper Writer, was born Oct. 24, 1887, in Kansas. Since 1910 she has been engaged in newspaper work; 1914-16 Editor of the motion picture depart- ment of the Chicago Tribune, writing under the name of Kitty Kelly; and since 1917 Edi- tor of the same with the Chicago Examiner. Chase, Frank D., Industrial Engineer of 645 North Michigan Avenue, was born in River- side, 111. He is President of Frank D. Chase, Incorporated. He is a member of the Engi- neers, Union League, and University Clubs, and resides at 612 Stratford Place. Chase, Mary Wood, Concert Pianist and Edu- cator of 64 East Jackson Boulevard, was bom Jan. 21, 1868, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1912 she has been President and Director of the Mary Wood Chase School of Musical Arts. She is the author of Natural Laws in Piano Technie, and numerous articles for musical publications. Chase, Samuel Thompson, Underwriter of 53 West .Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 24, 1867, in Chicago, 111. In 1900-4 he was Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Royal Gas Light Company. He is general agent for the Con- necticut Mutual Life Insurance Company; and part owner of the Chase Apartment Building. Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C, Author of 69 West Washington Street, was born March 24, 1865, in Chicago. In 1892-4 he was Consul of Spain at Chicago. He is the author ' a *! feLfl "' Molierc, ;i Biography; Goldoni, a Biography, anil a number of novels; and is a contributor to various magazines. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago, Onwent- sia, Saddle and Cycle and I niversity Clubs. Cheneyi Harold C, Publisher of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born June 19, 1877, in New Haven, Conn. He is Western Manager for the Charles Scribner's Sons. Cheney, Henry William, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Sept. 17, 1869, in Fond du Lac, Wis. He is Attending Physician to St. Luke's Hospital; and Associ- ate in diseases of children in the Northwest- ern University Medical College. Chetlain, Arthur Henry, Lawyer and Jurist of 7414 Sheridan Road, was born April 12, 1849, in Galena, 111. In 1874-91 he practiced law in Chicago; 1891-3 First Assistant Corpo- ration Counsel of Chicago; and in 1894 was elected Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. He is Ex-President and a member of the Marquette Club. Chew, John H., Physician of 1223 Astor Street. Since 1882 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is President of the Chicago Polyclinic, and Attending Physician to St. Joseph's Hospital. Chickering, Clifford Cummings, Piano Man- ufacturer of 324 South Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 19, 1863, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1893 he established the firm of Chickering Brothers and is senior member of the firm. Chickering. Frederick Wilby, Piano Manu- facturer of 2254 South Park Avenue, was born March 1, 1865, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the piano business, and is now a member of the firm of Chicker- ing Brothers. Childs, Albert Henry, Stationer of 136 South Clark Street, was born Dec. 19, 1862, in Chi- cago. Since 1878 1 he has been associated with S. D. Childs and Company, stationers and en- gravers, and since 1908 has been President of the Company. Childs, Charles Frederick, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born 1875, in Brat- tleboro, Vt. In 1910-11 he was Manager of the Bond Department of the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank. He is now President of C. F. Childs, bond dealers. Child, Charles Manning, Biologist of 1307 East Sixtieth Street, was born Feb. 2, 1869, in Ypsilanti, Mich Since 1895 he has been asso- HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 97 eiated wibh the University of Chicago, and since 1916 Professor of Biology in that insti- tution. Childs, Frank Hall, Attorney-at-Law of 2241 Calumet Avenue, was born Feb. 16, 1859, in Findlay, Ohio. In 1878-9 he was Clerk in the Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.; 1880 Clerk in the United States Pension Office, Wash- ington, D. C; 1881-9 Clerk in the Railway Mail Serv- ice, Chicago; 1890-1 United States Post Office Inspector; and 1892 Chief Clerk In- spector in Charge, New Or- I leans. He is now Secretary JtB^Mm of the Brown Portable Ele- vator; Professor of Law in various schools; and is the author of Childs on Suretyship and Guaranty, Childs on Personal Property, and other legal works. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, the Chicago Law In- stitute, the Illinois State Bar Association, and the American Bar Association. Childs, Robert William, Lawyer of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 27, 1876, in Hinsdale, 111. Formerly Assistant United States Attorney and special assistant to the United States Attorney General. He is now a member of the firm of Adams, Childs Bobb and Westcott. Childs, W. F., Sugar Merchant of 326 Wesr, Madison Street, was born Nov. 3, 1852, in Montreal, Canada. Until 1903 he was engaged in the wholesale grocery business, when he established the firm of W. F. Childs and Com- pany, sugar merchants, and has since been its head. He is also President of the Childs and Franklin Company, wholesale grocers, Evanston. Chindblom, Carl Richard, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 21, 1870, in Chicago. In 1906 he was Attor- ney for the Illinois State Board of Health; and 1907-10 a member of the Board of County Commissioners. He is now a member of the law firm of Brecher and Chindblom; and Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Chislett, ' Howard Roy, Surgeon of 3604 Grand Boulevard, was born April 6, 1862, in America. He is Professor of Surgery in the Hahnemann Medical College, and Attending Surgeon to the Hahnemann and the Streeter Hospitals. Chittenden, William Edwin, Printer, 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 8, 1869, in Milford, Del. He is President of the Chit- tenden and Frew Company, printers. Christiansen, Louis A., of 343 South Dear- born Street, was born April 1, 1869, in Chris- tiania, Norway. He graduated from Horten Technical College, Norway; and in 18S6 came to America. Prior -to 1896 he was engaged in railroad work; and since that time has been engaged in secret service work. He is now Vice-President of the Seagrove-Christiansen Company, general detectives, making a special- ty of corporation work. He is a member of the Masons and Elks. Christenson, August Neilt, Wholesale Clothier of 418 South Fifth Avenue, was born April 5, 1864, in Sweden. He is a member of the firm of Whitney, Christenson and Com- pany. Christian, Irving H., Broker of 208 South LaSalle Street. President of the Christian and Parsons Company. Chritton, George Alvah, Attorney and Bank- er of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born June 4, 1870, near Attica, Ind. Since 1905 he has been a member of the law firm of Dyren- f orth, Lee, Chritton and Wiles, making a. spe- cialty of patent, corporation, real estate and commercial law. He is also president of the Oak Park Board of Education. Churan, Charles A., Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 13, 1869. in Bohemia. He was Secretary of the old Marquette Club for two years. For the past six years he has been Attorney for the Commissioners of I Lincoln Park. He is also 1 Attorney for three building I and loan associations and ,- ". I is prominent in local poli- I tics. He is a member of I the Sigma Chi Fraternity, of the Royal Arcanum and a mem- Hamilton Club. Church, Archibald, Physician of 206 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 23, 1861, in Fond du Lac, Wis. He is Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases in the North- western University Medical School; and Neurologist to St. Luke's, Wesley, Mercy and Michael Reese Hospitals. Church, Emma Marion, Educator of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born at Apple River, 111. In 1908 she founded the Chicago School of Applied and Normal Art; and in 1913-14 was President of the Western Draw- ing and Manual Training Association. Church, Myron Henry, Architect of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 18, 1852, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1889 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. Church, Ralph E., Attorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born May 5, 1883, in Catlin, 111. Member of the Fifty-first Gen- eral Assemblv of Illinois. Church, William E., Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 7, 1841, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He served in the Civil War. Since 1890 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now senior member of the law firm of Church and McMurdy. Chureh, William T., Attorney-at-Law of 10S South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 4, 1866, 98 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. in Wabash, Ind. He is a member of the firm of Church, Shepard and Day. Churchill, Frank Spooner, Physician of 1259 North State Street, was bom Aug. 28, 1864, in Milton, Mass. Since 1892 he has practiced medicine in Chicago; now Attending Physician to the Children's Memorial Hospital. He is also Vice-President and a Director of the In- fant Welfare Society of Chicago. Chvatal, James Ferdinand, Physician of 1862 Millard Avenue, was born Sept. 23, 1865, in Bohemia. He has been Physician-in-Chief to St. Agnes Eospital; and in 1902-07 was a member of the Chicago Board of Education. Chytraus, Axel, Attorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 15, 1859, in Sweden. In 1898 he became Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County; and 1908 Judge of the Appellate Court of Illinois. Since 1911 lie has been a member of the law firm of Chytraus, Mealy ami Frost. Cigrand, Bernard John, Dentist and Author of Batavia, 111., was born Oct 1, 1866, in Fre- donia, Wis. Since 1888 he has been engaged in the practice of dentistry in Chicago; for ten years was Dean of the Special Lecture Staff of the three leading universities in the State of Illinois, serving under the auspices of the Chicago Board of Education; and for two years was President of the Chicago Public Library. Clabaugh, Hinton Graves, Government Offi- cial, was born Oct. 4, 1882, in Talladega, Ala. Since 1910 he has been in the employ of the United States Government; and since 1914 Division Superintendent of the Department of Justice, Chicago. Claffey, E. J., Engineer of 350 North Clark Street, was born in 1884, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly department manager of the American Radiator Company. Since 1909 he has been head of the E. J. Claffey Company, heating engineers. He is President of the Illinois Chapter of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers; and Pres- ident of the Chicago Master Steamfitters' Association. Clancy, William, of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born April 5, 1859, in Simcoe, On- tario, Canada. He is President and Treasurer of the Lumberman's Credit Association. Clapp, Clement Long, Manufacturer of 23 North Desplaines Street, was born May 12, 1852, in Ohio. From 1909-12 he was President of the American Envelope Manufacturers As- sociation. He is Chairman of the Board of Sewell-Clapp-Envelopes. Clare, John Francis, Attorney-at-Law of 54 West Randolph Street, was born Sept. 19, 1865, in Chicago, 111. In 1894-95 he was As- sistant Prosecuting Attorney of the City of Chicago. dark, Albert Charles, Manufacturer of 1035 East Seventy-sixth Street, was born Feb. 7, 1869, in Mattoon, 111. In 1892 he began to manufacture dental supplies and furnishings; and is now owner of A. C. Clark and Com- pany. From 1902-14 he was State Senator from the Thirteenth Senatorial District of Illinois. Clark, A. Sheldon, Corporation Official of 1 1 1 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 29, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Vice-Presi- dent and General Manager of Callaghan and Company, law publishers. He is now Vice-President of the Sin- clair Refining Company. He is a member of the Chi- cago Yacht, University, Forty, Caxton, Saddle and Cycle, "Onwentsia and South Shore Country Clubs; and the Illinois Historical Society. Clark, Allison F., Clergyman of 4519 Mag- nolia Avenue, was born in Lena, 111. He is Secretary of the Chicago Area of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church; and Vice-President of the Lake Bluff Methodist Deaconess Orphan- age. Clark, Charles C, Physician of 765 Oakwood Boulevard, was born June 10, 1879, in Illi- nois. He is Attending Surgeon to the Lake- side Hospital, and Instructor of Clinical Sur- gery in the University of Illinois. Clark, Charles D., Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle_Street, was born Nov. 19, 1865, in Chicago, 111. He received the degree of A. B. from Wheaton College; and the degree of LL. B. from the Union College of Law. In 1908 he was elected Judge of the County Court of Du- page County; and has been a member of the Board of Education and City Attor- ney at West Chicago, 111. Since 1904 he has been a member of the law firm of Calhoun, Lyford and Sheean. 'Clark, Charles S., Publisher of 305 South La- Salle Street, was born in Tipton, Iowa. Editor of the Grain Dealers Journal. Clark, Charles William, Baritone Singer of 652 Gordon Terrace, was born Oct. 15, 1865, in Van Wert, Ohio. In 1897 he made his first appearance with the Theodore Thomas Orches- tra; and has since made concert tours in America and Europe. Clark, Ernest A., Consulting Engineer of 106 North LaSalle Street, was born May 9, 1873, in Lowell, Indiana. He was formerly Chief Engineer with George W. Jackson, Inc. He is now Vice-President and Chief Engineer of the Engineering Construction Company, en- gineers and contractors. Clark, Eugene Bradley, Engineer and Manu- facturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born July 27, 1873, in Washington, D. C. He is President of the American Sintering Com- pany, and the Clark Equipment Company. HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 99 Clark, George Mark, Manufacturer of 179 North Michigan Avenue, was born June 10, 1841, in Westminster, Vt. He established the 'business of George M. Clark and Company, manufacturers of stoves, now the American Stove Company, of which he is \ T ice-President and General Manager. Clark, Henry G., Educator, 206 South Ham- lin Avenue, was born April 19, 1864, in Peter- boro, N. Y. He was formerly Principal of the Clarke School; now District Superintendent of Schools, Chicago. Clark, James Arunah, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born March 20, 1861, in DeKalb, 111. Since 1885 he has practice.! medicine in Chicago. He is Secretary, Trus- tee and Oto-laryngologist in the Illinois Post- Graduate School; and Otolaryngologist to the West Side Hospital. He is a member and Ex- President of the Chicago Medical Society. Clark, Katharine S., Attoniey-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born in Chicago, III. She is Justice of the Peace, Oak Park, 111.; and a member of the law firm of Kelley ami Clark, the first firm of women lawyers. Clark, Louis T., Seal Estate Operator of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Fori, Wayne, Ind. For the past fifteen years he has been associated with the Estate of Lean- der J. McCormick; and within the past six years has been closely identified with the pro- moting, building and operating of the McCor- mick Building, the McCormick Building Addi- tion, and the new Lumber Exchange Building. Clark, Mancel Talcott, Paint Manufacturer of 225 North Carpenter Street, was born May 12, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the paint manufacturing busi- ness in Chicago, and is now President and Treasurer of the Wadsworth-Howland Com- pany. Clark, Peter S., Surgeon of 104 South Mich- igan Avenue, was born in 1875, in Shcrbrooke, Canada. He is Professor of Surgery in Hahne- mann Medical College; and Attending Sur- geon to Hahnemann and Streeter Hospitals. Eesidence, 4535 Ellis Avenue. Clark, Samuel, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 19, 1874, in Bowling Green, Ky. During the Spanish- American War he was Captain of the Third Kentucky United States Volunteers. He is now President of the Koyal Casualty Com- pany. Clark, Wallace Grant, Real Estate Dealer of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born April 2, 1863, in Watseka, 111. In 1912 he was ap- pointed Colonel on Governor Deneen's Staff; and was thrice elected a Trustee of the Sani- tary District of Chicago, present term expir- ing Nov. 4, 1920. He is senior member of the firm of Clark and Trainer, real estate deal- ers; and President of the Michigan Boulevard Building Company. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club and the Union League Club. Clark, Will Halsted, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 24, 1863, in Homer, N. Y. In 1889 and 1890 he was President of the Chicago and South Side Rapid Transit Railroad Company. He is now a Director of the Chicago Railways Company; and a director in other corporations. Clark, William H., Manufacturer of 645 St. Clair Street. President of the Halsey Brothers Company; and President of the Chi- cago Pharmacal Company. Ciark, William Wallace, Manufacturer of 16 North May Street, was born Nov. 18, 1852, in MMdletown, Conn. He is owner of the linn of Clark and Pfister, manufacturers of paper boxes, which was established in 1881. Clarke, Henry B., Banker of 208 South La- Salle Street, was born July 20, 1867, in Chi- cago. Since 1884 he has been associated with the Hibernian Banking Association, and since 1900 has been Vice-President and a Director. Clarke, Louis Bertrand, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 18, 1869, in Chicago. He is Vice-President of the Con- tinental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank. Clarke, Philip R., Bond Dealer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born in Hinsdale, 111. He was formerly Western Manager for O'Connor and Kahler, bankers, New York City. He is now President and Treasurer of Clarke and Company. He is a member of the Hinsdale Club, the Hinsdale Country Club, and the Chicago Association of Commerce. Clarkson, David B., Book Broker of 630 South Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. 27, 1876, in Coldwater, Ala. Since 1902 he has been proprietor of the David B. Clarkson Com- pany. Clarkson, Ralph, Artist of 410 South Michi- gan Avenue, was born Aug. 3, 1861, in Ames- bury, Mass. He is President of the Municipal Art Commission; and President of the State Art Commission. Claussen, Claus Frederick, Pickle Manufac- turer of 5147 South Western Avenue Boule- vard, was born June 18, 1834, in Weddinstedfj Holstein, Germany. He is President of C. F. Claussen and Sons, Incorporated, pickles ;Vice- President of the Chicago City Bank and Trust Company; and a Director of the Peoples Stock Yard State Bank. He is also a Trustee of the Evangelical Lutheran St. Martin's Church. Claussen, Julia, Operatic Singer, was born June 11, 1879, in Stockholm, Sweden. Since 1912 she has been a member of the Chicago Grand Opera Company. Claussen, Peter J.,' Manufacturer of 5135 South Western Avenue, was born Sept. 1, 1863, in Germany. He is Vice-President of the Sixty-Third and Halsted State Savings Bank; and Secretary of C. F. Claussen and Sons, manufacturers of pickles. 100 BERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Claussenius, Edward, Banker and Steamship agenl of LOO North, LaSalle Street, was born May 29, L857, in New Vurk City. Since 1878 he lias been associated with the banking anil Bteamship agency of II. Claussenius and Com- pany, which was established by liis father in 1 B64, and is now head of I he firm. Clay, John, Hanker and Live Stuck Com- mission Merchant of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born April 24, L851, in Winfield, Scol land. lie organized the live stock commis- sion firm of Clay, Robinson ami Company, and lias since been its head. Clay, William Wilson, Architect of 220 South LaSalle Street, was born May 2, L849, in New York City. He has been President of the Illinois Chapter of the American Insti- tute of Architects, and President of the Chi- cago Architects Business Association. Cleary, John J. Jr., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 8, 1892, in Chicago, III. He is a member of the firm nf Eldredge and Cleary, General Agents for the United States Casualty Company, London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, Merchants Fire Assurance Company, Marine Insurance Company, Limited, Union Marine Insurance Company, and Union Fire Insur- ance Company. Cleland, McKenzie, Attorney-at-Law of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 8, I860, in Delhi, N.Y. In 1906-10 he was Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is now senior member of the firm of Cleland, Lee and Phelps. Clemensen, Peter C, Physician of 6156 Evans Avenue, was born July 11, 1873, in Northern Jutland, Denmark. In 1889 he came to America. He is Medical Examiner for the Danish Brotherhood of America; a member of the Chicago Board of Education and a mem- ber of the Chicago Medical Society, the Ameri- can Medical Association, the Art Institute, Chicago Press Club, Illinois Athletic Club, Iroquois Club, and the Danish Club of Chi- cago. Clement, Allan Montgomery, Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 31, 1869, in Chicago, 111. From 1886-1901 he was a part- ner in the firm of Clement, Bane and Com- pany, L901-4 partner in the (inn of Raymond, Pynchon and Company; one year partner in the linn of Lester, Kneeland and Company; two years partner in the firm of Knecland, ('lenient ami Curtis; and since L909 has been senior member of the firm of Clement, Curtis and Company. Clement, Arthur Austin, Manufacturer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born March 7, L873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1916 lie has been Presidenl ami a Director of the American Wire Pence Company. Clement, Nathan L., Retired Manufacturer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 22, 1849, in Ludlow, Vt. I,, 1902 13 he was Presi- dent of the American Wire Fence Company. Clenny, James Edson, Manufacturer of 1301 West Thirty-fifth Street, was born June 18, L854, in Randolph County, near Lynn, Ind. For two years he was bookkeeper for Aula- baugh-Crume and Company; and 1881-8 book- keeper, later becoming Secretary and Treas- urer, of the Crume and Sefton Manufacturing Company; 1889-1910, General Manager and Treasurer of the Sefton Manufacturing Com- pany; 1910-18 Second Vice-President, Treasur- er and General Manager; and since 1918 Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Sefton Manufactur- ing Corporation, successors to the Sefton Manufacturing Company. Cleveland, George Henry, Physician and Publisher of 329 Plymouth Court, was born Feb. 13, 1862, in Adrian, Mich. In 1892-1907 he was Editor and Publisher of the Clinical Review. He is now engaged in the publica- tion of medical books. Cleveland, John Durham, Insurance Agent of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 4, 1861, in Ottawa, 111. He is General Agent for the Manhattan Life Insurance Company. In 1910 he was Grand Commander of the Knight Templars of Illinois and President of the Conclave Committee. Cleveland, Paul W., Investment Banker of 41 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 24, 1878, in Oak Park, 111. He is a member of the firm of John Burnham and Companv. Clifford, Edward, Broker' of 39 South La Salle Street, was born Dec. 21, 1873, in Vir- ginia, 111. In 1912-16 he was a partner in the firm of Elston, Clifford and Company, invest- ment securities. Clifford, Edwin, Theatrical Manager of 159 North State Street, was born May 4, 1872, in Oshkosh, Wis. Since 1896 he has been engag- ed in theatrical work, and is now President of the National Theatre Company, and the Central States Theatre Companv. Clifford, James Orra, Auditor of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 8, 1856, in Salem, Wis. He is Auditor of freight accounts of the Chicago and Northwestern "Railway Company. In 1905-6 he was President of the Association of American Railway Accounting Officers. Clinch, Richard Floyd, Banker and Capital- ist of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1865, in Georgia. In 1889 he established the firm of Crerar, Clinch and Company, coal and iron, and has since been a member of the firm. He is President of the Chicago Auditorium Association; and a Director of the Central Trust Companv and other corporations. Cline, Allan J., Manufacturer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1878, in Cleve- land, Ohio. President of the Cline Electric Manufacturing ( lompany. Clingman, George Franklin, Merchant of 33 Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 27, 1857, in Chicago. Since 1888 he has been associated HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 101 with the Tobey Furniture Company, and since 1912 Vice-President and General Manager. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club and Chicago Athletic Association. Clipptnger, David Alva, Singing Teacher and Conductor of 304 South Wabash Avenue, was born in 1860, in Ohio. In 1910-11 he was President of the Illinois Music Teachers' As- sociation. He is the author of Elements of Voice Culture; Systematic Voice Training, and other works. Olissold, Henry Rowland, Editor of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 13, 1842, in Stroud, Eng. Since 1887 he has been Editor of the Bakers' Helper and President of the Bakers ' Helper Company. In 1902-3 he was President of the Illinois Sunday School As- sociation. Oloidt, Francis Xavier, Fire Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 1, 1858, in Westphalia, Germany. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the fire insur- ance business, and is now a member of the firm of Corlies and Cloidt. He has been an Al- derman in the Fifth Ward; and a member of the board of trustees of the Sanitary District of Chicago. Clough, Richard William, Varnish Manu- facturer of 2215 North Crawford Avenue, was born Aug. 7, 1860, in Newark, N. J. In 1908- 11 he was Vice-President of the Wheeler- Clough Company; and since 1911 President of the Lion Varnish Company. Clow, Harry Beach, Publisher of 536 South Clark Street, was born Feb. 11, 1870, in Alle- gheny, Pa. He is President of Rand, McNally and Company, publishers; and a Director of the James B. Clow and Sons Company. Clow, William Ellsworth, Manufacturer of 534 South Franklin Street, was born Sept. 23, I860, in Industry, Pa. He has been a member of the firm of James B. Clow and Sons since 1'878, of which company he is now President. Clow, William E., Jr., Manufacturer of 544 South Franklin Street, was born April 5, 1886, in Chicago, 111. Since 1907 he has been associated with James B. Clow and Sons, manufacturers of plumbing and heating sup- plies, and since 1915 Vice-President. Clyne, Charles Francis, Attorney-at-Law, was born July 26, 1877, in Maple Park, 111. In 1914-15 he was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives ; and since 1914 United States Attorney for the Northern Dis- trict of Illinois. Coats, William Edwin, Engineer of 21 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 24, 1851, in Woodstock, 111. Since 1873 he has been engaged in engineering work; and in 1891 was Mayor of Sparta, Wis. Since 1893 he has been engaged in engineering and public ap- praising in Chicago, and is now President of the Coats and Burchard Company. He is a member of the Hamilton and Ravenswood Golf Clubs. Cobb, Caleb, Jesper, Merchant of 309 West Madison Street, was born Sept. 20, 1865, in Abington, Mass. He is President of the Cobb, Whvte and Laemmer Company, hardware. Cobb, Herbert Edgar, Educator of 2958 West Adams Street, was born July 4, 1860, in Searsmont, Maine. From 1892-6 he was a lecturer in the University Extension Division of the University of Chicago. He is now Pro- fessor and head of the Department of Mathe- matics in Lewis Institute of Chicago. Cobb, Joseph Pettee, Physician of 29 East Madison Street, was born June 12, 1857, in Abington, Mass. He is senior Professor of Pediatrics and Dean in the Hahnemann Med- ical College. In 1903 he was President of the American Institute of Homeopathy. Cobb, Julius Ola, Surgeon of 4141 Clarendon Avenue, was born Feb. 26, 1862, in Pickens County, S. C. Medical Ofheer-in-Charge of the United States Marine Hospital. Cobe, Ira Maurice, Investment Dealer of 5825 Blackstone Avenue, was born Oct. 29, 1866, in Boston. In 1888-92 he practiced law in Boston; and in 1892 organized the firm of Cobe and McKinnon, investments. He is Ex-Pres- ident of the Assets Realiza- tion Company; and a Di- rector of the Chicago Title and Trust Company, the Na- tional Bank of Republic, and other corporations. Coble, Nicholas Arthur, Importer and Com- mission Merchant of 130 North Wells Street, was born Aug. 24, 1848, in Shelby County, Ohio. Since 1874 he has been engaged in busi- ness in Chicago, and since 1887 head of the firm of N. A. Coble and Company. Coburn, John J., Attorney-at-Law of 106 North LaSalle Street, was born March 1 I, 1860, in Clyde, 111. He has been engaged in general practice of law since 1885; and is now a member of the law firm of Coburn and Bentley. Cochran, John Lewis, Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born March 23, 1857, in Sacramento, Cal. Since 1884 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Cochran and MeCluer, and a Director of the Chicago Title and Trust Company. He was one of the organ- izers and in 1900-6 Presi- dent of the Saddle and Cycle Club; and an organizer and in 1914 President of the Mid- Day Club. Cochran, William F., of 22 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 26, 1843, in Baltimore, Maryland. He is Assistant Secretary of the 102 IIERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE F.COK OF BIOGRAPHY. Booth Fisheries Company; and Treasurer of the Village of Lake Bluft', Jll. Cochrane, David Kipling, Attorney-at-Law hi' 35 North Dearborn Street, was born March 23, L865, in -Milwaukee, Wis. He is Secretary, Treasurer and a Director of the Chicago and South Haven Steam Ship Company, and .Mas- ter in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. Cochrane, William Henry, Corporation Offi- cial of 35 North Dearborn Street, was limn Sept. Is. L867, in -Milwaukee, Wis. He is President of the West Shore Steamship Com- pany; Vice-President of the Chicago Maviga- tion Company; ami Director of the Chicago and South Haven Steamship Company. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Associa- tion; Traffic Club of Chicago; and a member and Director of the Michigan Society of Chi- cago. Cocroft, Susanna, Physical Culturist of 624 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Burling- ton, Wis. She is the author of The Woman Worth While; What to Eat and When; Growth in Silence; and other works. Coddington, Archibald Osborn, Educator of L519 Estes Avenue, was born April 8, 1857, in Linton, 1ml. Since 1906 he has been Principal of the Stewart School. Cody, Arthur Buck, Lawyer and Investment Dealer of Id.") South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 26, L860, in Naperville, 111. Since 1917 he has been President of Arthur B. Cody and Son. He is also Secretary and Director of the Page Woven Wire Pence Company. Cody, Sherwin, Author of 189 West Madi- son Street, was born in 1868, in Cody's Mills, .Mich. Since 1892 he has been engaged in literary work; and is Managing Director of the National Associated Schools of Scientific Business. Co©, Aimer, Optician of 105 North Wabash Avenue, was born in Marysville, Ohio. He is President and Treasurer Aimer Coe and Com- pany; Vice-President of the Century Trust and Savings Bank, President of the Mills Cabinet Company; and Vice-President of the Hubbard Coal Company, W. Va. Coey, Charles A., Manufacturer of 5141 South State Stre et, was born duly 19, 1875, " in LYdfiehl, N. Y. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the automobile business in Chicago, and is now President of the Coey Mo- tor Company. He is the inventor of an attachment for running bicycles on a railroad track. He is a member of the Illinois Ath- letic ami South Shore Country Clubs. Coe, Willard C, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 18, 1861, in Ripon, Wis. lie has been associated with L. Everingham and Companj', Milwaukee; Mc- Cormick, Adams and Company, Chicago; and Armour and Company, insurance department. Ue is now a partner in the firm of Herrick, Auerbach and Vastine. Coffin, Charles Henry, Investment Dealer of 111 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 1, L851, in Richmond, Ind. In 1886 he was Vice- President of the Municipal Investment Com- pany. He is now a dealer in municipal securi- ties and United States bonds. Coffin, Charles Porter, of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born April 23, 1858, in Batavia, 111. Since 1902 he has been a Director of the Illinois Steel Compajiy. Coffin, Percy B., Real Estate Dealer and Public Official, was born Sept. 2, 1871, in Chi- cago, 111. He was educated in the grammar ami high schools of Chicago, and the West Side Business College. In 1889 he enlisted in Company A, First Infantry Illinois National Guard; served throughout the Spanish Amer- ican War; and retired in 1910 with the rank of Captain. In 1908-11 he was Secretary of the Chicago Civil Service Commission; 1915 appointed President of the Chicago Civil Serv- ice Commission and served until 1917, when he was elected Business Manager of the Chi- cago Board of Education, resigning in 1918 to become a candidate for the Republican nomination for County Treasurer; in 1918 was again appointed President of the Chicago Civil Service Commission, and is still serving. He is a member of the Veteran Corps of the First Infantry Illinois National Guard, Society of the Army of Santiago de Cuba, Sons of the American Revolution; Chicago and Cook County Real Estate Boards; and a member of the Masonic Order, Oriental Consistory and .Med in ah Temple; and resides at 631 Addison Street. Cohen, Isadore, Commission Merchant of 108 West South Water Street, was born in 1875, in Prussia. He is head of the firm of Cohen and Company. Conn Louis S, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 29, 1891, in Russia. He graduated from Oskaloosa College, Iowa; and the John Marshall Law School, Chicago. Since 1916 he has practiced law, and is now associated with Attorney Charles E. Erbstein. Colburn, Joseph Elliott, Oculist and Aurist of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 22, 1853, in Massena, N. Y. Since 1877 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. He is Professor of Ophthalmology in the Chicago Policlinic, and the Chicago Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose Hospital and College. Colby, Richard H., Lawyer of 68 West Mon- roe Street, was born in Fort Dodge, Iowa. He was formerly a member of the law firm of Dorothy, Colby and Channock. He is now As- sistant Attorney-General of Illinois; Special Attorney for the Illinois State Board of HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 103 Dental Examiners; and trial lawyer in the law offices of Frederick A. Bangs. Cole, Alfred L., Physician of 1S23 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 11, 1815, in Canton, N. Y. He is Past President of the Empire State Society of Chicago. Cole, Delavan Burdette, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 17, 1869, in Fond du Lac, Wis. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the practice of law in Chi- cago; and in 1900-4 was Attorney for the Board of West Park Commissioners. Cole, Ernest Chapin, Retired Manufacturer of 3218 South Western Avenue, was born Jan. 19, 1858, in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. He graduat- ed from Wesleyan University of Iowa in 1880, and was admitted to the Iowa Bar in 1881. Since 1895 he has been President of the Cole Manufacturing Company, which he organized with his brothers. He is a member of the Colonial Club of Chicago. Cole, George E., Stationer and Printer of 119 West Washington Street, was born March 2, 1815, in Jackson, Mich. Since 1896 he has been President of the George E. Cole Com- pany. He has been President of the Municipal Voters' League, President of the Legislative Voters League and President of the Citizens Association. Cole, Herbert A., Real Estate Dealer of 26 North Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 24, 1858, in Albany, N. Y. He is Manager and Executive Secretary of the Chicago Real Es- tate Board. Cole, Hugh A., Manufacturer of 321S South Western Avenue, was born Oct. 6, 1862, in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. He is President of the Cole Manufacturing Company. Cole, Jirah D., Manufacturer of 327 West Jackson Boulevard. President of the Pyrene Company of Illinois, manufacturers of fire extinguishers. Cole, Rossetter Gleason, Composer and Teacher of Music, 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 5, 1866, in Clyde, Mich. Since 1908 he has been Professor of Music in Co- lumbia University Summer Session, New York City. He has composed about eighty-five pieces, including works for piano, voice, violin, organ and orchestra. Cole, Thomas Willoughby, Lithographer of 3027 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 17, 1860, in Culpeper, Va. He is President of the Cole Lithographing Company, and Presi- dent of the State Bank of West Pullman, Chicago. Coleman, Adelbert E., Manufacturer of 4923 Blackstone Avenue, was born Feb. 1, 1859, near Sandwich, 111. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the iron business, and is now President of the Chicago Ornamental Iron Company, manufacturers of iron, brass and bronze work. Coleman, Clarence Louis, Manufacturer of 2700 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 11, 1879, in Memphis, Tenn. He was educated in the public schools of Memphis, and Werts and Ray University. Since 1902 he has been asso- ciated with S. Oppenheimer and Company, manufacturers of sausage casings, New York and Chicago, and is now Secretary of the Company and General Manager of the Chicago Office. He is a member of the Masonic Order ; and the Standard, Illinois Athletic, and Idle- wild Country Clubs. Colledge, Williarn A., Educator of 25 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 28, 1859, in Edinburgh, Scotland. In 1906 he was Edi- tor-in-Chief of the New Standard Encyclo- pedia and History of the World. Since 1911 he has been Lecturer and head of the De- partment of Education of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. Collier, Barron G., of 105 South LaSalle Street. President of the Barron G. Collier, Incorporated, car advertising. Collingbourne, Albert B., Thread Manu- facturer of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 18, 1S76, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1912 he has been engaged in the manufacture of thread; and is now President of the West- ern Thread Company, the Warner Company, and the Warner Kohler Company. Collins, Charles Williams, Dramatic Critic of 904 Wilson Avenue, was born Nov. 19, 1880, in Madison, Ind. Since 1903 he has been engaged in newspaper work, and since 1914 Dramatic Critic of the Chicago Evening Post. Collins, Frank H., Banker and Broker of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 11, 1887, in Hutchinson, Kans. He is President of Collins and Company, Trustee of Collins Cor- poration, Trustee and Vice-President of the Republic Oil and Gas Corporation. Collins, Lorin Cone, Physician and Surgeon of 820 Edgecomb Place, was born in 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is Obstetrician to the Grant Hospital; and a member of the Faculty of Rush Medical College, and the Children's Memorial Hospital. Collins, Michael J., Railway Official of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born March 18, 1861, in Chicago, 111. Since 1877 he has been engaged in railroad work; and since 1909 General Purchasing Agent of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway. In 1915 he was President of the Chicago Board of Education. Collins, Richard J., Wholesale Merchant of 5 Fulton Market, was born May 16, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1878 he has been engaged in the wholesale meat business, and is now President of the Fulton Street Wholesale Market Company. Collins, Sydney Tenison, Fire Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 19, 1S57, in Ireland. Since 1888 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now Western Manager of the Providence Washington Insurance Company of Provi- dence, R. I. J 04 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRABHY. Coliosky, Lewis M., Publisher of 537 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec 8j L863, in Chicago, 111. For five years he was associated with Marshall Field and Company. For the past thirty years lie has been with the Ship- pers Guide Company, and is now President. Collyer, William Davis, Provision Broker of 208 North Wells Street, was horn June 8, 1856, in Andersontown, N. J. Since 1899 be has been engaged in the brokerage business under the firm name of Collyer and Company. In 1901 5 lie was United States Inspector of Dairy Exports. Colson, Harry Gilbert, Attoraey-at-Law of L34 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 18, 1868, in Davenport, Iowa. Ee was educated in Hudson, Mich., and Chicago. In 1892 he was admitted to the liar, and has since prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is a member of the Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations; Illinois Society of Sons of the American Revolution; and the Chicago Athletic and Press Clubs. Colvin, Edwin M., Printer of 466 West Su- perior Street, was born Aug. 13, 1S67, in Bu- chanan, Mich. Since 1885 he has been en- gaged in the printing business. He is now Vice President and a Director of the W. F. Hall Printing Company; and Vice-President of the Central Typesetting Company. Colvin, William Henry, Broker of 104 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 22, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been head of the firm of William H. Colvin and Company, stoek brokers. lie is a member of the New York Stock Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade. Colwell, Clyde C, Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 28, 1875, in Lincoln, 111. He was Superintendent of City Schools, Heyworth, 111., before coming to Chicago. Tn 1906 he was admitted to the bar and has since practiced his profession in Chi- cago. He is Past President of the University of Chicago Masonic Club. Colwell, Lewis W., Educator of 4140 North Springfield Avenue, was bom May 5, 1865, in Morgan County, 111. Principal of the Grover Cleveland School. Colwell, Nathan P., Physician of 535 North Dearborn Street, was born May 25, 1870, in Osceola, Iowa, lie is Secretary of the Council on Medical Education of the American Medi- cal Association. Coman, Seymour, Ketired Banker of 69 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Newark, Ohio. In 1891-1913 he was head of Seymour Coman and Company, commercial paper and collateral loans. Combs, Rogers M., Brick Manufacturer of 133 West Washington Street, was born in 1867, in Philadelphia, Pa. Vice-President of the Thomas Moulding Brick Company. Comerford, Frank, Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Sept. 25, 1875, in Chicago. In 1904 he was a Representative from the Second District; and Police Attorney for Chicago under Mayor Dunne. He is now senior member of the law firm of Comerford and Cohen. He is a prominent lecturer on vital and social problems. Comerford, Mrs. Jean, Journalist and Writer of Glen Ellyn, 111., was born Oct. 5, 1872, in Indiana. She has held positions with the New York Herald, New York Evening News, New York Times, Harper's Weekly, Chicago Chron- icle, Chicago Inter-Ocean, National Food Mag- azine, and Munsey's Magazine; is a writer of fiction and verse; and interested in child welfare and civics. Comiskey, Charles Albert, Baseball Man- ager, of 3816 Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 15, 1859, in Chicago, 111. He graduated from St. Ignatius College, Chicago. He is President of the American League Baseball Club of Chicago; and owner of the Chicago White Sox Team of the American League. He is a member of the Order of Elks, the Chicago Automo- bile Club, and the Illinois Athletic Club. Compton, Frank Elbert, Publisher of 58 East Washington Street, was born Aug. 7, 1874, in Grand Rapids, Wis. He is President of F. E. Compton and Company ; President of the Compton-Johnson Company, and President of the Compton McGowen Company. He is also President of the Skokie County Club, Glen- coe, 111.; and President of the Board of Edu- cation of Glencoe. Comstock, Charles G., Manufacturer of 600 West Jackson Boulevard. Vice-President of the Otis Elevator Company. Comstock, Fred Samuel, Attorney at-Law of 140 North Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 8, 1857, in Kenosha, Wis. He is Secretary, Treasurer and a Director of the Comstock Grape Fruit Company; and a director in other corporations. Comstock, Fred L., Transportation Official, was born Feb. 1, 1875, in Auburn, N. Y. He is General Agent for the Goodrich Transit Company. Comstock, John Keyon, of 140 North Dear- born Street, was born September 21, 1864, in Peoria, 111. Since 1904 he has been a resident of Chicago. He is President of the Comstock Grape Fruit Company. Comstock, William Hunt, Coal Merchant of 6 North Clark Street, was bom Jan. 29, 1854, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1S90-1905 he was Manager of the city department of Coxe Brothers and Company, coal miners. He is now President of the Cross Creek Coal Com- pany. Condee, Leander Devine, Attorney at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 26, 1847, in Athens County, Ohio. Since 1873 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 105 he has practiced law in Chicago; and in 1S80 was Senator from the Second District of Il- linois. Condee, Ralph Waterbury, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 4, 1877, in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1900 he was admitted to the bar, and has since practiced law in Chicago. In 1910 he was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court. Condon, Edward J., Electrical Engineer of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born in Cam- bridge, Mass. For the past twenty years he has been in business for himself. He is presi- dent and manager of several electric and water companies; and has been engineer for public utility works. Condon, James Gregory, Attorney at-Law of .38 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 1 28, 1871, in Blomington, 111. Since 1895 he has practiced law in Chicago; has been Assistant City Attorney of the City of Chicago; and since 1914 a member of the law firm of Ryan, Condon and Livingston. In 1910-11 he was President of the Iro- quois Club ; Ex-Vice-Pres- ident and Director of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion. Condron, Theodore Lincoln, Civil Engineer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1866, in Washington, D. C. He is President of the Condron Company, structural and indus trial engineers. Coney, Gurden Herbert, Mortgage Bankers of 69 West Washington Street, was born March 16, 1875, in Elmhurst, 111. In 1905-7 he was Cashier orthe Colonial Trust and Savings Bank. He is now Vice-President of C. C. Mitchell and Company. Conkey, Walter Blakesley, Publisher and Printer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1858, in Sterling, Canada. President of the W. B. Conkey Company. Conkling, Benjamin Hixon, Underwriter of 1 75 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 1, 1855, in Newburgh, N. Y. Since 1893 he has been senior member of the firm of Conk- ling, Price and Webb. Conley, Thomas Joseph, Physician and Sur- geon of 32 North State Street, was born March 4, 1859, in Whitewater, Wis. He is Surgeon to the West Side Hospital; and Pro- fessor of Surgery in the Illinois Post Graduate Medical School.' Conn, Max, Merchant of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 23, 1872, in Hamburg, Germany. President of the Loraine Smelt- ing and Refining Company. Connell, Charles John, Contractor of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born March 31, 1839, in Hatley, Stantead County, Quebec. Since 1S71 he has been engaged in the contracting business, and is now President of the Fitz- simons-Connell Dredge and Dock Company, contractors for public works. Connery, Francis DanieL Coal Merchant of 332 Smith Michigan Avenue, was born April 12, 1867, in Chicago, 111. He was educated in the public and parochial schools, and St. Patrick's Academy. ''"»#«*; In 1901-3 and 1907-9 he was an Alderman from the Twenty-eighth Ward in Chicago; and City Clerk of the City of Chicago under Mayor Harrison's Adminis- tration. Since 1917 he has been associated with the Peabodv Coal Company. Connery, John Tobin, Coal Merchant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 10, 1861, in Bristol, R I. Since 1878 he has been engaged in the coal business. He is now President of the Mia- mi Coal Company; and Treasurer of the Edgewater Beach Hotel: He is a meftj- ber of the Chicago, South Shore Country, Chicago Automobile and Edgewater Golf Clubs. Connery, Joseph F., of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1872, in Chicago, 111. In 1912-16 he was Recorder of Deeds, Cook County. He is now Secretary of the Grace- land Cemetery Improvement Fund; Manager of the Walker Estate; and Secretary of the Chicago District Ice Association. Conover, Abram Beekman, Manufacturer of L65 West Lake Street, was born April 20, 1861, in Harlingen, N. J. In 18S3 he entered the employ of the John A. Roebling's Sons Com- pany, manufacturers of wire and wire rope, and since 1905 has been Treasurer. Conover, Lawrence Peterson, Attorney at Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born March 18, 1863, in Dayton, Ohio. In 1887 he was admitted to the bar, and has since prac- ticed his profession in Chicago. Conover, Luther W., Live Stock Commission Merchant, Union Stock Yards, was bom Aug. 26, 1867, in Virginia, 111. Since 1867 he has been engaged in the commission business, and is now Secretary of the firm of Alexander, Ward and Conover. Conrad, Charles Henry, Merchant of 417 West Ohio Street, was born May 28, 1S74, in Janesville, Wis. Since 1913 he has been President of Bell Conrad and Company, im- porters of teas, coffees and spices. Conroy, Thomas Francis, Physician of 4811 Broadway, was born Feb. 24, 1865, in Chicago IMiysieian-in-Charge of the Edgemere Sani- tarium. Considine, James J., Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 16, 1868, in 10G IIERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Chicago, 111. He is head of J. J. Considine and < lompany, brokers. Conway, Edwin Stapleton, Merchant of 302 South Wabash A.venue, was born in l'rovince of Ontario, Canada. He has been connected with the W. W. Kimball. Company since 1871, and is now Vice-President. Conybear, Nicholas G., Wholesale Grocer of L046 Kingsbury Street, was born May 24, 1867, in Plymouth, England. He was formerly Vice-President aoid General Manager of Thomas J. Lipton and Company. He is now proprietor of N. G. Conybear and Company. Cook, David C, Publisher of 15 East Wash- ington Street, was born in 1850, in East Wor- cester, N. V. He is President of the David C. Cook Publishing Company. Cook, Frances H., Physician and Surgeon of 800 West Seventy-ninth Street, was born July IS, 1873, in Ogle County, 111. He is a member of the Attending Staff of the Chil- drens' South Side Free Dispensary; and a member of the Medical Staff of the Infant Welfare Society. Cook, Theodore Philander, of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was born near Nashville, Tenn. He has been in the employ of the West- ern Union Telegraph Company for nearly half a century, and is now General Superintendent of the company. Cook, Wells M., Lawyer and Jurist of 5541 Winthrop Avenue, was born June 30, 1872, in Mendota, 111. In 1908-13 he was Assistant Attorney General of the State of Illinois. In 1916 lie was elected Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Cook, William Champion, Banker of 125 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 18, 1869, in Dickinson, N. Y. He was formerly Vice- President of the Western Trust and Saving's Bank. He is now Vice-President of the Cen- tral Trust Company of Illinois. Cooke, Flora Juliette, Educator of 330 Web- ster Avenue, was born in Bainbridge, Ohio. Since 1900 she has been Principal of the Fran- cis W. Parker School. Cooke, George J., Business Man of 30 North Green Street, was born March 20, 1870. He is President of the George J. Cooke Brewing Company, and is an officer in other corpora- tions. Cooley, Edwin Gilbert, Educator of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born March 12, 1857, in Strawberry Point, Iowa. In 1909-10 he was President of D. C. Heath and Company, Boston. Since 1910 he has been Educational Advertiser of the Commercial Club, Chicago. Cooley, Harlan Ward, Lawyer of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 29, 1866, in Washington, D. C. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Windsor Park Bank. He is now engaged in the insurance business and prac- tice of law. Cooley, Mrs. Harlan Ward, of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Torrington, Conn. She is Ex-President of the Chicago Woman's Club; Vice 1'nsident of the Wom- an 's Committee of the Hyde Park Department of the Young Men's Christian Association; ex-President of the Chicago College Club; ex-President of the National Vassar Associa- tion; and President of the Illinois Woman's Legislative Congress. Coolidge, Edgar D., Dentist of 25 E. Wash- ington Street, was born July 15, 1881, in Gales- burg, 111. He is Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the University of Illinois School of Dentistry. Coolidge, Frank Wellington, Merchant of 71 West Lake Street, was born Dec. 30, 1853, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is Vice-President of Lussky, White and Coolidge, upholstery fab- rics and cabinet hardware. Cooney, Richard J., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 23, 1861, in Pekin, 111. He was educated at the University of Valparaiso. In 1885 he was admitted to the Bar of Indiana; in 1887-8 City At- torney of Havana, 111. ; and v_, *r r ^^ • in 1892-6 was State's At- |^^rf\^j|^^^ torney at Peoria, 111. He has I been President of the Law- Hg&flH I vers ' Association of Illinois. Coonley, Avery, of 220 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 10, 1870, in Rochester, N. Y. He is a Director of the C. B. Live Stock Company ; and Director of the Coonley Manu- facturing Company, Clyde, 111. In 1912-14 he was a member of the Board of County Com- missioners. Ooonley, Henry Ellis, Lawyer and Real Es- tate Dealer of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 16, 1865, in Alcove, N. Y. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago. He was the first Presi- dent of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Coonley, John Stuart, Manufacturer and Rancher of Cicero, 111., was born Feb. 20, 1872, in Louisville, Ky. He is Secretary of the Coonley Manufacturing Company; Presi- dent of the C. B. Live Stock Company; and director in other corporations. Coonley, Prentiss Loomis, Manufacturer of 329 West Thirty-ninth Street, was born in 1880, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of the Coonley Manufacturing Company, and the Link Belt Company. Cooper, Abijah Orrin, Attorney-at-Law of 105 North Clark Street, was born March 9, 1858, in Burlington, Iowa. In 1894 he was elected Clerk of the Probate Court, and since 1898 has practiced law in Chicago. Cooper, Henry N., Contractor of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 2, 1861, in Salem, 111. In 1S87-1909 he was engaged in the real estate business. Since 1909 he has been Vice-President of the FitzSimmons and HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 107 Connell Dredge and Dack Company, con- tractors for public works. Cooper, John Alexander, Public Account- ant of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 6, 1S50, in London, England. For twelve years he was accountant with the Pullman Company. He is now head of the firm of John A. Cooper, Winslow and Davis, certified public accountants. Cooper, Joseph Iredell, Banker of 233 Soutli LaSalle Street, was born June 15, 1863, in Polo, 111. Since 18S2 he has bean associated with the Illinois Trust and Sav- ings Bank, and since 1913 has been Cashier. Cooper, Fred W., Mortgage Banker of 133 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 15, 1877, in Champaign County, 111. He is a member of the firm of Cooper, Kanaley and Company, first mortgage bankers. Cooper, William Fenimore, Lawyer and Jurist, was born Aug. 4, 1860, in Petersburg, Va. In 1892-1910 he was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. He is now Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County, present term expiring in 1922. Cope, Henry Frederick, Educator of 1440 East Fifty-seventh Street, was born June 17, 1870, in London, Eng. He is General Sec- retary of the Religious Education Associa- tion; and since 1906 editor of Religious Education, a magazine. Copeland, Adolph, Manufacturer of 316 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 15, 1869, in Kussia. He is President and Treas- urer of the Superior Brass and Fixture Com- pany, manufacturers of store and window equipment. In 1917 he was President of the Chicago Branch of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Copeland, Frederick K., Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 22, 1855, in Lexington, Mass. Since 1892 he has been President of the Sullivan Machinery Company, manufacturers of mining machinery. Copeland, Thomas Agar, Merchant of 18 West Austin Avenue, was born Sept. 12, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Cly- bourn Wool Scouring Company, and the Chicago Wool Company. Copeland, William Lowry, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Jan. 7, 1851, in St. Catharines, Ontario. Since 1879 he has practiced medicine in Chicago; in 1892 appointed Attending Physician to the Cook County Hospital; and in 1S84 Professor of Anatomy in the College of Dental Surgery. Copeland, William Monroe, Attorney-at-Law of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 16, 1859, in Kent, Indiana. He was educated at Independence Academy, Kentucky, Hano- ver College and U. S. Military Academy, West Point. At the age of twenty-two he was elected to the Indiana legislature, where he served two terms, being the youngest man ever elected to that body. Since 1894 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. For a number of years past he has practiced chiefly in the Federal courts not only in Illinois, but also in New York, Michigan, Wisconsin and other states. As a lawyer he has attracted international at- tention by winning important and difficult cases which previously had been lost by some of the ablest lawyers in the United States and England; his clients being located in nearly every country of Europe as well as in North and South America. He is a member of the Chicago Association of West Pointers. Coppens, Charles, Educator and Author of 1076 West Twelfth Street, was born May 24, 1835, in Turnhout, Belgium. He is Professor of Philosophy and History of Philosophy in Loyola University, Chicago. Copper, Edgar K., Clergyman of 740 Rush Street, was born May 1, 1870, in Chestertown, Md. He is Chairman of the Steamship and Railroad Transportation Bureau of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and a member of the General and Executive Committees of the same. Corbet, James C, Fire Underwriter of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 19, 1855, in New York City. He is Manager of the Northern Assurance Company, Limited, London. Corbett, Henry R., Consulting Actuary of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Clinton County, 111. From 1894-7 he was State Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Nebraska. Corbin, Calvin Dana, Wholesale Grocer of 421 West Erie Street, was barn in Chicago, 111. Since 1898 he has been a member of the firm of Corbin, Sons and Company. Corboy, Michael Joseph, Contractor of 17S West Randolph Street, was born May 7, 1848, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is President of the M. J. Corboy Company. Corby, Francis, Mortgage Banker of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Oct. 12, 1884, in Grand Rapids, Mich. In 1913-14 he was President of the Cook County Civil Service Commission. Corcoran, Edward A., Physician and Sur- geon of 3159 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 21, 1874, in Iowa. He is Professor of Clinical Surgery in Loyola University School of Medicine. During the World War he served in a base hospital, United States Army, in France. Corkell, Paul, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born March 22, 1887, in Chicago, 111. In 1912 he received the degree of LL. B. from Chicago Kent College of Law: was admitted to the bar the same year; and has since practiced law in Chicago. Cormany, William B., Lithograph Manu- facturer of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was bom May 7, 1880, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1904 he graduated from Princeton University. He is General Manager of the Shonk Works, 108 IlERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. American Can Company. Ee is a member of the University Clubhand the Princeton Club. Cornell, Edward Lyman, Physician of L22 South Michigan A_venue, \v;is born Aug. 9, L883, in Chicago, 111. Ee is a member of the Staff of the Chicago Lying-in Eospital and Dispensary, and the Post-Graduate Hospital. Cornell, John Evans, Hotel Proprietor of 1511 Eyde Pari Boulevard, was horn Aug. 1, 1862, in Chicago. Since L904 he has been Manager of the Cornell Estate; and is Presi- deni and a Director of the Eyde Park Hotel ( lompany. Cornell, Mary C, Physician of 4634 Yin cennes Avenue, was born in Unionville, Nev. She is Attending Physician to the Daily News Sanitarium; and a lecturer on hygiene to mothers chilis. Cornwell, Willett Hastings, Attorney-at- Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born March 26, L875, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1896 he has practiced law in Chicago; and was State Senator of Illinois, repreesnting the Thirty-first District, in the Forty-seventh to Fiftieth General Assemblies. Corser, Charles B., Wholesale Manufacturer of II South Wells Street, was born Dec. 1, 1863, in Charlestown, N. H. He is President and Treasurer of the C. Marks Shoe Com- pany. Cbrwin, Arthur Mills, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1864, in Hon- olulu, Hawaii. Since 1902 he has been Profes- sor of the Diseases of the Throat and Nose in the Illinois Post Graduate School. In 1915-16 he was director of publicity and education in the Chicago Department of Health. Corwin, Elmer R., Manufacturer of 326 West Madison Street. President and a Director of the Corwin Telephone Manufacturing Com- pany. Cory, Charles Barney, Ornithologist of 5757 Dorchester Avenue, was born Jan. 31, 1857, in Boston, Mass. Since 1906 he has been Profes- sor and Curator in the Department of Zoology in the Field Museum of Natural History. Cory, John Darby, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 30, 1864. in St. Paris, Ohio. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the insurance business; and is now President of John D. Cory and Company. Costigan, George P., Jr., Educator and Editor of 3 1 West Lake Street, was born duly 19, 1870, in Chicago. Since 1909 he has been Professor of Law in Northwestern Uni- versity, and Editor-in-Chief of the Illinois Law Review. He is the author of Cases on Mining Law; and other legal treatises. Couch Ira Johnson, Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was bom June 21, 1871, in Chicago. Since 1906 he has been a member of the firm of S. P>. Chapin and Company, stock and bond dealers. Coulter, John Hemphill, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 17, 1873, in Marissa, 111. In 1905 lie was ad- mitted to the bar, and has since practiced law in Chicago. In 1903-6 he was President of the Wisconsin Power Company; and 1905 President of the Missouri Southern Railroad Company. Coulter, John Merle, Botanist of 5648 Dor- chester Avenue, was born Nov. 20, 1851, in Ningpo, China. He is Professor and head of the Department of Botany in the University of Chicago; and Chairman of the Botany Com- mittee of the National Research Council. In L897 8 he was President of the Botanical Soci- ety of America. Counselman, Charles, Investment Banker of 112 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 6, 1882, in Chicago, 111. In 1904 he was Vice-President of the Chicago Grain and Elevator Company; and in 1905 assistant manager of the bond de- partment of the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company. Since 1914 he has been President of Counselman and Company, investment bankers. Countiss, Frederick Downer, Stock Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born June 26, 1872, in Chicago. In 1892 he was bookkeeper with the National Bank of the Republic and later be- came teller. Since 1896 he has been associated with the firm of S. B. Chapin and Company, b a n k e r s and brokers in stocks, grain and provisions, and since 189S a partner in t ne firm. Courtney, John, Lawyer and Jurist of 6401 Maryland Avenue, was born June 15. 1868, in Fond du Lac, Wis. In 1890 he was admitted to the bar; since 1892 engaged in practice in Chicago; and in 1912 was elected Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Courtright, Chauncey W., Surgeon of 1359 East Sixty-third Street, was born Aug. 25, 1850, in New Jersey. He is Surgeon to sev- eral south side hospitals. Cousin, William Duncan, Real Estate Dealer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born June 24, 1875, in Ludington, Mich. Former Secre tary of the Chicago Real Estate Board. He is a member and Director of the firm of Per- kins B. Bass and Company. Covert, William Chalmers, Clergyman of 4108 Grand Boulevard, was born 1S64, in Franklin, Ind. Since 1913 he has been Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church; and since 1902 a Director of the McCormick Theological Seminary. Cowari, George H., Public Accountant of 38 South Dearborn Street. President of the Com- monwealth Audit Company. Cowan, William Kennett, Merchant of 408 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 24, 1869, in Chicago, 111. He is President and General Manager of W. K. Cowan and Com- HERRINGSH AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 109 pany, Incorporated, dealers in high grade fur- niture and art goods. Cowan, William P., 910 South Michigan Av- enue, was born July 8, 1846, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1875 he has been associated with the Standard Oil Company, and since 1911 President of the Standard Oil Company of In- diana. Cowdery, Edward Gilmore, Gas Engineer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 4, 1S56, in North Andover, Mass. Since 1907 he has been associated with the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company and since 1915 President of the company. He is also President of the Beloit Water, Gas and Electric Company of Beloit, Wis. ; and President of the Merchants Power Company, Memphis. He is a member of numerous clubs and other organi- zations. Cowen, Israel, Attorney-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 12, 1861, in Houston, Texas. Since 1883 he has been en- gaged in the practice of law in Chicago. In 1896-9 he was Master in Chancery of the Supe- rior Court. Cowen, Winfield Scott, Grain Commission Merchant of 332 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 13, 1848, near Altoona, Pa. In 1889- 93 he was Postmaster of Shannon, 111.; 1904 and 1907 appointed Chief Grain Inspector of the State of Illinois. He is now President of the firm of W. S. Cowen and Company, grain dealers. Cowles, Paul, Newspaper Man of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been a member of the staff of the Associated Press, and is now Superin- tendent of the Central Division. Cowin, Frederick, Manufacturer of 76 West Monroe Street. President of the Frederick Oowin Company, Chicago, and President of the Brisco Motor Corporation, Jackson, Mich. Cowles, Alfred, Attorney-at-Law of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Jan. 5, 1865, in Chicago. Since 1889 he has practiced law in Chica- go, excepting three years, when he was Secretary and Treasurer of the Chicago Tribune. He is now Presi- dent of the Bialto Com- pany; a Director of the American Radiator Com- pany, the Continental and Commercial National Bank, Chicago Tribune Company, and other corporations. Cowles, Henry Chandler, Botanist of 5524 Kimbark Avenue, was born Feb. 27, 1S69, in Kensington, Conn. In 1895 he. was Special Field Assistant of the United States Geolog- ical Survey. He is now Associate Professor of Botany in the University of Chicago. In 1913 he was Vice-President for Botany of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Cowles, John T., Manufacturer of 532 South Green Street, was born July 8, 1845, in Glas- tonbury, Conn. In 1869 he was employed by the Crane Company; 1S74 started in business for himself and two years later invented and patented the first fire escape in this country. He is President of the United States Fire Es- cape Counterbalance Company, manufacturers of fire escapes and ornamental iron work. Cox, Arthur Malcolm, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born June 16, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has prac- ticed law; and in 1907 was appointed Master in Chancery of the Superior Court. Cox, Henry Joseph, Meteorologist, was born April 5, 1863, in Newton, Mass. Since 1884 he has been in the weather service, and since 1S99 in charge of the North Central Forecast District of Chicago. In 1905-7 he was Presi- dent of the Chicago Geographic Society. Cox, Jeremiah Merritt, Linotyper of 727 South Dearborn Street, was born 1863, in Nashville, Tenn. President of the Chicago Typesetting Company. Cox, Rensselaer William, Manufacturer of 446 North Hoyne Avenue, was born May 14, 1855, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has been en- gaged in manufacture of cooperage since 1882; and is President of the Pioneer Cooper- age Company. Cox, Stephen Williams, Surgeon of 32 North State Street, was born Jan. 11, 1859. in Balti- more, Md. In 1900-1 he was a member of the staff of the Cook County Hospital, and has been surgeon to several other hospitals. Cox, Wilkie A., Bookbinder of 521 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 26, 1859, in Chicago, 111. For the past forty years he has been associated with A. J. Cox and Company, of which he is now President. Coykendall, John Franklin, Railway Official, Baltimore and Ohio Station, was born Oct. 26, 1859, in Canton, 111. He is Federal Treasurer of the Chicago Great Western Railroad. Coyne, Daniel Joseph, Commission Merchant of 119 West South Water Street, was born April 19, 1863, in Chicago, 111. For thirty-live years he has been engaged in the produce busi- ness on South Water Street; and is senior member of Coyne Brothers. He is a member of the Chicago Council, Knights of Columbus. Coyne, Frederick E., Business Manager of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1860, in East Oransre, N. .1. In 1901,-6 lie was Post- master of Chicago. He is now General Mann erer of the United Railway Mail Equipment Company. Coyne. Richard Joseph, Commission Mer- chant of 119 West South Water Street, was born July 21, 1862. He is a member of the 110 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. firm of Coyne Bros.; and a Director of the Old Colony Trust and Savings Bank. Coyner, Claude L., Life Underwriter of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 30, 1873, in Indianapolis, Ind. Branch Manager of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Cozzens, Fred B., Printer and Publisher of 010 Federal Street, was born Dec. 3, 186(3, in Catena, 111. He is President of the Kenfield- Lcach Company and the Buyers Index Com- pany. Cozzens, Samuel, Live Stock Merchant of L3 Dexter Park Avenue, was born May 8, 1848, in Providence, R. I. He is a Director of the Live Stock National Bank and Stock Yards Saving Bank. Craft, John Corson, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 2, 1863. In 1890-2 he was Acting Assistant Treasurer of the United States at Chicago. He is now Vice-President of the Continental and Com- mercial National Bank. Crafts, Clayton Edward, Attorney-at -Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born July 8, IMS, in Auburn, Ohio. In 1882-96 he was a member of the Illinois House of Representa- tives; and 1891-3 Speaker of the House. Craig, Alexander Righter, Physician of 9 Chalmers Place, was born 1868, in Columbia, Pa. Since 1911 he has been Secretary of the American Medical Association. In 1912 he was President of the American Academy of Medicine. Craig, Calvin Francis, Banker of 640 West Washington Boulevard, was born June 6, 1867, in Winneshiek County, la. In 1911-12 he was Vice-President of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. He is now President of the Me- chanics and Traders State Bank. Craig, Edward Marshall, Contractor of 133 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 1, 1860, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1888 he was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature. He is now Secretary and General Manager of the Building Contractors' Council, and the Mason Contractors' Association; and Secretary of the Empire Construction Company. Crain, Charles Hicks, Physician and Special- ist of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 7, 1854, in LaFayette, Ind. He was edu- cated in private schools of LaFayette, Wa- bash College, Miami Medical College and Illi- nois Medical College. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the practice of ophthalmology in Chicago. He has been Assistant in Ophthal- mology in the Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College. Cram, George F., Map Publisher of 109 North Market Street, was born May 20, 1842, in Lowell, Mass. In 1862-5 he served in the Civil War. He is the author of Hand Book of Geography; and Minette, a Tale of the Cru- saders. Cramer, Ambrose, Real Estate Dealer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 5, 1857, in Martinsburg, Va. He is Trustee for the Estate of Henry J. Willing; and Agent for the Mark Skinner Estate. He is also a Direc- tor of the National City Bank of Chicago; and Trustee of the Presbyterian Hospital. Crampton, Richard Leicester, Banker of .">8 South Dearborn Street, was born May 12, 1870, in Rock Island, 111. In 1909-17 he was Secre- tary of the Illinois Bankers Association; and since 1917 Central District Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Crandall, Bruce V., Dealer in Railway Equipment, 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 16, 1873, in Hillsdale, Mich. He is President of the Bruce V. Crandall Service, incorporated. Crandall, Frank Wilber, Wholesale Milliner of 18 South Michigan Avenue, was born Doc 22, 1867, in New York City. Since 1914 he has been Vice-President and General Manager of Gage Brothers. Crandall, Fred Alonzo, Banker of 105 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 15, 1S63, in Hardwick, Vt. Since 1889 he has been en- gaged in the banking business in Chicago, and since 1909 Vice-President of the National City Bank of Chicago. Crandall, Noble, Banker and Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born March 28, 1880, in Moncton, N. B., Canada. Since 1903 he has been engaged in the banking business in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of George H. Burr and Company. Crandall, Roland Asel, Investment Broker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born May 5, 1864, in Caledonia, 111. Since 1907 he has been President of the Commercial Security Company; and is also First Vice-President and Treasurer of the Bankers-Commercial Security Company, Incorporated. Crane, Henry S., Educator, was born Dee. 10, 1873, in Kalamazoo, Mich. Principal of the Lewis-Champlin School. Crane, Richard Teller, Jr., Manufacturer of 836 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 7, 1873, in Chicago, Illinois. In 1896 he en- tered the employ of the Crane Company, man- ufacturers of steam and plumbing supplies, and since 1914 has been President and a Di- rector of company. Cravath, James Raley, Electrical and Illu- minating Engineer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born July 11, 1872, in Grinnell, Iowa. In 1900-6 he was Western Editor of the Electrical World. He is now a consulting en- gineer. Crawford, Adam Wallace, Merchant of 129 North Wabash Avenue, was born Nov; 20, 1876, in Lexington, Neb. Since 1916 he has been President of John A. Colby and Sons, furniture dealers. Crawford, Edward Benjamin, Clergyman of 251 North Kedzie Avenue, was born Dec. 31, 1862, in Wilton Center, 111. Since 1893 he has been a Methodist Episcopal minister; and HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Ill since 1912 Pastor of the Garfield Park Church, Chicago. He is also President of the Board of Stewards of the Kock River Conference. Crawford, Samuel N., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 28, 1866, in Geneva, 111. He is a member of the firm of Fred S. James and Company. Creigh, Thomas, Attomey-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 8, 1873, in Lincoln, Nebr. He is General Attorney for the Cudah-y Packing Company. Creighton, Thomas Stockstill, Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born May 1, 1857, in Monticello, Minn. He is a member of the firm of Rice and Creighton, real estate and investments. Cremin, Joseph W., Real Estate Dealer of 105 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 26, 1879, in New York City. Since 1899 he has been a member of Cremin and O'Connor. Crenshaw, Peyton C, Oil Operator of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 4, 1369, in Salt Sulphur Springs, W. Va. In 1901-15 he was associated with the Standard Oil Com- pany as General Manager of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana. He is now President of the Home Oil Company. Crerar, John, Coal Dealer of 209 South La- Salle Street, was born Jan. 7, 1857, in Pictou, N. S. Since 1889 he has been a member of the firm of Crerar, Clinch and Company, miners and shippers of coal. He is also Vice- President of the Equitable Coal and Coke Company. Cresmer, William T., National Newspaper Representative of 111 West Monroe Street, was born April 17, 1876, in Illinois. He is General Manager in Chicago of the Williams, Lawrence and Cresmer Company, Incorporat- ed, New York and Chicago. Ex-President of the Daily Newspaper Representatives Associ- ation of Chicago; and a member of the Hamil- ton Club. Cressy, Morton S., Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 4, 1876, in Amherst, Mass. He received the degree of A. B. from Yale College in 1900, and the de- gree of LL. B. from Harvard Law School in 1903. In 1910-11 he was Assistant United States Attorney; 1911-13 Special Assistant United States Attorney; 1913-14, Special As- sistant Attorney for Sanitary District, Chica- go; 1905-15, Instructor and Professor of Law in the John Marshall Law School. He is the author of Cressy 's Illinois Cases in Equity Jurisprudence. Creutz, Stephen, Engineer, Federal Build- ing, was born May 22, 1856, in Stockholm, Sweden. United States Inspector of River and Harbor Improvements. Crilly, Daniel Francis, Eeal Estate Dealer of 35 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 14, 1838, in Mercersburg, Pa. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the real estate business. He is a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board; Ex-President of the Board of South Park Commissioners. Croft, Alfred E., Business Manager of 1018 South Wabash Avenue, was born in 1871, in Liverpool, England. He graduated from the Chicago College of Law. In 1900-8 he was General Superintendent, Assistant Manager and General Manager of the Featherstone Foundry and Machine Company. He is now General Manager and a Director of the' United Agency, Chicago. He is a member of the Ma- sonic Order and Medinah Temple, and the Chicago Athletic Association. Croftan, Alfred Careno, Physician, 25 East Washington Street, was born April 11, 1871, in New York City. He was Physician-in-Chief to St. Mary's Hospital; and Professor of Med- icine in the Chicago Post Graduate School. He is the author of Clinical Urinology, Clinical Therapeutics, and other works. Crofts, Harris Alien, Manufacturer of 1323 Carroll Avenue, was born May 23, 1867, in East Liverpool, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the manufacture of paper boxes, and is now President of the Illinois Paper Box Company. Croll," Frederick W., Packer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 9, 1865, in Can- ada. Since 1888 he has been associated with Armour and Company, and is now Treasurer and a Director of the company; and a direc- tor in numerous other corporations. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, and the Mid-Day and Chicago Clubs. Cromer, Clarence E., Manufacturer of 1533 South Michigan Avenue. Vice-President of the Fox River Butter Company. Crosby, Albert F., Sales Manager of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 27, 1862, in Zanesville, Ohio. He is General Sales Manager for the American Line Materials Company. Crosby, George Harrington, Railway Official of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Hillsboro, 111. In 1872 he entered railway service, and since 1905 has been Freight Traf- fic Manager of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway. Crosby, George Heman, Railway Official of •i Woot Vfvn Buren Street, was born March 27, 1849, in Lawrence, Mass. In 1870 he entered railway service as a rodman with the Pennsylvania and Sodus Bay Railroad; and in 1871- 98 was with the Chicago and Southwestern Railroad. He is now Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company; and a director in other corporations. Cross, Albert Eugene, Commission Merchant of 324 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1870, in Aurora, 111. He is President of Cross, Roy 112 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE COOK OF BIOGRAPHY. and Saunders, Incorporated, grain and provi- sions. Cross, Clarence L., Lumber Dealer of 5:! Wesl Jackson Boulevard, was horn Aug. 5, L854, in Binghampton, N. Y. Since 1895 he baa been engaged in the cypress lumber trade in Chicago. Cross, Tom Peete, Educator of 5329 Kim- hark Avenue, was born Dee. 8, 1879, in Nanse- mond County, Va. He was formerly Professor of English in the University of North Caro- lina, lie is now Associate Professor of Eng- lish and Celtic in the University of Chicago. Cross, William T., Social Worker of 315 Plymouth Court, was born May 1, 1887, in Mexico, Mo. In 1909-13 he was Secretary of the Missouri State Board of Charities and Corrections. He is now General Secretary of the National Conference of Social Work. Crossette, Charles Henry, Manufacturer of 337 South Franklin Street, was born Nov. 6, L848, in Alsted, N. H. He is a member of the firm of Cutter and Crossette Company, job- bers of men 's furnishing goods. Crossley, Frederic Beers, Attorney-at-Law of 31 Wist Lake Street, was born 1872, in Glen Byre, Pa. He is Secretary of the North- western University Law School; Librarian of the Elbert II. Gary Law Library ; and Manag- ing Editor of the Journal of the American In- stitute of Criminal Law and Criminology. Crow, Louis W., Lumber Dealer of 4320 Hazel Avenue, was born Sept. 24, 1864, in Crystal Lake, 111. He is Treasurer and Gen eral Manager of the Mears-Slayton Lumber Company; and President of the Lumberman's Association. Crowe, Thomas Stanley, Physician of 5458 Magnolia Avenue, was born in November, 1868, in Ireland. He was formerly County Physician of Cook County. He is now High Medical Director of the Hiberniaji Life In- surance Association; and Professor of Medi- cine in the Medical Department of Loyola Uni- versity. Crowell, Henry Parsons, Manufacturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 27, 1855, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is President of the American Cereal Company; and President of the Quaker Oats Company. Cmice, Daniel Larkin, Attorney at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born June 30, 1868, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1900 he has practiced law in Chicago, and in 1903 was a candidate for Mayor of Chicago on the Labor Ticket. Crunelle, Leonard, Sculptor of 2034 East Seventh-third Street, was born July 8, 1872, in Fiance. Since 1891 he has been a sculptor in Chicago. He received a medal and diploma at the Atlanta Exposition; and a bronze medal and diploma at the St. Louis Exposition. Cruver, Curtis Leroy, Manufacturer of 2456 Wesl Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 26, 1869, at Diamond Lake, 111. Since 1906 he lias been ('resident of the Cruver Manufacturing Company, advertising specialties; and is also President of the Cruver-Peters Company, man- ufacturers of the Palko Camera. Cubbins, William Robert, Surgeon of 3928 Grand Boulevard, was born Aug. 6, 1874, in Memphis, Tenn. He is Professor of Surgery in the Post Graduate Medical School; and As- sistant Professor of Surgery in Northwestern University Medical School. Cudahy, Edward Aloysius, Sr., Packer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 1, 1860, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1875 he has been engaged in the packing business; and since 1910 has been President of the Cudahy Packing Company. He is also President of the Puritan Food Products Company; Director of the Continental and Commercial National Bank ; and a director in other corporations. Cudahy, Edward A., Jr., Packer of 111 Wesl Monroe Street, was born Aug. 22, 1885, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has been identi- fied with the packing business; and since 1915 Vice-President of the Cudahy Packing Com- pany. He is also an officer and director in other corporations. Cudahy, Joseph M., of 111 West Washing- ton Street. He was formerly President of the Cudahy Packing Company. He is now Presi- dent of the North American Transportation and Trading Company; First Vice-President of the Sinclair Oil and Refining Corporation, and a Director of the National Bank of the Republic. Culbertson, Carey, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1871, in Piper City, 111. He was formerly Assistant Profes- sor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Rush Medical College; and Attending Obstetrician and Gynecologist to the Presbyterian Hospi- tal. During the Great War he was a Major in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Cullerton, Edward F., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 14, 1842, in Chicago, 111. Since 1871 he has been an Alderman in Chicago; and in 1871-2 was a member of the Twenty-eighth General As- sembly of Illinois. Cullinan, George, of 500 South Clinton Street, wns born Aug. 5, 1878, in Geneseo, N. Y. Since 1901 he has been in the employ of the Western Electric Company, and is now Manager and Central District in Chicago. Culver, Helen, Philanthropist of 1642 West Lake Street, was born March 23, 1832, in Little Valley. N. Y. In 1895 she built and endowed the Hull Biological Laboratories for the University of Chicago. She ha.s been a Trustee of the Hull House Association since its organization, and in 1906 conveyed to the association the property on which Hull House now stands, and contributed liberally to its endowment. Summer home, Lake Forest, 111. Residence, Sarasota, Fla. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 113 Cummings, David Mark, Capitalist of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 18, 1866, in Pekin, 111. Since 1897 he has managed the estate of his father. He is a Director of the First National Bank; the Chicago Telephone Com- pany; the First Trust and Savings Bank; the Morden Frog and Crossing Works; and a director in other cor- porations. Cummings, Edmund A., Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 29, 1842, in Lowell, Mass. Since 1867 he has been head of the firm of E. A. Cummings and Company. He is also a Director of the Ave- nue State Bank of Oak Park ; and a Director in other banks. Cummings, Edmund Stephen, Attorney-at- Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born July 1, 1863, in Aurora, 111. Since 1885 he ha.s been engaged in the practice of law in Chicago; and was Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County for three years. Cummings, Edward M., Real Estate Dealer of 133 West Washington Street, was born March 17, 1856, in Montreal, Quebec. In 1903- 5 he was City Oil Inspector; 1905-7 City Gas Inspector; and 1912 Secretary of the Depart- ment of Police. Cummings, George W., Telephone Super- visor, was born Nov. 2, 1874, in Highland Park, 111. He is City Telephone Supervisor in the Department of Public Service. He is the au- thor of Electricity and Magnetism in Tele- phone Maintenance; and Telephone Talks. Cummings, John James, Manufacturer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Julv 25, 1875, in Christian County, 111. Since 1904 he has been President of the McGuire-Cummings Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of street and interurban cars and trucks. Cummings, William C, Banker of 4201 South Halsted Street. President of the Drovers Trust and Sa.vings Bank and the Drovers Na- tional Bank. Cummins, Benjamin Franklin, Manufacturer of 4740 Ravenswood Avenue, was born Sept. 4, 1856, in Greene County, Pa. He is Presi- dent of the B. F. Cummins Company, manufac- turers perforating machines. Cummins, Joseph, Attorney-at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 13, 1862, in Williams County, Ohio. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Chicago. He has been active in civil affairs; and since 1917 Secre- tary of the Municipal Voters League. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, and the Illinois State Bar Association. Cuneo, Andrew, Commission Merchant of 51 West South Water Street, was born April 6. 1856, in Italy. He is a member of the firm of Cuneo Brothers, dealers in fruits and nuts. Cuneo, Frank, Fruit Dealer of 1 West South Water Street, was born Jan. 6, 1862, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1880 he has been associated with Garibaldi and Cuneo, and is now Presi- dent. Cuneo, Lawrence, Wholesale Merchant of 51 West South Water Street, was born March 4, 1856, in Genoa, Italy. He was formerly a member of the firm of Cuneo Brothers, fruit dealers. He is now engaged in the olive oil business. Cunningham, D. E., Educational Publisher of 443 South Dearborn Street, was born May 25, 1894, near Harvard, 111. He was formerly General Sales Manager for the Smithsonian Company, Publishers, Oakland, Cal. He is now Secretary and Treasurer of D. E. Cun- ningham and Company, publishers of educa- tional books. He is a member of the Hamilton Club, and the Illinois Athletic Club, where he resides. Cunningham, James D., Manufacturer of 565 West vVashington Street, was born May 5, 1887, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Vice- President of the Clyde Machine Works, and the Steam Appliance Company. He is now President and General Manager of the Re- public Flow Meters Company. Cunningham, Secor, Fire Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 24, 1864, in Altoona., Pa. Since 1873 he has been engaged in the fire insurance business in Chi- cago. He is a member of the Onwentsia, Sad- dle and Cycle, and Casino Clubs. Cunningham, Theodore Ellis, Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 7, 1868, in Lima, Ohio. Since 1907 he has been a mem- ber of the firm of Harris Winthrop and Com- pany, stock and bonds brokers. Cunnyngham, Victor L., Advertising Agent of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born 1861, in Shanghai, China. Since 1889 he has been a resident of Chicago. He is Treasurer and Gen- eral Manager of Williams and Cunnyngham, advertising agents. Curley, W. A., Editor of 326 West Madison Street, was born March 23, 1875, in New York City. He has held editorial positions with the New York American, the San Francisco Eve- ning Call, and the Los Angeles Evening Her- ald. He is now Editor of the Chicago Eve- ning: American. Curran, Harry Remington, Steel Merchant of 119 North Peoria Street, was born in 1882, in Peru, Ind. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the steel business in Chicago. He is now President of the Central Steel and Wire Com- pany; and President of the Indiana Steel Products Company. Curran, John McCollum, Attornev-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Julv 28, 1868, in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1912-14 he was a Renresentative from the Seventh District in the Illinois General Assembly. Currey, Josiah Seymour, Author of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 2, 1844, in 114 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Peekskill, N. Y. In 1862 and 1864 he served in the Civil War. He is the author of Chicago — Its History ami Its Builders; Makers of Illi- nois; ami other works. Currier, Albert Dean, Attorney-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born July 29, L861, in Osceola, 111. Since 1889 he has prac- tical law in Chicago. He is a Director of the American Academy in Rome. Curtis, Arthur Hale, Physician of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 20, 1881, in Portage, Wis. He is Gynecologist to St. Luke's Hospital; and Professor of Gynecology in Northwestern University Medical School. Curtis, Augustus Darwin, Manufacturer of 235 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 14, 1866, in Hawley, Pa. He is President of the Curtis-Leger Fixture Company; President of the National X-Ray Reflector Company, Chicago, and President of the X-Ray Reflector Company, Incorporated, New York. Curtiss, David Raymond, Mathematician, was horn .Ian. 12, 1878, in Derby, Conn. Since 1904 he has been engaged in educational work; and since 1909 Professor of Mathematics in Northwestern University. Curtis, Edward Harvey, Clergyman of 6646 Kenwood Avenue, was born May 4, 1843, in Madison, Ind. Since 1917 he has been Pastor Emeritus of the Woodlawn Park Presbyterian Church. Curtis, John F. L., Investment Dealer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 20, 1865, in Chicago, 111. Since 1907 he has been a member of the firm of Clement, Curtis and Company, dealers in stocks and bonds. Curtis, Will Espy, Inventor and Manufac- turer of 158 North Ashland Boulevard, was born March 2, 1855, near Bethany, Ohio. He is proprietor of Espy Curtis and Company, manufacturers of Curtis Automatic Egg Boil- ers, and Director of the Murphy Door Bed Company, Chicago. Curtiss, Charles Chauncey, of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 31, 1847, in Chicago. He was the projector of the Fine Arts Building; and has been Director of the building since its completion in 1S98. Cusack, Thomas, of 1312 West Harrison Street, was born Oct. 5, 1858, in Ireland. Since 190.", he has been President of the Thom- as Cusack Company, outdoor advertising, Chi- cago, with branch offices in all parts of the country. He has been a member of the Chi- cago Board of Education; and a. member of the Fifty-sixth Congress from the Fourth Dis- trict of Illinois. Cushing, Royal Barrows, Attornev-at Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 23, L875, in Bureau County, 111. Since 1908 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Knapp and Campbell. Cutler, Alonzo J., Commission Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born March 24, 1852, in Montpelier, Vt. Since 1S83 he has been engaged in the commission business. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Cutting, Charles Sidney, Lawyer and Jurist of 5 Nortli LaSalle Street, was born March 1, 1854, in Highgate Springs, Vt. In 1890-3 he was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County; and for thirteen years was Judge of the Probate Court of Cook County. In. 1916 he was President of the Chicago Bar Association. Cutting, Starr Willard, Educator of 1228 East Fifty-sixth Street, was born in 1858, in West Brattleboro, Vt. Since 1906 he has been Professor and head of the Department of Ger- manic Languages and Literatures in the Uni- versity of Chicago. In 1901-2 he was Presi- dent of the Central Division of the Modern Language Association of America. Czarnecki, Anthony, Newspaper Man, was born Jan. 14, 1878, in Posen, Poland. He is a member of the staff of the Chicago Daily News. In 1917 he was appointed a member of the Chicago Board of Education. Daemicke, Paul J., Manufacturer of 150 West Lake Street, was born Aug. 7, 1848, in Albany, N. Y. Since 1872 he has been engaged in the hardware business, and is now Presi- dent of the Paul J. Daemicke Company, refrig- erators and store fixtures. Dagg, Thomas Levi, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Jan. 12, 1868, in Forester, Mich. He is Anaesthetist to St. Luke's Hospital; and since 1907 a Director of the Pathological Department of the Chicago Laboratory. Dagnault, Thomas, Surgeon of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 24, 1886, in Paris, France. He specializes in genito-uri- nary surgery. Dahl, Svenning, Physician of 2029 Pierce Avenue, was born March 11, 1857, in Den- mark. He is attending surgeon to a number of hospitals. In 1909-10 he was President of the Scandinavian-American Medical Society. Daily, Frank E., Wholesale Merchant of 20 West Austin Avenue, was boirn Sept. 3, 1876, in McLeansboro, 111. He is a member of the firm of Daily Brothers, dealers in cordage and twine. Daily, Milton, Importer of 25 West Austin Avenue, was born Sept. 3, 1853, near Mc- Leansboro, 111. In 1877-8 he was Superintend- ent of the McLeansboro public schools ; 1879- 91 was general agent at Indianapolis for har- vesting machines; and from 1891-1900 Assist- ant General Manager of the McCormick Har- vesting Machine Company. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the importing of sisal hemp for making binder twine. Dale, William Bird, Manufacturer of 549 Fulton Street, was born Oct. 12, 1863, in Kan- kakee, 111. Since 1892 he has been Vice-Pres- ident of the Street and Kent Manufacturing HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 115 Company, manufacturers of plumbers ' sup- plies. Dalmar, Hugo, Fire Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 12, 1873, in New York. He is senior member of the firm of H. Dalmar and Company, Cook County Manager for the Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, and the Peoples National Fire Insurance Company of Philadel- phia. Daly, John Wallace, Eailroad Official of 14:; West Van Buren Street, was born June 2, 1868, in Canton, 111. Since 1882 he has been in railroad service and is now Passenger Traf- fic Manager for the New York Central Lines, West of Buffalo. Damiani, Joseph, Physician of 531 Milwau- kee Avenue, was born Jan. 25, 1873, in Italy. He is a member of the Staff of the Columbus Memorial Hospital. Damsel William Hudson, of 111 W. Wash- ington Street, was born Feb. 7, 1844, in West Chester, Pa. He has been associated with the Adams Express Company since 1864, beginning as messen- ger, later becoming Route Agent and Agent. In 1S90 he was elected a member of the board of managers; and in 1903-17 was Vice-Presi- dent and Manager. He is a member of several clubs. Dancey, Jesse Samuel, Clergyman of 6410 Stewart Avenue, was born Aug. 25, 1876, in Fairbury, 111. Sincel902 he has been a Metho- dist Episcopal minister, and in 1910-15 was Pastor of the First Church of Englewood. Dur- ing the Great War he served with the Ameri- can Red Cross in France. Danek, Eric J., Physician of 30 North Michi- gan Avenue, was born in 1880, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Instructor of Materia Med- ica in the Medical Department of the Univer- sity of Illinois; and house physician at the Congress Hotel. He is now physician to the Chicago Ship Building Company; and health officer in the Department of Health of Chica- go. He is a member of the American, Illinois State, Chicago, and Mississippi Valley Medi- cal Associations; and the American Public Health Association. DangeL William Henry, Tool Manufacturer of 319 West Ohio Street, was born Nov. 27, 1875, in Elizabeth, N. J. Since 1912 he has been President of the Love joy Tool Company. Danie's, Raymond Elkins, Coal Merchant of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 26, 1883, in Chicago. From 1908-11 he practiced law in Chicago. He is now President of E.l- win F. Daniels and Company, Incorporated, coal and coke dealers. Danisch, Frank P., Lawyer of 139 North Clark Street, was born Sept. 22, 1873, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1910-12 he was an Alderman in the Eleventh Ward in Chicago. Darling, Charles Gilchrist, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 18, 1877, in Evanston, 111. Since 1899 he has prac- ticed medicine in Chicago. He is Professor of the Diseases of the Eye, in Rush Medical Col- lege; and Eye Surgeon to the Cook County and Presbyterian Hospitals. Darling, Harry W., Investment Dealer of 39 South LaSalle Street. He is engaged in the gas and eleeiric investment business. Resi- dence, Evanston, 111. Darlington, Herbert, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 25, 1851, in West Chester, Pa. Since 1872 he has been engaged in the insurance business in Chi- cago, and is now Secretary and Director of the Fred S. James Company. Darrow, Clarence Seward, 140 North Dear- born Street, was born April 18, 1857, in Kins- man, Ohio. In 1902 he was elected to the Illinois Legislature. He is now senior mem- ber of the law firm of Darrow, Sissman and Popham. He has written a number of books among them An Eve for an Eye, and Resist Not Evil. Dart, Carlton Rollin, Civil Engineer of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 1, 1862, in Lansing, Mich. In 1881 he received the degree of B. S. from the Michigan Agricultural College. From 1885-6 he was Assistant Engineer of the Grand Rapids and Indi- ana Railway; and for four years he was Assistant En- gineer of the Union Pacific Railroad Company. He has also been Assistant Engi- neer, Bridge Engineer and Assistant Chief En- gineer of the Sanitary District of Chicago. He is now Chief Bridge Engineer of the Sanitary District of Chicago. Dasch, George, Musician of 220 South Mich igan Avenue, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1898 he has been a member of the Theo- dore Thomas Orchestra, and its successor, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Dashiell, C. Russ, Automobile Healer of 2412 Michigan Avenue, was born April ~>, 1878, in Chicago, 111. Since 1907 he has been engaged in the automobile business in Chicago, and is now President of the Dashiell Motor Company. Dau, J. J., Wholesale Grocer of 314 North Clark Street, was born Dec. 31, 1S45, in Den- mark. He is Chairman of Reid, M unlock and Company; and a Director of the State Bank. Dauchy, Samuel, Manufacturer of 223 West Illinois Street, was born Sept. 2^, 1865, in Jor- dan. N. Y. Since 1912 he has been President of the Dauchy Iron Works. Daughaday, C. Colton, Publisher of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born July 1, 1879, 116 IIERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. in St. Louis, Mo. Il<' is President of Daugh- aday and Company, publishers. Daugherty, Harry A., Attorney-at-Law of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 9, L875, in Akron, Ohio. He is General Attorney for the standard oil Company of Indiana. Davenport, Benjamin H., of 208 South La- Salle Street. Resilient Vice-President of the American Surety Company of New York. David, Joseph B., Attorney at-Law and Jur- ist, County Building, was horn Oct. 27, 186.'}, in Louisville, Ky. In 1885 lie was admitted to the bar, and has since practiced in Chicago. He has been Spe- cial Assistant State's At- torney, and Special Assist- ant City Attorney. He is now Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. He is a member of the Illinois Athletic and Iroquois Clubs. Davie, George F., Steel Merchant of 39 South Dearborn Street, was born 1861, in Bos- ton, Mass. Since 1905 he has been Vice-Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Interstate Iron and Steel Company. Davies, Morgan Lloyd, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born March 4, 1880, in Dixon, 111. Since 1903 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago; in 1904-7 was General Attorney for the South Chicago City Railway Company; and 1913-17 Special Assistant Unit- ed States Attorney in anti-trust cases. Davies, Ray H., Surgeon of 30 North Michi- gan Avenue, was born Feb. 11, 1877. Since 1906 he has practiced surgery in Chicago. He is Medical Referee for the Connecticut Mutual l.itC Insurance Company; and Attending Sur- geon to the West Side Hospital. Davies, William H., Banker of 105 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 30, 1868, in Pictou, Nova Scotia. He is Manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia. Davis, Abel, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 26, 1874, in Chicago, 111. He was a member of the Lower House in the Forty-third Illinois General Assembly from the Twenty-third Dis- trict of Illinois; and was County Recorder of Cook County. He is now Vice- President of the Chicago Title and Trust Company. During the Spanish American War he served in Cuba in the First Illinois United States Volunteers; and is now Major, First Infantry, Illinois National Guard. During the Great War he served as Colonel in the One Hundred ami Thirtj second Infantry with the Ameri- can Expeditionary Forces. Davis, Brode Bedford, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 15, 1868, in Lewis, Iowa. Since 1890 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago, and is a di- rector in several corporations. Davis, Charles Edwin, Merchant of 339 South State Street, was born Jan. 27, 1861, in Cambridge, Mass. Since 1901 he has been President of Rothschild and Company. Davis, Charles Gilbert, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born Oct. 14, 1849, in Clay County, Mo. Since 1876 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is President of Wau- nita Sanatorium, Waunita, Colo. Davisl, Edwin Scott, Contractor of 139 North Clark Street, was born Dec. 24, 1877, in Greenville, Pa. Since 1916 he has been Presi- dent of the Ideal Crushed Stone Company, and since 1915 President of the Davis Electric Equipment Company. Davis, Effa V., Physician of 2314 North Clark Street, was born in LaSalle County, 111. Since 1891 she has practiced medicine in Chi- cago. She was formerly Lecturer for the Chi- cago Social Hygiene Society and Chairman of the Social Evil Committee of the Women's City Club. She is Physician-in-Chief of the Chicago Maternity Hospital; Obstetrician to the American Hospital ; and Chairman of the Mothers ' and Babies ' Welfare Committee of the Chicago Political Equality League. She is ex-President of the Women 's Medical Club, and the Woman's Protective Association; and a member of the Eugenics Educational Soci- ety. Davis, Frank H., Life Underwriter of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 22, 1880, in Mills County, la. He is Superintend- ent of Agencies of the Equitable Life Assur- ance Society of the United States. He is a member of the Union League, Olympian Fields Country, and Hamilton Clubs; and the Chicago Association of Commerce. Davis, George Gilbert, Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1879, in Chi- cago, 111. He was formerly Associate Pro- fessor of Surgery in the University of the Philippines; and Surgeon to the Philippine General Hospital, Manila. He is now Surgeon to the Presbyterian Hospital. Davis, George W., Educator, was born May 16, 1853, in Troy, Mich. Principal of the Hawthorne Grammar School. Davis James, Banker of 1400 Milwaukee Avenue, was born March 7, 1869, in Germany. Since 1894 he has been in business for him- self. He is now Vice-President of the Noel State Bank; and is owner of the James Davis Wholesale Wall Paper and Painters' Supplies business. Davis, James Ewing, Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born March 19, 1868, in Maisville, W. Va. Since 1893 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Short, Davis and Rust. Davis, John S., Surgeon of 9119 Commercial HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 117 Avenue, was born Oct. 20, 1862, near Lexing- ton, Ky. He is Attending Surgeon to the South Chicago Hospital; and Surgeon to the Baltimore and Ohio, Chicago and Western In- diana, and Illinois Central Railways. Davis, Lyndall Llewellyn, Dentist of 81 East Madison Street, was born Sept. 7, 1858, in Yeovil, England. In 1892-3 he was Profes- sor of Histology and Embryology in the Amer- ican Dental College; and 1897-9 Dean of Northwestern College of Dental Surgery. Davis, Mortimer A., Certified Public Ac- countant of 333 South Dearborn Street, was born April 14, 1866, in London, England. He is a member of the firm of Davis, Teeter and Niquette, certified public accountants. He is a member of the Chicago and Detroit Associa- tions of Commerce; winner of the Hamilton Cup Whist Trophy, the American Whist League Trophy; and three times a winner of Western Mixed Pairs. Davis, Nathan Smith, Physician of 7 West Madis on Street , was born Sept. 5, 1858, in Chicago, 111. Since 1883 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He was formerty Dean of the Northwestern University Medical School. He is now physician to the Mercy, Wesley and St. Luke's Hospitals. He is a member of many medical and scientific societies ; and tne author of a number of medical works. Davis, Ozora Stearns, Theologian of 5725 Blackstone Avenue, was born July 30, 1866, in Wheelock, Vt. Since 1909 he has been Presi- dent of the Chicago Theological Seminary. Davis, Thomas Archibald, Physician of 2341 Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 22, 1858, in Ingersoll, Ontario. He is President and Pro- fessor of Surgery in the Illinois Post Graduate Medical School; and President and Attending Surgeon of The West Side Hospital. Davis, William A., Lumber Dealer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1866, in Portland, Ind. He is President and Treasurer of the W. A. Davis Lumber Company. Dawes, Charles Gates, Banker of 125 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 27, 1865, in Ma- rietta, Ohio. He was edu- cated at Marietta Academy and the Cincinnati Law School. In 1898-1901 he was Comptroller of Cur- rency; and 1900 Chairman of the Illinois State Repub- lican Convention. In 1902 he organized the Central Trust Company of Illinois, and has since been President. During the Great War he served with the American Expe- dionary Forces in France. Davis, William Walley, Corporation Official of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 7, 1868, in Tredyffin, Pa. Since 1916 he has been manager of the By Products Coke Corpo- ration. Davison, Charles, Surgeon of 30 North Mich- igan Boulevard, was born in 1858, in Lake County, 111. Since 1884 he has practiced medi- cine in Chicago. He is Attending Surgeon to the University and Cook County Hospitals-; and Professor of Surgery in the Medical Col- lege of the University of Illinois. Dawes, Henry May, Public Utility Operator of 111 West Monroe Street, was born April 22, 1877, in Marietta, Ohio. In 1896 he received the degree of B.A. from Marietta College. He is President of the Southwestern Gas and Electric Company; Vice-President and Treas- urer of the Metropolitan Gas and Electric Company; and a Director of the Chicago Mor- ris Plan Bank. He is a member of the Union League, Glen View, Evanston, and Evanston Country Clubs. Dawes, Rufus Cutler, Public Utility Opera- tor of 111 West Monroe Street, was born July 30, 1867, in Marietta, Ohio. In 1889 he received the de- gree of MA. from Marietta College. He is President and a Director of the Union Gas and Electric Company; the Metropolitan Gas ami ^JF Bk Electric Company; the Cen- bJfflft -^M | lr:i! Indiana Gas Company ; jg fjSL I and an officer and director in other public utility corporations. He is a member of the Evanston, University and Chi- cago Clubs. Dawes, William Ruggles, Banker of 125 West Monroe Street, was born Oct. 5, 1862, in Ripon, Wis. He is Vice-President and Cashier of the Central Trust Company of Illinois; and President of the North Side State Savings Bank. Dawson, Arthur, Wholesale Merchant of 22 East Lake Street, was born June 27, 1845, in England. He is President of Robert Steven- son and Company, wholesale drugs. Dawson, George Ellis, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born June 23, 1847, in Loami, 111. Since 1881 he has prac- ticed law; and in 1893-6 was Attorney for the Sanitary District of Chicago. Dawson, Thomas Jefferson, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born July 31, 1868, in Chicago, 111/ In 1897-1901 he was Chief Assistant Prosecut- ing Attorney for the City of Chicago; and in 1901-5 State Senator from the Sixtli Senatorial District of Illinois. He is now Attor- ney for the Board of Re- view of Cook County, and the Illinois Electric Railway Association. He 118 HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. is Democratic State Central Committeeman fin' the Truth Congressional District. Day, Albert M., of 1753 West, Congress street. President of the Presbyterian Hospi- tal. Day, Alfred L., Manufacturer of 631 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 19, 1867, in Lancaster, Wis. Since 1889 lie has been en- gaged in the manufacture of perforating ma- chines for practical purposes; and is now Pres- ident of The American Perforator Company. Day, Clyde L., Attorney-at-Law of 108 Smith LaSalle Street, was born in 1869, in I'axton, 111. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the practice of law in Chicago; and in 1910- 1 1 was City Attorney. He is now a member of the firm of Church, Shepard and Day. Day, Darby A., Insurance Manager of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 27, 1874. He was formerly Manager for the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York in Albu- querque, N. M., El Paso, Tex., Providence, It. I., and Hartford, Conn.; from 1907-11 was Agency Supervisor of the Central States for the same company. He is now Manager of the Chicago Department of the Mutual Life In- surance Company of New York. Day, Elias Vaughan, of 64 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in Belvidere, N. J. Since 1913 he has been President of the Lyceum Arts Conservatory. Day, James B., Manufacturer of 214 West Ohio Street, was born June 24, 1872, in Niles, 111. Since 1909 he has been President of James B. Day and Company, varnishes. Day, Stephen A., Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSa.lle Street, was born July 13, 1882, in Canton, Ohio. Before coming to Chicago he practiced law in Cleveland, Ohio. He was for- merly a member of the law firm of Pam, Hurd and Day; and was secretary to Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller. Since '1912 he has been engaged in independent practice. He is a member of the Chicago and Illinois Bar Asso- ciations; and a member of the Hamilton Club and the Clenview Club. Day, William Baker, Educator and Pharma- cist of 701 South Wood Street, was barn Feb. 15, 1871, in Peru, 111. Since 1913 he has been Professor of Botany and Materia Medica, and Acting Dean in the University of Illinois School of Pharmacy. Day, Winfield Scott, Broker of 330 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 20, 1880, in Peru, 111. Since 1907 he has been engaged in tlic grain commission business in Chicago; and since lit ]7 Secretary and Director of Simons, Dav and Company. Deacon, Frank, Physician and Surgeon of 464 East Thirty-second Street, was born June 24, 1876, in Ireland. He was formerly Su- perintendent of Memorial Hospital; and First Lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States Army. Deagan, John C, Manufacturer of 1770 Ber- teau Avenue, was born Nov. 6, 1853, in Hec- tor,- N. Y. Since 1878 he has been engaged in the manufacture of musical instruments, and is now proprietor of the Musical Instrument Works, manufacturers of original musical nov- elty instruments. He has traveled extensively in various parts of the world; and has an in- ternational reputation as an authority on acoustics. Dean, Albert Flandreau, Fire Underwriter of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born July 30, 1842, in Madison, Ind. In 1861-2 he served in the Civil War. Since 1875 he has been en- gaged in the lire insurance business in Chi- cago, and since 1912 Manager of the Western Department of the Springfield Fire and Ma- rine Insurance Company. Dean, Arthur R., Architect of 137 South La- Salle Street, was born Feb. 5, 1869, in Mt. Vernon, N. H. He is a member of the firm of Dean and Dean, architects. Dean, Charles H., Manufacturer of 855 El- ston . Avenue, was born Nov. 24, 1867, in Brockton, Mass. He is President of the Stall and Dean Manufacturing Company, sporting goods. Dean, George Robinson, Architect of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 11, 1864, in Satara, India. Since 1895 he has been en- gaged in the practice of architecture in Chi- cago, and since 1903 a member of the firm of Dean and Dean, architects of the Village of Morgan Park, Duluth, Minn.; Alpha Delta Phi Chapter House; Cornell University, and nu- merous other large structures. Dean, John Marvin, Clergyman of 111 South Central Park Boulevard, was born Oct. 14, 1845, in Coblesville, N. Y. Since 1912 he has been Pastor of the Second Baptist Church, Chicago; and since 1913 President of the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dean, Marvin Ansel, Wholesale Grocer of 600 West Erie Street, was born Nov. 13, 1852, in Canaan, Conn. Since 1881 he has been with Sprague, Warner and Company, and is now chairman, Treasurer and a Director of the Company. Dean," Maurice S., Traffic Manager of 122 South Michigan A venue, was born in Blakeley, Minn. He is Vice-President of the Butte, Anaconda and Pacific Railway; and is Traffic Manager for the Anaconda Copper Mining Company; the International Smelting Company; and the International Lead Re- fining Company; and an officer and director in other corporations. Dean, Richmond, Manufacturer of 79 East Adams Street, was born Nov. 2, 1862, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1914 he has been Vice- President of the Pullman Company. Dean, William Tucker, Electrical Engineer HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 119 of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 2, 1876, in Council Bluffs, Iowa. He is Presi- dent of the General Combustion Company of Chicago. Deahe, Ruthven, Ornithologist, of 112 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 20, 1851, in Cam- bridge, Mass. In 1898-1914 he was President of the Illinois Audubon Society. de Anguera, F., Lumber Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was born July 3, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly tie-timber agent for the Chicago, Kock Island and Pacific Railway. He is now President of the Anguera Lumber Company and Anguera Timber Com- pany. He is a member of the Union League Club. Deavitt, Henry Mclntyre, Chemist of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 8, 1874, in Montpelier, Vt. He is a consulting and analytical chemist; and President of the Mu- tual Chemical Company. DeBerard, Wilford Willis, Editor of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born in Fairfax, Iowa. Since 1910 he has been Western Editor of the Engineering Record. DeBey, Cornelia Bernarda, Physician of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born May 26, 1865, in Holland. Since 1895 she has prac- ticed medicine in Chicago; and in 1905-8 was a member of the Board of Education, Chicago. de Bower, Edward Wallace, Investments dealer of 206 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 19, 1870, near Lodi, Wis. He formerly was President of the Commonwealth Trust and Security Company; and President of the LaSalle Extension University. Decker, Alfred, Manufacturer of 416 South Franklin Street, was born Nov. 2, 1871, in Germany. Since 1902 he has been a member of the firm of Alfred Decker and Cohn, manu- facturers of Society Brand Clothes. Decker, Henry P., Manufacturer of 961 Montana Street, was born Aug. 26, 1852, in Cologne, Germany. For eleven years he was connected with Field, Leiter and Company; for thirteen years was connected with the J. B. Farwell and Company; and since 1892 has been a manufacturer of neckwear. Dee, George Washington, Manufacturer of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born June 27, 1875, in Chicago. Since 1904 he has been Vice-President and Treasurer of the William E. Dee Company. Dee, William' Edward, Manufacturer of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born July 16, 1859, in Chicago, 111. Since 1906 he has been Presi- dent of William E. Dee and Company, manu- facturers of sewer pipe. Deering, Charles, Manufacturer of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born 1852, in Paris, Maine. He was formerly Secretary of the Deering Harvester Company. He is now Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Harvester Company. Deering, James, Manufacturer of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1859, in Maine. Until 1902 he was an officer in the Deering Harvester Company. He is now Vice-Presi- dent of the International Harvester Com- pany; and President of the International Har- vester of New Jersey. Deeves, Griffen Hampton, Merchant of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 19, 1866, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1885 he has been en- gaged in the lumber busi- ness in Chicago He is President of the Griffen H. Deeves Lumber Company; and a Director of the Mis- sissippi Lumber Company. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Com- merce; and the South Shore Country, Illinois Athletic, and Chicago Gun Clubs. Defebaugh, Edgar Harvey, Publisher of 537 South Dearborn Street, was born in Blair County, Pa. Since 1896 he has been Editor and Publisher of the Barrel and Box, a Maga- zine. DeForest, F. Bowden, 519 Wellington Ave., was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He is Vice- President and Director of Hinckley and Schmitt; and a Director of the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Defrees, Joseph Holton, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born April 10, 1858, in Goshen, Ind. Since 1888 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now a mem- ber of the firm of Defrees, Buckingham and Eaton. He is also President of the Win- dermere Company; Vice- President and Director of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America; former President of the Chicago Association of Commerce; Vice-President of the Civil Federation of Chicago; President of the Chicago Bar Association, and Vice-Presi- dent of the State Bar Association. De Goes, Sigurd T., Diplomat of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1868, in St. Bar- thelemy, West Indies. He has been Vice Coun- sul to Shanghai, China, Consul to Glasgow, Scotland; and Consul General to Sydney. He is now Consul General for Sweden. He is a member of the Chicago, University and Casino Clubs. DeGolyer, Laurence Nelson, Manufacturer of 133 West Washington Street, was born June 2, 1874, in Chicago, 111. He was former- ly associated with the firm of William H. Col- vin and Company. Since 1907 he has been President of the Ward Lumber Company, Manufacturers of hardwood lumber. Denning, Christopher H., Banker of S10 West Sixty-third Street, was born Dec. 2, 1868, in Homewood, 111. He is President of 120 IIKKRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. the Sixty-third and Halstcd State Savings Bank, Chicago. De Jonghe, Charles, Hotel Manager of 12 Eas1 Monroe Street. President of the De Jonghe Hotel and Bestauranl Company. De Lagneau, Iiea RacheL educator of 1612 West Adams Street, was born in Sens, France. since 1897 she has been Professor of French in Lewis Institute. De Lamarter, Eric, Organist and Conductor of 123 East Chestnut Street, was born Feb. is, L880, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1914 he has been Organist and Director of Music in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago. In 1910-1-4 he was Music Critic of the Chicago Tribune. De Lang, Frederick Cornelius, Stationer of 311 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 6, 1854, in Albany, N. Y. In 1881-2 he was State Senator of Illinois. He is now President of De Lang, Coles and Company. DeLany, Frank Joseph, Grain Merchant of L40 West Van Buren Street, was born Nov. _', L875, in Peru, 111. In 1904-7 he was Vice- President and General Manager of the Nash- Ferguson Grain Company, Kansas City. He is now President and General Manager of the Cragin Elevator Company, Chicago. De Long, Frederic Thomas, Dealer in Rail- way Equipment, 332 South Michigan Avenue, was bora in U'tica, X. Y. Since 1905 he has been Second Vice-President of the Chicago Railway Equipment Company. Delprat, John Thomas, Physician and Sur- geon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Oct. 22, 1S67, in New York, N. Y. Since 1903 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is now Surgeon to the Chicago Baptist Hospi- tal. De Mare, Leopold Egbert, Musician and Soloist of 220 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 13, 1862, in Rotterdam, Holland. Since 1891 he has been first French horn soloist with the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, and its successor, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Dement, Merritt Henry, of 632 Sherman Street, was born 1877, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1905 he has been President of Buckley, Dement and Company, mail advertising cam- paigns. He is a member of the Hamilton and Kenilworth Clubs. Demme, Emil, Hotel Manager of 179 West Randolph Street, was bom Sept. 24, 1857, in Berlin, Germany. He was educated in Germany, and in 1885 came to Chicago. He is President of the In- ternational Hotel Company; and General Manager and Director of the Hotel Bis- niark and Bismark Garden. He is a 32 degree Mason and Shriner, and a member of the Germania Club. Demetry, Constas H, Clergyman of 159 West Oak Street, was born Oct. 11, 1873, in Samos, Greece. Since 1900 he has been en- gaged in ministerial work; and has held pas- torates in Atlanta, Ga.; Lowell, Mass.; and Constantinople, Greece. He is now Rector of the Hellenic Church of the Annunciation, Chicago. De Muth, Benjamin Franklin, Retired Mer- chant at 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 1, 1852, in Urichsville, Ohio. He was for- merly President of De Muth and Company, re- tail shoes. Deneen, Charles Samuel, Lawyer and States- man of 29 South LaSalle, Street was born May 4, 1863, in Edwardsville, 111. In 1895-6 he was Attorney for the Sanitary District of Chicago; 1896-1904 State's Attorney of Cook County; and 1905-13 Governor of Illinois. Denney, James Arlando, Surgeon of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was bom Aug. 22, 1857, in Fort Recovery, Ohio. He is Chief Surgeon and Medical Director of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company. Denney, John, Commission Merchant of 167 West South Water Street, was born June 1, 1870, in Sennett, X. Y. Since 1902 he has been President of Denney and Company, wholesale fruit and produce. Dennis, Charles Henry, Journalist was born Feb. 8, 1860, in Decatur, 111. Since 1881 he has been engaged in newspaper work in Chi- cago. He is now Managing Editor of the Chicago Daily Xews. Dennis, Charles S., of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 11, 1855, in Somerville, Mass. Since 1863 he has resided in Chicago. He has been engaged in the manufacturing and wholesale business; and for twenty -five years has been chairman of several manufac- turing and commercial associtions. Dent, Joseph Croft, Clergyman of 3232 Le Moyne Street, was born Feb. 24, 1868, in Har- lestone, Xorthamptonshire, England. Since 1909 he has been Pastor of the Pilgrim Tem- ple Baptist Church. Denvir, James C, Editor of 118 Xorth La- Salle Street, was born in 1870, in Chicago, 111. In 1906 he was Democratic Xomdnee for County Commissioner; and in 1912 a Presi- dential Elector. Since 1896 he has been Editor of Standard Opinion. He is also a West Park Commissioner. DePree, James, Manufacturing Chemist of 133 West Washington Street, was born in 1879, in Grand Rapids, Mich. He is Vice- President and Sales Manager of the DePree Chemical Company. De Puy, Clarence E., Educator, was born in March, 1863, in Jackson County, Mich. Since 1896 he has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Lewis Institute. Derby, William Miner, Jr., Real Estate Dealer of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1863, in Chicago, 111. In 1885 he graduated HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 121 from Yale University and has since been en- gaged in the real estate business for himself. Dering, Charles L., Business Manager of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born in New Biggins, Wis. In 1896-7 he was President of the Coal Dealers' Association of Illinois and Wisconsin. He is now Manager of the Coal Department of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company. Dering, Jackson Kemper, Merchant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 1, 1870, in Darlington, Wis. Since 1912 he has been President of the J. K. Dering Coal Com- pany. Dernburg, Carl, Fur Merchant of 115 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1S57, in Ger- many. He is President of the American Fur Dealers Association of New York; and is senior member of the firm of Carl Dernburg and Son, Chicago and New York. Derr, C. Edwin, Clergyman of 2211 Addison Street, was born Sept. 24, 1868, in Myersville, Md. He was formerly Professor of Philosophy and History in Carthage 1 College, Carthage, 111. He is now Pastor of Lutheran Church of the Ascension Chicago. Detmer, Julian F., Merchant of 205 West Monroe Street, was born in 1865, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is President of the Detmer Woolen Company, which he organized in 1888. Detmer, Martin J., Manufacturer of 2518 Archer Avenue. President of the Detmer Manufacturing Company, gas generators. Detrick, Charles, Banker of 5056 South Hal- sted Street, was born in 1869, in Dunkirk, N". Y. President of the City State Bank. Deutsch Joseph, Lithographer of 2320 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 10, 1865, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1896 he has been President and General Manager of the Ed- wards and Deutsch Lithographing Company. Deutsch, Nathan, Manufacturer of 510 West Thirteenth Street. He is Treasurer of the Monarch Electric and Wire Company, and President of N. Deutsch and Company, metals. Deutsch, Samuel, Iron Merchant of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1865, in Louis- ville, Ky. He is a Director of the Inland Steel Company; and Treasurer of the Ohio Iron and Metal Company. Devine, Miles J., Attorney-at-Law of 105 No rth Clark Stre et, was born Nov. 11, 1866, r^BB I in Chicago, 111. In 1890 he I received the degree of L.L. I D. from the Chicago College I of Law and was admitted to the bar the same year. He was City Prosecuting Attor- ney of Chicago under Mayors Harrison, Hopkins and Smith; and 1897-9 City Attorney. He is now en- gaged in the general practice of his profes- sion. Residence 1262 Macalester Place. Dever, William Emmett, Jurist of 5901 Ken- more Avenue, was born March 13, 1862, in Woburn, Mass. He has been engaged in the practice of law since 1890; and in 1902-08 was Aide] -man from the Seventeenth Ward. He is now Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County, and Presiding Justice of the Appellate Court, First District of Illinois. Devitt, Martin Allen, Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born April 7, 1863, in West Day, Saratoga County, N. Y. Prior to 1892 he was engaged in the banking business in Cleveland, Ohio. He is now head of the firm of Devitt, Tremble and Company, investment bank- ers. He is a member of the Union League, Mid-Day, Edgewater, and Automobile Clubs, Chicago, and the Racquet Club of Philadelphia. De Voney, John B^ Real Estate and Finan- cial Agent of 133 West Washington Street, was born June 11, 1882, in New Orleans, La. He was formerly President of the Interna- tional Savings Bank; and Vice-President of the National Live Stock and Food Producing Company. He is now President of the Chica- go Toy Works. De Vos, Julius Emilius, Clergyman, of 2517 Logan Boulevard, was born March 29, 1848, in Flanders, Belgium. In 1911 he organized and has since been President of the Catholic Colonization Society of America. Devries, Herman, Vocal Teacher and Music Critic of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 25, 1858, in New York City. In 1900 he established the Herman Devries Stu- dios, Chicago. He is Music Critic of the Chi- cago American. De Wees, William Wharton, of 720 South Dearborn Street, was born March 2, 1866, in Canton, Ohio. Since 1887 he lias been Presi- dent of the Chicago Addressing Company. He is a member of the Olympian Fields Country, South' Shore Country, and Columbia Yacht Clubs. Dewes, Francis Joseph, of 1225 South Camp- bell Avenue, was born April 8, 1845, in Ger- many. President of the Standard Products Oompany. He is a member of the Union League and Chicago Lincoln Clubs. De Windt, Heyliger A., Wholesale Shoe Merchant of 222 West Monroe Street, was born 1858, in Fishkill on the Hudson, N. Y. Since 1894 he has been President and Treas- urer of the Sidwell, De Windt Shoe Company. DeWitt, William Converse, Clergyman of 2716 Washington Boulevard, was born Oct. 31, 1860, in Tiskilwa, 111. He has rilled pastor ates in the Grace Church of Freeport. 111.; and in St. Andrew's Church of Chicago. Since 1905 he has been Dean of the Western Theo logical Seminary. DeWolf, Wallace Leroy, Real Estate Dealer 122 HERRINGSHAW 's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. of 110 South dearborn Street, was born in Chicago, 111. J u 190] 1908 he was President of the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Com- pany. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the real estate and loan business; and is now senior member oi the firm of W. L. DeWolf and Company. DeWolte, Edward 0., Publisher of 608 South Dearborn Street, was horn Feb. 16, 1874, in Michigan City, Jnd. lie is publisher of tech- nical advertising literature on machinery; and Editor of Electrical Mining. De Young, Benjamin Reynolds, Real Estate Dealer of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 18, 1843, in New York City. Since 1879 he has been engaged in the real estate busi- ness under the name of B. R. De Young and I lompany. Dial, Morris R., Lumber Dealer of 2201 South Loomis Street, was born Feb. 1, 1867, in Springfield, Ohio. He is a partner in the Pike Dial Lumber Company. Diamond, Jacob, Attorney-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 9, 1876, in Germany. Since 1896 he has practiced law in Chicago. In 1908 he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention. Dibelka, James B., Architect of 130 North Wells Street, was born Jan. 9, 1869, in Bo- hemia. In 1911-13 he was a member of the Board of Education of Chicago; and 1913-17 State Architect of Illinois. Dick, Albert Blake, Manufacturer of 736 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 16, 1856, in Bureau County, 111. Since 1884 he has been President, Treasurer and a Director of the A. B. Dick Company. He is also Di- rector of the National City Bank, and the Buda Company. Dicker, Edward Alfred, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was barn June 18, 1855, in Stoughton, Mass. In 1887-1906 he was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court ; and 1906-12 Judge of the Municipal Court of I look County. Dickerson, James Spencer, was born April 9, 1853, in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1895-1914 he was Managing Editor of The Standard, Chi- cago. He is now Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago. Dickey, Samuel, Educator, of 4 Chalmers Place, was born Nov. 27, 1872, in Oxford, Pa. Since 1905 he has been Professor of New Testament Literature in the McCormick The- ological Seminary. Dickey, William Earl, Underwriter of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born March 18, 1873, in Valparaiso, Ind. He is a member of the firm of W. A. Alexander and Company. Dickinson, Frederick, Attorney-at-Law, of II South LaSalle Street, was born May 3, 1879, in Warrington, England. In 1906 he was admitted to the bar. He is Assistant United States Attorney far the Northern Dis- trict of Illinois. Dickinson, Charles, Seed Merchant, of 2750 West Thirty-fifth Street, was born May 28, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President and a Di- rector of the Albert Dickin- son Company, which was incorporated in 1887; Pres- ident of the Merchants' Terminal Eailway Com- pany; and an officer in other corporations. He is President of the Aero Club oi imnois ana a member of the Union League Club. Dickinson, Henry Clarence, Piano Merchant of 323 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 8, 1865, in Troy, Ohio. He is Vice-President of The Baldwin Company; The Baldwin Piano Company; the Ellington Piano Company; The Hamilton Piano Company; The Hamilton Or- gan Company; The Monarch Piano Company; and the Howard Piano Company. Dickinson, Henry Fellows, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1874, in St. Louis, Mo. He received his edu- cation in the Rockford, 111., High School, and later studied at Lake Forest Academy, Har- vard Law School, and Wisconsin University. He is a member of the University Club. Dickinson, Jacob McGavock, Attorney-at- Law, of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 30, 1851, in Columbus, Miss. In 1895-7 he was As- sistant Attorney-General of the United States ; and 1909-11 Secretary of War in the cabinet of President Taft. He is now Receiver- for the Chicago, Rock Is- land and Pacific Railway, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago, Rock Island and Gulf Railway. In 1907-8 he was President of the Chicago Bar Association. Dickinson, M. G-., Clergyman of 2137 Mont- rose Avenue, was born May 9, 1877, in Peter- son, N. J. He has held pastorates in Hoboken, N. J., Brooklyn, N. Y., and Trenton, N. J. He is now pastor of the Ravenswood Baptist Church, Chicago. Dickinson, William Frederick, Attorney-at- Law of 143 West Van Buren Street, was born Nov. 25, 1876, in Rockford, 111. Since 1910 he has been General Attorney for the Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Com- pany at Chicago. Dickinson, Willis P., Railway Official of 105 South LaSalle Street. He is President of W. P. Dickinson and Company; and President of the Memphis and Gulf Railroad. Dickinson, William R., Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 24, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1903 he has practiced law in Chicago and is now a mem- HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 123 ber of the law firm of Wilson, Moore and Mc- Illvaine. Dickson, George E., Attorney-at-Law of 135 LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 15, 1867, in Clay County, 111. He is President of the Na- tional Indemnity Company. Dickson, John A., of 521 West Monroe ■Street, was born Sept. 1, 1852, in Lawrence County, Tenn. He is president of the John A. Dickson Publishing Company, publishers of the Dickson Indexed Bible. Dickson, Leonard Eugene, Educator of 5535 University Avenue, was born Jan. 22, 1874, in Independence, la. Since 1897 he has been engaged in educational work; and since 1910 Professor of Mathematics in the Uni- versity of Chicago. Diener, George J., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 4, 1867, in Chicago. He was formerly Custodian of the United States Post Office and Custom House in Chicago. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the insurance business. Diener, George William, Manufacturer of 400 Monticello Avenue, was born April 1, 1876, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been President of the Gearge W. Diener Manufac- turing Company, hardware specialties. Dienner, John A., Patent Attorney of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 22, 1887, in Elkhart, Ind. He received the degree of B. S. from Purdue University; LL.B. from George Washington University; and M.L.D. from Georgetown University. He is junior member of the patent law firm of Brown, Boettcher and Dienner. Member of the Uni- versity Club of Evanston, City Club, Chicago; and associate member of the American Insti- tute of Electrical Engineers. Dierssen, George Emil, Attorney-at-Law of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1879, in Chicago, 111. From 1907-11 he was Assistant Corporation Counsel in Chicago; and since August, 1917, has been Assistant Attorney General of Illinois. Dietzgen, Eugene, Merchant of 166 West Monroe Street. President of the Eugene Dietzgen Company, drawing materials. Dillon, William J., Attorney at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born in July, 1850, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He has been Master in Chancery of the Superior Court, and Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. Dillon, William J., Wholesale Coal Mer- chant of 203 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1874, in Oshawa, Canada. Since 1912 he has been President of the Mitchell and Dil- lon Coal Company. Dingle, John H., Life Underwriter of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born July 1, 1886, in Omar, Del. General Agent of the Mass- achusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. He is a member of the University and Ken- wood Clubs. Dinkelberg, Frederick Philip, Architect of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in Lan- caster, Pa. Since 1888 he has practiced archi- tecture. He designed the Field Annex Build- ing, Railway Exchange Building, and Conway Building, Chicago; and numerous structures in New York and other large cities. Dion, Joseph H., Lumber Dealer of 2349 South Loomis Street, was born Nov. 10, 1874, in East Saginaw. He is President and owner of Maisey and Dion, hardwood lumber. He is Secretary of the Chicago Association of Commerce; Ex-Secretary and Director of the Lumbermen's Association of Chicago; and a member of the Hamilton Club. Dittmar, G. Walter, Dentist of 59 East Madi- son Street, was born April 1, 1872, in Derinda, 111. He is Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry in the University of Illinois; Ex-President of the Chicago Dental Society. Dittus, Jacob E., Attorney-at-Law of 70 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 8, 1881, in Kankakee County, 111. In 1903 he received the degree of LL. B. from Dixon College of Law, Illinois; was admitted to the bar in 1904; and has since practiced law in Chicago. He is now Attorney for the Postal Telegraph Cable Company. He is also Secretary of the Baptist Old Peoples Home; President of the Alumni Association of Dixon College; and a member of the Hamilton Club. Dixon, George William, Lawyer* and Busi- ness Man of 425 South Wells Street, was born in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of the Arthur Dixon Transfer Company of Chicago; and Director of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. In 1903-7 he was a mem- ber of the Illinois Senate from the First Dis- trict. Dixon, Thomas John, Business Man of 425 South Fifth Avenue, was born Sept. 9, 1869, in Chicago, 111. In 189S-1910 he was an Alder- man in the Second Ward. He is General Man- ager of the Arthur Dixon Transfer Company. Dixon, William Warren, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born April 27, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Since 1904 he has been practicing law in Chicago. He is now a member of the law firm of Calhoun, Lyford and Sheean, and General Counsel for the Arthur Dixon Transfer Company. Dixson, Zella Allen, Librarian and Author of 6005 Woodlawn Avenue, was born in Zanes- ville, Ohio. In 1891-1911 she was administra- tive head of the University of Chicago Lib- rary. She is a contributor to educational and literary magazines. Doane, Philip S., Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 16, 1872, in Oak Park, 111. Since 1897 he has practiced Medicine in Chicago. He is Attending Gynaecologist to St. Joseph's Hospital, and Associate Gynaecologist to St. Luke's Hos- pital. 124 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Dobyus, Fletcher, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born May 24, 1872, in Milliards, Ohio.* He has received the degrees of A. B. and L.L. D. For three years lie was Assistant states Attorney of Cook County, and two years As- sistant United States Dis- trict Attorney. He is now a member of the law firm of Sheriff, Dent, Dobyns and Freeman. Dodd, Lewis Hurssell, Lumberman of 11900 Smith Halsted Street, was born 1876, in Chi- eago, 111. Since 1898 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is now Vice-Presi- dent and General Manager of the Sterling Lumber and Supply Company. Dodd, Oscar, Oculist and Aurist of 77 East Washington Street, was born in 1864, in Rosen- dale, Wis. Since 1890 he has practiced in Chicago, and is now Ophthalmologist to the Augustana and Evanston Hospitals. Dodd, Theodore L., Merchant of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born May 4, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Secretary and Sales Manager of McClernan and Company. He is now President of Theodore L. Dodd and Company, dealers in iron, steel, brass and copper. He is a member of the Chicago Asso- ciation of Commerce; Chicago Athletic Asso- ciation; and the Westmoreland Country Club. Dodd, William Edward, Educator of 5757 Blackstone Avenue, was born Oct. 21, 1869, in Clayton, N. C. Since 1908 he has been Professor of American History in the Uni- versity of Chicago. He is the author of Life of Jefferson Davis, and Author-Editor of Riverside History of the United States. Dodge, Chester C, Educator of 125 North Sacieinento Boulevard, was born 1852, in Pul- aski, N. Y. Since 1873 he has been a princi- pal of schools and is now principal of the .Mid hell School, Chicago. Dodge, William Curtis, Educator of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born July 28, 1848, in Pulaski, X. Y. Since 1900 he has been Dis- trict Superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools. Dods, John Palliser, Publisher of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 10, 1881, in Silver Creek, N. Y. From 1908-9 he was as- sociated with The Automobile Blue Book Pub- lishing Company of New York City. Since 1909 he has been Manager and Vice-President of the Chicago Office of The Automobile Blue Book Publishing Company. Dodson, John Milton, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 17, 1859, in Berlin, Wis. He is Dean of students and Pro- fessor of Medicine in Rush Medical College; and Professional Lecturer on Medicine and Dean of Medical Students in the University of Chicago. He was formerly a Major in the United States Army Medical Reserve Corps. Doederlein, Theodore John, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Aug. 14, 1872, in Chicago. He is Attending Gyne- cologist to the German Hospital. Doering, Edmund J., Physician of 81 East Madison Street, was born in 1856, in New York City. Since 1881 he has practiced medi- cine in Chicago. He was formerly Surgeon in the United States Marine Hospital Service. He is President of the Illinois Divison of the Medical Reserve Corps; President of the Medi- co Legal Society; Editor of the Chficago Medical Recorder; Consultant to the Michael Reese Hospital, and the Chicago Lying-in Hospital; Governor in the American College of Surgeons, and Institute of Medicine; and Lieutenant Colonel in the Medical Corps, U. S. Army. In 1886-7 he was President of the Chicago Medical Society. Doering, Otto O., Merchant, Arthington and Homan Avenues. Director and General Sup- erintendent of Sears, Roebuck and Company. Doggett, Lewis Chittenden, Broker of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 5, 1858, in Chicago, 111. In 1910-14 he was Vice- President of the N. K. Fairbank. He is now engaged in the oil brokerage business. Doggett, William Le Roy, Real Estate Dealer of 112 North LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 20, 1854, in Fredericksburg, Va. Since 1S90 he has been senior member of the real estate firm of W. L. Doggett and Brother. Dohrmann, George, Physician and Surgeon of 3634 Wrightwood Avenue, was born June 30, 1877, in Germany. He is Attending Sur- geon to the North Chicago Hospital. Dolan, Harry P., Lawyer and Jurist, was born May 16, 1875, in Boston, Mass. In 1901 he was admitted to the bar; was Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago; and since 1910 Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Dole, George Sidney, Commission Merchant of 226 South LaSalle Street, was born July 12, 1858, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has been President of J. H. Dole and Company, grain dealers. Dolese, John, Contractor of 108 South La- Salle Street. President of the Dolese and Shepard Company. Donaghey, Frederick, Author and Critic, was born Nov. 3, 1871, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1916 he has been Dramatic Critic of the Chi- cago Tribune. Donahey, William S., Underwriter of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born March 26, 1871, in Muscatine County, Iowa. Cashier and Auditor of the Des Moines Life Insurance Company. He is Auditor of the National Life Insurance Company in Chicago. He is a mem- ber of the Hamilton Club and the Hawkeye Fellowship Club. Donahoe, Daniel, Lawyer and Jurist, was born April 10, 1855, in Huntley, 111. In 1882 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK *OF BIOGRAPHY. 125 he was admitted to the bar. He is now Asso- ciate Judge of the Municipal Court of Chi- cago. Donahoe, John Thomas, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born April 14, 1853, in Bennington, Vt. Since 1887 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. Donahue, William James, Manufacturer of 72 West Adams Street, was born July 23, 1871, in Dwight, 111. Since 1898 he has been asso- ciated with the Wabash Screen Door Com- pany, and since 1916 has been Vice-President. He is a member of the Union League, Mid- Day, and Hardware Clubs. Donald, Francis C, of 608 South Dearborn Street. Chairman and Treasurer of the Rail- way Protective Bureau; President and a Director of the Central Railway and Hotel Distributing Company; and Commissioner of the Central Passenger Association. Donelson, Dexter Park, Manufacturer of 2225 West Forty-third Street, was born March 27, 1857, in Delaware, Ohio. Since 1892 he has been President of the Continental Bolt and Iron Works. Donlon, S. E., Physician and Surgeon of 4000 Harrison Street, was born July 4, 1864, in Fitchburg, Mass. He is attending Surgeon to St. Anthony de Padua Hospital. Donnell, James W., Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 27, 1848, in Oxford, Ohio. Since 1907 he has been President of the Donnell Safe Company. Donnelley, Reuben Hamilton, Publisher of 731 Plymouth Court, was born Aug. 20, 1864, in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. In 1884 he became associated with the Chicago Directory Company, and subsequently became Secretary and Treasurer. He is now A f ice-President of R. R. Donnelley and Sons. In 1901-3 he was President of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Donnelley, Thomas E., Publisher and Printer of 731 Plymouth Court, was born Aug. 18, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been President of the R. R. Donnelley and Sons Company . Donnersberger, Joseph, Real Estate Dealer of 179 West Washington Street ,was born Sept. 28, 1843, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1869 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago. In 1SS1-4 he was a County Com- missioner. Donohue, John W., Printer and Publisher of 711 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 21, 1866, in Chicago. He is Vice-President of the M. A. Donohue Company. Donohue, Michael A., Publisher and Printer of 711 South Dearborn Street, was born May 14, 1872, in Hinsdale, 111. He is Treasurer of M. A. Donohue and Company, printers, binders and publishers . Donohue, William F., Publisher and Manu- facturer of 711 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 17, 1868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 he has been President of M. A. Donohue and Company. Donovan, Henry F., Editor and Publisher of 179 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 8, 1858, in Whitby, Ontario, Canada. He is Editor and Publisher of the Chicago Eagle. In 1876 he was Sergeant-Major Second In- fantry Illinois National Guard; 1882-85 Deputy County Clerk; 1S93-97 Colonel and Inspector General Illinois National Guard; 18S4, 1886, 1893, 1894, President of the Cook County Board of Education; 1885-88 Superintendent of the Chicago Post Office; 1893-95 Gas In- spector of the City of Chicago; and in 1896 a Delegate to the Democratic National Con- vention. He is a charter member of the Chicago Press Club; member of the Chicago Numismatic Society; American Numismatic Society; the American Irish Historical So- ciety, the Elks and National Union. Dooley, James C, Attorney-at-Law, the Criminal Court Building, was born in 1850, in Ireland. For fifteen years he was a member of the Democratic Central Committee; and was Treasurer of the County Democracy. He is now Assistant States Attorney. Dorland, W. A. Newman, Physician and au- thor of 7 West Madison Street, was born at Hilton Head, S. C. He is Professor of Gyne- cology in the Post Graduate Medical School; Professor of Obstetrics in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery; and Major in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. He is the author of American Illustrated Medi- cal Dictionary; and the Age of Mental Vital- ity. Dorman, Albert D., Business Manager of 564 West Adams Street, was born in 1867. He is Western Manager of the Union Drawn Steel Company; and President of the Steel Sales Corporation . Dornblaser, Thomas Frankbn, Clergyman of 3743 Wilton Avenue, was born June 27, 1841 in Chicago, 111. He served as Sergeant in the Civil War. For fifteen years he was Pastor of the Grace Lutheran Church. He is now an evangelist at large. Dorr, Hervey Hause. Publisher of 19 South LaSalle Street, was bom April 14, 1858, in Columbia. Falls, Maine. Since 1899 ho has been President of the Merchants' Credit Guide Company. He is a member of the Chi- cago Association of Commerce. Dorsey, George Amos Kducator of 5609 Ken- wood Ave., was born Feb. 6. 1868. in Hebron, Ohio. In 1898-1913 he was Professor of Com- parative Anatomy in Northwestern Univer- sity Dental School. Smce 1908 he has been Professor of Anthropology in the University of Chicago: and since 191."), President of the United Photo Plays Company. Doud. James M., Commission Merchant, the Union Stock Yards, was horn in 1864, in Turin, N. Y. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the commission business in Chicago, and is now 126 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. head of the firm of J. M. Doud and Company. Dougherty, Charles Lyell, Grain merchant i.t' 332 South LaSalle Street, was born Dee. 10, IS,!!), in Newark, N. .1. He is head of the firm of C. Ij. Dougherty and Company. Dougherty, Thomas E., Manufacturer of 218 South Wabash Avenue, was boTn Aug. 25, L856, in Port Byron, N. Y. Since 1897 he has been president of the Schaeffer Piano Manu- facturing Company. Dougherty, William B., Physician and Sur- geon of 3401 North Paulina Street, was born Feb. 24, 1879, in Coldwater, Miss. He was formerly City Medical Inspector of Chicago; now Health Officer in the Department of Health. He is a member of the American and Chicago Medical Associations. Douglas, Henry Trovert, Jr., Civil Engineer of 60S South Dearborn Street, was born June 16, 1863, in Richmond County, Va. Since 1883 he has been engaged in engineering work; and since 1912 Chief Engineer of the Chicago and Alton Railroad. In 1917 he was commissioned Major in the Engineer Officers' Reserve Corps, United States Army. Douglas, James H., Manufacturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 15, 1858, in Canada. He is Vice-President of The Quaker Oats Company; and a Director of the Ameri- can Sugar Refining Company. Douglas, Robert J., Jr., of 121 West Kinzie Street, was born Oct. 18, 1876, in Waukegan, 111. He was formerly Assistant Secretary of the Western Cold Storage Company. He is now General Manager of the Booth Cold Stor- age Company. Douglass, Frank Gerald, Physician of 304 West Sixty-third Street, was born Aug. 27, 1886, in Canada. In 1910 he graduated from the University of Illinois Medical School. He is now Assistant Chief Surgeon of the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad. Douglass, Thomas J., Contractor of 441 Ninth Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 31, 1855, in Canada. Since 1890 he has been President of Thomas J. Douglass and Com- pany, steam engineers. Douglass, William A., of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 16, 1852, in New York City. Since 1876 he has been associated with R. G. Dun and Company, and is now Manager of the Mercantile Agency. Dovenmuehle, Henry Christoph, Wholesale Shoe Merchant of 321 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 29, 1862, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of H. E. C. Dovenmuehle and Son. DowdalL Guy Grigsby, Surgeon, was born March 9, 1875, in Peoria, 111. Since 1911 he has been Chief Surgeon of the Illinois Central Railroad. Dowling, George J., Manufacturer of 301 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 17, 1864, in Cambridge, Mass. Since 1907 he has been associated with the Cable Company, manu- facturers of pianos, and is now President. Downey, Joseph, Contractor and Builder of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born April 23, 1849, in Ireland, and came to Chicago when a child. He was Commissioner of Buildings and Commissioner of Public Works during Mayor Swift's Administra- tion; and has been a mem- ber of the Chicago Board of Education. He has con- structed numerous build- ings in the city. Downing, Elliot Rowland, Educator and Author of 9317 South Robey Street, was born Nov. 21, 1868, in Boston, Mass. In 1911-17 he was Editor of the Nature Study Review. He is now Associate Professor of Biology in the University of Chicago. He is the author of The Third and Fourth Generation. Dowst, Charles O., Editor and Manufacturer of 120 Ann Street, was born July 23, 1853, in Waukegan, 111. Since 1878 he has been Editor of the National Laundry Journal. He is also President of the Dowst Brothers Company, manufacturers of metal goods. Dox, Charles Edward, Underwriter of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 11, 1861, in Terre Haute, Ind. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the insurance business. He is now Manager of the Western Branch of the Lon- don and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, and the Orient Insurance Company. He is a member of the Mid-Day, Onwentsia, and Old Elm Clubs. Doyle, Leo J., Lawyer and Jurist, was born Oct. 16, 1880, in Chicago, 111. From 1902-16 he practiced law in Chicago; 1912-16 was and since 1916 Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Master in Chancery of the Superior Court. He is a member of the Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations. Doyle, William Andrew, Attorney-atLaw of 3 8 South Dearbo rn Street, was born Oct. 11, 1863, in Winchester, 111. In 1887 he received the degree of LL. B. from the Union College of Law; Chicago, and has since practiced law in Chicago. Since 1910 he has been Master in Chan- cery of the Circuit Court. He is a member of the Iro- quois, Chicago Athletic, ami South ^liore Country Clubs. Drake, David Gibson, Life Underwriter of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born in Brown County, Ohio. Since 1889 he has been en- gaged in the fire insurance business; and since 1893 General Manager of the National Life Insurance Company for the State of Illinois. Drake, John B.,'was born May 19, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of the HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 127 Drake Hotel Company and Vice-President and Treasurer of the Blackstone Company, own- ers of the new Blackstone Theatre. Drake, Laurin J., of 72 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 29, 1842, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1896 he has been a resident in Chicago. He is Vice-President of the Standard Oil Company. Drake, Lyman M., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 8, 1867, in Beloit, Wis. Since 1883 he has been en- gaged in the fire insurance business, and since 1913 a member of the firm of Critchell, Miller, Whitney and Barbour. Drake, Tracy Corey, was born Sept. 12, 1864, in Chicago, 111. With his brother he or- ganized the Drake Hotel Company, and has since been President; and is also President of the Blackstone Company, owners of the Black- stone Hotel and Theatre. He is Secretary of the Northwestern Association of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Draper, Arthur William, Beal Estate Dealer of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born July 31, 1869. Since 1893 he has been a member of the firm of Draper and Kramer. He is a member and Director of the Chicago Beal Estate Board. Draper, Herbert Lyman, Manufacturer of 301 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 19, 1864, in Hastings, Minn. Since 1895 he has been associated with the Cable Company, and is now Vice-President and Treasurer. Dratz, Paul A., of 80 East Jackson Boule- vard, was born Aug. 26, 1877, in Muskegon, Mich. He was formerly Chicago Representa- tive for the Whiting Foundry Equipment Company. He is now a consulting and con- tracting engineer. Dray, Gaile, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 10, 1872, in Havana, 111. Since 1897 he has practiced his profession in Chicago ; and in 1907-10 was At- torney for tne Union Trust Company. Drennan, John G., Attorney at-Law, was born Dec. 3, 1854 in Caldwell County, Ky. Since 1896 he has been District Attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Dur ing the Spanish-American war he was Lieu- tenant Colonel in the Seventeenth Regiment, Illinois Volunteers. Drum, A. L., Constructing and Consulting Engineer of 76 West Monroe Street. Since 1896 he has been President of A. L. Drum and Company. In 1898-1914 he was a member of the Board of Supervising Engineers of the Chicago Traction Company; and rep- resented the Calumet and South Chicago Railway Company. He is a member of the Chicago Club, the Exmoor Country Club, and the University Club. Dreyfus, Moise, Merchant and Manufactur- er of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 20, 1861, in France. Since 1913 he has been President of the United States Crushed Stone Company. He is a member of the Standard, Lake Shore Country, and Ravisloe Country Clubs. Drummond, Alfred C, Clergyman of 2656 Washington Boulevard, was born July 24, 1875, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1914 he has been Pastor of the Western Avenue Baptist Church, Chicago; and Professor of Ethics in the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Chicago. Drury, Frank H., Patent Attorney of 105 West Monroe Street, was born April 1, 1860, in Worcester, Mass. He graduated from the Worcester Polytechnic of Worcester, Mass.; the Massachusetts State Normal School; and in 1898 graduated from the Chicago Law School. For six terms he was Village Clerk of Wilmette, 111.; and a member of the Li- brary Board for six years. Dryden, George B*, Manufacturer of 1014 South Kildare Avenue, was born July 6, 1869, at Olmsted Falls, Ohio. He is President of the Dryden Rubber Company. Dubrock, Hugo, Manufacturer of 219 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 20, 1857, in Il- linois. He is President of Hugo Dubrock and Company, manufacturers of shirt waists. Dudley, Emelius Clark, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 29, 1850, in Westfield, Mass. In 1901-6 he was a member of the Chicago Board of Education. He is now Professor Emeritus of Gynecology in Northwestern University Medical School. He is also a Major in the United States Army Medical Officer's Reserve Corps. Dugan, Alphonso Gray, Underwriter of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born March 14, 1861, in Louisville, Ky. Since 1910 he has been Manager of the Western Department of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Dumont, Henry, Manufacturer of 2295 Lum- ber Street, was born March 17, 1878, in San Francisco, Cal. Since 1908 he has been Man- ager of the Pacific, Coast Borax Company. Dunbar, Arthur J., Merchant of 1147 West Sixty-ninth Street, was born in 1860, in Cleve- land, Ohio. He is engaged in the hardware and furniture business. In 1901 Governor Yates appointed him a Commissioner to the South Carolina Interstate and West Indian Exposition. Dunbaugh, Harry J., Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 24, 1877, in Humboldt. Kans. Since 1914 he has been a member of the law firm of Isham, Lincoln and Beale. Duncan, Joseph S., Manufacturer of 901 West Van Buren Street, was born April 5, 1858, in Pittsburg, Pa. He is the inventor of a new method for the manufacture of rubber type and special machinery. Since 1896 he !2S HERRINGSHAW'S CITY. BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. has been Presidenl of the Addressograph Com- pany. Duncan, William Edward, Physician and Surgeon of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 22, 1852, in North Clove, N. Y. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the practice of medicine in Chicago. Dunham, Clayton A., Manufacturer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 25, L876, at Battle ("reck, Mich. President of the c. A. Dunham Company, Chicago, and the C. A. Dunham Company, Limited, Toronto, Can- ada. Be is a member of the Union League and Engineer's Club. Dunham, Robert James, Packer of 208 Soaith LaSalle Street, was horn March 12, 1876, in Chicago. He is Vice-President of Armour and Company; Director of the Continental and Commercial National Bank; and an officer and director in numerous corporations. Dunham, W. F., Numismatist of 724 South Oakley Boulevard, was born Oct. 3, 1857, in Barnard, Vt. He has been President of the Chicago Numismatist Association. He is Cus- todian of the "Chicago Dollar," the United States 1804 Silver Dollar, valued at five thou- sand dollars. Dunlap, Benjamin Paul, of 58 East Wash- ington Street, was born in Bath, 111. He is Vice President and Treasurer of the Old Re- liable Motor Truck Company. Dunlap, Frederic Levy, Chemist of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 16, 1870, in Chillicothe, O. In 1900-7 he was a Professor in the University of Michigan; and 1907-12 Associate Chemist in the Bureau of Chem- istry, Department of Agriculture and a mem- ber of the Board of Food and Drug Inspection. Dunlap, Robert, Attorney-at-Law of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 4, 1853, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was educated in the public and high schools of Cincinnati, and McMicken University. In 1897-1915 he was Gen- eral Attorney for the Atchi- son, Topeka and Santa Fe Eailroad ; and in 1915 was appointed Western Solicitor of the same road. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association and the South Shore Country Club. Dunn, Edward J., Life Underwriter of 37 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 23, is;:;, in Spencer, Ind. In 1894 he graduated from He Pauw University. He is President of the Loyal American Life Association. Dunn, Frank J., of 608 South Dearborn Street, was bom Jan. 7, 1887. President of Dunn's Service, Incorporated. Dunn, Michael J., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was bom Oct. 2, 1839, in County Kildare, Ireland. He was a member of the Illinois Legislature; and Attorney for the Hoard of Education, lie is now engaged in private practice of his profession. Dunn, Robert Wlnnela, Attorney-at-Law of In South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 27, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since L895 he has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago. He is Vice- President and Attorney for the Associated Roads Organization of Chicago and Cook County. Durin, Samuel Orace, Editor of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born March 8, 1877, in Bloomfield, Iowa. Since 1911 he has been Edi- tor of the Railway Age Gazette. He is a "con- tributor on transportation subjects to maga- zines and periodicals. Dunn, Winfield Porter, Printer of 727 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 30, 1845, in Mt. Morris, N. Y. Since 1874 he has been head of the W. P. Dunn Company, printers. From 1901-11 he was Alderman from the Twenty- fifth Ward in Chicago. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Association of Commerce; member of Masonic Order, and Hamilton and Press Clubs. For thirty years he has been an Elder of the Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian Church. Residence 686 Irving Park Boulevard. Dunn, Z. G., Publisher of 168 North Michi- gan Avenue. He has always been engaged in the publishing business, first in New York City and since 1910 in Chicago. He is pub- lisher of the International Trade Developer, which is published monthly and annually, and devoted to foreign trade and commerce. Dunne, Edward F., Jr., Lawyer of 111 West Washington Street, was bom Nov. 26, 1887, in Chicago, 111. Since 1909 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now Master-in-Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. Dunne, Edward Fitzsimmons, Lawyer and Statesman, 111 Washington Street, was born Oct. 12, 1853, in Waterville, Conn. He was educated at Dublin University, Union College of Law and St. Ig- natius College. In 1892- 1905 he was Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County; and 1905-07 Mayor of Chicago. He was elected Governor of Illinois for the term commencing 1913. Dunning, N. Max, Architect of 310 South Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 4, 1873, in Kenosha, Wis. Since 1894 he has practiced architecture in Chicago. He was one of the organizers of the Architectural League of America. Duntley, William Obid, Manufacturer of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born July 22, 1867, in Wyandotte, Mich. Since 1895 he has been President of the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company; and is also President and a Di- rector of the Duntley Dayton Company. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 129 Duntley, John Wheeler, Manufacturer of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 16, 1863, in Wyandotte, Mich. For fifteen years he was President of the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company. In 1909 he organized and has since been President of the Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper Company. He is also President of the Liber- tad Mining and Smelting Company. Dupuy, George Alexander, Lawyer and Jurist, the Central Station, was born March 4, 1858, in Illinois. In 1904-10 he was Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. He is now Attorney for the Illinois Central Railway. Durand, Elliott, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Vermont. He was Lieutenant Colonel and Assistant In- spector General in the Illinois National Guard; Colonel of Durand 's Provisional Regi- ment of Cavalry in the Spanish-American War; and a charter member and Major of the First Infantry, Illinois National Guard. Durand, Henry Calvin, Merchant of 170 North Union Street, was born April 23, 1869, in Chicago, 111. He is President of Durand and Kasper, wholesale grocers. Durand, Scott Sloane, Sugar Merchant of 326 West Madison Street, was born May 29, 1869, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1903 he has been President of S. S. Durand and Company. Durgin, John C, Lumber Dealer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1844, in Wis- consin. In 1870-1900 he was engaged in the lumber commission business; and since 1908 in the lumber manufacturing business. He is now Vice-President of the Oconto Company, Oconto, Wis. Durham, Raymond E., Banker of 7 West Madison Street, was born in 1877, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1913 he has been engaged in the banking business in Chicago, and since 1914 Vice President of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. Duthie, James R., Lumber Dealer of 1237 Belmont Avenue. Vice-President of the Mears-Slayton Lumber Company. Duval, William H., Lawyer and Assistant States Attorney, was born March 14, 1861, in Georgetown, D. C. In 1891 he graduated from Georgetown University School of Law. He has been Assistant States Attorney since 1916, present term ending 1920. Dwen, Robert G., Architect of 3736 Ellis Avenue, born Sept. 26, 1867, in Chicago, HI. In 1901-8 he was a member of the firm of Jen- ney Mundie and Jensen; practicing alone since that date. He is a member of The Founders and Patriots of America. Dwight, Walter Everett, Paper Dealer of 626 South Clark Street, was born June 14, 1860, in New Haven, Conn. Since 1916 he has been President of the Dwight Brothers Paper Company. In 1909-10 he was President of the Village of Oak Park. Dwyer, Anna, Physician of 22 East Wash- ington Street, was born in Colo, Iowa. Since 1896 she has practiced medicine in Chicago. In 1909-11 she was President of the Staff of tne Mary Thompson Hospital. Dyas, Frederic George, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 3, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He is Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Medical Department of the University of Illinois and Attending Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital. During the Great War he served as Major Chief of Surgi- cal Service in United States General Hospital 36, Detroit, Mich. Dynes, Owen William, Attorney-at-Law of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born May 31, 1869, Columbus, Wis. Since 1895 he has prac- ticed corporation and railroad law in Chicago, and is now Commerce Counsel for the Chi- cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. Dyrenforth, Arthur, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 25, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. Dyrenforth, Harold, Underwriter of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born July 12, 1865, in Waukegan, 111. Since 1897 he has been identified with the life insuranco business; 1907 assisted in organizing the Commercial Life Insurance Company; and since 1914 has beeix General Agent for Cook County of the Hlinois Life Insurance Company. He is , Director of the Chicago Athletic Asso- ciation. Dyrenforth, William H., Patent Lawyer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born 1855, in Waukegan, 111. He is a partner in the law firm of Dyrenforth, Lee Chritton and Wiles. He is also a Lecturer on Patent Law in the John Marshall Law School and Northwestern Uni- versity Law School. Dyrness, Christen T., Clergyman of 2814 McLean Avenue, was born March 12, 1865, in Norway. Since 1S90 he has been Pastor of the Salem Evangelical Free Church. Eagle, William Henry, Commission Mer- chant of 326 West Madison Street, was born Feb. 29, 1860, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1910 he has been President of Syme, Eagle and Company, importers and commission mer- chants. Eames, Henry Furmort, Concert Pianist and Lecturer, was born in 1872, in Chicago, HI. In 1898-1908 he was Director in the Depart- ments of Piano and Theory in the University School of Music, Lincoln, 'Neb.; 1908-11 con- certized and taught in Europe; 1911 founded the Omaha School of Allied Arts; and since 1912 has been Director of the Department of 130 BERRINGSB A\v's CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAl'IIY. Piano and Orchestra in the Cosmopolitan School of Music, Auditorium Building, Chi- cago; and Director of the Illinois Wesleyan College of Music, Bloomington, 111. He is also a contributor to musical magazines, and a uni- versity lecturer on the allied arts; and Presi- dent of The Society of American Musicians. Earle, Edwin Graffam, Physician of 159 North State Street, was born March 29, 1866, in Birmingham, Iowa, since 1891 he has prac- ticed medicine in Chicago. He is President and Professor of General Medicine in Jenner Medical College. Earle, Frank Breckenridge, Physician of 31 North State Street, was born Oct. 22, 1860, in Waukegan, 111. He began practicing in Chi- cago in 1885. He is Professor Emeritus of 1'edia tries in the College of Physicians and Surgeons; and Attending Physician to St. Mary's Hospital. He was formerly a Captain in the United States Army Medical Eeserve Corps. Earle, Samuel Edwin, Lithographer of 536 South Clark Street, was born May 13, 1888, in Chicago. He is President and Treasurer of the Northern Bank Note Company. Earling, Albert J., Railway President of 80 East .Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 19, 1849, in Richfield, Wis. He entered railway service in 1866 as a telegraph operator with the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul Rail- way; and has since held the position of General Super- intendent, General Man- ager, and Vice-President; and since 1899 he has been President. Early, Patrick Henry, Credits, 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Feb. 1, 1852, in North- umberland, N. H. Since 1886 he has been en- gaged in the mercantile agency business; and is now President of the National Credit Cor- poration. Eastman, Albert Nathan, Attorney-at-Law of 10S South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 7, L864, in Kingsville, Ohio. Since 1887 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. He has been President of the Commercial Law League of America, and President of the Lincoln Club. Eastman, Harry M., Editor of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Potsdain, N. V. Managing Editor of The Hotel Bulletin. Eastman, John Coates, Publisher of 15 South Market Street, was born Dec. 19, 1862, in Eaton, Ohio. He is President and Treas- urer of the Chicago Daily Journal Company, and Editor of the Chicago Journal. He is a member of Sons of the Revolution and the Mayflower Society. Eastman, Robert Maurice, Printer of 466 West Superior Street, was born Dec. 1, 1869, in Anoka, Minn. In 1883, with W. F. Hall, established the W. F. Hall Printing Company, anu since 1909 has been President of the com- pany- Eastman, William, Printer of 418 South Market Street, was born April 19, 1868, in Amherst, Mass. In 1892-1908 he was asso- ciated with P. F. Pettibone and Company; and since 1908 has been Vice-President and Treasurer of the Blakely Printing Company. He is a member of the Union League and Evanston Clubs. Easton, Burton Scott, Educator of 2728 Washington Boulevard, was born Dec. 4, 1877. Since 1911 he has been Professor of New Tes- tament Literature in the Western Theological Seminary. Easton, William Barnard, Mechanical En- gineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born March 1, 1863, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Since 1903 he has been Second Vice-President of Chalmers and Williams; and is a Director of Fraser and Chalmers. Eaton, Marquis, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born April 5, 1876, in Mattawan, Mich. He is now a Director of the Chi- cago Savings Bank and Trust Company; and a member of the law firm of Defrees, Buckingham and Eaton. In 1908-9 he was President of the Hamilton Club of Chicago. In 1908 he originated and has since been President of the Sane Fourth Associa- tion. Eaton, William Allen, Manufacturer of 841 West Twenty-second Street, was born March 26, 1S63, in Herkimer, N. Y. He is President and General Manager of the Eaton Chair Company. Member of the Hamilton Club, and the Windsor Golf Club. Eaton, William Lawrence, Manufacturer of 2345 LaSalle Street, was born in November, 1877, in Auburn, Ind. Since 1901 he has been associated with the Standard Glass Company, and is now President of the company. Eaton, William Thomas, of 175 West Jack- son Boulevard, was born June 8, 1851, in Roch- ester, N. Y. He is Treasurer, Director and Manager of the Belt Line Transfer and Stor- age Company. He is also President of the Lake County Gravel Company. Ebbert, George G., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the insurance business; and is now Manager of the Suburban Department for Cook County of the Insurance Company of North America. Ebeling, George, Wholesale Milliner of 18 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 26, 1852, in Chicago, 111. Since 1892 he has' been associated with Gage Brothers and Company, and is now Vice-President of the company. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic As- HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 131 soeiation, the Evanston Club, and the New York Athletic Club. Eberhart, Noble Murray, Physician and Au- thor of 25 E. W ashington Street, was born April 21, 1S70, in Benton Harbor, Mich. He is head of the Department of Elec- trotherapy and Secretary of the Faculty of the Chi- cago College of Medicine and Surgery. He is the author of textbooks on en- tomology and zoology and electrotherapy, ijbeny, Horace David, of 1416 West Thirty - seventh Street, was born Feb. 5, 1888, in Hia- watha, Kan. Since 1910 he has been asso- ciated with the United Drug Company of Bos ton, and since 1914 Manager of the Chicago Branch. Eckardt, Harriet A., Educator of 550 Surf Street. Principal of the George B. Swift School, 5900 Winthrop Ayenue. Eckert, Walter Henry, Attorney- at-Law of 130 North LaSalle Street, was horn March 10, 1880, in Woodstock, 111. In 1903 he was ad- mitted to the bar, and has since practiced law in Chicago. He is now General Counsel for the Peoples Life Insurance Company. Eckhardt, William Nickolas, Commission Merchant of 111 Jackson Bouleyard, was born July 20, 1859, in Chicago, 111. Since 1873 he has been engaged in the commission business ; and since 189a. President and a Director of the Pope and Eckhardt Company, dealers in grain and seeds. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Board _ of Trade since 1S80. Ickhart, Bernard Albert, Manufacturer and Merchant of 1300 Carroll Avenue, w r as born in 1852, in Germany. In 1870 he came to Chicago. He is president of the Eckhart and Swan Milling Company, which he founded. He is also a Director of the Conti- nental and Commercial Na- tional Bank; and a Director of the Harris Trust and Sayings Bank. In 1896 he was President of the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District of Chicago. Eckhart, Percy Bernard, Attorney-at-Law of 3S South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 20, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Lec- turer on Public Service Corporations in the University of Chicago Law School. Since 1910 he has been a member of the law firm of West and Eckhart. Eckstein, Henry G., Manufacturer and In- ventor of 530 South Peoria Street, was born Jan. 15, 1860, in Chicago, 111. In 1S72 he en- tered the employ of the N. K. Fairbank Com- pany; 1883 invented the filter steaming proc- ess of extracting fats from Fullers Earth; 188S the manufacture of Gold-dust Washing Powder from cotton seed foots; 1904 the wax sealed paper; and 1914 the automatic separat- ing and cooling reel. He is now Treasurer of Rueekheim Brothers and Eckstein, manufac- turing confectioners; and is an officer and di- rector in other corporations. He is a member of the South Shore Country and Illinois Ath- letic Clubs. Eckhart, John William, Merchant and Mil- ler of 311 North Carpenter Street, was born jMmmmm Nov. 20, isss, ,., west Bend, Wis. Since 1873 he has been engaged in the dour milling business in Chicago-. From 1900-7 he was President of the Chica- go Public Library; and was President of the Iroquois Club. He is President of John W. Eckhart and Com- pany. ±ie is a member of the Chicago Plan Commission; Vice-President of the School Board of Chicago; and a member of the Chi cago Athletic Association, the Illinois Club, the Iroquois Club, and the Lake Beulah Coun- try Cluli; and maintains a summer home at Lake Beulah, Wis. Eckstein, Louis, Merchant of 36 South State Street, was born Feb. 10, 1869, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is a Director and Officer in the Em- porium-World Company; the North American Restaurant Company; the Public Drug Com- pany; and numerous other corporations. Eddy, Arthur Jerome, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 5, 1859, in Flint, Mich. Since 1890 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is the author of The Law of Corporations; Tales of a Small Town: and other works. Eddy, Charles Mortimer, Foundryman of 372 West Grand Avenue, was born May 6, 1878, in Chicago, 111. Since 1906 he has been associated with the B. M. Eddy Foundry Com- pany, of which he is now Secretary and Treas- urer. Eddy, George Day, Foundryman of 372 Grand Avenue, was born in 1849, in Buffalo, N. Y. He was associated with the Globe Foun- dry, which was established by his father in 1865; and was Manager of the company until 1884. Since 1885 he lias been President of the R. M. Eddy Foundry Company. He is prom- inently identified with the Masons; and is a member of the Illinois Athletic Club, and the Edgewater Golf Club. Eddy, George Spencer, Real Estate Dealer of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born June 16, 1S44, in Brighton, Iowa. During the Civil War he served three years in the Thirtieth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He is a member of tlic Chicago Real Hstate Board. 132 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Eddy, Henry Clay, Fire Underwriter of 76 Wr~t Monroe Street, was born May 9, 1848, in Providence, R. I. Since 1864 he has been en- gaged in the insurance business. He is now Etesidenl Manager of the Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited, England. Edmonds, Howard Owen, Banker of 50 Smith LaSalle Street, was Imni Jan. 27, 1867, mi Pottsville, l':i. Since ls!Hi he lias been Vice Presidenl of the Northern Trust Com- pany. Edwards, Arthur Robin, Physician of 104 Smith Michigan Avenue, wn.s liorn June 26, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1N92 lie lias practiced moli- cine in Chicago. Since 1897 he has been Professor of Medicine in the Northwest- ern University Medical School and since 1906 Dean of the School. He is also Attending Physician to a number of hospitals, rdwards, Charles W., Musician of 2831 Washington Boulevard, was born in 1865, in Galena, 111. In 1901 he organized the Illinois Cqllege of Music and has since been Director. Edwards, James P., Engineer of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was horn July 31, 1868, in Saluda County, S. C. Formerly Division Elec- trical Engineer with the Postal Telegraph Company, member of the engineering staff, New York ; Division Traffic Superintendent, New York; and now Division Traffic. Superin- tendent in Chicago. He is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Edwards, Jay C, Educator of 3210 Arling- ton Street, was born Jan. 17, 1858, in Wyanet, 111. In 1890-4 he was County Superintendent of Schools of Lee County, Illinois; and in 1903-8 a teacher in the Chicago High Schools. Since 1908 he has been Principal of the Beid- ler Grammar School, Chicago. Edwards, Jesse, Manufacturer of 1255 Smith Michigan Avenue, was born March 8, 1862, in Tennessee. In 1907-8 he was Manager of the Henry Horner Company of Chicago. He is now President of the Edwards-Crist Manufac- turing Company manufacturers of motor cycles. Edwards, Stanley Richard, Editor of 116 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 11, 1879, in Utica, N. Y. He was formerly Assist- ant Editor of the American Telephone Jour- nal. He is now Secretary and Editor of Tele- phony. Edwards, Sherman Thayer, Grain Dealer of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1865, in North Fairfield, Ohio. Since 1884 he has been engaged in the grain business. He is now Vice President of the Hales and Edwards Company. Egan,' Claude R., Banker, was born Dee. 11, 1878, in Rome, N. Y. He is Secretary of the Pullman Trust and Savings Bank; Treasurer of the Pullman Emergency Hospital; Treas- urer of the Pullman Fuel Company; and Secretary and Treasurer of the Roseland Safety Deposit Company. Egan, Dennis J., Public Official, was born April 2, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He was a member of the Illinois House of Representa- tives in the Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth Gen- eral Assemblies; 1894-6 a member of the Board of the Chicago Public Library; 1907-13 an Alderman in the Ninth Ward, Chicago; and since 1914 Clerk of the Board of Elec- tion Commissioners, City Hall. Ehle, Louis C'ari, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 18, 1868, in Fort Plain, N. Y. Since 1894 he has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago. Ehlers, Albert J., Leather Merchant of 321 West Lake Street, was born Dec. 12, 1869, in Chicago, 111. In 1897 he organized the Thomp- son-Ehlers Company, dealers in leather and findings, and is now President and Treasurer. Ehlert, Robert, Insurance Broker of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 31, 1860, in Clinton, Mass. Since 1907 he has been associated with the Northewestern Mu- tual Life Insurance Company, the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, and the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company. He is now President of R. H. Ehlert and Com- pany, General Manager in the state of Illi- nois for the Merchants Life Insurance Com- pany of Des Moines, la. Ehrmann, Frederick J. E., Physician and Surgeon of 2059 West Twenty-first Street, was born Jan. 8, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He is Sur- geon to the St. Anthony de Padua Hospital. Eichengreen, Meyer H., Commission Mer- chant of 227 North LaSalle Street. President of M. H. Eichengreen and company. Eidmann, Henry Frederick, Banker of 6910 South Halsted Street, was born Dec. 11, 1862, in St. Louis, Mo. He was an Alderman from the Thirty- first and Thirty-second Wards; and a Trustee of the Sanitary District of Chicago. He was formerly engaged in the real estate business. He is now Presi- dent of the Halsted Street State Bank. Eiger, Emil, Hat Manufacturer of 1249 South Wabash Avenue, was born Oct. 27, 1866, in Posen, Germany. Since 1896 he has been a member of the firm of E. Eiger and Brothers. Eiselen, Frederick Carl, Educator of 2340 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, was born Nov. 25, 1872, in Mundelsheim, Germany. Since 1902 he has been Professor of Old Testament Interpretation in the Garrett Biblical Insti- tute. He is the author of several books on theological and biblical topics. Eisendrath, Benjamin D., Tanner of 130 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 133 North Wells Street. President of the B. D. Eisendrath Tanning Company. Eisendrath, Daniel Nathan, Surgeon of 4840 Woodlawn Avenue, was born in 1867, in Chi- cago. He is Clinical Professor of Surgery in Rush Medical College; and Attending Surgeon to Michael Reese and Cook County Hospitals. Eisendrath, Joseph N., Manufacturer of 2001 Elston Avenue, was born Dec. 12, 1859, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Joseph N. Eisendrath Company, manufacturers of gloves. Eisendrath, Louis, Capitalist of 208 South Clinton Street, was born Oct. 16, 1853, in Ger- many. In 1885-1915 he was President of the Strouss Eisendrath Company. Eisendrath, Sampson Julius, Leather Dealer and Merchant of 316 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 25, 1869, in Homewood, 111. He is President of Eisendrath, Schwab and Com- pany, leather; the Emporium Cloak and Suit Company; Eisendrath Millinery Company, and the Economy Department Stores Company. Eisendrath, Sigmund L., Wholesale Clothier of 227 West Van Buren Street, was born Aug. 22, 1859, in Germany. Since 1898 he has been a member of the firm of Leopold, Solomon and Eisendrath. Eisendrath, Sigmund Moses, Tanner and Wool Dealer of 2231 Elston Avenue, was born Aug. 27, 1860, in Germany. In 1898 he estab- lished and has since been a member of the firm of Weil and Eisendrath. Eisendrath, William N., Leather Merchant of 1101 West Division Street, was born Dec. 5, 1853, in Chicago, 111. Since 1876 he has been engaged in the tanning business, and is now President of the Monarch Leather Com- pany. Eisenstaedt, Moses, Physician and Dentist of 29 East Madison Street, was born July 19, 1879, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly a dem- onstrator in Operative Dentistry in North- western University Dental School. He is now a member of the staff of Michael Reese Hos- pital. Eiszner, August William, Manufacturer of 1050 West Kinzie Street, was born Dec. 17, 1861, in Chicago, 111. Since 1903 he has been President of the John Eisner Company, cooperage; and is also Secretary and Treasurer of the Morehouse Stave and Manufacturing Company. EiteLEmil, of 173 West Randolph Street, was born Feb. 27, 1865, in Germany. Presi- dent of the Randolph Hotel Company and the Bismarck Gardens. Ekern, Herman L., Lawyer and Insurance Counselor, of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 27, 1872, in Wisconsin. In 1895-9 he was District Attorney of Trempealeau County, Wis.; 1903-8 member of the Wisconsin Legis- lature; speaker in 1907; and in 1911-15 Com- missioner of Insurance of Wisconsin. He is now practicing insurance law in Chicago. Elcock, Edward G., Manufacturer of 485 West Twenty-third Place, was born May 22, 1859, in Belfast. Since 1888 he has been asso- ciated with the Hansell-Elcock Company, steel manufacturers, of which he is now President. Elder, Charles Byrd, Attorney-at-Law of 111 W. Washington St., was born Jan. 14, 1878, in Chicago. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the practice in Chicago. He is a member of the Faculty of Northwestern University School of Law. Elder, Frank Ray, Clergyman of 3560 Con- gress Street, was born April 3, 1885, in Albia, Iowa. Since 1911 he has been a United Pres- byterian minister, and since 1916 Pastor of the First Church of Chicago. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Monmouth Col- lege. Eldredge, Charles Howe, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 13, 1861, in Fond du Lac, Wis. Since 1888 he has been engaged in the casualty insurance business, and since 1896 has been Resident Manager in Chicago of the United States Casualty Company of New York. Eldridge, Charles John, Produce Merchant of 158 North Market Street, was born June 29, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is proprietor of the commission house of Merrill and Eldridge; and a Director of the Chicago Cold Storage Company. Eldridge, Charles Albert, Wholesale Mer- chant of 22 South Market Street, was born July 9, 1872, in Fredonia, N. Y. Since 1911 he has been President and Manager of the Duck Brand Company. Elenbogen, Herman, Banker of 1600 Wes1 Twelfth Street, was born Dec. 31, 1879, in Russia. He is Vice-President and Manager of the Foreign Department of the West Side National Bank of Chicago. Eley, Ning, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 13, 1868, at Big Foot, Ind. In 1896 he was admitted to the bar; and has since practiced law in Chicago. He is now Attorney for the Village of Des- Plaines; and is also President of the Des Plaines Telephone Company. Elfenbein, Israel, Rabbi of 2309 Thomas Street, was born Sept. 15, 1890. He has been Rabbi of the K. K. A. L, Nashville, Tenn.; Rabbi of Ohav Zedek Temple, Chicago; Chair- man and founder of the Daughters of the Zion Day Nursery and Hebrew Kindergarten; Chairman of the School of the United Hebrew Congregation, Chicago, and the Marion Court Hebrew Institute, Chicago; and organized and is presiding officer of the Vaad La Kushrut— the North-west Side Ritual Committee. He is the author of numerous works in English and Hebrew, including Some Problems of Jewish Reconstruction in America, forty-six chapters; The Response Literature of the Jews of Spain and Turkey — their historic 134 HERRIXOSITAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAI'IIV. value; and The Life ami Ethical Works of .1. Khalaz. Elias, Joseph J., Banker of 4600 South Wood Street, was born April 15, 1877, in Alexandry, h'ussia. In Pioij-S lie was elected a member of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, and served as Keal Estate Ex- l" 1 1 for the State of Illinois. He is President of the Universal State Bank. Eliel, Herman Jacob, Fire Insurance Agent of 1 75 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 5, 1846, in Germany. Since 1890 he lias been engaged in the insurance business. He is now Vice President of the Eliel and Loeb Company; and a Director of Goldsmith Broth- ers Smelting and Refining Company. Elkan, Henry, Hide Merchant of 18 West Austin Avenue, was born March 19, 1847, in Germany. Since 1871 he lias been engaged in the hide business in Chicago, and is now Presi- dent of H. Elkan and Company. Ellingwood, Finley, Physician and Publisher of 32 North State Street, was born Sept. 12, 1852, in .Manchester, Ind. In 1884-1906 he was Editor of the Chicago Medical Times; and later Editor of Ellingwoods Therapeu- tist. He is President of the National Electic Medical Associal ion. Elliot, Frank Micajah, Eeal Estate Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born March 27, 1853, in Corinna, Maine. Since 1878 he has been engaged in the real estate and loan business in Chicago. In 1895-1914 he was President of the Evanston Hospital Associa- tion. Elliott, Arthur Richard, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born 1869, in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Since 1891 he has practiced Medicine in Chicago. He is Attending physician at St. Lukes Hospital and Associate Professor of Medicine in the University of Illinois, College of Medicine. Elliott, Frank Rumsey, Banker of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 14, 1878, in Jacksonville, 111. Since 1911 he has been associated with the Harris Trust and Savings Bank, of which he is now Vice President. Elliott, James P., Manufacturer of 1013 South Kolmar Ave., was born Sept. 11, 1864, in Evansville, Ind. He is President of the Elliott Varnish Company. Elliott, James T., Writer, Editor and Adver- tising Counselor of 20S South LaSalle Street, was horn Oct. 27, 1864, in Camden, Ark. In 1906-9 he was Editor and Publisher of the ern investor's Review, mining magazine; 1909-10 Telegraph Editor of Denver Republi- can; and 1910-11 Managing Editor -of the Cripple Creek Times and the Victor Record. Si nee ]911 he has been News Editor of the Western Newspaper Union, Chicago. He is the author of Elizabeth, a novel, published in Chicago in 1905, and has written many short stories. Elliott, John G., Patent Lawyer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 13, 1851, in Evansville, Ind. In 1876-9 he was Exam- iner in the United States Patent Office; and in 1896 President of the Patent Bar Associa- tion of Chicago. Elliott, Lewis G, Publisher of 4046 Michi- gan Avenue, was born Nov. 28, 1872, in Platte County, Mo. He is President of the Elliott- Madison Company; Secretary of the Common- wealth Trust and Security Company; and Treasurer of the LaSalle Extension Univer- sity. Elliott, Percy M., of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Paris, 111. He is Vice- President of the Camel Company, railway sup- plies. He is a member of the South Shore Country, and Edgewater Golf Clubs; and the Minnesota Club of St. Paul. • Elliott, William Sanders, Attorney-at-Law of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 20, 1880, in Jacksonville, 111. He was ad- mitted to the bar in 1903, and has. since prac- ticed his profession in Chicago. Ellis, Frederick William, Traffic Manager, West Forty-third Street and South Centre Avenue, was born in Detroit, Mich. He is Vice-President and General Manager of the Armour Car Lines; and General Traffic Man- ager for Armour and Company. Ellis, John W., Lawyer and Jurist of 69 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 19, 1871, in Kenton County, Ky. Since 1907 he has been a member of the law firm of Ellis and Lewis; and was formerly Master in Chan- cery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Ellis, William Marshall, Real Estate Dealer of 27 West Van Buren Street, was born Aug. 1, L871, in Kan s. Since 1916 he has been a member of the firm of Hall and Ellis. He is a member of the Union League, City and Birchwood Country Clubs. Elmes, Charles Warren, Manufacturer of 230 North Morgan Street, was born Aug. 28, 1872, in Buffalo, Iowa. Since 1892 he has been associated with the Charles F. Elmes Engineering Works, of which he is now Presi- dent. Elmstron, William Daniel, Coal Dealer of 1116 East Forty-second Street, was born May 15, 1861, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the coal business, and is now President of the William D. Elmstrom Coal Company. He is also President of the Chicago Coal Merchants' Association. Elphicke, Charles Walter, Underwriter of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1848, in England. He is senior member of the firm Elphicke, Hempstead and Company, marine underwriters and vessel agents. Elsdon, James G., Attorney-at-Law of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1861, in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. Since 1908 he has been a member of the law firm of Oarnahan, Elsdon and Slusser. Elston, Lsaac C, Jr., Investment Banker of HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 135 39 South LaSalle Street. He is President of Elston and Company, and Union Utilities Company, Chicago; and the Dubuque Electric Company, Iowa. Elting, Howard, Manufacturer of 724 Wash- in gtoji_Boulevard, was born Feb. 15, 1869, in New York City. He is Sec- retary of the Adams and Elting Company, manufac- turers of paints and oils. Jn 1913 he was President of the Chicago Association of Com- merce. He is a member of the Chicago Club, the On- wentsia Club, the Saddle and Cycle Club, and the Chicago Athletic Association. In 1916-17 he was President of the National Paint, Oil and Varnish Association. Elting, Philip Lefevre, Manufacturer of 724 Washington Boulevard, was born Aug. 9, 1866, in New Paltz, N. Y. In 1890 he was one of the organizers of the Adams and Elting Com- pany, of which he is now Treasurer and Gen- eral Manager. Elting, Victor, Attorney-ta-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 13, 1871, in Yonkers, N. Y. Since 1892 he has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago. He is a Director of the Winnetka State Bank; and President of the Board of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Elwell, Hector, Henry, Journalist of 326 West Madison Street, was born Dec. 4, 1882. in Pullman, 111. Since 1897 he has been en- gaged in newspaper work, and since 1915 City Editor of the Chicago Evening American. Ely, Frank Griffin, Grain Dealer of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 29, 1863, in Ripley, N. Y. Since 1890 he has been en- gaged in the grain business in Chicago, and is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Ely, James Owen, Dentist of 22 East Wash- ington Street, was born Sept. 1, 1863, in West Alexander, Pa. In 1887 he received the de- gree of D. D. S. from the Pennsylvania School of Dental Surgery, and since that time has practiced dentistry in Chicago. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago and Illinois Dental So- cieties. Embree, John William, Lumber Merchant of 3500 South Racine Avenue, was born Nov. 15, 1862, in Pennsville, Ohio. Since 1884 he has been associated with the Rittenhouse and Embree Company, of which he is now Presi- dent. Emerich, Martin, Real Estate Dealer of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born April 27, 1847, in Baltimore, Md. In 1892 he was County Commissioner of Cook County; and 1903-5 a member of Congress from the First Illinois District. He is now engaged in the real estate business. Emerich, Melvin Lloyd, Banker of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 5, 1878, in Baltimore, Md. He was formerly Manager of the Bond Department of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank. He is now a partner in the firm of Ames, Emerich and Company. Emerson, Harry Lewis, Consulting Engineer of 133 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 4, 1866, in Door County, Wis. Since 1916 he has been Surveyor of Cook County. Emerson, Jay H., Underwriter of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 17, 1876, in New Lenox, 111. He is Gen- eral Agent for the New York Life Insurance Com- pany. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Cplonial Club, the Hamil- ton Club, and the Church Club; and St. Paul's Epis- copal Church; and resides at 4923 Vincennes Avenue. Emery, Frederic Barclay, Educator and Au- thor, was born Feb. 22, 1877, in Medina, Ohio. Instructor in Chemistry in the Harrison Tech- nical High School and Association Institute. He is the author of Elementary Chemistry; and other works. Emery, John Tobey, Leather Manufacturer of 1301 Elston Avenue, was born July 22, 1864, in Waterville, Me. Since 1885 he has been en- gaged in the hide and leather business, and is now Treasurer of the Chicago Rawhide Man- ufacturing Company. Emery, William Harrison, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 4, 1876, in Oak Park, 111. In 1896 he became associ- ated with the Chicago Raw Hide Manufactur- ing Company, of which he is now President. He is also a member of the firm of Emery, Peck and Rockwood, bankers and bond deal- ers. Emmerich, Edward Elting, Manufacturer of 501 West Huron Street, was born April 24, 1868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he has been associated with Charles Emmerich and Com- pany, wholesale feather dealers, of which he is now President. Emrich, George L., of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born May 30, 1877, in Lena, 111. Since 1910 he has been Western Manager of McCall's Magazine and the McCall Book of Fashion. Engelhard, Benjamin M., Diamond and Pearl Dealer of 31 North State Street, was born April 22, 1868, in Westerly, R, I. He is President of the North Chicago Hebrew Con- gregation; and Secretary of The Buena Shore Club. Engelhard, George P., Editor and Publisher of 536 South Clark Street, was born Jan. 29, 1854, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1879 he has been President of the G. P. Engelhard Com- panv, publishers of periodicals and books. England, William P., Editor of 19 South La- Salle Street, was born June 12, 1868, in Law- renceville. 111. He is Field Secretary of the 136 HERRINGSII AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Young Men's Christian Association of Chica- go; and Editor of the Official Bulletin and 1'ublicity Secretary of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association. Ennis, Callistus Sexton, Real Estate Dealer of 79 West Monroe Street, was born, in Chi- cago, 111. He is head of Callistus S. Ennis and Company. In 1914 he was President of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Ennis, James Ignatius, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 17, L8©1, in Chicago, 111. He is Master in Chan- cery of the (Superior Court of Cook County; and a Lecturer in the American Institute of Banking, the Chicago Business Law School and Waltons School of Accountancy. He has been President of the North Shore Park Dis- trict; Captain of the First Infantry Illinois National Guard; and President of the Rogers Park Improvement Association. Epstein, Max, Corporation Official of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 6, 1875, in Germany. Since 1901 he has been President of the General American Tank Car Corpora- tion. Erby, Herman, Manufacturer of 121 West Grand Avenue, was born Aug. 12, 1876. He was formerly Secretary of the Erby Carriage and Wagon Company. He is now President of the William Erby ami Sons Company. Erickson, Alfred Olney, Attorney-at-Law of L40 North Dearborn Street, was born in 1871, in Waupaca County, Wis. He received the de- gree of LL. B. from Lake Forest University. In 1905-11 he was Trial Attorney for the City of Chicago ; and originated the Action Over department by which the city recovered large amounts of money from various corporations and concerns. Erickson, Charles A., Physician and Surgeon of 6300 South Halsted Street, was born Feb. 19, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is Local Surgeon to the Illinois Central Railroad, and Attend- ing Surgeon to the Englewood Hospital. Erickson, Samuel E., Real Estate Dealer of 180 North Dearborn Street, was born March 4, 1860, in Lindkoping, Sweden. In 1892-1900 he was a member of the Illinois General As- sembly. Ericson, John E., Civil Engineer, City Hall, was born Oct. 21, 1858, in Sweden. In 1890-2 he was Assistant Engineer of the Sanitary District of Chicago; 1893-7 First As- sistant City Engineer of Chicago; and since 1897 has been City Engineer of Chi- cago. In 1903-4" he was a member of the Board of Local Improvements; and 1911-14 Chairman of the OTAOINSIIRD Chicago Subway and Har- bor Commission. Ericson, Otto Christian, Importer and Gro- cer of 32 South Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 29, 1852, in Faaberg, Norway. Since 1868 he has been associated with C. Jevne and Company, of which he is now President and Treasurer. He is a member of the Union League Club, and a life member of the Press Club. Ericsson, Henry, Contractor and former Commissioner of Buildings, 139 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 3, 1861, in Sweden. He is President of the Henry Ericsson Company, con- tractors. He was Commis- sioner of Buildings, City of Chicago, under Mayor Harrison 's Administration. He is ex-President of the Swedish Engineers' Socie- ty; a member of the Chicago Athletic Associa- tion, life member of the Press Club, member Western Society of Engineers, Builders Club, and a 32 degree Mason and Shriner. Ericsson, Walter H., Contractor of 139 North Clark Street, was born Feb. 22, 1887, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1911 he has been President and Treasurer of the Henry Ericsson Company. Ernecke, Albert H., Manufacturer of 1509 North Halsted Street. President of the Er- necke and Salmstein Company, paint and var- nish specialties. Ernst, William Edward, Publisher of 168 North Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 28, 1863 in Mendon, Mich. In 1901 he founded the World To-Day Magazine. He is now Pres- ident of the Library Press. Erskine, Albert DeWolf, Real Estate Dealer of 226 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 3, 1873, in Chicago. In 1898 he organized and was President of The East Chicago Company; and in 1901 founded the town of Indiana Har- bor, Ind. Ertel, Frederick H., Publisher of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 28, 1851, in Hamburg, Germany. From 1896-1913 he was proprietor of Bonds and Mortgages, Chicago- recognized authority on real estate invest- ments. He is now Western Manager of The Financial World of New York. Erwin, Charles RoswelL of 58 East Wash- ington Street, was born 1858, in Ottawa, 111. He is President of the Erwin and Nasey Com- pany, advertising agents. Espert, Michael, of 40 East Austin Avenue, was born Nov. 25, 1858, in Chicago. He is President of the Monarch Refrigerating Com- pany, cold storage. EssJey, Elisha L., Manufacturer of 551 Washington Boulevard, was born Oct. 21, 1866, in New Boston, 111. In 1908 he estab- lished the E. L. Essley Machinery Company, manufacturers of machine tools, of which he is President. Esson, William A., Dealer in Building Mate- rial, 111 West Washington Street. President of the Esson Sand and Gravel Company. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE COOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 137 Estell, William Shackford, Manufacturer of 319 West Ontario Street, was born in August, 1857, in New York City. Since 1886 he has been associated with The Adams and West- lake Company, and is now Secretary of the company. He resides in Evanston, 111. Estes* Clarence Everett, Banker of 112 West Adams Street, was born Dec. 15, 1871, at Me- chanics Falls, Maine. Since 1890 he has been identified with the Merchants Loan and Trust Company, and since 1916 Vice-President. Estes, Loring V., Efficiency Engineer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born in West Troy, Maine. He is President of the L. V. Estes Company, Incorporated. Estill, Thomas, of 108 North Dearborn Street, was born March 13, 1859, in Whitby, Yorkshire, England. He has been in command of Salvation Army forces in South Africa, New South Wales, New Zealand, Holland and Japan; and is now Chief Officer of The Salva- tion Army in Chicago and the States west to the Pacific Coast. Ettelson, David L., Attorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born March 1, 1862, in Russia. Since 1897 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a Director of the Schiff and Company State Bank; and Director of Samuel Phillipson and Company, wholesale general merchandise. Ettelson, Samuel A., Lawyer and Statesman of 3659 Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 19, 187-1, in Chicago, 111. He was educated at Harvard and Lake Forest Universi- ties. Since 1906 he has been a member of the Illi- nois Legislature from the Third District of Illinois; and was a member of the law firm of Schuyler, Ettel- son and Weinfeld until 1915. He is now Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. Eustis, Percy Sprague, Railroad Official of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 16, 1857, in Milton, Mass. Since 1880 he has been associated with the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, and since 1902 has been Traffic Manager of the entire system. Evans, Albert W., Educator 'of 5468 Ellis Avenue, was born July 17, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Assistant Principal of the Lane Technical School. He is now Prin- cipal of the Farragut School; and Principal of the Evening School of Waller High School. Evans, Clinton Bus-well, Editor and Publish- er of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 3, 1848, in Fryeburg, Me. Since 1880 he has been Publisher of The Economist, a weekly journal, and President of the Economist Pub- lishing Company. Evans, David, Steel Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 16, 1874, in Marion, S. C. In 1903-05 he was Pres- ident of the Field, Evans Iron Company. He is now senior member of David Evans and Company, pig iron and steel castings; and President and Treasurer of the Chicago Steel Foundry Company. Evans, Evan Albert, Real Estate Invest- ment Dealer, of 509 South Wabash Avenue. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Chicago Athletic Association, the South Shore Country Club, the Exmoor Country Club, tho Forty Club and the Lambs Club of New York. Residence 12 Scott Street. Evans, Henry Joy, Manufacturer of 112 West Adams Street, was born Feb. 22, 1850, in Rochester, N. H. Since 1898 he has been asso- ciated with the National Biscuit Company, of which he is now Vice-President. He is also a Director of the Central Trust Company of Illi- nois. Evans, Herbert Heard, Mechanical and Elec- trical Engineer, the City Hall, was born April 4, 1880, in Aberdeen, Miss. In 1899 he gradu- ated from the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.; served in the Spanish- Ameri- can War on the United States Steamship Indi- ana; and in 1904 resigned with the commission of Ensign. Since 1908 he has been Secretary and Engineer of the Committee on Local Transportations of the City Council of Chi- cago. Evans, Lynden, Attorney-at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born June 28, " 1858, in LaSalle, 111. In 1882 he graduated from Knox College, Galesburg, 111. In 1884 he was ad- mitted to the bar and has since practiced, specializ- ing in corporation and real estate law. He was a mem- ber of the Sixty-second Congress from the Ninth Illinois District. Evans, Ray Llewelyn, of 139 North Clark Street, was born May 13, 1876, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1898 he graduated from Yale Uni- versity. He has been Traffic Manager for the Dominion Iron and Steel Company ; and Sec- retary and Manager of the Rogers Addresser Company. He is now Sales Manager for Kis- sel, Kinnicutt and Company, bankers and brokers. Evans, Samuel, Manufacturer of 710 West Washington Boulevard, was born Nov. 16, 1857, in Wales. Since 1905 he has been Presi- dent of the Rawson and Evans Company, or- namental glass and signs. Evans, William Augustus, Physician of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1865, in Marion, Ala. Since 1885 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is Professor of Hy- giene in Northwestern University Medical School. In 1892-3 he was President of the Chicago Medical Society. Evans, W. J., Jr., of 1301 West Thirty-fifth 138 HERBINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Street, was born June 21, 1874, in New York City, since 1896 be has been associated with The Sefton Manufacturing Company] and its successor The Sefton Manufacturing Corpora- tion, of which lie is aow Secretary and Gen- eral Manager. Everett, Edward Warren, Attorney-at-Law ■ South Dearborn Street, was horn Oct. 3, L872, in St. Joseph, Mo. In L896 lie graduated from the Law Department Lake For- esl University; and since 1896 has practiced his pro- fession. Since 1908 he has been a partner in the firm of Winston, Strawn and Shaw, lawyers. He is a member of the South Shore • oiintiy, Exmoor Country, and Law Clubs, the Chicago Athletic Association; and the Ameri- can, Illinois and Chicago Bar Association. Everett, John Cree, Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born March 6, L862, in Chambersburg, Pa. He was admitted to the bar in 1884 and in 1894 was appointed •lust ice of the Peace. He is now a member of the law firm of Everett and McGonigle. Evers, Edward A., Contracting Engineer of 17.") North Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 16, L878, in New York City. Since 1911 he has I i Captain Commanding the Illinois Naval l.'eset yes. Eversz, Ernest Hammond, Banker of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 3, 1872, in (Merlin, Ohio. Until 1901 he was associated with X. \V. Harris and Company. He is now senior member of Eversz and Company, in- \ estmenl bankers. Ewell, Marshall Davis, Microscopical and Hand Writing Expert of 155 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 18, 1844, in Oxford, Mich. In 1874-6 he was Judge of the Probate Court in Michigan. Hi' is the author of Treat- ises on Law Fixtures and other works. Ewen, Malcolm Faulkner, Engineer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born in 1874, in Greal Neck, Long Island, N. Y. In 1906-11 he was Nice President of John M. Ewen and Com- pany. He is now President of the Inland Util- ity and Investment Company. Ewing, Adlai Thomas, Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 5, L846, in McLean County, 111. In 1868 he was admitted to the bar, and has since practiced Ids profession in Chicago. Be was one of the Illinois members of the United States Commis- sion to the World's Columbian Exposition. Ewing, Charles Hull, Real Estate Dealer of Dill! West Lake Street, was born July 11, 1868, in Randolph, X. V. Since 1903 he has been engaged in the real estate and invest- ment business in Chicago. Be is Treasurer of the Southern Gypsum Company, and a Direc- tor of the First National Bank of Lake Forest. Eyman, Frank P., Railway Official of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 5, 1856, in Fairfield County, Ohio. Since 1880 he has been associated with the Chicago and North Western Railway; and since 1915 has been Freight Traffic Manager. Faber, Homo, Organ Manufacturer of 2066 Flournoy Street, was born Dec. 1, 1861, in Hol- land. He is the manufacturer of the Faber Folding Organs, Chicago, with branches in .Melbourne, Australia, Rotterdam, Holland, and Porto Allegre, Brazil. Fabyan, George, Merchant and Manufacturer of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 15, 1S67, in Boston, Mass. Since 1893 he has been associated with Bliss, Fabyan and Company, dry goods commission merchants, and is now a partner in the firm. Fahrney, Ezra C, Manufacturer of 2501 Washington Boulevard, was born in Martins- £>urg, Pa. He is President of Dr. Peter Fahr- ney and Sons Company, medicines. Fair, Robert Maitland, Retired Merchant of 2222 Calumet Avenue, was born April 17, 1846, in New York City. In 1890-1905 he was a partner in Marshall Field and Company. Fairbank, Dexter, Manufacturer of 6126 South LaSalle Street. Secretary of The Cas- sady, Fairbank Manufacturing Company, hard- ware specialties. Fairbank, Kellogg, Attorney-at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born 1869, in Chi- cago, 111. 'Since 1893 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago. Fairbanks, Crawford, Manufacturer of 422 East North Water Street. President of the Chicago Coated Board Company. Fairchild, Meredith Howland, Manufacturer of 6 West Austin Avenue, was born Nov. 27, 1872, on Long Island, N. Y. Since 1898 he has been associated with M. H. Fairchild and Brother, soap manufacturers, of which he is now President. Fairclough, Richard, Publisher of 330 East Ohio Street, was born Jan. 25, 1865, in Eng- land. Since 1887 he has been associated with A. C. McClurg and Company, and since 1912 Treasurer and Director. Fairfield, Frank Merriam, Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 25, 1866, in Odell, 111. He was one of the organ- izers of the Sane Fourth Association, and has since been its Secretary. Faith, Thomas, Oculist and Aurist of 31 North State Street, was born Nov. 25, 1871, in Hancock, Md. Since 1897 he has been Pro- fessor of Opthalmology in the Chicago Eye, La. and Throat College; and is Surgeon to the South Chicago and St. Anthony de Padua Hospitals. Faithorn, Walter Ernest, Printer of 500 Sherman Street, was born Nov. 6, 1879, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1903 he has been owner of the Faithorn Company. Fake, Frederick Lewis, Lawyer and Jurist 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 19, HERRINGSH AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 139 1869, in Chicago, 111. In 1896-1906 he was As- sistant States Attorney; and 1906-14 Judge of the Municipal Court. He is now engaged in the private practice of his profession. Falk, Lester Leopold, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born June 25, 1885, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Scott, Bancroft, Martin and Stephens. During the Great War he served as Captain with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. FaJk, Louis, Organist of 624 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 11, 1848, in Germany. Since 1869 he has been Professor of Organ Theory in the Chicago Musical College. Falkenau, Victor, Retired Builder of 5740 Woodlawn Avenue, was born May 10, 1859, in Bergen, N. J. In 1897 he established the Falk- enau Construction Company, of which he was President until his retirement. Fallows, Samuel, Bishop of 2344 Monroe Street, was born Dec. 13, 1835, in England. Since 1875 he has been Rector of St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church; and is Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church. He is also President of the Society the Army of the Tennessee. Falvey, John J., Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 15, 1885, in Chicago, 111. He has been Secretary to the Commissioner of Buildings, City of Chicago; and Assistant Attorney General of the state of Illinois. He is now engaged in private practice of law. Fanning, John Thomas, Contractor of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 7, 1863, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1881 he has been engaged in engineering work, and since 1912 has been President of the United States Dredge and Dock Company. Farley, Jesse K.', Jr., Manufacturer of 720 North Franklin Street, was born in 1880, in Dubuque, Iowa. He is President of the Farley Candy Company. Farley, John William, Contractor of 118 North LaSalle Street, was born May 30, 1870, in Dalton, Ga. Since 1887 he has been en- gaged in the contracting business in Chicago. He was a member of the Thirty-fifth, Forty- third and Forty-fourth General Assemblies of Illinois. Farnsworth, George James, Lumber Dealer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 19, 1863, in Oconto, Wis. Since 1908 he has been President of the Oconto Lumber Com- panv, and the Bav de Noquet Companv. Farnum, Henry' W., Broker of 219 South LaSalle Street. Member of the firm of King- Farnum and Companv. Farr, Frank D., Publisher of 623 South Wa- bath Avenue, was born Oct. 31, 1867, in Bris- tol, Vt. He was formerly Principal of the Lamoille Academy of Hyde Park, Vt.; and Superintendent of Schools at Swanton, Vt. He is now Western Manager and a member of the Board of Directors of Silver, Burdett and Company. Farrell, Daniel P., Manufacturer of 345 West Austin Avenue. President of the Julius Marquardt Company, manufacturers of paper boxes. Farrell, Patrick Joseph H., Oculist and Aurist of 25 East Washington Street, was born in India. In 1898 he was Surgeon Gen- eral in the Army of the Philippines. He is now Trustee of the Chicago Medical Society; and President of the Army and Navy Club. Farrelly, James J., Broker, Union Stock Yards, was born March 31, 1859, in County Cavah, Ireland. He established the present firm of J. J. Farrelly and Son, live stock com mission merchants. Farrington, Oliver Curnmings, Geologist of 5741 Kenwood Avenue, was born Oct. 9, 1864, in Brewer, Maine. In 1894-1904 he was a Lec- turer on Mineralogy in the University of Chi- cago. Since 1894 he has been Curator of Geology in the Field Museum of Natural His- tory. He is the author of Meteorites, and other works. Farwell, Arthur Burrage, of 19 South La- Salle Street, was born Oct. 2, 1852, in North Leominster, Mass. Since 1869 he has been in- terested in public matters. From 1870-6 he was engaged in the dry goods business; and in 1876-1907 was engaged in the boot and shoe business. He is President of the Chicago Law and Order League ; and Secretary of the Hyde Park Protective Association. Farwell, Arthur Lincoln, Merchant of 102 South Market Street. Vice-President of the John V. Farwell Company. Farwell, Frederick M., of 0927 Oglesby Avenue, was born Sept. 2, 1866, in Chicago, 111. In 1883-4 he was associated with Farwell, Miller and Company; and from 1SS5-94 was business manager of the Greenhouse Depart- ment of Oak Woods Cemetery. Since 1894 he has been President of the Oak Woods Cemetery Association and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the same. Farwell, John Villiers, Merchant of 102 South Market Street, was born Oct, 16, L858, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the John V. Farwell Company; and a Director of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Com- pany; the National Bank of the Republic; and other corporations. Farwell, Walter, Capitalist of 102 South Market Street, was born Jan. 23, 1863, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1887 he has been associated with J. V. Farwell Company, of which he is now Vice-President; and is Managing Director of The Capital Freehold Land and Investment Company. During the Great War he served as Captain in the One Hundred and Eighth Engineers, Thirty-third Division, American Expeditionary Forces. Fatch, Edward Patrick, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 17, 140 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1884 he has been engaged in the insurance business. He is now head of the firm of E. II. Fatch and Company. Faulkner, Charles J., Jr., Attorney-at-Law of 5529 Hyde I 'ark Boulevard, was born Aug. 23, 1877, in Martinsburg, W. Va. In 1893-8 he attended Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. He is General Counsel for Ar- mour and Company. He is a member of the American, Chicago and Illinois State Bar As- sociations, and the Chicago Athletic and South Shore County Clubs, Chicago; Metropol- itan Club, Washington, D. C.j and Phi Gamma Delta Club, New York. Faurot, Henry, Manufacturer of 4115 Ogden Avenue, was born Nov. 30, 1864, in Albany, N. Y. Since 1909 he has been President of the Western Felt Works. Fay, Albert Rice, of 4510 Greenwood Ave- nue, was born in Chicago. Since 1884 he has been Traffic Manager of Swift and Company; and is also Vice-President of the Swift Re- frigerating Transportation Company; and of the South Side State Bank. Fay, Owen H., Business Man of 435 Ply- mouth Court. Since 1889 he has been en- gaged in the livery business in Chicago, and is now President of the Owen II. Fay Livery Company. Faye/Carl Eugene, Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 6, 1858, in Christiania, Norway. He has twice served as Acting Consul for Norway in Chicago. He is the inventor and patentee of the Faye Air Moistener. Feingold, Samuel H., Life Insurance Agent of 602 West North Avenue, was born Feb. 22, 1884, in Russia. In 1909-10 he was engaged in the manufacture of neckware in New York City. Since 1913 he has been associated with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York. Felix, Benjamin B., Manufacturer of 408 West Grand Avenue, was born May 31, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Feather- edge Rubber Company. Fellows, Charles Gurnee, Physician, Oculist and Aurist of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born April 27, 1863, in Milwaukee, Wis. He was educated in Chicago, New York, London, Paris and Vienna; and since 1889 has been a specialist in Chicago. He is Senior Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology in the Hahne- mann Medical College. He is a member of the Union League, Chicago Athletic, Ken- wood, City and Hinsdale Golf Clubs. Fellows* William Kinne, Architect of 814 Tower Court, was born Sept. 3, 1870, in Wi- nona, Minn. Since 1892 he has practiced ar- chitecture in Chicago. He is now a member of the firm of Perkins, Fellows and Hamilton, architects. Felsenthal, Eli Benjamin, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born July 14, 1858, in Chicago, 111. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the active practice of law. He is a Trustee of the University of Chicago. Felt, Charles Frederick, Civil Engineer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born April 29, 1864, in Salem, Mass. Since 1886 he has been engaged in railway engineering work, and since 1913 has been Chief Engineer of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway. Felt, Dorr E., Inventor and Manufacturer of 1735 North Paulina Street, was born March 18, 1862. near Beloit, Wis. He is the inventor of the first key-operated calculating machine and the first practical adding and listing ma- chine. In 1887 he organized and has since been President of the Felt and Tarrant Com- pany, manufacturers of his inventions. He is President of the Illinois Manufacturing As- sociation and First Vice-President of the Illinois Society, Sons of the American Revo- lution; and served as Regional Advisor of the War Industries Board. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, and Union League, City and Press Clubs. Feltman, *D., Wholesale Merchant of 22 West South Water Street, was born Sept. 22, 1867, in New York City. He is owner ami manager of D. Feltman and Company, whole- sale dealers in butter and eggs. Felton, Samuel Morse, Railway President of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 3, 1853, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1868 he has been identified with railway service. He is now President of the Chicago and Great West- ern Railroad Company. Fend, Roland S., Electrical Engineer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 7, 1880, in Fremont, Ohio. He was formerly chief engineer with the Woods Motor Ve- hicle Company. He is now President of Ro- land S. Fend and Company, engineers. Fenn, Prosper Dalien, Printer of 120 North Jefferson Street, was born Nov. 17, 1865, in Harrisburg, Pa. In 1903 he organized the Metropolitan Syndicate Press, of which he is President and Director. Fenton, Howard Withrow, Banker of 117 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. 29, 1877, in Indianapolis, Ind. Since 1911 he has been Vice-President and Director of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank. Fenton, William Taylor, Banker of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born June 2, 184S, near Madison, Ind. In 1891 he assisted in organizing the National Bank of the Re- public, of which he became Cashier; and since 1897 Vice-President. He has been President of the Illinois Bankers' Association, the Bankers ' Club and the Chi- cago Clearing House. Fentress, Calvin, Manufacturer and Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Mav 22, 1879, in Bolivar, Tenn. In 1901 he grad- HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 141 uated from Princeton University. He is Treasurer and Director of Lyon, Gary and Company, the Bagdad Land and Lumber Com- pany, the Stearns Lumber and Export Com- pany, the Continental Timber Land Company, the Chicago Tubing and Braiding Company, the Lyon Lumber Company, the Great North- ern Lumber Company, and the Oval Wood Dish Company; and Director of the Chicago and Calumet Canal and Dock Company, and the Chicago Morris Plan Bank. Fentress, James, Manufacturer of 216 North Clinton Street, was born Jan. 12, 1871, in* Bolivar, Tenn. Since 1901 he has been Presi- dent of the Chicago Tubing and Braiding Company. Fergus, Robert Oollyer, Attorney and Coun- sellor-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 18, 1868, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1893 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. He is a writer on legal and other subjects; and a member of the Board of Managers of the Chicago Law Institute. He is a mem- ber of the American and Chicago Bar Associations; the Chicago Historical Society; and the Yale and Church Clubs of Chicago. Fergus, William Loveday, Consulting En- gineer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born July 25, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1904 he has been head of the firm of W. L. Fergus and Company. Ferguson, Clara, Surgeon of 31 North State Street. Since 1902 she has practiced medicine in Chicago, and is now Surgeon and Obstet- rician to Mary Thompson Hospital. Ferguson, Edward Ashley, Underwriter of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born July 24, 1862, in Milwaukee, Wis. He was educated at Harvard University. Since 1883 he has been engaged in the insurance business; and since 1897 has been Illinois Manager of the Union Central Life Insurance Company of Ohio. He resides at Riverside, 111. Ferguson, Lawrence W., Merchant of 3443 Addison Street, was born March 22, 1875, in Leroy, 111. He is President of the Ferguson Coal Company, and the South-West Coal and Material Company; and Vice-President of the Orchard Coal Company. Ferguson, Louis Aloysius, Electrical Engi- neer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 19, 1867, in Dorchester, Mass. He is Vice- President of the Commonwealth Edison Com- pany; and President of the Minerallac Elec- tric Company; a Director of the Public Serv- ice Company of Northern Illinois and the Middle West Utilities Company. In 1908-9 he was President of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Fernald, Gustavus Stockman, Attorney-at*. Law of 79 East Adams Street, was born Nov. 11, 1857, in Otisfield, Maine. Since 1909 he has been Attorney for the Pullman Company. Fernow, J. A. W., Physician and Surgeon of 7 West Madison Street, was born Feb. 14, 1863, in Alton, 111. In 1884-96 he was a drug- gist in St. Louis, Mo. He is Professor of Gynecology in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine; and Surgeon to the Fort Dear- born Hospital. He is a member of the Cook County Medical and Surgical Society; and re- sides at 2900 Michigan Avenue. Ferry, Watson Jared, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born March 27, 1844, in Chenango County, N. Y. In 1883 he was a member of the Missouri Legislature; and for six years Police Commissioner in Kan- sas City, Mo. Since 1896 he has practiced law in Chicago. Fetzer, John Clark, Real Estate Dealer of 105 South LaSal le Street, was born June 13, 1865, in Clarion, Pa. In 1896 he was manager of the real estate and financial interests of the Cyrus Hall McCormick Estate. He is now President of the Illi- nois Northern Railway; a Director of the Fort Dear- born National Bank; and a director in other corpora- tions. Fiedler, Anton Bernhardt, Manufacturer of 367 West Adams Street, was born Dec. 28, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1883 he has been associated with A. B. Fiedler and Sons, man- ufacturers of braids and trimmings, of which he is now Treasurer. Fiedler, Edmund Gustav, Manufacturer of 305 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 5, 1849, in Germany. He is President of the firm of A. B. Fiedler and Sons. Fiedler, Paul Oswald, Manufacturer of 367 West Adams Street, was born May 14, 1854, in Brocton, Mass. From 1871-74 he was asso- ciated with Field, Leiter and Company; and since 1874 he has been connected with his fa- ther's factory, known as A. B. Fiedler until 1882, when it was incorporated as A. B. Fied- ler and Sons, of which he is now Vice-Presi- dent. Field, Charles E., Manufacturer of 900 West Eighteenth Street, was born June 3, 1857, in Greenfield, Mass. Since 1911 he has been Di- rector and Manager of the National Lead Company. He is Ex-President of the National Paint. Oil and Varnish Association. Field, James Alfred, Economist, was born May 26, 1880, in Milton, Mass. Since 1908 he has been identified with the University of Chicago and is now Professor of Political Economy in that institution. Field," Marshall, of 112 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 28, 1893, in Chicago, 111. He is associated with the management of tho Field Estate. During the Great War he 1 t2 EERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. served in the One Hundred and Twenty-see- (iii. 1 Field Artillery in France. Field, Stanley, Merchant of 219 West Ad- ams Street, was born May L3, 1875, in Man- chester, England, since L893 be lias been as- sociated with Marshall Field and Company, df which lie is now First Vice President. He is also President of the Field Museum of Nat- ural History; and is a director in several I. auks. Field, John S., of ill West Washington was born Aug. 11, 1847, in Beloit, Wis. In 1S71I he was a member of 1 he linn of F. A. Shodd and I 'oni|iany ; 18X;"j became I_ .0^ JR Vice President and General Manager; and in 1898 when the Knickerbocker Ice Com- 1 *^ pany was organized became ^ «* ; '^^^^ President. 1 1 e is now < 'ha /JP^fl I man of the Board of Di- ^HhI I rectors of the Consumers Company; and an officer and director in other corporal ions. Field, Walter Taylor, Author and Editor of 2301 Prairie Avenue, was bom Feb. 21, 1861, in Galesburg; 111. Since L890 he has been Editorial Adviser of (Jinn and Company. He is the author of Eome; What Is Success?; and oi her works. Field, William Henry, of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 18, 1877, in Eutland, Vt. Since 1909 he has been Vice-President and Business Manager of the Chicago Tribune. Fielding, Edward, of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born June 28, 1862, in Westchester County, X. Y. In 1879 he joined the Salvation Army in England. After returning to America he was in charge of its pioneer movement in the United States, and from 1889-97 had charge of the West, with headquarters in Chicago; in 1897 was placed in charge of the Chicago and Northwest territory, with the rank of Colonel; and since 1903 has been ■ ice I 'resident, with the rank of Major-Gen- Fields, Warren K., of 214 North Clinton Street, was born duly 25, 1876, in Hustontown, Pa. Since 1908 he has been Manager of the Alberene Stone Company, Chicago. Fietsch, Herman, Jr., Printer of 430 West Erie Street, was born Dec. 2, 1857, in Chicago. He is President of the Kehm, Fietsch and Mil- ler Company. Fifer, A.' R., Peal Estate Broker of 179 West Washington Street, was born in Sep- tember, 1881, in Koumania. He is head of the firm of A. P. Fifer and Company; and Secretary of the Keystone Brush Manufac- turing Company. Fifield, Edward R., Manufacturer and Re- tailer of 328 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Hartford, Conn. He is President of Fifield and Stevenson, men's wear. Findeisen, Frederick, Manufacturer of 2559 West Twenty-first Street, was born in 1850, in Germany. Since 1894 he has been President of the Findeisen and Kropf Manufacturing Company, plumber supplies. Findlay, Ephraim Kirkpatrick, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born 1870, in Carleton Place, Ontario. Since 1896 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is Sur- geon to the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Assistant Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology in the University** of Illinois; and a specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Findlay, George, Banker of 102 South Mar- ket Street, was born March 9, 1851, in Aber- deenshire, Scotland. He is one of the three Trustees handling the Capitol Reservation Lands in the Panhandle of Texas. Finkl, Anton, Manufacturer of 1326 Cort- land Street, was born May 13, 1848, in Neu- berg, Germany. Since 1880 he has been Pres- ident and Treasurer of A. Finkl and Sons Company. Finley, William Henley, Engineer of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 22, 1862, in Newcastle County, Del. Since 1892 he has been associated with the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company, of which he is now President. Finn, Joseph M., Capitalist of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 10, 1872, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is President of Finn and Heimon and The Elevator Company of Amer- ica; special partner in Marcuse and Com- pany; and an officer in other corporations. Finnegan, Richard J., Newspaper Man of 15 South Market Street, was born in Chicago, 111. Since 1901 he has been engaged in newspaper work, since 1916 Managing Editor of the Chicago Daily Journal. Finney, Harry Warren^ Investment Dealer of 230 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 28, 1877, in Chelsea, Mass. He is a member of the firm of Finney, Jackson and Company; and a director in other organizations. Fischel, Max I., Violinist and Composer of 67 East Van Buren Street, was born in 1878, in Austria. In 1903 he was Director of the Violin Department and head of the Fischel Concert Company. He is now a director of the Violin Department of the Chicago Musi- cal College. He has composed many books on Violin Technic; and numerous concert pieces. Fischer, Edgar B., Attorney-at-Law of 118 North LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 15, 1878, in Addison, 111. He is Master-in-Chancery of the Circuit Court of DuPage County. Fischer, F. William, Architect and Civil En- gineer of 9154 Commercial Avenue, was born Dec. 30, 1861, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1889-93 he was Superintendent and Engineer of the Calumet, Chicago Canal and Dock Company of Chicago. He is now practicing architecture alone. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 143 Fischer, Gustave Frederick, Attorney-at- Law of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born May 8, 1868, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Rubens, Fischer, Mosser ajid Barnum; President of the Cosmopolitan State Bank; Secretary of the Grant Hospital of Chicago; and Treasurer of the German Society of Chicago. Fischer, Herman A., Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 10, 1882, in Wheaton, 111. He is a member of the firm of Campbell and Fischer; and City At- torney of Wheaton, 111. Fischer, Walter D., Physician and Surgeon of 629 Buckingham Place, was born Dec. 10, 1878, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1901 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is a mem- ber of the Staff of the American Hospital. Fischkin, Edward A., Physician of 32 North State Street, was born in 1862, in Russia. Since 1894 he has practiced medicine in Chi- cago. He is Professor of Dermatology in the Chicago College of Medicine. Fish, Simon, Merchant of 1906 South Wa- bash Avenue. President of the L. Fish Fur- niture Company. Fishback, Charles Fremont, Investment Banker of 76 West Monroe Street, was born in 1S59, in Independence, Ind. He was educated in the public schools and the State University of Kansas, and graduated in law from Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. In 1900 he was elected a member of the State Legislature of Wyom- ing, and was made Chair- man of the Judiciary Committee. He is now President of Porter, Fishback and Company, bankers. He is a member of the Hamilton Club, the Chicago Automobile Club, and the Lotos Club of New York City; and resides in Highland Park. Fishell, Elkan W., Dentist of 108 North State Street, was born May 31, 1872, in Pitts- field, 111. He is Dental Surgeon to the Michael Reese Hospital. Fisher, Albert Judson, Real Estate Dealer of 7157 Yale Avenue, was born Feb. 27, 1855, in Granville, 111. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the real estate and insurance busi- ness in Chicago; and since 1906 has been Alderman from the Thirty-second Ward. Fisher, Edward E., Manufacturer of 825 South Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 3, 1871, in Stephenson County, 111. He is Manager of the Racine Wagon and Carriage Company. Fisher, Frederick A., Physician and Surgeon of 1609 Fullerton Avenue, was born Feb. 19, 1876, in Geneseo, 111. He is a member of the Medical Staff of the Chicago Union Hospital. Fisher, George Marshall, Insurance Manager of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 15, 1857, in Painesville, Ohio. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the fire insurance business; and since 1902 Manager of the Railway Underwriters. Fisher, George Purnell, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 30, 1856, in Dover, Del. Since 1881 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Pierce, Fisher and Clapp. Fisher, Harry, M., Lawyer and Jurist, was born Jan. 1, 1882, in Russia. In 1904-12 he practiced law in Chicago, and since that time has been Judge of the Muncipal Court in Chi- cago. Fisher, Hart E., Physician and Surgeon of 72 West Adams Street, was born Oct 3, 18S6, in San Antonio, Tex. He is Chief Surgeo r i for the Chicago Elevated Roads. Fisher, Lewis Beals, College President of 5733 Kenwood Avenue, was born April 30, 1857, in Charlotte, Maine. In 1905-12 lie was President of Lombard College at Galesburg. Since 1911 he has been Dean of the Ryder Divinity School. Fisher, Napoleon C, Dealer in Building Ma- terial, 133 West Washington Street, was born No. 2, 1856, in Bucyrus, Ohio. Since 1904 he has been President of the American Sand and Gravel Company; and since 1884 Secretary and Treasurer of the Garden 'City Sand Com- pany. Fisher, Walter L., Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born July 4, 1862, in Wheeling, Va. In 1888-1911 he practiced law in Chicago; and in 1911 became Secretary of the Interior in the Cabinet of President Taft. In 1913-15 he was President of the University Club. Fisher, William Albert, Physician 'of 31 North State Street, was born Aug. 1, 1859, in Connersville, Ind. Since 1898 he has been President and Professor of Ophthalmology in the Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Col- lege. Fisk, William B., Surgeon of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 21, 1871, in Chenoa, 111. Since 1898 he has been a mem- ber of the surgical staff of St. Luke's Hos- pital; and since 1901 Chief Surgeon for the International Harvester Company. Fisk, William H, Dry Goods Broker of 223 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Abbots-. ford, Quebec, Canada. He was formerly Pacific Coast representative for Percival Bowditch Palmer and Company. He is now associated with W. S. MeKeag and Company, New York, and the Alan Westheimer Com- pany, New York. Fiske, George Foster, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1860, in Mad- ison, Conn. Since 1886 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago. He is a member of several medical associations. Fiske, Horace Spencer, Editor and Author of 1373 East Fifty-seventh Street, was born 144 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Nov. 4, 1859, in Dexter, Mich. He received the degree of A. B. from Beloit College, and the degree of A. M. from the University of Michigan. From 1901-2 he was Literary Editor of the World Review, Chicago; 1903- 12 Assistant Recorder of the University of Chicago; 1903-14 Editor of the University Record; and 1908-14 Associate Editor of the University of Chicago Magazine. Fiske, William Mead Lindsley, Investment Banker of 234 South LaSalle Street, was born June 12, L879, iii Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1900 he received the degree of A. B. from Columbia University, New York City. Until 1905 he was associated with Vermilye and Company, bankers of New York City. Since 1905 he has been a partner in the firm of William A. Read and Company, bankers of New York City. He is a member of the University Club, the Chi- cago Club, the Onwentsia Club, the Indian Hill Club, and the Mid-Day Club. Fitch, Claude E., Consulting Engineer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1872, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Allen Engineering Company. Fitch, Edward ChurchilL Lawyer of 6325 Kenwood Avenue, was born May 11, 1862, in Vandalia, 111. In 1906-8 he was a member of the Illinois Legislature from the Thirteenth District of Illinois. He is now Assistant At- torney General of Illinois. Fitch, Joseph Harratt, Jurist of 828 Junior Terrace, was born Jan. 16, 1859, in Bristol, Maine. In 1881 he received the degree of LL. B. from the Union College of Law. In 1892-3 he was Master in Chancery of the Superior Court. He is now Judge of the Su- perior Court of Cook Coun- ty, serving at present in the Appellate Court. Fitzgerald, Richard, Railway Official, Union Stock fards, was born Sept. 29, 1856, in Rochester, N. Y. He is President, General Manager and a Director of the Chicago Junc- tion Railway Company; and a Director of the Fort Dearborn National Bank; and other cor- porations. Fitz-Hugh, Carter Harrison, Manufacturer of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born July 6, 1861, in Longwood, Va. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the iron manufacturing business; and since 1900 has been President of the Fitz- Hugh, Luther Company, manufacturers of loco- motives and railway equipment. FitzPatrick, Gilbert, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 19, 1873, in Washingtonville, Ohio. He is Attending Ob- stetrician to the Cook County and Hahnemann Hospitals. He is Ex-President of The Obstet- rical Society and the American Institute of Homeopathy. Flack, Gerial K., Clergyman of 121 East Fifty-sixth Street, was born Oct. 20, 1858, in Adrian, Ohio. Since 1914 he has been Pastor of Woolley Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church. Flanagan, Joseph Edward, Manufacturer of 312 West Illinois Street, was born Feb. 15, 1858, in New Albany, Ind. In 1885 he estab- lished the Flanagan and Biedenweg Company, manufacturers of stained glass, of which he is President. In 1900-4 he was a County Com- missioner of Cook County. Flanders, Harry Lincoln, Leather Merchant of 163 North Franklin ^Street, was born Oct. 16, 1866, in Farmington, N. II. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the leather business; and since 1902 Vice-President of the Federal Leather Company. Fiannery, Daniel Franklin, Attorney-at- Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 18, 1855, in New London, Ohio. In 1878 he was admitted to the bar. He has been Master-in-Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. Flaws, Magnus, Publisher ' of 542 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1866, in the Shetland Islands. President and Treasurer of Magnus Flaws and Company, publishers and printers. Fleming, Edward James, Underwriter of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Jan. 10, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now President of the firm of E. J. Fleming and Company, vessel and insurance agents. Fleming, James L., Physician and Surgeon of 830 North Hamlin Avenue, was born Jan. 27, 1872, in Postville, Iowa. He is Associate Professor of Medicine in the Chicago* College of Medicine and Surgery, and Loyola Univer- sity; and Attending Physician to St. Anne's' Hospital. Fleming, William S., Clergyman of 3422 Ful- ton Street, was born Nov. 1, 1865, in Cass County, Mich. He is Pastor of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church. Fletcher, John, Banker of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 13, 1879, in Williams- burg, la. Since 1914 he has been Vice-Presi- dent of the Fort Dearborn National Bank. Fletcher, Robert Virgil, Attorney-at-Law of 135 East Eleventh Place, was born Sept. 27, 1869, in Grant County, Ky. In 1907-8 he was Attorney General of Mississippi; and 1908-9 Judge of the Su- preme Court of Mississippi. Since 1911 he has been General Attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company, Chicago. Resi- dence, 1442 Hyde Park Boulevard. Fletcher, Percival Samuel, Lumber Dealer of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 3, 1872, in England. Since 1887 he has been en- HERRINGSHAW 's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 145 gaged in the lumber business. He is Vice- President of Che D. S. Pate Lumber Company; and Secretary and Treasurer of the Stuart Lumber Company, Brinson, Ga. Fletcher, William Meade, Attorney at-Law and Legal Author of 30 North Dearborn Street, was born in 1870, in Rappahannock County, Va. He received the degree of B. L. from the University of Virginia, in 1S91 ; from 1898-1901 was Professor of Law in the John Marshall Law School, Chicago; and two years Professor of Equity, Pleading and Practice in the Law School of Northwestern University. He is now engaged in the practice of his pro- fession; and specializes in corporation and chancery law. Flexner, Bernard, Attorney-at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born Feb. 24, 1865, in Louisville, Ky. In 1911-14 he was a mem- ber of the law firm of Flexner and Gordon. He is a contributing editor to The Survey; and has written various monographs and pa- pers on Juvenile Courts. Flood, Harry J., Manufacturer, Fifty-seventh and Wallace Streets. President of the Chis- holm, Boyd and White Company, laundry ma- chinery. Flor'sheim, Leonard S., Manufacturer of 729 Milwaukee Avenue, was born in 1879, in Chi- cago, 111. He is President of the Kabo Corset Company, manufacturers of corsets and acces- sories. Florsheim, Milton S., Manufacturer of 541 West Adams Street, was born July 27, 1868, in Chicago. Since 1892 he has been President and Treasurer of the Florsheim Shoe Com- pany, manufacturers of men 's shoes. Flynn, Thomas P., Quarryman of 133 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 22, 1868, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Waushara Granite Company. Foell, Charles M., Lawyer and Jurist, was born Nov. 21. 1869, near Farley, Iowa. In 1896 he received the degree of LL. B. from Northwest- ern University, and began the practice of law in Chi- cago. He is now Judge of the Superior Court, Chica- go. He served two terms as President of the Mar- quette Club; and was Al- derman from the Twenty- first Ward for three terms. Fogle, John Long, Lawyer of 105 West Mon- roe Street, was born Feb. 22, 1875, in Terra Alta, W. Va. He is Attorney for the Chicago Bar Association; and a lecturer in the Chicago Kent College of Law. Foley, Daniel, Dealer in Building Materials, 133 West Washington Street. He is a Direc- tor of the Western Stone Company; and Treas- urer of the Richardson Sand Company. Foley, John Burton, Printer and Engraver of 1436 Astor Street, was born Dec, 1857, in Chicago, 111. He is President of Foley and Company, and the Magnolia Springs Land Company. He founded the town of Foley, Ala. Folds, Charles Weston, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 23, 1870, in Osh- kosh, Wis. Since 1904 he has been a member of the firm of Hathaway, Smith, Folds and Company. He is President of the United Charities of Chicago, and the Home for Destitute Crippled Children; Chair- man of the Chicago Liber- ty Loan Committee; and Secretary of" the North Central Improvement Association. Foey, Philip J., Designer and Builder of 3260 West Thirty-first Street. President of The Foley Greenhouse Manufacturing Com- pany, designers and builders of conservatories and greenhouses. Foley, Thomas J., Railway Official, was born Aug. 26, 1866, in Convoy, Ohio. In 1878 he entered railway service ; 1904-5 was General Manager of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; and since 1917 Vice-President of the Illinois Central Railroad. Foley, William C, Manufacturer of 19 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1854, in Can- ada. He was formerly President of the Foley and Williams Manufacturing Company. He is now President of the Domestic Sewing Ma- chine Company. Folger, Harry S., Manufacturer of 413 South Clinton Street, was born Jan. 31, 1860, in Yel- low Springs, Ohio. He is President of The R. D. Swisher Manufacturing Company, and Vice-President of the Advance Manufacturing and Supply Company. Follansbee, George Alanson, Attorney-at- Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 26, 1843, in Cook County, 111. He re- ceived the degree of A. B. from Lawrence Uni- versity, Appleton, Wis.; and the degree of LL. B. from Harvard Law School. He is Ex-Pres- ident of the Chicago Bar Association; Ex- Vice-President of the American Bar Associa- tion; and a member of the Union League Club. Folsom, Richard Sweet, Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 5, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 189(3 he has practiced his profes- sion in Chicago; 1911-15 Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook Coun- ty; 1915 Corporation Coun- sel for the City of Chicago; 1912-15 General Counsel for the Chicago Board of Edu- cation. He is a member of the University and Illinois Athletic Clubs. Follansbee, Mitchell Davis, Attorney-at- Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 23, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1894 he 146 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPIIY. has practiced law in Chicago. In 1914-15 he was Presidenl of the Chicago Bar Association, Folsom, William Rickords, Attorney -at Paw of t'.:i Wesl Washington Street, was born May 25, L873, in Folsomdale, N. V. Bince 1903 he has been Treasurer of the Chicago Title and Trust Company. Fomon, Samuel, Physician of 1608 West Madison Street, was born Jan. 11, 1882. He is a Major in the United States Army. Resi- dence. 801 Drexel Square. Foote, Howard W., Manufacturer of ■"•< West Van Bureh Street. President of the North Western Expanded Metal Company. Foote, John Burgoyne, Manufacturer of 214 North Carpenter Street, was born in 1865, in Chicago. In 190-1 he organized and has since been President and Treasurer of the Foote Brothers Gear and Machinery Company. Foote, Mark Alpha, United States Commis- sioner, the Federal Building, was born April 10, 1858, in North Fairfield, Ohio. In 1879-95 he was United States Commissioner's Clerk; and since 1895 has been United States Com- missioner. Foote, Peter, Real Estate Dealer of 7900 stony Island Avenue, was barn Dec. 23, 1878, in Chicago, 111. He has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago for a number of years, and makes a specialty of subdivi- sions and special business property. He is also President of the Fidelity State Bank of ( Ihicago. Ford, Francis Chapman, Anatomist of 2811 Cottage Grove Avenue, was born June 26, 1st).", in Niles, Mich. He graduated from the University of Michigan with the degrees of A. B. and M. D. Since 1906 he has been Pro- fessor of Anatomy and head of the Depart- ment of Anatomy in Hahnemann Medical Col- lege of Chicago. Ford, James T., Clergyman of 2948 West Twelfth Street, was born 'Aug. 3, 1849, in Ma- dura, India. He is Pastor of the Ninth Pres byterian Church, Chicago. Ford, Smith Thomas, Clergyman of 432 West Sixty-first Place, was born in Camden, N. Y. Since 1905 he has been Pastor of the Engle- wood Baptist Church. He is also President of the Centra] Baptist Children's Home; and a member of the Board of Trustees and Vice- President of the Theological Union of the Uni- versity of ( Ihicago. Foreman, Harold Edwin, Banker of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born in 1888, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 he has been identified with the Foreman Brothers Banking Company, and since 1914 Vice-President. Foreman, Henry Gerhard, Real Estate Deal er of 42 North Dearborn Street, was barn Aug. 22, 1857, in Chicago, 111. In 1903-5 he was President of the Board of Cook County Com- missioners; 1903-5 and 1907-11 President of the Board of South Park Commissioners. Foreman, Oscar G-., Banker of 30 North La- Salle Street, was born Nov. 1, 1863, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the banking business; and since 1915 has been President of the Foreman Brothers Bank- ing Company. In 1909 he was President of the Illinois Bankers Association. Foreman, Milton J., Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 26, 1862, 1 in Chicago, 111. In 1898 he '- enlisted in the First Illinois Cavalry; served through the Spanish- American War; and was commissioned Cap- tain. He is a member of the law firm of Foreman, Blumrose and Black. In 1899 he was elected an Al- derman in the Third Ward. He was formerly Colonel of the First Regi- ment Cavalry, Illinois National Guard. Dur- ing the Great War he served as Colonel of the One Hundred and Twenty-second United States Field Artillery, American Expedition- ary Forces, France. Foreman, Samuel Henry, Underwriter of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 9, 1859, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Foreman Shoe Company. He is now engaged in the life insurance business. Foresman, Hugh Austin, Publisher of 623 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 8, 1867, in Easton, Pa. In 1895 he assisted in organiz- ing and has since been Vice-President of Scott, Foresman and Company, publishers of school books. Forgan, David Robertson, Banker of 105 South Dearborn Street, was born April 16, 1862, in Scotland. In 1900-6 he was Vice- President of the First National Bank. In 1907 he organized and has since been Presi- dent of the National City Bank of Chicago. Forgan, James Berwick, Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born April 11, 1852, in Scotland. He is Chairman of the Board of Di- rectors of the First National Bank, and the First Trust and Savings Bank; and a Director of the Chicago Title and Trust Company. Forgan, Robert, Banker of 2354 West Madi- son Street, was born March 7, 1884, in St. An- drews, Scotland. Since 1900 he has been iden- tified with the banking business, and since 1913 has been President of the West Town State Bank. Forgan, Robert Donald, Banker of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 22, 1876, in Hal- ifax, Nova Scotia. Since 1895 he has been en- gaged in the banking business; and since 1905 Treasurer of the First Trust and Savings Bank. Forgan, Robert Russell, Banker of 105 South Dearborn Street, was born Mav 6, 1886, in Fredericton, N. B., Canada. In 1910-14 he was associated with W. T. Rickards and Com- pany. He is now Vice-President of the Na- tional City Bank of Chicago. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 147 Forkel, Edwin H., of 740 Rush Street, was born Oct. 27, 1875, in Bishop Station, 111. Since 1895 he has been associated with the Methodist Book Concern, and is now Manager of the same; and is Treasurer of the Ep worth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Forman, George M., Mortgage Banker of 11 South La.Salle Street, was born about 1865, in Scotland. He is head of the firm of George M. Forman and Company, dealers in farm loans. Fomoff, Henry, Insurance Manager of 209 South State Street, was born Sept. 17, 1868, in Darmstadt, Germany. He is State Manager of the Girard Life Insurance Company. Forrest, Alfred Edgar, Insurance Manager of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born April 22, 1863, in Canada. He was engaged in the mer- tile business before coming to Chicago. In 1883 he en- tered the insurance busi- ness in Chicago, and is now Vice-President and General Manager of the North American Accident Insur- ance Company. In 1916 he was President of the Health and Accident Un- derwriters ' Conference. Forrester, Claude R. G., Surgeon of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born June 1, 1880, in Houghton, Mich. He was educated at Upper Canada University, Toronto; and in 1892 graduated from Bennett Medical College. He is a member of the Staff of the West Side Hos- pital ; and a member of the teaching staffs of Valparaiso University and Illinois Post Grad- uate Medical School. During the Great War he served as a Captain with the American army in France. Fors, Andrew P., Editor and Clergyman of 6206 South Peoria Street, was born Dec. 18, 1860, in Tollstad, Sweden. He is President of the Board of Charities of the Illinois Confer- ence and Chairman of its Chicago Executive Committee; and Treasurer of the China For- eign Mission Board of the Augustana Synod. Forsberg, Charles J., Public Official, was born Sept. 2, 1862, in Sweden. In 1907-12 he was an Alderman in the Thirty-fifth Ward; and since 1915 has been City Collector. Forsyth, Robert, Consulting Engineer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 28, 1849, in Troy, N. Y. In 1889-96 he was Vice-Presi- dent and Chief Engineer of the Illinois Steel Company. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the John Crerar Librarv. Fort, Gerrit, Railway Official of 58 East Washington Street, was born Nov. 12, 1865, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Since 18S9 he has been engaged in railway work, and since 1910 Pas- senger Traffic Manager of the Union Pacific System. Fortner, Elbert Church, Physician of 3242 Indiana Avenue, was born Aug. 15, 1861, in Bremer County, Iowa. In 1894-9 he was Coun- ty Physician of Cook County; and 1903-12 District County Physician of the Department of Out-Door Relief. Forward, Henry W., Railway Official of 60S South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 8, 1859, in Somerset, la. Since 1908 he has been Gen- eral Freight Agent of the Erie Railroad. Fosberg, George E., Physician of 5213 Kim- bark Avenue, was born July 20, 1866, in St. Paul, Minn. He is Attending Physician to St. Luke's Hospital. Foss, George Edmund, Congressman and Lawyer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 2, 1863, in Berkshire, Vt. In 1895-1903 he was a member of the Fifty-fourth to the Fifty-seventh Congresses from the Seventh Illinois District; 1903-13 from the Fifty-eighth to the Sixty-second Congresses from the Tenth District;, and 1915-19 to the Sixty-fourth and Sixty-fifth Congresses. Foss, Henry Augustus, of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 17, 1859, in New Hampshire. Since 1863 he has resided in Chi- cago; and was formerly Receiver's Agent of the Illinois Central Eailway. He now has charge of the Board of Trade Weighing and Custodian departments. Foster, Adelbert Merton, Glass Manufactur- er of 6 East Lake Street, was born Jan. 29, 1859, in Stoddard, N. H. Since 1874 he has been identified with the glass industry and is now President of A. M. Foster and Company, dealers in druggists' glassware. Foster, Theodore Bogert, Clergyman of 2726 Washington Boulevard, was born Aug. 10, 1850, in New York City. Since 1913 he has been Professor of Dogmatic Theology in the Western Theological Seminary. Foster, Volney, Capitalist of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 18, 1878, in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. He is President of the United States Silica Company. Foster, Charles H., Automobile Dealer of 2301 South Michigan Avenue. President of the Cadillac Automobile Company of Illinois. Foster, Frank, Attorney-at-Law of 9206 Commercial Avenue, was born Oct. 24, 1860, in Wabasha County, Minn. He has been Justice of the Peace and Police Magistrate in Chica- go. He is a member of the American Bar As- sociation, the South Chicago Business Men's Association, and the South Chicago Bar Asso- ciation. Foster, Fred P., Physician and Surgeon of 169 West Chicago Avenue, was born Aug. 16, 1858, in New York. He was formerly Profes- sor of Anatomy in Bennett Medical College. He is now Professor of Gynecology in the Illi- nois Post Graduate and Training School for Nurses; and engaged in general and gynecolog ical practice. Foster, Gilbert A., of 3111 West Madison Street, was born June 6, 1861, in Brown Conn ty, Wis. He is Treasurer of the Fairchild and 148 IIERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE L'OOK OP BIOGRAPHY. North Eastern Railway; and President of the Garfield Park Storage Company. Foster, Stephen Austin, Lawyer and Jurist of 53 Wesl Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 23, 1866, in Derby Line, Vt. 1 1 c has received the degree of A. I'.., A. M., and LL. B.; in L896 began the practice ■ of law in Chicago; and in 190610 was Judge of the Municipal Court of Chica- go. He is now a member of the law firm of Butler, Lamb, Foster and Pope. Foster, William C, Investment Banker of ->uith LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 2, L862, in .Morrison, 111. From 1887 to 1914 he was Tax Agent for the Chicago and North- western Railway. lie is now President of the W. ('. Foster Company, investments. Foster, William Elmore, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born May 7, 1861, in Fond du Lac, Wis. He is a member of the Faculty of the Kent College of Law; and a member of the firm of Foster, Paine, Reyn- olds and Bryant. Foster, William Thomas, Manufacturer of 2547 Archer Avenue, was born Jan. 12, 1869, in Chicago, 111. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of Chicago. Since 1885 he has been associated with the Decorators Supply Com- pany, manufacturers of building ornaments, of which he is now Secretary and Treasurer. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic As- sociation and the South Shore Country Club. Fowler, Edgar Crayton, Life Underwriter of 38 South LaSalle Street, was born April 16, 1873, in Hartford, Conn. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and since 1916 General Agent for the State of Illi- nois for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of Boston. Fowler, Frank Thomas, Manufacturer, 710 Wesl Madison Street, was born Feb. 7, 1867, in Beverly, Ohio. In 1899-1903 he was Alder- man in the old Thirteenth Ward and the pres- ent Fourteenth; and 1909-10 Superintendent of Streets and a member of the Board of Local Improvements, City of Chicago under Mayor Busse. Be is now President of the Live Sav- ings Devices Company, manufacturers of lung- motors and life saving devices. Fowler, John Whittaker, Banker of 5340 Hyde Park Boulevard, was born Oct. 21, I860, in Kerhonkson, N. Y. Since 1912 he has be»n President of the Lake and State Savings Bank, and its successor, the Century Trust and Savings Bank. He is also a Director and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the United States Gypsum Company. Fowler, W. W., Coal Operator and Merchant of 112 West Adams Street, was born in Law- County. Allison Township, 111. He is President of W. W. Fowler and Company, coal dealers; Vice-President of the Northwest Trading Company, Limited; Vice-President and Treasurer of the Chinese-American Com- pany, Shanghai, China; and Director of the Chicago Steel and Wire Company, and the Klix Manufacturing Company. Fox, Charles Eli, Architect of 700 Lincoln Parkway, was born July 1, 1870, in Reading, Pa. He was educated in the public schools of Reading, LaFayette College of Easton, Pa., and Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he completed the architectural course in 1891. He came to Chicago the same year, and has since been engaged in the practice of architecture. In 1904, with B. H. Marshall, he formed the firm of Marshall and Fox, arch- itects, of which he is senior partner. Fox, Charles Marvin, Surgeon of 5660 Lake Street, was born in 1878, in LaGrange, 111. Since 1901 he has practiced surgery in Chi- cago. He is Professor of Surgery in the Post Graduate Medical School; and Attending Sur- geon to the Post Graduate Hospital. Fox, Francis Morton, Clergyman of 627 Ful- lerton Parkway, was born March 1, 1866, in Bruceville, Ind. Since 1892 he has been a Presbyterian minister and is now pastor of the Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian Church, Chicago. Fox, Harry, Underwriter of 175 West Jack- son Boulevard, was born Jan. 22, 1862, in Shar- onville, Ohio. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the fire insurance business, and is now Manager of the Milwaukee Mechanics ' Insur- ance Company. Fox, John Victor, Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 16, 1863, in Beloit, Wis. Since 1889 he has been en- gaged in the real estate business in Chicago. Fox, Philip, Astronomer of 2235 Sheridan Road, Evanston, was born March 7, 1878, in Manhattan, Kan. He is Professor of Astron- omy in Northwestern University ; and a Direc- tor of the Dearborn Observatory. During the Great War he was Assistant Chief of the Staff of the Seventh Division in France. Fox, William A., Public Utility Operator of 72 West Adams Street, was born June 5, 1865, in Sandwich, 111. He is First Vice-President and a Director of the Chicago and Illinois .Midland Railway Company; Treasurer and a Director of the Illinois Maintenance Company; and Vice-President of the Commonwealth Edi- son Company. Frame, Clare Lawry, Manufacturer of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 18, 1875, in Guernsey, Ohio. Since 1908 he has been President of the C. L. Frame Dental Sup- ply Company. Francis, Charles Horace, Eye Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 1, 1871, in Marion, Kan. He is Professor of Dis- eases of the Eye in the Chicago Polyclinic. Francis, Charles Randall, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 31, 1869, in Erie, Pa. Since 1889 he has practiced HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 149 his profession in Chicago; 1915 was appointed City Attorney; and 1917 Attorney for the Board of Education. Francis, John, Railway Official of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 6, 1856, in Montreal, Canada. Since 1872 he has been en- gaged in railway service, and since 1904 Gen- eral Passenger Agent of the Chicago, Burling- ton and Quincy Lines east of the Missouri River. Francis, William, Foundryman of 2512 Fill- more Street, was born July 7, 1868, in Ack- ley, Iowa. Since 1898 he has been President of the Francis and Nygren Foundry Company. Franck-Philipson, A,, Chemist and Inventor of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 6, 1868, in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is President of the Franck-Philipson Com- pany; and technical expert for Armour and Company. Frank, Bernhardt, Attorney-at-Law, 29 South LaSalle Street, was born April 1, 1887, in Chicago, 111. Since 1909 he has been en- gaged in practice devoted principally to the conducting of litigation on appeal. Frank, Bertram W., Commission Merchant of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Julv 22. 1875, in Blue Island, 111. In 1894-6 he was a student at Cornell University; and 1896-8 Northwestern University. He is owner of the firm of B. W. Frank and Company. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, and the Illinois Athletic Club. Frank, David, Merchant of 212 West Ran- dolph Street. He is Vice-President of Albert Pick and Company, hotel supplies. Frank, Robert John, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 11, 1865, in Ravenna, Ohio. For eight years he was United States Commissioner for the Northern District of Illinois. He is the author of "Commentary on the Science of Organiza- tion and Business Developments," four edi- tions, and specializes along the lines there de- scribed. Frankenstein, William B., Real Estate Deal- er of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born April 15, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1894 he has been a member of the firm of Willis and Frankenstein. Franks, Jacob, Manufacturer of 29 East. Madison Street, was born Feb. 17, 1857, in New York. Since 1901 he has been President of The Rockford Watch Company; and is also Secretary of the Illinois Realization Company. Fraser, Norman D., Manufacturer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 25, 1857, in Chicago. In 1895-1916 he was President of the Chicago Portland Cement Company, man- ufacturers of Portland cement. Freeman, Arthur Bigelow, Dentist of 25 East Washington Street, was bora Sept. 27, 1859, in Brookfield, Vt. Since 1881 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago, and for five years was a Professor in Northwestern University Dental School. Freeman, Charles Yoe, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born March 29, 1877, in Lockport, N. Y. In 1902 he was ad mitted to the bar. He is now a member of the law firm of Dent, Dobyns and Freeman. Freeman, Ernest, Electrical Contractor of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born July 25, 1870, in Chatham, Mass. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the electrical contracting business; and is now President of the Free- man Sweet Company. In 1912-13 he was Pres- ident of the National Electrical Contractors Association. Freeman, Ernest Harrison, Electrical Engi- neer of 7026 South Park Avenue, was born Sept. 26, 1876, in Topeka, Kan. Since 1897 he has been engaged in educational work. He is now Professor and head of the Department of Electrical Engineering in Armour Institute of Technology. Freeman, Henry Hyman, Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 20, 1866, in Elmira, N. Y. Since 1886 he has been engaged in the commission business, and is now head of Henry H. Free- man and Company. Freeman, Henry Warren, Attorney-at-Law, of 69 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 16, 1869, in Boston, Mass. In 1909 he was Special Assistant United States Attorney. Freer, Eleanor Everest, Composer of 1420 Lake Shore Drive, was born May 14, 1864, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1902 she has pub- lished music ; and has written numerous songs, vocal trios, quartettes and music for piano. Freer, Otto Tiger, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Aug. S, 1857, in Chicago, 111. He is Professor of Laryngology and Rhinology in the Chicago Polyclinic; and Attending Laryngologist to the Henrotin Hos- pital. French, Charles Wallace, Educator and Au- thor of 6442 Drexel Avenue, was born April 5, 1858, in Woodstock, Vt, Since 1910 he has been Principal of the Parker High School. He is the author of Lincoln the Liberator, and other works. French, Florence, Editor of 332 South Mich- igan Avenue, was born in London, England. She is Editor of The Musical Leader, Chicago, New York, Berlin, Paris and London. She has contributed numerous articles on musical sub- jects to representative periodicals. French, Robert L., Physician and Surgeon of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 20, 1888, in Urbana, Ohio. He is Professor of Clinical Diagnosis in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, and in the Medical De- partment of Valparaiso University. French, Samuel A., Real Estate Dealer of 58 West Washington Street, was born April 8, 1832, in Ontario County, N. Y. He is senior member of S. A. French and Company. L r >0 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. French, William Henry, Type Founder of 717 Smith Dearborn Street, was bom May 14, 1850, in Griggsville, III. Ee is Presidenl of Barnharl Brothers and Spindler, type found- II-; and a director in other corporations. Freund, Ernst, Educator of 5730 Wbodlawn Avenue, was born Jan. 30, L864, in New York. Since L902 he lias been Professor of Jurispru- and Public Law in the University of Chicago. Fi-cund, Ignatz H., Manufacturer of 110 Smith Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 11, L876, in the Republic of Colombia, South America. In 1906 he organized and lias since been Vice I 'resident of the Federal Cement Tile ( 'ompany. Frey, Charles Daniel, Artist of 10-4 South Michigan Avenue. President of the Charles Daniel Prey Company. Frick, Anders, Physician of 3219 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 12, 1868, in Mal- moe, Sweden. Since 1896 lie has practiced his profession; and now is chief of the Medical department of the Augustana Hospital. Friduss, Samuel Leo, Physician of 1700 West Garfield Boulevard, was born Jan. 24, 1870, in Shavel, Russia. Since 1905 he has been At- tending Obstetrician to the Englewood Hospi- tal. ±'ried, Walter J., Attorney and Counselor at Law, of 179 West Washington Street, was born June 26, 1889, in Oshkosh, Wis. He has been Deputy City Collector. He is now Chief Coun- selor and President of the Illinois Merchants' Protective League. Friedberg, Ralph Temple, Automobile Heal- er of 162] Michigan Avenue, was born May 19, L865, in Galesburg, 111. He is President of the Pioneer Motor Company. Friedberg, Stanton, Physician of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 1, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1S97 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is Attending Laryn- gologist to the Presbyterian Hospital; and Chief of the Department of Oto-Laryngology in the Cook County Hospital. Friedman, Abraham B., Manufacturer, Un- ion Stock Yards, was born Jan. 18, 1874, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is President of the Fried- man Manufacturing Company. Friend, Alexander, Real Estate Dealer of 29 Smith LaSalle Street. He is a Director of the Mid-City Trust and Savings Bank; and sur- viving partner of Alex. Friend and Company. Friend, Emanuel, Surgeon of 5 North Wa- basrj Avenue, was born in 1869, in Chicago, 111. He is attending Surgeon to the Michael Hospital; and Director of the Surgical Departmenl of Emanuel Mandel West Side I dispensary. Friend, Emil, Journalist, was born in 1865, in Prague, Austria. He graduated from the University of Vienna; and began newspaper work on the Reportoria] Staff of the Fremden- lilatt. From 1SM6-9S he was a member of the staffs of musical and dramatic papers, in New Ymk. For several years he was on the staff of the Daily News in Chicago; and since 1908 lias been Financial Editor of the Chicago Ex- aminer. He is a member of the Press Club and (he Newspaper Club. Friend, Henry, Merchant of .11 South Frank- lin Street, was born April 7, 1857, in Ells- worth, Maine. Since 1896 he has been a mer- chant in Chicago, and is now President of the Morris Woolen Company, wholesale woolen's. Friend, Hugo M., Attomey-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born July 21, 1882, in Prague, Bohemia. Since 1916 he has been Master in- Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. He is also President of the Young Men's Associated Jewish Charities. Friestedt, Luther Peter, Engineering Con- tractor of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 30, 1860, in Watertown, Wis. He is President of the L. P. Friestedt Company; President of Cullen, Friestedt and Company, engineering contractors; and a Director of the Columbia Tool Steel Company. Frisbie, Chauncey Osborn, Manufacturer of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 14, 1867, in Lemont, 111. In 1909-12 he was President of the Illinois Tunnel Company. Since 1914 he has been President of the Cor- nell Wood Products Company. Froehlich, Morris, Automobile Manufacturer of 1210 South Michigan Avenue. President of the Times Square Automobile Company. Froehling, Frank, Wholesale Merchant of 219 North State Street, was born April 8, 1862, in Germany. In 1878 he established the firm of Froehling and Heppe, wholesale provisions and packing business, and has since been head of the company. Frost, Albert Carl, Investment Dealer of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born March 20, 1865, in Prussia. He promoted and built the Chicago and Milwaukee Electric Eailway Company. Since 1S82 he has been head of the firm of A. C. Frost and Company, timber in- vestments. Frost, Charles Sumner, Architect of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born May 31, 1856, in Lewiston, Maine. Since 1882 he has prac- ticed architecture in Chicago. Frost, E. Allen, Attorncy-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born March 27, L871, in Pennsylvania. Since 1893 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is General Counsel for the National Business League of America; and a member of the law firm of Chytraus. Healy and Frost. Frost, Harwood, Manufacturer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 15, 1872, at Smith Falls, Ontario. He is President of the Brown Portable Conveying Machinery Com- pany and the Terminal Engineering and Equipment Company. Fryer, James, of 133 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 15, 1865, in England. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY" BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 151 He has resided in Chicago twenty-six years. He is President of the Builders' Commercial Agency; Secretary of the Englewood Lumber Supply Company; and Manager of the Illi- nois Lime Company. Fry, Sheridan E., Lawyer and Jurist, City Hall, was born Feb. 25, 1867, in Donnally's Mills, Pa. He was educat- ed in the schools of Wheat- on and Dixon, 111., and graduated from Northwest- ern University. In 1895- 1908 he practiced law in Chicago. Since 1908 he has been Judge of the Munici- pal Court of Chicago. He is a member of the Eoyal League, and other fraternal organizations. Fuller, Charles Gordon, Oculist of 32 North State Street, was born April 9, 1856, in James- town, N. Y. He is Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon to the Evanston Hospital. He was formerly Major and Surgeon of the First In- fantry, Illinois National Guard. Fuller, Leroy Walker, Manufacturer of 364 North Green Street, was born Dec. 4, 1862. Since 1905 he has been engaged in the manu- facture of car seals, and is now President of the Chicago Car Seal Company. Fuller, Levi Harper, Attorney-at-Law of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 10, 1868, in West Union, Iowa. In 1902-10 he was Professor of Law in Northwestern Uni- versity Law School. He is Deputy Governor of the Mavflower Society of Illinois. Fuller, Lucius Eckstein, Editor of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 27, 1854, in Warren, Ohio. From 1886-90 he was Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank of Crete, Neb.; and 1906-12 President of the Lumber World Publishing Company of Chi- cago. Since 1912 he has been Vice-President and Associate Editor of the Lumber World Review. Fuller, Oliver Franklin, Wholesale Drug- gist of 540 West Randolph Street, was born Oct. 19, 1829, in Sherman, Conn. Since 1915 he has been Chairman of the Board of Di- rectors of the Fuller-Morrisson Company. He is honorary President of the American Phar- maceutical Association and the Chicago Vet- eran Druggist Association; a life member of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, the Art In- stitute, and the Chicago Historical Society; and a member of the New England Society and the Horticultural Society. Fuller, William, Surgeon of 25 East Wash- ington Street, was born Feb. 19, 1864, in Mis- souri. He was formerly Professor of Oper- ative Surgery in the College of Medicine of University of Illinois; and Attending Sur- geon to the Englewood and St. Luke's Hos- pitals. Fuller, William Alden, Retired Manufac- turer of 112 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 31, 1836, in Lancaster, Mass. Until 1899 he was President of Palmer, Fuller and Com- pany. He is a Director of the Northern Trust Company. Fulton, Arthur William, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 11, 1S69, in Wyoming, 111. In 1907-11 he was Alderman from the Thirteenth Ward in Chi- cago. Fulton, Frank, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 30, 1874, in Morley, N. Y. He was formerly General Attorney for the Chicago and North Western Railway Company. He is General Counsel for the W. C. Foster Company. Fulton, Survetus Quinn, Manufacturer of 205 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 9, 1849, in Martinsville, Ohio. Since 1903 he has been First Vice-President and Treasurer of the United Gypsum Company. Funck, George W., Physician and Surgeon of 1708 Prairie Avenue, was born Jan. 2, 1877, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is Professor of Therapeutics in the Chicago College of Medi- cine and Surgery. Funk, Clarence Sidney, of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 14, 1S66, in Scales Mound, 111. In 1906-13 he was General Man- ager of the International Harvester Com- pany; and 1913-16 President of the M. Rumely Company, LaPorte, Ind. Funktiouser, Metellus L. C, Underwriter and Sjddier of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 17, 1864, in St. Louis, Mo. In 1898 he was Captain of the First Infan- fantry, U. S. Volunteers, and later was promoted to Acting Assistant Adjutant General. He. is a member of the firm of Funkhouser and Crawford, insurance. §He is also Major of the First Brigade, IllinoisNational Guard. Fuqua, Victor Hugo, Dentist of 25 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 26, 1870, in Christian County, near Hopkinsville, Ky. In 1888 he came to Chicago as a student, and later graduated from the Chicago College of Dental Surgery; 1890-5 practiced dentistry in Streator, 111.; and since 1895 in Chicago. He is Vice-President of the Chicago Dental So- ciety. Furay, John B., Educator and Clergyman of 1076 West Twelfth Street, was born March 25, 1873, in Omaha, Neb. In 1910-15 he was President of St. Ignatius College, Cleveland. Ohio. He is now President of Loyola Uni- versity, Chicago. Furman, James H., Importer of 326 West Madison Street, was born Dec. 27, 1864, in Sandwich, 111. For twenty-one years he was associated with M. L. Barrett and Company, Since 1905 he has been President of the James H. Furman Company; and is also Vice-Presi- 152 IIERRINGSnAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. dent of the DuPage County State Bank, Glen Ellvn, J 11. Fursman, Ida Luella, Educator of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born Dee. 3, 1868, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She was formerly head assistant at the Linne School. She is now serving hei fifth term as President of the Chicago Teachers' Federation. Furst, Conrad, Retired Manufacturer of 192 North Clark Street, was born June 24, 1829, in Germany. In 1872-1881 he was President of the Furst and Bradley Manufacturing Com- pany; and 1885-93 President of the Machin- ists' Supply Company. He has now retired from active business. Furst, Edward A., Real Estate Dealer of 192 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 9, 1863, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the real estate business with his father. Futterer, Gustav A., Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born March 17, 1856, in Hanover, Germany. Since 1889 he has prac- ticed medicine in Chicago. He is a member of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Fyflfe, Colin Campbell, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born June 10, 1860, in Dublin, Ireland. In 1887 he graduated from Harvard Law School, and in 1888 was admitted to the bar. In 1899-1903 he was Assistant Corporation Coun- sel of Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Fyffe and Adeock; and is Attorney for the Board of Election Commissioners of Cook County. Gaertner, Frederick Charles, Lawyer of 133 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 5, 1866, in Germany. Since 1901 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago. He was for- merly Secretary of the Theodore A. Kochs Company. Gaertner, William, Manufacturer of 5345 Lake Park Avenue, was born in 1864, in Ger- many. He is President of William Gaertner and Company, maufacturers of astronomical and physical instruments. Gage, Lavius C, Steel Manufacturer of 3123 Souith Hoyne Avenue, was born March 1, 1852, in Vergennes, Yt. Since 1909 he has been President of the Gage Structural Steel Com- pany. Gage, Stanley K., Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 12, 1877, in Wilmette, 111. He is Manager of the Henry H. Gage estate. Gair, Blair W., Real Estate Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was born June 15, 1885, in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1903-10 he ranched in Oklahoma. Since 1913 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago, specializing in Oklahoma farm lands. Resi- dence, 1433 Belle Plaine Avenue. G-aither, Otho Spilsbury, of 38 South Dear- born Street, was born March 1, 1847, in Tre- mont, 111. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Morden Frog and Crossing Works. Gale, E. Vincent, Merchant of 217 West Lake Street, was born Sept. 4, 1861, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1878 he has been engaged in the leather business in Chicago, and is now President of the E. V. Gale Company. G-ale, Fred M., Merchant of 156 West Car- roll Avenue, was born in 1839, in Barre, Vt. Since 1906 he has been President of the Bris- tol and Gale Company, agricultural imple- ments. Gale, Joseph C, Paint Manufacturer of 726 Washington Boulevard, was born Oct. 23, 1856, in New York City. Since 1892 he has been associated with the Adams and Elting Company, and since 1904 Vice-President of the same. Gale, Oliver Marble, Author of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 2, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Until 1908 he was engaged in newspaper work. He is the author of the Great Republic; the Stars and Stripes; Valor and Victory; and other works. Gallagher, Michael Francis, Attorney-at- Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 2, 1874, in Sterling, 111. In 1895 he was ad- mitted to the bar; for four years he was Professor of Corporation Law in the John Marshall Law School; and 1904-14 a member of the law firm of Guerin, Gal- lagher and Barrett. He is now engaged in independ- ent practice; and is General Counsel for the Chicago Coal Merchants' Association. Gallagher, Thomas, of 521 South Sangamon Str eet, was born July 6, 1850, in Concord, N. H. In 1893-7 he was a member of the City Coun- cil; 1897-1903 a member of the Chicago Board of Edu- cation; and 1909-19 a mem- ber of the Sixty-first and Sixty-second Congresses from the Eighth Illinois District. He is Ex-Presi- dent of the Cook County Democracy. Gallagher, Thomas E., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 31, 1848, in Dansville, N. Y. Since 1900 he has been General Agent for the Aetna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn. Gallagher, Thomas F., Commission Merchant of 165 West South Water Street, was born April 27, 1853, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He has been engaged in the commission business on IIERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE 1300K OP BIOGRAPHY. 153 South Water Street for thirty-three years; and is now proprietor of Gallagher Brothers, produce. Gallie, Donald Mackay, Dental Surgeon of 32 North State Street, was born May 8, 1866, in Ontario. Since 1904 he has been Professor of Operative Dentistry in the University of Illinois. In 1904 he was President of the Chicago Dental Society; 1910 the Illinois State Dental Society; and 1914 the National Dental Association. Galloway, George S., Insurance Adjuster of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 11, 1880, in Christian County, 111. Since 1913 he has been associated with The Hooper- Holmes Bureau of New York, insurance in- vestigators and adjusters, and is now Assist- ant General Manager. He is a member of the Colonial Club of Chicago, and several Masonic bodies in New York and Chicago. Gait, Hubert, Merchant of 207 East Grand Avenue, was born in 1866, in Toronto, On- tario, Canada. He is President of the Sher- man Brothers Company, teas, coffees and spices. Gambill, Charles E.,. Automobile Dealer of 2430 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1883, in Sullivan, Ind. He is President of the Harmon Chicago Company. Gamble, Edwin S., Lumber Dealer of 241 East One-hundred and Thirty-sixth Place. President of the Chicago and Riverdale Lum- ber Company. Gamble, William Elliott, Oculist and Aurist of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born April 9, 1860, in Palermo, Ohio. Since 1898 he has limited his practice to the diseases of the eye and ear. He is Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Professor of Clinical Oph- thalmology of the Medical Department of the University of Illinois. Gammage, Arthur Edison, Physician and Surgeon of 1200 Thorndale Avenue, was born Oct. 18, 1881, in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. He is a member of the Attending Staff of the Chicago Union, Sheridan Park, St. Francis, and Jefferson Park Hospitals; and Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Medical Depart- 'ment of Loyola University. Gann, David B., Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 28, 1S66, in Bellevue, Ohio. Since 1892 he has been in practice in Chicago. He is now senior mem- ber of the firm of Gann and Peaks. He is a member of the Mid-Day, South Shore Country and Exmoor Country Clubs. Ganschow, William, Manufacturer of 1001 Washington Boulevard, was born June 24, 1875, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the William Ganschow Company, manufacturers of gears. Gansslen, Herman, Mechanical Engineer of 18 East Kinzie Street, was born Jan. 11, 1877. In 1898-9 he was Instructor in an engineering college, Stuttgart, Germany; and later en- gineer of various industrial plants in Ger- many, England and the United States. He is now President of the Cook and Chick Com- pany, Chicago. He is a member of the West- ern Society of Engineers. Garard, Elzy Anderson, Investment Dealer of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 19, 1884, in Elvaston, 111. He was educated in the public schools and Northern Illinois Nor- mal School of Dixon. He was formerly a member of the firm of H. T. Holtz and Com- pany. In 1913 he was one of the organizers, and has since been Secretary and Treasurer of Powell, Garard and Company, dealers in public utility and municipal bonds. He is a anember of the Union League and Ridgeway Clubs. Gardiner, Robert, Manufacturer of 1356 West Lake Street. President of the Gardiner Metal Company, manufacturers of solders, babbitts and printers' metals. Gardner, Addison Leman, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born May 10, 1866, in Walworth, N. Y. He is General Attorney for all of the Chicago Elevated Rail- roads, and the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad; and a member of the law firm of Gardner, Focrte and Burns. Gardner, Franc E., Manufacturing Chemist of 3018 Palmer Square, was born May 29, 1866, in York, Pa. He is President of the Gardner, Barada Chemical Company. Gardner, Frank Gleason, of 69 West Wash- ington Street, was born July 2, 1867, in Penn Yan, N. Y. Since 1903 he has been Treasurer of the Chicago Title and Trust Company: Gardner, Fred, Dealer in Railway Supplies, 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born March 31, 1867, in Chicago - , 111. He was formerly engaged in the coal business. He is now head of the firm of Fred Gardner and Company, railway supplies. Gardner, Frederick Stowe, Lumber Manu- facturer of 2415 Elston Avenue, was born April 25, 1864, in Columbia, 111. In 1893 he established the Gardner Mill Company, of which he is President. Gardner, Horace Chase, Architect of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1856. For several years he was architect and engineer for Swift and Company. He is now a member of the firm of Gardner and Lindberg, indus- trial and consulting engineers. Gardner, John, Clergyman of 8 Chalmers Place, was born May 27, 1868, in England. Since 1912 he has been Pastor of the New England Congregational Church. Gardner, Stella May, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born July 18, 1867, in Centreville, Iowa. She was formerly Associ- ate Professor of Laboratory Diagnosis in the University of Illinois College of Medicine. She is now a member of the Physical Examin- ing Board for the Board of Education; and a partner in the Lincoln Gardner Laboratory. 1 5 1 HERRENGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAniY. Garey, Eugene L., Attorney-at-Law of 208 s, ,mii LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 28, 1891, in Chicago, 111. In L913 be received the de- gree oi' i, I.. I;, from the Chicago Blent College of Law; was admitted to the bar the Bame yearj and baa since practiced in Chicago. He is Preaidenl and Treasurer of the Ranches de Los Plores Lands Company; Director of the Carpenter-Scheerer Company, and an officer and director in other corporations. He is a member of the Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations; and the Irish Fellowship and Sportsmen's Clubs of America. Garnett, Eugene Horace, Attorney-at-Law of 7 Smith Dearborn Street, was burn Oct. 22, L872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is a Trustee of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Garnett, Gwynn, Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was liom July 3, 1845, in Glasgow, Ky. In 1885-90 he was Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County; and until 1899 1 'resident of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company. He is now senior member of the firm of Garnett and Garnett. Gartner, George I., Manufacturer of 1100 South Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. 27, 1877. Since L904 he has been senior partner of the firm of Gartner and Bender Company, manufacturers of advertising specialties. Gary, Alfred Caton, Investment Dealer of 200 Smith LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 23, 1864, in Wheaton, 111. Since 1912 he has been a member of the firm of Shearson Hamill and ( lompany. Gary, I. Clark, Physician, of 253 West Twenty second Street, was Lorn March 4, 1858, in Cumberland, Md. In 1897 he founded the Peoples Hospital and Training School for Nurses, of which he is now Superintendent. He is Ex-President of the Stock Yards Branch of the Chicago Medical Society; a member of the American Medical Association; Illinois State Medical Society; Chicago Medical Soci- ety; American Hospital Association; the So- cial Service Club of Chicago; Chamber of Commerce; and a member of benevolent and fraternal organizations. Gary, John William, Investment Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 8, 1859, in West Springfield, Pa. He was for- merly Vice I 'resident of Lyon, Gary and Com- pany, investment securities and loans. He is now President of the Lyon Lumber Company. Gash, Abram Dale, Attorney-at-Law of 118 North LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 11, 1861, in Macon County, Mo. Since 1898 he has practiced law in Chicago. Gaston, Lucy Page, Eeformer of 10S South LaSalle Street, was bom in I860, in Delaware, Ohio. She was the founder of the Chicago Anti-Cigarette League, and Superintendent of the Anti Cigarette League of America; and is now leading a world wide fight as Director General of the National and. World Anti-Ciga- rette Federation. Gates, Albert Henry, Eeal Estate Dealer of 111! West Adams Street, was born Aug. 17, 1841, in Arlington, Vt. Since 1878 he has been proprietor of the firm of A. and II. Gates, cooperage. Gates, Albert R., Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 29, L869, in Wyanet, 111. In 1905-6 he was Presi- dent of the Hamilton Club, and 1907-8 Presi- dent of the Western Golf Association. Gates, Leslie Freeman, Grain Commission Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 21, 1873, in East Canton, Pa. Since 1906 he has been a member of the firm of Lam- son Brothers and Company. In 1911-17 he was a Director of the Chicago Board of Trade, and later President. Gates, Philetus Warren, Manufacturer of 1765 Elston Avenue, was born June 23, 1857, in Chicago, 111. Since 1908 he has been Presi- dent of the Hanna Engineering Works. Gates, William Day, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 29, 1852, in Ashland, Ohio. He is President of the American Terra Cotta and Ceramic Com- pany, and the American Terra Cotta Company; President of the National Terra Cotta Soci- ety; and Ex-President of the American Ceram- ic Society and the National Brick Manufac- turers Association. Gatzert, August, of 3815 Armitage Avenue, was born Jan. 14, 1863, in Worms, Germany. Since 1898 he has been associated with Roseh- wald and Weil, Incorporated, wholesale clothiers, of which he is now Treasurer. He is a, member of the Standard and Bavisloe Coun- try Clubs. Gavin, Richard Ignatius, Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 16, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has practiced law in Chicago, and has been Assist- ant City Prosecutor. Gay, Robert James, Physician and Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1877 in Madison, Wis. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin with the degree of B. Sc; and in 1902 graduated from Rush Med- ical College. He is Obstetrician to St. Luke's Hospital; Physician to the Chicago Orphan Asylum; and Instructor in Kush Medical Col- lege. He is a member of the Chicago Medical Society and the American Medical Associa- tion. Gaylord, Willard Simson, Retired Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 19, 1856, in Lockport, 111. He was engaged in the grain, commission business until 1909. Gazley, George Henry, Keal Estate Dealer of 948 Ainslee Street, was born Oct, 19, 1869, in Dutchess County, N. Y. In 1906 he pro- moted the Hotel LaSalle and was General Manager of the same for three years. Since HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 155 1912 he has been engaged in the real estate business. Gear, Harry Barnes, Electrical Engineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born March 6, 1872, in Marietta, Ohio. Since 1911 he has been engineer of distribution of the Common- wealth Edison Company. Gebhardt, George Frederick, Consulting En- gineer, was born March 4, 1874, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Since 1903 he has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Armour Insti- tute of Technology. Geer, Ira Jewett, Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born May 29, 1858, in Peru, Mass. Since 1887 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. He is a Trustee and Secretary of the McCormick Theological Seminary ; and a Trustee of the Chicago Acad- emy of Sciences. Gehrmann, Adolph, Physician of 31 North State Street, was born July 19, 1868, in De- catur, 111. In 1884-1903 he was Superintend- ent of Food Inspection for the City of Chi- cago. He is now President of the Columbus Medical Laboratories and Professor Emeritus of Hygiene in the Medical Department of the University of Illinois. Geiger, Arthur Henry, Surgeon of 32 North State Street, was born Jan. 6, 1877, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1902 he has practiced surgery in Chicago. He is Ear, Nose and Throat Sur- geon to the Evangelical Deaconess and Chi- cago Policlinic Hospitals. He is also Council- lor of the Chicago Medical Society. Geissmann, Theodore, Iron and Steel Brok- er of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 7, 1876, in Chicago. 111. He is President and Treasurer of Theodore Geissmann and Company. Gemmill, William Nelson, Lawyer and Jurist, was born Dec. 29, 1860, in Shannon, 111. In 1893-1906 he practiced law in Chicago, and has since been Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Gentles, Henry Wernicke, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in Scot- land. He is a member of the Staff of St. Luke's Hospital; and representative of the First Aid Department in 'Chicago of ithe American Red Cross. Genz, George L., Pharmaceutical Chemist of 162 North Franklin Street. Resident Man- ager of Parke, Davis and Company, whole- sale drugs. George, Edgar Jesse, Physician, Oculist and Aurist of 110 North Wabash Avenue, was born May 17, 1863, in Fairfield, Iowa. In 1891 he graduated from the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. He is now Professor of Oph- thalmology and Otology in the Hahnemann Medical College and Attending Oculist and Aurist to the Hahnemann Hospital. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, a member of the Graduate School of Medicine of Chicago, the American Institute of Homeop- athy, the Homeopathic Ophthalmological, Oto- logical and Laryngological Society, the Illi- nois Homeopathic Medical Association and the Homeopathic Medical Society of Chicago. Gerhardt, Paul, Architect, Engineer and Builder of 64 West Randolph Street, was born Dec. 24, 1866, in Saxony, Germany. lie was formerly County Architect of Cook County. In 1912-13 he erected the new Cook County Hospital, Chicago, at a cost of over three million dollars. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club. Geringer, Vladimir A., Publisher of 2520 South Crawford Avenue, was born Oct. 25, 1872 in Chicago, 111. In 1S97 he was Assist- ant City Prosecuting Attorney. He is Man- aging Editor of the Bohemian Daily Svornost. Gerlach, August E., Business Manager of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 20, 1865, in Lawrenceburg, Ind. He is Chicago Manager of The Gerlach, Barklow Company, art calendars, Joliet, 111., and Toronto, Can- ada. Gerstenberg, Adolph, Grain Commission Merchant of 305 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 29, 1860, in Chicago, 111. He is a Director of the Chicago Board of Trade; and a member of the firm of Gerstenberg and Company. Gerstenberg, Alice, Author of 539 Deming Place, was born in Chicago, 111. She is the author of A Little World; Unquenched Fire; The Conscience of Sarah Piatt; Beyond; The Pot Boiler; The Unseen; Overtones and other works. She is President of The Brvn Mawr College Club. Geitsenberg, Erich, Commission Merchant of 305 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 29, 1858, in Chicago, 111. Since 1879 he has been engaged in the grain and seed business, and is a member of Gerstenberg and Company. Gerts, Walter S., Manufacturer of 221 West Randolph Street, was born June 15, 1870. Since 1905 he has been Secretary of Gerts, Lumbard and Company, brush manufacturers. Gervais, Wanrwright Bacot, Manufacturer of 2958 Carroll Avenue, was born Sept. 14, 1859 in Aiken, S. C. In 1893 he established and has since been President of the Variety Maufaeturing Company. Gerwig, Frank L., Investment Dealer of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 6, L864, in Allegheny, Pa. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Gerwig and Eden Company, twines and cordage. Since 1912 he has been a broker in stocks and bonds. Gestefeld, Ursula Newell, Author of 5328 Kimbark Avenue, was born in Augusta, Maine. She is the author of The Master of the Man; The Builder and the Plan; and other works. Gethro, Fred William, Dentist of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 28, 1873, in Dedham, Mass. Since 1S99 he has practiced dentistry in Chicago. He is Professor of Den- 156 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. tiatry in Northwestern University Dental School. Getz, George Fulmer, Coal Operator of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 26, 1865, in Mechanicsburg, Pa. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the coal business; and is now President of the Globe Coal Company, and the Eureka Coal Company. Geyler, Louis, Automobile Dealer of 2500 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 18, 1866, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the automobile business. He is now President of the Louis Geyler Com- pany, distributors of Hudson automobiles. Giaver, Joachim G'., Structural and Consult- ing Engineer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 15, 1856, in Norway. In 1892-3 he was Assistant Chief Engineer of the World's Columbian Exposition; and for seven- teen years chief engineer with D. H. Burn- ham and Company, architects. He is now a consulting and structural engineer. Gibbons, Harry R., Manufacturer and Bank- er of 3559 West Harrison Street, was born June 26, 1862, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the H. R. Gibbons Box Manu- facturing Company; Vice- President of the Citizens State Bank of Lake View; and an officer and director in other corporations. Residence, 5402 Sheridan Eoad. Gibbons, John P. Broker of 327 South La- Salle Street. He was formerly a Director of the Chicago Open Board of Trade; and Chief Grain Inspector of the same; and was Chief of the Illinois State Grain Inspection Depart- ment during the Dunne Administration. Gibbs, Fletcher Barker, Stationer of 320 Fed- eral Street, was born May 7, 1861, in Boston, Mass. Since 1909 he has been Vice-President of Shea Smith and Company. He is Ex-Presi- dent of the National Association of Station- ers and Manufacturers, and the Chicago Sta- tioners Association. Gibbs, George Aaron, Attorney-at-Law of 115 South Dearborn Street, was born 1857, in Chicago, 111. Since 1872 he has practiced law in Chicago and for several terms was a mem- ber of the Illinois State Senate. Gibson, Charles Brockway, Analytical Chem- ist of 1505 Morse Avenue, was born Aug. 6, 1854, in Masena, N. Y. In 1882-90 he was Professor of Chemistry in the College of Physicians and Surgeons; and 1888-96 Pro- fessor of Chemistry and Metallurgy in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Gibson, Eva Katherine Clapp, Author, of 1505 Morse Avenue, was born in Bradford, 111. Since 1880 she has been engaged in literary work; and is the author of many serial and short stories. Gibson, Samuel Martin, Clergyman of 2409 Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 6, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1916 he has been Rector of Christ Church, Chicago. Gifford, Heman, Investment Banker of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1878, in New York City. Since 1915 he has been resi- dent partner of William Salomon and Com- pany of New York. Gifford, Robert Ladd, Inventor and Engineer of Twenty-first Street and Racine Avenue, was born Sept. 12, 1867, in Smithfield, Ohio. He is President of the Illinois Engineering Com- pany; and President of the G and C Patents Company. Gilbert, Charles T., Real Estate Dealer of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 31, 1852, at Battle Creek, Mich. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago, and since 1910 a member of the firm of Baird and Warner. Gilbert, George A., Insurance Manager of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 24, 1859, in Clark Center, 111. Since 1887 he has been Resident Manager of the Employers Liability Assurance Company, Chicago. Gilbert, Hiram Thornton, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 9, 1850, in Troy Grove, 111. In 1882-86 he was County Judge of LaSalle County; and since 1888 has practiced law in Chicago. Gilbert, William Candee, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 7, 1870, in Cairo, 111. Since 1893 he has practiced law in Chicago, and now specializes in railroad and corporation law. Gilchrist, James M., of 640 West Lake Street, was born Sept. 4, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Federal Sign System, Electric. Gilchrist, John Foster, of 72 West Adams Street, was born March 14, 1868, in Chicago. Since 1S87 he has been connected with the Commonwealth Edison Company; and is now one of the four Vice-Presidents. He is also Vice-President of the Middle West Utilities Company; and Treasurer of the Federal Sign System. Gilkey, Charles Whitney, Clergyman of 5828 Woodlawn Avenue, was born July 3, 1882, in Watertown, Ma'ss. Since 1910 he has been pastor of the Hyde Park Bnptist Church. Gill, Francis H., Security Merchant of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born March 3, 1873, in Moradabad, India. Since 1893 he has been a resident of Chicago. For three years he was General Western Manager of the Book- lovers Library. He is now owner and man- ager of Francis H. Gill, security merchant, Chicago and New York City. He is a mem- ber of the Bankers and Old Colony Clubs of New York. Gill, George A., Commission Merchant Union Stock Yards. He is a Director of the Kenwood Trust and Savings Bank; and Presi- HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 157 dent of the Iowa Live Stock Commission Com- pany. Gillespie, Robert Henry, Lumber Dealer of 1168 North Halsted Street, was born April 6, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has been President of the John Gillespie Lumber Com- pany. In 1909-10 he was President of the Lumbermen's Association of Chicago. Gillespie, Walter E., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard. President of the Midland Casualty Company. Gillet, Harry* Orrin, Educator, was born July 25, 1879, in Norwalk, Ohio. Since 1913 he has been Principal of the University Ele- mentary School of the University of Chicago. Gillett, Charles N., Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 4, 1860, in Perry, N. Y. Since 1881 he has been asso- ciated with the First National Bank of Chi- cago, of which he is now Vice-President. He is also Treasurer of the National Safe Deposit Company. Gillett, Charles Warren, Merchant and Manufacturer of 2635 Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 12, 1876, in Chicago, 111. In 1907 he organized and has since been President and General Manager of the Wisconsin Pea Canners Company. He is also President of the Perry Lock Company, and the Lakeside Motor Truck Company. Gillett, Walter Cook, Paper Dealer of 801 Wells Street, was born Aug. 10, 1852, in Al- bany, N. Y. In 1881 he organized and has since been President of the Chicago Paper Company. Gillette, Edwin Fraser, Architect of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 19, 1863, in Chicago. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago, and since 1892 manager of the estate of E. L. Gillette. Gillette, Halbert Powers, Editor and Engi- neer of 608 South Dearborn Street, was bora Aug. 5, 1869, in Waverly, Iowa. Since 1906 he has been Managing Editor of Engineering- Contracting. He is the author of Handbook of Earth Excavation; Handbook of Rock Ex- cavation; and other works. Gillette, Howard Frank, Broker of 76 West Monroe Street, w as born April 9, 1872, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1896 he grad- uated from Northwestern University Law School; and the following year be- gan the practice of law, which he continued for three (vears. He is now President of Merrill Cox and Company, commercial paper. He is a member of the Onwentsia and Saddle and Cycle Clubs. Gilmer, Thomas Lewis, Physician and Den- tist of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born 1849, in Lincoln County, Mo. Since 1889 he has practiced dentistry and medicine in Chi- cago. He is Professor of Oral Surgery in Northwestern University Dental School; and Oral Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital. Gilmore, Charles Wood, Coal Operator of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 31, 1868, in Madison, Ind. Since 1914 he has been Vice-President of W. S. Bogle and Com- pany. Gilmore, Thomas W., Manufacturer of 324 West Superior Street. President of the T. W. Wilmarth Company, gas and electric fix- tures. Gimbel, Jacob William, Merchant of 132 South Market Street, was born May, 1860, in Rock Island, 111. He is President of M. Gim- bel and Sons Company, dealers in hats and gloves. He is also a Director of the Jewish Home for the Aged. Giradin, Jules, Insurance Manager of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born June 6, 1855, in Galveston, Texas. Until 1885 he was en- gaged in the fire insurance business in Galves- ton, Texas; and from 1885-90 in New York. Since 1890 he has been Illinois Manager for the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. Girten, Michael Francis, Attorney-at-Law of 122 (South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 20, 1871, in Lemont, 111. In 1906 he was Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is now a member of the faculty of Loyola University. Glaser, Edward L., Grain Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 23, 1861, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1894 he has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. He is President and Treasurer of Rosenbaum Brothers. Glaser, George M., Physician of 3149 South Morgan Street, was bora Feb. 5, 1868, in Ber- lin, Germany. In 1892 he graduated from Rush Medical College with the degrees of A. B. and M. D.; and was formerly Gynecol- ogist to the Rhodes Avenue Hospital, formerly the Woman 's Hospital of Chicago. He is now President of the Staff of the Rhodes Avenue Hospital. Glass, James R., Lawyer, of 1230 Lunt Avenue, was born July 1, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is Assistant United States District Attorney; Secretary of the Rogers Park Im- provement Association; and Secretary of the Illinois St. Andrew Society. Glenn, John McGaw, of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 14, 1859, in Fort Wayne, Ind. In 1897 he was Secretary of the Civil Service Commission. He is now Secretary of the Illinois Manufacturers Association, and the National Conference of State Manufac- turers' Associations. Glennon, Edward Thomas, Attorney-at-Law of 143 West Van Buren Street, was bora Aug. 21, 1856, in Woodstock, 111. Since 1884 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Glennon, Cary and 1 58 ill IRRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Walker; and Assistant Vice-President of the New York I cut ral Lines. Glenny, Ernest Centennial, Attorney at Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April L6, 1876, in New Orleans, La. For five lie was Secretary and Trust Officer of the Fori Dearborn Trust and Savings Hank, lie is now engaged In general practice of law. Glessner, Arthur Wellesley, Manufacturer of lis Smith Clinton Street, was liorn April .'!(), 1861, in Elizabeth, III. In L886 he organized, and is now President of the Excelsior Steel Furnace Company. Glessner, John Jacob, .Manufacturer of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Janu- ary, L843, in ZanesviUe, Ohio. lie is Vice- President of the International Harvester Com- pany; and Vice-President and Director of the International Harvester Company of New Jersey. Gli'ck, Emanuel M., Manufacturer of 216 West Adams Street, was horn July 10, 1873, in Budapest, Austria. In 1908 he founded and has since been President of E. M. Glick and Company, Manufacturers of cloaks and suits. Glidden, Henry Hubbard, Underwriter of 17.") West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 2, 1844, in Lithopolis, Ohio. Since 1874 he has been engaged in the fire insurance busi- ness; and is now manager of the Chicago Board of Underwriters. Goddard, Leroy Albert^ Banker of 135 West Washington Street, was born June 22, 1854, in Marion, 111. In 1903-5 ho was Presi- dent of the Fort Dearborn National Bank. He is now President of the State Bank of Chicago. For two terms he was President of the Chicago Clearing House Association. Godden, William C., Clergyman of 1134 Oak- dale Avenue, was born May 9, 1875, in Eng- land, lie is Pastor of the Diversey Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church, and Vice-Presi- dent of the Chicago Methodist Preacher's Meeting. Goding, Frederic Webster, Consul-General, was born .May 9, 1858, in Hyde Park, Mass. since 1913 he has been Consul-General at Guayaquil, Ecuador. Goehst, John Henry, Construction Superin- tendent of 72 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 19, 1864, in Chicago, 111. In 1881 he was asso- ciated with H. M. Wilmarth and Company; and in 1882 was electrician for the Wes- tern Edison Ligrht Com pany. Since 1887 he has been associated with the Edison Company; and is now Superintendent of Con- struction of the Commonwealth Ellison Com- pany. He is one of the organizers and Presi- dent of the Federal Electric Company; Presi- dent of the Federal Sign Company, Electric; and Treasurer of the Minerallic Electric Man- ufacturing Company. He is a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers; and a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, the Kenwood Club, the South Shore Country Club, and the Homewood Golf Club. Eesi- dence, 4810 Dorchester Avenue. Godman, Elwood Gamer, Attorney-at-Law of 1 in South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 29, 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1903 he was appointed Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. Goepper, Charles F., Live Stock Commission Merchant, Union Stock Yards. Vice-Presi- dent of the Bowles Live Stock Commission Company. Goes, Arthur A., Lithographer of 42 West Sixty-first Street, was born Oct. 15, 1886, in Chicago. He is Vice-President of the Goes Lithographing Company. In 1916 he was President of the University of Chicago Alum- ni Club. During the Great War he was Cap- tain Adjutant in the United States Army. Goetsch, Gustaf Adolph, Physician and Sur- geon of 31 North State Street, was born March 15, 1869, in Bacine, Wis. Since 1898 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is Pro- fessor of Dermatology in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine; Dermatologist to Fort Dearborn Hospital; and Professor of Derma- tology in the Illinois College of Chiropody. Go'etz, Frederick W., Manufacturer of 30 North La Salle Street, was born July 3, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Goetz Company. Gold, ' Egbert Habberton, Manufacturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 31, 1868, in Litchfield County, Conn. He is Presi- dent of the Vapor Car Heating Company, In- corporated; and an officer in other corpora- tions. Goldberg, Julius, Merchant of 205 South State Street. Member of the firm of O'Connor and Goldberg, shoes. Golden, Isaac John King, Surgeon of 2238 West North Avenue, was born March 14, 1872, in Eussia. He is Professor of Anatomy in the Chicago Hospital College of Medi- cine; Professor of Opera- tive Surgery in the Chicago Hospital College of Medi- cine; Surgeon to the Fort Dearborn Hospital ; Siir- geon-in-Chief of the Pros- pect Hospital; and Surgeon Shore Hospital. He is a member of the Chicago and Cook County Medical So- cieties, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Press Club, the Tri-State Medical Society, the Chicago Academy of Surgery, the State Mi- croscopical Society, and the Surgeons Club of Eochester, Minn. Goldblatt, Maurice Henry, Composer and Violinist of 624 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 30, 1883, in Keval, Russia. He has HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 159 studied violin under S. E. Jacobsohn, Hugo Heermann, Emile Sauret and other famous professors; and studied theory with Felix Borowski, Dr. Louis Falk and Adolph Brune. The best known of the Goldblatt Composi- tions for the violin and piano are Meditation, Dance of the Sylphs, Forest Magic and Butter- fly. He is now Teacher of Violin in the Chi- cago Musical College; and First Violinist with the Chicago Grand Opera Company. Goldsmith, Alexander A., physician of 29 East Madison Street, was born Dec. 28, 1878, in Aurora, 111. Since 1901 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is Professor of Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines in the Post Graduate Medical School. Goldsmith, Moses, Manufacturer of 29 East Madison Street, was born Sept. 8, 1861, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1908 he has been President of Goldsmith Brothers Smelting and Befining Company. Goldspohn, Albert, Physician and Surgeon of 2120 Cleveland Avenue, was born Sept. 23, 1851, in Wisconsin. Since 18S7 he has prac- ticed surgery in Chicago. He is Professor of the Diseases of Women in the Chicago Post Graduate Medical School; and Surgeon-in- Chief of the Evangelical Deaconess Hospital. He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Goldzier, Julius, Attorney-at-Law of 133 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 20, 1854, in Vienna, Austria. In 1890-2 and 1899- 1902 he was an Alderman from the Twenty- second Ward; and 1892-5 a member of Con- gress from the Fourth Congressional District. He is now senior member of the firm of Gold- zier, Rodgers and Froehlich, lawyers. Golsen, Gustave-, Coal Merchant of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born April 7, 1869. He was formerly Secretary of O'Gara, King and Company. He is now President of the Golsen Doan Coal Company; President of the Merri- mac Anthracite Coal Corporation, Merrimac Mines, Va.; Vice-President of the Boonville Mining Company, Boonville, Ind.; and Treas- urer of the Idaho Sulphur Company, Chicago. Gonden, Harvey J., Publisher of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 10, 1867, in Council Bluffs, Iowa. He is President of the Utilities Publication Company. Good, Robert Hosea, Specialist of 25 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 31, 1873, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He received the degree of B. S. from Albion College; M. D. from Rush Medical College ; M. S. from North- western College; and later took post-graduate work in the Universities of Chicago and Vienna. He is Professor in the Chicago Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery; a.nd a member of the staffs of the Frances Willard, Oak Park Catholic, and West Suburban Hospitals. Goode, John Paul, Educator of 6227 Kim- bark Avenue, was born Nov. 21, 1862, in Stewartville, Minn. He is Professor of Geog- raphy in the University of Chicago; and As- sociate Editor of the Journal of Geography. Goodell, James M., Jr., Manufacturer of 186 West Washington Street, was born July 13, 1864, in St. Charles, 111. In 1878-1898 he was associated with Carson, Pirie, Scott and Com- pany. He is now President of James M. Goodell, Jr., Incorporated, manufacturers of lodge supplies and advertising novelties; President of the Lincoln Novelties Company; and a director in other corporations. Goodhue, Allan Johnston, Sales Manager of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 18, 1844, in Akron, Ohio. In 1862-65 he served in the Civil War. Since 1899 he has been Wes- tern Sales Manager of the United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company. Goodkind, Maurice Louis, Physician of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born Nov. 14, 1867, in Chicago, 111. He is Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University of Illi- nois; and Attending Physician to Michael Reese Hospital. During the Great War lie served as Lieutenant Colonel in the Medical Reserve Corps. Goodman, William Alfred, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 1, 1880, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has been head of the firm of Thomas and W. A. Goodman, local agents for the Fireman 's Fund Insurance Company. Goodman, William Owen, Lumberman of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 24, 1848, in Wellsboro, Pa. Since 1880 he has been Treasurer of the Sawyer-Goodman Com- pany; and is also Vice-President of the Good- man Lumber Company. Goodnow, Charles Allen, Railway Official of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in Bald- winville, Mass. Since 1884 he has been asso- ciated with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Bailway, and is Vice-President. Goodnow, Charles Newell, Lawyer and Jurist, of 7200 Euclid Avenue, was born Aug. 24, 1864, in Salem, 111. He was educated at Christian Brothers College, St. Louis ; and was admitted to the bar in 1887. From 1889- 1901 he was a member of the Illinois Legislature; and since 1906 has been Judge of the Municipal Court in Chicago, being re- elected in 1908 for a six year term. He is a member of the Masonic Order. Goodnow, George F., Manager and Consult- ing Gas Engineer of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1863, in Rochester, Vt. He grad- uated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a director, manager and officer in several gas properties. He is a mem- ber of the Union League Club and the Uni- versity Club. Goodrich, Albert W., of 200 East Pearson 160 HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Street. He is President of the Goodrich Transit Company; Second Vice-President and Director of Chicago Surface Lines; and an officer in other corporations. Goodrich, Horace A., Real Estate Dealer of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born July 9, 1837, in Chicago. Since 1872 he has been en- gaged in the real estate and loan business in Chicago. He is a Director of the Illinois State Bank. Goodridge, A. E. G., Eeal Estate and Loan Dealer of 32 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 17, 1864. He is President of Good- ridge, French and Company. Goodrow, William, Manufacturer of 418 North Leavitt Street, was born Jan. 6, 1858, in Horicon, Wis. He is President of the William Goodrow Moulding Company. Goodspeed, Charles Ten Broeke, Attorney- at-Law of 189 West Madison Street, was born May 19, 1869, in Quincy, 111. Since 1893 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now President of the South Park Improvement As- sociation; and Recording Secretary and a member of the Board of Managers of the Young Men 's Christian Asociation, Chicago. In 1916 he was President of the Chicago Law Institute. Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson, Educator of 5706 Woodlawn Avenue, was born Oct. 23, 1871, in Quincy, Illinois. Since 1915 he has been Pro- fessor of Biblical Greek in the University of Chicago. He is the author of a number of books. Goodspeed, Thomas Wakefield, Educator of 5630 Kimbark Avenue, was born Sept. 4, 1842, in Glens Falls, N. Y. He assisted in raising the funds for founding the new University of Chicago; and was Secretary of the Board of Trustees and Registrar of the University. He is now Corresponding Secretary of the Uni- versity of Chicago. Goo'dwillie, Charles Francis, Box Manufac- Adams Street, was born Nov. 15, 1878, in Chicago. He is President of the Agricultural Securities Company; and Vice-President of Counselman and Company, bankers. Goodwillie, Charles Farncis, Box Manufac- turer of 2200 South Racine Avenue, was born April 22, 1867, in Chicago. Since 1896 he has been President of the D. M. Goodwillie Com- pany, manufacturers of packing boxes. Goodwillie, James Gunn, Manufacturer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 26, 1851, in Depere, Wis. Since 1873 he has been a member of the firm of Goodwillie Brothers, box manufacturers. Goodwin, Clarence Norton, Jurist, of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 22, 1871, in Penn Yan, N. Y. In 1907-11 he was Special Counsel for the Board of Education. He is now Justice of the Illinois Appellate Court. Goodwin, William Ransdall, Publisher and Editor of 542 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 19, 1863, in Brookville, Ind. Since 1890 he has been Vice-President of the Sand- ers Publishing Company; and is also Man- aging Editor of the Breeder's Gazette. Gookin, Frederick William, Author and Art Expert of 13 West Walton Place, was born Aug. 2, 1853, in Ludlow, Vt. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Chicago Literary Club. Gordin, Harry Mann, Chemist of 31 West Lake Street, was born Aug. 16, 1855, in Rus- sia. Since 1902 he has been Professor of Chemistry in the School of Dentistry and Pharmacy of Northwestern University. Gordon, Arthur Horace, Physician of 858 North LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 23, 1863, in Calais, Me. Since 1887 he has practiced Medicine in Chicago. He is Professor of Internal Medicine >in Hahnemann Medical College. Gordon, Charles Ulysses, Investment Dealer of 111 West, Mon roe Street, was born April 3, 1865, in Dunlap, 111. In 1883-5 he was engaged in the lumber business; and since 1885 has been engaged in the real estate business. In 1897 he was appointed Postmaster of Chicago by President Mcjvinley. He was one of the organizers of the Marquette Club, and has been Secretary and President. Gordon, Francis, Clergyman of 1825 North Wood Street, was born Aug. 29, 1860, in the Province of Posen, Poland, Germany. He was educated at St. Mary's College, Marion County, Ky.; and at the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. He was ordained April 20, 1889 in Rome; in 1893 was Professor in a College of the Resurrectionist Fathers sin Adrianople, Turkey; 1895 Procurator of the Congregation of the Resurrectionists in Rome; and in 1906 Superior of St. Stanislaus House in Chicago. He is now Rector of St. Mary's of the Angels Parish; Manager of the Polish Publishing Company; Moderator of the Polish Alma Mater of the United States; and Dele- gate General of the Resurrectionist Fathers for the United States and Canada. Gordon, Joseph A., Railway Official of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 10, 1865, in Cincinnati. Ohio. Since 18S4 he has been engaged in railroad work, and since 1912 has been General Manager of the Chicago Great Western Railway. Gore, Edward Everet, Public Accoutant of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 4, 1866, in Carlinville, 111. He is a member of the firm of Barrow, Wade, Guthrie and Com- pany, public accountants; and President and Treasurer of the Bench Land Orchards Com- pany. Gorham, Sidney Smith, Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street was born Nov. 6, 1874, in Rutland, Vt. Since 1895 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is now senior mem- HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 161 ber of the law firm of Miller, Gorham and Wales. Gorman, George Edraond, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born in 1873, in Chicago, 111. In 1897-1900 he was Assist- ant City Attorney, Chicago; and 1913-15 a member of Congress, representing the Third District of Illinois. Gorman, James Edward, Railway Official of 137 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec. 3, 1863, in Chicago. He is Federal Manager of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. Gorman, John C, Wholesale Woolen Mer- chant of 1036 West Van Buren Street, was born Jan. 1, 1872, in England. He is Presi- dent of the John C. Gorman Company, whole- sale woolens and tailoring; aaid President of the John Ford stores throughout the West. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Commerce ; the Press and Illinois Clubs, and the Knights of Columbus. Gormley, James Henry, Merchant of 7 East Lake Street, was born June 18, 1856, in Glen- coe, 111. In 1883 he established and has since been President of the Bullard and Gormley Company; and is also Secretary, Treasurer and a Director of the Prescott Hardware Manufacturing Company. Gorrell, Warren, Investment Banker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1874, in Taylorville, 111. He has been associated with the Harris Trust and Savings Bank, and Lee Higginson and Company. In 1916-18 he was head of the firm of Warren Gorrell; and is now engaged in business on his own account. Gorton, Edward F., Attorney-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born May 6, 1854, in Ashtabula County, Ohio. Since 1876 he has been engaged in the practice of law. He was Mayor of Lake Forest for seven years. Goss, Charles Oliver, Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born Dee. 28, 1851, in Chicago, 111. Since 1877 he has been a member of the firm of E. A. Cummings and Company, real estate. Goss, ' Samuel G., Manufacturer of 1535 South Paulina Street. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Goss Printing Press Company. Gossard, Henry Williamson, Manufacturer of 1006 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 18, 1871, in Clinton County, Ind. Since 1900 he has been President of the H. W. Gossard Company, manufacturers of the Gossard cor- sets. Gould, Frank, Manufacturer of 700 West Lake Street, was born Aug. 1, |1841, in Peacham. Vt. Since 1899 he has been Presi- dent of L. Gould and Company; and is also President of the Fibre Goods Company. Gould, Herbert A., 330 East Ohio Street was was born Oct. 23, 1866, in Gravesend, England. He is a Director of A. C. McClurg and Com- pany. Gould, John, Real Estate Dealer of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born May 15, in Essex, N. Y. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the real estate business, and is now a mem- ber of the firm of W. L. De Wolff and Com- pany. Gould, Norman J., Manufacturer of 12 South Clinton Street. President of the Goulds Manufacturing Company of Illinois, manu- facturers of pumps. Gour, Andrew A., Osteopath of 39 South State Street, was born May 1, 1882, in Marl- boro, Mass. He graduated from the Posse Normal School of Gymnastics, Boston, Mass., and the Chicago College of Osteopathy. He is now Professor of Hygienic Gymnastics in the Chicago College of Osteopathy, and the Central Y. M. C. A. Training School. He is the founder of and Lecturer for the Chicago Mod- ern Health League. Gowen, Albeit Younglove, Manufacturer of 111 West Washington Street. Since 1905 he has been associated with the Lehigh Portland Cement Company, of which he is now Vice- President and Director; and is a Director of the Fort Dearborn National Bank. Gower, Harry, Retired Railway Official of ]4ii."i Hyde Park Boulevard, was born May 31, 1862, in Rockford, Eng- land. In 1S72 he came to America; 1878 entered rail- way service with the Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad; and has since been Assistant Gen- •'--': ^ - wfcfc '''''' Freight Agent, Gen jgW ^Kgljfl I era] Freight Agent; and Syyi i Freight Traffic Manager, retiring in 1915. G-race, William, Contractor -of 519 South Oakley Avenue, was born Sept. 11, 1847, in England. Since 1872 he has been engaged m the contracting business. He is President of the William Grace Company, builders and con- tractors, erectors of the Coliseum, Stock Yards Pavilion, LaSalle Street Station, Cook County Court House, and many other struc- tures in Chicago. Gradle, Harry S., of 25 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 31, 1883, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Professor of Ophthalmology in the Chi- cago Post-Graduate School. Graf, Robert Joseph, Engineer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1882, in the Dis- trict of Columbia. Since 1903 he has been associated wtili the H. M. Byllesby Company, public utility experts, of which he is now Vice-President; and is a director in other cor- porations. Graff, Albert, Paving Con tract or of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born June 16, 1860, in Stuttgart, Germany. He is sole owner of Albert Graf and Company, and since 1887 has laid over twenty-five million feet of cement walk in the city of Chicago. He is a member of the National Union, Royal Arcanum; a 162 III i;i;l\<;sn AW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. thirty-second degree Mason, .- 1 ■ 1 • 1 :i member of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Graff,' Walter A., I n vest mm t Dealer oi 208 South LaSalle street, was born Dec. 31, L874, in Clarinda, towa. Since 1915 he has been Vi'ce-Presideni of Lyon, Gary and Company; and is also Nice I 'resident and Director of the Chicago Tubing and Braiding Company. Grams, William Herbert, Publisher of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 13, 1870, in Pulaski County, 1 n • I. Be formerly published daily papers in Logansporl and Terre Haute, Ind.; and later published tele- phone journals in Chicago, lie is now Presi- dent of The (las Publishing Company; and Treasurer of the oil Publishing Company, lie is a member of the Illinois Athletic Chili and the I 'hi Delta Theta college fraternity. Graham, Ernest Robert, Architect of 80 Hast Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 22, lsti7, in Lowell, Mich. Since 1888 he has practiced architecture in Chicago. He is a member of the linn of Graham, Anderson, Probst and White, architects for the new Con- tinental and Commercial Bank Building, Chi- cago, and Equitable and Flat Iron Buildings, .New York City. Graham, William B., Real Estate Dealer of .""> South Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 25, 1871, in Fort Scott, Kansas. lie is a mem- ber of the firm of Graham and Shriver. Graunis, Uri B., of 1L'!) South LaSalle Street, was born in 1880, in Chicago, 111. He was for- merly Assistant to the Vice-President of the American Drake Shoe and Foundry Company, lie is now associated With the firm of Curtis and Sanger. Grant," Bertrand Eugene. Civil Engineer, the City Hall, was horn Dee. 12, 1868, in Troy, X. Y. In 1892-9 he was in the Engineering Department of the Sanitary District of Chi- cago; and in 1901 was Vice-President of the Western Society of Engineers. Grant, Ulysses Sherman, Geologist and Edu- cator of C>27 Library Place, Evanston, was born Feh. 14, 1867, iii Moline, HI. He is Pro- fessor of Geology and Acting Dean of the College of Arts of Northwestern University. Grant, William Arthur, Printer and En- graver of 725 South Wells Street, was born Sejit. 17, 1872, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He was formerly President of the Marsh and (.rant Company, lie is now President of The Rathbun-Grant Printing Company, printers and engravers. Grant-Schaefer, George Alfred, Composer and Educator of -111) South .Michigan Avenue, was born in 1872, in Glengarry, Canada. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Voice Culture at Northwestern University. G'rashorn, George Frederick, of isn North Market Street, was born May 24, 1876, in Brooklyn, X. V. Since 1904 he has been Man- ager of the Chicago Office of the Hills Broth- ers Company, importers and manufacturers of candied citron and prepared cocoanut. He ranks high in the Order of Masons. Grassell, John, Manufacturer and Banker, Forty-ninth Street and South Western Ave- nue, was born March 2U, 1868, in Washington, Iowa. In L894-1909 he was purchasing agent for Morris and Company. He is President of I he Wilson Steid Products Company and Vice- President of the State and Savings Bank. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic, Ken- wood. Calumet Country and Beverlv Country Clubs. Graver, William F., Manufacturer of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1876 in Pittsburgh, Pa. He is Vice-President and Treasurer of the William Graver Tank Works. Graves, Charles Stephen, Attomey-at-Law of .'50 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 18, 1862, in Ogle County, 111. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago; and in 1912-13 was a Representative in the General Assembly of Illinois. Graves, Edgar Willard, Jeweler of 35 East Madison Street, was born in 1886, in Chicago, 111. Be is Treasurer and one of the Managing Directors of Charles E. Graves and Company, jewelers. Graves, Robert E., Physician of 4249 Hazel Avenue, was born Sept. 19, 1876, in Marshall, 111. In 1907-13 he was School Medical In- spector. During the Great War he served as Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Gray, Charles Pierson, Real Estate Dealer of .'^ South Dearborn Street, was born March 11, 1876 in Wells County, Ind. He is head of the Charles P. Gray Company, real estate dealers. Gray, Ethan Allen, Physician of 2744 Pine Grove Avenue, was born in 1864, in Chicago, 111. He is Medical Superintendent of the Chi- cago Fresh Air Hospital; Attending Physician in Tuberculosis to the Augustana Hospital; and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. Gray, James J., of 853 Grace Street, was born Nov. 23, 1861, in Chicago, 111. He has been a member of the Board of Assessors of Cook County; and Deputy Circuit Court Clerk. In 1900 he was a Delegate to the National Democratic Convention held in Kansas City, Mo. Gray, James M., Clergyman of 153 Institute Place. Dean and Trustee of the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. Greeley, Loxiis May, Attorney at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born May 2 1, 1858, in Chicago. He is Professor of Law in Northwestern Law School; and is Associate Editor of the Illinois Law Review. Green, Frederick R., Physician of 16 Chalm- ers Place, was born July 17, 1870, in Cameron, Mo. Since 1910 he has been Secretary of the Council otn Health and Public Instruction, of the American Medical Association. Green, George E., Sales Manager of 326 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 163 West Madison Street, was born Dee. 25, 1861, in Peoria, 111. In 1903-11 he was Secretary of the Retail Merchants Association of Illinois. Since 1911 he has been General Sales Agent for the Shredded Wheat Company. Green, George Stillwell. Seed Merchant of 349 East North Wafer Street, was born Oct. 7, 1863, in Hainnibal, Mo. iSince 1901 he has been President of The Illinois Seed Company. Green, George Willard, Surgeon of 1917 Wilson Avenue, was born 1862, in Iowa. Since 1892 he has practiced medicine in Chicago; and is now Chief Surgeon to the Kavenswood Hospital. He was formerly President of the North Shore Branch of the Chicago Medical Society. Green, Nicholas Mathias, Manufacturer of 1500 North Halsted Street, was born Feb. 3, 1S66, in Chicago, 111. He is President and Treasurer of the Green Manufacturing Com- pany. Green, Thomas E., Lecturer, Traveler and Author, was born Dec. 27, 1857, in Harrisville, Pa. For twenty-live years he was a clergy- man; and in 1896 was Bishop of Iowa. In 1913 he was Delegate-at-Large to the Fourth American Peace Conference. He is Inter- national Lecturer for the American Peace So- ciety; Special Lecturer for the Carnegie Foundations; and President of the Sons of the Revolution State of Illinois. He has made two trips around the world in behalf of in- ternational arbitration. He is the author of Burden of the Nations, and other works. Green, William Ogden, Real Estate Dealer of 192 North Clark Street. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the real estate business. He is a member of he firm of Ogden, Sheldon and Company; and President and a Director of the Chicago Dock and Canal Company. Green, Zola Constantius, Manufacturer of 413 West Huron Street, was born July 21, 1867, in Washington, 1). C. Until 1885 lie was in the District Government Office in Washington; and in 1885 came to Chicago and engaged in the retail furniture business. In 1900 he organized and lias since been I'resi- dent and Treasurer of the Columbia Feather Company, wholesale dealers in feathers, pil- lows, and down cushions, and manufacturers of upholstered box springs and hair mat- tresses. Greenbaum, Selig, Underwriter of 4622 Grand Boulevard, was born 1857, in Burling- ton, Iowa. He is District Manager of the Great Eastern Casualty Company of New York. He is also Secretary of the Chicago Sinai Congregation. Greene, Charles Frederick, Jeweler of 338 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 9, 1852, in Plymouth, N. H. Since 1890 lie has been associated with Spaulding and Company, and since 1907 President of the same. Greene, Frank Richard, Investment Banker of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born June 8, 1859, in Newport, Ohio. In 1890-1902 he was Secretary of the Chicago City Railway Company; and 1910-14 President of AUerton, Greene and King, bankers. Greene, J. Kent, Attorney-at -Law, was born June 9, 1870. In 1906-7 he was Assistant States Attorney. He is now legal assistant to Chief Justice of the Municipal Court. Greenebaum, Henry Everett, Banker of 9 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 1, 1854, in Chicago, 111. Since 1872 he has been identi- fied with the banking business. He is now Vice-President of Greenebaum Sons Bank and Trust Company. Greenebaum, James Eugene, Banker of 9 South LaSalle Street was born April 3, 1866, in Chicago, 111. From 1889 until 1911 he was a mem- ber of the private banking house of Greenebaum Sons, and since 1911 when firm became Greenebaum Sons Bank and Trust Company, has been Vice-President. He is a member of the Standard, Lake Shore County, and Bankers' Clubs. Greenebaum, Jonas, Tanner of 2612 Warsaw Avenue, was born Dec. 12, 1865, in Dorsten, Germany. He is President and Treasurer of the J. Greenbaum Tanning Company. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Com- merce. Greenebaum, Moses Ernest, Banker of 9 So uth LaSalle Street, was born March 17, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He entered business in 1874 and was Treasurer of the Security Title and Trust Company. He is now Pres- ident of Greenebaum Sons Hank and Trust Company. He is President of the Chi- cago Sinai Congregation; and Vice-President of the Citizens Association and Michael Reese Hos- pital. Greenebaum, Walter J., Bank Cashier of 9 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 29, 1882 in Chicago. Since 1901 he has been assure ated with Greenebaum Sons Bank and Trust Company, and since 1911 lias been cashier. Greenlee, William Brooks, Manufacturer of 662 West Twelfth Street, was born April 25, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1895 he has been associated with Greenlee Brothers and com- pany, and their successors, the Greenlee Foun- dry Company, of which he is President; also President of the Northwestern Stove Repair Company. Greensfelder, Louis A., Surgeon of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1891 he has practiced surgery in Chicago. He is now Attending Sur- geon to the Michael Reese Hospital. 164 BBRBINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Greer, Erwin, Automobile Dealer of L521 South Wabash Avenue, was horn Dec. 9, 1883, in Payson, Utah. Be is President of bhe Er- win GreeT Automobile Company; and Presi- dent cf the Greer College of Motoring. Greer, Frederic, Manufacturer of 525 West \';in Buren Street, was born Sept. *i, 1880, in Tombstone, Ariz, since 1898 he has been President of the Harvard Electric Company. From 1911-13 ho was President of the Cook County Civil Service Commission. Greer, Joseph H., Physician and Surgeon of 4114 Smith Michigan Avenue, was born in 1851, in England. He is Professor of Genito- urinary Diseases in the Osteopathic College. Gregory, Stephen Strong, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 16, 184!i, in Unadilla, N. Y. Since 1S74 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a mem- ber of the law firm of Gregory and McNab. In l'.'ll he was President of the American Bar Association. Greifenhagen, Oscar Fred, Merchant of 226 Wesl Madison Street, was born Oct. 20, 1859. Since 1911 he has been President of Perry, Mueller and Company, woolens. He was a member of the Board of Education in 1907-13. Greiner, Jacob Baur, Contractor of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 17, 1869, in Terre Haute, Ind. In 1910-15 he was General Sales Manager and a Director of the Liquid Carbonic Company. Since 1915 he has been President of the Municipal Equipment Company. Greiner, William, Wholesale Leather Mer- chant of 165 North Franklin Street, was born March 21, 1856, in New York. Since 1896 he has been President of the William Greiner Company; and is also Vice-President of the Germania Safe Deposit Trust Company. Grey, Alfred Daniel, Clergyman of 4116 West End Avenue, was born May 23, 1890, in New Hamburg, Ontario. Since 1914 he has been a Congregational minister; and since 1915 Pastor of the Central Park Congregation- al Church, Chicago. Gridley, E. Percy, Commission Merchant of 25 West South Water Street, was born in 1868, in Prairie View, 111. He is a partner in the firm of Gridley, Maxon and Company. Gridley, Martin Medbery, Attorney-at-Law of 9 South LaSalle Street, was born May 1*!, 1863, in Milwaukee. Wis. In 1885-1910 he practiced law in Chicago. He is now Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County, assigned to Appellate Courl duty for the First District of Illinois. Grier, Henry Flavel, Insulating Engineer of 'Jit West Grand Avenue, was born May 30, 1843, in Lewi-lung, Pa. In 1863-65 he was an Engineer in the United States Navy on the steamer Powhatan. He is Aire President of the Central Asbestos and Magnesia. Company. Commander of the Parrgut Naval Veteran As- sociation. Griffin, George F., Manufacturer of 322 South Michigan Avenue. Vice-President and Secretary of the Griffin Wheel Company. Griffin, J. Ellsworth, Investment Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 20, 1ni>7, in Boston, Mass. Since 1900 he has been head of the firm of J. Ellsworth Griffin and Company; and is also President of the In- surance Trust Company. Griffin, Joseph P., Grain Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 7, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Until 1910 he was Presi- dent of the American Glucose Company; Sec- retary and Treasurer of the National Starch Company; and Director of the Corn Products Company. He is now head of the firm of J. P. Griffin and Company, grain merchants. In 1915-16 he w;is President of the Chicago Board of Trade. Griffin, Walter Burley, Landscape Architect of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 24, 1876, in Maywood, 111. Since 1899 he has practiced architecture in Chicago; and since 1913 has been supervising constructor of the capital of Australia. Griffin, William, Bailway Official of 72 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 31, 1859, in Chi- cago. Since 1900 he has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Northwestern Elevated Bail- road Company. Griffith, George Dilks, Wholesale Lumber Dealer of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 7, 1864, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1891 he has been head of the firm of George D. Griffith and Company. Griffith, William C., Publisher of 1732 Mich- igan Avenue, was born Sept. 24, 1869, in Camp Wright, Cal. Since 1913 he has been Presi- dent of Laird and Lee, book publishers. Griffiths, John, Building Contractor of 112 West Adams Street, was born April 3, 1846, near Woodstock, Ontario. Since 1873 he has been a contractor in Chicago, and is now Presi- dent and Treasurer of the John Griffiths and Son Company. Griffiths, Joseph Charles, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 26, 1848, in Gloucester, England. Since 1902 he has been manager of the Cook County De- partment of the London Assurance Corpora- tion. Grim, Ulysses J., Physician and Professor of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1865, in Allentown, Pa. Since 1891 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is Professor of Rhin- ology and Otology in Loyola University; and Attending Rhinologist and Otologist to the Jefferson Park Hospital and the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium of Chicago. Grimme, Lou's Henry, Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was bom March 12, 1872, in Chicago, Til. He was formerly Cashier of the National City Bank. Since 1913 he has been President of the Empire Security Company. Grinker, Julius, Physician of 25 East Wash- HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY* BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 165 ington Street, was bom July 1, 1867, in Koenigsburg, Germany. He is Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases in the Chicago Post Graduate Medical School and Northwest- ern University Medical School; and Attend- ing Physician to Wesley and other hospitals. Grip, Charles A. E., Real Estate Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was born May 7, 1875, in Sweden. He is senior member of the firm of G. A. E. Grip and Company. G-risamore, Thomas L., Orthodontia .Special- ist of 29 East Madison Street. He has re- ceived the degrees of Ph. G. and D. D. S. He is Professor of Orthodontia in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Member of the Chicago and Illinois Dental Societies, National Dental Association, American Society of Orthodontia, Ex-President of the Chicago Den- tal Society; Treasurer of the Illinois Dental Society; Vice-President of the National Den- tal Association; and a member of the Birch- wood Country Club. Residence, 1226 Sherwin Avenue. Griswold, Roy Coleman, of 113 East Austin Avenue, was born May 5, 1875, in Griswold, 111. Since 1910 he has been President of Griswold and Walker, Incorporated, storage. Gross, Alfred Hermann, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1862, in Whitby, Out. Since 1886 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is Vice-President of the National Gas and Water Company. Gross, Howard H., Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 27, 1853, in Marathon, N. Y. Since 1905 he has been head of the firm of H. H. Gross and Son, manufacturers of safes and dealers in rail- way supplies. In 1895-9 he was a member of the Board of Education of Chicago. Grosscup, Peter Stenger, Lawyer and Jurist of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 15, 1852, in Ashland, Ohio. In 1882-92 he practiced law in Chicago; 1S92-9 was United States District Judge of the Northern District of Illinois; 1899-1905 Judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals; and 1905- 11 United States Circuit Judge. Since 1901 he has been President of the John Crerar Library Grossfeld, Solomon Eli, Wholesale Grocer, Randolph and Green Streets, was born April 26, 1861, in Austria. In 1892 he established and has since been President of the Grossfield and Roe Company. Grossman, Edward Benjamin, Merchant of 21 East Madison Street, was born Oct. 15, 1873, in Chicago. He is President of P. N. Matthews and Company, ladies' tailors. He is a mem- ber of the Ravisloe Country and Illinois Ath- letic Clubs. Groth, Herman Amel, Advertising Agent of 101 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 13, 1879, in Bloomington, 111. Since 1917 he has been Secretary Treasurer and Director of the William H. Rankin Company. He is a mem- ber of the Oak Park Country Club and Chi- cago Athletic Association. Grounds, George Henry, Manufacturer of 1029 West Adams Street, was born Oct. 26, 1864, in Crockett, Texas. Since 1892 he has been associated with the Consolidated Por- trait and Frame Company, of which he is now Secretary and Treasurer. Grove, James Morgan, Physician and Sur- geon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Oct. 4, 1870, in Janesville, Wis. He is a mem ber of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Union Hospital. Grover, Edwin Osgood, Author and Mer- chant of 1922 Calumet Avenue, was born June 4, 1870, in Mantorville, Minn. Since 1911 he has been President of the Prang Company, and is also President of A. H. Abbott and Com- pany. He is the author of From Me to You; My Christmas Gift; From Friend to Friend; and numerous other works. Grover, Frank Reed, Attorney-at-Law of 140 North Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 17, 1858, in Cook County, 111. Since 1883 he has practiced law in Chicago. He was the first Corporation Counsel of Evanston, and organized its various departments as a city. Grover, Oliver Dennett, Artist of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1861, in Earl- ville, 111. His pictures have been exhibited in many public collections. In 1904 he received two medals at the St. Louis Exposition; and 1906 and 1914 prizes, Fine Arts Building. He is Ex-President of the Society of Western Artists and the Chicago Society of Artists. Grower, William Frederick, Real Estate Dealer of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born July 23, 1860, in New York City. He is Secretary of the Unity Safe Deposit Com pany; and a member of the board of West Chicago Park Commissioners. Grubbe, Emil Herman, Physician and Sur- geon of 130 North State Street, was born Jan. 1, 1875, in Chicago. He is President of the National Society of Physical Therapeutics: and Professor and head of the Department of Electro-Therapeutics in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. Gruenstein, S. E., Editor and Publisher of 308 South Wabash Avenue, was born March 26, 1877, in Charlestown, Ind. Since 1891 he has been organist of the First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest. He is Railway Editor of the Chicago Daily News; and Editor of the Diapason, a monthly magazine devoted to or- ganists and builders of pipe organs. Grulee, Clifford Grosselle, Physician of 1324 Madison Park, was born Jan. 3, 1880, in New- port, Kv. Since 1903 he has practiced in Chi- cago. He is Assistant Professor of the Diseases of Children in the Rush Medical College; at- tending Peditrician to Presbyterian Hospital 1G6 HERRIXCXHAW's CITY BLUti BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. ;iinl to the Home for Destitute Crippled Chil- dren. Be is the author of Infant feeding, a book. Graschow, Robert H., Coal Dealer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born June 7, 1865, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly President of the Eureka Coal and Dock Company. He is now engaged in the wholesale coal business for himself. Guenzel, Louis, Architect of 111 West Wash- ington Street, was born dan. 28, I860, in Coeslin, Germany. In L892 lie came to Chicago and entered the late firm of Adler and Sulli- van. Since 1894 he has been in business for himself. He is a member of the University Club, the City Club, and the Chicago Lincoln Club. Guerin, M. Henry, Lawyer and Jurist, was born Dee. 27, 1871, in Chicago. In 190510 he was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. He is now .Indue of the Superior Court of Cook County; and a Lec- turer on the Law of Corporations and other subjects in the Chicago Kent College of Law. Guernsey, Guy, Attorney-at-Law, of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 11, 187:2, in Terre Haute, Ind. Since 1904 he has been engaged in practice; 1906-10 Clerk of the Pro- bate Court of Cook County; and 1916-18 State Representative in the Fifth Senatorial Dis- trict. He is now Secretary of the Chicago Kent College of Law; and a member of the City Council from the Seventh Ward. In 1914 he was President of the Hamilton Club. Guertin, Edwin Horace, Merchant of 326 West Madison Street, was born March 5, 1864, in St. Anne, 111. For twenty years he was engaged in the wholesale grocery business. He is now engaged in the wholesale commission and grocery business. Guggenheim, Frederick, Packer, the Union Stock Yards, was born Maj' 15, 1871, in Ger- many. Since 1890 he has been associated with Guggenheim Brothers, of which he is now President. GiUick, John H., Capitalist of 72 West Adams Street, was born in Washington, I). C. He is a Director of the Chicago Suburban Water and Light Company; Secretary of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois; and Vice President of the Commonwealth Edi- son Company. Gunderson, George Oliver, was born Aug. 4, 1863, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Man a^er of S. T. Gundersan and Son. He is now Manager of the Moline Plow Company — Acme Steel Branch, 3442 Fillmore Street. Gunderson Seward Miles, Home Builder of 133 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 23, 18(56, in Chicago, Til. Since 1891 he has been a member of the firm of S. T. Gunderson and Sons. He is also Secretary of the Ameri- can Saw and Tool Works. Gunn, Glenn Dillard, Pianist and Critic of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 12, L874, in Topeka, K;ms. Since 1905 he has been a Lecturer in Music in the University of Chicago; and iii 1910 15 was Musical Editor of the Chicago Tribune. In L915 he founded the American Symphony Orchestra of which he is Conductor. Gunnell, Onrille J., Advertising Agent of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in Taze- well County, III. He is President of Gunnell, Incorporated. Gunning, Robert John, Real Estate Dealer and Capitalist of 646 South Clark Street, was bom Jan. 2, 1856, in Buffalo, N. Y. He was formerly owner of the Gunning System and interested in the American Posting Service. Gnnsaulus, Frank Wakeley, Clergyman of 3300 Federal Street, was born Jan. 1, 1856, in Chesterville, Ohio. Since 1899 he has been Pastor of the Central Church, Auditorium; and since 1893 President of Armour Institute of Technology. Gunther, Charles Frederick, Manufacturer of 1018 South Wabash Avenue, was born March 6, 1837, in Wilberg. Wurtemberg, Germany. He came to the United States in 1842; and for several years was a bank cashier. In 1868-1915 he was a man- ufacturing confectioner in Chicago. He served two terms as a member of the Chicago Common Council; and from 1900-4 was City Treasurer of Chi- cago. He is President of the Coliseum; and a Trustee of the Chicago Academy of Science. Gunther, H. Alfred, Dentist of 3300 Cottage Grove Avenue, was born Aug. 17, 1869, in Quincy, 111. In 1900 he was a Delegate to the International Dental Society, Paris. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Illi- nois Slate Automobile Association. Gunthorp, Walter J., Printer of 132 South Clark Street, was born duly 25, 1873, in Chi- cago. Since 1905 he has been President of the Gunthrop- Warren Printing Company. Gurley, William Wirt, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 27, 1851, in Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Since 1874 he has practiced in Chicago. He is General Counsel for the Chicago Railway Companies, the Metropolitan West Side Elevated Railway Com- pany; and is a Director of (he Lyon Cypress Lumber Company, and the Baker Lumber Company. Guthman, Max, Attorney-at-Law of 106 North LaSalle Street, was bom Sept. 30, 1863. in Chicago, 111. Since 1885 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is Secretary and Director of the Woodlawn Cemetery Association. Guthrie, George 0., Attorney at Law of 127 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 167 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 5, 1875, in Papineau, 111. He received his education at Valparaiso University, Central Normal Col- lege, Danville, Ind., and Grand Prairie Semi- nary, Onarga, 111.; and later studied law in the University of Michigan and the Chicago Kent College of Law. Guthrie, Seymour, Manufacturer of 106(5 West Adams Street, was born June lit, 1864, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1902 he has been Sec- retary and Treasurer of the Kellogg Switch board and Supply Company. Gutmann, Eugene J., Tanner of 1511 Web ster Ave., was born June 29, 1863, in Berlin, Wis. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the leather business in Chicago, and is now Presi- dent of Gutmann and Company. Guylee, William E., Merchant of 301 South Wabash Avenue. Vice-President of the Cable Piano Company, manufacturers of pianos. Gwinn, William Rea, Foundryman of 161 North Dearborn Street, was born April 13, 1865, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1886 he has been identified with the Union Foundry Works, of which he is now President. Haas, George Ernst, Fire Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 10, 1874, in Shelbyville, Ind. Since 1909 he has been Manager of the Atlas Assurance Company, Limited, of London, England. Haas,' J. Lionel, Life Underwriter of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 25, 1882, in Montgomery, Ala. He graduated from Columbia University, New York City. Since 1900 he has been General Agent of the Life Department of the Travelers Insurance Com- pany of Hartford, Conn. Residence, Chicago Beach Hotel. Haas, John Frederick, Lawyer and Jurist, was born August 10, 1S76, in Chicago, 111. In 1916 he was elected Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago for a term of six years. Haas, Joseph Frederick, Statesman and Business Man, was born Nov. 13, 1857, in Chicago, 111. He has been Clerk of the Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago; 1895-7 an Alderman in the Fifteenth Ward; 1902-6 State Senator from the Twenty-fifth Dis- trict of Illinois; and 1906- 10 County Clerk of Cook County. In 1916 he was elected Recorder of Deeds and Registrar of Titles of Cook County. He is a member of the University Club. Haase, Emil Richard, Banker of 139 North Clark Street, was born Feb. 1, 1856. Since 1902 he has been a mortgage banker exclu- sively, under the style of E. R. Haase and Company; and since 1876 has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Forest Home Cemetery Company. Habic'ht, Franz E., Merchant of 111 West Ohio Street, was born June 26, 1859, in Ger- many. He is senior member of the linn of Habicht, Braun and Company, manufacturers of confectioners' supplies, Chicago and New York. Haberer, George John, Keal Estate Dealer of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 21, 1865, in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago. Hackett, Karleton Spalding, Musician and Critic of 304 South Wabash Avenue, was born in 1867, in Brookline, Mass. Since 1906 he lias been Vice-President of the American Con- servatory of Music; and since 1909 Music Critic of the Chicago Evening Post. Hackney, Henry Clay, Stock Broker of 20S South LaSalle Street, was born Sept, 23, 1849, in Elmira, N. Y. He has been engaged in business as a. stock broker since 1889 ; and is a Director of the Chicago and Oak Park Rail- road. Haderlein, John, Real Estate Dealer of 1509 Barry Avenue, was born March 25, 1867, in Germany. In 1910-12-14 he was elected an Alderman in the Twenty-fourth Ward of Chicago. Hadka, Joseph, Manufacturer of Twenty first and Marshall Boulevard, was born Feb- ruary 12, 1879, in Bohemia. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the manufacture of hard- ware, and is now president of the AVestern Brass Manufacturing Works. Hadley, Edwin Marshall, Manufacturer of SO East Jackson Boulevard, was born October 14, 1872, in Peoria, 111. Since 1906 he has been Vice-President, Secretary and Director of the Chicago-Cleveland Car Roofing Com- pany. He is also Secretary ajid Treasurer of the Pioneer Cast Steel Truck Company and the Sullivan Metallic Packing Company. Hadley, Thomas Grant, Singer and Educator of 64 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in New Providence, Iowa. In 1912 lie founded the Hadley School of Music, of which he is President. Haegele, William, Merchant of 1501 Fleet- wood Street. President of the Haegele Ice Company. Haertel, Ernest F., Clergyman of 2130 Cor- tez Street, was born May 16, 1970, in Cape Girardeau, Mo. He is Pastor of the Christ English Evangelical Lutheran Church; and Chairman of the Mission Board of the English District of the Lutheran Synod of Missouri. Hafer, Henry, Coal Dealer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born December 26, 1837, near Kassel, Germany. He is Senior Member of Henry Hafer and Son Coal Com- pany, operators of the New Ohio Mines at Carterville, 111. Haffenberg, Charles Baer, Attorney at-Law of 111 Wesl Monroe Street, was born June 21, 1377, in New York City. Since 1S98 he has practiced law in Cihcago. Haft, Charles Maltravis, Attorney at Law 168 IIIRUINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. ul! 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 24, 1871. Since L892 he has practiced law. la 1907 L5 he was Assistant Corporation Coun- sel in Chicago. Hagelthom, Thomas, Consulting Engineer of 202 South state Street, was born Dec. 20, L882, in Stockholm, .Sweden. He has been in- spector for the Bethlehem Steel Company; chief draftsman of the New Jersey Zinc Com party ; and chief designer with the Aetna Ex- plosives Company. He is new representing Hamilton ami llansell. Incorporated; the In- ternational Concrete Company of Sweden, and day a. ml Son, American exporters. Hagenah, William John, Public Utility Ex- perl of 38 South Dearborn Street, was horn Jan. 25, 1881, in Reedsburg, Wis. In 1910-11 he was Public Utility Kate Expert for the City of I Ihicago. Hagens, Garrett John, Gynecologist and Lecturer of 7207 South Halsted Street, was born January 19, 1869, in Pella, Iowa. He is Gynecologist and Obstetrician to the Engle- wood Hospital, and a Lecturer in the Nurses' Training School of that hospital. Hager, Samuel Mead, Oculist and Aurist of 25 Hast Washington Street, was born August 20, 1864, in Ansonia, Ohio. He is Professor of Ophthalmology in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine. Hagerty, Christian Dane, Journalist of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 24, Tn76, in Bennington, .Mich. Since 1899 he has been reporter and editor for the Associated Press. Haggard, John David, Manufacturer of 1109 West Thirty seventh Street, was born Dec. 4, 1847. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the manufacture of spring beds and mattresses, and is now President of the Haggard and Marcusson Company. Hagey, John Franklin, Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 11, 1876, in Ottawa, Canada. Since 1901 he has been iden- tified with the First National Bank of Chi- cago, and since 1914 has been Vice-President of the same. Haight, George Ives, Lawyer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born March 26, 1878, in Rockdale, Wis. In 1S99 he received the degree of B. L. from the University of Wisconsin; and 1902 the de- gree of LL. B. from North- western University. Since 1902 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now a member of the law firm of Eaight, Adcock, Haighl and Harris, lie is a. member of the Hamilton, <'ity ami Union League Clubs. Haigh, Joseph, General Contractor of 1 10 South Dearborn Street, was born April li, 1856, in England. He is President of the Joseph Haigh and Sons Company. Ex-Presi- dent of the Sons of St. George Society. Haight, William H., Attorney-at Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born March 9, 1881, in Rockdale, Wis. From 1907-11 he was At- torney for the South Side Elevated Railroad Company. He is now a member of the law firm of Haight, Adcock, Haight and Harris. Haines, John Allen, Banker of 21 North La- Salle Street, was born Jan., 1877, in Chicago, 111. In 1899 he graduated from Cornell Uni- versity. He is now Manager of the Chicago office of Kean, Taylor and Company, bankers, New York City. He is a Director of the Uni- versity Club, and a member of the Finance Committee of the Municipal Voters League. Haines, Walter Stanley, Toxicologist of 1748 West Harrison Street, was born Sept. 27, 1850, in Chicago, 111. Since 1873 he has been en- gaged in educational work. He is Professor of Chemistry, Materia Medica and Toxicology in Rush Medical College; and Professorial Lecturer on Toxicology in the University of Chicago. Hair, Benjamin Morton, Manufacturer am! Banker of 1750 North Ashland Boulevard, was born Jan. 14, 1848, in Cov- ington, Ky. In 1875-6 he was Assistant State Treas- urer of Illinois. He estab- lished the firm of Hair and Ridgway in 1877, and was engaged in the lumber busi- ness until 1901. Since 1905 he has been President of the Northwestern Yeast Company. He is also a Director of the Home Bank and Trust Company. Haiselden, Harry J., Surgeon of 741 Di- versey Parkway, was born March 16, 1870, in Piano, 111. In 1893 he graduated from the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. He is Sur- creon-in-Chief to the German American Hos- pital. Hajicek, Frank G., Banker of 3339 West Twenty-sixth Street, was born May 4, 1S74, in Bohemia. Since 1907 he has been engaged in the banking business. He is now President of the Lawndale National Bank; and Vice- President of the State National Bank. Hakanson, Alfred, Physician and Surgeon of 32 North State Street, was born May 12. 1866 in Geneseo, 111. Since 1891 he has prac- ticed medicine in Chicago; now Chief Laryn- gologist and Rhinologist to the Augustana Hospital. Halbach, J. Fred A., Contractor and Decor- ator of 1715 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 25, 1856, in Peru, Hid. He is Presi- dent of the Mitchel and Halbach Company. decorators and furnishers, established in 1885. Halbert, Homer Valmore, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born March 6, 1858, in Otsego, N. Y. Since 1898 he has been IIERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 169 Senior Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Hahnemann Medical College. Hale, Carlton Cheever, of 1404 West Thirty- seventh Street, was born in 1865, in Wiscon- sin. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Foster Munger Company; and the Chicago Millwork Supply Company. Hale, William Browne, Lawyer and Author of 14U South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 7, 1875, in Chicago. In 1901 he was admitted to the bar; and is now a member of the firm of Kelly, Hale, Dammann and Coolidge. He is the author of Private Corporations in Illi- nois. Hale, William Gardner, Philologist of 5749 Kimbark Avenue, was born Feb. 9, 1849, in Savannah, Ga. Since 1874 he has been en- gaged in educational work. He is now Pro- fessor and head of the Department of Latin in the University of Chicago; Associate Editor of the English Classical Quarterly; and a mem- ber of the Board of Editors of Classical Philology. Hales, Earl Crayton, Attomey-at-Law of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born December 30, 1871, in Henrietta, Ohio. Since 1903 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Attorney and Counsel for the Hales and Edwards Com- pany, the Northwestern Malt and Grain Com- pany, and other Corporations. Hales, George Willard, Grain Commission Merchant of 327 Sonth LaSalle Street, was born December 18, 1874, in Henrietta Town- ship, Ohio. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the grain commission business; and is now president of the Hales and Edwards Company, and the KasoTa Elevator Company. Haley, Patrick Columbus, Attomey-at-Law of 79 West Monroe Street, was born March 17, 1849, in Saranac, N. Y. Since 1871 he has practiced law. In 1891 he was Mayor of Joliet, 111., where he still resides. Hall, Adelaide S., Art Promoter of 31 West Seventy-second Street, was born in Westmore- land, N. Y. In 1888-97 she was founder and President of the Arche Club of Chicago. She is museum Instructor of the Art Institute of Chicago. Hall, Alfred Marvin, Oculist of 25 East Washington Street, was born May 12, 1862, in Northampton, Mass. Since 1S93 he has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago. He is now Professor of Otology in the Chicago Policlinic; and Oculist and Aurist of the Passavant Me- morial Hospital. Hall, Arthur Benedict, Peal Estate Dealer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born March 27, 1881, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Since 1902 he has been engaged in the real estate business; now a member of the firm of Hall a.nd Ellis. Ex-Secretary of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Hall, Dana Warren, Publisher of 2301 Prairie Avenue, was born in 1866, in Franklin County, Maine. In 1894 he entered the em- ploy of Ginn and Company, publishers, of which he is now directing partner. Hall, David F., Attorney-at-law and Cor- poration Official of 212 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 15, 1875, in Blenheim, Ontario, Canada. For the past twenty-three years he has been connected with, and is now Vice-President of The American Telephone and Telegraph Company of Illinois. Hall, Emery Stanford, Architect of 332 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 25, 1865, in Chatsworth, 111. Since 1897 he has prac- ticed architecture in Chicago. Ex-President of the Illinois Society of Architects. Hall, Frank H., Printer of 124 Polk Street, was born May 12, 1858, in Portsmouth, N. H. In 1890 he engaged in the printing business in Chicago, and is now Vice-President of the Rogers and Hall Printing Company. Hall, George Cleveland, Physician and Sur- geon of 3408 South Park Avenue, was born Feb. 22, 1864, in Ypsilanti, Mich. He is Sur- geon to the Provident Hospital, and Dean of the Provident Post Graduate Medical School. Hall, George F., Clergyman, Author and Business Man of 32 North Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 23, 1864, near Clarksville, Iowa. For seven years he preached in Bush Temple; and a number of years lectured throughout the Union; 1901 founded Hall City and Christian Colony, in De Soto County, Fla. Hall, George Washington, Physician of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 18, 1871, in Crawfordsville, Ind. He is Associate Professor of Medicine in Rush Medical Col- lege; Attending Neurologist to the Cook County and St. Luke's Hospitals; and Attend- ing Psychiatrist to the Chicago Psycopathic Hospital. Hall, Henry Clay, Attorney-at-Law of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 8, 1870, in Indiana. In 1897 he was admitted to the bar and has since practiced in Chicago. He is a member of the Board of Editors of t he Illinois Law Review; and a member of the Faculty of Northwestern University Law School. Hall, James Parker, Educator, of 1308 East Fifty-eighth Street, was born Nov. 30, 1871, in Frewsburg, N. Y. In 1897 he was admitted to the bar, and practiced law in Buffalo until 1900. He is now Professor of Law and Dean of the Law School in the University of Chi- cago. Hall, Jennie, Author of 4926 North Troy Street, was born Jan. 7, 1S75, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Since 1902 she has been a teacher in the Francis W. Parker School. She is the author of Story of Chicago, and other works. Hall, John Norris, Clergyman of 3246 George Street, was born February 16, 1857, in New Canaan, Conn. Since 1913 he has been Pastor of the Avondale Church of Chicago; and since 1905 a Trustee of the Garrett Bible Institute. Hall, Ora Loftin, Dramatic Critic of 15 170 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE POOK OP BIOGRAPHY. South Market Street, was bom July 4, 1877, in Putnam County, I ml. Since 1900 he has been engaged in Newspaper work; l!M>;;-5 Sun- day Editor of the Chicago Inter Ocean; and since L905, Dramatic Critic of the Chicago Journal. Hall, Richard Cartwright, Merchant of 317 West Men roc Street, was Lorn Oct. 19, 1858, in Boston, Mass. Since 1887 lie has been a member of the Duck Brand Company. In Puis he was President of the Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce. Hall, Ross Carlos, At tome vat-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 29, L866, in Rushville, 111. In 1897-8 he was a member of the General Assembly of Illinois. He is now Attorney for the Town of Cicero. Hall, William L., 1 'a lent Lawyer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 20, 1868, in Indiana. He is engaged in independent practice of patent, trade mark, copyright and corporation law. He is a member of the Ham- ilton Club, the Chicago Bar Association, the Patent Bar Association, and the Masonic Order. HalL Winfield Scott, Physician and author of 2431 Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 5, 1861, in Batavia, 111. Since 1895 he has been Pro- fessor of Physiology in Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School; and since 1903 a Lecturer on Dietetics at Mercy and Wesley Hospitals. Hallam, Julia Clark, Suffragist and Author of 6114 Ellis Avenue, was born Jan. 7, 1860, in Portage, Wis. In 1909-10 she was Presi- dent of the Iowa Equal Suffrage Society. She is the Author of The Relation of the Sexes from a Scientific Standpoint, and other works. Hallam, Wirt Willard, Welfare Worker of 58 West Washington Street, was born Decem- ber 23, 1866, in Indian ol a, Iowa. Since 1908 he has been Secretary and member of the Executive Commitee of the Illinois Viligance Association. Hallberg, Charles Edward, Marine Artist of 1114 North Parkside Avenue, was born Jan. 15, 1855, in Gothenburg, Sweden. He is rep- resented in many cities of America, and in Sweden. I'ii 1914 he was awarded Mrs. Julius Rosenwald's prize in Chicago. Hallberg, Lawrence Gustave, Architect of 116 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 27, 1887, in Chicago. In 1913 he became a partner with his father in the firm of L. G. Hallberg and Company, architects, and has continued as head of the firm since his father's death in 1915. Hallbom, Gustaf Wilhelm, Banker of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born April 16, 1865, in Sweden. In 1905 he organized and is now Vice President and Director of the Union Bank of < 'Imago. Halle, Robert J., Publisher of 64 West Ran- dolph Street, was born April 29, 1864, in Lon- don, England. For twenty-six years he was Secretary of the National Retail Liquor Deal- ers Association of America. He is a member of the Masonic Order, the Elks, the Knights of Pythias, Order of Eagles, and the Manu- facturers and Dealers and Illinois Athletic Clubs. Hallett, Thomas E., Manufacturer of 327 South LaSalle 'Street, was born Sept. 21, 1863, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Hal- lett Iron Works. Halliwell, Ashleigh C, Editor and Publisher, of 815 Exchange Avenue, was born Nov. 11, 1861, in St. Louis, Mo. He is principal owner and publisher of the Shorthorn World and Farm Magazine, and Treasurer of the Halli- well and Patton Company, publishers of the Agrimotor. Hallsted, James Cottle, Civil Engineer of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 22, 1859, in Waterloo, N. Y. Since 1900 he has been a member of the firm of, Robert W. Hunt and Company; and is also a member of the Bureau of Inspection, Tests and Consulta- tion of Chicago. Halpert, Joseph D., Physician of 1659 West Polk Street, was born May 18, 1885, in St. Paul, Minn. He is engaged in the general practice of medicine in Chicago. Halsey, John J., Educator of Lake Forest, 111., was born Nov. 23, 1S48, in Louisville, Ky. From 1875-8 he was a Reporter for the Chica- go Tribune; 1878-80 Editorial Writer for the Inter Ocean; and since 1878 he has been a Pro- fessor in the Lake Forest College. From 1893-6 he was an Alderman of the City of Lake Forest; 1896-7 Acting President of the Lake Forest College; 1898-1901 President of the Library Board; and 1903-7 Chairman of the Board of Education. Halstead, Albert Edward, Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born April 21, 1868, in Ontario, Canada. He is Professor of Surgery in the School of Medicine of the Uni- versity of Illinois; and Senior Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago. During the Great War he served as Lieutenant Colonel with the American Expeditionary Forces, France. Hamburger, Walter Wile, Physician of 101 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 10, 1881, in Chicago, 111. He is an Attending Phy- sician to the Cook County Hospital, and Asso- ciate Professor of Medicine in Rush Medical College. During the Great War, he served as Major in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Hamer, Otto, Attorney-at-Law of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 13, 1883, in Bloomfountain, South Africa. In 1910 he was admitted to the bar in Chicago, and has since practiced law. Hamill, Alfred Ernest, Commercial Paper Broker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 16, 1884, in Chicago, 111. Since 1909 he has been connected with Hathaway, Smith, HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 171 Folds and Company, of which he was made a partner in 1915. Hamill, Ernest Alfred, Banker, of 137 South LaSalle Street; was born July 1, 1851 in Bloomington, Ind. Since 1889 he has been a banker. lie is now President of the Corn Exchange National Bank; Vice-President Elgin National Watch company; Director Northern Trust Company; Treasurer Chica- go Board of Trade; Vice- President of the Board of Trustees of Rush Medical College. He is a member of Commercial, Bankers, Chicago, Cliff Dwellers, Union League and Onwentsia clubs, Chicago, and The Players Club of New York. Hamill, Charles Humphrey, Attorney at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born March 20, 1868, in Chicago, 111. In 1905-9 lie was Attorney for the Insurance Department of Illinois. He is now a member of the law firm of Rosenthal, Hamill and Wormser. Hamilton, Alice, Bacteriologist, of 6212 Champlain Avenue, was born Feb. 27, 1869, in New York City. Since 1910 she has been investigating hygiene of lead trades for the United States Department of Labor. Hamilton, Edgar Lockwood, Merchant of 340 Dearborn Avenue. Since 1904 he has been President of the Pilcher-Hamilton Company, wholesale paper merchants. Hamilton, Isaac Miller, President of Federal Life Insurance Company, 166 North Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 6, 1864, in Ash Grove, 111. From 1896-1900 he was State Senator of Illinois; and 1898-1900 President of the National Republican League. Since 1900 he has been President an 1 a Direc- tor of tlie Federal Life In- surance Company. He is a member of the Illinois Athletic Club, the Chicago Yacht Club the Hamilton Club, and the Union League Club. Hamilton, Robert John Creaser, Physician of 723 Belmont Avenue, was born Sept. 2:'., 1865, in Chrysostome, Quebec, Canada. In 1893 he received the degree of M. D. from the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, and for one year took post-graduate work at the Chicago Policlinic. Since 1893 he has practiced in Chicago, and is now Professor of Laryngology in the Chicago College of Medi- cine and Surgery. He is a member of the American, Illinois State and Chicago Medical Societies. Hamilton, Rolland Jerome, of 820 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1879, in Illinois. Since 1905 he has been associated with the American Radiator Company, of which he is now Secretary. Hamlin, Frank, Lawyer and Jurist of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 26, 1862, in Bangor, Me. Since 1888 he has been engaged in the practice of law in Chicago and is now a member of the firm of Hamlin and Topliff; and Master-in-Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. Hamlin, Hairy Fleming, Attorney at-Law of 79 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 9, 1884, in Canton, 111. Since 1906 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. In 1914 he was a Rep- resentative in the Illinois Legislature. Hamm, Edward Fred, Printer of 430 South Market Street, was born Oct. 8, 1866, in Bur- lington, Iowa. Since 1906 he has been Presi- dent of the Blakely Printing Company; and is also President of the Traffic Service Bureau. Hammond, Charles Hammond, Architect of 64 East Van Buren Street, was born Aug. 8, 1882, in Crown Point, N. Y. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Chatten and Hammond, architects. Ex-President of the Chicago Architectural Club, and Illinois Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. In 1918 he was commissioned Major in the Air Service Aeronautics and in 1919 was Honorably dis- charged. Hammond, Eleanor Prescott, Author of 1357 East/ Fifty-seventh Street, was born April 26, 1866, in Worcester, Mass. In 1898-1904 she was Docent in English in the University of Chicago. She is the author of Chaucer: A Bibliographical Manual. Hammond, Herbert, Investment Dealer of 139 North Clark Street, was born in 1854, in Tipton, Iowa. In 1883-8 he was President of the First National Bank of Tipton. Hanberg, John Jorgen, Real Estate Dealer of 9028 Escanab a Avenue, was born Jan. 29, 1858, in Schleswig-IIolstein, Germany. Since 1877 he has resided in Chicago. In 1894-8 he was town col- lector of Hyde Park; 1900-2 President of the County Board of Cook County; 1902 elected County Treasurer of Cook county; and 1907-10 Commissioner of Public Works in Chicago. Hanchett, Louis James, Merchant of 219 North LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 10, 1852, in Beloit, Wis. In 1874 he engaged in the paper business; 1890 incorporated the Han- chett Paper Company, of which he was Presi- dent. Since 1914 he has been head of the firm of R. S. Hanchett and Company. Hancock, Joseph Lane, Physician and Au- thor of 5454 University Avenue, was born April 12, 1804, in Chicago, 111. In 188S he graduated from Northwestern University Medical College. He has contributed to scien- tific journals, especially on Entomology, and is known as world authority on the Tettigidae. Hancock, Raymond G., Real Estate Dealer 172 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. and Builder of 35 Ninth Dearborn Street, was born April 17, L879. He is head of the firm of I.'. 4, in Jefferson, Ohio. Since 1885 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Professor of Ophthalmology in the Post Graduate Medical Shcool. Hawley, Fred Vermillia, Clergyman of 4232 North Hermitage Avneue, was born Nov. 2, 1862, in Bath, Mich. He is Associate Editor of Unity; and Pastor of the Unity Church. In 1906-1916 he was President of the Illinois conference of Unitarian Churches. Hawley, Joseph Roy, Physician of 7 West Madison Street, was born Sept. 9, 1871, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1893 he has practiced medi- cine in Chicago, and was formerly Professor in the Chicago Clinical School. Hawxhurst, James Martindale, Manufactur- er of 311 South Wabash Avenue, was born March 16, 1858, in Warwick, N. Y. In 1879 he entered the employ of the Smith Piano Company, of New York, becoming General Manager of its branch houses at Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and Milwaukee in 1886, and since 1905 Vice-President and Director. Hawxhurst, Ralph R., Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 24, 1887, in Chicago. In 1907-1909 he was Mana- ger of the Illinois Law Review. He is now Professor of Municipal Court Practice in Northwestern University Law School; and a member of the legal firm of Eastman, White and Hawxhurst. Hayden, Austin Albert, Physician and Sur- geon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Oct. 15, 1881, in Shullsburg, Wis. He is senior surgeon of the department of Otology and Laryngology in St. Joseph's Hospital; and Consulting Surgeon to the Culver Military Academy. Hayden, Daniel B., Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 12, 1879, in Symerton, 111. He is Instructor of Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat in Rush Medical College; and Otologist to the Presbyterian HERRINGSHAW 's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 179 Hospital. He is a contributor to medical jour- nals. Hayden, Harvey S., Lumber Dealer of SO East Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 25, 1850. In 1906 he organized and has since been President of the Hayden Weseott Lumber Company. Hayes, Doremus Almy, Educator of 620 Fos- ter Street, Evanston, was born May 17, 1S63, in Kusselville, Ohio. Since 1901 fie has been Professor of New Testament Interpretation in the Graduate School of Theology, Evanston, 111.; and since 1906 Librarian of Garrett Bib- lical Institute. Hayes, Francis Little, Clergyman of 5-115 University Avenue, was born Jan. 5, 1858, in New Hampshire. He was formerly Pastor of the California Avenue Congregational Church. He is now Western Secretary of the Congre- gational Boards of Ministerial Belief and Annuities. Hayes, Frank Ambrose, Hotel Proprietor of 6421 University Avenue, was born Dec. 7, 1883, in Chicago. He is a member of Hayes Brothers, proprietors of Hotel Hayes; and is President of the F. and II. Creamery Company. Hayes, Howard Wood, Lawyer and Jurist, w as born Oct. 3 0, 1878, in Steubenville, Ohio. In 1901 he was admitted to the bar; 1903-7 a member of the law firm of Duun and Hayes; and 1907-11 As- sistant Corporation Counsel for the City of Chicago. Since 1916 he has been As- sociate Justice of the Mu- nicipal Court of Chicago. He is a member of the Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations, and the Hamilton, University and Union League Clubs. Hayes, John, Hotel Proprietor of 6421 Uni- versity Avenue, was born June 21, 1862, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1910 he has been a member of Hayes Brothers, proprietors of Hotel Hayes; and is Director of the Winder- mere Press. Hayes, Will Linton, Manufacturer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born June 21, 1862, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1916 he has been Manager of the wire mills in the Chicago dis- trict of the American Steel and Wire Company. Hayes, William F., Capitalist of 208 South LaSalle Street. He is head of the firm of W. F. Hayes and Company, railway supplies; Di- rector of the Hibernian Banking Association and the Spaulding Lumber Company; and Vice-President and Director of the Lake View Trust and Savings Bank. Hayford, John Fillmore, Civil Engineer and Author of 574 Ingleside Park, Evanston, 111., was born May 19, 186S, in Rouse's Point, N. Y. Since 1909 he has been Director of the College of Engineering of Northwestern University. He is the Author of Geodetic Astronomy, and other works. Haynie, William Duff, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South L. i Sal le Street, wsa born Aug. 16, " 1850, in Salem, 111. In 1874 he graduated from Harvard College; and 1876 from Illi- nois Wesleyan University. In 1894 he came to Chicago and entered the law depart- ment of the Illinois Steel Company, of which he was formerly a director. He is a member of the Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. Hays, Arthur Alexander, Theologist of 7 Chalmers Place, was born June 23, 1875, in Washington, Pa. Since 1914 he has been Pro- fessor of Ecclesiastical History in the Mc- Cormick Theological Seminary. Hays, Clyde T., of 122 South Michigan Ave- nue, was born April 15, 1879, in Afton, Iowa. Since 1902 he has been associated with the Beatrice Creamery Company, of which he is now Treasurer. Hays, Dudley, Educator of 1641 Estes Ave- nue. Director of the School Extension, Board of Education of Chicago. Haywood, Frank S., Corporation Official, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. He is Secretary and Director of Swift and Company, packers; President of the Security Mutual Casualty Company; Treasurer of the Illinois Cold Stor- age Company; and director in various corpora- tions. Hayward, Ralph B., Engineer and Contract- or of 849 West Ohio Street, was born Sept. 10, 1874, in Lewiston, N. Y. He is President and Treasurer of the R. B. Hayward Company. Hazen, Irwin R., Lawyer of 69 West Wash ington Street, was born July 29, 1869, on a farm in Beaver County, Pa. He was formerly an Alderman from the Thirty-third Ward. Now senior member of the law firm of Hazen, Penwell and Peifer. Healy, Daniel Milton, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born June 10, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Since 1900 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Caswell and Healy. Healy, Frank Edward, of 312 West Madison Street, was born March 18, 1S76, in Chicago, HI. In 1898 he organized and has since been President of the Illinois Electric Company. Healy, James J., Bond and Insurance Broker of 30 North Dearborn Street, was born March 6, ]84<), in Cincinnati, Ohio. He served in the Civil War in the One-hundred and thirty-sec- ond Illinois Volunteer Infantry. In 1869 he w:is Drillmaster for the Chicago Police; and in 1S75-1905 Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court of Cook County. He is engaged in the broker- age business, representing the National Sure- ty Company. In 1913 he was appointed a ISO TTERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. member of the Board of the Chicago Public Library. Heaiy, John J., A_ttorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Str.eet, was born Oct. 28, 1865, in Chi- cago, 111. In L904 8 lie was State's Attorney of Cook County. Ee is now a member of the law firm of Chytraus, Eealy and Frost. Healy, Paul J., Piano Merchant of 200 South Wabash Avenue, was liorn in 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since nineteen years of age lie has been associated with Lyon and Healy, of which he is new President. Healy, William, Psychologist and Author, was born Jan. 20, L869, in Buckinghamshire, England. Since 1903 he lias been Instructor and Associate Professor of nervous and mental diseases in the Chicago Policlinic, and since 1909 Director in the Psychopathic Institute of the Juvenile Court of Chicago. He is the Au- thor of Case Studies of Mentally and Morally Abnormal Types, and other works. Heaney, Noble Sproat, Physician and Edu- cator of iu+ South Michigan Avenue, was born in Mendon, 111. Since 1910 he has been As- sistant Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Rush Medical College; and is Associate Ob- stetrician and Gynecologist to the Presby- terian Hospital. Heap, Arnold, Lawyer and Jurist of 139 N orth Clark S treet, was born Jan. 30, 1852, in Hyde, England. In 1873 he received the degree of A.B. from Amherst College, and in 1876 the degree of LL.B. from the Union Col- lege of Law of Chicago. He was elected Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago for the term 1906-12 and 1914-20. He is a member of the Masonic order, and the Hamilton and Gnosis Clubs. Heath, Charles Andrews, Seed Merchant of 2750 West Thirty-fifth Street, was born Dec. 24, L860, in Stockbridge, Mass. Since 1882 he has been in the employ of the Albert Dickin- son Company, of which he is now Department Manager, lie is Trustee and Treasurer of the First Presbyterian Church; Trustee of the Chicago Academy of Sciences; and Trustee of the McCormick Theological Seminary. Heath, Ernest W., Manufacturer of 1833 Se- ward Street, was born dan. 21, 1858, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1874 he entered the employ of the Heath and Milligan Manufacturing Com- pany, paints and colors manufacturers, and since 1 894 has been General Manager. Heath, Jacob Shrimpton, Manufacturer, West Ontario and Franklin Streets, was born dan. ::, 1868, in Redditch, England. In 1895 he founded and has since been President of the Heath-Johnson Company, manufacturers of ornamental and bronze work. Heath, William Ames, Banker of 79 West Monroe Street, was born dune 29, 1S62, in Sul- livan County, Ind. He was formerly Chairman of the Live Stock Exchange National Bank, lie is now Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Re- serve Bank of Chicago. Hebard, Frank H., of (123 South Winchester Avenue, was born in February, 1868, in Wood- stock, 111. He is President of Hebard 's Stor- age Warehouses. Hebard, Frederic Schiller, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born March 8, 1857, in New York. Since 189+ he has been associ- ated with the Hibernian Bank, of which he is now Cashier. Hebel, Oscar, Attorney-at-Law of 64 West Rando lph Street, was born Jan. 6, 1868, in St. Louis, Mo. He was admit- ted to the bar in 1891. From 1895-7 he was Assist- ant City Prosecuting Attor- ney; 1901 Prosecuting At- torney, and an Election Commissioner; and 1904-10 a member of the Board of Assessors of Cook County. He is now engaged in the general practice of his profession. Hechinger, Conrad Ernest, Contractor of 180 North Dearborn Street, was born May 20, 1855, in Wheeling, 111. In 1888-1913 he was President of the Union Show Case Company; in 1913 established C. E. Hechinger and Com- pany, manufacturers' agents and general con- tractors, of which he is President. Hecht, Frank Abner, Manufacturer of 500 South Throop Street, was born Aug. 10, 1858, in Fond du Lac, Wis. From 1881-93 he was a partner in the firm of Charles Kaestner and Company, manufacturers of machinery; now Kaestner and Company, of which he is Presi- dent. He is also Vice-President and Director of the Market Trust and Savings Bank; Di- rector of the Cicero State Bank, and Imperial Brass Manufacturing Company, Chicago; and a director in other corporations. Heck, Simon, Banker of 6000 South Halsted Street, was born July 29, 1874, in Holland. In 1914 he organized the United States Bank of Chicago, of which he is now President. Heckard, Martin Otis, Physician of 5416 Wayne Avenue, was born in Fulton County, 111. In 1894-8 he was Professor of Physiology in Northwestern Dental College. He is now Reg- istrar of Vital Statistics of the Department of Health in the City of Chicago. Heckman, Wallace, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born May 22, 1851, in Moscow Mills, Ohio. Since 1903 he has been Counsel and Business Manager of the Univer- sity of Chicago; and a member of the operat- ing board of the Chicago Surface Lines. In 1904-5 he was President of the Union League Club. Hecox, Charles L., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 10, 1862, in Ionia, Mich. Since 1911 he has been Manager HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 181 of the Ohio Farmers' Insurance Company, Chi- cago; and since 1914 a partner in the firm of Guy A. Richards and Company. Hedenberg, James W., Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born in Kirk- wood, Mo. Ex-President of the Cook County Real Estate Board. Hedger, Caroline, Physician, Welfare Work- er and Author of 29 East Madison Street, was born in Ohio. She is Medical Director of the Child Welfare Division of the Council of Na- tional Defense. She is the Author of Tuber- culosis in the Stock Y«ards; The Relation of Infant Mortality to Long Hours of Work for Women; and various other works. Hedges, Albert Parker, Physician, Surgeon and Professor of 1124 Wilson Avenue, was born June 6, 1863, in Chatham, Canada West. In 1902-04 he was Professor of Obstetrics in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. Hedges, Samuel Parker, Physician of 816 Montrose Boulevard, was born July 23, 1841, in New York. In 1886 he was President of the Illinois State Homeopathic Society. Hedges, William, Educator, was born Feb. 22, 1872, in Macon County, 111. Since 1902 he has been Principal of the Jackson School. Hedrich, Theodore L., Coal Merchant of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 15, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is a partner in Otto H. Hedrich and Company. Heed, Thomas D., Manager of Estates, and Corporation Official of 68 West Monroe Street, was born March 19, 1875, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1914 he has been Manager of the Estate of H. H. Porter. He is Vice-President of the Nevada Land Company, the Judson Mining Company, and other corporations. Hefferan, William S., Lawyer and Jurist of 155 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 13, 1865, in Chicago, 111. Since 1886 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago; and in 1896-8 was Mas- ter in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Heggie, Frank M., Commission Merchant of 208 North Wells Street, was born Nov. 1, 1863, in Chicago, 111. He was Vice-President of the Lepman and Heggie Company, wholesale but- ter and eggs. Since 1915 he has been Presi- dent and Treasurer of the F. M. Heggie Com- pany. Heidhues, Eberhard, Importer of 223 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 6, 1862, at Cologne, Germany. Since 1916 he has been President of E. Heidhues and Company deal- ers in ladies' gloves. Heidkamp, Emil M., Optician and Banker of 11 West Randolph Street, was born Jan. 25, 1865, in Port Washington, Wis. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Watry and Heidkamp; and President of the Bowmanville National Bank. In 1911-12 he was President of the Illinois State Society of Optometrists. , Heilman, Ralph Emerson, Economist, Edu- cator and Author of 1505 Maple Avenue, Evan- ston, 111., was born April 15, 1886, in Ida Grove, Iowa. Since 1916 he has been Profes- sor of Economics and Social Science in North- western University. He is the Author of Chi- cago Traction; and numerous articles on pub- lic utilities. Heidler, Frank Joseph, Lumber Dealer of 2449 South Ashland Avenue, was born March 8, 1874, in Bohemia. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is now President of the Fink-Heidler Company. Heidman, George, Attorney-at-Law of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 1, 1871, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1895 he has prac- ticed law, specializing in patent law. He is a member of the law firm of Heidman and Street. Heineck, Aime Paul, Surgeon of 32 North State Street, was born March 10, 1870, in Bor- deaux, France. Since 1896 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Professor of Surgery in the College of Medicine and Surgery. Heinsheimer, Edward Richard, Manufactur- er of 234 South Market Street, was 'born in 1873, in Glenwood, Iowa. Since 1903 he_ has been President of the Shoninger-Hehisheinier Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of cloaks and suits. Heintz, Edward Louis, Physician of 596S West Chica go Av enue, was born April 27, 1874, " in Rolla, Mo. In 1901 he received the degree of M. D. from the College of Med- icine, University of Illinois. He is Secretary and one of the founders of the Univer- sity Hospital, and Attend- ing Physician to the same. In 1913 he was President of the Alumni Association of the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois. Heinze, Victor, Pianist and Teacher of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 16, 1865, in Ober-Glogau, Germany. Since 1915 he has been Director of the Master School of Ar- tistic Piano-playing in Chicago; and Dean of the Musical Department of Ferry Hall in the Lake Forest University. Heinzen, Carl, Manufacturer of 305 South LaSalle Street. First Vice-President of Al- bert Schwill and Company, malt dealers. Heissler, Jacob Frank, Merchant of 301 West Thirty-ninth Street, was born April 21, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1901 he has been President, Treasurer and a Director of the Heissler and Junge Company, wholesale bak- erv. Heitman, Fred P., Mortgage Banker of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 8, 1884, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Cashier of the Royal Trust Bank. Since 1913 he has been President of the Heitman Bond and Mortgage Company. Hektoen, Ludvig, Pathologist of 637 South 182 ITERRINGSTIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Wood Street, was bom in 1863, in Wisconsin. He is a Director of the John MeCormick Insti- tute for Infectious Diseases, and Professor of Pathology in the University of Chicago; and Editor of the Journal of Infectious Diseases. Held, William, Physician and Surgeon of 25 Last Washington Street, was born July L5. 1 S 7 1 , in Austria. lie is ProfeSSOI Of Mental and Nervous Diseases in Jenner .Medical Col- lege; and Professor of Epilepsy in the Illinois Post Graduate College. He was the originator- of the new serum treatment for epilepsy. Heldman, Julius N., Attorney at -Law of 103 South LaSalle street, was born Oct. 22, L866, in Schweinfurt, Germany. Since L892 he has practiced his profession in Chicago, making a specialty of commercial law. Heldman, Max I., Attorney-at-Law of 40 South Clinton Street, was born Aug. 4, 187 s ., in Germany. He is President of the Electric Rotary Machine Company, and a director in several other corporations. Helmer, Bessie Bradwell, Editor, Publisher and Lawyer of 32 North Dearborn Street, was born Oct". 20, 1858, in Chicago. Since 1907 she has been Chief Editor and President of the Legal News; and since 1905 Editor of Kurd's Revised Statutes of Illinois. For two years sin was President of the Association of the Collegiate Alumnae. Helmer, Frank Ambrose, Attorney-at-Law of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born April 8, lsr>J, near Cuba, N. Y. Since 1881 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now senior member of the law firm of Helmer, Moulton, Whitman and Whitman. Helmerich, Walter H., Manufacturer of 719 Fulton Street, was born Nov. 30, 1866, in St. Louis, Mo. He is proprietor of W. H. Hel- merich and Company, art glass manufacturers. First Vice-President of the International Art Glass Manufacturers of United States and Can- ada. Helstein, Meyer, Wholesale Merchant of 838 Fulton Street, was born Nov. 24, 1861, in Bal- timore, Md. He is proprietor of John Powell and Company, wholesale meats; Treasurer of S. A. Smith Company, and the Berger Furni- ture Company. Hemington, Francis, Organist of 838 North Boulevard, Oak Park, Til., was born Aug. 22, 1866, in London, England. Since 1898 he has been Organist in the Church of the Epiphany; and since 1910 Organist at Zion Temple, Chi i ago. He is a Director of the Oak Park School Of Music. Henderson, Carl, Manufacturer, Fourteenth ami Robey Streets. A T iee-President of the Miehle Printing Press and Manufacturing Company. Henderson, Elias H., Attorney-at-Law of 203 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 5, 1883, in Warren, Ohio. He graduated from Stearns Academy in 1901; the United States Naval Academy in 1906; the University of Chicago in L909; and from the University of Chicago Law School in 1910. He is Editor of the Federal Legislative Bulletin Service, In- corporated. Henderson, Frank Bignell, Corporation Ofii- cial of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 2, L863, in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1900 he opened a branch for the Manhattan Rubber Manufacturing Company at Chicago and has since continued as Manager; and since 1908 has been Vice President of the Elkhart Brass Manufael aring Company. Henderson, Howard, Lawyer of 4109 Grand Boulevard, was born May 15, 1847, in Chicago, 111. Ex President anil a life member of the Chicago Bar Association. Henderson, Theodore P., Manufacturer of 1900 West Nineteenth Street, was bom Dee. 20, 1881, in New Bright on, S. I., N. Y. Since 1901 he has been identified with the Chicago Union Lime Works Company as Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Manager, and since 1907 has been President. Hendry, Alexander, General Contractor and Builder of 320 West Grand Avenue, was born Feb. 14, 1855, in London, Ontario, Canada. In 1880-96 he was associated with the Campbell Brothers Manufacturing Company. Since 1896 he has been engaged in the contracting busi- ness on his own account. He is a member of the Canadian Club, and the Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce. Residence, 4731 Beacon Street. Henion, Wakeman Burr, Wholesale Mer- chant of 221 North Jefferson Street, was born in New York. In 1902 he incorporated, and ha? since been President of the Henion and Hub- bell Company, Incorporated, dealers in pumps and mill supplies. Henius, Max, Chemist of 1135 Fullerton Av- enue, was born June 16, 1859, in Denmark. He is President of the Wah! -Henius Institute. Since 1916 he has been President of the Board of the Chicago Public Library. Henneberry, George F., Printer and Binder of 455 West Twenty-second Street, was born .Inly I, 1880, in Chicago, 111. Since leaving college in 1902 he has been associated with The Eenneberry Company, and is now Vice- President. Henneberry, William P., Printer and Book- lender of 455 West Twenty-second Street, was hom March 14, 1848, in Chi- cago, III. In 1865 he en- tered the bookbinding busi- ness, and in 1871 estab- lished the fiim of Donohue and Henneberry. He or- ganized the Henneberry Company in 1901, and has since been President. He is a member of several clubs ami otiier organizations. Henning, Frederick William, Manufacturer of 120(1 West Pi\ ision Street, was born Oct. 4, IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 183 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1871 he has been engaged in the pickle and vinegar business, and is now owner of the F. W. Henning Com- pany, manufacturers and packers of pickles. Henriksen, H. M., of 350 North Clark Street, was born July 27, 1884, at Southerland Falls, Vt. He is Secretary of the John R. Thompson Company; and a Director of the Illinois State Bank. Henry, Eugene John, Traffic Manager of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born June 20, I860, in Penang, East India. Since 1888 he has been in the employ of the Lehigh Valley Transpor- tation and Railroad Companies, and is now Western Traffic Manager of the Lehigh Val- ley Railroad Company. Henry, James H., Educator, was born April 27, 1861, in Harrison, Ohio. In 1885-91 he was County Superintendent of Schools of Morgan County, Ind.; 1893-99 Superintendent of Schools of Warsaw, Ind. He is now Principal of the Gallisted Grammar School, Chicago. Henry, John A., Attorney-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born May 29, 1848, in Sid- ney, Ohio. In 1879-82 he was City Attorney for Indianapolis, Ind.; 1891-2 County Attor- ney of Cook County. He is now engaged in the general practice of his profession. Henry, Robert Llewellyn, Oil Operator of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 22, 1844, in Frankfort, Ky. Since 1869 he has been engaged in the oil and lumber business. He is now President of the Henry Oil Com- pany, and the Henry Gas Company. Henschen, Henry Samuel, Banker of 135 West Washington Street, was born July 29, 1873, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is Vice-President and Cashier of the State Bank of Chicago. In 1913 he was President. Henshaw, Frank A., Real Estate Dealer of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 5, 1846, in Cambridge, Mass. He was formerly Vice-President of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Hepburn, Henry, Clergyman of 4301 Sheri- dan Road, was born Nov. 3, 1872, in Hopkins, Mo. He is Pastor of Buena Memorial Presby- terian Church; and a member of the Synods Committee of Christian Education. Hepburn, Jared C, Surgeon of 1059 West Garfield Boulevard, was born Dec. 22, 1863, in St. John, N. B. He is Attending Surgeon to St. Bernard Hospital; Ex-President of the Stock Yards Medical Society; and a member of the American Medical Association, and Illinois Medical Society. Heppe, John Henry, Wholesale Merchant of 216 North State Street, was born Jan. 18, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1884 he has been a member of the firm of Froehling and Heppe, wholesale meat dealers. Herbst, Robert Henry, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born Dec. 25, 1877, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1903 he has practiced medi- cine in Chicago. He is now a member of the Faculty of Rush Medical College and the Chi- cago Polyclinic. Herendeen, Charles, Flour Miller and Mer- chant of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 11, 1859, in Richmond, Ontario, Canada. He is President of the Charles Herendeen Mill- ing Company; President of C. Herendeen an J Company, Limited, Liverpool, England; ami Vice-President of the Herendeen Flour Com- pany, Limited, Toronto, Canada. Herhold, Frederick H, Manufacturer of 666 North Green Street, was born June 7, 1859, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Herhold Chair Company. Herman, Karl Irwin, Manufacturer of 111 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 2, 1878, in Toledo, Ohio. He was formerly Pres- ident and Treasurer of the K. I. Herman Company. He is now Secretary and General Manager of the Mid-West Box Company, Chi- cago. Heron, Presley Mortimer, Merchant of 422 South Canal Street, was born Aug. 12, 1864, in Chicago. Since 1903 he has been President of The Sanitary Feather Company. Herr, Hiero Benjamin, Consulting Engineer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 12, 1842, in Lancaster County, Pa. In 1894 he was President of the Western Society of Engineers. Herren, Samuel C, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born Feb. 14, 1865, in Waynesville, N. C. He was Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel of the City of Chicago under Mayors Dunne and Harrison. He is at present engaged in private practice of his profession. Herrick, Charles Judson, Educator of 6023 University Avenue, was born Oct. 6, 1868, in Minneapolis, Minn. He is Professor of Neurol- ogy in the University of Chicago; and Man- aging Editor of the Journal of Comparative Neurology. Herrick, Horace N., Educator, was born Aug. 24, 1862, in Lewis County, Ky. He was for- merly Professor of Greek and Latin in Eure- ka College. He is now Principal of the Drum- mond Grammar School; and Principal of the Waller Evening School. Herrick, James Bryan, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born 1861, in Oak Park, 111. Since 1900 he has been Pro- fessor Medicine in Rush Medical College; and since 1903 a member of the Board of Managers of Lewis Institute. Herrick, Robert, Author and Edueatoi, was born April 26, 1868, in Cambridge, Mass. Since 1905 he has been Professor of English in the University of Chicago, lie is the author of A Life for a Life; One Woman's Life; His Great Adventure, and numerous other works. Herrick, Walter Dwight, Attorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born March 22, 1877, in Oak Park, HI. Since 1902 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Pearson and Herrick. 184 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Herrick, Willis S., Underwriter of 175 Weal Jackson Boulevard. He is a member of the firm of Herrick and Auerbach; member of the linn of Herrick, Auerbach and Vastine; Presi- denl of the Avenue stair Bank, Oak Park. He is Treasurer of the V. M. C. A. College, Chi- cago and I. :ikc Geneva. Hershneld, Alexander Sandor, Physician of 25 Easl Washington Street, was born May 111, L881, in Odessa, Russia. lie is President of the medical stoff of the Marks Nathan Jewish Orphans' Home. Hertel, John A., Publisher of 9 South Clin- ton stn-ct, was born Feb. 17, 1864, in Van Wert, Ohio. Sin.-e 1904 lie lias been Presi- dent nf The John A. Hertel Company, pub- lishers of educational and religious liter- ature. Hertel, Paul, Physician and Surgeon of 715 West North Avenue, was born Oct. 17, 1878, in Germany. In 1915-6 he was Assistant Sur- geon to the Norwegian Deaconess Hospital. He is a member of the American Medical Association, and the Chicago Medical So- ciety. Hertz, John, Business Man of 1006 South Wabash Avenue. He is Vice-President and General .Manager of the Shaw Livery Com- pany and Yellow Cab Company. Hertz, Henry Lamartine, Accountant of 30 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 19, 1847, in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 1884-92 he was Coroner of Cook County, and State Treasurer of Illinois. He is now President of the United States Audit Company, public accountants. Hertzberg, Hans Rudolph Reinhart, Jour- nalist and Author of 1421 North Clark Street, was born July 1, 1S71, in San Antonio, Texas. Sime 1914 lie has been a contributor to lit- erature and journalistic publications. He is the Author of Lyrics of Love, and other works. Herzog, Maxmilian Joseph, Physician and Educator of 25 East Washington Street, was born Sept. 17, 1858, in Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany. For seven years he was Professor of Pathology in the Chicago Policlinic; and from 1903-6 Pathologist in the Bureau of Science of the Government of the Philip- pine Islands, at Manila. He is now Dean and Professor of Pathology in the Medical De- partment of Lovola University. Hess, Frederick A., Physician of 1433 Bell Plaine Avenue, was burn May 22, 1851, in Ber- gen, Norway. Since 1873 he has practiced medicine in Chicago; and has been Visiting Physician to the County Hospital; and Physi- cian to the Women's Christian Temperance and Tabitha Hospitals. He is a member of the Chicago Medical Society; ami the State Medical and American Medical Associations. Hess, George Henry, Manufacturer of 5 Ninth LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 19, 1863, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Since 1907 he has been President of the Hess Warming and Ventilating Company. He is the inventor of the Hess Grain Drier. Hess, H. McClellan, Naprapathic Physician of 14 Fast Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 21, 1871, near Williamspoi't, Pa. He was as- sociate founder of the Chicago College of Nap- rapathy; and in 1908-1912 was Secretary, Manager and Instructor in that institution. He is President of the American Naprapathic Association. Hess, J. L., Real Estate Dealer of 109 North Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 30, 1881, in Lancaster, Pa. He is a member of the South Shore Country and Hamilton Clubs, and the Pennsylvania Society. Hess, Julius H., Physician of 5514 Indiana Avenue, was born Jan. 26, 1876, in Ottawa, 111. He is Professor of the Diseases of Children in the University of Illinois; Chief to the Chil- dren's Department of the Cook County Hos- pital; and Attending Physician to the Chil- dren's Department of Michael Reese and En- gl e wood Hospitals. Hess, Samuel S., Merchant of 312 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 30, 1880, in Marshalltown, Iowa. He is a member of the firm of Meyer, Hess and Company, wholesale men 's furnishings. Hessert, Gustav, Publisher of 536 South Clark Street, was born July 1, 1867, in Ger- many. Since 1911 he has been Treasurer of the Rand MeNally Company. Hessert, William, Surgeon of 547 Fullerton Parkway, was born March 11, 1871, in Chi- cago. He is Attending Surgeon to Alexian Brothers Hospital and St. Joseph's Hospital; and Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Poli- clinic. Hettler, Herman, Henry, Lumberman of 2601 Elston Avenue, was born June 17, 1862, in Allen County, Ind. Since 1878 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is now President of the Herman H. Hettler Lumber Company, wholesale and retail lumber. Hetzler, Howard George, Railway President, the Dearborn Station, was born April 19, 1863, in La Moille, 111. In 1886- 1905 he was associated with the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad; and 1905- 10 President of the Metro- politan West Side Elevated Railway Company. He is now President of the Chi- cago and Western Indiana Railway Company; and an officer and director in other corporations. Heurtley, Arthur, Banker of 50 South La- Salle Street, was born Dec. 30, 1860, in Bos- ton, Muss. In 18S9 he entered the service of the Northern Trust Company, of which he is now Secretary. Hevesh, Joseph, Rabbi of 3652 Broadway, was born Oct. 31, 1880, in Szinyer, Hungary. He was formerly Superintendent of the Co- HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 185 lumbia Eeligious School for Jewish Girls, New York City; and is now Eabbi of the Con- gregation Anshe Ernes of Chicago. Hewett, Ashley Myron, Dentist of 108 North State Street, was born Dec. 9, 1872, in Pe- oria, 111. 'Since 1892 he has practiced dentis- try iu Chicago, and has been a Professor in the Dental Department of the University of Illinois. Hewitt, John, Retired Manufacturer of 5902 Kenmore Avenue, was born Oct. 23, 1811, in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. In 1892 he purchased and had controlling interest in the iVliehle Printing Press and Manufacturing Company, of which he was President and Treasurer until 1910, when he was retired. Hewitt, William F., Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Evanston, 111. He was formerly Resident Physician at the Presbyterian Hospital. He is now Instructor in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Rush Medical College; Attending Obstetrician to the Out- Patient Obstetrical Department, Presbyterian Hospital; and a member of the Obstetrical Staff of the Washington Park Hospital. Hexter, Stephen, Merchant of 36 South State Street, was born Oct. 15, 1872, in Germany. He is President of The Public Drug Company; Vice-President and Treasurer of Buck and Rayner; and Secretary of the Red Book Cor- poration. Heym, Albrechit B. T., Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 4, 1862, in Leipzig, Germany. Since 1898 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is now Professor and head of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery; Attending Neurologist to Alex- ian Brothers' Hospital, St. Mary's of Naza- reth Hospital and the Frances Willard Hospi- tal; and Consulting Neurologist to the Cook County Hospital. Heyman, Harry H., Wholesale Merchant of 17 South Wabash Avenue, was born 1880, in Germany. In 1902 he organized and has since been President of the Harry H. Heyman Com- pany, wholesale millinery. Heyworth, James Ormerod, Engineer and Contractor of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 12, 1866, iu Chicago, 111. In 18S8 he re- served the degree of A. B. from Yale College. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the engineering and con- tracting business, special- izing in railroad and river and harbor work. He is a member of the University, Oalumet and Ontwentsia Clubs. Heyworth Lawrence, Real Estate Dealer of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 11. 1870, in Chicago, 111. iSince 1900 he has been engaged in the real estate business. During the Great War he served as Captain in the American Red Cross, American Expedition- ary Forces, France. He is now Lieutenant Colonel in the Illinois Reserve Militia. Hibbard Angus Smith, Consulting Engineer of 212 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 7, 1860, in Milwaukee, Wis. In 1883- 93 he was General Superintendent of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company; and 1911 Vice-President and General Manager of the Chicago Telephone Company. He is now a consulting engineer. Hibbard, Frank, Merchant of 303 North State Street, was born July 10, 1873, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1893 he entered the employ of Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett and Company, wholesale hardware merchants, of which he is now First Vice-President. Hibbard John Denison, contractor of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1S64, in Chicago, 111. In 1902-9 he was President of the John Davis Company. He is now Presi- dent of the Davis Construction Company. Hibbard, William Gold, Jr., Merchant of 303 North State Street, was born March 30, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is a Director and Treas- urer of Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett and Com- pany; and a Director of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. Hicks, Ernest Hamlin, Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born July 10, 1867, in Jones County, Iowa. Since 1888 he has practiced law. He is now a member of the law firm of Bates, Hicks and Folonie. Hicks, George I., Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 28, 1866, in Kankakee, 111. For the past several years he has been Village Attorney of Glencoe, 111. Hickson, William James, Psychopathologist, was born Jan. 21, 1874, in New York. Since 1915 he has been Psychopathologist in the Psychopathic Laboratory of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Higbee, William Emmett, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 22, 1863, in Pike County, 111. Since 1903 he has been Vice-President of the firm of Fred S. James and Company. Higbie, Fred K., Merchant of 209 South La- Salle Street, was born Dec. 16, 1865, in Fair- port, N. Y. Prior to 1903 he was engaged in various mercantile pursuits. In 1903 he engaged in the beef and pork packer 's supply busi- ness as Fred K. Higbie and Company. He is now Pres- ident of the American Meat Packers Supply Company; and an officer in other cor- porations. Higgins, John, Merchant, Harvard and Ho- man Avenues, was born May 14, 1873, in Liverpool, England. He is Secretary of Sears, Roebuck and Company. 186 HERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Higgins, John Wilfred, Railway Official of 608 Smith Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 12, I siit, in Newport, R. I. Since 1915 he has been Chairman of the General Managers' As- sociation of Chicago; and is also Executive Secretary of the Association of Western Rail- u a vs. Higgins, Wilbur, Underwriter of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Oct. 27, 1860, in Miami County, Ohio. Since l'.iOS he has been Manager of the First National Bank Building Agency of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee. Higgins, William Victor, Artist, was born June 28, L884, in Shelbyville, End. He has exhibited in the leading art centers of the United States, and awarded various medals anil prizes, lie is Secretary of the Chicago Society of Artists, Higginson, George, Jr., Investment Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 3, 1864, in Stoekbridge, Mass. In 1900-2 he was Vice-President of the Metropolitan West Side Elevated Railway Company. He is now connected with Stone and Webster, invest- ment securities. High, Fred, Editor, Publisher and Lecturer of 64 Bast Van Buren Street, was born Nov. 29, 1st;;, in Westernport, Md. Since 1911 he has been Editor and Publisher of The Plat- form. High, George Henry, Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born May 15, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1S88 he has been engaged in the real estate business. He is head of the firm of George H. High and Com- pany, ieal estate, loans and renting. High, Shirley Tredway, Attorney-at-Law of ::", North Dearborn Street, was born March 20, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has been in practice. During the Spanish-American War he was Major of the First Regiment Infantry, Illinois National Guard. Higley, Charles Wellington, Insurance Man- ager of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March IS, 1866, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He is General Manager of the Hanover Fire Insurance Company of New York; Director of the Lakeview Trust and Savings Bank; ami the National Produce Bank; and an offi- cer and director in other banks in the North- west, where he conducts farming interests. He is a member of the Mid-Day, Union League, and Chicago Athletic Clubs, and Minneapolis Club. Hilborn, Julius, Paint Manufacturer of 125 North Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 4, 1879. lie is a partner in the firm of Denny, Hillborn and Rosenbach, Philadelphia and Chicago, and Director of the American Cutlery Company, ( Chicago. Hill, Alonzo H., Banker of 3324 Lawrence Avenue, was born Dec. 15, 1857, in Chicago, III. For twenty five years previous to enter- ing the banking business he was a builder and real estate dealer in Chicago. He is now President of the Hill State Bank, Chicago, resources one million dollars. Hill, Armina, Physician of 2822 Washington Boulevard, was born Nov. 28, 1871, in Zanes- ville, Ohio. She is a member of the Medical staff of the Mary Thompson Hospital. HilL Charles, Physician and Surgeon of 6301 Cottage Grove Avenue, was born Jan. 27, 1862. Since 1908 he has been Professor of Histology and Embryology in the Chicago Veterinary College. Hill, Cicero Demerit, Civil Engineer, City Hall, was born Oct. 22, 1857, in Milwaukee, Wis. He was Chief Engineer of the Bureau of Sewers for the City of Chicago. He is now Engineer of the Board of Local Improvements for the City of Chicago. Hill, David K., Real Estate Broker of 350 North Clark Street, was born March 5, 1843, in Exeter, Maine. He was formerly a mem- ber of the firm of Willoughby, Hill and Com- pany. He is now engaged in the real estate business for himself. Hill, Edgar Preston, Clergyman of 3 Chal- mers Place, was born July 27, 1861, in Pon- tiac, 111. Since 1906 he has been Professor of Homiletics and Applied Christianity in the McCormick Theological 'Seminary; and since 1907 Superintendent of the Church Extension Board of the Presbytery of Chicago. Hill, Forest, Banker of 3324 Lawrence Ave- nue, was born May 4, 1884, in Chicago. He is Vice-President of the Hill State Bank. Hill, Frederick A., Real Estate Dealer of 5640 West Lake Street, was born Feb. 24, 1862, in Chicago. He is 1 engaged in the bank stock, investment and real estate business in Austin and Oak Park; and is a Director of the Standard Trust and Savings Bank, Chi- cago. Hill, George Mortimer, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born Oct. 10, 1871, in Racine, Wis. Since 1897 he has practiced medicine, and is Professor of Medicine in Hahnemann Medical College. Hill, John, Jr., of 234 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 23, 1856, in Peru, 111. In 1892 he was a Director of the Board of Trade; and Chairman of the Bucket Shop Committee. Since 1905 he has been President of Hill's National Reporting Company. Hill, John Wilson, Attorney-at-Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 9, 1857, in Ottawa, 111. He has been practicing law in Chicago since 1891; and in 1904, 1905- 7 was a member of the Illinois Legislature from the Sixth District of Illinois. He is now a member of the law firm of Hill and Hill. Hill, Lloyd W., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 23,1885, in Plymouth, Ind. He was formerly Manager of the Travelers Insurance Company at Provi- HERRINGSHAW 's CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 187 denee, R. I. He is now engaged in the insur- ance business for himself in Chicago. Hill, Roy Wilson, Lawyer of 53 West Jack- son Boulevard, was born Jan. 12, 1881, in Frankfort, Mich. Since 1905 he has been a member of the firm of Hill and Hill, patent, trade-mark and corporation law. He is as- sociate member of the American Institution of Electrical Engineers. Hill, Russell Day, Real Estate Dealer of 112 West Adams Street, was born 1869, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the real estate and investment business un- der the firm name of R. D. Hill and Company. Hill, Thomas C., Educator, was born Sept. 30, 1859, in Tolono, 111. Since 1885 he has been Principal of the Curtis High School, now changed to the Fenger High School; and is also Principal of the George Williams Curtis Elementary School. Hill, William Chester, Coal Merchant of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Dee. 5, 1868, in Chester, 111. He is Vice-President of the Chicago and Carterville Coal Company. In 1904-05 he was President of the Chicago Coal Exchange. Hill, William Hogarth, Manufacturer of 816 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 4, 1867, in Vassar, Mich. Since 1891 he has been identified with the manufacture of radiators; and is now Vice-President of the American Radiator Company. Hill, William Wallace, Investment Bank- er of 105 'South LaSalle Street, was born April 5, 1866, in Louisville, Ky. In 1904-08 he was Western Representative of Plympton, Gardiner and Company, New York bankers; and since 1914 has -been Vice-President of McCoy and Company, Chicago. Hilie, Hermann, Scientist and Author of 316 North KeKnilworth Avenue, Oak Park, 111. was born June 7, 1871, in Moelln, Germany. He is the Author of Facts of Modern Science and Their Value in the Prevention and Cure of Disease; The Attitude of Soul; and other works. Hiller, Jacob A., of 1515 West Monroe Street, was born in 1876, in Wayne County, 111. Since 1909 he has been Secretary of the West Side Department of the Young Men 's Chris- tian Association in Chicago. Hillman, Edward, Merchant of 20 North State Street, was born in 1862. He was for- merly General Manager of the Boston Store. He is now President of Hillman 's. Hills, Charles Wilfoid, Patent Lawyer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 23, 1860, in Ottawa, 111. He has practiced patent, trade mark, copyright and corporation law ex- clusively since 1897; and in 1907-1910 was Pro- fessor of Patent Law in the Illinois College of Law. Hills, Jay Curdy, Merchant of 1353 Wa- bash Avenue, was born Aug. 2, 1S72, in Sara- nac, Mich. Since 1893 he has been identified with the furniture business. He is Presi- dent of the Peck and Hills Furniture Com- pany. Hills, Robert Eleazer, Manufacturer of 153 West Kinzie Street, was bom Feb. 27, 1846, in Fredonia, N. Y. In 1898 he organized, and has since been President of the Hills Mc- Canna Company, steam specialties. Hilton, Henry Hoyt, Publisher of 3301 Prairie Avenue, was born April 17, 1868, in Cambridge, Mass. Since 1890 he has been in the service of Ginn and Company, publish- ers, and is now a member of the firm. He is also a Director of the Chicago Savings and Trust Company. Himes, Isadore H., Lawyer and Jurist of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born June 21, 1861, in Chicago, 111. In 1887 he received the degrees of of LL. B. and LL. M. from Columbian University. For nine years he was assistant to the Probate Judge of Cook County, Assistant City Attorney, and Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County; and in 1900-12 was Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Hinckley, Don H., Physician and Surgeon of 3904 Cottage Grove Avenue, was born in 1878, in Italy. He is Professor of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine; and Clinician of the Post-Graduate School Staff,- Fort Dearborn Hospital. Hinckley, Francis Edward, Lawyer of 139 North Clark Street, was born May 20, 1882, in Chicago, 111. In 1912-15 he was Assistant States Attorney. Hinckley, Otis W., Water Merchant of 420 West Ontario Street. President of Hinckley and Schmidt, Incorporated. Hinckley, William B., Real Estate Dealer of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 6, 1867, in Galesburg, 111. Since 1892 he has been asso- ciated with the American Real Estate Com- pany of New York, and is now President. Hinde, Thomas W., Broker of 208 South La- Sallet Street, was born April 5, 1S57, in Bath County, Ky. He is President of the Frank- fort Distilling Company, Frankfort, Ky. Hindman, Biscoe, Real Estate Dealer, of 30 North LaSalle Street. For many years he was General Manager iof 'the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York for Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia; later Pro- fessor of Mathematics in Kentucky Military Insti- tute, ami Louisviile High School. He was also Colonel, First Kentucky infantry; Park Commissioner, Louisville, Ky.: and Com- 188 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. mander-in-Chief of the United Sons of Con- federate Veterans. He is owner of Ravens- wood Highlands, northwest side, Chicago. Hiner, Joseph Watson, Lawyer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 12, 1854, in Pond 'In Lac, Wis. For four years he was a member of the Fond du Lac Board of Educa- tion, and one year a member of the Board of Supervisors of Fond du Lac County. Hines, Edward, Lumber Merchant of 2431 South Linco ln st reet, was born July 3.1, 1863, in Buffalo, N. Y. He is President of the Edward Hines Lumber Company and the Virginia and Rainy Lake Company; and is a Director of the Continental and Commercial National Bank, and an officer in nu- merous other lumber cor- porations. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic and South Shore Country Clubs. Hingeley, Joseph Beaumont, Clergyman of 58 Easl Washington Street, was born Jan. 26, 1856, in Carmichaels, Pa. In 1908-12 he was Editor of the Journal of General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is now Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Conference Claimants. Hingston, James West, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 27, 1858, in Toronto, Canada. Since 1898 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is now Surgeon to the Lake Side Hospital. Hinkley, James Otis, Banker and Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born July 16, 1S59, in Westfield, N. Y. In 1910-13 he was a member of the firm of Harris, Winthrop and Company. Hinshaw, Virgil Goodman, Prohibition work- er, of 326 West Madison Street, was born Jan. 15, 1876, in Woolson, Iowa. Since 1912 lir has been Chairman of the National Com- mittee of the Prohibition Party. Hinton, Edward Wilcox, Lawyer and Edu- cator of l-i'l East Fifty-sixth Street, was born Nov. 29, 1868, in Rocheport, Boone Coun- ty, Mo. Since 1913 he has been Professor of Law in the University of Chicago. He is Editor of Hinton 's Cases on Code Pleading, and other works. Hirsch, A. A., Physician and iSurgeon of 2301 Taylor Street, was born Nov. 2, 1891, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1914 he graduated from Bennett Medical College; and was an interne at Rhodes Avenue Hospital. He is Attending Physician to the Emmanuel Manuel Free Dispensary. Hirsch, Adolphe, Merchant of 159 North State Street, was born in 1850, in Paris, France. He is President of the wholesale jewelry firm of A. Hirsch and Company. Hirsch, Alfred, Merchant of 206 West Illi- nois Street, was born in December, 1878, in St. Joseph, Mo. He is President of the Hirsch Brothers Company, bakers supplies. Hirsch, Emil Gustav, Rabbi of 3612 Grand Boulevard, was born May 22, 1852, in Lux- emburg. Since 1880 he has been Rabbi of the Sinai Congregation; and since 1892 Pro- fessor of Rabbinical Literature and Philoso- phy in the University of Chicago. In 1888-97 he was President of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Public Library. Hirsch, Joseph, Manufacturer of 1300 Ful- ton Street, was born Oct. 15, 1853, in Ger- many. Since 1880 he has been associated with the Schultz and Hirsch Company, manufac- turers of feathers, of which he is now Presi- dent. Hirschberg, Abram, Clergyman of 2636 Lake View Avenue, was born Aug. 10, 1876, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1898 he has been Rabbi of the North Chicago Hebrew Congre- gation. Hirst, John William, Manufacturer of 4626 North Paulina Street, was born March 28, 1862, in Woonsocket, R. I. Since 1882 he has been identified with the oil business, and is now President of the Hirst and Begley Linseed Company. Hitch, Rufus McClain, Educator of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 4, 1852, in Beverly, 111. Since 1892 he has been a prin- cipal and superintendent of schools, and is now Superintendent in charge of District Number 2, including thirty grade schools and the Lake View and Senn High Schools. Hitchcock, Albert Harvey, Publisher of 508 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 1, 1856, in Troy, N. Y. Since 1875 he has been en- gaged in editorial work; and is now Vice- President of the Office Appliance Company, publishers of Office Appliances. Hitchcock, Alvirus Nelson, Mission Secre- tary, 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 16, 1854, in Mount Pleasant, Wis. Since 1892 he has been Secretary of the American Board of Foreign Missions. Hitchcock, Howard Horace, Banker of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. 10, 1858, in Lee Center, 111. Since 1875 he has been identified with the banking business, and is now Vice-President of the First National Bank. Hixon, George Cooley, Lumberman of 104 South Michigan Boulevard, was born March 6, 1871, in LaCrosse, Wis. He was formerly Vice- President of the Sumter Lumber Company; President of the C. B. Moore Lumber Com- pany; and an officer and director in many other corporations. Hoag, George F., Bridge Builder of 1725 East Fifty-third Street, is Vice-President of the Continental Bridge Company. Hoag, Junius Clarkson, Physician of 4669 Lake Park Avenue, was born Feb. 6, 1858, in Evanston, 111. Since 1887 he has practiced HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 189 medicine in Chicago. Ex-President of the Chicago Medical Society. Hoag, William Jesse, Commission Merchant, Union Stock Yards, was born June 17, 1852, in New York. Since 1873 he has been en- gaged in the live stock commission business, and is now President of McCausland, Hoag and Yaughan. Hoagland, Frank G., Underwriter of 79 "West Monroe Street, was born March 5, 1866, in Sturgis, Mich. He is President of the Amicable Accident Association. Hoagland, William K., Investment Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born July 25, 1884, in Penn, 111. He is Vice-President of Allenton, Greene and King; and a Director of the Acme White Lead and Color Works. Hoban, Edward Francis, Clergyman of 30 East Superior Street, was born June 27, 1878, in Chicago, 111. Since 1909 he has been Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Hobart, Ralph Hastings, Underwriter of 209 South LSalle Street, was born April 28, 1874, in Madison, Wis. Since 1901 he has been associated with the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company; and since 1911 has been General Agent of the company. Hobbs, Franklyn, Statistician and Business Economist of 136 South LaSalle Street, was born May 1, 1870, in Crawfordsville, Iowa. He is proprietor of Franklyn Hobbs and Com- pany, bank statisticians, and Tressler Long and Company, bank advertising. He has lec- tured on business economics before clubs and chambers of commerce in various cities. Hobbs, Glenn M., Educator of 6023 Harper Avenue, was born in 1870, in Yorkville, 111., From 1892-1909 he was an Instructor in the University of Chicago. He is now Secretary and Educational Director in the American School of Correspondence. Hobbs, Lillian R., Physician of 4035 In- diana Avenue, was born July 11, 1865, in Eng- land. In 1904 she graduated from Hahnemann Medical College, and has since practiced in Chicago. Hobson, Benjamin Lewis, Clergyman of 1 Chalmers Place, was born July 31, 1859, in Lexington, Mo. Since 1893 he has been a Pro- fessor in the McCormick Theological Semi- nary. Hobson, Richmond Pearson, Congressman, Lecturer and Author of Evanston, 111., was born Aug. 17, 1870, in Greensboro, Ala. In 1902 he was superintendent of naval construc- tion at the Crescent Shipyard, Elizabeth, N. J., resigning from the navy in 1903. In 1904 he was Presidential-elector-at-large from Ala- bama, and 1907-15 a member of the Sixtieth to Sixty-third Congresses from the Sixth Ala- bama District. He is the Author of A Study of the Situation and Outlook in Europe; The Disappearing Gun Afloat; America Must Be Mistress of the Seas; and various other works. Hobson, Sarah Matilda, Physician and Edi- tor of 22 East Washington St., was born Sept. 25, 1861, in Island Pond, Vt. In 1904- 10 she was Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics in the Hahnemann Medical College; and since 1905 has been Consulting Physician to the Chicago Home for the Friendless. In 1912 she was President of the Chicago Homeo- pathic Medical Society. Hochschild, Benjamin F., Merchant of 126 West Lake Street, was born July 17, 1875, in Harvard, 111. He is President and General Manager of the Hochschild-Walker Corpora- tion, bottle manufacturers and jobbers and im- porters of druggists sundries. He is a mem- ber of the Illinois Athletic Club, is a Thirty- second Degree Mason, and Shriner. Hochschild, Louis, Merchant of 201 East, Ohio Street, was born Sept. 24, 1S74, in Harvard, 111. He was one of the founders and Secretary and Treasurer of the Western Bot- tle Manufacturing Company. Since 1906 he has been President of Hochschild Kelter Com- pany, druggists' sundries. Hock, Joseph, Manufacturer of 133 West Washington Street. President of the Wiscon- sin Lime and Cement Company. Hodges, Walter Edward, Railway Official of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born July 23, 1860, in Fall River, Mass. Since 1896 he lias been in the service of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, of which he is now Vice-President. Hodgkins, Edward W., Dealer in Railway Supplies, 20 West Jackson Boulevard. Presi- dent of Hodgkins and Company, Incorporated. Hodgkins, Jefferson, Contractor of 133 Wesl Washington Street, was born Oct. 27, 1S43, in Lemoine, Me. For several years he was su- perintendent of the Chicago Dredging ami Dock Company. He is now President of the Brownell Improvement Company. Hodgkins, William Lewis, Contractor of 133 West Washington Street, was born May 15, 1875, in Chicago. Since 1897 he has been associated with the Brownell Improvement Company, contractors for public improve- ments, and is now Vice-President. Hoefeld, Albert, Merchant of 42 North Dearborn Street, was born June 13, 1865, in Hanover, Germany. President of Albert Hoe- feld. men's furnishings, operating six stores. Hoelscher, Herman M., Manufacturer ami Merchant, was born Feb. 10, L862, in Elmhurst, 111. He is a partner in the firm of Hoelscher Brothers, plumbing and heating supplies, 1301- 11 West Division Street, lie is also a Director of the Chicago Athletic Association; ami is proprietor of Belleview Farm, Wauconda, Til. Hoelscher, Julius Henry, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was horn March 13, 1864. in Elmhurst, 111. He has been Attend- ing Physician to Alexian Brothers, German and Columbus Hospitals. His practice is lim- ited to internal medicine, lie is a member of the Chicago Medical, Illinois Medical, 190 HEBRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE DOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Am. ri. an Medical Associations; the Physi- cians Club; and a Fellow of the [nstitute of Medicine; and has written several medical ar- ticles. Residence, 625 Addison Street. Hoerr, Charles F., Hanker of 1225 North Ashland Avenue, was born Jan. 30, 1869, in Chicago, JU. Jn L905-1I he was Cashier of the West Side Trust and Savings Hank. He is now President of the Home Hank and Trust Company. In 1915-16 he was Presi- dent of the Chicago Association of Credit Men. Hoey, Michael Henry, Attorney at-Law of t;;| South Deal horn Street, was born Feb. 5, L859, in Dexter, Mich. Since 1SS8 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now Presi- dent and Counsel for the Globe Mutual Life" 1 nsurance Association. Hoffman, Arthur C, Attorney at Law- of 30 North LaSalle street, was bom Feb. 15, 1867. He is attorney for several corporations, and engaged in private practice. He is a mem- ber id' the Hamilton Club, the Ouilmette Coun- try Club, the Illinois Athletic Club, the Order of Knights of Pythias, the North American Union, and the Royal League. Hoffman, George, Underwriter and Editor of 111 West Monore Street, was born Aug. 26, ls7.">, in St. Clair, Pa. In 1898-1905 he was Editor of The People, issued as a weekly pa- per in Philadelphia. Since 1916 he has been General Manager of the Gennania Life Insur- ance Company. Hoffman, Jacob S., Merchant of 219 North Franklin Street, was,born Sept. 7, 1883, in Chicago. Jn 1912 he organized the ,7. S. Hoff- man Company, of which he is President and Treasurer. Hoffman, John Raymond, Physician of 31 North State Street, was bor nJune 18, 1865, in Ottawa, III. Since 1897 he has practiced med- icine in Chicago; and is now Secretary and Professor of Ophthalmology in the Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College. Hoffman, Louis George, Oculist and Aurist of :;n North Michigan Avenue, was born Manh 21, 1887, in Davenport, Iowa. He is Attending Surgeon to the Illinois Charitable I've and Far Infirmary and Chief Oculist of the Chicago and Alton Railroad. Hoffman, Peter Michael, Coroner of Cook County, was born March 23, 1863, in Des- plaines, Township of Maine, Cook County, HI. In 1898- 1904 he was a member of the Board of County Com- missioners of Cook County; and for two years was Pres- ident of the Hoard of Trus- tees of the Village of Des- plaines. He is now Coro- ner of Cook County; and Chairman of the Board of Education of Maine Schools. Hoffman, William Albert, Business Official of 77 West Lake Street, was born July 4, 1851, in Hopkinton, Mass. Since the organ- ization of the Trumbull Safe and Vault Com- pany in 1898, he has been Secretary of the company. Hoffmann, Frank F., Physician of 3117 Lo- gan Boulevard, was born Aug. 18, 1878, in Chi- cago. In 1915-16 he was President of the Northwest Branch of the Chicago Medical So- ciety. He is Director of the Logan Square Trust and Savings Hank. Hoffmann, Frederick D., Electric Railway Official of K>."> South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 25, L880, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1907 he has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Chicago City Railway Company; and is also Secretary and Assistant Treasurer of the Chicago Surface Lines. Hoffstadt, John P., Physician and Surgeon of 2.1 Fast Washington Street, was born March 29, 1886, in Chicago, 111. He is Professor of the Diseases of Children in the Illinois Post- Graduate and Training School for Nurses; Professor of Obstetrics in the Lake View Hospital Nurses School; Staff Physician to Lake View Hospital; and Attending Physi- cian to Infanlts Welfare Station, Numbed three. He is a member of the City, County, and State Medical Associations. Hofheimer, Zachariah, Attorney-at-Law, 139 N. Clark Street, was born April 22, 1852, in Williamsburg, Va. Since 1874 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and in 1908-13 was As- sistant. State's Attorney. Hogan, George Francis, Manufacturer of 319 West Ohio Street, was born June 10, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Hogan Envelope Company of Chicago. Hogan, George R., Manufacturer and In- ventor of 217 North Desplaines Street, was born July 24, 1881, in Elmhurst, 111. In 1896 entered the employ of Mcintosh Battery and Optical Company; served in various capaci- ties and became President in 1917. He is also President of the Ultima Physical Appliance Company. He is the inventor and patentee of the Hogan Silent Rontgen Transformer X-Ray Apparatus. Hogan, Thomas S., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 31, 1862, in Chicago. Since 1886 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago. He is now senior mem- ber of the law linn of Hogan and Hogan. Hogfeldt, Otto, Clergyman and Editor of 361 Oak Street, was born Aug. 10, 1861, in Dalsland, Sweden. Since 1889 he has been Editor of the Missions-Wannen, Mission Friend; and is President of the Mission Friend Publishing Company. Hogg, David, Hotel Proprietor of 58 East Oak Street, was born April 23, 1842, in Scot- laud. In 1902-10 he was Vice-President of Hannah and Hogg. He is now Vice-President and Treasurer of the Hotel Brevoort. Hoggins, John, Real Estate Dealer of 58 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 191 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 8, 1852, in Kingston, N. Y. In 1880 he entered the real estate office of William D. Kerfoot and Company, and was admitted as a part- ner in 1915. Hogue, Eugene, Real Instate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1859, in Edgar County, 111. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the real estate business. Holabird, William, Architect of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 11, 1854, in Amenia Union, N. Y. Since 1875 he has been a resident in Chicago; and since 1880 engaged in the practice of architecture. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Holabird and Roche, architects of the Old Coloney, Monadnock, Marquette, Fort Sheridan Military Post, City Hall, Cook County Court House; and other build- ings. Holabird, William S, Manufacturer of 2335 West Van Buren Street, was born in 1866, in Winsted, Conn. For twenty years he has been President of the Holabird Company, manufac- turers of advertising novelties. Holbrook, Florence, Educator of 451 Oak- wood Boulevard, was born in Peru, 111. Since 1S89 she has been Principal of the Forestville School, Chicago. Holbrook, Francis Day, Manufacturer of 358 West Grand Avenue, was born Sept. 21, 1868, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1897 he has been associated with the Union Drop Forge Com- pany, of which he is now Vice-President. Holbrook, William Gibson, Manufacturer of 358 West Grand Avenue, was born July 12, 1867, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1897 he has been President and Treasurer of the Union Drop Forge Company. Holden, Charles Revell, Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 9, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is now a member of the law firm of Kraus, Holden and Law- less, and Vice-President and Counsel of the Union Trust Company. Holden Hale V., Railway official of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 11, 1869, in Kansas City, Mo. In 1914-8 he was President of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad; now Regional Director of the Central Western Region, United States Railroad Administration, and is an officer in other corporations. Holden, Joseph SewelL Manufacturer of 76D Wes-t Adams Street, was born June 15, 1862, in Chicago. 111. Since 1897 he has been Sec- retary and Treasurer of the Middleby-Mar- shall Oven Manufacturing Company. Holden, Perry Greeley, Educator of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 14, 1865, in Dodge County, Minn. From 1902-12 he was Professor of Agronomy and Vice-Dean of the Department of Agriculture in the Iowa State College; and since 1912 head of the Agri- cultural Extension Department of the Inter- national Harvester Company of America. Holden, Walter Simpson,' Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born March 19, 1865, in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Rush and Holden, and Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Holden, William Hiram, Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Htreet, was born June 7, 1843, in Chicago. Since 1866 he has practiced law and for twenty-one years was Treasurer of the Chicago Law Institute. Holdom, Jesse, Lawyer and Jurist of 30 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 23, 1851, in England. In 1898-1906 he was Judge of the Supreme Court of Cook County. He is now Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook Coun- ty and a Justice of the Appellate Court. In 1900-1 he was President of the Illinois State Bar Association. Holgate, Thomas Franklin, Educator of 617 Library Street, Evanston, 111., was born April 8, 1859, in Canada. He is Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the College of Lib- eral Arts in Northwestern University, and President of that institution. Holinger, Arnold, Real Estate Dealer of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born July 20, 1849, in Liestal, Switzerland. Since 1892 he has been Consul for Switzerland in Chicago; and is head of the firm of A. Holinger and Com- pany. Holinger, Jacques, Physician and Surgeon of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born in 1865, in Switzerland. Since 1892 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Surgeon of the Ear, Nose and Throat at Alexian Brothers Hospital, the Grant Hospital, St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Elizabeth Hospital and the Cook County Hos- pital. Holland, Harry. Chemist and Drug Broker of 337 West Madison Street, was born Sept. 5, 1867, in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1891-1908 lie was manager of the Chicago Office of Stall man-Fulton Company of New York, ami has since been engaged in business for himself. Holland, William Ernast, Physician and Sui pi'«n nf :t0 North Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 3, 1866, in Notting- ham, England. In 1887 he received the degree of Ph. G. from the Illinois Stale University; and 1S97 the degree of M. D. from the Illinois Medical College. Since 1S97 he has prael iced medicine ami sur- gery in Chicago. He is Surgeon to I he Mary Thompson Hospital, and 192 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Professor of Gynecology in the Illinois Med- ical College. Holland, E. Stanley, Contractor of 37 West Van Buren Street, Vice-President of the Bates and Rogers Construction Company. Holland, John Everett, Attorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born May 7, L862, in Earrison County, Ohio. Since 1893 he Iims practiced Law, and is now a member of Hie firm of Bolland and Butterworth. Hollandsworth, George Henry, Manufac- turer of 58 East Washington Street, was born July 29, L863, in Canton, 111. Since 1911 he has been President of the OKI Reliable Motor Truck Company of Chicago; and is also Vice- President of the Frank Porter Lumber Com- pany; and a director in other corporations. Hoilett, Rhoderick Peregrine, Lawyer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 12, 1856, in Ontario County, N. Y. In 1899-1909 he was Attorney of the Board of South Park Commissioners. He is now a member of the firm of Hoilett, Sauter and Hoilett. Hollingshead, Leslie Carroll Cooper of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in Keokuk, Iowa. He is Vice-President of J. P. Hollings- head and Company; and Secretary and Treas- urer i«t' the Converse Cooperage Company; and the Atlas Hoop Corporation. Hollis, Henry Leonard, Consulting Mining Engineer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 17, 1866, in Boston, Mass. Since 1SS9 he has been engaged in engineering work. He is now Consulting Engineer to the National Mines Company; and is President of the Cubo Mining and Milling Company. Hollis, William Dennard, Paper Manufac- turer of 732 West Lake Street, was born Aug. 1!», is.K), in Elkhart County, Ind. Since 1909 he has been President of Hollis and Duncan. Hollister, William Cornelius, of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born Apri 12, 1861, in Omro, Wis. He is President of the Chicago Lino Tablor Company; a Director of the Bank of Commerce and Savings; and Vice-President of the Mid West Motor Corporation. Holloway, Edward Morton, Public Official, the Federal Building, was born May 30, 1861, in Centerville, Ind. Since 1891 he has been Clerk of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Holloway, Edwin George, Manufacturer of 106 East Austin Avenue, was born Jan. 14, 1869, in Dorsetshire, England. Since 1914 he has been President and General Manager of dames S. Kirk and Company, soap manufac- turers; and is a Director of the American Soap ( 'oinpanv. Holloway, Glenn H., Lumberman of 111. West Washington Street, was born Aug. 19, 1886, in Lebanon, Ind. He is a partner in the Ft lev Holloway Company, manufacturers of hardwood lumber. He is a member of the Eamilton Club, and the University Club, Ev- anston. Holly, William H., Attorney-at-Law of 76 West, Monroe Street, was born Sept. 19, L869, in Belle t'on te, Pa. lie was formerly Assistant States Attorney of Cook county, and as such prosecuted cases against the officers of the defunct LaSalle Street Trust and Savings Bank. He is a member of the City Club; Chi- cago and Illinois Bar Association; a member of the Council of Northwestern University Settlement; Chicago Single Tax Club, and a Mason and Knight Templar. Holmboe, Anton Theodore Harris, Surgeon and Educator of 2303 Milwaukee Avenue, was born Jan. 1, 1857, in Norway. He is Pro- fessor of Surgery in Bennett Medical College, and Consulting Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital. Holmes, Bayard, Surgeon of 30 North Michi- gan Avenue, was born July 29, 1852, in North Hero, Vt. Since 1886 he has practiced his pro- fession in Chicago; and in 1892-1908 was sen- ior Professor of Surgery in the Medical De- partment of the University of Illinois. Holmes, Elias Burton, Travel-Lecturer, was 'born Jan. 8, 1870, in Chicago. In 1890 he first lectured in Chicago, and since that time has traveled in and lectured about nearly all countries except New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. He is the Author of Burton Holmes Travelogues. . Holmes, Frank Farnsworth, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1858, in Warsaw, 111. Since 1887 he has been head of the firm of Frank F. Holmes and Company. In 1898-1904 he was Secretary and Treasurer of the National Association of Lo- cal Fire Insurance Agents. Holmes, George Julian, Merchant of 416 South Franklin Street, President of Carter and Holmes, neckwear; and a Director of W. H. Salisbury and Company, Chicago. Holmes, Morris Grant, Architect of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born April 27, 1862, in LaPorte, Ind. Since 1915 he has been a mem- ber of the firm of Holmes and Flinn. He was the designer of The Chicago Academy of Sci- ences; Skinner Memorial Chapel, and numer- ous schools and colleges. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Corporation Presi- dent of 159 North Jefferson Street, was born Feb. 1, 1866, in Chicago. He is President of Holmes, Pyott and Company; and Vice-Presi- dent of the Phenix Truck Makers, Inc. Holmes, Rudolph Wieser, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 27, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is Associate Pro- fessor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Rush Medical College; and Chief of the Depart- ment of Obstetrics in Augustana Hospital. Holmes, Thomas Jefferson, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 9, 1860, in West Union, Ohio. In 1895-7 he was Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of Chicago; and 1903-5 Master in Chan- cery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE EC OK OF BIOGRAPHY. 196 He is now a member of the law firm of Holmes, Mix and Conkell. Holmes, William Henry, Pathologist of 25 East Washington Street, was born Jan. 26, 1887, in Belfast, Ireland. Since 1912 he has been Pathologist to the Wesley Memorial Hospital. Holmquist, Gustaf, Musician of 624 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 14, 1872, in Nora, Sweden. Since 1916 he has been Di- rector and Teacher of Voice in the Chicago Musical College. He is Bass Soloist for the Sunday Evening Club and the First Congrega- tional Church. Holpuch, Joseph A., Contractor and Builder of .'ill;? West Twenty-second Street, was born Feb. 11, 1S76. He is President of the Joseph A. Holpuch Company; and is a member of the Chicago Board of Education. Holslag, Edward, Artist of 3 East Ontario Street, was born in 1870, in Buffalo, N. Y. He is President of Holslag and Company, in- terior decorators. Ex-President and a mem- ber of the Palette and Chisel Club, and a member of the South Shore Country Club, and the Chicago Athletic Association. Holsman, Henry K., Architect and Mechan- ical Engineer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 3, 1866, in Dale, Iowa. In 1908-9 he was Park Commissioner of Park Ridge, 111.; and in 1903 was President of the Chicago Architectural Club. Holt, George Hubbard, Lumberman of 431 South Dearborn Street, was born July 28, 1852, in Chicago. Since 1899 he has been President of the Holt Lumber Company; also President of the American Lumber Company of Wisconsin and other corporations; and owner of the Manhattan Building. Holt, Robert Newton, Attorney-at-Law of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 4, 1868, in Savannah, 111. In 1912-13 he was Special Assistant Attorney-General of Illinois. He is now a member of the firm of Brundage, Landon and Holt. Holton, George D., Real Estate Dealer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born May 24, 1851, in Cliarlestown, N. H. He is senior mem- ber of the firm of Holton, Seelye and Com- pany. Holtz, Henry Tyson, Investment Banker of :;!• South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 21, 1865, in Baltimore, Md. He was formerly Assistant Comptroller of the New York Life Insurance Com- pany in New York, and later General Manager of the New York Life Insur- ance Company in Chicago and the Central West. He is now head of the bond house of H. T. Holtz and Company. Holzman, Alfred, Life Underwriter of 111 West Washington Street, was born April 15, 1874, in Germany. He is Agency Manager of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Homan, August, Commission Merchant of 84 West South Water Street, was born in 1863, in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Butler, Homan and Company, dealers in fruits and vegetables. Homburger, Oscar, Clergyman and Educator of 7231 Eberhart Avenue, was born June 16, 1881, in New York City. Since 1916 he has been Priest in charge of St. George 's Church of Chicago. He is the Author of Quiz Com- pend in Physiology for Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Students, and other works. Homer, Benjamin Franklin, Hardware Mer- chant of 549 West Madison Street, was born Feb. 19, 1834, in Granville, N. Y. In 1868 he entered the hardware trade in Chicago as a member of the firm of Hodge and Homer, Inc.; in 1890 incorporated as Hodge and Homer Company, of which he is now President. Honnold, Fred C, Coal Operator of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born June 14, 1872, in Maryville, Mo. He is Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager of the Chi- cago and Big Muddy Coal and Coke Company and the New Enterprise Coal Company. Honore, Adrian C, Real Estate Dealer of 122 South Michigan Avenue. Trustee of the Potter Palmer Estate. Hood, Grace Gordon, Educator of 2959 Washington Boulevard, was born in Chicago. Since 1916 she has been Professor in Charge of Domestic Science in Lewis Institute. Hoof, Clarence Monroe, Manufacturer of 317 West Randolph Street, was born July 28, 1871, in Marengo, 111. For twenty-three years he was associated with Kelley, Mans and Com- pany. He is now President and Treasurer of the C. M. Hoof Company, importers and manu- facturers of automobile upholstery material. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club and the Exmoor Country Club. Hoof, Harry, Manufacturer of 232 Randolph Street, was born Dec. 28, 1878, in Chicago. In 1910 he founded the Hoof Brothers Company, manufacturers of automobile upholsterings, of which he is President and Treasurer. Hoof, John Coleman, Manufacturer of 159 West Illinois Street, was born Oct. 30, 1865, in Genoa, 111. Since 1909 he has been head of the firm of John C. Hoof and Company, wagon materials. Hook, Arthur Schermerhorn, Manufacturer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 3, 1868, in Ottawa, 111. In 1902-7 he was Sec- retary of the Inland Steel Company. He is now Vice-President and Treasurer of the Cal- umet Steel Company; and is a Director of the J. E. Porter Company of Ottawa, 111. Hooper, Edwin Ewing, Railway Official of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 2, 1851, in Nashville, Tenn. Since 1890 he has been Secretary of the Lumbermen 's Associa- 394 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. t ion, and since 1912 Secretary of the Lumber- men's Mutual Casualty Insurance Company. Hoops, William Howard, Manufacturer of 53 1 South Wabash Avenue, was born April 1.;, 1850, in Jackson, Mich. He is head of William II. Hoops ami Company, manufactur- ers of fireplaces; and President and a Director of the Exchequer Mining and Power Company. Hooven, George E., Manufacturer of 517 Wes1 Monroe street, was born March 26,1874, in Xenia, Ohio. He was formerly manager of the Chicago Offiee of the Hooven Automatic Typewriter Company. He is now President of the Hooven Radiator Company. He is a member id' the Illinois Manufacturers Asso- ciation, Chicago Association of Commerce; Art Institute of Chicago; Chicago Athletic Association; ami the Inter-Collegiate Club. Hoover, Frank Ernest, Merchant of 129 West Kin/.ie Street, was born March 28, L861, in Ogle County, 111. Since lssu he has been associated with the firm of Bolles and Rogers, dealers in hides, wool, and tallow, and is now a member of the firm. Hoover, Frank Kryder, Contracting Engi- neer of mi East Jackson Boulevard, was born .Ian. 1!>, lv, I, in New Berlin, Ohio. Since 1894 he ha- been a member of the firm of Hoover and Mason, manufacturers of and contractors for conveying machinery. Hoover, George Percy, Banker of 117 West Monro,. Street, was horn Sept. 22, 1862, in Glenwood, Iowa. Since 1881 he has been identified with the banking business, and since L90.7 has been Vice-President of the Har- ris Trust and Savings Bank. Hopkins, -Claude C, of 5 South Wabash Mich. He is chairman of Lord and Thomas, advertising. Hopkins, Albert J., Lawyer and Statesman of 134 South LaSalle Street, v/as born Aug. 15, 1846, in Hillsdale, Mich. He has been a member of the For- ty-ninth and Fifty-seventh Congresses from the Eighth Illinois District; and United States Senator from Illinois. He is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Hop- kins, Peffers and Hopkins. Hopkins, Clarence Whittingham, Physician and Surgeon of .'323 West Kinzie Street, was born Sept. 23, 1*72, in Denton, Md. Since L914 he has been Chief Surgeon for the Chi- eago and Northwestern Railway. Avenue, was born April 24, 1S66, in Hillsdale, Hopkins, Claude C, Business man of 5 1866, in Hillsdale, Midi. He is President of the firm of I. oid and Thomas, advertising. Hopkins, Jacob H, Lawyer and Jurist, was bom May 3, 1 S65, in DeKalb, 111. Since 189_0 he has been engaged in the practice of law in Chicago; and in 1910-16 was Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is a mem- ber of the Illinois Athletic Club, where he resides. Hopkins, James McHenry, Manufacturer, 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 24, 186(5, in Xenia, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been associated with the Camel Company, railway supplies, of which he is now Chairman of the Board of Directors; and also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ryan Car ( lompany. Hopkins, James Stolp, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born June 20, L879, in Aurora, 111. Since 1903 he has been a member of the law firm of Hopkins and I lopkins. Hopkins, John Henry, Clergyman of 5550 Blackstone Avenue, was born Sept. 17, 1861, in Burlington, Vt. Since 1910 he has been Rector of the Episcopal Church of The Re- deemer. Hopkins, John Patrick, of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was b orn Oct. 29, 1858, in Buffalo, " N. Y. In 1881-88 he was as- sociated with the Pullman Palace Car Company; and 1894-5 was Mayor of the City of Chicago. He is now President of the Aurora Automatic Machinery Com- pany; and is a Director of the Chicago and Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company; and an officer in other corporations. Horner, Henry, Lawyer and Jurist of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 30, 1878, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly At- torney for the Board of Assessors of Cook County; and in 1916-18 Judge of the Probate Court. Hopkins, Lotus J., Iron and Lumber Mer- chant of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 14, 1863, in Parkman, Ohio. Since 1887 he has been a member of the firm of Swallow and Hopkins, iron and lumber dealers. Horn, Charles, Wholesale Lumber Dealer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 1, 1877, in Reed City, Mich. Since 1900 he has been connected with the J. O. Nessen Lumber Company, and in 1911 was made Sec- retary and Director. Horn, Frank William, Manufacturer of 564 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 19, 1869, in Chicago. In 1903-6 he was Secre- tary and Manager of the Witte Gas and Gasoline Company. Since 1906 he has been manufacturing motors on his own account. Horner, Maurice L., Merchant of 563 West Randolph Street, was born in 1861, in Chicago, 111. He is President of Henry Horner and Company, wholesale grocers. Horner, Wilbur N.^ Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born May 2, 1860, in Lebanon, 111. Since 1892 he has practiced his profession in Chicago, and making a spe- cialty of corporation law. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 195 Hornsby, John Allan, Physician of 58 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 19, 1861, in St. Louis, Mo. He was formerly Foreign Ex- change Editor of the Chicago Eecord Herald; and late Superintendent of the Michael Eeese Hospital. He is now Lieutenant of the United States Army Medical Eeserve Corps; Editor of The Modern Hospital. Hornstein, Leon, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born July 5, 1863, in West Bend, Wis. He is Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago. In 1895 he was President of the Master Printers' Association. Horton, Horace Babcock, Corporation Offi- cial, was born Dec. 25, 1885, in Eochester, Minn. Since 1907 he has been connected with the Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, of which he is now Treasurer and Director. He is also Treasurer and Director of the Cana- dian Chicago Bridge and Iron Company, Lim- ited. Horton, George Terry, Civil Engineer, Throop and One Hundred and Fifth Streets, was born in 1873, in Waupun, Wis. He is President of the Chicago Bridge and Iron ( 'ompany. Horween, Isidore, Manufacturer of 1055 West Division Street, was born Sept. 18, 1869, in Eussia. Since 1905 he has been proprietor of I. Horween and Company, tanners. Horwich, Bernard, Manufacturer anil Bank- er of 2301 South Paulina Street, was born July 18, 1861, in Eussia. He is President and Treasurer of the Horwich-Vitkin Company, the Chicago Curled Hair Company, and the Chicago Milk Bottle Exchange. In 1913 he founded and is owner of the Blue Island Sav- ings Bank. Horwich, Henry J., Manufacturer of 2256 South LaSalle Street. In 1907 he incor- porated, and has since been President of the David, Horwich and Steinman Company, man- ufacturers of iron and brass beds. Hoskins, Roy Graham, Educator of 2431 South Dearborn Street, was born July 3, 1880, in Xevinville, Iowa. Since 1916 he has been Professor of Physiology and Head of the de- partment in Northwestern University Medical School. Hoskins, William, Chemist of 111 West Mon- roe Street, was born 1S62, in Covington, Ky. Since 1890 he has been proprietor of Mariner and Hoskins. Hotchkin, Paul M., Manufacturer of 1119 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of the Curtis Leger Fixture Company, and A^ice-President of The National X-Eay Eeflector Company. Hotchkiss, George W., Author and Lumber- man of 431 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 16, 1831, in New Haven, Conn. Tn L887- 1905 he was President and Editor of the Lum- ber Trade Journal. He is now Secretary Emeritus of the Illinois Lumber Dealers' As- sociation. He is the Author of the Lumber History of Chicago; and Lumber History of the North West. Hottinger, Gustav, Manufacturer of 2535 Clyboum Avenue, was born March 24, 1848, in Vienna, Austria. Since 1887 he has been identified with the Northwestern Terra Cotta Company, of which he is" now President. Hottinger, Otto G., Druggist of 801 Milwau- kee Avenue, was born May 10, 1856, in Iowa. He was formerly President of the American Druggists' Syndicate of New York. He is now President of the Chicago Veteran Drug Association. Hough, Clarence Augustus, Business man of 220 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 25, 1867, in Greenfield, Ind. Since 1901 he has been President of the Chicago Photogravure Company. Hough, Emerson, Author of 208 South La- Salle Street, was born June 28, 1857, in New- ton, Iowa. He has written numerous books, and stories for magazines. Hcugh, Ernest S., Corporation Official of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 15, 1870, in Lapeer, Mich. Since 1909 he has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Ameri- can Cross-Arm Company; also Treasurer of the Jobbers' Supply Company, and Secretary of the American Jobbers' Supply Company. Hough, George H., Attorney-at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 5, 1876, in Ohio. He was educated in Columbia, Tenn.; and has resided in Chicago since 1895. He is now Assistant Attorney for the Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago. He is a member of the City Club: and a member of the Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity. Hough, Lynn Harold, Theologist and Lec- turer of Evanston, 111., was born Sept. 10, 1877, in Cadiz, Ohio. Since 1914 he has been Professor of Historical Theology in Garrett Biblical Institute; and since 1909 a writer of Sunday School Lesson Expositions for the New York Christian Advocate. Hough, William, Auditor of 79 East Adams Street, was born in 1860. In 1883-6 he was employed in the office of Commissioner Al- bert Fink, New York City; and prior to 1887 with Commissioner Blanchard, Chicago, mak- ing east-bound railroad pool settlements. He is now Federal Auditor of the Pullman Car Lines. He is President of the Calumet Coun- try Club, and a member of the Kenwood Club, and Empire State Society. Hough, William B., Manufacturer of 3129 West Harrison Street. He is Vice-President and General Manager of the Charles N. Hough Manufacturing Company, of Franklin, Pa.; and Vice-President of the Metal Build- ing Materials Company, Chicago. Houghteling, James Lawrence, Jr., Banker of 10 South LaSalle Street, was bom Nov. 6, 1883, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Pea-body, Houghteling and Company, bankers. During the Great War he served as 106 BERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Captain of Battery A, One Hundred and Third United States Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Forces, France. Houghton, Frederick B., Railway Official of 80 Basl Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 6, L866, in Gridley, 111. Since 1884 he has been identified with the Atchison, Tjopeka and Simla Fe System in various capacities, ami since L905 has been Freight Traffic Manager in Chicago. Houser, Edward Wing, Engraver of 226 W ist Madison St reet, was born Sept. 20, 1 866, in Mishawaka, End. Since 1898 he has been President of the Barnes-Crosby Com- pany, Chicago, New York and St. Louis; and is also President of the Chicago Wood Engraving Company. He is a member of the Chi- cago Athletic Club, the Union League Club, the Cnicago Yacht Club, and the Press Club, and a Thirty-second Degree .Mason. Houlton, Charles Horatio, Merchant of 959 West Twenty-second Street, was born Aug. 5, 1856, in Monticello, Minn. He is President of the Lake Superior Piling Company. Houston, Frank B., Lumberman of SO East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 2, 1873, in Centerville, Iowa. Since 1888 he has been engaged in the lumber business in Chicago. He is now a member of the firm of George T. Houston and Company and Houston Broth- ers, manufacturers of hardwood lumber. Houston, George Theodore, Lumberman of 80 East .Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 21, 1863, in Centerville, Iowa. He is senior mem- ber of the firm of George T. Houston and Com- pany, manufacturers and wholesale dealers in lumber. Houston, James Sherman, Lumber Dealer of 624 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 24, 1S67, in Centerville, Iowa. Since 1884 he has been engaged in the lumber business in Chicago, and is now head of the firm of .1. S. Houston and Company. Houston, John William, Lawyer and Jurist of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 30, 1859, in Dudley, England. In 1898-1904 he was Assistant County Judge; 190b" County Judge of Cook County; and 1906-10 Judge of the Municipal Court. Hovey, George H., Wholesale Merchant of 18 South Michigan Avenue, Secretary and Treasurer of Gage Brothers and Company, wholesale millinery. Howard, B. Frank, Publisher of 332 Sher- man Street, was born Jan. 3, 1839, in Dela- ware County, Pa. President of Howard, Bar- teU and Company, Incorporated. He was a delegate from the Chicago Board of Trade to the National Board of Trade, at Washington, D. C. Howard, Charles Pope, Civil Engineer of 900 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 8, 1867, in Richmond, Va. Since 1915 he has been senior civil engineer of the Interstate Commerce Commission at Chicago. Howard, Earl Dean, Educator and Business Executive, was born dune 9, 1876, in Fayette, Ohio. Since 1907 he has been Professor of Economics in Northwestern University; and is also Manager of the labor department of Hart, Schaffner and Marx. Howard, Elmer A., Railroad Official of 547 West .Jackson Boulevard, was born July 18, 1858, in Fairfield, Iowa. Since 1900 he has been Real Estate and Industrial Commissioner for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Rail- road. Howard, Frank A., Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 5, 1890, in Danville, 111. In 1910-14 he was an exam- iner in the United States Patent Office. He is now a member of the law firm of Dyren- forth, Lee, Chritton and Wiles. Howard, Harold Alexander, Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 12, 1867, in Chicago, 111. In 1889-92 he was Vice-President of the Chicago Furnace Company. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the real estate business. Howard, Henry Benton, Wool Dealer of 10 West Austin Avenue, was born Sept. 11, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1907 he has been a member of the firm of John H. Howard and Son. He is First Lieutenant, First Infantry Illinois National Guard, retired; Thirty-sec- ond Degree Mason and member of Medinah Temple; and Sons of the American Revolu- tion. Howard, Homer Gannaway, Real Estate Broker of S2 West Washington Street, was born June 10, 1873, in Gentryville, Mo. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the real estate business and is now President of Howard Brothers and Company. Howard, Hubert E., Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born June 19, 1889, in Fairfield, Iowa. Since 1912 he has been a member of the law firm of Haase, Hauley and Howard. During the Great War he was a Captain in the Three Hundred and Thirty- first Field Artillery, United States Army in France. Howard, Hugh Burnham, Editor of 508 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 24,1873, in West W^ardsboro. Vt. Since 1903 he has been Managing Editor of the Florists' Re- view. Howard, J. William, Real Estate Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1870, in Manchester, England. He is head of the firm of J. William Howard and Company, real es- tate and mortgages. Howell, William, China Merchant of 8 East Lake Street, was born dune 2, 1868, in Glas- gow, Scotland. lie was formerly Vice-Presi- dent of Burley and Tyrrell, crockery and HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 197 glassware. Since 1910 he has been Man- ager of Pitkin and Brooks. Howatt, Arthur B., Dentist of 31 North State Street, was born at Prince Edward's Island, Canada. In 1S97-8 he was director of the chemical laboratory in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery; and 1S99 Adjunct Professor of Materia Medica in the same. He is a mem- ber of the National Dental Association and Chicago Dental Society; and a Thirty-second Degree Mason and, Shriner. Howe, Arthur Tappan, Lime and Cement Manufacturer of 159 North State Street, was born March 13, 1838, in Wayne County, N. Y. In 1875 he organized and has since been Presi- dent of the Marblehead Lime Company; and is also Vice-President of the Western Lime and Cement Company. Howe, Beverly W., Attorney-at-Law, was born Nov. 18, 1885, in Carrollton, Ky. In 1908-9 he practiced law in Carrollton. He was formerly Attorney for the Chicago and Western Indiana Railway Company and the Belt Railway Company. He is now in part- nership with Allen G. Mills. Howe, Clinton Wilson, Electrical Manufac- turer of 737 West Van Buren Street, was born March 16, 1878, in Thompson, 111. He is Presi- dent of the Scheidel Western X Ray Coil Com- pany. Howe, Silas, Manufacturer of 1800 Cly- bourn Avenue, was born in 1837, in Ohio Coun- ty, Ind. Since 1887 he has been engaged in the Manufacture of steel springs, and is now President of the William D. Gilson Company. Howe, Thaddeus Harley, Real Estate and Investment Dealer of 29 South LaSalle Street was born Nov. 14, 1863, in Rochester, N. Y. In 1902-3 he was National President of the Cigar Dealers' Association of America. Since 1904 he has been head of the firm of Thad. H. Howe and Company. Howe, Thomas Francis, Attorney-at-Law of 7 Dearborn Street, was born in Canada. In 1908 he was admitted to the bar. He is now senior member of the law firm of Howe, Ford- ham and Kreamer. Howell, Cyrus H., Contractor of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 7, 1850, in Bain- bridge, Ohio. He is President of the Federal Stone Company; and President of the Illinois Improvement Company. Howes, Allen Crittenden, Lumber Dealer of 545 West Seventy-first Street, was born April 25, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Howes Lumber Company. Howes, Byron Cole, Life Underwriter of 7 West Madison Street, was born March 8, 1888, in St. Paul, Minn. In 1910 he became con- nected with the Union Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of Portland, Maine, as Cashier of the Chicago Agency, and in 1914 became Manager of the same company. Howes, Frank W., Lumber Dealer of 545 West Seventy-first Street, was born in Wil- mington, 111. President of the Howes Lum- ber Company, and Vice-President of the Chi- cago City Bank and Trust Company. Howland, Edward DeMonte, Physician and Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct, 13, 1858, in Deer Park, 111. He is Gynaecologist to the Chicago Union Hospital. "Howland, Henry Albert, Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 31, 1858, in Aurora, 111. He has been identified with the First National Bank since 1879, and since 1912 has been Cashier. Howson, Elmer Thomas, Editor and Engi- neer of fins South Dearborn Street, was born May 23, L884, in Folletts, Iowa. Since 1911 lie has been Engineering Editor of the Rail- way Age Gazette; and is also Editor of the Railway Maintenance Engineer since its or- ganization in 1916. Hoyne, Archibald Lawrence, Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born April 4, 1878. Since 1904 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is a member of the At- tending Staff of the Cook County and Munici- pal Hospitals; and Assistant Professor of Med- icine of the Rush Medical College. Hoyne, Frank Gilbert, Real Estate Dealer of 112 North LaSalle Street, was born July 17, 1854, in Chicago, 111. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Frank G. Hoyne and Com- pany, real estate and rent- ing. In 1906 he w^as Presi- dent of the Chicago Real Estate Board. He is a mem- Der ot the Veteran Corps of the First Regi- ment Infantry. Hoyne, Maclay, Attorney-at-Law, the Crim- inal Court Building, was born Oct, 12, 1872, in Chicago, 111. In 1895 he re- ceived the degree of A. B. from Williams College, Massachusetts; and 1897 the degree of LL. B. from Northwestern University Law School. He has prac- ticed law in Chicago since 1897; and was twice First Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago. He is now State's At- torney of Cook County. Hoyne, Thomas Maclay, Attorney-at-Law of 30 .North LaSalle Street, was born July 17, 1843, in Galena, 111. He is a member of the firm of Hoyne O'Connor and Irwin. In 1897 he was President of the Iroquois Club, and 1909 President of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion. Hoyt, Mary O., Physician and Educator of 5515 Woodlawn Avenue, was born Dee. 25, 1866, in Port Huron, Mich. She is Secretary 198 HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. of the Board of Recommendations and In- structor in tlif University of Chicago. Hoyt, William M., was born July 26, 1837, New Eaven, \ t. President of the W. M. Hoyt Company, wholesale grocers. Hruby, Allan J., Physician and Surgeon of 3622 West Twenty-second Street, was born April 27, 1890, in Chicago. In 1918 he was Assistant in Medicine at the University of Illinois. He is now Medical Director of the Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. Hruska, August, Commission Merchant of 842 West Randolph Street, was bom in L876, hi Kewaunee, Wis. He is head of the firm of Hruska and Company; and in 1906 'organized the Judson Creamery and Produce Company, at Norl h .1 inlson, Ind. Hubbard, Fred E., Commission Merchant of 31 I Smith Franklin Street, was born March 17, lst!7, in Auburn, N. Y. Since 1889 he lias been head of the firm of F. E. Hubbard and Company, dry goods commission merchants. Hubbard, Joseph Derwin, Mine Owner and Operator of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Any. 25, 1859, in Bridgeton, N. J. Since mill' he has been engaged in the mining busi- ness, and was prominently identified with the early operations in the district of Goldfield, Nev. Hubbell, Charles Wolcott, Merchant of 219 North Jefferson Street, was born June 23, L856, in Toledo, Ohio. In 1902 he incorporated, and has since been Treasurer of Henion and Hubbell, dealers in pumps and supplies. Huber, Alphonse W., Union Stock Yards, was born Dec. 25, 1870, in Maderia. He is Genera] Manager of Exports for the Ham- mond Company. He is also President of the New Chicago Real Estate and Investment Company, and the New Chicago Ice and Sup- ply Company. Hucknall, Harry, of 4505 Lake Park Ave- nue, was born Sept. 25, 1886, in Bedditch, England. He was formerly Secretary and Treasurer of the Splitdorf Electrical Company of California, San Francisco, Cal.; now Secre- tary-Treasurer and District Manager of the Splitdorf Service and Sales Company, 2613 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Huddleston, Roderick S., Lumberman of 2256 Lumber Street. President of the Hud- dleston - M a rsh Company. Hudson, William E., Grain Commission Mer- .'li.-int of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was bom March L5, L863, in Ellicott City, Md. He is Vice-President and Director of the Bart- lett-Frazier Company; and Vice-President and I'iicit or of the Central Elevator Company. Huehl, Harris W., Architect of 154 West Randolph Street, was born May 15, 1862, in Chicago, 111. Since 1888 he has been engaged in the practice of architecture in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Huehl and Schmid, designers of Medinah Temple and the Chamber of Commerce. Huening, Frank T., Attorney-at-Law of 154 West Randolph Street, was born June 9, 1875, in Waterford, Wis. In 1911 he was appointed Assistant Corporation Counsel, now Assistant City Prosecutor. Huey, Arthur S., Capitalist of 208 South La- Salle Street, was born Aug. 17, 1862, in Min- neapolis, Minn. Since 1902 he has been First Vice- President of H. M. Bylles- by and Company, public utility operators; also Vice- President of the Standard Gas and Electric Company; Vice-President of the Min- neapolis General Electric Company; and an officer in otner corporations. Huff, Thomas Diven, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 9, 1872, in Eldora, Iowa. He received the de- gree of LL. B. from Northwestern University. Since 1895 he has practiced law in Chicago; and was formerly Assistant Corporation Coun- sel of Evanston. Hughes, Charles, Lawyer and Author of 139 North Clark Street, was born in 1854 in Madi- son County, Ohio. In 1881-89 he was State's Attorney of Piatt County, 111. He is the Author of Hughes' Criminal Law; and of In- structions to Juries. Hughes, Richard David, Clergyman of 6716 Emerald Avenue, was born June 17, 1881, in Columbus City, Iowa. Since 1914 he has been Pastor of the Emerald Avenue Church, Chicago. In 1917-18 he was President of the Presbyterian Ministers' Association. Hughey, Wellington Joseph, Manufacturer of 2518 Michigan Boulevard, was born Jan. 31, 1885, in New Haven, Conn. Since 1916 he has been Vice-President of the Hughey Motor Car Company. Hughey, William John, Manufacturer of 2518 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 13, 1859, in Kingston, Ontario. Since 1909 he has been President of William J. Hughey and Son, dealers in automobile bodies. Hughitt, Marvin, Jr., Eailway Official of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 24, 1861. He was educated at Shattuch Military Schools. In 1881 he entered railway service with the Chicago and Northwestern Rail- way; and since 1900 has been Freight Traffic Man- j ager. He is also a Director ^m ^^^ ^^^ of the Union Trust Coin- BR fl I pany, and a director in other corporations. He is a member of the Union League, Chicago and Onwentsia Clubs and Chicago Athletic Association. Hughitt, Marvin, Railway Director of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 9, 1837, in Genoa, N. Y. Since 1910 he has been HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 199 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago and North Western Eailway and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway. Hulbert, Alfred Roy, Attorney-at-Law of Kenilworth, 111., was born Aug. 25, 1883, in Fremont, Neb. In 1910-12 he was Assistant United States Attorney. Hulbert, Edmund Daniel, Banker of 112 West A dams S treet, was born March 2, 1858, in Pleasant Valley, Conn. Since 1875 he has been en- gaged in the banking busi- ness; from 1887-95 was as- sociated with the First Na- tional Bank of Winona, Minn. Since 1895 he has been associated with the Merchants Loan and Trust Company, first as Second Vice-President; 1898-1916 as First Vice-Presi- dent; and now President. Hulbert, Milan Hidbert, Real Estate Dealer of 81 East Madison Street, was born July 24, 1867, in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1900 he was Di- rector of the Department of Manufacturers for the United States Commission to the Paris Exposition. Since 1905 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago. Hulburd, Charles Henry, Manufacturer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born May 28, 1850, in Stockholm, N. Y. He is President of the Elgin National Watch Company; a Di- rector of the Corn Exchange National Bank; and senior member of the firm of Hulburd, Warren and Chandler. Hull, Arthur M., Publisher of 53 West Jack- son Boulevard, was born Feb. 14, 1874, in Chi- cago, 111. For two years he was General Ad- vertising Agent for the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway. He is now President of The Retail Coalman. He is a member of the Chicago Automobile Club and active in Masonic circles. Hull, Morton Denison, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 13, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he lias prac- ticed law in Chicago; 1905-17 was a member of the House of Representatives in the Illinois General Assembly from the Fifth Senatorial District; 1916 a Delegate to the Republican National Convention; and in 1918 was re-elect- ed to the State Senate. Hultgen, Jacob F., Physician and Educator of 1543 West Fifty-first Street, was born April 23, 1872, in Lorraine, Germany. He is Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery; and Pro- fessor of Medicine in the Chicago Policlinic. Humiston, Charles Edward, Surgeon of 449 North Central Avenue, was born in 1S68, in Ohio. Since 1896 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Surgeon to the Cook County and West Suburban Hospitals; and Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Illinois. Hummel, Frank F., Publisher of 623 South Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 6, 1866, in Marion, Ind. Since 1910 he has been Secre- tary of D. C. Heath and Company and Man- ager of their Chicago office. Hummer, John Sylvester, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 20, 1869, in Delphos, Ohio. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now Master in Chancery of the Superior Court; and a member of the Board of Managers of the Chi- cago Bar Association. Humphrey, Wirt E., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was borri Jan. 6, 1868, in Orland, 111. Since 1892 he has practiced law, and since 1893 has been Master in Chan- cery of the Superior Court. Humphreys, William A., Manufacturer of 133 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 15, 1867, in New Castle, Pa. He is Vice-Presi- dent and General Manager of the N. A. Wil- liams Company of Chicago, and the Robinson Clay Product Company of Akron, Ohio. Hunckle, Carl, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 16, 1851, in Germany. Since 1876 he has been engaged in the insurance business in Chicago. He is now Manager of the Chicago office of the Germania Fire Insurance Company. Hunt, Nicholas, Business Man of 139 North Clark Street, was born June 19, 1848, in the County of Waterford, Ireland. In 1875-89 he was Chief of Police at Hyde Park, and in 1916 appointed Chief of Detectives. Since 1912 he has been President of the Ship- py, Hunt, Dorman International Detective Agency. "Hunt, Robert I., Government Official and Banker of 20 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 19, 1864, in Baltimore, Md. He was one of the organizers of the Polar Ice and Storage Company, of Decatur, and is now Secretary and Treasurer; and is also Presi- dent of the Citizens National Bank, of De- catur. In 1916 he was appointed_ Assistant Treasurer of the United States, at Chicago, by President Woodrow Wilson. Hunt, Robert Woolston, Engineer of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 9, 1838, in Fallington, Pa. In 1863-5 he served in the Civil War. Since 1888 he lias been senior member of the firm of Robert W. Hunt and Company, consulting engineers and engineering test bureau. In 1891 he was President of the Amer- ican Society of Mechanical Engineers; and 1906-7 President of the Amer- ican Institute of Mining Engineers. Hunt, William Prescdtt, Jr., Manufacturer, 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in Bos- ton, Mass. In 1902-6 he was Vice-President of the Frost Manufacturing Company. He is 200 BERRINGSHAW'S CITY HLUE HOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. now Vice President and a Director of the Miul.i Company, manufacturers of railway sup- plies. Hunt, Wulis Roy, Merchant of 303 West Lake Street, was born March 17, 1866, in Galesburg, 111. In 1900 he organized and has since been President of VV. K. Hunt and Com- pany. Hunter, Austin, Clergyman of 24:2. > Jackson Boulevard, was bom April 2, 1872, in Brad- Cord, Ohio. He is Pastor of the .Jackson B< ulevard Christian Church. Hunter, Thomas Monroe, Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Feb. 26, 1853, in Edinburgh, Scot- hind. Since 1879 he has been a resident in Chicago. For seven years he was an Alderman in Chicago; 1906-12 was Chief Bailiff of the Municipal Court; and was a Director of the Chicago Board of Trade. He is engaged in the seed co in nussion business. Huntington, Frank Burdo, Railway Ac- countant of 1."..") Fast Eleventh Street, was bom Nov. 22, 1S67, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is Director and Comptroller of the Chicago Terminal Transfer Company, and Auditor of the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Kail road. Hupp, Frank L., Corporation Official of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born June 18, 1878, in Long Point, 111. In 1903 he became con- nected with the office of the general counsel of the Chicago Railways Company, and since 1907 lias been Secretary of the company. He is also Assistant Secretary of the Chicago Surface Lines. Hurd, Harry Boyd, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 8, 1875, in Livingston County, Mo. Since 1897 he has practiced law; and is now a member of the law firm of Pam and Hurd. Hurd, Nettie M., Osteopathic Physician of 27 K'ast Monroe Street, was born in Water- town, X. Y. She organized and is President of the Woman's Board of the Chicago Osteo- pathic Hospital. She was formerly Secretary of the Chicago Osteopathic Association; and Recording Secretary of the Women's Osteo- pathic Club. Hurlbut, Harry Rogers, Lawyer of 68 West Monroe Street was born March 7, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of King, Brower and Hurlbut; and President and Treasurer of the Central Millwork Com- pany. Hurley, Edward Nash, was born July 31, L864, in Galesburg, 111. In 1896-1902 he was President of the Standard Pneumatic Tool Company; P.'os L5 President of the Hurley Machine Company. He is now Vice -Chairman of the United States Shipping Board, Wash- ington, 1). C. Hurley. Neil C, Manufacturer of 29 South Clinton Street, was born May 3, 1870, in Galesburg, 111. He was elected Secretary of the Hurley Machine Company, upon its or- ganization in 1906; elected Director and Vice- president in 1907, and President since 1915. Hurley, Timothy David, Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearbo rn Street, was born Aug. .'51, 1863, in Maysville, Ky. Since 1887 he has practiced law in Chicago, and was Justice of the Peace for several years. He has given special attention to the leg- islation of children, and was the first Probation Of- licer in the United States. He is Ex President of the Illinois State Conference of Charities. Hurney, Martin E., F.ducator, was born Jan. 12, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Principal of the Armour School. Hurst, William H, Banker of 6135 Broad- way, was born in Michigan. He is President and Treasurer of the Sheridan Storage Com- pany; and is proprietor of W. II. Hurst and Company, mortgage bankers. Husband, Joseph, Business Man and Autho- of 58 East Washington Street, was born Julj 25, 1885, in Rochester, N. Y. Since 1911 he has been a Contributor to and Advertising Manager of The Bellman; and is President of the Husband and Thomas Company, adver- tising. He is the Author of A Year in a Coal Mine, and America at Work. Huston, Guy, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 6, 1879, in McDonough County, 111. He is Treasurer of the Pickrel Walnut Company, of St. Louis, Mo.; Vice- President of the State Bank of Sciota, at Sciota, Til., and President of the First Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago. Hutchins, James Calhoun, Attorney-at-Law of 223 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 15, 1857, in Chicago, HI. Since 1880 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is now a Director and General Attorney for the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank. Hutchins, Walter Sawyer, Underwriter of 175 West .lackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 29 1S76, in Fryeburg, Maine. Since 1912 he has been local Secretary of the North British Mercantile Insurance Company of London and Edinburgh, at Chicago; the Commonwealth Insurance Company of New York; and the Mercantile Insurance Company of America. Hutchinson, Charles Lawrence, Banker of IMS South LaSalle Street, was born March 7, 1854, in Lynn, Mass. He is Vice-President of the Corn Exchange National Bank. Since 1881 he has been President of the Art Insti- tu'e of Chicago. Hutchinson, Douglas Welton, Manufacturer HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 201 of 2101 Walnut Street, was born Oct. 16, 1860, in Chicago, 111. He is President and Treasurer of the W. H. Hutchinson and Son Company, manufacturers of bottlers' supplies; aud Pres- ident of the Chicago Fountain Soda Water Company. Hutchinson, Frances Kinsley, Author of 2709 Prairie Avenue, was born Sept. 17, 1857, in Baltimore, Md. She is the author of Our Country Life; Motoring in the Balkans; and other works. Hutchinson, Octavus Nelson, Retired Man- ufacturer of 7419 Kenwood Avenue, was born Feb. 26, 1862, in Rockland, Mass. He was formerly President of the Grand Crossing Tack Company. Huttmann, Henry W., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born May 23, 1872, in Milwaukee, Wis. He was educated at Central Normal College, Kansas; Fairmount College, and the University of Chicago; and since 1902 has practiced law in Chicago. He is now a member of the law firm of Huttmann, Cloves and Carr. He has been Vice-President of the Chicago Board of Education. Hutton, Norman, Clergyman of 1349 Dear- born Street, was born June 20, 1876, in Balti- more, Md. SiiK-e 1909 he has been Rector of the St. Chrysostoms Church. Hummeland, Andrew, Attorney-at-Law of 58 West Washington Street, was born March 18, 187-3, in Stavanger, Norway. Ex- President of the Norwegian National League, and the Chi- cago Norwegian Club; and a member of the American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar As- sociations; Chicago Association of Commerce, and the Illinois Athletic Club. Hyde, Charles Cheney, Attorney-at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born May 22, L873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1898 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is now Professor of International Law in Northwestern Univer- sity. Hyde, Henry Morrow, Editor and Author of 1 Smith Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 6, 1866, in Freeport, 111. He is author of The Buccaneers; The Upstart; Through the Stage Door; and other works; and a contributor to magazines. Hyde, James William, Attorney at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 31, 1868, in Freeport, 111. Since 1895 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago; and is now senior mem- ber of the law firm of Hvde, Yennema and Bird. Hyland, Joseph M., Merchant and Manufac- turer of S4 East Randolph Street, was born Aug. 16, 1878. in Kansas City, Mo. In 1905-10 he was Vice-President of D. B. Fisk and Com- pany. He is President and Treasurer of the Hyland Brothers Company, importers and manufacturers of millinery. Hyman, Harry Sigmund, Jeweler of 33 North State Street, was born Sept. 13, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 he has been head of the firm of Hyman and Company, diamond merchants and jewelers. Hyman, Joseph, Iron Merchant of 122 South Michigan Avenue. President of the Hyman- Michaels Company, iron and metals. Hyman, Robert W., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 8, 1885, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of R. W. Hyman and Company, general agents for the Continental Casualty Company. Hyman, Thomas Jesse, of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born April 8, 1855, in Canianche, Iowa. From 1876-98 he was an officer in va- rious railroad companies. Since 1899 he has been associated with the Illinois Steel Com- pany, of which he is now Secretary and Treasurer; and is a director and officer in other corporations. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club, the Union League Club, the Chicago Automobile Club, the Glen Oak Country Club, the Oak Park Country Club, and the Oak Park Club. Hypes, William F., Sales Manager of 219 West Adams Street, was born in Xenia, Ohio. He is General Sales Manager of Marshall Field and Company. President of the Young Men 's Christian Association of Chicago. Hyzer, Edward M,, Attorney-at-Law of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 10, 1854, in Janesville, Wis. He was admitted to the bar in 1879; 1879-98 practiced law in Janesville, Wis.; 1898-1909 in Milwaukee; and for several years was General Counsel for the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company in Wis- consin. Since 1909 he has been (ieneral Counsel for the same road in Chicago. Ickes, Harold L., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born March 15, 1874, in Hollidaysburg, Pa. He re- ceived the degrees of A. B. and J. D. from the Univer- sity of Chicago; and for several years was engaged in newspaper work. Since 1907 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Rich- berg, Ickes, Davis and Lord. He is a member of the University and City Clubs Iden, William A., Merchant of 564 West Washington Boulevard. President of the William A. Iden Company, dealers in twines and canvas goods. Igoe, James Thomas, Printer of 117 West 202 IIERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Harrison St net, was born Oct. 23, 1883, in Chicago, III. Since L907 he has been Presi- dent of the Cahill-Igoe Company. In 1917-19 he was City Clerk of Chicago. lies, Robert S., Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 30, 1848, in Alexandria, Ky. Since 1882 he has practiced law in Chicago; and in 1S94-1900 was County Attorney of Cook County. Iilsley, William A., Building Contractor of L100 North Clark Street, was born June 18, L852, in Newark, N. J. In 1859-70 he resided in St. Louis; 1871-75 was a civil engineer with the .Milwaukee Water Works; and since l sv >-"> lias been engaged in the general building business. He is now Vice-President of the Lanquist and Dlaley Company, Chicago. Inderrieden, Chauvin V., Merchant of 332 River Street. President of the J. B. Inderrie- den Company, dealers in dried fruits. Ingalls, Frederick A., Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 22, L855, in Illinois. He was formerly President nt' the Huda Foundry Company. He is now I 'resident of the Ingalls-Shepard Forging Com- pany. Ingalls, George Hoadly, Traffic Manager, was born July 28, 1882, in Boston, Mass. :■ ince 1906 he has been Freight Traffic Man- ager of the New York Central Lines, LaSalle Street Station. Ingalls, James Kibben, Commission Mer- idian t, of 19 So. LaSalle Street, was born Dee. (i, 1870, in Corning, Iowa. In 1906 he organized, and has since been President of the Western Heater Dispatch. He is also President of the Oak Park and River Forest Township High School. Ingrain, John C, of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 7, 1853, in Defiance, Ohio. From 1896-1904 he was State Agent, for In- diana, of the German-American Insurance Company. He is now Manager of the West- ern Department of the Great American In- surance Company of New York. Ingvoldstad, Orlando, Clargyman of 1406 North Washtenaw Avenue, was born May 14, 1885, in Decorah, Iowa. He is Pastor of St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, and Presi- dent of the Chicago Lutheran Bible School. Insull, Martin J., Public Utility Operator of 7- West Adams Street. Vice-President of the Middle West Utilities Company. Insull, Samuel, Public Utility Operator of 120 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 11, 1859, in London, Eng. He is President of the Oommonweath Edison' Company; the Middle West Utilities Company; and the Public Serv- ice Company of Northern Illinois. Iott, Mer'ritt B., Transportation Official of 122 Smith Michigan Avenue. ) President of the Chicago, St. Louis and Gulf Transpor- tation Company. Ireneus, Cari, Physician of 366 E. Sixtieth Street, was born Dec. 15, 1872, in Sweden. He was formerly Professor of Pathology in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine; now Pathologist to the Washington Park Hospi- tal. Irons, Ernest Edward, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 17, L877. He is Attending Physician to the Cook County Hospital; and Associate Attending Physician to the Presbyterian Hospital. Dur- ing the Worlds War he served as Lieutenant Colonel in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Irwin, Amory T., Editor of 212 West Wash- ington Street, was born Dec. 18, 1876, in Columbus, Ind. He was formerly Managing Editor of the Indianapolis Sun. He is now Editor of the Bell Telephone News. Irwin, Arthur B., Underwriter and Business Man of 1818 South Wabash Avenue. He is Treasurer of the Old Colony Life Insurance Company; Secretary and Treasurer of the Domestic Towel Supply Company; and Presi- dent of the Standard Laundry Company, and the Federal Laundry Company. Irwin, James Clark, Wholesale Merchant of 807 South State Street, was born Oct. 10, 1855, in Ireland. In 1898 he was a member and President of the Board of County Com- missioners. Since 1910 he has been Presi- dent of Irwin Brothers, wholesale and retail meats. Isham, George Snow, Physician of 1340 North State Street, was born Oct. 8, 1859, in Chicago, 111. Ex-President of the University Club of Chicago and President of the Geo- graphic Society of Chicago. Isham, Ralph, Real Estate Dealer of 1311 Ritchie Court, was born Feb. 13, 1865, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1899-1906 he was Secretary and Treasurer of the Chicago Union Transfer Rail- way. He has been engaged in the real estate business since 1906. He is a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board, Chicago Associ- ation of Commerce; and University and Chi- cago Clubs. Isom, William H., Oil Refiner of 111 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 27, 1859, in Champaign, 111. In 1896-1900 he was General Manager of the Cudahy Oil Company and the Ohio and Indiana Oil Company. He is now Vice-President and General Manager of the North American Transportation and Trading Company; and President of the Sinclair Re- fining Company. Iversen, S. Charles, Eeal Estate Dealer of 105 South Dearborn Street, was born May 3, 1877, in Christiania, Norway. Since 1893 he lias been associated with the firm of Hibbard, Porter and Brother, and is now the surviving partner and sole owner of the firm. Iverson, Edward Alvin, General Contractor of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 20, 1871. Since 1904 he has been a mem- ber of the firm of E. Iverson and Sons, gen- eral contractors. HERRINGSH AW 's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 203 Jack, Frank E., Manufacturer of 1223 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Detroit, Mich. Since 1909 he has been President of the Chi- cago Coach and Carriage Company, Manufac- turers of automobile bodies. Jacker, Richard J., Attorney-at-Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 13, 1870, in Marquette, Mich. He is Editor and Publisher of the Chicago Alderman. Jackson, Arthur Stanley, Commission Mer- chant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Aug. 19, 1870, in Middletown, N. Y. Since 1909 he has been engaged in the com- mission business on the Chicago Board of Trade; and is now a member of the firm of Jackson Brothers and Company, dealers in stocks and bonds. Jackson, David Henry, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 14, 1S74, in Chicago, 111. In 190*6-9 he was Mayor of Lake Forest, 111.; 1909 City Attorney; and until 1915 President of the First National Bank. He is a Trustee and President of the Board of Trustees of the North Shore Sani- tary District. Jackson, Dudley, Physician of 5 South Wa- bash Avenue, was born Oct. 15, 1873, in Buenos Ayres, S. A. In 1904-9 he was Su- perintendent of Wesley Hospital. He is now Attending Pediatrician to the Evangelical Deaconess Hospital. Jackson, George Washington, Civil Engi- neer of 15 South Desplaines Street, was born Julv 21, 1861, in Chicago, 111.' Since 1883 he has been engaged in the contracting business in Chicago. He was contractor for the un- derground system of the Chicago Telephone Com- I pany, and for the entire system of tunnels in Chica- go for the Illinois Tele- phone Construction Company; and was Presi- dent of the George W. Jackson Company, In- corporated, contractors. Jackson, Howard B., Commission Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born in Michigan. In 1917 he was appointed by Herbert C. Hoover, to supervise affairs of the wheat division of the Federal Food Commis- sion. Jackson, James Edwin, Clergyman of 252 North Campbell Avenue, was born Dec. 27, 1860. For five years he was a missionary, and later held pastorates in several churches. He is now Recording Secretary for the North Wood River Baptist Association of Illinois; and is a lecturer on religious and other sub- jects. Jackson, Jefferson, Editor and Publisher of L054 Buena Avenue, was born Jan. 2, 1857, in Rochester, Wis. In 1879 he established, and has since been Editor and Publisher of the National Harness Review. Jackson, John Luther, Attorney-at-Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 30, 1866, in Stockvvell, Ind. In 1914 he Was President of the Patent Law Association. Jackson, Jonathan W., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 3, 1859, in Pittsboro, N. C. From 1895-1910 he was General Manager for the Home Life Insurance Company of New York. Since 1910 he has been Manager of the Life Department of the Pacific Life Insurance Company. Jackson, Samuel Spencer, Life Underwriter and Lawyer of 175 Jackson Boulevard, was born in Pittsboro, N. C. He is General Agent for the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany; and is a general practitioner of law. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion, the American Bar Association, the Hins- dale Club, and the Hamilton Club, and the American Bar Association. Jackson, William A., Electrical Contractor of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Aug. 6, 1872, in Holden, Mo. Since 1908 he has been President of the W. A. Jackson Com- pany. Jackson, William Benjamin, Consulting En- gineer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born June 23, 1870, in Kennett Square, Pa. In 1890 he re- ceived the degree of B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Pennsylvania State College; and the de- gree of M. E. in 1895. In 1893 he was in charge of the Pennsylvania Mining Exhibit, Chicago Exposi- tion; 1895-6 Engineer for the Stanley Elec- tric Manufacturing Company at Chicago; and since 1902 has been a member of the firm of D. C. and Wm. B. Jackson, Chicago; and is a Director of the Cutler-Hammer Clutch Company of Milwaukee. Jackson, William C, Stock and Bond Deal- er of 21 S South LaSalle Street, was born May 6, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has been engaged in the banking and brok- erage business, and is now a member of the firm of Noves and Jackson. Jackson, William J., Railway Official of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 28, 1859, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Since 1891 he has been associated with the Chi- cago and Eastern Illinois Railroad, of which be is now Federal Manager. Jackson, Zenas Zella, Merchant of 2 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 30, 1871, in Quincy, 111. He was formerly Vice-President of the firm of Capper and Capper, manufac- turers and retailers of men's wear. Jacobowsky, Marcus, Manufacturer and Banker of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 19, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1914 he has been Vice-President of the Fort Dear- born National Bank, and is also President of 204 HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. S. B. Pol Ink Manufacturing Company. In 1910-14 lie was Assistant Treasurer of Cook County. Jacobs, Charles Joel, Manufacturer of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. L4, L856, iu New York City. He was educated in the public schools of New York City. Since ls70 he lias been identified with the silver- ware business; and since 1903 has been Sec- retary and Western Manager of the Knicker- bocker Silver Company, New York and Chi- cago. Jacobs, Charles Mayor, Surgeon of 31 North State Street, was born May 23, 1872, in St. Louis, Mo. He is Attending Orthopedic Snr- geon to the Cook County Hospital, and Michael Reese Hospital. Jacobs, Charles Robinson, Printer of 725 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 6, 1866, in Youngstown, Ohio. Since 1900 he has been a member of the firm of Jacobs and Holmes. Jacobs, Laurence Black, Attorney-at-Law, of 1 10 N. Dearborn Street, was born in 1879, in Rock Island, 111. In 1904-8 he was Assist- ant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. He is now Assistant City Attorney. Jacobs, Samuel T., Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 12, 1864, in Lancaster, Pa. He is President and Treasurer of the Chicago Brick Company. Jacobs, William Vaughan, Real Estate Deal- er of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born . I line 19, 1853, in West Chester, Pa. In 1892 he was President of the Calumet Elec- tric Street Railway Company. He is now President of the Gleneoe Park District. Jacobsen, Rudolph Charles, Publisher of 136 West Lake Street, was born in Liverpool, England. He is President of the Jacobsen Publishing Company, publishers of Hide and Leather; and Manager of the National Shoe and Leather Market Fair. Jacobson, Abraham I., Life Underwriter of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born May 25, 1877, in Russia. For five years he was en- gaged in the mercantile business. He is now General Agent for the New York Life Insur- ance Company. Jacques, John F., Sugar Broker of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Jan. 18, 1872, in Louisville, Ky. lie was formerly a member of the firm of W. A. Havemeyer and Com- pany; now head of the firm of John F. Jacques and Company, direct representatives of the Pennsylvania Sugar Company. Jahn, Adoiph, Engraver of 552 West Adams Street, was born April 18, ls7:i, in .Chicago, 111. In 1903 he organized and has since been President and Treasurer of the Jahn and Oilier Engraving Company. Jahn, Walter Kurt, Manufacturing Chem- ist of 130 North Franklin Street, was born Feb. 20, 1882, in Vienna, Austria. He is Pres- ident and Treasurer of The W. K. Jahn Com- head. pany; and President of The W. K. Jahn Com- pany, of New York. James, Edward Arthur, Grain Dealer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 30, 1862, in Chicago, 111. In 1880 he entered the em- ploy of Armour and Company, and since 1907 has been Vice-President of the Armour Grain Company. James, James Alton, Educator and Author of Evanston, 111., was born Sept. 17, 1864, in Hazel Green, Wis. Since 1897 he has been Professor of history in Northwestern Univer- sity. He is the Author of George Rogers Clark, Letters and Papers, and other works. Jamieson, Stillman B., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born July 27, 1875, in Highland Park, 111. In 1900 he was admitted to the bar, and was formerly Mas- ter in Chancery of the Circuit Court. James, Frederic, Sinclair, Fire Underwriter West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 20, 1849, in Cook County, 111. He entered the insurance business with t'he firm of of Alfred James and Company, and later became a partner in the firm. In 1872 he opened a local agency now incorporated as Fred S. James and Com- pany, of which he is the Tie is a member of the Mid-Day, Glen View, Onwentsia, and Chicago Golf Clubs. Jamieson, Thomas C. M., Educator of 5010 West Winchester Ave., was born in 1877, in Chicago, 111. He is Principal of the Goudy Grammar School. Jampolis, Robert Rueben, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 6, 1855, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1877 he has been engaged in general practice of law; 1884-92 Assistant State's Attorney; and 1907- 11 Assistant Corporation Counsel for the city of Chicago. Janes, G. J. L., Merchant of 30 North State Street, was born July 15, 1861, in Quebec, Canada. He is Manager of Hillman 's Depart- ment Store. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Chicago Automobile Club, the Press Club, the South Shore Country Club, and President of the Beverly Country Club. Jann, John Hubert, Manufacturer of 400 North Oakley Boulevard, was born Nov. 6, 1855, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is President of the Chicago Automatic Machine Company. Jaques, Bertha E., Artist, Etcher, Printer and Lecturer of 4316 Greenwood Avenue, was born Oct 24, 1S63, in Covington, Ohio. She has exhibited in the Paris Salon, New York, Boston and many other cities; and is repre- sented in the Congressional Library, at Wash- ington, D. ('.; the Art Institute of Chicago, and elsewhere. Jaques, Charles Everett, Business Man of 1602 South Canal Street, was born Dec. 24, HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 205 1872, in Chicago. He is Treasurer and Di- rector of the Jaques Manufacturing Com- pany. In 1916 he was commissioned Major in the Quartermaster Corps, U. S. R. Since 1900 he has been President of the American Baking Powder Association. Jaques, William Kilburn, Physician of 4316 Greenwood Ave., was born Feb. 22, 1859, in Putnam County, Ohio. For six years he was chief of the antitoxin staff of the Chicago Health Department, and six years City Roent- genologist and Director of the Municipal Laboratory. Jarecki, Edmund Kasper, Lawyer and Jur- ist, of 1946 Aimitage Avenue, was born Oct. 21, 1879, in Posen, Poland. In 1914 he was appointed to fill a vacancy in the Municipal Court, was elected to the same office in 1914, for the term expiring 1920. Jaros, Joseph F., Surgeon, Educator and Army Captain of 4239 North Ridgeway Ave- nue, was born Nov. 25, 1884, in Chicago. He was formerly Instructor of Surgery and Anat- omy in Northwestern University; now Cap- tain of the Medical Reserve Corps, Unit 12, France. Jarvis, William Bancroft, Attorney-at-Law of 6 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 9, 1865, in Madison, Wis. Since 1887 he has practiced law in Chicago. Jedlan, John W., Attorney-at-Law of 5601 West Twenty-Second Street, was born Sept. 21, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of the Universal Cornice and Roofing Com- pany; and is Attorney and Cashier of the Kirchman State Bank. Jefferis, Andrew Wilson, Banker of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 12, 1868, in Kansas City, Mo. He is proprietor of the banking house of A. W. Jefferis and Company. Jefferson, Frederick A., Physician of 2(>2 South State Street, was born July 31, 1869, in Madison, Wis. In 1895 he received the de- gree of M. D. from Rush Medical College, and has since practiced in Chicago. He is now President and chief of the staff of the Sheri- dan Park Hospital. In 1914-5 he was Vice- President of the Chicago Medical Societv; and 1914-5 President of the North Side Med- ical Societv. Jeffery, E. T., Railway Official of 2819 Mich- igan Avenue. Tn 1856 he began railway serv- ice with the Illinois Central Railroad as office boy; 1885-9 General Manager; 1889 Commis- sioner to the Paris Exposition; 1891-1912 President of the Denver and Rio Grande Rail- road Company; and since 1912 Chairman of the same. He is a Director of the First Na- tional Bank, Chicago. Jeffery, James Clarke, Attorney at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 1, 1879, in Chicago. Since 1903 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is senior member of the firm of Jeffery, Campbell and Clark; and Director of the Benton Harbor-St. Joseph Gas and Fuel Company; and Vice-President of the First Realty Company. Jeffrey, John, Contractor and Builder of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 16, 1859, in Scotland. Since 1886 he has been engaged in business in Chicago, and is now head of the John Jeffrey Company. Jeffris, David Keller, Lumber Merchant of 1 550 Cleveland Avenue, was born May 28, 1867, in Janesville, Wis. $ince 1906 he has been en- gaged in the* lumber busi- ness in Chicago. He is President of the D. K. Jef- fris Lumber Company; Southern Railway and Nav- igation Company; and an officer in other lumber companies. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago, Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country and Chicago Yacht Clubs, the Wisconsin Society, and various hunting and golf clubs. Jelke, John Faris, Manufacturer of 759 South Washtenaw Avenue, was born Feb. 6, 1856, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1872 he has been engaged in the margarine business; and since 1889 has been engaged in the same busi- ess in Chicago. He is now President of the John F. Jelke Company. Jelke, John F., Jr., of 1352 North LaSalle Street, was born July 29, 1887, in Covington, Ky. He is Treasurer of the John F. Jelke Company; and Vice-President of Geo. P. Braun and Company. Jenczwsky, Adolph W., of 1657 Elston Ave- nue, was born April 6, 1869, in Chicago, 111. In 1911 he was First Vice-President of the Board of Examining Engineers of the Chica- go Fire Department, and a member of the same. He is now President of the Pioneer Automatic Gas Valve Company. Jenkins, George Franklin, Contractor of 189 West Madison Street, was born May 4, 1857, in Galesburg, 111. In 1898 he assisted in or- ganizing the Geo. B. Swift Company, con- tractors, of which he is now President. Jenkins, George Haskins, Stationer of 320 Federal Street, was born June IS, 1857, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He is President of the firm of Shea Smith and Company. Jenkins, George Raymond, Attorney-at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born July 26, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a Professor in the Chicago Law School and LaSalle Ex- tension University. Jenkins, George Robinson, Merchant of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 2, 1841, in Boston, Mass. In 1910 he organized and has since been President of George R. Jen- kins and Company, Incorporated, oil deal- ers. Jenkins, Thomas Atkinson, Educator of 5411 Greenwood Avenue, was born May 24, 206 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 1868, in Wilmington, Del. He was formerly a Professor in Swarthmore College. Since 1901 be has been Professor of French Philology in the University of Chicago. lie is the author of Selected Stories of Daudetj and Longer French Poems. Jenkins, Thomas R., Commission Merchant of 223 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Pittsburg, Pa. Since L884 he has been Presi- dent of Jenkins, Kreer and Company, dry goods. Jenks, Chancellor Livingston, Attorncy-at- Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born May II, 1863, in Chicago, 111. Since 1892 he bas practiced law in Chicago. In 1912-14 he was Presideni of the Illinois Society Sons of the American Revolution. Jenks, James Messer, Grain Merchant of 332 South LaSalle Street, was born July 14, L850, in down Point, N. Y. He is President of the Nye and .leaks Grain Company. Jenney, Frank LeBaron, Physician of 168 North Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 6, L869, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is now Medical Director of the Federal Life Insurance Company of I rhicago. Jennings, Edwin Brizse, Capitalist of 8 Smith Dearborn Street, was born May 11, 1859, in Chicago, 111. Since 1877 he has been in the real estate and loan business in Chi- cago. Jennings, Samuel C, Manufacturer of 1104 South Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 28, L867, in Hillsboro, Texas. He is President of the Columbian Bank Note Company. Jensen, Elmer C, Architect of 39 South La- Salle Street, was born March 18, 1870, in Chi- cago, 111. For ten years he was associated with W. L. B. Jenney. He is now a member of the firm of Mundie and Jensen, successors of the firm of Mundie and Jensen. He is a Director of the American Institute of Archi- tects. Jensen, Jens, Landscape Architect of 64 Easl Van Buren Street, was born Sept. 13, 1860, in Denmark. In 1906-9 he was land- scape Architect and General Superintendent of the West Chicago Parks; and now Consult- ing Landscape Architect for the West Park Commissioners. Jensen, William, Real Estate Dealer of 82 Wes\ Washington Street, was born Aug. 14, 1875, in Chicago, HI. For nineteen years he was a partner of the firm of Eegelin, Jenson and Company, which is now changed to Jenson and Wolff. Jeppesen, Gunni August Ferdinand, Bridge Engineer of L303 Carmen Avenue, was born March Ml, L879, in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 190.")- 17 he was Chief Engineer and Con- sulting Engineer with The Strauss Bascule Bridge Company; now in private practice. Jerman, C. A., Wholesale Druggist of 8 West Lake Street, was born March 28, 1859, in Fort Wayne, Ind. He is Vice-President of Peter Van Schaack and Sons. Jerome, William B., Railway Official of 143 West VanBuren Street, was born March 13, 1852, in Auburn, N. Y. In 1870 he entered railway service; and since 1883 has been Gen- eral Western Passenger Agent of the New Y'ork Central Lines. Jerrems, Thomas William, Merchant, the Union Stock Yards, was born Aug. 20, 1867, in New Hartford, N. Y. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the live stock business, and is now President of the Standard Live Stock Commission Company. Jesperson, Johannes, Clergyman and Found- er of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 14, 1858, in Dalum, Westergotland, Swe- den. In 1907 he founded and was President of the Coeur d'Alene College. Since 1914 he has been Superintendent of the Chicago In- ner Mission Society of the Evangelical Luth- eran Church. Jessop, James Bailey, Wholesale Merchant of 236 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1851, in Ontario, Canada. He is General Manager of the Canadian Laltes Fishing Company, and President of the Salt Point Ranch Company, Winnipegosis, Manitoba. Jiskra, Vaclav, Musician of 1912 South Homan Avenue, was born in Zinkovy, Bohe- mia. For four years he was Bassplayer in the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, and since 1908 has been First Bassplayer in the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Job, Frederick William, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born May 19, 1862, in Alton, 111. In 1894-1900 he was Hawaiian Consul-General in Chicago; now Consul in Chicago for the Dominican Repub- lic, Joerns, Arnold, Advertising Counselor of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in Duhith, Minn. He is President of the firm of Arnold Joerns Company, Inc., general, advertising agency and publishers of The Business Digest, Johannsen, Albert, Geologist, was born Dec. 3, 1871, in Belle Plaine, Iowa. For seven years he was Geologist of the United States Geological Survey. He is now Professor of Petrology in the University of Chicago. He is the author of numerous scientific papers and text books and for three years Acting Chief of the Section of Petrology. John Findley, D., Physician and Surgeon of 4602 Kenmore Avenue, was born Feb. 7, 1874, in Dayton, Ohio. In 1903 he received the de- gree of M. D. from Rush Medical College; 1905-6 associate in medicine in the Presbyte- rian Hospital; and since 1914 instructor in medicine in the University of Illinois Col- lege of Medicine. Johns, Edwin R., Live Stock Commission Merchant of 4213 Grand Boulevard, was born April 11, 1860, in Delavan, Wis. Since 1S87 he has resided in Chicago; and HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 207 for over a quarter of a century has been identified with live stock interests. Since 1891 he has been associated with the Na- tional Live Stock Commission Company, of which he is now Vice-President; also a Di- rector of the Live Stock Exchange. He is a member of the Colonial Club. Johnsen, diaries, Banker of 3228 Lincoln Avenue, was born April 19, 1863, in Gutten- berg, Iowa. He was formerly Principal of Schools in Highland, Wis.; and 1893-1907 cashier of the Elkader State Bank of Elka- der, Iowa. He is now President of the Citi- zens State Bank of Lake View. Johnson, Alexander Carl, Traffic Manager of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 20, 1861, in Crawford County, Pa. Since 1894 he has been in the service of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Com- pany, of which he is now Passenger Traffic Agent. Johnson, Albert Mussey, Life Underwriter of 29 South L aSalle Street, was born May 31, 11872, in Oberlin, Ohio. He is President of the National Life Insurance Company of the United States of Amer- ica; President of the North American Cold Storage Company; President of the National Life Building Company; and is an officer and director in other cor- porations. Johnson, Alex. J., Publisher, Editor and Author of 208 North Wells Street, was born Aug. 3, 1S50, in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1888 he purchased the Svenska Kuriren, a week- ly, of which he has since been the Publisher and Editor. In 1917 he was appointed a member of the City Service Commission. Johnson, Alfred Sidney, Editor and Author of 1827 Prairie Avenue, was born Dec. 15, 1860, in L'Orignal, Ontario, Canada. Since 1911 he has been Editor of the Cement World. He is the Author of The Materials and Man- ufacture of Concrete, and other works. Johnson, Alton F., Attorney-at-Law of 232 North Halsted Street, was born March 14, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He is Secretary of the Federal Huber Company, the H. R. Manufac- turing Company, and* the Burtlett Motor Truck Company. Johnson, Archibald C, Seed Merchant of 2750 West Thirtv-fifth Street, was born May 13, 1882, in Allegheny Pa. He is buyer for Al- bert Dickinson and Company. He is a mem- ber of the South Shore Country and Illinois Athletic Clubs. Johnson, Arthur S., Automobile Dealer of 1102 South Michigan Avenue, was born Fob. 24, 1881, in Altona, 111. He is General Man- ager and Secretary of the Overland Motor Company. Johnson, Bernard Lyman, Editor of 1827 Prairie Avenue, was born Dec. 2, 1883, in Clyde, Mich. Since 1908 he has been Editor of the American Builder, and the Farm Mechan- ics. Johnson, Boiling Arthur, Editor and Pub- lisher of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1863. Since 1911 he has been Editor and Publisher of the Lumber World Review. He was the founder of the Order of Hoo-Hoo; is a life member of the Press Club, and a mem- ber of the Masonic Order. Johnson, Byron Bancroft, of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born in Ohio. For seven years he was President of the Western Baseball League; and since 1900 has been President of the American League of Pro" fessional Base Ball Clubs. He is a member of the Chi- cago Yacht Club, the South Shore Country Club, and the Union League Club, and other fraternal organizations. Johnson, Charles Nelson, Dentist of 22 East Washington Street, was born March 16, 1860, in Brock, Ontario, Canada. Since 1885 he has practiced dentistry in Chicago. He is now Professor of Operative Dentistry in the Chi- cago College of Dental Surgery; and since 1902 has been Editor of the Dental Review. Johnson, Edward Ford, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Michi- gan City, Ind. He is a member of the firm of Wiley, Magill, and Johnson. Johnson, Ernest C, Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born April 19, 1860, in Elyria, Ohio. Since 1910 he has been head of the Johnson Engineering Works, man- ufacturers of mining and milling machinery. Johnson, Ernest Valentine, Manufacturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 14, 1859, in New York City. Since 1877 he has been engaged in hollow tile fire-proof con- struction. He is now ViceiPresident and Western Manager of the National Fire Proof- ing Company. Johnson, Frank W., Publisher of 2301 Prairie Avenue, was born Sept. 21, 1S67, in Kewanee, 111. He received the degree of A. M. from Grinnell College; and taught school until en- tering the publishing business in 1889. He, has held various positions with the King Rich- ardson Company; in 1897 was Department Manager of the Kansas City Branch; 1903 Manager of the Chicago Branch; and since 1904 has been President. Johnson, Franklin Winslow, Educator of 5819 Blackstone Avenue, was born August 17, 1870, in Jay, Maine. In 1905-7 he was Prin- cipal of the Morgan Park Aaademy. He is now Principal of the University of Chicago High School. Johnson, Fred L., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 8, 1861, L'll.s IIERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. in MadiBon, I u < 1 . He is senior member of the Johnson and Coolidge Company; and Vice- President "I' Chicago Asbestos Table Mat Company. Johnson Harry C, Publisher of 58 East Washington Street, was born July -I, 1S76, in Union, Wis. He is Treasurer and General Manager of P. E. Compton and Company, and the ('01141(011 Johnson Company, publish- ers. Johnson, Henry E., Wholesale Merchant of 307 West Monroe Street, was bom Dec. 31, Is?::, in Chicago. Since 1894 lie has been Presi- dent of II. E. Johnson and Company, whole- sale shoe dealers. Johnson, Herbert S., Merchant of 1526 South State Street, was born in Washington, I). C. Since 1894 he lias been engaged in the butter and egg business, and since 1914 haS been President of the Eox River Butter Com- pany. Johnson, Jay L., Surveyor and Civil Engi- neer of L39 North Clark Street, was born 1. 1 une 30, 1S42, in Palermo, Oswego County, N. Y. Un- til 1869 he was a farmer, and for ten years worked as a surveyor on the Illi- nois Canal and Western rivers. Since 1885 he has oeen a surveyor in Chicago, and is now Secretary of the ChicagV) Guarantee 1 Survey Company, surveyors and civil engi- neers. Johnson, J. Oliver, Merchant of 1809 Mil- waukee Avenue, was born Sept. 29, 1883, in Springfield, 111. He is engaged in the whole- sale seed business. Member of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Johnson, John Alfred, Educator-of 1352 East Forty eighth Street, was born Aug. 27, 1861, in Moline, 111. He is Principal of the A. O. Sexton School. Johnson, John Mitchell, Railway Official of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born May 13, 1845, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1917 he was elected Vice President of the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Johnson, Joseph H. S., Physician of 1518 North Washtenaw Avenue, was born Aug. 30, 1856, in Portland, N. Y. He founded the Na- tional Medical University and was a profes- sor in the same for many years. Johnson, Julius Arthur, Attorney at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born March 10, L858. In 1899-1901 he was County Attorney of Cook County. Ex-President of the Chi- cago Law Institute. He is now engaged in the general practice of his profession. Johnson, Levi M., Manufacturer of 1637 Fulton Street, was bom in Pennsylvania. He is President of the Johnson Gordon Company, manufacturers of picture frames and mould- ings; and sole owner of the L. M. Johnson ( lompany. Johnson, Milton A., Manufacturer of 565 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 22, 1874, in Ontario, Canada. He is President of the M. A. Johnson Manufacturing Company. Johnson, N. LaDoit, Physician and Surgeon of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born March 1, L869, in Morrison, 111. Since 1907 he has practiced in Chicago; 1905-12 President and Professor of Abdominal Surgery in the Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery; and 1915-16 President of the Cook County Medical and Surgical Society. Johnson, Stanley H., Railwav Official, was born Feb. 22, 1872, in Bunker Hill, 111. Since 1915 he has been Freight Traffic Manager of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Rail road. Johnson, William H., of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 28, 1866, in Buffalo, N. Y. He was formerly General Western Agent of the Anchor Line. He is now man- ager of the Star Union Line, Pennsylvania System. Johnson, William Stevenson, Attomey-at- Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born dune 1, 1850, in Albany, N. Y. Since 1875 he has practiced law in Chicago, and in 1894 was Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. Johnston, Frank, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, was bom duly 18, 1872, in Jackson, Miss. For several years he was Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of Chicago, and Attorney for the Board of Local Improvements; and later First-Assistant States Attorney. He is now Circuit Judge of Cook County. Johnston, Harry Bennett, Underwriter of 76 West Monroe Street, was born April 21, 1863, in Iowa. Since 1911 he has been Man- ager of the Missouri State Life Insurance Company of St. Louis. Johnston, George S., Optician of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born March 1, 1878, in Houghton, Mich. Since its organization in 1909, he has been President of the George S. Johnston Company. Johnston, Hugh McBirney, Broker of 141 South LaSalle Street, was born dune 23, 1869, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1901 he has been a member of the firm of Alfred L. Baker and Company, stock bond and grain brokers; mem- ber of the Board of Governors of the Chicago Stock Exchange; and Director of the American Ship Building Company. * Johnston, Robert Stuart, of 4043 Drexel Boulevard, was born Sept. 27, 1857, in Green- ville. Pa. Until 1911 he was President of the Star and Crescent Milling Company; and 1911-16 a member of the firm of Johnston and MacKenzie. He is now President of the Uni- versity Extension Conservatory. Johnston, Theodore S., Clergyman of 1650 Foster Avenue, was born March 12, 1871, in HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 209 Flintstone, Md. He is Pastor of the Eben- ezer Evangelical Lutheran Church; and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Inner Mission Society. Johnston, William Sanders, Lawyer of 154 West Randolph Street, was born May 12, 1871, in Chicago. In 1917 he was President of the Chicago Law Institute. Johnstone, Augustus Ralph, Surgeon of 3410 Rhodes Avenue, was born Dec. 18, 1865, in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Chicago. He is now Presi- dent and Surgeon in charge of the Lakeside Hospital. Johnstone, Frederic Bruce, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 25, 1876, in St. Paul, Minn. Since 1897 toe has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Burry, Johnstone and Peters. Johnstone, Stuart, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was foam in 1858, in To- ronto, Canada. Since 1887 he has practiced medicine in Chicago; and is a member of the staffs of the Cook County, and Lakeside Hos- pitals. Johnstone, William Wycoff, Clergyman of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 4, 1866, in Edgington, 111. Since 1911 he has been District Superintendent of the Ameri- can Sunday School Union of the Lakes Dis- trict, Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois. Jonas, Henry E., Merchant of 2418 South Park Avenue, was born July 29, 1873, in Chi- cago, 111. He is President of the Royal Tea Company. Jones* Alfred Hanby, of 431 South Dear- b orn Street, was born July 4, 1850, in Craw- I ford County, 111. In 1876 he was a member of the Illi- nois Legislature; 1899 ap- pointed State Food Commis- sioner of Illinois; President of the National Association of State Food and Dairy De- partments; and eight years member of the State Cen- tral Committee. Jones, Arthur Bettridge, Railway Official of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 12, 1868, in Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada. In 1884 he entered the service of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company, and served in various capacities, and since 1910 has been Treasurer of that company. In 1905-06 he was President of the Village of Winnetka. Jones, Arthur R., Stock and Bond Broker of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 8, 1865, in Vinton. Iowa. In 1905 he organ- ized the Mercantile Credit Company and was its President until 1911; 1911 formed the Continental Credit Trust, and is now Chair- man of the Board. Jones, Charles Reading, Prohibitionist of 106 North LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 9, 1862, near Philadelphia, Pa. He founded and was President of the Associated Prohibition Press; and in 1905-12 was Chairman of the National Prohibition Party. Jones, David Benton, Capitalist of 140 South Dearborn Street. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mineral Point Zinc Company. In 1901-08 he was Trustee of Princeton University. Jones, Edwin E., Certified Public Account- ant of 189 West Madison Street, was born May 14, 1882, in Tennyson, Ind. For four years he was a public school teacher, and a commercial teacher eight years. He is now a member of the faculty of LaSalle Extension University; and a member of the Edward A. Pratt Audit Company. Ex General Secretary of the National Commercial Teachers' Federa- tion of the United States; and Ex-President of the National Business Teachers' Associa- tion of the United States. Jones, Elmer Ellsworth, Educator of 1115 Church Street, was born May 31, 1876, in Pennville, Ind. In 1S96 he received the degree of A. B. from Monmouth College, Illinois; 1901 the degree of A. M. from the University of Colorado; 1907 the degree of Ph. D. from Columbia University; and in 1905-7 studied at the universities of Leipzig and Heidelberg. Since 1902 he has been engaged in educa- tional work; and since 1914 has been Pro- fessor and head of the department of educa- tion in Northwestern University. He is a member of the American Psychological Asso- ciation and the National Educational Associa- tion, and a member of the University Club. Jones, Emmett Milton, Editor and Business Man of 209 South State Street, was born Oct. 10, 1874, in Kingston Springs, Tenn. Since 1896 he has been Directing Editor of the En- cyclopedia of Original Documents; and is also Manager of Kable Brothers Company. Jones, Frank Edgar, Underwriter of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 1, 1872, in Pekin, 111. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the life insurance business, and is now Gen- eral Agent of the National Life Insurance Company of Monfcpelier, Yt. He is a member of tlie University Club of Chicago. Jones, Frank Hatch, Attorney-at-Law of 208 S. LaSalle Street, was born March 6, 1854, in Griggsville, 111. In 1891 he served in the Illinois General Assembly and 1893-7 was First Assistant Postmaster General of the United States. Jones, Frank Warren, Capitalist of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 20, 1855, in Stoughton, Mass. He is President of the Drexel Investment Company, and an officer in other corporations. Jones, Fred R., Railroad Contractor of 139 North Clark Street, was born Nov. 18, 1880, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Since 1898 he has been 210 HBBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUB P.OOK OP BIOGRAPHY. engaged in the railway contacting business, and is now President and Manager of the Fred R. Jones Company. Jones, G. Herbert, St col Manufatcurer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 25, L856, in England. He is Vice President of the I ii la ii< 1 Steel Company. Jones, George I., Publisher and Bookseller of 202 Smith Clark Street, was born in 1847, in Templet mi, Mass. In 1876-87 lie was en- gaged in business in St. Louis, Mo., and since lss7 has been a law bookseller and publisher in Chicago. Jones, Harry Bernard, Manufacturer of 625 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 8, 1879, in Champaign County, 111. Since 1908 he has been President of the Metal Arts and Crafts Company of Chicago. Jones, Homer Daniel, Coal Dealer of 2623 West A. lams Street, was born Dec. 24, 1879, in Columbus, Ohio. Since 1901 he has been President and Treasurer of the Western Fuel Company. Jones, Hugh O., Physician and Surgeon of 802 West Thirty-first Street, was born March 12, 1875, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the Staffs of the Rhodes Avenue and Provi- dent Hospitals; and Assistant Bureau Chief, Bureau of Medical Inspection in Charge Di- vision of Child Hygiene in the Department of Health, Chicago. Jones, Jessie Louise, Educator of 3555 West Monroe Street, was born in Darners, 111. Since 1896 she has been Professor of German and in charge of the department at Lewis In- stitute. Jones, J. Harry, Stationer and Printer of 26 South Clark Street, was born Nov. 25, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1914 he has been Vice- President and a Director of the Marshall Jackson Company. He is a member of the La Grange Country Club, and the City Club. Jones, John E., Clergyman of 4362 Prince- ton Avenue, was born Oct. 28, 1852, in the Town of Calamus, Dodge Co., Wis. He is Pastor of the Welch Presbyterian Church, and is Moderator of Presbytery and Chairman of the Board of Education. Jones, John Ceredydd, Clergyman of ".till Warren Avenue, was born Sept. 23, 1855, in Aberystwith, South Wales. Since Is!) I he has been Pastor of the Hebron Welsh Church, of Chicago. In L913 L6 he was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Calvinistic Metho- dist Church. Jones, Llewellyn, Editor and Lecturer of 12 South Market Street, was horn duly 13, 1884, in Castletown, Tsle of Man, Great Britain. Since 191 1 he h:is been editor of the Friday Literary Review of the Chicago Evening Post. lie wrote the introduction to The Chicago An- thology in 1916. Jones, Mifflin Marsh, Hotel Manager of 306 Smith Michigan Avenue, was born May 31, L871, in Wheeling, W. Va. Since 1902 he has been engaged in the hotel business, and since 1907 Manager of the Stratford Hotel. Jones, Owen William, of 6557 Woodlawn Avenue, was born in North Wales, Great Britain. In 1 SSI he became associated with the Piano Manufacturing Company, and was Secretary and Treasurer until 1902 when the company sold its plant to the International Harvester Company; and 1902-13 was asso- ciated with the Harvestern Company in vari- ous capacities. Jones, Thomas Arthur, Manufacturer of 4401 West Twelfth Street, was born Dec. 12, 1864, in Susquehanna County, Pa. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the W. A. Jones Foundry and Machine Company; and Vice- President and Treasurer of the Sackett Screen and Chute Company, and the Superior Ma- chine Works. Jones, Thomas Davies, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 13, 1851, in Iowa County, Wis. In 1879-1900 he practiced law. He is now a Director of the International Harvester Company, and Presi- dent of the Mineral Point Zinc Company. Jones, Walter Clyde, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. 27, 1870, in Pilot Grove, Iowa. In 1894 he was admitted to the bar, and has since practiced patent and gen- eral law with offices in Chi- cago and New York. In 1905-14 he was State Sen- ator from the Fifth District of Illinois; and 1912 a can- didate for Governor as a Progressive. He is Treasurer of the Benja- min Electric Manufacturing Company. He is joint author of Jones and Addington's Anno- tated Statutes of Illinois, the Encyclopedia of Illinois Law; Illinois Direct Primary Law; Reform Rules in the Illinois Legislature; and other works. Jones, William A., Manufacturer of 4401 West Twelfth Street, was born Nov. 23, 1849, in Chambersburg, Pa. In 1904 he incorpo- rated, and has since been President of the W. A. Jones Foundry and Machine Company. Jones, William R., Oil Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 28, 1864, in Washington, Iowa. He is President of the Great Western Petroleum Company. Jordan, Edwin Oakes, Bacteriologist of 5603 Kenwood Avenue, was born July 28, 1866, in Thomaston, Maine. Since 1914 he has been Professor of Bacteriology in the University of Chicago. In 190.") he was President of the Society of American Bacteriologists. Josephson, Aksel Gustav Salomon, Bibliog- rapher, 2239 Greenleaf Avenue, was born Oct. 2, I860, in Upsala, Sweden. Since 1896 he has been Chief Cataloguer of the John Crerar Li- brary. Joslyn, Marcellus Lindsey, Manufacturer of HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 211 133 West Washington Street, was born in 1873, in Woodstock, 111. He was formerly President of the Citizens Telephone Com- pany. He is now President of the Joslyn Manufacturing Supply Company*; and the Baker Joslyn Company of San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle. Joyce, David Gage, Lumber Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 7, 1885, in Lyons, Iowa. Since 1905 he has been engaged in the lumber business; and is now President of the William T. Joyce Com- pany; and Vice-President of the Joyce Lum- ber Company. Joyce, Joseph, Paper Dealer of 725 South Wells Street, was born in 1860, in Chicago, 111. In 1S95 he organized and has since been President of the Empire Paper Company. Joyce, Thomas Henry, Hotel Proprietor of 3000 Indiana Avenue, was born Nov. 20, 1867, in New York City. In 1892-1911 he was Secretary-Treasurer of the Congress Hotel Company. He is now President of the Har- monia Hotel Company. Judah, Noble Brandon, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 7, 1851, in Vincennes, Ind. In 1874 he was admitted to the bar. He is now senior mem- ber of the firm of Judah, Willard, Wolf and Reichmann; and Vice-President of the South Side Elevated Railroad Company. Judd, Charles Hubbard, Author and Educa- tor of 1320 East Fifty-eighth Street, was born Feb. 20, 1873, in Barelle, India. He is Director of the School of Education and Pro- fessor and Head of the Department of Edu- cation in the University of Chicago. In 1909 he was President of the American Psycho- logical Association. Judd, Edward Sanderson, Real Estate Deal- er and Lawyer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born March 24, 1859, in Massachusetts. Since 18S8 he has been in the real estate business. In 1908 he was President of the Chicago Real Estate Board; and 1913 Presi- dent of the National Association of Real Es- tate Boards. Judson, Clara Ingram, Writer and Author of 6756 Cornell Avenue, was born in Logans- port, Ind. She is the Author of Flower Fair- ies; Billy Robin and His Neighbors, and other works; and a contributor to Youth's Compan- ion, also feature stories for children to news- papers. Juergens, Alfred, Artist of 213 South Grove Avenue, Oak Park, 111., was born Aug. 5, 1866, in Chicago, 111. He has exhibited in prin- cipal exhibitions of Europe and America, and in 1915 was awarded a medal at the Panama Exposition at San Francisco, Cal. Juergens, William F., Manufacturing Jeweler of 100 North State Street, was born in April, 1870, in Chicago. Since 1911 he has been Vice-President of the Juergens and Andersen Company; also Vice-President of the Heissler and Junge Company. Junkersfeld, Peter, Engineer of 139 North Menard Avenue, was born Oct. 17, 1869, in Colfax Township, Champaign County, 111. In 1895 he received the degree of B. S. from the University of Illinois. In 1895-1919 he was associated with the Chicago Edison Company, and its successor, The Commonwealth Edison Company, as an engineer and assistant to the Vice-President. Since April, 1919, he has been engineering manager for Stone and Web- ster, Boston, Mass. In 1917-19 he was Super- vising Construction Officer for the canton- ments of the American Army, and other con- struction for the War Department, being hon- orably discharged as Colonel on March 4, 1919. Junkin, Francis Thomas Anderson, Lawyer of 2541 Michiga n Avenue, was born Feb. 3, 1864, in Rockbridge Coun- ty, Va. In 1884 he received the degree of A. B. from Kenyon College, Ohio; and 1887 the degree of LL. B. from Columbia Uni- versity. In 1893-7 he was engaged in reorganizing many railway systems; and in 1898-1915 was General Attorney for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. Juul, Niels, Lawyer and Statesman of 19 South LaSalle S treet, was born in Denmark. He graduated from the law department of Lake Forest University in 1898, and was admitted to practice in 1899. He was elected State Senator in 1898, and served for sixteen years; became Dean of the Illinois Sen- ate, and Chairman of its Committee on Judiciary; was appointed Assistant Attorney of the San- itary District in 1907, and served as such for four years. He is now senior member of the law firm of Juul and Juul. Kahlke, Charles Edwin, Surgeon, of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1870, in Rock Island, 111. He is Professor of Surgery in Hahnemann Medical College, Attending Surgeon to Hahnemann Hospital and Streeter Hospital. Kahn, Harry, Physician of 30 North Michi- gan Avenue, was born July 18, 1869, in Hunt- ington, Ind. Since 1900 he has been Professor in the Northwestern School of Pharmacy. He is also Attending Laryngologist to Michael Reese Hospital; and Vice-President of the Chicago Laryngologieal and Otological So- cietv. Kahn, Sidney H., of 6 North Clark Street, was born May 21, 1886, in Chicago, 111. For four years he was associated with Spiegel, 212 HERRINGSHAw'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. May, stern and Company. Ee is now Treas- urer of S. W. Straus and Company, in charge of office, finances and entire sales department. Kales, Albert Martin, Lawyer, Educator and Author of 14ii South Dearborn street, Chi- cago, was born March 11, L875, in Chicago. In 1916 17 he was Professor of Law at Har- vard University. He is the Author of Home- stead Exemption Laws of Illinois; Unpopular Government in the United states, and various other articles. Kales, John Davis, Physician of 7 West Mad- iron Street, was born May 3, 1 8fi 1, in Chicago, 111. Since 1887 he has practiced medicine, and in L893-8 was Professor of Pathology in North- western University Medical School. Kalven, Harry, Merchant of 321 West Ad- ams Street, was born Nov. 19, 1877, in Chi- cago. In 1903 he organized and has since been senior member of the wholesale dry goods firm of Kalven and Stern. Kanaley, Byron Vincent, Mortgage Banker of 133 West Washington Street, was born July 10, 1882, in Weedsport, N. Y. In 1904 he received the degree of A. B. from Notre Dame University, and 1907 the degree of LL. B. from Harvard University Law School. He is one of the founders and co-partner of Cooper, Kanaley and Company, first mortgage hankers. He is President of the Chicago Realty Club; Ex-President of Notre Dame University Club of Chicago; and a member of the South Shore Country, Flossmoor Country, and Chicago Realty Clubs. Kanavel, Allen Buckner, Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1874, in Sedgwick, Kansas. He is Attending Surgeon to Wesley Hospital; and since 1904 Professor of Surgery in the Post-Graduate Medical School. Kane, Thomas, Manufacturer of 143 North Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 2, 1S37, in Adams County, Ohio. He is a Trustee of the Lewis Institute. Since 1881 he has been a member of the Union League Club; and since 1898 the Glen A r iew Golf Club. Kane, Thomas C, of 21 North LaSalle Street, was born May 19, I860, in Geneva, N. Y. He was formerly in the Chicago Police Department, attaining the rank of Captain of Police. He is now Manager of The Kane Service. KantOl', John M., Investment Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 8, 1878, in Sweden. He was formerly real estate ex- pert for the City of Chicago, and chief in- vestigator, City of Chicago. He is now Presi- dent of Kantor, Burger and Company, invest- ment securities; and Nice President of L. A. Davis and Company, incorporated. Kapsa, L. A., Attorney at-Law of 154 West Randolph Street, was bom dune 23, 1*73, in Obora, Bohemia. From 1906-8 he was Assis- tant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; and 1908-9 Special Assis- tant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana, Eastern District of Wis- consin and the Southern, Eastern and North- ern District of Illinois. Karpen, Solomon, Manufacturer of 906 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 7, 1858, in Germany. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the manufacture of furniture, and is now President of the S. Karpen Brothers. Karreman, Adrian Reginald, Physician of 6417 Stewart Avenue, was born in Grand Rapids, Mich. He graduated from the Univer- sity of Michigan, Rush Medical College and the College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is medical examiner for several societies. Kaspar, William, Banker of 1900 Blue Island Avenue, was born Sept. 1, 1835, in Bohemia. In 1905 he incorporated and has since been President of the Kaspar State Bank. Kasper, Adam J., Importer of 353 East Illi- nois Street, was born in 1854, in St. Johns, Ind. For thirty years he was President of the Durand and Kasper Company. He is President of the A. J. Kasper Company, tea and coffee. Kasperski, Thomas, Real Estate Dealer of 1859 West Twentieth Street, was born in Wittowo, Poland. He is a member of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County; and a member of the Board of Forest Preserve Commissioners. Kastor, Louis, Business Man of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 26, 1862, in New York City. Since 1902 he has been President of H. W. Kastor and Sons Adver- tising Company. Kaufman, Samuel Robert, Hotel Proprietor of 504 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Marquette, Mich., and was educated in the Marquette public schools. He is Presi- dent of the Congress Hotel Company, owners of the Congress Hotel and Annex. He is a member of the ^L South Shore Country and •J. N^Thjl^. Illinois Athletic Clubs, and Hk '•] Sflfel other clubs and organiza- tions. Kaufmann, Morris, Wholesale Merchant of 12 North Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 31, 1870, in Pittsburg, Pa. Since 1905 he has been President of the Kaufmann Hat Company, wholesale milliners. Kavanagh, John E., Merchant of 1234 West Kinzie Street, was born Dec. 30, 1859, in North Java, N. Y. He is senior member of the firm of Kavanagh Brothers and Company; and President of The Chicago Ferrule and Nut Company; and Director of the Pontiac En- graving and Electrotyping Company. Kavanagh, Marcus, Jurist of 216 East Twen- tieth Street, was born Sept. 3, 1859, in Des Moines, Iowa. In 1S80-4 he was City Attor- fl^s^ HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 213 ney of Des Moines; and 1885-9 District Judge of the Ninth Judicial District of Iowa. In 1899 he was elected Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. He served in the Spanish-American War as Colonel of the Sev- enth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Kavanagh, Matthew Henry, Manufacturer of 208 North Fifth Avenue, was born July 11, 1851, in North Java, N. Y. He is Presi- dent and Treasurer of the K. and F. Manufac- turing Company; President of the Kavanagh Broom Corn Company, of Indianapolis, and President of the Kavanagh Telephone Com- pany. Kay, John Roland, Advertising Agent of 111 West Washington Street. He is President of the J. Roland Kay Company, International advertising agents, Chicago, New York City, Paris, Sydney; President of the J. Roland Kay Far East Company, Tokyo, Japan; and Director of John Haddon and Company, in- ternational advertising agents. Kayser, Charles William, Business Manager of 205 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 18, 1864, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1902 he has been Western Manager of Joseph Wild and Company, New York. Keane, Hugh V., Engraver and Printer of US East Twentieth Street, was born Sept. 28, 1870, in New York City. Since 1885 he has been identified with the Ameri- can Bank Note and En- graving Company interests and is now Vice-President of the Company, in charge ^'%«*3ft of its West nil Division. ^/^L "^^^^^^ He is a member of the Chi- BpH^. A fl I Calumet, Hamilton and South Shore Country Clubs. Keane, Theodore John, Kducator of 5027 Dorchester Avenue, was born Jan. 21, 1880, in San Francisco, Cal. Since 1914 he has been Dean in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Kearns, Hugh J., Lawyer and Jurist of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1870, in Chicago, 111. He was Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County, 111., and Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is now a. member of Bradlev and Kearns. Keebler, Edward F., Real Estate Dealer of 5 North LaSalle Street. Head of the firm of E. F. Keebler and Company. Keech, George C, Electrical Engineer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born July 26, 1S76, in Centerville, Mich. He is Manager of the Cooper-Hewitt Electric Company. In 1910 he was Vice-President of the Illuminating En- gineering Society; 1913 President of the Chi- cago Electrical Olub; and 1914 President of the Chicago Alumni Association and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. Keefe, James Eucherius, Dentist of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 20, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1886 he has been engaged in the practice of dentistry; and is President and Treasurer of the Haskell Post- Graduate Dental College. Keefe, John S., Steel and Wire Manufac- turer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 24, 1864, in Boston, Mass. He was edu- cated in the Boston public schools. In 1880 he entered railway service with the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company; 1889-99 Traffic Manager of the Illinois Steel Com- pany; 1899-1901 General Traffic Manager of the American Steel and Wire Company; and since 1901 First Vice-President and a Director of the same. He is also General Traffic Man- ager of the Northern Liberties Railway and the Pittsburg and Ohio Valley Railway. Keefer, Edward Ferdinand, Live Stock Com- mission Merchant Union Stock Yards, was born March 21, 1875, in Allegheny City, Pa. He is a member of the firm of Doud and Keefer. Keehn, Roy Dee, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 7, 1875, in Ligonier, Ind. In 1905-7 he was Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of Chicago; later General Manager of the Chicago Exam- iner and Chicago American and representative of the General Management of the Hearst Publications. Keel, H. C, Manufacturer, Twenty-second St ret and Union Avenue, was born Jan. 16, 1877. He is President of the National Laun- dry Machinery Company. Keeler, Charles Franklin, Coal Operator of 1468 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 8, 1839, in St. Albans, Vt. In 1861-4 he served in the Civil War; and in 1888 began to operate coal mines in Indiana, where he has extensive interests. Keeler, Hervey Eugene, Manufacturer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 2, 1855, in Seneca Falls, N. Y. Since 1S89 he has been Manager of The Ludlow Valve Man- ufacturing Company; and is also President of the Rogers Park Water Company. Keeley, Edward S., Railway Official of 80 Jackson Boulevar d, was born Nov. 11,1858, in " — ,' i Peru, 111. In 1S74 he en- tered railway service at Milwaukee; 1891-1900 As- sistant General Freight Agent at Chicago; 1900-6 General Freight Agent; and since ll)i>7 Freight Traffic Manager of the Chicago, .Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. He is a member of the Union League, Chicago, and Exmoor Golf Clubs. Keelin, Thomas William, Miller of 166 North Carpenter Street, was born Nov. 19, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is President of Keelin Broth- ers and Company; T. W. Keelin and Company; The Prairie State Milling Company, and the 214 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. West End Storage Warehouse Company. Keeling, Francis, Jr., Wholesale Merchant of 312 West Randolph street. President of Humiston Keeling and Company, drugs. Keeney, Albert F., Real Estate Dealer of 5600 Wesl North A veil iic, was born Oct. 1, 1872, in Des Moines, lo\v;i. For two terms he was an Alderman from the Twenty-seventh Ward in Chicago; was a member of the For- ty third Ceiieral Assembly from the Twenty- fifth Senatorial District; and in 1909 Presi- dent of tin' Board of Local Improvements un- der .\l;iyiir Basse. Keep, Chaiuicey, Capitalist of 112 West Ad- ams Street, was b orn Aug. 20, 1853, in White- water, Wis. He is a Di- rector of the Chicago Tele- phone Company; the Mer- chants Loan and Trust Company; the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank; the Chi- cago a n d Northwestern Railway; and the Pullman Company; and is a Trustee of the estate of Marshall Field. He is a member of the Union League, Onwentsia and Chicago Golf Clubs. Keep, William Fleming, Capitalist of 112 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 20, 1844, in Lock port, X. Y. In 1868-79 he was engaged in the wholesale hardware business. He re- tired in 1879 and has since devoted his atten- tion to his investments. Kehoe, John E., Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 26, 1867, in Sangamon County, 111. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago; and in 1900-2 was chief Trial Attorney for the City of Chicago. Keith, Leigh Shelton, Electrical Engineer nf 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 30, L878, in North Easton, Mass. Since 1913 he has been Secretary and Treasurer of Mc- Meen and Miller, engineers. He is Secretary nf the Chicago Engineers Club. Keith, Orlando S., Car Builder of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 31, 1867, in Henry, 111. In 1891-2 he was Superinten- dent of Transportation for the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad Company; 1910-17 President of the Keith Car Company; and now President of its successors, the Keith Railway Equip- ment Company. Keith, Stanley, Wholesale Merchant of 320 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1879, in Chicago. Since 1912 he has been Vice-Presi- dent of Keith Brothers and Company, dealers in hats and gloves. Keith, William Gustav, Electrical Engineer, was born Oct. 18, 1881, in Logansport, Ind. lie was educated in the public schools and Armour Institute of Technology. Since 1893 he has been engaged in engineering work; in Bins L5 was engineer for the West Chicago Bark Commissioners, and the Northwestern Electric Company; and since 1915 has been Commissioner of Gas and Electricity, City of Chicago. He is a member of the American Institne of Electrical Engineers, and the Elec- trical Leag-ue. Keith, William Scott, Lumberman of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born dan. 11, 1844, in Greenfield, Mass. Since 1890 he has been President of the Keith Lumber Company. Ex- President of the Hardwood Dealers' Associa- tion. Keller, Charles L., Civil Engineer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 9, 1871, in Dubuque, Iowa. He is a Director of the National Regulator Company, and Presi- dent of the Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Com- pany. Keller, T. C, Coal Operator of 37 West A T an Buren Street, was born Jan. 7, 1864, in Boston, Mass. He is Director of the Pittsburgh Ter- minal Railroad Coal Company and the Nation- al City Bank, of Chicago; and President and Director of T. C. Keller and Company, and the Sesser Coal Company. Keller, Walter, Organist and University Dean of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Chicago, 111. Since 1903 he has been Organist at St. Vincent's Church, of Chicago; is Director of the Musical Cycle Chorus, at Danville, 111.; and since 1912 Dean of the De- Paul University Music Department. Kelley, Francis dement, Editor and Clergy- man of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 23, 1870, at Vernon River, Canada. He is the founder and President of the Catholic Church Extension Society; and is Editor-in- chief of the Extension Magazine. Kelley, Thomas H., Surgeon of 4715 Drexel Boulevard, was born Nov. 25, 1881, in Wad- dington, N. Y. He is President of Surgery in the Medical Department of Loyola University. Kelley, William Vallandingham, Manufac- turer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 13, 1851, in Gratis, Ohio. In 1897 he organ- ized the Simplex Railway Appliance Company, which was absorbed by the Amer- ican Steel Foundries Com- pany, and of which he was President. He is now Pres- ident of the Miehle Print- ing Press and Manufactur- Company; and is a Director of the Con- tinental and Commercial National Bank. Kellogg, Clarence Vernon, Manufacturer of 419 Eighteenth Street, .was born Jan. 19, 1860, Cicero, N. Y. Since 189S he has been Presi- dent of the Kellogg Mackay Manufacturing Company, heating and plumbing supplies. Kellogg, James Gifford, Manufacturer of 1066 West Adams Street, was born May 31, 1881, in Chicago. Since 1908 he has been Vice-President of the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company. Kellogg, Leroy De Wolf, Manufacturer of HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 215 1066 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 30, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Since 1916 he has been Vice-President of the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company. Kelly, Charles, Commission Merchant, Un- ion Stock Yards, was born Oct. 14, 1865, in Montgomery County, Miss. Since 1886 he has been engaged in the live stock commisision business, and is now President of the Nation- al Live Stock Commission Company. Kelly, Dennis Francis, of 1 North State Street, was born Aug. 23, 1868, in Chicago. He has been connected with Mandel Brothers since 1879; becoming General Manager in 1901. He is also a Director of the Conti- nental and Commercial National Bank; and the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank. Member of the Executive Committee of the American Acceptance Coun- cil of New York, and President of the Asso- ciated Catholic Charities of Chicago. On De- cember 28, 1918, he was commissioned Lieu- tenant Colonel Illinois National Guard by Governor Frank 0. Lowden. In 1912-13-14 he was President of the Exmoor Country Club, and in 1917 President of the Chicago Athletic Association. He is a member of the Exmoor country, South Shore Country and Industrial Clubs, and The Medievalists. Kelly, Harry Eugene, Attorney-at-Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 27, 1870, in Des Moines, Iowa. In 1892 he re- ceived the degree of Ph. B. from the State University of Iowa, and in 1897 the degree of M. A.; and 1899-1900 studied law at the Uni- versity of Denver. In 1894-5 he was engaged in teaching, and in 1900 began the practice of law in Denver; 1906-8 a member of the Colorado House of Eepresentatives; and 1912- 14 United States District Attorney. He is now a member of the law firm of Butler, Lamb, Foster and Pope, Chicago. He is a member of the Legislative Committee and Vice-Chair- man of the Chicago Association of Commerce; and a member of the Union League Club, Chi- cago; University Club, Washington, D. C, and University Club, Denver. Kelly, "John, Manufacturer of 309 West Twenty-third Street, was born Oct. 16, 1S40, in Ontario, Canada. Since 1865 he has been engaged in the manufacture of side-walk lights, and is now President of the Richards and Kellv Manufacturing Company. Kelly, "Michael R., Coal Merchant of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Since 1906 he has been Man- aging Partner of E. L. Hedstrom and Com- pany. Kelly, William Lee, Contractor of 189 West Madison Street, was born March 12, 1864, in Waukegan, 111. Since 1892 he has been a con- tractor, and is now President of the Kelly- Atkinson Construction Company. Kelsey, James C, of 116 South Michigan Avenue, Sales Manager and Consulting Engi- neer of 430 South Green Street, was born May 18, 1872, in Leavenworth, Kansas. From 1902-5 he was Professor of Electrical Engi- neering in Purdue University. He is Sales Manager for the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company; and is Financial Editor of Telephony. Kemper, John S., Underwriter of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born in Van Wert, Ohio. He is Vice-President of the Lumbermen's Mu- tual Casualty Company of Chicago; and Man- ager of the Lumbermen's and Manufacturers' Insurance Agency. Kempner, Adolph, Grain Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 27, 1869, in Schrimm, Prussia. Since 1899 he has been President of the Adolph Kempner Company. He is a Director of the Chicago Board of Trade. Kendall, Arthur Isaac, Bacteriologist and Author of 5443 Cornell Avenue, was born May 7, 1877, in Somerville, Mass. Since 1910 he lias been Professor of Bacteriology in North- western University Medical School. He is the Author of nearly one hundred papers on Bac- teriology and Hygiene. Kendall, Ernest B., Real Estate and Mort- gage Banker of 82 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 1, 1860, in New York. For thirty years prior to 1906 he was foreman and manager with the Deering Harvesting Com- pany; and for sixteen years Secretary of the Deering Building and Loan Association. He is Vice-President of the Whitaker Manufac- turing Company. Kendrick, John William, Construction Engi- neer of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 14, 1853, in Worcester, Mass. In 1905-11 was Vice-President of the Atchison, Topeka ami Santa Fe Railroad. He is now a consult- ing railway expert. kenfield', Fred Standish, Publisher of 440 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov; 6, 1864, in Hastings, Mich. He is President of the Kenfield-Leach 'Company, general publishers and printers, the Domestic Engineering Pub- lishing Company, and the Successful Poultry Publishing Company. Kenfield, Hiram J., Publisher of 431 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 6, 1862, in Hastings, Mich. He is President of the Ken- field-Davis Publishing Company. Kennedy, Henry Herbert, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was horn June 6, 1861, in Clay, Iowa. He received, the degree of A. M>. from Iowa College, Grin- nell, Iowa; and t lie degree of LL. B. from the Univer- sity of Michigan in 1885. since L885 he has been en- gaged in the practice of his profession in Chicago; and is now a member of the law firm of Moses, Rosenthal and Kennedy. 2]G HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAI'lIY. Kenning, Arthur Mindo, Manufacturer of 652 W.st Lake Street, was born Jan. 12, 1880, in Minnedosa, Man., Canada. In 11)00 lie or- ganized and has since been Vice-President and General Manager of the International Tag ( lompany. Kenning, Charles P., Banker of 7 South Dearborn .Street, was born Feb. 20, 18(57, in Chicago. Since 1903 he has been Assistant Cashier of the Union Trust Company; and is Director of the Union Trust Compan- and the Illinois Warehouse and Storage Company. Kenny, William Stuart, Merchant of 451 St. Clair Street, was born Jan. 20, 1855, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1890 he has been iden- tified with the James 11. Rice Company, im- porters and jobbers of glass, paints, and oils, and is now President and Treasurer of the firm. Kent, Charles A., Educator, was born Feb. 2 I, lsti7, in Iowa. For five years he was Su- perintendent of Schools of Charles City, Iowa. He is now Principal of the Eugene Field Elementary School, Chicago. Kenyon,' Elmer Lawton, Physician of 104 South .Michigan Avenue, was born March 15, 1865, in Onondaga, N. Y. Since 1896 he has practiced medicine in Chicago, and is an As- sociate Professor in Rush Medical College. Kenyon, William John Charles, Consulting Engineer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was horn June 21, 1858, at sea. He was formerly Vice-President and General Manager of the Illinois Tunnel Company. Kern, Jacob J., Attorney-at-Law of 54 West Randolph Street, was born Jan. 10, 1863, in Chicago, 111. In 1889 he was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives; 1890-2 City Attorney; and 1S92 6 State's Attorney. He is now a member of the law firm of Kern and Clare. Kerner, Otto, Attorney-at-Law and Court official of 139 North Clark Street, was born Feb. 22, 1884, in Chicago, 111. For six years he was an Alderman in the Twelfth Ward, and was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County- He is now Assistant Prose- cuting Attorney for the City of Chicago. Kerns, George F., Lumber Dealer of 343 South Dearborn- Street, was born June 3, 1874, in Earlville, 111. Since 1896 he has been en- gaged in the lumber business, and is now Pres- ident of The Geo. F. Kerns Lumber Company. Kerr, Charles V., Mechanical Engineer of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born March 27, 1861, near Troy, Ohio. For six years he was Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Ar- mour Institute. He is now President of the Kerr Auxiliary Company, builders of steamer turbines and pumps. Kerr, Dawn Botfield, Physician of 315 North Lotus Avenue, was born in 1871, in Quincy, 111. She was formerly Professor of Philology in the College of Medicine and Surgery. Kerr, Ellis K., Physician of 30 North Mich- igan Avenue, was born in 1875, in Chicago, 111. lie is Assistant Professor of Medicine in Rush Medical College; and a member of the At- tending Stall' of the Cook County Hospital. Kerr, Henry Hampton, Construction Engi- neer of 111 West Washington Street, was horn April 12, 1864, in St. Peter, Minn. Since 1888 he has been Chicago representative of Westinghouse, Church, Kerr and Company. Kerr, Joseph H., of 305 South LaSalle Street, was horn Jan. 1, 1863, in Upper San- dusky, Ohio. He is President of the Missouri River Despatch Transportation Company, and the Polar Refrigerator Line. Kerr, Norman, Physician and Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1867 in Ontario, Canada. He was formerly Attend- ing Surgeon to the Children's Memorial Hos- pital; now Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Policlinic. During the Great War he served as Captain in the Medical Depart- ment of the United States Army. Kerr, Samuel, Attorney-at-Law of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 22, 1846, in McHenry County, 111. In 1886-7 he was Al- derman of the Eleventh Ward. Since 1870 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Kerr and Kerr. Kerr, Thomas Sloan Stewart, Physician of 315 North Lotus Avenue, was born Feb. 14, 1867, in Eagle, Mich. He was formerly pro- fessor of Materia Medica in the College of Medicine and Surgery. His time is now de- voted exclusively to chronic cases in medical practice. Kerr, William Dunton, Lawyer, Lecturer and Editor of 19 South LaSalle Street,' was born Sept. 4, 1883, in Chicago. He is a Lec- turer on the Law of Public Service Cor- porations in Northwestern University Law School. In 1913 he edited Commission Regu- lation of Public Utilities. Kershaw, Beit, Dentist and Edueator of 25 East Washington Street, was born Nov. 21, 1871, in Kent, Ohio. Formerly Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in North- western University Dental School. Kersten, George, Lawyer and Jurist, the Criminal Court Building, was born March 21, 1853, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Police Justice. Since 1903 he has been Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Kesner, Jacob Levi, Real Estate and Invest- ment Dealer of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 30, 1865. For thirty-two years he was associated with The Fair. He is now managing his own real estate interests, in- cluding the Kesner, Consumers and Lake \ T iew Buildings. Keyes, Albert Belcham, Surgeon and Gyne- cologist of 1 22 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Ashingdon, Essex, England. He is Professor of Gynecology in the Chicago Poli- clinic Post Graduate School; Assistant Pro- fessor of the same at Rush Medical College; HEBRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 217 Gynecologist to the Presbyterian, Policinic and Chicago Maternity Hospitals ; Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital; and Major in the Reserve Corps of the United States Army. Keyes, Roiiin Arthur, Wholesale Merchant of 333 West Lake Street, was born Dec. 14, 1854, in Somerville, Mass. Since 1901 he has been President of Franklin MacVeagh and Company, wholesale grocers, and is also a Di- rector of the National Bank of the Republic. Kiefer, Edgar S., Leather Merchant of 216 West Lake Street, was born Oct. 1, 1862, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1913 he has been Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Edgar S. Kiefer Tanning Company. He was formerly a mem- ber of the Grand Rapids Board of Education ami the Board of Public Works. Kiernan, James George, Physician of 31 North State Street, was born June 18, 1852, in New York. In 1903-14 he was Professor of Neurology in the Chicago Post-Graduate School; and 1906-8 Professor of Nervous Dis- eases in the Illinois Medical College. Kilbey, George Alfred, Clergyman of 1931 North Halsted Street, was born Jan. 22, 1857, in England. Until 1908 he was Commissioner and Deputy Commander of all of the Salva- tion Army work from Chicago to the Pacific Coast. He is now General Manager of the Chicago Christian Industrial League. Killam, Edgar L., Clergyman and Editor of 223 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 29, 1873, in Chelsea, Mich. In 1912-16 he was Secretary of the Michigan Baptist Con- vention; and since 1916 has been Field Editor of The Standard. Kimball, Curtis Nathaniel, Piano Manufac- turer of 304 South Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 4, 1862, in Wayne Top, Iowa. Since 1879 he has been associated with the W. W. Kim- ball Company, of which he is now President. Kimball, Charles P., Carriage Manufacturer lit' 3900 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 30, 1885. Since 1907 he has been associated with C. P. Kimball and Company, car- riage manufacturers, and is now President of the com- pany. He is a member of the Chicago Club, the On- wentsia Club, the Univer- sity Club and the Chicago Athletic Association, and [her fraternal organizations. Kimball, Frank, Grain Commission Mer- chant of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born May 14, 1853, in Charlestown, Mass. Since 1896 he has been connected with the Grain Commission business on the Chicago Board of Trade. He is President of the Chicago City Missionary Society. Kimbark, Eugene Underwood, Paper Dealer of 517 South Fifth Avenue, was born March 13, 1867, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-Presi- dent and Manager of The Paper Mills Com- pany. In 1912 he was President of The Chi- cago Association of Commerce. Kimbell, Raymond Grant, Banker of 3538 Fullerton Avenue, was born Oct. 20, 1878, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Kimball Trust and Savings Bank and President of the Private Bankers Association of Chicago. Mem- ber of the Chicago Bar Association; and the Hamilton Club. Kindelberger, Charles, Business Manager of 36 South State Street, was born in Alsace, Fiance. He is Manager of the Western Branch of the Chocolat-Menier Company. King, Calvin Putnam, Investment Banker id' 208 South LaSalle Street, was born July 21, 1876, in Havana, 111. He is senior mem- ber of King, Hoagland and Company; and is Director of the Havana National Bank, the Havana Metal Wheel Company, and other cor- porations. King, Charles Garfield, Broker of 1450 As- tor Street, was born Feb. 1, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the brokerage business, and is now senior member of the firm of King, Farnum and Company. King, Christopher, Attorney at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 12, 1863, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1896 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Culver, Andrews and King. King, Clarence Bruce, Physician and Sur- geon of 4100 West Madison Street, was born in 1873, in Peru, Ind. He is Professor of Neu- rology in the Illinois Post Graduate Hospital; and a member of the staff of the West Side Hospital. King, Florence H., Attomey-at-Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born 1S70, in Waterloo, Iowa. Since 1903 she has practiced law. She is Founder and President of the Woman 's Association of Commerce of the United States. King, Joseph H., Manufacturer of 208 South Jefferson Street. President of the Na- tional Regulator Company. King, Oscar A., Physician of 31 South State Street, was born Feb. 22, 1851, in Peru, Ind. Since 1900 he has been Vice-Dean of the Col- lege of Phvsicians and Surgeons. King, Ralph Warren, Merchant of 4121 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 6, 1871, in Three Rivers, Mich. He is President and Treasurer of the R. W. King Company, hay and grain elevator. King, Samuel Balch, Attomey-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born May 27, 1865, in Ottawa, 111. He was one of the in- corporators of the Kent College of Law. In 1917-19 he was President of the Illinois So- ciety Sons of the Revolution. Kinnaman, Noel, Public Accountant and In- ventory Expert of 337 West Madison Street, was born May 5, 1875. During the Spanish- American War he served in the Philippine Islands in the Fifty-first Iowa Infantry, 218 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. United states Volunteers, and the Thirty- sixth United States Volunteer Infantry. He is owner of the Chicago Calculating Company and The Calculator School. Kinsella, J. Edward, Contractor and Ranch Owner of l_s North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. iM, lst>::, in Lockport, 111. He is Presi- dent of the Kinsella Gravel and Ice Company. Kinsey, Carl D., of 624 South Michigan Ave- nue, was born Nov. 1, 1879, in Fort Wayne, I ml. lie is Vice President and Manager of the Chicago Musical College. Kinsey,' Frank, Manufacturer of 140 South Dearborn street. President of the American Key ('an Company. Kinsey, Louis Adeptus, Real Estate Dealer of 82 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 26, 1853, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1904 he das been engaged in the real estate business, lie is now senior member of L. A. Kinsey and Son, real estate; and is President of the Kin- sey Realty Company of Buffalo, N. Y. Kiper, Herman, Manufacturer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 14, 1854, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1910 he has been Vice- President and General Manager of the Auto- matic Enunciator Company; and is also Vice- President of Street's Western Stable Car Line. Kiper, Julius, Real Estate Dealer of 500 South Peoria Street, was born June 12, 1852, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was formerly a part- ' ner in the firm of L. Kiper and Sons. He is now engaged in the real estate business. Kirchhoff, August C, Wholesale Merchant of 642 West Randolph Street, was born Oct. 5, L8>69j in Meldorf, Holstein, Germany. Since 1897 he has been in business on his own ac- count as head of August C. Kirchhoff and Company, wholesale cheese and canned fish. Kirk, Walter Radcliflfe, Broker of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 21, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Vice-President of dames S. Kirk and Company, of which he is now a director. Kirkeby, Marius, Merchant and Manufac- turer of 2420 North Kedzie Boulevard, was bom Jan. 23, I860, in Norway. He is en- gaged in the produce business, a member of the firm of M. Kirkeby and Company; Direc- tor of the National Oxygen Company and the Central Bond and Mortgage Company, Chi- cago. Kirkman, Marshall Monroe, Author of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born July 10, 1842, in Illinois. In 1889-1910 he was Vice- President of the Chicago & Northwestern Rail- way, lie is author of the Romance of Gilbert Holmes; [skander; History of Alexander the Great; and other historical novels. Kirkpatrick, John Armour, Physician of 6834 South Park Avenue, was born April 20, ls.lt, in Muskingum County, Ohio. Since 1892 he has practiced medicine in Chicago; for- merly Professor of General and Special Path- ology in. Hering Medical School. Kissack, William, Civil Engineer of 133 West Washington Street, was bom May 15, 1859, in Liverpool, England. In 1902 he or- ganized and was President of the American Crushed Stone Company. He is now Presi- dent of the William Kissack Company, engi- neers and contractors. In 1915-16 he was Chief Engineer of Streets, Board of Local Im- provements, City of Chicago, during suspen- sion of permanent officials. He is a life mem- ber of the Press Club, Chicago, and a member of the Builders and Traders Exchange. Kitchin, Anthony W., Commission Mer- chant, Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards, was born June 16, 1862. He is Manager of Ad- ams and Kitchin, live stock commission mer- chants. Kittermaster, William Anthony, Railway Official of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born March 11, 1862, in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. He is General Agent of the Freight Depart- ment of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway and the Milwaukee, St. Paul and Santa Fe Railway. Kittilsby, Peter A., Clergyman of 1533 Sher- win Avenue, was born Oct. 16, 1865, in Cal- mar, Iowa. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Christian Associa- tion; Field Secretary of the Eastern District of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of Amer- ica; and member of the board of the Nor- wegian Deaconess Hospital, Chicago. Kittleman, James M., Manufacturer of 161 West Harrison Street, was born Aug. 28, 1857, in Bloomfield, Iowa. Since 1897 he has been President of the Kittleman Leather Goods Company. In 1905-9 he was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives. Kittredge, Rufus Jay, Printer of 812 West Superior Street, was born Oct. 19, 1859, in Glendale, Ohio. Since 1876 he has been en- gaged in the printing business, and is now President of R. J. Kittredge and Company, label and color printers. Kjellander, John, Public Official and Busi- ness Man of 3033 North Clark Street, Was born July 9, 1863, in Swed- en. In 18S9 he was en- gaged in the drug business in Chicago. For four years he was City Sealer; and three terms an Alderman from the Twen t y-t h i r d Ward in Chicago. ' In 1896 he was elected Clerk of the Superior Court of Cook County. Klapproth, Frederick Adolph Hemrich, Lumberman of 111 West Washington Street, was born April 23, 1876, in Chicago, 111. In 1900-14 he was Treasurer and Manager of the American Box Company. He is now Vice- HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY.. 219 President of the Chicago Mill and Lumber Company. Klee, Nathan, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 4, 1870, in Germany. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and since 1916 a member of Klee, Rogers, Wile and Loeb. He is active in charity work, since 1909 Treas- urer and a Director of the Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago; and a member of the Standard, City, Illinois Athletic and North- moor Country Clubs. Kleeman, Benton F., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born June 11, 1868. In 1896 he was admitted to the bar and has served seven terms as a member of the Illinois Legislature. Klein, Frederick, Printer of 636 South Clark ■ Street, was born Nov. 13, 1856, in Germany. In 1822 he incorporated, and has since been President of the Fred Klein Company. Klein, John Mathias, Manufacturer of 562 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec. 21, 1856, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902, he has been a partner in the firm of Mathias Klein and Sons, tool manufacturers. Klein, Leon J., Mortgage Banker of 79 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 20, 1865, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is sole owner of the Leon J. Klein Company. Kleine, Henry, Leather Merchant of 208 West Lake Street, was born May 23, 1854, in Germany. He is President of the American Shoe Polish Company and of the Henry Kleine Company. Since 1903 he has been President 'of the National Leather and Shoefinders Asso- ciation. He is a Thirty-second Degree Mason and Shriner. KleinpelL Henry H., Physician of 4S West Division Street, was born Feb. 26, 1869, in Cassville, Wis. Since 1900 he has practiced Medicine in Chicago. He is Professor and At- tending Physician to St. Vincent's Infant Asylum and the Children's Memorial Hospital. During the Great War he served with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Kletzinger, Josiah F.,' Educator, was born in Fairview Village, Pa. Principal of the Ra- veuswood Grammar School. Kline, Julius Reynolds, Attorney-at-Law, L55 North Clark Street, was born Dec. 15, 1865, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was educated at the Pennsylvania State Normal School, Allegheny College, Chicago Law School and Midland University. Since 1892 he has been in prac- tice in Chicago; now Pro- fessor of Law in the Chi- _ cago Law School. He is President of the Pennsylvania Society; mem- ber of the Chicago, Illinois State and Ameri- can Bar Associations, National Geographic Society; Thirty-third Degree Mason; has served as Adjutant General in the Illinois National Guard, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, late Commander of Illi- nois Naval Reserves; ordered on active duty in 1917, assigned to technical and military formation of training corps; and assigned to the U. S. Government War Exposition in charge of formation of parades and military lines. He is the author of Bulletin No. 5, issued by the War Department; and Active Dutv, an officers' handbook. Klicka, Emil, Manufacturer of 2007 South California Avenue, was born May 26, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1906 he has been Presi- dent and General Manager of the Joseph Klicka Company, manufacturers of mouldings. Kline, Sol, Manufacturer of 76 West Mon- roe Street, was born June 29, 1870, in Den- ver, Colo. Since 1904 he has been a member of Kline Brothers, also a member of the Kline Brothers Company of Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City and Detroit. Ex-President of the Standard Club. Kline, William S., of 72 West Adams Street, was born July 31, 1876, in Canton, 111. He is President of the Economic Light and Power Company; Assistant Secretary of the Common- wealth Edison Company; and Secretary of the Chicago and Illinois Midland Railway Com- pany; also a Director of the West Town State Bank. Kling, Henry F., Educator of 2539 Logan Boulevard, was born March 16, 1857, in Fond du Lac, Wis. He is Principal of the Brentano School. Kling, Leopold, Manufacturer of 419 South Wells Street, was born March 20, 1878, in Al- sace-Lorraine. He is President of the whole- sale clothing house of Kling Brothers; and President of the Unique Knitting Mill. Klingenberg, William J., Banker of 4611 Broadway, was born Feb. 27, 1S77, in Du- buque, Iowa. For eighteen years he was as soeiated with the First National Bank of Chi cago. He is now President and a Director of the Sheridan Trust and Savings Bank. Klintz, Anatole, Manufacturer of 905 West Randolph Street, was horn April 8, 1S69, in Colmar. In 1894-1907 he was Secretary of the Zero Marx Si>in Works. He is now proprie- tor of A. Klintz and Company, manufacturers of signs. Klotz, Charles A., Manufacturer of 29 South, LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 25, 1873, '" New York City. He is President of the Pro- ducers Material Company. Knap, William H., Real Estate Investment Dealer of 69 West Washington Street, was born in 1860, in Bedford, Ind. Ex-President of the Colonial Club. Knapp, George Leonard, Author of 510 Cen- tral Park Boulevard, was born April 6, 1872, in Dover, Minn. Since 1912 he has been Edi- torial Writer for the Chicago Journal. He is a contributor to magazines, and author of The 220 IIERRINGSIIAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Face of Air; The Scales of Justice, and other works. Knapp, George S., Manufacturer of 2 I lit West Fourteenth street, was born in 1S50, in Albany, \. V. In 1905 lie organized the Knapp Brothers Manufacturing Company, of which lie is now Treasurer and Director. He is also Vice -President and Treasurer of the Knapp Metal Ceiling Company. Knapp, Harold Everard, Musician of 810 Colfax Street, Evanston, 111., was born Aug. 23, 1867, in Neponset, 111. Since 1892 he has been Professor of Violin and Ensemble Play- ing in Northwestern University. Knapp, Kemper K., Attorney -at-Law of 20S South LaSalle Street, was born March 7, I860, in Marquette, Wis. In 1882 he was admitted to the bar. lie is Genera] Counsel for the Illinois Steel Company; a Director of the South Chicago Savings Bank and the Gary State Bank; and a member of the law firm of Knapp and Campbell. Kneath, Watkin W., Banker, was born in 1875, in Great Britain. He was formerly President of W. W. Kneath and Company, in- vestment bankers, Rochester, N. Y.; and later resident partner in Chicago of Spencer, Trask and Company, investment bankers? He is now Vice-President of the National Bank of the Republic. Kneisel, Arthur, Patent Attorney and Tele- phone Expert of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born duly 11, 1880. He is Assistant Engineer of the Illinois State Public Utilities Commis- sion; and National Secretary of the American Association of Engineers. Knerr, William N., Importer and Merchant of 320 South Franklin Street, was born May 27, 187"), in Schuylkillhaven, Pa. He is Secre- tary and Manager of Francis T. Simmons and Company and the Marathon Underwear Com- pany. Knight, George C, Hotel Proprietor of 18S West Randolph Street. President of the Brings Hotel Company. Knight, John B., Real Estate Dealer of 74 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 1, is 17, in Hopkinsville, Ky. He is head of the firm of John B. Knight and Company. Knight, Joseph Chadbourne, Fire Under- writer of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was bom Sept. 7, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the insurance busi- ness, and is now head of the firm of Joseph C. Knight and Company. Knight, Newell Clark, Advertising Agent of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born April 25, L862, in St. Louis, Mo. In 1893-1905 he was engaged in the bond business. He is now President of the Knight, Company. Knight, Stephen Corbly, Attorney-at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 9, 1847, in Casstown, Ohio. Since 1879 he has practiced law in Chicago. Knight, Thomas Duerson, Attorney-at-Law of 5052 Drexel Boulevard, was born April 15, L863, in Goshen, Ky. Since 1886 he has been engaged in practice in Chicago, and in 1892-5 was Assistant States Attorney. Knights, Charles H., Wholesale Merchant of 31 North State Street. President of C. H. Knights-Thearle Company, wholesale jewel- ers. Knill, Charles P., Publishers' Representa- tive of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 18, 1865, in Detroit, Mich. He has been associated with the Tribune and the Chicago American; now President of Knill-Burke, In- corporated. Knisely, Harry Crater, Manufacturer of 1922 South Western Avenue, was born Nov. 14, 1868, in Chicago, 111. In 1892 he organ- ized and has since been President of the Harry C. Knisely Company, sheet metal works. Knoll, William Jacob, Manufacturer of 2214 Ward Street, was born March 15, 1873, in Chicago, III. Since 1890 he has been identi- fied with H. B. Rouse and Company, manu- facturers of printers' tools, of which he is now Vice-President. Knopf, Philip, Soldier and Congressman of 1056 North Hoyne Avenue, was born Nov. 18, 1847, in Lake County, 111. He served in the Civil War. For eight years he was Chief Deputy Coroner of Cook County; 1887-94 a member of the Illinois Senate; 1894-1902 Clerk of Cook County; and 1903-9 a member of Congress from f V- J the Seventh District of Illinois. Knott, Henry Adams, Real Estate Dealer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in Angola, Ind. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the real estate business. He is a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Kober, Georgia, Concert Pianist and Teach- er of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born at Ligonier, Ind. She began playing in con- certs in Chicago at the age of eleven, and has since toured the United States. Since 1911 she has been President of the Sherwood Music School. Kochs, August B., Manufacturer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 13, 1871, in Lichtenau, Germany. He is President and General Manager of the Victor Chemical Works. Kochs, Theodore A., Merchant of 659 North Wells Street. President of Theodore A. Kochs Company, barbers' supplies. Kocourek, Albert, Attorney-at-Law of 31 West Lake Street, was born July 9, 1875, in Louisville, Ky. Since 1897 he lias practiced law in Chicago; and since 1914 has been Pro- fessor of Law in Northwestern University Law School. Koeber, Henry Jacob, Wholesale Coal Deal- HERRINGSHAW's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 221 er of 37 West Van Buren (Street, was born Dec. 30, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is President of Henry Holverscheid and Company; and the Albany Barker, Carter, and Domestic Coal Companies. Koehler, Thomas Nicholas, Coal Merchant of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Oct. 6, 1865, in Woodsfield, Ohio. In 1893 he or- ganized and has since been head of the firm of T. N. Koehler and Company, and the Wil- mington Coal Washing Company. Koehne, William Louis, Artist and Photog- rapher of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 24, 1869, in Oldenburg, Germany. Since 1893 he has been a photographer in Chi- cago, and is proprietor of the Koehne Studio, Monroe Building, Chicago; and President of the Morrison Photographer Corporation. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Associa- tion, Westmoreland Golf Club; and Photog- raphers' Association of America. Winter Residence, Palm Beach, Fla. Koepke, Charles Albert, Attorney-at-Law of 64 West Randolph Street, was born Dec. 18, 1876, in Chicago, 111. In 1899 he received the degree of LL. B. from Northwestern Uni- versity Law School, and was admitted to the bar the same year. He is engaged principal- ly in real estate, probate, and chancery prac- tice. He is a member of the American, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations, and the Hamilton Club. Koester, George Frederick, Real Estate and Loan Dealer of 143 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. S, 1862, in Chicago, 111. From 1909-12 he was a member of the Board of Edu- cation of Chicago. He is a member of the Union League Club, and the Ridgemoor Coun- try Club. Koester, Henry, Manufacturer of 1922 Car- roll Avenue, was born Sept. 6, 1857, in Chi- cago. Since 1901 he has been President of the National Galvanizing Company. Kohler, G. A, Edward, Electrical Engineer of 111 North Jefferson Street, was born Feb. 17, 1864, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1891 he organized and has since been proprietor of the firm of Kohler Brothers, contracting engineers. Kohlhase, Frank Louis, Manufacturer of 424 South Clinton Street, was born Aug. 16, 1861, in Stettin, Germany. In 1897 he estab- lished the National Stamping and Electric Works, of which he is President and principal stockholder. Kolischer, Gustav, Physician and Surgeon of 108 North State Street, was born Nov. 23, 1863, in Vienna, Austria. President of the Chicago Urological Society. Kohn. Louis A., Wholesale Tailor of 1030 West Van Buren Street, was born July 27, 1866. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the manufacture of clothing, anil is now President of the Lukone Tailoring Company, wholesale custom tailors. Kohout, Jerome F., Chemical Engineer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec. 15, 1887, in Chicago, 111. He has been chemist with the Simonds Manufacturing Company, and Illinois State Geological Survey; and consulting chemist for the United States Fuel Administration for Illinois. He is now chem- ical director of the Commercial Testing and Engineering Company. Kohtz, Louis O., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 28, 1844, in Saxony, Germany. He served in the Union Army during the Civil War. Since 1866 he has been engaged in the insurance business in Chicago, former member of the Chicago Board of Education. Kolb, W. H., Insurance Manager of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born duly 29, 1878, in Eufaula, Ala. Since 1900 he has' been associated with the Travelers Insurance Com- pany, and is now Manager of the Life and Accident Department of the Travelers Insur- ance Company for Cook County. Koll, Irvin Sunthimer, Physician and Edu- cator of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 15, 1883, in Owensboro, Ky. He is Professor of genitourinary diseases in the Post-Graduate Medical School of Chicago. Komaiko, Solomon B., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 15, 1879, in the State of Kovno, Russia. He is a Director of the Chicago Jewish Orthodox Or- phans' Home, and National Director of the Denver Consumptive Sanitarium. Konchar, George W., Musician and Insur- ance Broker, was born March 29, 1889, in Du- luth, Minn. He was formerly special agent of the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company, and examiner for the National Liberty In- surance Company. He is now Managing Di- rector of the Harvey Orchestras, and Amuse- ment Exchange, State-Lake Building, Chi- cago; and is also engaged in the insurance business. Konenkamp, Sylvester J., Attorney-at-Law and Telegraph Operator of 608 South Dear- born Street, was bom duly 6, 1S78, in Pitts- burgh, Pa. He is International President of the Commercial Telegraphers' Union of America. Konsberg, Edgar Theodore, Broker of 234 South LaSalle .Street, was born June 8, 1880, in Chicago. He is head of the firm of E. T. Konsberg and Company, investment securi- ties; and Director of the Brookfield State Bank. Koontz, Frank L., Railway Official of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in Amboy, 111. He is Federal Treasurer of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railroad. Koraleski, Frank W., Lawyer and City Offi- cial of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 7, 1874, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1895 he was admitted to the bar. In 1908-12 he was an Alderman in the Sixteenth Ward; was a member of the Board of Assessors of Cook 222 BERRINGSII AW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BI< MiKAI'l 1 Y. County, and a member of the City Plan Com- mission. Kordick, Frank, Manufacturer of 3211 (Iran, I Avenue, was Kuril Feb. .'!, 1S72, in Aus- tria. Ilr was formerly associated with the Lyon ami Eealy Company. lie- is now Presi- dent (if ihc Regal Music Instrument Company. Kornblith, Howard G., Underwriter of 175 Wesl Jackson Boulevard, was born April 10, 1884, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of the Eliel ami Loeb Company, underwriters. In r.M I he was Vice-President of the Insur- ance Brokerage Association of Chicago. Korshak, Max M., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born April 15, 1884. Former Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City nf Chicago. Korten, Charles A., Merchant of 29 West Austin Avenue, was born Jan. 29, 1875, at Green Bay, Wis. He is Secretary and Treas- urer of the Korten Brothers Company, whole- sale coffee, tea and spices. Eesidence, May- woo. I, 111. Kosche, Oscar Frederick, Broker of 112 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 21, 1860, in Chicago. In 18S0 he founded, and has since been President of Charles D. Stone and Com- pany, custom house brokers and freight for- warders. Kostner, Joseph Otto, Real Estate Dealer of ll'l 1 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. I, 1882, in Chicago, 111. In 1911-15 he was deputy commissioner of public works for the City of Chicago. He is a member of all Masonic bodies, the Odd Fellows, the Koyal League, the Royal Arcanum and Knights of Pythias; and a member of the Iroquois and Bohemian Clubs. Krabol, Olaus, Manufacturer of 1740 North Maplewood Avenue. He is a Director of the l'n ion Bank of Chicago; and President of the Colonial Chair Company. Kraemer, Paul, Beal Estate and Loan Deal- er of 118 North LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 27, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1888 he has been a partner in the firm of J. H. Kraemer ami Son. In 1917-18 he was President of the Cook County Real Estate Board. Kraft, Oscar H., Oculist of 25 East Wash- ington Street, was born in Albany, N. Y. Sirn-e lssT lie lias practiced in Chicago, ami is now Attending Oculist to the Grant and Sheri- dan Park Hospitals, and the Chicago Half Orphan Asylum and Day Nursery. He is President of the North Side Medical Society. Kralovec, James M., Underwriter of 2011 Laflin Street, was born (Jet. 13, 185S, in Do- mazlice, Bohemia. lie is head of the firm of .1. M. Kralovec and Son, and Treasurer of the Federal Insurance Company of Chicago. In ) he was a member of the Chicago Board of Education. Kramer, Herman, Insurance Manager of 134 South LaSalle Street, was bom in Germany. He is City Manager for the Bonn Mutual Life Insurance ( lompany. Kramer, Adolph' F., member of the firm of Draper ami Kram er, 25 North Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 11, 1870, in Chicago, 111. lie was edu- cated in the Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Manual Training School. In L892 with Arthur W. Dra- per founded the present linn of Draper and Kramer, real estate and mortgage loans. He is a member and former Director of the Chicago Real Estate Board; was founder and first President of the South Side Renting Agents Association; Pres- ident of the Chicago Renting Agents Associa- tion; one of the Governors of the Bulldog Breeders Association of America. Residence, 5337 University Avenue. Kramm, Max, Concert Pianist and Dean of 308 South Wabash Avenue, was born April 1, 1874, in Weimar, Germany. He is Vice-Presi- dent and Director of the Piano Department of the Metropolitan Conservatory of Music, and Dean of the National Academy of Music. Kratsch, Charles, Tgnition Expert of 1466 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 27, 1876, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1915 he has been Treasurer of the Sumter Electrical Com- pany. In 1915-16 he was President of the International Combustion Engineers' Associa- tion. Kratz, Henry Elton, Educator and Author of 21 East Van Buren Street, was born Oct. 14, 1849, in Sterling, Ohio. Since 1910 he *has been President of the School and College Bureau, of Chicago. He is the Author of Studies and Observations in the School-Room. Kratzer, Glenn Andrews, of 4753 Sheridan Road, Christian Science Lecturer, Teacher and Bractitioner, was born July 6, 1869, in Genoa, N. Y. He graduated from the Cort- land State Normal School of New York and the College and Theological School of St. Law- rence University. He was the First Reader in the Christian Science churches of Fitchburg and Springfield, Mass. He is the author of the Dominion Within; Spiritual Man; Reve- lation Interpreted; What is Truth; Spiritual Dominion; and numerous pamphlets, which are published by The Central Christian Sci- ence Institute, of which ho is President. Kraus, Adolf, Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 26, 1848, in Bohemia. Since 1S77 he has practiced in Chi- cago; 1884-6, President of the Board of Edu- cation of Chicago; 1893 Corporation Counsel of Chicago; 1S|»| Publisher and Editor of the Chicago Times; and 1905 International Presi- dent of the Order of B'nai B'rith. Krauss, Elmer Frederick, Theologist and Clergyman of 1600 South Eleventh Avenue, Maywood, 111., was born Sept. 7, 1862, in HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 223 Kraussdale, Pa. Since 1900 he has been Pro- fessor of New Testament Exegesis in the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary, and President since 1915. Kreer, John George, Iron and Steel Opera- tor of S17 Washington Boulevard, was born Feb. 13, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 he has been President of the Hoyt-Noe Steel Company. Kreissl, Filipp, Surgeon of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 7, 1859, in Vienna, Austria. Since 1892 he has practiced in Chi- cago. He is now Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery in the Medical Department of Loyola University, and Attending Genito-Urinary Surgeon to Columbus Hospital. Kremer, Charles Edward, Attorney-at-Law of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 23, 1850, in Oshkosh, Wis. He is President of the Atlas Car Company; and a Professional Lecturer on Maritime Law in the University of Chicago; Chicago Kent College of Law; and John Marshall Law School. Kretschmer, Herman Louis, Physician and Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 22, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1904 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Genito-Urinary Surgeon to Alexian Brothers Hospital; and Urologist to the Presbyterian Hospital. Kretsky, Abel B., Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born in 1881, in Philadelphia, Pa. Formerly Assistant States Attorney. Kreuter, Adam, Manufacturer of 1824 North Spalding Avenue, was born Oct. 11, 1860, in Germany. Since 1907 he has been Vice-Presi- dent of the American Laundry Machinery Company. Krieg, William G., Architect of 11 South La- Salle Street, was born Jan. 20, 1874, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1908-10 City Architect. He is now President of the Midland Terra Cotta Company. Krimbill, Walter M., Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born May 16, 1876, in South Chicago, 111. He has been As- sistant City Prosecuting Attorney and As- sistant United States Attorney. Kritzer, Charles Conrad, Contracting Engi- neer, of 503 South Jefferson Street, was born Feb. 19, 1862, in Newaygo, Mich. He is Gen- eral Manager of The Kritzer Company; and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Peerless Ice Machine Company. Kroeck, George J., Paper Box Manufacturer of 216 Institute Place, was born June 10, 1866, in Chicago. He is President and Treas- urer of the Kroeck-Kluefer Paper Box Com- pany. For thirteen years he has been Treas- urer of the Western Paper Box Manufactur- ers' Association. Kroeschell, Charles, Manufacturer of 440 West Erie Street, was born May 22, 1848, in Nashville, Tenn. In 1894 he incorporated. and has since been President of the Kroe- schell Brothers Company, manufacturers of boilers. Krohmer, William F., Lithographer of 42 West Sixty-first Street, was born in October, 1872, in Chicago. Since 1910 he has been President of the Goes Lithographing Com- pany. Krohn, William Otterbein, Physician of 29 East Madison Street, was born March 23, 1868, in Galion, Ohio. In 1900-3 he was Presi- dent of tlie Department of Physical Education of the National Education Association. He is now Medical Juror of the Insanity Court of Cook County. Kropf, Oscar Armin, Lawyer, 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born of German par- ents, March 10, 1S72, in Vienna, Austria. From 1897-8 he was superintendent of the public, schools in Hays City, Kan. During 1908-9 he was Master of Lincoln Park Ma- sonic Lodge; 1913-14 Potentate of Medinah Temple A. A. O. N. M. S.; 1913-15 President of the American Unity Club; 1916-17 Grand Prator of Masonic Grand Lodge; Member American, Illinois State, and Chicago Bar Associations; and American Unity Law, Ridgemoor Country and Union League Clubs. Kropf, Oswald' Frederick of 2559 West Twenty-first Street, Manufacturer of 2100 South Rockwell Street, was born March 11, 1867, in Madison, Wis. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Findeisen and Kropf Manu- facturing Company, manufacturers of plumb- ers' supplies; and the Rayfield Carburetors Company. Kruetgen, Ernest J., of 626 Federal Street, was born March 18, 1S68, in Germany. He is President and Treasurer of the Ernest J. Kruetgen Company. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Education; and President of the Chicago Lincoln Club. Krumholz, Sigmund, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 13, 1S71, in Austria. He was formerly Attending 1 Neurol- ogist to the Cook County Hospital, the Wes- ley Memorial Hospital and the American Hospital ; now Consulting Neurologist to the Orthodox Jewish Old Folks Home. Krupka, John Albert, Wholesale Grocer of 811 West Randolph Street, was bom Jan. 15, 1874, in Tyndall, S. D. In 1S97 he became a member of John F. Lalla Company, and since 1917 has been President. Kruse, George Theodore, Commission Mer- chant of 708 West Randolph Sheet, was born May 4, 1867, in Germany. Since 1891 he has been head of the firm of George T. Kruse and Company, produce commission. Kubin, Otto, of 2107 Blue Island Avenue. He is President of the Atlas Brewing Com- pany and Vice-President of the Palm Beach Improvement Company. He is a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board and Iroquois Club. 224 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAI'1 1 V. Kuehl, Theodore, Manufacturer of 125 North Wabash Avenue, was born .Ian. 11, L865, in Hademarschen, Germany. Since 1898 In- lias been President of the Kuehl Clock Company. Kuehmsted Albert Louis, Electrical Engi- neer of L60] South Lincoln Street, was bom .Ian. 17, 1866, in Oshkosh, Wis. Since L893 lie has been President of the Gregory Electric Company. Kuehmsted, Armin O., Merchant anil Manu- facturer of 1601 South Lincoln Street, was Im. in Oct. 10, 1863, in Oshkosh, Wis. He is Vice President of the Gregory Electric Com- pany. He is a member of the Chicago Ath- letic Association, the Hinsdale Golf Club, and Medinah Temple. Kuflewski, Wladyslaw Augustyn, Physician ■ it 1366 North Robey Street, was born Mav 26, 1870, in Poland, 'in 1899-1903 he was At- tending Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital; and was formerly a member of the Chicago Hoard of Education. Kuh, Sydney, Physician of 30 North Mich- igan Avenue, was born in 1866, in New York City. He is Associate Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases in Rush Medical College; Attending Neurologist to Michael Reese Hos- pital; and Consulting Neurologist to the Psy- chopathic and Seeleth Hospitals. Kuhl, Hugo H., Printer of 732 Sherman Street, was horn Oct. 16, 1884, in Davenport, Iowa. He has been office and credit manager of the National Candy Company; assistant credit manager of the American Steel and Wire Company; and auditor of the Niagara Chocolate Company, Niagara Falls. He is now President and Treasurer of the Kuhl and Bant Company, mail advertising and printing. Kuhlmey, Albert, of 535 Deming Place, was born July 25, 1855, in Danzig, Germany. In 1874-82 he was associated with the Schuttler and Hot/. Wagon Factory, beginning as time- keeper and later became Superintendent. In 1882 95 he was Treasurer and 1895-1912 Presi- dent of A. Ortmayer and Son, wholesale sad- dlery; now retired from active business. Since 1895 he has been Treasurer of the Wholesale Saddlery Association of the United States. Kuhnert, Louis C, Merchant and Manufac- turer of 57 West Grand Avenue, was born April 22, 1854, in Woodstock, 111. Since 1914 he has been President of the Remien and Kuhnert Company, wall paper and paints. Kuhns, Ralph H., Physician and Surgeon of 5412 Eastwood Avenue, was born Nov. 12, 1889, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is Associate Surgeon to Michael Reese Hospital. During the Great War he served as Captain of the Medical Corps United States Army, and as Chief of the Surgical Service United States Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas. Kulp, Benjanr'n, Hanker of .".240 Wash- ington Boulevard, was born March 15, 1881, in Memel, Germany. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the mortgage banking business; and is now Vice-President of the Madison and Ked/.ie State Hank. Kulp, Jacob, Hanker of 3131 West Madison Street, was born Aug. 23, 1 s 7 7 , in Memel, Germany. He was formerly merchandise manager for Harris Brothers Company. He is now Vice Pesident of the Madison and Ked- zie State Bank. Kiunler, Preston, Attorney-at-Law of 203 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 5, 1S77, in Evansville, I ml. Since 1904 he has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago. During the Great War he served as Captain in the Three Hundred and Twenty second Infantry. Kunstadter, Albert, Merchant of 323 West Adams Street, was born March 19, 1872, in Chicago. In 1908 he incorporated and has since been President of Kunstadter Brothers, dry goods novelties. Kuntze, William, Composer, Conductor and Pianist of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 14, 1861, in Berlin, Germany. In 1894 he came to America, and for eight years was an instructor at the Balatka Musical Col- lege; 1898 was appointed Choir-director of the Chicago Lehrer-Yerein. He is |iow Dean and Director of the University School of Music in Chicago. Kuppenheimer, Jonas, Manufacturer of 423 South Franklin Street, was born 1854, in Terre Haute, Hid. In 1876 he and his father estab- lished the firm of B. Kuppenheimer and Com- pany, manufacturers of clothing, of which he is now President. Kuppenheimer, Louis B., Wholesale Cloth- ier of 423 South Franklin Street, was born July 18, 1857, in Terre Haute, Ind. Since 1912 he has been Vice-President of B. Kup- penheimer and Company. Kurowski, Eugene Frank, Manufacturer of 900 Blackhawk Street, was born July 5, 1858, in East Prussia, Germany. Since 1894 he has been President of the John C. Moninger Company. Kurrie, Harry Rushworth, Railway Presi- dent of 608 South Dearborn St., was born in Paoli, Ind. Since 1914 he has been President of the Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Railroad; and is also President of the Chi- cago and Wabash Valley Railroad. Kurtz, Ghafies J., Physician of 4129 Michi- gan Avenue, was born in New Y T ork. He is Professor of Anatomy in the Young Men's Christian Association College; Attending Rhinoloist and Laryngologist to North West- ern University Medical School Dispensary. Kurz, Adolph, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born January 11, 1868, in Germany. Since 1888 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is President of the Jew- ish Home Finding Society; and ex-President of Home for Jewish Friendless Working Girls. Kurusu, Saburo, Diplomat of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 6, 1886, in HERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 225 Yokohama, Japan. He has been Vice-Consul in Hankow, China, Honolulu and New York; and is now Japanese Consul in Chicago. KuseL Harry J., Real Estate Investment Dealer of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 26, 1869, in Chicago, 111. For fifteen years he was engaged in the electrical con- struction business. He is now a member of the firm of Harris Kussel and Company. Kusel, Isidore Julius, Manufacturer and Inventor of 910 Glengyle Place, was born April 28, 1865, in Chicago, 111. He was Founder and President of the Eureka Elec- tric Company; the American Car Equipment Company; General Railway Equipment Com- pany and the Stronghart Company. Kuss, Robert H., Consulting Mechanical En- gineer of 112 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 9, 1876, in Peoria, 111. In 1907-11 he was Assistant Chief Smoke Inspector of the City of Chicago. He is a member of the City and Illinois Clubs. Kusswurm, Ernest G., Attorney-at-Law of 56 West Randolph Street, was born March 24, 1867, Hanau, Germany. He received the de- gree of LL. B. from the Illinois College of Law; and the degree of LL. M. from the same college in 1905; in 1905 was admitted to the bar. He is President of the Chicago Turn Gemeinde; one of the Directors of the Ger- man Relief Society; and in 1910 was a Direc- tor of the Lawyers' Association. He is a member of Chicago Bar Association and Illi- nois State Bar Association. Kuttner, Emanuel H., Traffic Manager of 20S South LaSalle Street, was born in -1864, in Boscobel, Wis. He is Traffic Manager for the Illinois Improvement and Ballast Com- pany and the Federal -Stone Company. Labuy, Joseph S., Lawyer and Jurist of 915 Milwaukee Avenue, was born Oct. I 21, 1878, near Fox Lake, Wis. He was educated in I the public schools of Bea- ■h *g$- pH ver Dam, Spencerian Busi- I ness College, and Chicago jNfc. IQI Kent College of Law. In 1912-18 he was Judge of I I ine Municipal Court of Chi- VjL^fl I cago. In 1910 he was ap- ■ fl^^HBH pointed Secretary of the Lawyers' Association of Illinois. Lacey, James D., Lumberman of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 25, 1S49, in Wayne County, Pa. He is senior member of the firm of James D. Lacey and Company; and President of -the Southern Cypress Company. La Chance, Leander H., Manufacturer of 4l:;."i Fullerton Avenue. He is Vice-Presi- dent of the Chicago Flexible Shaft Company; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Stewart-Warner Speedometer Company; and President of the Stewart Manufacturing Cor- poration. Lachmann, Alexander H., Manufacturer of SI 7 Rees Street, was born Feb. 17, 1865, in Chicago. Since 1892 he has been a manufac- turer of paper boxes. Lackner, Ernest L., Physician of 6731 Eu- clid Avenue, was born Oct. 6, 1851, in Ra- cine, AYis. Since 1876 he has practiced in Chicago, and is now Physician to the Michael Reese and Grant Hospitals, children's de- partment. He is a member of the Press and City Clubs. Lackner, Francis Alexander, Investment Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 16, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1904 he has been head of the firm of Lackner and Biitz Sons, real estate loans. Lafean, Wilbur Leroy, Merchant of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. 22, 1883, in York, Pa. He is President of the Lafean Drug Company, and Secretary and Treasurer of the Naugle Pole and Tie Company. Laflin, Louis Ellsworth, Real Estate Dealer of 143 North Wabash Avenue, was born March 23, 1861, in Pittsheld. Mass. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago. He now has charge of the Laflin estates, and is a Director of the Elgin Na- tional Watch Company, and the Merchants Safe Deposit Company. Lagorio, Antonio, Physician of 812 Dearborn Avenue, was born March 6, 1857, in Chicago, 111. Since 1879 he has practiced in Chicago. Ex-member and President of the Public Li- brary Board. Laing, Gordon Jennings, Educator of 5758 Blackstone Avenue, was born Oct. 16, 1869, in London, Canada. Since 1913 he has been Professor of Latin in the University of Chi- cago; and since 189S General Editor of the University of Chicago Press. Laist, Theodore Frederick, Architect of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 20, 1869, in London, Canada. Since 1913 he was Professor of Architecture in the Charge Department at Columbia Univeristy. Since 1914 he has been Chief Architect of the Cen- tral District, Division of Valuation of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Lait, Jacquin L., Writer and Author of 5455 Winthrop Avenue, was born March 13, 1882, in Chicago. He is writer for the Chicago Herald and associate syndicate papers; Au- thor of Help Wanted; also numerous short stories. Lake, Richard Conover, Retired Banker of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born July 20, 1846, in Montour County, Pa. In 1894 he was second Vice-President of the Union National Bank of Chicago. He is now a Director of the Continental and Commercial National Bank. Lake, William Henry, Broker of 141 West, Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1861, in Chi- cago, 111. Tn 1881-89 he was associated with Bartlett, Frazier and Company; and since 226 IIERlUMiSII.WY S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. L901 engaged in the grain and stock commis- sion business on bis own account. Lake, William John, [nsurance Man of 30 North Dearborn street, was born Nov. .19, L857, in London, England. In 1880 be came to Chicago; and for nearly twenty years was associated with the North Western Stove Re- pair Company as Manager. Since 1907 be lias been engaged in the insurance business, and is aow Chicago Manager of the Missouri State Life [nsurance Company of St. Louis. Lamb, Frank Hooker, Retired Manufacture* of 5622 Sheridan Road, was born Sept. 2, 1851, in Boston, Mass. In 1899-1910 he was Secre- tary of the Miehle Printing Press and Manu- facl uring Company. Lamb, Jay K., Commission Merchant of 324 Sherman Street. He is a Director of the Chi- cago Open Board of Trade; a member of the firm of George W. Lamb's Sons. Lambert, John, Manufacturer ami Capita- list of 209 Smith LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 12, L847, in Hunterdon County, N. J. Prom 1899-3901 lie was Vice-President of the American Steed and Wire Company. He is now President of the Dolores Mines Company. Lamkin, Nina Belle, Physical Educator and Author of sll Simpson Street, Evanston, 111., was born in Champaign, 111. Since 1916 she has been Director of the normal course for physical directors in Northwestern Univer- sity. She is the Author of Play, Its Value and Fifty Games, and various other works. Lammers, Frank Joseph, Lawyer of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 2, 1880, in Chicago, 111. In 1908-13 he was Assistant City Attorney and Trial Attorney, and has since been Attorney for the Chicago Tribune. Lammers, Herman C, Printer of 732 Sher- man Street, was born Nov. 2, 1867, in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. He is President of the Lam- mers-Shilling Company. Lamont, Robert Patterson, Steel Manufac- turer of 332 Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 1, 1867, in Detroit, Mich. In 1891-2 he was an engi- neer at the World's Colum- bian Exposition; 1897-1905 First Vice-President of the Simplex Railway Appliance Company; anil since 1905 lias been associated with the American Steel Foun- dries, of which he is now President. He is also a Director of the First National Bank. LaMonte, William O., Attorney-at-Law of Il'7 North Dearborn Street, was born April 20, 1862, in Lyons, Iowa. He has been depu- ty assessor; minute clerk of the Circuit Court; a member of the State Legislature; and Clerk of the Juvenile Court. He is Secretary of the Men's Club of the. Second Presbyterian Church; a layman evangelist and worker in rescue missions. • Lamoreaux, Milton S., Manufacturer of 10 South LaSalle street, was born in 1864, in Lansing, Minn. He is President of the Benidji P>ox Company, manufacturers of wooden boxes; Secretary of the Northern Pine Crat- ing Company; and Secretary of the Kenneld- Lamoreaux < lompany. LaMothe, Elzear,' Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 28, 1871, in Bedford, Canada. He was formerly a Pro- fessor in the Chicago Eye and Ear College; and Professor of Ophthalmology in Bennett Medical College. Lamson, S. Warren, Commission Merchant of 1 1 1 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 31, 1838, in Nyach, N. Y. In 1875-1906 he was a member of the firm of Lamson Brothers and Company. He is a Director of the Illinois Brick Company; and Vice-Presi- dent of the Mount Hope Cemetery Associa- tion. Lande, Solomon, Merchant of 160 West Kin- zie Street, was born duly 2, 1859, in Nashville, Tenn. He is head of the firm of S. Lande and Company, dealers in broom corn. Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, Lawyer and Jurist, was born Nov. 20, 1866, in Millville, Ohio. In 1891 he was admitted to the bar, and practiced law until 1905. Since 1905 he has been United States District Judge of the Northern District of Illinois. Landman, Louis Wiler, Railroad Official of 1 I.". West Van Buren Street, was born in De- cember, 1S69, in Waynetown, Ind. Since 1911 he has been General Passenger Agent for the Michigan Central Railroad. Landsberg, Edward, of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born March 8, 1868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1802 he has been associated with the United States Brewing Company, and is now President, Treasurer and General Man- ager of the company. Lane, Arthur Erastus, Manufacturer of 610 Federal Street, was born Jan. 16, 1853, in Norton, Mass. Since 1883 he has been a member of the firm of Gane Brothers and Com- pany, manufacturers of book-binding mate- rials and machines. Lane, Francis W., Editor of 60S South Dear- born Street, was born Oct. 24, 1858, in Ash- burnham, Mass. He is Director of The Rail- way Age Company; Engineering Correspond- ent for the London Times, and since 1915 has been representative for the Bureau of Rail- way Economics. Lane, Wallace Rutherford, Patent and Trademark Lawyer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 12, 1876, in Whately, Mass. In 1900 he received the degree of LL. B. from Yale Law School; admitted to the Connecticut bar the same year; 1901-10 prac- ticed law in DesMoines, la.; and since 1910 in Chicago. He is a member of the American and Chicago Bar Associations; American and Chicago Patent Law Associations; and the HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 227 Union League, and Evanston Golf Clubs. He is the author of Working Under Federal Equi- ty Eules; The Transfer of Trademarks and Trade Names; One Year Under the New Fed- eral Equity Eules; and other articles, all of which have appeared in law journals and magazines. During the war he was Vice- Chairman of the Liberty Speakers, and the Patriotic Community Council. Langan. John Baitley, Manufacturer of 20 North Jefferson Street, was born about 1863, in Chicago. For the past thirty-three years he has been associated with the M. Shields Company, manufacturing confectioners, of which he is now President. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Athletic Association, the Exmoor Country Club, the Germania Club and the Park Eidge Golf Club. Lange, Charles, Manufacturer of 724 Mil- waukee Avenue, was born July 25, 1868, in Germany. He is President of Johnston and Hunt; and Treasurer of the Aetna Cabinet and Fixture Company. He is a member of the Masonic Order, Oriental Consistory, Me- dinah Temple. Lange, Henry Gerhard, Machine Manufac- turer of 160 North May Street, was born Dec. 1, 1851, in Elmshorn, Holstein, Germany. In 1886 he established and is head of the firm of Henry G. Lange, manufacturers of ice cream freezers and mixers. Lange, Herman Otto, Manufacturer of 1039 Willow Street, was born May 4, 1855, in Germany. For six years he was Cashier and a Director of the Merchants' National Bank of Muskegon, Mich.; and later a member of the Torrent Company, lumber manufacturers. Since 1899 he has resided in Chicago. He is now President of the Ferguson and Lange Foundry Company. Langland, James, Editor, was born Jan. 26, 1855, in Eacine County, Wis. In 1877 he re- ceived the degree of A. B. from the Univer- sity of Chicago. Since 1877 he has been identified with the Chicago Daily News, as a reporter, and war correspondent, and since 1912 as Cable Editor; also Editor of the Daily News Almanac since 1901. He is a member of the National and Chicago Geo- graphic Societies, and the Press Club. Langworthy, Benjamin Franklin, Attorney- at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 9, 1871, in Jersey City, N. J. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the practice of law; and since 1907 Professor of Eeal Property Law in the John Marshall Law School. Langworthy, Mary Lewis, Writer and Dra- matic Coach of River Forest, 111., was born March 31, 1872, in Alfred, N. Y. She was educated at the Young Ladies ' Seminary, Plainfield, N. J., the New York School of Expression, and Alfred University. In 1913- 14-16 she wrote and directed the Pageants for Independence Day, River Forest. Since 1914 she has been President of the Illinois Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association. She is a member of the Nine- teenth Century Club, Oak Park, and the River Forest Women's Club. Lanquist, Albert C, of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born June 29, 1874, in Elkhart, lnd. In 1910 he became a partner of Coman, Lanquist and Company and later became sen- ior member of its successor, Lanquist, Garvy and Company. Lanquist, Andrew, Builder of 1100 North Clark Street, was born Nov. 26, 1856, in Sweden. Since 1883 he has been engaged in the contracting business; in 1904 organized and has since been President of the Lanquist and Illsley Company. He is President of the Builders Association of Chicago; the State Builders Association of Illinois and the Build- ers and Manufacturers Casualty Company of Illinois. Lantry, Thomas Barnaby, Attorney-at-Law of L'n!) South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 21, 1866, in Helena, N. Y. Since 1891 he has practiced in Chicago; and in 1906-8 was Judge of the Municipal Court. Lantz, Albert P., Manufacturer of 325 West Lake Street, was born March 16, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 he has been Presi- dent and Secretary of the Crown Fuel Saver Company. Lanyon, Robert Henry, Manufacturer of 175 W. Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 17, 1S57, in Mineral Point, Wis. Since 1911 he has been President of the Acme Malting Com- pany. Lapham, Arden Barker, Leather and Hide Merchant of 226 South LaSalle Street, was born March 15, 1845, in Clinton, N. Y. He is senior member of Lapham Brothers and Company, wholesale dealers and tanners of hides. Lapham, Erwin F., Piano Merchant of 410 South Michigan Avneue, was born 1864, in Republic, Ohio. Since 1908 he has been a member of the firm of Grosvenor, Lapham and Company. Ex-President of the Business Men 's Prosperity Club. Lardner, James Lawrence, Educator of 810 Milburn Street, Evanston, 111., was born Oct. 17, 1872, in Mt. Ayr, lnd. Since 1909 he has been Professor of Public Speaking in North- western University. In 1916-17 he was Presi- dent of the National Association of Academic Teachers of Public Speaking. Larish, Frank Ainslee, Attorney-at-Law, Karpen Building, 910 South Michigan Ave- nue, was born May 6, 1871, in Woodstock, 111. He graduated from the University of Wis consin College of Law. He is now President and General Counsel of the Western Freight Traffic Association, and specializes in inter- state commerce law and transportation cases. He is a member of the Wisconsin and Illinois State Bar Associations. Larned, Sherwood Johnston, of 212 West 228 BEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BI06BAPHT. Washington Street, was born July 28, 1867, in Buffalo, N. V. Since 1892 he has been con- nected with the "Chicago Telephone Com- pany; and is now Assistant General Manager and Genera] Traffic Superintendent. Larson, Francis A., Publisher of 208 North Wells Street, was born in March, 1872, in Ori- on, 111. He is owner and publisher of the Swedish American Newspaper. Larson, Lewis Elmer, of 7 South Dearborn Street, was hern Nov. 1, 1874, in Leland, 111. Since L894 lie has been associated with the Chicago Board of Education, and since 1900 Secretary. Lasecki, Joseph Andrew, Journalist and Editor of 1 155 Wesl Division Street, was born Feb. 11, 1887, in Chicago. Since 1915 he has been a West Chicago Park Commissioner. Lash, DeWitt Durgin, Musician of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born August 4, is77, Bloomville, Ohio. Since 1911 he has been Director of the Lash Musical Studio; and is also Director of Music in the McCor- mick Theological Seminary; and the Bucna Memorial Presbyterian Church. Lasier, David S., Grain Broker of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born in Freeport, HI. Since 1914 he has been in business as David S. Lasier, grain broker. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Latham, C. R., Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 20, 1872, in Sandwich, 111. President of the Iroquois Club. Lathrop, Gardiner, Eailway Solicitor of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 6, 1850, in Waukesha, Wis. In 1S73 he was ad- mitted to the bar and practiced in Kansas City, Mo.; was President of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri; and A T ice-President of the Board of Education of Kansas City, Mo. Since 1905 he has been General Solicitor of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Eailway Company, Chicago. Laufer, Berthold, Anthropologist and Ori- entalist, was born Oct. 11, 1874, in Cologne, Germany. Since 1911 he has been Associate Curator of Asiatic Ethnology and since 1915 Curator of Anthropology in the Field Mu- seum of Natural History of Chicago. Laughlin, Clara Elizabeth, Author of 3711 Pine Grove Avenue, was horn Aug. 3, 1873, in New York. She is the Author of Stories of Authors' Loves; Miladi; Divided; When Joy Begins; The Death of Lincoln, and many other works. Lauren, Newton B., Real Estate Dealer of 110 South Dearborn street, was born May s, L878, i M Galesburg, 111. Since 1902 he has been engaged in the real estate business, and is now head of Newton B. Lauren and Com- pany. Lauritzen, Christian Marius, Manufacturer of 1319 North Branch Street, was horn July 18, 1870, in Denmark. He is Vice-President and General Manager of the Raymond Broth- ers Impact Pulverizer Company, machinery; and Vice-President of the Chicago Steel Foundry Company. He is a member of the Westward Ho Golf and South Shore Country Clubs; and Chicago Athletic Association. Lauth, Jacob, Manufacturer of 1345 Raw- son Street, was born May 29, 1851, in Ger- many. Since 1877 he has been engaged in the leather business. Lavelle, John E., Rubber Dealer of 181 West Lake Street, was horn May 20, 1876, in New Orleans, La. He has been Southern Sales Manager for the National India Rubber Com- pany, the Chicago Rubber Company, the Cen- tral Rubber Company, and the United States Rubber Company. lie is now President, Treasurer anl Manager of the Lavelle Rubber Company. He is a member of the Southern Club and Art Institute. Law, George Wallace, Insurance Manager of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was horn Aug. 6, 1853, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now Manager of the Western Depart- ment of the Royal Insurance Company. Law, Robert Oswald, Book Manufacturer of 633 Plymouth Court, was born May 18, 1861, in Ottawa, Canada. In 1900 he estab- lished and has since been President of the Robert O. Law Company, printers and book binders. Lawley, James H., Real Estate Dealer and City Official of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1876, in Chicago. In T.mi7-16 he was a member of the City Council from the Fourteenth Ward, serving five terms. He is now a member of the Board of Trustees of the Sanitarv District of Chicago for the term 1917-22. Lawlor, William J., Banker of 6S West Mon- roe Street, was born Dec. 14, 1873, in Braid- wood, 111. In 1890 he entered the employ of the First National Bank, and in 1915 was elected Vice-president. Lawrance, Marion, 5 South Wabash Ave- nue, was horn Oct. 2, l^oO, in Gratis, Ohio. Since 1899 he has been General Secretary of the International Sunday School Association. Lawrence, Andrew Middleton, Journalist of 111 West Washington Street, was horn Dec. 4, 1864, in San Francisco, Cal. He was formerly President and Publisher of the Chi- cago Examiner. In 1904 he Was a Delegate- at-Large from Illinois to the Democratic Na- tional Convention. Lawrence, William J., of n42 South Dear- horn Street, was horn Oct. 24, 1869, in Kala- mazoo. Mich. He is President of the National steel and Copper Plate Company. Lawson, Frederick W., Underwriter of 134 South LaSalle Street, General Manager of the London Guarantee and Accident Company. Lawson, Victor Fremont, Editor and Pub- lisher of 15 North Fifth Avenue, was born HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 229 Sept. 9, 1850, in Chicago. Since 1876 he has been proprietor of the Chicago Daily News. He established the Daily News Fresh Air Fund. Lawson, William C, Attorney-at-Law of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 15, 1860, in Hamilton, Canada. In 1902 he was elected Clerk of the Criminal Court of Cook County, and in 1914 appointed Valuation At- torney, Bureau of Valuation, Interstate Com- merce Commission. Lawton, Sigmund, Stock Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 10, 1876, in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 he has been en- gaged in the stock and bond business. He is a Director of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Lay, Robert Dwight, Underwriter of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 30, 1875, Chicago, 111. Since 1909 he has been Secre- tary and Treasurer of the National Life In- surance Company of the United States of America. Laycock, Hartley C, Banker of 1542 West Forty-seventh Street, was born Jan. 10, 1875, in Gobies, Ontario, Canada. He is Vice-Presi- dent, and a Director of the Peoples Stock Yards State Bank. Layer, Frank C, Manufacturer of 118 North LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 19, 1860, in Bohemia. Since 1906 he has been Presi- dent of the Builders Brick Company. • Laylander, Orange J., Publisher of 2301 Prairie Avenue, was born March 11, 1858, in Holmes County, Ohio. From 1888-1900 he wa« Superintendent of Schools, Cedar Falls, Iowa; and for six years State Agent in Iowa for Ginn and Company. He is now a member of the firm of Ginn and Company, school text book publishers, and Manager of the Com- mon School Department for the West. He is a member of the Press Club and the Chicago Athletic Association. Leach, Ferry W., Broker of 105 South La- Salle Street, was born Oct. 7, 1866, in Detroit, Mich. He is a member of the firm of A. B. Leach and Company, bonds; and a Director of the Oak Park Trust and Savings Bank and Tlie Streets Company. Leach, Owen G., Lumber Manufacturer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 27, 1878, in Wayne County, 111. In 1899 he started in business with his uncle, L. D. Leach, as L. D. Leach and Company; and is now owner of the company. Leahy, Thomas F., Manufacturer of 224 West Ontario Street, was born Dec. 5, 1866, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Ameri- can Hotel Register Company; and is the own- er of Thomas F. Leahy, printers and manu- facturers of blank books. Leahy, William J., Railway Official of 143 West Van Buren Street, was born July 25, 3867, in Elmira, N. Y. In 1883 he entered railway service; and is now General Passen- ger Agent for the Rock Island Lines. Learned, Edwin Julius, Wholesale Grocer, 314 North Clark Street, was born Feb. 8, 1858, in Chicago, 111. Since 1891 he has been Treasurer of Reid, Murdoch and Company, wholesale grocers. Leas, J. Allen, Clergyman of 3725 Maple Square Avenue, was born Jan. 2, 1868, in Adams County, Pa. He is Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Lutheran Theologi- cal Seminary, at Maywood, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Weidner In- stitute, Mulberry, Ind. In 1901-10 he was President of the Pacific Synod. Leavitt, Frank Mitchell, College Professor and Author of 5720 Kenwood Avenue, was born Sept. 20, 1865, in Roxbury, Mass. Since L910 lie has been Associate Professor of In- dustrial Education in the University of Chi- cago. In 1914 he was President of the Na- tional Vocational Guidance Association. Leavitt, Maurice M., Investment Dealer of 220 South State Street, was born Oct. 27, 1885, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dealer in Invest- ment securil Les. Leavitt, Sheldon, Physician of 4665 Lake Park Avenue, was born April 9, 1850, in Grand Rapids, Mich. In 1880-98 Professor of Ob- stetrics in the Hahnemann Medical College and L892-1902 Professor of Gynecology in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. He is the author of Science and Art of Obstetrics, and various other works. Lebolt, Myer Harry, Jeweler of 101 South State Street, was born Sept. 4, 1868, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1899 he established, and has since been President of Lebolt and Company. LeBosky, Jacob C, Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 26, 1879, in Chicago, 111. In 1913-17 he was At- torney for the West Chicago Park Commis- sioners. Lebret ,R. C, Diplomat of 608 South Dear- born Street, was born June 18, 1874, in Ger- many. He is Consul of the Republic of Uru- guay in Chicago. Le Count, Edwin Raymond, Pathologist of 6026 Kenwood Avenue, was born April 1, 1868, in Fond du Lac, Wis. Since 1892 he has been Professor of Pathology in Rush Medical College. In 1911 he was President of the American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists. Lederer, Charles, Attornev-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born April 22, 1877, in Chicago, 111. In 1901 he was admitted to the bar, and in 1908 was elected to the Illi- nois Legislature. Lederer, Sam, Theatrical Manager of 418 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Prague, Bohemia. He was formerly Manager of the Olympic Theatre; now Manager of the Stude- baker Theatre. Lederer, William D., Wholesale Merchant of 320 South Market Street, was born Sept. 15, 1866, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is President •2:i0 HERBINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. of Lederer Brothers ami Company, wholesale dress goods. Lee, Agnes, Author of 6403 Grreenw I Ave- nue, was horn in Chicago, 111. She is the au- thor of the Round Rabbitt, The Sharing, and other works; and is a contributor to maga- zines. Lee, Blewett, Lawyer and Educator of 135 Park Row, was born March 1, ls(>7, in Co- lumbus, .Miss. In 1893-1901 lie was Professor of Law in the University of Chicago. .Since 1 !»()!> he has been General Solicitor for the Illinois Central Railroad. Lee, Delia Foreacre, Librarian of 71G Rush Street, was born in 1871 in Atlanta, Ga. In 1914-15 she was Librarian of the Carnegie Li- brary of Atlanta and Director of the Library School. In 1906 she organized and has since been a member of the Georgia Library Com- mission. Lee, Edward Hervey, Railway Oflicial of L353 North State Street, was born Jan. 29, 1863, in Dayton, Ohio. Since 1898 he has been connected with the Chicago and West- ern Indiana Railroad and the Belt Line, of which he is now President. Lee, Edward, Thomas, of 35 North Dear- born St., was born in Hartford, Conn. In 1888-93 he was clerk of the United States Senate Committee on Territories. He is now Dean of The John Marshall Law School. Lee, John A., of 130 North Wells Street, was born June 28, 1S51, in Kentucky. In 1893-7 he was National President of the Travelers Protective Association of Ameri- ca, a commercial travelers organization, and 1901-4 Lieutenant Governor of Missouri.. He is Vice-President of The Louis Hilfer Com- pany, Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis, and Milwaukee, canned food brokers and manufac- turers agents. He is a canned food expert and author of a technical book on canned food; commercial and magazine writer; a lecturer and speaker; and a minister of the Christian church. Lee, John H. S., Attorney-at-Law, 905 First National Bank Building. He received the de- gree of B. A. from Harvard College and Lake Forest University; was Assistant State's At- torney with Charles S. Deneen, and later As- sistant Professor of Law in the Northwest- ern University Law School. He is now a member of the law firm of Musgrave, Oppen- heim and Lee. He is a member of the Uni- versity Club, Law Club, and Glen View Golf Club. ' Lee, Judson Fiske, College Professor of 161 Lore! Avenue, was born June 24, 1880, in Wick, Iowa. Since 1913 he has been Professor and head of the department of History and Economics at Lewis Institute. Lee, Lester E., Attorney-at-Law of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 10, 1872, in Terre Haute, Ind. In 1896 he graduated from Northwestern University Law School, and has since been engaged in the practice of law in Chicago. Lee, Ray P., Electrical Jobber of 618 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1870, in Iowa City, Iowa. He is President of the Electri- cal .Material Company and Secretary of the Automatic Electric Welder Company. Leech, Charles H., Attorney-at-Law of 186 North LaSalle Street, was born in 1872, in < i awl'onlsville, Ind. He is engaged in the general practice of his profession in Chica- go. Residence, 2628 North Fairfield Avenue. Leeming, John, Physician and Surgeon of 1537 Last Sixtieth Street, was born March 17, 1859, in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Since 1S87 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the Kent College of Law; and Vice-President of the American Medical Association. Lefringwell, William H., Efficiency Engineer and Author of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born June 14, 1876, in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. For four years he was an efficiency engineer in England, France, Belgium and Germany. He is now President of W. H. Leffingwell Company, of Chicago and New York City. He is the author of Scietnific Office Management, and other works. Leffler, William H., Physician and Surgeon of 2753 North Western Avenue, was born 187-5, in Ohio. He is a member of the Visit- ing Staff of the Norwegian Deaconess Hospi- tal. Legg, Chester Arthur, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec, 16, 1880, in St, Louis, Mo. He was formerly As- sistant United States Attorney, and Counsel for the Chicago Board of Trade; now engaged in the general practice of law. Legner, William G., of 916 North Paulina Street, was born in 1858, in Germany. In 1871 he came to the United States. He is President of The Chicago Consolidated Brew- ing and Malting Company, comprising the Conrad Seipp Brewing Company, and the West Side Brewing Company. LeGros, Emil Albert, Printer and Engraver of 720 South Dearborn Street, was born April 10, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1908 he has been Vice-President of the Franklin Company. Lehle, William Louis, Architect and Man- ufacturer of 2436 Sheffield Avenue, was born Aug. 31, 1846, in Ulm, Germany. Since 1892 he has made a specialty of plans and designs for industrial plants; and is now President of the Commercial Motion Picture Manufactur- ing Company. Lehman, Bruce W., Manufacturer of 2706 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 29, 1890, in Chetopa, Kansas. Since 1911 he has been Vice-President of the Gage Downs Com- pany, manufacturers of corsets. Lehmann, Edward J., Merchant of 140 South State Street, was born March 21, 1877, in Chi- cago, 111. He is President of The Fair. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 231 Lehon, Tom, Manufacturer, West Forty- fourth Street and Oakley Avenue, was b&rn Oct. 17, 1876, in Oswego, X. Y. In 1896-1905 he was connected with the National Booting Company. In 1905 he came to Chicago and organized The Lehon Company, manufactur- ers of insulating materials, railroad special- ties, and roofing, of which he has since been the head. He is a member of the Chicago Mo- tor Cluh, and Hamilton Club. Leigh, Edward Baker, Manufacturer of 1928 West Forty-sixth Street, was born April 13, 1853, in Townsend, Mass. Tn 1882-7 he was Manager of the American Brake Com- pany at St. Louis; and in 1883-93 General Manager of the National Hollow Brake Beam Company. Since 1893 he has been associated with the Chicago Railway Equip- ment Company and is now President. Leigh, Clarence W., Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in Elroy, 111. He was formerly Chief of the Staff of the Cook County Tuberculosis Hospital; and Pro- fessor of Tubercular Diseases in the Illinois Post-Graduate Medical School. Leininger, George, Physician of 1856 West North Avenue, was born May 2, 1856, in Archbold, Ohio. For several years he was Professor of Anaesthesia in Northwestern Dental College. He is now General Superin- tendent of the Chicago State Hospital, Dun- ning, 111. Leland, Edward F., Broker of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 16, 1862, in Boston, Mass. Since 1898 he has been a member of the firm of Ware and Leland, grain commission. Lelewer, Selig Seward, Merchant of 310 South State Street, was born Oct. 1, 1872, in Indianapolis, Ind. Since 1890 he has been President of D. Lelewer and Son, hatters. Leman, Henry Warren, Lawyer and States- man of 69 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 6, 1852, in Charlestown, Mass. He was Second Vice-President of the Chicago Title and Trust Company; and in 1885-90 was a member of the Illinois Senate. Lemay, W. G., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 13, 1851, in London, England. He is head of the firm of W. G. Lemay and Company. Lemley, Benjamin Willis, Consulting Engi- ner of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born March 6, 1878, in Centralia, Wis. He is Vice- President of the Coats and Burchard Com- pany. Lenfestey, Reginald, Flour Merchant of 18 West Kinzie Street, was born Jan. 4, 1890, in Aroma, 111. He is manager of the Len- festev Milling Company. Lehke, August, St., Coal Dealer of 2156 Pierce Avenue, was born March 16, 1844, in Hanover, Germany. He is Vice-President of O. S. Richardson and Company, miners and shippers of coal. In 1901-07 he was Fish Com- missioner by appointment of Governor Yates. Leonard, Arthur George, Capitalist, Union Stock Yards. He is President of the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company; Vice-Presi- dent of the National Wool Warehouse and Storage Company; a Director of the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company, the Live Stock Exchange National Bank and many other corporations. Leonard, Clifford Milton, Engineer and Gen- eral Contractor of 332 South Michigan Ave- nue, was born Dec. 24, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been engaged in engineer- ing work. He is President of the Leonard Construction Company, the Leoniard Engi- neering Company, La Compania Constructora Leonard de Santo Domingo R. D., and the Ca- nadian Leonard Construction Company, Lim- ited; and Director of the War Finance Cor- poration, Washington, D. C. Leopold, Max, Clothing Manufacturer of 515 South Franklin Street, was born Jan. 14, 1857, in Marieta, Ohio. In 1898 he was one of the founders of Leopold, Solomon and Eis- endrath, incorporated in 1913, of which he has since been President. Leonard, John Robert, Merchant and Bank- er of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1865, in New York City. Since 1903 he has been a partner in, the firm of Bridge and Leonard, commission merchants. He is also President of the Winnetka State Bank. Leopold, Nathan Freudenthal, Real Estate Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was bom July 2, 1860, at Eagle River, Mich. He was formerly President of the Manitou Steamship Company. He is now engaged in the real estate business. Lepman, Louis, Commission Merchant of 215 West South Water Street. President of the firm of Lepman and Company. Lesch, Henry, Real Estate Dealer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. IS, 1857, in Chicago. Since 1875 he has been en- gaged in the real estate business in Chicago. Leschin, Jacob A., Millinery and Clothing Merchant of 31S South Michigan Avenue, was born June 26, 1882, in Russia. He is propri- etor of The Leschin Company, retail millin- ery; and President of Leschin, Incorporated, retail women 's apparel. Lesemann, Frederick, Physician, Surgeon of 800 West Seventy-eighth Street, was born Sept. 25, 1880, in Nashville, 111. He is Coun- selor for the Chicago Medical Society; and Captain of the Medical Corps, United States Army. Lesemann, Louis F. W., Clergyman of 58 E. Washington Street, was born April 1, 1869, in Hoyleton, 111. In 1912-17 he was District Superintendent of the Chicago Northwestern 232 HERRINGSHAW'S 'CITT BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. District of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Be is now President of the Chicago Training School for City, Home and Foreign Missions. Leserman, Herman, Commission Merchant of 621 W,st Randolph Street, was born Dec. 28, 1866, in Germany. He is a partner in the firm of Leserman Brothers, commission mer- chants. Lesh, Llewellyn Boyd, Manufacturer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born June 20, 1867, in Pierceton, Ind. In 1891 he organized, • ind has since been President and Treasurer of the Lesh and Matthews Lumber Company, manufacturers of hardwood lumber. Leslie, John Hampton, Broker of 130 North Wells Street, was born Nov. 4, 1851, in Mont- rose, Scotland. He is head of the firm of John H. Leslie and Company, commission mer- chants. Lespinasse, Victor Darwin, Surgeon of 7 West Madison Street, was born Dec. 2, 1878, in Aurora, 111. He is Urologist to the Engle- wood Hospital; Genito-Urinary Surgeon to Wesley and Mercy Hospitals; Assistant Pro- fessor of Genito-Urinary Surgery in North- western University; Surgeon to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; and Consulting Uroloquist to the Illinois Central Hospital. He is Ex- President of the Chicago Urological Society. Lester, Albeit G., Stock Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 11, 1857, in Bos- ton, Mass. In 1907-11 he was Vice-President of the Farwell Trust Company. He is now a member of the firm of Lester Carter and Company, stocks and bonds. Lester, Dudley Woodbridge, of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 19, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1913 he has been engaged in the packing house and railway supply busi- ness. He is also President of the Textile Products Company. Letourneau, Robert Antoine, Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 9, 1862, in Bourbonnais Grove, 111. In 1902-3 he was Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital. He is now Surgeon to the Rhodes Avenue Hos- pital, and President of the Attending Medical Staff of the same. Letts, Frank Crawford, Merchant of 122 S. Michigan Avenue, was born April 28, 1861, in Magnolia, 111. He was for- merly President of the Booth Fisheries Company. He is now President of the National Grocer Company; President of the Western Grocer Company; and a Di- ican Fisheries, and the White Brothers Lumber Company. During the Great War he was director of supplies for the Ameri- can Bed Cioss, Washington, D. C. Letterman, Edmund R., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 24, 1863, in Pekin, 111. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the insurance business in Chicago, and is now senior member of the firm of Let- terman and Chamberlin. Levering, William Alfred, Corporation Pres- ident of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 15, 1873, in Shenandoah, Pa. In 1914- 16 he was President of the Standard Asphalt and Rubber Company. He is now a member of Child and Levering, investment securities. Levi, Gerson B., Clergyman of 5000 Grand Boulevard, was born Jan. 23, 1878, in Glas- gow, Scotland. He was formerly Rabbi of Temple Beth El, Helena, Arkansas. He is now Rabbi of Bnai Sholom Temple, Israel; and Associate Editor of the Reform Advocate. Levinson, Harry Charles, Attorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born March 12, 1879 in Russia. In 1900 he was admitted to the bar and has since practiced in Chicago. Levis, John Mitchell, Manufacturer of 408 West Randolph Street, was born April 30, 1858, in Alton, 111. Since 1872 he has been associated with the Illinois Glass Company, of which he is now Treasurer. Levis, W. Walter, Attorney-at-Law of 6 North Clark Street, was born Sept. 5, 1888, in Rochester, N. Y. In 1910 he graduated from the University of Rochester. He was formerly manager of the Elaborated Ready Roofing Company, Cleveland, Ohio; later Su- perintendent of the same company, Chicago; and now associated with their legal depart- ment. Levy, Arthur Garfield, Investment Dealer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born June 10, 1881, in Marion, Ind. Since 1909 he has been a partner in the firm of Mark Levy and Brother. He is a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board and the Chicago Association 'of Commerce. Levy, "David Rose, Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 27, 1867, in Kansas City, Mo. In 1911-15 he was Appellate Court Attorney for the City of Chicago. Levy, Emile, Banker of 350 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 1, 1873, in New Orleans, La. Since 1915 he has been Vice-President of the Illinois State Bank of Chicago. Levy, James, Automobile Dealer of 2257 Michigan Avenue, was born March 14, 1872. Since 1896 he has been identified with the automobile business. He is now President of the Chalmers Motor Company of Illinois; and President of the Saxon Auto Company of Illinois. Levy, Mark, Real Estate Dealer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born May 20, 1879, in Marion, Ind. In 1909 he organized and has since been head of the firm of Mark Levy and Brother. Levy, Maxwell, Jobber and Broker of 845 Rees Street, was born 1872, in Berlin, Ger- many. Since 1917 he has been President of the firm of Max Levy and Company. HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 233 Levy, Sylvanus George, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 16, 1880, in Chicago. Since 1904 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is now a member of the law firm of Lipson and Levy; and a di- rector in several mercantile corporations. Lewis, Dave, Actor of 159 North State Street, was born Dec. 22, 1870, in Louisville, Ky. He made his debut in 1892 and has since played in Royal Chef; September Morn; and numerous other plays. Lewis, David R., Banker of 165 West Adams Street. Vice-President and a Director of the Hibernian Banking Association. Lewis, Edwin Herbert, Educator, was born Nov. 28, 1866, in Westerly, R. I. In 1896-9 he was Associate Professor of English in the University of Chicago. He is now Professor of English and Dean of the Faculty in Lewis Institute. Lewis, George, Importer and Distributer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 10, 1867, in San Francisco, Cal. He is Presi- dent of the Serv-Us Grocery Products Cor- poration; President of George Lewis and Company, Incorporated; and a director in other corporations. Lewis, Harry Albert, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 20, 1869, in Berwick, 111. In 1901-4 he was Assistant States Attorney of Cook County; and 1904-12 County Attorney. He is now a member of the law firm of Ellis and Lewis. Lewis, Henry Foster, Physician of 29 East Madison Street, was born Feb. 15,^1864, in Chicago, 111. He is Professor and head of the Department of Obstetrics in the Cook County Hospital. Lewis, James Hamilton, Lawyer and States- man of 72 Wes t Adams Street, was born in 1SQ6, in Danville, Va. In 1897-9 he was a member of the Fifty-fifth Congress for the State of Washington. In 1898 served in the Span- ish-American War. Since 1903 he has practiced his profession in Chicago; 1905- 7 Corporation Counsel of Chicago; and 1913-19 Unit- ed States Senator from Illinois. Lewis, Leon L., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 5, 1887, in Wisconsin. He was educated at George Washington University, the University of Wisconsin and the LTniversity of Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Lewis, Fox, Blumberg and Adelsdorf, and Executive Sec- retary of Sinai Social Center. Lewis, Thomas Henry, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 3, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He is Associate Pro- fessor of Gynecology in Northwestern Medical School, and member of the Medical Board of St. Luke's Hospital. Lewis, William Mather, Executive Secre- tary and Author of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born March 24, 1878, in Howell, Mich. He is Executive Secretary of the National Com- mittee of Patriotic and Defense Societies. In 1915-17 he was Mayor of Lake Forest; 1915 was a member of the Board of Review, and 1911-13 President of the Board of Education. Lewiston, Maurice, Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street. Since 1906 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Pro- fessor of Physical Diagnosis in the College of Medicine in the University of Illinois, and Attending Physician to the Cook County Hos- pital. Lewy, Marks, Jeweler of 201 South State Street, was born Dec. 28, 1869, in Wetumpka, Ala. In 1898 he organized, and has since been President of the Lewy Brothers Company. L'Hommedieu, Clarence Howard, Type Founder of 117 West Harrison Street, was born in Meriden, Conn. In 1903 he organized and has since been President of the Western Type Foundry. "Libby, George Mifflin Dallas, Printer of 314 South Canal Street, was born Feb. 9, 1845, in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. During the Civil War he served in the Twenty-fifth and Thirtieth Maine Infantry. He is President of The Lib- by Company, printers. He has been President of the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Association of Cook County; and President of Ihe Board of Education of Maplewood and Humboldt before their annexation. He is a life member of the Art Institute of Chicago. Lichtenberger, Bertrand Francis, Attorney- at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born July 24, 1874, in Shannon, 111. In 1901-3 he was a member of the Illinois Legislature. He is now engaged in the general practice of his profession. Lidster, Ralph Eustis, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 12, 1862, in Caledonia, 111. Since 1883 he has been engaged in the insurance business in Chicago, and is now general agent of the western de- partment of the Phoenix Assurance Company. Lieberthal, David, Physician and Dermatol- ogist of 31 North State Street, was born March 22, 1867, in Goldingen, Baltic Province of Courland, Germany. In 1900-14 he was Professor of skin and urinary diseases at Loyola University. He is now Consulting Dermatologist to the Lakeside Hospital. Lies, Eugene Theodore, Charity Worker of 168 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1876, in Buffalo, N. Y. In 1904-6 he was Depart- ment Superintendent of the Chicago Bureau of Charities; 1906-7 General District Secre- tary of the Chicago Bureau of Charities; 1907- 12 General Secretary of the Associated Chari- ties of Minneapolis; and 1912-18 General Su- perintendent of the United Charities of Chi- cago. Linme, Bai C, Manufacturer of 1200 Lake 234 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Shore Drive was born May 24, 1866, in Den- mark. He was educated at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark; and the Royal School of .Mini's, Freiberg, Germany. He is Presi- dent of the Matthiessen ana Hegeler Zinc Company, the L. S. and B. C. Railroad, and is Director of the Two Rivers Coal Company, and the Beech Flats Coal Company. Lill, George, Coal Dealer of 1122 Berwyn Avenue, was born May 21, 1845, in England. He is President of the George Lill Coal Com- pany, and is identified with a number of other enterprises. Lill, William West, Coal Merchant of 1122 Berwyn Avenue, was born Oct. 6, 1870, in Chi- cago, 111. He is A T ice-President of the George Lill Coal Company. Lillie, Frank Rattray, Zoologist of 5801 Kenwood Avenue, was born June 27, 1870, in Toronto, Out., Canada. He is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Zoology in the University of Chicago; Director of the Ma- rine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.; Managing Editor of the Biological Bulletin; and Associate Editor of the Journal of Experimental Zoology. Limbert, George Brown, Iron Merchant of 570 Fulton street, was born Nov. 15, 1862, in Etipon, Wis. In 1897 he established, and has since been President of George B. Limbert and Company, steam fitters supplies. Lincoln, Mary Cain, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1873, in Chi- cago, 111. She was formerly Assistant Pro- fessor of Laboratory Diagnosis in the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois. Since 1914 she has been a partner in the Lin- coln-Gardner Laboratory. Lincoln, Robert Todd, of 79 East Adams Street, was born Aug. 1, 1843, in Springfield, 111. He served in the Civil War on the staff of General Grant. In 1881-5 he was Secretary of War; and since 1911 has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pullman Com- pany. Lincoln, Walter Kendall, Lawyer and Au- thor of 112 West Adams Street, was born Oct. 11, 1876, in Ottawa, 111. He was Special Assistant Attorney-General of Illinois as in- heritance tax attorney; and represented the State Treasurer in tax cases. He is the Au- thor of Lincoln on Inheritance Tax Law, and ot her works. Lindauer, Max, Life Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 29, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1912 he has been branch Manager of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Lindberg, Peter A., Publisher of 180 North Dearborn Street, was born dune 5, 1863, in Sweden. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the publishing business, and is head of the firm of P. A. Lindberg and Company. Linden, Frank Cutler, Physician of 3045 Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 19, 1860, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is Ex-President of Jenner Medical College; Professor of Prac- tice in the same college; and Consulting Phy- sician to the American Hospital. Linder, Oliver Anderson, Editor of 208 North Wells Street, was horn March 29, 1862, in Sweden. Since 1908 he has been Managing Editor of Svenska Amerikanaren. Linderman, Frank Maurice, Manufacturer of 119 North Green Street, was born April 23, 1859, in Oakland County, Mich. In 1904 he organized the Manufacturers Belt Hook Com- pany, of which he has since been President. Lindlahr, H., Physician and Surgeon of 525 Ashland Boulevard. He is owner and Super- intendent of The Lindlahr Sanitarium, Chi- cago, and the Lindlahr Health Resort, Elm- hurst, 111. He is a member of the Chicago Press Club and the Illinois Club. Liudley, L. F., Mine Operator of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 31, 1869, in. Richmond, ind. He is Secretary and General Manager of the Raven Mining Company of Utah; President of the Ohmlac Manufactur- ing Company; Manager of the Ohmlac Com- pany, and Lindley-Farnum Company; and Manager of the Spiegel Patent Company. Lindquist, Joseph Emanuel, Banker of 125 West Monroe Street, was born March 26, 1866, in Sweden. In 1909-11 he was Vice-President of the Metropolitan Trust and Savings Bank. He is now Vice-President of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. Lindsay, Charles R., Jr., Manufacturer of 161 East Grand Avenue, was born Jan. 15, 1873 in Philadelphia, Pa. He is President of the Lindsay Light Company. Lindsey/ Alfred L., Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 31, 1865, in Boston, Mass. He is President of the Judd Laundry Machine Company. Lindstrom, Carl O., Manufacturer of 1100 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 24, 1865, in Sweden. He is President of the Lindstrom, Smith Company, manufacturers of electric specialties. Linebarger, Charles Elijah, Chemist of 4315 Kenmore Avenue, was born Feb. 21, 1867, in Plainfield, 111. Since 1896 he has been a teacher in the Lake View High School of Chicago. He is the Author of Elementary Chemistry, and is a contributor to chemical journals. Lingle, Bowman Church, Banker of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 30, 1876, in Chicago, 111. In 1896 he entered the employ of N. W. Harris and Company, and since 1912 has been Vice-President of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank. Lingle, Samuel B., Real Estate Dealer of 184 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 6, 1847, in Harrisburg, Pa. He has made twenty-eight subdivisions in Chicago since 1872; and is still actively identified with the real estate business. HERRINGSHAW 's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 235 Link, Frank J., Well Contractor of 430 Or- leans Street, was bom March 17, 1869, in Car- linville, 111. He was formerly engaged in the drug business. For the past eleven years he has been President of The .1. P. Miller Arte- sian Well Company, contractors for artesian wells and waterworks. Since 1915 he has been an Alderman in the Twenty-fifth Ward. Linn, George Russell, Wholesale Butter Mer- chant of 121-12.", Weal Austin Avenue, was born 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is owner of George W. Linn and Son, exclusive wholesale distributors of Holland Brand Creamery But- ter; proprietor of the Holland Garage Com- pany and a Director of the Central Cold Stor- age Company. Linn, Howard, Aeroplane Manufacturer of 555 Washington Boulevard. President of the National Aeroplane Company. Linn, William Robert, Grain Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born March 25, 1850, in Butler County, Ohio. Since 1875 he has been engaged in the commission busi- ness. He is a Director of the South Side Rapid Transit Company. Linnell, Bird McPberson, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born June 8, 1866, in Union County, Illinois. He is Asso- ciate Professor of Medicine in Rush Medical College; Attending Physician to the Evangeli- cal Deaconess Hospital; and a Trustee of Lake Forest University. During the Great War he served as Major in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Lipps, William Frederick, Insurance Broker of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 3, 1867, in Massillon, Ohio. In 1905 he was elected to the City Council from the Twenty-sixth Ward, and is still serving. He is Director of the Peerless Sign Company. Lipsky, Harry Alexander, Journalist and Welfare Worker of 1214 South Halsted Street, was born April 22, 1875, in Chicago. Since 1909 he has been General Manager of the Daily Jewish Courier; and since 1911 has been a member of the Board of Education of Chi- cago. In 1916-17 he was President of the Na- tional Committee on Community Centers. Litsinger, Edward Robert, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 19, 1874, in Chicago, Dl. In 1893 he received the degree of LL. B. from the Chi- cago Kent College of Law, and has since practiced in Chicago. In 1899 he was Assist- ant States Attorney; and 1901-3 an Alderman in the Fifth Ward of Chicago. He is now Vice-President of the United States Tent and Awning Company, the South West Trust and Savings Bank, and the We#t Side National Bank; and a menvber of the Board of Review of Cook County. Little, Charles Benton, of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 18, 1872, in Indianola, Iowa. He received a collegiate education. President of the Montana Wheat Land Com- pany; Vice-President of the Empire Security Company; and Vice-President of the Central Bond and Mortgage Company. For two years he was Mayor of Berwyn, 111. Little, Charles George, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 7, 1874, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1897 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is Professor of Law in the Northwestern Univeristy Law School. Little, John L., Investment Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born April 6, 1868, in Hancock, Md. In 1904-7 he was Secretary of the Mercantile Credit Company. He is now Vice-President and Secretary of the Na- tional Bond and Investment Company. Little, Richard Henry, Journalist of 1 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 25, 1869, in LeRoy, HI. He was Correspondent for the Chicago Daily News during the Russian-Jap- anese War; and for several years was a writer on the Chicago Record-Herald. He is now on the Staff of the Chicago Tribune. Littlefieid, Andrew Sylvester, Contractor and Builder of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 3, 1859, in Baltimore, Md. In 1898 he organized, and has since been Presi- dent of the North American Railway Con- struction Company. Livingston, Margaret Mary, Physician and Surgeon of 550 Belmont Avenue, was born in Scotstown, Ireland. Her practice is limited to the diseases of women. She is a member of the Medical Women 's Club of Chicago, the Medical Society of the United States, and the Women's City Club of Chicago. Llewellyn, Edward Beach, Musician of 1325 Thorndale Avenue, was born Jan. 11, 1879, in St. Louis, Mo. He has appeared as cornet soloist in the principal cities of the United States; and since 1913 has been first trumpet player with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Llewellyn, Silas James, Iron Manufacturer er, One Hundred and Twentieth Street and Racine Avenue, was born in Briton Ferry, Wales. For six years he was President of the Belle City Malleable Iron Company, Ra- cine, Wis. He is now Vice-President of the Chicago Malleable Castings Company, which he organized in 1899; a Director of the Rose- land State Savings Bank; and President of the Allied Steel Castings Company, Chicago. Llewellyn, Joseph Corson, Architect of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 22, 1855, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1893 he has practiced architecture in Chicago. For two terms he was President of the Architectural League of America. Llewellyn, Silas James, Iron Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 25, 1860, in Wales. In 1899-1900 he was Sec- retary of the Republic Iron and Steel Com- pany. He is now President of the Interstate Iron and Steel Company; and President of the Chicago Malleable Casting Company. 23 G HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Lloyd, Arthur J., Manufacturer of 026 South Clark Street, was bom Dec. 8, 1878, in Chi- cago, 111. lie is Vice-President of the W. G. Lloyd Company, manufacturer of loose leaf devices and account books; President of the Accounting Devices Company; manufacturers of business sheets and indexes; aud Vice- President of the Burr-Vack Company, station- ers. Lloyd, Edgar E., Merchant of 208 South La- Salle Street, was born Aug. 30, 1871, in To- ronto, Ontario, Canada. Since 1908 he has been President of the E. E. Lloyd Paper Com- pany. Lloyd, Louis, Manufacturer of 717 South Robey street, was born Sept. 19, L841, in Stockbridge, Mass. He served in the Civil War. He is President of the Eagle, Emery and Corundum Wheel Company. Lloyd, Morton Githens, Electrical Engineer and Editor of 608 South Dearborn Street, was bom Sept. 10, 1874, in Beverly, N. J. Since L910 he has been Editor of the Electrical Re- view and Western Electrician. He is Vice- Presidenj of the Illuminating Engineering Club. Lloyd, Reuben, Land Dealer of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 10, 1871, in Springfield, 111. He is President of the Wells Land and Cattle Company; and Vice-President and Director of the Remick Lloyd Company. Lloyd William G., Manufacturer of 626 South Clark Street, was born May 15, 1855, in Chicago, 111. Since 1880 he has been en- gaged in the manufacture of blank books and stationery. He is President and Treasurer of the William G. Lloyd Company; Vice-Presi- dent of the E. E. Lloyd Paper Company; Vice- President of Stevens, Maloney and Company; Director of the Metropolitan Fire Insurance Company; and Treasurer and Director of the Accounting Devices Company. Lobdell, Charles W., Investment Banker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born June 1, L884, in Chicago, 111. He is partner in the firm of Edwin L. Lobdell and Company. Lobdell, Edwin Lyman, Investment Banker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born July 14, 1857, in Illinois. Since 1898 he has been head of the firm of Edwin L. Lobdell and Company. Lobdell, Effie L., Physician and Surgeon of 22 East Washington Street, was born at Wash- ington Island, Wis. She was educated at Green Bay, Wis.; in 1891 graduated from the Medical Department of the University of In- diana, and has since practiced medicine in Chicago. She was appointed a member of the Staff of the Illinois Eastern Hospital for In- sane at Kankakee under Governor Altgeld; 1893-5 a member of the Staff of the Mary Thompson Hospital; 1900-4 a member of the Attending Staff of the Cook County Hospital; and appointed a member of the Staff of the Chicago Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium of Chicago. She is Ex-President of the Med- ical Woman's Club of Chicago; Secretary of the Illinois State Medical Women's Society; Chairman of the Compulsory Industrial In- surance Committee of the Chicago Medical So- ciety; member of the Chicago and Illinois State Medical Societies; and a member of the Daughters of the Renaissance, Cordon Club, Illinois Women's Press Association and the Woman's City Club. Lobdell, Harry Harrison, Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 10, 1866, in Rochester, N. Y. From 1884-91 he was associated with George W. Ludlow and Company, manufacturers of boots and shoes; and 1891-1914 Manager of the Harry H. Lob- dell Company, wholesale boots and shoes. Since 1915 he has been a member of Lamson Brothers and Company. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club, the Industrial Club, the Chicago Athletic Club, the Chicago Yacht Club, and the Exmoor Country Club. Lockett, Oswald, Jr., Broker of 326 West Madison Street, was born Nov. 27, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He is owner of the Lockett Company, importers and brokers. Lockwood, Willoughby S., Manufacturer of 4925 South Halsted Street, was born Jan. 29, 1864, in Annapolis, Nova Scotia. In early life he was a salesman for Palmer-Fuller and Com- pany. In 1888 he established, and has since been President and Treasurer of the Lock- wood and Strickland Company, manufactur- ers of sash, doors, interior finish, frames, mouldings, lumber and lath. Locy, William Albert, Zoologist of Evans- ton, 111., was born Sept. 14, 1857, in Troy. Mich. Since 1896 he has been Professor of Zoology in Northwestern University. In 1915 he was President of the American Zoological Society. Lodbr, C. H., Physician of 3136 Indiana Avenue, was born Oct. 26, 1858, in Philadel- phia, Pa. He is Neurologist to the Lakeside Hospital. Ex-President of the Chicago Neu- rological Society; and the author of numerous monographs. Loeb, Albert Henry, Merchant of 925 South Homan Avenue, was born Feb. 18, 1868, in Rockford, 111. He practiced law until 1901, and has since been Vice-President and Treas- urer of Sears, Roebuck and Company. Loeb, Clarence, Oculist of 25 East Wash- ington Street, was born March 21, 1876, in Columbia, Mo. He formerly practiced medi- cine in St. Louis, where he was Associate Pro- fessor of Ophthalmology in St. Louis Univer- sity; Oculist to St. Louis City Hospital; and Oculist to Alexian Brothers and Mt. Rose Hospitals, St. Louis. He is now Oculist to Emanuel Mandel Dispensary; Associate in Ophthalmology to Michael Reese Hospital; Consultant to the Chicago Municipal Tubercu- losis Sanitarium; and is an Associate Editor of the American Journal of Ophthalmology. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 237 Loeb, Jacob Moritz, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 17, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1916 he has been President of the Eliel and Loeb Company, in- surance agents. He is also a member of the Chicago Board of Education; and President of the Chicago Hebrew Institute. Loeb, James, Underwriter of 175 West Jack- son Boulevard, was 1 born Jan. 7, 1874, in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Since 1892 he has been en- gaged in the insurance business, and is now a member of the firm of Klee, Rogers, Wile and Loeb. Loeb, Leo A., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 20, 1867, in Memphis, Tenn. Since 1887 he has been en- gaged in the insurance business, and is now President of Loeb's Insurance Agency Com- pany. Loeb, Max, Real Estate and Live Stock Dealer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 18, 1884, in Appleton, AVis. He is Vice-President of Loeb and Hammel; a part- ner in the Loeb-Hammel Realty Company, and President of the Wisconsin Dairy Com- pany. He is also a member of the Chicago Board of Education. Loeber, Paul C, Real Estate Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was born May 15, 1880, in Watertown, Wis. Since 1899 he has been identified with the real estate business, and since 1909 has been a member of the firm of Paul C. Loeber and Company. He is a member of the Chicago Real Estate Board, Chicago Association of Commerce; Wisconsin Society of Chicago; and the Hamilton and Edgewater Golf Clubs. Loehr, Leon L., Banker of 112 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 15, 1864, in Blooming- ton, 111. Since 1901 he has been Secretary and Trust Officer of the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company. Loesch, Frank Joseph, Attorney-at-Law, 10 South LaSalle Street, was born April 9, 1852, in Buffalo, N. Y. In 1898-1902 he was a mem- ber of the Board of Education; 1906-7, Presi- dent of the Chicago Bar Association; and in 1908 was Special States Attorney for Cook County. He is now senior member of the firm of Loesch, Scofield, Loesch and Richards. In 1916-17 he was President of the Union League Club of Chicago. Loewenstein, Emanuel, Mortgage Banker of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born April 19, 1870, in Chicago. In 1884-1907 he was a mem- ber of the firm of L. Loewenstein and Sons, wholesale clothing manufacturers; and in 1912 founded the firm of E. and S. Loewenstein, mortgage bankers. Loewenstein, Sidney, Real Estate and In- vestment Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born October, 1871, in Chicago. Since 1912 he has been a member of the firm of E. and S. Loewenstein. Loftis, Samuel T. A., Jeweler of 108 North State Street, was born Dee. 2, 1874, in Phila- delphia, Pa. He is President and General Manager of Loftis Brothers and Company, national jewelers, established in 1858, and which now has branches in other leading cities. Logan, Frank Granger, Retired Merchant of 1150 Lake Shore Drive, was born Oct. 7, 1851, in Cayuga County, N. Y. In 1870 he came to Chicago; and in 1876 organized the firm of F. G. Logan and Company, grain commission merchants. He is Vice-Pres- ident of the Art Instiute of Chicago, and a Trustee of Beloit College. He is a member of the Onwentsia, South Shore Country and Union League Clubs. Logan, Howard Hancock, Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 9, 1888, in Chicago, 111. Since 1913 he has been a partner in the brokerage firm of Logan and Bryan. Logan, Stuart, Broker of 2258 Lincoln Park West, was born in 1886, in Chicago. In 1912- 17 he was senior member of the firm of the Logan and Bryan Company, commission mer- chants. Logan, William Gardner, Physician and Dentist- of 29 East Madison Street, was born in Morrison, 111. He is Professor of Oral Path- ology in the 'Chicago College of Dental Sur- gery; Ex-President of the Illinois State Dental Society and Chicago Dental Society. Logeman, John H., Attorney-at-Law of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 27, 1874, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly As- sistant General Superintendent of the Chicago Post Office Department. He is now Secretary of the Out Door Advertising Association and the Thomas Cusaek Company. Logren, Francis O., Clergyman of 4839 West Ferdinand Street, was born Jan. 4, 1862, in Stockholm, Sweden. He is Pastor of the Moreland Swedish Methodist Church. Long, Charles H., Physician and Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. t, 1863, in Fredericton, N. B., Canada. Since 1905 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Pro- fessor of Otology, Laryngology and Rhinology in the Post-Graduate Hospital; and Assistant Eye Surgeon of the Illinois Eye and Ear In- firmary, Chicago. Long, Frank Elmer, Publisher of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 7, 1865, i" Boone County, 111. Since 1908 he has been President of the Farmers Review Company. Long, Jesre Robert, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born March 7, 1866, near Bedford, Ind. Since 1906 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Castle, Williams, Long and fasti,.. Long, Omera Floyd, Educator of Evanston, 238 HERRI NGSII AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 111., \v;is horn May 10, 1870, in Millersburg, Kv. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Latin in Northwestern University. Long, Simon P., Clergyman of 172 1 Hum lml.lt Boulevard, was born in MeZena, Ohio. For sixteen years he was Pastor of the En- glish Lutheran Church, .Mansfield, Ohio; Pres- ident nl' Lima College; and President of the Wittenberg Lutheran Synod. He is now Pas- tor of the Wicker Park Lutheran Church, Chicago; and President of the Inner Mission Society. He has written six books, and lec- tured extensively in all parts of the country. Long, Theodore Kepner, Retired Lawyer of 4823 Kimliark Avenue, was born April 26, 1S57, in Millerstown, Pa. He was General Counsel for and a Director of the Illinois Life Insurance Company. In 1905 he retired from active practice. He is the founder and Presi- dent of Carson Long Institute, an institution for vocational training, established in memory of his son, and located at New Bloomfield, Pa., where Mr. Long spends his summers. Longenecker, Rolla Rudolph, Attorney-at- Law of 111 West Washington Street, was horn April 1, 1875, in Olney, 111. Since 1914 he has been Professor of Medical Jurispru- dence in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. Longman, George C, Manufacturer of 2840 Archer Avenue, was born in 1870, Evanston, 111. He is Vice-President of the Acme Steel Goods Company. Loomis, Archibald Gilbert, Railway Official of 80 Last Jackson Boulevard, was born June 20, L848, in Hartford, Conn. In 1891-9 he was President of the Aetna National Bank of Hartford; 1899-1905 Vice-President and Di- rector of the National City Bank of New York; 1905-7 with N. W. Halsey and Company, San Francisco; and 1907-15 Vice-President of the Union Trust Company, Providence, R. I. He is now Treasurer of the Chicago, Milwau- kee and St. Paul Railway. Loomis, Edward Beach, Physician and Sur- geon of 15 East Washington Street, was born April 6, 1848, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1870 lie has practiced medicine. Loomis, Hiram B., Educator of 6218 South Rockwell Street, was born June 29, 1863. He is Principal of the Hyde Park High School. Lord, John Brackett, Manufacturer of 80 Past Jackson Boulevard, was born June 3, 1848, in Newton Upper I Falls, Mass. In 1867 he en- ) tered his father's grain ! and flour business, remain- I ing until 1872; and in 1882- '^mJ&SL -1 "* was en £ a S e d ln Tne rail- ■ road lumber supply busi- ness in Paris, 111., and Chi- cago. Since 1893 he has been associated with the Aver and Lord Tie Company and is now President. He is also a Director of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank. Lord, John S., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born in 1881, in Buena Vista County, Iowa. He is a member of the law firm of Ritfhberg, [ekes, Davies and Lord. In 1914 he was President of the University of Wisconsin Club of Chicago; and 1916-17 President of the Alumni Association of the University of Wisconsin. Lorenz, Frederic Alexander, Underwriter of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Oct. 2, 1862, in Ontario, Ohio. Since 1903 he has been engaged in the insurance business and is now Manager of the Aetna Life Insurance Com- pany. Lorenzen, Anton F., Newspaper Representa- tive of 123 West Madison Street, was born May 7, 1876, in Tonderin, Germany. He served in the Spanish-American War in Cuba, retir- ing as Captain. He is Vice-President of Cone, Lorenzen and Woodman. Lorenzen, Charles F., Tile Contractor of 105 North Clark Street, was born in Germany. He is President of Charles F. Lorenzen and Com- pany, tile contractors. During the Great War he was in the Bureau of Investigation, at Na- tional Headquarters, Washington, D. C. Lorimer, William, Banker and Statesman of 226 So uth LaSal le Street, was born April 27, 1861, in Manchester, Eng. In 1887-93 he was Superin- tendent of the Water De- partment of the City of Chicago; 1895-1901 a mem- ber of the Fifty-fourth to F if t y- sixth Congresses; 1903-11 the Fifty-eighth to Sixty-first Congresses; and was United States Senator from 1909-12. He is now President of the Lorimer and Gallagher Company, contractors. Lorimer, William, Jr., Lumber and Real Es- tate Dealer of 208 South LaSalle Street. He is President of the William Lorimer Lumber Company; and senior member of the firm of William Lorimer, Jr., and Company, real es- tate. Losch, Nathaniel Richardson, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 28, 1869, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1910 he has been Cashier of the Continental and Commercial National Bank. Lothrop, Frederic Loring, Life Underwriter and Army Officer, of 122 South Michigan Ave- nue, was born June 9, 1875, in New Y r ork City. He was educated at the University of Chi- cago, North Western University School of Commerce; and the American Institute of Banking of the American Bankers Associa- tion. He is now associated with the State Mutual Life Assurance Company of Wor- cester, Mass. During the Great War he served as Captain with the American Expedi- tionary Forces, France. He is a member of HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 239 the National Geographic Society; the Geo- graphical Society of Chicago; the Old Colony Club; the Prairie Club; and a member of the Masonic Order. Loucks, Charles Olney, Attorney-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born June 7, 1877, in Menasha, Wis. He graduated from the Jef- ferson High School, Chicago, in 1894; and from 1894-96 attended the University of Mich- igan; was admitted to the Illinois Bar in 1899; and to the United States Supreme Court in 1908. Since 1901 he has been a member of the law firm of Atwood, Pease and Loucks, and is a Director of the Irving Park National Bank. Loucks, Theodore C, Coal Operator of 203 South Dearborn Street, was born April 6, 1858, in Russell, Ontario, Canada. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the coal business, and is now President of the E. Puttkammer Coal Company. Loucks, Vernon R., Attorney-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 23, 1886, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 he has practiced in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Atwood, Pease and" Loucks. Louderback, William Johnson, Investment Dealer of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept, 16, 1864, in Hamilton, N. Y. Until 1909 he was a partner in the firm of Bakcock, Ru^hton and Company, stocks and bonds. Louis, Walter L., Railway Official of 208 South LaSalle Street. Traffic Manager of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway Company. Lounsbury, Benjamin F., Surgeon of 80 East Jackson Boulevard. He is Chief Sur- geon to the Washington Boulevard Hospital; Assistant Chief Surgeon of the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul Railway; and Attending Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital. Lovett, Robert Morse, Educator of 1718 East Fifty-sixth Street, was born Dec. 25, 1870, in Boston, Mass. Since 1909 he has been Professor of English and Dean of the Junior College of the University of Chicago. Low, John W., Produce Commission Mer- chant of 159 West South Water Street, was born March 18, 18-50, in Lake County, 111. He is President of Wayne and Low, Incorporated; President of the Chicago Cold Storage Ware- house Company; and Vice-President of the National Produce Bank. Low, Willard Wainwright, Merchant and Manufacturer of 701 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 24, 1858, in Flint, Mich. In 1891 he organized, and has since been Presi- dent of the Electric Appliance Company. Lowe, F. Mac Donald, Attorney-at-Law of 133 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 22, 1879, in Richview, 111. Since 1903 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is Director of George R. Jenkins and Company, oil dealers. Lowe, Perley, Lumberman of 332 South Mich- igan Avenue, was born Dec. 6, 1845, in Levant, Maine. He is President of the Mississippi Lumber Company, and the C. C. Collins Lum- ber Company. Lower, Eiton, of 921 Castlewood Terrace, was born March 9, 1870, in Newcastle, Pa. In 1889-91 he was political reporter for the Chi- cago Daily News and the Chicago Evening Post; and later President of the Civil Service Commission of the city of Chicago. Loweth, Charles Frederick, Civil Engineer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born March 3, 1857, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1880 he has been engaged in engineering work. He is now Chief Engineer of the Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul Railroad. Lowitz, E., Banker and Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 24, 1865, in St. Paul, Minn. He is head of the firm of E. Lowitz and Company, bankers and brokers. Lowrey, Frederick Charles, Merchant and Manufacturer of 111 North Market Street, was born Aug. 25, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Central Commercial Com- pany; the Keystone Oil and Manufacturing Company; the Wabash Refining Company; and a director in other companies. Lowry, Charles Doak, Educator of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born July 6, 1864, in Ripley, Ohio. In 1896-1900 he was Principal of the Arnold School. Since 1900 he has been District Superintendent of Schools. Lowry, Edith Belle, Lecturer and Author of 32 North State Street, was born Nov. 11, 1878, in Austin, Minn. She is a Lecturer on physical diagnosis in Bennett College and in the Medical Department of Loyola Univer- sity; author of Confidences — Talks with a Young Girl, and various other works. Lowry, Francis Maher, Manufacturer of 759 Washtenaw Avenue, was born Nov. 3, 1844, in Milliken's Bend, La. He served three years in the Confederate Army. Since 1906 he has been Secretary of the John F. Jelke Company. Lowy," Charles F., Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born June 17, 1874, in Bohemia. He received the degree of LL. B. from Lake Forest University Law School and from the Illinois College of Law; and in 1902 studied Philosophy in St. Ignatius College. In 1901 he was admitted to the bar; and has since praet'ced in Chicago. He is now a member of the law firm of Winston and Lowy, mak- ing a specialty of corporation, real estate and commercial law. He is a member of the Chi- cago, Illinois and American Bar Associations. Loyola, Salvador, Physician of 2517 North Clark Street, was born April 1, 1892, in Queri- taro, Mexico. He was formerly a surgeon and consulting physician in the Mexican Red Cross Hospital. He is now Pathologist and Bac- teriologist to the Columbus Memorial and Co- lumbus Extension Hospitals, Chicago. Luce, Edward F., Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 22, 1854, in Racine, Wis. He is President of Chi- 240 JIKKlilMSKIIAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. cago Car Door Company, Incorporated, manu- facturers of railway supplies. Luce, Franklin Augustus, Merchant of 305 West Adams Street, was born Oct. 31, 1854, in Eaydenville, Mass. Since 1880 he has been Western Manager for the William Skinner Silk Manufacturing Company. Lucey, Patrick Joseph, Lawyer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 2, 1873, in Ot- tawa, 111. For three terms he was Mayor of St i eat or; in 1912-16 Attorney-General of Illi- nois; and in 1917 was appointed a member of the Public Utility Commission of Illinois. Luck, Charles H., Envelope Manufacturer of 7 — <> West Madison Street, was born Sept. 28, 1863, in Elizabeth, N. J. He is President and a Director of the Moneyweight Scale Com- pany; and Vice-President and a Director of The Computing Scale Company. Ludwig, Roscoe Fuller, Dentist of 57 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 29, 1865, in Wall 1 1 H.ni, Maine. He served in the Civil War, and since 1867 has practiced dentistry in Chicago. He was one of the founders of the Chicago Dental College. Lueder, Arthur C, Real Estate and Loan Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born March 12, 1876, in Elmhurst, 111. He has been Secretary, Treasurer and Director of the Cook County Real Estate Board; and Secretary of the Chicago Real Estate Board. He is en- gaged in the real estate and loan business as Arthur C. Lueder. Lueders, August, Business Man and City Official of 3901 Emerald Avenue, was born Aug. 24, 1853, in Armstedt, Holstein, Ger- many. Since 1893 he has been connected with the Manhattan Brewing Company. In 1914-17 he was President of the Board of Election Commissioners of Chicago. Luhnow, Frederick August, Manufacturer of 711 Milwaukee Avenue, was born April 17, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Until 1898 he was man- ager of O. S. Richardson and Company. He is now Treasurer of the M. Schulz Company; ami an officer and director in other corpora- tions. Lukens, Herman T., Educator of 330 Web- ster Avenue, was born Jan. 29, 1865, in Phila- delphia, Pa. In 1898-1907 he was head train- ing teacher in the State Normal School of California, Pa. He is now an Instructor in the Francis W. Parker School, Chicago. He is the author of The Connection of Thought and Memory, published by Heath and Compajiy; and the Fifth School Year, published by A. Flanagan ami Company. Lunde, Roy A., Life Insurance Counselor of II South LaSalle Street, was born Feb". 19, 1891, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly ad- vertising manager of the Dennison Manufac- turing Company, and later a member of the advertising staff of the Chicago Tribune. 1913 he has been engaged in the insurance business. Lundin, Frederick, Statesman and Chemist of 365 East Ohio Street, was born May 18, 1868, in Sweden. In 1894-8 he was a member of the Illinois State Senate; and 1909-11 a member of the Sixty-first Congress from the Seventh Illinois Dis- trict. He is President of Lundin and Company, man- ufacturing chemists. For several years he was Presi- dent of the Swedish National Association. Lundstrom, Charles Theodore, Real Estate Dealer and Builder of 133 West Washington Street, was born April 27, 1884, in Chicago, 111. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the real estate business; in 1914 engaged in build- ing; President of the Montrose Bachelor Apartments; and .is interested in a number of corporations. He is Director and Member of the Builders and Traders Exchange. Lundy, Ayres Derby, Electrical Engineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born May 25, 1861, in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Since 1901 he has been a member of the firm of Sargent and Lundy, engineers. Lussky, G. Hermann, Merchant of 69 West Lake Street, was born April 26, 1850, in Ger- many. Since 1903 he has been Treasurer of Lussky, White and Coolidge, hardware and upholstery fabrics. Lust, George Frederick, Underwriter of 115 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 7, 1878, in Berlin, Germany. Since 1912 he has been Chicago Manager of the National Life Insur- ance Company of the United States of Amer- ica. He is President and General Manager of the Provident Sick Benefit Fund Associa- tion. Lutkin, Peter Christian, Musical Director, Evanston, 111., was born March 27, 1858, in Thompsonville, Wis. From 1891-97 he was Organist in St. James Church, Chicago. He is now Dean of the School of Music in North- western University; and Conductor of the Ev- anston Musical Club. Luter, Henry J., Brick Manufacturer of 1503 Wellington Avenue, was born March 13, 1855, in Hanover, Germany. Since 1902 he has been Vice-President of the Lake View Brick Company; and in 1903 organized the Lutter Brick Company, of which he is Presi- dent and Treasurer. , Lutz, Theodore C, Contractor and Engineer of KM South Michigan Avenue. First Vice- President of the Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company. Lydston, Geerge Frank, Surgeon, Professor and Author of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1858 in Tuolumne, Cal. He is HERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 241 Professor of Genito-Urinary Surgery and Ve- nereal Diseases in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago; and Professor of Criminal Anthropology in the Chicago-Kent College of Law. Lyford, Harry Brooks, Wholesale Hardware Dealer of 303 North State Street, was born Jan. 14, 1861, in Great Valley, N. Y. In 1881 he entered the employ of Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett and Company, and since 1915 has been Vice-President. Lyford, Will Hartwell, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSall e Street, was born Sept. 15, 1 858, in Waterville, Maine. He was admitted to the bar in 1884. Since 1892 he has been General Counsel for the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad. He is also a member of the law firm of Calhoun, Lyford and Sheean. He is a member of the Chicago, Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country and Union League Clubs. Lyman, David Brainerd, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born July 11, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has practiced law. He is a member of the law firm of Lyman, Adams and Bishop. Lyman, William, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 12, 1862, on a farm in Jefferson County, Wis. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now head of the firm of Ly- man, Ritchie and Company. Lynas, Thomas Richard, Life Underwriter of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 1, 1850, in Balibay, County Monoghan, Ireland. Since 1885 he has been Manager of the Aetna Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. ; and is head of the firm of Thomas R. Lynns and Company. Lynch, John A., Banker of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born June 11, 1853, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly a member of the firm of H. H. Shu- feldt and Company, distill- ers. He was one of the or- ganizers and is now Presi- dent of the National Bank of the Republic; President of the Chicago Clearing House Association and the Board of Trustees of St. .Mary's Training School. He is a member of the Chicago and Chicago Athletic Clubs. Lyon, Richard Starkweather, Commission Merchant of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 18, 1843, in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1899 he was President of the Chicago Board of Trade. Lyons, John Alexander, Physician and Sur- geon of 209 South ytate Street, was born Aug. 17, 1853, in Ireland. Since 1S98 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is Gynecologist to the Lake Side Hospital. Lytton, George, Merchant of 235 South State Street, was born in 1874, in Grand Rap- ids, Mich. Since 1900 he has been Vice-Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Hub. Lytton, Henry Charles, Merchant of 235 South State Street, was born July 13, 1848, in New York. In 1887 he established, and has since been President of The Hub, Henry C. Lytton and Sons. Maass, J. Edward, Banker of 134 South La- Salle Street, was born Oct. 3, 1869, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1888 he has been identified with the banking business, and since 1917 has been Vice-President of the Corn Exchange National Bank. Mac Arthur, Robert D., Physician and Sur- geon of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 1, 1843, in Montreal, Canada. Since 1867 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Pro- fessor of the Diseases of the Skin in the Pres- byterian and Chicago Polyclinic Hospitals. MacChesney, Nathan William, Attorney-at- Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born June 2, 1878, in Chicago, 111. He is a mem- ber of the law firm of MacChesney, Becker and Angerstein. During the Great War he served with the American Expeditionary Forces, France. MacClintock, Samuel, Educator and Editor of 4046 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 22, 1872, in Bourbon County, Ky. He is Secretary and Educational Director of the LaSalle Extension University. MacClintock, William Darnall, Educator of 5629 University Avenue, was born July 28, 1858, in Elizaville, Ky. Since 1900 he has been Professor of English Literature in the University of Chicago. MacCormac, Morton, Educator of 1208 East Sixty-third Street, was born Oct. 27, 1868, in Springville, Iowa. In 1903 he organized, and has since been head of the MacCormac Schools. Macdonald, James, Engineer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 15, 1857, in Collingwood, Out. Since 1894 he has been President of the Macdonald Engineering Com- pany. Mace, Alfred Clarence, General Contractor and Engineer of 11 South LaSalle Street, was horn in 1854, in Kent, Eng- land. He is Vice-President and a Director of the ('oats and Burchard < Jompany. I [e is a member of the Build- ers' Association, British Empire Association, Illinois St. Andrews Society, Sons of St. George, and Masonic Order, and a member of the Hamilton Club. MacDowell, Charles H., was bom Oct. 21, 1867, in Lewistown, 111. Since 1910 he has 242 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. been President of the Armour Fertilizer Works, Union Stock Yards. Macfarlane, Charles Milne, Corporation Official, was bom Oct. 31, 1866, in Glasgow, Scotland. Since L891 he lias been connected with Morris and Company, packers, and is now Vice President : and is an officer and di- rector in numerous other corporations. Macfarland, Henry James, Publisher of 179 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 9, 1837, in Worcester County, Mass. In 1903 he was President of the M. D. Wells Company, wholesale boots and shoes. He is Treasurer of the Law Bulletin Publishing Company. MacGregor, George W., Osteopath of 514 South Crawford Avenue, was born July 26, 1875, in Nova Scotia, Canada. He is Pro- fessor of Anatomy in the Chicago College of Osteopathy. Mack, Burton W., Physician and Surgeon of 4706 Washington Boulevard, was born July 15, 1868. In 1903 he graduated from the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons. He is a member and Secretary of the surgical staff of St. Ann 's Hospital. Mack, Edwin Frederick, Banker of 125 West Monroe Street, was born Oct. 6, 1860, in Ann Arbor, Mich. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the banking business. He is Vice-President of the Central Trust Company of Illinois, the North Side State Savings Bank, and the Capi- tol State Bank. Mack, Gottlieb Henry, Merchant of 453 Fullerton Parkway, was born in Bremen, Ger- many. Since 1890 he has been head of the firm of Mack and Company, leaf tobacco. He is Ex-President of the National Union; and Vice-President of the Western Leaf Tobacco Merchants Association. Mack, Julian William, Lawyer and Jurist, was born July 19, 1866, in San Francisco, Cal. In 1903-11 he was Circuit Judge of Cook Coun- ty; 1904-7 Juvenile Court Judge, and 1909-11 Appellate Court Judge; and is now United States Circuit Judge. Mack, Thomas, Mortgage Banker of 133 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 1, 1878, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is Treasurer of the General Life and Trust Association Company; and Treasurer of the Build-A-Home Association. MacKechnie, Hugh Neil, Surgeon of 25 Eact Washington Street, was born Dec. 1, 1874. He is Professor in Surgery in the Medical De- partment of Loyola University; Surgeon to the Lakeside and Frances Willard Hospitals. MacKellar, John D., Physician of 1377 East Sixty-third Street, was born in Illyria, Iowa. He was educated at the Upper Iowa Univer- sity; 1907 graduated from the Medical De- partment of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, State University of Illinois; and in 1008 graduated from the Chicago Post- Graduate Medical School. He is a fellow of the American Medical Association; a member of the Chicago, Illinois State and Tri-State Medical Societies; and the Press Club, Chi- cago. Mackenzie, Wentworth Parke, Broker of 200 South LaSalle Street, was born in Hamil- ton, Ontario, Canada. Since 1902 he has been engaged in the stock and bond business, and is now a member of the firm of Shearson, 11a mill and Company. Maclay, Otis Hardy, Specialist of 25 East Washington Street, was born July 9, 1873, in Oakland, Cal. Since 1901 he has practiced ia Chicago, specializing in the diseases of the ear, nose and throat. In 1916 he was Presi- dent of the Chicago Laryngological Society. MacLean, Malcolm Bell, Physician and Sur- geon of 29 East Madison Street, was born Feb. 4, 1879, in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada. In 1908 he received the degree of M. D. from Hahnemann Medical College. Since 1914 he has been Professor of Ophthalmology in the Illinois Post-Graduate School of Medicine. He is a member of the American Medical Asso- ciation, and the Illinois State and Chicago Medical Societies, and a member of the Play- goers, Chesterfield Country, and Chicago Mo- tor Clubs. MacLean, M. Haddon, of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. 27, 1873, in Canada. Since 1911 he has been engaged in the bank- ing business, and is now Vice-President of the Harris Safe Deposit Company; and Secretary of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank. MacLeish, Andrew, Merchant, was born June 28, 1838, in Scotland. He is a member of the firm of Carson, Pirie, Scott and Com- pany, managing its retail business. Since 1890 he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Chicago. MacLeish, Bruce, Merchant of 1 South State Street, was born Feb. 22, 1882, in Chicago, 111. Since 1912 he has been a member of the firm of Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company. Residence, Glencoe, 111. MacLeish, John E., Lawyer of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born May 13, 1879, in Glasgow, Scotland. In 1885 he graduated from Prince of Wales College, Prince Edward, Island, Canada. In 1904 he was admitted to the bar, and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Scott, Bancroft, Martin and Stephens. He is a member of the American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. MacLeod, Eben Erskine, Railway Official of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born in New- port, Nova Scotia, Canada. From 1888-9 he was associated with the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway. Since 1S99 he has been Chairman of the Western Passenger Associa- tion, and since 1918 he has been Manager of the Western Passenger Bureau. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 243 MacMartin, Duncan R., Physician and Sur- geon of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 23, 1862, in Ontario, Canada. Since 1889 he has practiced in Chicago. He is an Asso- ciate Surgeon at St. Luke's, the Polyclinic and Henrotin Hospitals. MacMillan, Thomas C, United States Clerk and Statesman, was born Oct. 4, 1850, in Scot- land. In 1884-8 he was a member of the Illi- nois Legislature. He is now Clerk of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. MacMurray, James E., Manufacturer lof 4932 Lake Park Avenue, was born in 1862, in Knox County, Mo. Since 1890 he has been President of the Acme Steel Goods Company. He is also Secretary and Treasurer of the American Tag Company; Director of the Kel- logg Switchboard and Supply Company; and President of the MacMurray Steel Hoop Com- pany. MacNeille, Clarence T., Investment Dealer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 14, 1883, in Bridgeport, Conn. He is Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Halsey, Stuart and Company, the Aurora, Plainfield and Joliet Railway Company. Macomber, Frank Lincoln, Merchant and Manufacturer of 303 North State Street, was born Jan. 23, 1864, in Milo, Maine. Since 1889 he has been identified with Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett and Company, and is now Vice-President of the company. MaCoy, Earl H., Printer of 7 South Dear- born Street, was born Feb. 18, 1881, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1906 he has been President of the National Printing and Engraving Com- pany. Macquarrie, David Oliver, Manufacturer of 66 East Lake Street, was born Dec. 30, 1863, in Ontario, Canada. Since 1890 he has been Secretary and Manager of the Corbin Cabinet Lock Company. MacRae, Albert, Editor and Publisher of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born July 6, 1877, in Gait, Ontario, Canada. He was edu- cated at the Gait Collegiate Institute and the University of Toronto. He was formerly Sec- retary to the Vice-President of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway. He is now Editor of the Santa Fe Magazine; and Pub- lisher of MacRae 's Blue Book. He is a mem- ber of the Skokie Country Club, and Chicago Engineer's Club. MacVeagh, Eames, Wholesale Grocer of 333 West Lake Street, was born Feb. 23, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1900 he has been Secre- tary and Treasurer of Franklin MacVeagh and Company, wholesale grocers; and is a Di- rector of the Continental and Commercial Na- tional Bank. MacVitty, Karl G., Theatrical Manager of 159 North State Street, was born Feb. 27, 1883, in Nashville, Tenn. He is President of Gaskell and MacVitty, Incorporated, theat- rical agents. He is a member of the Press Club and the Cliff Dwellers. MacWhorter, Gardener Alpheus, Clergyman of 2309 Commonwealth Avenue, was born July 17, 1889, in Omaha, Neb. In 1914 he gradu- ated from the Western Theological Seminary; 1914 ordained Deacon, Trinity Cathedral, Omaha; and 1315 ordained Priest, Cathedral SS. Peter and Paul, Chicago. Since 1914 he has been Assistant Minister of Saint Chrys- ostom's Church, Chicago. In 1918-19 he was Secretary of the Northeastern Deanery, Epis- copal Clergy; and 1917 Secretary of the Chi- cago Hobart College Alumni Association. He is a member of the Church, and University Clubs, and the Masonic Order. Madden, Martin Barnby, Business Man and Statesman of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 20, 1855, in England. Since 1905 he has been a member of Congress from the First District of Illinois; and is President of the Guthrie Gas Light, Fuel and Improvement Company. He is a member of the National Press Club, the Chicago Automobile Club and the Hamilton Club. Magenheimer, Gustave J., Investment Broker of 38 South Dearborn Street. Partner in the firm of Magenheimer Brothers. Magerstadt, Ernest John, of 151 West Twen- ty-second Street, was born Dec. 26, 1864, in Germany. In 1892 he was a Delegate to the Republi- can National Convention; 1S94-9 Clerk of the Crimi- nal Court of Cook County; 1899-1901 Sheriff of Cook County; and in 1907 was appointed City Collector. He is President of the Rail- way Utility Company. iviagie, William Ashley, Oil Dealer of 110 South Clinton Street, was born Dec. 23, 1861, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is President of Magie Brothers, lubricating oils. Magill, Henry PurcelL Underwriter and Loan Dealer of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 11, 1857, in Clarksburg, Ohio. He organized the Exchange State Bank and Security Savings Bank, both of LaCrosse, Wis., and retained management of the latter until removing to Chicago in 1900. He is President of Henry P. Magill and Company, fire insurance and farm loans; Secretary and Manager of the Mutual Church and Home In- surance Company of Wisconsin. He is a member of the Union League and Oak Park Country Clubs. Magher, Thomas J., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard. President of the Meeker-Magner Company; and General Agent for the General Accident, Fire and Life As- surance Company of Scotland. Magnus, August Charles, Merchant of 327 West Randolph Street, was born Oct. 24, 1862, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the A. 244 nERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Magnus Suns Company, hops, malt and brew- ers ' supplies. Maguire, John William, Business Manager .if 623 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 30, 1869, in Trenton, \. J. In 1910-17 he ' was Manager of the Republic Rubber Com- pany, Chicago. Ee is now General Manager of the rubber department of the Brunswick- Balke-Collender Company. He is a member of the Chicago athletic Association, and the Chi- cago Automobile Club. Mahan, Henry Weston, Banker of 4301 Cot- tage Grove Avenue, was born Dec. 3, 1854, in West field, III. He was formerly President of the Drexel State Bank. Since 1909 he has 1 u President of the South Side State Bank and the Washington Park National Bank. Mahan, William Robert, Merchant of 2126 South Kedzie Avenue, was born March 7, 1868, in Chicago, III. He is President of the Mahan Company, stone dealers. Maher, Edward, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 17, I860, in Lancashire, England. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago, and has been i ounselor for and an officer in several large conporations. Maher, George Washington, Architect of 208 South La Sal le Street, was born Dec. 25, 1864, in Mill Creek, W. Va. He began the practice of architecture in 1888; de- signer of the Edgewater Presbyterian Church, the Swift Engineering Hall, the Northwestern Univer- sity Gymnasium, Winona Savings Bank, and many of the prominent residences of Chicago and the West, and other large struc- tures, such as banks, administration build- ings and warehouses. Mahan, Thomas F., Physician and Surgeon of 7100 Cottage Grove Avenue, was born Oct. I, 1877, in (iilman, 111. He is Surgeon for the Chicago and Southern Traction Company and a member of the staff of St. Bernard's Hos- pital. Mahin, H. Melvin, Merchant of 31 West Six- ty-third Street, was born in December, 1878, in Indiana. He is a dealer in broom corn; and owner of the Mahin Storage Warehouse. Mahoney, John A., Lawyer and Jurist, was bom Nov. 9, 1861 , in Janesville, Wis. He was 1 educated in the public schools of Janesville. For twenty years he was a Jus- tice of the Peace; and in 1904 was a Delegate to the Democratic National Con- vention at Kansas City. Since 1906 he has been a Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Mahoney, George William, Oculist of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 31, 1867, in Lawton, Mich. Since 1893 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Professor of Ophthalmology in the Chicago Policinic. Mahoney, Joseph P., Attorncy-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 1, 1864, in Oswego, N. Y. For three terms he was a member of the Illinois House of Repre- sentatives from the Fifth Senatorial District; and three terms Senator from the same dis- trict. He is now a member of the firm of Rogers and Mahoney. Mahony, Bernard J., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Oct. 4, 1868. In 1895 he was a member of the Thirty-ninth Illinois General Assembly; 1896-7 Chief Clerk of the Appellate Court; 1905-7 and 1911-12 Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago; 1913-17 Assistant States Attorney. Since 1917 he has been engaged in the general practice of law. Main, Oliver B., Manufacturer of 1222 South Wabash Avenue. President of the Howe Scale Company of Illinois. Main, Walter Douglas, of 72 West Adams Street, was born April 9, 1878, in Portland, Maine. In 1896 he graduated from the De- troit high school. In 1898-1915 he was as- sociated with the Mineral Point Zinc Com- pany, Chicago; 1916 engaged in the manufac- ture of heavy chemicals; and is now Man- aging Director of the General Explosives Company, Chicago. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic, Skokie Country, Westmore- land Country, and Bob O'Link Golf Clubs. Major, Charles Lee, Publisher of 125 North Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 31, 1869, in Christian County, Ky. In 1891 he was Chief Clerk of the Baptist Book Concern in Louis- ville, Ky.; from 1901-7 Chief Clerk of the American Baptist Publication Society in Chi- cago; and 1910-11 Secretary of the Baptist Brotherhood of the Northern District of Illi- nois. He is now Manager of the American Baptist Publication Society; and Auditor of the Chicago Baptist Social Union. Makemson, Charles L., Attorney-at-Law of 68 West Monroe Street, was born in 1885, in Princeton, Ind. He was formerly Secretary and Treasurer of the Pinkerton Folding Box Company. He is now engaged in the general practice of law. He is a member of the Ham- ilton Club; Chicago Bar Association; and Northwestern University Law Alumni Asso- ciation. Makemson, James L., Wholesale Coal and Coke Dealer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 20, 18S0, in Iowa. He is Vice- President and Secretary of the Atwill-Mak- emson Coal and Coke Company. Member of the Illinois Athletic Club. Malcolm, Charles W., Editor and Author of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 13, 1879, in Roscville, 111. He is Associate Editor of Engineering and Contracting; and is the HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 245 Author of Malcolm's Statics; and numerous technical articles appearing in the Technical Press. Malcolmson, Charles Tousley, Engineer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born in 1874, in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. Since 1912 he has been President of the Malcolmson Briquet Engineering Company. He is the author of several articles on briqueting and allied industries. Mallen, Herman William, Manufacturer of 346 St. John's Court, was born Aug. 12, 1856, in Newton, Mass. Since 1883 he has been engaged in the manufacture of parlor furni- ture, and is now proprietor of the firm of H. Z. Mallen and Company. Mallen, Philip Henry, Chemist and Phar- macist of 20 East Eandolph Street, was born Oct. 20, 185S, in Will County, 111. In 1S94 he organized, and has since been President of the P. H. Mallen Company, manufacturers of homcepathic pharmacies. Maltman, A. S., Banker of 2375 Lincoln Avenue, was born Jan. 5, 1837, in Glasgow, Scotland. President of the Aetna State Bank. Manchester, Percival, Manufacturer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born January, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Railway Appliance Company; and President of the Packer Auto Specialty Company. Mandel, Edwin Frank, Merchant of 1 North State Street, was born Dec. 5, 1875, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1896 he has been associated with Mandel Brothers, and is now President of the company. Mandel, Frederick Leon, Merchant of 1 North State Street, was born Mar. 27, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1888 he has been asso- ciated with Mandel Brothers, and since 1898, when it was incorporated, has been Secretary and Treasurer. Mandel, Milton, Physician of 5134 Green- wood Avenue, was born Dec. 16, 1880. He is Attending Physician to Mercy Hospital. Mandel, Robert L., Merchant of 1 North State Street, was born July 16, 1871, in Chi- cago. Since 1914 he has been Vice-President and Director of Mandel Brothers. Mandeville, Paul, Merchant of 192 North Clark Street, was born in 1875, in Aurora, 111. lie is proprietor of the Northern Egg Company. Manierre, Francis Edgerton, Real Estate Dealer of 112 West Adams Street, was born May 16, 1884, in Chicago. Since 1908 he has been engaged in the real estate business, and is now a member of the firm of Dibblee and Manierre. Manierre, George, Real Estate Dealer of 112 West Adams Street, was born Feb. 5, 1845, in Chicago, 111. Since 1886 he has been a member of the firm of Dibblee and Manierre. He is a Trustee of the Field Museum of Nat- ural History and the Newberry Library. Manierre', William Reid, Attorney-at-Law of 410 Rush Street, was born April 25, 1847, in Chicago, 111. He received his education at Lake Forest Academy, the University of Chicago and the Union College of Law. From 1864-65 he served in the Civil War, in the One-hundred and Thirty-fourth Illinois Vol- unteers, and served in the Marine Bank, later becoming Assistant Cashier in the Unit- ed States Sub-Treasury in Chicago. From 1883- 89 he was Alderman from the Eighteenth Ward; 1895-97 Alderman from the Twenty- fourth Ward; and 1890-02 County Commission- er. He is proprietor of the Central Ware- houses, established in 1872. Manly, John Matthews, Educator of 1312 East Fifty-third Street, was born Sept. 2, 1865, in Sumter County, Ala. He is Profes- sor and head of the Department of English in the University of Chicago. During the Great War he served as Captain in the Intelligence Department, Washington, D. C. Mann, James Robert, Lawyer and States- man of 38 South Dearborn Street, w r as born Oct. 20, 1856, in Bloomington, 111. Since 1881 he has practiced in Chicago. In 1893-6 he was Alderman from the Thirty-second Ward, 1892 6 Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County, 1897-1903 a mem- ber of the Fifty-fifth to Fifty-seventh Con- gresses from the First Illinois District, 1903-19 a member of the Fifty-eighth to Sixty-eighth Congresses, Second District. Mann, John P., Merchant of 111 South Fifth Avenue. Member of the firm of Mor- ris, Mann and Reilly, manufacturers of fancy goods and novelties. Mann, Mary Ridpath, Author and Lecturer of 5410 Woodlawn Avenue, was born in Law- renceburg, Ind. Since 1909 she has been a Lecturer for the Chicago Historical Society; and is a contributor to magazines and news- papers. Mann, Rowena Morse, Minister, Lecturer and Author of 306 North Parkside Avenue, was born June 16, 1873, in Ithaca, N. Y. She is Pastor of the Third Unitarian Church, Chi- cago; and a Lecturer at the Art Institute. Mann, William B., Lawyer of 212 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 6, 1871, in Lincoln, 111. In 1893 he graduated from Yale College. In 1905-14 lie was Genei-al Attorney for Central Union Telephone Company; and is now General Attorney for the Chicago Tele- phone Company, Michigan Telephone Com- pany, and Wisconsin Telephone Company. He is a member of the Onwentsia, Mid-Day and Yale Clubs. Manning, Reuben Elias, Clergyman of 122", West Monroe Street, was born March 31, 1840, in Penfield, N. Y. In 1895-1909 he was Su- perintendent of the City Missions. He is now Pastor Emeritus of the Garfield Park Baptist Church. Mansfield, John Brandt, Editor of 6 North Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 22, 1852, in 24G HERRINGSHAw'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Ashland, Ohio. Since 1884 he has been en- gaged in aewspaper and editorial work, and is aow Editor of the American Contractor. Mansure, Edmund L., Manufacturer of 1601 Indiana Avenue, was bom June 10, 1860, in Philadelphia, Pa. Ee is President of the E. L. Mansure Company, manufacturers of tex- tile goods, Chicago, New York and Philadel- phia. Manz, Paul H., Engraver of 4015 Ravens- wood Avenue. Vice-President of the Manz EngraA ing I lompany. Marcuse, Bruno" Benjamin, Banker and Broker of 124 South LaSalle Street, was born .March 19, 1871, in Min- dfii, Germany. In 1887- 1901 he was engaged in the clothing business; 1901-17 a member of the firm of Von Frantzdus and Com- pany; and since 1917 head of the firm of Marcuse and Company. He is a member of the Illinois Athletic and Press Clubs. Marcy, George Edward, Grain Dealer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 14, 1863, in Lockport, 111. Since 1907 he has been Presi- dent of the Armour Grain Company; and is a Director of the Union Trust Company. Mark, Clayton, Manufacturer of 111 West Washington Street, was born in June, 1858, in Fredericksburg, Pa. Since 1902 he has been Vice-President of The National Malle- able Castings Company, and is also President of the Mark Manufacturing Company. He lias been President of the Board of Education of the City of Chicago. Markhain, Charles Henry, Railway Official, the Central Station, was born May 22, 1861, in Clarksville, Tenu. From 1881-1901 he was connect- ed with the Atchison, Tope- ka and Santa Fe Railway, being General Freight and Passenger Agent at Fres- no, Cal., from 1897-1901; 1901, Assistant Freight Traffic Manager of the Southern Pacific Company, at San Francisco, Cal.; 1901-04 Vice-Presi- dent of the Houston and Texas Central Rail- mail, at Houston; and in 1904 Vice-President of the Houston and Texas Central Railroad, at Houston; and in 1904 Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager of the Southern Pacific Com- pany, at San Francisco. He is now Presi- dent of the Illinois Central Railroad. Markman, Samuel K., Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was bom Oct. 11, L879, in Chicago, 111. He is Local Attorney for the Chicago, Lake Shore and South Bend Railway Company; and counsel for a number of cities and towns in Cook County outside of Chicago. Marks, Kossuth, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Chicago, 111. Since 1878 he lias been engaged in the insur- ance business, and is now a member of the firm of Critchell, Miller, Whitney and Bar- bour. Marquis, George Paull, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 12, 1868, in Pittsburgh, Pa. Since 1892 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Rhinologist to St. Luke's and St. Joseph's Hospitals. Marriot, Abraham Robert, of 69 West Washington Street, was born May 26, 1860, in I)u Cage County, 111. In 1891- 5 he was Superintendent of Haddock, Vallette and Rickcords; and in 1895- 1901 Vice-President of the Security Title and Trust Company. He is now Vice- President and Director of the Chicago Title and Trust Company; Director of the Standard Trust and Savings Bank; and Presi- dent and Director of the Allman-Gary Title Company, Gary, Ind. Marsh, Charles Allen, Lumberman of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 16, 1857, in Granville, Ohio. In 1878 he gradu- ated from Denison University. In 1911 he organized the Marsh and Truman Lumber Company and has since been President of the company. He is President of the Board of Trustees of the Divinity School of the Uni- versity of Chicago. Marsh, George C, Manufacturer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born in DeKalb Coun- ty, 111. He is President of the Machinery Sales Company, manufacturers and dealers in machinery. Marsh, Henry W., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard. Member of the firm of Marsh and McLennan, insurance. Marsh, J. Gorton, Lumber Dealer of 2254 Lumber Street, was born in Ohio. Treasurer of the Huddleston-Marsh Mahogany Com- pany. Marsh, John P., Mortgage Banker of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 24, 1874. in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 he has been engaged in the real estate and mortgage busi- ness as .John P. Marsh and Company. Marsh, Myron Maurice, Editor of 431 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 12, 1860, in San Francisco, Cal. Since 1901 he has been Associate Editor of the American Lumber- man. Marshall, Charles H., Manufacturer of 923 South Fifth Avenue, was born Aug. 28, 1854, in Utica, N. Y. In 1S90 he was one of the builders of the Security Building and was Secretary and Treasurer. For sixteen years he has been President of the Lekko Soap Company. He is a member of the Masonic Order and Royal Arcanum. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 247 Marshall, Benjamin Howard, Architect of 721 North Michigan Avenue, was born May 5, 1874, in Chicago, 111. At the age of seventeen he left school and was employed by Clem- ent, Bane and Company, a wholesale clothing; two I years later entered the em- ploy of H. R. Wilson, archi- tect, and at the age of twenty-one was given half interest in the business, the firm becoming Wilson and Marshall; 1902-5 practiced alone, designing three million dol- lars worth of buildings the first year, incud- ing the Illinois Theatre, the Powers Theatre and the Colonial Theatre; and other large structures outside of Chicago. Since 1905 he has been a member of the firm of Marshall and Fox architects. Marshall, George Edward, Stationer of 26 South Clark Street, was born Feb. 9, 1853, in Utica, N. Y. Since 1874 he has been engaged in the stationery business, and is now Presi- dent of the Marshall-Jackson Company, sta- tioners and printers. Marshall, Hobart Elmore, Investment Deal- er of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 14, 1874, in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. He was President of the American Marketing Com- pany. He is now a Director of the Middle- by-Marshall Oven Company; the Marshall- Decker Company; and the South Bend Wool- en Company. Marshall," John Irwin, Manufacturer of 769 West Adams Street, was born June 19, 1864, in Jefferson County, N. Y. In 1895 he organ- ized, and has since been President of the Mid- dleby-Marshall Oven Company. Marshall, John, Jr., Underwriter of 39 South LaSalle Street. He is Manager of the West- ern Department of the Fireman's Fund In- surance Company of San Francisco, and the Home and Fire Insurance Company of Cali- fornia. Marshall, Leon Carroll, Educator of 1320 East Fifty-sixth Street, was born March 15, 1879, in Zanesville, Ohio. He is Professor of Economics in the University of Chicago; and Dean of the Senior Colleges in the same. Marshall, Thomas, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 1, 1876, in Chicago, 111. In 1908-12 he was First As- sistant State's Attorney; and associated with John E. W. Wayman in practice under the firm name of Wayman and Marshall. He is now a member of the law firm of Marshall, Smith and Feindt. Marshall Thomas L., Attorney-at-Law of 135 East Eleventh Place, was born Oct. 29, 1890, in Charleston, 111. He is Attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Dur ing the Great War he served as Major in tne Three Hundred and Forty-third Infantry, United States Army. Marston, Thomas Brunt, Attorney-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born July 2, 1857, in St. Louis, Mo. In 1881 he was admit- ted to the bar, and has since practiced in Chi- cago. He was one of the organizers of the Chicago Title and Trust Company and the Chicago Law Institute. Marthens, Chester Nino, Manufacturer of 601 West Fifty-third Street, was born May 31, 1864, in Covington, Ky. Since 1899 he has been President of the Chester N. Mar- thens Marble Company. Martin, Edgar, Architect of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 26, 1871, in Burlington, Iowa. Since 1890 he has prac- ticed in Chicago, and in 1917 was appointed State Architect for the State of Illinois. Martin, Francis James, Clergyman of 1307 West Adams Street, was born in 1870 in Scot- land. Since 1911 he has been Pastor of the Jefferson Park Presbtyerian Church. Martin, Franklin H., Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1857, Oconomo- woc, Wis. He is Editor of Surgery, Gynecol- ogy and Obstetrics; General Secretary of the American College of Surgeons; and Secretary of the General Clinical Congress of Surgeons. Martin, Frederick Stanley, Broker of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec. 4, 1857, in Olean, N. Y. He was formerly associated with Charles Counselman and Company. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the brok- erage business for himself. Martin, Henry, Commission Merchant of 30 West South Water Street, was born Aug. 31, 1867, in Chicago, 111. For sixteen years he was associated with Love and Booth and Henry M. Love. He is now senior partner of the firm of Henry Martin and Company, com- mission merchants. Martin, Horace Hawes, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 24, 1855, in Olean, N. Y. Since 1880 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Herrick, Allen and Martin. Martin, James Charles, Lawyer and Jurist of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born June 21, 1861, in Elgin, 111. In 1910-16 he was Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Martin, James Lawrence, Banker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 28, 1878, in Boston, Mass. In 1910-17 he was Manager of the Chicago office of Estabrook and Com- pany, bankers; and in 1917 formed the firm of James L. Martin Company. Martin, John Twedie, Live Stock Commis- sion Merchant, the Union Stock l T ards, was born March 25, 1859, in Burlington, Iowa. Since 1889 he has been a member of the firm of Martin Brothers and Company. Martin, William B., Investment Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 2, 1882, in Chicago, 111. For fourteen years he was associated with the First National Ba*ik of Chicago; and for four years was manager 248 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. of the financial departmenl of LaSalle Exten- sion University. Since L917 he has been pro- prietor of William B. .Martin and Company, business counsellors and dealers in securities; ami is also director of registration, depart- ments of finance and banking and business letter writing in LaSalle Extension Univer- sity. Martin, William Hoffman, Commission Mer- chant of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. S, L863, in Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1879 he graduated from Brooklyn Polytechnic Insti- tute, and in 1884 received the degree of A. B. from Williams College. In 1890-1906 he was a member of the Chicago Board of Trade; 1906 B in business in New York City; 1909 returned fco Chicago, and has since been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. He is a member of the Indian Hill Country, Bob o' Link Golf and University Clubs. Martin, William P., Investment Dealer of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 26, L866, in Baltimore, Md. He was formerly Genera] Manager of the Union Carbide Com- pany, and the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company. Martin, Zelotes E., Manufacturer of 2520 Quarry Street. He is President of the Martin- Senour Company, paints, and The Martin Varnish Company. Marty, Carl, Wholesale Cheese Dealer of 216 West Ohio Street, was born April 3, 1873, in Switzerland. For five years he was Edi- tor of the Green County Herald, Monroe, Wis.; and for six years was associated with the Brodhead Cheese and Cold Storage Com- pany, Brodhead, Wis. He is now a partner in the Clauscr Marty Company. Martyn, Chauncey White, Attorney-at-Law of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born in lMi."), in Canton, N. Y. Since 1S90 lie has prac- ticed his profession in Chicago; and since 1915 has been General Attorney for the Standard Oil Company. Marx, Frederick Z., Attorney at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born April 23, 1876, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1897 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a member of the Union League and Law Clubs; and the American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar As- sociations. Mashek, Vojta Frank, Lumber Dealer of 2201 Lallin Street, was born in 1867 in Ke- waunee, Wis. He is President of the l'ilsen Lumber Company; and an officer and director in other companies. Mason, Alex O., Grain Dealer of 140 West V;ui Buren Street. He is a Director of the Chicago Board of Trade; and treasurer of the Nye-Jenks Grain Company. Mason, Arthur John, Contracting Engineer of 80 Hast Jackson Boulevard, was born June 1, 1857, in Melbourne, Australia. He is a member of the firm of Hoover and Mason. Mason, Fred Bonfoy, Insurance Man of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 24, 1868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has been General Agent of the ^tna Life Insurance Company. Mason, George, Retired Manufacturer of 2737 Hampton Court, was born March 1, 1840, in Scotland. He was President of the Excel- sior Iron Worksj Vice-President of the Miehle Printing Press and Manufacturing Company; a Director of the Chicago Public Library; and a West Park Commissioner. Mason, Julian Starkweather, Journalist, was horn July 8, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is Man- aging Editor of the Chicago Evening Post; and is a Director of the Illinois Children \s Home and Aid Society. Mason, Lewis F., Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 20, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1898 he has been a member of the law firm of Mason and Mason; and United States Commisisoner for the Northern District of Illinois. Mason, Roswell Bertram, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 24, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has practiced in Chicago; 1901-2 was first Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago; and since 1904 has been Master in Chancery of the Cir- cuit Court of Cook County. Mason, William Ernest, Lawyer and States- man of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born July 7, 1850, in Franklinville, N. Y. He has been a member of the Illinois General As- sembly, the Senate, and a member of the Fif- tieth and Fifty-first Congresses. He is now a member of the law firm of Mason and Ma- son; and since 1916 Congressman-at-Large. Massey, Harry A., Broker of 209 South La- Salle Street, was born March 22, 1869, in Blue Island, 111. Since 1904 he has been a member of the stock brokerage firm of Massey and Perrin. Masslich, George B., Educator, was born Feb. 7, 1874, in Union City, Ind. Principal of the Wells Grammar SchooL Masters, Benjamin Franklin, Lumber and Box Manufacturer of 2279 South Union Street, was born Dec. 10, 1859, near Marietta, Ohio. He was educated at the public and normal schools of Ohio, and later graduated from Duff's College, Pittsburg, Pa. In 1885 he was engaged in the mercantile business in Kansas City, Mo. Since 1892 he has resided in Chicago. Since 1899 he has been officially connected with the Rathbone, Hair and Ridge- way Company, manufacturers of lumber and packing boxes, and is now Vice-President and Manager of that company; also Vice-Presi- dent of the Shavings and Saw Dust Company, and the Black Eiver Lumber Company. Masters, Edgar Lee, Attorney at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 23, 1866, in Garneet, Kan. Since 1892 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. He is HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 249 the author of numerous verses and prose dra- mas. Matchett, David Fleming, Lawyer and Jur- ist, was born March is. 1 S tj 7 , in Newton, Iowa. Since 1895 he has practiced law; and was Mas- ter in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. He is now Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Mateer, Frank Weils, Manufacturer of 226 West Ontario Street, was born Feb. 4, 1873, in Joliet, 111. Since 1898 he has been engaged in the manufacture of laundry, dry cleaning and dyeing machinery, and is now President of F. W. Mateer and Company. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic Order and Medinah Tem- ple. Mather, Norman Chester, Lumber Merchant of 2424 Laflin Street, was born Feb. 13, 1881, in Chicago, 111. Since 1906 he has been con- nected with the Lord and Bushnell Company, and since 1917 has been First Vice-President and General Manager. Mathews, Albert Prescot, Educator of 1303 East Sixtieth Street, was born Nov. 26, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is Professor of Physilog- ical Chemistry in the University of Chicago; and is a contributor to scientific journals. Mathews, Shailer, Educator of 5736 Wood- lawn Avenue, was born May 26, 1863, in Portland, Maine. He is Professor of Histori- cal and Comparative Theologv and Dean of the Divinity School in the University of Chi- cago. Mathias, Lee Dowling, Attorney-at-Law of 1 1 1 West Washington Street, was born March 31, 1872, in Greeneastle, Intl. He was Assist- ant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chi- cago during Mayor Dunne's Administration. Mathews, Francis Ernest, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1878, in Liverpool, England. Since 1907 he has been a member of the law firm of Mayer, .Meyer, Austrian and Piatt. Matthiessen, Frank, Manufacturer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born May 30, 1872, in Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. In 1898- 1908 he was Vice-President of the Miehle Printing Press and Manufacturing Company. He is now Viee-Presiilent and Director of the Columbia Tool Steel Company. Matz, Otto Hermann, Architect of 128 North LaSalle Street, was born March 8, 1830, in Berlin, Prussia. He served in the Civil War. In 1S92 he was County Architect of Cook County. Maury, Dabney Herndon, Consulting Engi- neer of 304 South Dearborn Street, was born March 9, 1863, in Vicksburg, Miss. Since 1912 he has been a consulting hydraulic and sanitary engineer in Chicago. In 1906-7 he was President of the American Water Works Association. Maverick, Manton, Lawyer of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 26, 1863, on Staten Island, N. Y. He is General Coun- sel and Vice-President of the Continental Casualty Company. Mavor, John, Contractor and Builder of 72 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 8, 1865, in Scotland. Since 1887 he has been engaged in the contracting business in Chicago, and is now President and Treasurer of the Wil- liam Mavor Company, contractors and build- ers. MaWhinney, Elgin, Dentist of 116 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 14, 1865, in London, Canada. Since 1891 he has practiced in Chicago, specializing in pyorrhoea and al- veolaris. He is the author of Oral Pathology, a text book, and a contributor to dental jour- nals. Maxwell, Charles Elmore, Merchant of 3636 Iron Street, was born May 16, 1861, in Bloom- ington, 111. He is a member of the firm of S. A. Maxwell and Company, dealers in wall paper and window shades; and is Vice-Presi- dent of the Naugle Pole and Tie Company. Maxwell, William Willard, Lawyer of 155 North Clark Stre et, was born Sept. 3, 1865, in " Wood Grove, Ohio. In 1S89- 96 he practiced law in Woodstock, 111.; and since 1896 in Chicago. In 1906 he was elected Judge of the Municipal Court of Chi- cago, and has served at the Hyde Park, Englewood and Thirty-fifth Street branch- es. He is a member of sev- eral fraternal and other organizations. May, Albert W., Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 5, 1871, in La Crosse, Wis. He has been Vice-Consul of Chile in Chicago, and Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel of the City of Chicago. May, John Edward, Banker and Broker of 129 South LaSalle Street, was born March 23, 1868, in Syracuse, N. Y. He is a Director in the Stover Manufacturing and Engineering Company and the Griffin Wheel Company; and a partner in the firm of Curtis and San- ger, bankers. Mayer, Benjamin Solomon, Banker of 739 West Twelfth Street, was born Aug. 15, 1853, in Whiteside County, 111. Since 1884 he has been identified with the banking business, and is now President of the West Side Trust and Savings Bank. Mayer, Elias, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 4, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Since 1903 he has practiced law, and is now a member of the law firm of Stein, Mayer and David; Mayer, Isaac Henry, Attorney at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born July 6, 1S64, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Piatt. Mayer, Levy, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, and 27 William Street, New York City, was born Oct. 23, 1S5S, in Rich- 250 HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. mond, Va. In 1874 he graduated from a Chi- eago high school; and in 1876 took special studies in the law department of Yale Col- lege. He was assistant librarian of the Chi- cago Law Institute in 1876-81, and while so engaged edited and revised Judge David Ro- rer's treatises on interstate and private in- ternational law and on judiciary and execu- tion sales, and contributed to legal magazines. He is now senior member of the law firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Piatt. Resi- dences, Chicago, and Manometj Mass. Mayer, Murray Charles, Manufacturer of 2706 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 12, L859, in Chicago, 111. He is President and Treasurer of tlie Gage-Downs Company, cor- sets. Mayer, Oscar F., Packer of 1241 Sedgwick Street, was burn ill 1859, in Bavaria, Ger- many. Since 1878 he has been engaged in the pack- ing business in Chicago, and is now President of O. V. Mayer and Brother; and President of the Western Packing and Provision Company. For eight years he was a member of the Small Parks Commission of Chicago. He is a member of the Iroquois and Illinois Athletic Clubs. Mayer, Oscar G., Packer of 1241 Sedgwick Street, was born March 10, 1888, in Chicago, 111. He is Secretary of Oscar F. Mayer and Brother; and a member of the Board of the Chicago Public Library. Mayer, Simon, Public Official, was born July 14, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been Secretary of the Police Department of < 'h'n-ago. Mayland, Walter C, Dental Specialist of 29 Eas1 Madison Street, was born May 12, 1891, in Austin, Minn. In 1914 he was a demon- strator at Northwestern University Dental School. His practice is limited to extracting teeth and dental X-Ray. McAdam, Charles, Manufacurer and Jobber of 3167 Cottage Grove Avenue, was born Jan. 7, 1875, in Danville, 111. He is President of the Charles McAdam Company, manufactur- er of painters and laundry supplies, and deal- ers in wood and denatured alcohol. McAfe-a, Cdeland Boyd, Educator of 10 Chalmers Place, was born Sept. 25, 1866, in Missouri. Since 1912 he has been Professor of Systematic Theology in the McCormick Theological Seminary. McAlear, James, Engineer of 223 West Erie Street, was bom in Canada. He is President and Treasurer of the Kieley Specialty Com- pany, and President and Treasurer of the Automatic Vacuum Pump Company. McAlpine, Maurice De Witt, Paper Mer- chant of 175 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 12, 1870, in Montville, Canada. Since 1889 he has been connected with Bradner, Smith and Company, of which he is now Vice- President. McAndrews, James, Congressman of 175 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 21, L862, in Wbonsocket, R. I. Since 1901 he has been a member of Congress. McAnsh, Andrew, Investment Dealer and Builder, of 208 South LaSalle Street, was bom in L867, in Scotland. He was formerly President of the Chicago Parlor Furniture Company. lie is now head of the firm of Andrew McAnsh and Company. McArthur, Lewis Linn, Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 23, 1858, in Boston, Mass. He is Attending Sur- geon to St. Luke's and Michael Reese Hospi- tals; and Professor of Surgery in the Post- graduate Medical School. McBirney, Day, of 3330 Sheridan Road, was bom Feb. 29, 1872, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is Trustee and Treasurer of the Second Pres- byterian Church; and one of the Board of Managers of the Presbyterian Hospital. McBrady, John E., Manufacturer of 1041 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec. 10, 1864, in Ontario, Canada. In 1894-1904 he was President of the American Publishing House. He is now proprietor of J. E. McBrady and Company, mail order house. McBride, George Joseph, of 231 West Mon- roe Street, was born Aug. 23, 1869, in Somer- ville, Mass. Since 1899 he has been Manager of the Chicago house of Cumner, Jones and Company, tailors' trimmings. McBrbom, Walter, Manufacturer of 2341 Keystone Avenue. He is a Director of the National Produce Bank of Chicago, and Treas- urer of the Creamery Package Manufacturing Company. McCaba, Charles Robert, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 24, 1862, in Chicago, 111. Since 1883 he has been engaged in the insurance business in Chicago, and is now senior member of the firm of Mc- Cabe and Hengle. McCabe, Francis Xavier, Clergyman and University President of 1010 Webster Avenue, was born Feb. 6, 1872, in New Orleans, La. He was formerly Vice-President of St. Vin- cent 's College, Los Angeles, Cal. He is now President of De Paul University; and Pastor of St. Vincent's Church. McCabe, George W., Banker of 3160 North Clark Street, was born March 1, 1863, in Brimfield, 111. In 1911 he organized and has since been President of the Lake View State Bank. McCabe, Guy S., Railway Official of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Penn- sylvania. From 1903 to 1908 he was Division Freight Agent for the Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh, Richmond, Ind., and from 1908 to 1914 General Western Freight Agent, Chicago. He is now General Freight Agent, HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 251 Pennsylvania Eailroad — Western Lines. He was President of the Traffic Club of Chicago in 1913-1914. McCabe, John R., Attomey-at-Law of 133 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 5, 1879, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly City Clerk of Chicago. He is now engaged in the general practice of his profession. McCallum, Alpheus, Metal Miner of 154 West Randolph Street, was born June 8, 1854, in Ottawa, Canada. He was formerly Mana- ger of the United States and Canada Mer- cantile Agency. He is now Vice-President, Treasurer and Director of the Calumet-New Mexico Mining Company; and Director of the Hop Canon Mining and Smelting Company, and the Whitcomb Mining and Milling Com- pany. He is a member of the Chicago Asso- ciation of Commerce. McCarthy, John J., Contractor of 133 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 19, 1869, in Chicago. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the contracting business. He is now Presi- dent of R. F. Conway and Company, contrac- tors; and is President of the International Asphalt Company. McCartney, Albert Joseph, Clergyman of 4600 Greenwood Avenue, was born July 3, 1878, in Northwood, Ohio. He is Pastor of the Kenwood Evangelical Church. McCary, Clyde Jarvis, Underwriter of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 8, 1861, in Independence, Ala. Since 1893 he has been General Agent for the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. McCaskill, Daniel, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 21, 1845, in Brown County, 111. He served in the Civil War. Since 1896 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now senior member of the law firm of McCaskill and McCaskill. McCauley, Lena May, Writer and Art Edi- tor of 418 St. James Place, was born May 2, 1859, in Hagerstown, Md. Since 1902 she has been Art Editor of the Chicago Evening Post and is a contributor to various magazines. McChesney, J. Sherman, Manufacturer of 145 West Ohio Street, was born in Chicago. He is President of the J. S. McChesney-Throne Company. McClain, Hoyt N., Manufacturer of 2954 Sheffield Avenue, was born Aug. 18, 1872, in Danville, Ind. He is President of the Teng- wall Company, of Chicago and New York. McClary, Nelson, Alvin, Gas Operator of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 17, 1856, in Albany, Vt. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the gas operating business, and is an officer in several corporations. In 1907 he was President General of the National So- ciety of the Sons of the American Revolu- tion. McClernan, Louis Francis, Iron and Steel Merchant of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 14, 1874, in Richmond, Va. He is President of McClernan and Company, iron and steel; and President of the Chicago Pressed Steel Company. McCluer, William Bittinger, Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 6, 1862, in Rockbridge County, Va. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the real estate business, and since 1902 a member of the firm of Cochran and McClure. McClure, James Gore King, Theologian of 2348 North Halsted Street, was born Nov. 24, 1848, in Albany, N. Y. In 1897-1901 he was President of Lake Forest University. He is now President of the McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago. McClurg, Ogden Trevor, Publisher and Mer- chant of 330 East Ohio Street, was born in 1878 in Chicago, 111. He is President of A. C. McClurg and Company; and President of the Lake Shore Building Company. McCoid, Arthur B., Attorney-at-Law of 76 West Monroe Street, was born July 18, 1869, in Fairfield, Iowa. In 1906-10 he was an Al- derman in the Sixth Ward of Chicago. He is now Attorney for the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium. McCollum, George Thomas, Clergyman of 19 South LaSalle St., was bom May 4, 1860, in Augusta, Ky. He is Superintendent of the Congregational Conference of Illinois and the Illinois Home Missionary Society. McConathy, Osbourne, Musician of Evans- ton, 111., was born Jan. 15, 1875, in Bullitt County, Ky. He was educated in the public schools of Louisville, and studied music un- der private tutors. Since 1913 he has been Professor of Music Methods and Director of the department of public music in Northwest- ern University; and since 1909 Superintend- ent of the Eastern Session of the American Institute of Normal Methods at Boston. He is the author of The School Song Book; and The Progressive Music Series. McConnell, Alexander H., Manufacturer of 460 East Ohio Street. President of the Cen- tral Scientific Company, laboratory apparatus. McConnell, G. Malcolm, Warehouseman of 444 West Grand Avenue. President of the Railway Terminal and Warehouse Company, and West Side Warehouse Company. McConnell, John, Real Estate Dealer of 546 Hawthorne Place, was born Dec. 8, 1847, in Chicago, 111. Since 1888 he has been en- gaged in the real estate business, and is now a member of the firm of McConnell Broth- ers. McCord, Alvin Carr, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 24, 1867, in Paris, 111. In 1900-2 he was General Manager and Vice-President of the Illinois Car and Equipment Company. He is now President and a Director of McCord and Com- pany and the McCord Manufacturing Com- pany. McCormack, Harry, Educator of 5545 Uni- 2f>2 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. versity Avenue, was bom Sept. 17, 1876, in Spencer, [owa, Since L904 he has been Pro- fessor of Chemical Engineering in Armour Institute of Technology. McCormick, Alexander Agnew, Publisher, Journalisl and Politician of 209 South La Salle Street, was bom Feb. 21, iso:'>, in Phila- delphia, Pa. In L906-09 he was Editor ami Publisher of the Indianapolis Star and other publications. He served one term as Presi- ,l,.,it <>t' the Board of Commissioners of Cook County; is now an Alderman in the Sixth Waul in Chicago. McCormick, Cyrus Hall, Manufacturer of 606 South Michiagn Avenue, was born May 16, L859, in Washington, I). 0. He was associated with the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company from L879 until 1902, as President from L884; and 1902-19 was President of the International Harvester Company. He is a Director of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company and the Merchants Loan and Trust Company. McCormick, Harold Fowler, Manufacturer of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 2, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has been connected with the International Har- vester Company, of which he is now Presi- dent. He is also a Trustee of the University of Chicago. McCormick, John Ambrose, Banker of 7 West Madison Street, was born Nov. 7, 1865, in Chicago, 111. Since 1909 he has been Vice- President of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. McCormick/ Joseph Medill, of 111 West Washington Street, was born May 16, 1879, in Chicago, 111. In 1912-17 Vice-Chairman of the Progressive National Committee; 1917-19 a member of the Illinois General Assembly; an. I since L917 a member of Congress. McCormick, Robert Hall, Attorney-at-Law of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 10, 1878. in Morristown, N. J. In 1907-8 he was Assistant State's Attorney of Cook Coun- ty, 111., and in 1909 Assistant United States Attorney of the Eastern Division of the Northern Districl of Illinois. He is now At- torney for the estate of Leander J. McCor- mick. McCormick, Robert Rutherford, Attomey- at law and Publisher of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born July 30, 1880, in Chicago, 111. In 1904-6 an Alderman; 1905- 10 President of the Sani- tary District of Chicago. lie is now President of the Tribune Company; and a member of the law firm of Shepard, .McCormick, Kirk- , land, Patterson and Flem- ing, lie is a member of the Chicago, Onwent- sia, and Saddle and Cycle Clubs. McCoy, Charles B., Attorney-at-Law of 117 North Dearborn Street, was born in Wash- ington County, Pa. He is Attorney for the Chicago Real Estate, Loan and Trust Com- pany. McCoy, Herbert Newby, Educator of 6025 Kiinbark Avenue, was born June 29, 1870, in Richmond, I ml. Since 1894 he has been en- gaged in educational work, and is now Pro- fessor of Chemistry in the Unievrsity of Chi- cago. McCoy, Homer Wirt, Investment Banker of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born April 29, 1859, in Sheridan, Ohio. Since 1901 he has been President of McCoy and Company, deal- ers in bonds. In 1902 he was President of the Illinois Bankers' Association. McCrea, Willey Solon, of 122 South Michi- gan Avenue, was born April 12, 1858, in Mor- rison, 111. Until 1917 he was Treasurer of the People's Gas Light and Coke Company; now retired. McCulloch, Catherine Waugh, Lawyer of 112 West Adams Street, was born June 24, 1862, in Ransomville, N. Y. She was twice elected a Justice of the Peace, Evanston, 111.; and in 1890-1912 was Superintendent of leg- islative work for the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association. She is now a Master in Chan- cery. McCulloch, Charles Alexander, of 111 West Adams Street, was born Dec. 2, 1875, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1892-8 he was Circulating Man- ager of the Chicago Journal. He is now Vice- President and General Manager of the Frank Parmelee Transfer Company; and Treasurer of the John R. Thompson Company. McCulloch, Frank Hathorne, Attorney-at- Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 14, 1863, in Winnebago County, Wis. Since 1890 he has practiced law; and is now General Counsel for the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company. McCuiloh, Thomas Grubb, Manufacturer of 11 East Illinois Street, was born in July, 1844, in Logansport, Ind. He is President of the Confectioners' and Bakers' Supply Company; and President of the Federal Manufacturing Company. McCullough, Hiram R., Railway Official of 226 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 7, 150, in Elkton, Md. Since 1873 he has befljn! identified with railroad work. He is now Vice- President of the Chicago and North Western Rail- way; Vice-President of the Wyoming and Northwest- ern Railway; Vice-Presi- dent of the Freemont, Elk- horn and Missouri Valley and the Sioux City and Pacific Railroad; and a director of nu- merous railroads. McCullough, Ernest, Civil Engineer of 111 West Washington Street, was born May 22, HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 253 1867, in Staten Island, N. Y. He was Chief Engineer of the Northwestern Expanded Metal Company. He is now a consulting engineer. McCuctheon, Ben Frederick, Author of 431 St. James Place, was born May 31, 1875, in Lafayette, Ind. For several years he was Commercial Editor of the Chicago Tribune. He is the author of Sunrise Acres, and The Seventh Person. McCutcheon, John Tinney, Cartoonist of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 6, 1870, in Indiana. He has been associated with the Chicago Kecord and Chicago Rec- ord-Herald. He is the author of the Cartoons by McCutcheon, and the Bird Center Car- toons, and is cartoonist for the Chicago Trib- une. McDermott, Charles H., Attorney-at-Law of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 22, 1882, in Kent, Ohio. Since 1903 he has prac- ticed law, and since 1914 has practiced in Chicago. McDermott, James Thomas, Congressman of 4524 Union Avenue, was born Feb. 13, 1872, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Since 1907 he has been a member of Congress fro. a the Fourth Dis- trict of Illinois. McDonald, Alexander Roderick, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 30, 1862, in Ontario, Canada. Since 1897 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He was formerly Dean of Students and Professor of Materia Medica and a Lecturer on Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Hahnemann Medical College. McDonald, Charles A., Lawyer and Jurist, was born Dec. 31, 1864, in Illinois. In 1897- 1910 he practiced law; and since 1916 has been a Justice of the Appellate Court, First District, Chicago. McDonald, Charles W., of 444 West Grand Avenue, was born Oct. 16, 1876, in Davenport, Iowa. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Railway Terminal and Warehouse Company; Secretary of the McConnell and McDonald Company, and Vice-President of the West Side Warehouse Company. McDonald, G-uy C, Insurance Adjuster of 64 West Randolph Street, was born May 20, 1880, in Chicago, 111. He is an insurance adjuster and also engaged in the municipal and criminal bond business. McDougal, James B., Banker of 79 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 11, 1866, in Pe- oria, 111. Since 1887 he has been identified with the banking business; 1901-6 National Bank Examiner; 1906-14 head of the Chicago Clearing House; and since 1914 has been Gov- ernor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chi- cago. McDowell, Mary E., Social Worker of 4630 Gross Aveune, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1893 she has been head of the Univer- sity of Chicago Settlement in the stockyards. She is also Vice-President of the Chicago Wo- man's Trade Union League; Chairman City Waste Committee Woman's City Club; and member of the University of Chicago Fac- ulty. McElroy, John Howard, Attorney-at-Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 29, 1867, in Catlin, 111. In 1891-6 he was Exam- iner of the United States Patent Office. Since 1896 he has practiced patent law in Chicago. McElwee, Robert Harvey, Lumberman of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1858, in Lexington, Va. Since 1883 he has been Treasurer of the Spalding Lumber Company; and is a Director of the Continental and Com- mercial National Bank, and the Hibernian Banking Association. McEnery, Francis T. M., Paper Manufac- turer of 112 West Adams Street, was born Oct. 14, 1868, iu New York. He has been General Man- ager of the Rocky Moun- tain Paper Company; Act- ing Manager of the Inter- state Paper Company; and Assistant to the Manager of the General Paper Com- pany. He is the founder and head of the McEnery taper Company; Director of the Pratt Paper Company, Des Moines, Iowa; Manager of Sales, Western Department, Penobscot Chem- ical Fibre Company of Boston; Vice-President of the Weyauwega Flour Milling Company of Wisconsin; and President of the Weyauwega Electric Light Company of Wisconsin . McEwen, Willard Milton, Lawyer and Jurist of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 15, 1863, in Milan Township, 111. For one year he was Attorney for the Sanitary District of Chicago, one'year Assistant State 'a Attorney, and 1902-10 Judge of the Superior Court of dink County. McFarland, John C, Manufacturer and Con- tractor of 2701 South Wells Street, was born Jan. 1, 1850, on a farm near Wilmington, Del. Since 1871 he has been engaged in business for himself; and is President of J. C. McFar land and Company and the McFarland Hyde Company, sheet metal. The metal work on the New Terminal Washington, D. C, Penn- sylvania Terminal, New York, and Grand Cen- tral Terminal, New York, was executed by them. McFell, Judson, Electrical Contractor of 2857 South Halsted Street, was born Sept. 12, L859, in Fort Dover, Ontario. Since 1890 he has been President of the McFell Electric Com- pany. McGann, Robert Greaves, Manufacturer and Rngineer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 6, 1866, in Doylestown, Pa. Since 1916 he has been President of the Ruggles- Coles Engineering Company, consulting and contracting engineers and manufacturers. 254 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. McGann, Lawrence Edward of 5719 Mid- way Park, was born Feb. _, 1852, in Galway, Inland. In iss;, 7 and L889-91 he was Superin- tendent of Streets; 1891-5 a member of Hie Fifty- Becond and Fifty-third Con- g i 'esses; 1 89 I elected Presi- dent of the Chicago Gen- eral Railway Company; 1901 Comptroller of the City of Chicago; and 1897 and 1911 appointed Commissioner of Public Works. McGarry, John A., Paving Contractor of 189 West Madison Street, was born in 1859, in Troy, N. Y. Since 1S98 he has been head of the John A. McGarry Company. McGavick, Alexander Joseph, Bishop of 605 Oakwood Boulevard, was born Aug. 22, 1863, in Fox Lake, 111. In 1899 he was consecrated Bishop. He is now Pastor of the Holy Angels Church. McGibbons, John Harmon, Bond Dealer of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 29, 1866, in Mendon, HI. He is Manager of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Com- pany. McGill, John A., Physician and Manufactur- er of 2003 Indiana Avenue, was born in 1844 in Toronto, Canada. Ex-President of the Illi- nois St. Andrews Society; Commandant of the Canadian Veterans' Association of the United States of America; and chairman of the Board of Governors of the Scottish Old Peoples Home, Riverside, 111. Kesidence, 4938 Drexel Boulevard. McGillen, John, Bond Dealer of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 13, 1861, in Chi- cago, 111. He is head of the firm of John McGillen and Company, surety b'onds. Since 1912 lie lias been Secretary of the Sanitary District of Chicago. McGinnis, Edwin, Surgeon of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 20, 1877j in Oiland, Cook County, 111. He is instructor of Laryngology and Rhinology in Rush Medical School; Attending Surgeon to St. Francis Hos- pital; Associate Attending Laryngologist to the Home for Crippled Children; and Assist- ant Laryngologist to the Presbyterian Hos- pital. McGlashan, Joseph Richard, Manufacturer of !t:',l North Halsted Street, was born March 13, 1865, in Frankfort Station, 111. Since L900 he has been President of the Consumers Box Manufacturing Company. McGlasson, Oscar Beaufort, Merchant of 456 Harry Avenue, was born May 28, 1866, in Glasgow, 111. Since 1S99 he lias been Secre- tary. Treasurer, and a Director of the McNeil and Higgins Company, wholesale grocers. Ex- Presideht of the National Wholesale Grocers' Association. McGoorty, John P., Lawyer and Jurist, the County Building, was born Aug. 25, 1866, in Conneaut, Ohio. Since 1886 lie has resided in Chicago. He was State Representa- tive of Illinois for four terms, 1896 and re-elected in 1898. He is now Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. He has been Vice-President of the Iro- quois Club; and is a mem- ber of the Chicago Athletic Association. McGovern, John, Author of 632 North Cen- tral Avenue, was born Feb. 18, 1850, in Troy, N. Y. For sixteen years he was engaged in newspaper work, and since 1880 in literary work. McGovern, William Robbins, Telephone En- gineer of 212 West Washington Street, was born in Milwaukee, Wis. He was formerly Engineer of Inventory and Appraisals for the Central Group of Bell Telephone Companies. He is now Chief Engineer of the Chicago Tele- phone Company, Wisconsin Telephone Com- pany, Michigan State Telephone Company, and Cleveland Telephone Company. McGowan, John Dennis, Physician of 72 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 18, 1853, in Boston, Mass. He is Surgeon to the Common- wealth Edison Company and Medical Director of the Chicago Telephone Company. McGregor, Peter Duncan, Underwriter of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 13, 1867, in Scotland. He was formerly Associate Manager of the Connecticut Fire Insurance Company. He is now Manager of the Queen Insurance Company. McGuigan, Hugh, Pharmacologist of 5405 Greenwood Avenue, was born March 29, 1874, in County Down, Ireland. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Pharmacology in North- western University Medical School. McGuire, J. Fred, Real Estate Dealer of 69 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 22, 1868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has been head of the firm of McGuire and Orr. McGurren, Henry V., Lawyer, City Hall, was born Jan. 11, 1883, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly a member of Chicago Stock Ex- change. He is nnw Superintendent, Bureau of Compensat ; on and Secretary of the Harbor Board of the City of Chicago; and a Director of the Madison and Kedzie State Bank, Chi- cago. Mcllvaine, Alan Cassilis, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 8, 1869, in Orange, N. J. He was formerly Vice- President, Counsel and a Director of the Coun- ty Traction Company. Mcllvaine, William Brown, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born in Peoria, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Wilson, Moore and Mcllvaine. Mcllvaine, William D., of 111 West Monroe HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 255 Street, was born in 1856 in Albany, 111. He was associated with the Phelps, Dodge, Palmer Company, and with the John V. Farwell Com- pany, in the Credit Departments. He is now Secretary and Treasurer of the Penn Mining- Company, of Campo Seeo, Cal.; and Treas- urer of the Montezuma Brick Works, of Mon- tezuma, Ind. He is a member of the Union League Club, the South Shore Country Club, the Glen View Clubhand the Chicago Club of Charlevoix. Mclnerney, James S., Attomey-at-Law of 30 North Michigan Avenue. He was formerly Prosecuting Attorney for the City of Chicago. He is now Clerk of the Appellate Court. Mclnnerney, Thomas H., Manufacturer of 111 West Washington Street. He was for- merly Vice-President of the Consumers Com- pany. He is now President of the Hydrox Company, manufacturers of hydrox products. Mcintosh, Arthur T., Eeal Estate Operator of 106 North LaSalle Street, was born March 28, 1877, at Clear Lake, Iowa. He is head of the firm of A. T. Mcintosh and Company. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Commerce, and Chicago Eeal Estate Board. Mcintosh, Harry Milne, Oil Operator of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1S56 in Scotland. He is President of the American International Fuel and Petroleum Company; and President of the Cuartas Mining Com- pany. McKay, Duncan McLaren, Wholesale Stone Dea'er of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born in 1857, in England. He was formerly Vice- President and Manager of the Consolidated Stone Company and the Perry, Mathews and Buskirk Stone Company of Chicago. He is now President of the McKay, Storer Company, dealers in stone. McKay, Hood, Coal Merchant of 37 West Van Buren Street. President of the O. S. Richardson Coal Company. McKay, William K., Journalist, was born in 1870, in New Orleans, La. He has been a member of the staff of the Chicago Journal, Chicago Times-Herald, and the Chicago Amer- ican. He is now Managing Editor of the Chi- cago Evening Post. McKechney, John, Underwriter of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 10. 1868, in Chi- cago, 111. He is Vice-President of Joyce and Company, General Agents for the National Surety Company, and the Continental Casualty Company. McKee, Horace A., of 6 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1874 in Michigan. Since 1903 he has been Secretary and a Director of the Library Bureau. McKee, Walter Smart, Steel Merchant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 6, 1876, in Watervliet, Mich. Since 1911 he has been Vice-President of the American Man- ganese Steel Company. McKeever, BuelL Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 2, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Isham, Lincoln and Beale. McKeever, John A., Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 3, 1867, in Adrian, Mich. Since 1889 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Miusgrave, Oppenheim and Lee. McKenna, Hugh, Surgeon of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 13, 1875, in Moscow, Wis. Since 1903 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Chief of the Staff at St. Joseph's Hospital, and Senior Surgeon to that in- stitution. During the Great War he served as a Lieuten- ant Colonel in the Medical Corps, United States Army. tk^l Tn 1909 he was a Delegate to the International Congress of Medicine, Budapest. McKenna, Charles Morgan, Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 13, 1879, in Moscow, Wis. He is Surgeon to St. Joseph's Hospital; and Assistant Professor of Surgery in the University of Illinois. McKenna, Edward P., Grain Commission Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 31, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the commission business, and is now a member of the firm of McKenna and Rodgers. McKian, P. V. J., Editor of 4821 Calumet Avenue, was born July 12, 1865, in Perth, Ontario, Canada. He is Insurance Editor of the Herald and Examiner, Chicago. McKinley, Michael Louis, Lawyer, Jurist of 906 Glegvle Place, was born Aug. 3, 1874, in Postville, Iowa. He was educated at the State Uni- versity of Iowa. In 1903-7 he was a member of the Illi- nois General Assembly; 1907-8 Secretary of the Chi- cago Charter Convention; ami 1907-11 a member of the Chicago Civil Service Commission. Since 1911 he has been Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. Mckinley, William, Music Publisher of 1507 East Fifty-fifth Street, was born July 24, 1859, in Albany, X. Y. In 1896 he established, and has since been President of the McKinley Mu- sic Company. McKinloc'k, George Alexander, Merchant of 320 South Fifth Avenue, was bom Dec. 27, 1857, in Oswego, N. Y. In 1887 he organized, and has since been President of the Central Electric Company. McLallen, Waiter Field, Banker of 79 West, Monroe Street, was born March 10, 1868, in Larwill, Ind. Since 1886 he has been identi- field with the banking business; and since 256 IIKRRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 1914 Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. McKinney, Robert Morris, Banker of 39 Sou t li LaSalle St reet, was born Feb. 2, 1862, MPMH| i Xauvoo, in ^^B I was associated with the I National State Bank, Bur- ■hfe * Hi lington, Iowa; anil in lSS(i jfc/ I with the First National C^ JW Hank of Anaconda, Mont. * | Iii L903-16 he was Cashier |^y 1 I of the National Hank of ^^ ^Sjjk I the Republic, Chicago; ami AfflK I since 1916 has been Second Vice-President. He is a member of the Bank- ers ' Club. McLaren, A. B., Coal Dealer of 343 South Dearborn street. He is President of the Chi- cago and Big .Muddy Coal and Coke Company, and New Enterprise Coal Company. McLaren, John C, Underwriter of 111 West Monroe Street, was bom May 14, 1869, at Chippewa Palls, Wis. He was formerly cash- ier and director of the Douglas County Bank, West Superior, Wis. Since 1901 he has been engaged in the insurance business. McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham, Educator of 5609 Woodlawn Avenue, was born Feb. 14, 1861, in Beardstown, 111. Since 1908 he has been Professor and head of the department of History in the University of Chicago. McLaughlin, George D., Merchant of 14 West South Water Street, was born Feb. 22, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has been President of the W. F. McLaughlin and Com- pany, coffees; and is Secretary of the Waken and McLaughlin Company, owners of import- ers' warehouses. McLean, Chalres Forrest, Attorney-at-Law of 70 West Monroe Street, was born April 5, 1873, in Waupun, Wis. He is General Counsel and Director of the Louisiana Fibre Board Company and other corporations. McLennan, Donald Roderick, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 27, 1873, in Duluth, Minn. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the insurance busi- ness, and is now a member of the firm of Marsh and McLennan. McLennan, Hugh, Engineer and Contractor of 3105 Calumet Avenue, was born April 12, 1878, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the McLennan Construction Company. McLeran, George Ralph, Insurance Manager iif L37 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 7, L868, in Bureau County, 111. Since 1898 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now General Manager of the Chicago Department of the Home Life Insurance Com- pany of New York. McMahon, Daniel Jordan, Attorney at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born July 7. 1863, in Carrol It on, 111. Tn 1898-1904 he was General Counsel for the Chicago Hoard of Education. He is now senior member of the law firm of McMahon and Cheney; and Presi- dent of the Cook County Democracy. McManus, Robert C., Attorney-at-Law of 9005 South Iloyne Avenue, was born May 18, 1870, in Lostant, 111. He is General Attorney for Swift and Company. McMaster, Thomas Jefferson, Dealer in Engineers' Supplies, 155 North Clark Street, was born Oct. 19, 1855, in Chillicothe, Ohio. He was formerly President of the McMaster- Davis Supply Company. McMichael, Orville Winthrop, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 11, 1867, in Canada. Since 1891 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Head Physician in the Policlinic Tuberculosis Dispensary; and Med- ical Director of the Edward Sanatorium, Na- perville, III. McMullen, Frederic B., Lumberman of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born June 19, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager of the McMullen-Powell Lumber Company. McMiirdy, Robert, Lawyer and Jurist of 69 West Washington Street, was born March 8, 1860, in Frankfort, Ky. In 1890-2 he was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County; 1898 President of the Chicago Law Institute; 1913-14 President of the Illi- nois State Bar Association; and 1913 Judge of the Illinois Court of Claims. Since 1915 he has been President of the Faculty of John Marshall Law School. McNally, James, Publisher of 536 South Clark Street, was born Oct. 5, 1847, in Ar- magh, Ireland. Since 1869 he has been con- nected with Rand-McNally and Company, printers and publishers, of which he is now Vice-President. McNally, James C, Editor of 542 South Dearborn Street, was born April 19, 1874, in Montreal, Canada. Since 1907 he has been Editor of the Western British-American. McNamara, James Henry, Manufacturer of 109 West Monroe Street, was born March 24, 1865, in Chicago, 111. In 1905 he organized, and has since been President of the J. H. Mc- Namara Trunk Works. McNamara, John H., Insurance Man of 36 South State Street, was born March 8, 1860, in Seneca, Wis. In 1906 he was one of the organizers of the North American Life Insur- ance Company, of which he is now President. McNamee, William J., Catholic Clergyman of 718 West Adams Street, was born June 20, 1859, in Ireland. He has held pastorates in Aurora and Joliet, 111. He is now Pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Chicago; member of the Morals Commission, Chicago; and President of the Catholic Social Center Association. McNealy, R. William, Physician and Sur- geon of 4254 Indiana Avenue, was born Aug. 17, 1885, in Missouri. He is Professor of Sur- gery in the Post-Graduate Medical School; Associate in Surgery at the University of Illi- HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 257 nois, and Attending Surgeon of the Post-Grad- uate Hospital. McNear, Charles W., Investment Banker of 76 West Monroe Street, was born April 9, 18S1, in Dubuque, Iowa. He is head of the firm of C. W. McNear and Company, munici- pal and corporation bonds; Vice-President and Director of the Birmingham and North- western Railroad; and a Director of the Mer- cantile Union Trust Company of Jackson, Tenn. McNeill, Charles E., Wholesale Merchant of 216 West South Water Street, was born July 15, 1S69, in Toronto, Canada. He is President of the Chicago Butter and Egg Board, serv- ing his third term; and is President of C. E. McNeill and Company, Incorporated, whole- sale dealers in butter, eggs and poultry. He was Secretary of the Chicago Butter and Egg Board two years; Secretary of the Na- tional Poultry, Butter and Egg Association four years, and President one year. McNulty, Thomas Joseph, Contractor of 1 ill's West Van Buren 'Street, was born Jan. 12, 1861, in Swineford, Ireland. Since 1900 he has been President of the McNulty Broth- ers Company. McQuilkin, Albert Henry, Editor, 632 Sher- man Street, was born Sept. 12, 1860, in Ire- land. He is Editor of the National Builder. McRoy, George Gardner, Wholesale Milliner of 24 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. U, 1854, in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been Vice-President of Edison-Keiaith and Company. McSurely, William Harvey, Jurist, was born Jan. 27, 1865, in Oxford, Ohio. In 1905-6 he was a member of the Legislature; and 1911- 12 Judge of the Superior Court. He is now Judge of the Appellate Court. McVoy, Eugene Joseph, Merchant of 344 West Austin Avenue, was born Dec. 24, 1872, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1902 he has been proprietor of the McVoy Sheet and Tin Plate Company, sheet iron manufacturers. McWhorter, Richard Cox, Manufacturer of ltiil West Twenty-first Street, was born April 21, 1860, in Chicago, 111. In 1888 he assisted in organizing and has since been President of the Acme Box Company. Meacham, Flores Davis, Manufacturer of 133 West Washin gton Street, was born April 26, 1843, in White Hill, N. Y. In 1862 he enlisted in the Chicago Mercantile Battery and served until the close of the Civil War. In 1874 he and F. S. Wright organized the Meacham and, Wright Brick Company, dealers in Utica and Port- land cements, and of which President. He has been President of the Board of Review of Cook County. Mc Williams, Lafayette, Retired Merchant of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born June 11, 1843, in Peterboro, N. Y. He was a part- ner in Marshall Field and Company until 1900. Mead, Aaron B., Real Estate and Loan Deal- er of 69 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 7, 1838, in Franklinville, N. Y. Since 186"! he has been proprietor of Mead and Coe. He is President of the Washingtonian Home of Chicago; a Director of the Congregational Church Building Society; and Vice-President of the American Sunday School Union. Mead, George Herbert, Educator of 1537 East Sixtieth Street, was born Feb. 27, 1863, in South Hadley, Mass. Since 1907 he has been Professor of Philosophy in the Univer- sity of Chicago. Mead, James L., Manufacturer of 33 North Canal Street, was born Jan. 13, 1863, in Dav- enport, Iowa. He is President of the Mead Cycle Company. Mead, Maurice Alexander, Merchant of 31 North State Street, was born Oct, 12, 1854, in Elizabeth, N. J. Since 1886 he has been President of M. A. Mead and Company, whole- sale watches; and is President of the Mead Orchard Company. Meads, Albert Harrington, Attorney -at -Law of 133 West Washington Street, was born July 25, 1865, in Oswego, N. Y. Since 1887 he has practiced in Chicago, and is now General Counsel for the To'edo Scale Company; and a Director of the Kellogg Switchboard and Sup- ply Company. Meagher, James Francis, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 26, 1858, in New York. He is a member of the firm of Sears, Meagher and Whitney. In 1913- 15 he was President of the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company. Meanor, Anson E., Attorney-at-Law of 6 North Clark Street, was born April 4, 1870, in Orion, 111. Since 1S96 he has practiced law in Chicago; and in 1902 was appointed Mas- ter-in-Chaneery of the Circuit Court. Meany, John J., Physician and Surgeon of 3725 West Chicago Avenue, was born June 8, 1S78. He is Surgeon and President of the Staff to St. Anne's Hospital; and Surgeon to the Illinois Central Railway Company; and to the Belt Railroad. Mechem, Floyd Russel, Educator of 5714 Woodlawn Avenue, was born May 9, 1858, in Nunda, N. Y. Since 1903 he has been Pro- fessor of Law in the University of Chicago; and since 1906 President of the University of Chicago Settlement. Medaris, William Roudebush, Attorney-at- Law of 2(19 South LaSaUe Street, was born Aug. 3, 1875, in Clermont County, Ohio. In 1908-11 he was Assistant United States At- torney; and 1910-15 Dean of the Hamilton College of Law. He is now General Attorney of the National Surety Company. Meder, Leonora Z., Social Worker and Coun- 2:»S HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. selor al Law of 408 Roslyn Place, was born May 22, L870, in Wayside, Ky. She was the first woman admitted to the bar in the state of Kentucky; and the first woman juror in the state of Illinois. First Commissioner of Pub- lic Welfare, Department of Public Welfare of the City of Chicago; and President of the Chicago Education Club and Social Service Club of Illinois. Mee, Walter R., of 19 South LaSalle Street, was bum An-. 21, L880, in Chicago, 111. He has been President of the Chicago Christian Endeavor Union and Trans- portation Manager of the Illinois Christian Endeavor Union. He is now Secre- tary of the. Chicago Dry Federation; Executive Sec- retary of the Chicago Chris- tion Endeavor Union; Fi- nance Chairman of the Fifth World's Christian Endeavor Convention Committee; and West- ern Manager of the United Society of Chris- tian Endeavor. Meek, Samuel Mason, Attorney-at-Law of ]54 West Randolph Street, was born July 2, 1849, in Marissa, 111. He served in the Civil War. and since 1877 has practiced law in Chicago. Meeker, Arthur, Packer of 208 South La- Salle Street, was born April 11, 1866, in Chi- cago, HI. He is Vice-President of Armour and Company; and an officer and director in other corporations. Meeker, Lawrence A., Packer, Union Stock Yards, was born Sept. 14, 1890, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Manager of the Hamil- ton Plant of Armour and Company. He is a member of the Saddle and Cycle Club and the University Club. Megan,* Charles P., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 24, 1876, in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. From 1901-12 he was Assistant Superintendent of the Chicago Public Schools. Mehlhop, Frederick W., Manufacturer, For- ty-fourth Place and Packers Avenue. Vice- President of the Northwestern Glue Company. Mehring, George, Heating Contractor of 118 North Franklin Street, was born Feb. 20, 1862, in Chicago, 111. Since 1878 he has been engaged in the heating contracting business in Chicago; and is now President of the Meh- ring and Hansen Company. Meiding, Frank A., Investment Dealer and Manufacturer of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 7, 1868, in Marshalville, Ohio. Since 1900 he has been President of the Union Se- curity Company. Meier, Christian, Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 19, 1852, in Germany. In 1878 he was a member of the Illinois General Assembly; 1879-81 and 1881-3 a member of the City Council; 189S- 1903 a member of the Board of Education; 1903-5 City Civil Service Commission; and now Election Commissioner. Meier, Jacob, Clergyman of 3264 Cortland Street, was born Sept. 6, 1839, in Baden, Germany. He is President of the Deaconess' Society; and German Baptist Old Peoples Home; and is Superintendent of the German Baptist Mission Society. Meilicke, Carl A., Manufacturer of 350 North Clark Street, was born Nov. 24, 1879, in Windom, Minn. For one year he was Mayor of Ilanley, Sask., Canada; and later cashier of the First National Bank of Fulda, Minn. He is now President and General Manager of the Meilicke Calculator Company. Mellish, Frank, Manufacturer of 213 West Austin Avenue, was born Nov. 5, 1862, in Lon- don, England. Since 1909 he has been Presi- dent of the Mellish-Hayward Company, heat- ing and ventilating engineers and contractors for sheet metal work. Mendelsohn, Herman M., Attorney-at-Law of 13i9 North Clark Street, was born April 3, 1894, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly a clerk in the Chicago Post Office. He is now en- gaged in the practice of law. Meneley, Harry W., Attorney at-Law of 179 West Washington Street, was born in 1876, in Illinois. He is Assistant City Prosecuting At- torney. Mehgden, Frederick B., Manufacturer of 1:20 West Illinois Street, was born Jan. 9, 1857, in Germany. He is President of Meng- den and Sons Company, twines and cordage. Menge, Frederick, Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Aug. 28, 1869, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Professor of Laryngology and Rhinology in Northwestern University Medical School; and Major in the United States Army Medical Reserve Corps. Mentzer, John Preston, Publisher of 2210 South Park Avenue, was born Feb. 21, 1877, in Marion, Iowa. Since 1894 he has been en- gaged in the publishing business, and is now President of the firm of Atkinson, Mentzer and Companv, school book publishers. Merbitz, F. Paul, Clergyman of 4032 Michi- gan Boulevard, was born Dec. 26, 1854, in Nauvoo, 111. He is Secretary of the Northern Illinois District of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Indiana. Mercer, Samuel Alfred Browne, Educator of 3738 Washington Street, was born May 10, 1880, in Bristol, England. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Semitic Languages in the Western Theological Seminary. Mercer, Thomas J., Journalist, 20 East Jack- son Boulevard, was born June 20, 1878, in Chesterhill, Ohio. Since 190S he has been Managing Editor of The Music Trade Indi- cator. He is Vice-President of the Chicago Trade Press Association. Mergentheim, Morton Adolph, Attorney-at- HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 259 Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born July 1, 1877, in Fort Wayne, Ind. In 1911-15 he was Chief Assistant City Attorney. He is now a Professor in the John Marshall Law School. Merriam, Charles Edward, Educator of 6011 University Avenue, was born Nov. 15, 1871, in Hopkinton, Iowa. Since 1911 he has been Professor of Political Science in the Uni- versity of Chicago. In 1909-11 and 1913-17 he was an Alderman from the Seventh Waul. Merrick, George Peck, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 4, 1862, in Manteno, 111. Since 1866 he has prac- ticed law and was formerly Attorney for the Santa Fe Railroad. Men-ill Elmer Truesdell, Educator of 5826 Blackstone Avenue, was born Jan. 1, 1860, in Millville, Mass. Since 190S he has been Pro- fessor of Latin in the University of Chicago; and is one of the Editors of Classical Phi- lology. In 1906-7 he was President of the American Philological Society. Merrill, Frank H., Life Underwriter of 10S South LaSalle Street, was born on a farm near Princeton, N. J. He was educated in the Chi- cago public schools and Monmouth College. He was formerly manager of the Chicago Hardware Com- pany. Since 1908 he has been engaged' in the in- surance business, and is now associated with the Chicago agency of the Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany. He is a member of the Kiwanis Club. Merrill, Fred Gardner, Broker of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 25, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly senior mem- ber of Merrill, Cox and Company. Since 1911 he lias been President of the F. G. Merrill Collateral Bond Company. Merritt, Eugene LinesdelL Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 27, 1870, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1S94 he has been engaged in the commission business, and is now Secretary of the W. H. Merritt Company. Merritt, William Henry, Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 16, 1S65, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the commission business, and is now President of the W. H. Merritt Company, grain commission mer- chants. Merryweather, George, Coal Merchant of 6 North Clark Street, was born Dec. 11, 1846, in Whitby, England. He was formerly President of the Railway Exchange Bank. Since 1906 he has been Vice President of the Cross Creels Coal Company. Merz, Edward G., Manufacturer of 116 West Superior Street, was born Oct. 23, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1889 he has been asso- ciated with G. Merz and Son, manufacturers of boxes, of which he is now President. Messenger, Frank M., Publisher of 39 West Van Buren Street, was born April 3, 1852, in Stoddard, N. H. He is President and Gen- eral Manager of the Messenger Publishing Company. Messer, Loring Wilbur, General Secretary of the Young Men's Chirstian Association of Chicago, 19 South LaSalle Street, was born March 1, 1856, in Somersworth, N. H. In 1881-83 he was General Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. in Peoria, 111.; 1883-8 in Cambridge, Mass.; and since 1888 General Secretary in Chicago. Messinger, Samuel P., Restaurateur of 2.17 East Ontario Street. President of Messin- ger 's Lunch Rooms. Messinger, William Dorrance, Merchant of 180 West Randolph Street, was born Aug. 1, 1843, in Peterboro, N. Y. Since 1870 he has been engaged in the paper business, and is now head of the firm of W. D. Messinger and Company, paper merchants. Metcalf, Herbert Cushman, Stationer of 605 South Clark Street, was born Jan. 3, 1857, in Boston, Mass. He is senior partner and man- ager of the Metcalf Stationery Company. Metcalf, Walter Bradford/ Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Jan. 3, 1867, in Marengo, 111. He was formerly Superintendent of the Lake Geneva Sanitarium. He is now Medical Director of the Continental Casualty Company and the Continental Assurance Company; and Asso- ciate in the Department of the Diseases of the Chest in the Medical Department of the University of Illinois. Mettler, Lee Harrison, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1863, in New York City. He was formerly Professor of Neurology and Head of the Department in the College of Medicine in the University of Illinois. He is the author of Treatise Upon Diseases of the Nervous System, and other medical articles. Metzel, Albert Jackson, Merchant of 125 South State Street, was born Nov. 23, 1863, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is President of The Cutler Shoe Company. Meyer, Abraham, ' Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born July 27, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Piatt. Meyer, Albert, Manufacturer of 1225 Court- land Street, was born March 22, 1867, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1901 he organized and has since been President of the People's Pure Ice Com- pany. Meyer, Arthur W., Wholesale Merchant of 312 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 31, 1S79, in Chicago, HI. Since 1900 he has been a member of the firm of Meyer, Hess and Company, men 'g furnishings. Meyer, Christian Frederick, Merchant of 122 260 HEEBINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Wesl Lake Street, was born Feb. 2G, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since l!»(i| he lias been Vice- President of John II. Meyer and Son, leaf to- bacco. Meyer, John Matthias, Importer and Pack- er of L22 West Lake Street, was born -July 13, L859, in Chicago. Since L904 be lias been Presidenl of John Meyer and Son. He is a Director of the Western Leaf Tobacco Mer- - bants' Association, and Treasurer of the Chi- cago heat' Tobacco Merchandise Association. Meyer, Johan H., Clergyman of 261 I North Keil/.ie Boulevard, was born June I, L862, in Norway. He is Pastor of the Christ Norwe- gian Lutheran Church, Kedzie Boulevard, near .\l ilwaukee Avenue. Meyer, Oscar, Engraver of 2314 Indiana Avenue, was born Jan. 12, 1876, in Chicago, III. Since L900 he has been President of the Meyer-Both < lompany. Meyer, Robert, Merchant of 236 South .Mar- ket Street, was bom in Soest, Germany. Since 1^72 he has been a member of the firm of Jacob Meyer and Brothers.* Meyer, Shelley, Educator of 4949 Indiana Avenue, was born Nov. 2, 1849, in Philadel- phia, Pa. He is Vice-President of the Chicago Training School. Meyercord, George Rudolph, Manufacturer of 133 West Washington Street, was born May 23, L875, in Chicago. Since 1894 he has been President of The Meyercord Company, manufacturers of transfer ornaments; and an officer in other corporations. Michel, Ralph Sherman, Physician of 2835 Logan Boulevard, was born Nov. 30, 1851, in Warren County, Ohio. He is a member of the Staff of the University Hospital. Michels, Nicholas, Attorney-at-Law, the City Hall, was born Feb. 23, 1863, in Rhenish Prussia. He was educated in Germany, and at the age of seventeen came to Amer- ica. Since 1888 he has prac- ticed his profession, and has been Assistant States At- torney; and managed the United Societies petition of the Sunday closing ques- tion. He is now Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. Michelson, Albert Abraham, Educator of 5756 Kiinbark Avenue, was born Dec. 19, 1852, in Germany. Since 1 892 he has been Professor and head of the Department of Physics in the University of Chicago. He is a contributor to the Philosophical Megazaine and the American Journal of Science. Michelson, Charles, Editorial Writer of 1333 Argyle Street, was born April 18, 1869, in Vir- ginia City, Nev. In 1909-14 he was Manag- ing Editor of the Chicago American. Mick, Leslie P., Manufacturer of 548 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 9, 1866, in Petersburg, 111. He was formerly engaged in' the real estate and contracting business. He is now President and Treasurer of the Natural Dry Products Company; and President of the Milk Flour Company. Mickle, George T., Lumber Merchant of 30 North LaSalle Street. President of the George T. Mickle Lumber Company. Mida, Lee W., Publisher of 536 South Clark Street, was born Sept. 21, 1873, in St. Louis, Mo. He is President of the Criterion Piiblish- ing Company; and President of Mida 's Trade Mark Bureau. Middleschulte, Wilhelm, Organist of 3234 South Park Avenue, was born April 3, 1863, in Germany. He is a teacher in the American Conservatory of Music; and Organist at St. James Roman Catholic Church. Miehle, Robert, Inventor of 429 Surf Street, was born in March, 1860, in Chicago, 111. He is the inventor of the Miehle Printing Press, and has been associated with this company since 1890. Miksak, Joseph, Lumber Dealer of 2201 South Latlin Street. President of the Pilsen Lumber Company. Miles, James M., Banker of 29 South La- Salle Street, was born Aug. 18, 1879, in Stone- fort, 111. Since 1899 he has been identified with the banking business and is now Vice- President of the Standard Trust and Savings Bank. Milhening, Joseph, Manufacturer of 135 South State Street, was born Dec. 2, 1839, in Scotland. Since 1870 he has been engaged in the jewelry business, and is now head of the firm of Milhening, Incorporated. Millard, Everett Lee, Attorney-at-Law of 69 "West Washington Street, was born April 28, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Since 1900 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is President and General Counsel for the Chicago Suburban Gas and Electric Company. Miller, Edward L., Engineer, was born Oct. 3, 1884, in Chicago, 111. Since 1916 he has been President of the Board of Examining Engineers of the City of Chicago. Millard, Frank Hopkins, Sales Manager of 168 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 21, 1863, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1905 he has been Western Sales Manager, a stockhold- er, and Director of the Diamond Crystal Salt Company. Ex-President of the Illinois Ath- letic Club. Miller, Albert, Produce Commission Mer- chant of 192 North Clark Street, was born Sept. 18, 1850, in Tarrytown, N. Y. Since 1896 he has been head of the firm of Albert Miller and Company, dealers in potatoes. Miller, Amos Calvin, Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born* Dec. 16, 1866, in Marshalltown, Iowa. Since 1891 he has practiced law. He is now a member of the firm of Miller, Gorham and Wales; and is Vice-President of the Firestone Tire and Rub- HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 261 mer Company and President of the United States Truck Company. Miller, August William, Clerk of the Circuit Court, was born June 8, 1861, in Chicago, 111. For two terms he was an Alderman in the Tenth Ward; three terms a member of the Board of Assessors of Cook County; a mem- ber of the Board of Local Improvements; and Superintendent of Streets. He is now Clerk of the Circuit Court. Miller, Bavier C, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 8, 1858, in Claveraek, N. Y. Since 1874 lie has been en- gaged in the insurance business, and since 1868 a member of the firm of Critchell, Miller, Whitney and Barbour. Miller, Charles J., Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 5, 1867, in Georgetown, Conn. Since 1885 he has been connected with The Gilbert and Bennett Man- ufacturing Company, wire goods, of which he is now Vice-President and Director. Miller, Edward Percy, Wholesale Produce Merchant of 192 North Clark Street, was born Nov. 7, 1870, in Lombard, 111. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the Wholesale Produce business in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Albert Miller and Company; and President of the Miller Michigan Po- tato Company. By appointment of Mr. Hoov- er he was a member of the United States Food Administration in charge of potato dis- tribution. He is President of the American Fruit and Vegetable Shippers Association; and First Vice-President of the Boosters Club. Miller, Francis Edwin, Manufacturer of 301 West Randolph Street, was born July 21, 1865, in Chicago, 111. Since 1908 he has been Manager of The Gutta Percha Rubber Manu- facturing Company. Miller, Frank Justus, Educator, Editor and Author, was born Nov. 26, 1858, in Clinton, Tenn. Since 1909 he has been Professor of Latin in the University of Chicago; and since 190S Managing Editor of the Classical Journal. Miller, Frederick A., Railway Official of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born April 10, 1858, in Hartford, Pa. In 1874 he entered railway service with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, and is now Passenger Traffic Manager. Miller, George W., Lawyer and Jurist of 38 South Dearborn S treet, was born Jan. 12, 1869, in Gilman, 111. In 1897 he was appointed Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County; was a member of the House of R e p r e s e ntatives in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth DJUinois General; Assem- blies; and in 1907 was First Assistant Corporation Coun- sel of Chicago. Miller, Goodman A., Dentist of 6 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1S71, in Mor- ris, 111. In 1892 he graduated from North- western University. He is now engaged in the practice of dentistry in Chicago. Miller, John Jacob, Printer of 172 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 30, 1861, in Tar- rytown, N. Y. Since 1903 he has been a member of the firm of Barnard and Miller. Miller, John S., Jr., Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 8, 1888, in Chicago, 111. In 1911 he received the de- gree of A. B. from Harvard; and 1914 the degree of LL. B. from Harvard Law School. In 1915-16 he was a member of the law firm of Miller, Starr, Brown, Packard and Peck- ham. He is now a member of the law firm of Taylor and Miller. During the Great War he was a Major in the Three Hundred and Thirty-third Field Artillery. Miller, John Stocker, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born May 21. LS47, in Louisville, N. Y. Since 1874 he has practiced law in Chicago. In 1891-93 lie was Corporation Counsel for the City of Chicago; and has been a member of the Board of Education. He is now senior member of the firm of Miller, Starr, Pack- ard and Peckham; and Di- rector of the Chicago Morris Plan Bank. Miller, Joseph Leggett, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 24, 1867, in.Kewanee, 111. Since 1895 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. He is Asso- ciate Professor of Medicine in the Rush Med- ical College, and Attending Physician to the Cook County Hospital., and St. Luke's Hos- pital. Miller, Joseph M., Manufacturer of 220 West Huron Street, was born Sept. 17, 1S48, in Elizabeth, N. J. He is General Manager of the Miller Chemical Engine Company, builders of general fire appliances. Miller, Kempster Blanchard, Electrical En- gineer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 14, 1870, in Boston, Mass. In 1893-6 he was Examiner of the United States Patent Office. Since 1904 he has been a con- sulting engineer; and is a Director of the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company, and the Belden Manufacturing Company. He is the author of the American Telephone Prac- tice, and other works. Miller, Richard O., Merchant of 112 West Kinzie Street, was born Now 3, 1856, in Rich- mond, Ind. Since lss Michigan Avenue, was born .Jan. 20, 1871, in Plattsburgh, N. Y. He is Associate Professor in Obstetrics in Northwestern Uni- versity Medii-al College, and a member of the staffs of the Chicago Lying-in Hospital and Michael Reese Hospital. Monin, Louis Celestin, Educator, was born Nov. !), 1857, in Switzerland. Since 1903 he has been Professor of Economics and Phil- osophy and Dean of Cultural Studies in the College of Engineering of Armour Institute of Technology. Monroe, Alexander Ross, Underwriter of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1862, in Scotland. Since 1905 he has been Assist- ant Manager of the Queen Insurance Com- pany. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Underwriters' Salvage Company of Chicago, and Director of the Western Adjustment and Inspection Company. Monroe, William' Stanton, Mechanical En- gineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 22, 1868, in Chicago. 111. Since Kill he has been a member of the firm of Sargent ami Lundy. Montogmery, Frank Boylan, Traffic Man- ager of (lull South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 14, in Parkeraburg, W. Va. In 1900 he was Traffic Manager of the McCormick Har- vesting Machine Company; ami is now Man- ager of I he Traffic Department of the Inter- national Harvester Companies. He is a mem- ber of the Traffic Club of Chicago, the Chi- cago Club and the Glen View Golf Club. Montgomery, Frederick D., Engraver of 4015 East Ravenswood Dark, was bom Feb. 7, L865, in Lockport, X. Y. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the printing and engraving business, nndis now Managing Director of the Man/, Engraving Company. Montgomery, George Wilm'ot, Merchant of 14ii South State Street, was born May 25, L865, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1910 he has been General Manager of The Fair. Montgomery, Hugh Munro Stewart, Grain Commission Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 7, 1861, in Port Hope, Ontario, Canada. Since 1909 he has been in business for himself on the Board of Trade. He has served as Vice-President and a Director of the Chicago Board of Trade. Montgomery, John Rogerson, Attorney-at- Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born March 8, 1866, in Chicago. Since 1889 he has practiced law, and is now a member of the law firm of Montgomery, Hart and Smith. Montgomery, Robert J., Manufacturer of l!:;.'M South Wabash Avenue, was born in 1870, in Ontario, Canada. He is President of the Sanitax Brush Company. Montgomery, William Teel, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born Aug. 12, 1843, in Gibson County, Ind. Since 1873 he has practiced medicine in Chicago, and is now Consulting Oculist to the Presbyterian Hos- pital. Moody, Charles Henry, Manufacturer of 1107 West Congress Street, was born Feb. N 26, 1S67, in Chicago, 111. Since 1898 he has been President of the Moody and Waters Company, pie manufacturers. Moody, Frank A., Manufacturer of 1107 West Congress Street, was born April 13, 1872, in Chicago. Since 1893 he has been connected with Moody and Waters, manu- facturers of pies, and is now Secretary and Treasurer. Moody, Walter Dwight, Author and Educa- tor of 4750 Sheridan Road, was born Jan. 16, 1874. Since 1911 he has been Managing Di- rector of the Chicago Plan Commission. He is the author of Men Who Sell Things; Wack- er's Manual of the Plan of Chicago; What of the City; and other works. Moody, Will Cornelius, Attorney-at-Law of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 30, 1873, in South Hannibal, X. Y. Since 1900 he has pia« diced law in Chicago; 1910 was As- sistant City Prosecutor; 1910-11 Assistant, Corporation Counsel; and since 1917 Assist ant Attorney General of Illinois. Mooney, William M., Silk Manufacturer of 200 West Adams Street, was born June 3, 1878, in St. Louis, Mo. He is Secretary of the Mor- ris Woolf Silk Company. HERRINGSH AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 265 Moore, Addison Webster, Educator of 5744 Blaekstone Avenue, was bom July 30, 1866, in Plainfield, Ind. Since 1909 he has been Professor of Philosophy in the University of Chicago; and since 1912 President of the Western Philosophical Association. Moore, Charles Brearley, of 80 East Jack- son Boulevard, was born Aug. 28, 1874, in Ma- comb, 111. He is Vice-President of the Ox- weld Railroad Service Company and the Na- tional Car Equipment Company. Moore, Charles H., Bond Dealer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born in Detroit, Mich. He is head of the firm of C. H. Moore and Company. He is a member of the South Shore Country and Chicago Yacht Clubs. Moore, Edward Small, Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 6, 1881, in Chicago. 111. In 1909-15 he was Vice- President of the Chicago, Eock Island and Pa- cific Railway. He is now Vice-President of the American Brake Shoe and Foundry Com- pany. Moore, Edwin White, Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, 'was born Aug. 10, 1849, in Williamsburg, Pa. He was formerly Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago. He is now engaged in general practice. Mooie, Eliakam Hastings, Educator of 5607 Kenwood Avenue, was born Jan. 26, 1862, in Marietta, Ohio. Since 1892 Professor of Mathematics in the University of Chicago. He is a contributor to mathematical journals; and in 1901-3 was President of the Ameri- can Mathematical Society. Moore, Frank N., Lawyer of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born May 6, 1866, in Chicago, 111. He is a son of Ex-Justice John M. Moore, who came to Chicago in 1850. He graduated from the Chicago College of Law, and was admitted to the bar in 1893. He has been Deputy Assessor of the Town of Lake, and Deputy Collector for some time; and was Assistant Attorney for the Sanitary District of Chicago; now Secretary of the Lawyers' Association af Illinois, of which he is one of the founders. He is a member of the K. of C, and Maccabees. Moore, Fred Atkins, Clergyman of 3821 West Adams Street, was born Oct. 26, 1882, in Concord, Mass. Since 1914 he has been Pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, Chi- cago. Moore, Frederick Warner, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 27, 1867, in Chicago, 111. He was a member of the firm of Moore and Janes until 1901; and since 1901 has been a member of the firm of Moore, Case, Lyman and Hubbard, fire insurance. He is a member of the City Club, and the Union League Club. Moore, George Henry, Retired Capitalist of 21.11 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, 111., was bom Jan. 20, 1848, in North Hartland, Vt. For thirty-five years he was an official of the Liverpool and London and Glove Insurance Company. He is a member of the Union League, Glen View Golf and Evanston Clubs ami the Colonial War Society. Moore, James Hills, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 4, 1840, in Windham, N. H. Since 1863 he has been identified with the insurance business. He is senior partner of the firm of Moore, Case, Lyman and Hubbard. Moore, John W., Commission Merchant, Union Stock Yards. He is a Director of the Chicago Live Stock Exchange; and President of the Drovers Commission Company. Moore, Lewis Theodore, Retired Civil Engi- neer of 4403 Lake Avenue, was born Feb. 20, 1843, in Thompson, Conn. From 1867 until his retirement in 1910 he was associated with the Illinois Central Railroad Company. Moore, Nathan Grier, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 26, 1853, in Indiana County, Pa. Since 1878 he has practiced law; and since 1888 has been a member of the firm of Wilson, Moore and Mcll- vaine. He is a Director of the Chicago Title and Trust, Company, and the Dolese and Shepard Company. He is a member of the Union League and L niversity Clubs. Moore, Tom A., Wholesale Lumber Dealer of 122 South Michigan Avenue was born Oct. 15, 1867, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1908 he has been a resident of Chicago. He is engaged in handling west coast timber products. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Commerce; Chicago Lumbermen's Associa- tion; The Western Efficiency Society; order of Hoo-Hoo; and the Hamilon and Chicago Mo- tor Clubs. Moore, William Gideon, Manufacturer of 1001 Independence Boulevard, was born Sept. 6, 1864, in Chicago, 111. He is Manager of the Chicago Factory of the Royal Baking Powder Company. Moore, William J., Invesment Dealer of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, w-as born Oct. 9, 1862, in Winona, 111. He was formerly Gen- eral Manager for S. E. Gross. Since 1907 he has been President of the American Bond and Mortgage Company. Moorehead, Frederick Brown, Oral Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 14, 1875, in Mineral Point, Wis. Since 1899 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Dean and Head of the Department of Oral Surgery and Pathology in the College of Dentistry of the University of Illinois; Assistant Professor of Surgery in Rush Medical College; and Oral Surgeon to the Presbyterian Hospital. He is a member of the University, Chicago Automo- bile, and Oak Park Country Clubs. Moorehead, Edward L., Surgeon of 31 North 266 IIERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. State Street, was burn in 1604. Since 1890 he lias practiced ill Chicago, lie is now Professor of tturgery in Loyola University, and Ex- President of the Medical Hoard and a member of the Attending Staff of the Cook County Hospital. Moorhouse, William Russell, Underwriter of 17.") West Jackson Boulevard, was bom .July J 7, 1873, in Chicago, 111. In 1915-10 he was Commissioner of Public Works, City of Chicago, He is now a member of the firm of Cory, Moorhouse and Company. Moos, Joseph Bemhard, Merchant of 116 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 24, ! y o7, in Chicago, 111. lie was formerly Pres- ident of J. and B. Moos, wholesale cigars and tobacco, lie is now Chairman of the Board of Directors of Albert Pick and Company, hotel and restaurant outfitters. Morava, Wensel, Engineering Contractor of 122 JSouth Michigan Avenue, was born Sept 12, L853, in Bohemia. Since 1901 he has been President of the Morava Construction Com- pany. Mordue, Thomas Newton, Merchant of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 14, I860, in Louisville, Ky. Since 1S79 he has been Identified with the coal business. He is now President of the Thomas N. Mordue Coal Company, and Mordue Collieries Company, producers and dealers in coal. More, Clair Ellis, Attorney-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 20, 1862, in Buckingham, Pa. Since 1885 he has prac- ticed law. He is a member of the Union League Chili. More, R. Wilson, Attorney-at law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 10, L865, in Tippecanoe County, Ind. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Chicago - . He is President of the American Life Insurance Company of Illinois. Moreland, Hugh D., Contractor of 3701 Shef- field Avenue. President of the H. D. More- land Company, contractors. Commodore of the Columbia Yacht Club. Morey, Charles William, College President of 116 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 26, 1875, in Quincy, 111. Since 1903 he has been President of the Chicago Technical College; and is also senior member of the firm of Morey, Newgard and Company, con- struction engineers. Morf, Paul Frederick, Physician of 910 Dakin Street, was born Oct. 26, 1871, in Blue Island, 111. He is Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital; and Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Polyclinic. Morgan, Anna, Educator of 410 South Mich- igan Avenue, was born in Auburn, N. Y. In 1897 she founded the Anna Morgan School of Expression. Morgan, Frank A., of 64 East Van Buren Sreet, was bom Feb. 19, 1863, in Keokuk County, Iowa. He is President of the Mutual Chatauquas, Steinway Hall; and Manager of the Lyceum Arts Conservatory, Lyon and llealy Building. Morgan, Kendrick E., Attorney-at-Law of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1854, in New York. He is President of the Midland Warehouse Company; and engaged in the gen- eral practice of his profession in Chicago. Morgan, Otho Herron, Manufacturer of 2100 Elston Avenue, was born Aug. 11, 1838, in Lawrenceburg, Ind. He served in the Civil War three years, leaving service as Captain. In 1866 he established, and is now President of the Chicago Varnish Company. Morgan, William Edward, Surgeon of 2526 Calumet Avenue, was born July 23, 1858, in Madison, Wis. Since 1884 he has practiced medicine in Chicago, and is connected with the Surgical Department of the Chicago Medical College. Morgan, William Thome, Manufacturer of 735 South Washtenaw Avenue, was born Nov. 23, 1857, in New York City. Since 1905 he has been President of the Raymond White Lead Company. Moriarity, Daniel, County Commissioner, County Building, was born March 21, 1860, in Ireland. He served as Lieutenant Colonel in the Spanish-American War. In 1912 he was elected a County Commissioner. Morlan, Halford J., Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, "was born in 1880, in En- field, 111. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Ophthalmology in the Illinois Post Graduate School. Moroney, John James, Manufacture of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 4, 1869, in Chicago. In 1896 he organized, and has since been President of the Chicago Brick Machinery Company; also President of the United States Rocking Grate Bar Company ; and General Manager of the. American Sand, Lime and Brick Company. Morrell, Frederick Lathrop, Insurance Man- ager of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born May 27, 1854, in Aurora, N. Y. He was for- merly Manager of the Manhattan Life Insur- ance Company. Since 1914 he has been Man- ager for the Continental Casualty and Assur- ance Companies. Morrill, Donald Littlefield, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born in Auburn, Maine. Since 1899 he has been en- gaged in the practice of law in Chicago; 1890-1 a member of the Chicago Board of Edu- cation; and 1891-8 attorney for the same. Morris, Edward, Jr., Packer of 5017 Drexel Boulevard, was born March 3, 1893, in Chi- cago, 111. He is President of Morris and Com- pany, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, and the St. Louis National Stock Yards. Morris, Frank Marion, Bookseller, of 24 North Wabash Avenue, was born June 9, 1857, in Clinton County, Ohio. He established The HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 267 Morris Book Shop in 1S87, of which he has since been the head. Morris, Harry, Wholesale Merchant of 111 South Wells Street. Senior member of the firm of Morris, Mann and Reilly, dry goods nov- elties. Morris, Henry Crittenden, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born April 18, 1868, in Chicago, 111. He received the de- grees of A. B. and A. M. from Lombard Col- lege; the degree of LL. B. from the Chicago College of Law; and the honorary degree of A. M. from Buehtel College, in 1910. From 1893-98 he was United States Consul at Ghent, Belgium; in 1905 was Secretary to Chief Jus- tice Fuller in the Muscat Dhows Arbitration before the International Permanent Court at The Hague. He is a trustee of the Lombard College; President of the Chicago Peace So- ciety; Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee of the Chicago Group of the American Peace Centenary Committee; and Director of the Sane Fourth Association and the Alliance Francaise. From 1910-11 he was First Vive- President of the Hamilton Club. Morris, Ira Nelson, Diplomat, of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born March 8, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Formerly an officer and director in many corporations. In 1906 he retired from active business. He is United States Minister to Sweden. In 1913-14 he was United States Commissioner General on the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. He has traveled ex- tensively, and has written several books des- criptive of his visits to different countries. He is a member of the South Shore Country, Quadrangle, and Mid-Day Clubs, Chicago ; and Ranelagh Club, England. Morris, Michael B., Attorney-at-Law of 35 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 19, 1885, in New York City. He specializes in trading stamps, corporation and real estate leaseholds; was Assistant City Attorney; and senior member of the law firm of Morris and Schusterman. Morris, Nelson, Packer of 4800 Drexel Av- enue, was born in Chicago. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Morris and Com- pany; President of the William F. Mosser Company; and Director of the First National Bank. During the Great War he served as Captain in Refrigerating Plant Company, Number 302, France. Morris, Robert Nelson, Physician and Sur- geon of 7 West Madison Street, was born July 14, 1860, in Reading, Mich. He was for- merly Dean of the Hering Medical College of Chicago and Vice-President and Professor of Practice in the same. Morris, Sampson J., Physician and Surgeon of 1947 North Western Avenue, was born July 18, 1884, in Russia. He is school health officer in Chicago; and Attending Physician to St. Mary of Nazareth 's Hospital. Morris, Seymour, Trustee of Estates, 112 West Adams Street, was born Feb. 15, 1863, in Utica, N. Y. He is Trustee of the L. Z. Leiter Estate and numerous other estates, and is a director of the Merchants Loan and Trust Company; the Chicago Rail- ways Company; Spaulding and Company; and a direc- or in other corporations. He is a member of several clubs and societies. Morrision, Armer D., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 6, 1844, in Rockville, Ohio. Since 1913 he has been member of the firm of Morrison and Miller, General Agents of the Commercial Ac- cident Department of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. Morrison, Charles B., Lawyer and Jurist, the Federal Building, was born in 1878, in Chicago, 111. In 1898-1905 he practiced law in Chi- cago; was Assistant United States District Attorney and 1905-6 United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Illi- nois. Since, 1910 he lias been Master in Chancery of the United States Cir- cuit Court. He is a member of the Union League Club. Morrison, Charles Clayton, Editor of 700 East Fifeieth Street, was born 1874, in Harri- son, Ohio. He is President of the Disciples Publication Society; and Editor of the Chris- tian Century. Morrison,' Mary Fotilke, of 719 Rush Street, was born Nov. 14, 1879, in Richmond, A'a. In 1917 she was President of the Chicago Equal Suffrage Association. Morrison, William McKenzie, PhotographeT of 56 East Division Street, was born March 23, 1857, in Detroit, Mich. In 1889-191] he was a photographer in Chicago, now retired. Morrisson, James William, Wholesale Drug- gist of 540 West Randolph Street, was born Sept. 1, 1872, in Richmond, Ind. Since 1915 he has been President of the Fuller-Morrisom Company. Morsbach, John W., Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born May IT,. 1875. In 1899 he was admitted to the bar of Illinois. He is now Secretary of the Chicago Surgical and Electrical Company; and the Grove Land Company; the Electrical Machin- ery Sales Company/ He is a member of the Royal Arcanum and the Order of Masons. Morse, Andrew Gray, Manufacturer of 210 North Halsted Street, was born March 16, 1869, in East Hardwick, Vt. He is President of the A. G. Morse Company, manufacturers of confections. 268 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Morse, Charges Hosmer, Jr., Manufacturer and Merchant of 900 South Wabash Avenue, President of Kairbanks, Morse and Company, scale manufacturers. Morse, Edward L. C, Educator and Writer of 7650 Saginaw Avenue, was burn in Dover, N. II. since L892 he has been Principal of the Phil Sheridan School. He is a writer and lec- turer on Mexico and Spanish America. Morse, Frank L., Educator of 2850 Twenty fourth Street Boulevard, was born in Wil- braham, Mass. Principal of the Harrison Technical Sigh School. Morsman, Joseph J., -Manufacturer of 12012 South Peoria Street, was born June 16, L872, in Omaha, Neb. He is Vice-President of the Carter White Lead Company. Morton, Frank E., Efficiency Engineer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born May 1, 186(3, in Warren County, Pa. He is efficiency engineer with the American Steel and Wire Company, specializing in acoustics. Member of the Union League Club. Residence, 4733 Maiden Street. Morton, Joy, Merchant of 80 East Jackson rn Sept. 27, 1855, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1879 he has re- sided in Chicago. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the salt business, and is now President of the Morton Salt Company. He is also President and a Director of the Standard Office Com- pany; and a Director of the Chicago and Alton Rail- road and the Continental and Commercial National Bank. Morton, Mark, Merchant of 421 North State Street, was born Nov. 22, 1858, in Omaha, Neb. He is a member of the firm of Joy Mor- ton and Company; and Vice-President of the Morton-Gregson Company, packers. Morton, Sterling, Manufacturer of 1410 Wrightwood Avenue, was born Aug. 25, 1885, in Chicago. Secretary of the Morton Salt Company; President of the Morkrum Com- pany; and Director of the Western Cold Stor- age Company. Moseley, Carleton, Importer of 76 East Lake Street, was born Oct. 26, 1863, in Dorchester, Mass. From 1881-86 he was connected with Nash, Spaulding and Company, importers and refiners of sugar. Since 1886 he has been asso- ciated with Chase and Sanborn, importers of teas and coffees; and since 1900 has been a member of the firm. He is a member of the Union League Club, the Exmoor Country Club, the Chicago Yacht Club and the Highland Park Club. Moser, Frank Wilson, Corporation Official of 213 West Grand Ave., was born Aug. 5, 1857, in Nazareth, Pa. He is Treasurer and Man- ager of The Quadriga Manufacturing Com- pany; Treasurer and Manager of the Chicago Laundry Machinery Company; Treasurer and Manager of the Taylor Portable Steel Derrick Company and Treasurer and Secretary of the Pacific Cunning Company. Moses, Charles Alonzo, Contractor of 133 West Washington Street, was born June 14, 1851, in Olean, N. Y. Since 1907 he has been President of the O. A. Moses Construction ( lompany. Moses, Hamilton, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was bom Feb. IS, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1901 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is Treasurer of the United States Corporation Bureau; and a member of the law firm of Moses, Rosenthal and Ken- nedy. Moses, Joseph Washington, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 22, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1891 he has prac- ticed law, and he is now a member of the firm of Moses, Rosenthal and Kennedy. In 1917 he was President of the Chicago Bar As- sociation. Moses, Julius Adolph, Attorney at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born April 9, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the practice of law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Moses, Rosenthal and Kennedy. Moses, Thomas Gibbs, Lanscape Painter of 417 South Clinton Street, was born July 21, 1856, in Liverpool, England. Since 1914 he has been President of the Sesman and Landis Company. Mosle'y, Charles E., of 230 West Washington Street, was born in Milwaukee, Wis. He is Treasurer of the Central Union Telephone Company. Moss, Jesse Lathrop, was born Nov. 12, 1847, in Westerly, R. I. Since 1898 has been Sec- retary and Financial Agent of the Newberry Library. Moss, William Ray, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 3, 1867, at Maple Rapids, Mich. In 1899 he received the degree of LL. B. from the University of Michigan, was admitted to the bar the same year, and has since practiced law in Chicago. In 1915-6 he was President of the Oak Park Club; 1916 President of the Michigan Society of Chicago; 1917 Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee of the Chicago Association of Commerce, and now Vice-Chairman of its Executive Committee. Mosser, Samuel T., Municipal Bond Dealer of 29 South LaSalle Street. Vice President of Bolger, Mosser and Willaman. Mosser, Stacy Carroll, Investment Banker of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 16, 1872, in Abingdon, 111. Since 1912 he has been Secretary and a Director of Bolger, Mos- ser and Williman. Mott, John Grenville Cooper, Manufacturer of 226 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 23, 1843, in Sparta, Ohio. He is Vice-Presi- HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 269 dent of J. H. Winterbotham and Sons; and a Director of J. C. Penover and Company. Motter, Thomas Ira, Surgeon of 122 Mich- igan Avenue, was born in 1872, in Stanton, Kan. He is a member of the Surgical Faculty of Rush Medical College. Moulding, Joseph Watkins, Brick Manufac- turer of 133 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 23, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1894 he has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Thomas Moulding Brick Company. Moulton, Don Alonzo, Banker of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 6, 1852, in Wel- lington, Ohio. He was formerly associated with the Globe National Bank. Since 1898 he has been Vice-President of the Corn Ex- change National Bank. Moulton, Forest Ray, Educator of 6225 Woodlawn Avenue, was born April 29, 1872, in LeRoy, Mich. He is Professor of Astronomy in the University of Chicago; and Research Association of the Carnegie Institution. Moulton, Frank Irwin, Attorney-at-Law of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 5, 1854, in Springfield, Mass. In 1896 he was President of the Hamilton Club; and 1910-15 Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Cook County Forest Preserve Association. He is now President of the City Club. Moulton, George Mayhew, Underwriter of 159 North State Street, was born March 15, 1851, in Readsboro, Vt. He was formerly head of the firm of George M. Moulton and Company, elevator builders. He is now Presi- dent of the Western Life Indemnity Com- pany. In 1907-9 he was Major-General com- manding the First Division, Illinois National Guard. Mowry, Albert Earl, Physician and Surgeon of 3505 Indiana Avenue, was born Sept. 26, 1873, in Mattoon, 111. He was a Surgeon in the First Illinois Volunteer Cavalry in the Spanish-American War. He is now Professor of Genito-Urinary and Venereal Diseases in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine; and Attending Genito-Urinary Surgeon to Provi- dent Hospital. Mowry, Louis Conger, Mortgage Banker of 3410 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 3, 1856, at Milan, Ohio. He is proprietor and Manager of Mowry and Company; and Presi- dent of the Universal Battery Company. Moxley, George Thomas, Manufacturer of 541 West Randolph Street, was born Nov. 18, 1881, in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 he has been Secretary of William J. Moxley, Incor- porated, butterine; and is also President of the Moxley Cold Storage Company. Moxley, William J., Manufacturer and Statesman of 541 West Randolph Street, was born in May, 1851, in Ireland. In 1884-1909 he was President of the Moxley Butterine Company; and 1909-11 a member of Cougress from the Sixth District of Illinois. Moyer, Harold Nicholas, Physician of 202 South State Street, was born Aug. 14, 1858, in Canajaharie, N. Y. In 1887-8 he was Cook County Physician. He is now First Lieuten- ant of the United States Army Medical Re- serve Corps. Mudd, Francis Xavier, of 343 South Dear- born Street, was born July 21, 1859, in Leb- anon, Ky. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the transportation business, and is now President and General Manager of the Live Stock Poultry Transportation Company. He is a member of the South Shore Country, Chi- cago Athletic, Chicago Automobile, and Motor Clubs of Chicago; and the Aero Club of Amer- ica, New York. Mudge, Burton W., of 80 East Jackson Boulevard. President of Mudge and Com- pany, dealers in railway supplies. Mueller, CarL Real Estate Dealer of 118 North LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 17, 1862, in Portage, Wis. Since 1890 he has been en- gaged in the real estate business in Chicago; 1898-1902 was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives; and 1903-7 a member of the Senate. Mueller, Daniel, Manufacturer of 2641 West Polk Street, was born Sept. 27, 1857, in Ger- many. He is President of Mueller Brothers Art and Manufacturing Company, picture frames. Mueller, Frederick, Orthopedic Surgeon of 209 South State Street, was, born April 14, 1871, in Vienna, Austria. He is a member of the Staff of St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospital, Chicago; and Professor of Orthopedic Surgery in the Chicago College of Medicine and Sur- gery and the Illinois Post Graduate School. Mueller, George E., Patent Lawyer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 29, 1881, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly patent attorney for the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company. He is now a member of the firm of Zabel and Mueller. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Bar Association; Patent Law Association of Chicago; Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce; and the Lagrange Country, Aviation and Electric Clubs. Mueller, Theobold, Merchant of 200 South Wabash Avenue, was born in August, 1859, in Germany. He is President of Mueller Broth- ers, Incorporated, picture frames. Muhlke, Joseph H., Attorney-at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born April 12, 1861, in Chicago, 111. Since 1883 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Muhlke and Murdock. Mulholland, William Henry, Real Estate Dealer of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born June 2, 1859, in Pittsburg, Pa. Since 1911 he has been head of the firm of William H. Mul- holland and Company, real estate. Mullen, John, Manufacturer of 1050 Austin Avenue, was born Feb. 22, 1846, in New York City. Tn 1901 he organized the Acme Cracker Company, of which he is now President. 270 HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Mullen, Timothy Francis, Attorney-at-Law of 209 Soutb LaSalle Street, was born April 8, 1868, in Aurora. 111. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Chicago; in lit]") was First Assistant Counsel of the State Public Utilities Commission; and L916 Assistant Attorney General of Illinois. Mulligan, George F., Attorney-at-Law of L5'5 North Clark Street, was born July 21, L868, in Rochester, N. Y. Since 1895 he has practiced law in Chicago, and has been Trial Attorney in the City Attorney's Office. Mulliken, Alfred Henry, Manufacturer of I tit South Dearborn Street, was born in Au- gusta, Maine. Since 1 S99 lie has been Presi- dent of the Pefrtibone, Mulliken Company, railway supplies; and is a Director of the Con- tinental and Commercial National Bank, Mulvihill, William Frank, Attorney-at-Law of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 6, L872, in Oswego County, N. Y. Since 1916 lie has been Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. Mumford, William Rice, Hay and Grain Commission Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born March 5, 1842, in Wilkes- barre, Pa. Since 1875 he has been a member of the Chicago BoarcLof Trade. Mundelein, George William, Archbishop of 740 Cass Street, was born July 2, 1872, in New York. Since 1916 he has been Arch- bishop of Chicago. Mundie, William Bryce, Architect of 39 South LaSalle St reet, was born April 30, 1863, in Hamilton, Ontario. Since 1884 he has resided in Chi- cago. In 1898-1905 he was Supervising Architect of the Board of Education of Chicago. He is now a mem- ber of the firm of Mundie and Jensen. He is a mem- ber • of the Builders, Cliff Dwellers and Union League Clubs. ~ Mundt, G. Henry, Oculist and Aurist of 25 Past Washington Street, was born in Mason City, 111. He is Eye and Ear Surgeon to the German Evangelical Deaconess Hospital; and to the New Fork Central Railroad Company. Munger, Edwin Allston, Attorney-at-Law of North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 26, 1869, in Topeka, Kan. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago. He served two terms as National Pres- ident of the Young Peo- ple's League of the New Jerusalem Church and has been President of the Ham- ilton Club. He is a member of the Calumet Country and Chicago Automobile Clubs. Mundy, Norris Havemeyer, Sugar Broker of 326 West Madison Street, was born Aug. 12, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1904 has been a partner in the W. A. Havemeyer Company, agents for the American Sugar Refining Com- pany. Munger, Harry Bray, Manufacturer of 1404 West Thirty-seventh Street, was born May 4, 1S63, in Oshkosh, Wis. He is President of the Chicago Millwork Supply Company, and the Foster-Munger Company. Munroe, Charles A., Public Utility Execu- tive of 72 West Adams Street, was born Feb. 9, 1875, in Middlebury, Vt. He is Vice-Presi- dent of the Public Service Company of North- ern Illinois, and the Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company; and an officer and director in several other gas and electric companies. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the United Charities of Chicago; and mem- ber of the Board of Trustees of Passavanl Hospital; member of the Chicago, University, Mid-Day, Old Elm, Chicago Yacht, and On- wentsia Cubs; and President of the Indus- trial Club of Chicago. Munro, Fayette Smith, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born June 8, 1874, in Camillus, N. Y. In 1913-15 he was a Representative from the Eighth Senatorial District in the Forty-eighth General Assem- bly of Illinois. He is a member of the law firm of Vroman, Munro and Vroman. Munsell, William W., Publisher of 536 South Clark Street, was born Oct. 25, 1850, in Wayne County, N. Y. For twelve years he was en- gaged in the banking business in New York and Kansas; and since 1873 has been continu- ously in the publishing business, and is Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Munsell Publish- ing Company. He is a member of the Empire State Society of Chicago and other societies. Murdock, WiUiam D., Real Estate Dealer of 17 North LaSalle Street, was born May 14, 1868. He is senior member of the firm of William D. Murdock and Company. Murphy, Charles T., Physician and Surgeon of 1105 East Sixty-third Street, was born Nov. 30, 1872, in Portsmouth, Ohio. He is Surgeon to the Washington Park Hospital. Murphy, Frank M., Steel Merchant of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in January, 1875, in Indianapolis, Ind. He was formerly Vice-President of the Farwell Trust Company. He is now Vice-President of the Bates Ex- panded Steel Company. Murphy, John K., Lawyer, was born May 3, 1886, in Chicago, 111. For four years he was associated with the law firm of Musgrave, Piatt and Lee; and since 1912 has been Assist- ant State's Attorney. Murphy, John Edward, Railway Official, Dearborn Station, was born in Chatham, Eng- land. Since 1888 he has been Treasurer of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad Company and The Belt Railway. Murphy, William Henry, Manufacturer of 30 North Wells Street, was born Dec. 30, 1863, HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 271 in Bloomington, 111. He was formerly Ser- geant in charge of the Bureau of Records in the Department of Police of the City of Chi- cago. He is now proprietor of the W. H. Murphy Company, manufacturers of flavoring extracts and importers of vanilla beans and essential oils. Murray, Allan Alexander, Real Estate Deal- er of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born June 20, 1871, in Prince Edward Island, Can- ada. Since 1905 he has been engaged in the real estate business, and is now senior mem- ber of the firm of Murray and Terry. Murray, Patrick F., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Nov. 24, 1873, in Chicago. He has been a Representative in the Illinois General Assembly. Musgrave, Harrison, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 28, 1S60, in Charlotte, Mich. Since 1885 he has prac- ticed law; and is now senior member of the law firm of Musgrave, Oppenheim and Lee. He has been Vice-President of the Chicago Bar Association; President of the Chicago Law Club; and President of the Illinois State Bar Association. Myer, Henry, Manufacturer of 402 South Market Street, was born in 1856, in Sydney, Ohio. He is President of the Henry Myer Thread Manufacturing Company. Myers, George William, College Professor and Author of 1953 East Seventy-second Street, was born April 30, 1864, in Champaign, 111. Since 1901 he has been professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, and mathemat- ical supervisor in the College of Education, in the University of Chicago. Myers, Johnston, Clergyman of 2320 Michi- gan Avenue, was born Dec. 14, 1860, in King- ston, N. Y. For ten years he was a pastor in Cincinnati, Ohio; and since 1895 has been Pastor of the Immanual Baptist Church in Chicago. Myers, Louis Edward, Contractor of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 14, 1863, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He is President and Director of The L. E. Myers Company, the Central Illnois Utilities Company, the Michi- gan Gas and Electric Company, the Eastern Illinois Ice Company; the Ironwood Bes- semer Railway and Light Company, and the Ashland Power and Stret Railway Company; and Director of the Middle West Utilities Company, the Central Power Company and the Northwest Utilities Company. He is President of the Anti-Cruelty Society and the Chicago Automobile Club Auxiliary As- sociation. Myers, Myron Andrew, of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born April 30, 1855, in New Bos- ton, 111. From 1S76-1906 he was with the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Company, latterly as President; and 1906-11 Vice-President of the Cable-Nelson Piano Company. Residence, Hinsdale, 111. Myrick, Franklin, W., Contractor of 10S South LaSalle Street, was born in 1858, in Cook County, 111. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Western Shaw Block Company. He is now associated with and executing con- tracts in connection with track elevation of the various railroads in the City of Chicago. Nachman, Fred A, of 1300 Fulton Street, was born Aug. 30, 1879, in Meadville, Pa. He is President and Treasurer of The Nach- man Company, manufacturers of spring spe- cialties. President of the Nachman-Spring- field Company: and Secretary and Treasurer of the Springfield Products Company. Nagel, John Stephan, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Jan. 6, 1874, in • Reynolds, Ind. In 1900-2 he was Surgeon of the First United States Cavalry in the Philip- pines. He is now a professor in several med- ical colleges. Naghten, James I., Fire- "Underwriter of 171 West Jaekson Boulevard, was born Oct. 30, 1864, in Chicago. He is President of the Hi- bernian Fire Insurance Company of Chicago, and Director of the Metropolitan Fire Insur- ance Company. Nahser, Frank, Engraver of 711 South Dear- born Street. President of the Globe En- graving and Electrotyping Company. Nance, Willis Orvilie, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born May 28, 1871, in Kewanee, 111. He is Consulting Oculist to the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary; and the Coun- ty Hospital; and Trustee of the Sanitary Dis trict of Chicago. Napier, Richard Alexander, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 27, 1865, in Montreal, Canada. Since 1900 he has been head of the firm of R. A. Napier and Company, which represents the Royal Insur- ance Company, the Atlas Assurance Com- pany, Aetna insurance Company, Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Company, Alliance In- surance Company, and the American National Insurance Company. Nast, Alexander Daniel, Broker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 5, 1871, in Mihvaukee, Wis. Since 1913 he has been President of the Mercantile Credit Company; ami is Treasurer of the Illinois Realization Company. Nast, Samuel, Stock and Bond Dealer of 135 South LaSalle Street. Head of the firm of Nast and Company. Nathan, Arthur Samuel, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 25, 1872, in Chicago. Since 1907 lie has been senior partner of Arthur S. Nathan and Com- pany, insurance; and is Cook County Manager for the Cleveland National Fire Insurance ( Ymipanv. Nau, Otto F., Railroad Official of 135 Past Eleventh Street. Acting Federal Treasurer of the Illinois Central Railroad. Naugle, Archibald T., Dealer in Railway 272 JIKKKINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Supplies, 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. II, 1874, in ('niter Valley, Ind. Since L897 he lias been engaged in the timber busi- ness, and is now President of the Naugle Pole ami Tie Company, dealers in telephone and telegraph poles and railway ties. Navarro, E. Antonio, Diplomat and Ex- porter of 60S South Dearborn Street, was horn Nov. 5, 1 s 7 7 , in Panama City, Panama. lie was formerly engaged in government work in Panama, lie is now Consul for Panama in Chicago; and Assistant General Manager of the Muller Export Company, exporters of dry g Ls for South and Central America. Nay, Frank, Railway Official of 143 West Van Buren Street, was born April 19, 1861, in Columbus, Ohio. Since 1883 he has been identified with railroad work, and is now Comptroller of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company. Neal, Thomas Carroll,' Banker of 125 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 19, 1876, in Dover, Ark. In L909-11 he was President and a Director of the Monroe National Bank. He is now Nice President of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. Neely, Edwin R., Lumberman of 112 West Adams Street, was born in 1870. He is Presi- dent of the Continental Piling and Lumber Company. Neely', John C, Banker of 136 South La- Salle Street, was born in 1840 in Belvidere, 111. For several years he was Cashier of the Merchants National Bank. He is now Sec- retary of the Corn Exchange National Bank, and is a Director of the Guarantee Trust Company of North America. Neidig, William Jonathan, Writer of 1156 North Dearborn Street, was born at Western College, Iowa. He is President of the Neidig Typewriter Company; and inventor of the Neidig Indicators. He is the author of fic- tion, poems and plays; and has published im- portant research work establishing the falsity of the dates on certain Shakespeare quartos. Neiler, Samuel Graham, Consulting Mechan- ical and Electrical Engineer of 431 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 14, 1866, in Erie, Pa. In 1892-4 he was Assistant Elec- trical Engineer at the World's Columbian Ex- position. He is now associated with Neiler, Rich and Company, engineers. Neilson, Robert Allen, Manufacturer of 2727 Quinn Street, was born dune 16, 1883, in St. Louis. Mo. Since 1908 he has been a partner in the firm of Neilson Brothers, manufactur- ers of upholstering leathers. Neis, Longinus A., Business Manager of 25 East Austin Avenue, was born March 15, 1871, in C'yman, Wis. Since 1905 he has been Man- ager "of The Western News Company. Neise, George Nicholas, Broker of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born dan. 14, 1853, im Chi- cago, 111. Since 1913 he has been Vice-Presi- dent of Foreman Brothers Banking Company. Neiswanger, Charles Sherwood, Physician of 22 Eas1 Washington Street, was horn April II, 1849, in St. Clairsville, Ohio. Since 1898 he lias been engaged iii the practice of medi- cine. He is author of Suggestions in Electro- Therapeutics; and Professor of General Elec- tro-Therapeutics of the Illinois School of Electro-Therapeutics. Nelson, Daniel Thurber, physician of 5515 Kinibark Avenue, was born Sept. 16, 1839, in Milford, Mass. Since 1865 he has practiced medicine in Chicago; and was Professor of Clinical Gynecology in Rush Medical Col- lege. He is the inventor of several surgical instruments. Nelson, Edward O., Architect of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born in Chicago, 111. He is associated with the firm of Mundie and Jen- sen, Architects. Ex-President of the Chicago Architectural Club. Nelson, Frank George, Banker of 112 West Adams Street, was born Dec 25, 1869, in Sag- inaw, Mich. Since 1891 he has been identified with the Merchants' Loan and Trust Com- pany Bank, and since 1910 has been Vice- President. Nelson, Hans Peter, Piano Manufacturer of 1254 Marianna Street. Was born Dec. 30, 1867, in Helsenburg, Sweden. In 1906 he founded the H. P. Nelson Company, which later became H. P. Nelson and Sons Piano Company, of which he is now President. Nelson, Lawrence, Real Estate and Mort- gage Loan Broker of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born April 25, 1862, in Skepparslof, Swe- den. He was formerly Vice-President of the Western Trust and Savings Bank. He is now head of the firm of Lawrence Nelson and Company. Nelson, Murry, Attorney-at-Law of 203 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 17, P868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he has prac- ticed law; and is now a member of the firm of Nelson, Little and Gordon; and President of the Calumet and Chicago Canal and Dock ( lompany. Nelson, Nicholas Joseph, Interior Decorator of 614 South M ichigan Avenue, was born duly 17, 1867, in Chicago, 111. In 1890 he became as- sociated with the W. P. Nelson Company, decora- tors, and since 1905 has been sole owner and Presi- dent of the Company which now has a branch office in New York. He is a mem- ber of the South Shore Country, Chicago and Builders Club. Resi- dence, 1020 Ardmore Avenue. Nelson, Seymour G., Landscape Gardener of 1 in South Dearborn Street, was born May, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Swain, Nelson and Sons Company. IIERRINGSHAW's CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 273 Nelson, Nils Anton, of 30 North LaSalle Street, vvns born Jan. 15, 1860, in Sweden. Since 1SS1 he has resided in Chicago. He is President of Scandia Life Insurance Company, which company he assisted in organizing in 1905; a Director of the Svea Building and Loan As- ■ sociation, Chicago Cemetery ggP .^g Association, Englewood Br ■ &!& I Hospital Association, Au- gusta na College and Theological Seminary of Rock Island, Illinois. He is a member of the Hamilton and Swedish Clubs; and has been knighted with the Eoyal Vasa Order by the King of Sweden. Nelson, William Paul, Merchant of 825 South Wabash A venue, was born June 27, 1859, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly a member of the firm of William P. Nel- son and Company, interior decorators. In 1901 he or- ganized, and has since been President of the American Wall Paper Company. He is a member of the Univer- sity, Mid-Day and Onwent- sia dubs. Neltnor, Shelley B., Attorney-at-Law of 6 North Clark Street, was born in West Chi- cago, 111. In 1899 and 1900 he was Secretary of the Illinois College of Law; and from 1899- 1909 Professor of the Law of Contracts in the same college. Since 1910 he has been President of the Hamilton College of Law. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion, and the Press Club. Nesbit, Wilbur Dick, Writer of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 16, 1871, in Xenia, Ohio. In 1899-1912 he was on the staffs of the Chicago Tribune and Even- ing Post. He is now Vice- President of William H. Rankin, advertising agents. He is the author of A Friend or Two; The Old, Old Wish; If the Heart Be Glad; and author of thle play, The Girl of My Dreams. Nessen, John O., Lumber Merchant of 122 South Michigan Avenue. President of the J. O. Nessen Lumber Company. Netcher, Charles, Merchant, was born April 11, L892, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of The Boston Store. Netherton, Ross D., Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 20, 1886, in Winanac, Ind. He received the de- gree of Ph. B. from the University of Chi- cago, and the degree of J. D. from the Law School of the same. In 1904-5 he was su- perintendent of schools Medaryville, Ind.; 1909-12 organizer and supervisor of the de- partment of Physical Education in the pub- lic schools,, Gary, Ind.; 1915-16 instructor and writer in law in LaSalle Extension Univer- sity; and 1917 inheritance tax attorney in the office of the Attorney General of Illinois. He is now associated with the law firm of Wins- ton, Strawn and Shaw. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association. Neuberger, Mollie Netcher, Merchant of 10 North State Street, was born in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 she has been owner, President and Treasurer of the Boston Store. Neumann, Edward P., Manufacturer of 225 North Desplaines Street, was born June 8, 1876, in Chicago. Since 1906 he has been President of the United States Tent and Awning Company; and is also President of the New Toy Company, Tip Top Toy Com- pany, Murray and Company; and is a director of several banks. Neumann, Ferdinand Wight, Impresario of 3155 Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 3, 1851, in Hamburg, Germany. In 1897 he was United States Consul at Cologne, Germany. Newburger, James Monroe, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1901 he has been senior member of Newburger and Company. Newcomer, John Rush, Jurist and States- man of 4220 Gladys Avenue, was born Aug. II, 1863, in Quincy, Pa. As a member of the State Legislature he introduced and passed the Juvenile Court Bill. Since 1906 he has been Judge of the Municipal Court. Newell, William Whiting, Clergyman of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 29, 186S, at Waupengers Falls, N. Y. In 1891 he was ordained in the Congregational ministry, and later held pastorates in Minnesota and Mis- souri. He is now an efficiency expert in church finances. Newhall, Horace G-., Broker of 141 West -Jackson Boulevard. Vice-President of the Hately Brothers Company. Newman, Abraham B., Investment Dealer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 7, 1871, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is President of the Illinois Realization Company and the Chicago Timber and Land Company; and Vice- President of the Anderson and Saline River Railroad Company. Newman, Herman, of 209 South State Street, was born Oct. 22, 1874, in Roberts, III. He is Director of the Aid Department of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society; and Pastoral Secretary of the Chicago Month- ly Meeting of Friends. Newman, Horatio Hackett, Educator of 5712 Dorchester Avenue, was born in 1875, near Scale, Ala. Since 1897 he has been en- gaged in educational work, and is now Pro- fessor of Zoology in the University of Chi- cago, and Dean in the Colleges of Science. 274 ITERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Newman, Jacob, Attorney al Law of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. L2, L854. In 1 s;;; he received tlic de- gree of A. I>. from the Uni- \ iTsity of ( 'hicagOj and in 1875 was admitted to the bar. He was formerly se- nior member of the law firm of Newman, Northup, l.r\ insun and Becker : now New man, Poppenhusen, Stern and Johnston. He is a member of the Union League, Standard and Ravisloe Country Clubs. Newton, Arthur William, Banker of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 17, 1868, in I, mi. Imi, England. Since 1887 he has been connected with the First National Bank, and in 1910 was elected Vice-President. Newton, Charles Adelbert, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 21, 1877, in Oswego, N. Y. Since 1908 he has been senior member of the firm of Charles A. Newton and Company. Newton, Reuben Webster, Manufacturer of 12 South Clinton Street, was born March 19, 1872, in Chicago, 111. In 1904 he organ- ized and has since been President and Treas- urer of the National Steam Specialty Com- pany. Niblack, Austin Herr, Manufacturer of 332 Smith Michigan Avenue. Vice-President of the Chicago Steel Car Company. Niblack, William Caldwell, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 5, 1854, in Martin County, Indiana. He was the First Attorney of the Board of Election Commissioners of Chicago; and Re- ceiver for the Chemical and Columbia. Na- tional Banks. Since 1896 he has been Vice- President of the Chicago Title and Trust Company. He is the author of the Mutual Benefit Societies and Accident Insurance: The Cost and Complexity' of the Torrens System; the Abstractors and Title Insurance; and an Analysis of the Torrens System. Nicely, John Washington, Clergyman of 5712 Prairie Avenue, was born Dec. 25, 1867, in Youngstown, Pa. In 1896-1902 was Treas- urer and Professor of English in the Syrian Protestant College of Beirut, Syria. Since 1908 he has been Pastor of the Crerar Memo- rial Presbyterian Church, Chicago. Nicholls, William Henry, Commission Mer- chant of 326 West Madison Street, was born March 20, 1865, in Central City, Colo. In 1893 he organized, and has since been head of the firm of William II. Nicholls and Company, dealers in canned goods. Nichlos, George Perry, Manufacturer of 2139 Fulton Street, was born March 29, 1862, in Grafton, Mass. In 1894 he organized and has since been associated with the firm of George P. Nichols and Brother, railway ma- chinery. Nichols, John J., Banker of 349 West Sixty- tliird Street. He is President of the First National Bank of Englewood, the Chicago Maple and Oak Flooring Company, and the South Side Lumber Company. Nichols, John Richard, Clergyman of 6925 North Ashland Avenue, was born Dec. 16, 1854, in Wat kins, N. Y. Since 1909 he has been Pastor of the Rogers Park Congrega- tion Church; and is a Director of the Chi- cago City Missionary Society, and the Na- tional Congregational Home Missionary So- ciety. Nichols, Samuel Trench, Manufacturer, of 2139 Fulton Street, was born March 29, 1862, Since 1894 he has been a member of the firm of George P. Nichols and Brother, rail- way machinery. Nichols, William Edwin, Life Underwriter of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 10, 1862, in Chicago, 111. Prior to 1901 he was a mining engineer. Since 1901 he has been General Agent for the New York Life Insurance Company. Nicholson, Albert E., Business Manager of 2231 South Park Avenue. Western Man- ager of the Butterick Publishing Company, patterns. Nicholson, Thomas, Bishop and Lecturer of 58 East Washington Street, was born Jan. 28, 1862, in Woodburn, Ont., Canada. For five years he was President and Professor of Philosophy in the Dakota Wesleyan Univer- sity. In 1916 he was elected Bishop in charge of the Chicago area. Nicodemus, Rutherford Herman, Clergy- man and Educator of 343 South Trumbull Avenue, was born Jan. 1, 1877, in Clayton, Ohio. Since 1911 he has been Professor of Homiletics, New Testament History and Mis- sions in the Bethany Bible School, Chicago. Niemann. Henry C, Furniture Manufacturer of 1801 North Rockwell Street, was born Dec. 6, 1863, in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been President and Treasurer of H. C. Niemann and Company. Nies, John Dirk, Electrician and Professor, was born March 23, 1875, in Saugatuck, Mich. Since 1907 he has been a Professor in Lewis Institute. He is also Vice-President of tb<» Kimble Electric Company. Nightingale, Augustus Frederick, Educator and Author of 916 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111., was born Nov. 11, 1843, in Quincy, Mass. He was Superintendent of Chicago high school and Superintendent of schools of Cook County, PI. Tn 1898 he was President of the North Central Association of Colleges and Second- ary' Schools. Nimmons, George C, Architect of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 8, 1865, in Wooster, Ohio. He is head of the firm of George C. Nimmons and Company', architects of Sears, Roebuck and Company's Plant, Reid, IIERRINGSIIAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 275 Murdoch and Company's Building and other commercial and industrial plants. Nims, Foster S., Sales Manager of 18 South Dearborn Street, was born June 15, 1881, in Melrose Highlands, Mass. Since 1S94 he has been connected with the American Bank Note Company, and is now Sales Manager of the Western Division of the same. In 1918-19 he was President of the Hamilton Club of Chicago, and the Englewood Sunday Evening Club, and is now a member of the board of governors of the Beverly Country Club. Nitze, William Albert, Educator, of 1220 East Fifty-six Street, was born March 20, 1876, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1909 he has been Professor and head of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures in the University of Chicago. Niver, David Russell, Investment Broker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct 19, 1850, in South Bethlehem, N. Y. He is Pres- ident of Trowbridge and Niver Company; and since 1917 has been President of the Farm- ers Naional Mortgage Company. Nixon, Charles Elston, Editor, Studebaker Theatre, was born May 25, 1861, in Mt. Car- mel, Ohio. He was formerly Musical Editor of the Daily News. He is now Manager of Publicity, Chicago Opera Association. Nixon, William T., of 1222 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 26, 1873, in Montreal, Canada. He is Manager for The Walter M. Lowney Company of Boston, Mass. Noble, William Lincoln, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born Dee. 23, 1860, in Russell, N. Y. Since 1888 he has prac- ticed medicine in Chicago. His practice is limited to the eye, ear, nose and throat. In 1916 he was elected President of the Illinois State Medical Society, now President of the Chicago Opthalmological Society. Noe, Elzer Curtis, Railway Official of 72 West Adams Street, was born March 25, 1862, in Western Star, Ohio. Since 1907 he has been General Manager of the Northwestern Ele- vated Railroad Company, and the Chicago and Oak Park Elevated Railroad. Noel, Joseph Roberts, Banker, was born March 3, 1872, near Waco, Tex. In 1894 he graduated from Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia, and for two years practiced medicine in Chicago. In 1S97-1901 he was manager of the Theodore Noel Company, man- ufacturers of proprietary medicines; in 1909 he organized the North West State Bank, Milwaukee and North Avenues which was changed to the Noel State Bank in 1917, and of which he is the President; also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pioneer State Saving Ba.nk, and an officer and director in other corporations. He is Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Division Street Y. M. C. A.; Treasurer of Northwestern University Settlement ; and a member of the Union League, Bankers, Oak Park and Oak Park Country Clubs. Nolan, John H., Insurance Man of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 10, 1841, in New Haven, Conn. He served in the Civil War. Since 1871 he has been General Agent of Travelers Insurance Company at Chicago. Nolan, WiUiam J., Underwriter, of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 24, 1884, in Rockford, 111. He is special representa- tive of the Glens Falls Insurance Company. Ex-President of the Illinois State Board of Fire Underwriters. Nollen, John Sholte, Educator, was born Jan. 15, 1869, in Pella, Iowa. In 1885 he re- ceived the degree of A. B. from Central Col- lege of Iowa; 1888 the degree of A. B. from the State University of Iowa; 1893 the degree of Ph. D. from Leipzig; sudied in Berlin, and Paris; and in 1910 received the degree of LL. D. from the University of Iowa. Since 1907 he has been President of Lake Forest University, Lake Forest, 111. He is the author of numerous works on German literature and history; and a contributor to various philo- logical and literary magazines. Nonnast, Louis Frederick, Manufacturer, of 1015 North Halsted Street, was born in Sep- tember, 1848, in Langenburg, Germany. Since 1880 he has been President of Louis F. Non- nast Sons, manufacturers of tables. Noonan, Edward J., Consulting Civil Engi- neer of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 24, 1874, in LaSalle, 111. He is associa- ted with John F. Wallace with offices in New York and Chicago; and since 1914 has been Chief Engineer and Secretary for the Chicago Railway Terminal Commission. Noorian, Edward Thomas, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 23, 1861, in Macomb, 111. In 1890-4 was a member of the Illinois Senate from the old First Senatorial District; and 1S99-1901 a member of the Fifty-sixth Congress. Norcross, Frederick Franklin, Attorney-at- Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1865, in Janesville, Wis. Since 1890 he has practiced law in Chicago and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of F. F. and J. V. Norcross. Norden, G. J., Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 6, 1863, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1900-4 he was a West Park Commissioner; and 1897-1904 Inheritance Tax Appraiser. He is a Director of the Inde- pendence State Bank; President of the Chi- cago Law Institute; member of the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum and Vice-Pres- ident of the Hospital Association of the same. Norden, Henry A., Physician of 29 East Madison Street, was born March 18, 1867, in New York City. He was formerly Superinten- dent of the Chicago Winfield Tuberculosis Sanitarium. He is now Professor of In- ternal Medicine in Loyola University; and 276 HEBRINGSIIAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Consulting Physician to the Municipal Tuber- culosis Sanitarium. Nordholz, William C, PhysiciaD and Sur- geon of 805 West Madison Street, was born June 19, 1885, in Chicago, 111. Be was for- merly Assisani Medical Director of the Zurich General Accident and Liability Cnsurance Company. He specializes in industrial sur- gery. Member of the American Medical Asso- ciation, and the Chicago and Illinois State Medical Societies. Norling, John E., Manufacturer, of 155 North Clark Street, was horn Jan. 13, 1X59, in Galva, III. He is President of the Norling Rotary Engine Company, and the Steel Back Pile and Ledger Company. Normoyle, Denis Joseph, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born Sept. (i, L876, in Chicago, 111. In 1911-12 he was Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago; 1913 President of the State Board, of Arbitration; and in 1914 Chicago Counsel for the Illinois State Public Utility Com- mission. He is now engaged in the general practice of law. Norris, James, Grain Dealer of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 10, 1878, in Montreal, Canada. He is President of the Norris Grain Company. Norris, William Wallace, Grain Dealer of 1 10 West Van Buren Street, was born Jan. 30, 1853, in Climer, N. Y. Since 1900 he has been head of the firm of W. W. Norris and Company; is Secretary of the William Nash Company. Was formerly President of the Illinois Club. Northmp, John E., Lawyer of 139 North (lark Street, was born Aug. 28, 1868, in Marshall County, Iowa. In 1913 he was ap- pointed Special State's Attorney to investi- gate frauds committed in the 1912 election. Norton, Ralph H., Manufacturer, of 2840 Archer Avenue, was born in 1875, in Chicago. He is Vice-President and Secretary of the Acme Steel Goods Company. Norton, William John, Consulting Engineer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born July 17, 1878, in Baltimore, Md. In 1907-11 he was First Assistant Secretary of the Public Serv- ice Commission of the First District of the state of New York. He is now a member of the firm of Norton, Bird and Whitman. Notz, Felix, Manufacturer and Inventor of 111 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 27, 1869, in Cannstatt, Germany. For five years he was General Manager of the Werner ami Pfleiderer Company, Saginaw, Mich. Since 1902 he has been a resident of Chicago. He is President and Treasurer of the American Oven and Machine Company; and the inven- tor of machinery for bakers and confectioners. Novak, Edward Joseph, Attorney-at-Law, of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 2, 1869, in Chicago, III. In 1893-9 was a mem- ber of the Illinois House of Representatives; and 1898-1902 an Alderman from the Tenth Ward. He is now a member of the law firm of Novak and Pollack. Novak, Frank H., Attorney-at-Law, of 69 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 26, 1863, in Iowa City, Iowa. He is Secretary and Director of a State Bank of Calumet; Treasurer of the Vah Slavonian Building and Loan Association; and Secretary and Treas- urer of the Roseland Security Vault Company. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion and the Hawkeye Fellowship Club. Novotny, Frank, Wholesale Merchant of 1515 West Twentieth Street, was born June 20, 1881, in Chicago, 111. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Union Wholesale Liquor Company; and Secretary of the Atlas Build- ing and Loan Association. He is a Director of the Distillers and Jobbers Association of Illinois; Vice-President of the Bohemia Club of Chicago; and President of the Central Merchants Association of Chicago. Noyes, Alber William, of 226 South Clark Street, was born June 13, 1866, in Lebanon, Conn. Since 1892 he has been connected with the Passenger Traffic Department of the Chi- cago Great Western Railway in various po- sitions and since 1905 has been General Tiav- eling Passenger Agent, in charge foreign ter- ritories. Noyes, David Allan, Broker of 218 South LaSalle Sreet, was born March 7, 1867, in La Forte, Ind. Since 1886 he has been en- gaged in the grain business, and is now a member of Noyes and Jackson, dealers in stocks and grain. Noyes, Edmund, Dentist of 122 South Mich- igan Avenue, was born Jan. 16, 1842, in Ab- ington, Mass. He is Editor for the Illinois State Dental Society; and is Professor of Ethics and Jurisprudence in the Northwestern University Dental School. In 1884 he was President of the Illinois State Dental So- ciety. Noyes, Frederick Bogue, Orthodontist of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 22, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the practice of dentistry in Chicago, and is Professor of Histology and Orthodontia, in the University of Illinois. Noyes, La Verne W., Manufacturer of 2500 West Twelfth Street, was born Jan. 7, 1849, in Genoa, N. Y. He is President of the Aer- motor Company; and is President of the Hoard of Trustees of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. Noyes, Thomas Smith, Manufacturer of 305 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 12, 1861, in LaPorte, Ind. Since 1888 he has been with the Richardson Silk Company, and is now Treasurer. Nugent, Horace Dickinson, Diplomat of 79 East Adams Street, was born Feb. 26, 1858, in South Africa. In 1886-91 was British Vice- Consul at New York. Since 1909 he has been HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 277 c Mission ; agers of Consul General of the British Empire at Chicago; and is Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. Nugent, William W., Manufacturer of 146 West Superior Street, was born in Belmont, Canada.. He is President and Treasurer of W. W. Nugent and Company, manufacturer of oiling and lubricating devices. Member of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Nuveen John, Investment Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street. Since 1898 he has been in the municipal bond business, being head of the banking house of John Nu- veen and Company; and is also Vice-President of the Columbian Bank Note Com- pany. He is a Director of the Chicago Sunday Eve- ning Club; a member of the Board of Trustees of the A. College, and the Pacific Garden Chairman of the Board of Man- the Baptist Young Peoples Union of America; and a member of the Executive Committee of the Cook County Sunday School Association. Nye, Harry Gale, Manufacturer, of 108 North Jefferson Street, was born June 22, 1873, in Bichmond, Ind. In 1904 he estab- lished, and is now President of the Nye Tool and Machine Works. Nye, James Warren, of 25 East Washington Street, was born May 30, 1848, in Randolph, Chautauqua County, N Y. The night of the great Chicago fire he assisted in saving the abstract books, which were the sole evidences to real estate titles in Chicago. For ten years he was one of the five Directors of Hibbard, Spencer, Barlett and Company; and after- wards agent for the Home Insurance Company of New York. He is now Business Manager of the Chicago Laboratory. Oates, James Franklin, Life Underwriter of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 22, 1870, in Necedah, Wis. In 1893 he graduated from Northwestern University. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the life insurance busi- ness; and since H911 has been a member of the firm of Hobart and Oates, General Agents for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. Oatman, Erie T., Wholesale Merchant of 65S West Grand Avenue, was born May 18, 1875, in Dundee, 111. For fifteen years he has been engaged in the manufacture of all branches of the bi-products of milk, and for ten years prior to 1912 was Vice-President of The Oat- man Condensed Milk Company of Dundee, 111. Since 1912 he has been engaged in the whole- sale milk products business in Chicago. Obermeyer, Charles Benjamin, Attorney-at- Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 23, 1865, in Winchester, 111. Since 1890 he has practiced law in Chicago and in 1891- 3 was Assistant City Prosecuting Attorney of Chicago. He is now a Director of the Illinois Brick Company. Oberndorf, Herman, Merchant, Union Stock Yards, was born June 19, 1850, in Germany. He is senior member of the firm of H. Obern dorf and Sons, dealers in hides and tallows. Oberndorf, Max Lewis, Wholesale Tailor of 911 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 12, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is senior partner of the firm of M. L. Oberndorf and Company; and President of the United States Tailoring Company. Oberstadt, O. B.^ Business Man of 526 West Eighteenth Street, was born April 12, 1866, in Stuttgart, Germany. He is Vice-President of the Schoenhofen Company. O'Brien, Edward Clarke, Lawyer, 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 6, 1882, in Phillips, Wis. He was formerly a member of the California and Nevada bars; was an assistant to the United States Attorney Gen- eral under the Taft administration, and spe- cial counsel for committees of Congress in the investigation of governmental reclama- tion projects and Indian affairs. He is now specializing in mining, oil, irrigation, Indian matters and western affairs generally, and is the author of a treatise on the laws gov- erning the sale of stocks, bonds and other securities in the various states. O'Brien, Peter James, Paving Contractor of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born June 16, 1867, in Chicago, HI. In 1913-17 he was a member of the Board of West Chicago Park Commissioners; aim is now a member of the Chicago Plan Commission. O'Brien, Quinn, Attomey-at-Law, of 10 South LaS alle Street, was born March 27, 1871, in Atlantic, Mich. Since 1896 he has been engaged in the practice of his pro- fession in Chicago. From 1897-99 he was Trial Attor- ney for the City of Chicago. He is now Attorney for the Hibernian Bank of Chica- go, the Rock Island and Southern Railway, and for other corporations in Chicago. O'Byrne, Charles Clayton, Physician, of 32 North State Street, was born Oct. 14, I Mis, in Pike County, Mo. Since 1S94 he has prac ticed medicine in Chicago, and is now a Pro- fessor in the Medical Department of the Uni- versity of Chicago. O'Byrne, Timothy Joseph, Broker of 326 River Street, was born April 20, 1863, in Chi cago, 111. Since 1898 he has been a member of the firm of T. J. O'Byrne and Company, merchandise brokers. Ochsner, Albert John, Surgeon of 2106 Sedg- wick Street, was born April 3, 1858, in Bam- boo, Wis. Since 1889 he has practiced in Chi- cago; and since 1896 has been Chief Surgeon 278 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. to the Augustana and St. .Mary's Hospitals. Ochsner, Edward H., Surgeon of 2038 Lane Court, was born Jan. L2, L868, at Eoney Creek, Wis. siiicr L904 he has been Attending Sur- geon in tin' Augustana Hospital. O'Ccnnell, Martin J., Manufacturer of 3600 South Morgan Street, was born Feb. 14, 1865, in Lake Forest, 111. In L896 he established the B micM O'Connell Company, platers' equip- ments and supplies, of which he is President; and is Vice President of the Aver Manufac turing Company, Meridan, Connecticut. O 'conned, T. Frank, Manufacturer, of 133 West Washington Street, was born April 4, 1869, in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 he has been I 'resident of the Ad-Photoseope Company, manufacturers of moving picture machines and films. He is a member of the Board of Direc- tors of the Chicago Public Library. O'Connor, Charles J., Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 12, 1876, in Greenville, Ohio. He has been Sec- retary of the Hamilton Club, and Chairman of various committees of the American and Illi- nois Bar Associations. In 1904 he was ap- pointed Financial Secretary of the First Safe and Sane Fourth of July Committee by Mayor Harrison. O'Connor, John, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born in Chicago, 111. Since L880 he has practiced law in Chicago and is now a member of the law firm of I lev no, O'Connor and Irwin. O'Connor, John, Merchant of 205 South State Street, was born April 14, 1875, in Shel- byville, Kv. Since 1903 he has been a mem- ber of the firm of O'Connor and Goldberg, dealers in shoes. O'Connor, John Morris, Lawyer and Jurist of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 19, 1870, in Lee County, Iowa. In 1905-6 lie was Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chi- cago ; 1910-14 a member of the Illinois Senate from the Twenty ninth District. In April, 1913, he was elected Judge of the Superior < 'on it, for a term of six years; and 1915 elected to the Supreme Court of Illinois assigned to appellate duty. O'Connor, Thomas, Fire Marshal, was born April 4, 1863, in Ireland. In 1886 he entered the Fire Department, as truckman; and in 1914 became Fire Marshal and Chief of the Department, City Hall. Octigan, Thomas P., Lawyer and Manufac turer of L05 West Monroe Street, was born in Chicago. He is senior member of Octigan, Zahn and Anderson, lawyers. Since 1914 he has been President of the Octigan Drop Forge Company; and is also President of the By- products Realization Company. Odell, William B., Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 24, L867, in Chicago. Since 1S9S he has been a member of the linn of Winston and Company. Oden, Joshua, Clergyman of 4108 North I larding Avenue, was born June 14, 1880, in M uskegon, Mich. He graduated from Bethany College, Kansas; and from the Bethany School of Pedagogy, Augustana College. He is now Pastor of the Swedish Lutheran Irving Park Church. O'Donnell, James Vincent, Lawyer and Jur- ist of 105 North Clark Street, was born Sept. 14, 1S68, in Portland, Me. Since 1891 he has practiced law; and is now Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. O'Donnell, Joseph A., Attorney-at-Law of lot West Randolph Street, was born Dee. 23, 1859, in Ireland. In 1889-93 he was a mem- ber of the Illinois General Assembly. He is now senior member of the law firm of O'Don- nell and O'Donnell. Oehne, Theodore, of 3875 Cottage Grove Ave- nue, was born in 1852 in Germany. He is President of the Drexel Cafe Company. Oestmann, Jacob L., Manufacturer of 1232 West North Avenue. Director of the Ameri- can Soap Company; and Treasurer of Jas. S. Kirk and Company, manufacturers of soaps. Offield, Charles Kirkpatrick, Attorney-at- Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 12, 1845, in Lewiston, 111. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Offield, Towle, Graves and Offield, patent attorneys. O'Gara, John, Civil Engineer and Contract- or of 133 West Washington Street, was born March 2, 1S67, in Crawfordsville, Ind. In 1895-1903 he was Assistant Engineer of the City of Chicago. He is now President and Treasurer of the Marquette Construction Com- pany. O'G-ara, Thomas J., Coal Operator of 332 South Michigan Avenue. President of the O 'Gara Coal Company. Ogle, George Alden, Publisher of 536 South Clark Street, was born July 5, 1863, in Zanes- ville, Ohio. He is a Director of the Hotel LaSalle Company; and President of George A. Ogle and Company, publishers. Ogle, George Braddock, Publisher of 536 South Clark Street, was born Sept. 14, 1882, in Albert Lea, Minn. He is a member of the firm of George A. Ogle and Company; and is Director of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. Ohan, William Joseph, Clergyman of 3244 Wabansia Avenue, was born Aug. 19, 1881, in Seirt, Armenia. He is Pastor of the Beth- any Presbyterian Church, and Instructor in Arabic in the McCormick Theological Semi- nary. O'Hara, Thomas, Lawyer of 6 North Michi- gan Avenue, was born in Leroy, N. Y. In 1883-93 he was Judge of the Second Judicial Circuit, Michigan; -and 1894-7 U. S. Consul General to San Juan del Norte, Nicaraugua. He is now r Associate Counsel to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Illinois. He is the author of Steamboat Days on the HERRINGSH AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 279 Lakes; and Ships and Sailors on the Great Lakes. O'Hare, Thomas J., Attorney -at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born July 6, 1871, in Chicago, 111. In 1913-17 he was Assistant Attorney General of Illinois; 1917-18 was Captain in the Infantry, First Illinois Re- serve; 1918 commissioned Captain, United States Army; December, 1918, appointed Camp Judge Advocate, Camp Funston, by Major General Wood; and was honorably dis- charged in March, 1919. He is now engaged in the general practice of his profession. O'Hearn, Thomas, Commission Merchant of 68 West South Water Street, was born May 15, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of Thomas O 'Heam and Company, whole- sale poultry and game. O 'Heron, John J., Civil Engineer of 326 West Madison Street. He is a member of the firm of John J. O 'Heron and Company; and a member of the firm of O 'Heron and Quilty, stone dealers. O'Keefe, Patrick James, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born March 29, 1861, in Charleville, Ire- land. Since 1896 he has practiced his profession in Chicago; is a member of the Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations. He is a director in several industrial and charitable institutions; is an old-time journalist, frequently con- tributing to periodicals. He has one of the finest literary libraries in the country, in- cluding some very rare volumes. O'Laughlin, John Callan, Newspaper Man and Author of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 11, 1873, in Washington. Since 1917 he has been on the staff of Lord and Thomas, advertising. In 1908 he was United States Commissioner to the Tokyo Exposition. Oldberg, Arne, Pianist and Educator of 1U24 Maple Avenue, Evanston, 111., was born July 12, 1874, in Youngstown, Ohio. Since 1899 he has been Professor of Piano and Compo- sition in Northwestern University. From 1901-3 he was President of the Chicago Manu- script Society. Oldfield, Aaron Alfonso, Attorney-at-Law of 1(1.1 West Moneroe Street, was bom Oct. 30, 1859, in Davison Countv, Mich. From 1880-2 he was engaged in the practice of his profession in St. Joseph, Mo. Since 1890 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago; and from 1897-9 was Assistant in the office of the Corpora- tion Counsel of Chicago. He is a member of the Chi- cago, Illinois, State and National Bar Asso- ciations. Olds, Walter, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 11, 1846, in Morrow County, Ohio. In 1S61-5 he served in the Civil War; 1877-9 State Senator of In- diana; and in 1884-8 Circuit and Supreme Judge. Since 1893 he has practiced law in Chicago. O'Leary, Arthur John, Manufacturer of 5757 West Sixty-fifth Street^ was born March 25, 1836, in Portsmouth, England. Since 1903 he has been President of the Arthur J. O'Leary and Son Company, forge and iron works. O'Leary, John W., Manufacturer of 5757 West Sixty fifth Street, was born July 9, 1875, in Chicago, 111. He is Secretary and Treas- urer of the Arthur J. O'Leary and Son Com- pany, manufacturers of iron and steel prod- ucts; and Director of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company and the Liberty Car and Equipment Company. He is Ex- President of the Chicago Association of Com- merce; and President of the Metal Trade As- sociation. Oleson, John Prince, Banker of 68 West Monroe Street, was born July 21, 1S7M, in Bloomingdale, 111. In 1889 he entered the First National Bank of Chicago, and since 1916 has been Vice-President. Oleson, Olaf E., Manufacturer and Engineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 2, 1869, in Norway. He "has been associated with the Toledo Traction Company; the Amer- ican Wheelock Engine Company, Worcester, Mass.; the Grosvenordale Company, Grosve- nordale, Mass.; and for fifteen years was Chief Engineer of Stations One and Two of the Commonwealth Edison Company. He is now President of The Edward Valve and Manufac- turing Company, Chicago. Oliver, David, Attorney-at-Law and Auditor of 606 Smith Michigan Avenue, was born in Chicago, HI. In 1897-1901 he was associated with the firm of David Oliver, Joliet, 111.; and 1901-7 Secretary of the Great Western Cereal Company. Since 1907 he has been associated with the International Harvester Company as Auditor and Attorney. He is a member of the Union League Club. Oliver, John Milton, Attorney-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle St reet, was born April 15, 1846, in Washington County, Pa. lie served in the Civil War in the Union Army. Since 1870 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Oliver and Meeartney. He has been a West Chicago Park Commissioner; and is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, and Union League and Chi- cago Clubs. Oliver, Frederick Stanley, Real Estate Deal- er of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born 280 III UKIM.SII WV'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. March 6, L867, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1886 be has been engaged in the real estate busi- aess, and is now bead of the firm of Oliver and Company. Oliver, William H., .Manufacturer of 326 South Desplaines Street, was born in Bowl- ing Green, Ky. since 1898 be has been Presi- ih ut of the Oliver Manufacturing Company, wrenches, bell Lacing machines and supplies. Olmstead, Clarence J., Business Manager of 80 Hast Jackson Boulevard, was born in Con- cord, Mich. He was formerly assistant to the General Manager of the Pullman Company. He is now Western Manager of the Westing- house Airbrake Company of Pittsburg. Olmsted, George Gaylord, Investment Bank- er of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 28, 1869, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1906 he has been a member of A. B. Leach and Com- pany, investment hankers. Olsen, Henry, Manufacturer of 2278 Elston Avenue, was born Aug. 2-4, 1846, in Norway. lie served one year in the I'nion Army during the Civil War. Since 1901 he has been Presi- dent of the Olsen and Tilgner Manufacturing Company, machinists and millwrights. Olsen, Martin, Manufacturer of 2511 Moffat Street, was bom May 22, 1870, in Stavanger, Norway. He is Vice-President of the O. C. S. Olsen Company, manufacturers office desks. Olsen, Olaf C. S., Manufacturer of 2527 Mof- t'.it, Street, was horn in March, 1863, in Stav- anger, Norway. Since 1S83 he has resided in Chicago. In 1890 he established the O. C. S. Olsen Company, manufacturers of office desks, of which he has since been President; and is also President of the Valley City Desk Com- pany, Grand Rapids, Mich. He is a member of the Illinois Athletic Club. Olsen, William, Manufacturer of 2450 North Crawford Avenue, was born Oct. 4, 1874, in Portland. Maine. He is President of the Eagle Tank Company. Olson, Harry, Lawyer and Jurist, the City Hall, was born A ug. 4, 1867, in Chicago, 111. In 1891 he received the de- gree of LL. B. from North- western University and be- gan the practice of law. In 1896 L906 he was Assistant States Attorney of Cook County. Since 1906 he has Keen Chief Justice of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is a member of the Uni- versity Club. O'Malley, Owen, County Commissioner of 5046 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 22, 1866, in Minersville, Pa. In 1914-18 he was a member of the Hoard of County Com- missioners of Cook County. O'Malley, Thomas J., Surgeon and Army Official of 168 West North Avenue. In 1911 he was appointed First Lieutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States Army; and in 1911 was appointed a member of the Hoard of Education of Chicago. Onahan, William James, Catholic Layman of 1254 Maealister Place, was born in Leigh- lin Hridge, County Carlow, Ireland. In 1895 he was decorated by Pope Leo XIII and ap- pointed Honorary Private Chamberlain to the Pope. O'Neil, John P., Foundiyman of 3634 South Kedfie Avenue, was born March 8, 1873, in Cleveland, Ohio. He is President of the West- ern Foundry Company. O'Neill, Anthony Augustus, Surgeon of 4607 Champlain Avenue, was born in November, 1860, in Hereford, England. In 1890 he re- ceived the degree of M. D. from the Kansas City Medical College; and later studied in New York. Since 1890 he has practiced in Chicago; and is now President and Chief Sur- geon of Columbia Hospital. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Physicians Club; and a member of the Ameri- can Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, and the Chicago Medical Society. O'Neill, Francis, of 5448 Drexel Avenue, was born Aug. 25, 1849, in Ireland. In 1873 he became a member of the Chicago Police Force; 1901 became General Superintendent and served until 1905. O'Neill, Hugh, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 5, 1867, in Deny, Ireland. He has received the degrees of B. A., B. L., LL. B., and LL. M.; in 1891 was admitted to the bar; 1892 ad- mitted to the Supreme Court of Indiana; and later to the Supreme Courts of Illinois and the United States. Since 1894 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. He is a member of the American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, the Hamilton and Irish Fellow- ship Clubs, and other scientific and literary associations; and has written extensively on legal, historical and international questions. Oppenheim, Jules, Manufacturer of 18 East Kinzie Street, was born March, 1875, in Switzerland. He is Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager of the American Cereal-Cof- fee Company. Oppenheim, William Sigmund, Attorney-at- Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born June 19, 1857, in Bluffton, Ind. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a Di- rector of the Chicago Railway Equipment Company; and a member of the law firm of Musgrave, Oppenheim and Lee. Orange, Daniel Frederick, Manufacturer of 1029 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 25, L861, in Edwards County, 111. Since 1898 he has been President of the Consolidated Por- trait and Frame Company. Orbesen, Peter J., Manufacturer of 1631 North Hamlin Avenue. He is a Director of the North-West State Bank; and President of P. .1. Orbesen and Son, office fixtures. HERRINGSIIAw'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 281 Orde, Markham B., Railway Official of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 15, 1866, in Canada. Since 1898 he has been Treasurer of the Chicago Railways Company; is Treas- urer of the Chicago Surface Lines, and in- terested in other corporations. Orndoff, Benjamin Harry, Physician, Pro- fessor and Author of 22 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 3, 1881, in Harveys, Pa. He is Professor of Roentgenology and Internal Medicine in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. He is the Author of Prophylaxis, the Especial Function of the Tonsil, and various other works. Orr, Harry D., Physician of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born in 1877, in Ohio. During the Great War he served as Division Surgeon in the Thirty-third Division, American Expe- ditionary Forces, France. Orth, Daniel Adam, Physician of 209 South State Street, was born July 13, 1872, in Mil- waukee, Wis. Since 1896 he has practiced in Chicago, specializing in surgery. He is At- tending Surgeon to St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospital; and Clinical Professor of Surgery in the College of Medicine and Surgery. Ortman, Randolph, Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 21, 186-4, in Vienna, Austria. He is Vice-Presi- dent of the Griffin W 7 heel Company; and Presi- dent of the Ajax Forge Company. Ortseifen, Adam, Business Man of 23-49 South Park Avenue, was born Dec. 2, 1854:, in Germany. He is President of the McAvoy Brewing Company, and the Wacker and Birk Brewing and Malting Company. He has been Treasurer of the City of Chicago. Osborn, Clark Dempster, Glove Manufac- turer of 2201 W r abansia Avenue, was born July 17, 1851, in Herkimer, N. Y. Since 1897 he has been President of the C. D. Osborn Company, manufacturers of gloves. He is a Director of the Chicago Association of Com- merce. Osborn, Guy S., Newspaper Manager of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born 1871, in Kansas. He is Western Manager for the New York Times and other large dailies. Osborn, Theodore L., Marine and Fire Un- derwriter of 175 W'est Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 13, 1881, in Greenville, Mich. He is senior partner of Osborn and Company; and is Secretary and Manager of the Federal Union Insurance Company. Osborne, C. A., Clergyman, Editor and Col- lege Professor of 3847 Jackson Boulevard, was bom Nov. 24, 1S67, in West Virginia. He is Executive Secretary and Professor in the Union Theological College. Osborne, Charles B., Real Estate Dealer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born July 23, 1872, in Kentucky. Since 1892 he has been a member of the firm of L. G. Fisher and Company, and is now Executor of the Estate of Lucius G. Fisher. Osborne, Charles G., of 220 South State Street, was born Feb. 9, 1884, in Boston, Mass. From 1911-13 he was Metallurgical Engineer with the Illinois Steel Company; and 1913-16 was Vice-President of the Consumer's Com- pany. Osborne, W. Irving, Retired Banker of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 27, 1859, in Winham, N. Y. He has been Vice- President of the Central Trust Company of Illinois, and President of the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank. Osbornson, Edmund Amund, Lumber Mer- chant of 234S Loomis Street, was born July 26, 1858, in Bergen, Norway. Since 1909 he has been President of the J. C. Deacon Com- pany, lumber. He is a Director of the Chicago City Missionary Society. Osgood, Edwin S., Engraver of 418 South Market Street, was born in 1842, in Moul- mein, Asia. In 1893 he organized, and has since been President of the Osgood Company. Osgood, Henry Broadwell, of 61 West Kin- zie Street, was born Feb. 19, 1869, in Verona, N. Y. Since 1913 he has been General Sales Manager of the Creamery Package Manufac- turing Company. He is also President of the Baptist Young People's Union of America. Osgood, Luther J., Physician of 456 West Sixty-third Street, was born Oct. 2, 1876, in Verona, N. Y. He is Attending Physician to Wesley and Provident Hospitals. Osgood, Samuel Walter, Corporation Presi- dent of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 20, 1876, in Chicago. He is President of Samuel W. Osgood and Company, the American Graphite Company and the Chem- ical Carbon Refining Company. Osgood, Wilfred Hudson, Naturalist, was born Dec. S, 1875, in Rochester, N. H. Since 1909 he has been Assistant Curator of mam- malogy and ornithology in the Field Museum of Natural History, of Chicago. In 1914 he was Special United States Investigator in the Fur-Seal question; and is the founder and First resident of the Cooper Ornithological Club of California. O'Shaughnessy, Thomas A., Artist of 108 North State Street. He was formerly cartoon- ist for the Chicago Daily News. As a painter of landscapes and portraits he has executed commissions abroad; and is the originator of the American process for luminous stained glass windows. Osland, Birger, of 115 South Dearborn Street, was born March 1, 1870, in Stavanger, Norway. He graduated from the Royal Fred- erik University, Christiania, Norway. For a number of years he was Assistant to Mr. Charles H. Wacker, the President of the Chi- cago Heights Land Association, the Chicago Heights Gas Company, and Chicago Heights Street Railway. He is now General Western Agent of the Norwegian America Line; and a Director of the Norwegian Old Peoples Home 282 IIERRINGSHAW 's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. at Norwood Park. He is a member of the Traffic Club. During the Great War he Served as Assistant Military Attache at Chris- tiana, .Norway, with the rank of Major, United States Government Service. Osman, Eaton Goodell, Editor of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born May 14, 185.'!, in Ottawa, 111. He is Editor of the Price Cur- renl Grain Reporter, Chicago. Ossoski, Sidney, Lawyer and Transporta- tion Official of 600 Washington Boulevard, was born May 2, 1 S 7 J , in lfornell, N. Y. in 191 1 he became Manager of the law and claim department for the Chicago Railways Com- pany; and is also President and a Director of the Chicago and Oak Park Elevated Railway ( lompany. Ostendorp, Louis, Art Glass Manufacturer of 1000 West Twenty-first Street, was born Dec 20, 1876, in Hochfeld, Germany. Since L902 he has been President of the Clinton Cass Company. Osthoff, Otto E., Public Utility Operator of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 4, L874, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1903 he has been associated with H. M. Byllesby and Com- pany, and is now Vice-President, Director and Engineer of the company and its subsid- iary companies. Ostrander, John Guy, Manufacturer of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born May 19, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is President of The Ostrander Seymour Company, manufacturers of elect rotyping machinery. Ostrander, John Wesley, Manufacturer of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1844, in New York. In 1866 he founded and is Presi- dent of The Ostrander-Seymour Company, manufacturers of machinery. Oswald, John I., Printer of 124 West Polk Street, was horn Jan. 3, 1853, in Springfield, 111. He is President and Treasurer of The Blakely Oswald Printing Company. Otis," Joseph Edward, Banker of 125 West Monroe stre et, w as born March 5, 1867, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1891-96 he was engaged in the real estate business; 1896-1902 private banking and brokerage; and in 1902-11 was President of the Western Trust and Sav- ings Bank. He is now Vice- l'resident of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. He was one of the organiz- ers and President of the Great Western Tin Plate Company. Otis, Philo Adams, Real Estate Dealer of in South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 24, L846, in Berlin, Ohio. Since 1894 he has been Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. He is the au- thor of the History of the First Presbyterian Church, Bevel] and Company, 1913. Otis, Ralph Chester, Real Estate Dealer of 7 West Madison Street, was born March 8, 1870,, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Vice- President and a Director of the Chicago Sav- ings Bank. Since 1908 he has been engaged in the real estate business. Otis, Spencer, of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in February, 1858, in Orange, N. J. Since 1896 he has been President of Spencer, Otis and Company, dealers in railway supplies. Otis, William Augustus, Architect of 6 North Michigan Avenue, was born in Almond, N. Y. Since 1883 he has practiced architec- ture in Chicago, and was a Lecturer on the History of Architecture at the Art Institute. He is a member of the firm of Otis and Clark. Ott, Benjamin C, Clergyman of 1635 North Karlov Avenue, was born Feb. 16, 1874, in Monroe, Wis. Since 1903 he has been Pastor of the Evangelical St. Stephens Church. Otte, Hugo Emil, Banker of 105 South Dear- born Street, was born May 30, 1872, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1909 he has been Vice-Presi- dent and a Director of the National City Bank of Chicago. Ottenheimer, Henry Leopold, Architect of 220 South State Street, was born Nov. 10, 1868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he has been engaged in business for himself. Oughton, Charles Martin, Physician of 5410 Harper Avenue, was born March 2, 1862 ; in Clonmel, Ireland. Since 1884 he has practiced medicine in Chicago, and for three years was a Lecturer in the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Overton, Anthony, Manufacturer of 5202 South Wabash Avenue, was born March 21, 1865, in Monroe, La. In 188S-89 he was Judge of the Municipal Court of Shawnee County, Kansas. Since 1898 he has been President of the Overtou-Hygiene Manufacturing Com- pany. Owen, William Bishop, Educator of 370 North Normal Parkway, was born April 30, 1866, in Union Station, Ohio. He is Principal of the Chicago Normal School. In 1916-19 he was President of the National Council of Edu- cation. Owens, John Edward, Lawyer and Jurist of 111 West Washington Street, was born June 22, 1875, in Chicago, HI. In 1898 he was appointed City Prosecutor; 1900 Chief As- sistant City Prosecutor; 1901-3 City Attorney; 1904 Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook Coun- ty; and 1910-14 was Judge of the County Court of Cook County. He is now engaged in the general practice of law. Owens, John Edwin, Surgeon of 2127 Prai- rie Avenue, was born Oct. 14, 1836, in Charles- town, Md. In 1862 he received the degree of M. D. from .Jefferson Medical College, Phil- adelphia, Pa. Since 1888 he has been Chief HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 283 Surgeon of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway; and is Consulting Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital. He is a Fellow of the Amer- ican Surgical Association, and the American College of Surgeons; and a member of the American Medical Association, and the Illi- nois State Medical Society. Owsley, Heaton, Real Estate Operator and Financier of 69 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 15, 1856, in Springfield, 111. Un- til 1900 he was engaged in the manufacture of bicycles. He is now managing his own real estate interests. Oyen, Adolph Bernard, Physician and Sur- geon of 2816 Logan Boulevard, was born April 15, 1857, in Norway. Since 1891 he has prac- ticed medicine in Chicago, and is now At- tending Physician to the Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess Hospital. Oyen, Albert N., Physician and Surgeon of 2539 North Kedzie Boulevard, was born Dec. 9, 1878. He is a member of the Staff of the Norwegian Tabitha Hospital, and Norwegian Deaconess Hospital. Pacaud, A. Duncan, Grain Commission Mer- chant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born in 1872, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Since 1897 he has been a member of the Board of Trade and Clearing House. Pace, Anderson, of 14 East Jackson Boule- vard, was born Dec. 3, 1884, in Mt. Vernon, 111. He received the degree of B. S. from Northwestern University. He has been Pub- licity Manager for Butler Brothers; Industrial Commissioner for the Chicago Association of Commerce; Manager of the Bureau of Rail- way Publicity; Director of Research for the United Publishers Corporation, New York City; and a Lecturer at Columbia University, New York City. He is now President of the Business Research and Development Com- pany; and Advertising Director of the Mer- cury Manufacturing Company. Packard, Allyn Augustus, Architect, the Federal Building was born Feb. 13, 1862, in Hudson, Wis. In 1900-3 was inspector of the United States Public Buildings. He is now Supervising Superintendent of Construction of the United States Public Buildings. Packard, George, Attorney-at-Law of 3S South Dearborn Street, was born May 27, 1868, in Providence, R. I. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Miller, Starr, Packard and Peekham, lawyers. Paddleford, Fred Adams, Grain Commission- er of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 17, 1866, in Janesville, Wis. He is senior member of F. A. Paddleford and Com- pany. Paden, Joseph Everett, Attorney-at-Law of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 22, 1861, in Litchfield, 111. In 19071:: he was Mavor of Evanston, 111. Padget, William, Publisher of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 10, 1874, in Palmyra, 111. In 1908 he purchased an in- terest in the Lyceum Magazine, and has since been Publisher of same. He is President of the Parlette-Padget Company, and General Manager of Padget-Parlette and Padget, farm lands and mortgages. Paepcke, Hermann, Lumberman of 111 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 12, 1851, in Germany. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the lumber business in Chicago. He is now President of the Paepcke-Leicht Lumber Company; and President of the Chicago Mill and Lum- ber Company. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Athletic Association, and the Mid- Day, Union League, Chicago Lincoln, Skokie Country and South Shore Country Clubs. Page, Mary Boomer, Educator of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Chicago, III. For four years she attended Brooklyn Heights Seminary, Brooklyn, N. Y.; studied two years abroad, and later took special training in kin- dergarten work at the University of Chicago. In 1894 she founded the Chicago Kindergarten Institute. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Council of National Defense; and a speaker of educational and sociological topics. Page, Milton, Manufacturer, of 815 Larra- bee Street, was born Oct. 2, 1869, in Chicago, '111. Since 1905 he has been President of the Page Boiler Company. Pain, Charles E., Attorney-at-Law of 3S South Dearborn Street, was born April 2, 1866, in London, England. Since 1892 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Pain, Campbell and Kasper. Paine, Lyman May, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born March (i, 1850, in Woodstock, Conn. Since 1876 he has prac- ticed law, and in 1907 was President of the Chicago Law Institute. Palmer, David, Public Accountant of 155 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 7, 1860, in Vandalia, 111. He is head of the firm of David Palmer and Company. Palmer, Honore, of 122 South Michigan Av- enue, was born Feb. 1, ls74. in Chicago, 111. He graduated from Har- vard in 1898. In 1901-05 he was an Alderman from the Twenty-first Ward in Chi cago. He is in charge of the Potter-Palmer Estate. He is a member of the Union League, Chicago, (University, Chicago Coif, and Onwentsia Clubs. > almer, Dudley Chapin, Wholesale Merchant of 367 West Adams Street, was born Dee. 12, 1878, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has been 284 HERRINGSITAW 's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. :i member of the firm of Percival B. Palmer and Company, wholesale cloaks and suits. Palmer, Pauline, Artist of 4 East Ohio Street, was horn in McHenry, 111. She is President of the Chicago Society of Artists; Director of the Arts (,'luli, and Chairman of the Art Department of the Ait Alliance. Palmer, Percival Bowditch, Manufacturer of .".t>7 West Adams Street, was horn Aug. 2, 1N.~>1, in Boston, Mass. Prom 1868-70 he was associated with E. Allen and Company of Boston; 1870-5 with .1. W. Griswold and Com- pany, cloaks; and 1887-99 a partner in the firm of Griswold, Palmer and Company, cloaks. Since 1899 he has been senior member of the firm of Percival B. Palmer and Company, manufacturers of women's coats and suits. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Commerce and the Illinois Manufacturers' As- sociation; and is a member of the South Shore Country Club, the Union League Club and the Chicago Athletic Association. Palmer, Silas, Live Sock Commission Mer- chant, the Union *Stock Yards, was born in 1847, in Devonshire, England. Since 1884 he has been engaged in the live stock business in Chicago, and in 1892 established the firm of Silas Palmer. Palridge, Richard W., of :'.41 North Craw- ford Avenue, was born Aug. 28, 1876, in Kala- mazoo, Mich. He is President and Treasurer of the Paltridge Metal Equipment Company. Paltzer, Charles Anthony, Lumberman of 112 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 5, 1845, in Prussia. Since 1894 he has been President of the C. A. Paltzer Lumber Com- pany. He is a Director of the United Chari- ties of Chicago. Pam, Max, Attorney-at-Law of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born July 16, 1865, in Bohemia. Since 1886 he has been practicing law and is now a member of the law firm of Pam and Hurd. Pam, Hugo, Lawyer and Jurist of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 20, 1870, in Chi- cago. In 1892 he graduated from the University of Michigan with the degree ■ of Ph. B., and in 1893 and ' admitted to the bar. Since 1911 he has been Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. He was one of the founders of the Maxwell Street Settlement and the Young .Men's Associated Jewish Charities. Pape, William F., Manufacturer of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 18, 1868. He was formerly Manager of the Weber Wagon Company. He is now Manager of the Wagon Department of the International Har- vester Company. He is a member of the Bev- erly Country Club and the Hamilton Club. Paradis, Gerrude Badle, Educator, of 20 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in Kane City, 1'a. Since 1900 she has been President and Manager of the Centralizing School of Music. Pardee, Luther, Clergyman of 4064 Oaken- wald Avenue, was horn in February, 1848, in Chicago, 111. In 1885-1916 he was' Secretary of the Diocese of Chicago; and in 1912-1*7 was Dean of the Northwestern Deanery. Pardridge, Albert Jerome, Real Estate Deal- er of 32 North State Street, was born Jan. 22, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has I. cin a member of Hillman \s Dry (ioods Com- pany; and is engaged in the real estate busi- ness under the firm name of A. J. Pardridge and Company. Park, William Lee, Railway Official, the Cen- tral Station, was born Aug. 6, 1859, in Ovid, Mich. A the age of sixteen he entered railway service; and in 1904 became General Superintendent of the Uni- on Pacific Railway, with headquarters in Omaha; in 1910-17 was Vice-President of the Illinois Central Rail- road. He is now Federal Manager of the Chicago Great Western Railroad. He is a member of several clubs and other organizations. Parker, Charles Aubrey, Surgeon of 7 West Madison Street was born Dec. 21, 1867, in Gloucester, Mass. He is Orthopedic Surgeon to the Home for Destitute and Crippled Chil- dren; Associate Orthopedic Surgeon to the Presbyerian Hospital; Attending Orthopedic Surgeon to the Cook County Hospital and County Home for Convalescent Children. Parker, Clarence F., Railway Official, the Central Station, was born Feb. 14, 1865, in Charleston, 111. Since May, 1912, he has been Vice-President of the Illinois Central Rail- road Company. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Madison Coal Cor- poration. Parker, Francis Warner, Attorney at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born April 1, 1858, in Alton, 111. In 1885-7 he was a member of the Illinois House of Representa- tives from the First Senatorial District; and 1902-3 State Senator from the Fifth District. Parker, George Green, Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 16, 1851, in Boson, Mass. Since 1875 he has been engaged in the commission business in Chicago; and in 1885-90 was Vice-President and a Director of the Chicago Board of Trade. Parker, Harrison Magowen, Journalist of 326 West Madison Street, was born in 1877 in California. He has been Business Manager of the Chicago Tribune and the Daily News. He is now President of the Evening American Publishing Company. Parker, J. Grafton. Residence, 4324 Ellis Avenue. Parker, Lawton S., Artist of 19 Pearson HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 285 Street, was born April 7, 1868, in Fairfield, Mich. In 1903 he was President of the Chi- cago Academy of Fine Arts. Parker, Lewis Wallace, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 14, 1868, in Centralia, 111. Since 1890 he has been in practice in Chicago, and is now senior mem- ber of the law firm of Parker and King. Parker, William J., of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 22, 1876, in Minneapo- lis, Minn. He is Business Manager of the Chicago Young Men's Christian Association. Parker, William Reynolds, Broker of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Oct. 22, 1861, in Dixon, 111. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. In 1910 he was elected Alderman of the Sixth Ward, and in 1918 elected Clerk of the Criminal Court. Parkin, Harry Alvin, Attorney-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born March 2, 1877, in Elgin, 111. He was formerly Special Assistant United States Attorney for Com- merce and Anti-Trust Cases. Parkinson, Robert Henry, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 10, 1849, in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Since 1893 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Parkinson and Lane. Parks, Grace Runyan, Welfare Worker of 3231 Fulton Street, was born Dec. 14, 1868, in Chicago, 111. In 1905-07 she was State President of the Illinois P. E. O. Sisterhood; and in 1911-13 National President of the P. E. O. Sisterhood. Parks, Samuel Shaw, Lawyer and Lecturer of 155 North Clark Street, was born May 6, 1863, in Palmer, Mass. He was educated at Monson Academy, Amherst College and the Union College of Law. In 1893 he was a candidate for Judge of the Circuit Court. He is a lecturer on various art and historical top- ics; and is interested in genealogical work. Parlette, Ralph, Lecturer and Editor of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 30, 1870, in Delaware, Ohio. Since 1896 he has been a lecturer; and since 1909 Editor of the Lyceum Magazine. Parrott, Herbert Irving, Clergyman of 7344 Yates Avenue, was born July 11, 1881, in Chicago, 111. He attended Wabash College from 1903-7; the University of Chicago in 190S; and McCormick Theological Seminary from 1911-12. In 1909-11 he was Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Carlisle, Ind. He is now Paster of the Windsor Park Con- gregational Church. Parrotte, Walter Lee, Wholesale Merchant of 200 South Market Street was born March 23, 1855, in Rushville, 111. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the manufacture of whole- sale hats and caps, and is now President of Parrotte, Mdntyre and Company. Parsons, Deo Reynolds, Broker of 208 South LaSalle Street,, was born May 26, 1885, in Union City, Mich. Since 1915 he has been Vice-President and Secretary of the Chris- tion and Parsons Company. Parsons, Laura Orvis, Founder and Educa- tor of 430 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 7, 1873, in Chicago. In 1903 she founded the Chicago School of Physical Education, now the Chicago Normal School of Physical Education, of which she is president. Parsons, William Edward, Architect of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born June 19, 1872, in Akron, Ohio. In 1905-14 he was con- sulting architect for the United States Gov- ernment, Philippine Islands; and since 1914 has been associated with E. H. Bennett, Chi- cago. Parsons, Winslow Randall, Inventor and Manufacturer of 411 South Clinton Street, was born April 12, 1851, in Lomira, Wis. Since 1908 he has been President, Treasurer and Manager of The Parsons Manufactur- ing Company; and is proprietor and manager of the W. R. Parsons Polishing and Finish- ing Process. Partridge, Lester Earle, Glass Dealer of 2263 Lumber Street, was born Jan. 12, 1869, in Lake County, 111. Since 1886 he has been engaged in the glass trade, and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Sharp, Partridge and Com- pany. Partridge, Newton Augustus, Attorney-at- Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born March 23, 1852, in Peacham, Vt. Since 1877 he has practiced law in Chicago. Pasmore, Edward H., Manufacturer of 552 West Lake Street, was born in Goderich, On- tario. He is Manager of the Columbia Tool Steel Company. Residence, South Shore Country Club. Pass'ow, Louis August, Manufacturer of 2109 Allport Street, was born Nov. 14, 1873, in Chicago. He is President of Charles Pas- sow and Sons, manufacturers of billiard ta- bles and phonographs. Pate, Davey S., Lumber Dealer of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born March 24, 1838, in England. Since 1873 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is now a Director of the D. S. Pate Lumber Company. Patrick, Hugh Talbot, Physician' of 25 East Washington Street, was born May 11, 1866, in New Philadelphia, Ohio. He is Clinical Professor of Nervous and Mental Diseases in Northwestern University Medical School. His practice is limited to nervous and mental diseases. Patten, Amos Williams, Theologian and Ed- itor of 616 Foster Street, Evanston, 111., was born Feb. 11, 1848, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1899 he has been Professor of Biblical litera- ture in Northwestern University. In 1898 he edited Bennett 's Christian Archaeology. Patten, Cora Mel, Educator, Lecturer and Dramatic Reader of 6414 Kimbark Avenue, was born Jan. 27, 1869, in Kellogg, Iowa. In 286 III KUINUSIIAW S CITY ]U,UE HOOK OP Bl( KiKAI'll Y. ls!M> she founded and has since been Principal of the Maiden School of Music and Expres- sion, Chicago. Patten, Henry Jay, Grain Commission Mer- chant of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Sandwich, 111. Since 1884 he has been connected with the grain commission business on the Chicago Board of Trade; ami is now Treasurer of the Bartletl Frazier Com- pany, lie has been President of the Geo- graphical Society of Chicago. . Patten, James A., Retired Grain Commis- sion .Merchant of 111 West .lackson Boule- varil, was born May 8, 1852, in Freeland Coiners, 111. In L903 HI lie was a member of the firm of Bartlett, Frazier and Carrington, grain commission merchants. He is a Direc- tor of the Continental and Commercial Na- tional Bank. Patterson, Chester A., Editor and Publisher of l.'.'.i North Clark Street, was born Jan. 22,' 1883, on a farm near Springfield, Ohio. He is President and Treasurer of the Patterson Pub- lishing Company; Editor and Publisher of Buildings and Building Management; Secre- tary of the National Association of Building Owners and Managers; and is an author and magazine writer. Patterson, Floyd E. Corporation Official of L32 Smith Michigan Avenue, was born March 1"., 1859, in Yorktown, 111. He is an inventor and designer, and has held various official po- sitions with large corporations. He is now Secretary, Treasurer and Director of the American Steel Foundries; Secretary, Treas- urer and a Director of the East St. Louis Granite City Terminal Kailroad and the Amer- ican Steel Bolster Company; and a director and officer in various other corporations. He is a member of the Kenwood Club; and a member of the Manhattan and Colonial Clubs of Xew York City. Patterson, Frederick Wallace, Automobile Manufacturer of 233.3 Michigan Avenue, was bom Aug. 27, 1883, in Wyanet, 111. In 1909 he organized and has since been President of the A.jax Auto Company. He is also Presi- dent of the Davis Motor Company of Chica- go. Patterson, Lemuel B., Banker of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 24, 1869, in Roodhouse, 111, He was associated with Swift and Company in various posi- tions from 1886 to 1903; Vice-President of the Na- tional Packing Company in 1903-1912; ' and since identified with various in- dustries in a financial way. He is a Director of the Fort Dearborn National Bank, Drovers Na- tional Hank, Drovers Trust and Savings Bank, and the Woodlawn Trust and Savings Hank; ami a Director of a number of other Chicago industries. Patterson, Joseph Medill, Author of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 6, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 he has been Vice- President of the Tribune Company. He is the Author of A Little Brother of the Rich; The Fourth Estate, and other works. During the Great War he served as Lieutenant and Captain of Battery B, One Hundred and Forty-ninth Field Artillery, American Ex- peditionary Forces, France. Patterson, Oscar M., Last Manufacturer of 440 West Huron Street, was born May 2, 1864, in St. Albans, Vt. He is- General Superintend- ent of the George H. A r an Pelt Last Factory, and is also interested in the firm. Patterson, Rudolph McCabe, Real Estate Dealer and Public Official of 130 North Wells Street, was born Aug. 12, 1864, in Hunting- ton County, Pa. Since 1906 he has been Real Estate Expert of the City of Chicago; and since 1914 has been a member of the Illinois Live Stock Commission, by appoint- ment of Gov. E. F. Dunne. He is President of the Illinois Audit Company. Pattillo, Richard S., Physician of 15 East Washington Street, was born in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, Canada. He is Professor of Ophthalmology in the Chicago Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Pattison, George H., Oil Dealer of 542 West Thirteenth Street, was born 1868, in Hudson, Mich. Since 1893 he has been en- gaged in the oil business, and is now Presi- dent and Manager of the Economy Oil Com- pany. Patton, David H. R., Physician of 2204 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 11, 1867, in New Castle, Pa. He is Visiting Sur- geon to the Wesley Memorial Hospital. Patton, Joseph Mclntyre, Physician of 108 North State Street, was born Dec. 8, 1860, in Ralston, Pa. Since 18S2 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Professor of Clinical Medi- cine in the College of Physicians and Sur- geons; and is Professor of the Diseases of the Chest in the Chicago Policlinic. Pauling, Edward G., Mortgage Banker of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born July 21, 1859, in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been en- gaged in the mortgage loan business. Paulman, Henry, Automobile Dealer of 2420 South Michigan Avenue, President of H. Paul- man and Company. Paulson, Mary W., Physician of Hinsdale, 111., was born May 21, 1872, in Pleasantville, N. Y. In 1896-1900 she was a physician in the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Battle Creek, Mich.; 1900-4 practiced medicine in Chica- go; 1904-16 practiced in the Hinsdale Sani- tarium; and since 1916 has been Medical Su- perintendent of the Hinsdale Sanitarium. Pause, Paul Ernest, Sign Manufacturer of 404 West Erie Street, was born July 1, 1855, HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 287 in Berlin, Germany. In 1883 he engaged in business as a manufacturer of advertising signs, and is now President of P. Pause and Company. Paver, Paul W., Broker, 130 North Wells Street, was born April 2, 1877, in Indianapo- lis, Ind. He is Treasurer and General Mana- ger of The J. M. Paver Company, brokers in canned foods and distributors of well known food products. Payne, G. Logan, Newspaper Representa- tive of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1875, in Richland, Iowa. He was former- ly owner and publisher of a daily newspaper in Washington, Iowa. He is now President and owner of the G. Logan Payne Company, special newspaper representatives, with offices in Chicago, New York, Detroit and Bos- ton. Payne, John Barton, Attorney-at-Law of 404 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 26, 1855, in Pruntytown, Va. In 1881 he was Spe- cial Judge of the Circuit Court of West Virginia; 1889 President of the Chi- cago Law Institute; aifad in 1893-98 was Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County, 111. He is now senior member of the law firm of Winston, Payne, Strawn and Shaw.. Payson, George Shipman, Attorney-at-Law of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 21, 1862, in Chicago. Since 1893 he has been General Counsel and Treasurer of the Western Railroad Association. Peabody, Augustus Stephen, Banker of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 3, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1897 he has been identified with the firm of Peabody, Houghte- ling and Company, investment brokers, and is now a partner in the firm. Peabody, Emily Clough, Author of 3740 Ellis Avenue, was born July 18, 1869, in Mer- rimac, Mass. She is Director of the Wom- an's Board of Missions of the Interior, Chi- cago. She is the Author of Lives Worth Liv- ing, and other works. Peabody, Francis Stuvyvesant, Coal Mer- chant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 24, 1859, in Chicago, 111. Since 1881 he has been engaged in the coal busi- ness, and is now Chairman of the Peabody Coal Company. Peabody, Harry Ernest, Clergyman of 3740 Ellis Avenue, was born in April, 1865, in Princeton, Maine. He is Pastor of the South Congregational Church; and is a Director of the Chicago City Missionary Society. Peabody, Stuyvesant, Coal Dealer of 332 South Michigan Avenue. Vice-President of the Peabody Coal Company, and the Bond County Coal Company; and a Director of the Consumers Company. Peacock, Charles S., of 71 West Randolph Street, was born March 6, 1860, in Attica, Ind. He is President and owner of the Imi- tation Typewriting and Addressing Company, mailing lists, form letters, addressing and printing, established in 1893. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Association of Commerce and the Cook County Real Estate Board; and the Illinois Athletic Club. Peacock, Robert Elijah, Jeweler of 141 South State Street, was born April 8, 1876, in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 he has been con- nected with the C. D. Peacock Jewelry Com- pany, and is now President of the same. Pearce, William Cliff, Sunday School Work- er of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 4, 1864, in Hutsonville, 111. Since 1915 he has been Educational Superintendent of the In- ternational Sunday School Association. Pearl, Allen S., "Manufacturer of 631 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 28, 1870, in Berlin Township, Erie County, Ohio. He graduated from the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. For fifteen years he was associated with the Central Electric Com- pany. He is now Secretary and Treasurer of the Delta-Star Electric Company, manufactur- ers of electrical specialties. He is a member of Illuminating Engineering Society, the Car Lighting Club, the Electric Club, the West- ern Railway Club and the Pullman Club. Pearsall, Arthur H., Corporation Official of 2036 Michigan Boulevard, was born Dec. 11, 1883, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1910 he has been identified with the Studebaker Corpora- tion; and since 1913 has been Manager of the Studebaker Corporation of America. Pearse, Langdon, Engineer of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 12, 1877, in Boston, Mass. Since 1909 he has been Division Engineer and since 1917 Sanitary Engineer of the Sanitary District of Chicago. Pearson, Haynie Robert, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born June 22, 1866, in Springfield, 111. Tn 1892-3 he was attorney for the Sanitary District of Chica- go; and 1893-1900 Assistant State's Attorney of Cook County. Pearsons, Harry Putnam, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 15, 1873, in Evanston, 111. He is a member of the law firm of Thoman, Harnwell and Pearsons. Pease, Charles F., Manufacturer of 213 In- stitute Place, was born March 8, 1865. He is President of the C. F. Pease Company, manu- facturers of blue print machinery and draw- ing materials. Pease, Warren, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 24, 1864, in Berlin, 111. Since 1888 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. Peattie, Elia Wilkinson, Journalist and Au- 288 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. thor of 7660 South Shore Drive, was horn Jan. 1">, 1862, in Kalamazoo, Mich. Since L90] she has been Literary Critic of the Chi- cago Tribune. She is the author of The Preci- pice; and other works. Peattie, Robert, Journalist of 7 South Dear- born Street, was born Oct. .">, ls.~>7, in Wiscon- sin. He was a member of the staff of the Chi- cago Daily Herald; ami Dramatic Editor of the Chicago Daily News. He is now New York Correspondent for the Chicago Trib- une. Pecival, Joseph Perina, Physician of 3758 West Twenty sixth Street, was born Aug. 5, 1sfil, in Chicago. In 1911 he was appointed and has since been General Superintendent of the Dunning Institution for the Insane and Tubercular. He is also Professor of Psychia- trv in Jenner Medical College. Peck, David B., Dairyman of 158 West On- tario Street, was born July 28, 1878, in Mil- lerstown, Pa. Since 1915 he has been Vice- President of the Bowman Dairy Company. Peck, David Franklin, Paper Dealer of 874 Larrabee Street, was born June 3, 1877, in Xeenah, Wis. He is owner of the D. F. Peck Paper Company, and Western selling agent for several Eastern mills. Peck, Ferdinand Wythe, Capitalist of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Julv 15, 1848, in Chicago, 111. In 1893 he was Vice- President and Chairman of the Finance Com- mittee of the World's Columbian Exposition; and 1900 Commissioner-General of the United States to the Paris Exposition. He is Ex- President of the Chicago Auditorium Asso- ciation and the Chicago Athenaeum. Peck, Ferdinand Wythe, Jr., Real Estate Agent of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 18, 1871, in Chicago, 111. He is as- sociated with the Peck estates. Peck, Franklin Grant, Manufacturer of 917 West Twentieth Place, was born July 28, 1858, in Bloomington, 111. From 1879-97 he was associated with the Oconto Company. Since 1897 he has been President and Man- ager of the Seymour and Peck Company, man- ufacturers of packing drums. Peck, Gerald W., Investment Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 18, 1885, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is a member of the firm of Emery, Peck and Rockwood, invest- ment bankers. Peck, Roy L., Mechanical Engineer of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 3, 1863, in Connecticut. In 1903-13 he was U. S. Local Inspector of Steam Vessels; and since 1913 has been Chief Engineer of the Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company. Peck, Ralph Leroy, Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born in Spring- field, 111. He is President of the Board of Education of Palatine, 111.; a member of the Cook County Civil Service Commission, and President of the Civil Service Commission of United States and Canada. Peck, Wesley Hamilton, Physician and Sur- geon of 31 North State Street, was born in Clinton, Iowa. He is Chief of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Department of the Oak Park Hospital. He is Hx President of the Chicago Ophthalmologics] Society; President of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Section of the Illinois State Medical Society. Peet, Charles Emeison, Educator of 2252 West Adams Street, was born April 9, 1869, in Chatham, Ohio. He is Professor of Ge- ology and Geography in the Lewis Institute. Peirce, Daniel Appleton, Banker of 1533 East Fifty-third Street, was born April 21, 1837, in Waterboro, Maine. He is Vice-Presi- dent of the Hyde Park State Bank. In 1904 he was a Delegate to the National Republican Convention; and has been President of the Village of Hyde Park. Pelham, William F., Mortgage Banker of 111 West Monroe Street, was born April 6, 1873, in New York City. He is President of the Pelham-Craft Company. Pellet, Clarence S., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 26, 1865, in Newton, N. J. Since 1887 he has been en- gaged in the insurance business. He is Ex- President of the Oak Park Club, the Union League Clube, and the Chicago Board of Un- derwriters. Pelouze, William Nelson, Manufacturer of 232 East Ohio Street, was born Sept. 12, 1865, in Washington, D. C. Since 1894 he has been President of the Pelouze Manufacturing Com- pany. Pence, William David, Civil Engineer of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 26, 1865, in Columbus, Ind. In 1906-15 he was Professor of Railway Engineering in the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. Since 1913 he has been a member of the Engineering Board of the Interstate Commerce Commission of Chicago. In 1903-05 he was President of the Indiana Engineering Society. Pendarvis, Robert Ellsworth, Attorney-at^- Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Oct. 30, 1861. in Henderson County, 111. Since 1SS7 he has practiced law in Chicago; and in 1900-6 was a member of the General Assem- bly from the Twenty-fifth District. Peniston, Cordova Lewis, Banker and Brok- er of 116 West Adams Street, was born April 22, 1870, in Bermuda. Is'ands. Since 1907 he has been a member of the firm of Russell Brewster and Company. Pennington, H. F., Jr., Lawyer of 133 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 15, 1869, in Charlotte, Mich. He is Professor of Evi- dence in the Chicago Law School. Pennington, John Rawson, Physician and Surgeon of 31 North State Street, was born Sept. :i, 1858, in Corydon, Ind. Since 1915 he HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 289 has been Professor of Proctology in the Illi- nois Post-Graduate Medical School. Pennoyer, James Clement, Dealer in Cooper- age, 226 South LaSalle Street, was (borjn March 9, 1841, in Greenoak, Mich. In 1862-5 he served in the Civil War. Since 1S92 he has been President of the J. C. Pennoyer Company. Percy, Nelson Mortimer, Surgeon of 2106 Sedgwick Street, was born Nov. 7, 1875, in Dexter, Iowa. He is Attending Surgeon to the Augustana Hospital and to St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospital; and is Associate Pro- fessor of Clinical Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Perekhan, John Said, Physician of 2900 In- diana Avenue, was born Feb. 7, 1867, in Mar- din, Armenia. Since 1888 he has practiced medicine in Chicago, and is now Attending Surgeon to the Lakeside Hospital. Perkins, Dwight Heald, Architect of 814 Tower Court, was born March 26, 1867, in Memphis. Tenn. In 1905-10 he was Architect for the Chicago Board of Education. He is now a member of the firm of Perkins, Fellows and Hamilton, architects. Perkins, Edmund Taylor, Consulting Engi- neer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 8, 1864, in Scottsville, Va. In 1902-10 he was Engineer for the United States Rec- lamation Service. He is now President of the Edmund T. Perkins Engineering Company; and is a contributor to scientific magazines. Perkins, Floyd R., of 623 South Wabash Avenue, was born March 5, 1861, in Ward, N. Y. He is President of the Charles H. Ful- ler Company, advertising agents. Perkins, Frederick Wainwright, Architect of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1866, in Burlington, Wis. He is Ex-Presi- dent of the Illinois Chapter of the Ameri- can Institute of Architects; and a member of the City Club and the Saddle and Cycle Club. Perkins, Herbert Farrington, Corporation Official of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct, 18, 1864, in Constantinople, Tur- key. He is Division Manager of the Inter- national Harvester Company, in charge of all manufacturing. He is also President of the Wisconsin Steel Company and Wisconsin Lumber Company; and Vice-President of the Chicago Morris Plan Bank. Perkins, David Walton, Pianist and Com- poser of 64 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 16, 1847, in Rome, N. Y. Since 1907 he has been President of the Chicago Conservatory of Music. Perrine, Willson Hamilton, Grain Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born in 1866, in Bath, N. Y. Since 1S99 he has been engaged in the grain business. He is Presi- dent of W. H. Perrine and Company; Presi- dent of Rumsey, Moore and Company, Pe- oria; and Secretary of the Prairie State Grain Eleavtor Company, Chicago. Perry, Chesley Reynolds, of 910 South Mich- igan Avenue, was born Sept. 12, 1872, in Chi- cago. He was formerly with the Chicago Public Library. He is now Secretary of the International Association of Rotary Clubs. Perry, James Raymond, Manufacturer and Author of 10 South Wabash Avenue, was born April 20, 1863, in Northfield, Mass. Since 1904 he has been Secretary of the Elgin Na- tional Watch Company. He has contributed miscellaneous articles to magazines, namely the Century, Harper's, Scribner's, and numerous others. Peterkin, Daniel, Merchant of 80 East Jack- son Boulevard, was born July 24, 1872, in Scotland. Since 1893 he has been identified with the salt business, and is now Treasurer and a Director of the Morton Salt Company. Peters, Edward Harvey, Real Estate Dealer of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 11, 1860, in Nw York. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the real estate business, and has been a West Chicago Park Commissioner. Petersen, Charles Quincy, Manufacturer of 420 South Winchester Avenue, was born Oct. 13, 1869, in Clarks Hill, Ind. He is a Director of the National Association of Advertising Specialty Manufacturers; a director of sev- eral settlements; and Vice-President of the Advertising Specialty Sales Managers Associ- ation. For the past twenty-five years he has been interested in astronomy, and has a pri- vate laboratory, telescopes and microscopes. Petersen, Victor J., Flour Exporter of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 6, 1870, in Lowden, Iowa. He is a member of the firm of Petersen Brothers and Company. Peterson, Charles Simon, Linotyper of 531 Plymouth Court, was born Aug. 29, 1873, in Daglosen, Sweden. In 1899 he organized the Peterson Linotype Company, of which he is President, Since 1913 he has been a mem- ber of the Board of Education of Chicago. Peterson, Paul Christian, Banker of 112 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 29, 1857, in Norway. In 1884 he became identified with the Merchants Loan and Trust Com- pany, of which he has been Cashier since 1913. Peterson, William Adolphus, Nurseryman and Landscape _Engineer of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born April 29, 1867, in Chicago, 111. He is proprietor of the Peter- son Nursery; and a Direc- tor of the State Bank of Chicago. He is also a Trustee of McCormiek Theological Seminary; and in 1909 was knighted by the King of Sweden, Order of Vasa. He is a member of the Union League Club. 290 IIERRINGSIIAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Peterson, William Augustus, Physician of 5039 Wlnthrop Avenue, was born Feb. 23, 1867. He received the degree of B. Sc. from Iowa. State College and the degree tit' M. 1). from the University of Illinois Medical Department. He is now Medical Director of the Mutual Trust Life Insurance Company. Peterson, William O., Typefounder of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born April L2, 1874, in Chicago, III. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Western Type Foundry. Petit, Adelor J., Lawyer and Jurist of 76 West Monroe Street, was born July 12, 1868, in Chicago, III. In L893 he received the degree of LL. B. from Lake Forest University; and since 1893 has practiced law. In L902 7 he was Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court; in 1907 09 Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago; and 1909-15 Judge Of the Circuit Court of Cook County. He is now engaged in the general practice of law. Pettibone, Amos, of 33 North Pes Plaines street, was born Dec. 20, 1843, in Brasher Falls, \. Y. Since 1916 he has been Presi- dent of P. F. Petibone and Company. In 1900-1 he was Alderman from the old Twen- tieth Ward. Pettibone, Robert Frederick, Attorney at Law of 155 North ('ark Street, was born May 21, 1857, in Cornwall, Conn. Since 1890 he has practiced Law in Chicago. He is a Direc- tor and ['resident of the Wyoming Hotel Com- pany; and Secretary and Treasurer of the Rio Tonto Company. Pfaelzer, Abraham, Packer of 3927 South Halsted Street, was horn Dec. 2."), 1878, in Chi- cago. He is Vice-President of Louis Pfaelzer and Sons. Pfaelzer, David, Lacker of .°.927 South Hal- sted Street, was horn Oct. 3, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since Dill he has been President of Louis P. Pfaelzer and Sons, packers. Pfaelzer, Eli, Packer of 4318 Grand Boule- vard, was horn March 1, 1870, in Chicago. He is engaged in the packing business at the Union stock Yards. Pfeffer, John Edward, Engine Manufactur- er of 901 Webster Avenue, was horn Sept. H>, 1869, in Jasper, [nd. He is President and General Manager of The Continental Engine Company; and Vice-President and General Manager of the Pf effer-Mitehell Engineering Company. Pfeiffer, William Charles Henry, Manufac- turer of 1 In North Dearborn Street, was born in Chicago, 111. Since 190(i he has been President of the Pfeiffer Boiler Works. Pflaum, Abraham Jacob, Attorney at Law el' 30 North LaSalle street, was born April Is, L874, in Chicago, I'l. Since 1894 he has pi ad iced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of D'Ancona and Pflaum. Pfotenhauer, Frederick, Clergyman of 415 West Sixty-second Street, was horn April 22, 1859, in Hanover, Germany. Since 191] he has been General President of the Evangeli- cal Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and other states. Phelps, Algernon S., Manufacturer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 24, L852, in Alburgh, Vt. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the manufacture of acetylene apparatus; and is now proprietor of the New England Manufacturing Company; and Pres- ident of the Phelps Manufacturing Company. Phelps, Charles Addison, Attorney at Law of s South Dearborn Street, was horn Dec. 31, 1873, in Johnstown, N. Y. Since 1901 he has been engaged in the practice of law. He is a member of the Chicago Plan Commission, Chicago Par Association, and Hamilton Club. Phelps, Edward Johnson, Banker of 50 South LaSalle Street, was horn April 18, 1863, in Andover, Mass. In 1895-7 he was secre- tary of the First Civil Service Commission of the City of Chicago. He is now Secretary and Manager of The Northern Trust Safe De- posit Company. Phelps, Lewis M., Lawyer and Jurist of 115 South Dearborn Street, was born May 24, 1881, in Michigan. He has been Municipal Judge of South Haven, Mich.; and was Cir- cuit Court Commissioner of Van Buren Coun- ty, Mich. He is now practicing law in Chi- cago. Phelps, Lucius Belding, Physician of 108 North State Street, was horn' June 8, 1877, in Johnstown, N. Y. Since 1907 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is Clinician to the Chi- cago College Dispensary; and Otologist to the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. Phelps. Mason, Manufacturer of 5700 West Twelfth Street, was born Dec. 7, 1884, in Chi- cago. He is President of the Pheoll Manu- facturing Company. Phelps, William Lee, Mil'er of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born 1868, in Ohio. Since 1911 he has been President of the Star and Crescent Milling Company. Philbrick, Herbert Shaw, Mechanical En- gineer and Educator of 2130 Sherman Ave- nue, Evanston, 111., was born April 13, 1875, in Waterville, Maine. Since 1912 he has been Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Nort hwestern University. Phillip, Peter, Bank President of 7005 North Clark Street, was born April 16, 1853, in Chicago, 111. Since 1895 he has been en- gaged in the banking business, and is now President of the Phillip State Bank. Phillips, Alfred Edward, Civil Engineer of 3300 Federal Street, was born June 18, 1863, in Bouses Point, N. Y. Since 1899 he has been Professor of Civil Engineering in the HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 291 Armour Institute of Techno'ogy. He is the author of Plane Surveying, and Irrigation. Phillips, Arthur Edward, Teacher, Author and Lecturer of .'504 South Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 31, 1867, in England. Since 1S94 he has been Principal of the Phillips School of Oratory; ami since 1895 a Director of the Department of Public Speaking in the Theological Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Phillips, Henry Godfred, Manufacturer of (is West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 9, 1879, in Ottawa, Canada. Since 1917 he has been Vice-President of the American Bot- tle Company; and is Manager of the Ameri- can factories of The Owens Bottle Machine Company. Phillips, Cornelius J., Physician of 301 West Garfic'd Bou'evard, was born Dec. 13, 1857, in Wyoeena, Wis. lie is a member of the Staff of St. Bernard 's Hospital. Phillips, George W., Contracting Engineer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born May 27, 1878, in Chicago, 111. He is President of Phillips, Lang and Company, contracting en- gineers. Phillips, Roland H., Physician and Surgeon of 2652 Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 2, 1878, in London, Ky. He is a member of the Attending Staff of the Park Avenue and Jef- ferson Park Hospitals; head of the depart- ment and Physics in the Chicago Veterinary College; and Dean of the Central States Col- lege of Pharmacv. Phillips, William Eugene, of 3219 Mich- igan Avenue, was born Aug. 28, 1870, in Bloomington, 111. Since 1913 he has been President of the Contracting and Material Company, paving contractors. Phillipson, Samuel, Wholesa'e General Mer- chant of 828-838 West Twelfth Street, corner of Newberrv Avenue, was born June 1, 1865, in Poland, 'Russia. From 1*82-1906 he was a partner in the firm of Joseph Phillipson. In 1906 he established Samuel Phillipson and Company, wholesale general merchandise, of which he is President; and is a Director of the Schiff State Bank, Ha'sted and Twe'fth Streets. He is First Vice-President of the Federated Orthodox Jewish Charities of Chi- cago; Treasurer and a Director of the Chica- go Hebrew Institute; Director of the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society of America, New York City; Local Treasurer of the American Jewish Relief Committee for Sufferers of the War; executive member of the American Jew- ish Relief Committee for war sufferers; Chairman of the building committee of the Jewish Consumptive Hospital; a member of the B'nai B'rith; and the Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce and the Credit Men's Asso- ciation. ' 1 Picard, Napoleon. Building Manager of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Mon- treal, Canada. In 1S86 he moved to Chicago; and engaged in the insurance business. In 1910 he was the promoter and builder of the Insurance Exchange Building, and is now Manager of the same. Pick, Albert, Merchant of 208 West Ran- dolph Street, was born in Chicago, 111. He is President and Treasurer of Albert Pick and Company, hotel furnishings; and Director of the Central Manufacturing District Bank. Pick, George, Life Underwriter of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 14, 1869, in Mil- waukee, Wis. Since 1887 he has been en- gaged in the insurance business. He is now General Agent for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company; and Director of the American Radiator Company, and the Chicago Morris Plan Bank. Pick, Richard, Manufacturer of 224 North Wells Street, was born July 20, 1867. In 1901 he organized, and has since been President of the Richard Pick Manufacturing Com- pany, leather manufacturers. Pickell, J. Ralph, Author, Writer, and Sta- tistician, 332 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 14, 1882, in La Harpe, Kans. Secretary of Council of Grain Exchanges, and a mem- ber of the Financial and Commercial Com- mittee. In 1916 he was appointed by Secre- tary of the Treasury William G. McAdoo, to visit South America; 1917 traveled in Rus- sia and other European countries; and 1919 traveled in Egypt, India, and Asia. He is the author of a volume of poems and other writ- ings entitled Nameless; Looping-the-World-in- War-Time; and Agricultural Argentina. Pidgeon, Harry W., Manufacturer of 20 East Twentieth Street, was born Dec. 24, 1865, in St. John, N. B. He is President and Gen- eral Manager of the American Plate and Enamal Company. Pierce, Charles Ingals, Mine Operator of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 24, 1871, in Kewanee, 111. He was educated at the Uni- versity of Illinois. In 1891-1906 he was engaged in the manufacturing busi- ness. He is now President of the Big Creek Colliery Company, and interested in other corporations. He is a member of the Union League, Chicago and Chicago Athletic Clubs. Pierce, Frank Ellis, Surgeon of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 20. 1873, in Kewanee, 111. He is Surgeon to the Mercy Hospital; and Chief Surgeon to the New York Central Railroad. Pierce, Frank Martin, Business Manager of 114 South Fifth Avenue, was born Dec. 1, 1859, in Grand Rapids, Mich. In 1893-1900 he was Sa'es Manager for the Central Elec- tric Company. Since 1900 he has been Man- ager of the Manhattan Electric Supply Com- pany. 292 HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Pierce, Norva! H., Physician of 22 East Washington street, was born May 13, 1863, in Washington, D. C. In 1885 he received the degree of M. D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons; and later took post-graduate courses at Wurzburg Bavaria, and Vienna, Austria. He is now Professor and Head of ♦ he Department of Otology, Laryngology and Khinologv in the Medical College of the Uni- versity of Illinois; Surgeon in the Ear Depart- ment* of the Illinois State Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; member of Attending Staff in the department of diseases of Nose and Thmat at St. Luke's Hospital, Michael Reese Hospital and Passavant Memorial Hospital. He is a member of the Chicago Institute of Medicine; the American Medical Association; and the American Otological Association. During the Great War he served as Major in the United States Army, American Expedi- tionary Forces, France. Piefpont, Henry Edwards, Traffic Manager of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born at Two Rivers, Wis. Since 1883 he has been in railway service, and is now Traffic Man- ager of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. Pierson, Hermon Wilfried, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born July 14, 1856, in Mecca, Ohio. In 1892-5 he was Pro- fessor of Materia Medica in the Hering Med- ical College. He is now President of the Tel- egraph Mining Syndicate; and is Secretary of the Florida Key's Sponge and Fruit Com- pany. Pieser, Isaac, Wholesale Merchant of 1527 South Halsted Street, was born Jan. 8, 1857, in Chicago. Since 1877 he has been engaged in the wholesale flour business, and is now President of the Pieser-Livingston Company. Pietrowicz, Stephen Roman, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Aug. 26, 1873, in Posen, Poland. Since 1907 he has been Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery; and is Director of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institution. Pietsch, Karl, Educator of 6049 Kimbark Avenue, was born Jan. 4, 1860, in Stettin, Ger- many. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Romance Philology in the University of Chi- cago. Piez, Charles, Manufacturer of 329 West Thirty-ninth Street, was born in 1866, in Ger- many. He graduated from; the School of Mines of Columbia College, New York. Since 1889 he has been associated with the Link Belt Company, of which he is now President. He is also President of the Electric Steel Company and the U'inois Manufacturers Cas- ualty Company, and Director of the Drexel State I'.aiik and the Chicago Trust and Sav- ings Bank. He is a member of the Union League, University and Midlothian Country Clubs; and Union League Club of Philadel- phia. Pike, Charles Burrall, Real Estate Dealer of 39 South State Street, was born June 29, 1871, in Chicago, 111. In 1901-2 he was Vice- President of the Western State Bank; and later President of the Hamilton National Bank. He is now Managing Trustee of the Eugene S. Pike Estate. Pike, Eugene Rockwell, of 191 East Walton Place, was born Dec. 23, 1868, in Chicago, 111, In lit 15 he was appointed City Comptroller of Chicago. Pike, Francis Joseph, Lmberman of 2201 Loomis Street, was born May 25, 1863, in Toronto, Canada. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is now a partner in the Pike-Dial Lumber Company. Pillinger, Henry, Banker of 11 South La- Salle Street, was born in 1864, in England. Since 1911 he has been President of the Aus- tin Avenue Trust and Savings Bank. Pilsbry, Frank Wilson, of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 16, 1857, in Zanes- ville, Ohio. He is President of the Pilsbry- Becker Engineering and Supply Company, St. Louis, the York Engineering and Supply Company, Houston, Tex., the York California Company, San Francisco, the York Construc- tion and Supply Company, Seattle, Wash.; Vice-President of the Westerlin and Camp- bell Company, Chicago; and Treasurer of the Associated Industries Fire Insurance Com- pany, Chicago. Pinckard, Charles Philip, Physician and Ophthalmologist of 104 South Michigan Ave- nue, was born Sept. 4, 1864. Since 1896 he has been Professor of Ophthalmology in the Post-Graduate Medical School; and is Con- sulting Ophthalmologist to the Michael Reese Hospital. Pinckney, Merritt, Willis, Jurist, was born Dec. 12, 1859, in Mt. Morris, 111. He was formerly Judge of the Circuit and Juvenile Courts; and is now Judge of the Circuit Court. Pinder, Harold Blyth, Merchandise Broker of 130 North Wells Street, was born Oct. 21, 1880, in London, England. He was formerly branch manager for William Hills, Jr., New York. He is now President of Harold B. Pinder and Company, Incorporated; and Pres- ident of the Oversea Sales Organization, In- corporated. Pinkerton, William Allan, Detective of 137 South Wells Street, was born April 7, 1846, in Dundee, 111. Since 18S4 he has been head of the Pinkerton 's National Detective Agency. Piotrowski, Nicholas L., Attorney-at-Law of 175 West Jackson Boulevard was born Sept. 15, 1863, in Poland. He was City Attorney of Chicago during Mayor Harrison's administration. Pirie, John Taylor, Merchant of 300 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 11, 1871, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Since 1892 he has been con- HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 293 nected with Carson, Pirie, Scott and Com- pany, and is now a member of the firm. Pirie, Samuel Carson, Dry Goods Merchant of 300 West Adams Street, was born March 11, 1864, in Amboy, 111. Since 1884 he has been associated with Carson, Pirie, Scott and Com- pany, and is now a member of the firm. Pisha, Joseph C, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 4, 1874, n Chicago. Since 1895 he has practiced law, and is now Assistant States Attorney. Pitcher, Lewis William, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 13, 1818, in Port Byron, N. Y. He was Secretary and (me of the founders of the American Guar- anty Company of Chicago. He is now en- g iged in the insurance business. Pitman, Harold M., Manufacturer of 1430 South Rockwell Street, was born Aug. 17, 1879, in New York City. He is President of the Harold M. Pitman Company, engravers' : upp'ies. Pitner, Marion Williams, Technicist, Corpo- ration President and Inventor of 325 South Market Street, was born Dec. 16, 1876, in Gaddistown, Ga. He is President of the Pit- ner Gasoline Lighting Company, Pitner Gas Appliance Company and the Pitner Gas Iron Company of Chicago. Plain, Francis N., Stock and Bond Broker of 137 South LaSal'e Street, was born Dec. 29, 1833, in Aurora, 111. For six years he was 1 'partment manager with Hornblower and Weeks, bankers and brokers; and for twelve years was connected with the Western Union Telegraph Company, New York and Chicago, lie is now owner of F. N. Plain and Company, Investment brokers. Plamondon, Alfred Daniel, Contractor of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born March 10, 1869, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has b sen President of the Plamondon and Tetze Company, contractors and manufacturers of w oodwork. Piatt, Edward Marcellus, Coal Dealer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Sept. 4, 1865, in Manitowoc, Wis. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the coal business, and is now President of the Piatt and Brahn Coal Com- pany. Piatt, Henry Russell, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born March 4, 1866, in Pittsburgh, N. Y. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a mem- ber of the law firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian ami Piatt; and a Director of the National Life Insurance Company of Vermont, the West Penn Traction Company, and other cor- porations. He is a member of the Univer- sity, Union League, Law, Mid-Day and Glen View clubs. Plaznik, John, Catholic Priest of 9546 Ewing Avenue, was born April 13, 1891, in Radece, Jugoslavia. In 1915-19 he was As- sistant Patsor of St. Joseph's Church, Joliet, 111. He is now Pastor of St. George's Church, Chicago. He is a steady contributor of edu- cational articles and short stories to three papers and one magazine. Plecker, James Henry, Physician and Sur- geon of 5469 Washington Boulevard, was born April 14, 1S42, in Harrisonburg, Va. He served three years in the Civil War. Since 1876 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. P*ew, James E., Storage Warehouse, 323 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1862, in Illinois. He is Treasurer of the Chicago Towel Company; Treasurer of the Robert M. Cutting Company, and The Sears Sanitary Baking Company. He is a member of the Chi- cago Athletic, Aero, and Oak Park Country Clubs. Plumb, Glenn Edward, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 30, 1866, in Clay, Iowa. In 1906-8 he was Gen- eral .Manager of the Southern Street Rail- way; 1909-13 President of the Calumet and South Chicago Railway: and 1915 Special Traction Counsel for the City of Chicago. Plummer, Samuel C, Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born April 27, 1865, in Rock Island, HI. Since 1891 he has prac- ticed surgery. He is now Chief Surgeon of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway; and Attending Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital. Plunkett, James, Publisher of 220 South State Street, was born in 1862, in Michigan. He was formerly a partner in the firm of Eaton and Company, school book publishers. He is now President of the Plunkett and Smart Company, publishers; and is a lecturer on ethics, ancient history, science and re- ligion. He is a member of the South Shore Country and Irish Fellowship Clubs; and the Press Club, New York. Poague, Charles Martin, Banker of 1204 East Sixty-third Street, was born Aug. 23, 1S56, in Xenia, Ohio. He is President of the Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank; and is a member of the firm of McKey and Poague. Pollock, William John, Physician and Sur- geon of 2100 West Chicago Avenue, was born May 17, 1871, in Hebron, Ohio. He is Pro- fessor of Medicine in Bennett Medical Col- lege; a member of the Attending Staff of the Jefferson Park Hospital; and a member of the Staff of the Municipal Tuberculosis School. Pollock, William Wallace, Wholesale Mer- chant of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born July 12, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He was Presi- dent of The Soo Fuel Company; and Vice- President of the Northern Wood Company. Since 1913 he has been President of the Neal- Polloek Company, specialties in woodfuel and wholesaling lumber. Pomeroy, Edward Dwight, Attorney-at-Law of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 11, 1872, in Crystal Lake, 111. Since 1894 he 294 IIERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY has practiced law, and is now a member of the law firm of Pomeroy and Martin. Pond, Allen Bartlit, Architect of 04 Kast Van Buren Street, was born Nov. 21, 1858, in Ann Arbor, Mich. Since 1886 he has prac- ticed architecture in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Pond and Pond. Pond, Darwin B., Physician of 4365 Lincoln Avenue, was bom Jan.' 11, 1879, in Hampton, [a. He is Attending Surgeon to the Ravens wood Hospital. Pond, Irving Kane, Architect of 64 East Van Buren Street, was born May 1, 1857, in Ann Arbor, Mich. He is a member of the firm of Pond and Pond. In 1910-11 he was President of the American Institute of Archi- tects. Pool, Marvin Bemis, Merchant of 426 West Randolph Street, was born Aug. 21, 1869, in Janesville, Wis. Since 1900 he has been Gen- eral Manager of Butler Brothers, wholesale general merchandise. Poole, Clark L., Investment Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 12, L868, in Dubuque, Iowa. Since 1905 he has been senior member of Clark L. Poole and Company, bankers. Poole,' Ralph Hutchinson, Real Estate Deal- er of 111 West Monroe Street, was born March 14, 1878, in Chicago. Since 1904 he has been in farm mortgage business; a member of the firm of Poole and Thompson, and a Director of the North Central Improvement Associa- tion. Poor, Fred Arthur, Manufacturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born April 16, 1870, in Andover, Maine. Since 1914 he has been President of The P. and M. Company, rail- way supplies. Pope, Charles, Sugar Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue. He was formerly President of the Charles Pope Glucose Com- pany. Pope, George J., Lumberman of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 21, 1866, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the D. S. Pate Lumber Company, and the Stuart Lum- ber Company, Brinson, Ga.; Vice-President of the Bolinger Franklin Lumber Company, Zama, Miss.; and Treasurer of the French Bay Lumber Company, Limited, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Pope, Henry, Manufacturer of 337 West Madison Street, was born in 1868, in Crest- line, Ohio. He is President of the Paramount Knitting Company. Pope, Henry P.,' Coal Merchant of 343 South Dearborn street, was born Oct. 7, 1864, in Bedford, Mass. He is sole owner and Man- ager of George G. Pope and Company; and Vice-President of th Knox Mercantile Com- pany. Poppenhusen, Conrad Herman, Attorney-at- Law of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born July 21, 1871, in Long Island, N. Y. He was formerly Secretary and Chief Examiner of the civil Service Commission. He is now a member of the law linn of Newman, Poppen- husen, Stein and Johnson. Popham, George M., Attorney-at-Law of 140 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 23, 1862, in Warsaw, End. In L888 he was admitted to the bar of Wisconsin; 1893- 99 District Attorney for Jackson County, Wis.; and L893-4 City Attorney of P. ack River Falls, Wis. Since 1900 he has practiced his profession'* in Chicago; in 1907-9 was Assistant State's Attorney of Cook County; and is now a partner in the firm of Darrow and Popham. Poppenhusen, Paul Albert, Manufacturer of 14' East Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 4, 1873, in College Point, L. I., New York. In 1897 he organized, and has since been Presi- dent of the Green Engineering Company. Porter, Charles M., Contractor of 111 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 11, 1863, in Proviso, 111. Since 1909 he has been Presi- dent of Charles M. Porter Company; and is also President of the Arizona Ironite Com- pany and the Illinois Ironite Company. Poronto, Halsey E., Railway Official of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 19, 1872, in West Rutland, Vt. He is Vice-Presi- dent of the Chicago Junction Railroad Com- pany, and the Union Stock Yards and Transit Company. Porter, Fred D., Publisher of 537 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1871 in Chicago, 111. Since 1899 he has been Publisher of The National Builder; and is also President and Treasurer of Porter-Hodgson Company, pub- lishers. In 1912-14 he was President of the Chicago Trade Press Association. Porter, Gilbert Edwin, Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, was born Dec. 9, 1863, in Eau Claire, Wis. Since 1899 he has been a member of the law firm of Isham, Lincoln and Beale. Porter, George French, Capitalist of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born July 26, 1881, in Chicago, 111. He is Director of the Nevada Land Company, the Judson Mining Company, and Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad. During the Great War he was Chief of State Council Section, Council of National Defense, and later was a Captain in the United States Army. Porter, Henry Hobart, of 38 South Dear- born Street. President of the Chicago Trans- fer and Clearing Company; and a Director of the First National Bank. Porter, John H., Steel Manufacturer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 4, 1873, in Ottawa, 111. Since 1908 he has been Presi- dent of the Calumet Steel Company. Porter, John Lincoln, Surgeon of 7 West HERRINfiSHAW S CTTY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 295 Madison Street, was born in 1864, in Alstead, N. H. In 1894 he received the degree " of M. D. from Northwestern University. From 1894-6 he was Eesident Physician at St. Luke's Hospital; and 1896-1900 Instructor in the Medical School of Northwestern Univer- sity. He is now Attending Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital; and Professor of Orthopedic Surgery in the Medical Department of North- western University. Porter, Washington, Capitalist of 20 West Jaekson Boulevard, was horn Oct. 26, 1843, in Boone County, 111. hi 1S62-4 he served in the Civil War. He was an active member of the Ways and Means Committee of the World's Columbian Exposition. He is President of the Majestic Building Company; and is a member of the Washing- ton Park Club and the Chi- cago Athletic Association. Portman, August, Public Official, County Building, was bom Aug. 31, 1852, in Chicago, 111. From 1S96-7 he was Alderman from the Twenty-fifth Ward. Since 1907 he has been Deputy Clerk of the County Court. Post, Philip Sidney, Attorney-at-Law of 606 Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 10, 1869, in Vienna, Austria, of American parents, his father being United States Consul General. In 1898-1902 he was County Judge of Knox County, 111. He is now General Attorney for the International Harvester Company. Posthuma, Folkert, Furniture Dealer of 121 South Wabash Avenue, was born Oct. 3, 1870, in Leeuwarden, Holland. He is Vice-Presi- dent of the Seholie Furniture Company; and Vice Consul of the Netherlands in Chicago. Postle, David E., Architect of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 18, 1863. He has been engaged in the practice of architec- ture for the past twenty years; and is now senior member of the firm of Postle and Fischer. Potter, Mary Ross, Educator of Evanston, 111., was born Jan. 30, 1871, in Bloomington, 111. Since 1905 she has been Dean of Women in Northwestern University. In 1912 she was instrumental in organizing the Chicago Col- legiate Bureau of Occupations. Potts, Herbert A., Physician and Surgeon of 31 North State Street, was born Feb. 15, 1873. He is Professor of Oral Surgery in Northwestern Medical College; and Chief Oral Surgeon to the Cook County and Wesley Hospitals. Poulton, John J., Attorney-at-Law of 79 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 14, 1878, in Belvidere, 111. He was a member of the Illinois Legislature from the Thirteenth Sen- atorial District; and served in the Forty- fourth, Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth General Assemblies. Since 1904 he has been engaged in practice in the courts of Cook County; and is now a member of the law firm 8f Poulton, Green and Merrick. Poundstone, George Corwin, Dentist of 2607 Milwaukee Avenue, was born Feb. 14, 1870, in Grand Kidge, 111. He is Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in Northwestern University Dental School. In 1916-17 he was President of the Chicago Dental Society. Powell, Ambrose Vincent, Civil Engineer of 133 West Washington Street, was born May 4, 1847, in Laurens, N. Y. In 1886-9 he was Engineer and Superintendent of public works for the Village of Hdye Park. In 1900-1 he was President of the Western Society of En- gineers. Powell, Charles L., Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1864, in Guthrie County, Iowa. He is Counsel for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago; and a mem- ber of the firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Piatt. Powell, Isaac Newton, Dealer in Municipal Bonds, 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 22, 1866, in Canada. In 1895- 1909 he was Executive Clerk of the Board of Elec- tion Commissioners of the City of Chicago; and 1909- 11 City Treasurer of Chi- cago. He is engaged in the investment business in Chi- cago; and a Director of the Washington Park National and South Side State Banks. He is a mem- ber of the Hamilton, Bankers and Windsor Golf Clubs. Powell, T. Elhanan, Dentist of 25 East Washington Street, was born April 3, 1865, near Mt. Sterling, Ky. He was formerly Pro- fessor of Comparative Anatomy in the College of Dentistry of the University of Illinois. Power, Harry M., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 29, 1874, in Mankato, Minn. For the past twenty years he has been engged in the insurance business. He is now a member of the firm of Law Broth- ers, City Managers for the Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool, England. Power, Martin J., Commission Merchant of 340 North State Street, was born April 24, 1850, in Wilmington, Del. lie served in the One Hundred and Ninety sixth Pennsylvania Regiment the last year of the Civil War. Un- til 1876 he was engaged in the wholesale gro- cery business in Philadelphia. Since 1S80 he has been engaged in the commission business in Chicago. Powers, Edward E., Broker of 305 South La- Salle Street, lie is a Director of the Chicago Open Board of Trade, and head of the firm of E. E. Powers and Company. Powers, Frank A., Manufacturer of 1100 Blackhawk Street, was born Jan. 10, 1853, in Palmyra, Wis. since 1905 he has been Presi- 296 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. dent of tlic Union Wire Mattress Company ; and is Vice-President of the Powers Regula- tor Company. Powers, Harry Joseph, Theatrical Manager of 124 West Randolph Street, was born Sept. 15, 1859, in Ireland. He is manager of the Powers, the Blackstone, the Illinois, and the Colonial Theatres. Powers, Millard R., Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 15, 1849, in McDonough County, 111. Since 1876 he has practiced law in Chicago. Powers, Orville Marcellus, Educator of 37 South Wabash Avenue, was born Nov. 2, 1852, in McDonough County, 111. He is President of the Metropolitan Business College, which he established in 1872. Prahman, C. E., of 219 West Adams Street, was born July 24, 1865, in Chicago, 111. He is Western Sales Manager for Marshall Field and Company. Pratt, Edward Graves, Gas Operator of 122 South .Michigan Avenue, was born June 10, 1856, in North Chelmsford, Mass. He is Presi- dent of the Boone Gas Company, Iowa. In 1904-5 he was President of the Wisconsin Gas Association. Pratt, Edwin Hartley, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Nov. 6, 1849, in Towanda, Pa. He graduat- ed from the University of Chicago in 1871, and re- ceived the degree of LL. D. in 1886. In 1873-6 he was Professor of Anatomy in the Hahnemann Medical College; 1876-83 Professor of the same in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical Col- lege; 1883-9 Professor of Surgery and 1889- 1902 Professor of Orificial Surgery in the same institution. He is Ex-President of the Illi- nois Homeopathic Association. Pratt, Ezra Huntington, Business Manager of 1649 Warren Avenue, was born April 3, 1854, in Orwell, Ohio. For ten years he was associated with Horace S. Ely, real estate dealer, New York City; then engaged in busi- ness on his own account until 1910. Since 1910 he has been General Manager of the John J. Crooke Company, manufacturers of foils from tin and lead. Pratt, Harry Preston, Physician and Scien- tist, 64 West Randolph Street, was born March 23, 1860, in Warren, 111. He has devoted much of his time to scientific research and has in- vented a number of valuable devices along the lines of telephonic, telegraphic and electro- therapentical appliances. His X-Ray Labora- tory in Chicago was the first established for practical medical work. Pratt, Thornton Mills, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 16, 1876, in Bridgeport, Ohio. Since 1903 he has been practicing law; and is now a member of the law linn of Manierre and Pratt. Prebis, John A., Underwriter of 1201 Mil- waukee Avenue. He is Vice-President of the Northwestern Trust and Savings Bank; and head of the firm of John A. Prebis and Com- pany . Preble, Robert Bruce, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1866, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1895 he has been Professor of Medicine in Northwestern University. In L903-4 he was President of the Chicago Med- ical Society. Preiser, Albert Leo, Concert Violinist and Director of 64 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in Normtereggingen, Grand Duchy Ba- den, in 1898 he founded and has since been Director of the Preiser School of Music, Chi- cago. Prentice, Leon Hamline, Contractor of 330 Sherman Street, was born Oct. 22, 1847, in Lockport, N. Y. Since 1888 he has been President of the L. H. Prentice Company, heating apparatus. Prentis, Percy Lucius, Immigration Officer of 845 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 28, 1870, in Rich Valley, Ind. In 1895-1900 he was a member of the Iowa House of Rep- resentatives. Since 1909 he has been inspec-' tor in charge of United States Immigration at Chicago. He is President of the Chicago Christian Missionary Society. Prentiss, James H., of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1872, in Canon City, Colo. He is a member of the Union League and University Clubs. Prescott, Henry Washington, Educator of 5524 Kimbark Avenue, was born July 30, 1874, in Boston, Mass. Since 1911 he has been Professor of Classical Philology in the Uni- versity of Chicago. Piesnell, James Frederick, Surgeon of 1002 Wilson Avenue, was born March 22, 1867, in Iowa Center, Iowa. He is a Major in the United States Army Medical Reserve Corps. Preston, Charles F., Frame Manufacturer of 334 South Clinton Street, was born Jan. 25, 1871, in Cardiff, England. In 1898 he estab- lished the Preston Frame Manufacturing Company, and has since been President. Preston, Deming Haven, Coal Merchant and Banker of Hinsdale, 111., was born Dec. 2, 1845, in Byron, N. Y. He is head of the firm of D. H. Preston and Company, wholesale deal- ers in coal and coke; and since 190S has been President of the Hinsdale State Bank. Price, Charles Wilson, Editor of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, w r as born Dec. 22, 1857, in Barnesville, Ohio. He is Editor of the Elec- trical Review. Price, C. W., Automobile Dealer of 2419-23 Michigan Avenue, was born in 1S73, in Mon- ticello, Iowa. He was formerly associated with the Maxwell-Briscoe Auto Manufactur- ing Company, Tarrytown, N. Y. Since 1907 HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 297 he has been President of the Overland Motor Company. Price, Edward V., Manufacturer of 319 West Van Buren Street, was born May 9, 1856, in Savannah, Mo. He is President of Edward V. Price and Company, wholesale tailors. Price, Edward Carlton, Merchant of 1822 South Clark Stre et, was born Nov. 14, 1867, in Sandwich, Mass. In 1883 he entered the employ of Swift Brothers, Boston; 1885 came west for Swift and Company; 1889-1901 was General Manager for Swift and Company, Oma- ha; and later President and Treasurer of the Fred K. Higbie Company, packers ' supplies, Chit-ago, Kansas City and Omaha. He is now owner of Edwin C. Price and Com- pany, wholesale woodenware and packers' supplies. Price, George Vincent, Banker and Broker of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 1, 1885, in Waukegan, 111. He is Treasurer of the Price Cereal Products Company; and since 1914 has been a member of the firm of Perry, Price and Company, brokers. Price, Henry Wilbur, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 1, 1865, in Huntingdon, Pa. Since 1889 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago, and is now Counsel for the Illinois Life Insurance Company. Price, Ira Maurice, Educator of 6043 Ellis Avenue, was born April 29, 1856, in Welsh Hills, near Newark, Ohio. Since 1900 he has been Professor of Semitic Languages and Literatures in the University of Chicago. He is the Author of The Monuments and the Old Testament, and other works. Price, Russell C, Manufacturer of 237 East Superior Street, was born Jan. 13, 1858. He is President of the Price Flavoring Extract Company. Price, William Bates, Piano Manufacturer of 218 South Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 3, 1859, in London, Tenn. He has been en- gaged in the piano business for thirty years; and is now President of the Price and Teeple Piano Company. Pridmore, John Edmund, Architect of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1867, in Birmingham, England. Since 1892 he has been engaged in business for himself. He specializes in modern theatre architecture; has traveled extensively in Europe, and has written on ancient and modern theatre con- struction for leading architectural and lay magazines. He was one of the founders of the Iroquois Memorial Association, and is now serving as President for the fourth time. Prince, Harry F., Traffic Manager of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 11, 1870, in Memphis, Tenn. He is Traffic Man- ager of the American Steel Foundries. Prince, Herbert William, Clergyman of 201 South Ashland Boulevard, was born Dec. 11, 1878, in London, England. In 1908 he was a Missionary at Palamcottah, South India. He is now Rector of the Church of the Epih- any. Prindiville, James Winslow, of 208 South LaSal e Street, was born March 31, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1906 he has been Presi- dent of the firm of John Prindiville and Sons, marine transportation. Prindiville, John K., Lawyer and Jurist of 3727 Grand Boulevard, was born Oct. 28, 1851, in Chicago, 111. In 1873 he began the practice of law in Chicago. He is now Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Prindiville, Thomas J., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard. President of Prin- diville and Company, insurance agents. Pringle, Frederick Wilmot, Attorney-at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born June 17, 1864, in Napanee, Ontario, Canada. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is now President of the Republican Club of Oak Park; and Village Attorney for the Vil- lage of Oak Park. Pringle, Robert, Retired Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 6, 1866, in Canada. He was a broker in stocks, grain and provisions until 1909. Pringle, William James, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born June " 10, 1862, in Madrid, N. Y. Since 1898 he has practiced law in Chicago; and in 1904-12 was an Alderman in Chicago. He is now a Lecturer in the Kent Col- lege of Law; and a mem- ber of the firm of Pringle and Terwilliger; and a Di- rector of the Hyde Park State Bank. Printy, Emmet A., Surgeon of 1546 East Seventy-fifth Street, was born March 29, 1891, Chicago, 111. In 1915 he graduated from Northwestern University Medical School; and for one year was house physician at Mercy Hospital. He is now Attending Surgeon to Provident Hospital; Associate Surgeon to the South Shore Hospital; and Director of Lab- oratory of Surgical Technique and Professor of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy at Northwestern University Medical School. Pritchard, Edward Randolph, Secretary of the Department of Health, the City Hall, was born Sept. 7, 1852, in Dayton, Ind. Since 1898 he has been Secretary of the Department of Health of Chicago; and is also Director of Publicity and Educational work of the De- partment. Pritzker, Louis J., Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 29, 1867, in Kieff, Eussia. He is Surgeon to the Norwegian American Hospital. During the 298 HERRINGSTTAW'S CITY BUTE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Great War he served as Captain in the Med- ical Corps, United States Army, and as Chief of the Surgical Service, United States Gen- eral Hospital Number Twenty-nine, Fort Snelling, .Minn. Probst, Albeit F., Educator of 31 West Lake Street, was born Sept. 19, 1868, in Cass Coun- ts, Midi. He was formerly head of the De- partment of English in the Chicago Associa- tion Institute; and is now Director of the Chi- cago Preparatory Institute. Prost, Jacob "H., Landscape Architect of 332 South .Michigan Avenue, was liorn April, L878, in Lansing, .Mich. In 1913-17 he was Superintendent of Parks and City Forester of ( Ihicago. Prothero, James Harrison, Dentist of 31 West Lake Street, was horn March 1, 1862, in Albany, 111. He is Professor of Prosthetic Technics, Prosthetic Dentistry and Metallo- graph in Northwestern University Dental Col- lege. Pioulx, Theodore, Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 11, 1861, in Canada. For four terms he was Assistant Prosecuting Attorney under Mayor Harrison. He is now engaged in the general practice of his profession; and is a Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in the Webster College of Law. He has also completed a full course in medi- cine at Bennett Medical College; and is Pro- fessor of Medical Jurisprudence in the Chi- cago Hospital College of Medicine. Prussing, Eugene Ernest, Attorney-at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born July 12, 1855, in Chicago, 111. Since 1878 he has been practicing law. He is the author of the Act to Provide for and Regulate the Administra- tion of Trusts by Trust Companies. Prussing, George Christian, Retired Br.ek Manufacturer of 1516 Dearborn Street, was hom Jan. 9, 1S46, in Germany. In 1901-6 he was President of the Illinois Brick Com- pany; and is now a Director of the Purington Paving Brick Company. Prussing, John Wadsworth, Importer of 447 North Wells Street, was born Nov. 23, 1855, in Chicago. He is head of John W. Prussing and Company, cigar and vinegar manufactur- ers. Pruyn, Charles Putnam, Dentist of 108 North State Street, was born Nov. 8, 1854, in East Schuyler, N. Y. Since 1S72 he has prac- ticed dentistry in Chicago. Ex-President of the rilinois State Board of Dental Examiners. Puckner, William August, Chemist, 535 North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 24, lsti I, in New Holstein, Wis. Since 1906 he has been Director of the American Medical Association Chemical Laboratory, and Secre- tary of the A. M. A. Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry. Puetz, John C, Wholesale Grocer of 600 Wi-t Erie street, was born March 8, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President and Di- re, tor of Sprague, Warner and Company; a member of the Research Committee of the National Canners' Association of Washing- ton, I). C. Pugh, James Andrew, Warehouseman of 365 •t, was born Dec. 27, 1864, in Columbus, Ohio. He estab- lished the furniture market and the lighterage business in Chicago; and was for- merly President of the Chi- cago Lighterage Company, and the Furniture Exhibi- tion Company. He is now President of the Pugh Ter- minal Warehouse Company; President of the Pugh Stoics Company; and is an officer in various other corporations. Purcell, Charles A., of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1854, in N. Y. Since 1897 he has been First Vice-President and General Manager of the American Malting Company. Purcell, Frank Andrew, of 30 East Supe- rior Street, was born March 17, 1872, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1905 he has been President of the Cathedral College of the Sacred Heart. Purvin, Moses L., Manufacturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 6, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is Manager of the F. C. Aus- tin Drainage Excavator Company, Incorpor- ated, and Treasurer and Director of the Low Pipe and Supply Company. Pusey, Brown," Physician of 7 West Madison Street, was born Dec. 14, 1869, in Elizabeth- town, Ky. In 1893-6 he was Assistant Sur- geon in the United States Navy. He is now Professor and Head of the Department of Ophthalmology in Northwestern University Medical School. Pusey, William Allen, Physician of 7 West Madison Street, was born in 1865, in Eliza- bethtown, Ky. Since 18S9 he has practiced in Chicago, specializing in dermatology. He is Professor Emeritus of Dermatology in the University of Illinois; and Dermatologist to St. Luke 's and Augustana Hospitals. He is the author of numerous works on his spe- cialty. Piiterbaugh, P. G., Oral Surgeon of 29 East Madison Street, was born Feb. 10. 1883. He is Professor of Phvsical Diagnosis and An- aesthetics in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. Queeny, Edward James, Attorney at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born May 15, 1861, in Chicago, 111. Since 1887 he has practiced in Chicago; and was formerly As- sistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. Quilty, T. Frank, Civil Engineer and Engi- neering Contractor of 326 West Madison Street,^ was born Jan. 31, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1903 he has been a member of the firm of John J. O 'Heron and Company, general HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 299 engineering contractors; and is also Vice- President and Treasurer of the Superior Stone Company, producers of crushed stone, quarry at LaGrange, 111. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Western Society of Engineers. Quinlan, Charles S., Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street, was born May 23, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Quinlan and Tyson. Quine, William E., Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 9, 1847, on the Isle of Man. He is Professor Emeritus of Principles and Practice of Medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons. In 1904-5 he was President of the Illinois State Med- ical Society. Quinlan, George A., Engineer, was born Oct. 10, 1880, in Waco, Tex. In 1902 he gradu- uated from Georgetown University; and 1902- S was a student at the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. He is now County Su- perintendent of Highways of Cook County. During the Great War he served as Major in the Engineering Corps, United States Army, American Expeditionary Forces, France. Quinlan, William Wheelotk, Physician of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 10, 1867, in Lake Forest, 111. In 1904-1911 he was Professor of the Diseases of Children in the Chicago Policlinic. Raber, Edwin J., Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was bom April 15, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now Assistant States Attorney. Radariovits, Sandor S., Vocal Teacher of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1873, in Budapest, Hungary. After extensive and suc- cessful European appearances in opera and concert, came to this country about twenty- five years ago, where he continued his pro- fessional career; and is now located in Chi- cago as a teacher of voice. Radford, William A., Publisher of 1S27 Prai- rie Avenue, was born Sept. 14, 1865, in Osh- kosh, Wis. Since 1902 he has been President and Treasurer of the Radford Architectural Company; and is Publisher of the American Carpenter and Builder, and Cement World. Rafferty, Joseph P., Lawyer and Jurist, City Hall, was born June 11, i860, in Chicago, 111. He was educated at St. Viateur's College and the Union College of Law, where he received the de- gree of LL. B. Since 1887 he has practiced law, and is now a Judge of the Mu- nicipal Court of Chicago. He is a member of the Chi- SkA^L 1 cago Bar Association and other organizations. Rae, Matthew P., Manufacturer of 327 West Adams Street,, was born Sept. 6, 1869, in Blantyre, Scotland. Since 1911 he has been President of the Ash-Madden-Rae Company, skirt manufacturers. Raftery, Edmond, Stove Manufacturer of 680 North Sacramento Boulevard, was born in London, England. Since 1915 he has been President of Cribben and Sexton Company, stove manufacturers, Railton, Bert Albert, Wholesale Merchant (if :;7:i West Erie Street, was born July 4, 1862, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the B. A. Railton Company, wholesale grocers. Rail, Harris Frankiin, Theologian of 714 Foster Street, Evanston, 111., was horn Feb. 23, 1870, in Council Bluffs, Iowa. In 1910-15 he was President of the lliff School of The- ology, Denver. Since 1915 he has been Pro- fessor of Christian Doctrine in the Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston. Ramsay, Daniel G-., Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was bom Oct. 29, 1864, in Martinsville, 111. In 1891 he was a mem- ber of the Thirty-seventh General Assembly of Illinois; and is now Assistant State's At- torney of Cook County. Randall, Edwin Jarvis, Clergyman of 4245 Washington Boulevard, was born Oct. 24, 1869, in Sparta, Wis. He is Rector of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church. Randall, Irving, Manufacturer of 312 North May Street, was born June 29, 1883, in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Since 1908 he has been Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Chicago Label and Box Company. Ranes, Alonzo Harrison, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born June 4, ls72, in Louisville, 111. During the Spanish-American War he served as Quarter- master's Sergeant in the United States Army. He formerly practiced law in Taylorville, 111., and was former City Attorney of Taylorville; and Trial Attorney for the Chicago Union Traction Company. He is a member of the Masonic Order, and the Chicago Motor Club. Randolph, Isham, Construction Engineer of 208 South LaSalle street, was born March 25, 1848, in New Market, Va. In 1868 he entered railway service with the Baltimore and Ohio Railway; and in 1893 became Chief Engineer of the Sanitary District of Chicago; and in 1909 was a member of the Advisory Board of the Engineers of the Panama Canal. He is now a consulting engineer. Rankin, William HI, Advertising Agent of 1(14 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. is. L878, in New Albany, Ind. Since 1917 he has been President of the William H. Rankin Company and is Chairman of the Newspaper Division of the American Association of \d vertising Agencies. He is a member of the Mid-Day, Chicago Athletic and Skokie Coun- 300 HERRINGSH AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. try Clubs, Chicago; the Sphinx and Manhat- tan Clubs, New York; the Columbia Club, In- dianapolis; the Indiana Society; Advertising Association; and Director of the Trade Ex- tension Committee of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Ranseen, Mattis C, Clergyman of 5758 By- i-i m Street, was born April 6, 1&45, in Sweden. For ten years he was President of the Illinois ( '(infer, nee; teli years Vice-President of the Augustana Synod; four years President of the Genera] Council of North America; and thir- ty-one years Pastor of the Gethsemane Luth- eran Church. For the past twenty-seven years he has been President of the Augustana Hos- pital, Chicago; and is President of the Illi- nois Conference; and Pastor of the Lutheran Church, West Irving Park Boulevard. Ranson, Stephen Walter, Physician of 6152 Ellis Avenue, was born Aug. 28, 1880, in limine Center, Minn. Since 1911 he has been Professor of Anatomy in Northwestern Uni- \ ersity Medical College. Ransom, Robert W., Statistician of 10 South LaSalle Street, was bom May 20, 1854, in Lancaster, N. Y. He has been a member of i lie staffs of the Chicago Tribune, New York World and Chicago Record-Herald. He is now Statistician and Librarian of the Chicago As- sociation of Commerce. Ranstead, Guy S., Mechanical Engineer of 27 East Monroe Street, was born Jan. 1, 1877, in Earlville, 111. He was formerly Chief Engineer of the Edwards Railroad Electric Headlight Company, LaPorte, Ind. He is now Chief Engineer of A. Magnus and Sons Com- pany, Chicago; Chief Engineer of the Royal Metals Corporation, Philadelphia; and Presi- dent of the Ranstead Engineering Company, I hicago. Rape, Arthur O., Educator of 6032 Ingleside Avenue, was born June 21, 1873, in Taylor- ville, 111. In 1901-4 he was Superintendent of Schools at Dolton, 111. He is now Prin- cipal of the Ray Elementary School, Chicago. Rapp, Oscar, Manufacturer of 108 North Jefferson Street, was born Oct. 15, 1863, in Sweden. Since 1906 he has been a member of the firm of Blomfeldt and Rapp, machinery and die manufacturers. Rappal, Lawrence L., Live Stock Commis- sion Merchant, the Union Stock Yards, was born Oct. 2, 1859, in Joliet, 111. Since 1882 he has been a member of the firm of Rappal Brothers and Quinn. Rappaport, Julius, Clergyman of 2128 Crys- tal Street, was born Jan. 10, 1863, in Hun- gary. Since 1891 he has been Rabbi of Beth El Temple, Chicago; and is Editor of the Jewish Standard. He is a contributor to magazines on theology, sociology and educa- tion; and a member of social and civic organ- zations. Rasmussen, George, Wholesale Grocer of 601-15 West Randolph Street. President of the George Rasmussen Company. Rathbone, Henry Riggs, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 12, 1870, in Washington, D. C. Since 1895 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is Chairman of the Illinois Committee of the Chicago As- soeiation of Commerce. Rathborne, William Walter, Manufacturer of 2279 South Union Street, was born Feb. 14, 1852, in Ireland. In 1895 he was one of the organizers of, and has since been President and Manager of the Rathborne, Hair and Ridgeway Company, wholesale lumber deal- ers; and is President and a Director of the Kemler Lumber Company. Rathje, Louis, Banker of 6233 South Hal- sted Street, was born May 28, 1855, in Monee, 111. Since 1902 he has been Treasurer of the Concordia Building, Loan and Homestead As- sociation; and since 1892 President of the Chicago City Bank and Trust Company. Rathje, William John, Banker of 801 West Madison Street, was born April 28, 1870, in Bloomingdale, 111. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the banking business. He is Di- rector of the People's Stock Yards State Bank, and President of the Mid City Trust and Savings Bank, and the Englewood Hos- pital Association. Ratsch, Frederick James, Manufacturer of 123 South Jefferson Street, was born duly 24, 1S62, in Waukegan, 111. Since 1895 he has been President of the Chicago Sporting Goods Company. Rattehbury, W. H., Banker of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1868, in Dwight, 111. He is President of the Suburban Trust and Savings Bank, Oak Park, 111. Rauch, Frederick A., Merchant of 410 South Market Street, was bom July 16, 1859, in Chicago, 111. Since 1889 he has been head of F. A. Rauch and Company, wholesale up- holstery goods. Rawleigh, James H., Grain Commission Mer- chant of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1870. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the grain commission business and is now President of the Nash-Wright Grain Com- pany. Rawlings, Harry P., Wall Paper Dealer of 423 South Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 26, 1869, in Oakland County, Mich. Since 1908 he has been President of H. P. Rawlings Wall Paper Company. Rawson, Charles P., Architect of 910 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 24, 1876, in Whitewater, Wis. He is senior architect for the Interstate Commerce Commission. Ray, Perley Orman, College Professor of Evanston, 111., was born Dee. 11, 1875, in Col- chester, Vt. Since 1915 he has been Pro- fessor of Political Science in Northwestern University. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 301 Rawson, Frederick Holbrook, Banker of 7 South DearbornStreet, was born May 30, 1872, in Chicago, 111. In 1895 he received the degree of A. B. from Yale University. He has been connected with the Union Trust Company since 1895, and since 1905 has been President of the com- pany. He is a Trustee of the John Crerar Library and the Presbyterian Hos- pital, and Director of the Chicago, Burling- ton and Quincy and Chesapeake and Ohio Railroads. Raymer, Walter John, Banker of 209 South State Street, was born June 21, 1864, in Wood- stock, Ontario, Canada. He is Vice-President and a Director of the North Western Trust and Savings Bank; and President of the Ful- lerton-Southport State Savings Bank. Raymond, Charles Eugene, of 14 East Jack- son Boulevard, was born in 1860, in Schuyler County, N. Y. Since 1896 he has been Vice- President of the J. Walter Thompson Com- pany, advertising agency. Raymond, Charles Lewis, Commission Mer- chant of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 6, 1840, in Boston, Mass. Since 1864 he has been engaged in the commission business in Chicago. Raymond, Donald Augustus, Manufacturer of 34 North Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 22, 1886, in Lincoln, Neb. Since 1911 he has been President of the Federal-Huber Com- pany, plumbing supplies. Raymond, Howard Monroe, Educator of 6200 Kenwood Avenue, was born Oct. 25, 1872, in Grass Lake, Mich. Since 1903 he has been Dean of Engineering in Armour Institute of Technology. Raymond, James Nelson, Retired Manufac- turer of 4902 Drexel Boulevard, was born Oct. 5, 1847, in New York. In 1880-1907 he was President of the Raymond Lead Com- pany; is now a director of the company. Reading, Arthur H., Physician and Surgeon of 6444 University Avenue, was born Aug. 29, 1863, in Niles, Mich. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Chicago Eclectic Medical Society. Reading, Edgar M., Physician of 29 East Madison Street, was born Aug. 18, 1852, in Edwardsburg, Mich. He is Professor of Neu- rology in Bennett Medical College. Reckitt, Ernest, Certified Public Account- ant of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 8, 1866, in England. Since 1891 he has been a public accountant, and is now senior partner in the firm of Ernest Reckitt and Company, certified public accountants. He is a member of the Union League, University and Glen View Clubs. Redfiedd, Robert, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Oct, 24, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He has been Attorney for the Board of Local Improvements; Assistant Cor- poration Counsel; a member of the Forty- fourth General Assembly; Attorney for the South Park Commissioners; and Major Judge Advocate, United States Army. He is now a member of the law firm of Tolman, Redfield, Sexton and Chandler; and Attorney for the Chicago Union Station. Redxngton, William Henry, Manufacturer, Congress and Peoria Streets, was born in 1851, in Fredonia, N. Y. In 1868 he entered the employ of the Sanford Manufacturing Com- pany, manufacturers of writing inks, of which he is now President. Reed, Charles Bert, Physician of 31 North State Street, was born March 1, 1866, in Har- vard, 111. In 1909-10 he was President of the Chicago Gynecological Society. He is the author of many medical pamphlets. Reed, Charles S., Manufacturer of 208 South LaSalle Street. President of the Chicago Re- tort and Fire Brick Company. Reed, Clare Osborne, Muscian of 509 South Wabash Avenue, was born in Plymouth, Ind. In 1901 she founded and is Director and Presi- dent of the Columbia School of Music, Chi- cago. Reed, Clark Scammon, Attorney-at-Law of 35 North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 14, 1878, on Ladies Island, near Beaufort, S. C. He was educated at the public schools of Co- lumbia, S. C, South Carolina College, the University of Chicago and Northwestern Uni- versity. Since 1902 he has been engaged in the practice of law. In 1910-12 he was As- sistant Attorney of the Sanitary District of Chicago. Reed, J. G., Dentist of 5 South Wabash Ave- nue, was born April 9, 1855, in Morristown, Ind. He was President of the Illinois State Dental Society; President of the Chicago Den- tal Society; and for eleven years was Secre- tary of the Illinois State Board of Dental Examiners. Reed, John P., Attornev-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Oct, 22, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Graduate St. Ignatius Col- lege, received the degree of Bachelor of Laws from the Chicago Law School in 1899; the de- cree of Master of Laws in 1900; and later took full post graduate course in the Illinois College of Law. In 1902 was admitted to the bar; Attorney in the Department of Po- lice of the City of Chicago for twelve years. Reed, William, Manufacturer of 2596 North Leavitt Street, was born in Middletown, Ohio. He is President of the Eugene O. Reed Com- pany. Reeder. William G., Oculist and Aurist of 25 East Washington Street, was born July 22, 1S7S. in Tipton, Iowa, He is Assistant Pro- fes mi- of Ophthalmology in Rush Medical Col- lege ami Attending Oculist to the Presbyte- rian Hospital. Chicago. Reedy, William Henry, Manufacturer of 302 HERRINGSIIAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 1650 [owa Street, was born Sept. L0, L861, in Rock Island, ill. In L905 be organized, and lias since been President and Treasurer of tho Reedy Foundry Company. Reeves, Charles H., Jr., Business Manager or 3 17 Sheldon Street, was born March 27, 1868, in Aurora, 111. Since L899 he 1ms been Manager of the Merchant and Evans Company of Philadelphia. Reeves, Jonathan P., Railroad Official of 332 Soutli Michigan Avenue, was born in L868, in Bowersville, Ohio. He is Treasurer nt' the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad ( lompany. Reeves, Owen Thornton, Jr., Banker of 136 South LaSalle Street, was horn July 22, 1869, in Bloomington, III. In 1914-16 he was Presi- dent of Drovers National Hank of Chicago; and since 1917 has been Vice President of the Corn Exchange National Hank, Chicago. Regan, James L., Printer of 525 Plymouth Court, was horn Aug. 10, 1850, in England. Sine L879 he has been engaged in the print- ing business, and is now President of the Re- tail Printing Mouse. Regan, Levi T., Educator of 5 lit West Six- ty sixth Street, was horn Dec. .".0, 1842, in Logan County, 111. He is Principal of the Sherman School, Chicago. Regelin, William Charles, Heal Estate Deal- er of 1341 Milwaukee Avenue, was horn April 20, 1S72, in Chicago, III. lie was the organ- izer and President of the Logan Square Trust and Savings Bank. Regensteiner, Theodore, of 310 South Ra- cine Avenue, was born May 17, 1868, in Mu- nich, Germany. Since 1906 he has been Presi- dent of the Regensteiner Colortype Company. Rehm, William Henry, of 1908 West Eight- eenth Street, was born June 29, L866, in Chi- cago, 111. He is President of the National Beverage Company; anil a Director of the Continental and Commercial National Bank, and other corporations. Re.chert, Roy Lamb, Eeal Estate Dealer of 179 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 14, 1879, on a farm near Pleasantville, Ohio. He received his education at the high school of Roseland, La., and at the Chicago Athenaeum; and in 1901 received the degree of LL. B. from the Lake Forest University. In L900 he en- tered the employ of S. B. Mills and Company, and in 1906 became a member of the firm. Reichmann, Alexander Frederick, Attorney- at Paw of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born July '-'•"., 1868, in Dubuque, Towa. Since 1904 he has been a member of the law firm of Ju- dah Willard, Wolf and Reichmann. Reichmann, Max, Physician of 5104 Ken- more Avenue, was born Nov. 19, 1865. Since 1894 he has practiced in Chicago. He is a member of the Staff of the Augustana Hos- pital. Reilly, Frank Kennicott, Publisher of 1006 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 19, Reichmann, Frank Joseph, Transportation Official, Forty-eig hth and Morgan Streets, was bom Oct., 1860, in Chicago, III. In 1880-4 he was asso- ciated with the Chicago and Northwestern Eailway Company, resigning to be- come General Contracting Freight Agent with the National Despatch Fast Freight Line; and when the refrigerator car lines op- erating over the Grand Trunk System were consolidated he became General Manager. He is now President and General Manager of The Streets Company. 1863, in The Drove, 111. Since 1894 he has been identified with the publishing business, and is now President of The Reilly and Lee Company, book publishers. Reilly, Henry Joseph, Army Officer and Author, was born April 29, 1881, in Ft, Bar- rancas, Fla. In 1917 he was commissioned Colonel of the First Illinois Field Artillery, and during the Great War was in command of the One Hundred and Forty-ninth Field Artillery, American Expeditionary Forces, Frame. He is the Author of Why Prepared- ness; and a. contributor on War Topics to the Chicago Tribune. Reinberg, Peter, Florist of 30 East Ran- d olph Street, was born March 15, 1858, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1902-12 he was an Alderman from the Twenty-sixth Ward in Chi- cago; 1912-14 served as President of the Chicago Board of Education; and 1914-18 was President of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County. He is sole owner of the largest green- the world devoted exclusively to carnations. Edward Lawrence, Clergyman of 3700. Greenview Avenue, was born June 8, 1874, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is President and Trustee of the United Society of Christian Endeavor. Reininger, Edward E., Physician of 31 North State Street, was born May 1, 1854, in Potts- ville, Pa. For eleven years he was on the .Medical Staff of the Cook County Hospital. Reis, George W., Physician and Surgeon of 3247 Armitage Avenue, was born Oct. 16, 1871, in Chicago. He is a member of the Vis- iting Staff of the Norwegian Lutheran Dea- coness Home and Hospital. Reisenhus, George Petersen, Glove Manu- facturer of 2025 Churchill Street, was born Feb. 4, 1869, in Fovling, Jutland, Denmark. Since 1900 he has been Secretary and Direc- tor of The American Glove Company; and is also proprietor of the Reisenhus Glove Com- pany. HEBRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 303 Reisenhus, Peter P., Manufacturer of 2121 Churchill Street, was born May 16, 1859, in Denmark. He is President of the American Glove Company; President of the American Tanning Company; and a Director of the Noel State Bank. Reiss, William, Merchant of 204 South Mich- igan Avenue, was born July 11, 1868, in Chi- cago. In 1897 he established the Palais Royal, of which he is proprietor; and is also General Manager of the Western Division of the Ni- agara. Silk Mills. Remick, Edward Culbertson, Real Estate Dealer of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born April 4, 1881, in Chicago, HI. He is Secre- tary and Treasurer of the Wells Land and Cattle Company, Limited, and President of Remick, Lloyd and Company. Remien, Charles H., Merchant of 57 West Grand Avenue, was born Dec. 9, 1875, in Chi- cago, 111. He is Vice-President and Treas- urer of the Remien and Kuhnert Company, wall paper. Remmen, Nils, Physician and Surgeon of 31 North State Street, was born May 6, 1863, in Warsaw, Minn. Since 1896 he has special- ized in Ophthalmology. He is Surgeon in the Eye Department of the Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; and Oculist to the Norweg : an Tabitha and Norwegian Deaconess Hospitals. Rend, James E., Coal Operator of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 12, 1876, in Chicago. He is Secretary and Director of the W. P. Rend Company; and in 1917 or- ganized and is President of James E. Rend Company, coal marketers. Rensliaw, Frederick William, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 26, 1880, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 he has been President of the Globe Seamless Steel Tubes Company. Ren-wick, Edward Anderson, Architect of mi Smith Michig an Avenue, was born March 24, 1860, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the archi- tectural business in Chi- cago; and since 1896 a member of the firm of Hola- bird and Roche. He is a member of the American institute of Architects, and the Western Society of En- gineers; and the Union League and Engineers Club. Renwick, Frank Whipple, Sand Dealer of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 5. 1867, in Elgin, 111. He is Vice-President of the Chicago Gravel Company. Repetto, Frank H., Attorney-at-Law of 123 West Madison Street, was born Dec. 9, 1869, in Chicago, 111. He graduated from Hamil- ton College. He .was formerly associated with the Chicago Rapid Transit Railroad Company; and later Superintendent of the Congress Ho- tel. He is now engaged in the practice of law. Residence, Congress Hotel. Reciua, Charles Howard, Grain Commissione Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 3, 1860, in Albany, N. Y. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the grain busi- ness in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Requa Brothers; and a Director of the Chi- cago Savings Bank and Trust Company. ReQua, William Bruyn, Grain Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Al- bany, N. Y. Since 1886 he has been a mem- ber of the firm of ReQua Brothers. He is a member of the Board of Trade and the Chi- cago Stock Exchange. Rettig, Frederick A., Physician of 2026 Os- good Street, was born in 1868 in Chicago, 111. He is Attending Physician to Alexian Broth- ers' Hospital. Revell, Alexander Hamilton, Merchant and Manufacturer of 141 South Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 6, 1858, in Chicago, 111. Since 1879 he has been President of Alexander H. Revell and Company; and is a director and trustee of numerous educational business, banking and other institutions. Rew, George Campbell, Manufacturer of 4100 Fillmore Street, was born July 31, 1869, in Chicago. Since 1892 he has been con- nected with the Calumet Baking Powder Com- pany, and since 1896 has been Vice-President. Rew, Iuwin, of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born March 11, 1868, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1896 he has been President of the Na- tional Gas and Water Company. He is a Trustee of Northwestern University; and Di- rector of the Chicago Auditorium Association. Reynolds, Arthur, Banker of 208 South La- Salle Street, was born March 10, 1868, in Panora, Iowa. In 1897-1915 he was Presi- dent of the Des Moines National Bank. He is . now First Vice-President of the Continental and Commercial National Bank and the Con- tinental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank. Reynolds, Arthur Rowley, Physician of 306 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 21, 1854, in Meaford, Ontario, Canada. In 1897- 1905 he was Commissioner of Health in Chi- cago. He is now Captain in the Medical Re- serve Corps, United States Army. Reyno'ds, George MeC elland, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 15. 1863, in Panora, Iowa. In 1888- 93 he was Cashier and Man- / ■ » ager of the Guthrie Coun- f^Mfini I f - y National Bank; 1893-5 Cashier of the Des Moines National Bank, and its President in 1895-7. Since 1897 he has been associated ^d& *dm& I u ' ln the Continental and BISKS! I Commercial National Hank, Chicago, and is now President. He is also 304 IIERRINGSnAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. President of the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank. Reynolds, Earle H., Banker of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born May L3, 1887, in Hastings, Neb. Since 1913 he has been Presi- ienl of the Peoples Trust and Savings Bank. Reynolds, John S., Attorney-at-Law of 186 Ninth LaSalle Street, was born July 17, 1854, near Lemont, 111. He was educated at the University of Iowa. Since 1879 he has prac- ticed law; and was formerly City Attorney of Braidwood, 111.; and Assistant States At- torney of Will County, 111. He is now en- gaged in practice in Chicago. Reynolds, Montgomery A., Underwriter of L75 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 29, 1850, in Woodstock, N. Y. He was for- merly Vice-President and a Director of the Millers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Lansing, Mich.; and Secretary of the Michi- gan State Millers' Association. He is now Secretary and a Director of the Millers' Na- tional Insurance Company of Chicago, and a member of the Executive Committee of the same; and is a member and Director of the Executive Committee of the Integrity Mu- tual Casualty Company of Chicago. He is a member of the Illinois Athletic and Union League Clubs. Reynolds, Myra, Educator and Author, was born in Troupsburg, N. Y. Since 1911 she ha^s been a Professor in the University of Chi- cago. She is the author of The Treatment of Nature in English Poetry from Pope to Wordsworth. Reynolds, Wellington Jarard, Artist of 5 East Ontario Street, was born April 9, 1866, in Chicago, 111. He is an Instructor in the Art Institute, Chicago. Rhodes, John Edwin, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 12, 1851, in Ohio. He is Professor of the Diseases of the Throat and Nose in Rush Medical Col- lege; and Laryngologist to the Home for Des- titute Crippled Children and St, Mary's of Nazareth Hospital. Rice, Eri Perry, Physician of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 1, 1859, in Adams, N. Y. For twelve years he was pro- fessor of Rhinology and Laryngology in Jen- ner Medical College. He is now Attending Laryngologist to the Park Avenue Hospital. Rice, Frank Burdette, Miller of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 6, 1860, in Milwaukee, Wis. In 1907-10 he was a Director of the Chicago Board of Trade; 1912 Presi- dent; and 1913 Second Vice-President. He is Vice-President and Secretary of the Star and Crescent Milling Company. Rice, Frank M., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 9, 1866, in Lee County, Iowa. Since 1916 he has been Vic President and Manager of the Chicago Underwriting Agency; and is Vice-President of the Wabash Fire Insurance Company of Wabash, Ind. Rice, F. Willis, Editor and Publisher of 53 East Congress Street, was born Oct. 9, 1848, in Dexter, Minn. He established the National Hotel Reporter, the first publication in the interest of hotels and resorts in the United States, and is proprietor of the same. Rice, Wallace, Author and Compiler of 2701 Best Avenue, was born Nov. 10, 1859, in Ham- ilton, Canada. He is the author of Balboa; A Traitor to France; and numerous other works. Rice, William W., Underwriter of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 22, 1888, in Evanston, 111. He is agent for the Fidelity :iiul Casualty Company of New York, the Mu- tual Life Insurance Company of New York, and the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Rich, Elmer A., Jr., Manufacturer of 2528 West Forty-eighth Place, was born July 30, 1887. He is President of the Rich Foundry Equipment Company. Rich, Katherine Brainerd, Physician and Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born April 1, 1864, in St, Albans, Vt. Since 1901 she has practiced in Chicago. She is now Attending Physician to the Cook County Hospital and the Norwegian American Hos- pital. Richards, Charles Daniel, Real Estate Deal- er of 192 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 10, 1860, in Watertown, Wis. Since 1887 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago. In 1905 he was President of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Richards, Charles Wells, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 2, 1865, in Watertown, N. Y. Since 1912 he has been Vice-President of the D. W. Bosley Company, weather strips. Richards, Guy A., Fire Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Maine. Since 1914 he has been a member of the firm of Guy A. Richards and Company, fire insur- ance. Richards, John Thomas, Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, was born Oct. 13, 1851, in Ironton, Ohio. Since 1875 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Richards, Voigt and Darby. In 1912- 13 he was President of the Chicago Bar Asso- ciation. He is the author of Abraham Lincoln, The Lawyer Statesman. Richards, John Wayne, Educator of Lake Forest, 111., was born Aug. 10, 1878, in Hills- boro, Ohio. Since 1913 he has been head- master of Lake Forest Academy. Richards, Orvire K., Commission Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Nov. 11, 1873., in Waterbury, Vt, Since 1896 he has been engaged in the grain commission business, and is now head of the firm of O. K. Richards and Company. Richards, Pierre Charies, Wholesale Coal HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 305 and Coke Dealer of 417 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 15, 1861, in Lawrence County, Ind. Since 1905 he has been President of Richards, Evans and Company, coal dealers; and Secretary of the Morris Gartner Company, printers. Richardson, Augustus Phelps, Manufacturer of 171 West Lake Street, was born Dec. 22, 1855, in New York. Since 1874 he has been connected with the Richardson and Boynton Company, manufacturers of stoves, of which lie is now Vice-President. Richardson, George Parker, Manufacturer of 305 West Adams Street, was born Dec. 14, 1850, in Hillsboro Bridge, N. H. In 1872 he located in Chicago. He was former- ly Secretary and Treasurer of the Richardson Silk Com- pany. He is now President, and a Director of Beld- ing Brothers and Company, silk manufacturers; and First Vice-President and Director of the Winsted Silk Company. He is a member of the Union League, Glenview Golf and South Shore Country Clubs. Richardson, John, Lawyer and Jurist, was born in Chicago. In 1916 he was Assistant City Prosecutor; and was elected Associate Judge of the Municipal Court for the term 1917-22. Richardson, Levant M., Manufacturer of 154 East Erie Street, was born April 21, 1853, in La Fargeville, N. Y. He is proprietor of the Richardson Ball-Bearing Skate Company. Richardson, M. Arthur, Manufacturer of 1102 Washington Boulevard. President of the Inland White Lead Company. Richardson, Ralph R., Manufacturer of 4433 Ogden Avenue, was born June 6, 1879, in St. Joseph, Mo. In 1908 he organized and has since been President of the Chicago Carton Company, manufacturers of paper boxes. Richardson, Robert Tiffany, of 125 South Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 20, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1903 he has been Secre- tary and General Manager of O. W. Richard- son and Company, wholesale and retail home furnishings. Richardson, William D., Chemical Engineer and Inventor of 4215 Prairie Avenue, was born Nov. 24, 1876. in Jackson, Mich. Since 1901 he has been Chief Chemist for Swift and Company; and since 1911 an Editor of the Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chem- istry. Richberg, Donald Randall, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born July 10, 1881, in Knoxville, Tenn. Since 1904 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a member of the law firm of Richberg, Ickes, Davies and Lord; and Special Counsel for the City of Chicago in Gas Matters. Richmond, Park, Lumber Merchant of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born June 12, 1868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1906 he has been head of the firm of Park Richmond and Com- pany, wholesale hardwood lumber. Richolson, Benjamin F., Attorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born in LaSalle County, 111. In 1899-1919 he was Trial At- torney for the Chicago Surface Lines, and is now engaged in the general practice of law. Rickards, William Thomas, Financial Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 19, 1849, in Philadelphia, Pa. For twenty- five years he was a partner in the firm of W. T. Rickards and Company. He is a mem- ber of the Union League Club, the Evanston Club, and the Glenview Club. Ridgely, Charles Albert, Iron and Steel Mer- chant of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Nov. 22, 1863, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1896 he has been head of the firm of Charles A. Ridgely and Company, jobbers of iron, steel and railway supplies. Ridgway, Amos Caryl, Railway Official of 143 West Van Buren Street, was born April 16, 1860, at Water Gap, Pa. Since 1910 he has been associated with the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company, and is now Second Vice-President at Chicago. Ridlon, John, Orthopedic Surgeon of 7 West Madison Street, was born Nov. 24, 1852, in Clarendon, Vt. He is Consulting Orthopedic Surgeon to Michael Reese and Mercy Hospi- tals; and Chief Surgeon to the Convalescent Home for Children. Riel, John M., Lumber Dealer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born March 23, 1861, in Chicago, HI. He is Treasurer of The Keith Lumber Company. Riese, Bernhart Louis, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dec. 31, 1865, in Brussels. Belgium. Since 1887 he has practiced in Chicago and is now a member of the staff of the Illinois Eastern and Mercy Hospitals. Ries, Emil, Physician of 77 East Washing- ton Street, was born July 5, 1865, in Stutt- gart, Germany. He is Professor of Gyne- cology in the Post-Graduate School of Chi- cago." In 1903-4 he was President of the Chi- cago Gynecological Society. Rieser. Herman, Cigar and Tobacco Mer- chant of 211 West Randolph Street, was born Doc. 5, 1860, in Buchau, Wurtemberg, Ger- main-. Since 1915 he has been President of J. & B. Moos, wholesale cigars and tobaccos. Rigby. William Catron, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born May 11, 1871, in Waterloo, Iowa. Since 1912 he has been a Trustee of Cornell College, Iowa. He i* a member of the firm of Ninde, Potter and Risrby. Ringer. Charles, Real Estate Dealer and Public Official of 2924 East Seventy-ninth Street, was horn Feb. 17, 1873, in Lake May, N. S. In 1917-19 he was a member of the 306 III l;i;I\<;sllA\V S CITY HI. IK miilK OF Hit KJK AIM I V. Board of Assessors of Cools County, lie is Chairman of the Public Utility Commission of the Cook County Real Estate Board. Riley, Harrison Barnett, of 69 West Wash- ington street, was born July I, 1862, in Ovid, N. Y. lie was educated in t he public schools, and later receh ed I he degree of LL. ]',. from Lake Forest Uni- versity. In L901 was Vice- Presidenl of the Title Guar- antee ami Trust Company; and since 1!)ll7 lias Keen President of the Chicago Title and Trust Company. He is a member of several clubs. Ringley, Fred J., Printer and Hinder of 7:11' Federal Street, was liorn July L'J, 1 S(58, in Chicago. Since I!' 11 ! lie lias been President of the Fred .] . Ringley Company. Rinn, George P., Manufacturer of 71!) West Division Street, was horn May 1, 1870, in Chicago. He is Secretary of the Philip Rinn Company, sash, doors and interior finish. Ripley, Edward Payson, Railway Official of 80 Fast Jackson Boulevard, was horn Oct. 30, L845, in Dorchester, Mass. In 1869 he entered railway service. He is now President of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa. Pe Railroad Com- pany; and is president and a director in other railway companies. Ripley, Robert Harris, Foundryman of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 6, |s7ii, in Boston, Mass. Since 1905 he has been Second Vice-President of the American Steel Foundries ( 'ompan v. Ripple, Warren, Manufacturer of 200 East Pearson Street. President of the George Cutter Company. He is a member of the Chi- cago Club, Casino Club and Saddle and Cycle Club. Ritchie, Thomas Weston, Manufacturer of lis South Green Street, was born Aug. 20, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Vice-President of W. C. Ritchie and Company, Manufacturers of paper boxes. Ritter, Martin M., Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 6, 1862, in Germany. Since 1892 he has practiced medi- cine in Chicago, specializing in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Roach, John Millard, Street Railway Official of 1 105 North Cl ark Street, was born dan. 30, L851, in Lowell, Ohio. In 1S72 he entered street rail- way service in Chicago; in 1897 Vice-President of the West Chicago Street Rail- road Company; 1899-190(7 President of the Chicago Consolidated Traction Com- pany; 1907-13 President of the < Ihicago Railways Com- pany. Roach, James J., Surgeon of 317 West Gar- field Boulevard, was born Oct. 24, L877, Chi- cago,. III. He is Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine; and Attending Surgeon to the Fori Dearborn and Cook County Hospitals. Robbins, George Baker, Packer, the Union Stock Yards, was born March 1, L861, in St. Louis Mo. He was educated at the Hinsdale, III., public Schools and Allen *s Acad- emy. He was formerly Traffic Director of Armour and Company; ami Presi- dent of the Armour Car Hines. lie is now Vice- President and a Director of Armour and Company . He is a member of the Chicago Athletic, and Hinsdale ('bibs; and resides at 4805 Drexel Boulevard. Robbins, Henry Spencer, Attorney- at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 5, 1S5:;, in Fast StQUghton, Mass. Since 1876 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is now Counsel for the Chicago Board of Trade. Robbins, Walter Raleigh, Lumberman of 3800 South Racine Avenue, was born Dec. 22, 1843, in Whitesboro, N. Y. Since 1S72 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is now Vice-President of the C. A. Paltzer Lumber Company. Roberg, O. Theodore, Physician of 2739 Foster Avenue, was born in 1876 in Chicago, 111. He is Surgeon-in-chief to the Swedish Covenant Hospital. Roberts, Charles Aaron, Merchant of 228 North Jefferson Street, was born March 12, 1865. Until 1916 he was Vice-President of Crerar Adams and Company ami since 1916 has been President of the C. A. Roberts Com- pany, manufacturers of steel tubings. Roberts, Charles James, Commission Mer- chant, Forty-fifth Street and Racine Avenue, was born Dec. 10, 1875, in Ireland. He is President of the firm of Roberts and Oake, packers, Chicago and Marshallton Iowa; and Vice President of the American Provisions Export Company. Roberts, John, Packer, the Union Stock born June 14, 1866, in Ireland, and located in Chicago in 1881. In 1895 he assisted in or- ganizing the firm of Rob- erts and Oake, packers, and is now President ; and in 1901-16 was Vice-President and a Director of Miller and Hart. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, and the South Shore Country Club. Roberts, Charles S., Manufacturer of 1800 Roscoe Street, was bom May 10, 1860, in Bloomington, 111. He is President and Treas- urer of the Wahl Company. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 307 Roberts, John, Packer, was born June 14, 1866, in Kilkee, County Clare, Ireland. Since 1900 he has been President, Treasurer and General Manager of Roberts and Oake, packers. Roberts, John H., Contractor of 17 North LaSalle Street. He is a Director of the Stand- ard Trust and Savings Bank; and is a mem- ber of the firm of Roberts Brothers. Roberts, Warren Russell, Civil Engineer of 322 South Michigan Boulevard, was born Oct. 20, 1863, in Sadorus, 111. In 1892-3 he was Engineer of Bridges and Buildings for the City of Chicago. He is now President of the Roberts and Schaefer Company, engineers and builders. During the Great War he served as Lieutenant Colonel on the General Staff, of the United States Army. Roberts, William Mark, Educator of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born March 22, 1858, in Washington County, Pa. From 1892-1902 he was Principal of Schools in Chicago. He is now Assistant Superintendent of Schools of Chicago. Robertson, Alexander, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 13, 1861, in Scot- land. Since 1906 he has been Vice-President of the Continental and Commercial National Bank. Robertson, Charles Moore, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in Columbus City, Iowa. In 1896-1901 he was Professor of Ear, Nose and Throat in the College of Medicine, Uni- versity of Iowa. He is now Professor, Head of the Department and Trustee of the Ear, Nose and Throat Policlinic; and Captain in the United States Army Medical Corps. Roberton, David C, Packer, Union Stock Yards, was born Nov. 21, 1865, in Paisley, Scotland. Since 1888 he has been associated with the firm of Miller and Hart, and is now Vice-President. Robertson, Donald, Actor of 3339 Hamilton Avenue, was born Dec. 12, 1860, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Since 1879 he has been on the stage, and has appeared in numerous plays. In 1912 he organized and has since been Man- ager of the Drama Players. Robertson, John Dill, Surgeon of 159 North State Street, was bom March 8, 1871, in In- diana County, Pa. In 1904-15 he was Chief Surgeon to the Jefferson Park Hospital; and since 1915 has been Commissioner of Health, City of Chicago. Robertson, Robert Roy, Manufacturer of 1036 West Thirty-seventh Street, was born April 7, 1878, in Van Buren County, Iowa. Since 1905 he has been President of the Robertson Brothers Manufacturing Company. Robins, Margaret Dreier, Social Economist of 139 North Clark Street, was bom in Brook- lyn, N. Y. In 1907-8 she was Chairman of the Industrial Committee of the Illinois Federa- tion of Women's Clubs; and since 1908 has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Chicago Federation of Labor. Robins, Raymond, Social Economist of 1437 West Ohio Street, was born Sept. 17, 1873, on Staten Island, N. Y. In 1902-5 he was Super- intendent of the Chicago Municipal Lodging House; 1903-5 Head Worker in Northwest- ern University Settlement; and 1906-9 a mem- ber of the Chicago Board of Education. Robinson, Argyle E., Architect of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1872, in Bloomington, 111. Since 1900 he has practiced architecture in Chicago. Robinson, Charles O., Live Stock Commis- sion Merchant of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born May 6, 1861, in Middletown, Iowa. Since 1877 he has been engaged in the live stock commission business; and is now a member of the firm of Clay, Robinson and Company. He is a member of the Midlothian, Chicago Athletic, Kenwood and Saddle and Sirloin Clubs. Robinson, Eva Roberta, Educator of 6054 Monroe Avenue, was born Oct. 7, 1870, in Wil- mington, 111. She is an Instructor of Domes- tic Science in the University of Chicago, and Head of the Department of the Housing Bu- reau of the same. She is the author of Teach- ing Cooking Through the Preparation of Meals. Robinson, George Livingston, Clergyman of 2312 North Halsted Street, was born Aug. 19, 1864, in West Hebron, N. Y. He was Profes- sor of Old Testament Literature and Exegesis in the McCormick Theological Seminary until 1912; and is now Professor of Biblical Liter- ature and English Bible in the same institu- tion. Robinson, Harry L., Business Manager of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 3, 1881, in Mentor, Ohio. For thirteen years he was a railway claim adjuster. He is now As- sistant Secretary and Manager of the Chicago Office of D. C. Andrews and Company, foreign freight forwarders. Robinson, Hayden, Hardware Dealer of 159 North Market Street, was born Jan. 9, 1856, in Versailles, Ohio. In 1901 he became iden- tified with E. D. Kimball and Company, of Chicago, and since 1912 has been President of the company. Robinson, Jay G., Manufacturer of 224 North Desplaines Street, was born in Bucyrus, Ohio. He is President of the National Rail- way Devices Company. Robinson, John C, Contractor of 79 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 3, 1846, in Nova Scotia. Sine 1906 he has been senior mem- ber of the firm of J. C. Robinson and Son, contractors and builders. Robinson, Roy Henry, Contractor of 79 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. 9, 1882, in Chicago, 111. He is a partner in the firm of J. C. Robinson and Son; and is President of 308 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. the Massachusetts Pink Granite Company, Milford, Mass. Robinson, Milton E., Coal Merchant of 740 Easl Forty-first street, was bom April 27, L862, in Kenosha, Wis. lie has been Presi- dent of the Lill Robinson Coal Company; Vice President of the City Fuel Company; and Vice President of the Consumers Company. He is now President of the Milton Kobinson Coal Company; and a Director of the Drexel State Bank. ' Robinson, Oscar Ellsworth, Musician of 304 Smith Wabash Avenue, was born March 25, L871, in Dunkirk, [nd. He is Director of the Public School Music Department in the Am- en. -.-in Conservatory of Music; and Director of Music in the Hyde Park High School, the Oakland Methodist Episcopal Church and the Chicago Teachers' Chorus. Robinson, Theodore W., of 208 South La Salle Street, was born June 7, 1862, in Bos- ton, Mass. In 1907-11 he was a member of the Chicago Board of Education. He is Vice- President and Director of the Illinois Steel Company; a Director of the Indiana Steel Company; the Central Trust Company, the South Chicago Savings Bank, and the Chicago Morris Plan Bank. He is a member of the Chicago, Union League, Commercial, Mid-Day University, Old Elm and Glen View Clubs. Robinson, Warner Hunt, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born June 20, 1881, in Albia, Iowa. In 1913-14 he was Attorney for the Chicago City Railway Com- pany, ile is now Trial Attorney for the Chi- cago Surface Lines; and a member of the law firm of Busby, Weber, Miller and Robinson. Robison, John Albert, Physician of 706 Kenesaw Terrace, was born July 26, 1855, in Richland, Ind. He is chairman of the Medi- cal Examining Committee of Illinois Depart- ment of Registration and Education. During the Great War he served as Major in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Roche, John A., of 4419 Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 12, 1844, in Utica, N. Y. In 1876 he was a member of the Illinois Legis- lature; and in 1887 Mayor of Chicago. Roche, Martin, Architect of 104 South Michigan Avenue. He is a member of the firm of Holabird and Roche, architects. In 1917 he was appointed a member of the Hoard of Art Advisers of Illinois. Rockhold, Frank Augustus, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street. In 1894 he graduated from the Law Department of the University of Michigan, and has since been engaged in practice in Chicago. He has been VicerConsul of Russia, and Attorney for the Russian, Italian and Austro-Hungarian Con- sulates. Rockwood, Frederick Thomas, Broker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born April 17, 1877, in Chicago. Since 1910 he has been a mem- ber of the firm of Emery, Peck and Rock- wood, bond dealers. Rockwood, George H., Educator of Oak Park, 111. Principal of the Austin High School, Chicago. Rockwood, Harvey Truesdale, Wholesale Grocer of L!(i West Austin Avenue, was born May 1, L873. Since 1891 he has been identi- fied with the Rockwood Brothers Company, of which he is now President. Roden, Carl Bismarck, Librarian of the Public, Library, was born June ' 7, 1871, in Kansas City, Mo. He is Treasurer of the American Library Association and a member of the Council of the American Library In- stitute. Rodenbach, Charles Humbert, Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 1, 1859, in Lyons, N. Y. In 1900-10 was President of Cedar Falls National Bank. He is now Vice- President of the Day and Hansen Security Company of Spokane, Wash. Rodriquez, William E., Attorney-at-Law of 105 North Clark Street, was born Sept. 15, 1879, in Naperville, 111. Since 1915 he has been an Alderman in the Fifteenth Ward of Chicago. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association and the Lawyers Association of Illinois. Roe, Abraham Saul, was born in Wirballen, Germany, July 20, 1866, and was educated in Germany and Russia and Bryant and Stratton 's Busi- ness College, Chicago. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the wholesale grocery 1 business with Grossfeld and Roe Company of which com- pany he is Vice-President. He is a Director of the Jewish Federated Charities, Talmud Torah, Shelter Home, Marks Nathan Orphan Home and Old Peoples Home; mem- ber Merchant's Exchange, B'nai B'rith, and Masons. Roe, Clifford Griffith, Lawyer, Lecturer and Author of 105JN T ortk Clark Street, was born June 26, 1875, in Rolling Prairie, Ind. He received the degree of B. L. and LL. D. from the University of Michigan. From 1906-9 he was Assistant States Attor- ney of Cook County; and in 1909 was Special Prosecu- tor against Panders. Since 1909 lie has been President of the American Bureau of Moral Education; and is a member of the Faculty of the Illi- nois College of Law. He is the author of Panders and Their White Slaves; and other works. Roe, Emil W. K., Dealer in Railway Sup- plies, 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 7, 1S74, in Stolp, Germany. Since 1904 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 309 he has been President of the Aldon Company. Roe, Julian, Engineer and Electrician of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born June 25, 1869, in Switzerland. Since 1S94 he has been Manager of the Crocker-Wheeler Company. Roebuck, Alvah C, Manufacturer and Mer- chant of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 9, 1864, in Lafayette, Ind. He is Presi- dent, Treasurer and Manager of the Woodstock Typewriter Company, Woodstock, 111.; and President and Treasurer of the Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Company, Chicago. Roecker, Henry Leon, Artist of 444 East Forty-second Place, was born July 22, 1860, in Burlington, Iowa. He is a Director and member of the Artists ' Guild. Roedenbeck, Herbert T., of 53 West Jack- son Boulevard, was born Feb. 19, 1881, in Ras- tatt, Baden. He was formerly associated with Theodore P. Koch and Company, and the American Beet Sugar Company. He is now engaged in the colonization of Texas rice farms. Roehling, Otto Gustave, Banker of 600 West North Avenue, was born Sept. 16, 1880, in Canstadt, Germany. He was educated in the Chicago public schools, West Division High School, and the University of Chicago. Since 1S99 he has been identified with the banking business, and since 1915 has been Cashier and Director of the North Avenue State Bank. He is a member of the Cook County Real Estate Board, the Chicago Asso- ciation of Commerce; and the Hamilton and Cook County Bankers' Clubs. Roernheld', Jules E., Civil Engineer of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 10, 1865, in Chicago, HI. In 1891-8 he was Super- intendent of Bridges of the City of Chicago. Since 1914 he has been Managing Engineer of the Bridge Division of Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company. Roenitz, Frank Louis, Manufacturer of 1320 Elston Avenue, was born June 30, 1856, in Sheboygan, Wis. He is Third Vice-President of the American Hide and Leather Company. Ex-President of the Chicago Hide and Tallow Company. Roessier, Carl Conrad, Hotel Proprietor of 316 South Clark Street, was horn Feb. 8, 1S72, in Langenburg. Germany. He is Secretary and Manager of the International Hotel Com- pany; and -hire 1902 has been owner of the Hotel Atlantic. Rogers, Bernard Fowler, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 8, 1864, in Louisville, Ky. He is a member of the firm of Klee, Rogers, Wile and Loeb; and Vice-President of the Chicago Board of Under- writers. He has been President of the Board of Local Improvements; and a Trustee of the Board of Education. Rogers, Buell Sumner, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1863 in Wis- consin. He was formerly Major Surgeon in the Illinois National Guard. He is a member of the board of Pension Examiners of the United States. Rogers, Edward Sidney, Attorney-at-Law of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 15, 1875, in Castine, Maine. Since 1895 he has practiced his profession in Chicago; and is Non-Resident Lecturer on the Law of Trade-Marks and Copyrights in the University of Michigan. Rogers, Frank Carey, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 28, 1S73, in Eureka, Kans. He is General Counsel for the American Bankers' Insurance Com- pany. Rogers, Fred A., Educator of 618 North Elmwood Avenue, Oak Park, 111., was born Sept. 26, 1869, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Since 1907 he has been Professor of Physics in Lewis Institute. Rogers, Hopewell Lindenberger, Journalist of 15 North Wells Street, was born Dec. 19, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is Business Manager of the Daily News. For two terms he was President of the American Newspaper Pub- lishers' Association. Rogers, Ida W., Physician of 546 Surf Street, was born in Alexandria, Ohio. In 1891- 1911 she was Professor of Obstetrics in the Emergency Hospital, Chicago. Her practice is limited to the diseases of women and chil- dren. Rogers, James Campbell, Commission Mer- chant of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 16, 1841, in Bath, N. Y. Since 1863 he has been engaged in the grain commission business in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of H. W. Rogers and Brother. Rogers, Luther Calvin, Printer and Publish- er ofJL2 : iJ^o]k_Street, was born Nov. 13, 1866, in Dunlap, 111. He was edu- cated at Knox College, Galesburg, 111., and a Chi- cago Business College, and later taught school. Since 188S he has been engaged in the printing business in Chicago, and is now Presi- dent of the Rogers and Hall Company. He is a mem- ber of the Press and Ben Franklin Clubs. Rogers, Rowland T., Broker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in Fairhaven, Mass. In 1903 he was admitted to the Chicago bar, and practiced law until 1906. Since 1906 he has been engaged in the investment business, and is now President of Rowland Rogers and Company. He is a member of the Executive' Commission of the Military Training Camps Association. Rogers, Sampson, Merchant of 129 West Kinzie Street, was born May 20, 1S52, in Eng- land. Since 1880 he has been a member of the firm of Bolles and Rogers, hides, wool, 310 HERRINOSHAW'S CITY BLUE ROOK OF BIOGRAPHY. tallow, pelts and furs; and is a Director of the National Produce Bank. Rogers, Scott Moncrieff, Railway Official of 208 South La Salle Street, was burn, 1871 in England. He is Vice-Presideni and ;i Director of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway. Rogers, Walter Alexander, Civil Engineer and Contractor of 37 West Van Buren street, was horn Jan. 19, 1868, in Milwaukee, Wis. Mine L889 lie has been engaged in engineer- ing work, and is now President of the Bates and Rogers Construction Company. Rollins, Charles Edwin, Underwriter of 17.") West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 22, 1875, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1898 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now head of the firm of Rollins, Burdick and Hunter Company. Rollo, Louis Chester, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 23, 1858, in New Brunswick, N. J. Since 1872 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now a member of the firm of Rogers and Rollo. Rollo, William Fuller, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 15, 1860, in Philadelphia, Pa. He is senior mem- ber of the firm of Rollo, Webster and Com- pany. Roloson, Walter L., Commission Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in January, 1858, in Baltimore, Md. He is a partner in the firm of Roloson and Company; and a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. Member of Union League Club. Romanski, Leon, Wholesale Coal Merchant of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Nov. 24, 1S76. Since 1896 he has been identified with the coal business, and is now President of the Atlas Coal and Coke Company. Roney, Henry B., Lecturer, Musical Director and Pageant Director of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born in Bellefontaine, Ohio. He is a member of the Faculty of the Chicago Musical College; and Director of Roney 's Summer Camp for Boys. Rooney, William A., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 27, 1884, in Chicago, 111. In 1900-4 he was Assistant City Prosecutor, City of Chicago. Roos, Frederick B., Lawyer, Banker and statesman of 29 South LaSalle Street, was horn Nov. 22, 1883, in Chicago, 111. From 1907 13 lie was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives; and from 1915-18 was a member of the Senate. He is a member of the firm of Roos and Boeger; and Vice-Presi- dent of A. Roos and Sons, banker*}. Roos, Otto Adolph, Manufacturer of 967 West Twentieth Street, was born July 12, is? I, in Chicago. Since 1892 he has been identified with The Roos Manufacturing Com- pany, and since 1905 has been President. Root, Frank Kimball, Music Publisher of 1501 East Fifty-fifth Street, was born June 23, 1856, in Jersey City, N. J. He was senior member of the firm of E. T. Root and Sons, music publishers, which business he entered in 1883. lie is now Secretary and Treasurer of the MeKinley Music Company. Rosberg, John Henry, Manufacturer of 636 North Ked/.ie Avenue, was born Nov. 23, 1856, in Sweden. Since 1902 he lias been proprietor of .lessen and Rosberg, cabinet makers. Rose, John Alexander, Lawyer and Railway President of *>.">2 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 20, 1854, in Boston, Mass. In 1902-4 he was President of the Union Depot Bridge and Terminal Company, Kansas City. Since 1912 he has been President of the Ross and Wort- hani Company. Ross, Walter Willard, Attorney-at-Law of 105 South LaSalle Street, was born March 29, 1866, in Pulaski, 111. In 1893-4 he was Assist- ant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chi- cago; and 1901-5 General Attorney for the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company. Ross, Walter S., Real Estate Investment Dealer of 80 Hast Jackson Boulevard, was bom Sept. Pi, 1879, in Elizabeth, N. J. He is a partner in the firm of Ross and Company; Secretary, Treasurer, ami Director of the Sc'hoenhofen Association; and Vice-President of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Rossback, Frederick Louis, Merchant of 234 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 29, ls<;7, in Indianapolis, hid. Since 1897 he has been President of the Washington Shirt Com- pany. In 1911-12 he was President of the Hamilton Club. Rosseter, Edward Clark, Educator of 7 South Dearborn Street, was bom Oct. 2."., L855, in Marietta, Ohio. In Is97-l9"s he was Prin- cipal of School of Henry County, 111.; and since 1908 has been District Superintendent of Schools, Chicago. Roth, Charles Henry, Manufacturer of 1410 West A. lams Street, was born Feb. 8, 1870, in Dayton, Ohio. Since 1895 he has been Presi- 312 HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. dent of Roth Brothers and Company, Manu- facturers of electrical machinery. Roth, John C, Hotel Manager and Director, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Jl o is Manag ing Director of the Greal Northern Hotel < lompany, operating the Great Northern Hotel; Managing Director of the Both Hotel Com- pany, operating the St. Paul Hotel, St. Paul, Minn.; member of the Board of Directors of the Congress Hotel Company, operating the Congress Hotel. Roth, Julius Daniel, Freight Agent of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 8, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1906 he lias been Gen- eral Western Freight Agent of the Inter- national Mercantile Marine Company. Rothacker, Watterson R., Manufacturer of 1339 Diversey Parkway, was born May 6, 1885, in Chicago. He is President and Gen- eral Manager of the Rothacker Film Manu- facl ii ring ( lompany. Rothmann, William, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 18, 1866, in Fond du Lac county, Wis. In 1901-3 he was Assistant City Attorney, and 1912-15 a mem- ber of the Board of Education. Rothschild, Maurice L., Merchant of 304 South State Street, was born April 30, 1864, in Germany. He is President of Maurice L. Botschild and Company, retail clothiers. Rothschild, Melville Nelson, Investment Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 1, 1886, in Chicago, 111. Since 1908 he has been President of the National Bond and Investment. Rothschild, Meyer, Manufacturer of 162 West Randolph Street, was born May 14, 1864, in Germany. He is President of the Illinois Bronze Powder Company. Roulston, Robert James, Wholesale Grocer of 225 North State Street, was born in Bath, N. Y. He is a Director of the McNeil and Higgins Company, wholesale grocers. In 1905 he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Public Library, and later President of the Board. Rountree, Hiram P., Educator of 77 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 28, 1854, in Hillsboro, 111. Since 1878 he has been Princi- pal of the Chicago School of Oratory. Row, Robert K., Publisher of 623 South Wa- bash Avenue, was born Aug. 28, 1858, in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. From 1903-6 he was an Instructor in Pedagogy in the Univer- sity of Chicago. Since 1906 he has been Presi- dent of Row, Peterson and Company, edu- cational publishers. Rowe, Frederick A., Lawyer, Journalist and Publisher of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 16, 1866, in Kendallville, Ind. In 1892 he was admitted to the bar; for many years was Editor of the old Legal Adviser; and subsequently became Editor and Owner of the National Corporation Reporter. He was formerly President of the Hamilton Club. Rowe, Louise Osborne, Welfare Worker of 139 North Clark Street, was born in Jackson- ville, 111. She was educated at the Starrett School for Girls, and the University of Chi- cago. Since 1915 she has been Commissioner of Public Welfare, City of Chicago. She is a member of the Equal Suffrage Association and the Chicago Political Equality League. Rowe, Percy A., Business Manager of 346 North Ada Street, was born Dec. 27, 1869, in Afton, N. Y. Since 1903 he has been con- nected with N. Z. Graves and Company, paint and varnish manufacturers, and since 1909 has been Manager of the Chicago Branch of the company. Rowen, Robert E., Manufacturer of 68 West Lake Street, was born April 29, 1869, in Bel- mond, Iowa. In 1890 he entere dfche employ of the Chicago Engineer Supply Company, of which he has been President since 1912. Rowlands, Lamont, Lumberman of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 9, 1877, in Tecumseh, Mich. He is Vice-Presi- dent and Treasurer of the C. A. Goodyear Lumber Company. Rowntree, Harold, Manufacturer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Oct. 5, 1865, in Brad- ford, England. He is President of the National Pneumatic Company; head offices in New York City, manufacturing works in Rohway, New Jersey. Roy, Ervin L., Commission Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Aug. 13, 1872, in Treniton, N. J. Vice-President of Cross, Roy and Saunders, grain and provisions. He is a member of the Union League Club, and the Chicago Board of Trade. Royce, Edward Augustus, Dentist of 22 East Washington Street, was born Oct. 24, 1853, in Bellevue, Ohio. Since 1886 he has practiced dentistry in Chicago; and in 1892-6 was a member of the Faculty of the Chicago Dental College. Rubel, Isaac Frank, Real Estate Dealer of 105 West Monroe Street, was born April 14, 1864, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Rubel Manufacturing Company. Rubel, Isidor Alfred, Real Estate Dealer of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 28, 1861, in Chicago, 111. Until 1907 he was senior member of Rubel and Allgretti, confectioners. He is now engaged in real estate and building. Rubel, Nathan W., Public Accountant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 6, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He is senior member of N. W. Rubel and Company, public account- ants. Rubinkam, Nathaniel Irwin, Lecturer and Author of 1560 East Sixty-first Street, was born Feb. 19, 1851, in Hartsville, Pa. Since 1903 he has been a Lecturer for the Rubinkam Association, Chicago. He is President and Secretary of the University Ethical Society, Chicago. HERRINGSH AW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 313 Rubens, Harry, Attorney-at-Law of 110 .South Dearborn Street, was born July 7, 1850, in Austria. He is General Counsel and a Director of the United Breweries Com- pany; and is a member of the law firm of Rubens, Fischer and Mosser. In 1882-5 he was President of the Chicago Public Library; 1885-7 Counsel for the Chi- cago Board of Education; and 1894-7 Judge Advocate General of the Illinois State Militia. Rudd, Willis Nathaniel, of 38 South Dear- born Street, was born March 30, 1860, in Worth, 111. In 1898-9 he was President of the Society of American Florists. He is now. President and Treasurer of the Mt. Green- wood Cemetery Association. Rudin, John", Publisher of 2301 Prairie Ave- nue, was born Aug. 14, 1876, in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1913 he has been President of The King Richardson Company. Rueb, Edward, Commission Merchant of 703 West Randolph Street, was born Aug. 26, 1862, in Gan Odernheim, Hessen, Germany. He is head of the firm of Edward Rueb and Com- pany, commission merchants. In 1907 he was President and Trustee of the Chicago Butter and Egg Board. Rueckheim Frederick William, Manufactur- ing Confectioner of 530 South Peoria Street, was born April 18, 1846, in Germany. He en- gaged in the manufacturing confectionery business in 1872; and is now President of Rueckheim Brothers and Eckstein, confection- ers. Rueckheim, Louis, Manufacturer of 530 South Peoria Street, was born Sept. 30, 1859, in Germany. Since 1872 he has been engaged in the manufacture of confections, and is now Vice-President of Rueckheim Brothers and Eckstein. Ruffner, William Rogers, of 326 West Madi son Street, was born July 26, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the coffee brokerage business; and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Ruffner, McDowell and Burch. Rummler, Eugene Albeit, Patent Attorney of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born April 20, 1872, in Kalamazoo, Mich. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Rummler and Rummler; and President of the Village of Winnetka, 111. Rummler, William R., Patent Lawyer of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 22, 1865, in Dubuque, Iowa. He is senior member of the patent law firm of Rummler and Rummler. From 1909-10 he was Secretary and Treasurer of the Patent Law Association. Rumsey, Henry Axtell, Grain Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 15, 1871, in Chicago. Since 1904 he has been Treasurer of Rumsey and Company, commis- sion merchants. Rumsey, Israel Parsons, Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 9, 1836, in Stafford, N. Y. Since 1858 he has been engaged in the grain com- mission business and is now President of the firm of Rumsey and Company. Rumsey, Wallace D., Manufacturer of 2300 South Western Avenue. Treasurer of the Belden Manufacturing Company. Runnells, Clive, Corporation Official of 79 East Adams Street, was born Sept. 10, 1877, in Des Moines, Iowa. Since 1917 he has been Vice-President and assistant to the President of the Pullman Company. He is a Director of the First National Bank. Rush, George Frederick, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street was born Oct. 20, 1867, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the general practice of law in Chicago; and is now a member of the firm of Rush and Holden. Rushton, Joseph A., Stock and Bond Dealer of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 21, 1874, in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Can- ada. He is a Governor of the Chicago Stock Exchange; and since 1907 has been a mem- ber of the firm of Babcock, Rushton and Com- pany. Russel, Andrew, Banker of 68 West Mon- roe Street, was born June 17, 1856, in Jack- sonville, 111. Since 1917 he has been State Auditor of Illinois. In 1903 he was President of the Illinois Bankers' Association. Russell, Edmund A., Manufacturer of 600 Jackson Boulevard, was born July 1, 1866, in New York. Since 1898 he has been Vice-Presi- dent of the Otis Elevator Company. Russell, Joseph Weston, Physician of 7 West Madison Street, was born Feb. 9, 1876, in Council Bluffs, Iowa. He was formerly Pro- fessor of Anatomy in the College of Medicine and Surgery. He is now Professor of Minor Surgery in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine. Russell, Edward Perry, Banker and Broker of 116 West Ada ms Street, was born Nov. 15, 1857, in New Bedford, Mass. Tn 1885 he entered the office of Edward L. Brewster and Company; and is now senior member of the firm of Rus- sell Brew r ster and Company, dealers in stocks and bonds. He is a member of the Chicago Stock Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade; and the Union League, Onwentsia and Chicago Clubs. Russell, Robert McWatty, Educator of 751 Lincoln Parkway, was born April 6, 1858, in Balm, Pa. Since 1915 he has been Professor of Bible Doctrine and Homiletics in the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. 314 BERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLTTE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Rutherford, Clarendon, Physician and Edu- cator of 624 Fullcitt.ii Avenue, was horn June 22, L854, in Madrid, X. V. In L888-93 he was Professor of Anatomy in the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons. Be is now Presi denl of the German-American Hospital. Rutishauser, Eegen, Manufacturer of 515 North Balsted Street, was born Sept. 17, L864, in Chicago, .since mm he has been President and Treasurer of the Artistic Wood Turning Works. Be is a member of the Chicago Asso- ciat ion of ( 'ommerce. Rutter, Lynn Ryerson, Coal Dealer of 417 South Dearborn Street, was horn Sept. 13, Is;;:, in Chicago. He practiced law until 1901. During the Great War he served as Lieutenant in the United States \aval Reserve Force, France. Rutter, William McMurtrie, Banker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was horn Nov. 19, 1876, in Evanston, 111. Since 1912 he has been a member of the banking firm of White, Weld and Company of New York, Chicago and Bos- ton. Ruud, Helga, Physician of 15 East Wash- ington Street, was horn in Norway. She is Obsterician to the Norwegian American Hos- pital. Ruxton, Philip, Manufacturer of 161 West Harrison Street. President of Philip Ruxton, Incorporated, printers' inks. Ryan, Andrew Joseph, Attorney-at-Law of .'Is South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 28, 1869, in Chicago 111. He was twice elected City Attorney of Chicago. He is now a mem- ber of the law* firm of Ryan, Condon and Livingston. Ryan, John M., Printer of 328 Federal Street, was born March 16, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 he has been President of the Ryan and Hart Company, printers. "Ryan, Roland Keene, Clergyman and Editor of 5614 Green Street, was born Oct. 4, 1872, in Russellville, Kv. Since 1902 he has been a member of the Editorial Staff of the Chicago Examiner and American. He is a member of the National Prison Reform Commission and the Ballot Reform Commission of Illinois. Ryan, William F., Alderman and Business Man of 712 Federal Street was born April L3, L868, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly City Prosecutor of Chicago. He is now Secretary and Treasurer of the Faulkner-Ryan Com- pany, printers and hinders, and a Director of the Ogden Avenue State Bank. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Athletic Association, and other organizations. Ryan, William Mathew, Car Builder of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 24, L869, in Tidioute, Pa. Be has been Presi. lent of the Ryan Car Company since its organiza- tion in I'stiiii. Ryden, Otto G., Lawyer of 111 W. Washing- ton Street, was born Sept. 6, 1874, in Ryssby, Sweden. He graduated from Northwestern University with the degrees of Ph. B., M. A., and LL. H. ; and since 1905 has been engaged in the practice of law in Chicago. He is a Thirty second Degree Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner; member of the Press Club; Chi- cago Association of Commerce; Chicago Law Institute; and American, Illinois and Chi- cago Bar Associations. Ryerson, Donald Mitchell, Manufacturer, of 2558 West Sixteenth Street, was born Dec. 2, L884, in Chicago, 111. Be is Vice-President of Joseph T. Ryerson and Son, iron and steel manufacturers. Ryerson, Edward Lamed, Iron and Steel Merchant of 2558 West Sixteenth Street, was born Nov. 24, 1S54, in Chicago, 111. Since 1876, he has been engaged in the iro nand steel business and is now Chairman of the Board of the Directors of Joseph T. Ryerson and Son; Director of the Merchants Loan and Trust Company; President of The Newberry Library; and Vice-President of St. Lukes Hos- pital. Ryerson, Edward Larned, Jr., Iron and Steel Merchant of 2558 West Sixteenth Street, was born Dec. 3, 1886, in Chicago. Since 1909 he has been identified with Joseph T. Ryerson and Son, and is now Vice-President. Ryerson, Edwin Warner, Surgeon of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born in New York City. He is Professor of Orthopedic Surgery in the Chicago Polieinic; and is Ma- jor in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. He is a Fellow of the American Col- lege of Surgeons; and a member of the Saddle and Cycle, University, Onwentsia and Casino Clubs. Ryerson, Joseph Turner, Iron and Steel Mer- chant of 2558 West Sixteenth Street, was born Nov. 21, 1880, in Chicago, 111. Since 1916 he has been Vice-President and Treasurer of Joseph T. Ryerson and Sons. Ryerson, Martin Antoine, Capitalist of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 26, 1856, in Grand Rapids, Mich. He is a Director of the Corn Exchange National Bank, the North- ern Trust Company and the Elgin National Watch Company. Ryerson, Thorval Lewis, Manufacturer of 566 West Lake Street, was bom in 1874 in Chicago, 111. Since 1908 he has been Vice- President of the W. D. Allen Manufacturing Company. Rythe'r, G. A., Banker of 4201 South Hal- sted Street. Vice-President of the Drovers National Bank. Saal, Henry G., Manufacturer of 1810 Montrose Avenue, was born Dec. 4, 1874, in Ashland, Ohio. Since 1902 he has been en- gaged in business, and is President of the II. G. Saal Company, manufacturers of tools and dies. Sabath, Joseph, Lawyer and Jurist, County Building, was horn March 2, 1870, in Bohemia. In 1910-16 he was Judge of the Municipal HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 315 Court of Chicago, and since 1916 has been .hulge of the Superior Court of Cook County, 111. Sabath, Adolph Joseph, Lawyer and States- man _of_79_West Monroe Street, was born April 4, 1S66, in Bohemia. In 1892 he was admitted to the bar, and practiced law until 1895. From 1895-1907 he was Judge and Magis- trate of the Municipal Court; and since 1907 has been a member of Congress from the Fifth District of Illinois. He is also a Di- sector of the Logan Square Trust and Savings Bank. Sachs, Philip P., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born July 7, 1892, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Marks Nathan Jewish Orphan Home Aux- iliary; Secretary of the Young-Men's Jewish Charities; and a member of the Board of Di- rectors of the Marks Nathan Jewish Orphan Home. Sackett, Robert Emory, Underwriter of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1852, in Pittsford, N. Y. Since 1906 he has been Vice- President of the National Life Insurance Com- pany of the United States of America. Sadler, Frank Prather, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born June 10, 1872, in Springfield, 111. Since 1898 he has been practicing law and in 1907-9 was Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is now State Senator from the Eleventh Dis- trict of Illinois. Sadler, Lena Kellogg, Physician, Lecturer and Author of 32 North State Street, was born June 9, 1875, in Prairie, Mich. Since 1906 she has practiced medicine in Chicago. She is Associate Director of the Chicago Therapeutic Institute. Sadler, William Samuel, Physician and Sur- geon of 32 North State Street, was born June 24, 1875, in Spencer, Ind. Since 1908 he has practiced in Chicago, and is now a Professor in the Post-Graduate Medical School of Chi- cago. He is author of numerous works on health and hygiene. Sage, Donald Alexander, Merchant of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born July 13, 1857, in Ingersoll, Canada. Since 1894 he has been President of Sage and Company, coal dealers. Sage, Walter Henry, Underwriter of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 11, 1857, in Huntington, Ohio. Since 1916 he has been General Manager of the Great American In- surance Company of New York. Sager, Hiram ' Norton, Broker of 226 South LaSalle Street, was born June 20, 1859, in England. He is Secretary, Treasurer and Managing Director of J. H. Dole and Com- pany, grain commission merchants. He was President of the Chicago Board of Trade; and has been a member of the same for over a quarter of a century. Sager, William Dean, Stove Manufacturer of 330 East North Water Street, was born Oct. 2, 1863, in Belvidere, 111. Since 1883 he has been engaged in the manufacture of stoves in Chicago. Sailor, Samuel, Manufacturer of 2653 Art h- ington Street, was born Aug. 23, 1855, in Phila- delphia, Pa. Since 1897 he has been Man- ager of Heywood Brothers and Wakefield, chair manufacturers. Salisbury, Rollin D., Educator of 5748 Kim- bark Avenue, was born Aug. 17, 1858, in Spring Prairie, Wis. Since 1891 he has been engaged in educational work. He is now Professor of Geographic Geology and Head of the Department of Geography in the Uni- versity of Chicago, and Dean of the Ogden Graduate School of Science in that institu- tion. Salopoulos, Nicholas, Physician and Consul of 57 West Randolph Street, was born Feb. 23, 1870, in Sparta, Greece. For nineteen years he was Consul of Greece at Chicago. Samms, Charles Francis, Manufacturer of 230 South Robey Street, was born Sept. 7, 1868, in Richmond, Ind. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the electrical contracting business and is now President of the Victor Electric Corporation. Sampsell, Marshall Emmett, Railway Offi- cial of 72 West. Adams Street, was born Feb. 28,1874, in Marshall, Texas. Tn 1902 he was appointed Clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illi- nois; and in 1903 Receiver of the Chicago LTnion Trac- tion Company. He is now President of the Central Illinois Traction Company, and the Central Illinois Public Service Com- pany. Sampson, William Hubbard, Manufacturer of 371 West Ad ams Street, was born in Hat- Held, Mass. Iu 1880-5 he practiced law in St. Louis. Since 1884 he has been con- nected with the Nonotuck Silk Company of Florence, Mis., and is now President of the company; and is also President of the Corticelli Silk Company. He is a member of the Chicago As- sociation of Commerce; and Union League and Chicago Athletic Clubs. Samuel, Edward Marshall, Grain and Stock Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 23. 1862, in Lexington, Mo. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the brokerage business in Chicago, and is now President of 316 HERRINGSITAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. E. M. Samuel and Company, brokers in grain and stock. Sanborn, Joseph Brown, Business Man and Army Officer of III) South Dearborn Street, was bora Dec. 8, L855, in Chester, N. H. He is President of the J. B. Sanborn Company, Mercantile Agency. During the Great War he served as Colonel in the One Hundred and Thirty first Infantry, United States Army in France. Sanborn, Victor Channing, Eeal Estate Dealer of 79 West Monroe Street, was born April 24, 1867, in Concord, Mass. Since 1897 lie has been engaged in the real estate busi- ness in Chicago. Sanders, Alvin Howard, Editor and Pub- lisher of 542 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 8, 1860, in Talleyrand, Iowa. Since 1888 he has been Managing Editor of The Breeders' Gazette; and is also President of the Sanders Publishing Company. Sanderson, George Andrew, Contractor of L60 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 22, 1850, in Hamilton, Ohio. In 1905 he or- ganized and has since been President of the Sonora Construction Company, railway con- struction. Sandgren, John Albert, of 139 North Clark Street, was born April 10, 1871, in Sweden. He was formerly President of the Swedish Old People's Home Association. He is now National Secretary of the Independent Order of Svithiod. Sanford, Willard C, Physician and Surgeon of 31 North State Street, was born in 1865 in Marengo, 111. Since 1910 he has been Presi- dent of the Staff of St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Sankstone, George E., Attorney-at-Law of 6 North Clark Street, was born July 16, 1892, in Chicago, 111. In 1915 he received the de- gree of LL. B. from the Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law, and later the degree of LL. M. For four years he was associated with Judge David F. Matchett; now eugaged in inde- pendent practice of law. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association. Sargent, Frederick, Engineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Nov. 11, 1859, in Liskeard, Cornwall, Eng- land. He has been a con- sulting engineer in Chicago since: 1890; and is now sen- ior member of the firm of Sargent and Lundy, engi- neers. In 1893 he was Man- ager of the Mechanical and Electrical Departments of the World's Columbian Ex- position, receiving an artist's medal. He is a member of several clubs and societies. Santee, Harris Ellett, Physician of 2806 Warren Avenue, was born Oct. 15, 1864, in Snodes, Ohio. He was at different times, ex- ten din y through a period of twenty-six years, Professor of Anatomy in the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Harvey Medical College, and Jenner Medical College, and Professor of Nervous Anatomy in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. At present he de- votes all his time to the practice of medi- cine, giving special attention to nervous af- fections. He is a member of the American Association of Anatomists and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is author of a textbook, The Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord. Sargent, George Hamlin, Manufacturer of 625 Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1865, in Brooklyn, N. Y. He was educated in the public schools of Evanston, 111. Since 1908 he has been president of the Sargent Com- pany, manufacturers of valves and locomo- tive gauges. He is a member of the Union League, Evanston Country, Glen View, Chi- cago, Chicago Engineers,' Evanston Univer- sity, and New York Engineers' Clubs. Sargent, Walter, Educator of 5717 Kenwood Avenue, was born May 7, 1868, in Worcester, Mass. Since 1909 he has been Professor of Art Education in the University of Chicago. Sass, Frederick, Attorney-at-Law of 19 South LaSalle Street, was born May 23, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Sattley, Robert Carlos, Civil Engineer, was born Nov. 26, 1856, in Ferrisburgh, Vt. Since 1910 he has been Valuation Engineer for the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. In 1917 he was President of the Intercollegiate Club of Chicago. Sauer, Henry Edward, Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born May 5, 1868, in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 he has practiced sur- gery in Chicago, and is now Surgeon to the Grant Hospital. Saul, John Sargon, Clergyman and Editor of 64 East Van Buren Street, was born May 31, 1845, in Strathroy, Ontario, Canada. He is Editor of the New Church Messenger; and General Pastor of the Illinois Association of New Jerusalem. Saunders, Albert E., Clergyman of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 25, 1860, in Reading, England. He has been Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Lake View, and the Garfield Boulevard Methodist Episcopal Church. He is now Corresponding Secretary of the Rock River Conference Federated Dea- coness Society. Saunders, William M., Engineer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 1, 1856, in Columbus, Ga. He was formerly Pres- ident and Engineer of the Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company. He is now President and a Director of the Ingersoll-Rand Company; President of the New York Imperial Tool Company; and is a director in various corpora- tions. Saurenhaus, Ernst, Physician of 59 Belle- vue Place, was born Nov. 30, 1859, in Elber- HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE EOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 317 feld, Germany. He is Gynecologist to the German and St. Elizabeth's Hospitals; and Obstetrician to St. Mary's of Nazareth Hos- pital. Sawyer, Alvah L., Physician and Surgeon of 4052 West Madison Street, was born Nov. 8, 1880, in Grand Island, Neb. For four years he was associated with the Old Northwestern Masonic Aid Association. He is now Surgeon for the Continental Casualty; and a member of the Staff of the West Suburban Hospital, Oak Park. He is a member of the Oak Park Country Club. Sawyer, Ward Beecher, Attorney and Coun- selor at 10 South LaSalle Street, was born in Streator, 111. He was formerly Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. Sax, Sidney J., Life Underwriter of 111 West Monroe Street, was born April 6, 1869, in Ottumwa, Iowa. In 1888-89 he was engaged in the clothing business with his father in Ottumwa; and 1898-1903 was manager of D. Ancona and Company, wholesale tailors, Chi- cago. Since 1903 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now District Agent for the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, Philadelphia, Pa. He is a member of the Life Underwriters Association of Chicago, and the Life Insurance Field Men's Club of Chicago. Saxe, Albert M., Architect of 64 East Van Buren Street, was born Nov. 10, 1888, in Chi- cago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Zim- merman, Saxe and Zimmerman; and Secre- tary of the Committee on Prison Keform of the American Prison Association. He is a member of the Olympian Fields Country, Illini, and Berrian County Country Clubs. Saxon, William, Mechanical Engineer, West Fourteenth and South Robey Streets, was born July 6, 1857, in Christiana, Norway. For twenty-five years he was Superintendent of the Miehle Printing Press and Manufacturing Company, and is now Vice-President of the company. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Sayer, George Jacob, Merchant of 900 Ful- ton Street, was born April 23, 1864, in Two Rivers, Wis. He is President of the firm of Wolf, Sayer and Heller, Incorporated, butch- ers' supplies. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club, the South Shore Country Club, and the Wisconsin Society. Sayre, Charles Edward, Gynecologist and Surgeon of 29 East Madison Street, was born March 8, 1862, in Madison, N. J. Since 1898 he has practiced in Chicago. He is now Pro- fessor of Gynecology in the Hering Medical School and Hospital; Gynecologist to the Chi- cago Homeopathic Hospital; and Surgeon to the Lakeside Hospital. He is a member of the Chicago Medical Society, the Chicago Homeopathic Medical Society, and the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Society. Scandrett, Henry A., Traffic Director of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 8, 1876, in Faribault, Minn. He graduated from Shattuck Military School, Faribault, Minn., and later received the degrees of B. L. and LL. B. from the University of Minnesota. In 1901 he was Claim Adjuster for the Union Pa- cific Railroad, 1902-11 Assistant General At- torney; 1911 Assistant Interstate Commerce Attorney, Union Pacific System, and South- ern Pacific Company; 1912-13 Interstate Com- merce Attorney same lines; 1913-17 Interstate Commerce Attorney for the Union Pacific Sys- tem, and since 1918 has been Traffic Assistant and Regional Director of Central Western Re- gions. Scanlan, Kickham, Lawyer and Jurist of 5541 Kenmorc Av enue, was born Oct. 23, 1864, in Chicago, 111. He was ed- ucated in the public schools of Washington, D. C, and the University of Notre Dame; in 1S88 was admit- ted to the bar and began the practice of law in Chi- cago. In 1908 he was elect- ed Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County for tnc term ending in 1921. Sceleth, Charles E., Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1872 in Chicago, 111. He is Medical Super- intendent of the House of Correction and of the Sceleth City Hospital. Schaaf, Harry, Piano Manufacturer of 700 West Madison Street, was born Jan. 30, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has been Presi- dent of the Adam Schaaf Company. Schaar, Bernard E., Importer of 1025 South State Street, was born April 1, 1884, in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. In 1910 he was City Chemist of the City of Chicago. He is now President of the firm of Schaar and Company, manu- facturers of scientific instruments. Schaefer, Conrad H. B., Designer of 2919 Flournoy Street, was born Sept. 23, 1864, in South Bend, lud. He is publisher of Great- est Efficiency Designs; and a member of the Faculty of the Chicago Conservatory of Fine Arts. Schaefer, John V., Engineer of 900 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 28, 1S65, in Granville, 111. In 1888 he received the de- gree of B. S. from the University of Illinois, and in 1905 the honorary degree of Mechan- ical Engineer from that institution. Since 1889 he lias been engaged in the engineerig business; 1909 organizer and Presidenl of the Roberts and Schaefer Company, Chicago; 1909-13 President of the Schaefer Manufac- turing Company, Birmingham, Ala.; now Pres- ident of the Cement Gun Construction Com- pany, Chicago. He is a member of the Amer- ican Society of Mechanical Engineers, West- 318 HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. cm Society of Engineers and Onion League ('lull, Chicago. Schaefer, Peter J., Theatrical Manager of 336 South Suit.. Street, was born in L869. He is Vice-President of the Orpheum Theatre Company, the Jones, Liniok and Shaefer Com- pany, and the State street Theatre Company. Schafer, Otto J., Printer of L322 Wabash Avenue, was born Get. -2:',, 1878, in Chicago, 111. since 1893 lif has been identified with the printing business, and is now Vice-Presi- dent of Munroe and Sout-hworth. Schaffer, William J., Physician and Surgeon of 1200 North Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 12, 1 s? 7. He is [nstructor of Gynecology in the Chicago Policlinic; and medical examiner for several fraternal organizations. He is a member of the American Medical Association, ami the Illinois State and Chicago Medical Sociel ies. Schaffner, Robert Centennial, Banker of 100 South LaSalle street, was horn July 6, L876, in Chicago, til. Since 1893 he has been en- gaged in the banking business, and is now Sec- retary and a Director of A. G. Becker and Company. Schanfarber, Tobias, Rabbi of 3016 Grand Boulevard, was l.om Dec 20, 1862, in Cleve- land, Ohio. Since 1901 lie has been Rabbi of the Kehilath Anshe Mayriv, Chicago; and since 1902 Editor of the Chicago Israelite. Schantz, Orpheus M., 10 (South LaSalle Street, was horn May 27, 1864, in Port Elgin, Ontario. He is a Director of the Cicero State Bank, and other corporations; President of the Illinois Audubon Society; Treasurer of the Geographic Society of Chicago. Schaub, Edward Leiroy, Philosopher and Ed- ucator of 2437 Sheridan Road, Evanston, 111., was horn Aug. 13, 1881. in Deeorah. Iowa. since L913 he has been Professor of Philoso- phy in Northwestern University. He is Sec- retary and Treasurer of the Western Philo- sophical Society. Schein, George L., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was horn .July 4, 1888. He is Secretary and a member of the Staff of the American Hospital and Training School for Nurses; a member of the Lawyers Association of Illinois; the Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce; and a member of the Press, Old Colony and Edgewater Beach Yacht Clubs. Scherger, George Lawrence, Educator of 436 Eas1 Potty-sixth Street, was born Oct. 21, is? I, in Lawrencehurg. Ind. Since 1903 he has been Professor of History in the Armour Institute of Technology; also Pastor of Ar- mour Mission; and Associate Pastor of Cen- tra! Church. Schevill, Ferdinand, Educator, was born Nov. 12, 1868, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1909 he has been Professor of Modern History in the University of Chicago. Schick, Charles Edward, Banker of 600 West North Avenue, was horn Aug. 16, 1872, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President and a Di- rector of the North Avenue State Bank. In 1917 lie was a member of the Board of the Chicago Public Library. Schiff, Benjamin Joshua, Banker of 728 West Twelfth Street, was horn March 1, 1861, in Chicago. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the hanking business, and is now President of Schiff ami Company State Bank. Schiffin, Philip Herman, Commission Mer- chant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was I 'urn Nov. 10, 1861, in Hohoken, N. J. Since 1906 he has been President of the firm of Philip II. Schiffin and Company, Incorporated. Schilling, Dietrich, Importer of 109 West Ohio Street, was horn Dec. 18, 1865. Until 1S97 he was Manager of Stollwerck Brothers. He is now Manager of the Habicht, Braun and Company, confectioners' supplies. Schilling, George A., Public Official of 1454 Marquette Road, was born Aug. 24, 1850, in Germany. In 1911-15 he was President of the Board of Local Improvements. Schillo, John Jacob, Lumberman of 1560 Kingsbury Street, was born Jan. 6, 1865, in Chicago, 111. He is President and Treasurer of the Adam Schillo Lumber Company. Schlake, William E., Brick Manufacturer of 111 West Washington Street, was horn Sept. : "tfgjffli "" j 11, 1863, in York, Pa. In 1894-1900 he was an Alder- man in the Twenty-sixth Ward; and in 1899-1900 Chairman of the Finance Commitee. Since 1900 he has been associated with the Illinois Brick Company as Secretary; and since 1909 has been President of ie company. Schlerf, Karl Gustavus, Clergyman of 5954 Magnolia Avenue, was born April 6, 1879, in Janesville, Wis. He is Pastor of the Bethany English Lutheran Church. Schlesinger, Elmer, Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 20, 1880, in Chicago, 111. Since 1903 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian and Piatt. He is a member of the Chicago, City, Illinois Athletic and Lake Shore Country Clubs. Schlesinger, Rudolph, Banker of 1542 West Forty-seventh Street, was born Aug. 24, 1863, in Austria. He is President of the Peoples Stock Yards State Bank. Schlytern, Charles Eric, Banker of 25 North Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 17, 1853, in Sweden. He was engaged in the real estate business until 1905. He is now President of the Union Bank of Chicago. Schmid, Godfrey, Real Estate Dealer of 35 South Dearborn Street, was born March 5, 1853, in Morrisania, N. Y. He is head of the firm of Godfrey Schmid and Company, real HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 319 estate brokers and dealers. Schmidt, A. G. A., Manufacturer of 125 South Racine Avenue, was born July 4, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Assistant Chief Engineer of the American Hoist and Derrick Company. He is now President of the National Equipment Company. Schmidt, George K., Real Estate Loan and Insurance Dealer of 1604 Clybourn Avenue, was born Dec. 18, 1869, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of H. G. Schmidt and Son, safety deposit vaults and real estate; President of the Union Liability Company; President of the Knohle Filter Company; Treasurer of the Illinois Copeland Portable Mali Company; and Director of the Standard Trust and Savings Bank. Schmidt, Henry G., Paving Contractor of 133 West Washington Street, was born June 5. 1851, in New Bremen, Ohio. Since 1902 he has been President of the Schmidt Construc- tion Company. Schmidt, Louis Ernst, Surgeon of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born 1869, in Chicago, 111. He is Professor of Gen ito- Urinary Sur- gery in Northwestern University Medical School; Professor of Genito-Urinary Diseases in the Chicago Policinic; Attending Genito- Urinary Surgeon to Alexian Brothers' Hos- pital, Michael Reese Hospital, and Wesley Hospital, and Consulting Surgeon to St. Luke 's Hospital. S hmidt, Oscar F., Banker of 208 South La- Salle Street. He is a Director of the South Side State Bank; and Treasurer of the George C. Peterson Company. Schmidt, Oscar W.^ Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born dune 4, 1870, in Indianapolis, Ind. He is Vice-President and Treasurer of Brown, Anderson and Young; and is also President of the Seng Automatic Device Company. In 1916-17 he was Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette. Schmidt, Otto L, Physician of 5 South Wa- bash Avenue, was born in 1863, in Chicago. He is Chairman of the Illinois Centennial Commission; and President of the Illinois State Historical Society. Schmidt. Walter E., Contractor of 175 West ^rt_^a »- . Jackson P»(iiili'\ ard, was P*^ I bom May 18, 1868. in Wi- ' nona, Minn. He is Secre- tary of the Illinois Im- provement and Ballast As- sociation; and Secretary of the Daily Calumet. In 1897- 1902 he was Deputy Col- lector of the Port of South Chicago; 1902-6 Assistant rer; and 1907-13 Assessor of He is a member of the Hamil- ton and Illinois Athletic Clubs, and the Ma- sonic Order. Schmidt, Richard Ernest, Architect of 104 ( oo South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 14, 1865, in Bavaria, Germany. Since 1906 he has been a member of the firm of Richard E. Schmidt, Garden and Martin, general archi- tectural work. Schmitt, Andrew Xavier, Underwriter of 455 West Sixty-third Street, was born Nov. 30, 1862, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Since 1887 he has been connected with the Prudential Insurance Company, and is now Manager of the company in Chicago. Schmitt, George Joseph, Water Merchant of 420 West Ontario Street, was born Oct. 28, 1866, in Beardstown, 111. Since 1903 he has been Secretary and Treasurer of Hinckley and Schmitt, incorporated. Schmitt, John L., Retired Merchant of 7422 Greenview Avenue, was born Dec. 4, 1863, in St. Louis, Mo. He was formerly a member of D. H. Arnold Company, clothiers' trim- mings, New York and Chicago. Schmitz, Henry, Gynecologist, Surgeon, of 25 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 26, 1871, in Kaiserwert, Germany. He is Pro- fessor of Gyneco'ogy and Head of the De- partment in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, Valparaiso University. He is the author of Manual of Diseases of Women, and other works. Schmitz, Nicholas J., Real Estate Dealer of 512-14 West Nor th Avenue, was born June 2, 1870, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of Nicho- las J. Schmitz, real estate, loans, and insurance, suc- cessors to Ernst and Schmitz, established 1S74. Since 1903 he has been Sec- retary of the German Mu- tual Fire Insurance Com- pany of North Chicago, in- corporated in February. 1867. He is a mem- ber of the Cook County Real Estate Board, Knights of Columbus and Chicago Lincoln ("ub. Schnackenberg, Elmer J., Attorney-at Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born' Aug. 22, 1889, in Indianapolis, End. He was Secretary of the City Council Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light; and was elected a mem- ber of the Lower House of the General As- sembly from the Thirteenth District of Illi- nois. Schnadig, Jacob, Tanner of 1302 North Hal- sted Street, was born in Heddernheim, Prus- <; a. .'•ince 1897 he has been engaged in the tann'ng business, and is now President of The Stream, Becker Leather Companv. Schnrcwnd, Benjamin, Manufacturing Con- fect'oncr of 212 East Austin Avenue, was born Sept. 14, 1866, in Valparaiso, Ind. Since 1914 he has been President of the Novelty Candy Company. e-hne'de -, George H, Real Estate Dealer of 10 South LaSalle street, was born June 25, 320 IIKRRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 1853, in Lyons, N. Y. Since 1887 he has been head of the firm of <;. II. Schneider and Com- pany. Schnepff, Albert, Surgeon of 25 East Wash- ington Street, was born in 1880, in Philadel- phia, Pa. He was formerly Professor of Lab- oratories and Surgery in the Chicago Medical College. Be is aow Attending Surgeon to i lie Sheridan Park Hospital. Schniewind, Harold Watson, Clergyman, Stewart Avenue and North Normal Parkway, was horn in Whit est one, New Fork City, N. V. He received the degree of M. A. from Co- lumbia College; and the degree of S. T. B. from the General Theological Seminary. Since 1910 he has been Kector of St. Bartholomew's Church, ( ihicagO. Schobinger, John James, Educator of 4731 Ellis Avenue, was born May 1, 1846, in Switzerland. Since 1876 he has been Princi- pal of the Harvard School for Boys. Schoen, John, Lumber Merchant of 2084 Dominick Street, was born Jan. 12, 1843, in Germany. Since 1860, excepting nine years, he has been engaged in business for himself; was burned out in the big Chicago fire with a big loss, and later started in business with thirty-eight dollars insurance money. He is President and Treasurer of the Columbia Hardwood Lumber Company, Chicago; and Nice President of the Columbia Hardwood Lumber Company of Arkansas. Schoenthal, M., Merchant of 200 West. Ad- ams Street, was born June 15, 1879, in Pitts- burgh, Pa. He is Treasurer of the Morris Woolf Silk Company. Schofield, George A., of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 26, 1865, in Can- ada. Since 1903 he has been President and Treasurer of the E. H. Clarke Advertising Agency. Schofield, Henry, Educator of 31 West Lake Street, was born Aug. 7, 1866, in Dudley, Mass. In 1900-1 he was Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel in Chicago. He is now Professor of Law in Northwestern University Law School. Schofield, John R., Merchant of 430 West Randolph Street, was born June 3, 1855, in Dudley, Mass. Since 1879 he has been con- nected with Butler Brothers, wholesale mer- chants, and is now Treasurer. Scholl, William M., Orthopedic Specialist of 211 West Schiller Street, was born June 22, 1882, in LaPorte, Ind. Since 1906 he has been President of The Scholl Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of patented ortho- pedic appliances with offices in Chicago, New Fork, London; and is President of The Scholl Manufacturing Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada, lie is a member of the Chicago As- sociation of Commerce, the Illinois Manufac- turers' Association and the Chicago Shoe and Leather Men's Association; and the Illinois Athletic Club. Scholle, Charles Henry, Merchant of 121 South Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 24, |S(iS, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1909 he has been President of the Scholle Furniture Com- pany. Scholz, Carl, Coal Mine Operator and Min- im: Engineer of 5 47 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 2, 1872, in Slawintzitz, Germany. He was formerly Manager of the Mining and Fuel De- partment of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway; President of the Coal Valley Mining Com- pany; and President of the Rock Island Coal Mining Company; now General Manager of the Valier Coal Company. He is Ex-President of the American Mining Congress; and a member of the Chicago Athletic and Union League Clubs. Schrader, Alfred Charles, Civil Engineer of 4032 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 14, 1863, in Joliet, 111. In 1890-5 he was in the Engineering Department of the Sanitary District of Chicago. He is Superintendent and Engineer of the West Parks, Chicago. Schraeder, Frank J., Jr., Patent Attorney and Engineer of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born in Chicago, 111. He is President and General Manager of the firm of Jacobsen and Schraeder, Incorporated, mining plants, and engineers; and specializes in the solicitation of engineering patents. Schreiber, Frank P., . Banker of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born May 26, 1856, in Elmhurst, 111. Since 1907 he has been Cashier of the Union Trust Company. Schroeder, Louis Henry, Banker of 125 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 7, 1878, in Quincy, 111. Since 1917 he has been Vice- President of the Central Trust Company of Illinois. Schroeder, William Edward, Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1867, in Cook County, 111. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the practice of surgery in Chi- cago. He is Chief of the Staff of the Wesley Memorial Deaconess Hospital and Consulting Surgeon to the Illinois Central Hospital. Schuchardt, Rudolph Frederick, Electrical Engineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Dec. 14, 1875, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1909 he has been Electrical Engineer of the Com- monwealth Edison Company. Schuette, Oswald Francis, Journalist of 1622 Wayne Avenue, was born Aug. 31, 1882, in Chicago. In 1915-17 he was War Correspon- dent for the Chicago Daily News with the German and Austrian armies, and in 1913 was President of the National Press Club. Schuhmann, H. H., Dentist of 25 East Wash- ington Street, was born April 12, 1868, in San HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 321 Francisco, Cal. He is a member of the Staff of the Michael Reese Hospital. Schuler, Abram John, Manufacturer of 617 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May 13, 1860, in Warren, Pa. Since 1907 he has been a member of the Schuler Art Glass Company. Schultz, Albert L., Manufacturer of 1675 Elston Avenue, was born in 1862, in Germany. He is President of the Carey Brick Company, the Columbia Gravel Company, and A. L.. Schultz and Son. Schultz, H., Manufacturer of 531 West Su- perior Street, was born Feb. 27, 1874, in Chi- cago. He is President and Manager of H. Schultz and Company, manufacturers of pa- per boxes. Schultz, James Milton, Lumber Merchant of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 15, 1857, in Rochester, N. Y. Since 1910 he has been President and Treasurer of Schultz-Hol- toway and Company. Schultz, William Ward, Lumber Merchant of 37 West. Van Buren Street, was born Aug. 15, 1861, in Rochester, N. Y. In 1909-12 he was President of East Georgia Saw Mill Com- pany, manufacturers of yellow pine; and 1911- 13 President of the Schultz and Cowen Com- pany. Schultze, Moritz, Physician of 1548 Belmont Avenue, was born Dec. 23, 1860, in Germany. He is Surgeon to the evangelical Deaconess' Hospital. Schu'z, Otto, Manufacturer of 711 Milwau- kee Avenue, was born Aug. 15, 1870, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1886 he has been engaged in the piano business. He is now President of the M. Schulz Company, manufacturers of pianos; President of the Werner Piano Com- pany; and President of the Magnola Talking Machine Company. Schulze, Paul, of 76 West Monroe Street, was born dune 13, 1864, in Osterode, Ger- many. In 1891-2 he was as- sociated with the Wash- burn-Crosby Company. In 1893 he organized and has since been President of the Schulze Baking Company. He is a Governing Member of the Art Institute, and a member of the Union League, Kenilworth, Sko- kie Country and Cliff Dwellers Clubs. Schulze, William, of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. 17, 1866, in Osterode, Hartz, Germany. Since 1893 he has been Treasurer of the Schulze Baking Company. Schulze, William Charles, Physician of 804 Leland Avenue, was born Aug. 26, 1870, in Coennern. Germany. In 1897 he received the degree of M. D. from Rush Medical College; 1897-1900 practiced in Lomira, Wis.; 1902-7 Medical Director of the Chicago Zander In- stitute; and since 1913 has been Dean of the National School of Chiropractic. He is a member of the Olympian Fields, Edgewater, and Chicago Lincoln Clubs. Schumann-Heink, Ernestine, Prima Donna of 3672 Michigan Avenue, was born June 15, 1861, in Prague, Austria. In 1878 she made her first appearance on the stage in II Trova- tore; and has since appeared in leading cities of America and Europe. Schussler, Walter R., Physician and Surgeon of 9435 Langley Avenue, was born March 29, 1868. He is an ex-member of the State Board of Health; Ex-President of the Cook County Medical and Surgical Society; and President of the Burnside Hospital. Schuttler, Peter, Manufacturer of 2509 West Twenty-second Street, was born May 20, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1906 he has been President of the Peter Schuttler Com- pany, manufacturers of wagons. Schutze, Martin, Writer and Educator of 1373 East Fifty-seventh Street, was born Dec. 21, 1866, in Germany. Since 1915 he has been Professor of German Literature in the University of Chicago. Schwab, Alfred C, Manufacturer of 1302 North Halsted Street, was born Nov. 21, 1869, in Chicago. He is Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager of Ensendrath, Schwab and Company, leather manufacturers. Schwab, Charles H., Retired Merchant of 3301 Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 13, 1835, in Miielhouse, Alsace, Germany. In 1878 he be- came interested in the firm of M. Selz and Company, (he firm name then becom- ing Schwab and Company, of which he was a partner until 1892, when he retired. He has been President of the Chicago Home for Jew- ish Orphans. In 1886-7 he was Comptroller of Chicago; and was a member of the Coun- cil of Administration, World's Columbian Ex- position. Schwab, John George, Clergyman of 531 Bellefort Avenue, Oak Park, 111., was born Feb. 11, 1865, in Walnut, 111. Since 1914 he has been Presiding Elder of the Chicago Dis- trict; and is a member of the Board of Pub- lication and the Denominational Publishing House. Schwab, Louis A., Manufacturer of 622 West Adams Street, was born Jan. 31, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Mon- arch Electric and Wire Company. Schwab, Leslie Watts, Physician and Sur- geon of 4315 Grand Boulevard, was born May 3, 1866, in Decatur, 111. Since 1896 he has practiced medicine. He is Attending Physi- cian and Surgeon to the Lakeside Hospital, and the Chicago Lying-in Hospital. Schwartz, Charles P., Attorney-at-Law of 6 North Clark Street, was born Oct. 1, 1885, in Vilna, Lithuania. He was formerly Secretary 322 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Id Judge Julian W. Mack. He is Chairman of th, Join! Committee for the Education and Naturalization of the Foreign Born Adult; Secretary of the Chicago District of the Zion- ist Organization of America; a member of the Masonic Order; B'nai B'rith, and the City, Covenant and Social Workers Country Clubs. Schwartz, Frederick, Clergyman of 1908 Sedwick Street, was born Feb. 28, 1861, in Washington County, Wis. He is Pastor of the Wisconsin Street, Evangelical Church. Schweppe, Charles Hodgdon, Banker of 209 South LaSalle street, was born Nov. 18, 1880, in Alton, III. Since 1913 has boon a partner in the firm of Lee, Bigginson and Company. He is a Director of the Illinois Trust and Savings Hank. Schwill, Julius, Manufacturer of 309 South LaSalle Street, was born July 6, 1881, in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Since 1905 he has been Vice- President of Albert Schwill and Company, malt. Scofield, Timothy J., Attorney-of-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born March 20, 1856, in Carthage, ill. He has been General Attorney of the Quincy, Omaha and Kansas City Railroad Company; First Assistant At- torney General of Illinois; and First Assistant City Attorney of Chicago. He is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Loesch, Scofield and Loesch, solicitors of the Pennsylvania Com- pany, and the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago a n,l St. Louis Railway Company. Scott, Erastus Howard, Publisher of 623 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 8, 1855, in Noble County, Ohio. Since 1894 he has been President "of the firm of Scott, Fores- man anil Company, publishers. Scott, Frank Hamline, Attorney-at-Law of Lit South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 1, 1857, in Tipton, Iowa. In 1S76 he received the de- gree of A. M. from North- western University and 1878 the degTee of LL. B. from the Union College of Law. Since 1878 he has practiced law, and is now senior member of the law firm of Scott, Bancroft, Martin and Stephens. He is a member of the Onwentsia, Union League, Chicago and City Clubs. Scott, Frederick Hossack, Dry Goods Mer- chant of 30Q West Adams Street, was born April 10, 1S79, in Ottawa, 111. In 1900 he re- ceived the degree of B. S. from Princeton University. In 1900-1 he was engaged in the retail dry goods business in Ottawa; since 1901 has been connected with Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, and since 1913 a member of the firm. Since 1917 he has been Presi- dent of the State Association of Illinois Y. M. C. A.'s; Pesident of the Princeton Club of Chicago; and a member of the Saddle and Cycle, Chicago, University, Glen View and I adian Hill, Clubs. Scott, George A. H., Attorney-at-Law of 1145 Wouth Wabash Avenue, was born in 1864. He is Counsel and Secretary of The Illinois Humane Society. Scott, George E., Steel Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue. First Vice-Presi- dent of the American Steel Foundries. Scott, John Adams, Educator of 1958 Sheri- dan Road, Evanston, 111., was born Sept. 15, L867, in Fletcher, ill. Since 1904 he has been Head Professor of Greek in Northwestern Uni- versity. Scott, John William, Merchant of 300 West Adams Street, was born March 24, 1870, in Ottawa, 111. In 1889 he entered the service of Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, and is now a member of the firm. Scott, Orlando F., Surgeon of 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 9, 1885, in Newton, 111. He is Chief Surgeon for the Co*rn Products Refining Company; and Indus- trial Surgeon in charge of seven First Aid Service Stations in the Industrial Districts of Chicago for the treatment of injured em- ployees. During the Great War he was a Captain in the Medical Corps, United States Army, American Expeditionary Forces. Scott, Robert Bruce, Lawyer of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 18, 1874, in Kaneville, 111. In 1895 he received the de- gree of Ph. B. from the University of Penn- sylvania, and in 1895-7 took post-graduate work in the Universities of Wisconsin, Chi- cago and Berlin. He was admitted to the bar in 1897; and in 1906-11 was a member of the faculties of political science and law in the University of Wisconsin. Since 1911 he has been General Attorney for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway Company. He is a member of the Union League and City Clubs. - Scott, Robert Lindsay, Dry Goods Merchant of 300 West Adams Street, was born May 26, 1873, in Ottawa, 111. In 1889 he was engaged in the dry goods business in Ottawa; since 1892 has been associated with the firm of Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company, and is now a member of the firm. Since 1912 he has been a Trustee of the University of Chicago; also President of the First Baptist Church of Evanston. He is a member of the Union League, City, Glen View, and Evanston Coun- try Clubs. Scott, Walter C, Clergyman of 7317 South Union Avenue, was born Feb. 6, 1869, in Bar- ry, 111. He is Pastor of the Normal Park Methodist Episcopal Church. Scott, Walter Dill, Educator of Evanston, 111., was born May 1, 1869, in Cooksville, HI. Since 1908 he has been Professor of Psychol- ogy in Northwestern University. He is author of Theory of Advertising; Psychology of Pub- lic Speaking, and other works. During the HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 323 Great War he served as Colonel in the United States Army. Scotten, Samuel Chatman, Grain Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 31, 1851, in Burlington, Iowa. Since 1878 he has been in the grain and commission business, and is now a member of the firm of Scotten and Snyd acker. Scouler, Guy, Refiner and Manufacturer of 4 : '. 4 ."> South Western Avenue, was born in No- vember, 1880, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was formerly Purchasing Agent and Sales Man- ager for the Union Petroleum Company of Philadelphia. He is now Vice-President of the Union Petroleum Company; and a Di- rector of the Wellsville Refining Company and the Union Pipe Line Company. Scovel, John C., Lawyer and Jurist of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born March 8, 1845, in Columbia County, N. Y. In 1906 he was elected Judge of the Municipal Court in Chicago. Scoville, John Henry, Commission Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec. 12, 1867. Since 1892 he has been a member of the firm of Scoville and Company. During the Great War he served with the Fyer du Soldat, Franch Army. Scudder, John Arnold, Bond Dealer of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born June 24, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1900 he has been engaged in the bond business. Scudder, Ogden Fay, Railroad Official of 547 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 24, 1871, in Galesburg, 111. Since 1914 he has been Land and Industrial Commissioner for the Chicago, Burlington and Quiney Railroad. Scudder, William Taylor, Manufacturer of 154 West Erie Street, was born Dec. 23, 1861, in Terre Haute, Ind. In 1892 he organized and has since been President of the Scudder Syrup Company. 'Scully, Daniel B., Manufacturer of 319 East Illinois Stre et, w as born May 23, 1850, in Ire- land. He was educated in the public schools of Madi- son, N. J., and DeKalb County, III. In 1S72 he es- tablished and has since been head of the D. B. Scully Syrup Company; and is a Director of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. For one term he was County Commissioner of Cook County. Scully, James A., Manufacturer of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 24, 1S7<», in Leetonia, Ohio. He is President of Scully, .limes and Company, machinery. Scully, Maurice ' H., Manufacturer of 321 East Illinois Street, was born April 14, 1860, in Dublin, Ireland. Since 1877 he has been associated with his brother in the manufacture of syrup, and is now a partner in the D. B. Scully Syrup Company. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum and the National Union; a member of the South Shore Country Club and the Chicago Athletic Club; and resides at the Virginia Hotel. Scully, Thomas Francis, Lawyer and Jurist, the County Build ing, was born Nov. 5, 1870, in Chicago, 111. In 1896-1903 he was Assistant Prosecut- ing Attorney of the City of Chicago; 1903-5 Attorney for the City Comptroller; 1900-4 a member of the State Board of Equaliza- tion; 1905-10 a member of the City Council; and 1910- . 14 Judge of the Municipal Courl of Chicago. He is now County Judge of Cook County. Seaman George Milton, Paper Dealer of 208 South LaSalJe Street, was born in St. Joseph, Mo. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the paper business, and is now President of the S a man Paper Company. Seaman, Halleck Wager, Railway Official of 2ii!) South LaSal lc Street, was born Sept. 26, I860, in Clinton, Iowa. He is an officer in various in- dustrial companies; Chair- man of the Board of the American Wire Fabrics Company; President of the Trojan Mining Company; and is connected with sev- eral banking institutions. . He is a member of the Chi- cago Yacht and Union League Clubs. Seaman, Isaac W., Real Estate Dealer of 68 West Monroe Street was born Feb. 22, 1851, in McHenry County, 111. He is President of the Chicago Manufacturing Company, and I. W. Seaman and Company; and Vice-Presi- dent of the International Mausoleum Com- pany. Searle, Claude Howard, Physician of 4611 East Ravenswood Avenue, was born Aug. 1, 1873. He is President, Treasurer and Gen- eral Manager of Searle and Company, manu- facturing chemist. Seaverns, George Alfred, Grain Merchant of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 20, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Tn 1901-4 he was Presi- dent of the Alton Grain Company. He is now President of the Seaverns Elevator Company. Sedgwick, Earl Phillips, Manufacturer of North Chicago, was born April 8, 1807, in Wheaton, 111. Since 1897 he has been Secre tary and Treasurer of the Chicago Hardware Foundry Company. Sedgwick, Edwin Ward, Manufacturer of 3517 Shields Avenue, was born April 23, 1875, in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Since 1900 he has been President of the S. Wilks Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of hot water healers. See, Christian, Wholesale Grocer of 3915 South LaSalle Street, was born in Weibern, 324 HBRRINGSIIAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Germany. Ee is President of See and Com- pany, wholesale grocers. Seeberger, Louis Augustus, Real Estate Dealer of 72 Wesi Adams Street, was born July 23, 1863, in Oskaloosa, [owa. Since 1908 he has been head of Louis A. Seeberger and Company. In Phil" he was President of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Seegers, Charles, Varnish Manufacturer of 1 l.iS North Bran ch Street, was bom Feb. 113, 183 I, in I l;ui<>\ i'i', Germany. Since L855 he has resided in Chicago. In 1876-87 he w:is President of North- westei n Lead and Oil < !om pany, and in 1896-1902 President of the Crescent Oil Linseed Company. He is now President of the American Varnish Com- pany; and an officer in other corporations. Seibert, John F., Clergyman of 159 North state street, was born Aug. 29, 1868, in Chambersburg, Pa. Since 1912 he has been Manager of the Chicago Branch of the Luth- eran Publication Society, and Missionary Su- perintendent of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod »f Northern Illinois. Seidel, Adolph, Manufacturer of 1247 Gar- field Avenue, was born Jan. 4, 1841, iu Ger- many. Since 1890 he has been senior mem- ber of the firm of Adolph Seidel and Sons, manufacturers of bakers' and confectioners' supplies. Seidel, Walter Felix, of 1259 Garfield Ave- nue, was born Sept. 22, 1871, in Germany. He is a partner in the firm of Ad. Seidel and Sons, bakers' supplies. He has been Presi- dent of the Germania Club; President of the Holmes Club; and is a Thirty-second Degree Mason and Knight Templar. Seifert, John K„ Mining Engineer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 13, L852, in Pennsylvania. Consulting Engineer, expert prospector and experienced estimator of values for bonding United States proper- ties. Seifert, Mathias Joseph, Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1866, iu Chicago, 111. In 1885 he graduated from The Teachers' Seminary, St. Francis, Wis.; in 1901 received the degree of M. D. from the University of Illinois. He has been Pro- fessor of Physical Diagnosis and Anesthesi- ology in the University of Illinois and Ad- junct Professor of Operative Surgery, and Instructor of Senior Medicine in the same college. He is now Professor of Surgery and Head of the Department of Surgery in The Hospital College of Medicine. He is the au- thor of a Manual of Practical Gynecology and numerous monographs on medical and surgical subjects; and is a member of the Physicians' Club, the Illinois State Medical Society, the Chicago Medical Society, and the American Medical Associat ion. Seip, Emil G., Hanker and Corporation Offi- cial of 208 South LaSalle Street. He is Presi- dent of the Calumet National Hank, Chicago; President of the Illinois Improvement and liallast Company; President id' the Southeast- ern Iron Corporation and Director of the First National Hank of Gary, End. Seipp, Clarence T., General Contractor of 179 West Washington Street, was born in Chi- cago, 111. lie is President and Treasurer of the Mueller Construction Company. Seippel, Clara P., Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was 'bom May 30, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Since 1907 she has been en- gaged in the practice of medicine; and since 1911 has been Assistant City Physician; and is also Consulting (lynecologist to the Nor- wegian American Hospital. Selden, Frederick L., Clergyman of 4307 North Hermitage Avenue, was born Feb. 8, 1S69, in Cambria, Wis. In 1894 he graduated from Hi pon College, 1898, graduated from the McCormick Theological Seminary; and in 1914 received the degree of D. D. from the latter. He is now Pastor of the Eavenswood Presby- terian Church, Chicago. Selig, Louis M., Manufacturer of 208 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 22, 1868, in Wurzburg, Germany. In 1883 he came to America. Since 1897 he has Keen engaged in the manufacture of artificial flowers; and is now President of the Botanical Decorating Company; and the Celebrated Players Film Company, lie is a member of the Art Insti- tute, and the Illinois Athletic Club. Selig, Peter A., Merchant and Importer of 659 North Wells Street, was born March 8, 1858, in Chicago, III. Since 1873 he has been associated with the Theodore A. Kochs Com- pany, barbers' supplies; and since 1896 Treas- urer. Selig, William Nicholas, Manufacturer of 3900 North Claremont Street, was born March 14, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1896 he has been engaged in the motion picture business, and is now President of the Selig Polyscope Company. Sellar', George Alan, of 557 West Quincy Street, was born Sept. 7, 1877, in Aberdeen, Scotland. In HMD he organized and has since been Secretary and Manager of the Ben- jamin Sellar Manufacturing Company. He is a member of Board of Managers of the Young Men's Christian Association, West Side De- partment. Sellen, Henry Adolphus, Manufacturer of 227o Blue Island Avenue, was born Nov. 8, 1865, at Heaver Dam. Wis. Since 1903 he has been Vice-President of the Morgan Sash and Door < 'oinpany. Sellers, John Morris, Manufacturer of 332 South M'chigan Avenue, was born Aug. 12, 1865, in Keokuk, Iowa. In 1S88-1914 he was HERRINGSIIAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 325 Vice-President and General manager of the Sellers Manufacturing Company, and since 1914 has been President. Selz, Jacob Harry, Manufacturer and Mer- chant of 40 South Market Street, was born April 22, 1864, in Chicago, 111. Since 1913 he has been President of Selz, Schwab and Com- pany, dealers in boots and shoes; and is a Director of the Corn Exchange National Bank. Sempill, Robert Arnot, Physician of 25 East Washington Steet,, was born dan. 13, 18(34, in Kinnesswood, Scotland. Since 1914 he has been Professor of Dermatology in the Illinois Post-Graduate Medical School; and is Junior Professor of Dermatology in the Bennett Med- ical College. Seng, Frank Joseph, Manufacturer of 1450 Dayton Street, was born Dec. 22, 18(59, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1896 he has been President of the Seng Company, hardware specialties. Senn, William Nicholas, Surgeon of 1242 Astor Street, was born in 1876, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1904 he has practiced surgery in Chicago. He is now Attending Physician in the Department of Cystoscopy of the Cook County Hospital. Sergei, Charles Hubbard, Publisher and Editor of 542 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 25, 1861, in Muscatine, Iowa In 1893- 1902 he was Consul of Peru, Chicago; 1915-16 Treasurer of the City of Chicago; and in 1916 elected President of the Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago. He is proprietor of Charles H. Sergei and Company, publishers. Servatius, Joseph Henry, Manufacturer of 1735 North Ashland Avenue, was born May 21, L868, in Fond du Lac, Wis. He is President of the Illinois Show Case Works. Sessions, Edson O., Engineer, was born Dec. 23, L871, in Louisville, Ky. He is President of the Sessions Engineering Company, the Genera] Devices and Fittings Company, and the Contract Engineering Corporation. Dur- ing the Great War he acted as Western Man- ager for the United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation, with headquar- ters in Chicago. He is a Fellow of the Ameri- can Institute of Electrical Engineers; mem- ber of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Society of Civil En- gineers; a Thirty-second Degree "Mason and Shriner; and a member of the Mid-Day and Machinery Clubs. Residence, 5022 Sheridan Eoad. Sethness, Charles Olinus, Manufacturer of 718 North Curtis Street, was born Aug. 5, 1860, in Norway. Since 1884 he has been a manufacturing chemist, and is now President of the Sethness Company. Sethness, Helga Elizabeth, Welfare Worker of 4309 North Keeler Avenue, was born in Christiana, Norway. In 1914-17 she was a member of the Board of Education of Chicago. She is President of the Woman's Aid and Loan Society. Seufert, Edward C, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1873, in Wurz- burg, Germany. He is Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery; Physician-in-Chief of the Ameri- can Hosiptal and Training School for Nurses; and Attending Physician to Cook County Hos- pital. He is the author of a book on medi- cal treatment and numerous monographs. Sever, Henry Edwin, Publisher of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born April 28, 1866, in Hurdland, Mo. Since 1897 he has been Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Riverside Publish- ing Company. Sevenn, Nils P., Contractor and Builder of 105 North Clark Street, was born March 30, 1861, in Sweden. Since 188S he has been en- gaged in the building business in Chicago. Sewall, Edmund D., Railway Official of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born, in Wil- mington, Del. Since 1S71 he has been en- gaged in railroad service, and since 1913 has been Vice President of the Chicago, Milwau- kee and St. Paul Railroad Company. Sexton, John, Merchant of 352 West Illi- nois Street, was born June 29, 1858, in Dun- das, Ontario. Since 1898 he has been Presi- dent of .John Sexton and Company, wholesale grocers. Sexton, Paul D., Public Utility Operator of 72 West Adams Street, was born May 11, 1869, in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1915 he has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Public Serv- ice Company of Northern Illinois. Sexton, William Henry, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born March 22, L875, in Chicago, 111. He was admitted to the bar in 1895; and has since prac- ticed law in Chicago. In 1911-14 he was Corporation Counsel of the City of Chi- cago under Mayor Harrison. He is now a member of the law tii in of Tolman, Red- Held. Sexton and Chandler. ie^moui-, Elwyn William, Business Man- ager, End of East Austin Avenue, was born Dec. Id, 1862 in Three Rivers, Canada. Since 1895 he has been General Manager of the Northern Michigan Transportation Company. Seymour, Ralph Fletcher, Designer, Pub- lisher and instructor of 410 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 18, 1876, in Milan, 111. Since 1907 he has been Instructor in com- position anil illustration in the Art Institute of Chicago. Shabad, Henry Moses, Attorney-at-Law of 127 North Dearborn Street, was born June 21, 1861, in Russia. Since 1894 he has practiced law; and is now Counsel for the Real Prop- erty Owners' Association. In 1911 he was Assistant States Attorney of Cook County. Shafer, Howard O., Physician and Surgeon of 1200 North Dearborn Street, was born in 326 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Indiana. Ee is Professor of Gynecology in the Chicago Policlinic Hospital. Shaffer, Carroll, Publisher and Grain Mer- chant of 12 South Market Street, was born Fell. 25, L884, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice- President and Business Manager of the Chi- cago Evening Post; Vice-President of the Roi ky Mountain News; Indianapolis Star; Denvei Times; and Muncie Star; President of the Post Printing Company: a member of the firm of J. C. Shaffer and Company, grain merchants; and a member of the firm of Shaf- fer and Stream, commission merchants. Shaffer, John Charles, Editor and Publisher of 1- South Market Street, was born June 5, 1853, in Baltimore, Md. Since 1901 he has been President and Publisher of the Chicago Evening Post, lie is also Publisher of The Rocky Mountain News, Denver; The Louis- ville Herald; The Denver Evening Times; The Indianapolis Star; The Muncie Star; and The Terre Haute Star. Shaffner, Benjamin Marion, Attorney-at- l-.iw of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 20, L847. In 1893 he organized and was commander of the Illinois Naval Militia. Since L870 he has practiced law in Chicago. Shambaugh, George Elmer, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 15, 1869, in Clinton County, Iowa. He is Otol- ogist to the Presbyterian Hospital; and Pro- fessor of Otology and Laryngology in Rush Medical College. He is Ex-President of the Chicago Laryngological and Otological So- eiety. Shanahan, David Edward, Real Estate Deal- er of 115 South Dearborn Street, was born BSept. 7, 1862, in Lee Coun- ty, 111. In 18S5-6 he was South Town Supervisor; and in 1889-93 Deputy United States Marshal for the Northern District of Illinois; 1894-1918 a Repre- sentative in the General Assembly of Illinois; and has been a delegate to state and national conventions. He is a Di- rector in manufacturing and other corpora- tios. Shankland, Edward Clapp, Civil Engineer of 209 Sou th LaSal le Street, was born Aug. 2, 1854, in Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1878 he received the degree of C. E. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy N. Y. Since 1889 he has been designing steel work for buildings; and in 1891-3 was Engineer of Construc- tion and Chief Engineer of Work for the World's Co- lumbian Exposition. He is now a member of the linn of E. C. and R. M. Shankland. Shane, Solomon I., Merchant of 3300 Went worth Avenue, was born March 24, 1859, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Since 1895 he has been ('resident and General Manager of the West- ern Wrecking and' Lumber Company; and since 1!»11 proprietor of Shane and Company, plumbing supplies. Shankland, Ralph Martin, Civil Engineer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1863, in Dubuque, Iowa. Since 1898 he has been a member of the firm of E. C. and R. M. Shank- land. Shanklin, Robert French, Real Estate Dealer of 1 1 1 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 9, 1861, in Evansville, Ind. Since 1892 he has been engaged in the real estate busi- ness in Chicago. Shapker, Edward Bernard, Investment Banker of 234 South LaSalle Street, was born in Evansville, Ind. He was formerly as- sociated with R. G. Dun and Company; and for eight years previous to 1911 was asso- ciated with McCoy and Company. He is now President of Shapker, Waller and Company. Sharp, William Leslie, Manufacturer of 2263 Lumber Street, was born Jan. 19, 1863, in Princeton, 111. He is President of Sharp, Partridge and Company, glass; and a mem- ber of the firm of William L. Sharp and Com- pany, farm motgages. Sharp, William Nye, Merchant of 65 East Lake Street, was born Sept. 25, 1861, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1904 he has been President of Sharp and Smith, surgical instruments. Sharpe, Charles Manford, Educator of 5515 Kimbark Avenue, was born March 17, 1869, in Hamilton County, Ind. Since 1913 he has been Dean of the Disciples Division House and Assistant Professor of Systematic The- ology in the University of Chicago. Sharpies, Philip M., Manufacturer of 565 West Washington Boulevard. President of The Sharpies Separator Company, manufactur- ers of cream separators, West Chester, Pa., and Chicago. Shaw, Archibald Wilkinson, Publisher and Author of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 4, 1876, in Jackson, Mich. He is head of the firm of A. W. Shaw and Company, pub- lishers of Factory, System and other period- icals. Shaw, Arthur E., Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 1, 1862, in Natchez, Miss. He is President of the Welsbach Street Lighting Company of Amer- ica. Chicago and Philadelphia. Shaw, Edward Ross, Commission Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born in 1865, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1S91 he has been a member of the Chicago Board of Trade. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic As- sociation, the Hinsdale Club and Hinsdale Golf Club. Shaw, Frank Sargent, Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dee. 27, L862, in Neilsburg, Pa. In 1903-1912 he was HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 327 President of the Cable Company. He is now President of the Webster Manufacturing Com- pany, Manufacturers of Machinery. Shaw, Howard VanDoren, Architect of 39 South State Street, was born May 7, 186S, in Chicago, 111. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the practice of his profession in Chicago. Shaw, Louis B., Manufacturer of 19 North Jefferson Street, was born Feb. 26, 1865, in Chicago. Since 1894 he has been President of the Machinists' Supply Company, Manu- facturers of machinery and mill supplies. Shaw, Ralph Martin, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 18, 1869, in Paris, Ky. Since 1892 he has practiced law, and is now a member of the firm of Winston, Strawn and Shaw. He is Director of the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company of Chicago; the Joliet and Northern Indiana Railroad Company; the Chicago Kiver and Indiana Railroad Company; the Wacker and Birk Malting and Brewing Com- pany; and numerous other corporations; and is General Counsel for the Chicago River and Indiana Railroad Company, and Chicago Great Western Railroad Company. He is a member of the Saddle and Cycle, Old Elm, University, Ontwentsia, and Yale Clubs, Chi- cago; and Metropolitan Club, Washington, D. C. Shaw, Theodore A., Commission Merchant of 414 South Market Street, was born Sept. 13, 1871, in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 he has been President of T. A. Shaw and Company, manufacturers and agents; and is President of the Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper Company. Shaw, Warwick Axgyle, Attorney-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 5, 1859, in Anoka, Minn. In 1901-5 he was At- torney for the Illinois State Board of Health. Shaw, William Carson, Clergyman of 621 Belmont Avenue, was born in Canada. Rector of St. Peter's Church. Shea, John E., Banker of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Oct. 13, 1864, in Springfield, Mass. Since 1880 he has been identified with the banking business, and is now Vice-Presi- dent of the Fort Dearborn Trust and Sav- ings Bank. Shead, Frank J., Merchant of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1856, in Defi- ance, Ohio. He is President of the Shead Lumber Association; and is Chairman of the Anti-Crime League. Sheahan, Edward A., Wholesale Merchant of 508 South Franklin Street, was born in La- moille, 111. Since 1910 he has been a member of the firm of Sheahan, Kohn and Company, wholesale clothing. Shearman, Charles Ellsworth, Underwriter and Court Official of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 17, 1862, in Marengo, Ohio. Since 1905 he has been Chief Clerk of the Superior Court; and is also Manager of the Aetna Life Insurance Company. Shedd, Charles Banks, Capitalist of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born June 18, 1846,' in Michigan City, Ind. In 1876 he was asso- ciated with his brother in the ice business of E. A. Shedd and Company, which later be- came the Knickerbocker Ice Company, and of which he was Treasurer until 1S98. He is now a member of the real estate firm of E. A. Shedd and Company. Shedd, Edward Avery, Capitalist of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born March 1, 1851, in Chicago, 111. Until 1898 he was President of the Knickerbocker Ice Company. He is a Director of the Corn Exchange National Bank. Shedd, Howard Orton, Vice-President and Treasurer of the W. J. Shedd Company, corner of One Hundred and Seventeenth Street and Prairie Avenue. He was President of the Kendall Ice Cream Company from 1909 until this company was consolidated with the Mata- galpa Coffee and J. W. Shedd and Company in 1917, forming the W. J. Shedd Company. Shedd, John Graves, Merchant of 219 West Adams Street, was born July 20, 1850, in Al- stead, N. H. In 1872 he entered the employ of Field, Leiter and Company and is now President of Marshall Field and Company; ami is a Director of the Merchants Loan and Trust- Company, and numerous other corpora- tions. Shedd, William J., President of The W. J. Shedd Company, manufacturers, One hundred j and Seventeenth Street and Prairie Avenue, was born at Deep River, I ake Countv, : Indiana, Dec. 17, 1859. : Entered emplov of E. A. j Shedd & Company who were engaged in the ice business in 1877, continu- | ing with them until they | incorporated into the Knickerbocker Ice Company in 1885 at which time he was admitted into partnership; was Vice-President and General Manager of this company for fifteen years previous to the merging of the company with the City Fuel Company into the Consumers Company. He is a Thirty-second Degree Mason; and a member of the 'Midlothian Country Club. Eesidence, corner One Hundred and Forty-fifth Street and Crawford Avenue. Shedden, James, Contractor of 106 North LaSalle Street, was born June 13, 1863, in Dairy, Ayrshire, Scotland. Since 1905 he has been head of the firm of James Shedden and Company, contractors. Sheeler, Harvey, Business Man, Inventor of L33 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 22, 1843, in Hamilton, Out., Canada. He is President ami Treasurer of the Sheeler and 328 111 i;i;i\<;si[.\\Y S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Sun Company; and Vice-President of the Sheeler-Knudeon Company. He is the in- ventor nf various devices for moving houses. Sheean, James Matthew, Attorney-at-Law of L05 South LaSalle street, was born Nov. 28, L866, in Galena, 111. In 1887 he received the degree of A. B. from Beloit College and later studied law under his uncle anil father at Galena, 111. In 1891-7 he was City Attorney of Galena. Since 1901 he has practiced his profession in Chicago, and is now a member of the law linn of Ca houn, Lyford and Sheean. Sheets, Vaughn L., Physician of 59 East Madison Street, was born Oct. 2, 1869, in Salama, \Y. Va. He is Professor of Medicine in the Chicago College of Medicine and Sur- gery; and President and a member of the Staff of the Fiances Willard Hospital. Shefler, Connell Billings, Business Man of 133 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 19, 1847, in Mansfield, Ohio. Since 1884 he has been President of the Garden City Sand ( lompany. Sheldon, Arthur Frederick, Educator of 36 South State Str eet, was born May 1, 1868, in Vernon, Mich. He is Presi- dent of The Sheldon School; and President of the Shel- don University Press; Author of The Science of Successful Salesmanship, twenty-five volumes; Science of Industrial Suc- cess; Science of Service; and Science of Business Building. He is a member of the Botary, Chi- cago Athletic, and Press Clubs. Shepard, Frank Lyman, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 25, 1867, in McHenry County, 111. In 1896-1903 he was First Assistant County Attorney of Cook County; and 1903-6 Attorney for the Board of Review and County Board. Shepard, Guy Conwell, Packer of 111 West Monroe street, was born Dec. 21, 1873, in Moudamin, [owa. since 1890 he has held various positions with the Cudahy Packing Company, of which he is now Vice-President. Shepard, Perry Melville, Manufacturer of 6126 La Salle Street, was born Feb. 13, 1883, in Chicago, 111. In 1910-14 he was President and General Manager of The Wire Hardware Company, manufacturers of wire goods. He is QOW Treasurer and Manager of The Cassady- Fairbank Manufacturing Company. Shepard, Stuart Gore, Attorney-at-Law of 7 Smith Dearborn street, was born Jan. 21, 1S74, in Chicago, 111. In 1896 he was Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago. He is now a member of the law firm of Shepard, McCor- mick, Kirkland, Patterson and Fleming. Shepardson, Francis Wayland, Educator of 'i')')^ Kimbark Avenue, was born Oct. 15, 1862, in Cheviot, Ohio. Since 1906 he has been As- sociate Professor of American History in the University of Chicago. Shepherd, Edward Staats, Merchant of 259 Fast Erie Street, was bom May 28, 1845, in Orleans, N. Y. Since 1890 he has been Presi- dent of Crerar, Adams and Company, railway supplies. Shepherd, John, Fire Underwriter of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born July 29, 1849, in Carroll County, Tenn. Since 1883 he has been engaged in the insurance busi- ness, and is now Manager of the Citizens In- surance Company of Missouri. In 1909 be was President of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Sheppard, George Walter, Wholesale Grocer of 064 West Randolph Street, was born Sept. 1, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1907 he has been President of the Sheppard, Strassheim Company. Shereir, Samuel James, Manufacturer of 1705 South Clark Street, was born March 27, 1861, in Aurora, 111. He is President of the Sherer-Gillett Company, dealers in flavoring extracts. Sherer, William George, Merchant of 1705 South Clark Street, was born May 3, 1858, in Aurora, 111. Since 1905 he has been Vice- President of the Sherer-Gillett Company. Sheridan, Albert D., of 1151 Roscoe Street. Vice-President of the American Colortype Company of Illinois. Sheridan, James Jay, Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 16, 1868, in Virginia City, Nev. He received the degree of LL. B. from the University of Michigan in 1894, and the degree of LL. M. from Yale College in 1895. Since 1895 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. He is a member of the University Club and the Hamilton Club, of which he was President for one year; and the Chicago Bar Association. Sheridan, James W., Manufacturer of 1032 East Forty-sixth Street, was born May 22, 1857. He is President of the Mobilette Com- pany, manufacturers of cycle cars. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club, and the Chicago Athletic Association. Sheridan, Michael K., Public Official, was born Jan. l.'J, 1868, in Sterling, 111. Since 1912 he has been a member of the Board of Assessors of Cook County. In 1917 he was a member of the Draft Registration Board. Sheridan, Thomas Francis, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born June 1, 1 s .1 9 , in Bridgeport, Conn. He is senior member of the law firm of Sheridan, Jones, Sheridan and Smith, patent attorneys. Sheridan, Witbur Fletcher, Clergyman of 740 Rush Street, was born Dec. 5, 1863, in Rossville, Ind. He was formerly General Sec- HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 329 retary of the Epworth League of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Sherman, Clayton William, Paper Manu- facturer of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 13, 1873, in Beloit, Wis. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the paper business. He is now Treasurer of the Seaman Company; and President of the H. P. Smith Paper Com- pany. Sherman, Roger, Eeal Estate Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born March 17, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly en- gaged in the real estate and fire insurance business; and is now Manager of the Otis Building. Sherwood, Alexander B., Lithographer of 465 East Thirtieth Street, was born Oct. 17, 1858, in New York City. Since 1876 he has been engaged in the lithographing business as President of the Sherwood Lithograph Com- pany. Shields, William Sylvanus, Civil Engineer of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 18, 1860, in Indiana County, Pa. Since 1883 he has practiced his profession in Chicago, and is now head of the firm of W. S. Shields and Company. Shiells, Hugh, of 213 East Forty-seventh Street, was born June 23, 1858, in County An- trim, Ireland. In 1808-1901 he was Viee- 1 'resilient of Miller and Hart, packers. Shillito, Philip Brown, Underwriter of 175 W. Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 13, 1881, in Kansas City, Mo. Since 1911 he has been Manager of the Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company; and is a surety and casualty underwriter. Shinn, J. Paul, Live Stock Commission Mer- chant, Union Stock Yards. He is a Director of the Chicago Live Stock Exchange; and head of the firm of Shinn, Fry and Company. Shirk, George M., Manufacturer of 116 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 22, 1862. Since 1890 he has been President of tin 1 Shirk Refrigerator Company. Shiria, Wallace Eugene, Attorney at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 27, 1874, in Chicago, 111. He has been Assistant United States District Attorney, and Assist- ant to United States Attorney General. Shiverick, Asa Frank, Furniture Merchant of 33 North Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. 26 1861, in Dennis, Mass. He has been asso- ciated with the Tobey Furniture Company since 1890, and is now President and Treas- urer of the company. Shnable, Emile R., General Contractor of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 14, 1856, in Chicago, 111. Since 1908 he has been senior member of the Shnable and Quinn Com- pany, contractors for canals and locks. Shogren, Edwin B., Real Estate Dealer of 8327 South Chicago Avenue, was born July 21, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of E. B. Shogren and Company, real estate and subdivides. He is a member of the Ham- ilton Club, Chicago Yacht Club, South Shore Country Club and Beverly Country Club. Shope, Simeon P., Attorney-at-Law of 10 South La Salle S treet, was born Dec. 3, 1837, " in Akron, Ohio. In 1858 he was admitted to the bar, and engaged in the practice of law at Metamora, 111. In 1881 he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court, serving two terms; and in 1885 elected a member of the Supreme Court of Illi- nois. Since 1894 he has practiced law in Chicago. Shorey, Paul, Educator of 5516 Woodlawn Avenue, was born Aug. 3, 1857, in Davenport, Iowa. Since 1896 he has been head of the Department of Greek in the LTniversity of Chicago. In 1910 he was President of the American Philological Association. Short, Benedict J., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Aug. 16, 1869, in McHenry County, 111. In 1906-9 he was Assistant States Attorney of Cook County; and 1909-12, First Assistant States Attorney. Shortall, John Louis, Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born May 1, 1865, in Chicago, 111. Since 1891 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of Shortall and Murison. Residence, 339 Barrv Avenue. Shotwell, Alfred H., Manufacturer of 1021 West Adams Street, was born in West Point, Miss. He is President of the Shotwell Manu- facturing Company. Shoup, Alonzo D., Manufacturer of 1545 West Thirty-fifth Street, President of A. D. Shoup Company, manufacturers of paper boxes. Shumway, Philip Raymond, Paper Dealer of 517 South Wells Street, was born Jan. 31, 1868, in Evanston. 111. Since 1894 he has been President of the Paper Mills Company. Shure, Nathan, Wholesale Merchant' of 237 West Madison Street, was born Aug. 15, 1868, in Russia. Since 1887 he has been Presidcnl of the N. Shure Company, notions. Shurte, Charles H., Sheep Commission Mer- chant, Exchange Building. Union Stock Yards, was born Dec. 29, 1865, in Cassopolis, Mich. He has been dealing in sheep since fifteen years of age and for thirteen years was a sheen salesman. He is now owner of the Knollin Sheep Commission Company, Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha and Denver. Residence, 7101 Harvard Avenue. Shurtleff, Arthur R., Manufacturer of 400 North Lincoln Street, was born Oct. 22, L878, in Sycamore, 111. He is President of the Im- perial Beltine Company. Shurtleff, Wilford Calvin, Wholesale Drug- srist of 540 West Randolph Street, was born March 12, 1860, in St. Charles, 111. Since 1915 330 HERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. be baa been Vice-President and a Director of tlic Fuller Morrison Company; and a di- rector in Other corporations. Sickle, Max S., Broker and Corporation President of 110 South Dearborn Street, was liorn Jan. L'7, I860, in Detroit, Mich. He is the owner of M. S. Sickle and Company, to- bacco manufacturer and investments; Presi- dent of the National Jack and Manufacturing Company, Chicago; and Vice-President of the Interstate Light and Power Company. Sidley, William Pratt, Attorncy-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 30, istis, in Chicago, 111. Since 1891, he has prac- ticed law, and is a member of the law firm of Holt, Cutting and Sidley; and Vice-President and General Counsel for the Western Electric Company. Siebel, August F. W., Lawyer and Soldier of 1 11 West Washington Street, was born March 3, L877, on the isle of Ruegen, Baltic Sea. During the Spanish American War he served in the Third Illinois infantry, United States Volunteers; was Captain of Company C, Sec- ond [nfantry, Illinois National Guard, Mexi- can Border service; and during the Great War was a Captain in the One Hundred and Thirty second United States Infantry. In 1908 he was Department Commander of the Illinois Department of the United Spanish War Veterans; and 1911 Judge Advocate General of the United Spanish War Vet- erans. Siebel, John Ewald, Chemist of 960 Mon- tana Street, was born Sept. 18, 1845, in Ger- many, lie was Publisher and Editor of the American Chemical Review. He is Treasurer and a Director of the Zymotechnic Institute. Siedenburg, Frederic, Clergyman of 155 North Clark Street, was born Jan. 28, 1872, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was formerly Professor of Mathematics in St. Louis University, Mo. He is now Dean of the Department of Socio- logy in Loyola University, Chicago. He is also President of the Illinois Catholic His- torical Society. Sieh, Henry P., Live Stock Commissioner, Union Stock Yards, was born Sept. 18, 1856, in Germany. He is a member of the firm of Sieh, Pritchard and Company, live stock. Sikes, George dishing, Journalist of 311 North Central Avenue, was born June 4, 1868, in Dodge Center, Minn. He was formerly Editorial Writer for the Chicago Daily News. lie is now connected with the Chicago Bureau of Public Efficiency. Silber, Frederick David, Attorney-at-Law of L37 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 31, 1 s 7 : '. , in Milwaukee, Wis. Since 1897 he has practiced law, and is now senior member of the law linn of Silber, Isaacs, Silber and Wolev. Silverman, Sigmund, Merchant of 1125 West Thirty-fifth Street, was born June 20, L851, in Germany. Since 1909 he has been senior member of the firm of S. Silberman and Sons, wool and fur. Sills, Edward Prascey, Commission Mer- chant of 130 North Wells Street, was born Sept. 12, 1839, in New York. He was en- gaged in the commission business in Balti- more, Md., until 1880; from 1880-94, engaged in the same business in Chicago. Since 1894 he has been Vice-President, Secretary and a Director of The J. K. Armsby Company, canned food and dried fruits commission. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club, the Chicago Athletic Club and the Midlothian Country Club. Silver, Paul, Manufacturer of 3433 South Racine Avenue, was born June 14, 1881, in Berlin, Germany. He is President of the Sil- ver Manufacturing Company; Treasurer of the Eugene Arustein Corporation; and a partner in the Osro Chemical Company. He is a member of the Chicago Association of Credit Men, Chicago Association of Commerce; the Chicago Paint, Oil and Varnish Club, and the Central Manufacturing District Club. Silverthorne, George M., Manufacturer of 4117 Ogden Avenue was born in 1877, in Chi- cago, 111. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Western Felt Works. He was Captain of Company A, One Hundred and Sixty-first In- diana Volunteer Infantry during the Spanish American War; and in 1918 a Major in the Three Hundred and Forty-first United States Infantry. Simmons, Charles A., Gynecologist of 4703 Prairie Avenue, was born in 1874 in Washing- ton, 111. Since 1913 he has been Professor of Gynecology in the Chicago Hospital Col- lege of Medicine; and is a member of the Staff of the Ft. Dearborn Hospital. Simmons, Francis Tolles, Glove Importer of 320 South Franklin Street, was born Sept. 8, 1855, in Little Compton, R. I. He has been First Vice-President of the Association of Commerce; now a Director and a member of the Senior Council, Trustee of the Chicago Academy of Science; for fifteen years was President and Commissioner of Lincoln Park; First Vice-President Union League Club one term; many years a Director and now Presi- dent of Alliance Francaise; and First Vice- President of New England Society in Chicago. He is a member of the Union League, Cliff Dwellers, City, and Skokie Golf Clubs. Simmons, George H., Physician of 535 North Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 2, 1852, 'in England. In 1899-1911 he was General Secre- tary of the American Medical Association; and since 1S99 has been Editor of the Ameri- can Medical Association Journal. Simmons, John L., Contractor of 4004 West Madison Street, was born May 9, 1868, in Middlefield, Ohio. He is a structural engin- eer and contractor; President of the Simmons- Dick Construction Company, Bloomington, HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 331 111., and Vice-President of the Garfield Park State Savings Bank, Chicago. Simmons, Margaret E., Physician and Sur- geon of 1708 Devon Avenue, was born Aug. 22, 1854, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. For ten years she was a teacher in the public schools of Lincoln, Neb. She is now engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Chicago, specializing in the diseases of women and children. Simmons, Russell Mix, Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born March 9, 1876, in Aurora, 111. Since 1904 he has been a mem- ber of the firm of Howard, Simmons and Com- pany, banking and general bond business. Simmons, William Bush, Glove Importer and Manufacturer of 324 South Franklin Street, was born Dec. 16, 1884, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of Francis T. Simmons and Company; and Vice-President of the Marathon t'nderwear Company. Simms, Stephen Chapman, Ethnologist, 7030 Cliappel Avenue, was born March 22, 1864, in Georgetown, District of Columbia. Since 1894 he has been Curator of Ethnology in the N. W. Harris Public School Extension of Field Museum of Natural History; and since 1892 Vice Counsul of Portugal, Chicago. Simon, Charles William, Manufacturer of Si East Van Buren Street, was born April 30, in Hudson, N. Y. He is President of the Interior Mantle and Tile Company, mantels and grates. Simon, Henry, Jobber of 315 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 10, 1S56. Since 1880 he has been engaged in business in Chicago; and is now President of the Western Hosiery Company. Simonds, Ossian Cole, Landscape Gardener of 1101 Buena Avenue, was born Nov. 11, 1855, in Grand Kapids, Mich. Since 1903 he has been head of the firm of O. C. Simonds and Company. Simons, Joseph, Commission Merchant of 332 South LaSalle Street, was born June 29, 1866, in England. Since 1916 he has been a member of J. Simons and Company, grain merchants. Simons, William, Grain Commission Mer- chant of 332 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 11, 1880, in Benton County, Ind. Since 1912 he has been President of the Sawers Grain Company; and is also Vice-President of the McCray Grain Company, and the Ade Grain Company. Simonson, Roger Allen, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 26,» 1875, in Newark, N. J. In 1901 he organized and has since been head of the firm of Roger A. Simonson and Company, manufacturers of fittings and furnishings for banks, libraries, court-houses and offices. Simpson, Frank Edward, Dermatologist of 59 East Madison Street, \vas born Sept. 7, 1869, in Saco, Maine. Since 1912 he has been Professor of Skin and Venereal diseases in the Chicago Policlinic; and is Attending Der- matologist to the Cook County, Wesley, and Policlinic Hospitals. Simpson, James, Merchant of 219 West Adams Street, was born Jan 26, 1874, in Scot- land. Since 1891 he has been associated with Marshall Field and Company; and is now First Vice-President of the company; also Director of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank, and other corporations. Simpson, Ralph H., Iron and Steel Con- tractor of 326 West Madison Street, was born in 1880, in Appleton, Wis. He is President of the Ralph H. Simpson Company, Chicago; and President of Simpson-Frisch Company, < Ihieago. Sims, Edwin W., Lawyer of 140 South Dear- born Street. In 1894 he graduated from the law department of the Uni- versity of Michigan. Pre- vious to 1892, reporter, edi- tor and special correspon- dent on Michigan news- papers; admitted to the bar and engaged in the practice of law in Chicago in 1894; county attorney of Cook County from 1900 to i!Mi.'!; special attorney, Bureau of Corpora- tions, Washington, D. C, under Commissioner of Corporations Garfield, from 1903 to 1905; appointed by President Roosevelt solicitor of the Department of Commerce and Labor from 1905 to 1906; and appointed by President Roosevelt United States Attorney, Chicago, 1906 to 1911. He is a membe rof the Ameri- can, Illinois and Chicago Bar Associations; member of the Union League, South Shore Country, Hamilton, Law and Forty Clubs. Sims, George Reginald, Real Estate Broker of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 5, 1876, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1908 he has been engaged in the real estate business. He is now President of the Pinellas Groves, In- corporated; and an officer in other corpora- tions. Sinclair, Robert D., Manufacturer of SO East Jackson Boulevard. Vice-President of Mudge and Company, railroad equipment. Singer, Mortimer Henry, Theatrical Man- rer, of 22 Wes t Monroe Street, was born April 13, 1878, in Oconomo- woc, Wis. Since 1899 he has been a manager of theatres. He is representing and part owner of the Princess and Palace Theatres, Chicago; the Gaity Theatre, Mil- waukee; the Gaiety Thea- tre, Minneapolis; the Grand ; Theatre, St. Paul; General Manager, Western Vaudeville Managers As-' sociation; part owner of the Palace Theatre, New Orleans; Palace Theatre, Milwaukee, and State and Lake Theatre, Chicago. 332 HERRIXCSIIAW'S CITY HI, IK BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Singer, Berthold, Consul and Lawyer of 29 South LaSalle Street, was bom Nov. 23, I860, in Hungary. Since 1899 he has been Consul of Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Spain in Chi- cago. Singleton, Shelby Magoffin, Attorney-at-Law of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born May 2, L867, in Alexandria, Va. Since 1903 he has been Secretary ami Attorney for the Citizen's Association of Chicago. Sinsheimer, Benjamin, Wholesale Merchant of 215 West Monroe Street, was horn Oct. 20, 1st;?, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 lie lias been a member of the firm of Sinsheimer Brothers ami Company, dealers in wholesale shoes. Sinsheimer, Simon, Merchant of 121.") West M< nroe street, was born Dec. ;;, 1856, ia Ger- many. In 1910 he organized and has since been a member of the wholesale shoe firm of Sinsheimer Brothers and Company. Sippy, Bertram Welton, Physician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was horn Oct. 30, lstiti, in Neptune, Wis. Since 1890 he has been in practice in Chicago. He is now Pro- fessor of Medicine in the Rush Medical Col- lege. Sisley, Lyman Archibald, Editor of 304 South Dearborn Street, was horn Feb. 2, 1861, in Chicago, 111. He is Editor of the Engin- eering World; and Vice-President and Secre- tary of the International Trade Press In- corporated, publishers. Sissman, Peter, Attorney-at-Law of 140 North Dearborn Street, was born May 1, 1868, in Horodishteh, Russia. In 1894 he received the degree of LL. B. from the Chicago College of Law; was admitted to the bar the same year, and has since practiced law in Chicago. Since 1916 he has been a member of the firm of Harrow and Sissman, specializing in real estate law. He is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, and the City and Lawndale Clubs. Sitts, Lewis D., of 1471 Grand Avenue, was born July 2D. lsfis, in New York. He was formerly a member of the firm of Hovland and Sitts, produce commission. In 1904 he was a Delegate to the Republican National Convention; and since 1903 has been an Alderman from the Seventeenth Ward of Chicago, lie is a member of the Masonic Order and Royal League. Skevington, S. J., Clergyman of 6 Chalmers Court. He is Pastor of the Hidden Avenue Haptist Church; First Vice-President of the Illinois Baptist State Convention; Vice-Presi- dent of the Chicago Church Federation Coun- cil; and ('resident of the Central North Chi- cago Ministerial Association. Skiff, Frederick James Volney, Exposition Manager and Museum Director of 4556 Green- wood Avenue, was born Now 5, 1851, in Chi- copee, Mass. He was Diiector-in-Chief of the United states Exhibits at the Paris Exposi- tion in 1900; and Director of Exhibits at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904. Since 1894 he has been Director of the Field Museum of Natural History. Skinner, Edward McGinnis, of 528 South Wells Street, was born Sept. 4, 1864, in Bos- ton, Mass. Since 1901 he has been General Manager of Wilson Brothers. He is Chairman of the Senior Council of the Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce; and is associated with nu- merous other charitable anil civic organiza- t ions. Skinner, George Rockwell, Wholesale Mer- chant of 206 South Market Street, was born Sept. 13, IS54, in Cambridge, N. Y. Since 1895 he has been President and Treasurer of Skinner Brothers, woolens. Slade, Dana, Jr., Merchant of 119 West Lake Street, was bom duly 8, 1861, in Keokuk, Iowa. Since its organization in 1892 he has been President of Slade, Hipp and Meloy, bookbinders supplies. Slade, Mason, Organist and Director of 6217 Kenwood Avenue, was born Sept. 23, 1881, in Tekamah, Neb. He has served as an organ- ist in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Paris, France, and elsewhere; and is now Organist and Choirmaster of Christ Church, of Chicago; and Director of the organ department in Lawrence Conservatory, Appleton, Wis. Slater, John Ellis, Wholesale Merchant of 69 West South Water Street, was born in duly, 1870. He is President of J. Ellis Slater Company, wholesale fruit and vegetables. Slaught, Herbert Ellsworth, Educator and Author of 5548 Kenwood Avenue, was born in 1861, in Watkins, N. Y. From 1889-92 he was Principal of the Peddie Institute, New Jersey. He is now' Professor of Mathematics in the University of Chicago, author and editor of a series of text books in mathematics, for schools and colleges; President of the Mathe- matical Association of America; and Co-Edi- tor id' the American Mathematical Monthly. Sleepeck, William Henry, Printer of 418 South Market Street, was born in Lexington, 111. In 1904 he organized and has since been President and Treasurer of the Sleepeck-Hel- man Printing Company. Sloan, George B, Commission Merchant of 62 West South Water Street, was horn June 17, 1874, in Chicago, 111. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the general commission busi- ness, and is a member of the firm of George S. Sloan and Sons. S'oan, Wiiliani Elvis, Manufacturer of 625 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 7, 1867, in Kansas City, Mo. Since 1906 he has been I 'resident of the Sloan Valve Company. Residence, 1000 I.atrobe Avenue. Sloane, William B., Auditor of 4801 South Rockwell Street, was born in Dungannon, Ire- HERRIXGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 333 land. He is Assistant General Auditor of the Inland Steel Company; a Director of the Standard Pipe Works; and acts as advisory accountant for a number of corporations. He was recently called to Europe in consultation in improving the accounting methods, es- pecially as to monthly costs and profits. He was twice president of The Apollo Musical Club. Slocum, Lewis T. M., Merchant of 225 South State Street, was born- Dec. 3, 1858, in Long Branch, X. .1. Since 1885 he has been asso- ciated with the firm of C. F. Adams and Com- pany, and is now First Vice-President. Small, Albion Woodbury, Educator of 5053 Blackstone Avenue, was bom May 11, 1854, in Buckfield, Maine. Since 1892 he has been Professor and Head of the Department of Socio'ogy in the University of Chicago. Small,' Alvah Randall, Fire Prevention En- gineer of 207 Last Ohio Street, was born Dec. 7. L882, in South Portland, Maine. Since 1916 he has been Vice-President of the Under- writers Laboratories, incorporated. Smalley, Frederick Clarence, Manufacturer of 1^27 West Lake Street, was born March 4, 1869, near Brewster. X. Y. In 1897 he or- ganized, and has since been proprietor of the Smalley Manufacturing Company, pictures and picture frames. Smart, Allen Rich, Public Accountant of 53 West .lackson Boulevard, was born in 1867, in Peterborough, England. Since 1890 he has been a member of the firm of Barrow, Wade, Guthrie and Company. Smart, James R., Public Official and Banker of 15S0 Sherman Street, Evanston, 111., was born Nov. 26, 1871, in Rutherglen, Scotland. He has been an Alderman and Mayor of Evanston; and is now President of the School Board of Evanston. He is Vice-president of the Evanston Trust and Savings Bank. Smart. Wa'.ter Kay, Professor and Lecturer of 1534 East Sixty-sixth Place, was born June 18, 187s. in Payson, 111. Since 1910 he has been Professor and Head of the department of English in Armour Institute of Technology; and since 1910 has been a Lecturer on busi- ness P'nglish in Xorthwestern University School of Commerce. Smedley, Nathan Jay, Physician and Sur- geon ami Author of 3730 Ellis Ave., was born • Ian. 25, 1863, in Belvidere, 111. In 1887 he graduated from .Xorthwestern Univer- sity Medical School, and has since been engaged in the practice of his profes- sion in Chicago. He is Superintendent of the War- ren Hospital, Ellis Avenue. _ And a Medical Director of the Royal Life Insurance Company. He is a member of the Chicago Medical and Illinois Medical Societies, and American Medical As- sociation. Smietanka, Julius F., Lawyer and Banker of 69 West Washington Street, was born May 31 1872, in Chicago, 111. In 1894 he received the degree of LL. B. from the Kent College of Law. In 1909 he was a member of the Chicago Board of Educa- tion. He is now Utuited States Collector of Internal Revenue; Director of the Xorth Western Trust and Savings Bank, and Vice-President of the De- positors State Bank. Smeeton, Cecil B., Certified Public Account- ant of 123 West Madison Street, was born Oct. 10, 1879, in London, England. He graduated from Iowa Wesleyan University, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; and received the degree of LL. B. from the Hamilton College of Law. Since 1896 he has been a public accountant and auditor; and was formerly Professor of Accounting in the College of Commerce of DePaul Univer- sity. He is now Auditor of the city of Rock- ford, 111.; Auditor for the County Board, Win- nebago County, 111.; Auditor for the Park Commissioners, Rockford, and for the Board of Election Commissioners, Rockford. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Accounts of Xew York. Smith, Adelbert Warren, Commission Mer- chant of 77 West South Water Street, was bom July 5, 1846, in Gloversville, X. Y. In 1m; t 5 he' served in the Civil War. Since lss7 he has been engaged in the commission busi- ness. Smith, Albert Hopkins, Grain and Seed Merchant of 230 West Kinzie Street, was born in Richview, 111. Since 1893 he has been con- nected with the Leonard Seed Company, of which he is now Treasurer. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club. Smith, Alexander, Investment Banker of 10 South LaSalle Street. He is a member of the firm of Peabody, Houghteling and Company: Director of the Consumers Company; Manag- ing Director of the Abitibi Power and Paper Company of Canada; and an officer in various other corporations. Smith, Alfred Hall, Underwriter, 175 Wet Jackson Boulevard, was born July 17, 1868, in Brooklvn, X. Y. Since 1915 he has been President of the Smith-Lawson-Coambs Corn- pan v. Smith, Arthur 0., Manufacturer of 208 South LaSalle Street. Vice-President of the Morden Frog and Crossing Works. Smith, Ben Mayhew, Lawyer and Jurist of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born June 14, L863. in Colona, 111. Tn 1905-13 he was Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. 111.; later Berving as Presiding Justice of the Illinois Appellate Court, Chicago. :;.;i HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Smith, Benajah H., Manufacturer of 7631 Green Street, was horn Oct. 16, 1S75, in Mor- risville, N. Y. He is President and Treas- urer of the Chicago Fertilizer and Chemical Works, Chicago. Smith, Blaine S., Sales Manager of 210 South LaSalle Street, was born June 6, 1884, in Alta, Iowa. Be is General Sales Manager of the Universal Portland Cement Company, lie is a member of the South Shore Country Club, Chicago Athletic Association, and the Chicago Association of Commerce. Smith, Bruce Donald, Banker, was born Aug. 13, L885, in Lake Forest, III. Since 1911 lie has been Assistant Cashier of the North- ern Trust Company. In 1914 he was appointed Manager of the Central Division of the Ameri- can National lied Cross; and is Treasurer of the Chicago Boy Scouts of America. Smith, Burton O., Organizer, Bond and In- vestment Dealer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 22, 1877, in Caldwell Prairie, Wis. lie was formerly Assistant Treasurer and a Director of the Federal Life Insurance Company, which he assisted in organizing; and was Controller and organizer of the In- surance Trust Company. Smith, C. F. Mather, Paper Merchant of 175 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 21, 1863, in Chicago, 111. He is President of Bradner Smith and Company, paper; and President of the Pioneer Paper Stock Company. Smith, Clayton F., City Official, was born April 11, 1875, in Chicago, 111. In 1914-17 he was Warden of the Cook County Hospital; and in 111 17 was elected Treasurer of the City of Chicago for the term of 1917-19. Smith, Edward Page, Public Utility Expert of 1 1 1 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 7, 1871. in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Secre- tary of the Harris Trust and Savings Bank. Smith, Ernest C, Clergyman of 105 South Dearborn Street, was born May 3, 1864, in Augusta, Maine. Since 1909 he has been Sec- retary of the Western Unitarian Conference. Smith, Ezra S., Manufacturer and Under- w riter of 30 North L-aSalle Street, was born Nov. lis, 1854, in Stockholm, New York. He is Agency Director for the New York Life Insurance Company; President of the Schaefer Manufacturing Company, and Treasurer of the Acme Brick Company. Smith, Franklin Pratt, Manufacturer of 2340 Clybourn Avenue, was born Sept. 30, 1864, in Chicago, Ml. Since 1-SS7 he has been pro- prietor of the F. P. Smith Wire and Iron Works, lie is Director of the Architectural Don League of Chicago; .i member of the Art [nstitute; and the Builders and Traders Ex- change; and a member of the South Shore Country Cluh. the Onwentsin Club, the Chi- cago Automobile <'lul>, and the Chicago Yacht Club. Smith, Fred Wallace, Grain Commission Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 21, 1859, in Lockport, 111. Since 1878 lie has been connected with the Chicago Board of Trade. Smith, Frederick Augustus, Lawyer and Jur- i st of 155 North Clark Street, was born Feb. II, 1844, in Norwood Park, III. In 1S63-4 he served in the Civil War; and then re- turned to the University of Chicago where he graduated in 1866; in 1872 began the practice of law. He is now Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. In 1890 he was President of the Chi- cago liar Association. Smith, Frederick Urling, Comptroller of 3300 Armour Avenue, was born Oct. 28, 1844, in Manchester, England. Since 1893 he has been Associated with Armour Institute, and is now Comptroller. Smith, George Henry, College Professor of Wheat on, 111., was born Dec. 21, 1847, in Lan- caster, Ohio. Since 1899 he has been Pro- fessor of Latin at Wheaton College; and is Associate Editor of the Wheaton Progressive. Smith, Gerald Birney, Educator of 5556 Ken- wood Avenue, was born May 3, 1868, Middle- field, Mass. Since 1913 he has been Professor of Christian Theology in the University of Chicago. Smith, Harry Thomas, Merchant of 224 South Franklin Street, was born March 24, 1883, in Bloomington, 111. He is a Director and President of the R. P. Smith and Sons Company, dealers in wholesale boots and shoes. Smith, Henry Ernest, of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 6, 1871, in Weston, Maine. For over twenty years he has been associated with leading magazines. He is now President of The Magazine Circulation Company. Smith, Henry Justin, Editor of 15 North Wells Street, was born June 19, 1875, in Chi- cago. Since 1913 he has been News Editor of the Chicago Daily News. Smith, Howard Remus, Live Stock Expert and Author, the Union Stock Yards, was born April 16, 1872, in Somerset, Mich. Since 1917 he has been Live Stock Commissioner of the Chicago Live Stock Exchange; and in 1917 was appointed a member of the United States Live Stock Industry Commission. He is the Author of Profitable Stock Feeding, and Cattle for the Northwest. Smith, Jens, Life Underwriter of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was horn Oct. 12, 1S90, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly cashier and Auditor of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, and is now General Agent of the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company of California. Smith, Jesse Eddy, Insurance Manager of lid South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 16, 1864, in Plainville, R. I. Since 1907 he has HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 335 been Manager and General Agent of the Pru- dential Insurance Company. Smith, John C, Coal Operator of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 17, 1872, in Waynesburg, Pa. He was formerly Sales Man- ager for the Bell-Zeller Coal Company. He is now President of the Carterville Washed Coal Company. Smith, John Merlin Powis, Educator and Author of 5717 Kimbark Avenue, was born Dee. 28, 1866, in London, England. Since 1915 he has been a Professor in the Univer- sity of Chicago; and since 1915 has been Edi- tor of the American Journal of Semitic Lan- guages and Literatures. He is the Author of Biblical Ideas of Atonement and various other works. Smith, J. T. Brabner, Clergyman of 58 East Washington Street, was born April 26, 1870, Yorkshire, England. He was educated at Glasgow University, and later preached in Scotland and Ireland. For twelve years he was a pastor in Minnesota; four years in South Dakota; and four years Manager of Publicity and one year Manager of Campaigns for the Board of Conference Claimants of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is now Man- ager of Publicity of the Western Division of the Joint Methodist Centenary. Smith, Julia Holmes, Ketired Physician of 839 North Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 23, 1839, in Savannah, Ga. She is the widow of Sabin Smith of New 1 London, Conn. In 1877- 1914 she was engaged in active medical prac- tice in Chicago. She has been a Trustee of the University of Illinois, the first woman Trustee; and three times President of the Chi- cago Woman 's Club. She is a member of the Fortnightly Club, the Chicago Woman's Club, the Alternate Club, the Illinois Woman's Press Association, the Press League, the American Institute of Homeopathy, American Medical Assocatiion; a Director of the Illinois Train- ing School for Nurses; a contributor to med- ical and literary magazines and newspapers, and is one of the founders of the General Federation of Woman's Clubs. Smith, Lewis M., Real Estate Dealer of 3947 Cottage Grove Avenue, was born Aug. 26, 1855, in Adrian, Mich. Since 1884 he has been senior member of the firm of L. M. Smith and Brother; and is a Director of the Drexel State Bank. Smith, Lloyd James, of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 10, 1863, in Wheeler, Ind. In 1S86-1900 he was a commis- sion merchant on the Chicago Board of Trade. He is now Vice-President of the Indiana Car and Equipment Company, dealers in railway supplies. Smith, Oliver Funston, Banker, State and Fifty-fifth Streets, was born Aug. 16, 1871, in Portsmouth, Ohio. Since 1905 he has been President of the Citizens Trust and Savings Bank. Smith, O. P., Electrical Engineer and Busi- ness Man of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1875 in Danville, Va. He is head of O. P. Smith Company; and District Manager for The Hertner Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio, and the Automatic Electrical Device Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith, Orson, Banker of 112 West Adams Street, was bom Dec. 14, 1841. In 1884 he was Vice-President of the Merchants Loan and Trust Company Bank; President 1898-1916; now Chairman of the Board of Directors; and is director in other cor- porations. In 1872-84 he was Treasurer of the Chi- cago Board of Trade; and since 1873 has been a mem- ber of the Executive Committee of the Chi- cago Clearing House Association. Smith, Sidney, Cartoonist of 7 South Dear- born Street, was born Feb. 13, 1877, in Bloom- ington, 111. He has been a cartoonist for various newspapers, and since 1911 has been a Cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune. Smith, Solomon Albert, Banker of 50 South LaSalle Street, was bon Feb. 28, 1877, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1914 he has been President of the Northern Trust Company; and is a Di- rector of the Commonwealth Edison Company. Smith, Thomas Herbert, Fire Insurance Ad- juster of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 12, 1847, in East Orrington, Maine. For twenty years he was special agent for the North British Mercantile Insurance Com- pany; and for the past twenty years has been a fire insurance adjuster. Smith, Warren Rufus, Educator, was born July 10, 1869, in Litchfield, Maine. Since 1896 he has been Professor of Chemistry in Lewis Institute. Smith, Warren Ward, Banker of 3017 East Ninety-second Street, was born in 1864 in New York. Since 1881 he has been identi- fied with the banking business, and is now President of the South Chicago Savings Bank. Smith, Willard Adelbert, Publisher of 537 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 20, 1849, in Kenosha, Wis. Since 1873 he has been Publisher and Proprietor of the Railway Re- view. He is a Trustee of the University of Chicago. Smith, WiUiam Clifford, Merchant of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born June 17, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1900 he has been Presi- dent of the William D. Smith Company, hide merchants. Smithers, Perry L., Merchant of 22 West Monroe Street, was born in December, 1873, in Roanoke, Va. He worked from telegrapher to superintendent of a railroad; was general manager and treasurer of a large leather com- pany; and for several years was associated with Armour and Company. He is now Vice- 336 QERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. President, General Manager and Treasurer of I he Bootb Fisheries ( lompany. Smithies, Frank, Physician of 1002 North Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 21, 1 s ~s, in Elland, Yorkshire, England. He has been In- structor in Medicine and Demonstrator of Clinical Medicine in the University of Michi- gan; Physician of the" University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Assistant Pathologist to the Moabit Hospital, Berlin, Germany; and Gastro-enterologist to the Mayo Clinic, Roch- ester, Minn. He is now Associate Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine, University of Illinois; Gastro-enterologist to the Augustana Hospital; and Medical Consult- ant to the United States Marine Hospital, for Port of Chicago. He is t lie author of Cancer of the Stomach, and other works; Associate Editor of The Physician and Surgeon, Ann Arbor, Mich.; a Fellow of the Gastroentero- logical Society; a life member of the Press Club, and a member of the Hamilton Club. Smulski, John Franklin, Banker and Lawyer of l'-'nl Milwauk ee Avenue, was born Feb. 4, 1867, in Posen, Poland. In 1890 he was admitted to the bar; in 1S88-1903 was an Alderman from the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Wauls; and has been City Attorney, and State Treas- urer of Illinois. He is now President of the North- western Trust and Savings Bank; President of the West Park Board and is the first Diplomatic Representative of the Republic of Poland. Smyth, John McDonnell, Merchant of 721 West Madison Street, was born Sept. 29, 1882, in Chicago. He began with the .John M. Smyth Company and served in various ca- pacities until 1903, when he became Secre- tary and a Director of the corporation. Smyth, Thomas Alexander, Real Estate Dealer and Underwriter of 2022 Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 27, 1848, in Chi- cago. In 1895-1905 he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District of Chicago, and President of the Board in 1010-16. Snell, Harry J., Life Underwriter of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. IS, 1866, in Crawfordsville, Ind. For the past twenty years he has been engaged in the insurance business. He is now Manager of the North- ern Illinois Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Pa. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Life Underwriters' Asso- ciation and the Fire Underwriters' Associa- tion. Snite, Frank Joseph, Lawyer of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 16, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He was Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1907-11; and in 1913-14 was a mem- ber of the Illinois State Legislature from the Second Senatorial District. Snodgrass, Lulu Race, Welfare Worker of 5784 Race Avenue, was born in 1869, in Chi- cago. I n 1015-16 she was a member of the Chicago Special Parks Commission; and in 1917 was appointed a member of the Board of Education of Chicago. Snow, Bernard Willis, Statistician of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 19, 1864, in Coleraine, Mass. Until 1892 he was Assistant Statistician of the Bureau of Sta- tistics of the United States. He is now Sta- tistical Expert for Swift and Company. Snow, Edgar Morton, Real Estate and Mort- gage Healer of 69 West Washington Street, was bora Sept. 16, 1856, in Whately, Mass. He was formerly a member of the firm of 11. C. Morey and Company; and later of the firm of Snow and Dickinson. He is now in the real estate and mortgage business under the firm name of Edgar M. Snow and Com- pany. Snow, Samuel Dexter, Attorney at-Law of 606 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 26, 1862, in Madison, Wis. Since 1902 he has been Attorney for the International Har- vester Company; and is Vice-President of the IH'nois Northern Railway. Snow, Taylor Alvin, Real Estate Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 29, 1847, in Auburn, Ohio. Since 1873 he has been engaged in the real estate business; and is now Treasurer of the Interstate Bond and Mortgage Company. Saydacker, Alfred M., Real Estate Dealer of 156 West Washington Street, was born Dec. 7, 1857, in Chicago. He is head of the firm of Snydacker and Company. He is a Director of the Chicago Musical College and Treas- urer of the United Hebrew Charities. Snyder, Franklyn Bliss, Educator of 614 Clark Street, Evanston, 111., was born July 26, 1884, in Middletown, Conn. Since 1913 he has been a Professor in Northwestern Uni- versity. Snyder, Frederick Titcomb, Engineer of 53 W T est Jackson Boulevard, was born July 5, 1865, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has been a consulting engineer. He is now President of The Snyder Company. Snyder, John Wesley, Contractor of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 26, 1869, Parkville, Mich. He has been a resi- dent in Chicago since 1886. In 1892 he en- gaged in the contracting business; and since 1910 has been President and Treasurer of the J. W. Snyder Company. Soares, Theodore Gerald, Educator of 5541 University Avenue, was born Oct. 1, 1869, in Abridge, England. Since 1908 he has been Professor of Religious Education in the Uni- versity of Chicago. In 1914-16 he was Presi- dent of the Council of the Religious Educa- tion Association. IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 337 Sokol, John A., Emporter of 60 East South Water Street, was born July 2, 1875, in Pilsen, Bohemia. He is President of Sokol and Com- pany, food products, and Secretary of the Czecho-Slovak Chamber of Commerce of America. Sollitt, Oliver, Contractor of 209 South La- Salle Street, was born Oct, 16, 1860, in Chi- cago, ill. He was a member of the State Leg- islature in the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth General Assemblies. Since 1890 he has been President of the Oliver Sollitt Construction Company. Sollitt, Ralph T., General Contractor of 5 South Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 13, 1867, in Chicago, 111. In 1894-1913 he was Presi- dent of the Ralph and Sumner Sollitt Com- pany. He is now engaged in the building busi- ness. Sollitt, Sumner, Contractor of 79 Fast Ad- ams Street, was born June 27, 1873, in Chicago, 111. Since 1910 he has been President and Treasurer of the Sumner Sollitt Company. Somers, Albert Louis, Grain Commission Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 8, 1861, in Blue Island, 111. Since 1904 he has been President of Somers, Jones and Company, grain commission. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, and Kenwood Club; and a Thirty-second De- gree Mason, member of Oriental Consistory and Medinah Temple. Somers, George Horace, Physician of 32 North State Street, was born Aug. 6, 1858, in Ohio. He is Associate Professor of Medicine in the Chicago College of Medicine and Sur- gery; and Professor of Physical and Electro Diagnosis in the Illinois School of Electro- Therapy. Somerville, Thomas Alexander, Merchant of 35 West Kinzie Street, was born July 26, 1856. He is a member of the firm of Hunter, Walton and Company, wholesale butter and eggs. Sonsteby, John J., Attorney-at-Law of 19 South La-Salle Street, was born Jan. 15, 1879, in Milwaukee, Wis. He is a member of the Chicago Board of Education. Soper, James Philander, Lumberman of L'L'iit Loomis Street, was born Sept. 28, 1851, in Rome. N. Y. He is President of Sopsr Lum- ber Company; President of the Menominee Day Shore Lumber Company of Soperton, Wis., and Vice-President of the Safety Car Heat- ing and Lighting Company of New Y T ork City. Sorge, Adolph, Jr., of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept, 28, 1857, in Hobo- ken. X. J. He is the inventor of the Sorge Chemical Feed Water Purifying System; and is head of the firm of Adolph Sorgo, Jr., and Company, feed water heaters. Souders, Walter G., Investment Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec, 29, 1871, in Salem, N. J. He was formerly a member of the firm of Devitt, Tremble and Company, Chicago. He is now President of W. G. Souders and Company; and Director of the Wisconsin Cower, Light and Heat Com- pany. Southworth, Arthur St. Elmo, Printer of 1322 South Wabash Avenue, was bom Feb. 11, 1S67, in Algonquin, 111. From 1895-7 he was a member of the firm of Southworth and Truax. For three years he was President of the Chicago Typothetae. Since 1897 he has been a member of the firm of Munroe and Southworth, printers, of which he is now Pres- ident. Spalding, Heman, Physician of 5800 Black- stone Avenue, was born Sept. 10, 1853, in Low- ell, Ind. He is Chief of the Bureau of Med- ical Inspection of the Department of Health of Chicago. Spalding, Keith, Manufacturer of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Oct. 7, 1877, in Chi cago, 111. Since 1905 he has been engaged in the manufacture of steel lockers and is now President of the Durand Steel Locker Com- pany. Spalding, Stewart, of 1513 South Wabash Avenue, was born in 1854, in Middleburv, \'t. Since 19IKI he lias been Managing Director of the Coliseum Company. Spangenberg, William C, Physician of 1032 Diversey Parkway, was born Sept. 1, 1878, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the Staff of the Sheridan Park Hospital; and District Phy- sician of Cook County. Spatz, Maximilian, Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born March, 1880, in Austria. Since 1908 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Professor of Dis- eases of the Stomach in the Illinois Post Graduate Medical School; Professor and head of the Department of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Chicago Hospital College of Medicine, and Professor of Clinical Medi- cine in the same. Spaulding, Charles Byron, Flour Merchant of 3940 Union Avenue, was born Oct. 6, 1870, in Charles City, Iowa. He is President of the Xew Century Company and the Chicago Milling Company; and is a Director in other corporations. Spaulding, Howard, Henry, Jr., Government Official of 221 East Walton Place, was born July 8, 1894, in Kenilworth, 111. In 1917 he was appointed a member of the Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior, Washing- ton. D. C. Speed, Clarence Lyon, Journalist of 14 South Market Street, was born May 21. 1878, in Madisonville, Ky. In 1909-14 he was City Editor of the Chicago Record-Herald; and since 1916 has been City Editor of the Chi- cago Evening Post. Spencer, Charles Carl, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born April 11, 1867, in McLean County, 111. He is a member of the Lawyers' Association 6f 111 i - 338 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. nois; and a member and Director of the Chi- cago Paw Institute. Spencer, Hugh J., Clergyman of 7308 Coles Avenue, was born in L870 in Kemptville, On- tario, Cana. la. Since 1906 he lias been Rector of St. Margaret 'a Church. Spicer, Ernest W., Life Underwriter of 43 Kast Ohio Street, was horn April 5, 18(53, in Tipton, Iowa. Since its organization in 1910 he has been President of the American Bank- ers I nsurance * lompany. Spiegel, Joseph, Merchant of 125 South Wa- bash Avenue, was horn Sept. 23, 1840, in Ger- many, lie served in the Civil War. Since 1892 he has been President of Spiegel 's House Furnishing Company. Spiegel, Modie J.", Furniture Dealer of 127 South Wabash Avenue, Treasurer ami Direc- tor of Spiegel's House Furnishing Company; President of M. J. Spiegel and Company, and the Murphy Furniture Company. Spiegler,' Frederick John, Oil Merchant of 2150 Fullerton Avenue, was born Oct. 1, 1866, in Schala, Germany. Since 1893 he has been proprietor of the Spiegler Oil Company. Spielmann, Adolph, Manufacturer of 624 West Adams Street, was born March 18, 1871, in Germany. He is President and Treasurer of The Tablet, and Ticket Company; and Di- rector of the Chicago National League Ball Club. Spielmann, Charles, Manufacturer of 1562 Kingsbury Street, was born April 20, 1869, in Germany. Since 1896 he has been connected with the Spielmann Brothers Company, man- ufacturers of vinegar, of which he is now Vice-President. Spindler, Oscar, Manufacturer of 2547 Archer Avenue, was born Aug. 31, 1861, in Germany. Since 1917 he has been President of the Decorators Supply Company. Spink, Frank Augustine, Traffic Manager, Dearborn Station, was born June 16, 1866. Since 1909 he has been Traffic Manager of the Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad, and the Bell Railroad of Chicago. Spoor, George K., Manufacturer of 38 South Dearb orn Street, was horn Dec. 18, 1871, in Highland Park, 111. In 1896 he entered the moving pic- ture business, and manufac- tured some of the first mo- tion picture films produced in the United States, and later established motion picture service for Western Vaudeville houses. He or- ganized and is still Presi- dent of tin' Essanay Film Manufacturing ( lompany. Spofford, Charles W., Publisher and Printer of 215 South Market Street, was born April 26, 1871, in Warren, 111. He is President of The Milliner Company; President of the Re- porter Press; and a member of the Evanston School Board. He has been President of the Chicago Trade Press Association; President of the Northwestern University Alumni Asso- ciation; and Chairman of the Publicity Com- mittee of the Chicago Association of Com- merce. Spoor, John Alden, Capitalist of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 30, 1851, in Freehold, N. Y. He is a Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Junction Railway Company, and the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company; a Director of the Chicago City Railways and Con- necting Lines; the First National Bank; the First Trust and Savings Bank; the Live Stock Ex- change National Bank; the National Safe Deposit Company, Chicago; National Surety Company, New York; Guaranty Trust Com- pany, New York; The Pullman Company; Pere Marquette Eailway Company; and the Chicago Great Western Railway Company. Sprague, Albert Arnold, Jr., Wholesale Grocer of 600 West Erie Street, was born May 13, 1876, in Chicago, 111. He is Presi- dent and a Director of Sprague Warner and Company; Director of the Merchants Loan ami Trust. Company and the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company. Sprague, Leslie W., Clergyman, was born May 2, 1869, in Erie County, N. Y. Since 1912 he has been Pastor of the Wellington Avenue Congregational Church. He is also Chairman of the Ways and Means Commit- tee of the Church Federation; and a Lecturer for Redpath Lyceum Bureau. Sprague, William Cyrus, Lawyer of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 25, 1860, in Malta, Ohio. He is Secretary of the Com- mercial Law League of America. He is the author of The Boy Courier of Napoleon; Davy Crockett; and numerous other works. Springer, William Louis, Business Man of 851 West North Avenue, was born Sept. 17, 1858, in Wheeling, 111. He is President and Manager of the North Chicago Roofing Corn- pan v. Mayor of Park Ridge, 111. Sproul, Wilford Robert, Contractor of 1120 West Thirty-fifth Street, was born Nov. 2, 1886, in Chicago. In 1911 he succeeded his father as President of E. W. Sproul Company. Spry. George Edward, Land Dealer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Oct. 15, 1865, in Chicago, 111. In 1899-1910 he was Vice- President and Treasurer of the John Spry Lumber Company. He is now President jjf the .Ionian Land Company. Spry, John C, Timber Land Dealer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 25, 1857, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly President of the John Spry Lumber Company. He is now dealing in timber land. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 339 Spry, Samuel Alfred, Lumberman of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dee. 11, 1863, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Spry Lumber Company. Since 1901 he has been President of the Superior Process Company. Spry, Walter, Musician and Educator of 509 South Wabash Avenue, was born Feb. 27, 1868, in Chicago, 111. He is Director of the Chicago Institute of Music. Spurgin, Warren C, Banker of 2218 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 21, 1875, in Panora, Ind. In 1895 he entered the banking business in Panora. He is now Vice-Presi- dent and Director of the Michigan Avenue Trust Company, and Director of the North Avenue State Bank. St. Giles, E. D., Life Insurance Expert of 111 West Monroe Street. He graduated from the University of France; and was formerly a Professor at Oxford and Cambridge. He is now engaged in the insurance business in Chi- cago. He is a member of the Masonic Order and Shrine. Stacey, Thomas I., Manufacturer of 701 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 12, 1870, near Bristol, England. He has been Secretary and Treasurer of the Electric Ap- pliance Company since 1891. Stack, Edmund John, Lawyer and States- man of 3600 South Morgan Street, was born Jan. 31, 1874, in Chicago. In 1911-13 hewas a member of Congress from the Sixth Illinois District. He is now Secretary of the Ben- nett, O 'Connell Company. Stack, James Langford, Business Man of 29 East Madison Street, was born in 1864, in Fond du Lac, Wis. Since 1909 he has been President of the Stack Advertising Agency. Stadeker, Leonard Jerome, Importer of 208 North Fifth Avenue, was born Oct. 22, 1866, in New York. He is President of the Porto Kico Export Company, and the Colonial Trad- ing Company. Stafford, Charles Burke, Attorney-at-Law of 79 West Monroe Street, was born May 29, 1865, in New Orleans, La. Since 1892 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Sabath, Stafford and Sabath. Stafford, Ezra Horton, Manufacturer of 218 South Wabash Avenue, was born May 1, 1864, in Canada. Since 1904 he has been President and General Manager of the E. H. Stafford Manufacturing Company, furniture. Stafford, S. Bruce, Live Stock Commission Merchant, Union Stock Yards. He is a Di- rector of the Stockmen's Trust and Savings Bank; and a member of the firm of Stafford Brothers. Stagg, Amos Alonzo, Educator of 5704 Ma- ryland Avenue, was born Aug. 16, 1862, in West Orange, N. J. Since 1892 he has been Professor of Physical Culture and Athletics in the University of Chicago. Stahl, Frank August, Physician and Surgeon of 31 North State Street, was born Sept. 11, 1862, in Chicago, 111. In 1890-1901 he was a Professor in Bush Medical College. He is the author of numerous works on surgery. Stahl, Garland, Banker of 730 East Sixtv- third Street, was born April 13, 1880, in Elk- hart, 111. He is Vice-President of the Wash- ington Park National Bank. A member of the University and South Snore Country Clubs. Stahl, John Meloy, Editor, Author, Publish- er and Lecturer of 3401 Michigan Avenue. For twenty-five years he published the Illinois Farmer and Farmers Call, and then incorpor- ated the Illinois Farmer, of which he is Presi- dent and Editor; also President of the Farm- ers National Life Insurance Company of America, and The American Associates Com- pany, Chicago; and President of the League for Rural Welfare. For fourteen years he served as President or Secretary of the Farm- ers National Congress. He is President of the Society of the War of 1812; a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, the Art Institute, and the Hamilton, Arts ami City Clubs, Chicago; the Authors' Club, Lon- don; Past Master of the Writers' Guild; is a Knight Templar and Thirty-second Degree Mason; and a member of numerous other or- ganizations and societies. He has given much attention to social and economic subjects and is a frequent lecturer at Chautauquas and farmers' meetings; and author of The Real Farmer; the Story of Ed.; Just Stories; and The Invasion of Washington. Stahl, William S., Attorney-at-Law of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 16, 1868, in Diagonal, Iowa. He has been Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago; Special United States District Attorney; and a member of the Commission to revise and codify the state building laws. Staley, William Clive, Railway Official of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born May 24, 1857, in Mechanicsburg, Ohio. He has held many positions with the Illinois Central Rail- way, the Chicago and Northwestern Railway and the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Rail- way. He is now General Agent of the Mis- souri Pacific. System, Chicago. He is a mem- ber of the Hamilton, Illinois Athletic, the Woodlawn Park Club, Beverly Country and the Calumet Country Clubs. Stannard, Harry William, Manufacturer of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Dec. 9, 1867, in Chicago. Since 1914 he has been President and Treasurer of the Twin Fire Furnace Company; and is President of the Peerless Engineering ( 'ompanv. Stannard, James M., Manufacturer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 6, 1864, in Albany, N. Y. He is Vice-President and Director of the Scott Valve Company; Manager of the American Steam Pump Com pany, western office; and President and Treas- 340 HERRINGSHAW'S (MTV BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. urer of the Stannard Power Equipment Com- pany. Stansneld, James Howard, Attorney-at-Law of 1 •'■•'. West Washington street, was born Oct. as, L866, in Lawrence County, 111. Since L894 In' lias practiced law. During the Great War ho served as Major General in the Thirty-third Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Prance. Stanton, Charles Nelson, Danker of 1102 South Balsted street, was bom June 30, L874, in East Tawas, Mich. Since I s ! 1 "' he has been identified with the banking business and is HOW President of the Stork Yanls Savings Dank. Stanton, Edgar, Merchant of 30 West Wash- ington Street, was born March 30, 1884, in Petrograd, Russia. In 1906 he received the degree of A. B. from Harvard University. Since 1906 he has been connected with Stan- ton and Company, grocers and importers, of which he is now President. He is a mem- ber of the University and Indian Hill Coun- try Clubs. Stanton, Samuel Cecil, Physician of 230 East Ohio Street, was born June 28, 1856, in Newtonville, Mass. Since 1892 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is a member of the Editorial Staff of the Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association, and Attending Sur- geon, Headquarters Central Department, United States Army, Chicago. Stanton, Walter Thomas, Attorney-at-Law of 10.5 North C'ark Street, was born April 5, 1877, in Chicago. Since 1898 he has prac- ticed law, and has been Assistant Prosecuting Attorney and Assistant Corporation Counsel of the City of Chicago. Starck, Philip Adam, Piano Manufacturer of 210 South Wabash Avenue, was born Mav 2!i, 1S60, in Chillicothe, Ohio. Since 1906 he has been President of the P. A. Starck Piano Company. Starkweather, Frank Henry, Loan Dealer of 112 West Adams Street, was born July 13, L853 in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been engaged in making investments and managing estates. Starnes, William D., Investment Dealer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in 1888, in Kansas. He was educated at Northwestern University. He is Secretary of the North American Timber Holding Company; Secre- tary and Treasurer of the Montana Wheat Land Company; ami Secretary of the Empire Security Company. He is a member of the Edgewater Golf Club, the Hamilton Club, and the Westmoreland Golf Club. Starr, Frederick, Anthropologist of 5632 Maryland Avenue, was born Sept. 2, 1858, in Auburn, X. V. He was awarded a grand prize at the St. Louis Exposition for securing a group of the Ainu. He is now Associate Pro- fessor and Curator in the Anthropological Section of the Walker Museum, University of I 'li icago. Starr, Merritt, Attorney at Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was bom in Ellington, N. Y. Since 1882 he has practiced in Chicago, and is now a member id' Miller, Starr, Brown, Packard and Peckham. In 1895-7 he was President of the Chicago Law Institute. Starrett, Julius, Retired Lawyer of 3658 Prairie Avenue, was born June 10, 1854, in Winchester, III. He received the degree of A. B. from Amherst College, in f876; and the degree of LL. B. from Columbia College, in 1878. For over twenty years he was engaged in the general practice of his profession in Chicago. He lias now retired from prac- tice, and devotes his time to study and travel and to the collection of art objects. Starring, Mason Brayman, Lawyer and Rail- 5 East Division Street, was born May 8, 1859, in Chi- cago, 111. In 1894 he be- came Assistant General Counsel of the Chicago City Railway Company; later be- came General Solicitor and General Manager; and in 1906-7 was President of the Northwestern Elevated Railroad and Chairman in now President and Director Railways Investment Comp- pany. Stearns, Charles Brockway, Printer and Binder of 627 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 27, 1867, in Moultrie County, 111. He is President of Stearns Brothers and Com- pany; and President of the Chicago Offset Printing Company. Stearns, Edward H., Attorney-at-Law of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born June 12, 1868, in Lovell, Maine. Until 1906 he prac- ticed law in San Francisco; and is now Gen- eral Counsel for the Morton Salt Company in Chicago. Stearns, Robert Bangs, Civil Engineer of Kenilworth, 111., was born May 8, 1869, in Joliet, 111. He has held various positions with financial and industrial corporations. He is now Vice-President and Assistant General Manager of the Milwaukee Electric Railway ami Light Company, General Offices. Public Service Bui'ding, Milwaukee, Wis. He is a member of the Union League Club, Chicago, the Western Society of Engineers, and the Milwaukee Club, Milwaukee. Stearns, William G., Physician. Alienist and Neurologist of 25 East Washington Street, was born Feb. 11, 1865, in Lamartine, Wis. He has been House Physician at St. Luke's Hospital; Pathologist and Medical Superin- tendent of the Illinois Eastern Hospital, Kan- kakee, 111.; Professor of Pathology in the Northwestern University Dental School; In- structor of Mental and' Nervous Diseases in HERRINGSHAW's CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 341 the College of Physicians and Surgeons; and Medical Superintendent of the Lake Geneva Sanitaria, Lake Geneva, Wis. He is now Neurologist to the Evanston Eospital, Evans- ton, 111. - and is a contributor to medical jour- nals. Stebbins, Charles Henry, of 133 West Wash- ington Street, was born Feb. 27, 1854, in Jef- ferson County, N. Y. Since 1890 he has been President of the Lake Shore Sand and Gravel Company. Stebbins, Lewis Abyram, Attorney-at-Law of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born June 1, 1863, in Bradford County, Pa. Since 1904 he has been engaged in the general practice of law in Chicago; and is General Counsel for the National Life Insurance Company of the United States of America, Central Bond and Mortgage Company, Commerce Trust, and other institutions. Steele, Daniel Atkinson King, Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1852, in Eden, Ohio. He is President and Senior Pro- fessor of Surgery in the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois; President and Surgeon of the University Hospital; President of the Consulting Staff of the Chicago Tuber- culosis Sanitarium; and Consulting Surgeon to Michael Beese Hospital. During the Great War he served as Major in the Medical Corps, United States Army. Steele, Julius, Manufacturer of 1428 West Thirty-seventh Street, was born Oct. 19, 1852, in Constantine, Mich. Since 1891 he has been President and Treasurer of the Atwood and Steele Company, grocers ' sundries. Steele, Samuel Bernhard, Wholesale Grocer of 151 West South Water Street, was born March 14, 1866. Since 1910 he has been Presi- dent of the Steele-Wedeles Company. In 1910-13 he was President of the Merchants' Exchange. Steen, Richard A., Contractor of 332 South Michigan Avenue, w*as born June 26, 1869. President of the Weber Chimney Company. Steever, Jerome G., Commission Merchant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 27, 1849, in Newport, Pa. Since 1870 he has been engaged in the grain business; and is now a member of the firm of Congdon and Steever. Steffen, Mathias, Vinegar Manufacturer of 1562 Kingsbury Street, was born June 24, 1849, in Luxemburg, Germany. He is Presi- dent of the Spielmann Brothers Company, vinegar manufacturers. Steffens, Alfred Bernard, Coal Merchant of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born June 2, 187-1, in Hamburg, Germany. He is Vice- President of T. C. Keller and Company, the Franklin County Collieries Company, and the Sesser Coal Company. Stege, William H. C, Bank President of 6401 South Peoria Street, was born Mav 26, 1870, in Cook Countv, 111. In 1908 he organ- ized and has since been President of the Guar- antee Trust and Savings Bank. Stehman, John H., Educator of 2616 North Spaulding Avenue, was born June 23, 1850, in Lancaster County, Pa. From 1871-8 he taught country schools in Pennsylvania; and from 1878-81 was Principal of the schools of Plain- field, 111. Since 1881 he has been Principal of the Avondale School. He is a member of the Chicago Principals Club; and the State Teachers Association. Ste.n, Albeit, Manufacturer of 1151 West Congress Street, was born in 1866, in Ger- many. Since 1909 he has been President of A. Stein and Company, elastic goods. Stein, David Anthony, Manufacturer of 215 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 25, 1852, in Austria. Since 1896 he has been en- gaged in the manufacture of clothing, and is now a member of the firm of Edenheimer, Stein and Company. Stein, Enola Pearl Pierce, Dramatic Reader and Educator, was born in Manchester, Iowa. In 1898-1905 she was Professor of Elocution and Dramatic Art in the Iowa State Teachers' College; and is now Director in the Depart- ment of Elocution and Dramatic Art in the Auditorium Conservator v. Stein, Otto J., Physician of 30 North Michi- gan Avenue, was born Aug. 8, 1867, in Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa. Since 1898 he has been Pro- fessor of Laryngology, Otology and Rhinol- ogy in the Post-Graduate Medical School. Stein, Philip, Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was bom March 12, 1S44, in Germany. He has been Judge of the Superior and Appellate Courts, and a member of the Chicago Board of Education. Stein, S. Sidney, Attorney-at-Law of 108 South LaSalle Street, was born March 7, 1886, in Chicago, 111. In 1907 he received the degree of A. B. from the University of Michigan; and in 1910 the degree of LL.* B. from Harvard University. He is a partner in the law firm of Moses, Rosenthal and Kennedy. Steinbiecher, Paul, Real Estate Dealer of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 13, 1879, in Chicago. He is head of the firm of Paul Steinbrecher and Company. In 1916 he was President of the Chicago Real Estate Board. Stelk, John, Lawyer and Jurist of 82 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 10, L875, in Chicago, HI. In 1896 he received the degree of LL. B. from. the Chicago College of Law, and was admitted to the bar the same year. lie was formerly Attorney for the Sheriff of Cook County. He is now Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. He is a member of several fraternal organizations. Steiner, Jesse Frederick, Social Worker and 342 IIERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPIIY. Author of 112 Wes1 A. lams Street, was born Feb. 25, 1880, in St. Paris, Ohio. For seven years be was Professor of English in the North Japan College or' Sendai, Japan; and is now Field Representative of the American National Bed Cross, Chicago, lie is author of The Japanese I n\ asion. Stephen, George A., Metal Goods Manufac- turer of Ids North Jefferson street, was born April 17, L875, in Richton, 111. In 1894 he became connected with the Weber Brothers' Metal Works, and since 1910 has been Presi- d< nt of t lie company. Stephens, James S., Consulting Engineer of 7321 Smith Shore Drive, was born July 7, 1860, !n Windsor, Nova Scotia. Since 1903 he has been a consulting engineer, and is now Presi- dent of the Stephens Company, engineers. He i3 Viee 1'resident of the Aero Club of Illinois. Stephens, Redmond Davis, Attorney-at-Law i f 134 South LaSalle Street, was born May 30, 1874, in Marion, Iowa. Since 1899 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Scott, Bancroft, Martin and Stephens; and a director in several corpora- t ions. Stephens, William Charlton, Manufacturer of 58 West Lake Street, was born Sept. 9, 1861, in Portsmouth, England. Since 1889 he las been Manager of the P. and F. Corbin < Jompany, hardware. Stepina, James F., Banker of 1827 Blue Is- A ven ue, wa s horn Sept. 21, 1863, in Kut- tenberg, Bohemia. From 1889-90 he was a County Commissioner; 1897 West Town Collector; and from 1903-6 was a West Chicago Park Commissioner. In 1911 lie organized the American State Bank, and has since been President and a Direc- tor of the same. He is a member of the City and Press Clubs. Stern, Daniel S., Manufacturer of 307 West Van I '.m en Street. President and Treasurer of the Stern, Mayer Company, clothing. Stein, Henry Levy, Lawyer of 11 South La- Salle Street, was liom July 7, 1875, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1898 he has practiced law in Chicago. He is a Director of the Greene- liaum Sons Dank ami Trust Company. Stern, Julius, Attorney-at-Law of 64 West Randolph Street, was born 1846, in Philadel- phia, Pa. Since 1881 lie has practiced law in Chicago. Stern, Nathaniel A., Attorney-at-Law of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 27, 1879, in Champaign, 111. In L902 he graduated from the Law Department of the University of Illinois. lie is a member of the Chicago Real Instate Board, the Chicago Bar Associa- tion, and the Illini Club of Chicago. Sterrett, Malcolm B., Attorney-at-Law of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born" Feb. 26, 1878, in Smethport, Pa. He graduated from Dick- inson College, Carlisle, Pa., in 1900; and from tin' Dickinson School of Law in 1902. Since 1902 he has practiced law in Chicago; and is now Assistant States Attorney. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago and Illinois State Bar As- sociations. Steven, James A., Attorney-at-Law of 112 West Adams Street, was born May 12, 1866, in Ransom, 111. Since 1899 he has been en- gaged in the general practice of law. He was President of the Marquette Club one term. Stevens, Arthur L., Consulting Engineer of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born April 16, 1863, in Abbot, Maine. He was formerly en- gineer for several corporations in New York and Philadelphia identified with the gas and electric industries; was assistant to Sir Hi- ram Maxim in England; and later identified with iron, steel and gas industries. He is now engaged in private practice as a consulting engineer. Stevens, Charles Anthony, Merchant, was born March 16, 1859, in Colchester, 111. In 1879 he entered the retail business at Avon, 111., where he remained until 1S90. In 1890 he estab- lished the business of Charles A. Stevens and Brothers, retail dry "goods and wearing apparel for women, of which he was President until 1918. He is Vice-President of the American Silk Com- pany. Residence, Kenwood Hotel. Stevens, Charles Augustus, Stationer and Printer of 21 South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 17, 1869, in Newark, Ohio. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the stationery busi- ness, and is now President of the firm of Stevens, Maloney and Company. Stevens, Charles Gardnar, Steel Merchant of 27 South Jefferson Street, was born Feb. 10, 1873, in Madison, Wis. He is President of Charles G. Stevens Company, iron and steel. Stevens, Ernest James, Vice-President and Manager of the Hotel LaSalle, was bom Feb. L3, 1884, in Colchester, 111. He received the degree of Ph. B. from the University of Chi- cago; and the degree of LL. B. from the Northwestern University. In 1897 he was admitted to the bar. He is a member of the Union League, Hamilton and South Shore Country Clubs; and the Chicago Athletic As- sociation. Stevens, Frank W., Lumberman of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born April 5, 1873, in Montague, Mich. He has held various posi- tions witli lumber companies; and is now in charge of lumber operations associated with Lyon, Gary and Company. Stevens, George Marsden, Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born April 4, 1846, near Waterloo, Quebec, HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 343 Canada. Since 1885 lie has practiced law in Chicago, and was Master in Chancery of the Superior Court of Cook County. Stevens, James William, Life Underwriter of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born May 25, 1853, in Colchester, 111. Since 1895 he has been President of the Illinois Life Insurance Company; and is a Director and President of the Hotel LaSalle Company; and Director of the Continental and Commercial National Bank. Stevens, John H., Merchant of 17 North State Street, was born Oct. 12, 1856, in Me- Donough County, 111. He is Secretary of Charles A. Stevens and Brothers. Stevens, Raymond William, Life Under- writer of 10 South LaSalle Sti'eet, was born Aug. 31, 1874, in McDonough County, 111. Since 1896 he has been associated with the Illinois Life Insurance Company; and is now a Director and Vice-President of the com- pany. He is a Director of the Hotel LaSalle Company, and the Fort Dearborn National Bank. Stevenson, Alexander Francis, Physician of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 1, 1872, in Chicago, 111. Since 1S98 he has been engaged in the practice of medicine. He is now Assistant Professor of Medicine in Rush Medical College and the Chicago Policlinic. Stevenson, Andrew, Banker of Lake Bluff, 111., was born June 28, 1879, in Bayonne, N. J. Since 1907 he has been Vice-President and General Manager of the Iowa Light and Trac- tion Company; and is President of the Bank of Alaska. Stevenson, David Smith, Investment Deal- er of 111 West Monroe Street, was born June 13, 1863, in England. He is Vice-President and Treasurer of the Mascot Copper Company, owning and operating extensive copper mines in Arizona; and Vice-President and Treasurer of the Mascot and Western Railroad of Ari- zona. Stevenson, James Reid Dill, Wholesale Druggist of 22 East Lake Street, was born April 19, 1875, in Chicago, 111. He is Vice- President of Robert Stevenson and Company; Secretary of the Philip Henrici Company; and a Director of the Goodrich Transit Com- pany. Stevenson, Robert, Jr., Bond Dealer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born June 25, 1877, in Chicago, 111. In 1896 he graduated from Andover College, and in 1900 from Yale Col- lege. He was Manager of the Chicago Office of the Kissell, Kinnicutt Company until Jan- uary 1, 1918, when he resigned to become Deputy Federal Food Administrator for Illi- nois. He is a member of the University Club, the Chicago Club, and the Saddle and Cycle Club; and President of the Indian Hill Club. Stevenson, WiUiam H., Jr., Banker of 79 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 16, 1885, in Chicago. Since 1913 he has been Vice- President of the Logan Square Trust and Savings Bank; and is Treasurer of the Chi- cago Bonding and Insurance Company. Steward, Leroy T., Public Official of L535 East Sixtieth Street, was born March 24, 1862, in Dayton, Ohio. In 1897- 1900 he was Superinten- dent of the Chicago Post- office; General Superinten- dent of City Delivery from 1900-9; 1909-11 General Su- perintendent of Police of the City of Chicago, and in 1911 returned to his former position in the Postoffice. He organized the First ship's crew of the Illinois Naval Militia. Stewart, Allen Edgar, Physician and Sur- geon of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1873, in Canada. Since 1901 he has prac- ticed medicine and surgery in Chicago. He is Attending Surgeon to the Francis Willard Hospital; and Associate Professor of Sur- gery in the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. Stewart, Alpheus G, Paper Dealer of 110 South Dearborn Street. Proprietor of the A. G Stewart Paper Company. Stewart, Archibald A., Oil Dealer of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec' 11, 1853, in Dixon, 111. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Chicago Title Guarantee and Trust Company. He is now head of the firm of A. T. Stewart and Company. Stewart, Charles M., Printer of 732 Federal Street, was born Aug. 21, 1878, in Wichita, Kan. He is President and Treasurer of the Stewart and Fryer Company, commercial printers. Stewart, Ella Seass, Lecturer of 5464 Har- per Avenue, was born Feb. 22, 1871, in Ar- thur, 111. In 1905-11 she was President of the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association; and is now President of the Department of School Patrons, National Educational Association. Stewart, Frank J., Physician of 7 West Mad- ison Street, was born July 18, 1875, in Iowa. He is head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases in the Chicago College of Osteopathy. Stewart, George Craig, Clergyman of Ev- anston, 111., was born Aug. 18, 1879, in East Saginaw, Mich. In 1902 he received the de- gree of B. A. from Northwestern University; 1903 graduated from the Western Theological Seminary; 1915 received the degree of L. II. D. from Kenvon College; and 1917 the degree of D. D. from Northwestern University. Since 1904 he has been Rector of St. Luke's Church, Evanston. He is a Trustee of the General Theological Seminary, New York; Western Theological Seminary, Evanston; and Evans ton Public Library. He is a member of the University, Church and Glenview Clubs. Stewart, Hugh R., Lawyer and Jurist of 38 :544 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK <>K BIOGRAPHY. South Deaiborn Street, was born Sept. 2G, ls.vp in Ireland. In 1893 he was admitted to the bar; and in 1910 11 was Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Stewart, John N., Railroad Builder of 435 West Sixty-first Place, was born Oct. 30, 1846, in Cleveland, Ohio. Ee was a telegraph operator in the Civil War. Be connected the telegraph lines of the Union Pacific and Cen- tral Pacific Railroads, at the completion of the roads. Stewart, Oliver Wayne, Prohibitionist of 5464 Harper Avenue, was horn May 22, 1867, in Mercer County, 111. In 1 *M»i; he was elected a member of the Illinois House of Represen- tatives from the Fifth District. He is Asso- ciate Editor of the National Enquirer. Stewart, Robert Wright, Attorney-at-Law of 910 South Michig an Avenue, was born March ' 11, 1867, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He was educated at Vale University and Coe College, Iowa, "in 1893-5 he was States Attorney of Hughes County, S. D.; and in 1899-1903 a member of the South Dakota State Senate. He served as a Major in the Spanish-Amer- ican War. in 1915-18 he was General Counsel and a Director of the Standard Oil Company; and since December, 1918, has been chairman of the Board of Directors and executive head of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana. Stewart, Samuel Chandler, Advertising Agent of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born Feh. 21, 1873, in Cleveland, Ohio. From high school he entered railroad advertising service with the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad, and in 1894 came to Chicago and entered the advertising department of the Chicago Great Western Railway. Since 1899 he lias been engaged in the advertising busi- ness tor himself, and is now senior partner in the Stewart-Davis Advertising Agency. Stewart, Wellington Thomas, Physician and Surgeon of 22 East Washington Street, was born in 1865, in Harley, Canada. Since 1S86 he has practiced medicine, and is now Sur- geon to American Hospital. Stewart, William Herbert, Investment Deal- er of 2(1!) South LaSalle Street, was born June 2, ls72 he lias been en- gaged in the hotel business in Chicago. He is proprietor of the Atlantic Hotel; and Treas- urer of the International Hotel Company. Templeton, Herbert, Printer and Engraver of 2501 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 14, 1869, in Chicago, 111. Since 1915 he has been President of Wells and Company. Templeton, William, Lumber Merchant of 332 South Michigan Avenue; was born Nov. L', 1864, in Scotland. Since 1874 he has been engaged in the lumber business, and is now a member of the firm of Perley, Lowe and Company; and President of the Peshtigo Lum- ber Company. Tennant, William Gray, Automobile Dealer of 2426 South Michigan Avenue, was born Jan. 3, 1877, in Glasgow, Scotland. He is President of the Tennant-Oakland Company; and a member of the firm of Bobert G. Ten- nant and Son. Tenney, Alonzo C, Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born 1873, in Kendall County, 111. Since 1895 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Ex-President of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association. Tenney, George Lee, Educator of 300 Frank- lin Avenue, River Forest, 111., was born in West Milton, Ohio. Since 1902 he has been Professor of Latin and Music in Lewis In- stitute, Chicago. Tenney, Horace Kent, Attorney-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 11, 1859, in Portage, Wis. He is a member of the law firm of Tenney, Harding and Sherman; and in 1903-11 was Professor of Law in the University of Chicago. Tenney, Lewis S., Dentist of 25 East Wash- ington Street, was born Nov. 22, 1S69, in Aurora, 111. He has been Professor of Opera- tive Technics in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, and President of the Chicago Dental Societv. Terbell, Joseph B., Manufacturer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 12, 1863, in Corning, N. Y. since 1902 he has been Vice- President and a Director of the American Brake Shoe and Foundry Company. He is also President and a Di- rector of the American j Shop Equipment Company; Vice-President of the Amer- ican Manganese Steel Com- and a director in other corporations, a member of the Onwentsia, South Shore Country, Chicago, Mid Day, Old Elm and Glen View Clubs. Temill, Archelaus S., Capitalist of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 18, 1864, in Pic- ton, Ontario, Canada. In 1886 he came to Chicago. He has been a director in several companies and financial institutions in the Southern States. He is now President of the United States Lumber and Cotton Company; and President of the banking firm of A. S. panv; He* HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 353 Terrill and Company, Chicago, New York and London, England. He is a member of the South Shore Country, Illinois, Chicago Ath- letic, Oak Park, Automobile and Westward Ho Golf Clubs, Chicago; the Lawyers' and Bankers' Clubs, New York; the Devonshire, Royal Automobile and National Liberal Clubs, London, England; London Chamber of Com- merce; Chicago Association of Commerce; and the Illinois Manufacturers Association. Terry, Benjamin Stuytes, Educator of 5496 Hyde Park Boulevard, was born April 9, 1857, in St. Paul, Minn. He has been Professor of English History in the University of Chicago. Test, Frederick Cleveland, Surgeon, was born in 1869, in Richmond, Ind. He is In- structor of Orthopedic Surgery in the North- western University Medical School; and Major in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. During the Great War he was chief of surgical service and Assistant Commanding Officer, Hospital, Camp Dodge, Iowa. Teter, Lucius, Banker of 7 West Madison Street, was born Sept. 23, 1873, in Bowling Green, Ind. He was one of the organizers of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Com- pany, of which he has been President since 1908 Thayer, Clarence Holmes, Grain Dealer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 11, 1859, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1894 he has been engaged in the grain commission business in Chicago, and is now President of W. G. Press and Company. Thayer, Henry Joshua, Manufacturer of 913 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec. 18, 1858, in Chicago, 111. Since 1905 he has been President of Thayer and Chandler, artists materials. Thearle, Frederick Gear, Wholesale Jeweler of 31 North State Street, was born in Bloom- ington, Wis. Since 1907 he has been Vice- 1 'resident and Treasurer of the C. H. Knights- Thearle Company; and is President of the Thearle Music Company, San Diego, Cal. He has been President of the National Association of Wholesale Jewelers. Thexton, Louis, Surgeon, 1940 South Park Avenue, was born Aug. 2, 1865, in Ontario, Canada. He is Chief Surgeon of the Park Avenue Hospital; and a Major in the Medi- cal Corps of the United States Armv. Thiele, Aloysius John, Priest of 2342 Le- moyne Street, was born Oct. 14, 1847, in Prussia. Tn 1879-84 he was Pastor of St. Henry's Church, Chicago; and since 1884 has been Pastor of St. Aloysius Parish. Thomas, Charles Neil, Banker and Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 11, 1882, in Harrison, Ohio. In 1906 he re- ceived the degree of A. B. from the University of Chicago. Since 1906 he has been connected with George H. Burr and Company, New York and Philadelphia; and since 1917 has been resident member of the firm in Chicago. He is a member of the Exmoor Country and Union League Clubs. Thomas, Emmett A., Manufacturer of 20 South Hoyne Avenue, was born March 19, 1850, in Delavan, Wis. He is President of the Thomas Elevator Company; and a Director of the Illinois Brick Company. Thomas, Frank Wright, Stock Broker of 110 West Monroe Street, was born Sept. 18, 1870, in Point Pleasant, Ohio. Since 1903 he has been a member of the firm of A. O. Slaughter and Company. He is a Director of the Chicago Stock Exchange. Thomas, Henry Bascom, Physician of 30 N. Michigan Avenue, was born in 1875, in Elk Garden, Va. He is Attending Physician to St. Luke's and County Hospitals. Thomas, Homer Merrick, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born in 1858, in Wayland, Iowa. Since 1882 he has practiced in Chicago. He has been President of the Illinois Club. Thomas, John Armstrong, Manufacturer of 228 South Market Street, was born Feb. 27, 1838, in Quebec. He is President of the Thomas and Hayden Manufacturing Com- pany, men's apparel. Thomas, John S. Ladd, Clergyman of 641 North Central Avenue, was born May 1, 1875, in South Wales. He has held pastorates in St. John's and the Centenary Methodist Epis- copal Churches in Chicago; and since 1909 has been Pastor of the Austin Methodist Episcopal Church, Chicago. Thomas, Judson Benjamin, Clergyman of 600 North Pine Avenue, Austin, was born Aug. 12, 1854, in Edwardsville, Mich. In 1880 he was ordained in the Baptist Ministry. He is now Pastor of the Austin Baptist Church, Chicago. Thomas, Richard Henry, Engineer Manu- facturer of 120 North Curtis Street, was born Oct. 25, 1863, in Allegheny, Pa. He is Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Economy Pumping Machinery Company. Thomas, William Isaac, Educator of 6132 Kimbark Avenue, was born Aug. 13, 1863, in Lebanon, Va. Since 1886 he has been en- gaged in educational work, and since 1910 has been Professor of Sociology in the University of Chicago. Thomason, Samuel Emory, Business Man- ager of the Chicago Tribune, was born Jan. 24, 1883, in Chicago, 111. In 1904 he received the degree of A. B. from the University of Michigan; 1906 the degree of LL. B. from Northwestern University; 1907 married Alexina E. Young. In 1909-18 he was a mem- ber of the law firm of Shepard, McCormiek, Thomason, Kirkland and Patterson. He is a member of the University, Mid-Day, Beverly Golf and Ridge Country Clubs. Thomasson, Nelson, Real Estate Broker of 111 West Washington Street, was born Oct. 15, 1839, in Louisville, Ky. For eleven years 354 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE TOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. during the Civil War he was an officer in the United States Army; and for three years following the war was engaged in lighting the Indians with Kit Carson. He is now head of the Nelson Thomasson Company. Thomasson, Nelson, Jr., Aittorney-at-Law and Real Estate Operator of 4813 North Ked- zie Avenue, was born May 3, 1877, in Chicago, 111. For four years he was Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel of Chicago. He is now in- terested in building up the business and resi- dence district adjacent to Lawrence and Kedzie Avenues. Thompson, Charles Francis, Manufacturing Lumberman of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was horn Aug. 13, 1864, in Lacon, 111. He is President of the Thompson Lumber Company; Vice-President and General Manager of the Mississippi Lumber Company; and Vice- President of the C. L. Gray Lumber Company. Thompson, George Farnsworth, Physician of 4100 West Madison Street, was born March 17, is?."), in Oconto, Wis. He is Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Illinois Medical School; and Attending Surgeon to the West Side Hospital. Thompson, James Westfall, Educator of 5427 Greenwood Avenue, was born June 3, 1869, in Pella, Iowa. Since 1913 he has been Professor of Mediaeval History in the Univer- sity of Chicago. Thompson, John R., Restaurateur of 350 North Clark Street, was born Nov. 13, 1865, in Vermillion County, 111. Since 1891 he has been engaged in the restaurant business. The John R. Thompson Co. was incorporated in 1907 and 1914 and now operates one hundred and three restaurants throughout the country. For eight years he was a member of Governor Deneen's Staff; and 1907-11 County Treasurer. He is a member of the Union League, South Shore Country, Hamilton and Chicago Athletic Clubs. Thompson, Leverett, Broker of 111 West Monroe Street, was born 1869, in Chicago. Until 1904 he was engaged in practice of law in Chicago. He is now a member of the firm of Poole and Thompson, dealers in mortgages. Thompson, Orville W., Manufacturer of 118 South Clinton Street, was born in 1872, in Vermillion, S. D. He is President of James P. Marsh and Company. Thompson, Slason, Journalist and Author of 80 Bast Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 5, 1849, in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He has held editorial positions with the Chicago Record, the Evening Journal, the Post, the Times Herald, and the Record Herald. Since 1903 he has been Director of the Railway News Bureau. He is the author of M'liss, and Sharps and Flats, plays. Thompson, Robert John, Manufacturer of 159 North State Street, was born April 15, 1867, in La Porte City, Iowa. In 1906-12 he was Consul at Hanover, Germany; and 1912-13 at Sheffield, England. He is now President of the Automatic Recording Safe Company. Thompson, Thor C, Clergyman of 549 North Leamington Avenue, was born Oct. 10, 1869, near Blancliardville, Wis. He is Pastor of the Moreland Lutheran Church, Austin. Thompson, William Hale, Mayor, was born Mav I 4, Isiiji, j n Boston, Mass. He was edu- cated in the Chicago public schools; Fessenden Prepara- tory School; and Metropoli- tan College. For three years he managed a cattle ranch in Nebraska; later returning to Chicago to manage the real estate in- terests of his father. In 1898-1900 he was an Alder- man in the Second Ward; and 1900-2 a County Commissioner. In April, 1915 and 1919 he was elected Mayor of the City of Chicago. He was one of the founders and for three years President of the Illinois Athletic Club. Thompson, William Mclllwain, Surgeon of 32 North State Street, was born Nov. 28, 1868, in Ireland. He is Attending Gyneco- logist to St. Joseph's Hospital and other hos- pitals. Thompson, William O., Manufacturer of 111 West Washington Street. President of the N. K. Fairbank Company. Thorns, Burton, Investment Banker of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born April 2, 1865, in New York. He is Secretary of Peabody, Houghteling and Company. Thomsen-von Colditz, Grambow, Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1877, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the Staff of the Grant Hospital and the Chicago Refuge for Young Girls; and is a Director of Olivet Institute. Thomson, Charles Marsh, Lawyer and Jurist, was born Feb. 13, 1S77, in Chicago, 111. In 1908-10-12 he was an Alderman in the Twenty- fifth Ward; and 1912 elected a member of Congress from the Tenth District of Hlinois. He is now Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Thomson, George, Coal Operator of 343 South Dearborn Street, was born in Stirling, Scotland. He is President of the Thomson Coal Company, coal mining and shipping; and Secretary and Treasurer of the Southern Hli- nois Manufacturing Company. Thon, William G., Attorney-at-Law of 111 W. Washington Street, was born Feb. 27, 1886, in Clinton, Iowa. He is State Representative in the Twenty-third Senatorial District, Fifty- first General Assembly. Thordarson, Chester H., Manufacturer of HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 355 601 South Jefferson Street. President of the Thordarson Electric Manufacturing Company. Thorek, Max, Surgeon and Author of 22 East Washington Street, was born March 10, 1880, in Hungary. He is President and Sur- geon-in-Chief of the American Hospital and Training School for Nurses; and Professor of Clinical Surgery in the Medical Department of the University of Valparaiso. He is the author of Health, Disease and Emergencies. Thoren, Herman H., Clergyman of 1546 Barry Avenue, was born May 8, 1863. He entered the ministry in 1884, was ordained 1887; and for seven years President of the Western Union College, LeMars, la. He is now Presiding Elder of the Chicago District of the United Evangelical churches; Secretary of the Board of Education of his denomina- tion; member Board of Examiners and Vice- President of the board of trustees of Illinois Conference; and a member of the Chicago Church Federation Council. Thorne, Charles Hallett, Merchant of 618 W.st Chicago Avenue, was born Dec. 3, 1868, in Chicago. Since 1898 he has been connected with Montgomery Ward and Company, and is now Chairman of the Board of Directors. Thorne, George Arthur, Merchant of 618 West Chicago Avenue. Vice-President of Montgomery Ward and Company. Thorne, James Ward, Merchant of 618 West Chicago Avenue; Vice-President and Director of Montgomery Ward and Company. Thorne, Robert Julius, Merchant of 618 West Chicago Avenue, was born in 1875 in Chicago. He is President of Montgomery Ward and Company; and a Director of the Corn Exchange National Bank, and the Morris Plan Bank. Thornton, Charles Solon, Attorney-at-Law of 6 North Michigan Avenue, was born April 12, 1851, in Boston, Mass. In 1872 he graduated from Harvard College. He has been Corporation Counsel for the City of Chicago, and for the town of Lake; President of the Board of Education, Auburn Park, 111.; and a member of the Boards of Education of Chi- cago and of Illinois respectively. He is now engaged in the general practice of his pro- fession. In 1916 he was a Presidential Elector. Thornton, Edward Loren, Lumberman of 2315 Elston Avenue, was born Nov. 16, 1864, in DePeyster, N. Y. In 1900-6 he was Vice- President and a Director of the John E. Burns Lumber Company. He is now President of the Thornton-Claney Lumber Company. He is a member of the Press, Glenn View, and Builders' Club. Thornton, Everett A., Lumberman of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born July 2, 1869, in DePeyster, N. Y. Since 1899 he has been President of the Marquette Box and Lumber Company. He is a member of various busi- ness associations; member of the Masons and the Knights of Pythias; and member of the University Club, the Eidgemoor Golf Club, and the Marquette Club, Marquette, Mich. Thorp, George G., Steel Manufacturer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born June 29, 1868, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He was formerly General Superintendent of the Carnegie Steel Company. He is now Vice-President of the Illinois and Indiana Steel Companies. He is a member of the Chicago, University and Chi- cago Yacht Clubs. Thorp, Harry Walter, Transportation Man- ager, was born April 26, 1865, in Chicago. He is Vice-President of the Goodrich Transit Company. Thrane, Victor, Dealer in Timber Lands, 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born March 12, 1868, in Chicago, 111. In 1893-1900 he was a musical impresario in New York City. Since 1900 he has been a member of the firm of James D. Lacey and Company. Tice, Frederick, Physician, 25 East Wash- ington Street, was born July 30, 1871, in Wisconsin. He is Professor of Medicine and Head of the Department in the College of Medicine, University of Illinois; and Attend- ing Physician to the County Hospital. Tidhblm, August, Eeal Estate Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 13, 1851, in Sweden. Since 1870 he has been identified with the real estate business, and since 1885 has been engaged in business for himself. Tieken, Theodore, Physician 30 North Mich- igan Avenue, was born Sept. 11, 1866, in Olden- burg, Germany. He is Professor of Thera- peutics in Push Medical College, and Attend- ing Physician to the Cook County and Presby- terian Hospitals. Tietgens, Paul, Provision Exporter of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 11, 1869, in Hamburg, Germany. Since 1911 he has been senior member of the firm of " Paul Tietarens and Company. Tiffany, Luther Scott, Merchant of 125 South Wabash Avenue, was born June 20, 1S67, in Davenport, Iowa, Since 1887 he has been connected with O. W. Richardson and Company, rugs, furniture and draperies, and is now President and Treasurer. Tighe, Bryan G., Coal Operator and Shipper of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 22, 1858, in Aurora 111. Since 1906 he has been President of the Bryan G. Tighe Coal Company; and is also Vice-President and Di- rector of the Bickett Coal and Coke Company, the Chicago Sandoval Coal Company and the Franklin Coal and Coke Company; and is a director in various banks. Tilden, AverilL Banker of 76 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 9, 1889, in Delavan, Wis. He is a Director of the Fort Dearborn 356 HERRINGSHAw'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. National Hank; Drovers National Bank; Vice- President of Drovers Trusl and Savings Bank; Vice Presidenl of Merrill, Cox and Company; and a member of Edward Tilden and Com- pany. Tilden, Merrill William, Banker, was born .March L'.">, L889, in Chicago, 111. He founded and is Vice President of B. J. Clafl'ev Com- pany; is also Nice President and Director of Drovers National Hank; and a Director of Drovers Trust and Savings Hank. Tilden, William Alonzo, Hanker of 76 West Monroe Street, was horn Sept. 28, lsf>7, in QDelavan, Wis. In 1897-1907 lie was Assistant Cashier and Cashier of the Drovers Deposit National Bank. Since 1908 he. has been President of the Fort Dear- born National Bank, and the Fort Dearborn Trust and Savings Bank; and is a Director of the Drovers Deposit National Bank. He is a member of several clubs. Tinsman, Homer Ellsworth, Attorney-at- Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 21, 1860, in Borneo, Mich. In 1908-9 he was Alderman from the Thirty-second Ward. He is now a member of the law firm of Tinsman and Blocki. Tishler, I., Public Accountant of 105 West Monroe Street, was born Aug. 22, 1867, in Helena, Mont. He is President of the I. Tishler Audit Company. Tivnen, Richard Joseph, Physician and Sur- geon of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1874. He is Ophthalmologist to Mercy Eospital, and Instructor in Northwestern Medical School. Tobey, Waldo F., Attorney-at-Law of 72 West Adams Street, was born Oct. 6, 1873, in Port Henry, N. Y. From 1898-1907 he was a law clerk with the firm of Isham, Lincoln and Beale; and since 1907 he has been a member of the firm. Tobias, Arthur Wilson, Banker and Real Estate Dealer of 1204 East Sixty-third Street, was born June 4, 1860, in Adrian, Mich. He is a member of the firm of McKey and Poague, real estate dealers; Vice-President of the Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank; and Sec- retary of the Woodlawn Safety Deposit Com- pany. He is a member of the Union League Club. Tobias, John Joseph, Educator of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Vandalia, 111. Since 1892 he has devoted his time to educational work; and is now Chancellor of the Chicago Law School, the Chicago Semi- nary of Science, and Midland University. Tobin, Edward J., Educator of 5607 Mich- igan Avenue, was born Jan. 8, 1872, in Kenosha, Wis. Since 1910 he has been County Superintendent of the Schools of Cook County. Todd, Charles Cameron, Manufacturer of M.".-! South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 27, 1864, in Trenton, N. ,1. Since 1915 he has been second Vice-President of the Central Foundry Company of New York. Todd^ James, Attorney-at-Law of 137 South LaSalle Street, was born March 14, 1866, in Franklin, La. He served one year as Assist- ant States Attorney of Cook County; and in 1900-5 was Attorney for the Sanitary District of Chicago. Toffteen, Olof Alfred, Educator and Author of 1753 Dover Street, was born June 26, 1863, in Gotland, Sweden. Since 1913 he has been Rector of Scandia Academy. Toles, Wilford Clinton, Manufacturer of 4034 North Tripp Avenue, was born Oct. 28, 1853, in Elmira, N. Y. He is President and Genera] Manager of the W. C. Toles Company, manufacturers of machinery, which he or- ganized in 1902. Tolman, Albert Harris, Educator of 5750 Woodlawn Avenue, was born 1856, in Lanes- boro, Mass. Since 1914 he has been Professor of English Literature in the University of Chicago. Tolman, Edgar Bronson, Attorney-at-Law of 30 North LaSalle Street, was born Sept. 5, 1859, in British India. Since 1883 he has practiced law in Chicago. He has been Cor- poration Counsel of the City of Chicago, Presi- dent of the Hlinois State and the Chicago Bar Associations, and The Law Club. Tolman, Samuel A., Wholesale Grocer of 84 East Lake Street, was born Feb. 5, 1835, in Camden, Maine. Since 1907 he has been President of the firm of John A. Tolman and Company. Tomlinson, H. Webster, Architect of 64 East Van Buren Street, was born in Chicago, 111. He is Vice-President of the Illinois Chap- ter of the American Institute of Architects. Toner, Henry J., Lawyer of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Jan. 25, 1870, in Kenosha, Wis. He is Counsel for the Allied Farm Papers of America, and the Cantaloupe Growers of America; and is a Director of the Yerington Mountain Copper Company, White Caps Mining Company, and the Royal Transit Company. Torbet, Lewis Kirtley, Public Official, was born Oct. 10, 1856, in Jennings County, Ind. In 1912-14 he was Naval Officer of Customs at the Port of Chicago by appointment of President Taft; and has been a delegate to City County, State and National Conventions. ToFpe, August, Insurance Manager of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 30, 1875, in Chicago, 111. Since 1890 he has been engaged in the insurance business, and is now Manager of the American Insurance Company of Newark, N. J. Torrison, George Abraham, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born March 23, 1865, in Manitowoc, Wis. Since 1891 he has HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE EOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 357 practiced medicine in Chicago; and is now Associate Professor at Rush Medical College. Torrison, Oscar M., Lawyer and Jurist, was born Aug. 29, 18 61, in Manitowoc, Wis. He was educated at the State University of Iowa and Columbia University. From 1890-1906 he practiced law in Chicago; in 1906-14 was Judge of the Municipal Court; and in 1915 was elected Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County. He was a member of the Chi- cago Board of Education in 1896-7. Tousey, Chester Andrus, Manufacturer of 520 West Twenty-fifth Street, was born June 4, 1852, in Dundee, N. Y. He is President of the Tousey Varnish Company, established in 1885. Touzalin, Charles H., of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born Aug. 24, 1862, in Columbus, 111. For twenty-five years he was associated with Lord and Thomas. He is now President of the Charles H. Touzalin Advertising Agency. Tower, Walter Sheldon, Educator and Lec- turer of 5636 Kenwood Avenue, was horn July 26, 1881, in West Bridgewater, Mass. Since 1917 he has been a Professor in the Uni- versity of Chicago. In 1911-16 he was a pro- fessional lecturer in Northwestern University. Townley, Wellington Reid, Underwriter of 76 West Monroe Street, was born March 8, 1861, in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada. Since 1901 he has been General Agent for the British American Assurance Company, and the Wes- tern Assurance Companies of Missouri and Iowa. Tracy, Howard, Coal Dealer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 16, 1856, in Putnam, Ohio. He is senior partner in the firm of Hull and Company; since 1904 has been President of the Chicago and Marion Coal Company; and is a Director of Yates City Coal Company. Traeger, John E., Banker of 921 West Fifty-fourth Street, was born Nov. 13, 1857, in Chicago, 111. He has been City Collector, City Treasurer. Comptroller of the City of Chicago; Sheriff of Cook County, and Coroner of Cook County. He is now Vice-President of Stockman's Trust and Savings Bank. Trainer, John Milton, Real Estate Dealer of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 26, 1867. in Harrison County, Ohio. Since 1889 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Clark and Trainer. Trainer, William Oscar, Real Estate Dealer of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1876, in Hopedale, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago; and is now a member of the firm of Southard and Trainer. He is a member of the South Shore Country Club. Trankle, William Charles D., Real Estate Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born March 5, 1873, in New York City. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the real estate busi- ness, and is now a partner in the firm of Staf- ford and Trankle. Trask, Arthur C, Business Manager of 130 North Wells Street, was born Jan. 26, 1882, in Chebanse, 111. Since 1901 he has been con- nected with the Marden, Orth and Hastings Corporation, of which he is now Director and Vice-President. Tratman, Edward Ernest, Civil Engineer of 37 West Van Buren Street, was born in Bris- tol, England. He is Editor of the Engineering News Record; and is Secretary of the Illi- nois Society of Engineers. Traub, Morton J., Manufacturer and Con- tractor of 2401 Normal Avenue, was born Sept. 10, 1878, in Indianapolis, Ind. He is Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Atlas Floor Com- pany; and President of the Acme Metal Screen Company. Trauscht, John, Merchant of 502 West Twenty-sixth Street, was born Aug. 27, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1902 he has been Presi- dent of the Eureka Tea Company. Traylor, Melvin Alvah, Banker and Live Stock Broker, was born Oct. 21, 1878, in Breeding, Ky. Since 1916 he has been Presi- dent of the Live Stock Exchange National Bank, Chicago; and since 1914 President of the Chicago Cattle Loan Company. Treadwell, Harriette T., Educator of 6220 Harper Avenue, was born in Williamstown, N. Y. She is Principal of the Scanlan Grammar School; and a director of the Chicago Political Equality League. Trego, Charles Tillyer, Capitalist «of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 16, 1837, near Philadelphia, Pa. He was engaged in commission business until 1879. He is now a Director and Treasurer o* tne North Wau- kegan Harbor and Dock Association, and is a Director of the Frazier Lubricator Company. Trench, Daniel George, Manufacturer of 222 North Wabash Avenue, was born in Lucea, Jamaica, West Indies. In 1883 he established the firm of D. G. Trench and Company, can- ning machinery and supplies. Since 1893 he has been connected with the Sprague Canning Machinery Company, Chicago, of which he is now Vice-President. Trimingham, Ralph Nathaniel, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 2, 1838, in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Since 1906 he has been Secretary of the Chi- cago Board of Underwriters. Tripp, George A., Retired Manufacturer of 1725 East Fifty-third Street, was born Jan. 9, 1S49, in Buffalo, N. Y. In 1899 he assisted in organizing the Iroquois Iron Company, and was Treasurer for several years. 358 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Triska, Joseph Frank, Banker of 5105 South Ashland Avenue, was born July 19, 1884, in I Ihicago, 111. Since 1913 he has been President of the South West State Bank. Troeger, John Winthrop, Educator and Author, was born Aug. 20, 1849, in Oswego, 111. Since P.'03 he has been Principal of the [rving Grammar School. He is the author of Harold's Quests; Harold's Discussions; and other works. Trostler, Isador S., Physician and Surgeon of 615 Garfield Avenue, was born Aug. 16, 1869, in Omaha, Neb. He is Roentgenologist to St. Joseph's Hospital and Olivet Dis- pensary; and Consulting Roentgenologist to the Children's Memorial Hospital and Amer- ican Hospital. Trout, David L., Commission Merchant of 443 East Forty-sixth Street. Member of the Trout Live Stock Commission of Chicago. Trout, Frost L., Commission Merchant, the Union Stock Yards, was born Oct. 30, 1876, in Crawfordsville, Ind. Since 1893 he has been engaged in the live stock commission business, and is now A^ice-President of the Trout-Minch Land Company, and other corporations. Trout, George William, of 38 South Dear- horn Street, was born Feb. 4, 1862, in Ma- quoketa, Iowa. For fifteen years he was en- gaged in the hardware business in Maquoketa; in 1893 came to Chicago and was a member of the firm of Trout and Scakett, hardware dealers, until 1896; which later became George W. Trout and Company. He is now engaged in t he oil business. Trout, Grace Wilbur, of 6 North Michigan Avenue, was born in Maquoketa, Iowa. Since 1912 she lias been President of the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association; and in 1913 was" the leader of the campaign which resulted in the enactment of woman suffrage laws for many offices. She is a member and Ex-Presi- dent of the Chicago Political Equality League; member of the Chicago Chapter of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, and the Chi- cago Woman's and Nineteenth Century Clubs; and is a lecturer on suffrage. Trow, John Fowler, Investment Broker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 13, 1881, in Yonkers, N. Y. In 1909 he became connected with William Morris Imbrie and Company, of New York City, investment bankers; and in 1917 was made resident part- ner in Chicago. Trowbridge, Cornelius Miller, Merchant of 7 North Wabash Avenue, was born Jan. 21, L869, in Hudson, X. Y. Since 1897 he has Keen identified with Burley anil Tyrell Com- pany, of which he is now Vice-President. Trowbridge, Edward Gilbert, Physician and Surgeon of 29 Past Madison Street, was born Feb. 7, 1855, in Tompkins County, N. Y. He is President of the Illinois State Eclectic Medical Society. Trowbridge, Lucius A., Investment Banker of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born April 19, 1847, in Danbury, Conn. In 1864-1891 he was a national bank cashier at Rockford, 111.; in 1893 established the firm of Trowbridge and Company, dealers in municipal bonds, and in 1907 sold his interest in that company. Mr. D. R. Niver succeeding him as President. After ranching in the west for three years in 1910 organized the Hanchett Bond Company, mvuicipal bond dealers, of which he has since been President. He is a member of the Union League Club; and resides in Evanston, 111. Truax, Charles Henry, Merchant of 141 North Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. 24, 1852, in Milton, Wis. He is President of Charles Truax Incorporated Company, manu- facturing pharmacists. Trude, Daniel Pearson, Lawyer and Jurist of 139 North Clark Street, was born July 20, 1877, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Kenwood Improvement Associa- tion; a member of the Executive Committee of the Boy Scouts of America; and Director of the Legal Aid Society. He is now Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago. Trude, George Arthur, Lawyer and Jurist of 139 North Clark Street, was born Feb. 5, 1866, in Lockport, N. Y. In 1892-5 he was City Attorney, and 1897-8 Judge of the Superior Court of Cook County. Since 1898 he has been engaged in general practice. Trude, Samuel Henry, Lawyer and Jurist, was born March 16, 1866, in LaSalle County, 111. In 1896 he was a South Town Commis- sioner. He is now Judge of the Municipal Court. True, Charles Jackson, Lumberman of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born April 21, 1859, in Ottawa, 111. He is President of the True and True Company; the True and True Lum- ber Company; and the Fletcher-Wickes Com- pany. Truman, Malcolm George, Lumber Dealer of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 15, 1876, in Chicago, 111. Since 1911 he has been Vice-President of the Marsh and Tru- man Lumber Company. Trumbull, Donald Shurtleff, Attorney-at- Law of 134 South LaSalle Street, was born April 19, 1875, in Sedalia, Mo. Since 1908 he has been a member of the law firm of Judah, Willard, Wolf and Reichmann. Trumbull, George Thomas, Merchant of 77 West Lake Street, was born April 17, 1858, in Boston, Mass. Since 1898 he has been Presi- dent of the Trumbull Safe and Lock Company. Tucker, Henry Stevens, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born May 1, 1853, in Kane County, 111. Since 1879 he has prac- ticed in Chicago. He is Professor of Surgical Gynecology in the Chicago College of Medi- cine and Surgery. Tucker, Irwin" St. John, Clergyman, Editor and Author of 5344 Ellis Avenue, was born Jan. 10, 1886, in Mobile, Ala. Since 1914 he HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 359 has been Managing Editor of the Christian Socialist, Ohicago. He is Author of The City of Dreams; Poems of a Socialist Priest, and other works. Tufts, James Hayden, Educator of 5551 University Avenue, was born July 9, 1862, in Monson, Mass. Since 1905 he has been Pro- fessor and head of the Department of Philos- ophy in the University of Chicago. He is joint author of Ethics, with J. Dewey. Turner, August, Frame Manufacturer of 931 West Fourteenth Place, was born in 1865, in Russia. He is President of the Turner Manu- facturing Company, manufacturers of picture frames. Turner, Tracy Lay, Stock Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 26, 1879, in Chicago, 111. Since 1901 he has been a partner in the firm of S. B. Chapin and Com- pany, brokers. Turney, Robert E., Lawyer and Jurist of 111 West Washington Street, was born Sept. 9, 1873, in Chicago. He served as Judge of the Superior Court for the period of 1915-17; and from January to December, 1916, as Chief Justice. Tuteur, Edwin B., Physician of 31 North State Street, was born Nov. 9, 1867, in La- Crosse, Wis. He is Consulting Physician to the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium; At- tending Physician of St. Luke's Hospital. Ex- President of the Chicago Physicians Club. Tuthill, Frank Hall, Manufacturer of 760 Polk Street, was born June 7, 1849, in St. Louis, Mo. Since 1880 he has been President of the Tuthill Spring Company. He is Treas- urer of the Chicago Law a«id Order League. Tuthill, Richard Stanley, Lawyer and Jur- ist of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 10, 1841, in Vergennes, 111. He served in the Civil War; and in 1867-71 was States Attorney of the Nashville Circuit; 1875-9 City Attorney, Chicago; and 1884-6 United States District Attorney at Chicago. He is now Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook Countv. Tuthill, William H., Manufacturer of 760 Polk Street, was born in 1853, in St. Clair, Mich. He is Vice-President of the Tuthill Spring Company. Tuttle, John *M., Manufacturer of 161 West Harrison Street, was born in Des Moines, Iowa. Since 1900 he has been Vice-President of Philip Ruxton, Incorporated, manufacturers of printing' inks. Tuttle, William Franklin, was born Nov. 13, 1879, in Lowell, Mass. In 1895 he grad- uated from Phillips Exeter .Academy; and in' 1910 received the degree of LL. B. from the Chicago Kent College of Law. In 1897-1902 he was engaged in newspaper work in Boston, Mass., and Manchester, N. H. Since 1903 he has been identified with the Art Institute of Chicago, and is now Secretary. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic Order, and the Cliff Dwellers Club. Tydings, Oliver, Physician and Surgeon of 31 North State Street, was born May 1, 1854, in St. Margarets, Md. In 1877 he received the degree of M. D. from the University of Maryland. Since 1901 he has practiced medi- cine in Chicago; and is now Professor of Opthalmology and Oto-Laryngology and Sur- geon to the Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College and Hospital. He is a member of various medical and scientific organizations, and the Physicians' and Intercollegiate Clubs. Tye, John James, Merchant of 129 West Kinzie Street, was born Jan. 21, 1861, in West Chicago, 111. He is a partner in the firm of Bolles and Rogers, dealers in hides, wool and tallow; and a Director of the West Chicago State Bank. Tyler, Albert Smith, Manufacturer of 366 West Ohio Street, was born March 4, 1846, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Tyler and Hippach Glass Company. Tyler, Harvey Ainsworth, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born in 1869, in Boston, Mass. He is Professor of Gynecol- ogy in the Chicago Policlinic and Hospital. Tyler, William V., Attorney-at-Law of 108 North Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 25, 1869, in Detroit, Mich. He is Special Agent for the United States Land Association; Gen- eral-Counsel of the Anti-Vice League, Illinois Division; and Secretary-Counsel of the Citi- zens Welfare League. Tyrell, John F., Attorney-at-Law of 140 N. Dearborn Street, was born April 7, 1883, in Chicago, 111. He is Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Loyola University. Tyson, Howell N.,Real Estate Dealer of 40 North Dearborn Street. Member of the firm of Quinlan and Tyson. Tyson, RusselL Real Estate Dealer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 1, 1867, in Shanghai, China. Since 1901 he has been a member of the firm of Aldis and Com- pany. In 1916 he was President of the tfni- versity Club. Ufe'r, Walter, Artist and Painter of 854 North State Street, was born July 22, 1876, in Louisville, Ky. He was educated in the public schools of Louisville; and has been a student in Dresden, Munich and Paris at various times. In 1916 he received the Martin B. Cahn Prize, Art Institute, Chicago; 1917 First Frank Logan Medal; 1918 the Thomas B. Clarke Prize, National Academy, New York City; and 1918 Hors Concours, Paris. His works are exhibited in many of the private galleries of the United States and Europe. He is a member of the Salmagundi Club, New York City; and the Palette and Chisel Club, Chicago; and has a studio in Taos, N. M. Uhl, Edward Henry, Merchant of 329 South Wabash Avenue, was born Dec. 8, 1870, in Indianapolis, Ind. Since 1901 he has been General Manager of the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company; and is Vice-President and a Di- 360 IIERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. rector of the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company of Cincinnati. Uhlir, Joseph Z., Lawyer and Jurist of 2410 Clifton Pari Avenue, was born Dec. 9, 1872, in Bohemia, lie was elected Alderman from the Twelfth Ward in 1894, 1906 and 1908; Mini since 190S lie has been Judge of the Municipal Court, his present term expiring in 1920. Uihlein, Edgar J., of 660 West Ohio Street, was horn June 30, 1878, in Chicago, 111. In 1900 he graduated from Cornell University. He is Vice-President-Manager of the Chicago Branch of the .Joseph Schlitz Brewing Com- pany. Hi' is a member of the Chicago Athletic Association, the University Club, the Onwent- sia Chili, and the Industrial Club. Uihlein, Edward Gustav, Business Man of 660 West Ohio Street, was born Oct. 19, 1845, in Germany; He is Vice-President of the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company of Mil- waukee. He was West Park Commissioner for three years; and President of the Chicago Horticultural Society. Ulen, Henry Charles, Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born June 12, 1871, in Boone County, Ind. In 1900-9 he was Presi- dent of the American Light and Water Com- pany. Ho is now President of the firm of Ulen and Company, investment bankers. Ullman, Jacob M., Certified Public Account- ant of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 30, 1883, in Eussia. He was formerly Treasurer of the Northern Equipment Com- pany. He is now a partner in the firm of Andersen, Ullman and Company, certified public accountants; and General Auditor of the Hales and Edwards Company. He is a member of the City and Prairie Clubs. Ulrich, Bertow Adolphus, Lawyer, Writer and Real Estate Operator of 40 North Dear- born Street, was born Feb. 12, 1840, in Fish- kil], N. Y. In 1873 he engaged in the real estate business, and later organized the firm of Ulrich and Sons. Since 191Q he lias de- voted himself to private interests; and is a contributor to periodicals and new -papers. Ulrich, Perry, Real Estate Dealer of 10 South LaSalle Street, was ug. 26, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1889 he has been en- gaged in the real estate business in Chicago. Umberger, Robert B., Banker of 21 North LaSalle Street, w a - born dune 12, 1886, in Newark, Del. In L9J0-16 he was Manager of the Savings D nt of the Des Moines Savings Bank, Des Moines, la.; 1916-7 Sec- retary ami Manager of the Des Moines Morris Clan Hank; and is now Secretary and Man- •ago Morris Plan Bank. "Underwood. George Walter, Attorney-at- Law o h I. a Salle Street. Since 1,867 he has lesided in Chicago; admitted to the har of Illinois in lss7; Bachelor of Laws, Chicago Law School; and some time a civil justice. lie was afterwards appointed As- sistant State's Attorney of Cook County and took charge of the indictment department and was adviser of the grand jury. Especially equipping himself for the preparation and trial of causes both civil and criminal, he re- entered private practice in 1908; organized the law firm of Underwood, Stevens and Timm, becoming senior member; active in politics for many years. He was one of the original organizers of the Hamilton Club and is a life member; several times delegate to State con- ventions and long a member of the Chicago and State liar Associations. He is interested in and owner of Chicago real estate; and re- sides with his family on the South side. Underwood, Jonathan Piatt, Land Dealer, 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 14, 1849, in Auburn, N. Y. Since 1898 he has been dealing in timber lands. Unrath, Charles Fred, Packer of 820 Fulton Street, was born Sept. 11, 1847, in Germany. Since 1903 he has been President of the Fulton Packing Company, beef and pork packers. Upham, Clarence Curtis, Wholesale Grocer of 615 West Thirty-ninth Street, was born July 30, 1876. Since 1896 he has been en- gaged in the wholesale grocery business, and is now President of the Manufacturers and Retailers Company. Upham, Frederic William, of 111 West Washington Stree t, was born Jan. 29, 1861, in Racine, Wis. In 1894 he came to Chicago and or- ganized the Fred W. Up- ham Lumber Company, of which he was President; in 1898 was elected an Al- derman from the Twenty- second Ward, but resigned to become President of the Cook County Board of Re- view. He is now President of the Consumers Company; and is an officer and director in numerous corporations. Upham, Robert Bradford, Banker of 138 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 9, 1877, in Chicago. Since 1914 he has been Vice-President and Manager of the Bond Department of the Peoples Trust and Sav- ings Bank. Urion, Alfred R., Attorney-at-Law of 208 South LaSalle St reet, was born Sept. 29, 1863, near Salem, N. J. He was educated in the South Jer- sey Institute, and In the Central High School of Philadelphia; and later studied law in St. Paul, Minn. Since 1888 he has practiced his profession in Chicago. For three years he was President of the Chicago Board of Education; and for six years a member of the board. He is now General Counsel for Armour and Company, HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 361 with whom he has been associated fox twenty- eight years in a Legal capacity. Ee is a mem ber of the Union League Club. Uprichard, John, Auditor of 212 West Wash ington Street, was born June 11, 1872, in Ire- land. Ee was formerly Auditor of the Cen- tral Union Telephone Company; and later Auditor of Disbursements of the Central Group of the Bell Telephone Company. He is now Genera] Auditor for the Eeceivers of the Central Union Telephone Company. Upton, Edward Lytton, Attorney-at-Law of ."I Wesl Randolph street, was horn Sept. 10, L850, in Barre, Vt. Since l s 7l he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. Ee was Vice-President of the Goodrich Transportation Company, and the Besley Brewing Company. Utley, George Burwell, Librarian of 7s Easl Washington street, was born Dec. 3, 1876, in Hartford, Conn. Since l'.Ml he has been Sec- retary and Executive Officer of the American Library Association. In 1912-13 he was Presi- dent of the Chicago Library Club. Utley, John Butler, Lumber Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was born Feb. 22, 1885, in Sterling, 111. Until 1914 he was Secretary of the Kerns and Utley Lumber Company; now President of the Utley-Hollo- way Company. Utpatel, Henry, Attorney -at-Law of 183 West Washington street, was born April 22, 1870, in Chicago, 111. In 1909 and L91] he was Alderman from the Fifteenth Ward. Vail, Charles Winfield, Public Official, was born March 14, 1861, in Pairbury, 111. In 1905 ll he was Clerk of the Superior Court Of Cook County; and since L915 has been Clerk of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Vail, Edward P., Lawyer and Jurist of 69 West Washington Street, was burn July 20, lst!», in Frederick, 111. Ee seised in the Civil War. For seven years he was states Attorney nf Schuyler County, and was elected to the Circuit Bench in L888. Ee is now a member of the law firm of Vail and Vette. Vail, Edwin E., Banker of he has i n engaged in the general practice of law; was Assistant States Attorney under John J. Ilealy: and is now a member of the law linn of Vent and Warlield. Vette, John Lyle, Attorney at Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born in Ottawa, 111. Since L900 he has praeti 1 law in Chi- ll,- is ( 'iiiiiim'1 for t he i 'hicago Real Es- tate Board; and a member of the law firm of Vail and Vette. Vial, Frederic Ketchum, Engineer and Au- thor of 445 .North Sacramento Boulevard, was in, in April 22, 1864, in Lyonsville, 111. - I90fl he has been Chief Engineer of the Grif- fin Wheel Company, of Chicago. Ee is the author of The Chilled Iron Car Wheel; The Railroad Transition Spiral, and other works. Vickers, John Alexander Dunbar, Transpor- tation Official of 29 Wesi Mod S t, was born May 22, 1858, in Toronto, Out., Canada. In L884 he became identified with the Ameri- can Express Company; and in 1914 became Vice President and General Manager in charge of t he Western lines. Vierbuchen, William Charles, Hotel Man- ager of 115 South State street, was born July 31, 1863, in Washington, D. < '. In 1904 is ha was Manager of the Palmer Eouse; and is now managing partner of Cooper-Carlton Ho- tel, Chicago. Vierling, Louis, Manufacturer of 343 West Twentieth street, was born iii Chicago, 111. He is President of the Vierling Steel Works, manufacturers of structural and ornamental iron and steel. Vilas, Royal C, Manufacturer of 1334 North Kostner Avenue. President of the Pyle- National Electric Company. Viles, James, Manufacturer of x 'i East Jack- son Boulevard, was born March 10, I s ;,:,, in Boston, Mass. Prom 1895-1902 he was Presi- dent of the Omaha Hacking Company. Ee IS now Chairman of the Hoard of Direeti The Huda. Company, railway supplies. Viles, Lawrence Motley, Manufaeturi 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1882, in Chicago. Since 1!HI4 he has been connected with the Buda Company, dealers in railway supplies, of which he is now President. Vincent, John Heyl, Bishop of 5700 Wash- ington Avenue, was born Feb. 23, I s :;:!, in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Ee was one of the founders of the Chautauqua Assembly; and founder of the Chautauqua Literature and Scientific circle, and has since Keen its Chancellor. In 1900 he was made Resident Bishop in charge of European work of the Methodist Church. Vittuni, Harriet E., Social Worker of 1400 Augusta Street, was born Feb. 14, 1872, in Canton, 111. since 1906 she has been head resident of Northwestern University Settle- ment. In it'll 16 she was a member of the Progressive state Senatorial Committee; and in 1913-14 was President of the Woman's City Club. Vogel, Charles Frederick, Attorney at Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 19, l s 7n. in Germany. Since 1891 he has prac- ticed law in Chicago. Vogelsang, John Zachariah. Restau at L77 West Madison Street, was born duly 17, 1 360, in Ripley County, Ind. Ee established ang '- Restaurant in 1889, and hat been its head. Vogelson, Edgar Metzger, Furniture D of 1353 South v enue, was born duly 364 IIERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 8, 1869, in Columbiana, Ohio. He is Vice- President of the Manufacturers Furniture Exchange, and the Peck and Hills Furniture i 'ompany. Vogt.'Von Ogden, Clergyman of 617 Well- ington Avenue, was born in 1879, in Alta- mont, 111. He is Pastor of the Wellington Avenue Congregational Church. Voigt, John Frederick, Attorney-at-Law of 7l! West Ail:i ins Street, was born in 1869, in Mat toon, 111. In 1897-9 was City Attorney of .Mat toon, 111.; 1901-6 States Attorney of Coles County; L909-13 Assistant United States At- torney, Chicago. He is a member of the Ham- ilton, Illinois, Athletic and Literary Clubs. Voigtmann, Frank, Manufacturer of 445 West Brie St reed, was bom July 4, 1862, in Berlin, Germany. Since L890 he has been en- gaged in the manufacture of metal windows, and is now President of Voigtmann and Com- pany. Volland, P. F., Art Publisher of 58 East Washington Street, was born Sept. 24, 1875, in Germany. He was formerly Manager of the Photogravure Department of the Manz En- graving Company. He is now President of the 1'. P. Volland Company. Voltz, Edward Christian, Carriage Manufac- turer of s4() South Halsted Street, was born Sept. 19, ls7.'i, in Chicago. He is a member of the firm of Voltz Brothers. Von Bachelle, Cecil, Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, Professor of Obstetrics in tin' College of Medicine of the University of Illinois; and Gynecologist to the Chicago Poli- clinic, Henrotin Memorial, and Lake View Hospitals. Von Wedelstaedt, Bismarck, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in St. Paul, Minn. He is a member of the staff of the Post-Graduate Hospital. Vopicka, Charles J., Business Man and United States Consul of 3251 Washington Boulevard, was born Nov. 3, 1857, in Bohemia. In L894-7 he was a member of the West Park Board; and 1901-2 a member of the Board of Education. He is now President of the Atlas Brewing Company; Treas- urer of the Chicago Bond- ing and Surety Company; and United States Minister to the Balkan Mates. Vose, Frederic Perry, Attorney-at-Law of 1 10 South Dearborn Street, was born May 4, L870, in Chicago, 111. In 1912-13 he was Presi- dent of the Commercial Law League of Amer- ica, and in L914-15 President of the Univer- sity Club of Evanston. He is General Coun- sel of the National Electrical Credit Associa- tion; and General Counsel of the Electrical Credil Association of Chicago. Voshardt, Herman F., Manufacturer of 733 Smith Halsted Street, was bom at Two Rivers, Wis. He is President of Friedley- Voshardt Company, and the Chicago Steel Tank Com- pany. Vroman, Charles Edward, Attorney-at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 5, 1846, near Madison, Wis. Since 1900 he has practiced his profession in Chicago, and in L905 became Assistant General Solicitor of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. Vyse, Arthur Faulkner, Manufacturer of 215 West Kinzie Street, was born June 1, 1862, in New York City. For fourteen years lie was a broker in Wall Street. He is now Manager of the American Glue Company. Vyse, Arthur J., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born March 28, 1S75, in Nunda, ill. Since 1902 he has been Vice- President of the Lyman and Ritchie Com- pany, Incorporated. Wacker, Charles Henry, Real Estate Dealer of 134 South La Salle Street, was born Aug. 29, 1856, in Chicago, 111. For several years he was President of the McAvoy Brewing Company. He is President of the Chicago Heights Land Association and the Chicago Heights Gas Company; a Director of the Corn Exchange Na- tional Bank, the Calumet and Chicago Canal and Dock Company; and a director in various corporations. Waddell, Frank Wilson, Packer, was born March 24, 1868, in Bellefonte, Pa. Since 1890 he has been identified with Armour and Company, of Chicago, and is now head of provision buying and hog buying; since 1912 has been President of the North American Provision Company; and is President of the Fowler Packing Company, Kansas City. Wadhams, John Adelbert, Banker and Edu- cator of 4201 Irving Park Boulevard, was born Nov. 17, 1845, in Bremen, 111. He is President of Irving Park National Bank. For nearly forty years he was teacher and prin- cipal in the Public Schools of Cook County. Wagner, Carl, Physician of 1532 North Dearborn Street, was born April 14, 1863, in Worms, Germany... He is attending surgeon to several hospitals. Wagner, Edwin Leavitt, Banker of 155 North Clark Stre et, was born Dec. 22, 1868, in Polo, 111. Since 1886 he has been identified with the banking business^ He is President of the National Produce Bank, Chicago; President of the Berwyn State Bank, Berwyn, 111.; President of the West Mc- llenry State Bank, West McHenry, 111.; Vice-Presi- dent of the South Chicago Savings Bank, HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 366 South Chicago, 111.; and Vice-President of the Cicero State Bank, Eawthorae, III. Wagner, Carl Brentano, Physician of 31 North State Street, was born May, 1S76, in Germany, since 1909 he has practiced medi- cine in Chicago. Professor of Ophthalmology in tin- Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose ami Throat College. Wagner, Charles B., Physician ami Surgeon (if in? Etoscoe Street, was (torn Jan. :;, lSlili, in Chicago, III. Hi- is Surgeon to the Evan- gelical Deaconess 1 1 it.-ti. Wagner, Emil William, Grain Commission Merchant of 208 Smith LaSalle Street, was I. ..in Sept. 1', 1864, in Chi- cago. III. He was educated in Germany. Since 1S87 he litis been engaged in the grain commission business on the Chicago Board of Trade. In 1902 he was a member of the Arbitration Committee, and three years was a Director of the Board. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Club and Germania Mannerchor. Wagner, Frank E., Commission Merchant of 123 West South Water Street, was born Sept. 15, 1862, in Port Clinton, Pa. He is Presi- dent of the firm of G. M. H. Wagner and Sons. Wagner, Fritz, Retired Manufacturer of 1049 Oakdale Avenue, was born Nov. 1, 1857, in Bavaria. In 1908-16 he was Vice-President and Treasurer of the Northwestern Terra « !otta Company. Wagner, Gilbert F., Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born Aug. 16, 1887, in Princeton, 111. In 1913-6 he was City At- torney of Spring Valley, 111. He is now At- torney for the Chicago Association of Credit .Men. Chicago. Wagner, John T., Insurance Manager of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 20, |s7fi, in Adrian, Midi. He is Western M.in- ager of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company. He is a member of the Union League Club and the Westmoreland Country Club. Wagner, Louis C, Real Estate Dealer of (iL':;i) Cottage Grove Avenue, was born Nov. ■J!>, 1861, in New York State. He litis been 1 'resident of the Knglewood State Bank, and the Washington Park National Bank. He is now President of the Oklahoma Real Estate Company. Wagner, Robert E., Printer of 1117 Fulton street, was Worn Feb. 20, is<>9, iii Ireland. He is President of the Wagner and Eanson Company. Wait, Henry Heileman, Electrical and Me chanical Engineer of 30 North LaSalle - was born Oct 27, 1869, in Chicago, HI. IP' was associated with the Western Electric Company, until 1905. He is now a consulting mechanical engineer. Wait, James Joseph, of 303 North Street, was born March 1, 1861, in CI III. since 1892 in- has been Manager of the Freight Department of Hibbard, Spencer, Bartletl and Company. He is also President ot' the Merchant's Lighterage Company. Waite, Roy Elmer, Publisher and Editor of til Bast Vim Buren Street, was born .Pan. 22, L879, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He is owner .and Editor of the Piano Magazine and the Piano Trade Magazine; and President of the New York Musi,- Industry Corporation. Wakem, James Wallace, Warehouseman of 225 East Illinois Street, was born April !», L859, in Callao, Peru, South America. IP' is President of Wakem and McLaughlin, [ncor- pora ted, warehouse. Walbridge, John T., Consulting Engini (i North Michigan Avenue, was born in L885, in Pallas, Tex. He was formerly > Bulting engineer for industrial and reclamation proj ects. Be is President of the John T. Wal- bridge Engineering Company; and Vic< ident of the Jobst-Walbridge Company. Walcott, Erastus L., Manufacturer" of li'll Raveiiswood Avenue, was horn Sept. Is, 1869, in Barrington, R. I. He is Vice-Presidenl and General Manager of the pacific Flush Tank ( iompany. Waldeck, Herman, Banker of 208 South La- Salle Street, was horn Nov. L9, 1871, many. In 1909 he was Vice President of the Continental National Bank; now Vice-Presi dent of the Continental and Commercial Na- tional Bank. Waldo, George Edward, Patent Lawyer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was bom Pel'. 8, 1863, in Plattsburg, N. V. He is a member of the law firm of Castle and Waldo. In 1890- !U he was District Attorney of Jackson Coun- ty. Wis. Walgren, John A., Attorney-al Paw ot' 134 South LaSalle street, was born Pel'. !'. 1870, in Danville, 111. He was United States Immi- grant Inspector in the Department of Com- merce and Pal>or. He is the author of The Health Science, and other works. Walker, Bertrand, Attorney-at-Law id' 143 West Van Buren Street, was born dune 20, 1868, in Indianapolis, End. He is a General Counsel for the New V"fk Cent ral Li Walker, Charles Morehead, Lawyer and Jurist, the County Building, was born in 1859, in Kentucky. Until 1903 he was engaged i" the practice of law in Chicago; has been Al- derman from the Twenty fourth Ward; and Corporation Counsel; now Judge of the <'ir- cuit Court of < look Count v. Walker, Earl J., Attorney-at-Law • North Clai was born L880, in Bluff - ton, End. IP was formerly Assistant States Attorney. Ee is now an Alderman iii the Twenty-first Ward. 366 ITERRINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Walker, Edwin K., Lawyer of 134 South LaSalle Street, was bom in L866 in Mason County, HI. In 1891 he lo- cated in Chicago; and the following year was admit- ted to the bar. In L900 he w as a member of t he" Board iif ( 'mint v < 'ommissioners of Cook County; and 1906 was elected Judge of the Municipal Court in Chicago. !!■■ is :i member of the Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations. Walker, Francis William, Attorney-at-Law of 1 in Smith Dearborn Street, was born Oct. L2, LS56, in Chicago, 111. In 1884-7 First Assist.nit State's Attorney, and 1891 County Attorney of Cook County. He is now engaged in independent practice. Walker, George, Manufacturer of 61 West Kin/.ie Street, was born Aug. 29, 1864. He is Secretary and Treasurer of the Creamery Package Manufacturing Company. Walker, Harry J., Manufacturer of 223 West Erie Street, was born March 30, 1865, in Bath, Md. He was formerly President of the Walker Soda Fountain Company. He is now owner of H. J. Walker and Com- pany, manufacturers of soda fountains. Walker, Henry Hammersly, Educator of 20 North Ashland Avenue, was born Aug. 26, L871, in Flint, Mich. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Chicago Theological Seminary. Walker, Irwin N., Attorney-at-Law of 111 Wesl Monroe Street, was born Nov. 18, 1885, in Franklin, La. He is Assistant States At- torney. Walker, James Ransom, Banker of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 24, 1m; I, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Tacoma Safe Deposit Company. Walker, Joseph L., Clergyman of 58 East Washington Street, was born in Paris, Out., Canada. In 1909-14 he was pastor of the Cuyler Avenue Church, Oak Park. Since 191 I he has been District Superintendent of the Southwestern District, Chicago. Walker, Lyman Thomas, Lumber Manu- facturer of 5 North LaSalle Street, was born March 28, 1862, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1902 he has been Vice-President and a Director of the Bigelow Brothers and Walker Company. Walker, Samuel Johnson, Physician of 6 Bcotl Street, was born Nov. 19, 1867, in Cov- ington, Ky. He is Attending Physician to Passavant Memorial and Children's Memo- rial Hospital. Walkowiak, Stanley S., Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street. Alderman in the Seventeenth Ward in Chicago. Wallace, Elizabeth, Educator, was born in 1866, in Bogota, Colombia. Since 1905 she has been Dean of the Junior College of the University of Chicago; and is Associate Pro- fessor of French Literature in that institu- tion. Wallace, John Findley, Railway Official of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in Fall River, Mass. In 1 869 he entered railway serv- ice, and in L90] became Assistant General Manager of the Illinois Central Railroad. He is now Chairman of the Chicago Terminal Railway I lommission. Wallace, John Foster, Real Estate Dealer of 32 West Washington Street, was born April Hi, L875, in Port Branch, Ind. In 1910 he was President of the Chicago Real Estate Board; 11*1 1 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the same; and 1918 Chairman Valuation Com- mittee. Wallace, Thomas Oliver, Real Estate Dealer of 846 Center Street, was born Sept. 8, 1875, in Canada. In 1907-11 he was Real Estate Expert for the City of Chicago. He is an Alderman in the Twenty-third Ward of Chi- cago. Walleck, Christian Ralph, Real Estate Deal- . er of 1669 Blue Island Avenue, was born Oct. 29, L862. He has been a member of the Illi- nois State Legislature; and in 1S98-01 was a member of the Chicago Board of Education. He is now Vice-President of the American State Bank. Wallenius, Carl Gideon, Theologian, Libra- rian and Author of 2405 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, 111., was born Dec. 28, 1865, in Stockholmslan, Sweden. In 1889-1906 he was Professor of Theology and Swedish Language in the Swedish Theological Seminary, Evans- ton, 111., and since 1909 has been President of that institution. Waller, Edward C, Real Estate Dealer of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 21, 1845, in Mason- County, Ky. Since 1866 he has been engaged in the real estate and loan business; is President of the North Ameri- can Accident Insurance Company. Waller, Francis Castleman, Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 26, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He is interested in the Waller Coal Company; and a member of the firm of Critchell, Miller, Whitney and Barbour. Waller, William, Real Estate Dealer of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 28, 1858, in Lexington, Ky. Since 1879 he has been a. member of the firm of Waller and Com- pany, real estate; and is President of the Waller Coal Company. Walling, Willoughby George, Banker and Capitalist of 111 West Monroe Street, was born May 23, 1878, in Louisville, Ky. Until 1900 he was Secretary o£* the Western Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago; now a Direc- tor of the Chicago Morris Plan Bank. Walls, Charles Bruce, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born April 30, 1857, in Scotland. He served with the First Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the war with Spain; in HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 367 1911 was appointed First Lieutenant of the United States Army Medical Reserve Corps. Wails, Frank Xavier, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1869, in To- ronto, Canada. He is attending physician to several hospitals; and in 1911 was appointed First Lieutenant of the United States Army Medical Reserve Corps. Walmsley, Charles T., Business Manager of 172 North Michigan Avenue, was born June 6, 1869, in Elmira, Ontario. For twenty-five years he has been associated with the Na- tional Cash Register Company, and is now Western Sales Manager. Walmsley, Frank 6., Manufacturer of 402 North Paulina Street, was born July 1, 1870, in Chicago. He is President of the Franklin Glass and Mirror Company. Walsh, Jeremiah. Henry, Physician of 3200 Washington Boulevard, was born Aug. 6, 1870, in Curtis, N. Y. He is Professor of Clinical Surgery in the Medical Department of Loyola University. In 1917 he was a member of the Draft Exemption Board, and has served as a member of the Chicago Board of Edu- cation. Walsh, Thomas F., Physician and Surgeon of 6159 Champlain Avenue, was born June 4, 1888, in Chicago, 111. He is engaged in the genera] practice of his profession. Residence, 736 East Sixty-third Street. Walter, Edward Daniel, Live Stock Com- mission Merchant, Union Stock Yards, was born Sept. 4, 1865, in Fayette County, Ind. Since 1885 he has been engaged in the live stock business, and is now Vice-President of the Lee Live Stock Commission Company. Walter, Harry Chrimes, Live Stock Com- mission Merchant, the Union Stock Yards, was born in Chicago. He is a member of Walter Brothers, live stock commission, and President of the Faulkton Live Stock Com- panv, Faulkton and Redfield, S. D. Walter, Lincoln W., Publisher of 633 Fly- mouth Court, was born March 4, 1865, in King- wood, Pa. Since 1907 he has been President of the L. W. Walker Company. Walter, Luther M., Attorney-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born March 2, 1877, in Blaine, Ky. He has been Attorney for the Interstate Commerce Commission and special Assistant Attorney General of the United States. He is a member of the law firm of Borders, Walter and Burchmore. Walter, William Blauvelt, Investment Broker of 11 South LaSalle Street, was born June 2, 1879, in Richfield Springs, N. Y. He is President of the Vicksburg Light and Trac- tion Company, and the Shreveport Natural Gas Company; and a Director of the New York and Richmond Gas Company, Staten Uland, N. Y. Walter, William Harry, Commission Mer- chant, Union Stock Yards, was born Sept. 5, 1860, in Fayette County, Ind. Since 1888 he has been a member of the firm of Walter Brothers, live stock commission merchants. Walters, Charles Everett, Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 26, 1865, in Watseka, 111. Since 1891 he has been Vice-President of Walters Brothers, dealers in hay, grain and seeds. He has been First Vice-President of the National Hay Association; and for the past ten years has been Treasurer of the Chicago Feed Deal- ers' Association. Walters, John Good, Grain Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 13, 1858, in Perry County, Ohio. He is President of Walters Brothers, grain commission merchants. Walton, Lyman Azariah, Investment Banker of 76 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 30, 1861, iu Alexandria, N. Y. Since 1890 he has been Vice-President and a Director of the Equitable Trust Company. In 1905-6 he was President of the Board of South Park Com- missioners. Walton, Seymour, Accountant of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Feb. 15, 1846, in New Orleans, La. Since 1S93 he has been a professional accountant in Chicago; and is Dean of the Walton School of Commerce. He was formerly President of the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants. Wanner, Jay G., Physician and Surgeon of 2610 Leland Avenue, was born April 30, 1895, in Chicago, 111. He was an interne in the German American Hospital, Chicago; and later Roentgenologist and Pathologist to the Montrose Avenue Hospital. He is now Roent- genologist and Pathologist and Assistant Sur- geon of Wheatland Hospital, Wheatland, Wyoming. He is a member of the Chicago Anatomical Society. Wanzer, Willets G., Broker of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 7, 1866, in Chicago, 111. Since 1882 he has been engaged in the commission business as Wanzer and Company. Ward, Charles E., Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born April 26, 1873, in Duquoin, 111. In 1894 he graduated from the Law Department of the University of Michigan. He is engaged in the general practice of law. Ward, Frank Gibson, Clergyman and Dean of 5717 Kimbark Avenue, was born Nov. 9, 1869. in Grafton, Vt. Since 1910 he has been Professor of Religious Education, and since ]&12 Dean of the Chicago Theological Semi- nary. Ward, James Riley, Attorney-at-Law of 433 Diversev Parkway, was horn May 7, 1851, in Madison County, 111. In 1876-So he was States Attorney of Green County, HI. Since 1893 he has practiced law in Chicago. Wardrop, Walter, Publisher of 544 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 1, 1864, in 368 IIERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Di lilin, [reland. Be is Publisher of the Power Wagon. Ware, Harry A., Physician of 805 North State Street, was born in Franklin, Pa. lie is Surgeon to the Provident Hospital; and Cap- i : t in, Medical Corps, United states Army. Ware, John Herbert, Commission .Merchant n!' 160 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 2, L862, in Brantford, Canada. Since L868 be lias resided in Chicago; and since 1 898 a member of the firm of Ware and Leland; and is an officer in other corporal inns. He is a mern- be of the Chicago Board of Trade; the Chicago Ath- letic, Press, and numerous other clubs and societies in Chicago and New York. Warfield, Edwin A., Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 25, 1869, in Ravenna, Ohio, lie is head of the firm of E. A. Warfield Sons, real estate. Warfield, John David, Merchant of 526 West Twenty-second Street, was born April 6, 1861, in Bridgeport, Ohio. Since 1901 he has been President of the Thomson and Taylor Spice < Sompany. Warner, Ezra Joseph, Jr., Wholesale Grocer of 600 West Erie Street, was born March 10, ls77, in Lake Forest, 111. Since 1899 he has been associated with Sprague, Warner and Company; and is now Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company. Warner, Sidney Hiller, Commission Mer- chant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Oct. 9, 1862, in Mendota, 111. Since 1885 he has been a member of the firm of Warner and Wilbur. Warner, Thomas R., Contractor of 189 West Madison Street, was born in 1861, in Ottawa, 111. Since 1887 lie has been engaged in the contracting business, and is now President of the Warner Construction Company. Warr, William J., Business Manager of 21 Last Van Buren Street. Secretary of the Ziegler Coal Company; and Manager of the Levi 7.. Leiter Estate. Warren, Emma J., Surgeon of 3730 Ellis Avenue, was born Aug. 24, 1863, in Charlotte, Mich. Since 1893 she has practiced medicine in Chicago; and is owner of the Warren Hos- pital which she established. Warren, Irene, Librarian of 6056 Stony Island Avenue, was born in ls7,l i u Rochelle, 111. Sim-e 1900 she has been Librarian of the School of Education in the University of Chicago; ami is a lecturer on school libraries and allied subjects. Warren, William Seymour, Fire Underwrit- er of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born May Ki, is is. in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1892 he has been Manager of the Chicago Branch of the Liverpool and London and Globe In- surance Company. Warvelle, George William, Attorney-at-Law of 1.",!) North State Street, was horn Mav :i, 1S52, iii Kenosha, Wis. In 1896-1901 he was Dean of Chicago Law School, and Professor of the Law of Real Property in the Illinois College of Law. He is the author of Essays in Legal Ethics; a Treatise on Ejectment, and other works. Washburn, Frank S., Manufacturer of 4834 South llalste.i street. President of the Good- man Manufacturing Company, mining ma- chinery. Washburn, Reginald, Manufacturer of 6102 LaSalle Street, was born in Worcester, Mass. Hi' is President and Treasurer of The Wire Goods Company, Worcester, .Mass.; and Presi- dent of the Cassady-Fairbanks Manufactur- ing Company, Chicago. Washbume, Hempstead, Lawyer and Jurist of 35 North Dearborn Street, w^as born Nov. 11, 1852, in Galena, III. In 1880 he was ap- pointed Master in Chancery of the Superior Court; 1885 elected City Attorney; and 1891 elected Mayor of Chicago. Waterman, Alonzo Higbee, Physician of 112 West Randolph Street, was born in Minne- apolis, Minn. Since 1911 he has been Resi- dent Physician at the Hotel Sherman. He is Ex-Grand President of the Phi Alpha Gamma Fraternity; and a member of the Chicago Medical Society, the American Medical As- sociation; and the Hamilton Club. Waterman, Samuel Arthur, Surgeon of 453 Winnecoma Avenue, was born June 28, 1868, in Illinois. He is Surgeon to the Englewood Hospital; and Chief Surgeon of the Auburn Park Hospital. Waters, William Otis, Clergyman of 2001 Prairie Avenue, was born in North Norwich, N. Y. He was ordained priest in 1891, and is now Rector of Grace Episcopal Church of Chicago. Watkins, Frank Alonzo, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born July 8, is?.", in Fairfield, N. Y. Since 1902 he 'has been Secretary of the S. G. Taylor Chain Company; and is also Treasurer of the Mather Stock Car Company. Watkins, Jesse Mather, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 10, 1868, in Fairfield, N. Y. Since 1890 he has been connected with the Mather Stock Com- pany, of which he is now Vice-President. Watkins, Minnie A. Edson, Club Woman of 110 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 4, 1854, in Cleveland, Ohio. She was Chairman of the Public Health Committee of the Illinois Federation; and was a Delegate from Illinois to the International Tuberculo- sis Conference, Washington, D. C. She is now Vice-President of the Illinois State Suffrage Association. Watkins, Thomas James, Surgeon of 104 HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE !«>oK <>K BIOGRAPHY Smith Michigan Avenue, was born ill 1863, ill Qtiea, N. V. Ee is Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital; and a Professor in Northwestern University Medical School. Watkins, William Thomas, Lumber Mer- ehanl of 332 South Michigan Avenue, was born in I860, in Chautauqua County, V ?. Since 1897 he has been Vice Presidenl of the Bradley Watkins Company; also Presidenl of the Joyce- Watkina Company and the Watkins l . mi in- i !ompany. Watiy, Joseph, Physician and Oculisl of 159 North State Street, was born Oft. Is, Hiio, in Ozaukee County, Wis. Since L883 he lias practiced in Chicago; and was Attending Oeu list and Aurist to the Hahnemann Medical for eleven years. Watson, Fred J., Educator, was born Jan. 11, L862, in Dubuque, [owa. Principal of the Nash Grammar School. Watson, George Edward, Manufacturer of iii' West Lake Street, was born June 9, 1859, in Boston, Mass. Since 1889 he has I n President of the George E. Watson Company, paints and colors. Watson, James Verree, Railway Supply Manufacturer of '■'•'■'•'2 South Michigan Ave- mi.', was born Nov. 24, 1866, in Battle Creek, Mich, since L902 lu 1 has been President of the United Supply and Manufacturing Com- pany, railway supplies. Watson, William Joseph, Capitalist of 38 South Dearborn Street, was horn March 26, 1843, in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1884 he organ- ized and was Presidenl of the Buda Foundry and Manufacturing Company, and l ss,i organ- ized the Hewitt Manufacturing Company. Watt, Charles E., Musician of 218 South Wabash Avenue, was born in Lima, Ohio. Since 1!KIS lie has lieen Editor Of the Music News. Watt, William Edward, Publisher of 542 South Dearborn Street, was bom July 8, L859, in l'ittstiebl. Mass. lie was formerly Prin- cipal of the Graham School. He is now Presi- dent et' the Little Chronicle Company. Waugh. James Milton, Manufacturer of L22 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 13, 1853, ill Watkins, \. Y. Since 1901 he has ben President of the Waugfa Draft Gear ( 'ompa nv. Way, Henry J., Physician and Obstetrician of 2310 Ogden Avenue, was born March 25, 1866, in Toronto, (Int., Canada. Since 1913 lie has been Professor Of Obstetrics in the Illinois Post-Graduate Medical School; and is Obstetrician to the West side Hospital. Wayman, John Samuel, Wagon Manufac tinrr of 923 West Lake Street, was bom April 21, 1858, in Chicago, 111. He is President of the Wayman and Murphy Company. Wean, Frank Lincoln, Attorney at Law of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 6, I860, in William-field. Ohio. Since lSsT he has 1 n practicing law; and has been Etef ere.' in Bankruptcy for the Northern District Of Illinois since L898. Weary, Edwin Delos, Contractor of L907 Michigan Avenue, was bom Dec. 26, 1859, in Akron, Ohio. He i- President of the Weary and Alford Company; and President of Weary and Beck, contractor- for mosaics and tiles. Webb, George Dayton, Underwriter of 17.~> West Jackson Boulevard, uas born in L866, Ln Iowa. Since 1893 he has I n a member of the firm of Conkling, Price and Webb. Webb, J. Y., Investment Dealer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was born in Minden, La. For twenty years he resided in Dallas, Tex. Me was formerly Vice Presidenl of the Gibraltar Lite [nsurance Company; and is now President of the J. Y. Webb Company, investment securities; Vice-President of the Webb Press Company, Limited, Minden, La.; and President of the Leon Springs Irrigation Company, Fort Stockton, Tex. Webb, Thomas Joseph, Coffee Merchant of 628 West Randolph Street, was born .Line 1, ISfill, in Lake County, 111. In 1883 he began service in the linn of Puhl and Webb, and in 1896 organized the Puhl-Webb Company, of which he is now President. In 1910 he was elected a member of the Board of Be view for a term of six ye. Weber, Bernard F., Real Estate Dealer and Builder of bun North dark street, was bom dan. ti, Is.",.;, in Chicago. lie is President of the National Brick Company. lie was a member of the Thi it y second and Thirty-third General Assemblies of Illinois from the old Sixth District; and was a Lincoln Pari missioner under appointment of Governor Alt- geld. Weber, Carl, civil Engineer of pi i - Michigan Avenue, was born A.ug. 12, 1 s 7l'. in Germany. He was the founder and first Presi- dent of the Weber Chimney Company. He is now President of the Cement Gun Construe tion Company; and a Director of the Am Society of Engineering Contractors. Weber, George Welsh, Journalist of '.'17 Eastwood Avenue, was born Now 27, If Springfield. III. Since 1903 he has been Editor and Publisher of Weber's Weekly. Weber, Harry Perkins, Attorney at Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. '•'• 1869, in Kingston, III. In 1898 !' he w sistant Attorney General of Hawaii. 1900 lie has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the firm of Busby, V Miller and Donovan. Webor. Henry L.. Merchant of i"l South Clark Street, was l.orn Sept. -Jo. 1870, in Chi 111. He is President of Louis Weber and Companv, general merchandise. Weber. Otto G.. Lithographer of 126 South Clinton Street, was born June '•'. l s 7!'. in Chi- caro, 111. In 1901 he organised the Weber Lithographing Company, of which he i lent. 370 BERBINGSIIAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. Weber, William Henry, Public Official, the Count} Building, was born Aug. 7, L856, in Cook County, III. Since L896 he has been a member of the Board of Assessors of Cook i 'mint v. Webster, Arthur L., Broker of 111 West Washington Street, was born July -0, 1876, in Chicago, 111. lie is proprietor of the firm of A. L. Webster and ( 'oinpany, hide brokers. Es President of the Shoe and Leather Asso- ciai ton of * Ihicago. Webster, Charles Ripley, Attorney-at-Law of 19 South LaSalle Street, was horn' May 12, I sill', in Eopkinton, .Mass. Since L884 he has practiced law, and is now a member of the law linn of Ba.vlev and Webster. Webster, George Huntington, Banker of 7 West Madison Street, was born Aug. 31, 1838, in Springfield, 111. Until L894 he was a mem- ber of Armour and Company. He is now a Hi rector of the Chicago Savings Bank and Trust Company. . Webster, George Washington, Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born July 4, 1857, in Winneshiek County, Iowa. Since 1895 he has been Professor of Clinical Medicine in Northwestern University; and since 1900 has been President of the Illinois State Board of Health. Webster, John Clarence, Physician and Sur- geon of 104 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 21, 1863, iu Shediac, N. B., Canada. He is Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Bush Medical College; and Obstetrician and Gynecologist to the Presbyterian Hospital, ( ihicago. Webster, Ralph Waldo, Physician and Chem- ist of 25 Bast Washington Street, was born April 16, 1873, in Mon- mouth, 111. Since 1901 he has practiced in Chicago. He is Assistant Professor in Rush Medical College; Pathologic Chemist to the Cook County Hospital; and Director of the Chemical Department of the Chicago Laboratory. He is also in the Medical Corps of the United A nny. Webster, Towner Keeney, Manufacturer of 72 West A. lams Street, was born July 30, lSt!>, in Ithaca, \. Y. lie is President of the Web- ster Electric Company; President of the Web ster Engineering Company; and President of the Amalgamated Machinery Corporation, lie has been President of the City Club; and is a member of the Pnion League Club, and the University Club, L'vanston. Webster, Weldon, Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was bom in 1870, in Lo- gansport, End. Before practicing law he was engaged in the contracting and building busi- ness. Since 1898 he has practiced in Chicago. Webster, William Grant, Attorney-at-Law of P.i South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 24, L866, in Kingston, 111. In 1X99 he was the organizer and Dean of the John Marshall Law School. Weddell, Thomas Robinson, Journalist of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 26, 1864, in Wonster, Ohio. He has held Editorial positions with the Chicago Inter Ocean, the Record-Herald and the Tribune. He is now I iisiii ance Editor of the Tribune; and Editor of the Insurance Post. Wedeles, Edward Leopold, Wholesale Grocer of l.'il West South Water Street, was born Oct. 16, 1855, in Austria. Since 1871 he has been associated with the Steele-Wedeles Com- pany, and is now Treasurer and a Director of the company. Weed, George L., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 9, 1875, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the firm of Weed Brothers. Wegener, Gabriel Samuel, Manufacturer of 119 North Union Avenue, was born July 15, 1866. He is President of The Hudson Manu- facturing Company. Residence, Oak Park, 111. Wegener, George Arnold, Grain Commis- sion Merchant of 1-11 West Jackson Boule- vard, was born April 12, 1869, in Le Sueur County, Minn. In 1902 he became a member of the grain commission firm of W. F. John- son and Company; and since 1916 has been a member of the firm of Logan and Bryan, grain commission. Wegg, David Spencer, Attorney-at-Law of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 16, 1847, in St. Thomas, Onta- rio. In 1873 he graduated from the University of Wisconsin, and was ad- mitted to the bar the same year. Since 1S85 he has practiced law in Chicago. For several years he was Assistant Solicitor for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway; in 1885 was Counsel for the Wisconsin Central Railway; and for some time President of the Chicago and Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Weidig, Adolf, Musician of 304 South Wa- bash Avenue, was born Nov. 28, 1867, in Ham- burg, Germany. He is Associate Director of the American Conservatory of Music; and is Dean of the Department of Theory in the same. Weigle, Edwin F., War Photographer of 5062 Keninore Avenue, was born March 13, 1889, in Chicago. In 1914 he spent three months with the Belgian Army; and was at the front with the German-Austrian armies for thirteen months. In 1917 he was assigned to the photographic division of the Signal Corps as one of three officers to organize the Photographic Division of the United States Army. HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 371 Weil, Alex V., Insurance Manager of 111 West Monroe Street, was born July 29, 1864, in Dubuque, Iowa. Since 1907 he has been Manager for Northern Illinois, The Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Company. Weil, Emanuel, Insurance Representative of 39 South LaSalle Street, was born March 5, 1854, in Edwardsville, 111. For seven years he was engaged in the mercantile business; and for twenty years following was a traveling salesman. Since 1898 he has been Representa- tive for the New York Life Insurance Com- pany. He is Past Master of the Washington Park Lodge 956, Order of Masons; Past Excel- lent High Priest Hyde Park Chapter 240 Royal Arch Masons; member of Aryan Grotto; Worthy Patron of Peerless Chapter Order Eastern Star; a member of the Royal Arca- num, the North American Union, Chicago As- sociation of Commerce, and the United He- brew charities; President of the North Amer- ican Bowling League; President of the Hyde Park Masonic Club; and a member of other organizations. Weil, Emanuel Raphael, Tanner of 2221 Els- ton Avenue, was born May 23, 1856, in Ann Arbor, Mich. Since 1893 he has been a mem- ber of the firm of Weil and Eisendrath. Weil, Joseph., Grain Commission Merchant of 140 West Van Buren Street, was born Aug. 23, 1867, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of Joseph Weil and Company. Weil, Julius Edward, Manufacturer of 508 South Franklin Street, was born March 5, 1864, in Jacksonville, 111. Since 1895 he has been engaged in the wholesale clothing busi- ness, and is now President of Rosenwald and Weil, manufacturers of clothing. Weil, Sumner Sykes, Banker of 111 West Madison Street, was born Dec. 9, 1885, in Boston, Mass. Since 1909 he has been resi- dent partner of Weil, Farrell and Company, commercial paper. Weinberg, Max, Produce Commission Mer- chant of 324 West South Water Street, was born Oct. 9, 1867, in Cassell, Germany. Since 1884 he has resided in Chicago. He is senior member of the firm of Weinberg Brothers and Company. Weir, Robert, Wholesale Merchant of 6316 Wentworth Avenue, was born Feb. 22, 1838, in Renfrue Shire, Scotland. He is President of the Weir and Craig Company, manufactur- ers of heating and plumbing supplies. Weibach, Harry, Violinist, was born April 28, 1886, in Odessa, Russia. In 1896 he first played in public; and since 1912 has been Concert Meister of the Chicago Symphony Or- chestra. Welch, Albert Gaylord, Attorney-at-Law of 1 in South Dearborn Street, was born June 3, L873, in Chicago, 111. In 1894 he was ad- mitted to the bar and is now a member of the law firm of Sims, Welch and Godman. Weissenbach, Joseph, Attorney-at-Law of 7 Sout h Dearborn Street, was born April 18, " 1874, in Chicago, 111. He graduated from the West Division High School; and studied law in the office of Chytraus and Deneen. He was admitted to the bar in 1896; in 1896-1900 was As- sistant States Attorney; later appointed Master in Chancery of the Superior Court. Welch, Ninian H., Attorney-at-Law of 19 So uth Ln Salle St reet, was born Jan. 1, 1873, § in Rosecrans, 111. Since f[ 1902 he has practiced in ^| I Chi cago; in 1906-10 was As- I sistant Judge of the Pro- 1 bate Court of Cook County; 1917 was appointed Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court. He is a member of I the law firm of Welch, ^J^ jSam I Moody and Welch; and a lecturer in the Chicago Kent College of Law. Weld, Laenas Gifford, Educator of 5459 Blackstone Avenue, was born Dee. 30, 1862, in Sherwood, Mich. In 1888-1911 he was State Superintendent of Weights and Meas- ures for Iowa; and since 1911 has been Di- rector of the Pullman Free School of Manual Training. Weller, Charles Frederick, Social Worker of 1201 East Fifty-fifth Street, w^as born Aug. 19, 1870, in Chicago. Since 1912 he has been Associate Secretary of the Playground and Recreation Association of America. With the aid of his wife he founded the Neigh- borhood House, Camp Good Will and the Col- ored Social Settlement. Weller, Felix J., Manufacturer of 1856 North Kostner Avenue, was born Aug. 28, 1860, in Germany. Since 1886 he has been President of the Weller Manufacturing Com- pany, machinery. Weller, Stuart, Geologist of 5756 Dorchester Avenue, was born Dec. 26, 1870, in Maine, N. Y. Since 1906 he has been Geologist of the United States and Illinois Geological Surveys; and since 1908 a Professor of Geologv in the University of Chicago. Wells, Addison E., Builder of 53 West Jack son Boulevard, was born Feb. 4, 1856, in Janesville, Wis. He was educated in the public schools of St. Paul, Minn. since the great fire he has been identified with the mason contracting business in Chicago, and is now President of the Wells Brothers Construction Com- pany, lie is President of the Baptist Old People's Home. 372 BEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK <>F BIOGRAI'llY. Wells, Arthur Brattle, Attoiuey-at-Law of L9 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 23, L862, in Chicago, III. Since l ss <> he lias prac- ticed law in Chicago, and La aow a member of the law firm of Wells, Blakely and Talcott. Wells, Bradford, Manufacturer of 1001 West Washington Street, was born in L880, in Chicago. Since L91] he has been President of the Fidelity Brass Manufacturing Com- pan y. Wells, Charles H., Attorney-at-Law of 38 Smith Dearborn street, was horn Oct. 3, 1868, in Platteville, Wis. In 1907 he was President of the Chicago Alumni Association of Cornell University; and in L905-9 Attorney for the Village of Oak Park. Wells, Dora, Educator of 871 Rush Street, was born in Montpelier, Vt. She is Principal of the Flower Technical School. Wells, Edward F., Physician of 4744 Wood- lawn Avenue, was horn May 14, 1853, near Dayton, Ohio. Since 1874 he has been en- gaged in practice; and was formerly Pro- fessor of Clinical .Medicine in the University of Illinois. Wells, Fred Amasa, Contractor of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was horn July 26, 1859, in Mitchell, Iowa. He is a member of Wells Brothers Company, contractors; and Vice- President and Treasurer of the Wells Broth- ers Construction Company. Wells, George V., Broker, the Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards. He is a mem- ber of the firm of Daniels, Wells and Com- pany, live stock commission brokers. Wells, Harry Gideon, Pathologist, was born July 21, 1876, in Now Haven, Conn. He is Professor of Pathology in the University of Chicago, and Push Medical College; and Di- rector of the Otlio S. A. Sprague Memorial I ustitute. Wells, Hosea Williams, Lawyer and Jurist, the City H all, wa s horn Jan. 27, 1856, in Dela- ware, Ohio. He was edu- cated at Ohio Wesleyan University, and North- western University. In 1889 he was admitted to the bar and was engaged in gen- eral practice until 1906. In 1906 he was elected Judge of the Municipal Court of Chicago, and was re-elected for the term expiring 1922. He is a member of the Chicago and American Bar Associa- t ions. Wells, Iverscn C, Advertising Agent of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was horn Jan. 13, L873, in Trenton, Tenn. lie has held editorial positions with the Toledo Times, the Chicago Journal, and the Brick and Clay Record. He is now President of the Well's Advertising Service. Wells, Rinnah A., Lumber Merchant of 230 South LaSalle Street. President of the R. A. Wells Lumber Company. Wells, Willis John, Engraver and Printer of 2501 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 17, 1857, in Geneva, 111. In L902 he organized the Hi nner -Wells Company, designers, printers and engravers, now Wells and Company, of which he is Vice-President. He was a mem- her of First Illinois Infantry for sixteen years, and served with that regiment in the Cuba ( lampaign. Wenger, Emil P., Manufacturer of 314 West Superior Street, was horn July 19, 1876, in Altona, Germany. He is Vice-President of Tallman, Bobbins and Company. He was for- merly Captain of the Second Infantry Illinois National Guard. Wenter, Frank, Broker of 154 West Ran- dolph Street, was born June 7, 1854, in Bo- hemia. He was a member and President of the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago; and a member of the Board of Education. He is the Father of Physical Culture in the Public Schools. Wentworth, Edward Chichester, Real Estate Dealer of 8 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1859, in New Hampshire. Since 1884 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago, and is now head of the firm of Whiteside and Wentworth. Wentworth, Frank Warren, Printer of 727 South Dearborn Street, was born May 14, 1868, in Chicago. In 1909 he organized and has since been Vice-President of The Shirley Press; and since 1914 has been President of the Wentworth and Rice Company, printers. Wermuth, William Charles, Attorney-at- Law of 111 West Washington Street, was born Jan. 28, 1888, in Chicago, 111. He was formerly a Lecturer in the Law School of Northwestern University; and Associate Ed- itor of Modern American Law. He is now Secretary of Blackstone Institute. Werno, Charles, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark Street, was born Nov. 17, 1859, in Chicago, 111. In 1899-1907 he was an Al- derman from the old Twenty-first and Twen- ty-third Wards. He is now engaged in the general practice of law. Wertheimer, Abraham, Commission Mer- chant Union Stock Yards. President of Ros- enbaum Brothers and Company, live stock. Westcott, Cassius D., Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was horn May 25, 1861, in Salisbury Center, N. Y. Since 1894 he has practiced ophthalmology in Chicago, and is now Attending Ophthalmologist to the Wash- ington Boulevard Hospital. He is a member of the University Club. Residence, 1360 East Fifty-eighth Street. West, Charles Lake, Manufacturer of 310 North Ada Street, was horn May 5, 1861, in Elk horn, Wis. He is President and Treasurer of West Woodworking Company, interior fin- ish and cabinet work. HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 373 West, George Nelson, Dentist of 32 North State Street, was born Nov. 26, 1864, in Chi- cago, 111. Since 1886 he has practiced den- tistry in Chicago; and for seven years was a member of the faculty of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery. West, Myron H., Landscape Architect of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Dec. 19, 1880, in Belchertown, Mass. From L905-11 he was General Superintendent and Secretary of the Lincoln Park System, Chicago. He is now President of the American Park Builders. He is a member of the City and Rotary Clubs. West, Roy Owen, Attomey-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 27, 1868, in Georgetown, 111. In 1894 he was Assistant County Attorney of Cook County; 1895-7 City At- torney of Chicago; 1904-12 Chairman of the Illinois Republican State Com- mittee; 1898-1914 a mem- ber of the Board of Review of Cook County; and 1912- 16 a member of the Republican National Ex- ecutive Committee. Westcott, Charles, Wholesale Lumberman of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Sept. 24, 1865, in Kendall County, 111. For twenty- four years he was associated with the Interna- tional Harvester Company. Since 1907 he has been A T ice-President and Secretary of the Hay- den and Westcott Lumber Company. Westerholm, Charles, Manufacturer of 2340 Erie Street, was born July 1, 1861, in Sweden. From 1882-89 he was associated with Otto Westerholm in the manufacture of tanks. In 1889 he engaged in the manufacture of soda water and Red Seal Gingerale, and is now President and Treasurer of the Wester- holm Company. He is also President of the Chicago Bottling Clearing House Association. Westerlin, John M., Manufacturer of 2(3 South Clinton Street. President of the Wes- terlin and Campbell Company, ice machinery. Weston, George, Consulting Engineer, 105 South LaSalle Street, was born Jan. 30, 1861, in Kalamazoo, Mich. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the engineering business. He was a member of the Board of Supervising En- gineers, Chicago Traction, representing the City of Chicago from January, 1908 to duly, 1014, and is now Engineer for the board, lie is a member of the Western Society of Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, the American Society of Civil En- gineers, and is a member of the Chicago Engineers' Club, the Engineers' Club of New- York, the Press Club of Chicago and the Chi- cago Athletic Association. Westman, Edward C, Designer, Engraver and Electrotyper of "ill' Sherman Street, was born Oct. 11, 1861, in Princeton, 111. Since 1906 he has been President of Blomirren Brothers and Company. In 1917 he was Presi- dent of tlie Swedish Historical Society of America. Wetmore, Frank O., Banker of 38 South Dearborn Street, was bom Nov. 12, 1 S67, in Kalamazoo, Mich. He was educated in the schools of Adrian, Mich. In L886 lie came to Chicago and has sine,, been connected with the First National Bank; 1897-1904 Cashier; 1904-16 Vice President and I Erec- tor; and since 1916 Presi- dent and Director. He is a nu inner of itie Hankers', Chicago Golf, South shore Country and Mid Day clubs. Wetten, Emil C, Attomey-at-Law of ins South LaSalle Street, was horn in Chicago, 111. He has been First Assistant Corporation Coun- sel; and President of the Hamilton Club. Whalen, Charles J., Physician and Surgeon of 25 East Washington Street, was born Dec. 11, 1868. From 1905-7 he was Commissioner of Health; and 191314 President of the Illi- nois State Medical Society. Whamond, Alexander A., Physician and Sur- geon of 3955 West Twelfth Street, was born March 1, 1871, in Dundee, Scotland. lie is the founder, President, Treasurer and Sur- geon-in-Chief of the Robert Burns Hospital, in 1!> 17 he was a member of the Draft Regis- tration Board. Wharton, Charles S., Attorney -at Law of 7 South Wabash Avenue, was born April 22, 1875, in Aledo, 111. In 1905-7 he was a mem- ber of Congress from the Fourth District of Illinois. Wheaton, Clarence Lloyd, Physician of 2733 North Clark Street, was born May 27, ls7."., in Fort Pembina, N. Dak. lie is Visiting Physician to the Chicago Winfield Tubercu- losis Sanitarium; and Superintendent of Survey in the Municipal Tuberculosis Sani- tarium. Ex-President of the North side Branch of the Chicago Medical Society; and First Lieutenant of the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States Army. Whedon, James P., Underwriter of 13 Hast Ohio Street, was bom Oct. !», L851, in Port Washington, Wis. He is Nice President and Treasurer of The American Bankers' Insur- ance Company. Wheeler, Charles Pinckney, Manufacturer of 122 South Michigan Ave., was born May ."., 1856 in Mt. Carroll, HI. Since lsss he has Keen associated with the linn of Pickands, Brown and Company and is now Vice Presi- dent and Treasurer of the firm. Wheeler, Edwin Stewart, Manufacturer of 2260 ElstOD Avenue, was bom April 5, 1858, 374 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. in Oregon, 111. He is President of the Wheeler Varnish Works. Wheeler, Frank Pomeroy, Manufacturer of 3912 Langley Avenue, was born .March 7, 1853, in Brattleboro, Vt. He is President of the Cottage Grove Manufacturing Company, lum- ber dealers. Wheeler, Fred Monroe, Wholesale Pish Dealer of 546 Pulton Street, was born Jan. 18, L870, in Davisburg, Mich. Since 1914 he lias been President of Charles W. Triggs Company, wholesale lish; ami since 1914 Presi- dent of the Chicago Wholesale Fish Dealers' A.ssocia1 ion. Wheeler, Harris Ansel, of 17 1 1 West Monroe Street, was born July 30, 1850, in Orrington, Maine, lie was Brigadier General, command- ing the First Brigade of the Illinois National Guard. Wheeler, Harry A., Banker of 7 South Dear- horn Street, was born in 1866, in Brooklyn, X. Y. He is Vice-President of the Union Trust Company and President of the Chamber of Commerce of United States. Wheeler, John Tunis, Real Estate Broker of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born in Minne- apolis, Minn. Since 1907 he has been en- gaged in the real estate business, and is now a member of the firm of Baird and Warner. Wheelock, William W., Attorney-at-law of 14D Sout h Dearb orn Street, was born Sept. 24, I 1864, in Pelts Mills, N. Y. From 1893-5 he was a mem- ber of the Illinois Legisla- ture; later Assistant At- torney for the Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago, and At- torney for the Chicago Board of Election Commis- sioners. He is now senior member of the law firm of Wneeiock, tthattuek and Newey. Wherritt, David Henry, Surgeon of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 18, 1871, in Cynthiana, Ky. He is Attending Surgeon to Columbus Hospital and the American Hospital and Training School for Nurses. Whipple, Arthur J., Corporation Official of 1 to South Dearborn Street, was born June 4, L869, in Winona, Minn. He is Vice-President and Treasurer of the Englewood and Chicago Electric Street Railway; and senior member of A. .1. Whipple ami Company, bond brokers. Whipple, Gordon L., Railroad Official of 80 Easl Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 30, 1 s 7 L' , in Eeithsburg. 111. He is Superintend- ent of Transportation of the Chicago, Mil- waukee ami St. Paul Railway. Whipple, Walter W., Manufacturer of 72 West Adams Street, was born April 7, 1858, in Rhode Island. For four years he served as State Senator in Rhode Island. He is now I 'resident of the Whipple Car Company, car- builders, Chicago; President of the Chicago, New York and Boston Refrigerator Car Com- pany; and President of the New York Des- patch Refrigerator Line. Whitaker, Jonathan Oiville, Manufacturer nt' L09 South Green Street, was born Dec. 1, I soil, in Butler County, Ohio. Since 1903 he has been President of the Whitaker Manufac- turing ( 'ompany. Whitaker, William B., Physician and Sur- geon of ;;2 North State Street, was born Feb. 26, ls7.~i, in l.iant ford, Ontario, lie is Attend- ing Surgeon to the Peoples Hospital, Chicago. Whitcomb, Franklin L., Manufacturer of 332 Smith Michigan Avenue, was born March 5, 1862, in Worcester, Mass. Since 1888 he has been associated with the Griffin Wheel Com- pany, of which he is now President. White, Alfred Stamford, Commission Mer- chant of 160 West .Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 9, 1851, in Liverpool, England. He is senior member of the firm of A. S. White and Company. In 1910 he was President of the Chicago Board of Trade. White, "Augustus John, Commission Mer- chant of 141 West Jackson Boulevard, was born April 16, 1862, in Palatine, 111. Since 1884 he has been head of A. J. White and Company, grain. He was formerly Director of the Chicago Board of Trade. White, Carleton, Merchant of 69 West Lake Street, was born Sept. 24, 1860, in Cincin- nati, Ohio. He is President of Lussky, White and Coolidge, Incorporated, wholesale uphols- tery goods and cabinet hardware. White, Charles A., Banker of 175 West Jack- son Boulevard, was born May 29, 1868, in Terre Haute, lnd. He is Vice-President and a Director of the Lincoln State Bank; and President of the American Indemnity Com- pany. White, Elmer T., Physician and Surgeon of 233 East Forty-seventh Street, was born Dec. 4, 1861, in Wapello, Iowa. He was for- merly President of the Staff of the Chicago Homeopathic Hospital. He is now Professor of the Diseases of the Intestines in the Chi- cago Hospital College of Medicine. White, F. Edson, Packer, was born Sept. 9, 1873, in Peoria, 111. He was educated in the public schools of Peoria. In 1890 he entered the packing business with E. Godel and Sons, Peoria; 1893-5 department manager for the Western Meat Company at San Francisco; in 1895 entered the employ of Armour and Com- pany as department manager, of which he is now Vice-President and Director; also Vice- President of the Armour Leather Company; and Director of the Live Stock Exchange National Bank, and the National Bank of the Republic. He is a member and Ex-President of the Exmoor Country Club, and a member of the Chicago, Old Elm, and Onwentsia Club, and the Chicago Athletic Association. White, Frederic S., Business Manager of 38 North Michigan Avenue, was born in 1859, at Green Bay, Wis. In 1881 he graduated from HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 375 the University of Wisconsin. He is Manager of C. Jevne and Company, wholesale and re- tail grocers. He is a member of the Uni- versity, South Shore Country and Kenwood Clubs, and a life member of the Hamilton Club. White, George E., Lumber Merchant of 1500 Webster Avenue, was born March 7, 1848, in Millbury, .Mass. He has been an Alderman in the City of Chicago; State Senator; and a member of Congress. He is President and Director of the White Lumber Company. White, George Henry, Lawyer of 155 North, Clark Street, was born Sept. 12, 1855, in Easton, N. Y. Since 1907 he has been Prose- cuting Attorney for the City of Chicago; and since 1904 has been a lecturer on the law of corporations in the Chicago Law School. White, Harry A., Automobile Dealer of 2430 Michigan Avenue, was horn Jan. 3, 1886, in Pueblo, Colo. In 1912-15 he was Sales Man- ager for the Locomobile Company of America; and is now Vice-President of the Marmon Chicago Company. White, Howard Judson, Architect of 80 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Feb. 21, 1870, in Chicago, 111. Since 1917 he has been a member of the firm of Graham-Anderson, Probst and White. White, James, Paper Dealer of 219 West Monroe Street. President of the James White Paper Company. White, James E., Eailway Accountant and Auditor of 9 South Clinton Street, was born June 16, 1S74, in Nebraska City, Neb. He was formerly Auditor of the Chicago and North- western Railway Company. He is the origina- tor of the White audit system of checking train collections on steam and electric rail- roads; and is President of the White Audit System. ' White, John Stuart, Educator of 1302 North State Street, was bom Feb. 3, 1847, in Wren- tham, Mass. He founded and was headmaster of several schools; and in 1912 founded and has since been head-master of the Thomas Arnold School, Chicago. White, Linn, Civil Engineer of 5214 Wood- lawn Avenue, was born Aug. 22, 18G4, in Pa- ducah, Ky. Prior to 1904 he was engaged in private practice; in 1904-5 was assistant to the Chief Engineer of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, Chicago, and since 1905 has been Chief Engineer of the South Park Commissioners. White, Mary Gomar, School Principal and Editor of 4932 Lake Park Avenue, was born in Taylor County, Ky. She is Secretary of the Educational Department and Office Editor of Unity; and since 1915 has been Principal of the Starrett School for Girls, Chicago. White, Michael E., Contractor of 17 North LaSalle Street, was born January, 1863, in Kenosha County, Wis. He is President of The White Construction Company; Vice-President and Treasurer of The White Paving Company; and proprietor of the Western Boarding and Supply < lompany. White, Robin LeRoy, Manufacturer, was born Sept. 10, 1877, in Atchison, Kansas. Since 19o7 he has been Vice-President and General .Manager of the American Luxfer Prism Company, lie is also President of the River Foresl School Board. White, Rufus Austin, Clergyman of 6800 Union Avenue, was born in Franklin, Pa. For live years lie was a member of the Chicago Board of Education. He is Pastor of the People's Liberal Church; and is one of the original directors and founders of the Chi- cago Bureau of Charities. Whiting, Frederick George, Steamship Agent of 140 North Dearborn Street, was born June 9, 1856, in Cheltingham, England. Since 1ST.") he lias been associated with the Cunard Steamship Line, and is now Manager of the Western Department. Whiting, George, Manufacturer of 1719 Els- ton Avenue, was born April 15, 1867, in Athens, N. Y. Since 1902 he has been Presi- dent of the George Whiting Company, manu- facturers of machinery. Whitman, John L., was born July 23, 1862, in Sterling, 111. In 1895-1907 he was jailer of the Cook County .Jail; 1907-17 Superintend- ent of the House of Correction; and since 1917 State Superintendent of Prisons of Illi- nois. Whitman, Roland Dare, Attorney-at-Law of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born June 3, 1877, in Ypsilanti, Mich. Since 1899 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now a mem- ber of the firm of Helmer, Moulton, Whitman and Whitman. Whitman, Russell, Lawyer of 35 North Dear- horn Street, was born Jan. 17, 1861, in Ply- mouth, Mass. In 1908-13 he was a member of the Illinois State Board of Law Examiners; and in 1913-16 President of the Civil Service Reform Association of Chicago. Whitman, William Francis, Printer of 712 Federal Street, was born July 10, 1859, in South Bend, [nd. Since 1890 he has been President of the Excelsior Printing Company. Whitney, Charles Pratt, Insurance Man of 17;i West Jackson Boulevard, was born July II, L866, at Shelburne Falls, Mass. Since L881 he has been engaged in the insurance busi- ness, and is now a member of the firm of Critchell. Miller, Whitnev and Barbour. Whitney, Franklin G., of 215 South Market street, lie is Manager of the Chicago office of the Pry (loo. Is Economist of New York. He is a member of the Chicago Athletic Associa- tion; the City Club; Advertising Association of Chicago. Whitney, George M., Lumber Dealei of s0 Past Jackson Boulevard. President of the Marsh and Bingham Company, timber. Whitney, Robert Edwin, Underwriter of 39 378 ill i:i;l\<;sil AW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Lug contractor. Member of the Chicago Asso- ciation of * lommerce. Wilkerson, James Herbert, Attorney-at-Law of 20 9 Smith L.aS allc Street, was born Dec. 11, I L869, in Savannah. Mn. In -v^^ ,' ; ,ss: ' '"' '''■'■t'iv'l ""• degree I of A. I'., from De Pauw Uni- \ .-y\ » I I versity; and in 1S9I'. was I admitted to the bar. He •►- mmj was a member of the Illinois IRr J ; ^^C t Thirteenth District; ^^ t Mm I County Attorney for Cook Bf I I County in l'.Hi;; ; and in I'.Hl was appointed United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. Wilkie, John Eibert, Corporation Official of L05 South LaSalle street, was born April 27, I860, in Elgin, 111. in 1911-13 he was Super- vising A.geni of the United States Customs Since 1913 he has been Vice-Presi- dent and Director of the Chicago Railways Company; and since l!M ] has been Assistant to the President of the Chicago Surface Lines. Wilkins, Ernest H., Educator, was born Sept. I I, L880, in Newton Centre, Mass. From 1906- 12 he was an Instructor in Romance Lan- guages in Harvard University. He is now Professor of Romance Languages in the Uni- versity of Chicago. Wilkinson, George Lawrence, Attorney-at- Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 9, 1868. For twelve years he was ex- aminer in the United States Patent Office. Be is now a partner in the firm of Wilkinson and Huxley, patent attorneys. Wilkinson, Harry, Publisher of 431 South Dearborn street, was born Nov. 8, 1858, in West Lebanon, Pa. In 1S92 he was City Editor of the Chicago Daily News. He is now Editor and Publisher of the Chicago Banker. Wilkinson, William Cleaver, Author and Educator of 5630 Woodlawn Avenue, was born Oct. 19, 1833, in Westford, Vt. Since 1892 he has been Professor of Poetry and Criticism in the University of Chicago. Will, Harry Clayton, Physician of 68 West Monroe Street, was born Feb. 22, 1866, in Buckhannon, W. Va. In 1893-4 he was Dis- trict County Physician of Cook County. Willard, Eugene S., Educator of 31 West Lake Street, was born in 1856 in Wilmington, 111. He is Professor of Bacteriology and Denial Pathology in the Northwestern Uni- \ ei -it v 1 tental School. Willard, Maurice L., of 40 South Clinton . was horn Dec. is, 1864, in Lisle, 111. Lor twelve years he was employed by The Superior Type Company, and in 1910 became part owner and Vice-President of the company. lie organized the International Stamp Manu- facturers' Association and was elected as its Presidenl at their convention in Chicago in 1911. Willcox, Giles B., Clergyman and Professor of Hii'9 Washington Boulevard, was born Aug. 7, L826, in New York City. He is Professor Emeritus in the Chicago Theological Semi- nary. Willett, Herbert Lockwood, Theologian of 6119 Woodlawn Avenue, was born May 5, I sti I, in Ionia, Mich. Since 1912 he has been Professor of Semitic Languages and Litera- ture in the University of Chicago. Williams, Arista Bedford, Attorney-at-Law of L05 West Monroe Street, was born Nov. 29, L860, near Bedford, Jnd. lie is a Director of the Kee and Chapell Dairy company, and the Desplaines State Bank. Williams, Arthur F., of 166 West Adams Street, was born Sept. 4, 1862, in Blissfield, Mich. He was engaged in business for himself until 1887. In 1887 he organized the Trade Circular Addressing Company, and has since been president of the company. Williams, C. Arch, Attorney-at-Law of 79 West Monroe Street, was born May 31, 1869, in Bryan, Ohio. Since 1910 he has been Master in Chancery of the Superior Court; 1903-6 a member of the law firm of Loomis and Williams; and 1906-12 a member of the firm of Steere, Williams and Steere. He is a member of the Faculty of the Chicago Kent College of Law, of which he is an alumnus; and General Attorney for the Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago. He was a Committeeman in the old Sixth Ward for six years; and since 1912 President of the Third Ward Republican Club. In 1903 he was Regent of Garden City Council, Royal Arcanum; Grand Chaplain in 1904; Grand Orator of Illinois in 1905; Grand Vice-Regent in 1906; Grand Regent from 1907-8; Illinois Representative to the Supreme Council, 1908-12; in 1912 was elected Su- preme Chaplain; 1913-16 was Supreme Orator; and since May, 1916, Supreme Vice-Regent; Past Archon of Hyde Park Council of the Royal League; and is a member of the Hamil- ton Club, South Shore Country, Knights of Pythias, Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers' nard Wilbon of Richmond, Va.; and resides at 4536 Drexel Boulevard. Williams, Charles A., Jurist of 3615 Janssen Avenue, was born July 22, 1862, in Jefferson, Wis. He is Judge of the Municipal Court. Williams, Daniel H., Surgeon of 3129 Indiana Avenue, was born Jan. 18, 1S60, in Hollidaysburg, Pa. He is a member of the Staff of St. Luke's Hospital; and ex-member of the Illinois State Board of Health. Williams, Dixon C., Manufacturer of 900 West Lake Street, was born May 3, 1858, in Yellville, Ark. He has held official positions in banks and manufacturing concerns. He is now President of the Chicago Nipple Manu- facturing Company, plumbers' supplies. In 1914 he was appointed Post-Master of Chi- cago, but after a year the Senate refused confirmation, out of courtesy to Senator HERRINGSHAW 'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 379 Lewis. He is a member of the Press Club and the Iroquois Club. Williams, Edwin C, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born Sept. 11, 186-1, in North Adams, Mich. Since 1886 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. Williams, Ednyfed H., Business Counselor and Attorney-at-Law of 7 ' South Dearborn Street, was born May 25, 1882, in Carnarvon, Wales. He was formerly Professor of Cor- poration and Partnership Law and a Director of the Webster College of Law; Editor-in- Chief of the Hamiltonian, Hamilton Club and of the Tri-Color, Illinois Athletic Club; is a director of the Royalties Corporation, Talk- Sing Company, and other corporations. In 1916 he served as an assistant to Fred W. ITphain, Western Treasurer Republican Na- tional Committee; 1917 served in France as Captain in the American Red Cross; 1918 was Captain U. S. A. on staff of Major General George W. Goethals at Washington, and in 1919, served as Recorder of the War De- partment Board of Contract Adjustment. He was formerly Director of the Illinois Athletic Club, now Secretary of Minnesota Society of Chicago; member of the Hamilton, Illinois Athletic, Strollers, Three Score and Ten and Palette and Chisel Clubs, the Masonic Order, and the Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations. Residence, Illinois Athletic Club. Williams, Frank W., Manufacturer of 2515 West Taylor Street, was born in 1871, in Youngstown, Ohio. He is President of the Frank W. Williams Company and the Williams Manufacturing Company, Manufacturers of mouldings, picture frames and furniture, and publishers of high art pictures. Williams, Harris F., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born March 1, 1S69, near Springfield, Mo. He is engaged in the general practice of his profession. He is a life member of the Illinois Athletic Club, and a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon College Fraternity. Residence, 6910 Sheridan Road. Williams, Herbert Evans, Bridge Builder Of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 9, 1870, in Columbus, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been President of the Illinois Bridge Com- pany. Williams, Lawrence, Manufacturer of 159 North Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 23, 1859, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is President of the Oliver Typewriter Company. Williams, Nathan Wilbur, Real Estate Dealer of 205 West Monroe Street, was born March 30, 1S67, in Chicago, 111. Since 1888 he has been engaged in the real estate busi- ness in Chicago, Williams, Norman, Manufacturer of 72 West Adams Street, was born Feb. 23, 1873, in Chi- cago, 111. He is Vice-President and Treasurer of Chalmers and Williams. Williams, Orva G., Manufacturer of 64 West Randolph Street, was born April 25, 1865, in Salineville, Ohio. He is President and Treasurer of The 0. G. Williams Manu- facturing Company. Williams, Paul F., Electrical Engineer and Manufacturer of 72 West Adams Street, was born July 22, 1875, in Hagerstown, Ind. He -aedg 01x10913 ^ pUB q oi\\ jo luopis.-uj si ialty Company; and is Assistant Engineer of Distribution for Commonwealth Edison Com- pany. Williams, T. Yeoman, Clergyman of 4031 Ellis Avenue, was born Dec. 20, 1883, in Derby, England. He graduated from Cornell College, Eowa, and Yale University. He was formerly Pastor of the First Congregational Church (if Mattoon, 111.; and is now Pastor of the South Congregational Church, Chicago. Williams, W. Ira., Dentist of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 13, 1887, in Atkins, Ark. He was formerly Instructor of Operative Dentistry in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery; now Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry in the Dental Depart- ment of the University of Illinois. Williams, William Carver, Musician, 308 South Wabash Avenue, was born July 8, 1867, in Kent, Ohio. Until 1907 he was engaged in medical practice at Chicago. Since 1907 he has been a Director and is now President of the Cosmopolitan School of Music and Dramatic Art. Williams, William Erastus, Consulting En- gineer and Patent Expert of 28 East Jackson Boulevard, was born in 1858, in Wernerville, Wis. He has been chief engineer of railroads and patent attorney for manufacturing con- cerns, and now a consulting civil and me- chanical engineer and expert in patent causes. Williams, William Porter, Manufacturer of 38 South Dearbo rn Street, was born July 2, 1855, in Pompey, N. Y. In 1897 he was appointed As- sistant Treasurer of the United States, and reap- pointed in 1901. Since 1889 he has been President and Treasurer of the Art Marble Company. He is Vice-Pres- ident 'of the Forty Club and ex-Secretary of the Union League Club, and a member of other organizations. Williamson, Charles Spencer, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born May 15, 1872, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is Professor of Medicine in the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois; and Professor of Gas- troenterology in the Chicago Policlinic. He is a member of the University and other chilis; the American Medical Association and many other societies. Williamson, John, Consulting Engineer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. 7, L853, in Dundee, Scotland. He is Vice-Presi- 378 IIIKUINCSII WV'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. Lng contractor. Member of the Chicago Asso- ciation of Commerce. Wilkerson, James Herbert, Attorney at -Law of I'liji Smith LaS alle Street, was horn' Dec. 11, I 1 869, in Savannah. Mo. In , t- ' ^- I 1889 lie received the degree I of A. B. from De Pauw Uni- Blh g" 1 I versity; ami in IS93 was I admitted to the bar. He ^- JA] was a member of the Illinois HHE~ A Legislature ^^1^ 1 the Thirteenth District; ■^ * JB I I'dunty Attorney for Cook B. B 1 I County in 1903; ami in 1911 was appointed United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois. Wilkie, John Eibert, Corporation Official of mth LaSalle Street, was horn April 27, ii Elgin, 111. Jn 1911-13 he was Super- vising \.gen1 of the United States Customs Service. Since 1913 lie has been Vice-Presi- denl and Director of the Chicago Eailways Company; and since 1914 has been Assistant to the President of the Chicago Surface I lines. Wilkins, Ernest H., Educator, was born Sept. 1 I, L880, in Newton Centre, Mass. From 1906- 12 he was an Instructor in Romance Lan- guages in Harvard University. He is now Professor of Romance Languages in the Uni- i Ihicago. Wilkinson, George Lawrence, Attorney-at- Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born Sept. 9, L868. For twelve years he was ex- aminer in the United States Patent Office. now a partner in the firm of Wilkinson and Huxley, patent attorneys. Wilkinson, Harry, Publisher of 431 South Dearborn Street, was born Nov. 8, 1858, in West Lebanon, Pa. In 1892 he was City Editor of the Chicago Daily News. He is now Editor and Publisher of the Chicago Banker. Wilkinson, William Cleaver, Author and Educator of 5630 Woodlawn Avenue, was born Oct. 1!', L833, in Westford, Vt. Since 1892 he has been Professor of Poetry and Criticism in the University of Chicago. Will, Harry Clayton, Physician of 68 West Monroe St net, was liom Feb. 22, 1866, in annon, W. Va. Tn 1893-4 he was Dis- trict County Physician of Cook County. Willard, Eugene S., Educator of 31 West Lake Street, was Lorn in 1856 in Wilmington, 111. He is Professor of Bacteriology and Dental Pathology in the Northwestern Uni- versitv Dental School. Willard, Maurice L., of 40 South Clinton Street, was Lorn Dec. 18, 1*64, in Lisle, III. For twelve years he was employed by The Superior Type Company, and in 1910 became part owner and Vice-President of the company. He organized the International Stamp Manu- facturers' Association and was elected as its President at their convention in Chicago in L911. Willcox, Giles B., Clergyman and Professor of L629 Washington Boulevard, was born Aug. 7, L826, in New York City. He is Professor Emeritus in the Chicago Theological Semi nary. Willett, Herbert Lockwood, Theologian of 6119 Woodlawn Avenue, was born May 5, 1864, in [onia, Mich. Since 1912 he has been Professor of Semitic Languages and Litera- ture in the University of Chicago. Williams, Arista Bedford, Attorney-at-Law of L05 West .Monroe Street, was born Nov. 29, L860, near Bedford, Ind. He is a Director of the Kee and Chapell Dairy company, and the Desplaines State Hank. Williams, Arthur F., of 166 West Adams Street, was Lorn Sept. 4, 1862, in Blissfield, Mich. He was engaged in business for himself until 1SS7. In 1S.S7 he organized the Trade Circular Addressing Company, and has since been president of the company. Williams, C. Arch, Attorney-at-Law of 79 West Monroe Street, was born May 31, 1869, in Bryan, Ohio. Since 1910 he has been Master in Chancery of the Superior Court; 1903-6 a member of the law firm of Loomis and Williams; and 1906-12 a member of the firm of Steere, Williams and Steere. He is a member of the Faculty of the Chicago Kent College of Law, of which he is an alumnus; and General Attorney for the Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago. He was a Committeeman in the old Sixth Ward for six years; and since 1912 President of the Third Ward Republican Club. In 1903 he was Regent of Garden City Council, Royal Arcanum; Grand Chaplain in L904; Grand Orator of Illinois in 1905; Grand Vice-Regent in 1906; Grand Regent from 1907-8; Illinois Representative to the Supreme Council, 1908-12; in 1912 was elected Su- preme Chaplain; 1913-16 was Supreme Orator; and since May, 1916, Supreme Vice-Regent; Past Archon of Hyde Park Council of the Royal League; and is a member of the Hamil- ton Club, South Shore Country, Knights of Pythias, Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers' nard Wilbon of Richmond, Va.; and resides at 4536 Drexel Boulevard. Williams, Charles A., Jurist of 3615 Janssen Avenue, was born July 22, 1862, in Jefferson, Wis. He is Judge of the Municipal Court. Williams, Daniel H., Surgeon of 3129 Indiana Avenue, was born Jan. 18, 1S60, in Hollidaysburg, Pa. He is a member of the Staff of St. Luke's Hospital; and ex-member of the Illinois State Board of Health. Williams, Dixon C, Manufacturer of 900 West Lake Street, was born May 3, 1858, in Yellville, Ark. He has held official positions in banks and manufacturing concerns. He is now President of the Chicago Nipple Manu- facturing Company, plumbers' supplies. Tn 1914 he was appointed Post-Master of Chi- cago, but after a year the Senate refused confirmation, out of courtesy to Senator HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 379 Lewis. He is a member of the Press Club and the Iroquois Club. Williams, Edwin C, Physician of 22 East Washington Street, was born Sept. 11, 1864, in North Adams, Mich. Since 1886 he has practiced medicine in Chicago. Williams, Ednyfed H., Business Counselor and Attorney -at-Law of 7 ' South Dearborn Street, was born .May 25, 1882, in Carnarvon, Wales. He was formerly Professor of Cor- poration and Partnership Law and a Director of the Webster College of Law; Editor-in- Chief of the Hamiltonian, Hamilton Club and of the Tri-Color, Illinois Athletic Club; is a director of the Royalties Corporation. Talk- Sing Company, and other corporations. In 1916 he served as an assistant to Fred W. Upham, Western Treasurer Eepublican Na- tional Committee; 11)17 served in France as Captain in the American Bed Cross; 1918 was Captain U. S. A. on staff of Major General George W. Goethals at Washington, and in 11)19, served as Recorder of the War De- partment Board of Contract Adjustment. He was formerly Director of the Illinois Athletic Club, now Secretary of Minnesota Society of Chicago; member of the Hamilton, Illinois Athletic, Strollers, Three Score and Ten and Palette and Chisel Clubs, the Masonic Order, and the Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations. Residence, Illinois Athletic Club. Williams, Frank W., Manufacturer of 2515 West Taylor Street, was born in 1871, in Youngstown, Ohio. He is President of the Frank W. Williams Company and the Williams .Manufacturing Company, Manufacturers of mouldings, picture frames and furniture, and publishers of high art pictures. Williams, Harris F., Attorney-at-Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born March 1, 1869, near Springfield, Mo. He is engaged in the general practice of his profession. He is a life member of the Illinois Athletic Club, and a member of the Delta Kappa Epsilon College Fraternity. Residence, 6910 Sheridan Road. Williams, Herbert Evans, Bridge Builder of 53 Wesi Jackson Boulevard, was born Jan. 9, 1870, in Columbus, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been President of the Illinois Bridge Com- pany. Williams, Lawrence, Manufacturer of 159 North Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 23, 1859, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is President of the Oliver Typewriter Company. Williams, Nathan Wilbur, Real Estate Dealer of 205 Wesi Monroe Street, was born March 30, 1867, in Chicago, 111. Since 1888 he has Keen engaged in the real estate busi- ness in Chicago. Williams, Norman, Manufacturer of 72 West Adams Street, was horn Feb. 23, L873, in Chi- cago, 111. lie is Vice President and Treasurer of Chalmers and Williams. Williams, Orva G., Manufacturer of 64 Randolph Street, was born April 25, L865, in Salineville, Ohio. He is President and Treasurer of The O. G. Williams .Manu- facturing Company. Williams, Paul F., Electrical Engineer and Manufacturer of 72 West Adam- street, was horn duly 22, 1875, in Hagerstown, [nd. Be -oadg •n.i|.i.'i;.| • \\ puB ;) aqi jo (uapxsojj si ialty Company; and is Assistanl Engineer of Distribution for Commonwealth Edison Com- pany. Williams, T. Yeoman, Clergyman of 1031 Ellis Avenue, was born Dec. 20, L883, in Derby, England. He graduated from Cornell College, loua. and Yale University. Be was formerly Pastor of the First Congregational church of Mattoon, 111.; and is now Pastor of the South Congregational Church, Chicago. Williams, W. Ira., Dentist of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born May 13, 1887, in Atkins, Ark. He was formerly Instructor of Operative Dentistry in the Chicago College of Dental Surgery; now Assistant Professor of Operative Dentistry in the Dental Depart- ment of the University of Illinois. Williams, William Carver, Musician, 308 South Wabash A.venue, was born July S, 1867, in Kent, Ohio. Until 1907 he was engaged in medical practice at Chicago. Since 1907 he has been a Director and is now President of the Cosmopolitan School of Music and Dramatic Art. Williams, William Erastus, Consulting En- gineer and Patent Expert of 28 Eas1 .lack-on Boulevard, was born in 1858, in Wernerville, Wis. Be has been child:' engineer of railroad- anil patent attorney for manufacturing con- cerns, and now a consulting civil and me- chanical engineer and expert in patent causes. Williams, William Porter, Manufacturer of 38 South Dearbo rn Street, was horn July 2, 1 855, in Pompey, X. Y. In L897 he was appointed As- sistant Treasurer of the United States, and reap pointed in L901. Since 1889 he has been President and Treasurer of the Art Marble Company. He is Vice 1 ' ident of the Forty Club and ex-Secretary of the Union League Club, and a member of other organizations. Williamson, Charles Spencer, Physician of 25 East Washington Street, was born May 15, L872, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Be is Professor of Medicine in the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois; and Professor of Gas fcro-enterology in the Chicago Policlinic Be is a member of the University and other clubs; Cue American Medical Association and many other societ ies. Williamson, John, Consulting Engineer of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was bom E 7. L853, in Dundee, Scotland. He is Vice-Presi- 380 HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. dent .it' the People's Gas Light and Coke < iompany. Williamson, Oliver R., Publisher of 509 South Wabash Avenue, was born May (i, 1871, in Ohio. He is Publisher of the Continent; Secretary and Manager of the McCormick Publishing Company; and Director of the Presbyterian Training School and Olivet In- stitute. Williamson, William George, Architect of L9 South LaSalle Street, was born April 19, 1861, in Scut land. Since 1876 he has been engaged in the practice Of architecture, and has erected numerous structures in Chicago and other cities, among them the Royal Insurance Build- ing and Hahnemann College and Hospital. Willis, Lloyd Manley, Heal Estate Dealer of 110 South Dearborn Street, was born Feb. 17, L862, in Liberty, Ohio, lie is a member of the linn of Willis and Frankenstein. Willis, Paul, Bridge Builder of 38 South Dearborn Street, was bom Dec. 21, 1863, in Easl Orange, X. J. Since 1908 he has been I 'resident of the Kenwood Bridge Company. Williston, Charles Stoddard, Attorneyat- Law of 79 East Adams Street, was born July 21, 1871, in Flushing, N. Y. Since 1895 he has practiced law in Chicago, and is now Claim Attorney for the Pullman Company. Willits, Ward Winfield, Manufacturer of 319 West Ontario Street, was born Oct. 26, L859, in .Mercer County, 111. In 1876-9 he was associated with Isham and Lincoln, lawyers. since Is?!) he has been with the Adams and Westlake Company; 1892-1904 Vice-President and General Manager; and since 1904 Presi- dent and General Manager; also Vice-Presi- dent and Treasurer of the Curtain Supply Company; and since 1894 Vice-President of the United States Headlight Company. Willoughby, Edward McKean, Real Estate Dealer of 7 West Madison Street, was born March 23, 1874, in Buffalo, N. Y. Since 1899 he has been a member of the firm of Willough- by and Company, real estate dealers and man- agers of office buildings. Willson, Charles 0., Banker of 208 South LaSalle St., was born Oct. 16, 1869, in Tallu- la, 111. He is Cashier of the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago. Willson, Henry, Business Man of 624 West Adams Street, was born April 17, 1838, in England. His family came to Canada in 1844. In L856 he was engaged in business in On- tario; came to Chicago in 1856; and was engaged in business at 55 Clark Street until burnt out in 1871. He was formerly Presi- dent of the Tablet and Ticket Company; now First Vice-President. Wilms, William, Lumberman of 208 South LaSalle Street, was bom Sept. 11, 1868, in Lubeck, Germany. He is Vice-President of the Paepcke Leichl Lumber Company, and the Chicago Mill and Lumber Company. Wilson, Alonzo Edes, Journalist of 106 North LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 5, 1868, in Madison, Wis. He was a member of the Illinois General Assembly from the Forty- first District; and L902-11 was Chairman of the Illinois state Prohibition Committee. Wilson, Arthur W., Manufacturer of 4848 South Western Avenue, was born May 1, 1867, in London, Canada. He is Treasurer of the Wilson Steel Products Company. Wilson, Benjamin Snyder, Commission Mer- chant of 327 South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 20, 1865, in Chicago, 111. He has been engaged in the grain commission business for over thirty years, ami is now head of the firm Of B. S. Wilson and Company. Wilson, Everett Broomall, Civil Engineer of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Oct. 2, L874, in Elkton, Md. Since 19(14 he has been connected with the American Bureau of In- spection and Tests, as a civil engineer, and since 1911 has been President of the com- pany. W/ilson, Francis Servis, Attorney-at-Law of (i|t West Washington Street, was born Feb. 7, 1872, in Youngstown, Ohio. Since 1897 he has been practicing law in Chicago; and in 1911-12 was County Attorney of Cook County. Wilson, Fred S., Hotel Manager of 1634 East Fifty-third Street, was born May 13, 1867, in Bloomington, 111. He is Vice-President and Manager of the Elms Hotel Company. Wilson, George H., Banker of 76 West Mon- roe Street, was born in LaPorte, Bid. Since 1917 he has been Vice-President of the Fort Dearborn National Bank. Wilson, Gilbert, Clergyman of 1628 Wash- ington Boulevard, was born Nov. 8, 1867, in Newton Kobinson, Canada. In 1895 he re- ceived the degrees of M. A. and LL. B. from Toronto University; and in 1900 the degrees of A. A., LB. M. and Ph. D. from Halle Uni- versity. He formerly held pastorates in Win- nipeg and Toronto; and is now Pastor of the New First Congregational Church, Chicago; and Professor of Practical Theology in the Union Theological College, Chicago. Wilson, James H., Merchant of 32 South Wabash Avenue, was born in 1869, in Cum- berland, England. He is President of the Wilson Braiding and Embroidery Company. Wilson, John P., Attorney-at-Law of 140 South De arborn S treet, was born July 3, 1844, in Whiteside County, 111. In 1865 he graduated from Knox College, Galesburg, 111.; in 1867 came to Chi- cago, and was admitted to the bar the same year. He is now senior member of the law firm of Wilson, Moore and Mcllvaine; and espe- cially prominent in cor- poration and real estate law. He was Coun- sel for the World's Columbian Exposition. Wilson, John Gordon, Physician of 104 HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. 381 South Michigan Avenue, was born Dee. 10, 1866, in Edinburgh, Scotland. Since 1908 he has been Professor and head of the Depart- ment of Otology in Northwestern University Medical School. Wilson, John P., Jr., Attorney at-Law of 140 South Dearborn Street, was born Oct. 7, 1877, in Chicago, 111. Since 1903 be has been prac- ticing law in Chicago; and is now a member of the firm of Wilson, Moore and Mdlvaine. Wilson, Milton Hollyday, Wholesale Mer- chant of 528 South Wells Street. He is Presi- dent of Wilson Brothers, wholesale dealers in men's furnishing goods; and is a Director of the Continental and Commercial National Bank. Wilson, Ralph B., Manufacturer of 3021 Carroll Avenue, was born July 20, 1870, in Paola, Kan. He is President and Treasurer of the Wilson Jones Loose Leaf Company; and is president and treasurer of other corporations; and a Director of the Kedzie State Bank. Wilson, Ralph Chase, Broker of 19 South La- Salle Street, was born Aug. 12, 1867, in La- Fayette, Ind. In 1911 he was Vice-President of the Old Colony Trust and Savings Bank. He is now head of the firm of Wilson and Yocum, loans. Wilson, Thomas Edward, Packer, the Union S tock Yards, was born July 22, 1868, in Lon- don, Canada. From 1906- 13 he was Vice-President of Morris and Company, packers; 1913-16 President. He is now President of the St. Louis National Stock Yards; and President of Wilson and Company, pack- ers, Union Stock Yards; and Director of the First iNationai .Bank, First Trust and Savings Bank, and numerous other corporations. Wilson, Walter Herbert, Real Estate Dealer and Banker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was bom May 15, 1856, in Boston, Mass. He is Vice-President of the Central Trust Company of Illinois; anil a member of Harris, Winthrop and Company. In 1907-11 he was Comptroller of the City of Chicago. Wilson, William Henry, Physician of 6432 Kenwood Avenue, was born Oct. 26, 1X66, iii Ontario, Canada. Since 1900 he lias been Beg istrar and Professor of Pathology in Hahne- mann Medical College. Wilson, William James, Manufacturer and Inventor of 211 South Ashland Boulevard, was born in Boston, Mass. He was President of the Wilson Packing Company, packers of com- pressed meats, until he retired from active business in 1883. He is the inventor and patentee of the process for compressing and preserving meats and other foods in cans. Wilson, William Warfield, Attorney at Law and Congressman of 456 Normal Parkway, was born March 2, 1868, in Ohio, 111. Since 1902 he has been a member of Congress from the Third District of Illinois. Wilt, Charles Theodore, .Manufacturer and Merchant of 221 West .Madison Street, was born Nov. 22, 1859, in St. Lou is. Mo. He was a Captain in the First Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish-American War. He is now head of the Charles T. Wilt Company, trunk and bag manufacturers. Winans, Edward Clark, Physician and Sur- geon of :'.l North State Street, was born Sept. 24, 1869, in Benton Earbor, Mich. In 1902-5 lie was Professor of Otology at Harvey Med ical College. Winchell, Benjamin La Fon, Railway Official of 58 West Wash ington Street, was born July 8, 1858, in Palmyra, Mo. In 1^73 he entered railway service, and has since held various posit ions with lead- | ing railways of the West; L904-9 President of the Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pa- e i tie Railway, and later President of the Frisco Lines. He is now Director of Traffic of the Union Pacific System. Winchell, Benjamin La Fon, Jr., 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born April 24, L882, in Kansas City, Mo. In 1905 he graduated from the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale Univer- sity. Since 1911 he has been Western Sales Manager for the Kerite Insulated Wire and Cable Company. Winchell, Harriet N., Educator, was born July 28, 1845, in Illinois. Since 1 sg, Russell Merritt, Attorney at-Law of 155 North Claris Street, was horn .lime 2, lvio, in Kemlall County, 111. Since is?.", ],,. has practiced law, ami is DOW senior member of the law firm of Wing ami Wing. Winkler, Joseph Frank, Musician of 17.1 West Washington street, was born Jan. 28, L878, in Chicago, IP. lie ha- been President 382 HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BUTE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. of the Chicago Musicians' Club; and Presi- dent of tlif Chicago Federation of Musicians. Winn, James H., Designer and Maker of Jewelry, HO South Michigan Avenue, was born Sept. LO, 1866, in Newburyport, Mass. He was formerly [nstructor in the Handicraft Guild, Minnesota; Art [nstitute of Chicago, and I ' ; hool of Applied ami Normal Art; now Instructor of apprentices for the .;.. Jewelers' Association. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic Order, the Chicago Society of Artists, the Cliff Dwellers Club, and Di- ,, iter of the Art Institute Alumni Association of Chicago. Winslow, Edward Delbert, Consul-General, w.-is born Dec. L6, 1859, in Chicago, 111. In |sM7 he was United States Consul at Stock- holm, Sweden; 1898-1900 Consul-General, and l: 1 Secretary of Legation. Since 1911 he has been Consul-General at Copenhagen, Den- mark. Winslow, Francis A., Manufacturer of 4600 West Harrison Street, was born March 24, 1859, in Dubuque, Iowa. He is Vice-President of the Winslow Brothers Company. Winslow, Horace L., Healer in Railway Sup- plies, 37 West Van Buren Street, was born Dec. 23, L867. He is President of the Horace, I.. Winslow Company. Winslow, William Herman, Manufacturer of 1600 West Harrison Street, was born May 2, 1857, in Brooklyn, X. V. He is President of the Winslow Brothers Company, manufactur- ers of ornamental iron and bronze work. Winston, Bertram Mcintosh, Real Estate Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born April !>, L868, in Chieago, 111. He is senior member of the firm of Winston and Company. Winston, Garrard B., Attomey-at-Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born in 18S2, in Chicago, 111. He is senior member of the law firm of Winston, Payne, Strawn and Shaw. Winston, James Horner, Lawyer and Cor- poration Official of 68 West Monroe Street, was bom Sept. 19, 18S4, in Oxford, N. C. He is Vice President of the Aurora, Plainfield and Joliet Railway Company. Winter, Wallace C, of 140 South Dearborn Street, was bom in 1872, in Marinette, Wis. lie was Superintendent and later General Su- perintendent of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minne- apolis and Omaha Railway, and later Vice- Presidenl of Pettibone-Mulliken and Com- pany. He is now member of banking firm of King, Fumum and Company. Winterbotham, Joseph, Jr., Manufacturer of 337 West Madison street, was born Feb. 24, L879, in doliet. 111. Since 1900 he has been as- sociated with the Paramount Knitting Com- pany, and is now Vice President of the com- pany. Wirick, Carey G., Manufacturer of 564 Wes1 Randolph Street, was bom duly 17, L887, in Plain City, Ohio. lie is proprietor arey G. Wirick and Company. Wise, William H., Publisher of 5 South Wa- bash Avenue, was born Nov. 19, 1878, in Del- phi, Ind. In L906 he established the firm of W. II. Wise ami Company, which was incor- porated in 1915, and has since been President of t he company . Wishart, Charles F., Clergyman of 1823 Prairie Avenue; was born Sept. 3, 1870, in Ontario, Ohio. In 1897-1910 he was Pastor of the Eleventh United Presbyterian Church of Pittsburg; and in 1910-14 was Professor of Systematic Theology in the Pittsburgh Theo- logical Seminary. He is now Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Chicago; and President of the General Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church of North America. Wisner, George Monroe, Civil Engineer of 7(1 West Monroe St red, was born Feb. 9, 1870, in Detroit, Mich. Since 1892 he has been in the employ of the engineering department of the Sanitary District of Chicago, and since 1907 has been Chief Engineer. Wisniewski, Francis F., Physician and Sur- geon of 1543 West Division Street, was born Dec 11, 1884, in Poland. In 1910 he gradu- ated from the Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, Valparaiso University. He is Surgeon to St. Alary of Nazareth Hospital. Witherbee, Walter E., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was born 1857, in Flint, Mich. He is a partner in the firm of Monger, Vokoun, Wetmore and Witherbee. Withers, G. H., Physician of 30 North Michi- gan Avenue, was born in 1884, in Adrian, Mich. He is Pediatrician to Loyola Univer- sity Medical College. Witherspoon, John M., Contractor of 53 West Jackson Boulevard, was born Dec. 30, 1x72, in New Oilcans, La. He is President of the Witherspoon Englar Company. Witkowsky, Moses D., Banker of 68 West Monroe Street, was born June 26, 1859, in Chi- cago. Since 1910 he has been Vice-President of the First National Bank. Wittekind, Henry, Architect of 1749 Jarvis Avenue, was born Oct. 3, 1876, in Chicago, Til. He is Vice-President of the Rogers Park National Bank. Wittmeyer, Gustave, Attorney-at-Law of 10 South LaSalle Street, was born April 20, 18s"0, in Chicago, HI. He was educated at North- western ami Columbia Universities, graduat- ing from the law school of the former in 1909; and was formerly Assistant Inheritance Tax At torney. Woessner, Henry J., Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard. He is Secretary and Managing Underwriter of the Marquette National Insurance Company. Wohlberg, William H., Electrbtyper of 712 Federal Street, was born Sept. 15, 1865, in Chieago. Since 1904 he has been President of the Acme Electrotype Company. In 1900-4 he was President of the Electrotypers ' Union. Wohlgemuth, Edward Jay, Editor and Pub- HERRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 383 lisher of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was bom Sept. 26, 1876, in Detroit. He is Presi- dent of the National Underwriter Company. Woldenberg, Maximilian, Chemical Engi- neer of 5-4 West Kinzie Street, was born Aug. 23, 1886, in Wloelavek, Poland. Since 1916 he has been President and Treasurer of A. Daiger and Company, chemists' supplies. Wolf, Adam, County and State Official, was born Jan. 5, 1857, in Stadecken, Germany. In 1895-97 he was City Treasurer of Chicago; and was elected a member of the Board of Assess- ors of Cook County in 1898, 1902, 1908 and 1914. Wolf, Henry Milton, Attomey-at-Law of 131 South LaSalle Street, was born Nov. 15, 1860, in Eock Island, 111. Since 1886 he has been a member of the law firm of Judah Wil- lard Wolf and Eeichmann; and is a director in several corporations. Wolfe, George W., Insurance Broker of 209 South LaSalle Street, was born May 22, 1883, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was formerly Secre- tary and Treasurer of the Casualty Insurance Company; now President of the Insurance Brokerage Company. Wolfe, Ralph De Witt, Publisher of 443 South Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 16, 1871, in Cardington, Ohio. He is President of R. D. Wolfe and Company; and is President of the Publishers' Club. Wolfe, Richard W., Eeal Estate Dealer of 111 West Washington Street, was born Aug. 21, 1869, in County Limerick, Ireland. Ex- President of the Cook County Real Estate Board, the Ridgeway Club. Wolfenden, James Rupert, Manufacturer of 1872 Clybourn Avenue, was born in 1873, in Morley, England. He is First Vice-President of the Smith, Barnes and Strohber Company, and Vice-President of Smith Piano Company. Wolff, Christian J., Manufacturer of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born Aug. 18, 1861, in Chicago. Since 1884 he has been identified with the L. Wolff Manufacturing Company, and since 1900 has been Vice-President. Wolff, Oscar M., Attomey-at-Law of 105 West Monroe Street, was born July 13 ; 1876, in Chicago, Til. He was President of the Max- well Street Settlement Association. He is now President of the Ravisloe Country Club; and is a. Lecturer on Trade Marks at the John Marshall Law School. Wolff, William, Manufacturer of 14 East Jackson Boulevard, was born Nov. 28, 1870, in Racine, Wis. Since 1914 he has been Presi- dent of the Wolff Fuel Saver Company; and is Secretary and Treasurer of the Wolff Realty < lompany. Wolseley, Henry W., Attorney-at-Law of 69 West Washington Street, was born Nov. 3, 1849, in Liverpool, England. Since 1874 he lias practiced law in Chicago, and is now a member of the law firm of Wolseley and Ball. Wollenberger, Hermann, Banker of 105 South LaSalle _Street,. was born in 1S67, in Germany. In 1884-93 he was engaged in the bank- ing business in Germany and Belgium; 1893-6 was with the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank; and was Vice-President of the West- ern Trust and Savings Bank, until 1908, when he .^. \ j organized the banking firm of Wollenberger & Co. He is a member of the Bankers, Ravisloe Country, Hampden, and German Clubs, and Schwaben Verein. Wombacher, Henry L., Typographer of 701 South LaSalle Street, was born Feb. 24, 1869, in Preston, Minn. He is President and Treas- urer of the Standard Typesetting Company, linotype and monotype composition and make- up. He is a member of the Illinois Athletic Club. Wood, Alice Holabird, Social Worker of Winnetka, 111., was born July 15, 1871, in St. Louis, Mo. For seven years she was Presi- dent of the Illinois Training School for Nurses. Since 1917 she has been a member and Executive Secretary of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National De- fense. Wood, Casey, Albert, Physician, Oculist and Author of 7 West Madison Street, was born Nov. 21, 1856, in Canada. From 1877-86 he practiced medicine in Montreal, Canada. He now practices his profession in Chicago; and has been President of the Chicago Ophthalmo- logical Society. He is the author of several text-books on the disease of the eye. Wood, Cyrus J., Attorney-at-Law of 155 North Clark Street, was born Dec. 3, 1857, in Cayuga County, N. Y. He has been engaged in the general practice of law in Chicago since 1890, and is now a member of the firm of Wood and Wood. He is a member of the Chi- cago and Illinois State Bar Association, and the Chicago Law Institute. Wood, Elijah Carey, Lawyer of 29 South LaSalle Street, was born July 17, 1861, in Porter County, Ind. Since 1895 he lias prac tice.l law in Chicago. He is President of the Dixie Pecan Orchard Company. Wood, Francis Asbury, Philologist of 5407 Greenwood Avenue, was born .Ian. 17, 1869, in Point Bluff, Wis. Since 191 1 he has been Professor of German Philology in the Univer- sity of Chicago. Wood, Frank L., Lawyer and Editor of 179 West Washington street, was born Sept. 25, 1864, in North Manchester, Ind. In 1903-6 he was Assistant Judge of the Probate Court. Since 19j06 he has been Editor of the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. Wood, Frank M., Physician and Surgeon of 209 South State Street, was born in June, 1871, in Marshall, Mich. In 1912 he was At- 384 HERRINGSHAW S CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. tending Bacteriologisl to the Practitioners College and the Bye, Bar and Throat College; and in I'.Mi Associate Physician in the Chi- cago College of Medicine and Burgery. His practice is Limited to treatment by the use of specific agents, serums and vaccines. In 1918 19 lie served in the Medical Corps of the United States Army. Wood, Franklin N., Attorney at Law of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born May 13, 1877, in Brooklyn, X. V. .Member of the MM tocietj of Mayflower Descendants, So- ciety of the Sons of the American Revolu- tion; ,i member of the Masonic Order, and several local clubs and organizations. Resi- dence, 1902 Sheridan Road. Wood, Frederick Webster, Physician and Surgeon of •!i ,| »l Cottage Grove Avenue, was born Dec. 2, 1874. He is Senior Professor in the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry in Hahnemann Medical College. Wood, Guilford Sigler, Merchant of 20 West Jackson Boulevard, was born July 12, 1852, in _^p»- ; , Burlington, Vt. He has been associated with Sturges, McAllister and Company; the Northwestern National Hank; the Chicago, Danville and Vineennes Railroad; and the Chicago and West- ern Indiana Railroad Com- pany. He is now engaged ^^^ in business for himself as a railroad supplies; and is interested in other manufacturing concerns. He is a member of the Masons, the Mystic Shrine and the Eastern Star; and a member of the l'n ion League, Westward Ho Golf, Glen Oaks and the Western Railroad Clubs; and resides in Oak Hark, 111. Wood, John Clarence, Commission Merchant of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was born in L870, in Rockville, Conn. He is President of the High School Board of Education, Hins- dale, [11. Wood, John H., Merchant, was born June 16, 1858, in Chicago. In L876 he entered Carson, Pirie, Scott and Company's retail store; became Manager of the State Street -tore in 1886, and since 1890 has been Gen- eral Manager. Wood, Kay, Live Stock Broker, the Ex- change Building, Union Stock Sards, was born in L871, in Chicago, III. He is a partner in the firm of Wood Brothers. Wood, Morey Aldrich, Educator of 7218 Crandon Avenue, was born in Battle Creek, Mich, lie was formerly Assistant Principal of the Oak Hark and River Forest Township High School. He is now President of the In- ternational Health Resort; and President of the American College of Physical Education. Woodcock, James M., Wholesale Grocer of 339 River street, President of the James M. Woodcock Company. deale Woodle, Edward Ryan, Attomey-at-Law of 11(1 South Dearborn Street, was born March 8, L853, in Janesville, Wis. In 1878-92 he was Attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad; and since that time has been engaged in gen- eral practice. Woodman, Andrew Whitney, Civil Engineer of 1 l'l* South Michigan Avenue, was born Nov. 10, 1866. In 1890 he re- ceived the degree of B. S. in civil engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For ten years V' was engineer and branch manager of the Roebling Construction Company. He is now President of The Jo- liet Bridge and Iron Com- pany, the De Pere Manufacturing Company, and the United States Crane Company. Woodman, George A., Railway Supply Deal- er of 80 Hast Jackson Boulevard, was born Aug. 21, 1866, in Dunkirk, N. Y. He is Vice- 1 'resident of the National Car Equipment Company. Woodman, John E., Newspaper Advertis- ing of 123 West Madison Street, was born Feb. 3, 1873, in Chicago, 111. He is President of Cone, Lorenzen and Woodman. Woodmansee, Fay, Consulting Engineer of 20S South LaSalle Street, was born Oct. 27, 1874, in Fulton, N. Y. He is President of Woodmansee-Davidson Engineering Company, consulting engineers. Woodruff, Frank Morley, Ornithologist, was born July 17, 1867, in Leavenworth, Kan. He is Curator and Ornithologist in the Chicago Academy of Sciences; and is a Director in the Aviation Club of Illinois. He is the author of Birds of the Chicago Area. Woodruff, Paul H., Editor of 304 South Dearborn Street, was born March 22, 1881, in Birmingham, Conn. He is Editor of the Tele- phone Engineer. Woodruff, Thomas Adams, Ophthalmologist of 30 N orth Mic higan Avenue, was born in 1865, in St. Catherines, On- tario, Canada. In 1908 he was Third Vice-President of the American Medical Association and President of the Chicago Ophthalmo- logic! Society. He is now Ophthalmic Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital; Ophthal- mic Surgeon to St. Anthony de Padua Hospital; and Surgeon to the So- ciety of Colonial Wars. He is the author, with Dr. Casey Wood, of Commoner Diseases of the Eye. Woodrum, Donald, Land Dealer of 38 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1879, in Port- land, Oregon. He is President of the United Land Sales Company; and Secretary and HERRINGSH.WV s CITY BLUE HimiK t»F BIOGRAPHY. 385 Treasurer of the Orlando Development pany. Woodward, Arthur Herbert, Manufacturer di' L5 South Throop stint, was born Oct. i'7, 1870, Chicago, III. since 1898, he ha President of the Internationa] Begister Com- pany. Woodworth, Charles P., Contracting Engi- neer of 332 South Michigan A \ »n uc, was born May :;, L881, in Milford, 111. lie is Vice Pres- ident and Sales Manager of the Weber Chim- ney Company. Woodworth, Philip Bell, Electrical Engineer 1 7 Blackstone Avenue, was born May l'7, 1879, in Cambridge, Mass. He was an Instructor in He mil's in Cornell University. Hi now- Professor of Politcal Economy in the University of Chicago. Wright^ Edward Taylor, Consulting Ore Milling Engineer of :;s South Dearborn Street, was horn in 1872, in Springfield, Mo. lie has been President id' the National Ore Concen- tration Company ami is Secretary of the Croat Falls Iron Works. Wright, Frank, Physician of .". South W.i bash Avenue, was born Jan. 23, 1878, in Somo nauk, III. In 1904-5 he was resident physi- cian at the Cook County Hospital. He is now Assistant Professor of Physiological and Clin- ical chemistry in Northwestern University Medical School; Attending Physician to Mercy Hospital; ami Associate Attending Physician to Michael Reese Hospital. Wright, Frank G., Commercial Paper D ot' •".'.* South LaSalle street, was bora Oct. 7, |sii7, in Paxton, 111. lie is President of Prank C Wright and Company, Incorporated. Wright, Frank Solomon, Dealer in Cement, 133 West Washington Street, was horn July •_'7, is til, in Milwaukee, WiB. He is Vice- President of the Meacham ami Wright Com pany. Wright, George R., Manufacturer of 76 West Monroe Street. President and I urer of the Louisiana Fibre Hoar. I Company; and President of the Western Seamless Pail ( iompany. Wright, Henry Wilkes, Educator and Au- thor of Pake Forest, in., was born Aug. 16, 1878, in St. .lames. Mich. Since 1907 he baa been Professor "f Philosophy in Pake i 386 HEBRINGSHAW'S CITY BLUB BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. College. Be La the author of Self Realization, and numerous o1 her works. Wright, J. Joseph, Real Estate Dealer of 1-7 North Dearborn Street, was born in Naper- ville, HI. H<' is an Officer and Director in the Carney Coal Company, and the Shaw Oil Company. Wright, John Frost, drain Merchant of 111 West Jackson Boulevard, was horn July 13, lM'.s, in Esperance, V Y. He was Vice-Presi- denl of Wright, Bogerl and Company until 1906. lit' is now head of the firm of .John F. Wrighl and Company, grain merchants. Wright, Warren, Manufacturer of 4100 Fill- more street, was born Sept. 2."">, 1875, in Springfield, Ohio. He is Secretary and Treas- urer of the Calumet Baking Powder Company, Wright, William M., Manufacturer of lino Fillmore Street. President of the Calumet Baking Powder Company. Wright, William Van Doren, Business Man of 122 South Michigan Avenue, was born in 1871, in Indiana. He is Vice-President of the Edgewater Steel Company, Pittsburg, Pa, Wrigley, William, Jr., Manufacturer of 5 North Wabash Avenue, was born Sept. 30, istit, in Philadelphia, Pa. Since 1893 he lias been engaged in business for himself, and is now President of William Wrigley, Jr., Com- pany. Wrisley, Allen B., Manufacturer of 925 South Wells Street. President of the Allen B. Wrisley Company, manufacturers of soaps. Wroe, W. Edgar,' Paper Dealer of 200 East Illinois Street. President of W. E. Wroe and Company, paper. Wunderlich, Eugene J. E., Physician of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was born Aug. 2, 1S.S3, in Stuttgart, Wurttemburg. lie is Presi- dent of the Illinois Research Laboratories, In- corporated; and a member of the associate staff of the American Hospital. He is a mem- ber of the Chicago Association of Commerce, and t he Press Chili. Wyatt, Edith Franklin, Author of SOS Tow- er Court, was born Sept. 14, 1873, in Tomah, Wis. She is the author of Making Both Ends Meet; and other works. Wyeth, Harry Bissell, Manufacturer of 180 North Dearborn Street, was horn in 1868, in St. Louis, Mo. He is Presidenl of the Compto- graph Company. Wyles, TomE, of 53 West Jackson Boule- vard, was born Jan. II, 1872, in Bloomfield, Va. lie is Vice President of the Detroit Graphite Company; and President of the Do- minion Paint Works. Wyman, Vincent D., Attorney at Law of 139 North Clark Street, was horn Jan. 23, 1877, in Sycamore, 111. He is senior member in the Paw firm of Wyman, Kinno and Carpenter. Wynekoop, Gilbert H., Surgeon of 4500 Sher- idan Poad, was horn Oct. 20, 1*79, in Wolcott, Ind. He is Surgeon to the Lake View Hos- pital. Wyrick, Basil G. ( Editor of 111 West Jack- sou Boulevard, was horn Sept. 25, 1876, in MongO, Ind. lie is News Editor of The Asso- ciated Press, in charge of news service throughout the central states. Xelowski, Thaddeus Z., Surgeon of 1053 Mil- waukee Avenue, was born Jan. 11, 1 s 7 7 , in La- Salle, III. In 1915 he was Professor of Chemis- try in Jenner Medical College. He is now Surgeon to St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospital. Yager, John C, Printer of 2001 Calumet Avenue. President of Rogers and Company, engravers and printers. Yager, Louis E., Fire Underwriter of 175 West Jackson Boulevard, was horn April 15, L869, in Alton, 111. Since pllll he lias been head of L. E. Yager and Company, general insurance. Yale, Lucius Pride, General Contractor of 111 West Washington Street, was horn July 21, 1865, in Oshkosh, Wis. In 1900-3 he was Chief Engineer of the Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad; and since 1903 has been President of Vale and Reagan Company, gen- eral contractors, Chicago. Yard, Frederick A., Banker of 7 South Dearborn Street, was born in 1880, in Phila- delphia, Pa. He is Vice-President and Direc- tor of the Union Trust Company. Yarger, Henry Lee, Clergyman of L59 North State Street, was born Feb. 22, 1862, in Hartle- ton, Pa. Since 1914 he has been General Su- perintendent of Home Missions and Church Extension of Chicago. In 1901-3 he was Pres- ident of the Kansas Synod. Yarnell, Elmer £, Merchant of 311 West Monroe Street, was born May 21, 1875, in Philadelphia, Pa. For twenty years he was Assistant Manager of the United States Rub- ber Company. He is now Treasurer of the Standard Rubber Shoe Company. Yarrow, Philip W., Clergyman of 11156 Longwood Drive. He is Pastor of the Morgan Park Congregational Church; President of the Chicago Young People's Civic League; and Superintendent of the Dry Chicago Federa- tion. Yaxley, Ernest Everett, Telephone Manu- facturer of 1103 West Monroe Street, was horn June 20, 1860, in Hillsdale, Mich. He is partner and Secretary of the Victor Tele- phone Manufacturing Company; and Presi- dent of the Yaxlev Manufacturing Company. Yeats, William W, Real Estate Dealer of 20 North Dearborn Street, was born Jan. 1."., is 17, in Putnam County, Ind. In 1861-65 he served in the Civil War; and since 1877 has been engaged in business in Chicago. Yegge, Charles Frederick, Lumber and Pack- age Manufacturer of 111 West Washington. Street, was born May 5, 1871, in Nevada, Iowa. He is Vice-President and Director of the Chicago Mill and Lumber Company; Di- rector of Paepcke Leicht Lumber Company; Vice President of The Cincinnati Wire Bound HERRIXGSHAW'S CITY BLUE BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY. 387 Box Company; and President of Detroit Wire Bound Box Company. He is President of the Evanston Golf Club; and a member of the Glen View Golf and Mid-Day Clubs; and the Chicago Athletic Association. Residence, Ev- anston, Illinois. Yeldham, Harmon J., Contractor of 1126 West Van Buren Street, was born July 15, 1S50, in 1'nion Village, \. V. He lias been associated with the Rensseley Company, Now York; and Vice-President of the Knisely and Yeldham Company. He is now President of the H. .1. Yeldham Company, sheet metal work, slate and tile roofing. Yeomans, Edward, Manufacturer of 231 In- stitute Place. President of Yeomans Broth- ers, manufacturers of pumping machinery. Yeomans, Lucien I., Industrial Engineer of 72 West Adams Street, was born April '■'•, 1 ^ 7 s , in Walworth, X. Y. Since 1903 he has resided in Chicago. He has 1 n Superintendent of the Link Belt Company, chief Engineer for Armour and Company; and General Superin- tendent of Factories for Sears, Roebuck and Company. He is now a consulting engineer; and Manager of the Amalgamated Machinery Company. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Automobile Engineers; Western Society of Engineers; Union League, Engineers' and Illi- nois Athletic Clubs. Yerger, Charles F., Physician and Surgeon of :?2 North State Street, was born May 12, 1879, in Leetonia, Ohio. He is Attending Sur- geon of the Juvenile Home and Juvenile Court. Yerkes, Charles Edward, Broker of 112 West Adams Street, was born Aug. 25, 1863, in Phil- adelphia, Pa. Since 1898 he has been en- gaged in business as a broker, and is now head of the firm of Charles E. Yerkes and i k>mpany. Yondorf, David, Clothing Merchant, Van Buren and Halsted Streets, was born Feb. 12, 1862, in New York City, lie is President and Treasurer of the Yondorf Clothing Company; and Vice-President of the Modern Belt Manu- facturing ( lompany. Yondorf, Milton S., Broker of 56 West Ran- dolph Street, born in 1883, iu Chicago, 111. He is partner of the firm of S. Yondorf and Com- pany. Yooss, William P., Manufacturer of 2:U North Halsted Street. Vice-President of the Federal Huber Company, plumbing supplies. Young, Abram Van Eps, chemist of Evans- ton, 111., was born dune 5, 1853, in Sheboygan, Wis. Since 1885 he lias been Professor of Chemistry in Northwestern University. Young,' Charles Herbert, Clergyman of 6451 Woodlawn Avenue, was Imin Sept. 26, 1867, in Manhattan. 111. He was Secretary Of the Diocese of Nebraska. He is now Rector of Christ Church, Chicago. Young, Henry W., Editor of 350 North (dark Street, was born Jan. 3, 1879, in Prai- rie iju Sac, Wis. He is Editor of Popular Electricity, and the Worlds Advance. Young, 'Herbert William, Engineer and Man- ufacturer of 2433 Fulton Street, was born Sept. t, 1^7.'!, in Hamilton, Canada. Since 1910 he has been President of the Delta Star Electric < lompany. Young, Hobart Paid, Attorney-at-Law of 134 South LaSalle street, was born March 31, 1876, in Chicago, 111. In 1897 he was admitted to the bar, and has since prac- ticed law in Chicago; for two years was Assistant States Attorney of Cook County; and is a member of the law firm of Alden, Latham and Young. lie i- :i member of the Kxmoor Country and Glen View Clubs and (he Chicago Athletic Association. Young, Lawrence Andrew, Attorney at Law Of 209 South LaSalle Street, was Lorn in ls7o, in Louisville, Ky. He was Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel; ami a Director of the Chicago City Railway Company. Young, Thomas J., Attorney-at-Law of in South LaSalle Street, was born Dec. 30, L866, in Ottawa, III. lie was formerly Assistant Attorney General in charge of inheritance Tax Department id' Cook County; now en- gaged in private practice of law. Young, William Foster, Publisher of 623 South Wabash Avenue, was horn Fell. 11, 1867, in Memphis, Tenn. He was Office Manag the D. C. Heath and Company fr 1894-1902. since L913 he has been President of the Ben- jamin II. Sanborn and Company. Young, William Victor, of 38 South Dear- born Street, was horn in St. Paul, Minn. He is Vice-President and a Director of the Amer- ican Appraisal Company. Zander, Henry George, Peal Estate Dealer of 143 North Dearborn Street, was Lorn Oct. -I, L869, in Germany, since L886 he has been engaged in the real estate business in Chicago, and is a member of the firm id' Koester and Zander. Zane, John Maxcy, Attorney at Law of 111 West Monroe Street, was born Match 26, L863, in Springfield, 111. since 1899 he has been practicing in Chicago, and since L912 has been a member of the firm of Zane, Morse and Mc- Kinney. Zaremba, John E., Physician and Surgeon of 1959 West Chicago Avenue, was horn dan. 23, lss.- (i ;,, Poland. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of Poland; Catholic College of the Holy Ghost, Pittsburg; and Loyola University Medical School. Be is a member of the Amer- ican Medical Association, Polish Medical As- sociation, ami the Chicago and Illinois Stale Medical Societies. Zaring, Elbert Robb, Editor and Clergyman 388 IIKKlilMiSHAW's CITY BLUE BOOK OP BIOGRAPHY. of 740 Rush Street, was born Jan. L2, L868, in Eockport, I ml. since 1912 lie has been Editor of the Northwestern Christian Advocate. Zeiger, Gebhardt W., Packer of 517 West Chicago Avenue, was born Sept. I, L846, in Berlin, Germany. He is President of the G. W. Zeiger Company, pork and beef packers. Zeiler, Frederick' M., Broker of 209 South LaSalle street, bead of the firm of P. M. Zeiler and Company, stocks and bonds. Zeis, Oliver M., Lumberman tit' 6401 South [rving Avenue, w;is born May is, 1X70, in Maysville, Iml. He is President of the O. M. Zeis Lumber Company. Zeisler, Joseph, DermatolpgiJsl of 30 North Michigan Avenue, was horn Oct. 7, 1858, in Austria. Since l : 8§9 he has been Professor of Skin and Venereal Diseases in X ort Invest era l'ai\ ersit y Medical School. Zeisler," Sigmund, . Attorney at-Law of 6 North Clark Street, was born April 11, I860, in Austria. In L893;4 'he was Chief Assistant Corporation Counsel of Chicago •', and later .Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court. Zeit, Frederic Robert, Pathologist of 1016 \ incennes Avenue, was horn March L3, L864, in Switzerland. Since 1899 he has been Pro- fessor of Pathology in (he Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School;, and is Pathologist to Wesley, Mercy and Alexian Brothers Hos- pitals. Zelosky, William, Heal Estate Dealer of 3553 North Western Avenue, was horn May 8, 1867, in Poland. In 1880 he , came to, Galveston, Tex.; resided in Fort Worth until 1890, and since in Chicago. Since 1894 he lias been en- gaged in real estate subdividing and develop- ment in Chicago. Zeman, Anton, Attorney-at-Law of 139 North Clark'Street, was horn Jan. 17, 1X7°., in Chicago, 111. lie has heen Alderman from the Thirtieth Ward; and in 1907 was appointed Assistant City Prosecutor. Zenos, Andrew C, Theologian of 2 Chalmers Place, was horn Aug. 13, L855, ill Turkey, lie was ordained in 1881; and since 1894 has heen Professor of Biblical Theology in the McCor- mick Theological Seminary. Zeuch, Lucius H., Physician and Surgeon of .".ill I Fullerton Avenue, was horn. Aug. 26, 1x71, in Chicago, 111. He is a member of the Surgical staff of St. Elizabeth 's Hospital. Zeuch, William, Lithographer of 7 in North Franklin Street, was horn April 13, 1855, in Germany. In 1x71 he entered the lithograph- ing business at Chicago with Lott and Zeuch; in L872 established the firm of William Zeuch and Company, now sole proprietor. Ziegfeld, Florenz, College. President of 624 South Michigan Avenue, was born June 10, 1841, in Germany. He is President Emeritus of the Chicago Musical College. Ziegfeld, William Kimball, Theatrical Man- ager of 621 South Michigan Avenue, was born Oct. 21, 1872. He is Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager of the Chicago Musical College; and is Manager of the Ziegfeld Theater. Ziehme, Albert E., Capitalist of 326 West Madison Street, was born Sept. 1, 1867, in Tomah, Wis. lie was formerly a head of the firm of A. E. Ziehme and Company, wholesale jewelers; and is now Secretary and Treasurer Of the Commercial Jewelry Company. Ziesing, August, Civil Engineer of 208 South LaSalle Street, was horn Feb. 19, L858, in Peru, III. He has been engaged in engineer- ing since L878, making a specialty of consult- ing engineering in railroad work; and since 1905 has been President of the American Bridge Company. Zimmerman, 'Fred, Railway Official of 608 South Dearborn Street, was born July 26, 1866, in Portland, Maine. Since It'll he has been Vice-President of the Chicago, Indianap- olis and Louisville Railway, at Chicago, in 1917-18 he was President "of the Oak Park Club. Zimmerman, Louis W., Broker of 111 West Monroe Street, was born June 30, 1880, in Charleston, W. \'a. He is President of th-e Zimmerman, Alder son, Carr Commission Com- pany. Residence, 3202 Sheridan Road. Zimmerman, William Frederick, Publisher of 330 East Ohio Street, was born March 26, 1849, in Berlin, Germany. In 1902-12 he was President of A. C. McClurg and Company; now Vice-President of the company. Zimmerman, William Carbys, Architect of 64 East Van Buren Street, was born Feb. 25, 1x5!), in Thiensville, Wis. In 1905-13 he was State Architect of Illinois. Zmrhal, Jaroslav J., Educator of 1869 Mil- lard Avenue, was born Aug. 29, 1878, in Cas- lav, Bohemia. He is Principal of the Theo- dore Herzl Grammar School; Secretary of the Bohemian National Alliance; and Secretary of the Bohemian National Council. He is a writer and lecturer; a member of the Board of Directors of the Immigrants' Protective League, and a member of the Press and Bo- hemian clubs. Zook, Joseph I., Merchant of 618 West Chi- cago Avenue, was born March 6, 1880, in Har- risburg, Pa. Since 1906 he has been asso- ciated with Montgomery Ward and Company, and since 1914 has been Treasurer. ZiUfer, Antony G., Commission Merchant of 121 West South Water Street, was bom April 29, 1864, in Chicago, 111. He is head of the firm of A. G. Zulfer and Company; and is a Director of the Illinois State Bank. Zurawski, Kasimir A., Physician of 32 North State Street, was born Dec. 20, 1870, in Po- land. He is Professor and Head of the De- partment of Dermatology in Loyola Univer- sity; and Professor of Dermatology in the Illinois Post Graduate Medical School. y*B^4