■ mil llilllllll M m UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book Volume 0171HI Gfc+sHc \<**s MrlO-20M SCHOOL (Blasgow Corporation public libraries. INDEX CATALOGUE OF THE HUTCHESONTOWN DISTRICT LIBRARY. GLASGOW: PRINTED FOR THE CORPORATION COMMITTEE ON LIBRARIES AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLBHOSBZ&i.CO. LTD. June 190S. Price in Paper Cover, FOURPENCE. In Cloth, EIGHTPENCE. (Masgow Corporation public ^Libraries. INDEX CATALOGUE OF THE HUTCHESONTOWN DISTRICT LIBRARY GLASGOW: PRINTED FOR THE CORPORATION COMMITTEE ON LIBRARIES AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE • 1 1 1 . . . Foundry Trade Journal, - 1 1 , . . 1 1 1 Fry's Magazine, - - 1 1 1 1 1 Gas Engineer's Magazine, - 1 Gentleman's Magazine, - 1 Girls' Realm, . 1 i 1 1 l 1 . . . Good Health, - 1 1 Good Te rJar, - ... l Grand Magazine, - - ... 1 1 Great Thoughts, - - ... 1 ... l Guide, - - 1 i i i 1 i i 1 l i 1 i i i i Guth na Bliadhna, . 1 Harper's Monthly, - 1 l 1 1 l i 1 Harrison's Dressmaker, . . i Health Record, - i . .. Herald of Health, - i Home, - - 1 Idler, .... Lts' 1 l Incorporated Accountar Journal, - ... l Journal of Education, - . 1 Knowledge, - - l i . . . Ladies' Review, - - l Lady's Realm, - ... 1 1 1 i i i Lady's World, - ... 1 i i i i ... Laundry News, Laundry Record, - - 1 i 1 Leach's Family Dressmaker,- 1 Lectures pour Tous, - - 1 1 Liberal Magazine, - - 1 lii NE WSPAPERS A ND PERIODICA I. S MONTHLIES— Continued ~ -r - o 6d < ■Z- "s- OB - 5 O o ■2 BE ^f ^ ^ 32 s 1 1 1 l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l l l ] l 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 l 1 1 i,... i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 l 1 1 l l 1 1 l 1 1 i i 1 l 1 1 1 1 i i 1 ] 1 1 l l i 1 1 i 1 i l l 1 1 i 1 l 1 i l Literary Guide, Literary World, - Locomotive Magazine, - London Magazine, McClure's Magazine, - Magazine of Commerce. Marine Engineer, Mariner and Engineering Record, Messenger, - Le Monde Moderne, Munsey's Magazine, Musical Herald, - Musical Opinion, - Musical Times, Musicians' Report and Journal, Myra's Journal. - National Deposit Friendly Society Magazine, National Review, Nature Notes, Nautical Magazine, New Church Magazine, New Ireland Review, - Nineteenth Century and after, North American Review, Novel Magazine, - Nursing Notes, Outing, .... Pall Mall Magazine, Paper-Maker. Parents' Review, - Patents, .... Pearson's Magazine, Phonographer, Photo-Era, - - - Photogram. - Photographic Journal, - Photographic Times, Pottery r: azetteand Chinaand Glass Trades' Review, Power, .... Practical Confectioner and Baker, Practical Photographer, - Practical Teacher, - - 1 1 ... Printers' Register, - - 1 Printiug Art, - - - Process Engraver's Monthly, 1 liii GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. MONTHLIES— Continued Putnam's Monthly, Quiver, Railway Engineer, Railway Magazine, Reporters' Journal, Reporters' Magazine, - Review of Reviews, Revue des Deux Mondes (fortnightly), Royal Magazine, - Sabbath School Magazine, - School, School World, Scottish Critic, Scottish Field, - Scottish Geographical Magazine, - Scottish Natural History Annals, Scribner's Magazine, Shorthand World, Shorthand Writer, Son of Temperance, Steamship, - Strand Magazine, Studio, - - - - - Sunday at Home, - Sunday Strand, Textile Manufacturer, - Textile Recorder, - tramway and Railway World, Uber Land und Meer, - University Review, Velhagen und Klasing's Monats hefte, .... Water, .... Weldon's Home Dressmaker, — Illustrated Dressmaker, - — Ladies' Journal, Westminster Review, - Wide World Magazine, Windsor Magazine, Woman at Home,- Woodworker and Art Metal Worker, Work, World and His Wife, - World of Dress, - World's Work and Play, - • m TS 00 T3 J ffl Q b w 1 1 1 1 QUARTERLIES Celtic Review, Forum, - - Hibbert Journal, - Home Art Work, - Humane Review, - Scottish Historical Review, - Scotia, 1 1 Books for the Blind. — After full and careful consideration, the Library Committee decided that the provision of books for the use of blind persons could be made better through the agency of the Mission to the Outdoor Blind than by placing the books in the various District Libraries. By the authority of the Corporation, the Committee devoted the sum of £200 for the purchase of books in the Braille and Moon types, and have placed some 1250 volumes in the library of the Mission for circulation among the blind. lv GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. DIRECTIONS TO BORROWERS. The Library is open for the issue and return of Books daily, from 11 a.m. till 8.30 p.m. The Borrower's Ticket must be presented both on application being made for a book and also on the return of the book. All books returned are to be handed in at the Return Counter, when the entry of the issue on the Borrower's Ticket will be cancelled with an official stamp, and the ticket returned to the borrower, who may then apply for another book. Should the books desired not be novels, it is requested that the borrower will hand in at the Issue Counter, together with his ticket, a list of say a dozen books (number and brief title), in the order in which they are required. The first number on the list found to be in will be issued to the borrower. Should the book desired be a novel, the borrower will consult the Fiction Indicator, the numbers in which run in the order of the letters and figures. All numbers underlined white are In. Having found a desired number marked with the white line, the borrower will ask for it at the Issue Counter, at the same time handing in his Borrower's Ticket. The number of the book will be entered on the ticket, and the date on or before which, according to the Bye-Laws and Regula- tions, the book should be returned to the Library, will be stamped on a label inside the book. Book and ticket are then handed to the borrower. All fines for undue detention of books, and any charge for damage, must be paid when the book is returned. Otherwise the Borrower's Ticket will be retained. ABBREVIATIONS. bibl. Bibliography. cont. Continued. ed. Edited. Editor. ill. Illustrations mem. Memoir. mus. Music. port. Portrait. Portraits. trans. Translated. v. Volume. Volumes. Ivi Glasgow Corporation public libraries. CATALOGUE OF THE HUTCHESONTOWX DISTRICT LIBRARY Abbe de l'Epee, corned ie ; par J. N. Bouilly ; with notes. 1S98. 44851 Abbess of Vlaye ; by S. J. Weyman. - - -. - - - 45W11 Abbey Mill [a story] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 83 W 7 Abbot ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35S14 "A sequel to 'The monastery,'" 35S13. Abbotsford. Irving (W.) Abbotsford, and Newstead Abbey. 1S94. 81702 Abbott (Edwin A. ) and Seeley (Sir J. R. ) English lessons. 187.1. 42005 Abbott (G. F. ) Israel in Europe. 1907. map. - - - 29607 A Beckett (Arthur W.) Recollections of a humourist. 1907. port. A181 A Beckett (Gilbert A.) The comic history of England, ill. - 91232 Abele and Niederheitmann (F.) The violin, its history and construction, ill. - - 78702 Abercrombie (H. R.) joint -author. See Scoble (John). Aberdeen. Walker (G.) Aberdeen awa'. 1897. ill. - - 92103 Sketches of its men, manners, and customs. Abernethy, John, Memoirs of ; by G. Macilwain. 1856. port. A201 Abney (Sir W. de W.) Action of light in photography. 1897. iU. 77006 - Colour vision. 1894. ill. - - - - - - - 53502 - Negative making. 1893. ill. 77007 About (Edmond F. V.) Contes choisis ; with notes. 1893. - 44834 - La fille du chanoine ; with notes. 1S9S. .... 44866 Absentee [a tale] ; by M. Edgeworth. 10E4 Abyssinia. Skinner (R. P.) Abyssinia of to-day. 1906. ill. map. 95802 Accessory after the fact [a novel] ; by Mrs. L. Adams. - - 5A1 Accidence. See names of languages, as, Language, English. Accountancy. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Sweetland (C. A.) Loose leaf book-keeping and accounting. - 65704 - Witty (R. A.) How to become a qualified accountant. 1906.- 65701 - See also Book-keeping. a 1 ACE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Acetylene. Doman (W.) Production and use of acetylene. 1902. 66507 - Hills (H. F.) Gas and gas-fittings, acetylene. 1902. ill. - 66502 Ackermaxx (Alfred S. E.) Popular fallacies. 1907. ill. - 03211 Ackworth (John) The coming of the preachers, a tale. - - 67A1 - The minder. 67 A 2 AOOBN. English timber and its economical conversion. - - 63404 Acoustics. See Sound. Across her path ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 5 Across the plains, with other essays; by R. L. Stevenson. 1905. E1S2 Acton (John D'Alberg, Lord) Lord Acton and his circle [letters]; ed. by [F. A.] Gasquet. port. - - - A171 Acton, John D'Alberg, Lord. Shorter (C. K.) Lord Acton and the hundred best books. In his Immortal memories. 1907. E6S1 Acts of the apostles. See Bible. Acworth (Wm. M.) The railways and the traders. 1906. - 38501 Adam (Sir Charles E.) ed. Political state of Scotland in 1788. 32402 Adam (Edwin) Land values and taxation. 1907. - - - 33603 Adam Bede ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. 21 E 5 Adam Gorlake's will ; by C. E. M. 1M1 Adam Grainger, and other stories; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. 10W3 Adam Hepburn's vow, a tale of kirk and covenant ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 19 Adams, Charles F. [a biography] ; by C. F. Adams. 1900.- - A081 Adams (Henry) CasselPs Building construction. 1906. ill. - 69006 Adams (Henry) John Randolph [a biography]. 1898. - - R041 Adams, John. Morse (J. T.) John Adams [a biography]. 1884. A071 Adams, John Quincy [a biography] ; by J. T. Morse. 1898. - A051 Adams (Mrs. Leith) Accessory after the fact [a novel]. - - 5A1 - What Hector had to say [and other stories]. - - - - 5A2 Adams, Samuel. Hosmer (J. K. ) Samuel Adams [a biography]. 1885. A061 Adams ( Wm. H. D. ) Famous books, sketches in English literature. 02810 Adamson (Robert) Fichte [his life and philosophy]. 1901. - 19302 Addis (WM.E.)ecZ. Job and Ruth; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902.22403 Addison (Joseph) Works ; ed. by R. Hi^rd and H. G. Bohn. 6 v. port. ill. --- - ... -E1A2-7 1. Poems [including plays]. Dialogues upon ancient medals. Remarks on Italy [in 1701-3]. 2. Tatler. Spectator. 3. Spectator [cont.] 4. Spectator [concl.] Guardian. Freeholder. 5. Freeholder [concl.] On the Christian religion. The drummer, a comedy. Letters. 6. Letters [concl.] Latin poems and prose. Official documents. Addisoniana. Addison, Joseph. Dobson (H. A.) The story of the ' Spectator.' In his Side-walk studies. 1902. E2D1 - Macaulay (Lord) Life and writings of Addison. In his Works. 82827 - Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) The humourist. In her Sketches, port. 91423 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. - - 12T7 Addison (W. I.) The Snell Exhibitions [a history]. 1901. - 37801 Adela Cathcart [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. .... 10M32 Adeler (Max) The Quakeress. - - - - - - - 10 A 1 2 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. AFR Adrienne Lecouvreur ; par E. Scribe et E. W. Legouve ; notes. 1898. 44821 Adventurer of the north ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - - 8P9 11 A continuation of c Pierre and his people,' " 8 P 4- Adventures in Thule, stories ; by W. Black. - - - - 62 B 20 Adventures of an aide-de-camp ; by J. Grant. - - - 51 G 3 Adventures of Arthur O'Leary ; by C. Lever. - - - - 39L4 Adventures of Captain Bonneville ; by W. Irving. - - - 8ll Adventures of Captain Kettle ; by C. J. Cutcliffe W. Hyne. - 115 H 6 Captain Kettle series, No. 2. Adventures, Further, of Captain Kettle; by C. J. Cutcliffe W. Hyne. 115 H 7 Adventures of Don Quixote ; by M. de Cervantes. - - - 34C1 Adventures of Harry Richmond ; by G. Meredith. - - - 82 M 7 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ; by Mark Twain. 2 copies. - 52 T 7 A sequel to "The adventures of Tom Sawyer," 52T6. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green ; by Cuthbert Bede. - - 37 B 2 Adventures of M. d'Haricot ; by J. S. Clouston. - - - 61 C 3 Adventures of Philip : by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12 Tl Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 6 Sherlock Holmes series, No. 4. Adventures of Tom Sawyer ; by Mark Twain. 2 copies. - - 52 T 6 Advertising. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Mares (G. C.) Advertising that tells. 1907.- - - - 65901 Advice to young men and young women ; by W. Cobbett. - 17012 Ady (Mrs. Henry) Raphael [his life and art], ill. - - - R201 - Sandro Botticelli [his life and art], ill. B211 Aerial navigation. Bacon (J. M.) The dominion of the air. 1902. ill. 53301 ^Esop. Fables ; with proverbs and applications. 1906. ill. - 88810 .Esthetics. For list of other subjects in art, see Arts, Fine. - Benson (A. C.) Beauty. In his From a college window. 1906. E4B1 - Oersted (H. C.) The soul in nature. 1852. - - - 70111 - Raymond (G. L.) The essentials of aesthetics. 1907. ill - 70110 "In music, poetry, painting, sculpture, and architecture." - Schopenhauer (A.) On the metaphysics of the beautiful and on aesthetics. In his_ Selected essays. 1900. - - - E7S1 Affair at the inn ; by K. D. Wiggin and others. - - - 55 W 13 Afghanistan. Alison (Sir A.) The Affghanistan expedition. In his Essays, v. 2. 1850. E3A2 - Martin (F. A.) Under the absolute Amir. 1907. ill. - - 94905 Afloat and ashore, a sea tale ; by J. F. Cooper. - - - - 88 C 11 Africa, 1, General. Alston (L.) White man's work in Asia and Africa, colour question. 1907. 32506 - Sanderson (E.) Great Britain in modern Africa. 1907. ill. maps. 95504 Africa, 2, Central.^ Livingstone (D.) Last journals. 1880. 2 v. ill. maps. - - 95902-3 - Stanley (Sir H. M.) In darkest Africa [1886-90]. 1904. ill. maps. 95901 - - Through the dark continent [1874-5]. 1907. ill. map. - 95908 3 APR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Africa, 3, East. Austin (H. H.) Among swamps and giants in equatorial Africa. 1905. ill. maps. - 95801 " Surveys and adventures in the southern Sudan and British East Africa." - Hardwick (A. A. ) An ivory trader in north Kenia. 1903. ill. map. 96102 - Stanley (Sir H. M.) How I found Livingstone [1871-2]. ill. map. 96101 Africa, 4, South. Browne (J. H. B.) South Africa, current conditions and politics. 1905. -.---- 96304 - Butler (Sir W. F.) From Naboth's vineyard. 1907. - - 96305 - Colquhoun(A. R.) The renascence of South Africa. 1900. map. 96303 - Cumming (R. G.) Hunting adventures in South Africa. 1850. 96307 - Froude (J. A.) Leaves from a journal [1874]. In his Studies. E2F3 - Livingstone (D.) Missionary travels in South Africa, ill. - 96301 - In Park (M. M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. ill. 90817 - Selous (F. C. ) A hunter's wanderings in Africa. 1907. ill. map. 79911 - Stow (G. W. ) The native races of South Africa. 1905. ill. map. 57208 - Worsfold (W. B.) Lord Milner's work in South Africa, 1897- 1902. 1906. map. 96306 Africa, South, War, 1899-1902. Cecil (E. ) On the eve of the war, 1899-1900. ill. map. 96408 - Defender. Sir Charles Warren and Spion Kop. 1902. map. 96402 - Doyle (Sir A. Conan) The great Boer war. 1903. maps. - 96409 - Haldane (J. A. L.) How we escaped from Pretoria. 1901. ill. 96406 - Mahan (A. T.) The story of the war, 1899-1900. 1900. map. 96405 - Methuen (A. M. S.) Peace or war in South Africa. 1901. - 96404 - Scaife (A. H.) The war to date, March, 1900. ill- - - 96403 - Steevens (G. W.) From Capetown to Ladysmith. 1900. maps. 96401 - Wallace (E.) Unofficial despatches [1900-1]. - 96407 Africa, 5, West. Park (M.) Travels in Africa [1795-1805]. 1903. 96001 After all ; by B. Whitby. 49 W 2 After dark ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75C21 After life ; by E. M. Sewell. 48S4 A sequel to " Home life," 48 S3. After work [reminiscences] ; by E. Marston. 1904. ill. - - M151 Afterwards, and other stories ; by J. Watson. - 28W3 Against the tides of fate ; by J. A. Barry. 25 Bl Agassiz (Louis) and Gould (A. A.) Comparative physiology. 1851. ill. - - 59106 Agatha's husband, a novel ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - HOC 14 Age. See Middle age. Old age. Agglutinants. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Standage(H. C.) Agglutinants of all kinds for all purposes. 1907. 66802 - See also Glue. Agincourt, or, the times of Henry V. ; by G. P. R. James. - 6 J 18 Agnes Grey [a novel] ; by A. Bronte. 93 Bl Agnus (Orme) Minvale, the story of a strike. - - - 71 A 1 Agricultural classes. For list of related subjects, see Labour. 4 HUTCHESONt'OWN BRANCH. ALB Agricultural classes. Jefferies (R.) Toilers of the field. 1904. 33102 - Pedder (D. C. ) Where men decay. 1908. .... 33114 "A survey of present rural conditions." Agriculture. For list of related subjects, see Arts, Useful. - Bright (T.) The agricultural surveyor and estate agent's handbook of rules [etc.] 1899. ill. - - - 63001 - Muir (J.) Agriculture, practical and scientific. 1895. ill. - 63003 - Vandervelde (E. ) Socialism and the capitalistic transformation of agriculture. In Modern socialism. 1907. - - - 33504 - See also Bees. Chemistry, Agricultural. Coffee. Cotton. Dairy. Domestic animals. Fish, fishing. Forestry. Gardening. India- rubber. Aguilar (Grace) The days of Bruce, a story. - - - 12 A 1 - Home scenes and heart studies [stories]. - - - 12 A 5 - Woman's friendship, a story of domestic life. - - - 12 A 6 Ahn (F.) Easy method of learning the Swedish language. 1858. 43901 Aide (Charles Hamilton) The snares of the world.- - - 13 A 1 Aids to reflection ; by S. T. Coleridge. 24201 Ainger ( A. C. ) [The game of ] Fives. 1890. ill. - - - 79609 Ainger (Alfred) Charles Lamb [a biography]. 1903. - - L151 - The Gospel and human life, sermons. 1904. - 25233 Ainger, Alfred, Life and letters of ; by E. Sichel. 1906. port. A 231 Ainsworth (William Harrison) Boscobel, a tale. - - 16 A 5 - The flitch of bacon, a tale. 2 copies. 16 A 9 - Guy Fawkes, or, the gunpowder treason. - - - 16 A 3 - The Manchester rebels of the fatal '45. 16 A 7 - Old Saint Paul's, a tale of the plague and the fire. - - 16 A 1 - Preston fight, or, the insurrection of 1715. .... 16A4 - Saint James's, an historical romance. 16 A 6 ~ The star-chamber, an historical romance. - - - 16 A 8 - The Tower of London, an historical romance. - - - - 16 A 10 - Windsor Castle, an historical romance. 16 A 2 Air. Archibald (D.) The earth's atmosphere. 1897. ill. - 55106 - In Bailey (E. H. S.) Sanitary and applied chemistry. 1906.- 61411 - Lewes (V. B.) Air and water. 1892. ill. .... 55117 - See also Aerial navigation. Air compressors. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Innes (C. H.) Air compressors and blowing engines. 1906. ill. 62209 Airy (Osmund) Charles II. [a biography]. 1904. - - - C391 * Airy fairy Lilian' ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - - 104H9 Aitchison (James) Signa Christi, evidences of Christianity. 1890. 23912 Aitchison (R. S.) A medical handbook. 1904. ill. - - - 61601 Aitken (Edward H. ) Five windows of the soul [the senses]. 1906. 15201 Aitken(W. H. M.H.) Around thecross,thedoctrineof Christ. 1884. 23401 Albanesi (E. M.) A little brown mouse [a novel]. - - 70 A 1 - A young man from the country. 70 A 2 5 ALB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Albert, Prince Consort, Life of ; by Sir T. Martin. 1877-80. 5 v. ill. A041-5 Albright (E. M. ) The short-story, principles and structure. 1907. 80820 Alcock (Deborah) Not for crown or sceptre. - - - 17 A 1 Alcock (Fred.) Trade and travel in South America. 1907. ill. 97802 Alcock, John, a memoir ; by his daughter. 1887. port. - - A161 Alcohol. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. Health. - Cutten (G. B.) The psychology of alcoholism. 1907. - - 61311 - In Gairdner (Sir W. T. ) The physician as naturalist. - - 61002 Use of alcoholic stimulants in typhus fever. On the limits of alcoholic stimulation in acute disease. - Horsley (Sir V.) and Sturge (M. D. ) Alcohol and the human body. 1907. ill. 61306 - Jones (H. E.) Alcohol [its uses and abuses]. 1907. ill. - 61309 - Wright (F. B.) Distillation of alcohol from farm products. 1907. ill 66302 " And the de-naturing of alcohol for use in farm engines, automobiles, heating and lighting [etc.] " Aldex (Percy) The unemployed, a national question. 1905. - 33125 Alden (William L.) Drewitt's dream. ..... 20 Al Aldersox (J. P.) Mr. Asquith [a biography]. 1905. ill. - A191 Aldersyde, a Border story ; by A. S. Swan. .... 148S6 Aldrich (Thomas B.) The Queen of Sheba. .... 21 Al Alec Forbes of Howglen [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. - - 10 Ml Alec Green [a story] ; by S. K. Hocking. 67 H 3 Alexander of Abonotichus. Froude (J. A. ) A Cagliostro of the second century. In his Short studies, v. 4. 1905. - - E2F4 Alexander (Mrs. ) Kitty Costello. - - - - - - 22A2 - Stronger than love. 22 A 1 - The wooing o : t, a novel. 22A3 Alexander (J. H. ) Elementary electrical engineering. 1906. ill. 62417 Alexander, William, Earl of Stirling. See Stirling, Earl of. Alexandria and her schools ; by C. Kingsley. In his Lectures. 1902. 90403 Alexaxdrow (F.) Easy method of learning Russian. 1867. - 49104 Alford (Hexry) How to study the New Testament. 1868. - 22613 - Life, journals, and letters. 1874. port. .... A 211 - The Queen's English > notes on speaking and spelling. 1864. - 42807 Alford (M.) ed. Latin passages for translation. 1902. - - 47803 Alfred the Great. Besant (Sir W.) The story of King Alfred. 1901. port. ill. A 031 Algae. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Cooke (M. C.) Fresh- water algae. 1890. ill.- - - - 58905 - Harvey (W. H.) A manual of the British algae. - - - 58904 - See also Seaweeds. Algebra. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 4-7. 1903. - - - 03205-8 - Eggar (W. D.) Elementary algebra. 1907. - - - - 51207 - Hall (H. S.) and Knight (S. K.) Elementary algebra. 1905. - 51201 6 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ALL Algebra. Hall (H. S. ) and Knight (S. R. ) Higher algebra. 1905. 51202 - Lightfoot (J.) Elementary and intermediate algebra. 1904. - 51205 - Ross (P.) Elementary algebra [with answers]. 1906. v. 1. - 51203 - See also Graphs. Alger (John G.) Napoleon's British visitors and captives, 1801-15. 1904. N067 Algeria. Sanderson (E.) France in Algeria. In his Heroes of pioneering. 1908. ill. 90606 Alhambra. Calvert (A. F.) Granada and the Alhambra. 1907. ill. 93421 - Irving (W.) Alhambra. 93411 Alice Lorraine, a tale; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - - 63 B 12 Alice of old Vincennes [a novel] ; by M. Thompson. - - - 65 Tl Alice, or, the mysteries ; by Lord Lytton. 74 L 2 A sequel to " Ernest Maltravers," 74L3, Aliens. See Emigration. Alison (Sir Archibald) Essays. 1850. 3 v.- - - -E3A1-3 1. The Reform Bill [1832]. Military treason and national guards. The French revolution of 1830. The British peerage. The fall of the constitution. Negro emancipation. Ireland. The commercial crisis of 1837. Colonial government and the West India question. Lessons from the past. Free trade and protection. Thirty years of liberal legislation. Fall of the throne of the barricades [1818]. The navigation laws. The crowning of the column, and the crushing of the pedestal. Crime and transportation. Free trade at its zenith. 2. Montesquieu. Homer, Dante, and Michael Angelo. The Greek drama. The Roman Republic. Mirabeau. The British school of painting. The Tyrol. Hannibal. Napoleon. Partition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Athenian democracy. The crusades. The Carlist struggle in Spain. The copyright question. The decline of Turkey. Lamartine. The Roman Campagna. France in 1S33. The Affghanistan expedition. The old Scottish parliament. 3. Chateaubriand. „ Virgil, Tasso, and Raphael. Guizot. The romantic drama. Wellington. Humboldt. The British school of architecture. Sismondi. Poland. The year of revolutions [ISIS]. British history during the eighteenth century. >J . de Tocqueville. Autobiography. Michelet's France. The fall of Rome. Karamsin's Russia. The historical romance. The British theatre. Direct taxation. Macaulay. Free-trade reform and finance. [Etc.] - My life and writings. 1883. 2 v. port. .... A101-2 Alison (Robert) The anecdotage of Glasgow. 1S92. - - 92404 Alison, Wm. P. J?iGairdner (Sir W. T.) Physician as naturalist. 61002 Alix of the Glen, a novel ; by Curtis Yorke. - - - - 6Y4 Alkalies. See Ammonia. All about Philippine ; by P. Carmichael. 154 CI All sorts and conditions of men ; by Sir W. Besant. - - - 49 B 11 Allan (Charles E. and F. J. ) The Housing of the Working Classes Acts, 1890-1900. 1901. 33116 Allan, David. In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) British painters, v. 2. 1879. 99710 Allan Quatermain ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - 3H5 A sequel to " King Solomon's mines," 3 HI. Allan's wife, and other tales ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - 3H6 A sequel to " Allan Quatermain." Allanach (William) Magnetism and electricity. 1906. ill. • 53801 Allen (C. F.) Railroad curves and earthwork. 1907. ill. - 62708 7 ALL GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Allen (Grant) The story of the plants. 1895. ill. - - 58003 - Blood royal, a novel. - - - 26 A 1 - Philistia. 26A2 Allen (James L. ) The choir invisible. 27 A3 - The increasing purpose. - - - - - - - 27 A 2 - The mettle of the pasture. 27 A. 1 Allen (John P.) joint-author. See Dobson (Edward). Allen (Raymund) joint-author. See Parsons (Albert). Allen (Willoughby C.) Commentary on the Gospel according to S. Matthew. 1907. 22703 Allison (Thomas) English Church history to a.d. 1702. 1906. 27602 Alloys. See Brass. Allyn (Jack) joint-author. See O'Rell (Max). Alone on a wide, wide sea ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 32 Alpers (O. T. J.) joint -author. See Irvine (R. E.) Alpha [Spiritualism] ; by E. N. Dennys. 28903 Alphabets. For list of related subjects, see Design. - Johnston (E.) Writing, illuminating, and lettering. 1906. ill. 74502 Alps. Ball (J.) The central Alps. 1907. v. 1. bibl. maps. - 93503 - Tyndall (J.) Alpine sculpture. In his Fragments, v. 1. 1902. 50408 Life in the Alps ; Old Alpine jottings. In his New frag- ments. 1897. 50410 Alroy [a romance] ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - 31 B 9 Alston (Leonard) Stoic and Christian in the second century. 1906. 18802 - White man's work in Asia and Africa. 1907. - - - 32506 "A discussion of the main difficulties of the colour question." Alternating currents. See Electric currents. Alton Locke, tailor and poet ; by C. Kingsley. - 24K8 Altruism. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - McGinley (A. A.) The profit of love, studies in altruism. - 17123 Amain Cathedral. Bute (Marquess of) The last resting-place of St. Andrew. In his Essays on foreign subjects. 1901. E7B1 Amazing marriage ; by G. Meredith. 82M15 Amazing verdict ; by Mrs. M. C. Leighton. - . - - 33 LI Ambassador's glove ; by R. Machray. 15 Ml Amber (Miles) Wistons, a story. ' - - - - - 68 Al Ambulance. See First aid. America, 1, General. Anderson (R. E.) Extinct civilizations of the west. 1903. ill. map. 90302 - Long (G. ) and others. America and the West Indies. 1845. bibl. maps. - - 96803 America, 2, North. Kingsley (C.) First discovery of America. In his Lectures. 1902. 90403 - Sloane (W. M.) The French war and the revolution [1688- 1783]. 1893. maps. - - 96802 America, 3, South. Alcock (F.) Trade and travel in South America. 1907. ill. maps. 97802 8 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ANE America, 3, South. Clark (F. E.) Continent of opportunity. 1907. bibl. ill. map. 97803 - Fountain (P.) Mountains and forests of South America, ill. - 97801 American cousins, a story ; by Sarah Tytler. - - - 57 Tl American literature. See Literature, American. American notes [U.S.A.] ; by C. Dickens. 2 copies. 1896. ill. 97201 American organ music. See Music, Instrumental, American organ. American scene [U.S.A.] ; by H. James. 1907. - - - 97216 American wives and English husbands ; by G. F. Atherton. - 55 A 1 | Amery (L. S. ) The fundamental fallacies of free trade. 1906. - 33708 Amethyst box, and other stories ; by A. K. Green. - - 58 Gl Ammonia. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Grossmann (J. ) Ammonia and its compounds. 1906. bibl. - 66101 Amos. See Bible. i Amusements. For list of related subjects, see Arts, Fine and recreative. il - Linscott (Mrs. H. B.) Bright ideas for entertaining. 1907. - 79306 - See also Conjuring. Dancing. Drama. Games. Sports. Ventriloquism. Amusing Irish tales ; by W. Carleton. 21C2 Amy Herbert [a story] ; by E. M. Sewell. 48 S 2 I Analysis. See Chemical technology. Chemistry. Clay. Language. Music. Oil. , Anatomy. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Comparative anatomy. In Cassell's Educator, v. 6-8. ill. - 03207-9 - Hunter (J.) Essays on natural history, anatomy [etc.] 1861. 59104-5 : Anatomy, Artistic. For related subjects, see Drawing. I - Muckley ( W. J. ) Student's manual of artistic anatomy, ill. 74301 Ancient landmark, a Kentucky romance ; by E. C. Waltz. - 86W1 Anderson (Andrew) The game of draughts simplified, ill. - 79401 Anderson (J. W.) Medical nursing. 1896. .... 61001 Anderson (J. W.) Shipmasters' business companion. 1905. - 65607 Anderson, John. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99815 Anderson (Sir Robert) Criminals and crime. 1907. - - 34302 - In defence, a plea for the faith. 1907. 23915 Sidelights on the home rule movement. 1906. - - - 92614 Anderson (Robert E.) Extinct civilizations of the west. 1903. 90302 The story of extinct civilizations of the east. 1899. ill. maps. 90301 Anderson (William) Regeneration. 1875, port. - - - 23402 Andes (Louis E.) Treatment of paper for special purposes. 1907. 67611 Andre (Eugene) A naturalist in the Guianas. 1904. port. ill. map. 98201 Andrea del Sarto. Midler (F. Max) Andrea del Sarto's Carita. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. E5M1 Andrew (S. O.) Geometry, an elementary treatise. 1906.- - 51306 Andrew (William R.) Life of Sir Henry Raeburn. 1894. - R161 Anecdotes. For related subjects, see Wit and humour. Anecdotes relating to special subjects will be found under their respective subject-headings in the catalogue. 9 ANE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Anecdotes historiques et litte- bibl. - Anecdotes. Kastner (V.) ed. r aires ; notes. - - Miles (A. H.) ed. The new anecdote book. - Wells (E.) "Chestnuts." 1900. Anglin (S.) The design of structures, bridges, roofs, etc. 1905. ill. Angling. See Fish, fishing. Angling songs from Border streams ; by D. Fraser. 1907. ill. Anglo-Americans ; by Lucas Cleeve. Anglo-Saxon language. See Language, Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxons. See Great Britain, History. Angus (A. H.) Differential and integral calculus. 1906. - Animal intelligence. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Romanes (G. J.) Animal intelligence. 1886. - Animal kingdom. See Zoology. Animals, Domestic. See Domestic animals. Animals, Habits of. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Atkey (B.) Folk of the wild. 1907. ill. - - Ingersoll (E.) The wit of the wild. 1907. ill. - Long (W. J.) Brier-patch philosophy. 1906. ill. - - - Northern trails, animal life. 1905. ill. ... - School of the woods, animal instincts, ill. - Whose home is the wilderness. 1907. ill. - Roberts (C. G. D. ) The hunters of the silences. 1907. ill. - The watchers of the trails. 1904. ill. - - - - - - Seton (E. T.) Animal heroes. 1906. ill. - Lives of the hunted. 1904. ill. Anitchkow (Michael) War and labour. 1900. Anjou. Green (J. R.) The home of our Angevin kings. In his Stray studies, v. 1. 1892. Anna of the five towns, a novel ; by E. A. Bennett. - Annals of a quiet neighbourhood ; by G. MacDonald. Annals of the parish ; by J. Gait. 2 copies. .... Anne, Queen. Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of Queen Anne. 1894. port. ill. Anne Hereford, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. Anne of Geierstein [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - Anson, George, Lord. Markham (Sir A. H.) Anson. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. - - - Anstey (F. ) A fallen idol. - Vice versa, or, a lesson to fathers. 2 copies. Antarctic. See Arctic and Antarctic regions. Anthropology. See Man, Natural history of. Anticipations ; by H. G. Wells. 1902. " Reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life thought." Antiquary ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 10 44833 82826 82825 62711 201 F 56C1 51702 59110 59118 59112 59114 59120 59119 59122 59125 59126 59128 59115 33015 E2G1 43B2 10M33 7G3 91423 10W26 35S23 99609 35A3 35A2 35S7 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ARC Antiquities. See Archaeology. Antonina, or, the fall of Rome ; by W. Wilkie Collins. - - 75C3 Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). See Aurelius (Marcus). Antony, Saint. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1885. ill. - 99809 Ants. For list of other subjects in entomology, see Insects. - Avebury (Lord) Ants, bees, and wasps. 1885. bibl. ill. - 59507 Anxious moment, etc. ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - 104H2 Apes. For list of related subjects, see Mammals. - Hartmann (R.) Anthropoid apes. 1885. bibl. ill. - - 59909 Aphorisms. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Coleridge (S. T.) Aids to reflection. 24201 - Huxley (T. H.) Aphorisms and reflections. 1907.- - - 50803 - In Morley (J.) Studies in literature. 1904. - E3M4 Apocalypse. See Bible. Apocrypha. See Bible. Apologetics. See Christian evidences. Apologia pro vita sua ; by J. H. Newman. 1905. - - - N021 Apostles. For list of related subjects, see Bible. - Jones (J. D. ) The glorious company of the apostles. - - 22612 11 Being studies in the characters of the twelve." Appeal to life [sermons] ; by T. T. Munger. 1887. - - - 25218 Appeal to the serpent, a story of Ceylon ; by S. Langdon. - 14L1 Appleton (George W.) The lady in sables. - - - - 37 A 1 April hopes, a novel ; by W. D. Howells. 97 H 3 Aquarium. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Gosse (P. H.) The aquarium, wonders of the deep. 1856. ill. 59025 Arabella Stuart, or, the days of James I. ; by G. P. R. James. 6J6 Aran Islands ; by J. M. Synge. 1907. ill. .... 92611 Aratra pentelici, the elements of sculpture ; by J. Ruskin. 1901. ill. 73001 Arbela. In Creasy (Sir E. S. ) Decisive battles. 1905. plan. - 90404 Arbitration. For lists of related subjects, see Building. Labour. Law. - Fletcher (B. ) Arbitrations, a text-book. 1904. - - - 69206 " For arbitrators, umpires, and all connected with arbitrations, more especially architects, engineers, and surveyors." - Slater (J.) The law of arbitration and awards. 1905. - - 34706 Arblay, Madame d'. In Hill (C.) Juniper Hall. 1905. port. ill. 91712 - In Macaulay (Lord) Works. 82827 - In Saintsbury (G. E. B. ) Essays in English literature, v. 2. - 82104 - Seeley (L. B.) ed. Fanny Burney and her friends, port. ill. A131 11 Select passages from her diary, and other writings." Archaeology. For list of related subjects, see History. - Dawson (Sir J. W.) Meeting-place of geology and history. - 57104 - Muller (F. Max) Some lessons of antiquity. Inhis Works, v. 5. E5M1 - Munro (R.) Archaeology and false antiquities. 1905. ill. - 57101 Some account of disputed antiquarian discoveries. 11 ARC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Archaeology. Lang (A.) The Clyde mystery. 1905. ill. - - 57103 11 A criticism of some chapters in Munro's ' Archaeology and false antiquities.'" - Rathgen(F.) The preservation of antiquities. 1905. bibl. ill. 57901 - In Strong (S. A.) Critical studies. 1905. .... 82820 - See also Monuments. Names of countries and places for national and local antiquities. Archbutt (Leonard) and Deeley (R. M.) Lubrication and lubricants. 1907. ill. - - - ' - - - - 62306 Archery. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Longman (C. J. ) and others. Archery. 1894. bibl. ill. - 79611 Archibald (Douglas) The earth's atmosphere. 1897. ill. - 55106 Archibald (John) A ten years' conflict. 1907. ill. - - 27505 The conflict between Presbytery and Episcopacy, 1701-11. Arches ard (P. E.) Microscopy and bacteriology. 1905. ill. - 61606 Architecture. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine ; for applications of architecture, see Building. - Alison (Sir A.) The British school of architecture. In his Essays, v. 3. 1850. E3A3 - Atkinson (T. D.) A glossary of English architecture. 1906. 72004 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 6-8. 1903. ill. - - 03207-9 - Gothic stonework. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 5-6. 60310-1 - Kingsley(C) Grots and groves. In his Lectures. 1898. - E1K4 - Rogers (F.) Architect's guide, a text book. 1894. ill. - - 72001 - Ruskin(J.) Lectures on architecture and painting. 1902. ill. 72002 On the old road, essays, v. 1. 1899. 70401 The opening of the Crystal Palace. The study of architecture in our schools. The seven lamps of architecture. 1906. ill. - - - 72003 - - The stones of Venice. 1903-5. 3 v. ill. .... 72005-7 - Spiers (R. P.) Architectural drawing. 1905. ill. - - - 74401 - Ward (J.) Historic ornament, architectural. 1897. 2 v. ill. 74004-5 - See also Churches. Houses. Arctic and Antarctic regions. Gordon (W. J.) Round about the North Pole. 1907. ill. maps. 99411 - Greely(A. W.) Handbook of Arctic discoveries. 1896. bibl. maps. 99407 - Hoare (J. D.) Arctic exploration. 1906. ill. maps. - - 99404 - Nansen (F.) Farthest north, voyage of 'Fram,' 1893-6. ill. - 99410 - Scott (G.F.) The romance of Polar exploration. 1907. ill. maps. 99409 - Scott (R.F.) The voyage of the 'Discovery '[Antarctic]. 1907. 2 v. ill. maps. 99405-6 - See also North-west Passage. 1 Ardath,' the story of a dead self ; by Marie Corelli. - - 91 CI Arden Massiter [a novel] ; by W. Barry. 134B2 Argyll, Archibald Campbell, Marquis of. In Carslaw (W. H.) Six martyrs of the Scottish reformation. 1907. port. ill. 99827 Argyll (George J. D. Campbell, Duke of) Autobiography and memoirs, 1823-1900. 1906. 2 v. bibl. port. ill. - Alll-2 12 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ARN Argyll (George J. D. Campbell, Duke of) Irish nationalism, an appeal to history. 1893. 92610 - "Presbytery examined." 1848. 27507 " Ecclesiastical history of Scotland since the reformation." Argyll, George J. D. Campbell, Duke of. Moore (A. L.) Duke of Argyll's ' ' Unity of nature. " In his Science and the faith. 23909 Ariadne Florentina, on engraving ; by J. Ruskin. 1890. ill. - 76001 Aristotle. Constitution of Athens ; trans, by T. J. Dymes. 1891. 88815 - Poetics ; ed. with trans, by S. H. Butcher. 1898. - - - 88812 Arithmetic. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - Briggs (W.) eel. The primary arithmetic. 3 v. - - -51103-5 and Chope (R. H.) eels. Clive's Shilling arithmetic. 1905.- 51106 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-3. 1903. - - - 03202-4 - Chope (R. H.) The junior arithmetic. 1905. - 51107 - Lock (J. B.) Arithmetic for schools. 1904. - 51102 - Lodge (Sir O. J.) Easy mathematics, chiefly arithmetic. 1906. 51005 - Palmer (G. W. ) Arithmetic, chiefly examples. 1907. - - 51109 - Pendlebury (C.) Arithmetic. 1904. - - - 51101 - Workman (W. P.) The school arithmetic. 1905. - - - 51108 - See also Mensuration. Ark of the curse ; by K. L. Montgomery. 103 Ml Armadale [a novel] ; by W. Wilkie Collins. - - - - 75 CI Armenia. Win tie (W. J.) Armenia and its sorrows. 1898. ill. 94406 Arminius. Creasy (Sir E. S. ) Victory of Arminius over the Roman legions under Varus. In his Fifteen decisive battles. - 90404 Armitage (C. H.) and Montanaro (A. F.) The Ashanti cam- paign of 1900. 1901. ill. map. plan. .... 96002 Armourer's prentices ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y2 Arms and armour. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Calvert (A. F.) Spanish arms and armour. 1907. ill. - - 39901 " Historical and descriptive account of the Royal Armoury of Madrid." Armstrong (Thomas) My life in Connaught. 1907. port. ill. A221 Army. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Alison (Sir A.) Military treason and national guards. In his Essays, v. 1. 1850. E3A1 - Beauclerk (C. W. W. D. ) A national army. .... 35513 - Haldane (R. B.) Army reform, and other addresses. 1907. - 35510 - Roberts (Earl) A nation in arms. 1907. .... 35507 " Speeches on the requirements of the British army." - Wheeler (O.) The story of our army. 1902. ill. - - - 35504 - Wilkinson (H. S.) Brain of an army, German general staff. - 35514 - See also Cavalry. Conscription. Defence. Tactics. Arnauld, Jacqueline. Buxton (E. M. W.) Mere Angelique. In her Book of noble women, port. ----- 99826 Arne (Thomas A.) Twenty songs, fo. mus. - 78413 Arnim, Bettina von. Sainte-Beuve (C.A.) Goethe and Bettina. In his Essays, v. 2. 1901. E11S2 13 ARN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Arnold (Sir Edwin) Death, and afterwards. 1889. - - 23704 - The Light of Asia, Gautama [a poem]. 1904. port. ill. - 402 A - The Light of the World [a poem]. 1903. ill. - - - 401 A - Wandering words [travel]. 1894. ill. 90815 Arnold (Edwin L.) Lieut. Gullivar Jones, his vacation. - - 47 Al Arnold (Matthew) Irish essays, and others. 1891. - - E4A1 The incornpatibles [Irish affairs]. An unregarded Irish grievance. Ecce, convertimur ad rentes [education]. The future of liberalism. A speech at Eton. The French play in London. Copyright. Prefaces to poems. 301 A 82224 E1B2 82014 - Poetical works. 1907. port. ....... - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - Arnold, Matthew. In Birrell (A.) Collected essays, v. 2. 1902. Arnold (Thomas) A manual of English literature. 1888. Arnold, Wm. T. [a biography] ; by Mrs. H. Ward and C. E. Montague. A 141 Arnold's Modern French, bk. 1 ; ed. by H. L. Hutton. 1906. 44857 Arnott (S.) Climbing plants and wall shrubs. 1903. ill. - 71602 Around a distant star [a novel] ; by J. Delaire. - - - 79 Dl Around the cross, doctrine of Christ ; by W. H. M. H. Aitken. 1884. 23401 Arrah Neil, or, times of old ; by G. P. R. James. Arran. M c Arthur (J.) The antiquities of Arran. 1873. ill. Arrhenius (Svante) Immunochemistry. 1907. Art, arts, artists. Avebury (Lord) Art. In his Pleasures of life. - Bosanquet (J.) Artistic handwork in education. In his Essays. map. 1899. 6J17 92204 54103 E2A1 E10B1 189' - Brown (J. ) Notes on art. In his Horse subaecivse, v. 2. - Chesneau (E.) The education of the artist. 1886. - - Clausen (G.) Aims and ideals in art. 1906. ill. - - Collingwood (W. G.) The art teaching of John Ruskin. 1900. - Henley (W. E.) Views and reviews, essays in appreciation. - - Huxley (T. ) Science and art in relation to education. In his Science and education, essays. 1905. ... - - Jacks (W.j Thoughts on art. In his Singles. 1903. - Kingsley (C.) The poetry of sacred and legendary art. In his Lectures and essays. 1898. • - - Mourey (G. ) Art; Renaissance of industrial art. In his Across the Channel, art in London. 1896. - Ruskin (J. ) Eagle's nest, relation of natural science to art. 1902. - - "A joy for ever," on the political economy of art. 1904. - Lectures on art. 1903. ------- - - Mornings in Florence, studies of Christian art. 1903. - - On the old road, essays, v. 1-2. 1899. E2B2 70702 70405 70112 70407 50423 E1J1 E1E4 91711 70101 - 70701 70108 70901 - 70401-2 1. History and criticism. Pre-Raphaeli'tism. 2. Inaugural address, Cambridge School of Art. Cestus of Aglaia. Picture galleries. Minor writings upon art. 14 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ASQ Art, arts, artists. Ruskin ( J. ) The two paths. 1905. - - 70404 " Lectures on art and its application to decoration and manufacture." Val d'Arno, lectures on Tuscan art. 1900. ill. - - - 70903 - Sanford (F. G.) The art crafts for beginners. 1906. ill. - 70001 Thin wood-working. Sheet-metal work. Leather- work. Basket-work. Bookbinding. [Etc.] - Seymour (F.) Siena and her artists. 1907. ill. - - - 93704 - In Strong (S. A.) Critical studies. 1905. ill. - - - 82820 - Symonds (J. A.) Renaissance in Italy, the fine arts. 1897. - 70904 - See also Musicians. Painters. Arts, Fine and recreative. See Esthetics. Amusements. Architecture. Art, arts, artists. Decoration. Design. Drawing. Engraving. Gardening. Music. Painting. Photography. Renaissance. Sculpture. Arts, Useful, Industries and manufactures, etc. See under the following and their sub-headings : Agriculture. Chemical technology. Commerce. Domestic economy. Engineering. Industries and manufactures. Inventions. Medicine. Metallurgy. Receipts. Arthur, King. Malory (Sir T.) History of King Arthur. - - 39807 - Strachey (Sir E.) Riding down to Camelot. In his Talk at a country house. 1895. 82815 Arthur O'Leary, Adventures of ; by C. Lever. - 39L4 As ye have sown ; by D. Wyllarde. - - - - - - 94 Wl Asaka\va(K.) The Russo-Japanese conflict. 1905. ill. map.- 95110 Ascent of man [evolution] ; by H. Drummond. 1904. - - 57503 Ascham, Roger. Adams (W. H. D.) Ascham's "Schoolmaster." In his Famous books. 02810 Ash (Edwin) Hypnotism and suggestion. 1908. ill. - - 13405 Ashenhurst (Thomas R. ) Textile calculations and the structure of fabrics. 1902. port. ill. 67713 Ashley (Percy) Local and central government. 1906. - - 35209 Ashley, and other stories ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W10 Asia. Alston (L.) White man's work in Asia and Africa. 1907. 32506 "A discussion of the main difficulties of the colour question." - Forbes (A. G.) The empires and cities of Asia. map. - - 94308 - Lansdell (H.) Through central Asia. 1887. ill. map. - - 94907 - Niebuhr (C.) The Tell el Amarna period. 1903. bibl. - - 95708 "The relations of Egypt and western Asia in the 15th century B.C." - Polo (M.) Travels [1271-95]. 1904. 94302 - Vambery (A.) Western culture in eastern lands. 1906. - 94305 11 A comparison of the methods adopted by England and Russia in the middle east." Asia Minor. Burnaby (F.) Through Asia Minor [1876-8]. 1898. map. 94414 Asiaticus. An eastern view of western progress. 1905. - - 30102 Askew (John B.) ed. Pros and cons, a debater's guide. 1906. - 37404 Aspa (Rosario) Fifty pedal exercises for the organ. 4°. - - 78605 Aspects of life, twelve sermons ; by J. Caird. .... 25213 Asquith, Herbert H. [a biography] ; by J. P. Alderson. 1905. port. A191 15 ASS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Assam. Barker (G. M.) A tea planter's life in Assam. 1884. ill. 94807 Assyria. Smith (G.) Assyrian discoveries. 1875. ill. map. - 94405 - Strachey (Sir E.) The arrowhead inscriptions. In his Talk at a country house. 1895.. 82815 - Winckler (H.) History of Babylonia and Assyria. 1907. map. 94418 Asto.v (W. D.) The duties and rights of citizenship. 1907. - 32007 Aston (Wm.G. ) A grammar of the Japanese spoken language. 1888. 49501 Astonishing history of Troy Town ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - 99 C 3 Astoria, enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains; by W. Irving. 97402 Astrology. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Harvey (J.) Essays on astrology. 1906. .... 13301 Astronomers. In Smiles (S. ) Men of invention and industry. 1905. 99703 Astronomy. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Baikie (J. ) Through the telescope. 1906. ill. - - - 52306 A popular introduction to astronomy. - Ball (Sir R. S.) Elements of astronomy. 1903. ill. - - 52001 In starry realms. 1907. ill. 52313 Star-land, the wonders of the heavens. 1905. ill. - - 52304 The story of the heavens. 1905. ill. .... 52315 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-2. 1903. ill. - - 03202-3 - Gore (J. E.) Astronomical essays. 1907. ill. - - - 52004 - Moulton (F. R.) An introduction to astronomy. 1907. ill. 52005 - In Proctor (R. A.) Light science for leisure hours, v. 2. 1906. 50425 Movements in the star-depths. The sun's true atmosphere. News from Herschel's planet [Uranus]. The two comets of 1868. [Etc.] - Serviss (G. P.) Pleasures of the telescope. 1907. ill. - - 52309 - Stuart (J. ) A chapter of science, ill. 52003 - Turner (H. H.) Astronomical discovery. 1904. ill. - - 52002 - See also Compass. Eclipses. Moon. Navigation. Solar system. Stars. Sun. Surveying. Time. Venus. At close range ; by F. H. Smith. 86 S 2 At last, Christmas in the West Indies ; by C. Kingsley. 1905. ill. 97701 At school and at sea [autobiography] ; by F. Si. Norman. 1899. ill. N031 At Sunwich Port ; by W. W. Jacobs. 4J3 At the eleventh hour ; by David Lyall. 66 LI At the mercy of Tiberias ; by A. J. E. Wilson. - 68 W4 Athenais. Houston (J. A. C.) The daughter of Leontius. 1894. 93906 Athens. Aristotle. Constitution of Athens. ... - 88815 - In Duckworth (H. T. F.) Some pages of Levantine history, ill. 94411 - Tucker (T. G.) Life in ancient Athens. 1907. bibl. ill. - 93822 AthePwTOX (Gertrude F. ) American wives and English husbands. 55 A 1 - A daughter of the vine. 55 A 3 - Patience Sparhawk and her times. - - - - - 55 A 2 - Senator North. 55A4 - The travelling thirds. 55 A 5 - The valiant runaways. 55 A 6 16 HUTCHES ONTO WN BRANCH. AUS Athletics. See Sports. Atkey (Bertram) Folk of the wild [animal life]. 1907. ill. - 59118 Atkinson (John C.) Forty years in a moorland parish, Danby. A151 Atkinson (Tiios. D. ) Glossary of English architecture. 1906. - 72004 Atlas. For related subjects, see Geography. - Multum in parvo atlas of the world; with text. 1907. - - 90701 Atlay (J. B. ) The Victorian chancellors. 1906. v. 1. ill. - 99820 Atmosphere. See Air. Atoms of empire [stories] ; by C. J. Cutcliffe W. Hyne. - - 115 H 2 Atonement. For list of related subjects, see Jesus Christ. - Beeching (H. C.) and Nairne (A.) Doctrine of atonement. 1907. 23229 - Denney (J.) The atonement and the modern mind. 1903. - 23224 - Hall (N.) Atonement, the fundamental fact of Christianity. - 23220 - Lofthouse (W. F.) Ethics and atonement. 1906. - - - 23231 Atonement of Learn Dundas ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. - - 46L2 Atterbury, Francis. In Beeching (H. C.) Provincial letters. - E6B1 Attila, or, the Huns ; by G. P. R. James. 6 J 23 Attwood (Edward L.) War-ships, a text-book. 1906. ill. - 62601 Au fait. The art of conversing. 1901. 37408 - The correct guide to letter waiting. 80808 - Manners and rules of good society. 1903. .... 39503 - Social observances, practical etiquette. 1897. - - 39501 Audrey [a romance] ; by M. Johnston. 26J2 Auerbach (Felix) The Zeiss works and the Carl-Zeiss Stiftung in Jena. 1904. ill. 33101 Augier (Emile) et Sandeau (J. ) Le gendre de M. Poirier, comedie. 44863 Augustine, Saint. Harnack (A. ) The confessions of St. Augustine. 27102 Augustus Caesar, and the organisation of the Empire of Rome ; by J. B. Firth. 1903. port. ill. maps. - A121 Auld Licht idylls ; by J. M. Barrie. 24 B 3 Aurelius (Marcus) Thoughts ; trans, by G. Long. - - - 18801 Aurelius, Marcus. Alston (L. ) Stoic and Christian in the second century. 1906. 18802 " A comparison of the ethical teaching of Marcus Aurelius with that of contemporary and antecedent Christianity." - In Davis (C. H. S.) Greek and Roman stoicism. 1903. - - 18803 -7nDods(M.) Erasmus, and other essays. 1891. - - - E4D1 Austen (Jane) Emma. - - - - - - - - 60A4 - Mansfield Park, a novel. 60 A 5 - Northanger Abbey. Persuasion. 60 A 2 - Pride and prejudice. 60 A 1 - Sense and sensibility. 60 A 3 Austen, Jane. Leigh (J. E. A.) A memoir of Jane Austen. 1871. A091 " To which is added ' Lady Susan.' " Austin (Alfred) Lyrical poems. 1897. 203 A - Narrative poems. 1896. -. 202A - A tale of true love, and other poems. 1902. - - - - 201 A 17 AUS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Austin (Herbert H.) Among swamps and giants in equatorial Africa. 1905. ill. maps. 95801 Austin Elliot [a novel] ; by H. Kingsley. 26 K4 Australasia. Coghlan (T. A.) and Ewing (T. T.) Progress of Australasia in the nineteenth century. 1903. - - - 98607 Australia. Boothby (G. N.) On the wallaby. 1894. ill.- - 98610 - Dale (R. W.) Impressions of Australia. 1889. - - - 98608 - Gregory (J. W. ) The dead heart of Australia. 1906. ill. maps. 99001 "A journey around Lake Eyre in 1901-2." - Lee (I.) Coming of the British to Australia, 1788-1829. ill. - 98606 - In Park (M. M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. ill. 90817 - Redmond (W.) Through the new Commonwealth. 1906. ill. map. 98604 - Scott (G. F. ) Romance of Australian exploring. 1899. ill. map. 98609 - Thomas (N. W.) Natives of Australia. 1906. bibl. ill. map. 57203 Austria-Hungary. Palmer (F. H. E.) Austro-Hungarian life. ill. 92908 - Scotus Viator. The future of Austria-Hungary. 1907. bibl. 92909 Authors. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Dobson (H. A.) Titled authors of the eighteenth century. In Ms Side-walk studies. 1902. - - E2D1 - Knight (W. A.) Retrospects. 1904. v. 1. - - - - 99903 Carlyle. Tennyson. Browning. J. Martin eau. A. P. Stanley. W. Davies. [Etc.] - Sessions (F.) Literary celebrities of the Lake-district. 1907. 99902 - Vincent (L. H.) American literary masters. 1906. - - 81001 Irving. Bryant. Cooper. Emerson. Poe. Longfellow. Whittier. Hawthorne. Lowell. [Etc.] - See also Drama (for list of dramatists). Essays (for list of essayists). Fiction (for list of novelists). Humourists. Novelists. Poets. Authorship. For lists of related subjects, see Books. Literature. - In Benson (A. C.) From a college window. 1906. - - - E4B1 - Stevenson (R. L.) Essays in the art of writing. 1905. - - 80805 Autobiographies are entered in the catalogue under the names of their several authors. Autobiography. In Alison (Sir A. ) Essays, v. 3. 1S50. - - E3A3 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E4S3 Autobiography of a slander ; by Edna Lyall. - - - 67 L 7 Autobiography of a thief, and other histories ; by C. Reade. - 16R11 A sequel to "It is never too late to mend," 16R13. Autobiography of a truth ; by Edna Lyall. - - - 67 L 8 Autobiography of Mark Rutherford ; by W. H. White. - - 52 Wl Autocrat of the breakfast- table ; by O. W. Holmes. - - - E5H2 Avebury (John Lubbock, Lord) Ants, bees, and wasps. 1885. ill. 59507 - A contribution to our knowledge of seedlings. 1896. ill. - 58108 - On municipal and national trading. 1906. .... 35201 - The pleasures of life. 1905. E2A1 The duty of happiness. The happiness of duty. A song of books. The choice of books. The pleasures of travel. Science. Education. Health. Love. Art. Music. The beauties of nature. Religion. The hope of progress. The destiny of man. [Etc.] 18 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. BAD Avebuky (John Lubbock, Lord) Short history of coins and currency. 1903. ill. 33202 - The use of life [essays]. 1904. E2A2 Avenged on society, a novel ; by H. F. Wood. - - - - 78 Wl Avery (Alfred H. ) The A B C of dynamo design, ill. - - 62407 Aves (Ernest) Co-operative industry. 1907. - 33403 Awkward age ; by H. James. 7 J 10 Axel and Anna [a tale] ; by F. Bremer. 86 B 3 Axon (William E. A.) Cobden as a citizen. 1907. - - - C112 Ayesha ; by H. Rider Haggard. 2 copies. 3H20 A sequel to " She," 3H12. Aylwin [a novel] ; by T. Watts Dunton. 62 Dl Ayres of Studleigh ; by A. S. Swan. - - - - - - 148 S 16 Ayrshire. Henderson (T. F.) Auld Ayrshire of Burns. 1906. ill. 91903 Ayrshire legatees ; by J. Gait. 2 copies. 7G3 Aytoun (William E.) Lays of the Scottish cavaliers [etc.] 1887. 101 A - Glenmutchkin railway, and other humorous Scots stories. - 63 A 1 B Babington (Charles C.) Manual of British botany. 1904. - 58103 Babylonia. Sayce (A. H.) The religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. 1903. 29902 - Winckler (H.) History of Babylonia and Assyria. 1907. map. 94418 Bacheller (Irving) Eben Holden, a tale of the north country. 1B2 - Silas Strong. 1B1 Bachelor in Arcady ; by H. Sutcliffe. - ..... 145 SI Bachelor in search of a wife ; by A. S. Swan. .... 148 S 7 Bachelor's blunder ; by W. E. Norris. 14N3 Bacon (Albert M.) A manual of gesture. 1900. ill. - - 80818 Bacon (Edwin M.) The Connecticut River and the valley of the Connecticut. 1906. ill. map. 97317 Bacon (Francis, Viscount St. Albans) Advancement of learning. The new Atlantis, bibl. 19208 - Essays. Colours of good and evil. Advancement of learning. E12B1 Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans. In Macaulay (Lord) Works. 82827 2v. - Nichol (J.) Bacon, his life and philosophy. 1901 - In Robertson (J. M.) Pioneer humanists. 1907. - Bacon (John M.) Dominion of the air {ballooning]. 1902. ill. Bacteria. For related subjects, see Botany. Disease. Health - Archinard (P. E.) Microscopy and bacteriology. 1905. ill. - Conn (H. W.) The story of germ life, bacteria. 1S99. ill. - - Waldo (F. J.) and Walsh (D.) Bread, bakehouses, and bacteria. - Woodhead (G. S.) Bacteria and their products. 1892. bibl. ill. Baddeley (M. J. B. ) Bath and Bristol, and forty miles round. 1907 19 bibl, 19206-7 99824 53301 Public. 61606 58901 61409 61603 91725 BAD GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Baddeley (St. Clair) and Gordon (L. D. ) Rome and its story. 1904. ill. 93621 Bagehot( Walter) Literary studies. 1898-1902. 3v. mem. port. E5B1-Z 1. Hartley Coleridge. Shakespeare — the man. William Cowper. The first Edinburgh reviewers. Edward Gibbon. Percy B. Shelley. 2. Thomas B. Macaulay. Beranger. The Waverley novels. Charles Dickens. Milton. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. dough's poems. Sterne and Thackeray. Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Browning. 3. Letters on the coup d'etat of 1851. Oxford. Bishop Butler. The ignorance of man. The metaphysical basis of toleration. Bad lawyers or good? The Credit Mobilier and banking companies in France. Memoir of James Wilson. [Etc.] - Physics and politics. 1896. 30107 Bagot (Richard) Love's proxy. 2B2 - The passport. 2B1 Baikie (James) Through the telescope [astronomy]. 1906. ill. 52306 1 Bail up ' ! a romance of bushrangers and blacks; by H. Nisbet. 11 Nl Bailey (E. H. S.) Sanitary and applied chemistry. 1906. - 61411 Bailey (Elmer J.) Novels of George Meredith, a study. 1908. 82608 Bailey (Henry C.) Beaujeu. - - 3B2 - Karl of Erbach, a tale. 3B1 Bailey (Philip J.) Festus, a poem. 1901 B Bailey (Robert J.) joint-author. See Harrison (W. J.) Baillie, Robert, the covenanter. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 6. - E1C6 Bain (Alexander) English composition and rhetoric. 2 v. - 80806-7 Bain (John A. ) The new reformation, recent evangelical move- ments in the Roman Catholic Church. 1906. - - - 28213 Bain (Robert N.) Charles XII. and the Swedish Empire, 1682- 1719. 1902. C371 - The first Romanovs, 1613-1725. 1905. ill. - 94026 - The pupils of Peter the Great. 1897. ill. - 94012 - Slavonic Europe, Poland and Russia, 1447-1796. 1908. maps. 94030 Baker (Ernest A.) History in fiction. [1907]. 2 v. - -02808-9 Baker (James) A double choice. ------ 4B1 Baker (James H.) American problems, essays, addresses. 1907. 30410 Baker (Sir Samuel W.) Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. ill. - 94415 - The rifle and hound in Ceylon. 1904. ill. - 94801 Bale (Manfred P.) A handbook for steam users. 1906. - - 62142 - Saw-mills, arrangement and management. 1906. - - - 62309 - Steam and machinery management. 1890. ill. - - - 62024 Balfour (Andrew) Cashiered, and other war tales. - - - 7B1 - The golden kingdom. 7B2 Balfour (JabezS.) My prison life. 1907. port. - - - B311 Balfour (John H.) Biography of John Coldstream. 1865. - C341 Baliol Garth [a novel] ; by A. Gissing. 29 Gl Balkans. Durham (M. E.) The burden of the Balkans. 1905. ill. map. 93903 Balkwill (F. H.) The testimony of the teeth to man's place in nature, with other essays on evolution. 1893. - - 57512 Ball (John) The central Alps. 1907. v. 1. maps. - - 93503 20 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BAR Ball (Sir Robert S.) Elements of astronomy. 1903. ill. - 52001 - In starry realms. 1907. ill. 52313 - Star-land, wonders of the heavens. 1905. ill. - - - 52304 - The story of the heavens. 1905. ill. 52315 Ballads. For lists of related subjects, see Music. Poetry, Collections. - Duncan (E.) The story of minstrelsy. 1907. bill. ill. mus. 78407 - Ford (R.) ed. Vagabond songs and ballads of Scotland. 1904. 82233 - Herd (D.) ed. Scottish songs, heroic ballads, etc. 2 v. - - 82217-8 - McDowall (W.) Among the old Scotch minstrels. 1888. - 82305 - Scott (Sir VV.) ed. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ill. - 82208 - Selected ballads. In English poets, v. 1. 1903. - - - 82221 - Sparling (H. H.) ed. Irish minstrelsy, songs and ballads. - 82401 Ballard (Frank) Christian essentials [theology]. 1907.- - 23016 - Christianity and socialism. In Citizen of to-morrow. 1906. 30409 Ballooning. See Aerial navigation. Baltic. Lucy(H. W.) The log of the' Tantallon Castle.' 1896. ill. 94103 - MacGregor ( J. ) The Rob Roy on the Baltic. 1896. ill. maps. 94101 Balzac (Honore de) Eugenie Grandet ; with notes. 1905. - 44835 Balzac, Honore de. Stephen (Sir L.) Balzac's novels. In his Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899. - E4S1 Bancroft (Elizabeth D.) Letters from England, 1846-9. 'port. B141 Bancroft (George) History of the United States. 7 v. - 97209-15 Bancroft, George. Prescott (W. H. ) Bancroft's United States. In his Miscellanies. E2P1 Bangs (John K. ) A house-boat on the Styx. .... 13B3 - The enchanted typewriter. - - - - - - 13 B 2 A sequel to " A house-boat on the Styx. " - Mr. Munchausen, recent adventures. 13 Bl Baxister (Henry C.) Musical analysis, mus. - 78109 Banking. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Bagehot ( W. ) The Credit Mobilier and banking companies in France. In his Literary studies, v. 3. 1898. - - - E5B3 - Clews (H.) and others. Practical problems in banking and currency. 1907. 33208 - Easton (H. T.) Money, exchange, and banking. - - - 33203 - Macleod (H. D.) The elements of banking. 1891. - - - 33204 - Miller ( W. H. ) On the bank's threshold, outline of banking. - 33207 - Rhodes (W. E. ) The Italian bankers in England and their loans to Edward I. -II. In Historical essays. 1907. - 90406 - Warren (H.) How to choose your banker. 1900. - - - 33205 Banks (R. G. D.) The employee who will succeed. 1907. - 65809 Banville (Theodore de) Gringoire, comedie ; with notes. - 44820 Baptist [a drama] ; by G. Buchanan. 1501 B Barabbas, a dream of the world's tragedy ; by Marie Corelli. - 91 C 9 Barber (Thomas W.) Repair, maintenance of machinery. 1895. 62010 Barbour (James S.) William Paterson and the Darien Company. P101 21 BAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 1884. ill. 1888. Barbour (John) The Bruce, metrical history. - Barclay. Robert. Memories; ed. by Mrs. H. B. Barclay. 1904. port. Barham (Richard H.) Ingolclsby legends, col. ill. - - ^lections. In Poets and poetry, mem. - Barham of Beltana : by W. E. Noma Baring (Maurice) A year in Russia [1905-6]. 1907. Barker (George M.) A tea planter's life in Assam. Barlasch of the Guard ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - Barlow (Janr) By beach and bog-land, Irish stories. Barlow (P. W.) Kaipara, a settler in north New Zealand Barnaby Rudge, a tale; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. Barnaby's bridal ; by S. R. Keightley. Barnard (S.) and Child (J. M.) A new geometry for schools. - Barxes ( Albert | Notes on the Gospels, Matthew and Mark. 1847 - Xotes on the Gospels. Luke and John. 1847. map. - Xotes on the Acts of the apostles. 1847. map. - - Xotes on the Epistle to the Romans. 1847. - - Xotes on First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians. 1847. - Xotes on the Second Epistle to Corinthians, and the Epistle to the Galatians. 1847. - Xotes on the Epistles of Paul to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. 1846. - Xotes on the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus, and to Philemon. 1846. - Xotes on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 1846. - - Xotes on the Book of Revelation. 1852. map. - Barnes | Howard T.) Ice formation. 1900. ill. Barnrtt (Lionel D.) Hinduism. 1906. Barrett 'Samuel A.) The service of God, sermons [etc.] 1897. Barnett (Mrs. Samuel A. ) The making of the home. 1905. - - Science and city suburbs. In Science in public affairs. 1906. Barrett (T. R.) Fairshiels. a Lammermoor parish. 1906. ill. Barneveld. John of, Life and death ; by J. L. Motley. 2 v. ill.- Baron ( David | Ancient Scriptures and the modern Jew. 1901. Barr (Amelia E, i Friend Olivia. - A song of a single note, a love story. - Thyra Varrick. a love story. - Was it right to forgive? a romance. Barr (Robert) The Lady Electra [stories]. - - Barr (Wm. M.) Combustion of coal and prevention of smoke. Barrack-room ballads, and other verses ; by R. Kipling. 1905. Barrett (Frank] The Harding scandal. - The night of reckoning. -------- Barrett (George 8.) The Bible and its inspiration. 1897. Barrie (James M.) Margaret Ogilvy [a biography]. 1903. - Auld Licht idylls. 22 2101 B B241 201 B 82415 14N1 94022 94807 85M3 16B1 99102 30D4 8E1 51310 . 22708 22709 22710 22807 22808 22809 22810 22811 22812 22902 55121 29403 25212 64008 30412 92005 B051-2 29601 18B4 18B2 18B3 18B1 19B1 62808 402 K 20B1 20B2 22013 O011 24B3 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. BAT Barrie (James M.) The little minister. 2 copies. - - - 24B2 - The little white bird. 24B7 - My Lady Nicotine. 24B1 - Sentimental Tommy, the story of his boyhood. - - - 24 B 6 - Tommy and Grizel [a sequel to " Sentimental Tommy "]. - 24B4 - When a man's single, a tale of literary life. - - - 24 B 5 - A window in Thrums. 24 B 8 Barriers burned away ; by E. P. Roe. 56 R 4 Barrows (Charles H.) The personality of Jesus. 1906. - - 23217 Barrows (F. W.) Practical pattern-making. 1906. ill. - - 67101 Barry (Alfred) Bp. Some lights of science on the faith. 1892. 23908 Barry, James. In Cunningham (A. ) and Heaton (Mrs. C. ) British painters, v. 1. 1879. 99709 Barry (John A. ) Against the tides of fate. - - - 25 Bl Barry (William) Newman [a biography]. 1905. ill. - - N022 - Arden Massiter [a novel]. 134 B 2 - The wizard's knot. 134B1 Barry Lyndon [a novel] ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 12 T 9 Bartlet (Vernon) ed. Corinthians, Galatians, and Thessa- lonians ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902.- - - 22814 Bartlett (Ellis A.) Port Arthur, the siege. 1906. ill. maps. 95111 Bartlett (John) ed. Familiar quotations. 1905. - - - 80822 Barton (Frank T.) Non-sporting dogs. 1905. ill. - - - 63605 Bartram (George) The longshoremen. 27 Bl Bartsch (Karl) Grundriss zur Geschichte der provenzalischen Literatur. 1872. 84901 - ed. Chrestomathie provencale, lOe — loe siecles. 1904. - - 84902 Bashford (J. L.) ed. Life and labour in Germany. 1906. - 33107 Basil [a story]; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75 C 4 Baskerville (Beatrice C.) The Polish Jew. 1906. map. - 29604 Basket- making. In Sanford (F. G.) Art crafts for beginners. - 70001 Bastian (Henry C.) The evolution of life. 1907. ill. - - 57602 Basutoland. Casalis (E.) My life in Basuto Land. 1889.- - 27805 11 Missionary enterprise in South Africa." Bataille de dames, comedie ; par E. Scribe et E. W. Legouve. 1900. 44825 Bateman (May) The glowworm [a novel]. 29 Bl Bath. Baddeley (M. J. B.) Bath and Bristol, and forty miles round [a guide]. 1907. maps. 91725 Bath comedy ; by A. and E. Castle. 30 C 5 Bathgate (Janet) Aunt Janet's legacy. 1901. port. ill. - B181 " Recollections of humble life in Yarrow, beginning of 19th century." Batrachia. For list of related subjects, see Vertebrates. - Hopley (C. C.) British reptiles and batrachians. 1888. ill. - 59811 Battersby (L.) The salvation of God. 1903. .... 23404 Battle of the strong, a romance ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - 8P8 Battles. For list of related subjects, see History. 23 BAT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Battles. Creasy (Sir E. S.) Fifteen decisive battles of the world. plans. ... 90404 Marathon. Syracuse. Arbela. Metaurus. Victory of Arminius over Varus. Hastings. Armada. Blenheim. Saratoga. Waterloo. [Etc.] - Fitchett(W. H.) Deeds that won the Empire. 1905. ill. plans. 91418 Waterloo. Trafalgar. [Etc.] Fights for the flag. 1904. ill. plans. .... 91409 Sir John Moore at Comnna. Wellington at Salamanca. San Sebastian. Inkermann. Famous cavalry charges. The men in the ranks. [Etc.] Baudelaire, Charles. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays. 1895. E9S1 Bauer (G.) Marine engines and boilers. 1905. ill. plans. - 62141 Baughan (Edw. A. ) Ignaz Jan Paderewski [a biography]. 1908. ill, P171 - Music and musicians. 1906. - 78012 Bax (Ernest B.) Essays in socialism, new and old. 1906. - 33502 Baxter, Richard. In Stephen (Sir J.) Essays, v. 2. 1907. - 99817 Bayard's courier, a story of love and adventure ; by B. K. Benson. 45B2 Bayley (R. C.) The complete photographer. 1906. ill. - - 77002 Bayliss (Sir W.) Five great painters, Victorian era. 1904. ill. 99714 Bayne (Peter) Christian life, social and individual. 1855. - 17130 Bayreuth festival. In Bute (Marquess of) Essays. 1901. - E7B1 Beaconsfield (B. Disraeli, Earl of) Alroy. Ixion in heaven. The infernal marriage. Popanilla. 31 B 9 - Coningsby, or, the new generation. 31 B8 - Contarini Fleming. The rise of Iskauder. - - - - 31 B 7 - Henrietta Temple, a love story. 31 Bl - Lothair. 31B6 - Sybil, or, the two nations. - - - - - - 31 B 5 - Tancred, or, the new crusade. 31 B4 - Venetia. - 31B10 - Vivian Grey. 31B3 - The young duke. Count Alarcos, a tragedy. - - - 31 B 2 Beaconsfield, B. Disraeli, Earl of. In Bryce (J. ) Studies. 1903. 99606 - Fraser (Sir W.) Disraeli and his day. 1891. - B251 - Garnett(R.) Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield. Inhis Essays. 1901. E3G1 - Harrison (F.) The romance of the peerage, "Lothair." In his Choice of books, and other pieces. 1903. - - - E4H1 - Stephen (Sir L.) Disraeli's novels. In his Hours in a library. - E4S2 Beadle (Clayton) Chapters on papermaking. 1902-7. 4 v. - 67603-6 'Beagle.' Darwin(C) Natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. ' Beagle.' 1902. - 50801 Beale (S. S.) The churches of Paris, ill. 93304 Beaton (A. J.) Social condition of Highlands since 1800. 1906. 92202 Beaton, David, Cardinal [life] ; by J. Herkless. 1891. port. - B191 Beatrice, a novel ; by H. Rider Haggard. 3H16 Beauchamp's career ; by G. Meredith. - - - - 82 M6 Beauclerk (C. W. W. D.) A national army. - - - - 35513 24 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BEE Beaufort, Henry C. F. Somerset, Duke of. Dale (T. F.) Eighth Duke of Beaufort and the Badminton Hunt. 1901. port. ill. B201 Beaufoy romances ; by H. Drnmmond. 54D1 Beaujeu [a romance] ; by H. C. Bailey. 3B2 Beautiful. See Esthetics. Beautiful lady ; by B. Tarkington. 2T1 Bebel (August) and others. Modern socialism. 1907. - - 33504 Bechstein (Johann M.) Cage and chamber-birds. 1900. col. ill. 63603 Becke (George Louis) By rock and pool, and other stories. - 35 B 4 - Helen Adair. 35 B 3 - Pacific tales. 35 B 7 - The strange adventure of James Shervinton [etc.] - - - 35B2 - Tom Wallis, a tale of the South Seas. ----- 35B6 - Under tropic skies. - - - - - - - - 35 B 5 - and Jeffery (W.) A first Fleet family. 35B1 Becker (William A.) Charicles, life of the ancient Greeks, ill. 93820 - Gallus, or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus. 1907. ill. 93629 Becket, St. Thomas a. Froude (J. A.) Life and times of Becket. In his Short studies, v. 4. 1905. -' - - - E2F4 Beckford,W.Garnett(R. ) Beckford's "Vathek." Inhis Essays. 1901. E3G1 Beddoes (T. H. W.) A goddess of the sea. ... - 36B1 Beddoes, Thomas L. In Gosse (E. W.) Critical kit-kats. 1896. E6G1 Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England ; ed. by J. A. Giles. - 27601 Bede (Cuthbert) The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. - - 37 B 2 - Little Mr. Bouncer and his friend, Verdant Green. - 37 Bl A sequel to "The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green." Bedford (Sir Fred. G. D.) Adm. Drake. In From Howard to Nelson. 99609 - The sailor's handbook. 1906. ill. maps. ... - 65608 Bedouins. Hill (Gray) With the Beduins in Syria. 1891. ill. map. 94416 Bedwell (G. C.) The evolution of the organ. 1907. HI. - 78602 Bee, The, essays; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 2.- - E1G2 Beech (Franklin) The dyeing of cotton fabrics. 1901. - - 66707 - The dyeing of woollen fabrics. 1902. ill. - - - 66708 Beechcroft at Rockstone ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - 2Y3 Beecher (Henry W.) The life of Christ, without, within. 1906. 23228 - Sermons. 1870. 25230 Beeching (Henry C.) Conferences on books and men. 1900. - E6B2 Oxford wit and humour. An eighteenth century divine. A holiday number. A further holiday number. The tears of the muses [the passing of Ruskin, Blackmore, R. W. Dixon, and G. W. Steevens]. The legend of Macconglinne, with an annex on Ulixes Mac Laertis. The Black Books of Lincoln's Inn. The poetry of Chaucer. [Etc.] - Pages from a private diary. 1899. 82817 - Provincial letters, and other papers. 1906. - - - - E6B1 Atterbury. Two poets and their critics. English patriotic poetry. Shakespeare. Notes by an examiner in English literature. - and Nairne (A.) The Bible doctrine of atonement. 1907. - 23229 25 BEE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bees. For lists of related subjects, see Agriculture. Insects. - Avebury (Lord) Ants, bees, and wasps. 1885. bibl. ill. - 59507 - Maeterlinck (M.) The life of the bee. 1908. bibl. - - 59513 - Simmins (S.) A modern bee farm, its management. 1904. ill. 63801 Beet (Joseph A.) The church, the churches, and the sacraments. 26003 - A key to unlock the Bible. 1901. - 22002 Beethoven, Ludwig van. Mason (D. G.) Beethoven and his forerunners. 1904. port. mus. 78011 - Z?i Upton (G. P.) Musical pastels. 1902. port. - - - 78013 Beeton (Mrs. Isabella) All about cookery. 1907. col. ill. - 64108 Beggar's benison, a Clydesdale story. 138 Bl Beginnings and ends ; by [A. K. H. Boyd], In his Common- place philosopher. 1891.- E3B7 Behaghel (Otto) Historical grammar of German language. - 43837 Behemoth, history of the causes of the civil wars of England, 1640-60 ; by T. Hobbes. In his English works, v. 6. - 19214 Behind the throne ; by W. Le Queux. 36L3 Behmen (Jacob) Thoughts on the spiritual life. 1896. - - 24204 Being. For list of related subjects, see Philosophy. - Brown (J. J.) The eternal news. 1901. 11101 " Concerning time, space, substance, motion, and shapes." Belcher, Lady, and her friends ; by A. G. L'Estrange. 1891. port. B121 Beldam (G. W.) and Taylor (J. H.) Golf faults illustrated. - 79614 Beleaguered city, a story ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - 6013 Belfond (J.) ed. Histoires choisies ; with notes. 1898. 6 v. 44826-31 Belgium. Guide to Belgium, ill. maps, plans. - - - 93009 - Scudamore (C.) Belgium and the Belgians. 1901. ill. map. 93008 Beliefs of unbelief ; by W. H. Fitchett. 1908. - - - 23919 " Studies in the alternatives of faith." Belinda [a novel] ; by M. Edgeworth. 10E5 Bell (Sib, Charles) The hand, its mechanism. 1885. ill. - 21504 Bell (Currer). See Bronte (Charlotte). Bell (Florence, Lady) The minor moralist, essays on conduct. 17008 Bell (John J.) Clyde songs, and other verses. 1905. - - 1201 B - Jess and Co. 40B1 - Joseph Redhorn. 40B3 - Thou fool. 40B2 Bell (Mackenzie) Collected poems. 1907. - - - - 1701 B Bell (Richard) My strange pets, memories of country life. - 59021 Bell (Robert S. W.) joint-author. See Coates (Thomas F. G.) Bellairs (Carlyon) and others. The liberal view, politics. 1904. 32901 Belloc (Hilaike) On nothing, and kindred subjects. 1908. - E11B1 Bells. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Raven (J. J.) The bells of England. 1906. ill. - - - 67301 Beloved vagabond ; by W. J. Locke. - - - - - 50 LI 26 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BEO Bemrose (William) Manual of wood carving. 1906. ill. - 73602 Benedick in Arcady ; by H. Sutcliffe. 145S2 A sequel to "A bachelor in Arcady," 145 SI. Benedictines. Stephen (Sir J.) The French Benedictines. In his Essays, v. 1. 99816 Benefactor, a tale of a small circle ; by F. M. Hueffer. - - 99 H 2 Benham (Wm.) ed. The Johannine books. (Temple Bible). 1906. 22714 The Gospel, Epistles, and Revelation. Ben-Hur, or, the days of the Messiah ; by L. Wallace. - - 6W1 Benjamin (Charles H.) Machine design. 1906. ill. - - - 62012 Benjamin (Samuel G. W.) Persia [a history to 1848]. ill. maps. 94604 Bennett (Edward T.) Spiritualism. [1906]. - 13306 Bennett (Ella M. H.) An English girl in Japan. 1904. ill. - 95306 Bennett (Enoch Arnold) Anna of the five towns, a novel. - 43B2 - The Grand Babylon Hotel. 43 Bl - The loot of cities, a fantasia. 43 B 3 - Whom God hath joined. 43B4 Bensly (Mrs. R. L.) Our journey to Sinai. 1896. ill. - - 94404 Benson (Arthur C.) From a college window [essays]. 1906. - E4B1 Beauty. Education. Authorship. [Etc.] Bejsson (B. K.) Bayard's courier, a story of love and adventure. 45B2 - Old squire, the romance of a black Virginian. - - 45 Bl - Who goes there ? 45B4 - A friend with the countersign. - - - - - 45 B 3 A sequel to " Who goes there ? " Benson (Edward F.) The luck of the Vails. - - - - 46 B 2 - Mammon and Co. - - - - - - - - 46 B 3 - The Princess Sophia [a romance]. 46 B4 - Scarlet and hyssop. - - - - - - - 46 B 5 - The Valkyries, a romance founded on Wagner's opera. - - 46 B 6 - The vintage, a romance. - - - 46 B 7 - The Capsina [a sequel to " The vintage '']. - - - 46 Bl Benson (M.) Subject to vanity [domestic animals]. 1895. - 63606 Benson (Robert H.) By what authority ? 139B1 - The queen's tragedy. 139 B 2 Bentham, George [life and work] ; by B. D. Jackson. 1906. bibl. B081 Bentham, Jeremy. In Hazlitt (W.) The spirit of the age. 1894. E1H2 - In MacCunn (J.) Six radical thinkers. 1907. - - - 32014 - Sidgwick (H.) Bentham and Benthamism. In his Essays. 1904. E8S1 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Bentham's 'Theory of legislation.' In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. 1892. E3S3 Benton, Thomas H. Roosevelt (T.) Benton [a biography]. 1886. - B101 Benvenuti (F. F.) Episodes of the French revolution, 1789-95. 93209 Benvolio ; by H. James. 7J7 Beowulf, an old English epic; trans, into modern English prose. 1401 B 27 BER GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Beraxger (Pierre J. de) (Euvres. 2 v. port. ill. - - - 802-3B - Songs; trans, by W. Toynbee. 801 B Beranger.PierreJ.de. In Bagehot ( W. ) Literary studies. 1902. E5B2 Berard (V.) British imperialism and commercial supremacy. - 33711 Berkeley, George, Bp. Fraser (A. C.) Berkeley [his life and philosophy]. 1890. port. - - - ' - - - 19204 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - - E3S2 Berkeley's metaphysical works. Berkeley's 'Minute philosopher.' Berkeley's occasional works. Berlioz, Louis Hector. In Mason (D. G.) Composers. 1906. port. 99715 Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Harrison (F.) Bernard, a type of the 12th century. In his Choice of books [etc.] - - - E4H1 - In Hello (E.) Studies in saintship. 1903. - - - 99825 Bernard (Edward R.) Great moral teachers, lectures. 1906. - 18001 Berry (Riley M. F.) Fruit recipes. 1907. ill. - - - 64207 Bertixi (Hy. J.) Twenty-five studies for the pianoforte, fo. - 78606 Bertouch (Beatrice, Baroness de) The life of Father Ignatius, the monk of Llanthony. 1904. ill. .... 1031 Besaxt (Sir Walter) The story of King Alfred. 1901. ill. - A 031 - All sorts and conditions of men. 49B11 - The captains' room, etc. 49 B 6 ' Let nothing you dismay.' They were married. The humbling of the Memblings. The murder of Nick Yedder. - Children of Gibeon. 49 B 2 - Dorothy Forster, a novel. 49 B10 - For faith and freedom. 49 B 9 - A fountain sealed. 49 B 8 - The fourth generation. 49B12 - Herr Paulus. - - - - 49B1 - In deacon's orders, etc. 49 B 5 Peer and heiress. The equal woman. The shrinking shoe. Quaran- tine Island. In three weeks. One and two. To the third and fourth generation. King David's friend. - The orange girl. 49B7 - and Rice (J.) By Celia's arbour, a tale of Portsmouth town. 48B8 The case of Mr. Lucraft, and other tales. - - - 48 B 4 -- The chaplain of the Fleet. 48B12 The golden butterfly, a novel. 48 B10 The monks of Thelema, a novel. 48 B 9 - - My little girl. 48 B 3 - - Beady-money Mortiboy, a story. 48B11 The seamy side. 48B6 - - This son of Vulcan. 48 Bl 5 Twas in Trafalgar's Bay, and other stories. - - - 48 B 7 Shepherds all and maidens fair. Such a good man. Le chien d'or. With harp and crown, a novel. - - - - - - - 48B2 Beside the bonnie brier bush ; by J. Watson. .... 28W4 28 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BIB Bessie Costrell, The story of ; by Mrs. H. Ward. - - - 14 W 6 Bessy Rane, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - 10 W 36 Betrothed, a tale of the crusaders ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35S20 Betrothed lovers ; by A. Manzoni. * - 45 Ml * Betsey.' Miller (H.) Cruise of the Betsey. 1897. - - - 55401 "A [geologist's] summer holiday in the Hebrides." Better part, a story ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 42 Betts (J. B.) Free gymnastics and light dumb-bell drill, ill. - 61320 Betwixt the Forelands [Kent] ; by W. Clark Russell, ill. - 91708 Beulah [a novel] ; by A. J. E. Wilson. 68 W 2 Bevan (Theodore F.) Toil, travel, and discovery in British New Guinea. 1890. maps. 98501 Bevan (W. L.) Manual of ancient geography. 1891. ill. maps. 90604 Beverages. For list of related subjects, see Food. - De Salis (Mrs. H. A.) Drinks for every season. 1892. - - 64301 - See also Brewing. Beyond the city ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. 51D18 Beyond the rocks, a love story ; by E. Glyn. - - - 32 Gl Bianconi, Charles. In Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. 99703 Bible. The arrangement of works under the following Biblical headings is first, those treating of the Bible as a whole, followed by others dealing with the books of the Bible in the order of canon. Bible, 1, Commentaries. Temple Bible ; with notes, intro- ductions, etc. 1901-6. 31 v. Introduction ; by W. B. Carpenter. 22106 Genesis ; by A. H. Sayce. - - 22309 Exodus ; by A. R. S. Kennedy. - 22310 Leviticus ; by J. A. Paterson. - 22311 Numbers ; by J. B. Gray. - - 22312 Deuteronomy ; by G. Wilkins. - 22313 Joshua ; Judges ; by A. R. S. Kennedy. 22314 Samuel I. -II. ; by J. Sime. - - 22315 Kings I. -II. ; by J. Robertson. - 22316 Chronicles I. -II. ; by A. H. Games. 22317 Ezra; Nehemiah; Esther; by J. W. Harper. 22318 Job ; Ruth ; by W. E. Addis.- - 22403 Psalms ; by A. W. Streane. - - 22404 Proverbs ; Ecclesiastes ; Song of Solomon ; by D. S. Margoliouth. 22405 Isaiah ; by A. B. Davidson. - - 22502 Jeremiah ; Lamentations ; by A. T. Green. 22503 Daniel, and the minor prophets ; by R. Sinker. .... 22505 Matthew; Mark ; by C. W. Stubbs. 22712 Luke ; by M. R. Vincent. - - 22713 John ; Epistles of John ; Revela- tion ; by W. Benham. - - - 22714 Acts ; Timothv ; Titus ; Philemon ; by B. B. Warfield. - - - 22715 Romans ; Ephesians ; Philippians ; Colossians ; by H. C. G. Moule. - 22813 Corinthians ; Galatians ; Thessal- onians ; by V. Bartlet. - - 22814 Hebrews ; Peter ; James ; Jude ; by J. Herkless. .... 22815 Esdras I. -II. ; by A. Duff. - - 22506 Tobit, and the Babylonian apocry- phal writings ; by A. H. Sayce' - 22507 Wisdom, and Jewish apocryphal writings ; by W. B. Stevenson. - 22508 Ecclesiasticus ; by N. Schmidt. - 22509 Maccabees I. -II. ; by W. Fairweather. 22510 New Testament apocryphal writ- ings ; by J. Orr. - " - - - 22511 Ezekiel, by O. C. Whitehouse. - 22504 Strachan (J.) Hebrew ideals, a study of Genesis 12-50. 1906 Froude (J. A.) The book of Job. In his Short studies, v. 1. 29 22301 E2F1 BIB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bible, Commentaries. Briggs (C. A. and E. G.) Commentary on the Psalms. 2v. ' 22401-2 - Fairweather (W.) and Black (J. S.) Maccabees I. - - - 22501 - Allen (W. C.) Commentary on Gospel according to S. Matthew. 22703 - Barnes (A.) Notes on the Gospels, Matthew and Mark. 1847. 22708 - Gould (E. P.) The Gospel according to St. Mark. 1896. - 22701 - Barnes (A. ) Notes on the Gospels, Luke and John. 1847. map. 22709 Notes on the Acts of the Apostles. 1847. map. - - 22710 Notes on the Epistle to the Romans. 1847. - - - 22807 - Moule (H. C. G.) The Epistle bo the Romans. 1879. - - 22802 - Barnes (A. ) Notes on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. - 22808 - Candlish (R. S.) Life in a risen Saviour. 1859. - - - 22806 " Discourses on the argument of the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians." - Barnes (A.) Notes on the Second Epistle to Corinthians, and the Epistle to the Galatians. 1847. .... 22809 Notes on the Epistles of Paul to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. 1846. 22810 - Vincent (M. R.) Epistles to the Philippians and Philemon. - 22803 - Barnes (A.) Notes on the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus, and to Philemon. 1846. - - 22811 - Drysdale (A. H.) Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon. 1906. bibl. 22801 - Barnes (A.) Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 1846. - 22812 - Delitzsch (F.) Commentary on Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 v.- 22804-5 - Barnes (A.) Notes on the Book of Revelation. 1852. may). - 22902 - Trench (R. C. ) The Epistles to the seven churches in Asia, Revelation 2-3. 1883. 22901 Bible, 2, Dictionaries and concordances. Fausset (A. R.) Bible cyclopaedia, ill. 22015 - Gaston (H.) Commonplace book to the Holy Bible. 1847. - 22009 - Walker (J. B. R.) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 1903. 22012 Bible, 3, Characters. Moody (D. L.) Bible characters. - - 22109 - Watson (J.) Companions of the sorrowful way. 1898. - - 22702 Bible, 4, Science. Dawson (Sir J. W.) Science in Bible lands, ill. 22102 - Palmoni, an essay. 1851. 22107 " Chronographical and numerical systems in use among the ancient Jews." Bible, 5, General. Barrett (G. S.) The Bible and its inspiration. 22013 "With some reference to the higher criticism." - Beet (J. A.) A key to unlock the Bible. 1901. - - - 22002 - Carr (A.) Horaj Biblicse. 1903. 22011 " Short studies in the Old and New Testaments." - Foster (C.) Story of the Bible, Genesis to Revelation, ill. - 22003 - Frazer (J. G.) ed. Passages of the Bible. 1899. - - - 22004 " Chosen for their literary beauty and interest." - Gibson (J. M.) The unity and symmetry of the Bible. 1896. 22108 - Houghton (L. S.) Hebrew life and thought. 1906. - - 22005 11 Interpretative studies in the literature of Israel." 30 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BIB Bible, 5, General. McFadyen (J. E. ) Prayers of the Bible. 1906. - Pierson (A. T.) The Bible and spiritual criticism. 1906. - Reichel (G. V.) Bible truth through eye and ear. 1906. - Westeott (B. F.) The history of the English Bible. 1868. - - Wilson (Mrs. A. C.) Clews to Holy Writ. 1901. - Bible, 6, Old Testament. Conder (C. R. ) Critics and the law. 1907. - Driver (S. R.) The literature of the Old Testament. 1905. - - Gibson (E. C. S.) The Old Testament in the New. - - Ingram (A. F. W. ) Old Testament difficulties. With his Reasons for faith. 1907. - Kirkpatrick (A. F.) Divine library of the Old Testament. - Knight (H. T. ) Criticism and the Old Testament. 1906. bib!. - Margoliouth (D. S.) Lines of defence of the Biblical revelation. - Peake (A. S.) Problem of suffering in Old Testament. 1904. - Smith (Sir W.) ed. The Old Testament history to [400 B.C.] - - Whitham (A. R. ) Readings in 0. T. history. 1907. maps.- - Wright (C. H. H.) Introduction to the Old Testament, bibl. - Wright (G. F.) Scientific confirmations of O. T. history. 1907. - Macgregor (G. H. C.) Messages of the Old Testament. 1901. " Genesis to Chronicles, and Joel." - Zimmern (H.) Babylonian and Hebrew Genesis. 1901. bibl. - Geikie (J. C.) The Bible by modern light. 1894. ill. map. - "Moses to the Judges." - Cullen (J.) The book of the covenant in Moab. 1903. - "A critical inquiry into the original form of Deuteronomy.'' - Thirtle (J. W.) Old Testament problems. 1907. - 11 Critical studies in the Psalms and Isaiah." - Genung (J. F. ) The Hebrew literature of Wisdom. 1906. Bible, 7, New Testament. Bosanquet (B.) How to read the New Testament. In his Essays. 1899. - Deissmann (A.) New light on the New Testament. 1907. - Greenhough (J. G. ) and others. Great texts of the New Testament. 1907. - Ingram (A. F. W.) New Testament difficulties. With his Reasons for faith. 1907. - Smith (P.) The New Testament history. 1892. ill. maps. - - Alford (H.) How to study the New Testament. 1868. - "The Gospels and the Acts of the apostles." - Bruce (A. B.) The Galilean Gospel. - Burkitt (F. C.) The Gospel history and its transmission. 1907. - Froude (J. A.) Criticism and Gospel history, hi his Studies. - Geikie (J. C.) The Gospels. 1894. ill. map. - Seidel (M.) In the time of Jesus. 1885. - - Sanday (W. ) The criticism of the fourth Gospel. 1905. bibl. See also Apostles. Prophecy. 31 BIB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bibliography. See Books. Biddle (Nicholas) ed. The expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark to the sources of the Missouri, 1804-6. 1905. 3 v. 97405-7 Biddulph (John) The pirates of Malabar. An Englishwoman in India two hundred years ago. 1907. ill, - - - 94806 Bigelow (John) The mystery of sleep. 1904. - 13501 Bild des Kaisers ; von W. Hauff ; with notes. 1893. - - 43817 Biles (J. H.) Steam turbine applied to marine purposes. 1906. 62143 Billiards. For list of other games, see Games. - Broadfoot (W.) and others. Billiards. 1897. ill. - 79404 - Boberts (C.) Billiards for everybody. 1906. ill. - - - 79405 Biography. At this place are entered only general and miscellaneous collections of biographies, and works dealing with biography as a subject. Collections of biographies of persons belonging to nations, professions, or classes, and biographies of individuals, are entered under their respective names. - Bryce (J. ) Studies in contemporary biography. 1903. - - 99606 Earl of Beaconsfield. J. R. Green. C. S. Parnell. E. A. Freeman. E. E. Bowen. W. E. Gladstone. [Etc.] -In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 4. - E1C4 - Irving (W.) Biographies and miscellaneous papers. 1885. - 99508 Legend of Pelayo. Fernan Gonzalez. Fernando the Saint. Thomas Campbell. Margaret M. Davidson. [Etc.] - Prescott (W. H.) Biographical and critical miscellanies. - E2P1 - Robertson (J. M.) Pioneer humanists. 1907. - - - 99824 Machiavelli. Bacon. Hobbes. Spinoza. Shaftesbury. Mandeville. Gibbon. [Etc.] - Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Some great biographies. In his Essays. 82104 - Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. 1905. ill. - - 99703 Phineas Pett. F. P. Smith. John Harrison. W. Murdock. F. Koenig. The Walters. C. Bianconi. Industry in Ireland. Shipbuilding in Belfast. Astronomers and students in humble life. [Etc.] - See also Art, arts, artists. Authors. Autobiography. Booksellers. Chancellors. Christian biography. Engineers. Families. Greeks. Heraldry. Heroes. Landed gentry. Names, Personal. Naval biography. Peerage. Physicians. Scots. Statesmen. Woman. Biology. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Bastian (H. C.) The evolution of life. 1907. ill. - - - 57602 - Campbell (H. J.) Text-book of elementary biology. 1905. ill. 57003 - Conn (H. W.) The story of life's mechanism. 1899. ill. - 57001 - In Huxley (T. H.) Science and education, essays. 1905. - 50423 The educational value of the natural history sciences. The study of biology. The connection of the biological sciences with medicine. - Le Dantec (F.) The nature and origin of life. 1907. ill. - 57601 - Sutcliffe (A.) The wonders of life in earth, air, and sea. ill. 57002 - See also Creation. Evolution. Man, Natural history of. Matter. Microscopy. Bird (Isabella L.) See Bishop (Mrs. Isabella L.) Birds. For related subjects, see Domestic animals. Vertebrates. 32 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH, BLA Birds. Bechstein (J. M.) Cage and chamber-birds. 1900. col. ill. 63603 "Natural history, habits, food, diseases, management, and capture." - Cotton (J.) Beautiful birds described. 3 v. ill. - - - 59814-6 - Dixon (C.) Among the birds in northern shires. 1900. ill. - 59812 - Gordon (W. J.) Our country's birds, col. ill. - - - 59817 - Kearton (R.) Nature's carol singers. 1906. ill. - - - 59809 - - Wild nature's ways. 1904. ill. 59805 - Lowell (J. R.) My garden acquaintance. In My study windows. E1L1 - Michelet (J.) L'oiseau. 1905. - - ... 59804 - Pigott (T. D.) London birds, and other sketches. 1902. ill. 59810 - Wood (J. G.) Illustrated natural history, birds. - - - 59806 - Wood (T.) Our bird allies. 1887. ill. 59813 - See also Eggs. Touch. Water-fowl. Birmingham (George A.) Hyacinth [a novel]. - - - - 143 B 2 - The seething pot. 143 Bl Birrell (Augustine) Collected essays. 1902. 2 v. - - E1B1-2 1. Carlyle. On the alleged obscurity of Mr. Browning's poetry. Milton. Pope. Dr. Johnson. Burke. 2. Richardson. Gibbon. Cowper. Cardinal Newman. Matthew Arnold. [Etc.] Birt (F. B. B.) Chota Nagpore, a province of the Empire. 1903. ill. 94805 Bishop (Mrs. Isabella L.) Among the Tibetans. 1904. ill. - 94901 - Unbeaten tracks in Japan [1878]. 1905. ill - - - 95302 Bishop, Mrs. Isabella L., Life; by A. M. Stoddart, 1907. port. ill. B271 Bismarck (Otto E. L., Prince von) The correspondence of William I. and Bismarck. 1903. 2 v. port. - - Blll-2 " With other letters from and to Prince Bismarck." Bismarck, Otto E. L., Prince von. Jacks (W.) Life of Prince Bismarck. 1899. port. ill. map. B113 Bisseker(H.) Social Christianity. In The citizen of to-morrow. 30409 Bit of human nature ; by D. C. Murray. 126M7 Bitter debt, a tale of the Black Country ; by A. S. Swan. - 148 S 37 Bjorling (Philip R.) and Glssing (F. T.) Peat, its use and manufacture. 1907. ill.- 66201 Bjornson (BJORNSTJERNE) Synnove Solbakken [a story]. - - 60B1 Bjornson, Bjornstjerne [a critical study] ; by G. Brandes. 1899.' 83902 Black (C. E. D.) Marquess of Dufferin and Ava [a biography]. D081 Black (Clementina) Sweated industry. 1907. - - - 33106 Black (Hugh) Christ's service of love [Lord's Supper]. 1907. 26501 - Edinburgh sermons. 1906. 25210 - The practice of self -culture. 1904. 37407 Black (John S.) joint-author. See Fairweather (\Y.) Black (Kenneth M.) The Scots churches in England. 1906. map. 28503 Black (Mrs. Margaret) Household cookery and laundry work. 64107 Black (Margaret M.) Disinherited. 61B1 Black (William) Adventures in Thule, stories. - - - 62 B 20 Au adventure in Thule. The four MacNicols. The black bothy. - Briseis. 62B14 B 33 BLA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Black i William* A daughter of Heth. ----- 62B1 - Green pastures and Piccadilly. 62B2 - The handsome Humes. 62 B 3 - In far Lochaber. 62B13 - In silk attire. 62B4 - Kilmeny. 62B12 - Lady Silverdale's sweetheart, and other tales. - - - 62 B 15 The pupil of Amelias. The man who was like Shakspeare. The vr^e horse of Loch Suainabhal. The highlands of the city. - Macleod of Dare. 62B11 - Madcap Violet. 62 BIO - The maid of Killeena. The marriage of Moira Fergus. - - 62B9 - Sabina Zembra. a novel. 62B8 - Shandon bells. 62 B5 - Stand fast,. Craig-Royston ! 62B21 - The strange adventures of a phaeton. 62B17 - -Sunrise, a story. 62B6 - Three feathers, a novel. 62B19 - White heather, a novel. 62B18 - Wild Eelin. - 62B16 - Wise women of Inverness, and other miscellanies. - - - 62 B 7 Black arrow, a tale of the two roses ; by R. L. Stevenson. - 120 S 7 Black Douglas [a romance] ; by S. R. Crockett.- - - - 120C7 Black Dwarf. See Ritchie. David. Black Dwarf ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35S10 Black heart and white heart, other stories; by H. Rider Haggard. 3H3 Black Mary [a novel] ; by Allan McAulay. 142M1 Black robe"; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75C5 Black Rock, a tale of the Selkirks ; by Ralph Connor. - - 80 C 3 Black Sea. 01iphant(L.) Russian shores of the Black Sea, 1852. 94024 Black spaniel, and other stories; by R. S. Hichens. - - - 58H2 Black tulip [a novel]; by A. Dumas. - - - - - - 58D7 Blackburn (Douglas) A burgher Quixote [a novel]. - - 135B1 Blackburn Helen) Women's suffrage, a record. 1902. ill. - 32403 Blackfoot lodge tales ; by G. B. Grinnell. 1893. - - - 39817 Blackie (John S. | Day-book ; ed. by A. S. W 7 alker. 1901. port. 82818 - Lays of the Highlands and isles. 1888. 1801 B - Self -culture, intellectual, physical, and moral. 1903. - - 37403 Blackmar (Frank W.) Economics for high schools. 1907. - 32010 Blackmore (Richard D.) Alice Lorraine, a tale. - - - 63 B 12 - Christowell. a Dartmoor tale. 63 B 6 - Clara Vaughan. 63 B 5 - Cradock No well, a tale of the New Forest. - - - 63 Bl - Cripps the carrier, a woodland tale. 63 B4 - Dariel. a romance of Surrey. 63B3 - Erema, or. my father's sin. - - - - - - - 63 B 11 34 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BLE Blackmore (Richard D. ) Lorna Doone, a romance of Exmoor. 63B13 - The maid of Sker. 63 BIO - Mary Anerley, a Yorkshire tale. 63 B 9 - Perlycross, a tale of the western hills. 63 B 8 - Springhaven, a tale of the great war. - - - - 63 B 2 - Tales from the telling- house. 63 B 7 Slain by the Doones. Frida. George Bowring. Crocker's Hole. Blacksmithing. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Moore (T.) Engineers' and general smiths' work. 1906. ill. 68201 - See also Horse -shoeing. "Blackwood," Tales from. 3rd series. 6 v. - - - - 64B1-6 For principal contents, see the Catalogue of the Gorbals District Library, 01904, which may be referred to or borrowed. Blades (William) The enemies of books. 1888. ill. - - 02002 Blagrove (George H.) Dangerous structures and how to deal with them. 1906. ill. 69103 Blaikie(Wm. G.) Autobiography, a busy life. 1901. port. - B281 Blain (Herbert E.) and others. Pitman's Secretary's hand- book. 1908. 65004 Blaine (Robert G.) Hydraulic machinery. 1905. ill. - - 62707 Blair (Gardner) Greenock street names. 1907. ill. - - 92011 Blair (Matthew) The Paisley thread industry. 1907. port. ill. 92002 Blake (M. M.) The blues and the brigands. - - - - 66 Bl Blake, Robert, Adm. Burrows (M. ) Blake. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. 99609 - In Callender (G. A. R.) Sea kings of Britain. 1907. maps. 99610 Blake (William) Poems. 1874. 501 B Blake, Wm. In Brooke (S. A.) Studies in poetry. 1907. - - 82412 - In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) British painters. - 99709 - In Yeats (W. B.) Ideas of good and evil. 1903. - - - E1Y1 Blanc (Louis) Letters on England. 1866-7. 4 v. in 2. - - 91428-9 Blanche, Lady Falaise, a tale ; by J. H. Shorthouse. - - 62S3 Bland (Hubert) The happy moralist [essays. 1907]. - - E8B1 - With the eyes of a man [essays]. 1905. port. - - - E8B2 Bland (William) The forms of ships and boats. 1902. ill. - 62626 Blast furnace. For list of related subjects, see Metallurgy. - Stevenson (J. L.) Blast furnace calculations and tables. 1906. 66904 Blasting. For related subjects, see Mining. - Guttmann(0.) Blasting. 1906. ill. 62516 Blatchford (Robert) My favourite books. 1901. - - - E9B1 Good books and bad books. Of graphic writing. White's "Selborne." Sir Thomas Browne. The "Pilgrim's progress." On realism. [Etc.] Blazed trail ; by S. E. White. 12W3 Bleaching. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Duerr (G.) and Turnbull (W.) Bleaching and calico-printing. 1896. ill. - 66702 - Tailfer (L.) Bleaching of linen, cotton yarn [etc.] 1901. - 66703 35 BLE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bleak House [a novel] ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. Blenheim. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1905. plan. Blennerhassett (Lady) Talleyrand [a biography]. 1894. 2 v. Blessing in disguise, and other stories ; by A. S. Swan. Blind. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Johns (B. G.) Blind people, their works and ways. 1867. - - Prescott (W. H.) Asylum for the blind. In his Miscellanies. - See also Colour-blindness. Blithedale romance ; by N. Hawthorne. Blood royal, a novel ; by G. Allen. Blount (Bertram) Practical electro-chemistry. 1903. ill. - and Bloxam (A. G. ) Chemistry for engineers and manufac- turers. 1905. v. 2. ill. - .... Blowing engines. Innes (C. H.) Air compressors and blowing engines. 1906. ill. - Blue bonnets up, a romance ; by T. Pinkerton. - - - Bluebeard's keys, and other stories ; by Lady Ritchie. Blues and the brigands ; by M. M. Blake. Blundell (Mrs. Francis). See Francis (M. E.) Blundell (Odo) Ancient Catholic homes of Scotland. 1907. - Blyth (P. G.) Christianity and tradition. 1906. Boating. See Sailing. Bodkin (Matthias McD.) Patsey the omadaun. Bodkin (Richard C. ) How to reason, the A B C of logic. 1907. Bodley (John E. C.) The church in France. 1906. - - Bohemia. Maurice (C. E.) Bohemia to 1620. 1896. ill. maps. " With a short summary of later events [to 1870]." Bohn (Henry G.) A hand-book of proverbs. 1905. - Boileau Despreaux (Nicolas) Satires. 1904. ill. - Boilers. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Bauer (G. ) Marine engines and boilers. 1905. ill. plans. - - Courtney (J.) The boilermaker's ready-reckoner. 1902. - Fowler (W. H.) Steam boilers and supplementary appliances. - Traill (T. W.) Boilers, marine and land. 1906. ill. - - Walker (S. F.) Steam boilers, engines, turbines. 1908. ill. - - See also Stoking. Superheating. Boissier (Gaston) Rome and Pompeii. 1905. plans. - Tacitus, and other Roman studies. 1906. Bolas (Thomas) and Brown (G. E.) The lens. 1902. ill. Boldrewood (Rolf) Old Melbourne memories. 1899. - The ghost camp, or, the avengers. - - The last chance, a tale of the golden west. - - Plain living, a bush idyll. - Robbery under arms, a story of the goldfields of Australia. - - A romance of Canvas Town, and other stories. Bolingbroke, Viscount ; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 4. - 36 30D7 90404 T.061-2 148 S 51 37109 E2P1 42H5 26A1 66002 66005 62209 44P1 37R8 66B1 91835 23005 70B1 16007 32201 92901 39808 84702 62141 62139 62147 62140 62147 93615 87002 77101 98801 71B1 71B4 71B3 71B5 71B2 E1G4 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BOO Bombardon. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Kappey (J. A.) Tutor for bombardons ami contrabasses, fo. 78801 Bonaparte. See Napoleon I. Bond (R. W.) Montaigne, a study. 1906. .... 84401 Bondman, a new saga ; by Hall Caine. - - - 5C1 Bonn (Moritz J.) Modern Ireland, her agrarian problem. 1906. 33304 Bonnechose (Francois P. E. B. de) Bertrand du Guesclin [French text] ; with notes. 2 v. 1896. map. - - 44877-8 Book for the hammock [sea sketches] ; by W. Clark Russell. - 38701 Book-keeping. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 2-5. 1903. 03203-6 - Fieldhouse (A.) Student's commercial book-keeping. 1907. - 65703 - Munro (A.) Book-keeping down to date. [1907]. - - - 65702 - Sweetland (C. A.) Loose leaf book-keeping. 1904. - - 65704 Book of snobs ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 82807 Book of twenty songs ; by A. Symons. 1905. - 1901 S Bookbinding. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Cockerell (D. ) Bookbinding and care of books. 1906. ill. - 68602 - In Sanford (F. G.) The art crafts for beginners. 1906. ill. - 70001 - Zaehnsdorf (J. W.) The art of bookbinding. 1903. ill - 68601 Books. Adams ( W. H. D. ) Famous books. .... 02810 More's "Utopia." Foxe's "Book of martyrs." The first English tragedy and comedy. Ascham's " Schoolmaster." Sidney's "Arcadia." Overbury's "Characters." Quarles's "Emblems." Browne's " Religio medici." Pepys' "Diary." Selden's "Table talk." Steele's "Tatler." Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe." Chesterfield's " Letters." [Etc.] - Avebury (Lord) The choice of books. In his Pleasures of life. E2A1 - Beeching (H. C.) Conferences on books and men. 1900. - E6B2 - Blades (W.) The enemies of books [fire, water, etc.] ill. - 02002 - Blatchford (R.) My favourite books. 1901. - E9B1 - Carlyle (T.) On the choice of books. 1893. ... - 02803 - De Vinne (T. L.) and others. The building of a book. [1907]. 65504 - Gould (F. J.) Chats with pioneers of modern thought. 1898. 02804 - Harrison (F.) The choice of books [etc.] 1903. - - E4H1 - Hazlitt(W. C.) The book-collector. 1904. ill. - - - 01002 - Headlam (C.) Friends that fail not, essays. 1902.- - - E7H1 - Jacks (W.) Books, libraries, and reading. In his Singles. E1J1 - Marvin (F. R.) The companionship of books [essays]. 1905.- E7M1 - Maurice (F. D.) Friendship of books, and other lectures. 1904. E4M1 - Richardson (C. F.) The choice of books. 1905. bibl. - - 02802 - Ruskin (J. ) Of kings' treasuries. In his Sesame and lilies. 1905. 82805 - Spofford (A. R. ) A book for all readers. 1905. bibl. - - 02001 "The collection, use, and preservation of books." - Stephen (Sir L.) Country books. In his Hours in a library, v. 3. E4S3 - Young (J.) The making of a book. In his Essays. 1904. - E2Y1 - See also Authorship. Copyright. Encyclopaedias. Indexing. Libraries. Reading. Books and personalities [essays] ; by H. W. Nevinson. 1905. - E1N1 37 BOO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Booksellers. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Knight (C.) Shadows of the old booksellers. 1865. - - 99712 Thomas Guy. John Dunton. Jacob Tonson. Thomas Gent. Samuel Richardson. Robert Dodsley. The Chapter coffee-house. [Etc.] Bookselling. Spencer (H.) " Net-price " bookselling. In his Various fragments. 1900. E10S1 Booth (Avvie M.) Simple cookery. 1906. .... 64112 Booth (William) In darkest England, and the way out. 1890. 33115 BooTn (Wm. H.) Superheat, superheating, and their control. - 62144 - ««(/ Kershaw (J. B. C. ) Smoke prevention and fuel economy, ill. 62806 Boothby (Guy N.) On the wallaby. 1894. ill. - - - 98610 - A bride from the sea. 2 copies. - - - - - 72 Bl - For love of her [and other stories]. 72 B 2 - In spite of the czar. 72 B3 Boots. See Shoes. Bopp (F.) A comparative grammar. 1862. 3 v. - - -41501-3 "Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic languages." Borchardt (W. G. ) Elementary statics. 1907. ill. - - 53102 Border. Crockett (W. S.) Footsteps of Scott. 1908. col. ill. - 92013 - Graham (J.) Condition of the Border at the Union. 1907. ill. 92012 ''Destruction of the Graham clan." - Scott (Sir W.) ed. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ill. - 82208 - Todd (G. Eyre) Byways of the Scottish Border, ill. - - 92009 Borders, Tales of the ; ed. by J. M. Wilson. 24 v. - - 65W1-24 Borland (Robert) Yarrow, its poets and poetry. 1890. ill. - 82229 Born coquette ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - 104H13 Borrow (George) The Bible in Spain. 1899. port. - - 93401 - The Zincali, an account of the gypsies of Spain. 1893. - - 39701 - Lavengro, the scholar, the gypsy, the priest. - - - 74 B 2 - The Romany Rye, a sequel to " Lavengro." - 74B1 Borrow, George. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. 82103 - In Shorter (C. K. ) Immortal memories. 1907. - - - E6S1 Bosaxquet (Bernard) Essays and addresses. 1899. - - E10B1 Two modern philanthropists [George Moore and Jean Leclaire], In- dividual and social reform. Some socialistic features of ancient societies. Artistic handwork in education. The kingdom of God on earth. How to read the New Testament. [Etc.] Boscawen, Edward, Adm. Fremantle (Sir E. R.) Boscawen. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. - - - 99609 Boscobel, a tale; by W. H. Ainsworth. 16 A5 Bossuet, Jacques B., Bp. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 1. Ell SI - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - - E3S2 Bossuet's education of the Dauphin. Bossuet and the Protestants. Boston (Thomas) Human nature in its four-fold state. - - 23013 - My life [1676J-1732. 1908. bill. mem. port.- - - - B341 Bos well (James) The life of Samuel Johnson. 3 v. - - - J031-3 Boswell. James. Carlyle (T. ) Boswell's Johnson. In his Essays. E1C4 38 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH, BOY Bo swell, James. Leask (W. K.) James Bos well [a biography]. 1896. B321 Botany. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Allen (G.) The story of the plants. 1895. ill. - - - 58003 - Babington (C. C.) Manual of British botany. 1904. - - 58103 - Candolle (A. cle) Origin of cultivated plauts. 1884. - - 58107 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 2-6. ill. - - - 03203-7 - Cooke (M. C. ) A manual of botanic terms. 1876. ill. - - 58004 - Dawson (Sir J. W.) Geological history of plants. 1888. bibl. ill. 55115 - Elliot (G. F. S.) and others. Flora [etc.] of Clyde area. 1901. 92303 - Geddes (P.) Chapters in modern botany. 1893. ill. - - 58106 - Liversidge (M. A.) Elementary botany. 1907. ill. - - 58109 - Strasbarger (E.) and others. Botany. 190S. bibl. ill. - 58006 - In Ward (J. J. ) Some nature biographies. 1908. ill. - - 50419 - See also Algae. Bacteria. Fermentation. Ferns. Fertilization. Flowers. Fruit. Fungi. Insectivorous plants. Lichens. Mosses. Seedlings. Trees. Both great and small [a novel] ; by A. E. J. Legge. - - - 81 L 2 Botticelli, Sandro [his life and art] ; by Mrs. H. Acly. bibl. ill. B211 Bottome (Phyllis) Raw material. 142 Bl Boucaut (Sir James P.) Letters to my boys. 1906. -port. ill. 91008 Boucicault (Diox) joint-author. See Reade (Charles). Bouilly (Jean N.) L'abbe de TEpee, comedie ; with notes. 189S. 44851 Bocjlger (Demetrius C.) India in the 19th century. 1901. HI. 94706 Boulger (George S. ) Wood, timbers of commerce. 1902. ill. 63403 Boultox (E. S.) Geometry on modern lines. 1904. - - - 51305 Boulton, Matthew. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 4. 1878. port. ill. 99707 BouLTON(W.S.)and others. Practical coal-mining. 1907. v. 1-4. ill. 62510-3 Bounty boy, adventures ; by F. T. Ballen. .... 104B3 Bourinot (Sir JoiixG.) Canada [1497-1S91]. 1897. HI. maps. - 96907 Bourrienxe (Louis A. F. de) La jeunesse de Bonaparte ; notes. 44873 Bouterwek (F.) Spanish and Portuguese literature. 2 v. - 86001-2 Boutmy (Emile) English people, political psychology. 1904. - 91504 Bouverie (Edward O. P.) [The game of] Rackets. 1890. ill. 79609 Bowde.v (Ernest M.) ed. The imitation of Buddha. 1893. - 29402 Bowen, Edward E. InBvyce (J.) Contemporary biography. 1903. 99606 Bowen t (Herbert C. ) ed. Historical novels and tales. 1905. - 02801 - joint -author. See Morris (Richard). Bower (William R.) and Satterly (J.) Practical physics. 1906. 53003 Bowles (Fred. G.) ed. New songs. 1907. .... 82416 Bowls. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Manson (J. A.) The bowler's handbook. 1906. ill. - - 79406 - Willox (D.) With the British bowlers in Canada. HI. - - 79607 Box (G. H.) joint-author. See Oesterley (William O. E.) [Boyd (Andrew K. H.)] The commonplace philosopher. 1S91. E3B7 The world's opinion, with some thoughts on cowed people. The sorrows of childhood. Beginnings and ends Going on. Outside. Getting on. Man and his dwelling-place. A great ; Scotch preacher [John Caird]. [Etc.] 39 BOY GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. [Boyd (Andrew K. H. )] Graver thoughts of a country parson. 1893-1906. 3 v. E3B4-6 - Recreations of a country parson. 1894-1900. 3 v. - -E3B1-3 - Twenty-five years of St. Andrews. 1892. - - - - B 171-2 Brabrook (Sir ErAVARD W.) Building societies. 1906. - - 33401 Bracebridge Hall ; by W. Irving. 1894. 81702 Brachiopods. Shipley (A. E.) and Reed (F. R. C.) Brachiopods, recent, fossil. " 1S98. ill. 59402 Bradbury (Fred) Calculations in yarns and fabrics. - - 67706 - Carpet manufacture. 1904. ill. 67704 Braddon (Mary E.) In high places. 81 B 2 - Lady Audfey's secret, 81B4 - London pride. - - - 81 B 5 - A lost Eden. 81B3 - The rose of life. - - 81 B 6 - Under love ; s rule, a novel. 2 copies. - - - - 81 Bl Bradley (Andrew C. | Shakespearean tragedy, lectures. 1906. 82512 Bradley [Arthur G.) Owen Glyndwr [life and times]. 1901. ill. G071 - Sketches from old Virginia. 1897. 97316 Bradley (Tom) The old coaching days in Yorkshire. 1889. ill. 79802 Braes of Yarrow, a romance; by C. Gibbon. - - - - 21G4 Brahms i Johannes) Twenty-two songs, fo. mm. - - - 78414 Brain. For lists of related subjects, see Mind and body. Physiology. - Loeb (J. | Comparative physiology of the brain and compara- tive psychology. 1905\ UhL ill. 59129 - Thomson (W. H.) Brain and personality. 1907.- - - 13103 Bramwell, George W. Wilshere. Baron, Account of ; hy C. Fairfield. B231 Branch (E. A.) Simple studies in line and mass. ill. - - 75103 Brandes (George) Ibsen, Bjornson, critical studies. 1899. - 83902 - Poland, study of the land, people, and literature. 1904. - 92910 Branford (Victor V.) Science and citizenship. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30412 Bransby (Carlos) joint -author. See Worman (J. H. ) Brass. For list of related subjects, see Metallurgy. - Buchanan (J. F.) Brassfounders' alloys. 1905. ill. - - 66908 Brassey (Annie, Lady) In the trades, the tropics, and the roar- ing forties, 14,000 miles in the * Sunbeam ' [1883]. ill. - 90812 - A voyage in the ' Sunbeam ' [1876-7]. 1903. ill. - - - 90813 Brave lady ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. 110C4 Braves gens ; par J. Girardin. - - - - - - 28 Gl Bravo, a tale ; by J. F. Cooper. 88C20 Bread. For lists of related subjects, see Food. Health, Public. - Waldo (F. J. ) and Walsh (D. ) Bread, bakehouses, and bacteria. 61409 - Wells (R.) Bread, cakes, biscuits, how to make them. 1903. 64109 The new system of making bread. 1903. - 64110 Bread upon the waters, a novel ; by Mrs. A. M. Diehl. - - 33 Dl 40 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. BRI 1907. ill. - 78404 61202 140 Bl 57506 52601 86B3 86B1 86B2 86B4 81P1 89B1 66301 148 S 15 Bre are (William H.) Vocal faults and their remedies. 1907. mem. 78406 Breathing. For lists of related subjects, see Physiology. Singing. - Kingsley (C.) The two breaths. In his Sanitary lectures. 1902. E1K1 - Kofler (L. ) The art of breathing, tone production, mus. - Lovell (A.) Deep breathing. 1907. Brebner (Percy J.) Mr. Quixley of the Gate House. Bree (C. R.) Fallacies in hypothesis of Mr. Darwin. 1872. ill. Breed (Charles B.) and Hosmer (G. L.) The principles and practice of surveying. 1906. ill. Bremer (Fredrika) A diary. The H family. Axel and Anna, and other tales. - - - - - The home. Strife and peace. ------- - The neighbours [and other stories]. - - - The president's daughters, including Nina. - - - - Brendle [a novel] ; by M. Pickthall. Breton (Frederic) True heart. Brewing. Sykes (W. J.) Principles of brewing. Briar and palm ; by A. S. Swan. - - Bricklaying. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Practical brickwork. 1905. ill. Bridal of Anstace ; by E. Godfrey. ... - Bride from the sea ; by G. N. Boothby. 2 copies. Bride of an evening ; by Mrs. Southworth. Bride of Lammermoor ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - Bridge (Sir Cyprian) Adm. The art of naval warfare. Bridge of life, a novel ; by D. Gerard. Bridges (T.) Punctuation simplified. Bridges. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Anglin (S.) Design of structures, bridges, roofs, etc. - Thomson (W. C.) Bridge and structural design. 1905. Bridgett (R. C.) and Hv slop (W.) Trigonometry. 1907.- Brier-patch philosophy ; by W. J. Long. 1906. ill. Bkierley (Jonathan) Ourselves and the universe [ethics]. 1904. Briggs (Chas. A. and E. G.) Commentary on the Book of Psalms. 1907. 2 v. - - - * - Briggs (John) joint-author. See Low (W. H.) Briggs (William) ed. The primary arithmetic. 3 v. - and Chope (R. H.) eds. Clive's Shilling arithmetic. 1905. - Bright (James F.) Maria Theresa [a biography]. 1897. - Bright (James W.) ed. Anglo-Saxon reader; with notes. 1908. Bright (John) Speeches on questions of public policy. 1898. - Bright (Tom) The agricultural surveyor and estate agent's handbook of rules, formulae, tables [etc.] 1899. ill. Brighton. Jefferies (R.) Sunny Brighton. In his The open air. Brightwen (Mrs. Eliza) Inmates of my house and garden. 1905 - Rambles with nature students, ill. - 41 1907. 1905. ill. 69302 33G2 72B1 94S1 35S12 35906 14G1 42103 62711 62702 51402 59114 17113 22401-2 51103-5 51106 M181 42901 82706 63001 50404 59014 50416 BRI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Brindley, James. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 1. 1874. port. 99705 Briseis [a novel] ; by W. Black. - - - - - - 62B14 Bristol. Baddeley (M. J. B.) Bath and Bristol, and forty miles round [a guide]. 1907. maps. 91725 Britain's next campaign [the poor] ; by J. Sutter. 1904. - - 33119 British Association, Glasgow Meeting, 1901. Archaeology, education, medical and charitable institutions, of Glasgow ; ed. by M. Maclean. 1901. plans. 92301 - Excursions [in Scotland], 1901. ill. maps. - 91901 - Fauna, flora, and geology of the Clyde area ; by G. F. S. Elliot and others. 1901.- - 92303 - Local industries of Glasgow and the west of Scotland ; ed. by A. McLean. 1901. 92302 British Baker's Selected recipes [confectionery]. - - - 64209 British Empire. Gibbs (P. H. ) The romance of Empire. 1906. ill. 91107 - Holland (B. ) Imperium et libertas. 1901. - 91108 " A study in history and politics." - Jose (A. W.) The growth of the Empire. 1907. maps. - 91110 - Kirkpatrick (F. A.) British colonization and Empire, v. 1. - 32508 - Le Couteur(W. ) The great outposts of the Empire. 1907. ill. map. 91111 A description of some of the principal cities of the Empire, information for emigrants, etc. - Salmon (E.) The story of the Empire. 1902. bibl. ill. map. 91106 - Sanderson (E.) History of British Empire [to 1906]. maps. - 91113 - See also Colonies, British. British Museum. Cowtan (R.) Memories of the British Museum. 02701 Brittany. Le Braz (A. ) The land of pardons. 1907. col. ill. - 93307 Britten (F. J.) The watch and clock makers' handbook. 1907. ill. 68101 Broadfoot (William) and others. Billiards. 1897. ill. - 79404 Brockmann (F.) Celluloid, its manufacture [etc.] 1907. ill. - 67902 Brode (Heinrich) Tippoo Tib, his career in central Africa. - T091 Broke of Covenden ; by J. C. Snaith. 90S2 Broken fetter ; by J. K. Leys. 86L1 Bronte (Anne) Agnes Grey. 93 Bl Bronte (Charlotte) Jane Eyre. - - - - 92 B 5 - The professor. Poems of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. - 92 B4 Currer Bell was the pen-name of Charlotte Bronte, Ellis Bell of Emily Bronte, and Acton Bell of Anne Bronte. - Shirley, a tale. 2 copies. 92 Bl - Villette. 92 B 2 Bronte, Charlotte. Buxton (E. M. W.) Charlotte and Emily Bronte. In her A book of noble women, port. - - 99826 - Gaskell (Mrs. E. C.) Life of Charlotte Bronte. 1906. - - B041 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E4S3 Bronte (Emily) Wuthering heights. 93 Bl Bronte family. MacKay (A. ) The Brontes, fact and fiction. 1897. B 042 Brooding wild, a mountain tragedy ; by R. Cullum. - - - 153 CI 42 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BEO Brooke (Emma) Susan wooed and Susan won. - - - 94 Bl Brooke, Sir James. In Sanderson (E. ) Heroes of pioneering, ill. 90606 Brooke (L. G. F. M. Greville, Lord) Eye-witness in Manchuria. 95112 Brooke (Stopford A.) English literature, 670-1832. 1906. - 82030 - The life superlative. 1906. port. 24803 - The sea-charm of Venice. 1907. 93706 - Studies in poetry. 1907. port. ...... 82412 Brooks (E. E.)and James (W. H. N.) Electric light and power, ill. 62411 Brooks (Phillips) Bp. The influence of Jesus. - 23214 Brother East and Brother West, unemployed ; by L. Leigh. 1905. 33124 Brother Francis, a novel ; by Darley Dale. - - - - 2D1 Brother Jacob ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. v - - - 21 E 7 Brougham, Lord. In Atlay (J. B.) Victorian chancellors, v. 1.- 99820 Broughton (Rhoda) Doctor Cupid, a novel. - - - 97 B 5 - Joan, a tale. 2 copies. 97B1 - Lavinia. 97 B6 - Not wisely but too well, a novel. 2 copies. - - - - 97B3 - Red as a rose is she, a novel. - - - - - - 97 B4 Brown (Alexander) Midnight scenes and social photographs [Glasgow]. 1858. - 92318 Brown (Alexander) Power-loom and the art of weaving, ill. 67720 Brown (Amos P.) joint-author. See Erni (Henry). Brown (Andrew) History of Glasgow, and of Paisley, Greenock, and Port-Glasgow. 1795-7. 2 v. in 1. - - - - 92316 Brown (Arthur J.) The foreign missionary. 1907. - - 26601 Brown, Charles B. Prescott(W. H.) C. B. Brown, the American novelist. In his Miscellanies. E2P1 Brown (Edward) Races of domestic poultry. 1906. ill. - 63602 Brown (George E.) joint-author. See Bolas (Thomas). Brown (Sir H.) Irrigation as a branch of engineering. 1907. - 62704 Brown (J. J.) The eternal news, on time, space, motion [etc.] - 11101 Brown, John, D.D. Brown (J.) Letter to J. Cairns [on his " Memoir of J. Brown"]. In his Horae subsecivre, v. 2. 1897. - E2B2 Brown (Dr. John) Horse subsecivre. 1897. 3 v. port.- -E2B1-3 1. Locke and Sydenham. Dr. Andrew Combe. Dr. Henry Marshall and military hygiene. Henry Vaughan. Excursus ethicus. Health. 2. Letter to J. Cairns [on John Brown, D.D.] Dr. Chalmers. Our dogs. Notes on art. The Black Dwarf's bones. Rab and his friends. ' With brains, Sir!' Arthur H. Hallam. 3. John Leech. A Jacobite family. Mystifications. Thackeray's death. Marjorie Fleming. ' In clear dream and solemn vision.' Jeems the doorkeeper. Minchmoor. The Enterkin. Sir Henry Kaeburn. [Etc.] - Letters. 1907. port. ill. B301 "With letters from Ruskin, Thackeray, and others." - Rab and his friends, and other papers, bibl. - - - E2B4 Brown (John) John Bunyan, his life and work. 1902. 2 v. - B331-2 Brown (John A. H.) The wonderful trout. 1898. - - - 79910 Brown (Moses T.) The synthetic philosophy of expression. - 13801 Brown (Peter H.) History of Scotland to 1689. v. 1-2. maps. 91812-3 43 BRO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Brown (Robert) Paisley poets, memoirs and selections. 2 v. 82409-10 Brown (Vincent) My brother [a story]. 98B1 - The sacred cup. 98B2 Brown (William N. ) A history of decorative art. 1900. ill. - 74001 - ed. Workshop wrinkles. 1901. 69803 " For decorators, painters, paperhangers, and others." Brown man's servant ; by W. W. Jacobs. 4J2 Browne (Charles F.) Complete works. 1905. port. - - 81703 Browne (E. C.) National service [conscription]. 1904. - - 35511 Browne (JohnH. B.) South Africa, conditions, politics. 1905. 96304 Browne (M. P.) Dress-cutting, drafting, pattern modelling, ill. 64602 Browne (Sir Thomas) Beligio medici. Letter to a friend. Christian morals, port, ------- 24001 Browne, Sir Thomas. Adams (W. H. D.) " Religio medici." In his Famous books. 02810 - /?* Blatchford (R.) My favourite books. 1901. - - - E9 Bl - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899. - - E4S1 Browne (William H.) Maryland, the history of a palatinate. 97311 Browning (Mrs. Elizabeth B.) Poetical works. 1904. port.- 601 B - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth B. In Stedman (E. C. ) Victorian poets. 82406 Browning (H. E.) A girl's wanderings in Hungary. 1897. ill. map. - - - 92907 Browning (Oscar) Napoleon, the first phase, 1769-93. 1905. - N064 Browning (Philip ^.) joint-author. See Gooch (Frank A.) Browning (Egbert) Poems. 1903. 701 B - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 Browning, Robert. In Bagehot (W. ) Literary studies, v. 2. 1902. E5B2 - Birrell (A.) The alleged obscurity of Mr. Browning's poetry. In his Collected essays, v. 1. 1902. - - - - E1B1 - Inge (W. R.) The mysticism of Browning. In his Studies. 1907. 14901 - In Knight (W. A.) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. - 99903 - Morley (J. ) On " The ring and the book." In his Studies. - E3M4 - Orr (Mrs. S.) Life and letters of Browning. 1891. port. - B131 - In Stedman (E. C.) Victorian poets. 1876.- - - - 82406 Bruce (Alexander B. ) The Galilean Gospel. - 22716 Bruce (Herbert) The age of schism, 1304-1503. 1907. - - 27010 Bruce (J. M. ) Materia medica and therapeutics. 1905. - - 61504 Bruce, Robert the. Barbour (J. ) The Bruce, metrical history. - 2101 B - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence. 1903. bibl. port. ill. maps. - B033 Bruce, Robert. Macnicol (D. C.) Robert Bruce, minister [life]. B291 Brudenells of Brude [a story] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 83W4 Brunei. Clifford (H.) A dying kingdom. In his Heroes of exile. 99510 Bruno, Giordano. In Bute (Marquess of) Essays. 1901. - - E7B1 Bruno before the Venetian inquisition. The ultimate fate of Bruno, 44 HI 'TCHESOXTOUX BRAXCH. BUI Bruxton (Sir Thomas L. ) The Bible and science. 18S1. \U. Brushwork. For related subjects, see Drawing. - Brushwork and colour study, ill. ----- Bryax (G. H. ) and Pixkertox (R. H.) Geometry of the conic. Bryant (Willtam C. ) Poetical works. 1891. mem. port. Bryant, William C. In Vincent (L. H.) Literary masters. 1906. 1905-6. -J v. 190-4. ill. - 21505 74101 51312 401 B 81001 34201-2 92701 99606 141 Bl 79920 102 Bl 102B2 1501 B Bryce (James) The American Commonwealth. - The Holy Roman Empire. 1906. maps. - Studies in contemporary biography. 1903. - Bryde (Margaretta) The interpreters, a story. Brydex (Hexry' A.) Nature and sport in Britain. Buchax (John) John Burnet of Barns, a romance. - - The watcher by the threshold, and other tales. Buchanan (George) The Jephtha and Baptist [dramas]. Buchanan, George. /;? . Kingsley (C.) Health and education. 1887. E1K3 - Macmillan (D.) George Buchanan, a biography. 1906. port. B091 Buchaxax (Johx F.) Brassfounders" alloys. 1905. ill. - - 66908 Buchaxax (Robert W.) Complete poetical works. 1901. 2 v. port. 2001-2 B - Come live with me and be my love. - - - . - - 103 B 7 - The martyrdom of Madeline. 103 B4 - The master of the mine. -------- 103 Bl - The new Abelard, a romance. 103 B 2 - Red and white heather, north country tales and ballads. - 103 B 6 - The shadow of the sword, a romance. ----- 103B5 - Woman and the man. -------- 103B3 Buckland (Francis T.) Curiosities of natural history. 4 v. ill. 59015-8 - Natural history of British fishes. 1891. ill. - - - 59701 Buckle (Hexry) The after life. 1907. 23602 BUCKLE (HENRY T.) Civilization in England. 1903. 3 v. -90303-5 Buckley (M. M.) Worsted overlooker's handbook. 1902. - 67711 Buddha. Bernard ( E. R.) Gotama. Inhis Moral teachers. 1906. bibl. 18001 Buddnism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Arnold (Sir E.) The Light of Asia, Gautama [a poem]. 1904. ill. 402 A - Bowden (E. M.) ed. The imitation of Buddha. 1893. - - 29402 - Muller (F. Max) Buddhist charity. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. E5M1 Buell (Augustus C.) History of Andrew Jackson. 1904. 2 v. J013-4 Building. For list of other industries, see Industries ; for theory of building, see Architecture. - Adams (A.) CasselFs Building construction. 1906. ill. - 69006 - Blagrove (G. H.) Dangerous structures and how to deal with them. 1906. ill. 69103 - Building construction ; Drawing for builders. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 2-5. ill. - - - 60307-10 - Byrne (A. T.) Inspection of the materials and workmanship employed in construction. 1906. 69205 45 BUI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Building. Davidson (E. A.) Elements of building construction. 1906. 69009 - Dobson (E.) and Allen (J. P.) The art of building. 1901. ill. 69008 - Middleton (G. A. T.) Building materials. 1905. ill. - - 69102 - Rivington's Notes on building construction. 1904. 4 v. bibl. ill. 69002-5 - Young (F. C.) Every man his own mechanic, ill. - - 69001 Constructive and decorative work in building. - See also Arbitration. Bricklaying. Carpentry. Cement. Con- crete. Estimates. Foundations. Gas-fitting. GildiDg. Heating. House decoration. House painting. Houses. Masonry. Paper- hanging. Plastering. Plumbing. Quantities. Roofs. Sand. Stone. Ventilation. Building societies. Brabrook (Sir E. W.) Building societies. 1906. 33401 Bulfin(Wm.) Rambles in Eirinn. 1907. port. ill. maps. - 92613 Bulfinch (Thomas) Legends of Charlemagne. - 39814 Bullen (Frank T.) Creatures of the sea, life stories. 1904. - 59022 - The cruise of the ' Cachalot ' [whaling]. 1905. ill. map. - 63902 - Idylls of the sea, and other marine sketches. 1904. - - E13B1 - The log of a sea- waif, first four years of my sea life. 1906. ill. B021 - Our heritage the sea. 1906. 55111 - With Christ at sea, a religious autobiography. 1906. - - B022 - A Bounty boy, adventures. 104B3 - Confessions of a tradesman. 104 B 7 - Sea Puritans. 104B2 - Sea spray [stories]. - - - 104 Bl - Sea-wrack [sketches]. - - 104B6 - A son of the sea. 104B4 - A whaleman's wife. 104 B 5 Bullock (Charles J.) Introduction to the study of economics. 33012 Bullock (Shan F. ) Dan the Dollar. - - - - - - 136B3 - The red leaguers. - 136 B 2 - The squireen. 136B1 Bulman (H. F.) Breaking ground. In Practical coal-mining, v. 2. 62511 - Trial borings. In Practical coal-mining, v. 1. - - - 62510 Bunsen, Christian C. J. , freiherr von. In Muller (F. Max) Works. E5M2 Bunyan (John) The holy war. port. 24404 - The pilgrim's progress, port. ill. 2 copies. - 24406 Bunyan, John. Blatchford(R.) The "Pilgrim's progress." In his My favourite books. 1901. E9B1 - Brown (J.) Bunyan, his life and work. 1902. 2 v. bibl. port. B331-2 - Stevenson (R.) Exposition of the ' Pilgrim's progress.' 1907. 24414 - Whyte (A.) Bunyan characters. 1895-1902. 3 v. - - 24410-2 Bunyiu Nanjio. In Muller (F. Max) Work% v. 6. 1904. - - E5M2 Burchell (Sidney H. ) The grip of fear. 107 B 2 - The mistress of the robes, a tale. 107 Bl Burgher Quixote [a novel] ; by D. Blackburn. .... 135B1 46 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. BUR Burghley, William Cecil, Lord. In Innes (A. D.) Statesmen. 99822 Burgin (George B.) The devil's due, a romance. - - - 109 B 2 - The marble city. - 109 Bl Burgon, John W. In Russell (G. W. E.) Household of faith. - 28303 Burke (Edmund) Reflections on the revolution in France. - 93208 - Two speeches on conciliation with America, and two letters on Irish questions. - - - 82716 Burke, Edmund. In Birrell (A.) Collected essays, v. 1. 1902.- E1B1 - In Maurice (F. D.) The friendship of books [etc.] 1904. - E4M1 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.)Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. 1892. - - E3S3 The works of Burke. Burke on the English constitution. Burke on the French revolution. Burke and De Tocqueville on the French revolution. - Tiinbs (J.) Anecdote biography, Edmund Burke. 1860. port. P141 Burkett (Charles W. ) and Poe (C. H. ) Cotton cultivation. 1906. 63301 Burkitt (Fra.kcis C. ) Gospel history, its transmission. 1907. - 22705 Burleigh (Bennet) Empire of the east, war, 1904-5. ill. maps. 95108 Burma. Mitton (G. E. ) A bachelor girl in Burma. 1907. ill. map. 95003 Burxaby (Fred) On horseback through Asia Minor. 1898. map. 94414 Burnand (Sir Francis C.) Records and reminiscences. 2 v. ill. B221-2 Burnand, Sir Francis C. In Hammerton (J. A. ) Humorists. 1907. 82714 Burnett (F. H. ) In connection with the De Willoughby claim. 111B1 - The making of a marchioness. ...... niB2 Burney, Fanny. See Arblay, Madame d\ Burney family. Hill (C.) The house in St. Martin's Street. 1907. B261 " Chronicles of the Burney family/' Burnham (G. H.) Combined treatment in diseases of the eye. - 61701 Burnley (James) History of wool and woolcombing. 1SS9. ill. 67721 Burns (Daniel) Electrical practice in collieries. 1905. - - 62505 Burns (John) Municipal socialism. In Modern socialism. - 33504 Burns (Robert) Works ; ed. by W. S. Douglas. 6 v. mem. ill. 1-3. Poetry, 106-8 B. 4-6. Prose [letters, etc.] B 062-4. - Complete works ; ed. by A. Smith. 1904. mem. - - - 105B - Life and works ; ed. by R. Chambers. 1891. 4 v. in 2. bib!, ill. 102-3B - Poetical works ; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. mem. port. iU. - 104 B - Poetry ;ed. by W. E.Henley and T.F.Henderson. 1901. 4v.£>ort. 110-3 B " With an essay on Burns ; by W. E. Henley." - Selections. In English poets, v. 3. mem. - 82223 - Songs, with melodies. 1903. bibl. 109 B Burns, Robert. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 2. .... E1C2 - Couch (A. T. Quiller) Scott and Burns. In his Adventures in criticism. 1896. E2C1 - Ford (R.) The heroines of Burns. 1906. .... 82404 - Henderson (T. F.) Robert Burns [a biography]. 1905. port. B065 - Jacks (W.) Robert Burns in other tongues. 1896. port. ill. 82408 "A critical review of the translations of the songs and poems of Burns." - Kingsley (C. ) Burns and his school. In his Lectures. 1898. - E1K4 - Lockhart (J. G.) The life of Robert Burns. 1905. port. - B061 47 BUR GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Burns, Robert. Mitchell (J. 0. ) Burns and his times. 1897. - 82414 - In Stevenson (R. L.) Familiar studies of men and books. 1906. E1S3 Burrow (Charles K.) Patricia of the hills. - - - - 112B1 Burrowes (J. F. ) Harmony and thorough-bass primer, mas. - 78107 - The pianoforte primer. 1878. mas. 78615 Burrows (Montagu) Blake. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. 99609 - The life of Edward, Lord Hawke. 1896. - - - - H021 Burton (Ernest D. ) and Mathews (S. ) The life of Christ. 1904. 23219 Burton (John E. Bloundelle) A dead reckoning. - - - 113 Bl Burton (John H.) History of Scotland [80-1748]. 1905. 8 v. 91804-11 - The Scot abroad. 1900. 91821 Burton (Sir R. F.) Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah. 2 v. 94402-3 Bury (John B.) The Roman Empire, 27 b.c-180 a.d. 1904. ill. 93618 Business. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Banks (R. G. D.) The employee who will succeed. 1907. - 65809 - Clemson (H.) Methods and machinery of business. 1907. - 65812 "Exchanges and insurance." - Cooke (H. 0. S.) Success in the office. 1907. - - - 65808 - Fieldhouse (A.) The student's business methods. 1907. - 65805 - Gamble (W.) The business life. 1907. 17404 - Jacks (W. ) Success in business life. In his Singles. 1903. - E1J1 - See also Accountancy. Commercial correspondence. Precis-writing. Professions. Secretaries. Shorthand. Telegraph. Telephone. Typewriting. Buss (Septimus) The trial of Jesus. 1906. - - - 23232 Bute (John, Marquess of) Essays on foreign subjects. 190L- E7B1 The last resting-place of St. Andrew. On the ancient language of the natives of Tenerife. Some Christian monuments of Athens. Giordano Bruno before the Venetian inquisition. The ultimate fate of Giordano Bruno. Patmos. M. Renan's "Souvenirs." The Bayreuth festival. The prophecies of St. Malachi. Butler (Joseph) Bp. Analogy of religion. Sermons, mem. - 23902 Butler, Joseph, Bp. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 3. 1898. E5B3 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - - E3S2 Butler (Nicholas M.) True and false democracy. 1907. - 32103 Butler (Samuel) Poetical works. 2 v. mem. ' - - 1601-2 B Butler (Sir William F.) Sir Charles Napier [a biography]. 1905. Nlll - From Naboth's vineyard, S. Africa. 1907. - 96305 - The great lone land, north-west America, ill. map. - - 97101 Butterflies. For list of other subjects in entomology, see Insects. - South (R.) The butterflies of the British Isles. 1906. ill. - 59509 Buxton (E. M. W.) A book of noble women, ill. - - - 99826 Buxton (Noel) Europe and the Turks. 1907. maps. - - 93905 By adverse winds ; by W. H. O. Smeaton. - - - - 80S 2 By beach and bog-land, Irish stories ; by J. Barlow. - - 16 Bl By Celia's arbour, a tale ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - - 48 B 8 By mead and stream, a novel ; by C. Gibbon. - - - 21 G5 48 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CAI By proxy ; by J. Pay n. 18P14 By rock and pool, and other stories ; by G. Louis Becke. - - 35 B 4 By the gods beloved, a romance ; by Baroness Orczy. - - 2702 By what authority ? by R. H. Benson. 139 Bl By wit of woman ; by A. W. Marchmont. 47 Ml Bye- words, tales new and old ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - 2Y8 Bywords, More; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y7 Bylow Hill [a novel] ; by G. W. Cable. 1C1 Byrne (Austin T. ) Inspection of the materials and workman- ship employed in [building] construction. 1906. - - 69205 Byron (George Gordon, Lord) Poetical works. 1845. port. 303 B Another edition. 1896. 302 B ed. by E. H. Coleridge. 1905. mem. port. - - 301 B - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 Byron, George Gordon, Lord. Collins (J. C.) The collected works of Byron. In his Studies in poetry. 1905. - - E4C2 - Kingsley (C.) Shelley and Byron. In his Lectures. 1S9S. - E1K4 - Moore (T.) Life, letters, and journals of Byron. 1901. port. ill. B071 - Macaulay (Lord) Moore's Life of Byron. In his Works. - 82827 - In Morley ( J. ) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M1 - Trelawny (E. J.) Recollections of the last days of Byron. - S411 Byzantine Empire [400-1453] ; by N. Jorga. 1907. bibl. - - 93908 c Cabinet- making. For list of other industries, see Industries. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 3-4. ill. - - - 60308-9 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Cabinetwork and joinery. 1907. col. ill. 69404 - Oakwood (W. M.) Carpentry and cabinet-making. 1906. ill. 69406 Cable (George W.) Bylow Hill. 1C1 1 Cachalot.' Bullen (F. T.) Cruise of the 'Cachalot.' 1905. ill. 63902 " Round the world after sperm whales." Cadbury (Edward) and others. Women's work and wages. 1906. 39603 Csesar, Augustus. See Augustus Caesar. Caesar, Julius. Holmes (T. K. E.) Ancient Britain and the invasions of Caesar. 1907. bibl. ill. maps. - - - 91337 Caesars. Froude (J. A.) Divus Caesar. In his Short studies, v. 3. E2F3 - Suetonius. Lives of the twelve Caesars* 87803 Caffyn (Mrs. Kathleen M.) Patricia, a mother. - - - 2C1 Caged lion ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y9 Cagliostro, Count Alessandro di. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 5. - E1C5 Caine (Thomas H. Hall) The bondman, a new saga. - - 5C1 - The Christian, a story. 5C2 - The deemster. 5C5 - The eternal city. - - - - - - - - - 5C3 - The Manxman. 5C4 49 CAI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Caine (Thomas H. Hall) The prodigal son. .... 5C9 - The scapegoat, a romance. 5C8 - The shadow of a crime. - - - - - - - - 5C6 - A son of Hagar, a romance. - - - - - - - 5C7 Cairo (Johx) Aspects of life, twelve sermons. - 25213 - Essays for Sunday reading [sermons]. 1906. mem. port. - 25231 - Spinoza [his life and philosophy]. 1899. .... 19304 Caird, John. [Boyd (A. K. H.)] A great Scotch preacher. In his Commonplace philosopher. 1891. .... E3B7 Cairns (D. S.) Christianity in the modern world. 1906.- - 23003 Cakes. Vine (F. T.) Cakes and how to make them. ill. - - 64205 Calabar. Goldie (H.) Calabar and its mission. 1890. ill. map. 27806 Calcare. Cement users' and buyers' guide. 1901. - - - 69105 Calculus. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - Angus (A. H.) Differential and integral calculus. 1906. - 51702 - Carslaw (H. S.) Introduction to infinitesimal calculus. 1905. 51707 - Gibson (G. A.) An elementary treatise on the calculus. 1906. 51701 - Lodge (A.) Integral calculus for beginners. 1905. - - 51704 Caldecott (Alfred) English colonization and Empire. 1901.- 32507 Caldecott (W. S.) Solomon's Temple, its history. 1907. ill.- 22103 Calderon (Pedro) El magico prodigioso, comedia. - - - 1001 C Calderon the courtier ; by Lord Lytton. 74L14 Calderwood (Henry) Relations of science and religion. 1881. 23910 Calderwood (W. L.) The life of the salmon. 1907. ill. - - 59706 Calhoun, John C. [a biography] ; by H. E. von Hoist. 1899. - C191 Calico-printing. Duerr (G.) and Turnbull (W.) Calico-printing. 66702 California. Roy ce (J.) California, 1846 to [1856]. 1886. map. 97404 - Stevenson (R. L.) The Silverado squatters. 1901.- - - 97401 Calkins (Mary W.) Persistent problems of philosophy. 1907. 11001 Called back ; by Hugh Conway. 84 C 2 Callender(G. A. R.) Sea kings of Britain, Hawkins to Blake. 1907. 99610 Callista, a tale of the third century ; by J. H. Newman. - - 9N1 Calvert (Albert F. ) Granada and the Alhambra. 1907. ill. 93421 - Seville, historical and descriptive. 1907. ill. - - - 93417 - Spanish arms and armour. 1907. ill. ----- 39901 Calvinism. In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 2. 1903.- - E2F2 Cambodia. Clifford (H.) Wreckage of empire. In las Heroes. 99510 Cambridge (Ada) Sisters, a novel. - - - - - 9C1 - The three Miss Kings. - 9C2 Cambridge, George, Duke of, Military life of ; by W. W. C. Verner and E. D. Parker. 1905. 2 v. port. ill. - - C 271-2 Cameos, short stories ; by Marie Corelli. - - - - - 91 C 12 Camera. For list of related subjects, see Photography. - Holland (C.) How to use a camera. 1905. UL - - - 77102 Cameron (A. B.) Garden to the cross, our Lord's passion. 1896. 23223 50 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH, CAN Cameron (Mrs. Lovett) An ill wind. 10 CI - Midsummer madness. IOC 2 - Rosamond Grant. IOC 3 Cameron, Rich. In McGown (G. W. T. ) Scottish heroes of the faith. 99819 Camp of refuge ; by C. Macfarlane. 143 Ml Campbell (Frances) A pillar of dust. 158 CI Campbell (H. J.) Text-book of elementary biology. 1905. ill. 57003 Campbell (James D.) Samuel Taylor Coleridge, life. 1896. mem. C161 Campbell (James M.) Paul the mystic. 1907.- - - - 22615 Campbell (John F.) My circular notes, round the world, 187-1-5. 1876. 2 v. ill. 90818-9 - eel. Popular tales of the west Highlands [In Gaelic and English]. 1890-3. 4 v. ill. 39803-6 Campbell (John G. ) Superstitions of the Highlands and islands of Scotland. 1900. 39809 - Witchcraft and second sight in the Highlands and islands. - 39818 Campbell (M. M.) My very, very own, mothers' meetings. - 25601 Campbell (Norman R.) Modern electrical theory. 1907. - 53710 Campbell (Reginald J.) The new theology. 1907.- - - 23007 Campbell (Thomas) Poetical works, mem. port. ill. - - 201 C Campbell, Thomas. Hadden (J. C) Campbell [a biography]. 1899. C361 - In Irving (W. ) Biographies and papers. ----- 99508 - Saintsbury (G. E. B.) English war-songs, Campbell. In Essays. 82104 Camping. For list of related subjects, see Sports. - Holding (T. H.) Cycle and camp. ill. 79616 - Roberts (H.) The tramp's hand-book. 1903. ill- - - 79613 Campion (Thomas) Songs and masques. The art of poesy, mem. 1701 C Canada. Bourinot (Sir J. G.) Canada [1497-1891]. bibl. ill. maps. 96907 - Butler (Sir W. F.) The great lone land, travel, ill. map. - 97101 - Hobson (J. A.) Canada to-day. 1906. 96903 - Sanderson (E.) The French in Canada. In his Pioneering. - 90606 - Smith (J. H.) Our struggle for the fourteenth colony. 2 v. - 96904-5 Canada and the American revolution. - Whates (H. R. ) Canada, the new nation. 1906. ill. - - 96901 - Willox (D. ) With the British bowlers in Canada, ill. - - 79607 - Wood(W.) The fight for Canada. 1905. bibl. ill. maps. - 96902 Canals. For list of related subjects, see Transportation. - Pratt (E. A.) British canals. 1906. ill. - 38601 " Is their resuscitation practicable? " Candee (Helen C.) How women may earn a living. 1900. - 39602 Candee (Hy. C. ) Decorative styles and periods in the home. ill. 74902 Candles. Faraday (M.) Chemical history of a candle, ill. - 54102 - Field (L. and F. A.) Candle manufacture. In Lighting. 1895. 66505 Candlish (Robert S.) Life in a risen Saviour. 1859. - - 22806 Candolle (Alphon&e de) Origin of cultivated plants. 1884. - 58107 Canis. See Smith (Charles E.) 51 CAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Canh (A. L.) and Pexdlebury (J.) Object lesson teaching. - 37205 Canning (Albert S. G. ) British writers on classic lands, a literary sketch. 1907. - - - - - - - - - 82016 Canning (George) Selections. In Poets and poetry of the nineteenth centur} 7 . mem. ...... 82415 Canning', George, and his times ; by J. A. R. Marriott. 1907. port. C251 Canon. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Lewis (J. H. ) Double counterpoint and canon. 1895. mus. 78108 Canonbury Holt, a life's problem ; b} 7 E. J. Worboise. - - 83 W 23 Canon's ward ; by J. Payn. 18P10 Cantatas. See Music, Operas. Music, Oratorios. Canterbury. Parr (H.) New wheels in old ruts. 1896. ill. - 91705 - Withers (H.) Cathedral church of Canterbury. 1901. plans. 72610 Canticles. See Bible. Ca^tox (AYilliam) The comrades, poems old and new. 1902. 1201 C Cape Colony. Russell ( W. Clark) A voyage to the Cape. 1889. 96302 Capes (Bernard E. J.) From door to door, romances. - - 16C1 - A jay of Italy. 16 C 3 - A rogue's tragedy. 16 C 2 Capital. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Fisher (I.) The nature of capital and income. 1906. - - 33121 - In Huxley (T. H.) Evolution and ethics. 1906. - - - 17132 - Marx (K.) Capital, a critique of political economy. 1907. 2 v. 33127-8 - Rae (J.) The sociological theory of capital. 1905. - - 33117 Capsina; by E. F. Benson. 46B1 A sequel to "The vintage," 46 B 7- Captain Bonneville [a story] ; by W. Irving. - - - - 8ll Captain Kettle series ; by C. J. Cutcliffe W. Hyne. 1. The little red Captain, 115H5- 2. The adventures of Captain Kettle, 115 H 6. 3. The further adventures of Captain Kettle, 115 H 7. 4. Captain Kettle, K.C.B., 115 H 3. Captain Macklin, his memoirs [a story] ; by R. H. Davis. - 17 D 2 Captain of the Polestar [etc.] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - 51 D8 Captains all [and other stories] ; by W. W. Jacobs. - - - 4J9 1 Captains courageous,' a story ; by R. Kipling. - - - - 28K13 Captains' room, etc. ; by Sir W. Besant. 49 B 6 Cardinal's snuff-box ; by H. Harland. - - - 23H1 Cardross. 7?i Maughan (W. C.) Annals of Garelochside. 1897. ill. 92505 Cards. See Fortune -telling. Whist. Carey (Rosa N.) The household of Peter. 20C4 - Nellie's memories, a domestic story. 20 C 6 - Only the governess. 20 C 5 - A passage perilous. 20 C 2 - Queenie's whim, a novel. 20 CI - Rue with a difference. 20 C 3 Carles (William R.) Life in Corea. 1888. ill. map. - - 95201 52 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH, CAR Carleton (William) Amusing Irish tales. .... 21C2 - Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. - - - 21 CI Carlile (William W.) The evolution of modern money. 1901. 33210 Carlile (Wilson and V. W.) The continental outcast. 1906. ill. 33120 Carluke. [Rankin (D. R.)] Carluke, 1288-1874. 1874. - - 92015 Carlyle (Thomas) Critical and miscellaneous essays. 7 v. - El C 1-7 1. J. P. F. Richter. State of German literature. Life and writings of Werner. Goethe's Helena. Goethe. 2. Burns. Life of Heyne. German playwrights. Voltaire. Novalis. Signs of the times. On history. 3. J. P. F. Richter again. Schiller. The Nibelungen Lied. German literature, xiv. and xv. centuries. Taylor's Survey of German poetry. 4. Characteristics. Goethe. Biography. Boswell's Life of Johnson. Corn-law rhvmes [Ebenezer Elliott]. History. The tale [Goethe]. 5. Diderot. Count Cagliostro. The diamond necklace. Mirabeau. 6. Parliamentary history of the French revolution. Sir W. Scott. Varnhagen von Ense's Memoirs. Chartism. Baillie the covenanter. 7. Dr. Francia. An election to the Long Parliament. The nigger question [slavery]. The Prinzenraub. Inaugural rectorial address, Edinburgh, 1S66. Shooting Niagara, and after? [democracv]. Index. [Etc.] - Early kings of Norway. Essay on portraits of John Knox. - 94102 - The French revolution [1774-95]. 1891-3. 3 v. - - - 93201-3 - Heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. - - - E1C11 The hero as divinity, Scandinavian mythology. The hero as prophet, Mahomet. The hero as poet. The hero as priest. The hero as man of letters. The hero as king, Cromwell. [Etc.] - Historical sketches ; ed. by A. Carlyle. 1902. ill. - - 91304 - History of Frederick the Great. 10 v. maps. - - -F021-10 - The battles of Frederick the Great [from above]. HI. plans. - F0212 - Latter-day pamphlets. E 1 C 10 The present time. Model prisons. Downing Street. Xew Downing Street. Stump-orator. Parliaments. Hudson's statue. Jesuitism. - Life of Friedrich Schiller. S051 - The life of John Sterling. 1891. S061 - Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. 5 v. - - - - C 022-6 - On the choice of books. 1893. mem. port. - 02803 - Past and present. 1893. E1C9 - Sartor resartus. 1893. port. E1C8 - trans. Tales by Musseus, Tieck, Richter. 2 copies. - - 128 Ml - Wilhelm Meister ; by J. W. von Goethe. .... 34GI Carlyle, Thomas. In Birrell (A.) Essays, v. 1. 1902. - - E1B1 - Cosh(T. R.) The ethical teaching of Carlyle in ''Sartor resartus." 82718 - Froude(J. A.) Carlyle, first forty years of his life. 2 v. port. C 103-4 - - Carlyle, his life in London, 1834-81. 1902. 2 v. port. - C101-2 - In Knight (W. A.) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. - - - 99903 - In Lowell (J. R.) My study windows. E1L1 - In MacCunn (J.) Six radical thinkers. 1907. - - - 32014 - In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M1 - Miiller (F. Max) Goethe and Carlyle. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. E5M1 - Stephen (Sir L.) Carlyle's ethics. In Hours in a library, v. 3. E4S3 - Tyndall (J. ) Recollections of Carlyle ; On unveiling the statue of Carlyle. In his New fragments. - - - 50410 53 CAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Carlyon's year ; by J. Payn. 18P11 Carman (Bliss) Ballads and lyrics. 1902. .... 1501C - Low tide on Grand Pre, lyrics. 1894. 1502 C Carman (M. C) Function of words, analysis and parsing. 1906. 42506 Carmel's hero, life and times of Elijah ; by T. Champness.- - 22208 Carment (Samuel) ed. Glimpses of the olden time. 1893. - 91833 Carmichael (Phtltp) All about Philippine. - 154C1 Carnegie (Andrew) Triumphant democracy [United States]. - 97204 Caroline Islands, travel ; by F. W. Christian. 1899. ill. maps. 99204 Carpenter (George R. ) Rhetoric and English composition. 1906. 80812 Carpenter (James) joint-author. See Nasmyth (James). Carpenter (William B.) Bp. An introduction to the study of the Scriptures. (Temple Bible). 1905. - 22106 Carpenter (William B. ) and Dallinger ( W. H. ) The microscope. 57802 Carpentry. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Carpentry and joinery ; Drawing for carpenters and joiners. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-3. ill. - - 60306-8 - Hasluck(P. N.) ed. Cassell's Carpentry and joinery. 1907. ill. 69402 - Oakwood (W. M.) Carpentry and cabinet-making. 1906. ill. 69406 - See also Handrailing. Window blinds. Woodwork. Carpets. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Bradbury (F. ) Carpet manufacture. 1904. ill. - - - 67704 - Paterson (D. ) Colour printing of carpet yarns. 1900. ill. - 66705 Carr (Mrs. Alice Comyns) John Fletcher's Madonna, a tale. - 155 CI Carr (Arthur) Horse Biblicge, studies. 1903. - 22011 Carr (Lucien) Missouri, a bone of contention. 1888. map. - 97303 Carr (M. E. ) Love and honour. 151 CI Carrel (Frederic) An analysis of human motive. 1905. - 15010 - Marcus and Faustina. 24 CI Carslaw (H. S. ) Introduction to the infinitesimal calculus. 1905. 51707 Carslaw (W. H.) Six martyrs of the Scottish reformation, ill. 99827 Carter (H. R.) Modern flax, hemp, and jute spinning. 1907. ill. 67724 Carter (M. E.) The ground work of English history. 1907. maps. 91235 Carthage. Lorimer(N. O.) By the waters of Carthage. 1906. ill. 95604 - Smith (R.B.) Carthage and the Carthaginians. 1902. ill. - 95603 Cartwright (Julia). See Ady (Mrs. Henry.) Carus (Paul) The rise of man, origin of the human race. 1907. 57520 Carver (Thomas N.) The distribution of wealth. 1904. - - 33016 Casalis (Eugene) My life in Basuto Land. 1889. - - - 27805 Casaubon, Isaac. Pattison(M.) Casaubon, 1559-1614. 1875. bibl. C351 Case (Thomas) and others. Lectures on the method of science. 1906. 50421 Case of Miss Elliott ; by Baroness Orczy. 2703 Case of Mr. Lucraft, and other tales ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. 48 B 4 Casein. Scherer(R. ) Casein, preparation and utilisation. 1906. ill. 66102 Cashiered, and other war tales ; by A. Balfour. - - - 7B1 54 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CEC Cass, Lewis [a biography] ; by A. C. McLaughlin. 1891. - - C171 CASSA L (H. J. S.) Chucks and chucking for metal and wood. 1906. ill. 62301 Cassel (D.) Manual of Jewish history and literature. 1905. - 29610 Cassell's Building construction ; by H. Adams. 1906. ill. - 69006 - Carpentry and joinery ; ed. by P. N. Hasluck. 1907. ill. - 69402 - History of England [55 b.c.-a.d. 1900]. 9 v. ill. - - 91214-22 - New popular educator. 1903. S v. ill. maps. - - - 03202-9 - New technical educator. 6 v. ill. .... 60306-11 - Physical educator ; by E. H. Miles. 1904. ill. - - - 61325 Castalian days [poems]; by L. Mifflin. 1903. - 901M Castberg (P. H.) Production, a study in economics. 1907. - 33805 Casting. See Founding. Castle (Agnes and Egerton) The Bath comedy. - - 30 C 5 - The incomparable Bellairs [a sequel to " The Bath comedy"']. 30C3 - French Nan [a sequel to " The incomparable Bellairs "']. - 30 C 6 - "If youth but knew!" 30C1 - Bose of the world. 30 C 4 - The secret orchard. - - - - - - - 30 C 2 Castle (Egerton) * Young April.' - - - - - - 31 CI Castle Dangerous; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - - 35 S 25 Castle Inn [a romance]; by S. J. Weyman. .... 45W12 Castle of Ehrenstein, a romance ; by G. P. R. James. - - 6J7 Castle Rackrent [an Irish story] ; by M. Edgeworth. - - 10E4 Castle Richmond [a novel] ; by A. Trollope. ... - 43T2 Castle Warlock, a homely romance ; by G. MacDonald. - - 10 M 9 Castlebraes ; by J. Paton. 15 PI Cat. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Lane (C. H.) Rabbits, cats, and cavies. 1903. ill. - - 63614 - Williams (Mrs. L.) The cat, care and management. 1907. ill. 63636 Catharine Furze [a story]; by W. H. White. - 52W3 Cathedrals. Ditchfield (P. H.) Cathedrals of Great Britain, ill. 72606 Catherine, a story; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12T9 Catholicism, Roman. See Roman Catholicism. Catriona ; by R. L. Stevenson. 120 S 4 A sequel to " Kidnapped," 120S3. Cat's-paw; by Mrs. B. M. Croker. 121 C 2 Cat's pilgrimage ; by J. A. Froude. In his Short studies, v. 1. E2F1 Caucasus. Villari (L.) Fire and sword in the Caucasus. 1906. 94018 Cavalry. For list of related subjects, see Army. - Wood (Sir H. E.) Cavalry in the Waterloo campaign. 1895. ill. 35701 Cavalry life [stories] ; by John Strange Winter. - - - 73 W 5 Cavanagh (Francis) The care of the body. 1907. - - - 61319 Cavies. Lane (C. H.) Rabbits, cats, and cavies. 1903. ill. - 63614 Caxtons, a family picture ; by Lord Lytton. .... 74L1 Cecil (Evelyn) On the eve of the war [S. Africa] 1899-1900. ill. 96408 66 CEC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cecilia, a story of modern Rome ; by F. M. Crawford. - - 116 C 5 Cecil's tryst ; by J. Payn. 18P12 Celestial surgeon ; by F. F. Montresor. 105M1 Celibates' Club, stories ; by I. Zangwill. 2Z2 Celluloid. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Brockmann (F.) Celluloid, its manufacture [etc.] 1907. ill. 67902 Celsus. Froude (J. A.) Origen and Celsus. In his Short studies. E2F4 Celtic fireside [ stories] ; by T. M. Flynn. 72 Fl Celtic literature. See Literature, Celtic. Cement. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Calcare. Cement users' and buyers' guide. 1901.- - - 69105 Ceppi (Marc) French lessons, direct method, junior course. - 44874 - French lessons on the direct method, beginners. 1907. ill. - 44876 Cervantes (Miguel de) Adventures of Don Quixote. - - 34C1 Cervantes, Miguel de. Oliphant (Mrs. M. 0. W.) Cervantes [a life]. C261 - In Prescott (VV. H.) Miscellanies. E2P1 Cesake.sco (Countess Evelyn L. M.) Lombard studies. 1902. ill. 93703 Cestus of Aglaia ; by J. Ruskin. In his On the old road, v. 2. - 70402 Cevennes. Gould (S. Baring) A book of the Cevennes. 1907. ill. 93302 - Stevenson (R. L. ) Travels with a donkey in Cevennes. 1905. 93301 Ceylon. Baker (Sir S. W.) Rifle and hound in Ceylon, ill. - 94801 Chad wick (H. M.) The origin of the English nation. 1907. maps. 91336 - Studies on Anglo-Saxon institutions. 1905. - 34206 Chainbearer ; by J. F. Cooper. 88C22 A continuation of "Satanstoe," 88C23. Chairman's handbook ; by Sir R. F. D. Palgrave. 1905. - - 32801 Chalmers (Jas. ) Autobiography and letters. 1902. port. ill. ma\>s. C062 Chalmers, Jas. In McGown (G. VV. T.) Scottish heroes. 1907. 99819 Chalmers, Thomas. In Brown (J.) Horae subsecivse, v. 2. 1897. E2B2 Chamber music [poems] ; by J. Joyce. 201 J Chamberlain, Joseph [a biography] ; by S. H. Jeyes. port. - C231 Chambers (Edmund K.) ed. English pastorals, selected. 1895. 82226 Chambers (George F.) The story of eclipses. 1899. ill. - 52302 - The story of the solar system. 1895. ill. - - - - 52301 - The story of the stars. 1896. ill. 52303 Chambers (Robert) Domestic annals of Scotland [1561-1745]. ill. 91815 - History of the rebellion of 1745-6. ill. 91816 - The Threiplands of Fingask, a family memoir. 1880. - T101 - Traditions of Edinburgh. 92007 - Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 1884. port. ill. 21501 Chambers (Robert W.) Iole. 35 C 3 - Lorraine, a romance. 35 C 2 - The maid-at-arms. - - - - 35C1 Chambers (William) Story of a long and busy life. 1882. port. C321 Chambers's Effective reciter ; ed. by R. C. H. Morison. 1905. 80811 56 HUTCHESOXTOWN BRANCH. CHA Chambers's Elocution ; ed. by R. C. H. Morison. 1906. - - 80803 Chamfort, Sebastien R. N. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays. 1895. E9S1 Champness (Thomas) Carmel's hero, life of Elijah, port. - 22208 Champness, Thomas, as I knew him ; by J. Mee. - - - C121 Chancellors. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Atlay (J. B.) The Victorian chancellors. 1906. v. 1. port. 99820 Lord Lyndhurst. Lord Brougham. Lord Cotteuham. Lord Truro. Channings [a story] ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - 10 W 29 Chant du cygne : par G. Ohnet ; with notes. 1895. - - - 44842 Chantry House [a story] : by C. M. Yonge. - - - - 2Y6 Chaplain of the Fleet ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - - 48 B 12 Chaplet of pearls ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y5 Character. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Elphinstone (Lady) The power of character, studies. - - 17127 - Friswell (J. H.) The gentle life, essays. 2 v. ... E1F1-2 - Jacks (W. ) Stability of character and purpose. In hi s Singles. E1J1 - Mason (C. M.) Studies in the formation of character. 1906. - 37705 - Smiles (S.) Character. 1905. ill. 17004 - Watkinson (W. L.) The education of the heart. - - - 17105 " Essays on influences that make for character." Characteristics ; by T. Carlyle. In his Essays, v. 4. - - - E1C4 Charicles, life of the ancient Greeks ; by W. A. Becker. 1895. ill. 93820 Chariots of the Lord ; by J. Hocking. 65 H 3 Charity. Devine (E. T.) The principles of relief. 1904.- - 33904 Charlemagne. Bulfinch (T.) Legends of Charlemagne, port. - 39814 - Cutts (E. L. ) Charlemagne [a biography]. 18S2. map. - C401 Charles II. Airy (O.) Charles IT. [a biography]. 1904. part. C391 Charles XII. Bain (R. N. ) Charles XII. and the collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. 1902. bib!, port. ill. maps. C371 Charles of Orleans. In Stevenson (R. L.) Familiar studies. 1906. E1S3 Charles (Mrs. E. R.) Chronicles of Schonberg-Cotta family. - 38 CI - The victory of the vanquished, a story. 38 C 2 Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon ; by C. Lever. - - - 39 L 3 Charlix (Antoine) An introduction to French authors ; notes. 44832 Charlotte [a novel]; by Mrs. L. B. Walford. - - - - 88 W 2 Chartism. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 6. E1C6 Chase, Salmon P. Hart (A. B.) Salmon P. Chase [a biography]. 1899. C201 Chateaubriand, Francois R., vicomte de. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 3. 1850. - - E3A3 - Prescott (W. H.) Chateaubriand's English literature. In his Miscellanies. E2P1 Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of. In Macaulay (Lord) Works. - 82827 - Timbs (J.) Anecdote biography, William Pitt. 1860. port. P141 Chatriax (Alexandre) joint-author. See Ebckmann (Emile). Chattertox (Thomas) Poetical works. 2 v. mem.- - - 601-2C - Selections. In English poets, v. 3. 1904. mem. - - - 82223 57 CHA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Chaucer (Geoffrey) Works ; ed. by A. W. Pollard and others. 701 C - Selections. In English poets, v. 1. 1903. mem. - - - 82221 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Beeching (H. C.) The poetry of Chaucer. In his Conferences on books and men. 1900. - - - E6B2 -In Couch (A. T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. 1896. - E2C1 - In Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English poets. 1884. - - 82004 - In Lowell (J. R. ) My study windows. E1L1 - Tuckwell (W.) Chaucer [a biography]. 1904. bibl. port. ill. C381 Chemical technology. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful ; for theory of chemical technology, see Chemistry. - Blount (B. ) and Bloxam (A. G. ) Chemistry for engineers and manufacturers. 1905. v. 2. bibl. ill. - 66005 Chemistry of manufacturing processes. - Duncan (R. K.) The chemistry of commerce. 1907. ill. - 66012 - Groves (C. E.) and Thorp (W.) eds. Chemical technology. 1889-1903. 4 v. ill. 1. Fuel and its applications; by E. J. Mills and F. J. Rowan, 66204. 2. Lighting ; by W. Y. Dent and others, 66505. 3. Gas lighting ; by C. Hunt, 66506. 4. Electric lighting ; by A. G. Cooke. Photometry ; by VV. J. Dibdin, 62430. - Lunge (G.) Techno-chemical analysis. 1905. bibl. - - 66011 - Phillips (H. J.) Engineering chemistry. 1902. ill. - - 66003 - Thorp (F. H.) Outlines of industrial chemistry. 1905. bibl. 66006 - See also Agglutinants. Alcohol. Ammonia. Bleaching. Candles. Clay. Colour. Dyeing. Electrochemistry. Engineering. Explosives. Fibres. Food. Fuel. Glass. Hats. Lighting. Oil. Paint. Soap. Varnish. Chemistry. For list of other branches of science, see Science ; for applications of chemistry, see Chemical technology. - Arrhenius (8.) Immunochemistry. 1907. .... 54103 "The application of principles of the physical chemistry to the study of the biological antibodies." - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 3-6. 1903. ill. - - 03204-7 - Faraday (M.) Chemical history of a candle, lectures. 1894. ill. 54102 - Findlay (A. ) Practical physical chemistry. 1906. ill. - - 54201 - Gooch (F. A.) and Browning (P. E.) Outlines of qualitative chemical analysis. 1906. - - - . - - - - 54401 - In Harrison (J. A. and W. J.) Elementary science, ill. - 53005 - Harrison (W. J.) and Bailey (R. J.) Chemistry for all. 1903. 54002 - In Hooton (W. M.) Junior experimental science. 1906. ill. 53007 - Meyer (E. von) A history of chemistry. 1898. - - - 54008 - Muir (M. M. P.) The story of the chemical elements. 1898.- 54101 - Nernst (W. ) Experimental and theoretical applications of thermodynamics to chemistry. 1907. ... - 53604 - Ostwald ( W. ) Conversations on chemistry. 1905-6. 2 v. ill. 54005-6 - Perkin (F. M.) Practical methods of inorganic chemistry. - 54601 - Shenstone (W. A.) The new physics and chemistry. 1906. - 53009 - Smith (A. ) and Hale ( W. J. ) A laboratory outline of general chemistry. 1907. ill. 54202 58 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CHI Chemistry. Thorpe (T. E.) and Muir (M. M. P.) Qualitative chemical analysis. 1S83. ill. 54402 - Wilson (F. R. L.) andHedley (G. W.) Elementary chemistry. 2 v. 54003-4 - In Wright (C. R. A.) The threshold of science. 1892. ill. - 53013 - Wurtz (C. A.) Elements of modern chemistry. 1901. ill. - 54007 - See also Crystallography. Electrochemistry. Engineering. Metal- lurgy. Mineralogy. Radium. Spectrum. Sugar. Chemistry, Agricultural. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture. - Ingle (H.) Manual of agricultural chemistry. 1907. ill. - 63101 Chemistry, Industrial. See Chemical technology. Cheneys. Froude (J. A.) Cheneys and the house of Russell. In his Short studies, v. 4. 1905. E2F4 Chenier (Axdre) Poesies choisies ; with notes. 1907. bibl. - 44871 Cherance (L. de) S. Francis of Assisi [his life and work], ill. F171 Cherbuliez (Victor) Samuel Brohl et cie. - - - - 42 CI Cherry ribband ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C 5 Chesneau (Ernest) The education of the artist. 1886. - - 70702 - The English school of painting. 1885. ill. - 75903 Chess. For list of other games, see Games. - Cook (W.) The chess players' compendium. 1907. bibl. - 79403 - Staunton (H.) The chess-players handbook. 190-4. ill. - 79402 Chesterfield (P. D. Stanhope, Earl of) Letters to his son. - 82701 Chesterfield, Philip D. Stanhope, Earl of. Adams (W. H. D.) Chesterfield's " Letters." In his Famous books. - - 02810 - Collins (J. C.) Lord Chesterfield's Letters. Inhis Essays. 1S95. E4C1 - Craig (W. H.) Life of Lord Chesterfield. 1907. port. ill. - C331 - Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Letters of Lord Chesterfield to his sou. //* his Essays, v. 2. 1901. port. E11S2 Chesterton (Gilbert K.) Heretics [essays]. 1907.- - - E7C1 - Twelve types [essays]. 1906. E7C2 Tolstoy and the cult of .simplicity. The position of Sir Walter Scott. [Etc.] "Chestnuts" [anecdotes]; by E. Wells. 1900. - - - 82825 Chevalier d'Auriac [a novel] ; by S. L. Yeats. - - - 3Y2 Chevalier de Maison Rouge ; by A. Dumas. .... 58D13 "A sequel to ' The Countess de Charily,'" 58 D 5. Chevalier of the splendid crest ; by Sir H. E. Maxwell. - - 70M1 Chevrier de Lorraine ; par E. Souvestre ; with notes. 1895. - 44846 Chicot the jester ; by A. Dumas. 58D15 " A sequel to ' Marguerite de Valois,' " 58D1. Child (J. M.) joint -author. See Barnard (S.) Children. For lists of related subjects, see Education. Ethics. Health. Health, Public. Labour. Psychology. - [Boyd (A. K. H.)] The sorrows of childhood. In his Com- monplace philosopher. 1891. E3B7 - Darroch (A.) The children, educational problems. 1907. - 37002 - Eghian (S. G.) The mother's nursery guide. 1907. ill. - 64903 "The care of the baby in health and aickn< 59 CHI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Children. Fitz-Geraid (W. B.) The young. In Citizen of to- morrow, bibl. 30409 - Gould (F. J.) Life and manners. 1906. 37702 " Stories for the moral instruction of children." - Heath (H. L.) The infant, the parent, and the state. 1907. ill. 61406 - How (F. D.) The book of the child. 1907. - 15011 " An attempt to set down what is in the mind of children." - King (I.) The psychology of child development. 1906. - - 15001 - Mackenzie (W. L.) The health of the school child. 1906. - 37108 - McMillan (M.) Labour and childhood. 1907. - - - 37112 - Pritchard (E.) Infant education. 1907.-- - - - 61305 The health and management of infants, and formation of their habits. - Wiggin (K. D.) and Smith (N. A.) Children's rights, a book of nursery logic. 1892. 17305 - See also Girls. Play. Children of Gibeon ; by Sir W. Besaut. 49 B 2 Children of tempest, a tale of the outer isles ; by Neil Munro. - 123 M 5 Children of the king, a tale ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - 116 C 16 Children of the New Forest ; by Captain F. Marryat. - - 52 M 9 Chillingworth, Wm. In Stephen (Sir J. F. ) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. E3S1 China. Gibson (J. C.) Mission problems in south China. 1901. 27803 - In Lorrimer (C.) The call of the east. 1907. - 95113 - In Lyall (Sir A. C.) Asiatic studies, v. 2. 1907. - - - 94718 The state and religion in China. Permanent dominion in Asia. - Norman (F. M.) " Martello Tower " in China. 1902. ill. - 95104 - In Park (M. M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. ill. 90817 - Parker (E. H.) China, past and present. 1903. - - - 95106 - Ready (O. G.) Life and sport in China. 1903. ill. - 95105 - In S. (D. W. ) European settlements in the far east. 1900. map. 94306 - Smith (A. H.) China and America to-day. 1907. - - - 95114 "A study of conditions and relations." - Ular (A.) A Russo-Chinese empire. 1904. - - - 95101 - Wright (G. N. ) China [a description]. 4 v. ill. - - - 95115-8 Chisholm (George G.) Commercial geography. 1906. maps.- 90609 Chocolate. For list of related subjects, see Food. - Jacoutot (A. ) Chocolate and confectionery manufacture, ill. 66405 - Zipperer (P.) Manufacture of chocolate. 1902. bibl. ill. - 66406 Choir invisible ; by J. L. Allen. 27 A 3 Choisy, Francis T. de. Jw Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 2. 1901. E11S2 Cholmondeley (Mary) Diana Tempest. 45 C 2 - Red pottage. 45 CI Cuope (R. H.) The junior arithmetic. 1905. - - - - 51107 - joint-author. See Briggs (W.) Chopin, Frederic F. In Mason (D. G.) Romantic composers, port. 99715 Chosen, a love story ; by J. T. Findlay. 21 Fl 60 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CHR Chota Nagpore, a province of the Empire ; by F. B. B. Birt. 1903. 94805 Christ. See Jesus Christ. Christian (F. W.) The Caroline Islands, travel. 1899. ill. - 99204 Christian, a story ; by Hall Caine. - - - - - - 5C2 Christian biography. For list of related subjects, see Biography. - McGown (G. W. T.) Scottish heroes of the faith. 1907. - 99819 George Wishart. Richard Cameron. James Renwick. Robert Moffat. James Chalmers. Alexander M. Mackay. John G. Paton. - Stephen (Sir J.) Essays in ecclesiastical biography. 1907. 2 v. 99816-7 1. Hildebrand. St. Francis of Assisi. The founders of Jesuitism. Martin Luther. The French Benedictines. The Port-Royalists. 2. Richard Baxter. The "Evangelical" succession. William Wilberforce. The Clap- ham Sect. The historian of enthusiasm [Isaac Taylor]. The epilogue. - Walton (I. ) Lives, port. 99813 J. Donne. Sir H. Wotton. R. Hooker. G. Herbert. R. Sanderson. - See also Hermits. Martyrs. Ministers. Missionaries. Popes. Saints. Christian essentials [theology] ; by F. Ballard. 1907. - - 23016 Christian evidences. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Aitchison (J. ) Signa Christi, evidences of Christianity. 1890. 23912 - Anderson (Sir R.) In defence, a plea for the faith. 1907. - 23915 - Butler (J.) Analogy of religion. 23902 - Fitchett (W. H.) The beliefs of unbelief. 1908. - - - 23919 "Studies in the alternatives of faith." - Ingram (A. F. W.) Reasons for faith. 1907. - - - 23917 Popular objections to Christianity. Old Testameut difficulties. New Testament difficulties. - MacKinnon (A. G.) Tangible tests for a young man's faith. - 23916 - Moore (A. L.) Science and the faith, essays. 1893. - - 23909 EI. Drummond's "Natural law in the spiritual world." Duke of Argyll's " Unity of nature." Bishop Temple's Bampton lectures. Morison's "Service of man." Martineau's "Study of religion." Darwinism and the Christian faith. [Etc.] - Ovenden (C. T.) Problems in life and religion. 1906. - - 23911 - Paley (W.) A view of the evidences of Christianity. - - 23903 - Pascal (B.) Thoughts. 1899. 23901 Selected thoughts. 23913 - Paton (J. L. ) and others. Is Christianity true ? 1904.- - 23905 - Sewall (F.) Reason in belief. 1906. 23904 - Trench (R. C.) The Hulsean lectures, 1845-6. 1880. - - 23918 The fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the spiritual life of men. Christ the desire of all nations. - Wright (G. F.) Scientific aspects of Christian evidences. 1898. 23906 Christian life. For lists of related subjects, see Ethics. Theology. - Bayne (P.) Christian life, social and individual. 1855. - - 17130 - Brierley (J.) Ourselves and the universe. 1904. - - - 17113 - Brooke (S. A.) The life superlative. 1906. .... 24803 Browne (Sir T.) Christian morals. 24001 - Coleridge (S. T.) Aids to reflection. 24201 - Creigh ton (M.) Counsel for the young. 1905. - - - 17108 61 CHE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Christian life. Dickie (W.) Life's ideals. 1907. - - - 17128 - Doddridge (P.) Religion in the soul, addresses. 1892. - - 24302 - Elphinstone (Lady) The power of character, studies. - - 17127 - Garrod (H. W.) The religion of all good men, and other studies. 17102 - Gunsaulus (F. W.) Paths to the city of God. 1906. - - 17121 - Hunt (J. B.) Good without God, is it possible? 1907. - - 17129 - Kempis (T. a) The imitation of Christ. ----- 24202 - Macleod (N.) Love, the fulfilling of the law. 1888. - - 17125 - Martineau (J.) Endeavours after the Christian life. 1907. - 17120 - Meyer (F. B.) Friendly counsels. 1901. - 17119 " I promise," the Christian Endeavour pledge. - - - 24801 Work-a-day sermons. 1897. 17112 - Miller (J. R.) Finding the way. 1904. 17116 - Morgan (G. C.) True estimate of life and how to live. 1903. 17110 -Nepveu(F.) " I am the way." 1906. 24203 - Ruskin (J. ) An Oxford lecture. In his On the old road, v. 3. 70403 - Sinclair (W. M.) Likewise the younger women. 1901. - - 17104 - Taylor (J. ) Holy living, with prayers. 24102 Holy dying. 24101 - Thorold (A. W.-J The yoke of Christ. 1897. - - - - 17115 Marriage. Illness. Letter-writing. Friends. Money. The loss of friends. - Torrey (R. A.) How to succeed in the Christian life. 1906. - 17107 - Watkinson (W. L. ) The education of the heart, essays. - 17105 - Watson (J.) The homely virtues. 1903. - 17118 Christian opportunity, sermons ; by R. T. Davidson. 1904. - 25216 Christian year, thoughts in verse; by J. Keble. ill. - - 301 K Christianity. For lists of related subjects, see Church history. Theology. - Addison (J.) On the Christian religion. In his Works, v. 5. E1A6 - Alston (L.) Stoic and Christian in the second century. 1906. 18802 - Blyth (P. G.) Christianity and tradition. 1906. - - - 23005 - Cairns (D. S.) Christianity in the modern world. 1906. - 23003 - Clifford (J.) Ultimate problems of Christianity. 1906. - - 23004 - Coats (J.) The Master's watchword. 1897. - - - - 23006 " Fundamental principles of the Christian religion." - Dods (M.) Christianity and civilisation. In his Erasmus [etc.] E4D1 - Farrar (F. W.) The early days of Christianity. 1897. - - 27001 - Gardner (P.) The growth of Christianity. 1907. - - - 27009 - Gull (C. A. E. R.) "I believe," and other essays. 1907. - E5G1 - Inge (W. R.) Truth and falsehood in religion. 1906. - - 23015 - Iverach (J.) Christianity and evolution. 1894. - - - 21301 - Milman (H. H.) History of Latin Christianity. 1867. 9 v. - 28201-9 - Rauschenbusch (W.) Christianity and the social crisis. 1907. 26101 - Sharpe (A. B.) The principles of Christianity. 1906. - - 23012 Christian's mistake ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - - HOC 8 62 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CHU Christie (Mrs. A. H.) Embroidery and tapestry weaving. 1906. 74601 Christie (Jas. ) ed. Medical institutions of Glasgow. 1888. - 92402 Christie (Richard C.) Etienne Dolet, a biography. 1899. - D091 Christie Johnstone [a novel] ; by C. Reade. - - - - 16 R 16 Christmas. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Irving (W.) Old Christmas. 1894. ill. 39401 Christmas books ; by C. Dickens. 2 copies. .... 30D6 Christmas books ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 12T6 Christmas stories ; by C. Dickens. 2 copies. - 30D5 Christowell, a Dartmoor tale ; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - 36 B 6 Chronic loafer [a novel] ; by N. Lloyd. 80 LI Chronicles. See Bible. Chronicles of Count Antonio ; by Anthony Hope. - - - 82H3 Chronicles of Don Q. ; by Mrs. K. H. and H. H. Prichard. - 80P1 Chronicles, New, of Don Q. ; by Mrs. K. H. and H. H. Prichard. 80 P 2 Chronicles of the Canongate ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. First series, 35S20; First series, continued, 35S2; First series, concluded, "The surgeon's daughter," 35S25; Second series, "The fair maid of Perth," 35S22. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta family ; by Mrs. E. R. Charles. 38 CI Chronology. See Time. Chrysostom, St. John. In Hello (E.) Studies in saintship. 1903. 99825 Chrystabel, or, clouds with silver linings ; by E. J. Worboise. - 83 W 9 Chucks. Cassal (H. J. S.) Chucks and chucking. 1906. ill - 62301 Church (A. H.) Josiah Wedgwood, master-potter. 1908. ill.- W221 Church (Alfred J.) Henry the Fifth [a biography]. 1891. - H131 Church (Richard \V. ) Beginning of the middle ages. 1 903. maps. 91016 - Spenser [his life and work]. 1888. S241 Church. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Beet (J. A.) The church, churches, and the sacraments. 1907. 26003 - Hunter (J.) A plea for a worshipful church. 1903. - - 26002 - Lidgett (J.S. ) and others. The social mission of the church. 1906. 26103 - Mathews (S.) The church and the changing order. 1907. - 26102 The relation of the church to intellectual, religious, and social movements. - Rankin (J.) Church ideas in Scripture and Scotland. 1898. - 26001 - In Ruskin (J.) On the old road, v. 3. 1899. .... 70403 Notes on the construction of sheepfolds. The Lord's Prayer and the church. - See also Church polity. Missions. Revivals. Ritualism. Sects. Sunday. Church and state. For lists of related subjects, see Church, England. Political science. - Bodley (J. E. C.) The church in France. 1906. - - - 32201 - Macaulay (Lord) Gladstone on Church and state. In Works. 82827 - Moberly (R. C. ) Considerations upon disestablishment and disendowment. In his Problems and principles. 1904. - 20402 - Russell (G. W. E. ) Ritualism and disestablishment. In his Household of faith. 1902. 28303 63 CHU GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Church decoration. For list of related subjects, see Decoration. - Duthie (A. L.) Practical church decoration. 1907. ill. - 69807 Church, Eastern. See Church, Greek. Church, England. Allison (T.) English Church history to a. d. 1702. 27602 - Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England [to a.d. 731]. - - 27601 - Creighton (M.) The Church and the nation, addresses. 1901. 28307 - Crosse (G.) Authority in the Church of England. 1906. - 26201 - Lang(C. G.) The opportunity of the Church of England. 1906. 25002 - Lock (W.) and others. Church and Empire. 1907. - ■ 28304 - MacColl(M.) The reformation settlement. 1899. - - - 28302 - Perry (G. G.) History of the English Church. 1890-1900. 3 v. 27603-5 1. 596-1509. 2. 1509-1717. 3. 1717-1884. - Russell (G. W. E.) The household of faith, essays. 1902. - 28303 Mr. Gladstone's religious development. John William Burgon. Ritual- ism and disestablishment. [Etc.] - Sadler (M. F.) Church doctrine, Bible truth. 1908. - - 28306 - Scott (C. A.) Evangelical doctrine, Bible truth. 1901.- - 28301 A criticism of Sadler's " Church doctrine." - Simon (J. S.) The revival of religion in England in the eighteenth century. 1907. ------ 27607 - See also Church and state. Cla,pham Sect. Oxford movement. Prayer hook. Thirty-nine articles. Church, Greek. Fortescue (A.) The Orthodox Eastern Church. 28102 - Stanley (A. P.) History of the Eastern Church. 1884. plans. 28101 Church history. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Bruce (H.) The age of schism, 1304-1503. 1907. - - - 27010 - Cutts (E. L.) Turning points of church history. 1893.- - 27006 - Jones (H.D.M.Spence) The golden age of the church. 1906. map. 27005 - Schubert (H. von) Outlines of church history. 1907. - - 27008 - Smith (P.) History of the Christian church [to 1555]. 2 v. - 27002-3 - Socrates. Ecclesiastical history, a.d. 305 to [445]. - - 27004 - Stanley (A. P.) The study of ecclesiastical history. In his History of the Eastern Church. 1884. - 28101 - See also Christianity. Crusades. Martyrs. Persecution. Reformation. Church music. See Music, Church. Church of Scotland. Archibald (J.) A ten years' conflict. 1907. 27505 The conflict between Presbytery and Episcopacy, 1701-11 ; persecution of episcopal clergy, 1715 and 1745. - Argyll (Duke of) "Presbytery examined." 1848.- - - 27507 " Ecclesiastical history of Scotland since the reformation." - Henderson (H. F.) The religious controversies of Scotland. - 27508 - Paton (R.) The Scottish Church in early times. 1884. - - 27503 - Robinson (A.) The story of the Kilmun case. - - - - 27504 - Watson (J.) The Scot of the eighteenth century. 1907. - 27506 Church of Scotland, Free Church. Walker (N. L.) Chapters from the history of the Free Church. 1895. - 28501 64 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CIT Church polity. Moberly (R. C.) The independence of church courts. In his Problems and principles. 1904. - - 20402 Church, Presbyterian. Black (K. M.) The Scots churches in England. 1906. map. 28503 - Mcllveen (J.) The church's worship. 1906. 28502 Churches. Heath (S. ) Our homeland churches and how to study them. 1907. bibl. ill. - 72605 - See also Cathedrals. Churchill, Lord Randolph. Churchill (W. L. S.) Lord Randolph Churchill [a biography]. 1906. 2 v. port. - - - C 211-2 - Paul(H. W.) Winston Churchill's "Life of Lord Randolph Churchill." In his Stray leaves. 1906.- - - - E1P1 Churchill (Winston) The crossing. - - - - - - 47 CI Churchill (Winston L. S. ) For free trade, speeches. 1906. - 33709 - The story of the Malakand Field Force. 1S99. maps, plans. 94802 Church's worship [Presbyterian] ; by J. Mcllveen. 1906.- - 28502 Cicero. Letters ; trans, by W. Melnoth and W. Heberden. mem. port. 87601 - Orations ; trans, by C. D. Yonge. 1902-5. 4 v. - - - 87501-4 Cigarettes. For lists of related subjects, see Health. Industries. - Henry (J. Q. A.) The deadly cigarette, ill. ... - 61316 "The perils of juvenile smoking." - Zicaliotti (A.) Record of the cigarette industry. 1904.- - 67901 Cinderella, a novel ; by S. R. Crockett, 120C6 Circassian ; by M. Roberts and M. Montesole. - - - - 44R1 Circle. Phin (J.) Squaring the circle. In his Follies. 1906. - 50412 Circuit journeys [Scotland, 1837-54] ; by Lord Cockbum. 1SS9. C081 Cities. Barnett (Mrs. S. A.) Science and city suburbs. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30412 - Howe (F. C.) The British city, the beginnings of democracy.- 35206 - Keeble (S. E.) The city. In Citizen of to-morrow. 1906. bibl. 30409 - Kingsley (C.) (treat cities and their influence for good and evil. In his Sanitary and social lectures. 1902. - - E1K1 - See also Garden cities. Names of cities. Citizen of the world ; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 3. - E1G3 Citizenship. For lists of related subjects, see Ethics. Political science. - Aston (W. D.) The duties and rights of citizenship. 1907. - 32007 - Branford(V. V.) Science and citizenship. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30412 - Moulton (W. F.) and others. The citizen of to-morrow. 1906. 30409 The call ami credentials of social Christianity; by II. Bisseker. John Wesley and social service ; by •'. K. Kattenbury. Christianity and socialism ; by F. Ballard. Poverty, its tacts and problems; by W. F. Lofthouse. The citizen and unemployment ; by Q. W. AfcArthur. The housing of the citizen ; by A. P. Grnbb. The young, or, citizens in the making ; by \V. 15. Fits-Gerald. The city, or, the service of the citizens; by S. E. Keeble. [Etc.] - Tuft (W. H.) Four aspects of civic duty. 1906. - - - 17201 City of God, discussions in religion, by A. M. Fairbairn. 1S83. 23014 c 65 CIV GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Civil service. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Skerry (G. E. ) The civil service manual. .... 35102 " Being a practical guide to examinations." - See also Foreign Office. Civilization. For lists of related subjects, see History. Sociology. - Anderson (R. E.) Extinct civilizations of the east. 1899. ill. 90301 Extinct civilizations of the west. 1903. ill. map. - - 90302 - Asiaticus. An eastern view of western progress. 1905. - 30102 - Buckle (H. T. ) History of civilization in England [France, Spain, and Scotland]. 1903. 3 v. MM. - - ' - - 90303-5 - Kingsley (C.) Ancient civilization. In his Lectures. 1902. - 90403 - Maurice (F. D.) Christian civilization. In his Friendship of books, and other lectures. 1904. - E4M1 - Rawlinson (G.) The origin of nations, maps. - - - 90307 - Seignobos (C. ) History of ancient civilization [to a.d. 400]. - 90308 History of mediaeval civilization [a.d. 9-1700]. bibl. - - 90309 Cms. State of the navy in 1907. 1907. 35907 Claassen (H.) Beet-sugar manufacture. 1906.- - - - 66401 Claim jumpers, a romance ; by S. E. White. - ... 12W2 Claims of the common life, sermons ; by M. Creighton. 1905. - 25234 Clairvoyance. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Hara (0 Hashnu) Practical clairvoyance and telepathy. - 13404 Clapham ( J. H. ) The woollen and worsted industries. 1907. ill. 67725 Clapham Sect, in Stephen (Sir J.) Essays, v. 2. 1907. - - 99817 Clapperton (GeoPvGe) Practical paper-making. 1907. ill. - 67601 Clara Vaughan [a novel] ; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - 63 B 5 Clare (Austin) Court cards, a romance. 50 C 3 - The tideway, a novel. 50 C 2 Clarence [a novel] ; by F. Bret Harte. 33 H 3 A sequel to "Susy," 33H5. Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of) Characters and episodes of the great rebellion ; ed. by G. D. Boyle. 1889. - - 91305 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. Stephen (Sir J. F. ) Clarendon's 'History of the rebellion'; Clarendon's 'Life.' In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. , E3S1 Clark (F.E,) Continent of opportunity [South America]. 1907. 97803 Clark (Victor S.) The labour movement in Australasia. 1907. 33105 Clark (William) British marine testaceous mollusca. 1855. - 59403 Clark, William. Bid die (N.) ed. Expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark to sources of Missouri, 1804-6. 3 v. port. - 97405-7 Clarke (H. W.) The Persian manual. 49106 Clarke (Henry B.) Modern Spain, 1815-98. 1906. mem. map. 93422 Clarke (John H. ) Homoeopathy explained. 1905. - - - 61503 Clarke (Marcus) For the term of his natural life. 2 copies. - 54C1 Clarkson (Thomas) Memoirs of William Penn. 1813. 2 v. - P161-2 Classics. Sidgwick (H.) Classical education. In his Essays. - E8S1 66 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CLO Clausen (George) Aims and ideals in art. 190(3. ill. - - 70405 - Six lectures on painting, 1904. 1906. ill. .... 75003 Clay (Sir Arthur) and others. Manufacture of paupers. 1906. 33902 Clay, Henry. Schurz (C.) Life of Henry Clay. 18S7- 2 v. -C181-2 Clay (Reginald S.) Practical exercises in light. 190G. ill. - 53505 Clay. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - The ciayworker's hand-book. 1906. bibl. ill. - - - 66601 - Fairie (J.) Notes on pottery clays. 1901. - - - - 66604 - Passmore (A. C.) Sand and clay, analysis [etc.] 1907. - - 69101 Clayton (Joseph) John Blankset's business, a novel. - - 147 CI Clear (Claudius). See Nicoll (William Robertson). Cleeve (Lucas) Anglo-Americans. 56 CI - Our lady of beauty. 56 C 2 - The progress of Priscilla. 56 C 4 - Stolen waters. 56 C 3 Cleg Kelly, arab of the city ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - 120 C 8 Cl eland (John) Animal physiology, the human body. ill. - 61201 Clement of Alexandria. Dods (M.) Clement and his apologetic. In his Erasmus, and other essays. 1891. - - - E4D1 Clemesha ( H. W. ) Preston and its Gild Merchant. In Essays. 1907. 90406 Clemson (H.) Methods and machinery of business, exchanges and insurance. 1907. 65812 Clennell (Emily M. H.) Timothy's legacy. .... 148C1 Cleopatra [a romance] ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - 3H7 Cleve Hall [a story] ; by E. M. Sewell. 48S8 Cleveden [a novel] ; by M. Linskill. ------ 45L1 Clever woman of the family ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - 2Y4 Clews (Hy. ) and others. Problems in banking and currency. - 33208 Clifford (Hugh) Heroes of exile. 1906. 99510 - Sally, and other tales. 159 CI Clifford (John) Ultimate problems of Christianity. 1906. - 23004 Clifton (A. B.) The cathedral church of Lichfield. 1S9S. ill. - 72604 Climate. Croll (J.) Climate and time, their geological relations. 55112 - - Climate and cosmology. 18S5. 55118 " A discussion of the objections urged against ' Climate and time.' " - Proctor (R. A.) Climate of Great Britain. In Light science. 50425 - Wallace (A. It.) Island life, including the problem of geological climates. 1892. ill. maps. 59103 Climbing plants. For lists of related subjects, see Gardening. - Arnott (S.) Climbing plants and wall shrubs. 1903. ill. - 71602 Clive, Robert, Lord. In Macaulay (Lord) Works. - - - 82827 Cloak of friendship [and other stories] ; by L. Housman. - - 129H1 Clocks and watches. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Britten (F. J.) Watch and clock makers' handbook. 1907. ill. 68101 - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-4. ill. - - - 60306-9 67 CLO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Clocks and watches. CunyDghame(H. H.) Time and clocks. 1906. ^.52901 "Ancient and modern methods of measuring time." Clodd (Edward) Pioneers of evolution, Thales to Huxley, ill. 57515 - The story of creation. 1890. ill. 57514 - The story of "primitive " man. 1895. ill. - 57102 Cloister and the hearth, a tale ; by C. Reade. - - - 16 R 9 Clough (Arthur H.) Selections from [his] poems. 1904. -port. 401 C Clough, A. H. Bagehot (W.) Clough's poems. In his Studies. - E5B2 - Sidgwick(H.) Poems and prose remains of Clough. In his Essays. E8S1 Clouston (J. S.) The adventures of M. d'Haricot. - - • - 61 C 3 - The duke. - - - - 61C4 - Garmiscath [a novel]. 2 copies. 61 C 2 - Our Lady's Inn. 61 CI Clouston (Thomas S.) The hygiene of mind. 1906. ill. - - 13101 Clove Hitch. A handbook on sailing. 1904. ill. - - - 79706 Clyde. Guide to Glasgow and the Clyde, ill. map. - - - 92307 - In Industrial rivers of the United Kingdom. 1888. ill. - 38002 - Macdonald (H.) Days at the coast, Firth of Clyde, ill. - 91902 - Munro (R.) Archaeology and false antiquities. 1905. ill. - 57101 The disputed antiquarian discoveries on the banks of the Clyde. - Lang (A.) The Clyde mystery [a criticism of the above], ill. - 57103 - Williamson (J.) The Clyde passenger steamer. 1812 to 1901. ill. 65606 Clyde songs, and other verses; by J. J. Bell. 1905. - - 1201 B Coach-building. In CasselFs Technical educator, v. 5-6. - - 60310-1 Coaching. Bradley (T.) Old coaching days in Yorkshire, ill. - 79802 Coal. For lists of related subjects, see Geology. Mining. - Boulton(W. S.) and others. Practical coal-mining, v. 1-4. ill. 62510-3 1. Geology of the coal measures ; by S. Boulton. Composition and analysis of coal; by C. A. Seyler. Trial borings ; by H. F. Bulman. Shaft- sinking ; by H. Louis. 2. Shaft-sinking [conch] ; by H. Louis. Breaking ground ; by H. F. Bulman. Methods of working and timbering ; by E. H. Robertson. 3. Haulage ; by G. R. Thompson. Winding ; by C. Latham. Pumping; by W. E. Lishman. 4. Pumping, continued; by W. E. Lishman. Ventilation ; by H. W. G. Halbaum. Transmission of power ; by W. E. Lishman. - Burns (D.) Electrical practice in collieries. 1905. ill. - - 62505 - Coal mining. In CasselPs New technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. 60310-11 - Glover (W.) Lessons in coal mining for schools. 1906. ill. - 62509 - Hughes (H. W.) A text-book of coal-mining. 1904. bibl. ill. 62507 - Kerr (G. L.) Practical coal mining. 1905. ill. - - - 62508 - Martin (E. A.) The story of a piece of coal. 1898. ill. - 55301 - Peel (R.) Elementary text-book of coal mining. 1905. ill. - 62504 - Proctor (R. A.) Britain's coal cellars. In his Science, v. 1. - 50424 - Ward (J. J. ) Story of a piece of coal. In Nature biographies. 50419 Coates (Thos. F. G.) and Bell (R. S. W.) Marie Corelli. 1903. ill. C141 Coats (Jervis) The Master's watchword [Christianity]. 1897. 23006 Cobb (Thomas) The friendships of Veronica. - - - 66 C 2 - A man of sentiment, a novel. 66 CI 68 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. COL Cobban (James M. ) The iron hand. - 160 C 2 - The terror by night. 160C1 Cobbett (William) Advice to young men. mem. - - - 17012 - Regency and reign of George the Fourth. 2 v. - - 91432-3 Cobbett, William. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 2. 1895. 82104 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Cobbett's political works. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. 1892. - E3S3 Cobbleigh (Tom). See Raymond (Walter). Cobden (Richard) Speeches on questions of public policy. - 82719 Cobden, Richard. Axon(W.E.A.) Cobden as a citizen. 1201. bibl. port. C112 "A facsimile of Cobden's pamphlet 'Incorporate your borough,' with an introduction." - In MacCunn (J.) Six radical thinkers. 1907. - - - 32014 - Morley (J.) The life of Cobden. 1905. bibl. port. - - Clll Cock-lane ghost ; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 2. - - E1G2 Cockburn (Henry, Lord) Circuit journeys, Scotland, 1837-54. C081 Cockerell (Douglas) Bookbinding and care of books. 1906. - 68602 Cockton (Henry) Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist. - - 68C2 - Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist. 68 CI Coffee. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture. - Lock (C. G. \Y.)ed. Coffee, culture and commerce. 1888. bibl. ill. 63305 Coghlan (T. A.) and Ewing (T. T. ) Progress of Australasia in the nineteenth century. 1903. 98607 Coins and medals. For lists of related subjects, see Money. Sculpture. - Addison (J.) Dialogues upon ancient medals. In his Works, v. 1. E1A2 - Avebury (Lord) History of coins and currency. 1903. ill. - 33202 - Rawlings (G. B.) The story of British coinage. 1S98. ill. - 33201 - Temple (Sir R. C) Anthropology, the evolution of currency and coinage. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. 50421 Colberg (Paul) Harmony progressively arranged, port. 7iuis. 78112 Colby (A. L. ) American standard specifications for steel. 1902. 67202 Coldstream, John, Biography of ; by J. H. Balfour. 1865. port. C341 Cole (Grenville A. J.) Aids in practical geology. 1906. ill. - 55010 - Open-air studies in geology. 1902. ill. ----- 55110 Colebrooke, Henry T. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. 1904. E5M2 Coleridge, Hartley. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 1. 189S. E5B1 Coleridge, John Duke, Lord. Coleridge (E. H.) Life and corre- spondence of Lord Coleridge. 1904. 2 v. port. ill. - C 151-2 Coleridge (Mary E. ) The fiery dawn. 70 CI Coleridge (Samuel T.) Aids to reflection. Confessions of an inquiring spirit. 24201 - Poetical [and] dramatic writings, mem. - 101 C - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 Coleridge, Samuel T. Campbell (J. D.) Coleridge, his life. port. C161 - Garnett (R. ) The poetry of Coleridge. In his Essays. 1901. E3G1 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E4S3 69 COL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Collapse of the penitent ; by F. Wedmore. .... 33W1 Collectivism. See Socialism. Collier (William F.) Marjorie Dudingstoune, a tale. - - 72C1 Collings (Jesse) Land reform. 190& ill. - 33305 Collingwood ( William G. ) Art leaching of John Ruskin. 1900. 70112 - The Lake counties. 1902. ill. maps. 91722 Collins (John C.) Essays and studies. 1895. - - - - E4C1 John Dryden. The predecessors of Shakspeare. Lord Chesterfield's Letters. The Porson of Shakspearian criticism [Theobald]. Menander. - Studies in poetry and criticism. 1905. E4C2 The poetry and poets of America. The collected works of Lord Byron. The poetry of Mr. Gerald Massey. Miltonic myths and their authors. Longinus and Greek criticism. The true functions of poetry. [Etc.] - ed. A treasury of minor British poetry. ----- 82232 Collins (Tom) School and sport, recollections. 1905. - - 79620 Collins (William) Poems, mem. 82435 - Poetical works, mem. port. 501 C - Selections. In English poets, v. 3. mem. - 82223 Collins (William Wilkie) My miscellanies. 1893. port. - 82803 - After dark. 75C21 - Antonina, or, the fall of Rome. 75 C 3 - Armadale. 75C1 - Basil. 75C4 - The black robe. 75C5 - The dead secret. 75C6 - The frozen deep, and other tales. ------ 75C8 - The haunted hotel. My lady's money. 2 copies. - - - 75 C 11 - Hide and seek. 75C19 - 'I say no.' 75C9 - Jezebel's daughter. 2 copies. 75C12 - The law aud the lady. - 75C20 - Man and wife, a novel. 75C17 - Miss or Mrs.? and other stories. 75C18 Blow up with the brig. The fatal cradle. A mad marriage. - The moonstone, a romance. 75C15 - The new Magdalen. 75C7 - No name. 2 copies. 75 C10 - Poor Miss Finch, a domestic story. 75C16 - The queen of hearts. 75 C 2 - The woman in white. 75C13 Collyns (C. P.) Chase of wild red deer in Devon and Somerset. 79922 Colomb (P. H.) Adm. St. Vincent; Nelson. In From Howard to Nelson. 99609 Colomba ; par P. Merimee ; with notes. 1905. - 44841 Colonel Quaritch,V.C, a tale of country life; byLT. Eider Haggard. 3H15 Colonel Starbottle's client, and some other people ; by F. Bret Harte. 33 H 2 70 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. COM Colonies, British. Alison (Sir A.) Colonial government and the West India question. In his Essays, v. 1. 1850. - - E3A1 - Caldecott (A.) English colonization and Empire. 1901. maps. 32507 - Froude(J. A.) England and her colonies; England's war. In his Short studies, v. 2. - - - - - - E2F2 Oceana, or, England and her colonies. 190o. ill. - - 32502 - Greswell (W. P.) Growth of the British colonies, 1837-97. - 32503 - Jebb (R.) Studies in colonial nationalism. 1905. - - - 32504 - Kirkpatrick (F. A.) Colonization and Empire. 1906. v. 1. bibl. 32508 - Seeley (Sir J. R.) The expansion of England. 1904. - - 32501 - Walker (H. de R. ) Science and colonial development. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30412 - See also Darien Company. Colossians, Epistle to the. See Bible. Colour. For lists of related subjects, see Chemical technology. Light. - Hurst (G. H.) Painters' colours, oils, varnishes. 1906. ill. - 66716 - Paterson (D.) Colour-matching on textiles. 1901. ill. - - 66712 - Rood (O. N.) Colour, with applications. 1904. ill. - - 53501 - Standage (H. C.) The artists' manual of pigments. 1896. - 66715 Colour blindness. For list of related subjects, see Light. - Abney (Sir W. de W.) Colour vision. 1894. ill. - - - 53502 Colqchoux (Arch. R.) Renascence of South Africa. 1900. map. 96303 Colquhoux (John) The moor and the loch. 1888. mem. port. ill. 79919 Columbus, Christopher. Irving (W.) Life and voyages of Columbus. 1903. 2 v. port. C 052-3 V. 2. contains also "The voyages and discoveries of the companions of Columbus." Combe, Andrew. In Brown (J.) Horoe subsecivre, v. I. 1S97. - E2B1 [Combe (William)] Dr. Syntax [a poem]. 3 v. col. ill. - -1301-3C Come live with me and be my love ; by R. W. Buchanan. - 103 B 7 Comets. Proctor (R. A.) The two comets of 186S. In his Light science for leisure hours, v. 2. 1906. .... 50425 Comic operas. See Music, Musical comedies. Comines, Philippe de. In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae. E3S1 Coming of love, and other poems ; by T. Watts Dunton. 1907. 701 D Coming of the preachers, a tale ; by John Ack worth. - - 67A1 Coming of the Randolphs ; by A. Sergeant. - - - 45 SI Coming race ; by Lord Lytton. - - - - - - - 74 L 17 Commerce. For lists of related subjects, see Arts, Useful. Sociology. - Alison (Sir A.) Commercial crisis of 1837. In his Essays, v. 1. E3A1 - British commerce. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. 03208-9 - Davidson (J.) Commercial federation and colonial trade policy. 33701 - Day (C. ) A history of commerce. 1907. bibl. map*. - - 38001 - Duncan (R. K.) The chemistry of commerce. 1907. ill. - 66012 - Hervey (M. H.) Trade policy of imperial federation. 189*2. - 33702 - McKenzie (F. A.) The American invaders. 1902. - - - 33803 The effects on British trade of the commercial expansion of CT.S. A. 71 COM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Commerce. See also Advertising. Business. Fur-trading. Postage stamps. Transportation. Weights and measures. Commercial correspondence. For list of related subjects, see Business. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. 1903. - - - 03208-9 English, French, German. - Davies (A. E.) The foreign correspondent. 1905. - - - 65002 - Parkyn (W. A.) The language of commerce. 1906. 2 v. - 65810-1 1. Composition, terminology, letter-writing. 2. Correspondence classi- fied and simplified. - Pitman's Dictionary of commercial correspondence. 1907. - 65003 "In English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian." - See also Shorthand. Commercial geography. For related subjects, see Geography. - Chisholm (G. G.) Commercial geography. 1906. maps. - 90609 - Slater (J. A.) The world's commercial products. - - - 90608 - Toothaker (C. R.) Commercial raw materials. 1905. ill. maps. 90607 Commonplace philosopher [essays]; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 1891. E3B7 Commons, House of. For related subjects, see Parliament. - Grant (J.) Random recollections, 1830-5. ... - 32803 Commonwealth or Empire [United States] ; by G. Smith. 1902. 35301 Commonwealths. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Bacon (F.) New Atlantis. 19208 - Hobbes (T.) Leviathan. In his English works, v. 3. 1839. - 19211 - More (Sir T.) Utopia [an imaginary ideal commonwealth]. - 32002 Communion. See Lord's Supper. Commutators. Livingstone (R.) Design and construction of commutators. 1907. ill. 62420 Companions of Jehu ; by A. Dumas. 58D19 A sequel to " The whites and the blues," 58D16. Companions of the sorrowful way [Bible characters] ; by J. Watson. 22702 Compass. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Martin (W. R.) Lectures on compass adjustment. 1906. ill. 52201 Composers. See Musicians. Composition. See Language. Music. Compromise [a novel] ; by D. Gerard. .... - 14G2 Compromises [literary and social essays]; by A. Repplier. 1904. E1R1 Compton (Herbert E. ) Indian life in town and country, ill. - 94710 - The palace of spies, an episode. 77 CI - The queen can do no wrong [a sequel to "The palace of spies "]. 77 C 2 Comrades, poems old and new; by W. Canton. 1902. - - 1201 C Comrades two ; by E. Fremantle. 71F1 Comradeship in sorrow, thoughts ; by J. Stark. 1907. - - 24209 Comte (Auguste) Positive philosophy. 1896. 3 v. bibl. mem. 19401-3 Comte, Auguste. In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 3. - E3M3 Comte de Monte-Cristo ; par A. Dumas. 58D18 Con Cregan, The confessions of ; by C. Lever. - - - 39 L 6 72 HUTCHES ONTO IVN BRANCH. CON Concerning Isabel Carnaby ; by E. T. Fowler. - - - 45 F 4 Concrete. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Twelvetrees (\V. N.) Concrete-steel. 1907. ill. - - - 69104 " The theory and practice of reinforced concrete construction." Concrete-steel buildings. 1907. ill. 72102 "A companion volume to the treatise on 'Concrete-steel.'" - Warren (F. D.) Reinforced concrete. 1906. ill. - - - 69301 Conde (Jose A.) The Arabs in Spain [711-1492]. 3 v. - -93408-10 Conder (Claude R.) Critics and the law [Pentateuch]. 1907. - 22305 Condescension in foreigners; by J. R. Lowell. In his My study windows. - - - - - - - - - -E1L1 Condorcet, Marquis de. In Morley (J. ) Critical miscellanies, v. 2. E3M2 Conduct of life. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Avebury (Lord) The pleasures of life. 1905. - - - E2A1 -- The use of life [essays]. 1904. E2A2 - Bell (Lady) The minor moralist, essays on conduct. 1903. - 17008 The better teaching of manners. Some difficulties incidental to middle age. The relation between mothers and daughters. " Si jeunesse voulair." Thrift and certain proverbs regarding it. Lot of the servant. - Cobbett (W.) Advice to young men and young women. - - 17012 - In Emerson (R. W.) Works, v. 2. 1S94. - - - - E2E2 - Gunsaulus (F. W.) Young men in history. 1899.- - - 17006 - Haldane (R. B.) The dedicated life. In his Army reform [etc.] 35510 - Hammerton (J. A.) A young man's mind. .... 17005 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1-2. 1894-1900. -E6H1-2 1. The art of living. 2. The arts of self-advancement. The miseries of human life. Life not so miserable after all. - Jordan (W. G.) Great truths. 17009 - Lecky (W. E. H.) The map of life, conduct and character. 1904. 17015 - Maeterlinck (M.) Deeper life. In his Treasure of the humble. E8M2 - Nicoll (W. R.) Letters on life. 1904. E2N2 - Ruskin (J.) The mystery of life and its arts. In his Sesame and lilies. 82805 - Smiles (S.) Self-help, conduct and perseverance. 1905. ill. - 37402 - Thayer (W. M.) Tact, push, and principle. 1904. - - 17402 - Wagner (C.) Towards the heights. 1906. - - - 17103 - Warner (C. D.) The relation of literature to life. 1897. - E2W1 - Williamson (J.) Science in living. 17117 Confectionery. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - The British Baker's Selected recipes. 64209 - Hausner (A.) The manufacture of sweetmeats. 1902. ill. - 66403 - Jacoutot (A.) Chocolate and confectionery manufacture, ill. 66405 - Jeanes (W.) Gunter's Modern confectioner. - 64202 - Jones (L.) Puddings and sweets, receipts. .... 64206 - Manders (B.) The art of sweetmaking. 1905. - - - 64203 - Weatherley (H.) The art of boiling sugar. 1903. ill. - - 66404 - Wells (R.) Ornamental confectionery. 1897. ill.- - - 64201 - See also Cakes. 73 CON GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Confessions of a tradesman ; by F. T. Bullen. .... 104B7 Confessions of an English opium-eater ; by T. De Quincey. - E1D1 Confessions of an inquiring spirit ; by S. T. Coleridge. - - 24201 Confessions of Con Cregan ; by C. Lever. 39 L 6 Confessions of Harry Lorrequer ; by C. Lever. 2 copies. - - 39 LI Confidence ; by H. James. 7 J 6 Confidential agent ; by J. Payn. 18P16 Confucius. In Bernard (E. R.) Great moral teachers. 1906. bibl. 18001 - In Dods (M.) Erasmus, and other essays. 1891. - - - E4D1 Congo Free State. Morel (E. D.) Red rubber, the rubber slave trade. 1907. maps. 95904 - Twain (Mark) King Leopold's soliloquy. 1907. ill. - - 95907 " A [satirical] defence of his Congo rule." Congregationalism. For list of other sects, see Sects. - Dale (R. W.) English Congregationalism. 1907. bibl. - - 28504 Congreve, Wm. In Thackeray (W. M. ) English humourists. 2 cop. 12T7 Conic sections. For list of related subjects, see Geometry. - Bryan (G.H.) and Pinkerton (R. H.) Geometry of the conic. 1907.51312 - Puckle (G. H.) Elementary treatise on conic sections. 1903. 51313 Coningsby, or, the new generation ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. 31 B8 Conjuring. For list of other amusements, see Amusements. - Sachs (E. T.) Sleight of hand. 1900. ill. - 79101 Conn (H. W.) The story of germ life, bacteria. 1899. ill. - 58901 - The story of life's mechanism. 1899. ill. .... 57001 Connaught. Armstrong (T.) My life in Connaught. 1907. ill. A221 " With sketches of mission work in the west." Connecticut. Bacon (E. M. ) The Connecticut River and the valley of the Connecticut. 1906. ill. map. - - - 97317 - Johnston (A.) Connecticut, a commonwealth-democracy. - 97301 Connemara. Holding (T. H.) Cycle and camp [in Connemara]. ill. 79616 Connor (Ralph) Black Rock, a tale of the Selkirks. - - 80 C 3 - The doctor of Crows Nest. 80 C 2 - The pilot at Swan Creek [and other stories]. 2 copies. - - 80 CI Breaking the record. Ould Michael. Beyond the marshes. - The prospector, a tale of the Crow's Nest Pass. - - - 80 C 4 - The sky pilot, a tale of the foothills. 80 C 5 Connor (W. J.) The stoker's catechism. 1906. - - - 62112 Conquest of Canaan, a novel ; by B. Tarkington. - - - 2T2 Conquest of Charlotte, a romance ; by D. S. Meldrum. - - 138 Ml Conrad (Joseph) Nostromo, a tale of the seaboard. - - - 81 C 3 - Tales of unrest. - - - 81 C 2 - and Hueffer (F. M.) The inheritors. 81C1 Conscription. For list of related subjects, see Army. - Browne (E. C.) National service. 1904. ... 35511 Conspirators, or, the Chevalier d'Har mental ; by A. Dumas. - 58D12 Constable (F. C.) Morgan Hailsham, or, a curious month. - 83C1 74 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. COO Constantine XI. Mijatovich (C. ) Constantine, or, the conquest of Constantinople, A. D. 3453. 1892. blbl. port. ill. - 93902 Constantinople. Houston (J. A. C.) The daughter of Leontius. 1894. 93906 11 Byzantine life, social and religious, in the fifth century after Christ." - Mijatovich (C. ) Constantine, or, the conquest of Constantinople, a.d. 1453. 1892. bibl. ill. plan. 93902 Constitution. See Great Britain, Constitution. Consuelo, a novel ; by George Sand. 15S2 Consumption. For list of related subjects, see Disease. - Gibson (J. A.) Nordrach treatment for consumptives. 1904. 61605 - Gill (F. P.) The sulphur treatment of consumption. 1906. - 61608 - Tyndall (J.) The origin, propagation, and preventionof phthisis. In his New fragments. 1897. - - - - - - 50410 Contagion. For lists of related subjects, see Disease. Health, Public. - McVail (J.) Prevention of infectious diseases. 1907. ill. - 61410 - Marsden (R. W.) Management of commoner infections. 1906. 61602 Contarini Fleming, a romance ; by the Farl of Beaconsfield. - 31 B 7 Continent of opportunity [S. America]; by F. E. Clark. 1907. ill. 97803 Continental outcast, poor law relief ; by W. and V. W. Carlile. 33120 Contraband, or, a losing hazard; by G. J. Whyte Melville. - 79M1 Contrabass. Kappey (J. A.) Tutor for bombardons and con- trabasses, fo. 78801 Conversation. For related subjects, see Culture. - Au fait. The art of conversing. 1901. 37408 - Stevenson (R. L. ) Talk and talkers. In his Memories. - - E1S4 Convict ship ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R35 Conway (Hugh) Called back. - - - - - - 84C2 - Dark days. 84C1 Coxway(MoncureD.) Autobiography, memories. 1904. 2 v. port. C311-2 - Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1895. H261 Cook (Eliza) Poetical works. 1101C Cook (J. A. B.) Sunny Singapore, the place and people. 1907. ill. 95002 Cook (James) Captain. Three voyages round the world, mem. 90824 Cook, James, Capt. Kitson (A.) Captain Cook [a biography], port. C042 Cook (William) The chess players' compendium. 1907. - - 79403 Cooke (A. G.) Electric lighting. In Chemical technology, v. 4. 62430 Cooke (A. H.) Molluscs. 1895. ill. 59402 Cooke (Herbert O. S.) Success in the office. 1907. - - 65808 Cooke (J. T.) Psychic and nervous forces. 1905. - - - 13406 Cooke (John E.) Virginia, a history of the people. 1903. map. - 97305 Cooke (Josiah P.) Scientific culture. 1876. .... 50703 Cooke (Mordecai C.) Fresh-water alg?e. 1890. ill, - - 58905 - A manual of botanic terms. 1876. ill. ----- 58004 Cookery. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - The art of cookery, and hints on carving. .... 64106 - Beeton (Mrs. I.) All about cookery. 1907. col. ill. - - 64108 75 COO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cookery. Black (Mrs. M.) Household cookery. - - - 64107 - Booth (A. M.) Simple cookery. 1906. 64112 - De Salis (Mrs. H. A.) National viands, recipes. 1895. - - 64103 - Senn (C. H. ) Breakfast and supper dishes. ... - 64101 - See also Game. Oysters. Puddings. Savouries. Vegetables. Vegetarianism. Cooley (Thos. McI.) Michigan, a history of governments. 1905. 97302 Coomassie. See Kumasi. Cooper (A. H.) The Norwegian fjords. 1907. col. ill. - - 94104 Cooper (Arthur N. ) Quaint talks about long walks, port. ill. 91014 - Round the home of a Yorkshire parson, port. ill. - - - 91713 - The tramps of ' The walking parson.' 1905. port. ill. - 91012 - With knapsack and note-book. 1906. port. ill. - - - 91015 Cooper (Edward H.) Lord and Lady Aston, a novel. - - 86 CI Cooper (James Fenimore) Afloat and ashore, a sea tale. - - 88 C 11 - Miles Wallingford, a sequel to " Afloat and ashore." - - 88 C 6 - The bravo, a tale. 88C20 - The crater, a tale of the Pacific. 88 C 2 - The headsman, a tale. 88C12 - The Heidenmauer, a legend of the Rhine. - - - - 88 C 13 - Leather-stocking series : 1. The Deerslayer, 88 C 5. 2. The last of the Mohicans, 88 C 9. 3. The Pathfinder, 88 C 4. 4. The pioneers. 88 C 3. 5. The prairie, 88 CIO. - Lionel Lincoln, or, the leaguer of Boston. - - - - 88 C 21 - The oak openings, or, the bee-hunter. - - - - 88 C 14 - The pilot, a tale of the sea. 2 copies. 88 C 7 - Precaution, a novel. 88C24 - The Red Rover. 88C15 - Satanstoe, a tale of the colony. 88C23 - The chainbearer [a continuation of "Satanstoe"]. - - - 88 C 22 - The redskius [a continuation of " The chainbearer "]. - - 88C16 - The sea lions, or, the lost sealers. 88 CI - The spy, a tale of the neutral ground. 88 C 8 - The two admirals. 88C17 - The water- witch. 88C19 - Wyandotte, or, the hutted knoll. 88C18 Cooper, James F. In Vincent (L. H. ) American literary masters. 81001 Cooper (Thomas) Verity and value of the miracles of Christ. - 22717 Cooper (W. R.) ed. " The Electrician" primers, v. 3. ill. - 62427 Co-operation. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Aves (E.) Co-operative industry. 1907. .... 33403 - In George (W. L.) Engines of social progress. 1907. - - 30411 - Holyoake (G. J.) The history of co-operation. 1906. 2 v. ill. 33404-5 - See also Building societies. Friendly societies. Cope (Edward A.) Pitman's Solicitor's clerk's guide. - - 34003 76 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. COE Coppee (Francois E. J.) Le luthier de Cremone [comedie] ; notes. 44819 - Poesies choisies ; with notes. 1907. 'port. - - - - 44872 - Le tresor [comedie] ; with notes. 1906. 44818 Copper. For related subjects, see Founding. - Peters (E. D.) The principles of copper smelting. 1907. itt. 66907 Copper princess, a story ; by K. Munroe. 124M1 Copyright. For lists of related subjects, see Books. Law. - Alison (Sir A.) The copyright question. In his Essays, v. 2. E3A2 - In Arnold (M.) Irish essays, and others. 1891. - - - E4A1 - Hinkson (H. A.) Copyright law. 1903. 34707 - In Spencer (H.) Various fragments. 1900. - - - - E 10 SI Corals. For related subjects, see Fossils. - Thomson (J.) The development of the corals of the carbon- iferous system of Scotland. 1883. ill. - 56303 Corbett (Julian S. ) The capture of private property at sea. In Some neglected aspects of war. 1907. .... 17202 CoRBiN (Diana F. M.) A life of Matthew F. Maury. 1S88. - M071 Corea. See Korea. Corelli (Makie) ' Ardath,' the story of a dead self. - - - 91 CI - Barabbas, a dream of the world's tragedy. - - - 91 C 9 - Cameos, short stories. 91C12 - The master-Christian. 91 C10 - The mighty atom. 91 C 2 - A romance of two worlds. 91 C 3 - The sorrows of Satan, a romance. 91C11 - The soul of Lilith. - - 91 C 6 - " Temporal power," a study in supremacy. .... 91C8 - Thelma, a Norwegian princess. 91 C 4 - Vendetta! or, the story of one forgotten. - - - 91 C 7 - Wormwood, a drama of Paris. 91 C 5 Corelli, Marie, writer and woman ; byT. F. G. CoatesandR.S. W. Bell. C 141 Corinthians, Epistles to the. See Bible. CoPvKKAN (Henrjette) Oddities, others, and I. 1904. - - C3001 Corleone, a tale of Sicily ; by F. M. Crawford. - 116 C10 A sequel to " Don Orsino," 116 C 12. Corn of heaven [sermons] ; by H. Macmillan. 1901. - - - 25207 Cornaro (Luigi) Methods of attaining a long healthful life. - 61317 Cornford (Leslie C.) Essay-writing for schools. 1904. - - 42806 Cornwallis, Marquis. In Morris (H.) Governors-general, v. 1. - 99823 Corot, Jean B. C. ; by J. W. Mollett. In his Painters of Barbizon, v. 2. 1890. bill. port. ill. .... 99717 Correspondence. See Commercial correspondence. Letter-writing. Corson (Hiram) Introduction to study of Shakespeare. 1907. 82509 Corunna. In Fitchett (\V. H.) Fights for the flag. 1904. plan. 91409 Corvin (Otto) In France with the Germans. 187*2. 2 v. - 93118 9 Cory. William. Paol(H.W.) Authorof "Ionica." Inhis Stray leaves. El PI 77 COS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Cosh (T. R.) Ethical teaching of Carlyle in " Sartor resartus."- 82718 Cosmology. See Universe. Cosmos, a physical description of the universe ; by Baron von Humboldt. 1899-1901. 5 v. 50002-6 Cossacks, a tale ; by Count Tolstoy. 35T3 Costello (Louisa S.) ed. The rose garden of Persia [poetry]. - 89102 Costume. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Planche (J. R.) British costume [to 1800]. 1900. bill. ill. - 39101 Cotes (Mrs. Everard) A social departure [a journey round the world]. 1893. ill. 90814 - The pool in the desert [and other stories]. - - - 97 CI Cottages. Duncan (J. H. E. ) Country cottages and week-end homes. 1906. ill. - - - - - - - - 72801 - Leith (E. S.) The book of the country cottage. 1904. ill. - 72802 Cottenham, Lord. In Atlay (J. B.) Victorian chancellors, v. 1. 99820 Cotterill (C. C.) Human justice for those at the bottom. 1907. 30112 " An appeal to those at the top." Cotterill (James H. ) Applied mechanics. 1900. - - - 62014 Cottox (Charles) joint-author. See Waltox(Izaac). Cotton (John) Beautiful birds described. 3 v. ill. - - - 59814-6 Cotton. For lists of related subjects, see Agriculture. Textiles. - Beech (F.) The dyeing of cotton fabrics. 1901. - - - 66707 - Burkett (C. W.) and Poe (C. H.) Cotton. - 1906. ill. - - 63301 " Cultivation, marketing, manufacture, and problems of the cotton world." - Cotton spinning. In Cassell's Technical educator, v. 1-4. ill. 60306-9 - Flatters (A.) The cotton plant. 1906. 63303 - Helm (E.) The cotton industry. In British industries. 1907. 33804 - Holmes (J.) Calculations in cotton weaving. 1903. - - 67719 - Sansone (A.) The printing of cotton fabrics. 1901. ill. - 66709 - Taggart (W. S.) Cotton spinning. 1902-5. 3 v. ill. - -67714-6 - Wilkinson (F.) The story of the cotton plant. 1898. ill. - 67701 - Winterbottom (J.) Cotton spinning calculations and yarn costs. 1907. ill. - 67731 - Young (T. M.) The American cotton industry. 1902. - - 67726 Couch (Arthur T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. 1896. - E2C1 Chaucer. "The passionate pilgrim." Shakespeare's Lyrics. Scott and Burns. R. L. Stevenson. J. Davidson. Mrs. M. L. Woods. [Etc.] - Historical tales from Shakespeare. 1905. ill. - - - 82502 - The astonishing history of Troy Town. 99 C 3 - Dead Man's Rock, a romance. 99 CI - The delectable duchy, stories. 99 C10 - Hetty Wesley [a novel]. - - - - - - - - 99C4 - 1 saw three ships, and other winter tales. - - - 99 C 8 The haunted dragoon. A blue pantomime. The two householders. The disenchantment of 'Lizabeth. - la [a novel]. 99C6 - The laird's luck, and other fireside tales. .... 99C5 78 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. COW Couch (Arthur T. Quillkr) Noughts and crosses, stories, studies, and sketches. - 99 C 7 - Shining Ferry. 99C12 - The ship of stars. 99 C 9 - Sir John Constantine, his adventures. 99C11 - The splendid spur, adventures of John Marvel. - - - 99 C 2 Counsel for the young [Christian life] ; by M. Creighton. 1905. 17108 Count Alarcos, a tragedy ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - 31 B 2 Count Antonio, Chronicles of ; by Anthony Hope. - - 82 H 3 Count Hannibal, a romance ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - 45 W 15 Count of Monte Cristo [a romance] ; by A. Dumas. 3 copies. - 58 D 9 Count Robert of Paris [a romance] ; by Sir TV. Scott. 3 copies. 35S24 Counterpoint. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Kitson (C. H.) The art of counterpoint. 1907. mus. - - 78101 - Lewis (J. H.) Double counterpoint and canon. 1S95. mus. - 78108 - Macfarren (Sir G. A.) Counterpoint. 1S95. mus. - - 78111 Countess de Charny ; by A. Dumas. - - - - - 58 D 5 "A sequel to 'Taking the Bastile,' " 58D14. Countess Kate ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y10 Countess of Mountenoy [a novel] ; by John Strange Winter. - 73W1 Countess of Rudolstadt ; by George Sand. 15S3 " A sequel to ' Consuelo,' " 15 S 2. Country bunch ; by Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. 57D2 Country gentleman and his family ; by Mrs. M. O. TV. Oliphant. 6 014 Country life. Edwardes (T.) An idler in the wilds. 1906. ill. 50414 - Jefferies (R. ) Round about a great estate. 1903. - - - 50418 - Sofners (P.) Pages from a country diary. 190-1. ill. - - 50415 Couplaxd (William C.) ed. Thoughts and aspirations. 1895.- 20801 Courier of fortune ; by A. \Y. Marchmont. .... 47M2 Courlaxder (Alphoxse) Seth of the cross. - - - - 156 CI Course of true love never did run smooth ; by C. Reade. - - 16R1 Court cards, a romance ; by Austin Clare. 50 C 3 Court Netherleigh, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 10W37 Courtney (John) The boilermakers ready-reckoner. 190*2. - 62139 Cousin Mary [a story]; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - 6 05 Cousins (W. E.) Madagascar, history and prospects. 1S95. ill. 96201 Couture (Thomas) Conversations on art methods. 1879.- - 75101 Couvreur (Mme. Jessie) A knight of the white feather. - - 161 CI Cowper (H. S. ) The hill of the graces [Tripoli]. 1S97. ill. map. 95601 Cow per (William) Poetical works. mem. .... 301C - Selections. In English poets, v. 3. 1904. mem. - - - 82223 Cowper, William. />iBagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 1. 1898. E5B1 - In Birrell (A.) Collected essays, v. 2. 190'2. .... E1B2 - In Shorter (C. K.) Immortal memories. 1907. - - - E6S1 - Stephen (Sir L.) Cowper and Rousseau. In Hours in a library. E4S2 79 COW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cowtan (Robert) Memories of the British Museum. 1872. - 02701 Cox's diary ; by W. M. Thackeray. 1905. ill. 2 copies. - 82811 Crabbe (George) Poems, a selection, mem. port. ill. - - 1401 C Crabbe, George. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. - 82103 - In Shorter (C. K.) Immortal memories. 1907. - - - E6S1 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. - - E4S2 Cracknell (A. G.) joint-author. See Workman (W. P.) Craddock (Charles Egbert) The storm centre, a novel. - - 107C1 Cradock Nowell, a tale of the New Forest ; by R. D. Blackmore. 63 Bl Craig (W. H.) Life of Lord Chesterfield. 1907. ill. - - C331 Craig (William Y.) Man and Christian civilization. 1906. - 30103 Craigie (Mrs. Pearl M. T.) Letters from a silent study. 1904. E5C1 - Love and the soul hunters. 109 C 2 - The vineyard. ---------- 109 CI Craik (Mrs. Dinah M. ) Studies from life. E3C1 Old stones [Stonehenge]. Going - out to play. "Want something to read." War-sparkles [Crimea]. Poor people's children. Literary ghouls. The man of men ["Sir Charles Grandison"] according to our great-grandmothers. [Etc.] - A woman's thoughts about women. 39601 - Agatha's husband, a novel. 110C14 - A brave lady. - HOC 4 - Christian's mistake. HOC 8 - Hannah. HOC 16 - The head of the family, a novel. 110 CI - John Halifax, gentleman. - HOC 9 - The laurel bush, an old-fashioned love story. - HOC 13 - A life for a life. - 110C6 - Mistress and maid. HOC 7 - My mother and I, a girl's love story. HOC 3 -A noble life. - - - HOC 5 - The Ogil vies, a novel. - - HOC 12 - Olive, a novel. - HOC 15 - The woman's kingdom, a love story. HOC 11 - Young Mrs. Jardine. - - - 110 C10 Craik (George L.) The English of Shakespeare. 1857.- - 82511 - Manual of English literature and language. - 82010 Crane (Stephen) and Barr (R.) The O'Ruddy, a romance. - 113 CI Cranes. Marks (E. C. R.) The construction of craues. 1904. ill. 62302 Cranford, and other tales; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - 10 G 3 Cranmer, Thomas, Archbp. In Innes ( A. D. ) Tudor statesmen, port. 99822 Crashaw (Richard) English poems; ed. by E. Hutton. mem. - 801 C Crater, a tale of the Pacific ; by J. F. Cooper. - - - - 88 C 2 Crawford (Francis Marion) Gleanings from Venetian history. 1905. 2 v. ill. - 93701-2 - Cecilia, a story of modern Rome. 116 C 5 - The children of the king, a tale. 116 C 16 80 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CRI Crawford (Francis Marion) Doctor Claudius, a true story. - 116 C 6 - In the palace of the king, a story. ------ 116C4 - Khaled, a tale of Arabia. 116C2 - Marzio's crucifix. 116 C 3 - Mr. Isaacs, a tale of modern India. 116 CI -PaulPatoff. 116 C 13 - Pietro Ghisleri. 116 C 18 - A Roman singer. 116 C 9 - Saracinesca. 116 C19 - Sant' Ilario [a sequel to " Saracinesca "]. - - - - 116 C 11 - Don Orsino [a sequel to " Sant' Ilario"]. - 116 C 12 - Corleone [a sequel to " Don Orsino "]. 116 CIO - A tale of a lonely parish. - 116 C 7 - Via crucis, a romance of the second crusade. - 116 C 17 - Whosoever shall offend. 116 C 20 - The witch of Prague, a fantastic tale. 116 C 15 - With the immortals. 116 C 14 - Zoroaster [a novel]. - 116 C 8 Creasy (Sir Edward S.) Fifteen decisive battles. 1905. plans. 90404 Creation. For lists of related subjects, see Bible. Biology. Theology. - Chambers (R.) Vestiges of the natural history of creation, ill. 21501 - Zimmern (H.) Babylonian and Hebrew Genesis. 1901. bibl. 22110 Creatures of the night, wild-life ; by A. W. Kees. 1905. ill. - 59908 Creeds. Moberly (R. C.) Doctrinal standards. In his Problems and principles. 1904. 20402 - See also Thirty-nine articles. Creighton (Louise) The economics of the household. 1907. - 64010 Creighton (Mandell) Bp. Church [of England] and the nation. 28307 - Claims of the common life, sermons. - 25234 - Counsel for the young [Christian life]. 1905. mem. port. - 17108 Creighton, Mandell, Bp. In Paul (H. W.) Stray leaves. 1906. E1P1 Cricket. For list of other sports, see Sports. , - Ran jitsinhji (K. S.) Jubilee book of cricket. 1898. ill. - 79701 - Standing (P. C.) Cricket of to-day and yesterday. 1902. 2 v. 79702-3 Crime. For list of other subjects in law, see Law. - Alison (Sir A.) Crime and transportation. In his Essays, v. 1 E3A1 - Anderson (Sir R.) Criminals and crime. 1907. - - - 34302 Crimea. Craik (Mrs. D. M.) War-sparkles. In her Studies. - E3C1 - Kinglake (A. W.) The invasion of the Crimea. 9 v. - 94003-11 - Russell (Sir W. H.) My diary during the last great war. 1874. 94019 Crimson book [sermons] ; by D. T. Young. .... 25203 Cripps the carrier, a woodland tale ; by R. D. Blackmore. - 63 B4 Criticism. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Collins (J. C.) Studies in poetry and criticism. 1905. - - E4C2 81 CM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Criticism. Couch (A. T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. 1896. E2C1 - Goldsmith (0.) Criticisms. In his Works, \ r . 4. - - - E1G4 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1, 2. - - -E6H1-2 - Le Gallienne (R.) Retrospective reviews, 1891-5. 1896. 2 v. 80404-5 - Maurice (F. D.) Critics. In his Friendship of books [etc.] - E4M1 - Painter (F. V. N.) Elementary guide to literary criticism. - 80101 Crocker (Francis B.) Electric lighting. 1904-6. 2 v. ill. -62431-2 Crockett (Samuel B.) The Black Douglas. - - - - 120 C 7 - Maid Margaret of Galloway [a sequel to above]. - - - 120C29 - The cherry ribband. 120 C 5 - Cinderella, a novel. 120 C 6 - Cleg Kelly, arab of the city. 120 C 8 - Deep Moat Grange. - - - 120|C26 - Flower-o'-the-corn. 120 C 14 - The grey man. 7 120C1 -lone March. 120C16 - Joan of the sword hand. 120 C 21 - Kit Kennedy, country boy. 120 C 13 - Lads' love. - 120 C 12 - The lilac sunbonnet. 120 C 20 - Little Anna Mark. - 120C11 - Lochinvar. - - - - - - - - - - 120C22 - The men of the moss-hags. ------- 120 C 19 - The playactress. Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. - - 120 C 18 - The raiders. 120C2 - The dark o' the moon [a sequel to " The raiders"]. - - 120C23 -The red axe. 120C10 - The silver skull. 120 C 9 - The standard bearer. 120 C 17 - The stickit minister, and some common men. - 120 C 3 - The stickit minister's wooing, and other Galloway stories. - 120 C 4 - The surprising adventures of Sir Toady Lion. - - - 120 C 24 - Sir Toady Crusoe [a sequel to "Sir Toady Lion "]. - - 120C28 - Sweetheart travellers. 120C15 - Vida, or, the iron lord of Kirktown. 120 C 27 - The white plumes of Navarre, a romance. - 120 C 25 Crockett (William S.) Footsteps of Scott. 1908. col. ill. - 92013 Croker (Mrs. B. M.) The cat's-paw. 121C2 - A nine days' wonder. 121 C 3 - The youngest Miss Mowbray. 121 CI Croker (John W. ) Correspondence and diaries. 3 v. bibl. jjort. C 291-3 Croll (James) Climate and time. 1890. maps. - - - 55112 - Climate and cosmology. 1885. 55118 "A discussion of the objections urged against ' Climate and time.'" Cromarty (Deas) Under God's sky. - - - - - - 123 CI 82 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. CRY Cromer (Evelyn Baring, Earl of) Modern Egypt. 1908. 2 v. port. map. 95709-10 Cromie (Robert) and Wilson (T. S.) The romance of poisons. 121C1 Crommelin (May de la C.) Phcebe of the White Farm. - - 125C1 Cromwell (Oliver) Finger-print photography. 1907. ill. - 77801 Cromwell, Oliver. Carlyle (T.) Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. 5 v. port. ....... C 022-6 Hero as king. In his Heroes. E1C11 - Harrison (F.) Oliver Cromwell [a biography]. 1888. - - C029 - Morley (J.) Oliver Cromwell [a biography]. 1900. port. - C027 - Pike (G. H.) Oliver Cromwell and his times. 1907. port. ill. C028 - Wilson (Sir D.) Cromwell and the Protectorate. 1848. ill. - C0210 Crookleigh, a village story; by S. K. Hocking. - - - 67 H 2 Crops. Morrow (G. E.) and Hunt (T. F.) Soils and crops. 1905. 63002 Croquet. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Locock (C. D.) Modern croquet tactics. 1907. ill. - - 79617 Crosland (Thomas W. H.) The five notions [parodies in verse]. 901 C Cross (John W.) ed. George Eliot's life. ill. - - - E101 Cross roads, a story; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y41 Crosse (Gordon) Authority in the Church of England. 1906. - 26201 Crossing [a romance] ; by W. Churchill. - - - - 47 CI Crotchet Castle [a story] ; by T. L. Peacock. - - - 20 PI Crothers (Samuel M.) and others. The faith of a free church. 28801 Crowd, a study of the popular mind ; by G. Le Bon. 1908. - 30111 Crowe (Sir Joseph) Reminiscences [1825-60]. 1S95. - - C281 Crowest (F. J.) Catechism of musical history and biography. - 78015 Crown of wild olive, on industry and war ; by J. Ruskin. 1904. 30403 Crowned victor, a story; by H. B. Mackenzie. .... 20M1 Crucifixion of Phillip Strong ; by C. M. Sheldon. - - - 56 S 7 Cruciform mark ; by R. Stephens. 114S1 Cruickshank (J. W. and A. M.) Christian Rome. 1906. ill.- 93616 Cruikshank, George, Memoir of ; by F. G. Stephens. 1891. bibl. j)ort. C241 Cruise of the Midge ; by M. Scott. 34S1 Crusades. For lists of related subjects, see Church history. History. - In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 2. 1850. E3A2 - Gibbon (E.) History of the crusades. G151 - Stevenson (W. B.) The crusaders in the east. 1907. bibl. maps. 91021 " Wars of Islam with the Latins in Syria during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries." Crustacea. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Skuse (F. A. A.) British stalk-eyed Crustacea. 1887. ill. - 59503 Crystal age ; by W. H. Hudson. 98H2 Crystal Palace. Ruskin (J.) The opening of the Crystal Palace. In his On the old road, v. 1. 70401 Crystallography. For list of related subjects, see Chemistry. - Ruskin (J.) Ethics of the dust, on crystallization. 1903. - 54901 83 CUL GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Cullen (John) The book of the covenant in Moab. 1903. - 22306 Cullen (William) Ambulance illustrated. 1905. - - - 61405 Cullum (R idg well) The brooding wild, a mountain tragedy. - 153 CI Culture. For list of related subjects, see Education. - In Harrison (F.) Choice of books, and other pieces. 1903. - E4H1 - Huxley (T. H.) Science and culture. In his Science and education. 1905. 50423 - Morley (J.) Popular culture. In his Critical miscellanies, v. 3. E3M3 - Warner (C. D.) What is your culture to me? In his The relation of literature to life [etc.] 1897.- - - - E2W1 - See also Conversation. Debating. Self-culture. Cumberland (S.) People I have read [thought-reading], ill. - 13401 Cumming (Constance F. Gordon) Memories. 1904. bill. port. ill. C221 Cumming (James E.) " Through the eternal Spirit." - - 23103 Cumming, John. Eliot (George) Evangelical teaching, Dr. Cumming. In her Essays. 1883. E1E2 Cumming (Roualeyn G.) Hunting adventures in South Africa. 96307 Cundall (Joseph) A history of wood-engraving. 1895. ill. - 76101 Cunningham (Allan) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) Lives of the most eminent British painters. 1879-80. 3 v. mem. - 99709-11 - and Maceay (C.) eds. Ramsay, and earlier poets of Scotland. 82220 Cunningham (Andrew S. ) Upper Largo, Lower Largo, Lundin Links, and Newburn. 1907. ill. - 92507 Cunningham (David D.) Indian friends and acquaintances, ill. 59601 " Studies of birds and other animals." Cunningham (Sir Henry S.) The Heriots [a story]. - - - 133 CI Cunningham (William) The reformers and the theology of the reformation. 1862. 27011 Cunningham (Wm.) Alien immigrants to England. 1897. ill. maps. 32505 - The wisdom of the wise, free trade. 1906. - 33707 Cunynghame (Henry H.) Time and clocks. 1906. ill. - - 52901 Cupid's garden [stories] ; by E. T. Fowler. - - - - 45 F 2 Curate of Royston ; by D. Russell. 72R1 Curayl [a novel] ; by U. L. Silberrad. 66 S 2 Currency. See Money. Curse of Cowden ; by A. S. Swan. ------ 148S30 Curtis (Charles E.) Practical forestry. 1908. - - - 63402 Curtis (Edward) Nature and health. 1906. - 61322 Curwen (John) Standard course in tonic sol-fa. 1900. mus. - 78401 - Tonic sol-fa. mus. 78418 Customs. For list of other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Dubois (J. A.) Hindu manners, customs, and ceremonies. 1906. 94720 - Wright (J. C.) In the good old times [18th century England]. 91610 - See also Arms and armour. Christmas. Costume. Etiquette. Folk-lore. Gypsies. Perfumery. Woman. QpTTEN (Qeorge B. ) The psychology of alcoholism. 1907. - 61311 84 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. DAN Cutting-out. Vincent (W. D. F.) The cutters' practical guide, ladies' garments, ill. - - - - - - • 68701 Cutts (Edward L.) Charlemagne [a biography]. 1882. map. C401 - Turning points of church history. 1893. .... 27006 Cuzco. Markham (Sir C. R.) Cuzco and Lima. 1856. ill. map. 98101 Cycling. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Griffin (H. H.) and others. Cycles and cycling. 1903. ill. - 79615 - Holding (T. H.) Cycle and camp. ill. 79616 Cyprus. Baker (Sir S. W.) Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. ill. - 94415 - In Duckworth (H. T. F.) Some pages of Levantine history. - 94411 - Stewart (B.) My experiences of Cyprus. 1906. ill. - - 94409 Cyrus, servant of the Lord; by C. Kingsley. In his Lectures. - 90403 Czar's spy, a story of millions ; by W. Le Queux. - - - 36L4 Czerny (Carl) First instructor in pianoforte playing. 4°. mvs. 78601 Daft days ; by Neil Munro. Dagonet ditties ; by G. R. Sims. 1891. Dairy. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture. - Puxley (H. L. ) Modern dairy-farming. 1906. ill. - Snyder (H.) Dairy chemistry. 1906. bibl. ill. - - See also Milk. Daisy chain, or, aspirations ; by C. M. Yonge. - Daisy Miller, a study ; by H. James. Dale (Darley) Brother Francis, a novel. Dale (R. W.) History of English Congregationalism. 1907. bibl - Impressions of Australia. 1 889. - - - - - Dale (Thomas F. ) The eighthDukeof Beaufort and the Badminton Hunt. 1901. ill. - The stable handbook. 1907. ill. Dale (Thomas P.) Life and letters. 1894. 2 v. port. - Dallinger (W. H.) joint-author. See Carpenter (William B. Dan the Dollar [a novel] ; by S. F. Bullock. Dana (Richard H. ) Two years before the mast, life at sea Danby (Frank) Pigs in clover [a novel]. - Danby. Atkinson (J. C. ) Forty years in a moorland parish. " Reminiscences and researches in Danby, Cleveland." Dancing. For list of other amusements, see Amusements. - Grove (Mrs. L.) and others. Dancing. 1901. ill. mus. - St. Johnston (R.) A history of dancing. 1906. bibl. ill. Dangerous structures, how to deal with them ; by G. H. Blagrove. Daniel. See Bible. Daniel (Patrick) joint-author. See San Carolo (Irene). ill. 190; Daniel Deronda [a novel] ; by George Eliot. 85 copies. 123M7 1701S 63701 63702 2Y33 7J7 2D1 28504 98608 B201 63607 Dlll-2 ) 136 B 3 D011 73D1 A151 79305 79310 69103 21E6 DAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Danish language. See Language, Danish. Dante Alighiert. The vision, or, hell, purgatory, and paradise ; [metrical] trans, by H. F. Cary. mem. -port. - - - 101 D Dante Alighieri. Alison (Sir A.) Homer, Dante, and Michael Angelo. In his Essays, v. 2. 1850. - - - - E3A2 - Federn (K.) Dante and his time. 1902. port. ill. - - D121 Danvers papers ; by C. M. Yonge. - 2Y13 Da Ponte, Lorenzo. Prescott (W. H.) Da Ponte's Observations [on " Italian narrative poetry "]. In his Miscellanies. - E2P1 Darbyshire (H.) Precision grinding. 1907. ill. - - - 62305 D'Arcy (Charles F.) Idealism and theology. 1899. - - 23008 D'Arcy (Ella) Modern instances [stories]. - - - - 6D1 D'Arcy (R. F. ) A new trigonometry. 1905. .... 51403 Dariel, a romance of Surrey; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - 63 B 3 Darien Company, W. Paterson and the ; by J. S. Barbour. 1907. P101 Dark days ; by Hugh Conway. 84C1 Dark o' the moon ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C 23 A sequel to " The raiders," 120 C 2. Darkness and dawn, the days of Nero ; by F. W. Farrar. - 6F4 Darlingtons ; by E. E. Peake. 75P1 Darmesteter (Mme. James). See Robinson (Agnes M. F.) Darnley, or, the field of the cloth of gold ; by G. P. R. James. 6 J 25 Darroch (Alex.) The children, educational problems. 1907. - 37002 Darwin (Charles) Autobiographical chapter and selected letters ; ed. by F. Darwin. 1902. port.- - - - D101 - More letters. 1903. 2 v. port. ill. D 102-3 - The descent of man. 1901. ill. 57528 - Formation of vegetable mould through action of worms, ill. 59506 - Insectivorous plants. 1893. ill. 58105 - The origin of species. 1902. port. 57501 - Researches during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle.' 1902. ill. 50801 - The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 1888. ill. 58104 Darwin, Charles. Clodd (E.) Darwin and Wallace. In his Pioneers of evolution. 1897. port. .... 57515 Darwin (Leonard) Municipal ownership. 1907. - - - 35207 Darwinism. See Evolution. Dasent (Sir George W.) Popular tales from the Norse, port. 39813 Daubigny, Charles F. ; by J. W. Mollett. In his Painters of Barbizon, v. 2. 1890. bibl. port. ill. .... 99717 Daudet (Alphonse) Robert Helmont, diary of a recluse, 1870-1. 8D3 - Tartarin of Tarascon. 8D1 - Tartarin on the Alps [a sequel to "Tartarin of Tarascon "]. - 8D2 Daughter of Heth ; by W. Black. 62 Bl Daughter of kings [a novel] ; by K. Tynan. - - - 55 Tl Daughter of the pit; by M. D. Jackson. - - - 41 J 1 86 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. DAW Daughter of the vine ; by G. F. Atherton. - - - 55 A 3 Davey (Henry) Pumping machinery. 1905. ill. - - - 62204 David Copperfield [a novel] ; by C. Dickens. 4 copies. - - 30 D 9 David Elginbrod [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. - - - - 10 M 8 David Grieve, The history of ; by Mrs. H. Ward. - - - 14W2 David Harum, a story of American life ; by E. N. Westcott. - 43W1 David Lyall's love story ; by David Lyall. 66L3 Davidge (H. T.) and Hutchinson (R. W.) Technical electricity. 62412 Davidson (A. B.) eel. Isaiah; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1903. 22502 Davidson (Arthur F.) Alexandre Dumas, his life and works, ill. D131 Davidson (E. A.) Elements of building construction. 1906. HI. 69009 Davidson (J.) Commercial federation and colonial trade policy. 33701 Davidson (John) The last ballad, and other poems. 1S99. - 602D - Plays. 1894. 603 D - Selected poems. 1905. 601 D Davidson, John. In Couch (A. T. Q.) Adventures in criticism. E2C1 Davidson (Lillias C.) Those Berkeley girls. - - - - 11 Dl Davidson, Margaret M. In Irving (W.) Biographies. 1885. - 99508 Davidson (Randall T. ) Archbp. The Christian opportunity. - 25216 Davies (Albert E.) The foreign correspondent. 1905. - - 65002 Da vies (Arthur C. F.) Heraldic badges. 1907. ill. - - 99906 Davies (Byron J.) How to study and remember. - - - 15403 Davies (F. H. ) Electric power and traction. 1907. ill. - - 62421 Davies (N. E. Y.) Health and condition. 1907. - - - 61324 Davies, William. In Knight (W. A.) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. 99903 Davis (Charles H. S.) Greek and Roman stoicism. 1903. - 18803 Davis (F. H.) The Persian mystics [Sufism]. 1907. - - - 18101 Davis (Richard H.) Captain Macklin, his memoirs. - - - 17D2 - Ranson's folly [and other stories]. 17 Dl The bar sinister. A derelict. La lettrc d'amour. Davison (Chas.) and Richards (C. H.) Plane geometry. 1907. 51309 Dawn [a novel] ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - 3H18 Dawn in Britain [a poem] ; by C. M. Doughty. 190G. 6 v. - 301-6 D Dawson (Alec J.) Hidden manna. 19 Dl Dawson, George, The life of; by W. Wilson. 1905. port, ill.- D071 Dawson (Sir John W.) Chain of life in geological time. 18S5. 56002 - Fossil men and their modern representatives. 18S0. ill. - 57301 - The geological history of plants. 1888. ill. - 55115 - The meeting-place of geology and history. 1S94. - - - 57104 - Modern ideas of evolution. 1890. 57511 - Modern science in Bible lands. 18S8. ill. maps. - - - 22102 - Relics of primeval life. 1897. ill. 56001 - The story of earth and man. 1887. ill. .... 55007 Dawson (William H.) The German workman. 1906. - - 33108 87 DAW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dawson (William H.) Germany at home. 1908. ill. - - 92704 Dawson (William J.) London idylls [stories]. - - - - 21 Dl Day (Clive) A history of commerce. 1907. maps. - - - 38001 Day (George) Metal work. 1906. ill. 73901 Day (Lewis F.) Ornament and its application. 1904. ill. - 74003 - Pattern design. 1903. ill. 74002 Day book of Claudius Clear ; by W. Robertson Nicoll. 1905. - E2N1 Day of recompense ; by S. K. Hocking. ----- 67H9 Day of wrath ; by M. Jokai. 31 J 2 Days at the coast, Firfch of Clyde ; by H. Macdonald. ill. - 91902 Days of auld lang syne ; by J. W T atson. 2 copies. - - - 28 Wl Days of Bruce, a story from Scottish history ; by G. Aguilar. - 12 A 1 Day's work [stories] ; by R. Kipling. 28K12 Dead heart, a tale of the Bastille ; by C. Gibbon. - - - 21 G 6 Dead man's diary ; by C. Kernahan. 19 Kl Dead Man's Rock, a romance ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - - 99 CI Dead reckoning ; by J. E. Bloundelle Burton. - 113B1 Dead secret; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75C6 Dean (Bashford) Fishes, living and fossil. 1895. ill. - - 59703 Deane (Anthony) The reformation. 1903. ill. - - 27608 Deans (R. S. ) Notable trials, romances of law courts. 1906. ill. 34301 Dear Lady Disdain ; by J. McCarthy. 4M5 Dearmer, (Mrs. Mabel) The difficult way. - - - - 77 Dl Death. For related subjects, see Future state. - Arnold (Sir E.) Death, and afterwards. 1889. - - 23704 «- Lessing(G. E.) How the ancients represented death. In Works, 83801 - Stevenson (R. L. ) Old mortality. In his Memories. 1906. - E1S4 - Zschokke (J. H. D.) Meditations on death and eternity. 1891. 23603 Death ship ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R31 Debating. For related subjects, see Culture. Rhetoric. - Askew (J. B. ) ed. Pros and cons, a debater's guide. 1906. - 37404 - Rowton (F.) The debater. 1903. ...... 37405 Debtor, a novel; by Mrs. M. E. Wilkins Freeman. - - - 76F1 Decameron physiologicum, natural philosophy ; by T. Hobbes. In his English works, v. 7. 19215 Decimal system. Perkin (F. M. ) The metric and British systems of weights, measures, and coinage. 1907. - - 38902 - Spencer (H.) Against the metric system. In his Various fragments. 1900. E10S1 Decoration. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Brown (W. N.) Decoration. In Workshop wrinkles. 1901. 69803 A history of decorative art. 1900. ill. - - - 74001 - Day (L. F.) Ornament and its application. 1904. ill. - - 74003 - Ruskin ( J. ) The two paths. 1905. 70404 " Art and its application to decoration and manufacture." - Ward (J.) Historic ornament. 1897. 2 v. ill. - - -74004-5 88 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. DEM Decoration. See also Church decoration. Flowers. Furniture. House decoration. Needlework. Painting, Glass. De Crespigny (Mrs. Philip Champion) The rose brocade. - 81D1 Deeds that won the Empire ; by W. H. Fitchett. 1905. ill. - 91418 Deeley (R. M.) joint-author. See Archbutt (Leonard). Deemster [a novel] ; by Hall Caine. 5C5 Deep Moat Grange [a story] ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - 120 C 26 Deeping (Warwick) The seven streams. 78 Dl Deer. For lists of related subjects, see Mammals. Sports. - Collyns (C. P.) Chase of wild red deer in Devon and Somerset. 79922 - Jefferies (R.) Red deer. 1903. ill. 79905 Deerbrook, a novel ; by H. Martineau. 58 Ml Deerslayer [Leather-stocking series, No. 1] ; by J. F. Cooper. - 88 C 5 Defence. For list of related subjects, see Army. - Roberts (Earl) Speeches and letters on imperial defence. 1906. 35505 Defender. Sir Charles Warren and Spion Kop, a vindication. 96402 Defoe (Daniel) Journal of the plague year [1665]. - - - 91714 - Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. - - - 25 Dl Defoe, Daniel. Adams (W. H. D.) " Robinson Crusoe. " In his Books. 02810 - Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) The journalist. In her Sketches, port. 91423 - Stephen (Sir L.) De Foe's novels. In his Hours in a library. E4S1 - Whitten(W.) Daniel Defoe [a biography]. 1900. bibl. port, D171 De Haven (Audrey) The scarlet cloak. 75 Dl Deissmann (Adolf) New light on the New Testament. 1907. 22610 Delaire (Jean) Around a distant star [a novel], - - 79 Dl De la Mare (Walter) Poems. 1906. 501 D Deland (Margaret) Dr. Lavendar's people. - - - 26 Dl De la Pasture (Mrs. Henry) The man from America. - - 80 D 2 - Peter's mother. 80D1 Delavione (Jean F. C.) Les enfants d'Edouard ; with notes. - 44850 - Louis XL, tragedie ; with notes. 1894. .... 44823 Delectable duchy, stories ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - - - 99 C10 Delhi. In Gilliat (E.) The romance of modern sieges. 190S. ill. 90405 Delitzsch (F.) Commentary on Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 v. 22804-5 Deliverance, a romance ; by E. Glasgow. 97 Gl De l'Orme [a romance] ; by G. P. R. James. - - - 6 J 13 Demaus (R.) William Tyndale, a biography. .... T121 Democracy. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Butler (N. M.) True and false democracy. 1907.- - - 32103 - Carlyle (T.) The present time. In his Latter-day pamphlets. El C10 Shooting Niagara, and after? In his Essays, v. 7. - - E1C7 - Carnegie (A.) Triumphant democracy [U.S.A.] 1888. - - 97204 - Gosse (E. W.) The influence of democracy on literature. In his Questions at issue. 1893. 80403 - Lecky (W. E. H.) Democracy and liberty. 1899. 2 v. - 32101-2 89 DEM GLASGOW PUBLIC LTBRARLES. la his - E2G1 bibl. ill. 94106 1903. 23224 Demogeot (J. ) Histoire de la litterature francaise. 1903. - 84001 Demoiselles de Saint-Cyr, comedie ; par A. Dumas ; notes. - 44813 Demond (Charles D.) Metallurgy. 1905. ill.- - - - 66006 Dene (Stazel) The Gortchen, a tale of an Arran glen. - - 72D1 Dene Hollow, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W24 Denis Dent [a novel] ; by E. W. Hornung. - - - - 89 H 2 Denis Duval [a novel] ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. 12T8 Denison, Edward. Green (J. R) A brother of the poor. Stray studies, v. 1. 1892. .... Denmark. Thomas (M.) Denmark past and present. 1902. Denney (James) The atonement and the modern mind. Dennis (John) On the genius and writings of Shakespear, 1711. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. - 82505 Dennys (Edward N.) The alpha [Spiritualism], port. - - 28903 Dent (W. Y.) and others. Lighting. In Chemical technology, ill. 66505 Dent's First Spanish book ; by F. R. Robert. 1906. ill. - 46801 Denyer (C. H. ) and others. Science in public affairs. 1906. - 30412 Departmental ditties, and other verses; by R. Kipling. 1904. 403 K De Quincey (Thomas) Confessions of an English opium-eater. - E1D1 The rosicrucians and freemasons. Analects from Richter. [Etc.] De Quincey, Thomas. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. 82103 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899. - - E4S1 Derrick Vaughan, novelist ; by Edna Lyall. - 67L13 Derval Hampton, a story of the sea; by J. Grant. - - - 51G10 De Salis (Mrs. Harriet A.) Dressed game and poultry. 1897. 64105 - Drinks for every season. 1892. 64301 - Gardening, vegetables. 1895. 63501 - National viands, recipes. 1895. - 64103 - Oysters, ways of cooking. 1888. ------ 64104 Descartes, Rene [life and philosophy] ; by J. P. Mahaffy. 1901. 19404 Descent of man ; by C. Darwin. 1901. ill. - - - - 57528 Descent of man, and other stories ; by E. Wharton. - - - 46 Wl Deschanel(Augustin P.) Natural philosophy. 1902-4. 4 v. ill. 1. Mechanics, hydrostatics, and pneumatics, 53002. 2. Heat, 53601. 3. Electricity, 53702. 4. Sound and light, 53401. Design. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Day (L. F.) Pattern design. 1903. ill. - 74002 "The anatomy, planning, and evolution of repeated ornament." - Jackson (F. G.) Lessons on decorative design. 1905. ill. - 74501 - Sturgis (R.) Interdependence of the arts of design. 1905. - 74504 - See also Alphabets. Illuminating. Paperhanging. Textiles. Desmoulins, Camille. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 2. - E11S2 Desnoyers (Louis) Les mesa ventures de Jean-Paul Choppart. - 29 Dl Desperate remedies, a novel ; by T. Hardy. - - - - 21 H 11 Despotism. In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2. 1894. E6H2 90 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. DIG D'Este (Mabgaret) With a camera in Majorca. 1907. M. - 93416 Destiny. For list of related subjects, see Philosophy. - Avebury (Lord) Destiny of man. In his Pleasures of life. - E2A1 - Maeterlinck (M.) The star. In his Treasure of the humble. - E8M2 Destiny, or, the chief's daughter ; by S. E. Ferrier. - - - 13 F 3 De Tabley, Lord. In Gosse (E. \V.) Critical kit-kats. 1S96. - E6G1 Deuteronomy. See Bible. Deutsch (Leo) Sixteen years in Siberia. 1905. port. ill. - 95403 Deux amis ; par E. Richebourg ; with notes. 1897. - - - 44843 Deux sourds [comedie] ; par J. Moinaux ; with notes. 1901. - 44824 Devey (Louisa) Life of Rosina, Lady Lytton. 1887. - - LIU Devil's due, a romance ; by G. B. Burgin. 109 B 2 Devine (Edward T.) The principles of relief. 1904. - - 33904 De Vinnb (Theodore L.) and others. The building of a book. - 65504 Devon. Snell (F. J.) North Devon. 1906. col. ill. - - - 91719 Devonshire, 8th Duke of, a biography ; by H. Leach. 1904. port. D161 Dewsxup (Ernest R.) The housing problem in England. 1907. 33110 Dexter (Edwix G.) Weather influences. 1901. - - - 57303 Dexter (Jos. S.) Exercises on sound, light, and heat. 1901. ill. 53605 Dialstone Lane ; by W. W. Jacobs. 4J5 Diamond necklace. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 5. - - - E1C5 Diana and destiny ; by C. Garvice. 93G4 Diana of the Crossways, a novel ; by G. Meredith. - • - - 82 M 3 Diana Tempest [a novel] ; by M. Cholmondeley. - - 45 C 2 Diary, and other tales ; by F. Bremer. 86 B 3 Diary of a freshman ; by C. M. FJandrau. 27 Fl Diary of a goose girl ; by K. D. Wiggin. 55 W 8 Diary of a late physician ; by S. Warren. 23 Wl Diary of a pilgrimage ; by J. K. Jerome. - - - - 16 J 5 Diaz de la Pena, Narcisso V. ; bv J. W. Mollett. In his Painters of Barbizon, v. 1. 1890. bill. port, ill.- - - - 99716 Dibdix (James C.) Scottish Border life, sketches. - - - 28D1 Dibdin (W. J.) Photometry. In Chemical technology, v. 4. 62430 Dicey (Albert V.) Law and public opinion in England. 19«)5. 34002 Dick, Robert, geologist and botanist ; by S. Smiles. 190o. port. ill. D061 Dick (Thomas) Philosophy of a future state. .... 23703 Dick, the faithful, a novel ; by John Strange Winter. - - 73 W 2 Dickens (Charles) American notes. Reprinted pieces. 2 cop. 97201 - A child's history of England, ill. 2 copies. - 91326 - Letters, 1833-70. 1880. 2 v. D044-5 - Barnaby Rudge, a tale of the riots of 'eighty. 3 copies. - 30 D 4 - Bleak House. 3 copies. 30 D 7 - Christmas books. 2 copies. 30 D 6 A Christmas carol. The chimes. The cricket on the hearth. The battle of life. The haunted man. 91 DIC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dickens (Charles) Christmas stories. 2 copies. - - - 30D5 The Boll y -Tree. The wreck of the Golden Mary. The perils of certain English prisoners. The haunted house. A message from the sea. Somebody's luggage. Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings. Mrs. Lirriper's legacy. Doctor Marigold. Mugby Junction. No thoroughfare. [Etc.] - David Copperfield. 4 copies. 30D9 - Dombey and Son. 3 copies. 30 D 8 - Edwin Drood, and other stories. 2 copies. - - - 30 D 3 Master Humphrey's clock. Hunted down. Holiday romance. George Silverman's explanation. - Great expectations. 3 copies. SOD 14 - Hard times. Pictures from Italy. 3 copies. - 30D12 - Little Dorrit. 3 copies. - - - 30 D 11 - Martin Chuzzlewit. 4 copies. 30D19 - Nicholas Nickleby. 4 copies. 30D10 - Old curiosity shop. 3 copies. 30D15 - Oliver Twist. 4 copies. 30D2 - Our mutual friend. 3 copies. 30D13 - Pickwick papers. 4 copies. 30D17 - Sketches by Boz. 3 copies. 30D18 - A tale of two cities. 3 copies. 30 Dl - The uncommercial traveller. 3 copies. 30D16 Dickens, Charles. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. 1902. E5B2 - Fitzgerald (P. H.) Life of Dickens in his writings. 2 v. port. D042-3 - Forster (J. ) The life of Charles Dickens, port. ill. - - D041 - Williams (M.) The Dickens concordance. 1907. - - - 82607 Dickens (Mary A.) A valiant ignorance, a novel. - - - 31D1 Dickie (William) Life's ideals. 1907. 17128 Dickson (J.) Emeralds chased in gold, islands of the Forth. 1899. 92008 Dictionaries of languages, see under Language ; dictionaries of special sub- jects, as of Bible, Shorthand, see under those words respectively. Diderot (Denis) (Euvres choisies. 2 v. mem. - - - 84805-6 1. Romans et contes. Morceaux divers. 2. Le neveu de Raineau. Salons. Correspondance. Anecdotes et pensees detachees. Diderot, Denis. In Carlyle (T) Essays, v. 5. - E1C5 - In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 2. 1901. port. - - E11S2 Diehl (Mrs. Alice M.) Bread upon the waters, a novel. - - 33 Dl Dies. Woodworth (J. V.) Dies, construction and use. 1907. ill. 62307 Diet. See Food. Difficult way ; by Mrs. M. Dearmer. 77D1 Digestion. For lists of related subjects, see Disease. Physiology. - Gillespie (A. L.) Natural history of digestion. 1898. ill. - 61206 - Saundby (R. ) Diseases of the digestive system. 1906. - - 61607 Dilke (Sir Charles W.) Greater Britain, travel [1868]. 1907. 90822 Dillmont (Therese de) Encyclopedia of needlework, ill. - 74604 Dimock (Arthur) The cathedral church of Southwell, jjlan. - 72601 Dinkinbar ; by H. C. Macllwaine. 16M1 Diplomate, comedie ; par E. Scribe et J. F. C. Delavigne ; notes. 44812 92 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. DOD 'Discovery.' Scott (R. F. ) The voyage of the 'Discovery' [Antarctic]. 1907. 2 v. ill. map*. .... 99405-6 Disease. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Gairdner (Sir W. T. ) The progress of pathological science. In his Physician as naturalist. 1889. 61002 - See also Bacteria. Consumption. Contagion. Digestion. Electrolysis. Eye. Insanity. Plague. Sleeping sickness. Disestablishment. See Church and state. Disinherited ; by M. M. Black. 61B1 Disraeli (Benjamin). See Beaconsfield (B. Disraeli, Earl of). Distillation. See Alcohol. Ditchfield (John E. W.) Fishers of men [home mission work]. 25603 Ditchfield (P. H.) The cathedrals of Great Britain. 1894. ill. 72606 - The story of our English towns. 1907. 91609 Divided house, a study from life ; by A. S. Swan. - - - 148 S 8 Divorce. Post (L. F. ) Ethical principles of marriage and divorce. 17310 Dix (Beulah M.) The fair maid of Graystones. - 34D1 Dixon (Charles) Among the birds in northern shires. 1900. ill. 59812 Dixon (Ella H.) One doubtful hour, and other [stories]. - - 36 Dl Dixon (Richard W.) Last poems. 1905. port. - - - 401D Dixon (William M.) A primer of Tennyson. 1901.- - - 82411 Dobson (Edward) and Allen (J. P. ) The art of building. 1901. ill. 69008 Dobson (Henry Austin) Collected poems. 1905. port. - - 901 D - Side- walk studies [essays]. 1902. ill. E2D1 Mrs. Woffington. St. James's Park. The Covent-Gardeu Journal. Dr. Johnson's haunts and habitations. Titled authors of the eighteenth century. Story of the 'Spectator.' Walk from Fulham to Chiswick. [Etc.] Docteur Matheus ; par E. Erckmann et A. Chatrian ; with notes. 44869 Dr. Breen's practice, a novel ; by W. D. Howells. - - - 97H1 Doctor Claudius, a true story ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - 116 C 6 Doctor Cupid, a novel ; by R. Broughton. - - - - 97 B 5 Doctor Lavendar's people ; by M. Deland. - - - 26 Dl Doctor of Crows Nest ; by Ralph Connor. 80 C 2 Doctor of the old school ; by J. Watson. - - - - - 28 W 6 Reprinted from " Beside the bonnie brier bush,'' 28 W 4. Dr. Syntax [a poem] ; by [W. Combe]. 3 v. col. ill. - - 1301-3 C Doctor Therne [a novel] ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - 3H21 Dr. Wynne's revenge ; by W. Westali. 41 W 3 Dodd (Anna B. ) Falaise, the town of the Conqueror. 1901. ill. 93305 Dodd (J. T.) Administrative reform and the Local Government Board. 1906. 35203 Doddridge (Philip) Religion in the soul, addresses. 1892. - 24302 Dodds, Alfred A. ,Gen. Sanderson (E. ) General Doddsand Dahomey. In his Heroes of pioneering. 190S. ill. - 90606 Dods (Marcus) Erasmus, and other essays. 1891. - - - E4D1 Christian element in Plato. Hippolytus's Homily against: Xoetus. Clement of Alexandria and his apologetic. Frederick D. Maurice. Confucius. Christianity and civilisation on preaching. Marcus Aurelius. 93 DOD GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dodsley, Root. In Knight (C.) Shadows of the old booksellers. 99712 Dods worth (Francis) ed. Book of the West Id dies. 1904. ill. 97703 Dog. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Barton (F. T.) Non-sporting dogs. 1905. ill. - - - 63605 - Brown (J.) Rab and his friends, and other papers.- - - E2B4 - Lane (C. H.) Dog shows and doggy people. 1902. ill.- - 63613 - Sewell (A. J.) The dog's medical dictionary. 1907. ill. - 61903 - Slaughter (F.) The one dog and the other, canine character. 63616 - Smith (C. E.) My dog is sick. 1907. 61901 - Stevenson (R. L.) The character of dogs. In his Memories. - E1S4 Dog fiend, or, Snarleyyow ; by Captain F. Marryat. - - - 52 M 5 Dogma. See Theology. Doings of Raffles Haw [a novel] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 5 Dolet, Etienne, a biography ; by R. C. Christie. 1899. bibl. port. D091 Dollinger (John J. I.) The Gentile and the Jew. 1906. 2 v. 29001-2 Dolly dialogues ; by Anthony Hope. 82 H 9 Doman (W. ) The production and use of acetylene gas. 1902. ill. 66507 Dombey and Son ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - 30 D 8 Domestic animals. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture. - Benson (M.) Subject to vanity. 1895. ill. - 63606 - Fermor (M. G. P.) Home pets, furred and feathered. 1902. ill. 63604 - Wilcox (E. V.) Farm animals. 1907. ill. - 63608 - See also Birds. Cat. Dog. Ferret. Horse. Poultry. Rabbit. Domestic economy. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - Barnett (Mrs. S. A.) The making of the home. 1905. - - 64008 - Creighton (L.) The economics of the household. 1907. - - 64010 Domestic economy and the social problems with which the subject is concerned. - [Philp (R. K.)] The domestic world, a guide. .... 64009 - See also Confectionery. Cookery. Dressmaking. Fruit. Laundry. Needlework. Don Basilio ; por J. Schilling ; with notes. 1907. - - - 46804 Don Orsino [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 116 C 12 A sequel to " Sant Ilario," 116 C 11. Don Quixote, Adventures of; by M. de Cervantes. - - - 34 CI Donal Grant ; by G. MacDonald. 10 M 7 A sequel to " Sir Gibbie," 10 M 3. Donna Quixote ; by J. McCarthy. 4M1 Donne, John. In Walton (I.) Lives. 1884. bibl. - - - 99813 Donovan, a modern Englishman ; by Edna Lyall. - - - 67 L 6 Donovan Pasha, and some people of Egypt ; by Sir G. Parker. - 8P12 Doolittle (Wm. H.) Inventions in the [19th] century. 1903.- 60806 Doom Castle, a romance ; by Neil Munro. 123 M 6 Doreen, the story of a singer ; by Edna Lyall. ... - 67L10 Doris Cheyne, the story of a noble life ; by A. S. Swan. - - 148 S 14 Dorothea Kirke, or, free to serve by A. S. Swan. - - - 148 S 20 94 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. DBA Dorothy Forster, a novel ; by Sir W. Besant. - - - - 49 BIO Double choice ; by J. Baker. 4B1 Double marriage, or, white lies ; by C. Reade. - - - 16 R 3 Double thread ; by E. T. Fowler. 45F1 Doubling of Joseph Brereton ; by W. R. Hodder. - - 68 HI Do ughty (Charles M.) The dawn in Britain [a poem]. 1906. 6v.301-6D Douglas (Carstairs C.) Laws of health, school hygiene. 1907.- 37105 Douglas(Chas. M.) and Jones (H.) Scottish education reform. 1903. 37902 Douglas (Elizabeth) The pudding and pastry book. - - 64204 Douglas (Hugh A.) Venice on foot. ill. maps. - - - 93707 Douglas (Theo) Three mysteries. 48D1 Douglas, House of. Fitzgerald (P. H.) Lady Jean, the romance of the great Douglas cause. 1904. port. ill. - - - D151 Dove in the eagle's nest ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - 2Y34 Dowie (Menie M.) Love and his mask. 49 Dl Do wling (Richard) The fate of Luke Ormerod. - - 76 Dl Down Dartmoor way [stories] ; by E. Phillpotts. - - - 41 PI Downfall, a story ; by E. Zola. 6Z1 Downing Street [and] New Downing Street ; by T. Carlyle. In his Latter-day pamphlets. - - - - - - El C10 Dowsox (J. E.) and Larter (A. T.) Producer gas. 1907. ill. - 66501 Doyle (Sir Arthur Conan) The great Boer war. 1903. maps. 96409 - Captain of the Polestar. 51 D 8 - The doings of Raffles Haw. 51 D 5 - A duet, with an occasional chorus. - - - - - - 51 D 13 - The great shadow. Beyond the city. - - - - - 51 D 18 - The green flag, and other stories of war and sport.- - - 51D16 - Micah Clarke, his statement. 51D11 - The refugees, a tale of two continents. 51 D 9 - Rodney Stone. 51 Dl - Round the red lamp, facts and fancies of medical life. - - 51 D 15 - Sherlock Holmes series : 1. A study in scarlet, 51D14. 2. The hound of the Baskervilles, 51D10. 3. The sign of four, 51 D 7. 4. The adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 51 D 6. 5. The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, 51D17. 6. The return of Sherlock Holmes, 51D19. -Sir Nigel. 51D20 - The White Company [a sequel to "Sir Nigel"]. - - 51 D 3 - The Stark Munro letters. 51D12 - The tragedy of the Korosko. - - - - - - 51 D 4 - Uncle Bernac, a memory of the Empire. - .... 51D2 Dracula ; by B. Stoker. 169 SI Drainage. For list of related subjects, see Sanitary engineering. - Middleton (('I. A. T.) Drainage of town and country houses. 1903. 62802 Drake, Sir Francis. Bedford (Sir F. G. D.) Drake, In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. 99609 - In Callender (G. A. R.) Sea kings of Britain. 1907. maps. 99610 95 DRA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Drama. For lists of related subjects, see Amusements. - In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 2, 3. 1850. Literature, v. z, 6. 180U. -E3A2, E3A3 2. The Greek drama. 3. The romantic drama. - Arnold (M.) French play in London. In his Irish essays [etc.]E4Al E1C2 E1K4 82508 83801 82510 80813 79201 - Carlyle (T.) German playwrights. In his Essays, v. 2. - - Kingsley (C. ) The stage as it was once. In his Lectures. 1898 - Lamb (C.) ed. Specimens of English dramatic poets. - Lessing (G. E.) Dramatic notes. In his Prose works. - - Rappoport(A. S.) The English drama. 1906. bibl. - - Schlegel (A. W. von) Dramatic art and literature. 1846. - Walkley (A. B.) Drama and life. 1907. ... - See also Theatre. Dramatic works will be found under the names of the following authors Addison (Joseph) Duveyrier (Anne H. J.) Augier (Emile) Erckmann (Emile) Banville (Theodore de) Girardin (Delphine de) Bouilly (Jean N.) Goethe (Johann W. von) Browning( Mrs. Elizabeth B.) Goldsmith (Oliver) Browning (Robert) Harte (Francis Bret) Buchanan (George) Hugo (Victor) Byron (George Gordon, Lord) Jonson (Ben) Calderon (Pedro) Coleridge (Samuel T.) Coppee (Francois E. J.) Davidson (John) Delavigne (Jean F. C.) Dryden (John) Dumas (Alexandre) Moinaux (Jules) Moliere (Jean B. P.) Musset (Louis C. A. de) Phillips (Stephen) Racine (Jean) Sandeau (Jules) Schiller (Johann C. F. von) Scribe (Eugene) Sddaine (Michel J.) Shakespeare (William) Shelley (Percy B.) Sheridan (Richard B.) Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Wichert (Ernst) Labiche (Eugene M.) Lebrun (Pierre A.) Lessing (Gotthold E.) Lytton (Edward G. E. Bulwer, Lord) Mackaye (Percy) Marlowe (Christopher) Draper (John W. ) Conflict between religion and science. 1904. 21502 Drapery. Noetzli (E.) Practical drapery cutting. 1906. ill. - 69805 " Cutting and fixing curtains, draperies, etc., for the use of upholsterers." Draughts. For list of other games, see Games. - Anderson (A. ) The game of draughts simplified, ill. - - 79401 Drawbridge (C. L.) Religious education, to improve it. 1906. 37701 Drawing. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-3, 6. 1903. ill. 03202-4,03207 - Harper (C. G.) A practical handbook of drawing. 1901. ill. 74102 "For modern methods of reproduction." - Ruskin (J.) The elements of drawing. 1904. ill. - - - 74006 - See also Anatomy, Artistic. Brushwork. Engineering. Dream ; by E. Zola. 6Z2 Dreams. Brown (J.) 'In clear dream and solemn vision.' In his Horae subsecivse, v. 3. E2B3 - In Stevenson (R. L.) Across the plains [etc.] 1905. - - E1S2 Dreaper (W. P.) The chemistry and physics of dyeing. 1906. 66711 Dresser (Horatio W.) The greatest truth, discourses. 1907. - 23011 Dressmaking. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - Browne (M. P.) Dress-cutting, drafting [etc.] 1902. ill. - 64602 - See also Cutting- out. Millinery. Drewitt's dream ; by W. L. Alden. 20 A 1 Dreyfus, Alfred. Steevens (G. W.) Dreyfus case. In Things seen. E2S1 96 HUTCHESONTO WN BRANCH. DUK Drink question. See Temperance. Drinks. See Beverages. Driver (Samuel R.) The literature of the Old Testament. 1905. 22211 Drummond (Hamilton) The Beaufoy romances. - - - 54D1 Drummond (Henry) The ascent of man. 1904. - - - 57503 - Natural law in the spiritual world. 1905. .... 21503 Drummond, Henry. Finlayson (T. C.) Biological religion. 1895. 21509 " A criticism of Drummond's ' Natural law in the spiritual world. ' " - Moore (A. L.) Drummond's "Natural law in the spiritual world." In his Science and the faith, essays. 1893. - 23909 - Smith (G. A.) The life of Henry Drummond. 1905. port. - D051 Drunkenness. See Temperance. Drury (William P. ) The tadpole of an archangel. The petrified eye, and other nayal stories. ------ 74D1 Dryad ; by J. H. McCarthy. 5 Ml Dryden (John) Poetical works, mem. - - - - 201 D Dry den, John. In Collins (J. C.) Essays and studies. 1895. - E4C1 - In Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English poets. 1884. - - 82004 - In Lowell (J. R.) My study windows. E1L1 Drysdale (A. H.) Epistle of St. Paul to Philemon. 1906. - 22801 Dublin. Falkiner (Sir F. R.) Hospital and Free School of Charles II., Dublin. 1906. 37904 11 With notices of its governors, and of Dublin from 1668 to 1S40." Dubois (J. A.) Hindu manners, customs, ceremonies. 1906. mem. 94720 Dubois, Pierre. Powicke (F. M.) Pierre Dubois, a mediaeval radical. In Historical essays. 1907. bibl. - - - 90406 Du Boisgobey (Fortune) Margot la Balafree. - - - - 55 Dl Duchesne (L.) The churches separated from Rome. 1907. - 28001 Duckworth (H. T. F.) Some pages of Levantine history, ill. map. 94411 Duckworth (Lawrence) An encyclopaedia of marine law. 1907. 34701 Dudeney (Mrs. Henry E.) A country bunch. - 57D2 - Gossips Green. 57 Dl Duel ; by R. Marsh. 54M1 Duerr (G.) and Turnbull (W.) Bleaching, calico-printing. 1S96. 66702 Duet, with an occasional chorus ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - 51D13 Duff, Alexander. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99815 Duff (Archibald) ed. Esdras 1. -II. ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 22506 Duff (H. L.) Nyasaland under the Foreign Office. 1906. ill. map. 95905 Dufferin and Ava, Marquis of. Black (C. E. D.) The Marquess of Dufferin and Ava [a biography]. 1903. bibl. port. ill. D081 - Lyall (Sir A. C.) Life of Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. 2 v. ill. D082-3 Dufferin's Keep ; by E. E. Green. 60G3 DuGueselin, Bertrand; par E. de Bonnechose; notes. 1896. 2 v. 44877-8 Duguid (Charles) The story of the stock exchauge. 1901. ill. 33206 Duke [a novel] ; by J. S. Clouston. 61 C4 Duke's son ; by C. Hamilton. 131H1 d 97 DUM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dumas (Alexandre) My memoirs. 1907-8. v. 1-4. port. ill. D 132-5 - Les demoiselles de Saint- Cyr, comedie ; with notes. - - 44813 - The black tulip [a novel]. - 58 D 7 - Le comte de Monte-Cristo. ------- 58D18 - The Count of Monte Cristo. 3 copies. ----- 58D9 - The conspirators, or, the Chevalier d'Harmental. - - - 58D12 - The regent's daughter, sequel to " The conspirators." - - 58D6 - Marguerite de Valois, an historical romance. - 58D1 - Chicot the jester, sequel to "Marguerite de Valois." - - 58D15 - The forty-five guardsmen [a sequel to " Chicot the jester "]. - 58 D 2 - Memoirs of a physician. - - - - - - - 58 D 3 - The queen's necklace, sequel to " Memoirs of a physician." - 58D4 - Taking the Bastile, sequel to "The queen's necklace." - - 58 D 14 - The Countess de Charny, sequel to " Taking the Bastile." - 58 D 5 - Chevalier de Maison Rouge, sequel to " Countess de Charny." 58D13 - Sylvandire. 58D17 - The three musketeers. 3 copies. 58D10 - Twenty years after [a sequel to ' ' The three musketeers "]. 2 copies. 58 D 11 - Vicomte de Bragelonne [sequel to "Twenty years after "]. 2 copies. 58 D 8 - The whites and the blues. 58D16 - The companions of Jehu [sequel to "The whites and the blues"]. 58D19 Dumas, Alexandre. Davidson (A. F. ) Dumas, life and works, bibl. ill. D131 - Miltoun (F.) Dumas' Paris, port. ill. maps.- Du Maurier (George) The Martian, a novel. - - - - Dumb-bells. Betts (J. B.) Gymnastics and dumb-bell drill, ill. Dumont (Pierre E. L.) The great Frenchman [Mirabeau] and the little Genevese. 1904. port. ill. ....... Dumville (Benj. ) French pronunciation and diction. 1904. - Dunbar (William) Poems, adapted for modern readers. - Duncan (Edmonstoune) Story of minstrelsy. 1907. ill. mus. Duncan (J. H. E. ) Country cottages and week-end homes. 1906. ill. Duncan (Richard) ed. The literary history of Glasgow. 1886. Duncan (Robert K.) The chemistry of commerce. 1907. ill. - Duncan (Sara J.) See Cotes (Mrs. Everard). Dundee, Viscount. See Graham, John, Viscount Dundee. Dunfermline. Reid (A.) and Kirk (W.) Dunfermline. 1907. ill. - Thomson (D.) The weavers' craft, a history of the Weavers' Incorporation of Dunfermline. 1903. ill. - Whitehouse (J. H. ) Problems of a provincial town. 1905. ill. Dunlop (Robert) Daniel O'Connell and the revival of national life in Ireland. 1900. ill. - Some aspects of Henry VIII. 's Irish policy. In Essays. 1907. Dunn (J. P.) Indiana, a redemption from slavery. 1905. map. [Dunne (Finley P.)] Mr. Dooley's philosophy. 1903. ill. Dunning (William A.) A history of political theories. 1905. - Dunphie (Charles J.) Many-coloured essays. 1906. 98 93309 59D1 61320 M131 44101 801 D 78407 72801 65501 66012 92503 92502 92501 0031 90406 97304 81706 32008 E3D1 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. EAR Dunraven (Earl of) The outlook in Ireland, devolution. 1907. 92608 Dunton, John. In Knight (C.) Shadows of the old booksellers. 99712 Dunton (Theodore Watts) The coming of love, and other poems. 701 D - Aylwin [a novel]. 62 Dl Dupre, Jules ; by J. W. Mollett. In his Painters of Barbizon, v. 2. 1890. bibl. port. ill. 99717 Due and (Ella R., Lady) Tour in western Persia. 1902. ill. map. 94602 Durham (M. E.) The burden of the Balkans. 1905. port. ill. map. 93903 Dutch language. See Language, Dutch. Duthie (Arthur L.) Practical church decoration. 1907. ill.- 69807 Dutton (Clarence E. ) Earthquakes. 1904. ill. - - - 55116 Duty. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Avebury (Lord) Happiness of duty. In his Pleasures of life. E2A1 - Smiles (S.) Duty. 1905. ill. 17003 Duveyrier (Anne H. J. et C. ) Michel Perrin, comedie ; with notes. 44810 Dvorak (Antonin) Sixteen songs, fo. mus. • 78415 Dwellers by the river; by Mrs. C. Praed. ----- 54P1 Dyeing. For lists of related subjects, see Chemical technology. Textiles. - Dreaper (W. P.) The chemistry and physics of dyeing. 1906. 66711 - Dyeing of textile fabrics. inCassell'sTechnicaleducator, v. 1-6. 60306-11 - Fraps (G. S.) Principles of dyeing. 1903. ill. - - - 66701 - Georgievics (G. von) Chemistry of dye-stuffs. 1903. - - 66706 - Higgins (S. H.) Dyeing in Germany and America. 1907. - 66714 - Hummel (J. J.) Dyeing of textile fabrics. 1906. ill. - - 66713 Mordants, methods, machinery used in dyeing. 1906. ill. 66710 - See also Wool. Dyer (Henry) The evolution of industry. 1895. - - - 33008 Dynamics. See Force. Dynamiter; by R. L. and F. v. de G. Stevenson. - - - 120 S 10 A sequel to the " New Arabian nights," 120 S 12. Dynamos. For list of related subjects, see Engineering, Electric. - Avery (A. H.) The ABCof dynamo design, ill. - - - 62407 - Hawkins (C. C.) and Wallis (F.) The dynamo. 1903. ill. - 62410 - Sewell (T.) The construction of dynamos. 1907. ill. - - 62415 - See also Commutators. Dynevor Terrace, or, the clue of life ; by C. M. Yonge. - - 2Y31 E Eagle's nest, relation of natural science to art ; by J. Ruskin. - 70101 Earl's daughter ; by E. M. Sewell. 48 S 9 Earth. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - Fisher (0.) Physics of the earth's crust. 1881. - - - 55119 - Kingsley (C. ) Madam How and Lady Why, lessons in earth lore. 55108 - Seeley (H. G.) The story of the earth in past ages. 1896. ill. 55001 99 EAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Earth trembled ; by E. P. Roe. 56R6 Earthquakes. For list of related subjects, see Physical geography. - Dutton (C. E.) Earthquakes. 1904. ill. - . . . 55116 Earth's enigmas [stories]; by C. G. D. Roberts. - - 41 Rl East and eastern question. Anderson (R. E.) The story of extinct civilizations of the east. 1899. ill. maps. - - 90301 - Buxton (N.) Europe and the Turks. 1907. maps. - - 93905 - Kinglake (A. W.) Eothen. 1904. 93901 Travels in Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt, 1835. - Ross (H. J.) Letters from the east, 1837-57. 1902. ill. maps. 94407 - Smith (P. ) The ancient history of the east to [332 B.C.] ill. - 90204 East, Far. Gull (C. A, E. R.) The brown and yellow peril. In his {i I believe," and other essays. 1907.- - - - E5G1 - Lorrimer (C.) The call of the east [China, Japan]. 1907. - 95113 - Park (M. M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. ill. - 90817 - S. (D. W. ) European settlements in the far east. 1900. ill. map. 94306 Japan. China. Hongkong. Indo-China. Straits Settlements. Netherlands India [Dutch possessions]. [Etc.] - Story (D.) To-morrow in the east, 1907. .... 94303 - Weale (B. L. P.) The re-shaping of the far east. 1905. 2 v. 95309-10 Truce in the east and its aftermath. 1907. ill. maps. - 95311 " Sequel to ' The re-shaping of the far east.'" East Indies. S. (D. W.) Netherlands India [Dutch possessions]. /?z /m's European settlements in the far east. 1900. ill. map. 94306 East Lynne [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W1 Eastern Church. See Church, Greek. Easton (H. T. ) Money, exchange, and banking. - - - 33203 Eaton (T. T.) Faith and the faith. 1906. 23403 Ebb-tide ; by R. L. Stevenson and L. Osbourne. - - - 120 S 15 Ebbard (Rich. J.) How to acquire and strengthen will-power. - 61502 Eben Holden, a tale of the north country ; by I. Bacheller. - 1B2 Ebers (Georg) An Egyptian princess, an historical novel. - 3E1 - Homo sum, a novel. 3E4 - The sisters, a romance. - - - - - - - - 3E3 - Uarda, a romance of ancient Egypt. - 3E2 Ecce Homo, the life and work of Christ ; by Sir J. R. Seeley. 1903. 23208 Ecclesiastes. See Bible. Ecclesiastical history. See Church history. Ecclesiasticus. See Bible. Eccleston (James) English antiquities, ill. .... 91334 Echoes from the undying word, sermons ; by F. Harper. - - 25209 Eckermann, J. P. Goethe (J. W. von) Conversations with Eckermann. 83802 Eclipses. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Chambers (G. F.) The story of eclipses. 1899. ill. - - 52302 - Tyndall (J.) Voyage to Algeria "to observe the eclipse [1870]. In his Fragments of science, v. 1. 50408 100 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. EDU Economics. See Political economy. Edersheim (Alfred) History of the Jewish nation. 1896. - 29603 - Jesus the Messiah. 1902. 23222 Edgeworth (Maria) Belinda. 10 E 5 - Castle Rackrent. The absentee. - - - - - 10 E 4 - Helen. 10E6 - Ormond, a tale. 10E3 - The parent's assistant, stories. - - - - - 10 E 2 - Popular tales. 10E1 Edina, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - - 10W32 Edinburgh. Chambers (R.) Traditions of Edinburgh. - - 92007 - Sime (A. H. M.) The literary life of Edinburgh. 1S9S.- - 82015 - Stevenson (R. L. ) Edinburgh [picturesque notes]. 1905. ill. 92001 'Edinburgh review.' Bagehot (W.) The first Edinburgh re- viewers. In his Literary studies, v. 1. 1898. - - E5B1 - Stephen (Sir L.) The first Edinburgh reviewers. In his Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. E4S2 Edinburgh University. Eor related subjects, see Universities. - Harrison (J. ) Oure tounis colledge, sketches of the history of the old college of Edinburgh. 1884. .... 37802 Edison, Thomas A. Jones (F. A.) T. A. Edison, life. 1907. port. ill. E081 Edmonds (J. M.) Comparative philology. 1906. ill. - - 41004 Edmunds (E. W.)and Spooner(F.) The story of English litera- ture. 1907. v. 1-2. - - - - - - - - 82018-9 - eds. Readings inEnglishliterature, junior course. 1907. v. 1-2. 82031-2 - Readingsin English literature, intermediate course. 1907. v. 1-2. 82034-5 - Readings in English literature, senior course. 1907. v. 1-2. 82037-8 Edser (Edwin) Heat for advanced students. 1906. ill. • - 53608 - Light. 1907. ill. 53503 Education. For other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Arnold (M.) Ecce, convertimur ad gentes. In his Irish essays. E4A1 - In Avebury (Lord) The pleasures of life. 1905. - - - E2A1 - In Benson (A. C.) From a college window. 1906. - - - E4B1 - Cassell's New popular educator. 1903. 8 v. ill. maps. - 03202-9 "A complete encyclopaedia of education." - In Cobden (R.) Speeches. 1903. 82719 - Drawbridge (C. L.) Religious education, how to improve it. - 37701 - Froebel (F. W. A.) The education of man. 1906. - - - 37103 - In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 2. 1903. - - - - E2F2 - Guyau (J. M.) Education and heredity. 1891. - - - 37004 - Harper (J. W.) Education and social life. 1907. - - - 37003 - Hay ward (F. H.) The meaning of education as interpreted by Herbart. 1907. 37006 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1. - - - - E6H1 - Hinsdale (B. A.) The art of study, bibl. .... 370O8 - Howitt (W.) The student-life of Germany. 1841. ill. - 37110 101 EDU GLASGOW PUBLIC LLBRARIES. Education. Hughes (J. L. ) and Klemm (L. R.) Progress of education in the [nineteenth] century. 1907. - - - 37012 - Huxley (T. H. ) Science and education, essays. 1905. - - 50423 A liberal education, and where to find it. Universities, actual and ideal. Address on university education. The school boards, what they can do and what they may do. Technical education. [Etc.] - James (W.)- Talks to teachers on psychology. 1905. - - 37001 - Hay ward (F. H.) The secret of Herbart. 1907. - - - 37013 A reply to James's "Talks to teachers on psychology." - Lockyer (Sir J. N. ) Education and national progress. 1906. 37009 - Moberly (K. C. ) Undenominationalism as a principle of primary education. In his Problems and principles. 1904. 20402 - Monroe (P.) A course in the history of education. 1907. - 37010 - Miiller (F. Max) [Academic] Freedom. In his Works, v. 5. - E5M1 - Payne ( W. H. ) The education of teachers. 1901 . - - - 37106 - Roberts ( W. R. ) and others. Aims and practice of teaching. 37104 - Sadler (M. E.) Science in national education. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30412 - Skrine (J. H.) Pastor agnorum, afterthoughts. 1902. - - 37007 An idealistic theory of the school as a Christian society. - Wei ton (J.) Principles and methods of teaching. 1906. hihl. 37005 - See also Blind. Children. Classics. Culture. Examinations. Kin- dergarten. Object lessons. Physical education. School boards. Schools. Technical education. Universities. Woman. Youth. Education of the heart [Christian life] ; by W. L. Watkinson. - 17105 Edward I. Morris (J. E.) The Welsh wars of Edward I. 1901. map. 91338 Edward III. Mackinnon (J.) History of EdwardlH., 1327-77. 1900. Elll Edward VII. Lowe (C.) King Edward VII. [a biography], port. ill. E012 " The story of his life as Prince of Wales." Edward, Thomas. Smiles (S.) Life of a Scotch naturalist, port. E021 Edwardes (Mrs. Annie) A vagabond heroine. - - - 12 El Edwardes (Marian) ed. Literature of modern Europe to 1400. 80915 Edwardes (Tickxer) An idler in the wilds. 1906. ill. - - 50414 Edwards (Clement) The Compensation Act, 1906. 1907. - 34702 Edwards (D. H.) ed. Modern Scottish poets. 1883. - - 82216 Edwards (H. S.) Sir William White, life and correspondence.- W121 Edwards, Jonathan. In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1.- E4S1 Edwards (Matilda Betham) Literary rambles in France, ill. 93116 - A romance of Dijon. 15E1 Edwards (K. 0.) Rabbits, exhibition, pleasure, market, ill. - 63611 Edwards (Walter N.) Platform, pulpit, and desk, addresses. 17804 - The temperance compendium. 17806 Edwards (Wm. S.) Through Scandinavia to Moscow. 1906. ill. 91024 Edwin Drood, and other stories ; by C. Dickens. 2 copies. - 30 D 3 Egerton (George) The wheel of God. - - - - 16 El Eggar (W. D.) Elementary algebra. 1907. - 51207 Eggs. For related subjects, see Birds. 102 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ELE Eggs. Gordon (W. J.) Eggs of birds of Great Britain, col. ill. 59818 " A supplement to ' Our country's birds,' " 59817. Eghian (Setrak G.) The mother's nursery guide. 1907. ill. - 64903 Egmont; von J. W. von Goethe ; with notes. 1898. ill. - 43830 Egoist, a comedy in narrative ; by G. Meredith. - - - 82 M 4 Egypt. Cromer (Earl of) Modern Egypt [1863-1907]. 2 v. map. 95709-10 - Muir (Sir W.) Mameluke, or, slave dynasty, 1260-1517. - - 95703 - Newberry (P. E.) and Garstang (J.) A short history of ancient Egypt. 1904. maps. 95704 - Niebuhr (C.) The Tell el Amarna period. 1903. bibl. - - 95708 "The relations of Egypt and western Asia in the 15th century B.C." - Petrie(W. M. F.) A history of Egypt. 1898-1905. 6 v. bibl. ill. 95711-6 1. To the xvi. dynasty ; by W. M. F. Petrie. 2. xvii. and xviii. dynasties ; by W. M. F. Petrie. 3. xix. to the xxx. dynasties ; by W. M. F. Petrie. 4. Ptolemaic dynasty ; by J. P. Mahaffy. 5. Roman rule ; by J. G. Milne. 6. Middle ages ; by S. L. Poole. - Rawlinson (G. ) and Gilman (A. ) Ancient Egypt. 1897. ill. maps. 95705 - Sayce (A. H. ) Religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. - 29902 - Steevens (G. W.) Egypt in 1898. 96401 - Wiedemann (A.) The realms of the Egyptian dead. 1902. bibl. 29905 " According to the belief of the ancient Egyptians." - See also Pyramids. Egyptian literature. See Literature, Egyptian. Egyptian princess, an historical novel ; by G. Ebers. - - 3E1 Ehrenfechter (C. A.) Technical study in pianoforte-playing. - 78618 Eight guests ; by P. White. 50W1 Eiserne Kreuz ; von E. Wichert ; with notes. 1885. - - 43809 Eleanor [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 14W1 Elect lady ; by G. MacDonald. 10M19 Elections. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Richards (H. C.) The candidates' and agents' guide. 1904. - 32401 - Strachey (Sir E.) A general election. In his Talks. 1895. - 82815 Electric bells. For subjects relating to this and other headings com- mencing Electric, Electro, see Engineering, Electric. - Schneider (N. H.) How to install electric bells. 1905. ill. - 62422 Electric currents. Hay (A.) Alternating currents. 1907. ill. 62416 Electric furnace. For list of related subjects, see Metallurgy. - Kershaw (J. B. C. ) Electric furnace, iron, steel production. 1907. 66903 Electric instruments. Schneider (N. H.) Electrical circuits and diagrams. 1906. ill. 62423 Electric lighting. For related subjects, see Lighting. - Brooks(E.E.)and James(W. H.N.) Electric lightand power, ill. 62411 - Cooke (A. G.) Electric lighting. In Chemical technology. 62430 - Crocker (F. B.) Electric lighting. 1904-6. 2 v. bibl. ill. -62431-2 1. The generating plant. 2. Distributing system and lamps. - Maycock (W. P.) Electric lighting and power distribution. 1904. v. 2. ill. 62436 103 ELE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Electric lighting. Tyndall (J.) The electric light. In his Frag- ments, v. 2. 1902. 50409 Electric testing. Swenson (B. V.) and Frankenfield (B.) Testing of electro-magnetic machinery [etc.] 1905. v. 1. ill. - 62408 Direct currents. Electric traction. Davies (F. H. ) Electric power and traction. 62421 - Gant (L. W.) Elements of electric traction. 1907. ill. - 62409 - Smith (R. H.) Electric traction. 1905. ill. plans. - - 62428 Electric wiring. Harrison (N.) Electric-wiring. 1906. ill - 62404 - Metcalfe (C. C.) Electric wiring for lighting installations. 1905. 62418 - Walker (S. F. ) Electric wiring and fitting for plumbers and gasfitters. 1908. ill. 62419 Electricity. For list of related subjects, see Physics ; for applications of electricity, see Engineering, Electric. - Allanach (W.) Elementary experimental electricity. 1906. - 53801 - Campbell (N. R.) Modern electrical theory. 1907. bibl. - 53710 - In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 4-7. 1903. ill. - - 03205-8 - In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 3. 1904. ill. - 53702 - Forbes (G.) A course of lectures on electricity. 1888. ill. - 53705 - Foster (G. C.) and Porter (A. W.) Elementary electricity. - 53802 - Glazebrook (R. T.) Electricity and magnetism. 1904. ill. - 53706 - Henderson (J.) Electricity and magnetism. 1898. ill. - - 53711 - Jude(R. H.) The school magnetism and electricity. 1906. ill. 53703 - Lodge (Sir 0. J.) Modern views of electricity. 1907. ill. ■ 53707 - See also Electrons. Induction coils. Lightning conductors. Electro -plating. Hasluek(P.'N.)ed. Electro-plating. 1906. ill. 62434 - Watt (A.) and Philip (A.) The electro-plating and electro- refining of metals. 1902. ill. 62433 Electrochemistry. For lists of related subjects, see Chemical technology. Chemistry. - Blount (B. ) Practical electro-chemistry. 1903. ill. - - 66002 - Wiechmann (F. G.) Notes on electrochemistry. 1906. - - 53709 Electrolysis. In " The Electrician " primers, v. 3. bibl. ill. - 62427 Electrometallurgy. For list of related subjects, see Metallurgy. - Watt (A.) Electro -metallurgy. 1895. ill. - 66909 - In Watt (A.) and Philip (A.) Electro-plating [etc.] 1902. - 62433 Electrons. Lodge (Sir 0. J.) Electrons, the nature and proper- ties of negative electricity. 1906. ill. - 53712 Elers, George, Memoirs of, 1777-1842. 1903. port. map. - E051 Elgin, James Bruce, Earl of [a biography] ; by G. M. Wrong. E041 Elijah. Champness (T.) Carmel's hero, life of Elijah. - - 22208 Eliot (George) Wise, witty, and tender sayings ; selected. 1904. 82602 - Essays. Leaves from a note-book. 1883. - - - • - E1E2 Woiidliness and other-worldliness, the poet Young. German wit, Heine. Evangelical teaching, Dr. Curaming. Influence of rationalism, Lecky's History. Natural history of German life, Riehl. Three months in Weimar. Address to working men. 104 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. EMB Eliot (George) Impressions of Theophrastus Such [essays]. - E1E1 - The legend of Jubal, and other poems. ----- 102 E - The Spanish gypsy [a poem]. 101 E - Adam Bede. 2 copies. 21 E 5 - Daniel Deronda. 2 copies. - - - - - - 21 E 6 - Felix Holt, the radical. 2 copies. 21 E 3 - Middlemarch, a study of provincial life. 2 copies. - - 21 E 4 - The mill on the Floss. 2 copies. 21 E 8 - Romola. 2 copies. - - - - - - - - 21 El - Scenes of clerical life. 2 copies. - - - - - 21 E 2 The sad fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton. Mr. Gilfil's love-story. Janet's repentance. - Silas Marner. The lifted veil. Brother Jacob. 2 copies. - 21 E 7 Eliot, George. Cross (J. W. ) ed. George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals, port. ill. - E101 - Harrison (F.) [Cross's] Life of George Eliot. In his Choice of books, and other pieces. 1903. - - - - - E4H1 - Morley (J.) [Cross's] Life of George Eliot. In his Miscellanies. E3M3 - In Oliphant (J.) Victorian novelists. 1899. - 82603 - In Paul (H. W.) Stray leaves. 1906. E1P1 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E483 Elizabeth, Empress of Austria [a biography] ; by C. Tschudi. 1901. E031 Elizabeth, Queen. Strickland (A.) The life of Elizabeth, port. E091 Elizabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine ; by A. W. Ward. In Historical essays. 1907. - 90409 Elizabeth Glen, M.B. ; by A. S. Swan. 148S52 Elklngton (E. W.) Adrift in New Zealand. 1906. ill.- - 99101 Elliot (G. F. S.) The romance of savage life. 1908. ill. - 57209 - and others. Fauna, flora, and geology of Clyde area. 1901. 92303 Elliott, Ebenezer. Carlyle (T.) Corn-law rhymes. In his Essays. E1C4 Elocution. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 5-7. 1903. - - - 03206-8 - Miles (A. H.) and others. New standard elocutionist. 1902. 80804 "With chapter on musical accompaniments." - Morison (R. C. H.) ed. Chambers's Elocution. 1906. - - 80803 - Tenney (A. F.) Elocution and expression. 1906. - - - 80823 - See also Readings. Elphinstone (Lady) The power of character. 1906. - - 17127 Elsie Venner, a romance of destiny ; by O. W. Holmes. - - 78 HI Elson (George) Last of the climbing boys, an autobiography. - E071 Elster's folly, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10 W 14 Elton (Oliver) [Literature of] The Augustan ages. 1899. - 80910 Ely (Richard T.) The labor movement in [U.S.] America. 1905. 33113 Emanuel, Walter. In Hammer ton (J. A. ) English humorists. 1907. 82714 Embarrassments [stories] ; by H. James. - - - - 7 J 11 105 EMB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Embroidery. Christie (Mrs. A. H.) Embroidery and tapestry weaving, ill. 74601 - Townsend(W.G. P.) Embroidery, craft of the needle. 1907. ill. 74603 Emeralds chased in gold, islands of the Forth ; by J. Dickson. - 92008 Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Works. 1894-1903. 3 v. - - E2E1-3 1. Essays. Lectures. Representative men. Poems. 2. English traits. Nature. The conduct of life. 3. Society and solitude. Letters and social aims. Miscellaneous papers. Poems. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Fronde (J. A.) Representative men. In his Short studies, v. 1. 1905. E2F1 - In Garnett (R.) Essays of an ex-librarian. 1901. - - - E3G1 - In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M1 - In Vincent (L. H.) American literary masters. 1906. - - 81001 Emery (Geo. F.) The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1900. 1907. 34703 Emigrant ship ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R34 Emigration. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Cunningham (W.) Alien immigrants to England. 1897. ill. 32505 " From the Xorman conquest to the present day." - George ( W. L. ) Organised emigration. In Social progress. - 30411 Emilia's inheritance ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W15 A sequel to " Mr. Montmorency's money," 83W24. Emin Pasha, /w Stanley (Sir H. M.) In darkest Africa. 1904. port. 95901 Emma [a novel] ; by J. Austen. ------- 60 A4 Enamelling. Fisher (A.) Art of enamelling upon metal. 1906. 75102 Enchanted typewriter ; by J. K. Bangs. 13B2 A sequel to "A house-boat on the Styx," 13B3- Enchanted woods ; by Vernon Lee. 1905. ... - 91023 " Essays on the genius of places." Encyclopaedias. For list of related subjects, see Books. - [Philp (R. K.)] Enquire within upon everything. 1905. - 03201 - Storia universale illustrata. 1906. 2 v. - - - - 03501-2 - See also Fallacies. End of the age [Russian politics] ; by Count Tolstoy. 1906. - 32006 Energy. See Force. Enfants d'Edouard ; par J. F. C. Delavigne ; with notes. - - 44850 Evgels (F.) An account of Marx's theory. In Modern socialism. 33504 Engineering. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - Civil engineering ; Drawing for engineers ; Engineering work- shop practice. In Cassell's Technical educator, v. 1-6. ill. 60306-11 - Follows (G. H. ) Dictionary of mechanical drawing. 1906. ill. 62005 - Grimshaw (R.) Shop kinks for the machinest. 1905. ill. - 62009 - Kent (W.) Mechanical engineer's pocket-book. 1906. - - 62015 - Lineham (W. J.) Text-book of mechanical engineering. 1906. 62008 - McShane (C. ) Pointers for machinists and engineers, ill. - 62113 - Phillips (H. J.) Engineering chemistry. 1902. ill. - - 66003 - Rankine (W. J. M.) Manual of civil engineering. 1904. ill. 62002 - Sexton (A. H.) Chemistry of materials of engineering. 1906. 66001 106 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ENG Engineering. Spencer (H. ) Organisation of engineering factories. 1907. 62011 - Templeton (W.) and Hutton (W. S.) The practical mechanic's workshop companion. 1900. ill. ----- 62007 - Van Cleve (B. F.) English and American mechanic. 1900. ill. 62004 11 Handbook for workshop and factory, receipts, rules, and tables." - Wells (S. H.) Engineering drawing and design. 1905. 2 v. ill. 62019-20 1. Practical geometry. 2. Machine and engine drawing and design. - Williams (A.) How it works, ill. 62003 "Steam, electricity, light, heat, sound, hydraulics, optics, etc., with their applications to apparatus in common use." - See also Air compressors. Boilers. Bridges. Engineering, Electric. Engineering, Marine. Engines. Grinding. Heat. Hoisting machinery. Hydraulics. Irrigation. Machinery. Mathematics. Mechanics. Mining. Motor-cars. Pumps. Railways. Refriger- ation. Sanitary engineering'. Saw-mills. Shipbuilding. Steam. Strength of materials. Tools. Turbines. Valves. Engineering, Electric. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Alexander (J. H. ) Elementary electrical engineering, ill. - 62417 - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-6. ill. - - 60306-11 - Cooper (W. R.) ed. "The Electrician" primers, v. 3. hibl. ill. 62427 Telegraphy, telephony, electro^sis, and some miscellaneous applications. - Davidge (H. T.) and Hutchinson (R. W.) Technical electricity. 62412 - Gibson (C. R.) Electricity of to-day. 1907. ill. - - - 62406 The romance of modern electricity. 1906. ill. - - - 62402 " Describing in non-technical language electricity and its applications." - Harrison (N.) Electrical engineering. 1907. ill. - - 62116 - Kellogg (J. W.) Uses of electricity on shipboard, ill. plan. - 62405 - Mnnro (J.) and Jamieson (A.) Electrical rules and tables, ill. 62414 - Shaxby (J. H.) Elementary electrical engineering. 1907. HI. 62413 - Snell (J. F. C.) The distribution of electrical energy, ill. - 62429 - Thomalen (A.) Text-book of electrical engineering. 1907. ill. 62424 - See also Dynamos. Electric bells. Electric currents. Electric instru- ments. Electric lighting. Electric testing. Electric traction. Electric wiring. Electro-plating. Mining. Motors. Telegraph. Telephone. Engineering, Marine. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Roberts (C. W. ) Practical advice for marine engineers, ill. - 62135 - Seaton (A. E.) and Rounthwaite (H. M.) Mariae engineering, rules and tables. 1906. ill. 62104 - Sothern (J. W. ) Notes and sketches for marine engineers. - 62138 and Sothern (R. M.) Simple problems in marine engineering design, including turbines. 190S. 62145 - Tod (J.) Arithmetical guide for marine engineers. 1905. ill. 62115 " Questions given at Board of Trade exams, for engineers' certificates." and McGibbon (W. C.) Marine engineers' Board of Trade examinations, questions with answers. 1905.^/7/. - - 62123 - See also Indicator. 107 ENG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Engineers. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Smiles (S.) Lives of the engineers. 1874-1904. 5 v. ill. - 99704-8 1. Vermuyden. Myddelton. Perry. Brindley. 2. Smeaton. Rermie. 3. Metcalf. Telford. 4. Boulton. Watt. 5. George and Robert Stephenson. Engines. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Bauer (G.) Marine engines and boilers. 1905. ill. plans. - 62141 - Hobbs (L. M.) Thermo-dynamic principles of engine design. - 62114 - Kennedy (R.) Modern engines and power generators. 6 v. - 62124-9 - Sharp (A.) Balancing of engines, steam, gas, petrol. 1907. - 62121 - See also Gas engine. Oil engine. Steam engine. Engines of social progress ; by W. L. George. 1907. - - 30411 England. Emerson (R. W.) English traits. In his Works. - E2E2 - Home (G.) What to see in England. 1903. ill. map. - - 91607 - Holmes (0. W.) Our hundred days in Europe. 1895. - - 91601 With the exception of a journey to Paris and back, the book deals chiefly with England. - Kennedy (B.) Wander pictures. 1906. ill. - 91605 - O'Rell (Max) John Bull and his island. 91602 - Smith (G.) A trip to England. 1905. 91604 - Synge (M. B.) Social life in England [to 1906]. 1906. - - 91606 - Vaile (P. A. ) Wake up, England. 1907. .... 916O8 England as seen by a New Zealander. - In Warner (C. D.) The relation of literature to life [etc.] - E2W1 - Wright (J. C. ) In the good old times [18th century customs]. 91610 England, History of. See Great Britain, History. English language. See Language, English. English literature. See Literature, English. English tourist in Italy [Italian phrases] ; by N. E. Genzardi. - 45802 Engraving. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Hayden (A.) Chats on old prints. 1906. bibl. ill. - - 76002 - Ruskin (J") Ariadne Florentina, wood and metal engraving. - 76001 - See also Wood engraving. Enlarging. For list of related subjects, see Photography. - Smith (G. R.) Enlargements, production and finish. 1907. ill. 77005 Ennemoser (Joseph) The history of magic. 1854. 2 v. - - 13303-4 Enquire within upon everything ; by [R. K. Philp]. 1905. - 03201 Enterkin, Dumfriesshire. In Brown (J.) Horse subsecivae, v. 3. E2B3 Entropy. See Heat. Eothen [travel in the east, 1835] ; by A. W. Kinglake. 1904. - 93901 Ephesians, Epistle to the. See Bible. Epictetus. In Bernard (E. R. ) Great moral teachers. 1906. bibl. 18001 - In Davis (C. H. S. ) Greek and Roman stoicism. 1903. - - 18803 Episode of flatland ; by C. H. Hinton. 134 HI Episodes in a life of adventure ; by L. Oliphant. 1887. - - 0021 Equality. In Warner (C. D.) The relation of literature to life. E2W1 Erasmus, Desiderius. Dods(M.) Erasmus, and other essays. 1891. E4D1 - Froude(J. A.) Times of Erasmus. InhisShort studies, v. 1. 1905. E2F1 108 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. EST Erckmann (6mile) et Chatrian (A. ) Le doctenr Math^us ; notes. 44869 - La guerre [uq drame]. - - - 201 E - Madame Therese ; with notes by V. Oger. 1904. - - - 44838 - Waterloo [In French] ; with notes. 1902. .... 44837 - Waterloo [In English]. - - - 29E2 - Maitre Daniel Rock [In French]. 29 El Eric Brighteyes [a romance] ; by H. Rider Haggard.- - - 3H11 Erema, or, my father's sin ; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - 63 B 11 Ernest Maltravers ; by Lord Lytton. 74L3 Erni (Hy.) and Brown (A. P.) Mineralogy simplified. 1901. ill. 54902 Escott (Thomas H. S.) A trip to Paradoxia, and other humours. 33 El Esdras. See Bible. Esler (Erminda R. ) The trackless way. - - - - - 34E1 Esperanto. See Language, Esperanto. Essay- writing. For related subjects, see Language, English. Rhetoric. - Cornford (L. C.) Essay-writing for schools. 1904. - - 42806 - Fowler (J. H.) A manual of essay -writing. 1899. 2 copies. - 42805 Essayists. Hazlitt (W.) Periodical essayists. In his Lectures. 82004 Essays. Fowler (J. H.) ed. English essays. 1907. - - - 82715 " Materials and models for composition from the great essayists." - General collections of essays will be found under the following names : Addison (Joseph) Alison (Sir Archibald) Arnold (Matthew) Ave bury (John Lubbock, Lord) Eliot (George) Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Friswell (James Hain) Fi-oude (James A.) Garnett (Richard) Bacon (Francis, Viscount St. Goldsmith (Oliver) Albans) Bagehot (Walter) Beeching (Henry C.) Belloc (Hilaire) Benson (Arthur C.) Birrell (Augustine) Bland (Hubert) Blatchford (Robert) Bosanquet (Bernard) [Boyd (Andrew K. H.)] Brown (Dr. John) Bute (John, Marquess of) Carlyle (Thomas) Chesterton (Gilbert K.) Collins (John C.) Couch (Arthur T. Quiller) Craigie (Mrs. Pearl M. T.) Craik (Mrs. Dinah M.) De Quincey (Thomas) Dobson (Henry Austin) Dods (Marcus) Dunphie (Charles J.) Graham (Henry G.) Green (John R.) Gull (Cyril A. E. Ranger) Harrison (Frederic) Hazlitt (William) Headlam (Cecil) [Helps (Sir Arthur)] Holmes (Oliver Wendell) Hume (David) Hunt (James H. Leigh) Huxley (Thomas H.) Jacks (William) Kingsley (Charles) Lamb (Charles) Lang (Andrew) Lee (Vernon) Lowell (James R.) Macaulay (Thomas Babington, Lord) Maeterlinck (Maurice) Marvin (Frederic R.) Maurice (Fred. D.) Miller (Hugh) Montaigne (Michel E. de) Morley (John) Mliller (Friedrich Max) Nevinson (Henry W.) Nicoll ( W. Robertson) Paul (Herbert W.) Prescott (Wm. H.) Repplier (Agnes) Sainte-Beuve (Charles A.) Saintsbury (George E. B.) Schopenhauer (Arthur) Shorter (Clement K.) Sidgwick (Henry) Smith (Sydney) Spencer (Herbert) Steevens (George W.) Stephen (Sir James F.) Stephen (Sir Leslie) Stevenson (Robert L.) Stirling (Jas. H.) Thackeray (William M.) Warner (Charles D.) Wilson (John) Yeats (William B.) Young (John) Mathews (William) Essays for Sunday reading [sermons] ; by J. Caird. 1906. Essex, Thomas Cromwell, Earl of. In Innes (A. D. ) Ten Tudor statesmen. 1906. port. Estate management. Bright (T.) The agricultural and estate agent's handbook of rules [etc.] 1899. ill. 109 25231 99822 63001 EST GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Esther. See Bible. Estimates. For list of related subjects, see Building". - Stephenson (G. ) Estimating, pricing builders' quantities. 1907. 69202 Eternal city ; by Hall Caine. 5C3 Eternal news, on time, space, motion [etc.] ; by J. J. Brown. - 11101 Ethics. For list of other branches of philosophy, see Philosophy. - Bernard (E. R.) Great moral teachers, lectures. 1906. bibl. 18001 Confucius. Gotama. Socrates. Epictetus. - Brown (J.) Excursus ethicus. In his Horae subsecivse, v. 1. - E2B1 -Hume(D.) The principles of morals. In his Essays. - - E3H1 - Huxley (T. H.) Evolution and ethics. 1906. - 17132 - Lofthouse (W. F.) Ethics and atonement. 1906. - - - 23231 - Maeterlinck (M.) Our anxious morality. In Life and flowers. E8M1 - M airhead (J. H.) The elements of ethics. 1892. bibl. - 17114 - Saleeby (C. W.) Ethics. [1905]. 17011 - In Schopenhauer (A.) Selected essays. 1900. - - - E7S1 - Sidgwick (H.) Relation of ethics to sociology. In his Essays. E8S1 - Stephen (Sir L. ) The science of ethics. 1907. - - - 17010 - Wundt (W.) Ethical systems. 1906. 17014 - See also Altruism. Character. Children. Christian life. Citizenship. Conduct of life. Duty. Etiquette. Friendship. Gambling. Good. Happiness. Heroism. Home. Humanitarianism. Idlers. Igno- rance. Illness. Love. Man. Marriage. Maxims. Old age. Pleasant- ness. Society. Success. Temperance. Thrift. Toleration. Truth. Utilitarianism. War. Worry. Youth. Ethics of the dust, on crystallization ; by J. Ruskin. 1903. - 54901 Ethnology. See Man, Natural history of. Etiquette. For lists of related subjects, see Customs. Ethics. - Au fait. Manners and rales of good society. 1903. - - 39503 Social observances, practical etiquette. 1897. - - - 39501 - Bell (Lady) Teaching of manners. In her Minor moralist. - 17008 - The new book of etiquette. 1907. 39504 - Social etiquette. 64106 Eucharist. See Lord's Supper. Euclid. See Geometry. Eugene Aram, a tale ; by Lord Lytton. 74L4 Eugenie Grandet ; par H. de Balzac ; with notes. 1905. - - 44835 Eureka [a novel] ; by Owen Hall. 130H1 Euripides. Froude (J. A.) Sea studies. In his Short studies, v. 3. E2F3 Europe. Alison (Sir A.) The year of revolutions [1848]. In his Essays, v. 3. 1850. E3A3 - Boucav.t (Sir J. P.) Letters to my boys. 1906. ill. - - 91008 M An Australian judge and ex-premier on his travels in Europe." - Cooper (A. X. ) Quaint talks about long walks, ill. - - 91014 The tramps of ' The walking parson.' 1905. ill. - - 91012 With knapsack and note -book. 1906. ill.- - - - 91015 110 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. EVO Europe. Fitchett (W. H.) How England saved Europe, 1793-1815. 1900-3. 4 v. ill. 91419-22 1. From the Low Countries to Egypt. 2. The struggle for the sea. 3. The war in the Peninsula. 4. Waterloo and St. Helena. - Freeman (E. A.) Sketch of European history. 1905. maps.- 91007 - Froissart (J.) Chronicles [1326-1400]. 91004 - Grant (A. J.) Outlines of European history. 1907. ill. maps. 91019 - Hallam (H.) Europe during the middle ages. 1901. - - 91006 - Lee (Vernon) The enchanted woods. 1905. - 91023 " Essays on the genius of places." - Lodge (R.) A history of modern Europe, 1453-1878. 1903. - 91013 -Marryat(F.) Olla podrida. ill. 2 copies. .... 91010 Diary on the continent. [Etc.] - Reich (E.) History of western nations to 1900 A. D. v. 1-2. bibl. 91025-6 1. Greece, etc. 2. Rome. - Weir (A.) Introduction to history of modern Europe. 1907. bibl. 91017 European literature. See Literature, European. Europeans, a sketch ; by H. James. - - - - - - 7J8 Evan Harrington, a novel ; by G. Meredith. .... 82M5 Evangelical doctrine, Bible truth; by C. A. Scott. 1901. - 28301 A criticism of Sadler's "Church doctrine," 28306- Evangelism. Stephen (Sir J.) The "evangelical"' succession. In his Essays, v. 2. 1907. 99817 Evans, Christmas [a biography] ; by P. Hood. 1900. - - E061 Eve (Alice) joint-author. See Pratt (Alfred). Eve of Christianity [history] ; by F. T. Richards. 1902. - - 90205 Evening by evening, readings at eventide ; by C. H. Spurgeon. 24903 Everitt (Nicholas) Ferrets, their management. 1897. UL - 63609 - Told at twilight [stories]. 39 El Eve's diary ; by Mark Twain. 52T13 Evil eye ; by Daniel Woodroffe. 95 Wl Evil that men do ; by M. P. Shiel. 58S1 Evolution. For list of related subjects, see Biology. - Bree (C. R.) Fallacies in the hypothesis of Darwin. 1872. ill. 57506 - Clodd (E.) Pioneers of evolution, Thales to Huxley. 1897. ill. 57515 The story of creation. 1890. ill. 57514 - Darwin (C.) The descent of man. 1901. ill. - - - 57528 - Dawson (Sir J. W.) Modern ideas of evolution. 1890. - - 57511 - Drummond (H.) The ascent of man. 1904. .... 57503 - The evolution of man. 1899. ill. 57522 - Gerard (J.) The old riddle and the newest answer. 1907. - 57516 - Haeckel (E. ) Last words on evolution. 1906. ill. - - 57524 - Haycraft (J. B.) Darwinism and race progress. 1900. - - 57518 - Hird(D.) A picture book of evolution. 1906-7. 2 v. bibl. ill. 57529-30 - Huxley (T. H.) Evolution and ethics. 1906. - 17132 - Iverach (J.) Christianity and evolution. 1894. - - - 21301 111 EVO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Evolution. Kellogg (V. L.) Darwinism to-day. 1907. - - 57523 - Le Conte (J.) Evolution. 1893. ill. 57505 " Its nature, its evidences, and its relation to religious thought." - Lock (R. H. ) Recentprogressinthestudyof variation, heredity, and evolution. 1907. ill. ...... 57527 - Moore (A. L.) Darwinism and the Christian faith. In his Science and the faith, essays. 1893. - 23909 - Romanes (G. J.) Darwin and after Darwin. 1892-5. 2 v. ill. 57509-10 1. Darwinian theory. 2. Post Darwinian questions, heredity and utility. - Saleeby (C. W.) Evolution, the master-key. 1906. - - 57504 - Schmidt (O. ) Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 1884. - 57513 - Tyndall (J.) Virchow and evolution. In his Fragments, v. 2. 50409 - Wallace (A. R.) Darwinism, an exposition. 1905. ill. map. 57502 - See also Heredity. Sex. Species. Teeth. Evolution of life [biology] ; by H. C. Bastian. 1907. ill. - 57602 Ewing (Alexander) The cathedral church of lona. ill. - - 27502 Ewing (T. T.) joint- author. See Coghlan (T. A.) Ewing (William) Arab and Druze at home. 1907. ill. map. - 94503 Examinations. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Wade (G. A.) How to succeed in your examination. 1901. - 37406 Exchange. Clemson (H. ) Inland and foreign exchange. In his Methods and machinery in business. 1907. - - - 65812 - Easton (H. T.) Money, exchange, and banking. - - - 33203 Exmoor and west Somerset ; by J. L. W. Page. 1895. ill. map. 91709 Exodus. See Bible. Experiences of a barrister, and other tales. ... - 44E1 Exploration. Williams (A. ) The romance of early exploration. 1907. ill - ■ ■ " - - - 90602 Explosives. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Key (A. C. ) A primer of explosives. 1905. - 66203 Expression. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Brown (M. T. ) The synthetic philosophy of expression. - - 13801 Eye. For list of related subjects, see Disease. - Burnham (G. H.) Combined treatment in diseases of the eye. 61701 - See also Colour blindness. Eyemouth. Mclver (D. ) An old time fishing town. 1906. ill. 91718 Ezekiel. See Bible. Ezra. See Bible. Fabian Society. The economics of direct employment. In Modern socialism. 1907. 33504 Fabiola, or, the church of the catacombs ; by N. P. Wiseman. - 44 Wl Fables. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - iEsop. Fables, with proverbs and applications, ill. - - 88810 - La Fontaine (J. de) Fables [avec] notes. 1904. - - - 401 L 112 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FAM Fables. La Fontaine (J. de) A hundred fables. 1900. ill. - 402 L - Miiller(F. Max) The migration of fables. 7n Aw Works, v. 8. 1900. E5M4 - Rankine (W. J. M.) Songs and fables. 1874. ill. - - 701 R Face illumined ; by E. P. Roe. - - - -. - - - 56 R 11 Face in the flashlight ; by F. Warden. 16 Wl Face in the mirror ; by H. Mathers. 64M1 Face of clay, an interpretation ; by H. A. Vachell. - - - 2V1 Factories. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Meakin (B.) Model factories and villages. 1905. ill. - - 33103 - See also Engineering. Facts and comments ; by H. Spencer. 1902. - - - - E10S2 Faguet (Emile) A literary history of France. 1907. - - 84004 Fair maid at Graystones ; by B. M. Dix. - - - - - 34D1 Fair maid of Perth ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - 35 S 22 Second series of "The chronicles of the Canongate." Fair Saxon ; by J. McCarthy. 4M4 Faij 3AIRN (Andrew M.) City of God, discussions in religion. - 23014 - Sadies in the philosophy of religion and history. 1876. - 20103 The idea of God. Theism and scientific speculation. The belief in immortality. The place of the Indo-European and Semitic races in history. Fairfield (Charles) Account of G. W. Wilshere, Baron Bramwell. B231 Fairie (James) Notes on pottery clays. 1901. - 66604 Fairshiels, a Lammermoor parish [Fala] ; by T. R. Barnett. ill. 92005 Fairweather (W. ) and Black (J. S.) eels. The first Book of Maccabees. 1897. ill. map. 22501 - Maccabees I. -II. ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1903. - - 22510 Fairytales. Perrault (C.) and others. Contes de fees. - - 35 PI Faith. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Eaton (T. T.) Faith and the faith. 1906. .... 23403 Faith and verification, with other [sermons] ; by E. G. Jones. 1907. 25232 Faith of men, and other stories ; by Jack London. - - - 51 L 2 Faith of our fathers [Roman Catholicism] ; by J. Gibbons. - 28212 Fala. Barnett (T. R.) Fairshiels, a Lammermoor parish. 1906. ill. 92005 Falaise, the town of the Conqueror ; by A. B. Dodd. 1901. HI. 93305 Falconer (Lanoe) Mademoiselle Ixe, and other stories. - - 73F1 Falconry. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Fisher (C. H.) Reminiscences of a falconer. 1901. ill. - 79907 Falkiner (Sir Frederick R.) Hospital and Free School of Charles II., Dublin. 1906. 37904 Falkirk. Gillespie (R.) Round about Falkirk. 1879. - - 92506 Falkner (John M.) Moonfleet [a story]. 1F1 Fallacies. Ackermann (A. S. E. ) Popular fallacies. 1907. ill. 03211 Fallen idol ; by F. Anstey. 35 A 3 Familiar studies of men and books ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1906. El S3 Families. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Romantic stories of famous families. [1907]. - 99511 113 FAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fancy free ; by C. Gibbon. 21 G 7 Fanny Lambert, a novel ; by H. de V. Stacpoole. - - - 104S1 Far from the madding crowd; by T. Hardy. - 21H10 Far horizon ; by Lucas Malet. 36 M 2 Far in the forest, a story ; by S. Weir Mitchell. - -. - 95 Ml Faraday (Michael) Chemical history of a candle. 1894. ill.- 54102 - Letters [to] Schcenbein, 1836-62; with notes. 1899. port. - F151 Faraday, Michael. Tyndall (J.) Faraday as a discoverer, port. F152 Life and letters of Faraday. In his Fragments, v. 1. - - 50408 Farjeon (Benjamin L.) Great Porter Square, a mystery. - - 74F1 Farmer (Henry) New harmonium tutor. 4°. - - - - 78619 Farmer (Richard) Essay on the learning of Shakespeare, 1767. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. - 82505 Farming. See Agriculture. Farnham (Charles H.) A life of Francis Parkman. 1900. - P201 Farrar (Frederic W.) The early days of Christianity. 1897. 27001 - The life and work of St. Paul. 2 v. maps. - 22601-2 - The life of Christ. 2 v. 23206-7 - The life of lives, further studies in the life of Christ. - - 23210 - Darkness and dawn, or, scenes in the days of Nero. - - 6F4 - Gathering clouds, a tale of the days of St. Chrysostom. - - 6F5 Fasnacht (G. E.) Macmillan's Progressive German course, first year. 1904. - - - 43827 - Macmillan's Progressive German course, second year. 1903. 43828 Fat. See Oil. Fatal gift ; by F. F. Moore. 106M9 Fate of Luke Ormerod ; by R. Dowling. 76 Dl Fate's handicaps ; by E. P. Finnemore. 68 F 3 Father and son, a study of two temperaments ; by [E. W. Gosse]. G121 Father Fabian, the monk of Malham Tower ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W17 Fathers and children, a novel ; by I. Turgenev. - - - 49 T 2 Fausset (A. R.) Bible cyclopaedia, ill. 22015 Faust ; von J. W. von Goethe ; with notes. 1906. - - - 43810 Faust ; by J. W. von Goethe. 701 G Faustus ; by C. Marlowe. - 701 G Fauth (Philip) The moon in modern astronomy. [1907]. ill. 52308 Fear of the night, stories ; by J. S. Fletcher. - - - 30 F 2 Fearchair-a-Ghunna. See Maclellan, Farquhar. Federn (Karl) Dante and his time. 1902. ill. i - - D121 Feeling. See Touch. Felbermann (Louis) Hungary and its people, ill. - - - 92902 Felix Holt, the radical ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. - - - 21 E 3 Felkin (Alfred L.) joint-author. See Fowler (Ellen T.) Felkin (William) History of the machine- wrought hosiery and lace manufactures. 1867. Ul. 67727 114 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FIC Fell (George) The immortality of the human soul. 1906. - 23702 Fellow-travellers [stories] ; by Graham Travers. - - - 41 T 3 Fenelon (F. de S. de la Mothe) Letters and reflections. - 21208 Fenelon, Francois de S. de la Mothe. St. Cyres (Viscount) Francois de Fenelon [a biography]. 1906. port. ill. - F161 Fenwick's career ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 14 W 8 Ferguson (Malcolm) An autumn tour through Orcadia and the north of Scotland. 1869. - - - - - - - 92104 Ferguson (Sir S.) Lays of the western Gael, and other poems. 101 F Fergusson (R. M.) Alexander Hume and his intimates. 1899. ill. H091 - Scottish social sketches of the 17th century. 1907. port. - 91834 Fergusson (Robert) Poetical works, mem. ill. - - - 82220 Fermentation. For list of related subjects, see Botany. - Schiitzenberger (P. ) On fermentation. 1886. ill. - - - 58908 - Tyndall (J.) Fermentation and its bearings on surgery and medicine. In his Fragments of science, v. 2. 1902. - 50409 Fermor (M. G. P.) Home pets, furred and feathered. 1902. ill. 63604 Fernando the Saint. In Irving (W.) Biographies and papers. - 99508 Fernbach (R. L.) Glues and gelatine. 1907. ill. - - - 66801 Ferns. For lists of related subjects, see Botany. Gardening. - Smith (J.) Ferns, British and foreign. 1896. bibl. ill.- - 58701 - Woolson (G. A.) Ferns, and how to grow them. 1906. ill. - 71603 Ferreira (Octaviano G.) joint- author. See Wyllie (J. A.) Ferret. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Everitt (N.) Ferrets, their management. 1897. ill. - - 63609 Ferrier (Susan E.) Memoir and correspondence. 1898. port. Fill - Destiny, or, the chief's daughter. 13F3 - The inheritance. 13 F 2 - Marriage [a novel]. 13 Fl Ferrier, Susan E. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 2. 1895. 82104 Ferry of fate, a tale of Russian Jewry ; by S. Gordon. - - 40G1 Fertilization. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Darwin (C.) The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 1888. ill. 58104 Festus, a poem ; by P. J. Bailey. 1901 B Fetichism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Haddon (A. C.) Magic and fetishism. 1906. bibl. - - 29903 Feuillet (Octave) Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre. - - 14F1 Few crusted characters ; by T. Hardy. 21H13 Fibres. For lists of related subjects, see Chemical technology. Textiles. - Georgievics (G. von) The chemical technology of textile fibres. 1902. ill. 66704 - Matthews (J. M. ) The textile fibres. 1904. bibl. ill. - - 67702 "Their physical, microscopical, and chemical properties." Fichte, Johann G. F. [his life and philosophy] ; by R. Adamson. 19302 Fickle fortune ; by E. Werner. 38 W 2 115 FIC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fiction. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Albright (E. M.) The short-story, principles, structure. 1907. 80820 - Alison (Sir A.) The historical romance. In his Essays, v. 3. E3A3 - Baker (E. A. ) History in fiction. [1907]. 2 v. - - -02808-9 1. English notion. 2. American and foreign fiction. - Bowen (H. C. ) ed. Historical novels and tales. 1905. - - 02801 - In Gosse (E. W.) Questions at issue. 1893. - 80403 The tyranny of the novel. The limits of realism in fiction. - Jusserand (J. J.) The English novel, time of Shakespeare. - 82605 - Raleigh (W.) The English novel, its history to [1814]. 1894. 82606 - Ruskin (J.) Fiction, fair and foul. In his On the old road, v. 3. 70403 - Saintsbury (G-. E. B. ) The historical novel. In his Essays, v. 2. 82104 State of the English novel. In his Essays. - - - E9S1 - In Stevenson (R. L. ) Memories and portraits. 1906. - - E1S4 A gossip on romance. A humble remonstrance. [Etc.] - In Warner (C. D. ) The relation of literature to life [etc.] - E2W1 Modern fiction. The novel and the common school. - The following is a list of names of writers of fiction contained in the catalogue. Each work is entered under the author's name and under the title. Readers who desire to find novels or romances dealing with any special period, locality, or subject, will derive much assistance from Baker's Guide to the best fiction (028*4), Brewer's Reader's handbook (803), and Meld's Guide to the best historical novels (028*4), which are on the open shelves in the Reading Room. Barry (William) Brooke (Emma) Bartram (George) Broughton (Rhoda) Bateman (May) Brown (Vincent) Beaconsfield (B. Disraeli, Bryde (Margaretta) Ackworth (John) Adams (Mrs. Leith) Adeler (Max) Agnus (Orme) Aguilar (Grace) Aide" (Charles Hamilton) Ains worth (Wm. Harrison) Albanesi(E. M.) Alcock (Deborah) Alden (WiUiam L.) Aldrich (Thomas B.) Alexander (Mrs.) Allen (Grant) Allen (James L.) Amber (Miles) Anstey(F.) Appleton (George W.) Arnold (Edwin L.) Atherton (Gertrude F.) Austen (Jane) Ay toun (William E.) Bacheller (Irving) Bagot (Richard) Bailey (Henry C.) Baker (James) Balfour (Andrew) Bangs (John K.) Barlow (Jane) Barr (Amelia E.) Barr (Robert) Barrett (Frank) Barrie (James M.) Barry (John A.) Earl of) Becke (George Louis) Beddoes (T. H. W.) Bede (Cuthbert) Bell (John J.) Bennett (Enoch Arnold) Benson (B. K.) Benson (Edward F.) Benson (Robert H.) Besant (Sir Walter) Birmingham (George A.) Bjornson (Bjornstjerne) Black (Margaret M.) Black (William) Blackburn (Douglas) Blackmore (Richard D.) Blake (M. M.) Bodkin (Matthias McD.) Boldrewood (Rolf) Boothby (Guy N.) Borrow (George) Bottom e (Phyllis) Braddon (Mary E.) Brebner (Percy J.) Bremer (Fredrika) Breton (Frederic) Bronte (Anne) Bronte (Charlotte) Bronte (Emily) 116 Buchan (John) Buchanan (Robert W.) Bullen (Frank T.) Bullock (Shan F.) Burchell (Sidney H.) Bur gin (George B.) Burnett (F. H.) Burrow (Charles K.) Burton (John E. Bloundelle) Cable (George W.) Caffyn (Mrs. Kathleen M.) Caine (Thomas H. Hall) Cambridge (Ada) Cameron (Mrs. Lovett) Campbell (Frances) Capes (Bernard E. J.) Carey (Rosa N.) Carleton (William) Carmichael (Philip) Carr (Mrs. Alice Comyns) Carr(M. E.) Carrel (Frederic) Castle (Agnes and Egerton) Castle (Egerton) Cervantes (Miguel de) Chambers (Robert W.) Charles (Mrs. E. R.) Cherbuliez (Victor) Cholmondeley (Mary) HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FIC Fiction. Names of writers of fiction. Continued. Churchill (Winston) Clare (Austin) Clarke (Marcus) Clayton (Joseph) Cleeve (Lucas) Clennoll (Emily M. H.) Clifford (Hugh) Clouston (J. S.) Cobb (Thomas) Cobban (James M.) Cockton (Henry) Coleridge (Mary E.) Collier (William F.) Collins (William Wilkie) Compton (Herbert E.) Connor (Ralph) Conrad (Joseph) Constable (F. C.) Conway (Hugh) Cooper (Edward H.) Cooper (James Fenimore) Corelli (Marie) Cotes (Mrs. Everard) Couch (Arthur T. Quiller) Courlander (Alphonse) Couvreur (Mme. Jessie) Craddock (Charles Egbert) Craigie (Mrs. Pearl M. T.) Craik (Mrs. Dinah M.) Crane (Stephen) Crawford (Francis Marion) Crockett (Samuel R.) Croker(Mrs. B. M.) Cromarty (Deas) Cromie (Robert) Crommelin (May de la C.) Cullum (Ridgwell) Cunningham (Sir Henry S. Dale (Darley) Danbv (Frank) D'Arcy (Ella) Daudet (Alphonse) Davidson (Lillias C.) Davis (Richard H.) Dawson (Alec J.) Dawson (William J.) Dearmer (Mrs. Mabel) De Crespigny (Mrs. Philip Champion) Deeping (Warwick) Defoe (Daniel) De Haven (Audrey) Delaire (Jean) Deland (Margaret) De la Pasture (Mrs. Henry) Dene (Stazel) Desnoyers (Louis) Dibdin (James C.) Dickens (Charles) Dickens (Mary A.) Diehl (Mrs. Alice M.) Dix(BeulahM.) Dixon (Ella H.) Douglas (Theo) Dowie (Menie M.) Dowling (Richard) Doyle (Sir Arthur Conan) Drummond (Hamilton) Drury (William P.) Du Boisgobey (Fortune") Dudeney (Mrs. Henry E.) Dumas (Alexandre) Du Maurier (George) Dun ton (Theodore Watts) Ebers (Georg) Edge worth (Maria) Edwardes (Mrs. Annie) Edwards (Matilda Betham) Egerton (George) Eliot (George) Erckmann (E*mile) Escott (Thomas H. S.) Esler (Erminda R.) Everitt (Nicholas) Falconer (Lanoe) Falkner (John M.) Farjeon (Benjamin L.) Farrar (Frederic W.) Ferrier (Susan E.) Feuillet (Octave) Findlater (Jane H.) Findlay (James T.) Fimiemore (Emily P.) Flandrau (Charles M.) Fletcher (Joseph S.) Flynn (Thomas M.) Forbes (Ethel M.) Ford (Paul L.) Forster(R. H.) Fothergill (Jessie) Fowler (Edith H.) Fowler (Ellen T.) Fox (John) Franc (Maud J.) Francis (M. E.) ) Fraser (Mrs. Hugh) Fraser (W. A.) Frederic (Harold) Freeman (Mrs. Mary E. Wilkins) Freeman (Richard A.) Fremantle (Elizabeth) Fullerton (Lady Georgiana) Galdemar (Ange) Gallon (Tom) Galsworthy (John) Gait (John) Garland (Hamlin) Garvice (Charles) Gaskell (Mrs. Elizabeth C.) Gerard (Dorothea) Gerard (Emily) Gerard (Morice) Gibbon (Charles) Gift (Theo) Gilbert (George) Gilchrist (Robert M.) Girardin (Jules) Gissing (Algernon) Gissing (George) Glanville (Ernest) Glasgow (Ellen) Glvn (Elinor) Godfrey (Elizabeth) Goethe (Johann W. von) Goldsmith (Oliver) 117 Gordon (Samuel) Gould (Sabine Baring) Graham (John) Graham (John W.) Graham (Robert B. C.) Graham (Winifred) Grahame (Kenneth) Grant (James) Gray (Maxwell) Green (Anna K.) Green (Evelyn E.) Grier (Svclney C.) Griffith (George) Griffiths (Arthur G. F.) Groot (J. Morgan de) Gull (Cyril A. E. Ranger) Habberton (John) Haggard (Henry Rider) Hales (A. G.) Haliburton (Thomas C.) Hall (Owen) Hamer (Sarah S.) Hamilton (Cosmo) Hamilton (Lord Ernest W.) Hamilton (John A.) Harben (Will N.) Hardv (Francis H.) Hardy (Iza D.) Hardy (Thomas) Harland (Henry) Harraden (Beatrice) Harris (Joel C.) Harrison (Mrs. Burton) Harrod (Frances) Harte (Francis Bret) Hawthorne (Julian) Hawthorne (Nathaniel) Hay (Ian) Heddle (Ethel F.) Henham (Ernest G.) Herrick (Robert) Hewlett (Maurice) Hichens (Robert S.) Hinkson (Henrv A.) Hinton(C. H.)" Hocking (Joseph) Hocking (Silas K.) Hodder (William R.) Holdsworth (Annie E.) Holmes (Oliver Wendell) Holroyd (Caroline C.) Hope (Anthony) Hope (Graham) Hopkins (Tighe) Hornung (Ernest W.) Hough (Emerson) Housman (Laureuce) Howells (William D.) Hudson (William H.) Hueffer (Ford M.) Hughes (Thomas) Hugo (Victor) Hume (Fergus) Hungerford (Mrs. Margaret W.) Hunt (Violet) Hyne (Charles J. Cutcliffe W.) Ingelow (Jean) FIO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fiction. Names of writers of fiction. Continued. Irving (Washington) Jackson (Margaret D.) Jackson (Wilfrid S.) Jacob (Mrs. Violet) Jacobs (William W.) James (George P. R.) James (Henrj 7 ) Jameson (E. M.) Jefferies (Richard) Jenkins (Edward) Jerome (Jerome K.) Jerrold (Douglas) Jewctt (Sarah O.) Johnson (Owen) Johnson (Samuel) Johnson (William H.) Johnston (Henry) Johnston (Mary) Jokai (Maurus) Keating (Joseph) Keightley (Samuel R.) Kennedy (Sara B.) Kernahan (Coulson) King (Charles) King (Richard A.) Kingsley (Charles) Kingsley (Henry) Kipling (Rudyard) Knowles (Robert E.) Langdon (Samuel) Laut (Agnes C.) Lawless (Emily) Lee (Vernon) Le Gallienne (Richard) Legge (Arthur E. J.) Leighton (Mrs. Marie C.) Leland (Charles G.) Le Queux (William) Lever (Charles) Lewis (Alfred H.) Leys (John K.) Lindsay (Harry) Lin skill (Mary) Linton (Mrs. Elizabeth Lynn) Lloyd (Nelson) Locke (William J.) London (Jack) Long (John L.) Loti (Pierre) Lover (Samuel) Lowerison (Harry) Lyall (David) Lyall (Edna) Lytton (Edward G. E. Bulwer, Lord) M. (C. E.) Maartens (Maarten) McAulay (Allan) McCarthy (Justin) McCarthy (Justin H.) McChesney (Dora G.) MacDonald (George) MacDonald (Ronald) Macfarlane (Charles) Machen (Arthur) Machray (Robert) Macllwaine (Herbert C.) Mackenzie (Fergus) Mackenzie (Hannah B.) Mackie (John) Maclachlan (Thomas B.) Macleod (Norman) MacMahon (Ella) Macnaughtan (S.) McNulty (Edward) Macquoid (Katharine S.) Magnay (Sir William) Maitland (Ella F.) Major (Charles) Malet (Lucas) Mallock (William H.) Mann (Mrs. Mary E.) Manzoni (Alessandro) Marchmont (Arthur W.) Marriott (Charles) Marryat (Florence) Marryat (Frederick) Capt. Marsh (Richard) Martineau (Harriet) Mason (Alfred E. W.) Mason (Caroline A.) Mathers (Helen) Maugham (William S.) Maxwell (H.) Maxwell (Sir Herbert E.) Maxwell (William B.) Meade (L. T.) Meldrum (David S.) Melville (George J. Whyte) Melville (Herman) Meredith (George) Merrick (Leonard) Merriman (Henry Seton) Middlemass (Jean) Mitchell (Edmund) Mitchell (Silas Weir) Mitford (Bertram) Mitford(MaryR.) Moir (David M.) Montgomery (Florence) Montgomery (K. L.) Mon tremor (F. F.) Moore (Frank F.) Muddock (Joyce E. P.) Munro (Neil) Munroe (Kirk) Murray (David C.) Musseus (Johann K. A.) Nazarbek (Avetis) Needell (Mrs. J. H.) Neuman (B. P.) Newman (John H. ) Cardinal. Nisbet (Hume) Norris (Frank) Norris (William E.) O'Brien (Mrs. William) Ohnet (Georges) Oliphant (Mrs. Margaret O. W.) Oliphant (Philip L.) Orczy (Baroness) O'Reilly (John B.) Oxenham (John) Page (Thomas N.) Pain (Barry) 118 Parker (Sir Gilbert) Paterson (William R.) Paton (James) Payn (James) Peacock (Thomas L.) Peake (Elmore E.) Peard (Frances M.) Pemberton (Max) Pendleton (John) Perrault (Claude) Phillpotts (Eden) Pickering (Sidney) Pickthall (Marmaduke) Pinkerton (Thomas) Plunkett (Charles H.) Porter (Jane) Powell (Frances) Praed (Mrs. Campbell) Prescott (E. Livingston) Prevost d'Exiles (Antoine F. ) Prichard (Mrs. K. H. and H. Hesketh) Pritchard (Martin J.) Pryce (Daisy H.) Pryce (Richard) Pugh (Edwin W.) Raine (Allen) Raymond (Walter) Reade (Charles) Reed (Myrtle) Reynolds (Mrs. Baillie) Reynolds (Mrs. Fred) Rhys (Ernest) Rhys (Grace) Rice (Mrs. Alice H.) Richardson (Frank) Rich ter (Jean P. F.) Riddell(Mrs. J. H.) Ridge (William Pett) Rita Ritchie (Anne T., Lady) Roberts (Charles G. D.) Roberts (Morley) Robinson (Frederick W.) Roe (A. S.) Roe (Edward P.) Roy (George) Russell (Dora) Russell (William Clark) St. Aubyn (Alan) Sand (George) Sandeman (Mina) Saunders (Margaret B.) Schreiner (Olive) Scott (Michael) Scott (Sir Walter) S^gur (Comtesse de) Sergeant (Adeline) Sewell (Elizabeth M.) Sharp (Evelyn) Sharp (William) Sheehan (Patrick A.) Sheldon (Charles M.) Shiel (Matthew P.) Shorthouse (Joseph H.) Sidgwick (Mrs. Alfred) Sienkiewicz (Henryk) Silberrad (Una L.) HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FIN Fiction. Names of writers of fiction. Continued. Simpson (Robert) Bmeaton (William H. 0.) Bmedley (Frank E.) Smith (Francis H.) Snaith (John C.) Somerville (E. (E.) South worth t (Mrs. ) Souvestre (Emile) Speight (Thomas W.) Stacpoole (Henry de Vere) Steel (Mrs. Flora A.) Stephens (Riccardo) Steuart (John A.) Stevenson (Robert L.) Stockton (Frank R.) Stoker (Bram) Stowe (Mrs. Harriet B.) Strain (Mrs. Euphans H.) Stuart (Esme) Sutcliffe (Halliwell) Swan (Annie S.) Swift (Jonathan) Tanqueray (Mrs. Bertram) Tarkington (Booth) Tautphceus (Baroness) Thackeray (William M.) Thomas (Annie) Thompson (Maurice) Tracy (Louis) T ravers (Graham) Trollope (Anthony) Truscott (L. P.) Turgenev (Ivan) Twain (Mark) Tweedale (Violet) Tynan (Katharine) Tytler (Sarah) Upward (Allen) Yachell (Horace A.) Vaizey (Mrs. George de H.) Vallings (Harold) Vaughan (Owen) Vovnich (Mrs. Ethel L.) Walford (Mrs. Lucy B.) Wallace (Lew) Waltz (Elizabeth C.) Ward (Mrs. Humphry) Ward (Mrs. Wilfrid) Warden (Florence) Warner (Susan) Warren (Samuel) Watson (Henry B. M.) Watson (John) Webb (Frank) Webster (Henry K.) Wedmore (Frederick) Wells (David D.) Thompson (Vance) Thurston (Mrs. KatherineC.) Wells (Herbert G.) Tirebuck (William E.) Werner (E.) Tolstoy (Count Lyof N.) Westall (William) Topffer (Rodolphe) Westcott (Edward X.) Weyman (Stanley J.) Wharton (Edith) Whishaw (Fred) Whitby (Beatrice) White (Percy) White (Roma) White (Stewart E.) White (William H.) Whiteing (Richard) Wiggin (Kate D.) Williams (George) Williamson (Mrs. Charles X.) Williamson (Marjorie) Wilson (Augusta J. E.) Wilson (James M.) Winter (John Strange) Wiseman (Nicholas P.) Wister (Owen) Wood (H. F.) Wood (Mrs. Henry) Woodroffe (Daniel) Woods (Mrs. Margaret L.) Worboise (Emma J.) Wyllarde (Dolf) Wynne (May) Yeats (Sidney L.) Yonge (Charlotte M.) Yorke (Curtis) Yoxall (James H.) Zack Zangwill (Israel) Zimmermann (Marie) Zola (Emile) Fiddes (Edward) and others. Historical essays. 1907. maps. 90406 Fiedler (H. G.) and Sandbach (F. E.) A first German course for science students. 1906. ill. 43804 Field (L. and F. A.) Candle manufacture. In Lighting. 1895. ill. 66505 Field (Walter T.) Finger posts to children's reading. 1907. - 02811 Field and hedgerow, essays ; by R. Jefferies. 1904. - - - 50413 Fieldhouse (Arthur) The student's business methods. 1907. 65805 - The student's complete commercial book-keeping. 1907. - 65703 Fielding, Henry. Dobson (H. A.) The Covent-Garden Journal. In his Side- walk studies. 1902. E2D1 - Stephen (Sir L.) Fielding's novels. In his Hours in a library. E4S2 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. - - 12T7 Fiery dawn ; by M. E. Coleridge. 70 CI Fife. Mackay (^E. J. G.) A sketch of the history of Fife. 1890. 92504 - Stevenson (R. L. ) Random memories. In his Across the plains, with other essays. 1905. E1S2 Fifth queen ; by F. M. Hueffer. 99H1 Fifth queen crowned, a romance ; by F. M. Hueffer. - - 99 H 3 A sequel to " Privy seal," 99 H 4. Fights for the flag ; by W. H. Fitchett. 1904. ill. maps. - 91409 Fille du chanoine ; par E. F. V. About ; with notes. ' 1898. - 44866 Final war, a story ; by L. Tracy. 40 Tl Finance. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. 119 FIN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Finance. In Cobden (R. ) Speeches. 1903. .... 82719 - Lawson (W. R.) American finance, domestic. 1906. - - 33601 - See also National debt. Taxation. Finding the way [Christian life] ; by J. R. Miller. 1904. - - 17116 Findlater (Jane H. ) The green graves of Balgowrie. - - 18F2 - The story of a mother. 18F1 Findlay (Alex.) Practical physical chemistry. 1906. ill. - 54201 Findlay (James T.) The chosen, a love story. - - - . - 21F1 Finger of God, miracles of Jesus ; by T. H. Wright. 1903. - 22711 Finger prints. For list of related subjects, see Photography. - Cromwell (0.) Finger-print photography. 1907. ill. - - 77801 Finlay (George) A history of Greece. 1877. 7 v. port. - 93813-9 Finlayson (James) Life and works of Dr. Robert Watt. 1897. W051 Finlayson (Thomas C.) Biological religion. 1895. - - - 21509 "Criticism of Drummond's ' Natural law in the spiritual world,' " 21503. Finnemore (Emily P. ) Fate's handicaps. 68F3 - A king of shreds and patches, a novel. 68F1 Fionn. See White (Henry). First aid. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Cullen (W.) Ambulance illustrated. 1905. - 61405 - Warwick (F. J.) and Tunstall (A. C.) "First aid" to injured. 61326 First Fleet family ; by G. Louis Becke and W. Jeffery. - - 35 Bl First men in the moon ; by H. G. Wells. 89 W 2 First person singular, a novel ; by D. C. Murray. - - - 126 M 8 First violin, a novel ; by J. Fothergill. 42F2 Firth (John B.) Augustus Csesar [life and times]. 1903. ill. - A121 Fiscal problem. See Free trade and protection. Fish (Arthur) Henrietta Rae, Mrs. Ernest Normand. 1905. ill. R151 Fish, fishing. For lists of related subjects, see Agriculture. Fossils. Sports. - Buckland (F.) Natural history of British fishes. 1891. - - 59701 - Dean (B.) Fishes, living and fossil. 1895. ill. - - - 59703 - Hamilton (R.) A history of British fishes. 2 v. col. ill. - 59704-5 - Lambert (T. W.) Fishing in British Columbia. 1907. - - 79914 - Owen (Sir R.) The comparative anatomy and physiology of the vertebrate animals, fishes. 1846. ill. - 59702 - Walton (I.) and Cotton (C.) The complete angler, ill. - - 79903 - Wright (S.) The romance of the world's fisheries, ill. - - 63903 - See also Salmon. Trout. Whaling. Fisher (A. H.) The cathedral church of Hereford. 1898. ill. 72602 Fisher (Alex.) Art of enamelling upon metal. 1906. col. ill. - 75102 Fisher (Chas. H.) Reminiscences of a falconer. 1901. port. ill. 79907 Fisher (George P.) The reformation [a history]. 1906. - - 27013 Fisher (Irving) The nature of capital and income. 1906. - 33121 Fisher (Osmond) Physics of the earth's crust. 1881. - - 55119 Fishers of men [home mission work] ; by J. E. W. Ditchfield. - 25603 120 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FLO Fison (A. H.) The evolution of double stars. In Lectures. 1906. 50421 Fitchett (William H.) The beliefs of unbelief. 1908. - - 23919 f 1 Studies in the alternatives to faith." - Deeds that won the Empire. 1905. ill. - 91418 - Fights for the flag. 1904. ill. plans. 91409 - How England saved Europe, 1793-1815. 1900-3. 4 v. ill. 91419-22 Fitz-Boodle papers ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12 T 9 Fitzgerald (C. C. P. ) Adm. Rooke. 7?iFrom Howard to Nelson. 99609 FitzGerald (Edward) trans. Rubaiyat ; by Omar Khayyam. - 101 FitzGerald, Edward. In Gosse (E. W. ) Critical kit-kats. 1896. E6G1 - Wright (T.) The life of Edward FitzGerald. 1904. 2 v. port. F041-2 Fitzgerald (Percy H.) Lady Jean, the great Douglas cause, ill. D151 - The life of Charles Dickens. 1905. 2 v. ill. - - - D 042-3 Fitz-Gerald (W. B.) The young. In Citizen of to-morrow. 1906.30409 Fitzpatrick (Sir James P.) Jock of the bushveld. ill. - - 79917 - The Transvaal from within. 1899. 96602 Five nations [poems] ; by P. Kipling. 1903. .... 401K Five notions [parodies in verse] ; by T. W. H. Crosland. 1903. 901 C Five old friends ; by Lady Ritchie. 37 R 2 Five windows of the soul [the senses] ; by E. H. Aitken. 1906. 15201 Fives. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Ainger (A. C.) [The game of] Fives. 1890. ill. - - - 79609 Flandrau (Charles M.) The diary of a freshman. - - - 27 Fl Flannery (Thomas) For the tongue of the Gael, essays. 1907. 89107 Flatters (Abraham) The cotton plant. 1906. - - - 63303 Flax. Patterson (Sir R. L. ) Linen and flax. In British industries. 33804 Flaxius, leaves from the life of an immortal ; by C. G. Leland. - 82 LI Fleming, Margaret. In Brown (J.) Horse subsecivse, v. 3. 1897. E2B3 - Macbean (L.) The story of Pet Marjorie. 1904. port. ill. - F131 Fletcher (Banister) Arbitrations, a text-book. 1904. - - 69206 - Quantities, a text-book. 1903. ill. 69203 Fletcher(C. R. L.) Gustavus Adolphus and Protestantism. 1903. G141 - An introductory history of England to [1660]. 2 v. - - 91237-8 Fletcher (J. M. J.) Mrs. Wightman of Shrewsbury. 1906. ill. W141 Fletcher (John) Poems. 7?i Specimens of English dramatic poets. 82508 Fletcher (Joseph S.) The fear of the night, stories.- - - 30F2 - Highcroft Farm. 30F1 Flight of the shadow ; by G. MacDonald. 10M20 Flint (Robert) Anti-theistic theories. 1879. .... 21101 - Vico [his life and philosophy]. 1901. 19501 Flitch of bacon, a tale ; by W. H. Ains worth. 2 copies. - - 16 A 9 Florence. Ross (J.) Old Florence and modern Tuscany. 1904. 93708 - Ruskin (J.) Mornings in Florence, Christian art. 1903. - 70901 - In Symons (A.) Cities of Italy. 1907. ' 93624 Florida. Knight of Elvas and others. The career of Hernando de Soto in the conquest of Florida. 1905. 2 v. maps. 97502-3 121 FLO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Flower-o'-the-corn ; by S. R. Crockett. 120C14 Flower of forgiveness [stories] ; by Mrs. F. A. Steel. - - 111 SI Flower of France ; by J. H. McCarthy. 5M2 Flower of the forest ; by C. Gibbon. 21 G8 Flowers. For lists of related subjects, see Botany. Gardening. - Henslow (G.) How to study wild flowers. 1906. ill. - - 58205 - Hulme (F. E.) Wild flowers in their seasons. 1907. col. ill.- 58211 - Jefferies (R.) Wild flowers. In his The open air. 1905. - 50404 - Jekyll (G.) Flower decoration in the house. 1907. ill. - 71601 - Maeterlinck (M.) Life and flowers. 1907. .... E8M1 The intelligence of flowers. Old-fashioned flowers. 1906. col. ill. - 71608 - Praeger (R. L.) Open-air studies in botany, wild-flowers, ill. 58204 - Richmond (I. L.) Flowers and fruit for the home. 1907. ill. 71604 - Step (E.) Wayside and woodland blossoms. 1905-6. 2 v. ill.- 58206-7 - See also Rose. Fluids. For list of related subjects, see Physics. - In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 1. 1902. ill. - 53002 - Loney (S. L.) Hydrostatics for beginners. 1907. ill. - - 53103 Flynn (Thomas M.) A Celtic fireside [stories]. - 72F1 Folk-lore. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Campbell (J. F.) ed. Tales of the west Highlands. 4 v. ill. 39803-6 - Campbell (J. G. ) Witchcraft and second sight in the Highlands and islands of Scotland. 1902. 39818 - Dasent (Sir G. W.) Popular tales from the Norse. - - - 39813 - Flannery (T.) Mediseval Irish tales. In his For the tongue of the Gael. 1907. 89107 - Kipling (R.) The jungle book [stories]. 28K1 The second jungle book. 28 K 2 Just so stories. 28 K 3 - Mtiller (F. Max) Mythology and folk-lore. In his Works, v. 8. E5M4 - See also Legends. Mythology. Proverbs. Superstition. Witchcraft. Folk of the wild [animal life] ; by B. Atkey. 1907. ill. - - 59118 Folliott (Thomas) The poetic spirit, studies. 1906. - - 80103 Follows (George H.) Dictionary of mechanical drawing. 1906. 62005 Fonritng. See Shorthand. Fontainebleau. In Stevenson (R. L.) Across the plains [etc.] - E1S2 Fontenelle. Bernard le B. de. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays. - E11S2 Fontenoy. Skrine (F. H.) Fontenoy, 1741-8. 1906. bibl. ill. maps. 93007 Food. For lists of related subjects, see Chemical technology. Health. - In Bailey (E. H. S.) Sanitary and applied chemistry. 1906. - 61411 - Hausner (A. ) Manufacture of preserved foods. 1902. ill. - 66403 - Mann (R. J.) Familiar lectures on food and drink, ill.- - 61313 - Thompson (Sir H.) Diet in relation to age and activity. 1901. 61312 - See also Beverages. Bread. Chocolate. Fruit. Sugar. Vegetarianism. Food of the gods ; by H. G. Wells. ------ 89W4 122 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FOR Fool errant ; by M. Hewlett. 57H2 Foolish marriage, an Edinburgh story ; by A. S. Swan. - - 148 S 45 Football. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Rahilly( J. J.) Rugby football. 1904. 79705 - Walker (P.) How to play association football. 1905. ill. - 79704 Footfalls on the boundary of another world [Spiritualism] ; by R. D. Owen. 1899. - - - - ' - - - - 13302 For Abigail, a west country story ; by S. K. Hocking. - - 67 H 6 For dawn or twilight, anthology [meditations] ; by R. F. Horton. 24207 For England's sake, verses and songs ; by W. E. Henley. 1900. 603 H For faith and freedom ; by Sir W. Besant. - - - - 49 B 9 For honour and life, a tale ; by W. Westall. - - - - 41 Wl For light and liberty ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H7 For love and ransom, a story ; by Esme Stuart. - - - 136 S3 For love of her [and other stories] ; by G. N. Boothby. - - 72 B 2 For richer, for poorer ; by E. H. Fowler. 44F1 For the term of his natural life ; by M. Clarke. 2 copies. - 54 CI Forbes (A. G.) The empires and cities of Asia. map. - - 94308 Forbes (Ethel M.) A heart's harmony. 34F1 Forbes (George) Course of lectures on electricity. 1888. - 53705 Force. For list of related subjects, see Mechanics. - Glazebrook ( R. T.) Dynamics, elementary text-book. 1902.- 53101 - Tyndall (J.) Matter and force. In his Fragments, v. 2. 1902. 50409 Ford (Douglas) Admiral Vernon and the navy, a memoir. 1907. ill. V051 Ford (John) Poems. In Specimens of English dramatic poets. 82508 Ford (Paul L.) The great K. and A. train-robbery. - - - 37 F 2 - Janice Meredith, a story. 37 Fl Ford (Richard) Gatherings from Spain. 93420 Ford (Robert) The heroines of Burns. 1906. mem. port. - 82404 - Thistledown, a book of Scottish humour [etc.] ill. - - 91817 - ed. Vagabond songs and ballads of Scotland. 1904. mus. - 82233 Ford [a novel]; by A. E. J. Legge. 81L1 Foreign Office. Hertslet (Sir E.) Old Foreign Office. 1901. ill. H081 Foreign relations. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Cobden (R.) Foreign policy. In his Speeches. 1903. - - 82719 - The foreign policy of Lord Rosebery. 32701 "Two chapters in recent politics, 18S6 and 1S92-5, with extracts from Lord Rosebery's speeches." - Mahan (A. T.) Retrospect and prospect. 1902. - - - 32703 11 Studies in international relations, naval and political." - Walpole (Sir S.) Foreign relations. 1882. .... 32702 Forest days, or, Robin Hood ; by G. P. R. James. - - - 6J21 Forest hearth [a romance] ; by C. Major. 139 M 2 Forest tithes, studies from nature ; by J. A. O. Visger and D. Jordan. 59031 Forestry. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture. - Curtis (C. E, ) Practical forestry. 1908. .... 63402 123 FOR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Forestry. Roclway (J.) The story of forest and stream. 1897. ill. 63401 - See also Trees. Forrkst (David W.) The authority of Christ. 1906. - - 23211 - The Christ of history and of experience. 1906. - - - 23218 Fors clavigera, letters to workmen ; by J. Ruskin. 4 v. - - 30404-7 Forster (Henry 0. A.) Our great city, London. 1903. ill. - 91723 Forster (John) The life of Charles Dickens, ill. - - D041 Forster (R. H.) In steel and leather. 75F1 Forsyth (David) Linear perspective. 1890. ill. - - - 51501 Forsyth (William) Highland homilies [sermons]. 1907. port. 25229 Fort Johnson. Reid (W. M.) Story of old Fort Johnson. 1906. ill. 97318 Fortescue (Adrian) The Orthodox Eastern Church. 1907. ill. 28102 Forth. Dickson (J.) Emeralds chased in gold, the islands of the Forth. 1899. ill. 92008 Fortune-telling. Grand Orient. Handbook of cartomancy. 1891. 13305 Fortunes a-begging, a romance ; by T. Gallon. - - - - 6G2 Fortune's cap ; by Mrs. M. E. Mann. 40 M 3 Fortune's favourite ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W13 Fortune's fool ; by J. Hawthorne. 41H1 Fortunes of Cyril Denham ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 83 W 12 Fortunes of Nigel ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - - 35 S 5 Forty -five guardsmen ; by A. Dumas. - - - 58 D 2 A sequel to " Chicot the jester," 58D15. Fossils. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Dawson (Sir J. W.) Chain of life in geological time. 1885. - 56002 - - Relics of primeval life. 1897. ill. 56001 - In Hunter (J.) Essays on natural history [etc.] 1861. - - 59104 - See also Corals. Fish, fishing. Man, Natural history of. Foster (Charles) Story of the Bible, Genesis to Revelation. - 22003 Foster (G. C.) and Porter (A. W.) Electricity and magnetism, ill. 53802 Foster (John) The evils of popular ignorance. - 17013 Foster (Sir Michael) A text book of physiology, v. 1-4. ill. 61207-10 "Chemical basis of the animal body"; by A. S. Lea, 61212, is an appendix to the above. Fothergill (Jessie) The first violin, a novel. - 42F! - Oriole's daughter. 42F; - Probation, a novel. 2 copies. 42F. Foul play ; by C. Reade and D. Boucicault. - - - - 16RK Foulis, Robert and Andrew. In The literary history of Glasgow. 1886. port. 6550] Found dead [stories] ; by J. Payn. 18P6 Foundations. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Patton (W. M.) A practical treatise on foundations. 1906. - 72101 Founding. For list of other industries, see Industries. - McWilliam (A. ) and Longmuir (P. ) Foundry practice. 1907. ill. 67K - West (T. D.) American foundry practice. 1906. ill. - - 6710S 124 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FRA Founding. West (T. D.) Moulders' text-book. 1903. ill. - 67103 • " Part II. of ' American foundry practice.'" - See also Copper. Iron. Pattern- making. Fountain (Paul) Great mountains and forests of S. America. - 97801 Fountain sealed ; by Sir W. Besant. 49 B 8 Four meetings ; by H. James. 7J7 14000 miles, a carriage, and two women [in U.S.A.]; by F. S. Howe. 1906. ill. 97319 Fourth generation ; by Sir W. Besant. 49B12 Fowler (Edith H.) For richer, for poorer. .... 44F1 Fowler (Elles T.) Concerning Isabel Carnaby. - - - 45 F 4 - Cupid's garden [stories]. - - - - - - - 45 F 2 - A double thread. - 45 Fl - Sirius, and other stories. 45 F 3 - and Felkin (A. L.) Kate of Kate Hall. 45 F 5 Fowler (George L.) Locomotive breakdowns. 1903. ill. - 62106 Fowler (J. H.) A manual of essay -writing. 1899. 2 copies. - 42805 - ed. English essays, selected, models for composition. 1907. - 82715 Fowler, Sir John, engineer, Life of ; by T. Mackay. 1900. port. F081 Fowler (W. H.) Steam boilers and supplementary appliances. - 62147 Fowler [a novel] ; by B. Harraden. 24H3 Fox (Arthur W. ) The rating of land values. 1906.- - - 33302 Fox, Charles J. Hammond (J. L. Le B.) C. J. Fox, a political study. 1903. bill. F051 - Landor (W. S.) C. J. Fox, his life and character. 1907. port. F053 - Trevelyan (Sir G. O.) Early history of Charles J. Fox. - - F052 Fox (George) Journal ; ed. by P. L. Parker. 1905. - - F031 An account of the early Quakers. Fox (John) A knight of the Cumberland. 47 F 2 - The little shepherd of Kingdom Come. - - - 47 Fl Fox (Thomas W.) The mechanism of weaving. 1907. ill. - 67709 Fox. For list of related subjects, see Mammals. - Roberts (C. G. D.) Pved fox [life and habits]. 1905. ill. - 59910 - Talbot (J. S.) Foxes at home. 1906. ill. - 59911 Foxe (John) The book of martyrs. 27201 Foxe, John. Adams (W. H. D.) "Book of martyrs." In his Famous books. 02810 Foyer breton, contes et recits ; par E. Sou vestre. - - - 95 SI 'Fram.' Nansen (F.) Farthest north. 1904. ill. maps. - - 99410 11 The voyage of the ' Fram,' 1S93-6." Franc (Maud J.) Into the light. 48 Fl France. Alison (Sir A.) France in 1833. In his Essays, v. 2. 1S50. E3A2 - In Buckle (H. T.) History of civilization, v. 2. 1903. bihl. 90304 - Edwards (M. B.) Literary rambles in France. 1907. ill. • 93116 - Francois (C.) From Valmy to Waterloo, diary [1775-1853]. - F091 - Gibson (C.) Amoug French inns, rural France. 1906. ill. • 93107 125 FRA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. France. Graham (H. G.) Society in France before the revolution. In his Literary and historical essays. 1908. - - - E4G1 - Guizot(F. P. G.) The history of France [587 B.C.— A. I). 1789]. ill. 93104 - Guthrie (A.) Eowley letters from France and Italy. 1907. ill. 93306 - Jervis (W. H.) A history of France to 1870. 1902. ill. maps. 93110 - Kennedy (B.) Pyrenees to Paris. In his Wander pictures. - 91605 - Kingsley (C.) The ancien regime. In his Lectures. 1902. - 90403 - Maud (C. E.) Felicity in France [social studies]. 1906. - 93108 - Morley (J.) France, eighteenth century. In his Miscellanies. E3M3 - O'Rell (Max) Jacques Bonhomme [sketches of French life]. - 93106 - Rose (J. H.) Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, 1789-1815. - 93112 - Saint-Elme (I.) Memoirs of a contemporary. 1903. ill. - S141 " Reminiscences of certain makers of French history from 1790 to 1815." - Stevenson (R. L.) An inland voyage. 1904. - 93102 - Thierry (J. N. A.) Recits des temps merovingiens; notes. 2 v. 44861-2 - Voltaire (F. M. A. de) Siecle de Louis XIV. - 93105 - Wendell (B.) The France of today [impressions]. 1907. - 93117 - Yorke (H. R.) France in eighteen hundred and two. 1906. - 93109 "With biographical appendix" of persons mentioned in the work. - Young (A.) Travels in France, 1787-9. 1900. map. - - 93103 - See also Franco-German war. France, Revolutions. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 1. 1850. - E3A1 French revolution of 1830. Fall of the throne of the barricades [1848]. - Bagehot (W. ) Letters on coup d'etat of 1851. In his Studies. E5B3 - Benvenuti (F. F.) Episodes of the French revolution, 1789-95. 93209 - Burke (E.) Reflections on the revolution in France. - - 93208 - Carlyle (T.) The French revolution [1774-95]. 1891-3. 3 v. - 93201-3 1. The Bastille. 2. The constitution. 3- The guillotine. Parliamentary history of French revolution. In his Essays. E1C3 - Harrison (F. ) Histories of the French revolution. In his Choice of hooks, and other pieces. 1903. - - - E4H1 - Lamartine (A. M. L. de) The French revolution of 1848. 1891. 93207 - Normanby (Marquis of) A year of revolution, 1848. 2 v. 93210-11 - Stern (Daniel) Les journees de juin, 1848. 1907. map. - 44870 - See also Diamond necklace. Francia, Jose G. R. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 7. - - - E1C7 Francis of Assisi, St. Cherance (L. de) Francis of Assisi. port. F17: - In Stephen (Sir J.) Essays in ecclesiastical biography. - - 998K Francis of Sales, St. [a biography] ; by A. de Margerie. 1900.- F07] Francis (M. E.) Maime o' the corner. 50F: - Wild wheat, a Dorset romance. 50 F: Francis Cludde, Story of ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - 45W! Franco-German war. Corvin (O.) In France with the Germans. 1872. 2v. 93118- Francois (Charles) Valmy to Waterloo, diary [1775-1853]. - F091 Frank Fairlegh [a story] ; by F. E. Smedley. - - - - 81 S: 126 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FRE Frank Hilton, or, " The Queen's Own" ; by J. Grant. 2 copies. 51G9 Frank Mildruay, or, the naval officer ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52M10 Frankenfield (Budd) joint-author. See Swexson (Bernard V.) Franklin (Bexjamin) Autobiography [with] continuation, port. F014 Franklin, Benjamin. Morse (J. T.) Franklin [a biography]. 1S89. F013 - Thayer (W. M.) Franklin [a biography].' 1900. port. ill. - F012 Franklin, Sir John, and the North-west Passage ; by G. B. Smith. F181 Fraps (G. S.) Principles of dyeing. 1903. ill. - - - 66701 Fraser (Alex. C. ) Berkeley [his life and philosophy]. 1890. - 19204 Fraser, Daniel, Memoirs of ; by L. A. Fraser. 1905. bibl. port. ill. F121 Fraser (Duncan) Angling songs from Border streams. 1907. ill. 201 F Fraser (Edward) Famous fighters of the fleet. 1904. ill. - 35904 Fraser (Mrs. Hugh) The slaking of the sword, tales. - - 51 F 2 Fraser (James) Manuscript, 1696-1737. 1889. 2 v. port. ill. F101-2 Fraser (W. A.) The Sa'-Zada tales. 70F1 Fraser (Sir William) Disraeli and his day. 1891. - - B251 Frazer (James G. ) ed. Passages of the Bible. 1899. - - 22004 Frederic (Harold) Gloria mundi. 55 Fl - The market-place. 55 F 2 Frederick the Great. Carlyle (T.) Frederick the Great. 10 v. - F021-10 The battles of Frederick the Great [from above], plans. - F0212 - In Macaulay (Lord) Works. 82827 - Reddaway(W. F.) Frederick the Great and Prussia, port. ill. F0211 - In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 1. 1901. port. - - E11S1 - Schrader (F.) Friedrich der Grosse ; with notes. 1902. map. 43831 Free trade and protection. For related subjects, see Political economy. - In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 1, 3. 1850. - - -E3A1, E3A3 1. Free trade and protection. The crowning of the column and crushing of the pedestal. Free trade at its zenith. 3. Free-trude reform and nuance. - Amery (L. S.) Fundamental fallacies of free trade. 1906. - 33708 - Berard(V. ) British imperialism, commercial supremacy. 1906. 33711 - Churchill (W. L. S.) For free trade, speeches. 1906. - - 33709 - In Cobden (R.) Speeches. 1903. 82719 - Cunningham (W.) The wisdom of the wise. 1906. - - 33707 - Guyot (Y. ) The comedy of protection. 1906. - - - 33706 - Haldane (R. B. ) Fiscal policy. In his Army reform [etc.] 1907. 35510 A leap into the unknown. Mr. Balfour and free trade. An alternative policy. - Mills (J. S.) Landmarks of British fiscal history. 1907. - 33703 - Pierce (F.) The tariff and the trusts. 1907. - 33704 - Root (J. W.) Colonial tariffs. 1906. 33710 - Welsford (J. W.) Strength of nations. 1907. bihl. - - 33705 An historical examination of the fiscal question, favourable to protection. Free will. Hobbes (T.«) Liberty, necessity, and chance. In his English works, v. 5. 1841. 19213 Freedom's sword, a tale of Wallace and Bruce ; by A. S. Swan. 148S18 127 FRE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Freeholder ; by J. Addison. In his Works, v. 4-5. - - - E1A5-6 Freeman (Edward A.) Sketch of European history. 1905. maps. 91007 Freeman, Edward A. In Bryce (J.) Contemporary biography. - 99606 Freeman (F. L. ) Religious and social work amongst girls. 1904. 25602 Freeman (Mrs. Mary E. Wilkins) The debtor, a novel. - 76 Fl - A humble romance, and other stories. 76F3 - The wind in the rose-bush, and other stories. - - - 76 F 2 Freeman (Richard A.) The golden pool, a story. - - - 69F1 Freemasonry. De Quincey (T. ) The origin of the rosicrucians and freemasons. With his English opium-eater. - - - E1D1 Freer (Ada M. Goodrich) In a Syrian saddle. 1905. - - 94413 Fremantle (Sir Edmund R.) Adm. Hawke ; Boscawen. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. 99609 Fremantle (Elizabeth) Comrades two. 71 Fl French language. See Language, French. French literature. See Literature, French. Frere (John H. ) Selections. In Poets and poetry. - - - 82415 Frere ( W. H. ) and Douglas (C. E. ) eds. Puritan manifestos. 1907. 28505 Friederichs (Hulda) Romance of the Salvation Army. 1907. 26701 Friend Olivia ; by A. E. Barr. 18B4 Friend with the countersign ; by B. K. Benson. - - - 45B3 A sequel to "Who goes there? " 45 B 4. Friendly counsels ; by F. B. Meyer. 1901. ... - 17119 Friendly foes ; by Sarah Ty tier. 57 T4 Friendly societies. Jacks (W.) Benefit and influences of friendly societies. In his Singles from life's gathering. 1903. - E1J1 Friends in council, a series of readings ; by [Sir A. Helps]. 2 v. E6H1-2 Friends that fail not, essays [about] books ; by C. Headlam. - E7H1 Friendship. In Thorold (A. W.) The yoke of Christ. 1897. - 17115 Friendships of Veronica ; by T. Cobb. 66 C 2 [Friswell (James Hain)] The gentle life, essays. 2 v. - - E1F1-2 Froebel (Friedrich W. A.) The education of man. 1906. - 37103 - Letters on the kindergarten. 1891. 37102 Froissart (Jean) Chronicles ; trans, by Lord Berners. - - 91004 Froissart, Jean. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Froissart's Chronicles. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. - - - - E3S1 From a college window [essays] ; by A. C. Benson. 1906. - E4B1 From an island ; by Lady Ritchie. 37 R 3 From door to door, romances ; by B. E. J. Capes. - - - 16 Cl From exile ; by J. Payn. 18P7 From jest to earnest ; by E. P. Hoe. 56R1 From log-cabin to White House, Garfield's life ; by W. M. Thayer. G031 From one generation to another ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - 85 M 6 From paleolith to motor car, tales ; by H. Lowerjson. - - 57L1 From tan-yard to White House, Grant's life ; by W. M. Thayer. G011 From the garden to the cross ; by A. B. Cameron. 1896. - 23232 128 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. FUL From the hills of dream, poems ; by W. Sharp. 1907. - - 2001 S From the memoirs of a minister of France ; by S. J. Weyman. - 45W10 From Valmy to Waterloo, diary [1775-1853] ; by C. Francois. 1906. F091 Frondes agrestes, readings in " Modern painters"; by J. Ruskin. 70109 Froude, Hurrell, memoranda and comments ; by L. I. Guiney. port. F141 Froude (James A.) Oceana, or, England and her colonies. 1905. 32502 - Short studies on great subjects. 1903-5. 4 v. - - - E2F1-4 1. The science of history. Times of Erasmus and Luther. Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character. Plea for the free discussion of theological difficulties. Criticism and the Gospel history. The book of Job. Spinoza. Dissolution of the monasteries. England's forgotten worthies [navigators of the lGth century]. Homer. Lives of the saints. [Emerson's] Representative men. Reynard the fox. The cat's pilgrimage. 2. Calvinism. A bishop of the twelfth century [St. Hugh of Lincoln]. Newman on 'The grammar of assent.' Condition and prospects of Pro- testantism. England and her colonies. A fortnight in Kerry. Reciprocal duties of state and subject. Progress. The colonies once more. Education. England's war. Ireland since the Union. Scientific method applied to history. 3. Annals of an English abbey [St. Albans]. Revival of Romanism. Sea studies [Euripides]. Society in Italy in the last days of the Roman Republic. Lucian. Divus Caesar. Uses of a landed gentry. Party politics. Leaves from a South African journal [1S74:]. 4. Thomas Becket. The Oxford counter-reformation. Origen and Celsus. ACagliostro of the second century [Alexander of Abonotichus]. Cheneys and the house of Russell. A siding at a railway station. [Etc.] - Thomas Carlyle, first forty years of his life. 1903. 2 v. ill. C 103-4 - Thomas Carlyle, his life in London, 1834-81. 1902. 2 v. - C101-2 Froude, James A. Gull (C. A. E. R.) The historicicles of Oxford. In his "I believe," and other essays. 1907. - - - E5G1 - Harrison (F. ) Froude's Life of Carlyle. In his Choice of books, and other pieces. 1903. E4H1 - Kingsley (C.) Froude's England. In his Plays and Puritans. E1K2 - Paul(H. W.) The life of Froude. 1905. port. - F191 - Warner (C. D.) Froude's "Progress." In his The relation of literature to life. 1897. - - - - - - - E2W1 Frozen deep, and other tales; by W. Wilkie Collins. - - 75 C 8 Frozen pirate ; by W. Clark Russell. 75 R 5 Fruit. For lists of related subjects, see Botany. Domestic economy. Food. Gardening. - Berry (R, M. F.) Fruit recipes. 1907. ill. - 64207 - Hulme (F. E.) Wild fruits of the country-side. 1907. ill. - 58209 - Richmond (I. L.) Flowers and fruit for the home. 1907. ill. 71604 - Wagner (E.) Preserving fruit, vegetables [etc.] 1908. ill. - 66412 Fuel. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Lewes (V. B.) Liquid and gaseous fuels. 1907. bibl. ill. - 66202 - Mills (E. J.) and Rowan (F. J.) Fuel and its applications. In Chemical technology. 1889. v. 1. ill. - 66204 - See also Peat. Smoke. Fugue. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Higgs (J.) Fugue, mus. 78103 Fulham Lawn ; by Lady Ritchie. - - - - - - 37 R 6 Fullerton (Lady Georgiana) Too strange not to be true. - 62 Fl E 129 FUN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fungi. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Holmes (E. M.) British fungi. 1886. bill. ill. - - Massee(G.) Text-book of fungi. 1906. bibl. ill. - Fur- trading". For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Irving (W.) Astoria, enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Furnaces. See Blast furnace. Electric furnace. Furneaux (Wm. S.) Life in ponds and streams. 1897. ill. Furniture. For list of related subjects, see Decoration. - Candee (H. C. ) Decorative styles and periods in the home. ill. - Moore (N. H.) The old furniture book. ill. - - See also Drapery. Further adventures of Captain Kettle ; by C. J. Cutcliffe W. Hyne. Captain Kettle series, No. 3. Fuseli, Henry. In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) Painters. Future state. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Arnold (Sir E.) Death, and afterwards. 1889. - Buckle (H.) The afterlife. 1907. bibl. - - Dick (T.) Philosophy of a future state. - Fairbairn (A. M.) Belief in immortality. In his Studies. - Fell (G.) The immortality of the human soul. 1906. - Hyslop (J. H. ) Science and a future life. 1906. The bearing of psychical research upon the problem of a future life. - Kempson (F. C.) Future life and modern difficulties. 1907. - - Leadbeater (C. W.) The other side of death. 1903. - In Maeterlinck (M.) Life and flowers. 1907.- - - - - Myers (F. W. H.) Human personality and its survival of bodily death. 1907. - Thompson (R. J.) ed. The proofs of life after death. 1902. - - Wiedemann (A.) Realms of the Egyptian dead. 1902. bibl.- "According to the belief of the ancient Egyptians." - Zschokke (J. H. D.) Meditations on death and eternity. 1891. - See also Death. Heaven. Millennium. 58902 58909 97402 59020 74902 74901 115H7 99710 23704 23602 23703 20103 23702 13402 23705 21202 E8M1 12602 21801 29905 23603 G Gaelic language. See Language, Gaelic. Gaelic literature. See Literature, Gaelic. Gainsborough, Thomas. In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) British painters, v. 1. 1879. ----- 99709 - Gower (Lord R. S.) Gainsborough [life and art]. 1903. port. G061 Gairdner (Sir William T.) The physician as naturalist. 1889. 61002 Galatians, Epistle to the. See Bible. Galdemar (Ange) Robespierre [a romance]. ... - 92G1 Gallatin, Albert. Stevens (J. A.) A. Gallatin [a biography]. - G041 Gallon (Tom) Fortunes a-begging, a romance. - . . . 6G2 - Lagden's luck. - - - 6G3 130 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. GAR Gallon (Tom) Meg the Lady, a romance. 6G1 Galloping Dick ; by H. B. M. Watson. 26W2 Galloway. Harper (M. McL.) The bards of Galloway. 1889. - 82407 - - Rambles in Galloway. 1S76. ill. - - - 92010 Gallus, Roman scenes, time of Augustus ; by W. A. Becker, ill. 93629 Galsworthy (John) The man of property. - - - 98 Gl Gaet (John) The annals of the parish. The Ayrshire legatees. 2copies. 7G3 - The provost, and other tales. 7G2 - Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk. 7G1 Galton (Francis) The art of travel. 1893. ill. - - - 90811 - Inquiries into human faculty and its development, ill. - 15007 Gamble (William) The business life. 1907. - 17404 Gambling. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Hogge (J. M.) The facts of gambling. 1907. - 17403 Game. For list of related subjects, see Cookery. - De Salis (Mrs. H. A.) Dressed game and poultry. 1S97. - 64105 Game; by J. London. 51L3 Games (A. H.) eel. Chronicles I. -II. ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 22317 Games. For list of other amusements, see Amusements. - Hoffmann (Prof.) eel. Hoyle's Games modernized. 1907. bibl. ill. 79309 - Kingsland (Mrs. B.) Book of indoor and outdoor games. 1904. 79308 - See also Billiards. Chess. Draughts. Whist. Ganerben ; von W. H. von Riehl ; with notes. 1895. - - 43819 Ganot (Adolphe) Elementary treatise on physics. 1906. ill. 53015 Gant (L. W.) Elements of electric traction. 1907. ill. - - 62409 Ganthony (Robert) Practical ventriloquism, ill. - - - 79102 Garden cities. In George (W. L.) Engines of social progress. 1907. 30411 " Garden city. Model villages, Port Sunlight and Bourn ville." - Harris (G. M.) The garden city movement, 1906. ill - 35211 Garden of spinsters ; by A. E. Holdsworth. .... 73H1 Gardening. For lists of related subjects, see Agriculture. Arts. Fine. - Allotment and cottage gardening. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 4-6. ill. 60309-11 - Millin (G. F.) Pictorial gardening. 1906. ill. - - - 71003 - Rowles (W. F. ) How to make and manage a garden. 1905. ill. 71001 - Sanders (T. W.) An encyclopaedia of gardening. 190S. - 71002 - Wright (W. P.) Beautiful gardens, how to make and maintain them. 1907. ill. - - 71606 anel Castle (E. J.) First steps in gardening, ill. - - 71605 - See also Climbing plants. Ferns. Flowers. Fruit. School gardening. Trees. Vegetables. Gardiner (Samuel R.) History of England, 1603-42. 10 v. 91308-17 - History of the great civil war, 1642-9. 1904-5. 4 v. maps. 91318-21 - Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-56. 1903. 4 v. maps. 91322-5 Gardner (F. W.) The sea, a guide to employment. 1907. - 65614 Gardner (Percy) The growth of Christianity. 1907. - - 27009 131 GAR GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Gareloch. Maughan (W. C.) Annals of Garelochside. 1897. ill. 92505 " Historical and topographical account of Row, Rosneath, and Cardross." Garfield, James A. Thayer (W. M.) From log-cabin to White House, President Garfield's life. 1905. - - - - G031 Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Trevelyan (G. M.) Garibaldi's defence of the Roman Republic. 1907. bibl. port. ill. maps. - 93627 Garland (Hamlin) Witch's gold. - - - - - - 8G1 Garmiscath [a novel] ; by J. S. Clouston. 2 copies. - - - 61 C 2 Garnett (Richard) Essays of an ex-librarian. 1901. - - E3G1 On translating Homer. The date and occasion of " The tempest." The poetry of Coleridge. Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield. The love story of Luigi Tansillo. Beckford's "Vathek." Moore. Peacock. Emerson. Shelley's views on art. [Etc.] Garrod (H. W.) Religion of all good men, Christian ethics. 1906. 17102 Garstang (J ohn) joint-author. See Newberry (Percy E.) Garvice (Charles) Diana and destiny. 93G4 - In Cupid's chains, a novel. 93 G3 - Love, the tyrant. - - 93G1 - Nance. 93G2 Garvie (Alfred E. ) A guide to preachers. 1907. - - - 25102 Gas. Dowson (J. E.) and Larter ( A. T.) Producer gas. 1907. ^.66501 - Hills (H. F.) Gas and gas fittings. 1902. ill. - - 66502 "Coal-gas, water-gas, power-gas, and acetylene." - Hunt (C.) Gas lighting. In Chemical technology, v. 3. 1900. ill. 66506 "The manufacture of gas and its application to illumination." - Webber ( W. H. Y.) Town gas and its uses. 1907. ill. - 66504 - See also Acetylene. Gas engine. For related subjects, see Engines. - In Cassell's New Technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. - - 60310-1 - Grover (F. ) Modern gas and oil engines. 1906. ill. - - 62205 - Hiscox (G. D.) Gas, gasoline, and oil engines. 1906. ill. - 62201 - Mathot (R. E.) Gas-engines and producer-gas plants. 1905.- 62210 Gas-fitting. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Hills (H. F.) Gas and gas fittings. 1902. ill. - - - 66502 "Coal-gas, water-gas, power-gas, and acetylene." Gases. For list of related subjects, see Physics. - Deschanel (A. P.) Pneumatics. In his Natural philosophy, v. 1. 53002 -Pneumatics. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 4-5. ill. 03205-6 Gaskell (Mrs. Elizabeth C.) Life of Charlotte Bronte. 1906. B041 - Cranford, and other tales. 10 G 3 - Lizzie Leigh, and other tales. 10 G 5 - Mary Barton, and other tales. 10 G 7 - North and south. - - - 10 G6 - Ruth, and other tales. - - - 10 G 2 - Sylvia's lovers. 10 Gl - Wives and daughters, an every-day story. - - - - 10G4 Gasparin (Valerie B., Countess de) The near and the heavenly horizons. 1902. - - - - - - - - 24413 132 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. GEO Gaspary (Adolf) Italian literature to [1321]. 1901. - - 85002 Gaston (Hugh) Common-place book to the Holy Bible. 1847. - 22009 Gateless barrier ; by Lucas Malet. 36 M 3 Gates of Eden ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 38 Gathering clouds, a tale ; by F. W. Farrar. - - - - 6F5 Gautama. See Buddha. Gay, John. 7n Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. 12T7 Gay (Sydney H.) James Madison [a biography]. 1S98. - - M091 Gearing. See Valves. Geddes (Patrick) Chapters in modern botany. 1893. ill. • 58106 - and Thomson (J. A.) The evolution of sex. 1889. ill. - 57519 Geerligs (H. C. P.) Cane sugar, its manufacture in Java. 1903. 66407 Geikie (Sir Archibald) The scenery of Scotland. 1901. ill.- 55402 - Scottish reminiscences. 1904. 91836 - Text-book of geology. 1882. ill. 55005 Geikie (John Cunningham) The Bible by modern light. 1894. ill. 22303 "Moses to the Judges." - The Gospels. 1894. ill. map. 22604 - The vicar and his friends. 1901. 82821 Imaginary conversations on religion, philosophy, science, etc. Gelatine. Fernbach (R. L.) Glues and gelatine. 1907. HI. - 66801 Gendre de M. Poirier ; par E. Augier et J. Sandeau ; notes. - 44863 Generalship, a tale ; by G. Roy. 64R1 Genesis. See Bible. Genevra [a novel] ; by C. Marriott. 50 Ml Genius. Lombroso (C.) The man of genius. 1905. ill. - - 15101 Gent, Thomas. In Knight (C.) Shadows of the old booksellers. 99712 Gentle life, essays; by [J. H. Friswell]. 2 v. - - - - E1F1-2 Gentleman of France ; by S. J. Weyman. 45W8 Gentleman Upcott's daughter ; by W. Raymond. - - 12 R 2 Gentleness of Jesus, and other sermons; by M. G. Pearse. - 25206 Gentlest art, letters ; ed. by E. V. Lucas. 190S. - - - 82717 Genung (John F.) The Hebrew literature of Wisdom. 1906. - 22408 Genzardi (N. E.) The English tourist in Italy. 1906. - - 45802 Geographical distribution. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Heilprin (A. ) The distribution of animals. 18S7. - - - 59108 - Kingsley (C.) Bio-geology. In his Health and education. 1887. E1K3 - Wallace (A. R.) Island life, insular faunas and floras, maps. 59103 Geography. For list of related subjects, see History. - Bevan (W. L.) Manual of ancient geography. 1891. ill. maps. 90604 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-4. 1903. ill. maps. • 03202-5 - Gill(G.) The student's geography, ill. maps. - - - 90610 - Mill(H. R.)ed. The international geography. 1906. bibl. ill. 90601 - See also Atlas. Commercial geography. Names, Geographical. Names of countries. Geography, Physical. See Physical geography. 133 GEO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Geology. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 2-4. 1903. ill. - - 03203-5 - Cole (G. A. J.) Aids in practical geology. 1906. ill. - - 55010 Open-air studies in geology. 1902. ill. .... 55110 - Dawson (Sir J. W.) The story of earth and man. 1887. ill. 55007 - Elliot (G. F. S.) and others. Geology of the Clyde area. 1901. 92303 - Geikie (Sir A.) Text-book of geology. 1882. bibl. ill. - - 55005 - Hitchcock (E. ) The religion of geology. 55006 - Howorth (Sir H. H.) The mammoth and the flood. 1887. - 55004 "An attempt to confront the theory of uniformity with the facts of recent geology." - Ly ell (Sir C.) Principles of geology. 1853. ill. - - - 55003 - Miller (H.) Cruise of the Betsey. Rambles of a geologist. 1897. 55401 - - The old red sandstone. 1899. ill. 55107 Contains also : On the ancient Grauwacke rocks of Scotland. On the fossiliferous deposits of Scotland. [Etc.] The testimony of the rocks. 1890. ill. .... 55002 - Prestwich (Sir J.) Geology. 1886-8. 2 v. ill. maps. - -55008-9 1. Chemical and physical. 2. Stratigraphical and physical. - See also Coal. Earth. Ice age. Mineralogy. Mining. Physical geography. Weather. Geometry. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - Andrew (S. 0.) Geometry, an elementary treatise. 1906. - 51306 - Barnard (S.) and Child (J. M.) A geometry for schools. 1905. 51310 - Boulton (E. S.) Geometry on modern lines. 1904. - - 51305 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-3. 1903. - - - 03202-4 - Davison (C.) and Richards (C. H.) Plane geometry. 1907. - 51309 - Hall (H. S.) and Stevens (F. H.) Euclid's Elements. 1904. - 51301 - In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 1, 7. 1839-45. - - 19209, 19215 1. Proportions of motions and magnitudes. 7. Lessons to the professors of mathematics at Oxford University. Dr. Wallis's Geometry. - Kempe (A. B. ) How to draw a straight line. 1877. - - 51311 - Mackay (J. S. ) Plane geometry, practical and theoretical. - 51307 - Todhunter (I.) The Elements of Euclid. 1903. - - - 51302 - Workman (W. P.) and Cracknell ( A. G.) Geometry. 1906. v. 1. 51303 - See also Circle. Conic sections. Perspective. Projection. George I. -IV. Thackeray (W. M.) The four Georges, ill. 2 cop. 12T7 George IV. Cobbett (W.) Regency and reign of George the Fourth. 2 v. - -' - 91432-3 George (Henry) A perplexed philosopher. 1893. - - - 19203 "An examination of Herbert Spencer's utterances on the land question, with some reference to his synthetic philosophy." - Progress and poverty. 1905. 33301 - The science of political economy. 1898. port. - - - 33007 George (W. L.) Engines of social progress. 1907. - - 30411 George Canterbury's will, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. 10W21 Georgians, a novel ; by W. N. Harben. 124 HI 134 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH, GIB Georgievics (Georg von) The chemical technology of textile fibres. 1902. ill. 66704 - Chemistry of dye-stuffs. 1903. 66706 Gerard (Dorothea) The bridge of life, a novel. - - - 14 Gl - The compromise. - - - - - - - - 14 G 2 Gerard (Emily) Land beyond the forest, Transylvania. 2 v. - 92905-6 - and Gerard (Dorothea) The waters of Hercules. - - - 16 Gl Gerard (Frances) A king's romance, Milan of Servia. 1903. ill. M191 Gerard (John) The old riddle and the newest answer. 1907. - 57516 Gerard (Morice) Ruth Gwynnett, schoolmistress. - - - 18 Gl Gerechtigkeit Gottes ; von W. H. von Riehl; notes. 1895. - 43819 Gerhard (Wm. P. ) A guide to sanitary house-inspection. 1885. 61404 German language. See Language, German. German literature. See Literature, German. Germany. Bashford (J. ~L.)ed. Life and labour in Germany. 1906. 33107 "Reports of the Gainsborough Commission." - Dawson (W. H.) Germany at home. 1908. ill. - - - 92704 - Henderson (E. F.) Short history of Germany to 1871. 1906. 92705 - Howard (B. E.) The German Empire. 1906. - - - 34205 - Howitt(W.) The student-life of Germany. 1841. ill. - - 37110 - Stael (Madame de) De l'Allemagne. 92702 - Steevens (G. W.) Under the iron heel. In his Glimpses. 1901. 91005 - Veritas. The German Empire of to-day. 1902. map. - 35402 "Outlines of its formation, development [and administration]." - See also Franco-German war. Germs. See Bacteria. Gertrude [a story] ; by E. M. Sewell. 48S10 Gesture. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - Bacon (A. M.) A manual of gesture. 1900. ill. - - - 80818 Ghost camp, or, the avengers ; by Rolf Boldrewood. - - - 71 Bl Gibb (Alexander S.) Much about Kilmalcolm. 1872. - - 92006 Gibbon (Charles) The braes of Yarrow, a romance. - - - 21G4 - By mead and stream, a novel. 21 G 5 - The dead heart, a tale of the Bastille. 21 G 6 - Fancy free. 21 G7 - The flower of the forest. 21 G 8 - A heart's problem. 21G3 - In honour bound, a novel. 21 G 9 - In love and war, a romance. - - - - - - - 21 G 10 - In pastures green, and other stories. - 21 Gil - Of high degree, a story. 21G12 - Queen of the meadow, a novel. 21 Gl - What will the world say? a novel. 21 G 2 Gibbon (Edward) The decline and fall of the Roman Empire ; ed. by J. B. Bury. 1896-1900. 7 v. maps. - - - 93603-9 135 GIB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Gibbon (Edward) The student's Decline and fall of the Roman Empire ; abridged. 1899-1901. 2 v. ill. maps. - . 93619-20 - Life and letters [autobiography]. History of crusades. - - G151 Gibbon, Edward. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 1. 1898. E5B1 - 7?iBirrell (A.) Collected essays, v. 2. 1902.- - - - E1B2 - In Robertson (J. M.) Pioneer humanists. 1907. - - - 99824 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Gibbon; Gibbon's Memoirs. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. E3S2 Gibbons (James) Cardinal. The faith of our fathers [Roman Catholicism]. 28212 Gibbs (Philip H.) The romance of [the British] Empire. 1906. ill. 91107 Gibson (Charles) Among French inns, rural France. 1906. ill. Gibson (Charles R.) Electricity of to-day. 1907. ill. - The romance of modern electricity. 1906. ill. - - The romance of modern photography. 1908. ill. - Gibson (Edgar C. S. ) Bp. The Old Testament in the New. 1907. Gibson (George A. ) Elementary treatise on graphs. 1905. - An elementary treatise on the calculus. 1906. Gibson (J. C.) Mission problems in south China. 1901. ill. map. Gibson (James A. ) Nordrach treatment for consumptives. 1904. Gibson (John M.) The unity and symmetry of the Bible. 1896. Gibson (Robert) An old Berwickshire town, Greenlaw. 1905. Giddings (F. H.) Descriptive and historical sociology. 1906. - Gide (Charles) Principles of political economy. 1898. - Gifford, William. In Hazlitt (W.) The spirit of the age. 1894. Gift (Theo) Wrecked at the outset. Gift [a novel] ; by S. Macnaughtan. - r -..-.■ Gilbert (George) The island of sorrow, an historical novel. Gilbert (Gerald) Evolution of tactics. 1907. Gilbert (Sir William S. ) Selections. In Poets and poetry, mem. Gilchrist (Robert M.) Lords and ladies, stories. - A Peakland faggot, tales. Gildersleeve (B. L.) and Lodge (G.) Latin grammar. 1903. - Gilding. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Mitchell (F. S.) Practical gilding, bronzing [etc.] 1905. Gilds. See Guilds. . .... Gilfillan (George) Night, a poem. 1867. - Remoter stars in the church sky [ministers]. 1867. Gilian the dreamer, his fancy and adventure ; by Neil Munro. - Gill (F. T. ) ed. Wit and wisdom, modern women [fiction] writers 1906. ill. Gill (Francis P. ) Sulphur treatment of consumption. Gill (George) The student's geography, ill. maps. Gillespie (Alex. L.) Natural history of digestion. 1898. Gillespie (Robert) Round about Falkirk. 1879. - Gilliat (Edward) The romance of modern sieges. 1908. ill. 136 93107 62406 62402 77010 22215 51206 51701 27803 61605 22108 92003 30110 33014 E1H2 25G1 29M1 26G1 35508 82415 82G2 82G1 47802 69801 501 G 99828 123M4 82720 61608 90610 61206 92506 9040,5 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. GLA Gillies (H. C.) The Gaelic class book, exercises on grammar. - 49102 Gilman (Arthur) joint-author. See RAWLINSON (George). Gilman (Charlotte P.) Women and economics. 1906. - - 39604 Gilman (Daniel C.) James Monroe [a biography]. 1898. - Mill Gilman (Lawrence) The music of to-morrow, studies. 1907. - 78009 - Phases of modern music. 1905. 78014 Gilmour (David) Paisley weavers. The ; 'Pen folk," etc. 1898. 92004 Ginsburg (Benedict W.) Shipping. In British industries. - 33804 Ginx's baby ; by E. Jenkins. ------- 14 J 1 Gipsies. See Gypsies. Girardin (Delphine de) La joie fait peur, comedie ; notes. 1901. 44816 Girardin (Jules) Les braves gens. 28G1 Girdlestone (Robert B.) The grammar of prophecy. 1901. - 22014 Girl and the man ; by Curtis Yorke. 6Y1 Girl at the halfway house, a story of the plains; by E. Hough.- 91 HI Girl in grey ; by Curtis Yorke. 6Y3 Girl who had nothing ; by Mrs. C. N. Williamson. - - - 60 Wl Girls. Bell (Lady) Mothers and daughters. In her Minor moralist. 17008 - Freeman (F. L. ) Religious and social work amongst girls. 1904. 25602 Girondists. Lamartine (A. M. L. de) History of the Girondists. 1903-5. 3 v. ill. 93204 6 Gissing (Algernon) Baliol Garth. 29 Gl - The master of Pinsmead [and other stories]. - - - 29 G 2 Gissing (Frederick T.) joint -author. See Bjorling (Philip R. ) Gissing (George) The town traveller. 30 G 2 - Veranilda, a romance. 30 Gl - Will Warburton, a romance of real life. 30 G 3 Gladstone, William E. In Bryce (J.) Contemporary biography. 99606 - Macaulay (Lord) Gladstone on Church and state. In ^Yorks. - 82827 - Morley (J.) Life of William E. Gladstone. 1905-6. 2 v. port. G 132-3 - Robbins (A. F.) Early public life of Gladstone. 1894. port. G131 - Russell (G. W. E.) Mr. Gladstone's religious development. In his Household of faith. 1902. 28303 Glaister (John) Dr. William Smellie and his contemporaries. - S231 Glanville (Ernest) A rough reformer. 31 Gl Glasfurd(A. I. R.) Rifle and romance in Indian jungle. 1905. ill. 79909 Glasgow (Ellen) The deliverance, a romance. - - - - 97G1 Glasgow. Alison (R.) The anecdotage of Glasgow. 1892. - 92404 - Brown (A.) Midnight scenes and social photographs. 185S. - 92318 - Brown (A.) History of Glasgow [etc.] 1795-7. 2 v. in 1. - 92316 - Christie (J.) ed. Medical institutions of Glasgow. 1888. - 92402 - Duncan (R.) ed. Literary history of Glasgow. 1886. - - 65501 Contains catalogue of books printed by R. and A. Foulis. - Historical, biographical, sketches of Glasgow. 1904. 4°. - 92311 - Macdonald (H.) Rambles round Glasgow, ill. - - - 92304 . 137 GLA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Glasgow. Maclean (M.) ed. Archaeology, education, medical and charitable institutions, of Glasgow. 1901. plans. - - 92301 - Mitchell (J.) Annals of the United Presbyterian congregation of Wellington Street, Glasgow. 1877. ill. - - 92401 - Xicol (J.) Vital, social, and economic statistics of the city of Glasgow, 1885-91. .1891. 92403 - A pictorial and descriptive guide to Glasgow, maps. - - 92307 - Rae (J. J. ) ed. Ministers of Glasgow and their churches, ill. 92308 - Reid (R.) Old Glasgow and its environs. 1864. - - - 92317 - Renwick (R. ) Glasgow memorials. 1908. bibl. ill. - - 92315 - Report of the Glasgow Boundaries Commissioners. 1888. 2 v. 92309-10 - Scott (A. M.) The battle of Langside, 1568. 1885. plan. - 92306 - Somerville (T.) George Square, Glasgow. 1891. ill. - - 92312 " And the lives of those whom its statues comniernorate." - Urie (J.) Reminiscences of eighty years. 1908. ill. - - U011 Glasgow University. For related subjects, see Universities. - Rosebery (Earl of) and others. Record of the ninth jubilee of the University of Glasgow. 1901. 37803 - Young (J.) Address on the Hunterian Library. In his Essays. E2Y1 - See also Snell Exhibitions. Glass. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Shenstone (W. A.) The methods of glass blowing. 1902. ill. 66603 Glass painting. See Painting, Glass. Glaucus, or, the wonders of the shore ; by C. Kingsley. 1903. ill. 59201 Glazebrook (Richard T.) Dynamics, an elementary text-book. 53101 - Electricity and magnetism. 1904. ill. 53706 - Heat, an elementary text-book. 1906. ill. - - - - 53609 Gleig (George R. ) Story of the battle of Waterloo, ill. map. 93115 Glen Roy, Parallel roads of ; by J. Tyndall. In his Fragments, v. 1. 50408 Glendower, Owen. See Glyndwr, Owen. Glenmutchkin railway, and other Scots stories ; by W. E. Aytoun. 63 A 1 Glimpse of the world [a novel] ; by E. M. Sewell. - - - 48 S 11 Glimpses of the olden time ; by S. Carment. 1893. - - - 91833 Glimpses of three nations ; by G. W. Steevens. 1901. - - 91005 London. Paris. Germany. Gloria mundi [a novel] ; by H. Frederic. - - - - - 55F1 Gloucester, Thomas, Duke of. Tait(J.) Did Richard II. murder the Duke of Gloucester ? In Historical essays. 1907. - 90406 Glover (William) First lessons in coal mining. 1906. ill. - 62509 Glowworm [a novel] ; by M. Bateman. - - - - 29 Bl Glue. Fernbach (R. L.) Glues and gelatine. 1907. HI. - - 66801 Glyn (Elisor) Beyond the rocks, a love story. - - - 32G1 Glyn (Margaret H.) The rhythmic conception of music. 1907. 78002 Glyndwr, Owen, and Welsh independence ; by A. G. Bradley, ill. G071 God. See Theology. God in the car ; by Anthony Hope. 2 copies. - - - 82 H 6 138 HUTCHESONTO WN BRANCH. GOL Godard (John G.) Racial supremacy, studies in imperialism. - 32005 Goddard (Joseph) The beauty and expression of music, mus. 78016 Goddess of the sea ; by T. H. W. Beddoes. - - - - 36 Bl Godfrey (Elizabeth) The bridal of Anstace. - - - - 33 G 2 - The winding road. 33 Gl Godkin (Edwin L.) History of Hungary and the Magyars. 1856. 92903 Godric, Saint. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1885. ill. - 99809 God's fool, a Koopstad story; by Maarten Maartens. - - 2M1 God's outcast ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H10 Godwin, William. In Hazlitt (W.) The spirit of the age. 1894. E1H2 - Stephen (Sir L.) Godwin and Shelley. In his Hours in a library. E4S3 Goethe (Johann W. von) Egmont ; with notes. 1898. ill - 43830 - Faust [German text] ; with notes. 1906. .... 43810 - Faust; trans, by J. Anster. 701 G - Goetz von Berlichingen [a drama, German text] ; with notes.- 43811 - Hermann und Dorothea [a poem, German text] ; with notes. - 43816 - Iphigenie auf Tauris ; with notes, bibl. 43842 - Poems [German text] ; with notes. 1902. mem. - - - 43843 - Poems; trans, by E. A. Bowring. 1904. - - - 702 G - Conversations with Eckermann and Soret. 1883. - - - 83802 - Wilhelm Meister ; trans, by T. Carlyle. 34 Gl Goethe, Johann W. von. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 1, 4. - E1C1,E1C4 - Lewes (G. H.) Life of Goethe, port. Gill - Miiller (F. Max) Goethe and Carlyle. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. E5M1 - Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Goethe and Bettina. In his Essays, v. 2. E11S2 - Tyndall (J.) Goethe's 'Farbenlehre.' In his New fragments. 50410 Goetz (Hermann) Eighteen songs, fo. mus. - - - 78416 Goetz von Berlichingen ; von J. W. von Goethe ; with notes. 1902. 43811 Gold of Chickaree ; by S. and A. Warner. 22 Wl Golden age ; by K. Grahame. 49 Gl Golden bowl [a romance] ; by H. James. 7 J 5 Golden butterfly, a novel; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - 48B10 Golden kingdom ; by A. Balfour. 7B2 Golden pool, a story of a forgotten mine ; by R. A. Freeman. - 69 Fl Golden shadow ; by L. T. Meade. 76 Mil Goldie (Hugh) Calabar and its mission. 1890. ill. map. - 27806 Goldmacherdorf ; von J. H. D. Zschokke : [notes] by G. Hein. - 43823 Goldschmidt, Madame. See Lind, Jenny. Goldsmith (Oliver) Works. 5 v. mem. - - - -E1G1-5 1. Vicar of Wakefield. Essays. Letters. 2. Poems. Plays. The Bee. Cock-lane ghost. 3. Citizen of the world. State of polite learning in Europe. 4. Biographies. Criticisms. Later essays. 5. The earth and animated nature. History of England. Little Goody Two-Shoes. - Poems, mem. 82435 - The vicar of Wakefield. 36 Gl Goldsmith, Oliver. Irving (W.) Life of Goldsmith. 1900. part. G101 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. - - 12 T 7 139 GOL GLASGOW P UBLIC LIBRA RIES. Golf. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Beldam (G. W.) and Taylor (J. H.) Golf faults illustrated. - 79614 - Hutchinson (H. G.) and others. Famous golf links. 1891. ill. 79604 - - Golf. 1902. ill. 79610 - Linskill (W. T.) Golf. 1895. ill. 79608 Gonzalez, Fernan, Count of Castile. In Irving (W.) Biographies. 99508 Gooch (Frank A. ) and Browning (P. E. ) Outlines of qualitative chemical analysis. 1906. 54401 Good. Maeterlinck (M.) The invisible goodness. In his Treasure of the humble. 1907. E8M2 Good for nothing ; by G. J. Whyte Melville. - - - - 79 M 3 Good ship ■ Mohock ' ; by W. Clark Russell. .... 75R6 Good stories of man and other animals ; by C. Reade. - - 16 R 6 Good without God, is it possible ? by J. B. Hunt. 1907. - - 17129 Goodban (Henry W. ) The violoncello [a tutor], mus. - - 78707 Goodeve (T. M.) The elements of mechanism. 1905. ill. - 62314 Goodman (E. J.) The best tour in Norway. 1903. ill. map. - 94105 Goodrich (A.) and others. The old faith and the new theology. 23009 Gordon (Chas. G.) Gen. Journals at Kartoum. 1898. port. ill. G023 Gordon, Charles G., Gen. Hope (E.) Life of General Gordon, port. G024 Gordon (H. L.) Sir James Y. Simpson and chloroform. 1897. S271 Gordon (John B. ) Gen. Reminiscences of [U.S.] civil war. port. 97207 Gordon (Sir John J. H.) The Sikhs [a history]. 1904. ill. - 94804 Gordon (Lina D.) joint-author. See Baddeley (St. Clair). Gordon (Samuel) The ferry of fate, a tale of Russian Jewry. - 40 Gl Gordon ( W. J. ) The horse-world of London. 1893. ill. - - 63610 - Our country's birds, col. ill. 59817 - Eggs of the native birds of Great Britain, col. ill. - - 59818 " A supplement to ' Our country's birds.' " - Round about the North Pole. 1907. ill. maps. - - - 99411 Gordon (William C.) Social ideals of Alfred Tennyson. 1906. 30106 Gordon Keith [a novel] ; by T. N. Page. 2P1 Gordy (J. P.) New psychology. [1904]. 15005 Gore (John E.) Astronomical essays. 1907. ill. - - - 52004 Gorrie (Daniel) Summers and winters in the Orkneys, ill. map. 91721 Gortchen, a tale of an Arran glen ; by S. Dene. - - - 72D1 Gospel and human life, sermons ; by A. Airiger. 1904. - - 25233 Gospel view of things, and sermons ; by P. G. Maclagan. 1906. 25214 Gospels. See Bible. Gosse (Edmund W.) Critical kit-kats. 1896. - E6G1 Thomas L. Beddoes. Edward FitzGerald. Christina Rossetti. Lord De Tabley. Jose-Maria de Heredia. Walter Pater. R. L. Stevenson. [Etc.] - Father and son, a study of two temperaments. 1907. port. G12V - Ibsen [a biography]. 1907. ill. I05L - The Jacobean poets. 1894. 82306 - Modern English literature [1350-1900]. 1907. - - - 82105 140 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. GRA Gosse (Edmund W.) Questions at issue [literary essays]. 1893. 80403 Gosse (Philip H.) The aquarium, wonders of the deep sea. 1856. 59025 - Evenings at the microscope. 1884. ill. .... 57803 Gosselin (M.) Power of the pope during the middle ages. 2 v. 28214-5 Gossip, a novel ; by W. R. Paterson. 83 P 2 Gossips Green [a story] ; by Mrs. H. Dudeney. - - - - 57 Dl Gotama. See Buddha. Gotch (F.) Aspects of the scientific method. In Lectures. 1906. 50421 Gould (A. A.) joint- author. See Agassiz (Louis). Gould (Ezra P. ) A commentary on St. Mark. 1896. - - 22701 Gould (F. J.) Chats with pioneers of modern thought. 1898. - 02804 - Life and manners, moral instruction of children. 1906. - 37702 Gould (Sabine Baring) A book of the Cevennes. 1907. ill. map.§ZZ02 - Curious myths of the middle ages. 1888. HI. 39812 - In Dewisland. 43G1 - The queen of love, a novel. 43 G 2 - Winefred, a story of the chalk cliffs. 43 G 3 Government. For list of other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Cartyle (T.) Downing Street [and] New Downing Street. In his Latter-day pamphlets. - - - - - El C10 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1, 2. 1894-1900. - E6H1-2 - In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 2. 1841. .... 19210 Philosophical rudiments concerning government and society — liberty, dominion, and religion. - Kelly (E.) Government, or, human evolution. 1901. 2 v. - 32012-3 1. Justice. 2. Individualism and collectivism. - See also Army. Civil service. Local government. Navy. Peace. Pensions. War. Governor. For list of related subjects, see Steam engine. - Hall (H. R.) Governors and governing mechanism. 1903. ill. 62133 Gowans (Adam L.) ed. A treasury of English verse. 1907. ill. 82215 Gower (Lord Ronald S. ) Sir Joshua Reynolds, life and art., ill. R191 - Thomas Gainsborough [his life and art]. 1903. ill. - - G061 Gowrie conspiracy. Lang (A. ) James VI. and Gowrie mystery. 91826 Gowrie, or, the king's plot ; by G. P. R. James. - - - 6 J24 Graham (G. F.) English synonymes. 1905. .... 42401 Graham (H. G.) Literary and historical essays. 1908. mem. port. E4G1 Society in France before the revolution. Old burghal life in Scotland. Life in a country manse about 1720 [Kirkmichael]. Samuel Richardson. [Alexander] Russel of the "Scotsman." [Etc.] - Social life of Scotland in eighteenth century. - 91824 Graham (J. C.) Taxation and local government. 1906. - - 33602 Graham, Sir James, Life and letters of ; by C. S. Parker. 2 v. port. G081-2 Graham (John) Condition of the Border at the Union. 1907. ill. 92012 Graham (John) The great god success, a novel. - - - 91G1 Graham, John, Viscount Dundee. Terry (C. S.) Graham of Claverhouse, 1648-89. 1905. port. ill. maps. - . G161 GRA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Graham (John M.) Annals and correspondence of the Viscount and Earls of Stair. 1885. 2 v. ill. .... S281-2 Graham (John W.) Neaera, a tale of ancient Rome. - - - 95G1 Graham (Robert B. C.) His people. - 48G2 - Progress, and other sketches. 48 Gl Graham (Winifred) The vision at the Savoy. - - - - 81 Gl Grahame (Kenneth) The golden age. 49 Gl Grammaire, comedie ; par E. M. Labiche et A. Jolly ; with notes. 44815 Grammar. See names of languages, as, Language, English. Granada. Calvert (A. F.) Granada and the Alhambra. 1907. ill. 93421 - Irving (W.) The conquest of Granada. 1902. - - - 93412 - Prescott (W. H.) Irving's Conquest of Granada. In his Miscellanies. E2P1 Grand Babylon Hotel; by E. A. Bennett. 43B1 Grand Orient. Handbook of cartomancy. 1891. ill. - ~ 13305 Grange Garden ; by H. Kingsley. 26K10 Grant (Arthur J.) Outlines of European history. 1907. ill:- 91019 - ed. English historians. 1906. 90101 Grant (David) Lays and legends of the north, poems and songs. 401 G Grant (James) Recollections of House of Commons, 1830-5. - 32803 Grant (James) Adventures of an aide-de-camp. - - - 51 G 3 - Derval Hampton, a story of the sea. 51G10 - Frank Hilton, or, "The Queen's Own." 2 copies. - - - 51 G 9 - Jack Chaloner, or, the fighting Forty-third. 2 copies. - - 51 G 8 - Miss Cheyne of Essilmont. 51 G 7 - Philip Rollo, or, the Scottish musketeers. - - - 51 G 6 - The Queen's cadet [and other tales]. 2 copies. - - - 51G5 - The romance of war, or, the Highlanders in Spain. 2 copies. 51 G 2 - Second to none, a military romance. 2 copies. - - - 51G4 - Shall I win her ? 51G11 -The white cockade, or, faith and fortitude. - - - - 51 G 12 - The yellow frigate, or, the three sisters. 2 copies. - - 51 G 13 Grant (Robert) The transit of Venus in 1874. ill. - - - 52311 Grant, Ulysses S. Thayer (W. M.) From the tan-yard to the White House, Grant's life. 1904. port. ill. - - - G011 Grape from a thorn ; by J. Payn. - - - - - 18 P 15 Graphics. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Pullen (W. W. F.) The application of graphic and other methods to the design of structures. 1905. ill. - - 62018 Graphs. Gibson (G. A.) Elementary treatise on graphs. 1905. 51206 Grasp your nettle, a novel ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. - - 46L11 Graver thoughts of a country parson; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 3 v. E3B4-6 Graves (Charles L. ) Humours of the fray, rhymes. 1907. - 601G Gray (David) Poetical works ; ed. by H. G. Bell. 1874. mem. 201G Gray (George B.) ed. Numbers ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 22312 Gray (Maxwell) The great refusal, a novel. - - - 57 G 2 142 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. GRE Gray (Maxwell) Richard Rosny. 57 G 3 - The silence of Dean Maitland, a novel. 57G1 Gray (Peter) Lichens, mosses [etc.] 1880. ill. - - - 58902 Gray (Thomas) Poetical works, mem. 101 G Another edition, mem. 82435 - Selections. In English poets, v. 3. 1904. mem. - - - 82223 Gray, Thomas. Stephen (Sir L.) Gray and his school. In his Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. E4S3 Gray eye or so ; by F. F. Moore. 106 M 10 Great Britain, 1, General. Blanc (L. ) Letters on England. 1866-7. 4 v. in 2. - - - 91428-9 - Boutmy (E.) English people, political psychology. '1904. - 91504 - Holmes (0. W. ) Our hundred days in Europe. 1895. - - 91601 - Howitt (W.) Visits to remarkable places. 1900. ill. - - 91502 - Mackinder (H. J.) Britain and the British seas. 1907. maps. 91505 - Reynolds (J. B.) The British Isles. 1904. ill. maps. - - 91503 - Stevenson (R. L.) The foreigner at home. In his Memories. E1S4 Great Britain, 2, Constitution. Alison (Sir A.) The fall of the constitution. In his Essays, v. 1. 1850. - - - E3A1 - Chadwick (H. M.) Studies on Anglo-Saxon institutions. 1905. 34206 - Hallam (H.) Constitutional history of England [1485-1760]. - 34203 - Langmead (T. P. T.) English constitutional history. 1905. - 34207 Great Britain, 3, History, General. A Beckett (G. A.) The comic history of England, ill. 91232 - Buckle (H. T.) History of civilization in England. 3 v. - 90303-5 - Carter (M. E.) Groundwork of English history [to 1901]. maps. 91235 - Cassell's History of England. 9 v. ill. maps. - - 91214-22 1. 55 b.c.-a.d. 1450. 2. 1450-1641. 3. 1641-1711. 4. 1712-1S10. 5. 1810-50. 6. 1850-71. 7. 1871-83. 8. 1884-95. 9. 1895-1900. - Dickens (C.) A child's history of England, ill. 2 copies. - 91326 - Eccleston (J.) English antiquities. 1847. ill. - - - 91334 - Fletcher (C. R. L.) Introductory history of England, v. 1-2. 91237-8 1. To 1485. 2. 1485-1660. - Goldsmith (O.) History of England. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. E1G5 - Green (J. R.) A short history of the English people [to 1873]. 1907. bibl. maps. 91236 - Historic sketches. In Cassell's Popular educator, v. 1-4. - 03202-5 - Hume (D.) A history of England to 1688; continued to 1878 by J. S. Brewer. 1895. ill. maps. .... 91225 - Maurice (F. D. ) English history [how to read it]. In his Friendship of books, and other lectures. 1904. - - E4M1 - Pollard (A. F.) Factors in modern history. 1907.- - - 91227 Great Britain, 4, History to the Norman Conquest, 1066. Anglo- Saxon chronicle [to 1154]. map. 27601 - Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England [to a.d. 731]. map. 27601 - Chadwick (H. M.) The origin of the English nation. 1907. maps. 91336 - Green (J. R.) The conquest of England. 1899. 2 v. maps. 91339-40 1. 758-955. 2. 'J55-1071. 143 GRE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Great Britain, 4, History to the Norman Conquest, 1066. Haver- field (F. J.) Romanization of Roman Britain, ill. maps. 91335 - Holmes (T. R. E. ) Ancient Britain and the invasions of Caesar. 1907. bibl. ill. maps. 91337 - Shore (T. W.) Origin of the Anglo-Saxon race. 1906. - - 91603 Great Britain, 5, History to the Union of Crowns, 1603. Mac- kinnon (J.) The history of Edward III., 1327-77. 1900. Elll - Ramsay (Sir J. H.) Lancaster and York, 1399-1485. 2 v. - 91331-2 Great Britain, 6, History to the Revolution of 1688. Carry le (T. ) Historical sketches, reigns of James I. and Charles I. ill. 91304 - Clarendon (Earl of) Episodes of the great rebellion. - - 91305 - Gardiner (S. R.) History of England. 1900-5. 10 v. maps. 91308-17 1. 1603-7. 2. 1607-16. 3. 1616-21. 4. 1621-3. 5. 1623-5. 6. 1625-9. 7. 1629-35. 8. 1635-9. 9. 1639-41. 10. 1641-2. History of the great civil war. 1904-5. 4 v. maps. - 91318-21 1. 1642-4. 2. 1644-5. 3. 1645-7. 4. 1647-9. Commonwealth and Protectorate. 1903. 4 v. maps. - 91322-5 1. 1649-50. 2. 1651-3. 3. 1653-5. 4. 1655-6. - Hobbes (T. ) Behemoth, the civil wars, 1640-60. In his Works. 19214 - Macaulay (Lord) [Mackintosh's] History of the revolution [1688]. In his Works. - 82827 - Newdegate (Lady N.) Cavalier and Puritan. 1901. - - 91329 "Compiled from private papers and diary of Sir Richard Newdigate, with extracts from MS. news-letters, 1675-89." - Trevelyan(G.M.) England under the Stuarts. 1904. bibL maps. 91330 - Wilson (Sir D. ) Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate. 1848. ill. C0210 - See also Popish plot. Great Britain, 7, History since 1688. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 1, 3. 1850.- - - E3A1, E3A3 1. Lessons from the past. 3. The eighteenth century. - Cobbett ( W. ) Regency and reign of George the Fourth. 2 v. - 91432-3 - Fitchett(W.H.) How England saved Europe, 1793-1815. 4v. 91419-22 1. From the Low Countries to Egypt. 2. The struggle for the sea. 3. The war in the Peninsula. 4. Waterloo and St. Helena. - Innes (A. D.) Britain and her rivals, 1713-89. 1895. maps. - 91424 - Lamington (Lord) In the days of the dandies. 1906. ill. - 91431 Reminiscences of society, early nineteenth century. - Macaulay (Lord) The history of England [1685-1702]. 2 v. 91416-7 - McCarthy (J. ) A history of cur own times. 5 v. - - - 91410-4 1. 1837-49. 2. 1850-7. 3. 1857-67. 4. 1867-80. 5. 1880-97. -'-A short history of our own times [1837-80]. 1904. - - 91415 - - Modern England. 1899. 2 v. ill. 91425-6 1. 1800-32. 2. 1832-98. - Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of Queen Anne. 1894. ill. 91423 The Queen and the Duchess [of Marlborough]. The Quaker [William Penn]. The dean [Swift]. The journalist [Defoe]. The humourist [Addison]. - Walpole (Sir S.) A history of England. 1890. 6 v. - 91435-40 1. 1815-20. 2. 1816-30. 3. 1816-34. 4. 1834-41. 5. 1841-53. 6. 1853-61. 144 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. GRE Great Britain, 7, History since 1688. Walpole (8ir S.) The history of twenty-five years. 1904. v. 1-2. - - - 91441-2 1. 1856-65. 2. 1865-70. Great expectations ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - - 30 D 14 Great god success, a novel ; by J. Graham. - - - 91 Gl Great Hoggarty diamond ; by VV. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 82811 Great K. and A. train-robbery; by P. L. Ford. - - - 37 F 2 Great lone land, north-west America ; by Sir W. F. Butler, ill. map. 97101 Great Porter Square, a mystery ; by B. L. Far j eon. - - - 74 Fl Great refusal, a novel ; by Maxwell Gray. 57 G 2 Great schism of the west [reformation] ; by L. Salembier. 1907. 27012 Great shadow ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. 51D18 Great truths [conduct of life] ; by W. G. Jordan. - - - 17009 Greatest truth, and other discourses ; by H. VV. Dresser. 1907. 23011 Greco-Turkish war. Steevens (G. W.) What happened in Thes- saly. In his Things seen. 19(30. E2S1 Greece. Alison (Sir A.) Athenian democracy. In his Essays, political, historical, v. 2. E3A2 - Becker (W. A.) Charicles, life of the ancient Greeks. 1895. ill. 93820 - Bosanquet (B.) Some socialistic features of ancient societies. In his Essays and addresses. 1899. E10B1 - Finlay (G.) A history of Greece. 1877. 7 v. - - - 93813-9 1. Greece under the Romans, B.C. 146-a.d. 716. 2. The Byzantine Empire, 716-1057. 3. The Byzantine and Greek Empires, 1057-1453. 4. Mediaeval Greece and the Empire of Trebizond, 1204-1461. 5. Greece under Othoman and Venetian domination, 1453-1S21. 6. The Greek revolution, 1821-7. 7. The Greek revolution, establishment of the Greek Kingdom [1827-64]. - Grote(G.) History of Greece [to 4th century B.C.] 10 v. 93803-12 - Mahaffy (J. P. ) Rambles and studies in Greece. 1907. map. 93823 - Paul(H. W.) Religion of the Greeks. In his Stray leaves. 1906. E1P1 - In Reich (E.) History of western nations, v. 1. 1908. bibl. - 91025 - Smith (Sir W. ) History of Greece to [146 B.C.] 1902. ill. maps. 93821 - Thucydides. History of the Grecian war ; trans, by T. Hobbes. 19216-7 - Villemain (A. F.) Lascaris, ou, Grecs du xv. siecle ; notes. - 44847 Greek Church. See Church, Greek. Greek language. See Language, Greek. Greek literature. See Literature, Greek. Greeks. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Plutarch. Lives of illustrious men. 2 v. port. - - - 88802-3 Greely (Adolphus W.) Handbook of Arctic discoveries. 1896. 99407 Green (Anna K.) The amethyst box, and other stories. - - 58 Gl Green (E. T.) ed. Jeremiah and Lamentations; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902. 22503 Green (Evelyn E.) Dufferin's Keep. 60G3 Green (John R.) The conquest of England. 1899. 2 v. port. maps. .... .... 91339-40 - A short history of the English people [to 1873]. 1907. maps. 91236 145 GEE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Green (John R.) Stray studies. 1892-1903. 2 v. - - - E2G1-2 1. A brother of the poor [Edward Denison]. Sketches in sunshine [the Riviera]. Lambeth and the archbishops. Abbot and town [Abbot Sampson and St. Edmunds]. Two Venetian studies. iEneas, a Vergilian study. The early history of Oxford. The home of our Angevin kings. [Etc.] Green, John R. In Bryce (J. ) Contemporary biography. 1903. 99606 Green (Mrs. John R.) Henry the Second [a biography]. 1888. H181 Green, Thomas H. In MacCunn (J.) Six radical thinkers. 1907. 32014 - Nettleship (R. L.) Memoir of Thomas Hill Green. 1906. port. G051 Green flag, and other stories ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 16 Green graves of Balgowrie ; by J. H. Findlater. - - - 18F2 Green mansions, a romance; by W. H. Hudson. - - - 98H1 Green pastures and Piccadilly ; by W. Black. - - - 62 B 2 Greenhough (J. G. ) and others. Great texts of New Testament. 22609 Greenland. Nansen(F.) First crossing of Greenland [1888]. ill. map. 99408 Greenlaw. Gibson (R.) An old Berwickshire town. 1905. - 92003 Greenock. Blair (G.) Greenock street names. 1907. ill. - 92011 - Brown (A.) History of Glasgow, Paisley [etc.] 1795-7. 2 v. in 1. 92316 Greenstone [a novel] ; by Alan St. Aubyn.- - - - - 4S2 Greenwood (Thomas) Turners' and fitters' handbook, ill. - 62303 Greenw t ood (William H.) Iron, sources, properties [etc.] 1907. 66901 - Steel, its varieties, properties, and manufacture. 1907. - 66902 Greg, William R. In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 3. - E3M3 Gregg (B. M.) joint-author. See Marriott (Thomas). Gregg (John R.) Gregg shorthand. 1907. .... 65302 Gregory VII. Stephen (Sir J.) Hildebrand. In his Essays, v. 1. 99816 Gregory (John) My garden, and other poems. 1907. mem. port. 301G Gregory (John W. ) The dead heart of Australia. 1906. ill. maps. 99001 Gregory (Sir William H.) An autobiography. 1894. port. - G091 Grenfell (Wilfred T.) Off the rocks, Labrador [missions], ill. 279C1 Greswell (Wm. P.) The growth of the British Colonies, 1837-97. 32503 Grey and gold ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W21 Grey House at Endlestone ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 83 W 22 Grey lady ; by Henry Seton Merriman. 85M4 Grey man ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 CI Grey mantle and gold fringe ; by D. S. Meldrum. - - - 138 M 2 Grey wig, stories and novelettes ; by I. Zangwill. - - - 2Z1 Grier (Sydney C.) The heir. 67G1 Grierson (Herbert J. C.) [Literature of] The first half of the seventeenth century. 1906. 80909 Griff of Griffithscourt [a novel] ; by H. Mathers. - - - 64M2 Griffin (Harry H.) and others. Cycles and cycling. 1903. ill. 79615 Griffis (Wm. E.) The Japanese nation in evolution. 1907. ill. 95307 Griffith (George) His better half. 99GJ1 Griffith Gaunt, or, jealousy ; by C. Reade. - - - - 16 R 15 Griffiths (Arthur G. F.) The passenger from Calais. - - 70 G 2 146 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. GUI Griffiths (Arthur G. F. ) Winifred's way. .... 70G1 Griffiths (Harold) The plenum or propulsion system of heating and ventilation. [1905]. ill. - - ... 69702 Griggs (Annie M. ) Savouries. 64102 Grimm (Jakob L. K. und W. K. ) Kinder- und Hausmarchen ; notes. 43832 Grimshaw (Robert) Shop kinks for the machinest. 1905. ill. 62009 Grinding. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Darbyshire (H. ) Precision grinding. 1907. ill. - - - 62305 Gringoire, comedie ; par T. de Banville ; with notes. 1903. - 44820 Grinling (Charles H.) Railways. In British industries. 1907. 33804 Grinnell (George B.) Blackfoot lodge tales. 1893. - - 39817 - Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales. 1893. ill. - - - 39816 Grip of fear ; by S. H. Burchell. 107 B 2 Grisly Grisell, a tale ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - - 2Y12 Groot (J. Morgan de) Jan Van Dyck [a novel]. - - 94 Gl Grosart (Alexander B.) Songs of the day and night. 1890. - 24501 Grossart (William) Historic notices of Shotts. 1880. - - 92014 Grossm ANN (J.) Ammonia and its compounds. 1906. - - 66101 Grote (George) History of Greece. 1888-1904. 10 v. map. 93803-12 Group of noble dames [stories] ; by T. Hardy. - - - - 21 H 14 Grove (Mrs. Lilly) and others. Dancing. 1901. ill. mus. - 79305 Grover (Frederick) Modern gas and oil engines. 1906. ill. - 62205 Groves (Charles E. ) and Thorp (W. ) eds. Chemical technology. 4 v. The contents will be found at Chemical technology. Growth, a novel ; by Graham Tra vers. 41 T 2 Grubb (A. P.) Housing of the citizen. In Citizen of to-morrow. 30409 Grubb (Herbert C.) Builder's quantities. 1904. ill. - - 69201 Gryll Grange [a story] ; by T. L. Peacock. 20 PI Guarded flame ; by W. B. Maxwell. 71M1 Guardian [essays] ; by J. Addison. In his Works, v. 4. - - El A 5 Guerre [drame] ; par E. Erckmann et A. Chatrian. - - - 201 E Guesses at truth ; by J. C. and A. W. Hare. 1897. - - - 82804 Guest (Antony) Art and the camera. 1907. ill. - - - 77003 Guild Court, a London story ; by G. MacDonald. - - - 10 M 10 Guilds. Penty (A. J.) The restoration of the gild system. 1906. 33801 - Unwin (G.) Industrial organization in the sixteenth and seven teeth centuries. 1904. ------ 33802 Guinea pig. See Cavies. Guinea stamp ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 35 Guiney (Louise I.) Hurrell Froude, memoranda and comments. F141 Guinness (Lucy E.) Across India. 1898. ill. maps. - - 27802 Guizot (Francois P. G.) Guillaume le Conquerant ; with notes. 44839 - History of France [587 b.c.-a.d. 1789] ; abridged. 1879. ill. 93104 Guizot, Francois P. G. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 3. 1850. - E3A3 Guizot, Pauline de. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 1. 1901. Ell SI 147 GUL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Gull (Cyril A. E. Ranger) "I believe," and other essays. 1907. E5G1 "I believe" [Christianity]. The fires of Moloch [population]. The historicides of Oxford [Froude and other historians]. The brown and yellow peril. The menaces of modern sport. Vagrom men [unemployed]. An author's post-bag. - The harvest of love. 96 Gl Gulliver's travels ; by J. Swift. 2 copies. .... 152S1 Guvnyox (William) Illustrations of Scottish history, life, and superstition from song and ballad. 1877. - - 91843 Guns. For list of related subjects, see Sports. - Harrison (E. ) Guns and shooting. 1906. ill. - - - 79918 - See also Rifle. Gunsaulus (Frank \V.) Paths to the city of God. 1906. - - 17121 - Young men in history. 1899. 17006 Gutter's Modern confectioner and biscuit baker ; by W. Jeanes. 64202 Gustavus Adolphus. Fletcher (C. R. L.) Gustavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. 1903. bibl. port. ill. map. G141 Guthrie (Arthur) Rowley letters from France and Italy. 1907. 93306 Guthrie, James. In Carslaw (W. H.) Six martyrs. 1907. port. ill. 99827 Guttmann (Oscar) Blasting. 1906. ill. 62516 Guy, Thomas. In Knight (C.) Shadows of old booksellers. 1865. 99712 Guy Fawkes, or, the gunpowder treason ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 16 A 3 Guy Mannering, or, the astrologer; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35 S3 Guyau (Jean Iff. J Education and heredity. 1891. mem. port. 37004 Guyot (Yves) The comedy of protection. 1906. - - - 33706 Gwynn (Stephen L.) Tennyson, a critical study. - - - 82402 Gyfford, Mrs. Catherine. Biddulph (J.) An Englishwoman in India two hundred years ago. 1907. .... 94806 Gymnastics. Betts (J. B.) A system of free gymnastics, ill. - 61320 Gypsies. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Borrow (G.) The Zincali, the gypsies of Spain. 1893. - - 39701 With a vocabulary of their language. Gypsy Roy, a story of early Methodism ; by Harry Lindsay. - 78L1 H— family ; by F. Bremer. 86B3 Habakkuk. See Bible. Habberton (John) Helen's babies. - 1H1 - Other people's children. 1H2 Hacket, John. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Hacket's Life of Arch- bishop Williams. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. - E3S1 Haddex (James C. ) George Thomson, the friend of Burns. 1898. ill. T011 - Thomas Campbell [a biography]. 1899. C361 Haddon (Alfred C. ) Magic and fetishism. 1906. - - - 29903 Hadow (W. H.) Sonata form, mm.- ■ - - - - 78106 Haeckel (Ernst) Last words on evolution. 1906. port. ill. - 57524 148 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HAL Haggai. See Bible. Haggard (Henry Rider) Beatrice, a novel. - - - - 3H16 - Black heart and white heart, and other stories. - - - 3H3 - Cleopatra. 3H7 - Colonel Quaritch, V.C., a tale of country life. - - - 3H15 - Dawn. - - - - - 3H18 - Doctor Therne. - - - 3H21 - Eric Brighteyes. 3H11 - Jess. - - - - - - - - - - -3H2 - Joan Haste. 3H17 - King Solomon's mines. - 3H1 - Allan Quatermain [a sequel to "King Solomon's mines 5 ']. - 3H5 - Allan's wife [a sequel to "Allan Quatermain"], and other tales. 3H6 - Lysbeth, a tale of the Dutch. - - 3H19 - Montezuma's daughter. 3H14 - Nada the lily. - 3H13 - The people of the mist. - - - - - - - - 3H9 - She, a history of adventure. - - - - - - 3H12 - Ayesha, the return of ' She.' 2 copies. 3H20 - Swallow, a tale of the great trek. 3H4 - The way of the spirit. - - - 3H22 - The witch's head. 3H10 - cmd Lang (A.) The world's desire. 3H8 Hakluyt, Richard. In Raleigh (W.) The English voyages. 1906. 90823 Halbaum (W. E. ) Ventilation, hi Coal-mining, v. 4. ill. - 62513 Haldane (James A. L.) How we escaped from Pretoria. 1901. ill. 96406 Haldane (Richard B.) Army reform, and other addresses. 1907. 35510 Fiscal policy. The dedicated life. Halden (G. M.) Setting out of tube railways. 1907. ill. plans. 62703 Hale (William J.) joint-author. See Smith (A.) Hales (A. G.) The watcher on the tower, a novel. - - - 7H1 Haliburton (Hugh). See Robertson (James L.) [Haliburton (Thomas C.)] Nature and human nature. - - 10H1 Hall (Charles A.) The art of remembering. 1906. - - 15402 Hall (G. S.) Youth, its education, regimen, and hygiene. 1907. 37011 Hall, Gordon. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99815 Hall (H. R.) Governors and governing mechanism. 1903. ill. 62133 Hall (H. S.) and Knight (S. R.) Elementary algebra. 1905. - 51201 - Higher algebra. 1905. 51202 - and Stevens (F. H.) Euclid's Elements. 1904. - - - 51301 Hall, Martin J. Hall(F. E. R.) "In full and glad surrender." port. H101 "The life and work of Martin J. Hall." Hall (Newman) Atonement, fundamental fact of Christianity. 23220 Hall (Owen) Eureka [a novel]. 130 HI Hall (Sir Samuel) Short history of Oxford movement. 1906. 28305 149 HAL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hall (William) Modern navigation. 1904. ill. - - - 52701 Hallam, Arthur H. In Brown (J.) Rab and his friends [etc.] - E2B4 Hallam (Henry) Constitutional history of England [1485-1760]. 34203 - Europe during the middle ages. 1901. - - 91006 Hallam, Henry. Macaulay (Lord) Hallam's Constitutional his- tory. In his Works. 82827 Halves, a novel ; by J. Payn. - - 18 P 8 Hamer (Sarah S.) An old chronicle of Leighton. - - - 13H1 Hamilton, Alexander [a biography] ; by H. C. Lodge. 1898. - H041 Hamilton (Angus) Korea. 1904. ill. map. - 95202 Hamilton (C. J.) Notable Irishwomen [biographies], ill. - 99608 Hamilton (Cosmo) Duke's son. 131H1 Hamilton, Emma, Lady [a biography] ; by W. Sichel. 1905. port. H151 Hamilton (Lord Ernest W.) Mary Hamilton [a romance]. - 125H2 - The perils of Josephine. 125H1 Hamilton (Sir Ian S. M.) Gen. A staff- officer's scrap-book. 2 v. 95102-3 Hamilton, Janet. Young (J.) Pictures in prose and verse, recollections of Janet Hamilton. 1877. - - - 302Y [Hamilton (John A.)] The MS. in a red box. - - - 132H1 Hamilton, Patrick. In Carslaw (W. H.) Six martyrs. 1907. ill. 99827 Hamilton (Sir Richard V.) Adm. Rodney ; Hood. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. 99609 Hamilton (Robert) History of British fishes. 2 v. col. ill. - 59704-5 Hamilton (William) Poems and songs, mem. - - - 82220 Hamilton, Sir William [his life and philosophy] ; by J. Veitch. - 19205 Hammerton (John A.) English humorists of to-day. 1907. Ul. 82714 - A young man's mind [conduct of life]. 17005 - ed. Stevensoniana, R. L. Stevenson. 1907. ill. - - - S221 Hammond (John L. Le B.) Charles James Fox, a political study. F051 Hampden, John. In Macaulay (Lord) Works. - 82827 Hand. Bell (Sir C.) The hand, its mechanism. 1885. ill. - 21504 Hand of Ethelberta ; by T. Hardy. 21 H 9 Handel, George F. [a biography] ; by C. F. A. Williams, bibl. port. H281 Handful of leaves [poems]. 1905. 501 H Handrailing. For related subjects, see Carpentry. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Practical handrailing. 1905. ill. - - 69405 Handsome Humes ; by W. Black. - - - - - 62 B 3 Handwriting. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Johnston (E.) Writing and illuminating [etc.] 1906. ill. - 74502 Handy Andy, a tale of Irish life ; by S. Lover. - 54L1 Hannah [a novel]; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. HOC 16 Hannay (David) [Literature of] The later renaissance. 1898. - 80908 Hannibal. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 2. 1850. - - - E3A2 Hans of Iceland [a novel] ; by V. Hugo. 102H3 Happiness. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. 150 . HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HAR Happiness. Avebury (Lord) Duty of happiness. In his Pleasures of life. E2A1 Sheer (T. R.) The way to happiness. 1907.- - - - 17124 Happy moralist [essays] ; by H. Bland. [1907]. - - - E8B1 Hapsburgs. Smith (J. W. G.) The cradle of the Hapsburgs. H231 Hara (0 Hashnu) Practical clairvoyance and telepathy. - - 13404 Harben (Will N.) The Georgians, a novel. ... - 124H1 Hard cash ; by C. Reade. - - - - - - 16 R 12 A sequel to " Love me little, love me long," 16R14. Hard times ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. 30D12 Harding scandal ; by F. Barrett. 20 Bl Hardwick (A. A.) An ivory trader in north Kenia. 1903. ill. 96102 Hardy (Francis H.) To the healing of the sea, a novel. - - 123H1 Hardy (IzaD.) MacGilleroy's millions. - - - - - 18 HI Hardy (Thomas) Poems of the past and the present. 1903. - 401 H - Wessex poems, and other verses. 1903. ill. - 402 H - Desperate remedies, a novel. - - - - - - - 21 H 11 - Far from the madding crowd. 21H10 - A group of noble dames [stories]. - 21 H 14 - The hand of Ethelberta. - - - - - - - - 21 H 9 - A Laodicean, a story of to-day. 21 H 8 - Life's little ironies, tales. A few crusted characters. - - 21 H 13 - The mayor of Casterbridge. 21 H4 - A pair of blue eyes. 21H1 - The return of the native. - - - - - - 21 H 2 - The trumpet-major, a tale. - 21 H3 - Two on a tower. - - - - - - - - 21 H 7 - Under the greenwood tree. - 21 H 6 - Wessex tales. 21H5 An imaginative woman. The three strangers. The withered arm. Fellow-townsmen. Interlopers at the Knap. The distracted preacher. - The woodlanders. - - - - - - - - - 21 H 12 Hardy Norseman ; by Edna Lyall. 67L11 Hare (Christopher) A queen of queens [Isabella] and the making of Spain. 1906. ill. map. 1041 Hare (J uliusC. and A. W.) Guesses at truth. 1897. mem. port. 82804 Harland (Sir Edward J.) Shipbuilding in Belfast. With Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. 1905. - - 99703 Harland (Henry) The cardinal's snuff-box. - - - - 23 HI - My friend Prospero. 23 H 2 Harley Greenoak's charge ; by B. Mitford. - - - - 97 Ml Harmonium. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Farmer (H.) New harmonium tutor. 4°. 78619 Harmony. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Burrowes (J. F.) Harmony and thorough-bass primer, mus. 78107 - Colberg (P. ) Harmony progressively arranged, mus. - - 78112 151 HAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Harmony. Stainer (Sir J.) Harmony, mus. - 78104 Harnack (Adolph) Monasticism, its ideals and history. The confessions of St. Augustine. 1901. .... 27102 Harold, the last of the Saxon kings ; by Lord Lytton. - - - 74L5 Harper (Chas. G.) A practical handbook of drawing. 1901. ill. 74102 Harper (Frederick) Echoes from the undying word, sermons. 25209 Harper, H. A. King ( W. L. M. ) Secret of heroism, memoir of Harper. H031 Harper (J. W.) Education and social life. 1907. - - - 37003 - ed. Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 22318 Harper (Malcolm McL.) The bards of Galloway. 1889.- - 82407 - Rambles in Galloway. 1876. ill. 92010 Harraden (Beatrice) The fowler. 24H3 - Katharine Frensham, a novel. 24H1 - Ships that pass in the night. 24H2 Harris (G. M. ) The garden city movement. 1906. ill.- - 35211 Harris (Joel C.) Tales of the home folks in peace and war. - 26H5 - Uncle Remus. - - - - - - 26H3 - Nights with Uncle Remus. - - - - . - - - 26H4 - Told by Uncle Remus. 26 H 2 Harrison (Benjamin) The constitution and administration of the United States of America. 1897. - - ' - - 34208 Harrison (Mrs. Burton) Latter-day sweethearts. - - - 28H1 Harrison (C. G.) Transcendental universe [Theosophy]. 1896. 13307 Harrison (E.) Guns and shooting. 1906. ill. - - - - 79918 Harrison (Frederic) The choice of books, and other pieces. - E4H1 Culture, a dialogue. Past and present. The romance of the peerage [Beaconsfield's " Lothair"]. Froude's Life of Carlyle. [Cross's] Life of George Eliot. Historic London. Bernard of Clairvaux. A few words about the 18th century. Histories of the French- revolution. A few words about the 19th century. [Etc.] - Memories and thoughts, men, books, cities, art. 1906. - - E4H2 - Oliver Cromwell [a biography]. 1888. C029 - The philosophy of common sense. 1907. ... - 14601 Harrison (J. A. and W. J.) Experiments in elementary science. 53005 Harrison (John) Oure tounis colledge, Edinburgh. 1884. - 37802 Harrison, John. In Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. 99703 Harrison (Matthew) The English language. 1848. - - 42004 Harrison (Newton) Electric-wiring and switchboards. 1906. - 62404 - Electrical engineering. With Hiscox (G. D.) Modern steam engineering. 1907. ill. 62116 Harrison (W. J.) and Bailey (R. J.) Chemistry for all. 1903. ill. 54002 Harrod (Frances) The taming of the brute. .... 127H1 Harry Lorrequer, Confessions of ; by C. Lever. 2 copies. - - 39 LI Harry Richmond, Adventures of ; by G. Meredith. - - - 82 M 7 Hart (Albert B.) Salmon Portland Chase [a biography]. 1899. C201 Harte (Francis Bret) Choice works. 1903. mem. port. - 81804 Sketches. Stories. Bohemian papers. Sensation novels condensed. Poems. 152 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HAW Hartk (Francis Bret) Poems and drama. 1893. port. - - Colonel Starbottle's client, and some other people. - - On the old trail [stories]. - A waif of the plains. - Susy [a sequel to " A waif of the plains "]. ... - - Clarence [a sequel to "Susy"]. ------ - Three partners [a sequel to "Clarence"]. - Hartmann (Robert) Anthropoid apes. 1885. ill. - Hartog (P. J.)andLANGDON(MRS. A. H. ) Writing of English. 1907 Harvard lectures on revival of learning ; by J. E. Sandys. 1905. Harvest of love ; by C. A. E. R. Gull. Harvey (James) Essays on astrology. 1906. - Harvey (W. F.) ed. Danish self-taught. 1903. Harvey (William) ed. Harp of Stirlingshire [an anthology]. - Harvey (William H.) A manual of the British alga?. 1841. - Harveys [a novel] ; by H. Kingsley. ------ Hasluck (Paul N.) ed. Cabinetwork and joinery. - Cassell's Carpentry and joinery. 1907. ill. - - Domestic hot-water apparatus. 1907. ill. - Electro-plating. 1906. ill. . - Practical brickwork. 1905. ill. - - Practical handrailing. 1905. ill. - -~ Practical pattern-making. 1905. ill. - - Sanitary construction in building. 1906. ill. - Sanitary conveniences and drainage. 1906. ill. - Sewing machines, their construction and repair. - Window blinds, their making and fixing. 1907. - Woodworking, tools, materials, and processes. Hastings, Marquis of. In Morris (H.) Governors-general. Hastings, Warren. In Macaulay (Lord) Works. - In Morris (EI.) Governors-general of India, v. 1. port. Hastings. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1905. 1907. col. ill. 701 H 33H2 33H4 33H6 33H5 33H3 33H7 59909 42808 87003 96G1 13301 43902 82227 58904 26K4 69404 69402 69701 62434 69302 69405 67106 62804 62803 68703 69407 69401 99823 82827 99823 90404 Hats. For lists of related subjects, see Chemical technology. Industries. - Smith (W.) The chemistry of hat manufacturing. 1906. ill. 68704 Hatzfeldt (Count Paul) Letters to his wife, 1870-1. port. - H161 Hauff (Wilhelm) Das Bild des Kaisers ; with notes. 1893. - 43817 Haunted hotel ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 2 copies. - - - 75 C 11 Haunted town ; by E. F. Heddle. - - - - - 49 H 2 Haunters of the silences, animal life ; by C. G. D. Roberts, ill. 59125 Hausner (A.) Preserved foods and sweetmeats. 1902. ill. - 66403 Haverfield (F. J.) The Romanization of Roman Britain, ill.- 91335 Havergal (Frances R.) Poetical works, port. - - - 1101 H Havergal (Maria V. G.) Autobiography. 1887. port.- - H221 Hawke, Edward, Lord. Barrows (M.) Life of Hawke. 1896. - H021 Fremantle (Sir E. R.) Hawke. In From Howard to Nelson, port. 99609 153 1905. ill. 1906. ill . - ill. - port. plan. HAW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hawking. See Falconry. Hawkins (C. C.) and Wallis (F.) The dynamo. ]903. ill. - 62410 Hawkins, Sir John. Walling (R. A. J.) A sea-dog of Devon. H191 Hawthorn and lavender, with other verses ; by W. E. Henley. 1906. 602 H Hawthorne (Julian) Fortune's fool. 41 HI Hawthorne (Nathaniel) The Blithedale romance. - - - 42H5 - The house of the seven gables. 42H4 - Mosses from an old manse. 42 H 3 - The new Adam and Eve [etc.] - 42 HI 11 A second series of ' Mosses from an old manse.' " - The scarlet letter. 42 H 2 - Tangle wood tales. 42 H 7 - Transformation, or, the romance of Monte Beni. - - - 42 H 10 - Twice-told tales. - 42H8 - The snow image [and other twice-told tales]. - - - 42 H 6 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Conway (M. D.) Life of Hawthorne, bibl. H261 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library. E4S1 - In Vincent (L. H. ) American literary masters. 1906. - - 81001 Hay (Alfred) Alternating currents. 1907. ill. - - - 62416 Hay (Ian) " Pip," a romance of youth. 126H1 Hay (James) Sir Walter Scott [a biography]. 1899. - - S082 Hay (Sir John CD.) Lines from my log-books. 1898. port. ill. map. H141 Hay (Sir John D.) A memoir. 1896. port. ill. - - - H201 Haycraft (John B.) Darwinism and race progress. 1900. - 57518 Hayden (Arthur) Chats on old prints. 1906. ill. - - - 76002 Haydn, Franz J. In Mason (D. G. ) Beethoven and his forerunners. 78011 Haynes (Alfred E.) Man-hunting in the desert, the Palmer search expedition, 1882-3. 1894. ill. - 94410 Hayward (Frank H.) Education as interpreted by Herbart. - 37006 - The secret of Herbart. 1907. 37013 A reply to James's " Talks to teachers on psychology," 37001. Hazell and Sons ; by A. S. Swan. 148S25 Hazlitt (William) English poets. English comic writers. - 82004 - Sketches and essays. Winterslow. 1900. - - - - El HI - The spirit of the age, or, contemporary portraits. 1894. - E1H2 Jeremy Bentham. William Godwin. Home Tooke. Sir Walter Scott. Mr. Malthus. Mr. Gilford. [Etc.] Hazlitt, William. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. 82103 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. - - E4S2 Hazlitt (William C.) The book-collector. 1904. ill. - - 01002 - Studies in jocular literature. 1890. 82713 He fell in love with his wife ; by E. P. Roe. .... 56R5 He loved but one ; by F. F. Moore. 106M12 He that will not when he may ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - 6011 Head of the family, a novel ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - 110C1 Headlam (Cecil) Friends that fail not, essays. 1902. - - E7H1 154 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HEA Headlong Hall [a story] ; by T. L. Peacock. - - - - 20 P 2 Headsman, a tale ; by J. F. Cooper. 88C12 Health. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - In Avebury (Lord) Pleasures of life. 1905. - - Brown (J.) Plain words on health. In his Horse subsecivse, v. 1. - Cavanagh (F.) The care of the body. 1907. - - Cornaro (L.) Methods of attaining a long and healthful life. - - Curtis (E.) Nature and health. 1906. - Davies (N. E. Y.) Health and condition, active and sedentary. - Douglas (C. C.) The laws of health, school hygiene. 1907. ill. - Henderson (M. F.) The aristocracy of health. 1906. I" A study of physical culture, our favorite poisons." Kingsley (C.) Health and education [essays]. 1887. - Sanitary and social lectures and essays. 1902. - The science of health. The two breaths. Thrift. Nausicaa in London, or, the lower education of women. The air-mothers. Great cities and their influence. Heroism. " A mad world, my masters." [Etc.] Porter (C. ) School hygiene. 1906. ill. - Schofield (A. T.) The home life in order, hygiene. 1906. ill. - Webster (Mrs. J. J. ) Beauty and health in youth and age. 1907. - Whipple (L. E.) Practical health. 1907. .... E2A1 E2B1 61319 61317 61322 61324 37105 61321 E1K3 E1K1 37111 61323 61315 61318 Children. Cigarettes. Food. Physical education. 1906. - See also Alcohol. Youth. Health, Public. Bailey (E. H. S. ) Sanitary chemistry. "Water, air, and food." - Gerhard (W. P.) Guide to sanitary house-inspection. 1885. - Jephson (H. ) The sanitary evolution of London. 1907. map - Kingzett (C. T. ) Nature's hygiene and sanitary chemistry. - Newman (G.) The health of the state. 1907. - Parkes (L. C.) and Kenwood (H. R. ) Hygiene and public health. 61408 - Shaw (A. H. ) Elementary science applied to sanitation and plumbers' work. 1906. ill. - - See also Bacteria. Bread. Children. Contagion. Heart of man ; by S. K. Hocking. Heart of Midlothian ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. Heart of oak, a three stranded yarn ; by W. Clark Russell. Heart of Princess Osra ; by Anthony Hope. ... - Heart that knows ; by C. G. D. Roberts. Hearts are trumps ; by Sarah Tytler. . _ . . - Heart's harmony ; by E. M. Forbes. Hearts of Wales, an old romance : by Allen Raine. - - * - Heart's problem ; by C. Gibbon. Heartsease, or, the brother's wife ; by C. M. Yonge. - Heat. For list of related subjects heat, see Engineering. - In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 8 155 61411 61404 61402 61407 61403 62807 67H13 35S11 75R7 82H7 41R2 57T5 34F1 5R2 21G3 2Y30 see Physics ; for applications of 1903. ill. - - 03209 HEA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Heat. In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 2. 1904. - 53601 - Dexter (J. S.) Exercises on sound, light, and heat. 1901. ill. 53605 - Edser (E.) Heat for advanced students. 1906. ill. - - 53608 - Glazebrook (R. T.) Heat, an elementary text-book. 1906. ill. 53609 - Maxwell (J. C.) Theory of heat. 1904. ill. - - . - - 53607 - Nernst (W.) Experimental and theoretical applications of thermodynamics to chemistry. 1907. .... 53604 - Robson (E. S. A.) Practical exercises in heat. 1902. ill. - 53606 - Swinburne (J.) Entropy. 1904. ill. 53603 " Thermodjmamics from an engineer's standpoint." - Tyndall (J.) Heat, a mode of motion. 1904. ill. - - - 53602 Heath (H. L.) The infant, the parent, and the state. 1907. ill. 61406 Heath (Sidney) Our homeland churches. 1907. ill. - - 72605 Heathcote (John M.) and others. Tennis. Lawn tennis. [Etc.] 79609 Heather and snow, a novel ; by G. MacDonald. - - - - 10 M 34 Heating. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Griffiths (H.) The plenum or propulsion system of heating and ventilation. [1905]. ill. 69702 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Domestic hot- water apparatus. 1907. ill. 69701 - Thomas (J. W.) Heating [etc.] of dwellings. 1906. ill. - 62801 Heaven. For related subjects, see Future state. - Jeremias (A.) The Babylonian heaven and hell. 1902. bibl- 29906 Heber (Reginald) Bp. Poetical works. 1875. port. - - 801 H Hebrew language. See Language, Hebrew. Hebrew literature. See Literature, Jewish. Hebrew literature of Wisdom ; by J. F. Genung. 1906. - - 22408 Hebrews. See Jews. Hebrews, Epistle to the. See Bible. Hebrides. Miller (H. ) Cruise of the Betsey. 1897.- - - 55401 " A [geologist's] holiday in the Hebrides." Heddle (Ethel F.) A haunted town. 49 H 2 - The secret of the turret. ' - - - 49 H 3 Hedges (Killingworth) Modern lightning conductors. 1905. - 53704 Hedin (Sven) Adventures in Tibet. 1904. ill. - - - 94904 Hedley (G. W.) joint-author. See Wilson (F. R. L.) Heeren, A. H. L. Carlyle (T.) Life of Heyne. In his Essays, v. 2. E1C2 Hegel, GeorgW.F. Stirling (J. H.) The secret of Hegel. 1865. 2 v. 19305-6 Heidelberg, or, the winter-king ; by G. P. R. James. - - 6 J 15 Heidenmauer, a legend of the Rhine; by J. F. Cooper. - - 88 C 13 Heilprin (Angelo) The distribution of animals. 1887. - - 59108 Heilprin (Louis) A table of universal history to 1892. - - 90203 Hein (G.) Exercises in French conversation and composition. - 44875 Heine (Heinrich) Lieder und Gedichte ; with notes. 1907. - 43841 - Poems; trans, by E. A. Bowring. 1905. mem. - - - 1001 H Heine, Heinrich. Eliot (George) German wit. In her Essays. - E1E2 Heinrich von Eichenfels ; von C. von Schmid ; notes. 1899. - 43839 156 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HEN Heir [a novel] ; by Sydney C. Grier. 67G1 Heir of Redclyffe [a story] ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - 2Y35 Heir of the ages ; by J. Payn. 18P17 Heir presumptive and heir apparent ; by Mrs. ML 0. W. Oliphant. 6015 Heirs of Errington ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W3 Helbeck of Bannisdale [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward.- - - 14W7 Helen [a novel] ; by M. Edgeworth. 10E6 Helen Adair [a novel] ; by G. Louis Becke. - - - 35 B 3 Helen of Troy, N.Y. [a novel] ; by \Y. S. Jackson. - - - 43 Jl Helen's babies ; by J. Habberton. 1H1 Hell. Jeremias (A.) The Babylonian heaven and hell. 1902. bibl. 29906 Hello (Ernest) Studies in saintship. 1903. .--- 99825 Helm (Elijah) The cotton industry. In British industries. 1907. 33804 [Helps (Sir Arthur)] Friends in council. 1894-1900. 2 v. - E6H1-2 1. Education. History. Reading. On giving and taking criticism. On the art of living. Improvement of the condition of the rural poor. Government. Slavery. 2. Worry. War. Criticism. Arts of self-advancement. On the miseries of human life. Life not so miserable, after all. Pleasantness. Government. Despotism. The need for tolerance. [Etc.] Hemy (Henri F.) Tutor for the pianoforte, fo. mus. - - 78607 Henderson (Ernest F.) Short history of Germany to 1871. 1906. 92705 Henderson (George) Lady Nairne and her songs. 1906. ill. N051 Henderson (Hy. F.) Religious controversies of Scotland. 1905. 27508 Henderson (John) Electricity and magnetism. 1898. ill. - 53711 Henderson (Mary F.) The aristocracy of health. 1906. - - 61321 Henderson (T. F. ) The auld Ayrshire of Robert Burns. 1906. ill. 91903 - Robert Burns [a biography]. 1905. ill. .... B065 - and Watt (F. ) Scotland of to-day. col. ill. - - - 91829 Henderson (W. J.) The art of the singer. 1906. - - - 78405 Hendrick (Burton J.) The story of life insurance. 1907. Ul. 36801 Hendrix (Eugene R.) Bp. The religion of the incarnation. - 23235 Henham (Ernest G.) Menotah, a tale of the Riel rebellion. - 133H1 Henley (William E. ) Essay on Burns. In The poetry of Burns, v. 4. 113 B - For England's sake, verses and songs in time of war. 1900. - 603 H - Hawthorn and lavender, with other verses. 1906.- - - 602 H - A song of speed. 1903. 601 H i- Views and reviews, essays in appreciation, art. 1902. - - 70407 Henrietta Temple, a love story ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - 31 Bl Henrietta's wish ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y14 Henry II. Green (Mrs. J. R.) Henry the Second. 18S8. - - H181 Henry V. Church (A. J.) Henry the Fifth [a biography]. 1891. port.R131 Henry VII. In Innes (A. D.) Ten Tudor statesmen. 1906. port. 99822 Henry VIII. In Innes (A. D.) Ten Tudor statesmen. 1906. port. 99822 Henry (J. Q. A.) The deadly cigarette, juvenile smoking, ill. 61316 Henry, Patrick [a biography] ; by M. C. Tyler. 1898. - - H051 Henry Esmond, History of ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 12 T 7 Henry Masterton, adventures of a young cavalier ; by G. P. R. James. 6 J 3 157 HEN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Henry of Guise, or, the states of Blois ; by G. P. R. James. - 6 J 16 Henslow (George) How to study wild flowers. 1906. ill. - 58205 Henslow, JohnS., Memoir of ; by L. Jenyns. 1862. bibl. port. H071 Henson (Herbert H.) Christian marriage. 1907. - - - 17311 Hepworth (T. C. ) The book of the lantern. 1899. ill. - - 53506 Her Benny ; by S. K. Hocking. 67 HI ' Her Ladyship,' a romance ; by T. W. Speight. - - - 96S2 Her lord and master, a tale ; by F. Marryat. - - - - 51 M 3 Her Majesty's minister ; by W. Le Queux. - 36L2 Her memory ; by Maarten Maartens. 2M2 Heraldry. For list of related subjects, see Biography. - Da vies (A. C. F.) Heraldic badges. 1907. ill. - - - 99906 Herbart, Johann F. Hay ward (F. H.) The meaning of education as interpreted by Herbart. 1907. - - - - - 37006 - - The secret of Herbart. 1907. 37013 A reply to James's " Talks to teachers on psychology," 37001. Herbert (Fern and) Anecdotes [In French]. 1900. - - - 44859 Herbert, George. In Walton (I. ) Lives, bibl. - 99813 Herbert of Lea, Sidney, Lord, a memoir ; by Lord Stanmore. 2 v. H 241-2 Herd (David) ed. Ancient and modern Scottish songs, etc. 2 v. 82217-8 Heredia, Jose-Maria de. In Gosse (E. W. ) Critical kit-kats. 1896. E6G1 Heredity. For related subjects, see Evolution. Mind and body. - Guyau (J. M. ) Education and heredity. 1891. - - - 37004 - Lock (R. H.) Recent progress in heredity [etc.] 1907. ill - 57527 - In Romanes (G. J.) Darwin and after Darwin, v. 2. 1895. ill. 57510 - Saleeby (C. W.) Heredity. [1905]. 57521 - Weismann (A. ) Heredity and biological problems. 2 v. bibl. 57507-8 - Weldon (W. F. R.) Inheritance in animals and plants. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - - - 50421 Hereford, Cathedral church of ; by A. H. Fisher. 1898. ill. plan.72602 Heretics [essays]; by G. K. Chesterton. 1907. - - - E7C1 Here ward the Wake, 'last of the English' ; by C. Kingsley. 2 copies. 24 K 4 Herford (Chas. H. ) [Literature of] The age of Wordsworth. - 82106 Heriot (T. H. P. ) Science in sugar production. 1907. ill. - 66408 Heriots [a story] ; by Sir H. S. Cunningham. .... 133 CI Heritage of the free, or, more than conquerors ; by David Lyall. 66 L 5 Herkless (John) Cardinal Beaton [a biography]. 1891. - - B191 - The early Christian martyrs. - ♦ 27205 - ed. Hebrews, Peter, James, and Jude ; notes. (Temple Bible). 22815 Hermann und Dorothea ; von J. W. von Goethe; notes. - - 43816 Hermits. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. - Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1885. ill. 99809 Saint Antony. Saint Paul. Hilarion. Simeon Stylites. Saint Severinus. Celtic hermits. Saint Godric. [Etc.] Hernani, drame ; par V. Hugo ; with notes. 1904. - - - 44848 Heroes. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. 158 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HIG Heroes. Carlyle (T.) Heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. E1C11 - Clifford (H.) Heroes of exile. 1906. 99510 Earliest exile of St. Helena [Fermio Lopez]. Romance of a Scots family [Ross]. King of the Sedangs [Comte de Ray]. Wreckage of empire [Cambodia]. "A hungry heart" [Ibn Batuta]. Time and Tobago. Story of Jose Rizal, the Filipino. A dying kingdom [Brunei]. Record of Somdet Phra, sometime King of Siam. Heroes of the nations series, illustrated biographies. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Heroes, or, Greek fairy tales ; by C. Kingsley. - - - 24 K 3 Heroism. In Kingsley (C. ) Sanitary and social lectures. 1902. E1K1 Herr Paulus [a novel] ; by Sir W. Besant. - - - - 49 Bl Herrick (Robert) Memoirs of an American citizen [a story]. - 128 HI Herrick (Robert) Poetical works. 2 v. mem. port. - - 901-2 H Hertslet (Sir E.) Recollections of the old Foreign Office. 1901. H081 Hervey (Maurice H. ) Trade policy of imperial federation. 1892. 33702 Hesiod. [Works and days ; The theogony ; Shield of Hercules] ; trans, by C. A. Elton. 1895. bibl. mem. - - - 88304 Hester, a story of contemporary life; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. 6012 Hetty Wesley [a novel] ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - - - 99 C 4 Hewitt (G. C.) Wood-carving. 1900. ill. .... 73601 Hewlett (Maurice) The fool errant. 57 H 2 - The queen's quair. 57 HI Heyne, Christian G. Carlyle (T.) LifeofHeyne. In his Essays, v. 1. E1C1 Hichens (Robert S.) The black spaniel, and other stories. - 58 H 2 - The woman with the fan. 58 HI Hicks (John W.) Vocations for our sons. 1906. - - - 65802 Hickson (Sidney J.) The fauna of the deep sea. 1894. ill. - 59127 Hidden beauties of nature [microscopy] ; by R. Kerr. ill. - 59301 Hidden manna ; by A. J. Dawson. - - - - - 19 Dl Hide and seek ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75C19 Higgins (Sydney H. ) Dyeing in Germany and America. 1907. 66714 Higgs (James) Fugue, mus. 78103 Higgs (Mary) Glimpses into the abyss. 1906. - 33901 High toby ; by H. B. M. Watson. 26W1 A sequel to "Galloping Dick," 26W2. High treason, a romance of the days of George the Second. . - 59H1 Highcroft Farm ; by J. S. Fletcher. - - - - - 30F1 Highland homilies ; by W. Forsyth. 1907. .... 25229 Highland pulpit, sermons ; by M. Macaskill. 1907. - - - 25222 Highlands and Highlanders. Beaton (A. J.) Social and econ- omic condition of the Highlands since 1800. 1906. ill. - 92202 - Campbell (J. F.) ed. Popular tales of the west Highlands [In Gaelic and English]. 1890-3. 4 v. ill. - - - 39803-6 - Campbell (J. G.) Superstitions of the Highlands. 1900. - 39809 Witchcraft and second sight in the Highlands. 1902. - 39818 159 HIG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Highlands and Highlanders. Colquhoun (J. ) The moor and the loch [sport]. 1888. ill. 79919 - Kennedy (J.) Old Highland days, reminiscences, ill. - - K031 - Lauder (Sir T. D.) Tales of the Highlands. 1881. ill. - 39810 - Mackenzie (W. C.) History of the Scottish Highlands. 1907. 92207 - Skene (W. F.) The Highlanders of Scotland. 1902. - - 92201 - Victoria (Queen) Our life in the Highlands. 1868. ill. - V024 More leaves from a journal of a life in the Highlands, 1862-82. 1885. ill. V026 - Weld (C. R.) Two months in Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. - 92206 Hilarion, Saint. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1885. ill. - 99809 Hildebrand. See Gregory VII. Hill (Adams S.) The foundations of rhetoric. .... 80814 - The principles of rhetoric. - - - - - - - 80815 Hill (Constance) The house in St. Martin's Street. 1907. ill. B261 "Chronicles of the Burney family." - Juniper Hall. 1905. ill. - - - - - - - 91712 "A rendezvous of certain illustrious personages during the French revolution, including Alexandre d'Arblay and Fanny Burney." Hill (Frederic) An ^autobiography [1803-93]. port. - - H061 Hill (Gray) With the Beduins in Syria. 1891. ill. map. - 94416 Hill (Julian) Great English poets. 1907. ill. - - - 99905 Hills (H. F.) Gas and gas fittings. 1902. ill. - - - 66502 Hilly ars and the Burtons ; by H. Kingsley. - - - 26 K 2 Hinduism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Barnett (L. D.) Hinduism. 1906. bibl. .... 29403 Hinkson (Henry A.) Copyright law. 1903. .... 34707 - The king's deputy, a romance. 64H1 - The splendid knight. - - - - - - - - 64 H 2 Hinsdale (B. A. ) The art of study. - 37008 Hinton (C. H.) An episode of flat land. - - - - 134 HI Hippolytus. Dods (M.) Hippolytus's Homily against Noetus. In his Erasmus, and other essays. 1891. - - - E4D1 Hird (Dennis) A picture book of evolution. 1906-7. 2 v. ill. 57529-30 His better half ; by G. Griffith. 99G1 His next of kin ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - - - 83W5 His people ; by R. B. 0. Graham. 48G2 His sombre rivals ; by E. P. Roe. 56R12 Hiscox (Gardner D. ) Gas, gasoline, and oil engines. 1906. ill. 62201 - Modern steam engineering. 1907. ill. -.•■-.-- 62116 Histoire de Manon Lescaut ; par A. F. Prevost d'Exiles. - - 57 PI Histoire du veritable Gribouille ; par George Sand. - - - 15 SI Histoires et lecons de choses ; par M. Pape-Carpantier. - - 84803 History. Histories of specific countries or subjects are entered under their names. For a list of these, and of headings subsidiary to history not here referred, see the classified table of subject- headings at the commencement of the catalogue. 160 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HOB History. Canning (A. S. G.) British writers on classic lands, a literary sketch. 1907. 82016 - In Carlyle(T.) Essays, v. 2, 4. E1C2, E1C4 - Fairbairn (A. M.) The place of Indo-European and Semitic races in history. In his Studies. 1876. - 20103 - Fiddes (E.) and others. Historical essays. 1907. maps. - 90406 The legend of St. Ursula and the eleven thousand virgins ; by Mrs. T. F. Tout. Wales and the March during the barons' wars, 125S-67 ; by T. F. Tout. The Italian bankers in England and their loans to Edward I. -II. ; by W. E. Rhodes. Pierre Dubois, a mediaeval radical ; by F. M. Powicke. Did Richard II. murder the Duke of Gloucester? by J. Tait. The borough of Preston and its Gild Merchant ; by H. W. Clemesha. The sumptuary laws of Venice in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries ; by M. M. Newett. Some aspects of Henry VIII. 's Irish policy ; by R. Dunlop. Elisabeth, Princess Palatine ; by A. W. Ward. The Miltonic ideal ; by G. A. Wood. The beginnings of the national debt ; by W. A. Shaw. The Moravian con- tribution to the evangelical revival in England, 1742-55 ; by J. E. Hutton. Xapoleon, the first phase ; by H. S. Wilkinson. The detention of Napoleon at St. Helena ; by J. H. Rose. [Etc.] - Froude (J. A.) The science of history. In his Short studies, v. 1. E2F1 Scientific method applied to history. In his Short studies. E2F2 - Grant (A. J.) ed. English historians. 1906. .... 90101 Extracts to illustrate the characteristics of English historians. - Gull (C. A. E. R.) The historicides of Oxford. In his <'I believe," and other essays. 1907. E5G1 - Harrison (F.) A few words about the 18th century; The 19th century. In his Choice of books [etc.] 1903. - E4H1 - Heilprin (L.) A table of universal history to 1S92.- - - 90203 - Historic sketches. In Cassell's Popular educator, v. 4-6. ill. 03205-7 - Lyall (Sir A. C.) History and fable. In his Asiatic studies. - 94718 - Mahaffy (J. P.) Prolegomena to ancient history. 1871. ill. - 90206 Interpretation of legends and inscriptions. A survey of old Egyptian literature. - Maurice (F. D.) Ancient history. In Friendship of books [etc.] E4M1 - Ploetz(C) An epitome of history. 90202 - Rawlinson (G.) A manual of ancient history [to a.d. 651]. - 90201 - Richards (F. T.) The eve of Christianity. 1902. - - - 90205 "A glance at the state of the world about the time of Augustus." - Schlegel (F. von) Philosophy of history, lectures. 1846. - 90102 - In Strong (S. A.) Critical studies. 1905. ill. - - - 82820 - See also Archaeology. Battles. Biography. Civilization. Crusades. Geography. Middle ages. Pioneering. Sieges. Travel. History of David Grieve [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward. - - 14 W 2 History of Henry Esmond ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 12 T 7 History of Pendennis ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12 T 5 History of Samuel Titmarsh; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies.- 82811 Hitchcock (Edward) The religion of geology. .... 55006 Hittites [history and civilization] ; by L. Messerschmidt. 1903. 94417 Hoare (J. D.) Arctic exploration. 1906. ill. maps. - - 99404 Hobart (Henry M.) Electric motors, their construction. 1904. 62403 Hobbes (John Oliver). See Craigie (Mrs. Pearl M. T.) f 161 HOB GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Hobbes (Thomas) English works. 11 v. port. - - 19209-19 1. Logic. First grounds of philosophy. Proportions of motions and magnitudes. Physics, or, the phenomena of nature. 2. Philosophical rudiments concerning government and society — liberty, dominion, and religion. 3. Leviathan. 4. Human nature. Decorpore politico, or, elements of law. Liberty and necessity. Answer to Bp. Bramh all's "Catching of the Leviathan." Manners, religion [etc.] of Hobbes. 5. Liberty, necessity, and chance. 6. Dialogue of the common laws of England. Behemoth, the causes of the civil wars of England, 1640-60. Art of rhetoric. 7. Seven philoso- phical problems. Decameron physiologicum, dialogues of natural philosophy. Lessons on geometry and astronomy to the professors of mathematics at Oxford University. Dr. Wallis's Geometry [etc.] 8-9. Trans, of History of the Grecian war written by Thucydides. 10. Trans, of the Iliads and Odysses of Homer. 11. General index. Hobbes, Thomas. In Robertson (J. M. ) Pioneer humanists. 1907. 99824 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - - E3S2 Hobbes on government. Hobbes's ' Leviathan.' Hobbes's minor works. Hobbs (L. M.) Thermo-dynamic principles of engine design. 1907. 62114 Hobson (John A.) Canada to-day. 1906. 96903 Hocking (Joseph) The chariots of the Lord. - - - - 65 H 3 - The man who rose again. ....... 65H4 - The purple robe. - ' - 65H2 - Roger Trewinion. 65H5 - The scarlet woman. 65H7 - The woman of Babylon. - - - - - - - - - 65H6 Hocking (Silas K. ) Alec Green. 67 H 3 - Crookleigh, a village story. 67 H 2 - The day of recompense. 67 H 9 - For Abigail, a west country story. 67 H 6 - For light and liberty. - - - 67 H 7 - God's outcast. 67H10 - The heart of man. 67H13 - Her Benny. 67H1 - Ivy, a tale of cottage life. 67H11 - Real grit. 67H5 - Sea-waif. 67H4 - A son of Reuben. 67H8 - The strange adventures of Israel Pendray. - - - - 67 H 12 - Where duty lies. - - 67 H 14 Hodder (Edwin) Truth in story, discourses for young people. 24901 Hodder (William R.) The doubling of Joseph Brereton. - - 68H1 Hodges (W. H.) and Powell (P.) Le Francais chez lui. - - 44853 "A French reader, with exercises on grammar." Hodgson (William E.) How to fish, trout. 1907. ill. - - 79913 Hoffding (Harald) The philosophy of religion. 1906. - - 20104 - The problems of philosophy. 1905. 10002 Hoffmann (Professor) ed. Hoyle's Games modernized. 1907. ill. 79309 Hogarth, Wm. iw Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) Painters. 99709 - Hazlitt (W.) The works of Hogarth. In his Lectures. 1884. 82004 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. - - 12T7 162 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HOM Hogg (James) Poems; selected by W. Wallace, mem. port. - 1201 H Hogg, James. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. - 82103 Hogge (J. M.) The facts of gambling. 1907. - 17403 Hoisting machinery. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Marks (E. C. R.) Cranes and other lifting machinery. 1904. 62302 Holcomb (H. H.) Men of might in India missions, 1706-1899. - 99815 Holding (T. H. ) Cycle and camp [in Connemara]. ill. - - 79616 Holdsworth (Annie E.) A garden of spinsters. - - - 73H1 Holland (Bernard) Imperium et libertas. 1901. - - - 91108 "A study in history and politics [British Empire]." Holland (Clive) How to use a camera. 1905. ill. - - 77102 Holland (Henry S.) and Rockstro (W. S.) Memoir of Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt, her early life, 1820-51. 1891. 2 v. ill. L101-2 Holland. Lucas (E. V. ) A wanderer in Holland. 1907. col. ill. 93010 - Motley (J. L.) The rise of the Dutch Republic. 189S. ill. map. 93001 Holmes (E. M.) British fungi. 1886. ill. - 58902 Holmes (Sir Geo. C. V.) Ancient and modern ships. 1906-7. 2 v. 62629-30 - The steam engine. 1897. ill. 62118 Holmes (James) Calculations in cotton weaving. 1903. - - 67719 Holmes (Oliver Wendell) Autocrat at the breakfast-table. - E5H2 - The professor at the breakfast-table. E5H1 - The poet at the breakfast- table. E5H3 - Our hundred days in Europe. 1895. - - - - - 91601 - Poetical works. 1896. port. 301H - Elsie Venner, a romance of destiny. 78 HI - A mortal antipathy. 78 H 2 Holmes, Oliver W. [a biography] ; by W. Jerrold. 1893. bibl. port. H271 Holmes (T.) Pictures and problems from London police courts. 36401 Holmes (Thomas R. E.) Ancient Britain and the invasions of Julius Caesar. 1907. ill. maps. 91337 Holro yd (Caroline C. ) Seething days, a romance. - - - 79 HI Holy dying; by J. Taylor. 24101 Holy Land. See Palestine. Holy living ; by J. Taylor. 24102 Holy Roman Empire [a. d. 193-1871]; by J. Bryce. maps. - 92701 Holy Spirit. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Cumming (J. E.) " Through the eternal spirit." - - - 23103 Holy war ; by J. Bunyan. 24404 Holyoake (Geo. J.) History of co-operation. 1906. 2 v. port. 33404-5 Home (Gordon) What to see in England. 1903. ill. map. - 91607 - Yorkshire dales and Cleveland fells. 1906. ill. - - - 91704 Home. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Ruskin (J. ) Home and its economies. In his On the old road. 70403 - Thayer (W. M.) Round the hearthstone. 1897. - - - 17307 - Thomson (J.) The domestic circle. 1S86. .... 17309 163 HOM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Home [a novel] ; by F. Bremer. 86 Bl Home again ; by G. MacDonald. 10M26 Home life ; by E. M. Sewell. 48S3 Home life in order, hygiene ; by A. T. Schofield. 1906. - - 61323 Home rule. Anderson (Sir R.) Sidelights on the home rule movement. 1906. 92614 - McDonnell (M. F. J. j Ireland and home rule movement. 1908. 92618 Home scenes and heart studies [stories] ; by G. Aguilar. - - 12 A 5 Homely virtues ; by J. Watson. 1903. 17118 Homer. Iliads; Odysses; trans, by T. Hobbes. - - - 19218 - Iliad and Odyssey ; trans, [into verse] by A. Pope. port. ill. 88303 - The Odyssey ; trans, into prose by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. 102H Homer. Alison (Sir A.) Homer, Dante [etc.] In his Essays. - E3A2 - In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 1. 1905. - E2F1 - Garnett (R.) On translating Homer. In his Essays. 1901. - E3G1 Homespun, a study of simple folk ; by A. S. Swan. - - - 148 S 31 Homo sum, a novel ; by G. Ebers. - 3E4 Homoeopathy. For list of related subjects, see Therapeutics. - Clarke (J. H. ) Homoeopathy explained. 1905. - - - 61503 - In Gairdner (Sir W. T.) The physician as naturalist. 1889. - 61002 Hongkong. In S. (D. W. ) European settlements in far east. 1900. 94306 Hood (Paxton) Christmas Evans [a biography]. 1900. - - E061 Hood ; Samuel, Viscount, Adm. Hamilton (Sir R. V.) Hood. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. map. - - - 99609 Hood (Thomas) Poetical works, mem. port. - 201 H - Poetical w r orks, selected, mem. 1301 H Hood, Thomas. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 2. 1895. - 82104 Hooker, Richard. Staley (V. ) Hooker [his life]. 1907. port. ill. H211 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Hooker's 'Ecclesiastical polity. 5 In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. E3S1 - In Walton (I.) Lives, bihl. - - - - - - 99813 Hooper (Frederick) The woollen and worsted industries of Yorkshire. In British industries. 1907. - - - 33804 Hooper (George) Waterloo, the downfall of Napoleon, plans. 93114 Hooton (W. M.) Experimental science [physics, chemistry]. - 53007 Hope (Anthony) The chronicles of Count Antonio. - - 82 H 3 - The Dolly dialogues. 82 H 9 - The god in the car. 2 copies. 82 H 6 - The heart of Princess Osra. - - - - - - - 82 H 7 - The intrusions of Peggy. 82H13 - A man of mark. 82H2 - Phroso, a romance. - - - - - - - - - 82 H 11 - The prisoner of Zenda. - - - - - - - - 82 HI - Pvupert of Hentzau [a sequel to " The prisoner of Zenda"]. - 82H8 - Quisante. 82H4 164 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HOU Hope (Anthony) A servant of the public. 82H10 - Simon Dale. 82 H 5 - Sophy of Kravonia. 82H12 Hope (Eva) Life of General Gordon. G024 Hope (Graham) My Lord Winchenden. 85 HI Hope the hermit, a novel ; by Edna Lyall. - - - 67 L 9 Hopes and fears ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y32 Hopkins (Tighe) The silent gate, a voyage into prison. - - 86 HI Hopley (Catherine C.) British reptiles and batrachians. ill. 59811 Horace in homespun, pastorals ; by J. L. Robertson. 1886. ill. 801R Hora3 Biblical, studies ; by A. Carr. 1903. .... 22011 Horae Sabbaticae [essays] ; by Sir J. F. Stephen. 1892. 3 v. E3S1-3 Horse subsecivae [essays] ; by J. Brown. 1897. 3 v. - E2B1-3 Hornaday (Wm. T. ) Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. 1906. 79923 Horner (Joseph G.) Practical metal turning. 1906. ill. - 62310 - Tools for engineers and woodworkers. 1905. ill. - - - 62313 Hornung (Ernest W.) Denis Dent. 89H2 - Raffles, the amateur cracksman. 89 HI Horology. See Time. Horse. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Dale (T. F.) The stable handbook. 1907. ill. - - - 63607 - Gordon (W. J.) The horse-world of London. 1893. ill. - 63610 Horse- shoeing. Hunting (W.) Art of horse-shoeing. 1905. ill. 68203 Horsemanship. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Lyall (J. G.) The merry gee-gee, to breed, break, and ride him. 79801 - See also Coaching. Horsley (Sir Victor) and Sturge (M. D.) Alcohol and the human body. 1907. ill. 61306 Hortense, Queen, and her friends; by I. A. Taylor. 1907. 2v. port. H251-2 Horton (Robert F.) For dawn or twilight [meditations].- - 24207 - [Sermons on] The Trinity. 1901. port. .... 23101 Hosea, See Bible. Hosiery. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Felkin (W.) History of machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures. 1867. ill. 67727 Hoskins (L. M.) A text-book on hydraulics. 1907. ill. • - 62705 Hosmer (George L.) joint-author. See Breed (Charles B. ) Hosmer (James K.) Samuel Adams [a biography]. 1885. - A061 Hossfeld's Dutch for the million ; with key. .... 43903 Hough (Emerson) The girl at the halfway house, a story. - 91H1 Houghton (Louise S.) Hebrew life and thought. 1906. - - 22005 Hound of the Baskervilles ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - 51 D 10 Sherlock Holmes series, No. 2. Hours in a library [essays] ; by Sir L. Stephen. 1899. 3 v. - E4S1-3 House-boat on the Styx ; by J. K. Bangs. 13B3 House by the river ; by F. Warden. 16 W 2 165 HOU GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. House decoration. For lists of related subjects, see Building. Decoration, - 69007 - 69804 Law (C. 0.) House decoration and repairs. 1907. 1902. col. ill. - Pearce ( W. ) Painting and decorating. - See also Stencilling. House divided ; by E. M. Jameson. 40J1 House of bondage ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - - 83 W 20 House of Commons. See Commons, House of. House of gentlefolk, a novel ; by I. Turgenev. - - - 41 Tl House of Halliwell, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 10W35 House of Lords. See Lords, House of. House of mirth ; by E. Wharton. 46W2 House of souls [stories] ; by A. Machen. ----- 144M1 House of the seven gables ; by N. Hawthorne. - - - - 42 H 4 House of the wolf, a romance ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - 45 W 7 House on the Hudson ; by F. Powell. 78P1 House painting. Pearce (W.) Painting and decorating. 1902. ill. 69804 - In Workshop wrinkles. 1901. - 69803 Household management. See Domestic economy. Household of faith, essays ; by G. W. E. Russell. 1902. - - 28303 Household of Peter ; by R. N. Carey. - - - . - - 20C4 Houses. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Law (C. O.) House decoration and repairs. 1907.- - - 69007 - Martin (A.) The small house, architecture, surroundings. 1906. 72803 - See also Cottages. Housing of working classes. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Allan (C. E. and F. J.) The Housing of the Working Classes Acts, 1890-1900. 1901. 33116 - Dewsnap (E. R.) The housing problem in England. 1907. - 33110 - George (W. L.) Housing schemes. In his Social progress. 1907. 30411 - Grubb (A. P.) Housing. In Citizen of to-morrow. 1906. bibl. 30409 - Kaufmann (M. ) Housing of working classes and the poor. 1907. 33109 - Meakin (B.) Model factories and villages. 1905. ill. - - 33103 Housman (Laurence) Thecloakof friendship [and other stories]. 129H1 Houston (J. A. C.) The daughter of Leontius [Athenais]. 1894. 93906 Hovelacque (Abel) The science of language. 1877. - - 41003 Ho venden (F.) Mathematics for young engineers. 1907. ill.- 51003 How (Frederick D.) The book of the child. 1907.- - - 15011 How, William Walsham, Bp., a memoir ; by F. D. How. 1898. port. H121 How like the King ; by Mrs. G. de H. Vaizey. - - - - 22 VI Howard (Burt E.) The German Empire. 1906. - - - 34205 Howard (Earl D. ) Recent industrial progress of Germany. 1907. 33013 Howard (Edward) Rattlin, the reefer; ed. by F. Marryat. - 52M22 Howard of Effingham, Charles, Lord. In Callender (G. A. R.) Sea kings of Britain. 1907. 99610 - Laughton (Sir J. K.) Howard. In From Howard to Nelson. 99609 Howe (F. S.) 14000 miles, a carriage, two women [in U.S.A.] 1906. 97319 166 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HUG Howe (Fred. C.) British city, beginnings of democracy. 1907. 35206 Howe, Richard, Earl, Adm. Jackson (Sir T. S.) Howe. 7?iFrom Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. 99609 Ho wells (William D.) My literary passions. 1895. - - 80402 - April hopes, a novel. 97 H 3 - Dr. Breen's practice, a novel. - - - - - - 97 HI - Mercy, a novel. 97 H 4 - The minister's charge. 97 H 2 - The story of a play, a novel. 97 H 6 - A traveller from Altruria, romance. - - - - 97 H 5 Howie (John) The Scots worthies, ill. 99814 Ho witt (William) The student-life of Germany 1841. ill. - 37110 - Visits to remarkable places [Great Britain]. 1902. ill. - 91502 Ho worth (Sir Henry H.) The mammoth and the flood. 1887. 55004 Hoyle's Games modernized ; ed. by Prof. Hoffmann. 1907. ill. 79309 Hudson, George. Carlyle (T.) Hudson's statue. In his Latter- day pamphlets. El C10 Hudson (William H.) A crystal age. 98H2 - Green mansions, a romance. 98 HI Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of; by Mark Twain. 2 copies. 52T7 A sequel to " The adventures of Tom Sawyer," 52 T 6. Hueffer (Ford M.) The benefactor, a tale of a small circle. - 99 H 2 - The fifth queen. 99H1 - Privy seal, his last venture [a sequel to "The fifth queen "]. - 99H4 - The fifth queen crowned [a sequel to "Privy seal"]. - - 99 H 3 - joint-author. See Conrad (Joseph). Hugh of Lincoln, St. Froude (J. A.) A bishop of the twelfth century. In his Short studies, v. 2. 1903. - - - E2F2 Hughes (Mrs.) Letters and recollections of Sir Walter Scott. - S083 Hughes (C. E.) ed. The praise of Shakespeare. 1904. - - 82507 Hughes (Herbert W.) A text-book of coal-mining. 1904. ill. 62507 Hughes (James L.) and Klemm (L. R.) Progress of education in the century. 1907. 37012 Hughes (Thomas) Memoir of Daniel Macmillan. 1883. - - M211 - Tom Brown's school days. - 101 H 2 - Tom Brown at Oxford. 101 HI Hugo (Victor) Hernani, drame ; with notes by G. Masson. 1904. 44848 - Les miserables, episodes ; [with notes]. 2 v. mem. - - 44854-5 - Les miserables [In English]. 102H4 - Hans of Iceland. 102H3 - Ninety-three. - - - - 102H5 - Notre- Dame de Paris. 102 HI - Notre-Dame de Paris [In English]. 102H6 - The toilers of the sea. 102 H 2 Hugo, Victor. Morley (J.) Hugo's " Ninety-three." In his Studies. E3M4 - Stevenson (R. L.) Hugo's romances. In his Men and books. 1906. El S3 167 HUG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Huguenot, or, the French Protestants ; by G. P. R. James. - 6J4 Huguenots. For list of other sects, see Sects. - Smiles (S.) The Huguenots in England and Ireland. 1905. ill. 27204 Hulbert (H. H.) Voice training in speech and song. 1907. - 78410 Hull (Eleanor) A text book of Irish literature. 1906. v. 1. - 89103 Hulme (Frederick E. ) Wild flowers in their seasons. 1907. ill. 58211 - Wild fruits of the country-side. 1907. ill. - 58209 Human bullets, a story of Port Arthur; by T. Sakurai. 1907.- 95119 Human justice for those at the bottom ; by C. C. Cotterill. 1907. 30112 "An appeal to those at the top." Human motive, Analysis of ; by F. Carrel. 1905. - - - 15010 Human nature ; by T. Hobbes. In his English works, v. 4. 1840. 19212 Human nature in its four-fold state ; by T. Boston. - - - 23013 Humanitarianism. Steevens (G . W. ) The new humanitarianism. In his Things seen. 1900. E2S1 Humble romance [etc.] ; by Mrs. M. E. Wilkins Freeman. - 76F3 Hcjmboldt (Friedrich H. A., Baron von) Cosmos, a physical description of the universe ; trans, by E. C. Otte. 5 v. - 50002-6 Humboldt, F. H. A., Baron von. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 3. E3A3 Hume, Alexander. Fergusson (R. M.) Hume and his intimates, ill. H091 Sir William Alexander, Earl of Stirling. John Shearer. Social and religious condition of the country in Hume's time. Hume (David) Essays, literary, moral, and political.- - - E3H1 Of the populousness of ancient nations. An inquiry concerning human understanding. The passions. The principles of morals. The natural history of religion. [Etc.] - A history of England. 1895. ill. maps. .... 91225 Hume, David. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Hume's Essays. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. E3S2 Hume (Fergus) The opal serpent. 103 H 2 - The secret passage. 103H1 Hume (Martin A. S.) Spain, 1479-1788. 1905. maps. - - 93423 - Modern Spain [1788-1898]. 93424 - Through Portugal. 1907. ill. - 93414 Hummel (J. J.) Dyeing of textile fabrics. 1906. ill. - - 66713 - Mordants, methods, and machinery used in dyeing. 1906. ill. 66710 Humour. See Wit and humour. Humourists. For related subjects, see Authors. Wit and humour. - Hammerton (J. A. ) English humorists of to-day [extracts]. - 82714 Barry Pain. Sir Francis C. Burnand. F. Anstey. Walter Emanuel. Richard Whiteing. Israel Zangwill. [Etc.] - Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English comic writers. 1884. - 82004 Wit and humour. Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. The English novel- ists. The works of Hogarth. The comic writers of the last century. [Etc.] - Saintsbury (G. E. B. ) Three humourists, Hook, Barham, Maginn. In his Essays in English literature, v. 2. 1895. 82104 - Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists, ill. 2 copies. - 12T7 Swift. Congreve and Addison. Steele. Prior, Gay, and Pope. Hogarth, Smollett, and Fielding. Sterne and Goldsmith. 168 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. HUT Humours of the fray, rhymes ; by C. L. Graves. 1907. - - 601 G Hundred days [a romance] ; by M. Pemberton. .... 28P3 Hundredth man [a novel]; by F. R. Stockton. .... 125S1 Hungary. Browning (H. E.) Girl's wanderings in Hungary. 1897. ill. 92907 - Felbermann (L.) Hungary and its people, ill. - - - 92902 - Godkin (E. L. ) History of Hungary and the Magyars. 1856. ill. 92903 - Hungary, its people, places, and politics. 1907. ill. - - 92904 Hungerford (Mrs. Margaret W.) ' Airy fairy Lilian. ' - - 104 H 9 - An anxious moment, etc. 104H2 - A born coquette. 104 H 13 - A lonely girl. 104H14 - Molly bawn. - 104H8 - A modern Circe. 104H1 - Nora creina. 104H7 - Peter's wife. - - 104H5 - Portia, or, 'by passions rocked.' 104 H 10 - The professor's experiment. 104 H 3 - The Red-House mystery. 104H6 - Rossmoyne. 104H11 - The three Graces, a novel. 104H4 - An unsatisfactory lover. 104 H 12 Hunt (Charles) Gas lighting. In Chemical technology. 1900. 66506 Hunt (James H. Leigh) Autobiography. 1891. - - - H011 - Essays ; ed. by E. Oilier. 1890. E2H1 - Poetical works, selected, mem. 1301 H - ed. Imagination and fancy, selections from English poets. - 82234 Hunt, James H. Leigh. In Macaulay (Lord) Works.- - - 82827 - In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. - 82103 Hunt (Jasper B. ) Good without God, is it possible ? 1907. - 17129 Hunt (Thomas F.) joint-author. See Morrow (George E.) Hunt (Violet) The workaday woman [a novel]. - - - 106H1 Hunt, Wm. Holman. In Bayliss (Sir W.) Five great painters, port. 99714 Hunter (John) Essays on natural history [etc.] 1861. 2 v. - 59104-5 Hunter (John) A plea for a worshipful church. 1903. - - 26002 Hunter (Sir Wm. W. ) The India of the Queen, and other essays. 94709 Hunting (William) The art of horse- shoeing. 1905. ill. - 68203 Hurry (Jamieson B. ) Rise and fall of Reading Abbey. 1906. ill. 91706 Hurst (Charles) Valves and valve-gearing. 1905. ill. - - 62304 Hurst (George H.) Painters' colours, oils, and varnishes. 1906. 66716 Hussey (S. M. ) Reminiscences of an Irish land agent. 1904. port. H171 Hutchinson (Horace G.) and others. Famous golf links. 1891. 79604 - Golf. 1902. ill. 79610 Hutchinson (R. W.) joint-author. See Davidge (H. T.) Hutton (Edward) The cities of Spain. 1906. ill. - - - 93415 169 HUT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Huttox (Edward) Italy and the Italians. 1903. ill. map. - 93631 - Perugino [his life and art], ill. ------ Pill Huttox (H. L.) ed, Arnold's Modern French, bk. 1. 1906. - 44857 Huttox (Joseph E.) Moravian contribution to the evangelical revival in England, 1742-55. In Historical essays. 1907. 90406 Huttox (Walter S. ) joint-author. See Templetox (William). Huxley (Thomas H.) Anatomy of invertebrated animals. 1877. 59205 - Aphorisms and reflections. 1907. port. - 50803 - Evolution and ethics, and other essays. 1906. - - - 17132 Science and morals. Capital, the mother of labour. Social diseases and worse remedies. - Science and education, essays. 1905. ----- 50423 Huxley, Thomas H. In Clodd (E.) Pioneers of evolution, port. 57515 Hyacinth [a novel] ; by George A. Birmingham. - - - 143 B 2 Hydraulics. Eor lists of related subjects, see Engineering. Physics. - Blaine (R. G. ) Hydraulic machinery. 1905. ill. - - - 62707 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 4-5. 1903. ill. - - 03205-6 - Hoskins (L. M.) A text-book on hydraulics. 1907. ill. - 62705 - Robinson (H.) Hydraulic power and machinery. 1904. ill. 62706 - Unwin (W. C. ) A treatise on hydraulics. 1907. ill. - - 53201 Hydropathy. For list of related subjects, see Therapeutics. - Metcalfe (R.) The rise and progress of hydropathy in England and Scotland. 1906. ill. 61501 Hydrostatics. See Fluids. Hygiene. See Health. Hylton, Walter. In Inge (W. R.) Studies of English mystics. 1907. 14901 Hymns. For related subjects, see Poetry, Collections. Religion. - Grosart (A. B.) Songs of the day and night. 1890. - - 24501 Hyxe (Charles J. Cutcliffe W.) Atoms of empire [stories]. - 115H2 - Captain Kettle series : 1. The little red Captain, 115 H 5. 2. The adventures of Captain Kettle, 115 H 6. 3. The further adventures of Captain Kettle, 115 H 7. 4. Captain Kettle, K.C.B., 115 H 3. - Mr. Horrocks, purser. 115H4 Hypatia [a novel] ; by C. Kingsley. 24 K 6 Hypnotism. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Ash (E.) Hypnotism and suggestion. 1908. ill. - - - 13405 Hyslop (James H.) Borderland of psychical research. 1906. - 13403 - Science and a future life [psychical research]. 1906. - - 13402 Hyslop (William) joint-author. See Bridgett (R. C.) I "I believe " [Christianity] and other essays ; by C. A. E. R. Gull. E5G1 "I promise," Christian Endeavour pledge ; by F. B. Meyer. - 24801 I saw three ships, and other tales ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - 99 C 8 170 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. IMP ' I say no ' ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75 C 9 la [a novel] ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. 99 C 6 Ibn Batuta. Clifford (H.) "A hungry heart." In his Heroes. - 99510 Ibsen, Henrik. Brandes (G.) Ibsen [a critical study]. 1899. - 83902 - Gosse (E. W.) Ibsen [a biography]. 1907. port. ill. - - 1051 Ice. For list of related subjects, see Physical geography. - Barnes (H. T.) Ice formation. 1906. ill. - 55121 11 With special reference to anchor-ice and frazil." Ice age. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - Wright (G. F.) Man and the glacial period. 1892. ill. maps. 55114 Idealism. For list of other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - D'Arcy (C. F.) Idealism and theology. 1899. - - - 23008 - Inge (W. R.) Personal idealism and mysticism. 1907. - - 14101 - Schopenhauer (A.) The doctrine of the ideal and real. In his Selected essays. 1900. E7S1 Ideas of good and evil [essays]; by W. B. Yeats. 1903. - - E1Y1 Idle thoughts of an idle fellow ; by J. K. Jerome. - - - 16 J 3 Idlers. Stevenson (R. L.) An apology for idlers. InhisYirg'm- ibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902.- - - - E1S1 Idylls of the sea, and other marine sketches ; by F. T. Bullen. - E13B1 " If youth but knew ! " by A. and E. Castle. - - - - 30 CI Ignatius, Father. Bertouch (Baroness de) The life of Father Ignatius, the monk of Llanthony. 1904. port. ill. - 1 031 Ignorance. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Foster (J. ) Essay on the evils of popular ignorance. 1 S47. - 17013 111 wind [a novel] ; by Mrs. L. Cameron. 10 CI Illness. iwThorold (A. W.) The yoke of Christ. 1897.- - 17115 Illuminating. For list of related subjects, see Design. - Johnston (E.) Writing and illuminating [etc.] 1906. ill. - 74502 Illusions. In Phin (J.) Follies of science. 1906. ill. - - 50412 Imagination. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - Ribot (T.) Essay on the creative imagination. 1906. - - 15501 - Tyndall (J. ) Scientific use of the imagination. In h is Fragments. 50409 Imagination and fancy, selections from English poets ; ed. by J. H. Leigh Hunt. 82234 Immigration. See Emigration. Immortal memories [essays] ; by C. K. Shorter. 1907. - - E6S1 Immortality. See Future state. Imperial federation. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Hervey (M. H.) Trade policy of imperial federation. 1892. - 33702 Imperialism. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - B^rard (V.) British imperialism and commercial supremacy. - 33711 - Godard (J. G.) Racial supremacy, studies in imperialism. 1905. 32005 - Oppenheimer (Baron F. von) British imperialism. 1905. - 32011 Imperium et libertas, history and politics ; by B. Holland. 1901. 91108 Impetuous girl ; by A. Sergeant. 45 S3 171 IMP GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Impressions of a wanderer ; by M. C. Mallik. 1907. - - 90816 Impressions of Theophrastus Such [essays] ; by George Eliot. - El El In black and white [stories] ; by R. Kipling. - 28K7 In cap and bells [poems] ; by 0. Seaman. 1900. - - - - 1501 S In connection with the De Willoughby claim ; by F. H. Burnett. 111B1 In Cupid's chains, a novel ; by C. Garvice. 93 G 3 In darkest England and the way out ; by W. Booth. 1890. - 33115 In deacon's orders, etc. ; by Sir W. Besant. - - - 49 B 5 In desert keeping ; by E. Mitchell. - - - - - - 93 Ml In Dewisland ; by S. Baring Gould. 43G1 In far Lochaber ; by W. Black. 62B13 In high places ; by M. E. Braddon. 81 B 2 In honour bound, a novel; by C. Gibbon. - - - - - 21G9 In Kedar's tents ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 M 8 In kings' byways, short stories ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - 45 W 14 In love and war, a romance; by C. Gibbon. - - - - 21 G 10 In pastures green, and other stories ; by C. Gibbon. - - - 21 Gil In silk attire ; by W. Black. 62B4 In spite of the czar ; by G. N. Boothby. 72 B 3 In starry realms [astronomy] ; by Sir R. S. Ball. 1907. ill. - 52313 In steel and leather [a romance] ; by R. H. Forster. - - - 75 Fl In the cage ; by H. James. 7J16 In the days of the comet ; by H. G. Wells. - - - - 89 W 3 In the days of the dandies ; by Lord Lamington. 1906. ill. - 91431 In the golden days ; by Edna Lyall. 67 L4 In the good old times [18th century England] ; by J. C. Wright. 91610 In the green leaf and the sere ; by J. A. O. Visger and D. Jordan, ill. 50422 In the middle watch [stories] ; by W. Clark Russell. - - 75 R 8 In the palace of the king, a love story ; by F. M. Crawford. - 116 C 4 In the trades, tropics, and roaring forties ; by Lady Brassey. - 90812 Incarnation. For list of related subjects, see Jesus Christ. - Hendrix (E. R.) The religion of the incarnation. - - - 23235 - Orr (J.) The virgin birth of Christ. 1907. - 23233 " With appendix giving opinions of living scholars." Income. Fisher (I. ) The nature of capital and income. 1906.- 33121 Incomparable Bellairs ; by A. and E. Castle. - - - 30 C 3 A sequel to " The Bath comedy," 30 C 5. Increasing purpose ; by J. L. Allen. 27A2 Indexing. For list of related subjects, see Books. - Pratt (A.) and Eve (A.) Indexing and precis writing. - - 02902 - Wheatley (H. B.) How to make an index. 1902. - - - 02901 India. Biddulph (J.) An Englishwoman [Mrs. C. Gyfford] in India two hundred years ago. 1907. ill. - - - 94806 - Boulger (D. C.) India in the 19th century. 1901. ill. map. - 94706 - Compton (H. E.) Indian life in town and country, ill. - 94710 - Dubois (J. A.) Hindu manners, customs, and ceremonies. 1906. 94720 172 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. IND India. Glasfurd (A. I. R. ) Rifle and romance in Indian jungle. 1905. 79909 - Guinness (L. E.) Across India [people and missions]. 1898. 27802 - Hunter (Sir W. W.) The India of the Queen. 1903. - - 94709 - Jackson (J.) In leper-land, among Indian lepers. 1901. ill. - 27808 - Keene (H. G.) Hindustan under free lances, 1770-1820. 1907. 94722 - Lyall (Sir A. C. ) Asiatic studies, religious and social. 1907. 2 v. 94717-8 1. Religion of an Indian province [Berar]. The origin of divine myths in India. Influence upon religion of a rise in morality. Witchcraft and non-Christian religions. Missionary and non-missionary religions. The formation of some clans and castes in India. The Rajput states of India. Our religious policy in India. The religious situation in India. 2. Letters from Vamadeo Shastri [on Indian opinions]. Natural religion in India. - Morris (H.) Governors-general of India. 1907. v. 1. ill. - 99823 - Noble (M. E.) The web of Indian life. 1906. - - - 94707 - Nolan (E. H.) British Empire in India. 6 v. ill. maps. - 94711-6 - In Park (M. M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. ill. - 90817 - Roberts (Earl) Forty-one years in India [1852-93]. maps. - R012 - In Seeley (Sir J. R.) The expansion of England. 1904. - - 32501 - Smith (G.) The geography of British India. 1882. bibl. maps. 94708 - Smith (S.) The conversion of India. In his Selections. - - E12S1 - Steevens (G. W. ) In India. 1905. map. .... 94705 - Trevelyan (Sir G. 0.) The competition wallah. 1907. - - 94723 - Whiteway (R. S.) Rise of Portuguese power, India, 1497-1550. 94721 - Workman (W. H. and F. B.) Through town and jungle. 1904. 94719 "Among the temples and people of the Indian plain." India, Mutiny. Mitchell (W. F.) Reminiscences of the great mutiny, 1857-9. 94725 - Sherer (J. W.) Daily life during the Indian mutiny. 1898. - 94724 - Walker (T. N.) Through the mutiny, reminiscences. 1907. ill. 94726 India-rubber. For lists of related subjects, see Agriculture. Industries. - Terry (H. L.) India-rubber and its manufacture. 1907. bibl. 67801 - Wright (H. ) Rubber cultivation in the Empire. 1907. ill. - 63306 - Wyllie (J. A.) and Ferreira (O. G.) Rubber-cultivation. 1907. 63304 Indiana. Dunn (J. P.) Indiana, a redemption from slavery. 1905. 97304 Indians, N. American. Grinnell (G. B.) Blackfoot lodge tales. - 39817 Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales. 1893. ill. - - - 39816 - Young (E. R. ) Indian wigwams and northern camp-fires. 1894. 27902 Indicator. McGibbon (W. C.) Indicator diagrams for marine engineers. 1906. ill. 62146 - Pray (T.) Twenty years with the indicator. 1894. ill. - 62111 Indigestion. See Digestion. Individualism. In Kelly (E.) Government, v. 2. 1901. - - 32013 Indo-China. In S. (D. W.) European settlements in far east. 1900. 94306 Induction coils. For related subjects, see Electricity. - Schneider (N. H. ) Induction coils. 1901. ill. - - - 53708 Industrial chemistry. See Chemical technology. Industries and manufactures. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. 173 IND GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Industries and manufactures. Jeans (J. S. ) and others. British industries. 1907. 33804 The iron and steel industries ; by J. S. Jeans. The Midland Iron and Steel Wages Board ; by D. Jones. The cotton industry ; by E. Helm. The woollen and worsted industries of Yorkshire ; by F. Hooper. The linen and flax industry, with special reference to its position in Ireland ; by Sir R. L. Patterson. Railways as business enterprises; by C. H. Grinling. Shipping ; by B. W. Ginsburg. The trust movement ; by H. W. Macrosty. - McLean (A.) ed. Local industries of Glasgow and the west of Scotland. 1901. 92302 - Mulhall (M. G.) Industries and wealth of nations. 1896. - 31001 - Ruskin (J.) The two paths. 1905. 70404 " Lectures on art and its application to decoration and manufacture." - Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. 1905. ill. - - 99703 The contents will be found at Biography. - See also Basket-making. Bells. Blacksmithing. Bookbinding. Building. Cabinet-making. Carpets. Celluloid. Cigarettes. Clocks and watches. Coach-building. Founding. Hats. Hosiery. India-rubber. Leather. Metal work. Optical instruments. Paper. Printing. Sewing machines. Shoes. Steel. Textiles. Industry. For list of other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Dyer (H.) The evolution of industry. 1895.- - - - 33008 - Howard (E. D.) Recent industrial progress of Germany. 1907. 33013 - Ruskin (J.) Crown of wild olive, on industry and war. 1904. 30403 - Warner (G.T.) Landmarks in English industrial history. 1905. 33006 - Webb (S. and B.) Problems of modern industry. In Modern socialism. ---------- 33504 Inez, a tale of the Alamo ; by A. J. E. Wilson. - - - - 68 W 3 Infection. See Contagion. Infernal marriage ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - 31 B 9 Inge (William R.) Personal idealism and mysticism. 1907. - 14101 - Studies of English mystics. 1907. 14901 - Truth and falsehood in religion. 1906. 23015 Ingelow (Jean) Poetical works. 1906. port. - 101 1 - Off the Skelligs, a novel. Il2 Ingersoll (Ernest) The mammals. 1906. ill. - - - 59913 - The wit of the wild [habits of animals]. 1907. ill. - - 59112 Ingle (Herbert) Manual of agricultural chemistry. 1907. - 63101 Ingoldsby legends ; by R. H. Barham. col. ill.- - - - 201B Ingram (Arthur F. W.) Bp. Reasons for faith. 1907. - - 23917 Inheritance ; by S. E. Terrier. 13F2 Inheritors, a story ; by J. Conrad and F. M. Hueffer. - - 81 CI Initials, a novel ; by Baroness Tautphoeus. - - - - 3T1 Injector. For list of related subjects, see Steam engine. - Pullen ( W. W. F. ) Injectors, their theory and working. 1906. 62122 Inkermann. In Fitchett (W. H. ) Fights for the flag. 1904. plan. 91409 Inland voyage [in France] ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1904. - - 93102 Inmates of my house and garden ; by Mrs. E. Brightwen. ill. - 59014 174 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. INV Inn by the shore, a novel ; by F. Warden. .... 16W3 Innks (Alexander T.) John Knox [a biography]. 1905. - - K011 Innes (Arthur D.) Britain and her rivals, 1713-1789. 1895. - 91424 - Ten Tudor statesmen. 1906. ill. S9822 Innes (Charles H.) Air compressors and blowing engines. 1906. VI. 62209 Innocents abroad ; by Mark Twain. 52T10 Innocents at home ; by Mark Twain. 52T9 Insanity. For list of related subjects, see Disease. - Shaw (T. C. ) Ex cathedra essays on insanity. 1904. - - 61611 Insectivorous plants. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Darwin (C.) Insectivorous plants. 1893. ill. - - - 58105 Insects. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Pigott (T. D.) London insects. In his London birds [etc.] - 59810 - Scherreh (H.) Through a pocket lens. 1904. ill. - - - 59504 - In Ward (J. J.) Some nature biographies. 1908. ill. - - 50419 - Westell (W. P.) The story of insect life. 1907. ill. - - 59510 - Wood (J. G.) Insects abroad, foreign insects. 1874. ill. - 59505 Insects at home, British insects. 1892. ill. - - - 59508 - See also Ants. Bees. Butterflies. Moths. Instrumentation. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Prout (E.) Instrumentation, mus. 78105 Insurance. For list of other subjects in sociology, see Sociology. - In Clemson (H. ) Methods and machinery of business. 1907.- 65812 Marine, life, and fire insurance. - Hendrick (B. J.) The story of life insurance. 1907. ill. - 36801 - Young (T. E.) Insurance. 36802 Intellect. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - Hume (D.) Concerning human understanding. In his Essays. E3H1 - Locke (J.) Concerning human understanding. In his Works. 19201-2 - See also Genius. Interest. Ruskin(J.) Usury. In his On the old road, v. 3. 1899. 70403 Interpreters, a story ; by M. Bryde. 141 Bl Into the light ; by M. J. Franc. 48 Fl Intrusions of Peggy ; by Anthony Hope. 82H13 Invaders, and other stories ; by Count Tolstoy. - - - 35 T 2 Inventions. For list of related subjects, see Arts, Useful. - Doolittle (W. H.) Inventions in the century. 1903. - - 60806 - Muirhead (J. P.) Origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt. 1854. 3 v.- - - - 60803-5 - Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. 1905. ill. - - 99703 The contents will be found at Biography. Inverness. Noble (J.) Miscellanea Invernessiana. 1902. ill.- 92203 " With bibliography of Inverness newspapers and periodicals." Invertebrates. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Huxley (T. H. ) Anatomy of in vertebrated animals. 1877. ill. 59205 175 INV GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Invertebrates. Owen (Sir R.) The comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals. 1843. ill. - 59204 - Scherren (H.) Natural history of lower animals. 1903. ill. • 59203 - Wood (J. G.) Natural history, reptiles, fishes, molluscs, etc.- 59202 - See also Crustacea. Insects. Jelly-fish. Mollusks. Sea-urchins. Spiders. Sponges. Star-fish. Worms. Zoophytes. Investments. For list of related subjects, see Money. - Lowenfeld (H.) Investment, an exact science. Invisible man, a grotesque romance ; by H. G. Wells. Iole [a story] ; by R. W. Chambers. - - - Iona. Ewing (A.) The cathedral church of Iona. ill. lone March [a novel] ; by S. R. Crockett. ... - Iota. See Caffyk (Mrs. Kathleen M.) Iphigenie auf Tauris ; von J. W. von Goethe ; with notes. 1898. Ireland. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 1. 1850. - Argyll (Duke of) Irish nationalism, appeal to history. 1893. - Arnold (M.) Irish essays, and others. 1891. - The incompatibles. An unregarded Irish grievance. - Bonn (M. J.) Modern Ireland and agrarian problem. 1906. - - Bulfin (W.) Rambles in Eirinn. 1907. ill. maps. - Burke (E.) Speeches, and two letters on Irish questions. - Dunlop (R.) Daniel O'Connell and the revival of national life in Ireland. 1900. ill. Henry VIII. 's Irish policy. In Essays. 1907. bibl.- - Dunraven (Earl of) Outlook in Ireland, devolution. 1907. - - Froude (J. A.) Ireland since the Union. In his Short studies. - Hussey (S. M.) Reminiscences of an Irish land agent. 1904. - Joyce (P. W.) Irish names of places. 1901-2. 2 v. bibl. A short history of Ireland to 1608. 1904. map. Social history of ancient Ireland. 1906. ill. map. - Story of ancient Irish civilization. 1907. - - Lecky (W. E. H.) Ireland in the eighteenth century. 5 v. - McCarthy (M. J. F.) Priests and people in Ireland. 1908. - - - Rome in Ireland. 1904. ------- - McDonnell (M. F. J.) Ireland and home rule movement. 1908. - O'Connor (G. B.) Elizabethan Ireland, bibl. map. - O'Sullivan (P.) Ireland under Elizabeth. 1903. bibl. - - Smiles (S.) Industry in Ireland. In his Men of invention. - Steevens (G. W. ) In search of a famine. In his Things seen. 1900. 1907 1905. 2 copies map.- ill. - Sullivan (A. M.) The story of Ireland [t'o 1904]. - Sullivan (T. D.) Recollections of troubled times. - Thackeray (W. M.) The Irish sketch book. ill. - Young (A.) Tour in Ireland, 1776-9. 1892. 2 v. - See also Home rule. Irish literature. See Literature, Irish. Irishwomen. Hamilton (C. J. ) Notable Irishwomen [biographies]. 176 33209 89W1 35C3 27502 120 C 16 43842 E3A1 92610 E4A1 33304 92613 82716 0031 90406 92608 E2F2 H171 92622-3 92624 92620 92609 92603-7 92619 92621 92618 92616 92615 99703 E2S1 92612 92617 82809 92601-2 99608 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ISR Iron. For lists of related subjects, see Founding-. Metallurgy. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-6. ill. - - 60306-11 - Greenwood (W. H.) Iron, properties and manufacture. 1907. 66901 - Jeans (J. S.) Iron and steel. In British industries. 1907. - 33804 - Macfarlane (W.) Iron and steel manufacture. 1906. ill. - 66905 - Ruskin (J.) The work of iron in nature, art, and policy. In his Two paths. 1905. 70404 - Turner (T.) Lectures on iron-founding. 1904. ill. - - 67201 Iron hand; by J. M. Cobban. 160C2 Irrigation. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Brown (Sir H.) Irrigation as a branch of engineering. 1907. 62704 Irvine (R. F.) and Alpers (O. T. J.) The progress of New Zealand in the century. 1902. 99103 Irving (David) The history of Scotish poetry. 1861. - - 82225 Irving, Sir Henry, Personal reminiscences of ; by B. Stoker. 2 v. 1021-2 Irving (Washington) The Alhambra. Tales of a traveller. - 93411 - Astoria. A tour on the prairies. 1893. ----- 97402 - Biographies and miscellaneous papers. 1885. - - - 99508 - Bracebridge Hall. Abbotsford, and Newstead Abbey. 1894. 81702 - Conquest of Granada. Legends of the conquest of Spain. 1902. 93412 - Life and voyages of Columbus. 1903. 2 v. - - - - C 052-3 V. 2. contains also "The voyages and discoveries of the companions of Columbus." - Life of George Washington. 1900-5. 4 v. - - - - W032-5 - The life of Mahomet. Lives of the successors of Mahomet. 1901. 29701 - Oliver Goldsmith, a biography. 1900. G101 - The sketch book. 1900. 81705 - Old Christmas, from "The sketch book." 1894. ill. - - 39401 - Captain Bonneville. Wolfert's roost [and other tales]. - - 8ll -Salmagundi. Knickerbocker's History of New York. - - 8l3 Irving, Washington. Irving (P. E.) Life, letters of Irving. 2 v. 1011-2 - Prescott (W. H. ) Irving's Conquest of Granada. In his Miscellanies. E2P1 - In Vincent (L. H.) American literary masters. 1906. bibl. • 81001 Is he the man ? by W. Clark Russell. 75 R 9 Isaacson (Charles S.) The later popes, 1414-1906. 1906. ill. 28210 Isabella, Queen of Spain. Hare(C) A queen of queens. 1906. port. iQll Isaiah. See Bible. Islam. See Mohammedanism. Island life. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Wallace (A. R.) Island life, faunas and floras. 1892. ill. maps. 59103 Island nights' entertainments ; by R. L. Stevenson. - - - 120 S 6 Island of sorrow, an historical novel ; by George Gilbert. - - 26 Gl Isle of unrest ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 Mil Isobel, ed. Vegetarian cookery. 1906. 64111 Israel. See Jews. 177 IT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARLES. 1 It is never too late to mend ' ; by C. Reade. - - - - 16 R 13 Italian language. See Language, Italian. Italian literature. See Literature, Italian. Italy. Addison (J.) Remarks on Italy [in 1701-3]. In his Works. E1A2 - Dickens (C.) Pictures from Italy, ill. 3 copies. - - - 30 D 12 - Froude (J. A.) Society in Italy in the last days of the Roman Republic. In his Short studies, v. 3. 1903. - - - E2F3 - Guthrie (A. ) Rowley letters from France and Italy. 1907. ill 93306 - A handbook for travellers in central Italy. • 1900. maps. - 93622 11 With index and directory revised to 1907." - Hutton (E.) Italy and the Italians. 1903. ill. map. - - 93631 - Sedgwick (H. D.) History of Italy, 476-1900. 1907. bibl. map. 93626 - Smeaton(W. H. 0.) The Medici and Italian renaissance. 1901. 85001 - Stillman( W.J.) The union of Italy, 1815-95. 1899. bibl. maps. 93630 - Symons (A.) Cities of Italy. 1907. 93624 Rome. Venice. Florence. [Etc.] - Zimmern (H.) The Italy of the Italians. 1906. ill. - - 93625 Ivanhoe, a romance ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - 35 S 6 Iverach (James) Christianity and evolution. 1894. - - 21301 Ivors, or, the two cousins; by E. M. Sewell. ... - 48S1 Ivory queen, a story ; by J. Pendleton. 77P1 Ivy, a tale of cottage life ; by S. K. Hocking. - - - - 67 H 11 Ixion in heaven ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - - 31 B 9 Jack and the beanstalk, hexameters ; by Hallam, Lord Tennyson. 401 T Jack Chaloner, or, the fighting Forty- third ; by J. Grant. 2 copies. 51 G 8 Jack Hinton, the guardsman ; by C. Lever. - - - 39 L 2 Jackman (Wilbur S. ) Nature study for grammar grades. 1903. 37203 Jacks (William) The life of Prince Bismarck. 1899. ill. map. B113 - Life of William the Second, German Emperor. 1904. ill. - W201 - Robert Burns in other tongues. 1896. port. ill. - - - 82408 - Singles from life's gathering. 1903. port. - - - E1J1 Stability of character and purpose. Success in business life. The benefits and influences of friendly societies. Religious toleration, an address on " Nathan the wise." Thoughts on books, libraries, and reading. Thoughts on art. ' Jack's courtship, a sailor's yarn ; by W. Clark Russell. Jackson, Andrew. Buell (A. C.) History of A. Jackson. 2 v. port. - Sumner (W. G.) Andrew Jackson [a biography]. 1899. Jackson (B. D.) George Bentham [his life and work]. 1906. - Jackson (Frank G.) Lessons on decorative design. 1905. ill. Jackson (Frederick H.) Sicily [a description]. 1904. ill. map. Jackson (George) The teaching of Jesus. 1903. Jackson (John) In leper-land, among Indian lepers. 1901. ill. Jackson (Margaret D.) A daughter of the pit. 178 75 R10 J013-4 J012 B081 74501 93709 23212 27808 41J1 HUTCHESONTO WN BRANCH. JAM Jackson (SirT. S.) Adm. Howe. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. 99609 Jackson (Wilfrid S.) Helen of Troy, N. Y. - - - - 43 Jl Jacob, John, Gen. Sanderson (E.) General Jacob and Jacobabad. In his Heroes of pioneering. 1908. ill. - 90606 Jacob (Mrs. Violet) The sheep-stealers [a novel]. - - - 42 J 1 Jacob and John [a novel] ; by W. Raymond. - - - 12 Rl Jacob Faithful [a story]; by Captain F. Marryat. - - - 52M2 Jacobi (Charles T.) Some notes on books and printing. 1902. 65502 Jacobites. Chambers (R.) The rebellion of 1745-6. ill. - - 91816 - Fraser(J.) Manuscript, 1696-1737. 1889. 2 v. ill. - - F101-2 - Murdoch (W. G. B.) The spirit of Jacobite loyalty. 1907. bibl. 91434 " An essay towards a better understanding of 'The Forty-five.' " Jacobs (William W.) At Sunwich port. 4J3 - Captains all [and other stories]. 4J9 - Dialstone Lane. - - - - - - - - 4J5 - The lady of the barge [stories]. - 4 J 10 - Light freights [stories]. - - 4J7 - Many cargoes [stories]. - - - - - - - - 4J1 - A master of craft. 4J8 - Odd craft [stories]. 4J4 - Sea urchins [stories]. 4J6 - Short cruises [stories]. 4 J 11 - The skipper's wooing. The Brown man's servant. - - 4J2 Jacoutot (A.) Chocolate and confectionery manufacture, ill. - 66405 Jacques Bonhomme [sketches of French life]; by Max O'Rell. - 93106 Jamaica. Leader(A.) Through Jamaica with a Kodak. 1907. map. 97702 - Nugent (Lady) Journals, Jamaica one hundred years ago. ill. N081 James, St., Epistle of. See Bible. James VI. Lang (A. ) James VI. and the Gowrie mystery. 1902. 91826 James (George P. R.) Agincourt, or, the times of Henry V. - 6J18 - Arabella Stuart, or, the days of James I. - - - - 6J6 - Arrah Neil, or, times of old. 6 J 17 - Attila, or, the Huns. - 6 J 23 - The castle of Ehrenstein, a romance. 6J7 - Darnley, or, the field of the cloth of gold. - - - . - 6 J 25 - I)e l'Orme, or, the comte de Soissons. 6 J 13 - Forest days, or, Robin Hood. 6J21 - Gowrie, or, the king's plot. 6J24 - Heidelberg, or, the winter-king. 6 J 15 - Henry Masterton, or, the adventures of a young cavalier. - 6J3 - John Marston Hall [a sequel to " Henry Masterton"]. - - 6 J 11 - Henry of Guise, or, the states of Blois. - - - - 6 J 16 - The Huguenot, or, the French Protestants. - - - - 6J4 - The king's highway, or, in the age of William III. - - 6 J 20 - Leonora d'Orco, or, the times of Caesar Borgia. - - <■ 6 Jl 179 JAM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. James (George P. R. ) The man at arms, or, St. Bartholomew's eve. 6 J9 - Mary of Burgundy, or, the revolt of Ghent. - - - - 6J2 - The old dominion, or, a tale of Virginia. - - - 6 J 12 - One in a thousand, or, the days of Henri Quatre. - - - 6J14 - Philip Augustus, or, the brothers in arms. - - - 6 J 19 - Richelieu, or, a tale of France. 6J5 - The robber, or, in the days of Charles II. - - - - 6J8 - Rose d'Albret, or, the Leaguers. 6J22 - The woodman, or, Bosworth Field. 6J10 James (Hen~ry) The American scene. 1907. ... - 97216 Impressions of life in the United States of America. - The awkward age. 7 J 10 - Confidence. 7J6 - Daisy Miller. Four meetings. Longstaff's marriage. Benvolio. 7J7 - Embarrassments. 7J11 The figure in the carpet. Glasses. The next time. The way it came. - The Europeans, a sketch. 7J8 - The golden bowl. 7J5 - In the cage. 7J16 - The Madonna of the future [and other tales]. - - - - 7J2 A bundle of letters. The diary of a man of letters. Eugene Pickering. - The private life [and other tales]. 7J3 The wheel of time. Lord Beaupre. The visits. Collaboration. Owen Wingrave. - Roderick Hudson. 7 J 17 - The Princess Casamassima [a sequel to " Roderick Hudson"]. 7J1 - The siege of London. Madame de Mauves. - - - 7 J 13 - The soft side [stories]. 7J9 - The spoils of Poynton. 7 J 12 - The two magics. • 7 J 14 The turn of the screw. Covering end. - Washington Square. 7J4 - What Maisie knew. 7 J 15 James (W. H. N.) joint-author. See Brooks (E. E.) James (William) Talks to teachers on psychology. 1905. - 37001 James, William. Hay ward (F. H.) The secret of Herbart. 1907. 37013 A reply to James's "Talks to teachers on psychology." Jameson (E. M.) A house divided. 40 Jl Jamesone, Geo. 7?i Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mi's. C.) Painters. 99710 Jamie (William) The land of the clansmen. .... 91838 Jamteson (Andrew) Applied mechanics. 1905-6. 2 v. ill. - 62016-7 - A text-book of steam and steam engines. 1906. ill. - - 62131 - joint-author. See Munro (J. ) Jan Van Dyck [a novel] ; by J. Morgan de Groot. - - - 94G1 Jane (Fred. T. ) Heresies of sea power. 1906. ill. maps. - 35903 Jane Eyre [a novel] ; by C. Bronte. 92B5 180 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. JEN Janice Meredith, a story ; by P. L. Ford. 37 Fl Janus in modern life [sociology] ; by W. M, F. Petrie. 1907- - 30108 Japan. Bennett (E. M. H.) An English girl iu Japan. 1904. ill. 95306 - Bishop (Mrs. I. L.) Unbeaten tracks in Japan [1878]. ill. - 95302 - Griffis (W. E.) The Japanese nation in evolution. 1907. Hi. 95307 - In Lorrimer (C.) The call of the east, 1907. - - - 95113 - In Mallik (M. C.) Impressions of a wanderer. 1907. - - 90816 - In Park (M. M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. ill. 90817 - Redesdale (Lord) The Garter mission to Japan [1906]. - - 95308 - In S. (D. W. ) European settlements in the far east. 1900. map. 94306 - Sladen (D. B. W.) The Japs at home. 1893. ill. - - 95304 - Watson (G.) Three rolling stones in Japan. 1904. ill. - 95305 - See also Russo-Japanese war. Japanese language. See Language, Japanese. Japhet in search of a father ; by Captain F. Marry at. - - 52 Mil J astro w (Joseph) The subconscious. 1906. .... 12601 Jay, John. Pellew (G.) John Jay [a biography]. 1890. - - J061 Jay of Italy ; by B. E. J. Capes. 16 C 3 Jeanes (Wm.) Gunter's Modern confectioner, biscuit baker. - 64202 Jeanne d' Arc [a drama] ; by P. Mackaye. 1906. ill. - - 1001 M Jeans (J. S.) and others. British industries. 1907. - - 33804 Jebb (Richard) Studies in colonial nationalism. 1905. - - 32504 Jeems the doorkeeper ; by J. Brown. In his Horae subsecivae, v. 3. E2B3 Jefferies (Richard) Field and hedgerow, essays. 1904. port. 50413 - The life of the fields. 1904. 50406 - Nature near London. 1904. 50405 - The open air [nature essays]. 1905. 50404 - Red deer. 1903. ill. 79905 - Round about a great estate. 1903. 50418 - The story of my heart, an autobiography. 1906. port. - J 051 - The toilers of the field. 1904. port. 33102 - Wood magic, a fable. 13 J 1 Jefferson, Thomas [a biography] ; by J. T. Morse. 1898. - - J 071 Jeffery (Walter) joint-author. See Becke (George Louis). * Jeffrey, Francis, Lord. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. 82103 Jeffreys (Letitia D.) Ancient Hebrew names. 1906. - - 22209 Jekyll (Gertrude) Flower decoration in the house. 1907. ill. 71601 - Old west Surrey, some notes and memories. 1904. ill. - 91707 Jelly-fish. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Romanes (G. J.) Jelly-fish. 1885. ill. 59304 Jenkins (Edward) Ginx's baby. 14J1 Jennings (Arthur S.) Wallpapers and wall coverings. 1903.- 69802 Jennings (Geo. H.) ed. History of the British parliament. 18S3. 32802 Jennings (Louis J.) Field paths and green lanes in Surrey and Sussex. 1907. ill. 91716 181 JEN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Jennings (William E.) A manual of plague. 1903. ill. - 61609 Jenyns (Leonard) Memoir of John Stevens Henslow. 1862. - H071 Jephson (Henry) The sanitary evolution of Londou. 1907. - 61402 Jephtha [a drama] ; by G. Buchanan. 1501 B Jeppe (Carl) The kaleidoscopic Transvaal. 1906. - - - 96604 Jeremiah. See Bible. Jeremias (Alfred) The Babylonian heaven and hell. 1902. - 29906 Jerome (Jerome K.) Diary of a pilgrimage, and six essays. - 16 J5 Evergreens. Clocks. Tea-kettles. A pathetic story. The new utopia. Dreams. - The idle thoughts of an idle fellow. 16 J 3 - The second thoughts of an idle fellow. 16 J4 - Three men in a boat. 16 J 2 - Three men on the bummel. 16 J 1 - Tommy and Co. 16J6 Jerrold (Douglas) Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures [etc.] - - 39J1 Jerrold, Douglas. Stirling (J. H.) Jerrold, Tennyson [etc.] - E5S1 Jerrold (Walter) Oliver W. Holmes [a biography]. 1893. - H271 - ed. The book of living poets. 1907. 82413 Jerusalem. Caldecott (W. S.) Solomon's Temple, its history. 1907. ill. plans. 22103 - Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) Jerusalem, history and hope. 1893. ill. 94508 - Warren (Sir C.) The Temple or the tomb. 1880. plan. - 22611 " Evidence in favour of the authenticity of the present site of the Holy Sepulchre, and pointing out misconceptions in Fergusson's 'The temples of the Jews.' " - Wilson (Sir C. W.) and others. Recovery of Jerusalem. 1871. 94505 Jervis (William H.) History of France to 1870. 1902. ill. maps. 93110 Jess [a novel] ; by H. Rider Haggard. 3H2 Jess and Co. ; by J. J. Bell. 40B1 Jessamy bride ; by F. F. Moore. 106 M 6 Jesuits. For related subjects, see Monasticism. - Carlyle (T.) Jesuitism. In his Latter-day pamphlets. - - E1C10 - Nicolini (G. B.) History of the Jesuits. "1853. - - - 27101 - Stephen (Sir J.) Founders of Jesuitism. In his Essays, v. 1. 99816 Jesus Christ. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Barrows (C. H.) The personality of Jesus. 1906. - - - 23217 - Beecher (H. W.) The life of Christ, without and within. 1906. 23228 - Brooks (P.) The influence of Jesus. 23214 - Burton (E. D.) and Mathews (S.) The life of Christ. 1904. bibl. 23219 - Buss (S.) The trial of Jesus, from Talmud aud Roman law. 1906. 23232 - Cameron (A. B.) From the garden to the cross. 1896. - - 23223 - Edersheim (A.) Jesus the Messiah. 1902. .... 23222 - Farrar (F. W.) The life of Christ. 2 v. bibl. - - - 23206-7 - - The life of lives, further studies in the life of Christ. 1903. 23210 - Forrest (D. W.) The authority of Christ. 1906. - - - 23211 - - The Christ of history and of experience. 1906. - - - 23218 182 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. JOA Jesus Christ. Jackson (G.) The teaching of Jesus. 1903. - 23212 - Jones (E. G.) The Master and His method. 1902.- - - 23226 - Kinnear ( J . B. ) ed. Teaching of the Lord in the Gospels. 1 906. 23213 - Macgregor (W. M.) Jesus Christ the Son of God. 1907. - 23234 - Matheson(G.) Studies of the portrait of Christ. 1899-1905. 2 v. 23236-7 - Moule (H. C. G.) Christ is all, sermons. 1892. - - - 25219 - Renan (E.) Life of Jesus. - 23209 - Roberts (R.) The meaning of Christ, studies. 1906. - - 23216 - Ross (G. A. J.) The universality of Jesus. 1907. - - - 23230 - Seeley (Sir J. R.) Ecce Homo, life and work of Christ. 1903. 23208 - Sidgwick (H.) [Seeley's] Ecce Homo. In his Essays. 1904. - E8S1 - Slattery (C. L.) Master of the world, study of Christ. 1906. 23215 - Trench (R. C. ) Christ the desire of all nations. In his Hulsean lectures, 1846. 1880. 23918 - See also Atonement. Incarnation. Lord's Supper. Miracles. Parables. Jevons (T. S.) The law of trade unions. 1907. - 33112 Jevoks (William S. ) Logic [a primer]. 1902. - - 16003 Jewellery. For list of related subjects, see Sculpture. - Wilson (H.) Silverwork and jewellery. 1903. ill. - - 73902 - See also Rings. Jewett (Sarah O.) The king of Folly Island, and other people. 19 J 2 - Tales of New England. 19 J 1 Jewish literature. See Literature, Jewish. Jews. For list of other Biblical subjects, see Bible. - Abbott (G. F.) Israel in Europe. 1907. map. - - - 29607 - Baron (D.) Ancient Scriptures and the modern Jew. 1901. - 29601 - Baskerville (B. C.) The Polish Jew. 1906. map. - - 29604 - Cassel (D.) Manual of Jewish history and literature. 1905. - 29610 - Edersheim (A.) History of the Jewish nation. 1896. - - 29603 "After the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus." - Marti (K.) The religion of the Old Testament. 1907. - - 29606 - Oesterley (W. O. E.) and Box (G. H.) The religion and worship of the synagogue. 1907. ill. - 29609 - Sharpe (S.) History of Hebrew nation and its literature. 1872. 29608 - See also Talmud. Jeyes (Samuel H.) Joseph Chamberlain [a biography]. - - C231 Jezebel's daughter [a novel] ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 2 copies. 75C12 Jilt [and other stories] ; by C. Reade. 16 R 6 Jiriczek (Otto L.) Northern hero legends. 1902. - - - 39815 Joan of Arc. In Buxton (E. M. W.) A book of noble women, port. 99826 - Murray (T. D.) ed. Jeanne d'Arc, her life. 1907. port. ill. - J 023 - Petit deJulleville(L.) Joan of Arc. 1907. - J022 Joan, a tale ; by R. Broughton. 2 copies. - - - 97 Bl Joan Carisbroke [a story] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 83 W 25 Joan Haste [a novel] ; by H. Eider Haggard. - - - - 3H17 Joan of the sword hand ; by S. R. Crockett. .... 120 C 21 183 JOB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Job. See Bible. Job (Herbert K.) Among the water-fowl. 1903. ill. - - 59808 Jock of the bushveld ; by Sir J. P. Fitzpatrick. ill. - - - 79917 Joel. See Bible. Joerg (Johann B. and J. A.) A first German course. 1907. ill. 43826 John, St. Stalker (J. ) The two St. Johns of the New Testament. 22607 John the Baptist and St. John. John, St. , Epistles of. See Bible. John, St., Gospel of. See Bible. John Blankset's business, a novel ; by J. Clayton. - - - 147C1 John Bull and his island ; by Max O'Rell. 91602 John Burnet of Barns, a romance ; by J. Buchan. - - - 102 Bl John Ohilcote, M.P. [a novel]; by Mrs. K. C. Thurston. - - 64T1 John Faliner's daughter ; by M. Williamson. - - - 85W1 John Fletcher's Madonna, a tale ; by Mrs. A. Comyns Carr. - 155 CI John Halifax, gentleman ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - HOC 9 John Inglesant, a romance ; by J. H. Shorthouse. - - - 62 SI John Marston Hall, or, Little Ball o' Fire ; by G. P. R. James. 6 J 11 A sequel to " Henry Masterton," 6 J 3. John Splendid, the tale of a poor gentleman ; by Neil Munro. - 123 Ml Johnny Ludlow ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 6 series. 2 copies. - 10W4-9 Johns (B. G.) Blind people, their works and ways. 1867. ill. 37109 Johnson (E. R.) Ocean and inland water transportation. 1906. 65613 Johnson (Henry) Stories of great revivals. 1906. - - - 26901 Johnson (Joseph) Stories of Moses and Joshua. 1890. ill. - 22304 Johnson (Owen) Nicole, or, in the name of liberty, a story. - 44J1 Johnson (Samuel) Poems, mem. 82435 - Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1765. In Eighteenth cen- tury essays on Shakespeare. 1903. ----- 82505 - Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, a romance. - - - 22 J 1 Johnson, Samuel. In Birrell (A.) Collected essays, v. 1. 1902. E1B1 - Boswell(J.) The life of Samuel Johnson. 1900. 3 v. bibl. - J031-3 - Dobson (H. A.) Johnson's haunts. In his Side-walk studies. E2D1 - In Macaulay (Lord) Works. - 82827 - Shorter (C. K.) Samuel Johnson; Dr. Johnson's ancestry. In his Immortal memories. 1907. E6S1 - Stephen (Sir L.) Johnson's writings. In his Hours in a library. E4S2 Johnson ( Walford B. and S. C. ) Pond and stream life. 1907. ill. 59033 Johnson (William H.) The king's henchman. - - - 23 Jl Johnston (Alexander) Connecticut [a history]. 1887. map. 97301 Johnston, Archibald, Lord Warriston. In Carslaw (W. H.) Six martyrs of the Scottish reformation. 1907. ill. - - 99827 Johnston (Edward) Writing, illuminating, and lettering. 1906. 74502 Johnston (Geo.) British sponges and lithophytes. 1842.- - 59302 - A history of British zoophytes. 1838. ill. - 59303 Johnston (Henry) Kilmallie [stories]. 25 J 1 184 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. JOU Johnston (Mary) Audrey. 26 J 2 - Sir Mortimer. 26J1 Johnston (R. M.) Napoleon, a biography. 1904. maps. - N065 Joie fait peur, eomedie ; par D. de Girardin ; notes. 1901. - 44816 Joinery. See Carpentry. Joinville, Jean, sire de. In Miiller (P. Max) Works, v. 7. 1899. E5M3 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Joinville and St. Louis. In his Horae, v. 1. E3S1 Jokai (Maurus) The day of wrath. 31J2 - Tales. 31J1 Jolly ( Alphonse) joint-author. See Labiche (Eugene M.) Jonah. See Bible. Jonathan and his continent ; by Max 0'B.ell and Jack Allyn. 1889. 97205 Jones (Daniel) The Midland Iron and Steel Wages Board. In British industries. 1907. 33804 Jones (E. G.) Faith and verification, with other [sermons]. 1907. 25232 - The Master and His method. 1902. 23226 Jones, Sir Edward Burne. In Bayliss (Sir W.) Painters, part.- 99714 Jones (Francis A.) Thomas Alva Edison, life. 1907. ill. - - E081 Jones (H. C. ) Electrical nature of matter and radio-activity. - 53901 Jones (H. E.) Alcohol [its uses and abuses]. 1907. ill. - - 61309 Jones (H. S.) The Roman Empire, 29 b. c. -a. d. 476. 1908. ill. maps. 93628 Jones (Henry) joint-author. See Douglas (Charles M.) Jones (Henry- D. M. Spence) The golden age of the church. 1906. 27005 Jones (J. D.) The glorious company of the apostles. - - - 22612 Jones (Lucy) Puddings and sweets, receipts. .... 64206 Jones (Sir Philip B.) Dollars and democracy. 1904. ill. - 97206 Jones (Wm.) Finger-ring lore, historical, anecdotal. 1877. ill. 39102 Jonson (Ben) Works; ed. with notes by W. Gifford. 3 v. - 101-3 J 1. Memoir. Every man in his humour. Every man out of his humour. Cynthia's revels. The poetaster. Sejauus. Volpone. Epiccene. 2. The alchemist. Cataline, his conspiracy. Bartholomew Fair. The devil is an ass. The staple of news. The new inn. The magnetic lady. A tale of a tub. The sad shepherd. Mortimer, his fall. The case is altered. Enter- tainments. 3. [Minor and miscellaneous works]. - Poems. In Specimens of English dramatic poets [etc.] - - 82508 Jonson, Ben. Hazlitt (W.) Shakspere and Jonson. In hi* Lectures. 1884. 82004 Jordan (D.) joint -author. See Visger (Jean A. O.) Jorga (N.) The Byzantine Empire [a history]. 1907. - - 93908 Jordan (William G.) Great truths [conduct of life]. - - 17009 Jose (Arthur W.) The growth of the Empire. 1907. maps. 91110 Joseph. Miller (J. R.) The story of Joseph. 1900.- - - 22206 Joseph (H. W. B.) An introduction to logic. 1906. - - - 16005 Joseph Redhorn [a novel] ; by J. J. Bell. 40 B 3 Joshua. Johnson (J.) Stories of Moses and Joshua. 1890. ill. 22304 - See also Bible. Joubert (Carl) The fall of tsardom. 1905. .... 94013 185 JOU GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Joubert (Carl) Russia as it really is. 1905. - - - 94014 Joubert (Joseph) Correspondance [French text]. 1895. mem. J041 - Pensees. 1901. 84801 Journal to Stella ; by J. Swift. In his Works. - 82705 Journalism. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Shuman (E. L. ) Practical journalism. 1903. ill. - - - 07001 - See also Newspapers. Jo wett (J. H.) The silver lining [sermons]. 1907. - - ■ 25228 " Joy for ever," political economy of art; by J. Buskin. 1904. - 70701 Joyce (James) Chamber music [poems]. 201 J Joyce (P. W.) Irish names of places. 1901-2. 2 v. - . - - 92622-3 - A short history of Ireland to 1608. 1904. map. - - - 92624 - Social history of ancient Ireland. 1906. ill. map. - - 92620 - The story of ancient Irish civilization. 1907. - - - 92609 Ju-jitsu. See Physical education. Jude, St. , Epistle of. See Bible. Jude (Alexander) The steam turbine. 1906. ill. plans. - 62120 Jude (R. H.) The school magnetism and electricity. 1906. ill. 53703 Judges. See Bible. Julian of Norwich. Inge (W. R.) The " Ancren riwle" and Julian of Norwich. In his Studies of English mystics. 1907.14901 Julius Caesar. See Caesar, Julius. Jungfrau von Orleans ; von J. C. F. von Schiller ; with notes. - 43813 Jungle book [stories] ; by R. Kipling. 28 Kl Jungle book, Second ; by R. Kipling. 28 K 2 Juniper Hall. Hill (C.) Juniper Hall. 1905. ill. - - - 91712 "A rendezvous of certain illustrious personages during the French revolution, including Alexandre d'Arblay and Fanny Burney." Junius. Letters ; ed. by J. Wade. 1904-5. 2 v. - - -82707-8 Jupp (W. J. ) Religion of nature and of human experience. 1906. 21001 Jusserand (Jean J. ) English novel in time of Shakespeare. - 82605 Just impediment ; by R. Pryce. 62P1 Just so stories ; by R. Kipling. 28 K 3 Jute. For list of related subjects, see Textiles. - Jute spinning. In Cassell's Technical educator, v. 3-4. ill. - 60308-9 - Woodhouse (T.) and Milne (T.) Jute and linen weaving. 2 v. 67722-3 1. Mechanism. 2. Calculations and structure of fabrics. Jutsum (J. N.) Knots, bends, splices. 1907. ill. - - - 65609 Juvenilia, essays ; by Vernon Lee. 1887. 2v.ini. - - E3L2 K K. (J. M.) A letter for you, readings for mothers' meetings. - 24301 Kaipara, a settler in north New Zealand ; by P. W. Barlow. 1888. 99102 Kansas. Spring (L. W.) Kansas [a history]. 1885. bibl. map. 97403 Kant (Immanuel) Critique of pure reason. •,■-.- 19301 186 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. KEN Kant, Immanuel. Stirling (J. H.) De Quincey and Coleridge upon Kant. In his Jerrold [etc.] 1868.- - - - E5S1 Kapadia (S. A.) The teachings of Zoroaster and the philosophy of the Parsi religion. 1905. 29501 Kappey (J. A.) Tutor for bombardons and contrabasses, fo. - 78801 Karamsin, N. M. Alison (Sir A.) Karamsin's Russia. In his Essays. E3A3 Karl of Erbach, a tale ; by H. C. Bailey. 3B1 Karr (Sir Henry Seton) My sporting holidays. 1904. pert, ill. 79908 Kashmir. Morison (M. C.) A lonely summer in Kashmir. 1904. ill. 94803 Kastner (V.) ed. Anecdotes historiques et litteraires ; notes. - 44833 Kate Carnegie and those ministers ; by J. Watson. - - - 28 W 2 Kate Coventry [a novel] ; by G. J. Whyte Melville. - - - 79 M 2 Kate of Kate Hall ; by E. T. Fowler and A. L. Felkin. - - 45F5 Katharine Ashton [a story] ; by E. M. Sewell. - - - 48 S 7 Katharine Frensham, a novel ; by B. Harraden. - - - 24H1 Kaufmann (M.) Housing of working classes and the poor. 1907. 33109 - Socialism, its nature, dangers, and remedies. 1874. - - 33505 Kautsky (K.) Whether class antagonism is softening down. In Modern socialism. 1907. 33504 Keane (Augustus H.) Ethnology. 1896. ill.- - - - 57207 Kearton (Richard) Nature's carol singers. 1906. ill. - - 59809 - Wild nature's ways. 1904. ill. 59805 Keating (Joseph) Maurice, a romance. 7K1 Keats (John) Poetical works, mem. port. - - - 201 K - Selections. In Imagination and fancy. 1891. - - - 82234 Keats, John. In Brooke (S. A.) Studies in poetry. 1907. - 82412 Keble (John) The Christian year, thoughts in verse, port. ill. 301 K Keeble (Samuel E.) The city. In The citizen of to-morrow. - 30409 Keegan (John) Legends and poems. 1907. mem. - - - 82828 Keene (Henry G.) Hindustan under free lances, 1770-1820. ill. 94722 Keightlev (Samuel R.) Barnaby's bridal. .... 8K1 - The pikemen, a romance. 8K2 Kellogg (J. W.) Uses of electricity on shipboard, ill. plan. - 62405 Kellogg, Samuel H. 7?iHolcomb(H. H.) India missions. 1901. port. 99815 Kellogg (Vernon L. ) Darwinism to-day. 1907. - - - 57523 Kelly (Edmond) Government, or, human evolution. 1901. 2 v. 32012-3 Kelvin (Lord) and Tait (P. G. ) Natural philosophy. 1894. ill. 53014 Kempe (A. B.) How to draw a straight line. 1877. ill.- - 51311 Kempis (Thomas a) The imitation of Christ. .... 24202 Kempson (F. C.) The future life and modern difficulties. 1907. 23705 Kenelm Chillingly, his adventures ; by Lord Lytton. - - 74L6 Kenil worth [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - 35 S 4 Kennard (Howard P.) The Russian peasant. 1907. ill. - 94020 Kennedy (Archibald R. S.) ed. Exodus; notes. (Temple Bible). 22310 - Joshua ; Judges ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902. - - 22314 1S7 KEN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Kennedy (Bart) Wander pictures [France and England]. 1906. 91605 Kennedy (E. B.) Thirty seasons in Scandinavia [sports], ill. - 94107 Kennedy (John) Old Highland days, reminiscences, port. ill. K031 Kennedy (R. ) Modern engines and power generators. 6 v. ill. 62124-9 - The modern machine shop. 1907. v. 1-2. ill. - - 62029-30 Kennedy (Sara B.) The wooing of Judith. .... 13KI Kent (William) Mechanical engineer's pocket-book. 1906. - 62015 Kent. Russell (W. Clark) Betwixt the Forelands, ill. - - 91708 Kentucky. Sanderson (E. ) The settlement of Kentucky. In his Heroes of pioneering. 1908. ill. - - - - 90606 - Shaler (N. S.) Kentucky, a pioneer commonwealth. 1884. map. 97309 Kenwood (Henry R.) joint-author. See Parkes (L. C.) Ker (William P.) [Literature of] The dark ages. 1904. - - 80903 Kernaham (Coulson) A dead man's diary. - - - ..- 19 Kl Kerr (George L.) Practical coal mining. 1905. ill. - - 62508 Kerr (Richard) Hidden beauties of nature [microscopy], ill. - 59301 Kerry. Froude (J. A.) A fortnight in Kerry. In his Studies. E2F2 Kershaw (J. B. C.) Electric furnace, iron and steel production. 66903 Keshufo Chunder Sen. See Sen, Keshub Chunder. Kew (Harry W.) The dispersal of shells. 1893. ill. - - 59404 Key (A. C.) A primer of explosives. 1905. .... 66203 Key of paradise ; by S. Pickering. 43 PI Khaled, a tale of Arabia ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 116 C 2 Kidd (Walter) Sense of touch in mammals and birds. 1907. ill. 59124 Kidnapped, adventures of David Balfour ; by R. L. Stevenson. 120 S3 Kilmacolm. Gibb (A. S.) Much about Kilmalcolm. 1872. - 92006 Kilmallie [stories] ; by H. Johnston. 25J1 Kilmarnock. McKay (A.) The history of Kilmarnock. 1864.- 91904 Kilmeny [a novel] ; by W. Black. 62B12 Kim [a story] ; by R. Kipling. 28 K 5 Kinder- und Hausmarchen ; von J. L. K. und W. K. Grimm ; notes. 43832 Kindergarten. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Froebel (F. W. A.) Letters on the kindergarten. 1891. - 37102 Kinematics. See Force. King (Charles) Under fire. 45 Kl King (H. C.) Rational living, inferences from psychology. 1907. 15009 King (Irving) The psychology of child development. 1906. - 15001 King (Richard A.) Passion's slave. ------ 46K1 King (Rufus) Ohio [a history]. 1903. maps. - 97310 King (W. L. M.) The secret of heroism, memoir of H. A. Harper. H031 King of Folly Island, and other people ; by S. O. Jewett. - - 19J2 King of shreds and patches, a novel ; by E. P. Finnemore. - 68F1 King Solomon's mines ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - 3H1 Kinglake (Alex. W. ) Eothen [travel in the east, 1835]. mem. port.93901 - The invasion of the Crimea [1854-6]. 1901. 9 v. - - 94003-11 188 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. KIN Kings, Books of. See Bible. King's deputy, a romance ; by H. A. Hinkson. - 64H1 King's henchman ; by W. H. Johnson. 23 Jl King's highway, or, in the age of William III. ; by G. P. R. James. 6 J 20 King's Own ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52M4 King's revoke, an episode; by Mrs. M. L. Woods. - - - 92 Wl King's romance, Milan and Natalie of Servia ; by F. Gerard, ill. M191 King's tragedy ; by M. Wynne. 87 Wl Kingsland (Mrs. B.) Book of indoor and outdoor games. 1904. 79308 Kingsley (Charles) At last, Christmas in the West Indies, ill. 97701 - Glaucus, or, the wonders of the shore. 1903. col. ill. - - 59201 - Health and education [essays]. 1887. - - - - - E1K3 The study of natural history. On bio-geology. Superstition. Science. George Buchanan, scholar. Rondelet, the Huguenot naturalist. Yesalius, the anatomist. [Etc.] - The hermits. 1885. ill. 99809 - Historical lectures and essays. 1902. 90403 Alexandria and her schools. The ancien regime. The first discovery of America. Cyrus, servant of the Lord. Ancient civilization. [Etc.] - Literary and general lectures and essays. 1898. - - - E1K4 The stage as it was once. Shelley and Byron. A. Smith and A. Pope. Tennyson. Burns and his school. The poetry of sacred and legendary art. On English literature. Grots and groves [on Gothic ecclesiastical archi- tecture]. Hours with the mystics. Phaethon, loose thoughts. [Etc.] - Madam How and Lady Why, lessons iu earth lore. 1905. ill. 55108 - Plays and Puritans, and other historical essays. 1890. - - E1K2 Sir W. Raleigh and his time. Froude's History of England. - Poems. 1902. 101 K - Sanitary and social lectures and essays. 1902. - - - E1K1 The contents will be found at Health. - Sermons on national subjects. 1890. 25202 - Alton Locke, tailor and poet. 24 K 8 - Hereward the Wake, ' last of the English.' 2 copies. - - 24K4 - The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales. 24 K 3 - Hypatia, or, new foes with an old face. 24 K 6 - Two years ago. 24K5 - Westward ho ! 2 copies. 24 Kl - Yeast, a problem. 24 K 7 Kingsley, Charles. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. 1904. - E5M2 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E4S3 Kingsley (Henry) Austin Elliot. The Harveys. - - - 26K4 - The Hillyars and the Burtons. 26 K 2 - Mademoiselle Mathilde. 26K7 - Oakshott Castle. The Grange garden. 26K10 - Old Margaret, and other stories. 26 K 5 - Ravenshoe. - - 26K1 - The recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn. 26 K 3 - Reginald Hetherege. Leighton Court. 26K11 1S9 KIN GLA SGO W P VBLIC LIBRARIES. Kingsley (Henry) Silcote of Silcotes. 26K8 - Stretton. 26K6 - Valentin. Number seventeen. - - - - - 26 K 9 Kingston (Alfred) How to start in life. 65801 Kin gzett (C. T.) Nature's hygiene and sanitary chemistry. - 61407 Kinnear (John B. ) ed. Teaching of the Lord in the Gospels. 1906. 23213 Kinross-shire. Mackay (.<£. J. G.) The history of Kinross. 1890. 92504 Kinsfolk; by A. S. Swan. - 148S46 Kipling (Rudyard) Barrack-room ballads, and other verses. 1905. 402 K - Departmental ditties, and other verses. 1904. - - - 403 K - The five nations [poems]. 1903. 401K - The seven seas [poems]. 1905. 404K - 'Captains courageous,' a story of the Grand Banks. - - 28K13 - The day's work [stories]. 28K12 - The jungle book. 28K1 - The second jungle book. 28 K 2 - Just so stories. 28K3 - Kim. 28K5 - Life's handicap, stories. 28K11 - The light that failed. 28K10 - Many inventions [stories]. 28 K 9 - Plain tales from the hills. 28 K 8 - Puck of Pook's Hill. - - - 28 K 17 - Soldier tales. 28K14 - Soldiers three. The story of the Gadsbys. In black and white. 28 K 7 - Stalky and Co. 28 K4 - 'They.' 28K16 - Traffics and discoveries [stories]. 28K15 - Wee Willie Winkie, and other stories. 28 K 6 Kipling, Rudyard. Gosse (E. W.) Kipling's short stories. In his Questions at issue. 1893. 80403 Kipps, the story of a simple soul ; by H. G. Wells. - - - 89W5 Kirk, John, Memoirs of ; [by his widow]. 1888. port. - - K021 Kirk (William) joint-author. See Reid (Alan). Kirkman (Fred. B.) Premieres lectures ; with notes. 1905. ill. 44852 Kirkmichael. Graham (H. G. ) Life in country manse. In his Essays. E4G1 Kirkpatrick (A. F. ) Divine library of the Old Testament. 1904. 22210 Kirkpatrick (F. A.) British colonization and Empire. 1906. v. 1. 32508 Kirkup (Thomas) A history of socialism. 1906. port. - - 33501 Kirsteen, story of a Scotch family ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. 6010 Kit Kennedy, country boy ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - - 120 C 13 Kitson (Arthur) Captain James Cook [a biography]. 1907. ill. C042 Kitson (C. H.) The art of counterpoint. 1907. mus. - - 78101 Kitto (John) Scripture lands, historical sketches. 1850. maps. 94507 190 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LAB ill 1887. 1904. v. 1. Kitty Costello [a novel] ; by Mrs. Alexander. .... Kleiser (Grenville) How to speak in public. 1907. Klemm (L. R.) joint-author. See Hughes (James L.) Knickerbocker's History of New York ; by W. Irving. Knight of Elvas, and others. Narratives of the career of Her nando de Soto in the conquest of Florida. 1905. 2 v. maps Knight (Charles) Shadows of the old booksellers. 1865. Knight (Ed. H.) Practical dictionary of mechanics. 3 v. ill. Knight (H. T.) Criticism and the Old Testament. 1906. Knight (John H.) Motor repairing for amateurs. Knight (Joseph) Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Knight (S. R.) joint-author. See Hall (H. S.) Knight (W. T.) Mathematical wrinkles. - Knight (William A.) [Biographical] Retrospects. Knight-errant ; by Edna Lyall. ------- Knight of the Cumberland ; by J. Fox. Knight of the nineteenth century ; by E. P. Roe. Knight of the white feather ; by Mme. J. Couvreur. Knots. Jut-sum (J. N.) Knots, bends, splices. 1907. ill. Knowledge. For list of related subjects, see Philosophy. - Bacon (F.) Advancement of learning. - - - - - Goldsmith (O.) Polite learning in Europe. In his Works, v. 3. Knowles (Robert E.) St. Cuthbert's of the west, a novel. Knox, John. Carlyle (T.) On portraits of John Knox. port. - - Innes (A. T.) John Knox [a biography]. 1905. port. - - Miller (E.) John Knox, hero of Scottish reformation, ill. - Stevenson (R. L.) Knox and women. In his Men and books. Kobbe (Gustav) How to appreciate music, ill. Koenig, Fred. In Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. - Kofler (Leo) The art of breathing, tone production, port. Konig (E.) Natural-color photography, ill. - Kordgien (G. C.) and Kunow (E.) Portuguese conversation- grammar ; with key. 1902. 2 v. - Korea. Carles (W. R.) Life in Corea. 1888. ill. - Hamilton (A.) Korea. 1904. ill. map. Kreutzer (R. ) 40 studies [for the violin]. - Krudener, Barbara J. de. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Kumasi. Armitage (C. H.) and Montanaro (A. F. ) campaign of 1900. 1901. ill. map. plan. Kunow (Ft.) joint-author. See Kordgien (G. C.) map. Essays. The Ashanti 22A2 80816 813 97502-3 99712 62021-3 22216 62208 R181 51001 99903 67L3 47F2 56R8 161 CI 65609 19208 E1G3 47K1 94102 K011 K012 E1S3 78008 99703 78404 77009 46901-2 95201 95202 78704 E11S1 96002 Labiche (Eugene M.) et Jolly (A.) La grammaire ; with notes. 44815 - et Martin (E.) La poudre aux yeux, comedie. - - - 301 L Le voyage de Monsieur Perrichon, comedie ; with notes. - 44822 191 LAB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Labour. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - An itchkow (M.) War and labour. 1900. .... 33015 - Auerbach (F.) The Zeiss works Stiftung in Jena. 1904. ill. 33101 - Bashford (J. L.) ed. Life and labour in Germany. 1906. - 33107 " Reports of the Gainsborough Commission." - Black (C.) Sweated industry and the minimum wage. 1907. - 33106 - Cadbury (E.) and others. Women's work and wages. 1906. ill. 39603 - Clark (V. S.) The labour movement in Australasia. 1907. map. 33105 - Dawson (W. H.) The German workman. 1906. - - - 33108 - Ely (R. T.) The labor movement in [U.S.] America. 1905. - 33113 - Fabian Society. The economics of direct employment. In Modern socialism. 1907. 33504 - Morris (W.) The labour question from the socialist stand- point. In Modern socialism. 1907. - 33504 - Report of the National Conference on Sweated Industries, Glasgow, 1907. 33126 - Rogers (J. E. T.) Six centuries of work and wages. 1901. - 33104 - Ruskin (J.) Time and tide, the laws of work. 1903. - - 30402 - See also Agricultural classes. Arbitration. Children. Housing of working classes. Trade unions. Unemployed. Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906. Labrador. Grenf ell (W. T.) Off the rocks, ill. - - - 27901 " Stories of the deep-sea fisherfolk of Labrador." La Bruyere, Jean de. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 2. - E11S2 Lace. For list of related subjects, see Textiles. - Felkin (W. ) History of the machine-wrought hosiery and lace manufactures. 1867. ill. 67727 - Milroy (M. E. W.) Home lace-making. 1906. ill. - - 67729 - Tebbs (L. A.) The art of bobbin lace. 1907. ill - - - 74602 Ladder of swords, a tale ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - 8P13 Lads' love; by S. R. Crockett. 120C12 Lady Adelaide, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. Lady Audley's secret ; by M. E. Braddon. Lady Baltimore [a novel] ; by O. Wister. - Lady Barbarity, a romantic comedy ; by J. C. Snaith. Lady cake-maker ; by L. T. Meade. - Lady Clarissa [a story] ; by E. J. Worboise. Lady Electra [stories] ; by R. Barr. - Lady Evelyn, a story of to-day ; by M. Pemberton. - Lady Grace, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - Lady Hester ; by C. M. Yonge. .... Lady in sables ; by G. W. Appleton. ' Lady Maud,' schooner yacht ; by W. Clark Russell. Lady of Lyons, and other plays ; by Lord Lytton. - Lady of the barge ; by W. W. Jacobs. Lady Rose's daughter ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 192 10W11 81B4 93W1 90S1 76M9 83W26 19B1 28P4 10W22 2Y13 37A1 75R11 801 L 4J10 14W9 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LAN Lady Silverdale's sweetheart, and other talcs ; by W. Black. - 62B15 Lady Susan [a novel] ; by J. Austen. A 091 Lady William [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. - - 601 La Fayette, M. P. de L. , comtesse de. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 3. 1901. E11S3 La Fontaine (Jean de) Fables [avec] notes. 1901. mem. - 401 L - A hundred fables. 1900. ill. 402 L Lagden's luck ; by T. Gallon. 6G3 Laidlaw (John) Studies in the parables, and other sermons. - 22706 Laing (David) ed. Early Scottish metrical tales. 1889. - - 82303 Laing (Samuel) Modern science and modern thought. 1886. - 21510 Laird of Norlaw, a Scottish story ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. 608 Laird's luck, and other fireside tales ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - 99 C5 Lake (Charles S. ) The world's locomotives, ill. - - - 62107 Lake district. Collingwood (W. G.) The Lake counties, ill. maps. 91722 - Rawnsley (H. D.) Rambler's note-book at the English Lakes. 91715 - Sessions (F.) Literary celebrities of Lake-district. 1907. - 99902 Lamartine (Alphonse M. L. de) The French revolution of 1848. 93207 - History of the Girondists. 1903-5. 3 v. ill. - - - 93204-6 Lamartine, Alphonse M. L. de. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 2. E3A2 Lamb (Charles) Essays of Elia. Eliana. 1903. mem. port. - E2L1 - ed. Specimens of English dramatic poets, time of Shakespeare, with extracts from the Garrick plays ; with notes, port. 82508 Webster. Ford. Jonson. Fletcher. Shirley. Lamb, Charles. Ainger (A.) Lamb [a biography]. 1903. bibl. L151 - In Paul (H. W.) Stray leaves. 1906. E1P1 Lambert (F. C. ) Lantern slide making. 1907- ill. - - 77802 Lambert (T. W.) Fishing in British Columbia. 1907. - - 79914 Lambeth and the archbishops ; by J. R. Green. In his Studies. E2G1 Lamentations. See Bible. Lamington (Alex., Lord) In days of the dandies. 1906. port. ill. 91431 Lamps. Redwood (Sir B.) Lamps. In Lighting. 1895. ill. - 66505 and Louis (D. A.) Miners' safety lamps. In Lighting. 1895. 66505 Lamps of the temple, and other addresses ; by H. R. Reynolds. 25204 Lampson (Frederick Locker) London lyrics. 1889. port. - 501 L Lanarkshire. Glasgow and Lanarkshire. 1904. 4°. - - 92311 - McMichael (A. C. ) Notes by the way, Lanarkshire. - - 92305 Lancaster (Charles) The art of shooting. 1906. ill. - - 79921 Lances of Lynwood ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y15 Land. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Adam (E.) Land values and taxation. 1907. - - - 33603 - Collings (J.) Land reform. 1906. ill. 33305 - Fox (A. W.) The rating of land values. 1906. - - - 33302 - George (H.) Progress and poverty. 1905. .... 33301 - George (W. L.) Small holdings. In his Social progress. 1907. 30411 G 193 LAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Land. Slater (G. ) The English peasantry and the enclosure of common fields. 1907. maps. 33303 - Waghorn (T.) The compulsory taking of land. 1906. - - 34708 Land beyond the forest, Transylvania ; by E. Gerard. 2 v. ill. 92905-6 Land o' the leal ; by David Lyall. 66 L 2 Land of Israel, travels in Palestine ; by H. B. Tristram. 1866. 94506 Land of pardons [Brittany] ; by A. Le Braz. 1907. ill. - - 93307 Land of the clansmen ; by W. Jamie. 91838 Land of the dollar [United States] ; by G. W. Steevens. 1900. - 97203 Landed gentry. Froude (J. A. ) Uses of a landed gentry. In his Short studies, v. 3. 1903. E2F3 Landon (Perceval) Lhasa, an account of the country and people of central Tibet. 1905. 2 v. ill. maps. - - 94902-3 Landor (A. H. S.) Tibet and Nepal. 1905. col. ill. - - 94906 Landor (Walter S. ) Charles J. Fox, his life and character. 1907. F053 - Imaginary conversations, mem. 82802 - Poems. 1001L - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 Landor, Walter S. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 2. 1895. 82104 - In Stedman (E. C.) Victorian poets. 1876. - 82406 - Stephen (Sir L.) Landor's Imaginary conversations. In his Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. ' E4S2 Landsborough (D.) British sea- weeds. 1851. col. ill. - - 58906 Landscape. MacWhirter (J.) Sketch book, landscape painting in water-colour. 1906. col. ill. 75801 Lane (Charles H.) Dog shows and doggy people. 1902. ill.- 63613 - Pvabbits, cats, and cavies. 1903. ill. 63614 Lang (Andrew) The Clyde mystery. 1905. ill. - 57103 A criticism of some chapters in Munro's quities," 57101. - James VI. and the Gowrie mystery. 1902. ill. plans. - 91826 - Letters to dead authors. 1896. 80401 - Lost leaders [essays]. 1892. E4L1 - Sir Walter Scott [a biography]. 1906. ill. - S084 - joint-author. See Haggard (Henry Rider). Lang (Cosmo G.) Bp. The opportunity of Church of England. 1906. 25002 Archaeology and false anti ill. plans. - Lang (Elsie M.) Literary London, ill. 91724 Langdon (Mrs. Amy H.) joint-author. See Hartog (P. J.) Langdon (Samuel) The appeal to the serpent, a story of Ceylon. 14L1 Lange (Franz) Graduated German prose writing ; with notes. 43807 - Juniors' German. 1895. 43806 Langland (William) Piers the plowman ; ed. by W. W. Skeat. 701L Langlois (E.) joint-author. See Paris (Gaston). Langmead (Thos. P. T.) English constitutional history. 1905. 34207 Language. Bopp (F.) A comparative grammar. 1862. 3 v. -41501-3 "Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic languages." 194 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LAN Language. Edmonds (J. M.) An introduction to comparative philology for classical students. 1906. bibl. ill. - - 41004 - Hovelacque (A.) The science of language. 1877. - - - 41003 "Linguistics, philology, etymology." - In Mallik (M. C.) Impressions of a wanderer. 1907. - - 90816 - In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 5, 7. 1899-1902. - E5M1, E5M3 5. Congress of Orientalists, address, 1S92. School of Oriental languages. 7. Stratification of language. Chronology of language. Comparative philo- logy as a branch of classical study. Results of the science of language. Language and poetry of Schleswig-Holstein. Lectures on the science of language. 1873. 2 v. - - 41001-2 - Skeat (W. W.) Classical and English philology. 1905. bibl. 41005 - Whitney (W. D.) The life and growth of language. 1902. - 40902 - See also Phonetics. Spelling. Language, Anglo-Saxon. Text; with notes, etc. Bright (J. W.) ed. An Anglo-Saxon reader. 1903. 42901 Language, Danish. Harvey (W. F.) ed. Danish self-taught. 1903. 43902 Language, Dutch. Hossfeld's Dutch for the million ; with key. 43903 Language, English. Abbott (E. A.) and Seeley (Sir J. R.) English iessons for English people. 1871. 42005 - Alford (H.) The Queen's English, speaking and spelling. 1864. 42807 - Bain (A.) English composition and rhetoric. 2 v. - - - 80806-7 - Carman (M. C.) The function of words, analysis and parsing. 42506 - Carpenter (G. R.) Rhetoric and English composition. 1906. 80812 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-5. 1903. - - - 03202-6 - Craik (G. L. ) Manual of English literature and language. - 82010 - Harrison (M.) Rise, progress, and structure of English. 1848. 42004 - Hartog (P. J.) and Langdon (Mrs. A. H.) Writing of English. 42808 - Low (W. H.) and Briggs (J.) Matric. English course. 1905.- 42802 - Marsh (G. P.) Origin and history of English language. 1862. 42003 - Meiklejohn (J. M. D.) The English language. 1907. - - 42006 " Its grammar, history, and literature." - Morris (R.) Elementary historical English grammar. 1900. - 42503 English grammar [a primer]. 1905. 42501 Historical outlines of English accidence. 1903. - - - 42505 and Bowen (H. C. ) English grammar exercises. 1904. - 42502 - Wetherell (J.) Exercises on Morris's Grammar. 1901. - - 42504 - Nesfield (J. C. ) Study and composition of English. 1907. - 42804 - Rahtz (F. J.) Higher English. 1907. - ... 42002 - Wyld (H. C.) Historical study of mother tongue. 1906. bibl, 42001 - See also Commercial correspondence. Essay-writing. Letter-writing. Metre. Punctuation. Synonyms. Words. Language, Esperanto. Lloyd (R. J.) Esperanto language. 1905. 40801 - O'Connor (J. C.) Esperanto, student's text-book. - - - 40802 Language, French. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-6. - 03202-7 - Ceppi (N.) French lessons on the direct method, beginners course. 1907. ill. 44876 French lessons on the direct method, junior. 1907. - - 44874 195 LAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Language, French. Charlin (A. ) An introduction to French authors. 44832 "A collection of passages not generally understood," with English translation. - Dumville (B.) French pronunciation and diction. 1904. - 44101 - The European conversation books, English -French. - - 44858 - Hein (G.) French conversation and composition. 1907.- - 44875 - Hutton (H. L.) ed. Arnold's Modern French, bk. 1. 1906. - 44857 - Kirkman (F. B.) Premieres lectures. 1905. ill. - - - 44852 - Lazare (J.) ed. Unseen passages, modern French authors, v. 1. 44864 - Paris (G.) et Langlois (E.) I/etude du vieux francais. 1899. - 44701 - Passy (P. ) The sounds of the French language. 1907. - - 44102 - Stallworthy (A. ) Le francais parle et ecrit. 1907. - - - 44856 - Weekley (E. ) The matriculation French course. 1905. - - 44806 - Texts; icith notes, etc. About (E. F. V.) Contes choisis. 1893. 44834 La fille du chanoine. 1898. 44866 Augier (E. ) et Sandeau (J. ) Le gendre de M. Poirier, comedie. 44863 - - Balzac (H. de) Eugenie Grandet. 1905. .... 44835 Banville (T. de) Gringoire, comedie. 1903. - - - 44820 - - Belfond (J.) ed. Histoires choisies. 1898. 6 v. - - 44826-31 Extracts from the nineteenth century French prose-writers. Bonnechose (E. de) Bertrand du Guesclin. 1896. 2 v. map. 44877-8 - - Bouilly (J. JST.) L'abbe de l'Epee, comedie. 1898. - - 44851 Bourrienne (L. A. F. de) La jeunesse de Bonaparte. 1907. 44873 Chenier (A. ) Poesies choisies. 1907. .... 44871 - - Coppee (F. E. J.) Le luthier de Cremone [comedie]. 1903.- 44819 Poesies choisies. 1907. 44872 Le tresor [comedie]. 1906. 44818 - - Delavigne (J. F. C.) Les enfants d'Edouard. - - - 44850 Louis XL, tragedie. 1894. 44823 Dumas (A.) Les demoiselles de Saint-Cyr, comedie. - - 44813 Duveyrier (A. H. J. et C. ) Michel Perrin, comedie. - - 44810 Erckmann (E.) et Chatrian (A.) Le docteur Matheus. - 44869 Madame Therese. 1904. 44838 Waterloo. 1902. 44837 Girardin (D. de) La joie fait peur, comedie. 1901. - - 44816 - - Guizot (F. P. G.) Guillaume le Conquerant. 1902. - - 44839 Herbert (F.) Anecdotes, morceaux choisis. 1900. - - 44859 - - Hodges (W. H.) and Powell (P.) Le Francais chez lui. - 44853 "A French reader, with exercises on grammar." - - Hugo (Y.) Hernani, drame. 1904. 4484* Les miserables, principaux episodes. 1897-1902. 2 v. - 44854-5 Kastner (Y.) ed. Anecdotes historiques et litteraires. 1900. 44833 Labiche (E. M.) et Jolly (A.) La grammaire, comedie. - 44815 et Martin (E.) Le voyage de Monsieur Perrichon. - - 44822 Lebrun (P. A.) Marie Stuart, tragedie. .... 448K - - Le Francois (E. B.) ed. A new French reader. 1898.- - 4483( 196 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LAN Language, French. Texts ; with notes, etc. Marmier (X.) Le protege de Marie- Antoinette. 1901. ill. - - - 44840 - - Merimee(P.) Colomba. 1905. 44841 - - Michelet (J.) La mer. 1907. 44868 Moinaux (J.) Les deux sourds [comedie]. 1901.- - - 44824 -- Ohnet (G.) Le chant du cygne. 1895. .... 44842 Ferret (J. A.) ed. The matriculation French reader. 1906. 44807 Racine (J.) Les plaideurs, comedie. 1902.- - - - 44808 -- Richebourg (E.) Deux amis. 1897. ----- 44843 Sand (George) La mare au diable. 1904. - 44844 - - Sandeau (J.) Mademoiselle de la Seigliere, comedie. 1903. 44811 Scientific French reader, extracts. 1894. - 44860 -- Scribe (E.) Valerie, comedie. 1892. 44817 Le verre d'eau, comedie. 1905. - - - - - 44849 et Delavigne (J. F. C.) Le diplomate, comedie. - - 44812 et Legouve (E. W.) Adrienne Lecouvreur, comedie. 1898. 44821 Bataille de dames, comedie. 1900. ... - 44825 Souvestre (E. ) Le chevrier de Lorraine. 1895. - - - 44846 Un philosophe sous les toits. 1901. 44845 Stern (Daniel) Les journees de juin, 1848. 1907. - - 44870 Thierry (J. N. A.) Recits des temps merovingiens. 2 v. - 44861-2 Villemain (A. F.) Lascaris, ou, les Grecs du xv. siecle. 1875. 44847 - See also Commercial correspondence. Language, Gaelic. Gillies (H. C. ) The Gaelic class book, exercises on grammar. 1896. 49102 - Munro (J.) A new Gaelic primer. 1902. .... 49103 Language, German. Behaghel (O. ) Historical grammar of German. 43837 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-8. 1903. - - - 03202-9 - Fasnacht (G. E.) Macmillan's German course, first year. 1904. 43827 Macmillan's German course, second year. 1903. - - 43828 - Fiedler (H. G.) and Sandbach (F. E.) A first German course for science students. 1906. HI. 43804 - Joerg (J. B. and J. A.) A first German course. 1907. ill. - 43826 - Lange (F.) Graduated German prose writing. 1902. - - 43807 Juniors' German. 1895. - - - - - - 43806 - Meissner (A. L. ) German prose composition. 1899. - - 43808 - Schlomka(C) German grammar. 1899. - 43844 Exercises for translating German. 1896. - 43825 A sequel to " German grammar." - Spearing (H. G.) German reader, writer, and grammar. 1905. 43836 - Wright (J.) Historical German grammar, v. 1. - - 43833 Phonology. Word-formation. Accidence. - Texts ; with notes, etc. Goethe (J. W. von) Egmont. 1898. ill. 43830 Faust. 1906. 43810 Goetz von Berlichingen. 1902. 43811 Hermann und Dorothea. 43816 197 LAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Language, German. Texts ; with notes, etc. Goethe (J. W. von) Iphigenie auf Tauris. 1898. 43842 Poems. 1902. 43843 - - Grimm (J. L.K.undW.K.) Kinder- und Hausmarchen. 1899. 43832 -- Hauff(W.) Das Bilddes Kaisers. 1893. - 43817 -- Heine (H.) Lieder und Gedichte. 1907. - 43841 - - Lessing (G. E.) Minna von Barnhelm. 1898. - - - 43818 Nathan der Weise. 1902. 43812 Riehl (W. H. von) Die Ganerben. Die Gerechtigkeit Gottes. 43819 - - Scheffel (J. V. von) Der Trompeter von Sakkingen. 1903. 43840 - - Schiller (J. C. F. von) Jungfrau von Orleans. 1906. - - 43813 Der Neffe als Onkel. 1898. - 43821 Wallenstein's Tod. 1902. - - - - - - 43814 Wilhelm Tell. - - - - 43815 - - Schmid (C. von). Heinrich von Eichenfels. 1899. - 43839 - - Schrader (F.) Friedrich der Grosse. 1902. map. - - 43831 - - Weber (K.) Vier kleine Lustspiele. 1906. - - ^ - - 43824 - - Wichert (E.) Das eiserne Kreuz. 1885. - - *- - 43809 - - Zastrow(K.) Wilhelm der Siegreiche. 1902. - - 43838 - - Zschokke (J. H. D.) Das Goldmacherdorf. 1898. - 43823 Der zerbrochene Krug. 1905. - - - - - - 43822 - See also Commercial correspondence. Language, Greek. In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 5-8. 03206-9 - Murray G.) Attic sentence-construction. 1898. - - - 48501 - Paul(H. W.) Study of Greek. In his Stray leaves. 1906. - E1P1 - Thompson (J.) A Greek grammar, accidence, and syntax. 1902. 48801 Language, Hebrew. Muller (A. ) Outlines of Hebrew syntax. 1894. 49201 Language, Italian. In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 6-8. 03207-9 - Genzardi (N. E.) The English tourist in Italy. 1906. - - 45802 - Melzi (B.) New Italian and English dictionary. 1905. - - 45301 - Text; with notes, etc. Pellico (S.) La mie prigioni. - - 45801 - See also Commercial correspondence. Language, Japanese. Aston (W. G.) A grammar of the Japanese spoken language. 1888. 49501 Language, Latin. Alf ord (M. ) ed. Latin passages for translation. 47803 - In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 1-7. 1903. - - - 03202-8 - Gildersleeve (B. L.) and Lodge (G.) Latin grammar. 1903. - 47802 - Longmans' Latin course. 1904. 47806 - Sloman (A.) A grammar of classical Latin. 1906. - - - 47801 - Texts; with notes, etc. Nepos (C.) Lives, Miltiades, Themis- tocles, Pausanias. 47804 Terence. Andria. 47805 Language, Persian. Clarke (H. W.) The Persian manual. - 49106 Language, Portuguese. Kordgien (G. C.) and Kunow (E.) Portuguese conversation-grammar ; with key. 1902. 2 v. 46901-2 198 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LAT Language, Russian. Alexandrow (F.) Easy method of learning the Russian language. 1867. 49104 - Werkhaupt (G.) and Roller (E.) Russian reader. 1902. maps. 49105 Language, Scottish. Mackay (C.) The poetry and humour of the Scottish language. 1882. 42701 Language, Spanish. Arteaga y Pereira (F. de) Practical Spanish, a grammar. 1902. 2 v. 46807-8 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 6-8. - 03207-9 - Robert (F. R.) Dent's First Spanish book. 1906. ill.-' - 46801 - Torres (R.) ed. The pictorial Spanish course. - - - 46802 - Worman (J. H.) and Bransby (C.) Segundo libro de Espanol. 46805 - Texts ; ivith notes, etc. Mantilla (L. F. ) Libro de lectura, No. 3. 46803 -- Schilling (J.) Don Basilic 1907. 46804 Velazquez de la Cadena (M.) A new Spanish reader. 1900. 46806 - See also Commercial correspondence. Language, Swedish. Ahn (F. ) Easy method of learning Swedish. 43901 Language, Tenerifan. Bute (Marquess of) On the ancient language of the natives of Tenerife. In his Essays. 1901. E7B1 Lankester (Sir Edwin R.) The kingdom of man. 1907. ill. • 50420 Lansdell (Henry) Through central Asia. 1887. ill. map. - 94907 Lao Tzff . Sayings [Taoism]. 29901 Laodicean, a story of to-day ; by T. Hardy. - - - 21 H 8 Laokoon ; by G. E. Lessing. In his Selected prose works. 1905. 83801 Lapse of Vivien Eady ; by C. Marriott. 50 M 2 Largo. Cunningham (A. S.) Upper Largo, Lower Largo. 1907. ill. 92507 La Rochefoucauld (FRANgois, duc de) Maximes. mem. port. 84802 Lascaris, ou, les Grecs du xv. siecle ; par A. F. Villemain ; notes. 44847 Lassalle, Ferdinand. In Shorter (C. K. ) Immortal memories. 1907. E6S1 Last ballad, and other poems ; by J. Davidson. 1899. - - 602D Last chance, a tale of the golden west ; by Rolf Boldrewood. - 71 B 4 Last days of Pompeii ; by Lord Lytton. 74 L 7 Last entry ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R12 Last hope ; by Henry Seton Merriman. 85M12 Last of the barons; by Lord Lytton. 74L15 Last %i the climbing boys, autobiography ; by G. Elson. 1900. E071 Last of the Mohicans [Leather-stocking series, No. 2] ; by J. F. Cooper. 88 C 9 Late Mrs. Null [a novel] ; by F. R. Stockton. - - - - 125 S 2 Latham (C. ) Winding. In Practical coal-mining, v. 3. 1907. - 62512 Lathe. See Turning. Lathrop (Elise) Where Shakespeare set his stage, ill. - - 82506 Latin language. See Language, Latin. Latin literature. See Literature, Latin. Latter (H.) Precis writing. 1903-6. 2 v. - - - -65803-4 Latter (Lucy R.) School gardening for children. 1906. ill. - 37201 Latter-day pamphlets ; by T. Carlyle. E1C10 199 LAT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Latter-day sweethearts ; by Mrs. B. Harrison. - 28H1 Laud, William, Archbp. In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae. E3S1 Lauder (Sir Thomas D.) Tales of the Highlands. 1881. ill. - 39810 Laughlin (James L.) Industrial America. 1907. maps.- ■ 33009 Laughtox (Sir John K. ) and others. From Howard to Nelson, twelve sailors. 1907. ill. maps. 99609 Laundry. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - Black (Mrs. M.) Cookery and laundry work. - 64107 - Raukin (M. C.) Manual of science of laundry work. 1904. ill. 64801 Laura's legacy ; by Mrs. E. H. Strain. 172 SI Laurel bush, an old-fashioned love story ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. HOC 13 Laut (Agnes C.) Lords of the north. 79L1 Lavengro, the scholar, the gypsy, the priest ; by G. Borrow. - 74B2 Lavinia [a novel] ; by R. Broughton. 97 B 6 Law (C. O.) House decoration and repairs. 1907. - - - 69007 Law, William. In Inge (W. R. ) Studies of English mystics. 1907. 14901 Law. For list of other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Bagehot (W.) Bad lawyers or good? In his Literary studies, v. 3. E5B3 - Cope (E. A.) Pitman's Solicitor's clerk's guide. - - - 34003 - Dicey (A. V. ) The relation between law and public opinion in England during the nineteenth century. 1905. - - 34002 - In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 4, 6. - - - - 19212, 19214 4. De corpore politico. 6. A dialogue of the common laws of England. - Lorimer (J. ) A handbook of the law of Scotland. 1894. - 34901 - Maine (Sir H. J. S. ) Ancient law. 1906. .... 34001 - See also Arbitration. Copyright. Crime. Maritime law. Police courts. Prisons. Reform. Trials. Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906. Law and the lady ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75C20 Lawless (Emily) Maelcho, a sixteenth century narrative. - 17 LI Lawn tennis. See Tennis. Lawrence, Sir Thomas. In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) British painters, v. 3. 1880. 99711 Lawsox (W. R.) American finance, domestic. 1906. - - 33601 Lays and legends of the north, poems and songs ; by D. Grant. 1884. # 401 G Lays of ancient Rome ; by Lord Macaulay. ill. - - - 501 M Lays of the Highlands and isles ; by J. S. Blackie. 1888. - 1801 B Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems ; by W. E. Aytoun. 101 A Lays of the western Gael, and other poems ; by Sir. S. Ferguson. 101 F Lazare (Jules) ed. Unseen passages from modern French authors. 1906. v. 1. 44864 Lea (A. S.) The chemical basis of the animal body. 1902. ill. 61212 "An appendix to Foster's 'Text book of physiology, 61207-10.' " Leach (Henry) The Duke of Devonshire, a biography. 1904. ill. D161 Leadbeater (C. W.) The other side of death. 1903. - - 21202 Leader (Alfred) Through Jamaica with a Kodak. 1907. ill. map. 97702 200 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LEG Learning. See Knowledge. Leask (A. R. ) Refrigerating machinery. 1907. ill. - - 62103 Leask (William K.) James Bos well [a biography]. 1896. - B321 Leather. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Procter (H. R.) Leather manufacture. 1903. ill.- - - 67502 - Watt (A.) Leather manufacture. 1906. ill.- - - - 67501 Leather-stocking series ; by J. F. Cooper. 5 v. 1. The Deerslayer, 88C5. 2. The last of the Mohicans, 88C9. 3. The Pathfinder, 88 C 4. 4. The pioneers, 88 C 3. 5. The prairie, 88 CIO. Leather- work. In Sanforcl (F. G. ) Art crafts for beginners. - 70001 Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands ; by Queen Victoria. 1868. ill. V024 Leaves from the tree of life [sermons] ; by A. Maclaren. 1906. 25215 Leaves of a life, reminiscences ; by M. S. Williams. 1896. - W161 Leaves, Later [reminiscences] ; by M. S. Williams. 1893. - W162 Le Blond (Mrs. Aubrey B.) True tales of mountain adventure. 79605 Lk Bon (Gustave) The crowd, a study of the popular mind. 1908. 30111 Le Braz (Anatole) Land of pardons [Brittany]. 1907. ill. - 93307 Lebrun (Pierre A.) Marie Stuart, tragedie ; with notes. - 44814 Lechler (G.) John Wycliffe and his English precursors. 1904. W231 Lecky (William E. H.) Democracy and liberty. 1899. 2 v. - 32101-2 - History of Ireland in the eighteenth century. 1902-3. 5 v. - 92603-7 - The map of life, conduct and character. 1904. - - - 17015 Lecky, William E. H. Eliot (George) Influence of rationalism, Lecky 's History. In her Essays. 1883. - - - - E1E2 Leclaire, Jean. Bosanquet (B.) Two modern philanthropists. In his Essays and addresses. 1899. - - - - E10B1 Le Conte (Joseph) Evolution, nature, evidences [etc.] 1893. - 57505 Le Couteur ( Wilson) Great outposts of the Empire. 1907. ill. 91111 Lectures. Mliller (F. Max) Defence of lectures. In his Works. E5M1 Le Dantec (Felix) The nature and origin of life. 1907. ill. - 57601 Lee (Gerald S. ) The child and the book. 1907. - - - 02806 - The lost art of reading. 1907. 02807 Lee (Ida) The coming of the British to Australia. 1906. ill. - 98606 Lee, Robert E., Gen. Lee(R. E. ) Recollections and letters of Lee. L162 - White (H. A.) Lee and thesouthern confederacy, 1807-70. 1905. L161 Lee (Sidney) A life of William Shakespeare. 1905. ill.- - S071 Lee (Vernon) The enchanted woods. 1905. .... 91023 " Essays on the genius of places." - Juvenilia. 1887. 2 v. in 1. E3L2 - Pope Jacynth, and other fantastic tales. - - - 27 LI Leech, John. In Brown (J.) Horre subsecivre, v. 3. 1897. - E2B3 Lees (Dorothy N.) Scenes and shrines in Tuscany. 1907. - 93705 Lees (G. R.) Life and adventure beyond Jordan, ill. - - 94502 Le FitANgois (Emile B. ) ed. New French reader ; with notes. 1898. 44836 Le Gallienne (Richard) Retrospective reviews. 1891-5. 2 v. 80404-5 201 LEG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Le Gallienne (Richard) Young lives. 31 LI Legend of Jubal, and other poems ; by George Eliot. - - 102 E Legend of Montrose ; by Sir W. Scott. .3 copies. - - - 35S10 Legends. For list of related subjects, see Folk-lore. - Gould (S. Baring) Curious myths of the'middle ages. 1888. - 39812 - Jiriczek (0. L.) Northern hero legends. 1902. - - - 39815 - Keegan (J.) [Irish] Legends and poems. 1907. - - - 82828 - See also Arthur, King. Charlemagne. Legge (Arthur E. J.) Both great and small. - - - - 81 L 2 - The ford. 81L1 Legouve (Ernest W.) joint-author. See Scribe (Eugene). Leibniz, Gottfried W. [his life and philosophy] ; by J. T. Merz. - 19303 Leigh (J. E. A. ) A memoir of Jane Austen. 1871. - - - A091 Leigh (L. ) Brother East and Brother West, unemployed. 1905. 33124 Leighton, Frederic, Lord. In Bayliss (Sir W.) Painters, port. - 99714 Leighton (Gerald R. ) Life-history of British lizards. 1903. - 59807 Leighton (Mrs. Marie C. ) The amazing verdict. - - - 33L1 Leighton Court ; by H. Kingsley. 26K11 Leila, or, the siege of Granada ; by Lord Lytton. - - - 74L14 Leith (E. S.) The book of the country cottage. 1904. ill. - 72802 Leland (Charles G. ) Wood-carving. 1894. ill. - - - 73603 - Flaxius, leaves from the life of an immortal. - - - 82 LI Lenses. For lists of related subjects, see Light. Photography. - Bolas (T.) and Brown (G. E.) The lens. 1902. ill. - - 77101 "A guide to the choice, use, and testing' of photographic objectives." Leonora d'Orco, or, the times of Caesar Borgia ; by G. P. R. James. 6 Jl Leopold II. MacDonnell (J. DeC.) King Leopold II. 1905. port. ill. L091 " His rule in Belgium and the Congo." Lepers. Jackson (J. ) In leper-land, among Indian lepers. 1901. ill. 27808 Lepicier (Alexius M. ) The unseen world, Spiritism. 1906. - 28901 Le Poer (J. P.) A modern legionary [French Foreign Legion]. - L051 Le Queux (William) Behind the throne. 36L3 - The czar's spy, a story of millions. 36 L 4 - Her Majesty's minister. 36L2 - The valley of the shadow. 36 LI - The woman at Kensington. 36L5 Leslie, Chas. R. In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) Painters. 99711 Less black than we're painted ; by J. Payn. - - - - 18 P 9 Lessing (Gotthold E.) Minna von Barnhelm; with notes. 1898. 43818 - Nathan der Weise ; with notes. 1902. 43812 - Nathan the wise, a dramatic poem. 1894. port. ill. - - 601 L - Selected prose works ; trans, by E. C. Beasleyand H. Zimmern. 83801 Laokoon. How the ancients represented death. Dramatic notes. Lessing, G. E. Jacks (W.) Religious toleration, an address on "Nathan the wise." In his Singles from life's gathering. E1J1 L'Estrange (A. G.) Lady Belcher and her friends. 1891. - B12! 202 HUTCHE SON TOWN BRANCH. LIB Letter for you, readings for mothers' meetings ; by J. M. K. - 24301 Letter of credit ; by S. Warner. 21 W8 Letter-writing. For related subjects, see Language, English. Rhetoric. - Au fait. The correct guide to letter writing. - - - 80808 - In Thorold (A. W.) The yoke of Christ. 1897. - - - 17115 Letters. Lucas (E. V. ) ed. The gentlest art. 1908. - - 82717 - Mumby (F. A.) ed. Letters of literary men. 2 v. - - - 82711-2 1. Sir Thomas More to Robert Burns. 2. Nineteenth century. Letters from a self-made merchant to his son ; by G. H. Lorimer. 81802 Letters from a silent study; by Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie. 1904. - E5C1 Letters of one, a study in limitations ; by C. H, Plunkett. - 79 PI Letters on life ; by W. R. Nicoll. 1904. E2N2 Letters to dead authors ; by A. Lang. 1896. .... 80401 Letters to my boys [on Europe] ; by Sir J. P. Boucaut. 1906. ill. 91008 Levant. Duckworth (H. T. F.) Some pages of Levantine history. 94411 Great Britain and Cyprus. The Latin conquest of Cyprus. Athens in the twelfth century. Lever (Charles) The adventures of Arthur O'Leary. - - 39L4 - Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon. 39 L 3 - The confessions of Con Cregan. 39 L 6 - The confessions of Harry Lorrequer. 2 copies. - - - 39 LI - Jack Hinton, the guardsman. 39 L 2 - Sir Jasper Carew. 39L7 - Tom Burke of "Ours. " 39L5 Leviathan ; by T. Hobbes. hi his English works, v. 3. - - 19211 Leviticus. See Bible. Levy (Arthur) The private life of Napoleon. 1894. 2 v. - N062-3 Levy (Leonard A.) and Willis (H. G.) Radium and other radio-active elements, ill. 54602 Lewes (George H.) A biographical history of philosophy. - 10901 - Life of Goethe. Gill - The life of Maximilien Robespierre. 1849. - - - - R211 Lewes (Vivian B.) Air and water. 1892. ill. - - - 55117 - Liquid and gaseous fuels. 1907. ill. 66202 Lewis (Alfred H. ) The sunset trail [a novel]. - - - - 85 LI Lewis (J. H.) Double counterpoint and canon. 1895. mus. - 78108 Lewis, Meriwether. Biddle (N. ) ed. Expedition of Lewis and Clark to sources of Missouri, 1804-6. 1905. 3v. port. maps. 97405-7 Lewis. Smith (W. A.) Lewsiana, life in outer Hebrides. 1875. ill. 92205 Lewis Arundel, or, the railroad of life ; by F. E. Smedley. - 81 SI Leys (John K.) The broken fetter. 86 LI Liberalism. Alison (Sir A.) Thirty years of liberal legislation [1819-47]. In his Essays, v. 1. 1850. - - - E3A1 - Arnold (M.) Future of liberalism. In his Irish essays [etc.] - E4A1 - Bellairs (C.) and others. The liberal view. 1904. - - 32901 Liberty. For list of related subjects, see Political science. 203 LIB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Liberty. In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 2. - - - - 19210 - Lecky (W. E. H.) Democracy and liberty. 1899. 2 v. - - 32101-2 - Mill (J. S.) On liberty. 1903. - 32301 Libraries. For list of related subjects, see Books. - Wheatley (H. B.) How to form a library. 1902. bill. - - 01001 - See also British Museum. Lichens. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Gray (P. ) British lichens. 1886. bibl. ill. - 58902 - Lindsay (W. L.) A popular history of British lichens. 1856. 58907 Lichfield, Cathedral church of ; by A. B. Clifton. 1898. ill. plan. 72604 Liddell (Henry G. ) A history of Rome to [30 B.C.] 1902. ill. 93614 Lidgett (J. S. ) and others. Social mission of the church. 1906. 26103 Lieut. Gullivar Jones, his vacation ; by E. L. Arnold. - - 47 A 1 Life. See Biology. Christian life. Conduct of life. Future state. Life and flowers [essays] ; by M. Maeterlinck. 1907. - - E8M1 Life and manners, moral instruction of children ; by F. J. Gould. 37702 Life for a life ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. HOC 6 Life in a risen Saviour ; by R. S. Candlish. 1859. - - - 22806 Life of the fields ; by R. Jefferies. 1904. ----- 50406 Life on the ocean, personal adventures ; by G. Little, ill. - L141 Life superlative [Christian life] ; by S. A. Brooke. 1906. - - 24803 Life's handicap, stories ; by R. Kipling. 28K11 Life's ideals [Christian life] ; by W. Dickie. 1907. - - - 17128 Life's little ironies, tales ; by T. Hardy. 21H13 Life's secret, a story ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - 10 W 34 Lifted veil ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. 21E7 Light. For list of related subjects, see Physics. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. 1903. ill. - - 03208-9 - Clay (R. S.) Practical exercises in light. 1906. ill. - - 53505 - In Deschanel (A. P. ) Natural philosophy, v. 4. 1904. ill. - 53401 - Dexter (J. S.) Exercises on sound, light, and heat. 1901. ill. 53605 - Edser(E.) Light for students. 1907. ill. - 53503 - Ovenden (C. T. ) Marvels in the world of light. 1904. ill. - 53504 - Tait (P. G.) Light. 1890. ill. ------ 53507 - Tyndall (J. ) New chemical reactions produced by light. In his Fragments of science, v. 1. 1902. - - - - 50408 - Walker (J.) The analytical theory of light. 1904. ill. - - 53508 - See also Colour. Colour blindness. Lenses. Magic lantern. Photography. Radiation. Rainbow. Spectrum. Light at eventide, large-print [religious] readings. - - - 24205 Light freights [stories] ; by W. W. Jacobs. - - - - 4J7 Light of Asia [a poem on Buddhism] ; by Sir E. Arnold. 1904. ill. 402A Light of the World [a poem on Christ] ; by Sir E.Arnold. 1903. ill. 401 A Light that failed ; by R. Kipling. 28K10 Lightfoot (John) Elementary and intermediate algebra. 1904. 51205 204 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LIO Lighting. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Dent ( W. Y. ) and others. Lighting. In Chemical technology, ill. 66505 Fats and oils ; by W. Y. Dent. Stearine industry ; by J. McArthur. Candle manufacture ; by L. and F. A. Field. The petroleum industry, and lamps ; by Sir B. Redwood. Miners' safety lamps ; by Sir B. Redwood and D. A. Louis. - Thomas (J. W.) The lighting of dwellings. 1906. ill. - 62801 - See also Electric lighting. Gas. Lightning conductors. For related subjects, see Electricity. - Hedges (K.) Modern lightning conductors. 1905. ill. - - 53704 - Zeda (U.) Telephones and lightning conductors. 1907. ill. - 65403 Likewise the younger women [Christian life] ; by W. M. Sinclair. 17104 Lilac sunbonnet ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C 20 Lilith, a romance ; by G. MacDonald. 10M35 Lima. Markham (Sir C. R. ) Cuzco and Lima. 1856. ill. map. 98101 Lincoln, Abraham. In Lowell (J. R.) My study windows. - E1L1 - Morse (J. T. ) Abraham Lincoln [a biography]. 1893. 2 v. port. L033-4 - Thayer (W. M.) Abraham Lincoln, story of his life. 1902. port. L032 Lincoln's Inn. Beeching (H. C.) The Black Books of Lincoln's Inn. In Ms Conferences on books and men. 1900. - E6B2 Lind, Jenny. Holland (H. S. ) and Rockstro ( W. S. ) Jenny Lind- Goldschmidt, her early life, 1820-51. 1891. 2 v. port. ill. L101-2 Lindsay (Harry) Gypsy Roy, a story of early Methodism. - 78 LI Lindsay (W. L.) A popular history of British lichens. 1856. ill. 58907 Lineham (W. J.) Text-book of mechanical engineering. 1906. 62008 Linen. For list of related subjects, see Textiles. - Patterson (Sir R. L.) Linen and flax. In British industries. 1907.33804 - Woodhouse (T. ) and Milne (T. ) Jute and linen weaving. 2 v. 67722-3 1. Mechanism. 2. Calculations and structure of fabrics. Lines from my log-books ; by Sir J. C. D. Hay. 1898. ill. map. H141 Linley Rochford [a novel] ; by J. McCarthy. .... 4M7 Linscott (Mrs. Herbert B.) Bright ideas for entertaining. - 79306 Linskill (Mary) Cleveden. 45L1 Linskill(W. T.) Golf. 1895. ill.. 79608 Linton (Mrs. Elizabeth Lynn) The atonement of Learn Dundas. 46L2 - Grasp your nettle, a novel. 46L11 - An octave of friends, with other stories. 46 L 6 - The one too many. 46L5 - Paston Carew, millionaire and miser, a novel. - - - 46L9 - Patricia Kemball. 46 L 3 - The rebel of the family. 46 LI - Sowing the wind, a novel. 46 L10 - Under which lord ? 46L7 - With a silken thread, and other stories. 46L8 - The world well lost. 46L4 Lionel Lincoln, or, the leaguer of Boston ; by J. F. Cooper. - 88C21 205 LIS GLA SGOWP UBLIC LIBRA RIES. Lishman (W. E. ) Pumping ; Transmission of power. In Coal- mining, v. 3-4. ill. - 62512-3 List, ye landsmen ! a romance of incident; by W. Clark Russell. 75 R 2 Liszt, Franz. In Mason (D.G.) Romantic composers. 1906. port, mus.- 99715 Literature, General. Gosse (E. W.) Questions at issue. 1893.- 80403 The tyranny of the novel. The influence of democracy on literature. Has America produced a poet? What is a great poet? Making a name in literature. The limits of realism in fiction. Is verse in danger ? Tennyson — and after. Kipling's shorter stories. Election at the English Academy. [Etc.] - Howells (W. D.) My literary passions. 1895. - Lang (A.) Letters to dead authors. 1896. - Morley (J.) Studies in literature. 1904. Wordsworth. Aphorisms. Maine on Popular government. - 80402 - 80401 - E3M4 A few- words on French models. Study of literature. Victor Hugo's "Ninety- three." On " The ring and the book." Memorials of a man of letters [Macvey Napier]. Valedictory. - Miiller (F. Max) Works, v, 5, 7. 1899-1902.- - E5M1, E5M3 5. Antiquity of oriental literature. 7. Essays on literature. - In Ruskin (J.) On the old road, v. 3. 70403 - In Strong (S. A.) Critical studies. 1905. - - - - 82820 - Vaughan (C. E. ) The romantic revolt. 1907. - - - 80912 - Warner (C. D.) The relation of literature to life. 1897. - E2W1 - Yeats (W. B.) The Celtic element in literature. In his Ideas. E1Y1 - See also Aphorisms. Authorship. Criticism. Drama. Fables. Fiction. Journalism. Lectures. Novelists. Poetry. Quotations. Re- naissance. Rhetoric. Table-talk. Wit and humour. Literature, American. Wendell (B.) A literary history of America [1600-1900]. 1901. bibl. 81002 Literature, Celtic. Maclean (M.) Literature of the Celts. 1906. 89108 - See also Literature, Gaelic. Literature, Egyptian. Mahaffy (J. P.) A survey of old Egyptian literature. In his Prolegomena to ancient history. 1871. ill. 90206 Literature, English. Arnold (T.) English literature. 1888. - 82014 - Beeching (H. C.) Notes by an examiner in English literature. In his Provincial letters, and other papers. 1906. - - E6B1 - Brooke (S. A.) English literature, 670-1832 [a primer]. 1906. 82030 - Warren (K. M.) ed. A treasury of English literature. 1906. 82011 A collection of extracts illustrating Brooke's " English literature." - Canning (A. S. G. ) British writers on classic lands, a sketch. 82016 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 6-8. 1903. ill. - - 03207-9 - Craik (G. L.) Manual of English literature. - 82010 - Edmunds (E. W. ) and Spooner (F. ) The story of English litera- ture. 1907. v. 1-2. - - 82018-9 1. 1558-1625. 2. 1625-1780. eds. Readings in English literature, junior course, v. 1-2. 82031-2 1. 1558-1625. 2. 1625-1780. Readings in English literature, intermediate course. 1907. v. 1-2. - - - - . 82034-5 1. 1558-1625. 2. 1625-1870. 206 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LIT Literature, English. Edmunds (E. W.) and Spoouer (F.) eds. Readings in English literature, senior course. 1907. v. 1-2. 82037-8 1. 155S-1625. 2. 1625-17S0. - Gosse (E. W.) Modern English literature [1350-1900]. bibl. - 82105 - Herford (C. H.) The age of Wordsworth [1798-1830]. 1901. - 82106 - Kingsley (C.) On English literature. In his Lectures. 1898. E1K4 - Masterman (J. H. B.) The age of Milton [1632-60]. 1897. - 82107 - In Meiklejohn (J. M. D.) The English language. 1907. - 42006 - Morley (H.) A first sketch of English literature. 1904. - 82005 - Muir (P. M.) Religious writers of England. 1901. - - 82017 - Prescott (W. H.) Chateaubriand's English literature. In his Miscellanies. E2P1 - Saintsbury (G. E. B.) The contrasts of English and French literature. In his Miscellaneous essays. 1895. - - E9S1 - - Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. 1895-6. 2 v. - 82103-4 1. Crabbe. Hogg. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Hazlitt. Moore. Leigh Hunt. Peacock. Wilson. De Quincey. Lockhart. Praed. Borrow. 2. Southey. Cobbett. Landor. Hood. Miss Ferrier. English war-songs, Campbell. Madame d'Arblay. Twenty years of political satire. Three humourists, Hook, Barham, Maginn. The historical novel. Some great biographies. - Shaw (T. B.) ed. Specimens of English literature. 1905. - 82013 and Thompson (A. H.) A history of English literature. 1903. 82012 -- Shorter (C. K. ) The literary associations of East Anglia. In his Immortal memories. 1907. E6S1 - Thomson (C. L. ) and Sellon (G. B. ) eds. Illustrations of English literature. 3 v. 82027-9 1. From Wyatt to Webster. 2. Herrick to Dryden. 3. Carlyle to Stevenson. - Walker (H.) The age of Tennyson [1830-70]. 1897. - - 82108 - See also Essays. Letters. Literature, European. Edwardes (M.) ed. A summary of the literature of modern Europe to 1400. 1907. - - - 80915 - Saintsbury (G. E. B.) ed. Periods of European literature. 12 v. 1. The dark ages ; by W. P. Ker, 80903. 2. The nourishing of romance and the rise of allegory ; by G. Saintsbury, 80904. 3. The fourteenth century ; by F. J. Snell, 80905. 4. The transition period ; by G. G. Smith, 80906. 5. The earlier renaissance ; by G. Saintsbury, 80907- 6. The later renaissance ; by D. Hannay, 80908. 7. The first half of the seventeenth century ; by H. J. C. Grierson, 80909. 8. The Augustan ages ; by O. Elton, 80910. 9. The mid-eighteenth century ; by J. H. Millar, 80911. 10. The romantic revolt ; by C. E. Vaughan, 80912. 11. The romantic triumph ; by T. S. Oniond, 80913. 12. The later nineteenth century ; by G. Saintsbury, 80914. - Sismondi (J. C. L. S. de) Literature of south of Europe. 2 v. 80901-2 Literature, French. A list of works in French, having philological notes, etc., will be found at Language, French. - Demogeot ( J. ) Histoire de la litterature f rancaise. 1903. bibl. 84001 - Faguet (E.) A literary history of France. 1907. - - - 84004 - Morley (J.) A few words on French models. In his Studies. E3M4 - Paris (G.) La litterature francaise au inoyen age. bibl,- - 84002 - Saintsbury (G. E. B. ) The contrasts of English and French literature. In his Miscellaneous essays. 1895. - - E9S1 Primer of French literature. 1906. 84003 207 LIT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Literature, French. See also Maxims. Literature, Gaelic. Mackenzie (J. ) ed. The beauties of Gaelic poetry, and lives of the Highland bards. 1907. - - 89105 - Maclean (M.) The literature of the Highlands. 1904. - - 89101 Literature, German. A list of works in German, having philological notes, etc., will be found at Language, German. - Carlyle (T.) German literature of xiv. and xv. centuries. In his Essays, v. 3. E1C3 State of German literature. In his Essays, v. 1. - - El CI - ircMiiller (F. Max) Works, v. 7. 1899. E5M3 - Robertson (J. G.) A history of German literature. 1902. - 83001 - See also Nibelungen Lied. Literature, Greek. Murray (G.) Ancient Greek literature. - 88001 Literature, Irish. Flannery (T.) For the tongue of the Gael, essays. 1907. 89107 - Hull (E.) A text book of Irish literature. 1906. v. 1. - - 89103 - Read (C. A.) and Tynan (K.) eds. The cabinet of Irish litera- ture, selections. 1905. 4 v. ill. 82006-9 Literature, Italian. Gaspary (A.) Italian literature to [1321]. 1901. bibl. 85002 - i?i Sismondi (J. C. L. S. de) Literature of the south of Europe, v. 1. 80901 - Snell (F. J. ) Primer of Italian literature. 1893. - - - 85003 Literature, Jewish. Cassel (D.) Manual of Jewish history and literature. 1905. 29610 - Sharpe (S.) History of Hebrew nation and its literature. 1872. 29608 Literature, Latin. Boissier (G. ) Tacitus, and other studies. - 87002 The schools of declamation at Rome. The Roman journal. Martial. - Sandys (J. E. ) Harvard lectures on the revival of learning. - 87003 - Wilkins (A. S.) Roman literature [a primer]. 1905. - - 87001 Literature, Persian. Strachey (Sir E.) Persian poetry. In his Talks at a country house. 1895. 82815 Literature, Portuguese. Bouterwek (F. ) History of Portuguese literature. 1823. 86002 - In Sismondi (J. C. L. S. de) Literature of the south of Europe, v. 2. 80902 Literature, Provencal. Bartsch (K.) Grundriss zur Geschichte der Provenzalischen Literatur. 1872. .... 84901 ed. Chrestomathie provencale, 10e-15e siecles. 1904. - - 84902 - In Sismondi (J. C. L. S. de) Literature of the south of Europe. 80901 Literature, Russian. Turner (0. E.) Studies, Russian literature. 89106 Literature, Scottish. Sime (A. H. M.) The literary life of Edinburgh. 1898. 82015 - Walker (H. ) Three centuries of Scottish literature. 1893. 2 v. 82101-2 1. The Scottish reformation to the Union. 2. The Union to Scott. Literature, Spanish. Bouterwek (F.) History of Spanish litera- ture. 1823. -----.. 86001 - Prescott (W. H.) Ticknor's History of Spanish literature. In his Miscellanies. E2P1 - In Sismondi (J. C. L. S. de) Literature of the south of Europe, v. 2. 80902 208 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. LOC Lithophytes. Johnston (G.) British sponges and lithophytes. 1842. ill. 59302 Little (George) Life on the ocean, personal adventures, ill. - L141 Little Anna Mark [a novel] ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - 120 C 11 Little brown mouse [a novel]; by E. M. Albanesi. - - 70 A 1 Little Dorrit [a novel] ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - 30 D 11 Little Goody Two-Shoes ; by 0. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 5. E1G5 Little minister ; by J. M. Barrie. 2 copies. .... 24B2 Little Mr. Bouncer and his friend; by Cuthbert Bede. - - 37 Bl A sequel to "The adventures of Mr. Verdant Green," 37 B 2. Little red Captain ; by C. J. Cutcliffe W. Hyne. - - - 115 H 5 Captain Kettle series, No. 1. Little savage ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52 Ml Little schoolmaster Mark, a romance ; by J. H. Shorthouse. - 62 S 2 Little shepherd of Kingdom Come ; by J. Fox. - - - - 47 Fl Little vanities of Mrs. Whittaker ; by John Strange Winter. - 73 W 3 Little white bird ; by J. M. Barrie. 24 B 7 * Lively Fanny ' [a story] ; by D. C. Murray. .... 126 M 7 Liversidge (M. A.) Elementary botany. 1907. ill. - - 58109 Lives of the hunted [animal life] ; by E. T. Seton. 1904. ill. - 59115 Livingstone (David) Last journals in central Africa, from 1865 to his death. 1880. 2 v. port. ill. maps. - - - 95902-3 - Missionary travels in South Africa, port. ill. - - - 96301 Livingstone, David. Maclachlan (T. B.) Livingstone [life]. - L044 - Stanley (Sir H. M.) How I found Livingstone, mem. port. ill. 96101 Livingstone (R.) Desigu and construction of commutators, ill. 62420 Lizards. Leighton(G. R.) Life-history of British lizards. 1903. 59807 Lizzie Leigh, and other tales ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - 10 G 5 Lloyd (M. A.) Susanna Meredith, a record. 1903. - - - M051 Lloyd (Nelson) The chronic loafer [a novel]. - - - 80 LI Lloyd (R. J.) The Esperanto language. 1905. port. - - 40801 Local government. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Ashley (P.) Local and central government. 1906. - - 35209 11 A comparative study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States." - Avebury (Lord) On municipal and national trading. 1906. - 35201 - Darwin (L.) Municipal ownership. 1907. .... 35207 - Graham (J. C.) Taxation and local government. 1906. - - 33602 - Shaw (A.) Municipal government in Great Britain. 1904. - 35208 - Shaw (G. B.) The common sense of municipal trading. 1904. 35204 - See also Cities. Police. Loch (Charles S.) and others. Methods of social advance. 1904. 30401 Locher (Carl) An explanation of the organ stops. 1888. ill. 78617 Lochinvar [a romance] ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - - 120 C 22 Lochlomond side, and other poems ; by J. Young. 1872. - 301 Y Lock (C. G. W. ) ed. Coffee, its culture and commerce. 1888. ill. 63305 209 LOG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Lock (John B. ) Arithmetic for schools. 1904.- - - - 51102 Lock (Robert H.) Recent progress in the study of variation, heredity, and evolution. 1907. ill. - 57527 Lock (Walter) and others. Church and Empire. 1907. - 28304 Locke (John) Philosophical works. 2 v. port. - - - 19201-2 Human understanding. Elements of natural philosophy. [Ete.l Locke, John. Brown (J.) Locke and Sydenham. 7?i Ais Horse subsecivae, v. 1. 1897. - - " - - - - - E2B1 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - - E3S2 Locke's Essay on the human understanding. Locke as a moralist. Locke on government. Locke on toleration. Locke (William J.) The beloved vagabond. - 50L1 Lockhart (John G.) The life of Robert Burns. 1905. - - B061 - The life of Sir Walter Scott. 1896. ill. - - - - S081 Lockhart, John G. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. 82103 Lockyer (Sir Jos. N.j Education and national progress. 1906. 37009 Locock (C. D.) Modern croquet tactics. 1907. ill. - - 79617 Locomotion. See Railways. Locomotive. For list of related subjects, see Steam engine. - Fowler (G. L.) Locomotive breakdowns. 1903. ill. - - 62106 - Lake (C. S.) The world's locomotives, ill. - -■■*_- - 62107 - The locomotive handbook. 1906. ill. 62110 - The locomotive of to-day. 1904. ill. plans. - 62105 - Pettigrew (W. F.) and Ravenshear (A. F.) A manual of locomotive engineering. 1901. ill. ... - 62108 - Reagan (H. C. ) Locomotives, simple, compound, and electric. 62117 Lodge (Alfred) Integral calculus for beginners. 1905. - - 51704 Lodge (Gonzalez) joint-author. See Gildersleeve (B. L.) Lodge (Henry C.) Alexander Hamilton [a biography]. 1898. - H041 - Daniel Webster [a biography]. 1883. W101 - George Washington [a biography]. 1889. 2 v. - - W036-7 Lodge (Sir Oliver J.) Easy mathematics, chiefly arithmetic. - 51005 - Electrons, negative electricity. 1906. ill. - 53712 - Modern views of electricity. 1907. ill. . - - 53707 - Signalling through space without wires, ill. - 65401 - and others. Ideals of science and faith. 1904. - - - 21508 Lodge (Richard) History of modern Europe, 1453-1878. 1903. 91013 Loeb (Jacques) Comparative physiology of the brain and com- parative psychology. 1905. ill. - 59129 Loewenthal, Isidor. In Holcomb (H. H. ) India missions. 1901. ill. 99815 Lofthouse (W. F.) Ethics and atonement. 1906. - - - 23231 - Poverty, its facts and problems. In Citizen of to-morrow. - 30409 Log of a sea-waif, recollections ; by F. T. Bullen. 1906. ill. - B021 Logarithms. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 5. 1903. - - - 03206 - Pickworth (C. N.) Logarithms for beginners. 1904. - - 51004 210 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LON Logic. For list of other branches of philosophy, see Philosophy. - Bodkin (R. C.) How to reason, the A B C of logic. 1907. - 16007 - In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 8. 1903. - - - 03209 - 7rcHobbes(T.) English works, v. 1. 19209 - Jevons (W. S.) Logic [a primer]. 1902. .... 16003 - Joseph (H. W. B.) An introduction to logic. 1906. - - 16005 - Mill (J. S.) A system of logic. 1865. 2 v. - - - - 16001-2 - Russell (J. E.) An elementary logic. 1906. .... 16006 Lombardy. Cesaresco (Countess) Lombard studies. 1902. ill. 93703 Lombroso (Cesare) The man of genius. 1905. ill. - - - 15101 London (Jack) The faith of men, and other stories. - - - 51L2 - The game. 51L3 - The sea- wolf. - - 51 LI London. Defoe (D.) Journal of the plague year [1665]. - - 91714 - /^Dobson (H. A.) Side-walk studies. 1902.. - - - E2D1 Dr. Johnson's haunts and habitations. St. James's Park. A walk from Fulham to Chiswick. - Forster (H. O. A.) Our great city. 1903. ill. - - - 91723 - Harrison (F.) Historic London. In his Choice of books [etc.] E4H1 - Jephson (H.) The sanitary evolution of London. 1907. map. 61402 - Lang (E. M.) Literary London, ill. 91724 - Mourey (G.) Across the Channel, life and art in London. 1896. 91711 - Philpott (H. B.) London at school. 1904. ill. - - - 37906 " The story of the School Board, 1S70-1904." - Ransome (A.) Bohemia in London [descriptive sketches]. 1907- 91720 - In Steevens (G. W.) Glimpses of three nations. 1901. - - 91005 London idylls [stories] ; by W. J. Dawson. - - - 21 Dl London lyrics ; by F. Locker Lampson. 1889. - 501 L London pride ; by M. E. Braddon. 81B5 Lonely girl ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. 104H14 Loney (S. L.) Mechanics and hydrostatics for beginners. 1907. 53103 Long (George) and others. America and the West Indies. 1845. 96803 Long (John L.) The way of the gods. 87L1 Long (William J.) Brier-patch philosophy. 1906. ill. - - 59114 - Northern trails, animal life. 1905. ill. 59120 - School of the woods, animal instincts, ill. .... 59119 - Whose home is the wilderness, animal life. 1907. ill. - - 59122 Long night; by S. J. Weyman. 45W16 Long Parliament. Carlyle (T.) An election to the Long Parlia- ment. In his Essays, v. 7. E1C7 Long vacation ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y16 A sequel to " Beechcroft at Rockstone," 2Y3. Longfellow (Henry W.) Poetical works, port. - - - 101L Longfellow, H. W. Norton (C. E.) Longfellow, his life. 1907. port. L121 "Together with his chief autobiographical poems." - In Vincent (L. H.) American literary masters. 1906. bibl. - 81001 211 LON GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Longinus. Collins (J. C. ) Longinus and Greek criticism. In his Studies in poetry and criticism. 1905. - - - E4C2 Longman (Charles J.) and others. Archery. 1894. ill. - 79611 Longmans' Latin course. 1904. 47806 Longmuir (J. ) joint-author. See Walker (J. ) Longmuir (Percy) joint-author. See McWilliam (Andrew). Longshoremen ; by G. Bartram. ------ 27B1 LongstafFs marriage ; by H. James. 7J7 Looking round, a novel ; by A. S. Roe. 58R1 Loom. Brown (A.) The power-loom and the art of weaving, ill. 67720 Loot of cities, a fantasia ; by E. A. Bennett. - - - 43 B 3 Lopez, Fernao. Clifford (EL) The earliest exile of St. Helena. In his Heroes of exile. 1906. 99510 Lord (R. T.) Decorative and fancy textile fabrics. 1898. ill. - 74503 Lord and Lady Aston, a novel ; by E. H. Cooper. - - 86 CI Lord Eversleigh's sins ; by V. Tweedale. 53 T 2 Lord Oakburn's daughters, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. 10W28 Lord Ormont and his Aminta, a novel ; by G. Meredith. - - 82 M 8 Lords, House of. For related subjects, see Parliament. - Stead (W. T.) Peers or people? 1907. 32803 " The House of Lords weighed in the balances and found wanting." Lords and ladies, stories ; by R. M. Gilchrist. - - - 82 G 2 Lords of the north [a novel] ; by A. C. Laut. - - - 79 LI Lord's Prayer. For list of other Biblical subjects, see Bible. - Ruskin (J.) The Lord's Prayer and the church. In his On the old road, v. 3. 1899. 70403 Lord's Supper. For list of related subjects, see Jesus Christ. - Black (H.) Christ's service of love. 1907. - - - 26501 - Moberly (R. C.) The Fulham conference on communion with the atonement. In his Problems and principles. 1904. - 20402 Lorimer (Geo. H. ) Letters from a self-made merchant to his son. 81802 - Old Gorgon Graham. 1905. ill. 81803 " More letters from a self-made merchant to his son." Lorimer (James) A handbook of the law of Scotland. 1894. - 34901 Lorimer (Norma O.) By the waters of Carthage. 1906. ill. - 95604 Lorna Doone, a romance of Exmoor ; by R. D. Blackmore. - 63B13 Lorraine, a romance ; by R. W. Chambers. - - - 35 C 2 Lorrimer (Charlotte) The call of the east. 1907. - - - 95113 Lost Earl of Elian, a story; by Mrs. C. Praed. - 54P2 Lost Eden; by M. E. Braddon. 81 B 3 Lost estate ; by Mrs. M. E. Mann. 40 M 2 Lost ideal; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 26 Lost leaders [essays] ; by A. Lang. 1892. E4L1 Lost pibroch, and other stories ; by Neil Munro. 2 copies. - 123 M 2 Lothair [a novel] ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - 31B6 Lothrop (Thornton K.) William H. Seward [a biography]. 1896. Sill 212 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. LUB Loti (Pierre) The story of a child [autobiography]. 1901. - L131 - Mori frere Yves. 53L1 Louis IX of France. Perry (F.) Saint Louis. 1901. port, ill.- L071 - Sepet (M.) Saint Louis [a biography]. 1899. - - - L072 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Joinville and St. Louis. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. - - - - - - - - E3S1 Louis XL, tragedie ; par J. F. C. Delavigne ; with notes. 1894. 44823 Louis XIV. Voltaire (F. M. A. de) Siecle de Louis XIV. - - 93105 Louis (D. A.) joint-author. See Redwood (Sir Boverton). Louis (Henry) Shaft-sinking. In Coal-mining, v. 1-2. - 62510-11 Louisa, Queen of Prussia [a biography] ; by M. M. Moffat. 1906. L081 Love. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - In Avebury (Lord) The pleasures of life. 1905. - - - E2A1 - Strachey (Sir E.) Love and marriage. In his Talk. 1895. - 82815 Love and his mask ; by M. M. Dowie. 49 Dl Love and honour ; by M. E. Carr. 151 CI Love and life, a story ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y17 Love and the soul hunters ; by Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie. - - 109 C 2 Love grown cold ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 29 Love me little, love me long ; by C. Reade. - - - - 16 R 14 Love that overcame ; by A. Sergeant. 45 S 2 Love, the fulfilling of the law ; by N. Macleod. 1S88. - - 17125 Love, the tyrant ; by C. Garvice. 93 Gl Lovedale. Young (R.) African wastes reclaimed, Lovedale Mission. 1902. ill. 27807 Lovel the widower ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12T8 Lovell(A. E.) Punctuation as a means of expression. 1907- - 42101 Lovell (Arthur) Deep breathing. 1907. 61202 Lover (Samuel) Handy Andy, a tale of Irish life. - - - 54 LI Love's depths ; by G. Ohnet. 30 1 Love's mirage ; by D. H. Pryce. 82 PI Love's proxy ; by R. Bagot. 2B2 Low (W. H. ) and Briggs ( J. ) Matriculation English course. 1905. 42802 Low tide on Grand Pre, lyrics ; by B. Carman. 1894. - - 1502 C Lowe (Charles) King Edward VII. [a biography], ill. - - E012 Lowell (James R.) My study windows [essays]. - - - El LI My garden acquaintance [birds]. A good word for winter. On a certain condescension in foreigners. A great public character [Josiah Quincy]. Abraham Lincoln. Carlyle. Chaucer. Dryden. Pope. [Etc.] - Poetical works, mem. port. 201 L Lowell, James R. In Vincent (L. H.) American literary masters. 81001 Lowenfeld (Henry) Investment, an exact science. - - - 33209 Lowerison (Harry) From paleolith to motor car, tales. - - 57 Ll Lubbock (Sir John). See Avebury (John Lubbock, Lord). Lubricants. Archbntt (L.) and Deeley (CM.) Lubrication and lubricants. 1907. ill. 62306 213 LUC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Lucas (Edward V.) A wanderer in Holland. 1907. ill. - 93010 - ed. The gentlest art, letters. 1908. 82717 Lucas (Herbert) Fra Girolamo Savonarola, a study. 1906. - S381 Luce (Morton) A handbook to works of Shakespeare. 1906. - 82504 Lucian. In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 3. 1903. - - E2F3 Luck of the Vails ; by E. F. Benson. - - - - - 46B2 Lucknow. In Gilliat (E.) Romance of modern sieges. 1908. ill. 90405 Lucretia, or, the children of night ; by Lord Lytton. - - 74L13 Lucy (Henry W.) The log of the ' Tantallon Castle.' 1896. ill. 94103 Lugard (Sir Fred. J. D.) Story of the Uganda Protectorate. - 96103 Luke, St. , Gospel of. See Bible. Lukin (James) Turning for beginners. 1906. ill. - - - 62311 Lundin Links. Cunningham ( A. S. ) Largo, Lundin Links [etc. ] ill. 92507 Lunge (George) Techno-chemical analysis. 1905. - - - 66011 Lupton (Arnold) Mine surveying. 1902. ill. - - - 62506 - and others. Electricity as applied to mining. 1906. ill. - 62502 Luther (Martin) Life ; ed. by J. Michelet. - L022 - Table talk ; ed. by W. Hazlitt. mem. port. - 24405 Luther, Martin. Froude (J. A.) Times of Luther. In his Studies. E2F1 - In Stephen (Sir J.) Ecclesiastical biography, v. 1. - - - 99816 Luthier de Cremone [comedie] ; par F. E. J. Copp^e ; with notes. 44819 Lyall (Sir Alfred C.) Asiatic studies. 2 v. - - -94717-8 - Life of the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. 1905. 2 v. ill. - D082-3 Lyall (David) At the eleventh hour. - - - - 66 LI - David Lyall's love story. 66 L 3 - The heritage of the free, or, more than conquerors. - - 66 L5 - The land o' the leal. - - - - - - - - 66 L 2 - A strong man's love. 66 L4 Lyall (Edna) The autobiography of a slander. - - - 67 L 7 - The autobiography of a truth. 67 L 8 - Derrick Vaughan, novelist. 67L13 - Donovan, a modern Englishman. 67 L 6 - We two, a novel [a sequel to " Donovan "]. - - - 67 L 5 - Doreen, the story of a singer. 67L10 - A hardy Norseman. - - 67L11 - Hope the hermit, a novel. 67 L 9 - In the golden days. 67L4 - Knight-errant. 67 L 3 - To right the wrong. 67 L2 - Wayfaring men, a novel. 67L12 - Won by waiting. 67L1 Lyall (J. G. ) The merry gee-gee, how to breed and ride him. 1899. 79801 Lyell (Sir Charles) Principles of geology. 1853. ill. - - 55003 214 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MAC Lyndhurst, Lord. In Atlay (J. B. ) Victorian chancellors, v. I. 99820 Lyne (Robert N. ) Zanzibar in contemporary times. 1905. ill. 96104 Lyra Celtica, an anthology of Celtic poetry ; ed. by E. A. Sharp. 82228 Lyrics. Palgrave (F. T.) ed. The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems. 1904. 2 v. 82205-6 Lys (Christian). See Brebner (Percy J.) Lysbeth, a tale of the Dutch ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - 3H19 Lytteil (Wm.) Landmarks of Scottish life and language. 1877. 91839 Lytton (Edward G. E. Bulwer, Lord) The lady of Lyons, and other plays, port. 801 L - The Caxtons, a family picture. - - - - ' - - 74 LI - " My novel " [a sequel to " The Caxtons "]. - 74L16 - The coming race. 74L17 - Ernest Maltravers. - 74L3 - Alice [a sequel to " Ernest Maltravers "]. .... 74L2 - Eugene Aram, a tale. 74 L 4 - Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. - 74L5 - Kenelm Chillingly, his adventures and opinions. - - - 74L6 - The last days of Pompeii. 74 L 7 - The last of the barons. 74L15 - Leila. Calderon the courtier. Pilgrims of the Rhine. - - 74 L 14 - Lucretia, or, the children of night. ------ 74L13 - Night and morning. 74L12 - Paul Clifford. 74L11 - Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. 74L10 - A strange story. --------- 74L9 - What will he do with it ? 74L8 Lytton (Edward Robert, Earl of) Selected poems. 1894. mem. 901L Lytton, Rosina, Lady, Life of ; by L. Devey. 1887. port. - Llll M M. (C. E.) Adam Gorlake's will. 1M1 M. (V. D.) Reminiscences of rural Christianity. • 1907. - - 28701 Maartens (Maarten) God's fool, a Koopstad story.- - - 2M1 - Her memory. 2M2 - My lady nobody, a novel. 2M3 Macaria [a story] ; by A. J. E. Wilson. 68W5 McArthur (George VV.) The citizen and unemployment. In The citizen of to-morrow. 1906. 30409 McArthur (J. ) Stearine industry. In Lighting. 1895. ill. - 66505 McArthur (John) The antiquities of Arran. 1873. ill. map. - 92204 Macaskill (Murdoch) A Highland pulpit, sermons, port. mem. 25222 McAulay (Allan) Black Mary. - - - - - - 142 Ml Macaulay (G. C.) James Thomson [a biography]. 1908. - - T131 215 MAC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Macaulay (Thomas Babingtox, Lord) Works, port. - - 82827 Milton. Machiavelli Hallam's Constitutional history. Southey's Colloquies on society. Moore's Life of Lord Byron. Samuel Johnson. John Hampden. [Mahon's] War of the succession in Spain. Horace Walpole. History of the Earl of Chatham. [Mackintosh's] History of the revolution [in 16SS]. Lord Bacon. Sir William Temple. Gladstone on Church and state. Lord Clive. Von Ranke. Leigh Hunt. Warren Hastings. Frederic the Great. Madame d'Arblay. The life and writings of Addison. The Earl of Chatham. Lays of ancient Rome. [Etc.] - The history of England from [1685-1702]. 1899. 2 v. - - 91416-7 - Lays of ancient Rome. 1904. ill. 501 M - Marginal notes ; ed. by Sir G. O. Trevelyan. 1907. - - 82824 Macaulay , Thomas B. , Lord. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 3. 1850. E3A3 - In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. 1902. - - - E5B2 - In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M1 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. - - E4S2 - Stirling (J. H.) Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay. 1868. - E5S1 - Trevelyan (Sir G. O.) Life and letters of Macaulay. 1905. - M321 Macbeax (L. ) The story of Pet Marjorie, Marjory Fleming. 1904. F131 Maccabees. See Bible. McCall (Samuel W.) Thaddeus Stevens [a biography]. 1899. S101 McCann (James) The autobiography of a soul. 1907. - - 23301 McCarthy (Justin) History of our own times [1837-97]. 5 v. - 91410-4 - A short history of our own times [1837-80]. 1904. - - 91415 - Modern England [1800-98]. 1899. 2 v. ill. - - 91425-6 - Dear Lady Disdain. 4M5 - Donna Quixote. 4M1 - A fair Saxon. 4M4 - Linley Rochford. 4M7 - Maid of Athens. # - - - 4M3 - Miss Misanthrope. 4M6 - My enemy's daughter, a novel. - - - - - - 4M10 - Red diamonds. 4M9 - The riddle ring, a novel. 4M8 - The Waterdale neighbours. 4M2 McCarthy (Justin H.) The dryad. 5M1 - The flower of France. 5M2 McCarthy (Michael J. F.) Priests and people in Ireland. 1908. 92619 - Rome in Ireland. 1904. 92621 McCaul (Ethel) Under care of the Japanese War Office. 1904. 95107 McChesney (Dora G. ) Yesterday's to-morrow, a romance.- - 148 Ml MacColl (Malcolm) The reformation settlement. 1899.- - 28302 McCosh (James) The intuitions of the mind. 1860. - - 15601 McCrie (Thomas) Life of Andrew Melville. 1899. - - - M241 MacCulloch (J. A.) The misty isle of Skye. 1905. ill. map.- 92101 MacCunn (J. ) Six radical thinkers. 1907. .... 32014 Macdonald, Flora, Life of ; by A. Macgregor. 1882. - - M171 MacDoxald (George) Adela Cathcart. 10M32 216 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MAC MacDonald (George) Alec Forbes of Howglen. - - - 10M1 - Annals of a quiet neighbourhood. 10M33 - The seaboard parish. 10M22 " A sequel to ■ Annals of a quiet neighbourhood.' " - Castle Warlock, a homely romance. 10 M 9 - David Elginbrod. 10 M 8 - The elect lady. 10M19 - The flight of the shadow. 10M20 - Guild Court, a London story. 10M10 - Heather and snow, a novel. - - 10 M 34 - Home again. - - - - - - - - - - 10 M 26 - Lilith, a romance. - 10M35 - Malcolm. 10M6 - The Marquis of Lossie [a sequel to " Malcolm "]. - - - 10 M 5 - Mary Marston. --------- 10M30 - Paul Faber, surgeon. - - 10 M 21 - Robert Falconer. - - 10 M 4 - St. 'George and St. Michael. 10M31 - Salted with fire. 10M27 -SirGibbie. 10M3 - Donal Grant [a sequel to " Sir Gibbie "]. ... - 10M7 - Stephen Archer, and other tales. - - -'*• - - - 10 M 28 - There and back. 10M29 - Thomas Wingf old, curate. - - - - - - - 10 M 2 - The vicar's daughter, a story. - - - - - - - 10 Mil - Weighed and wanting. - - - - - - - - 10 M 18 - What's mine's mine. 10M24 - Wilfrid Cumbermede, a story. 10M23 Macdonald (Hugh) Days at the coast, Firth of Clyde, mem. ill. 91902 - Poetical works. 1865. mem. 1201M - Rambles round Glasgow, ill. 92304 MacDonald (Ronald) The sea maid. 12M1 MacDonnell ( John De C. ) King Leopold II. 1905. ill. map. L091 McDonnell (Michael F. J. ) Ireland and home rule movement. 92618 McDougall (W.) Psycho-physical method. In Lectures. 1906. 50421 McDowall (William) Among the old Scotch minstrels. 1888. 82305 MacDowell, Edward. Gilman (L.) An American tone-poet. In his Phases of modern music. 1905. 78014 McFadyen (John E.) The prayers of the Bible. 1906. - - 22105 Macfarlane (Charles) The camp of refuge. .... 143 Ml Macfarlane (Walter) Iron and steel manufacture. 1906. ill. 66905 Macfarren (Sir George A.) Counterpoint. 1895. mus. - 78111 Macfie (Ronald C.) The romance of medicine. 1907. ill. - 61003 McGibbon (W. C.) Indicator diagrams for marine engineers. 1906. ill- 62146 217 MAC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. McGibbon (W. C.) joint-author. See Tod (John). MacGilleroy's millions ; by I. D. Hardy. 18H1 McGinley (A. A.) The profit of love, studies in altruism. 1907. 17123 McGown (George W. T.) Scottish heroes of the faith. 1907. - 99819 Macgregor (Alexander) Life of Flora Macdonald. 1882. mem. M171 Macgregor (George H. C. ) Messages of the Old Testament. 1901. 22207 MacGregor ( John) The Rob Roy on the Baltic. 1896. ill. maps. 94101 - The voyage alone in the yawl "Rob Roy." 1880. ill. - - 91501 Macgregor (William M.) Jesus Christ the Son of God. 1907. 23234 Machen (Arthur) The house of souls [stories]. - - - 144M1 Machiavelli, Niccolo. In Macaulay (Lord) Works. - - - 82827 - In Robertson (J. M. ) Pioneer humanists. 1907. - - - 99824 - Villari (P. ) The life and times of Machiavelli. port. - - M311 Machinery. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Bale (M. P.) Steam and machinery management. 1890. ill. 62024 - Barber (T. W.) Repair and maintenance of machinery. 1895. 62010 - Benjamin (C. H.) Machine design. 1906. ill. - - - 62012 - Goodeve (T. M.) The elements of mechanism. 1905. ill. - 62314 - Kennedy (R.) The modern machine shop. 1907. v. 1-2. ill. 62029-30 - Machine construction. In Cassell's Educator, v. 3-4. ill. - 60308-9 - Unwin (W. C.) Elements of machine design. 1906. 2 v. ill. 62025-6 - See also Lubricants. Machray (Robert) The ambassador's glove. - - - - 15 Ml McIlveen (John) The Church's worship [Presbyterian]. 1906. 28502 Macilvyain (George) Memoirs of John Abernethy. 1856. - A201 MacIlwaine (Herbert C.) Dinkinbar. 16M1 McIntosh (John G. ) The technology of sugar. 1906. ill. - 66402 McIver (Daniel) An old time fishing town, Eyemouth. 1906. ill. 91718 Mackay (jEnmas J. G.) The history of Fife and Kinross. 1890. 92504 Mackay, Alex. M. In McGown (G. W. T.) Heroes of the faith. 99819 MacKay (Angus) The Brontes, fact and fiction. 1897. - - B042 McKay (Archibald) The history of Kilmarnock. 1864. - - 91904 Mackay (Chas.) Poetry and humour of the Scottish language. - 42701 Mackay (John S.) Plane geometry. 1904. .... 51307 Mackay (Thomas) The life of Sir John Fowler. 1900. ill. - F081 Mackaye (Percy) Jeanne d'Arc [a drama]. 1906. ill. - - 1001 M McKendrick (John G.) and Snodgrass (W.) The physiology of the senses. 1893. ill. 61203 Mackenzie (Arthur H.) Mechanics and physics. 1907. ill.- 53011 Mackenzie (Fergcs) Sprays of northern pine. - - - - 19 Ml McKenzie (Fred. A.) The American invaders. 1902. - - 33803 Mackenzie (Hannah B.) Crowned victor, a story. - - - 20M1 Mackenzie (John) ed. The beauties of Gaelic poetry, and lives of the Highland bards. 1907. 89105 218 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MAC Mackenzie, John, missionary and statesman ; by W. D. Mackenzie. M041 Mackenzie (John S.) Introduction to social philosophy. 1890. - 30105 Mackenzie (W. C.) History of Scottish Highlands. 1907. ill. 92207 Mackenzie (W. L.) The health of the school child. 1906. - 37108 Mackenzie (W. M.) Scottish history [81-1874]. 1907. ill. maps. 91831 Mackie (John) The rising of the red man, a romance. - - 145M1 Mackinder (Halford J.) Britain and British seas. 1907. ill. 91505 Mackinlay (James ML) Influence of the pre-reformation church on Scottish place-names. 1904. 91825 Mackinnon (Albert G. ) Tangible tests for a young man's faith. 23916 Mackinnon (James) The history of Edward III., 1327-77. 1900. Elll Mackintosh, Sir James. Macaulay (Lord) [Mackintosh's] History of the revolution. In his Works. - . - - - 82827 Mackintosh (John) Scotland to the [19th] century, ill. map. - 91842 McKnight (Wm. H. E.) Recollections and letters. 1907. port. ill. M261 Maclachlan (Thomas B.) David Livingstone [a biography]. - L044 - William Blacklock, journalist. 21 Ml Maclagan (P. G. ) The Gospel view of things, and sermons. 1906. 25214 Maclaren (Alexander) Leaves from the tree of life [sermons]. 25215 - Sermons. 1875. 25217 - The victor's crowns, and other sermons. 25227 Maclaren (Ian). See Watson (John). McLaughlin (Andrew C.) Lewis Cass [a biography]. 1891. -. C171 McLean (Angus) erf. Industries of Glasgow [etc.] 1901.- - 92302 Maclean (Magnus) The literature of the Celts. 1906. - - 89108 - The literature of the Highlands. 1904. 89101 - ed. Archaeology, education, medical and charitable institutions, of Glasgow. 1901. plans, 92301 Maclellan, Farquhar, his life and sayings. 1887. port. - - M031 Macleod (Angus) Strathclyde, and other poems. 1906. - - 1101 M Macleod (Fiona). See Sharp (William). Macleod (Henry D.) The elements of banking. 1891. - - 33204 Macleod, Norman, senr. , Memorials of; by his son. 1898. port. M301 Macleod (Norman) Love, the fulfilling of the law ; extracts. 1S88. 17125 The Christian life. Notes of travel, life, and eharacter. Character sketches. - The old lieutenant and his son. 27 M 2 Macleod, Norman, Memoir of ; by his brother. 1876. 2 v. port. ill. M 232-3 Macleod of Dare [a story] ; by W. Black. 62B11 Maclise, Sir D. In Cunningham (A. ) and Heaton (Mrs. C. ) Painters. 99711 MacMahon (Ella) Oxendale [a novel]. 147 Ml McMichael (Archibald C.) Notes by the way, Lanarkshire. - 92305 Macmillan, Daniel, Memoir of ; by T. Hughes. 1883. port. - M211 Macmillan (Donald) George Buchanan, a biography. 1906. ill. B091 - Life of George Matheson. 1907. M281 219 MAC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Macmillan (Hugh) The corn of heaven [sermons]. 1901. - - 25207 - Rothiemurchus [a description]. 1907. ill. - 92102 McMillan (Margaret) Labour and childhood. 1907. - - 37112 Macmtt.TiAn's German course, first year ; by G. E. Fasnacht. 1904. 43827 - German course, second year ; by G. E. Fasnacht. 1903. - 43828 McMurry (C. A. and L. B.) Special method in natural science. 37202 Macnaughtan (S.) The gift. 29M1 Macxeill (Hector) Poetical works, mem. ill.- - - - 82220 Macnicol (D. C. ) Robert Bruce, minister [life]. 1907. port.- B291 McXulty (Edward) Misther O'Ryan. 137M1 McPhersox (J. A.) Waterworks distribution. 1907. ill. - 62805 Macpherson, James, an episode in literature ; by J. S. Smart. 1905. 82405 Macquoid (Katharine S.) A ward of the king, a romance. - 30M1 Macrosty (Hy. W.) The trust movement. In British industries. 33804 - The trust movement in British industry. 1907. - - - 33806 McShane (Chas.) Pointers for machinists and engineers. 1905. 62113 McVail (John) Prevention of infectious diseases. 1907. ill. - 61410 MacYVhirter (John) Sketch book, landscape painting in water- colour. 1906. col. ill. - 75801 McWilliam (Andrew) and Longmuir (P.) General foundry practice. 1907. ill. - - - - - - 67104 Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - 120 C 18 Madagascar. Cousins ( W. E.) Madagascar, history, prospects. - 96201 Madam How and Lady Why, lessons in earth lore ; by C. Kingsley. 55108 Madame de Mauves [a story] ; by H. James. - - - 7 J 13 Madame Therese; par E. Erckmann et A. Chatrian ; with notes. 44838 Madcap Violet [a novel] ; by W. Black. 62 B10 Mademoiselle de la Seigliere, comedie ; par J. Sandeau ; notes. 44811 Mademoiselle Ixe, and other stories ; by Lanoe Falconer. - - 73 Fl Mademoiselle Mathilde ; by H. Kingsley. 26 K 7 Madison, James. Gay (S. H.) James Madison [a biography]. 1898. M091 Madness. See Insanity. Madonna of the future [and other tales] ; by H. James. - - 7 J2 Maelcho, a sixteenth century narrative; by E. Lawless. - - 17 LI Maeterlinck (Maurice) Life and flowers [essays]. 1907. - E8M1 Immortality. Our anxious morality. The intelligence of the flowers. [Etc.] - The life of the bee. 1908. 59513 - Old-fashioned flowers. 1906. ill. 71608 - The treasure of the humble. 1907. E8M2 Silence. Awakening of the soul. On women. Tragical in daily life. The star [destiny]. The invisible goodness. Deeper life. Inner beauty. [Etc.] Magazines. See Periodicals. Magee (William C.) Archbp. Christ the light of all Scripture. 25211 Magic. See Conjuring. Occultism. Witchcraft. 220 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MAI Magic lantern. For list of related subjects, see Light. - Hepworth (T. C.) The book of the lantern. 1899. ill. - - 53506 - See also Slides. Magieo prodigioso, comedia ; por P. Calderon. 1875. - - 1001 C Magnay (Sir William) The master spirit. .... 146 Ml Magnetism. For list of related subjects, see Physics. - Allanach (W.) Elementary experimental magnetism. 1906.- 53801 - Foster (G. C. ) and Porter (A. W. ) Elementary magnetism. 1905. 53802 - Glazebrook (R. T.) Electricity and magnetism. 1904. ill. - 53706 - Henderson (J.) Electricity and magnetism. 1898. ill. - 53711 - Jude (R. H.) The school magnetism and electricity. 1906. - 53703 - Tyndall (J.) Elementary magnetism. In his Fragments, v. 1. 50408 Magnum bonum, or, Mother Carey's brood ; by C. M. Yonge. - 2Y11 Magruder (Allan B.) John Marshall [a biography]. 1885. - M101 Maguire (T. M.) British army under Wellington, 1811-4. 2 v. 93418-9 Mahaffy (John P.) Descartes [his life and philosophy]. 1901. 19404 - A history of Egypt under the Ptolemaic dynasty. 1898. ill. 95714 - Prolegomena to ancient history. 1871. ill. - 90206 - Rambles and studies in Greece. 1907. map. - - - 93823 Mahan (Alfred T.) Retrospect and prospect. 1902. - - 32703 "Studies in international relations, naval and political." - The story of the war in South Africa, 1899-1900. port. map. 96405 - and others. Some neglected aspects of war. 1907. - - 17202 Mahomet. See Mohammedanism. Mahon, Lord. See Stanhope, Philip H., Earl. Maid-at-arms ; by R. \V. Chambers. 35 CI Maid Margaret of Galloway ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - 120 C 29 A sequel to " The Black Douglas," 120 C 7. Maid Marian [a story] ; by T. L. Peacock. - - - 20 P 2 Maid of Athens ; by J. McCarthy. 4M3 Maid of Brittany [a romance] ; by M. Wynne. - - - - 87 W 2 Maid of Killeena [a novel] ; by W. Black. 62 B 9 Maid of Sker [a novel] ; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - - 63 B10 Maime o' the corner; by M. E. Francis. 50F2 Maine (Sir Henry J. S.) Ancient law. 1906.- - - - 34001 Maine, Sir Henry J. S. Morley (J. ) Maine on Popular government. In his Studies in literature. 1904. - - - - E3M4 Maintenon, F. d'A., marquise de. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays. E11S3 Mair (David) A school course of mathematics. 1907. - - 51002 Maistre, Joseph M., comte de. In Morley (J.) Miscellanies, v. 2. E3M2 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. 1892. - - E3S3 De Maistre's Soirees de St. Petersbourg. De Maistre's minor works. De Maistre's ' Principe g£n£rateur.' De Maistre On the pope. Maitland (Ella F.) The Saltonstall Gazette. .... 34M1 Maitland (Fred. W.) Life and letters of Leslie Stephen. 1906. S211 Maitland of Laurieston ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 9 221 MAI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Maitre Daniel Rock ; par E. Erckmann et A. Chatrian. - - 29 El Major (Charles) A forest hearth. 139 M 2 - Yolanda, maid of Burgundy. 139 Ml Major (David R.) First steps in mental growth. 1906. - - 15004 Major Singleton's daughter ; by Sarah Ty tier. - - - - 57 T 3 Majorca. D'Este (M.) With a camera in Majorca. 1907. ill. 93416 Making of a marchioness ; by F. H. Burnett. ... - 111B2 Making of Michael ; by Mrs. F. Reynolds. - - - - 88 Rl Malabar. Biddulph (J. ) The pirates of Malabar. 1907. ill. map. 94806 Malachi. See Bible. Malachy, St. Bute (Marquess of) The prophecies of St. Malachi. In his Essays on foreign subjects. 1901. - - - E7B1 Malakand. Churchill (W. L. S.) The story of the Malakand Field Force [1897]. 1899. maps, plans. - - - 94802 Malay Archipelago. Wallace (A. R.) The Malay Archipelago. 95001 Malay Peninsula. Wilkinson (R. J.) Malay beliefs. 1906. - 29904 Malcolm [a novel]; by G. MacDonald. 10 M 6 Malet (Lucas) The far horizon. 36 Ml - The gateless barrier. 36 M 3 Mallik (Manmath C.) Impressions of a wanderer. 1907. - 90816 Mallock (Wm. H.) A critical examination of socialism. 1908. 33508 - A romance of the nineteenth century. - - - - - 38 Ml Malory (Sir Thomas) History of King Arthur ; ed. by E. Rhys. 39807 Malthus, Thomas R. In Hazlitt ( W. ) The spirit of the age. 1894. E1H2 Malvery a ( Olive C.) The soul market. 1906. port. ill. - - 33111 Mammals. For list of related subjects, see Vertebrates. - Ingersoll (E.) The mammals. 1906. bibl. ill. - - - 59913 - Rees (A. W.) Creatures of the night. 1905. ill. - - - 59908 " Wild-life in western Britain." - Wood (J. G. ) Illustrated natural history, mammalia, ill. - 59907 - See also Apes. Deer. Fox. Man, Natural history of. Touch. Mammon and Co. ; by E. F. Benson. - - - - - - 46 B 3 Mammoth and the flood ; by Sir H. H. Howorth. 1887. - - 55004 "An attempt to confront the theory of uniformity with the facts of recent geology." Man. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Bagehot (W.) Ignorance of man. In his Literary studies, v. 3. E5B3 - [Boyd ( A. K. H. ) ] Man and his dwelling-place. In his Common- place philosopher. 1891. - E3B7 - Craig (W. Y.) Man and Christian civilization. 1906. - - 30103 Man, Natural history of. For lists of related subjects, see Biology. Fossils. Mammals. - Anthropology. In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 2. ill. 03203 - Carus (P.) The rise of man, origin of human race. 1907. ill. 57520 - Clodd (E.) The story of "primitive" man. 1895. bibl. ill. - 57102 - Darwin (C.) The descent of man. 1901. ill. - - - 57528 222 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MAN Man, Natural History of. Dawson (Sir J. W.) Fossil men and their modern representatives. 1880. iU. - - - 57301 - Drummond (H.) The ascent of man. 1904. - 57503 - Elliot (G. F. S.) The romance of savage life. 1908. ill. - 57209 - Keane( A. H.) Ethnology. 1896. ill. 57207 - Lankester (Sir E. R. ) Nature's insurgent son. In his The king- dom of man. 1907. ill. 50420 - Miiller (F. Max) On the classification of mankind by language or by blood. In his Works, *. 5. 1902. - - - E5M1 - Peschel (0.) Races of man, geographical distribution. 1S76. - 57206 - Quatrefages (A. de) The human species. 1879. - - - 57302 - Rawlinson (G. ) The origin of nations, maps. - - - 90307 - Stow (G. W.) The native races of South Africa. 1905. ill. - 57208 - Thomas (N. W.) Natives of Australia. 1906. bibl. ill. map. 57203 - Tyndall (J.) Science and man. In his Fragments, v. 2. 1902. 50409 - Wood (J. G. ) The natural history of man. 1874-80. 2 v. HI. 57204-5 Man [a novel] ; by B. Stoker. 169 S 2 Man and wife, a novel ; by W. Wilkie Collins. - - - - 75 C 17 Man at arms, or, St. Bartholomew's eve; by G. P. R. James. - 6J9 Man at odds, a story ; by E. Rhys. 26 Rl Man from America, a sentimental comedy ; by Mrs. H. de la Pasture. 80D2 Man in black ; by S. J. Weyman. 45 W 3 Man of mark ; by Anthony Hope. 82 H 2 Man of property ; by J. Galsworthy. 98 Gl Man of sentiment, a novel ; by T. Cobb. 66 CI Man of the moors ; by H. Sutcliffe. 145 S 3 Man who rose again ; by J. Hocking. 65H4 Man who won ; by Mrs. B. Reynolds. 23 Rl Manchester rebels of the fatal '45 ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - - 16 A 7 Manchuria. Ross (J.) Mission methods in Manchuria. 1903. ill. 27801 - See also Russo-Japanese war. M anders (Beatrice) The art of sweet making. 1905. - - 64203 Mandeville, Bernard. In Robertson (J. M.) Pioneer humanists. 99824 Mankind in the making ; by H. G. Wells. 1904. - - - 30104 A sequel to " Anticipations," 30113. Mann (Mrs. Mary E. ) Fortune's cap. 40 M 3 - A lost estate. 40 M 2 - The parish of Hilby, a story. - - - - - - 40 Ml Mann (Robert J.) Familiar lectures on food and drink, ill. - 61313 Manners. See Etiquette. Manners and customs. See Customs. Manon Lescaut, Histoire de ; par A. F. Prevost d'Exiles. - - 57 PI Mansfield Park [a novel] ; by J. Austen. 60A5 Nansie Wauch, tailor in Dalkeith [a story] ; by [D. M. Moir]. - 23M1 Manson (James A.) The bowler's handbook. 1906. ill. - - 79406 Mantilla (Luis F.) Libro de lectura, no. 3. 1896. - - - 46803 223 MAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Mantle of Elijah ; by I. Zangwill. 2Z3 Manual training. Woodward (C. M.) Manual training. 1890. ill. 37101 - See also Woodwork. Manufactures. See Chemical technology. Industries. MS. in a red box ; by [J. A. Hamilton]. 132H1 Manxman [a novel] ; by Hall Caine. 5C4 Many cargoes [stories] ; by W. W. Jacobs. .... 4J1 Many-coloured essays ; by C. J. Dunphie. 1906. - - - E3D1 Many inventions [stories] ; by R. Kipling. - - - - 28 K 9 Makzoni (Alessandro) The betrothed lovers. - - - - 45 Ml Map of life, conduct and character ; by W. E. H. Lecky. 1904. 17015 Marathon. In Creasy (Sir E. S. ) Decisive battles. 1905. plan. 90404 Marble city [a novel] ; by G. B. Burgin. 109 Bl Marcella [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 14 W 3 Marchmont (Arthur W.) By wit of woman. - - - - 47 Ml - A courier of fortune. 47 M 2 Marcus and Faustina [a story] ; by F. Carrel. - - - 24 CI Mare au diable ; par George Sand ; with notes. 1904. - - 44844 Mares (George C.) Advertising that tells. 1907. - - - 65901 Margaret Grainger, schoolmistress, Memories of ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 27 Margaret Percival [a story] ; by E. M. Sewell. - - - 48 S 5 Margerie (A. de) Saint Francis of Sales. 1900. - - - F071 Margoliouth (D. S.) Lines of defence, Biblical revelation. 1903. 22218 - ed. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902. 22405 Margot la Balafree ; par F. du Boisgobey. 55D1 Marguerite de Valois, an historical romance ; by A. Dumas. - 58 Dl Maria Theresa [a biography] ; by J. F. Bright. 1897. - - M181 Marie Antoinette. i?i Sainte-Beuve(C. A.) Essays, v. 3. 1901. port. E11S3 Marie Stuart, tragedie ; par P. A. Lebrun ; with notes. - - 44814 Marine engineering. See Engineering, Marine. Marion Fay [a novel] ; by A. Trollope. 43 T4 Marion Forsyth [a story] ; by A. S. Swan. - - - - 148S32 Maritime law. For list of other subjects in law, see Law. - Duckworth (L.) An encyclopaedia of marine law. 1907. - 34701 Marjorie Dudingstoune, a tale ; by W. F. Collier. - - - 72C1 Mark, St. , Gospel of. See Bible. Mark Desborough's vow; by A. S. Swan. 148S43 Mark Rutherford's deliverance ; by W. H. White. - - - 52 W 2 A sequel to " The autobiography of Mark Rutherford," 52 Wl. Market-place [a novel] ; by H. Frederic. 55F2 Markham (Sir Albert H.) Adm. Anson. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. - 99609 M arkh am (Sir Clements R.) Cuzco and Lima. 1856. ill. map. 98101 Markham (Francis) Recollections of a town boy at West- minster [School], 1849-55. 1903. ill. - 37901 224 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MAE Marks (Edward C. R. ) Construction and working of pumps. 1907. 62206 - The construction of cranes [etc.] 1904. ill. - 62302 Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of. Oliphant (Mrs. Iff. 0. W.) The Queen and the Duchess. In her Sketches, port. - 91423 Marlowe (Christopher) [Dramatic works] ; ed. by H. Ellis, mem. 401 M - Faustus [a tragedy]. 701 G Marm Liza ; by K. D. Wiggin. 55 W 7 Marmier (Xavier) Le protege de Marie-Antoinette ; notes. - 44840 Marooned ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R13 Marquis of Lossie ; by G. MacDonald. 10 M 5 A sequel to " Malcolm," 10M6. Marquis of Putney [a novel] ; by R. Marsh. .... 54M4 Marriage. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Henson (H. H.) Christian marriage. 1907. - 17311 - Moberly (R. C.) Church membership and laws of marriage. In his Problems and principles. 1904. ... - 20402 - Post (L. F.) Ethical principles of marriage and divorce.- - 17310 - Talmage (T. De W.) Marriage and home life. 1893. - - 17308 - In Thorold (A. W.) The yoke of Christ. 1897. - - - 17115 Marriage [a novel] ; by S. E. Ferrier. 13 Fl Marriage of Elinor ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - - 6 020 Marriage of Moira Fergus ; by W. Black. 62 B 9 Marriage of William Ashe ; by Mrs. H. Ward. - 14W10 Marriott (Charles) Genevra. 50 Ml - The lapse of Vivien Eady. 50 M 2 - Mrs. Alemere's elopement. 50M3 Marriott (John A. R.) George Canning and his times. 1907. C251 Marriott (Thomas) and Gregg (B. M. ) A constable's duty. 1904. 35210 Marryat (Flore>X'E) Her lord and master, a tale. - - - 51M3 - Mount Eden, a romance. 51 M 2 - Veronique, a romance. 51 Ml Marryat (Frederick) Capt. Olla podrida. 1897. ill. 2 copies. 91010 Diary on the Continent. [Etc.] - The children of the New Forest. 52 M 9 - The dog fiend, or, Snarleyyow. 52 M5 - Frank Mildmay, or, the naval officer. 52M10 - Jacob Faithful. 52 M 2 - Japhet in search of a father. N - 52 Mil - The King's Own. 52 M 4 - The little savage. 52 Ml - Masterman Ready, or, the wreck of the "Pacific." - - 52M6 - The mission, or, scenes in Africa. '52M23 - Mr. Midshipman Easy. 52 M 8 - Monsieur Violet. 52M12 - Newton Forster, or, the merchant service. - - - - 52 M 15 - The pacha of many tales. 52M16 H 225 MAR GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Marryat (Frederick) Capt. Percival Keene. .... 52M3 - Peter Simple. 52M18 - The phantom ship. 52M17 -The pirate. The three cutters. 52M19 - The poacher. 52M20 - Poor Jack. 52 M 7 - The privateersman, adventures. - - - - - - 52 M 21 - The settlers in Canada. 52M24 - Valerie, an autobiography. 52M14 - ed. Rattlin, the reefer ; by E. Howard. 52M22 Marsden (R. W. ) The management of commoner infections. 1906. 61602 Marsh (Geo. P.) Origin and history of English language. 1862. 42003 Marsh (Richard) A duel. 54 Ml - The Marquis of Putney. 54M4 - Metamorphosis. 54M2 - A spoiler of men. 54M3 Marshall (Alfred) Elements of economics of industry. 1898. 33011 Marshall, Henry. Brown (J.) Dr. H. Marshall and military hygiene. In his Horse subsecivse, v. 1. 1897. - - E2B1 Marshall, John. Magruder (A. B.) Marshall [a biography]. 1885. M101 Marshall (Percival) ed. Model sailing yachts, ill. - - 62602 Marston (Edward) After work [reminiscences]. 1904. port. M151 - How does it feel to be old ? 1907. ill. 61205 Martello Tower. See Norman (Francis M.) Marti (Kakl) The religion of the Old Testament. 1907. - - 29606 Martial. In Boissier (G.) Tacitus, and other studies. 1906. - 87002 Martian, a novel ; by G. Du Maurier. 59 Dl Martin (Alfred J.) Tables of weights and measures. 1904. - 38901 Martin (Arthur) The small house, its architecture and sur- roundings. 1906. ill. plans. 72803 Martin (Edou ard) joint-author. See Labiche (Eugene M.) Martin (Edward A.) The story of a piece of coal. 1898. ill. - 55301 Martin (Frank A.) Under the absolute Amir. 1907. ill. - 94905 Martin (Sir Theodore) Life of the Prince Consort. 5 v. ill. A041-5 Martin (W. R.) Lectures on compass adjustment. 1906. ill. 52201 Martin Chuzzlewit [a novel] ; by C. Dickens. 4 copies. - - 30D19 Martineau (Harriet) Deerbrook, a novel. - - - 58 Ml Martineau, Harriet. In Morley (J. ) Critical miscellanies, v. 3. 1904. E3M3 Martineau (James) Endeavours after the Christian life. 1907. port. 17120 - The seat of authority in religion. 1898. 23001 Martineau, James. In Knight (W. A.) Ketrospects, v. 1. 1904. 99903 - Moore (A. L.) Martineau's " Study of religion." In his Science and the faith, essays. 1893. 23909 Martyn, Henry. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99815 Martyrdom of Madeline; by R. W. Buchanan. - 103 B4 Marty rland [a story] ; by R. Simpson. 164 SI 226 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MAS Martyrs. For related subjects, see Christian biography. Church history. - Carslaw (\V. H. ) Six martyrs of the Scottish reformation. - 99827 Patrick Hamilton. George Wishart. Walter Myln. Marquiss of Argyll. James Guthrie. Sir Archibald Johnston, Lord Warriston. - Foxe (J.) The book of martyrs. 27201 - Herkless (J.) The early Christian martyrs. ... - 27205 Marvell (Andrew) Poems; ed. by G. A. Aitken. bihl. mem. 1402M - Satires [poetical] ; ed. by G. A. Aitken. 1401 M Marvin (Frederic R.) The companionship of books [essays]. - E7M1 Marvin (Winthrop L.) American merchant marine, 1620-1902. 65611 Marx (Karl) Capital, a critique of political economy. 1907. 2v. 33127-8 - The story of the life of Lord Palmerston. 1899. - - - P191 Marx, Karl. Engels (F.) Marx's theory. In Modern socialism. 33504 Mary, Queen of Scots. In Buxton (E. M. W.) Noble women. - 99826 - Millar (A. H.) Mary, Queen of Scots, life story. 1905. port, ill. M023 - Strickland (A.) Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 2 v. port. - M 021-2 Mary Anerley, a Yorkshire tale; by R. D. Blackmore. - - 63 B 9 Mary Barton, and other tales ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - 10 G 7 Mary Hamilton [a romance] ; by Lord E. W. Hamilton. - - 125 H 2 Mary Marston [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. - - - - 10 M 30 Mary of Burgundy, or, the revolt of Ghent; by G. P. R. James. 6J2 ' Mary Park.' Park (M. M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. 90817 " Sixty thousand miles on the s Mary Park.'" Maryland. Browne (W. H.) Maryland, history of a palatinate. 97311 Marzio's crucifix ; by F. M. Crawford. 116 C 3 Mason (Alfred E. W. ) The truants. 59 Ml - The watchers. 59 M 2 Mason (Caroline A.) A woman of yesterday. - - - - 136 Ml Mason (Charlotte M.) School education. 1905. - - - 37204 - Some studies in the formation of character. 1906. - - - 37705 Mason (Daniel G.) Beethoven and his forerunners. 1904. mus. 78011 - The romantic composers. 1906. ill. mtl& .... 99715 Masonry. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Purchase (W. R.) Practical masonry. 1904. ill.- - - 69304 Massee (George) Text-book of fungi. 1906. ill. - - - 58909 Masses. See Music, Church. Massey, Gerald. Collins (J. C.) Poetry of Gerald Massey. In his Studies in poetry and criticism. ..... E4C2 Massinger, Philip. In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 2.- E4S2 Masson (Gustave) ed. La lyre franoaise. 1903. - - - 84101 Master-Christian; by Marie Corelli. 91 C10 Master of Ballantrae, a winter's tale ; by R. L. Stevenson. - 120 S 5 Master of craft ; by W. W. Jacobs. 4J8 Master of Grey lands, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 10W31 Master of Pinsmead [and other stories] ; by A. Gissing. - - 29G2 227 MAS GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Master of the mine ; by R. W. Buchanan. 103 Bl Master Rockafellar's voyage ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 37 Master spirit ; by Sir W. Magnay. 146 Ml Masterman (John H. B. ) [Literature of] The age of Milton. 1897. 82107 Master man Ready ; by Captain F. Marryat. - - - - 52 M 6 Matcham (Mary E.) ed. A forgotten John Russell. 1905. - R051 Matchmaker; by Mrs. L. B. Waif or d. 88 W 3 Materia medica. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Bruce (J. M. ) Materia medica and therapeutics. 1905.- - 61504 Mathematics. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Hovenden (F.) Mathematics for young engineers. 1907. - 51003 - Knight (W. T.) Mathematical wrinkles. .... 51001 - Lodge (Sir 0. J.) Easy mathematics, chiefly arithmetic. 1906. 51005 - Mair (D.) A school course of mathematics. 1907.- - - 51002 - See also Algebra. Arithmetic. Calculus. Geometry. Logarithms. Trigonometry. Mathers (Helen) The face in the mirror. 64M1 - Griff of Griffithscourt. 64 M 2 Matheson (George) Studies of the portrait of Christ. 2 v. - 23236-7 Matheson, George. Macmillan(D.)Lifeof G. Matheson. 1907. port. M 281 Mathews (Shailer) The church and the changing order. 1907. 26102 - joint-author. See Burton (Ernest D. ) Mathews (William) Nugae litterarise, brief essays. 1896. - E6M1 Mathot (R. E.) Gas-engines and producer-gas plants. 1905. ill. 62210 Matter. For lists of related subjects, see Biology. Physics. - Jones (H. C. ) The electrical nature of matter. 1906. - - 53901 - Tait (P. G.) Properties of matter. 1907. ill. - - - 53010 - Tyndall (J.) Matter and force. In his Fragments, v. 2. 1902. 50409 - Wagstaff (C. J. L. ) Properties of matter. 1906. ill. - - 53004 Matthew, St., Gospel of. See Bible. Matthew (James E.) A handbook of musical history. 1898. ill. 78017 Matthews (J. M.) Textile fibres, their properties. 1904. ill.- 67702 Maud (Constance E.) Felicity in France [social studies]. 1906. 93108 Maugham (William S.) Mrs. Craddock [a novel]. - - - 68 Ml Maughan (William C.) Annals of Garelochside. 1897. ill. - 92505 Maurice (C. E.) Bohemia [a history]. 1896. ill. maps. - - 92901 Maurice (Fred. D.) Friendship of books, and other lectures. - E4M1 Words. Books. Use and abuse of newspapers. Christian civilization. Ancient history. English history. Spenser's "Faerie queene." Milton. Burke. Critics. [Etc.] Maurice, Fred. D. 7wDods(M.) Erasmus, and other essays. 1891. E4D1 - Strachey (Sir E.) Tennyson and Maurice. In his Talk. 1895. 82815 Maurice (Sir John F.) War. Essay on military literature. 1891. 35512 Maurice, a romance ; by J. Keating. 7K1 Maury, Matthew F. Corbin (D. F. M.) A life of Maury. 1888. M071 Maxims. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. 228 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MED Maxims. La Rochefoucauld (Due de) Maximes. - - - 84802 - Montesquieu (Baron de) Pensees diverses. .... 84802 - Penn (W.) Some fruits of solitude. 1901. .... 17007 Maxwell (EL) The secretary of state. 140 Ml Maxwell (Sir Herbert E.) Robert the Bruce and Scottish independence. 1903. ill. maps. B033 - Salmon and sea trout. 1898. ill. - 79904 - Scottish land-names. 1894. 91837 - The chevalier of the splendid crest. 70 Ml Maxwell (James Clerk) Theory of heat. 1904. ill. - - 53607 Maxwell (William B.) The guarded flame. - - - - 71 Ml Maycock ( W. P. ) Electric lighting and power distribution, v. 2. 62436 Mayor of Casterbridge ; by T. Hardy. 21 H 4 Mazzini, Joseph. In MacCunn (J.) Six radical thinkers. 1907. 32014 Meade (L. T.) A golden shadow. 76 Mil - The lady cake-maker. 76 M 9 Meakin (Budgett) Model factories and villages. 1905. ill. • 33103 Measures. See Weights and measures. Meat. Wagner (E. ) Preserving fruit and meat. 1908. ill. - 66412 Mecca. Burton (Sir R. F.) Pilgrimage to Meccah [1855]. 2 v. 94402-3 Mechanics. For lists of related subjects, see Engineering. Physics. - Applied mechanics. In Cassell's Educator, v. 5-8. 1903. ill. 03206-9 - Cotterill (J. H.) Applied mechanics. 1900. - 62014 - In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 1. 1902. ill. - 53002 - Jamieson (A.) Applied mechanics. 1905-6. 2 v. ill. - -62016-7 - Knight (E. H.) Practical dictionary of mechanics. 3 v. ill. 62021-3 - Loney (S. L. ) Mechanics for beginners. 1907. ill. - - 53103 - Mackenzie (A. H.) Mechanics and physics. 1907. ill.- - 53011 - Practical mechanics, In Cassell's Technical educator, v. 1-3. ill. 60306-8 - Pullen (W. W. P.) Mechanics, theoretical, applied, and experimental. 1905. ill. ... . 53105 - Rankine (W. J. M.) A manual of applied mechanics. 1904. ill. 62006 - Todhunter (I.) Mechanics for beginners. 1890. ill. - - 53104 - See also Force. Graphics. Machinery. Perpetual motion. Statics. Medals. See Coins and medals. Medici, and the Italian renaissance ; by W. H. 0. Smeaton. 1901. 85001 Medicine. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - Aitchison (R. S.) A medical handbook. 1904. ill. - - 61601 - Every woman her own doctor. 1903. 61005 - Gairdner (Sir W. T. ) The physician as naturalist [and other] addresses and memoirs. 1899. 61002 Has the art of medicine advanced during the last hundred years'? Facts and conclusions as to the use of alcoholic stimulants in typhus fever. Course of typhus fever and phenomena of the crisis. On the limits of alcoholic stimulation in acute disease. Mind and body. Sanitary science and preventive medicine. The progress of pathological science. Homoeo- pathy. Dr. Alison. [Etc.] 229 MED GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Medicine. In Huxley (T. H.) Science and education, essays. 1905. 50423 Medical education. The state and the medical profession. The con- nection of the biological sciences with medicine. - Macfie (R. C.) The romance of medicine. 1907. ill. - - 61003 - Medicine for the million. 1906. 61610 - See also Alcohol. Anatomy. Disease. Fermentation. First aid. Health. Materia medica. Nursing. Physiology. Therapeutics. Veterinary medicine. Medina. Burton (Sir R.F.) Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah [1855]. 2 v. 94402-3 Meditations. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Behm en (J.) Thoughts on the spiritual life. 1896. - - 24204 - Fenelon (F. de S. de la M.) Letters and reflections. - - 24208 - Horton (R. F.) For dawn or twilight, an anthology. 1907. - 24207 - Kempis (T. a) The imitation of Christ. 24202 - Light at eventide, large-print readings. 24205 - Pascal (B.) Thoughts. 23901 Selected thoughts. 23913 - Rutherford (S.) Daily thoughts from [his] letters. - - - 24206 - Stark (J.) Comradeship in sorrow, thoughts. 1907. - - 24209 - See also Reflection. Mee (Josiah) Thomas Champness as I knew him. - - - C121 Meg the lady, a romance; by T. Gallon. 6G1 Meiklejohn (John M. D.) The English language. 1907. - 42006 Meissner (A. L.) German prose composition. 1899. - - 43808 Melbourne, W. Lamb, Viscount, Memoirs of ; by W. M. Torrens. M251 Melbourne. Boldrewood (Rolf) Old Melbourne memories. 1899. 98801 Meldrum (David S.) The conquest of Charlotte, a romance. - 138M1 - Grey mantle and gold fringe. 138 M 2 Melincourt [a story] ; by T. L. Peacock. 20 P 2 Melville, Andrew, Life of ; by T. McCrie. 1899. - - - M241 Melville (George J. Whyte) Contraband, or, a losing hazard. 79 Ml - Good for nothing. 79 M 3 - Kate Coventry. 79M2 Melville (Herman) Moby Dick, or, the whale. » - - - 80 Ml - White- jacket, or, the world in a man-of-war. - - - - 80 M 2 Melzi (B.) New Italian and English dictionary. 1905. - - 45301 Memoirs of a physician ; by A. Dumas. 58 D 3 Memoirs of an American citizen [a story] ; by R. Herrick. - 128H1 Memoirs of Barry Lyndon ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 12 T 9 Memoirs of Constantine Dix ; by B. Pain. 3P3 Memoirs of Mr. Yellowplush ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 82811 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 17 Sherlock Holmes series, No. 5. Memories and portraits ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1906. - - E1S4 Memories and thoughts, men, books, cities, art ; by F. Harrison. E4H2 Memories of Margaret Grainger, schoolmistress ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 27 230 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MEE, Memory. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - Davies (B. J.) How to study and remember. .... 15403 - Hall (C. A.) The art of remembering. 1906. - 15402 - Sidey (A. C.) Mnemonics in a nutshell. 1905. - - - 15401 Men of the moss-hags ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C 19 Menander. In Collins (J. C.) Essays and studies. 1895.- - E4C1 Mendelssohn- Bar tholdy, Felix. In Mason (D. G. ) The romantic composers. 1906. port. mus. 99715 Menotah, a tale of the Riel rebellion ; by E. G. Henham. - - 133 HI Men's wives ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 12 T 9 Mensuration. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7. 1903. - 03208 Mercantile marine. For list of related subjects, see Transportation. - Gardner (F. W.) The sea, a guide to employment. 1907. - 65614 - Marvin (W. L.) American merchant marine, 1620-1902. 1902. 65611 Mercy, a novel ; by W. D. Ho wells. 97 H 4 Meredith (George) Poems. 1895. 1301 M - Poems and lyrics of the joy of earth. 1895. - 1302 M - The adventures of Harry Richmond. 82 M 7 - The amazing marriage. - - 82M15 - Beauchamp's career. 82 M 6 - Diana of the Crossways, a novel. - - - - - 82 M 3 - The egoist, a comedy in narrative. - - - - - 82 M 4 - Evan Harrington, a novel. 82 M 5 - Lord Ormont and his Aminta, a novel. 82 M 8 - One of our conquerors. 82 M 9 - The ordeal of Richard Feverel. - 82 M 10 - Rhoda Fleming, a story. 82 Ml - Sandra Belloni. 82M2 - Vittoria [a sequel to " Sandra Belloni "]. - - - - 82 M 14 - The shaving of Shagpat, an Arabian entertainment. - - 82M11 - The tale of Chloe, and other stories. 82M12 House on the beach. Farina. Case of General Ople and Lady Camper. - The tragic comedians. 82M13 Meredith, George. Bailey (E. J. ) The novels of Meredith. 1908. 82608 - In Oliphant (J. ) Victorian novelists. 1899. - 82603 Meredith, Susanna, a record of a vigorous life ; by M. A. Lloyd. M051 Merimee (Prosper) Colomba [In French] ; with notes. 1905. - 44841 Merivale (Charles) History of Rome, B.C. 753-a.d. 476. 1894. 93613 Merrick (Leonard) This stage of fools [stories]. - - - 84M1 Merriman (Henry Seton) Barlasch of the Guard. - - - 85M3 - From one generation to another. 85 M 6 - The grey lady. 85M4 - In Kedar's tents. 85M8 - The isle of unrest. 85M11 - The last hope. - 85M12 - Roden's corner. 85 M 2 231 MER GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Merriman (Henry Seton) The slave of the lamp. - - - 85 M 5 - The sowers. - 85M1 - The velvet glove. - - - - - - - - - 85M10 - The vultures. - 85M9 - With edged tools. 85M7 Merry men, and other tales and fables ; by R. L. Stevenson. - 120 S 11 Mersey. In Industrial rivers of United Kingdom. 1888. ill. - 38002 Merz (John T.) Leibniz [his life and philosophy]. 1901.- - 19303 Mesa ventures de Jean-Paul Choppart ; par L. Desnoyers. - - 29 Dl Mesmerism. See Hypnotism. Messenger [a novel] ; by F. F. Moore. - - - - -106M13 Messerschmidt (L. ) The Hittites. 1903. ill.- - - - 94417 Metal work. For lists of related subjects, see Industries. Sculpture. - Day (G.) Metal work. 1906. ill. 73901 - Drawing for metal plate workers. In CasselPs Educator, v. 5. 60310 - Millis (C. T.) Metal-plate work. 1906. ill.- - - - 67105 - In Sanford (F. G.) Art crafts for beginners. 1906. ill. - 70001 - See also Dies. Plate. Metallurgy. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - Demond (C. D.) Metallurgy. With Thorp (F. H.) Industrial chemistry. 1905. MM. ill. 66006 - Stansbie (J. H.) Metallurgical chemistry. 1906. ill. - - 66906 - See also Blast furnace. Brass. Electric furnace. Electrometallurgy. Iron. Steel. Metamorphosis ; by R. Marsh. 54M2 Metaphysics. See Philosophy. Metaurus. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1905.- - 90404 Metcalf, John. In Smiles (S. ) Engineers, v. 3. 1897. port. ill. 99706 Metcalfe (C. C.) Electric wiring for lighting installations. 1905. 62418 Metcalfe (Richard) The rise and progress of hydropathy in England and Scotland. 1906. ill. .... 61501 Meteorology. See Weather. Methodism. For list of other sects, see Sects. - M. (V. D.) Reminiscences of rural Christianity. 1907.- - 28701 - Southey(R.) The life of Wesley. 1901.- - ■- - - W091 "The rise and progress of Methodism." - Wesley (J.) Journal [1735-90]; abridged. 1905. - - - W092 Methuen (A. M. S.) Peace or war in South Africa. 1901. - 96404 Metre. For list of related subjects, see Language, English. - Omond (T. S.) A study of metre. 1907. - - - 42602 Metric system. See Decimal system. Mettle of the pasture ; by J. L. Allen. 27 A 1 Metzler and Co. 's Tutor for the violin, mus. - - - - 78705 Mexico. Noll (A. H.) A short history of Mexico. 1905. - - 97602 - Prescott (W. H.) Conquest of Mexico [648-1547]. 1903. - 97601 Meyer (Ernst von) A history of chemistry. 1898. - - - 54008 232 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MIL Meyer (Frederick B.) Friendly counsels. 1901. - - - 17119 - "I promise," the Christian Endeavour pledge. - - - 24801 - The soul's ascent, addresses. 1901. port. .... 25205 - Work-a-day sermons. 1897. port. 17112 Meyer (Mrs. Frederick B.) The author of "The peep of day," life of Mrs. Mortimer, ill. M061 Miall (Loins C.) House, garden, and field, nature studies, ill. 50411 - Round the year, nature studies. 1902. ill. - 50417 Micah. See Bible. Micah Clarke, his statement ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 11 Michel Perrin, comedie ; par A. H. J. et C. Duveyrier ; notes. - 44810 Michelangelo. Alison (Sir A.) Homer, Dante, and Michael Angelo. In his Essays, v. 2. 1850. .... E3A2 - Symonds(J. A.) Life of Michelangelo. 1893. 2 v. bihl . port . ill . M141-2 Michelet (Jules) La mer ; with notes. 1907. mem. - - 44868 - La montagne. 55109 - L'oiseau. 1905. 59804 Michelet, J. Alison (Sir A.) Michelet's France. In his Essay s. E3A3 Michigan. Cooley (T. Mel.) Michigan, a history. 1905. map. 97302 Microbes. See Bacteria. Microscopy. For lists of related subjects, see Biology. Zoology. - Archinard (P. E.) Microscopy and bacteriology. 1905. ill. • 61606 - Carpenter ( W. B.) and Dallmger (W. H.) The microscope. 1891. 57802 - Gosse (P. H.) Evenings at the microscope. 1881:. ill. - - 57803 " Researches among the minuter organs and forms of animal life." - Kerr (R.) Hidden beauties of nature, ill. .... 59301 Mid the thick arrows ; by M. Pemberton. 28 P 2 Middle age. Bell (Lady) On some difficulties incidental to middle age. In her Minor moralist. 1903. - - - 17008 Middle ages. For list of related subjects, see History. - Church (R. W.) Beginning of the middle ages. 1903. maps. 91016 Middlemarch, study of provincial life ; by George Eliot. 2 cop. 21 E 4 Middlemass (Jean) The queen wasp. 88 Ml Middleton (G. A. T.) Building materials. 1905. ill. - - 69102 - The drainage of town and country houses. 1903. ill. - - 62802 Midnight scenes and social photographs [Glasgow] ; by A. Brown. 1858. 92318 Midsummer madness ; by Mrs. L. Cameron. - - - - 10C2 Mie prigioni ; di S. Pellico ; with notes. 45801 Mifflin (Lloyd) Castalian days [poems]. 1903. port. - - 901 M Mighty atom ; by Marie Corelli. 91 C 2 Mijatovich (Chedomil) Constantine, or, the conquest of Con- stantinople, a.d. 1453. 1892. ill. plan. - - - 93902 Milan, King of Servia. Gerard (F.) A king's romance. 1903. port. M191 Mildred Arkell, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W13 Miles (Alfred H.) and others. New standard elocutionist. - 80804 233 MIL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Miles (Alfred H.) ed. The new anecdote book. - - - 82826 - Poets and the poetry of the nineteenth century, humour. - 82415 Miles (Eustace H.) Cassell's Physical educator. 1904. ill. - 61325 Miles Wallingford [a story] ; by J. F. Cooper. - - - - 88 C 6 "A sequel to 'Afloat and ashore/" 88C11. Military and naval art and science. See Army. Navy. War. Milk. Van Slyke(L.K) Testing milk, and milk products. 1907. ill. 63703 - See also Casein. Mill (Hugh R.) The realm of nature, physiography. 1897. ill.- 55113 - ed. The international geography. 1906. ill. maps. - - 90601 Mill (John Stuart) On liberty. 1903. 32301 - Principles of political economy. 1904. 33004 - A system of logic. 1865. 2 v. 16001-2 - Utilitarianism. 17131 Mill, John Stuart. In MacCunn (J.) Six radical thinkers. 1907. 32014 - Morley (J. ) Death of Mr. Mill ; Mr. Mill's Autobiography. In his Critical miscellanies, v. 3. 1904. - - - - E3M3 Mill on the Floss [a novel] ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. - - 21E8 Mill work. See Grinding. Hoisting machinery. Saw-mills. Millais, Sir John E. In Bayliss (Sir W.) Five great painters. - 99714 Millar (A. H.) Mary, Queen of Scots, her life story. 1905. ill. M023 Millar (J. H.) [Literature of] The mid-eighteenth century. - 80911 Millar (William) Plastering, plain and decorative. 1905. ill. 69303 Millennium. For related subjects, see Future state. - Russell (C. T.) Millennial dawn. 1906. ... - 23601 Miller (Edward) John Knox, hero of Scottish reformation. - K012 Miller (Hugh) Cruise of the Betsey. Rambles of a geologist. - 55401 - Essays, historical, biographical, political [etc.] 1890. - - E2M1 - My schools and schoolmasters. 1907. port. ill. - - - M291 - The old red sandstone. 1899. ill. - - - - - 55107 - The testimony of the rocks. 1890. ill. - - - - - 55002 Miller (James R. ) Finding the way [Christian life]. 1904. - 17116 - The story of Joseph. 1901. 22206 Miller (W.H.) On the bank's threshold, outline of banking. 1890. 33207 Millet, Jean F. ; by J. W. Mollett. In his Painters of Barbizon, v. 1. 1890. bibl. port. ill. - - - - - - 99716 Millicent Kendrick [a story] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 83 W 14 Millin (George F.) Pictorial gardening. 1906. ill. - - 71003 Millinery. Reeve (A. J.) Practical home millinery. 1906. ill. 64603 Millis (C. T.) Metal-plate work. 1906. ill. - - - - 67105 Mills (Edmund J. ) and Rowan (F. J. ) Fuel and its applications. In Chemical technology, v. 1. 1889. ill. - . - - 662( Mills (J. S.) Landmarks of British fiscal history. 1907. - - 3370; Milman (Henry H. ) History of Latin Christianity. 1867. 9 v. 28201-9 Milne (Joseph G. ) History of Egypt under Roman rule. 1898. ill. 95711 Milne (Thomas) joint-author. See Woodhouse (Thomas). 234 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MIN Milner, Alfred, Viscount. Worsfold (W. B.) Lord Milner's work in South Africa, 1897-1902. 1906. port. map. - - 96306 Milroy (M. E. W.) Home lace-making. 1906. ill. - - 67729 Milton (John) Poetical works ; ed. by D. Masson. 1905. - 301 M - Selections. In Imagination and fancy. 1891. - - - 82234 Milton, John. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. 1902. - E5B2 - In Birrell (A.) Collected essays, v. 1. 1902. .... E1B1 - Collins (J. C. ) Miltonic myths and their authors. In Studies. E4C2 - In Hazlitt ( W. ) Lectures on the English poets. 1884. - - 82004 - In Macaulay (Lord) Works. 82827 - Masterman(J. H. B.) [Literature of] The age of Milton. 1897. 82107 - Maurice (F. D.) Milton ; Milton considered as a schoolmaster. In his Friendship of books, and other essays. 1904. - E4M1 - Pattison (M.) Milton [a biography]. 1906. - - - - M331 - Wood (G. A.) The Miltonic ideal. In Historical essays. 1907. 90406 Miltoun (Francis) Dumas' Paris, ill. 93309 Minchmoor. In Brown (J.) Horse subsecivse, v. 3. - - - _E2B3 Mind. See Psychology. Mind and body. For related subjects, see Philosophy. Therapeutics. - Clouston (T. S.) The hygiene of mind. 1906. ill- - - 13101 - Ebbard (R. J.) How to acquire and strengthen will-power. - 61502 11 A specific remedy for neurasthenia and nervous diseases." - In Gairdner (Sir W. T.) The physician as naturalist. 18S9. - 61002 - Story (A. T.) How to control and strengthen the mind. 1907. 13102 - See also Astrology. Brain. Clairvoyance. Dreams. Expression. Heredity. Hypnotism. Illusions. Phrenology. Psychical research. Second sight. Sleep. Spiritualism. Theosophy. Thought- reading. Witchcraft. Minder; by J. Ackworth. 67 A 2 Mineralogy. For lists of related subjects, see Chemistry. Geology. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. 1903. ill. - - 03208-9 - Ernie (H.) and Brown (A. P.) Mineralogy simplified. 1901. ill. 54902 Mining. For lists of related subjects, see Engineering. Geology. - Lupton (A.) A practical treatise on mine surveying. 1902. - 62506 and others. Electricity as applied to mining. 1906. ill. - 62502 -See also Blasting. Coal. Ore. Ministers. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. - Gilfillan (G.) Remoter stars in the church sky. 1867. - - 99828 - Eae (J. J.) ed. Ministers of Glasgow and their churches, ill. 92308 Minister's charge ; by W. D. Ho wells. 97 H 2 Minister's wooing ; by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 129 S3 Minna von Barnhelm ; von G. E. Lessing ; with notes. 1898. - 43818 Minor moralist, essays on conduct ; by Lady Bell. - - - 17008 Minstrelsy. See Ballads. Minto, Earl of. In Morris (H.) Governors-general, v. 1. port. 99823 Minvale, the story of a strike ; by Orme Agnus. - - - 71 A 1 235 MIE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Mirabeau, Honore G. R., comte de. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays. - E3A2 - In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 5. E1C5 - Dumont (E.) The great Frenchman and the little Genevese. - M131 Miracles. For lists of related subjects, see Bible. Jesus Christ. - Cooper (T.) Verity and value of the miracles of Christ. 1876. 22717 - Buskin (J. ) The nature and authority of miracle. In his On the old road, v. 3. 1899. 70403 - Tyndall (J.) Miracles and special providences. In his Frag- ments of science, v. 2. 1902. 50409 22711 52702 18P1 88W5 102H4 44854-5 20P1 37R6 148 S 33 51G7 32T1 56R13 4M6 75C18 52M23 - Wright (T. H.) The finger of God, miracles of Jesus. 1903. - Miremoxt (Comte de) Practical methods in modern navigation. Mirk Abbey ; by J. Payn. Mischief of Monica ; by Mrs. L. B. Walford. - - - Miserables ; by V. Hugo. Miserables, principaux episodes ; par V. Hugo ; notes. 2 v. Misfortunes of Elphin [a story] ; by T. L. Peacock. - Miss Angel [a novel] ; by Lady Ritchie. Miss Baxter's bequest ; by A. S. Swan. Miss Cheyne of Essilmont [a novel] ; by J. Grant. Miss Grace of All Souls' ; by W. E. Tirebuck. - - - " Miss Lou"; by E. P. Roe. Miss Misanthrope ; by J. McCarthy. Miss or Mrs. ? and other stories ; by W. Wilkie Collins. - Mission, or, scenes in Africa ; by Captain F. Marryat. Missionaries. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. - Holcomb (H. H. ) Men of might in India missions. 1901. bibl. 99815 Bartholomew Ziegenbalg. Christian F. Schwartz. Henry Martyn. Gordon Hall. John Scudder. John Wilson. Alexander Duff. Anderson. Robert T. Noble. Isidor Loewenthal. Samuel H. Kellogg. Missions. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Armstrong (T.) My life in Connaught. 1907. ill. 11 With sketches of mission work in the west." - Brown (A. J.) The foreign missionary. 1907. - Casalis (E.) My life in Basuto Land. 1889. .... - Ditchfield (J. E. W.) Fishers of men [home mission work]. - - Gibson (J. C.) Problems and methods in south China. 1901. - Goldie(H.) Calabar and its mission. 1890. ill. map. - - Grenfell (W. T.) Off the rocks, Labrador, ill. - Guinness (L. E.) Across India. 1898. ill. maps. - - Jackson (J.) In leper-land, among Indian lepers. 1901. ill. - Mullins (J. D.) Wonderful story of Uganda. 1908. bibl.' ill. - Ross ( J. ) Mission methods in Manchuria. 1903. ill. - - Smith (S.) The conversion of India. In his Selections. - - Young (E. R. ) Indian wigwams and northern camp-fires. 1894. - Young (R. ) African wastes reclaimed, Lovedale Mission. 1902 Missouri. Carr(L.) Missouri, a bone of contention. 1888. map. 236 John [Etc.] A 221 26601 27805 25603 27803 27806 27901 27802 27808 27809 27801 E11S1 27902 27807 97303 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MOD Missouri River. Biddle (N. ) ed. Expedition of Lewis and Clark to sources of Missouri, 1804-6. 1905. 3 v. maps. Mistaken ; by A. S. Swan. Mr. Dooley's philosophy ; by [F. P. Dunne]. 1903. ill. - Mr. Horrocks, purser ; by C. J. Cutcliffe W. Hyne. - Mr. Isaacs, a tale of modern India ; by F. M. Crawford. - Mr. Midshipman Easy ; by Captain F. Marryat. Mr. Montmorency's money ; by E. J. Worboise. Mr. Munchausen, recent adventures ; by J. K. Bangs. Mr. Quixley of the Gate House ; by P. J. Brebner. - Mr. Scarborough's family ; by A. Trollope. - Mr. Smith, a part of his life [a novel] ; by Mrs. L. B. Walford. - Misther O'Ryan ; by E. McNulty. Mrs. Alemere's elopement ; by C. Marriott. .... Mistress and maid ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. Mrs. Carmichael's goddesses ; by Sarah Tytler. - Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures, and other stories ; by D. Jerrold. Mrs. Craddock [a novel] ; by W. S. Maugham. .... Mrs. Dymond [a story] ; by Lady Ritchie. .... Mrs. Falchion [a novel] ; by Sir G. Parker. .... Mrs. Galer's business ; by W. Pett Ridge. Mrs. Halliburton's troubles ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. Mrs. Keith Hamilton, M.B. ; by A. S. Swan. .... "More experiences of ' Elizabeth Glen, M.B.,' " 148S52. Mistress of the robes, a tale ; by S. H. Burchell. Mitchell (D. G.) Life of Robert Rainy. [1907]. ill. Mitchell (Edmund) In desert keeping. - Mitchell (Fred. S.) Practical gilding [etc.] 1905. ill. - - Practical stencil work. 1906. ill. Mitchell (James) Annals of the United Presbyterian congre- gation of Wellington Street, Glasgow. 1877. ill. - Mitchell (James O. ) Burns and his times. 1897. - Mitchell (Silas Weir) Far in the forest, a story. - Mitchell (W.) Structure and growth of the mind. 1907. Mitchell (Wm. F. ) Reminiscences of the [Indian] mutiny, 1857-9 Mitford (Bertram) Harley Greenoak's charge. - A romance of the Cape frontier. ------ Mitford (Mary R. ) Our village [sketches of rural life]. - Mitton (G. E.) A bachelor girl in Burma. 1907. ill. map. - - Normandy [a description]. 1905. col. ill. - Mnemonics. See Memory. Moberly (Robert C. ) Problems and principles, theological and ecclesiastical. 1904. Moby Dick, or, the whale ; by H. Melville. - Modern broods, or, developments unlooked for ; by C. M. Yonge. 237 97405-7 148 S 34 81706 115H4 116C1 52M8 83W24 13B1 140B1 43T5 88W1 137M1 50M3 110C7 57T2 39J1 68M1 37R4 8P6 34R2 10W18 148 S 36 107 Bl R121 93M1 69801 69806 92401 82414 95M1 15006 94725 97M1 97M2 96M1 95003 93310 20402 80M1 2Y27 MOD GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Modern Circe ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. .... 104H1 Modern Dick Whittington ; by J. Payn. 18 P 5 Modern instances [stories] ; by E. D'Arcy. .... 6D1 Modern legionary [French Foreign Legion] ; by J. P. Le Poer. 1904. L051 Modern Telemachus [a story] ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - 2Y18 Modern Utopia ; by H. G. Wells. 1905. ill. - 30114 A sequel to " Mankind in the making," 30104. Moffat (Mary M.) Queen Louisa of Prussia [a biography]. 1906. L081 Moffat, Robert. TwMcGown (G. W. T. ) Scottish heroes of the faith. 99819 Mohammedanism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Carlyle (T. ) Mahomet, Islam. In his Heroes, hero-worship. E1C11 - Irving (WJ Life of Mahomet. Lives of the successors of Mahomet. 1901. 29701 - Muir (Sir W.) Life of Mahomet [abridged]. 1894. ill. - 29702 - Small (A. H.) Islam. 1905. 29703 - See also Sufism. Mohl, Julius. ZnMiiller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. 1904. - - E5M2 Moinaux (Jules) Les deux sourds [comedie] ; with notes. - 44824 [Mom (David M.)] The life of Mansie Wauch, tailor in Dalkeith. 23M1 Moir (Frank L. ) Natural voice production. 1899. fo. mas.- 78419 Moir of Stoneywood. Brown (J.) A Jacobite family. In his Horse subsecivse, v. 3. 1897. E2B3 Moliere (Jean B. P.) (Euvres ; avec notes. 2 v. mem. port. 801-2 M - Plays; [trans.] by English dramatists, mem. - - - 803 M Sir Martin Marr-all ; by J. Dryden. The mistake ; by Sir. J. Vanbrugh. The plain dealer ; by W. Wycherley. The mock doctor ; The miser ; by H. Fielding. The non-juror ; by C. Cibber. Moliere, Jean B. P. In Prescott (W. H.) Miscellanies. - - E2P1 Mollett (John W.) The painters of Barbizon. 1890. 2 v. ill. 99716-7 Molloy (Joseph F.) The life of Peg Woffington. 1897. - - W181 Mollusks. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Clark (W.) The British marine testaceous mollusca. 1855. - 59403 - Cooke (A. H.) Molluscs. 1895. ill. 59402 - Kew (H. W.) The dispersal of shells. 1893. ill. - - - 59404 - Williams (J. W.) and others. Land and fresh-water shells. - 59401 - See also Brachiopods. Molly bawn [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - - 104H8 Moltke(Helmuth, Count von) As a correspondent [letters]. 1893. M121 Mon frere Yves ; par Pierre Loti. - - - - - - 53 LI Mona, a Manx idyll ; by Esme Stuart. 136 S 2 Monasteries. Froude (J. A.) Dissolution of the monasteries. In his Short studies on great subjects, v. 1. 1905. - - E2F1 Monastery ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35S13 Monasticism. Harnack (A.) Monasticism, its ideals and history. 27102 - See also Benedictines. Jesuits. Nuns. Money (Leo G. C.) Riches and poverty. 1906. - - 33010 238 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MOO Money. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Avebury (Lord) History of coins and currency. 1903. ill. - 33202 - Carlile (W. W.) The evolution of modern money. 1901. - 33210 - Clews (H. ) and others. Problems in banking and currency. - 33208 - Easton (H. T.) Money, exchange, and banking. - - - 33203 - Temple (Sir R. C.) Anthropology, the evolution of currency and coinage. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - 50421 - In Thorold (A. W.) The yoke of Christ, 1S97. - - - 17115 - See also Coins and medals. Exchange. Interest. Investments. Stock exchange. Monks of Thelema, a novel ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - 48 B 9 Monroe, James. Gilman (D. C. ) Monroe [a biography]. 1898. bibl. Mill Monroe (Paul) Course in the history of education. 1907. ill. 37010 Monsieur Violet [a story]; by Captain F. Marryat. - - - 52 M 12 Montagu, Lady Mary W. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. E5B2 - Paston (George) Lady Mary Montagu and her times. 1907. ill. M271 Montague (C. E.) joint-author. See Ward (Mrs. Humphry). Montague (E. R.) Tales from the Talmud. 1906. - - - 29605 Montaigne (Michel E. de) Essays ; selected and ed. by P. Chubb. El M 1 Montaigne, Michel E. de. Bond (R. W.) Montaigne, a study. 1906. 84401 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Montaigne's Essays. In his Horae Sabba- ticae, v. 1. 1892. -. E3S1 Montanaro (A. F. ) joint-author. See Armitage (C. H.) Monterey. Stevenson (R. L.) The old Pacific capital. In his Across the plains, with other essays. 1905. - - - E1S2 Montesole {Max) joint-author. See Roberts (Morley). Montesquieu (C. de Secondat, baron de) Pensees diverses. - 84802 Montesquieu, C. de Secondat, baron de. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays. E3A2 Montezuma's daughter ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - 3H14 Montgomery (Florence) Thrown together, a story. - - 141 Ml Montgomery (K. L.) The ark of the curse. .... 103M1 Montresor (F. F.) The celestial surgeon. 105 Ml Monuments. Bute (Marquess of) Some Christian monuments of Athens. In his Essays on foreign subjects. 1901. - - E7B1 Moody (Dwight L.) Bible characters. 22109 Moon. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Fauth (P.) The moon in modern astronomy. [1907]. ill. - 52308 - Nasmyth (J.) and Carpenter (J.) The moon. 1903. ill. - 52314 - Neison (E. ) The moon and the condition and configurations of its surface. 1876. ill. 52312 Moondyne, a story from the under-world ; by J. B. O'Reilly. - 26 01 Moonfleet [a story] ; by J. M. Falkner. 1F1 Moons and winds of Araby ; by Roma White. - - - - 96 Wl Moonstone, a romance ; by W. Wilkie Collins. - 75C15 Moore (Aubrey L.) Science and the faith, essays. 1893. - 23909 Moore (Frank F.) The fatal gift. 106 M 9 239 MOO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Moore (Frank F.) A gray eye or so. 106M10 - He loved but one. -106M12 - The Jessamy bride. 106 M 6 - The messenger. 106 M 13 - Nell Gwyn, comedian, a novel. ...... 1Q6M8 - The White Causeway. 106 Mil Moore, George. Bosanquet (B. ) Two modern philanthropists. In his Essays aud addresses. 1899. - - - - E10B1 Moore (John M.) Three aspects of Tennyson. 1901. - - 82403 Moore (N. H.) The old furniture book. ill. .... 74901 Moore (Thomas) Engineers' and general smiths' work. 1906. ill. 68201 Moore (Thomas) Life, letters, and journals of Lord Byron, ill. B071 - Poetical works. mtm. 'port. ------- 101M Moore, Thomas. In Garnett (R.) Essays of an ex-librarian. 1901. E3G1 - Macaulay (Lord) Moore's Life of Byron. In his Works. - 82827 - In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. 1896. 82103 Moral philosophy. See Ethics. More (Sir Thomas) Utopia. ?ne?n. 32002 More, Sir Thomas. Adams (W. H. D.) More's "Utopia." In his Famous books. 02810 More bywords [stories] ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - - 2Y7 More tramps abroad ; by Mark Twain. - - - - - 52 T 12 Morel (E. D.) Red rubber, rubber slave trade on the Congo. 1907. 95904 Morgan (George Campbell) Practice of prayer. 1906. - - 26403 - True estimate of life and how to live. 1903. .... 17110 Morgan (Thomas H.) Experimental zoology. 1907. ill. - - 59123 Morgan Hailsham, or, a curious month ; by F. C. Constable. - 83 CI Morgann (Maurice) Dramatic character of Sir John Falstaff, 1777. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1905. 82505 Morison, James C. Moore (A. L.) Morison's '.'Service of man." In his Science and the faith, essays. 1893. - - - 23909 Morison (Margaret C.) A lonely summer in Kashmir. 1904. ill. 94803 Morison (R. C. H.) ed. Chambers's Effective reciter. 1905. - 80811 - Chambers's Elocution. 1906. - 80803 Morland, Geo. In Cunningham (A. ) and Heaton (Mrs. C. ) Painters. 99710 - Wilson (D. H. ) George Morlancl [a biography]. 1907. oibl. port. M201 Morley (Henry) A first sketch of English literature. 1904. - 82005 Morley ( Viscous t) Critical miscellanies. 1904-5. 3 v. - -E3M1-3 1. Robespierre. Carlyle. Byron. Macaulay. Emerson. 2. Vauve- nargues. Turgot. Condorcet. Joseph de Maistre. 3. Popular culture. Death of Mr. Mill. Mr. Mill's Autobiography. Life of George Eliot. Pattison's Memoirs. Harriet Martineau. W. R. Greg. France in the eighteenth century. [Seeley's] Expansion of England. Auguste Comte. - The life of Richard Cobden. 1905. Clll - The life of William Ewart Gladstone. 1905. 2 v. - - G132-3 - Oliver Cromwell [a biography]. 1900. ..... C027 - Rousseau [a biography], 1900-5. 2 v. R131-2 240 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. MOT Morley (Viscount) Studies in literature. 1904. - - - E3M4 - Voltaire [a biography]. 1903. V011 - Walpole [a biography]. 1903. W071 Morning by morning, daily readings ; by C. H. Spurgeon. - 24902 Morocco. Savory (I.) In the tail of the peacock. 1903. ill. - 95602 Morris, Francis O., a memoir; by his son. 1897. bibl. port. ill. M221 Morris, Gouverneur [a biography] ; by T. Roosevelt. 1888. - M081 Morris (Henry) Governors-general of India. 1907. v. 1. ill. - 99823 Morris (John E.) The Welsh wars of Edward I. 1901. map. 91338 Morris (Sir Lewis) [Poetical] Works. 1904. port. - - 201 M - Songs without notes. 1894. - - - - - - 202M Morris (Richard) Elementary historical English grammar. - 42503 - Historical outlines of English accidence. 1903. - - - 42505 - English grammar [a primer]. 1903. 42501 - and Bo wen (H. C.) English grammar exercises. 1904. - - 42502 Morris (William) The earthly paradise, a poem. 1905. - - 601 M - The labour question from the socialist standpoint. In Modern socialism. 1907. - - - - - . - - 33504 Morris, Wm. Yeats (W.B.) The happiest of the poets. In his Ideas. E1Y1 Morris (William B. ) The life of Saint Patrick. 1898. - - P151 Morrow (Geo. E.) and Hunt (T.F.) Soils and crops of the farm. 1905. 63002 Morse (John T.) Abraham Lincoln [a biography]. 1893. 2 v. - L033-4 - Benjamin Franklin [a biography]. 1889. .... F013 - John Adams [a biography]. 1884. - A071 - John Quincy Adams [a biography]. 1898. .... A051 - Thomas Jefferson [a biography]. 1898. J 071 Mortal antipathy ; by O. W. Holmes. 78 H 2 Mortimer, Mrs. Favell L. Meyer (Mrs. F. B.) The author of " The peep of day," life of Mrs. Mortimer, port. ill. - M061 Morton (A. E.) Modern typewriting and office procedure, ill. - 65201 Moscow, a story of the French invasion of 1812 ; by F. Whishaw. 5W4 Moses. Johnson (J.) Stories from lives of Moses and Joshua. - 22304 Moses (William S. ) Spirit teachings. 1898. port.- - - 28904 Mosses. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Gray (P.) British mosses. 1886. bibl. ill. .... 58902 - Stark (R. M. ) Popular history of British mosses, col. ill. - 58903 Mosses from an old manse ; by N. Hawthorne. - - - 42 H 3 Mothers' meetings. For related subjects, see Theology, Pastoral. - Campbell (M. M.) My very, very own. 25601 Moths. For list of other subjects in entomology, see Insects. - South (R.) Moths of the British Isles. 1907. v. 1. col. ill.- 59511 Motley (John L. ) Life and death of John of Barneveld. 2 v. ill. B051-2 - The rise of the Dutch Republic [1555-84]. 1898. ill. map. - 93001 - United Netherlands [1584-1609]. 1901-2. 4 v. ill. - - 93002-5 Motor-cars. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. 241 MOT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Motor-cars. Knight (J. H.) Motor repairing for amateurs, ill. - Strickland (F.) Petrol motors and motor cars. 1907. ill. - White (T. H. ) Petrol motors and motor cars. 1905. ill. Motors. For list of related subjects, see Engineering, Electric. - Hobart (H. M.) Electric motors, theory, construction. 1904. Moulding. See Founding. Moule (Handley C. G.) Bp. Christ is all, sermons. 1892. port. - The Epistle of Paul to the Romans. 1879. .... - To my younger brethren, pastoral life and work. 1892. - ed. Romans, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902. Moulton (Forest R.) An introduction to astronomy. 1907. ill. Moultox (W. F.) and others. The citizen of to-morrow. 1906. Mount Eden, a romance ; by F. Marryat. Mountaineering. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Le Blond (Mrs. A. B.) True tales of mountain adventure, ill. Mountains. For list of related subjects, see Physical geography. - Michelet (J.) La montagne. - Mourey (Gabriel) Across the Channel, life and art in London. Mozart, W. A. C. In Mason (D. G. ) Beethoven and his forerunners. Muckley (Wm. J.) Student's manual of artistic anatomy. 1902. Muddock (Joyce E. P. ) Without faith or fear. 2 copies. Muir(Jas.) Agriculture, practical and scientific. 1895. ill. - Muir (James) Police catechism, the duties of police. 1907. Muir (Matthew M. P.) Story of the chemical elements. 1898. - joint-author. See Thorpe (Thomas E.) Muir (Pearson M.) Religious writers of England. 1901. Muir (Sir William) Life of Mahomet [abridged]. 1894. ill. • - Mameluke, or, slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517. 1896. ill. Muirhead (James P.) The mechanical inventions of James Watt. 1854. 3 v. Muirhead (John H.) The elements of ethics. 1892. Mulhall (Michael G. ) Industries and wealth of nations. 1896. Muller (August) Outlines of Hebrew syntax. 1894. Muller (Friedrich Max) Chips from a German workshop. 4 v. 62208 62203 62202 62403 25219 22802 25001 22813 52005 30409 51M2 79605 55109 91711 78011 74301 119M1 63003 35202 54101 82017 29702 95703 60803 5 17114 31001 49201 E5M1-4 1. Congress of Orientalists, address, 1892. What to do with our old people. Antiquity of oriental literature. Defence of lectures. Lessons of antiquity. Classification of mankind by language or by blood. [Academic] Freedom. Goethe and Carlyle. Correspondence between Schiller and the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein. Andrea del Sarto's Carita. Buddhist charity. Proper use of Holy Scriptures. 2. Rajah Rammohun Roy. Keshub Chunder Sen. Bunyiu Nanjio. Colebrooke. Julius MohL Bunsen. Charles Kin gslej r . Wilhelm Muller. Short memorial notices. 3. Life of Schiller. Stratification of language. Chronology of language. Comparative philology as a branch of classical study. Results of the science of language. Spelling. German literature. Language and poetry of Schleswig-Holstein. Joinville. 4. Com- parative mythology. Philosophy of mythology. False analogies in comparative mythology. Solar myths. Lunar myths. Lesson of ' Jupiter.' Migration of fables. Popular tales from the Norse. [Etc.] Introduction to the science of religion. 1882. - - - 20101 242 HUTCHESONTOWX BRANCH. MUS Muller (Friedrich Max ) Science of language. 1873. 1 v. - 41001-2 Mui^er (J. P.) My system [physical education]. 1905. port. ill. 61308 Muller, Wilhelm. In Muller (F. Max) Works, v. (3. 1904. - E5M2 Mullins (J. D.) Wonderful story of Uganda [missions]. 1908. ill. 27809 Mulready, William, Memorials of; by F.G.Stephens. 1890. port. ill. M161 Mumby (Frank A.) eel. Letters of literary men [1535- 1S94]. 2 v. 82711-2 Munera pulveris [essays on political economy] ; by J. Ruskin. - 33005 Munger (Theodore T.) The appeal to life [sermons]. 1887. - 25218 Municipal government. See Local government. Munro (Andrew) Book-keeping down to date. [1907]. - - 65702 Munro (J.) and Jamieson (A.) Electrical rules, tables. 1907. - 62414 Munro (James) A new Gaelic primer. 1902. .... 49103 Munro (Neil) Children of tempest, a tale of the outer isles. - 123 M 5 - The daft days. 123 M 7 - Doom Castle, a romance. - 123 M 6 - Gilian the dreamer, his fancy, love, and adventure. - - 123 M4 - John Splendid, the tale of a poor gentleman. - 123 Ml - The lost pibroch, and other sheiling stories. 2 copies. - - 123 M 2 - The shoes of fortune. 123 M 3 Munro (Robert) Archaeology and false antiquities. 1905. ill. 57101 Munroe (Kirk) The copper princess, a story. - 124M1 Murdoch (Alexander G.) Scotch readings, humorous. 1895.- 82710 Murdoch (W. G. B.) The spirit of Jacobite loyalty. 1907. - 91434 Murdock, Wm. In Smiles (S.) Men of invention. 1905. - - 99703 Murison (Alex. F.) Sir William Wallace [a biography]. - - W251 Murray (Andrew) With Christ in the school of prayer. 1898. 24802 Murray ( David C.) A bit of human nature. The 'Lively Fanny.' 126M7 - First person singular, a novel. ...... 126 M 8 - Old Blazer's hero. 126 M 6 - A race for millions. 126M3 - Time's revenges. 126 M 4 - Val Strange, a story. 126 M 5 - V.C., a chronicle of the Crimea. 126 Ml - A wasted crime, a novel. - 126 M 2 Murray (Gilbert) Attic sentence-construction. 1898. - - 48501 - A history of ancient Greek literature. 1897. - 88001 Murray (James E.) Wireless telegraphy. 1907. ill. - - 65402 Murray (T. D.) eel. Jeanne d'Arc, her life. 1907. ill. - - J023 Mus^eus (Johann K. A.) Tales ; trans, by T. Carlyle. 2 copies. 128M1 Music. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - In Avebury (Lord) Pleasures of life. 1905. - - - - E2A1 - Banister (H. C.) Musical analysis, mus. .... 78109 - Baughan (E. A.) Music and musicians. 1906. - - - 78012 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-4. 1903. ill. - - 03202-5 - Crowest (F. J. ) Catechism of musical history and biography. - 78015 243 MUS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Music. Gilnian(L.) The music of to-morrow, and other studies. 1907. 78009 Phases of modern music. 1905. 78014 The achievement of Richard Strauss. An American tone-poet [Edward MacDowell]. Verdi and Wagner. " Parsifal" and its significance. [Etc.] - Glyn (M. H.) The rhythmic conception of music. 1907. - 78002 - Goddard (J. ) The beauty and expression of music, mus. - 78016 - Kobbe (G. ) How to appreciate music, ill. - 78008 - Mason (D. G.) Beethoven and his forerunners. 1904. ill. mus. 78011 The periods of musical history. Palestrina and the music of mysticism. The modern spirit. The principles of pure music. Haydn. Mozart. - Matthew (J. E.) A handbook of musical history. 1898. bibl. ill. 78017 - Patterson (A. W. ) Chats with music lovers, bibl. - - - 78001 - Peterson (F. S.) Catechism of music. 1900. mus. - - 78110 - Redman (H. N.) ed. Pronouncing dictionary of musical terms. 78020 - Smith (H.) The world's earliest music, ill. - - - 78018 - Sneddon (J. ) and others. The musical educator. 5 v. ill. mus. 78003-7 - Taylor (S.) Sound and music. 1873. ill. .... 78102 - Upton (G. P. ) Musical pastels. 1902. ill. - 78013 - Walker (E.) A history of music in England. 1907. mus. - 78010 - Warriner (J.) The art of teaching music. 1906. mus. - - 78019 - See also Ballads. Bayreuth festival. Bombardon. Canon. Counterpoint. Fugue. Harmonium. Harmony. Instrumentation. Organ. Pianoforte. Singing. Sonatas. Songs. Violin. Violoncello. Music, Church. Vocal scores. Beethoven (L. van) Mass in C. fo. 78302 - Poniatowski (Prince) Mass in F. fo. 78303 - Rossini (J. A.) Stabat mater. 78304 - Schubert (R.) Mass in B. fo. ...... 78319 - Weber (C. M. von) Mass in G. 78320 Music, Instrumental, American organ. Anderson (J. S.) ed. Selected movements. 4°. 78608 ^Selected voluntaries. 4°. - 78609 Music, Instrumental, Organ. Johnson (A.) Thirteen concluding voluntaries. 4°. 78612 - Tann (W. R. B.) ed. Gems for the organ. 4°. 78610 Music, Instrumental, Pianoforte. Beethoven (L. van) Sonatas. 4°. 78611 - Chaminade (C. ) Six etudes de concert. 78622 - Grieg (E. H.) Lyrische Stucke. 4°. 78620 - Liszt (F.) Album. - 78621 - Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (F.) Lieder ohne Worte. fo. - - 78613 - Rubinstein (A. ) Three pianoforte albums. 4°. - - 78614 - Sousa (J. P.) Album, 13 Ceriihmte Marsche. - 78623 - Strauss (J. ) Album of new waltzes. 4°. 78616 Music, Instrumental, Violin. Album celebre pour violon et piano. 5 v. 78710-14 - Beriot (C. A. de) Seven airs with variations. - 78703 Music, Instrumental, Violoncello. Kluigenberg (J. ) Volkslieder- Album fur Violoncello und Piano. 2 v. - - 78708-9 244 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. MUS Music, Musical comedies. Vocal scores: Audran (E. ) La mascotte, opera comique. ------- 78238 Miss Decima, operatic comedy. 4°. 78202 - Finck (H.) From Monte Carlo to Japan, a burletta. 1903. 4°. 78203 - Haines (H. E.) The beauty of Bath, a musical play. 1906. 4°. 78204 - The talk of the town, a musical comedy. 1905. 4°. - - 78205 -- and Baker (E.) The catch of the season. 1904. 4°. - - 78206 - Jones (S.) The geisha, a Japanese musical play. 1896. 4°. - 78207 - Kerker(G.) The belle of New York, a musical comedy. 1898. 4°. 78208 - Lambelet (N. ) Transit of Venus, a musical comedy. 1898. 4°. 78209 - Lecocq(C) The sea nymphs. 4°. 78262 - Lehar(F.) The merry widow, musical play. 1907. 4°. - 78210 - Lehmann (L.) Sergeant Brue, a musical farce. 1904. 4°. - 78211 - Offenbach (J.) La grande cluchesse, comic opera. - - - 78248 The magic melody. 4°. 78261 - Eubens (P. A.) Miss Hook of Holland. 1907. 4°. - - 78212 - Slaughter (W.) Blue-Bell in fairyland. 1902. 4°. - - 78213 Gentleman Joe, a musical play. 1895. fo. - - - 78214 - Solomon (E.) The red hussar, a comedy-opera. 4°. - - 78215 - Stuart (Leslie) The silver slipper, a modern extravaganza. 4°. 78216 - Sullivan (Sir A. S.) The beauty stone, a musical drama. 1898. 4°. 78217 The chieftain, comic opera. 1895. 4°. 78218 Cox and Box, or, the long-lost brothers. 4°. 78219 The gondoliers, or, the King of Barataria. 4°. - - - 78220 The grand duke, or, the statutory duel. 4°. 78221 H.M.S. Pinafore, or, the lass that loved a sailor. 4°. - 78222 - - Haddon Hall. 1897. 4°. - 78223 Iolanthe, or, the peer and the peri. 4°. - - - - 78224 - - The Mikado, or, the town of Titipu. 4°. - - - - 78226 Patience, or, Bunthorne's bride. 4°. 78227 The pirates of Penzance, or, the slave of duty. 4°. - - 78228 Princess Ida, or, Castle Adamant. 4°. 78229 The rose of Persia. 1900. 4°. 78230 Ruddigore, or, the witch's curse. 4°.- - - - - 78231 The sorcerer, comic opera. 4°. 78232 - - Trial by jury. 4°. 78233 Utopia, Limited, or, the flowers of progress. 1893. 4°. - 78234 Yeomen of the guard, or, the merryman and his maid. 4°. 78235 and German (E.) The emerald isle, comic opera. 1901. 4°. 78236 - Talbot (H.) A Chinese honeymoon, musical comedy. 1901. 4°. 78255 Music, Operas and secular cantatas. Vocal scores : Auber (D. F. E. ) Les diamants de la couronne, opera. - - 78237 - Balfe (M. W.) The Bohemian girl. 78239 - Bantock (G.) Sea- wanderers, fo. 78256 - Bellini (V.) La sonnambula, opera. 78240 - Berlioz (L. H.) Romeo and Juliet, dramatic symphony, fo. - 78260 ,245 MUS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Music, Operas and secular cantatas. Donizetti (G. ) Don Pasquale, opera. 78241 - Evans (D.) The coming of Arthur, cantata, fo. - - - 78257 - Gounod (C. F. ) Faust, opera. 78242 Philemon et Baucis, opera. 4°. 78243 - Harty(H.) Ode to a nightingale, fo. 78258 - Herold (L. J. F.) Zampa, opera. 78244 - Mascagni (P.) The eternal city. 4°. 78245 - Meyerbeer (G.) Roberto il Diavolo, opera. .... 78246 - Mozart (W. A.) Le nozze di Figaro, opera. .... 78247 - Spinelli (N.) A basso porto, lyric drama. 1894. fo. - - 78249 - Sullivan (Sir A. S.) Ivanhoe, a romantic opera. 4°. - - 78225 - Verdi (G. F. F. ) La traviata, opera. 78250 - Wagner (R.) Lohengrin, opera. 78251 Rienzi. 78201 - - Tannhauser, opera. -------- 78252 - Wallace (W. V.) Maritana, opera. 78253 - Wood (C.) The ballad of Dundee, fo. 78259 - - Music, an ode. 1893. fa 78254 Music, Oratorios and sacred cantatas. Vocal scores : Gounod (C. ) Mors et vita, a sacred trilogy. 78305 - Handel (G. F. ) Judas Maccabaeus, a sacred oratorio. 4°. - 78306 The Messiah, oratorio. 4°. 78307 Samson, an oratorio. 78308 - Haydn (J.) The creation, an oratorio. 4°. - - - 78309 The seasons, an oratorio. 78310 - Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (F. ) Elijah, an oratorio. 4°. - - 78311 Hymn of praise. 4°. 78312 Saint Paul, an oratorio. 4°. 78313 - Ouseley (Sir F. A. G.) The martyrdom of St. Polycarp. fo. - 78314 - Peace (A. L. ) St. John the Baptist, a church cantata. - - 78315 - Saint-Saens (C.) The heavens declare. 78316 - Spohr (L. ) Calvary. 78301 - Stainer (Sir J.) The daughter of Jairus, a sacred cantata. - 78317 - Sullivan (Sir A. S.) The prodigal son, an oratorio, fo. - - 78318 Musicians. Baughan (E. A. ) Music and musicians. 1906. - 78012 - Crowest (F. J.) Catechism of musical history and biography. - 78016 - Mason (D. G.) The romantic composers. 1906. ill. mus. - 99715 Romanticism in music. Schubert. Schumann. Mendelssohn. Chopin. Berlioz. Liszt. Musset (Louis C. A. de) Comedies et proverbes. 1905-6. 3 v. 702-4M - Poesies nouvelles, 1836-52. 1905. 701M My brother [a story] ; by V. Brown. 98 Bl My Danish sweetheart ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 4 My enemy's daughter, a novel; by J. McCarthy. - - - 4M10 My friend Prospero ; by H. Harland. 23 H2 246 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. NAM My garden, and other poems ; by J. Gregory. 1907. - - 301 My Lady Nicotine ; by J. M. Barrie. 24B1 My lady nobody, a novel; by Maarten Maartens. - - - 2M3 My Lady Rot ha, a romance ; by S. J. Weyman. - - 45 W 9 My lady's money; by W. Wilkie Collins. 2 copies. - - - 75 C 11 My little girl ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - - - 48 B 3 My Lord Winchenden ; by Graham Hope. - - - - 85 HI My miscellanies ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 1893. - - 82803 My mother and I, a girl's love story ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - HOC 3 My new curate, a story ; by P. A. Sheehan. .... 171 SI "My novel"; by Lord Lytton. 74L16 A sequel to " The Caxtons," 74L1. My schools and schoolmasters ; by H. Miller. 1907. ill. - M291 My shipmate Louise ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - - 75 R 14 My watch below, yarns ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75R15 My young Alcides, a faded photograph; by C. M. Yonge. - 2Y19 Myddelton, Sir Hugh. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 1. 1874. port. 99704 Myers (Frederic W. H. ) Human personality and its survival of bodily death. 1907. 12602 Myln, Walter. In Carslaw (W. H.) Six martyrs. 1907. ill. - 99827 Mystery of the " Ocean Star," sketches ; by W. Clark Russell.- 75R16 Mysticism. For list of other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - Inge (W. R.) Personal idealism and mysticism. 1907- - - 14101 Studies of English mystics. 1907. 14901 On the psychology of mysticism. The " Aucren riwle " and Julian of Norwich. Walter Hylton. William Law. The mysticism of Wordsworth. The mysticism of Robert Browning. - Kingsley (C.) Hours with the mystics. In his Essays. - - E1K4 - Scott (W. M.) Aspects of Christian mysticism. 1907. - - 14902 Mystifications ; by J. Brown. In his Horse subseciva?, v. 3. 1S97. E2B3 Mythology. For lists of related subjects, see Folk-lore. Religions. - Carlyle (T.) Scandinavian mythology. In his Heroes. - - E1C11 - Lyall (Sir A. C.) History and fable. In his Asiatic studies. - 94718 - Muller (F. Max) Mythology and folk-lore. In his Works, v. 8. E5M4 Comparative mythology. Philosophy of mythology. False analogies in comparative mythology. Solar myths. Lunar myths. [Etc.] - Ruskin (J.) Queen of the air, Greek myths. 1905. - - 29205 N Nada the lily ; by H. Rider Haggard. 3H13 Nahum. See Bible. Nairne (Alexander) joint-author. See Beeching (Henry C.) Nairne, Caroline Oliphant, Baroness. Henderson (G.) Lady Nairne and her songs. 1906. port. ill. .... N051 Names, Geographical. For related subjects, see Geography. - Joyce (P. W.) Irish names of places. 1901-2. 2 v. bibl. -92622-3 247 NAM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Names, Geographical. Mackinlay (J. M. ) Influence of the pre- formation church on Scottish place-names. 1904. bill. 91825 - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Scottish land-names, their origin. 1894. 91837 Names, Personal. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Flannery (T.) Celtic surnames. In his The tongue of the Gael. 89107 - Jeffreys (L. D.) Ancient Hebrew names. 1906. - - - 22209 Nance ; by C. Gar vice. 93 G2 Nansen (F.) Farthest north, voyage of the 'Fram,' 1893-6. ill. 99410 - The first crossing of Greenland [1888]. 1906. port. ill. map. 99408 Napier, Sir Charles [a biography] ; by Sir W. F. Butler. 1905. port. Nlll Napier, Macvey. Morley (J. ) A man of letters. In his Studies. 1904. E 3 M4 Napier, Robert, Life of; by J. Napier. 1904. -port. ill. - N101 Napier (Sir W. F. P.) War in the Peninsula, 1807-14. 6 v. maps. 93402-7 Napoleon I. Alger (J. G.) Napoleon's British visitors and captives, 1801-15. 1904. N067 - In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 2. 1850. E3A2 - Bourrienne (L. A. F. de) La jeunesse de Bonaparte. 1907. - 44873 - Browning (0.) Napoleon, the first phase, 1769-93. 1905. port. ill. N064 - In Historical essays. 1907. map's. 90406 Napoleon, the first phase ; by H. S. Wilkinson. The detention of Napoleon at St. Helena ; by J. H. Rose. - Johnston (R. M.) Napoleon, a short biography. 1904. bibl. maps. N065 - Levy (A.) The private life of Napoleon. 1894. 2 v. port. - N 062-3 - Napoleon (Prince) Napoleon and his detractors. 1888. port. N061 - Nicolay (F.) Napoleon at the Boulogne camp. 1907. port. ill. N066 Nash, Richard, Life of ; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 4. - E1G4 Nasmyth (James) An autobiography ; ed. by S. Smiles. 1883. port. N041 - and Carpenter (J. ) The moon. 1903. ill. - 52314 Natalie, Queen of Servia. Gerard (F.) A king's romance, port. ill. M191 "The story of Milan and Natalie, first King and Queen of Servia." Nathan der Weise ; von G. E. Lessing ; with notes. 1902. - 43812 Nathan the wise, a dramatic poem ; by G. E. Lessing. 1894. ill. 601L Nation in arms [military] requirements ; by Earl Roberts. 1907. 35507 National debt. Shaw (W. A.) The beginnings of the national debt. In Historical essays. 1907. 90406 National service [conscription] ; by E. C. Browne. 1904. - 35511 Natural history. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Bry den (H. A.) Nature and sport in Britain. 1904. ill. - 79920 - Buckland (F. T. ) Curiosities of natural history. 4 v. ill. - 59015-8 - Darwin (C.) Researches during voyage of H. M.S. ' Beagle.' ill. 50801 - Goldsmith (O.) Earth and animated nature. In his Works, v. 5. E1G5 - Hunter (J.) Essays on natural history [etc.] 1861. - - 59104 - Kingsley (C.) The study of natural history. In his Health and education. 1887. - E1K3 - Thomas (E.) The woodland life. 1897. 59030 - In Wallace (A. R.) The Malay Archipelago. 1890. ill. maps. 95001 - Watson (J.) and Winder (B.) Woodlanders and Held folk. ill. 59113 248 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. NAV Natural history. White (G. ) The natural history of Selborne. ] 905. 59102 Natural law in the spiritual world ; by H. Drummond. 1905. - 21503 Natural philosophy. See Physics. Nature. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Avebury (Lord) Beauties of nature. In his Pleasures of life. - E2A1 - Brightwen (Mrs. E.) Rambles with nature students, ill. - 50416 - A cyclopaedia of nature teachings. 1892. .... 50802 - In Emerson (R. W.) Works, v. 2. 1894. - - - - E2E2 - Jefferies (R.) Field and hedgerow, essays. 1904. - - - 50413 - - The life of the fields. 1904. 50406 Nature near London. 1904. 50405 The open air [essays]. 1905. 50404 Saint Guido. Wild flowers. Sunny Brighton. The modern Thames. Outside London. [Etc.] - Miall (L. C.) House, garden, and field, studies. 1905. ill. - 50411 Round the year, nature studies. 1902. ill. - - - 50417 - Tyndall (J.) Constitution of nature. In his Fragments, v. 1. 50408 - Visger (J. A. O.) and Jordan (D.) Forest tithes, studies from nature. 1893. 59031 In green leaf and the sere. ill. 50422 - Ward (J. J.) Some nature biographies. 1908. ill. - - 50419 Plant. Insect. Mineral. [Etc.] - See also Country life. Nature and human nature ; by [T. C. Haliburton], - - - 10H1 Nature study. Jackman (W. S.) Nature study for grammar grades. 1903. 37203 - See also School gardening. Nava (Gaetano) Method of instruction for baritone voice, fo. 78420 Naval architecture. See Shipbuilding. Naval biography. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Callender (G. A. R.) Sea kings of Britain. 1907. maps. - 99610 Drake. Howard. Blake. [Etc.] - Froude (J. A.) England's forgotten worthies. In his Studies. E2F1 The navigators and adventurers of the sixteenth century. - Laughton (Sir J. K.) and others. Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. 99609 Howard; by Sir J. K. Laughton. Drake; by Sir F. G. D. Bedford. Blake ; by M. Burrows. Rookc ; by C. C. P. Fitzgerald. Anson ; by A. H. Markham. Hawke ; Boscawen ; by Sir E. R. Fremantle. Rodney ; by Sir R. V. Hamilton. Howe ; by T. S. Jackson. Hood ; bv Sir R. V. Hamilton. St. Vincent ; Nelson ; by P. H. Colomb. - Stevenson (R. L.) The English admirals. In his Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902. .... E1S1 Navigation. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Alison (Sir A. ) The navigation laws. In his Essays, v. 1. 1850. E3A1 - Hall (W.) Modern navigation. 1904. ill. .... 52701 - Miremont (Comte de) Practical methods in navigation. 1905. 52702 - See also Seamanship. Signals. Steam navigation. Navy. For list of related subjects, see Government. [249 NAV GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Navy. Bridge (Sir C. ) The art of naval warfare. 1907. - - 35906 - Civis. State of the navy in 1907. 1907. - 35907 - Fraser (E.) Famous fighters of the fleet. 1904. port. ill. - 35904 - Jane (F. T.) Heresies of sea power. 1906. ill. maps. - - 35903 - Xorman (F. M.) At school and at sea. ill. .... N031 - Wilmot (S. M. E.) Our navy for a thousand years. 1904. ill. 91234 Nazarbek (Avetis) Through the storm, life in Armenia. - - 23N1 Neasra, a tale of ancient Rome ; by J. W. Graham. - - - 95G1 Neale, John M. , a memoir ; by E. A. Towle. 1906. bibl. port. ill. N071 Near and the heavenly horizons ; by Countess de Gasparin. 1892. 24413 Near to nature's heart ; by E. P. Roe. 56 R 9 Neatby (William B.) History of the Plymouth Brethren. 1901. 28902 Xeedell (Mrs. J. H.) Unstable as water. 3N1 Needlework. For related subjects, see Decoration. Domestic economy. - Dillmont (T. de) Encyclopedia of needlework, ill. - - 74604 - Walker (A.) How to make up garments. 1907. ill. - - 64601 - See also Embroidery. Lace. Ne'er-do-weel; by A. S. Swan. 2 copies. 148S39 Neffe als Onkel ; von J. C. F. von Schiller ; with notes. 1898. 43821 Negatives. For list of related subjects, see Photography. - Abney (Sir W. deW.) Negative making. 1893. ill. - - 77007 Nehemiah. See Bible. Neighbours [and other stories] ; by F. Bremer. - - - 86 B 2 Neighbours on the green ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - 6019 Neison (Edmund) The moon. 1876. ill. 52312 Nell Gwyn, comedian, a novel ; by F. F. Moore. - - - 106M8 Nellie's memories, a domestic story ; by R. N. Carey. - - 20 C 6 Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. Colomb (P. H.) Nelson. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. 99609 - Southey (R.) The life of Nelson, port. ill. - - - - N012 Nepal. Landor (A. H. S.) Tibet and Nepal. 1905. col. ill. - 94906 Nepos (Cornelius) Lives ; with notes by J. B. Allen, map. - 47804 Nepveu (Francois) "I am the way." 1906. - 24203 Nernst ( Walther) Experimental and theoretical applications of thermodynamics to chemistry. 1907. ---..- 53604 Nerves. Schofield (A. T.) Management of a nerve patient. 1906. 61612 Nesfield (J. C. ) Study and composition of English. 1907. - 42804 Netherlands. Alison (Sir A.) Partition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In his Essays, v. 2. 1850. - - - E3A2 - Motley (J. L.) United Netherlands [1584-1609]. 4 v. ill. - 93002-5 Nettleship (R. L.) Memoir of Thomas Hill Green. 1906. - G051 Neuman (B. P.) The uttermost farthing. 6N1 Nevinson (Henry W. ) Books and personalities. 1905. - - E1N1 - The dawn in Russia. 1906. ill. 94017 New Abelard, a romance ; by R. W. Buchanan. - - - 103 B2 250 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. NEW New Adam and Eve [etc.] ; by N. Hawthorne. - - - - 42 HI 11 A second series of ' Mosses from an old manse,' " 42 H 3. New Arabian nights [stories] ; by R. L. Stevenson. - - - 120 S 12 New Atlantis ; by F. Bacon. 19208 New chronicles of Don Q. ; by Mrs. K. H. and H. H. Prichard. 80P2 A sequel to "The chronicles of Don Q.," 80 PL New chronicles of Rebecca; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - - 55 W 14 New England. Sanderson (E.) The founders of New England. In his Heroes of pioneering. 1908. ill. - - - 90606 New Guinea. Bevan (T. F.) Toil, travel, and discovery in British New Guinea. 1890. maps. 98501 New Hebrides. Paton (Mrs. J. G.) Letters and sketches from the New Hebrides. 1894. ill. map. - - - - P121 New Magdalen ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75 C 7 New rector; by S. J. Weyman. 45W1 New Testament. See Bible. New worlds for old [socialism] ; by H. G. Wells. 1908. - - 33509 New York. Roberts (E. H.) New York, the state. 1904. 2 v. 97307-8 New Zealand. Barlow (P. W.) Kaipara, experiences of a settler. 99102 - Elkington (E. W.) Adrift in New Zealand. 1906. ill. - - 99101 - Irvine (R. F.) and Alpers (0. T. J.) The progress of New Zealand in the [19th] century. 1902. .... 99103 Newberry (Percy E.) and Garstang ( J. ) Ancient Egypt. 1904.95704 Newbigin (Marion) Life by the seashore. 1907. ill. - - 59206 Newburn. Cunningham (A. S. ) Largo, Lundin Links, and Newburn. 92507 Newcomes ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 12 T 2 Newdegate (Lady Newdigate) Cavalier and Puritan in the days of the Stuarts. 1901. 91329 "Compiled from the private papers and diary of Sir Richard Newdi- gate, with extracts from MS. news-letters, 1075-S9."' Newett (Mary M.) The sumptuary laws of Venice in the 14th and 15th centuries. In Historical essays. 1907. - - 90406 Newitt (E. J. D. ) The citizen rifleman. 1906. ill. - - - 35506 Newman (Francis W.) The soul, its sorrows and aspirations. - 12801 Newman (George) The health of the state. 1907. - - - 61403 Newman (John H.) Cardinal. Apologia pro vita sua. 1905. - N021 "A history of his religions opinions." - Parochial and plain sermons. 1901-2. v. 1-2. - - - 25224-5 - Verses on various occasions. 1903. 101 N - Callista, a tale of the third century. 9N1 Newman, John H., Cardinal. Barry (W.) Newman [a biography]. 1905. N022 - In Birrell (A.) Collected essays. E1B2 - Froude (J. A.) Newman on 'The grammar of assent.' In Studies. E2F2 Newspapers. Boissier (G.) Roman journal. In his Tacitus [etc.] 87002 - Maurice (F. D.) On the use and abuse of newspapers. In his Friendship of books, and other lectures. 1904. - - E4M1 Newstead Abbey ; by W. Irving. 1894. 81702 251 NEW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Newton Forster, or, the merchant service ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52M15 1902. 2 v. ill. 50408 E1C3 19206-7 30D10 65612 59023 Niagara. In Tyndall (J.) Fragments of science, v. 1 Nibelungen Lied. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 3. - Xichol (John) Francis Bacon, life and philosophy. 1901. Nicholas Nickleby [a novel] ; by C. Dickens. 4 copies. Nicholls (A. E. ) Seamanship and viva voce guide. 1905. Nicholson (Henry A.) A manual of zoology. 1887. ill. Xicol (James) Vital, social, and economic statistics of the city of Glasgow, 1885-91. 92403 Xicolay (Fern and) Napoleon at the Boulogne camp. 1907. ill. N066 Nicole, or, in the name of liberty, a story ; by O. Johnson. - 44 J 1 Xicolete, a novel ; by E. Sharp. 54S3 Xicolini (G. B.) History of the Jesuits. 1853. - - - 27101 Xicoll (William Robertson) Day book of Claudius Clear. 1905. E2N1 - Letters on life. 1904. E2N2 Niebuhr (Carl) The Tell el Amarna period [Egypt]. 1903. - 95708 Niederheitmann (F.) joint-author. See Abele. Nigeria. Sanderson (E.) The British in Nigeria. In his Heroes. 90606 Xight, a poem ; by G. Gilnllan. 1867. - - - -. - 501 G Night and morning ; by Lord Lytton. 74L12 Xight of reckoning ; by F. Barrett. 20B2 Nightingale (Florence) Notes on nursing. - - - - 64902 Nightmare Abbey [a story] ; by T. L. Peacock. - - - - 20P2 Nights with Uncle Remus ; by J. C. Harris. - 26H4 Nihilism. Stepniak (S. M.) Underground Russia. 1896.- - 94015 Nile. Speke (J. EL) Discovery of the source of the Nile. ill. map. 95707 Nine days' wonder; by Mrs. B. M. Croker. - - - - 121 C 3 Ninety-three ; by Y. Hugo. 102H5 Xisbet (Harry) Grammar of textile design. 1906. ill. - - 67705 Xisbet (Hume) ' Bail up ' ! a romance of bushrangers and blacks. 11 Nl Xixon (John) Complete story of the Transvaal. 1885. map. - Nixon, John, a memoir ; by J. E. Vincent. 1900. port. - Pioneer of the steam coal trade in south Wales. Xo name ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 2 copies. ... - Noble (John) Miscellanea Invernessiaua. 1902. mem. port. ill. Noble (Margaret E.) The web of Indian life. 1906. Noble, Robert T. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. Noble life ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. Nobly born ; by E. J. Worboise. ------ Nobody [a story] ; by S. Warner. Noetzli (E.) Practical drapery cutting. 1906. ill.- Nolan (E. H.) History of the British Empire in India and the east. 6 v. ill. maps. ------- Noll (Arthur H.) A short history of Mexico. 1905. Nora creina ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. Norie (W. D.) Life of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. 4 v. ill. 252 96601 N091 75 C10 92203 94707 99815 HOC 5 83W16 21W7 69805 94711-6 97602 104H7 S 361-4 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. NUG Norman (Francis M.) At school and at sea [autobiography]. ill. N031 "At Harrow, in the Royal Navy, in the trenches before Sebastopol." - " Martello Tower" in China and the Pacific. 1902. ill. - 95104 Norman (Sir Henry) All the Russias. 1902. ill. maps. - 94016 Normanby (Marquis of) A year of revolution, 1848. 2 v. 93210-11 Normand, Mrs. Ernest. See Rae, Henrietta. Normandy. Mitton (G. E.) Normandy [a description]. 1905. col. ill. 93310 Norrie (H. S.) See Schneider (N. H.) Norris (Frank) The octopus, a story of California. - - 13 N 2 - The pit, a story of Chicago [a sequel to " The octopus"]. - 13N1 Norris (William) Modern steam road wagons. 1906. ill. plans. 62119 Norris (William E.) A bachelor's blunder. - - - - 14 N 3 - Barham of Beltana. 14 Nl - An octave [stories]. - 14 N 2 North (Christopher). See Wilson (John). North and south ; by Mrs. E. C Gaskell. 10 G 6 North-west Passage. Smith (G. B.) Franklin and the North- west Passage, ill. -------- F181 Northanger Abbey [a story] ; by J. Austin. - - - 60 A 2 Northcote, J. In Cunningham (A. ) and Heaton (Mrs. C. ) Painters. 99710 Northcott (W. H.) Treatise on lathes and turning. 1868. ill. 62308 Northern trails, animal life ; by W. J. Long. 1905. ill. - - 59120 Norton (C. E.) Henry W. Longfellow, his life. 1907. - - L121 Norway. Carlyle (T.) The early kings of Norway. - - - 94102 - Cooper (A. H.) The Norwegian fjords. 1907. col. ill.- - 94104 - Goodman (E. J.) The best tour in Norway. 1903. ill. map.- 94105 - In Mallik (M. -C. ) Impressions of a wanderer. 1907. - - 90816 Nostromo, a tale of the seaboard ; by J. Conrad. - - - 81 C 3 Not for crown or sceptre ; by D. Alcock. 17 A 1 Not wisely but too well, a novel ; by R. Broughton. 2 copies. - 97 B 3 Notre-Dame de Paris ; par V. Hugo. 102 HI Notre-Dame de Paris ; by V. Hugo. 102 H 6 Noughts and crosses, stories ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - - 99 C 7 Nouvelles genevoises ; par R. Topffer. 37 Tl Novalis. In : Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 2. E1C2 Novelists. For related subjects, see Authors. Literature. - Hazlitt (W.) The English novelists. In his Lectures. 1884. 82004 - Oliphant (J. ) Victorian novelists. 1899. - 82603 George Eliot. George Meredith. R. L. Stevenson. [Etc.] Novels. See Fiction. Noyes (Alfred) Poems. 1904. 201 N Nugae litterarise, brief essays ; by W. Mathews. 1896. - - E6M1 Nugent, George, Lord. Macaulay (Lord) Nugent's Life of John Hampden. In his Works. ---... 82827 Nugent (Maria, Lady) Journals ; ed. by F. Cundall. 1907. port. ill. N081 " Jamaica one hundred years ago." 253 NUM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Number seventeen ; by H. Kingsley. 26 K 9 No. 5 John Street ; by R. Whiteing. 48 Wl Numbers. See Bible. Nuns. Inge (W. R. ) The " Ancren riwle " and Julian of Norwich. In his Studies of English mystics. 1907.- - - - 14901 Nursing". For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Anderson (J. W. ) Medical nursing. 1896. -.-■-.- 61001 - Nightingale (F.) Notes on nursing. 64902 - Tooley (S. A.) History of nursing in British Empire. 1906. - 61004 Nuttie's father ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y20 Nyasaland under the Foreign Office ; by H. L. Duff. 1906. ill. map. 95905 Oak openings, or, the bee-hunter; by J. F. Cooper. - - - 88 C 14 Oakshott Castle ; by H. Kingsley. 26K10 Oakwood (W. M.) Carpentry and cabinet-making. 1906. ill. 69406 Obadiah. See Bible. Object lessons. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Cann (A. L. ) and Pendlebury (J.) Notes on object lesson teaching, with model lessons. 37205 - See also Nature study. O'Brien (Mrs. William) Under Croagh Patrick. - - - 2801 Occultism. Harrison (C. G.) The transcendental universe. 1896. 13304 Ocean free-lance ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R17 Ocean tragedy; by W. Clark Russell. 75R18 Oceana, England and her colonies ; by J. A. Froude. 1905. ill. 32502 O'Clery, Michael. In Flannery (T.) For the tongue of the Gael. 89107 O'Connell, Daniel. Dunlop (R. ) Daniel O'Connell and the revival of national life in Ireland. 1900. port. ill. - - - O031 O'Connor (G. B.) Elizabethan Ireland, map. ... - 92616 O'Connor (J. C.) Esperanto, student's text book. - - - 40802 O'Conor (John F. X. ) Rhetoric and oratory. 1898. - - 80817 Octave [stories] ; by W. E. Norris. 14N2 Octave of Claudius ; by B. Pain. 3P1 Octave of friends, with other stories ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. 46 L 6 Octopus, a story of California; by F. Norris. .... 13N2 Odd craft [stories] ; by W. W. Jacobs. 4 J4 Oddities, others, and I [reminiscences] ; by H. Corkran. 1904. C3001 O'Donovan, John. In Flannery (T.) For the tongue of the Gael. 89107 Oersted (Hans C.) The soul in nature. 1852. port. - - 70111 Oesterly (William O. E.) and Box (G. H.) The religion and worship of the synagogue. 1907. ill. - 29609 Of high degree, a story; by C. Gibbon. 21G12 Off the rocks, Labrador [missions] ; by W. T. Grenfell. ill. - 27901 Off the Skelligs, a novel ; by J. Ingelow. 112 254 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. OLI Ogilvies, a novel; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. HOC 12 Ogilvy, Margaret [a biography] ; by J. M. Barrie. 1903. 'port. 0011 Ohio. King (R.) Ohio [a history]. 1903. maps. - - - 97310 Ohnet (Georges) Le chant du cygne ; with notes. 1895. - 44842 - Love's depths. - - - - - - - - -30l Oil. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Dent (W. Y.) Fats and oils. In Lighting. 1895. ill. - - 66505 - Hurst (G. H.) Painters' colours, oils, varnishes. 1906. ill. - 66716 - Wright (A. C.) Analysis of oils and allied substances. 1903. 54302 - See also Petroleum. Oil engine. For related subjects, see Engines. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. - - - 60310-1 - Grover (F.) Modern gas and oil engines. 1906. Ul. - - 62205 - Hiscox (G. D.) Gas, gasoline, and oil-engines. 1906. ill. - 62201 - Tookey (W. A.) Oil engines, their selection [etc.] 1906. ill. 62207 Okey (Thomas) The story of Paris. 1906. ill. plan. - - 93308 Old age. For lists of related subjects, see Ethics. Physiology. - Marston (E.) How does it feel to be old ? 1907. ill. - - 61205 - Milller (F. Max) What to do with our old people. In his Works. E5M1 - Stevenson (R. L.) Crabbed age and youth. In his Virginibns puerisque, and other papers. 1902. El SI - See also Pensions. Old bank [a novel] ; by W. Westall. 41 W 2 Old Blazer's hero ; by D. C. Murray. 126 M 6 Old chronicle of Leighton ; by S. S. Hamer. - - - 13 HI Old curiosity shop ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - 30D15 Old dominion, or, a tale of Virginia ; by G. P. R. James. - - 6 J 12 Old Fireproof, the chaplain's story ; by O. Yaughan. - - 21 VI Old Gorgon Graham ; by G. H. Lorimer. 1905. ///. - - 81803 11 More ' Letters from a self-made merchant to his son '," 81802. Old Kensington [a story] ; by Lady Ritchie. - - - 37 R 7 Old lieutenant and his son ; by X. Macleod. - - - - 27 M 2 Old Margaret, and other stories; by H. Kingsley. - - - 26K5 Old Mortality [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - 35 S 9 Old red sandstone ; by H. Miller. 1S99. ill. - 55107 Old riddle [evolution] and newest answer ; by J. Gerard. 1907. 57516 Old Saint Paul's, a tale ; by W. H. Ainsworth. .... 16A1 Old squire, the romance of a black Virginian ; by B. K. Benson. 45 Bl Old Testament. See Bible. Old times and new [1779-1893] ; by J. G. Tetley. 1904. - - T051 OlJPHANT (James) Victorian novelists. 1899. .... 82603 Oliphant (LAURENCE) Episodes in a life of adventure. 1887. - O021 - The Russian shores of the Black Sea, 1S52. 1853. ill. map. 94024 Oliphant (Mrs. Margaret O. W.) Cervantes [a biography]. 1S9S. C261 - Historical sketches of the reign of Queen Anne. 1894. ill. - 91423 - Jerusalem, its history and hope. 1S93. ill. - 94508 255 OLI GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRA RIES. Oliphant (Mrs. Margaret 0. W.) Queen Victoria, a personal sketch. 1900. ill. V021 - A beleaguered city, a story. 6013 - A country gentleman and his family. 60 14 - Cousin Mary. - - - -605 - He that will not when he may. - - - - - - 6011 - The heir presumptive and the heir apparent. - - - - 6015 - Hester, a story of contemporary life. 60 12 - Kirsteen, the story of a Scotch family. 60 10 - Lady William. 60l - The laird of Norlaw, a Scottish story. 608 - The marriage of Elinor. - - - - - - - 6020 - Neighbours on the green. 6019 - The railway man and his children. 6017 - Sir Tom. 607 - A son of the soil. 606 - Sons and daughters, a novel. 604 - The sorceress. 602 - The unjust steward, or, the minister's debt. - - - - 603 - The wizard's son, a novel. 6 09 - Young Musgrave. - 6018 Oliphant (Philip L. ) The river of vengeance. - - - - 50 1 Olive, a novel; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. HOC 15 Olive Kinsella [a novel] ; by Curtis Yorke. - - - - 6Y2 Olive Latham [a novel] ; by Mrs. E. L. Voynich. - - - 20 VI Oliver Twist ; by C. Dickens. 4 copies. 30D2 011a podrida ; by Captain P. Marryat. 1897. ill. 2 copies. - 91010 Omar KhayyXm. Rubaiyat. 1907. mem. .... 101O Omond (Thos. S.) [Literature of] The romantic triumph. 1900. 80913 - A study of metre. 1907. 42602 On company's service [stories] ; by W. Pett Ridge. - - - 34R3 On nothing, and kindred subjects ; by H. Belloc. 1908. - - E11B1 On the fo'k'sle head [stories] ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 19 On the old trail [stories] ; by F. Bret Harte. - - - - 33 H 4 One doubtful hour, and other [stories]; by E. H. Dixon. - - 36D1 One in a thousand, or, the days of Henri Quatre ; by G. P. R. James. 6 J 14 £1,000,000 bank-note, and other stories ; by Mark Twain. - 52T2 One of no Party. See Grant (James). One of our conquerors ; by G. Meredith. 82 M 9 One too many ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. 46 L 5 Only son, and other stories; by A. S. Swan. - 148S49 Only the governess ; by R. N. Carey. 2005 Opal serpent [a novel] ; by F. Hume. 103 H 2 Open air [nature essays] ; by R. JefFeries. 1905. - - - 50404 Opening a chestnut burr ; by E. P. Roe. 56 R 7 256 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ORR Operas. See Music, Operas and secular cantatas. Opie, John. In Cunningham (A.) aud Heaton (Mrs. C.) Painters. 99709 Oppenheimer (Baron Felix von) British imperialism. 1905. - 32011 Optical instruments. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Auerbach (F.) The Zeiss works [etc.] in Jena. 1904. ill. - 33101 Orange girl ; by Sir W. Besant. - - - ... - - 49 B 7 Oratorios. See Music, Oratorios and sacred cantatas. Oratory. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - Boissier (G.) The schools of declamation at Rome. In his Tacitus, and other Roman studies. 1906. - - - 87002 - Carlyle (T. ) Stump-orator. In his Latter-day pamphlets. - E1C10 - Kleiser (G. ) How to speak in public. 1907. - - - 80816 - O'Conor (J. F. X.) Rhetoric and oratory. 1898. - - - 80817 - Power (J. O'C.) The making of an orator. 1906. - - - 80809 " With examples of ancient and modern eloquence." Orchids. Darwin (C.) The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. 1S88. bibl. ill. - - 58104 Orczy (Baroness) By the gods beloved, a romance. - - - 27 02 - The case of Miss Elliott. 2703 - A son of the people, a romance. 2701 Ordeal of Richard Feverel ; by G. Meredith. .... 82M10 Ordered south; by R. L. Stevenson. In his Virginibus puerisque. El SI Ore. For related subjects, see Mining. - Rickard (T. A.) Sampling and estimation of ore. 1905. ill. - 62503 O'Reilly (John B.) Moondyne, a story from the under-world. - 2601 O'Rell (Max) Jacques Bonhomme [sketches of French life]. 1889. 93106 - John Bull and his island. 91602 - and Allyn (Jack) Jonathan and his continent. 1889. - - 97205 Orford, Robert Walpole, Earl of. See Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford. Organ. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Aspa (R. ) Fifty pedal exercises for the organ. \ . - - - 78605 - Bedwell (G. C.) The evolution of the organ. 1907. ill. - 78602 - Locher (C. ) An explanation of the organ stops. 1888. ill. - 78617 - Smith (H.) Modern organ tuning. ------ 78604 - Universal organ tutor. 4°. mus. 78624 Organ music. See Music, Instrumental, Organ. Origen. Froude (J. A.) Origen and Celsus. In his Short studies. E2F4 Origin of nations ; by G. Rawlinson. maps. ... - 90307 Oriole's daughter ; by J. Fothergill. 42F3 Orkney. Ferguson (M.) An autumn tour through Orcadia. 1869. 92104 - Gorrie (D.) Summers and winters in the Orkneys. ill. map. 91721 - Weld (C.R.) Two months in Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. 1860. 92206 Ormond, a tale ; by M. Edgeworth. 10E3 Ornament. See Decoration. Orr (Jambs) Ritschlianism, expository, critical essays. 1903. - 23010 - The virgin birth of Christ. 1907. 23233 i 257 ORR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Orr (James) ed. New Testament apocryphal writings ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1903. 22511 Orr (Mrs. Sutherland) Life and letters of Robert Browning.- B131 'Ruddy, a romance ; by S. Crane and R. Barr. - - - 113 CI Orville College, a tale ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W19 Osbourne (Lloyd) joint-author. See Stevenson (Robert L.) Ossian. Poems; trans, by J. Macpherson. - 201 Ostwald (W.) Conversations on chemistry. 1905-6. 2 v. ill. - 54005-6 O'Sullivan (Philtp) Ireland under Elizabeth. 1903. - - 92615 Oswald Cray, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W17 Other people's children; by J. Habberton. - 1H2 Our lady of beauty ; by Lucas Cleeve. 56 C 2 Our Lady's Inn ; by J. S. Clouston. 61 CI Our mutual friend ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - - 30 D 13 Our village [sketches of rural life] ; by M. R. Mitford. - - 96 Ml Ourselves and the universe ; by J. Brierley. 1904. - - - 17113 Out of chaos ; by Prince Trubetzkoi. 1907. - - - 94023 " A personal story of the revolution in Russia." Oat of due time, a novel; by Mrs. W. Ward. .... 90W1 Ovenden (Charles T.) Marvels in the world of light. 1904. ill. 53504 - Problems in life and religion. 1906. - - - 23911 Overbury, Sir Thomas. Adams (W. H. D.) Overbury's "Char- acters." 7?i /m Famous books. 02810 Overdale, or, the story of a pervert; by E. J. Worboise. - - 83W18 Owen (Jean A.) See Visger (Jean A. O.) Owen (Sir Richard) The comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals. 1843. ill. - - - - 59204 - The comparative anatomy and physiology of the vertebrate animals, fishes. 1846. ill. - - - - - - 59702 Owen (Robert D. ) Footfalls on the boundary of another world [Spiritualism]. 1899. - - - ' - - - - 13302 Oxendale [a novel] ; by E. MacMahon. 147M1 Oxenham (John) A princess of Vascovy. 1901 - Profit and loss. 1902 Oxford. Green (J. R.) The early history of Oxford. In his Stray studies, v. 1. 1892. E2G1 Oxford movement. For list of related subjects, see Church, England. - Froude (J. A. ) Oxford counter-reformation. In his Studies, v. 4. E2F4 - Hall (Sir S.) Short history of the Oxford movement. 1906. - 28305 Oxford University. For related subjects, see Universities. - J?iBagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 3. 1898. - - - E5B3 - Beeching (H. C.) Oxford wit and humour. In his Conferences. E6B2 - Gull (C. A. E. R.) The historicides of Oxford. In his "I believe," and other essays. 1907. E5G1 - See also Snell Exhibitions. Oysters. For list of related subjects, see Cookery. - De Salis (Mrs. H. A.) Oysters, ways of cooking. 1888. - 64104 258 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. PAI Pacha of many tales ; by Captain F. Marry at. - - - - 52 M 16 Pacific tales ; by G. Louis Becke. - - - - - 35 B 7 Paderewski, Ignaz Jan [a biography] ; by E. A. Baughan. 1908. ill. P171 Page (John L. W.) Exmoor and west Somerset. 1895. ill. map. 91709 Page (T. E.) and others. Public schools from within. 1906. - 37903 Page (Thomas N.) Gordon Keith. 2P1 Pages from a private diary ; by H. C. Beechiug. 1899. - - 82817 Paget (Lord Clarence E.) A dm. Autobiography. 1896. port. ill. P091 Pain (Barry) The memoirs of Constantine Dix. - - - 3P3 - The octave of Claudius. 3P1 - Wilhelmina in London. 3P2 Pain, Barry. /ttHammerton (J. A.) English humorists. 1907. port. 82714 Paine, Thomas. In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. 1892. E3S3 Paint. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Hurst (G. H.) Painters' colours, oils, varnishes. 1906. ill. - 66716 Painted Rock, tales and narratives ; by M. Roberts. - - 43 R 2 Painter (F. V. N.) Elementary guide to literary criticism. 1904. 80101 Painters. Bayliss (Sir W.) Five great painters. 1904. ill. - 99714 "Leighton, Millais, Burne-Jones, Watts, Holman Hunt." - Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) British painters. 3 v. 99709-11 1. Hogarth. Reynolds. Gainsborough. West. Barry. Blake. Opie. 2. Morland. Fuseli. Jamesone. Ronmey. Raeburn. Allan. Northcote. 3. Lawrence. Wilkie. Leslie. Maclise. [Etc.] - Mollett( J. W.) The painters of Barbizon. 1890. 2*v. bibl. ill. 99716-7 1. Millet. Rousseau. Diaz. 2. Corot. Daubigny. Dupre. Painting. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Alison (Sir A.) British school of painting. In his Essays. - E3A2 - Branch (E. A.) Simple studies in line and mass. ill. - - 75103 - Chesneau (E.) The English school of painting. 1885. ill. - 75903 - Clausen (G.) Six lectures on painting, 1904. 1906. ill. - 75003 - Couture (T.) Conversations on art methods. 1879. - - 75101 - Lessing (G. E.) Laokoon, on the limits of painting and poetry. In his Selected prose works. 1905. 83801 - Reynolds (Sir J. ) Discourses on art. 75001 - Ruskin (J.) Lectures on architecture and painting. 1902. - 72002 - - Modern painters. 1903-4. 6 v. ill. 70102-7 1. General principles and truth. 2. Imaginative and theoretic faculties. 3. Of many things. 4. Of mountain beauty. 5. Leaf beauty, cloud beauty, ideas of relation. 6. General index, bibliography, and notes. Frondes agrestes, readings in "Modern painters." 1902. - 70109 - Thomas (M.) How to judge pictures. 1906. ill. - - - 75004 - Van Dyke (J. C.) Studies in pictures. 1907. ill. - - - 75002 - See also Enamelling. Pre-Raphaelitism. Painting, Glass. For list of related subjects, see Decoration. - Stifling (E. R.) Treatise on art of glass painting. 1902. ill. 74801 Painting, Water-colour. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 5. 03206 259 PAI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Painting, Water-colour. See also Landscape. Pair of blue eyes ; by T. Hardy. 21 HI Paisley. Blair (M.) The Paisley thread industry. 1907. ill. - 92002 - Brown (A.) History of Glasgow, Paisley [etc.] 1795-7. 2v.ini. 92316 - Gilmour(D.) Paisley weavers of other days, etc. 1898. - 92004 Palace of spies, an episode; by H. E. Compton. - - - 77 CI Palaeontology. See Fossils. Palestine. Ewing (W.) Arab and Druze at home. 1907. ill. map. 94503 " A record of travel and intercourse with the peoples east of the Jordan." - Kitto (J.) Scripture lands, sketches. 1850. ill. maps. - 94507 - Lees (G. R. ) Life and adventure beyond Jordan, ill. - - 94502 - Ross (D. M.) The cradle of Christianity. 1891. ill. - - 94504 - Thomson (W. M.) The land and the Book. 1903. ill. maps. 94501 " Biblical illustrations drawn from the Holy Land." - Tristram (H. B.) Land of Israel, travels in Palestine. 1866. - 94506 Palestrina, Giovanni P. da. In Mason (I). G.) Beethoven and his forerunners. 1904. ------- 78011 Paley (William) A view of the evidences of Christianity. - 23903 Palgraye (Francis T.) ed. The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems. 1904. 2 v. 82205-6 Palgraye (Sir Reginald F. D.) Chairman's handbook. 1905. 32801 Palmer, Edward H. Haynes (A. E. ) Man-hunting in the desert, ill. 94410 " A narrative of the Palmer search expedition, 1882-3." Palmer (Francis H. E.) Austro-Hungarian life. ill. - - 92908 Palmer (G. H.) The cathedral church of Rochester. 1899. ill. 72609 Palmer (G. W.) Arithmetic, chiefly examples. 1907. - - 51109 Palmerston, H. J. Temple, Viscount, Life of; by K. Marx. 1899. P191 Palmoni, chronographical systems among the ancient Jews. 1851. 22107 Palmyra. Wright (W.) Palmyra and Zenobia. 1895. ill. map. 94408 PaxsePvOX (A. ) Vocalisation for mezzo-soprano, fo. mus. - 78412 Pantheism. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Picton (J. A.) Pantheism, its story and significance. 1905. - 21201 Pape-Carpantier (Marie) Histoires et lecons de choses. - - 84803 Paper. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Andes (L. E.) Treatment of paper for special purposes. 1907. 67611 - Beadle (C.) Chapters on papermaking. 1902. 4 v. - - 67603-6 - Clapperton (G. ) Practical paper-making. 1907. ill. - - 67601 - Spicer (A. D.) The paper trade, a survey. 1907. UU. ill. - 67602 Paperhanging. For lists of related subjects, see Building. Design. - Jennings (A. S.) Wallpapers and wall coverings. 1903. ill. - - In Workshop wrinkles. 1901. Parables. For lists of related subjects, see Bible. Jesus Christ. - Laidlaw (J.) Studies in the parables [etc.] 1907. - - Shepheard (H. B. ) The parables of man and of God. 1903. - Parent's assistant, stories ; by M. Edgeworth. - Paris (Gaston) La litterature francaise au moyen age. 1905. - 260 69802 69803 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. PAR Paris (Gaston) et Langlois (E.) Introduction a Fetude du vieux franyais. 44701 Paris. Beale (S. S.) The churches of Paris, ill. - - - 93304 - In Gilliat (E.) The romance of modern sieges. 1908. ill. - 90405 - Guide to Paris and its environs, ill. plan. - 93303 - In Guthrie (A.) Rowley letters from France and Italy. 1907. 93306 - Miltoun (F.) Dumas' Paris, ill. maps. 93309 - Okey (T.) The story of Paris. 1906. ill. plan. - - - 93308 - In Steevens (G. W. ) Glimpses of three nations. 1901. - - 91005 - Thackeray (W. M.) Paris sketch book. ill. 2 copies. - - 82809 - Warner (C. D.) A night in the garden of the Tuileries. In his The relation of literature to life [etc.] 1897. - - - E2W1 Parish of Hilby, a story ; by M. E. Mann. - - - - 40 Ml Park (Mary M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. ill. 90817 Park (Mungo) Travels in the interior of Africa [1795-1805]. ill. 96001 Park, Mungo. Thomson (J.) Park and the Niger. 1890. port. ill. P061 Park Lane [a novel] ; by P. White. 50W2 Parker (Chas. S.) Life and letters of Sir James Graham. 2 v. G081-2 Parker (Edward H.) China, past and present. 1903. - - 95106 Parker (Erasmus D. ) joint-author. See Verner ( Willoughbv W. C. ) Parker (Sir Gilbert) The battle of the strong, a romance. - 8P8 - Donovan Pasha, and some people of Egypt. - - - 8P12 - A ladder of swords, a tale. 8P13 - Mrs. Falchion. 8P6 - Pierre and his people, tales of the far north. - - - - 8P4 - An adventurer of the north. 8P9 " Continuation of ' Pierre and his people."' - The pomp of the Lavilettes. 8P1 - The right of way. 8P2 - The seats of the mighty. 8P3 - The trail of the sword. 8P7 - The translation of a savage. 8P11 - The trespasser. 8P10 - When Valmond came to Pontiac. 8P5 Parker (Joseph) The City Temple pulpit, sermons. 1902. v. 7. 25221 Parkes (L. C.) and Kenwood (H. R.) Hygiene and public health. 61408 Parkman, Francis, Life ; by C. H. Farnham. 1900. bibl. port. P201 Park water, and other stories; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 10W39 Parkyn (Walter A.) The language of commerce. 1906. 2 v. - 65810-1 Parliament. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Alison (Sir A.) The old Scottish parliament. In his Essays. - E3A2 - In Carlyle (T. ) Latter-day pamphlets. E1C10 - Jennings (G. H.) ed. Anecdotal history of the British parlia- ment. 1883. 32802 - See also Commons, House of. Long Parliament. Lords, House of. Parlous times, a novel of modern diplomacy ; by D. D. Wells. - 84 Wl 261 PAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Parnell, Charles S. In Bryce (J. ) Contemporary biography. Parnell, Thomas, Life of ; by 0. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 4. Parr (H.) New wheels in old ruts, or, pilgrimage to Canterbury. Parry (E. G.) Reynell Taylor, a biography. 1888. map. Parsons (A.) and Allen (R.) Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906. Parties, Political. Froude (J. A.) Party politics. In his Short studies, v. 3. 1903. - See also Chartism. Liberalism. Pascal (Blaise) Thoughts ; trans, by C. K. Paul. 1899. - Selected thoughts ; ed. by G. B. Rawlings. mem. - Passage perilous ; by R. N. Carey. Passenger from Calais ; by A. G. F. Griffiths. .... Passion of Rosamund Keith ; by M. J. Pritchard. Passions. Hume (D.) On the passions. In his Essays. Passion's slave ; by R. A. King. Passmore (Augustine C.) Sand and clay, their analysis and physical properties. 1907. - - - Passport ; by R. Bagot. Passy (Paul) The sounds of the French language. 1907.- Past and present ; by T. Carlyle. 1893. Pasteur, Louis. In Tyndall ( J. ) New fragments. 1897. - Paston (George) Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and her times, ill. Paston Carew, millionaire and miser ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. Pastor agnorum, schoolmaster's afterthoughts ; by J. H. Skrine. Pastry. Vine (F. T.) Practical pastry, a handbook. 1907. ill. Pater, Walter. In Gosse (E. W.) Critical kit-kats. 1896. Paterson (David) Colour-matching on textiles. 1901. ill. - Colour printing of carpet yarns. 1900. ill. - Paterson (J. A.) ed. Leviticus ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1901. Paterson, William, and the Darien Company ; by J. S. Barbour. Paterson (William R.) Gossip, a novel. - Sordon. Pathfinder [Leather-stocking series, No. 3] ; by J. F. Cooper. - Pathology. See Disease. Paths to the city of God [Christian life] ; by F. W. Gunsaulus. Patience Sparhawk and her times [a novel] ; by G. F. Atherton. Patmore (Coventry) The angel in the house [a poem]. 1905.- Patmos. In Bute (Marquess of) Essays on foreign subjects. Paton (J. L.) and others. Is Christianity true ? lectures. 1904. Paton (James) Castlebraes. Paton, John G. In McGown (G. W. T. ) Scottish heroesof the faith. Paton (Mrs. John G. ) Letters and sketches from New Hebrides. Paton (Robert) The Scottish Church in early times. 1884. - Patricia, a mother ; by Mrs. K. M. Caffyn. ... - Patricia Kemball [a novel] ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. 262 99606 E1G4 91705 T031 34704 E2F3 23901 23913 20C2 70G2 76P1 E3H1 46K1 69101 2B1 44102 E1C9 50410 M271 46L9 37007 64208 E6G1 66712 66705 22311 P101 83P2 83P1 88C4 17121 55A2 501 P E7B1 23905 15P1 99819 P121 27503 2C1 46L3 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. PAY Patricia of the hills ; by C. K. Burrow. 112 Bl Patrick, Saint. Morris (W. B.) The life of Saint Patrick. 189S. P151 Patriots ; by F. Whishaw. 5W5 Patsey the omadaun ; by M. McD. Bodkin. - - - 70 Bl Pattern-making. For related subjects, see Founding. - Barrows (F. W.) Practical pattern-making. 19u6. IU. - 67101 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Practical pattern-making. 1905. ill. - 67106 Pattern nation, socialism ; by Sir H. Wrixon. 1907. - - 33506 Patterson (Axnie W.) Chats with music lovers. - - - 78001 Patterson (J. H.) The man-eaters [lions] of Tsavo. 1907. iU. 96105 Sport and travel in British East Africa. Patterson (Sir R. L.) Linen and flax. In British industries. - 33804 Pattillo (T. R.) Moose-hunting, salmon-fishing. 1902. port. 79916 Pattison (Mark) Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614. 1875. - - C351 - Milton [a biography]. 1906. M331 Pattison, Mark. Morley (J.) On Pattison's Memoirs. In his Critical miscellanies, v. 3. 1904. E3M3 Patton (W. M.) A practical treatise on foundations. 1906. HI. 72101 Paul, Saint. Campbell (J. M.) Paul the mystic. 1907. - • 22615 - Farrar (F. W. ) The life and work of St. Paul. 2 v. maps. - 22601-2 - Weinel (H.) St. Paul, the man and his work. 1906. - - 22614 - Whyte (A.) The apostle Paul. 1903. 22605 Paul, Saint, the Hermit. In Kingsley(C) The hermits. 1S85. iU. 99809 Paul (Herbert W.) The life of Froude. 1905. - - - F191 - Stray leaves. 1906. E1P1 Bishop Creighton. George Eliot. The study of Greek. The novels of Peacock. The religion of the Greeks. Bishops and historians. Charles Lamb. The author of " Ionica." Winston Churchill's "Life of Lord R. Churchill." [Etc.] Paul Clifford [a novel]; by Lord Lytton. 74L11 Paul Faber, surgeon ; by G. MacDonald. 10M21 Paul Patoff [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. .... H6C13 Paulette d'Esterre [a novel] ; by H. Vallings. .... 24V 1 Paulsen (Friedrich) Introduction to philosophy. 1906. - 10001 Pauperism. See Poor. Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales ; by G. B. Grinnell. 1S93. - 39816 Payn (F. W.) Tennis topics and tactics. 1907. ill.- - - 79618 Payn (James) By proxy. 18P14 - The canon's ward. 18P10 - Carlyon's year. 18P11 - Cecil's tryst. 18P12 - A confidential agent. - - 18P16 - Found dead. ----- 18P6 - From exile. 18 P 7 - A grape from a thorn. 18P15 - Halves, a novel. 18 P 8 - The heir of the ages. - - - - - - - - 18 P 17 263 PAY GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Payx (James) Less black than we're painted. - - - 18 P 9 - Mirk Abbey. - 18P1 - A modern Dick Whittington. 18 P 5 - A prince of the blood. 18 P3 - Under one roof, an episode in a family history. - - - 18 P 2 - Walter's word. 18 P 4 - What he cost her. 18P13 Payne (W. H.) The education of teachers. 1901. - - - 37106 Peace. In Cobden (R.) Speeches. 1903. 82719 Peacock (George) Life of Thomas Young. 1855. - - YOU Peacock (Thomas L.) Crotchet Castle. The misfortunes of Elphin. Cry 11 Grange. - 20P1 - Headlong Hall. Melincourt. Nightmare Abbey. Maid Marian. 20P2 Peacock, Thomas L. In Garnett (R.) Essays of an ex-librarian. E3G1 - Paul (H. W.) Novels of Peacock. In his Stray leaves. - - El Pi - In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. - 82103 Peake (Arthur S.) Problem of suffering in Old Testament. - 22219 Peake (Elmore E.) The Darlingtons. 75P1 Peakland faggot, tales; by R. M. Gilchrist. - - - 82 Gl Pearce (A. J.) Municipal rating, collection of rates. 1907. - 35205 Pearce (Walter) Painting and decorating. 1902. col. ill. - 69804 Peard (Frances M.) The ring from Jaipur. - - - 22 PI Pearl of Orr's Island, a story ; by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. - - - 129 S 2 Pearse (Mark G.) The gentleness of Jesus, and other sermons. 25206 Peat. Bjorling (P. R. ) and Gissing (F. T. ) Peat, use, manufacture, ill. 66201 Pedder (D. C. ) Where men decay, rural conditions. 1908. - 33114 Peek (Hedley) ed. The poetry of sport. 1896. ill. - - 82219 Peel (Robert) Elementary text-book of coal mining. 1905. ill. 62504 Peel, Sir Robert. Rosebery (Earl of) Sir R. Peel [a review]. 1899. P 131 Peerage. Alison (Sir A.) The British peerage. In his Essays, v. 1. E3A1 Peers or people? by W. T. Stead. 1907. 32803 Peg Woffington [a novel] ; by C. Reade. 16R16 Pelayo. Irving (W.) The legend of Pelayo. In his Biographies. 9950* Pellew (George) John Jay [a biography]. 1890. - - - J 061 Pellico (Silvio) Le mie prigioni ; ed. by A. C. Clapin. - - 45801 Peloponnesian war, History of the ; by Thucydides. - - - 88801 Pemberton (Max) The hundred days. 28P; - The Lady Evelyn, a story of to-day. ------ 28P' - Mid the thick arrows. 28 P: - Red morn. 28P: Pendennis, History of ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12 T J Pendlebtjry (Charles) Arithmetic. 1904. - 5110] Pendlebury (J.) joint-author. See Cann (A. L.) Pendleton (John) The ivory queen, a story. - - - 77 P: Penelope's English experiences ; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - 55 W: 26i HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. PER Penelope's experiences in Scotland ; by K. D. Wiggin. - - 55W6 Penelope's Irish experiences ; by K. D. Wiggin. 2 copies. - 55 W 2 Peninsular war. Maguire (T.* M.) The British army under Wellington. 1906-7. 2 v. ill. maps. - 93418-9 1. 1811-3. 2. 1813-4. - Napier (Sir W. F. P.) War in the Peninsula, 1807-14. 6 v. ma^. 93402-7 Penn (William) Some fruits of solitude, mem. port. - - 17007 Penn, William. Clarkson (T. ) Memoirs of Wm. Penn. 1813. 2 v. P 161-2 - Oliphant (Mrs. M. 0. W.) The Quaker. In her Sketches. 91423 Pensees diverses ; par le baron de Montesquieu. - - - 84802 Pensions. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Sutherland (W. ) Old age pensions. 1907. .... 35101 Pentateuch. See Bible. Pentland rising and Rullion Green [1666] ; by C. S. Terry. 1905. 91832 Penty (Arthur J.) The restoration of the gild system. 1906.- 33801 People of the mist ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - 3H9 Pepys (Samuel) Diary. P051 Pepys, Samuel. Adams (W. H. D.) Pepys' "Diary." In his Famous books. 02810 - In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906.- - - - E1S3 Percival Keene ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52 M 3 Perfumery. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Rimmel (E.) The book of perfumes. 1865. ill. - - - 39103 Perilous secret ; by C. Reade. 16 R 5 Perils of Josephine ; by Lord E. W. Hamilton. - - - 125H1 Periodicals. Monthly and other magazines are circulated, when desired, in parts as published, previous to binding. Perkin (F. M.) The metric and British systems of weights, measures, and coinage. 1907. ------ 38902 - Practical methods of inorganic chemistry. 1906. - - - 54601 Perkins (James B.) Richelieu [life and times]. 1900. ill. map. Rill Perlycross, a tale of the western hills ; by R. D. Blackmore. - 63 B 8 Perpetual motion. In Phin (J.) Follies of science. 1906. HI. 50412 Perrault (Claude) and others. Contes de fees. - - - 35 PI Perret (J. A.) ed. The matriculation French reader. 1906. - 44807 Perris (George H.) Russia in revolution. 1905. ill. - - 94002 Perry (Frederick) Saint Louis of France. 1901. ill. map. - L071 Perry (Geo. G.) History of English Church, 596-1884. 3 v. - 27603-5 Perry, John. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 1. 1874. ill. - - 99704 Persecution. For list of related subjects, see Church history. - Workman (H. B.) Persecution in the early church. 1906. - 27202 Persia. Benjamin (S. G. W.) Persia [a history to 1848]. ill. maps. 94604 - Durand (Lady) Tour in western Persia. 190*2. ill. map. - 94602 - Sparroy (W.) Persian children of the royal family. 1902. - 94601 - Viator. Overland to Persia. 1906. ill. .... 94603 Persian language. See language, Persian. 265 PER GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Persian literature. See Literature, Persian. Personality. For list of related subjects, see Philosophy. - Myers (F. W. H.) Human personality and its survival of bodily death. 1907. 12602 - Thomson (W. H.) Brain and personality. 1907. - - - 13103 Perspective. For list of related subjects, see Geometry. - Forsyth (D.) Linear perspective. 1890.- - - - - 51501 - Geometrical perspective. In CasselPs Popular educator, v. 3-5. 03204-6 Persuasion [a story] ; by J. Austen. ------ 60A2 Perugino, Pietro [life and art] ; by E. Hutton. port. ill. - - PHI Peschel (Oscar) Races of man, geographical distribution. 1876. 57206 Pessimism. For list of other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - 19307 - 52M18 ill. plan. 72603 1907. HI- 66907 - 80D1 - 104H5 78110 J 022 301 P 30108 95711-6 74D1 mus. 1907. port. ill - Schopenhauer (A.) Studies in pessimism. 1903. - Peter, St., Epistles of. See Bible. Peter Simple ; by Captain F. Marryat. - - ■ - Peterborough, Cathedral church of ; by W. D. Sweeting. Peters (Edward D.) The principles of copper smelting. Peter's mother ; by Mrs. H. de la Pasture. Peter's wife ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford.- Peterson (Franklin S.) Catechism of music. 1900. Petit de Julleville (L.) Joan of Arc [a biography]. Petrarch (Francesco) Sonnets, and other poems, mem. Petrie (William M. F.) Janus in modern life. 1907. - and others. A history of Egypt. 1898-1905. 6 v. ill. Petrified eye ; by W. P. Drury. Petroleum. Redwood (Sir B.) Petroleum industry, lamps. In Lighting. 1895. ill. - - - Thomson (J. H.) and Redwood (Sir B.) Petroleum. 1901. ill. Pets. See Domestic animals. Pett, Phineas. In Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. - Pettigrew (William F.) and Ravenshear (A. F.) A manual of locomotive engineering. 1901. ill. - - - - Peveril of the Peak ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - Phaethon, or, loose thoughts ; by C. Kingsley. In his Lectures. Phantom death, and other stories ; by W. Clark Russell. - Phantom ship ; by Captain F. Marryat. - Phantom torpedo-boats ; by A. Upward. Philemon, Epistle to. See Bible. Philip (Arnold) joint-author. See Watt (Alexander). Philip, Adventures of; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - Philip Augustus, or, the brothers in arms ; by G. P. R. James. Philip Rollo, or, the Scottish musketeers ; by J. Grant. Philippians, Epistle to the. See Bible. Philistia [a novel] ; by G. Allen. Phillips (H. J.) Engineering chemistry. 1902. ill. Phillips (Stephen) Ulysses, a drama. 1902. - - - - 266 66505 66503 99703 62108 35S16 E1K4 75R20 52M17 4U1 12T1 6J19 51G6 26A2 66003 801 P HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. PHT Phillpotts (Eden) Down Dartmoor way [stories]. - - - 41 PI - The portreeve [a novel]. 41 P 2 Philology. See Language. Philosophe sous les toits ; par E. Souvestre ; with notes. 1901. 44845 Philosophical classics for English readers. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Philosophy. Calkins (M, W. ) Persistent problems of philosophy. 11001 - In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 1, 7. - - - - 19209, 19215 1. First grounds of philosophy. 7. Seven philosophical problems. - Hoffding (H.) The problems of philosophy. 1905. - - 10002 - Lewes (G. H. ) A biographical history of philosophy, bibl. - 10901 - Paulsen (F.) Introduction to philosophy. 1906. - - - 10001 - Schiller (F. C. S.) Studies in humanism. 1907. - - - 10401 - Schopenhauer (A. ) Selected essays. 1900. - - - - E7S1 Doctrine of the ideal and real. History of philosophy. Philosophy and its method. Ethics. Metaphysics of the beautiful and on aesthetics. [Etc.] - Schwegler (A. ) Handbook of the history of philosophy. - - 10902 - In Strong (S. A.) Critical studies. 1905. .... 82820 - See also Being. Destiny. Ethics. Idealism. Knowledge. Logic. Mind and body. Mysticism. Personality. Pessimism. Positivism. Psychology. Realism. Soul. Stoicism. Subconscious. Philosophy of common sense [Positivism] ; by F. Harrison. 1907. 14601 [Philp (Robert K.)] The domestic world, a guide. - - - 64009 - Enquire within upon everything. 1905. .... 03201 Philpott (Hugh B.) London at school. 1904. ill. - - - 37906 Phin (John) The seven follies of science. 1906. ill. - - 50412 Phoebe of the White Farm ; by M. de la C. Crommelin. - - 125 CI Phonetics. Sweet (H.) A primer of phonetics. 1906. - - 41401 Phonography. See Shorthand. Photography. For lists of related subjects, see Arts, Fine. Light. - Abney (Sir W. de W.) Action of light in photography. 1897. 77006 - Bayley (R. C.) The complete photographer. 1906. ill. - 77002 - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-3. ill. - - - 60306-8 - Gibson (C. R. ) The romance of modern photography. 1908. ill. 77010 - Guest (A. ) Art and the camera. 1907. ill. - 77003 - Konig(E.) Natural-color photography, ill. - 77009 - Story (A. T.) The story of photography. 1898. ill. - - 77001 - See also Camera. Enlarging. Finger-prints. Lenses. Negatives. Retouching. Slides. Photometry. Dibdin (W. J.) Photometry. In Chemical technology, v. 4. 1903. ill. 62430 Phrenology. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Williams (W. M.) A vindication of phrenology. 1894. ill. - 13901 Phroso, a romance ; by Anthony Hope. 82H11 Phthisis. See Consumption. 267 PHY GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Physical education. For lists of related subjects, see Education. Health. - Denyer (C. H. ) and Hand (J. E.) Science and physical development. In Science in public affairs. 1906. - 30412 - Miles (E. H.) Cassell's Physical educator. 1904. ill. - - 61325 - Miiller (J. P.) My system. 1905. ill. - - - . - - 61308 - Sandow (E.) The construction and reconstruction of the human body. 1907. ill. 61307 - Saxon (A.) The development of physical power, ill. - - 61303 - Watts (Mrs. R.) The fine art of jujutsu. 1906. ill. - - 61304 - See also Gymnastics. Physical geography. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-2. 1903. ill. - - 03202-3 - Mill (H. R.) The realm of nature. 1897. ill. maps. - - 55113 - Stainer (W. J.) Notes on physiography, ill.- - - - 55120 - See also Earthquakes. Ice. Mountains. Sea. Water. Physicians. Young (J.) Jewish mediciners. In his Essays. 1904. E2Y1 Physics. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Bower (W. R.) and Satterly (J.) Practical physics. 1906. ill. 53003 - Deschanel (A. P. ) Natural philosophy. 1902-4. 4 v. ill. 1. Mechanics, hydrostatics, and pneumatics, 53002. 2. Heat, 53601. 3. Electricity, 53702. 4. Sound and light, 53401. - Ganot (A.) Elementary treatise on physics. ,1906. ill. - 53015 - Harrison (J. A. and W. J.) Elementary science [physics]. 1903. 53005 - In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 1, 7. - - - - 19209, 19215 1. Physics, or, the phenomena of nature. 7. Decameron physiologicum. - Hooton (W. M.) Junior experimental science. 1906. - - 53007 - Kelvin (Lord) and Tait (P. G. ) Elements of natural philosophy. 1894. ill. 53014 - Locke (J.) Elements of natural philosophy. In his Works, v. 2. 19202 - Mackenzie (A. H.) Mechanics and physics. 1907. ill.- - 53011 - Shenstone (W. A.) The new physics and chemistry. 1906. - 53009 - Tristram (J. F.) Practical physics for beginners. 1904. ill. 53006 - Tyndall (J.) Study of physics. In his Fragments, v. 1. 1902. 50408 - Watson (W.) A text-book of practical physics. 1906. ill. - 53008 - Wright (C. R. A.) The threshold of science. 1892. ill. - 53013 - See also Electricity. Fluids. Gases. Heat. Hydraulics. Light. Magnetism. Matter. Mechanics. Radium. Sound. Physics and politics ; by W. Bagehot. 1896. - 30107 Physiognomy. See Expression. Physiography. See Physical geography. Physiology. For lists of related subjects, see Medicine. Zoology. - Agassiz (L.) and Gould (A. A.) Comparative physiology. 1851. 59106 - Cleland (J. ) Animal physiology, the human body. ill. - - 61201 - Foster (Sir M.) Text-book of physiology. 1893-1900. v. 1-4. ill. 61207-10 - Lea (A. S.) The chemical basis of the animal body. 1902. * 61212 " An appendix to Foster's ' Text book of physiology."' 268 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. PIN Physiology. Human physiology. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-2. ill. - 03202-3 - Hunter (J. ) Essaysonnaturalhistory, physiology [etc.] 1861. 2 v. 59104 5 - Sherrington (C. S. ) Physiology, its scope and method. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - - - 50421 - See also Brain. Breathing. Digestion. Old age. Senses. Phythian (J. E. ) Trees in nature, myth, and art. 1907. ill. - 71501 Pianoforte. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Bertini (H. J.) Twenty-five studies, fo. - - - - 78606 - Burrowes (J. F.) The pianoforte primer. 1878. mus. - - 78615 "Containing the rudiments of music." - Czerny (C.) First instructor in pianoforte playing. 4°. mus. 78601 - Ehrenfechter (C. A.) Technical study in the art of pianoforte- playing, mus. 78618 - Hemy (H. F.) Tutor for the pianoforte, fo. mus. - - 78607 - Taylor (F.) Primer of pianoforte playing. 1899. - - - 78603 Pianoforte music. See Music, Instrumental, Pianoforte. Pickering (Sidney) Key of paradise. - - - - - 43 PI Pickthall (Marmaduke) Brendle. 81 PI Pickwick papers ; by C. Dickens. 4 copies. - - - - 30 D 17 Pickworth (Charles N.) Logarithms for beginners. 1904. - 51004 Picton (James A.) Pantheism, its story and significance. 1905. 21201 Picture galleries. In Buskin (J.) On the old road, v. 2. 1899. 70402 Pictures. See Painting. Pierce (Franklin) The tariff and the trusts. 1907. - - 33704 Pierre and his people, tales of the far north ; by Sir G. Parker. - 8P4 Piers the plowman ; by W. Langland. 701 L Pierson (Arthur T.) The Bible and spiritual criticism. 1906. 22006 Pietro Ghisleri [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. .... H6C18 Pigments. See Colour. Pigott (T. D.) London birds, and other sketches. 1902. ill.- 59810 Pigs in clover [a novel] ; by Frank Danby. - - - - 73 Dl Pike (G. H.) The life and work of Charles H. Spurgeon. 6 v. ill. S421-6 - Oliver Cromwell and his times. 1907. ill. - C028 Pikemen, a romance ; by S. R. Keightley. 8K2 Pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - 2Y21 Pilgrims of the Rhine ; by Lord Lytton. - 74L14 Pilgrim's progress ; by J. Bunyan. ill. 2 copies. - - - 24406 Pillar of dust ; by F. Campbell. 158 CI Pillars of the house ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y37 Pilot, a tale of the sea ; by J. F. Cooper. 2 copies. - - - 88 C 7 Pilot at Swan Creek [etc.] ; by Ralph Connor. 2 copies. - - 80 CI Pinch of prosperity, a [story] ; by H. A. Vachell. - - - 2V2 Pindar. The Olympian odes ; trans, by C. Mayne. - - - 701 P Pinkerton (R. H.) joint-author. See Bryan (G. H.) 269 PIN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Pixkertox (Thomas) Blue bonnets up, a romance. - - - 44 PI Pioneering. For list of related subjects, see History. - Sanderson (E.) Heroes of pioneering. 1908. ill. - - - 90606 Early settlement in Virginia. The French in Canada. The founders of New England. Settlement of Kentucky. Sir Stamford Raffles. Rajah Brooke of Borneo. France in Algeria. General Jacob and Jacobabad. General Dodds and Dahomey. The British in Nigeria. [Etc.] Pioneers [Leather-stocking series, No. 4] ; by J. F. Cooper. - 88 C 3 " Pip," a romance of youth ; by I. Hay. 126 HI Pirate ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52M19 Pirate; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35S15 Pit, a story of Chicago ; by F. Norris. 13 Nl A sequel to " The octopus," 13|N2. Pitman (Sir Isaac) Shorthand instructor ; with key. - - 65305 - The phonographic teacher ; with key. 65301 - Shorthand manual ; with key. 65303 - Shorthand reporter. 65307 - The phonographic phrase book. 65308 - Shorthand dictionary. ...-_... 65309 Pitman's Dictionary of commercial correspondence. 1907. - 65003 - Secretary's handbook ; by H. E. Blain and others. 1908. - 65004 - Solicitor's clerk's guide ; by E. A. Cope. .... 34003 Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham. See Chatham, Earl of. Pitt, Wm. Whibley (C.) Pitt [a biography]. 1906. port. ill. - P142 Pittman (J.) and others. The songs of Scotland. 2 v. mus. - 78402-3 Plague. For list of related subjects, see Disease. - Jennings (W. E. ) A manual of plague. 1903. ill. - - 61609 Plaideurs, comedie ; par J. Racine ; with notes. - - - 44808 Plain living, a bush idyll ; by Rolf Boldre wood. - - 71 B 3 Plain tales from the hills ; by R. Kipling. 28 K8 Planche (James R. ) History of British costume. 1900. ill. - 39101 Plants. See Botany. Gardening. Plastering. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Millar (W.) Plastering, plain and decorative. 1905. ill. - 69303 Plate. Wyllie (B.) Sheffield plate, ill. 67109 Platform, pulpit, and desk, outline addresses ; by W. N. Edwards. 17804 Plato. Works ; trans, by H. Cary and others. 6 v. port. - 88804-9 1. Apology of Socrates. Crito. Phaedo. Gorgias. Protagoras. Phsedrus. Theaetetus. Euthyphron. Lysis. 2. The republic. Timgeus. Critias. 3. Meno. Euthydemus. The sophist. The statesman. Cratylus. Parmenides. The banquet. 4. Philebus. Charmides. Laches. Menexenns. Hippias major. Hippias minor. Ion. First Alcibiades. Second Alcibiades. Theages. The rivals. Hipparchus. Minos. Clitopho. The epistles. 5. The laws. 6. Doubtful works. Lives of Plato. Index. Plato. Dods (M.) Christian element in Plato. In his Erasmus. E4D1 Play. Stevenson (R. L.) Child's play. In his Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902.- - - - El SI Playactress; by S. R. Crockett. - - r - - - 120 C 18 270 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. POE Plays. See Drama. Plays and Puritans, and other essays ; by C. Kingsley. 1890. - E1K2 Pleasantness. In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2. 1894. E6H2 Ploetz (Cakl) An epitome of history. 90202 Plumbing. For list of related subjects, see Building. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-4. ill. - - - 60306-9 - Shaw (A. H.) Elementary science applied to sanitation and plumbers' work. 1906. ill. 62807 Plunkett (Charles H.) Letters of one, a study in limitations. 79P1 Plurality of worlds, an essay ; by [W. Whewell]. 1867. - - 21511 Plutarch. Lives ; trans, by J. and W. Langthorne. 2 v. mem. - 88802-3 - Lives of Coriolanus, Caesar, Brutus, and Antonius. bihl. - 88813 Plymouth Brethren. For list of other sects, see Sects. - Neatby(W.B.) History of the Plymouth Brethren. 1901. bibl. 28902 Pneumatics. See Gases. Poacher; by Captain F. Marryat. - 52M20 Poe (Clarence H.) joint- author. See Burkett (Charles W.) Poe (Edgar Allan) Poems, complete. 1893. mem. - - 102 P Poe, Edgar Allan. Stoddard (R. H.) Memoir of Poe. port. - P081 - In Vincent (L. H. ) American literary masters. 1906. - - 81001 Poet at the breakfast-table ; ^y 0. W. Holmes. - - - - E5H3 Poetry. For other branches of literature, see Literature. - Aristotle. Poetics. 88812 - Beeching (H. C. ) English patriotic poetry. In his Provincial letters, and other papers. 1906. E6B1 - Brooke (S. A. ) Studies in poetry. 1907. - - - - 82412 William Blake. Sir Walter Scott. Inaugural address to the Shelley Society. The lyrics of Shelley. Epipsychidion. Keats. - Campion (T.) The art of poesy. With his Songs and masques. 1701 C - Collins (J. C.) Studies in poetry and criticism. 1905. - - E4C2 The poetry and poets of America. The true functions of poetry. - Folliott (T. ) The poetic spirit, studies. 1906. - - - 80103 - Gosse (E. W. ) Is verse in danger ? In his Questions at issue. 1893. 80403 - In Hazlitt (W. ) Lectures on the English poets. 1884. - - 82004 - Hunt (J. H. Leigh) What is poetry ? With Imagination and fancy. 1891. 82234 - Lessing (G. E.) Laokoon, on the limits of painting and poetry. In his Selected prose works. 1905. 83801 - In Prescott (W. H.) Miscellanies. E2P1 Italian narrative poetry. Poetry and romance of the Italians. Da Ponte's Observations [on " Italian narrative poetry "]. - Warton (T.) The history of English poetry [1066-1616]. - - 82207 - Yeats (W. B.) The symbolism of poetry [etc.] In his Ideas.- E1Y1 - See also Rhymes. Poetry, Collections. The book of English poetry. 1869. - - 82214 - Chambers (E. K.) ed. English pastorals, selected. 1895. - 82226 - Collins (J. C. ) ed. A treasury of minor British poetry. - - 82232 271 POE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Poetry, Collections. Costello (L. S.) ed. The rose garden of Persia. 1899. 89102 - Gowaus (A. L.) ed. A treasury of English verse. 1907. ill. - 82215 - Hunt (J. H. Leigh) ed. Imagination and fancy, selections from the English poets. 1891. 82234 Spenser. Shakspeare. Milton. Keats. [Etc.] - Jerrold (W.) ed. The book of living poets. 1907.- - - 82413 - Mackenzie (J.) ed. The beauties of Gaelic poetry, and lives of the Highland bards. 1907. 89105 - Masson (G. ) ed. La lyre francaise. 1903. .... 84101 - Miles (A. H.) ed. Poets and poetry of nineteenth century. - 82415 JohnH. Frere- George Canning. Richard H. Barham. Thomas Hood. William M. Thackeray. William S. Gilbert. [Etc.] - Peek (H. ) ed. The poetry of sport. 1906. ill. - - - 82219 - Scrymgeour (D. ) The poetry and poets of Britain, Chaucer to Tennyson. 1850. 82231 - Sharp (E. A.) ed. Lyra Celtica, anthology of Celtic poetry. - 82228 - Symons (A.) ed. A pageant of Elizabethan poetry. 1906. - 82304 - Ward (T. H.) ed. English poets, selections. 1892-1905. 4 v. - 82221-4 1. Chaucer to Donne. 2. Ben Jonson to Dryden. 3. Addison to Blake. 4. Wordsworth to Tennyson. - Yeats (W. B.) ed. A book of Irish verse. 1900. - - - 82209 - See also Ballads. Hymns. Songs. Poetry, Scottish. Borland (R.) Yarrow, its poets and poetry. - 82229 - Brown (R.) Paisley poets, memoirs and selections. 2 v. 82409-10 - Cunningham (A.) and Mackay (C.) eds. Ramsay, and earlier poets, mem. ill. 82220 The poetical works of Hector Macneill. The poems and songs of Mr. Hamilton of Bangour. The poetical works of Robert Fergusson. Ancient ballads and songs of the north of Scotland. - Edwards (D. H.) ed. Modern Scottish poets. 1883. - - 82216 - Harper (M. McL.) The bards of Galloway. 1889. mem. - 82407 - Harvey (W.) The harp of Stirlingshire [an anthology]. 1897. 82227 - Irving (D. ) The history of Scotish poetry. 1861.- - - 82225 - Laing (D.) ed. Early Scottish metrical tales. 1889. - - 82303 Poets. For list of related subjects, see Authors. - Gosse (E. W.) The Jacobean poets. 1894. - - - - 82306 In his Questions at issue. 1893. 80403 Has America produced a poet? What is a great poet ? - Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English poets. 1884. - - 82004 On poetry. Chaucer* and Spenser. Shakspeare and Milton. Dryden and Pope. The modern poets. [Etc.] - Hill (J.) Great English poets. 1907. ill. - 99905 - Saintsbury (G. E. B.) A frame of miniatures [French poets]. In his Miscellaneous essays. 1895. - - - - - E9S1 - Stedman (E. C.) Victorian poets. 1876. .... 82406 The period. W. S. Landor. E. B. Browning. Tennyson. Tennyson and Theocritus. R. Browning. Swinburne. [Etc.] 272 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. POL Poetical works will also be found under the names of the following authors : Addison (Joseph) Arnold (Sir Edwin) Arnold (Matthew) Austin (Alfred) Aytoun (William E.) Bailey (Philip J.) Barbour (John) Barham (Richard H.) Bell (John J.) Bell (Mackenzie) Beranger (Pierre J. de) Blackie (John S.) Blake (William) Bowles (Fred. G.) Bronte (Charlotte) Browning (Mrs. Elizabeth B.) Browning (Robert) Bryant (William C.) Buchanan (George) Buchanan (Kobert W.) Burns (Robert) Butler (Samuel) Byron (George Gordon, Lord) Campbell (Thomas) Campion (Thomas) Canton (William) Carman (Bliss) Chatterton (Thomas) Chaucer (Geoffrey) Chenier (Andre) Clough (Arthur H.) Coleridge (Samuel T.) Collins (William) [Combe (William)] Cook (Eliza) Coppee (Francois E. J.) Cowper (William) Crabbe (George) Crashaw (Richard) Crosland (Thomas W. H.) Dante Alighieri Davidson (John) De la Mare (Walter) Dixon (Richard W.) Dobson (Henry Austin) Doughty (Charles M.) Dryden (John) Dunbar (William) Dunton (Theodore Watts) Eliot (George) Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Ferguson (Sir S.) Fergusson (Robert) Fraser (Duncan) Gilfillan (George) Goethe (Johann W. von) Goldsmith (Oliver) Grant (David) Graves (Charles L.) Gray (David) Gray (Thomas) Gregory (John) Hamilton (William) Hardy (Thomas) Harte (Francis Bret) Havergal (Frances R.) Heber (Reginald) Bp. Heine (Heinrich) Henley (William E.) Herrick (Robert) Hogg (James) Holmes (Oliver Wendell) Homer Hood (Thomas) Hunt (James H. Leigh) Ingelow (Jean) Johnson (Samuel) Jonson (Ben) Joyce (James) Keats (John) Keble (John) Keegan (John) Kingsley (Charles) Kipling (Rudyard) Labiche (Eugene M.) La Fontaine (Jean de) Lampson ( Frederick Locker) Landor (Walter S.) Langland (William) Lessing (Gotthold E.) Longfellow (Henry \V.) Lowell (James R.) Lytton (Edward Robert, Earl of) Macaulay (Thomas Babing- ton, Lord) Macdonald (Hugh) Mackaye (Percy) Macleod (Angus) Macneill (Hector) Marlowe (Christopher) Marvel] (Andrew) Meredith (George) Mifflin (Lloyd) Milton (John) Moliere (Jean B. P.) Moore (Thomas) Morris (Sir Lewis) Morris (William) Musset (Louis C. A. de) Newman (John H.) Cardinal Noyes (Alfred) Omar Khayyam Ossian Patmore (Coventry) Petrarch (Francesco) Phillips (Stephen) Pindar Poe (Edgar Allan) Pope (Alexander) Praed (Winthrop M.) Prior (Matthew) Procter (Adelaide A.) Ramsay (Allan) Rankine (William J. M.) Robertson (James L.) Rossetti (Christina G.) Rossetti (Dante G.) Ruskin (John) Scheffel (J. V. von) Schiller (Johann C. F. von) Scott (Sir Walter) Seaman (Owen) Sedaine (Michel J.) Shakespeare (William) Sharp (William) Shelley (Percy B.) Sheridan (Richard B.) Shorter (Mrs. Dora S.) Sidney (Sir Philip) Sims (George R.) Skelton (John) Smith (James and Horace) Southey (Robert) Spenser (Edmund) Stenhouse (William M.) Stevenson (Robert L.) Swan (Annie S.) Swift (Jonathan) Swinburne (Algernon C.) Symons (Arthur) Tannahill (Robert) Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Tennyson (Hallam, Lord) Thackeray (William M.) Thomson (James) Trench (Herbert) Virgil Wallace (Edgar) Watson (William) White (Henry K.) Whitman (Walt) Whitticr(JohnG.) Wilson (John) Wordsworth (William) Wyatt (Sir Thomas) Yeats (William B.) Young (Edward) Young (John) Poland. In Alison (Sir A. ) Essays, v. 3. 1S50. - - - E3A3 - Bain (R. N.) Slavonic Europe, 1447-1796. 1908. bibl. maps. 94030 - Brandes (G.) Poland, land, people, and literature. 1904. - 92910 Polano (H.) ed. The Talmud, selections. 29602 Police. Marriott (T.) and Gregg (B. M.) A constable's duty. 1904. 35210 - Muir (J.) Police catechism, the duties of police. 1907.- - 35202 273 POL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Police. See also Scotland Yard. Police courts. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Holmes (T.) Pictures and problems from London police courts. 36401 Political economy. For list of other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Blackmar (F. W.) Economics for high schools. 1907. - - 32010 - Bullock (C. J.) Introduction to study of economics, bibl. - 33012 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. 1903. - - - 03208-9 - George (H.) The science of political economy. 1898. - - 33007 - Gide (C. ) Principles of political economy. 1898. - - - 33014 - Marshall (A.) Elements of economics of industry. 1898. - 33011 - Mill (J. S.) Principles of political economy. 1904. - - 33004 - Ruskin (J.) Munera pulveris, essays. 1904. - 33005 - - Unto this last, essays on political economy. 1903. - - 33001 - Seligman (E. R. A.) Principles of economics. 1907. bibl. ill. 33017 " With special reference to American conditions." - Sidgwick (H.) Economic science. In his Essays. 1904. - E8S1 - See also Banking. Capital. Co-operation. Factories. Finance. Free trade and protection. Labour. Land. Money. Poor. Produc- tion. Socialism. Wages. Wealth. Political parties. See Parties, Political. Political science. For other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Bagehot(W.) Physics and politics. 1896. ... - 30107 " On the application of the principles of 'natural selection' and 1 inheritance ' to political science." - Bright (J.) Speeches on questions of public policy. 1898. - 82706 - Cobden (R.) Speeches on questions of public policy. 1903. - 82719 Free trade. Finance. War. Foreign policy. Peace. Parliamentary reform. Education. [Etc.] - Dunning (W. A.) A history of political theories. 1905. bibl. 32008 - Elementary politics. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 8. 03209 - Froude (J. A. ) Reciprocal duties of state and subject. In his Short studies, v. 2. 1903. E2F2 - MacCunn (J.) Six radical thinkers. 1907. - - - 32014 " Bentham, J. S. Mill, Cobden, Carlyle, Mazzini, T. H. Green." - Raleigh (Sir T.) Elementary politics. 1905.- - - - 32009 - Rousseau (J. J. ) The social contract. 32001 - Shaw (A.) Political problems of American development. 1907. 32004 - Spencer (H.) Political institutions. 1882. - - - 32003 - Tolstoy (Count) The end of the age. 1906. - - - - 32006 - See also Church and state. Citizenship. Colonies, British. Common- wealths. Democracy. Despotism. Elections. Emigration. Foreign relations. Imperial federation. Imperialism. Liberty. Parliament. Parties, Political. Slavery. Village communities. Woman suffrage. Politovsky (Eugene S.) From Libau to Tsushima. 1906. - 95109 "The voyage of Rojdestvensky's fleet to eastern seas." Pollard (Albert F.) Factors in modern history. 1907. - 91227 Pollock (John) Popish plot, a study of the reign of Charles II. 91333 274 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH, POP Polly Oliver's problem ; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - - 55 W 9 Polo (Marco) Travels [in Asia, 1271-95] ; ed. by T. Wright. - 94302 Pomeroy Abbey, a romance ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 10W38 Pomp of the Lavilettes ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - - 8P1 Pompeii. Boissier(G.) Rome and Pompeii. 1905. plans. - 93615 Ponds. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Furneaux (W. S.) Life in ponds and streams. 1897. HI. - 59020 - Johnson (W. B. and S. C.) Pond and stream life. 1907. ill. 59033 Pool in the desert [and other stories] ; by Mrs. E. Cotes. - - 97 CI Poole (Stanley L. ) Egypt in the middle ages. 1901. ill. map. 95716 Poor. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Carlile (W. and V. W.) The continental outcast. 1906. ill. 33120 "Land colonies and poor law relief." - Clay (Sir A.) and others. The manufacture of paupers. 1906. bibl. 33902 - Dodd (J. T.) Administrative reform and the Local Government Board. 1906. - 35203 - [Helps (Sir A.)] Rural poor. In his Friends in council, v. 1. - E6H1 - Higgs (M.) Glimpses into the abyss. 1906. - 33901 - Lofthouse (W. F.) Poverty, its facts and problems. In The citizen of to-morrow. 1906. bibl. 30409 - Mai very (O. C.) The soul market [life and work of the poor]. 33111 - Money (L. G. C.) Riches and poverty. 1906. - - - 33010 - Sellers (E.) Foreign solutions of poor law problems. * - 33903 - Sutter (J. ) Britain's next campaign. 1904. ... - 33119 - See also Charity. Poor Jack ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52 M 7 Poor Miss Finch, a domestic story ; by W. Wilkie Collins. - 75C16 Popanilla ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. 31 B 9 Pope (Alexander) Poetical works. 1894. 2 v. ill. - - 401-2 P - Selections. In English poets, v. 3. 1904. mem. - - - 82223 - An essay on criticism ; The rape of the lock ; An essay on man [poems], mem. 101 G Pope, Alexander. In Birrell (A.) Collected essays, v. 1. 1902. E1B1 - In Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English poets. 1884. - - 82004 - Kingsley (C.) Alexander Smith and A. Pope. In his Lectures. E1K4 - In Lowell (J. R.) My study windows. El LI - Stephen (Sir L.) Pope as a moralist. In his Hours in a library. E4S1 - In Thackeray (W. M. ) English humourists, port. ill. 2 copies. 12T7 Pope (F. L.) Modern practice of electric telegraph. 1891. ill. 65404 Pope Jacynth, and other fantastic tales ; by Vernon Lee. - - 27L1 Popes. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. - Gosselin (M.) Power of the pope during middle ages. 2 v. - 28214-5 11 Inquiry into origin of the temporal power." - Isaacson (C. S.) The later popes, 1414-1906. 1906. ill. - 28210 - Ranke (L. von) The history of the popes. 1902-6. 3 v. - 99810-2 - Macaulay (Lord) Ranke [History of the popes]. In his Works. 82827 275 POP GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Popish plot. Pollock (J.) The Popish plot, Charles II. 1903. bill. 91333 Popplewell (William C.) Strength of materials. 1907. ill. - 62028 Popular tales ; by M. Edgeworth. 2 copies. .... 10E1 Population. For list of related subjects, see Sociology. - Gull (C. A. E. ft.) The fires of Moloch. In his "I believe," and other essays. 1907. - - - - - - E5G1 - Hume (D.) Of the populousness of ancient nations. In his Essays. E3H1 Port Arthur. Bartlett (E. A.) Port Arthur, siege. 1906. ill. - 95111 - Sakurai (T.) Human bullets, story of Port Arthur. 1907. - 95119 Port -Glasgow. Brown (A.) History of Glasgow, Port-Glasgow [etc.] 1795-7. 2v.ini.- - - ' - - - - 92316 Port Royal. Romanes (E.) The story of Port Royal. 1907. ill. 27203 - /ft Stephen (Sir J.) Essays, v. 1. 1907.- -* - 99816 Portals of love ; by V. Tweedale. 53 Tl Porter (Alfred W.) joint-author. See Foster (G. C.) Porter (Charles) School hygiene. 1906. ill.- - - - 37111 Porter (Jane) The Scottish chiefs [a romance]. 2 copies. - 50 PI Porter (Mary W.) What Rome was built with. 1907. - - 93623 Portia, or, 'by passions rocked' ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. 104 H 10 Portreeve [a novel] ; by E. Phillpotts. 41 P 2 Portugal. Hume (M. A. S.) Through Portugal. 1907. ill. - 93414 Portuguese language. See Language, Portuguese. Portuguese literature. See Literature, Portuguese. Positivism. For list of other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - Comte (A. ) Positive philosophy. 1896. 3 v. - - -19401-3 - Harrison (F. ) The philosophy of common sense. 1907. - - 14601 Posselt (E. A.) Recent improvements in textile machinery relating to weaving. 2 v. ill. 67707-8 - Technology of textile design, ill. 67710 Post (Louis F.) Ethical principles of marriage and divorce. - 17310 Postage stamps. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Smith (B. T. K.) How to collect postage stamps. 1907. bill. ill. 38301 Pottery. See Clay. Poudre aux yeux, comedie ; par E. M. Labiche et E. Martin. - 301 L Poultry. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Brown (E.) Races of domestic poultry. 1906. ill. - - 63602 Poverty. See Poor. Powell (Frances) The house on the Hudson. - - - - 78 PI Powell (P.) joint-author. See Hodges (W. H.) Power (John O'C. ) The making of an orator. 1906. - - 80809 Powicke (F. M.) Pierre Dubois, mediaeval radical. In Essays. 90406 Poynting- (J. H.) and Thomson (J. J.) A text-book of physics, sound. 1906. ill. 53402 Praed (Mrs. Campbell) Dwellers by the river. - - - 54 PI - The lost Earl of Elian, a story. 54 P 2 Praed (Winthrop M.) Political and occasional poems, port. - 601 P 276 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. PRE Praed, Winthrop M. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. I. 1896. 82103 Praeger (R. L.) Open-air studies in botany, wild-flowers, ill. 58204 Praeterita, my past life ; by J. Ruskin. 1899-1905. 3 v. ill. - R031-3 Prairie [Leather-stocking series, No. 5] ; by J. F. Cooper. - 88 CIO Pratt (Alfred) and Eve (A.) Indexing and precis writing. - 02902 Pratt (Edwin A.) British canals. 1906. ill. - 38601 - The licensed trade. 1907. 17805 Pratt (James B.) The psychology of religious belief. 1907. - 20102 Pray (Thomas) Twenty years with the indicator. 189-1. ill. - 62111 Prayer. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - McFadyen (J. E.) Prayers of the Bible. 1906. - - - 22105 - Morgan (G. C. ) Practice of prayer. 1906. .... 26403 - Murray (A.) With Christ in the school of prayer. 1898. - 24802 Prayer book. For list of related subjects, see Church, England. - Ridgeway (C. J. ) Story of the prayer book. 1906. ill. - 26402 Preaching. For list of related subjects, see Theology, Pastoral. - In Dods (M.) Erasmus, and other essays. 1891. - - - E4D1 - Garvie (A. E. ) A guide to preachers. 1907. - - - - 25102 - Smyth (J. P.) The preacher and his sermon. 1907. - - 25103 - Torrey (R. A.) Anecdotes and illustrations. 1907. - - 25101 Precaution, a novel ; by J. F. Cooper. 88C24 Precis-writing. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Latter (H.) Precis writing. 1903-6. 2 v. - - -65803-4 - Pratt (A.) and Eve (A.) Indexing and precis-writing. - - 02902 Pre-Raphaelitism. In Mourey (G.) Across the Channel, art in London. 1896. - 91711 - In Ruskin (J.) Architecture and painting. 1902. - - - 72002 - - In his On the old road, v. 1. 1899. 70401 " Presbytery examined" ; by the Duke of Argyll. 1848. - - 27507 Prescott (E. Livingston) The queen's own traitors. - - 56 PI Prescott (Wm. H.) Biographical and critical miscellanies. . - E2P1 Charles B. Brown. Asylum for the blind. Irving's Conquest of Granada. Cervantes. Sir W. Scott. Chateaubriand's English literature. Bancroft's United States. Moliere. Italian narrative poetry. Poetry and romance of the Italians. Scottish song. Da Ponte's Observations on [" Italian narrative poetry"]. Ticknor's History of Spanish literature. [Etc.] - History of the conquest of Mexico [648-1547]. 1903. - - 97601 Present truth, sermons ; by C. H. Spurgeon. 1883. - - - 25235 Preserving. See Fruit. President's daughters, including Nina ; by F. Bremer. - - 86 B 4 Press. See Journalism. Preston. Clemesha (H. W.) The borough of Preston and its Gild Merchant. In Historical essays. 1907. bibl. - 90406 Preston fight, or, the insurrection of 1715; by W. H. Ainsworth. 16 A4 Prestwich (Sir Joseph) Geology. 1886-8. 2 v. ill. maps. -55008-9 Pretty Polly, a voyage of incident ; by W. Clark Russell. - 75 R 3 Prevost d'Exiles (Antoine F.) Histoire de Manon Lescaut. - 57P1 277 PRI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Price (E. D.) The story of religions. 1898. .... 20901 Prichard (Mrs. K. H. and H. Hesketh) The chronicles of Don Q. 80P1 - The new chronicles of Don Q. 80 P 2 Prick of conscience ; by Alan St. Aubyn. - - - - 4S1 Pride and prejudice ; by J. Austen. 60A1 Priestley, Joseph. In Huxley (T. H. ) Science and education. - 50423 - Thorpe (T. E.) Priestley [life and work], port. - - P071 Priestman (Howard) Principles of worsted spinning. 1906. - 67703 Prince and the page, a story of the last crusade ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y28 Prince and the pauper, a tale; by Mark Twain. - - 52 Tl Prince of the blood ; by J. Payn. ♦ 18 P 3 Prince Otto, a romance ; by R. L. Stevenson. .... 120 S 16 Princess, a medley ; by Lord Tennyson. 1892. - 302T Princess Casamassima, a novel ; by H. James. - - - - 7J1 A sequel to " Roderick Hudson," 7 J 17. Princess of Yascovy [a romance] ; by J. Oxenham. - - - 1901 Princess Sophia [a romance] ; by E. F. Benson.- - - - 46B4 Printing. For list of other industries, see Industries. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. - - - 60310-1 - Jacobi (C. T.) Some notes on books and printing. 1902. - 65502 - Southward (J.) Modern printing. 1900. ill. - - - 65503 Prints. See Engraving. Prior (Matthew) Selected poems, port. 201 P Prior, Matthew. In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. 12T7 Prisoner of Zenda ; by Anthony Hope. 82 HI Prisons. For list of other subjects in law, see Law. - Balfour (J. S.) My prison life. 1907. B311 - Carlyle (T.) Model prisons. In Latter-day pamphlets. - - E1C10 Pritchard (Eric) Infant education. 1907. ... - 61305 Advice to mothers on the health of infants. Pritchard (Martin J.) The passion of Rosamund Keith. - 76P1 Pritchett (Henry S.) The power that makes for peace. In Some neglected aspects of war. 1907. - 17202 Private life [and other tales] ; by H. James. - - - - 7J3 Privateersman, adventures; by Captain F. Marryat. - - 52M21 Privy seal, his last venture ; by F. M. Hueffer. - - - - 99 H 4 A sequel to " The fifth queen," 99 HI. Probation, a novel ; by J. Fothergill. 2 copies. - - - 42F1 Procter (Adelaide A.) Complete [poetical] works, mem. port. 101 P Procter (H. R.) Leather manufacture. 1903. ill. - - - 67502 Proctor (Richard A.) Light science for leisure hours, v. 1-2. ill. 50424-5 Prodigal son ; by Hall Caine. 5C9 Production. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Castberg (P. H.) Production, a study in economics. 1907. - 33805 - See also Guilds. Trusts. 278 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. PSY Professions. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Hicks (J. W. ) Vocations for our sons. 1906. - - - 65802 - Kingston (A.) How to start in life. 65801 - See also Accountancy. Professor [a story] ; by C. Bronte. 92 B4 Professor at the breakfast- table ; by 0. W. Holmes. - - - E5H1 Professor's experiment ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - 104H3 Professor's legacy ; by Mrs. A. Sidgwick. ----- 64S1 Profit and loss [a novel] ; by J. Oxenham. 1902 Profit of love, studies in altruism ; by A. A. McGinley. 1907. - 17123 Progress. For list of related subjects, see Sociology. - Avebury (Lord) Hope of progress. In his Pleasures of life. - E2A1 - In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 2. 1903. - - - - E2F2 Progress, and other sketches ; by R. B. C. Graham. - - - 48 Gl Progress and poverty [land question] ; by H. George. 1905. - 33301 Progress of Priscilla ; by Lucas Cleeve. - - - - 56 C 4 Projection. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-3. ill. - 60306-8 Prophecy. For list of other Biblical subjects, see Bible. - Girdlestone (R. B.) The grammar of prophecy. 1901. - - 22014 Prophet's reward [a novel] ; by Mrs. E. H. Strain. - - - 172S2 Prospector, a tale of the Crow's Nest Pass ; by Ralph Connor. - 80 C 4 Protection. See Free trade and protection. Protege de Marie- Antoinette ; par X. Marmier ; notes. 1901. ill. 44840 Protestantism. For list of other sects, see Sects. - Fletcher (C. R. L.) Gustavus Adolphus and Protestantism, ill. G141 - Froude (J. A. ) Condition and prospects of Protestantism. In his Short studies, v. 2. 1903. E2F2 Prout (Ebenezer) Instrumentation, mus. ... - 78105 Provencal literature. See Literature, Provencal. Proverbs. For list of related subjects, see Folk-lore. - Bohn (H. G. ) A hand-book of proverbs. 1905. - - - 39808 - Spurgeon (C. H.) ed. Salt-cellars, proverbs. 1889-93. 2 v. 39819-20 Proverbs, Book of. See Bible. Provincial letters, and other papers ; by H. C. Beeching. - - E6B1 Provost, and other tales ; by J. Gait. 7G2 Pryce (Daisy H.) Love's mirage. 82 PI Pryce (Richard) Just impediment. 62 PI - Time and the woman. - - - - - - - 62 P 2 Psalms. See Bible. Psychical research. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Cooke (J. T.) Psychic and nervous forces. 1905. - - - 13406 - Hyslop (J. H.) Borderland of psychical research. 1906. - 13403 Science and a future life. 1906. 13402 Psycho-physics. McDougall (VV.) Psycho-physical method. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - - - 50421 Psychology. For list of other branches of philosophy, see Philosophy. 279 PSY GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 1905. 1840. 15010 15007 15005 19212 59104-5 37001 37013 1907. 15009 - 15601 - 15004 - 15006 - 15003 - 15002 bibl. 15008 Passions. 30411 Psychology. Carrel (F.) An analysis of human motive. - Galton (F.) Human faculty and its development, ill. - Gordy (J. P.) New psychology. [1904],- - Hobbes (T. ) Human nature. In his English, works, v. 4. - Hunter (J.) Essays, natural history, psychology [etc.] - - James (W.) Talks to teachers on psychology. 1905. - Hayward (F. H.) The secret of Herbart. 1907. - A reply to James's " Talks to teachers on psychology." - King (H. C.) Rational living, inferences from psychology. - McCosh(J.) The intuitions of the mind. 1860. - - Major (D. R.) First steps in mental growth. 1906. - Mitchell (W.) Structure and growth of the mind. 1907. - Stout (G. F.) The groundwork of psychology. 1905. - Sully (J.) The teacher's handbook of psychology. 1906. - Thorndike (E. L. ) The elements of psychology. 1907. - See also Children. Imagination. Intellect. Memory Reason. Senses. Public health. See Health, Public. Public-house trusts. In George (W. L.) Social progress. 1907. Public meetings. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - Palgrave (Sir R. F. D.) The chairman's handbook. 1905. " Rules for the conduct of chairmen, public and other meetings." Publishing. See Bookselling. Puck of Pook's Hill ; by R. Kipling. Pcckle (G. H.) Elementary treatise on conic sections. 1903. - Pudd'nhead Wilson, a tale ; by Mark Twain. .... Puddings. For list of related subjects, see Cookery. - Douglas (E.) The pudding and pastry book. - - Jones (L. ) Puddings and sweets, receipts. .... Pugh (Edwin W.) The purple head. - The spoilers. Pullex (William W. F.) The application of graphic and other methods to the design of structure. 1905. ill. - Injectors, theory, construction, and working. 1906. ill. - Mechanics, theoretical, applied [etc.] 1905. ill. - Pumps. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Davey (H. ) Pumping machinery. 1905. ill. - Marks (E. C. R.) Construction and working of pumps. 1907. ill. Punctuation. For list of related subjects, see Language, English. - Bridges (T.) Punctuation simplified. - Lovell (A. E.) Punctuation as a means of expression. 1907. - - Whetton (H.) Punctuation and the style of the office. - Purchase (William R.) Practical masonry. 1904. ill. - Puritanism. For list of other sects, see Sects. - Frere ( W. H. ) and Douglas (C. E. ) eels. Puritan manifestoes. 1907. 28505 - Kingsley (C.) Plays and Puritans. 1890. .... E1K2 280 32801 28K17 51313 52T3 64204 64206 63P2 63P1 62018 62122 53105 62204 62206 42103 42101 42102 69304 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. QUE Purity. "Maeterlinck (M.) The inner beauty. In his Treasure of the humble. 1907. E8M2 Purple head ; by E. W. Pngh. ------- 63P2 Purple robe ; by J. Hocking. 65H2 Pusey, Edward B. Russell (G. VY. E.)Pusey[abiography]. 1907. port. P181 Put yourself in his place ; by C. Reade. 2 copies. - - 16 R 2 Poxley (Herbert L.) Modern dairy-farming. 1906. ill. - 63701 Pyramids. Smyth (C. P.) Our inheritance in the great pyamid. 95706 Q Q. See Couch (Arthur T. Quiller). Quakeress ; by Max Adeler. - - - - - - 10 A 1 Quakers. For list of other sects, see Sects. - Fox (G.) Journal ; ed. by P. L. Parker. F031 An account of the early Quakers. Qualitative and quantitative analysis. See Chemistry. Quantities. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Fletcher (B.) Quantities, a text-book. 1903. ill.- - - 69203 - Grubb (H. C.) Builders' quantities. 1904. ill. - - - 69201 - Stephenson (G. ) The quantity student's assistant. 1907. - 69204 Quarles, Francis. Adams (W. H. D.) Quarles " Emblems." In his Famous books. 02810 Qcjatrefages (Armand de) The human species. 1879. - - 57302 Queechy ; by S. Warner. -------- 21W6 Queen can do no wrong; by H. E. Compton. ... - 77C2 A sequel to " The palace of spies," 77 CI. Queen of hearts ; by \V. Wilkie Collins. 75 C 2 Queen of love, a novel ; by S. Baring Gould. ... - 43G2 Queen of queens [Isabella of Spain] ; by C. Hare. 1906. ill. map. 1041 Queen of Sheba [a novel] ; by T. B. Aldrich. - - - - 21 A 1 Queen of the air, Greek myths ; by J. Ruskin. 190."). - - 29201 Queen of the meadow, a novel ; by C. Gibbon. - 21G1 Queen of the rushes, a tale ; by Allen Raine. - - - - 5R1 Queen wasp ; by J. Middiemass. 88 Ml Queenie's whim, a novel ; by R. N. Carey. - - - - 20 CI Queen's cadet [and other tales] ; by J. Grant. 2 copies. - - 51 G 5 Queen's necklace ; by A. Dumas. 58 D 4 "Sequel to ' Memoirs of a physician,* " 58D3. Queen's own traitors ; by E. Livingston Prescott. - - - 56P1 Queen's quair [a romance] ; by M. Hewlett. - - - - 57 HI Queen's tragedy [a romance] ; by R. H. Benson. - - - 139 B 2 Queensland. Rutlidge (C. S.) Guide to Queensland. 1S99. ill. 98901 - In Senior (W.) Near and far, sketches of sport. 1890. - - 79915 Queer Lady Judas ; by Rita. 36R1 Quentin Durward [a romance] ; by Sir \V. Scott. 3 copies. - 35S17 281 QUE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Questions at issue [literary essays] ; by E. W, Gosse. 1893. - 80403 Quicksands ; by J. A. Steuart. 117 S 2 Quincy, Josiah. Lowell (J. R.) A great public character. In his My study windows. E1L1 Quinet, Edgar. Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Paradox on Quinet. In his Miscellaneous essays. E9S1 Quisante [a romance] ; by Anthony Hope. 82 H 4 Quits, a novel ; by Baroness Tautphceus. 3T2 " Quo vadis " ? a narrative of the time of Nero ; by H. Sienkiewicz. 65 SI Quotations. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Bartlett (J.) ed. Familiar quotations. 1905. - 80822 - Smith (R.) ec7. English quotations. 82823 R R. (R. M.) Fonrltng, quickest method of recording human speech. 65331 Rab and his friends, and other papers ; by J. Brown. - - E2B4 Rabbi Saunderson ; by J. Watson. 28 W 5 Reprinted from " Kate Carnegie," 28 W 2. Rabbit. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Edwards (R. 0.) Rabbits, exhibition, pleasure, and market. - 63611 - Lane (C. H.) Rabbits, cats, and cavies. 1903. ill. - - 63614 Rabelais (Francois) Hours with Rabelais ; ed. by F. G. Stokes. 84701 Race for millions ; by D. C. Murray. 126 M 3 Racial supremacy, studies in imperialism ; by J. G. Godard. 1905. 32005 Racine (Jean) Les plaideurs, comedie ; with notes. 1902. - 44808 Rackets. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Bouverie (E. O. P.) [The game of] Rackets. 1890. ill- - 79609 Radiation. In Tyndall (J.) Fragments of science, v. 1. 1902. - 50408 Radium. For lists of related subjects, see Chemistry. Physics. - Jones (H. C.) The electrical nature of matter and radio- activity. 1906. 53901 - Levy (L. A.) and Willis (H. G.) Radium and other radio- active elements, ill. 54602 Rae, Henrietta [her life and art] ; by A. Fish. 1905. port. ill. R151 Rae (John) The sociological theory of capital. 1905. mem. - 33117 Rae (John J.) ed. The ministers of Glasgow and their churches, ill. 92308 Raeburn, Sir Henry. Andrew ( W. R.) Life of Sir H. Raeburn. 1894. R 161 - In Brown (J.) Horae subsecivae, v. 3. 1897. - E2B3 - In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) British painters. - 99710 Raffles, Sir Stamford. In Sanderson (E.) Heroes. 1908. ill. - 90606 Raffles, the amateur cracksman ; by E. W. Hornung. - - 89 HI Rahilly (Jerome J.) Rugby football. 1904. - - - 79705 Rahtz(F. J.) Higher English. 1907. 42002 Raiders [a story] ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - - - 120 C 2 Railway man and his children ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - 6017 282 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. RAP Railways. For lists of related subjects, see Engineering. Transportation. - Acworth (W. M.) The railways and the traders, rates question. 1906. 38501 - Allen (C. F.) Railroad curves and earthwork. 1907. ill. - 62708 - Grinling (C. H.) Railways. In British industries. 1907. - 33804 - Williams (A. ) The romance of modern locomotion. 1907. ill. 62710 - See also Tube railways. Rainbow. Tyndall (J. ) The rainbow and its congeners. In his New fragments. 1897. ------- 50410 Raine (Allen) Hearts of Wales, an old romance. - - - 5R2 - Queen of the rushes, a tale. - - - - - - - 5R1 Rainy (Robert) Sojourning with God, and other sermons. 1902. 25226 Rainy, Robert, Life of ; by D. G. Mitchell. [1907]. port. ill. R121 Rait (RobertS.) and others. The Union of 1707. 1907. - 91830 Rajah's diamond [stories] ; by R. L. Stevenson.- - - - 120S12 Raleigh (Sir Thomas) Elementary politics. 1905. - - - 32009 Raleigh, Sir Walter. In Innes (A. D. ) Ten Tudor statesmen, port. 99822 - Kingsley (C.) Raleigh and his time. In Plays and Puritans.- E1K2 - Taylor (I. A.) Sir Walter Raleigh [a biography]. 1905. port. R022 Raleigh (Walter) The English novel, its history to [1814]. - 82606 - The English voyages, sixteenth century. 1906. - - - 90823 - Shakespeare [a biography]. 1907. S072 Rambaud (Alfred) History of Russia to 1877 ; with additional chapters, 1877-1904, by G. M. Adam. 2 v. ill. - - 94028-9 Rammohun Roy, Rajah. In Mliller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. - E5M2 Ramsay (Allan) Poems, selected. 1887. mem. - - 401 R - and others. Poems, mem. port. ill. ----- 82220 Ramsay (Edward B. B.) Reminiscences of Scottish life. - - 91803 Ramsay (Sir James H.) Lancaster and York, 1399-1485. 2 v. ill. 91331-2 Ramsay (William) Manual of Roman antiquities. 1901. ill.- 93612 Ramsay (Sir William M.) Impressions of Turkey. 1897. - 93904 Ramsay (Lady) Everyday life in Turkey. 1903. - - - 93907 Randolph, John. Adams (H.) John Randolph [a biography]. 1898. R041 Ranjitsinhji (K. S.) The jubilee book of cricket. 1898. port. ill. 79701 Ranke (Leopold von) History of the popes. 1902-6. 3 v.- - 99810-2 Ranke, Leopold von. Macaulay (Lord) Von Ranke [History of the popes]. In his Works. ------ 82827 [Rankin (D. R.)] Notices relating to Carluke, 1288-1874. - - 92015 Rankin (James) Church ideas in Scripture and Scotland. 1898. 26001 Rankin (Margaret C.) Manual of science of laundry work. ill. 64801 Rankine (William J. M.) Applied mechanics. 1904. ill. - 62006 - A manual of civil engineering. 1904. ill. - 62002 - Songs and fables. 1874. port. ill. 701 R Ransome (Arthur) Bohemia in London. 1907. ill. - - 91720 Ranson's folly [and other stories] ; by R. H. Davis. - - 17 Dl Raphael. Ady (Mrs. H.) Raphael [his life and art], ill.- - R201 283 RAP GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Raphael. Alison (Sir A.) Virgil, Tasso, and Raphael. In his Essays, v. 3. E3A3 Rappoport (A. S.) The English drama. 1906.- - - - 82510 - Russian history. 1905. 94025 Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, a romance; by S. Johnson.- - 22 Jl Rathgen (Friedkich) Preservation of antiquities. 1905. - 57901 Rating. See Taxation. Rational living, inferences from psychology ; by H. C. King. - 15009 Rattenbury ( J . E. ) John Wesley and the social service. In The citizen of to-morrow. 1906. 30409 Rattlin, the reefer ; by E. Howard. 52M22 Rauschenbusch (W.) Christianity and the social crisis. 1907. 26101 Raven (John J.) The bells of England. 1906. ill.- - - 67301 Ravenshear (Albert F.) joint-author. See Pettigrew (William F.) Ravenshoe [a story] ; by H. Kingsley. 26 Kl Raw material, episodes among working lads ; by P. Bottome. - 142 Bl Rawlings (Gertrude B.) Story of British coinage. 1898. ill. 33201 Rawlinson (George) Manual of ancient history [to a.d. 651]. - 90201 - The origin of nations, maps. - - - - - - - 90307 - and Gilman (A.) Ancient Egypt. 1897. ill. - - - 95705 Rawnsley (H. D.) Rambler's note-book at English Lakes. 1902. 91715 Ray, M.D. de M., comte de. Clifford (H.) King of the Sedangs. In his Heroes of exile. 1906. 99510 Raymond (George L. ) The essentials of sesthetics. 1907. ill. 70110 Raymond (Walter) Gentleman Upcott's daughter. - - 12 R 2 - Jacob and John [a novel]. 12 Rl Read (Charles A.) and Tynan (K.) eds. The cabinet of Irish literature, selections. 1905. 4 v. ill. - 82006-9 Reade (Charles) The cloister and the hearth, a tale. - - 16 R 9 - The course of true love never did run smooth. Singleheart and doubleface, a romance. 16 Rl - The double marriage, or, white lies. 16 R 3 - Griffith Gaunt, or, jealousy. 16R15 - " It is never too late to mend." 16R13 - Autobiography of a thief, and other histories. - - - 16R11 A sequel to "It is never too late to mend." Jack of all trades. A hero and a martyr [account of James Lambert of Glasgow]. The wandering heir. - The jilt, etc. Good stories of man and other animals. - - 16 R 6 The Knightsbridge mystery. An old bachelor's adventure. - Love me little, love me long. ------- 16R14 - Hard cash [a sequel to " Love me little, love me long"]. - 16R12 - Peg Woffington. Christie Johnstone. 16R16 - A perilous secret. 16 R 5 - Put yourself in his place. 2 copies. 16 R! - A simpleton, a story of the day. 16R- - A terrible temptation, a story of the day. - - - 16 Rl 284 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. RED Reade (Charles) A woman-hater. 16 R 7 - and Boucicault (D.) Foul play. 16R10 Reading. For list of related subjects, see Books. - Field (W.T.) Fingerposts to children's reading. 1907. - 02811 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1. ... E6H1 - Jacks (W.) Thoughts on books, libraries, and reading. In his Singles from life's gathering. 1902. .... E1J1 - Lee (G. S.) The child and the book. 1907. - 02806 - - The lost art of reading. 1907. 02807 - Ruskin (J.) Sesame and lilies [on books, reading, etc.] 1905. 82805 - Wardell (R. J.) Highways in bookland. [1907]. bibl. - - 02805 Reading Abbey. Hurry (J. B.) Rise and fall of Reading Abbey. 91706 Readings. For related subjects, see Wit and humour. - The golden reciter, prose and verse. 1906. - 80810 - Morison (R. C. H. ) eel. Chamber's Effective reciter. - - 80811 - Murdoch (A. G. ) Scotch readings, humorous. - - - 82710 - Stewart (A.) Comic Scotch readings, ill. .... 82702 eel. Humorous readings, maistly Scotch, ill. - - - 82703 Readings and dialogues, maistly Scotch. .... 82704 Ready (Oliver G.) Life and sport in China. 1903. ill. - - 95105 Ready -money Mortiboy, a story ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. 48B11 Reagan (H. C.) Locomotives, simple, compound, electric. 1907. 62117 Real grit ; by S. K. Hocking. 67 H 5 Realism. For list of related subjects, see Philosophy. - 7?i Blatchford (R.) My favourite books. 1901. - - - E9B1 - Schopenhauer (A.) The doctrine of the ideal and real. In Jus Selected essays. 1900. E7S1 Reason. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - Kant (I.) Critique of pure reason. 1905. .... 19301 Reason in belief ; by F. Sewall. 1906. 23904 Reasons for faith, Christian evidence ; by A. F. W. Ingram. 1907. 23917 Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - 55 W 11 Rebecca, New chronicles of; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - 55W14 Rebel of the family; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. - - - - 46 LI Rebel wooing, a story of devotion ; by J. A. Steuart. - - 117 S 4 Receipts. For list of related subjects, see Arts, Useful. - Spon (E.) and others. Workshop receipts. 1902-1. 5 v. ill. -60301-5 Recitations. See Readings. Recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn ; by H. Kingsley. - - 26 K 3 Recreations. See Amusements. Recreations of a country parson ; [by A. K. H. Boyd]. 3 v. - E3B1-3 Recreations of Christopher North; by J. Wilson. 1878-87. 2 v. E1W1-2 Red and white heather, tales and ballads ; by R. W. Buchanan. 103 B 6 Red as a rose is she, a novel ; by R. Broughton. - - - 97B4 Red axe ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C10 Red burgee, sea comedies ; by M. Roberts. .... 43R1 285 BED GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Red cockade ; by S. J. Weyman. 45W6 Red Court Farm, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W16 A sequel to " The house of Halliwell," 10W35. Red diamonds ; by J. McCarthy. 4M9 Red -House mystery ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - - 104H6 Red leaguers ; by S. F. Bullock. 136 B 2 Red morn ; by M. Pemberton. 28 PI Red pottage [a novel]; by M. Cholmondeley. .... 45C1 Red Rover ; by J. F. Cooper. 88C15 Reddaway(W. F.) Frederick the Great. 1904. ill. maps, plans. I '0211 Redesdale (Lord) Garter mission to Japan. 1906. - - - 95308 Redgauntlet, a tale ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - 35 S 19 Redman (H. N.) ed. Pronouncing dictionary of musical terms. - 78020 Redmond (William) Through the new Commonwealth [Austra- lia]. 1906. ill. map. - - 98604 Redskins; by J. F. Cooper. 88C16 A continuation of "The chainbearer,"' 88C22. Redwood (Sir Boverton) The petroleum industry, and lamps. In Lighting. 1895. ill. - - - - ' - - - 66505 - and Louis (D. A.) Miners' safety lamps. /?i Lighting. 1895. ill. 66505 - joint-author. See Thomson (J. H. ) Reed (F. R. C.) joint-author. See Shipley (A. E.) Reed (Myrtle) A spinner in the sun. 85R2 Reed (Thomas A.) Technical reporting. 65314 Rees (Alfred W.) Creatures of the night, wild life. 1905. ill. 59908 Reeve (Amy J. ) Practical home millinery. 1906. ill. - - 64603 Reflection. Coleridge (S. T. ) Aids to reflection. - - - 24201 Reform. Cobden (R. ) Parliamentary reform. In his Speeches. 82719 - Bosanquet (B.) Individual and social reform. In his Essays. E10B1 Reform Bill. Alison (Sir A.) Reform Bill [1832]. In his Essays. E3A1 Reformation. For list of related subjects, see Church history. - Cunningham (W.) Reformers and theology of the reformation. 27011 - Deane (A.) The reformation [a history]. 1903. ill. - - 27608 - Fisher (G. P.) The reformation [a history]. 1906. bibl. - 27013 - Froude (J. A.) Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character. In his Short studies, v. 1. 1905. - - - E2F1 - Salembier (L. ) The great schism of the west. 1907. bibl. - 27012 Reformer ; by C. M. Sheldon. 56 S 6 Refrigeration. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Leask (A. R.) Refrigerating machinery. 1907. ill. - - 62103 Refugees, a tale of two continents ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - 51 D 9 Regeneration. Anderson (W.) Regeneration. 1875. - - 23402 Regent's daughter ; by A. Dumas. 58 D 6 A sequel to "The conspirators," 58D12. Regimental legends [stories] ; by John Strange Winter. - - 73 W5 Reginald Hetherege ; by H. Kingsley. 26K11 286 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. REL Reich (Emil) General history of western nations [European] to 1900 A. d. 1908. v. 1-2. - -91025-6 Reichel (George V.) Bible truth through eye and ear [object lessons]. 1906. 37704 Reid (Alan) and Kirk (W.) Royal Dunfermline. 1907. UL - 92503 Reid (Robert) Old Glasgow and its environs. 1864. - - 92317 Reid (W. M.) The story of Old Fort Johnson. 1906. ill. - 97318 Reiser (Fridolin) Hardening and tempering of steel. 1903. - 67203 Reiser (Nicolas) Spinning and weaving calculations. 1904. - 67718 Rejected addresses [poems] ; by J. and H. Smith. 1879. - - 401 S Release, or, Caroline's French kindred ; by C. M. Yonge. - - 2Y22 A sequel to "Stray pearls," 2Y25. Relief. See Charity. Religio medici ; by Sir T. Browne. 24001 Religion. In A vebury (Lord) Pleasures of life. 1905. - - E2A1 - Bosanquet (B. ) The kingdom of God on earth. In his Essays. E10B1 - Coupland (W. C.) ed. Thoughts and aspirations of the ages. - 20801 " Selections from the religions writings of the world." - Fairbairn (A. M. ) Studies in philosophy of religion. 1876. - 20103 The idea of God. Theism and scientific speculation. The belief in immortality. - In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 2. 19210 - Hoffding (H.) The philosophy of religion. 1906. - - - 20104 - Hume (D.) The natural history of religion. In his Essays. - E3H1 - Jupp(W. J.) Religion of nature and of human experience. 1906. 21001 - Moberly (R. C.) Problems and principles. 1904. - - - 20402 The Fulham conference on communion with the atonement. Con- siderations on disestablishment and disendowment. Undeoominationalism as a principle of primary education. The independence of church courts. Church membership and laws of marriage. Doctrinal standard. [Etc.] - Miiller (F. Max) Introduction to the science of religion. 18S2. 20101 - Pratt (J. B.) Psychology of religious belief. 1907. bib!. - 20102 - Southgate (H. ) ed. Suggestive thoughts on religious subjects. 24002 - In Strong (S. A.) Critical studies. 1905. ... - 82820 - See also Church. Church history. Hymns. Meditations. Religions. Theology. Theology, Pastoral. Theosophy. Worship, Family. Religion and science. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Barry (A.) Some lights of science on the faith. 1S92. - - 23908 - Bell (Sir C.) The hand, its mechanism. 1885. ill. - - 21504 - Brunton (Sir T. L.) The Bible and science. 1881. ill. - - 21505 - Calderwood (H. ) Relations of science and religion. 1881. - 23910 - Chambers (R.) Vestiges of the natural history of creation. ill. 21501 - Draper (J. W.) The conflict between religion and science. 1904. 21502 - Drummond (H. ) Natural law in the spiritual world. 1905. - 21503 - Finlayson (T. C.) Biological religion. 1895. - 21509 "Criticism of Drummond's ' Natural law in the spiritual world.'" - Laing (S.) Modern science and modern thought. 1886. - - 21510 - Lodge (Sir O. J.) and others. Ideals of science and faith. 1904. 21508 287 REL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Religion and science. Miller (H.) The testimony of the rocks. 1890. ill. 55002 " Geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed." - Reusch (R. H.) Nature and the Bible. 1886. 2 v. - - 21506-7 " Mosaic history of creation in its relation to natural science." - Shepheard (H. B.) The parables of man and of God. 1903. - 21512 - Tyndall(J.) The Belfast address, 1874. In his Fragments, v. 2. 50409 - [Whewell (W.)] Plurality of worlds, an essay. 1867. - - 21511 - Woods (F. H.) For faith and science. 1906. - 23907 Religions. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Bollinger (J. J. I.) The Gentile and the Jew. 1906. 2 v. - 29001-2 Pagan religious systems and Judaism prior to Christianity. - Lyall (Sir A. C. ) Origins and interpretations of primitive religions. In his Asiatic studies, v. 2. 1907.- - - 94718 - Miiller (F. Max) Proper use of Holy Scriptures. In his Works. E5M1 - Price (E. D.) The story of religions. 1898. - 20901 - Wilkinson (R. J.) Malay beliefs. 1906. - - - - 29904 - See also Buddhism. Fetichism. Hinduism. Mohammedanism. Mythology. Taoism. Zoroastrianism. Reminiscences of eighty years ; by J. Urie. 1908. ill. - - U011 Remoter stars in the church sky [ministers] ; by G. Gilfillan. - 99828 Remusat, Claire, comtesse de. In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays. Ell SI Renaissance. For lists of related subjects, see Arts, Fine. Literature. - Smeaton ( W. H. O. ) The Medici and the Italian renaissance. 1901. 85001 Renan (Ernest) Life of Jesus. 23209 Renan, Ernest. Bute (Marquess of) M. Renan's "Souvenirs." In his Essays on foreign subjects. 1901. - - - - E7B1 - Robinson (A. M. F.) The life of Ernest Renan. 1898. port. R171 - In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Miscellaneous essays. 1895. - - E9S1 Rennie, John. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 2. 1904. port. ill. 99705 Renwick, James. In McGown (G. W. T.) Heroes of the faith. - 99819 Renwick (Robert) Glasgow memorials. 1908. ill. - - 92315 Repplier (Agnes) Compromises [literary and social essays]. - E1R1 Representative men; by R. W. Emerson. In his Works, v. 1. E2E1 Reptiles. For list of related subjects, see Vertebrates. - Hopley (C. C. ) British reptiles and batrachians. 1888. ill. - 59811 - See also Lizards. Reputed changeling ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y23 Resurrection. See Future state. Jesus Christ. Retouching. For list of related subjcts, see Photography. - Whiting (A.) Retouching, ill. 77008 Retrospect and prospect ; by A. T. Mahan. 1902. - - - 32703 " Studies in international relations, naval and political." Retrospective reviews, 1891-5 ; by R. Le Gallienne. 1896. 2 v. 80404-5 Retrospects [biographical recollections] ; by W. A. Knight, v. 1. 99903 Return of Sherlock Holmes ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 19 Sherlock Holmes series, No. 6. 288 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. RIC Return of the native ; by T. Hardy. 21 H 2 Reusch (R. H.) Nature and the Bible. 1886. 2 v. - - - 21506-7 Revelation. See Bible. Revivals. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Hutton (J. E.) Moravian contribution to the evangelical revival in England, 1742-55. In Historical essays. 1907. 90406 - Johnson (H.) Stories of great revivals. 1906. - - - 26901 Revolution in Tanner's Lane ; by W. H. White. - - - 52W4 Reynard the fox ; by J. A. Froude. In his Short studies, v. 1. - E2F1 Reynolds (Mrs. Baillte) The man who won. ... - 23R1 Reynolds (Mrs. Fred) The making of Michael. - - - 88R1 Reynolds (Hy. R.) Lamps of the temple, and other addresses.- 25204 Reynolds (J. B. ) The British Isles [geography]. 1904. ill. maps. 91503 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Discourses on art. - 75001 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. In Cunningham (A. ) and Heaton (Mrs. C. ) British painters, v. 1. 1879. 99709 - Gower (Lord R. S.) Reynolds, his life and art. 1902. port. ill. R191 Rhetoric. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Blatchford (R.) Graphic writing. In h is My favourite books. E9B1 - Carpenter (G. R. ) Rhetoric and English composition. 1906. - 80812 - Hill (A. S.) The foundations of rhetoric. 80814 The principles of rhetoric. 80815 - In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 6. 19214 - O'Conor (J. F. X.) Rhetoric and oratory. 1898. - - - 80817 - In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Miscellaneous essays. 1895. - - E9S1 English prose style. Modern English prose, 1ST6. - Spalding (E. H.) The principles of rhetoric. 1905. - - 80821 - See also Debating-. Elocution. Essay-writing. Gesture. Letter -writing. Oratory. Public meetings. Rhoda Fleming, a story ; by G. Meredith. 82 Ml Rhodes (Walter E.) The Italian bankers in England and their loans to Edward I. -II. In Historical essays. 1907. - 90406 Rhoscomyl (Owen). See Vaughan (Owen). Rhymes. Walker (J.) and Longmuir (J.) The rhyming dic- tionary. 1904. 42601 Rhys (Ernest) The man at odds, a story. 26 Rl Rhys (Grace) The wooing of Sheila. - - . - - - - 27 Rl Ribot (Theodule) Essay on the creative imagination. 1906. - 15501 Rice (Mrs. Alice H.) Sandy. 87 Rl Rice {J awes) joint-author. See Besant (Sir Walter). Rich man's daughter ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. - - - 33R1 Richard II. Tait (J.) Did Richard II. murder the Duke of Gloucester? In Historical essays. 1907. - - - 90406 Richard Rosny [a novel] ; by Maxwell Gray. - - - - 57 G 3 Richards (C. H.) joint-author. See Davison (Charles). Richards (Franklin T.) The eve of Christianity. 1902. - - 90205 k 289 RIC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Richards (Henry C.) Candidates' and agents' guide, elections. 32401 Richardson (Charles F.) The choice of books. 1905. - - 02802 Richardson (Frank) The secret kingdom. - - - - 86 R 2 - There and back. 86R1 Richardson, Samuel. ZrcBirrell (A.) Collected essays, v. 2. 1902. E1B2 - Craik (Mrs. D. M.) The man of men ["Sir Charles Grandison"] according to our great grandmothers. In her Studies. - E3C1 - In Graham (H. G.) Literary and historical essays. 1908. - E4G1 - In Knight (C.) Shadows of the old booksellers. 1865. - - 99712 - Stephen (Sir L.) Richardson's novels. In his Hours in a library. E4S1 Richebourg (Emile) Deux amis ; with notes by F. Julien. 1897. 44843 Richelieu, Cardinal. Perkins (J. B.) Richelieu and the growth of French power. 1900. port. ill. map. plan. - - Rill Richelieu, or, a tale of France ; by G. P. R. James. - - - 6J5 Richmond (I. L.) Flowers and fruit for the home. 1907. ill.- 71604 Richter (Eugene) Pictures of the socialistic future. 1907. - 33507 Richter (Jean P. F.) Analects ; trans, by T. De Quincey. - E1D1 - Tales; trans, by T. Carlyle. 2 copies. ----- 128 Ml Richter, Jean P. F. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 1, 3. - - E1C1, E1C3 Rickard (T. A.) The sampling and estimation of ore. 1905. ill. 62503 Riddell (Mrs. J. H.) A rich man's daughter. - - - 33 Rl Riddle ring, a novel ; by J. McCarthy. 4M8 Ridge (William Pett) Mrs. Galer's business. - - - 34 R 2 - On company's service [stories]. 34R3 - The Wickhamses. 34R1 Ridgeway (Charles J.) Story of the prayer book. 1906. ill. 26402 Riehl (Wilhelm H. von) Die Ganerben ; Die Gerechtigkeit Gottes ; with notes. 1895. 43819 Riehl, Wilhelm H. von. Eliot (George) Natural history of German life, Riehl. In her Essays. 1883. - - - - E1E2 Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes ; by Lord Lytton. - - 74L10 Ries. Fifty fingered exercises for the violin. - - - 78706 Rifle. Newitt (E. J. D.) The citizen rifleman. 1906. ill. - 35506 The formation and management of rifle clubs, with hints on ranges, rifles, shooting, etc. Right of way ; by Sir G. Parker. 8P2 Rimmel (Eugene) The book of perfumes. 1865. ill. - - 39103 Ring from Jaipur ; by F. M. Peard. 22 PI Ring in the new ; by R. Whiteing. - - - - - - 48W3 Rings. Jones (W.) Finger-ring lore, historical, anecdotal, ill. 39102 Ripper (William) Steam-engine, theory and practice. 1905. - 62130 Rise of Iskander ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - - 31 B 7 Rising of the red man, a romance ; by J. Mackie. - - - 145 Ml Rita. Queer Lady Judas. 36 Rl - Saba MacDonald. 36R2 Ritchie (Anne T., Lady) Bluebeard's keys, and other stories. - 37R8 Riquet a la houppe. Jack and the bean-stalk. The white cat. 290 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ROB Ritchie (Anne T., Lady) Five old friends. A young prince. - 37 B 2 - Miss Angel. Fulham Lawn. 37 R 6 - Mrs. Dymond. 37 R 4 - Old Kensington. 37 R 7 - The story of Elizabeth. Two hours. From an island. - - 37 R 3 - To Esther, and other sketches. 37 Rl Out of the world. Making merry. Sola. Moretti's campanula. - The village on the cliff. 37 R 5 Ritchie, David. Brown (J.) The Black Dwarf's bones. In his Hora subsecivse, v. 2. 1897. E2B2 Ritschlianism. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Orr (J.) Ritschlianism, expository and critical essays. 1903. 23010 Ritualism. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Warren (J.) Ritualism. 1906. 26405 Rivarol, Antoine. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays. 1895. - E9S1 River of vengeance ; by P. L. Oliphant. 50l Rivers. For lists of related subjects, see Transportation. - Industrial rivers of the United Kingdom. 1888. ill. - - 38002 Mersey. Clyde. Taff. Severn. [Etc] Riviera. Green (J. R.) Sketches in sunshine. In his Studies, v. 1. E2G1 Riviere (Jules) My musical life and recollections. 1893. port. R141 Rivington's Notes on building construction. 1904. 4 v. ill.- 69002-5 Rizal, Jose. In Clifford (H.) Heroes of exile. 1906. - - 99510 'Rod Roy.' MacGregor (J.) Rob Roy on the Baltic. ill. mcqjs. ■ 94101 - - The voyage alone in the yawl " Rob Roy." 1880. ill. - 91501 Rob Roy [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - 35 S 8 Robber, or, in the days of Charles II. ; by G. P. R. James. - 6J8 Robbery under arms, a story of Australia ; by Rolf Boldrewood. 71 B 5 Robbins (Alfred F.) The early public life of William Ewart Gladstone. 1S94. G131 Robert the Bruce. See Bruce, Robert the. Robert (Frank R.) Dent's First Spanish book. 1906. ill. - 46801 Robert Elsmere [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward. - 14W4 Robert Falconer [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. - 10M4 Robert Helmont, diary of a recluse, 1870-1 ; by A. Daudet. - 8D3 Robert Martin's lesson ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 28 Roberts (Charles) Billiards for everybody. 1906. ill. - - 79405 Roberts (Charles G. D.) The haunters of the silences, animal life. 1907. ill. 59125 - Red fox [life and habits]. 1905. ill. 59910 - The watchers of the trails, animal life. 1904. ill. - - 59126 - Earth's enigmas [stories]. 41 Rl - The heart that knows. 41 R 2 Roberts (Chas. W.) Practical advice for marine engineers, ill. 62135 Roberts (Earl) Forty-one years in India [1852-93]. port. ill. - R012 - A nation in arms [military] requirements. 1907. - - - 35507 291 BOB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Roberts (Earl) Speeches and letters on imperial defence. 1906. 35505 Roberts (Ellis H.) New York, the empire state. 1904. 2 v. map. 97307-8 Roberts (Harry) The tramp's hand-book. 1903. ill. - - 79613 Roberts (Morley) Painted Rock, tales and narratives. - - 43 R 2 - The red burgee, sea comedies. 43 Rl - and Montesole (M ) The Circassian. 44 Rl Roberts (Richard) The meaning of Christ, studies. 1906. - 23216 Roberts (Wm. R.) and others. Aims and practice of teaching. 37104 Robertson (E. H. ) Working and timbering. In Coal-mining, v. 2. 62511 Robertson (James) ed. Kings I. -II. ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 22316 Robertson (James L.) Horace in homespun, pastorals. 1886. - 801 R Robertson (John G. ) A history of German literature. 1902. - 83001 Robertson (John M.) Pioneer humanists. 1907. - - - 99824 Robespierre, Maximilien M. I. Lewes (G. H.) Life of Robespierre. R211 - In Morley (J. ) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M1 Robespierre [a romance] ; by A. Galdemar. .... 92G1 Robins (G. M.) See Reynolds (Mrs. Baillie). Robinson (Agnes M. F.) The life of Ernest Renan. 1898. - R171 Robinson (Alexander) The story of the Kilmun case. - - 27504 Robinson (Frederick W.) A woman's ransom. - - - 50 Rl Robinson (H. C.) Eccentric spiral turning. 1906. ill. - - 62312 Robinson (Henry) Hydraulic power and machinery. 1904. ill. 62706 Robinson, Sir John R. Thomas (F. M. ) Fifty years of Fleet Street. R081 Robinson (Philip S.) Under the punkah [sketches]. 1891. - 82819 Robinson (Rowland E.) Vermont [a history]. 1892. map. - 9730( Robinson Crusoe, Adventures of ; by D. Defoe. - - - 25 Dl Robson (E. S. A.) Practical exercises in heat. 1902. ill. - 53606 Rocca (Count Enrico della) Gen. The autobiography of a veteran, 1807-93. vort. - - - - - - - - R101 Rochester Cathedral. Palmer (G. H. ) The cathedral church of Rochester. 1899. ill. plan. 72609 Rocks. See Geology. Rockstro (William S.) joint-author. See Holland (Henry S.) Rocky Mountains. Hornaday (W. T.) Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. 1906. ill. maps. - - - - - - 79923 - Irving (W.) Astoria, an enterprise [in fur-trading]. 1893. - 97402 - Seton (G. G. T.) A woman tenderfoot [sport]. 1901. ill. - 79906 Roden's corner ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 M 2 Roderick Hudson [a novel] ; by H. James. - - - 7 J 17 Rodney, George B., Lord. Hamilton (Sir R. V.) Rodney. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. maps. - - 99609 Rodney Stone [a novel] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - 51 Dl Rodway (James) The story of forest and stream. 1897. iU. - 63401 Roe (A. S.) Looking round, a novel. 58R1 Roe (Edward P.) Barriers burned away. 56 R 4 - The earth trembled. 56 R 6 292 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ROM Roe (Edward P.) A face illumined. "- 56R11 - From jest to earnest. 56 Rl - He fell in love with his wife. 56 R 5 - His sombre rivals. 56R12 - A knight of the nineteenth century. 56 R 8 - "Miss Lou." 56R13 - Near to nature's heart. 56 R 9 - Opening a chestnut burr. 56 R 7 - Without a home. 56R2 - A young girl's wooing. - - - - - - 56 RIO Roger Marcham's ward ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 7 Roger Trewinion [a novel] ; by J. Hocking. - - - 65 H 5 Rogers (Charles) Leaves from my autobiography. 1S76. port. R061 Rogers (Frederick) Architect's guide, a text book. 1894. ill. 72001 Rogers (James E. T.) Six centuries of work and wages. 1901. 33104 Rogers (James Guinness) An autobiography. 1903. port. ill. R091 Rogue's tragedy ; by B. E. J. Capes. 16 C 2 Roland, Marie J. P. In Buxton (E. M. W. ) A book of noble women. 99826 - In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays, v. 1. 1901. port. - - E11S1 Roland Yorke ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - - 10 W 15 " A sequel to ' The Channings,' " 10 W29. Roller (E.) joint-author. See Werkhaupt (G.) Roman Catholicism. For list of other sects, see Sects. - Bain (J. A.) The new reformation. 1906. .... 28213 "Recent evangelical movements in the Roman Catholic Church." - Blundell (O.) Ancient Catholic homes of Scotland. 1907. - 91835 - Froude (J. A.) Revival of Romanism. In his Short studies, v. 3. E2F3 - Gibbons (J.) The faith of our fathers. 28212 - McCarthy (M. J. F.) Priests and people in Ireland. 1908. - 92619 - - Rome in Ireland. 1904. 92621 - Salmond (C. A.) and others. The papacy of modern times, bibl. 28211 - See also Monasticism. Port- Royal. Roman d'un jeune homme pauvre ; par O. Feuillet. - - - 14F1 Roman literature. See Literature, Latin. Roman singer ; by F. M. Crawford. 116 C 9 Romance of Canvas Town, and other stories ; by Rolf Boldrewood. 71 B 2 Romance of Dijon ; by M. B. Edwards. 15 El Romance of Jenny Harlowe ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 21 Romance of poisons [stories] ; by R. Crotnie and T. S. Wilson. - 124 CI Romance of the Cape frontier [a novel] ; by B. Mitford. - - 97 M 2 Romance of the nineteenth century ; by W. H. Mallock. - - 38M1 Romance of two worlds ; by Marie Corelli. - - - 91 C 3 Romanceof war, or, the Highlanders in Spain; by J. Grant. 2copies. 51G2 Romanes (Ethel) The story of Port Royal. 1907. ill. - - 27203 Romanes (George J.) Animal intelligence. 1886. - - - 59110 - Darwin, and after Darwin. 1892-5. 2 v. port. ill. - 57509-10 293 ROM GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Romanes (George J.) Jelly-fish, star-fish, an& sea-urchins. 1885. ill. 59304 Romanovs. Bain (R. N.) The first Romanovs, 1613-1725. 1905. ill. 94026 Romans. Plutarch. Lives of illustrious men. 2 v. port. - 88802-3 Lives of Coriolanus, Caesar, Brutus, and Antonius. - - 88813 Romans, Epistle to the. See Bible. Romany Rye ; by G. Borrow. 74 Bl " A sequel to ' Lavengro,' " 74 B 2. Rome. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 2-3. 1850. - -E3A2, E3A3 2. The Roman Republic. The Roman Campagna. 3. The fall of Rome. - Baddeley (St. C.) and Gordon (L. D.) Rome and its story. 1904. 93621 - Becker (W. A.) Gallus, scenes of time of Augustus. 1907. ill. 93629 - Boissier (G.) Rome and Pompeii. 1905. plans. - - - 93615 - Bury (J. B.) The Roman Empire, 27 B.c-180 a.d. ill. maps. 93618 - Cruickshank (J. W. and A. M. ) Christian Rome [a guide]. 1906. 93616 - Gibbon (E. ) Decline and fall of Roman Empire. 7 v. maps. 93603-9 The student's Decline and fall of the Roman Empire ; abridged. 1899-1901. 2 v. ill. maps. - - - 93619-20 - Jones(H. S.) The Roman Empire, 29 B.C. -a. d. 476. 1908. ill. maps. 93628 - Liddell (H. G.) A history of Rome. 1902. bibl. ill. maps. - 93614 - Meri vale (C.) History of Rome from 753 B.C. -A. d. 476. 1894. maps. 93613 - Porter (M. W.) What Rome was built with. 1907. bibl. - 93623 " A description of the stones employed in ancient times for its building and decoration." - Ramsay (W.) Manual of Roman antiquities. 1901. ill. plans. 93612 - In Reich (E.) History of western nations, v. 1. 1908. - - 91026 - Smith (Sir W.) Smaller history of Rome [753 B.C. -A. D. 117]. maps. 93611 - In Symons (A. ) Cities of Italy. 1907. 93624 - Trevelyan (G. M.) Garibaldi's defence of the Roman Republic. 1907. bibl. ill. maps. ---,--- 93627 - Wilkins (A. S.) Roman antiquities. 1896. ill. - - - 93610 Romney, Geo. In Cunningham (A. ) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) Painters. 99710 Romola [a novel] ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. - - - 21 El Rondelet, Guillaume. In Kingsley (C.) Health and education. - E1K3 Rood (Ogden N.) Colour, with applications. 1904. ill.- - 53501 Roofs. For list of related subjects, see Building. - An glin (S.) Design of structures, roofs, etc. 1905. ill. - 62711 Rooke, Sir George. Fitzgerald (C. C. P.) Rooke. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. 99609 Roosevelt (Theodore) Good hunting, pursuit of big game. ill. 79912 - Gouverneur Morris [a biography]. 1888. - - - - M081 - Thomas Hart Benton [a biography]. 1886. .... B101 - The winning of the west, 1769-1807. 1905. 4 v. ill. maps. 97312-5 Root (J. W.) Colonial tariffs. 1906. 33710 Ropes (John C.) The campaign of Waterloo. 1893. maps. - 93006 Rosamond Grant [a novel] ; by Mrs. L. Cameron. - - - 10C3 Rose (John H. ) Detention of Napoleon at St. Helena. In Essays. 90406 - The revolutionary and Napoleonic era. 1907. maps. - - 93112 294 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ROU Rose. Roses and how to grow them. 1906. ill. - - - 71607 Rose brocade ; by Mrs, P. Champion de Crespigny. - - 81 Dl Rose d'Albret, or, the Leaguers ; by G. P. R. James. - - 6 J 22 Rose Island, a love adventure at sea ; by W. Clark Russell. - 75R33 Rose o' the river ; by K. D. Wiggin. 55W12 Rose of life ; by M. E. Braddon. 81 B 6 Rose of the world ; by A. and E. Castle. 30 C 4 Rosebery (Earl of) Sir Robert Peel [a review]. 1899. - - P131 - and others. Record of the ninth jubilee of the University of Glasgow. 1901. - 37803 Rosebery, Earl of. The foreign policy of Lord Rosebery. 1901. 32701 "Two chapters in recent politics, 1886 and 1S92-5, with extracts from Lord Rosebery 's speeches." Rosemary in search of a father ; by Mrs. C. N. and A. M. Williamson. 60 W 2 Rosicrucians. De Quincey (T. ) The rosicrucians and freemasons. With his Confessions of an English opium-eater. - - E1D1 Rosneath. In Maughan (W. C.) Annals of Garelochside. 1897. ill. 92505 Ross family, of Cocos Island. Clifford (H.) The romance of a Scots family. In his Heroes of exile. 1906. - - - 99510 Ross (D. M.) The cradle of Christianity, Palestine. 1891. ill. 94504 Ross (G. A. J.) The universality of Jesus. 1907. - - - 23230 Ross (Henry J.) Letters from the east, 1837-57. 1902. port. ill. 94407 Ross (Janet) Old Florence and modern Tuscany. 1904. ill. - 93708 Ross (John) Mission methods in Manchuria. 1903. port. ill. 27801 Ross (Peter) Elementary algebra [with answers]. 1906. v. 1. 51203 Rossetti (Christina G. ) Poetical works. 1904. mem. port. - 501 R Rossetti, Christina G. In Gosse(E. W.) Critical kit-kats. 1896. E6G1 Rossetti (Dante G.) Poetical works. 1905. port. - - - 301 R - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 Rossetti, Dante G. Knight (J.) Life of Rossetti. 1887. bibl. - R181 - In Mourey (G.) Across the Channel, art in London. 1896. - 91711 - Stephens (F. G.) Rossetti [life and work]. 1908. port. ill. - R182 Rossmoyne ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. 104 H 11 Rothiemurchus [a description] ; by H. Macmillan. 1907. ill. - 92102 Rough reformer ; by E. Glanville. 31 Gl Roughing it ; by Mark Twain. 52T9 Round about a great estate ; by R. Jefferies. 1903. - - - 50418 Round the galley fire [stories] ; by W. Clark Russell. - - 75 R 22 Round the hearthstone ; by W. M. Thayer. 1897. - - - 17307 Round the red lamp [stories] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 15 Round the year, nature studies ; by L. C. Miall. 1902. ill. - 50417 Roundabout papers ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12T8 Rounthwaite (H. M.) joint-author. See Seaton (A. E.) Rousseau (Jean J.) The social contract. 32001 Rousseau, J. J. Morley(J.) Rousseau [a biography]. 2 v. bibl. R 131-2 - Stephen (Sir L. ) Cowper and Rousseau. In Hours in a library. E4S2 295 ROU GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Rousseau, Pierre E. T. ; by J. W. Mollett. In his Painters of Barbizon, v. 1. 1890. bibl. port. ill. .... 99716 Row. In . Maughan (W. C.) Annals of Garelochside. 1897. ill. 92505 Rowan (F. J '.) joint-author. See Mills (Edmund J.) Rowe (Eleanor) Hints on chip-carving. 1905. ill. - - 73605 - Hints on wood- carving. 1902. ill. 73604 Rowe (Nicholas) Some account of Shakespear, 1709. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. - - 82505 Rowles (William F. ) How to make and manage a garden. 1905. ill. 71001 Rowley (Anthony). See GuTmtiE (Arthur). Rowton (Frederic) The debater. 1903. - - -- - 37405 Roy (George) Generalship, a tale. - - - - - - 64R1 Royal Quaker ; by Mrs. B. Tanqueray. 61 Tl Royce (Josiah) California from 1846 to [1856]. 1886. map. - 97404 Rubaiyat ; by Omar Khayyam. 101 Rubber. See India-rubber. Rue with a difference ; by R. N. Carey. 20 C 3 Ruhmer (Ernst) Wireless telephony. 1908. ill. - - - 65406 Rumford, Count. In Tyndall (J. ) New fragments. 1897. - 50410 Rupert of Hentzau ; by Anthony Hope. 82 H 8 "Sequel to ' The prisoner of Zenda,' " 82 HI. Ruskin (John) Thoughts ; ed. by H. Attwell. 1904. mem. - 82806 - Aratra pentelici, elements of sculpture. 1901. ill. - - 73001 - Ariadne Florentina, wood and metal engraving. 1890. ill. - 76001 - The crown of wild olive, lectures on industry and war. 1904. 30403 - The eagle's nest, the relation of natural science to art. 1902. 70101 - The elements of drawing. 1904. ill. 74006 - Ethics of the dust, on crystallization. 1903. - 54901 - Fors clavigera, letters to workmen. 1896-1903. 4 v. - - 30404-7 - "A joy for ever," the political economy of art. 1904. - - 70701 - Lectures on architecture and painting. 1902. ill. - - 72002 - Lectures on art. 1903. - - - - - - - - 70108 - Modern painters. 1893-4. 6 v. bibl. - - Frondes agrestes, readings in "Modern painters." 1902. - Mornings in Florence, studies of Christian art. 1903. - Munera pulveris, essays on political economy. 1904. - On the old road, miscellaneous essays. 1899. 3 v. 1. History and criticism [art]. Pre-Raphaelitism. Architecture, augural address, Cambridge School of Art. Cestus of Aglaia. Picture galleries. Minor writings upon art. Notes on natural science. 3. Litera- ture. Economy. Theology. An Oxford lecture. - Poems. 1891. 2 v. 201-2R - Prasterita, my past life. 1899-1905. 3 v. port. ill. - - R031-3 - The queen of the air, Greek myths of cloud and storm. 1905. 29201 - St. Mark's rest, the history of Venice. 1902. - - - 70902 - Sesame and lilies. 1905. 82805 Of king's treasuries [books and reading]. Of queen's gardens [the life and education of women]. The mystery of life and its arts. 296 - 70102-7 70109 70901 - 33005 - 70401-3 2. In- HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH EUS Ruskin (John) The seven lamps of architecture. 1900. ill. - 72003 - The stones of Venice. 1903-5. 3 v. ill. ' - - - - 72005-7 - Time and tide, letters on the laws of work. 1903. - - 30402 - The two paths. 1905. 70404 "Art and its application to decoration and manufacture." - Unto this last, essays on political economy. 1903. - - 33001 - Val d'Arno, lectures on Tuscan art. 1900. ill. - - - 70903 Ruskin, John. Collingwood (W. G.) The art teaching of John Ruskin. 1900. 70112 - Harrison (F. ) Past and present, a letter to Ruskin. . In his Choice of books, and other pieces. 1903. - - - E4H1 Russel, Alexander. Graham (H. G.) Russel of the " Scotsman." In his Literary and historical essays. 1908. - - - E4G1 Russell (Charles T. ) Millennial dawn. 1906. - - - 23601 Russell (Dora) The curate of Royston. 72 Rl Russell (George W. E.) Dr. Pusey [a biography]. 1907. - P181 - The household of faith, essays. 1902. 28303 - Social silhouettes. 1906. 30408 Russell, John. Matcham(M. E.)ed. A forgotten John Russell. 2 :>ort - R051 Russell (John E. ) An elementary logic. 1906. - - - 16006 Russell (William Clark) Betwixt the Forelands [Kent], ill. 91708 - A book for the hammock [sketches]. 1887. - 38701 - A voyage to the Cape. 1889. - - 96302 - Alone on a wide, wide sea. 75R32 - The convict ship. - 75R35 - The death ship. 75R31 - The emigrant ship. 75R34 - The frozen pirate. - - - - 75R5 - The good ship 'Mohock.' 75R6 - Heart of oak, a three-stranded yarn. - - - - 75 R 7 - In the middle watch [stories]. 75 R 8 - Is he the man? 75R9 - Jack's courtship, a sailor's yarn. - - - - - - 75 R10 - The ' Lady Maud,' schooner yacht. 75R11 - The last entry. 75R12 - List, ye landsmen ! a romance of incident. - - - 75 R 2 - Marooned. - - - - 75R13 - Master Rockafellar's voyage. 75R37 - My Danish sweetheart. 75 R 4 - My shipmate Louise. 75R14 - My watch below, yarns. 75R15 - The mystery of the ' Ocean Star,' and other sketches. - - 75 R 16 - An ocean free-lance. 75R17 - An ocean tragedy. 75R18 - On the fo'k'sle head [stories]. 75R19 - The phantom death, etc. 75R20 297 RUS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Russell (William Clark) The Pretty Polly, a voyage of incident. 75R3 - The romance of Jenny Harlowe, and [other] sketches. - - 75 R 21 - Rose Island, a love adventure at sea. 75R33 - Round the galley fire [stories]. - - . - - - - 75 R 22 - A sailor's sweetheart. - 75R23 - A sea queen, a novel. 75R24 - A strange elopement. 75R25 - A strange voyage. 75R26 - The tale of the ten, a romance. 75R27 - A tale of two tunnels, a romance. 75R28 - The two captains. 75R29 - What cheer ! 75R1 - The wreck of the 'Grosvenor.' 75R30 Russell (Sir William H. ) My diary during the [Crimean] war. 94019 Russell family. Froude (J. A.) Cheneys and the house of Russell. In his Short studies, v. 4. - - - - E2F4 Russia. Bain (R. N.) The first Romanovs, 1613-1725. 1905. ill. 94026 - - The pupils of Peter the Great. 1897. bibl. ill. - - - 94012 11 A history of the Russian Court and Empire from 1697 to 1740." - - Slavonic Europe, 1447-1796. 1908. bibl. maps. - - 94030 - Baring (M.) A year in Russia [1905-6]. 1907. - - - 94022 - Edwards (W. S.) Through Scandinavia to Moscow. 1906. ill. 91024 - Joubert (Carl) The fall of Tsardom. 1905. - - - - 94013 Russia as it really is. 1905. 94014 - Kennard (H. P.) The Russian peasant. 1907. ill. - - 94020 - Nevinson (H. W.) The dawn in Russia [1905-6]. 1906. ill. - 94017 - Norman (Sir H.) All the Russias. 1902. ill. maps. - - 94016 - Perris (G. H.) Russia in revolution. 1905. ill. - - - 94002 - Rambaud (A.) The history of Russia to 1877 ; with additional chapters, 1877-1904, by G. M. Adam. 1904. 2 v. ill. - 94028-9 - Rappoport (A. S.) Russian history. 1905. bibl. - - - 94025 - Semenoff (E.) Russian government and the massacres. 1907. 94021 - Stepniak (S. M.) Underground Russia, sketches. 1896. - 94015 - Tolstoy (Count) The end of the age. Crisis in Russia. 1906. 32006 - Trubetzkoi (Prince) Out of chaos. 1907. - - - - 94023 " A personal story of the revolution in Russia." - In Viator. Overland to Persia. 1906. ill. -'-"-..- 94603 Russian language. See Language, Russian. Russian literature. See Literature, Russian. Russo-Japanese war. Asakawa (K.) The Russo-Japanese con- flict, its causes and issues. 1905. ill. map. - - - 95110 - Brooke (Lord) An eye-witness in Manchuria. 1905. - - 95112 - Burleigh (B.) Empire of the east, war, 1904-5. 1905. ill. maps. 95108 - Hamilton (Sir I. S. M.) A staff officer's scrap-book. 2 v. ill. 95102-3 - McCaul (E.) Under care of Japanese War Office. 1904. ill. 95107 - Politovsky (E. S.) From Libau to Tsushima. 1906. - - 95109 "The voyage of Rojdestvensky's fleet to eastern seas." 298 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SAI Russo-Japanese war. See also Port Arthur. Tsushima. Ruth. See Bible. Ruth, and other tales ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - - - 10 G 2 Ruth Gwynnett, schoolmistress; by Morice Gerard. - - - 18G1 Rutherford (Mark). See White (William H.) Rutherford (Samuel) Daily thoughts from [his] letters. - - 24206 Rutlidge (Charles S.) Guide to Queensland. 1899. ill. map. 98901 Ryan (John A. ) A living wage, its aspects. 1906. - - - 33123 s S. (D. W.) European settlements in the far east. 1900. ill. map. 94306 Saba MacDonald [a novel] ; by Rita. 36R2 Sabbath. See Sunday. Sabina Zembra, a novel ; by W. Black. 62B8 Sachs (Edwin T.) Sleight of hand. 1900. ill.- - - - 79101 Sackville, Thomas. Adams (W. H. D.) The first English tragedy and comedy. In his Famous books. .... 02810 Sacraments. Beet (J. A.) The church, churches, and the sacra- ments. 1907. 26003 - See also Lord's Supper. Sacred cup ; by V. Brown. 98 B 2 Sadler (Michael E. ) Science in national education. In Science in public affairs. 1906. - - 30412 - ed. Continuation schools in England and elsewhere. 1907- - 37905 Sadler (Michael F.) Church doctrine, Bible truth. 1908. - 28306 Sadler, M. F. Scott (C. A.) Evangelical doctrine, Bible truth. 28301 A criticism of Sadler's "Church doctrine." Sailing. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Clove Hitch. A handbook on sailing. 1904. ill. - - 79706 Sailor's sweetheart ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - - 75 R 23 Sainsbury (Harrington) Principia therapeutica. 1906. - - 61505 St. Albans. Froude (J. A.) Annals of an English abbey. In his Short studies on great subjects, v. 3. 1903. - - - E2F3 St. Andrews, Twenty-five years of; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 1S92. - B171-2 St. Aubyn (Alan) The greenstone. 4S2 - A prick of conscience. 4S1 St. Beetha's, or, the heiress of Arne ; by E. J. Worboise. - - 83 W 6 St. Cuthbert's of the west ; by R. E. Knowles. - - - - 47 Kl St. Cyres (Viscount) Francois de Fenelon. 1906. ill. - - F161 Saint-Elme (Ida) Memoirs of a contemporary. 1903. port. ill. S141 " Reminiscences of certain makers of French history from 1790 to 1S1-3." St. Elmo [a story] ; by A. J. E. Wilson. 68W1 Saint -Evremond, C. M. de Saint-Denis, seigneur de. hi Saintsbury (G. E. B. ) Miscellaneous essays. 1895. - - - - E9S1 St. George and St. Michael [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. - - 10 M 31 299 SAI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Saint Guido [a story] ; by R. Jefferies. In his The open air. 1905. 50404 St. Ives, adventures of a French prisoner; by R. L. Stevenson. 120S13 Saint James's, an historical romance; by W. H. Ainsworth. - 16A6 St. John (Charles) A sportsman and naturalist's tour in Sutherlandshire. 1891. ill. 92105 St. John (Sib Frederick:) Reminiscences of a diplomat. 1905. S131 St. Johnston (Reginald) A history of dancing. 1906. ill. - 79310 St. Mark's rest, the history of Venice ; by J. Ruskin. 1902. - 70902 St. Martin's Eve, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W20 A sequel to " Mildred Arkell." 10W13. St. Ronairs Well [a novel] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - 35S18 Saint-Sirnon. Claude H., comte de. Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) The memoirs of Saint-Simon, in/m Essays, v. 2. 1901. port. Ell S 2 St. Veda's, or, the pearl of Orr's Haven ; by A. S. Swan. - - 148 S 10 St. Vincent, John J. , Earl of. Colomb (P. H. ) St. Vincent. In From Howard to Nelson. 1907. port. - - - 99609 Saixte-Beuve (Charles A.) Essays; ed. by W.Sharp. 3v. mem. E11S1-3 1. Bossuet. Madame Roland. Madame de Krudener. Madame Guizot. Madame de Eemusat. Frederic the Great. 2. Goethe and Bettina. Letters of Lord Chesterfield to his son. The memoirs of Saint-Simon. Camille Desmoulins. Diderot. La Bruyere. L'abbe de Choisy. Fontenelle. 3. Madame de Maintenon. Madame de Sevigne. Madame de Stael. Madame de la Fayette. [Etc.] Saints. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. - Froude (J. A.) Lives of the saints. In his Short studies, v. 1. E2F1 - Hello (E.) Studies in saintship. 1903. 99825 St. John Chrysostom. St. Bernard. [Etc.] Saints in society ; by M. B. Saunders. 170S1 Saixtsbury (George E.B.) [Literature of] Earlierrenaissance. 1901. 80907 - Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. 1895-6. 2 v. - - 82103-4 - The flourishing of romance and the rise of allegory. 1897. - 80904 - [Literature of] The later nineteenth century. 1907. - - 80914 - Miscellaneous essays. 1895. E9S1 English prose style. Chamfort and Rivarol. Modern English prose, 1876. Ernest Renan. Saint- Evremond. Charles Baudelaire. The Young England movement. A paradox on Quinet. The contrasts of English and French literature. A frame of miniatures [French poets]. The present state of the English novel, 1892. [Etc.] - Primer of French literature. 1906. 84003 Sakurai (Tadayoshi) Human bullets, Port Arthur. 1907. - 95119 Sala (George A. ) Under the sun [travel]. 1886. port. ill. - 90820 Salamanca. In Fitchett (W. H.) Fights for the flag. 1904. plan. 91409 Saleeby (Caleb W. ) Ethics. 17011 - Evolution, the master-key. 1906. 57504 - Heredity. [1905]. - ....... 57521 Salembier (L.) The great schism of the west. 1907. - - 27012 Salisbury Cathedral. White (G.) The cathedral church of Salisbury. 1901. ill plan. 72608 Sally, and other tales ; by H. Clifford. - - - - - 159 CI 300 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SAN Salmagundi; by W. Irving. 8l3 Salmon (Edward) The story of the Empire. 1902. ill. map. 91106 Salmon. For related subjects, see Fish, fishing. - Calderwood (W. L.) The life of the salmon. 1907. . ill. - 59706 11 With reference more especially to the fish in Scotland." - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Salmon and sea trout. 1898. ill. - - 79904 Salmond (C. A. ) and others. The papacy of modern times. 1886. 28211 Salt-cellars, proverbs ; ed. by C. H. Spurgeon. 1889-93. 2 v. 39819-20 Salted with fire ; by G. MacDonald. 10M27 Saltonstall Gazette ; by E. F. Maitland. 34M1 Salvation. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Aitken(W.H. M.H.) Around the cross, doctrine of Christ. 1884. 23401 - Battersby (L.) The salvation of God. 1903. - 23404 - See also Regeneration. Salvation Army. For list of other sects , see Sects. - Booth (W.) In darkest England and the way out. 1890. - 33115 - Friederichs (FT.) Romance of the Salvation Army. 1907. ill. 26701 Sampson, Abbot of St. Edmunds. In Carlyle (T. ) Past and present. E 1 C 9 - Green (J. R.) Abbot and town. In his Stray studies, v. 1. 1892. E2G1 Samuel. Steel (R.) Samuel the prophet. 1860. - - - 22308 - See also Bible. Samuel Brohl et cie ; par V. Cherbuliez. - - - - 42 CI Samuel Titmarsh ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 82811 Samuelson (James) Recollections [1849-1907]. ill. - - - S331 San Cakolo (Irene) and Daniel (P.) Voice development. 1906. 78408 San Sebastian. In Fitchett (W. H.) Fights for the flag. plan. - 91409 Sand (George) La mare au diable ; with notes by J. F. Davis. 1904. 44844 - Histoire du veritable Gribouille. - - - - - - 15 SI - Consuelo, a novel. 15 S 2 - The Countess of Rudolstadt, a sequel to " Consuelo. " - - 15 S3 Sand. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Passmore (A. C. ) Sand and clay, analysis [etc.] 1907. - - 69101 Sanday (William) The criticism of the fourth Gospel. 1905. - 22707 Sandbach (F. E.) joint-author. See Fiedler (H. G.) Sandeau (Jules) Mademoiselle de la Seigliere, comedie ; notes. 44811 - joint-author. See Augier (Emile). Sandeman (Mina) An unconventional maid, a novel. - - 17S1 Sanders (T. W.) An encyclopedia of gardening. 1908. - - 71002 - Vegetables and their cultivation, ill. 63502 Sanderson (Edgar) The British Empire [to 1906]. 1906. maps. 91113 - Great Britain in modern Africa. 1907. ill. - - - - 95504 - Heroes of pioneering. 1908. ill. 90606 Sanderson, Robert, Bp. In Walton (I. ) Lives, bibl. - - 99813 Sandford (Ernest G.) Frederick Temple, appreciation, ill. - Till Sandow (Eugen) The construction and reconstruction of the human body. 1907. port. ill. 61307 301 SAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Sandra Belloni [a novel] ; by G. Meredith. 82M2 Sandy [a novel] ; by Mrs. A. H. Rice. 87 Rl Sandys [John E. | Lectures on the revival of learning. 1905. - 87003 Saxfurd I Frank G.) The art crafts for beginners. 1906. ill. - 70001 Sanitary engineering. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Hasluck (P. N-) id. Sanitary construction in building. 1906. 62804 - - Sanitary conveniences and drainage. 1906. ill. - - 62803 - See also Drainage. Smoke. Ventilation. Water supply. Sanitation. See Health. Public. Savsone (Antonio) Printing of cotton fabrics. 1901. ill. - 66709 Saracinesca [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. .... H6C19 Sant ! IlarioJ[a sequel to above]; by F. M. Crawford.- - - 116C11 Saratoga. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1905. flan.- 90404 Sarto. Andrea del. See Andrea del Sarto. Sartor resartus ; by T. Carlyle. 1893. E1C8 Satan stoe, a tale of the colony [New York] ; by J. F. Cooper. - 88C23 Satire. Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Twenty years of political satire. In his Essays in English literature, v. 2. 1895. - - 82104 Satires [poetical] ; by A. Marvell. 1401 M Satterly < Jons) joint -author. See Bower (William R.) Sauvdet (R.OBERT) Diseases of the digestive system. 1906. - 61607 Sauvders (George ; Reminiscences. 1907. port. - - - S321 Saunders (Margaret B.) Saints in society. - 170S1 Savage Island. Thomson (B. C.) Savage Island. 1902. ill. map. 99203 •• An account of a sojourn in Xiue and Tonga." Savonarola. Girolamo. Lucas (H. ) Savonarola, a study. 1906. bibl. S381 - Yillari (P.) Life and times of Savonarola, port. ill. - - S382 Savory (Isabel) In the tail of the peacock [Morocco]. 1903. ill. 95602 Savouries. For list of related subjects, see Cookery. - Griggs [A. M.) Savouries for breakfast, luncheon, and dinner. 64102 Saw-mills. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Bale (ML P. i Saw -mills, arrangement and management. 1906. 62309 Saxon (Arthur) Development of physical power, port. ill. . - 61303 Satce (Arch. EL) Religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia. - 29902 - ed. Genesis ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902. - - - 22309 - Tobit, and the Babylonian apocryphal writings; with notes. (Temple Bible)/ 1903. 22507 Sa'-Zada tales [animal stories] ; by W. A. Fraser. - - - 70F1 Scaife (Arthur H.j The [S. African] war to date. March, 1900. ill. 96403 Scandinavia. Edwards (W. S.) Through Scandinavia to Moscow. 1906. ill. maps. - 91024 - Kennedy (E. B. ) Thirty seasons in Scandinavia. 1903. ill. 94107 Fishing, shooting, and other sports. Scapegoat, a romance ; by Hall Caine. 5C8 Scarlet and hyssop ; by E. F. Benson. 46 B 5 Scarlet cloak ; by Audrey De Haven. 75D1 302 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SCH Scarlet letter [a romance] ; by N. Haw thorne. ... - 42H2 Scarlet woman ; by J. Hocking. 65 H 7 Scenes and characters ; by C. M. Vonge. 2Y24 Scenes of clerical life ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. - - - 21 E 2 Scharff (R. F.) European animals. 1907. Ul. maps. - - 59121 Scheffel (J. V. vox) Der Trompeter von Sakkingen ; notes. - 43840 Scherek (R.) Casein, preparation and utilisation. 1900. ill. - 66102 Scherrex (Hy.) Popular natural history, invertebrates, ill. - 59203 - Through a pocket lens [insects]. 1904. ill. - 59504 Schiller (F. C. S. ) Studies in humanism. 1907. - - - 10401 Schiller ( Johann C. F. vox) Dramas ; trans, by R. D. Boylan and others. - - - - , 502 S Don Carlos. Mary Stuart. The maid of Orleans. The bride of Messina. - Dramatic works, Wallenstein and Wilhelm Tell. - - - 503 S - Early dramas and romances. 501 S The robbers. Fiesco. Love and intrigue. Demetrius. The ghost-seer. - Jungfrau von Orleans ; with notes. 1906. .... 43813 - Der Neffe als Onkel ; with notes. 1898. .... 43821 - Wallenstein's Tod ; with notes by A. J. Ulrich. 1902. - - 43814 - Wilhelm Tell ; with notes by E. L. Naftel. - - - 43815 Schiller, Johann C. F. von. Carlyle (T.) The life of Schiller, port. S051 Schiller. In his Essays, v. 3. E1C3 - Miiller (F. Max) Correspondence between Schiller and the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. E5M1 Schilling (J.) Don Basilio ; with notes by F. Zagel. 1907. - 46804 Schlegel (August W. von) Dramatic art and literature, port. 80813 Schlegel (Frederick vox) The philosophy of history, mem. 90102 Schlomka (Clemens) German grammar. 1899. - - - 43844 - Exercises for translating German. 1896. - 43825 A sequel to " German grammar." Schmid (Chr. vox) Heinrich von Eichenfels ; notes. 1899. - 43839 Schmidt (N.) eel. Ecclesiasticus ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 22509 Schmidt (Oscar) Doctrine of descent and Darwinism. 1884. - 57513 Schneider (N. H.) Electrical circuits and diagrams. 1906. ill. 62423 - How to install electric bells. 1905. ill. .... 62422 - Induction coils, how to make, use, and repair them. 1901. ill. 53708 Schoenbein (C. F. ) Letters [to] Faraday, 1836-62; with notes. F151 Schofield (Alfred T.) Home life in order, hygiene. 1906. ill. 61323 - The management of a nerve patient. 1906. .... 61612 School boards. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Douglas (C. M. ) and Jones (H. ) Scottish education reform. 1903. 37902 " A scheme of district school boards and a national council." - Huxley (T. H. ) The school boards, what they can and may do. In his Science and education. 1905. - - - 50423 - Philpott (H. B.) London at school. 1904. ill. - - - 37906 " The story of the School Board, 1870-1904." 303 SCH GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. School gardening. Latter (L. R.) School gardening. 1906. ill. 37201 School of the woods, animal instincts ; by W. J. Long. - - 59119 Schools. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Collins (T.) School and sport, recollections. 1905. - - 79620 - Mason (C. M.) School education. 1905. ... - 37204 - Page (T. E.) and others. Public schools from within. 1906. - 37903 - Sadler (M. E.) ed. Continuation schools. 1907. - - - 37905 - See also Westminster School. Schopenhauer (Arthur) Selected essays. 1900. mem. - E7S1 - Studies in pessimism. 1903. 19307 Schrader (Ferdinand) Friedrichder Grosse; notes. 1902. map. 43831 Schreiner (Olive) The story of an African farm, a novel. - 32 SI - Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. 32 S 2 Schubert, Franz P. In Mason (I). G. ) The romantic composers. 99715 Schubert (Hans von) Outlines of church history. 1907. - 27008 Schumann (Eobert) Twelve songs, fo. ?nus. - -'*-*- - 78417 Schumann, Robert. In Mason (D. G.) Romantic composers, port. 99715 Schurz (Carl) Life of Henry Clay. 1887. 2 v. - - - C 181-2 Schutzenberger (P.) On fermentation. 1886. ill. - - 58908 Schwartz, Christian F. i™Holcomb(H. H.) India missions. 1901. 99815 Schwegler (Albert) Handbook of the history of philosophy, mem. 10902 Science. In Avebury (Lord) The pleasures of life. 1905. - E2A1 - Case (T.) and others. Lectures on the method of science. 1906. 50421 Scientific method as a mental operation ; by T. Case. Aspects of the scientific method ; by F. Gotch. Physiology, its scope and method ; by C. S. Sherrington. Inheritance in animals and plants ; by W. F. R. Weldon. Psycho-physical method ; by W. McDougall. The evolution of double stars ; by A. H. Fison. Anthropology, the evolution of currency and coinage ; by Sir R. C. Temple. [Etc.] - Cooke (J. P.) Scientific culture. 1876. 50703 - Huxley (T. H. ) Aphorisms and reflections. 1907. - - 50803 Science and education, essays. 1905. 50423 Joseph Priestley. The educational value of the natural history sciences [biology]. Scientific education. Science and culture. Science and art in relation to education. The study of biology. Medical education. The state and the medical profession. The connection of the biological sciences with medicine. [Etc.] Science and morals. In his Evolution and ethics [etc. ] 1906. 17132 - In Kingsley (C.) Health and education. 1887. - - - E1K3 - Lankester (Sir E. R.) The kingdom of man. 1907. ill. - 50420 Nature's insurgent son [natural history of man]. The advance of science, 1881-1906. Nature's revenges, the sleerjing sickness. - McMurry (C. A. and Mrs. L. B.) Special method in natural science. 37202 - Phin (J.) The seven follies of science. 1906. ill. - - - 50412 Squaring the circle. Perpetual motion. Paradoxes, illusions, and mar- vels. [Etc.] - Proctor (R. A. ) Light science for leisure hours. 1902-6. v. 1-2. 50424-5 1. Venus on the sun's face. Britain's coal cellars. Vesuvius. 2. Movements in the star-depths. The sun's true atmosphere. News from Herschel's planet. The two comets of 1868. Oceanic circulation [Atlantic currents]. The climate of Great Britain. The low barometer of the Antarctic temperate zone. [Etc.] 304 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SCO Science. Ruskin (J.) Notes on natural science. In his On the old road. 70402 - Shaw (A. H. ) Elementary science applied to sanitation and plumbers' work. 1906. ill. 62807 - Tyndall (J.) Fragments of science. 1902. 2 v. ill. - -50408-9 1. Constitution of nature. Radiation. New chemical reactions pro- duced by light. Voyage to Algeria. Niagara. Parallel roads of Glen Roy. Alpine sculpture. Experiments on fog-signals. Study of physics. Ele- mentary magnetism. Life and letters of Faraday. 2. Miracles and special providences. Matter and force. Scientific use of the imagination. The Belfast address and apology. Fermentation and its bearings on surgery and medicine. Spontaneous generation. Science and man. Professor Virchow and evolution. The electric light. [Etc.] - - New fragments. 1897. -------- 50410 The Sabbath. Goethe's ' Farbenlehre.' Count Rumford. Louis Pasteur, his life and labours. The rainbow and its congeners. Address delivered at the Birkbeck Institution. Thomas Young. Life in the Alps. Personal recollections of Thomas Carlyle. Origin, propagation, and prevention of phthisis. Old Alpine jottings. [Etc.] - Wallace (A. R.) The wonderful century. 1898. - - - 50901 Review of the progress of science in the 19th century. - Young (J.) Scientific premonitions of the ancients. In his Essays and addresses. 1904. E2Y1 See also Astronomy. Biology. Botany. Chemistry. Fossils. Geology. Mathematics. Natural history. Nature. Physics. Universe. Zoology. Science in living [conduct of life] ; by J. Williamson. - - 17117 Scientists. See Astronomers. Scilly and the Scillonians ; by J. G. Uren. 1907. ill. - - 91717 Scoble (J. ) and Abercrombie (H. R. ) Rise and fall of Krugerism. 96603 Scot abroad; by J. H. Burton. 1900. 91821 Scotland, 1, General. Adam (Sir C. E.) ed. View of the political state of Scotland in 1788. 1887. 32402 - British Association, Glasgow meeting. Excursions. 1901. ill. maps, 91901 - Ferguson (M.) Orcadia and the north of Scotland. 1869. - 92104 - Geikie (Sir A.) The scenery of Scotland. 1901. ill. maps. - 55402 11 Viewed in connexion with its physical geology." - Graham (H. G.) Old burghal life in Scotland. In his Essays. E4G1 - Henderson (T. F.) and Watt (F.) Scotland of to-day. col. ill. 91829 - Jamie (W.) The land of the clansmen. 91838 - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Scottish land-names, their origin. 1894. 91837 - Todd (G. Eyre) Scotland, picturesque and traditional, ill. - 91822 - - Sketch-book of the north. 1903. ill. .... 91827 - Wade (W. M.) Delineations of Scotland. 1822. - - - 91828 - Wordsworth (D.) Recollections of a tour in Scotland, 1803. - 91818 Scotland, 2, History. Blundell (O.) Ancient Catholic homes of Scotland. 1907- 91835 - Brown (P. H.) History of Scotland. 1902-5. v. 1-2. bibl.maps. 91812-3 1. a.d. 80-1542. 2. 1542-16S9. - In Buckle (H. T.) History of civilization, v. 3. 1903. bill. - 90305 - Burton (J. H.) History of Scotland [80-1748]. 1905. 8 v. 91804-11 305 SCO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Scotland, 2, History. Garment (S.) ed. Glimpses of the olden time. 1893. 91833 - Chambers (R. ) Domestic annals of Scotland [1561-1745]. ill. - 91815 History of the rebellion of 1745-6. ill. .... 91816 - Fergusson (R. M.) Scottish social sketches of 17th century. - 91834 Social and religious condition of the country in Hume's time. In his Alexander Hume. 1899. H091 - Graham (H. G.) Social life of Scotland, eighteenth century. - 91824 - Gunnyon (W.) Illustrations of Scottish history, life, and superstition, from song and ballad. 1877. - - - 91843 - Mackenzie (W. M.) Scottish history [81-1874]. ill. maps. - 91831 - Mackintosh (J.) Scotland to the [19th] century." ill. map. - 91842 - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence. 1903. bibl. ill. maps. - - B033 - Rait (R. S.) and others. The Union of 1707. 1907. - - 91830 - Scott (Sir W.) The history of Scotland [to 1603]. 1830. 2 v. 91840-1 Tales of a grandfather. 1892. 2 v. ill. map. - - 91819-20 " The history of Scotland to 1746." - Watson (J. ) The Scot of the eighteenth century. 1907. - 27506 Scotland Yard. Sweeney (J.) At Scotland Yard, experiences. 1904. S151 Scots. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Burton (J. H.) The Scot abroad. 1900. .... 91821 - Howie (J.) The Scots worthies, port. ill. .... 99814 - McGown (G. W. T.) Scottish heroes of the faith. 1907. - 99819 Scott (Alexander M.) The battle of Langside, 1568. 1885. plan. 92306 Scott (Charles A.) Evangelical doctrine, Bible truth. 1901. - 28301 A criticism of Sadler's "Church doctrine," 28306. Scott (G. F. ) The romance of Australian exploring. 1899. ill. 98609 - The romance of Polar exploration. 1907. ill. maps. - - 99409 Scott (Michael) The cruise of the Midge. - - - 34 SI - Tom Cringle's log. 34 S 2 Scott (Robert F.) Voyage of the ' Discovery.' 1907. 2 v. ill. 99405-6 Scott (W. M.) Aspects of Christian mysticism. 1907. - - 14902 Scott (Sir Walter) The history of Scotland [to 1603]. 2 v. - 91840-1 - Poetical works ; ed. by A. Lang. 1897. 2 v. ill. - -1101-2S 1. Selected lyrics and ballads. Lay of the last minstrel. Marmion. Bridal of Triermain. 2. Lady of the Lake. Rokeby. Lord of the isles. Another edition ; ed. by J. L. Robertson. 1894. - - 1103 S - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 - Tales of a grandfather, history of Seotland to 1746. 2 v. ill. 91819-20 - Anne of Geierstein, or, the maiden of the mist. 3 copies. - 35S23 - The antiquary. 3 copies. 35 S 7 -Betrothed. Chronicles of the Canongate, first series. 3 copies. 35S20 - The bride of Lammermoor. 3 copies. 35S12 - Chronicles of the Canongate. 3 copies. First series, 35S20; First series, continued, 35S2; First series, concluded, "The surgeon's daughter," 35S25. Second series, "The fair maid of Perth," 35 S 22. 306 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SCO Scott (Sir Walter) Count Robert of Paris. 3 copies. - - 35S24 - The fair maid of Perth. Chronicles of the Canongate, second series. 3 copies. - - - -. - - - - 35 S 22 - The fortunes of Nigel. 3 copies. 35 S 5 - Guy Mannering, or, the astrologer. 3 copies. - - - 35 S3 - The heart of Midlothian. 3 copies. 35S11 - Ivanhoe, a romance. 3 copies. 35 S 6 - Kenilworth. 3 copies. 35 S 4 - A legend of Montrose. The Black Dwarf. 3 copies. - - 35 S 10 - The monastery. 3 copies. - - - - - - - 35 S 13 - The abbot, a sequel to "The monastery." 3 copies. - - 35S14 - Old Mortality. 3 copies. 35 S 9 - Peveril of the Peak. 3 copies. 35S16 - The pirate. 3 copies. 35S15 - Quentin Durward. 3 copies. 35S17 - Redgauntlet, a tale of the eighteenth century. 3 copies. - 35S19 - Rob Roy. 3 copies. 35S8 - St. Ronan's Well. 3 copies. 35S18 - The surgeon's daughter. Castle Dangerous. 3 copies. - - 35 S 25 - The talisman. Chronicles of the Canongate, first series [continued]. 3 copies. 35 S 2 - Waverley, or, 'tis sixty years since. 3 copies. - - - 35 SI - Woodstock, a tale of 1651. 3 copies. 35S21 - ed. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ill. - 82208 Scott, Sir Walter. Bagehot (W.) Waverley novels. In his Literary studies. - - - - - - - -E5B2 -In Brooke (S. A.) Studies in poetry. 1907. - 82412 - In Carlyle (T. ) Essays, v. 6. E1C6 - Chesterton (G. K.) The position of Sir Walter Scott, In his Twelve types. 1906. E7C2 - In Couch (A. T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. 1896. - E2C1 - Crockett (W. S.) Footsteps of Scott. 1908. col. ill. - - 92013 - Hay (J.) Sir W. Scott [a biography]. 1899. port. - - S082 - In Hazlitt (W.) The spirit of the age. 189-4. - - - - E1H2 - Hughes (Mrs. ) Letters and recollections of Scott. 1904. - S083 - Lang (A.) Sir Walter Scott [a biography]. 1906. port. ill. - S084 - Lockhart (J. G.) Life of Sir Walter Scott. 1896. jwrL ill. - S081 - In Prescott (W. H.) Miscellanies. E2P1 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899. - - E4S1 - Young (C. A.) The Waverley novels, an appreciation. 1907. 82604 Scottish Border life, sketches ; by J. C. Dibdin. - - 28 Dl Scottish chiefs [a romance] ; by J. Porter. 2 copies. - - - 50 PI Scottish language. See Language, Scottish. Scottish life. Ford (R. ) Thistledown, Scottish humour, character [etc.] - 91817 - Froude (J. A.) Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character. ^_In his Short studies, v. 1. 1905. - - ■ E2F1 307 SCO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Scottish life. Geikie (Sir A.) Scottish reminiscences. 1904. - 91836 - Gunnyon ( W .) Illustrations of Scottish history, life, and super- stition, from song and ballad. 1877. .... 91843 - Lytteil (W.) Landmarks of Scottish life and language. 1877. 91839 - Ramsay (E. B. B. ) Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. 91803 Scottish literature. See Literature, Scottish. Scotus Viator. The future of Austria-Hungary. 1907. - - 92909 Scribe (Eugene) Valerie, comedie ; with notes. 1892. - - 44817 - Le verre d'eau, comedie ; with notes by J. Bue. 1905. - - 44849 - et Delavigne (J. F. C.) Le diplomate, comedie ; with notes. - 44812 - et Legouve (E. W.) Adrienne Lecouvreur, comedie ; with notes. 44821 La bataille de dames, comedie ; with notes. 1900. - - 44825 Scripture. See Bible. Scripture lands, sketches ; by J. Kitto. 1850. ill. maps. - 94507 Scrymgeour (Daniel) The poetry and poets of Britain. 1850. 82231 ScudAmore (Cyril) Belgium and the Belgians. 1901. ill. map. 93008 Scudder, John. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99815 Sculpture. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Ruskin (J.) Aratra pentelici, elements of sculpture. 1901. - 73001 - Short (E. H.) A history of sculpture. 1907. bibl. ill. - - 73002 - See also Coins and medals. Jewellery. Metal work. Wood carving. Sea. For lists of related subjects, see Physical geography. Zoology. - Bullen (F. T.) Creatures of the sea, life stories. 1904. ill. - 59022 Idylls of the sea, and other marine sketches. - - - E13B1 The log of a sea- waif, recollections of my sea life. 1906. ill. B021 Our heritage the sea. 1906. 55111 Its physical geography, and relations to commerce and history. - Dana (R. H.) Two years before the mast, life at sea. ill. - D011 - Hickson (S. J.) The fauna of the deep sea. 1894. ill. - - 59127 - Michelet (J.) Lamer; with notes. 1907. mem. - - - 44868 - Russell (W. Clark) A book for the hammock [sketches]. 1887. 38701 - Symondson (F. W. H.) Two years abaft the mast. - - S401 Sea-dog of Devon, life of Sir J. Hawkins; by R.A.J. Walling. 1907. H191 Sea kings of Britain, Hawkins to Blake ; by G. A. R. Callender. 1907. 99610 Sea lions, or, the lost sealers; by J. F. Cooper. - - - - 88 CI Sea maid ; by R. MacDonald. 12 Ml Sea Puritans [a romance] ; by F. T. Bullen. ... - 104 B 2 Sea queen, a novel ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R24 Sea spray [stories] ; by F. T. Bullen. - 104B1 Sea-urchins. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Romanes (G. J. ) Sea-urchins. 1885. ill. .... 59304 Sea urchins [stories] ; by W. W. Jacobs. 4J6 Sea-waif ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H4 Sea-wolf; by J. London. 51 LI Sea-wrack [sketches] ; by F. T. Bullen. 104B6 308 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SEE Seaboard parish ; by G. MacDonald. 10M22 " A sequel to ' Annals of a quiet neighbourhood,' " 10M33. Seaman (Owen) In cap and bells [poems]. 1900. - - - 1501 S Seamanship. For related subjects, see Navigation. - Anderson (J. W.) Shipmasters' business companion. 1905. - 65607 - Bedford (Sir F. G. D. ) The sailor's handbook. 1906. ill. maj^s. 65608 - Nicholls (A. E.) Seamanship and viva voce guide. 1905. ill. 65612 - Tait (J. ) Memory work for Board of Trade examinations. - 65604 For "Second mates, mates, and masters." New seamanship. 1907. col. ill. - - - - - 65610 - See also Knots. Seamy side ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - - - 48 B 6 Seashore. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Kingsley (C.) Glaucus, wonders of the shore. 1903. col. ill. 59201 - Newbigin (M.) Life by the seashore. 1907. bibl. ill. - - 59206 Seaton (A. E.) and Rounthwaite (H. M.) Marine engineering, rules and tables. 1906. ill. 62104 Seats of the mighty ; by Sir G. Parker. 8P3 Seaweeds. Landesborough (D. ) British sea-weeds. 1851. ill. 58906 Second jungle book ; by R. Kipling. 28 K 2 Second sight. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Campbell (J. G.) Second sight in the Highlands. 1902. - 39818 Second thoughts of an idle fellow ; by J. K. Jerome. - - 16 J4 Second to none, a military romance ; by J. Grant. 2 copies. - 51 G4 Secret kingdom ; by F. Richardson. 86R2 Secret of Dunstan Mere, and other stories ; by A. S. Swan. - 148 S 50 Secret of the turret ; by E. F. Heddle. 49 H 3 Secret orchard ; by A. and E. Castle. 30 C 2 Secret panel ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 11 Secret passage ; by F. Hume. 103 HI Secretaries. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Blain (H. E.) and others. Pitman's Secretary's handbook. 1908. 65004 Secretary of state ; by H. Maxwell. 140 Ml Sects. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Duchesne (L.) The churches separated from Rome. 1907. - 28001 - See also Calvinism. Congregationalism. Huguenots. Methodism. Plymouth Brethren. Protestantism. Puritanism. Quakers. Roman Catholicism. Salvation Army. Spiritualism. Unitarianism. Sedaine (Michel J.) CEuvres choisies [comedies]. 1888. mem. 1001S Sedgwick (Henry D.) A short history of Italy, 476-1900. 1907. 93626 Seebohm (Frederic) English village community. 1905. ill. - 32104 Seedlings. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Avebury (Lord) A contribution to our knowledge of seedlings. 1896. bibl. ill. 58108 Seeley (H. G.) The story of the earth in past ages. 1896. ill. 55001 309 SEE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Seeley (Sir John R. ) Ecce Homo, life and work of Christ. 1903. 23208 - The expansion of England. 1904. 32501 - joint-author. See Abbott (Edwin A.) Seeley, Sir John R. Morley (J.) The expansion of England. In his Critical miscellanies, v. 3. 1904. - - - - E3M3 - Sidgwick (H.) Ecce Homo. In his Miscellaneous essays. 1904. E8S1 Seeley (L. B. ) ed. Fanny Burney and her friends, ill. - - A131 Seething days, a romance ; by C. C. Holroyd. - - - - 79 HI Seething pot; by George A. Birmingham. - --.•-•- 143B1 Segue, (Comtesse de) Les vacances. 43 SI Seidel (Martin) In the time of Jesus. 1885. - 22608 Seignobos (Charles) Ancient civilization [to a.d. 400]. 1907. - 90308 - History of mediaeval civilization [a. d. 9-1700]. 1908. - - 90309 Selborne. White (G.) The natural history of Selborne. 1905.- 59102 Selden, John. Adams (W. H. D.) Selden's "Table talk." In his Famous books. 02810 Self-culture. For related subjects, see Culture. - Black (H.) The practice of self-culture. 1904. - - - 37407 - Blackie( J. S.) Self -culture. 1903. 37403 Self-help, conduct and perseverance ; by S. Smiles. 1905. ill. 37402 Seligman (Edwin R. A.) Principles of economics. 1907. ill. maps. 33017 Sellers (Edith) Foreign solutions of poor law problems. - - 33903 Selo us (Frederick C.) A hunter's wanderings in Africa. 1907. 79911 Semenoff(E.) Russian government and the massacres. 1907.- 94021 Semenoff (Vladimar) The battle of Tsu-shima. 1906. plan. 95120 Semper (Karl) The natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life. 1883. ill. maps. - 59109 Sen, Keshub Chunder. In Mliller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. 1904. E5M2 Senator North [a novel] ; by G. F. Atherton. - - - - 55A4 Seneca. In Davis (C. H. S.) Greek and Roman stoicism. 1903. 18803 Sen ex. See Reid (Robert). Senior (William) Near and far, sketches of sport. 1890. - 79915 Senn (C. H.) Breakfast and supper dishes. .... 64101 Sense and sensibility ; by J. Austen. 60 A 3 Senses. For lists of related subjects, see Physiology. Psychology. - Aitken (E. H.) The five windows of the soul. 1906. - , - 15201 - McKendrick (J. G.) and Snodgrass (W.) The physiology of the senses. 1893. ill. - - - - - - - 61203 - Organs of sense. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. - 03208-9 - See also Touch. Sentimental Tommy, the story of his boyhood ; by J. M. Barrie. 24 B 6 Sepet (Marius) Saint Louis [a biography]. 1899. - - - L072 Sergeant (Adeline) The coming of the Randolphs. - - - 45 SI - An impetuous girl. 45S3 - The love that overcame. - - - 45 S 2 310 HUTCHES ONTO WN BRANCH. SEW Sermons. For collections of sermons, see under the following names : Ainger (Alfred) Jones (E. G.) Moule (Handley C. G.) Bp. Bamett (Samuel A.) Jowett (J. H.) Hunger (Theodore T.) Beecher (Henry W.) Kingsley (Charles) Newman (John H.) Cardinal Black (Hugh). Laidlaw (John). Parker (Joseph) Butler (Joseph) Bp. Macaskill (Murdoch) Pearse (Mark G.) Caird(John) Maclagan (P. G.) Rainy (Robert) Creigbton (Mandell) Bp. Maclaren (Alexander) Spurgeon (Charles H.) Davidson(RandallT.)^5-c7i^.Macmillan (Hugh) Young (Dinsdale T.) Forsyth (William). Magee (William C.) Archbj). Harper (Frederick) Meyer (Frederick B.) Servant of the public ; by Anthony Hope. 82H10 Servants. Bell (Lady) The lot of the servant. In her Minor moralist, essays. 1903. 17008 Service of God, sermons, essays [etc.] ; by S. A. Barnett. 1897. 25212 Serviss (Garrett P.) Pleasures of the telescope. 1907. ill. - 52309 Sesame and lilies [on books, reading, etc.]; bj' J. Ruskin. 1905. 82805 Sessions (Fred.) Literary celebrities of Lake-district. 1907. ill. 99902 Seth of the cross ; by A. Courlander. 156 CI Seton (Ernest T.) Animal heroes. 1906. ill.- - - - 59128 - Lives of the hunted [animals]. 1904. ill. - 59115 Seton (Grace G. T. ) A woman tenderfoot. 1901. ill. - - 79906 Camp life and sport in the Eocky Mountains. Settlers in Canada ; by Captain F. Marry at. - - - - 52 M 24 Seven seas [poems] ; by R. Kipling. 1905. .... 404K Seven streams ; by W. Deeping. 78D1 Severinus, Saint. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1885. - - 99809 Severn, Joseph, Life and letters of ; by W. Sharp. 1892. port. ill. S301 Severn. In Industrial rivers of the United Kingdom. 1888. ill. 38002 Sevigne (Madame de) Lettres. mem. S091 Sevigne, Madame de. In Sainte-Beuve(C. A.) Essays, v. 3. port. E11S3 Seville. Calvert (A. F.) Seville, historical, descriptive. 1907. - 93417 Sewall (Frank) Reason in belief. 1906. 23904 Seward, William H. [a biography] ; by T. K. Lothrop. 1896. - Sill Sewell (A. J.) The dog's medical dictionary. 1907. ill. - 61903 Sewell (Elizabeth M.) Amy Herbert. 48S2 - Cleve Hall. 48 S 8 - The earl's daughter. - - - 48 S 9 - Gertrude. - 48S10 - A glimpse of the world. 48S11 - Home life. 48 S3 - After life [a sequel to " Home life"]. 48S4 - Ivors, or, the two cousins. 48 SI - Katharine Ashton. 48 S 7 - Margaret Percival. 48 S 5 - Ursula, a tale of country life. - - - - - - - 48 S 12 Sewell (Tyson) The construction of dynamos. 1907. ill. - 62415 Sewing machines. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Sewing machines, construction [etc.] ill. 68703 311 SEW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 57519 66001 62510 93704 12T1 5C6 - 10W30 - 103B5 - 148 S 12 1907. 99824 and - 119S 9v. 108-16 S Sewing machines. Urquhart (J. W. ) Sewing machinery. 1881. ill. 68702 Sex. For list of related subjects, see Evolution. - Geddes (P. ; and Thomson (J. A.) Evolution of sex. 1889. ill. Sexton (A. H. ) Chemistry of the materials of engineering. 1906. Seylkr (C. A.) Composition [etc.] of coal. In Coal-mining, v. 1. Seymour (Frederick) Siena and her artists. 1907. ill. map. Shabby genteel story ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - Shadow. See Brown (Alexander). Shadow of a crime ; by Hall Caine. Shadow of Ashlydyat ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. Shadow of the sword, a romance ; by R. W. Buchanan. - Shadowed lives ; by A. S. Swan. Shaftesbury, 3rd Earl of. In Robertson ( J. M. ) Humanists. Shakespeare (William) Works; ed. by W. G. Clark W. A. Wright. 1904. - - Works, Cambridge Shakespeare ; ed. by W. A. Wright. 1. The tempest. Two gentlemen of Verona. Merry wives of Windsor. Measure for measure. Comedy of errors. 2. Much ado about nothing. Love's labour's lost. Midsummer-night's dream. The merchant of Venice. As you like it. 3. Taming of the shrew. All's well that ends well. Twelfth night. The winter's tale. 4. King John. King Richard II. King Henry IV. King Henry V. 5. King Henry VI. King Richard III. King Henry VIII. 6. Troilus and Cressida. Coriolanus. Titus Andronicus. Romeo and Juliet. 7. Timon of Athens. Julius Csesar. Macbeth. Hamlet. 8. King Lear. Othello. Antony and Cleopatra. Cymbeline. 9. Pericles. Venus and Adonis. Rape of Lucrece. Sonnets. Reprints. - Works, Pitt Press Shakespeare; ed. by A. W. Verity. 1901-5. 10 v. As you like it, 120 S. Julius Caesar, 121 S. King Henry V., 122 S. King Lear, 123 S. King Richard II., 124 S. Macbeth, 125 S. Merchant of Venice, 126 S. Midsummer-night's dream, 127 S. The tempest, 128 S. Twelfth night, 129 S. - Selections. In Imagination and fancy. 82234 Shakespeare, William. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 1. E5B1 - In Beeching (H. C.) Provincial letters, and other papers. - E6B1 - Bradley (A. C.) Shakespearean tragedy. 1906. - - - 82512 "Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth." - Collins (J. C. ) Predecessors of Shakspeare ; The Porson of Shakspearian criticism [Theobald]. In Ids Essays. - - E4C1 - Corson (H. ) Introduction to study of Shakespeare. 1907. - 82509 - Couch (A. T. Quiller) Historical tales from Shakespeare. 1905. 82502 "The passionate pilgrim"; Shakespeare's lyrics. In his Adventures in criticism. 1896. E2C1 - Craik (G. L.) The English of Shakespeare. 1857. - - - 82511 M Illustrated in a philological commentary on his ' Julius Caesar.' " - Garnett (R.) The date and occasion of "The tempest." In his Essays of an ex-librarian. 1901. - - - - E3G1 - Hazlitt (W.) Shakspeare and Milton; Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. In his Lectures on the English poets. 1884. - 82004 - Hughes (C. E. ) ed. The praise of Shakespeare. 1904. - - 82507 - Lathrop (E.) Where Shakespeare set his stage, ill. - - 82506 - Lee (S.) A life of William Shakespeare. 1905. bibl. port. ill. S071 312 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SHE Shakespeare, William. Luce (M.) A handbook to the works of Shakespeare. 1906. 82504 - Raleigh (W.) Shakespeare [a biography]. 1907. - - - S072 - In Sidgwick (H.) Essays and addresses. 1904. - - - E8S1 Shakespeare's methods, with special reference to "Julius Caesar" and "Coriolanus." Shakespeare and the romantic drama, with special reference to "Macbeth." - Smith (D. N.) ed. Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 82505 Some account of the life, etc., of Mr. William Shakespear. 1709; by N. Howe. On the genius and writings of Shakespear, 1711 ; by J. Dennis. Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1733 ; by L. Theobald. Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1765 ; by S. Johnson. Essay on the learning of Shakespeare, 1767 ; by R. Farmer. Essay on the dramatic character of Sir John Falstaff , 1777 ; by M. Morgann. [Etc.] Shaler(Nat. S.) Kentucky, a pioneer commonwealth. 1884. map. 97309 Shall I win her ? by J. Grant. - - 51G11 Shandon bells ; by W. Black. - - - - - - - 62 B 5 Sharp (Arch.) Balancing of engines, steam, gas, petrol. 1907. 62121 Sharp (Elizabeth A.) ed. Lyra Celtica, an anthology. 1896. - 82228 Sharp (Evelyn) Nicolete, a novel. --- 54S3 Sharp (Peter) Flax, tow, and jute spinning. 1907. ill. - 67728 Sharp (William) From the hills of dream, poems. 1907. - 2001 S - The winged destiny [stories, etc.] 53 SI Sharp (William) Life and letters of Joseph Severn. 1892. ill. S301 Sharpe (A. B.) The principles of Christianity. 1906. - - 23012 Sharpe (S. ) History of the Hebrew nation and its literature. - 29608 Shaving of Shagpat, an Arabian entertainment; by G. Meredith. 82M11 Shaw (A. H.) Elementary science applied to sanitation and plumbers' work. 1906. ill. 62807 Shaw (Albert) Municipal government in Great Britain. 1904. 35208 - Political problems of American development. 1907. - - 32004 Shaw (George B.) Common sense of municipal trading. 1904. 35204 Shaw (T. C.) Ex cathedra essays on insanity. 1904. - - 61611 Shaw (Thomas B.) and Thompson (A. H.) English literature. 1903. 82012 - ed. Specimens of English literature. 1905. - 82013 Shaw (Wm. A.) Beginnings of the national debt. In Essays. - 90406 Shaxby (John H.) Elementary electrical engineering. 1907. - 62413 She, a history of adventure ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - 3H12 Shearer, John. 7?iFergusson(R. M.) Alexander Hume. 1899. ill. H091 Sheehan (Patrick A.) My new curate, a story. - - - 171 SI Sheep-stealers [a novel] ; by Mrs. V. Jacob. .... 42 Jl Sheila; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 13 Sheldon (Charles M.) The crucifixion of Phillip Strong. - 56S7 - The reformer. 56S6 Shelley (Percy B. ) Poetical works, mem. port. - - 701 S - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 Shelley, Percy B. In Bagehot ( W. ) Literary studies, v. 1. 1898. E5B1 313 SHE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Shelley, Percy B. In Brooke (S. A.) Studies in poetry. 1907. - 82412 Inaugural addresses to the Shelley Society. The lyrics of Shelley. Epipsychidion. - In Garnett (R.) Essays of an ex-librarian. 1901. - - - E3G1 Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield. Shelley's views on art. - Kingsley(C) Shelley and Byron. In his Lectures. 1898. - E1K4 - Stephen (Sir L.) Godwin and Shelley. In his Hours in a library. E4S3 - Trelawny (E. J.) Recollections of the last days of Shelley. - S411 - Yeats (W. B. ) The philosophy of Shelley's poetry. In his Ideas of good and evil. E1Y1 Shells. See Mollusks. Shenstone (William A.) Methods of glass blowing. 1902. ill. 66603 - The new physics and chemistry. 1906. - - - . - - 53009 Shepard (Edward M.) Martin Van Buren [a biography]. 1899. V031 Shepheard (Harold B. ) The parables of man and of God. 1903. 21512 Siierer (J. W.) Daily life during the Indian mutiny. 1898. port. 94724 Sheridan (Richard B.) Plays, mem. 601 S The school for scandal. The rivals. The critic. Pizarro. St. Patrick's day. The duenna. A trip to Scarborough. Sherlock Holmes series ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. 6 v. 1. A study in scarlet, 51 D 14. 2. The hound of the Baskervilles, 51 D 10. 3. The sign of four, 51 D 7. 4. The adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 51 D 6. 5. The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, 51D17. 6. The return of Sherlock Holmes, 51D19. Sherrington (Charles S.) Physiology, its scope and method. In Lectures on the methods of science. 1906. - - 50421 Shiel (Matthew P. ) The evil that men do. .... 58S1 - The yellow wave. 58S2 Shining ferry ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. . 99C12 Ship of stars ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. 99 C 9 Shipbuilding. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Attwood (E. L.) War-ships, a text-book. 1906. ill. - - 62601 - Bland (W.) The forms of ships and boats. 1902. ill. - - 62626 - Harland (Sir E. J.) Shipbuilding in Belfast. With Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. 1905. ill. - - - 99703 - Holmes (SirG.C.V.) Ancient and modern ships. 1906-7. 2v. ill. 62629-30 1. Wooden sailing-ships. 2. The era of steam, iron, and steel. - Thearle (S. J. P.) Naval architecture, laying off and building. 62615-6 1. Text. 2. Plates. Theoretical naval architecture. 2 v. ill. - - - - 62617-8 1. Text. 2. Plates and tables. - See also Yachts. Shipley (A. E.) and Heed (F. R. C.) Brachiopods, recent, fossil. 1898. ill. - - - 59402 Ships. Ginsburg(B. W.) Shipping. In British industries. 1907. 33804 Ships that pass in the night ; by B. Harraden. - - - - 24H2 Shirley (James) Poems. In Specimens of dramatic poets. - 82508 Shirley, a tale ; by C. Bronte. 2 copies. 92 Bl 314 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SHO Shoes. Boot making. In Cassell's Technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. 60310-1 Shoes of fortune ; by Neil Munro. 123 M 3 Shooting. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Harrison (E.) Dissertation upon guns and shooting. 1906. - 79918 - Lancaster (C.) The art of shooting. 1906. ill, - - - 79921 Shore, Sir John. In Morris (H.) Governors-general. 1907. - 99823 Shore (Thomas W.) Origin of the Anglo-Saxon race. 1906. - 91603 Short (Ernest H.) A history of sculpture. 1907. ill - - 73002 Short cruises [stories] ; by W. W. Jacobs. - - - 4 J 11 Shorter (Clement K.) Immortal memories. 1907.- - - E6S1 Samuel Johnson. William Cowper. George Borrow. George Crabbe. The literary associations of East Anglia. Dr. Johnson's ancestry. Ferdi- nand Lassalle. Lord Acton and the hundred best books. Shorter (Mrs. Dora S.) Collected poems. 1907. - - - 1301S Shorthand. For list of related subjects, see Business. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-2. 1903. - - - 03202-3 - Gregg (J. R.) Gregg shorthand. 1907. 65302 - Pitman (Sir I. ) Shorthand instructor ; with key. - - - 65305 Phonographic teacher ; with key. 65301 Shorthand manual ; with key. ------ 65303 Shorthand reporter. - 65307 Phonographic phrase book. 65308 Shorthand dictionary. 65309 - R. (R. M.) Fonritng, quickest method of recording speech. - 65331 - Reed (T. A.) Technical reporting. 65314 - Boohs in Pitman's Shorthand. Blackie (J. S.) On self-culture, corresponding style. -------- 65319 - - Boothby (G. N.) Billy Binks, hero [easy style]. - - - 65318 The phantom stockman, easy style. 65317 - - Defoe (D.) Robinson Crusoe, corresponding style. - - 65310 Dickens (C.) The battle of life, corresponding style. - - 65311 The chimes, corresponding style. 65312 The cricket on the hearth, reporting style. - - - 65313 The haunted man, reporting style. 65320 Doyle (Sir A. Conan) The sign of four, reporting style. - 65321 Gleanings, reporting style ; with key. 2 v. - - - 65315-6 Goldsmith (O.) The vicar of Wakefield, corresponding style. 65322 Harte (F. Bret) Thankful Blossom [reporting style]. - - 65324 Ingraham (J. H.) Silver ship of Mexico, corresponding style. 65323 Irving (W.) The legend of Sleepy Hollow, reporting style.- 65326 Rip Van Winkle, reporting style. 65325 Select readings, corresponding style. 2 v. - - - 65329-30 Selections from American authors, reporting style. - - 65328 Verne (J.) Around the world in eighty days, reporting style. 65327 Shorthouse (Joseph H.) Blanche, Lady Falaise, a tale. - - 62 S3 - John Inglesant, a romance. 62 SI 315 SHO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Shorthocjse (Joseph H.) The little schoolmaster Mark, a romance. 62 S 2 Shotts. Grossart (W.) Historic notices of Shotts. 1880.- - 92014 Shrewsbury, a romance ; by S. J. Weyman. .... 45 W4 SHUMAN (EDWIN L.) Practical journalism. 1903. ill. - - 07001 Siberia. Deutsch (L.) Sixteen years in Siberia. 1905. ill. - 95403 - Swayne (H. G. C.) Through the highlands of Siberia. 1904. ill. 95402 Sichel (Edith) Life and letters of Alfred Ainger. 1906. - - A 231 Sichel (Walter) Emma, Lady Hamilton [her life]. 1905. ill. H151 Sicily. Jackson (F. H.) Sicily [a description]. 1904. ill. map. 93709 Side-walk studies [essays] ; by H. A. Dobson. 1902. ill. - E2D1 Sidey (Arthur C.) Mnemonics in a nutshell. 1905. - - 15401 Sidgwick (Mrs. Alfred) The professor's legacy. - - - 64S1 Sidgwick (Henry) Miscellaneous essays and addresses. 1904.- E8S1 [Seeley's] Ecce Homo. The poems and prose remains of Arthur Hugh Clough. Shakespeare's methods. Bentham .and Benthamism in politics and ethics. The scope and method of economic science. The relation of ethics to sociology. Classical education. Idle fellowships. [Etc.] Sidgwick, Henry, a memoir; by A. and E.M. Sidgwick. 1906. bibl. S201 Sidney (Sir Philip) Lyric poems; ed. by E. Rhys. mem. port. 1601 S - Selections. In English poets, v. 1. 1903. mem. - - - 82221 Sidney, Sir Philip. Adams(W.H.D.) Sidney's "Arcadia." /rcBooks. 02810 Siege of London [a story] ; by H. James. 7 J 13 Sieges. For list of related subjects, see History. - Grilliat (E.) The romance of modern sieges. 1908. ill. - - 90405 Delhi. Lucknow. Paris. Siena. Seymour (F.) Siena and her artists. 1907. ill. map.- 93704 Sienkiewicz (Hekryk) " Quo vadis ? " a narrative of time of Nero. 65 SI Sign of four [Sherlock Holmes series, No. 3] ; by Sir A. C. Doyle. 51 D 7 Signals. Tyndall (J.) Experiments on fog-signals. ^/iisFragments. 50408 Sikhs. Gordon (Sir J. J. H.) The Sikhs [a history]. 1904. ill. 94804 Silas Marner ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. 21 E 7 Silas Strong [a novel] ; by I. Bacheller. 1B1 Silberrad (Una L. ) Curayl [a novel]. 66S2 - The wedding of the Lady of Lovell. 66S1 Silcote of Silcotes ; by H. Kingsley. 26K8 Silence. In Maeterlinck (M.) The treasure of the humble. 1907. E8M2 Silence of Dean Maitland, a novel ; by Maxwell Gray. - - 57 Gl Silent gate, a voyage into prison ; by T. Hopkins. - - - 86H1 Silver lining [sermons] ; by J. H. Jowett. 1907. - - - 25228 Silver skull ; by S. R. Crockett. 120C9 Silverado squatters ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1901. - - - 97401 Silversmithing. Wilson (H.) Silverwork and jewellery. 1903. ill. 73902 Sime (A. H. M.) The literary life of Edinburgh. 1898. - - 82015 Sime (James) ed. Samuel I. -II. ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902. 22315 Simeon Stylites. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1885. ill. - 99809 Simmins (S.) A modern bee farm, its management. 1904. ill. 63801 316 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SIS Simon (John S.) The revival of religion in England in the eighteenth century. 1907. 27607 Simon Dale [a romance] ; by Anthony Hope. - - - 82 H 5 Simpleton, a story of the day ; by C. Reade. - - - 16 R 4 Simpson, Sir James Y. , and chloroform ; by H. L. Gordon. 1897. port. S271 Simpson (Robert) Martyrland [a story]. 164 SI Sims (George R.) Dagonet ditties. 1891. 1701S Sin. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Tennanc (F. R.) The origin and propagation of sin. 1906. - 23302 Sinai. Bensly (Mrs. R. L.) Our journey to Sinai. 1896. ill. - 94404 - Haynes (A. E.) Man-hunting in the desert. 1894. ill.- - 94410 "The Palmer search expedition, 1882-3." Sinclair (Archibald) Swimming and life saving, ill. - - 79603 Sinclair (William M.) Likewise the younger women. 1901.- 17104 Singapore. Cook (J. A. B.) Sunny Singapore, place, people. 1907. 95002 Singing. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Breare (W. H.) Vocal faults and their remedies. 1907. - 78406 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-4. 1903. - - - 03202-5 - Henderson (W. J.) The art of the singer. 1906. - - - 78405 - Moir (F. L.) Natural voice production. 1899. fo. mus. - 78419 - Nava (G. ) Method of instruction for baritone voice, fo. mus. 78420 - Panseron (A.) Vocalisation for mezzo-soprano, fo. mus. - 78412 - Stockhausen (J.) A method of singing, mus.- - - - 78409 - Vaccaj (N. ) Practical method of Italian singing, fo. mus. - 78421 - See also Breathing. Tonic sol-fa. Voice. Singleheart and doubleface, a romance ; by C. Reade. - - 16 Rl Singles from life's gathering [essays] ; by W. Jacks. 1903. - E1J1 Sinker (Robert) ed. Daniel, and the minor prophets ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1902. 22505 Sir Andrew Wylie of that ilk ; by J. Gait. - - - - 7G1 Sir George Tressady ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 14W5 A sequel to " Marcella," 14 W 3. Sir Gibbie [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. 10 M 3 Sir Jasper Carew [a novel] ; by C. Lever. 39L7 Sir John Constantine, his adventures ; by A. T. Qiuller Couch.- 99C11 Sir Mortimer [a novel] ; by M. Johnston. 26 Jl Sir Nigel [a romance] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - - 51 D 20 Sir Toady Lion, The surprising adventures of ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C 24 Sir Toady Crusoe; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C 28 A sequel to " Sir Toady Lion." Sir Tom [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - - 607 Siren's web, a romance of London society ; by A. Thomas. - 16T1 Sirius, and other stories ; by E. T. Fowler. - - - 45 F 3 Sismondi (Jean C. L. S. de) Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. 1889-1903. 2 v. mem. port. - 80901-2 Sismondi, Jean C. L. S. de. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 3. 1850, E3A3 317 SIS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Sissie [a story] ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W11 Sisters, a novel ; by A. Cambridge. - - - - - 9 CI Sisters, a romance ; by G. Ebers. - - - - - - 3E3 Skating. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Yglesias (H. R.) Figure skating, ill. 79619 Skeat (Walter W.) Classical and English philology. 1905. - 41005 Skelton (John) A selection from poetical works, bibl. mem. - 1801 S Skelton (Sir J.) Summers and winters at Balmawhapple. 2 v. S252-3 Skene (William F.) The Highlanders of Scotland. 1902. port. 92201 Skerry (George E.) The civil service manual. - - - - 35102 Sketch book ; by W. Irving. 1900. 81705 Sketches and essays ; by W. Hazlitt. 1900. - - - - E1H1 Sketches by Boz ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. .... 30D18 Sketches of Scar braes ; by G. Williams. 66 Wl Skinner (Robert P.) Abyssinia of to-day. 1906. ill. - - 95802 Skipper's wooing ; by W. W. Jacobs. 4J2 Serine (Francis H.) Fontenoy, 1741-8. 1906. ill. maps. - 93007 Serine (John H.) Pastor agnorum, schoolmaster's afterthoughts. 37007 Skuse (F. A. A.) British stalk-eyed Crustacea and spiders, ill. 59503 Sky pilot, a tale of the foothills ; by Ralph Connor. - - - 80 C 5 Skye. MacCulloch(J. A. ) The misty isle of Skye. 1905. ill. map. 92101 - Weld (C. R.) Two months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. 92206 Sladen (Douglas B. W.) The Japs at home. 1893.- ill. - 95304 Slaking of the sword, tales; by Mrs. H. Fraser. - - - 51F2 Slater (Gilbert) The English peasantry and the enclosure of common fields. 1907. maps. 33303 Slater (J. A.) The world's commercial products. - - - 90608 Slater (Joshua) The law of arbitration and awards. 1905. - 34706 Slattery (Charles L.) The Master of the world, Christ. 1906. 23215 Slaughter (F. ) One dog and the other, canine character, ill. - 63616 Slave of the lamp ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 M 5 Slavery. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Alison (Sir A.) Negro emancipation. In his Essays, v. 1. - E3A1 - [In Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1. 1900. - - E6H1 - Stevens (W.) The slave in history. 1904. ill. - - - 32601 Sleep. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Bigelow (J.) The mystery of sleep. 1904. - - * - - 13501 Sleeping sickness. Lankester (Sir E. R.) Nature's revenges, the sleeping sickness. In his The kingdom of man. 1907. ill. 50420 Sleight of hand. See Conjuring. Slicer (Thomas R.) The way to happiness. 1907. - - ■ 17124 Slides. For list of related subjects, see Photography. - Lambert (F. C. ) Lantern slide making. 1907. ill. - - 77802 Sloane (William M.) The French war and the revolution [North America 1688-1783]. 1893. maps. - - - 96802 Sloman (Arthur) A grammar of classical Latin. 1906. - - 47801 318 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SMI Smalilou, a novel ; by J. H. Yoxall. 9Y1 Small (Annie H.) Islam. 1905. 29703 Smart (J. S.) James Macpherson, an episode in literature. 1905. 82405 Smeaton, John. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 2. 1904. port. ill. 99705 Smeaton (William H. O.) Medici and the Italian renaissance.- 85001 - By adverse winds. - - - - - - - - - 80S 2 Smedley (Frank E.) Frank Fairlegh. 81S2 - Lewis Arundel, or, the railroad of life. - - - - 81 SI Smellie, William. Glaister (J.) Dr. William Smellie and his contemporaries. 1894. bibl. port. S231 Smiles (Samuel) Character. 1905. ill. 17004 - Duty, illustrations of courage, patience, endurance. 1905. ill. 17003 - Huguenots in England and Ireland. 1905. ill. - - - 27204 - Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward. 1905. ill. - E021 - Lives of the engineers. 1874-1904. 5 v. ill. - - - 99704-8 - Men of invention and industry. 1905. ill. - - - - 99703 The contents will be found at Biography. - Robert Dick, geologist and botanist. 1905. ill. - - - D061 - Self-help, conduct and perseverance. 1905. ill. - - - 37402 - Thrift, a book of domestic counsel. 1905. ill. - - - 17401 - ed. James Nasmyth, engineer, an autobiography. 1883. ill. N041 Smith (A.) and Hale (W. J.) Laboratory outline of chemistry. 54202 Smith (Adam) The wealth of nations. 2 v. - - - - 33002-3 Smith, Alex. Kingsley (C.) Smith and Pope. In his Lectures. E1K4 Smith (Arthur H.) China and America to-day. 1907. - - 95114 Smith (Bertram T. K.) How to collect postage stamps. 1907. ill. 38301 Smith (C. J.) Synonyms discriminated. 1871.- - - - 42402 Smith (Charles E.) My dog is sick. 1907. .... 61901 Smith (David N.) ed. Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 82505 Smith (Francis H.) At close range. 86 S 2 - The tides of Barnegat. 86 SI Smith, Sir Francis P. In Smiles (S.) Men of industry. 1905. - 99703 Smith (G. A.) Principles and methods of taxation. 1907. - 33605 Smith (G. R.) Enlargements, production and finish. 1907. ill. 77005 Smith (George) Assyrian discoveries. 1875. ill. map. - - 94405 Smith (George) The geography of British India. 1882. maps. 94708 Smith (George A.) The life of Henry Drummond. 1905. - D051 Smith (George B.) Franklin and the North-west Passage, ill. F181 Smith (George G.) [Literature of] The transition period. 1900. 80906 Smith (Goldwin) Commonwealth or Empire [United States]. 1 902. 35301 - A trip to England. 1905. 91604 Smith (Hermann) Modern organ tuning. 78604 - The world's earliest music, ill. 78018 Smith (J. W. G.) The cradle of the Hapsburgs. 1907. ill. - H231 Smith (James and Horace) Rejected addresses [poems]. 1879. port. 401 S Smith (John) Ferns, British and foreign. 1896. ill. - - 58701 319 SMI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Smith (Justin H. ) Struggle for the fourteenth colony. 2 v. - 96904-5 Canada and the American revolution. Smith (Nora A.) joint- author. See Wiggin (Kate D.) Smith (Philip) Ancient history of the east to [332 B.C.] 1895. 90204 - History of the Christian church [to 1555]. 2 v. ill. - - 27002-3 - The New Testament history. 1892. ill. maps. - - - 22603 Smith (Reginald B.) Carthage and the Carthaginians. 1902.- 95603 Smith (Robert H.) Electric traction. 1905. ill. plans. - - 62428 Smith (Robinson) ed. English quotations. 82823 Smith (Mrs. S. H.) Forty years of Washington society [1800-41]. S341 Smith (Sydney) Selections; ed. by E. Rhys. mem. - - E12S1 Wit and humour. The education of women. Waterton's ' ' Wanderings." The conversion of India. [Etc.] Smith, Sydney. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. 82103 Smith (W. A.) Lewsiana, life in the outer Hebrides. 1875. ill. 92205 Smith (Watson) Chemistry of hat manufacturing. 1906. ill. 68704 Smith (Sir William) History of Greece to [146 B.C.] 1902. ill. 93821 - A smaller history of Rome [753 b.c.-a.d. 117]. 1904. ill. maps. 93611 - ed. The Old Testament history to [400 B.C.] 1902. ill. maps. 22101 Smoke. For list of related subjects, see Sanitary engineering. - Barr(W. M.) Combustion of coal and prevention of smoke. 1901. 62808 - Booth (W. H. ) and Kershaw (J. B. C.) Smoke prevention and fuel economy. 1904. ill. 62806 Smoking. See Cigarettes. Smollett, Tobias. In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. 12T7 Smyth (C. P.) Our inheritance in the great pyramid. 1864. ill. 95706 Smyth (J. P.) The preacher and his sermon. 1907. - - - 25103 Snaith (John C. ) Broke of Covenden. - - - - - 90S 2 - Lady Barbarity, a romantic comedy. 90 SI Snares of the world ; by C. H. Aide. 13A1 Sneddon (James) and others. Musical educator. 5 v. ill. mus. 78003-7 Snell (F. J.) [Literature of] The fourteenth century. 1899. - 80905 - North Devon [a description]. 1906. col. ill. - - - 91719 - Primer of Italian literature. 1893. 85003 Snell (John F. C.) The distribution of electrical energy, ill. - 62429 Snell Exhibitions ; by W. I. Addison. 1901. ... - 37801 " Founder, foundation, foundationers." Snider (Denton J.) Social institutions, origin [etc.] 1901. - 30109 Snodgrass (William) joint-author. See McKendrick (John G.) Snow-image [and other twice-told tales] ; by N. Hawthorne. - 42 H 6 Snyder (Harry) Dairy chemistry. 1906. ill- - - - 63702 Soap. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Watt (A.) The art of soap-making. 1907. ill. - - 66803 Social contract, political right ; by J. J. Rousseau. 1905. - 32001 Social departure [journey round the world] ; by Mrs. E. Cotes. 90814 Social silhouettes ; by G. W. E. Russell. 1906. - - - 30408 320 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SOC Socialism. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Ballard (F. ) Christianity and socialism. In The citizen of to-morrow. 1906. bibl. 30409 - Bax (E. B.) Essays in socialism, new aud old. 1906. - - 33502 - Bebel (A.) and others. Modern socialism. 1907. - - - 33504 Account of Marx's theory ; by F. Engels. Labour question from the socialist standpoint ; by W. Morris. Problems of modern industry ; by S. and B. Webb. Whether class antagonism is softening down ; by K. Kautsky. Revolutionary and reformist controversy. Socialism and the capitalistic transformation of agriculture ; by E. Yaudervelde. Economics of direct em- ployment ; by the Fabian Society. Municipal socialism ; by J, Burns. [Etc.] - Bissiker (H. ) Social Christianity. In The citizen of to-morrow. 30409 - Bosanquet (B.) Some socialistic features of ancient societies. In his Essays and addresses. 1899. - - - - - E10B1 - The case against socialism, a handbook. 1908. - - - 33510 - Kaufmann (M.) Socialism, nature, dangers, and remedies. 1874.33505 - In Kelly (E.) Government, or, human evolution, v. 2. 1901. 32013 - Kirkup(T.) A history of socialism. 1906. - 33501 - Mallock (W. H.) A critical examination of socialism. 1908. - 33508 - Richter (E.) Pictures of the socialistic future. 1907. - - 33507 - Ward (W.) "How can I help England ? " 1906. - - - 33503 "The relationship of Christianity to social and political problems of to-day." - Wells (H. G.) New worlds for old. 1908. .... 33509 - Wrixon (Sir H.) The pattern nation, or, socialism. 1907. - 33506 - See also Equality. Nihilism. Society. For lists of related subjects, see Ethics. Sociology. - Emerson (R. W.) Society and solitude. In his Works, v. 3.- E2E3 - In Hobbes (T.) English works, v. 2. 19210 Philosophical rudiments concerning government and society — liberty, dominion, and religion. - Kautsky (K.) Whether class antagonism is softening down. In Modern socialism. 1907. - - 33504 - Macaulay (Lord) Southey's Colloquies on society. In Works. 82827 - Russell (G. W. E.) Social silhouettes. 1906.- - - - 30408 Society of Friends. See Quakers. Sociology. Bagehot (W.) Physics and politics. 1896. - - 30107 "The application of the principles of 'natural selection 'and 'inheri- tance ' to political society. " - Baker (J. H.) American problems, essays and addresses. 1907. 30410 - Cotterill (C. C.) Human justice for those at the bottom. 1907. 30112 - Denyer (C. H.) and others. Science in public affairs. 1906. 30412 Science and physical development ; by C. H. Denyer and J. E. Hand. Science and city suburbs ; by Mrs. S. A. Barnett. Science in national education ; by M. E. Sadler. Science and colonial development ; by H. de R. Walker. Science and industry ; by J. A. Hobson. Science and citizen- ship ; by V. V. Branford. - George (W. L.) Engines of social progress. 1907.- - - 30411 Organised emigration. Small holdings. Garden city. Model villages, Port Sunlight and Bournville. Housing schemes. Co operation. The trust public-house movement. Rescue. [Etc.] l 321 soc GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Sociology. Giddings (F. H. ) Descriptive and historical sociology. 1906. 30110 - Le Bon (G.) The crowd, a study of the popular mind. 1908. 30111 - Loch (C. S.) and others. Methods of social advance. 1904. 30401 - Mackenzie (J. S.) Introduction to social philosophy. 1890. - 30105 - Petrie (W. M. F.) Janus in modern life. 1907. - .- - 30108 - Ruskin (J.) Fors clavigera, letters to workmen. 4 v. - - 30404-7 - Sidgwick (H.) Relation of ethics to sociology. In his Essays. E8S1 - Snider (D. J.) Social institutions, origin [etc.] 1901. - - 30109 - Spencer (H.) The study of sociology. 1904. - 30101 - Wells (H. G.) Anticipations. 1902. 30113 '•' The reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought." Mankind in the making [a sequel to "Anticipations"]. 1904. 30104 " A theory of social development and political conduct." A modern utopia [a sequel to " Mankind in the making "]. ill. 30114 - See also Civilization. Commerce. Customs. Education. Freemasonry. Government. Industry. Insurance. Law. Political economy. Political science. Population. Progress. Reform. Society. Socrates. In Bernard (E. R.) Great moral teachers. 1906. bibl. 18001 Socrates. Ecclesiastical history, a. d. 305 to [445]. mem. Soft side [stories] ; by H. James. ...... Soils. Morrow (G. E.) and Hunt (T. F.) Soils of the farm. 1905. Sojourning with God, and other sermons ; by R. Rainy. 1902. Solar system. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Chambers (G. F. ) The story of the solar system. 1895. ill. - Soldene (Emily) My theatrical and musical recollections, port. Soldier tales ; by R. Kipling. Soldiers three; by R. Kipling. Solitude. Emerson (R. \T.) Society and solitude. In his Works. Somdet Phra. In Clifford (H.) Heroes of exile. 1906. - Some Indian friends [birds] ; by D. D. Cunningham. 1903. ill. Some Irish yesterdays ; by E. QE. Somerville and Martin Ross. Somers (Peecival) Pages from a country diary. 1904. ill. Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of. In limes (A. D.) Tudor statesmen, port. - Somerset. Page (J. L. W. ) Exmoor and west Somerset. 1895. ill. mop. Somerville (E. CE.) and Ross (Martin) Some Irish yesterdays. Somerville (Mary) Personal recollections. 1874. port. Somerville (Thomas) George Square, Glasgow. 1891. ill. - Son of Erin ; by A. S. Swan. Son of Hagar, a romance ; by Hall Caine. - Son of Reuben ; by S. K. Hocking. Soy of the Marshes. See Yisger (Jean A. O.) Son of the people, a romance ; by Baroness Orczy. Son of the sea [a story] ; by F. T. Bullen. - 322 27004 7J9 63002 25226 52301 S181 28K14 28K7 E2E3 99510 59601 93S1 50415 99822 91709 93S1 S371 92312 148 S 40 5C7 67H8 2701 104 B 4 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SOU Son of the soil ; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. .... 606 Sonatas. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Hadow (W. H.) Sonata form. mus. 78106 Song of a single note, a love story ; by A. E. Barr. - - 18 B 2 Song of Solomon. See Bible. Song of speed ; by W. E. Henley. 1903. 601H Songs. For lists of related subjects, see Music. Poetry, Collections. - Arne (T. A.) Twenty songs. *fo. mus. * 78413 - Bowles (F. G.) ed. New songs. 1907. 82416 - Brahms (J.) Twenty-two songs, fo. mus. .... 78414 - Burns (R.) Songs, with melodies. 1903. UN. - - 109 B - Dvorak (A.) Sixteen songs, fo. mus. ----- 78415 - Ford (R.j ed. Vagabond songs and ballads of Scotland. 1904. 82233 - Goetz (H. ) Eighteen songs, fo. mus. 78416 - Herd (D.) ed. Ancient and modern Scottish songs, etc. 2 v. - 82217-8 - Palgrave (F. T. ) ed. The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems. 1904. 2 v. - - - 82205-6 - Pittman (J.) and others. Songs of Scotland. 2 v. mus. - 78402-3 - Prescott (YV. H.) Scottish song. In his Miscellanies. - - E2P1 - Schumann (R.) Twelve songs, fo. mus. - 78417 Songs and fables ; by W. J. M. Rankine. 1874. ill. - 701 R Songs without notes ; by Sir L. Morris. 1894. - - - - 202 M Sons and daughters, a novel; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - 604 Sophia, a romance ; by S. J. Weyman. 45 W 5 Sophia of Hanover. Wilkins ( W. H. ) The love of an uncrowned queen. 1901. bibl. port. ill. S171 Sophy of Kravonia ; by Anthony Hope. 82H12 Sorceress; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. - - - - - 602 Sordon ; by W. R. Patersou. 83P1 Soret. Goethe (J. W. von) Conversations with Soret. - - 83802 Sorrows of Satan, a romance ; by Marie Corelli. - - - 91 C 11 Sothern (J. W.) The marine steam turbine. 1906. ill. - - 62102 - Verbal notes and sketches for marine engineers. 1906. ill. - 62138 - and Sothern (R. M.) Simple problems in marine engineering design, including turbines. 1908. 62145 Soto, Hernando de. Knight of Elvas, and others. Narratives of career of De Soto in conquest of Florida. 2 v. port. - 97502-3 Soudan. Austin (H. H. ) Among swamps and giants in Africa. 1905. 95801 - Steevens(G. W.) With Kitchener to Khartum. 1901. maps. 95702 Soul. For list of related subjects, see Philosophy. - McCann (J.) The autobiography of a soul. 1907. - - - 23301 - Maeterlinck (M. ) The awakening of the soul. In his Treasure of the humble. 1907. E8M2 - Newman (F. W.) The soul, its sorrows and aspirations. 1882. 12801 Soul in nature [aesthetics] ; by H. C. Oersted. 1852. - - 70111 323 SOU GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Soul market [life and work of the poor] ; by 0. C. Malvery. 1906. ill. ......... 331H Soul of Lilith ; by Marie Corelli. 91 C 6 Soul's ascent, mission addresses ; by F. B. Meyer. 1901. - 25205 Sound. For list of related subjects, see Physics. - Acoustics. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 6-7. ill. - 03207-8 - In Deschanel (A. P. ) Natural philosophy, v. 4. 1904. ill. - 53401 - Dexter (J. S.) Exercises on sound, light, and heat. 1901. ill. 53605 - Poynting (J. H.) and Thomson (J. J.) A text-book of physics, sound. 1906. ill. 53402 - Taylor (S.) Sound and music. 1873. ill. - - - - 78102 South (Richard) Butterflies of the British Isles. 1906. ill. - 59509 - The moths of the British Isles. 1907. v. 1. col. ill. - - 59511 South Seas. Stevenson (R. L.) In the South Seas, 1888-9. 1900. 99202 " Observations in the Marquesas, Paumotus, and Gilbert Islands." Southey (Robert) The life of Nelson, ill. .... N012 - The life of Wesley. W091 - Poems ; ed. by E. Dowden. 1895. port. .... 201 S - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 Southey, Robert. Macaulay (Lord) Southey 's Colloquies on society. In his Works. 82827 - In Saintsbury (G. E. B. ) Essays in English literature, v. 2. - 82104 Southgate (Henry) ed. Thoughts on religious subjects. 1880. 24002 Southward (John) Modern printing, a treatise. 1900. port. ill. 65503 Southwell, Cathedral church of ; by A. Dimock. 1898. ill. plan. 72601 South worth (Mrs.) The bride of an evening. - 94S1 Souvestre (Emile) Le chevrier de Lorraine ; with notes. 1895. 44846 - Un philosophe sous les toits ; with notes. 1901. - - - 44845 - Le foyer breton, contes et recits. 95 SI Sovereign remedy; by Mrs. F. A. Steel. - - - -. - 111 S3 Sowers; by Henry Seton Merriman. - 85 Ml Sowing the wind, a novel ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. - - 46 L 10 Spain. Alison (Sir E. ) Carlist struggle. In his Essays, v. 2. 1850. E3 A2 - Borrow (G.) The Bible in Spain, adventures in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures. 1899. 93401 Zincali, the gypsies of Spain. 1893. 39701 - In Buckle (H. T. ) History of civilization, v. 2. 1903. bibl. - 90304 - Clarke (H. B.) Modern Spain, 1815-98. 1906. bibl. map. - 93422 - Conde (J. A.) The Arabs in Spain [711-1492]. 1854-1900. 3 v. 93408-10 - Ford (R.) Gatherings from Spain. 93420 - Hare (C.) A queen of queens [Isabella] and the making of Spain. 1906. ill. map. - 1041 - Hume (M. A. S.) Spain, 1479-1788. 1905. bibl. maps. - 93423 - - Modern Spain [1788-1898]. 93424 - Hutton(E.) The cities of Spain. 1906. ill.- - - - 93415 - Irving (W.) Legends of the conquest of Spain. - - - 93412 324 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. SPI Spain. Macaulay (Lord) [Mahon's] War of the succession. In his Works. 82827 Spalding (Elizabeth H.) The principles of rhetoric. 1905. - 80821 Spanish armada. 7n Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1905. ill. 90404 Spanish gypsy [a poem] ; by George Eliot. .... 101 E Spanish language. See Language, Spanish. Spanish literature. See Literature, Spanish. Sparling (H. H.) ed. Irish minstrelsy, songs and ballads. - 82401 SparPvOY (Wilfrid) Persian children of the royal family. 1902. 94601 Speaking. See Elocution. Oratory. Voice. Spearing ( H. G. ) Combined German reader, writer, and grammar. 43836 Species. For list of related subjects, see Evolution. - Darwin (C.) The origin of species. 1902. -' - - 57501 Spectator [essays] ; by J. Addison. In his Works, v. 2-4. - E1A3-5 Spectrum. For lists of related subjects, see Chemistry. Light. - Watts (W. M.) Introduction to spectrum analysis. 1904. ill. 54403 Speech. Sutro (E.) Quality of voice and speech. - - - 78411 Speight (Thomas W.) 'Her Ladyship,' a romance. - - - 96 S 2 - The strange experiences of Mr. Verschoyle. - - - - 96 SI Speke (John H. ) Discovery of the source of the Nile. ill. - 95707 Spelling. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 7. 1899. - - - E5M3 Spencer (Frank) The A B C of progressive whist. - - - 79501 Spencer (Henry) The commercial organisation of engineering factories. 1907. 62011 Spencer (Herbert) Facts and comments. 1902. - - - E10S2 - Political institutions. 1882. 32003 - The study of sociology. 1904. 30101 - Various fragments. 1900. E10S1 Views concerning copyright. Against the metric system. The " net- price " system of bookselling. Spencer, Herbert. 7>iClodd (E.) Pioneers of evolution. 1897. port. 57515 - George (H.) A perplexed philosopher. 1893. - - - 19203 An examination of Spencer's various utterances on the land question, with some reference to his synthetic philosophy. Spenser (Edmund) Works ; ed. by R. Morris. 1904. mem. - 801S - Selections. In Imagination and fancy. 82234 Spenser, Edmund. Church (R. W.) Spenser [life and work]. 1888. S241 - In Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English poets. 1884. - - 82004 - Maurice (F. D.) Spenser's "Faerie queene." In his Friend- ship of books, and other lectures. 1904. - - - E4M1 Spicer (A. D.) The paper trade, a survey. 1907. ill. - - 67602 Spiders. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Skuse (F. A. A.) British spiders. 1887. ill. - - - 59503 Spiers (R. P.) Architectural drawing. 1905. ill. - - - 74401 Spinner in the sun ; by M. Reed. 85 R 2 Spinners of life ; by V. Thompson. 62 Tl 325 SPI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Spinning. For list of related subjects, see Textiles. - Carter (H. R.) Modern flax, hemp, and jute spinning and twisting. 1907. ill. ----- - 67724 - Reiser (X.) Spinning and weaving calculations. 1904. ill. - 67718 - Sharp (P.) Flax, tow, and jute spinning. 1907. ill. - - 67728 - See also Cotton. Spinoza, B. de. Caird (J. ) Spinoza [life and philosophy], port. 19304 - In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 1. 1905. - E2F1 - In Robertson (J. M.) Pioneer humanists. 1907. - - - 99824 Spiritual significance, or, death an event in life ; by L. Whiting. 23701 Spiritualism. For lists of related subjects, see Mind and body. Sects. - Bennett (E. T.) Spiritualism. 13306 - Dennys (E. N.) The alpha. - - 28903 - Lepicier (A. M.) The unseen world. 1906. - 28901 " An exposition of Catholic theology in its relation to modern Spiritism." - Moses (W. S.) Spirit teachings. 1898. 28904 - Owen (Pt. D.) Footfalls on boundary of another world. 1899. 13302 Splendid knight ; by H. A. Hinkson. 64H2 Splendid spur, adventures ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - - - ^ 99 C 2 Spofford (Aixsworth R.) A book for all readers. 1905.- - 02001 Spoiler of men ; by R. Marsh. 54M3 Spoilers; by E. W. Pugh. 63P1 Spoils of Poynton ; by H. James. 7 J 12 Spo>~ (Ernest) and others. Workshop receipts. 1902-4. 5 v. ill. 60301-5 Sponges. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Johnston (G. ) British sponges and lithophytes. ill. - - 59302 Spooler (Frank) joint- author. See Edmunds (E. W.) Sports. For list of other amusements, see Amusements. - Baker (Sir S. W.) The rifle and hound in Ceylon. 1904. ill. 94801 - Bryden (H. A.) Nature and sport in Britain. 1904. ill. - 79920 - Collins (T.) School and sport, recollections. 1905. - - 79620 - Colquhoun ( J. ) The moor and the loch. 1888. ill. - - 79919 - Gumming (R. G.) Hunting adventures in S. Africa. 1850. ill. 96307 - Fitzpatrick (Sir J. P.) Jock of the bushveld. 1907. ill. - 79917 - Glasfurd (A. I. EL) Rifle and romance in the Indian jungle. 1905. ill. 79909 - Gull (C. A. E. R.) The menaces of modern sport. In his " I believe," and other essays. 1907. .... E5G1 - Hornaday (W. T.) Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. 1906. ill. maps. 79923 - Karr (Sir H. S.) My sporting holidays. 1904. ill. - - 79908 - Kennedy (E. B.) Thirty seasons in Scandinavia. 1903. ill.- 94107 Fishing, shooting, and other sports. - Patterson (J. H.) The man-eaters of Tsavo. 1907. ill. map. 96105 Sport and travel in British East Africa. - Pattillo (T. R.) Moose-hunting, salmon-fishing [etc.] 1902. - 79916 " Experiences of hunting wild game in Canada." 326 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH STA Sports. Peek(H.)ed. The poetry of sport [an anthology]. 1896. ill. 82219 - Roosevelt (T.) Good hunting, pursuit of big game. 1907. ill. 79912 - St. John (C.) A sportsman and naturalist's tour in Suther- landshire. 1891. ill. 92105 - Selous(F. C.) A hunter's wanderings in Africa. 1907. ill. map. 79911 - Senior (W. ) Near and far, an angler's sketches. 1890. - - 79915 ''Home sport and colonial [Queensland] life." - Seton (G. G. T.) A woman tenderfoot. 1901. ill. - - 79906 Camp life and sport in the Rocky Mountains. - See also Archery. Bowls. Camping. Cricket. Croquet. Cycling". Deer. Falconry. Fish, fishing. Fives. Football. Golf. Guns. Horsemanship. Mountaineering. Rackets. Sailing. Shooting. Skating. Swimming. Tennis. Sprays of northern pine ; by Fergus Mackenzie. - - - 19 Ml Spring (Leverett W.) Kansas [a history]. 1885. map. - 97403 Springhaven, a tale of the great war ; by R. D. Blackmore. - 63 B 2 Spurgeon (Chas. H.) Evening by evening, readings at eventide. 24903 - John Ploughman's talk. ill. 24804 - John Ploughman's pictures, ill. 24805 A continuation of "John Ploughman's talk." - Morning by morning, daily readings. .... - 24902 - The present truth, sermons. 1883. 25235 - ed. The salt-cellars, collection of proverbs. 1889-03. 2 v. 39819-20 Spurgeon, Chas. H. , Life and work of ; by G. H. Pike. 6 v. port. ill. S 421-6 Spy, a tale of the neutral ground ; by J. P. Cooper. - - - 88 C 8 Squireen ; by S. F. Bullock. 136 Bl Stacpoole (Henry de.Vere) Fanny Lambert, a novel. - - 104 SI Stael (Madame de) De l'Allemagne. 92702 Stael, Madame de. 7?iSainte-Beuve(C. A.) Essays, v. 3. 1901. port. E11S3 Staff officer's scrap-book ; by Sir I. S. M. Hamilton. 2 v. ill. 95102-3 " During the Russo-Japanese war." Stage. See Drama. Stained glass. See Painting, Glass. Stainer (Sir John) Harmony, mus. 78104 Stainer (W. J.) Notes on physiography. ill. - 55120 Stair, Earls of, Annals of the; by J. M.Graham. 18S5. 2 v. port. ill. S281-2 Staley (Vernon) Richard Hooker [his life]. 1907. ill. - - H211 Stalker (James) The two St. Johns of the New Testament. 1895. 22607 Stalky and Co. [a school story] ; by R. Kipling. - - - 28K4 Stallworthy (A.) Le francais parle et ecrit. 1907. - - 44856 Stand fast, Craig-Royston ! by W. Black. 62B21 Standage (H. C. ) Agglutinants of all kinds for all purposes. 1907. 66802 - The artists' manual of pigments. 1896. 66715 Standard bearer ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C 17 Standing (P. C.) Cricket of today and yesterday. 1902. 2 v. 79702-3 Stanhope, Philip H., Earl. Macaulay (Lord) [Mahon's] War of the succession in Spain. In his Works. - 82827 327 STA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Stanley (Arthur P.) History of the Eastern Church. 1884. - 28101 Stanley, Arthur P. In Knight (W. A.) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. 99903 Stanley (Sir Henry M.) How I found Livingstone. 1904. ill. 96101 - In darkest Africa. 1904. port. ill. maps. - - - - 95901 - Through the dark continent. 1907. ill. map. - - - 95908 Stanley, Maria J., Lady, Early married life of; ed. by J. H. Adeane. 1899. port. ill. S161 Stanmore (Arthur H. Gordon, Lord) Sidney Herbert, Lord Herbert of Lea, a memoir. 1906. 2 v. ill. - - - H 241-2 Stansbie (J. H.) Metallurgical chemistry. 1906. ill. - - 66906 Star-chamber, an historical romance ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - 16 A8 Star-fish. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Romanes (G. J.) Star-fish. 1885. ill. 59304 Stark (James) Comradeship in sorrow, thoughts. 1907. - - 24209 Stark (Robert M.) Popular history of British mosses, col. ill. 58903 Stark Munro letters ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - - 51 D 12 Stars. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Chambers (G. F.) The story of the stars. 1896. ill. - - 52303 - Fison (A. H.) Evolution of double stars. In Lectures. 1906. 50421 - Proctor (R. A.) Movements in the star-depths. In his Light science for leisure hours, v. 2. 1906. .... 50425 Stars of destiny ; by L. P. Truscott. 66 Tl State. See Political science. Statesmen. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Innes (A. D.) Ten Tudor statesmen. 1906. port. - - 99822 Henry VII. Cardinal Wolsey. Sir T. More. Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex. Henry VIII. Protector Somerset. Cranmer. William Cecil, Lord Burghley. Sir Francis Walsingham. Sir Walter Raleigh. - Morris (H.) Governors-general of India. 1907. v. 1. ill. - 99823 Warren Hastings. Marquis Cornwallis. Sir John Shore. Marquis Wellesley. Earl of Minto. Marquis of Hastings. Statics. For list of related subjects, see Mechanics. - Borchardt (W. G.) Elementary statics. 1907. ill. - - 53102 Staunton (Howard) The chess-player's handbook. 1904. ill. 79402 Stead (William T.) Peers or people? 1907. - 32804 Steam. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Bale (M. P.) A handbook for steam users. 1906. - - - 62142 -' - Steam and machinery management. 1890. ill. - - - 62024 Steam engine. For related subjects, see Engines. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-5. ill. - - 60306-10 - Hiscox (G. D.) Modern steam engineering. 1907. ill. - - 62116 - Holmes (Sir G. C. V.) The steam engine. 1897. ill. - - 62118 - Jamieson (A.) Text-book of steam and steam engines. 1906. 62131 - Ripper (W.) Steam-engine, theory and practice. 1905. ill. - 62130 - Tennant (W. J.) The compound engine, ill. - 62109 - Walker (S. F.) Steam boilers, engines, turbines. 1908. ill. - 62147 - See also Governor. Injector. Locomotive. Steam trap. Traction engine. 328 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. STE Steam navigation. For related subjects, see Navigation. Transportation. - Williamson (J.) The Clyde passenger steamer, 1812-1901. ill. 65606 Steam trap. For list of related subjects, see Steam engine. - Stewart (G.) Modern steam traps, construction [etc.] 1907. ill. 62137 Stearine. McArthur (J. ) Stearine industry. In Lighting. 1 895. 66505 Stedman (Edmund C.) Victorian poets. 1876. - - - 82406 Steel (Mrs. Flora A.) The flower of forgiveness [stories]. - 111 SI - A sovereign remedy. Ill S3 - Voices in the night. - - - * - - - - 111 S 2 Steel (Robert) Samuel the prophet. 1860. ... - 22308 Steel. For lists of related subjects, see Industries. Metallurgy. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-6. ill. - - 60306-11 - Colby (A. L.) American standard specifications for steel. 1902. 67202 - Greenwood (W. H.) Steel, properties and manufacture. 1907. 66902 - Jeans (J. S. ) Iron and steel. In British industries. 1907. • 33804 - Macfarlane (W.) Iron and steel, manufacture. 1906. ill. - 66905 - Reiser (F.) The hardening and tempering of steel. 1902. - 67203 Steele, Sir Richard. Adams (W. H. D.) Steele's "Tatler." In his Famous books. 02810 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. - - 12T7 Steevens (George W.) From Capetown to Ladysmith. Egypt in 1898. 1900. maps. 96401 - Glimpses of three nations. 1901. 91005 London. Paris. Germany. - In India. 1905. map. 94705 - The land of the dollar [United States]. 1900. - - - 97203 - Things seen. 1900. mem. port. E2S1 The new humanitarianism. What happened in Thessaly. The Dreyfus case. The jubilee [1S97]. Thefeastof St. Wagner. In search of a famine. [Etc.] - With Kitchener to Khartum. 1901. maps. - 95702 Stencilling. Mitchell (F. S.) Stencil work. 1906. ill. - - 69806 Stenhouse (William M.) Poems, songs, and sonnets. 1886. - 1401 S Step (Edward) Wayside and woodland blossoms. 2 v. col. ill. - 58206-7 - Wayside and woodland trees, British. 1907. ill. - - - 58208 Stephen (Sir James) Essays in ecclesiastical biography. 2 v.- 99816-7 Stephen (Sir James F.) Horae Sabbaticae [papers reprinted from] the 'Saturday review.' 1S92. 3 v. - - - E3S1-3 1. Joinville and St. Louis. Froissart's Chronicles. P. de Comines. Montaigne's Essays. Hooker's 'Ecclesiastical polity.' Laud. Chillingworth. Jeremy Taylor as a moralist. Hacket's Life of Williams. Clarendon's ' History of the rebellion.' Clarendon's ' Life.' 2. Hobbes on government. Hobbes's ' Leviathan.' Hobbes's minor works. Bossuet's education of the Dauphin. Bossuet and the Protestants. Locke's Essay on the human understanding. Locke as a moralist. Locke on government. Locke on toleration. Voltaire as a theologian, moralist, and metaphysician. Butler. Warburton's ' Divine legation.' Warburton's minor works. Hume's Essays. Gibbon. Gibbon's Memoirs. 3. Berkeley's metaphysical works. Berkeley's 1 Minute philosopher.' Berkeley's occasional works. Works of Burke. Burke on the English constitution. Burke on the French revolution. Paine. Bentham's 'Theory of legislation.' Cobbett's political works. De Maistre — ' Soirees de St. Petersbourg. ' De Maistre's minor works. De Maistre's ' Principe generateur.' De Maistre On the pope. [Etc.] 329 STE GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES, Stephen (Sir Leslie) Hours in a library. 1899. 3 v. - E4S1-3 1. De Foe's novels. Richardson's novels. Pope as a moralist. Scott. Hawthorne. Balzac's novels. De Quincey. Sir T. Browne. Jonathan Edwards. Horace Walpole. 2. Dr. Johnson's writings. Crabbe. Hazlitt. Disraeli's novels. Massinger. Fielding's novels. Cowper and Rousseau. The first Edinburgh reviewers. Wordsworth's ethics. Landor's Imaginary conversations. Macaulay. 3. Charlotte Bronte. Kingsley. Godwin and Shelley. Gray and his school. Sterne. Country books. George Eliot. Autobiography. Carlyle's ethics. The state trials. Coleridge. - The science of ethics. 1907. - - 17010 Stephen, Sir Leslie, Life andtetters ; by F. W. Maitland. 1906. bibl. S211 Stephen Archer, and other tales ; by G. MacDonald. - - 10 M 28 Stephens (Frederic G.) D. G. Rossetti [life and work]. 1908. ill. R182 - Memoir of George Cruikshank. 1891. ill. - C241 - Memorials of William Mulready. 1890. ill. - - - - M161 Stephens (Riccardo) The cruciform mark. .... H4S1 Stephenson (G. ) Estimating, pricing builders' quantities. 1907. 69202 - The quantity student's assistant. 1907. - 69204 Stephenson, George and Robert. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 5. 99708 Stepniak (Sergius M.) Underground Russia, sketches. 1896.- 94015 Sterling, John, Life of; by T. Carlyle. 1891. port. - - S061 Stern (Daniel) Les journees de juin, 1848. 1907. mem. port. 44870 Sterne, Laurence. Bagehot (W.) Sterne and Thackeray. In his Literary studies, v. 2. 1902. E5B2 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E4S3 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. - - 12T7 Steuart ( John A. ) Quicksands. 117 S 2 - The rebel wooing, a story of devotion. - - - - - 117 S 4 - The wages of pleasure. - 117 S3 - Wine on the lees. - 117S1 Stevens (F. H.) joint- author. See Hall (H. S.) Stevens (John A.) Albert Gallatin [a biography]. 1883. - - G041 Stevens, Thaddeus [a biography] ; by S. W. McCall. 1899. - S101 Stevens (William) The slave in history. 1904. ill. - - 32601 Stevenson (J. L. ) Blast furnace calculations and tables. 1906. 66904 Stevenson (Robert) Exposition of * Pilgrim's progress. 5 1907. 24414 Stevenson (Robert L. ) Across the plains, with other essays. 1905. E 1 S 2 The old Pacific capital [Monterey]. Fontainebleau. Epilogue to "An inland voyage." Random memories. The lantern-bearers. A chapter on dreams. [Etc.] - Edinburgh [picturesque notes]. 1905. ill. - . - - - 92001 - Essays in the art of writing. 1905. 80805 - Essays of travel. 1905. - - 90810 - Familiar studies of men and books. 1906. - - - - El S3 Hugo's romances. Some aspects of Burns. Whitman. Thoreau. Yoshida-Torajiro. Villon. Charles of Orleans. Pepys. John Knox and women. - In the South Seas, two cruises, 1888-9. 1900. - - - 99202 - An inland voyage [France]. 1904. ------ 93102 330 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. STI Stevenson (Robert L.) Memories and portraits. 1906. - - E1S4 Foreigner at home. Old mortality [death]. Talk and talkers. Charac- ter of dogs. A gossip on romance. A humble remonstrance. [Etc.] - The Silverado squatters. 1901. 97401 - Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 1905. - - - 93301 - Underwoods [poems J. 1905. 301 S - Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902. - - - El SI Crabbed age and youth. An apology for idlers. Ordered south. The English admirals. Child's play. [Etc.] - The black arrow, a tale of the two roses. .... 120 S 7 - Island nights' entertainments. 120 S 6 The beach of Falesa. The bottle imp. The Isle of Voices. - Kidnapped, adventures of David Balfour. .... 120 S3 - Catriona, a sequel to ''Kidnapped." 120 S 4 - The master of Ballantrae, a tale. ...... 120 S 5 - The merry men, and other tales and fables. .... 120 S 11 Will o' the mill. Markheim. Thrawn Janet. Olalla. The treasure of Franchard. - New Arabian nights. 120 S 12 The Suicide Club. The rajah's diamond. The pavilion on the links. A lodging for the night. The sire de Maletroit's door. Providence and the guitar. - Prince Otto, a romance. 120 S 16 - St. Ives, adventures of a French prisoner in England. - - 120 S 13 - The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [etc.] - - 120 S 8 - Treasure Island. 120 SI - Weir of Hermiston, an unfinished romance. .... 120 S 14 - and Osbourne (L.) The ebb-tide. 120 S 15 The wrecker. 120 S 2 The wrong box. 120 S 9 - and Stevenson (F. v. de G.) The dynamiter. - - - 120 S 10 A sequel to " Xew Arabian nights," 120 S 12. Stevenson, Robert L. In Couch (A. T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. 1896. E2C1 - ZnGosse (E. W.) Critical kit-kats. 1896. .... E6G1 - Hammerton ( J. A. ) ed. Stevensoniana. 1907. port. ill. - S221 " An anecdotal life and appreciation of R. L. Stevenson." - In Oliphant (J.) Victorian novelists. 1899. - 82603 Stevenson ( VV. B. ) The crusaders in the east. 1907. maps. - 91021 - ed. Wisdom, and the Jewish apocryphal writings ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1903. 22508 Stewart (Andrew) Comic Scotch readings, ill. - - - 82702 - ed. Humorous readings, maistly Scotch, ill. - 82708 - Readings and dialogues, maistly Scotch. .... 82704 Stewart (B.) My experiences of Cyprus. 1906. ill. - - 94409 Stewart (Gordon) Modern steam traps. 1907. ill. - - 62137 Stickit minister, and some common men ; by S. R. Crockett. - 120 C 3 Stickit minister's wooing, and other stories ; by S. R. Crockett. 120 C 4 331 STI GLASGOW PUBLIC LLBRARIES. Stillman (W. J.) The union of Italy, 1815-95. 1899. maps. - 93630 Stirling (Jas. H.) Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay. 1868. - E5S1 - The secret of Hegel. 1865. 2 v. 19305-6 Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of. In Fergusson (R. M.) Alexander Hume. 1899. port. H091 Stirlingshire. Harvey (W.) ed. The harp of Stirlingshire [an anthology]. 1897. ' - 82227 Stock exchange. For list of related subjects, see Money. - In Clemson (H. ) Methods and machinery of business. 1907. - 65812 - Duguid (C.) The story of the stock exchange. 1901. ill. - 33206 Stockhausex (Julius) A method of singing, mus. - - - 78409 Stockmar, Christian Friedrich, Baron, Memoirs; by his son. 2 v. S 391-2 Stockton (Frank R.) The hundredth man. .... 125S1 - The late Mrs. Null. - 125S2 Stoddard (Richard H.) Memoir [of] Edgar Allan Poe. 1896. - P081 Stoddart (Anna M. ) Life of Isabella Bird, Mrs. Bishop. 1907. UL B271 Stoevinc (Paul) The story of the violin. 1904. ill. - - 78701 Stoicism. For list of other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - Davis (C. H. S.) Greek and Roman stoicism. 1903. - - 18803 Stoker (Bram) Reminiscences of Henry Irving. 1906. 2 v. ill. 1021-2 - Dracula. 169S1 - The man. 169S2 Stokesley secret ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y10 Stoking. Connor (W. J.) The stoker's catechism. 1906.- - 62112 Stolen waters ; by Lucas Cleeve. 56 C 3 Stolen white elephant, etc. ; by Mark Twain. - - - 52 T 8 Stone (Herbert) Timbers of commerce. 1905. ill. - - 63405 Stone. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Porter (M. W.) What Rome was built with. 1907. bibl. - 93623 "A description of the stones employed in ancient times for building and decoration.' 1 Stonehenge. Craik (Mrs. D. M.) Old stones. In her Studies. - E3C1 Storey (George A.) Sketches from memory. 1899. port. ill. S261 Storey (Moorfield) Charles Sumner [a biography]. 1900. - S121 Storia universale illustrata. 1906. 2 v. 03501-2 Storie (Elizabeth) Autobiography. 1859. - - - S311 Storm centre, a novel ; by Charles Egbert Craddock.- - - 107 Cl Stormy voyager ; by A. S. Swan. 2 copies. .... 148 S 47 Story (Alfred T.) How to control and strengthen the mind. - 13102 - The story of photography. 1898. ill. 77001 Story (Douglas) To-morrow in the east. 1907. - - - 94303 Story of a child [autobiography] ; by Pierre Loti. 1901. - - L131 Story of a mother ; by J. H. Findlater. 18 Fl Story of a play, a novel ; by W. D. Howells. - - - - 97 H 6 Story of an African farm, a novel ; by 0. Schreiner. - - - 32 SI Story of Bessie Costrell ; by Mrs. H. Ward. .... 14W6 332 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. STR Story of Charles Strange, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. 10W33 Story of Elizabeth ; by Lady Ritchie. 37 R 3 Story of Francis Cludde ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - - 45 W 2 Story of my heart, autobiography ; by R. Jefferies. 1906. - J 051 Story of Penelope ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W19 Story of the Gadsbys ; by R. Kipling. 28K7 Story of the heavens [astronomy] ; by Sir R. S. Ball. 1905. ill. 52315 Stout (George F.) The groundwork of psychology. 1905. - 15003 Stow (George W.) The native races of South Africa. 1905. ill. 57208 Stowe (Mrs. Harriet B.) The minister's wooing. - - - 129S3 - The pearl of Orr's Island, a story. 129 S 2 - Uncle Tom's cabin. 129 SI Strachan (James) Hebrew ideals from story of patriarchs. 1906. 22301 A study of the book of Genesis, chapters 12 to 50. Stractiey (Sir Edward) Talk at a country house. 1895. port. 82815 Persian poetry. A general election. Love and marriage. Tennyson and Maurice. Riding down to Camelot. The arrowhead inscriptions. [Etc.] Strain (Mrs. Euphans H.) Laura's legacy. .... 172 SI - A prophet's reward. ........ 172 S 2 Strait gate; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 44 Straits Settlements. In S. (D. W.) European settlements. 1900. 94306 Strange adventures of a phaeton; by W. Black. - - - 62B17 Strange adventures of Israel Pendray ; by S. K. Hocking. - 67H12 Strange adventure of James Shervinton [etc.] ; by G. Louis Becke. 35 B 2 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; by R. L. Stevenson. 120 S 8 Strange elopement ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R25 Strange experiences of Mr. Verschoyle ; by T. W. Speight. - 96 SI Strange story ; by Lord Lyt ton. 74 L 9 Strange voyage ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R26 Strasbprger (E.) and others. A text-book of botany. 1908. ill. 58006 Strathclyde, and other poems ; by A. Macleod. 1906. - - 1101 M Strauss, Richard. In Baughan (E. A.) Music and musicians. 1906. 78012 Strauss and his symphonic-poems. Strauss and programme music. - Gilman (L. ) The achievement of Richard Strauss. In his Phases of modern music. 1905. 78014 Stray pearls ; by C. M. i^onge. 2Y25 A sequel to "The chaplet of pearls," 2 Y5. Stray studies ; by J. R. Green. 1892-1903. 2 v. -' - - E2G1-2 Streane (A. W.) ed. Psalms ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1904. 22404 Strength of materials. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Popplewell (W. C.) Strength of materials. 1907. ill.- • 62028 Stretton [a novel] ; by H. Kingsley. 26 K 6 Strickland (Agnes) Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 1903. 2 v. M 021-2 - The life of Queen Elizabeth. E091 Strickland (F.) Manual of petrol motors and motorcars. 1907- 62203 Strife and peace ; by F. Bremer. 86 Bl 333 STR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Strong (S. A.) Critical studies and fragments. 1905. mem. port. 82820 Art. History and literature. History of religion. Philosophy and archaeology. [Etc.] Strong man's love ; by David Lyall. - - - - - 66 L4 Stronger than love ; by Mrs. Alexander. 22A1 Stuart, Charles Edward. Norie (W. D.) Life and adventures of Prince Charles Edward Stuart. 4 v. port. ill. maps. - S 361-4 Stuart (Esme) For love and ransom, a story. - 136 S3 - Mona, a Manx idyll. 136S2 Stuart (James) A chapter of science, ill. - - - 52003 Stubbs (Charles W.) Bp. ed. St. Matthew and St. Mark ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 1903. 22712 Stubbs (Wm.) Bp. Letters ; ed. by W. H. Hutton. bibl. port. S351 Stubbs, William, Bp. Paul (H. W.) Bishops and historians. In his Stray leaves. 1906. E1P1 Student-life of Germany ; by W. Howitt. 1841. ill. - - 37110 Studies from life [essays] ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - E3C1 Study in scarlet [Sherlock Holmes series, No. 1] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. ' - - 51D14 Sturch (F.) Manual training drawing, woodwork. 1906. fo. ill. 69403 Sturge (Mary D. ) joint-author. See Horsley (Sir Victor). Sturgis (Russell) Interdependence of the arts of design. 1905. 74504 Style. See Rhetoric. Subconscious. For list of related subjects, see Philosophy. - Jastrow (J.) The subconscious. 1906. 12601 Subject to vanity [domestic animals] ; by M. Benson. 1895. ill. 63606 Success. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - [Boyd (A. K. H.)] Getting on. In his Commonplace philosopher. E3B7 - Jacks (W.) Success in business life. In his Singles. 1903. - E1J1 Success, and how he won it [a story] ; by E. Werner. - - 38 Wl Suetonius. Lives of the twelve Caesars, grammarians, and poets. 87803 Suffering. Peake (A. S.) The problem of suffering in the Old Testament. 1904. 22219 Suffling (Ernest R.) The art of glass painting. 1902. - - 74801 Sufism. Davis (F. H.) The Persian mystics. 1907.- - - 18101 Sugar. For lists of related subjects, see Chemistry. Food. - Claassen (H.) Beet-sugar manufacture. 1906. bibl. - - 66401 - Geerligs (H. C. P.) Cane sugar, its manufacture in Java. 1903. 66407 - Heriot (T. H. P.) Science in sugar production. 1907. ill. - 66408 - Mcintosh (J. G.) The technology of sugar. 1906. ill. - - 66402 - Tucker (J. H.) A manual of sugar analysis. 1905. ill. - 54301 - Ware (L. S.) Beet-sugar manufacture and refining. 1905. v. 1. 66409 - Watts (F.) Manual for sugar growers. 1893. ill.- - - 63302 Suicide Club [stories]; by R. L. Stevenson. .... 120S12 Sullivan (A. M.) The story of Ireland [to 1904]. 1907. ill. - 92612 Sullivan (Timothy D.) Recollections of troubled times in Irish politics. 1905. port. 92617 334 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH SUT Sully (James) The teacher's handbook of psychology. 1906. - 15002 Summer in a canon, a California story ; by K. D. Wiggin.- - 55 W3 Summers and winters at Balmawhapple ; by Sir J. Skelton. 2 v. S 252-3 Sumner, Charles [a biography] ; by M. Storey. - S121 Sumner (William G.) Andrew Jackson [a biography]. 1899. - J012 Sun. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - In Proctor (R. A.) Light science for leisure hours, v. 1-2. - 50424-5 1. Venus on the sun's face. 2. The sun's true atmosphere. Some- thing wrong with the sun. The sun's surroundings. - Young (C. A.) The sun. 1883. ill. 52307 'Sunbeam.' Brassey (Lady) In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties [a voyage in 1883]. 1886. ill.- - - 90812 - - A voyage in the 'Sunbeam' [1876-7]. 1903. ill. - - 90813 Sunday. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Trevelyan (W. B.) Sunday. 1903. - - - - - 26301 - Tyndall (J.) The Sabbath. In his New fragments. 1897. - 50410 Sundered hearts ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 24 Sunrise, a story ; by W. Black. 62 B 6 Sunset trail [a novel] ; by A. H. Lewis. 85 LI Superheating. Booth (W. H.) Superheat, superheating, and their control. 1907. 62144 Superstition. For list of related subjects, see Folk-lore. - Campbell (J. G.) Superstitions of the Highlands. 1900. - 39809 - In Kingsley (C.) Health and education. 1887. - - - E1K3 Surgeon's daughter ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - 35 S 25 Chronicles of the Canongate, first series, concluded. Surnames. See Names, Personal. Surprising adventures of Sir Toady Lion ; by S. R. Crockett. - 120 C 24 Surrey. Jekyll(G. ) Old west Surrey, some notes and memories. 1904. ill. 91707 - Jennings (L. J.) Paths and green lanes in Surrey. 1907. ill. 91716 Surveying. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Breed (C. B. ) and Hosmer (G. L. ) The principles and practice of surveying. 1906. ill. 52601 - See also Mining. Susan wooed and Susan won ; by E. Brooke. - 94B1 Sussex. Jennings (L. J.) Paths and green lanes. 1907. ill. - 91716 Susy ; by F. Bret Harte. 33H5 A sequel to " A waif of the plains," 33 H 6. Sutcliffe (Allan) Wonders of life in earth, air, and sea. ill. 57002 Sutgliffe (Halliwell) A bachelor in Arcady. - - - 145 SI - A benedick in Arcady [a sequel to " A bachelor in Arcady "]. - 145 S 2 - A man of the moors. 145S3 Sutherland (William) Old age pensions. 1907. - - - 35101 Sutherlandshire. St. John (C.) A sportsman and naturalist's tour in Sutherlandshire. 1891. ill. .... 92105 Sutro (Emil) Duality of voice and speech. .... 78411 335 SUT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Sutter (Julie) Britain's next campaign [the poor]. 1904. - 33119 Swallow, a tale of the great trek ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - 3H4 Swan (Annie S. ) Across her path. 148 S 5 - Adam Hepburn's vow, a tale of kirk and covenant. - - 148 S 19 - Aldersyde, a Border story. 148 S 6 - The Ay res of Studleigh. - 148 S 16 - A bachelor in search of a wife. Roger Marcham's ward. - - 148 S 7 - The better part, a story. - - - - - - - 148 S 42 - A bitter debt, a tale of the Black Country. - - - - 148 S 37 - A blessing in disguise, and other stories. .... 148 S 51 - Briar and palm. 148 S 15 - The curse of Cowden. 148 S 30 - A divided house, a study from life. 148 S 8 - Doris Cheyne, the story of a noble life. 148 S 14 - Dorothea Kirke, or, free to serve. 148 S 20 - Elizabeth Glen, M.B. 148 S 52 - Mrs. Keith Hamilton, M.B. 148 S 36 "More experiences of Elizabeth Glen." - A foolish marriage, an Edinburgh story. .... 148 S 45 - Freedom's sword, a tale of Wallace and Bruce. - - - 148 S 18 - The gates of Eden, a story of endeavour. .... 148 S 38 - The guinea stamp. 148 S 35 - Hazell and Sons. 148 S 25 - Homespun, a study of simple folk. - 148 S 31 - Kinsfolk. 148 S 46 - A lost ideal. 148 S 26 - Love grown cold. 148 S 29 - Maitland of Laurieston. - 148 S 9 - Marion Forsyth. Poetical pieces. 148 S 32 - Mark Desborough's vow. 148 S 43 - Memories of Margaret Grainger, schoolmistress. - - - 148 S 27 - Miss Baxter's bequest. 148 S 33 - Mistaken. - - - - 148S34 - The ne'er-do-weel. 2 copies. - - - - - - - 148 S 39 - An only son, and other stories. 148 S 49 - Robert Martin's lesson. 148 S 28 - St. Veda's, or, the pearl of Orr's Haven. 148 S 10 - The secret of Dunstan Mere, and other stories. - - - 148 S 50 - The secret panel. - - - - - - - - - 148 S 11 - Shadowed lives. 148 S 12 - Sheila. 148S13 - A son of Erin. - - 148S40 - A stormy voyager. 2 copies. 148 S 47 - The strait gate. - - 148S44 - Sundered hearts. 148 S 24 336 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. SYM Swan (Annie S.) Thomas Dryburgh's dream, a story. - - 148 S 23 - Twice tried. 148 S 22 - Ursula Vivian, the sister-mother. 148 S 21 - A vexed inheritance. 148 S 17 - A victory won. 148S4 - Who shall serve ? 148 S 48 - Wrongs righted. 148 S 3 - Wyndham's daughter, a story of to-day. .... 148 S 41 Swayne (H. G. C. ) Through the highlands of Siberia. 1904. ill. 95402 Sweating. See Labour. Sweden. Bain (R. N.) Charles XII. and the collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. 1902. ill. maps. - - C371 Swedish language. See Language, Swedish. Sweeney (John) At Scotland Yard, experiences. 1904. port. S151 Sweet (Henry) A primer of phonetics. 1906. - 41401 Sweetheart travellers ; by S. R. Crockett. .... 120 C 15 Sweeting (W. D.) Cathedral church of Peterborough. 1898. - 72603 Sweetland (C. A.) Loose leaf book-keeping and accounting. - 65704 Swenson (Bernard V.) and Frankenfield (B.) Testing of electro-magnetic machinery and other apparatus. 1905. 62408 Swift (Benjamin). See Paterson (William R.) Swift (Jonathan) Works, selected, mem. port. - - - 82705 Tale of a tub. Gulliver's travels. Swift's Journal to Stella. The con- duct of the allies, and of the late ministry, in beginning and carrying on the war. Various papers on religion, morals, literature, etc. Memoirs of Captain John Creichton. Directions to servants. Selected poems. [Etc.] - Selections. In English poets, v. 3. 1904. mem. - - - 82223 - Gulliver's travels. Tale of a tub. Etc. 2 copies. - - 152 SI Swift, Jonathan. Oliphant (Mrs. M. 0. W.) The dean. In her Historical sketches of the reign of Queen Anne. 1894. port. 91423 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. - . - 12 T 7 Swimming. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Sinclair (A.) Swimming and life saving, ill. - 79603 Swinburne (Algernon C.) Poems and ballads. 1903-6. 3 v. - 901-3 S Swinburne, Algernon C. in Stedman (E. C.) Victorian poets. 1876. 82406 Swinburne (James) Entropy, or, thermodynamics. 1904. ill. 53603 Switzerland. Handbook for Switzerland. 1904. map*, plans. 93502 - Pictorial and descriptive guide to Switzerland, ill. map. - 93501 Sybil, or, the two nations ; by the Earl of Beaconstield. - - 31 B 5 Sydenham, Thomas. Brown (J.) Locke and Sydenham. In his Horse subseeivae, v. 1. 1897. E2B1 Sykes (Walter J.) Principles and practice of brewing. 1907. 66301 Sylvandire : by A. Dumas. 58D17 Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist ; by H. Cockton. 2 copies. 68C2 Sylvia's lovers ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. 10G1 Symonds (John A.) Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti. 2 v. ill. M 141-2 - Renaissance in Italy, the fine arts. 1897. .... 70904 337 SYM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Symondsox (F. W. H.) Two years abaft the mast as a sea apprentice. S401 Symons (Arthur) A book of twenty songs. 1905. - - - 1901 S - Cities of Italy. 1907. 93624 - ed. A pageant of Elizabethan poetry. 1906. - 82304 Synagogue. See Jews. Synge (John M.) The Aran Islands. 1907. ill. - - - 92611 Synge (M. B.) Social life in England [to 1906]. 1906. - - 91606 Synnove solbakken [a story] ; by B. Bjornson. - - - - 60 Bl Synonyms. For list of related subjects, see Language, English. - Graham (G. F.) English synonym es. 1905. - 42401 - Smith (C. J.) Synonyms discriminated. 1871. - - - 42402 Syntax. See names of languages, as, Language, Greek. Syracuse. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1905. plan. 90404 Syria. Freer (A. M. Goodrich) In a Syrian saddle. 1905. - 94413 - Hill (G.) With the Beduins in Syria. 1891. ill. map. - 94416 - Lees (G. R.) Life and adventure beyond Jordan, ill. - - 94502 Table-talk. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Luther (M.) Table-talk. 24405 - Skelton (Sir J.) Summers and winters at Balmawhapple. 2 v. S 252-3 Tacitus. Works. 2 v. 87801-2 1. The annals. 2. The history [of Rome]. Germany. Agricola. Dialogue on orators. Tacitus. Boissier(G.) Tacitus, and other Roman studies. 1906. 87002 Tact, push, and principle ; by W. M. Thayer. 1904. - - 17402 -Tactics. For list of related subjects, see Army. - Gilbert (G. ) Evolution of tactics. 1907. bibl. - - - 35508 Tadpole of an archangel, and other stories ; by W. P. Drury. - 74 Dl Taff. In Industrial rivers of the United Kingdom. 1888. ill. 38002 Taft (William H.) Four aspects of civic duty. 1906. - - 17201 Taggart (William S.) Cotton spinning. 1902-5. 3 v. ill. -67714-6 Tailfer (L.) Bleaching of linen, cotton yarn. 1901. ill.- - 66703 Tainsh (Edward C.) A study of the works of Tennyson. 1893. 82417 Tait (James) Did Richard II. murder the Duke of Gloucester ? In Historical essays. 1907. 90406 Tait (James) Memory work for Board of Trade examinations. - 65604 For " Second mates, mates, and masters." - New seamanship. 1907. col. ill. 65610 Tait (Peter G.) Light. 1900. ill. 53507 - Properties of matter. 1907. ill. 53010 - joint-author. See Kelvin (Lord). Taking the Bastile ; by A. Dumas. 58D14 "Sequel to ' The queen's necklace,' " 58 D 4. Talbot (J. S.) Foxes at home, and reminiscences. 1906. ill. - 59911 Tale of a lonely parish ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 116 C 7 338 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. TAX Tale of a tub ; by J. Swift. 2 copies. - - 152S1 Tale of Chloe, and other stories ; by G. Meredith. - - - 82 M 12 Tale of the ten, a romance ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 27 Tale of true love, and other poems ; by A. Austin. 1902. - 201 A Tale of two cities ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. .... 30D1 Tale of two tunnels, a romance ; by W*. Clark Russell. - - 75 R 28 Tales from the telling-house ; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - 63 B 7 Tales of a grandfather ; by Sir W. Scott. 2 v. ill. map. - 91819-20 " The history of Scotland to 1746." Tales of a traveller ; by W. Irving. 1900. .... 93411 Tales of Dunstable Weir; by Zack. 5Z1 Tales of New England ; by S. O. Jewett. 19 Jl Tales of the Borders [etc.] ; ed. by J. M. Wilson. 24 v. - 65W1-24 Tales of the home folks in peace and war ; by J. C. Harris. - 26 H 5 Tales of unrest ; by J. Conrad. 81C2 Talisman, a tale of the crusaders ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35 S 2 Talk at a country house; by Sir E. Strachey. 1895.- - - 82815 Tallentyre (S. G.) The life of Voltaire. 1903. 2 v. ill. - V012-3 Talleyrand [a biography] ; by Lady Blennerhassett. 2 v. bibl. T061-2 Talmage (Thomas de W. ) Marriage and home life. 1893. - 17308 Talmud. Montague (E. R.) Tales from the Talmud. 1906. - 29605 - Polano (H.) ed. The Talmud, selections. 29602 Taming of the brute ; by F. Harrod. 127 HI Tancred, or, the new crusade ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - 31 B 4 Tangle wood tales ; by N. Hawthorne. - - - - 42 H 7 Tannahill (Robert) Poems and songs. 1900. mem. port. - 101 T Tanqueray (Mrs. Bertram) The royal Quaker. - - 61 Tl Tansillo, Luigi. Garnett (R.) Love story of Tansillo. In Essays. E3G1 \ Tantallon Castle,' The log of the ; by H. W. Lucy. 1896. ill. 94103 Taoism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Lao Tzii. Sayings. 29901 Tapestry. Christie (Mrs. A. H.) Embroidery and tapestry weaving. 1906. .... ... 746OI Tariff. See Free trade and protection. Tarkington (Booth) The beautiful lady. 2T1 - The conquest of Canaan, a novel. 2T2 Tartarin of Tarascon ; by A. Daudet. - - - - - 8D1 Tartarin on the Alps ; by A. Daudet. 8D2 A sequel to " Tartarin of Tarascon." Tasma. See Couvreur (Mme. Jessie). Tasso, Torquato. Alison (Sir A.) Virgil, Tasso, and Raphael. In his Essays, v. 3. 1850. E3A3 Tatler [essays] ; by J. Addison. In his Works, v. 2. - - E1A3 Tautphceus (Baroness) The initials, a novel. - - - - 3T1 - Quits, a novel. 3T2 Taxation. Adam (E.) Land values and taxation. 1907. - - 33603 339 TAX GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Taxation. Alison (Sir A.) Direct taxation. In his Essays, v. 3. 1850. E3A3 - Graham (J. C.) Taxation and local government. 1906. - 33602 - Pearce (A. J. ) Municipal rating, collection of rates. 1907. - 35205 - Smith (G. A.) Principles and methods of taxation. 1907. bibl. 33605 - Theobald (H. ) A guide to income and property tax assessment and recovery. 1905. - - - - - . - 33604 - See also Land. Taylor (Franklin) Primer of pianoforte playing. 1899. - 78603 Taylor (I. A.) Queen Hortense and her friends, 1783-1837. 2 v. H251-2 - Sir Walter Raleigh [a biography]. 1905. ill. - - R022 Taylor, Isaac. Stephen (Sir J.) The historian of enthusiasm. In his Essays in ecclesiastical biography, v. 2. 1907. - 99817 Taylor (J. H. ) joint-author. See Beldam (G. W. ) Taylor (Jeremy) Bp. Holy living, with prayers. - - - 24102 - Holy dying. 24101 Taylor, Jeremy, Bp. Stephen (Sir J. F. ) Jeremy Taylor as a moralist. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. - - E3S1 Taylor, Reynell, a biography ; by E. G. Parry. 1888. port. map. T031 Taylor (Sedley) Sound and music. 1873. ill. - - - 78102 Taylor, William. Carlyle (T. ) Taylor's Survey of German poetry. In his ; Essays, v. 3. E1C3 Tea planter's life in Assam ; by G. M. Barker. 1884. ill. - 94807 Teaching. See Education. Tebbs (Louisa A.) The art of bobbin lace. 1907. ill. - - 74602 Technical education. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Cassell's New technical educator. 6 v. ill. - - - 60306-11 - In Huxley (T. H. ) Science and education, essays. 1905. - 50423 - See also Manual training 1 . Teeth. For list of related subjects, see Evolution. - Balkwill (F. H.) The testimony of the teeth to man's place in nature. 1893. - - - 57512 Telegraph. For related subjects, see Business. Engineering, Electric. - In " The Electrician " primers, v. 3. bibl. ill. - - - 62427 - Pope (F. L.) Modern practice, electric telegraph. 1891. ill. 65404 Telegraphy, Wireless. Lodge (Sir O. J.) Signalling through space without wires, ill. - 65401 - Murray (J. E.) Wireless telegraphy, theory, practice. 1907. 65402 - White (W. J.) Wireless telegraphy. 1908. ill. - - - 65405 Telepathy. See Thought-reading. Telephone. For related subjects, see Business. Engineering, Electric. - In "The Electrician" primers, v. 3. bibl. ill. - - - 62427 - Zeda (U.) Telephones and lightning conductors. 1907- ill. - 65403 Telephony, Wireless ; by E. Ruhmer. 1908. bibl. ill. - - 65406 Telescope. Baikie (J.) Through the telescope. 1906. ill. - 52306 Telford, Thomas. In Smiles (S. )_Engineers, v. 3. 1897. port. ill. 99706 340 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. TER Tell el Amarna tablets. Niebuhr (C.) The Tell el Amarna period. 1903. bibl. 95708 "The relations of Egypt and western Asia in the loth century B.C. according to the Tell el Amarna tablets." Temperance. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Edwards ( W. N. ) Platform, pulpit, and desk, outline addresses. 17804 The temperance compendium. 17806 - Mann (R. J.) Familiar lectures on food and drink, ill. - 61313 - Pratt (E. A.) The licensed trade, independent survey. 1907. 17805 - See also Public-house trusts. Temple, Frederick, Archbp. Moore (A. L.) Bishop Temple's Bampton lectures. In his Science and the faith, essays. 1893. 23909 - Sandford (E. G.) Frederick Temple, appreciation. 1907. port. Till Temple (Sir Richard C.) Anthropology, the evolution of cur- rency and coinage. In Lectures on science. 1906. - 50421 Temple, Sir William. In Macaulay (Lord) Works. - - - 82827 Temple. See Jerusalem. Templeton (William) and Huttox (W. S.) The practical mechanic's workshop companion. 1900. ill. - - - 62007 " Temporal power," a study in supremacy ; by Marie Corelli. - 91 C 8 Tenerifan language. See Language, Tenerifan. Tennant (F. R.) The origin and propagation of sin. 1906. - 23302 Tennant (W. J.) The compound engine, ill. - 62109 Ten ney (Albert F.) Elocution and expression. 1906. - - 80823 Tennis. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Heathcote (J. M.) and others. Tenuis. Lawn tennis. 1890. ill. 79609 - Payn (F. W.) Tennis topics and tactics. 1907. ill. - - 79618 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) W T orks. 1905. port. - - - 301 T - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 - The princess, a medley ; with notes. 1892. - 302 T Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. E5B2 - Dixon (W. M.) A primer of Tennyson. 1901. bibl. - - 82411 - Gordon (W. C.) Social ideals of Alfred Tennyson. 1906. bibl 30106 - Gosse (E. W.) Tennyson — and after. In his Questions. 1893. 80403 - Gwynn (S. L.) Tennyson, a critical study, mem. • - - 82402 - In Kingsley (C. ) Lectures and essays. 1898. - - - - E1K4 - In Knight (W. A.) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. - - - 99903 - Moore (J. M.) Three aspects of Tennyson. 1901. port. - 82403 " As a poet of nature, a national poet, a poet of humanity." - In Stedman (E. C.) Victorian poets. 1876. - 82406 Alfred Tennyson. Tennyson and Theocritus. - Stirling (J. H.) Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay. 1868. - E5S1 - Strachey (Sir E.) Tennyson and Maurice. In his Talk. 1895. 82815 - Tainsh (E. C.) A study of the works of Tennyson. 1893. - 82417 - Walker (H.) [Literature of] The age of Tennyson. 1897. - 82108 Tennyson (Hallam, Lord) Jack and the bean-stalk, hexameters. 401 T Terence. Andria ; with notes. 897. 47805 341 TER GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Terrible temptation, a story of the day ; by C. Reade. - - 16 R 8 Terror by night ; by J. M. Cobban. 160 CI Terry (Chas. S.) John Graham of Claverhouse. 1905. ill. maps. G161 - Pentland rising and Rullion Green [1666]. .... 91832 Terry (Hubert L.) India-rubber, its manufacture. 1907. ill. 67801 Tetley (James G. ) Old times and new. 1904.- - - - T051 Jottings of family history and general reminiscences, 1779-1893. Textiles. For lists of related subjects, see Design. Industries. - Ashenhurst (T. R.) Textile calculations and the structure of fabrics. 1902. ill. 67713 - Bradbury (F.) Calculations in yarns and fabrics. - - - 67706 - Design in textile fabrics. In Cassell's Technical educator, ill. 60308-11 - Lord (R. T.) Decorative and fancy textile fabrics. 1898. ill. - 74503 - Nisbet(H.) Grammar of textile design. 1906. ill. - - 67705 The principles and application of structural design in woven fabrics. - Posselt (E. A.) Technology of textile design, ill. - - - 67710 - Zipser (J.) Textile raw materials and their conversion into yarns. 1901. ill. 67717 - See also Cotton. Dyeing. Fibres. Jute. Lace. Linen. Spinning. Thread. Weaving. Wool. Thackeray (Anne). See Ritchie (Anne T., Lady). Thackeray (William M.) Works. 13 v. port. ill. 2 copies. 1. Vanity Fair. 12T4 2. Pendennis. 12T5 3. Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. History of Samuel Titmarsh. Cox's diary. Etc. 82811 4. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Fitz-Boodle papers. Men's wives. Catherine. Etc. - 12T9 5. Paris sketch book. Irish sketch book. Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Etc. 82809 6. Miss Tickletoby's lectures on English history. Papers by the fat contributor. Miscellaneous contributions to " Punch." History of the next French revolution. Little travels and roadside sketches. Book of snobs. Novels by eminent hands. Sketches and travels in London. Etc. 82807 7. History of Henry Esmond. English humourists. The four Georges. Etc. 12T7 8. The Newcomes. 12 T2 9. Christmas books. 12 T 6 10. The Virginians [a sequel to " Henry Esmond "]. - - - - 12 T 3 11. Shabby genteel story. Adventures of Philip. - - - - 12 Tl 12. The wolves and the lamb. Lovell the widower. Roundabout papers. Denis Duval. 12 T 8 13. Ballads. Critical reviews. Essays. Life of Thackeray ; by Sir L. Stephen. Bibliography. 82813 - Selections. In Poets and poetry of nineteenth century. - 82415 Thackeray, W. M. Bagehot(W.) Sterne and Thackeray. In Studies. E5B2 - Brown (J.) Thackeray's death. In his Horse subsecivae, v. 3. E2B3 Thames. Jefferies (R.) The modern Thames. In his The open air. 50404 That stick ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y26 Thayer (William M.) Abraham Lincoln, story of his life. 1902. L032 - Benjamin Franklin [a biography]. 1900. ill. - • F012 342 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. THE Thayer (William M. ) From log-cabin to White House, President Garfield's life. 1905. G031 - From tan-yard to White House, Grant's life. 1904. ill. - G011 - George Washington, his boyhood and manhood. 1902. - - W031 - Round the hearthstone. 1897. 17307 - Tact, push, and principle. 1904. 17402 Thearle (Samuel J. P.) Naval architecture, laying off and building. 2 v. ill. 62615-6 - Theoretical naval architecture. 2 v. ill. .... 62617-8 Theatre. Alison (Sir A. ) The British theatre. In his Essays, v. 3. E3 A3 Theism. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Fairbairn (A. M.) Theism and scientific speculation. In his Studies. 1876. 20103 - Flint (R.) Anti-theistic theories. 1879. .... 21101 - Tigert (J. T.) Theism, a survey. 21102 Thelma, a Norwegian princess ; by Marie Corelli. - - - 91 C 4 Theobald (H.) A guide to income and property tax assessment and recovery. 1905. 33604 Theobald (Lewis) Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1733. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. - - 82505 Theobald, Lewis. Collins (J. C.) The Porson of Shakspearian criticism. In his Essays and studies. 1895. - - £4 CI Theocritus. Stedman (E. C. ) Tennyson and Theocritus. In his Victorian poets. 1876. 82406 Theology. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Ballard (F. ) Christian essentials. 1907. .... 23016 - Boston (T. ) Human nature in its fourfold state. - - - 23013 - Campbell (R. J.) The new theology. 1907. - 23007 - Goodrich (A.) and others. Old faith and new theology. 1907. 23009 " Sermons and essays on some of the truths held by evangelical Christians, and the difficulties of accepting much of what is called the ' New theology.'" - D'Arcy (C. F.) Idealism and theology. 1899. - - - 23008 - Dresser (H. W.) The greatest truth, discourses. 1907. - 23011 - Fairbairn (A. M.) The city of God, discussions in religion. - 23014 The idea of God. In his Studies. 1876. .... 20103 - Froude (J. A.) A plea for the free discussion of theological difficulties. In his Short studies, v. 1. 1905. - - E2F1 - Martineau (J.) The seat of authority in religion. 1898. - 23001 - Tolstoy (Count) My religion. 1889. 23002 - See also Christian evidences. Christian life. Christianity. Creation. Creeds. Faith. Free will. Future state. Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ. Pantheism. Prayer. Religion and science. Ritschlianism. Salvation. Sin. Theism. Trinity. Theology, Pastoral. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Moule (H. C. G.) To my younger brethren, pastoral work. 1892. 25001 - See also Evangelism. Mothers' meetings. Preaching. Sermons. Theophrastus Such, Impressions of ; by George Eliot. - - El El 343 THE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Theosophy. For lists of related subjects, see Mind and body. Religion. - Harrison (C. G. ) The transcendental universe. 1896. - - 13307 - Leadbeater (C. W.) The other side of death. 1903. - - 21202 Therapeutics. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Bruce (J. M. ) Materia medica and therapeutics. 1905.- - 61504 - Sainsbury (H. ) Principia therapeutica. 1906. - - - 61505 - See also Homoeopathy. Hydropathy. Mind and body. Will. X-rays. There and back ; by G. MacDonald. 10M29 There and back ; by F. Richardson. 86R1 Thermodynamics. See Heat. Thessalonians, Epistle to the. See Bible. ' They ' [a story] ; by K. Kipling. 28K16 " They that walk in darkness," Ghetto tragedies ; by I. Zangwill. 2Z4 Thibet. See Tibet. Thierry (Jacques N. Augustin) Recits des temps merovingiens ; with notes. 1892-1899. 2 v. mem. map. - - - 44861-2 Things seen, men, cities, and books ; by G. W. Steevens. 1900. E2S1 Thirtle (James W.) Old Testament problems. 1907. - - 22213 Thirty -nine articles. Moberly (R. C.) Doctrinal standards. In his Problems and principles. 1904. 20402 This son of Vulcan ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - - 48 Bl This stage of fools ; by L. Merrick. 84 Ml Thistledown, a book of Scottish humour [etc. ] ; by R. Ford. ill. 91817 Thomalen (A. ) Text-book of electrical engineering. 1907. - 62424 Thomas (Annie) The siren's web, a romance of London society. 16 Tl Thomas (Edward) The woodland life. 1897. - 59030 Thomas (Frederick M.) Fifty years of Fleet Street. 1904. - R081 "Life and recollections of Sir John R. Robinson." Thomas (J. W.) Ventilation, heating [etc.] of dwellings. 1906. ill. 62801 Thomas (Margaret) Denmark past and present. 1902. ill. - 94106 - How to judge pictures. 1906. ill. 75004 Thomas (N. W.) Natives of Australia. 1906. ill. - - - 57203 Thomas Dryburgh's dream, a story ; by A. S. Swan. - - 148 S 23 Thomas Wingfold, curate ; by G. MacDonald. - 10M2 Thompson (A. H.) joint-author. See Shaw (Thomas B.) Thompson (G. R.) Haulage. In Coal-mining, v. 3. 1897. ill - 62512 Thompson (Sir Henry) Diet in relation to age and activity. - 61312 Thompson (Henry) Elementary veterinary science. 1908. ill. 61902 Thompson (John) A Greek grammar, accidence and syntax. 1902. 48801 Thompson (Maurice) Alice of old Vincennes. - - - 65 Tl Thompson (Robert J.) ed. The proofs of life after death. 1902. 21801 Thompson (Vance) Spinners of life. 62 Tl Thomson (Basil C.) Savage Island. 1902. ill. map. - - 99203 "An account of a sojourn in Niue and Tonga." Thomson (C. L.) and Sellon (G. B.) eds. Illustrations of English literature [1503-1894]. 3 v. 82027-9 344 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. THR Thomson (Daniel) The weavers' craft, a history of the Weavers' Incorporation of Dunfermline. 1903. ill. - - - 92502 Thomson, George, friend of Burns; by J. C. Hadden. 1898. port. T011 Thomson (J. H.) and Redwood (Str B.) Petroleum. 1901. ill. 66503 Thomson (J. J.) joint- author. See Poynting (J. H.) Thomson (James) Corals of the carboniferous system of Scot- land. 1883. ill. 56303 Thomson (James) Poetical works ; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. mem. 201 T Thomson, James. Macaulay (G. C. ) James Thomson [a bi- ography]. 1908. bibl. T131 Thomson (John) The domestic circle. 1886. - 17309 Thomson (John A.) The study of animal life. 1892. ill. - 59107 - joint-author. See Geddes (Patrick). Thomson (Joseph) Mungo Park and the Niger. 1890. ill. maps. P061 Thomson (W. C.) Bridge and structural design. 1905. ill. - 62702 Thomson (William H.) Brain and personality. 1907. - - 13103 Thomson (William M.) The land and the Book. 1903. ill. maps. 94501 " Biblical illustrations from the Holy Land." Thoreau (Henry D.) Walden [life in the woods]. - - - 81801 Thoreau, Henry D. In Stevenson (R. L.) Men aud books. 1906. El S3 Thorndike (Edward L.) The elements of psychology. 1907. - 15008 Thorne (Guy). See Gull (Cyril A. E. Ranger). Thornycroft Hall, its owners and its heirs ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W8 Thorold (Anthony W.) Bp. Selections from [his] works. 1898. 24409 - The yoke of Christ [Christian life]. 1897. .... 17115 Thorough bass. See Harmony. Thorp (Frank H.) Outlines of industrial chemistry. 1905. ill. 66006 Thorpe (George E.) The development of the voice. 1896. - 78422 Thorpe (Thomas E. ) Joseph Priestley [life and work]. 1906. ill. P071 - and Muir (M. M. P.) Qualitative chemical analysis. 1883. ill. 54402 Those Berkeley girls; by L. C. Davidson. 11 Dl Thou fool [a novel] ; by J. J. Bell. 40B2 Thought-reading. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Cumberland (S.) People I have read. 1905. ill. - - - 13401 - Hara (O Hashnu) Practical clairvoyance and telepathy. - 13404 Thread. For list of related subjects, see Textiles. - Blair (M. ) The Paisley thread industry. 1907. ill. - - 92002 Three brides ; by C. M. Yonge. - 2Y29 Three clerks, a novel ; by A. Trollope. 43 Tl Three cutters ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52M19 Three feathers, a novel ; by W. Black. 62B19 Three Graces [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - 104H4 Three men in a boat ; by J. K. Jerome. - - - - 16 J 2 Three men on the bummel ; by J. K. Jerome. - - - 16 J 1 Three Miss Kings ; by A. Cambridge. 9C2 Three musketeers ; by A. Dumas. 3 copies. - - - - 58 D 10 345 THR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Three mysteries ; by Theo Douglas. - 48 Dl Three partners ; by F. Bret Harte. 33 H 7 A sequel to " Clarence," 33H3. Threipland family. Chambers (R.) The Threiplands of Fingask. T101 Threshold of science [physics] ; by C. R. A. Wright. 1892. ill. 53013 Thrift. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - In Bell (Lady) Minor moralist. 1903. 17008 - In Kingsley (C. ) Sanitary and social lectures. 1902. - - E1K1 - Smiles (S.) Thrift, a book of domestic counsel. 1905. ill. - 17401 Through the dark continent, Africa ; by Sir H. M. Stanley, ill. 95908 Through the storm, life iu Armenia [story] ; by A. Nazarbek. - 23 Nl Through town and jungle [India] ; by W. H. and F. B. Workman. 94719 Thrown together, a story ; by F. Montgomery. - - - 141 Ml Thucydides. History of the Grecian war ; trans, by T. Hobbes. 19216-7 - History of the Peloponnesian war ; trans, by R. Crawley. - 88801 Thurston (Mrs. Katherine C.) John Chilcote, M.P. - - 64T1 Thyra Varrick, a love story ; by A. E. Barr. - - - - 18B3 Tibet. Bishop (Mrs. I. L.) Among the Tibetans. 1894. ill. - 94901 - Hedin (S.) Adventures in Tibet. 1904. ill.- - - - 94904 - Landon (P.) Lhasa, an account of the country and people of central Tibet. 1905. 2 v. ill. maps. - 94902-3 - Landor (A. H. S.) Tibet and Nepal. 1905. col. ill. - - 94906 Ticknor, George. Prescott (W. H.) Ticknor's History of Spanish literature. In his Miscellanies. - - - E2P1 Tides of Barnegat ; by F. H. Smith. - 86 SI Tideway, a novel ; by Austin Clare. 50 C 2 Tieck (Johann L. ) Tales ; trans, by T. Carlyle. 2 copies. - 128 Ml Tiger of Muscovy ; by F. Whishaw. 5W3 Tigert (John T. ) Theism, a survey. 21102 Timber. Acorn. English timber and its economical conversion. 63404 - Boulger (G. S.) Wood. 1902. UU. ill. .... 63403 " Natural history and industrial applications of the timbers of commerce." - Stone (H.) Timbers of commerce, identification. 1905. bibl. - 63405 Times (John) Anecdote biography. 1860. ill. - - - - P141 William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Edmund Burke. Time. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Cunynghame (ET. H.) Time and clocks. 1906. ill. - - 52901 "Ancient and modern methods of measuring time." - Palmoni. 1851. 22107 " Chronographical and numerical systems in use among the ancient Jews, Assyrian, Egyptian, and other ancient chronographies." - See also Clocks and watches. Time and the woman ; by R. Pryce. 62P2 Time and tide, letters on the laws of work ; by J. Ruskin. 1903. 30402 Time's revenges [a novel] ; by D. C. Murray. - 126M4 Timothy, Epistles to. See Bible. Timothy's legacy; by E. M. H. Clennell. 148 CI 346 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. TOM Timothy's quest, a story ; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - - 55 W 5 Tippoo Tib. Brode (H.) Tippoo Tib, his career in central Africa. T091 Tirebuck (William E.) Miss Grace of All Souls'. - - 32 Tl - Twixt God and Mammon. 32 T 2 Titus, Epistle to. See Bible. To Esther, and other sketches ; by Lady Ritchie. - - - 37 Rl To right the wrong ; by Edna Lyall. 67 L 2 To the healing of the sea, a novel ; by F. H. Hardy. - - - 123 HI Tobago. Clifford (H.) Time and Tobago. In his Heroes of exile. 99510 Tobit. See Bible. Tocqueville, Alexis de. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 3. 1350.- E3A3 Tod (John) Arithmetical guide for marine engineers. 1905. - 62115 - and McGibbox (W. C.) Marine engineers' Board of Trade examinations. 1905. ill. 62123 Todd (George Eyre) Byways of the Scottish Border, ill. - 92009 - Scotland, picturesque and traditional. 1906. ill. - - - 91822 - Sketch-book of the north. 1903. ill. 91827 Todd (Margaret). See Trayers (Graham). Todhunter (Isaac) The Elements of Euclid. 1903. - - - 51302 - Mechanics for beginners. 1890. ill. 53104 Togo Heibacniro, Admiral, Life of; by H. C. S. Wright. 1907. port. ill. T081 Toilers of the field [agricultural workers] ; by R. Jefferies. 190-4. 33102 Toilers of the sea ; by V. Hugo. 102 H 2 Told at twilight [stories] ; by N. Everitt. 39 El Told by Uncle Remus ; by J. C. Harris. 26 H 2 Toleration. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Bagehot (W.) The metaphysical basis of toleration. In his Literary studies, v. 3. 1898. E5B3 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2. 1894. - - E6H2 Tolstoy (Count Lyof N. ) End of the age. Crisis in Russia. 1906. 32006 - My religion. 1889. 23002 - The Cossacks, a tale. 35T3 - The invaders, and other stories. 35T2 - Tales. 35T1 Tolstoy, Count Lyof N. Chesterton (G. K.) Tolstoy and the cult of simplicity. In his Twelve types. 1906. - - - E7C2 Tom Brown's school days ; by T. Hughes. 101 H 2 Tom Brown at Oxford ; by T. Hughes. 101 HI Tom Burke of " Ours " ; by C. Lever. 39L5 Tom Cringle's log ; by M. Scott. - - - - - - 34 S 2 Tom Sawyer, Adventures of; by Mark Twain. 2 copies. - - 52T6 Tom Sawyer abroad ; by Mark Twain. 2 copies. - - - 52 T 5 A sequel to " Huckleberry Firm," 52 T 7. Tom Sawyer, detective, and other tales ; by Mark Twain. 2 copies. 52 T 4 A sequel to " Tom Sawyer abroad." Tom Wallis, a tale of the South Seas ; by G. Louis Becke. - 35B6 347 TOM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Tommy and Co. ; by J. K. Jerome. 16 J 6 Tommy and Grizel ; by J. M. Barrie. 24 B 4 A sequel to " Sentimental Tommy," 24 B 6. Tompkins (A. E.) Turbines [water and steam]. 1907. ill - 62132 Tonga. Thomson (B. C.) Savage Island. 1902. ill. - - 99203 " An account of a sojourn in Niu6 and Tonga." Tonic sol-fa. For related subjects, see Singing. - Curwen (J.) The standard course in tonic sol-fa. 1900. onus. 78401 Tonic sol-fa. mus. - - 78418 Tonson, Jacob. In Knight (C.) Shadows of the old booksellers. 99712 Too strange not to be true ; by Lady G. Fullerton. - - - 62 Fl Tooke, John Home. In Hazlitt (W. ) The spirit of the age. 1894. E1H2 Tookey (W. A.) Oil engines, their selection [etc.] 1906. ill. - 62207 Tooley (S. A.) History of nursing in British Empire. 1906. ill. 61004 Tools. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Cutting tools. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-4. ill. 60306-9 - Horner (J. G. ) Tools for engineers and woodworkers. 1905. ill. 62313 - See also Turning. Toothaker (Charles R.) Commercial raw materials. 1905. ill. 90607 Topffer (Rodolphe) Nouvelles genevoises. - - - 37 Tl Torrens (W. M.) Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne. 1890. - M251 Torres (R.) ed. The pictorial Spanish course. - 46802 Torrey (Reuben A.) Anecdotes and illustrations. 1907.- - 25101 - How to succeed in the Christian life. 1906. - 17107 Touch. For lists of related subjects, see Birds. Mammals. - Kidd(W.) Thesenseof touchinmammals and birds. 1907. bibl. ill. 59124 Tout (Thomas F.) Wales and the March during the barons' wars, 1258-67. In Historical essays. 1907. maps. - 90406 Tout (Mrs. Thomas F.) The legend of St. Ursula and the eleven thousand virgins. In Historical essays. 1907. - - 90406 Towards the heights [conduct of life] ; by C. Wagner. 1906. - 17103 Tower of London, an historical romance ; by W. H. Ainsworth. 16 A 10 Towle (Eleanor A.) John Mason Neale, a memoir. 1906. ill. N071 Town traveller [a novel] ; by G. Gissing. 30G2 Towns. Ditchfield (P. H. ) The story of our English towns. 1907. 91609 Townsend(W.G. P.) Embroidery, the craft of the needle. 1907. ill. 74603 Trackless way ; by E. R. Esler. 34E1 Traction engine. For list of related subjects, see Steam engine. - Norris (W.) Modern steam road wagons. 1906. ill. plans. - 62119 Tracy (Louis) The final war, a story. - - - 40 Tl Trade. See Commerce. Trade unions. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Jevons (T. S.) The law of trade unions. 1907. - - - 33112 - Webb (S. and B.) The history of trade unionism. 1907. bibl. 33122 Trafalgar. In Fitchett (W. H. ) Deeds that won the Empire, plan. 91418 Traffics and discoveries ; by R. Kipling. - - - - - 28K15 348 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. TRA Tragedy. Maeterlinck (M.) The tragical in daily life. In his Treasure of the humble. 1907. - - - - E8M2 Tragedy of the Korosko ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 4 Tragic comedians ; by G. Meredith. 82M13 Trail of the sword ; by Sir G. Parker. 8P7 Traill (Henry D.) William the Third [a biography]. 1888. - W191 Traill (Thomas W.) Boilers, marine and land. 1906. ill. - 62140 Traitor and loyalist ; by H. K. Webster. 91W1 Traitors way, a story ; by S. L. Yeats. 3Y1 Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry ; by W. Carleton. - 21 CI Tramp abroad ; by Mark Twain. 52T14 Tramps abroad, More ; by Mark Twain. 52T12 Tramp's hand-book ; by H. Roberts. 1903. ill. - - - 79613 Transcendental universe [Theosophy] ; by C. G. Harrison. 1896. 13307 Transformation, or, the romance of Monte Beni ; by N. Hawthorne. 42H10 Translation of a savage ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - 8P11 Transportation. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Johnson (E. R.) Ocean and inland water transportation, ill. 65613 - Willson (B.) The story of rapid transit. 1903. ill. - - 65603 - See also Canals. Mercantile marine. Railways. Rivers. Ships. Steam navigation. Transvaal. Fitzpatrick (Sir J. P.) Transvaal from within. 1899. 96602 - Jeppe (C.) The kaleidoscopic Transvaal. 1906. - - - 96604 - Nixon (J.) Complete story of the Transvaal. 1885. map. - 96601 - Scoble (J.) and Abercrombie (H. R.) The rise and fall of Krugerism. 1900. 96603 Transylvania. Gerard (E.) Land beyond the forest. 2 v. ill. 92905-6 Travel. For list of related subjects, see History. - Arnold (Sir E.) Wandering words [travel]. 1S94. ill.- - 90815 - Avebury (Lord) Pleasures of travel. In his Pleasures of life. E2A1 - Campbell (J. F.) My circular notes round the world, 1S74-5. 2v. 90818-9 - Cotes (Mrs. E.) Social departure [journey round the world]. - 90814 - Dilke (Sir C. W.) Greater Britain. 1907. .... 90822 " A record of travel in English-speaking countries." - Galton (F.) The art of travel. 1893. ill. .... 90811 - Macleod (N. ) Notes of travel, life, and character. In his Love, the fulfilling of the law. 1888. - - - 17125 - Mallik (M. C.) Impressions of a wanderer. 1907. - - - 90816 Language. Physical and moral features. Norway. Japan and the far east. [Etc.] - Park (M. M.) Greater Britain and the far east. 1907. ill. - 90817 South Africa. Australia. China. Japan. India. [Etc.] - Sala (G. A.) Under the sun. 1S86. ill. .... 90820 - Stevenson (R. L. ) Essays of travel. 1905. - 90810 The amateur emigrant, from the Clyde to Sandy Hook. An autumn effect. Forest notes. [Etc.] - Thackeray (W. M.) From Cornhill to Grand Cairo, ill. 2 copies. 82809 349 TEA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Travel. See also Exploration. Voyages. Traveller from Altruria, romance ; by W. D. Howells. - - 97 H5 Travelling thirds ; by G. F. Atherton. 55 A 5 T ravers (Graham) Fellow travellers [stories]. - - - 41 T 3 - Growth, a novel. - 41T2 - Windyhaugh, a novel. 41 Tl Treasure Island ; by R. L. Stevenson. 120 SI Treasure of the humble [essays] ; by M. Maeterlinck. 1907. - E8M2 Trees. For lists of other subjects, see Botany. Gardening. - Phythian (J. E.) Trees in nature, myth, and art. 1907. ill. 71501 - Step (E.) Wayside and woodland trees, British. 1907. til. - 58208 - See also Timber. Trelawny (Ed. J.) Recollections of Shelley and Byron, port.- S411 Trench (Herbert) New poems. 1907. 501T Trench (Richard C.) Archbp. The epistles to the churches in Asia, Revelation 2-3. 1883. 22901 - The Hulsean lectures, 1845-6. 1880. 23918 The fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the spiritual life of men. Christ, the desire of all nations. - A select glossary of English words. 1906. .... 42301 Tresor [comedie] ; par F. E. J. Coppee ; with notes. 1906. - 44818 Trespasser [a novel] ; by Sir G. Parker. 8P10 Trevelyan (George M.) England under the Stuarts. 1904. maps. 91330 - Garibaldi's defence of the Roman Republic. 1907. ill. maps. 93627 Trevelyan (Sir George O.) The competition wallah [India]. - 94723 - The early history of Charles James Fox. F052 - Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 1905. - M321 Trevelyan (W. B.) Sunday. 1903. 26301 Trevlyn Hold, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10 W 25 Trial ; by C. M. Yonge. 2Y36 A sequel to "The daisy chain," 2Y33. Trials. For list of other subjects in law, see Law. - Deans (R. S. ) Notable trials, romances of the law courts, ill. 34301 - Stephen (Sir L.) State trials. In his Hours in a library, v. 3. E4S3 Trigonometry. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - Bridgett (R. C.) and Hyslop (W.) Trigonometry. 1907. - 51402 - D'Arcy (R. F.) A new trigonometry. 1905. - 51403 - Plane trigonometry. In Cassell's Popular educator, v. 5-6. - 03206-7 - Williamson (A. P. W.) Plane and spherical trigonometry. - 51401 " With application to problems in navigation and nautical astronomy." Trinity. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Horton (R. F.) [Sermons on] The Trinity. 1901. - - - 23101 Trip to Paradoxia, and other humours ; by T. H. S. Escott. - 33 El Tripoli. Cowper (H. S.) The hill of the graces. 1897. bill. plan. 95601 " Investigation among the trilithons and megalithic sites of Tripoli." Tristbam (H. B.) The land of Israel, travels in Palestine. 1866. 94506 350 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. TUR Tristram (J. F.) Practical physics for beginners. 1904. ill. - 53006 Trollope (Anthony) Castle Richmond. 43 T 2 - Marion Fay. 43 T4 - Mr. Scarborough's family. 43 T 5 - The three clerks, a novel. 43 Tl - The way we live now. 43 T 3 Trompeter von S'akkingen ; von J. V. von Scheffel ; with notes. 43840 Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland ; by O. Schreiner. - - 32 S 2 Troublesome daughters ; by Mrs. L. B. Walford. - - - 88 W 4 Trout. For related subjects, see Fish, fishing. - Brown (J. A. H.) The wonderful trout. 1898. - - - 79910 - Hodgson (W. E.) How to fish. 1907. ill. - 79913 Troy Town, Astonishing history of; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - 99C3 Truants; by A. E. W. Mason. 59M1 Trubetzkoi (Prince Michael) Out of chaos. 19u7. - - 94023 "A personal story of the revolution in Russia. " True heart ; by F. Breton. 89 Bl Trumpet-major, a tale ; by T. Hardy. 21H3 Truro, Lord. In Atlay (J. B.) Victorian chancellors, v. 1. port. 99820 Truscott (L. P.) Stars of destiny. 66T1 Trusts. Macrosty (H. W. ) Trust movement in British industry. 33806 The trust movement. In British industries. 1907. - - 33804 Truth. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Hare (J. C. and A. W.) Guesses at truth. 1897. - - - 82804 Truth and falsehood in religion [Christianity] ; by W.R.Inge. 1906. 23015 Truth in story [family worship] ; by E. Hodder. 1894. ill. - 24901 Truth-tellers; by John Strange Winter. 73W4 Tsavo. Patterson (J. H.) The man-eaters of Tsavo [sport and travel]. 1907. ill. map. 96105 Tschudi (Clara) Elizabeth, Empress of Austria. 1901. - - E031 Tsu-shima. SemenofF (V.) The battle of Tsu-shima. 1906. plan. 95120 Tube railways. Halden (G. M.) Setting out of tube railways. 1907. ill. plans. - - - 62703 Tucker (J. H.) A manual of sugar analysis. 1905. ill. - - 54301 Tucker (T. G.) Life in ancient Athens. 1907. ill. plan. - 93822 Tuckwell (W.) Chaucer [a biography]. 1904. ill.- - - C381 Tunis. Lorimer (N. O.) By the waters of Carthage. 1906. ill.- 95604 Tunstall (A. C.) joint -author. See Warwick (F. J.) Turbines. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Biles (J. H. ) Steam turbine as applied to marine purposes. 1906. 62143 - Jude (A. ) The theory of the steam turbine. 1906. ill. plans. 62120 - Sothern (J. W. ) The marine steam turbine. 1906. ill.- - 62102 and Sothern (R. M.) Turbines. In their Marine engineering design. 190S. 62145 - Tompkins (A. E.) Turbines [water and steam]. 1907. til. - 62132 - Walker (S. F.) Steam boilers, engines, turbines. 1908. ill.- 62147 351 TUR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Turgexev (Ivan) Fathers and children, a novel. - - - 49T2 - A house of gentlefolk, a novel. 49T1 Turgot, Anne R. J. In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 2. - E3M2 Turkey. Alison (Sir A.) The decline of Turkey. Inhis Essays, v. 2. E3A2 - Ramsay (Sir W. M.) Impressions of Turkey. 1897. - - 93904 - Ramsay (Lady) Everyday life in Turkey. 1903. - - 9S - See also Greco-Turkish war. Turner (Charles E.) Studies in Russian literature. 1882. - 89106 Turner (Herbert H.) Astronomical discovery. 1904. ill. - 52002 Turner, Joseph M. W. Wyllie (W. L.) Turner [his life and art]. 1905. port. ........ T041 Turner (Thomas) Lectures on iron-founding. 1904. ill. - 67201 Turning. Greenwood (T.) Turners' and fitters' handbook, ill. 62303' - Horner (J. G.) Practical metal turning. 1906. ill. - - 62310 - Lukin (J. ) Turning for beginners. 1906. ill. - - - 62311 - North cott (W. H.) Treatise on lathes and turning. 1868. ill. 62308 - Robinson (H. C.) Eccentric spiral turning. 1906. ill. - 62312 - See also Chucks. Tuscany. Lees (W. N.) Scenes and shrines in Tuscany. 1907. 93705 - Ross (J.) Old Florence and modern Tuscany. 1904. ill. - 93708 Twain (Mark) King Leopold's soliloquy. 1907. port. ill. - 95907 - The adventures of Tom Sawyer. 2 copies. - - - 52 T 6 - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [a sequel to above]. 2 copies. 52 T 7 - Tom Sawyer abroad [a sequel to ' ' Huckleberry Finn "]. 2 copies. 52 T 5 - Tom Sawyer, detective [sequel to above] and other tales. 2 cop. 52T4 - Eve's diary. 52T13 - The innocents abroad. 52T10 - The £1,000,000 bank-note, and other new stories. - - - 52T2 - The prince and the pauper, a tale. 52 Tl - Pudd'nhead Wilson, a tale. 52 T 3 - Roughing it. The innocents at home. 52T9 - The stolen white elephant, etc. 52 T8 - A tramp abroad. 52T14 - More tramps abroad. 52T12 - A Yankee at the court of King Arthur. 52T11 'Twasin Trafalgar's Bay ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - - 48B7 Tweed ale (Violet) Lord Eversleigh's sins. - - - - 53T2 - The portals of love. 53 Tl Twelve types [essays] ; by G. K. Chesterton. 1906. - - E7C2 Twelvetrees (W. N.) Concrete-steel, ill. .... 69104 - Concrete-steel buildings. 1907. ill. 72102 "A companion volume to the treatise on ' Concrete-steel.' " Twenty years after ; by A. Dumas. 2 copies. - 58D11 A sequel to " The three musketeers," 58D10. Twice-told tales ; by N. Hawthorne. 42 H 8 352 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. UNC Twice tried ; by A. S. Swan. 148 S 22 'Twixt God and Mammon ; by W. E. Tirebuck. - - - 32T2 Two admirals ; by J. F. Cooper. 88C17 Two captains ; by W. Clark Russell. - ... . 75R29 Two hours ; by Lady Ritchie. 37 R 3 n magics [stories] ; by H. James. - - - - 7 J 14 l a tower ; by T. Hardy. 21 H 7 Two paths, lectures on art ; by J. Ruskin. 1905. - - - 70404 Two penniless princesses ; by C. M. Yonge. .... 2Y39 Two sides of the shield ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - - 2Y42 A sequel to " Scenes and characters,'' 2Y24. Two years abaft the mast ; by F. W. H. Symondson. - - S401 Two years ago [a novel] ; by C. Kingsley. - - - - 24 K 5 Two years before the mast, life at sea ; by R. H. Dana. ill. - D011 Tyler (Moses C.) Patrick Henry [a biography]. 1898. - - H051 Tynan (Katharine) A daughter of kings. .... 55T1 Tyndale, William. Demaus (R.) William Tyndale, a biography. T121 Tyndall (John) Faraday as a discoverer. 1868. - - - F152 - Fragments of science. 1902. 2 v. ill. 50408-9 - New fragments. 1897. 50410 - Heat, a mode of motion. 1904. ill. 53602 Typewriting. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Morton (A. E.) Modern typewriting and office procedure, ill. 65201 Typhus fever. In Gairdner (Sir \V. T.) Physician as naturalist. 61002 Tyrol. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 2. 1850.- - - - E3A2 Tytler (Sarah) The life of the Queen [Victoria]. 4°. ill. - V022 - The American cousins, a story. 57 Tl - Friendly foes. 57 T4 - Hearts are trumps. 57 T 5 - Major Singleton's daughter. - - 57 T 3 - Mrs. Carmichael's goddesses. - 57 T 2 u Uarda, a romance of ancient Egypt ; by G. Ebers. - - - 3E2 Uganda. Lugard (Sir F. J. D. ) Story of Uganda Protectorate, map. 96103 - Mullins (J. D.) Wonderful story of Uganda [missions]. 190S. 27809 Ular (Alexandre) A Russo-Chinese empire. 1904. - - 95101 Ulysses, a drama ; by S. Phillips. 1902. 801 P Uncle Bernac, a memory of the Empire ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. 51 D 2 Uncle Remus ; by J. C. Harris. 26 H 3 Uncle Remus, Nights with ; by J. C. Harris. .... 26H4 Uncle Remus, Told by ; by J. C. Harris. 26 H 2 Uncle Tom's cabin ; by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 129 SI M 353 UNO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cn commercial traveller ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - 30 D 16 Unconventional maid, a novel ; by M. Sandeman. - - - 17 SI Under Croagh Patrick ; by Mrs. W. O'Brien. - - - - 28 Ol Under fire ; by C. King. - 45 Kl Under God's sky ; by Deas Cromarty. 123 CI Under love's rule, a novel ; by M. E. Braddon. 2 copies. - - 81 Bl Under one roof, an episode ; by J. Payn. 18 P 2 Under the greenwood tree ; by T. Hardy. 21 H 6 Under the punkah [sketches] ; by P. S. Robinson. 1891. - 82819 Under the red robe ; by S. J. Weyman. 45W13 Under the sun [travel] ; by G. A. Sala. 1886. ill. - - - 90820 Under tropic skies ; by G. Louis Becke. 35 B5 Under which lord ? by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. - 46L7 Understanding. See Intellect. Underwoods [poems] ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1905. - - - 301S Unemployed. Fc r list of related subjects, see Labour. - Alden (P.) The unemployed, a national question. 1905. bill. 33125 - Gull (C. A. E. R. ) Vagrom men. In his " I believe " [etc.] - E5G1 - Leigh (L.) Brother East and Brother West. 1905. - - 33124 - McArthur (G. W. ) The citizen and unemployment. In The citizen of to-morrow. 1906. bibl. 30409 Unholy wish, and other stories ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 10W12 Unitarianism. For list of other sects, see Sects. - Crothers (S. M. ) and others. The faith of a free church. 1907. 28801 United States. Baker (J. H. ) American problems, essays. 1907. 30410 - Bancroft (G.) History of the United States. 7 v. - - 97209-15 - Prescott(W. H.) Bancroft's United States. In his Miscellanies. E2P1 - Bryce (J.) The American Commonwealth. 1905-6. 2 v. - 34201-2 - Burke (E.) Two speeches on conciliation with America. - 82716 - Carnegie (A.) Triumphant democracy [U.S.] Republic. 1888. 97204 - Dickens (C.) American notes, ill. 2 copies. - - - 97201 - Gordon (J. B.) Reminiscences of the civil war. 1904. - - 97207 - Harrison (B.) Constitution and administration of U.S. 1897. 34208 - Howe (F. S.) 14000 miles, a carriage and two women. 1906. ill. 97319 - Irving (W.) Astoria. A tour on the prairies. 1893. - - 97402 - James (H. ) The American scene [impressions of travel]. 1907. 97216 - Jones (Sir P. B.) Dollars and democracy. 1904. ill. - - 97206 - Laughlin (J. L. ) Industrial America. 1907. maps. - - 33009 - Lowell (J. R.) On a certain condescension in foreigners. In his My study windows. El LI - O'Rell (Max) and Allyn (Jack) Jonathan and his continent. - 97203 - Roosevelt (T.) The winning of the west. 1905. 4 v. ill. maps. 97312-5 1. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 176C-76. 2. From the Alle- ghanies to the Mississippi [concl.], 1777-83. 3. The founding of the Trans- Alleghany commonwealths, 1784-90. 4. Louisiana and the north-west, 1791-1807. 354 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. UTT United States. Smith (A. H.) China and America to-day. 1907. 95114 - Smith (G.) Commonwealth or Empire. 1902. - - - 35301 - Smith (J. H.) Our struggle for the fourteenth colony. 2 v. - 96904-5 Canada and the American revolution. - Steevens (G. XV.) The land of the dollar. 1900. - - - 97203 - Stevenson (R. L. ) Across the plains [New York to San Francisco]. E1S2 - Wells (H. G.) The future in America. 1906. - - - 97208 - White (H. A.) Lee and the southern confederacy, 1807-70. 1905. L161 Universe. For list of related subjects, see Science. - Croll (J.) Climate and cosmology. 1885. .... 55118 " A discussion of the objections urged against ' Climate and time,'" 55112. - Humboldt (F. H. A. von) Cosmos, a physical description. 5 v. - 50002-6 Universities. In Huxley (T. H.) Science and education. 1905. 50423 Universities, actual and ideal. Address on university education. - Sidgwick (H.) Idle fellowships. In his Essays. 1904. - - E8S1 - See also Edinburgh University. Glasgow University. Oxford University. Unjust steward, or, the minister's debt ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. 603 Unknown to history, a story of Mary of Scotland ; by C. M. Yonge. 2 Y38 Unofficial dispatches [South African war, 1900-1] ; by E. Wallace. 96407 Unsatisfactory lover ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - - 104H12 Unseen world, Spiritism; by A. M. Lepicier. 1906. - - 28901 Unstable as water ; by Mrs. J. H. Xeedell. - - - - 3N1 Unto this last, on political economy ; by J. Ruskin. 1903. - 33001 Unwin (George) Industrial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 1904. 33802 Unwin (Wm. C.) Elements of machine design. 1906. 2 v. ill. 62025-6 - A treatise on hydraulics. 1907. ill. 53201 Upton (George P.) Musical pastels. 1902. ill - - - 78013 Upward (Allen) The phantom torpedo-boats. - - - - 4U1 Uranus. Proctor (R. A.) News from Herschel : s planet, hi his Light science for leisure hours, v. 2. .... 50425 Uren (J. G.) Scilly and the Scillonians. 1906. port. ill. - 91717 Urie (John) Reminiscences of eighty years. 1908. port. ill. - U011 Urquhart (John W.) Sewing machinery. 1881. ill. - - 68702 Ursula, Saint. Tout (Mrs. T. F.) The legend of St. Ursula and the eleven thousand virgins. In Historical essays. 1907- 90406 Ursula, a tale of country life; by E. M. Sewell. - - - 48 S 12 Ursula Vivian, the sister-mother ; by A. S. Swan. - - - 148S21 Use of life [essays] ; by Lord A vebury. 1904. .... E2A2 Useful arts. See Arts, Useful. Usury. See Interest. Utilitarianism. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Mill (J. S.) Utilitarianism. 17131 Utopia [an imaginary ideal commonwealth] : by Sir T. More. - 32002 Uttermost farthing ; by B. P. Neuman. 6N1 355 VAC GLA SGO IV P UBLIC LIBRA RIES. Vacances ; par la comtesse de Segur. - - - - - - 43 SI Vaccaj (N.) Practical method of Italian singing, fo. mus. - 78421 Vachell (Horace A.) The face of clay, an interpretation. - 2V1 - The pinch of prosperity, a [story]. 2V2 Vagabond heroine ; by Mrs. A. Edwardes. .... 12E1 Vagabond songs and ballads of Scotland ; ed. by R. Ford. 1904. 82233 Vaile (P. A.) Wake up, England. 1907.- - - 91608 Vaizey (Mrs. George de H.) How like the King. - - - 22 VI Val d'Arno, lectures on Tuscan art ; by J. Ruskin. 1900. ill.- 70903 Val Strange, a story ; by D. C. Murray. - - - - - 126 M 5 Valentin ; by H. Kingsley. - - - - - - - 26K9 Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist ; by H. Cockton. - - - 68C1 Valerie, an autobiography ; by Captain F. Marryat. - - - 52 M 14 Valerie, comedie ; par E. Scribe; with notes. 1892. - - 44817 Valiant ignorance, a novel ; by M. A. Dickens. - - - 31D1 Valiant runaways ; by G. F. Atherton. 55A6 Valkyries, a romance founded on Wagner's opera; byE.F. Benson. 46 B 6 Valley of the shadow ; by W. Le Queux. 36 LI Vallings (Harold) Paulette d'Esterre [a novel]. - - - 24 VI Valves. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Hurst (C.) Valves and valve-gearing. 1905. ill. - - - 62304 - Wansbrough (W.) Proportions and movement of slide valves. 62134 Vambery (Arminius) The story of my struggles. 1905. bibl. port. V061 - Western culture in eastern lands. 1906. ... - 94305 Van Buren, Martin [a biography] ; by E. M. Shepard. 1899. - V031 Van Cle ve (B. F. ) The English and American mechanic. 1900. ill. 62004 Vandervelde (E. ) Socialism and the capitalistic transformation of agriculture. In Modern socialism. 1907. - - - 33504 Van Dyke (John C.) Studies in pictures. 1907. ill. - 75002 Vanity Fair ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 12T4 Van Slyke (Lucius L.) Testing milk and milk products. 1907. 63703 Variation. See Evolution. VarnhagenvonEnse, K. A., Memoirs; by T. Carlyle. In his Essays. E1C6 Varnish. For list of related subjects, see Chemical technology. - Hurst (G. H.) Painters' colours, oils, varnishes. 1906. ill. - 66716 Vashti [a story] ; by A. J. E. Wilson. 68W6 Vaughan (Charles E. ) The romantic revolt [literature]. 1907. 80912 Vaughan, Henry. In Brown (J.) Horae subsecivse, v. 1. 1897.- E2B1 Vaughan (Owen) Old Fireproof, the chaplain's story. - - 21 VI Vaughan, Robert A. Kingsley (C.) Hours with the mystics. In his Essays. 1898. ' E1K4 Vauvenargues (Luc de Clapiers, marquis de) CEuvres choisies. 84802 Vauvenargues, Marquis de. In Morley (J.) Miscellanies, v. 2. - E3M2 356 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. VER Vegetable mould. Darwin (C.) Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms. 1882. ill. - - - 59506 Vegetables. For lists of related subjects, see Cookery. Gardening. - De Salis (Mrs. H. A.) Gardening, vegetables. 1895. - - 63501 Contains also recipes for cooking. - Sanders (T. W.) Vegetables and their cultivation, ill. - - 63502 - Wagner (E.) Preserving vegetables [etc.] 1908. ill. - - 66412 Vegetarianism. For lists of related subjects, see Cookery. Food. - Isobel, ed. Vegetarian cookery. 1906. 64111 Veitch (John) Hamilton [his life and philosophy]. 1S82. - 19205 Velazquez de la Cadexa (Mariano) A new Spanish reader. 1900. 46806 Velvet glove ; by Henry Seton Merriman. ----- 85M10 Vendetta ! or, the story of one forgotten ; by Marie Corelli. - 91 C 7 Venetia [a novel] ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - - - 31 B10 Venezuela. Andre (E.) Naturalist in the Guianas. 1904. ill. map. 98201 Venice. Brooke (S. A.) The sea-charm of Venice. 1907. - 93706 - Crawford (F. M.) Gleanings from Venetian history. 2 v. ill. 93701-2 - Douglas (H. A.) Venice on foot. ill. maps. - 93707 - Green (J. R.) Two Venetian studies. In his Stray studies. - E2G1 - Newett (M. M.) The sumptuary laws of Venice in the 14th and loth centuries. In Historical essays. 1907. bibl. - 90406 - Ruskin (J.) St. Mark's rest, the history of Venice. 1902. - 70902 - - The stones of Venice. 1903-5. 3 v. ill. - - - - 72005-7 - In Symons (A.) Cities of Italy. 1907. 93624 Ventilation. For lists of related subjects, see Building. Sanitary engineering. - Griffiths (H.) The plenum or propulsion system of heating and ventilation. [1905]. ill. 69702 - Thomas (J. W.) The ventilation [etc.] of dwellings. 1906. ill. 62801 Ventriloquism. For list of other amusements, see Amusements. - Ganthony (R.) Practical ventriloquism, ill. - 79102 Venus. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Grant (R.) The transit of Venus in 1874. ill. - - - 52311 - Proctor (R. A.) Venus on sun's face-. In his Light science, v. 1. 50424 Veranilda, a romance ; by G. Gissing. - - - - 30 Gl Verdant Green ; by Cuthbert Bede. 37B2 Verdi, Giuseppe. Gilman (L.) Verdi and Wagner, an inquiry. In his Phases of modern music. 1905. ... - 78014 Veritas. The German Empire of to-day. 1902. map. - - 35402 Vermont. Robinson (R. E.) Vermont [a history]. 1S92. map. 97306 Vermuyden, Sir Cornelius. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 1. ill. 99704 Verner ( WiLLorGHBY W. C.) and Parker (E. D.) George, Duke of Cambridge. 1905. 2 v. ill. C271-2 Verner s Pride, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10 W 23 Vernon, Edward, Adm. Ford (D.) Vernon and the navy, a memoir. 1907. port. ill. V051 Veronique, a romance ; by F. Marryat. 51 Ml 357 VER GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Verre d'eau, comedie ; par E. Scribe ; with notes. 1905. - - 4484§ Vertebrates. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Cunningham (D. D.) Some Indian friends and acquaintances. 59601 " Studies of birds and other animals." - See also Batrachia. Birds. Mammals. Reptiles. Vesalius, Andreas. In Kingsley (C. ) Health and education. - E1K3 Vesuvius. In Proctor (R. A.) Light science, v. 1. 1902.- - 50424 Veterinary medicine. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Thompson (H.) Elementary veterinary science. 1908. ill. - 61902 - See also Dog. Vexed inheritance ; by A. S. Swan. - 148 S 17 Via crucis, a romance of the second crusade ; by F. M. Crawford. 116 C 17 94603 82821 36G1 10 Mil 35A2 19501 58D8 1901. Viator. Overland to Persia. 1906. ill. - Vicar and his friends [conversations] ; by J. C. Geikie. Vicar of Wakefield ; by O. Goldsmith. Vicar's daughter ; by G. MacDonald.- - Vice versa, or, a lesson to fathers ; by F. Anstey. 2 copies. Vico, Giovanni B. [life and philosophy] ; by R. Flint. 1901. bibl. Vicomte de Bragelonne ; by A. Dumas. 2 copies. A sequel to " Twenty years after," 58D11. Victoria (Queen) Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands. 1868. ill. V024 - More leaves, 1862-82. port. ill. V026 Victoria, Queen. 01iphant( Mrs. M.O.W.) Queen Victoria. 1900. jiort. V021 - Steevens (G. W.) The jubilee [1897]. In his Things seen. - E2S1 - Tytler (Sarah) The life of the Queen. 4°. port. ill. - - V022 V.C., a chronicle of the Crimea ; by D. C. Murray. - - - 126 Ml Victor's crowns, and other sermons ; by A. Maclaren. - - 25227 Victory of the vanquished, a story ; by Mrs. E. R. Charles. - 38 C 2 Victory won ; by A. S. Swan. - - - - - - - 148 S 4 Vida, or, the iron lord of Kirktown ; by S. R. Crockett. - - 120 C 27 Views and reviews,essays in appreciation, art; byW. E.Henley, 1902. 70407 Village communities. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Seebohm (F.) English village community. 1905. ill. maps. 32104 Village on the cliff; by Lady Ritchie. 37 R 5 ViLLAEi (Ltjigi) Fire and sword in the Caucasus. 1906. ill. - 94018 Villari (Pasquale) The life and times of Machiavelli. - - M311 - Life and times of Girolamo Savonarola, ill. - S382 Villemain (Abel F. ) Lascaris, ou, les Grecs du xv. siecle ; notes. 44847 Villette [a novel] ; by C. Bronte. ------ 92B2 Villon, Francois. In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906. El S3 Vincent (James E. ) John Nixon, a memoir. 1900. - - - N091 Vincent (Leon H.) American literary masters. 1906. - - 81001 Vincent (M. R. ) Epistles to Philippians and to Philemon. 1897. 22803 - ed. St Luke ; with notes. 1902. 22713 Vincent (W. D. F.) Cutters' practical guide, ladies' garments. 68701 358 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. VOL Vine (Frederick T.) Cakes and how to make them. ill. - 64205 - Practical pastry, a handbook. 1907. UL .... 64208 Vineyard ; by Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie. 109 CI Vintage, a romance; by E. F. Benson. 46B7 Violet Vaughan [a story] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 83 Wl Violin. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Abele and Niederheitmann (F.) The violin. UL - - - 78702 - Kreutzer (R.) 40 studies or caprices. ..... 78704 - Metzler and Co.'s Tutor for the violin, mus. - - - 78705 - Ries. Fifty fingered exercises for the violin. - 78706 - Stoeving (P.) The story of the violin. 1904. bibl. ill. - - 78701 Violin music. See Music, Instrumental, Violin. Violoncello. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Goodban (H. W.) The violoncello [a tutor], mus.- - - 78707 Violoncello music. See Music, Instrumental, Violoncello. Virchow, Rudolf. Tyndall (J.) Virchow and evolution. In his Fragments of science, v. 2. 1902. .... - 50409 Virgil. Works ; trans, by A. H. Bryce. mem. port. - - 87301 - Poems ; trans, into prose by J. Conington. • - - 87302 Virgil. Alison (Sir A.) Virgil, Tasso, and Raphael. In his Essays. E3A3 - Green (J. R. ) iEneas, a Vergiliau study. Li his Stray studies. E2G1 Virginia. Bradley (A. G.) Sketches from old Virginia. 1S97. - 97316 - Cooke (J. E.) Virginia, a history of the people. 1903. map. 97305 - Sanderson (E.) Early settlement in Virginia. In his Heroes. 90606 Virginians ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. .... 12T3 A sequel to " Henry Esmond," 12 T 7. Virginibus puerisque, and other papers; by R. L. Stevenson. - E1S1 Visger (Jean A. O.) and Jordan (D.) Forest tithes, studies. 59031 - In the green leaf and the sere. 1896. ill. - 50422 Vision at the Savoy ; by W. Graham. - - - - 81 Gl Visits to remarkable places [Gt. Britain] ; by W. Howitt. ill. - 91502 Vittoria [a novel] ; by G. Meredith. 82M14 A sequel to "Sandra Belloni," 82M2. Vivian Grey [a novel] ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - 31 B 3 Voice. For related subjects, see Singing. - Hulbert (H. H.) Voice training in speech and song. - San Carolo (I.) and Daniel (P.) Voice development. - Sutro (E.) Duality of voice and speech. - - Thorp (G. E.) The development of the voice. 1896. Voices in the night ; by Mrs. F. A. Steel. - Voltaire (Francois M. A. de) Siecle de Louis XIV. Voltaire, Francois M. A. de. In Carlyle (T. ) Essays, v. 2. - Goldsmith (O. ) Memoirs of Voltaire. In his Works, v - Morley (J. ) Voltaire [a biography]. 1903. - Stephen (Sir J. F. ) Voltaire as a theologian, moralist, and metaphysician. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892, - E3S2. 1907. - 78410 1906. 78408 - - 78411 - 78422 - - 111S2 - - 93105 •2 - E1C2 T. 4. - E1G4 . - V011 VOL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Voltaire, Francois M. A. de. Tallentyre (S. G.) Life of Voltaire. 1903. 2 v. bib!, port. ill. V012-3 Von Holst (Hermann E.) John C. Calhoun [a biography]. 1899. C191 Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon ; par E. M. Labiche et E. Martin. 44822 Voyages. Cook (J. ) Three voyages round the world. - - 90824 - Raleigh (W.) The English voyages, sixteenth century. 1906. 90823 The voyagers. Richard Hakluyt. The influence of the voyages on poetry and imagination. - Russell (W. Clark) A voyage to the Cape. 1889. - - - 96302 - See also names of ships. Voyxich (Mrs. Ethel L.) Olive Latham [a novel]. - - 20V1 Vultures; by Henry Seton Merriman. 85M9 w Wade (George A.) How to succeed in your examination. 1901. 37406 Wade (W. M.) Delineations of Scotland. 1822. - - - 91828 Wages. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Black (C. ) Sweated industry and the minimum wage. 1907. - 33106 - Jones (D.) The Midland Iron and Steel Wages Board. In British industries. 1907. 33804 - Ryan (J. A.) A living wage, its aspects. 1906. bibl. - - 33123 Wages of pleasure ; by J. A. Steuart. 117 S3 Waghorx (Thomas) The law relating to the compulsory taking of land. 1906. - 34708 Wagner (Charles) Towards the heights. 1906. port. - - 17103 Wagner (E.) Preserving fruit, vegetables, and meat. 1908. ill. 66412 Wagner, Richard. Baughan (E. A.) Notes on Wagner's " Ring." In his Music and musicians. 1906. 78012 - Oilman (L. ) Verdi and Wagner, an inquiry ; " Parsifal " and its significance. In his Modern music. 1905. - - 78014 - Steevens (G. W.) The feast of St. Wagner. In his Things seen. E2S1 Wagstaff (C. J. L.) Properties of matter. 1906. ill. - - 53004 Waif of the plains ; by F. Bret Harte. 33 H 6 Walden [life in the woods] ; by H. D. Thoreau. - - - 81801 Waldo (F. J. ) and Walsh (D. ) Bread, bakehouses, and bacteria. 61409 Wales. Morris (J. E. ) The Welsh wars of Edward I. 1901. map. 91338 - Tout (T. F.) Wales and the March during the barons' wars, 1258-67. In Historical essays. 1907. maps.- - - 90406 Walford (Mrs. Lucy B.) Charlotte. 88 W2 - The matchmaker. - - - - - - - - 88 W 3 - The mischief of Monica. 88 W 5 - Mr. Smith, a part of his life. - - - - - - - 88 Wl - Troublesome daughters. - - - - - - - 88 W4 Walker (Agnes) How to make up garments. 1907. ill. - 64601 Walker (Ernest) A history of music in England. 1907. onus. 78010 Walker (George) Aberdeen awa', men, manners, and customs. 92103 360 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. WAL Walker (Henry de R.) Science in colonial development. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30412 Walker (Hugh) [Literature of] The age of Tennyson. 1897. - 82108 - Three centuries of Scottish literature. 1893. 2 v. - - 82101-2 Walker (J. ) and Longmuir (J. ) The rhyming dictionary. 1904. 42601 Walker (J. B. R. ) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 1903. 22012 Walker (James) The analytical theory of light. 1904. ill. - 53508 Walker (Louisa) Varied occupations in weaving. 1901. ill. - 67730 Walker (Normal L.) History of the Free Church of Scotland. 28501 Walker (P.) How to play association football. 1905. ill. - 79704 Walker (Sydney F.) Electric wiring and fitting for plumbers and gasfitters. 1908. ill. 62419 - Steam boilers, engines, and turbines. 1908. ill. - - - 62147 Walker (Thomas N.) Through the mutiny, India. 1907. port. ill. 94726 Walkley ( Arthur B.) Drama and life. 1907.- - - - 79201 Wallace (AlfredR.) Darwinism, an exposition. 1905. port. ill. 57502 - Island life. 1892. ill. maps. - - - - - - 59103 - The Malay Archipelago. 1890. ill. maps. - - - - 95001 - The wonderful [19th] century, science and invention. 1898. - 50901 Wallace, A. R. Clodd (E.) Darwin and Wallace. In his Pioneers. 57515 Wallace (Edgar) Unofficial dispatches [S. African war]. - 96407 - Writ in barracks, poems. 1900. 701 W Wallace (Lew) Ben-Hur, or, the days of the Messiah. - - 6W1 Wallace (Robert) Life and last leaves. 1903. port. - - Will Wallace, Sir William. Murison (A. F.) Wallace [a biography]. W251 Wallenstein's Tod ; von J. C. F. von Schiller ; with notes. 1902. 43814 Walling (Robert A. J.) A sea-dog of Devon, Sir J. Hawkins. H191 Wallis (F.) joint-author. See Hawkins (C. C.) Wallis, John. Hobbes(T.) Wallis's Geometry. In his Works, v. 1. 19215 Wallpaper. See Paperhanging. Walpole, Horace. In Macaulay (Lord) Works. - 82827 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899. - - E4S1 Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford [a biography] ; by J. Morley. - W071 Walpole (Sir Spencer) Foreign relations. 188*2. - - - 32702 - History of England, 1815[-61]. 6 v. - - - - 91435-40 - The history of twenty-five years, 1856-70. 1904. v. 1-2. - 91441-2 Walsh (David) joint-author. See Waldo (F. J.) Walsh (N.) Woman [her education and mission]. 1904.- - 39605 Walsh (Walter) The moral damage of war. 1906. - - 17203 Walsingham, Sir Francis. In Innes (A. D. ) Ten Tudor statesmen. 99822 Walter (A. E.) X-rays in general practice. 1906. ill. - - 61506 Walter, John. In Smiles (S.) Men of invention and industry. - 99703 Walter's word ; by J. Payn. 18 P 4 Walton (Izaac) Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, Sanderson, mem. por*t. ------- 99813 361 WAL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Walton (Izaac) and Cotton (C.) The complete angler, mem., ill. 79903 Waltz (Elizabeth C.) The ancient landmark, a romance. - 86W1 Wander pictures [France and England] ; by B. Kennedy. 1906. ill. 91605 Wandering heir ; by C. Reade. 16R11 Wandering words [travel] ; by Sir E. Arnold. 1894. ill. - 90815 Wansbrough (Wm.) Proportions and movement of slide valves. 62134 War. For lists of related subjects, see Ethics. Government. - Anitchkow (M.) War and labour. 1900. - 33015 - In Cobden (R. ) Speeches. 82719 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2. 1894. - - E6H2 - Mahan (A. T.) and others. Some neglected aspects of war. 1907. 17202 The power that makes for peace ; by H. S. Pritchett. The moral aspect of war ; The practical aspect of war ; War from the Christian standpoint ; by A. T. Mahan. The capture of private property at sea ; by J. S. Corbett. The question of immunity for belligerent merchant shipping ; by A. T. Mahan. - Maurice (Sir J. F.) War. Essay on military literature, bibl. 35512 - Ruskin (J,) Crown of wild olive, on industry and war. 1904. 30403 - Walsh (W.J The moral damage of war. 1906. - - - 17203 Warburton, William, Bp. In Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - E3S2 Warburton's ' Divine legation.' "Warburton's minor works. Ward ( Adolphus W. ) Elisabeth, Princess Palatine. In Essays. 90406 Ward (Artemus). See Browne (Charles F.) Ward (Mrs. Humphry) Eleanor. - 14 Wl - Fenwick's career. 14W8 - Helbeck of Bannisdale. 14 W 7 - The history of David Grieve. 14 W 2 - Lady Rose's daughter. 14 W 9 - Marcella. 14W3 - Sir George Tressady [a sequel to "Marcella"]. - - - 14W5 - The marriage of William Ashe. ------ 14W10 - Robert Elsmere. 14W4 - The story of Bessie Costrell. -------- 14W6 - and Montague (C. E.) William T. Arnold [a biography]. 1907. A141 Ward (James) Historic ornament. 1897. 2 v. ill. - - 74004-5 Ward (John J.) Some nature biographies. 1908. ill. - - 50419 Ward (Thomas H.)ed. English poets, selections. 1892-1905. 4 v. 82221-4 Ward (Mrs. Wilfrid) Out of due time, a novel. - - - 90 Wl Ward (William) " How can I help England ? " 1906. - - 33503 Ward of the king, a romance ; by K. S. Macquoid. - - - 30 Ml Wardell (R. J.) Highways in bookland. [1907]. - - - 02805 Warden (Florence) The face in the flashlight. - - - 16 Wl - The house by the river. 16W2 - The inn by the shore, a novel. 16W3 Ware (Lewis S.) Beet-sugar manufacture, refining. 1905. v. 1. 66409 Warfield (B. B. ) ed. Acts, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon ; notes. 22715 Warleigh's trust ; by E. J. Worboise. 83 W 2 362 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. WAT f. Warner (Charles D.) The relation of literature to life [and other essays]. 1897. E2W1 " Equality." What is your culture to me ? Modern fiction. Thoughts suggested by Mr. Froude's " Progress." England. The novel and the common school. A night in the garden of the Tuileries. [Etc.] Warner (Geo. T.) Landmarks in English industrial history. Warner (Susan) The letter of credit. .... - Nobody. - Queechy. .......... - The wide, wide world. .-..-.,.. - and Warner (Anna) The gold of Chickaree. - Warren (Sir Charles) The Temple, or, the tomb [Jerusalem] Warren, Sir Charles, and Spion Kop ; by Defender. 1902. mem. poi Warren (F. D.) Reinforced concrete. 1906. ill. > Warren (Henry) How to choose your banker. 1900. Warren (J.) Ritualism. 1906. - Warren (Kate M.) ed. A treasury of English literature. 1906 Warren (Samuel) Diary of a late physician. - Warriner (John) The art of teaching music. 1906. mus. Warriston, Lord. See Johnston, Archibald, Lord Warriston. Warton (Thomas) History of English poetry [1066-1616]. Warwick (F. J.) and Tunstall (A. C.) " First aid" to th< injured and sick. 1908. ill. * Was it right to forgive ? a romance ; by A. E. Barr. - Washington (George) Letters and recollections, 1790-9. 1906 Washington, George. Irving (W.) Life of Washington. 4 v. port - Lodge (H. C.) George Washington [a biography]. 1889. 2 v. - Thayer (W. M.) Washington, boyhood and manhood. 1902. po Washington. Smith (Mrs. S. H. ) Forty years of Washington society [1800-41]. 1906. ill. - Washington Square [a novel] ; by H. James. Wasps. Avebury (Lord) Ants, bees, and wasps. 1885. bibl. ill Wasted crime, a novel ; by I). C. Murray. - Watcher by the threshold, and other tales : by J. Buchan. Watcher on the tower, a novel ; by A. G. Hales. Watchers ; by A. E. W. Mason. Watchers of the trails, animal life ; by C. G. D. Roberts. 1904. Watches. See Clocks and watches. Water. For list of related subjects, see Physical geography. - In Bailey (E. H. S.) Sanitary and applied chemistry. 1906. - Lewes (V. B.) Air and water. 1892. ill. Water-colour painting. See Painting, Water-colour. Water-fowl. For related subjects, see Birds. - Job (H. K.) Among the water-fowl. 1903. ill. - " In the northern and middle States [of America] and lower Canada." Water supply. For related subjects, see Sanitary engineering. - McPherson (J. A.) Waterworks distribution. 1907. ill. plan. 62805 363 ill 33006 21W8 21W7 21W6 21W5 22W1 22611 96402 69301 33205 26405 82011 23W1 78019 82207 61326 18B1 W038 W032-5 W036-7 t. W031 S341 7J4 59507 126M2 102 B 2 7H1 59M2 59126 61411 55117 59808 WAT GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRA RIES. Water-witch ; by J. F. Cooper. Waterdale neighbours ; by J. McCarthy. Waterloo. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1905. plans. - In Fitchett (W. H. ) Deeds that won the Empire. 1905. plan. - Gleig (G. R.) The story of the battle of Waterloo. 1907. map. - Hooper (G. ) Waterloo. 1907. plans. - Ropes (J. C.) The campaign of Waterloo. 1893. bibl. maps. - Wood (Sir H. E.) Cavalry in the Waterloo campaign. 1895. ill. Waterloo ; par E. Erckmann et A. Chatrian ; with notes. 1902. Waterloo ; by E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. .... Waters of Hercules ; b}~ E. and D. Gerard. .... Waterton, Charles. Smith (S.) Waterton's " Wanderings." In Ids Selections. --------- Watkinson (William L.) The education of the heart, essays. - Watson (David) The heritage of youth. 1903. Watson (Gilbert) Three rolling stones in Japan. 1904. ill. - Watson (Henry B. M.) Galloping Dick. - The high toby [a sequel to "Galloping Dick "]. Watso:>t (John) Companions of the sorrowful way. 1898. - The homely virtues. 1903. - The Scot of the eighteenth century. 1907. - - Afterwards, and other stories. - - - - - - - Beside the bonnie brier bush. ------- - A doctor of the old school. ------- Reprinted from "Beside the bonnie brier bush." - The days of auld lang syne. 2 copies. - - Kate Carnegie and those ministers. - Rabbi Saunderson. --------- Reprinted from "Kate Carnegie and those ministers." Watson (John) and Winder (B.) Woodlanders and field folk. - Watson (William) Poems. 1907. 2 v. port. Watson (William) A text-book of practical physics. 1906. - Watt (Alexander) The art of soap-making. 1907. ill. - - Electro-metallurgy. 1895. ill. - Leather manufacture. 1906. ill. - and Philip (A.) The electro-plating and electro-refining of metals. 1902. ill. Watt (Francis) joint-author. See Henderson (T. F.) Watt, James. Mairhead (J. P.) Origin and progress of the mechanical inventions of James Watt. 1854. 3 v. mem. port. - In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 4. 1878. port. ill. - Watt. Dr. Robert, Life and works of ; by J. Finlayson. bibl. port. Watts (Francis) Manual for sugar growers. 1S93. ill. - Watts. George F. In Bayliss (SirW.) Five great painters, port. Watts (Mrs. Roger) The fine art of jujutsu. 1906. ill. Watts (W. M. ) Introduction to spectrum analysis. 1904. ill. 364 88C19 4M2 90404 91418 93115 93114 93006 35701 44837 29E2 16G1 E12S1 17105 17306 95305 26W2 26W1 22702 17118 27506 28W3 28W4 28W6 28W1 28W2 28W5 59113 801-2W 53008 66803 66909 67501 62433 60803-5 99707 W051 63302 99714 61304 54403 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. WEE Waverley, or, 'tis sixty years since ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35 SI Way of the gods ; by J. L. Long. - - - - 87 LI Way of the spirit ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - 3H22 Way we live now ; by A. Trollope. - - - - - 43 T 3 Wayfaring men, a novel ; by Edna Lyall. ----- 67L12 We two, a novel ; by Edna Lyall. 67 L 5 A sequel to " Donovan," 67L6. Weale (B. L. P.) The re-shaping of the far east. 1905. 2 v. ill. map. 95309-10 - The truce in the east and its aftermath. 1907. ill. maps. - 95311 " Sequel to ' The re-shaping of the far east.' " Wealth. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Carver (T. N.) The distribution of wealth. 1904. bill. - 33016 - Money (L. G. C.) Riches and poverty. 1906. - - - 33010 - Mulhall (M. G.) Industries and wealth of nations. 1896. - 31001 - Smith (A.) The wealth of nations. 2 v.- - - - -33002-3 Weather. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - Dexter (E. G.) Weather influences. 1904. bibl. - - - 57303 - Meteorology. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 8. ill.- 93209 - Proctor (R. A.) The low barometer of the Antarctic temperate zone. In his Light science, t. 2. 1906. - 50425 - See also Air. Climate. Weatherley (Henry) The art of boiling sugar. 1903. UL - 66404 Weaving. For list of related subjects, see Textiles. - Brown (A.) The power-loom and the art of weaving, ill. - 67720 - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 3-6. ill. - - 60308-11 - Fox (T. \V.) The mechanism of weaving. 1907. ill. - - 67709 - Posselt (E. A.) Recent improvements in textile machinery relating to weaving. 2 v. ill. 67707-8 - Reiser (N.) Spinning and weaving calculations. 1904. ill. - 67718 - Thomson (D.) The weavers' craft, a history of the Weavers' Incorporation of Dunfermline. 1903. ill. - - - 92502 - Walker (L.) Varied occupations in weaving. 1901. ill. - 67730 Webb (Frank) From the Alps to the Riviera [sketches]. - - 31 Wl Webb (Sidney and B. ) The history of trade unionism. 1907. - 33122 - Problems of modern industry. In Modern socialism. 1907. 33504 Webber (William H. Y.) Town gas and its uses. 1907. ill. - 66504 Weber (Kate) Vier kleine Lustspiele. 1906. - 43824 Webster, Daniel [a biography] ; by H. C. Lodge. 1883. - - W101 Webster (Henry K.) Traitor and loyalist. - - - - 91 Wl Webster (Mrs. J. J. ) Beauty and health in youth and age. 1907. 61315 Webster (John) Poems. In Specimens of English dramatic poets. 82508 Wedding of the Lady of Lovell ; by U. L. Silberrad. - - 66 SI Wedgwood, Josiah, master-potter ; by A. H. Church. 1908. ill. W221 Wedmore (Frederick) The collapse of the penitent. - - 33 Wl Wee Willie Winkie, and other stories ; by R. Kipling. - - 28 K 6 365 WEE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Weekley (Ernest) The matriculation French course. 1905. - 44806 Weighed and wanting ; by G. MacDonald. .... 10M18 Weights and measures. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Martin (A. J.) Tables of weights and measures. 1904. - - 38901 " Imperial, metric, Indian, and colonial." - See also Decimal system. Weimar. Eliot (George) Three months in Weimar. Inker Essays. E1E2 Weinel (H.) St. Paul, the man and his work. 1906. - - 22614 Weir (Archibald) The history of modern Europe. 1907. - 91017 Weir of Hermiston, an unfinished romance ; by R. L. Stevenson. 120 S 14 Weismann (August) Heredity and biological problems. 2 v. - 57507-8 Weld (C. R.) Two months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. 1860. 92206 Weldon (Walter F. R.) Inheritance in animals and plants. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - - - 50421 Wellesley, Richard C, Marquis. In Morris (H. ) Governors- general of India, v. 1. 1907. port. .... 99823 Wellington, Duke of. In Alison (Sir A.) Essays, v. 3. 1850. - E3A3 - Morris (W. O'C.) Wellington [a biography], port. ill. maps. W013 Wells (David D.) Parlous times, a novel of modern diplomacy. 84W1 Wells (Ernest) "Chestnuts" [anecdotes]. 1900. port. - 82825 Wells (Herbert G. ) Anticipations. 1902. .... 30113 - Mankind in the making [a sequel to "Anticipations"]. 1904. 30104 - A modern utopia [a sequel to "Mankind in the making"]. 1905. ill. 30114 - The future in America. 1906. 97208 - New worlds for old [socialism]. 1908. 33509 - The first men in the moon. 89 W 2 - The food of the gods, and how it came to earth. - - - 89 W4 - In the days of the comet. 89 W 3 - The invisible man, a grotesque romance. - - - - 89 Wl - Kipps, the story of a simple soul. 89 W 5 Wells (James) The life of James Hood Wilson. 1904. ill. - W131 Wells (Robert) Bread, cakes, buns, and biscuits, and how to make them. 1903. 64109 - The new system of making bread. 1903. port. - - - 64110 - Ornamental confectionery. 1897. ill. ----- 64201 Wells (Sidney H. ) Engineering drawing and design. 2 v. ill. 62019-20 W 7 elseord (J. W.) Strength of nations [protection]. 1907. - 33705 Welton (James) Principles and methods of teaching. 1906. - 37005 Wendell (Barrett) The France of today [impressions]. 1907. 93117 - A literary history of America. 1901. 81002 Werkhaupt (G.) and Roller (E.) Russian reader. 1902. maps. 49105 Werner (E.) Fickle fortune. 38W2 - Success, and how he won it. 38W1 Werner, Friedrich L. Z. ; by T. Carlyle. In his Essays, v. 1. - El CI 366 HUTCHES ON TOWN BRANCH. WHA Wesley (Johx) Journal[1735-90]; ed. by P. L. Parker. 1905. mem. W092 Wesley, John. Rattenbury (J. E.) John Wesley and the social service. In The citizen of tomorrow. 1906. - - - 30409 - Southey (R.) The life of Wesley, bibl. port. - - - - W091 Wessex poems, and other verses; by T. Hardy. 1903. ill. - 402H Wessex tales ; by T. Hardy. 21 H 5 West (Sir Algernon) Recollections, 1832-86. 2 v. port. ill. W171-2 West, Benj. In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) Painters. 99709 West (Thomas D.) American foundry practice. 1906. ill. - 67102 - Moulders' text-book. 1903. ill. 67103 "Part II. of •American foundry practice.'" West Indies. Dodsworth (F.) ed. Book of West Indies. 1904. ill. 97703 - Kingsley (C.) At last, Christmas in West Indies. 1905. ill. 97701 - Long (G.) and others. America and West Indies. 1845. bibl. 96803 Westall (William) Dr. Wynne's revenge. .... 41 W3 - For honour and life, a tale. - - - - - - - 41 Wl - The old bank. 41W2 Westcott (Brooke F. ) Bp. The history of the English Bible. 1S6S. 22010 Westcott (Edward N.) David Harum, a story of American life. 43 Wl Westell (W. P.) The story of insect life. 1907. ill. - - 59510 Westminster School. Markham (F.) Recollections of a town boy at Westminster, 1849-55. 1903. ill. - - - 37901 Westward ho ! by C. Kingsley. 2 copies. - - - 24 Kl Wetherell (Elizabeth). See Warner (Susan). Wetherell (John) Exercises on Morris's Grammar. 1901. - 42504 Weyman (Stanley J.) The Abbess of Vlaye. - - - - 45W11 - The Castle Inn. 45W12 - Count Hannibal, a romance of the court of France. - - 45W15 - From the memoirs of a minister of France. - - - - 45 W 10 - A gentleman of France. 45 W 8 - The house of the wolf, a romance. 45 W 7 - In kings' byways, short stories. - - - - - 45 W 14 - The long night. - - - 45 W 16 - The man in black. ... 45W3 - My Lady Rotha, a romance. - 45 W 9 - The new rector. 45 Wl - The red cockade. - - - - - - - - 45 W 6 - Shrewsbury, a romance. - - - - - - - - 45 W 4 - Sophia. - 45W5 - The story of Francis Cludde. - - - - - - 45 W 2 - Under the red robe. 45W13 Whaleman's wife ; by F. T. Bullen. 104B5 Whaling. For related subjects, see Fish, fishing. - Bullen (F. T.) The cruise of the 'Cachalot.' 1905. ill. map. 63902 Wharton (Edith) The descent of man, and other stories. - 46 Wl - The house of mirth. 46W2 367 WHA GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES, What cheer ! by W. Clark Russell. - 75 Rl What he cost her ; by J. Payn. ------- 18P13 What Hector had to say [etc.] ; by Mrs. L. Adams. - - - 5A2 What JVlaisie knew ; by H. James. - ... - . . 7J15 What will he do with it ? by Lord Lytton. - 74L8 What will the world say? a novel ; by C. Gibbon. - - 21 G 2 Whates (H. R.) Canada, the new nation. 1906. ill. - - 96901 What's mine's mine ; by G. MacDonald. 10M24 Wheatley (Henry B.) How to form a library. 1902. - - 01001 - How to make an index. 1902. 02901 Wheel of God ; by George Egerton. 16 El Wheeler (Owen) The story of oar army. 1902. ill. - - 35504 When a man's single, a tale of literary life ; by J. M. Barrie. - 24B5 When Valmond came to Pontiac ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - 8P5 Where duty lies ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H14 Whetton (H.) Punctuation and the style of the office. - - 42102 [Whewell (William)] Plurality of worlds, an essay. 1867. - 21511 Whibley (Charles) William Pitt [a biography]. 1906. ill. - P 142 Whipple (Leander E.) Practical health. 1907. - - - 61318 Whirligig of time ; by B. W T hitby. 49W1 Whishaw (Fred) Moscow, a story of the French invasion of 1812. 5W4 *- The patriots. 5W5 - The tiger of Muscovy. - 5W3 Whist. For list of other games, see Games. - Spencer (F. ) The A B C of progressive whist. - - - - 79501 Whitby (Beatrice) After all. - - - - - - - 49 W2 - The whirligig of time. - 49 Wl White (Gilbert) Natural history of Selborne. 1905. - - 59102 White, G. Blatchford (R.) White's "Selborne." In his My favourite books. E9B1 White (Gleeson) Cathedral church of Salisbury. 1901. ill. - 72608 White (Henry A. ) Robert E. Lee and the southern confederacy, 1807-70. 1905. ill. maps. L161 White (Henry K. ) Poetical works. 1898. mem. port. - - 301 W White (Percy) The eight guests. 50 Wl - Park Lane [a novel]. 50 W 2 White (Roma) Moons and winds of Araby. - - - - 96 Wl White (Stewart E.) The blazed trail. 12W3 - The claim jumpers, a romance. - - - - - - 12 W 2 White (T. H.) Petrol motors and motor cars. 1905. ill. - 62202 White, Sir William, life and correspondence ; by H. S. Edwards. W121 White (William H.) The autobiography of Mark Rutherford. 52 Wl - Mark Rutherford's deliverance. 52 W 2 A sequel to " The autobiography of Mark Rutherford." - Catharine Furze. 52 W 3 - The revolution in Tanner's Lane. 52 W 4 36S HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. WIG White (William J.) Wireless telegraphy. 1908. HI. - - 65405 White Causeway ; by F. F. Moore. - -106M11 White cockade ; by J. Grant. - 51 G 12 White Company [a romance] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 3 A sequel to "Sir Nigel," 51D20, White heather, a novel ; by W. Black. 62B18 White-jacket ; by H. Melville. 80M2 White plumes of Navarre, a romance ; by S. R. Crockett. - 120 C 25 WniTEHOtSE (John H.) Problems of a Scottish provincial town [Dunfermline]. 1905. ill. 92501 \Vhitehouse(0\venC.) eel. Ezekiel ; with notes. (Temple Bible). 22504 Whiteing (Richard) No. 5 John Street. 48W1 - Ring in the new. 48 W 3 - The yellow van. 48 W 2 Whiteing, Richard. In Hammerton (J. A.) English humorists. 82714 Whiteway (R. S. ) Rise of Portuguese pow r er in India, 1497-1550. 94721 Whites and the blues ; by A. Dumas. 58D16 Whitham ( A. R. ) Readings in Old Testament history. 1907. maps. 22212 Whiting (Arthur) Retouching, ill. - 77008 Whiting (Lilian) The spiritual significance, or, death as an event in life. 1900. ' <■ - - 23701 Whitman (Walt) Poems; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. mem. port. 101W Whitman, Walt. In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906. E1S3 Whitney (William D.) The life and growth of language. 1902. 40902 Whitten (Wilfred) Daniel Defoe [a biography]. 1900.- - D171 Whittier (John G.) Poetical works, mem. port. - - - 601 W Whittier, John G. In Vincent (L. H.) American literary masters. 81001 Who did it? by M. Williamson. 85W2 Who goes there ? by B. K. Benson. 45B4 Who shall serve? a story ; by A. S. Swan. .... 148S48 Whom God hath joined ; by E. A. Bennett. - - - 43 B 4 Whose home is the wilderness, animal life; by W. J. Long. ill. 59122 Whosoever shall offend ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 116 C 20 Whyte (Alexander) The apostle Paul. 1903. - - - 22605 - Bunyan characters in the Pilgrim's progress. 1S95-1902. 3 v. 24410-2 Whyte (Henry) True stories translated into Gaelic. 1906. - 49101 Wichert (Ernst) Das eiserne Kreuz ; with notes. 1885. - 43809 Wickhamses [a novel] ; by W. P. Ridge. 34 Rl Wide, wide world ; by S. Warner. 21W5 Wiechmann (F. G. ) Notes on electrochemistry. 1906. - - 53709 Wiedemann (A.) The realms of the Egyptian dead. 1902. - 29905 Wiggin (Kate D.) The diary of a goose girl. .... 55W8 - Marm Liza. 55W7 - Penelope's English experiences. 55 Wl - Penelope's experiences in Scotland. ..... 55 W 6 - Penelope's Irish experiences. 2 copies. - - - - - 55 W 2 369 WIG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Wiggik (Kate D.) Polly Oliver's problem. .... 55W9 - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. ------ 55W11 - New chronicles of Rebecca. 55W14 - Rose o' the river. 55W12 - A summer in a canon, a California story. - - - - 55 W 3 - and Smith (N. A.) Children's rights, nursery logic. 1892. - 17305 - and others. The affair at the inn. 55W13 Wightman, Julia B. Fletcher (J. M. J.) Mrs. Wightman of Shrewsbury. 1906. port. ill. W141 "The story of a pioneer in temperance work." Wilberforce, William. In Stephen (Sir J.) Essays, v. 2. - - 99817 Wilcox (E. V.) Farm animals. 1907. ill. .... 63608 Wild Eelin [a novel] ; by W. Black. 62B16 Wild Ruthvens, a home story ; by Curtis Yorke. - - - 6Y5 Wild wheat, a Dorset romance ; by M. E. Francis. - - - 50F1 Wilfrid Cumbermede, autobiographical story; by G. MacDonald. 10M23 Wilhelm Meister ; by J. W T . von Goethe. 34G1 Wilhelm Tell ; von J. C. F. von Schiller ; with notes. - - 43815 Wilhelmina in London ; by B. Pain. - - - - - - 3P2 Wilkie, Sir D. In Cunningham (A.) and Heaton (Mrs. C.) Painters. 99711 Wilkins (Augustus S.) Roman antiquities. 1896. ill. - - 93610 - Roman literature [a primer]. 1905. 87001 Wilkins (G.) ed. Deuteronomy; with notes. (Temple Bible).- 22313 Wilkins (Mary E.) See Freeman (Mrs. Mary E. Wilkins). Wilkins (William H. ) The love of an uncrowned queen. 1901. ill. S171 " Sophia Dorothea, Consort of George I." Wilkinson (Fred.) The story of the cotton plant. 1898. ill. 67701 Wilkinson (Henry S.) The brain of an army, the German general staff. 1895. 35514 - Napoleon, the first phase. In Essays. - - • - - - 90406 Wilkinson (R. J.) Malay beliefs. 1906. 29904 Will. For list of related subjects, see Therapeutics. - Ebbard (R. J.) How to acquire and strengthen will-power. - 61502 "A specific remedy for neurasthenia and nervous diseases." Will Warburton, a romance of real life ; by G. Gissing. - - 30 G 3 William I. Guizot (F. P. G.) Guillaume le Conquerant ; notes. 44839 William III. Traill (H. D.) William the Third [a biography]. - W191 William I. , German Emperor. The correspondence of William T. and Bismarck. 1903. 2 v. port. Bill 2 William I., German Emperor. Zastrow (K.) Wilhelm der Siegreiche ; with notes. 1902. ..... 43838 William II., German Emperor. Jacks (W.) Life of William the Second. 1904. bibl. port. ill. W201 William Blacklock, journalist; by T. B. Maclachlan. - - 21M1 Williams (Archibald) How it works, ill. .... '62003 - The romance of early exploration. 1907. ill. • * - 90602 <- The romance of modern locomotion [railways]. 1907. ill. - 62710 370 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. WIN Williams (C. F. A.) Handel [a biography]. 1904. ill. • - H281 Williams (Fred. C.) From journalist to judge, autobiography. W211 Williams (George) Sketches of Scarbraes. - - - - 66 Wl Williams, Sir George, Life of; by J. E. H.Williams. 1906. port. ill. W241 Williams (Joseph W.) and others. Land and freshwater shells. 59401 Williams (Mrs. Leslie) The cat, care and management. 1907. ill. 63636 Williams (Mary) The Dickens concordance. 1907. - - 82607 Williams (Montagu S.) Leaves of a life, reminiscences, port. W161 - Later leaves. 1S93. port. - - - - - - - W162 Williams (William M. ) Vindication of phrenology. 1894. mem. 13901 Williamson (A. P. W. ) Plane and spherical trigonometry. 1906. 51401 Williamson (Mrs. Charles N.) The girl who had nothing. - 60 Wl - and Williamson (A. M.) Rosemary in search of a father. - 60 W2 Williamson (James) The Clyde passenger steamer. 1901. ill 65606 Williamson (John) Science in living [conduct of life]. - - 17117 Williamson (Marjorie) John Faliner's daughter. - - - 85 Wl -Who did it? 85W2 Willis (Herbert G.) joint -author. See Levy (Leonard A.) Willox (David) With the British bowlers in Canada, port. ill. 79607 Willson (Beckles) The story of rapid transit. 1903. ill. - 65603 Wilmot (Sydney M. E.) A dm. Our navy. 1904. ill. - - 91234 Wilson (Mrs. Ashley C.) Clews to Holy Writ. 1901. - - 22007 Wilson (Augusta J. E.) At the mercy of Tiberius. - - - 68 W4 - Beulah. 68W2 - Inez, a tale of the Alamo. 68 W 3 - Macaria. - 68W5 - St. Elmo. ... . 68W1 - Vashti. 68W6 Wilson (Sir C. W. ) and others. Recovery of Jerusalem. 1S71. ill. 94505 Wilson (Sir Daniel) Cromwell and the Protectorate. 1848. - C0210 Wilson (David H.) George Morland [a biography]. 1907. ' ill. M201 WiLSON(F. R. L. )andHEDLEY(G. W.) Elementary chemistry. 2 v. 54003-4 Wilson (H.) Silverwork and jewellery. 1903. ill- - - 73902 Wilson, James. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 3. 1898. E5B3 Wilson, James H., Life of ; by J. Wells. 1904. port. ill. - W131 Wilson (James M.) ed. Tales of the Borders [etc.] 24 v. 65W1-24 For principal contents, see the Catalogue of the Gorbals District Library, 01904, which may be referred to or borrowed. Wilson (John) Poetical works. 1S96. 401W - Recreations of Christopher North. 1878-87. 2 v. port. E1W1-2 Wilson, John. In Saintsbury (G. E. B.) Essays, v. 1. 1896. - 82103 Wilson, John. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. HI. 99815 Wilson (T. S.) joint-author. See Cromie (Robert). Wilson (Wright)- The life of George Dawson. 1905. ill. - D071 Winckler (Hugo) History of Babylonia and Assyria. 1907. map. 94418 Windintherose-bush, andotherstories ; by Mrs. M. E. W. Freeman. 76F2 371 WIN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Winder (Blanche) joint-author. See Watson (John). Winding road ; by E. Godfrey. 33G1 Window blinds. For related subjects, see Carpentry. - Hasluck(P. ±s.)ed. Window blinds, making and fixing. 1907. ill, 69407 Window in Thrums ; by J. M. Barrie. 24B8 Windsor Castle, an historical romance ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - 16 A2 Windyhaugh, a novel ; by Graham Travers. .... 41T1 Wine on the lees ; by J. A. S ten art. 117 SI Winefred, a story of the chalk cliffs ; by S. Baring Gould. - 43 G 3 Winged destiny [stories, etc.] ; by W. Sharp. - - - - 53 SI Winifred's way ; by A. G. F. Griffiths. 70G1 Winning of the west ; by T. Roosevelt. 1905. 4 v. ill. maps. 97312-5 A history of the western United States of America from 1769 to 1807. Winteb (John Strange) Cavalry life ; Regimental legends ; [stories]. .... 73W5 - The Countess of Mountenoy [a novel]. 73W1 - Dick, the faithful, a novel. 73W2 - The little vanities of Mrs. Whittaker, a novel. - - - 73 W 3 - The truth-tellers. 73W4 Winter. Lowell (J. R.) A good word for winter. In his My study windows. - - - - - - - -E1L1 WlNTERBOTTOM (James) Cotton spinning calculations and yarn . costs. 1907. ill. - 67731 Winterslow, essays ; by W. Hazlitt. 1900. .... E1H1 Wintle (W. J.) Armenia and its sorrows. 1898. ill. maps. - 94406 Wireless telegraphy. See Telegraphy, Wireless. Wireless telephony. See Telephony, Wireless. Wisdom of Solomon. See Bible. Wisdom of the wise, free trade ; by W! Cunningham. 1906. - 33707 Wise women of Inverness, and other miscellanies ; by W. Black. 62 B 7 Wiseman (Nicholas P.) Cardinal. Fabiola, or, the church of the catacombs. 44 Wl Wishart, George. In Carslaw(W. H.) Six martyrs. 1907. port. ill. 99827 - In McGown (G. W. T.) Scottish heroes of the faith. 1907. - 99819 Wester (Owen) Lady Baltimore. 93 Wl Wistons, a story ; by Miles Amber. 68A1 Wit and humour. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Beeching (H. C. ) Oxford wit and humour. In his Conferences on books and men. 1900. E6B2 - Browne (C. F.) Complete works. 1905. .... 81703 Artemus Ward, his book. Travels among the Mormons. Among the Fenians. In London, and other humorous papers. Essays and sketches. - Gill (F. T. ) ed. Wit and wisdom of modern women writers. 1902. 82720 - Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English comic writers. 1884. - 82004 "Wit and humour. Shakspere and Ben Jonson. Periodical essayists. English novelists. Works of Hogarth. Comic writers of the last century. - Hazlitt (W. C.) Studies in jocular literature. 1890. - - 82713 372 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. WOM Wit and humour. Miles (A. H.) ed. Poets and poetry of nine- teenth century. -------- 82415 -In Smith (S.) Selections. E12S1 - See also Anecdotes. Humourists. Readings. Wit of the wild [habits of animals] ; by E. Ingersoll. 1907. ill. 59112 Witch of Prague, a fantastic tale ; by F. M. Crawford. - - 116 C 15 Witchcraft. For lists of related subjects, see Folk-lore. Mind and body. - Campbell (J. G.) Witchcraft in the Highlands. 1902. - - 39818 - Ennemoser (J.) The history of magic. 1854. 2 v. - - 13303-4 - Haddon (A. C.) Magic and fetishism. 1906. bibl. - - 29903 - Yeats (W. B.) Magic. Inhisldesis. 1903. - E1Y1 - See also Fortune -telling. Witch's gold ; by H. Garland. 8G1 Witch's head ; by H. Rider Haggard. 3Hia With a silken thread, and other stories ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. 46L8 4 With brains, sir ! ' by J. Brown. In Jus Horae subseeivce. v. '1. - E2B2 With Christ at sea, a religious autobiography ; by F. T. Bullen. B022 With edged tools ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 M 7 With harp and crown, a iiovel ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. 48 B 2 With the eyes of a man [essays] ; by H. Bland. 1 0<>-3. - - E8B2 With the immortals; by F. M. Crawford. 116C14 WITHERS (HARTLEY) Cathedral church of Canterbury. 1901. - 72610 Within the Maze, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 10W27 Without a home ; by E. P. Pvoe. 56 R 2 Without faith or fear, story of a soul ; by J. E. Muddock. *2eopies. 119M1 Witty (Richard A.) How to become a qualified accountant. - 65701 Wives and daughters, a story ; by Mis. 1". ( '. Gaskell. - - 10G4 Wizard's knot ; by W. Barry. 134B1 Wizard's son, a novel ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - - 609 WoffingtomPeg. 7nDobson(H.A. Side-walk studies. 1902 . E2D1 - Molloy (J. F.) Life of Peg Woffington.' 1897. port. - - W181 Wolfert's roost [and other tales] : by W. Irving. - - - 8ll WblAKLEY <<• LRMSTJ., VlSH OU1 Ldier'fi life 2 v. W061-2 Wolsey, Cardinal. In Innes (A. 1 ». Ten T besmen. port. 99822 Wolves and the lamb [a play] ; by W. M . Thackeray. 2 copies. 12T8 Woman. Bnxton (E. M. W.) A. book of noble women, port, ill. 99826 roe d'Arc. M - I aid. Charlotte and Emily Bronte. [Etc.] - Cadbnry (E.) and others. Women's work and wages [in Birmingham]. 1906. M. - 39603 - Candee (H. C.) How women may earn a living. 1900. - - 39602 - Craik (Mrs. D. M.) A woman's thoughts about women. - - 39601 - Gilman (C. P.) Women and economics. 1906. - - - 39604 - Kingsley (C.) Nansicaa in London, or, the lower education of women. In his Sanitary and social lectures. 1902. - ElKi - In Maeterlinck (M.) The treasure of the humble. 1907. - E8M2 373 WOM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Woman. Ruskin (J.) Of queen's gardens. In his Sesame and lilies. 1905. -- = = = = ... 82805 The life and education of women. - Smith (S.) The education of women. In his Selections. - E12S1 - Walsh (N.) Woman [her education and mission]. 1904, - 39605 - See also Irishwomen. Woman and the man ; by R. W. Buchanan. - 103B3 Woman at bay ; by M. Zimmermann. - - - - - 4Z1 Woman at Kensington ; by W. Le Queux. - - - 36 L 5 Woman-hater; by C. Reade. - 16R7 Woman in white ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 75C13 Woman of Babylon ; by J. Hocking. = - - - - 65 H 6 Woman of yesterday ; by C. A. Mason. - 136M1 Woman suffrage. Blackburn (H.) Women's suffrage, a record. 1902. ill. 32403 Woman with the fan ; by R. S. Hichens. - -. - . . 58H1 Woman's friendship, a story of domestic life ; by G. Aguilar. - 12 A 6 Woman's kingdom, a love story; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - HOC 11 Woman's patience ; by E. J. Worboise. 83W10 Woman's ransom ; by F. W. Robinson. 50 Rl Won by waiting ; by Edna Lyall. 67 LI Wonderful century ; by A. R. Wallace. 1898.- - - - 50901 Review of the progress of science in the 19th century. Wood (George A.) The Miltonic ideal. In Historical essays. - 90406 Wood (SirH. Evelyn) Cavalry in the Waterloo campaign. 1895. ill. 35701 - From midshipman to field marshal. 190G. 2 v. - - - W151-2 Wood (H. F. ) Avenged on society, a novel. .... 78W1 Wood (Mrs. Henry) Adam Grainger, and other stories. 2 copies. 10 W3 - Anne Hereford, a novel. 2 copies. 10W26 - Ashley, and other stories. 2 copies. 10W10 Engagement of Susan Chase. Prebendary's daughter. Mr. Castonel. - Bessy Rane, a novel. 2 copies. - 10 W £6 - The Channings. 2 copies. - 10W29 - Roland Yorke, a sequel to "The Channings." 2 copies. - 10W15 - Court Xetherleigh, a novel. 2 copies. 10W37 - Dene Hollow, a novel. 2 copies. 10W24 - East Lynne. 2 copies. 10W1 - Edina, a novel. 2 copies. - - 10W32 - Elster's Folly, a novel. 2 copies. 10W14 - George Canterbury's will, a novel. 2 copies. - 10W21 - The house of Halliwell, a novel. 2 copies. - 10W35 - The Red Court Farm [a sequel to the above]. 2 copies. - 10W16 - Johnny Ludlow. 6 series. 2 copies. .... 10W4-9 - Lady Adelaide, a novel. 2 copies. 10W11 - Lady Grace, a novel. 2 copies. - - - - - 10W22 - A life's secret, a story. 2 copies. 10W34 o- < HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. WOO Wood (Mrs. Henry) Lord Oakburn's daughters, a novel. 2copies. 10W28 - The master of G rey lands, a novel. 2 copies. - - Mildred ArkelL a novel. 2 copies. - St. Martin's Eve [a sequel to "Mildred Arkell "]. 2 copies. - - Mrs. Halliburton's troubles. 2 copies. - Orville College, a tale. 2 copies. - Oswald Cray, a novel. 2 copies. ------ - Parkwater, and other stories. 2 copies. Mr. North's dream. Marty n Ware's temptation. Feathers spangles. - Pomeroy Abbey, a romance. 2 copies. ----- - The shadow of Ashlydyat. 2 copies. ----- - The story of Charles Strange, a novel. 2 copies. - - Trevlyn Hold, a novel. 2 copies. - The unholy wish, and other stories. 2 copies. - Veruer's Pride, a novel. 2 copies. ------ - Within the Maze, a novel. 2 copies. ----- Wood (John G.) The illustrated natural history. 3 v. 1. Mammalia, 59907. 2. Birds, 59806. 3. Reptiles, fishes, molluscs, etc, - Insects abroad, foreign insects. 1874. ill. - - - - - Insects at home, British insects. 1892. ill. - - The natural history of man. 1874-80. Wood (Theodore) Our bird allies. 1887 Wood (William) The fight for Canada. iy05. ilL maps. Wood. See Timber. Wood carving. For list of related subjects, see Sculpture. - Bemrose (W.) Manual of wood carving. 1906. ill. - Hewitt (G. C.) Wood-carving. 1900. ill. - - Leland (C. G.) Wood carving. 1894. ill. - - Rowe (E.) Hints on chip-carving. 1905. ill. Hints on wood-carving. 1902. bibl. ill. - Wood engraving. Cundall (J.) A history of wood-engraviug. 1895. ill. Wood magic, a fable ; by R. Jefferies. - Woodhead (German S.) Bacteria and their products. 1S92. ill. Woodhouse (Thos. ) and Milne (T. ) Jute and linen weaving. 2 v. Woodland life ; by E. Thomas. 1897. Woodlanders ; by T. Hardy. Woodman, or, Bosworth Field ; by G. P. R. James. - Woodroffe (Daniel) The evil eye. Woods (F. H.) For faith and science. 1906. - Woods (Mrs. Margaret L.) The king's revoke, an episode. Woods, Mrs. M. L. In Couch (A. T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. E2C1 Woodstock, a tale of 1651 ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - 35 S 21 Woodward (C. M.) Manual training in education. 1890. ill.- 37101 Woodwork. For related subjects, see Carpentry. 375 2 v. ill. ill. - 1905. ill. 10W31 10W13 10W20 10W18 10W19 10W17 10W39 and 10W38 10W30 10W33 10W25 10W12 10W23 10W 27 59202. 59505 59508 57204-5 59813 96902 73602 73601 73603 73605 73604 76101 13J1 61603 67722-3 59030 21H12 6J10 95W1 23907 92W1 WOO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Woodwork. Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Woodworking, tools, materials, and processes. 1906. ill. ...... 69401 - In Sanford (F. G.) The art crafts for beginners. 1906. ill. - 70001 - Sturch (F.) Manual training drawing, woodwork. 1906. fo. 69403 " With solutions to examination questions, 1892-1905." Woodworth (Joseph Y. ) Dies, construction and use. 1907. ill. 62307 Wooing of Judith ; by S. B. Kennedy. - - - - 13 Kl Wooing of Sheila; by G. Rhys. 27 Rl Wooing o't, a novel ; by Mrs. Alexander. 22 A 3 Wool. For list of related subjects, see Textiles. - Beech (F.) The dyeing of woollen fabrics. 1902. ill. - - 66708 - Buckley (M. M.) Worsted overlooker's handbook. 1902. - 67711 - Burnley (J.) History of wool and woolcombing. 1889. ill. - 67721 - Clapham (J. H.) Woollen and worsted industries. 1907. ill. 67725 - Hooper (F. ) The woollen and worsted industries of Yorkshire. In British industries. 1907. 33804 - Priestman (H. ) Principles of worsted spinning. 1906. ill. - 67703 - Woollen and worsted spinning. In Cassell's Educator, v. 1-4. 60306-9 Woolson (G. A.) Ferns, and how to grow them. 1906. ill. - 71603 Worboise (Emma J.) The Abbey Mill. 83 W7 - The Brudenells of Brucle. 83 W4 - Canonbury Holt, a life's problem solved. - - - - 83 W 23 - Chrystabel, or, clouds with silver linings. - - - - 83 W 9 - Father Fabian, the monk of Malham Tower. - - - - 83 W 17 - Fortune's favourite. - - - - - - - - 83 W 13 - The fortunes of Cyril Denham. 83W12 - Grey and gold. 83W21 - The Grey House at Endlestone. 83W22 - The heirs of Errington. - - - - - - - - 83 W 3 - His next of kin. - - ...... 83W5 - The house of bondage. - - 83W20 - Joan Carisbroke. - - 83W25 - Lady Clarissa. 83W26 - Millicent Kendrick, or, the search after happiness. - - 83 W 14 - Mr. Montmorency's money. 83W24 - Emilia's inheritance [a sequel to "Mr. Montmorency's money "]. 83W15 - Nobly born. 83W16 - Overdale, or, the story of a pervert. 83W18 - St. Beetha's, or, the heiress of Arne. 83 W 6 - Sissie. 83W11 - The story of Penelope. 83W19 - Thorny croft Hall, its owners and its heirs. - - - - 83 W 8 - Yiolet Yaughan, or, the shadows of W 7 arneford Grange. - 83 Wl - Warleigh's trust. 83W2 - A woman's patience. 83W10 Words. For list of related subjects, see Language, English. 376 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. WRE Words. In Maurice (F. D.) The friendship of books [etc.] 1904. E4M1 - Trench (R. C.) A select glossary of English words. 1906. - 42301 Wordsworth (Dorothy) Journals [1798-1828]. 1904, 2 v. port. W 081-2 - Recollections of a tour made in Scotland, 1803. 1894. mem. 91818 Wordsworth (William) Complete poetical works, mem. - 201 W - Poetical works ; ed. by W. Knight. 1896. 8 v. - - 202-9W - Selections. In English poets, v. 4. 1905. mem. - - - 82224 - Prose writings, selected. -------- 82816 Wordsworth, William. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. E5B2 - Herford (C. H.) [Literature of] The age of Wordsworth. 1901. 82106 - Inge (W. R.) The mysticism of Wordsworth. In his Studies. 14901 - In Morley (J.) Studies in literature. 1904. - - - E3M4 - Stephen (Sir L. ) Wordsworth's ethics. In his Hours in a library. E4 S 2 Work-a-day sermons [Christian life] ; by F. B. Meyer. 1897. - 17112 Workaday woman [a novel] ; by V. Hunt. 106 HI Working classes. See Labour. Workman (Herbert B.) Persecution in the early church. 1906. 27202 Workman (Walter P.) The school arithmetic. 1905. - - 51108 - and Cracknell (A. G.) Geometry. 1906-8. 2 v. - - 51303-4 Workman (Wm. H. and F. B.) Through town and jangle [India]. 94719 Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906. For lists of related subjects, see Labour. Law. - Edwards (C.) The Compensation Act, 1906. 1907. - - 34702 - Emery (G. F.) Handbook to the Workmen's Compensation Act. 34703 - Parsons (A.) and Allen (R.) Workmen's Compensation Act. - 34704 Workshop wrinkles for decorators, painters, and others ; ed. by W. N. Brown. 1901. *- 69803 World well lost ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. - - - 46 L 4 World's desire ; by H. Rider Haggard and A. Lang. - - - 3H8 Worman (J. H.) and Bransby (C.) Segundo libro de Espartol. 1903. ill. " 46805 Worms. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Darwin (C.) Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms. 18S2. ill. 59506 Wormwood, a drama of Paris ; by Marie Corelli. - - - 91 C 5 Worry. In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2. 1S94. - E6H2 Worsfold (William B.) Lord Milner's work in South Africa, 1897-1902. 1906. map. 96306 Worship, Family. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Hodder (E.) Truth in story. 1S94. ill. .... 24901 Discourses and prayers for use in Lome religious services. - Spurgeon (C. H. ) Evening by evening, readings at eventide. - 24903 - - Morning by morning, daily readings. - - - - - 24902 Worsted. See Wool. Wotton, Sir Henry. In Walton (I.) Lives. 1884. bibl. - - 99813 Wreck of the 'Grosvenor ' ; by W. Clark Russell. - - 75 R 30 377 WRE GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Wrecked at the outset ; by Theo Gift. 25G1 Wrecker ; by R. L. Stevenson and L. Osbourne. - - - 120 S 2 Wright (A. C.) Analysis of oils, and allied substances. 1903. 54302 Wright (C. R. A.) The threshold of science. 1892. ill. - - 53013 Weight (Chas. H. H.) Introduction to the Old Testament. 1904. 22217 Wright (F. B.) Distillation of alcohol from farm products. 1907. ill. 66302 Wright (G. N.) China. 4 v. ill. ----- -95115-8 Wright (George F. ) Man and the glacial period. 1892. ill. maps. 55114 - Scientific aspects of Christian evidences. 1898. - - - 23906 - Scientific confirmations of Old Testament history. 1907. ill. maps. 22214 Weight (H. C. S.) A life of Togo. 1907. ill. - - - - T081 Wright (Herbert) Rubber cultivation in the Empire. 1907. ill. 63306 Wright (J. C.) In the good old times [18th century England]. 91610 Wright (Joseph) Historical German grammar, v. 1. - - 43833 W^right (Sidney) The romance of the world's fisheries, ill. - 63903 Wright (T. H.) The finger of God, miracles of Jesus. 1903. 22711 Wright (Thomas) The life of Edward FitzGerald. 1904. W^right (Walter P.) Beautiful gardens. 1907. ill. - and Castle (E. J.) First steps in gardening. 1906. ill. W^right (William) Palmyra and Zenobia. 1895. ill. maps. W x rit in barracks, poems ; by E. Wallace. 1900. Wrixon (Sir Henry) The pattern nation, or, socialism. 1907. Wrong (Geo. M. ) The Earl of Elgin [a biography]. 1905. ill. - W 7 rong box ; by R. L. Stevenson and L. Osbourne. - Wrongs righted ; by A. S. Swan. Wunlt (W^ilhelm) Ethical systems. 1906. Wurtz (Charles A.) Elements of modern chemistry. Wuthering Heights [a novel] ; by E. Bronte. W r yandotte, or, the hutted knoll ; by J. F. Cooper. - Wyatt (Sir Thomas) Poetical works, mem. port. - Wycliffe, John. Lechler (G.) John Wycliffe and his English precursors. 1904. hibl. port. ill. W231 Wyld (Henry C. ) The historical study of the mother tongue. 1906. 42001 Wyllarde (Dolf) As ye have sown. - - - - - - 94W1 Wyllie (Bertie) Sheffield plate, ill. 67109 W 7 yllte (J. A.) and Ferreira (0. G.) Notes on rubber-cultiva- tion. 1907. ill. 63304 Willie (William L.) J. M. W. Turner [his life and art]. 1905. ill. T041 W^yndham's daughter, a story of to-day ; by A. S. Swan. - - 148 S 41 Wynne (May) A king's tragedy. - - - - - 87W1 - Maid of Brittany. 87W2 2v. ill. F041-2 71606 71605 94408 701 W 33506 E041 - 120S9 ■ 148S3 17014 ill. 54007 - 93B1 - 88C18 - 501 W 1901. X X-rays. For list of related subjects, see Therapeutics. - Walter (A. E.) X-rays in general practice. 1906. ill. 378 61506 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. YON Y Yachts. Marshall (P.) ed. Model sailing yachts, ill. - - 62602 Yankee at the court of King Arthur ; by Mark Twain. - - 52T11 Yarrow. Bathgate (J.) Aunt Janets legacy. 1901. ill. - - B181 "Recollections of humble life in Yarrow, beginning of 19th cental - Borland (R.) Yarrow, its poets and poetry. 1890. ill.- - 82229 Yeast, a problem ; by C. Kingsley. - - - - - 24 K 7 Yeats (Sidney L.) The chevalier d'Auriac. - - - - 3Y2 - The traitor's way, a story. 3Y1 Y^eats (William B.) Ideas of good and evil [essays]. 1903. - E1Y1 Magic. The happiest of the poets [William Morris]. The philosophy of Shelley's poetry. At Strat ford-on- Aron. William Blake. The symbolism of poetry. The Celtic element in literature. [Etc.] - Poems. 1904. port. 201 Y - ed. A book of Irish verse. 1900. 82209 Yellow frigate, or, the three sisters ; by J. Grant. 2 copies. - 51G13 Y 7 ellow van [a novel] ; by R. Whitti ng. 4SW2 Yellow wave ; by M. P. Shiel. 58 S 2 Yellowplush papers ; by W. M. Thackeray. 1905. ill. 2 copies. 82811 Yesterday's to-morrow, a romance; by P. G. McChesney. - 148M1 Y^glesias (H. R. ) Figure skating, ill. 79619 Y^olanda, maid of Burgundy ; by C. Major. .... 139 Ml Y t oxge (Charlotte M.) The armourer's prentices. - - - 2Y2 - Beechcroft at Rockstone. - - - - - - 2Y3 - The long vacation [a sequel to "Beechcroft at Rockstone"]. - 2Y16 - Bye- words, tales new and old. 2Y8 - More bywords. 2Y7 - The caged lion. 2Y9 - Chantry House. 2Y6 - The chaplet of pearls. 2Y5 - Stray pearls [a sequel to " The chaplet of pearls"]. - - 2Y25 - The release [a sequel to " Stray pearls"]. .... 2Y22 - The clever woman of the family. - - - • - - 2Y4 - Countess Kate. The Stokesley secret. - - - - - 2Y10 - The cross roads, a story. 2Y41 - The daisy chain, or, aspirations. 2Y33 - The trial, more links of "The daisy chain." - 2Y36 - The dove in the eagle's nest. 2Y34 - Dynevor Terrace, or, the clue of life. - - - - - 2Y31 - Grisly Grisell, a tale of the wars of the roses. - - - - 2Y12 - Heartsease, or, the brother's wife. 2Y30 - The heir of Redely fife. 2Y35 - Henrietta's wish. 2Y14 - Hopes and fears, or, scenes from the life of a spinster. - - 2Y32 - Lady Hester. The Danvers papers. ..... 2Y13 - The lances of Lynwood. - - - - ■ - - 2Y15 379 YON GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Yonge (Charlotte M.) Love and life, a story. - - - 2Y1? - AJaguum boDum, or, Mother Carey's brood. - 2Y11 - Modern broods, or, developments unlooked for. - - 2Y27 - A modern Telemachus. 2Y18 - My young Alcides, a faded photograph. 2Y19 - Xuttie's father. - - - 2Y20 - The pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah. ------ 2Y21 - The pillars of the house, or, under wode, under rode. - - 2Y37 - The prince and the page, a story of the last crusade. - - 2Y28 - A reputed changeling. - - - - ' - - - 2Y23 - Scenes and characters, or, eighteen months at Beechcroft. - 2Y24 - Two sides of the shield [sequel to " Scenes and characters"]. 2Y42 - That stick. - - - - 2Y26 - The three brides. 2Y29 - Two penniless princesses. 2Y39 - Unknown to history, a story of Mary of Scotland. - - 2Y38 - The young step-mother. 2Y40 Yorke (Curtis) Alix of the Glen, a novel. - - - 6Y4 - The girl and the man. - 6Y1 - The girl in grey. 6Y3 - Olive Kinsella, 6Y2 - The wild Euthvens, a home story. - - - - - 6Y5 Yorke (Henry R.) France in eighteen hundred and two. 1906. 93109 Yorkshire. Bradley (T.) Old coaching days in Yorkshire, ill. - 79802 - Cooper (A. N.) Round the home of a Yorkshire parson, ill. - 91713 - Home (G.) Yorkshire dales and Cleveland fells. 1906. ill. - 91704 Yoshida-Torajiro. In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906. E1S3 Young (Arthur) Tour in Ireland, 1776-9. 2 v. bibl. map. - 92601-2 - Travels in France, 1787-9. 1900. mem. port. map. - - 93103 Young (Charles A.) The sun. 1883. ill. - 52307 Young (Chas. A.) Waverley novels, an appreciation. 1907. mem. 82604 Young (Dinsdale T.) The crimson book [sermons]. - - - 25203 Young (Edward) Poetical works, mem. port. ill. - ■ - 101Y Young", Edward. Eliot (George) Worldliness and other-worldli- ness, the poet Young. In her Essays. 1883. - - - E1E2 Young (Egerton R.) Indian wigwams and northern camp-fires. 27902 Young (Francis C.) Every man his own mechanic, ill. - - 69001 Young (John) Essays and addresses. 1904. mem. port. - E2Y1 The making of a book. The scientific premonitions of the ancients. Jewish mediciners. Address on the Hunterian Library. [Etc.] Young (John) Lochlomond side, and other poems. - - - 301 Y - Pictures in prose and verse, recollections of Janet Hamilton, with poetic pieces. 1877. 302Y Young (Rob.) African w T astes reclaimed, Lovedale. 1902. ill. 27807 Young (T.E.) Insurance. - - - - - - - - 36802 Young (T. M.) The American cotton industry. 1902. - - 67726 380 HUTCHESONTOWN BRANCH. ZIP Young, Thomas. Peacock (G. ) Life of Thomas Young. 1855. port. Y011 - iwTyndall (J.) New fragments. 1897. 50410 * Young April' [a novel] ; by E. Castle. 31 CI Young duke ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. 31 B 2 Young England movement ; by G. E. B. Saintsbury. In his Essays. E9S1 Young girl's wooing ; by E. P. Roe. 56 RIO Young lives; by R. Le Gallienne. 31L1 Young man from the country ; by E. M. Albanesi. - - 70 A 2 Young Mrs. Jardine [a novel] ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - 110 CIO Young Musgrave [a story] ; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. - - 6 018 Young prince ; by Lady Ritchie. 37 R2 Young step-mother ; by C. M. Yonge. - 2Y40 Youngest Miss Mowbray ; by Mrs. B. M. Croker. - - - 121 CI Youth. Eor lists of related subjects, see Education. Ethics. Health. - Bell (Lady) " Si jeunesse voulait." In her Minor moralist. - 17008 - Hall (G. S.) Youth, its education, regimen, and hygiene. 1907. 37011 - Stevenson (R. L.) Crabbed age and youth. In his Yirginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902. .... E1S1 - Watson (D.) The heritage of youth. 1903. - 17306 Yox all (James H.) Smalilou, a novel. 9Y1 Z Zack. Tales of Dunstable Weir. 5Z1 ZAEHNSDOBF (JOSEPH W. ) Bookbinding, a treatise. 1903. HI. 68601 Zangvvill (Israel) The Celibates' Club, stories. - - - 2Z2 - The grey wig, stories and novelettes. 2Z1 - The mantle of Elijah. 2Z3 - " They that walk in darkness,'' Ghetto tragedies. - - - 2Z4 Zangwill, Israel. In Hammerton (J. A.) English humorists. 1907.82714 Zanzibar. Lyne (R. N.) Zanzibar in contemporary times. 1905. bibl. ill. maps. - - - 96104 Zastrow (Karl) Wilhelm der Siegreiche ; with notes. 1902. - 43838 Zechariah. See Bible. Zeda (Umberto) Telephones and lightning conductors. 1907. HI. 65403 Zeiss works and the Carl-Zeisa Stiftung in Jena ; by F. Auerbach. 33101 Zenobia, Queen. Wright (W.) Palmyra and Zenobia. 1895. ill. 94408 Zephaniah. See Bible. Zerbrochene Krug ; von J. H. D. Zschokke ; with notes. 1905. 43822 ZlCALIOTTI (A.) Record of the cigarette industry. 1904. - - 67901 Ziegenbalg, Bartholomew. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 99815 ZlMMEBMANN (Marie) A woman at bay. 4Z1 ZlMMEBN (Hbinkich) Babylonian and Hebrew Genesis. 1901. - 22110 Zimmern (Helen) The Italy of the Italians. 1906. ill. - - 93625 Zincali, account of the gypsies of Spain ; by G. Borrow. 1S93. - 39701 Zipperer (Paul) The manufacture of chocolate. 1902. ill. - 66406 381 SIP GLASGOW PUBLIC LLBRARIES. Zipser (Julius) Textile raw materials and their conversion into varus. 1901. ill. - - - - ' - - - - 67717 Zola (Emile) The downfall, a story. 6Z1 - The dream. 6Z2 Zoology 7 . For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Bell (R.) My strange pets, and other memories of country life. 1905. - 53021 - Bright wen (Mrs. E.) Inmates of my house and garden. 1895. ill. 59014 On anitcals, birds, and insects. - Elliot (G.F.S.) and others. Fauna [etc.] of the Clyde area, 1901. 92303 - Morgan (T. H.) Experimental zoology. 1907. bM. ill. - 59123 - Nicholson (IL A.) A manual of zoology. 1887. bibl. ill. - 59023 - Scharff(R. F.) European animals. 1907. bibl. ill. maps. - 59121 ' : Their geological history and geographical distribution." - Semper (K.) The natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life. 1883. tit. maps. 59109 - Thomson (J. A.) The stuly of animal life. 1892. bibl. ill. - 59107 - See also Animal intelligence. Animals, Habits of. Aquarium. Geographical distribution. Invertebrates. Microscopy. Physi- ology. Ponds. Sea. Seashore. Vertebrates. Zoophytes. For list of related subjects, see Invertebrates. - Johnston (G.) A history of British zoophytes. 1838. ill. - 59303 Zoroaster [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. 116 C 8 Zoroastrianism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Kapadia (S. A.) The teachings of Zoroaster and the philosophy of the Parsi religion. 1905. 29501 Zschokke Johann H. D.) Das Goldmacherdorf ; with notes. 189S. 43823 - Per zerbrochene Krug : with note?. 1905. .... 43822 - Meditations on death and eternity. 23603 ADDITIONS DUKING PRINTING. Abteaga y Pereira (Fernando de) Practical Spanish, a grammar. 1902. 2 v. - 46807-8 Benson (Edward W.) Archbp. Living theology [sermons]. port. - 25220 Macnair (Peter) Geology and scenery of the Grampians. 1908. 2 v. ill. map-. -------- 55403-4 Morris | William 0*C. ) Wellington [a biography]. 1904. ill. maps. W013 382 WORKS IN LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH WILL BE FOUND UNDER THE FOLLOWING NAMES : FRENCH About (Edniond F. V.) Girardin (Delphine de) Perrault (Claude) Augier (Emile) Guizot (Francois P. G.) Perret (J. A.) Balzac (Honore de) Hugo (Victor) Racine (Jean) Banville (Theodore de) Joubert (Joseph) Richebourg (Emile) Belfond (J.) Kastner (V.) Sand (George) Beranger (Pierre J. de) Labiche (Eugene M.) Sandeau (Jules) Bonnechose (F. P. B. B. de) La Fontaine (Jean de) Scribe (Eugene) Bouilly (Jean X.) La Rochefoucauld (Francois, Sedaine (Michel J.) Bourrienne (Louis A. F. de) due de) Segnr (Comtesse de) Chenier (Andre) Lebrun (Pierre A.) Sevigne" (Madame de) Cherbuliez (Victor) Le Francois (Emile B.) Souvestre (6 mile) Coppee (Francois E. J.) Loti (Pierre) Stael (Madame de) Delavigne (Jean F. C.) Marmier (Xavier) Stern (Daniel) Demogeot (J.) Merimee (Prosper) Thierry (Jacques X. A.) Desnoyers (Louis) Michelet (Jules) Topffer (Rodolphe) Diderot (Denis) Moinaux (Jules) Vauvenargues (Luc de Du Boisgobey (Fortune) Moliere (Jean B. P.) Clapiers, marquis de) Dumas (Alexandre) Musset (Louis C. A. de) Villemain (Abel F.) Duveyrier (Anne H. J.) Ohnet (George?) Voltaire (Francois Iff. A. Erckrnann (E*mile) Pape-Carpantier (Marie) de) Feuillet (Octave) Paris (Gaston) GERMAN Goethe (Johann W. von) Grimm (Jakob L. K.) Hauff (Wilhelm) Heine (Heinrich) Lessing (Gotthold E.) Riehl (Wilhelm H. von) Scheffel (J. V. von) Schmid (Chr. von) Schrader (Ferdinand) Wichert (Ernst) Schiller (Johann C. F. von) Zschokke (Johann H. D.) SPANISH Calderon (Pedro) Mantilla (Luis F.) Velazquez de la Cadena (Mariano) Schilling (J.) OW : PRINTED AT THE TNIVERSITV PRFS^ BY ROBERT MACI.EHOSE AND CO. LTD. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. >wing catalogues have been printed, and all are on sale at each of the Libraries—price in cloth boards 8d., in paper covers 4