02 ©.|| 0&6cj_ I PH ft ft ft ft £ 7 \ 2 ft PROPERTY OIF State Historical Society, E.OTAI OF WISCONSIN. ft so Ptcrchcbsed 1 8‘7 ~ CANADIAN MANUFACTURE OF VARIOUS KINDS OF APPARATUS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN UPPER CANADA. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IX #erjj Department of literature, POE PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES IX UPPER CANADA. Sanctioned by the Council of Public Instruction, under the authority of the School Law of 1850, (35th Sect., 5th Clause; 38th Sect., 5th Clause, and Sect. 41.) With the General Provisions of the Law and the Regulations for the establishment of Public Libraries , and an Appendix . TORONTO : Ifrinteti for tfje Department of Pufrltc Instruction for (Upper (Canada, fry Hofrelt Sc (Utfrscm, 1857 . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/generalcatalogueOOonta \3>Fe^ £ PREFATORY NOTE f> A V Since the preparation of the General and Supplementary Cata- logue of 1853-54, many new works have been published and some have ceased to be published, and are now out of print. In the pre- paration of this catalogue the works out of print have been omitted, and a selection of the most interesting and valuable of the new pub- lications has been added* The General Library Catalogue, as now revised, contains a list of about three thousand volumes, embracing works in every department of human knowledge* The principles upon which these books have been selected are fully stated by the Council of Public Instruction on page 236. These principles have been carefully acted upon ; but, be- I yond the limitations stated, the selections made have been as full and varied as the resources of our English and American literature would admit. In order to aid the local school authorities in the selection of books, the works in the following catalogue have been divided into two classes — those adapted for general reading and those suitable only for books of reference. The former class forms Part I. of the cata- logue, and the latter, Part II. Extracts from the Law, and the whole of the General Eules and Eegulations in reference to Public Libra- ries, have been placed in Part III. The Appendix contains remarks and suggestions on the subject. The system of Publie Libraries which has been brought into oper- ation during the year 1858, will doubtless form an era in the intel- lectual history of Tipper Canada. It is a system which has been a subject of inquiry, consideration, and preparation for years — which has been a matter of free and public consultation in every county, — which leaves the people free to act as counties, townships, eities, towns villages, or school sections, as they please- — which combines all the resources of each municipality to provide useful and entertaining IV PREFATORY NOTE. reading for the whole population — and renders accessible in the remotest municipality of the country, and at the lowest prices, the best books for popular reading that are published either in Great Britain or in the United States. Through the medium of these books the sons and daughters of our land may contemplate the lives of the good, the wise, and the great of both sexes and of all ages ; survey the histories of all nations ; trace the rise and progress of all sciences and useful arts ; converse with the sages and bards of Ancient Greece and Borne, as well as with the philosophers, poets, scholars, discov- erers, inventors, artists, travellers, and benefactors of mankind of all times and countries — exhaustless sources of instruction and enter- tainment. Very many of the municipalities of Upper Canada have already shown how worthily they appreciate the advantages offered them by means of public libraries ; and it onlj remains for the other municipalities to follow the noble and patriotic examples thus furnished them. The terms on which these books will be furnished to the municipal and school authorities will be found on page 236. The prices are given in connection with the title of each book, and are stated in reference to the prices at which the books could be obtained in 1856; but should the British or American publishers of these books reduce the prices of any of them, a corresponding reduction will be made in the prices of them by this Department. A reply to certain objections to this part of our System of Public Iustruction will be found on page 244. Hints upon the construction of Public Library Buildings and Book Cases will be found on page 247. CONTENTS PART I. BOOKS FOR GENERAL READING. I. History : PAGE 1. Palestine and the Jews 9 2. Egypt, Arabia, Assyria, &c . . . . 11 3. General Histories. 12 4. Greece 13 5. Rome, &c 14 6 Mediaeval 16 7. Europe 17 8. England 19 9. Ireland 19 10. Scotland 19 11. British Military History 20 12. France 21 13. Spain 21 14. Italy 22 PAGE 15. Switzerland 23 16. Germany 16 17. Russia 24 18. Turkey 26 19. Various 26 20. India, China, &c 27 21. Africa, 29 22. America, &c 29 23. Canada, 3 cts. (7-8.) Peru : Plistory of the Conquest of Peru ; with a prelimin- ary view of the civilization of -the Incas . By W. II. Prescott. In two volumes. 16mo. Cloth, pp. 344+370=714, grc. Price §1.05. (0.) Essays : Biographical and Critical. By W. H. Prescott. In one volume. Cloth, pp. . Price 53 cts. (10-11.) Robertson’s Charles V : History of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. By the Revd. W. Robertson, D .D. With a continuation by W. H. Prescott. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. . Price §1.05. 86. Dunham’s History of Spain and Portugal [215]— (5 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) A history of Spain and Portugal, contributed to the Cabinet Cyclo - pcedia. By S. A. Dunham, LL.D. With an analytical and chronological table. Cloth* pp. 295, 286, 268, 268, 280=1397, hb. Price §2. 86b Hid. [216]— (5 v. fcp. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) Cloth, Ic. Price $3.50. 87. Spain [215]— ( i 8mo Xtn. K. Soc.) Illustrated with engrav- ings. Pp. 308. Price 45 cts, 88. Londonderry’s Peninsular War [182]— (12mo. Am. Edi.) Story of the Peninsular War. By General Charles William Vane, Marquis of Londonderry. Revised, with considerable additions. Cloth, pp. 454, hb. Price 75 cts. XIV. ITALY. 89. De Reumont’s Maples — (12mo Eng. Edi.) The Carafas of Maddaloni ; Naples under Spanish dominion. Translated from the German of Alfred Reumont. With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 465, hgb. Price 70 cts. 90. Procter’s Italy [220] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) The history of Italy, from the fall of the Western Empire to the commencement of the Wars of the French Revolution. By Colonel Procter, late of the Sandhurst College. Cloth, pp. 269* dou 1 le columns, wc. grc. Price 75 cts. 23 History — Switzerland, Germany, 8fc. 91. Spaulding’s Italy [88]— (3 v. 18tno. Am Edi.) Italy ancf the Italian Islands, from the earliest ages to th pro." it time. By Wm. Spaulding, Esq. Half sheep, pp. 371+380+383=1134!, hb. Price -jl.lO. 92. Sismondi’ s Italian Republics | 219]-(fep. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) A History of the Italian Republics ; or, the oric progress, and fall of freedom in Italy from A.D. 476 to 1805. Contributed to the Cabinet Cyclopaedia . By J. C. L. Sismonde de Sismondi. Cloth, lc. Price 70 cts. 92p Ibid. — ( l8mo. Am. Edi.) Half sheep, pp. 300, lib. Price 50 cts. 93. Smedley’s Venetian History [86] — (2 v. 18tno. Eng. Edi.) Sketches of Venetian History. By the Revd. Edward Smedley. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 447 + 399+ =846, wtc. Price $1.35. 93i. Ibid. — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Cloth, pp. 319+321 = 640, hb. Price 75 cts. 94. Maehiavelli’s Florence [234]— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Florence, and the affairs of Italy, from the earliest times to the death of Lorenzo the Magnificent ; together with “ The Prince," and various historical tracts. By Niccolo Maciiiavelli. A new translation. With a portrait of the author. Cloth, 522, hgb. Price 70 cts. 95. Eaton’s Home in the 19th Century [287] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Containing a complete account of the ruins of the ancient city, the remains of the middle ages, and the monument of modern times. With remarks on the fine arts, the museums of sculpture and painting, the manners, customs, and religious cere- monies of the modern Romans. By Charlotte A. Eaton. To which is now first added a complete index, and thirty-four beautifully engraved illustrations. Cloth pp. IS 460, 9, 430=817, hgb. Price $2.00. XV. SWITZERLAND. 98. Vieusseux’s Switzerland— ( 8 vo . Eng. Edi.) History of Switzerland, from the first eruption of the northern tribes to the present time. In- cluding the wars of independence, the confederation of the cantons, the reformation by Zuinglius, struggles during the French Revolution, &c. Compiled from the best authorities,, including Muller. Meyer, Franscini and Kasthofer. By A. Vieusseux. With a large colored map. Cloth, pp. 384, hgb. Price 70 cts. ' 97. Zscliokke’s Switzerland — (12mo. Am. Ed.) The History of Switzerland; for the Swiss people. By Heinrich Zschokke. With a continuation to the year 1848, by Emil Zschokke. Translated by Francis George Shaw. With map. Cloth, pp. 416, csfc. Price 80 cts. 98. Cabinet History of Switzerland [224] — (18mo. Eng Edi.) From B.C. 110 to A.D. 1830. With a chronological table. 27th vol. of the Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Cloth, pp. 360, lc. Price 70 cts. 98i. Ibid.— (18mo. Am. Edi.) Pp. 288, hb. Price 50 cts. 99. Nelson’s Switzerland and Tyrol [273] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Stories from Switzerland and the Tyrol: incidents of history, adventure and travel. Illustrated witli numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 494, tns. Price 70 cts. XVI. GERMANY, &c. 100. Menzel’s Germany [226] — (3 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Germany, from the earliest period to the present time. By Wolfgang Menzel. Translated from the German by Mrs. George Harrocks. With portraits of Charlemagne, Charles V. and Prince Metternich. Cloth, pp. 556+477 + 530=1563. hgb. Price $2.10. 101. Schiller’s Historical Works [261] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Including the history of the Thirty Years’ War, and the revolt of the Netherlands to the confederacy of Ghent. With a portrait of Schiller. Translated from the German by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M. A. Cloth, pp. 519. hgb. Price 70 cts. 24 History — Russia , 8fc. 102. Grattan’s Netherlands [222] — (18mo. Eng. EJi.) History of the Netherlands, from the invasion of the Romans until the Belgian Revolution in 1830, contributed to the Cabinet Cyclojcxzdia. By Thomas Colley Grattan. Cloth, pp. . Ic. Price 70 cts. 102^. Ibid . — (18mo. Am. EA.) lib. pp. 300. Price 50 cts. 103. Kohlrauseh’s Germany [229] — (8vo. Eng, Edi.) A History of Germany. In one volume. Cloth, rgc. hgb. Price 75 cts. 104. Ranke’s Servia — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Servia, and the Servian Revolution ; with a sketch of the insurrection in Bosnia. By Leopold Ranke. Translated from the German by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. To which is added, “ The Slave Provinces of Turkey,” chiefly from the French of Cyprien Robert C loth, pp. 535, hgb. Price 70 cts. 105. Bohn’s Hungary — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Hungary and its Revolutions, from the earliest period to the nineteenth century. With a iremoirof Louis Kossuth. By E. O. S. With vignette. Cloth, pp. 576, hgb. Price 70 cts. 106. Szabad’s Hungary — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Hungary : past and present ; embracing its history from the Maygar conquest to the present time. With a sketch of Hungarian literature. By Emerjc SzABAD,late Secretary under the Hun- garian National Government of 1849. Cloth, pp. 431, acb. Price $1.75. 107. Pulszky’s Hungary [273-11]- — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Twenty- one popular tales and traditions of Hungary. By Theresa Pulszky. With a por- trait of the authoress. Cloth, pp. 345, jsr. Price $1.05. 108. Behse’s Prussia — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Memoirs of the Court of Prussia. From the German of Dr. Edward Behse. By Thanz C. F. Demmler. Cloth, pp. 548, tns. Price $1.25. XVII. RUSSIA. 109. Kelly’s Russia — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) History of Russia from the earliest period to the present time ; compiled from the most authentic sources. Including the Works of Karasmin Tooke and Segur. By Walter K. Kelly. Cloth, pp. 512+536=1048, hgb. Price $1.40. 110. De Custine’s Russia — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Translated from the French of the Marquis De Custine. Cloth, pp. 517, clac. Price $1.00. 111. Gurowski’s Russia. — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Russia as it is. By Count A. De Gurowski. Cloth, pp. 312, doc. Price 80 cts. 112. Gurowski and Dee’s Russia — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.50. As follows : (1) Gurowski’ s Russia — (16mo Eng. Edi.) Russia and its People. By Count A. De Gurowski. Cloth, pp. 346, tns. Price 75 cts. (2) Lee’s Stories from Russia [295] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Siberia, Poland, and Circassia. Edited by Russell Lee. Beautifully illustrated, and with a portrait of the Czar Nicholas. Cloth, pp. 444, tns. Price 75 cts. 113. Duncan’s Russia — ( 2 v. l2mo. Eng. Edi ) History of Russia from the foundation of the Empire by Ronrick to the close of the Hungarian War. By Alphonse Rabbi and Jonathan Duncan, B.A. Cloth, pp. 286+ 314= 600, nc . With numerous engravings. Price $1.10. 114. De JLagny’s Knout — ( 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Knout and the Russians; or the Muscovite Empire, the Czar, and his people. By Germain De Lagny. Translated from the French, by John Bridgeman. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 266, lib. Price 80 cts. 115. Dunham’s Poland [230] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Poland, from the earliest period to 1830. Contributed to the “Cabinet Cyclopaedia." By S. A. Dunham, LL.D. In one volume. Cloth, Ic. Price 70 cts. 116. Dunham’s Denmark, Sweden and Norway [232] — (3 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, contributed to the “Cabinet Cyclopaedia.” By S. A. DuanAM, LLJD. In three volumes. Cloth, Ic. Price $2.10. 25 History — Russia. 117. Crichton and Wheaton’s Scandinavia [38] — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Ancient and Modern. Being a History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. With illustrations of their Natural History. By Andrew Crichton, LL.D.- and Henry Wheaton, LL.D. With maps and engravings. Cloth, pp. 776, hb. Price 75 cts. 118. Miscellaneous Library — In four volumes. Price for the four $1.80. (1.) Morell’s Neighbours of Eussia — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Neighbours of Russia, and history of the present War to the Siege of Sebastopol. By John Reynell Morell. Cloth, pp. 308, ins. Price 50 cts. (2.) Morell’s Eussia — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Eussia as it is: its court, its government, and its people. By John Reynell Morell. With a map of the Baltic. Cloth, pp. 209, grc. Price 35 cts. (3.) Mackenzie’s Circassia— (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Schamyl and Circassia. Chiefly from materials collected by Dr. Eriedrich Wagner. Edited, with notes, by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, E.S.A. With map of Circassia. Cloth, pp. 193, grc. [See also Travellers’ Library, in Voyages, No. 56, (4).] Price 35 cts. (4.) Love of Country — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Or, Sobieski and Hedwig. Compiled and translated from the French, by Tranermantel. Cloth, pp. 266, cnc. Price 60 cts. 119. Conversations on Russia — (2 v.Xtn. K.Soc.) Conversation on the History of Russia. In two parts, with map and engraving. Cloth, pp. 266, 377 = 643. Price 95 cts. 120. Segur’s Napoleon’s Russian Invasion [149 v.j— (2 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) History of the expedition to Russia, undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812. By General Count Philip De Segur. Revised and cor- rected, with additional notes. With map of route and portraits on steel of Counts Platoff and Murat. Cloth, pp. 350+373=723, wtc. Price $1.35. 12(H. Ibid. — [72 v.] — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Illustrated, with a map. Cloth, pp. 318+344=662, hb. Price 75 cts. 121. Invasion of 1812 and Hamley's Crimean Campaign —(2 v. 12mo.) Price of the two volumes, $1. (1.) Labaume’sNapoleon’sRussian Invasion [278-2] — (Iv. Eng. Edi.) History of Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia ; from the French of Labaume, cap- tain of engineers during the expedition. Cloth, jwp. Price 50 cts. (2.) Hamley’s Crimean Campaign— (16mo. Am. Edi.) The Story of the Campaign— a complete Narrative of the War in Russia. Written in a tent in the Crimea. By Major E. Bruce Hamley. Cloth, pp. 184, gl. Price 30 cts. ; paper 50 cts. 122. Russell's Crimean Campaign — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The War, from the landing of the Allies at Gallipoli, to the Treaty of Peace. By W. H. Russell, LL.D., “ the Times Correspondent.” In two volumes. Cloth, pp. grc • Price $2. 123. Sandwith's Kars — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Seige and defence of Kars ; with travels in Armenia, and remarks on the state of Turkey. By Humphrey Sandwith, M.D. With engravings. Cloth, pp. , jm. Price $3. 123|. Ibid. — Abridged, English Edition, jm. Price $ 124. Wraxall’s Military Resources — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Handbook to the Naval and Military Resources of the principal European Nations. By Lascelles Wraxall, Assistant Commissary, Field Train, Turkish Contingent. Cloth, pp. 227, wrch. (See also Constable’s Miscellany, Voyages, No. 83.) Price 90 cts. 125. Spencer’s Turkey and Russia — (2 v. 12mo.) Price for the two volumes $1.85, as follows : (1.) Turkey, Russia, the Black Sea, and Circassia. (12mo. Eng. Edi.) By Captain Spencer. With colored illustrations, numerous engravings, and a map. Cloth, pp. 412, grc. Price $1.15. (2.) Fall of the Crimea. (12mo. Eng. Edi.) By Captain Spencer. With eight illustrations. Cloth, pp. grc. Price 70 cts. (For further Military History , &c., See page 20.J 26 History — Turkey , 8fc. XVIII. TURKEY, &c. 126. Proctor’s Ottoman Empire — (8yo. Eng. Edi.) History of the Ottoman Empire. Including a Purvey of the Greek Empire, and the Crusades. By Colonel Peoctoe, Rev. J. E. Biddle, M.A., and James Connechy, Esq. Cloth, pp. > rgc. Price $1.50. 12H. Macfarlane’s Turkey [242] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Turkey and its Destiny. The result of journeys made in 1847 and 1848 to examine into the state of that country. By Chaeles Maceaelane, Esq. Cloth, pp. 323+ 399=722, bL Price $1.60. 128. De Besse’s Turkish Empire — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Its his- torical, statistical, and religious condition; also, its manners, customs, etc. By Aleeed De Besse, Member of Embassy at Constantinople. Translated, revised and enlarged, from the German. With memoirs of the reigning Sultan, Omer Pacha, the Turkish Cabinet, etc. By Edwaed Joy Moeeis, late United States Charge D’Aflaires at Naples . Cloth, pp. 216, lb. Price 60 cts. 129. Ockley’s Saracens [241] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of the Saracens, comprising the Lives of Mahommed and his successors to the death of Abdalmelik. the eleventh Caliph. With an account of their most remarkable battles, sieges, revolts, &c., collected from authentic sources, especially Arabic MSS. With a full length portrait of Mahommed. By the Rev. Simon Ocexey, B.D. Cloth, pp. 512, Jig 6, Price 70 cts. 13Q. Crichton’s Arabia [285] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) History of Arabia and people, containing an account of the country and its inhabitants, the Life and religion of Mahommed, the conquests, arts and literature of the Saracens, the Caliphs of Damascus, Bagdad, Africa, and Spain, the modern Arabs, the Wahabees, the Bedouins, etc. By Andeew Ceichton, LL. D. Illustrated with engravings and side indices. Cloth, pp. 16, 652=668, tns. Price $1. XIX. VARIOUS. — See also pages 17 and 18. 13&. Miscellaneous Library — (5 v.) Price for the five $1.95. Published by the Christian Knowledge Society. (1.) Short Stories from English History [111] — (16mo.) Eirst aeries. Cloth, square, pp. 116. Price 35 cts. (2.) Short Stories from English History [111] — (16mo.) Second series. Cloth, square, pp. 205. Price 40 cts. (3.) Short Stories from English History [111] — (16mo.) Third series. Cloth, square, pp. 177. Price 40 cents. (4.) Erench Stories [277-7] — (18mo.) Short stories from European history— Erance. With illustrations. Square, pp. 164. Price 40 cts. (5.) Spanish Stories [277-8] — (18mo.) Short Stories from European history— Spain. With illustrations. Cloth, square, pp. 226. Price 40 cts Miscellaneous Library— (6 v. 18mo.) Price for the six volumes $2. Published by the Christian Knowledge Society. (1.) Germany and Poland [227-154. 2v.] — Glances at Germany and Poland, etc. With engravings, pp. 111. Price 35 cts. (2.) Swedish Stories [277-10] — Short stories from European history- Sweden. W'ith illustrations. Cloth, square, pp. 198. Price 40 cts. (3.) Italian Stories [277-9] — Short stories from European history— Italy. With illustrations. Cloth, square, pp, 254. Price 40 cts. (4.) Naples [276-4] — A historical sketch of Naples. Erom the best authorities and personal observation. With numerous illustrations. London* doth, pp. 207. Price 35 cts. (5*) Genoa. (24mo.) Cloth, pp. 99. Price 15 cts. (6.) Persia [244] — With engravings, pp. 200. Price 35 cts* History — India , China , 8fc. 27 133. Miscellaneous Library — (10 v. 24mo.) Price for the ten volumes, $1.95. Published by the Religious Tract Society. (1.) The French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte [65] — Cloth, pp. 192 + 192 = 384. Price 30 cts. (2.) Paris — Paris, ancient and modern. Cloth', pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (3.) Venice [279-5] — Venice, past and present. The republic and the city. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (4.) Switzerland [279-10]-— Historical and descriptive. From the earliest times. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (5.) Swiss Stories [274-6] — Stories from Switzerland. Trans- lated from the Prench. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 144. Price 30 cts. (6.) Kitto’s Persia [94] — Court and People of Persia. By John Kitto, D. D., F, S. A. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 192+192=384. Price 30 cts. (7.) Tartar Tribes [92] — Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (8.) Glimpses of Dark Ages. (24mo.) Glimpses of the dark ages, or Sketches of the social condition of Europe, from the fifth to the twelfth century. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (9.) Modern Civilization. (24mo.) The dawn of Modern Civilization ; or, Sketches of the social condition of Europe, from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (10.) Jamaica. (24mo.) Jamaica ; enslaved and free. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. XX. INDIA, CHINA, &c. 134. Miscellaneous Library — (6 v.) Price for the six, $1.94, as follows : (1) Fraser’s Persia [34] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia from the earliest ages to the present time. By Jambs B. Fraser, Esq pp, 345, hb. Price 38 cts. (2-5.) Davis’s China [239] — (4 v. 24mo. Eng.Edi.) The Chinese and sketches of China. By Sir John Davis, Bart. Cloth, (Knight’s series,) gcx . Price 96 cts. (6.) Yvan and Callerv’s China — (16mo. Am. Edi.) History of the Insurrection in China, with notices of the Christianity, creed, and proclamation of the insurgents. By M. M. Callery and Yvan. Translated from the French with a supplementary chapter, narrating the most recent events. By John Oxen ford. With a fac simile of a Chinese map of the course of the insurrection, and a portrait of Ti^n-t^, its chief. Cloth, pp. 300, hb. Price 60 cts. 135. Miscellaneous Library — (4 y.) Price for the four, $1.95. (1.) Prior’s Celestial Empire — (16mo. English Edi.) Or, points and pickings of information about China and the Chinese. With twenty engravings from drawings. By W. H. Prior. Cloth, pp. 328, gf. Price 75 cts. (2.) China [111] — (16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) With engravings. Cloth, pp, 163. Price 35 cts. (3.) The people of China [96]— (18mo. R. Tr. Soc.) Their History, Court, Religion, Government, &c. &c. Cloth, pp. 340. Price 50 cts. (4.) Mackenzie’s Burmah — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Burmah and the Burmese. In 2 books. By Kenneth R. H, Mackenzie. 16 cloth, pp. 223, arc. Price 38 cts. 28 History — India , China , 8fc. 136. Perry and Aeland’s India — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, §1.60„ as follows : (1.) Perry’s India — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) A bird’s eye view of India. By Sir Ekskine Perry, late Chief Justice of Bombay. Pp. 277, jm. Price $1.05 cts. (2.) Aeland’s India [272-l]-“(18mo. Eng. Edi.) A popular account of the manners and customs of India. Illustrated with numerous anecdotes. In one volume. Boards, pp. 156, jm. Price 55 cts. 137. Macfarlane’s India— (L6mo. Eng. Edi.) History of British India, from the earliest period to the present time j with copious notes from the best sources, and many illustrations, pp. — , grc. Price $1. 138. Murray’s India [195] — (1 v. 12mo. Eug. Edi.) History of British India. By Hugh Murray, Esq , E. R. S. E. With continuation, comprising the Affghan war, the conquest of Scinde and Gwalior, war in the Punjaub, &c. With side indices, map, and numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 748, tn&. Price §1.00. 139. Bohn’s India and China — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, §2, as follows : (1.) India — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Pictorial, descriptive, and historical ; from the earliest times to the present. With nearly one hundred illus- trations. Cloth, pp. 502, hgb. Price §1. (2.) Corner’s China [238] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) China, pictorial, descriptive, and historical ; with some account of Ava, the Burmese, Siam, and Anam. By Miss Corner, and a gentleman well versed in eastern affairs. With a map and nearly one hundred illustrations. Cloth, pp. 521, hgb. Price §1.00. 140. Gleig’s India [72] — (4 v. lGmo.Eng. Edi.) — History of the British Empire in India. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig, A. M. Maps and Engravings. Cloth, pp. 1371, wtc. Price §2.75. 141. Gapper’s Presidencies of India [196] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) The Three Presidencies of Ind ia : a history of the rise and progress Of the British Indian possessions, from the earliest records to the present time. With an account of their government, religion, manners, customs, education, &c. By John Gapper, E. R. A. S. Illustrated by numerous engravings, and a map by Wyld, Cloth, pp. 492, nc. Price §1.25. 142. Hildreth’s Japan — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Japan as it was and is. By Richard Hildreth, Cloth, pp. 588, psc. Price §1. 142i. Von Siebold’s Japanese Customs [240] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) Manners and customsof the Japaneseinthe nineteenth century,fromthe accounts of recent Dutch residents in Japan, and from the German works of Dr. Ph. Er. Von Siebold. Cloth, pp. 298, hb. Price 3S cts. 143. Sidney’s Australia [197] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) The three colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, historical and descriptive ; their pastures, copper mines, and gold fields. By Samuel Sidney. With a map in a side case, and numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 412, nc. Price §1.25. 144. MisceUaneous Library — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes, §1.65, as follows: (1.) Hargrave’s Australia — (l2mo. Eng. Edi.) Australia and its gold fields. A historical sketch of the progress of the Australian Colonies, from the earliest times to the present day ; with notices on the use and working of gold in ancient and modern times. By Edward Hammond Hargraves, late Commissioner of Crown Lands. in.New South Wales. With a map and portrait of the author. Cloth, pp. 256, nc. Price §1. (2.) Australia [279-11-12] — (18mo. E. Tr. Soc.) Australia: its settlement at the present time, and its scenery, natural history, and resources ; with a glance at its gold fields. Cloth, pp. 192+192=384. Price 30 cts. (3.) New Zealand [276-12] — (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Domestic scenes in New Zealand. With a map. Cloth, pp. 127. Price 35 cts.- 29 History — Africa, America, 8fc. XXI. AFRICA, &c. 145. Pulszky’s Tricolor — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Tricolor on the Atlas. From the German of Dr. Wagner by Francis Pulszky. With numerous illustrations, pp. 402, tns. Price $1.20. 146. Morrell’s Algeria [156]— (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Algeria: the Topography and History, political, social and natural, of French Africa. By John Rynell Morrell, Esq. With numerous illustrations by G. Thomas. Cloth, pp. 490, nc. Price $1.25. 147. Miscellaneous Library— (2 v.) Price for the two volumes, 75 cts., as follows : (1.) Russell’s Nubia and Abyssinia [93] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Nubia and Abyssinia: comprehending their civil history, antiquities, arts, religion, literature and natural history. By the Rev. M. Russell, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 331, hb. Price 38 cts. (2.) Russell’s Barbary States [91] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) History and present condition of the Barbary States: comprehending a view of the civil insti- tutions, antiquities, arts, religion, literature, commerce, agriculture, and natural pro- ductions. By Rev.M. Russell, LL.D. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 343, hb. Price 38 cts. 148. Sumner and Hildreth’s Slavery — (2 v. Am. Edi.). Price for the two volumes, $1, as follows : (1.) Sumner’s Slavery in the Barbary States — (16mo. Am. Edi.) White slavery in the Barbary States. By the Hon. Charles Sumner. With nume- rous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 135, jpjc. Price 40 cts. (2.) Hildreth’s Despotism in America — (16mo. Am. Edi.) An inquiry into the nature, results, and legal basis of the slaveholding system in the United States. By Richard Hildreth. Cloth, pp. 307, jpjc. Price GO cts. 149. Wilson’s Western Africa — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Its history, condition and prospects. By the Rev. J. Leighton W ilson, eighteen years a mission- ary in Africa. With numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 539, hb. Price $1.00. 150. Foote’s Africa — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Africa and the American Flag, By Commander Andrew H. Foote, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. brig Perry, on the Coast of Africa A. D. 1850-1851. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 402, dac. Price $ 1 . 20 . XXII. AMERICA, &c. 151. Bancroft’s United States [247] — (5 v. 18mo. Eng Edi.) From the discovery of the American continent to the year 1774. By George Bancroet.- Cloth, pp. 2105, grc. Price $2.75. 152. Miscellaneous Library — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes, $1.05. (1.) Blake’s American Revolution [79] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) History of the American Revolution. First published by the Society for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Revised and enlarged. By the Rev. J. L. Blake, D.D. Half sheep, pp. 252, hb. Price 30 cts. (2-3.) Stone’s Border Wars [81] — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Border Wars of the American Revolution. By William L. Stone. Half sheep, pp. 384+381=765, hb. Price 75 cts. 153. Banvard’s Histories — (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Plymouth and the Pilgrims [256] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Or,. incidents of adventure in the history of the first settlers of New England. With illus- trations. By JosePH Banvard, A, M. Cloth, pp. 288, gl. Price 50 cts. (2 ) Novelties of the New World [111. v.] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) An account of the adventures and discoveries of the first explorers of North America.. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 324, gl. Price 50 cts. 30 History — America, 8fc. (3.) American History [278-9] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Romance of American history, as illustrated in the early events connected with the Trench set- tlement at Tort Carolina, the Spanish colony at St. Augustine, and the English planta- tion at Jamestown. By Joseph Banyard, A. M. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 306, gl. Price 50 ots. (4.) Maryland and the Old Trench War — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Tragic scenes in the history of Maryland and the Old Trench War, with an account of various interesting contemporaneous events which occurred in the early settlement of America. By Joseph Banyard, A.M. With numerous elegant illustrations. Cloth, pp. , gl. Price 50 cts. 154. Carpenter and Arthur’s New York [255] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) The history of the State of New York, from its earliest settlement to the present time. By W. H . Carpenter and T. S. Arthur. With portrait of Hendrick Hudson. Being one of Lippincott’s Cabinet Histories of the several States. Cloth, pp. 336, Igc. Price 50 cts. 155. Thacher’s Indians — (4 y. Am. Edi. 18mo.) Price for the four volumes, $1.30, as follows : (1-2.) Indian Traits [52 y.] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Being sketches of the manners, customs, and character of the North American natives. By B. B. Thatcher. Two volumes. With portraits, pp. 234+216=450. Price 55 cts. (8-4.) Indian Biography [5iv.]~(18mo. Am. Edi.) Or an histori- cal account of those individuals who have been distinguished among the North Ameri- can natives, as orators, warriors, statesmen, and other remarkable characters. With portraits. By B. B. Thatcher, Esq. In two volumes, pp. 324+320=644. hb. Price 75 cts. 156. Myrtle and Frost’s Indians — (2 y. Am. Eng. Ed.) Price for the two volumes, $1.60, as follows : (1.) Myrtle’s Iroquois — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Or, the bright side of Indian character. By Minnie Myrtle. Cloth, pp. 317, dac . Price 80 cts. (2.) Erost’s Indians [50 v.] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Book of the Indians of North America, Illustrating their manners, customs, and present state. Edited, with illustrations, by John Trost, LL.D. Sheep, pp. 283. dac . Price 80 cts. 157. St. Thomas and Cuba — (2 y. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (1.) St. Thomas, W. I. — (12mo. Am. Edi.) With its rise and progress in commerce ; missions and churches ; climate, and its adaptation to invalids ; geological structure ; natural history and botany; and incidental notices of St. Croix and St John ; slave insurrections in these islands ; emancipation and present condition of labouring classes. By John P. Knox, pastor of the Reformed Hutch Church, St. Thomas, W. I. Cloth, pp. 271, cs. Price 80 cts. (2.) Ballou’s Cuba — (12mo. Am. Edi.) History of Cuba ; or, notes of a traveller in the tropics, being a political, historical, and statistical account of the island, from its first discovery to the present time. By Maturin M. Ballou. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 230, psc. Price 60 cts. 158. Jarves’ Sandwich Islands [260] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands; embracing their antiquities, mythology, legends, discovery by Europeans in the sixteenth century, re-discovery by Cook ; with their civil, religious and political history, from the earliest traditionary period to the present time. By James Jackson Jaryes. Cloth, pp. 393, hgh . Price 75 cts. 159. Murray’s Pitcairn [200] — (16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) The Island, the People, and the Pastor ; with a short account of the mutiny of the Bounty. With illustrations. By the Rev. Thomas Boyle Murray, M. A., Secretary of the Societj for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Cloth, pp. 815. Price 65 cts. 160. Barrow’s Pitcairn [201]--(16mo. Am. Edi.) A description of Pitcairn’s Island and its inhabitants ; with an authentic account of the mutiny of the ship Bounty, and of the subsequent fortunes of the mutineers. By Sir John Borrow. Cloth, pp. 303, hb. Price 38 cts. 161. Russell’s Polynesia [163 v ] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) History of the South Sea Islands, including New Zealand. With narrative of the introduction of Christianity, etc. By the Right Rev. M. Russell, LL.D. With maps, engravings, and side indices. Cloth* pp. 486, tiis. Price 85 cts. 31 History — Canada , Sacred History, 8fc. 162. Grey’s Poloynesian Mythology — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) and ancient traditional History of the New Zealand race, as furnished by their priests; and chiefs. By Sir George Grey, late Governor, pp. xiii+ 333 =346, jm. Price $2 J®. XXIII. CANADA, &c. 163. Tytler’s Northern Coasts of Ameriea-(12mo. Eng. Edi.) And the Hudson’s Bay Territories. By Patrick Fraser Tytler, Esq. With continu- ation by R. M. Ballantyne. Cloth, pp. vi+409=415, tns. Price $1. 164. Lillie’s Canada — (12mo. Canadian Edi.) Physical, Economic, and Social. By the Rev. A. Lillie, D.D. With maps, etc. Cloth, pp. v.+ 294 =298 tmc. Price 90 cts. 165. Geography of Canada, &c. — (l2mo. Canadian Edi.) A Hand Book or Epitome of the Geography and History of Canada; with a chroni- gical table, pp. Price 166. Warburton’s Conquest of Canada [191]— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Ed.) By Elliott Warburton, Esq., the author of “ Hochelaga,” &c. Cloth, pp. 351 + 366 = 717 , hb. Price $ 1 . 36 . 167. Miscellaneous — (4 v.) Price for the four $1.93, as follows: (1.) Warburton’s Hochelaga — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Hochelaga; or England in the new world. By George Warburton. Edited by Elliott War- burton. Cloth, pp. viii +278=290, grc. Price 40 cts. (2.) Indians of North America [74] — (18mo. E. Tr. Soc.) With engravings. Cloth, square, pp. 296. Price 60 cts. (3.) Hawes’ Indian Tales [128-3]— (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Tales of the North American Indians, and adventures of the early settlers in America* By Barbara Hawes. Cloth, pp. 362. wtc . Price 55 cts. (4.) Iceland [82] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) An Historical and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. Cloth, pp. 36ft. Price 38 cts. 168. Miscellaneous — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes, $1.95, as follows ; (1.-2.) British Colonies in North America [73] — (2v. 18ma. Xtn. K. Soc.) Cloth, pp. 252+301=553. Price 85 cts. (3.) Van Vorst’s Greenland and Iceland [272-5]— (16mo.. Eng. Edi.) Domestic scenes in Greenland and Iceland. Illustrated with numeroi* engravings. Cloth, pp. 112, jvv. Price 40 cts. (4.) Mexico [258] — (24mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) With numerous illus- trations. Cloth, pp. v.+210=215. Price 45 cts. (5.) Nelson’s Arctic Eegions — (32mo. Eng. Edi.) The Arctic Regions ; a narrative of discovery and adventure. Cloth, pp. 238, tns. Price 25 cts. XXIV. SACRED HISTORY. 169. Davidson’s Sacred and Profane History [269] — ( 12mo. Am. Edi.) Connexion of Sacred and Profane History. Being a review of the principal events in the world, as they bear upon the state of religion, from the close of the Old Testament history till the establishment of Christianity. By Dr. Davidson. Three volumes in one. Cloth, pp. 277+235+274=796, rcb. Price 80 cts. 170. Turner’s Sacred History of the World [16j — (3 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Attempted to be philosophically considered in a series of lecture* to a son. By Sharon Turner, F. S. A. Half sheep, pp. 428+439+444=1311, Ml, Price $L10. 32 Sacred and Church History. 171. Religious Denominations [270] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Cyclopedia of Religious Denominations ; containing authentic accounts of the different creeds and systems throughout the world. Written by the members of the respective bodies. In one volume. Cloth, pp. 360, double columns, rgc. Price $1. 172. Puritans and Pilgrim Fathers — (2 t. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, as §1.05, as follows : (1.) [294-8] History of the Puritans in England and the Pil- grim Fathers. The Puritans in England ; by the Rev. W. H. Stowell. The Pilgrim Fathers ; by Dr- D. Wilson, F. S. A., Professor in University College, Toronto. Cloth, pp. 508, tns. Price 70 cts. (2.) English Puritan Divines — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) In the reign of Queen Elizabeth: Cartwright and his contemporaries. Cloth, pp. vii.+ 288 =295, tns. Price 35 cts. 173. Muston’s Israel of the Alps— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A history of the persecutions of the Waldenses. Translated from the French of the Rev. Dr. Alexis Muston. By W'illiam Hazlitt. With numerous engravings. Second Edition. Cloth, pp. vi. +312 =318, nc. Price 60 cts. 174. Miscellaneous Library — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes, $2.60. (1.) Taylor’s Mohammedanism — (16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) The History of Mohammedanism and its sects. By W. Cook Taylor, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 302, jwp. Price 70 cts. (2.) Outlines of Sacred History [274-7]— (Xtn. K. Soc.) Erom the creation of the world to the destruction of Jerusalem. With numerous illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 306, jwp. Price 45 cts. (3.) Hoare’s Ecclesiastical History [274-8] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Outlines of ecclesiastical history before the Reformation. By the Rev. W. H. Hoare, M. A. Cloth, pp. 248 jwp. Price 45 cts. (4 ) Pridden’s Early Christians — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Their manners, customs, trials and sufferings. By the Rev. W. Pridden, M. A. Cloth, pp. viii. + 246 = 254; jwp. Price 70 cts. (5-6.) Lives of the Popes— (2 v. 18mo. E. Tr. Soc.) Prom the rise of the Roman church to the age of Gregory VII— A.D. 100-1046. Cloth, pp. 192+ 192=384. Price 30 cts. 175. Bonar’s Enterprise and History — (4 v. 16mo. Eng.Edi.) Price for the four volumes $1.80. (1.) Bonar’s Missionary Enterprise — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Inci- dents of missionary enterprise, illustrative of the progress of Christianity in Heathen countries, and of the researches, sufferings and adventures of missionaries. Edited by the Rev. Andrew R. Bonar. Cloth, pp. xv.+342=357, tns. Price 50 cts. (2.) Bonar’s Scenes from Church History [295-3] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Scenes from the history of the Christian Church. By the Rev. Andrew R. Bonar. With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. x. +338 =348. tns. Price 50 cts. (3) Hackett’s Illustrations of Scripture — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Illustrations of Scripture, suggested by a tour through the Holy Land. By Horatio B. Hackett, Professor in Newton Theological Institution. Cloth, pp. vii+ 227=234, tns. Price 45 cts. (4.) Stories of Missionary Enterprise [222-7 /?.Z.] — (L6mo. Eng. Edi.) Tahiti and its Missionaries. — South Africa and its Missions.— Discovery and Colonization in the Polar Regions. — The Bible in Peru. — China: its Creeds and customs. — Voyages and Travels of a Bible.— Palestine, &c. With illustrations, pp. 208, tns. Price 35 cts. PROTESTANT AUTHORS. XXV. CHURCH HISTORY. 176. Neander’s Church History [267] — (8 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) A General History of the Christian Religion and Church. Translated from the German of Dr. Augustus Neander, By Professor Joseph Torrey. New edition, carefully revised. By the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, B. A. Cloth, pp. 4960. hgb. Price $5.60. 33 Church and General History. 177. Neander’s Planting of Christianity [268] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) History of the planting and training of the Christian Church by the Apostles. By Dr. Augustus Neander. With the author’s final additions*: Also, his Antignostikus, or spirit of Tertullian. Translated from the German. By J. E. Hyland. Cloth, pp. 531, 552=1083. hgb. Price $1.40. 178. Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical History — (2 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) From the Birth of Christ to the beginning of the eighteenth century ; in which the rise, progress, and variation of Church power are considered in their con- nexion with the state of learning and philosophy, and the Political history of Europe during that period. By John Lawrence Mosheim, D. D., Chancellor of the Uni- versity of Gottengen. Translated from the Latin, and accompanied with Notes and Chronological tables. By Archibald Maclaine, D. D. ; to which is added, an accu- rate index. Cloth, pp. 730+654=1384, wtc. Price $2.75- 179. Milman’s History of Christianity [106] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) From the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. By the Rev. Henry Milman, B. D. With Preface and Notes by James Murdoch, D. D. Cloth, pp. 528, double columns, hb. Price $1.20. 180. Eusebius 7 Ecclesiastical History [266] — (1 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Ecclesiastical History of Eusibius Pamphius, Bishop of Caesarea, in Palestine. Translated from the Greek, by the Rev. C. F. Crus, A. M. With a life of the author, and also with notes selected from the edition of Yallesius. Cloth, pp. 430, hgb. Price $1. 181. Cox’s Biblical Antiquities [127] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) With some collateral subjects illustrating the language, geography, and early history of Palestine. With side indices, maps and engravings. By the Rev. F A. Cox, D. D., LL.D. Being volume 20 of the “ Encyclopedia Metropolitana.” Cloth, pp. 502, jjgc. rgc. Price $1.50. 182. Foster’s Ranke’s Popes [264] — (8 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Ranke’s Popes, in three volumes. With portraits of Popes Julius II., Innocent X., and Clement VII. Cloth, pp. 527, 532, 484=1543. hgb. Priee$2.10. 183. Kelly’s Ranke’s Popes [268] — (1 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) The History of the Popes ; their Church and State in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. By Leopold Ranke. Translated from the German, by Walter Keating Kelly, B. A. Cloth, pp. 540, double columns, grc. Price $1.40. ROMAN CATHOLIC AUTHORS. XXVI. CHURCH HISTORY. 184. Reeve’s Christian Church [109]— (1 v. 8vo. Am. Ed.) History of the Christian Church, from its establishment to the present century By the Rev Joseph Reeve. Sheep, pp. 628, jmp. Price 75 cts. 185. Gahan’s Christian Church [HO] — (1 v. 12mo. Am. Ed.) Compendious Abstract of the History of the Christian Church, from its first founda- tion to the eighteenth century. By the Rev. William Gahan, O.S.A- Sheep, pp. 360. jmp. Price 60 cts. 186. Lingard’s Antiquities [108] — (1 v. 8vo. Am. Ed.) The Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. By the Rev. John Lingard, D.D. Cloth, pp. 322. jmp . Price $1.20. XXVII. GENERAL HISTORY. 187 Lingard’s England [102] — (13v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) History of England, from the first invasion of the Romans, to the accession of William and Mary in 1688. By the Rev. John Lingard, D.D. psc. Cloth, pp. about 350 each. Price $7.80. 188. Bossuet’s Universal History — (12mo. Fr. Edi.) Discours sur L’Histoire Universe! le. Par Bossuet. With portrait. Paper, pp. 432, fdf. hbs. ( Ibc .) Price 85 cts. 34 Voyages and Travels — England, 8fc. 189. Predet’s Ancient History — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Ancient History, from the dispersion of the Sons of Noe, to the Battle of Actium, and change of the Roman Republic into an Empire. By Peter Fredet, D.D.. Professor of History in St Mary’s Roman Catholic College, Baltimore. Carefully revised and enlarged. Cloth, pp. 550, jmp. Price, library style, marble edges 75 cts. 190. Fredet’s Modern History — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Modern History, from the Coming of Christ and the change of the Roman Republic into an Empire, to the year of our Lord 1850. By Peter Fredet, D.D, Library style, marble edges, pp. 552, jmp. Price 75 cts. 191. Mylius’ England [101] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Abridged History of England, to which is added, an Abstract of the Constitution and a Geo- graphical Treatise, according to the Roman, Saxon, and Modern Divisions, to the end of the Reign of George IY. By W. F. Mylius. Sheep, pp. 364, jmp. Price 50 cts. For Books of reference on History , See Part II. II. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. I. ENGLAND, &c. 1. Miller’s England and its People [67J — (12mo. Am. Edi.) First Impressions of England and its People. By Hugh Miller, author of the “ Old Red Sandstone,” &c. Cloth, pp. 430, gl. Price 80 cts. 2. Howitt’s English Rural Life — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Rural Life in England. By William IIowitt. Cloth, pp. 376+372=748, pmm. Price $1.60. 3. Bohn’s Pictorial London — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Pictorial handbook of London, comprising its antiquities, architecture, arts, manufacture, trade, social, literary and scientific institutions, exhibitions and galleries of art ; together with some account of the principal suburbs and most attractive localities. Illustrated with two hundred and five engravings on wood. By Branston, Jewitt and others : and a new and complete map engraved by Lowry, pp. 910. hgb. Price $1.05* ( See also Nos. 59, 60, page 18.) 4. Miscellaneous Library — (In 6 vols.) Price for the 6, $2.50. (1.) Johns’ Lizard Head [71]— 18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.] A Week at the Lizard Head in Cornwall. By the Rev. C. A. Johns. Illustrated. With map and engravings. Cloth, pp. 322. Price 68 cts. (2.) Eambles in the British Isles [277-11] — (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 259. Price 35 cts. (3.) The Tent [154-12] — (24mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) The Tent : or, A Traveller's Recollections. With illustrations. Square, cloth, pp. 143. Price 35 cts. (4.) 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Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands : being records, in poetry and prose, of a visit to classic spots and eminent persons in England, Scotland, and France. By Mrs. Lydia H, Sigourney. Cloth, pp. 295, jmc. Price $1. 7. Colman’s European Life and Manners [132] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.] — In familiar letters to Friends. By Henry Colman. Cloth, pp. 20 379+14,414=833. psc . Price $1.18. 8. Tappan’s Old World [136] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) A step from the New World to the Old and back again, with thoughts of the good and evil in both. By Henry P. Tappan. Cloth, pp. 304+304=608, dac. Price $1.38. n. IRELAND. 9. Doyle’s Ulster — (16mo. Dub. Edi.) Tours in Ulster. — A Hand-book to the Antiquities and Scenery of the north of Ireland. By J. B. Doyle, Esq. With numerous Illustrations and side indices — (chiefly from the author’s sketch-book.) Cloth, pp. 396, hs. rgc . Price $2. in. FRANCE, SPAIN, GERMANY, &c. 10. Wallis’ Spain — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.60, as follows: (1.) Wallis’ Glimpses of Spain — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Or, Notes of an unfinished Tour in 1847. By S. T. Wallis. Cloth, pp. xii+ 384 =396. hb . Price 80 cts. (2.) Wallis’ Spain (History) [218] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Her Institutions, Politics, and Public men ; a sketch. By S. T. Wallis. Cloth, pp. 399. wdtc . Price 80 cts. 11. Rhine, Spain, and France — (4 y. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Hugo’s Rhine [143] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Sketches and Legends of the Rhine. By Victor Hugo. To which is added a Guide to Tourists. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 157. nc . Price 35 cts. (2.) Dumas’ South of France [139] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Pic- tures of Travel in the South of France. By Alexander Dumas. Illustrated with fifty engravings on wood. Cloth, pp, 301. nc . Price 58 cts. (3.) Gautier’s Wanderings in Spain [140] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) By Theophile Gautier. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 308. nc . Price 58 cts. (4.) Peninsular Sketches — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Peninsular Scenes and Sketches. Cloth, pp. 258. wbs . Price 50 cts. 12. Urquhart’s Pillars of Hercules [142] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Or a narative of Travels in Spain and Morocco in 1848. By David Urquhabt Esq., M. P. Cloth, pp. 283+287=570. hb . Price $1.38. 13. Dix’s Madeira [141] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) A Winter in Ma- deira and a Summer in Spain and Florence. By John A. Dix. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 377. dac . Price 75 cts. 14. Brace’s Germany and Hungary— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $2, as follows : (1.) German Home Life [144] — (12mo. Am, Edi.) Home Life in Germany. By Charles Loring Brace. Cloth, pp. 443. cs . Price $1. (2.) Brace’s Hungary in 1851 — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Hungary in 1851, with an experience of the Austrian police, with tinted engravings. By CHARLES Lorin Brace. Cloth, pp. xiv+419 =433. cs . Price $1. 36 Voyages and Travels — Russia , Italy, 8fc. 15. Sewell’s Journal — (16mo. Am. Edi.) A Journal kept during a Summer Tour for the children of a village school, In three parts. Part 1. — Prom Ostend to the Lake of Constance. Part 2— From the Lake of Constance to the Simplon. Part 3.— From the Simplon through part of the Tyrol, to Geneva, pp. 128+ 194+207=529. dac. Price 80 cts. 16. Shelton’s Up the River— (12mo. Am. Edi.) Up the River. By F. W. Shelton. With illustrations from original designs. Cloth, pp, xxi+335= 357. cs. Price §1.‘ IV. RUSSIA, &c. 17. TourgheneifF’s Russian Life — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Russian Life in the Interior: or the experiences of a sportsman. By Ivan Tourghenieff. Edited Bj Jas. D. Meiklejohn. Cloth, pp. 428. acb. Price §1.10. 18. The Englishwoman in Russia — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Im- pressions of the Society and Manners of the Russians at home. By a Lady, ten years resident in that country. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 316. cs. Price 90 cts. 19. Maxwell’s Czar and People [148] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Czar, his Court and People ; including a Tour in Norway and Sweden. By John. S. Maxwell. Cloth, pp. 368. cs. Price 80 cts. 19+ Ibid : — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) — Cloth, pp. Yin-j- 200^=208. tns. Price 30 cts. 20. Stephens’ Turkey, Russia, &e. [150] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Ed.) Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. With a map and engravings. Cloth, pp. 268+276=544. hb. Price §1.38. 21. Paget’s Hungary and Transylvania [152]-(2 v. Am. Edi.) With remarks on their condition, social, political and economical. By J. Pagett, Esq. Cloth, pp. 324 + 324 = 648. lb. Price §1.50. 22. Erman’s Siberia [153] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Travels in Siberia : including excursions northward, down to the Obi, to the Polar Circle, and southward to the Chinese Frontier. By Adolph Erman. Translated from the Ger- man, by H. D, Cooley. Cloth, pp. 371+400=771. lb. Price §1.50, 23. Price’s Norway and its Scenery [153|J — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Comprising the Journal of a tour, by Edward Price, Esq., with considerable additions, &c. Edited and compiled by Thomas Forester, Esq. A, M. Illustrated with numerous steel engravings. Cloth, pp. 470. hgb , Price §1.05. 24. Barege Breaker and Iceland — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.20, as follows : (l.) Jerrold’s Barege Breaker — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Jerrold’s Barage Breaker with the Swedes : or Notes from the North in 1852. By W. Blan- chard Jerrold. Illustrated from sketches by the author. Cloth, pp, xn+251=263. nc . Price 60 cts. (2.) Pfeiffer’s Iceland — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Pfeiffer ’s Yisit to Iceland, and the Scandinavian North. Translated from the German of Madame Ida Pfeiffer. With numerous explanatory notes, and eight tinted engravings. To which are added an Essay on Icelandic Poetry, from the French of M- Bergmann : a translation of the Icelandic from the Voluspa; and a brief sketch of Icelandic His- tory. Cloth, pp. xv +353 =368, nc. Price 60 cts. V. ITALY. 25. Eustace’s Classical Tour [1] — (3 v. lGmo. Eng. Edi.) A Classical Tour through Italy. By the Rev. John Chetwoode Eustace. With an additional preface, and the translations of the various quotations from ancient and modern authors. Illustrated with plans of churches, an index, &c. Cloth, pp. 405+ 468+496=1369. wtc. Price §2.10. 26. Nugent’s Classical Lands [95-2,8] — (2 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Lands. Classical and Sacred. By Lord Nugent. In2vols.-or2vols.ini. Cloth (Knight’s Series,) pp. 206+222=428. gcx. Price 48 cts. Voyages and Travels — Palestine, Sfc. 37 27. Italy and Norway — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 48 cts. as follows : (1.) MacFarlane’s, South of Italy (24mo. Eng. Edi.) Popular Customs, sports and recollections of the south of Italy. By Charles MacFarlane . Cloth, pp, v +224=229 good. Price 24 cts. (2.) Wittich’s Norway — (24mo. Eng. Edi.) A visit to the western coast of Norway. By W. Wittich, late professor of German at London University College. Cloth, pp. 216, gcx. Price 24 cts, 28. Gould’s Zephyrs from Italy [147] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Zephyrs from Italy and Sicily. By William M. Gould. With a colored engraving of Napoleon at the Bridge of Lodi. Cloth, pp. 336. dac. Price 76 cts. 29. Furniss’ Caesar and Doge [146] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The land of the Caesar and the Doge. Historical and artistic: incidental, personal and literary. By William Furniss. Cloth, pp. 384. clc. Price $8 cts. 30. Flagg’s Venice [145] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Venice: the City of the Sea, from the invasion by Napoleon in 1797, to the capitulation to Radetz- k.y in 1849; With a contemporaneous view of the Peninsula. By Edmund Flagg. With a map and embellishments. Cloth, pp. 449+501=950. es. Price $2. 31. Hall’s Forum and Vatican — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Land of the Forum and the Vatican ; or, thoughts and sketches during an Eastern Pilgrim- age to Rome. By Newman Hall, B. A. Cloth, xv+ 463 =478. rcb. Price 80 cts. 32. Morris’ Wanderings in Corsica — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Corsica: Picturesque, Historical and Social. With a sketch of the early life of Napoleon, and an account of the Bonaparte, Paoli, Pozzo di Borgo and other principal families. Suggested by a tour in the island in 1852. Translated from the German of Ferdinand Gregorovius, by Edward Ivy Morris. Cloth, pp, 522. pmm. Price § 1 . 10 . VI. PALESTINE, THE EAST, &c. 83. Wain wright’s Pathways of our Lord [74] — (12mo. Eng. Edi). The Pathways and Abiding Places of our Lord : illustrated in the journal of a tour through the Land of Promise. By the Rev. J. M. Wain wright, D. D. Cloth, pp. 348. tns. Price 75 cts. 34. Fisk’s Memorial, Holy Land [77] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) A Memorial of Egypt, the Red Sea, the Wildernesses of Sin and Paran, Mount Sinai, Jer- usalem, and other principal localities of the Holy Land; visited in 1842; with brief notes of a route through France, Rome, Naples, Constantinople, and up the Danube. By the Rev. Geo. Fisk, LL. D. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 451. rcb. Price 78 cts* 35. Anderson’s Bible Light — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Bible Light trom Bible Lands. By the Rev. J oseph Anderson. Cloth, pp. viii+ 344 =352. rcb. Price 60 cts. 36. M’Farlane’s Bible Mountains [82] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Mountains of the Bible: their scenes and their lessons. By the Rev. John M’Farlane, LL. D. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 352. rcb. Price 60 cts. 37. Headley’s Sacred Mountains [83] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Sacred Mountains. By J. T. Headley. Illustrated with numerous engravings Cloth, pp. x+ 175 =185. cs. Price §1. 38. Miscellaneous Library — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes, §1.50, as follows : (1.) Mountains of Scripture [95-1]— (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Tlie twenty-five Mountains of Scripture, with nine illustrations. Cloth, pp. v+214— 219. Price 55 cts. (2.) Three Weeks in Palestine and Lebanon [64] — (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Illustrated with engravings. Cloth, pp. 152. Price 30 cts. (3.) Venice [154-13] — (24mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) With illustrations. pp. 135. Price 16 cts* 38 Voyages and Travels — Ninevehy fyc. (4.) The Midshipman in China [14] — (18mo. R. Tr. Soc.) Or, recollections of the Chinese. Cloth, pp. 104. Price 20 cts. (5.) "Wylie’s Fulfilled Prophecy — (24mo. Eng. Edi.) A journey over the region of fulfilled prophecy. By the Rev. J. A. Wylie, pp. vi+ 138=144. jh. gs. Price 30 cts. 39. Lynch’s Dead Sea [60] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The River Jor- dan and the Dead Sea; narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition thereto. By W. E. Lynch, U. S. N , Commander of the expedition; from accurate surveys. With maps and numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp t 332. bl. Price 72 cts. 40. Lamartine’s East [79] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Travels in the East, including a journey to the Holy Land. By Alphonse he Lamartine. With a memoir of the author. Cloth, pp. 302+320=622. torch. Price §1.12. 41. Curzon’s Armenia and Levant — (2v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.80, as follows : (1.) Curzon’s Armenia — (12mo. Am. Edi.) A year at Erzeroum, and on the frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and Persia. By the Hon. Robt. Curzon. With a map and woodcuts. Cloth, pp. xiv+226=210. hb. Price 80 cts. (2,) Curzon’s Monasteries — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Ancient Mon- asteries of the East. With engravings. By the Hon. Robt. Curzon, Junr. Cloth, pp. xii+390=402. asbc. Price $1. 42. Baird’s Modern Greece — (12mo. Am. Edi ) A Narrative of a residence and travels in that country; with observations on its antiquities, liter- ature, language, politics, and religion, By Henry M. Baird, M. A. Illustrated by about 60 engravings. Cloth, pp. 380. hb. Price §1. 43. Malcolm’s Persia — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Sketches of Persia. By Sir John Malcolm. Cloth, pp.xiv+ 286= 300. jm. Price $1.25, 44. Warburton’s Crescent of the Cross [61] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Or, incidents of Eastern Travel. By the late Elliot Warburton, Esq. Two vols. in one. Cloth, pp. 268+242=510, gpp. to. Price $2. 45. Burton’s Meccah — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El. Medinah and Meccah. By Richard E. Burton, Lieut. Bombay Army, with an introduction by Bayard Taylor, with map and two illus- trations. Cloth, pp. xv +492= 507. gpp. j eg. Price $1.25. VII. NINEVEH, &c. 46. Layard’s Nineveh and Babylon — (2v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1 .) Layard’s Nineveh and its Remains [91-1] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) With an account of a visit to the Chaldean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or devil-worshippers : and an inquiry into the manners and arts of the ancient Assyr- ians. By Austen Henry Layard, Esq,, D. C. L., M. P. Two volumes complete in one, without the maps and lithographs, but with numerous illustrations. Cloth pp, 326+373=699. dac. Pries 80 cts. (2.) Layard’s Babylon [91-2] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Babylon and Nineveh; Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan, and the Desert: being the result of a second expedition under- taken for the Trustees of the British Museum. By Austen H. Layard, M. P. Abridged from the larger work; with many illustrations and a view of the Palace restored. Cloth, pp. 549. asbc. Price $1.20. 47. Layard’s Nineveh — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A Popular ac- count of Discoveries at Nineveh. By Austen H. Layard, D. C. L. Arranged by the author from his larger work. With numerous wood cuts. Cloth, pp. xix+360=379. jm. Price $1.25. 48. Bonomi’s Nineveh [93] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Nineveh and its Palaces. The discoveries of Botta and Layard, applied to the elucidation of Holy Writ. By Joseph Bonomi, P. R. S, L. Revised, with numerous additional engrav- ings, and the result of the most recent discoveries. Cloth, xx+429 = 449. nc. Pr. $1*25. Voyages and Travels — China , Japan , fyc. 39 VIII. CHINA, JAPAN, dec. 49* Nepaul and China — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) Oliphant’s Katmandu — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Journey to Katmandu, the capital of Nepaul, with the Camp of Jung Bahadoor; including a Sketch of the Nepaulese Ambassador at home. By Laurence Oliphant, Esq., Jr. Scarlet linen, pp. xii+242 = 254. dac. Price 40 cts. (2. 3.) Hue’s China [166] — (2 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Recollec- tions of a Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years 1844, 1845 and 1846. By the Rev. M. Hue, Missionary Priest of St. Lazarus. Red cloth, pp. 245+248=493. dac . Price 80 cts. 50. Hue’s Chinese Empire — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Journey through the Chinese Empire. By M. Hue. Cloth, pp. 421+422 =842. hb. Pr. $1.60. 51. Smith’s China [165] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) A Narrative of an Exploratory Visit to each of the Consular Cities of China, and to the Islands of Hong Kong and Chusan, in behalf of the Church Missionary Society, in the years 1844, 1845 and 1846. By the Rev. Geoeg-e Smith, M. A. With numerous illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 482. hb. Price $1. 52. Keppel’s Borneo [12] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) The Expedition to Borneo of H. M. S. Dido, for the suppression of piracy. With extracts from the Journal of Sir James Beooks, Rajah of Sarawak. By Captain the Hon. Henry Keppel, R. N. With a map, $ sheep, pp. 413. hb. Price 38 cts. 53. Neale’s Siam [168] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Narrative of a res- idence at the capital of the Kingdom of Siam, with a description of the manners, cus- toms, and laws of the modern Siamese. By Frederick Aethue Neale, formerly in the service of his Siamese Majesty. Illustrated with a map aud numerous engrav- ings. Cloth, pp. 278. nc. Price 60 cts. 54. Spalding’s Japan Expedition — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Japan and around the World; an account of three visits to the Japanese Empire, with sketches of Madeira, St. Helena, Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius, Ceylon, Singapore, China, and Loo-choo. By J. W. Spaulding, of the TJ. S. Steam-frigate Mississippi, Elag-Ship of the Expedition. With eight illustrations in tint. Cloth, pp, 377. jsr. Price $1. IX. VARIOUS. 55. Longman’s Traveller’s Library — (5 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the five volumes, $2.90, as follows : (1.) Lanman’s Adventures — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Adventures in the wilds of North America. By Chaeles Lanman. Edited by Chaeles Rich- aed Weld- Cloth, pp. iv+ 300 =304. Ic. Price 58 cts. (2.) Barrow’s Tour, and Ferguson’s Swiss Men — (16mo. Eng, Edi.) Tour on the Continent by Rail and Road in the summer of 1852 through Northern Germany, Austria, Tyrol, Austrian Lombardy, &c. By John Barrow, Esq. Swiss Men and Swiss Mountains. By Robeet Eeeguson. Cloth, pp. 126+ viii, 143 =273. Ic. Price 58 cts. (3.) Werne’s African Wanderings— (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Afri- can Wanderings; or an expedition from Sennaar to Jaka, Basa, and Beni-Amer, with a particular glance of the races of Bellad Sudan. By Ferdinand Weene. Translated from the German, by J. R, Johnston. Cloth, pp. xi+267=278. Ic. Price 58 cts. (4.) Hue’s Tartary, &c. — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Recollections of a journey through Tartary, Thibet and China, during the years 1844, 1845 and 1846. By M. Hue. Condensed translation by Mrs. Percy Stinnett. Cloth, pp. vii+312= 320. Ic. Price 58 cts. (5.) Kingslake’s Eothen [78] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, traces of Travel brought home from the East. By Chaeles Kingslake. Cloth, pp. 256. Ic . Am. esfe. Price of either 58 cts. 40 Voyages and Travels — Various. 56. Longman’s Traveller’s Library — (5 v.) Price for fire volumes, $2.90, as follows : (1.) Tschudi’s Alps — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Sketches of nature in the Alps from the German of Friedrich Yon Tschudi. Cloth, pp. 258. Ic. PriceoS cts. (2.) Hutchinson’s Niger, &c. — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Exploration of the rivers Niger, Tshadda and Binue. By T. J. Hutchinson. Cloth, pp. PriceoS cts. (3.) Jermann’s St. Petersburgh [134-5] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Pictures from St. Petersburgh. By Edward Jerrmaxn. Cloth, pp. Price 58 cts. (4.) Schamvl and Russia— (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Schamyl by Bodenstept and Wagner ; and Russia and Turkey. By J. R. McCulloch. Cloth, pp. Price 58 cts. (5.) Hughes’s Australian Colonies — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Australian Colonies ; their origin and present condition. By William Hughes, F. R. G. S. Cloth, pp. 8+ 307 =315. Price 58 cts* 57. Progress of Discovery — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 81,70, as follows : (1.) Nelson’s Voyages round the "World — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) From the death of Captain Cook to the present time, including remarks on the so- cial condition of the inhabitants in the recently discovered countries ; their progress in the arts ; and more espescially their advancement in religious knowledge. Cloth, pp. xv +517= 532. tns. Price 85 cts. (2.) Nelson’s Circumnavigation [ 97 ] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Of the Globe, and progress of Discovery in the Pacific Ocean, from the voyage of Magellan to the deathT of Captain Cook. With a portrait of Cook, and numerous illustrations ; also side indices. Cloth, pp. 423. tns. Price 85 cts. 58. Jenkin’s Exploring Expeditions [26] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Recent Exploring Expeditions to the Pacific, and the South Seas, under the Ameri- can, English and French Governments. By J* S. Jenkins. With vignette. Cloth, pp. viii-t-508=516. tns. Price 85 cts. 59. Wilkes’ Exploring Expedition [100] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng- Edi.) Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, during the years 1S38» 1839. 1840, 1841, 1842. By Charles Wilkes, TJ. S. N. Commander of the Expedi- tion. With sixty-three engravings. Cloth, pp. x,+318, xii+326=664. nc. Price $1.20 60. Cabinet Cylcopedia — (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2£0, as follows : ( 1 -3.) Maritime and Inland Discovery — (3v. 16mo.) The history of maritime and Inland discovery, contributed to the Cabinet Cyclopcedia. pp. x+398 xiii+3o6 xv+384=1266. Ic. Price $2.10. (4.) Principal Cities and Towns — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Municipal Cities and Towns of the World, with numerous engravings, contributed to the Cabinet Cyclopcedia. Cloth, pp. viii+ 236 =384. Ic . Price 70 cts. 61. Pfeiffer’s Voyages — (2 v. Eng. and Am. Edi ) Price for the two volumes $1.15, as follows : (1.) Pfeiffer’s Voyage— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A Lady’s Voy- age round the World: travels from Vienna to Brazil, Chili, Otaheite, China, the East Indies, Persia and Asia Minor. By Ida Pfeiffer. Translated by Wm. Hazlitt. Cloth, pp. 409. grc. Price 55 cts. (2.) Pfeiffer’s Voyage [ 98 ] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) A Lady’s Voyage round the World ; a selected translation from the German of Madame li)A Pfeiffer. By Mrs. Percy Stinnet. Cloth, pp. 302. hb. Eng. Edi., Ic., same price. Price 60 cts. 62. Mackenzie’s Mission — (2\. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Life in the Mission, the Camp and the Zen&na; or, six years in India. By Mrs. Colin Mac- kenzie. Cloth, pp. 342 + 319 =661, jsr. Price $1.65. ' Voyages and Travels — Egypt. 41 63. Howitt’s Australia — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three -volumes §2.20, as follows: (1.2.) Howitt’s Land, Labor and Gold — (2 v. 12mo. Am.E di.) Or, Tw<5 Years in Victoria ; with visits to Sydney and Van Dieman’s Land. By Wil- liam Howitt. Cloth, pp. xviii+441, xiv+426=899. wdtc. Price §1.60. (3.) ILowitt’s Wilds of Australia — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Boys’ Adventures in the Wilds of Australia ; or, Herbert’s Note Book. By William Howitt. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 359. wdtc. Price 60 cts. 64. Perry’s Japan Expedition — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Narrative of the American Expedition to Japan in 1852-3, and 1854. Abridged and illustrated Cloth, pp. — , dac. Price For 8 vo. Edi. See Books of reference , Part II. 64i. Miscellaneous — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes §1.80, as follows : (1.) A' Visit to Australia [1735] — (18mo, Xtn. K. Soc.) And. its Gold Regions. With a map and numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. iv+ 202 =206. Price 45 cts. (2.) Educational Outlines — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) And other let- ters on practical duties. To which is added a journal of a summer excursion made by the author and her pupils. With vignette. Cloth, pp. 116. gs. Price 85 cts. (3.) Cheever’s Island World — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Island World of the Pacific; being the personal narrative and results of travel through the Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands, and other parts of Polynesia. By Rev. Henry T. Cheever. Clotli, pp. 304. wco. Price 50 cts. 65. Lee’s Wanderers — (3 v. 16mo.) Price for the three vol- umes §2.20, as follows : (1.) Lee’s Australian Wanderers — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Or, the adventures of Captain Spencer, his horse and dog. By Mrs. R. Lee. With illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 472. lb. Price 60 cts. (2.) Lee’s African Wanderers — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, the adventures of Carlos and Antonio: embracing interesting descriptions of the man- ners and customs of the Western Tribes, and the natural productions of the country. By Mrs. R. Lee. Cloth, pp. x+ 364=374. gf Price §1. (3.) Lee’s African Crusoes — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Or, the adventures of Carlos and Antonio. By Mrs. R. Lee. Cloth, x + 454 = 464. lb. Price 60 cts. X. EGYPT, Sec. 66. Stephen’s Egypt, Petrsea, &c. [SO]— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia, Petrsea and the Holy Land. By John L. Ste- phens. With a map and outline engravings. Cloth, pp- 240+286=526. hb. Pr. §1.40 67. Stephens and Eelzoni — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 85 cts, as follows : (1.) Stephen’s Egypt, Petrsea, &c. [95-8] — (32mo. Eng. Edi.) Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia, Persia, and the Holy Land. By J. L. Ste- phens, Esqr. Cloth, pp. 383. tns. Price 25 cts. (2.) Belzoni’s Egypt and Nubia [5f] — (24mo. Eng. Edi.) Fruits of Enterprise ; as exhibited in the Travels of Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia; to which is prefixed a short account of the traveller ’s death. Cloth, pp. 255. gf. Price 60 cts 68. Bayle St. John’s Egypt [87] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Vil- lage Life in Egypt. With sketches of the same. By Bayle St. John. Cloth, pp, xix, 216 +ix, 213=462. wdtc. Price 95 cts. 69. Smith’s Pilgrimage to Egypt [89] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Embracing a diary of explorations on the Nile ; with observations illustrative of the manners, customs, and institutions of the people, and of the present condition of the antiquities and ruins. With numerous engravings. By G. N. C. Smith. Cloth, pp. xiii x 383 = 396. gl. Price 95 cts. D 42 Voyages and Travels — Africa. XI. AFRICA, &c. 70. Farkyns’ Abyssinia — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Life in Abyssinia ; being notes collected during three years residence and travel in that country. By M. Parkyns. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 350+355=704. dac. Price §1.55. 71. Andersson’s G’Nami — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Lake G-’Nami ? or, Explorations and Discoveries during four years wandering in the Wilds of South Western Africa. By Chas. J. Andersson. With illustrations, pp. lib. Price 70 cts. 72. Murray’s African Continent [155]— (12mo, Eng. Edi.) The African Continent. A narrative of discovery and adventure. By Hugh Mue- RAY, P. R* S. E. With an account of recent . exploring expeditions. By the Rev. John M. Wilson. With maps, illustrations and side indices. Cloth, pp. 482. tns . Price 80 cts. 73. Cumming’s Hunter’s Life [160] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Eive years of a hunter’s life in the far interior of Southern Africa, with notices of the native tribes, and anecdotes of the chase of the lion, elephant, hippopotamus, gir- affe, rhinoceros, &c. By Royileun Gordon Cumming, Esq. Cloth, pp. 326+303=* 629. hb. Price $1.40- 73^. Ibid: — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The same work abridged. Cloth, pp . jm. Price $1.25. 74. Miscellaneous — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes $2.20, as follows : (1.) Frost’s Africa [57] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Book of Travels in Africa, from the earliest ages to the present time, compiled from the best authorities. By John Prost, LL. D. Cloth, pp. 252. dac. Price 80 cts. (2.) Moffat’s Southern Africa [158] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Mis- sionary labors and scenes in Southern Africa. By Robeet Mope at. Cloth, pp. 406, rcb. Price 60 cts. (3.) Sketches by a Sailor — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, things of Earth and things of 'Heaven. By a Commander in the Navy. Cloth, pp. 149. Ic • Price 80 cts. 75. Miscellaneous — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (1.) Erench in Algiers [157] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Erench in Algiers. In two parts; I. The soldier of the foreign legion. II. The prisoners of Abd-el»Kader. Translated from the German and Prench. By Lady Dupe Goedon. Cloth, pp. 176. jm. Price 70 cts. (2.) Edward’s Amazon and Para [108] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Yoyage up the river Amazon including a residence at Para. Cloth, pp. 210. jm. Price 70 cts. 76. Lander’s Travels in Africa [53] — (2 y. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) The journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger ; with a narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination. By Richard and John Lander. Illustrated with engravings and maps. Cloth, pp. 318+398=716. t etc. Price $1.35. 16%, Ibid : [53] — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Half sheep, pp. 384+337 =721. hb. Price 75 cts. 77. Miscellaneous — (5 y.) Price for the five volumes $2, as follows ; (1.) Adventures in Africa [58] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) Narra- tive of Discovery and Adventure in Africa, from the earliest ages to the present time ; with illustrations of the Geology, Mineralogy and Zoology. By Professor Jameson, James Wilson, Esq., and Hugh Mueray, Esq. With a map*, plans of the routes of Park, and of Denham and Clapperton, and several cuts. Half sheep, pp. 359. hb. Price 38 cts. (2.) Humboldt’s South America [9] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Travels and Researches in South America. By Baron Humboldt. With illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 278. jwp. Price 40 cts. 43 Voyages and Travels — South America . (3.) Mungo Park — (18mo. Eng. Am. Edi.) Life and Travels of Mungo Park; with the account of his death from the journal of Isaaco ; the sub- stance of later discoveries relative to his lamented fate, and the termination of the Niger. Cloth, pp. viii* 216— 224. jtcp.lib. Price 40 cts. (4.) Van-ti — (ISmo.Eng. Edi.) Van-ti, the Chinese Magistrate ; and other Tales of other countries. Cloth, pp. 138, jwp* Price 38 cts. (5.) Marry at’ s Africa [161] — (24mo. Am. Edi.) The Mis- sion in search of lost Europeans; or, scenes in Africa. Written for young people. By Captain Marryat, R. N. Two vois. in one. Cloth, pp. 179*193—367. dac , Price 48 cts. XIX, SOUTH AMERICA, &c„ 78. Humboldt and Gerstaeker — (2 v.) Price §1.90. (1.) Macgilivray’s Humboldt’s Travels, &c. [102] — (12mo, Eng. Edi.) The Travels and Researches of Alexander Von Humboldt. By W. Macgilivray, LL. D. With a narrative of Humboldt’s most recent researches, including his celebrated journey to the Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea, &c. With portrait, illustrations and side indices. Cloth, pp. 418. tns. Price 90 cts. (2.) Gerstaeker’s Travels — (12mo Eng. Edi.) Bio de Janerio, Buenos Ayres, ride through the Pampas, winter journey across the Cordilleras, Cliili, Valparaiso, California and the Gold Fields. Translated from the German of Fred- erick Gerstaeker. With beautifully colored Illustrations, Cloth, pp. 290. tns . Price $1. 79. New Granada and Brazil — (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $3.20, as follows ^ (1.) Holton’s New Granada. Twenty Months in the Andes. By I. p. Holton. With maps and 30 or 40 illustrations, pp. lib . Price $1.60. (2.) Life in Brazil, or a Journal of a visit to the Land of the Cocoa and the Palm. With 100 illustrations, pp. lib . Price $1.60. 80. Peru, Musquito, and Chili — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2.80, as follows : (1.) Tschudi’s Peru [109] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Travels in Peru, during the years 1838—1842, on the coast, in the S’erra, across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the primeval forests. By Dr, G. G. Von Tsckubi. Translated from the German, by Thomasina Ross. Complete in one vol. Cloth, pp, x* 354— 364, asbc. Price $1. (2.) Bard’s Waikna — (12mo. Am, Edi.) Or, Adventures on the Musquito Shore. By Samuel A. Bard. With sixty illustrations. Cloth, pp. 366. hb. Price $1. (3.) Smith’s Araucanians — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Or, Notes of a Tour among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili. By Edmond Renfl Smith, of the U. S. N. Astronomical Expedition in Chili. With vignette. Cloth, pp. 335. hb . Price 80 ctjfc. 81. California, Mexico and Panama — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2, as follows (1.) Marryat’ s Life in California — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Moun- tains and Molehills; or, recollections of a burnt journal. By Frank Maeeyat, With illustrations by the author. Cloth, pp. 393. hb. Price $1. (2.) Ruxton’s Mexico [106] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) 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Cloth, pp. 421+23 - 444. cs. Price §1. (2.) Eilet’s Pioneer Women [123] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Women of the West ; sketches and anecdotes. By Mrs. Ellet, Cloth, pp. 434* cs. Price §1. (3.) Thoreau’s Walden — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Walden; or life in the woods. By Henby D. Thobeau. Cloth, pp. 357. wdtc Price 80 cts. XIII. NORTH AMERICA, &c. 84. Miscellaneous — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three vol- umes §1.05, as follows: (1.) Santarem’s Vespncius [HO] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Re- searches respecting Americus Vespncius and his Voyage. By the Viscount San- tabem. Translated by E. F. Childe. Cloth, pp. 221. Ibc. Price 60 cts. (2.) Eleurv’s America — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) History of the Discovery of America, written expressly for children. Translated from the Preneh of Lame Fleuby. Cloth pp. 342. nebs. Price 45 cts. 85. Tegg’s Family Library : Irving’s Columbus and Head’s Bruce— (3 v.) Price for the three volumes $2, as follows.; (1.) Irving’s Columbus [139-6] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Bv Washington Ibving. (Abridged by the same.) With portrait and maps. In one volume. Cloth, pp.356. wtc. Price 68 cts. (2.) Irving’s Companions of Columbus [10] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbur,. With map and engrav- ings. By Washington Ikving. Cloth, pp. 337. wtc . Price 68 cts. (3.) Head’s Bruce [132-6] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life and Travels of Bruce, the African Traveller. By Major Sir Fkancis Bone Head. With map and portrait. In one volume. Cloth, pp. 480. wtc . Price 68 cts. 86k Columbus, Bruce and Vespueius — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes §1-28, as follows : (1.) Irving’s Columbus [138-6] — (12mo. Am. Edi ) Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. By Washington Ibying. (Abridged by the same.) Cloth, pp- 325. hb. Price 60 cts. (2.) Columbus and Vespueius [140-6] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Lives of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of America, and Americus Vespueius, the Florentine. With engravings. In one volume. Cloth, pp- 278. hb. Priee 30 cts. (3.) Head’s Bruce [132-6] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) The Life and Adventures of James Bruce, the African Traveller. By Major Sir Fbancis Bond Head. With Portrait. Cloth, pp. 382. hb. Price 38 cts. 8&b Irving’s Columbus and Prairies — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 60 cts., as follows : (1.) Irving’s Companions of Columbus — ( 16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus. By Washington Ibving. Boards, pp. 326. hgb. Price 30 cts. (2.) Irving’s Prairies — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) A Tour on the Prairies. By Washington Ibying. Boards, pp. 137. hgb . Price 30 cts. 87<» Columbus and Cook — (2 v. Xtn. K. Soc.) Price for the two volumes §1.10, as follows ; (1.) Columbus [142] — (24mo. Eng Edi.) The Life, Voyages and Discoveries of Christopher Columbus. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 323. jwp . Price 55 cts. 45 Voyages and Travels — Canada. (2.) Cook [133] — (24mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life, Voyages and Discoveries of Captain James Cook. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 220. jivp. Price 55 cts, 88. Chamber’s America — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Things as they are in America. By William Chambers. Cloth, pp. 364. Igc . Price SO cts. XrV. CANADA, &c. 89. Tremenheere’s Motes [44] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Notes on Public Subjects, made during a tour in the United States and Canada, In the United States, on Public Education— Railways— Water Supply in Cities— Vote by Ballot — the Press— General Remarks. In Canada, on Roads— Climate— Geological Survey— Cultivation— Railways— Canals— increase of Towns— field for Capital— Poli- tics— the Press— Podular Education — inducements to settle in — Society— Occupa- tions— Sports— Credit, and Prospects— General Remarks. With a railway map of Canada and the United States, and appendices. By Hugh Seymour Tremen- heere, pp. 320. jm . Price $2.40. 90. Miscellaneous — (3 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three vol- umes $1.75, as follows : (1.) Leslie’s Polar Seas [11 2J — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Discov- ery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions ; with illustrations of their Clim- ate, Geology, and Natural History. By Sir John Leslie, K. II. Robert Jamie- son, Esq., F. R. S. and Hugh Murray, Esq., F, R. S„ E. With a narrative of the recent expeditions in search of Sir John Eranklin. With illustrations and side indi- ces. Cloth, pp. 306* tns. Price 80 cts. (2.) Simmond’s Eranklin and Arctic Regions [113] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Sir John Franklin and the Arctic Regions; a narrative, showing the progress of British enterprise for the discovery of the north-west passage during the nineteenth century : with detailed notes of the expeditions in search of the missing vessels under Captain Sir John Franklin. By P. L. Simmonds. Combining the most recent intelligence, with maps* Cloth, pp. xvi+ 287 =303. grc. Price 54 cts. (3.) Dana’s Two Years before the Mast — (16mo. Eng. Edi) Two Years before the Mast; or, a Sailor’s life at sea. By R. 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Voyages for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and narrative of an attempt to reach the North Pole. By Captain Sir W. E. Par- ry, R.N., F.R.S. With portrait, pp. 321+328=649. lib. Price 75 cts. (3.) Winter in the Arctic Regions [24] — (18mo. sqr. Xtn. K. Soc.) I. Winter in the Open Sea; II. Winter in a Secure Harbour; III. Winter in a Snow Hut. With map and engravings. Cloth, pp. 176. Price 45 ets. (4.) Summer in the Antartic Regions [25] — (1.8mo. sqr. Xtn. K. Soc.) A Narrative of Voyages of Discovery towards the South Pole. With maps and engravings. Cloth, pp. 203. Price 45 cts. (5.) Scoresby’s Arctic Regions [23] — (18mo. R. Tr. Soc.) The Arctic Regions; their Situation, Appearances, Climate, Zoology. By Captain (now the Rev. Dr.) Scoresby. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. 46 Voyages and Travels — Various. (6.) Gilly’s Shipwrecks, E. N [178] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Nar- ratives ot* Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy, between 1793 and 1849. Compiled princi- pally from official documents in the Admiralty. Bv William S. Gilly. With a preface by Wm. Stephen Cjlxy, D.D. Cloth, pp. xxxv+336=37l. jwp . Price $1.2& 93. Kane’s Arctic Expeditions — (3 v. Sv. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes S7.00, as follows : (1.) First Expedition : The U. S. Grimiell Expedition in search of & J r John Frank Mn. By Dr. S. K. Kane, U. S. N.. Richly illustrated with maps and engravings on steel, wood, and stone. Cloth, pp. — . 7ib. Price §2.40. (2-3,) Second Expedition — (2 v. Am, Edi.) Arctic Explor- ations : The second Griunell Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. 1853, ’54, and *55. By Elisha Kent Kane, M. D., U. S. N. Illustrated by upwards of three hundred engravings, from sketches by the author. Pp. 464+467=931. ev • lac . ps&. Price §4 60. XV. VARIOUS. 84, J. A. St. John 3 s Travellers [131, J] — (3 y. lBrno. Am, Edi.) The Lives of Thirty-two Celebrated Travellers— from A. D. 1200 to 1800. By James Augustus St. John. Cloth, pp. 319+338+386=1043. hb. Price $1. 95. Miscellaneous — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes $3.40, as follows : (1.) Nelson’s Perils on the Deep [179-4] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Perils and Adventures on the Deep. Cloth, pp. 226. ins . Price 50 cts. (2.) Webber’s Romance of Nat. Hist. [172-9] — (12mo. Eng, Edi ) Romance of Natural History and Hunting t or, WTld Scenes and Wild Hunters. By C. W. Webber. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 447. ins, Price 70 cts r (3.) Nelson’s Modern Travel, &c. [172-10] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Scenes of Modern Travel and Adventure. Cloth, pp. 342. ins. Price 70 cts. (4.) Nelson’s Sandford and Merton [172-11] — (lBmo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Sandford and Merton a book for the young. By Thomas Day. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 468. tns. Price 50 cts. (5.) Ballantyne’s Young Eur Traders (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Snowflakes and Sunbeams: or the Young Pur Traders; a tale of the far north. By Robert Michael Ballantyne. With illustrations by the author. Cloth, pp. 429* tns+ Price $1. 96. Miscellaneous- — (6 v. ) Price for the six volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Goulding’s Young Marooners — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) [Rob- ert and Harold : or the Young Marooners a new Crusoe story. By P. R. Goulding. Cloth* pp, 256. tns. gre . Price 40 cts. (2.) Nelson’s Swiss Family [Robinson [173-5] — (24mo. Eng, Edi.) The Swiss Family Robinson ; or the adventures of a father and his four sons on a desert island. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp* 384. tns. Price 50 cts. (3.) Nelson’s Sandford and Merton [173-3] — (32mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of SJandford and Merton : a book for the young. Cloth, pp. 384. tns- Price 25 cts. (4.) Nelson’s Dangers of the Deep [179-5] — (32mo. Eng. Edi.) Dangers of the Deep : or Narratives of Shipwreck and Adventure at Sea. With ill- ustrations. Cloth, pp. 416. tns. Price 25 cts. (5 ) Cbeever’s Island World, Pacific [169-11[ — (32mo. Eng. Edi.) The Island World of the Pacific Ocean. Cloth, pp. 298. tns. Price 25 cts. (6.) Nelson’s Central Africa [161-3] — (32mo. Eng. Edi.) Scenes of Travel and Adventure in Central Africa. With illustrations. Cloth, ppi 442. tns . Price 35 cts. Voyages and Travels — Various. 47 97. Miscellaneous — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes §2.10, as follows : (1.) Mutiny of tlie Bounty [179-1] — (1.8mo, Eng. Edi.) The Eventful History of the Mutiny and piratical seizure of H. M. S. “ Bounty/’ its causes and consequences. Illustrated by six etchings on steel from original drawings. By Lieutenant Colonel Batty. Cloth, pp. 360. wtc- Price 68 cts, (2.) Mutiny at the Nore [179-2] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) History of the Mutiny *at Spithead and the Nore, with an enquiry into its origin and treat- ment. &c. With a portrait of Bichard Parker. Cloth, pp. 415. wtc. Price 68 cts. (3.) The Home of the Mutineers — (18mo. Am. Edi.) Cloth, pp. 342. assu. Price 44 cts. (4.) Perils of the Sea [31] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) Being an authentic narrative of remarkable and affecting disasters upon the deep ; with illus- trations of the power and goodness of God in wonderful preservations. Cloth, pp. 205. Jib, Price 30 cts. 98. Reid’s Series, &e. — (7 v.) Price for the seven volumes $4.25, as follows : (1.) Reid’s Bush Boys — (16mo. Am. Edi.) The Bush Boys; Or, the History and Adventures of a Cape Farmer and his family in the wild Karoos of Southern Africa. By Captain Mayne Reid* With twelve illustrations. Cloth, pp. vH- 356=362. wdtc . Price 60 cts. (2.) Reid’s Boy Hunters [171-5] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) The Boy Hunters : or, adventures in search of a white buffalo. By Captain Nayne Reid. With illustrations by William Harvey. Cloth, pp. 364* wdtc , Price 60 cts. (3.) Reid’s Forest Exiles— (16mo. Am. Edi.) The Forest Exiles ; other perils of a Peruvian family amid the wilds of the Amazon. By Captain Mayne Reid. With twelve illustrations. Cloth, pp. 360. wdtc. Price 60 cts. (4.) Reid’s Desert Home [171-4] — (16mo. 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(6) Traill’s Canadian Eorest — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Stories of the Canadian Forest ; or, little Mary and her Nurse. By Mrs. Traill, pp. csfc. Price 60 cts. 100. Miscellaneous — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $2.35, as follows : (1.) Taylor’s Young Islanders — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Or, The School-boy Crusoes; a tale of the last century. By Jeffreys Taylor. Cloth, pp. 319. csfc . Price 60 cts. (2.) Exiles of Siberia [154-1] — (18mo Am. Edi.) Elizabeth; or the Exiles of Siberia A tale; founded upon facts. Prom the French of Madame Cottin. The original translation revised and corrected. With lithographic illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 189. csfc. Priee 50 cts. (3.) Swiss Eamily Kobinson [171-3] — (18mo. Eng. 24mo. and sqr. Am. Edi.) Or. adventures of a father, mother, and four sons, in a desert island. The genuine progress of the story forming a clear illustration of the first principles of natural history, and many branches of science which most immediately apply to the bus- iness of life. Two volumes in one : volume second concluding the journal. Cloth, pp. 384+312=696. csfc. grc. Price of either edition 75 cts. (4.) Williams’ Paul and Virginia [171-8] — (l8mo. Am. Edi.) Translated from the French of N. Benardin H. He Saint Pierre ; by Helen Maria Williams. With lithographic illustrations. Clotn, pp. 171. csfc. Pr. 50 cts. 101. Tucker’s Works — (3 v. 12mo.) Price for the three volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) Tucker’s Bainbow r in the North [114] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) The Rainbow in the North: a short account of the first establishment of Christian- ity in Rupert’s Land, bv the Church Missionary Society. By S. Tucker. With ill- ustrations. Cloth, pp. 308. rcb. Price 40 cts. (2 ) Tucker’s Southern Cross — (18mo. Am. Edi.) The Southern Cross and Southern Crown. By Miss Tucker. Cloth, pp. — . rch. Price 40 cts. (3.) Tucker’s Abbeokulta — (18mo. Am. Edi.) Or, Sunrise in tho Tropics. By Miss Tucker. Cloth, pp. — . rcb. Price 40 cts. 102. Miscellaneous— (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $1.60, as follows : (1.) Bridgeman’s Daughters of China [169-1] — (24mo. Am. Edi.) Or, Sketches of Domestic Life in the Celestial Empire. By Eliza J. Gillett Bridgeman. With portrait and illustrations. Cloth, pp. 234. rcb. Piiee40ets. (2.) Ear Off [159-lp. Z ] — (18ino. Am. Edi ) Or, Asia and Aus- tralia described. With anecdotes and illustrations. Cloth, pp. 327. rcb. Price 40 cts. (3.) Near Home [159-2 p. I ]-—(l8mo. Am. Edi.) Or the Coun- tries of Europe described. With anecdotes and numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 820. rcb. Price 40 cts. (4 ) Louis and Prank [159-3/?. Z.] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) Three months under the Snow. The journal of a young inhabitant of the Jura. Translat- ed from the French of J. J. Por -hat. With illustrations : and “Frank Harrison” in one volume. Cloth, pp. 174+155=329. rcb. Price 40 cts. 103. Miscellaneous — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $2.10, as follows ; (1.) Brett’s Indians of Guiana [169-5] — (24mo. Am. Edi.) Indian Tribes of Guiana. With illustrations. By the Rev. H. H. Brett. Cloth, pp. 320. rcb. Price 40 cts- (2.) Hack’s Winter Evenings [172-4] — (16mo. Ain. Edi.) Or, tales of travellers. By Maria Hack. Improved and illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 438. rcb. Price 60 cts. (3.) Sweden — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Tales of Sweden and the Norsemen. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. — . rcb . Price 50 cts. Voyages and Travels — Various. 49 (4.) Africa — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Africa’s Mountain-vallies. Cloth, pp. — . rcb. Price 50 cts. 104. Marryat’s Sketches — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Marryat’s Children of the New Eorest — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Children of the New Porest. By Captain Marryat, It. N. With eight illustrations by John Gilbert, pp. 42S. grc. Price $1. (2.) Marryat’s Little Savage — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or adven- tures on a Desert Island. By Captain Marryat, R.N. With eight illustrations, by John Gilbert. Cloth, pp. grc. Price $1. 105. Esperanza and Island Home — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.40, as follows : (1.) Bowman’s Esperanza — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, the home of the wanderers. By Ann Bowman* Illustrated by Hervey. Cloth, pp. grc. Price 70 cts. (2.) Archer’s Island Home — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Island Home ; or, the Adventures of Six Young Crusoes, by Richard Archer. Illustrated by Gilbert. Cloth, pp. grc. Price 70 cts. 106. Forest Life and Bridle Roads — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §2, as follows : (1.) Newland’s Eorest Life — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A Eisherman’s Sketches in Norway and Sweden. By the Rev. Henry Newland. With eight illus- trations. Cloth, pp. grc. Price $1. (2.) Cayley’s Bridle Roads — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Bridle Roads of ‘Spain. By George John Cayley. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. grc. Price §1. 107. Robinson Crusoe and Masterman Ready — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §2.25, as follows : (1.) Bohn’s Robinson Crusoe [172J — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner, With a bio- graphical account of Daniel Defoe, the author. Illustrated with seventy character- istic wood engravings finely executed, by Harvey and Whimper. Cloth, pp. 24, 442. 466, hgb. Price §1. (2.) Bohn’s Masterman Ready [82 p. 1.] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, the Wreck of the Pacific. Written for young people, by Captain Marryat, R.N. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. hgb. Price §1.25. 108. Gerstaeker’s Sports and Adventures — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §2, as follows : (1) Wild Sports (12mo. Eng. Edi.) in the far West. By Eked. Gersta eker ; with eight tinted illustrations, by Harrison Weir. Cloth, pp. grc. Price §1. (2.) Erank Wildman’s Adventures — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) On Land and Water. By Pred. Gerstaeker; with tinted engravings, by Harrison Weir, Cloth, pp. grc. Price §1. 109. Constable’s Miscellany — (10 v. Eng. Edi.) Miscellany of Foreign Literature, tcc.jcg. Price for the ten volumes §7, as follows : (1.) Jokai’s Hungarian Sketches. — Sketches in Peace and War, from the Hungarian of Moritz Jokai. With prefatory notice, by Emeric Szabad. Cloth, pp. xv+305=320. tcc.jcg. Price 72 cts. (20 Hetner’s Athens and the Peloponnese. — Athens and the Peloponnese, with sketches of Northern Greece, from the German of Hermann' Retner. Cloth, pp. 230. Price 53 cts. (8.) Conscience’s Tales of Elemish Life. — Tales of Elemish Life, by Hendrick Conscience. Cloth, pp. 364. Price 72 cts. (4.) Irving’s Wolfert’s Roost. — Chronicles of Wolfert’s Roost? and other papers. By Washington Irving. Cloth, pp,vi+ 350 =356. Price 72 cts* 50 Voyages and Travels — Various. (5-6.) Gregorovius’ “Wanderings in Corsica — ( 2v.) Wander- derings in Corsica; its History and its Heroes, Translated from the German of Ferdinand Gregorovius, by Alexander Muir. Cloth, pp. viii+326. viii+290=* 632. Price §1.45, (7.) Souvestre’s Brittany, &c. — Brittany and La Vendee, tales and sketches. With a notice of the life and literary character of Emile Souvestre. Cloth, pp. 301. Price 72 cts. (8.) Recollections of Russia, during thirty-three years residence. By a German Nobleman ; revised and translated, with the authors sanction, by Las- cells Wraxall, assistant Commissary Fieldtrain Turkish Contingent. Cloth, pp. 328. Price 25 cts. (9.) About’ s Greece — Greece and the Greeks of the present day. By Edmond About. Translated by authority. Cloth, pp. xvi+360=376. Price 72 cts. (10.) About’ s Tolla. — Tolla, a Tale of Modern Rome, by Ed- mond About. Translated by L. C. C. Cloth, pp. 284. Price 72 cts. 110. Miscellaneous — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $2.80, as follows : (1.) Routledge’s Voyage and Venture — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Voyage and Venture; or, perils by sea and land. With illustrations, by Harvey. Cloth, pp. 380. grc. Price 70 cts. (2.) Routledge’s Romance of Adventure — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Romance of Adventure : or, True Tales of Enterprise for the instruction and amusement of the young, illustrated. Cloth, pp. 364. grc. Price 70 cts. (3). Hartley’s Sandford and Merton [171-7] — (16mo.* Eng, Edi.) The History of Sandford and Merton. By Thomas Day. Newly corrected and revised, by Cecil Hartley. M. A. Illustrated with numerous fine engravings. Cloth, pp. viii+463=47I. grc . Price 70 cts. (4.) Routledge’s Robinson Crusoe [171-10] — (16mo. Eng. Ed.) The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel De Foe. With a life of the author. Illustrated by Phiz. Cloth, pp. xx+459=479. grc. Price 70 cts. 111. Miscellaneous — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes $3.08, as follows : (1.) Taylor’s Scenes in Foreign Lands — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) From the portfolio and journal of a traveller in various parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and America, upon a plan arranged by the late Rev. Isaac Taylor. With one hun- dred and ninety two engravings. Cloth, pp. xviii+328=346. gf. Price §1.50. (2.) Uncle Philip’s Conversations [21] — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi) With Children about the Whale Fishery and Polar Seas. Cloth, pp. 211+210=421. Jib. Price 58 cts. (3.) The Giants of Patagonia [128-5] (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Captain Bourne’s account of his captivity amongst the extraordinar.v savages of Pat- agonia. With six engravings. To which is added, the painfully interesting narrativo of the fate of the Patagonian Society’s mission in Terra del Fuego. Boards, pp. 160. nc. Price 22 cts. (4.) Livingston’s Poetry of Geography — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Poetry of Geography : a voyage round the Globe ; in which a comprehensive view of the earth is taken, and facts made familiar to the mind of all, A book for families, students, and schools. By Peter Livingston. Cloth, pp. x+ 100 =110. gs. Price 48 cts. (5.) The Traveller [33] — (18mo. R. Tr. See.) Or, a Descrip- tion of various wonders in nature and art met with in travelling. Illustrated frith engravings. Cloth, pp. 188. Price 30 cts. Biography — Sacred. 51 112 . Miscellaneous — (7 v.) Price for the seven volumes $2.20, as follows : (1.) Anson’s Voyage [5] — (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) A Voyage Round the World in the years 1740-1744, by George Anson, Esq., afterwards Lord Anson. Compiled from his papers and materials. By Richard Walter. M. A. With a map, shewing the track of the Centurion round the world. Cloth, pp.424. Price 95 els. (2.) Nevin’s Hudson’s Bay [128-7] — (32mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) A Narrative of Two Voyages to Hudson’s Bay; with traditions of the North American Indians. By J. B. Nevins, M. D. Cloth, pp.iv+ 156=160. Price 35 cts. (3 ) A Narrative of Shipwrecks [179-7] — (24mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Containing an account of the loss of five Packets and Men-of-war. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 143. Price 42 cts. (4.) Watering Places — (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) The Watering Places of England : comprising Tunbridge Wells, Weymouth, Buxton, Matlock, Scar* borough, Torquay, Cheltenham, Leamington. Cloth, pp. 73. Price 16 cts. (5.) A Peep at St. Petersburgh [His. 280-10] — (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Paper, pp, 83. Prise 11 cts. (6.) A Peep at Constantinople [His. 280-10] — (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Paper, pp. 107. Price 11 cts. (7.) A Peep at Amsterdam [His. 280-12]— (18mo. Xtn. EL Soc.) Paper, pp. 90. Price 11 cts. ( For Books of Ref erence in Voyages , See Part II .) ' III. BIOGRAPHY. — Part I. I. SACRED, &c. 1. Neander’s Biographical Works [166] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, hgb ., $1.40, as follows : (1.) The Life of Jesus Christ in its historical connexion and historical development. By Augustus Neander. Translated from the German by John M'Clintocx and Charles E, Blumenthal. Cloth, pp. 32, 499=631. Price 70 cts. (2.) Memorials of Christian Life in the early and middle ages. Including his “ Light in Dark Places.” By Dr. Augustus Neander. Translated from the German by J. E. Ryland. Cloth, pp. 4, 538=542. Price 70 cts. 2. Bible Biography — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.10, as follows: (1.) Cumming’s Bible Pictures [168] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Family pictures from the Bible. With an introductory preface. By the Rev. John Cumming, D. D. Cloth, pp. 318, grc. Price 43 cts. (2.) Farr’s Bible Biography [169] — G6mo. Eng. Edi.) A series of connected histories of the principal characters mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. By Edward Farr. Cloth, pp. 4, 371=375, jwp . Price 67 cts* 3. Sovereigns and Mothers of the Bible — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Steele’s Sovereigns of the Bible — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Sovereigns of the Bible. With engravings and illuminated title page. By Eliza . R. Steele. Cloth, pp. 402, mwd. Price $1. (2.) Ashton’s Mothers of the Bible — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Mothers of the Bible ; by Mrs. S. G. Ashton. With an introductory Essay, by Rev, A. L. Stone. Cloth, pp. vni. +335=343, jpjc. Price $1. 52 Biography — Classical. 4. Women of the Scriptures and Christianity — (2 v.) . Price for the two volumes $1.20, as follows ; (1.) Weld’s Women of the Scriptures [257-3] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The Women of the Old and New Testaments. Edited by Rev. H. Hastings Weld. Cloth, pp. 240, linb % Price 60 cts. (2.) Kavanagh’s Women of Christianity [257-4] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Exemplary for- acts of piety and charity. By Julia Kavanagh. Cloth, pp. 384, dac. Price 60 cts. 5. Hebrew Nation and Sacred Scenes, &c. [167] — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $2.60, as follows : (1.) Biographical Annals of the Hebrew Nation from the Ante- dilluvian period to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. By the Rev. William Hale, M.A., the Rev. E. A. Cox, B.D., LL.D., and others. Cloth, pp. 407, 111= 618, rgc. Price $1.50. (2.) Sacred Scenes and Characters. By J. T. Headley. With original designs by Parley. Cloth, pp. 11, 228=239, cs. Price $1. n. CLASSICAL, &c. 6. Tegg’s Family Library: Alexander and Cicero — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $1.35, as follows : (1.) William’s Alexander the Great [3-2] — (I2mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life and Actions of Alexander the Great. By Rev. John Williams. Cloth, pp. 408, wtc. Price 68 cts. (2.) Rollings’ Life of Cicero [13] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero,— with bust Portrait. By J. E. Hollings. Cloth, pp. 550, wtc. Price 68 cts. 7. Abbott’s Biographical Histories — (10 v. 16mo. Am. Edi., hb .) Price for the ten volumes $5, as follows : (1.) Cyrus the Great [7] — History of Cyrus the Great, — By Jacob Abbott. With map and engraving. Cloth, pp. 298. Price 50 cts. (2.) Darius [5] — The History of Darius, — By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 286. Price 50 cts. (3 ) Xerxes the Great [6] — History of Xerxes the Great, — By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. *302. Price 50 cts. (4.) Alexander the Great [4] — The History of Alexander the Great, — By Jacob Abbott. With map and engravings. Cloth, pp. 278. Price 50 cts. (5.) Romulus [173-1] — History of Romulus. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 310. Price 50 cts. (6.) Hannibal [9] — History of Hannibal the Carthaginian. By Jacob Abbott. With map and engravings. Cloth, pp. 295. Price 50 cts. (7.) Pyrrhus [171-1] — The history of Pyrrhus. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. Price 50 cts. (8.) Julius Ca3sar — The history of Julius Csesar. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. Price 5ft cts. (9.) Cleopatra [ 14] — Life of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp, 318. Price 50 cts. (10.) Nero [173-2] — History of Nero. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 321. Price 50 cts. 8. Long’s Civil Wars of Rome [172£] — (5 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) The civil wars of Rome. Select Lives translated from Plutarch; with notes by George Long. Cloth, pp. 288, 218, 261, 198, 192=1157. gcx. Price $1.15. Biography — English. 53 9. Greeks and Classic Portraits— (2 v.) Price for the two volumes, $1.42, as follows : (1.) Illustrious Greeks [2] — (12mo. R. T. Soc ) Lives of Illustrious Greeks,— For schools and families. Cloth, pp. 412. Price 60 cts. (2.) Bruce’s Portraits — (12ino. Am. Edi.) Classic and historic portraits. By Jame3 Bruce. Cloth, pp. viii + 352=360, ysr. Price 82 cts. 10. Herbert’s Captains — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Herbert’s Captains, Roman Republic — (]2mo. Am. Edi.) As compared with the great modern strategists ; their compaigns, character and con- duct from the Punic wars to the death of Caesar, By Hemry William Herbert. Cloth, pp. xvii +51 1=528, cs . Price $1. (2.) Herbert’s Captains, Old World [172] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Captains of the Old World ; as compared with the great modern strategists, their compaigns. character and conduct, from the Persian to the Punic Wars. By Henry William Herbert. Cloth, pp. 362. cs . Price $1. 11. DeQuineey’s Biographies — (3 v.) Price for the three volu- mes $1.80, as follows : (1) De Quincey’s Caesars [175] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) The Caesars. 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Old England’s Worthies ; A gallery of portraits from authentic copies of the most eminent Statesmen, Lawyers, Warriors, Men of Letters and Science and Artists of our Country ; accompanied by full and original biographies. With illustrative wood- cuts, and twelve illuminated engravings, pp. 272, hgb . Price $3. 15. Smyth’s Worthies of England [228] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) The Worthies of England : or Memoirs of eminent Persons whose actions have shed a lustre on the history of their country, and in whose honour monuments have been erected in Westminster Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral. By George Lewis Smyth. Illustrated with portraits. Cloth, pp. 284, 114=398, double columns, rgc . Price $ 1 . 16. Pauli and Steinitz’s Alfred the Great [177] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.70, as follows ; (1.) The Life of Alfred the Great. Translated from the German of Hr. It. Pauli. To which is appended, Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon Version of Orisons, with a Literal English Translation, and an Anglo-Saxon Alphabet and Glossary. By B. Thorpe, Esq. Cloth, pp. 9, 582, hgb . Price $1. (2.) Life of Alfred the Great, with his Maxims and those of his Counsellors; from the German of Albert Von Haller. With notes and commentaries. By Francis Steinitz, with a portrait on steel. Cloth, pp. 344, wtc . Price 70 cts. 54 Biography — English. 17 . James’ Richard Coeur de Lion — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) A history of the life of Richard Coeur de Lion, King of England. By G. P. R. James, Esq. Cloth, pp. viii. 520, vm+ 496 =1032, hgb. Price §1.40. 18 . Tegg’s Family Library — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes, §1.35* as follows ; (1.) Trials of Charles the First [242-3]— (18mo. Eng. Edi:) And of some of the Regicides; with biographies of Bradshaw, Ireton, Harrison, and others. With notes and portrait of Charles. Cloth, pp. 338, wtc. Price 68 cts. (2.) Aytouii’s Ricliard the First [83] — (18mo. Eng Edi.) The Life and Times of Richard the First,— Surnamed Coeur de Lion, King of England. With portrait. By William E. Aytoun. Cloth, pp. 366. Price 68 cts. 19 . Abbott’s Biographical Histories— (4 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) hb. Price for the four volumes §2, as follows : ( 1 .) Alfred [23] — The History of King Alfred the Great of England. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 270. Price 60 cts. (2.) William I [25] — History of William the Conqueror. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 291. Price 50 cts. (3.) Charles the First [39] — History of King Charles the First of England. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 285. Price 50 cts. (4.) Charles the Second [44] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) History of King Charles the Second of England. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 304. Price 50 cts, 20 . Guizot’s Oliver Cromwell — (2 v. Am. Edi.) History of Oliver Cromwell and the English Commonwealth, from the execution of Charles the First to the death of Cromwell. By M. Guizot, translated by Andrew, R. Scoble. Cloth, pp. 426+511 =937, bl. Price §1.60 21 . Cromwell and Penn — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes §1. as follows : (1.) D’Aubigne’s Cromwell [42] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Protector ; a vindication by the Rev. J. H. M. D’Aubigne, D. D* Cloth, rcb. Price 40 cts. (2.) Dixon’s William Penn [147] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) An historical biography, from new sources. With an extra chapter on the “ Macauly charges.” By William Hepworth Dixon. Cloth, pp. 353. Price 60 cts. 22. Cromwell and Illustrious Men — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes 75 cts., as follows : (1.) Wilson’s Oliver Cromwell — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D., F. S. A. Scotland Professor of History and English literature in University College, Toronto. Cloth pp. 304, tns. Price 40 cts. (2.) Kelson’s Lives of Illustrious Men [241-1] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Christopher Columbus, Alfred the Great, Sir Isaac Newton, John Milton Dante Alighieri, Sir Thomas More. 16mo. cloth, pp. 227. tns. Price 35 cts. 23 . Cromwell, Bunyan and Drake — (2 v.) — [183] Price for the two volumes §1.50 as follows : (1.) Select Lives of Cromwell and Bunyan — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) By Robert Southey, Esq., LL.D. Cloth, pp. 180 jm. Price 75 cts. (2.) The life, Voyages and exploits of Sir Francis Drake, with numerous original letters from him, and the Lord High Admiral, to the Queen and great Offiicers of State. By John Barrow, Esq., F. S. A. Cloth, pp. 187 jm* Price 75 cts. 24. Lawrence’s, British Historians — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) The Lives of the British Historians* By Eugene Lawrence. Cloth, pp* 395+ 380=775 cs. Price §2. Biography — English. 55 25. Tytler’s Raleigh and Henry VIII — (2 y.) Price for the two volumes 1.70 as follows • (1.) Tytler’s Sir Walter Raleigh [179-1] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, founded on authentic and original Documents. By Patrick Fraser Tytler, Esq., F. R. S., with portraits and side indices. Cloth, pp. 408 tns. Price 85 cts. (2.) Tytler’s Henry the Eighth [180] — (12nio. Eng. Edi.) The Life of Henry the Eighth, King of England, By Patrick Fraser Tytler, Esq„ F. R. S. Cloth, pp, 389 tns. Price 85 cts. 26. Raleigh and Extraordinary Men — (2v.) Price for the two volumes §1.20 as follows ; (1.) "Whitehead’s Sir Walter Raleigh — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life and times of Sir Walter Raleigh; with correct extracts from his “ History of the world.” By Charles Whitehead. Cloth, pp. x+ 309 =319 nc. Price 00 cts. (2.) Russell’s Extraordinary Men [239-3] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Their boyhood and early life. By William Russell, Esq. With numerous por- traits and illustrative engravings. Cloth, pp. 297 nc. Price 60 cts. 27. RusselPs Fox [194] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Memorials and Correspondence of Charles James Fox, Edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M. P. Cloth, pp. 369, 316=685, lb. Price §1.25. 28. Longman’s Travellers’ Library— (5 y. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Ic. Price for the five volumes §2.90, as follows ; ( 1 .) Macaulay’s Addison, &c. The life and writings of Addison, Walpole and Bacon. By Thomas Babington Macaulay. Cloth, pp. 90+45+141 =276. Price 58 cts. (2.) Macaulay’s Chatham, &c. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, Gladstone on Church and State, and Ranke’s History of the Popes. By Thomas Babin gton Macaulay. Cloth, pp. 148+69+46=264. Price 58 cts. (3.) Macaulay’s Hastings and Clive. Warren Hastings and Lord Clive. By Thomas Babington Macaulay. Cloth, pp. 106+94=200. Price 58 cts. (4.) Macaulay’s Frederick the Great, &c. Essays on Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, and on Hallam’s constitutional History of England Cloth pp. Price 58 cts. (5.) Macaulay’s Boswell’s Johnston. Essays on Croker’s Edition of Boswell’s life of Dr. Johnston. By T. B. Macaulay, With Mrs. Piozzi’s anec- dotes of Dr. Johnston. Cloth, pp. . Price 58 cts. 29. Longman’s Travellers’ Library — (5 y. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Ic. Price for the five volumes §2.90, as follows : (1.) Arago’s Autobiography, and Printing ; The Autobiography of Francis Arago, translated by the’ Rev. Baden Powell; and Printing, its ante- cedents, origin and results. By A. Stark. Cloth, pp. . Price 58 cts. (2.) Ferdinand I, &c. Turkey and Christendom; and Ferdi- nand I, and Maximilian II. By Leopold Ranke. Cloth, pp. . Price 58 cts* (3.) Memoir of Wellington, and Cockayne’s Turenne. Memoir of the Duke of Wellington, reprinted from the Times of September 15th and 16th, 1852; and the Life of Marshal Turenne. By J. Oswald Cockayne, M.A. Cloth, pp. 128+101=229. Price 58 cts. (4.) ITolcroft’s Memoirs. Memoirs of the late Thos. Holcroft written by himself and continued to the time of his death, from his diary, notes and other papers. Cloth, pp. 315. Price §8 cts. (5.) Rogers Fuller. Essay on the life and genius of Thomas Fuller. By Henry Rogers. Cloth, pp. . Price 58 cts. 56 Biography — English. 30 . Conde and Clive — (2 v ) Price for the two volumes, $2.70, as follows ; (1.) Mahon’s Conde — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Life of Louis, Prince of Cond6, surnamed the Great. By Lord Mahon. Cloth, pp. vm+308=316, jm. Price, §1.35. (2.) Gleig’s Clive, — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life of Robert, Pirst Lord Clive. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig, M.A. Cloth, pp. vi+314=320,Jm. Price §1.35. 31. Coxe’s Marlborough [181] — (3v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Me- moirs of the Duke of Marlborough, with his original correspondence. Corrected from the family records at Blenheim and other authentic sources. By William Coxe, M.A. Revised by John Wade. With portraits of the Duke of Marlborough, Duchess of Marlborough, and Prince Eugene. Cloth, pp. 1520, hgb. Price, §2.10. 32. Marlborough, Nelson and Wellington [190] — (3 v. Xtn. K. Soc.) Price for the three volumes, §1.48, as follows ; (1.) The Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. Abridged from the Quarterly Review.” With an illustration. 18mo. cloth, pp. 95. Price 48 cts. (2.) The Life of Iloratio, Lord Nelson. By Gr. Lathom Browne, Esq. ‘With plans and illustrations. 16mo., cloth, pp. 181. Price 55 cts. (3.) The [Military] Jjife of Arthur, Duke of Wellington. By G. Lathom Browne. With plans and illustrations. 16mo, cloth, pp. 165. Price 45 cts. 33. Marlborough, Nelson, and Wellington — (3 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes §1.50 as follows : (1.) Mae far] an e’s Marlborough [182-2] — A Life of Marlborough: In four books. By Charles Macfarlane. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 326 grc* Price 50 cts. (2.) Allen’s Life of Nelson [187^-2] — (16mo. Eng. Edi ) The Life of Lord Viscount Nelson, K.B., Duke of Bronte. By Joseph Allen, Esq. With portrait. Clcth, pp* 319, g rc % Price 50 cts, (3.) Macfarlane’sWellington [188-1] — A memoir of the Duke of Wellington, in four books. By Charles Macfarlane.. With a concluding chapter. With numerous illustrations* Cloth, pp. 285, grc. Price 50 cts. 34. Nelson, and British Admirals — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1, as follows ; (1.) Southey’s Life of Nelson [188-2] — The Life of Nelson. By Robert Southey, Esq., LL.D. Poet Laureate, &c. With the author’s last correc- tions. With wood cuts. Cloth, pp. 352, wtc. Price 30 cts. (2.) Campbell’s British Admirals [186] — Lives of the British Admirals and naval history of Great Britain, from the days of Caesar to the present time. Condensed from the works of Dr. John Campbell* Revised and corrected. Illus- trated by numerous portraits, fac-similes, and engravings. Cloth, pp. 12, 378=390 rgc. Price, 70 cts. 35. Tegg’s Family Library ; Marlborough and Nelson — (2 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, §1.35, as follows : (1.) Bucke’s Marlborough [45] — The Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. By Charles Bucke. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 386.* Price 68 cts. (2.) Southey’s Nelson [46] — The Life of Nelson. By Robert Southey, Esq., LL.D. Cloth, pp. 352. Price 68 cts. 36. Marlborough and Nelson — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.58, as follows: (1.) Alison’s Marlborough [182-1] — (12mo.) The Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. By Archibald Alison, F.R.S. With maps. ‘ Cloth, pp, 410, hb. Price §1.20. Biography — British Statesmen. 57 (2.) Southey’s Life of Nelson [41-2. 46. 188-2]— (18mo ) The Life of Nelson. By Robert Southey, Esq., LL.D. pp. 309, lib. Price 38 cts. 37. Southey’s Naval History— (5 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Lives of the British Admirals, with an introductory view of the naval history of England. By Robert Southey, Esq., LL.D. Continued by Robert Bell, Esq. Cloth, pp* 2010, Ic. Price $3.50. 38. Gleig’s Military Commanders — (3 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Lives of the most eminent British Military Commanders. By the Rev. G R. Gleig. Cloth, pp. 1130, Ic. Price $2.10. 39. Brougham’s Statesmen [51] — (6v.l8mo. Eng.Edi.) Histo- rical Skethes of the Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III ; to which are added remarks on party, and an Appendix. In six volumes. Cloth, pp. 238, 250, 240* 256, 208, 251, gcx. Price $1.45. IV. BRITISH STATESMEN, &c. 40. Brougham’s Biographical Sketches — (5 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) rgc. Price for the five volumes $5.50, as follows ; (1.) Philosophers — Lives of the Philosophers of the time of George III. Comprising Black, Watt, Priestley, Cavendish, Davy, Simson, Adam Smith, Lavoisier, Banks, and D’Alembert. By Henry, Lord Brougham, P. R. S. Cloth, pp, 505, rgc. Price $1.10. (2.) Men of Letters — Lives of Men of Letters of the time of George III., comprising Voltaire, Rousseau, Hume, Robertson, Johnson, and Gibbon. (3). British Statesmen — Sketches of British Statesmen of the Reign of George III., new edition, with Appendix, containing the Letters of George III. to Lord North. Price $1.10. (4.) British Statesmen — Sketches of British Statesmen of the Reign of George III. and IV,, new edition, enlarged by rfhmerous fresh Sketches, and other additional matter. Price $1,10. (5.) Foreign Statesmen — Sketches of Foreign Statesmen of the time of George III., new edition, greatly enlarged. Price $1.10. ( For remainder of Brougham’s Works — See English Literature.) 41. Miscellaneous — (5 v. 16mo. Am. Edi. Jib.) Price for the five volumes $1.90, as follows : (1.) Taylor’s British Plutarch [52] — British Plutarch : Or lives of men distinguished in the recent history of England for their talents, virtues, or achievements. By W. C. Taylor, LL. D. Cloth, pp. 365. Price 38 cts. (2.) Bell’s Life of Canning [49J — (16mo. Am. Edi.) The Life of the Right Honorable George Canning. By Robert Bell. Cloth, pp, 363 Price 38 cts. (3.) Francis, Orators of the Age [104.]— Orators of the Age : Comprising twenty-eight portraits, critical, biographical, and descriptive of the most eminent English orators. By G. H. Prancis, Esq. Cloth, pp. 314. Price 38 cts. (4 .) Croly’s George IV. [50] — Life and Times of His Late Majes- ty George the Pourth. With anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years. By the Rev. George Croly. Cloth, pp, 414. Price 38 cts. (5.) Osier’s Exmouth — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life of Admiral Viscount Exmouth. By Edward Osler, Esq. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 235. grc. Price 40 cts. 42. Stocqueler’s Wellington [187 ] — (2 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) The Life of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington. By J. H. Stocqueler, Esq., With maps and numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 12, 385, 12, 401=810, nc. Price $2.50. E 58 Biography — British Statesmen. 43. Bohn’s Wellington - for the two volumes $2, as follows : (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi..) Price (1 .) Maxwell’s Wellington [188-1]--The Life, Military and Civil of the Duke of Wellington Digested from the materials of W. H. Maxwell, and in part re-written, by an eminent old soldier. With some account of his public Funeral. Illustrated with sixteen highly finished line engravings. Cloth, pp. 10, 497=507, hgb. Price $1. (2.) The Victories of Wellington [180-5] — And the British Armies completed to the present time. With numerous beautiful engravings and portraits. Cloth, pp. 528. Price $1. [Placed in No. 70-4, page 20 of this catalogue by mistake.] 44. Miscellaneous [7 v.] — Price for the seven volumes, $1.45, as follows : (1.) Wellingtoniana: [or Wellington Anecdotes] [245] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Anecdotes, maxims, and characteristics of the Duke of Wellington. Selected tyy John Timbs. pp. 8.152=160, nc. Or Wellington Anecdotes : a collection of sayings and doings of the great Duke, pp, 120 {ac) wtc. Price of either book, 30 cts. (2.) Ellesmere’s Wellington [245-7 |—(16mo. Eng. Edi.) Life and Character of the Duke of Wellington. By Lord Ellesmere. Paper, pp. 57, jm. Price 12 cts. (3.) Maurel’s Wellington — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Duke of Wellington ; his character, his actions, and his writings. By Jules Maurel. With a preface by Lord Ellesmere. Paper pp. iv, 142=146, jm. Price 30 cts. (4.) Francis’ Peel [245-8] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) A Critical Bio- graphy of Sir Robert Peel. By George Henry Francis. Paper pp. 119, jwp . Price 22 cts. (5.) Francis’ Brougham [245-9] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) A Critical Biography of Henry, Lord Brougham. By George Henry Francis. Paper pp. 119, jwp. Price 22 cts. (6.) Francis’ D’ Israeli — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) A Critical Bio- graphy of the Right Honorable Benjamin D’Israeli. By George Henry Francis. Paper pp. 128, jwp. Price 22 cts. (7 ) Burnbury’s Alfred the Great — (24mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Sketches of the life of Alfred the Great. By Miss Bunbury. Paper, pp. 43. Price 7 cts. 45. Memoirs by Sir Robert Peel — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Memoirs by the late Right Honorable Sir Robert Peel, Bart., M.P., &c. Published by the Trustees of his papers, Lord Mahon, (now Earl Stanhope,) and the Right Hon. Edward Cardwell, M. P. Part I.— The Roman Catholic Question; 1828-9 Part II— Repeal of the Corn Laws, 1845-6. Cloth, pp. , jm. Price §3.10. 46. Wellington and Peel- $5, as follows (1.) Wellington and Peel [53] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Lives of Wellington and Peel,— From the London Times. Cloth, pp. 207. dac. Price 40 cts. -(4 v.) Price for the four volumes, (2.) Symon’s Peel — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) a type of Statesmanship. By Jellinger Symons, pp. Sir Robert Peel, as , lc. Price $1.20. (3.) Guizot’s- Memoirs of Peel — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Memoirs of Sir Robert Peel. By M. Guizot, pp, , ben. wtc. Price §3.10. (4.) Harvey’s Peel [ 1 87A] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life of the Right Honorable Sir Robert Peel, Bart., as a subject and citizen, as legislator and minister, as patron of learning and the arts. With portiait. By William Harvey. Cloth, pp. 220, grc. Price 30 cts. Biography — Scientific Men — British Poets , fyc. 59 V. SCIENTIFIC MEN, &c. 47. Caxton and Gresham [242 4J — (2 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) William Caxton, the first English Printer. By Charles Knight. And the Life of Sir Thomas Gresham, founder of the Royal Exchange. Cloth, (Knight’s Series,) pp. 240, 245=485, gcx. Price 45 cts. 48. Abernethy and Newton— (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.18, as follows ; (1.) Macil wain’s Abernethy — (12mo.) Memoirs of John Aber- nethy, F. R. S. With a View of his Writings, Lectures, and Character. By George Macilwain, F, R. S. Cloth, pp. , hb. Price 80 cts. (2.) Brewster’s JNVwton [91]— (18mo. Am. Edi.) The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. By David Brewster, LL.D., F. R. S. Cloth, pp. 232, hb. Price 38 cts. 49. Tegg’s Family Library ; British Physicians and Newton — (2 v. 16mo, Eng. Edi., wtc.) Price for the two volumes $1.35, as follows: (1.) Tegg’s British Physicians [59] — Lives of Eighteen British Physicians, With four portraits. Cloth, pp. 341. Price 68 cts. (2.) Brewster’s Newton [91] — The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. By David Brewster, LL.D., F. R S. With portrait and engravings. Cloth, pp. 366. Price 68 cts. 50. Great Artists and British Lawyers — (2 v. Eng Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1,90, as follows : (1.) Knox’s Great Artists, &c. — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Great 4 Artists and Great Anatomists. A biographical and philosophical study. By R. Knox, M. D., F. R. S. E. Cloth, pp. xn+ 213=221, jvv. Price $1.20. (2.) Roscoe’s British Lawyers [1.91] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. By Henry Roscoe, Esq. With medallion por- traits. Cloth, pp. 428, Ic. Price 70 cts. VI. BRITISH POETS, WRITERS, &c, 51. Willmott’s Sacred Poets — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Lives of the English Sacred Poets- By Robert Aris Willmott, Esq. pp. 739, jwp. Price $1.50. 52. Howitt’s Homes of British Poets [100]— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. By William Howitt. With illustrations, engraved by W. H, Hewitt. Cloth, pp. 566+536=1102, hb. Price $2. 53. Bell’s English Poets — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi) The lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Great Britain, English poets. Cloth, pp. xi+304, xxxiv+380=729, Ic. Price $1.40. 54. British Poets — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.50 as follows ; (1.) Biographical Sketches of British Poets [98] — (12mo. Irish Nat. Bd. Ed.) Biographical Sketches of Eminent British Poets. Chronologicaliy arranged from Chancer to Burns, with criticisms on their works, selected from the most distinguished writers. Intended for teachers and the higher classes in schools. Cloth, pp. 508. Price 38 cts. (2.) Campbell’s British Poets — (12mo.) Short lives of the Bri- tish Poets, with an Essay on English Poetry, by Thomas Campbell, Cloth, pp. jm. Price $1.12. 55. Johnson’s Lives of the Poets [204] — (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Dr. Johnson’s lives of the British Poets, completed by William Hazlitt, with numerous fine engravings. Cloth, pp. about 330 each =1320, nc , Price $2.40. 60 Biography — British Poets, Writers, 8fc. 56. Boswell’s Johnson [202] — (5 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Comprehending an account of his studies and works ; a series of his correspondence and conversation with many eminent persons. By James Boswell, Esq. Elucidated by copious notes and illustrated with numerous portraits, views and characteristic designs, engraved from authentic sources. In five volumes, including Boswell’s Journal of a tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Illustrated: with introduction and notes by Robert Carruthers, Esq. Cloth, pp. =16.30, nc. Price $3. 57 Holland and Byron and Sidney — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Tib. Price for the three volumes $1.75, as follows: (1.) Holland’s Foreign Reminiscencs [271-2] — (12mo.) Foreign Reminiscences, or biographical sketches. By Henry Richard, Lord Holland. Edited by his son, Henry Edward, Lord Holland. Cloth, pp. 230 hb. Price 60cts. (2.) G-alt’s Byron [95] — (18mo.) The Life of John Byron. By John Galt, Esq. Cloth, pp. 334, hb. Price 35 cts. (3.) Van Santvoord’s Sidney [179-2]— (12mo.) The life of Algernon Sidney, and sketches of some contemporaries, and extracts from his cor- respondence and political writings. By G. Van Santvoord ; with portrait. Cloth, pp. 331, cs. Price 8o cts. 58. Moore’s Byron [206] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The life of Lord Byron; with his letter and journals. By Thomas Moore, Esq. Two volumes in one. Sheep, pp. 13, 609, 8, 702 =1332, jj. Igc. Price $1.50. 59. Southey [210] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The life and correspondence of Robert Southey. Edited by his son, the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Southey M.A. Sheep, pp. 579, hb. Price $1.40. 60. Stanley’s Life of Arnold [106] — (8vo. Am Edi.) The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. Late Head Master of Rugby School, and Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, M.A. Two volumes in one. Cloth, pp. 490, dac. Price $1.60. 61. Wordsworth [212] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) — Memoirs of William Wordsworth, Poet Laureate, D.C.L. By Christopher Wordsworth, D.D. Edited by Henry Reed. Cloth, pp. 16, 472, 8, 518— 1014. wdtc. Price, $2.00. 62. Gilfillan’s Literary Portraits - (4 v.) Price for the four volumes, $3.90, as follows : (1-2.) Grilfillan’s 1st and 2nd Portraits [201] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) A first and second series, or gallery of literary portraits. By George Gilfillan I n two volumes. Cloth, pp. 302, 331=533. gs. Price $2.15. (3.) Grilfilian’s second Portraits [101] — (12mo. Am Edi.) Modern Literature and Literary Men ; being a second gallery of literary portraits. By George Gilfillan. Cloth, pp. 376, dac. Price 80 cts. (4.) Gilfillan’ s third Portraits— (12mo. Am. Edi.) A third gallery of portraits. By George Gilfillan. Cloth, pp. 467, shel. Price 95 cts. 63. Leigh Hunt’s Autobiography [211-2-3]— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Autobiography of Leigh Hunt. With reminiscences of friends and contempo- raries, With portrait. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 299, 332=631, hb. Price $1.20. 64. Holland’s Sydney Smith — (2 v. l2mo. Am. Edi.) A memoir of the Reverend Sydney Smith. By his daughter Lady Holland. With a selec- tion from his letters edited by Mrs. Austin. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 371+511 =882 Jib. Price $1.60. 65> Successful Merchant and Living Authors — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (1 ) Arthur’s Successful Merchant [65] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Budgett, late of Kingswood Hill. By the Rev William Arthur, A, M. Cloth, pp. 335, dac , Price 60 cts, (2.) Powell’s Living Authors [102-1] — (12mo. Am. Edi ) Pic- tures of the Living Authors of Britain. By Thomas Powell. Cloth, pp. 206, dac. Price 80 cts. 61 Biography — British Poets, Writers, Sfc. 66. Cunningham’s Painters, Sculptors and Architects, &c. [79j — (6 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) The lives of the Most Eminent British Painters Sculptors and Architects. By Allan Cunningham. With thirty portraits and numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 2059, wtc. Price $4. 66|. Ibid, abridged [78] — (5 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) The Lives of the Most Emiuent British Painters and Sculptors. By Allan Cunningham. With five portraits. Cloth, pp. 1420, hb. Price $1-70. 67. Great Painters and Early Genius — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) ins. Price for the two volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) Jervis’ Great Painters [240-8] — Tales of the Boyhood of Great Painters. Translated from the French. By Lady Jervis White Jervis. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 330. Price 75 cts. (2.) Memorials of Early Genius [240-6] — And Achievements in the pursuit of Knowledge. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 320. Price 45 cts. 68. Miscellaneous — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $1.67, as follows : (1.) Brewster’s Martyrs of Science [219-2] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Martyrs of Science, or the lives of Galilelo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler. By Sir David Brewster, K. H., D. C. L. Cloth, pp. 216, jm. Price 92 cts. (2.) Sunlight through the Mist [248-5] — (16mo.Eng.Edi.) : Or Practical Lessons drawn from the lives of Good Men ; intended as a Sunday book for her children. By a Lady With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 23, jm. Price 75 cts. 68i Ibid. — (Am. Edi.): The same Works — (2 v. Price for the two volumes $1.00, as follows: (1.) Brewster’s Martyrs of Science — (18mo Am. Edi.) The Martyrs of Science ; Or the Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler. By Sir David Brewster, K. H., D.C.L. Cloth, pp. 240, lib. Priee 38 cts. (2.) Sunlight through the Mist — n8mo. Am. Edi.) Sunlight through the Mist ; being conversations between a mother and her children on Luther and the Reformation. By a Lady. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 271, ss. Price 63 cts. 69. Lee’s Sculptors [220] — (2 v.) Familiar Sketches of Sculp- ture and Sculptors. By Lee. In two volumes or two volumes in one. Cloth, pp. 10, 239, 5, 230, 484, cnc. Price $1.10. 70. Cuvier and Ferguson — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1, as follows : (1.) Lee’s CuTier — (12mo.) Life of Baron Cuvier. By Mrs. R. Lee. Cloth, pp. , hb. Price 40 cts. (2.) Mayhew’s Peasant- Boy Philosopher, The story of the Peasant-Boy Philosopher; or, “ a Chiid gathering Pebbles on the sea Shore.” (Found- ed on the early Life of Ferguson, the Shepherd-Boy Astronomer, and intended to show how a poor Lad became acquainted with the Principles of Natural Science.) By Henry Mathew. Cloth, pp. hb. Price 60 cts. 71. Le Bas’ WiclifF and Cranmer — (3 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) WiclifF [2 10 1— The Life of Wicliff. By Charles Webb Le Bas, M. A. Cloth, pp. 305, hb. Price 40 cts. (2-8.) Life of Archbishop Cranmer. By C. W. Le Bas. In two volumes, pp. . hb. Price 80 cts. 72. Lewes’ Biographical History of Philosophy — [172£] (4 v. 18mo- Eng. Edi.) A Biographical History of Philosophy. By G. H. Lewes. Series 1st. Ancient Philosophy. Scries 2nd. Modern Philosophy. Cloth, pp. 232, 264 =992, gcx. Price $1- 62 Biography — Religious. 73. Carlyle’s Sterling, &c. — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.60, as follows : (1.) Carlyle’s Life of Sterling [213-1] — The Life of John Sterling. By Thomas Carlyle. Cloth, pp. 348, psc. Price 80 cts, (2 ) Walton’s English Biography (97) — The lives of Dr. John Doune, Sir Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert and Hr. Robert Sander- son. By Isaac Walton. With some account of the author and his writings, by Thomas Zouch, H.H., E.R.S. With illustrative notes. Cloth, pp. 386, asbc. Price 80 cts. VII. RELIGIOUS. 74* Ryland’ s Kitto — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of John Kitto, H. H. P. S. A. : compiled chiefly from his letters and journals. By J. E. Ryland, M. A, With a critical estimate of Dr. Kitto’s Life and writings. By PRO- eessor Eadie, D. D. LL- D., Glasgow. Cloth, pp. 779, rcb. Price $1-60. 75- Bohn’s Colonel Hutchinson and J. Foster— (3 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three vol'un es $2.10, as follows ; (1.) Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson [181] — Governor of Not- tingham castle and town, representative of the town of Nottingham in the long Par- liament, add in the first parliament of Charles the Second ; with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contemporaries ; and a summary view of public affairs written by his widow Lucy. From the original manuscript by the Rev. Julius Hutchinson. To which is prefixed, the life of Mrs. Hutchinson, written by herself. And an account of the Siege of Latham House, defended by the Countess of Derby against Sir Thomas Fairfax. With portraits. Cloth, pp. 20, 523 =54(3, hgb. Price 70 cts. . (2-3.) Ryland’s Foster [214] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The life and correspondence of John Foster, Edited by J. E. Ryland, A. M. With notices of Mr. Foster as a preacher and a companion. By John Shepard. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 16, 488, 8, 468=979, hgb. Price $1.40. 7S. Hone’s Eminent Christians— (4 v. 16mo Eng. Edi.) The lives of Usher, Hammond, Evelyn, Wilson, Galpin, De Mornay, Bedell, Homeck, Ridley, Hall, Boyle, Bradford, Grindal and Hale. By Richard B. Hone, M. A, pp. 1367, Price $3. 77 Jamieson’s Religious Biography [2.3t]— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Cyclopoedia of Religious Biography ; a series of memoirs of the most eminent religious characters of modern times. Intended for family reading. By the Rev. Robert Jamieson, D- D. Cloth, pp. 6, 412=418, double columns, rgc. Price $1. 78. Neale’s Biographical Works [218]— (4 v. 16mo. Eug. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $5.70, as follows : (1, 2.) The Closing Scene; or Christianity and Infidelity con- trasted in the Last Hours of Remarkable Persons. By the Rev. Erskine Neale, M. A. First and Second Series in two volumes. Cloth, pp. 420, 24, 382=846, Ic. Price $2 70. (3.) The Earthly Resting Places of the Just. By the Rev. Erskine Neale, M. A. Cloth, pp. 7, 385=392, Ic • Price $1.68. (4.) The Riches that Bring no Sorrow, or benevolence and avarice exhibited in the lives of numerous examples. By the Rev. Erskine Nealb M, A. Cloth, pp. 11, 280=291, Ic. Price $1.35. 79. Vicars and the Victory Won — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.10; as follows : (1.) Life of Captain Vicars — (16mo.) Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars, Ninety-seventh Regiment. Cloth, pp. 300, rcb. Price 60 cts. (2.) The Victory AVon — (18mo.) The Victory VV^on. A brief memorial of the last days of G. R. Cloth, pp. iv.+106=110, rcb. Price 20 cts. (3.) Church in the Army — (18mo. R. Tr. Soc.) The Church in the Army. Religious biographical Sketches. Cloth, pp. 205. Price 30 cts. Biography — Irish — Scotch. 63 80. Sir Joseph Banks, &e. — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, 95 cts., as follows; (1.) Banks and the Royal Society — (18mo.) Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal Society. A popular biography with an historical introduction and sequel. Cloth, pp. 120, jwp. Price 42 cts. (2.) James Davis [241-4] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life of James Davis, a village schoolmaster. Written by Sir Thomas Phillips. Revised. With portrait, &c. Cloth, pp. 10, 168=178, jwp. Price 53 cts. VIII. IRISH. 81. Prior’s Burke [195, 1-2] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, with specimens of his poetry and letters, and an estimate of his genius and talent, compared with those of his great contemporaries. By James Prior, Esq. Cloth, pp. 508, 468=976, wdtc . Price $1.60. 82. Burke and Goldsmith — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price of the two volumes, $1.15, as follows ; (1.) Burke [195-3] — (12mo.) The life, public and domestic, of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. By Peter Burke, Esq. Profusedly illus- trated with portraits, scenes of events, and landscape views, relating to the Great Orator, and the other noted persons of his time and career. Cloth, pp. 315, nc. Price 60 cts. (2.) Goldsmith [205-2] — (l6mo.) Oliver Goldsmith : a biogra- phy, by Washington Irving, together with the Vicar of Wakefield, poems, &c. } complete. Cloth, pp. 11, 222=233, grc. Price 55 cts. 83. Moore’s Sheridan [193] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Me- moirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. By Thomas Moore. With portrait of Sheridan. Cloth, pp. 307, 335 =642, jsr. Price $1.60. 84. Curran — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.70, as follows ; (1.) Life of Curran ; by his Son. The Life of the Right Hon. John Philpott Curran, late Master of the Polls in Ireland. By his son William Henry Curran With additions and Notes, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, D.C.L, Cloth, pp. x+ 535 =545, jsr. Price $1. (2.) Phillips’ Curran [57] — Curran and his Contemporaries. By Charles Phillips, Esq., A. B. Cloth, pp. 451, hb. Price 70 cts. 85. Shell’s Irish Bar [192] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Sketches of the Irish Bar. By the Right Hon. Richard Lalor Sheil, M. P. With Memoir and Notes, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, D. C. L. With portrait of Sheil. Cloth, pp. 388, 380=768, jsr. Price $1.60. 86. Madden’s Blessington — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) The literary life and correspondence of the Countess of Blessington. By R. R. Madden, M. R. I. A. Cloth, pp. 1069, hb. Price $1.60. IX. SCOTCH. 87. Lockhart’s Life of Scott [208-1]— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Begun by himself and continued by J. G. Lockhart Esq. Authorised edition. With twelve engravings on steel. Cloth, pp. 837, acb. Price $1.50. 88. Scott and Burns— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.40, as follows : 64 Biography — Scotch. (1.) McLeod’s Life of Scott [206-1] — Life of Sir Walter Scott. By Donald McLeod. Cloth, pp. 298, cs . Price 80 cts. (2.) Tyler’s Robert Burns [207-2] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Robert Burns ; as a poet, and as a man. By Samuel Tylee. Cloth pp. 209, cs. Price 60 cts. 89. Burns— -(2 v.) Price for the two volumes, $1.45, as follows : (1.) Lockhart’s Life of Burns [208-2] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life of Robert Burns. By J ohn G. Lockhaet. Cloth, pp. 348, j m. Price 75 cts. (2.) Wilson’s Burns [207-2] — The Genius and character of Burns. By Professor Wilson. Cloth, pp. 222, wph. Price 70 cts. 90. Sir James Mackintosh [197] — (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Sir James Mackintosh. Edited by his son, Robeet James Mackintosh, Esq. With a portrait. Cloth, pp. 499, 525=1024, Ibc, Price |3-60. 91. Hanna’s Chalmers [217] — (4v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. ; by his son-in law, the Rev. William Hanna, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 514, 547, 530, 593=2184, Jib. Price $3.15. 92. Lord Jeffrey and Cockburn — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.90, as follows: (1.) Lord Jeffrey — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Life of Lord Jeffrey; with a selection from his correspondence. By Lord Cockbuen. Two volumes in one. Cloth, pp. 343+368=711, Igc. Price 90 cts. (2.) Cockburn’s Memorials — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Memorials of his time. By Lord Cockbuen. Cloth, pp. 442, dac. Price $1. 93. Haldane’s Memoirs — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of the lives of Robert Haldane of Airthrey, aud of his brother, James Alexander Haldane. By Alexandek Haldane. Cloth, pp. 603 rcb. Price $1.60. 94. Hugh Miller’s Autobiography [219-1] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) My Schools and School Masters ; or the Story of my Education. By Hugh Millee. With portrait, gl. Price $1. 95. Beattie’s Campbell — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell. Edited by W. Beattie, M. D. "With an Introductory Letter, by Washington Ieving. Cloth, pp. , Jib. Price $1.60. 96. Tegg’s Family Library: Tytler’s Scottish Worthies [58] —(3 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) laves of Scottish Worthies. By Pateick Feaseb Tytlee, Esq., F.R.S. Cloth, pp. 416+352—344=1082, wtc. Price $2. 97. Earnest Student and Mackenzie — (2 v. 16mo. Eng, Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2.25, as follows : (1.) Macleod’s Earnest Student — The earnest student : Being memorials of John Mackintosh. By the Rev- Noeman Macleod. Cloth, pp. xii + 426 = 438, t con. j eg. Price $1. (2.) Miles’ Mackenzie — Early death not premature ; being a memoir of Francis L. Mackenzie. With notices of Henry Mackenzie, B. A. By Rev. Chaeles Popham Miles, M.A. Cloth, pp. 368, tcon. jcg. Price $1.25. 98. Miscellaneous — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.25, as follows : (1.) Baillie’s Missionary of Kilmany— (12mo.) The Mission- ary of Kilmany, being a memoir of Alexander Paterson, with notices of Robert Edie. By the Rev. John Baillie. Cloth, pp. 132. tcon. jcg. Price 40 cts. (2.) Simpson’s Voice from the Desert — (16mo.) A Voice from the Desert ; or the Church in the Wilderness. By the Rev. Robeet Simpson, D.D. Cloth, pp. 448. tcon. jcg. Price 87 cts. 65 Biography — Various. x. VARIOUS. 99. Lamartine’s Celebrated Characters — (3 v., 12mo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. By Alphonse de Lamartine. Cloth, pp. 437 + 406. hb. Price $2.10. 100. Celebrated Children, &c — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.50, as follows : (1.) Buckley’s Drawings of Genius— The Drawings of Genius exemplified and exhibited in the early lives of distinguished men. By the Rev. The- odore Alois Buckley, M. A. Cloth, pp. viii.+ 408 =416. grc. Price 75 cts. (2.) Masson’s Celebrated Children [204-1] — Of all Ages and Nations. By Michel Masson. Translated from the French, by Mrs. L. Bueke. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 10,389=399. grc. Price 75 cts. 101. Great and Famous Men — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1, as follows : (1.) Edgar’s Boyhood of Great Men [240-4] — The Boyhood of Great Men, intended as an Example to Youth. By John G. Edgae. With Eight illustrations, by Bikket Fostee. Cloth, pp. 374. hb. Price 50 cts. (2.) Edgar’s Footprints of Famous Men [240-5] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) I. Men of Action. II. Of Letters. III. Artists. IY. Of Science. Designed as incitements to intellectual industry. By John G, Edgae. With eight illustra- tions by Birket Foster. Cloth, pp. 376, hb. Price 50 cts. 102. Craik’s Knowledge under Difficulties [70a] — (2 v., 18mo. Am. Edi.) Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, — Its Pleasures and Re- wards. Illustrated by Memoirs of eminent men. By G. L. Craik, A.M. Cloth, pp. 287+275=562. hb. Price 75 cts. 103. Craik’s Knowledge under Difficulties — (5 v., 24mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the five volumes, $1.25, as follows* (1.3.) Male Examples— [705] The Pursuit of Knowledge un- der Difficulties, illustrated by anecdotes. Cloth, pp. 748. gcx. Price 75 cts. (4-5.) Female Examples — [70 c] The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, illustrated by Female Examples. By G. L. Craik, A.M. Cloth, pp* 222 + 203 = 425. gcx. Price 50 cts. 104. Wayland’s Pursuit of Knowledge — (2 v., 12mo. Am. Edi.) The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, illustrated by aueedotes. With Portraits. By the Rev. Francis Wayland, D,D. Cloth, pp. 371+430=801. hb. Price $1.20. 105. Miscellaneous— (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes, $1.75, as follows : (1.) "Wayland’s Knowledge under Difficulties [69] — (12mo.) The Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, — A Series of Sketches of Individuals ; illustrated by Anecdotes. With a preface and Notes. By Francis Wayland, D.D. Cloth, pp. 371* cnc. Price 60 cts. (2.) Binney’s Buxton [67] — (18mo.) A Study for Young Men ; or, a Sketch of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton. By Rev. Thomas Binney. Cloth, pp. 149. cnc. Price 35 cts. (3.) Abbott’s Kings and Queens [37] — (12mo.) Kings and Queens, — Or Life in the Palace ; consisting of Historical Sketches of Josephine and Marie Louisa, Louis Phillippe, Ferdinand of Austria, Nicholas, Isabella II., Leopold, and Victoria. By John S. C. Abbott. Cloth, pp. 312. hb. Price 80 cts. 106. Tegg’s Family Library, &c. — (4 v., 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $3.85, as follows: (1-2.) Davenport’s Naratives [134] — (2v.) Karatives of Peril and Suffering,— As illustrated in the lives of warriors, and misfortunes of political prisoners and exiles ; and in cases of physical accident, &c. By R. A. Davenpoet. With portraits. Cloth, pp. 424+459=883, wtc. Price $1.37. '86 Biography — Various. (3.) Davenport’s Lives of Individuals | 68] — Lives of Eighteen Individuals who raised themselves from Poverty to Eminence of Portune, — Viz., Gifford, Admiral Hopson, Hutton, Prideaux, General Martin, Dodsley, Sir W.James, Pizzaro, Sir R. Arkwright, and others. Cloth, pp. 438, vote. Price 68 cts. (4.) Buxton : Sir Bowel] Buxton’s Memoirs. With Selections from his Correspondence. By his Son. Popular Edition. Cloth, pp. jm. Price §1.80. 107. Miscellaneous — (5 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the five volumes, hb„ §1.80, as follows : (1.) Davenport’s Perilous Adventures [134] — Perilous Ad- ventures; or, Remarkable instances of courage, perseverance, and suffering. By R. A. Davenport. Cloth, pp. 335. Price 38 cts. (2.3.) Harper’s Men of Modern Times [56] — (2 v.) Distin- guished Men of Modern Times, Prom a series originally published by the British Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, under the title of a “Gallery of Portraits. Cloth, pp. 324+324=648. Price 75 cts. (4.) Eenelon’s Ancient Philosophers [15] — Lives of the Ancient Philosophers,— Translated from the Prench of F6n61on, with Notes, and a life of the author. By the Rev. John Cormack. Cloth, pp. 299. Price 38 cts. (5.) Balboa, Cortes and Pizarro [136] — The lives of Yasco Nunez de Balboa, the discoverer of the Pacific Ocean,— Hernando Cortes, the con- queror of Mexico,— and Francisco Pizarro, the conqueror of Peru. Cloth, pp. 276. Price 30 cts. 108. Miscellaneous — (3 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) dac. Price for the three volumes 90 cts., as follows ; (1.) Southey’s Cromwell [41] — (18mo, Am. Edi.) The Life of Oliver Cromwell. By Robert Southey, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 158, dac. Price 30 cts. (2.) William Tell [280-3] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) The patriot of Switzerland, translated from the Prench of M. De Florian, together with the life of the author. To which is added— Andreas Hofer, the “ Tell” of the Tyrol. Illus- trated with engravings on wood. By Butler. Cloth, pp, 240, dac. Price 30 cts. (3.) Pratt’s Dawning3 of Genius [86] — (l8mo. Am. Edi.) Dawnings of Genius ; or the early lives of some eminent persons of the last century, Davy, Crabbe, Cuvier, Reynolds, S. Murray, Macintosh, and A. Clarke. By Anns Pratt. Cloth, pp. 130, dac. Price 30 cts. 109. Miscellaneous — (7 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the seven volumes §3.30, as follows : ' (1.) Eminent Men [63] — (24mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Six Short Memoirs of Eminent Men. With portraits. Cloth, pp. 143. Price 35 cts. (2.) Biographical Sketches [244-1] — (24mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Selected from the “Saturday Magazine.” With twenty-five illustrations. Cloth, pp. 111. Price 28 cts. (3.) Eell’s Alderman Kelly — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Life of Alderman Kelly, the eminent publisher. By the Rev. R. C. Pell. pp. , gs. Price §1.35. (4.) Piercy’s Deeds of Genius — (12mo.) Deeds of Genius, as exhibited in the lives of eminent persons. By Mary Jane Piercy. pp. 210, boards, wl. Price 24 cts. (5.) William Tell and Hofer the Tyrolese — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Cloth, pp. , gf. Price 60 cts. (6.) Bunbury’s Anecdotes of Peter the Great — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Anecdotes of Peter the Great. By Miss Bunbury. pp. , gf. Price 40 cts. (7.) Bunbury’s Alfred the Great — (24mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Sketches of Alfred the Great. By Miss Bunbury. Paper, pp. 43. Price 7 cts. 110. Religious Tract Society’s Biography — (10 monthly volumes. 24mo.) Price for the ten §1.50, as follows ; 67 Biography — Various. (1.) Cyrus [8] — The life of Cyrus. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (2.) Alexander [176-1] — The life of Alexander the Great. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (3.) Julius Caesar [10] — The Life of Julius Caesar. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (4.) Mohammed [20] — The Life of Mohammed. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (5-6.) Eminent Anglo-Saxons [22] — Lives of Eminent Anglo- Saxons. Illustrating the Dawn of Christianity and Civilization in Great Britain. In two parts, pp. 192+192=384. Price 30 cts. (7.) Alfred the Great [24] — The Life of Alfred the Great. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (8.) Charlemagne [280-9] — Life and times of Charlemagne. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (9.) John Wycliffe [244-7] — Life and times of John De Wycliffe. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. ^ (10.) Cranmer [34] — Life of Thomas Cranmer, the first Pro- testant Archbishop of Canterbury. Cloth, pp. 192, Price 15 cts. 111. Religious Tract Society’s Biography — (10 monthly volumes, &c. 24mo.) Price for the ten $1.70, as follows : (1.) Luther [35]— The Life of Luther. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (2.) Calvin, — The Life of John Calvin. Cloth, pp. 152. Price 15 cts. (3.) Caxton — Caxton, and the Art of Printing, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (4.) Eminent Medical Men [60] — Sketches of Ten Eminent Medical Men. Cloth, pp. 392. Price 15 cts. (5.) Successful Men,— Successful Men of Modern Times, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (6.) Sir Isaac Newton [244-8] —The Life of Sir Isaac Newton. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 10 cts. (7.) Lavater, — The Life of Johh Caspar Lavater. pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (8.) Martin Boos,— The Life of Martin Boos. Cloth, pp 119. Price 15 cts. (9.) Mothers of the Bible — (32mo.) The Mothers of the Bible ; or. Maternal Characters exemplified from the Sacred Scriptures. Cloth, pp. 234. Price 30 cts. (10.) Napoleon Bonaparte [111] — Napoleon Bonaparte; sketches from his history, adapted lor the young, pp. iv+102=106. Price 20 cts. 112. Harsha’s Orators and Statesmen — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The most eminent Orators and Statesmen of Ancient and Modern Times ; containing sketches of their lives, specimens of their eloquence, and an estimate of their genius. By David A. Harsha. pp. vm+518=526, cs. Price $1.80. 113. Men of the Time [105] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Men of the Time ; or. Sketches of Living Notables, among Authors, Architects, Artisans, Compos- ers, Demagogues, Divines, Dramatists, Engineers, Journalists, Ministers, Monarchs, Novelists, Philanthropists, Poets, Politicians, Preachers, Savans, Statesmen, Travellers, Voyagers and Warriors. Cloth, pp. 564, jsr. Price $1.20. 68 Biography — French. 114 . Miscellaneous — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows; (1.) Sigourney’s Examples [238-3] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Ex- amples of Life and Death. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. Cloth, pp. 348, cs. Price 60 cts. (2.) Osgood’s Christian Biography — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Studies in Christian Biography ; or. Hours with Theologians and Reformers. By Samuel Osgood. Cloth, pp. xi+396=407, csfc. Price 80 cts. 115 . Howard and Toussaint — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.60, as follows ; (1.) Dixon’s Howard [239-1] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) John Howard, and the Prison-World of Europe. From original and authentic documents. By Hepworth Dixon. With an introductory essay by Richard W. Dickenson, D. D. Slightly abridged. Cloth, pp. 401, rcb. Price 60 cts. (2.) Pierre Toussaint [280-2] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of Pierre Toussaint, born a slave at St. Domingo. With a portrait. Cloth, pp. 124, cue. Price 40 cts. (3.) Beard’s Toussaint L’Ouverture [269-2] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life of Toussaint L’Ouverture, the Negro Patriot of Hayti : comprising an account of the struggle for liberty in the Island, and a sketch of its history to the present period. By the Rev. John R. Beard, D.D. With numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 11, 335=346, nc . Price 60 cts. 116 . Miscellaneous — (5 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $2.10, as follows : (1.) Sigourney’s Biographies,-— Biographies of the great and good. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. Cloth, pp. yiii +248=256, wool. Price 40 cts. (2.) Bonar’s Eminent Christians, — The Last Days of Eminent Christians. Edited by the Rev. Andrew R. Bonar. Cloth, pp. xiii+320=333, tns ♦ Price 43 cts. (3.) Exemplary Biography [61] — Exemplary and Instructive Biography, for the study and entertainment of youth. Cloth, wrch. Price 50 cts. (4.) Self-Taught Men [242-2] — (18mo.) Biography of Self- Taught Men ; Cook, West, Watt, &c., &c. Cloth, pp. 40, 240=280, tns . Price 34 cts. (5.) Nelson’s British Statesmen, — British Statesmen : Lives of Aberdeen, Russell, Palmerston, Graham, Gladstone, &c„ &c. Men of the Time. Cloth, pp. 346, tns. Price 43 cts. 117 . Maunder’s Biographical Treasury [233] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Consisting of notices of the lives of eminent persons of all ages and nations ; from the earliest period to the present time. By Samuel Maunder. With a beautifully engraved frontispiece, with the portraits of several of the most dis- tinguished personages. Cloth, pp. 896, double columns, Ic . Price $2.20, in roan $2.70. XL FRENCH. 118. Charlemagne and Bayard — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.18, as follows : (1.) James’ Charlemagne — (18mo.) Life of Charlemagne. With an Introductory View of the History of France. By G. P. R. James. Cloth, pp. , hb. Price 38 cts. (2.) Simms’ Bayard — (12mo.) The Life of the Chevalier Bayard, “The Good Knight.” By W. Gilmore Simms. Cloth, pp. 401, hb. Price 80 cts. 119. Pardee’s Francis I. [260]— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) The Court and Reign of Francis the First, King of France. By Miss Pardoe. Cloth, pp. 372, 372=744, lb. Price $1.55. 120. James’ Henry IV. [261]— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) The Life of Henry the Fourth, King of France, and Navarre. By G. P. R. James, Esq, Cloth, pp. 452, 479=931, hb. Price $2. 69 Biography — French. 121. Bohn’s Sully — (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Memoirs of the Duke of Sully, Prime Minister to Henry the Great of Prance. Translated from the French, revised and corrected ; with notes and historical introduction, attributed to Sir Walter Scott. With a general index and portrait of Sully, pp. , hgb . Price $2.80. 122. James’ Louis XIV. [262] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life and Times of Louis the XIV. By G. P. R, James, Esq. With portraits on steel, of Louis XIV and Cardinal Mazarin. Cloth, pp. 526, 528=1054, hgb. Price $1.40. 123. James’ Foreign Statesmen— (5 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Lives of the most eminent Foreign Statesmen. With Analytical and Chronological Table. Contributed to the Cabinet Cyclopaedia, by G. P. R. James. Cloth, pp. 1728, Ic. Price $3.50. 124. French Literary Men— (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Lives of the most eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France. Contributed to the Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Cloth, pp. 770, Ic. Price $1.40. 125. Beauchesne’s Louis XVII. — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Louis XVII. His life— his suffering— his death. The captivity of the Royal Family in the Temple. By A. De Beauchesne. Translated and edited by W. Hazlitt, Esq. Embellished with vigenttes, autographs, and plans. Cloth, pp. 916, hb . Price $1.60. 126. Hazlitt’s Napoleon [263] — (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The life of Napoleon Bonaparte. By W. Hazlitt. With illustrations on steel. Cloth, pp. 1706, nc. Price $3. 127. Las Cases’ Napoleon — (4 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of the Life, Exile, and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon. By the Count De Las Cases. With portraits and other illustrations, pp. 400, 400, 400, 426=1626, jsr . Price $3.20. 128. Napoleon in Exile [266] — (2 v., 12mo. Am. Edi.) Or a Voice from St. Helena. The opinions and reflections of Napoleon on the most im- portant events in his life and government, in his own words. By Barry O’Meara, Esq. With portrait, and view of St. Helena. Cloth, pp. 650.. jsr. Price $1.60. 129. Tegg’s Family Library [107] — (2 v., 18mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Napoleon Bonaparte ; with Engravings on steel and wood. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 372+373=749. wtc. Price $1.35. 130. Vieusseux’s Napoleon [109] — (2v., 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Napoleon Bonaparte ; his sayings and his deeds. By A. Vieusseux. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 248 + 214 = 462. gcx. Price 50 cts. 131. Napoleon — {2 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two vol- umes $1.70, as follows : (1.) Napoleon and his Marshals [268-2] — Napoleon and the Marshals of the Empire. Two volumes complete in one, with finely engraved por- traits. Cloth, pp. 348, 372=720. Igc. Price 90 cts. (2.) Campaigns of Napoleon [267-1]— -Life and Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte ; giving an account of all his engagements, from the seige of Toulon to the Battle of Waterloo ; the daring exploits of his marshals ; his public and private life, from the commencement of his career to his final imprisonment and death on the rock of St. Helena. Translated from the French of M A. Arnault and C. L. F. Panckoncke. Two volumes in one. Cloth, pp. 498, psc. Price 80 cts. 132. Lockhart’s Napoleon [267-2] — (2 v., 18ino. Am. Edi.) Life of Napoleon Bonaparte By J. G. Lockhart. With portraits. Cloth, pp. hb Price 75 cts. 133. Louis Philippe and Napoleon III. — (2 v., 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.60, as follows : (1.) Poore’s Louis Philippe [119] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe, ex-king of the French ; giving a history of the'French Revolution, from its commencement, in 1789. By Ben Perley Poore. Illustrated with historical engravings, portraits, and fac-similes. Cloth, pp. 316. wdtc. Price 80 cts. 70 Biography — Spanish , Italian , German , SfC. (2.) De Puy’s Louis Napoleon [269-1] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Louis Napoleon and his times: with notices of his writings ; a memoir of the Bona- parte family ; and a sketch of French History to the Empire, 1853. By Henby W. Db Puy. With Portraits. Cloth, pp. 432, pc. Price 80 cts. 134. Talleyrand and French Orators — (2 v., 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1) Talleyrand: Life of Prince Talleyrand. With Portrait. Cloth, pp, cs. Price $1. (2.) Cormenin’s French Orators [270-2] — The Orators of France. By Timon, (Viscount de Cobmenin.) Translated from the French, with an introductory essay, by J. T. Headley. Edited by G. H. Colton, illustrated. Cloth, pp. 30, 382=412, cs. Price $1. 135. Voltaire and Beaumarchais— (2 v., 12mo.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Bungener’s Voltaire — ( Eng. Edi.) Voltaire and his times. By L. F . Bungeneb. Cloth, pp. 552, jcg. Price $1. (2.) Lomenie’s Beaumarchais — (Am. Edi.) Beaumarchais and his Times. Sketches of French Society in the Eighteenth Century, from unpub- lished documents. By Louis de Lom^nie. Translated by Henry S. Edwards. Cloth, pp, hb. Price $1. 136. Guizot’s Shakespeare and Corneille — (2 v., 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.60, as follows : (1.) Gruizot’s Shakespeare — [199-1] Shakespeare and * his Times. By M. Guizot. Cloth, pp. 360, hb. Price 80 cts. (2.) Gruizot’s Corneille — [121] Corneille: His contemporary poets and times ; with an introductory sketch of poetry in France befon the time of Corneille. By M. Guizot. Cloth, pp" 395, hb. Price 80 cts. 137. Guizot’s Monk and Washington — (2 v., 16mo.) Price for the two volumes 80 cts., as follows ; (1.) Ghiizot’s Monk and Washington [179-2] — (Eng. Edi.) Monk and Washington: Historical Studies. By M. Guizo Cloth, pp. 179, ^rc. Price 40 cts. (2.) Gruizot’s Washington [155] — (Am. Edi.) Essay on the Character and Influence of Washington, in Revolution o . the United States of Ame- rica. By M. Guizot. Translated from the French. With a bust portrait. Cloth, pp. 160. jmc. Price 40 cts. XII. SPANISH, ITALIAN, GERMAN, &c, 138. Literary and Scientific Men— (3 v., 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Lives of the most eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, vSpain, and Portugal. Cloth, xlvi+310=394. vi +353= 1109, Ic. Price §2.10. 139. Charles V., Cervantes, &e. — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes §1.48, as follows : (1.) Sterling’s Charles V. [272] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Cloister Life ot the Emperor Charles the Fifth. By William Stibling. Cloth, pp, 25, 322=347, cnc . Price 80 cts. (2.) Tegg’s Family Library, — Boscoe’s Cervantes [280-1] — (lSmo. Eng. Edi.) The Life and Writings of Miguel de Cervantes Saaredia. With literary and historical illustrations from authentic documents supplied by Spanish biographers, and other editors of his works. By Thomas Roscoe, Esq. With por- trait. Cloth, pp. 10, 412=422, wtc. Price 68 cts. Biography — Spanish, Italian, German , 8fC. 71 140 . Humboldt and Niebuhr — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes, $1.80, as follows : (1.) Bauer’s Humboldt [277-1] — (12mo. Eng.- Am. Edi.) Lives of the Brothers Alexander and William Von Humboldt. Translated from the German of Klencke and Schlesiee. By Juliette Bauee. With portraits. Cloth, pp. 431, nc. or Kb. Price 80 cts. (2.) Bunsen’s Niebuhr [128] — (12mo. Am. Edi) The Life and Letters of Barthold George Niebuhr ; with essays on his character and influence. By the Chevalier Bunsen, and Professors Beandis and Loebell. Cloth, pp. 563, Kb. Price $1. 141 . Goethe’s Auto-Biography [275] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Auto-Biography of Goethe. Truth and Poetry: from my own life. Translated from the German, by John Oxenfoed, Esq. With portrait of Goethe, Cloth, pp. 7, 520, 544=1071, hgb. Price $1.40. 142 . Leibnitz and Schiller— (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.20, as follows : (1.) Mackie’s Leibnitz [277-2] — (16mo.) Life of Godfrey William Yon Leibnitz, On the basis of the German work of Dr. G. E. Gubrauer, By John M. Mackie. Cloth, pp. 288, gl. Price 60 cts. (2.) Carlyle’s Schiller [276-1] — (12mo.) The Life of Frederick Schiller : comprehending an examination of his work. By Thomas Caelyle. Cloth, pp. 280, dac. Price 60 cts. 143 . Dover’s Frederic II. [126] — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) The Life of Prederic the Second,— Surnamed the Great, King of Prussia. By Lord Dovee. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 381 + 362=743, Kb. Price 75 cts. 144 . Luther and Oberlin — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes, $1-30, as follows : (1.) Sears’ Luther [278-1] — (12mo. R. T. Soc.) Luthers his mental and spiritual history; with special reference to its earlier periods and the- opening scenes of the reformation. By Baenas Seaes, D.D. With portrait. Cloth*, pp. 10, 422=432. Price 70 cts. (2.) Ware’s Oberlin [278-2] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of John Frederick Oberlin, pastor of Walubach, in the Ban de la Roche. With an introduction by Heney Waee, Jr. With additions. Cloth, pp. 16, 320=336. jmc a Price 60 cts. 145 . Mozart and Andersen— (2 v.) Price for the two volumes, 78 cts., as follows : (1.) Holmes’ Mozart [129] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) The Life of Mozart, the eminent German Musician, including his correspondence. By Edwaed Holmes. Cloth, pp, 380, hb. Price 38 cts. (2.) Andersen’s Autobiography [279-1] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Story of my Life; and in Sweden. * By Hans Cheistian Andeesen. Cloth, pp. 295, grc. Price 40 cts. 146 . De Medici and Cellini [273]— (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (1.) The Life of Lorenzo de Medici, called The Magnificent. By William Roscoe. Revised by his son Thomas Roscoe. With a portrait. Cloth, pp. 564, hgb. Price 70 cts. (2.) Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, a Elorentine artist; written by himself ; containing a variety of information respecting the arts, and the history of the sixteenth century. Now first collated with the new text of Guiseppe Inolini, and corrected and enlarged from the last Milan Edition, with notes and ob- servations of G. P. Caepani. Translated by Thomas Roscoe. Cloth, pp. 8, 504= 512, hgb. Price 70 cts. 147 . Jameson’s Italian Painters [81]— (2 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Memoirs of the early Italian Painters, and of the progress of painting in Italy. From Cimabue to Bassano. By Mrs. Jameson, pp. 232 +274 =506,^5?. Price 50 cts. 72 Biography — Female. 148. Tegg’s Family Library : Gustavus and Peter the Great— (2 v, 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1 .35, as follows ; (1.) Hollings’ Gustavus Adolphus [125] — The Life of Gus- tavus Adolphus; surnamed th" Great, King of Sweden. By J. F. Hollings. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 448, w c. Price 68 cts. (20 Barrow’s Peter the Great [124] — A Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great,— Czar of Muscovy. By John Barrow, Esq., Secretary to the Admiralty. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 366, vote. Price 68 cts. 149. Tegg’s Family Library : Mahomet and Ali Pasha— (2 v. 18mo. Eng, Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.35, as follows: (1.) Green’s Mahomet [19]— The Life of Mahomet, founder of the religion of Islam, and of the Empire of the Saracens. With notices of the history of Islamism and of Arabia. By the Rev. Samuel Green. With engravings Cloth, pp. 404, wtc. Price 68 cts. (2.) Davenport’s Ali Pasha [21] — The Life of Ali Pasha ; of Jeheleni, Vizier of Epirus : surnamed Aslan, or the Lion. With portrait. By R. A. Davenport. Cloth, pp. 418, vote. Price 68 cts. 150. Peter the Great and Mahomet — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 75 cts., as follows : (1.) Barrow’s Peter the Great [17] — A Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great. By J ohn Barrow, Secretary to the Admiralty. Cloth, pp. 320, ?tb. Price 38 cts. (2.) Brook’s Mahommed [19] — The Life of Mahommed, founder of the religion of Jolam, and the Empire of the Saracens. By the Rev. George Brook, A. M. Cloth, pp. 261, hb. Price 38 cts. XIII. FEMALE BIOGRAPHY. 151. HalPs Queens of England — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Lives of the Queens of England before the Norman Conquest. By Mrs. Mathew Hall. Cloth, pp. 460, bl. Price $1.05- 152. Strickland’s Queens of England [26] — (6 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Lives of the Queens of England— from tho Norman Conquest; with anecdotes of their courts, now first published from official records and other authentic documents, private as well as public. By Agnes Strickland. Cloth, pp. 3656, bl. Price $7-25. 153. Strickland’s Elizabeth, &c. — (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.80, as follows : (1.) Strickland’s Q,ueens of Henry VIII. [248] — Memoirs of the Queens of Henry the Eighth, and of his mother Elizabeth of York. By Agnes Strickland. Cloth, pp, 420. bl. Price 75 cts. (2.) Strickland’s Queen Elizabeth. [248] Memoirs of Eliza- beth, second Queen regnant of England and Ireland. By Agnes Strickland. Cloth pp. 583. bl. Price $1.05. 154. Doran’s Queens of England — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover. By Dr. Doran, Cloth pp. 420, 377 =797, jsr. Price $1.60. 155. Abbott’s Biographical Histories. — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1, as follows : — (1.) Abbott’s Queen Elizabeth. [27] History of Queen Eliz- abeth. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 281. hb. Price 50 cts. (2.) Abbott’s Mary Queen of Scots. [30] History of Mary Queen of Scots. By Jacob Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 286. hb. Pr. 50 cts 73 Biography — Female. 156 . Strickland’s Queens of Scotland.— -'(6 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses connected with the regal succession of Great Britain. By Agnes Strickland. Cloth, pp. . hb. Price $4 80. 157 . Lady’s Historical Library. [249] (3 v. 12mo. Am. Edi,) Price for the nine volumes (75 cts. per vol.) $6.75. pmrn. (1.) Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. By Miss Benger. With a memoir of the author, by Miss Aikin. Clo., pp. 342. (2.3.) Memoirs of the Life of Mary Queen of Scots ; with an- ecdotes of the court of Henry II., during her residence in Prance. By Miss Benger. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 326 + 329=665. (4.5.) Memoirs of the Queens of France ; including a memoir of her Majesty the late Queen of the French. (Maria Amelia.) By Mrs. Forbes Bush. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 360+351=711.; (6.7.) Historical and Secret Memoirs of the Empress Josephine (Maria Bose Tascher de la Pagerie), first wife of Napoleon Bonaparte- By M’lle M. A. de la Normand. Translated from the French by Jacob M. Howard, Esq. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 351+330=681. (8 9.) Memoirs of the Court of Maria Antoinette, Queen of France. By Madame Campar. With a biographical introduction from ‘'The Heroic Women of the French Revolution.” By M. He Lamartine. With three additional chapters. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 330 + 326=656. * 158. Abbott’s French Biographical Histories. — (4v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2, as follows : — (1.) Abbott’s Maria Antoinette. [116] History of Maria An- toinette. By John S. C. Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 322. hb. Price 50 cts. (2 ) Abbott’s Josephine [113] History of Josephine. By John S. C. Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 328. hb. Price 50 cts. (3.) Abbott’s Madame Roland. [117] History of Madame Roland. By John S. C. Abbott. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 304. hb. Price 50 cts. (4.) Abbott’s Henry IV. Price 50 cts. 159. George’s Queens of Spain. [25 1 ] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Annals of the Queens of Spain from the period of the conquest of the Goths down to the reign of her present Majesty Isabel II. With the remarkable events that occurred during their reigns, and anecdotes of their courts. By Anita George. Cloth pp. xxi, 437+312=770. cs. Price $2. 160. Miscellaneous (French) — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumts $2.40, as follows:— (1.2.) TTpham’s Guyon and Fenelon.— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Life and Religious Opinionsand Experience of Madame dela Mothe Guyon; together with some account of the personal history and religious opinions of Fenelon, Arch- bishop of Cambray. By Thomas C. Upham. Cloth, viii, 377+xviii, 431=834. hb. Price $1.60. (3.) Bicord’s De Longueville. — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Youth of Madame De Longueville ' or, new revelations of court and conven p in the seven- teenth century. From the French of Victor Cousin by F. W. Ricord. Cloth, pp. 403. dac. Price 80 cts. 161. Miscellaneous — ( 5 y. Am. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $2. 20, as follows ; (2.) Child’s History of "Women [246-1-2] — (2 v. 16mo.) Brief History of the condition of Women in various ages and nations. By Mrs. L. Maria Child. Revised and corrected by the authoress. Cloth, pp. 298, 298=596, csfc. Price $1. (3.) Child’s Biographies of Good Wives [74] — (18mo.) Biographies of Good Wives. A Series of forty-two Sketches of eminent women. By L- Mai ia Child, pp, 286. csfc . Price 50 cts. F 74 Biography — Female. (4.) Sigourney's Hemans — (16mo.) [255-2] — Mrs. Hemans ; Memoir of the Life and Writings of Felicia Hemans ; by her sister. With an essay on her genius. By Mrs. Sigourney. Cloth, pp. 817, csfc. Price 40 cts. (5.) Tacts to correct [Fancies [259-3] — (18mo.) Or, short narratives, compiled from the biography of remarkable Women. Written for children. By a mother. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 186, csfc. Price 30 cts. 162 . Miscellaneous— (5 v.) Price for the five volumes $3.15, as follows : (1.) Eullom’s History of Women — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Women and her connections with religion, civilization and domestic manners, from the earliest period. By S. W. Fulloh, With a portrait of Florence Nightingale. Cloth, pp, 407, grc . Price §1 (2.) Facts to correct Fancies [258-5] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, short narratives compiled from the biography of remarkable women. By a mother. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 267, gf. Price 70 cts. (3-4.) Jameson’s Female Sovereigns [32] — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns. By Mrs. Jameson. Cloth, pp. 245 — 248-493, hb. Price 65 cts. (5.) Starling’s Noble Deeds [71] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Noble Deeds of Women; Or, Examples of Female Courage and Virtue. Illustrated by Maternal Affection, Filial Affection, Sisterly Affection, Conjugal Affection, Humanity, Integrity, Benevolence, Fortitude, Courage, and Presence of Mind, Hospitality, Self- Control, Gratitude, Loyalty, Eloquence, and Patriotism. By Elizabeth Stabling. Cloth, pp. 479, psc. Price 80 cts. /I 163 . Miscellaneous — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.50, as follows : (1.) Distinguished Females [75] — (18mo.) Sketches of the Lives of Distinguished Females; Containing those of Lady Jane Grey, Queen Eliza- beth, Queen Mary, Queen Christina, Lady Rachel Russell, Eliztbeth Smith. Lucretia Maria Davidson, Mrs. Isabella Graham, Mrs. Judson. Written for Girls, with a view to their mental and moral improvement. By an American Lady. Portrait. Cloth, pp. 227, hb. Price 30 cts. (2-3.) Eobert’s Hannah More, [256]— (2 v. 12mo.) Memoirs of the Life and correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More. By William Roberts, Esq. With a portrait. Cloth, pp. 484, 479=963, hb. Price $1.20. 164 . Miscellaneous — (5 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $2.70, as follows: / (1.) Woman of France [45 lit.'] — (12mo.) During the Eigh- teenth Century. By Julia Kavanagh. Cloth, pp. 369, hi. Price 60 cts. (2.) Mothers of England [46 lit.] — (12mo.) Their Influence- and Responsibility. By Mrs. Ellis. Cloth, pp. 214, doc. Price 40 cts. (3.) Woman in America [47 lit.] — (16mo.) Her Work and her Reward. By Maria J. McIntosh. Sheep, pp. 155, dac. Price 60 cts. (4.) Woman in America [48 lit.] — (18mo.) Being an examina- tion into the moral and intellectual condition of American Female Society. By Mrs. A. J. Graves. Cloth, pp. 262, hb. Price 40 cts. (5.) Women of Christianity [257-4] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Exemplary for aots of piety and charity. By Julia Kavanagh. Cloth, pp. 384, dac. Price 70 cts. 165 - Memorable Women, &c. — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.60, as follows : (1.) Crosland’s Memorable Women — Memorable Women ; The Story of their Lives. By Mrs. Newton Crosland. With eight illustrations. By Birket Foster. Cloth, pp. 355, wdte. Price 80 cts. (2.) Lawrence’s Light on the Dark River. — Light on the Dark River ; or, memorials of Mrs. Henrietta A. L. Hamlin, Missionory in Turkey. By Margarettb Woods Lawrence. Cloth, pp. 321, wdte. Price 80 cts. Biography — American. 75 166 . Miscellaneous — (3v.) Price for the three volumes $1.80, as follows : (1.) Owen’s Heroines of History — (J 6mo. Eng. Edi.) The Heroines of History. By Mrs. Octavius Freire Owen. With eight illustrations. Cloth, pp. viii + 42.3 =431, grc. Price 75 cts. (2.) Lawrence’s Light on the Dark River — (12mo Eng ; Edi.) Light on the Dark Biver ; or, memorials of Mrs. Henrietta A- L. Hamlin, Missionary in Turkey. By Mrs. Margarette Woods Lawrence. Cloth, pp. 315, wool. Price 40 cts. (3.) Gardner’s Christian Eemales — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Me- moirs of Christian Female'! ; with an essay on the influences of female piety. By the Bev. James Gardner, A.M., M.D. Cloth, pp. 388. jcg. Price 65 cts. 167. Miscellaneous — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $1.30, as follows : (1.) Kendrick and Child’s Gift-Book [258-4 j — (16mo. Eng. Ecli.) Gift-Book of Biography for Young Ladies. By Miss M. Kendrick, and Mrs, L. M. Child. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 270. tns. . Price 70'cts. (2.) Burn’s Mothers of Wise and Good [73 J — (16mo. Am. Ed.) Mothers of the Wise and Good ; being a series of sketches of eminent mothers ; also a series of striking incidents and brief accounts of distinguished mothers; together with a number of select essays on maternal duties and influence. By Jabez Burns, D.D. Cloth, pp. 288. gl. Price 60 cts. XIV. AMERICAN. 168 . Old Portraits and Eminent American Mechanics —•(2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1-20, as follows: (1.) Whittier’s Old Portraits [109 lit.'] Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. By John G. Whittier. Cloth, pp. 304. wdtc , Price 60 cts. (2.) Howe’s American Mechanics [84] Memoirs of the most Eminent American Mechanics ; also lives of distinguished European mechanics ; to- gether with a collection of anecdotes, descriptions, &c., relating to the mechanic arts. Illustrated with numerous engravings. By Henri Howe. Cloth, pp. 482 . Tib. Price 60 cts. 169 . Edmond’s Washington [153]— (2 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) The Life and Times of General Washington. By Cyrus B. Edmonds. With engrav- ings, autograph letters, and a fac-simile of the Declaration of Independence, as origin- ally drafted by Thomas Jefferson, and amended by Franklin, Adams and others. Cloth, pp. 365+365=730. wtc. Price $1.35. 170 . Upham’s Washington [283-2-3] — (2v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Li I e of General Washington, First President of the United States : written by himself; comprising his memoirs and correspondence as prepared by him for publica- tion ; Including several original letters now first printed. Edited by the Bev. C. W. Upham. Cloth, pp. 443+423=866* nc. Price $1.50. (For “ Irving’s Washington ” see American Literature, for “ Guizot’s ” see No. 137, Biography, page 70.) 171 . Sabine’s American Loyalists [161] — (8vo. Am. Fdi.) The American Loyalists ; or, biographical sketches of adherents to the British Crown in the war of the revolution ; alphabeticaliy arranged ; with a preliminary historical essay. By Lorenzo Sabine. Cloth, pp. 733. Ibc. Price $2 25. 172 . Stone’s Brant [581] — (2v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea;) including the border wars of the American revolution, and sketches of the Indian campaigns of General Harmar, St- Clair and Wayne, and other matters connected with the Indian relations of the United States and Great Britain from the peace of 1783 to the Indian peace of 1795. By William L. Stone. Illus- trated with maps, plans and portraits. Cloth, pp. xxxi, 425, 74+viii, 537, 64=1139. pc. Price $3.50. 173 . Frost’s Biography — (3 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2,10, as follows : 76 Biography — American. (1.) Frost’s Good Examples [238-2] The Book of Good Ex- amples ; drawn from authentic history and biography : designed to illustrate the ben- eficial effects of virtuous conduct. By John Frost, LL,D. Cloth, pp. 288. dac . Price 70 cts. (2.) Frost’s Anecdotes [238-1] The Book of Anecdotes ; or the moral of history, taught by real examples. By John Frost, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 252. dac. Price 70 cts. (3.) Frost’s Mechanics [83] — The Book of Illustrious Me- chanics of Europe and America, translated from the Erench of Edward Foucand, Edited by John Frost, LL.D. Illustrated. With numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 341 dac. Price 70 cts. 174. Literary Men and Artist Life™ (2 v. 12-mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (1.) Wynne’s Literary Men [151] — Lives of Eminent Liter- ary and Scientific Me;i of America. Franklin, Edwards, Fulton. Marshall, Ritten- house and Whitney. By James Wynne, M D. Cloth, pp. 356. dac. Price 80 cts. (2.) Tuckerman’s Artist Life [80] — Artist Life, or sketches of American Painters. By Henry T. Tuckerman. Cloth, pp. 237- dac. Price 60 cts. 175. Eminent Men [150] — (3 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Lives of Eminent Individuals, celebrated in American History, — Stark, Brainerd, Fulton, Smith, Allan, Cabot, Hudson, Warren, Putnam, Rittenhouse, Pinkney, Vane, Wayne, Ellery. Montgomeiy. With three portraits and numerous autographs. Cloth, pp. 364+380+399=1144. Price $1.90. 176. Wayland’s Judson —(2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) A memorial of the life and labors of the Rev. Adoniram Judson, D.D. By Francis Wayland. Cloth, pp. 544 x 522=865 psc. Price $1.60. 177. Judson and Franklin — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.20, as follows : (1 ) Dr. Judsou — (12mo.) His Life and Missionary Labor in Burmah. Cloth, pp. tns. Price 50 cts. (2 ) Mrs. Judson — (12mo.) Life of Sarah B. Judson, Wife of Dr. Judson. Cloth, pp. tns. Price 40 cts. (3.) Franklin [2S7-5]— (32mo.) The Life and Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Cloth, pp. 8, 324=332. tns. Price 30 cts. .178. Franklin’s Autobiography [156]— (8 vo. Am. Edi.) Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. With asketcli of his Public Services, by Rev. H. H. II. Weld. With numerous exquisite Designs, by John G. Chapman. Cloth, pp. MQ. lib. Prbe $1.60. 179. Franklin’s Memoirs [158] — (2v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Lite of Benjamin Franklin. With bis most interesting Essays, Letters, and Miscellaneous Writings; Familiar, Moral. Political, Economical, and Philosophical. Portrait. Cloth, pp. 287+288=575. hb. Price 75 cts. 180. Lawr'Sttce and Webster— (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1A0, as follows: (l ) Amos LaWFetice — (12mo.) Extracts from the Diary and Pnrresnondence of the late Amos Lawrence ; with a brief account of some incidents in his life. Edited by his son, William R. Lawrence, M. D. Cloth, pp. 369. ~ 7 Price 80 cts. (2 ) Banvard’s Webster [286-3] — Webster (16mo.) The American Statesman; or illustrations of the life and character of Daniel Webster. Designed for American youth. By Rev Joseph Banvard. trations. Cloth, pp. 334. gl. Price 60 cts. With numerous illus- 181. Appleton’s Miscellaneous— (4 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $1.20, dac, as follows : 77 Literature — English and General. (1.) Henry Hudson [143 | — The Adventures of Henry Hud- son, the discoverer of the Hudson’s Bay and the Hudson River in North America. By Uncle Philip- Cloth, pp. 161. Price 30 cts. (2.) Capt. John Smith [144] — The Adventures of Captain John Smith, the founder of the colony of Virginia. By Uncle Philip. Cloth, pp. 201. Price 30 cts. (3.) Philip Randolph [146] — A Tale of Virginia By Mart Gertrude. Cloth, pp. 177. Price 30 cts. (4.) Hernando .Cortes [137] — The Adventures of Hernando Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico. By Uncle Philip. Cloth, pp. 186. Price 30 cts. 181i. Ibid — (2 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.10, as follows : (1.) Historical Tales [286-1 J — American Historical Tales for Youth. Cloth, pp. 201, 177, 174- 552. Price 55 cts. (2.) Illustrious Men [242-1] — Tales of Illustrious Men: Hendrick Hudson, Hernando Cortes, Sir Humphrey Davy, &c., &c. Cloth, pp. 161, 186, 180=527. Price 55 cts, {See also , Books of Reference in Biography, Part IT.) IV. MODERN LITERATURE. I. ENGLISH AND GENERAL LITERATURE. 1. Readings in Literature — (6 v. lGmo. Eng. Edi,) The first four published under the authority of the Christian Knowledge Society, jwp. Price for the six volumes $4.50, as follows: (1.) Readings in Prose [16] — Containing choice specimens of the works of the best English Writers, from Lord Bacon to the present time: with an introductory essay on the progress of English Literature* Cloth, pp. 396. Price 70 cts. (2.) Readings in Poetry [98] — A selection from the best Eng- lish Poets, from Spenser to the present time; to which is prefixed a brief survey of the history of the English Poets. Cloth, pp. 448. Price 70 cts. (3.) Readings in Biography [55] — A selection of the lives of eminent men of all nations, Cloth, pp. 408. Price 70 cts. (4.) Readings in Science [20] — Being explanations of some ol the most interesting appearances and principles in Natural Philosophy expressed in simple language and illustrated by familiar examples and engravings. Cloth, PP- 392. Price 75 cts. (5 ) Readings in Natural Theology : or the testimony of Na- ture to the being, perfections, and government of God- Cloth, pp. 246. Price 70 cts. (6.) Readings from the Plays of Shakespeare ; in illustration of liis characters. Cloth, pp. 451. Price 95 cts. 2. Spalding and Foster’s Literature — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.95, as follows : (1.) Spalding’s English Literature [175] — (12mo.) The His- tory of English Literature ; with an outline of the origin and growth of the English Language : illustrated by extracts. For the use of schools and of private studeuts. By William Spalding, A.M. Cloth, pp. 414. oh. Price 70 cts. (2.) Foster’s European Literature [177]— -(16mo. Eng. Edi.) A Hand-book of Modern European Literature. For the use of schools and private families. By Mrs. Foster. Cloth, pp. vi + 534=540. (Ic.) hgb. Price $1-25. f 78 Literature — English and General. 2jf. Ibid — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (I.) Spalding’s English Literature [175]- Cloth, pp. — dac . Price 80 cts. (2.) Poster’s European Literature [40] — Cloth, pp. 354. bl. Price 60 cts. 3. Spenser [227-5, 6, 7] — (3 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Spenser and his Poetry. In four sections; — I, — Spenser’s early life and lost poems. II— The Shepherd’s Calendar. Ill —The Paerie Queene. IV,— Remaining poetry and life. Appendix. Cloth, pp. 252+266+252=770. gcx. Price 75 cts. 4. Craik’s Literature and Bacon — (9 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the nine volumes $2.25, as follows : (1-8.) Craik’s English Literature [171]— Sketches of the His- tory of Literature and Learning in England, from the Norman Conquest to the pre- sent day. By George L. Craik, M.A. Cloth, pp. 1452. gcx. Price $1.50. (7-9.) Craik’s Bacon [178] — Bacon; his writings and his phil- osophy. By George L. Craik, M.A. Cloth, pp. 220+234+262=716. gcx. Pr.75 cts. 5. Bacon — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 65 cts, (jwp) as follows : (1.) Bacon’s Essays [180-1] — The Essays or counsels, civil and moral ; with a table of the colors of good and evil. By Eeancis Bacon, Viscount of St, Albans. Revised from the early copies, with the references now (irst supplied, and a few notes, by Thomas Market, M.A. Cloth, pp. 150. Price 30 cts. (2.) Bacon’s Advancement of Learning [180-2] — The two books of Erancis Bacon ; of the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human. Revised from the early oopies. with the reierenees supplied, a lew notes and an index, by Thomas Markby, M.A. Cloth, pp. 222 Price 35 cts. 6 Meliora [304] — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Or better times to come; being the contributions of many men, touching the present state of the prospects of society, containing papers by Dr. G. Bell, the Earl of Carlisle, Montague Gore, Dr. Guy, Hon- P. Byng, Viscount Lewisham, M.P., Rev. H. Mackenzie, Viscount Ingestre, Hon. and Rev. Sydney Godolphin Osborne, Lord Teignmouth, W. Beckett Denison, Lord Goderich, M.P., Rev. Dr. Hook, Henry Mayhew, Rev. C. G. Nicholay, Rev J. B. Owen, Martin P. Tapper. &c., &C-, contributors. Pirst and second series. Cloth, PP- 287 + 263 = 550- Price $2.10. 7. Sandford, Hallam, Warren, Moir and Belfast — (5 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $4, as follows : (1.) Sandford’s Literature [174] — On the Rise and Progress of Literature. By Sir Daniel K. Sandford, D.C.L. Cloth, pp. iv+ 193=197. bs. Price 50 cts. (2,) Hallam’s Essays [201] — Literary Essays and Characters selected from the author’s large work on the “ Introduction to the literary history of Europe during the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.” Cloth, pp. 165. jm. Price 60 cts. (3.) Warren’s Developement [305] — The Intellectual and Moral Deve’opement of the Present Age. By Samuel Warren, Esq., Q.C.. P.R.S. Cloth, pp. 127. whs. Price 50 cts. (4,) Moir (Delta) [206-7] — Lectures on the poetical literature of the last half century. By D. M. Moir, the Delta of " Blackwood’s Magazine.” Cloth, pp. 335. whs. Price 90 cts. (5.) Belfast’s Poets — The Poets and Poetry of the Nineteenth century : a course of lectures by the Earl of Belfast. Cloth, pp. 282. Ic. Pr. $1.50. 8. Chambers’ Literature— (6 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the six volumes $4.40, ( wrch ) as follows : (1.) English Literature [38] — History of the English Language and Literature. Cloth, pp. 290. Price 40 cts. Literature — English and General. 79 (2.) French Literature — A Hand-book of French Literature, Historical, Biographical and Critical. Cloth, pp. 353. Price 80 cts. (3 ) Spanish Literature — By Alexander F. Foster. Cloth, pp. 344. Price 80 cts. (4.) Italian Literature — A Hand-book of Italian Literature, Historical, Biographical and Critical. Cloth, pp. 365. Price 80 cts. (5.) German Literature [235] — Divided into seven periods. By Joseph Gostick. Cloth, pp. 324. Price 80 cts. (6.) American Literature — A Hand-book of American Litera- ture, Historical, Biographical and Critical. Cloth, pp. 330. Price 80 cts. 9. Cleveland’s JLiiterature — (2 v. 12mo Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2, (< ecjb ) as follows : (I.) A Compendium of English Literature [35] — (12mo. ) Chronologically arranged, from Sir John Mandeville to William Cowper : consisting of biographical sketches of the authors and selections from their works: with notes explanatory, illlustrative and directing to the best editions and to various criticisms. By Charles D. Cleveland. Half sheep, pp 776; Price $1. (2.) English Literature of the Nineteenth century [38] — On the plan of the author’s “ Compendium of English Literature.” Designed for col- leges and schools as well as private reading. By Charles D. Cleveland. Cloth, pp. 785. Price $1.00. 10 . Harrison and Shaw’s English Language and Liter- ature — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.75, as follows : (I.) Llarrison’s English Language [39] — The Rise, Progress and Present Structure of the English Language. By the Rev. Matthew Harris- on, M.A. Cloth, pp. 393. ecjb. Price 80 cts. (2.) Shaw’s English Literature [37] — Outlines of English Lit- erature. By Thomas B. Shaw, B.A., with a Sketch of American Literature. By Henry T. Tuckerman. Cloth, pp. 4S9. bl. Price 95 cts. 11 . Tuckerman and May’s Literature, &e. — (3 v. 12mo. Amer* Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2., as follows : (1.2.) Tuckerman’s Characteristics of Literature [176] — (2 v.) Illustrated by the Genius of Distinguished Men. By Hen. T. Tuckerman. Cloth, pp. 269. linb. Price $1.20. (3.) Treasured Thoughts [2Q4|] — From Favorite Authors. Collected and arranged by Caroline May. Cloth, pp. 336. linb. Price 80 cts. 12 . Tuckerman and Pycroft — (2 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) Tuckerman’s Thoughts on the Poets — By Henry T. Tuckerman. Cloth, pp. 318. csfc. Price 60 cts. (2 ) Pycroft’ s English Beading — A Course of English Beading adapted to every taste and capacity. By the Rev. James Pycroft, B.A. Cloth, pp. 283. cfsc. Price 60 cts. 13. Longman’s Traveller’s Library — (7 v. IGmo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the seven volumes $4, as follows : (1.) De Coverly and Southey — Sir Boger De Coverly. By the Spectator. The notes and illustrations by W. Henry Wills. A Love Story: a fragment from “ The Doctor, &c.” By the late Robert Southey, LL.D. Two vol- umes in one. Cloth, pp. 144 + 116=230. Ic. Price 58 cts. (2.) Swift, Bichardson and Carlisle — Lectures and Addresses on — and of Popular Education ; including a lecture on the poetry of Pope, by the Right Honorable the Earl of Carlisle : Jonathan Swift, D.D-, and Richardson, by Lord Jeffrey. Cloth, pp. 128+92+30=250. Price 58 cts. 80 Literature — English and General. (3. Forster’s DeFoe, &c. — An Essay on DeFoe and Churchill. By John Forster. Cloth, pp. — . Price 58 cts. *" (4.) Byron, Dramatists, &c. — Essays on Lord Byron and tlie Comic Dramatists of the Restoration ; also, Speeches on Parliamentary Reform in 1831 and 1832. By T. B. Macaulay. Cloth, pp. 46+64+128=238. Price 58 cts. (5.6.) Sydney Smitli — (2 v.) Selections from the writings of the Rev. Sydney Smith. Cloth, pp. — . Price §1 15. (7.) Hayward and Mayne — Essays on Chesterfield and Selwyn, by A. Hayward. Esq.; and Arctic Voyages and Discoveries, by Miss F. Mayne. Cloth, pp. — . Price 58 cts. 14 . Page’s Johnston [92] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Life and and Writings of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Selected and arranged by the Rev. Wil- Liam P. Page. In two volumes. Cloth, pn. 322+323=645. hb. Price 75 cts. (See also No. 56, on Page 60- ) 15 . Knight’s Half Hours [202] — (4 in 2 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) Half Hours with the Best Authors. Edited by Charles Knight. With numerous portraits. Cloth, pp. 312x4=1248. grc. Price $2.50. 16 . D’Israeli’s Amenities of Literature [173]— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Consisting of sketches and characters of English literature. By J. D’ls- raeli, D.C L., F.S.A. Cloth, pp. viii + 405 +46 1=874. hb - Price $1.20. 17 . Addison’s Works [193]— (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Works of Joseph Addison; with the notes of Bishop Hurd. In four volumes; with portrait and engravings on steel, pp. 2064. hgb. Price $2.80. 18 . Barbauld’s Selections from Spectator, &c. [194] — (2 v. l2mo. Eng. Edi.) Selections from the “ Spectator,” “ Tatler,” “ Guardian” and “Freeholder.” With portraits of Addison and Steele. Cloth, pp. 416+442=858- hgb. Price $1.40. 19 . Hazlitt’s Works [195]— (5 v. in 2. Am. Edi.) The Miscellaneous Works of William Hazlitt. pp. 1182. hcb. Price $2. 20. Lamb’s Works [196] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) The Works of Charles Lamb : to which are prefixed his letters and a sketch of his life. By the late Thomas Noon Talfourd. Cloth, pp. 459+479=938. hb. Price $1.60. 21. Sydney Smith’s Works [199]— (3 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) The Works of the Rev. Sydney Smith. Cloth, pp. 400+400+373+1174. hcb. Pr. $2.75_ 22. Appleton’s Miscellaneous — (7v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the seven volumes $4.20, dac. as follows : (1.2) Essays from London “Times” [15] — (2 v. ) Essays from the London Times. Newspaper : a collection of personal and historical sketches. In two series. Scarlet cloth, pp. 301 +261 =5G2. Price 80 cts. (3.) London Quarterly Review [206-10] — Papers reprinted from the London Quarterly Review. Scarlet cloth, pp- 307. Price 40 cts. (4.) Blackwood’s [208-11] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Stories re- printed from Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. Scarlet linen pp. 281. Price 40 cts. (5.) Mille Dulcia : A Thousand Pleasant Things, selected from “ Notes and Queries-” Cloth, pp. 416. Price $1-20 (6.) Jameson’s Common-Place Book : A common-place book of thoughts, memories, and fancies, original and selected. Part I. — Ethics and character. Part II.— Literature and art. By Mrs. Jameson. Cloth, pp. 329. Price 60 cts. (7.) Rogers’ Table Talk : Recollections of the Table Talk of Samuel Rogers ; to which is added Porsoniana. Cloth, pp. 346. Price 80 cts. 23. Whitelaw’s Republic of Letters— (4 v. 16mo. EDg. Edi.) The Republic of Letters; a selection in poetry and prose, from the works of the most eminent writers, with many original pieces. By A. Whitelaw. Cloth, pp. xii, 420+ v. 420 xv. 420 + vi. 435 = 1723, bs. Price $3.S0, Literature — English and General. 81 24. Ticknor & Co.’s Miscellaneous — (6 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the six volumes $1.00, as follows : (1-2.) Cornwall’s Essays and Tales — (2 v.) Essays and Tales in prose. By Barry Cornwall. Cloth, pp. v.+ 262+ 251 =518, wdtc. Price $1.20. (3.) Thalatta: A Book for the Sea-side. Cloth, pp. 206. Price 60 cts. (4.) De Coverly [206-3] — Sir Roger De Coverly. By the Spectator, with a frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 233. Price 60 cts. (5-6.) Lowell’s Seed-Grain — (2 v.) Seed- grain for thought and discussion. A compilation by Mrs. Anna C. Lowell* doth, pp. 360+307-667. Price $1.60. 25. Friends in Council, Elmes’ Horse Vacivse — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes, $1-85, as follows : (1-2.) Friends in Council [205] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) A series of Readings and discourses thereon. Reprinted from the last new English edition. Cloth, pp. viii + 291, vi + 27l=576, jwc. Price $1.20. (3.) Elmes’ Horse Vacivse— (18mo. Am. Edi.) A Thought- Book of the wise spirits of all ages and all countries, fit for all men and all hours. By James Elmes. Cloth, pp. xxii + 256 = 27 8, jmc. Price 65 cts. 26. Hunt, Mitford, and Mackenzie — (4 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes, $2.80, hb. as follows : (1-2.) Hunt’s Men, Women, and Books [198-2-3] — Men, women, and books ; a selection of sketches, essays, and critical memoirs, from his un- collected prose writings. By Leigh Hunt. Cloth, pp. 279+296=596- Price $1.20. (3.) Mitford’s Recollections [206-5] — Reollections of a Lite- rary Life ; or, books, places, and People. By Mary Russell Miteord. Cloth, pp. vi. + 358=570. Price 80 cts. (4.) Mackenzie [206-6] — The Miscellaneous Works of Henry Mackenzie, Esq. Cloth, pp. 512. Price 80 cts. 27. Brougham, &c.— (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 50 cts., gcx •, as follows : 9 (1.) Brougham on Political Science [315] — Two discourses on the objects, pleasures, and advantage of science and political science. By Henry Lord Brougham. Cloth, pp. 197. Pri. D.. with ten additional Essays, not included in the English collection. Cloth, pp. 545, dac • Price $1.60. 82 Literature — English and General. 30. Southey’s Common-Place Book [203] — (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi) Edited by his son in-law, the Rev. John Wood Waetee, B. D. Cloth, pp. 416 + 471 = 887, hb. Price $2. II. ENGLISH POETS. 31. William Hazlitt’s Shakespeare [210] — (4 v 16mo. Am. Edi.) The Dramatic AVorks of William Shakespeare, from the text of Johnson, Stevens, and Reed: With glossarial notes, life, &c. Bv William Hazlitt, Esq- Cloth, pp, 526+528+560 + 553=2167, grc. Price $2.25. 32. Collier’s Shakspeare [22B] — (8 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) The Works of Shakespeare. The text regulated by the recently discovered folio of 1632, containing early manuscript emandations. With a history of the stage, a life of the poet, and an introduction to each play. By J. Payne Colliee, Esq. To which are added glossarial and other notes, and the readings of former editions. Cloth, pp, 211, 205, 427, 405, 427, 454, 436, 456, 436=3487, jsr. Price $4.80. 33. Collier’s Emendations to Shakespeare [214]— (12mo. Am. Edi ) To the Text of Shakespeare’s Plays, from early manuscript correc- tions in a copy of the Polio, 1632.. In the possession of J, Payne Collier, Esq.,P. S. A- Cloth, pp. 541, jsr. Price $1.20. 34. Chambers’ Shakespeare [211]— -(4 v. 8vo Am Edi.) The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare. With a sketch lifeof the poet, by Alexander Chambees, A. M., and notes, original and selected ; together with a copious glossary. With portrait and other illustrations. Cloth, pp. 2826, Igc. Price $5. 341. Ibid . — The same work in sheep binding. Price $5.40. 35. Shakespeare, &e.— (4 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $3.30, as follows : •(1.) Dodd’s Beauties of Shakespeare [59]— (12mo.) The Life and Beauties of Shakespeare ? comprising careful selections from each Play; with a general Index, digesting them under proper heads. By the late Rev. William Dodd, D.D. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 345, esfe. Price 80 cts. (2.) Lamb’s Shakespeare — (16mo ) Tales from Shakespeare for the use of young persons. By Chaeles and Maey Lamb. Eorty engravings. Cloth, pp. 347, csfe. Price 80 cts. (3.) Bernard Barton [227-8] — (12mo.) Memoir, Letters and Poems of Beenaed Baeton. Edited by his daughter, with a portrait. Cloth, pp. 405 linb. Price 80 cts. • (4.) Weld’s Sacred Quotations [229-1] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) — Dictionary of Sacred Quotations ; or, Scripture themes and thoughts, as paraphrased by the Poets. Selected and arranged by Rev, H. Hastings»Weld. Cloth, pp. 456 linb. Price 90 cts. 36. Pope’s complete Works [182]— (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi) The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Edited by Robeet Caeeuthees. Illus- trated by portraits and original designs. Cloth, pp. 347, 296, 302, 314=1259, nc. Price $2.40. 37. Cowper’s complete Works [ 183] — (8 v. l2mo. Eng. Edi.) The complete Works of William Cowper, edited by Robeet Southey, LL.D., comprising his poems, correspondence, and translations, with a memoir of the author. Illustrated with fifty fine engravings on steel after designs by Harvey. Cloth, pp. hgb. Price $5-60. 38. Tennyson’s Poems [94] — (4 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.)— Poems by Alfeed Tennyson, (Poet Laureate.) With a portrait, including “ In Memoriam" and the “ Princess.” Cloth, pp. 269. wdte. Price $2-20. 39. Milnes, Mackay, Landon and Proctor — [4y. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.80, wdte., as follows : (1.) Milnes’ Poems of Many Years [95]-By Bichard Moncktox Milnes. Cloth, pp- 275. Price 60 cts. Literature — English Poets. 83 (2.) Mackay [226-3] — Voices from the Mountains and from the Crowd. By Charles Mackay. Cloth, pp' 373. Price 80 cts. (3.) Landon — Selections from the writings of Walter Savage Landon. Edited by George Stillman Hillard, Cloth, vi+308=314. Price 60 cts. (4.) Proctor’s English Songs — (12mo Am. Edi.) English songs and other small poems. By Barry Cornwall. Cloth, pp. xxiy+ 387 =414. Price 80 cts. 40. Wordsworth, Coleridge and Trench— (4 v. 12mo. Am. Edi ) Price for the four volumes $2.80, as follows : (1.) Wordsworth’s Poems [226-1] — By William Words- worth : with an introductory essay on his life and writings. By II. J. Tuckerman. Cloth, pp. 356 , c.sfc. Price 60 cts. (2.) Coleridge [226- 2] — The Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge : with an introductory essay on his life and writings- By H. T. Tuckerman. Cloth, pp. 384, csfc. Price 80 cts. (3.) Trench’s Poems— Poems by Bichard Chenevix Trench, D. D. Cloth, pp. £36, pr. Price 80 cts. (4.) Trench’s Calderon — Calderon, his life and genius, with specimens of his plays. By Richard Chenevix Trench, D. D. Cloth, pp. 234. Price 60 cts. 41. Young’s Complete Works — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) The complete works, poetry and prose of the Rev. Edward Young, LL.D*: to which is pre- fixed a Life of the author. By John Doran, LL.D. : with eight illustrations on steel and a portrait. Cloth pp. cviu+426. iv+ 586=1134, ivtc. Price $2- 42. Herbert, Hall, Milton, Thomson, Goldsmith, and GRAY— (4 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.80, tns, as follows : (1 ) Herbert and Hall. The complete Works of George Her- bert, and the Satires and Psalms of Bishop Hall. Cloth, pp. 371 + 127=498. Price 75 cts. (2.) Milton, Illustrated [227-3] — The Poetical Works of John Milton. With life. Complete edition, beautifully illustrated. Cloth, pp, 30, 523 = 553. Price 75 cts. (3.) Paradise Lost, &c. — Milton’s Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. With explanatory notes. By the Rev. J. Edmonston. Cloth, pp. 468. Price 55 cts. (3.) Thompson, Goldsmith, and Gray — The Poetical Works of Thomson, Goldsmith, and Gi;ay. Cloth, pp. xxxii+ 526 =558. Price 75 cts. 43. Phillip, Sampson’s Poets. I. — (5 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $3.20, psc, as follows : (1.) Pope [76] — The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, To which is prefixed a life of the author. Two volumes in one. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 310+306=616. Price 60 cts. (2) Cowper [7o] — Poems by William Cowper, Esq. To- gether with his posthumous poetry and a sketeli of his life. By John Johnson, LL.D. Three volumes in one. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 785. Price 60 cts. (3 ) Lectures on Cowper.- — Lectures on the life, genius, and insanity of Cowper. By George B. Cheerer, D.D. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 415, rcb. Price 80 cts. (4.) Croly’s British Poets [71] — The Beauties of the British Poets. With introductory observations. By Ihe Rev. George Croly, LL.D. Il- lustrated with steel engravings. Cloth, pp. 395. Price 60 cts. (5.) Crabbe. — The Poetical Works of George Crabbe. Pre- face to the tales and illustrated life. By A. C. Cunningham, Esq. Cloth, pp. 52S. Price 60 cts. 84 Literature — English Poets. 44. Phillip, Sampson’s Poets. II. — (5 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $3.00, psc, as follows : (1.) Montgomery [227-1] — The select Poetical Works of James Montgomery. With a portrait. Cloth, pp. 468. Price 60 cts. (2.) Hemans [86] — The Poetical Works of Mrs. Felicia Hemans. With portrait and engravings. Cloth, pp. 394. Price 60 cts. (3 ) Howitt, Cook, and Landon [87] — The Poetical Works of Mary Howitt, Eliza Cook, and L. E. Landon. In one volume. Cloth, pp. 539. Price 60 cts. (4.) Harvey [206*4] — Meditations and contemplations. By James Harvey, a.M. To w v hich is prefaced the life of the author. Cloth, pp. 400. • Price 60 cts. (5.) Ossian [73] — The Poems of Ossian. Illustrated by James Macpherson, Esq. To which is added a preliminary discourse and desserta- tion on the iEra and i’oems of Ossian. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 492. Price 60 cts. 45. Phillip, Sampson’s Poets- III. — (4 v. I2mo- Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.40, psc, as follows : (1 ) Moore [84] — The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 420. Price 60 cts. (2.) Burns [83] — The Poetical Works of .Robert Burns. Preceded by a portrait and life of the author. With notes and a complete glossary. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 524, gsc. Price 60 cts. 9 (3.) Byron [227-2] — The select Poetical Works of Lord Byron ; including Hours of Idleness, English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, Hebrew Melo- dies, and select Poems. With a portrait and a memoir of the author. Cloth, pp. 408. Price 60 cts. (4.) Thompson and Pollock [78] —Containing the “Seasons,” by James Thompson ; and the “ Course of Time,” by Robert Pollock, A.M. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 438. Price 60 cts 46. Sargent’s British Poets — (7 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the seven volumes $5.60, psc, as follows: (1.) Campbell. — The complete Poetical Works of Thomas Campbell, With an original biography and notes- Edited by Epes Sargent. Cloth, pp. xii+478=490, psc. Price 80 cts. (2 ) Rogers. — The complete Poetical Works of Samuel Rogers* With a biographical sketch and notes. Edited by Epes Sargent. Cloth, pp. 460. Price 80 cts. (3 ) Collins. Gray, and Goldsmith. — The complete Poetical Works of William Collins, Thomas Gray, and Oliver Goldsmith. With biographical sketches and notes. Edited by Epes Sargent. Cloth, pp. 98, 138, 166=302. Price 80 cts. (4-5.) Hood — (2 v.) The complete Works of Thomas Hood. With a biographical sketch and notes. Edited by Epes Sargent. Cloth, pp. xxviii+ 490, 488 = 1006. Price $1. 60. (6-7.) Coleridge — (2 v.) The complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. With a biographical sketch and notes. Edited by Epes Sargent. Cloth, pp. — . Price $1.60 cts. 47. Ibid — Uniform with Sargent’s Editions: (1-2.) Mitford’s Milton — (2 v.) (7.) Tuckerman’s Goldsmith. (3-6.) Moore’s Byron — (4 v.) (8.) Todd’s Kirke White. Literature — Irish and Scotch Poets. 85 III. IRISH POETS, &o. 48. Bohn’s Goldsmith’s Works [185]— (4 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) The works of Oliver Goldsmith, with a life and notes : with engraved titles and plates. By Southard and Cruikshank. Cloth, pp. 1346, hgb. Price $2.75. 49. Blaekie’s Goldsmith’s Works [184]— (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) The miscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith, comprising Citizen of the Wor?d, Yicar of Wakefield, poetical works, comedies, miscellaneous essays, &c. • with an essay on his life and writings. By Alexander Whitelaw. With thirty-seven exquisite engravings on wood by Branston, Orrin Smith, and W. Linton, from designs by W. Harvey and W. B. Scott. Cloth, pp. 419+473=882, bs. Price $2.40. 50. Irish National Selections [228] — (2 v. 16mo. Irish Edi.) Selections from the British Poets, chronologically arranged from Chaucer to the pre- sent time, under separate divisions, with introductions explaining the different species of poetry, published under the direction of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireiand. Cloth, pp. 454, 478=956. Price 55 cts. IV. SCOTCH POSTS, &c. 51. Chambers’ Burns [188]— (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi ) The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Edited bv Robert Chambers. Cloth, pp. 350, 317, 317, 336 = 1320, wrch. Price $2.70. 5 Li. Ibid. (4 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) pp. 1328, Jgc. Price $2.50. 52. Wilson’s Mcetes Amhrosianso (5 v. 12mo Am. Edi.) Noctes Ambrosianse. By the late John Wilson and William Maginn, LL.D., J. G. Lockhart, James Hggg,&c. With memoirs and notes by R. Shelton Mac- kenzie, D. C. L. Cloth pp. 2438, jsv. Price $4. 53. Scotia’s Bards — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Scotia’s Bards. Illus- trated. Cloth, pp. xviii +563=581, rcb. Price $1.60. 54. Motherwell’s Praed and Aytoun—(6 v. 12 and 16mo. Ain. Edi.) Price for the six volumes $4 50, as follows : (1.) Motherwell [96]— (16mo.)~ The Poetical Works of Wil- liam Motherwell : with a memoir of his life and his posthumous writings. Cloth, 214+ 187 =401 wdlc. Price $1. (2, 3.) Motherwell’s Minstrelsy [226-4, 5] — (2 v. 16mo.) Ancient and Modern: with an historical introduction and notes* By William Mother- well* Cloth, pp* 8, 278,6, 283=575, wdtc. Price $1*35 (4.) Motherwell’s Posthumous Poems [226-6] — (X6mo.) The posthumous Poems of William Motherwell. Now first collected* Cloth, pp. 187, u'dtc. Price 55 cts. (5,) Praed [226-7] — (12mo.) The Poetical Works of Winthrop Mackworth Praed. Now first collected. Cloth, nearly square, pp. 310, jsr. Price 80 cts. (6.) Aytoun [226-8] — (12mo.) Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and othftr poems. By William Edmistoune Aytoun. Cloth, pp. 351, jsr. Price 80 cts. 55. Scott’s Works— (5 v. 16mo. Eng.. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $3.50, acb., as follows : (1.) Scott’s Poems [225] — The Poetical Works of Sir Walter bCOTT. Bart. Including the Lay of the Last Minstrel, Marmion, the Lady of the Lake, the Vision of Don Roderick Rokeby, the Lord of the Isles, Lyrical Pieces, Mis- cellaneous, Poem and Ballads. With a Memoir of the Author. Author’s edition, il- lustrated with six engravings on steel. Cloth, pp. 747. Price $1. (2.) Scott’s Beauties [206] — Beauties of Sir Walter Scott, Brrb. Being selections from h : s wiitmgs and life, compusing his'orieal, descriptive, ai d moral pieces, lyrical and miscellaneous poetry, with two engravings on steel. C.oth, pp. 372. Price $1. 86 Literature — English Political. (3-5.) Readings from Scott — Readings from the Works of Sir Walter Scott : I. Tales of Chivalry, and the olden time ; II. Scottish scenes and characters ; III. Historical and romantic narratives. Cloth, pp. 670. Price §1.50. 56. Miscellaneous Poetry — (4 v. Eng. Edi ) Price for the four volumes §3.90 as follows : (1.) Scrymgeour’s Poetry and Poets of Britain — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Poetry and Poets of Britain, from the time of Chaucer to Tennyson, with biographical sketches of each, and an introductory essay on the origin and progress of English poetical literature. By Daniel Scrym'geour. Cloth, pp xxx+ 544=574 acb. Price $1.15. (2.) Ballantine’s Poems — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Poems, by James Ballantine- Cloth, pp. 320, tcon, jcg. Price §1.20. (3.) Ramsay’s Gentle Shepherd — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The Gentle Shepherd ; a Pastoral Comedy. By Allan Ramsay: with a life and portrait of the author ; numerous illustrations, and a comprehensive glossary. Cloth, pp- 175, acb. Price 68 cts. (4.) Byron’s Beauties — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Beauties of Lord Byron’s Writings in verse and prose. Selected by a Clergyman. Cloth, pp. jm. Price 90 cts. 57. Miscellaneous— (4 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes §2.70, as follows : (1*2.) Readings from Scott [81] — (2 v. 16mo.) Readings for tne Young from the Works of Sir Walter Scott. Illustrated. (16mo.) Cloth, pp. 344 + 313 = 656 bl. Price $1. (3.) Bethune’s Eemale Poets [218] — (12mo.) The British Eemale Poets; with biographical and critical notices. By the Rev. George W. Bethune, D.D. With two illustrations. Cloth, pp. 490, linbj Price 95 cts. (4.) Gleanings from the Poets [228] — (12mo ) Eor Home and School. A new edition. Cloth, pp. 13. 430=443, cnc. Price 75 cts, ( For various editions of the British Poets, see Books of Reference , Part II.) V. ENGLISH POLITICAL LITERATURE. 58. Documents of the Constitution, &c. — (2 v. 8vo.) Price for the two volumes $1*40, as follows • (1.) Documents of the Constitution [3101 — Bowen’s Constitu- tion— (8vo. Am. Edi.) Of England and America, from Magna Charta to the United States Federal Constitution of 1789. Compiled and edited with notes by Professor Francis Bowen. Cloth, pp. 7, 142 =149, jb. Price 80 cts. (2.) Brougham on the Constitution [310] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Or, treatise on the British Constitution. By Henry Lord Brougham, E. R. S., being part of his “ Political Philosophy” published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Cloth pp- 132, hgb. Price 60 cts. 59. DeLolme, Guizot and Creasy— (3 v. 12mo.) Price for the three volumes §2.20, as follows ; (l.) De Lolme on the Constitution [309]— (Eng. Edi.) Of England, or an account of the English Government; edited, with life and notes, by John Macgregor, M. P. Cloth, pp. 376. hgb' Price 70 ets. (2.) Guizot’s Representative Government [300] — (Eng. Edi.) History of the origin of Representative Government in Europe. By M. Guizot. Translated by Andrew R. Scoble. Cloth, pp. 20, 538=568, hgb. Price 70 cts, (3.) Creasv’s English Constitution — (Am. Edi.) The rise and progress of the English Conrtitution. By E. S. Creasy, M. A. Cloth, pp. xi + 359= 370, dac Price 80 cts. 87 Literature — English Political . 60 . Mills’ Colonial Constitutions — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Colo- nial Constitutions ; an outline of the Constitutional and existing government of the British Dependencies, with schedules of the orders in Council, statutes, and parlia- mentary documents, relating to each dependency. By Aethue Mills, Esq. Cloth, pp. lxxi + 398, jm. Price §3. 61 . Tremenheere’s Constitution [312] — (12mo, Eng. Edi.) The Constitution of the United States compared with our own. By H. Seymoue Teemenheeee. Cloth, pp. 389, //«• Price $2. 62 . Forsyth’s Trial hy Jury [297]— (^Svo. Eng. Edi.) His- tory of Trial by Jury. By Wiltiam Poesyth, M. A. Cloth, pp- 13,468=481, jwp. Price §1.80. 63 . Miscellaneous — (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes §3.90, as follows : (1.) Wilmot’s Blackstone Abridged [308] — (12mo. An abridgement of Blackstone’s Commentaries on the laws of England, intended for the use of young persons, and comprised in a series of letters from a father to his daughter. By Sir J. E. Eaedley Wilmot, Bart. Corrected and brought down to the present day by his son, Sir John E. Eaedley Wilmot. Cloth, pp. 338, Ic. Price §1.45. (2.) Foster’s Jurisprudence — (12mo.) Elements of Jurispru- dence, by Chaelee James Postee, M. A., LL.D. Cloth, pp. x.+156=166, twm. Price §1.10. (3.) Humphrey* s Political Science — (18mo.) Manual of Politi- cal Science, for the use of schools, and more especially of candidates for the civil service; arranged in chapters, with questions at the end of each, and preceded by an introductory chapter. By E. R. Humpheeys, LL.D. Cloth, pp. xxx+239=269, Ic. Price 80 cts. (4.) Tremenheere’s Political Experience, Ancients [313] — (16mo.) The political experience of the ancients in its bearing on modern times. By H. Seymoue Teemenheeee. Boards, pp. 136, jm. Price 55 cts. 64 . Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches 1 314] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Oliver Cromweirs Letters and Speeches : including the supplement to the first edition. With elucidations. By Thomas Caelyle. Cloth, pp. xv+ 560, x+ 613= 1198, hb. Price §1.60. 65 . Burke’s Works — (7 v. 12mo. Eng Edi.) The works of the Right Honorable Edmund Burke. With a Life, by Peioe. Cloth, pp. 3267 dab. Price §4.90. ( For other Lives of Burke, see Nos. 81, 82, page 63 ) 66. Burke and Peel — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $3, as follows : (1.) Burke’s First Principles — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) First prin- ciples, selected from Burke’s Works. Cloth, pp, , grc. Price 70 cts- (2 ) Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful [393] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beauti- ful ; with an introductory discourse concerning taste. By the Right Hon. Edmund Bueke. Adapted to popular use by Abeaham Mills, A. M. Cloth, pp. 219, hb. Price 60 cts. (3.) The Wisdom and Grenius of Burke [2] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Wisdom and Genius of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. Illustrated by a series of extracts from his writings and speeches, with a bust portrait, and a sum- mary of his Life. By Petee Bueke, Esq. Cloth, pp, 426, hgb. Price 95 cts. (4.) Peel’s Opinions [319] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Theopinions of the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, expressed in parliament and in public. An admirable resumd of Sir Robert Peel’s views on all important public questions. With a biographical memoir. Cloth, pp. xxvii+508=535, alive , wtc. Price 75 cts. 67 . Modern British Essayists [9]— (8 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Or Miscellaneous Essays by Macauley, Wilson, Mackintosh, Caelyle, Talfoued Stephens, Jeffeey, Sydney Smith, and Alison. Cloth, pp. 481, double columns* jr, sc. Price §9.60. 88 Literature — English Political. 68. Macaulay’s Essays [10] — (5 v. 12vo. Am. Edi.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays and Poems. By the Right Hon. Thomas Babington Macauley, M. P. Cloth, pp. 2053, dac> Price §3- 50. 69. Macaulay’s Speeches [11] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Speeches on various occasions, clnefly in the House of Commons Tfrom 1827 to 1852.] By the Right Hon. Thomas Babington Macauley, M. P. Cloth, pp. 403+401= 804, jsr. Price $1.60. 70. Brougham’s Literary Essays, &c. — (5 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $5.50, as follow s : (1.) Natural Theology: comprising a Discourse of Natural Theology, Dialogues on Instinct, and Dissertations on the Structures of the Cells of Bees, and Fossil Osteology. Cloth, pp . Price $1.10. (2.) Rhetorical and Literary Dissertations and Addresses; Comprising Discourse of Ancient Eloquence— Lord Rector’s Address— Rhetorical con- tributions to the Edinburgh Review— and Discourses of the Objects, Pleasures, and Advantages of Science and Political Science. Cloth, pp. . Price §1.10. (3.) Historical and Political Dissertations contributed to the Edinburgh Review. Cloth, pp* . Price §1.10. (4-5.) Speeches on Social and Political subjects, with Histori- cal Introductions. Cloth, pp. , Price $2.20. ( For Brougham’s other Works, see pages 57. 81, and 86.) 71. British Eloquence — (6v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) I. Political: II. Literary: III. Sacred: Speeches of eminent British Statesmen, during the thirty- nine years’ peace ; and Literary Addresses delivered at various popular Institutions. &c. &c. Cloth, pp. , rgc. Price §4.20. VI. RHETORIC AND LOGIC, &c. 72. Oratory and Eloquence — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.30, as follows : (1.) Channing’s Oratory — (16mo.) Lectures read to the Seniors in Harvard College, by Edward J. Changing. Cloth, pp. xx+298=318, wdtc. Price 92 cts. (2.) Maury’s Eloquence [168] — (18mo.) The Principles of Eloquence. By the Abbe Maury. With an introduction, &c. By A. Potter. D. D. Cloth, pp, 308, hb. Price 38 cts. 73. Campbell’s Rhetoric [401] — (8vo. Eng. Edi) The Philosophy of Rhetoric. By the Bev. George Campbell, D.D. Cloth, pp. 16+415 =431, t etc. Price §1.10. 74. Miscellaneous — (3 y. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes §1.40, as follows ? (1.) Cousin on the Beautiful [396] — (16mo.) The Philosophy of the Beautiful. From the French of Victor Cousin. Translated, with notes and an introduction, by Jessie Cato Daniel. Cloth, pp. 192, dac. Price 50 cts. (2.) Alison on Taste [395] — (l2mo.) Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. By Archibald Alison, L.L.D., F.R.S. With corrections and improvements. By Abraham Mills, A M. Cloth, pp. 461, hb. Price 60 cts. (3.) Longinus on the Sublime [394] — (l6mo.) A new and literal translation of Longinus on the Sublime ; for the use of schools, colleges, and universities. Illustrated with notes, original and select. By a Graduate of Trinity College, Dublin. Cloth, pp. 12, 70, 15=97, csfc. Price 30 cts, 75. Whately’s Logic and Rhetoric [397] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Contributed to the “Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.” Cloth, pp.ll2 + 142=254, rgc. Price §1.25. 75J. Ibid. — Abridged — (2 y. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Price 60 cts. Literature — Political Economy . 89 *76. Karnes’ Criticism [166] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Elements of Criticism. By Henry Homes of Karnes. Edited by Rev. James R. Boyd. Cloth, pp. 486, asbc. Price $1.10- T7. Blair’s Rhetoric [400] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettr^s. By the Rev. Hugh Blair, D.D. With an introduc- tory essay by the Rev. Thomas Hale, M.A., and a portrait of Dr, Blair. Cloth, pp, 31+602=633, wtc. & Price $1. VII. POLITICAL ECONOMY, &c. *78. Senior’s Political Economy [130] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Treatise on Political Economy. By N. W. Senior, Cloth, rgc. Price 85 cts. 79. Burton’s Political Economy [335] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Political and Social Economy : its practical applications. By JohnHill Burton. Cloth, pp. 345, wrch. Price 60 cts. 80. Miscellaneous — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two vo- lumes 70 cts., as follows : (1.) Chambers’ Political Economy [336-1] — Eor use in Schools and for private instruction. Cloth, pp. 154, wrch. Price 45 cts. (2.) Weale’s Gibbon’s Contracts [336-5]— The Law of Contracts for Works and Services. By David Gibbons, Esq. Cloth, pp. viii+ 136 =144. jw. Price 25.cts 81. Way land’s P. Economy and M. Science — (2 v. ) Price lor the two volumes $1.70. as follows : (1.) The Elements of Political Economy [129] — By Erancis Wayland, D.D. Cloth, pp. 406. gl. Price $1. (2.) Wayland’s Moral Science [369] — (16mo. Eng. Edi ) The Elements of Moral Science. By the Rev. Francis Wayland, D.D. Cloth, pp. 381. wtc , Price 70 cts. 81f. Ibid. Abridged — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes 70 cts, as follows : (1.) Wayland’s Political Economy Abridged [336-2 J — (24mo.) Cloth, pp. 192. jwp. Price 30 cts. (2.) Wayland’s Moral Science Abridged [149] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) pp* 212. gl. Price 40 cts. 82. Lawson’s Banks [334] — (8vo. Am, Edi.) The History of Banking ; with a comprehensive account of the origin, rise and progress of the banks of England, Ireland and Scotland. By William John Lawson. Revised, with numerous additions, by J. Smith Homans. Cloth, pp. xii+346=358. gl. Price $1.50, 83. Miscellaneous — (9 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the nine vol- umes $ 1 . 95 , as follows : (1.) Lord and Yassal — (16mo.) The Lord and the Vassal: a familiar exposition of the feudal system in the middle ages ; with its causes and con- sequences. Cloth, pp. xv +140 =155. jwp. Price 30 cts* (2.) Whately’s Reasoning [ 398 ] ( 16mo. ) Archbishop Whately’s Easy Lessons on Reasoning, Reprinted from the “ Saturday Magazine.” Cloth, pp. 147. jwp. Price 35 cts. (3.) Money Matters [104-4 jp. Z.] — (24mo.) Easy Lessons on Money Matters, for the use of young people. Cloth, pp. 106. jwp. Price 22 cts. (4.) Whately on the British Constitution [336-7]— (24mo.) Introductory Lessons on the British Constitution. By Archbishop Whately, D,D. Paper, pp. 72. jwp. Price 10 cts. G 90 Literature — Moral Science , Sfc. VIII. MORAL SCIENCE, &c. (5.) Whately’s Religious Worship [336-6] — (24mo.) Intro- ductory Lessons on the History of Religions Worship. By Archbishop Whately, D.D. Being a sequel to the u Lessons on Christian Evidences,” by the same author. Cloth, pp. 247. jwp. Price 40 cts. (6.) Whately’s Lessons on Morals — (24mo ) Introductory Lessons on Morals. Cloth, pp. 207. jwp. Price 30 cts. (7.) Whately’s Christian Evidences — (24nio.) Introductory Lessons on Christian Evidences. Paper, pp. 96 jwp. Price 15 cts. (8.) Joly’s Questions on Christian Evidences — (24mo.) Ques- tions deducible from the Introductory Lessons on Christian Evidences. By Henry Edward Joly, D.D. Paper, pp. 23. jwp . Price 5 cts. (9.) Lessons on the Truth of Christianity — (24mo ) Lessons on the Truth of Christianity, being an Appendix to the Fourth Book of Lessons for the use of the National Schools. Paper, pp. 141. Price 8 cts. 84. Warren’s Duties of Attorneys, &e. [199-lp. £]— (’6mo. Eng. Edi.) The Moral, Social, and Professional Duties of Attorneys and Solicitors.. By Samuel Warren, Esq., F.R S. pp. 448. wbs. Price $1-50. 85. Whewell’s Morality [148]— (2 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) The Elements of Morality, including Polity. By William Whewell, D.D. pp. 4014* 424=825. lib. Price 75 cts. 86. Smith’s Moral Philosophy [143] — (12mo. Am. Edi.). Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, delivered at the Royal Institution, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. By the late Rev. Sidney Smith, M’.A. Cloth, pp. 391. Jib. Price 80 cts. 87. Chalmers’ Moral Philosophy [368]— (12mo. Am. Edi.) Sketches of Moral and Mental Philosophy : their connection with each other ; and their bearings on Doctrinal and Practical Christianity. By Thomas Chalmers, D.D. andLL.D. pp. 420, rcb. Price 50 cts. 88. Tennemann’s History of Philosophy [363|]— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A Manual of the History of Philosophy, translated from the German of Tennemami. by the Rev. Arthur Johnson, M.A- Revised, enlarged, and continued, by J. R. Morell* Cloth, pp. 12,532=544, hgb. Price $1. 89. Ahereromhie’s Philosophy [370] — (2v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1, as follows : (1.) Intellectual Powers — Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers, and the investigation of truth. By J ohn Abercrombie. M.D.. F.R.S. With additions and explanations to adapt the work to the use of schools and academies, by Jacob Abbott. Revised. Half bound, pp. 284, rbc. Price 50 cts. (2.) Moral Eeelings — The Philosophy of Moral Feelings. By John Abercrombie, M.D., E.R.S. An introductory chapter. With additions and explanations to adapt the work to the use of schools and academies ; and also analyti- cal questions for the examination of classes. By Jacob Abbott. Revised. Half bound, pp. 250, 27=277, rbc. Price 50 cts. IX. EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY, &c. SO. Mellvaine’s Evidences and Butler’s Analogy — (2 y. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.15, as follows : (1.) Mcllvaine’s Evidences [155] — (16mo.) The Evidences of Christianity, in their external, or historical division: exhibited in a course of lectures. By Charles Pettit McIlvaine, D.D. Cloth, rgc. Price 75 cts. Literature — Evidences of Christianity , Sfc. 91 (2.) Tegg’s Butler’s Analogy [379] — (12mo.) The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. To which are added two brief dissertations. I. Of personal identity. II. Of the nature of vir- tue. By Bishop Joseph Butler. LL.D. With a complete index, 32, 304=326, wtc. (Also ail edition with Barnes’ Essay.) Cloth, pp. 24, 251=275. Brice for either edition 40 cts. 91. Butler’s Analogy and Paley’s Evidences — (2 v. 12mo. R. T. Soc.) Price for the two volumes $1.25, as follows : (1.) Angus’ Butler’s Analogy — (12mo. B. T. Soc.) The ana- logy of religion to the constitution and course of nature : also, fifteen sermons on sub- jects chiefly ethical. By Joseph Butler, D.C.L. Withalife of the author, a copious analysis, notes and indexes. By Joseph' Angus, D.D. Cloth, pp. xxi. + 551=572. Price 65 cts. (2.) Paley’s Evidences [373]— (12mo. B. T. Soc.) A View of the Evidences of Christianity, in three parts. By William Paley, D.I). A new edi- tion, with introduction, notes and supplement. By the Rev. T. R. Birks, M.A. Cloth, pp. 443. Price 60 cts. 92 . Paley and Nichol’s Natural Theology -(2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.50, as follows : (1.) Ware’s Paley’s Nat. Theology [152] — Natural Theology : or, Evidences of the existence and attributes of the Deity, collected from the appear- ances of Nature. By William Paley, D.D, Illustrated by the Plates, and by a Selection from the Notes of James Paxton, with additional Notes and a Vocabulary. By John Ware, D.D. Cloth, pp. 419. gl. Price $1, (2.) Nichol’s Natural Theology [156]-— A Catechism of Natu- ral Theology. By J. Nichols, D.D. Cloth, pp. 215, jmc. Price 50 cts. 93 . Paley’s Natural Theology and Philosophy [425] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1-15, as follows : (1.) Natural Theology — Or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity. By the Rev. William Paley, D.D. With additions and notes. Cloth, pp. 292, torch. Price 58 cts. (2.) The Moral Philosophy of Paley — With additional disser- tations and notes. By Alexander Bain, A.M. 16mo, cloth, pp. 16, 278=294, torch. Price 58 cts. 94. Paley’s Evidences and Natural Theology [421]— (2 v. 12mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) A view of the Evidences of Christianity; and Natural The* ologv, or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, collected from the appearances of Nature. By Archdeacon William Paley, D.D. Cloth, pp. 456, 436= 892. Price $2. 95. Brougham’s Paley’s Natural Theology [374] — (4 v. I8mo. Eng. Edi.) Paley’s Natural Theology; with illustrative notes. By Henry Lord Brougham, E.R.S., and by Sir C. Bell, K.G.H. And an introductory Dis- course on Natural Theology. By Lord Brougham. To which are added supplemen- tary dissertations, and a treatise on animal mechanics. By Sir Charles Beld. With numerous wood cuts. Cloth, pp. 216, 230, 205, 294=945, gcx. Price $1. (See, also , No. 70, page 88.) 96- Gregory’s Evidences of Christianity and Butler’s Analogy of Religion, &c- [424]— (2 v. 12mo Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows: (1.) Letters on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties of the Christian Religion— By Olinthus Gregory, LL.D. , P.R.A.S. With many additions and corrections. Cloth, pp. 16, 491=507, hgb. Price 70 cts. (2.) The Analogy of Religion — Natural and Bevealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature; to which are added, two brief dissertations, on personal identity, and on the nature of virtue; and fifteen sermons. By Joseph Butler, D.C.L., late Lord Bishop of Durham. With a preface by Samuel Halifax, D.D. With analytical introductions, explanatory notes, and an index. By a member of the University of Oxford. With portrait of Bishop Butler. Cloth, pp.’ 6, 546=552, hgb. Price 70 cts. 92 Literature — Various — English. 97. Miscellaneous — (3 v. l6mo.) Published by the Religious Tract Society. Price for the three volumes §1.30, as follows : (1.) Gregory’s Evidences [158] — Evidences, Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion, in a Series of Letters to a Priend. By Olinthus Gregory, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 406. Price 50 cts. (2.) Pearson’s Infidelity [378] — Infidelity, its aspects, causes, and agencies. By the Rev. Thomas Pearson. People’s Edition, with a preface. By the Rev. J. Jordan. Cloth, pp. iv+326=330. Price 30 cts. (3.) Spring’s Bible not of Man [386] — The Bible not of man; or the argument for the Divine origin of the Sacred Scriptures, drawn from the Scrip- tures themselves. By Gardiner Spring, D.D. Cloth, pp. 280. Price 50 cts. 98. Miscellaneous — (4v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes §1.75, as follows: . (1.) Follen’s Eenelon [387] — Selections from the writings of Eenelon. With a memoir of his life. By Mr. T. Pollen. Cloth, pp. x-f 275=285 grc. Price 55 cts. (2.) Nelson’s Infidelity [378] — Infidelity, its cause and cure, including a notice of the author’s unbelief, and the means of his rescue. By the Rev. David Nelson, M.D. New Edition revised, with a recommendatory preface by the Rev. George Albert Rogers, M.A. Cloth, pp. xvi+ 234=250, grc. Price 30 cts. (3.) Spring’s Obligations to the Bible [385] — The obligations of the world to the Bible ; a series of lectures to young men. By Gardiner Spring , D.D. Cloth, pp. 320, wool. Price 45 cts. (4.) Olmstead’s Noah [389]— (Eng. Edi.) Noah and his times ; embracing the consideration of various inquiries relative to the antediluvian and earlier postdiluvian periods ; with discussions of several of the leading questions of the present day. By the Rev. J. Munson Olmstead, M.A. Cloth, pp. 365, tocol . Price 45 cts. X. VARIOUS — ENGLISH. 99. Dick’s Works [422] — (5 v. Eng. Edi ) 1, 2. The Christian Philosopher. Two vols. T3] Philosophy of Religion. [4] Philosophy of a Puture State. [5] On the Diffusion of Knowledge. By Thomas Dick, LL.D. Five volumes in four. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 314, 333, 384, 303, 336, =1670, wool. Price §2,25. (See, also , Books of Reference at the End.) 100. Cardinal Wiseman’s Lectures [161] — (2 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Twelve lectures on the connection between Science and Revealed religion. With maps and plates. Cloth, jmur. Price §2.40. (See, also, pages 33 and 34.) 101. Theism, &c. (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes. §1.40, as follows : (1.) Thompson’s Christian Theism— (12mo ) Christian The- ism. The testimony of reason and revelation, to the existence and character of the Supreme Being. By Robert Anchor Thompson, M.A. Cloth, pp. x. +477=487, ho. Price §1. (2.) Sampson’s Beauties of the Bible— (16mo.) Beauties of the Bible, selected from the old and new Testaments, with various remarks and brief dissertations designed for the use of schools, and the improvement of youth. By Ezra Sampson. Cloth, pp. 366, lib . 40 cts. 102. Miscellaneous — (2v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.30, as follows: (1.) Phillips’ Book and its Story— (12mo.) The Book and its Story ; a narrative for the young. On occasion of the J ubilee of the British and Foreign Bible Society. By L. N. R. With an introductory preface, by the Rev. J. Phillips. Cloth, pp. 463, pmm. Price 80 cts. (2.) Bagster on the Sacred Volume— (18mo.) The Genuine- ness. Authenticity and Inspiration of the Sacred Volume. By the Editor of the Bagster Bible. Cloth, pp. , rcb. Price 50 cts. Literature — Various. 93 103. Bayne’s and Giles’ Essays — (4 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price lor the four volumes $3.40, as follows : (l.) Bayne’s Christian Life. The Christian Life, Social and Individual. By Peter Bayne, M.A. Cloth, pp, 528, gl. Price $1. (2-3.) Bayne’s Essays — 2 v.) Essays on Biography and Criticism. By Peter Bayne, M.A. Cloth, pp. gl. Price $1.60. (4.) Giles’ Illustration of Genius. Illustrations of genius in in some of its relations to culture and society. By Henry Giles- Cloth, j>p- 368, wdtc. Price 80 cts. 104. Cheever’s Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes— (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Cyclopaedia of Religious Anecdotes, a vast collection of tracts, narratives and examples, with essays, by the Rev. George Cheever, D.D. And a complete series of Scriptur6 Texts. Cloth, pp. .rgc. Price $1. 105. Miscellaneous (3 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.35, as follows : (1.) Chalmeriana, or Conversations with the late Dr. Chalmers. Pp. , ( rbc ) rgc. Price 45 cts. (2.) Salad for the Solitary [245] — Salad for the Solitary. Cloth, pp. , (rbc) rgc. Price 55 cts. (3.) Wilmot’s Literature — (12mo.) Pleasures, Objects and Advantages of Literature (The.) By the Rev. R. A. Willmott. Cioth, pp. Price 35 cts. 106. Sturm’s Reflections [382] — (2 v. I2mo. Eng. Edi.) Reflections on the being and attributes of God, and on His works both in Nature and Providence, for every day in the year Originally compiled in German. By Christo- pher C. Sttjrh. Corrected, translated, methodised and greatly enlarged, by Adam Clarke, LL.D., F.S.A . With portrait of Sturm- Cloth, pp. 20, 424, 11, 495=914, xotc. Price $1.10. 107. Foster’s Essays [200] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price $1.20, as follows : (1.) Popular ignorance. An essay on the evils of popular ignorance. By John Foster. Revised and enlarged. Cloth, pp. 300, rcb. Price 60 cts. (2.) Decision of Character. Essays in a series of letters. By John Foster. Cloth, pp. 352, rcb. Price 60 cts. 108. Moore’s Man and his Motives — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Man and his Motives. By George Moore, M.D. Cloth, pp. xx +348 =368, Ic. Price $1.35. 108i. Ibid . — (I6mo. Am. Edi.) Cloth, pp. 301 , lib. Price 40 cts. 109. Gold and the Gospel — (12mo. Eng.fEdi.) Gold and the Gospel. The Ulster prize essays on the scriptural duty of giving in proportion to means and income. Cloth, pp. xi +400=411, (jnc) wtc. Price 70 cts. 110. Sacred Literature and Poetry — (4v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Gems of Sacred Literature and Poetry. Cloth, pp. 1133, jwp. Price $3. 111. Smyth’s Unity, Human Races [388]— (12mo. Eng. Edi. The unity of the human races proved to be the doctrine of Scripture, reason and science. With a review of the present position and theory of Professor Agassiz. By Thomas Smyth, D.D. Revised and enlarged by the author. Cloth, pp. (jh.)jcg. Price $ . • 112- Taylor’s Enthusiasm [408] — (12mo. Am. Edi. Natural History of Enthusiasm. By Isaac Taylor. Cloth, pp. 296, rcb. Price 60 cts. 113. Mackay’s Popular Delusions [404] — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 8, 303. 6, 322=639, nc. Price $1.20. 94 Literature — American. 114. Mayo’s Popular Superstitions [405] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The truths contained in popular superstitions- By Herbert Mayo, M.D. Cloth, pp. 248, whs. Price §1.25. 1144. Ibid. — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Popular superstition and the truths contained therein. With an account of mesmerism. By Herbert Mayo, M.D. Cloth, pp. 250, linb. Price 60 cts. 115- Demonology and Witchcraft [407]— (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to J. G. Lockhart- Esq. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 396, wtc. Price 68 cts. 118. Miscellaneous — (9v. 18mo.) Monthly volumes. Published by the Religious Tract Society. Price for the nine volumes $1.35, as follows : (1.) Origin and Progress of Language [5 t- lib.'] Cloth, pp. 196. Price 15 cts. (2.) Schools of Ancient Philosophy [13 a. lit , ] Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (3.) The Bible in many tongues [138-7 p. Z.] Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (4.) Our English Bible. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (5.) Man Physically, -&c [59 zoo.] Man in his physical, intellect- ual, social, and moral relations. By W. Newnham, Esq. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (G.) The Senses of the Mind [56 zoo.] Cloth, pp 192. Price 15 cts. (7.) Money : [138-5 p . 1.] Its nature, history, uses, and respon- sibilities. Cloth, pp. 192. Pi ice 15 cts. (8.) Magic: Pretended miracles and remarkable natural phe- nomena. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (9.) Remarkable Delusions [138-4 p. /.] Or, Illustrations of -popular errors. Cloth, pp. 162. Price 15 cts. XI. AMERICAN LITERATURE. 117. Washington Irving [243]-^(L4v. Am. Edi.) The com- plete Works of Washinton Irving; including Wolfert’s Roost, and the life of George Washington. Cloth and boards, pp. 6700. Price $9. 118. Longfellow’s Poems [116] — (2 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Poems bv Henry W t adsworth Longfellow. Cloth, pp. 475+452=927, tvdtc. Price $1.75. 118. Longfellow's Prose Works [239]— (4 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) The prose and poetical works of Professor Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; comprising Kavanagh, a tale; the golden legend; outre- mer, a pilgrimage; and hyper ion, a romance. Cloth, pp. 188+301+374+377=1233, tvdtc. Price $3. 120. Longfellow's Poetical and Prose Works — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; also, the prose works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: hyperion, Kavanagh, and outre-mer. With illustrations by John Gilbert. Cloth, pp. 950, grc. Price $2. 120 J. Ibid. — (4 v. 24mo. Am. Edi.) Including Hiawatha. Cloth, pp. 375+405+455+ 475=1710, wdte. Price $2.75. 121. Routledge’s American Poets, &c. [248] — (10 r. 24mo. Eng. Edi.) Averaging 200 pages each. grc. Price . for the ten volumes $4.25, a s follows v 1. W. C. Bryant. 6. Mrs. Rierourney. 2. H. W. Longfellow. 7. N. P. Willis. 3. Longfellow’s Golden Legend. 8. J. G. Whittier. 4. Do Outre-mer & Essays, 9. J. Iv. Lowell. 5. Do Hyperion & Kavanagh- 10. O. W. Holmes. Literature— American. 95 122. Iialleck and Taylor — (2 v. I6mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §140, as follows : (l.) Halleck’s Poetical Works. The poetical works of Fitzgreene Halleck. Cloth, pp. 232, jsr. l’rice 80 cts. (2.) Taylor’s Orient. Poems of the Orient, by Bayard Taylor. Cloth, pp. 203, wdtc. Price 60 cts. 123. American Poets — (3 y. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.88, as follows : (1.) Bryant’s Selections [249] — (18mo.) Selections from the American Poets. By William Cullen Bryant. Cloth, pp. 316, hb. Price 38 cts. (2.) May’s Pemale Poets [247] — (12mo.) The American female poets ; with biographical and critical notices. By Caroline May. With two illustrations. Cloth, pp. 559, linb. Price 90 c;s. (3.) Lucretia Maria Davidson [120] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Poeti- cal Remains of the late Lucretia Maria Davidson. Collected and arranged by her mother. With a Biography, by Miss Sedgwick. Cloth, pp. 248, psc. Price 60 cts. , 124. Downing’s Rural Essays [241 ] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Downing’s Rural Essays. By A. J. Downing, Edited, with a memoir of the author, by George William Curtiss, and a letter to his friends, by Frederica Bremer. Illustrated with portrait and other engravings. Cloth, pp. 71, 447 =628, cms. Price $2.40. 125. Story and Dixer — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1, as follows : (».) Story on the Constitution [327-J] — 12mo. Am. Edi.) A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States, containing a brief con- mentary on every clause. With an appendix. By Joseph Story, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 372, hb. Price 60 cts. (2.) Duer’s Jurisprudence [126] — (18mo.) A course of Lectures on the Constitutional 3 urisprudenee of the (J nited States. By "William Alexander Duer, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 419, hb. Price 40 cts. 12S. Liefoer and Be Tooqueville — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.30, as follows : (1.) Lieber’s Property, &c.' [134] — (18mo.) Essays on Property and Labor as connected with Natural Law and the Constitution of Society. By Fran- cis Lieeer. With an introduction by Rev. A. Potter, DD. Cloth, pp. 225. Price 40 cts. (2.) De Tocqueville’s American Institutions [326] — 12mo-) American Institutions and their Influence. By. Alexis de Tocqueville. With notes, by Hon- John C. Spencer. Cloth, pp. 12, 312=472, asbo. Price 90 cts. 127.- Miscellaneous — (3 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2.50, as follows ; 0) Chasles’ Literature and Manners [237]— Anglo-American literature and manners. From the French of Philarete Charles. Cloth, pp. 12, 312=324, cs. Price 80 cts. (2.) Schroeder’s Maxims of Washington. Maxims of Washing- ton, political, social, moral and religious collectedand arranged. By John Frederick Schroeder, DD. Cloth, pp. xxiv +414=438, das. Price 80 cts. (3.) Wallace’s Literary Criticisms. Literary Criticisms and other papers. By the late Horace Binney Wallace," Esq., of Philadelphia. Cloth, pp. yi+457 =473, pmm. Price 90 cts. 123. American Oratory [113] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) American Oratory, or selections from the Speeches of eminent Americans. Compiled by, a member of the Philadelphia Bar. Sheep, pp. 531, ecjb. Price $1. 129. Everett’s Orations. &c. [101]— (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Ora- tions and Speeches on various occasions. By Edward Everett, LLJ). W r ith por- trait. Cloth, pp. 670 + 573=1343. Ibc. Price $4. 96 Literature — French, Spanish and Italian. 130. Sumner’s Orations [103] — (Bv. 16mo. Am.Edi.) Ora- tions and Speeches on various occasions. By Charles Sumner, LL.D. Cloth, pp„ 410 + 483 + 462 =1414, wdtc. Price $3. 131. Whipple’s Essays, &c. [104-105] — (3 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Essays, Reviews and Lectures. Lectures on subjects connected with Litera- ture and Life. By Edwin P. Whipple. Cloth, pp. 421+408=826, wdtc. Price $2.25. 132. Emerson’s Essays [106-242]— (3 t. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Representative Men and Essays. By W. R. Emerson. Cloth, pp. 285+274=459, psc. Price $2. 133. Irving and Emerson — (3v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes, $1.75. (1, 2.) Irving’s Sketch Book [244] — (2 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) The Sketch Book of Geopprey Crayon, Esq. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 6, 296, 316 = 618, wtc. Price $1-40. (3.) Emerson’s Representative Men [107] — Representative Men ; seven lectures, by R- W. Emerson. Cloth, pp. 182, grc. Price 35 cts. XII. FRENCH AND SPANISH LITERATURE. 134. Vericour’s French Literature [43] — (12mo. Am.Edi.) Modern French Literature by L. Raymond de Vericour. Revised. With notes alluding particularly to writers prominent in late (1848-9) Political Events in Paris. With a portrait of Lamartine. Cloth, pp. 444, yl. Price 95 cts. 135. Bulwer’s France [44] — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) France, Social, Literary and Political. By Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, Bart. Cloth, pp. 220+233=453, hb. Price 75 cts. 136. Ticknor’s Spanish Literature [230] — (3 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) History of Spanish Literature. By George Ticknor. Sheep, pp. 21, 568, 14 , 552, 14, 549=1718; hb. Price §5.40. 137. Lewes’ Spanish Drama. — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The Spanish Drama, Lope DeVega and Calderon. By G. H. Lewes. Cloth, pp. 220'. gcx. Price, 25 cts. XIII. ITALIAN LITERATURE. 138. Sismondi’s Literature [41] — (2 v. Am. Edi.) His- torical View of the Literature of the South of Europe. By J. C. L. Sismonde de Sismondi. Translated from the Original with Notes, and a Life of the Author with Portrait. By Thomas Roscoe. Cloth, pp. 548— 565=1114. hb. Price $1.40. 1381. Ibid . (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Cloth, pp. 590 — 612 = 1212. hgb. Price, $1.45. 139. Dante & Tasso. — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $2., as follows : (1.) Wright’s Dante. — Dante translated into English verse. By J. C. Weight, M. A. Illustrated, cloth, pp. xxiv+460=484, hgb. Price, $1. (2.) Widen’ s Tasso. — The Jerusalem delivered of Torquato Tasso. Translated into English Spenserian verse, with a Life of the Author. By J. II. Wiffen, with thirty-two illustrations. Cloth, pp. lxiv+498, 562, hgb. Price, $1. XIV. GERMAN LITERATURE. 140. Schlegel’s Works [233] — (3 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes, $2.10, as follows : (1.) The philosophy of life, and philosophy of language, in a course of lectures. By Frederick Yon ScnLEGEL. Translated from the German* by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M.A, Cloth, pp. 6, 567=570, Price 70 cts. 97 Teachers’ Library — Reference Works. (2.) Esthetic and miscellaneous works of Frederick Yon Schlegel; comprising letters on Christian Art— an Essay on Gothic Architecture- remarks on the romance poetry of the middle ages and on Shakespeare— on the limits of the beautiful— on the language and wisdom of the Indians. Trsnslated from the German, by E. J. Millington. Cloth, pp. 23, 533=556. Price 70 cts. (3.) A course of lectures on dramatic art and literature. B j Augustus William Schlegel. Translated by John Black, Esq. Revised ac- cording to the last German edition, by the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, M.A. Cloth, pp. 8, 529=537. Price 70 cts. 141. Schiller’s Works [233] — (5v.) Price for the five volumes $3.50, as follows:— (1.) The works of Frederick Schiller, historical and dramatic — History of the Revolt of the Netherlands, continued— Trials of Counts Egmont and Horn — Wallenstein and Wilhelm Tell— historical dramas. Translated from the Ger- man* Cloth, pp. 4, 553=557, hgb. Price 70 cts, (2.) Lectures on the History of Literature, ancient and mo- dern. Prom the German of Frederick Schlegel. Cloth, pp. 8, 423=431, ( Ibc ) wbs. Price 90 cts. (3.) Bohn’s Schiller — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The works of Fred- erick Schiller. Early dramas and romances. Translated from the German, chiefly by Henry G. Bohn. Cloth, pp. xviii+493=512, hgb. Price 70 cts. (4.) Schiller’s Don Carlos, &c. — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The works of Frederick Schiller. Historical dramas— Don Carlos— Mary Stuart— The Maid of Orleans— and Bride of Messina, Translated from the German. Cloth, pp. 516, hab. Price 70 cts. (5.) Schiller’s Homage of the Arts. — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Ho- mage of the Arts. WUh miscellaneous pieces from Ruckert. Frmligrath and other German Poets. By Charles J. Brooks. Cloth, pp. viii+i60=158, jmc. Price 50 cts. 142. Goethe’s Works — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes, $1.25, as follows:— (1.) Goethe’s Dramatic Works — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Dramatic Works of Goethe ; comprising Faust, Iphigenia in Taurus, Torquato Tasso, Egmont. Translated by Anna Twanwick and Goetz Von JBerhehingen. Cloth, pp. xvi+ 504=520, hgb. Price 75 cts. (2.) Goethe’s Essays — (l6mo. Am. Edi.) Essays on Art, by Goethe. Translated by Samuel Gray Ward. Cloth, pp. 261, jmc. Price 50 cts. (See also Books of Reference on various subjects in Literature at the end.) . V. TEACHERS’ LIBRARY. / * ' ■ * I. REFERENCE WORKS. 1. Trench’s Works [362 lit .~\ — (4 v, 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.25, as follows ; (1.) On the Study of Words. By the Bev. Bichard Chene- yix Trench, B. D. Revised and enlarged. Cloth, pp. 23 6, jsr. Price 60 cts. (2.) English, Past and Present. By Bichard Cheneyix Trench, B.D, Cloth, pp, 207 Jsr. Price 60 cts. (3.) On the Lessons in Proverbs. — Being a substance of Lec- tures delivered to Young Men’s Societies at Portsmouth and elsewhere. By Richard Chenevix Trench, B.D. Revised and enlarged. Cloth, pp. 161, jsr. Price 40 cts (4.) Head’s Shall and Will-(16mo. Eng. Edi.) “ Shall and Will,” or two chapters on future auxiliary Verbes. By Sir Edmund Walker Head. Cloth, pp. 100, jm. ( dac .) Price 65 cts. 98 Teachers' Library — Reference Works. 2. Bohn’s Proverbs — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A hand-book of Proverbs; comprising an entire republication of Hay’s collection of English Proverbs. With his additions from foreign languages, and a complete alphabetical index, in whico are introduced large additions, as - well of proverbs as of sayings, sentences, maxims, and phrases, collected by Henry G* Bohn. Cloth, pp. xvi+583=599, hgb. Price $1. 3. Pulleyn’s Etymological Compendium — (12rao. Eng. Edi.) The Etymological Compendium, or portfolio of origins and inventions. By William Pulleyn. Revised and improved, by Merton A. Thoms. Cloth, pp. xx+443 =463, wtc. Price $1.25. 4. Dictionary Popular Quotations [53 lit.] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) A Dictronfiry of Select and Popular Quotations, from the Latin, Prench, Green, Spanish and Italian languages, together with a collection of law maxims and law terms. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 312. Price 40 cts. 5. Riley’s Latin Quotations (12mo. Eng. Edi.) — Diction- ary of Latin Quotations, proved maxims and mottos, classical and mediaeval ; in- cluding law terms and phrases, with a selection of Greek Quotations. Edited by H. P. Riley, B. A. Cloth, pp. vi+558=564, hgb. Price $1. 6. Blair’s Chronological Tables — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Blair’s Chronological Tables. Revised and enlarged ; comprehending the chronology and history of the world, from the earliest times to the treaty of peace, April, 1856, By J. Willoughby Rosse. Cloth, pp. xii+788=800, hgb. Price $2. 7. Educational Maps [33]— (4to. Xtn. K. Soc.) — For the use of schoolmasters. In three parts. I. Illustrations of Practical Geography. (1) Projections used for maps of the world. (2) Conical and cylindrical projections. II. Illustrations of Physical Geography. (1) Mountains. (2) Rivers* (3) Lakes* (4) Index maps of the world* (5) Climate* (6) Vegetation* (7) Sizes of oceans, seas, islands, &c* (8) Sizes of countries* III* Historical Maps. (1) Assyrian Empire. (2) Persian Empire. (3) Macedonian Empire. (1) Roman Empire. (5) The Christ- ian Empire at the rise of the Mahometan Pwel'gion. (6) The Mahometan Empire. (7) The Christian Empire at the present time. Half bound. Price $2. 8. Webster’s English Dictionary [23 lit.'] — (4to. Am. Edi.) An American Dictionary of the English Language, containing the whole vocabulary of the first edition in two volumes quarto ; the entire corrections and improvements of the second edition in two volumes, royal octavo, to which is prefixed an introduc- tory, dissertation on the origin, history, and connection of the languages of Western Asia and Europe; with an explanation of the principles on which languages are formed. By Noah Webster, LL.D. Revised and enlarged. By Chauncey A. Goodrich. With pronouncing vocabularies of Scripture, classical, and geopraphi- cal names; with a memoir of Dr. Webster. Crown, quarto, sheep, pp. 1452. Triple columns. Price $5. 9. Roget’s English Thesaurus [360] — (1 2mo. Am. Edi.) — Thesaurus of English Words, so classified and arranged as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary compositisu. By Peter Mark IIoget. Revised and edited, with a list of foreign words defined in English, and other additions. By Barnas Sears, D. D. Cloth, pp. 468, gl . Price $1.12. 10. Wilson’s Punctuation [6]—(!6mo. Am. Edi.) A Treatise on English Punctuation. Designed for letter -writers, authors, printers, and cor- rectors of the press, and for schools and academies. With an appendix containing a list of abbreviations, bints on proof-reading, &c. By John Wilson. Cloth, pp. 205, cnc. Price 80 cts. 11. Crabb’s Syncmymes [24 lit.]— (8vo. Am. Edi.) English Sy- nonymes. With copious illustrations and explanations, drawn from the oest writers. By George Crabb, M. A. Sheep, pp. 537. double columns, hb. Price $1.60. 12. Graham’s English Synonymes [361 lit.]— (12mo. Am. Edi.) Classified and explained, with practical exercises, designed for schools and private tuition. By G. F. Graham. Edited with an introduction and illustrative authorities, by Henry Reed, LL.D. Cloth, morocco back, pp. 14,344 = 358, dac. Price 75 cts. 13. Whateley’s Syncmymes [4] — (I2mo. Am. Edi.) A selec- tion of English Synonymes. By Richard Whately, D. D. Cloth, pp* 179, jmc. Price 50 cts. 14. Fowler’s English Grammar — (Svo. Am. Edi.) The. English language in its elements and forms, with a history of its origin and devel- opment, designed for use in colleges ar«d schools. Revised and enlarged by William C. Fowler. Cloth pp. 754, hb. Price $1.20. Teachers' Library — Works on Teaching. 99 15. The English Language [20] — Price for the two volumes $1.75 as follows : (1.) Latham’s English Language — [2] The English Language (!2mo. Am. Edi.) A hand-book for the use of students of the universities and higher classes of schools. By R. G. Latiiam, M-D., F.R.S. Half cloth, pp. 898, dac. Price 95 cts. (2.) Craik’s English Language — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Outlines ol the history of the English language for the use of the junior classes in college and the higher classes in schools. By George L. Craie. Cloth, pp. xii +170=182, cJi. Price 80 cts. 16. Stoddart’s Universal Grammar [3]— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Philosophy of Language. Comprehending Universal Grammar, or the pure science of language and Glossology, or historical relations of languages. By Sir John Stoddart, Knt. LL.D. Revised by the author, and edited bv William Hazlitt, Esq. Second part of the first division (Pure Sciences) of the “Encyclopaedia Metro- politana.” Cloth, pp. 803, rgc. Price $1. 17. Barnard’s School Architecture [9] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Architecture, or contributions to the improvement of school-houses. With numerous illustrations. By Henry Barnard. Cloth, pp. 430, bar. Price $1.75. 18. Barnard’s Education in Europe [27]— (8vo. Am. Edi.) Being an account of the organization, administration, instruction, and statistics of public schools of different grades in the principal States. By Henry Barnard, LL.D- Cloth, pp. 832, bar. Price $1.50. II. WORKS OH TEACHING. 19* Mansfield and Edgeworth — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price lor the two volumes $1.60, as follows : (1 ) Mansfield’s American Education [22 j — American Educa- tion. its principles and elements. Dedicated to the teachers of the United States, By Edward D. Mansfield. Cloth, pp. 330, asbe. Price DO cts. (2.) Edgeworth’s Education [29] — Practical Education. By Maria Edgeworth, and by Richard Lovell Edgeworth, F.R.S. and M.R.I.A. Complete in one volume. With plates. Cloth, pp. 11+549=560, lib. Price 70 cts. 20. Everett and Abbott — (2 v. I2mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40 as follows : (1.) Everett’s Practical Education [102] — Importance of Practical Education and Useful Knowledge : being a selection from his orations $nd other discourses. By Edward Everett, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 396, Jib. Price 60 cts. (2.) Abbott’s Teacher — Moral Influences employed in the instruction and government of the young. By Jacob Abbott/ Cloth, pp. Jib. Price 80 cts. 21. Miscellaneous — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.35, as follows: (1.) Phelp’s Fireside Friend [179-2 pi. j — The Fireside Friend, or Female Student ; being advice to young ladies on the important subject of educa- tion. With an appendix on moral and religious education, from the French of Madame de Saussure. By Mrs. Phelps. 12mo. pp. 377, cnc. Jib. Price 60 cts. (2.) Muzzey’s Fireside [179-3 jo£.] — The Fireside, an aid to parents. Bv Rev. A. B. Muzzey. With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 15+320=335, cnc. Price 55 cts. 22. Governess Xiife- — (3 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2.15, as follows : (l.) Governess Life [243-3 ■pi .'] — Governess Life : Its trials, duties, and encouragements. Cioth pp. 7+131=138, ywp. Price 45 cts. (2.) Mothers and Governesses. Cloth, pp. jwp. Price 70 cts. 100 Teachers' Library — JVorJcs on Teaching. (3.) Responsibilities of a Governess [244-4 pi .'] — The calling and responsibilities of a Governess. By Arnica. Ic. Cloth pp. 8,157=165. Prioe $1. 23. De Laspee’s Calisthenics — (8vo, Eng. Edi.) Calisthenics ; cr the elements of bodily culture, on Pestalozzian principles ; A contribution to prac- tical education. By Henry De Laspee ; with numerous lithographic illustrations. Cloth, pp. xvi+170=186, dc. Price $5. 24. Gymnastics — (4 v.) Price for four volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Roth’s Ling’s Gymnastics [33 9 zoo ] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The gymnastic free exercises of P. H. Ling. Arranged by H. Rothstein Trans- lated. with additions, by M. Roth. M. D. A systematized course of gymnastics with- out apparatus for the development and strengthening of the body and improvement of the figure, adapted to the use of medical men, teachers, military men and parents* With fifty-eight illustrations. Cloth, pp. 136, gs. Price 58 cts. (2 ) Physical Training in Schools [33-10 zoo]-( 12mo. Canadian Edi-) In a series of gymnastic exercises. Illustrated by upwards of one hundred engravings of the different positions of the gymnast. With an introductory sketch of the athletic games of antiquity* Paper pp.*32 eouc. Price 12 cts, (3 ) Beecher’s Calisthenic Exercises, &c — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Calisthenic exercises and physiology. By Miss Beecher, hb. Price 40 cts. (4.) Root’s School amusements— (12mo. Am. Ed.) School amusements ; or, how to make the school interesting ; embracing simple rules for military and gymnastic exercises, and hints upon the general management of the school room, with engravings. By N. W. Taylor Root. Cloth, pp. 225, asbc . Price 90 cts. 25« Mayhew and Hall — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.70, as follows : (L.) Mayhew’s Universal Education [31] — The Means and Ends of Universal Education, for the use of parents and teachers, and for young persons of both sexes. By Ira Mayhew, A. M. With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 467, asbc. Price 90 cts- (2.) Hall’s Teaching, a Science [30] — The Teacher an Artist. By Rev. Baynaed R. Hall A. M. Pp. 305, cs. Price 80 cts. 26. Young and Symons, &c. — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1 .20, as follows : (1.) Young’s Teachers’ Manual [20] — The Teacher’s Manual for Infant Schools and Preparatory Classes. By Thomas TTrry Young. Sanctioned by the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland. Cloth, pp. 284. Price 50 cts. (2.) Symon’s School Economy [17] — School Economy ; a prac- tical book on the best modes of establishing and teaching schools, atid of making them thoroughly useful to the working classes by means of moral and industrial training. By Jellinger Symons, A. B. Cloth, pp. 188, jwp. Price 70 cts. 27. Page and Northend— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.70, as follows : (1.) Page’s Theory and Practice [18]— Theory and Practice of Teaching: or, the Motives and Methods of Good School Keeping. By David P, Page, A. M. Cloth, pp. 349, asbc . Price 80 cts. (2.) Northend’ s Teacher and Parent [24] — The Teacher and the Parent, a Treatise upon Common School Education ; containing practical sugges- tions to teachers and parents, By Charles Northend, AM. Cloth, pp. 327, asbc Price 90 cts. 28. Educational Lectures — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, $1.50, as follows : (1.) Educational Lectures. — Lectures in connection with' the educational Exhibition of the Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, deliv- ered at St. Martin’s Hall, London. Cloth, pp. viii-f279=283, grc. Price 40 cts. Teachers' Library — Works on Teaching. 101 (2.) Introductory Lectures, delivered at Queen’s College, Lon- don. Cloth, pp. jtvp. Price $1.10. 29. Pillans’ Contributions — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Contribu- tions to the cause of education. By James Pillans, Esq. Cloth, pp.viii+590=598, Ic. Price $2.70. 30. Reid’s Education, &e.— (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two vol. $2.15, as follows s — (1.) The principles of education. An elementary treatise, de- signed as a manual or guide for the use of parents, guardians, and teachers. By Hugo Reid. Cloth, pp. 292, Ic. Price $1.15. (2.) A Schoolmaster’s Difficulties — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) A schoolmaster’s difficulties abroad and at home. Cloth, pp. 229, Ic. Price $1. 31. Ellis’ Education — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Education of Character, with hints for moral training. By Mr. Ellis. Cloth, pp. jm. Price $1.60. 32. Todd’s Complete Works— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Todd’s complete works; containing, Sunday School Teacher; Students Manual; Simple Sketches ; Great Cities ; Truth made Simple ; Lectures to Children. Index Rerum. Cloth, pp. xii+211, 201, 98, 110, 117, 3=753, wtc. Price 90 cts. 33. Miscellaneous — (3 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three vol. $ , as follows : — (1.) Amie Martin’s Education of Mothers. — The education of mothers of families ; or, the civilisation of the human race by women. By M. Amie Martin, being the work to which the prize of the French Academy was awarded. By Edwin Lee. Cloth, pp. xiv-f 384=398, acb. Price . (2.) Stow’s Training System [10] — The Training System. The moral training School and the Normal Seminary. By David Stow. With illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 475. Ic. Price $1.10. (3 ) Wood’s Training System[llj — Account of the Edinburgh Sessional Schools, — And the other parochial institutions for education established in that city, in the year 1812. With strictures on education in general ; to which is added an appendix, containing observations on Normal Schools, Bible education, &c. By John Wood, Esq. Cloth, pp. 328. ob. Price 90 cts. 34. Miscellaneous — (3 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three vols. $2.50, as follows. (1.) Py croft’s School Education — (12mo.) On School Educa- tion, designed to assist parents in choosing and in co-Operating with instructors for their sons. By the Rev. James Pycroet, B. A. Cloth, pp. xxviii -1-216 =244, wtc • Price 65 cents. (2.) Smith’s Training — (16mo.) The principles of mental and moral training, and of industrial discipline. By th6 Rev. Hfnry Smith. Cloth, pp. xxiii -1-311=334, gcx. Price 75 cts. (3.) Taylor’s Home Education — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Home Ed- ucation. By Isaac Taylor. Cloth, pp. viii+368=376, hgb , rgc. Price $1.10. 35. Miscellaneous — (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes, $1.10, as follows:— (1.) Hints on Early Education — (16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Hints for the improvement of early education and nursery discipline. Cloth, pp. 196. Price 40 cts. (2.) Boys and their Eulers — (12mo.) Boys and their Rulers : or what we do at school. With eight engravings, by McConnell. Cloth, pp. 128 nc. Price 30 cts. (3.) Murray’s National Education Promoted — (16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) An account of the efforts of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, in behalf of National Education, together with a notice of the assembled Charity Schools in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. By the Rev. Thomas Boyles Mur- ray, M. A. Cloth, pp. 86. Price 25 cts. 102 Zoology — Animal Kingdom. (4.) Short’s Hints and Helps — {16m<3. Xtn. Soc.) Hints and Helps for nurseries and infant schools ; with illustrations of prints of animals. By the Rev. William Short, M. A. Paper, pp. 99. Price 15 cts. 86. Miscellaneous (3 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes, $1.20, as follows : (1.) Mayo’s Infant Education — Practical remarks on infant education, for the use of schools and private families. By the Rev. Dr. Mayo and Miss Mayo. Cloth, pp. vi. -4-109 =115, gs. Price 45 cts. (2.) Graduated instruction— Graduated course of instruction for infant schools and nurseries. Cloth, pp. vi. +110=116. Price 35 cents. (3.) Dawes’ Suggestive Hints [34]— Dawes’ suggestive hints towards improved secular instruction, making it bear upon practical life. Intended for the use of schoolmasters and teachers in our elementary schools, for those engaged in the private instruction of children at home, and for others taking an interest in national education. By the Rev. Richard Dawes, A. M. Enlarged and improved. With coloured Diet Table. Cloth, pp. 31+220=251, gs. Price 40 cts. 37. Chambers’ Infant Treatment— (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes, 70 cts., as follows: (1.) Infant Treatment [53 zoo .'] — Under two years of age. pp. 119. Price 35 cts. (2.) Infant Education [21] — from two to six years of age. Edited from the writings of Wilderspin, Simpson and others. By W. and R. Chambers. Cloth, pp. 188. Priec 35 cts. 38 . Miscellaneous — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes $2.30, as follows : (1.) Hutchinson’s Early Education— (16mo. Eng, Edi.) The early education of children, and the effects of home influence on the work of the teacher. By Mrs. Hutchinson. Cloth, 50 dc. Price 33 cents. (2.) Trench on Education [35-2]-(18mo. Eng.Edi.) Mrs. Trench on education ; thoughts of a parent on education. By the late Mrs. Richard Trench. With a preface and notes by the editor, and portrait on steel. Cloth, pp. 80, j wp. Price 35 cts. (3.) De Wahl’s Training of Girls [34-3]— (16mo. Eng.Edi.) On the moral, mental, and physical training of Girls at School. By Madam De Wahl. Cloth, pp. 198, jtvp. Price 60 cts. (4.) Mother’s Book [242-4 pi,] — (16mo. Eng. Edi ) On the management and education of children; being Mrs. Child’s Mother’s Book.” Re- vised and adapted to the use of English parents and teachers, pp. 157, jwp. Price 35 cts. (5.) Schmidt’s Education [34] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) Schmidt’s Education; Part I., History of Education, ancient and modern. Part II., II.. a plan of cultuer and instruction, based on Christian principles, and designed to aid in the right education of youth, physically, intellectually and morally. By. H. D. Schmidt, A. M. Cloth, pp. 340, hb. Price 38 cts. (6.) Instructors’ Manual — (l8mo. Am. Edi.) The Instruc- tors’ Manual, or lectures on school-keeping. By R. S. Hall, A. M. Boards, pp. 233, jpje. Price 25 cts. VI. ZOOLOGY. I. ANIMAL KINGDOM. 1. Gosse’s Zoology [20-|] — (2 v. I2mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) An Introduction to Zoolotrv. By Philip' Henry Gosse. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 21 , 383, 4, 438 = 844. Pri ee $2.50. Zoology — Animal Kingdom. 103 2. Gosse’s Natural History [18]— (5 v. 16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Price for the five volumes $3.50, as follows : (1 ) Gosse’s Natural History of Mammalia. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 303. Price 70 cts. (2.) Gosse’s Natural History of Birds. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 327. Price 70 cts. (3 ) Gosse’s Natural History of Reptiles. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 296. Price 70 cts. (4.) Gosse’s Natural History of Fishes. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. . Price 70 cts. (5.) Gosse’s Natural History of Mollusca — (18mo.) Illustrated* Cloth, pp. 325. Price 70 cts. 3. Miscellaneous— (5 v. Xtn. K. Soc., &c.) Price for the five volumes $3.50, as follows : (1) Gosse’s Zoology [72]— (12mo.) A text-hook of zoology for schools. By Philip Henry Gosse, A.L.S. With numerous beautiful illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 450. Price 70 cts. (2.) t Gosse’s Life’— (12mo. Ara.Edi.) In its lower, intermediate, and higher forms ; or, manifestations of the Divine wisdom in the natural history of animals. By Philip Henry Gosse, P. B. S. Cloth, pp. 360, rcb . Price $1.20. (3.) Scripture Natural History [9] — (16mo.) Scripture Natural History, being an account of Animals, Trees, Plants and Precious Stones, mentioned in the Holy Scripture, together with remarks on Agriculture, Climate, &c. Engravings. Cloth, pp. 395. Price 85 cts. (4.) Zoological Sketches [31-10] — (16mo.) Zoological Sketches containing descriptions of one hundred and fifty Animals. Illustrated by engravings Cloth, pp. . Price $1.10. (5.) Young Naturalist’s Chronicle [91-4] — (12mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) A year of country life; or the chronicle of the young naturalist. With illus- trations. Cloth, pp. 247. Price 55 cts. 4. Wood’s Natural History — (3 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2.60, as follows : (1.) Wood’s Illustrated Natural History [69]— (12mo.) The Illustrated Natural History. By the Bev. J. G. Wood, M.A. With four hundred and fifty original designs by William Harvey and the brothers Dalziel. Cloth, pp. 624, grc. or hb. Price $1.20. (2-3.) Wood’s Animal Life — (2 v. 16mo.) Sketches and Anecdotes of Animal Life. By the Bev. J. G. Wood, M.A. With illustrations by Hamilton Weir. Cloth, pp- 376+427=803, grc. Price $1.40. 5. Lee and Loudon— (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2.50. (1.) Lee’s Natural History [66] — (12mo.) Elements of Natural History ; or first principles of zoology, for the use of schools and young persons, com- prising the principles of classification, interspersed with amusing and instructive original accounts of the most remarkable animals. With numerous illustrations. By Mrs. B. Lee. Cloth, pp. 528, la. (pc.) Price $1.35. (2.) Loudon’s Lady’s Country Companion — (16mo.) The Lady’s Country Companion, or how to enjoy a Country Life rationally. By Mrs. Loudon. With an engraving on steel, and illustrations on wood. Cloth, pp. x+423 =433, Ic. Price $1.15. 6. Lee’s Natural History, &e. — (5 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the five Volumes, $3.70, as follows : (1.) Familiar Natural History — Familiar Natural History: with descriptions. By Mrs. B. Lee, and forty-two illustrations from drawings by Harrison Weir. Cloth pp. 160, gf. Price 75 cts. *Ior Gosse’s other Works, Eee No. 33, 34, 35 and 36. 104i Zoology — Animal Kingdom. (2.) Stories of Animals — Twelve stories of the sayings and doings of animals. By Mrs. R. Lee ; with four illustrations by J. W. Abcheb. Cloth, pp. 92, gf. Price 50 cts. (3-4. Lee’s Anecdotes of Animals [67] — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Anecdotes of the habits and instincts of animals, birds, reptiles and fishes. By Mrs. II. Lee. With illustrations by Haebisoe Weib. Cloth, pp. 3964-416=812, gf. Price $ 2 . (5.) Huyske’s Bible Stories of Animals. Bible Stories of Animals, 1 alphabetically arranged, By Julia Maeia Huyske. Cloth, pp. 158, gf. Price 45 cts. 7. Martin’s Natural History, &c. — (4 v. 16mo. R.Tr. Soc.) Price for the four volumes $4, as follows : (1.) Martin’s Quadrupeds [20] — (R. Tr. Soc.) A Popular In- troduction to the Study of Quadrupeds [20]— Or of the class Mammalia, on scientific principles, illustrated.? JBy W. C. L. Mabtiit. Cloth, pp. 492. Price $1.20. (2.) Martin’s Birds [15] — (16mo. R. Tr. Soc.) Popular Introduction to the Study of Birds, or the Elements of Ornithology on Scientific Principles. With a particular notice of the Birds mentioned in Scripture. By W. C. L. Maetin. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 584. Price $1.20. (3.) Martin’s Reptiles [21]— (L6mo. R. Tr. Soc.) A Popular History of Reptiles, or an introduction to ™e Study of the class Reptiles on Scientific Principles. By W.C. L. Maetin. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 328. Price $1.20. (4.) Scripture Natural History — 16mo. R. Tr. Soc.) Scrip- ture Natural History. Containing a description of Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, &c., mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Illustrated by Engravings. Cloth* pp. viii4-276=284. Price 50 cts. 8. R.Tr. Soc. Coloured Nat. History. [87] — (5v. 18mo.) Price for the five volumes $3.50. (1.) British Quadrupeds. Illustrated with numerous beauti- fully coloured Engravings. Cloth, pp. 250. Price $1. (2.) Birds. Illustrated with numerous beautifully coloured Engravings. Cloth, pp. iv4- 32=128. Price 50 cts. (3.) British Birds. Their Natural History, interspersed with anecdotes. Illustrated with twenty-four beautifully coloured engravings. Cloth, pp. 216. Price 80 cts. (4.) History of Insects. Illustrated with numerous beautifully coloured Engravings. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 90 cts. (5.) Remarkable Insects. Illustrated with numerous beauti- fully coloured Engravings. Cloth, pp. 4 by 32=128. Price 60 cts. 9. R.Tr. Soc. Natural History [29] — (11 v. 18mo.) Priceforthe eleven volumes $3.90, as follows : (1.) British Quadrupeds. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 250. Price 70 cts. (2.) Birds. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 4 + 32 = 128. Price 30 cts. (3.) British Birds. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 216. Price 60 cts. (4.) The History of Insects. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 60 cts. (5.) Remarkable Insects. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 4 + 32= 128. Price 30 cts. (6.) Shells and their Inmates [29] — Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 214. Price 60 cts. Zoology — Animal Kingdom- 105 (7.) The Hive and its "Wonders [90-5] — With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 126. Price 20 cts. (8*9.) Martin’s Fowls and Sons Eirds [107-3] — By W. C. L. Martin. Cloth, pp. 192+192=381. Price 30 cts. (10.) British Fish and Fisheries [89-9] — Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (11.) Animal Structure [33]— Comparison of Structure in Animals,-— the head and the arm. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. 10. Parker’s Miscellaneous— (10 v. IGmo. and 18mo. Xtn. K„ Soc.) Price for the ten volumes §3.45, as follows : (1.) Robert’s Domesticated Animals [31-1] — (IGmo. Eng. Edi.) Considered with reference to Civilization and the Arts. By Mary Roberts. Illus- trated. Cloth, pp. 292. Price 45 cts. (2.) Bobert’s Wild Animals [91-5] — Their natural habits and instinct, and the regions they inhabit. With wood-cuts. Cloth, pp. . Price 70 cts- (3.) Book of Animals [31-2] — Class Mammalia. Cloth, pp. 160. Price 30 cts. (4.) Book of Birds [31-3]— Class Ayes. Cloth, pp. 1G0. Price 30 cts. (o.) Book of Reptiles [31-4] —Class Reptilia. Cloth, pp. 134. Price 30 cts. (6 ) Book of Fishes [31-5] — Class Pisces. Cloth, pp. 1G0. Price 30 cts. (7.) Book of Shells [31-G] — Containing the Classes Mollusca, Conchifera, Cirrhipeda, Annutata, and Crustacea. Cioth, pp. 155. Price 30 cts. (8.) Insects and their Habitation [3 1-7] — Cloth, pp. 93. Price 20 cts. (9.) Sister Mary’s Tales [91-3] — la Natural History. With wood-cuts. Cloth, pp. 123. Price 30 cts. (10.) Cuvier and Zoology [89-3]— A popular biography of Cuvier, his life and labours. With an historical, introductory sketch of Geology, and . a sequel. Cloth, pp. 136, Price 30 cts. 11. Xtn. K. Soo. Animal World, &c — (5 v. 12mo. & 18mo.. Eng. Edi.) Price for the five volumes §3, as follows : (1.) Birds [90-1] — Wonders of the Animal Kingdom — Birds. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 484. Price 70 cts. (2.) Mammalia [90-2] — Wonders of the Animal Kingdom — Mammalia. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 390, Price 70 cts. (3.) Animal Kingdom [31-9] — First Steps in General Know- ledge of the Animal Kingdom. Illustrated. Cioth, pp. 284. Price 40 cts. (4.) Lessons derived from the Animal World [30-1] — (First series.) Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 331. Price 60 cts. (5.) Lessons derived from the Animal World [30-2] — (Second series.) Illustrated. Cleth, pp. 284. Price 60 cts. 12. Xtn. K. Soc. Songsters and Birds — (3 r. 18ino. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $3.35, as follows : (1.) Pratt’s Songsters [84]— (Colored.) Our native songsters by Anne Pratt. Illustrated witn a steel engraving, and seventy-two exquisitely* coloured plates. Cloth, pp. 350, 72 plates =422. Price $1.65. H 106 Zoology — Animal Kingdom. (2 ) Birds’ Nests — (Coloured.) Birds’ Nests, with numerous coloured illustrations. Cloth, pp. 248. Pi ice $1. (3.) The Life of a Bird [86] — Or an account of the progress . of birds from the nest to their perfect condition. Illustrated with numerous beauti- ful engravings. Cloth, pp. 435. Price 70 cts. 13. Mudie’s British Birds — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) The feathered tribes of the British Islands- By Robert Mudie. Revised by W, C. L. Marti* Illustrated with twenty-eight plates. Cloth xxiv +422 +4-30= 876 hgb. Price $2.10. 14. Beehstein’s Cage and Chamber Birds [105]— (12mo. Eng. Edi-) Cage and Chamber Birds, their natural history, habits, food, diseases, management, and modes of capture. Translated from the German of J. M. Bech- STEiN, M. D., with considerable additions on structure, migration and economy; com- piled from various sources by H. G. Adams, incorporating the whole of Sweet’s British Warblers; with numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. xvi-f 500=516, hgb. Price, plain, §1 . Colored $1.50. 15. Stanley and Jesse— (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.95, as follows ; (1.) Stanley’s Birds [14]- — A familiar history of birds; their nature, habits and instincts. With engravings. By Edward Stanley, D.D., P.RJL Cloth, pp. 480, jwp • Price 80 cts. (2.) Jesse’s Gleanings [75] — In natural history ; with anec- dotes of the sagacity and instinct of animals. By Edward Jesse. With illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 395, jm. Price $1.15. 16. Spratt’s Language of Birds — (ISmo. Eng. Edi.) The Language of Birds ; comprising poetic and prose illustrations of the most favorite cage birds, with twelve highly colored plates. By Mrs. G. Spratt. Cloth, pp. S4& note. Price $1. 17. Gosse’s British Ornithology (16mo. Eng. Edi ) Popular British Ornithology ; containing a familiar and technical description of the birds of the British Isles. By P. A. Gosse. Cloth, pp.viii+ 320 =328, ree, [re.] Prieo$2.40. 18. Gosse’s Canadian Naturalist [73]— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Canadian Naturalist, (chiefly of Lower Canada.) By Philip Henry Gosse. Illustrated with forty-four illustrations. Cloth, pp. jvv. Price §1.80. 19 Gosse’s Sojourn in Jamaica — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica. By Phillip Henry Gosse. With vignette. Cloth, pp. xxiv + 508 =• 532, Ic. Price $3.15. 20. Gosse’s Birds of Jamaica [74Wl2mo. Eng. Edi.) The Birds of Jamaica, with numerous illustrations. By Philip Henry Gosse. Cloth pp.;'w. Price $1.70. [Fur Gosse' s other Works, See Nos. 1,2 and 3. l age -J 21 Knox’s Game Birds and Wild Fowl— (12mo Eng. ' Edi.) Game Birds and Wild Fowl; their friends and their foes. By A. G. K»ox, M. A. Cloth, pp. 264 Jvv. Price $1.60. 22. Catlow’s British Entomology (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Po- pular British Entomology: , containing a familiar and technical insects most common to tin* localities of the British Isles. By Maria E. Catlow. viii+280=2S8, rc. Price $2.40. 23. Knight’s Natural History [88]-(16 v. ISmo. Eng. Edi.,) ycx. Price for the sixteen volumes, $4, as follow? (1.) Dialogues on Instinct, By Henrt Lord Beougham. Cloth. Price 25 cts. C2_G ) T5 V I— Insect and bird architecture and miscellanies, on the ravages, the preservation for the purposes of study, ami l the ciassifi .abon of m- sects ; and ontho habits and faculties of buds, by James Bs&vib. A.M. fiioe $1.25.’ Zoology — Animal Kingdom. 107 (7-9 ) [3 v.] — The elephant, the horse and the dog — the three friends of man. By Charles Knight and W. Martin. And a chapter on the diseases of the horse. By W. Youatt. Price 75 cts. (10.) Sketches on the History of Monkeys. Illustrated with one hundred wood-cuts. Price 25 cts. (11-16.) Sketches in Natural History — (6v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Mammalia. Illustrated with six hundred wood-cuts. Cloth, pp. 210. Price $1.50. 24. Xtn. K. Soc. — Natural History, &c. (5 v.) — Price for the five volumes $3.10, as follows :— (1-2.) Insect Life [25] — (2 v. 1.8mo. Xtn. K. Soc) — The Life of an Insect:— Part First— being the history of the changes of Insects from the egg to the perfect being.— Part second— being an account of Insect Habits and Manners. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 384+418=7^2. Price $1.40. (3 ) Insect Manufactures [31-8] — (18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Illus- trated. Cloth, pp. 162. Price 35 cts. (4, 5.) Rennie’s Insects [24]— (2 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.)— -The Natural History of Insects. Witu engravings. Cloth, pp. 322+352=674, wtc. Price §1.35. 25. Miscellaneous — (6 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the six volumes, $2.40, as follows >(1-2.) Rennie’s Insects [24] — (2v.) — The Natural History of Insects. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 292+308=600, hb. Price 75 ct«. (3.) Rennie’s Birds [19-2] — Natural History of Birds: their architecture, habits and faculties. With illustrations. By Professor Kennib* Cloth, pp. 308. Price 38 cts. (4.) Rennie’s Elephant [221 — The Natural History of the Elephant, as he exists in a wild state, and he lias been more subservient in peace and in war, to the purposes of man. By Professor Rennie. Cloth, pp. 300, hb. Prico 38 cts. (o.) Rennie’s Quadrupeds. — Natural History of Quadrupeds. By Professor Rennie. Cloth, pp. Price 38 cts. (6.) Cheever’s Whale and his Captors [82] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 356, hb. Price 50 cts. 28. Miscellaneous— (3 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2.60, as follows : (1.) Rennie’s Insect Architecture; to which are added Miscel- lanies on the ravages, the preservation for purposes of study, and the classification of insects. By James Rennie. Cloth, pp. 442, jm. Price $1.05. (2) G-arratt’s Instinct. Marvels and mysteries of instinct; or, curiosities of animal life. By G. Garratt. Cloth, pp. 249, lc. Price $1. (3 ) Lardner’s Bee and White Ants. The Bee and White Ants : their manners and habits ; with illustrations of animal instinct and intelligence* By Dionysius Lardner. D. C. L. With one hundred and thirty five illustrations. Cloth, pp. 176, twm. Price 55 cts. 27. Nelson’s Natural History.— (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes §1.60, as follows :— (1.) Cheever’s Whale and his Captors [81] — (18mo.) Or, tne whaleman’s adventures, and the whale’s biography, as gathered on the homeward cruise of the “Commodore Preble.” By the Rev. Henry T. Ciieever. Cloth, with an engraving, pp. 240, tns. Price 30 cts. (2.) Aikman’s Natural History [68] — (18mo.) Of beasts, birds and fishes; or stories of animated nature. By James Airman, Esq. With one hundred engravings. Cloth, jjp. 372, tns. Price 60 ots. 108 Zoology — Animal Kingdom. (3.) Gleanings [76]— (1 6mo.) Gleanings of sacred philosophy from natural history and the works of creation. Illustrated by twelve lithograph engravings. Cloth, pp. 233, tns. Price 45 cts. (4.) Natural History [89-6] — (24lUO.) A book of Natural His- tory of Beasts, Birds and Pishes. With numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 288, tns. Price 25 cts. 28. Miscellaneous. — (3 v. Am. and Can. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2, as follows : (1.) St. John’s Audubon. — (Am. Edi.) Audubon, the natural- ist in the new world. His adventures and discoveries. By Mrs. Hoeace St. John. Cloth, pp. xii + 174 = 186, csfc. Price 60 cts. (2.) Marsh’s Camel — (Am. Edi.) The Camel ; his organiza- tion, habits, and uses. By Eev. P. Maesh. Cloth, pp. 217, gl. Price 50 cts. (3.) Nettle’s Salmon — (12mo. Can. Edi.) H The Salmon Fish- eries of the St. Lawrence and its tributaries. By Richard^Nettde. Cloth, pp. 144. Price 90 cts. 29. Waterton’s Natural History. — (2 v. 16mo.®’?Eng. Edi.) Essays on Natural History, chiefly ornithology. By Charles Waterton. With an autobiography of the Author, and a View of Walton Hall. Cloth, pp. Ixxxiii, 334. cxlii. 204=763* Ic. Price §2.25. 80. Broderip’s Natural History.— (2 v. 12mo.) Price of the volumes $45, as follows:— (1.) Note-Book [65] — (Eng. Edi.) LeavesTrom the note-book of a naturalist. By W. J. Beodeeip, Esq., P.R S., author^ of Zoological Recreations, &c. Cloth, pp. 413, jwp. Price §1.75. (2.) Zoological Recreations [3] — (Am. Edi.) Zoological Recrea- tions. By W. J. Beodeeip, Esq., F.R.S. Cloth, pp. 376, bl . Price, 70 cts. 31. Bible Natural History (12mo. Eng. Edi.)— Bible Natu- ral History; containing a description of quadrupeds, birds, trees, plants, insects, &c. t mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Illustrated by colored engravings. Cloth, pp. 318, gs. Price $2.25. 32- Morris’ Natural History (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Book of Natural History ; containing a description of animals and birds. By the Rev. F. O. Morris, B.A. One hundred and sixty colored plates. Cloth, pp. 318, gs. Price $1.25. 33. White’s Mammalia (16mo. Eng. Edi.) A < popular his- tory of Mammalia; comprising a lamiliar account of their classification and habits. By Adam White, F.L.S. Cloth, pp. viii +346=354, rc. Price, $2.40. 34. Catlow’s Scripture Zoology (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Popu- lar Scripture Zoology ; containing a familiar history of the animals mentioned iii the Bible. By Maeia E. Catlow. Cloth, pp. xvi+356=372, rc. Price $2.40. 35» Dansborough’s British Zoophytes (l6mo. Eng. Edi.) A popular history of British Zoophytes, or Corallines. By the Rev. D. Lansboeough, D.D. Cloth, pp. xii +404, rc. Price $2.40. 36. Robert’s Mollusea (lGmo. Eng. Edi.) A popular history of the Mollusca; comprising a familiar account of their classification, instincts and habits, and of the growth and distinguishing characters of their shells. By Maey Roberts. Cloth, pp. iv +395=399, rc. Price $2.40. 37. Landsborough’s British Sea-weeds — (IGmo. Eng. Edi.) Comprising their structure, fructification, specific characters, arrangement, and gen* eral distribution, with notices of some of the fresh* water alga. By the Rev. D, Landsboeough. A. S. S. With colored illustrations. Cloth, pp. xx+400=420, rc. Price $2.40. 38. Sowerby’s British Conchology — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Po- pular British Conchology; the Moluscs and Shells inhabiting the British Lslcs. By G. B. So weedy. With twenty plates. Cloth, pp. , rc. Price $2.40. 109 Zoology — Animal Kingdom. 39. Jenyns’ Natural History— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Ob3or- vations in Natural History; with an introduction on habits of observing, as con- nected with the study of that science ; also a calendar of periodic phenomena in natural history ; with remarks on the importance of such registers. By tho Iter. Leonard Jenyns, M. A. Cloth, pp. xvi+4!0=456, jvv. Price $2. 40. Newman’s Insects— (Bvo. Eog. Edi.) — A familiar intro- duction to the history of insects ; being a new and greatly improved edition of the Grammar of Entomology. By Edward Newman. Cloth pp. xii+288=296, jw. Price $1.76. 41. Kirby and Spence’s Entomology — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) An introduction to Entomology; Or elements of the Natural History of Insects; comprising an account of noxious and useful insects, or their metamorphoses, food, stratagems, habitations, societies, motions, noises, hybernation, instinct, Ac. Ac. Ac. By Revd. Wm. Kirby, M. A., and Wm. Spence, Esq. ' With an appendix. Cloth, pp. 607, lc. ( clac .) Price $1.25. 42. Kirtw Oil Animals [102] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Bridgewater treatise on the power, wisdom, and goodness of God, as manifested in tho creation of animals, and in their history, habits and instincts. By the Rev. War. Kirby, M. A., F. R. S. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 872, 404=776, h&b. Price $2. 43. Thompson’s Passions of Animals — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The passions of animals. By Edward P. Thompson. Cloth, pp. viii+414=422, ch. Price $2.40. 44. Jesse’s White’s Selhorne [79]— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The natural history of Selborne; with observations on various parts of nature, and tho naturalist’s calendar. By the late Rev. Gilbert White, A. M. With additions and supplementary notes by Sir Wm. Jardine, Bt. F. R. S. E. Edited, with further illus- trations and a biographical sketch of the author, by Edward Jesse, Esq. With a steel engraving of Sel borne and forty beautiful illustrations. Cioth, pp. 416, hgb. price $1.50 colored ; $1 plain. 45. The Angler and Selborne — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) Walton and Cotton’s Angler [98] — The complete angler. By Isaac Walton and Charles Cotton ; edited by Ephemera. Illustrated with portrait and numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 326, nc . Price 60 cts. (2.) White’s Selborne [78] — The Natural history and antiqui- ties of Selborne. By the Rev. Gilbert White, M. A. Edited with notes and addi- tions, by Sir Wm. Jardine, Bart.. F. R. S. E. Fully illustrated. Cloth, pp. 337, no. Price 60 cts. 46. Hihhert’s Rustic Adornment, &e. — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2.80, as follows : (1.) Rustic Adornments (12mo.) for homes of taste and recrea- tion in the study and imitation of nature. With numerous coloured illustrations. By Shirley Hibbert. Cloth, gilt, pp. 353, gs. Price $2,10. (2.) The Aquarium — (l8mo.) The book of the aquarium and water cabinet ; or practical instructions on the collection of fresh water and marine life. Illustrated. By Shirley Hibbert. Cloth, pp. 148, gs. Price 70 cts. 47. Mudie, &e. — (2 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2.40, as follows : (1.) Mudie’s Grleanings of Nature — Gleanings of nature; con- taining fifty-seven groups of animals and plants ; with popular descriptions of their habits. By Robert Mudie. Cloth, pp. viii+108=116, wsoc. Price $1.80. (2.) Natural History — Quadrupeds [106] (R. T. Soc.) — Or Outlines of a popular history of the class Mammalia. With a particular notice of those mentioned in Scripture. Illustrated with numerous plates of engravings. Cloth, pp. 124. Price 60 cts. 48. Adams’ Young Naturalist’s Library— (5 v. 16mo. Eng* Edi.) Price of the five volumes $1.75, as follows : 110 Zoology — Animal Kingdom. (1-2.) Nests and Eggs of familiar British Birds ; described and illustrated with an account of the haunts and habits of the feathered architects, and their times and modes of building. By H. G. Adams; with eight colored plates of eggs, containing forty-eight different species. Cloth pp. 78 gs. Price 70 cts. (3.) Beautiful Butterflies; with an introductory chapter con- taining the history of a butterfly ; with observations upon the poetical and other observations of the insect. By H. G. Adams. Cloth, pp. 86, gs. Price 35 cts. (4-5.) Beautiful Shells and Humming Birds. Price 70 cts. 49. Chambers’ Natural History, &c. — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.65, as follows : (1.) Rudiments of Zoology — Rudiments of Zoology ; illus- trated with wood engravings. Cloth, pp. viii + 253=361. Price 80 cts. (2.) Rudiments of Vegetable Physiology, by Dr. G. Hamilton Cloth, pp. Price 43 cts. (3.) Hamilton’s Animal Physiology [35] — (16mo. Am. Edi.) Rudiments of Animal Physiology. By Dr. G. Hamilton. Cloth pp. 103, wreh. Price 43 cts. 49^. Ibid . — (2 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price $1.40, as follows : (1 ) Elements of Zoology ; or natural history of animals. Cloth, pp. 535, asbe. Price 75 cts. (2.) Elements of Vegetable and Animal Physiology in two parts. By G. Hamilton. Cloth, pp. 144 asbc . Price 65 cts. 50. Miscellaneous — (6 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the six volumes $1.90, as follows ; (1.) Schoedier’s Zoology arid Physiology [89-1] — (l2mo.) Ele- ments of zoology and physiology. By Frederick Schoedler, Ph. D. Edited from the German, by Henry Med loch F. C. S. Illustrated by eighty-four engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 578, rgc. Price 40 cts- (2 to 6.) Weale’s Woodward’s Shells [89-2] — (5 v. 16mo.) A manual of the mollusca ; or a rudimentary treatise on recent and fossil shells. By S. P. Woodward. Illustrated by J. W. Lowry and A. N. W atkrhouse. Profusely illustrated with steel and wood engravings. Cloth, pp. 158, plates and index 24=182. jio. Price $1.50. 51. Miscellaneous— (4 v. 18mo.) Price for the four volumes $1.60, as follows : (1) Parley’s Inquisitive Jack — (Eng. Eli,) Inquisitive Jack and his Aunt Mary. By Peter Parley. Cloth, pp. 173 dc. Price 40 cts. (2.) Natural History for Children— (Eng. Edi.) The Natural History of the year for children. Cloth, pp. viii+ 126, ivar-wtc. Price 40 cts. (3.) Greenwood’s Pets [92] — (Am. Edi.) The history of my pets, the cat, the dog, the hawk, etc. By Grace Greenwood. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 109, write. Price 40 cts. (4.) Young Naturalist’s Rambles (Am. Edi.) through many, with anecdotes of animals, &c., with engravings. Cloth, pp. 205 esfe. Price 40 cts. 52. Stonehenge’s British Sports— (l 5mo. Eng. Edi.) Man- ual of British rural sports ; comprising shooting, hunting, coursing, fishing, hawking, racing boating, pedestrian ism, and the various rural games and amusements of Great Britain. By Stonehenge. Cloth, pp. xvi+720, double columns 736, grc. Price $2.05. 53. Mayhew’s Dogs — (l'2mo. Eng. Edi.) Dogs; their man- agement, being a new plan of treating the animal, based upon a consideration of his natural temperament, illustrated by numerous woodcuts, depicting the character and position of the dog when suffering disease. By Edward Mayiiew, M.R.C.V.S. Cloth, pp. 264, grc. Price $1. 54. Cooper’s Country Rambles [80] — (12mo. Am. Edi) Country Rambles in England ; or the Journal of a Naturalist ; With notes and addi- tions. By Miss S. J. Cooper. Illustrated with plates, w«*od engravings and colored frontispicoc. Cloth, pp. 337, pc. Price 90 cts. Physiology — Health. VII. PHYSIOLOGY. Ill 1. Knight’s Volumes — (3 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.45, as follows : (1-2.) Smith’s Philosophy of Health [46]— (2 v. 18mo.) The Philosophy of Health ; or an exposition of the physical and mental constitution of man, with a view to the promotion of human longevity and happiness. By South- wood Smith, M. D. Cloth, pp. 408+448=856, gcx. Price 80 cts. (3.) Ellis’ Disease in Childhood — (IGmo.) Disease in Child- hood, its common causes, and directions for its practical management. By Robert Ellis, F. L. S. Cloth, pp, 288, gcx. Price 65 cts. 2. Knight’s Volumes, &c. — (4 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the whole $1.85, as follows : (1.) Kitto’s Lost Senses [23 ] — (l8mo. Eng. Edi.) The lost senses ; Deafness and Blindness. By Dr. Kitto. Knight’s series. Two vols. in one. Cloth pp. 206, 254=460, gcx. Price 45 cts. (2.) South’s Household Surgery [26] — (1 2mo. Eng. Edi.) The same work with an additional chapter on poisons. By Dr. Gladstone. Cloth, pp. 870. gcx. Price 45 cts. (3.) Lankester’sFoodof Man [33-12] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The vegetable substances used for the food of man. By Dr. Lankester. Two vols. in one with illustrations. Knight’s series. Cloth, pp. 248, 260=508, gcx. Price 45 cts. (4 ) Every Day Wonders [4] — (L8mo. Eng. Edi.) Or Facts in Physiology that all should know. Illustrated with numerous wood-cuts. Cloth, pp. 137 jvv. Price 50 cts. & Dodd’s Flood of !London— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Flood of London; a sketch of the chief varieties, sources of supply, probable quantities, modes of arrival, process of manufacture, suspected adulteration, and machinery of distribu- tion of the food for two millions and a half. By George Dodd. Cloth, pp. 524, Ic. Price $3.10. 4. Hassall’s Food Adulterations— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Adul- [ terations detected ; or, plain instructions for the discovery of frauds in food and medicine. With numerous illustrations. By Arthur Hill Hassall, M. D. Cloth* pp. 712. Price $3.95- 5. R. Tr. Soc. Miscellaneous — (6 v. !6mo, Eng. EJi.) Price for the six volumes $1.20 as follows : (1.) Wonders of Organic Life [90-6] — The blood, sleep, hyber- nation, migration, &c. 24m o- Cloth pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (2.) The Senses [55]— The eye, the tongue, the hand, the ear, the sense of smell. Cloth, pp. 5+32=160. Price 50 cts. with colored illustrations. (3.) The Senses of the Mind [56] — Cloth, pp. 192 . Price 15 cts. (4.) Newham’s Physical Condition of Man [59]— Man in his physical, intellectual, social and moral relations. By W. Newham, Esq. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (o.) Good Health [45 ] — The possibility, duty and means of obtaining and keeping it. IGmo. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (6.) Routledge’s Swimmer’s Hand-book (24mo. Eng. Edi.) The Swimmer’s Hand-hook, wherein are many valuable precepts, which, if the reader strictly follow, he will soon become an expert swimmer. Cloth, pp. vi+ 55=61, grc. Price 10 cts. & Xtn. K Soc. — Miscellaneous (3v. 16mo. Eng. Edi., &c.) Price for the three volumes $2.50, as follows (1) Ward’s Science of Health [16] — With illustrations. By Stephen H. Ward, M.D. Cloth, pp. 412. Price 7Q cts. 112 Physiology — Health. (2.) "Ward’s Natural History of Mankind [41 J — Natural His* tory of Mankind. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. By Stephen H. Ward, M.I). Cloth, pp. 207. Price 65 cts. (3.) Lord’s Popular Physiology [3] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or familiar exposition of interesting facts connected with the structure and formation of animals, and particularly of mail. By P. B. Lord, M.B. With many engravings, Cloth, pp. .jwp. Price $1.20. 7. Bell on the Hand [15p£e] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Hand ; its mechanism and vital endowments, as evincing design. By Sir Charles Bell. With portrait and wood cuts. Cloth, pp.xvi+428=444. jm. ( Ibc .) Price $1.55. 8. Miscellaneous (3v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.18, as follows : — / (1.) Griscom’s Physiology [38] — (18mo.) Animal Mechanism, and Physiology, being a plain and familiar exposition of the structure and functions of the Human System. By John H. Griscom, M.D. Cloth, pp. 857, hb. Price 40 cts. (2.) Ticknor’s Philosophy of Living [47] — (18mo,) The Phi- losophy of living, or the way to enjoy life and its comforts. By Caleb Tick I or, A.M., M.D. Cloth, pp. 336, hb. Price 38 cts. (3.) Johnson’s Economy of Healih [52] — (16mo.) The Eco- nomy of Health, or the Stream of Human Life, from the cradle to the grave. With reflections, moral, physical and philosophical, on the septennial phases of human ex- istence. By James Johnson, M.D. Cloth, pp. 283, hb. Price 40 cts. 9. Moore’s Works— (3 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.30, as follows : — / (1.) Moore’s Soul and Body [57]— -The Power of the Soul ever the Body ; considered in relation to health and morals. By George Moore, MJ). Cloth, pp. 270, hb. Price 40 cts. (2.) Moore’s Body and Mind [58] — The Use of the Body in Relation to the Mind. By George Moore, M.D. Cloth, pp. 356, hb. Price 40 cte. (3.) Moore’s Health, Disease and Remedy [17] — (16mo. Aid. Edi.) Familiarly and practically considered, in a few of their relations to the blmd. By George Moore, M.D. Cloth, pp. 320, hb. Price 50 cts. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Cloth, Ic. Price for the thiee maternal M.D. Cbth, 9^. Ibid. (3 v. volumes $4.40. 10. Bull on Children— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Management of Children in Health and Disease. By Thomas Bull, pp. xii+412=424, Ic. Price, $1.15. 11. Girtinj Wilson & Mayo — (3 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for ihe three volumes $2.10, as follows : — (1.) Girtin’s House I Live In [54] — (18mo.) The House I Live In ; or popular illustrations of the structure and functions of the Human Bdflj Edited by Thomas C. Girtin, Surgecn. Cloth, pp. 224, jwp. Price 35 cts. (2.) Wilson’s Eive Gateways of Knowledge [the eye, ear, nose, mouth and skin.] By Professor George Wilson, M. D. Cloth, pp. 105, jhjp. (ate.) Price 80 cts. (3.) Mayo’s Philosophy of Living [12] — (12mo.) The consti- tution, diet, exercise, sleep, bathing, clothing, air and climate, and health of mir.cL By Robert Mayo, M.D. Cloth, pp. 282, jwp. Price 95 cts. 12. Mayo, Brodie & Tilt — (3 v. I2mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2.20, as follows ( 1 .) Mayo’s Philosophy of Living [12] The same work. Cloth, pp. 272, linb. Price 60 cts. (2.) Brodie’s Mind and Matter, or physiological inquiries. In a series of essays intended to illustrate the mutual relations ctf the physical organiza- tion* and the mental faculties. By Sir Benjamin Brodie, Bart., D.C.L- With notes, 1 Cloth, pp. 279, (jpp. Price 60 cts. Physiology — Health. 113 (3) Tilt’s Health. — Elements of health, and principles of hy- gieue. By E. J.Tilt, M.D. Cloth, pp. 436, linb. Price §1. 18. Comings Si Youman’s. (3v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.75, as follows : — (1 .) Comings’ Preservation of Health. — Preservation of Health and prevention of disease; including practical suggestions on diet, mental develop- ment, exercise. ventilation, bathing, use of medicines, management of the sick, etc. By B. N. Comings, M-D. Cloth, pp. 208, dac. Price Q0 cts. (2.) Comings’ Physiology [2]— Class book of Physiology for the use of schools and families. Comprising the structures and functions of the organs of man. Illustrated by comparative reference to those of inferior animals. By B. N. Comings, M.D. With twenty-four plates, and numerous engravings on wood. Comprising in all above two hundred figures. Half-sheep, pp. 270, dac* Price 75 cts. (3 ) Tollman’s Alcohol [34] — Alcohol and the constitution of man ; being a popular scientific account of the chemical history and properties of alcohol and its leading effects upon tho healthy human constitution. Illustrated by a beautifully colored chemical chart. By Edward J. Youmans. Cloth, pp. 127. dac. Price 40 cts. 14. Miscellaneous (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.10, as follows: -* (1.) Davidson on Diet [10] — (12mo.) A treatise on diet, com- prising the natural history, properties, composition, adulteration, and uses, of the vegetables, animals, fishes, birds, &c„ U3ed as food. By W illiam Davidson, M.D. Cloth, pp. 383, bs . Price 50 cts. (2.) "Wilson’s Pathology of Drunkenness (16mo.) The Patho- logy of Drunkenness ; a view of the operation of ardent spirits in the production of disease. By Charles Wilson, M.D. Cloth, pp. xiv-f-230 = 244, acb. Price 60 cts. 15. Bohn’s Carpenter and Kidd — (2v. 12mo. Eng. Edi. Price for the two volumes $1.25, as follows : — (1.) Carpenter’s Temperance [35] — The physiology of temper- ance and total abstinence; being an examination into the effects of the excessive, moderate, and occasional use of alcoholic liquors on the healthy human system. By William B. Carpenter, M.D., E.R.S. . Cloth, pp. 184, ligb. Price 55 cts. (2.) Kidd’s Physical Condition of Man [19] — Bridgwater treatise on the adaptation of external nature to the physical condition of man. prin- cipally with reference to the supply of his wants and the exercise of his intellectual faculties. By John Kidd, M.D., P.R.S. Cloth, pp. 332, hgb. Price 70 cts. 16. Bohn’s Lawrence, Agassiz, &c. — (2v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : ( 1 .) Lawrence’s Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology, and the Natural History of Man, By William Lawrence, P.R.S. With twelve new engravings. Cloth, pp. viii.+396=404, hgb. Price $1. (2.) Wright, Agassiz, and Gould’s Physiology [5] — Outlines of comparative Physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct. Por the use of schools and colleges. By Louis Agassiz and A. A. Gould. Edited from the revised American edition, and greatly enlarged. By Thomas Wright, M.D. With three hundrel and ninety illustrations. Cloth, pp. 442 hgb. Price $1. 17. Bohn’s Domestic Medicine— (l2mo. Eng. Edi.) A hand- book of domestic medicine, popularly arranged. By an eminent physician. Cloth, pp. xii. + 684, hgb. Price $1. 18. Miscellaneous— (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four vol- umes $1.70, as follows: (1.) Weale’s Domestic Medicine [28] — (12mo.) Or complete and comprehensive instructions for self-aid by simple and efficient means for the preservation and restoration of health ; originally written by M. Raspail, and now fully translated and adapted to the use of the general public. Cloth, pp. 200, Price 35 cts. 114 Physiology — Health. (2.) Tegetmcier’s Domestic Economy [29] — (lGmo.) With hints on domestic medicine and surgery. Prepared under the direction of the Homo and Colonial Society. By W. Tbgetmeier. Cloth, pp gs. Price 35 cts. (3.) Sidney’s Food and Nutrition [49] — (16mo. R. T. Soc.) The Philosophy of Food and Nutrition in Plants and Animals. By the Rev. Edwin Sidney, M.A. Cloth, pp. 198. Price 40 cts. (4.) Chambers’ Sanitary Economy [6]— (12mo.) Its principles and practice; and its moral influence on the progress of civilisation. Cloth, pp. 320, wrch. Price 60 cts- 19. Wyman’s Ventilation [48]— (12mo. Am. Edi.) A prac- tieal treatise on ventilation. By Morrill Wyman. Cloth, pp. xvi.-f 419=435, jmc. Price $1.20. 20. Griscom’s Air [50] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Uses and Abuses of Air. Showing its influence in sustaining Life and producing disease; with remarks on the ventilation of houses, and the best method of securing a pure and wholesome atmosphere inside of dwellings, churches, school houses, court rooms, workshops, and buildings of all kinds. By John H. Griscom, M.D. Cloth, pp. 252, jsr. Price 60 cts. 21. Hall’s Bronchitis— (12mo. Am. Edi.) Bronchitis and kin- dred diseases. By W. W. Hall. New York, cloth, pp. 382 Jsr. Price 80 cts, 22. Walker’s Manly Exercises — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) 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(3A Warren’s Health. — (43) The preservation of health with remarks on constipation, old age, use of alcohol in the preparation of medicines. By John C, Warren, M. D. Cloth, pp. 140, wdte. Price 80 cts. Botany — Vegetable Kingdom. 115 28. Donovan’s Domestic Economy— (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Domestic Economy, containing Brewing, Distilling, "Wine making. Baking, &c. ; and Human Food both Animal and Vegetable. By Michael Donovan, Esq., M.R.S.A. Cloth, pp. xiv +376+388=788, Ic. Price §1.40. 27. Gregory & Matteueci— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.60, as follows (1.) Gregory’s Animal Magnetism. Letters to a candid in- quirer on animal magnetism. By William Gregory, M. D. Cloth, pp. 384, bL Price 80 cts. (2.) Matteucci’s Lectures. [42] Lectures on the Physical Phe- ena of Living Beings. By Carlo Matteucci. Translated under tho superintend- ence of Jonathan Peeiera, M. D. Cloth, pp. 388, lb. Price 60 cts. 28. Beale & Thompson — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.20, as follows (1.) Beale’s Laws of Health [14]— In relation to the mind and body; A series of letters from an old practitioner to a patient. By Lyonel John Beale, M.R.C.S. Cloth, pp. 295, lb. Price 60 cts. (2.) Thompson’s Sick Boom [27]— The domestic management of the sick room, necessary in aid of medical treatment for the cure of disease. By Andrew Thompson, M.D. Revised with additions. By R. E. Griffiths, M.D. Cloth, pp. 353, lb. Price 60 cts. 29* Hooker & Clark— (2 v. I2mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.90, as follows : (1.) Hooker’s Physician and Patient [21] — Or, a practical view of tho mutual duties, relations and interests of the medical profession and tho community. By Worthington Hooker, M.D. Cloth, pp. 453, cs. Price §1. (2.) Clark’s Sight and Hearing. — Sight and hearing, how pre- served and how lost. By J. Henry Clark, M. D. Cloth, pp. xiv+351=355, cs. Price 90 cts. 30- SichePs Spectacles [24] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Their uses and abuses in long and short sightedness; and tho pathological conditions resulting from their irrational employment. By J. Sichel, M.D. Translated from the French. By Henry W. Williams, M.D. Cloth, pp. 202, psc. Price Si. 3L Swan on the Brain and Mind — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) The Brain in relation to the Mind. By Joseph Swan. Cloth, pp. xii+114=126, lc~ Price §1-15. VIII. BOTANY. 1* Xtn* K. Soc* Botany — (6v. 18mo.) Price for the six volumes §2.80, as follows : (1.) First steps in the Vegetable Kingdom. [3] Cloth, pp. 187. Price 30 cts. (2.) Curiosities and Wonders of the Vegetable Kingdom. [8] Cloth, pp. 184. Prico 40 cts. (3.) Life of a Tree [15]— Being the history of the phenomena of vegetation, from a seed to tho death of the plant. Cloth, pp. 240. Price 50 cts. (4.) The Book of Trees. [16] — Descriptive of the principal Trees and the larger species of Palms. Cloth, pp. 216. Price 45 cts. (5.) Johns’ Botanical Rambles [27] — By the Rev. C. A. Johns. B.A. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 137. Price 50 cts. 2- Ornamental Trees— (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $ 1 ,25. os follows I 116 Botany — Vegetable Kingdom. (1.) Meehan’s Ornamental Trees — (18mo. Am. Edi.) The Ame- rican Hand-Book of Ornamental Trees. By Thomas Meehan. Cloth, pp. 25, igt. Price 60 cts. (2.) The British Sylvse [3 5] — (Xtn. K. Soc.) and planter’s and forester’s manual. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 203. Prioe 65 cts. 3. Johns’ Forest Trees [14] — (2 v. 16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) The Forest Trees of Great Britain. By the Rev. C. A. Johns, B. A. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 373+452=825. Price $1.60. 4. Cooke’s English Forests [28]— (Svo. Eng. Edi.) English forests and forest trees— historical, legendary, and descriptive. With numerous illus- trations. Cloth, pp. 405, nc. Price $1.25. 5. Roberts’ Woodlands — (l6mo. Eng. Edi.) Voices from the Woodlands, descriptive of forest trees, ferns, mosses and lichens. By Mary Roe* erts. With colored illustrations. Cloth, pp. 368, rc. Prico $2.40. 6. Pratt’s Wild Flowers [24] (2 v. 18mo. Xtn. K. Soc.)— By Annie Peatt. Illustrated with numerous colored engravings. Cloth, pp. 190, 192=382, Price $3,30. 7. Miscellaneous — (5 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the five vols. 80 cts., as follows : (I.) Pratt’s Green Fields [20] — (18rao. Xtn. K. Soc.) And their Grasses. By Annie Peatt. With numerous illustrations. Beards, pp. 06, Price 22 cts. (2.) The Flower Garden — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Flower G irden. With an essay on the poetry of gardening. Reprinted from the “ Quarterly Review.” Paper, pp. 10S, jm. Price 22 cts. (3.) Glenny’s Golden Rules— (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Glenny’s Golden Rules for Gardening, professional and amateur. By George Glenny, P. H. S. Paper, pp. 90, gcx. Price 10 cts. (4.) Glenny’s Catechism of Gardening — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Gardening for schools. Glenny’s Catechism of gardening, containing instructions for the culture of vegetables and fruit trees, and arranged for the use of schools of both sexes. By the Rev. J. Edwards, M.A. Paper, pp, 72, gcx. Price 12 cts. (5.) Glenny’s properties of Flowers and Plants — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Glenny’s properties of flowers and plants. Paper, pp. 100, gcx. Price 15 cts. 8. Miscellaneous — (3 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes 90 cts., as follows : (1.) Johns’ Gardening for Children [29-13] — Edited by the Rev. C. A. a Johns, B.A., P.L.S. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 182, gas. Price 40 cts. (2-3.) Pratt’s Flowers and their Associations [25] — (2r.) And the field, the garden, and the woodland. By Miss Pratt. Cloth, pp. 203 +228=* 431. gcx. Price 50 cts. 9. Johns’ Field Flowers [26] — (16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Flow- ers of the field. By the Rev. C. A. Johns, B. A. Illustrated with numerous illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 380 + 273=653. Price $1.40. 10. R. Tr. Soc. Botany (6 v.) Price for the six volumes $2.55, as follows : (1.) The Young Botanists [29-3] — (18mo.) With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 112. Price 20 cts. (2.) A Botanical Ladder [29-6] — (24mo.) For the young. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 176. Price 30 eta. (3.) Plants [9] — (IStno.) The Seed, the Leaf, the Flower, the Fruit, the Grass. Cloth, pp. 5+32=160. Price 30 cts. Botany — Vegetable Kingdom. 117 (4.) Flowers of the Year [29-9] — (18mo.) Wild and Garden Flowers of the Year. Cloth, pp. 192 + 192 = 084 . Price 30 cts. (5.) Palin Tribes [29-8] — (18mo.) And their varieties. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (6.) Plants [8-10] — (18mo.) The Geography of Plants, and the Plants and Trees of Scriptures. Cloth, pp. 192+192=384. Price 30 cts. 11. Wild Flowers— -(2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $ 2 , as follows : (l.J Dowdeii’s Wild Flowers. -—Walks after Wild Flowers ; Or the Botany of the Bohereens. By Richard Dowden (Richard*) Cloth, pp. vii'i-f 232 =240, . 7 + 11 . Price 95 cts. (2.) Thomson’s Wild Flowers. — Wanderings among the wild flowers; how to see arid how to gather them. With two chapters on the economical and medicinal uses of our native plants. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. xvii +318=335, gs. Price $1.05. 12. Miscellaneous (5 v. 18mo.) Price for the five volumes $1.35, as follows : (1.) Elements of Botany [4] — (Eng. Edi.) The Elements of Botany. For Families and Schools. Cloth, pp. 139, jwp. Price 35 cts. (2.) Vegetable Substances [17] — (Am. Edi.) Vegetable Substances used for the Food of Man. Cloth, pp. 271, hb. Price 38 cts. (8.) Linnasus and Jussieu [29-1] — (Eng. Edi.) Or, the risa and progress of systematic botany; a popular biography, with a historical introduc- tion and sequel. Cloth, pp. 112 , jwp. Price 35 cts. (4.) Chamber’s Rudiments [1] — 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Rudiments of Vegetable Physiology. Cloth, pp, 130, wrch. Price 28 cts. (5.) Carpenter’s Botany [2] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Vegetable Physiology and Systematic Botany. By Wm. Carpenter, M.D. Cloth, pp. 607, hgb. Price § 1 . 20 . 13. Glenny’s Handbook — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Glenny’s Hand- book to tne Flower Garden and Greenhouse, comprising the description, cultivation and management of all the popular flowers and plants grown in this country ; with a calendar of monthly operations for t he flower garden and greenhouse. By George Glenny, F.H.S. Cloth, pp. 96+294=390, gcx. Price 90 cts. 14. The Flower Garden (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes § 1 . 10 , as follows : (1.) Bnist’s Elower Garden Directory [22]— (I2mo.) Ameri- jean flower garden directory ; containing practical directions for the culture of plants in the flower-garden, hot-house, green-house, rooms, or parlor window, for every month in the year; with instructions for erecting hot* houses, green-Iiouses, &c., cultivation of the grape, &c. By Robert Buist. Cioth, pp. 339, ems . Price 55 cts. (2.) Johnson’s American Florists’ Guide — (16mo.) Every Lady her own flower gardener, addressed to the industrious and economical. Containing simple and practical directions for cultivating plants and flowers in the garden and in rooms. By Louisa Johnson. Cloth, pp. 119+96=215, cms. Price 55 cts. 15. Catlow’s Garden Botany — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Popu- lar Garden Botany. A familiar description of plants suitable for cultivation in gardens. By Agnes Catlow. With twenty plates. Cloth, pp. , ro. Price §4.80. 16. Popular Geography of Plants — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Po- pular Geography of Plants ; Or a Botanical excursion round the world. By E. C. Edited by Professor Dauberry. With twenty plates.. ..Cloth, pp. , rc. Price §2.40. 17. Archer’s Economic Botany — (LGmo. Eng. Edi.) Popular Economic Botany ; Or description of the Botanical and Commercial characters of the principal articles of vegetable origin used for food, clothing, tunning, dyeing, building, medicine. Perfumery, &c. By Thomas Croxen Archer. With colored illustrations. Cloth, pp. viii+853, rc. Price §2.40. 118 Natural Phenomena. 18. British Ferns— (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $3.55, as follows : (1.) Moore’s British Ferns. — A popular history of the British Items and the allied plants, comprising the club mosses, pepper worts, and horsetails. By Thomas Moo.be, F. L. is. With colored illustrations. Cloth, pp. xii +554=366, ro . Price $2.40. (2 ) Chanter’s Ferny Combes. — A ramble after Ferns in the Glens and Valleys of Devonshire. By Charlotte Chanter. With eight plate*. Cloth, pp. , rc. Price $1.15. 19. Seemann’s Palms— (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Popular History of Palms and their allies. By Dr. Kerthold Seemann. With twenty plates. Cloth, pp. , rc . Price $2.40. 20* Moss and Lichens — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $4 80, as follows : (1.) Stark’s British Mosses. Popular British Mosses, their structure, fructification, &c. By R. M. Stark. With twenty plates. Cloth, pp. t rc. Price $2.40, (2.) Lindsay’s British Lichens. Popular British Lichens ; their structure, reproduction, uses, distribution and classification. By W. Lander Lind- say, M. D. Twenty- two plates with three hundred and nine-two figures. Cloth, pp. , rc. Price 2.40. 21. Renfrey’s Vegetation of Europe— (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Outlines of the Natural History of Europe : The Vegetation of Europe, its conditions and causes. By Arthur Renfrey, F.L.S., with Isothermal Map of Europe. Cloth, pp. 143, jvv. Price $1.10. 22. Ward’s Closed Cases for Plants— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) On the Growth of Plants in closely glazed cases. By N. B. Ward, F.R.S. Cloth, pp> 143, jvv. Price $1.10. 23. Calcott’s Scripture Herbal — (8vo. Eng. Edi. and X. K. Soc) A Scripture Herbal. By Maria Calcott. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. xxii+544=566, Ic. Price $4.75. 24. Pratt’s Flowering Plants and Ferns— (8 v. 8vo. Xtn. K.Soc.) The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain. By Anne Pratt. With beautifully colored illustrations. Cloth, pp. viii+288, viii+355, ix+410, viii+328— 1,414. Price $12.25. 25. Xtn. Kno- Soc : Poisonous Plants, &e. — (2 v. 16mo.) Price for the two volumes $1.80, as follows : V (L ) The Poisonous, Noxious, and Suspected Plants of our fields and woods. By Anne Pratt. With forty-four beautifully coloured illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 208. Price $1.25. (2.) Wanderings through the conservatories at Kew. Cloth, pp 293. Price 55 cts. IX. NATURAL PHENOMENA. I. Xtn. K. Soc. Miscellaneous — (7 v. 18mo.) Price for the seven volumes $2.50, as follows : (1.) The Starry Heavens [8-13] — Cloth, pp. 138. Price 23 cts. (2.) The Surface of the Earth [8-6] — Cloth, pp. 201. Price 23 cts. (3 ) The Tempest [8-7] — Or an account of the nature, proper- ties, dangers and uses of wind m various parts of the world. Square, cloth, pp. 277. Price 55 cts. (4 ) The Bain Cloud [8-9] — Or an account of the nature, properties, dangers and uses of rain m various parts of tho world. Cloth, pp. 215, Price 50 cts. Natural Phenomena. 119 (5.) The Dew Drop and the Mist [8-1] — Or an account of the nature, properties, designs and uses of Dew and Mist in various parts of the world. Cloth, pp. 1 L5. Frio© 2J cts. (6.) The Snow Storm [20-9] — Or an account; of the nature, properties, dangers, and uses of snow, in various parts of the world. Cloth, pp. 116. Price 35 cts. (7.) The Frozen Stream [8-3]— Or an account of the nature, properties, designs and uses of ice in various parts of the world. Cloth, pp. 150. Price 35 cts. 2. Xtn. K. Soc. Miscellaneous — (7 v. 18mo.) Price for the seven volumes, $2.35, as follows : (1.) Light and Shadow [27-8] — The wonders of light and shadow. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 106. Price 32 cts. (2.) The Sea Shore [8-8]— Wonders of the Sea Shore. Cloth, pp. 254. Price 55 cts. (3.) Johns’ Eambles in Spring [8-5] — A ramble in spring. By the Rev. C. A. Johns. Cloth, pp. 110. Price 23 cts. (4.) Johns’ Eambles in Summer [90-7] — By the Bev. C. A. Johns. Illustrated with engravings. Cloth, pp. 98. Price 23 cts. (5.) Johns’ Eambles in Autumn [90-8] — By the Bev. C. A. Johns. Illustrated with engravings. Cloth, pp. 89. Price 23 cts. (6.) Jphns’ Eambles in Winter [8-4] — -A winter ramble in the country. By the Rev. C. A. Johns, B. A. Cloth, pp. 93. Price 23 cts. (7.) The Thunder Storm [8-2] — Or an account of the nature, properties, designs and uses of lightning in various parts of the world. Cloth, pp. 287. Price 55 cts. 3- Miscellaneous — (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.60, as follows : (1.) Light — (16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Its nature, sources, and applications. Illustrated by a photograph of the Prince of Wales, as Winter* Cloth, pp. 300. Price 85 cts. (2.) Pratt’s Sea Coast [19-1] — (16mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Chapters on the common things of the sea coast. By Annie Pratt. With numerous illus- trations. Cloth, pp, 345. Price 85 cts. (3.) Book of the Calendar[8-12] — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The months and the seasons, being the first volume of the “ Instructor.” Cloth, pp. 288, jurp. Price 45 cts. (4.) Lessons on the Universe [8-11 j — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms ; and the human form, being the third volume of the “ Instructor.” Cloth, pp. 283, jmp. Price 45 cts. 4. R. T. Soc. Colored Phenomena — (4 v. lSino.) Price for the four volumes $2.30, as follows : (1 ) The Face of the Earth [18-1]— The mountain, the valley, the prairie, the island, and the desert. Illustrated with numerous beautifully colored engravings. Cloth, pp. 5+32=37. Price 50 cts. (2.) The Waters of the Earth — The dew-drop, the spring, the lake, the river, and the sea. Illustrated with beautifully colored engravings. Cloth, pp. 160. Price GO cts. (3.) The Wonders of the Waters — The animalcules, the coral makers, the sea star, the lobster, and the fish- Illustrated with beautiful colored engravings, 16mo, cloth, pp. 5+30=150. Price 50 cts. (4.) Heat [4t n.p.] — Its Source, Influence and Be Hilts. Illus- trated with numerous beautifully colored engravings. Cloth, pp. 196. Price SO cts. 120 Natural Phenomena. 5. R. T. Soc. Plain Series [9]— (12 v. 18mo.) Price for the twelve volumes £3, as follows : (1.) The Face of the Earth — The mountain, the valley, the prairie, the island, the desert. Cloth, pp. 5 + 32 -=160. Price 30 cts. (2.) The Caves and Mines of the Earth — Their natural history, features and incidents. Cloth, pp. 192+192=381. Price 30 cts.; (3.) The Atmosphere and its Phenomena — By Thomas Dick, :LL.D. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. * (4.) The Wonders of the Waters— -The animalcules, the coral maker, the sea star, the lobster, the fish. Cloth, pp. 5+32=160, Price 30 cts. (5.) Sights in Spring — Cloth, pp. 92. Price 20 cts. (6.) Sights in Summer — Cloth, pp. 90. Price 20 cts. (7.) Sights in Autumn— Cloth, pp. 90. Price 20 cts. (8.) Sights in Winter — Cloth, pp. 90. Price 20 cts. (9.) The Waters of the Earth — The dew-drop, the spring, the lake, the river, the sea. Cloth, pp. 160. Price 30 cts. (10.) Nature’s Wonders— Or God’s care over all His works. Cloth, pp. 226. Price 40 cts. (11.) Volcanoes [19-4]— Their history, phenomena, and causes. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 15 cts. (12.) Peeps at Nature [20-5] — Or, God’s works and man’s wants. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 194. Price 30 cts. 6. Miscellaneous (7 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the seven volumes $3.10, as follows : (1.) Adams’ Sea Side — (!8mo.) The sea side Lesson Book; designed to convey to the youthful mind a knowledge of the nature and uses of the common things of the sea coast. By H. G. Adams. Cloth, pp. 236, gs. Price 30 cts. (2.) Curiosities and Wonders [20-6] — (24mo.) Of nature and art. A bock of entertaining knowledge. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 255, tns. Price 25 cts. (3 ) Sherwood’s Wonders [20-7] — (24mo.) The story book of wonders in nature and art. By Mrs. Sherwood. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 136, tns. Price 25 cts. (4.) Nelson’s Conversations [19-8]— (32mo.) Winter evening conversations on tho works of God. Cloth, pp. 158, tns. Price 22 cts. (5.) The Ocean — (18mo.) The Ocean ; a description of won- ders and important products of t he sea. W r ith engravings of thirty-seven genera of shells.' Cloth, pp. 212, gf. Price 70 cts. (6.) Loudon’s Mine. — The Mine or Subterranean Wonders. By Mrs. Loudon. W T ith sixty-one illustrations. Cloth, pp. ,gf. Price 70 cts. (7.) Loudon’s Glimpses of Nature — (18mo.) Glimpses of na- ture and objects of interest described during a visit to the Isle of Wight. Designed to assist and encourage young persons in forming habits of observation. By Mrs. Loudon. With forty-two illustrations. Cloth, pp. x +232=242, gf. Price 70 cts. 7. Miscellaneous — (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $3.10, as follows : (1.) Loudon’s World of Nature — (16mo.) Facts from the World of Nature, animate and inanimate. By Mrs. Loudon. With frontispiece ou steel and numerous illustrations on wood. Cloth, pp. x+39u=4Q0, gf. Price $1. / 121 Natural Phenomena. (2.) Roberts’ Creation — (16mo.) The progress of Creation considered with reference to the present condition of the earth. By Mart Roberts. Cloth, pp. xii+285=297, wtc. Price 70 cts. (3.) Gosse’s Ocean — (l2mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) The Ocean. By P. H. Gosse. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 360. Price 95 cts. (4.) Natural Phenomena [7] — (12mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) Thirty Prints of Natural Phenomena. Cloth, pp. 128. Price 45 cts. 8. Miscellaneous — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three vol- umes $2.20, as follows : (1.) Rhind’s Creation — (12mo.) The six days of Creation; A series of familiar letters from a father to his children, describing the natural history of each day’s mercies, with particular reference to the illustration of Scriptural truth. By M. G. Rhind. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 347, pmm. Price 80 cts. (2.) Gosse’s Ocean — (12mo.) The Ocean. By P. H. Gosse. With fifty- two illustrations. Cloth, pp. 378, pmm. Price 80 cts. (3.) Bell’s Mineral Springs — (16mo.) The Mineral and Ther- mal Springs of the United States and Canada. By John Bell, M.D. Cloth, pp. 410, pmm. Price 60 cts. 9. Miscellaneous — (3 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.10, as follows : (1.) Osborne’s World of Waters— -Or, a peaceful progress o’er the unpatlied sea. By Mrs. David Osborne. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 363, rcb. Price 40 cts. (2.) Kingsley’s Glaucus. — Glaucus ; Or, the wonders of the shore. By the Rev. Charles Kingsley. Cloth, pp. 165, wdtc. Price 40 cts. (3.) Burton’s Scenery Shower [10] — With wood paintings of the picturesque and the grand in nature. By Warren Burton. Cloth, pp. 119, wdtc. Price 30 cts. 10. Humboldt and DeVere — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (1.) 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By Mrs. David Osborne. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 307, lc, wtc. Price 85 cts. (2.) Marcet’s Land and Water — (16mo.) Conversations on land and water. Por the use of children. By Mrs. Marcet. Cloth, pp. 278, lc. Price $1.25. (3.) Buff’s Physics of the Earth — (16mo.) Eamiliar letters on the Physics of the earth; treating of the chief movements of the land, the waters, and the air, and the forces that give rise to them. By Henry Buff. Cloth, pp. ix+ 273=282, twm. Price $1.05. i 122 Natural Phenomena. 13. Miscellaneous (6 v. 18mo. Am. Edi.) — Price for the six volumes $2.15, as follows : (1.) Higgin’s Earth [11] — The Earth. Its physical condition and most remarkable phenomena. By W. M. Higgins. Cloth, pp. 408, hb. Price 38 cts. (2.) Hutton’s Book of Nature Laid Open [10 p. s.] — By the Rev. J. L. Blake, D.D. Cloth, pp. 252, hb. Price 30 cts. (3.) Bucke’s Beauties of Nature [11 p. s.] — On the Beauties, Harmonies, and Sublimities of Nature. With Notes and Illustrations. By Charles Bucke. Selected and revised by the Rev. Wm. P. Page. Cloth, pp. 329, hb. Price 38 cts. (4.) Mudie’s Guide to Nature [12 p. s.] — A popular Guide to the Observations on Nature ; Or Hints of Inducement to the Study of Natural Pro- ductions and Appearances in their connections and relations. By Robert Mudie. Cloth, pp. 343, hb. Price 38 cts. (5.) Scenes in Nature [5] — Or conversations for children on land and water. Cloth, pp. 324, hb. Price 30 cts. (6.) Slack’s Beautiful [16] — The ministry of the beautiful in a series of conversations. By Henry James Slack, P.G.S. Cloth, pp. 255, pmm. Price 40 cts. 14. Microscopic World (4 v.) — Price for the four volumes $4,55, as follows : (1.) Brocklesby’s Microscopic World [93-12] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Views of the microscopic world; designed for general reading, and as a hand- book for classes in natural science. By John Brocklesby, A.M. Illustrated with numerous engravings and drawings. Cloth, pp. 146, fbc. Price 80 cts. (2.) Mantell’s Invisible World — (16mo. Eng Edi.) The invis- ible world revealed by the microscope ; Or, thoughts on animalcules. By Gideon Algernon Mantell, L.LJX Cloth, xvi+ 144 =160, jm. Price$1.25. (3.) Catlow’s Drops of Water — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Drops of water, their marvellous and beautiful inhabitants displayed by the Microscope. Cloth, pp. xviii + 194=212, rc . Price $1,70. (4.) Wythes’ Curiosities of the Microscope [90-3] — (16mo. sq. Am. Edi.)— Or, Illustrations of the minute parts of Creation, adapted to the capacity of the young. Illustrated with beautifully colored engravings. By the Rev. Joseph H. Wythes, M.D. Cloth, pp. 132, linb. Price 80 cts. 15. Hogg’s Microscope— (8vo. Eng. Edi.) A treatise on the Microscope. By M. Hogg. Cloth, pp. , nc , rgc. Price $1.50. 16. Carpenter’s Microscope — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The Micro- scope and its Revelations. By William B. Carpenter, M.D. Illustrated by three hundred and forty-five wood engravings. Cloth, pp. xx+776=796, jc, wtc. Price $3. 16^. Ibid . — (8vo. Am. Edi.) With an appendix containing the applications of the microscope to chemical medicine, &c- By Erancis Gurney Smith, M.D. Illustrated by four hundred and thirty-four engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 724, bl. Price $3.10. 17. Humboldt and Oersted (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) — Price for the two volumes hgb, $2, as follows : (1.) Humboldt’s Views of Nature [12] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or contemplations on the sublime phenomena of Creation. With scientific illustra- tions. By Alexander Von Humboldt. Translated from the German. By E. C. Otte, and Henry G. Bohn. With a beautiful colored view of Chimborazo and the valley below, from a sketch by the author. A fac- simile of his hand-writing, and a comprehensive index. Cloth, pp. 452. Price $1- (2.) Oersted’s Soul in Nature [13] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) With supplementary contributions. By Hans Christian Oersted. Translated from the German. By Leonora, and Joanna B. Horner. With a bust portrait of the author . and a sketch of his life. Cloth, pp. 465. Price $1. Physical Science. X. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. 123 I. METEOROLOGY, &c. 1. Thompson’s Meteorology [78.]— (8vo. |Eng. Edi.) An Introduction to Meteorology, wherein the Laws of that important branch of Natural Science are explained by numerous interesting facts, methodically arranged and fami- liarly described. By D. P. Thompson, M.D. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 487, wbs. Price $2,25. 2 . Drew’s Practical Meteorology — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) — Practical Meteorology. By John Drew. Cloth, pp. xi+291=302,in>. Price $1.10. 3. Meteorology (2 v. Eng. Edi.) — Price for the two volumes 55 cts. (1.) Scoffern and Lowe’s Practical Meteorology — (l2mo.) Prac- tical Meteorology ; being a guide to the phenomena of the atmosphere, and the prac- tical use of instruments for registering and recording atmospheric changes. By J. B. Scopfern, M.B., and J. E. Lowe, F.R.A.S. Cloth, pp. 144, wsoc. Price 37 cts. (2.) Chambers’ Meteorology — (16mo.) Meteorology. (Cham- bers’ Educational Course.) Cloth, pp. 82, torch. Price 18 cts. 4. Brocklesby’s Meteorology [9] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Ele- ments of Moteorology. With Questions for Examination, designed for Schools and Academies. By John Beocklesby, A. M. Cloth, pp. 240, fbc.. Price 60 cts. 5. The Weather and Storms (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) — Price for the two volumes $1.60, as follows: (1.) Butler’s Weather. —The philosophy of the weather and a guide to its changes. By J. B. Butler. Cloth, pp. xviii+414=432, dac. Price 80 cts, (2.) Bassnett’s Storms. — Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms, containing the true law of lunar influence. With practical instructions to the navigator, to enable him approximately to calculate the coming changes of the wind and weather, for any given day, and for any part of the ocean. By J. Bassnett. Cloth, pp. 246, dac. Price 80 cts. 6. Harris’ Thunder Storms — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) On the Na- ture of Thunder Storms ; and on the means of protecting buildings and shipping against the destructive effects of lightning. By W. Snow Harris, F.R.S. Cloth, pp. xvi +226=240, jwp. Price $2.25. 7. Birt’s Law of Storms — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Hand-book of the Law of Storms ; being a digest of the principal facts of revolving storms for the use of commanders in Her Majesty’s Navy and the Mercantile Marine. By William Radcliff Birt. Cloth, pp. x +140=150, rgc. Price $1.15. 8- Howitt’s Pictorial Calendar of the Seasons [104] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Exhibiting the pleasures, pursuits, and characteristics of country life for every month in the year ; and embodying the whole of Aikin’s Calendar of Nature. Edited by Mary Howitt. Embellished with upwards of one hundred engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 8+567=575, hgb. Price $1. 9. The Seasons — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi ) Price for the two volumes $1.50, as follows : (1.) Nelson’s Seasons [41] — The seasons of the Year; or the hand of God manifested in his Works. 1. Spring. 2. Summer. 3. Autumn. 4. Win- ter. Cloth, pp. 416, tns* Price 70 cts. (2.) Fleming’s Seasons. — The Temperature of the Seasons and its influence on inorganic objects, and on plants and animals. By John Fleming D.D. Cloth, pp. xii+ 209=221, jh, jcg. Price 80 cts. 10 . Mudie’s Seasons — (4 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Spring, summer, autumn and winter ; containing the causes, appearances, and effects of the seasonal renovations : the grand nuptials ; seasonal decay and decomposition, and the great repose of nature. By R. Mudie. Cloth, pp. 278+295+296+287=1156, (twc) wtc Price $3.50. Physical Science — Meteorology . Duncan’s Philosophy of the Seasons [39]— (4 y. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons ; Illustrating the Perfections of God in the Phenomena of the Year. By the Rev. Henry Duncan, D,D. 1. Spring 2. Sum- mer. 3. Autumn. 4. Winter. Cloth, pp. 398+402+401+418=1619, rcb. Price $2.40. Chronicles of the Seasons [40] — (4 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Or the Progress of the Year: Being a Course of Daily Instruction and Amusement, selected from the popular details of the Natural History, Science, Art, Antiquities and Biography of our Bather Land ; in four Books, as follows : I. January, February, IVfarch. II. April, May, June. III. July, August, September. IV. October, Novem- ber, December. Cloth, pp. 336+320+360+392=1408, jwp. Price $2.70. Somerville’s Works — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (1.) Somerville’s Physical Sciences [13] — (16mo.) On the connection of the Physical Sciences. By Mary Somerville. Cloth, pp. 460, Jib. Price 40 cts. (2.) Somerville’s Physical Geography [14] — (12mo.) Physical Geography. By Mary Somerville, With Notes and a Glossary by W. S. W. Ruschenberger, M.D. Cloth, pp. 570, bl. Price $1. Hunt, Sehouw and Kobell — (2 v. 12mo. Eng, Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Hunt’s Poetry of Science [16] —The Poetry of Science. Or studies of the Physical Phenomena of Nature. By Robert Hunt. Cloth, pp. 421, Jigb. Price $1, (2.) Sehouw and Kobell [35] — The Earth, Plants and Man. Popular Pictures of Nature. By Ioachin Frederic Schouw ; Also, Sketches from the Mineral Kingdom. By Francis Van Kobell. Translated and Edited by Ar- thur Henerey, F.R.S-, &c. Cloth, pp. 246+166=412, hgb. Price $1. Humboldt’s Cosmos [34] — (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Cos- mos: A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. By Alexander Von Humboldt. Translated from the German. By E. C. Otte and B.H. Paul, Ph. D., F.C.S. Volume IV. (Note. Volumes I. II. III. are translated by E. C. Otte.) Cloth, pp. 59+776+616=1451, hgb. Price $3. Cheever and Taylor — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.80, as follows ; (1.) Taylor’s Indications of the Creator [36] — The Indications of the Creator ; or the Natural Evidences of Final Cause. By G. Taylor. Cloth, pp. 283, cs. Price 84 cts. (2.) Cheever’s Voices of Nature [37] — Voices of Nature to her Foster Child, the Soul of Man. A Series of Analogies between the Natural and the Spiritual World. By the Rev. G. B. Cheever, D.D. Cloth, pp. 9, 430=439, cs. Price $1. Nieliol, Winslow and Christmas— (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2.95, as follows : (1.) Nichol’s System of the World [28] — (12mo.) Thoughts on some important points relating to the System of*the World. Illustrated with fourteen lithographic Astronomical Plates. By J. P. Nichols, LL.D. Cloth, pp. xiv, +261=275 yjme. Price $1.40. (2.) Winslow’s Views of the Universe [29] — (16mo.) Cosmo- graphy; Or, Philosophical Views of the Universe. By Charles F. Winslow, M.D. In two parts. Cloth, pp. 174, cnc. Price 50 cts. (3.) Christmas’ Echoes of the Universe [30] — (I2mo.) Echoes of the Universe : from the World of Matter and the World of Spirits. By the Rev. Henry Christmas, M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A. Cloth, pp. 268, ah. Price $1.05. Bingley’s Useful Knowledge [75] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, Familiar account of the various productions of Nature, Mineral, Vegetable and Animal ; systematically arranged and illustrated, with 150 wood cuts. By the Rev. Wm. Bingley. Enlarged by Daniel Cooper. Cloth, pp. 408, 552=960, riv. hgb t wtc. Price $3. Physical Science — Astronomy. 125 19. Gardner’s Music of Nature [Ilf] — (3vo. Am. Bdi.) The Music of Nature ; Or an attempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing in the art of singing, speaking, and performing upon musical instruments, is derived from the sounds of the animated world. With curious and interesting illustrations. By William Gardner. Cloth, pp, 505, wrk, Ibc. Price $2.40. II. ASTRONOMY, &c. 20. Bouvier’s Familiar Astronomy— (8 vo. Am. Edi.) Fam- iliar Astronomy ; Or, an introduction to the study of the Heavens. Illustrated by Celestial maps and upwards of 200 finely executed engravings. To which is added a treatise on the Globes, and a comprehensive Astronomical Dictionary. Por the use of schools, families, and private students. By Hannah M. Bouvier. Cloth, pp. 499, cjpete. Price $1.60. 21. Chalmers and Brewster, &c. — (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.80, as follows : (1.) Chalmers’ Astronomical Discourses 1 32] — (12mo. Dis- courses on the Christian Revelation viewed in connection with the Modern Astronomy. To which are added Discourses illustrative of the connection between Theology and General Science. By Thomas Chalmers, D.D., and LL.D. Cloth, pp. 358, rcb. Price 50 cts. (2.) Brewster’s Worlds — (16mo.) More Worlds than one, the Creed of the Philosopher and the hope of the Christian. By Sir David Brewster, R.H. Cloth, pp. 264, rcb. Price 50 cts. (3.) Plurality of Worlds — (12mo.) The plurality of worlds, with an introduction, by Edward Hitchcock, D. D., and a supplementary chapter in which the author’s reviewers are reviewed. Cloth, pp. 368, gl. Price 80 cts. 22. Chalmers and Whewell — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.70, as follows ; (1.) Chalmers’ Adaptation of External Nature [33] — (Bridge- water Treatise)— On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God, as manifested in the adaptation of External Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of man. By Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. With the Author’s last corrections. To which is added a Biographical Preface. By the Rev. John Cummin gk D.D, Cloth, pp. xlii. +438=480, hgb. Price $1. (2.) Whewell’s Astronomy [26] — (Bridgewater Treatise) — As- tronomy and General Physics ; considered with reference to Natural Theology. By the Rev. William Whewell, D.D. Cloth, without Portrait, pp. 328, hgb. Price 70 cts. 23. Olmsted and Mitchell — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $L40, as follows : (1.) Olmsted’s Heavens [20] — (12mo.) The Mechanism of the Heavens ; or Eamiliar Illustrations of Astronomy. With Historical and Biographical Sketches, with side indices and numerous illustrations. By Denison Olmsted, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 399, tns. Price 95 cts. (2.) Mitchell’s Discoveries in Astronomy [22] — (16mo.) The Planetary and Solar Worlds; an exposition of the discoveries and theories of modern astronomy. By Professor O. M, Mitchell. With numerous lithographic illustra- tions, printed in blue. Cloth, pp. 290, tns. Price 45 cts. 24. Dick’s Philosophical Works [5] — (10 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) The works of the Rev. Thomas Dick, LL.D. Sheep, pp, average 390=3900, ecjb. Price $5. 25. Herschell and Mitchell — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.30, as follows: (1.) Herschell’s Astronomy [27] — (12mo. Eng. Edi,) A Trea- tise on Astronomy, contributed to’ the “ Cabinet Cyclopedia.” By Sir John Her- schell, Bart. Cloth, pp. 422, Ic. Price 70 cts. 126 Physical Science — Astronomy. (2.) Mitchell’s Heavenly Orbs [21] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Orbs of Heaven, or the Planetary and Stellar Worlds. A popular exposition of the Great Discoveries and Theories of Modern Astronomy. By O. M. Mitchell, A.M. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. Cloth, pp. 304, nc. ' Price 60 cts. 26. Tomlinson and Moseley — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.80, as follows : (1.) Tomlinson’s Recreations, Astronomy [31] — Recreations in Astronomy. By the Rev. Lewis Tomlinson, M.A. Illustrated with numerous wood cuts. Cloth, pp. jwp. Price 90 cts. (2.) Moseley’s Astronomy [24] — Lectures on Astronomy, de- livered at King’s College, London. By the Rev. H. Moseley, M.A., E.R.S. Cloth, pp. 216, jwp, (pc.) Price 90 cts. 27. Hind’s Astronomy — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for tlie two volumes $1.45, as follows : (1.) Hind’s Comets — (12mo.) 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Cloth, pp. 16, 508=524, hgb. Price $1. (2.) Pye Smith’s Geology and Scripture [21] — The Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science. By the Rev. John Pye Smith, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S. With a short sketch of the Literary Life of the Author, By John Hamilton Davis, B.A. Cloth, pp. 48, 468=506, hgb. Price $1. 10. Jackson and Zornlin — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Jackson’s Minerals [16] — Minerals and their Uses. In a series of Letters to a Lady, By J. Jackson, F.R.S. With a beautifully coloured frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 16 +464 =480, jtop. Price $1.20. (2.) Zornlin’s Geology [15 ] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Recreations in Geology. By Rosina M Zornlin. Revised and much Enlarged, with numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 369, jwp. Price 80 cts. 11. Coal Fields, Slc. — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes $1.68, as follows : (1.) Longman’s Coal Fields — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) 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By Julius Liebig, M.D. Edited by John Gardner, M.D. Cloth, pp. 180, cms. Price 27 cts. 6. Pelonze and Kenny’s Chemistry — (12mo. Am. Edi.) General notions of Chemistry. By J. Pelonze and E. Kenny. Translated from the French by Edward C. Evans, M.D. Cloth, pp. xviii+439=457, Igc * Price $1.50. 7. Orr’s Miscellaneous — (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.10, as follows : (1.) Bronner’s Chemistry — The Chemistry of Food and Diet. With a chapter on food adulterations. The treatise on food and diet translated from the German of Professor Moleschott by Edward Bronner, M.D. The chapter on food adulterations by John Scoffern, M.D. Cloth, pp. 124, wsoc. Price 35 cts. (2.) Scoffern’ s Inorganic Chemistry — Chemistry of the Inor- ganic Bodies ; their compounds and equivalents. By John Scoffern, M.B. Cloth, pp. 256, wsoc. Price 65 cts, (3.) 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Blake’s Agriculture for Schools [58] — Lessons in Modern Farming ; or, Agriculture for Schools ; containing scientific exercises for recitations and elegant extracts from rural literature (Poetry and Prose) for academic or family reading. By the Rev. John L. Blake, D.D. Half-bound, pp. 432, ip. Price 80 cts. Practical Agriculture. 133 4. Blake and Rogers — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.50, as follows : (1.) Blake’s Farmer’s Cyclopaedia [104] — A family Text-Book for the Country ; or, The Farmer at Home : being a cyclopaedia of the more important topics in Modern Agriculture, and in natural history and domestic economy, adapted to rural life. With illustrations. By the Rev. John L. Blake, D ,D. Cloth, pp. 475, cms. Price 90 cts. (2.) Rogers’ Scientific Agriculture [62] — Practice and Science combined— Scientific Agriculture, or the elements of Chemistry, Geology, Botany, and Mineralogy, applied to Practical Agriculture, By M. M. Rogers, M.B. Illustrated by numerous engravings and a copious glossary. Revised and enlarged. Cloth, pp. 296, ed> mom. cms. Price 60 cts. 5. Browne and Dana — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.65, as follows : (1.) Browne’s Eield-Book of Manures [63] — Or, the American Muck Book ; treating of the nature, properties, sources, history, and operations of all the principal fertilisers and manures in common use, with specific directions for their preparation, preservation, and application to the soil and to crops ; as combined with the leading principles of practical and scientific agriculture ; drawn from authentic sources, actual experience, and personal observation. Illustrated with engravings. By D. J. Browne- Half-bound, pp. 422, cms. Price 90 cts. (2.) Dana’s Muck Manual [22] — A Muck Manual for Farm- ers ; being the substance of eight Lectures on the Chemistry of Soil and Manures. By Samuel L. Dana. Cloth, pp. 345, cms. Price 75 cts. 6. Allen and Fessenden (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) — Price for the two volumes $1.65, as follows : (1.) Allen’s American Farm Book [64]— Or, American Agri- culture; being a practical treatise on soils, manures, draining, irrigation, grasses, grain, roots, fruits, cotton, tobacco, sugar-cane, rice and every staple product of the United States. With the best methods of planting, cultivating, and preparation for Market. Illustrated by more than one hundred engravings. By.R. L. Allen. Half bound, pp. 325+48=373, cms. Price 75 cts. (2.) Fessenden’s Farmer and Gardener [25] — The Complete Parmer and Rural Economist : Containing a compendious epitome of the most impor- tant branches of Agricultural and Rural Economy. By Thomas G. Fessenden. With engravings, Cloth, pp, 306, cms , Price 90 cts. 7. Andrews’ Modern Husbandry [65] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) — Modern Husbandry— a book for the farmer. By G. Andrews, Esq. Completely illustrated by Duncan and other eminent artists. Cloth, pp. 404. nc. Price $1.20. 8. Saxton’s Rural Hand-Books [59] — (4 v. Am. Edi.) Relat- ing to the farm, the garden, the stable, the farm-yard, &c. &c- &c. Half-bound, pp. about 2,500, cms. Price $3.60. II. THE GARDEN AND ORCHARD, 9. Miscellaneous (5 v. Eng. Edi.) — Price for the five volumes $2.05, as follows: (1.) Rural affairs [16] — (16mo. Xtm K. Soc.) Sketches of Rural Affairs ; Comprising the Plough, the Seed-lip and Harrow, the Fold, the Dairy, the Hay Field, the Sickle, the Flail, the Poultry Yard, the Orchard, the Fence, the Watercourse- With an Appendix and Addenda. Receipts. Beautifully illustrated. Cloth, pp. 371. Price 70 cts. (2.) Gardening and Natural History [93-17] — (18mo.) Con- versation on Gardening and Natural History, pp. 210 ,jtvp. Price 35 cts. (3 ) Hibberd’s Town Garden — (18mo.) The Town Garden; a Manual for the management of City and Suburban Gardens. By Shirley Hibeerd. Cloth, pp- 172, gs. Price 40 cts. 134 Practical Agriculture. (4.) Boswell’s Bees, Pigeons, Babbits, &c. — (18mo.) Bees, pigeons, rabbits, and the canary bird, their habits , propensities, and dispositions fully explained ; the mode of treatment in health and disease plainly laid down ; the whole adapted as a text book for the young student. By Petee Boswell. Cloth, pp. vi+ 117=123, grc. Price 30 cts. (5.) Field, Fold and Wheat [93-19]— (18mo. R. Tr. Soc.) The Field and the Fold : Or a popular exposition of the science of agriculture. By the Rev. Edwin Sidney, M. A.— Also, (93-11) The Blights of the Wheat, and their reme- dies. Cloth, pp. 192+192=384. Price 30 cts. 10. Glenny’s Garden — (2 y. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Glenny’s Hand Book of Practical Gardening. Containing plain and ample instructions for every operation connected with the culture of the ground; including landscape gardening. By Geoege Glenny, F.H.S. Cloth, pp. vii+376 gcx. Price 87 cts. (2.) Glenny’s Hand-Book to the Fruit and Vegetable Garden. Comprising the description, cultivation, and management of the most useful fruits and vegetables grown in this country ; with a calendar of mouthy operations for the Orchard and Kitchen Garden. By Geoege Glenny, F.H.S. Cloth, pp. iv+304, lxxvi=384, gcx. Price §1.13. 11 . Neill and McIntosh — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes #3.45, as follows : (1.) Neill’s Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden — (12mo.) The Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden. By the late Pateick Neill, LL.D. Cloth, pp. xii+364=37 Q t acb. Price #1.35. (2.) McIntosh’s Orchard and Fruit Garden — (16mo.) The Orchard and Fruit Garden, including the forcing pit. By Chaeles McIntosh, C.H. Cloth, pp. viii +420=428, wsoc. Price #2.10. 12. Saxton’s Miscellaneous — (4 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes §3.65, as follows : (1.) Thomas’ Fruit Culturist [27] — The American Fruit Cul- turist,— Containing directions for the Propagation and Culture of Fruit Trees in the Nursery, Orchard, and Garden, &c. Illustrated. By John J. Thomas. Cloth, pp. 419, cms. Price 75 cts. (2.) Floy’s Orchard and Fruit Garden [72] — A Guide to the Orchard and Fruit Garden ; or, an account of the most valuable fruits cultivated in Great Britain. By Geoege Lindley. With additions of all the most valuable fruits cultivated in America, with directions for their cultivation, budding, grafting and propagation : pruning and training of standard, open dwarf, and espalier fruit trees, adapted to the American climate. By Michael Floy. With an appendix, describ- ing many American fruits not mentioned in the former edition. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 11 +420=431, cms. Price 90 cts. (3.) Elliott’s Fruit Book [73] — Or, the American Fruit Grow- ers’ Guide in Orchard and Garden ; being a compend of the history, modes of propa- gation, culture, &c., of fruit trees and shrubs ; with descriptions of nearly all the varieties of fruits cultivated in this country ; and a complete list of fruits worthy of cultivation. By F. R. Elliott. Cloth, pp. ix +503=512, cms. Price #1. (4.) Neill’s Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Gardener [70] — By Pateick Neill, LL.D., F.R.S-E. Adapted to the United States and Canada. Re- vised and improved, by the author. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 427, licb . — Price #1. 13. Jewett’s Miscellaneous— (3 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes #2, as follows : (1.) Cole’s Fruit Book [30] — (16mo.) The American Fruit Book. Containing directions for raising, propagating and managing Fruit Trees, Shrubs and Plants ; with a description of the best varieties of Fruit, &c. Illustrated, By S. W. Cole. Cloth, pp. 28 Sjpjc. Price 40 cts. (2.) Schenck’s Gardener’s Text Book [35] — (16mo.) The Gardener’s Text-Book. Containing practical directions upon the formation and man- agement of the Kitchen Garden , and for the culture and domestic use of its vegeta- bles, fruits and medicinal herbs. By Petee Adam Schenck. Cloth, pp. 306, jpjc. Price 40 cts. Practical Agriculture. 135 (3.) Leuchars’ Hot-Houses [33]— (12mo.) A Practical Trea- tise on the Construction, Heating, and Ventilation of Hot-Houses. Including Con- servatories, Green Houses, Graperies, and other kinds of Horticultural Structures. With illustrations. By Robert B. Leuchars. Cloth, pp. 366, jpjc. Price |1.20. 14. Grape, Strawberry, and Cranberry— (5 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the five volumes $2.40, as follows : (1.) Allen on the Grape [74]— A Practical Treatise on the culture and treatment of the Grape Vine : embracing its history, with directions for its treatment in the United States of America, in the open air, and under glass struc- tures, with and without artificial heat. By J. Pisk Allen. Enlarged and revised. Cloth, pp. 830, cms. Price 75 cts. (2.) Reemelin’s Vinedresser. — The Vinedresser’s Manual ; an illustrated treatise on Vineyards and Wine making. By Charles Reemelin. Cloth, pp. 103 cons. Price 38 cts. (3.) Chorlton’s Grape Growers’ Guide. — The American Grape Growers’ Guide ; intended especially for the American climate ; being a practical trea- tise on the cultivation of the grape vine in each department of Hot-house, cold Grap- ery, retarding house, and out-door culture. With plans for the construction of the requisite buildings, and giving the best methods of heating the same. Every Depart- ment being fully illustrated. By William Chorlton. Cloth, pp. 171, cons. Price 45 cts. (4.) Pardee on the Strawberry. — A complete Manual for the cultivation of the Strawberry ; with a description of the best varieties. Also, notices of the Raspberry, Blackberry, Currant, Gooseberry and Grape ; with directions for their cultivation and the selection of the best varieties. By R. G. Pardee. Cloth, pp. 157, cons. Price 45 cts. (5.) Eastwood’s Cranberry. — A complete Manual for the Culti- vation of the Cranberry; with a description of the best varieties. By B. Eastwood. Cloth, pp. 120, cons. Price 38 cts. 15. Fessenden, Buist, and Cobbett — (3 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.j Price for the three volumes $1.40, as follows : (1.) Eessenden’s Gardener. — The American Kitchen Gardener ; Containing practical directions for the culture of vegetables. Also, garden fruits, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, currants, melons, &c. By J. G. Eessenden. Re- vised and adapted to the use of families. By a practical gardener. Cloth, pp. 120, cms. Price 40 cts. (2.) Buist’s Gardener [34] — The Eamily Kitchen Gardener : Containing plain and accurate descriptions of all the different species and varieties of Culinary Vegetables, &c. &c. Illustrated. By Robert Buist. Cloth, pp. 216, cms. Price 55 cts. (3.) Cobbett’s Gardener.— The American Gardener ; a treatise on the situation, soil, and laying out of gardens, hot-beds, &c. &c. By W. Cobbett. Cloth, pp. 230, cms. Price 45 cts. 16. McMahon’s American Gardener’s Calendar [105] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) — Adapted to the climate and seasons of the United States and Canada containing a complete account of all the works necessary to be done in the kitchen- garden, fruit-garden, orchard, vineyard, nursery, pleasure-ground, flower-garden, green-house, hot-house, and forcing- frames, for every month in the year ; with ample practical directions for performing the same, also the ornamental planting of pleasure grounds in the ancient and modern style ; the cultivation of Thorn quicks and other plants suitable for live hedges. To which are annexed, catalogues of kitchen garden plants and herbs; aromatic pot and sweet herbs; medicinal plants ; and the most important grasses, &c., used in rural economy, with the soil best adapted to their cul- tivation ; together with a copious index. By Bernard McMahon. Cloth, pp. 613, Igc. Price $1.45. 17. Downing’s Landscape Gardening [54] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening ; with remarks on Rural Architecture. Adapted to North America. With a view to the Improvement of Country Residences— comprising Historical Notices and General Principles of the Art ; Directions for laying out Grounds and arranging Plantations ; the description and cultivation of Hardy Trees ; Decorative Accompaniments to the House and Grounds; the Pormation of pieces of Artificial Water, Flower Gardens, &c., with remarks on Rural Architecture. By A. J. Downing, Cloth, pp. 532, cons. Price $2.55. 136 Practical Agriculture. 18. Smith’s Landscape Gardening [67] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Or, Parks and Pleasure Grounds ; with practical notes on country residences, villas, public parks and gardens. By Charles H. T. Smith. With notes and additions, by Lewis P. Allen. Cloth, pp. 3.67, cms. Price 90 cts. 19. Dennis’ Landscape Gardener---(8vo. Eog. Edi.) The Landscape Gardener ; com prising the history and principles of tasteful Horticulture. By J. Dennis, B.C.L. cloth, pp. 10 Gjrid. Price 90 cts. III. THE HORSE, 20. Linsley and Youatt — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.80, as follows : (1.) Linslev’s Morgan Horses. — Morgan Horses ; a Premium Essay on the origin, history and characteristics of this remarkable American breed of horses; tracing the pedigree from the original Justice Morgan. With numerous por- traits ; to which are added hints for breeding, breaking, and general use and manage- ment of horses. By D* C. Linsley. Cloth, pp. 340, cms. Price 90 cts. (2.) Eandall and Spooner’s Youatt on the Horse [42] — Youatt on the structure and the diseases of the horse, with their remedies ; also, Practical rules to buyers, breeders, breakers, smiths, &c. Being the most important part of the English Edition somewhat simplified. Brought down by W. C. Spooner, M.R.C-V.S. To which is prefixed an account of the breeds in the United States. Compiled by Henry T- Randall. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 482, cms. Price 90 cts. 21. Youatt on the Horse [fo] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The Horse, by William Youatt. With numerous illustrations ; together with a general history of the Horse ; a dissertation on the American Trotting Horse, how trained and jock- eyed ; an account of his remarkable performances ; and an essay on the ass and the mule. By J. S. Skinner. With numerous illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 448, lb. Price $1.15. 22. Baucher and Steward — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1,65, as follows : (1.) Baucher’ s Horse Breaking [76] — A Method of Horseman- ship founded upon new principles, including the breaking and training horses. By E. Baucher. Illustrated with engravings. Cloth, pp. 254, pmm. Price 90 cts. (2.) Stewart’s Stable Book [48] — A treatise on the management of Horses, in relation to Stabling, Grooming, Eeeding, Watering and Working. By John Steward. With Notes and additions adopting to American food and climate. By A. B. Allen. Cloth, pp. 378, cms. Price 75 cts. 23. Clater and Spooner — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.65, as follows : (1.) Clater’ s Earriery — Every man his own farrier ; containing the causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure, of the diseases of horses and dogs. By Francis Clater, and his son John Clater. Edited and carefully corrected by Edward Mayhew. Cloth, pp. ix+340=349, Ic. Price $1. (2.) Spooner’s Veterinary Art [77] — A practical treatise on the diseases of the horse. Contributed to the “ Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.” By W. C. Spooner, Esq. Illustrated by four folding plates, and other engravings. Cloth, pp. 10, 107=117, rgc. Price 65 cts. 24. Youatt and Steward — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.15, as follows : (1.) Youatt’s Horse — The Horse. By William Youatt. A new edition, with observations on breeding cavalry horses. By Cecil. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 228, grc. Price 70 cts. (2.) Stewart’s advice to purchasers of Horses — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) Advice to purchasers of Horses ; being a short and familiar treatise on the external conformation of the horse ; the nature of soundness and unsoundness, with copious directions for discovering unsoundness prior to purchasing. By J. Stewart. Cloth, pp. xi+16l =172. whs. Price 45 cts. Practical Agriculture. 137 25. Clater and Miles — (3 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.05, as lollows : (1.) Clater’s Diseases of Horses [79] — Every man his own farrier; containing the causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure, of the diseases of horses. By Francis Clater, and his son, John Clater. With notes and additions. By J- S. Skinner. Cloth, pp. 219, lb. Price 40 cts. (2.) Clater and Youatt’s Cattle Doctor [80] — Every man his own cattle doctor ; containing the causes, symptoms and treatment of all the diseases incident to oxen, sheep and swine ; and a sketch of the anatomy and physiology of neat cattle. By Francis Clater. Edited by William Youatt. With an essay on the use of oxen, and the improvement ' in the breed of sheep, &c., by J. S. Skinner. With illustations. Cloth, pp. 246, lb. Price 30 cts. (3.) Miles’ Horse Foot, and howto keep it sound. With illus- trations. By Wm. Miles. Cloth, pp. 70, cms. Price 38 cts. 26. Dodd’s Anatomy — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The Anatomy and Phys- iology of the Horse; with anatomical and questional illustrations; also a series of examinations on Equine Anatomy ; instructions in reference to Dissections, &c., &c. With Glossary, &c. with finely coloured plates. By George H. Dodd, M.D. Cloth, pp. 291, cms. Price $3.60. 26J. Ibid . — With plain plates $1.80. 27. Dadd and Cole — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.30, as follows : (1.) Dadd’s Doctor — (12mo.) The modern Horse Doctor, — containing practical observations on the causes, nature, and treatment of diseases and lameness in horses. With illustrations. By Georoe H. Dadd, M.D, Cloth, pp. 432, cms. Price 90 cts. (2.) The American Veterinarian [45]— (16mo.) Or, Diseases of Domestic Animals ; showing the causes, symptoms and remedies, and rules for restoring and preserving health by good management. With directions for training and breeding. By S. W. Cole. Sheep, pp. 288, cms * Price 40 cts. IV. CATTLE, &c, 28. Dadd and Youatt— (2 v. 12mo. Am, Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.65, as follows : (1.) Dadd’s American Cattle Doctor [40] — The American Cat- tle Doctor ; containing the necessary information for preserving the health and curing the diseases of Oxen, Cows, Sheep and Swine ; with a great variety of original receipts and valuable information in reference to farm and dairy management. By G. H. Dadd, M.D. Cloth, pp. 359, cms. Price 75 cts. (2.) Youatt and Martin on Cattle [81] — Cattle, By W. Youatt, and W. C. L. Martin, being a treatise on their breeds, management, and diseases, comprising a full history of the various races ; their origin, breeding, and merits ; their capacity for beef and milk ; the nature and treatment of their diseases ; the whole forming a complete guide for the farmer, the amateur, and veterinary sur- geon. With one hundred illustrations. Edited by A. Stevens. Cloth, pp. 469, cms . Price 90 cts. 29. Allen, Youatt, Thompson and G-nenon — (4 v. 12mo. ' Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2,15. as follows : (1.) Allen’s Domestic Animals [82] — History and description of the horse, mule, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, and farm dogs. With directions for their management, breeding, crossing, rearing, feeding, and preparation for a profita- ble market ; also their diseases and remedies. Together with full directions for the management of the dairy. By R. L. Allen, Cloth, pp. 227, cms. Price 55 cts. (2.) Youatt and Martin on the Hog, — A treatise on the breeds, management, feeding, and medical treatment of swine ; with directions for salting pork and curing hams. By William Youatt, O.S., and W. E. Martin. Illustrated with engravings drawn from life, by William Harvey. Edited by A. Stevens. Cloth, pp. 224. cms. Price 55 cts. K 138 Practical Agriculture. (3.) Thomson’s Food of Animals [19] — Experimental He- searches on the Pood of Animals, and the fattening of Cattle. With Remarks upon the Pood of Man. Based upon experiments undertaken by order of the British Government. By Robert Dundas Thompson, M.D. Cloth, pp. 172, cms. Price 55 cts. (4.) Grnenon on the Cow — (8vo.) A treatise on milch cows. By M. Francis Gnenon. With illustrated or introductory remarks and observations on the cow and the dairy. By John S. Skinner. Cloth, pp. 88, cms. Price 50 cts. V. SHEEP, 30. Randall and Youatt — (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.45, as follows : (1.) Youatt’s Sheep [86] — Their Breeds, Management, and Dis- eases. By William Youatt. With illustrative engravings. To which are added, remarks on the breeds and management of sheep in the United States, and on the culture of fine wool in Silesia. Cloth, pp. 158, cms. Price 55 cts. (2.) Randall’s Sheep Husbandry [88] — With an account of the different breeds, and general directions in regard to Summer and Winter management, breeding, and the treatment of diseases. With portraits and other engravings. By Henry S. Randall. Edited by J. S. Skinner. Cloth, pp. 320, cms. Price 90 cts. 31. Canfield and Morell — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.45, as follows : (1.) Canfield on Sheep [89] — The breeds, management, struc- ture and diseases of the Sheep ; with illustrative engravings, and an appendix. En- larged by Henry J. Canfield. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 399, cms. Price 75 cts. (2.) Morell’s American Shepherd [44] — Being a history of the sheep, with their breeds, management and diseases. Illustrated with portraits of different breeds, sheep-barns, sheds, &c. With an Appendix containing letters from eminent wool growers, &c., detailing their respective modes of management. ByL. Morell. Cloth, pp. 437, hb. Price 70 cts. VI. POULTRY, &c. 32. Doyle, &c. — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two vol- umes $2.10, as follows : (1.) Doyle’s Domestic Poultry — The illustrated book of domestic poultry. Edited by Martin Doyle. The Figures drawn from nature by C. H. Weigall, engraved and printed in oil colors by W. Dickes & Co. Cloth, pp. viii-b 308 =316, grc. Price $1.20. (2.) The Country House — The Country House ; containing the poultry yard, the piggery, the ox, and the dairy. A new edition. Witn illustrations. Cloth, pp. iv +272=276, grc. Price 90 cts. 33. Brown and Bennett — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.50, as follows : (1.) Browne’s [47] — The American Poultry Yard ; Comprising the origin, history and description of the different breeds of domestic poultry, with various important and useful directions in regard to them. By D- J. Browne. With an appendix, embracing the comparative merits of different breeds of Fowls. By Samuel Allen. Cloth, pp. 322, cms. Price 75 cts. (2.) Bennett’s Poultry Book [50] — A. treatise on breeding and general management of Domestic Fowls. With numerous original descriptions and portraits from life. By John C. Bennett, M.D. Cloth, pp, 316, psc. Pri ce 75 cts. Practical Agriculture. 139 34. Dickson and Mowbray’s Poultry [85] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Their breeding, rearing, and general management. By Walter B. Dickson. A new edition, incorporating the treatise of Bonington Mowbray Edited with cor- rections and large additions by Mrs. Loudon, with plain and coloured illustrations by Harvey, including the Cochin-China fowl. Cloth, pp. xii.+2G3=275, hgb. Price $1. 35. Birds and Rabbits — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 75 cts., as follows: (1.) Browne’s [53] — The American Bird Fancier ; considered with reference to the breeding, rearing, feeding, management and peculiarities of Cage and House Birds ; with remarks on their diseases and remedies ; drawn from authen- tic sources and personal observation. By D. J. Browne. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 107, cms. Price 38 cts. (2.) Bement’s Babbit Fancier — A treatise upon the breeding, rearing, feeding and general management of rabbits; with remarks upon their diseases and remedies. By C. N. Bement. Cloth, pp. 101, cms. Price 37 cts. VII. BEES. 36. Quinby, &e.— (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.10, as follows : (1.) Quinby’s Mysteries of Bee-Keeping [90] — Explained ; being a complete analysis of the whole subject* consisting of the natural history of Bees, directions for obtaining the greatest amount of pure surplus honey with the least possible expense, remedies for losses given, and the science of “ luck” fully illustrated —the result of more than twenty years’ experience in extensive apairies. By M. Quinby. Cloth, pp. 379, cms. Price 75 cts. (2.) The Cottage Bee Keeper [46] — Or suggestions for the practical management of Amateur, Cottage and Parm Apairies, on scientific principles, with an Appendix and Notes, chiefly illustrative. By a Country Curate. Cloth, pp. 119, cms. Price 38 cts. 37. Miner and Weeks — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.10, as follows : (1.) Miner’s Bee-Keeping [91] — The American Bee-Keeper’s Manual; being a practical treatise on the history and domestic economy of the Honey-Bee, embracing a full illustration of the whole subject, with the most approved methods of managing this insect through every branch of its culture, the result of many years experience. By T. B. Miner. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 349, cms. Price 75 cts. (2.) Weeks’ Bees — A Manual; Or, an easy method of manag- ing bees in the most profitable manner to their owner ; with infallible rules to prevent their destruction by the moth. By John M. Weeks. With an appendix, by W. A. Elanders. Cloth, pp. 119, cms. Price 38 cts. Vm. MISCELLANEOUS. 37. Johnston and Stephens — (2 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2.10, as follows : (1.) Johnson’s Experimental Agriculture' — Being the results of past, and suggestions for future experiments in scientific and practical agriculture. By James E. W. Johnston. > Cloth, pp. xv+265=280, wbs. Price $1.20. (2.) Stephens’ Practical Draining — A manual of practical draining. By Henry Stephens, E. R. S. E. Cloth, pp. xiv+ 162=176, wbs. Price 90 cts. 39. Stephens and Johnston — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 70 cts., as follows ; 140 Practical Agriculture. (1.) Stephens’ Practical Agriculture — (12mo.) Catechism of practical agriculture. By Henry Stephens, F. R. S. E. Cloth, pu. 76, wbs. Price 30 cts. (2.) Johnston’s Analysis of Soils, &c. — (16mo.) Instructions for the analysis of soils, limestones, and manures. By James F. W. Johnston, Cloth, pp. 95, wbs. Price 40 cts. 40. Weale’s Agricultural Series— (6 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the six volumes $1.45, as follows : (1.) Donaldson on Clay Lands, &c. — [92-1] Rudimentary treatise on clay lands and loamy soils ; containing the origin and chemical qualities of each variety of land— natural properties of the soils and mode of cultivation— cropping and value of the lands, and changes effected by mixing with hot lime. By Professor Donaldson. Cloth, pp. iv-}-140=l44,y^. Price 25 cts. (2.) Dempsey on Drainage — [92-2.] Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of districts and lands. By G. Deysdale Dempsey*, C. E. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 142, jw. Price 25 cts. (3, 4, 5.) Andrews’ Agricultural Engineering [92-3-4-5] — Rudimentary treatise on agricultural Engineering. By G. H- Andrews, C. E. Yol. I. Buildings. Yol. II. Native Powers and Machinery of the Homestead. Yol. III. Field Machines and Implements. Illustrated with numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. vii+148+ 152+xii+132=451, jw. Price 70 cts. (6.) Swindell on Well Digging, &c. — [92-6.] Rudimentary treatise on Well Digging, Boring, and Pump Work. With illustrations. By John George Swindell. Revised by G. R. Brownell, C. E. Cloth, pp. xi+ 107+118, yw. Price 25 cts. 41. Miscellaneous — (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.15, as follows : (1.) The Honey Bee — (16mo.) The Honey Bee ; reprinted from the “ Quarterly Review.” Paper, pp. 100, jm. Price 23 cts. (2.) Smith on Eorest Trees [110] — (12mo.) A treatise on the management and cultivation of forest trees. By John Smith. Cloth, pp. 164, bs. Price 58 cts. (3.) How to choose a Milk Cow [93-2] — (16mo.) How to choose a good milk cow ; Or, a description of all the marks by which the milking qualities of cows may be ascertained. By J. H. Magne. With a supplement, on the dairy cattle of Great Britain ; their qualities, management and productive results ; with hints for selecting. By John Haxton. Illustrated with seven lithographic plates and engravings. Cloth, pp. 184, bs. Price 65 cts. (4.) Webb’s Farmers’ Guide [93-4] — (16mo.) — A treatise on the diseases of horses and black cattle ; with a selection of proved prescriptions, and instructions for the management of breeding mares and cows. By James Webb. To which is added a few practical remarks on the breeding and mangement of sheep. Cloth, pp. 224, bs. Price 70 cts. 42. Miscellaneous — (6 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the six volumes $3.50, as follows : (1.) Farm and Garden Essays — 16mo.) The farm and garden essays. Cultivation of arable land. Rearms: and management of poultry, the garden frame, annu?ls for the flower garden, fruit trees and fruit bearing shrubs. Cattle. The greenhouse— its construction and management. The horse. Cloth, pp. 178, gs. Price 65 cts. (2.) Dickson on Flax [112]— (12mo.) The improved mode in the cultivation and management of flax. By J. H. Dickson. Cloth, pp. 248, Price 85 cts. (3.) Donaldson’s Cultivated Plants of the Farm [93-1] — (16mo.) The legumes, the grains, and the esculents, comprising the scientific description and cultivated use of wheat, rye, barley, oats, vetches, beans, peas, turnips, cabbages, rape, carrots, parsnips, beetroot, and potato. By John Donaldson. Cloth, pp. 143, gs. Price 54 cts. ' , 141 Natural Philosophy . (4.) Taylor’s Bee-keeper’s Manual [93-7] — (16 mo.) Or, practical hints on the management and complete preservation of the honey. By Henry Taylor. Revised, enlarged, and additionally illustrated. Cloth, pp. 184, gs. Price 60 cts. (5.) Blacklock on Sheep [93-9] — (18mo.) A treatise on sheep ; the best means for their improvement, general management, and the treatment of their diseases ; with a chapter on wool, and history of the wool trade ; and the management of sheep in Australia. By Ambrose Blacklock. Illustrated with eight steel plates. Cloth, pp. 238, Price 45 cts. (6.) Doyle’s Bural Economy [93-8] — (18mo.) The Economic Library— I. Rural economy for cottage farmers and gardeners ; a treasury of informa- tion on cow-feeding, sheep, pigs, poultry, the horse, pony, ass, goat, the honey-bee, &c. By Martin Doyle and others. Cloth, pp. viii +303=311, gs. Price 44 cts. 43. Miscellaneous — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) Agricultural Class Book [6] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, how best to cultivate a small farm and garden. Together with hints on domestic economy. Cloth, pp. 317. (Irish National Series.) Price 28 cts. (2.) Morfit’s Manures [93-10] — (24mo. Am. Edi.) Their composition, preparation, and action upon soils ; with the quantities to be applied ; being a field companion to the farmer. Prom the Prench of standard authorities, by Campbell Moreit. Cloth, pp. 100, linb. Price 20 cts. (3.) Pedder’s Land Measure [18] — (18mo. Am. Edi.) The Parmer’s land measure, or pocket companion ; showing at one view the contents of any piece of land, from dimensions taken in yards, with a set of useful agricultural tables. By James Pedder. Cloth, pp. 144, cms. Price 35 cts. (4.) Munn’s Land Drainer — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The practical land drainer ; a treatise on draining land, in which the most approved systems of drainage and the scientific principles on which they depend, are explained and their comparative merits discussed, with full directions for cutting and making drains, &c. Numerously illustrated. By B. Munn, Landscape Gardener. Cloth, pp. x+ 190=200, cms. Price 37 cts. xiv. natural philosophy. 1. Mayhew’s Sciences and Philosophy — (2 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) Mayhew’s Wonders of Science — The wonders of science ; Or, young Humphry Oavy (the Cornish Apothecary boy, who taught himself Natural Philosophy, and eventually became President of the Royal Society. ) The life of a wonderful boy, written for boys. By Henry Mayhew. Cloth, pp. 452, Jib. Price 60 cts. (2.) Mayhew’s Peasant Boy Philosopher — The story of the peasant boy philosopher; Or, a child gathering pebbles on the sea shore (founded on the early life of Ferguson, the Shepherd boy Astronomer, and intended to show how a poor lad became acquainted with the principles of natural sciences.) By Henry Mayhew. Cloth, pp. 500, hb. Price 60 cts. 2. Forrest’s every Boy’s Book— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Every boy’s book ; a complete encyclopaedia of sports and amusements, intended to afford recreation and instruction to boys in their leisure hours. By Georue Forrest, M. A. Cloth, pp. vi+626=632, grc. Price $1.70. 3. Miscellaneous — (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2, as follows : (9.) Minerals and Metals [47-9] — (18mo.) Their natural history and uses in the arts ; with incidental accounts of mines and mining. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. xii+285=297,iwp. • Price 40 cts. 142 Natural Philosophy. (2.) Easy Lessons in Mechanics [47-8] — With familiar illustra- tions, showing the practical application of the various mechanical principles. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. vi+280=286, jwp. Price 40 cts. (3.) Village Science [47-5] — (18mo. R. T. Soc.) Or, the laws of nature explained by the author of “ Peeps at Nature” “ Nature’s Wonders.” With numerous illustrations, &c. Cloth, pp. 285. Price 40 cts. (4.) Tate’s Little Philosopher — (18mo.) The little philosopher ; Or, the science of familiar things ; in which the natural and experimental philosophy are systematically developed from the properties and uses of familiar things. By Thomas Tate, E. R. A. S. Cloth, pp. xiii+261=274, Ic. Price 80 cts. 4. Hitchcock and Dick — (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.70, as follows : (1.) Hitchcock’s Religious Truth — (12mo.) Illustrated from science, in addresses and sermons on special occasions. By Edward Hitchcock:, D. D., LL.D. Cloth, pp. 422, psc. Price 90 cts. (2.) 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Whewell’s Intellectual Education — Influence of the history of science upon intellectual education ; a lecture before the Royal Institution of Great Britain. By William Whewell, D.D. Cloth limp, pp. 44, gl. Price 25 cts. 7. Miscellaneous — (4 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes 95 cts., as follows : (1.) Natural Philosophy for Beginners [47-2] — Being familiar illustrations of the laws of motion and mechanics. Intended as a text-book for schools and self-instruction, as a companion to the lecture room, or for model schools. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 10+134=144, jwp. Price 35 cts. (2.) Chambers’ Rudiments of Knowledge [32 man. ] — Rudi- ments of knowledge. Cloth, pp. 88, wrcJi. Price 15 cts. (3.) Chambers’s Sciences [47-13]— An introduction to the sciences of astronomy, natural philosophy, geology, physical geography, meteorology, electricity, magnetism, chemistry, botany, zoology, physiology and mental philosophy. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 136, wrch. Price 20 cts. (4.) Nicol’s Sciences [13] — Introductory book to the sciences, for schools and private students. In two parts. Part I, Physical Science. Part II, Natural History. By James Nicol. Illustrated by 106 engravings. Cloth, pp. 144, oh. Price 25 cts. 8. Miscellaneous — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.25, as follows : (1.) Lardner’s Natural Philosophy for Schools. By Dionisius Lardner, D.C.L. With three hundred and twenty-eight illustrations. Cloth, pp. xiv+ 241=255, twm. Price 67 cts. (2.) Kemp’s Natural History of Creation, and Wilson’s Elec- tricity (Traveller’s Library)— The natural history of creation. By T. Lindley Kemp, M.D. Electricity and the electric telegraph, together with the chemistry of the stars ; an argument touching the stars and their inhabitants. By George Wilson, M.D. Cloth, pp. viii-r-123 + 50=181, Ic. Price 58 cts. Natural Philosophy. 143 9. Miscellaneous — (3 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.55, as follows : (1.) Hogg’s Natural Philosophy [27] — Elements of Experi- mental and natural philosophy : being a familiar and easy introduction to the study of the physical sciences ; embracing animals, mechanics, pneumatics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, acoustics, optics, caloric, electricity, voltaism and magnetism. For the use of Youth and Schools. Illustrated with upwards of three hundred engravings. Edited by Jabez Hogg, Surgeon. Cloth, pp. 357, nc. Price 80 cts. (2.) Scott Burn’s Mechanics and Mechanism [36] — Mechanics and Mechanism ; being elementary essays and examples for the use of schools, stu- dents and artisans. By Robert Scott Burn - , M.D. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 113, nc. Price 40 cts. (3.) Xmray’s Practical Mechanics ; including Mechanical Draw- ing, Strength of Material, and Sources of Mechanical Power. By James Imrat, M.A. Cloth, pp. 143, ivsoc. Price 35 cts. 10. Miscellaneous — (3 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1.20, as follows : • (1.) Zornlin’s Voltaic Battery [47-12] — (18mo.) What is a Voltaic Battery ? By Rosina M. Zornlin. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 119, jwp. Price 45 cts. (2.) Schoedler’s Natural Philosophy [47-1] — (12mo.) Elements of Natural Philosophy. By Fredrich Schoedler, M.D. Translated from the Ger- man by Henry Meplock, F.C.S, Illustrated with numerous engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 119, rgc. Price 50 cts. (3.) Abbott’s Little Philosopher [47-4] — (18mo.) For Schools and Families ; designed to teach children to think and to reason about common things ; and to illustrate for parents and teachers methods of instructing and inter- esting children. By Jacob Abbott. Cloth, pp. 177, grc. Price 25 cts. 11. Joyce's Science — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.70, as follows : (1.) Joyce’s Arts and Sciences [24] — A familiar introduction to the arts and sciences, with original introductory essays upon the subject of each lesson. For the use of schools and young persons : containing a general explication of thejundamental principles and facts of the sciences, divided into lessons, with questions subjoined to each for the examination of pupils. By the Rev. J. Joyce. Revised, corrected and enlarged. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings. Cloth, pp. 10+402=412, hgb. Price 70 cts. (2.) Joyce’s Scientific Dialogues [25] — For the instruction and entertainment of young people ; in which the first principles of natural and experi- mental philosophy are fully explained and illustrated. By the Rev. J. Joyce. With questions for examination, and other additions, by Wm. Pinnock. Revised by J, W. Griffith, M.D., F.L.S. &c. Cloth, pp. 10+575=585, hgb. Price $1. 12. Wesley's Natural Philosophy — (3 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) A Survey of the Wisdom of God in the Creation ; being from the Latin text of Pro- fessor J. F. Buddceus, of Germany : being a compendium of natural philosophy. By the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. Revised, corrected, and adapted to the present state of science. By Robt. Mudie. Cloth, pp. 384+376+374=1,124, wtc. Price $2.10. 13. Ennemoser's Magic— -(2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Magic. By Joseph Ennemoser. Translated from the German by William Howitt. To which is added an appendix of the most remarkable and best authenti- cated stories of apparitions, dreams, second sight, somnambulism, predictions, divina- tion, witchcraft, vampires, fairies, table-turning and spirit rapping. Selected by Mary Howitt. Cloth, pp. average 470 each vol., hgb. Price $2. 14. Brewster's Magic [19] — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) Letters on Natural Magic ; addressed to Sir Walter Scott, Bart. By Sir David Brewster, K.H. Cloth, pp. 350, wtc. Price 68 cts. 15. Comte’s Philosophy of the Sciences— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Philosophy of the Sciences ; being an exposition of the principles of the corns de philosophic positive of Auguste Comte. By II. G. Lewes. Cloth, pp. vii +350=357, hgb. Price $1. 144 Natural Philosophy. 16- Hunt’s Physics [32] — (l2mo. Eng. Edi.) Elementary Physics, an introduction to the study of natural philosophy. Illustrated with a colored lithographic frontispiece and two hundred and seventeen wood engravings. By Robert Hunt. Cloth, pp. 6+486=492, hgb. Price $1.20, 17. Xtn. K. Soc. Miscellaneous — (6 v. 18mo.) Price for the six volumes $3, as follows : (1.) The Book of Houses [18] — Being an historical sketch of the Dwellings of every people, from the earliest times. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 200. Price 45 cts. (2.) The Book of Boats [19] — Being an historical sketch of the ships and boats of every nation, from the earliest times. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 323. Price 55 cts. (3.) The Book of Bridges [20] — Being an historical sketch of remarkable bridges in the world. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 196. Price 45 cts. (4.) 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Cloth, pp. 220, gf. Price 73 cts. (3.) Every Day Things — Or useful knowledge respecting the principal animal, vegetable and mineral substances in common use. Written for young persons. By a Lady. Cloth, pp. iv+150 =154, gf. Price 40 cts. (4.) Aspin’s Cosmorama — The manners, customs and costumes of all the nations of the world, described by John Aspin. Illustrated with fifty engravings. Cloth, pp. viii+ 232 =240, gf. Price 73 cts. 19. Useful Arts, &e. — (2 v. 12mo. Xtn. K. Soc.) The useful arts and manufactures of Great Britain. Cloth, pp. 495+719=1,214. With fine illus- trations. Price $2. 20. Babbage and Aiken — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $2.40, as follows : (1.) Babbage’s Economy of Manufactures — On the economy of machinery and manufactures. By Charles Babbage, A.M. Cloth, pp. xxiv+ 408=432, jm. Price $1.25. (2.) Aikin’s Arts and Manufactures — Illustrations of arts and manufactures, being a selection from a series of papers read before the-Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. By Arthur Aikin, P. L. S. Cloth, pp. 37 Q,jvv. Price $1.20. 21. Lardner’s Museum of Science and Art — (5 v. in 3. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Museum of Science and Art. Edited by Dionysius Lardner D. C. L. Illustrated by engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 1368, twm. Price $4. 22. Lardner’s Common Things Explained — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Common things explained. By Dionysius Lardner, D« C. L. From “ the Museum of Science and Art.” With two hundred and thirty-three illustrations. Cloth, pp. 398+384=782, twm. Price $1.20. Natural Philosophy. 145 23. Miscellaneous — v3 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $1, as follows : (1.) Dawes’ Industrial Life — Lessons on the phenomena of industrial life, and the conditions of industrial success. Edited by the Rev. Richard Dawes, M. A. 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Lessons on houses, furniture, food and clothing. Illustrated. Being the second volume of the Instructor. Cloth, pp. 288, jwp . Price 40 cts. (2.) Dwelling Houses [14] — (16mo.) The useful arts employed in the production of clothing. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 199, jwp. Price 45 cts. (3.) Clothing [16] — (16mo.) The useful arts employed in the production of clothing. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 199, jwp. Price 45 cts. (4.) Food [15] — (16mo.) The useful arts employed in the production of food. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. lS3,jwp. Price 45 cts. (5.) Smeaton and Light Houses [53-2] — (16mo.) A popular biography, with an historical introduction and sequel. Cloth, pp. 120, jwp. Price 35 cts. 26. Miscellaneous — (4 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.75, as follows : (1.) Cream of Scientific Knowledge [52-6] — (18mo.) A note- book of general information, so brief and pithy, yet clear and easy, that an hour's perusal may supply a stock of useful information on almost every subject. Enlarged by the Rev. J. N. Wright, Illustrated by diagrams, &c., and a portrait of B Sir Richard Arkwright. Cloth, pp. vi+ 282 =288, wtc. Price 60 cts. (2.) Griffin’s Book of Trades [52-1] — (18mo.) The book of trades ; Or circle of the useful arts. Illustrated by steel engravings and wood cuts. Cloth, sq- pp. xi +388=399, rgc. Price 90 cts. 146 Natural Philosophy. (3.) Griffin's Novelties in Science [43] — (8vo.) Novelties in experimental science ; comprising practical treatises on photography, daguerreotype mineralogy, geology and electro-chemistry. Illustrated by numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. viii+96+12+51+78+56=301,r#c. Price 90 cts. (4.) Scoffern’s Weapons of War — (16mo.) Weapons of war; a history of projectiles and explosive compounds. By John Scoffern, M.B., wl, pp. 213. Price 35 cts. 27. Pictorial Half Hours [35] — (5 v. in 2, 8vo. Eng. Edi.) Pictorial Half Hours ; or miscellanies of art. With illustrative descriptions. Cloth, pp. 311 + 312 = 623, gcx. Price $2.50. 28. Knight’s Cyclopaedia [3]— (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Cyclopaedia of the Industry of all Nations. By Charles Knight. WTth thirty-seven full page illustrations on wood, of four and six each, illustrative of various branches of skill and industry. Cloth, double columns, pp.. 1806+42=1848, gcx. Price $2. 29. Lardner’s Great Exhibition — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Great Exhibition, and London in 1851, reviewed by Dr. Lardner. Cloth, pp. xxviii +630=658, Ic. Price $2.15. 30. The Industry of Nations [36] — (2 v. 12mo. Xtn. K. Soe.) As exemplified in the Great Exhibition of 1851. The materials of industry, and a survey of the existing state of arts, machines and manufactures. Illustrated with numerous engravings, and with a plan of the Great Exhibition Building in Hyde Park, London. Cloth, pp. 411+410=821. Price §2.50. 31. Miscellaneous — (2 v. 12mo.) Price for the two volumes §1.45, as follows : (1.) The Exhibition Lectures [37] — (Am. Edi.) Lectures on the results of the Exhibition, delivered before the Society of Arts, Manufac- tures and Commerce, at the suggestion of H.R.H. Prince Albert, President of the Society. By Messrs. Whewell, De La Bache, Owen, Bell, Playfair, Lindley, Solly, Willis, Glaisher, Heusman, Boyle and Washington. Cloth, pp. 463, asbc. Price 95 cts. (2.) Ward’s World in its Workshops [38] — (Eng. Edi.) The World in its Workshops ; a practical examination of British and foreign pro- cesses of manufacture, with a critical comparison of the fabrics, machinery and works of art contained in the Great Exhibition. By James Ward. With two engravings. Cloth, pp. 284, wsoc. Price 50 cts. 32. Pictorial Handbook of London — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The pictorial handbook of London, comprising its antiquities, architecture, arts, manu- facture, trade, social, literary and scientific institutions, exhibitions, and galleries of art, together with some account of the principal suburbs and most attractive locali- ties. Illustrated with two hundred and five engravings on wood. By Branston Jewett and others ; and a new and complete map, engraved by Lowry. Cloth, pp. 910, hgb. Price $1.05. 33. London — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) A new survey of London; fully developing its antiquity, history, and architecture, palatial and ecclesiastical structures, public buildings, social, literary, and scientific institutions, various gal- leries of art, parks, pleasure gardens, conservatories, trades and manufactures, govern- ment and municipal arrangements, etc. Illustrated by a newly- constructed whole- sheet map, and more than two hundred finely executed engravings of the most interesting subjects in the metropolis and its vicinage. Cloth, pp. 910, jw. Price §2.40. 34. Miscellaneous [52] — (12 v. 18mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the twelve volumes $2.70, as follows ; (1-6.) Manufactures of Great Britain. — The chemical, textile, metals, &c. By G. Dodd. Cloth, pp. 1402, gcx. Price §1.35, (7-9.) Commerce of Great Britain. — History of British Com- merce, from the earliest time to the present day. By G. L. Craik, A. M. Cloth, pp. 750, gcx. Price 68 cts. (10.) Knight’s Machinery and Labor. Kesults of machinery and capital and labor. By Charles Knight. Cloth, pp. 250, gcx. Price 23 cts. (11-12.) Industry of the Rhine. Agriculture and Manufactures. By T. C. Banfield. Cloth, pp. 252, gcx. Price 45 cts. Natural Philosophy . 147 35 . Bigelow’s Useful Arts [39] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The useful arts, considered in connection with the applications of science. With numerous engravings. By Jacob Bigelow, M. D, With illustrations, pp. 384+376 = 760, lob. Price $1.20. 36 . Miscellaneous — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.15, as follows : (1.) Novelties — (18mo.) Inventions and Curiosities in Arts and Manufactures. Cloth, pp. 279, grc. Price 40 cts. (2.) Dodd’s Curiosities of Industry [33] — (8vo.) The Curiosi- ties of industry and the applied sciences. By George Dodd, author of “ Days at the Eactories,” &c. Cloth, pp. 380, grc. Price 75 cts. 36 . Miscellaneous — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.20, as follows : (1.) Potter’s Science and Art [7] — The Principles of Science applied to the domestic and mechanic arts, and to manufactures and agriculture. With reflections on the progress of the arts, and their influence on national welfare. By Alonzo Potter, D. D. Cloth, pp. 432, lib. Price 60 cts. (2.) Wonderful Inventions [8] — A History of Wonderful In- ventions. Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood. In two parts. Part I. — The Mariner’s Compass, Lighthouses, Gunpowder and Gun Cotton, Clocks, Printing, the Thermometer, the Barometer, the Telescope, the Microscope. Part. II. — The Steam Engine, the Cotton Manufacture, Steam Navigation, the Railways, Gas Light, the Electric Telegraph. Cloth, pp. 120+125=245, lib. Price 60 cts. 37 . Beckmann’s Inventions [42] — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins. By John Beckmann. Translated from the German by William Johnston. Carefully revised and enlarged, by William Erancis, Ph. D., E. L. I., and J. W. Griffith, M. D., E. L. S. With a portrait of Beckmann. Cloth, pp. xxiii+518+xii+548=1101, hgb. Price $1.40. 38 . Miscellaneous — (2 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.75, as follows : (1.) Blakely’s Theology of Inventions ; or, Manifestations of Deity in the works of art. By the Rev. John Blakely. Cloth, pp. 294, rcb. Price 75 cts. (2.) Knight’s Knowledge is Power. — A Review of the produc- tive forces of modern society, and the results of labor, capital and skill. By Charles Knight. Revised and edited, with additions, by David A. Wells, A.M. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp, 503, gl. Price $1. 39 . Silk, Porcelain and Glass — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.40, as follows : (1.) Porter’s Silk [113 J — A treatise on the manufacture of silk. Contributed to the “ Cabinet Cyclopedia.” By G- R. Porter, Esq., E. R. S. Cloth, pp. 338, lc. Price 70 cts. (2.) Porter’s Porcelain and Glass [114] — A treatise on the manufactures of porcelain and glass. Contributed to the “ Cabinet Cyclopedia.’ ’ By G. R. Porter, Esq., E. R. S. Cloth, pp. 334, lc. Price 70 cts. 40. Holland’s Manufactures in Metal [109] — (3 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) A treatise on the manufacture in metal. Contributed to the “ Cabinet Cyclopedia.” By John Holland, Esq. Cloth, pp. 456 +378 +457 =1241, Price $2.10 II. THE STEAM ENGINE, ROADS AND RAILROADS. 41 . Miscellaneous — (2 v. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1.25, as follows : (1.) Burn’s Steam Engine — (12mo.) The steam engine, its history and mechanism ; being descriptions and illustrations of the stationary loco- motive and marine engine, for the use of schools and students. By Robert Scott Burn. Cloth, pp. viii+188=196, nc> Price 65 cts. 148 Natural Philosophy . (2.) 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Cloth, pp. xi-f 380=401, nc . Price §1.25. 45. Haupt’s Bridge Construction [73]— (8vo. Am. Edi.) General theory of bridge construction : containing demonstrations of the principles of the art and their application to practice : furnishing the means of calculating the strains upon the chords, ties, braces, counter-braces, and other parts of a bridge or frame of any description With practical illustrations. By Herman Haupt, A. M., C. E. Cloth, pp. 268, dac. Price §2.25. 46. Gillespie’s Roads, &c.~ (2 v. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.50, as follows : (1.) Gillespie’s Roads and Railroads [72] — (8vo.) A manual of the principles and practice of road making : comprising the location, construction, and improvement of roads, (common, macadam, paved, plank, &c.,) and Railroads. By W. M. Gillespie, A. M., C. E. With illustrations and additions. Cloth, pp. 372, asbc. Price §1,10. (2.) Owen’s Plank Roads— (12mo.) A treatise on the con- struction of plank roads. Cloth, pp. dac. Price 40 cts. 47. Wooderoft’s Steam Navigation [55]— (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Sketch of the origin and progress of steam navigation. By Professor Bennett Woodcropt. With seventeen lithographic plates. Cloth, pp. 140, twm. Price §2.50. 48. Bourne and Macfarlane — (2 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes §1.20, as follows : (1.) Bourne’s Steam Engine [9] — (A catechism of the steam engine, illustrative of the scientific principles upon which its operation depends, and the practical details of its structure, in its application to mines, mills, steam naviga- tion and railways. With various suggestions of improvement. By John Bourne C. E. pp. 288, dac. Price 60 cts. Natural Philosophy. 149 (2.) Macfarlane’s Propellers [10]: — (16mo. Am. Edi.) History of propellers and steam navigation, with biographical sketches of the early inventors. With illustrations. By Robert Macfarlane, C.E. Cloth, pp. 144, gpp. Price 60 cts. 49. Lardner’s Railway Economy [61]— (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Railway Economy ; or the new art of transport. Its management, prospects and relations, commercial, financial and social ; with an exposition of the practical results of the railways in operation in the United Kingdom, and on the Continents of Europe and America. B 3 Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. Cloth, pp. xxii+525=547, twm. Price $2.50. 50. Lardner’s Steam Engine, Navigation, Railways, &e. [ 59 ]— ( 12 mo. Eng. Edi.) The steam engine, steam navigation, roads, and railways explained and illustrated, with a review of the progress of steam navigation from its establishment in 1821 to the present day. By Dionysius Lardner, D. C. L. Illus- trated with numerous engravings, Cloth, pp. twm. Price $1.80. 50i. Ibid . [60] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) With additions and notes. By James Renwick, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 324, asbc. Price $1.10. 51. Lardner’s Railway Economy — (12mo. Am. gdi.) A treatise on the new art of transport; its management, prospects, and relations, qpm- mercial, financial, and social, with an exposition of the practical results of the railways in operation in the United Kingdom, on the Continents of Europe and America. By Dionysius Lardner, D. C. L., &c. Cloth, pp. 442, hb. Price 80 cts. 52. Weale’s Telegraph Magnetism, &e.— (4 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $1.60, as follows : (1.) Highton’s Telegraph [46-1] — The electrical telegraph, its history and progress. With numerous illustrations. By Edward Highton, C. E. Double part. Cloth, pp. xii + 179 =191, jtv. Price 45 cts. (2.) Snow Harris’ Electricity [41-7] — Rudimentary electricity; being a concise exposition of the general principles of electrical science, and the purposes to which it has been applied. By Sir W. Snow Harris, E. R. S., &c. With considerable additions, including extracts from the Cavendish Papers. Cloth, pp. vi+ "195 =201, jw. Price 35 cts. (3-4.) Snow Harris’ Magnetism [46-5-6] — Rudimentary magnet- ism; being a concise exposition of the general principles of magnetical sciznce and the purposes to which it has been applied, with one hundred and fifty-three illustra- tions. Parts I, II, and III. By Sir W. Snow Harris, E. R. S., &c. ’ Cloth, pp. vi+ 159 +vi+ 186=357, jw. Price 80 cts. 53. Bake weir 8 Electricity [42] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A manual of electricity, or electric science; its history, phenomena and applications. By C. Bakewell, with numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 314, rgc. Price of “Electric Science,'’ nc., 50 cts., of “ Manual of Electricity,” §1. 54. Reynold’s Electric Telegraph [40] — (demy 4to. portfolio, Eng. Edi ) The English electric telegraph, showing its principles and mode of operation, on a large scale, on a sheet full colored, mounted on canvass, in a portfolio. Size three feet by two. Cloth, portfolio, jr. Price $ 1 . 20 . III. ARCHITECTURE. 55. Tuthill’s History of Architecture [82] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) From the earliest times ; its present condition in Europe and the United States ; with a biography of eminent architects, and a glossary of architectural terms. By Mrs. J. C. Tuthill. With thirtyTour plates, and numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 426, linb. Price $2.80. 56. Downing’s Country Houses [88] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The architecture of country houses ; including designs for cottages, farmhouses and villas, with remarks on interiors, furniture, and the best modes of warming and ventilating. With three hundred and twenty illustrations, many of them printed in colours. By A. J. Downing. Cloth, pp. x+ 484 =494. dac. Price $3. ( See also No. 7, Agriculture.) 57. Vaux’s Villas and Cottages— (8to. Am. Edi.) Villas and Cottages ; a series of designs prepared for execution in the United States. By Cul- vert Vaux, Architect. Illustrated by 300 engravings. Cloth, pp. 318, Tib.* Price $1.60. f ' 150 'Practical Life. 58. Cleaveland’s and Backus’ Village and Farm Cottages — (8vo. Am. 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Homes for the people, in suburb and country, the villa, the mansion, and the cottage, adapted to American climate and wants. With examples showing how to alter and remodel old buildings. In a series of one hundred original designs. By Geryase Wheeler, Architect. Cloth, pp. x+ 443 =453, cs. Price $1. XV. PRACTICAL LIFE. I. CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS. 1. First Series — (10 v.) Price for the ten volumes $2.90, as follows : (1) Notes and Sketches of Lessons on Subjects connected with the great Exhibition [129-1.] Cloth, pp. 191. Price 30 cts. (2-6.) Home Tales [2] — (In five vols.) Sixty Home Tales founded on fact. Cloth, pp. 775. Price $1.5. (7.) The Old Arm Chair — A retrospective panorama of travels by land and sea. Cloth, pp. 371. Price 60 cts. (8.) Eldad the Pilgrim — A sketch of the manners and customs of the Jews in the century which preceded the advent of our Saviour. Cloth, pp* 146. Price 32 cts.. (9.) The Twins — Or, Home Scenes. By Elizabet Miller. Cloth, pp. 160. Price 35 cts. (10.) Grolden Sayings of the Wise King on the conduct of Life. ] 104-5]— With metrical illustrations. By the Rev. Thomas Boyles Murray, M- A. Cloth, pp . 101. Price 28 cts. 2 . Second Series — (10 v.) Price for the ten volumes $3.85, as follows : (1.) School — A tract for schoolboys. Cloth, pp. 22. Price 13 [cts. (2.) Kalli, the Esquimaux Christian — A memoir. By the Rev. j. B. Murray, M. A. Cloth, pp. 64. Price 22 cts. (3.) Shades of Character [101-3] — (Pour parts in one vol.) Cloth, pp. about 500. Price 70 cts. (4.) The Broken Arm, a National School Story [104-2] — Cloth, pp. 358. Price 50 cts. (5.) Little Servant Maids [129-23] — (Three parts in one.) With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 455. Price 75 cts. (6-7.) Tales and Stories selected from the Supplemental Cata- logue [104-1]— (In two vols.) Cloth, pp. 286. Price 65 cts. (8.) No Lie Thrives — A tale. Cloth, pp. 249. Price 35 cts. (9-10.) Stories for the Nursery [104-14] — (In two vols.) Cloth, pp. 192+142=334. Price 55 cts. 3. Third Series— (10 v.) Price for the ten volumes $3.40, as follows : 151 Practical Life. (1.) An Alphabet of Emblems [119-4] — By the Rev. Thomas Boyles Murray, M.A. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 72. Price 50 cts. (2.) Agnes and Eliza [129-16] — Or, Humility. With illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 143. Price 28 cts. / (8.) Alice Forester — Or, the old nurse. Cloth, pp. . Price 53 cts. (4.) Amy’s Trials — Or, a character misunderstood. Cloth, pp. . Price 53 cts. (5.) But Once [37-10 — A temperance tale. Cloth, pp. 176. Price 35 cts. (6.) Hetty and her Uncle — Or, six days at service. Cloth, pp. . Price 28 cts. (7.) The Lodgers — Cloth, pp. . Price 28 cts. (8.) Biver Side — Or, seed and fruit. Cloth, pp. . Price 28 cts. (9.) Let Well Alone [104-8] — Cloth, pp. 196. Price 28 cts. (10.) The Brothers [104-11] — A fishing tale. Cloth, pp. 108. Price 14 cts. 4. Fourth Series — (10 v.) Price for the ten volumes $1.75, as follows : (1-2.) 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The Good Neighbors [129-22] — A tale of the cholera in 1849. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 119. Price 15 cts. (4.) Susan Carter, the Orphan Girl — (Three parts in one vol,) Cloth, pp. . Price 55 cts. (5.) The Twins — Or, Home Scenes. Cloth, pp. . Price 45 cts. (6,) Village Home and the Brother and Sister — Cloth, pp. Price 16 cts. (7.) A Day in the Crystal Palace — By the Bev. T. B. Mttrlay, M. A. Pp. 24. Price 5 cts. (8.) Who’ll serve the Queen — pp. . Price 9 cts. (9.) Melbury School [129-6] — With Engravings, Cloth, pp. 84. Price 19 cts. (10.) Stories on the Lord’s Prayer [129-5] — Stories illustrative of the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 80, Price 12 cts. 6 Sixth Series — (12 v.) Price for the twelve volumes $1.70, as follows : (1.) Unselfishness [129-7] — Or, the Miner’s Daughter. By Miss J. Bunbury. With engravings. Cloth, pp. 67. Price 14 cts. 152 Practical Life. (2.) The Power of Meekness [129-10] — By Maria Hutchins. wick illustrations. Cloth, pp. 60. Price 12 cts. (3.) Rachel Johnson [123-13] — Paper, pp. 52. Price 7 cts. (4.) The two Johnsons [104-9] — A sequel to Rachel Johnson. Cloth, pp. 154. Price 25 cts. , (5.) Its of no Use [129-S] — With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 100. Price 20 cts. (6.) Aunt Rachel, and her Godson George [129-12] — A reward book for Sunday School Scholars. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 82. Price 15 cts. (7.) Anne Scott [129-14] — A village school girl. With illus- trations. Cloth, pp. 63. Price 15 cts. (8.) Arthur Granville [129-19] — Or, the gifts of God, addressed to Children. By Anna Maria Glennie With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 68. Price 15 cts. (9.) Joseph and his Brethren [129-20] — The story of Joseph and his Brethren. In three parts. Prom the cheap Repository of Tracts. Cloth, pp. 9G Price 15 cts# (10.) The Conqueror and his Sons [129-21] — Or, the Early Norman Times in England. With illustrations. Paper, pp. 102. Price 10 cts. (11.) Harriet Chapman [29-18] — With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 75. Price 15 cts. (12.) Little Childrens’ Duties. Paper, pp. 58. Price 7 cts. II. RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, 7. Anecdote Series — (12v.) Price for the twelve volumes $3.60, as follows : (1.) Interpositions of Providence. Cloth, pp. 232. Price 30 cts. (2.) The Holy Scriptures. Cloth, pp. 216. Price 30 cts. (3.) Christian Graces. Cloth, pp. 208. Price 30 cts. (4.) Christian Conduct. Cloth, pp. 232. Price 30 cts. (5.) Religious Tracts. Cloth, pp. 258. Price 30 cts. (6.) Sunday Schools [103] — Cloth, pp. 224. Price 30 cts. (7.) Christian Ministers. Cloth, pp. 232. Price 30 cts. (8.) Christian Missions Cloth, pp. 228. Price 30 cts. (9.) The Young [103-5] — Cloth, pp. 224. Price 30 cts. (10.) Social Life [131-1] — Cloth, pp. 231. Price 30 cts. (11.) Admonitions. Cloth, pp. 232. Price 30 cts. (12.) Miscellaneous [131-2] — Cloth, pp. 244. Price 30 cts. 8. Old Humphrey’s First Series— (10 v.) Price for the ten volume $3.90, as follows : (1.) Addresses, pp. Price 40 cts. (2.) Observations, pp. 344. Price 40 cts. (3.) Thoughts for the Thoughtful, pp. 280. Price 40 cts. (4.) Walks in London pp. 355. Price 40 cts. (5.) Country Strolls, pp. 304. Price 40 cts. (6.) Pithy papers, pp. 350. Price 40 cts., (7.) Half Hours, pp. 358. Price 40 cts. (8.) Friendly Appeals, pp. 356. Price 40 cts. (9.) v Country Pictures, pp. 166. Price 30 cts. (10.) Memoirs of Old Humphrey. With gleanings from his portfolio and portrait, pp. . Price 40 cts. Practical Life. 153 9. Old Humphrey’s Second Series [135-1-10] — (10 v.) Price for the ten volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Present in Prose, for the Young. Price 20 cts. (2.) Pleasant Tales for the Young. Price 20 cts. (3.) Tales in Rhyme for Girls. Price 20 cts. (4.) Tales in Rhyme for Boys. Price 20 cts. (5.) TaLes for Young Thinkers. Price 20 cts. (6.) Lessons Worth Learning for Boys. Price 20 cts. (7.) Lessons Worth Learning for Girls. Price 20 cts. (8.) Country Tales for the Young. Price 20 cts. (9.) Budget for Little Girls. Price 20 cts. (10.) Chapters for Children. Price 20 cts. ( The foregoing average 105 pages each.) 10. Fourth Series — (10 v.) Price for the ten volumes $3.40 as follows : (1.) The Paithful Servant [133-5] — The faithful servant adorn- ing the Christian character, pp. xxiv+312=336. Price 40 cts. (2.) Uncle Barnaby [134-4] — Or, recollections of his character and opinions- By Mrs. Copley, pp. 360. Price 40 cts. (3.) The Young Servant [133-4] — Or, Aunt Susan and her Nieces. By Mrs. Copley, pp. 215. Price 30 cts. (4.) The Family Book [132-2] — By Mrs. Copley, pp. 359. Price 40 cts, (5.) The Young Mother [132-5] — Or, affectionate advice to a married daughter. By Mrs. Copley, pp. viii+218=226. Price 30 cts. (6.) The Mother at Home [132-6] — Or, the principles of mater- nal duty familiarly illustrated. By the Rev. John S. C. Abbott, pp. 141. Price 20 cts. (7.) Domestic Life [132-1] — Or, hints for daily use. By Mrs. Copley, pp. 468. Price 50 cts. (8.) 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A Present for the Young [103-6]— A series of agreeable sketches- Cloth, pp. 144. Price 30 cts. (8.) The First Trial [103-7] — And other tales, illustrative of right motives and right actions. Cloth, pp. 108. Price 20 cts. (9.) Look up [103-8] — Or, girls and flowers. Cloth, pp. 180. Price 30 cts. (10.) The Sister’s Friend [103-10] — Or, Christmas Holidays spent at home. Cloth, pp. 180. Price 30 cts. L 154 Practical Life. 12 . Sixth Series— (10 v.) Price for the ten volumes §2.70, as follows : (1.) Annie Sherwood [103-111— Or, Scenes at School. Cloth, pp. 175. Price 20 cts. (2.) City Cousins [103-121— A sequel to Annie Sherwood. Cloth, pp. 177. Price 30 cts. (3.) Hartfield [103-13] — Or, Emily at School. Cloth, pp. 168. Price 30 cts. . r (4.) Jane Hudson [103-14] — The American Girl ; or, Exert yourself. Cloth, pp. 118. Price 20 cts. (5.) Isabel [103-15]— Or, Personal Influence. Cloth, pp. 108. Price 20 cts. r (6.) Bobert Dawson [103-16] — Or, The brave spirit. Cloth, pp. 180. 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Price for the five volumes $3.50, as follows : (1.) Uncle Tom’s Cabin [221-1] — (12mo.) Or, Slave Life in America. By Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. With two fine illustrations, complete in one volume, pp. xxxii+587=619. Price 70 cts. (2.) The Wide, Wide World [222-1] — (16mo.) By Elizabeth Wetherell. With two illustrations, complete in one volume, pp. 717. Price 70 cts. (3.) Grace Howard [221-4] — (16mo.) And the Family at Glen Luna. By Elizabeth Wetherell, the authoress of the Wide, Wide World, with frontispiece, pp. 521. Price 70 cts. (4.) Amy Rose [221-5] — (16mo.) Truthfulness and Generosity, and other stories. A book for girls, with illustrations, pp. 436. Price 70 cts. (5.) Maurice Gray [221-6] — (16mo.) And other stories. A book for boys. With illustrations, pp. 356. Price 70 cts. 48. Fifth Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes $2.90, as follows : (1, 2.) Miss McIntosh’s Tales [222-2-5] — (16mo.) 4 in 2 vol- umes, as follows : (1) Conquest and Self-Conquest ; or, which makes the hero ? With two illustrations. (2) Praise and Principle; or, for what shall I live? With two engravings. (3) Grace Elliot; or, to seem and to be. With two illustrations. (4) Annie Donaldson ; or, evenings at the Old Manor House. With illuminated title page, by Maria J. McIntosh, pp. 463+564=1027. Price for the two double volumes $1.60. (3.) Woman ; an enigma : or, Louise De La Valliere — A Tale. By Maria J. McIntosh- Cloth, pp. 183. Price 30 cts. (4.) The Lamplighter — With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 242. Price 70 cts. (5.) Home Scenes [224-3] — (16mo.) A Series of Tales and Sketches, pp. 160. Price in boards 20 cts, in cloth 30 cts. 49. Sixth Series— (6 v.) Price for the six volumes $2.75, as follows : (1.) Success in Life [223-1] — (16mo.) A book for Young Men. pp. 332. Price 55 cts. (2.) Kind Words awaken Kind Echoes [224-1]— Or, Illustra- tions of the Power of Kindness. With frontispiece, pp. 240. Price 40 cts. (3.) The Daughter at School — By the Rev. Johk Todd, D.D, Cloth, pp, 268. Price 50 cts. (4.) Willard Lawson, and other Tales — By Mrs. E. C. Jtjdsok, Cloth, pp. 222. Price 40 cts. (5.) The Flower of the Family ; a Tale. Cloth, pp. 219. Price 40 cts. (6.) The Lamplighter. Without illustrations. Price 50 cts. 50. Seventh Series — (6 v.) Price fox the six volumes $1.30, as follows : (1.) Pebbles from the Sea Shore [224-4] — The Strawberry Bed, &c. A book for little girls. With two illustrations, pp. 127. Price 20 cts. (2.) The Clifford Family [224-5] — Or, the Riverbank. With two illustrations, pp. 128. Price 20 cts. (3.) Sunny Side ; or, the Minister’s Family. By B. Trttsta. Cloth, pp. 114. Price 23 cts. 162 Practical Life. (4.) Lessons in Life — By the author of “ Home Scenes,” &c. Cloth, pp. 189. Price 23 cents. (5.) Summer Days ; or, the Cousins — A story for the young. Cloth, pp. 127. Price 23 cts. (6.) Tales for the Home Circle. Cloth, pp. 196. Price 23 cts. 51. Eighth Series — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes $2.20, as follows : (1,) Happy Holidays [225-1] — (24mo.) Or, Woodleigh House. With illustrations, pp. 288. Price 50 cts. (2.) Leaves from the Journal of a Poor Vicar, and other Tales —Cloth, pp. 240. . Price 30 cts. (3.) Mary Rice ; and other Tales — By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. Cloth, pp. 237. Price 30 cts. (4.) The Coronal [225-2] — Or, Tales and Pencilings in Poetry and Prose. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. With frontispiece, pp. 237. Price 40 cts. (5.) Clara’s Amusements [225-3] — By Mrs. Anna Bache. With frontispiece, pp. 240. Price 40 cts. (6.) Clara Howell ; or, the Little Housewife — By Mrs. Anne Bache. Cloth, pp. 240. Price 30 cts. 52. Ninth Series — (7 v.) Price for the seven volumes $1.40, as follows ; (1.) Home Duties ; or, the Story of Helen Spencer— By Mrs. H. S. Grosvenor. Cloth, pp. 109. Price 20 cts. (2.) Daily Duty ; a book for girls — With recommendatory pre- face. By the Rev. W. K. Tweedie, D.D. Cloth, pp. 160. Price 20 cts. (3.) Emily Herbert ; or, the Happy Home — Cloth, pp. 156. Price 20 cts. (4.) Rose and Lillie Stanhope; or, the Fower of Conscience — By Maria J. McIntosh. Cloth, pp. 116. Price 20 cts. (5.) Jane Hudson ; or, the secret of getting on in the world — Cloth, pp. 106. Price 20 cts. (6.) Wings and Stings ; a Tale for the Young. — By A. L. O. C. Cloth, pp. 99. Price 20 cts. (7.) “ Forewarned is Forearmed ;” or, the Story of Frank Har- per.— By the author of “ Good, Better, Best.” Cloth, pp. 88. Price 20 cts. 53. Tenth Series — (7 v.) Price for the seven volumes, $1.40, as follows : (1.) The Great Question ; Will you consider the subject of personal Religion ?— By Rev. Henry A. Bordman, D.D. Cloth, pp. 120. Price 20 cts. (2.) Asleep in Jesus; or, Words of Consolation to Bereaved Parents. By the Rev. W. B- Clarke. Cloth, pp. 138. Price 20 cts. (3.) 4 ‘ Our Father who art in heaven;” a Story illustrative of the Lord’s Prayer. Cloth, pp. 98. Price 20 cts. (4.) The Little Robinson of Paris [226-5] — Or, Industry Triumphant. A Tale for Youth. Translated from the Prench. By Lucy Landon. Illustrated, pp. 214. Price 20 cts. (5.) Constance Latimer [226-7] — Or, Tales for the Young. By Miss Embury. Illustrated, pp. 192. Price 20 cts. (6.) Allen Lucas ; or, Youthful Decision. Cloth, pp. 168. Price 20 cts. (7.) The Hand of God in War. By the Rev. W. K. Tweedie, D.D. Cloth, pp. 80. Price 20 cts. 54. Eleventh Series — (9 v.) Price for the nine volumes $1-75, as follows : (1.) Evenings at Home [227-5] — Or, the Juvenile Budget opened : a book for the instruction and amusement of young persons. By Dr. Aiken and Mrs. Baubauld. Illustrated, pp. 383. Price 30 cts. (2.) Anecdotes [227-6] — Book of entertainment and instructive anecdotes, moral and religious. By the Rev. K. Arvine, A.M, With frontispiece, pp. 320. Piice24cts. 163 Practical Life . (3.) The Boys’ Own Book [227-1] — By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. With frontispiece, pp. 222. Price 22 cts. (4.) The Young Lady's Friend [227-3] — By Mrs. Farrar. pp. 224. Price 24 cts. (5.) Richmond’s Annals of the Poor [161-6] — Cloth, pp. xvi-f 239=255. Price 20 cts. (6.) Simple Sketches [227-7] — By the Rev. John Todd. With illustrations, pp. 260. Price 25 cts. (7.) Who is Greatest, and other Stories — Cloth, pp. 65. Price 10 cts. (8.) Edward’s Dream, and other Stories- Cloth, pp. 65. Price 10 cts, (9.) Kitty the Cat, and other Stories — Cloth, pp. 65. Price 10 cts. VIII. WILLIAM TEGG & Co.’s PUBLICATIONS. 55. First Series — (10 v.) Mary Howitt’s Juvenile Books, illus- trated- [106] Price for the ten volumes $3. (1.) Strive and Thrive. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 175. Price 30 cts. (2.) Hope On, Hope Ever. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 212. Price 30 cts. (3.) Sowing and Reaping. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 170. Price 30 cts. (4.) Love and Money. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 172. Price 30 cts. (5.) Who shall be Greatest? Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 178. Price » 30 cts. (6.) Which is the Wiser? Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 184. Price 30 cts. (7.) Little Coin, much care. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 171. Price 30 cts. (8.) Work and Wages. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 178. Price 30 cts. (9.) xAlice, Franklin. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 174. Price 30 cts. (10.) No Sense like Common Sense. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 176. Price 30 cts. 56. Second Series — (9 v.) Price for the nine volumes &2.7Q, as follows : (1.) My Uncle the Clock Maker — [106-11] By Mary IIowitt. Cloth; gilt edges, pp. 180. Price 30 cts. (2.) The two Apprentices — [106-12] By Mary Howitt. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 175. Price 30 cts. (3.) My Own Story — [106-13] By Mary Howitt. Cloth, gilt edges, pp. 176. Price 30 cts. (4.) Early Friendships [117-2] — By Esther Copley. Cloth, pp. 174. Price 30 cts. (5.) Poplar Grove [117-1] — By Esther Copley. Cloth, pp. 173. Price 30 cts. (6.) Village and Vicarage. By Old Humphrey. Cloth, pp. . Price 30 cts. (7.) Wright’s Ocean Work [19-3 nat. phenT ] — Ocean work, ancient and modern; or, evenings on sea and land. By J. Hall Wright, Surgeon With two steel engravings. .Cloth, pp. 168, wtc , Price 30 cts. (8.) The Looking Glass for the Mind [254-6] — Or, Intellectual Minor. Being an elegant collection of the most delightful little stories and interesting tales ; chiefly translated from L’ami des Enfans. With numerous wood-cuts, engraved by John Thompson, pp. viii+ 239=247. Price 30 cts. 164 Practical Life. (9.) Breakfast Table Science [254-7] Written expressly for the amusement and instruction of young people. By J. H. Weight. With frontis- piece. pp. x+ 204=214. Price 30 cts. ( See also D. Appleton § Co.'s Series, No. — , page — .) 57. Third Series — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes ^3.25, as follows : (1-3.) Pictures of Private Life — (3 v.) First, second and third Series. By Mrs. Ellis. Cloth, pp. xx+348+viii+410+viii + 357=1151. Price $2. (4.) Illustrations of the Law of Kindness [254-1] — By the Bev. G. W. Montgomery. Containing a memoir of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Pry, by Joseph John Gurney, Esq. And a supplementary chapter on alms-givings, with notes and additions by John Washburn. pp. xii+285=297. Price 55 cts. (5.) The Law of Kindness [254-2] — By the Revd. Thomas Pyne, A. M. pp. 128. Price 50 cts, (6.) Todd’s Student’s Manual [254-6] — Designed by special character directions to aid in forming and strengthening the intellectual and moral habits of the student. By the Bev. John Todd. pp. xii+203+215. Price 20 cts. 58. Fourth Series — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes ^2.95, as follows : (1.) A Present for an Apprentice [254-5] — By the late Thomas Tegg, Esq. With frontispiece, pp. xvi+381=397. Price 90 cts. (2.) The Female Student [255-2] — Or, lectures to young ladies on Female Education. Eor the use of mothers, teachers and pupils. By Mrs. Phelps. With frontispiece, pp. xiv+387=401. Price 50 cts. (3.) Electric Telegraph [255-9] — And Inventors and Discoverers. With illustrations, pp. 128+128—256. Price 35 cts. (4.) Pictures and Painters and Popular Superstitions [255-8] — With illustrations, pp. 128+128=256, Price 35 cts. (5.) Popular Authors and Law and Lawyers [255-7] — (24mo.) "With illustrations, pp. 128+128=256. Price 35 cts. (6.) Christian Morals. By Hannah More. Cloth, pp. viii + 439=447. Price 50 cts. IX. MISCELLANEOUS. 59. Thomas Constable Sl Co.’s Publications — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $ . , as follows : (1.) Sunbeams in the Cottage ; Or, what women may do. A narrative chiefly addressed to the working classes. By Mabgaeet Maria Brewster. Cloth, pp. 220. Price 75 cts. (2.) Work ; Or, Plenty to do, and how to do it. By Margaret Maria Brewster. Cloth, pp. 125. Price (3.) Augustine the Happy Child. From the French of Madame Clara Monneron. Cloth, pp. 371. Price (4.) The Ethics of the Sabbath. By David Pirret. Cloth, pp. viii+242=250. Price 80 cts. 80. Johnstone and Hunter’s Publications — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes $2, as follows : (1 .) Millie Howard ; Or Trust in God. By Mrs. Henry Lynch. Cloth, pp. viii+ 509 =517. Price 80 cts. (2.) The Cotton Tree ; Or, Emily the little West Indian. A tale for young people. By Mrs. Henry Lynch. Cloth, pp. 124. Price 40 cts. (3.) The Red Brickhouse. By Mrs. Lynch. Cloth, pp. Price 80 cts. 61, Ward and Lock’s Publications — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $2.55, as follows : (1.) The Wide Wide World [246-2] — Plain. By Elizabsth WETnERELL. With frontispiece, pp. vii+519=526. Price 60 cts 165 Practical Life. (2.) Fern Leaves from Fanny’s Portfolio [229-3] — By Fanny Peen. Pirst and second series complete, including “ Shadows and Sunbeams.” Cloth, pp. vi+320=326. Price 75 cts. (3.) Famous Persons and Famous Places. By N. P. Willis. Cloth, pp. viii+263=27l. Price 60 cts. (4.) The Lamplighter — A tale of little Gertrude. Cloth, pp. 378. Price 60 cts. X. H. G. BOHN’S PUBLICATIONS. 62. First Series — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes ^2 .75, as follows : (1.) The Wide Wide World [245-1] — (12mo.) By Elizabeth Wetherell. Illustrated with engravings, pp. viii+519=527. Price $1,05. (2.J Uncle Tom’s Cabin [246-1] — (12mo.) Or, Life among the Lowly. By Harriet Beecher Stowe. With introductory remarks, by the Rev. James Sherman. With illustrations, pp. xx+483=503. Price 70 cts. (3.) Stories of English and Foreign Life [246-3] — By William and Mart Howitt. With several beautiful engravings, pp. 496. Price $1. 63. Second Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes ^4. 10, as follows : (1-3.) Frederika Bremer’s Works [245-2-4] — Translated by Mary Howitt. In three volumes, pp. 520+588+510=1018, as follows: (2.) The neighbours, a story of every day life, and other tales : Hopes— the Twins— the Solitary —the Comforter— a letter about Suppers— Tralinnan. With portrait of Miss Bremer. (2.) The President’s daughters ; including Nina. (3.) A diary, the H family. Axel and Anna and other tales. Price for the three volumes $2.10. (4-5.) Our Village [246-4-5] — Sketches of rural character and scenery. By Mary Russell Mitford. Pirst and second series, in two volumes. With frontispiece, pp. viii+ 536+ iv+ 507 =1055. Price $2. XI. LONGMAN & Co.’s PUBLICATIONS. 64. First Series — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes ^2.50, as follows : (1.) The Parent’s Assistant [244-1] — Or, stories for children. By Maria Edgeworth. In one volume. Illustrated, pp. xi+492=503. Price 75 cts. (2.) Confession of a Working Man. From the French of Emile Souvestre. Together with an attic philosopher in Paris ; Or, a peep at the world from a garret, being the journal of a happy man, by the same author. In one volume. Cloth, pp. 144+144 = 288. Price 60 cts. (3.) The Light of the Forge ; Or, counsels drawn from the sick bed of E. M. By William Harrison, A. M. Cloth, pp. 190. Price $1.15. 65. Second Series — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes ^2.40, as follows : (1.) Lynch’s Lectures in aid of self-improvement [244-5] — Addressed to young men and others. By Thomas T. Lynch, pp. viii+163=17l. Price 80 cts- (2.) “ Risen from the Ranks” [244-6] — Or, conduct versus caste. By the Rev. Erskine Neale, M. A. pp. viii+341=349. Price $1.35. (3.) Mv Youthful Companions [244-7] — With frontispiece. pp. 146. Price 25 cts. 166 Practical Life. XII. W. & R. CHAMBERS’ PUBLICATIONS. 66- First Series [247] — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes .-8-1.25, as follows : (1 to 6.) Chambers’ Papers for the People. In six volumes. Cloth, pp. average 256=3072. 66^. Ibid — (Am. Edi. Igc.) Price ^4.25. 67. Second Series [56] — (10 v.) Price for the ten volumes ^4.50, as follows : (1 to 10.) Chambers’ Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts— (18mo.) On various subjects connected with literature, history, practical instruction, poetry, anecdotes, &c. In ten volumes. Boards. 67^. Ibid — (Am. Edi. Igc.) Price ^4.50. 68. Third Series [248] — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes ^2,75. follows : (1 to 6.) Chambers’ Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts. With illustrations. In six volumes, Cloth, pp. average 256=1536. 68 |. Ibid — (Am. Edi. Igc.) Price ^2.75. 69. Fourth Series [249] — (12 v.) Price for the twelve volumes $4.25, as follows : (1 to 12.) Chambers’ Pocket Miscellany — With illustrations. In twelve volumes, pp. average 376=4512. 69^ Ibid — (Am. Edi. Igc.) Price ^4.25. 70. Fifth Series [250] — (20 v.) Price for the twenty volumes $4.50, as follows : (1 to 20.) Chambers’ Library for Young People — (24mo.) In twenty volumes. With illustrations. (1.) The Swan’s Egg. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. (2.) Grandmama’s Pockets. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. (3.) The Little Robinson and other tales. (4.) Uncle Sam’s Money-box. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. (5.) Clever Boys and other stories. (6.) Orlandino. By Maria Edgeworth. (7.) Poems for young people. (8.) Duty and Affection. (9.) A tale of Old England. By Thos. Miller. (10.) True Heroism and other stories. (11.) Truth and Trust. (12.) The Whisperer. By Mrs. S. C. Hall. (13.) Eireside Amusements. (14.) Moral Courage and other tales. (15.) Self-denial and other tales. (16.) The steadfast Gabriel, a tale of Tichnor Good. By Mary Howitt. (17.) History of England. (18.) History of Prance. (19.) History of Scotland. (20.) Alfred in India. Average pp. 160=3040. 7(H. Ibid — (Am. Edi. Igc.) Price 71. Sixth Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes % . , as follows : (1-2.) Tales for Travellers — (2 v.) Selected from Chambers’ Papers for the People. Cloth, pp. 360+362=722. Price (3.) Stories of the Irish Peasantry [259-4] — By Mrs. S. C. Hall. pp. 303. Price 50 cts. (4.) The Moral Class Book [88] — Or, the more important, moral and economic duties of life. Illustrated by means of anecdotes, historical and bio • graphical. Cloth, pp. 168. Price 30 cts. (5.) Lesson Book of Common Things, and ordinary conduct. Cloth, pp. iv+ 74=78. Price 20 cts. XIII. LIPPINCOTT 8c Co.’s PUBLICATIONS. 72. First Series [211] — (7 v.) Price for the seven volumes $3.95, as follows •. (1.) The Bible in the Counting House [1] — A course of Lectures to merchants. By H. A. Boardman, D. D. pp. 420. Price 80 cts. (2.) Freedley’s Practical Treatise on Business [2] — Or, how to get, save, spend, give, lend, and bequeath money. With an inquiry into the chances of success and causes of failure in business. By Edwin T. Freedley. Also, prize essays, statistics, miscellanies, and numerous private letters from successful and distinguished business men. pp. 352. Price 80 cts. 167 Practical Life. (3.) The Race for Riches [3] — And some of the pits into which the runners fall. Six lectures applying the word of God to the traffic of men. By William Arnot. With preface and notes, by Stephen Colwell, pp. 181. Price 55 cts, (4.) Letters to a Young Lady [4] — On a variety of useful and interesting subjects. Calculated to improve the heart, to form the manners, and enlighten the understanding. By the Rev. J oo Bennett, pp. 334, Price 30 cts. (5.) Hamilton, the Young Artist [5] — By Augusta Browne. With an essay on sculpture and painting, by Hamilton A. C. BPvOWNE. pp. 176. Price 30 cts. (6.) Discourses to Young Men [17] — Illustrated by numerous highly interesting anecdotes. By William Dodd, LL. D. Cloth, pp. 542. Price 30 cts. (7.) The Myth of Hiawatha, and other oral Legends, mythologic and allegoric of the North American Indians. By Henry R, Schoolcrapt, LL. D. Cloth, pp. xxiv+ 343=367. Price 90 cts. 73. Second Series [212] — (12 v.) Price for the twelve volumes $3.45, as follows : (1 to 12.) T. S. Arthur’s Juvenile Library — With illustrations from original designs. By Croombe. (1.) The Poor Woodcutter, and other stories. (2.) Our Little Harry, and other poems and stories. (3.) Who is Greatest ? and other stories. (4.) Hav’nt Time and Don’t be in a Hurry. (5.) The Wounded Boy and other stories. (6.) Who are Happiest ? and other stories. (7.) Uncle Ben’s New Year’t Gift, and other Stories. (8.) The Last Penny and other stories. (9.) Ce- dardal ; or, the peace-makers, a story of village life. (10.) The Lost Children, and other stories. (11.) Maggy’s Baby and other stories. (12.) Pierre, the Organ Boy, and other stories. Averaging, pp. 150=1800. XIV GOULD AND LINCOLN’S PUBLICATIONS. 74. First Series (8 v.) — Price for the eight volumes $3.80, as follows : (1 to 6.) Chambers’ Home Book; or, Pocket Miscellany [249] Containing a choice selection of interesting and instructive reading for the old and young. Cloth, pp* average 180=1800. Price $2.40. (7-8.) Chambers’ Repository of Amusing and Instructive Papers |_248]— (2 v.) With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 248+248=496. Price $1.40. 75. Second Series — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $2.55, as follows : (1.) The Excellent Woman — [35 and 190-2] As described in the Book of Proverbs. With an introduction by William D. Sprague, D.D. Em- bellished with numerous illustrations engraved by Baker, pp. 249. Price 75 cts. (2.) My Mother ; or, Recollections of Maternal Influence. Cloth, pp. 254. Price 60 cts. (3.) Memories of a Grandmother. By a Lady of Massachusetts. Cloth, pp. 142. Price 40 cts. (4.) The Hallig; or, The Sheepfold in the Waters. A tale of humble life on the coast of Schleswig. Translated from the German of BiernatzkL By Mrs. George P. Marsh. With a biographical sketch of the author. Cloth, pp. 298. Price 80 cts. 76. Third Series — Aimwell Stories — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Oscar ; or, The Boy who had his own way. By Walter Aimwell. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 313, Price 50 cts. (2.) Clinton ; or. Boy Life in the Country. By Walter Aim- well. With illustrations. Cloth, pp* 312. Price 50 cts* (3.) Ella ; or, Turning Over a New Leaf. By Walter Aim- well. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 281. Price 50 cts. (4.) The Whistler ; or, The Manly Boy. By Walter Aimwell. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 308. Price 50 cts. 168 Practical Life. 77. Fourth Series — (4 t ) Price for the four volumes $2.20, as follows : (1.) Pleasant Paees for Young People — [190-3] Or Book of Home Education and Entertainment. By S. Prout Newcombe. With numerous illustrations. ISmo, pp. 426- Price 60 cts. (2.) Clinton; [190-4] — A Boob for Boys. By William Simonds. With Illustrations, pp. 275. Price 50 cts. (3.) The Poor Boy and Merchant Prince ; or, Elements of suc- cess, drawn from the life and character of the late Amos Lawrence. A book for youth. By William M. Thayer. Cloth, pp. 349. Price 60 cts. (4.) Seed-time and Harvest; or, Sow Well and Heap Well [223-3] A book for the young. By the Rev. W, K- Tweedie, D.D. Cloth, pp. 248. Price 50 cts. 78, Fifth Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes $1.90, as follows : (1.) The Guiding Star; or, The Bible God’s Message. By Louisa Payson Hopkins. Cloth, pp. 260. Price 40 cts. (2.) How to be a Man — [23] A book for Boys. Containing useful hints on the formation of character. By Harvey Newcombe. Cloth, pp. 224. Price 40 cts. (3.) How to be a Lady — [190-5] A book for girls, containing useful hints on the formation of character. By Harvey Newcombe. pp. 219. Price 40 cts. (4.) Anecdotes for Boys — [20] Entertaining narratives and anecdotes illustrative of principles and character. By Harvey Newcombe. Cloth, pp. 144. Price 35 cts. (5.) Anecdotes for Girls — [32] Entertaining narratives and anecdotes illustrative of principles and character. By Harvey Newcombe. Cloth, pp- 144. Price 35 cts. XV. CROSBY, NICHOLS & Co.’s PUBLICATIONS. 79. First Series — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $2.25, as follows : (1.) Pictures of the Olden Time, as shown in the fortunes of a family of the Pilgrims. By Edmund H. Sears. Cloth, pp. viii-b342=350. Price 75 cts. (2.) Norva ; A Tale of the Eoman Empire, and other Stories. By Emile Souvestre. Translated from the Erench. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. vi+ 239=245. Price 55 cts. (3.) Treasures in Song and Story — [181-5] Erom Aunt Mary’s Portfolio. Cloth, pp. 224. Price 50 cts. (4.) Popular Tales. By Madame Guizot. Translated from the French. By Mrs. L. Burke. Cloth, pp. 404. Price 55 cts. 80. Second Series — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $1.95, as follows : (1.) Tifcania ; Tales and Legends. Translated from the Erench of Auguste Linden. By Frauermantel. Cloth, pp. 236. Price 55 cts. (2.) Hurrah for the Holidays ; or, The Pleasures and Pains of Freedom. Translated from the German of A. Stein and Rosalie Koch. By Frau- ermantel. Cloth, pp. 220. Price 55 cts. (3.) The Pearls, and other Tales. Translated from the German of Olga Eschenbach and Agnes Franz, By Frauermantel. Cl th, pp. 249. p rice 55 cts* (3.) Bardouc — [180-5] Or the Goatherd of Mount Taurus. A Persian Tale. Translated from the French. With frontispiece, pp. 213. Price 30 cts. 81. Third Series — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes $1.60, as follows ; (1.) Advice to Young Mothers on the Physical Education of Children- By a grandmother. Cloth, pp. 355. Price 75 cts. Practical Life. 169 (2.) Echoes of Infant Voices — [181-2] Eor the bereaved and sorrowing, pp. 144. Price 35 cts. (3.) Children’s Trials ; or, The Little Bope-dancers, and other Tales. Translated from the German of Auguste Linden by Feaueemantel. Cloth, pp. 238. Price 50 cts. 82. Fourth Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes $2.30, as follows : (1.) The Elements of Character. By Mart G. Chandler. Cloth, pp. 234. Price 50 cts. (2.) Lectures to Young Men — [179-5] By William G. Elliot, Jun. pp. 190. Price 50 cts. (3.) Lectures to Young Women — [179-4] By William G. Elliot, Jun. pp. 196. Price 50 cts. (4.) Sketches and Stories from Life — [180-2] For the Young. By H. H. Lee. pp. 222. Price 40 cts. (5.) The Boy of Mount Righi — [113-7] Or, Do the Duty Nearest to You. Cloth, pp. 252. Price 40 cts. 83. Fifth Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes $1.70, as follows ; (1.) The Wind-Spirit and the Bain Goddess — [181-1] Trans- lated from the German of M, Schlinpeet. By Feaueemantel. With woodcuts designed by C. Seguin. pp. 137. “ Price 40 cts. (2.) The Wonderful Mirror. With Illustrations. Cloth, pp. 123. Price 40 cts. (3.) Mothers' True Stories. Cloth, pp. 242. Price 40 cts. * (4.) The Child’s Morning Book. Cloth, pp. 56. Price 20 cts. (5.) The Child’s Matins and Vespers — [180-7] By a Mother. pp. 159. Price 30 cts. 84. Sixth Series — (9 v.) Price for the nine volumes $2.50, as follows : (1 to 9.) Mrs. L. C. Tuthill’s Works — Illustrated with engrav- ings. (1.) A Strike for Freedom, or law and order, — a book for boys. (2.) I will be'a gentleman— a book for boys. (3) I will be a lady, — A book for girls. (4.) Onward! Right onward ! (5.) Anything for sport. (6.) The Boarding Schoolgirl. (7.) The boy of spirit, — A story for the young. (8 ) When are we happiest ? or the little Cam- erons. (9.) 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Price 60 cts. (2.) Grilfillan’s Martyrs, Heroes of Covenant [157-7] — Martyrs, Heroes, and Bards of the Scottish Covenant. By the Rev* George Gilpillan, M.A. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 264. Price 50 cts. (3.) Jeanie Morrison ; or, the Discipline of Life.' By the au- thor of the Pastor’s Eamily. Cloth, pp. 348. Price 60 cts. (4.) Emily Vernon ; or, Filial Piety exemplified. By Mrs. Drummond. Cloth, pp. 330. Price 60 cts. (5.) The Listener [158-1.] — By Caroline Fry. Illustrated from original designs. Two volumes in one. Cloth, pp. 280+269=549. Price 80 cts. 103 * Fifth Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes $2.55, as follows : (1.) Edward Clifford ; or, Memories of Childhood. Cloth, pp. 342. Price 60 cts. (2.) Mia and Charlie ; or, a Week’s Holiday at Bydale Eectory. With six illustrations by Birket Poster. Cloth, pp. . Price 60 cts. (3.) Blossoms of Childhood [158-7.] — With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 368. Price 40 cts. (4.) 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Seventh Series [7 v.] — Price for the seven volumes §2.25, as follows ; (1.) The Claremont Tales [159-5] — or, illustrations of the Be- atitudes. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 364. Price 40 cts. (2.) The Night of Toil [361-3] — or, a Familiar Account of the Labors of the first Missionaries in the South Sea Islands. Abridged. With illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 236. Price 25 cts. (3.) Stories on the Lord’s Prayer [361-5] — and other Tales. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 192. Price 25 cts. (4.) Life in New York [361-8] — Various Tales and Stories. Cloth, pp. 340. Price 32 cts. (5.) The Woodcutter of Lebanon. Cloth, pp. . Price 40 cts. (6.) The Exiles of Lucerne. Cloth, pp. . Price 40 cts. (7.) Roger Miller ; a Heroism in humble Life ; a narrative. By George Orme. With an Introduction by James W. Alexander. Cloth, pp. 185. Price 25 cts. 106 . Eighth Series (6 v.) — Price for the six volumes §2.30, as follows : (1.) 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Sigourney’s Letters to My Pupils [157-2] — With narrative and Biographical sketches. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. With mezzotint portrait from a daguerreotype. Cloth, pp. 341. Price 60 cts. (4.) Sigourney’s Olive Leaves [157-3] — By Mrs. L. H. Sig- ourney. Illustrated. Cloth, pp. 308. Price 40 cts. (5.) The Boy’s Book [161-9]— By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 247. Price 30 cts. (6.) The Girl’s Book [161-10]— By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. With illustrations by Howland. Cloth, pp. 243. Price 30 cts. 108 . Tenth Series (5 v.) — Price for the five volumes §2, as follows : (1.) The Brother and Sister; or, the Way of Peace. Cloth, pp. 293. Price 40 cts. (2.) The Spring-Time of Life [159-8] — or, Advice to Youth. By Rev. David Magie, D.D. With portrait. Cloth, pp. 328. Price 40 cts. (3.) The Happy Home [160-1] — affectionately inscribed to the Working People. By the Rev. James Hamilton, D.D. With illustrations by How- land. Cloth, pp. 298. Price 40 cts. 175 Practical Life. (4.) 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By James Hamilton, D.D. Cloth, pp. 184. Price 33 cts. 113. Fifteenth Series — (7 v.) Price for the seven volumes $2.20, as follows : (1.) The Giant Killer ; or, the Battle which all must fight. By Al. O. E. Cloth, p^. 185. Price 25 cts. 176 Practical Life. (2.) Twenty Pictures from Switzerland. Sketched from nature, then arranged and finished. By the Rev. Caesar Malan, D.D., Geneva, Cloth, pp. 192. Price 40 cts. (3.) The Farmers Daughter. By Mrs. Cameron. Cloth, pp. . Price 25 cts. (4.) Mrs. Sherwood's Tales [163] — Four volumes in one, as follows (1) Clever Stories for Clever Boys and Girls, (2) Jack the Sailor Boy. (3) Think before you Act. (4) Duty is safety. Cloth, pp. 384. Price 40 cts. (5.) Philip Colville ; a Covenanter’s story. By Grace Ken- nedy. Cloth, pp. 197. Price 25 cts. (6.) Annals of the Poor [161-6] — Containing the Dairyman’s Daughter; The Young Cottager ; The Negro Servant, &c. By Legke Richmond, A.M. Enlarged ; with an introductory sketch of the author. By John Ayee, A.M. With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 239. Price 32 cts. (7.) The Cottage Fireside [161-7] — or; the Parish Schoolmas- ter. By the Rev. Henby Duncan, DD. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 251. Price 33 cts. 114 . Sixteenth Series ( v.) — Price for the volumes S , as follows : (1.) The Village Churchyard. Price 33 cts. per vol. (2.) The Village Observer. Price 25 cts. per vol. 115 . Seventeenth Series (8 v.) — Price for the eight volumes $2, as follows : (1.) My Youthful Companions [162-1] — With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 171. Price 25 cts. (2.) Live while you Live [162-2]— -By the Rev. Thomas Geieeitb:, A.M. Cloth, pp. 168. Price 25 cts. (3.) Profession is not Principle [162-3] — or, the name of Chris- tian not Christianity. By Geace Kennedy. Cloth, pp. 167. Price 25 cts. (4.) Anna Ross; a Story for Children [162-4] — By Grace Kennedy. Cloth, pp. 175. Price*25 cts. (5.) Frank Harrison [165-7] — The History of a Wayward Boy. With frontispiece, pp. 150. Price 25 cts, (6.) Lucilla ; or, the Reading of the Bible. By the Rev. Adolphe Monod, D-D. Cloth, pp. . Price 33 cts. (7.) Charlie Seymour ; or, the Good and Bad Aunt. By Catha- eine Sinclaib. Cloth, pp. . Price 25 cts. (8.) Follow Jesus. By the author of “ Come to Jesus.” Cloth, pp. 101. Price 20 cts. 116 . Eighteenth Series [6 v] — Price for the six volumes jj?l. 70, as follows : (1.) The Peep of Day [161-4] — or, a series of the earliest re- ligious instruction the infant mind is capable of receiving ; with verses illustrative of the subjects. Revised. With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 202. Price 25 cts. (2.) Line upon Line [161-1] — or, a second series of religious instruction. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 269. Price 25 cts. (3.) Precept upon Precept [161-2] — or, a third series of religi- ous instruction. With frontispiece. Cloth, pp. 252. Price 25 cts. (4.) The Collier’s Tale ; a True History. By James Bridges Cloth, pp. 69. Price 20 cts. (5.) The Pastor’s Family. Cloth, pp. 83. Price 35 cts. (6.) Limed Twigs to Catch Young Birds [159-10] — By Ann and Jane Taylob. Cloth, pp. 223. Price 40 cts. 117 . Nineteenth Series (4 v.) — Price for the four volumes §1.55, as follows : (1.) Xew Cobwebs, to Catch little Flies [159-9] — With illus- trations. Cloth, pp. 250. Price 40 cts. (2.) Tender Grass for Little Lambs. By the Rev. Cornelius Win tee Bolton. Cloth, pp. 303. Price 40 cts. 177 Practical Life. (3.) Divine and moral Songs for the use of Children. By Isaac Watts, D.D. With twenty-four illustrations. Cloth, pp. 125. Price 35 cts. (4.) Bogatsky’s Golden Treasury. Cloth, pp. xv+376-391. Price 40 cts. XXI. D. APPLETON & Co.’s PUBLICATIONS. 118. First Series — Ellis’ Hearts and Homes — [191] Or, Social Distinctions, a Story. By Mrs. Ellis. 8vo. pp. 348+366=714. Price$1.10. 119. Second Series (3 v.) — Price for the three volumes $2, as follows: (1.) The Hills of the Shatemuc. By the author of “ The "Wide, wide World.’’ Cloth, pp. 516. Price $1. (2.) Leaves from a Family Journal. From the French of Emile Souvestre. Cloth, pp. 277. Price 40 cts. (3.) The Vicar of Wakefield [192-1] -a Tale. By Oliyek Goldsmith, M.B. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. With an account of the author’s life and writings, by J. Aikin, M.D. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 284 Price 60 cts. 120. Third Series (4 v.) — Price for the four volumes $2.40, as follows : (1.) Edgar Clifton [193-5] — or, Bight and Wrong. A Story of School Life. By C. Adams. With illustrations, pp. 365. Price 60 cts. (2.) Boys at Home. By C. Adams. Illustrated by John" Gil- bert. Cloth, pp. 415. Price 60 cts. (3 ) Louis’ School Days [193-6] — A Story for School-boys. By E. J. Mat. With illustrations, pp. 325. Price 60 cts. (4.) Mortimer’s College Life. By E. J. Mat. With illustra- tions. Cloth, pp* 344. Price 60 cts. 121. Fourth Series (5 v.) — G race Aguilar's Stories. Price for the five volumes $2.70, as follows : (1.) Home Influence [119-1] — A Tale for Mothers and Daugh- ters. Cloth, kb. Price 30 cts. (2.) A Mother’s Recompense [119-2] — A sequel to “Home Influence.” 12m o, cloth. Price 60 cts. (3.) Home Scenes and Heart Studies [192-3] — 12mo, pp. 399. Price 60 cts. (4.) Woman’s Friendship [192-2] — A story of Domestic Life. With frontispiece. 12mo, pp. 357. Price 60 cts. (5.) The Vale of Cedars ; or the Martyr. Cloth, pp. 256. Price 60 cts. 122. Fifth Series (5 v.) — Miss McIntosh’s Stories. Price for the five volumes $3.20, as follows : (1.) Charms and Counter Charms [118-5] — By Maria J. Mc- Intosh. 12mo, cloth, pp. 400, Price 80 uts. (2.) Aunt Kitty’s Tales [193-4] — With frontispiece. 12mo, pp. 286. Price 60 cts. (3-4.) The Lofty and the Lowly [193-1-2] — or, Good in all and none all Good. By M. J. McIntosh. In two volumes. 12mo, pp. 299+323=622. — Price $1.20- (5. Two Lives [193-3] — or, To Seem and to Be. By Maria J. McIntosh. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 262. Price 60 cts. 123. Sixth Series (5 v.) — Price for the five volumes $3.95, as follows : ( 1 .) Life Sketches from Common Paths ; a series of American Tales. By Mrs. Julia L. Dumont. Cloth, pp. 286. Price 80 cts. (2.) The Hearth-Stone [192-4] — Thoughts upon Home Life in our Cities. By Samuel Osgood. 12mo, pp. 290. Price 75 cts. 178 Practical Life. (3.) Mile Stones in our Life’s Journey. By Samuel Osgood. Cloth, pp. 367. Price 80 cts. (4.) Gleanings ; Some Wheat, Some Chaff. By Miss A. A. Goddard. Cloth, pp. 311. Price 80 cts. (5.) Norman Leslie — [77] An historical and biographical Scottish tale. Cloth, pp. 286. Price 60 cts. 124. Seventh Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes ^3.45, as follows : (1.) A Week’s Delight — [194-1] Or, Games and Stories for the Parlor and Pireside. With Frontispiece, pp. 294. Price 60 cts. (2.) Faggots for the Fireside ; or. Fact and Fancy. By Peter Parley. Illustrated by engravings. Cloth, pp. 320- Price 85 cts. (3.) Susan Pindar’s Story Book — [194-3] Comprising Fireside Fairies ; or, Christmas at Aunt Elsie’s. Midsummer Day ; or, The Holidays at Wood- leigh. Illustrated with numerous engravings, pp. 205 + 233=438. Price 80 cts. (4.) Bichard the Fearless ; or. The Little Duke. With illustra- tions. Cloth, pp. 208. Price 60 cts. (5.) Sedgemoor ; or. Home Lessons. By Mrs. Manners. Cloth, pp. 252. Price 60 cts. 125. Eighth Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes ^2.90, as follows-. (1.) The Fawn of the Pale Faces; or. Two Centuries Ago. By J. P. Brace. Cloth, pp. 288. Price 60 cts. (2.) The Mysterious Story Book ; or, The Good Step-mother. By Whom. Cloth, pp. 222. Price 60 cts. (2.) Our Folks at Home ; or. Life at the Old Manor House. By Edward Joliver. Illustrated by engravings. Cloth, pp. 300. Price 60 cts. (4.) The Use of Sunshine [192-6] — (12mo.) By S. M. pp. 348. Price 60 cts. (5.) Otto’s Treasury of Stories for Young People. With nume- rous engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 215. Price 50 cts. 126. Ninth Series — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes ^§r3, as follows : (1.) “No such Word as Fail” — [194-7] Or, The Children’s Journey. By Alice B. Neal. With illustrations, pp. 177. Price 5J0 cts. (2.) Contentment Better than Wealth — [194-6] By Alice B. Neal. pp. 188. Price 50 cts. (3.) Patient Waiting no Loss — [194-5] Or, The two Christmas Days. By Alice B. Neal. With illustrations, pp. 182. Price 50 cts. (4.) All’s Not Gold that Glitters — [194-4] Or, The Young Californian. By Alice B. Neal. (Cousin Alice.) With illustrations, pp. 214. Price 50 cts. (5.) Nothing Venture, Nothing Have. By Cousin Alice. Cloth, pp. 168. Price 50 cts. (6.) Out of Debt, Out of Danger. By Cousin Alice. Cloth, pp. 251. Price 50 cts. ® 127. Tenth Series — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes ^2.15, as follows : (1.) Nutcracker and Mouse King. Translated from the German of Hoffman. By Mrs. St. Simon. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 138. Price 40 cts. (2.) A Guide for the Young to Success and Happiness [16] — A manual of politeness and practical advice. By Wm. W. Pell. Cloth, pp. 180. Price 30 cts, (3.) Popular Tales. By Maria Edgeworth. Embellished with original designs, by Croome. Cloth, pp. 446. Price 80 cts. (4.) The Young Student — [115-1] Or, Ralph and Victor. Translated from the French, by Samuel Jackson. Three volumes in one. pp. 176+178+170=524. Price 65 cts. Practical Life. 179 128. Eleventh Series — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes ^1.80, as follows : (1-4.) Mrs. Ellis’s Works [124-1-4] — (4 v. pp. average 174= 696,) Comprising : — (1.) First Impressions ; or, hints to those who would make home happy. Price 30 cts. (2.) Somerset Hall ; or, hints to those who would make home happy. Price 30 cts. (3.) The Dangers of Dining Out ; or, hints, etc. Price 30 cts. (4.) The Minister’s Family ; or, hints, etc. Price 30 cts. (5-6.) Miss Harriet Martineau’s Works [116] — (2 v. average 179= 358.) Comprising (1.) The Peasant and the Prince. Price 30 cts. (2.) The Crofton Boys. Price 30 cts. 129. Twelfth Series — (9 v.) Price for the nine volumes &2.70, as follows : (1.) Seven Rural Tales, portraying Social Life — [114-5] Sheep, 180. Price 30 cts. (2.) Six Domestic Tales and Allegories — [114-4] Illustrating human life. Sheep, pp. 180. Price 30 cts. (3.) Chances and Changes — [196-5] Or, Life as it is. Illus- trated in the history of a Straw Hat. By Charles Burdett, A. M. pp. 158. Price 30 cts. ( 4 ) Never Too Late — [196-6] By Charles Burdett. pp. 180. Price 30 cts. (5.) My Uncle the Clock Maker — [106-11) By Mary Howitt. Cloth, pp. 180. Price 30 cts. (6.) Story of a Genius — [196-3] Or, Cola Monti, pp. 180. Price 30 cts. (7.) The Twin Sisters — [196-4] A Tale for Youth. By Mrs. Sandham. pp. 176. Price 30 cts. (8.) The Goldmaker’s Village. Translated from the German. By H. Zschokke. Cloth, pp. 180. Price 30 cts. (9.) Tired of Housekeeping [125-11]— By T. S. Arthur. — Cloth, pp. 167. Price 30 cts. 130. Thirteenth Series — (7v.) McIntosh’s Stories. Price for the seven ;$2.10, as follows,— (1) Emily Herbert. (2) Blind Alice. (3) Jessie Graham. (4) Grace and Clara. (5) Florence Arnott. (6) Ellen Leslie. (7) Rose and Lillie. Cloth, pp. average 145=1015. XXII. HARPER 8c BROS. PUBLICATIONS. 131. First Series (16 v.) — Mrs. Sherwood’s Works. Cloth, pp. averaging 456 pages each =7296. Price $9.60, as follows : — (1) Henry Milner. (2) Fair- child Family, Orphans of Normandy, &c. (3) Little Henry Abdallah, &c. (4) Indian Pilgrim, Little Beggars, &c. (5) The Infant’s Progress, &c, (6) The Governess, &c. (7) (8) Victoria, &e. (9, 10, 11.12) Lady of the Manor. (13) Mailcoach, &c. (14) Monk of Annie’s. (15) Henry Milner, &c. (16) John Marten. 132. Second Series (7 v.) — The Works of Hannah More. Cloth, pp. averaging 430 pages each =3010. Price $4.20, as follows (1) The Repository Tales. (2) Coelebs in Search of a Wife, &c. jS) Christian Morals. 1 (4) Practical Piety. (5) Tragedies, Poems, &c. (6) Female Education, &c. (7) Hints for forming the character of a Princess, &c« 133. Third Series (7 v.) — Miss Edgeworth’s Works. Price for the seven volumes $4.10, as follows : (1.) The Parent’s Assistant [198-3] — or, Stories for Children. (2-3) Harry and Lucy [T98-4-5]— with other Tales. (4, 5, 6, 7) Maria Edgeworth’s (3 v) [112J— Seven Moral Tales. Rosamond. Popular Tales, and Frank. 134. Fourth Series (12 v.) — Harpers’ Story Books. 1st Series. A series of Narratives, Dialogues, Biographies, and Tales, for the instruction and entertainment of the young. By Jacob Abbott. Embellished with numerous and beautiful engravings. Cloth, pp. averaging 160=1920. Price $2.40, as follows:— (1) Viola. (2) Conzo. (3) Vernon, (4) Carl and Jocko. (5) Lapstone. (6) Orkney. (7) Minigo. (8) Judge Instin. (9) Jasper. (10) Margaret. (11) The Great Elm. (12) The Museum. 180 Practical Life. 135. Fifth Series (12 v.) — Harper’s Story Books. 2nd Series. Cloth, pp. averaging 160 pages each=1920. Price $2.40, as follows (1) Dialogues. (2) The Alcove. (3) The Gibraltar Gallery. (4) The Three Gold Dollars. (5) Rambles among the Alps. (6) The Engineer. (7) Elfred. (8) John True. (9) American Histo- ry. (10) English History. (11) Ancient History. (12) The Studio. 136. Sixth Series (11 v.) — Harper’s Story Books. 3rd Series. Cloth, pp. averaging 160 pages each=l760. Price $2.20, as follows (1) The Harper Establishment. (2) Timboo and Panny. (3) Timboo and Johba. (4) Virginia. (5) Emma. (6) Prank. (7) The Little Louvre. (8) The Strait Gate. (9) Willie and the Mortgage. (10) Bruno. (11) Pranklin. 137. Seventh Series (6 v.) — Harper’s Picture Books, and The Child’s Book of Nature. Illustrated with numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 192, 192, 192, 192,192, 496=1429. Price $3,15, as follows : — (1) Learning to Talk. (2) Learning to Think. (3) Learning to Read. (4) About Common Things. (5) About Right and Wrong. (6) The Child’s Book of Nature. By W. Hooker, M.D. Containing Plants, Animals, Air, Water, Heat, &c. 138. Eighth Series (9 v.) — Price for the nine volumes §2.75, as follows : (1.) Alice G-ordon [126-1] — or, the uses of Orphanage. Cloth, pp. 198. Price 30 cts. (2.) The Lawyer’s Daughter [126-3] — Cloth, pp. 186. Price 30 cts. (3.) Arthur Martin ; or, the Mother’s Trials. By Charles Burdett. Cloth, pp. 225. Price 30 cts. (4.) The Dying Robin [126-5] — and other Tales. Cloth, pp. 212 Price 30 cts* (5.) The Young Schoolmistress [126-4] — Cloth, pp. 197. Price 30 cts. (6.) The Good Genius that turned everything into Gold. — Cloth, pp. 201, Price 30 cts. (7.) Ellen Herbert ; or, Family Changes. Cloth, pp. 206. Price 30 cts. (8 ) William, the Cottager [128-8] — By the author of “ Ellen Herbert.” Cloth, pp. 168. Price 30 cts. (9.) The Magic of Kindness — [199-6] Or, the Wondrous Story of the good Huan. By the Brothers Mathew, Illustrated by George Ceuikshank and Kenny Meadows, pp. 249. Price 35 cts. 139. Ninth Series (4 v.) — Price for the four volumes §2.40, as follows : (1.) Christmas Books — [196-4] By Charles Dickens. Containing, 1. A Christmas Carol. 2. The Chimes. 3. The Cricket on the Hearth. 4. The Battle of Life. 5. Haunted Man. pp. 90, 95, 97, 96, 107=485. Price 60 cts, (2.) The Days of my Life. An Autobiography. By the author of “ Margaret Maitland.’’ Cloth, pp. 428. Price 60 cts. (3.) Courtesy and Manners — [196-2] The Principles of Courtesy. With Hints and Observations on Manners and Habits. By Geoege Wineeed Hakyey. Price 60 cts. (4.) The Rhetoric of Conversation ; or, Bridles and Spurs for the management of the tongue. By Geoege Wineeed Haevey. Cloth, pp. 380. Price 60 cts. 140. Tenth Series (4 v.) — Price for the four volumes §1.85, as follows : (1.) Evenings at Home [127-3] — By Dr. Aikin and Mrs. Baebattld. With engravings, by Adams, pp. 3S2. Price 60 cts. (2.) The Heir of West-Wayland— [198-1] A Tale. By Maky Howitt. pp. 232. Price 30 cts. (3.) Liberia ; or, Mr. Peyton’s Experiments. Edited by Mrs. Sarah J. Hall. Cloth, pp. 301. Price 60 cts. (4.) Mary Grover — [198-2] Or, The Trusting Wife ; a Do- mestic Temperance Tale. By Charles Burdett. pp. 165. Price 35 cts- Practical Life. 181 141. Eleventh Series— (4 v.) Price for the four volumes $1.90, as follows : (1.) Elizabeth Benton [126-2] — or, Religion in connection with fashionable life. Price 30 cts. (2.) Warren’s Duties of Attorneys, &c. — [199-1] The Moral, Social, and Professional Duties of Attorneys and Solicitors. By Samuel Warren, Esq., P.R.S. pp. 302. Price 60 cts. (3.) The Mother at Home — [199-4J Or, the Principles of Maternal Duty familiarly illustrated. By John S. C. Abbott. Very greatly im- proved and enlarged. With numerous engravings, pp. 303. Price 50 cts. (4.) The Child at Home [199-5] — (16mo.) or, the Principles of Pilial Duty familiarly illustrated. By John S. C. Abbott. Very greatly improved and enlarged. With numerous engravings, pp. 318. Price 50 cts. 142. Twelfth Series (7 v.) — Miss Sedgewick’s Tales. Price for the seven volumes $3.45, as follows : (1.) Live and Let Live — [113-1] Or, Domestic Service. Illustrated. Half-sheep, pp. 215. Price 38 cts. (2.) Means and Ends ; or, Self-training. Cloth, pp. 278. Price 38 cts. (3.) Eight Stories — [113-3] A Love Token for Children, designed for Sunday School Libraries. Half-sheep, pp. 142. Price 38 cts. (4.) The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man [113-2] — Half-sheep, pp. 186. Price 38 cts, (5.) Twelve Stories for Young Persons — [113-6] Half- sheep, Half- sheep, pp. 185. Price 38 cts. (6.) Tales and Sketches. Second Series. Cloth, pp. 396. Price 38 cts. . (7.) The Linwoods (2 v.) — Cloth, pp. Price $1.50. 143. Thirteenth Series — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes $1.80, as follows : (1.) Pictures of Early Life [122-1] — or, Sketches of Youth. By Mrs. E. C. Embtiry. pp. 310. Price 30 cts. (2.) The Blind Girl and other Tales [122-2] — By Mrs. E. C. Embury, pp. . Price 30 cts. (3.) The Pleasures of Taste [128-1] — and other stories, select- ed from the writings of Miss Jane Taylor. With a sketch of her life. By Mrs. Sarah J/Hale. Cloth, pp. 288. Price 30 cts. (4,) Things by their Right Names — [128-3] And other stories, fables, and moral pieces, in prose and verse, selected and arranged from the writings of Mrs. Barbauld. With a sketch of her life. By Mrs. Sarah J. Hale. Cloth, pp. 263. Price 30 cts. (5.) Isabel — [128-15] Or, the Trials of the Heart ; a tale for the youner. Two parts in one volume. Half-sheep, pp. 182. Price 30 cts, (6.) The Juvenile Companion — [201-3] And Eireside Reader. Consisting of historical and biographical anecdotes, and selections in poetry. By the Rev. John L. Blake, D.D. pp. 252. Price 30 cts. 144. Fourteenth Series — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes $1.70, as follows : (1 to 3.) Sunday Evenings (3 v.) — or, an easy introduction to the reading of the Bible. Containing numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. 198, 207, 227= 632. Price 80 cts. (4.) Philanthropy ; or, my Mother’s Bible. Founded on an incident which happened in New York. Cloth, pp. 169. Price 30 cts. (5.) Social Evenings; or, Historical Tales for Youth, By Miss Mary E. Lee. Cloth, pp. 260 ; Price 30 cts. (6.) Parental Instructions; or. Guide to "Wisdom and Virtue. Designed for young persons of either sex, selected mainly from the writings of an emi- nent physician. Cloth, pp. 252. Price 30 cts. * 182 Practical Life. XXIII. C. SCRIBNER’S PUBLICATIONS. 145. First Series — (5 v.) Price for the five volumes ^3.90, as follows : (1.) The Myrtle Wreath; or. Stray Leaves Recalled. By Minnie Myrtle. Cloth, pp. 380. Price $1. (2.) Incidents in the Life of a Pastor. By William Wisner, D.D. Cloth, pp. 316. Price 80 cts. (3.) Examples of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. By Mrs. L. H. Sigourney. Cloth, pp. 319. Price 80 cts. (4.) Mercantile Morals — [204-1] Or, Thoughts for Young Men entering Mercantile Life. By Rev. William H. Van Doren. With frontis- piece. pp. 437. Price 70 cts. (5.) Archibald Cameron — [2] Or, Heart Trials, pp. 325. Price 60 cts. 146. Second Series — Mrs. Tuthill’ s Works — (4v.) Price for the four volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Queer Bonnets — [204-4] Or, Truthfulness and Generosity. A book for girls. By Mrs. L, C. Tuthill. With frontispiece, pp. 325. Price 50 cts. (2.) Braggadocio — [204-5] A Book for Boys and Girls. By Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. With frontispiece, pp. 227. Price 50 cts. (3.) Tip-Top — [204-6] Or, A Noble Aim. A Book for Boys and Girls. By Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. With frontispiece, pp. 325. Price 50 cts. (4.) Beautiful Bertha. By Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. Cloth, pp. 271. Price 50 cts, 147. Third Series — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes ^1.30, as follows : (1.) The Plum Woman; or, The Child with Three Mothers. A Tale of High Life and Low Life. By Gustar Nievitz. Translated from the Ger- man, by Mrs H. C. Conant. Cloth, pp. 201. Price 40 cts. (2.) The Rat Catcher ; or. The Magic Fife. A story of the olden time. By Gustar Nievitz. Translated from the German, by Mrs. H. C. Conant, Cloth, pp. 166. Price 40 cts. (3.) Old Karl the Cooper, and his wonderful book. By Elbert Perce. Cloth, pp. 227. Price 50 cts. 148. Fourth Series [203] — (4 v.) T. S. Arthur’s Stories. Price for the four volumes $2.40, as follows : (1.) Life Pictures and Heart Histories, pp. 350. Price 60 cts. (2.) The Old Man’s Bride. With frontispiece, pp. 357. Price 60 cts. (3.) Sparing to Spend ; or. The Loftons and Pinkertons. With frontispiece, pp. 358. Price 60 cts. (4.) Home Lights and Shadows. With frontispiece, pp. 376. Price 60 cts. 149. Fifth Series [205] — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes ^2.80, as follows : (1.) Little Silverstring ; or, Tales and Poems for the Young. By Wm. Oland Bourne. With illustrations, pp. 256. Price 50 cts. (2.) Golden-link ; or, Tales and Poems for the Young. By Wm. Oland Bourne, A. M. pp. 256. Price 50 cts. (3.) A Grandmother’s Recollections. By Ella Rodman. With illustrations, pp. 235. Price 50 cts. (4.) Gulliver Joi ; His Three Voyages. Being an account of his marvellous adventures in Kailoo, Hydrogenia, and Ezario. Edited by Elbert Perce. pp. 272. Price 50 cts. (5.) The Little Drummer; or, Filial Affection. A story of the Russian Campaign. By Gustar Nievitz. Translated from the German, by Mrs. H. E. Conant. With illustrations, pp. 200* Price 40 cts. (6.) Perils of Greatness. — Alexander Menzikoff ; or. The Perils of Greatness. By Gustar Nievitz. Translated by Mrs. H. C. Conant, With frontispiece, pp. 226. Price 40 cts. 183 Practical Life. 150. Sixth Series [206] — (13 v.) Charlotte Elizabeth’s Works. Price for the thirteen volumes $5.20, as follows : (1.) Personal Recollections ; continued to the close of her life. (2.) Helen Fleetwood. (3.) Judah’s Lion. (4.) Judaea Capta; with frontispiece. (5.) The Siege of Derry; or, Sufferings of the Protestants: a tale of the Revolution. (6.) The Rockite, an Irish Story, (7.) 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A Budget of Willow Lane Stories. (2.) A Peep at our Neighbours, A sequel to the Willow Lane Budget. (3 ) The Miller of our Village, and some of his Tolls. (4.) The Strawberry Girl; or, How to Rise in the World. (5.) The Boy’s and Girl’s Country Book. (6.) The Little Mischief-Maker, and other Stories, pp. average 174=1044. XXIV. C. S. FRANCIS & CO.’S PUBLICATIONS. 153. First Series — (6 v.) Price for the six volumes, ^3.10, as follows : (1.) Autumnal Leaves. — Tales and Sketches in prose and rhyme. By L. Maria Child. Cloth, pp. 363. Price 80 cts. (2.) Fact and Fiction. — A Collection of Stories. By L. Maria Child. Cloth, pp. 282. Price 60 cts. (3.) Memoirs of Madame de Stael and of Madame Roland. By L. Maria Child. Cloth, pp. 2^0. Price 50 cts. (4.) New Flowers for Children. By L. Maria Child. Cloth, pp. 310. Price 60 cts. (5.) Scottish Stories. By Mrs. Blackford. Cloth, pp. 369. Price 60 cts, 154. Second Series — (3 v.) Price for the three volumes sgT.90, as follows : (1.) 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Andersen; a Christmas Greeting [176] — Thirteen new Stories. Prom the Danish of Hans Cheistian Andeesen. (2) A Picture Book without Pictures ; and other stories. Translated by Maey Howitt. With a memoir of the author. (3) A Danish Story Book. (4) Little Ellie; and other tales. (5) The Ugly Duck ; and other tales. (6 to 8.) Mrs. Child’s Flowers for Children. — In three vo- lumes, viz. : I. Por children eight or nine years old. II. Por children from four to six years old. III. Por children of eleven and twelve years of age. 159 . Seventh Series [177] — (8 v.) Price for the eight volumes $2. 40, as follows : (1-4) Mary Howitt’s Fireside Tales. (2.) The Christmas Tree : a book of stories. (3.) The Turtle Dove, and other stories. (4.) The Favorite Scholar, and other tales. (5-8.) Mrs. S. C. Hall. Turns of Fortune, and other Tales. (6.) The Private Purse, and other tales. (7,) The Merchant’s Daughter, and other tales, (8,) The Whisperer. 160 . Eighth Series — Gilman, Lamb, Trimmer, etc. — [178] — (8 v. ) Price for the eight volumes $2.40, as follows : (1-2.) Gilman. The Little Wreath of Stories and Poems for Children. (2.) Stories and Poems for Children. (3.) Lamb. Mrs. Leicester’s School. The Histories of several Young Ladies, related by themselves. By Chaeles and Maey Lamb. (4.) Trimmer. The Robins ; or. Domestic Life among the Birds. With anecdotes of other animals. By Mrs. Teimmee. . (5-8.) Miscellaneous. [5.] How to Win Love; or, Rhoda’s Lesson- A Story for the Young. [6.] Holiday Stories, containing Harry Norman; Helen and George ; The Little Blue Flag ; Poor Old Peggy ; Georgiana, or the Excur- sion. [7.] Claudine ; or. Humility the Basis of all the Virtues. A Swiss Tale. By a Mothee. [8.] Right and Wrong, exhibited in the history of Rosa and Agnes. By a Mothee. Average pp. 180=1440. Practical Life. 185 161 . G. P. Putnam Co.’s Publications — (4 v.) Price for the four volumes 2.30, as follows : (1-2.) 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Sequel to the “Neighbor’s Children.” From the German. By Mrs. Sarah A. Myers. Cloth, pp. 333. Price 50 cts. N 186 History PART II. BOOKS OF REFERENCE— HISTORY. (Not designed for general reading.) I. PALESTINE AND THE JEWS. 192. Bohn’s Josephus [284]— (2 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) The Works of Flavius Josephus, the learned and authentic Jewish historian. Translated by William Whiston, A.M. With maps, and fifty-two beautiful pictorial illustra- tions. In two volumes, pp. 693, 661=1354. hgb. Price $3. 193. Lippincott’s Josephus [1] — (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) The learned and authentic Jewish historian and celebrated warrior; containing twenty books of the Jewish antiquities, seven books of the Jewish war, and the life of Josephus, written by himself ; translated from the original Greek, according to Havercamp’s accurate edition ; together with Explanatory Notes and Observations. Embellished with engravings. By William Whiston, A.M. In two vols. Sheep, pp. ix, 582+596=1186. Igc. Price $1.85. 194. Blackie’s Josephus [119] — (4 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) With maps and illustrations. In four volumes, pp. 1802. bs. Price $5. 195. William’s Jerusalem [128] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) His- torical and descriptive memoir of Jerusalem. (To accompany the Ordnance Survey Map. By the Rev. Georoe Williams, B.D. Cloth, pp. 164. jwp. Price, with an Ordnance Map, $2. II. GENERAL HISTORY. 196. Ancient History [3] — (8vo. R. Tr. Soc.) Containing the History of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Medes, Lydians, Persians, Mace- donians, the Seleucidae in Syria, the Parthians, and Carthaginians. From Rollin and other authentic sources, both ancient and modern. With six maps. One vol. Cloth, pp. 526. Double columns. Price §1.80. 197. Kitto’s Scripture Lands [129] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Described in a series of historical, geographical, and topographical sketches ; and illustrated by engravings, and a complete Biblical Atlas of twenty- four coloured maps ; with a general index of reference. By John Kitto, DJD., F.S.A. Cloth, pp. 276, maps 24, index 96=396. hgb . Price $1.50. 198. Blackie’s Rollin [281] — (3 v. 11. 8vo. Eng.) The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians, and Macedonians, their arts and sciences. By M. Rollin. With geographical, topographical, historical, and critical notes, and a life of the author. By James Bell. Illustrated with numerous engravings and etchings on steel, in- cluding a complete set of maos. In three volumes. Cloth, pp. 46,624,10,831,30,4,632= 2177. bs. Price $7.25. 199. Tegg’s Rollin’s [2] — (6 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Per- sians, Grecians and Macedonians. By M. Rollin. Translated from the French. Revised, corrected, and illustrated with maps. In six volumes. Cloth, pp. 2681. wtc. Price $4.60. 200. Harper’s Rollin [2] — (2 v. 8yo. Am. Edi.) Including a History of the Arts and Sciences of the Ancients. By Charles Rollin. Illustrated with maps and plans. With a life of the author. By James Bell. In two volumes. Sheep. Double columns, pp. xlvii, 584+xii, 801=1343. lib. Price $2.20. 201. Niebuhr’s Ancient History [263] — (3 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Lectures on Ancient History, from the earliest times to the taking of Alexan- dria by Octavianus ; comprising the history of the Asiatic nations, the Eg 3 r ptians, Greeks, Macedonians, and Carthaginians. By B. G. Niebuhr. Translated from the German of Dr. Marcus Niebuhr. By Dr. Leonhard Schmitz, F.R.S.E. With ad- ditions and corrections from his own manuscript notes. In three volumes. Cloth, pp. 424, 383, 669=1476. lb. Price $3.60. History. 187 202 . Muller’s History of the World [6] — (4 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Erom the earliest period to the year of our Lord 1783; with particular reference to the affairs of Europe and her Colonies, Translated from the German of Baron John Yon Muller, Revised, corrected, and illustrated by a no- tice of the life and writings of the author. By Alexander H. Everett. In four volumes. Cloth, pp. vii, 372+384+380+407— 1550. hb. Price $2.40. 203 . Farr’s Ancient History [113]— (4 v. 12mo. Am. Edi.) Containing the History of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Medes, Lydians, Carthaginians, Persians, Macedonians, the Seleucidae in Syria, and Parthians." Erom Rollin, and other authentic sources, both ancient and modern. By Edward Earr. In four volumes. Cloth, pp. 310, 333, 329, 3(32-1334. rcb. Price $1.60. 204 . Taylor’s Ancient and Modern History — (2 v. 8 vo. Am. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 82.20, as follows : (1.) Taylor’s Manual of Ancient History [4] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Containing the political history, geographical position, and social state of the princi- pal nations of antiquity, carefully revised from the ancient writers. By W. C. Taylor, LL.D. Revised by C. S. Henry, D.D. Cloth, pp. xii, 323, (Questions) 35 = 370. dac. Price $ 1 . (2.) Taylor’s Manual of Modern History [41] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Containing- the rise and progress of the principal European nations, their political history, and the changes in their social condition ; with a history of the colonies founded by Europeans. By W. C. Taylor, LL.D. Revised, with a chapter on the United States. By C. S, Henry, I) D. Cloth, pp. iii, 474. 54=531. dac. Price $1.20. 205 . Tytler’ s Universal History [5] — (6 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) From the creation of the world to the beginning of the eighteenth century. By the late Right Hon. Alexander Eraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee. In six volumes. Cloth, pp. 2006, wtc. Price $4. 206 . Ibid . [5] — By the late Right Hon. Alexander Fraser Tytler and Rev. 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By George Bancroet Also three Historical Treatises by the same author. Cloth, pp. 518, hgb. Price $ 3 . 212 . Boeckhs’ Athens [138] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) The Public Economy of Athens ; to which is added, a Dissertation on the Silver Mines of Laurion By Augustus Boeckh, Professor in the University of Berlin. Translated with notes, by Sir George Cornewall Lewis, A.M. Cloth, pp. 688 , jivp. Price $3.80. 213 . Becker’s Works — (2 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $4.10j^as follows : (1.) Beckers Gallus [155] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, Roman Scenes of the times of Augustus; with notes and exercises illustrative of the Man. ners and Customs of the Romans, With two coloured sheets. By Professor W A Becker. Translated by the Rev. Frederick Metcalfe, M.A. Cloth, pp. 535 nwd Price $ 2 . 10 . ** ’ (2.) Becker’s Charicles [139] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Or, the pri- vate life of the Ancient Greeks. By Professor W. A. Becker. Translated bv thp Rev. E. Metcalfe, M.A. Cloth, pp. 512, jwp. Price $ 2 . . Lransiatea by the 188 History. IV. HISTORY OF ROME. 215. Bohn’s Gibbon’s Beeline and. Pall [23]— (6 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Homan Empire. By Edward Gibbon, Esq. With various Notes, including those of Guizot, Wenck, Niebuhr, Hugo, and Neander. Edited, wil h further illustrations, from the most recent sources, by an English Churchman. In six volumes. Cloth, pp. average 550=3300, hgb. Price <54.50. 215J. Ibid. [23] — (6 v. 12mo. Am. Ecli.) With Notes by the Rev. H. H. Milman. With Maps. In six volumes. Cloth, pp. 3816, psc, Price $2. 2I5f. Ibid . — (In 6 v. 12mo.) Sheep, pp. the same, psc. Price 5250. 216= Niebuhr’s Lectures on Rome [22] — (3 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) Lectures on the History of Rome from the earliest times to the fall of the Western Empire. By B. G. Niebuhr. Edited by Dr. Leonard Schmitz, F.R.SE. With every addition derivable from Dr. Ister’s German Edi. In three volumes. Cloth, pp. 1369. Price 53.60. 216y. 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The Historical Essays, published under the title of “Dix Ans D’Etudes Historiques,” and narratives of the Merovingian era; or scenes of the sixth century. With an auto- biographical preface. By M. Augustin Thierry. Cloth, pp. 204, double columns, hcb. Price $1.20. 227. Thierry’s Norman Conquest — (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) History of the Conquest of England by the Normans ; its causes and its consequences, in England, Scotland, Ireland, and on the Continent. By Augustin Thierry, Member of the Institute, Translated from the Paris edition. By William Hazlitt, Esq. In two volumes, pp. 479, db rgc. Price $2. VI. MODERN HISTORY. 228. Schlegel’ s History (2 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes $1,40, as follows : (1.) Schiegel’s Philosophy of History [159] — In a course of Lec- tures, delivered at Vienna. By Frederick yon Schlegel. Translated from th® German, with a memoir and portrait of the author. By James Burton Robertson, Esq. Cloth, pp. xii. 498, hgb. Price 70 ets. (2.) 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Price 40 cts. 231. Arnold’s Modern History [43] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Intro- ductory Leqtures on Modern History.— Delivered in Lent term MDCOCXLII, with the inaugural lecture., delivered in December, MDCCCXLI. By Thomas Arnold, D.D. Edited, with a Preface and Notes. By Henry Reed, M.A. Cloth, pp. 428, dac. Price $1. 232. Russell’s Modern Europe [45] — (4 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Modern Europe, with a continuation to the Treaty of Paris in 1856. By William Jones and George Townsend. Cloth, pp. 1911, grc. Price $0. 233. Alison’s Europe [44]— (G v. Am. Edi.) From the com- mencement of the French Revolution in 1789, to the accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852. Six volumes, 8vo, sheep, pp. 3392, hb. Price $7.25. 190 History. VII. BRITISH HISTORIES. 234- Mahon’s England [52] — (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) History of England from the Peace of Utrecht, to the Peace of Paris. By Lord Mahon - . Edited by Henry Reed. In two volumes. Cloth, pp. 1199, dac. Price $3.20. 235. 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Illustrated with numerous engravings. Also, with many plates of various poisonous plants, beautifully colored after nature. Cloth, pp. 692, double columns, bs . Price 33-70. 42. Thomson’s Domestic Medicine [42] — (8vo. Eng. and Am. Edi.) A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Surgery. By Spenceb Thomson, M.D, Revised, with additions and illustrations, by Henry H. Smith. M.D. Cloth, pp. 582, gs. Igc . Price of either edition $1.45. 43. Bowman’s Medical Chemistry [44] — (!2mo. Am. Edi.) A Practical Handbook. By John E. Bowman, M.D. Cloth, pp. 288, lb. Price 95 cts. 44. Griffith’s Medical Botany [43]' — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Me- dical Botany ; or descriptions of the more important plants used in medicine, with their history, properties and modes of administration. By R. Eglesfield Griffith, M.D. With upwards of three hundred illustrations and a copious index. Cloth, pp. 704, lb. Price $2.25, 45. Peirce’s Examinations of Drugs, &c. [45] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Examinations of drugs, medicines, chemicals, &c., as to their purity and adulterations. By C. IT. Peirce, M-D. Cloth, pp. xii+204^276, jb. Price $1. BOOKS OP REFERENCE— BOTANY. 26. Congdon’s Class Book of Botany — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Analytical Class Book of Botany, designed for Academies and private students. In Wo parts. Part [, Elements of Vegetable Structure and Physiology. By Francis H. Green. Part II, Systematic Botany, illustrated by a compendious flora of the Northern States. By Joseph W. Congdon. Cloth, pp. vi+22S=234, dac. Price $1.20. 27. Beck’s Botany [33] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Botany of the United States, north of Virginia (including Canada), comprising descriptions of the flowering and fernlike plants hitherto found in those States, arranged according to the natural system, with a synopsis of the genera, according to the Linnsean system, a sketch of the rudiments of botany, and a glossary of terms. By Lewis C. Beck, M.D. Cloth, pp. 480, hb. Price 31- Price in sheep 31-20. 28. Gray’s Text Book [5] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Botanical Text Book— an introduction to Scientific Botany, both Structural and Systematic, With 1200 illustrations on wood. By Asa Gray, M.D. Cloth, pp. 520 ,gpp. Price 31-20. 29. Gray’s Northern Botany [32] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) A Manual of Botany of the Northern States ; from New England to Wisconsin and south to Ohio, (Canada) and Pennsylvania inclusive. The mosses and liverworts. By Wm. S. Sullivant, arranged according to the natural system. With an introduc- tion, containing a reduction of the generas to the Linnsean artificial classes and orders, outlines of the elements of botany, a glossary, <$cc. By Asa Gray, M.D. Cloth, pp. lxxi+7107==81,imc. Price 31-60. 30. Xjixicoln’s Botany— (12mo. Am. Edi.) Familiar Lectures on Botany, explaining the structure, classification and uses of plants, illustrated upon natural methods. With a flora for practical Botanists, for the use of the Colleges, schools and private students. By Mrs. Almird H. Lincoln. 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Price 45 cts. (2.) Schoedler’s Elements of Botany [29-14] — Translated from the German. By Henry Medlock, E.C.S. Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 90, rgc. Price 30 cts. 34. Moore’s British Ferns — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The Hand- book of British Perns ; comprising scientific and popular descriptions ; with engrav- ings of all the indigenous species and varieties, with instructions for their cultivation. By Thomas Moore, E.L.S. Cloth, pp. 232, gs. Price $1. 35. Eindlcy’s Vegetable Kingdom [30] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) The Vegetable Kingdom ; or the structure, classification and rise of plants, illustrated upon the natural system. By John Bindley, Pli.D., E.R.S. With upwards of five hundred illustrations ; also with corrections aud additional genera. Cloth, pp. 908, be, dac . Price $8.25. 36. Ijindley ; s Botany — (2 v. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) An introduc- tion to Botany. By John Lindley, Ph.D., E.R.S. With six copper-plates and numer« ous wood engravings. Cloth, pp. x+ 406 +426 =842, Ic. Price $5.40. 37. Carpenter’s Vegetable Physiology [2] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Vegetable Physiology and Systematic Botany. By Wm. B. Carpenter, M.D, Cloth, pp. 607, hgb. Price $1. 38. Balfour’s Botany [18] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A Manual of Botany ; being an introduction to the structure, physiology, and classification of plants; contributing to the “Encyclopedia Metropolitana,” By John Hutton Balfour, M.D. Illustrated by numerous woodcuts. Cloth, pp. 642, rgc. Price $2.05. 39. Rhind’s Vegetable Kingdom [31] — (Royal. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) A history of the Vegetable Kingdom ; embracing the physiology, classification, and culture of plants, with their various uses to man and the lower animals ; and their application in the arts, manufactures, and domestic economy. By Wm. Rhind, M.D. Illustrated by several hundred woodcuts, and twelve plates of beautiful steel engravings. Cloth, pp. 711, bs. Price $4. 40. Brown’s Trees of America — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The trees of America ; native and foreign, pictoriall y and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly described: being considered principally with reference to their geography and history, soil and situation, propagation and culture, accidents and diseases, properties and uses, economy in the arts, introduction into commerce, and thpir application in useful and ornamental plantations. By D. J. Brown. Cloth, pp. 520, hb. Price $3.60. 41. Hooker’s British Flora — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The British Elora, comprising the phaenogamus or flowering plants, and the ferns. By Sir Wm. Jackson Hooker and George A. Walker Arnott. Cloth, pp. xli+ 604=645, Ic. Price $3.15. 42. Jussieu’s Elements of Botany — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) The elements of botany. By M. Adrien De Jussieu. Translated by James H. Wilson, P. L. S. Cloth, pp. xv+ 750 =765, jvv. Price $2.65. 43. Henslow’s Botany — (16mo. Eng. Edi.) The principles of descriptive and physiological botany. By the Rev. J. S. Henslow, M. A. 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With 16 engravings on steel, and many hundred vignettes and diagrams. By the Rev. T. Milker, A. M. Cloth, pp. SOS, wsoc. Price §4. 40. Parker’s Manual of Geographical Science [56] — (Svo. Eng. Edi.) A manual of geographical science : (1) Mathematical Geography. ?/ the Rev. M. O’Brien, M. A., E. R. S. (2) Physical Geography. By D. J. Ansted, M. A., P. R. S. (3) Chartography. By J. R. Jackson, F. R. S. (4) Theory of descrip- tion and Geographical Terminology, By the Rev. C. G. Nicholay, F. R. G. S. Edited with numerous illustrations, by the Rev. C. G. Nicolay, R. F. G. S. In one vol. Cloth, pp. xvi -I- 445=461, jwp. Price §1.50 cts. Atlas to accompany the above. (See Atlas, No. . Price for the two §2.50. II. ASTRONOMY. 41. Herschel’s Outlines of Astronomy [2] — (8vo. Am. Am. Edi.) Outlines of Astronomy. By Sir John F. W. Heeschel, Bart. With plates and wood cuts. Cloth, pp. 620, hi. Price §1.50. 42. Herscliel’s Astronomy — (Svo. Eng. Edi.) Outlines of Astronomy, By Sir John F. W. 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With the method of calculating them according to the theory of astronomy, as taught in New England colleges. By James H. Coffin, A. M. Cloth, pp. 83, cbc. Price §1.10. 47. Astronomical Figures [74] — (Imp. 4to. Xtn. K. Soc.) A series of twelve beautiful coloured lithographic plates of Astronomical figures. Cloth. Price §1.50. 48. Reynold’s Astronomical Diagrams [73] — (Demy 4to. Portfolio, Eng. Edi.) A series of twelve diagrams (many of them transparencies) executed on quarto drawing boards, full coloured, with descriptions, as follows (1) The Solar System. (2) The Seasons. (3) Eclipses and Tides. (4) View of the Moon. (5) The Phases of the Moon. (6) The Earth and its Atmosphere. (7) The Sun and Solar Phenomena. (S) The Earth’s Annual Revolution, and its Diurnal Rotation. (9) Transparent Chart of the Heavens. (10) Comparative Magnitudes of the Planets. (11) Comets and Aerolites. (12) Diagram of Meteorology. Cloth, yr. Price §2.40. 213 'Physical Science — Geography. in. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 49. Reynold’s Physical Geography [69] — (Demy 4to. Port- folio, Eng. Edi.) A series of twelve diagrams executed on quarto drawing boards, full coloured, with descriptions, as follows:— (1) Geographical Diagram, moveable. (2) Map of the World. (3) Mountains and Volcanoes. (4) Rivers and Lakes. (5) Water- falls. (6) Wind and Rain Map. (7) Tidal Chart of the World, and Botanical Map. 18) Distribution of Animals, Birds, and Reptiles over the Globe. (9) Distribution of the Human Race. (10) Varieties of Mankind. (11) Physical Map of the British Isles. (12) The principal Buildings in the World; their heights and styles of Architecture. jr. Price §2.40. 50. Reynold’s Nature in all Climates [63] — (Demy 4to. Portfolio, Eng. Edi.) View of Nature in all climates, from the Equator to the Arctic Circle ; illustrating the Astronomical and Physical Phenomena of the different regions, and the distribution of Organic life in an horizontal direction. The Diagram ex- hibits the cause of the diversity of Climate, the Sun’s Declination for every day in the year, the Temperature and Length of day in all latitudes, &c. On a sheet six feet in length, full coloured, with Triangle, Analemma, and Explanatory Notes. Mounted on canvass, and folded in a portfolio. Cloth, jr. Price §1.65. 51. Reynold’s Nature in ascending Regions [64] — (De- my, 4to. Portfolio, Eng. Edi.) View of Nature in Ascending Regions; presenting a comparative view of the chief Mountains of the Globe, and the distribution of Organic life in a vertical direction; showing the varieties of Climate and Vegetation, from the sea level to the mountain summits, in the torrid, temperate, and frigid zones. The principal Plateaus, Mountain Passes, Towns, and other objects remarkable for their elevation above the ocean, are also shown. On a sheet three feet in height, full coloured, with Explanatory Notes. Mounted on canvass, and folded in a portfolio. Cloth, jr. Price §1.65. 52. Johnston’s Classical Atlas [61] — (Demy 4to. Eng. Edi.) A School Atlas of Classical Geography ; comprising in twenty plates, maps and places of all the important countries and localities referred to by classical authors, con- structed from the best material, and embodying the results of the most recent inves- tigations, accompanied by a complete index of places, with the proper quantities marked. Beautifully printed in colours. By Alexander Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E. Cloth, wbs. Price §2-50, and with Pillans’ Classical Geography, &c., (No. 38) §3.30. 53. Johnston’s General Atlas [71] — (Imp. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) A School Atlas of general and descriptive Geography, exhibiting the actual and com- parative extent of all the countries in the world, with their present political divisions, founded on the most recent discoveries and rectifications, specially constructed with a view to the purposes of sound instruction, and on a uniform series of scales by which the relative size of countries can at once be perceived. By Alexander Keith Johnston, F. R. S. E. Engraved in the highest style, and coloured. In twenty-two maps. Cloth, wakj. wbs. Price §2.50. 54. Johnston’s Physical Atlas [70] — (Imp. 8vo. Eng. Edi.) A School Atlas of Physical Geography, illustrating, in a series of original designs, the Elementary facts of Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology, and Natural History. In this work the subject is treated in a more simple and elementary manner than in the pre- vious works of the author. By means of a new process, these works combine the accuracy and neatness of the highest style of engraving, with a mechanical application of colours, of which the effect is to secure clearness, correctness, and elegance. By A. Keith Johnston, F.R.S.E. Eighteen plates. Cloth, wakj , wbs . Price §2.50* 55. Johnston’s Physical Atlas [65] — (Demy 4to. Eng. Edi.) The Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena, reduced from the edition in imperial folio. By Alexander Keith Johnston, F.R.G.S. This edition contains twenty-five maps, including a Palaeontological Map of the British Islands, engraved in the highest style of art, by Messsrs. W. & A. K. Johnston, and carefully coloured under their own superintendence ; with 112 pages of descriptive letter-press and a very copious index. List of Plates:— Geology, 6: Hydrography, 7 ; Meteorology, 9. pp. 122, and twenty- four plates, wbs. Price §10.50. 56. Milner & Petermann’s Descriptive Atlas [66] — (Demy, 4to. Eng. Edi.) A Descriptive Atlas of Astronomy, and Physical and Political Geography. Comprised in seventy-four maps, exhibiting a comprehensive system of Astronomy, illustrated with seven maps and hemispheres, and of Physical and Politi- cal Geography, with a complete Atlas of the Globe, carefully constructed, with descrip- tive letter-press. By the Rev. T. Milner, M. A., F. R. G. S. Illustrated by several hundred vignettes. The maps of Physical and Political Geography constructed and carefully revised and corrected, by Augustus Petermann, F.R.G.S. Cloth, pp. 174, index 55 - 229, wsoc. Price §6.75, 214 Books of Beference — Geology. 57. Milner & Petermann’s Physical Atlas [67] — (Demy, 4to. Eng. Edi.) The Atlas of Physical Geography, consisting of sixteen maps, illustra- tive of the Geology, Hydrography, Meteorology, Zoology, Botany, and Ethnography of the Globe. Constructed by Augustus Petermann, E.RG.S. The letter-press, descriptive of the Physical Phenomena of the Globe, by the Rev. T. 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Edited by J. Thomas and T. Baldwin. Sheep, pp. 2182, double columns, Igc . Price $5,50. 60. Baldwin’s Pronouncing Gazeteer [31]— (12mo. Am. Edi.) Containing Topographical, Statistical, and other information of all the more important places in the known world, from the most recent and authentic sources. By Thomas Baldwin. To which is added an appendix, containing more than ten thousand names, chiefly of the small towns and villages. With supplement, giving the pronunciation of nearly two thousand names. Half-sheep, pp. 648+55=703, Igc . Price 90 cts. 61. Johnston’s General Gazeteer — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Die- tionary of Geography, descriptive, physical, statistical, and historical, forming a com- plete general gazeteer of the world. By Alex. Keith Johnston. Cloth, pp. 1432, Ic. Price $8. 62. Putnam’s Universal Geography [57] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Hand-book of Universal Geography ; being a Gazeteer of the World, based on the Census of the United States, England, and Prance, for 1851. Edited by T. Caret Callicot, A. M. (Putnam’s Home Cyclonedia.) Cloth, pp. 856, g r pV to asbe. Price $1.60. 63. Milner’s Universal Geography [49] — (12mo. R. T. Soc) An Universal Geography, in four parts — Historical, Mathematical, Physical, and Political. By the Rev. Thomas Milner, M.A., P.R.G.S. Illustrated by ten coloured maps, with diagrams and sections. Cloth, pp. xxiv+ 527=551. Price $1. 64. Putz’ Geography and History [60] — (3 v. 12m o. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2.08, as follows : Hand-book of Ancient, Medieeval, and Modern Geography and History. By William Putz. Translated from the German by the Rev. R. B. Paul, M.A., and edited by the late Rev. Thomas K. Arnold, M.A. Cloth, pp. 396+211+336 =943, dac . Price $2.50. BOOKS OP REFERENCE— GEOLOGY. 12. Reynold’s Geological Diagrams [36] — (4to. Eng. Edi.) A series of twelve Diagrams, executed on quarto drawing-boards full coloured, with description as follows (1) Popular Geology. (2) The Antediluvian World. (3) Geo- logical Map of the World. (4) Geological Map of England. (5) Geological Map of Scotland. (6) Geological Map of Ireland. (7) Geological eminences of the British Islands. (8) Natural Phenomena. (9) Volcanoes and Earthquakes. (10,11,12) Sec- tion of the Earth’s Crust, on a large bold scale, showing correctly and clearly the ar- rangement of the strata, with the different igneous, trappean, and volcanic rocks and metallic veins, as they occur in nature* Six feet long by one foot broad. In a port- folio. Cloth, jr % Price $2.40. 13. Reynold’s Earth’s Crust [34] — (4to. Eng. Edi.) Sec- tion of the Earth’s Crust, on a large scale, showing clearly the arrangement of the strata, and the relations of the various rocks to each other ; also the deposits of coal and other minerals, the position of gold, silver and other metallic veins, and illustra- tions of the principal Geological Phenomena, with explanatory notes, on a sheet six feet in length, full coloured with explanatory notes. By John M orris, F.G.S. In a portfolio. Cloth, gr. Price $1. 215 Geology \ 14. Lyell’s Principles of G-eology [1] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Principles of Geology ; or the modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants, con- sidered as illustrative of Geology. By Sir Charles Lyell. M.A. Illustrated with maps, plates and woodcuts. Cloth, pp. xii+834=846, dac. Price §2.05. 15. Lyell’s Elementary Geology [1-2] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) A Manual of Elementary Geology ; or the ancient changes of the earth and its inhabi- tants, as illustrated by geological monuments. With 750 woodcuts. By Sir Charles Lyell, Knt., A.M. Cloth, pp. 647, dac. Price §1.55. 16. De La Beehe’s Geological Observer [5]— (8vo. Am. Edi.) The Geological Observer. By Sir Henry T. de La Beche, Knt. C.B. Cloth, pp. 695, bl. Price $3.60. 17. Chambers’ Sea Margins [30] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Ancient Sea Margins, as memorials of changes in the relative level of Sea and Land. By Robert Chambers, Esq., E.R.S.C. With a map and numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 337, wrch. Price $2.05. 18- Marcou’s Geological Map [31] — (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) A Geological Map of the United States, and the British Provinces of North America. With an explanatory text, Geological sections, and eight lithographic plates of the fossils which characterise the formations. By Jules Marcou. One vol. containing the geological map mounted on canvass, colored and folded, the other the text. Cloth, pp, 92, gl. Price for the two volumes $3. 19. Hitchcock’s Geology of the Globe [18] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) Outline of the Geology of* the Globe, and of the United States in particular. With two full coloured Geographical Maps, and sketches of characteristic American Fossils. By Edwin Hitchcock, D.D., LL.D. Cloth, pp. 136, psc. Price $1. 20. Miscellaneous [40] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.10, as follows : (1 .) 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Translated from the “ Cours de Philo- sophic Positive,” of Auguste Comte. By W. M. Gillespie. In two books ; Analy* sis and Geometry. Cloth, pp. 260, hb % Price $1. Books of Reference — Arts 8f Manufactures. 223 98. Davies’ Logic of Mathematics [48] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The Logic and Utility of Mathematics: with the best methods of instruction explained and illustrated. By Charles Davies, LL.D. With side indexes. Cloth, pp. 375, asbc. Price 90 cts. 99. Gregory’s Practical Mathematics [50]— (8vo. Am. Edi.) Mathematics for Practical Men : being a common-place book of principles, theorems, rules and tables in various departments of pure and mixed mathematics, with their applications, especially to the pursuits of surveyors, architects, mechanics and civil engineers. With numerous engravings. By Qlmithus Gregory, LL.D., F.R A.S. Corrected and improved. Cloth, pp. 12+427=439, hcb. Price $1.20. 3.00. Hutton’s Mathematics — [50^]— (8vo. Eng. Edi.) 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BOOKS OF REFERENCE — ARTS AND MANUFACTURES, ( This is properly a continuation from No. 41, on page 147.) I. THE ABTS. 3.02. lire’s Dictionary . [2] — A Dictionary of Arts, Manufac- tures and Mines : containing a clear exposition of their principles and practice. By Andrew Ure, M.D. Illustrated by nearly fifteen hundred engravings on wood. And to which is appended a Supplement of recent improvements to the present time. With two hundred engravings. Cloth, pp. 1340+ [Supplement] 304— 1644, dac. Price$4. 103o Antisell’s Useful Arts [121] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) A Handbook of the Useful Arts; including agriculture, architecture, domestic economy, engineering, machinery, manufactures, mining, photogenic and telegraphic art ; being an exposition of the principles and practice., and acompendof European and American inventions. By T. Antisell, M.D. With numerous engrayings. Cloth, double columns, pp. 2+688=690. gpp. asbc. Price $1,60. 104. Ripley and Taylor’s Literature and the Fine Arts [122]— (12mo. Am. Edi.) Hand Book of Literature and the Fine Arts : comprising complete and accurate definitions of all terms employed in belles-lettres, philosophy, theology, law, mythology, painting, music, sculpture, architecture, and all kindred arts. Compiled and arranged by George Ripley and Bayard Taylor. With numerous engravings. Cloth, double columns, gpp to asbc. Price $1.60. 105. Crabbe’s General Knowledge [126] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A Dictionary of General Knowledge ; comprising an explanation of words and things connected with literature, art and science. With a glossary of abbreviations and foreign idioms, &c., &c. By George Crabbe, A.M. Corrected, enlarged, and brought down to the present time, by Henry Davis, M. A. Illustrated wtih numerous engrav- ings. Cloth, double columns, pp. 548, wtc. Price $1.75. 106. Weale’s Dictionary [4] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Rudimen- tary Dictionary of Terms used in civil and naval architecture, building and construc- tion, early and ecclesiastical art, civil and mechanical engineering, fine art, mining, surveying, &c. To which is added explanatory observations on numerous questions connected with practical art and science. By John Weale. Cloth, double columns, pp. 564, jw. Price $1.10- 107. Francis’ Arts, Sciences and Manufactures [123] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) A Dictionary of the Arts, Sciences and Manufactures. Illustrated with eleven hundred engravings. By G- Frances, F.S.S. Cloth, double columns, pp. &f. rgc. Price $2. 224 Books of JReference — Arts Sf Manufactures. 108. Buchanan’s Technological Dictionary — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) A Technological Dictionary; explaining the terms of the arts, sciences, litera- ture, professions and trades. By W. M. Buchanan. Cloth, pp. 756, wtc. Price $1.40, 109. Lanzi’s History of Painting [43]— (3 v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The History of Painting in Italy, from the period of the revival of the fine arts to the end of the eighteenth century ; translated from the Italian of the Abate Luizi Lanzi. By Thomas Roscoe. In three volumes. With Portraits of Raffaelle, Titian and Correggio. Cloth, pp. 8+514+538-^0+493=1589, hgb . Price $21,0. 110. Reynolds’ Works [45] — (2v. 12mo. Eng. Edi.) The Literary Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Eirst President of the Royal Academy. To which is prefixed a memoir of the author ; with remarks on his professional character, illustrative of his principles and practice. By Henry William Beecher. In two volumes, with a portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Cloth, pp. 8+463+495=966, hgb . Price $1.40. 111. Lectures an Painting [44] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) By the Royal Academicians, Barry, Opie and Eusili- Edited, with an Introduction and notes, critical and illustrative, by Ralph N. Wornum, with a portrait of Eusili. Cloth, pp. iv+567=571, hgb. Price $1. 112. Butler’s Imitative Art [40] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) Prin- ciples of Imitative Art ; from Lectures delivered before the Oxford Art Society. Dur- ing Lent Term, 1852. By George Butler, M.A. Cloth, pp. xvi+231=247, gwp. Price $1.25, 113. Wornum’s Epoch of Painting — (18mo. Eng. Edi.) The Epochs of Painting characterized; or sketch of the history of painting, ancient and- modern, showing its gradual and various developments, from the earliest ages to the present time. By Ralp N, Wornum. Cloth, pp, 509, gcx. Price 80-cts. 114. Moore’s Colour applied to Decoration — (16mo. Eng. Edi.> By G. B. Moore. Cloth, pp. 74, wm. Price 55 cts. 115. Sculpture, &c. [26] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Sculpture and the Plastic Art. Its rise and progress from the earliest ages to the present time, etc. By the author of the history of the Art of Painting. Cloth, pp. 353, jpjev Price 75 eta. 116. Painting [24] — (I2mo. Am. Edi.) Painting, its Rise and Progress, from the earliest ages to the present time. With sketches of the Lives and Works of many of the eminent Artists of Ancient and Modern times, and a brief no- tice of the principal public galleries of Art in Europe- Compiled from the best authorities. Cloth, pp* 428, jpje. Price 80 ets. II. MANUFACTURES. 117. Reynolds’ Arts, Sciences and Manufactures — (Demy 4to. Portfolio. Eng. Edi.) A series of twelve Diagrams executed on quarto draw- ing-boards, full colored, with description as follows (1) Classification of the Animal Kingdom. (2) Classification of the Mineral Kingdom. (3) The Metals. (4) Manufac- ture of Glass. (5) Diagram of Temperature. (6) Popular Botany. (7) Manufacture of Cotton. (8) The Barometer. (9) Natural Order of plants. (10) Manufacture of Cast Iron. (11) Specific Gravities. (12} Manufacture of Coal-gas, jr. Price $1.50. 118. Appleton’s Dictionary [1] — (2v. Royal. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-work and Engineering; designed for Practical Working Men, and those intended for the Engineering Profession. In two volumes. Illustrated with four thousand engravings cm wood. Half calf, pp. 960+ 960 = 1920, due. Price $10 . 119. Williams’ Model Drawing and Perspective [98] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.} A Manual for Teaching Model Drawing from Solid Forms, the mo- dels founded on those of M. Dupuis ; combined with a popular view of Perspective* and adapted to the elementary instruction of classes in schools and public institutions. By Butler Williams, C.E., F.G.S. Under the sanction of the Committee of Council on Education. With fourteen beautiful plates engraved on thick paper, and nume- rous woodcuts. Cloth, pp. xv +257 =272, j wp. pc. Price $2.70. 120. Weisbach’s Mechanics and Engineering [67]— (2 v. 8vo. Am. Edi.) Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. By Julius Weisbach. Edited by Walter R. Johnson, A.M. C. & M.E. In two vols*. Illustrated with one thousand engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 470+ 368=854* Ih,. Price $4.70. Books of Reference — Arts 8f 'Manufactures. 225 121. Tate on Materials [76] — (8vo. Eng. Edi.) Containing various original and useful Formulae, specially applied to Tubular Bridges, Wrought Iron and Cast Iron Beams, &c. By Thomas Tate, F.R.A.S. Cloth, pp. 96, Ic . Price $1.25 . 122. Byrne’s Model Calculator [76] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The Practical Model Calculator, for the Engineer, Mechanic, Machinist, Manufacturer of Engine-work, Naval Architect, Miner and Millwright. By Oliver Byrne, C.E. Cloth, pp. 591, hcb. Price $2.80. 123. Nystrom’s Screw Propeller [64] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) — A Treatise on Screw Propellers and their Steam Engines. With practical rules and ex- amples how to calculate and construct the same for any description of vessels, accom- panied with a Treatise on Bodies in motion in Fluid, exemplified for propellers and vessels, also a full description of a calculating Machine. By J. 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Contributed to the “ Encyclopedia Me- tropolitana,” By William Ferguson, A.M,F.C.S. Cloth, pp. rgc. Price 127- Overman’s Manufacture of Iron [107] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The manufacture of iron in all its various branches, including a description of wood-cutting, coal digging, and the burning of charcoal and coke, the digging and roasting of iron ore; the building and management of blast furnaces, working by charcoal, coke, or anthracite ; also a description of forge hammers, rolling mills, blast machines, hot blast, &c. To which is added an essay on the manufacture of steel. Frederick Overman, M.E. With one hundred and fifty wood engravings. Cloth, pp. 492, hcb. Price $4. 128. Byrne’s Metal Worker’s Assistant [108] — (8yo. Am. Edi.) The practical metal worker’s assistant, containing the arts of working all metals and alloys, forging of iron and steel hardening and tempering, melting and mixing, casting and founding. With the application of the art of Electro-Metallurgy, to manufacturing process. With numerous engravings on wood. By Oliver Byrne, C. & M.E. Cloth, pp. 577, hcb. Price $3.20. 129. Overman’s Metallurgy [102] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) A Treatise on Metallurgy ; comprising Mining and General arid Particular Metallurgical Operations, with a descriptionof charcoal, coke and anthracite furnaces, blast machines hot blast, forge hammers, rolling mills. &c. By Frederick Overman, C.E. With three hundred and seventy-seven wood engravings. Cloth, pp. 720, dac. Price $4.50. 130. Phillip’s Metallurgy [103] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A Manual of Metallurgy, or practical treatise on the Chemistry of the Metals, contri- buted to the 4i Encyclopedia Metropolitana.” By John Arthur Phillips. Illus- trated by numerous engravings. Cloth, pp. xx+605=625, rgc. Price $2.50, 131. Napier’s Electro-Metallurgy [105] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) 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With wood engravings- By G. Drysdale Dempsey, C. E . Cloth, pp. viii* 132 =140, jw. Price 23 cts. 137. Weale’s Series, No. 3. — (2 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the two volumes 90 cts., as follows: (1.) Prideaux’s Euel and Eurnaces — [51-1] On economy of fuel, particularly with reference to reverberatory furnaces for the manufacture of iron, and to steam boilers. By T. Symes Prideaux, Esq. Cloth, pp. xvi+ 128-144, jw. Price 23 cts. Books of Reference — Arts 8f Manufactures. 227 (2.) Hughes’ Gas "Works — [51-2] A treatise on Gas-works and the practice of manufacturing and distributing coal-gas ; with some account of the most improved methods of distilling coal in iron, brick and clay retorts, and of the various modes adapted for purifying coal-gas. Including also a chapter on the hydro- carbon or water-gas, and on the rating of gas-works in parochial assessments. By S. Hughes. With illustrations. Three parts in one. Cloth, pp. xxiv +368 =398, jw* Price 70 cts. 138. Weale’s Series, No. 4.— (7 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the seven volumes $2.85, as follows : (1.) Bland’s Ships and Boats. — Experiments on the form of ships and boats. With numerous illustrations of models. ByW Bland, pp. 71, jw. Price 23 cts. (2-3.) Peake’s Ship-Building — [47-1-2] Rudiments of naval architecture ; or an exposition of the elementary principles of the science and the practical application to naval construction ; compiled for the use of beginners. By James Peake. Three parts in two volumes. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. vi, 132+ xii, 173 — 323, jw. Price 70 cts . (4.) Jeans’ Navigation and Nautical Astronomy — [47-5] The practical part ; containing rules for finding the latitude and longitude, and the varia- tion of the compass. With numerous examples. By H. W. Jeans, P. R. A- S, Double volume. Cloth, pp. vii + 279=286, jw> Price 45 cts. (5.) Kipping’s Masting and Rigging — [47-3] Rudimentary treatise on masting, mast-making, and rigging of ships. Also, tables of spars, rigging, blocks, chain, wire and hemp ropes, &c. &c. relative to every class of vessels. Together with an appendix of dimensions of masts and yards of the Royal Navy of Great Britain and Ireland. By Robert Kipping, R. A. Illustrated with numerous wood cuts. Cloth, pp. xii+149=161,iw. Price 35 cts. (6.) Greenwood’s Navigation — [47-4] The Sailor’s Sea-Book. Rudimentary treatise on navigation. In two parts: (1) How to keep the log and work it off. (2) On finding the latitude and longitude. By James Greenwood, Esq., B. A. 1 o which are added directions for great circle sailing ; an essay on the law of storms and variable winds ; and explanation of terms used in ship-building. With several engravings and coloured illustrations of the flags of maritime nations. Two parts in one. Cloth, pp. viii+166=174,./w. Price 45 cts. (7.) Stevenson’s Lighthouses — [47-6] A Rudimentary Treatise on the history, construction, and illumination of Light-Houses. By Allan Steven- son, LL.B., F.R S.E. With fourteen illustrative engravings, and one hundred and four wood cuts. Three parts in one. Cloth, pp. viii+130+vi+204=348, jw. Price 70 cts. 139. Weale’s Miscellaneous, No. 5. — (4 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $1.15, as follows : (1.) Law on Roads — [51-5] Rudiments of the art of construct- ing and repairing common roads. By Henry Law, C. E. To which is prefixed a general survey of the principal metropolitan roads. By S. Hughes, C. E. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 136, jw. Price 23 cts. (2.) Field’s Painter’s Art — [51-9] Rudiments of the painter’s art ; or a grammar of colouring, applicable operative painting, decorative architecture, and the arts. With coloured illustrations and practical instructions concerning the modes and materials of painting, &c. By George Eield. Two parts in one. Cloth, pp. viii+l70=l78,iw. Price 45 cts. (3.) Fromberg’s Painting on Glass — [51-10] An essay on the art of painting on glass . Prom the German of Emmanuel Otto Eromberg. Cloth, pp- 166, ]w. Price 23 cts. (4.) Gessert’s Glass Staining — [Rudimentary treatise on the art of painting on glass, or glass staining; comprising directions for preparing the pig- ments and fluxes, for laying them upon the glass, and for firing or burning in the colours. Prom the German of Dr. M. A. Gessert. To which is added an appendix on the art of enamelling, &c. Cloth, pp, 92 ,jw. Price 23 cts. 140. Weale’s Series No. 6 — (10 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the ten volumes $2.75, as follows : (1) Burgoyne’s Blasting and Quarrying [50-1] — Rudimentary treatise on the blasting and quarrying of stone for building and other purposes. By Lieut. Gen. Sir John Burgoyne, K. C. B., &c. With numerous wood engravings. Together with other useful additions relating to the same objects. Cloth, pp. vii+106 = 113, jw. Price 23 cts. (2.) Burnell’s Limes, Cements, &c. [50-2] — Rudimentary treatise on limes, cements, mortars, plastering, &c. By Geq. R. Rurnell, C. E. Cloth, pp, viii + 124—132, jw. Price 23 cts. 228 Boohs of "Reference — Arts $* Manufactures. (8.) Dobson’s Bricks and Tiles [50-3] — A rudimentary treatise on the manufacture of bricks and tiles ; containing an outline of the principles of brick-making, and detailed accounts of the various processes employed in the making of bricks and tiles in different parts of England. Two parts in one- Illustrated with eighty-three engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. xii+119+iv4-103=238,./w. Price 45 cts. (4-5.) Dobson’s Masonry and Stone Cutting [50-4-5] — A rudi- mentary treatise on masonry and stone cutting ; in which the principles of masonic projection and their application to the construction of curved wing walls, domes, oblique bridges, and Roman and Gothic vaulting are concisely explained. By Edward Dobson. With forty-nine engravings on wood, and fifty-one illustrations drawn on stone. Cloth, pp, xiii + 118 = 131. Price 45 cts. (6.) Dobson’s Foundations [50-6] — A rudimentary treatise on 'foundations and concrete works; containing a synopsis of the principal cases of foundation works, with the usual modes of treatment and practical remarks on foot- ings, timber-planking, sand, concrete, and b6ton pile-driving, caissons and cofferdams. With an account of the new mole executed in beton at the harbor of Algiers. Illustrated by wood cuts. By Edward Dobson, C. E. Cloth, pp. v+130=135,iw. Price 23 cts. (7.) Dobson’s Art of Building [50-7] — Rudiments of the art of building: In five sections, viz. : I. General Principles of construction. II. Materials used in building. III. Strength of Materials. IV. Use of Materials. V. Working drawings, specifications and estimates. Illustrated with one hundred and eleven woodcuts. By Edward Dobson. Cloth, pp. xvi+174=l90,.7'w. Price 23 cts ; (8.) Tomlinson’s Warming and Ventilation [50-8] — A rudimen- tary treatise on warming and ventilation ; being a concise exposition of the general principles of the art of warming and ventilating domestic and public buildings, mines, light-houses, ships, &c. By Charles Tomlinson. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 260, jw. Price 45 cts. (9.) Dempsey’s Drainage and Sewerage [50-9] — A rudimentary treatise on the drainage of towns and buildings; suggestive of sanitary regulations that would conduce to the health of an increasing population. By G. Drysdale Dempsey, C. E. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 176, jw. Price 23 cts. (10.) Allen’s Cottage Building — Rudimentary treatise on cottage building : or, hints for improving the dwellings of the laboring classes. By C. Brttce Allen, Architect. With an appendix containing designs, also for a higher class. Cloth, pp. 122. Price 23 cts. 141 . Weale’s Series, No. 7 — (4 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $1.50, as follows : (1.) Pyne’s Perspective [49-4] — A rudimentary and practical treatise on perspective for beginners ; simplified for the use of juvenile students and amateurs in Architecture, Painting, &c., also adapted for schools and private instruc- tions. Revised and enlarged. By Geo- Pyne, Artist. Eighty-six illustrations on copper and wood. Two parts in one. Cloth, pp. v + 165- 170. Price 45 cts. (2.) Grarbett’s Design in Architecture [49-3] — Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture as deducible from nature and exemplified in the works of the Greek and Gothic Architects. By Edward Lacy Garbett, Architect. With sixty-six illustrations. Parts I and II in one volume. Cloth, pp. viii+ 264=272, j w. Price 45 cts. (3.) Leed’s Architecture [49-1] — Rudimentary architecture for the use of beginners and students. The orders, and their ^Esthetic principles. By W. H. Leeds, Esq. With illustrations and considerable additions. Cloth, pp. viii+ 139=147, jw. Price 25 cts. (4.) Bury’s Architecture [49-2] — Rudimentary architecture for the use of beginners The history and description of the styles of architecture of various countries, from the earliest to the present period. With illustrative engravings. By T. Talbot Bury, Architect. Cloth, pp. viii+191 = 199, jw. Price 35 cts. 142 . Didron’sChristianIconography[86]— (12mo.Eng.Edi.) Or, the history of Christian decorative art in the middle ages. By M. Didron. Translated from the French by E. J, Millington. Comprising the history of the representation of the nimbus, the aureole, the glory and the trinity. With numerous illustrations. Cloth, pp. 593, hgb. Price $1. 143 . Miscellaneous — (2 v.) Price for the two volumes $1.05, as follows : (1.) Grould’s Church Music in America — (12mo. Am. Edi.) History of church music in America; treating of its peculiarities at different periods ; its legititimate use and its abuse. With criticisms, cursory remarks and notices relating to composers, teachers, schools, choirs, societies, conventions, books, &c. By Nathaniel D. Gould. Cloth, pp. 546, gl. Price 60 cts. Books of Reference — Arts 8f Manufactures . 229 (2.) Spencer’s Treatise of Music [51-13] — (16mo, Eng, Edi.) A rudimentary and practical treatise on music. By Charles Child Spencer. Two volumes in one. With numerous musical illustrations. Cloth, pp. viii+123+ 176= 30*7, jiv. Price 45 cts. 144. Miscellaneous — (4 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the four volumes $2.75, as follows : (1.) Overman’s Manufacture of Steel [118-2] — Containing the practice and principles of working and making steel. A hand-hook for blacksmiths, and workers in steel and iron, waggon-makers, diesinkers, cutlers and manufacturers of files and hardware, of steel and iron, and for men of science and art. By Frederick Overman. Cloth, pp. 226, mb. Price 55 cts. (2.) Larkin’s Brass Founder’s Gnide [118-3] — The practical brass and iron founder’s guide: a concise treatise on the art of brass founding moulding, &c. With numerous practical rules, tables, and receipts for gold, silver, tin, and copper founding ; plumbers, bronze, and bell founders, jewellers, &c. &c. By James Larkin. Cloth, pp. 204, pmm. Price 75 cts. (3.) Overman’s Moulder’s and Founder’s Guide [118-4] — A treatise on moulding and founding in green sand, dry sand, loam and cement ; the moulding of machine frames, mill-gear, hollow-ware, ornaments, trinkets, bells, and statues, description of mould for iron, bronze, brass, and other metals, plaster of Paris, sulphur, wax, and other articles commonly used in casting, the construction of melting furnaces, the melting and founding of metals, the composition of alloys, bronze, varnishes and colours for castings, also, tables on the strength and other qualities of cast metals. By Frederick Overman. With forty-two wood engravings. Cloth, pp. 252, mb. Price 70 cts. (4.) Cotton Spinner and Carder [118-5] — The American cotton spinner and manager and carder’s complete guide. Cloth, pp, 252, psc. Price 75 cts* 145. Miscellaneous— (3 v. 16mo. Eng. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Templeton’s Steam Engine [119-2] — The practical exami- nator on steam and the steam engine. With instructive reference relative thereto, arranged for the use of engineers, students and others. By William Templeton, Engineer. Cloth, pp. 143, heb . Price 60 cts. (2.) Colburn’s Locomotive Engine [119-1] — Including a descrip- tion of its structure, rules for estimating its capabilities, and practical observations on its construction and management. By Zerah Colburn, With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 187, hcb. Price 60 cts. (3.) Kentish on Box of Instruments [119-3]— A treatise on a box of instruments and the slide-rule. For the use of gaugers, engineers, seamen and students. By Thomas Kentish, With a plate and numerous figures. Cloth, pp. 228, hcb. Price 80 cts. 146. Miscellaneous — (3 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) Price for the three volumes $2, as follows ; (1.) Smeaton’s Builder’s Companion [119-5] — The builder’s companion : containing the elements of building, surveying, and architecture. With practical rules and instructions connected with the subject. By A. C. Smeaton, C.E. &c. With illustrative figures. Cloth, pp. 273, hcb. Price 80 cts. (2.) Painter, Gilder, and Varnishei’s Companion [119-8] — • Containing rules and regulations in everything relating to the arts of painting, gilding* varnishing and glass-staining : numerous useful and valuable receipts : tests for the detection of adulterations in oils, colours. &c., and a statement of the diseases and accidents to which painters, gilders and varnishers are peculiarly liable : with the 'simplest and best methods of prevention and remedy. With illustrations. Cloth, pp. 189, hcb . Price 60 cts. (3.) Arrowsmith’s Paper Hanger’s Companion [119-9] — A treatise on paper-hanging ; in which the practical operations of the trade are syste- matically laid down ; with copious directions preparatory to papering; preventions against the effect of damp on walls ; the various cements and pastes adapted to the several purposes of the trade ; observations on the panelling and ornamenting of rooms, &c. By James Arrowsmith. Cloth, pp. 108, hcb. Price 60 cts. 147. Miscellaneous (3 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) — Price for the three volumes $2, as follows : (1.) Hughes’ American Miller [119-4] — The American Miller and Millwright’s Assistant. By William Carter Hughes. With numerous illus- trations, Cloth, pp. 223, hcb . Price 80 cts. 230 Boohs of Reference — Arts 8f Manufactures . (2.) The Turner’s Companion [119-7] — Containing instructions in concentric, elliptic, and eccentric turning; and various plates of chucks, tools and instruments ; and directions for using the eccentric cutter, drill, vertical cutter, and circular rest. W ith patterns and instructions for working them. Illustrated by four* teen folding plates engraved on steel. Cloth, pp. 135, hcb. Price 60 cts. (3.) Stokes’ Cabinet Makers’ Companion [119*6] — The Cabi- net and Upholsterer’s Companion 5 comprising the rudiments and principles of cabi- net making and upholstery; with familiar instructions, illustrated by examples, for attaining a proficiency in the Art of Drawing, as applicable to Cabinet Work : the processes of veneering, inlaying, and buhlwork ; the art of dyeing and staining wood* ivory, bone, tortoise shell, &c. Directions for lacquering, japanning, and varnishing; to make French polish $ to prepare the best glues, cements, and compositions ; and a number of receipts, particularly useful to workmen generally. With explanatory and illustrative engravings. By J. Stokes. Cloth, pp. 167, hcb. Price 60 cts. 148. Miscellaneous (3 v. 16mo. Am. Edi.) — Price for the three volumes $1.80, as follows : (1.) Dyer and Colour-Maker’s Companion [119-10] — Contain- ing upwards of two hundred receipts for making colours on the most improved prin- ciples, for all the various styles and fabrics now in existence ; together with the scouring process, and plain directions for preparing, washing off and finishing the goods. Cloth, pp. 104, hcb. Price 60 cts. ( 2 .) Walker’s Electrotype Manipulation [119-11] — Being the theory and plain instructions in the art of working tin metals, by precipitating them from their solution, through the agency of galvanic or voltaic electricity ; also, in the arts of electro- plating, electro-gilding, and electro -etching ; with an account of the mode of depositing metallic oxides, and of the several applications of electrotype in the arts. By Charles V. Walker. Illustrated by wood-cuts. Cloth, pp. 76, hcb . Price 60 cts. (3.) Mortimer’s Pyrotechnist’s Companion [119-12] — Or, a familiar system of recreative hire-works. With a section on the importance and use of rockets. By G. W. Mortimer. With^engravings. Cloth, pp. 168, hcb , Price 60 cts. 149. Overman’s Mechanics [79] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Me- chanics for the Millwright, Machinist, Engineer, Civil Engineer, Architect and Stu- dent, containing a clear elementary exposition of the principles and practice of building machines. By Frederick Overman. Illustrated by one hundred and fifty- four fine wood engravings by William Gihon. Cloth, pp. 420, Igc. Price 90 cts, 150. Evans’ Millwright’s Guide [77] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The Young Millwright and Miller’s Guide; illustrated by twenty-eight descriptive plates, by Oliver Evans. With additions and corrections by Thomas P. Jones. With a description of an improved merchant flcur-mill, with twenty-eight plates and engrav- ings. By C. & O. Evans, Engineers. Sheep, pp. 400, lb. Price $1.80. 151. Kelk’s Mechanics’ Text Book [80] — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The Mechanics’ Text Book and Engineer’s Practical Guide; containing a concise treatise on the nature and application of mechanical forces, action of gravity; the elements of machinery, rules and tables for calculating the working effects of machi- nery ; of the strength, resistance and pressure of materials ; with tables of the weight and cohesive strength of iron and other metals. Compiled and arranged by Thomas Kelk. To which is added, Valuable Hints to the Young Mechanic on the choice of a Profession ; misdirection of industry ; intellectual cultivation, and the studies and morals of the mechanic, & c., &c. By John Frost, LL.D. Cloth, pp. 403, psc. Price 80 cts. 152. Knapen’s Mechanics’ Assistant [81] — (12mo. Am.Edi.) The Mechanics’ Assistant : a thorough practical treatise on Mensuration and the Sliding Buie : teaching the manner of drawing all regular superficies, and the most concise methods of finding the areas of all regular superficies, and the contents of all regular solids, both by numbers and by the sliding rule. The strength of materials— Treating also upon the Laws of Motion,— The Descent of Falling Bodies— The Mechanical Powers— The Elasticity and Force of Steam— Specific Gravities— Level- ling— The Pendulum, &c., adapted for the use of carpenters, shipwrights, wheel- wrights, sawyers, gaugers, lumbermen, students and artisans generally. By J. D. Knapen, A.M. Cloth, pp. 276, dac. Price 75 cts. 153. Napier’s Manual of Dyeing [116] — (12mo. Eng. Edi.) A manual of the art of dyeing. By James Napier, F.C.S. Illustrated by engravings. With glossary and index. Cloth, pp. 16+405=421, rgc. Price $1.50. 154. Napier’s Dyeing Receipts (12mo.Eng.Edi.) — A Manual of Dyeing Receipts for general use. By James Napier, F.C.S* With numerous examples of dyed cloth and silk. Cloth, pp* 77, rgc . Price $1 6). Boohs of Reference — Arts Sf Manufactures. 231 155. Napier’s Chemistry of Dyeing [117]- — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Chemistry applied to dyeing. By James Napier, P.R.S. Illustrated by engravings, With glossary and index. Cloth, pp. 429, hcb. Price $1.20. 156. Smith’s Dyer’s Instructor [115] — (12mo. Am. Edi.)— > Comprising practical instructions in the art of dyeing silk* cottbn, wool, and worsted, and woollen goods, as single and two-colored damasks, moreens, camlets, lastings, shot cobourgs, silk striped Orleans, plain Orleans from white and coloured warps, merinos, woollens, yarns, &c. Containing nearly eight hundred receipts. To which is added a treatise on the art of paddings and the printing of silk warps* skeins, and handier*- chiefs, and the various mordants and colors for the different styles of such work. By David Smith, pp. 338, hcb. Price $1.20. 157. Murphy’s Art of Weaving [Hi] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) — A Treatise on the art of weaving. Illustrated by nearly two hundred and sixty figures, with warp, waft, and yarn tables, for the use of manufacturers. By John Murphy. Cloth, pp. 518, bs. Price $3.20. 158. Scott’s Cotton Spinner [112] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The practical cotton spinner, and manufacturer ; the manager’s, overlooker’s, and me- chanic’s companion. A comprehensive system of calculations of mill gearing and machinery, from the primary moving power, through the different processes of card- ing, drawing, slubbing, roving, spinning and weaving, with the recent improvements in machinery. To which are added compendious tables of yarns and reeds for silk, linen, worsted and wool. By R. Scott. Corrected and enlarged, with plates of American machines. By Oliver Byrne, C. & M. E. Cloth* pp. 577, hcb. Price $2.80 j 159. Dyeing and Calico Printing— (8vo. Am. Edi.) A Prac- tical Treatise on Dyeing and Calico Printing; including the latest improvements and inventions. With an appendix* By an experienced dyer, assisted by several scientific gentlemen. With engravings on steel and wood. Cloth* pp, xxi-t- 704=725, hb , Price $2.80. 160. Silk, Cotton, Linen, &e. [5] — (8vo. Am. Edi.) The History of Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, and other fibrous substances* including obser- vations on spinning, dyeing and weaving. Also, an account of the pastoral life of the ancients, their social state and attainments in the domestic arts. With appendices on Pliny’s Natural History; on the origin and manufacture of linen and cotton . paper ; on felting, netting, etc., deduced from copious and authentic sources. Illus- trated by steel engravings. Cloth, pp. xxiii 4-464=487, hb. Price $2.40. 161. Morfit’s Soap and Candles (8vo. Ain. Edi.)— Chemistry applied to the Manufacture of Soap and Candles. By Campbell Morfit. Illustrate ed with one hundred and seventy engravings on wood. Cloth, pp. 544, ah. Price $4. 162. Kenten’s Soaps — (12mo. Am. Edi.) The art of manufao turing soaps, including the most recent discoveries : embracing the best methods for making all kinds of hard* soft, and toilet soaps: also olive oil soap, and others neces- sary in the fabrication of cloths. With receipts for making transparent and camphine oil candles. By Philip Kenten. Cloth, pp. 240, linb. Price 80 cts. 163. Morfit’s Perfumery — (12mo. Am. Edi.) Perfumery: its manufacture and use, With instructions in every branch of the art, and recipes for all the fashionable preparations. Illustrated by numerous wood cuts. With additions and improvements. By Campbell Morfit. Cloth, pp. 379, hcb% Price $1.20. PART III. the law and regulations RELATING TO PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES IN UPPER CANADA. I. EXTRACTS FROM THE LAW AUTHORIZING- THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES IN UPPER CANADA : I. Legislative Grant. The Upper Canada Common School Act of 1850, Section forty-one, enacts, 11 That it may and shall be lawful for the Governor in Council, to authorize the expenditure annually, out of the share of the Legislative School Grant coming to Upper Canada, of a sum not exceeding three thousand pounds , for the establish- ment and support of School Libraries, under such regulations as are provided for by this Act.” By the first section of the Grammar and Common School Improvement Act of 1855, this sum was further increased as follows : “4. A sum not exceeding three thousand jive hundred pounds per annum may be expended as heretofore provided by law, in further aiding in the establishment and extension of Public Libraries in connexion with the Grammar and Common Schools in Upper Canada.” 2. Chief Superintendent. Section thirty-five enacts that it shall be the duty of the Chief Superintendent of Education : “Eighthly. To employ all lawful means in his power to procure and promote the establishment of School Libraries for general reading, in the several counties, townships, cities, towns and villages ; to provide and recommend the adoption of suitable plans of school houses, with the proper furniture and appendages ; and to collect and diffuse useful information on the subject of education generally, among the people of Upper Canada. “ Ninthly. To submit to the Council of Public Instruction all books or manu- scripts which may be placed in his hands with a view of obtaining the recom- mendation or sanction of such Council, for their introduction as text-books or library books ; and to prepare and lay before the Council of Public Instruction for its consideration, such general regulations for the organization and government of Common Schools, and the management of School Libraries, as he shall deem necessary and proper. Laic 8f Regulations of Public School Libraries. 233 “ Tenthly. To apportion whatever sum or sums of money shall be provided by the Legislature for the establishment and support of School Libraries : Provided always, that no aid shall be given towards the establishment or support of any School Library unless an equal amount be contributed and expended from local sources for the same object.” 3. Council of Public Instruction. Section thirty-six enacts that it shall be the duty of the Council of Public Instruction : “ Fifthly. To examine, and, at its discretion, recommend or disapprove of text- books for the use of schools, or books for School Libraries : Provided always that no portion of the Legislative School Grant shall be applied in aid of any school in which any book is used that has been disapproved of by the Council, and public notice given of such disapproval.” 4. Local Superintendents. Section thirty-one, tenth clause, sixth division, enacts that it shall be the duty of each Local Superintendent to make an annual report to the Chief Superin- tendent, which among other things shall state “ the number of libraries, their extent, how established and supported.” [See also Number 6 of this Series.] 5. School Visitors. Section thirty-three enacts that School Visitors shall have authority at any law- ful meeting “ to devise such means as they may deem expedient, to promote the establishment of libraries and the diffusion of useful knowledge.” 6. Boards of Public Instruction, Section twenty-nine enacts that “ it shall be the duty of each County or Cir- cuit Board of Public Instruction. Fourthly , To adopt all such lawful means in their power, as they shall judge expedient, to promote the establishment of School libraries, and to diffuse useful knowledge in such County or Circuit.” 7. County Municipal Councils. i Section twenty-seven enacts that “it shall be the duty of the Municipal Council of each County, Secondly , To raise by assessment such sum or sums of money, as it shall judge expedient for the establishment and maintenance of a County Com- mon School Library.” 8. Township Municipal Councils. Section eighteen enacts that it “ shall be the duty of the Municipality of each Township in Upper Canada, Secondly, To levy at its discretion such sum or sums as it shall judge expedient for purchasing books for a Township Library, under such regulations, as shall be provided according to law.” 9. City and Town Municipal Councils. Section twenty-one enacts, “ That the Council or Common Council of each city or incorporated town in Upper Canada shall be and is hereby invested, with- in its limits and liberties as prescribed by law, and shall be subject to the same Q 234 Law and Regulations of obligations as are the Municipal Council of each County, and the Municipality of each Township, by the eighteenth and twenty -seventh Section of this Act” just quoted above. 10. Village Municipal Councils. Section twenty five enacts, “ That the Municipality of every incorporated vil- lage shall possess and exercise all the powers, and be subject to all the obligations with regard to the levying and raising of moneys for the establishment and main- tenance of school libraries within the limits of such incorporated village, as are conferred and imposed by this Act upon the Municipal Corporations of cities.” 11. Board of School Trustees in Cities and Towns. Section twenty-four enacts, “ That it shall be the duty of Boards of School Trustees in cities and towns, Thirdly , To do whatever they may judge expedient for procuring suitable apparatus and text books, and for the establishment and maintenance of a school library or school libraries. Tenthly , To appoint a libra- rian to take charge of the school library or libraries whenever established.” N. B. The first Section of the supplementary School Act, 1853, invests Boards of School Trustees with power, either to apply to their Municipality or employ their own lawful authority to raise, by a general rate upon property, or otherwise, such sum or sums as they shall judge expedient for the establishment and mainte- nance of School libraries, etc. Grammar School Boards have also authority to establish libraries. 12. Boards of School Trustees in Incorporated Villages. The twenty-sixth Section of the School Act of 1850, and the 1st Section of the Supplementary School Act of 1853, confer upon Boards of School Trustees iu In- corporated Vilkiges, all the powers possessed by City and Town Boards as enu- merated in the foregoing paragraph. 13. Trustees of School Sections. Section twelve enacts, “ That it shall be the duty of the Trustees of such School Section. Seveyileenthly , To appoint a Librarian, and to take such steps as they may judge expedient, and as may be authorized according to lav/, for the establish- ment, self- keeping, and proper management of a school library, whenever provi- sion shall have been made and carried into effect for the establishment of school libraries,” N. B. By the ninth clause of the twelfth Section, in connection with the 1st clause of tlie eighteenth Section of the School Act of 1850, Trustees are authorized to provide means for the establishment and support of public School Libraries. II. REMARKS OK THE FOREGOING. 1. Public Bodies which can establish School Libraries. From the foregoing extracts from the School law, it will be seen that the follow - iu Municipalities and School Corporations are authorized to provide means for the establishment and support of Public School libraries in Upper Canada: Public School I/ibraries . 235 1. County Councils. 2. Township Councils. 3. City Councils. 4. Town Councils. 5. Village Councils. 6. Boards of School Trustees in Cities. 7. Boards of School Trustees in Towns. 8. Boards of School Trustees in Incorporated Villages. 9. Trustees of School Sections. 2. Duties of School Authorities in regard to Libraries. It will also be seen from the above that it is the official duty and privilege of local Superintendents, School Visitors, and Boards of Public Instruction to aid with their counsel and advice in the general establishment of public libraries through- out the country. 3. Library Apportionment. Public School Libraries. The Chief Superintendent of Education is prepared to apportion one hundred per cent upon all sums which shall be raised from local sources by Municipal Councils and School Corporations, for the establishment or increase of Public Libraries in Upper Canada, under the regulations provided according to law Remittances must not be in less sums than five dollars. Forms and Catalogues furnished upon application. Prizes in Schools. The Chief Superintendent will grant one hundred per cent, upon all sums not less than five dollars transmitted to him by Municipalities or Boards of School Trustees for the purchase of books or reward cards for distribution as prizes in Grammar and Common Schools. Forms and catalogues furnished upon appli- cation. School Maps and Apparatus. The Chief Superintendent will add one hundred per cent, to any sum or sums, not less than five dollars, transmitted to the Department from Grammar and Com- mon Schools; and forward Maps, Apparatus, Charts, and Diagrams to the value of the amount thus augmented, upon receiving a list of the articles required by the Trustees. In all cases it will be necessary for any person, acting on behalf of the Trustees, to enclose or present a written authority to do so, verified by the corpo- rate seal of the Trustees. A selection of articles to be sent can always be made by the Department, when so desired. Forms and catalogues furnished upon application. These apportionments are in harmony with the principle on which the School Fund in each Municipality is distributed. Local exertion (and not property or population) appears to be the most equitable basis of apportioning the Library Grant, and that which is likely to give most general satisfaction and to exert the most beneficial in- fluence. The principle of aiding each School Municipality (whether it be a town- ship, city, town, village, or school section) in proportion as it exerts and helps itself is, upon the whole, unobjectionable, and is best calculated to excite and bring into 236 Law and Regulations of action that hind of interest and public spirit which are the life of any general sys- tem of social advancement. This, therefore, is the principle on which the Library and other Grants will be distributed. 4. Selection of Books from the General Catalogue. A -word may be added on the selection of books for libraries. In a large number of cases, this task has been assigned by the local authorities, to the Chief Superintendent of Education ; in some eases the local authorities have, by a com- mittee of one or more of themselves, selected all the books desired by them ; while in other cases, the local authorities have selected the books to the amount of their own appropriation, and requested the Chief Superintendent to select the rest, to the amount of the apportionment of the library grant. This last mode of select- ing the libraries has an advantage over either of the other two. In a considerable number of the lists of books selected by the local school and municipal authorities, there is the omission of many small and cheap works, most admirably adapted both to intertain and instruct. These omissions occur chiefly in regard to books con- tained in the latter part of the catalogue, characteristic notices of which could not possibly be prepared by the Chief Superintendent within the time and space at his disposal. In cases where the exclusive selection of libraries by the Chief Su- perintendent is requested, it is to be feared he may omit some books specially de- sired in the Section or Township, whose authorities have confided this trust to him. But if the local authorities would select to the amount of their appropria- tion such books as they particularly desire, and leave to the Chief Superintendent the selection of the rest, with such suggestions as they may think proper to make he would be able to till up their lists with such books, as would, for the most part, be new, as well as useful and entertaining. This joint mode of selecting books for libraries will no doubt be found better than that of local authorities selecting all the books themselves, or wholly confiding the selection of them to the Chief Superintendent. This suggestion is offered to all parties concerned, with the wish that they will feel themselves perfectly free to act or not act upon it as they may think best. III. GENERAL PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH BOOKS HAVE BEEN SELECTED FOR THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. [Extract from the Minutes of the Council of Public Instruction for Upper Canada , 2nd of August, 1853.) The Council of Public Instruction for Upper Canada deems it proper to state its principles of proceeding in performing the important and responsible task of select- ing books for these Public School Libraries. 1. The Council regards it as imperative, that no works of a licentious, vicious or immoral tendency, and no works hostile to the Christian Religion, should be admitted into the Libraries. 2. Nor is it, in the opinion of the Council, compatible with the objects of the public School Libraries, to introduce into them controversial works on Theology, or works of denominational controversy ; although it would not be desirable to in- clude all historical and other works in which such topics are referred to and dis- Public School Libraries. 237 cussed ; and it is desirable to include a selection of suitable works on tlie evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion. 3. In regard to books on ecclesiastical history, the Council agrees in a selection from the most approved works on each side. 4. With these exceptions, and within these limitations, it is the opinion of the Council that as wide a selection as possible should be made of useful and enter- taining books of permanent value, adapted to popular reading in the various de- partments of human knowledge — leaving each Municipality to consult its own taste and exercise it s own discretion in selecting books from the general catalogue. 5. The including of any books in the general catalogue, is not to be understood as the expression of any opinion by the Council in regard to any sentiments incul- cated or combated in such books ; but merely as an acquiescence on the part of the Council in the purchase of such books by any Municipality, should it think proper to do so. 6. The general catalogue of books for public School Libraries may be modified and enlarged from year to year, as circumstances may suggest, and as suitable new works of value may appear. IY. REGULATIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES.' {Adopted on the 2nd of August , 1853, and extracted from the Minutes of the Council of Public Instruction of that date.) 1. Establishment of Libraries. The Council of Public Instruction for Upper Canada, as authorized by the thirty eighth section of the School Act of 1850, make the following regulations for the establishment and management of Public School Libraries : I. There may be School Section Libraries, or Township Libraries, as each Town- ship Municipality shall prefer.* In case of the establishment of a Township Library, the Township Council may either cause the books to be deposited in one place, or recognise each School Section within its jurisdiction as a branch of the Township Library Corporation, and cause the Library to be divided into parts or sections, and allow each of these parts or sections of the Library to be circulated in succession in each School Section. II. Each Township Library shall be under the management of the Township Corporation ; and each Branch or School Section Library shall be under the man- agement of the School Section Corporation, The Township Council shall appoint or remove the Librarian for the Township ; and each Trustee Corporation shall appoint or remove the Librarian for the School Section, as already provided by the seventeenth clause of the twelfth section of the School Act of 1850. III. Each Township Council and each School Section Corporation receiving library books, must provide a proper case for the books, with a lock and key; and must cause the case and books to be kept in some safe place and repaired when * This of course includes Ward or other authorised branches of a Township Library. 238 Law and Regulations of injured ; and must also provide sufficient wrapping paper to cover the books, and writing paper to enable the Librarian to keep minutes of the delivery and return of books, and write the needful notes or letters. The members of the Township and School Section Corporations are responsible for the security and preservation of the books in their charge. IV. When any books are taken in charge by the Librarian, he is to make out a full and complete catalogue of them ; and at the foot of each catalogue, the Libra* rian is to sign a receipt to the following effect : 4 ‘ I, A.B., do hereby acknowledge that the books specified in the preceding cata- logue have been delivered to me by the Municipal Council of the Township of , or (as the case may be) by the Trustees of School Section No. , in the Town- ship of , to be carefully kept by me as their Librarian, for the use of the in- habitants within their jurisdiction, according to the regulations prescribed by authority of the Statute, for the management of Public School Libraries, to be ac- counted for by me according to said regulations, to said Council, (or Trustees, as the case may be,) and to be delivered to my successor in office. Dated, 215, and Medlock 219, 221 Stonehenge’s British Sports 110 South’s Household Surgery Ill Sichell’s Spectacles 115 Swan on the Brain and Mind 115 Seeman’s Palms 118 Stark’s British Mosses 118 Starry Heavens, The, X. K. S 118 Surface of the Earth, “ 118 Snow Storm, * 119 Sea Shore, “ 119 Senses, The, R. T. S Ill Sights in Spring, Summer, &c., R. T. S... 120 Sherwood’s Wonders 120 Scenes in Nature 122 Slack’s Beautiful 122 Scoffern & Lowe’s Meteorology 123 “ Chemistry, 130, Weapons of War, 146 Somerville’s Sciences and Geography 124 Schouw & Kobell’s Earth Plants, &c. 124 Stockhardt’s Chemistry 131 Solly’s Chemistry 132, 217 Saxton’s Rural Handbooks 133 “ Agriculture 134 Sclienck’s Gardener’s Text Book 134 Spooner’s Veterinary Art, 13, Trial by Jury 202 Swindell on Well Digging 140 Salt, Manufacture of, X.K.S 144 Smeaton’s Lighthouses, 145, Builder’s Companion 229 Steam and Steam Engine, X.K.S 148 Squier’s Nicaragua 193 Schoolcraft’s Ozark Mountains 194 Shea’s MississippiValley 194 Silliman’s Europe 194 Sparks’ American Biography, 195, Wash- ington 196 Say’s Political Economy 200 Spier & Surenne’s French and English Dictionary 207 Swainson’s Natural History 208 Siebold’s Anatomy 209 Sprague’s Natural Philosophy 222 Sculpture and Plastic Art 224 Sparling’s Photographic Art 225 Stephenson’s Railway Details 226 Stevenson’s Lighthouses 227 Stokes’ Cabinetmaker’s Companion 230 Silk, Cotton, &c 231 T. 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S 103 ZOOLOGY, 102 , REFERENCE 207 TORONTO : PRINTED BY LOVELL & GIBSON, YOn6e STREET, ■ CANADA DIRECTORY 1857 - 58 . j PUBLISHED BY JOHN LOVELL, MONTREAL. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS : A MA ° OF CANADA, specially prepared for the Work, by Thos. C. Keefer, Esquire. A 'description of over 1,300 Cities, Towns and Villages in Canada, with the names of the Professional and Business men, and of the principal inhabitants alphabetically arranged. A compl/ete Directory of all the large Towns in the Province. A complete Postal Directory with full information as to Rates of Postage for Letters, (fee., and the Mipney Order System. The School Acts of U. and L. Canada, with Sketches of Education in each Province. A List oft the Clergy of all Denominations throughout the Province. A List ofj£ the Banks of Canada with their Officers , Capital, Discount Days, (fee. A List ofl* all the Newspapers and Periodicals published in Canada. The Tariffs of Canada, the Lower Provinces, Great Britain, and the United States. A Table Jbf Railway and Steamboat Routes throughout Canada. The Officfers of Customs, Imports and Exports of Canada, and of the several Ports. The Revel nue, Expenditure, and Public Debt of the Province. The Judgres and Legal Officers, Terms and Sittings of the Courts, their Jurisdiction,