/ > fWyER$mr OF ILtflitJ'S USRifiy —W U i J 1 d UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA BULLETIN New Series No. 158 University Extension Series No. 45. UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA BULLETIN CATALOG OF MATERIAL ON: I. WAR AND THE PROBLEMS OF PEACE II. GENERAL SUBJECTS III. DEBATES NORMAN, OKLAHOMA, January, 1919. University of Oklahoma Bulletin, published by the uni¬ versity, is issued semi-monthly. Entered at the postoffice at Norman, as second class matter, under act of congress of Aug¬ ust 24, 1912. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage, provided for in Section 1103, act of October 3rd, 1917, auth¬ orized on July 8th, 1918. FOREWORD: This bulletin contains a catalog (1) of articles of per¬ manent value on the war and problems of peace; (2) a partial list of many hundreds of articles and pamphlets on subjects of general interest; and (3) of debating material on a great variety of subjects. This material will be lent for two weeks to any citizen of the state. The time may be extended upon ap¬ plication. Patrons of the University should not confuse these articles with the debate bulletins and other bulletins issued by the Uni¬ versity Extension. These bulletins on hand at this date are as follows: A Students’ Manual of Debating and Parliamentary Practice; Unicamerial Legislature; Woman Suffrage; Con¬ solidation of Rural Schools; The Preferential Ballot; Govern¬ ment Ownership of Railways; The Single Tax; Workmen’s Compensation; Selling Munitions of War; Continuing the Mon¬ roe Doctrine; Teachers’ Pensions; Compulsory Arbitration of Labor Disputes; Woman Suffrage No. 2; The City Manager Plan; Non-Debate Bulletins; Studies on the Great War; Studies on Social Problems; Problems of Individual Develop¬ ment; Living in Oklahoma. (All edited by Dr. J. W. Scroggs). They are furnished free (except the Students’ Manual which costs 10 cents) to any citizen of the state upon applica¬ tion. Address the Univeristy Extension, Norman, Oklahoma, for any of these articles or bulletins. LOAN LIBRARY The following articles will be sent free of charge, except postage, to any citizen of Oklahoma .upon application. They may be kept two weeks, ancl this time may be extended upon request. /Wf-a,