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PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS IN FORCE JANUARY 1, 1918 Bloomington, Illinois Pantagraph Printing and Stationery Co. 1918 24seCk$ ‘ Tuc IS Prep Fale 4, BG ROY q) b € eet PREFACE, The change from the Aldermanic to the Commission Form of Govern- ment, which took place in May, 1915, necessitated a complete rewriting of all that part of the ordinances having to do with the legislative and ex- ecutive functions of the city’s government. All other parts have been carefully revised, and each section has been thoroughly considered by the Commissioners, Each department has been consulted particularly concerning the portions most applicable to it. Several subjects are treated for the first time. At the end of the book is a collection of the special privilege ordi- nances, ete., now in force in Bloomington, together with the Charter of the city schools, ordinances and documents pertaining to the enlargement of the Chicago & Alton shops, and other important municipal instruments A thorough and serviceable index is of great utility, and a con- scientious endeavor has been made to compile such an index for this book. Nep E. DoLan RICHARD M. O’CONNELL BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS, December first, 1917. 5 & & pie ‘eee sal 39 (OVO Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Fear ee ee ay. ks 3 ff revisedordinance00 2 _ al af 4a Td 1 pat : > : i. * ; rs - ro Me. mi - ae TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE RRC ITS Tt EL ICALIONU w ierie ns Goa | ee ac 8 es Sovale als w cleles oleae «4h oe a Puree OWA , (IL CTCOLG, & tite toe oo ss a6 ce oie we le ws cane a5 8 0% 3 Present Oilicials of the City of Bloomington... :.. 22s cccseiecsea vances i! CaaS COU UST OUIS 5c ines on te oe nia wid ck aes s’cle d ste Me nie le Wises 'e.0 oo 13 SRR SC ga PPE IRENE AYES {-. Vc 2 Goes ek wie alee Dine ced S nie Slt 's 5 0,0 Ble e 14 (SS Va pipe re 9 ge ee a SP ot io oo UR lo ee ae Wr, Se 19 GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON CHAPTER?) |; PAGE (TPS TIES Woe Ta i Ry ES Re pe © ge ne eh ee a a a 21 CHAPTER II. NE PRLTICCLE 7-7 Ritts en PRM A ele Se mits avis 4 dis Lem fuse Ie ase 23 CHAPTER ITI. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. Article CE, MURINE MIN RES We ve Ge We ee eee Ce os de ee 26 Article Rim oOT DOT APIO COUNAOL Mtn. Sleek A nk oar tf Article gar. >-Eolice Department... ec ee Shae ok 29 Article AUBOr TM ITTS ely b ed Ede hic’: Geb rele Reet Spe cag a eee ee er 29 Article eM SUNA LOLICO nN: . Mardy tla tcc .e hit: as 6 il toa G5 32 Article Pe ee ET Cir SRS Me ht Me a iaw teks ec toty: covage idee ed a cid 33 Article Vel tae OlaGer Ml abt Oemerns oc eke oe alee J arr ye 34 Article VLEET gL OLOCTLVO-SEL FORT Lees crite ea aon ne le pitas wie 35 Article ene ALE OLeLITI Vere. ati a ONIOL se oe oe ieee ods oe 8 36 Article em LOE ALTO LINCTL Mart, et ane he ist pope els to) davies oe oe Article Eel oe eet INO eM n eet. ee ea re gs nialse tigre Gees 44 Article Parle LTISECLON cl 5 11S wan, arenes Ciera Hack ote. wie x a Sie Bhs Ao 45 Article SOR a Ss EVE Ml I IG eI Seta a a eae 49 Article eae Me Tet ates oie. cid rae elas tag fhe oe Fs 54: CHAPTER IV. DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES. Article TI. Commissioner of Accounts and Finances......... aT Article © Tae GLY LIOUMCL OT eins eile bs se Bow. 4s ate lets 63 VI Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Article Table of Contents PAGE TiT.. City: Clerk... a2 tii tat he tt wk eee eee 65 IV; > ity Treasurer’ ©... ssonetee ea a ee 66 V..- Clerk and Assistant Clerk. 701.7213... 3: ee 69 Vi. Meter Repairer: occ. tassels be 2 eee 70 CHAPTER V. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. I. Commissioner of Public Health and Safety...... 72 Ii,” .Fire Department 22.45. eee a ae ee 73 TIT: “Chief. Fire: Marshali<..0 4.45 ou ee eee 73 IV. 202 Article XVII. Firearms, Fireworks, Cannon and Shooting Gal- PERG roe a NAP eR eccie eta ng She So ere Mtn sm te 204 Article ean OOS MIDIS Ce eee oe ey eae ee EER 8 Ree 208 Article AIX. Garbage, Ashes, Rubbish, ete.............--++-% 210 Article path PN OPTERON et ee ere EOE ane gre societies k's = emia ve’ sls 213 Article Ls BP LORIE NEA ee Sek ee ht ee es 216 Article DEAE en ST OUSCIMOVETH Fane \ Fer comedy acces Stes oa les es 231 Article XXIII. Itinerant Merchants and Transient Venders....... 233 Article ot RL COPIER ey Oe eee et. ae ke te as Ye nese lke be ew 234 Article Seen e MAMIMRNROR NOTES FAD Ae eee es ON rk oth ene a ee cs 236 Article Ry A ee POOR ee cone ees ee eet Siti es SRS He Se ee ee 251 Article ERY @0 EE SUISA NICER ba So on) SS eh PEPIN as we ce ae Fs 252 Article XXVIII. Pawnbrokers and Loan Brokers or Keepers of Loan BE Re ar EF og Skea a ie Se a a ed a 254 Article EI EE oe, ROSE Pang. 6 ke retiree are eg area 256 Article “A SEE Eg aU area Oe 259 Article Aiea MOOS SON a pets Ln oe lig esate ot.4" Os. ys 264 Article OT BAGS ES ELUNE G20 yt tS RR en ee ae rr 264 Mena ters A L118 SCAVENOCPS er wel ess Ake cel ae oo ed wines ai LsPuo (mast 274 tA ee et EOS Lh sac See sig «hv taie, ys vckol sn, siarwaine Sc bs oa pase 277 Article XXXV. Second-Hand Dealers and Keepers of Junk Shops. 278 VIII Table of Contents PAGE Article XXXVI. Sewers and “Drains: ... 5..cy00 se pe 282 Article, XGXXVIT. . Sidewalks ses < 555 va 59 ee ee 283 Article XAXVETT, “‘Sigms so. sirde x ete cee eae ay cae lee 289 Article XXXIX. Slaughter Houses, .ete-.. 5... ven ae ye eee ee 291 Article Ay. Steam: BHailroads 2.224 See eMetass, «siete tee ee 293 Article beds os ibreets sso ares et ee ear oe Sete elec 298 Article ALIT, Street Railroads -. 0%. w2se see os ee ee 307 Article XLII. Tax on-Fire*Iinsurance Companies: (..-52.. 5... 008 312 Article ALIV, ‘Township Omicers ais sss apgeee se eee eee 313 Article ALY. Traffie Regulations). Ai.cos. oes ss oe 314 Article ALY I, . . Water *Works. si aw 0 SS P25 atts c ales cs ae etter 321 Article ALVII.. When Ordinance Effective. ..2.. .c44a..... sees 322 SPECIAL ORDINANCES, ETC. Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western Railway Company............... 325 Lafayette, Bloomington & Mississippi Railway Company.............. 327 Lake Erie & Western -.Railway: Company... 01.4.0 05450 5 oan eee 329 Bloomington & Normal Railway and Light Company.................. 330 Bloomington & Normal Railway, Electric & Heating Company......... 355 Bloomington. Electric Light Company. 5... +... seii eee ee eee 361 Consumers Heat and -Hlectric Company. ....sti.case14- + «be > | eu 363 Peoria, Bloomington & Champaign Traction Company................. 370 Union Gas & Electric: Company... 09-05, 02 ip ieee a oe Se ee 383 Regulating Telephone, Telegraph and Electric Light Companies....... 383 Central Union Telephone Company. ."...>...» «. seu © eee ee ee 390 Postal. Telegraph-Cable Company kai: oosnna cetes See oe oe ee ae ee 391 Western. Union: Telegraph, Gompany..:. <7. « «. bs sat ts eS ee ee 391 Home Telephone Company... 000.2%, 2. nin: pepe ere en 392 Agreement Concerning Free Telephones for City and Board of Education..394 American Telephone and Telegraph Company. .........s.0%-. > -.+eune 396 Wares Placed Underground in Certain District... ,.5.....s.c+-+.. sae 398 Bloomington Cemetery Association... ... << --.-;)ss fe s - «<5. svete nese ne eee stele 0 5 aie 405 Ordinances Relating to the Installation of Ornamental Street Lights. ...428 White Place Heating System: . 0. 2... 5): cnet op ete oo + katte ee 439 Heating SySiem: i\c:¢ cisia eu pte soko k «tira seenes SER ue en tee eer cae 442 water Main to Certain’ Hotela 9 cc >. sj- -spaniiee tet acne ent ce oath te cree 446 Pest House—At County Farm .)..... <4 .5):. 6s geulewey 20s een ate oo 448 Gharter of the City Schools... .. . semuilo stewie eee © 0 <0 canteen 449 AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION IN BOOK FORM OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, the Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Company, of Bloom- ington, Illinois, is the lowest bidder for the publication in book form of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Bloomington, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the contract for publishing the same has been let to the said Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Company; therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Bloomington, Illinois: Section 1. That the ordinance passed by the Council of the City of Bloomington, Illinois, on the Thirtieth day of November, 1917, enti- tled ‘‘An Ordinance for Revising and Consolidating the General Ordi- nances of the City of Bloomington, Illinois,’’ together with the special ordi- nances and other material compiled for publication by Ned. E. Dolan and Richard M. O’Connell, Corporation Counsel, be and the same hereby are authorized and ordered printed and published in book form by the said Pantagraph Printing & Stationery ane as the Revised Ordinances of the City of Bloomington, Illinois. E. E. JONES, © ; Mayor. ATTEST: H. J. WILSON, City Clerk. Presented to the Council of the City of Bloomington, Illinois, this Thirtieth day of November, 1917. Passed by the Council of the City of Bloomington, Illinois, this Thirtieth day of November, 1917. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Bloomington, Illinois, this Thirtieth day of November; 1917, Recorded this Thirtieth day of November, 1917. 4 Authorization for Publication STATE OF ILLINOIS, CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, SS. McLEAN COUNTY. I, H. J. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Bloomington, Illinois, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of an ordinance entitled ‘‘ An Ordinance authorizing and providing for the publication in book form of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Bloomington, L[linois,’’ passed by the Council of the City of Bloomington, Illincis, on the thirtieth day of November, 1917, the original ordinance of which the foregoing is a copy being by law entrusted to my custody and safe keeping and being on file and recorded in my office. Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said city this first day of December, 1917. H. J. WILSON, City Clerk. FORMER TOWN AND CITY OFFICERS The early records indicate that the County Commissioners’ Court con- stituted the sole local government of the little hamiet situated in the northern edge of Blooming Grove, and which afterwards became known as the Town of Bloomington, from about the fourth day of July, 1831, when the lots in the original Town of Blocmington were sold at public auction and the little village began its existence, to the year 1843, when the Town of Bloomington was organized and incorporated under the laws of Illinois. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Year ending 1832, Jonathan Cheney, Timothy B. Hoblitt, Jesse Havens. 1833. Seth Baker, Andrew McMillan, Timothy B. Hoblitt. 1834. Seth Baker, Andrew McMillan, Timothy B. Hoblitt. 1835. Seth Baker, Andrew McMillan, Timothy B. Hoblitt. 1836. Seth Baker, Andrew McMillan, John B. Jones. 1837. Joseph Bartholomew, William C. Johnston, Seth Baker. 1838. Joseph Bartholomew, William C. Johnston, Seth Baker, and Will- iam Orendorff the unexpired term of Seth Baker. 1839. Joseph Bartholomew, William C. Johnston, William Orendorff. 1840. William C. Johnston, James R. Dawson, William Orendorff. 1841. Henry I. Clark, William C. Johnston, James R. Dawson. 1842. Nathan Low, James R. Dawson, William Conaway. 1843. Isreal W. Hall, James R. Dawson, William Conaway. TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF BLOOMINGTON. 1844. Matthew H. Hawks, president; Bailey H. Coffee, James T. Wal- ton, resigned May 20, 1844, William Thomas, elected to fill vacancy; John Magoun, William Gillespie. 1845. Bailey H. Coffee, president; Abraham Brokaw, Samuel D. Luce, Goodman Ferre, William H. Allen. 1846, April 13. Goodman Ferre, president; Abraham Brokaw, J. E. McClun, William Platt. 1847, April 12. Bailey Coffee, president; Joshua Harlan, Charles P. Merriman, William McKisson, Hugh Taylor. 3 4 Former Town and City Officers 1848, April 12. C. P. Merriman, president; John Foster, William G. Thompson, John W. Ewing, George W. Minier. 1849, April 9. G. W. Minier, president; John Foster, W. G. Thompson, Ezekiel Thomas, John W. Ewing. MAYORS AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON 1850. Mayor, David I. Perry. Aldermen, first ward, Jay N. Ward; second, Bailey H. Coffee; third, William Gillespie; fourth, E. Thomas. 1851. Mayor, Charles P. Merriman. Aldermen, first ward, Joshua H. Harlan; second, Bailey H. Coffee; third, William Gillespie; fourth, HE. Thomas. 1852. Mayor, John H. Wickizer. Aldermen, first ward, Joshua H. Harlan; second, William Wallace; third, Bailey H. Coffee; fourth, Thomas F, Worrell. 1853. Mayor, William Wallace. Aldermen, first ward, Goodman Ferre; second, Samuel Doughty; third, William Gillespie; fourth, Thomas F. Worrell. 1854. Mayor, John W. Ewing. Aldermen, first ward, Goodman Ferre; second, Samuel Doughty; third, Daniel J. Combs; fourth, John L. Routt. 1855. Mayor, Franklin Price. Aldermen, first ward, Henry S. Herr; second, Oliver Ellsworth; third, George Hinshaw; fourth, John L. Routt. 1856. Mayor, Franklin Price. Aldermen, first ward, Milo Chatfield; second, Oliver Ellsworth; third, Mark Ross; fourth, J. T. Stevenson. _ 1857. Mayor, Amasa J, Merriman. Aldermen, first ward, Milo Chat- field; second, Alex B. Shaffer; third, Mark Ross; fourth, W. C. Watkins. 1858. Mayor, Amasa J. Merriman. Aldermen, first ward, Milo Chat- field; second, Alexander B. Shaffer; third, E. H. Rood; fourth, D. F. Stinson. 1859. Mayor, John M. Stillwell. Alderman, first ward, Goodman Ferre; second, Geo, W. Parke; third, E. H. Rood; fourth, D. F. Stinson. 1860. Mayor, H. S. Herr. Aldermen, first ward, Goodman Ferre; sec- ond, George W. Parke; third, J. N. Larrimore; fourth, Joel Depew. 1861. Mayor, George Parke. Aldermen, first ward, D. D. Haggard; second, Robert Parke; third, J. N. Larrimore; fourth, Joel Depew. 1862. Mayor, George Parke. Aldermen, first ward, D. D. Haggard; second, Robert Parke; third, William VanSchoick; fourth, 8. W. Dodd; fifth, R. McDonald. 3 1864. Mayor, Joel Depew. | Aldermen, first ward, William Paist; second, William 8. Vreeland; third, William VanSchoick; fourth, B. Holcomb; fifth, R. McDonald. 1865. Mayor, E; H. Rood. Aldermen, first ward, J. Ellis; second, P. Whitmer; third, William VanSchoick; fourth, B. Holcomb; fifth, William Condon. Former Town and City Officers 5 1866. Mayor, E. H. Rood. Aldermen, first ward, J. Ellis; second, P. Whitmer; third, A. B. Gillett; fourth, B. Holeomb; fifth, William Condon. 1867. Mayor, E. H. Rood. Aldermen, first ward, Luman Burr, J. Ellis; second, F. A. Packard, W. C. Johnson; third, S. W. Waddle, A. B. Gillett; fourth, Peter Rockwell, B. Holcomb; fifth, S. S. Parke, M. McGrath. 1868. Mayor, J. M. Stillwell. Aldermen, first ward, D. D. Haggard, L. Burr; second, T. J. Bunn, F. A. Packard; third, H. M. Riggs, S. W. Waddle; fourth, D. O. Moore, P. Rockwell; fifth, John H. Regan, 8S. S. Parke. 1869. Mayor, J. M. Stillwell. Aldermen, first ward, John Geltmacher, D. D. Haggard; second, John Weichlein, T. J. Bunn; third, E. F. Edwards, H. M. Riggs; fourth, Peter Rockwell, D. O. Moore; fifth, Michael Mahoney, J. H. Regan. 1870. Mayor, T. J. Bunn. Aldermen, first ward, E. B. Steere, John Geltmacher; second, Michael Martin, John Weichlein; third, J. P. Butler, E. F, Edwards; fourth, William Wilson, Peter Rockwell; fifth, James O’Dono- van, Michael Mahoney; sixth, H. G. Reeves, David Kern. 1871. Mayor, B. F. Funk. Aldermen, first ward, T. F. Harwood, E. B. Steere; second, Peter Folson, M. Martin; third, E. F. Edwards, J. P. Butler; fourth, George Bruner, William Wilson; fifth, Henry Geymer, James O’Don- ovan; sixth, David Kern, H. G. Reeves. 1872. Mayor, B. F. Funk. Aldermen, first ward, T. F. Harwood, E. B. Steere; second, Peter Folsom, William Spurgin; third, E. F. Edwards, J. P. Butler; fourth, George Bruner, 8. Sampson; fifth, Henry Geymer, William H. Bell; sixth, David Kern, Robert Thompson. 1873. Mayor, B. F. Funk. Aldermen, first ward, E. B. Steere, John E. Thomas; second, William Spurgin, John W. Trotter; third, J. P. Butler, E. F. Edwards; fourth, S. Sampson, B. L. Lucas; fifth, W. H. Bell, John Maher; sixth, Robert Thompson, John Reed. 1874. Mayor, B. F. Funk. Aldermen, first ward, John E. Thomas, David D. Haggard; second, John W. Trotter, William Spurgin; third, E. F. Edwards, John S. Scibird; fourth, B. L. Lucas, Peter Rockwell; fifth, John Maher, John Weichlein; sixth, John Reed, Robert Thompson. 1875. Mayor, B. F. Funk. Aldermen, first ward, David D. Haggard, H. 8. McCurdy; second, William Spurgin, John W. Trotter, M. Hausen; third, John 8S. Scibird, A. F. Risser; fourth, Peter Rockwell, B. L. Lucas; fifth, John Weichlein, John H. Regan; sixth, Robert Thompson, John Reed. 1876. Mayor, E. B. Steere. Aldermen, first ward, H. S. McCurdy, F. M. Andrus; second, John W. Trotter, William Condon; third, A. F. Risser, Enoch J. Moore; fourth, B. L. Lucas, William Maddux; fifth, John H. Re- gan, John Weichlein; sixth, John Reed, Franklin White. 1877. Mayor, Thomas J. Bunn. Aldermen, first ward, F. Andrus, N. C. Sweeney; second, William Condon, J. W. Trotter; third, E. J. Moore, W. W. Stevenson; fourth, William Maddux, Peter Rockwell; fifth, John Weichlein, Daniel Hagerty; sixth, Franklin White, David Kern. 6 Former Town and City Officers 1878. Mayor, John Reed. Aldermen, first ward, N. C. Sweeney, Josiah Richardson; second, J. W. Trotter, Leonard Seibert; third, W. W. Stevenson, EK. J. Moore; fourth, Peter Rockwell, William Maddux; fifth, Daniel Hag- erty, Patrick Keating; sixth, David Kern, Frank White. 1879. Mayor, E. B. Steere. Aldermen, first ward, Josiah Richardson, N. C. Sweeney; second, Leonard Seibert, William Condon; third, E. J. Moore, W. W. Stevenson; fourth, William Maddux, Peter Rockwell; fifth, Patrick Keating, Daniel Hagerty; sixth, Frank White, John W. Evans. 1880. Mayor, E. H. Rood. Aldermen, first ward, N. C. Sweeney, S. C. Wilson; second, William Condon, Leonard Seibert; third, W. W. Stevenson, E. J. Moore; fourth, Peter Rockwell, L. B. Thomas; fifth, Daniel Hagerty, Patrick Keating; sixth, John W. Evans, Frank White. 1881. Mayor, John W. Trotter. Aldermen, first ward, S. C. Wilson, William E. Gapen, N. C. Sweeney; second, L. Seibert, William Condon; third, E. J. Moore, W. W. Stevenson; fourth, L. B. Thomas, George A. John- ston; fifth, Patrick Keating, William O’Connor; sixth, Franklin White, John W. Evans. 1882. Mayor, John W. Trotter. Aldermen, first ward, N. C. Sweeney, B. F. Hoopes; second, William Condon, Martin Meyer; third, W. W. Steven- son, James E. Miller; fourth, George A. Johnston, L. B. Thomas; fifth, William O’Connor, Daniel Hagerty; sixth, John W. Evans, D. D. Daniels. 1883. Mayor, John W. Trotter. Aldermen, first ward, B. F. Hoopes, W. E. Gapen; second, Martin Meyer, John Eddy; third, J. E. Miller, C. F. Koch; fourth, Lewis B. Thomas, George A. Johnston; fifth, D. Hagerty, J. Weichlein; sixth, D. D. Daniels, F. W. Chrisman. 1884.. Mayor, B. F. Funk. Aldermen, first ward, W. E. Gapen, N. C. Sweeney; second, John Eddy, C. H. Gmehlin; third, C. F. Koch, Cheney Moulton; fourth, George A. Johnston, L. B. Thomas; fifth, J. Weichlein, D. S. Tuohy; sixth, F. W. Chrisman, R. N. Evans. 1885. Mayor, B. F. Funk. Aldermen, first ward, N. C. Sweeney, J. R. Mason; second, C. H. Gmehlin, Lester Green; third, C. Moulton, C. F. Koch; fourth, L. B. Thomas, W. F. Crawford; fifth, D. S. Tuohy, J. H. Regan; sixth, R. N. Evans, H. W. Stillhammer. 1886. Mayor, Lewis B. Thomas. Aldermen, first ward, J. R. Mason, Charles E. Perry; second, Lester Green, William Stautz; third, C. F. Koch, G. H. Miller; fourth, W. F. Crawford, Edgar M. Heafer; fifth, John H. Regan, James Costello; sixth, Henry W. Stillhammer, John L. Beath. 1887. Mayor, Lewis B. Thomas. Aldermen, first ward, Judson R. Ma- son, Charles E. Perry; second, William A. Stautz, Lester Green; third, George H. Miller, C. F. Koch; fourth, William F. Crawford, Edgar M. Heafer; fifth, James Costello, John H. Regan; sixth, E. R. Morse, J. L. Beath. 1888. Mayor, Lewis B. Thomas. Aldermen, first ward, Charles E. Perry, Guy A. Carlton; second, William A. Stautz, Lester Green; third, Former Town and City Officers 7 George H. Miller, Cheney Moulton; fourth, William F. Crawford, Edgar M. Heafer; fifth, James Costello, Frank A. Gregory; sixth, Edwin R. Morse, John L. Beath. 1889. Mayor, Judson R. Mason. Aldermen, first ward, Guy A. Carlton, Charles E. Perry; second, Lester Green, William A. Stautz; third, Cheney A. Moulton, Charles Lamp; fourth, William F. Crawford, Edgar M. Heafer ; fifth, Frank A. Gregory, James Costello; sixth, E. R. Morse, George Me- Intosh. 1890. Mayor, Judson R. Mason. Aldermen, first ward, D. T. Foster, Charles E. Perry; second, William G. Boyce, William A. Stautz; third, Cheney Moulton, Charles Lamp; fourth, William F. Crawford, Edgar M. Heafer; fifth, Edward Holland, James Costello; sixth, George M. Smith, George McIntosh. 1891. Mayor, Christian F. Koch. Aldermen, first ward, F. J. Maxwell, D. T. Foster; second, William G. Boyce, William A. Stautz; third, Cheney Moulton, H. H. Bolles; fourth, William F. Crawford, Edgar M. Heafer; fifth, Edward Holland, James Costello; sixth, George M. Smith, Charles H. Scott. 1892. Mayor, Daniel T. Foster. Aldermen, first ward, F. J. Maxwell, B. F. Hoopes; second, William G. Boyce, William A. Stautz; third, Clayton L. Hutchinson, H. H. Bolles; fourth, William F. Crawford, Edgar M. Heafer; fifth, Edward Holland, James Costello; sixth, George M. Smith, Charles H. Scott. 1893. Mayor, Daniel T. Foster. Aldermen, first ward, F. J. Maxwell, B. F. Hoopes; second, William A. Stautz, William G. Boyce; third, John G. Welch, Clayton L. Hutchinson; fourth, Edgar M. Heafer, William F. Crawford; fifth, James Costello, Edward Holland; sixth, Charles H. Scott, George M. Smith. 1894. Mayor, Daniel T. Foster. Aldermen, first ward, B. F. Hoopes, F. J. Maxwell; second, W. A. Stautz, Otto Gaffron; third, John G. Welch, F. C. Smith; fourth, Edgar M. Heafer, William C. Schultz; fifth, James Costello, Edward Holland; sixth, Charles H. Scott, Harvey Hart. 1895. Mayor, George M. Smith. Aldermen, first ward, B. F. Hoopes, James 8. Neville; second, Otto Gaffron, W. A. Stautz; third, F. C. Smith, John G. Welch; fourth, William C. Schultz, Wiliam C. Hodge; fifth, Ed- ward Holland, James Costello; sixth, Harvey Hart, Charles H. Scott. 1896. Mayor, Edgar M. Heafer. Aldermen, first ward, B. F. Hoopes, James S. Neville; second, Otto Gaffron, W. A. Stautz; third, F. C. Smith, John G. Welch; fourth, Charles A. Stewart, William C. Hodge; fifth, John F. Dixon, James Costello; sixth, Harvey Hart, Charles H. Scott. 1897. Mayor, Daniel T. Foster. Aldermen, first ward, B. F. Hoopes, James 8S. Neville; second, Otto Gaffron, William A. Stautz; third, F. C. Smith, Fred L. Lang; fourth, Charles A. Stewart, William C. Hodge; fifth, John F. Dixon, Henry Geymer; sixth, Harvey Hart, Lawson D. Welch. 8 Former Town and City Officers CITY REORGANIZED UNDER GENERAL LAW, MARCH 8, 1897. 1898. Mayor, C. F. Koch. Aldermen, first ward, George C. Morrison, William L. Hallam, died January 23, 1898, James S. Neville, elected to fill unexpired term; second, J. H. Kirkpatrick, Jesse B. Enlow; third, J. A. Schneider, Paul Finnan; fourth, Joseph C. Means, Henry 8. Dooley; fifth, James McDermott, D. M. O’Neil; sixth, L. D. Welch, R. O. Graham; seventh, Fred L. Lang, Louis E. Ling. 1899. Mayor, C. F. Koch. Aldermen, first ward, James S. Neville, G. C. Morrison; second, Jesse B. Enlow, L. J. Kohler; third, Paul Finnan, Wave Miller; fourth, Henry S. Dooley, George W. Bowman; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, R. O. Graham, J. J. Pitts; seventh, L. E. Ling, Fred L. Lang. 1900. Mayor, Lewis B. Thomas. Aldermen, first ward, G. C. Morrison, W. H. Kerrick; second, Jesse B. Enlow, L. J: Kohler; third, Robert Max- ton, Wave Miller; fourth, John W. Rodgers, George W. Bowman; fifth, Daniel M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, R. O. Graham, John J. Pitts; seventh, Fred L. Lang, A. G. Erickson. May, 1900, to May, 1901. Mayor, Lewis B. Thomas. Aldermen, first ward, George C. Morrison, W. H. Kerrick; second, Jesse B. Enlow, W. A. Stautz; third, Robert Maxton, Paul Finnan; fourth, John W. Rodgers, George W. Bowman; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, R. O. Graham, Fred C. Smith; seventh, A. G. Erickson, Fred L. Lang. May, 1901, to May, 1902. Mayor, Lewis B. Thomas. Aldermen, first ward, George C. Morrison, W. H. Kerrick; second, W. T. Shorthose, W. A. Stautz; third, W. P. Bolles, Paul Finnan; fourth, John W. Rodgers, George W. Bowman; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, R. O. Graham, Fred C. Smith; seventh, Charles L. Miller, J. F. Hulva. May, 1902, to May, 1903. Mayor, Lewis B. Thomas. Aldermen, first ward, Edmund O’Connell, W. H. Kerrick; second, W. T. Shorthose, George C. Freese; third, W. P. Bolles, Paul Finnan; fourth, John W. Rodgers, J. C. Means; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, R. O. Graham, Fred C. Smith; seventh, Charles L. Miller, J. F. Hulva. May, 1903, to May, 1904. Mayor, George C. Morrison. Aldermen, first ward, Edmund O’Connell, A. M. Farrell; second, George C. Freese, Maurice C. McCarthy; third, Paul Finnan, W. H. Ulbrich; fourth, J. C. Means, Charles A. Kleinau; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, Fred C. Smith, D. J. Loudon; seventh, J. F. Hulva, A. G. Erickson. May, 1904, to May, 1905. Mayor, George C. Morrison. Aldermen, first ward, Edmund O’Connell, A. M. Farrell; second, George C. Freese, Maurice C. McCarthy; third, Mack Webb, W. H. Ulbrich; fourth, J. C. Means, Charles A. Kleinau; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, P. W. Coleman, D. J. Loudon; seventh, W. T. Williams, A. G. Erickson. Former Town and City Officers 9 May, 1905, to May, 1906. Mayor, James S. Neville. Aldermen, first ward, A. M. Farrell, Edmund O’Connell; second, H. M. Salch, George C. Freese; third, L. A. Meier, Mack Webb; fourth, J. C. Means, Charles A. Kleinau; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, D. J. Loudon, P. W. Coleman; seventh, A. G. Erickson, W. T. Williams. May, 1906, to May, 1907. Mayor, James S. Neville (died August 17, 1906; succeeded for remainder of term by A. G. Erickson.) Aldermen, first ward, Homer W. Hall, A. M. Farrell; second, George C. Freese, H. M. Saleh; third, Mack Webb, L. A. Meier; fourth, J. C. Means, Charles A. Kleinau; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Edward Holland; sixth, J. J. Love, D. J. Loudon; seventh, Charles L. Miller, A. G. Erickson (elected mayor to fill the unexpired term of James S. Neville). May, 1907, to May, 1908. Mayor, Edward Holland. Aldermen, first ward, Homer W. Hall, E. E. Jones; second, George C. Freese, James Cos- tello; third, Mack Webb, H. W. Ulbrich; fourth, J. C. Means, Charles H. Kurtz; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Daniel Dugan; sixth, J. J. Love, P. W. Cole- man; seventh, Charles L. Miller, Otto Walles. _ May, 1908, to May, 1909. Mayor, Edward Holland. Aldermen, first ward, Homer W. Hall, E. E. Jones; second, James Costello, George Sum- mers; third, H. W. Ulbrich, W. H. Hamilton; fourth, Charles H. Kurtz, J.C. Means; fifth, Daniel Dugan, D. M. O’Neil; sixth, P. W. Coleman, W. H. Kerrick; seventh, Charles L. Miller, Otto Walles. May, 1909, to May, 1910. Mayor, Richard L. Carlock. Aldermen, first ward, Homer W. Hall, E. E. Jones; second, George Summers, James Cos- tello; third, W. H. Hamilton, H. W. Ulbrich; fourth, J. C. Means, Charles H. Kurtz; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Daniel Dugan; sixth, W. H. Kerrick, W. T. Batson; seventh, Charles L. Miller, Otto Wallies. May, 1910, to May, 1911. Mayor, Richard L. Carlock. Aldermen, first ward, E. E. Jones, H. A. Welch, second, George Summers, James Costello; third, 'W. H. Hamilton, H. W. Ulbrich; fourth, Charles H. Kurtz, J. C. Harvey; fifth, Matthew Ryan, D. M. O’Neil; sixth, W. H. Kerrick, W. T. Batson; seventh, Charles L. Miller, Otto Walles. May, 1911, to May, 1912. Mayor, Albert L. Moore. Aldermen, first ward, E. E. Jones, H. A. Welch; second, George Summers, James Costello ; third, W. H. Hamilton, Fred Bach; fourth, Charles H. Kurtz, J. C. Harvey; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Matthew Ryan; sixth, W. H. Kerrick, W. T. Batson, seventh, Charles L. Miller, Otto Walles. May, 1912, to May, 1913. Mayor, James Costello (James Costello was elected by the Council to fill out the unexpired term of Mayor Moore, who re- signed on September 13, 1912.) Aldermen, first ward, E. E. Jones, H. A. Welch; second, George Summers, James Costello (elected Mayor as above) ; third, Fred Bach, Thomas Kane; fourth, J. C. Harvey, Charles H. Kurtz; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Matthew Ryan; sixth, W. T. Batson, H. R. Bragonier; seventh, Charles L. Miller, Otto Walles. 10 Former Town and City Officers May, 1913, to May, 1914. Mayor, James Costello. Aldermen, first ward, H. A. Welch, A. H. Reichel; second, George Summers, M. G. Boylan; third, Thomas Kane, Charles Kammerman; fourth, J. C. Harvey, Charles H. Kurtz, fifth, Matthew Ryan, D. M. O’Neil; sixth, H. R. Bragonier, W. T. Batson; seventh, Charles L. Miller, Otto Walles. May, 1914, to May, 1915. Mayor, James Costello. Aldermen, first ward, H. A. Welch, A. H. Reichel; second, George Summers, M. G. Boylan; third, Thomas Kane, Charles Kammerman; fourth, Charles H. Kurtz, W. A. Miller; fifth, D. M. O’Neil, Matthew Ryan; sixth, W. T. Batson, H. R. Bragonier; seventh, Otto Walles, Harry Giese. COMMISSION FORM EFFECTIVE MAY, 1915. The Commission Form of Municipal Government became effective in the City of Bloomington in May, 1915, and the following officers were in- stalled for the term of four years: Mayor (Commissioner of Public Affairs), E. E. Jones; Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, E. R. Morgan; Com- missioner of Public Health and Safety, A. G. Erickson; Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, J. F. Anderson; Commissioner of Publie Property, R. L. Carlock. PRESENT OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS MAYOR (Commissioner of Public Affairs) E. E. JONES, COMMISSIONERS. Commissioner of Accounts and Finances.............. Edward R. Morgan Commissioner of Public Health and Safety............... A. G. Erickson Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements...... John EF, Anderson Peermineronedt OLE UDC L TOPEILY sco cs nse ss kone oo be els Richard L, Carlock OFFICERS. Corporation Counsel.<............ Ned E, Dolan and Richard M. O’Conne!l CEG Ste ot pel oe Ee Ais Sg ar H. J. Wilson COTS ON a ome Oy gil O10) 4 aa Fred R. Evans and H. J. Bock PN NAR ESTER aR) ee tak Sal ellaas (Isi gs Pon n'a s0.oy sv, o 10 aie 4 0-09: #ueiieilc 8s Su Claude Clock a 2 TG Sate (LS < Ae Ae ar oe Eugene Packard SERUM MGT AG Y | LUNIPINOOL ote oe walkin ee se wc tesa Thomas M. Lancaster IMIR E ELLO ce eae ialcia ce aie cle aisle a. 6.5 ssa) sings sie ses o's see's alee eos J. J. Jones RESPEC EM IT GOO LPOCUATCUCIG. ce. oes cals ao 0 eels dds ono 0 oe see sa 8s Henry Mayer Superintendent Water Works and Electric Lighting..... Chester C. Williams EER eye eee een oic soos rasel on sina aieicieis mis 4 eas Dr. F. O. Jackman PME LOBDOCLUT ae clin sts Glaie's'> a og vse a se a 6 6 lee ecaeie William Downey RR STAAL A giaig oes oath crph a) «ick PRES so 0 64S bie aoe Charles E. Conklin Dr. F. H. Godfrey Perremmetners OL TOBIED . 6.0. skis aie. oe cee sok wees Dr. H. H. Griffin Dr. F. C. Vandervort PeMEen Meee rPenitie And HOO 4) << .nib,0 o «se anes oe nee due e W. T. Williams NEP IED COLOR or o2-c5 5 5,555 %4's) a00 iF tipo was hs pau © 40% wiviere tines William Cannon PPE PMERt PE Se he gk Nath oa, s alee wih 4 acsersls #0 ibis 4h oc0 8 Jay Sargent RRR LET aang suaiees ate APs ood <= Shs! ods oPehd.e wie Cie Keine e e = Edward J. Daley MI MLL CLG ier cine Pete ia siren x's 5 6 9,8 wid G evio aie 6 06-0 Paul F’. Giermann EOSIN rns gata Pye: ios sta So Sinise. ag ea oi bY Edward J. Mehan MCE OL OL earG WCPALtIMONL.). . se nese wee ce eins aes C, Abrams Clerk of the Board of Local Improvements.............. Christena R. Rich UGH! DBL ET es i eR A eae a ce Joseph W. King emer ATIE TON AIOR AAT e or, ios sstciace aistsce,s >. 8s 0193.2 0s» see Edward Bomgardner PROMENADE TUB cio ax, a PAA th cipher oats, shave. 0-47 ae 5's Mrs. Mary Bomgardner RIES LEM gs 5 gS Na 9» So's eid otal SI ow,» ae nics, coves Wines, 6. Carl Herman 12 Present Officials of the City Police “Matron. ;.....2y coi see sane Ae ee Florence Kaywood PoundKeepers oc caw 'ncule nie ws Tis ee ic ele sie eee seeeeee H. A. Pierce BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PLUMBERS. Chairman Board ofthealih..... csue oc oe et eee ee A. G. Erickson Inspector, of Plumbing: ise we carota eis eee ere ee William Downey Master Plum bePs ve cio ese tate cule ree cis ora eee Frank Morrison BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WITHERS PUBLIC LIBRARY. Mrs. Jean McKinney P. W. Coleman John Alexander Mrs. W. R. Bach Spencer Ewing A. K. Lundborg Mrs. Sue Sanders Frank Oberkoetter Ira Whitmer. FORMER CHARTER PROVISIONS OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS AN ACT—To legalize the incorporation of the city of Bloomington. (Ap- proved June 19, 1852.) INCORPORATION LEGALIZED.] § 1. Be it enacted by the Peo- ple of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the incorporation of the town of Bloomington, in McLean county, as a city, on the nineteenth day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty, in pursuance of the fifth section of an act, entitled ‘‘An act to incorporate towns and cities,’’ passed February the tenth, one thousand, eight hundred and forty-nine, be and the same is hereby legalized. AN ACT—To legalize the incorporation of the city of Bloomington, and for other purposes. (Approved February 14, 1855.) INCORPORATION LEGALIZED.] § 1. Be it enacted by the Peo- ple of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the incorporation of the town of Bloomington, in McLean county, as a city, on the nineteenth day of February, A. D. one thousand eight hun- dred and fifty, in pursuance of an act entitled, ‘‘An act to incorporate towns and cities,’’? passed February tenth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, be, and the same is hereby legalized, and the existence and incorporation of the city of Bloomington, shall be taken and considered to be valid in all courts of this state without proof thereof. AN ACT—To grant and establish a city charter for the city of Bloomington. (In force February 13, 1861.) NAME AND STYLE.] § 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That the inhab- itants of the city of Bloomington, in McLean county, [llinois, be and. they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of ‘‘The City of Bloomington’’ and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and may have or not have a common seal, which they may change, alter or abolish, at pleasure. AN ACT—To amend an act entitled ‘‘ An act to grant and establish a city charter for the city of Bloomington.’’ (In force March 7, 1867.) CORPORATE LIMITS.] § 2. The corporate limits of the city of Bloomington shall embrace and include within the same, all of section four (4), the west half of section three (3), the east half of section five 14 Additions and Annexations (5), the northeast quarter of section eight (8), the north half of section nine (9), and the northwest quarter of section ten (10), all being in township twenty-three (23), north of range two (2) east of the third principal meridian; the southeast quarter of section thirty-two (32), the south half of section thirty-three (33), and the southwest quarter of section thirty-four (34), all being in township twenty-four (24) north of range two (2) east of the third principal meridian; and shall also in- clude all town plats and additions adjoining the above prescribed limits; and whenever any tract of land adjoining the said limits, or any addition to said city, shall be laid off into town lots, and the plat thereof recorded, the same shall be and form a part of the city of Bloomington as fully as if within the original corporate lmits. ADDITIONS AND ANNEXATIONS The area of the City of Bloomington has since been increased, both by annexation of contiguous property and by platting of additions thereto, as follows: Blocks 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, MeClun’s second addition to Blooming- ton. Approved July 10, 1858. MecClun’s third addition to Bloomington. Approved 1858. William Musch’s addition to Bloomington. Approved by the city council, March 13, 1868. William’s and Rice’s addition to Bloomington. Approved by the city council, April 24, 1869. A. H. Moore’s addition to Bloomington. Approved by city council, June 5, 1868. Blocks four (4) and five (5), Cranmer’s addition to Bloomington. Approved by, the board of supervisors, September 19, 1866. Block ‘‘A’’ and block 1, north of quarter section line; block 2 and lots 19, 20 and 22, block 6, Croxton addition to the City of Bloomington. Approved August 30, 1870. The following described territory, to-wit: Beginning at a point where the north line of Washington street in- tersects the west line of the city limits of the said City of Bloomington, thence along the line of the said city limits to the west line of the right- - of-way of the Chicago & Alton railroad; thence southerly along the west line of the Chicago & Alton railroad company’s right-of-way, to the south line of lot thirteen (13) of Assessor’s subdivision of lot fourteen (14) in the south half of section five (5); thence west along the south line of Additions and Annexations 15 said lot thirteen (13) and also Williams street and lot thirty-eight (38) of block two (2), in Stevenson’s and Worrell’s consolidated subdivision of parts of sections five (5) and eight (8), to the southwest corner of said lot thirty-eight (38); thence north on the west line of blocks two (2) and one (1) in said Stevenson’s and Worrell’s consolidated subdivi- sion, and lot three (3) in Assessor’s subdivision of lot fourteen (14), to a point on the south side of the fair grounds (north side of said Wash- ington street) directly north of the northwest corner of lot three (3) in Assessor’s subdivision of lot fourteen (14) of south half of section five (5); thence east along the north side of said Washington street to the place of beginning. All being in township twenty-three (23) north of range two (2) east of the third (3d) principal meridian in the County of Mclean and State of Illinois, was annexed by ordinance approved June 27, 1885. Citizen’s addition to Bloomington. Approved by city council, August 15, 1890. Davis’ subdivision of part of lot one (1), of the subdivision of the southwest quarter (144) of section nine (9), township twenty-three (23) north, range two (2) east of the third (3d) principal meridian, was an- nexed by ordinance approved May 2, 1896. Lots one (1) and two (2), block one (1), and lots one (1) and two (2), block two (2), of Van Schoick’s subdivision of lot ten (10); and eighty-eight and one-half (88%) feet off the east side of lot nine (9), of subdivision of the southwest quarter (14) of section nine (9), township twenty-three (23), range two (2) east of the third (3d) principal meridian, was annexed by ordinance approved May 28, 1897. The following described territory, to-wit: Lot two (2) of the sub- division of the southwest quarter (14) of section nine (9), township twenty-three (23), range two (2) east of the third (3d) principal meridian, was annexed by ordinance approved October 8, 1898. The following described territory, to-wit: Lot two (2) and part of lot seven (7) of the subdivision of the southwest quarter (14) of section nine (9), township twenty-three (23), N., range two (2) east of the third (3d) principal meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the north- west corner of said lot two (2); thence west along the north line of said southwest quarter (144) of section nine (9) to the center line of Oak street; thence south on said center line of Oak street, produced one hun- dred and sixty-five (165) feet; thence to the southwest corner of said lot two (2); thence north one hundred and sixty-five (165) feet to the place of beginning, was annexed by ordinance approved December 2, 1898. The following described territory, to-wit: Blocks one (1), two (2), three (3), eight (8) and nine (9), Fair Ground subdivision of the north- west quarter (144) of section five (5), township twenty-three (23) north, range two (2) east of the third (3d) principal meridian, was annexed to the city by ordinance approved December 31, 1898. 16 Additions and Annexations The following described territory was annexed to the city by an ordi- nance passed November 23rd, 1900, approved November 24th, 1900: Blocks fifteen (15), fourteen (14) and thirteen (13), Fairground Subdivision of the northwest quarter (14) of Section five (5), Township twenty-three (23) North, Range two (2) East of the third (3rd) Principal Meridian. The following described territory was annexed to the city by an ordi- nance passed May 9th, 1902, approved May 10th, 1902: Commencing at the center of Section three (3), Town twenty-three (23) North, Range two (2) East of the third (3rd) Principal Meridian, thence east on the quarter (14) section line of said Section three (3) to the northeast corner of Lot one (1) of Fell’s Outlots, thence south on the east side of the west half (14) of the south east quarter (14) of said Section three (3) to the center line of Taylor Street in the City of Bloomington if pro- duced, thence west on the said center line of said Taylor Street if pro- duced to the quarter (14) section line running north and south through said Section three (3), thence north on said quarter (14) section line to the place of beginning. _ The following described territory was annexed to the city by an ordi- nance passed May 6th, 1904, approved May 7th, 1904: Commencing at the south west corner of Lot sixty-two (62) of Davis Subdivision of part of Lot one (1) of the subdivision of the south west quarter (14) of Section nine, (9) Town twenty-three (23) North, Range two (2) East of the third (3rd) Principal Meridian, thence west ten (10) feet, thence south along the west line of Lot nine (9) of the subdivision of the south west quarter (144) of Section nine (9) to the south west corner of said Lot nine (9) thence east along the south side of said Lot nine (9) to the west line of Madison Street as laid out in VanSchoick’s Subdivision of Lot ten (10) and eighty-eight and one-half (88%) feet off the east side of said Lot nine (9) of said section if produced, thence north along said west line of Madison Street produced, to the south line of Lot twenty- two (22), Block two (2), of VanSchoick’s subdivision if produced, thence east along the south line of Lots twenty-two (22) and twenty-one (21), Block one (1), of said subdivision, to the center of Main Street, thence north along the center line of Main Street to the south line of Lot one (1) of said VanSchoick’s subdivision if produced, thence west along the south line of Lots one (1) and two (2), Block one (1), and lots one (1) and two (2), Block two (2), of said VanSchoick’s subdivision, and along the south line of Lots forty-nine (49) fifty (50) and sixty-two (82) of said Davis subdivision to the place of beginning. The following described territory was annexed to the city by an ordi- nance passed April 21st, 1905, approved April 22nd, 1905: Lots forty- one (41), forty-four (44), forty-five (45) forty-eight (48) and forty-nine (49) of Stevenson Brothers and Worrell’s subdivision of part of sections five (5) and eight (8), Township twenty-three (23) North, Range two (2) East, and that territory lying east of said lots forty-one (41), forty- four (44), forty-five (45), forty-eight (48) and forty-nine (49) of Steven- son Brothers and Worrell’s subdivision of part of Sections five (5) and Additions and Annexations 17 eight (8) Township twenty-three (23) North, Range two (2) East, bounded as follows: On the south by the south line of said lot forty-nine (49) if produced; on the east, by the eastern right of way of the Chicago & Alton Railway Company; on the north by the middle line of Clay street, and on the west, by the east line of lots forty-one (41), forty-four (44), forty-five (45) forty-eight (48) and forty-nine (49) of Stevenson Brothers and Worrell’s subdivision of part of sections five (5) and eight (8). The following described territory was annexed to the city by an ordi- nance passed April 21st, 1905, approved April 22nd, 1905: Beginning at the northwest corner of the east half of the southeast quarter (44) of section three (3) in Township twenty-three (23) north, Range two (2) East of the third (3rd) Principal Meridian, thence south along the west line of the east half of the southeast quarter (14) of said Section three (3), to the south line of Olive Street as laid out in Warner & Carter’s East Lawn Subdivision of part of the east half of the southeast quarter (144) of said Section three (3), thence east along the south line of said Olive street, and extended eastward parallel with the said line, to a point thirty (30) feet east of the east line of said Section three (3), thence north parallel with the east line of said section three (3), and thirty (30) feet east thereof to the north line of the southwest quarter (44) of sec- tion two (2) in township and range aforesaid, thence west along the north line of the east half of the southeast quarter (14) of said Section three (3) to the place of beginning. The following described territory was annexed to the city by an ordinance passed November 4th, 1910, approved November 5th, 1910: Be- ginning at the quarter section corner on the north side of Section ten (10), Town twenty-three (23) North, Range two (2) East of the third (3rd) Principal Meridian, thence south along the quarter section line three hundred thirty-three (333) feet, thence east parallel with the north line of Sections ten (10) and eleven (11) to a point three hundred thirty (330) feet east of the west line of Section eleven (11) thence north parallel with the west line of Section eleven (11) and Section two (2) to the quarter section line running east and west through said section two (2), thence west along said quarter section line three hundred (300) feet to the east line of Davis street, thence south along said east line of Davis street, to the south line of Olive street, thence west along said south line of Olive street to the east line of Vale street, thence south along said east line of Vale street to the center line of Taylor street west of Vale street, thence west along the center line of Taylor street to the quarter section line running north and south through Section three (3), thence south along said quarter section line to the place of beginning. The following described territory was annexed to the city by an ordi- nance passed April 19th, 1912, approved April 20th, 1912: Beginning at a point twenty-five (25) feet west of the northwest corner of Lot four (4), of the subdivision of forty (40) acres in the west half of the southeast quarter (14) of Section nine (9), Township twenty-four (24) North, Range two (2) East of the third (3rd) Principal Meridian, thence south parallel 18 Arte and Annexations with the west line of said Lot four (4), to a point on the south line of LaFayette street, twenty-five (25) feet west of and forty-nine and five tenths (49.5) feet south of the southwest corner of said Lot four (4), thence east along the south line of LaFayette street to a point thirty (30) feet east of and forty-nine and five tenths (49.5) feet south of the southeast corner of said Lot four (4), thence north parallel with the east line of said Lot four (4), to a point thirty (30) feet east of the northeast corner of said Lot four (4), thence west along the north line of said Lot four (4), to the place of beginning. Also, commencing at a point in the City of Bloomington, Illinois, on the township line which is the north side of Section five (5), Township twenty- three (23) North, Range two (2) East of the third (3rd) Principal Meridian, thirty-three (33) feet west of the east line of Hinshaw avenue, thence ex- tending west along said Township line one thousand seventy-four and’ one- half feet (107412) to a point in the center of the highway known as the White Oak Road, thence southerly parallel with the east line of said highway six hundred and eight feet (608), thence east four hundred sixty-two and sevyen-tenths feet (462.7), thence south one hundred and fifty feet (150), thence east five hundred eight and eight-tenths feet (508.8) to the center of _ Hinshaw avenue, thence north parallel with the east line of Hinshaw avenue five hundred seventy-eight feet (578) to the place of beginning. Also, commencing on the east line of Morris Avenue, in the City of Bloomington, Illinois, at its intersection with the quarter section line run- ning east and west through Section eight (8), Township twenty-three (23) North, Range two (2) East of the third (3rd) Principal Meridian, extend- ing south along the east line of Morris avenue four hundred eighty and sixty-seven hundredths feet (480.67), thence east three hundred twenty-two and seventy-four hundredths feet (322.74), thence north sixty-four and twenty-one hundredths feet (64.21), thence east three hundred fifteen and ten hundredths feet (315.10), thence north one hundred twelve feet (112), thence east one hundred sixty-six and one-half feet (16614), thence north one hun- dred feet (100), to the south line of VanSchoick street, thence east along the south line of VanSchoick street four hundred forty-five (445) feet, thence north to the aforesaid quarter Section line, thence west along said quarter Section line to the place of beginning. Also, all of Lot seven (7) of the subdivision of the southeast quarter (4%) of Section eight (8), Township twenty-three (23) North, Range two (2) East of the Third (3rd) Principal Meridian, except the east two hundred forty-two feet (242) thereof, and also except that portion of said Lot seven (7) heretofore deeded to the Highway Commissioners of Bloomington Town- ship. Also, all that part of Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) in the subdivi- sion of the southeast quarter (14) of Section eight (8) in Township twenty- three (23) North, Range two (2) East of the Third (3rd) Principal Merid- ian, which lies north and west of the center line of the public highway known as the Springfield Road, and containing seventeen and one-eighth (17%) acres, being the territory comprising O’Neil Park and that part of Miller Park not now within the city limits. PROCLAMATION To the Honorable, the Members of the City Council of the City of Bloom- ington, and the Electors of Said City: WHEREAS, at the annual City Election held in and for the City of Bloomington, on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1914, the proposition, ‘‘ SHALL THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON ADOPT THE COMMISSION FORM OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT,’’ was submitted to the electors of said City, as provided in an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, en- titled,<‘AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED, AN ACT TO PRO- VIDE FOR THE INCORPORATION OF CITIES AND VILLAGES,?’’ approved April 10, 1872, in force July 1, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereto, by adding thereto Article 13, approved March 9, 1910, in force July 1, 1910, and the amendments thereto, And WHEREAS, at said City Election there were cast by the electors of said City 12,345 votes on said proposition, 8,079 of said votes were cast ‘‘Yes’’ or for the adoption of said proposition, and 4,266 of said votes were cast ‘“No’’ or against said proposition, and the majority of the votes cast upon said proposition being cast ‘‘Yes’’ or for said proposition, said act was adopted at said election in said city. Therefore, I, James Costello, Mayor of the City of Bloomington, do hereby make proclamation that the provisions of the foregoing act were adopted in the City of Bloomington at said election, and are now in full force and effect, in manner and at the time, as in said act provided. Witness my hand and seal at Bloomington, Illinois, this 9th day of April, A. D. 1914. JAMES COSTELLO, Mayor of the City of Bloomington. ee AN ORDINANCE FOR REVISING AND CONSOLIDATING THE GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, it is necessary that the general ordinances of the City of Bloomington, Illinois, be revised; and WHEREAS, it is expedient that they should be consolidated and codi- . fied in appropriate chapters, articles and sections, the whole to be known as ‘* An Ordinance for revising and consolidating the general ordinances of the City of Bloomington, Illinois’’; therefore, Be it Ordained by the Council of the City of Bloomington, Illinois: SHAPERS: DEPARTMENTS ‘Section. Section. 1. Distribution of Powers, ete— 3. Assignment of Departments— Five Departments. Controlled by Council. 2. Council to Determine Powers 4. Departmental Rules and Regu- and Duties of Depart- lations. ments— Of Officers and 5. Commissioners—Power of Ap- Employees— Rules and pointment and Discharge Regulations. by. 1. Distribution of Powers, etc.—Five Departments.] § 1. The executive and administrative powers, authority and duties of the munici- pal government of the City of Bloomington, [llinois, shall be distributed into five departments, as follows: Department of Public Affairs. Department of Accounts and Finances. Department of Public Health and Safety. Department of Streets and Public Improvements. Department of Public Property. or sR 99 po 21 22 Revised Ordinances 2. Council to Determine Powers and Duties of Departments—Of Officers and Employees—Rules and Regulations.] § 2. The council shall determine by ordinance the powers and duties of and to be performed by each department, and assign them to the appropriate department; shall prescribe the powers and duties of officers and employees, and may assign employees to one or more of the departments; may require an officer or employee to perform duties in two or more departments, and may make such other rules and regulations as may be necessary or proper for the efficient and economical conduct of the business of the city. 3. Assignment of Departments—Controlled by Council.] § 3. The Mayor shall be Commissioner of Public Affairs, and as such he shall be Superintendent of that department; and the council shall, at the first regular meeting after the election of its members, designate by a majority vote, one Commissioner to be Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, who shall be Superintendent of that department; one to be Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, who shall be Superintendent of that depart- ment; one to be Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, who shall be Superintendent of that department, and who ex officio shall be Com- missioner of Public Works; and one to be Commissioner of Publie Prop- erty, and as such to be Superintendent of that department; but such desig- nation may be changed by the council whenever it appears that the public service would be benefited thereby. 4. Departmental Rules and Regulations.] § 4. Except as other- wise provided by law or ordinance, the superintendent of each department shall make and enforce such rules and regulations not inconsistent with law or the ordinances or rules and regulations adopted by the city council, as may be necessary to secure efficient conduct of the service of his de- partment or the business in charge thereof. 5. Commissioners—Power of Appointment and Discharge by.] § 5. The Commissioner of each respective department shall be and hereby is vested with the right, power and authority to appoint all heads of depart- ments, officers and employees under his charge, control or supervision, un- less otherwise provided in these ordinances: Provided, that all such ap- pointments, except day laborers and temporary employees, shall be sub- ject to the approval of the council, and no such appointment shall take effect or be valid without such approval. The commissioner of each re- spective department shall be and hereby is vested with the right, power and authority to discharge at will, without the approval thereof by the council, any person so appointed by him, whenever in the judgment of said commissioner the efficient conduct of the city’s affairs shall de- mand it. CHAPTER II. UEEEGOUNGTIC Section. Section. 6. Council—Members—Gov- 10. Council—Powers and Duties erning Body. —Contracts—Reports to— 7. Meetings. Assignment of Special 8. Special Meetings—All Meet- Duty—Officers elected by. ings Public. 11. Printed Statement to be Fur- 9. Rules for Control of Council. nished Monthly. 12. Annual Audit—Publication. 6. Council—Members—Governing Body.] § 1. The council of the City of Bloomington shall consist of the Mayor and four commissioners, and shall be the governing body of the city. 7. Meetings.] § 2. Regular meetings of the council shall be held on Friday of each week at the hour of ten o’clock a. m. at the council chamber of said council, or such other place in the City of Bloomington as the council shall designate: Provided, however, that if any such regular meeting shall fall upon any holiday, recognized as such by either the laws of the United States or the laws of the State of Illinois, then the said regular meeting so falling on said holiday shall be held on the day, not Sunday or a holiday, before said holiday at the time and place aforesaid. 8. Special Meetings—All Meetings Public.] § 3. Special meet- ings of the council may be called from time to time by the Mayor or two commissioners upon giving not less than twenty-four hours’ notice to all members of the council: Provided, however, that if all members of the council are present at such special meeting no notice of such meeting shall be necessary. All meetings of the council, whether regular or spe- cial, shall be open to the public. 9. Rules for Control of Council.] § 4. The following rules shall govern the council in its deliberations: Ist. The council shall convene promptly at the hours fixed for meet- ings, and during the session the members of the council must not be dis- turbed by calls over the telephone, or for private consultations, 2nd. All petitions or communications addressed to the council shall as far as possible be reduced to writing and filed with the clerk of the council, who will report them to the next meeting of the council, when they will be referred to the proper department for an investigation and report, 3rd. All bills and claims, including pay-rolls, shall first be approved by the commissioner originating the item, and in addition thereto shall 23 24 Revised Ordinances be approved by the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances before they are submitted to the council for allowance. 4th. All recommendations, suggestions or other matters from the various city officials shall first be submitted to the commissioner of the department of said official and receive his approval before the same are read to the council. 5th. The hours from nine o’clock to eleven o’clock during the morn- ing of each day shall be observed by the commissioners as office hours, at which time the public generally may find the commissioners at their re- spective offices and submit any matter to them, except such days as the council shall hold its meetings. 6th. The following shall be the order of business at council meeting: 1. Roll Call. Reading of the Journal. Report from Department of Public Affairs. Report from Department of Accounts and Finances. Report from Department of Public Health and Safety. Report from Department of Streets and Public Improve- ments. Report from Department of Public Property. Communication from the Board of Local Improvements. Petitions and Communications. 10. Unfinished Business. 11. New Business. 12. Adjournment. aed ae Saale 2 Set ore eS 7th. Three members of the council shall constitute a quorum, and the affirmative vote of three members shall be necessary to adopt any motion, resolution or ordinance, or pass any measure, unless a greater number is provided for by law. 8th. Upon each vote the ‘‘yeas’’ and ‘‘nays’’ shall be called and recorded, and each motion, resolution or ordinance shall be reduced to writing and read before a vote is taken thereon, and all the commis- sioners, including the Mayor, present at any meeting shall vote thereon. 9th. The Mayor shall be president of the council and preside at its meetings. The Commissioner of Accounts and Finances shall be vice- president of the council. 10th. The Mayor shall have no power to veto any measure, motion, resolution or ordinance. Every resolution and ordinance passed by the council must be signed by the Mayor, or by two commissioners. Every ordinance must be recorded before the same shall be in force. The Mayor shall have the right to vote on all questions coming before the council. llth. Roberts Rules of Order except when otherwise provided by law shall govern on all questions of parliamentary law at the meetings of the council. 12th. These rules may be altered, amended or temporarily suspended at any time by a vote of the council. The Council 25 10. Council—Powers and Duties—Contracts—Reports to—Assign- ment of Special Duty—Officers Elected by.] § 5. The council shall have and exercise all legislative powers, functions and duties conferred upon the city or its officers. It shall make all orders for the doing of work, or the making or construction of any improvements, bridges or buildings. It shall levy all taxes, apportion and appropriate all funds, and audit and allow all bills, accounts, pay rolls and claims, and order payment thereof. It shall make or authorize the making of all contracts, and no con- tract shall bind or be obligatory upon the city unless either made by or- dinance or resolution adopted by the council or reduced to writing and approved by the council, or expressly authorized by an ordinance or res- olution adopted by the council. All contracts and all ordinances and reso- lutions making contracts or authorizing the making of contracts shall be drawn by the Corporation Counsel or approved thereby before the same are made or passed. All commissioners of departments and officers are the agents of the council only, and all their acts shall be subject to review or approval or revocation by the council. Every commissioner or officer shall, from time to time, as required by law or ordinance, or when requested by the council, or, whenever he shall deem necessary for the good of the public service, report to the council in writing respecting the business of his department or office or matters connected therewith. The council may, by ordinance or resolution, assign to a commissioner, officer or employee duties in respect to the business of any other depart- ment, office or employment, and such service shall be rendered without additional compensation. The council shall also elect and have authority over the City Clerk, City Treasurer and Corporation Counsel, 11. Printed Statement to be Furnished Monthly.] § 6. The coun- cil shall print each month in pamphlet form a detailed itemized statement of all receipts and expenses of the city and a summary of its proceedings during the preceding month, and furnish printed copies thereof to the State Library, the City Library, all the daily newspapers of general cir- culation in the city, and to all persons who shall apply therefor at the office of the City Clerk. 12. Annual Audit—Publication.] § 7. At the end of each year the council shall cause a complete and full examination of all accounts and books of the city to be made by competent accountants, and shall publish the result of such examination in the manner above provided for the publication of the statement of monthly expenditures. CHAP LERSILE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. Article. Article. 1. The Mayor. 8. Detective-Sergeants. 2. Corporation Counsel. 9. Patrol Drivers and Janitor. 3. Police Department. 10. Police Patrolmen. 4. Chief of Police. 11. City Prison. 5. Captain of Police. 12. Inspector of Oils. 6. Desk Sergeant. 13. Pound. 7. Police Matron. 14. Library. ARTICLE I. THE MAYOR. Section. Section. 13. Mayor—Shall be Commission- 16. Annual Estimate. er of Public Affairs. 17. Sale of Real Estate Acquired 14. Bond. on Tax Sale. 15. Powers and Duties. 13. Mayor—Shall be Commissioner of Public Affairs.] § 1. The Mayor shall be Commissioner of Public Affairs, and as such shall be. superintendent of that department. 14. Bond.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Mayor shall execute a bond in the form prescribed by law in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Judge of the the County Court of McLean County, Illinois. Said bond shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of McLean County, [linois. 15. Powers and Duties.] § 3. The Mayor shall have general super- vision and oversight over all departments and offices of the city govern- ment. He shall be the chief executive officer and representative of the city, and shall preside at all meetings of the city council. He shall sign all contracts on behalf of the city and shall have charge of and cause to be prepared and published all statements and reports required by law or by ordinance or by resolution of the council. In the absence or inability of any of the commissioners to act, he shall exercise temporary supervision over the department assigned to such commissioner. He shall have supervision and control over the Legal Department; the Police Department and all officers and employees therein; the city prison, 26 Corporation Counsel 27 the city hall and all stations and jails, and the city ambulance and police patrol; the Oil Inspector, the Poundkeeper; and the Public Library; to- gether with all property and apparatus used in said offices and depart- ments. He shall have charge of the enforcement of all ordinances of the City of Bloomington, and it shall be his duty to see that said ordinances are properly enforced. 16. Annual Estimate.] § 4. The Commissioner of Public Affairs shall prepare and submit to the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, before the first day of May of each year, an estimate of the whole cost of maintaining his department, including all sub-departments and activ- ities under his control and supervision, during the succeeding fiscal year, which estimate shall be in detail, and shall be laid by the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances before the council at the same time that the annual estimate of the said Commissioner of Accounts and Finances is laid before the council. 17. Sale of Real Estate Acquired on Tax Sale.] § 5. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and empowered to sell and convey with the consent of the council any and all lots, tracts or parcels of real estate to which a title is held by the City under sale or conveyance for city taxes or assessments. In no case shall such sale or conveyance be made for less consideration than the amount of the original purchase money with lawful interest thereon, ARTICLE II. CORPORATION COUNSEL. Section. Section. 18. Corporation Counsel — Office 19. Bond—Oath. Created—Term. 20. Powers and Duties. 18. Corporation Counsel—Office Created—Term.] § 1. There is hereby created the office of Corporation Counsel. Annually, on the first day of May, or as soon thereafter as the council may see fit, one or more persons shall be elected by the council to act as Corporation Counsel, who shall hold the office for the term of one year or until his or their successor is elected and has qualified. . 19. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of the of- fice of Corporation Counsel, he or they, as the case may be, shall take the oath prescribed by law for all city officers, and execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or their duties as said Corporation Counsel. 28 Revised Ordinances He or they shall receive such salary or compensation as the council may hereafter by ordinance provide. 20. Powers and Duties.] § 3. The Corporation Counsel shall be the legal adviser of the City, and when required shall advise the council or any official in all matters of law in which the interests of the city are involved, and shall draw such current ordinances, bonds, and contracts, or examine and approve the same, as may be required by the Mayor, com- missioners or council, or any other official; shall attend all meetings of the council and of the Board of Local Improvements when requested so to do by the Mayor or commissioners; shall prosecute or defend all suits or actions for the violation of any city ordinance or other action in which the city shall be a party or has any interest, in any court or before any judicial tribunal, and use all necessary and proper means for the enforce- ment or protection of the rights of the city; and when from any cause said Corporation Counsel is not able to attend to the duties of the office he or they may, with the consent of the Mayor, appoint some one to act for the city; and whenever in the opinion of the council the interest of the city may require it, an assistant counsel may be employed at the ex- pense of the city. Appeals to the Appellate Court and Supreme Court shall only be taken upon the approval of the council. Such Corporation Counsel shall have power to adjust all pending litigation and to settle same upon the author- ity of the council; shall report to the council any defects which may be discovered in any ordinance or in the authorized powers of any city offi- cer, with a recommendation for remedying the same; shall cause execu- tions to be issued upon all judgments recovered in favor of the city and see to their prompt collection; shall examine all fee bills of officers of courts and certify to the correctness of the same and the liability of the city therefor; shall transcript appeals from the judgment of any Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace to the County or Circuit Court of Me- Lean County in any case when it is believed public interest requires it, but no appeal or writ of error shall be taken by said Corporation Counsel on behalf of the city to any higher court unless authorized or directed to do so by the council; shall be entitled to receive from any city officer cer- tified copies of any paper, contract or other document which may be re- quired in the prosecution or defending of any suit, or which may be needed for any other purpose connected with the proper transaction of the duties of the office. The Corporation Counsel shall annually or oftener if required by the council, report in writing to the council a detailed statement of all actions instituted and pending in courts of record wherein the City of Blooming- ton is plaintiff or defendant, giving the names of the parties to the suit, the date of commencement, the nature thereof and the several steps taken to bring the same to final issue; shall give a list of all cases disposed of in any court of record during the year with such remarks as may be deemed proper to the end that the council may be kept fully advised as to the legal affairs of the city. Police Department—Chief of Police 29 It shall be the duty of said Corporation Counsel to keep in a suitable book to be provided by the city for that purpose, a record of all written opinions given or furnished to said council or to any officer, and shall also keep a register of all actions in the courts of record prosecuted or de- fended by said Corporation Counsel in which the city was a party, and the various proceedings in connection therewith; said Corporation Counsel shall on demand deliver to the council the books, registers, contracts, bonds or other papers in his or their possession belonging to the city or pertaining to said office. He or they, as the case may be, shall not be required to prosecute any suit or action arising under the ordinances of the city, when upon inves- tigation of the same he or they shall become satisfied that the complaint was instituted maliciously or vexatiously and without probable cause; or where there is not sufficient evidence in their judgment to obtain a con- viction; and he or they shall be authorized to discontinue any such suit or proceeding upon such terms as may be deemed just and equitable and shall have and possess the powers and rights usually possessed by attor- neys-at-law when acting for said city. ARTICLE III, POLICE DEPARTMENT. Section. 21. Police Department Created—Officers Therein. 21. Police Department Created—Officers Therein.] § 1. There is hereby established an executive department of the municipal government of the City of Bloomington to be known as the Police Department, which shall be under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Affairs, and shall embrace one Chief of Police, one Captain of Police, one Desk Ser- geant, one Police Matron, four Detective Sergeants, two Drivers of Patrol Wagon, one Janitor of City Hall and such Police Patrolmen as may from time to time be fixed by the council. ARTICLE IV. CHIEF OF POLICE. Section. Section. 22. Chief of Police—Office Cre- 26. Report Misconduct—Power of ated—Appointment — Term Suspension. —Other Designation. 27. Attend Council Meetings— 23. Bond—Oath. Custody of City Hall—Serve 24. Powers and Duties. Process, 25. Fires — Nuisances— Obstrue- 28. Detail Police as Additional tions. Sanitary Officers—When. 30 Revised Ordinances 29. Monthly Reports. 32. Shall Notify Corporation 30. Records of Office. Counsel of Suits, ete. 31. Patrol Wagon and Ambulance 33. Annual Estimate. —Control of. 34, Shall Wear Uniform. 22. Chief of Police—Office Created—Appointment—Term—Other Designation.] § 1. There is hereby created the office of Chief of Police, who shall be appointed annually by the Commissioner of Public Affairs, with the approval of the council, on the first day of May of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, which appointment shall be for the term of one year and until his successor is appointed and has qualified. He shall be Chief of the Police Department, and shall perform such duties as are imposed upon him by law or ordinance, and in addition thereto such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the council or by the Commissioner of Public Affairs. He shall be known also as the City Marshal. 23. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his of- fice he shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and enter into bond in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance and discharge of his duties in such office. He shall receive such salary or compensation as the council by ordinance may direct. 24. Powers and Duties.] § 3. He shall, in subordination to the Commissioner of Public Affairs, have the full management and control of the police department of the city, and all regulations and orders of said department shall be promulgated through him. All subordinate mem- bers and officers of said department shall be subject to such rules and regulations as from time to time shall be prescribed by said Chief of Police, with the concurrence of the Commissioner of Public Affairs. He shall devote his entire time to the discharge of the duties of his office, and shall be charged with the preservation of the peace, order, safety and cleanliness of the city, and to this end he shall execute and enforce all ordinances and police regulations of said city, and orders of the city council and Mayor. 25. Fires—Nuisances—Obstructions.] § 4. He shall be charged with the duty of protecting the rights of persons and property and pro- viding proper police protection at every fire. He shall also take notice of all nuisances and take proper steps to abate the same. He shall cause to be removed all impediments and obstructions in the streets, avenues, alleys and public places of the city, or cause immediate notice thereof to be given to the proper officer whose duty it may be to attend to the same, according to the ordinances of the city. 26. Report Misconduct—Power of Suspension.] § 5. He _ shall promptly report in writing to the Commissioner of Public Affairs any Chief of Police 31 member of the police force who is guilty of drunkenness, neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, violation of the standing rules and regulations of the police department, or other conduct unbecoming an officer, and during the pendency of any formal charges against any subordinate officer of said department, he may suspend such officer from duty until such charges are investigated. 27. Attend Council Meetings—Custody of City Hall—Serve Pro- cess.] § 6. He shall attend, either in person or by deputy, all meetings of the council when requested by the Mayor or any commissioner. He shall have the care and custody of the city hall. He shall also serve all warrants or other legal process required to be served by him by law or ordinance of the city. 28. Detail Police as Additional Sanitary Officers—When.] § 7. The Chief of Police shall, when requested by the health department and directed by the Mayor so to do, detail not to exceed two policemen to act in the capacity of sanitary officers to assist the Sanitary Policeman, and when so acting said officers shall be under the direction and authority of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, and shall act in such capacity as long as required by said health department, or until relieved from said duty by the Mayor. 29. Monthly Reports.] § 8. He shall make monthly reports in writing to the Mayor, who shall lay the same before the Council, of the state of the police department, with such statistics and suggestions as he may deem advisable for the improvement of the police force, its disci- pline and government. Such report shall also show the number of arrests made by the police force during the preceding month, the offense charged, the magistrate before whom tried, and the disposition of the case. 30. Records of Office.] § 9. He shall have general supervision of all books, records, equipments and other property belonging to the police department, and of stolen goods seized and detained by police authority. Upon the expiration of his term of office, or resignation or removal there- from, he shall surrender to the Mayor, or his successor in office, all books, records, equipments, property and other effects coming into his possession by virtue of his office. 31. Patrol Wagon and Ambulance—Control of.] § 10. He shall have the care and custody, subject to the supervision of the Mayor, of the police patrol wagon and city ambulance, together with any horses and equipments pertaining thereto. 32. Shall Notify Corporation Counsel of Suits, etc.] § 11. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to cause the Corporation Counsel to be informed of any suits instituted by him, or through his department, wherein the interests of the city may require the presence of said Cor- poration Counsel at the trial thereof. 32 Revised Ordinances 33. Annual Estimate.] § 12. The Chief of Police shall prepare and submit to the Commissioner of Public Affairs on or before the first day of May of each year an estimate of the whole cost and expense of providing for and maintaining the department of police of the city during the succeeding fiscal year, which report shall be in detail. 34, Shall Wear Uniform.] § 13. He shall wear such uniform, to be provided at his own expense, as may be designated by the Mayor, or the rules and regulations of said department, indicative of his relative rank in the police department. ARTICLE V. CAPTAIN OF POLICE. Section. Section. 35. Captain of Police—Office Cre- 38. In Absence of Chief of Police ated—Appointment. —Shall Perform His Duties. 36. Bond—Oath. 39. Shall Wear Uniform. 37. Powers and Duties. 35. Captain of Police—Office Created—Appointment.] § 1. There is hereby created the office of Captain of Police, and his duties shall be those prescribed by law and ordinance, and in addition thereto such other duties as may from time to time be imposed upon him by the council or the Commissioner of Public Affairs. He shall be appointed annually on the first day of May of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, by the Commissioner of Public Affairs, with the approval of the council. 36. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of four thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. He shall receive such salary or compensation as shall be provided by ordinance. 37. Powers and Duties.] § 3. He shall be second in command of the police department, in subordination to the Mayor and Chief of Police, and shall have special charge of the police department during the night time. 38. In Absence of Chief of Police—Shall Perform His Duties.] § 4. He shall, in case of the temporary absence or disability of the Chief of Police, possess all the powers and exercise all the duties of said Chief of Police. 39. Shall Wear Uniform.] § 5. He shall wear such uniform, to be provided at his own expense, as may be designated by the Mayor or the rules of said department, indicative of his relative rank in the department, Desk Sergeant 33 ARTICLE VI. DESK SERGEANT Section. Section. 40. Desk Sergeant—Office Created 44. Records of Complaints Against —Appointment—Term. Policemen—Custody of Stol- en Goods. 41. Bond—Oath. 45. Record as to Electric Lights 42, Shall Keep Records, ete. and Sidewalks. 46. Reports. 43. Register of Arrests, etc. 47. Shall Wear Uniform. 40. Desk Sergeant—Office Created—Appointment—Term.] § 1. There is hereby created the office of Desk Sergeant, who shall be appointed annually by the Commissioner of Public Affairs, with the approval of the council, on the first day of May, or as soon thereafter as may be. His duties shall be such as are prescribed by law or ordinance, and in addition thereto such other duties as may from time to time be imposed upon him by the council or the Commissioner of Public Affairs. He shall hold office for the term of one year and until his successor is appointed and has qualified. 41. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his of- fice he shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. He shall receive such salary or compensation as shall be prescribed by ordinance. 42. Shall Keep Records, etc.] § 3. He shall be the clerk of the police department, and shall, under the direction of the Chief of Police, keep the books, records and accounts of said department. 43. Register of Arrests, etc.] § 4. He shall keep a neat and legi- ble record, at all times open for inspection, which shall state the names of persons arrested, their place of residence, the day and hour of said arrest, the cause of arrest, when and where detained or committed, whether released on bail, when and before whom examined or tried, the fiinding of the magis- trate, the amount of the fine imposed, if any; whether paid or unpaid; if not paid, when and where worked out; the term of imprisonment, if any; where imprisoned and when released; if discharged, by whose order and for what cause. Said record shall show each day’s operations separately. 44. Record of Complaints Against Policemen—Record of Stolen Goods.] § 5. He shall also keep a record of complaints against police- men, and of the time lost by policemen, an account of moneys received and expended, and for what purposes expended; of suspected persons and places, and of all stolen goods and property seized and retained by police 34 Revised Ordinances authority, and of any money, property, valuables or weapons taken from the person of any prisoner under arrest, and the disposition of the same and under whose orders. 45. Record as to Hlectric Lights and Sidewalks.] § 6. He shall also keep a daily record of the condition and efficiency of the electric lights of the city, and a record of any defects or obstructions in any public street or sidewalk, and by whom reported. 46. Reports.] § 7. He shall furnish a detailed written report of the state of the department as shown by his books and records, as often as may be required by the Chief of Police, Mayor or city council. And at the expiration of his term of office he shall deliver to his successor or other officer designated by the Mayor, all books, papers, accounts, documents, and other property coming into his hands by virtue of his official position. 47. Shall Wear Uniform.] § 8. He shall wear such uniform, to be provided at his own expense, as may be designated by the Mayor or the police regulations of the city, indicative of his rank in the department. ARTICLE VII. POLICE MATRON Section ‘Section 48. Police Matron—Office Created 51. Shall Have Charge of Female —Appointment—Term. Prisoners. 49. Bond—Oath. 52. Prohibited From Carrying 50. Qualifications. Messages. 48. Police Matron—Office Created—Appointment—Term.] § l. There is hereby created the office of Police Matron, who shall be appointed annually on the first day of May, in each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, which appointment shall be made by the Commissioner of Public Affairs, with the approval of the council. The term of said office shall be for one year, and until her successor is appointed and has qualified. Her duties and qualifications shall be such as are prescribed by law or ordinance, and in addition thereto she shall perform such duties as may from time to time be imposed upon her by the council or the Commissioner of Public Affairs. 49. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of her of- fice she shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of her office. She shall receive such salary or compensation as shall be provided by ordinance. 50. Qualifications.] § 3. She shall be a woman of at least thirty- five years of age, and of good moral character. She shall have been a res- Detective-Sergeants 35 ident of the City of Bloomington for at least one year before the date of her appointment, and she must have had reasonable experience in nursing and earing for the sick and distressed. 51. Shall Have Charge of Female Prisoners.] § 4. The Police Matron shall have charge of all female prisoners in the city prison. She shall make all examinations of the person and effects of such prisoners, sub- ject to the direction of the Chief of Police or Captain of Police, and turn over to the said chief or captain for safe keeping all articles that may be taken from the custody of such prisoners. She shall exercise such further supervision over such female prisoners while they are in custody as may be necessary, and make such recommendations to her superior officers in regard to their care and welfare as she may deem advisable. 52. Prohibited From Carrying Messages.] § 5. The Police Matron is hereby prohibited from carrying messages or doing any business for any prisoner other than is necessary for such prisoner’s temporal welfare, with- out the special consent of the Chief of Police or Captain of Police, in each case requiring the same. ARTICLE VIII. DETECTIVE-SERGEANTS Section. Section. 53. Detective-Sergeants — Offices 56. Authority over Patrolmen. Created — Appointment — 57. Shall Fill Superior Offices Term. When. 54, Bond—Oath. 58. No Uniform. 55. Duties. 53. Detective-Sergeants — Offices Created — Appointment — Term. ] § 1. There shall be appointed annually by the Commissioner of Public Af- fairs, with the approval of the council, four Detective-Sergeants, which said offices hereby are created. The appointments shall be made on the first day of May in each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, and the term of said officers shall be for one year, and until their respective successors are ap- pointed and have qualified. 54. Bond—Oath.] § 2.° Before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, each of said officers shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of their re- spective offices. They shall receive such salary or compensation as shall be provided by ordinance. 36 Revised Ordinances 55. Duties.] § 3. They shall perform such duties as are prescribed by law and ordinance, and such other duties as may be imposed from time to time upon them by the Council, Mayor or Chief of Police. It shall also be the duty of the said Detective-Sergeants to see that each patrolman assigned to night police duty is on duty on his respective beat during the hours required by the ordinances of the City of Bloomington, and to that end shall make regular calls each night upon each patrolman so on duty, at certain prescribed stations upon the patrolman’s beat, the re- spective beats which are to be visited by the different Detective-Sergeants to be designated by the Chief of Police. 56. Authority over Patrolmen.] § 4. The said Detective-Sergeants shall have such limited authority and control over the regular uniformed po- licemen as from time to time shall be given them by the Mayor or Chief of Police. 57. Shall Fill Superior Offices When.] § 5. In case of the tempo- rary absence of the Captain of Police, or in case the Captain of Police is acting as Chief of Police, one of the said Detective-Sergeants shall be des- ignated by the Mayor or Chief of Police to act in the capacity of Captain of Police, and in that capacity shall possess all the powers of the said Captain of Police and exercise all his duties. In case of the temporary absence or disability of both the Chief of Police and the Captain of Police, one of the Detective-Sergeants so designated, or some other fit person selected by the Mayor, shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the Chief of Police. 58. No Uniform.] § 6. The said Detective-Sergeants shall wear no uniform, but shall be what are commonly known as plain-clothes men. ARTICLE IX. PATROL DRIVERS AND JANITOR. Section. Section. 59. Patrol Drivers and Janitor— 61. Duties of Patrol Drivers. Offices Created — Appoint- 62. Duties of Janitor. ment—Term. 63. Shall Have Police Powers— 60. Bond—Oath. Uniform. 59. Patrol Drivers and Janitor—Offices Created—Appointment— Term.] § 1. There shall be two Patrol Drivers and one Janitor of the City Hall, which offices hereby are created, to be appointed by the Commis- sioner of Public Affairs, with the approval of the council, on the first day of May of each year or as soon thereafter as may be practicable. They shall hold their respective offices for one year, or until their respective suc- cessors are appointed and have qualified. Police Patrolmen 37 60. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his of- fice, each of the above officers shall take the oath prescribed for all city offi- cers, and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloom- ington in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with sureties to be ap- proved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. They shall receive such salary or compensation as may be provided by ordinance. 61. Duties of Patrol Drivers.] § 3. The Patrol Drivers shall be continuously on duty during such times as the Mayor or Chief of Police shall designate, for the purpose of driving the city patrol wagon and such other conveyances as may be used by this department, and shall keep said ; conveyances, together with the barn and premises in which they are housed, in good condition. They shall also perform such other duties as may be imposed upon them from time to time by the council or Commissioner of Public Affairs. 62. Duties of Janitor.] § 4. The Janitor of the City Hall shall perform the usual and regular janitor work and service in and about the City Hall and the premises upon which it is located, together with such other duties in addition thereto as may be imposed upon him from time to time by the council or Commissioner of Public Affairs. 63. Shall Have Police Powers—Uniform.] § 5. Said Patrol Driv- ers and Janitor shall have the powers and authority of Police Patrolmen, and shall wear such uniform, provided at their own expense, as may be desig- nated by the Mayor or the police reise oe of the city, indicative of their rank in the department. ARTICLE X. POLICE PATROLMEN. Section. Section. 64. Police Patrolmen—Offices Cre- 73. To Serve Warrants and Pro- ated — Number — Appoint- cess—Have Powers of Con- ment—Term. stables. 65. Bond—Oath. 74. May Call on Bystander to As- 66. Qualifications. sist—Refusal—Penalty. 67. Special Police Patrolmen— 75. Give Fire Alarms and Attend Appointment of—Approval Fires. by Council. 76. Neglect of Duty, ete.—Penalty. 68. Special Police in the Employ 77. Rules and Regulations. of Individuals, ete. 78. Resisting Officer—Penalty. 69. Duties. 79. Falsely Impersonating an Of- 70. Reports to Superior Officer. ficer—Penalty. 71. Shall Seize all Gambling De- 80. Hackmen, ete.—To Obey Com- vices. mand of—Penalty. 72. Power of Arrest. 81. Shall Procure Uniform. 82. Shall Wear Uniform. 38 Revised Ordinances 64. Police Patrolmen—Offices Created—Number—Appointment— Term.] § 1. There are hereby created the offices of Police Patrolmen to the number of thirty, who shall be appointed annually by the Commis- sioner of Public Affairs, with the approval of the council, on the first day of May of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be. If in the judgment of the Commissioner of Public Affairs it shall not be necessary to have thirty Police Patrolmen, he may appoint as many, less than thirty, as in his judgment shall be sufficient properly to patrol the city and secure the peace and safety of the inhabitants. Each such officer shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor is appointed and has qual- ified. 65. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his of- fice, each patrolman shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and shall execute a bond payable to the City of Bloomington, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, condi- tioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. Police Patrolmen shall receive such salary or compensation as shall be provided by ordinance. 66. Qualifications.] § 3. No person shall be appointed to or re- tained in the position of Police Patrolman who is under twenty-one years of age or over sixty years of age, nor unless he is a person of good moral char- acter and a legal voter in said city. 67. Special Police Patrolmen—Appointment of—Approval by Coun- cil.}] § 4. The Mayor may, on special occasions when in his judgment it shall be necessary for the preservation of the peace and order of the city, appoint and commission such number of special police patrolmen as he may deem necessary. Said special police patrolmen shall be dismissed as soon as the exigency of their appointment shall no longer exist. During the term of their appointment said special police patrolmen shall possess the the powers and exercise the duties of the regular police patrolmen and shall receive the same compensation. But the Mayor shall, at the next regular meeting of the city council after the appointment of such special police patrolmen, lay before the council the names and number of said police pa- trolmen so appointed and the cause therefor, and if the acts of the Mayor in making said appointments are not approved and confirmed, said special police patrolmen shall be considered and held to be at once dismissed and discharged. 68. Special Police in the Employ of Individuals, etc.] § 5. The Mayor may, on application being made to him, appoint any suitable person in the employ of any corporation, association, individual or firm, a special policeman in and for said city; or he may, if deemed proper, appoint any person employed in any other branch of the city service to be such special policeman. ‘Special policemen shall have all the qualifications required in the case of regular policemen; they shall take and subscribe the same oath, give like bond, exercise the same powers, be under control of the same au- Police Patrolmen 39 thorities, and be subject to the same rules and regulations of the police de- partment so far as the same are applicable to them: Provided, that such special policemen shall not be paid anything by the city for their services as policemen. Said special policemen shall be provided with stars by the person or persons asking their appointment, each of which shall have en- graved thereon the words ‘‘Special Police, Bloomington,’’ and such other words as the Mayor shall require. Any special policeman failing or re- fusing to procure and wear a star shall be fined ten dollars. 69. Duties.] § 6. The several members of the police force when on duty shall devote their entire time to the proper discharge of their du- ties as prescribed by the ordinances of the city and the rules and regulations of the police department. It shall be their special duty to preserve order, peace and quiet, and to enforce all the ordinances throughout the city. 70. Reports to Superior Officer.] § 7. Every policeman shall re- port to his commanding officer all persons known to be gamblers, or sus- pected of gambling, receivers of stolen property, thieves, burglars or dis- orderly persons, and also all unlawful or disorderly houses or places in said city which may, from time to time, come to his knowledge. THe shall also report to the Desk Sergeant any defects or any obstructions in any public street, alley or sidewalk in said city. 71. Shall Seize all Gambling Devices.] § 8. It shall be the duty of each member of the police department to seize any table, instrument, chips, slot machine or gambling device, or anything of any kind used for gaming, and forthwith convey the same to the police headquarters. 72. Power of Arrest.] § 9. The police patrolmen, together with the Chief of Police, Captain of Police, Detective Sergeants, Desk Sergeant and all other persons possessing the power and authority of police patrol- men, shall have power to arrest all persons in the city found in the act of violating any law or ordinance, or aiding or abetting in any such vio- lation, and shall arrest all persons found under suspicious circumstances, and shall take all persons so arrested to the city prison until they can be brought before the proper magistrate or court for trial or examination. 73. To Serve Warrants and Process—Have Powers of Constables. ] § 10. They shall have power and authority and it shall be their duty, in the city and outside of the same, when necessary and lawful, to serve and execute warrants and other legal papers for the apprehension and commit- ment of persons charged with the violation of any city ordinance, or any crime or misdemeanor, or offense against the laws of the city or state, or held for examination or trial. And they shall also have power and au- thority, and it shall be their duty, to serve and execute any civil process issued by any court in which the city is a party, and while serving or ex- ecuting, or assisting in the service or execution of any such warrant or pro- cess, they shall be vested with and have all the powers and authority con- ferred on constables at common law and by the laws of this state. 40 Revised Ordinances 74. May Call on Bystander to Assist—Refusal—Penalty.] § 11. Any police officer may, at any time, call upon any able bodied male person above the age of twenty-one years to aid him in arresting or taking into custody any person guilty of having committed any unlawful act, or charged therewith, or to aid such officers in preventing the commission of any un- lawful act. Whoever shall refuse or neglect to give such aid or assistance when so requested shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dol- lars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. 75. Give Fire Alarms and Attend Fires.] § 12. It shall be the duty of the police patrolmen to aid the fire department by giving alarms in ~ case of fire and in clearing the streets or grounds in the immediate vicinity of the fire, whenever the same shall be necessary to aid the firemen in the per- formance of their duties. 76. Neglect of Duty, etc.—Penalty.] § 138. Any member of the police force who shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty required of him by the ordinances of the city or the rules and regulations of the police department, or who shall in the discharge of his official duties be guilty of any fraud, favoritism, extortion, oppression or wilful wrong or injustice, or who shall become intoxicated while in the discharge of his duties, or who shall hold familiar conversation with prostitutes, or associate with rowdies, _gamblers or persons of low repute, or who shall use violent, course, insolent or abusive language to a superior or fellow officer, or to any citizen, resi- dent or stranger, or who shall use the power vested in him for the satisfac- tion of personal ill-will or hatred against any person, shall, in each case, be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars, and shall also be subject to removal from office by the Mayor. 77. Rules and Regulations.] § 14. The following rules and regu- lations for the general government of the police department of the City of Bloomington, hereby are adopted: First—Every member connected with the department shall devote his whole time and attention to the business of the department, and shall not follow any other calling. Second—Although certain hours are alotted to each member for duty, yet all the members must be prepared to act at a moment’s notice, when- ever their services may be required, either on call by a superior officer or in view of a violation or threatened violation of any law of the state or ordinance of the city. Third—Punctual attendance and prompt obedience to orders is required of every officer and policeman. Fourth—No member of the department shall while on duty drink any intoxicating liquor, wine or beer, or enter any dram-shop, billiard hall, gambling house or house of ill-fame, except in the discharge of his duty; and intoxication at any time shall be sufficient cause for removal. Fifth—Members of the department shall not accept from any per- son, while in custody, or after he shall have been discharged, nor from any of Police Patrolmen 41 his friends, any gratuity, gift or reward; nor from any person without written permission from the Mayor any compensation for eee sus- tained in-the discharge of their duty. Sixth—Members shall be civil and respectful to the public, and upon all occasions perform their duty with good temper and discretion, and shall not at any time while on duty make use of violent, intemperate or abusive language. Seventh—No member shall be permitted to apply for a warrant for an assault upon himself, without first reporting the case to the Mayor, and obtaining from him permission to make such application. Eighth—No member shall communicate to any person any information which may lead to the escape from arrest or punishment of persons ac- cused of crime, or enable them to dispose of or secrete goods stolen or em- bezzled. Ninth—No member shall communicate any information respecting or- ders he may have received, or any regulations that may be made for the government of the department, except to such persons as ordered by a su- perior in office. Tenth—Each member shall always have with him a memorandum book, in which he shall enter the names and residences of persons by him taken in charge, and also all matters which may be important on the trial of any cause, Eleventh—All officers and members of the department who are uni- formed shall at all times, and on all occasions when on duty, display their star or emblem of office so that the entire surface thereof may be easily and distinctly seen, except where otherwise ordered by their superior officers. Twelfth—No member of the regular police force shall leave the city without permission from the Mayor or Chief of Police, unless in a of offenders fleeing from justice. Thirteenth—All persons who shall be arrested during the time the wae magistrate court shall be open, shall immediately be taken to such court, unless otherwise directed by the Mayor or Chief of Police or Captain of Police, and all persons who.shall be arrested at any other time shall be im- mediately conveyed to the calaboose. Fourteenth—Any property stolen or embezzled, which shall be found in the possession of any person who may be arrested, shall be taken to the police magistrates court or the city prison, as the case may be, with the person, unless otherwise ordered by the Mayor or chief of the day or night police. Fifteenth—Any member who shall charge or receive any fee or compen- sation other than his legal salary, or shall receive and accept any reward for services rendered or to be rendered, unless with the knowledge and appro- bation of the Mayor, in writing expressed, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. | Sixteenth—Policemen must report to their respective chiefs all suspi- cious persons and places, all bawdy houses and second-hand dealers, receiv- 42 Revised Ordinances ing shops, gaming houses, and all unlicensed dram-shops or tippling houses, and all houses where idlers, tipplers, gamblers, prostitutes and other dis- orderly or suspicious persons may be in the habit of congregating. Seventeenth—Policemen shall caution strangers and others against going into places where idlers, tipplers, gamblers, and other disorderly or sus- picious persons congregate, and against pickpockets, watch-stuffers, and all other vicious persons. They shall also direct strangers and others who may need such direction, the nearest and safest way to their places of destin- ation, and, if necessary, cause them to be accompanied to their place of destination by one of the police, but shall not, in any case, leave their beats for that purpose, but shall pass such person from one beat to another. Eighteenth—One member of the police shall at all times be at the police headquarters, and whenever any person shall be arrested it shall be the duty of the person making such arrest to cause the prisoner immediately to be taken to police headquarters, and the officer on duty there shall set down in a book to be kept for that purpose the name of the prisoner, the nature of the offense charged against him, the name of the complaining witness, with the names of all witnesses on behalf of the city, and the residence, if known; and take necessary measures to secure the attendance of such witnesses at the time of the trial. Nineteenth—All persons arrested in the night time, or at other times when no police magistrate court shall be open, shall be taken to the police headquarters and like record made as before provided, and the prisoner shall be confined in the city calaboose until the next morning; or, if arrested on Saturday night, until Monday morning, except when legally released, when the prisoner may be taken before a police magistrate and a trial had, or the case continued, as above provided in case of prisoners taken be- fore a magistrate when arrested: Provided, that members of the police force on night duty, who have made the arrest, or are neccessary witnesses, shall not be required to be in attendance at the police court before two o’clock p. m. Twentieth—Every member of the day police force shall report at po- lice headquarters for roll call and to receive orders at seven o’clock a. m., or at such time as the Chief of Police may direct; and the night police shall report for duty at seven p. m., and shall be relieved from duty at four- thirty o’clock a. m., during the months of October, November, December, January, February and March, and at four o’clock a. m. during the rest of the year, unless otherwise ordered by the Chief of Police. Twenty-first—Such other additional rules and regulations may be adopted and may be prescribed by the Chief of Police and with the advice and consent of the Mayor, as shall seem necessary and proper for the effi- ciency of the department. 78. Resisting Officer—Penalty.] § 15. Whoever shall resist any member of the police force in the discharge of his duty, or shall in any way interfere with or prevent him from discharging his duty, or shall endeavor Police Patrolmen 48 to do so; and whoever shall, in any manner, assist any person in the custody of any member of the police force, to escape, or attempt to escape from such custody, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 79. Falsely Impersonating an Officer—Penalty.] § 16. Any per- who shall falsely impersonate any of the members of the police depart- ment of this city, or shall maliciously, or with intent to deceive, use or imitate any of the signs, signals or devices used by any officer of said department, or who, not being a police officer, shall wear in public the police uniform, or shall impersonate or represent falsely that he is a member or officer of said department, shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 80. Hackmen, etc.—To Obey Command of—Penalty.] § 17. Dray- men, hackmen, cabmen, omnibus drivers, baggagemen and other persons, when at or about any railroad depot or other public place in the city, shail obey the commands and directions of the police officer or officers who may be stationed or doing duty at or about such depot or other public places for the preservation of order and enforcing the ordinances. Who- ever shall refuse to obey the commands-and directions ofa police officer as aforesaid shall be subject to a fine of not less than three dollars nor exceeding ten dollars. 81. Shall Procure Uniform.] § 18. Every member of the regular police force of the city of Bloomington, except the Chief of Police and the Detective-Sergeants, shall within thirty days after his appointment and qualification procure a uniform at his own cost and expense. Such uniform shall consist of such articles of clothing, and shall be made in such manner, and of such materials as may be prescribed by the police regulations of the Mayor of said city. The buttons and insignia of rank of said police force shall be furnished by the city, and remain its prop- erty, and upon the resignation or removal of any member of said police force, he shall surrender the same to the Mayor or Chief of Police, or the cost of the same shall be deduced from his pay. 82. Shall Wear Uniform.] § 19. Each member of such police force, except the Chief of Police and the Detective-Sergeants; shall at all times wear his uniform when on duty, and any refusal or neglect on the part of any such member to wear his uniform as herein provided shall be deemed a good and sufficient cause for removal. 44 Revised Ordinances ARTICLE XI. CITY PRISON. Section. Section. 83. City Prison Established. 88. Feed Prisoners. 84. Chief of Police Keeper. 89. Resistance or Escape by Pris- 85. Shall Keep Prisoners. oners—Penalty. 86. Commitment of Offenders— 90. Payment of Fine—Release. Where—Limitation. 91. Keeper to Accept Fine—Dis- 87. Prisoners Required to Work— position Thereof. Allowance Therefor. 83. City Prison Established.] § 1. The apartments adjacent to the police office on the first floor of the city hall building, and the apart- ments in the basement on the entire west side of the city hall building located on parts of lots nine (9) and twelve (12), block twenty (20), of Durley addition to the city of Bloomington, shall be, and the same hereby are declared to be the city prison of the City of Bloomington, together with any building and enclosures that may hereafter be erected on any lot or lands purchased, owned or leased by the City of Bloomington for the purpose of a city prison, subject to the conditions and provisions of this article. 84. Chief of Police Keeper.] § 2. The Chief of Police of said city shall be ex-officio the keeper of the same, and shall have the care, custody and charge of the said city prison and all persons committed thereto. He shall enforce such order and discipline therein as he may deem necessary. 85. Shall Keep Prisoners.] § 3. The Chief of Police shall receive into his custody and safely keep and confine in said prison all persons who may be legally committed to his custody or charge by any proper officer, police magistrate, or justice of the peace, until they shall be legally taken or discharged therefrom. 86. Commitment of Offenders—Where—Limitation.] § 4. Any per- son upon whom any fine or penalty shall be imposed, for the violation of any city ordinance, may, upon the order of the court or magistrate, or Justice of the Peace before whom the conviction is had, be committed to the city prison, work-house or other place provided by said city for the incarceration of such offenders, until such fine, penalty, and costs shall be fully paid: Provided, that no such imprisonment shall exceed six months for any one offense? 87. Prisoners Required to Work—Allowance Therefor.] § 5. Every person so committed, as herein provided, shall be required to work at such labor, within or without said prison or workhouse, or other place provided for the incarceration of such offenders, as his or her strength Inspector of Ouls 45 will permit, not exceeding eight hours each working day, subject to the rules and regulations for the government and discipline of persons so committed to said prison or workhouse, and for such work the person so employed or worked shall be allowed, exclusive of his or her board, the sum of fifty cents for each day’s work on account of such fine and costs. 88. Feed Prisoners.] § 6. The Chief of Police shall furnish all persons who may be confined or kept in the city prison under his charge, when the person himself shall not do so, plain, wholesome food and drink, and comfortable bedding. 89. Resistance or Escape by Prisoners—Penalty.] § 7. Every per- son in the custody of any officer or committed to the city prison shall obey the Chief of Police or any officer in all lawful commands, and shall not molest or hinder any officer in the discharge of his duty, and shall not escape or attempt to escape, or assist others to escape, from any officer, or attempt to escape from said prison, or destroy or injure any property appertaining thereto. Any person violating any of the provi- sions of this section shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor exceeding one hundred dollars. 90. Payment of Fine—Release.] § 8. No person shall be released from the city prison by the keeper thereof, except upon the satisfaction of the fine, or by an order of the Mayor or other legal authority. 91. Keeper to Accept Fine—Disposition Thereof.] § 9. The said keeper hereby is authorized to accept the fine imposed upon any prisoner committed to the city prison whenever the same together with all costs taxed in said case shall be tendered to him. All moneys so received by him shall be paid over to the Police Magistrate or justice of the peace who imposed said fine, and shall be included by said Police Magistrate or justice of the peace in his next report. ARTICLE XIitT, INSPECTOR OF OILS. Section. Section. 92. Inspector of Oils—Office Cre- 98. Misconduct in Office—Penalty. ated—Appointment—Term. 99. Neglect to Give Notice of or 93. Bond—Oath. Selling Oil, Not Inspected— 94. Duties. Counterfeit Brands — Pen- 95. Inspector to Test—What Test alty. Used. 100. Refilling Casks — Fraudulent 96. Tests—Casks Marked — In- Marks—Sale of Oil not In- spector not to Trade in Oil. spected—Penalty. 97. Record—Open to Examina- tion. 46 Revised Ordinances 101. Fees for Inspection—Depu- 105. Retailers May Keep—Per- ties. mit. 102. Fees Property of City— 106. Not to be Placed on Side- Compensation, walk, ete. 103. Monthly Reports. 107. Storage in Tanks, 104. Storage of Oil. 108. Penalty. 92. Inspector of Oils—Office Created—Appointment—Term.] § 1. There hereby is created the office of Inspector of Oils, who shall be ap- pointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the council, which appoint- ment shall be made on the first day of May of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be. He shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor is appointed and has qualified. 93. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take the oath prescribed by statute, and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the People of the State of [Illinois in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by! the Mayor, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. He shall receive such salary or compensation as shall be prescribed by ordinance. 94. Duties.] § 3. He shall inspect all coal oil, petroleum, naptha, gasoline, benzine, mineral seal, signal and all other mineral oils or fluids, the product of petroleum, that shall be received or refined or produced in the city by any refiner or producer or any dealer in, or manufacturer, person, firm or corporation using, directly or in the manufacture of their product, any. such oils or fluids. 95. Inspector to Test—What Test Used.] § 4. Upon the applica- tion of any manufacturer, refiner or producer of, or any dealer in, any such oil or fluid, or any officer or person, to test any such oil or fluid, or upon the arrival of any such oil or fluid within the city, such inspector shall test the same with all reasonable dispatch by applying the fire test as indicated and determined by J. Tagliabue’s pyrometer, or some other instrument or means equally accurate, with which he shall provide him- self at his own expense. 96. Tests—Casks Marked—Inspector not to Trade in Oil.] § 5. If the oils or fluids so tested will not ignite or explode at a temperature of less than 150 degrees Farenheit, the inspector shall mark plainly and indelibly on each cask, barrel or package, ‘‘ Approved, Fire Test being Facer Me eels ??; but if such oils or fluids will ignite at a temperature of less than 150 degrees Farenheit, as aforesaid, then the inspector shall mark on each cask, barrel or package, ‘‘Condemned for illuminating pur- poses; fire test being.......... ae Said inspector, while in office, shall not buy, sell, barter or trade, directly or indirectly, in any of the said oils or fluids, or be an em: ployee of any refinery or firm dealing in the products herein mentioned. Inspector of Ouls 47 97. Record—Open to Examination.] § 6. He shall within twenty- four hours after making any inspection make a full and fair entry thereof in a record book to be kept for that purpose, which shall be open to all persons wishing to examine the same. 98. Misconduct in Office—Penalty.] § 7. Any such inspector or deputy who shall falsely brand any package, cask or barrel, or be guilty of any fraud, deceit, misconduct or culpable negligence in the perform- ance of any of his official duties, shall be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars and be liable to the party injured for all damage occasioned thereby. 99. Neglect to Give Notice of or Selling Oil Not Inspected—Counter- feit Brands—Penalty.] § 8. Any refiner or producer, or any dealer in, or manufacturer, person, firm or corporation using, directly or in the manufacture of their product, coal oil, naptha, gasoline, benzine, mineral seal, signal or other mineral oil or fluid, the product of petroleum, who shall neglect to give notice to such inspector of any such oil or fluid in his possession within two days after the same is made or refined by him or received into his possession, or shall offer any such oil or fluid for sale before the same has been so inspected, or shall sell or attempt to sell to any person for illuminating purposes, any such oil which is below the approved standard, that is, having igniting point less than one hun- dred and fifty degrees Farenheit, as indicated and determined in the manner herein provided, or shall use any package, cask, barrel or other thing having the inspection brand thereon, the oil or fluid therein not having been inspected, or shall counterfeit any brand, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars or more than two hundred dollars for each offense, and be liable to the party injured for all damages occasioned thereby, and all the casks, barrels or packages so falsely used, and their contents, shall be forfeited, and may be seized and sold. 100. Refilling Casks—Fraudulent Marks—Sale of Oil not Inspected —Penalty.] § 9. Any person, persons or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article or who shall use or refill casks, bar- rels or packages having the inspector’s brands thereon, for the purpose of fraudulently evading the conditions of this article, or shall mark the inspector’s device, or any marks purporting to be marks of inspection, on any cask, barrel or package, of any of the articles named in this article, or shall offer for sale within the city any of said oil that has not been examined by said inspector or his deputy, shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 101. Fees for Inspection—Deputies.] § 10. The Inspector of Oils may charge not to exceed the following fees: For inspecting one barrel, twenty-five cents; from one to five barrels, twenty cents each; from five to ten barrels, fifteen cents each; and over ten barrels, five cents each; and collect the same from the party requiring his services. He may, also, 48 Revised Ordinances if necessary to the convenient dispatch of his duties, appoint, with the approval of the power appointing him, a suitable number of deputies, for whom he shall be accountable, which deputies are hereby empowered to perform the duties of inspector. 102. Fees Property of City—Compensation.] § 11. All the fees collected by such inspector or deputy shall be the property of the City of Bloomington and shall be paid by said inspector or deputy to the said city. He shall receive as his salary or compensation such an amount as shall be fixed by ordinance, not to exceed five thousand dollars per year. 103. Monthly Reports.] § 12. He shall submit to the Mayor on or before the tenth day of each month his itemized report of all oils and fluids inspected by him during the preceding month, together with a report of the amount of fees collected or earned therefor, which report shall be laid before the council at its next meeting by the Mayor. 104. Storage of Oil.] § 13. It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to keep or store within said city, unless otherwise au- thorized by these ordinances, any coal oil, kerosene, oil, benzine, naptha, gasoline, camphene or anything of like nature, unless the same shall be stored in a fire proof building or metal tank approved by the Superin- tendent of Buildings and in accordance with the rules and requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, in force at the time of the construction of said building or tank. 105. Retailers may Keep—Permit.] § 14. Retailers may keep two barrels each of coal oil and gasoline to be sold at retail; Prowided, that such retailers shall first obtain a permit from the Superintendent of Buildings, which said permit shall state in what manner said articles shall be stored. 106. Not to be Placed on Sidewalk, etc.] § 15. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person or corporation to place or cause to be placed any of the above articles on any street, alley or sidewalk for a longer time than is sufficient to receive in store or deliver the same; Provided, such time shall in no case exceed six hours. 107. Storage in Tanks.] § 16. The above enumerated articles may be stored in strong iron tanks on condition that a permit be obtained from the council to so store such articles and that the said storage be in ac- cordance with the rules and requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters in force at that time. 108. Penalty.] § 17. Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article, where no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than two hun- dred dollars for each offense. Pound ARTICLE XIII. 49 POUND. Section. Section. 109. Poundkeeper—Office Created 122. Execution on Judgment— —Appointment—Term, Form of 110. Bond—Oath. 123. Sale Notice—Form of 111. Domestic Animal—Unlawful 124. Adjourning Sale—Sale With- to Run at Large—Penalty. out Notice—Penalty. 112. Poundkeeper’s Duty 125. Purchase Prohibited. 113. Policemen—Duty. 126. Sale—Proceeds of, 114. Who May Impound. 127. Breaking Pound. 115. Sustenance for Animal— 128. Obstructing Taking of Ani- How Provided. mal—Penalty. 116. Fees for Impounding. _ 129. Unlawful Taking up to Im- 117. Redemption of Animal. pound—Penalty. 118. Proceeding as to Impounded 130. Books of Account—Yearly Animal. Audit. 119. Proceeding—Unknown Own- 131. Monthly Report—Fees to be er—Notice. Paid Over. 120. Justice’s Docket—Entry. 132. Compensation, 121. Trial by Jury. 109. Poundkeeper — Office Created — Appointment — Term.] § l. There hereby is created the office of Poundkeeper, who shall be appointed annually by the Commissioner of Public Affairs, with the approval of the council, and shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor is appointed and has qualified. Said appointment shall be made on the first day of May of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be. He shall perform such duties as are imposed upon him by law and ordinance, and also such further duties as may be given him from time to time by the council or by the Commissioner of Public Affairs. . 110. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take the oath prescribed by law for such officials and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with such sureties as the council shall approve, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and he shall receive such salary or compensation as shall be pro- vided by ordinance. 111. Domestic Animal—Unlawful to Run at Large—Penalty.] § 3. It shall be unlawful for any domestic animal of the species of horse, mule, sheep, cattle, swine, goat, goose or chicken to run or go at large, at any time, within the corporate limits of the City of Bloomington, and any person, being the owner, possessor or keeper of any such animal or 50 Revised Ordinances animals, who shall knowingly suffer or permit the same to go or run at large in said city in violation of this section shall be subject to a penalty of one dollar for each and every animal so permitted to run or go at large, together with the fees for impounding and the expense of sus- tenance for such animal or animals when impounded as hereinafter pro- vided. 112. Poundkeeper’s Duty.] § 4. It shall be the duty of the Pound- keeper to take up and impound any animal known by him to be running at large within said city contrary to any ordinance of the city. 113. Policemen—Duty.] § 5. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, and of every member of the police force, to take up any and every animal known by him to be unlawfully at large within the city contrary to any ordinance, and to confine the same in the city pound. 114. Who May Impound.] § 6. Any person inconvenienced or in- jured, or who may be in danger of being injured, either in person or property, by reason of the unlawful running at large in the city of any animal contrary to any ordinance, may take and drive such animal to the city pound, and it shall be the duty of the Poundkeeper to receive and impound the same. 115. Sustenance for Animal—How Provided.] § 7. The Pound- keeper under the direction and control of the Chief of Police shall pro- vide suitable and necessary food and drink for all such animals as may be taken up and impounded, during the time they may be so impounded. 116. Fees for Impounding.] § 8. There shall be charged for each animal impounded, an impounding fee of fifty cents and also fifty cents for each day or part of a day for providing sustenance for each animal impounded. 117. Redemption of Animal.] § 9. At any time before the sale of any animal or animals impounded, the owner or owners thereof may redeem the same by paying to the poundkeeper the penalty of one dollar together with the impounding fee and costs of sustenance as prescribed in the last preceding section. In case proceedings shall have been in- stituted before a judicial officer, the costs of such proceedings, and the amount of the judgment, if judgment shall have been recovered, together with subsequently accrued costs of sustenance, shall be the redemption money to be paid. 118. Proceeding as to Impounded Animal.] § 10. When any ani- mal or animals shall be impounded as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the keeper of the pound forthwith to make complaint before the Police Magistrate, or some justice of the peace of the said city, against the owner or owners of such animals, if known, and thereupon a warrant shall be issued, and upon the return thereof executed, or the defendant having appeared, it shall be the duty of the justice or Police Magistrate Pound 51 to inquire whether the defendant has been guilty of a violation of the ordinances; and, if the defendant be found guilty, judgment shall be rendered against him for the penalty, impounding fee and cost of sus- tenance herein prescribed, and costs of suit, and an order shall be entered that the animal or animals shall be sold to satisfy said judgment in case the same shall not be paid forthwith. Such order shall describe the animal or animals, and state the time and place of impounding. 119. Proceeding — Unknown Owner — Notice.] § 11. When the owner of any animal impounded shall be unknown it shall be the duty of the Poundkeeper, when the same shall be impounded, to make com- plaint, as provided in the last section, against the unknown owner or owners of such animal, describing the same, and thereupon the officer before whom such complaint shall be made, shall issue a notice in substance as follows, to-wit: WHEREAS, complaint has this day been made before me, that the owner or owners of the described animals, to-wit: ——_—__——_—__ impounded at ———————— on the day of ————_——_,, A. D. ; has permitted the same to run at large, contrary to the provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bloomington. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that a trial will be had upon the said complaint at my office in the City of Bloomington, on the day of ————_—__, A. D. ————_, at the hour of ————— m., when and where the unknown owner or owners may appear and defend if he, she or they see fit to do so. Witness my hand and official seal, this ——————— day of ————_—__, a SLi. S:) ’ Jee Ort L a. The day named in said notice for trial shall not be less than five, nor more than ten days from the date of issuing the same, and it shall be the duty of the Poundkeeper, forthwith, to post three copies of said notice, one at the pound, one at the office of the justice or Police Magis- trate issuing the same, and one at the city hall in said city, and to re- turn the said notice with the time and manner of said posting. 120. Justice’s Docket—Entry.] § 12. The justice or Police Magis- trate issuing said notice shall enter the cause upon his docket as follows, to-wit: The City of Bloomington against the unknown owner, or owners of (here specify the animals). And upon the return of the notice prescribed in the last section like proceedings shall be had as in the case of personal service or appearance. 121. Trial by Jury.] § 13. Im all trials for violations hereof, the accused shall have the right of trial by jury, and in proceedings against unknown owner or owners the trial must be by jury. 52 Revised Ordinances 122. Execution on Judgment—Form of.] § 14. Upon the rendition of judgment, the justice of the peace or Police Magistrate rendering the same shall issue to the keeper of the pound an execution, which shall be in the following form, as nearly,as may be: The People of the State of Illinois, To ———__—__——————_- Poundkeeper: We command you, that of the following described goods and chattels, to- wits ——— the property 0f , you make the sum of ——————— dollars and ————— cents costs, which the City of Bloomington recently recovered before me against the said ————————_—_—__, and _ hereof make due return, Given under my hand and seal, this —-———————- day of ——————_,, Ae COS.) : Jb s Of bean 123. Sale Notice—Form of—Sale—Return of Execution.] § 15. Upon the receipt of such order the Poundkeeper shall immediately post three notices, in like places as provided above for notice of trial, in substance as follows: Taken up and impounded in the city pound of the City of Bloom- ington, at ——————————— the following described ani- mals; ————___________YYY_., which unless redeemed, will be sold at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at said pound, at the hour of —————— o’elock in the forenoon, on the day of———_—_, ; Poundkeeper. The day of the sale mentioned in said notice shall be the third day after posting the same, exclusive of Sundays, holidays and election days, -and if said animal or animals, are not redeemed the Poundkeeper shall sell the same in accordance with said notice. It shall be the duty of the Poundkeeper to return the said execution within twenty days from its date to the officer issuing the same with endorsement showing when and how the same was executed. 124. Adjourning Sale—Sale Without Notice—Penalty.] § 16. Said Poundkeeper may, for want of bidders or other sufficient cause, adjourn any such sale from day to day until the same shall be completed. If he shall sell any animal without giving the notice above prescribed he shall incur a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars for each and every offense. 125. Purchase Prohibited.] § 17. No person shall purchase or be interested, directly or indirectly, in the purchase of any animal taken up, impounded or sold by him under the provisions of this article, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred Pound 03 dollars for each animal, and, if the Poundkeeper, the forfeiture of his office. 126. Sale—Proceeds of.] § 18. When the proceeds of the sale of any animal or animals shall exceed the amount of judgment and costs and the expense of sustenance which shall have accrued subsequently to the rendition of the judgment, such excess shall be paid to the Com- missioner of Accounts and Finances, and the owner or owners of such animal or animals shall be entitled to said excess upon presenting to the said commissioner satisfactory evidence of right thereto. 127. Breaking Pound.] § 19. If any person shall break open, or in any manner, directly or indirectly, aid or assist in, or counsel or ad- vise, the breaking open of the city pound, he shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dollars. 128. Obstructing Taking of Animal—Penalty.] § 20. No person shall hinder, delay or obstruct any person engaged in taking to the city pound any animal or animals likely to be impounded, under a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars for each animal so being taken. 129. Unlawful Taking Up to Impound—Penalty.] § 21. Any per- son who shall take or. drive any such animal from any inclosed lot or tract of ground, or from any stable or other building, or from outside the pound limits into the limits of the city, with the intent that such animal may be impounded, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for every animal so driven or taken from the place or places aforesaid. 130. Books of Account—Yearly Audit.] § 22. It shall be the duty of the Poundkeeper to keep such books and in such manner as the Com- missioner of Accounts and Finances shall direct, which shall show all the receipts and expenditures of and for the city pound; and the Com- missioner of Accounts and Finances shall at least once a year, audit and adjust the accounts of said Poundkeeper. 131. Monthly Report—Fees to be Paid Over.] § 23. The Pound- keéper of said city shall at the end of each month pay to the Commis- sioner of Accounts of Finances all moneys received by him over and above the necessary expenditures for the maintenance of the pound during the month, and shall at the end of each month render to the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances a full statement, under oath, of all animals received into the pound during such month, describing the same, with the names of owners, if known, the dates when received respectively, of the animals redeemed and the date of redemption, of those sold, and the time of sale, and of all moneys received by him during said month for the redemption, or upon the sale of animals, or otherwise, as Pound- keeper, and of all moneys expended by him in the maintenance of the pound, and shall attach to said statement receipts for all such moneys. 54 Revised Ordinances The Poundkeeper shall also keep a record in which he shall enter from time to time as they occur all matters required to be shown in such statements, and in which he shall cause to be written the receipts of owners of animals redeemed. 132. Compensation.] § 24. The said Poundkeeper shall receive as his compensation the fees which he shall collect as provided herein for his work, and he shall accept no other compensation or perquisite: Pro- vided, that in case any member of the police force shall be appointed as such Poundkeeper this section shall not be so construed as to affect his compensation or pay as such member of the police force in addition to the fees as Poundkeeper herein provided for. ARTICLE XIV. LIBRARY. Section. Section. 133. Public Library Established— 139. Organization—Powers— Name. Funds. 134. Supervision and Control. 140. Annual Report and Estimate. 135. Board of Directors Created— 141. Injuring Book—Penalty. Appointment, 142. Injury to Furniture, etc.— 136. Terms of—Removal. Penalty. 137. Vacancies—How Filled— 143. Failure to Return Book— Compensation. Penalty. 138. Oath. 133. Public Library Established — Name.] § 1. There hereby is established a free Public Library and Reading Room for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the City of Bloomington, which Library and Reading Room shall be known as ‘‘ The Withers Public Library.’’ 134. Supervision and Control.] § 2. The said Public Library and Reading Room, and the Board of Directors thereof, shall be under the supervision and control of the Commissioner of Public Affairs, and are hereby assigned to the Department of Public Affairs. 135. Board of Directors Created—Appointment.] §3. There hereby is created a Board of Library Directors consisting of nine members. The said directors shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the council, three of said directors to be so appointed before the first day of July of each year to take the place of the retiring directors. 136. Terms of—Removal.] § 4. The terms of three of said di- rectors shall commence each year. Said directors respectively shall hold office for three years from the first day of July following their appoint- ment, and until their successors are appointed and have qualified. The Inbrary 55 Mayor, by and with the consent of the council, may remove any director for misconduct or neglect of duty. 137. Vacancies—How Filled — Compensation.] § 5. Vacancies in the Board of Directors occasioned by removals, resignation or otherwise shall be reported to the council and be filled in like manner as original ‘appointments. No director shall receive any compensation as such. 138. Oath.] § 6. The directors shall, before entering upon the duties of their office, severally take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law for city officers. 139. Organization—Powers—Funds.] § 7. Said directors shall im- mediately after appointment meet and organize by the election of one of their number president, and by the election of such other officers as they may deem necessary. They shall make and adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the government of the library and reading-room as may be expedient, not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Illinois or of the ordinances of the City of Blooming- ton. ; They shall have the exclusive control of expenditure of all moneys collected to the credit cf the library fund, and of the construction of any library building and of the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or buildings constructed, leased, or set apart for that purpose: Provided, that all moneys received for such library shall be deposited in the treasury of said city to the credit of the library fund, and shall be kept separate and apart from other moneys of such city, and drawn upon by the proper officers of said city only upon properly authenticated vouchers of said board, approved by the Commissioner of Public Affairs. Said Board shall have the power to purchase or lease grounds, to occupy, lease or erect an appropriate building or buildings for the use of said library; shall have power to appoint a suitable librarian and nec- essary assistants, and fix their compensation, and shall also have power to remove such appointees; and shall, in general, carry out the spirit and intent of this ordinance in establishing and maintaining a public library and reading-room, which shall be forever free to the use of the inhabitants of said city, always subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Library Board may adopt in order to render the use of said library and reading-room of the greatest benefit to the greatest number; and said board may exclude from the use of said library and reading-room any and all persons who shall wilfully violate such rules, Said board may extend the privileges and use of said library and reading-room, to persons residing outside of such city in this State upon such terms and conditions as said board may from time to time by its regulations prescribe. 140. Annual Report and Estimate.] § 8. The said Board of Di- rectors shall make on or before the second Monday of June an annual report to the city council, stating the conditions of their trust on the 56 Revised Ordinances first day of June of that year, the various sums of moneys received from the library fund and from other sources, and how such moneys have been expended, and for what purposes; the number of books and periodicals on hand, the number added by purchase, gift, or otherwise, during the year; the number lost or missing; the number of visitors at- tending; the number of books loaned out, and the general character and kind of such books, with such other statistics, information and suggestions as they may deem of general interest. All such portions of said report as relate to the receipt and expendi- ture of money, as well as the number of books on hand, books lost or missing, and books purchased, shall be verified by an affidavit, and further, said board shall in said report as aforesaid estimate the approximate ex- penditures of said board for the next succeeding year. In the performance of their duties as such directors they shall be goy- erned by the laws of the State of Illinois as they now are in effect, or may be hereafter changed, and in accordance with the ordinances or resolu- tions of the council of the City of Bloomington as are now in effect or may be hereafter enacted, and all proceedings of said board shall be under the supervision and control of the Commissioner of Public Affairs. 141. Injuring Book—Penalty.] § 9. Any person who shall wilfully © or maliciously cut, write upon, injure, deface, tear or destroy any book, newspaper, plate, picture, engraving or statue belonging to the Withers Public, Library, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for every such offense. 142. Injury to Furniture, etc.—Penalty.] § 10. Any person who shall wilfully or maliciously commit any injury upon the Withers Public Li- brary, or upon the grounds, buildings, furniture, fixtures or other property thereof, shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for every such offense. 143. Failure to Return Book—Penalty.] § 11. Any person who shall fail to return any book belonging to the Withers Public Library, ac- cording to the requirements of the by-laws duly made and adopted by the directors of such library for the government thereof, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars for every such offense. Article. 1. Commissioner of Accounts 4. and Finances. 5. 2. City Collector. 6. 3. City Clerk. ARTICLE I. Section. 144. 145. 146. 148. 149, 150. 151. 144. —Subordinates. ] CHAPTER IV. DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES City Treasurer. Clerk and Assistant Clerk. Meter Repairer. COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES. Commissioner of Accounts and Finances — General Powers—Subordinates. Bond. Supervision Over Books and Accounts. Audit of Accounts and Re- ports. Fiscal Year. Duties in Absence of Mayor. Public Service Utilities. Shall be Purchasing Agent-— Custody of Deeds, etc. Printing and Supplies— Requisition for. Purchases—Must be Author- ized When. Deposits—Credit to Treas- urer, Books—Contents of — Open to Examination. Bills, Claims, ete—Where Filed—Report Upon—Rece- ord of—Oath. Commissioner of Accounts § 1. The Commissioner of Accounts and Finances shall 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. Warrant for Bills, ete. Register of Warrants—Re- ceipts. Monthly Reports by Officers Handling Money — Pro- ceedings in case of De- fault. Account of Revenue, Debts, Bonds, ete. : Appropriation—No Warrant Against When Exhausted. Unexpended Balances to General Fund. Bond Register—Report. Water Rents—Record—Col- lection, Improvements — Record of —Validity of Contract for. Attend Tax Sales. Licenses — Countersignature —Record of. Monthly Report to Council. Annual Report—Publication. Annual Estimate. and Finances—General Powers— have general supervision and control over all matters relating to the finances or revenues of the city, and he shall have supervision over the activities of all officers, boards and departments in so far as said activities directly af- fect the city’s finances or revenues, of 58 Revised Ordinances The City Clerk, City Treasurer and their respective offices or depart- ments and all employees therein, one clerk and one assistant clerk, all bookkeepers and accountants, and the Meter Repairer hereby are apportioned and assigned to the Department of Accounts and Finances, and shall be under the direction and supervision of the commissioner thereof, together with such other employees as are necessary in said department. 145. Bond.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall execute a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Judge of the County Court of McLean County, Illinois, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. The said bond shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of McLean County, [llinois. 146. Supervision Over Books and Accounts.] § 3. He shall pre- seribe the manner in which books of the several departments and sub-depart- ments, in so far as they concern the receipt and disbursement of the city’s funds, are kept, in order to establish uniformity therein, and he shall see that these accounts are regularly and correctly kept. 147. Audit of Accounts and Reports.] § 4. He shall audit, or cause to be audited, at frequent intervals the accounts of every officer or employee who does or may receive or disburse money, and shall examine and audit the reports of the City Treasurer, and annual reports of all other officers of the City of Bloomington handling city funds. 148. Fiscal Year.] § 5. The fiscal year of the City of Bloomington shall commence on the first day of May in each year. 149. Duties in Absence of Mayor.] § 6. The Commissioner of Ac- counts and Finances shall be vice-president of the council, and in the ab- sence of the Mayor, or in case of his inability to act, shall preside over the council and shall perform all the usual duties of the Mayor and the head of the Department of Public Affairs. 150. Public Service Utilities.] § 7. The Commissioner of Accounts and Finances shall procure from all persons or corporations operating Public Service Utilities in the city, and cause to be placed on file, such reports as they by law or ordinance or otherwise are required to make to the city or any of its officers, and he shall procure copies of such reports as are made to the State or to any public office or department, and shall cause the same to be placed on file, and shall collect, or cause to be collected all license fees, franchise taxes, rentals or other moneys which may be due or become due to the city. He shall report to the council any failures to make reports or pay money due to the city, with such recommendations in relation thereto as he may deem proper. He shall, whenever the city has authority so to do, cause to be examined the accounts and records of any person or corporation operating a public service utility in the city and shall report to the council any refusal to permit such examination. Commissioner of Accounts and Finances o9 151. Shall be Purchasing Agent—Custody of Deeds, etc.] § 8. The Commissioner of Accounts and Finances shall be the fiscal agent of the city, and he shall be the purchasing agent, and as such shall have charge and custody of all deeds, bonds, contracts, mortgages, notes, warrants, vouchers, books and papers belonging to the city, except such as by law or ordinance are directed to be deposited elsewhere. 152. Printing and Supplies—Requisition for.] § 9. The Commis- sioner of Accounts and Finances shall have charge of and supervision over all printing by or for the city, unless otherwise provided by law. He shall have charge of and supervision over the purchase, care and distri- bution of all supplies for all departments, unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance, and all articles or things shall be ordered or purchased only on a requisition on the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances signed by the commissioner for whose department the said article is to be purchased. 153. Purchases—Must be Authorized When.] § 10. All purchases of goods of the value of one hundred dollars or more shall be approved by a majority of the commissioners before such purchase is made or any contract entered into therefor. 154. Deposits—Credit to Treasurer.] § 11. He shall deposit from day to day in the usual course of business in the bank or place designated by the council as the depository for city moneys, all revenues and moneys belonging to the corporation collected by or coming to him in his official capacity, and on or before the first day of each month he shall place the moneys so deposited to the credit of the City Treasurer in said bank. 155. Books—Contents of—Open to Examination.] § 12. He shall open and keep in a neat and methodical manner a complete set of books, in which, among other things, shall be set forth the appropriations of the fiscal year for each distinct object and branch of expenditures; and also the receipts from each and every source of revenue, so far as he can ascertain the same. Said books, and all contracts, bonds, debts, warrants, vouchers, receipts and other papers kept in his office, shall be subject to the examina- tion of the Mayor and commissioners at all reasonable hours. 156. Bills, Claims, etc—Where Filed—Report Upon—Record of— Oath.] § 13. All bills, claims, demands and accounts against the City of Bloomington shall be filed in the office of the said Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. He shall examine them in detail and report to the council upon all bills, claims, demands and accounts at least once each week, and all pay-rolls, before they are acted upon or allowed, unless other- wise provided by law. He shall register all said bills, claims, demands, ac- counts, etc., in a book suitable for the purpose, and shall therein keep a rece- ord of the disposition of said bills, claims, demands, accounts, ete. He may require a statement in writing, under oath, as to any fact, mat- ter or thing concerning the justness of any such bills, claims, accounts and demands presented against the city. 60 Revised Ordinances 157. Warrant for Bills, etc.] § 14. He shall draw his warrant in due form upon the City Treasurer for all such bills, claims, accounts, de- mands, pay-rolls, ete., allowed by the council. 158. Register of Warrants—Receipts.] § 15. He shall keep in a suitable book an accurate list of all warrants drawn upon the City Treas- urer. Said books shall show the date, number and amount of each, and the name of the person in whose favor drawn, and said commissioner shall take the receipt of every person for every warrant upon delivery thereof. 159. Monthly Reports by Officers Handling Money—Proceedings in Case of Default.] § 16. He shall require all officers charged in any manner with the receipt, collection or disbursement of the city revenues to submit monthly reports in writing, showing in detail all such receipts, collections and disbursements, and to file the same in his office; and if any such officer shall neglect to make such report or to adjust his accounts whenever so required by the said commissioner, and to pay over to the proper officer any money in his possession belonging to the city, it shall be the duty of the said commissioner to cause a written notice to be served on such officer and his sureties demanding a settlement of his accounts with the city forthwith; and in case of the neglect or refusal of such officer to make such settlement and pay over such moneys for a period of ten days after the service of said notice, the said commissioner shall report such officer to the Mayor for his action in the matter; and proceedings shall be instituted at once against such delinquent officer and his sureties for the recovery of any money due said city. | 160. Account of Revenue, Debts, Bonds, etc.] § 17. Said commis- sioner shall keep a detailed account of the city’s revenue, and of each sep- arate fund, crediting the same with all its receipts or appropriations and charging it with all warrants drawn thereon; and he shall charge each war- rant to the fund or appropriation against which it is drawn. He shall also keep an accurate account of all debts due from or owing to the city and shall keep a book in which he shall enter a correct list of all bonds, notes or other obligations given by or payable to said city, with the date thereof, the person to whom or by whom payable, and such other par- ticulars as may be necessary to the full understanding thereof. 161. Appropriation—No Warrant Against When Exhausted.] § 18. Whenever any fund or appropriation is exhausted, the said commissioner shall without delay notify the city council thereof, and he shall not counter- sign any warrant against said fund or appropriation until the same shall be renewed. 162. Unexpended Balances to General Fund.] § 19. It shall be the duty of said commissioner to transfer and place to the credit of the general fund all unexpended balances of appropriations of former years remaining at the time that the annual appropriation ordinance of each year goes into effect: Provided, that no such transfer shall be made or disposition ordered Comnussioner of Accounts and Finances 61 of any trust fund, or any fund arising from special assessment or special taxation; nor in cases where contracts have been made or liabilities incurred on account of any such appropriation and remain uncompleted or unpaid at the time the appropriation ordinance goes into effect; nor of any fund created for any purpose or the payment of any liability exclusively pro- vided for by taxation. 163. Bond Register—Report.] § 20. Said commissioner shall keep in his office in a book expressly for that purpose, to be known as the bond register, a full and correct list of all outstanding bonds of said city, show- ing the number, amount, time of maturity, rate of interest and place of payment of each bond; and for what and to whom the same was issued; and when any city bonds are surrendered, cancelled or paid, said register shall show the fact, and in his annual report to the city council the said commissioner shall describe particularly the bonds sold, exchanged or re- deemed during the fiscal year and give an itemized statement of the ex- penses thereof. 164. Water Rents—Record—Collection.] § 21. He shall keep a complete record of all takers and users of city water, causing a separate account to be made of each specific piece of property where city water is used, showing the rate that each is paying for the water, the date when the water was turned on, the amount used each quarter, and such further data in connection therewith and such other records as shall be necessary to preserve a complete record of all receipts from the sale of city water. It shall be his duty to collect all water rents due the city, and said water rents shall be payable at his office. He shall keep a complete record of all said payments. 165. Improvements—Record of—Validity of Contract for.] § 22. Said commissioner shall keep in his office a correct list of all local or public improvements ordered by the city council and let under contract by the city; and all contracts and specifications therefor, made by authority of the city council, or by any officer or corporation pursuant thereto in rela- tion to such improvements, shall be filed in the said commissioner’s office, and no such contract shall be valid unless countersigned by said commis- sioner. 166. Attend Tax Sales.] § 23. The said commissioner shall be authorized, and it is hereby made his duty, to attend all sales of real estate in said city made under proceedings in the County Court of McLean County to enforce the collection of any special tax or special assessment levied and assessed by ordinance of the city council for any public improvement, and to bid at such sales on behalf of the city. 167. Licenses—Countersignature—Record of.] § 24. All licenses when issued shall be presented to said commissioner who shall countersign the same and shall enter without fee in a book to be kept by him for that purpose the name of each person licensed, for what purpose licensed, the date 62 Revised Ordinances and number of the license, the amount paid for the same and the time of the expiration thereof. 168. Monthly Report to Council.] § 25. The Commissioner of Ac- counts and Finances shall, on or before the first Friday in each and every month make out and submit to the city council a statement in writing, of all the moneys received and warrants countersigned by him during the preceding month, showing therein from what sources and on what account said moneys were received and for what purpose and on what account said warrants were drawn or paid. 169. Annual Report—Publication.] § 26. Said commissioner within twenty days after the first day of May in each year shall make out an an- nual report for publication, giving a detailed statement of all the receipts and revenues and expenditures of said city during the preceding year. Said report shall also detail the condition of all unexpended appropriations, the balance of money then remaining in the treasury, and all other matters necessary to exhibit the true financial condition of the city, which report, when examined and approved by the council, shall be published by said commissioner without delay. 170. Annual Estimate.] § 27. In addition to his other duties the said commissioner on or before the fifteenth day of May in each year, and before the annual appropriations are made by the city council, shall sub- mit to the said council a statement of his estimates, as nearly as may be, of the moneys necessary to defray the expenses of the corporation during the current fiscal year. He shall in said statement classify the different objects and branches of expenditure, giving the amount required for each, as nearly as may be, and for the purpose of making such statement, he is authorized to require of all city officers statements of the condition and ex- penses of their respective offices or departments, with any proposed improve- ments and probable expenses thereof, and of all contracts made and un- completed, and the amount of any and all unexpended appropriations of the preceding fiscal year. He shall also in such statement show the aggregate income of the pre- ceding fiscal year from all sources, the amount of liabilities outstanding upon which interest is to be paid, the bonds and debts payable during the year; when due and when payable; and he shall give therein such other information to the city council as he may deem necessary to the end that said council may fully understand the money exigencies and demands upon the city for the current year. . City Collector 63 ARTICLE II. CITY COLLECTOR. Section. Section. 171. - City Collector—Office Creat- 174. Weekly Payment to City ed—Ex Officio Collector— Treasurer. 7 Powers—Bond. 175. Books of Account—Warrants. 172. Duties. 176. Books, ete., Open to Exami- 173. Report of Delinquent List to nation. County Collector. 177. Annual Statement —Publica- tion. 171. City Collector—Office Created—Ex Officio Collector—Powers— Bond.] § 1. There hereby is created the office of City Collector, which office, until otherwise provided by ordinance, shall be filled by the Commis- sioner of Accounts and Finances, who hereby is vested with full power to carry into force all provisions of the laws and ordinances relating to the office of City Collector. The said Commissioner of Accounts and Finances shall not be required to give any additional bond on account of the fact that he acts as such ex officio collector. 172. Duties.] § 2. It shall be the duty of said commissioner, when- ever any warrant for the collection of any special tax or special assessment shall be certified to him by the clerks of the county or Cireuit Court of Mc- Lean County, immediately to give notice in the official newspaper of the judgments of confirmation of said special assessment or special tax, of the general character of the proposed improvement and its location; that the warrant for the collection of the same is in his hands. All persons shall be notified to pay the same. And when any such assessment is payable in installments, such notice shall contain the amount of each installment, the rate of interest such installment will bear and the date when payable. As far as practicable he shall call upon all persons resident in the neighborhood whose names are in the assessment roll, or the occupants of the property assessed, or by written notices left at their usual place of abode, inform them of said special assessment and request payment. It shall be the duty of said commissioner to write the word ‘‘paid’’ opposite each tract or lot on which the assessment is paid, together with the name and address of the person paying the same, also the date of payment, and he shall satisfy the respective judgment of the same on the judgment records of the McLean County Circuit or County Courts. Such commissioner shall also have charge of the collection of licences of all kinds due or owing to the city, and shall see that they are all promptly paid when due. He shall perform such other and further duties as such ex officio collector as may from time to time be prescribed by law or by or- dinance of said city. 64 Revised Ordinances 173. Report of Delinquent List to County Collector.) § 3. It shall be the duty of said commissioner, on or before the first day of April in each year, to make a report in writing, to the general officer of the county designated by the general revenue laws of this state to apply for judgment and sell land for taxes, of all the lands, town lots, tracts or parcels of real estate on which he shall be unable to collect special assessments, or install- ments thereof, matured and payable, or interest thereon, or interest due on installments not yet matured, on all warrants in his hands, with the amount of such delinquent special assessments or installments and interest together with his warrants; which report shall be accompanied with the oath of the said commissioner that the list is a correct return and report of the land, town lots and real property on which the special assessments or special taxes levied by the City of Bloomington, or installments thereof or interest thereon, remain due and unpaid; that he is unable to collect the same or any part thereof, and that all due notices required by law have been duly given, 174. Weekly Payment to City Treasurer.] § 4. At least once every week he shall pay over to the City Treasurer, all moneys collected by him as such ex officio collector, from any source whatever, taking such Treasurer’s receipt therefor, which receipt shall be filed with the City Clerk, who shall furnish said commissioner a copy of such receipt so filed. 175. Books of Account—Warrants.] § 5. It shall be the duty of the said commissioner to keep books and accounts which shall show all re- ceipts and moneys received by him as such ex officio collector, and other matters pertaining to this office; such books and accounts to be kept in-a clear, intelligible and methodical manner. He shall preserve all warrants which are returned into his hands. 176. Books, etc., Open to Examination.] § 6. All warrants, books, and all papers pertaining to his office as such ex officio collector, shall at all times be open to the inspection of and subject to the examination of the Mayor and any commissioner. 177. Annual Statement—Publication.] § 7. He shall annually be- tween the first and tenth of April file with the City Clerk a statement of all moneys collected by him during the year as such ex officio collector, the particular warrant, special assessment or account on which collected, the balance of moneys collected on all warrants in his hands, and the balance remaining uncollected at the time of the return on all warrants which he shall have returned during the preceding fiscal year to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall immediately cause this statement to be published in a news- paper printed in the City of Bloomington. City Clerk 65 ARTICLE III. CITY CLERK. Section. Section. 178. City Clerk—Office Created— 184. Attend Council—Clerk there- Election. of—Record. 179. Term—Under Control of 185. Record of Ordinances, Commissioner of Accounts 186. Notices—Clerk to Issue. and Finances, 187. Licenses—Clerk to Attest. 180. Bond—Oath. 188. Shall Deliver Ordinances, 181. Fees Property of City. etc., Upon Request. 182. Shall be Town Clerk. 189. Daily Settlement. 183. Corporate Seal. 178. City Clerk—Office Created—Election.] § 1. There is hereby created the office of City Clerk, who shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the City Council on the first day of May in each year, or as soon thereafter as is practicable. 179. Term—Under Control of Commissioner of Accounts and Finan- ces.] § 2. He shall hold his office for the term of one year, and until his successor is elected and has qualified. His duties shall be such as are prescribed by law or ordinance, and in addition thereto such other duties as may be imposed upon him from time to time by the council or the Com- missioner of Accounts and Finances. He shall be under the direction and supervision of said Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. 180. Bond—Oath.] § 3. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office, which bond shall be filed with the City Treasurer. 181. Fees Property of City.] § 4. He shall receive such salary or compensation as may be provided by ordinance. All fees payable by law to the City Clerk shall be the property of the City of Bloomington. 182. Shall be Town Clerk.] § 5. In addition to the duties imposed upon him by law and ordinance as City Clerk, the said City Clerk shall, ex officio, be Town Clerk of the Town of the City of Bloomington, and shall perform all the duties, and exercise all the powers of such Town Clerk, and no Town Clerk shall be elected for the Town of the City of Bloomington. 183. Corporate Seal.] § 6. The City Clerk shall keep the Corporate Seal, to be provided under the direction of the city council, and with the Corporate Seal shall attest all instruments and documents required to be so attested. 66 Revised Ordinances 184. Attend Council—Clerk thereof—Record.] § 7. He shall at- tend all meetings of the council, and shall be clerk of said council, and shall keep a full record of its proceedings in the journal. 185. Record of Ordinances.] § 8. The clerk shall record, in a book to be kept for that purpose, all ordinances passed by the council, and at the foot of the record of each ordinance so recorded shall make a memoran- dum of the date of the presentment, passage, approval, recording, publication or posting of such ordinance. 186. Notices—Clerk to Issue.] § 9. He shall issue such notices as may be directed by the council, and notify all persons whose attendance may be required before the council or any committee thereof, and also shall issue notices of special meetings. 187. Licenses—Clerk to Attest.] § 10. He. shall attest with the Corporate Seal all licenses granted by the Mayor or the council under the ordinances of the city. 188. Shall Deliver Ordinances, etc., Upon Request.] § 11. He shall, without delay, deliver to the Mayor or any commissioner all resolu- tions and communications referring to such officers, and also all ordinances and resolutions under his charge which may be required to be approved or otherwise acted upon by the Mayor, or which shall be requested by the Mayor or any of the commissioners, together with all papers on which the same were founded. 189. Daily Settlement.] § 12. He shall pay over daily to the Com- missioner of Accounts and Finances all moneys received by him for the city by or on any account whatever. ARTICLE IV. CITY TREASURER. Section. Section. 190. City Treasurer—Office Cre- 198. Receipts. ated—Election. 199. Keep Corporate Money Sep- 191. Term—Under Control of arate—Private Use — Pen- Commissioner of Accounts alty. and Finances. 200. Warrants—How Signed — 192. Bond—Oath. Contents. 193. Shall be Town Collector. 201. Daily Deposits. 194. Shall Receive Corporate 202. City Depository—Selection— _ Money—Accounts. Interest — Collection of— 195. Monthly Account. Bond. 196. Register and Cancel War- 203. Annual Account—Publica- rants, tion. 197. Special Assessment Funds Kept Separate. City Treasurer 67 190. City Treasurer—Office Created—Election.] § 1. There is hereby created the office of City Treasurer, who shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the council on the first day of May in each year, or as soon thereafter as is practicable. 191. Term—Under Control of Commissioner of Accounts and Finan- ces.] § 2. He shall hold his office for the term of one year and until his successor is elected and has qualified. His duties shall be such as are prescribed by law or ordinance, and in addition thereto such other duties as may be imposed upon him from time to time by the council or the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. He shall be under the direction and supervision of the said Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. 192. Bond—Oath.] § 3. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of three hundred thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. He shall receive such salary or compensation as may be provided by ordinance, 193. Shall be Town Collector.] § 4. In addition to the duties im- posed upon him by law or ordinance as such City Treasurer, the said City Treasurer shall, ex-officio, be Town Collector of the Town of the City of Bloomington, and shall perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of such Town Collector, and no Town Collector shall be elected for the Town of the City of Bloomington. 194. Shall Receive Corporate Money—Accounts.] § 5. Said Treas- urer shall receive all moneys belonging to the corporation and shall keep a separate account of each fund or appropriation, and the debits and credits belonging thereto. 195. Monthly Account.] § 6. He shall render at the end of each month, and oftener if required, an account to the Commissioner of Ac- counts and Finances, showing the state of the treasury at the date of such account, and the balance of the money in the treasury. He shall also accompany such accounts with a statement of all moneys received in the treasury and on what account, together with all warrants redeemed and paid by him, which said warrants, with any and all vouchers held by him, shall be delivered to the Clerk, and filed with his said account in the Clerk’s office, upon every day of such settlement. He shall return all warrants paid by him stamped or marked ‘‘Paid.’’ 196. Register and Cancel Warrants.] § 7. Said treasurer shall keep an accurate register of all warrants redeemed and paid by him, showing the number, date and amount of each, the fund from which paid, and the name of the person to whom and where paid; and he shall cancel all warrants as soon as redeemed by him. . 68 Revised Ordinances 197. Special Assessment Funds Kept Separate.] § 8. All moneys received on any special assessment shall be held by said treasurer as a special fund, to be applied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment was made, and said money shall be used for no other pur- pose whatever, unless to reimburse the city for money expended for such improvement out of its general fund. 198. Receipts.] § 9. He shall give every person paying money into the treasury a receipt therefor, specifying the date of payment, and upon what account paid, and he shall also file copies of such receipts with the clerk at the date of his monthly reports. 199. Keep Corporate Money Separate—Private Use—Penalty. | § 10. The treasurer shall keep all moneys belonging to the corporation in his hands separate and distinct from his own moneys and he hereby expressly is prohibited from using, either directly or indirectly, the cor- poration money or warrants in his custody and keeping for his own use and benefit, or that of any other person or persons whomsoever. Any violation of this provision shall subject him to immediate removal from his office by the council, who hereby are authorized to declare said office vacant; and in which case a successor shall be elected who shall hold his office for the remainder of the term unexpired of such officer so removed. 200. Warrants—How Signed—Contents.] §11. All warrants drawn upon the treasurer must be signed by the Mayor and the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, stating the particular fund to which the same shall be chargeable and the person to whom payable. No money shall be otherwise paid than upon such warrant so drawn, except as other- wise provided by law. 201. Daily Deposits.] § 12. The said treasurer shall make daily deposits of such sums of money as shall be received by him from all sources of revenue whatsoever, to his credit as treasurer of the City of Bloomington in the bark designated as the city depository as hereinafter prescribed. 202. City Depository — Selection — Interest—Collection of—Bond. | § 13. The moneys of the city shall be deposited in a bank located in the City of Bloomington, to be selected by the Mayor, the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances and the Treasurer, or by any two of them. Any bank so selected, before any such deposit is made therein, shall be required to enter into an obligation with the council to pay into the treasury of the city interest on the monthly balances of such deposits at a rate to be fixed by the Mayor, the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances and the Treasurer, or by any two of. them, and which rate may be changed in the same manner, Provided, such rate shall not be less than three per centum per annum. ‘Clerk and Assistant Clerk 69 Such bank shall execute a good and sufficient bond, with sureties to be approved by the Mayor, and conditioned that such bank will safely keep and account for and pay over said money. The said Mayor, Commissioner of Accounts and Finances and the Treasurer, in the selection of any such depository bank, shall take into consideration the reputation and solvency thereof, and the sufficiency of the security offered by such bank. All interest paid by any such bank upon such balances shall be col- lected by the Treasurer, and by him shall be reported in his next state- ment showing such collection and shall be considered and treated as part of the general fund of the city, subject to use for any legitimate munic- ipal purpose. 203. Annual Account —- Publication.] § 14. The said Treasurer shall annually, between the first and tenth of May, make out and file with the Clerk a full and detailed account of all his receipts and expenditures, and of all his transactions as such treasurer, during the preceding fiscal year, and shall show in such account the state of the treasury at the close of the fiscal year; which account the Clerk immediately shall cause to be published in a newspaper printed in the City of Bloomington. ARTICLE V. CLERK AND ASSISTANT CLERK. Section. Section. 204. Clerk and Assistant Clerk— 206. Under Supervision of Com- Offices Created—Appoint- missioner of Accounts and ment—Term., Finances—Duties. 205. Bond—Oath. 204. Clerk and Assistant Clerk—Offices Created—Appointment— Term.] § 1. There hereby are created the offices of Clerk and Assistant Clerk of the Department of Accounts and Finances. These officers shall be appointed annually by the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, with the approval of the council, on the first day of May, or as soon thereafter as may be. They shall each hold office for the period of one year, and until their respective successors have been appointed and have qualified. 205. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, each of said officers shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and shall each execute a bond in the penal sum of two thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of their respective offices. Said officers shall receive such salary or compensation as may be provided by ordinance. 70 Revised Ordinances 206. Under Supervision of Commissioner of Accounts and Finances— Duties.] § 3. They shall be under the supervision and control of the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, and their duties shall be such as from time to time are prescribed by the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances or by the council. ARTICLE VI. METER REPAIRER. Section. Section. 207. Meter Repairer—Office Cre- 210. Defective Meter—Notice. ated — Appointment — 211. Refusal to Repair—Notice— Term. Penalty. 208. Bond—Oath. 212. Account—Report. 209. Under Supervision of Com- missioner of Accounts and Finances. 207. Meter Repairer—Office Created—Appointment—Term.] § 1. There hereby is created the office of Meter Repairer, who shall be ap- pointed annually by the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, with the approval of the council, on the first day of May, or as soon there- after as is practicable. He shall hold his office for the term of one year, and until his successor is appointed and has qualified. 208. Bond—Oath.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers, and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. He shall receive such salary or compensation as may be pre- scribed by ordinance. 209. Under Supervision of Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. | § 3. The said Meter Repairer shall be under the supervision and control of the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, and his duties shall be such as are provided by ordinance, and in addition thereto such other duties as from time to time may be imposed upon him by the said Com- missioner of Accounts and Finances or the council. 210. Defective Meter—Notice.] § 4. Whenever any water meter used in connection with city water is reported out of order or in need of repair, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances to notify in writing the owner, tenant, agent or other person in charge of the premises for which said meter is being used, that said water meter is out of order and in need of repair, which notice shall also state that with and by the consent of said owner, tenant, agent or other Meter Repairer. ‘OL person, the Meter Repairer will take and remove such meter and put the same in first class repair and again install the same, charging such owner, tenant, agent or other person, the actual cost only of the labor and material required for so repairing such meter and reinstalling the same. 211. Refusal to Repair—Notice—Penalty.] § 5. Any owner, ten- ant, agent or other person in charge of such meter, who, having been notified as above provided, shall refuse to permit such Meter Repairer to take, repair and reinstall said meter, shall be served at once by the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances with notice that unless said meter be repaired and put in first class condition within ten days, the water will be shut off from said premises for which said meter is being used, and will not again be turned on until said meter has been put in good repair, and the charge paid for turning on the same as required by law. 212. Account—Report.] § 6. Such Meter Repairer shall keep a correct itemized account of all moneys received for labor or materials in the course of his employment, and shall report all such receipts to the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances and pay over to said commissioner any such moneys in his hands, under such rules and regulations as the said commissioner may prescribe. CHAPTER V. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ARTICLE ARTICLE 1. Commissioner of Public 11. Sanitary Inspector. Health and Safety. 12. Department of Buildings. 2. Fire Department. 13. Board for Inspection of Build- 3. Chief Fire Marshal. ings. 4. Assistant Fire Marshal, 14. Superintendent of Buildings. 5. Firemen, 15. Inspector of Plumbing— 6. Miscellaneous. Plumbing Regulations. 7. Department of Health. 16. Board of Examiners of Plumb- 8. Board of Health. ers, 9. Commissioners of Health. 17. Sealer of Weights and Meas- 10. Inspector of Health and Food, ures, ARTICLE I. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. Section. Section. 213. Commissioner of Public 214. Bond. Health and Safety—Gen- 215. Annual Estimate. eral Powers---Subordinates. 213. Commissioner of Public Health and Safety—General Powers— Subordinates.] § 1. The Commissioner of Public Health and Safety shall have control over and supervision of the Chief Fire Marshal, the Fire Department and all firemen, officers and employees therein; all fire stations, property and apparatus used in said Fire Department, (except the fire alarm system and all property and apparatus belonging thereto) ; the Superinten- dent of Buildings, Inspector of Plumbing, Inspector of Health and Food, Sanitary Inspector, Board of Health, Commissioners of Health, and their re- spective offices and all property and apparatus used therein; street corner waste paper receptacles, bill boards, the removal of garbage, scavengers, and all matters of sanitation; and these departments and subjects are hereby assigned to the Department of Public Health and Safety. He shall have charge of all purchases of horses, apparatus and sup- plies of his said department or the offices or departments assigned thereto, and he shall exercise supervision over the construction and repair of build- ings assigned to his department, and may, on application, receive assistance therein from other officers and departments of the city. 72 Fire Department—Chief Fire Marshal 73 214. Bond.] § 2. Before entering upon the duties cf his office, he shall execute a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the Judge of the County Court of McLean County, Illinois, conditioned upon the faith- ful performance of the duties of his office. The said bond shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of McLean County, Illinois. 215. Annual Estimate.] § 3. The Commissioner of Public Health and Safety shall prepare and submit to the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances, before the first day of May of each year, an estimate of the whole cost of maintaining his department, including all sub-departments and activ- ities under his control and supervision, during the succeeding fiscal year, which estimate shall be in detail, and shall be laid by the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances before the council at the same time that the annual estimate of the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances is laid before the council. ARTICLE II. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section. 216. Fire Department Established—Under Control of Commissioner of Public Health and Safety—Subordinates. 216. Fire Department Established—Under Control of Commissioner of Public Health and Safety—Subordinates.] § 1. There is hereby es- tablished an Executive Department of the municipal government of the City of Bloomington which shall be known as the Fire Department. This department shall be under the supervision and control of the Commis- sioner of Public Health and Safety, and shall consist of one Chief Fire Marshal, one Assistant Fire Marshal, and such fire companies and other employees as the city council may from time to time provide. ARTICLE III. CHIEF FIRE MARSHAL. Section. Section. 217. Chief Fire Marshal—Office 222. Custody of Apparatus. Created — Appointment— 223. Examination of Apparatus— Other Designation. Report. 218. Term. 224. Shall Keep Apparatus in Re- 219. Shall be Superintendent of pair. Buildings. 225. Attend Fires. . 220. Bond—Oath. 226. Shall Prefer Charges—May 221. Powers—Establish Rules. Suspend Subordinates. 74 Revised Ordinances Section. Section. 227. Record of Employees, 231. To Enforce Ordinances—Ex- 228. Record of Fires, etc. amination and Inspection. 229. May Remove Property at 232. Shall Wear Uniform, Fires. 233. Turn Over Property, etc., to 230. May Destroy Buildings. Successor. 217. Chief Fire Marshal—Office Created—Appointment—Other Des- ignation.] § 1. There hereby is created the office of Chief Fire Marshal of the City of Bloomington, who shall be appointed annually by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, with the approval of the council, on the first day of May, or as soon thereafter as may be. He shall be known also as the Chief of the Fire Department. 218. Term.] § 2. He shall hold his office for the term of one year, or until his successor is appointed and has qualified, and he shall receive such salary or compensation as may be provided by ordinance. 219. Shall be Superintendent of Buildings.] § 3. He shall be, ex officio, Superintendent of Buildings. He shall perform such duties as are prescribed for him by law or ordinance, and in addition thereto such other duties as from time to time may be imposed upon him by the council or the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. 220. Bond—Oath.] § 4. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take the oath prescribed by law for all city officers, and shall execute and deliver a bond payable to the City of Bloomington, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. 221. Powers—EHstablish Rules.] § 5. Said marshal shall be the head of the fire department, and shall have full control over the same and over all members thereof while in the line of their duty, subject to the control and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. The said marshal may, with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, prescribe and establish such rules and reg- ulations as he may deem proper for the government of the fire depart- ment and the members thereof. He shall furnish each member of said department with a copy of such rules and regulations, and it shall be his duty to see that said rules and regulations are enforced. 222. Custody of Apparatus.] § 6. The said marshal shall have the - eustody of the engines, hose carts, trucks, ladders, horses, hose house, and all buildings belonging or appertaining to said fire department, and all other property and equipment belonging or appertaining to the fire department, except the fire alarm system, subject to the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. 223. Examination of Apparatus—Report.] § 7. The said marshal shall at least once every month examine into the condition of the fire Chief Fire Marshal 75 engines, hose carts, hooks and ladders, wagons, trucks and all other fire apparatus, and engine houses,and report the same to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety immediately after said examination, together with any recommendations that he may deem proper to make for the good of the department, which report shall be communicated to the council by said commissioner. 224. Shall Keep Apparatus in Repair.] § 8. He shall keep himself fully informed on the condition and efficiency of all property or apparatus belonging to the department. Whenever any of said apparatus shall re- quire alterations or repairs he shall cause the same to be done under his supervision and direction. 225. Attend Fires.] § 9. He shall attend whenever possible all fires occurring within the city, and take command of the department at such fire, and see that the several members of the fire department faith- fully perform their respective duties. 226. Shall Prefer Charges—May Suspend Subordinates.] § 10. He may, either upon his own knowledge or upon information communi- cated to him by others, prefer formal charges to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety against any member of the fire department for incompetency, neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, drunkenness, or violation of any of the standing rules and regulations of said department. And he may also, pending such charges, suspend such member from duty, and such suspension shall continue in force until the charges can be in- vestigated by said commissioner. 227. Record of Employees.] § 11. Said marshal shall keep in a book to be provided for that purpose a full and accurate record of all the members of the department, showing the date of their appointment and discharge, together with their rate of pay and amount due them, and shall report the same at the end of each month to-the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. 228. Record of Fires, etc.] § 12. He shall keep an accurate list of all fires occurring in said city, the date and location of each fire, the name of the owner of the property destroyed, the cause of the fire, if known, the loss incurred thereby, the amount of insurance, and such other information as he may deem important to the city. 229. May Remove Property at Fires.] § 13. He shall have power to cause the removal of any property whenever it shall become necessary for the preservation of such property from fire, or to prevent the spread- ing of fire, or to protect adjacent. property. 230. May Destroy Buildings.] § 14. He shall have power, when he deems it necessary to check the progress of any fire, to cut down and re- move any fence, building or other erection of any kind, and he shall also have the power, when necessity exists, to blow up or cause to be blown up, with powder or otherwise, any building or structure. 76 Revised Ordinances 231. To Enforce Ordinances—Examination and Inspection.] § 15. It shall be the duty of said marshal to cause all ordinances of the City of Bloomington for the prevention of fires, and all other ordinances and reg- ulations in reference tc the fire department, to be strictly enforced. It shall be the duty of the said chief of the fire department to examine while in course of construction, all churches, school houses, hotels, halls, the- aters, rinks or other public buildings and whenever he is of the opinion that such building is being unsafely constructed, he shall at once report the same to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. He shall at least twice each year carefully inspect all hotels, church buildings, school houses, halls, theaters, rinks and other public buildings in the city limits and if in his opin- ion any such building is dangerous to public safety, he shall at once report the same to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. 232. Shall Wear Uniform.] § 16. The said marshal shall provide himself, at his own expense, with a suitable uniform, indicative of his rank, as prescribed by the rules and regulations of said department. 233. Turn Over Property, etc, to Successor.] § 17. Upon the ex- piration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom, he shall deliver to his suecessor in office all books, records, equipment and property of every description in his possession belonging to the city or ap- pertaining to his office. ARTICLE IV. ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL. Section. Section. 234. Assistant Fire Marshal—Office 236. Bond—Oath. - Created—Appointment. 237. Power and Authority. Zo0. erm. 238. Shall Wear Uniform. 234. Assistant Fire Marshal—Office Created—Appointment.] § 1. There hereby is created the office of Assistant Fire Marshal, who shall be appointed annually by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, with the approval of the Council, on the first day of May, or as soon thereafter as may be. 235. Term.] § 2. He shall hold his office for the term of one year, and until his successor is appointed and has qualified. He shall receive such salary or compensation as may be prescribed by ordinance, 236. Bond—Oath.] § 3. Before entering upon the duties of his office he shall take the oath prescribed for all city officers and shall execute a bond payable to the City of Bloomington in the penal sum of three thou- sand dollars, with sureties to be approved by the council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office. 237. Power and Authority.] § 4. He shall be second in command of the said fire department, in subordination to the Chief Fire Marshal, and in case of the absence or disability of the said Fire Marshal, he shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties of the said Fire Marshal. Firemen 77 238. Shall Wear Uniform.] § 5. He shall wear such uniform, to be provided at his own expense, as may be designated by the rules and regulations of said department, indicative of his rank. ARTICLE V. FIREMEN. Section. Section. 239. Firemen, etc.,—Number. 244, Property Saved at Fire—Pos- 240. Appointment. session of. 241. General Duties. 245. Trespasser During Fire—Ar- 242. Qualifications. rest of, 243. Hours of Service—Care of Ap- 246. Prescribed Uniform to be -paratus. Worn. 239. Firemen, etc—Number.] § 1. There shall be in the said fire department as many engineers, firemen, drivers, pipemen, truckmen and other subordinate employees as the council from time to time by ordi- nance or resolution may direct. 240. Appointment.] § 2. All such engineers, firemen, drivers, pipemen, truckmen and subordinate employees of said department shall be appointed annually ky the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, with the approval of the council, on the first day of May, or as soon thereafter as may be. They shall receive such compensation as may be provided by ordinance. 241. General Duties.] § 3. They shall perform such duties as are provided for them by law or ordinance, and in addition thereto such other duties as from time to time may be imposed upon them by the council, the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety or the Chief Fire Marshal. | 242. Qualifications.] § 4. No person shall be appointed to or re- tained as an employee of the Fire Department who is under twenty-one years of age or over sixty years of age, nor unless he is a person of good moral character and a legal voter in said city. 243. Hours of Service—Care of Apparatus.] § 5. The several members of the fire department shall be on duty at all such hours of the day and night as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations of said department, except when otherwise ordered by the Chief Fire Marshal. And in addition to their general duties they shall keep their fire apparatus in first class condition for actual service, and not expose them to unnec- essary hazard. 244, Property Saved at Fire—Possession of.] § 6. No person shall be permitted to remove or take away any property in the possession of the department saved from any fire until proof of the ownership shall have been made to the satisfaction of the Chief Fire Marshal. 245. Trespasser During Fire—Arrest of.] § 7. The Mayor, Com- missioners, or the Chief Fire Marshal may, and the Chief of Police and 78 Revised Ordinances all policemen shall during the progress of any fire arrest any person found stealing or trespassing upon any property, or wilfully injuring or break- ing any engine or other fire apparatus, or any person resisting or obstruct- ing any member of the fire department in the discharge of his duty, or otherwise conducting himself in a riotous or disorderly manner. 246. Prescribed Uniform to be Worn.] § 8. The Commissioner of Public Health and Safety shall prescribe a suitable uniform for the mem- bers of the fire department, to be worn by them while in the line of their duty. All members of the department shall be required to provide them- selves with such uniform as may be prescribed, at their own expense, with the exception of the buttons and helmets, which shall be furnished by the city. ARTICLE VI. MISCELLANEOUS. Section. Section. 247. Hindering Officer at Fire— 248. Giving False Alarm—Penalty. Injuring Fire Apparatus— 249. False Keys—Penalty. Driving Over Hose, ete.— 250. Rules for Prevention of Fires. Penalty. 251. Penalty. 247. Hindering Officer at Fire—Injuring Fire Apparatus—Driving Over Hose, etc.—Penalty.] § 1. Any person who shall wilfully and intentionally hinder or interfere with any city officer or- fireman in the performance of his duty at, going to or returning from any fire, or while attending to any of his respective duties connected with the fire depart- ment, or wilfully or negligently drive any wagon, dray or other vehicle, or any street car, locomotive or train of cars, across or upon any hose, or shall wilfully cut, deface, destroy or injure any telegraph wire, tele- graph pole, signal box, or any of the property or fixtures belonging to or connected with the fire department or the fire alarm telegraph, shall upon conviction therefor be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall be liable for all damages done to any such property. 248. Giving False Alarm—Penalty.] § 2. Should any person know- ingly give, or cause to be given, any false alarm of fire, by means of the telegraph boxes connected with the fire alarm telegraph, or otherwise, such person shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 249. False Keys—Penalty.] § 3. Any person making, or causing to be made, any key to any fire alarm telegraph box, or using, or causing to be used, any such key, without the consent of the proper authorities, Department of Health 79 shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 250. Rules For Prevention of Fires.] § 4. The following rules hereby are prescribed for the prevention of fire and protection of ani- mals: (a) Smoking is prohibited in any barn or stable in which horses are kept, or in which hay, straw or any inflammable materials are kept or stored. (b) No lighted candle or any exposed flame shall be allowed in any quarters described in paragraph ‘‘a’’ herein. (c) No matches shall be lighted in any quarters described in para- graph ‘‘a’’ herein, (d) > COSanou i tees ees scorn ss 5++* + rQqD00g at & *o** kTBVUTUIES 859) TOsTeUy eee RAO STOR “+++ + © WOISTAIG 215 Grades » . . Ris eee . ee Geile ae x — <« a6 « © . cee ee . eee o- eyzar | eee ee Mc Tiycet bee C os 2s ee - 7 ° oe Prk a ie eee oe - ° . . . . aie) “es ae hee Pe ee . . . - . . ous e° 48 . os 6) 2 . o- Oey pr einer es . . et et She 3 . eee . eee . see ras ett see 2) * we ee ee « oe . oss = 4 6 €S°90T 6L°SIT ZZ SIT 8£°90T L0°LOT LOT 02°06 63°78 — ¥S'68 OL'LOT T9°90T 66°66 TL'96 oe 08 ‘9 8) @. LG GOT Cleese ie 6 v6 001 6) ee ROU Sens eS o 6 ‘6 es © eee eee Iqoy uOSsuUt d OlIIed Tose qTeMarg Fete ee es rayeg tees suTosUTrT Dees e eee ragstg “'**suRURyonNg reese sara Fee +++ + srrooaTNT tees DOO AA en CY WL Cee Me 0 ta Ye a RM TK Vem e889 + TogmMonT eae) erels, @ es hres tOsyoR Lr ie eigtea LOPS RT “* AOTTY 10ye AM ‘AOTLTVY Ayonjuey a © (ey 8 (6, 2.6 Se ame CTY. (9) Se) 8 O58 6) Be he erie eee [orci tity feaorp i, 0 6 8 8 @ 6 9 © « © me = ** quo. "* *UOUSUIYSB AA 77 2 WOszogpoig: Pees g0TU0TT 2) Bie at oe Te *oyreyy a we Gee. “sselsnog o 6°66) same A ee Te ALIOG [NIN reese sasngor ri ah ae ynuyseyO S (66.0) 8 ee qNUle A a a RY oitdwy O26 v5 6 = te 44099 U6 Oe ease & ies felts oe sé @ © reese ureyery ees + grou ves AUISTOATUE “ss wosdmoyy, en ys Ta] ves + JayI00q ‘ vores KIBUTUTES ee ew ee ae fy *UOSLOUY * ¢(@ & 2 66 6 8 SS) ee sts =9 > 5 Rogge he oka oe UOISTAIG. 216 Section. (REE 780. 781. ~ oo bd “I co wD Revised Ordinances ARTICLE XXI. HEALTH. Section. Contagious Disease — Report 798. by Physician—Quarantine Penalty. tape Quarantine — Persons Shall not Leave Premises Under 800. Penalty. Contagious Disease — Per- 801. sons Having Must Keep Off Street — Conveyances and 802. Clothing—Penalty. Quarantine — Physicians to 803. Report Condition of Per- sons in—Penalty. Physicians, ete., to Disinfect 804. Clothes—Penalty. Quarantine Signs—Protection 805. of—Penalty. 806. Fumigation — Second Hand _ 807. Goods Subject to—Penalty. Contagious Disease—Not to 808. be Brought Into City—Pen- alty. 809, Contagious Disease—Who May Enter House—Penalty 810. Death From Contagious Dis- ease—Burial — Attending Funeral. 811. Infectious Disease—Vacation of Premises Enforeced— _ 812. When. Ventilation — Cleanliness — 813. Temperature of Stores, ete. Privies, etc.—To be Provided. 814. Cellar or Place Illy Venti- 815. lated 816. Light — Ventilation — Clean- liness of Leased Premises. 817. Connection With Sewers. Structures Connected With 818. Sewers—Construction of. Garbage, etc.—Not to Fall 819. upon Street. Vegetables and Fruits—Man- ner of Display. Slaughter or Exposure on Streets Prohibited. Carrying Meat Through Streets. Offal or Butcher’s Refuse— Conveyance of. Public Pound—Care of Ani- mals. Matter Offensive—Not to be Opened, etc.—When—Per- mit. Intramural Burial—Prohib- ited. Privy Vault—Requirements. Privy—Offensive—Penalty. Depositing Garbage—Pen- alty. Polluting Water Supply— Penalty. Failure to Comply With Or- der of Board—Proceedings. Offensive Liquids — Deposit- ing on Streets, ete., Pro- hibited—Penalty. Stable, etc.—Offensive—Pen- alty. Cesspool—Not to be Filled Until Cleaned—Penalty. Offensive Occupations—Per- mits. Rendering—Deodorizing. Rendering—How Conducted. Manufactory Generating Of- fensive Gases, ete. Animals Kept—Ventilation and Food. Stables, ete——Cleanliness of —Infected Animals. Offensive Matter—Disin- fected Before Removal. Health 217 Section. Section, 820. Passage of Vehicles on 834. Sale of Diseased Live Animal Streets—Storage of. —Penalty. 821. Construction of Carts, ete. 835. Animal or Thing Occasioning 822. Deposit of Offensive Matters Nuisance — Keeping Pro- —Prohibited—Manure. hibited. 823. Manure — Receptacles—Re- 836. Building, ete.—Causing Nui- moval—Penalty. sance, Prohibited. 824. Diseased or Sickly Animal— 837, Premises Offensive—Penalty. Not to be Brought in. 838. Weeds, etc.—Nuisance—Pen- 825. Impure Ice—Sale of Prohib- alty. ited. 839. Business Causing Nuisance— 826. Dead Animal—Owner, ete.— Prohibited. To Remove on Notice—Pen- 840. Ambulances—Right of Way alty. —Obstruction of—Penalty. 827. Dead Animal on Lot—Owner 841. Enforcing of This Article— to Remove—Penalty. Duty of Officer. 828. Dead Animal—Police to Re- 842. Abatement of Nuisances. move—When. 843. Maintaining Nuisance After 829. Exposing Animal to View, Conviction. ete. 844. Chief of Police to Abate— 830. Dead Animals — Place and When. Manner of Burial— Pen- 845. Liable for Costs of Abate- alty. ment. 831. Manufactories, ete—Removal 846. Unwholesome Food—Penalty. of Ashes—Smoke, Cinders, 847. Milk—Prohibited Quality. etc, Not to Escape. 848. Burning Leaves, ete-——When 832. Dead Body—Not to be Re- Prohibited—Penalty. tained or Exposed. 849. Penalty. 833. Animal or Thing Imperiling Health—Exposure Prohib- ited. 779. Contagious Disease—Report by Physician—Quarantine.] § 1. It shall be the duty of every physician practicing in the City of Bloomington to report within twelve hours after he may be called to treat the same, to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety any case of smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, meningitis, acute poliomyelitis, or any other disease of a communicable nature by which public health or safety may be endangered. Upon any such report being received the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety immediately shall cause the reported person or persons and the premises where they are located to be placed under quarantine if he deems it necessary for the public safety, until such time as the Board of Health decides that such person or persons have passed the period of com- municating the disease to others, and the apartments and effects of the 218 Revised Ordinances said person or persons shall be fumigated and disinfected in the usual man- ner when the disease or diseases are believed no longer to exist. 780. Penalty.] § 2. Any physician failing to comply with the pro- visions of the above section shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. 781. Quarantine—Persons Shall Not Leave Premises Under—Pen- alty.] § 3. The inhabitants or occupants of any place that is under quarantine are forbidden to leave the premises until the quarantine has been released, and then only after the usual precautionary measures of disin- fection and fumigation have been taken and the permission of the Com- missioner of Public Health and Safety or his agents has been given. Any quarantined person violating the provisions of this section or the orders of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety, the Board of Health or any member thereof, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 782. Contagious Disease—Persons Having Must Keep off Street— Conveyances and Clothing—Penalty.] § 4. Any person having any dan- gerous, contagious or infectious disease who shall wilfully expose himself in the public streets, public places, conveyances or vehicles, while in danger of giving the disease to others, and any driver or owner of such vehicle or conveyance who does not immediately disinfect the same after conveying such diseased person, and any person who gives, lends, sells, transmits, conveys or exposes any clothing, rags, bedding or other things which have been exposed to infection or contagion, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 783. Quarantine—-Physicians to Report Condition of Persons in— Penalty.] § 5. Physicians having charge of quarantine cases shall make full reports in writing to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety of the conditions of such cases whenever requested to do so by the said commissioner or his agents. Any physician failing to make such report within twenty-four hours after being so requested shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 784. Physician, etc., to Disinfect Clothes—Penalty.] § 6. Any physician, nurse or other person attending or being about any person hay- ing any contagious disease, who shall not change or purify his wearing ap- parel before going upon any street or into any public place, or shall other- wise so conduct himself as to increase the danger of spreading the disease, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 785. Quarantine Signs—Protection of—Penalty.] § 7. The Com- missioner of Public Health and Safety shall have the right and authority to prohibit the displaying, posting or distributing of any printed signs, bills or placards in red colors within the city, the red color having reference to the body of such signs, bills or placards. The right to use this color Health 219 is reserved to the health department for purposes of warning and quar- antining as indications of danger or for the public safety. Any person so displaying, posting or distributing such signs, bills or placards within the city when the same have been prohibited by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. The said prohibition may be made by the Commis- sioner of Public Health and Safety by personal notice by him or his agents, or by a public proclamation in any daily newspaper published in the City of Bloomington and having a daily circulation of over seven thou- sand copies. 786. Fumigation—Second Hand Goods Subject to—Penalty.] § 8. The Commissioner of Public Health and Safety hereby is given authority to cause all household goods, bedding, furniture, wearing apparel and other articles offered for sale in any second hand store or at rummage sales or elsewhere to be fumigated and disinfected before the same are offered for sale. The owner or possessor of any such goods who shall fail or neglect to fumigate the same after being ordered so to do by the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety or his agents, and who shall sell or offer the same for sale, shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. 787. Contagious Disease—Not to be Brought Into City—Penalty. | § 9. Whoever shall bring into the city, or aid or assist in bringing into the city, any dangerous, contagious or infectious disease, or any clothing, bedding or other article or thing infected with or which has been exposed to infection with any contagion or infectious disease, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 788. Contagious Disease—Who May Enter House—Penalty.] § 10. No person other than the attending physician, and those having the written permission of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety shall remain in, enter or depart from any house where any person is sick with any con- tagious or infectious disease, or while the corpse of any person who shall have died of such disease is within the house, nor within ten days after such corpse shall have been removed, or the sick person therewith has be- come entirely recovered of such disease, and said building, the clothing, beds and other household goods therein, shall have been thoroughly dis- infected or otherwise disposed of to the satisfaction of the Board of Health; and any person violating this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 789. Death From Contagious Disease—Burial—Attending Funeral. } § 11. When any person shall have died of any contagious or infectious dis- ease, the corpse shall be buried within thirty-six hours after death and shall not be removed from the building where such person died until re- moved for burial, and shall then be taken immediately to the place of burial, without being taken into any church or other building, and it shall be so specified in the burial permit; and it shall be unlawful for any per- 220 Revised Ordinances son or persons other than the near relatives of the deceased person, and six other adult persons, to attend the funeral of any person who shall have died of any contagious or infectious disease. 790. Infectious Disease—Vacation of Premises Enforced—When. | § 12. Whenever it shall be decided by the Board of Health that any build- ing, or part thereof, is unfit for human habitation by reason of its being so infected with disease, or from other causes, as to be likely to cause sick- ness among the occupants and notice of such decision shall have been affixed conspicuously on such building, or part thereof so decided to be unfit for human habitation, and personally served upon the owner, agent or lessee, if the same can be found in the city, requiring all persons therein to vacate such building or part thereof for the reason to be stated therein, as aforesaid, such building or part thereof shall within ten days thereafter be vacated, or within such shorter time, not less than twenty-four hours, as in said notice may be specified. 791. Ventilation—Cleanliness—Temperature of Stores, etc.] § 13. No person being the owner, proprietor, lessee, manager or superintendent of any store, factory, workshop or other structure or place of employment where workmen and workwomen are employed for wages, shall cause, per- mit, or allow the same or any portion or apartment of, or any room therein to be overcrowded or inadequate, faulty, or insufficient in respect to ven- tilation or cleanliness; and in every such building, or apartment or room in any such building, where one or more persons are employed, as afore- said, at least five hundred cubic feet of air space shall be allowed each and every person employed therein, and the air changed or renewed at least once in every twenty minutes during the hours of employment; and any such owner, proprietor, lessee, manager or superintendent shall cause every part thereof in which any person may work to be maintained at such temperature and be provided with such accommodations and safeguards as not by any reason of the want thereof or anything about the condi- tion of any such premises or its appurtenances, to cause unnecessary dan- ger or detriment to the health of any person being properly therein or thereat. 792. Privies, etc.—To be Provided.] § 14. All such places of em- ployment or service shall be provided with sufficient and separate privies and urinals for male and female employees, and such privies shall be ventilated and kept in a clean and inoffensive condition. 793. Cellar or Place Illy Ventilated.] § 15. No person, having the right and power to prevent the same, shall knowingly cause or permit any person to sleep or remain in any cellar or in any place dangerous or pre- judicial to health by reason of want of ventilation or drainage, or by rea- son of the presence of any poisonous, noxious or offensive substances or oth- erwise. 794. Light—Ventilation—Cleanliness of Leased Premises.] § 16. No person, whether owner, agent, lessee or otherwise, in control of any Health 221 building or any part thereof, shall lease, let or hire out the same, or any portion thereof, to be occupied by any person, or allow the same to be occupied, as a place in which anyone may dwell or lodge, unless such build- ing, or such part thereof, is sufficiently lighted, ventilated, provided and accommodated and in all respects in that condition of cleanliness and wholesomeness for which the ordinances of the city or any law of this state provides, or in which they or either of them require any such premises to be kept. 795. Connection With Sewers.] § 17. Every house situated upon a lot on a street or alley in which there is a sewer and a water main, or is connected with a sewer and water main, shall have all water closets, cesspools, sinks and drains furnished with a proper connection with the Sewer, which connection shall be adequate for the purpose of permitting whatever enters the same freely to pass. 796. Structures Connected With Sewers—Construction of.] § 18. No water closet, sink, tub, vat or other structure shall be constructed within the City of Bloomington, having connection with any sewer or underground passage unless the same is provided with adequate or the best generally approved constructions and precautions for preventing gases and other of- fensive currents, substances and smells from passing up or out through such connection from such sewer or passages; nor shall any such water closet or privy be constructed without adequate provision for the effectual and proper ventilation and cleansing thereof. 797. Garbage, etc.—Not to Fall Upon Street.] § 19. No garbage swill, offal, manure or other offensive substance, nor any ashes or dirt shall be allowed to run or fall out of any building, vehicle or structure into or upon any street or public place. 798. Vegetables and Fruits—Manner of Display.] § 20. No gro- cer or vendor of vegetables or fruits for sale for domestic use shall offer for sale or exhibit such vegetables or fruits in his store or in front thereof unless the same are placed upon benches or in receptables which are at least twenty-one inches above the floor or ground, and any person violat- ing this section shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars for each offense. 799. Slaughter or Exposure on Streets Prohibited.] § 21. No ecat- tle, sheep, hogs or other animals shall be slaughtered, or the meat or any part thereof dressed or hung within said city, wholly or partly within any street, avenue, sidewalk, alley or public place. 800. Carrying Meat Through Streets.] § 22. No slaughtered meat shall be carried or conveyed upon or along any of the streets, alleys or public places of the city unless the same is protected in such manner as to conceal it from public view. No blood or dirty water from any such meat, or place of killing, or the appurtenances thereof, shall be allowed to run, fall or be in any street, alley or public place. bo bo Revised Ordinances 801. Offal or Butcher’s Refuse—Conveyance of.] § 23. No offal or butcher’s refuse shall be conveyed through any street, alley or other pub- lic place within said city between the hours of ten o’clock a. m. and ten o’clock p. m., and no offal or refuse shall be conveyed at any time unless the same be in tight boxes, barrels or vessels from which no odor shall escape, 802. Public Pound—Care of Animals.] § 24. No keeper of any public pound in said city shall allow the same, or any animal therein to become or be dangerous or detrimental to human health by reason of any want of care, food, ventilation or cleanliness, or otherwise. 803. Matter Offensive—Not to be Opened, etc.—When—Permit. ] § 25. No ground or material filled with offensive substance or matter, or that will emit or allow to arise through or from the same any offensive smell or deleterious exhalation, shall be opened, turned up or the surface thereof removed between the first day of May and the first day of October of any year, except according to a permit first obtained from the Commis- sioner of Public Health and Safety. 804. Intramural Burial—Prohibited.] § 26. It shall be unlawful for any person to bury the body of a human being within the corporate limits of said city, or to deposit any such body in any vault within the limits of the city except within an established cemetery in said city. 805. Privy Vault—Requirements.] § 27. Each and every tenement in said city used as a dwelling house, when not on a lot. adjacent to a sewer, shall be furnished by the owner or the agent of the same with a suitable privy, the vault of which shall be sunk under ground at least six feet deep, and shall be walled up with brick, stone, concrete or wood, and shall be so constructed that the outside of said wall shall be at least three feet distant from the line of every adjoining lot, unless the owner of the adjoining lot shall otherwise agree, and shall also be at least five feet distant from every street, alley, lane or avenue, and such vault shall not be allowed to fill within two feet of the surface of the ground. 806. Privy—Offensive—Penalty.] § 28. Whenever any privy in said city shall be kept in such condition that the smell arising therefrom shall become offensive to any portion of the citizens, the same shall be deemed and declared a nuisance, and the owner, occupant, or agent of the lot or premises on which any such privy is located shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than five dollars, and the further sum of ten dollars for every day he shall suffer said nuisance to continue after the first conviction. 807. Depositing Garbage—Penalty.] § 29. It shall not be lawful for any person to throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited, at any place in said city any vegetables, meats, slops, animal matter, suds, garbage, filth, stable drippings or offal of any kind which will produce an offensive smell, or whereby the health of any portion of the community Health 223 may be affected or endangered; and every person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of perpetrating a nuisance, and shall forfeit and pay not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. 808. Polluting Water Supply—Penalty.] § 30. Any person who shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the Sugar Creek, within the limits of said city, or within three miles from said limits, any dead ani- mal or offensive substance which will produce an offensive or nauseous smell, or which might effect the purity of the water, or endanger the health of any portion of the citizens, shall be deemed guilty of creating a nuisance; and every person so offending shall forfeit and pay not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. And it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to cause the same to be removed immediately, if practicable, and charge the expense thereof to the offender or offenders, and sue for and collect the same by action of debt in the name of the City of Bloomington. 809. Failure to Comply With Order of Board—Proceedings.] § 31. Whenever the owner or agent of any tenement used as a dwelling house or for business or manufacturing purposes in said city shall neglect the notification of the Board of Health or City Marshal with regard to abate- ment of nuisances arising from privy vaults, sinks or cesspools, said board may order the same cleaned and disinfected within ten days by an odorless apparatus or machine or otherwise and the expense shall be collected by an action of debt in the name of the City of Bloomington. 810. Offensive Liquids—Depositing on Streets, etc., Prohibited—Pen- alty.] § 32. It shall not be lawful for any person in said city to throw or deposit or cause to be thrown or deposited any slops, suds, swill or other liquid substance on or about the premises or lot occupied by him in such manner that the same may be run or washed through or upon an adjoining lot, premises, street, alley or public place; nor shall any person discharge said substances in any manner upon any street, alley or public place. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of perpetrating a nuisance and shall be fined not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. 811. Stable, etc.—Offensive—Penalty.] § 33. It shall not be law- ful for any person to, keep in said city any hog pen, chicken coop, sink, cow house, stable or other thing or place in such condition that the smell arising therefrom shall be offensive to any person or neighborhood; and any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance, and shall forfeit and pay not less than one dollar or more than fifty dollars for each offense. 812. Cesspool—Not to be Filled Until Cleaned—Penalty.] § 34. It shall be unlawful for the owner or agent of any tenement used as a dwelling house, or for business or manufacturing purposes, in said 224 Revised Ordinances city, to cover with earth or fill up any abandoned privy vault, sink or cesspool connected with or on said premises, unless the same shall have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by an odorless apparatus or machine; and any owner or agent refusing or neglecting to comply with the terms of this section shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, and the further sum of one dollar per day until the conditions of this section are complied with. 813. Offensive Occupations—Permits.] § 35. It shall be unlawful for any person, to establish or maintain within the limits of the City of Bloomington, or within one mile thereof, any tallow chandlery, tannery, soap factory or place for bone crushing, bone boiling, bone grinding, bone burning, shell burning, gut cleaning or glue making, and it shall be un- lawful to steam, boil or render any tainted lard, tallow, offal or other | unwholesome animal substance without first obtaining the consent of the eity council; and whoever shail, without having first obtained such per- mission and consent, so conduct or carry on any such business as to taint the air and render it offensive or unwholesome, or so as to effect the health or comfort of persons residing in the neighborhood thereof, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 814. Rendering—Deodorizing.] § 36. All persons engaged in the business of boiling or rendering of fat, lard or other animal matter shall cause the scraps or residium to be so dried or otherwise prepared immedi- ately after the removal therefrom from the receptable in which the ren- dering process may be conducted, as to effectually deprive such material of all offensive odors, and to preserve the same entirely inoffensive. 815. Rendering—How Conducted.] § 37. No fat, tallow or lard shall be rendered except when fresh from the slaughtered animal and in a condition free from sourness and taint and all other cause of offense. All melting and rendering shall be done in steam tight vessels, the gases and odors therefrom to be destroyed by combustion or other means equally effective, and according to the best and most approved means and pro- cesses; and everything preceding and following and in connection with such melting and rendering, and the premises where the same shall be conducted shall be free from all offensive odors and other cause of detri- ment to the public health and comfort. 816. Manufactory Generating Offensive Gases, etc.] § 38. No person, firm or corporation shall erect, start or establish in said city with- out the consent of the city council any manufactory or place of business for boiling any varnish or oil, or for making any lampblack, turpentine or tar, or for conducting any other business that will or does generate any unwholesome, offensive or deleterious gas, smoke, deposit or exhala- tion, or any business that is or would be dangerous to life or detrimental to health. And whenever any manufactory or place of business already established in said city does hereafter generate any unwholesome, offensive or deleterious gas, smoke, deposit or anything that is detrimental to health Health 225 or dangerous to life, the owners or operators thereof shall at once take all necessary care and precaution to abate the same and shall comply with all reasonable orders and regulations of the city council in reference thereto. Any violation of this section shall subject the offender to a fine of not less than ten dollars and not more than one hundred dollars. 817. Animals Kept—Ventilation and Food.] § 39. No eattle, horses or other animals shall be kept in any place in which the water, ventilation and food are not sufficient and wholesome for the preservation of their health and safe condition; and no place where any such animals are kept shall be overcrowded. Nor shall any horse, cow, calf, swine, pig, sheep or goat be permitted to be kept in any house or building used for a dwelling place for any person or family. 818. Stables, etc.—Cleanliness of—Infected Animal.] § 40. Every owner or other person in control of the same, shall cause every stable or place where any cows, horses or other animals may be, to be kept at all times in a clean and wholesome condition, and shall not allow any animal to be therein while infected with any disease that is contagious or pes- tilential among such animals. 819. Offensive Matter—Disinfected Before Removal.] § 41. All putrid or offensive matter, and all night soil and the contents of sinks, privies, vaults, and cesspools, and all noxious substances in said city, shall before their removal or exposure be disinfected and rendered inoffensive by the person who removes or is about to remove the same. 820. Passage of Vehicles on Streets—Storage of.] § 42. No eart or other vehicle for carrying offal, swill, garbage, rubbish or the contents of any privy, vault, cesspool or sink, or having upon it or in it any manure or other nauseous or offensive substance, shall remain or stand in or upon any public place or street longer than is necessary for loading, unloading and passing along any street; nor shall a needless number gather before any building or near any place of business or other premises where any person may be; nor shall any such cart or vehicle occupy any unreasonable length of time in loading or unloading or in passing along any street or through any inhabited place or ground; nor shall any such cart or vehicle, or the driver thereof, or anything thereto pertaining, be, or by any per- son having a right to control the same be allowed to be, in a condition needlessly filthy or offensive; and when not in use all such carts and ve- hicles, and all implements used in connection therewith, shall be stored and kept in some place where no needless offense shall be given to any of the people of the said city. 821. Construction of Carts, etc.] § 43. All carts and vehicles in the preceding section mentioned, and boxes, tubs and receptacles thereon in which any substance in said section referred to may be or is carried, shall be strong and tight, so that no part of such contents or load shall fall, leak, or spill therefrom. 226 Revised Ordinances 822. Deposit of Offensive Matters—Prohibited—Manure.] § 44. No pile or deposit of offal, garbage, or accumulation of an offensive or nauseous substance, shall be made within the limits of said city; nor shall any person contribute to the making of any such accumulations; nor shall any straw, hay or other substance which has been used as bedding for animals be placed or dried upon any street, alley or sidewalk, or kept deposited or accumulated in such manner as to become offensive; nor shall any person or corporation unload, discharge or put upon or along the line of any railroad, street, highway or public place within said city any manure, offal, garbage or other offensive or nauseous substance; nor shall cars or flats loaded with or having in or upon them any such substance or sub- stances be allowed to remain or stand on any railroad, street or highway within the limits of said city within three hundred yards of any dwelling house. 823. Manure—Receptacles—Removal—Penalty.] § 45. It shall be the duty of the occupant or owner of or agent for any premises where stable manure is placed, stored or allowed to remain, to provide for the same a tight box or receptacle which shall be so constructed and covered as to prevent the entrance of flies. Between the first day of May and the last day of October of each year, the said occupant, owner or agent, at his own expense, shall cause the contents of said box or receptacle to be removed at least once in each two weeks and oftener if made neceHsary by rea- son of the said receptacles being filled. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. 824. Diseased or Sickly Animal—Not to be Brought In.] § 46. No diseased or sickly animal of any kind or nature, nor any animal that has been exposed to any disease that is contagious among animals of its kind, shall be brought into the City of Bloomington. 825. Impure Ice—Sale of Prohibited.] § 47. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell to any family, person or corporation any impure ice, or any ice which shall contain filth or any other matter, substance or thing, and which will render water impure or the use of the same un- healthful. 826. Dead Animal—Owner, etc. To Remove on Notice—Penalty. ] § 48. When any dead animal shall be found in any public street, alley or other public place in said city, it shall be the duty of the person owning such animal at the time of its death, or of the person who deposited or caused the same to be deposited, immediately to remove said animal, in such manner as to conceal the same from public view, beyond the limits of the city and bury the same; and if the owner of such animal or the person who deposited it, on being notified thereof by the City Marshal or any policeman or other person, shall after a reasonable time refuse or neglect to remove and bury the same as herein required, he Health 227 shall forfeit and pay not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense, and shall also pay the expense of removing and burying the same, which shall be taxed and collected as costs against such person. 827. Dead Animal on Lot—Owner to Remove—Penalty.] § 49. When any dead animal shall be found on any lot or part of a lot in said city, it shall be the duty of the person owning or occupying such lot or part of lot to cause the said dead animal to be removed forthwith; and such owner or occupant of such lot or part of lot, or any other person re- moving said animal, may collect the expense of such removal from the person owning or depositing such dead animal; and if any owner or occu- pant of any lot or part of lot shall fail or neglect to remove such dead animal, he shall forfeit and pay not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. 828. Dead Animal—Police to Remove—When.] § 50. When any dead animal shall be found in said city, and shall not be removed within a reasonable time, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, Commis- sioner of Public Health and Safety or any policeman to cause the same to be removed and buried at the expense of the City of Bloomington. 829. Exposing Animal to View, etc.] § 51. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to haul, drag or otherwise remove any dead animal along or upon any street, avenue, alley or other public place within the city unless such dead animal is wholly covered so as to conceal the same from view; and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to skin or otherwise mutilate any dead animal within said city, except at such place or places as may be from time to time designated for that pur- pose. 830. Dead Animals—Place and Manner of Burial—Penalty.] § 52. No dead animals shall be buried within the corporate limits of the city, but shall be buried at least one-half mile outside the said corporate limits. Such animals when buried shall be buried at least three feet below the surface of the ground. This section shall apply to all persons, including any licensed scavenger, and whoever violates the terms of this section shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense; and for each and every day after the day of disposal that any such animal or animals shall remain disposed of contrary to this section, the offenders responsible therefor shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars per day. 831. Manufactories, etc—Removal of Ashes—Smoke, Cinders, etc., Not to Escape.] § 53. The owners, lessees, tenants and managers of every blacksmith shop or other shop, forge, coal yard, foundry, manufac- tory and premises where any similar business is done, shall cause all ashes, cinders, rubbish, dirt and refuse to be removed to some proper place so that the same shall not accumulate at any of the above mentioned prem- ises or in the appurtenances thereof, nor the same become filthy or offen- 228 Revised Ordinances sive; nor shall any smoke, cinders, dust, gas or offensive odor be allowed to escape from any such building, place or premises to the detriment or annoyance of any person not being therein or thereupon engaged. _ 832. Dead Body—Not to be Retained or Exposed.] § 54. No per- son shall retain, expose or allow to be retained or exposed the dead body of any human being to the peril or prejudice of the life or health of any person. 833. Animal or Thing Imperiling Health—Exposure Prohibited. ] § 55. No person shall take, carry or expose, or place or induce any other person so to do, in or upon any street or public place any substance, an- imal or thing which shall imperil the safety or health of any person who is ur may properly be in such street or place. 834. Sale of Diseased Live Animal—Penalty.] § 56. It shall not be lawful for any butcher or other person to sell or offer or expose for sale in said city any sick or diseased live animal of any kind whatever usually eaten for food and for the purpose or with the design that the same shall be used for food, knowing the same to be sick or diseased; and every person so offending shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each animal so sold, offered or ex- posed to sale. 835. Animal or Thing Occasioning Nuisance—Keeping Prohibited. ] § 57. No person shall bring into said city or keep therein, for sale or otherwise, either for food or for any other purpose or purposes whatever, any animal, dead or alive, matter, substance or thing which shall be or which shall occasion a nuisance in said city, or which may or shall be dan- gerous or detrimental to health. 836. Building, etc.—Causing Nuisance, Prohibited.] § 58. No building, vehicle, structure, receptacle or thing used or to be used for any purpose whatever shall be made, used, kept, maintained or operated in the city if the use, keeping, maintaining or operating of such building, vehicle, structure, receptacle or thing shall be the occasion of any nuisance or shall be dangerous or-detrimental to health. 837. Premises Offensive—Penalty.] § 59. Any store, house, fac- tory, building or structure of any kind, or any grounds or premises, kept, permitted or suffered to remain for twenty-four hours ‘in such condition as to be offensive to the neighborhood or dangerous or prejudicial to the health or safety of the occupants or other persons, is hereby declared a nuisance; and the owner, proprietor, lessee or agent of such store, house, factory, building or structure, or grounds or premises, shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each of- fense, and to a like fine for every twenty-four hours such nuisance shall continue after the first conviction. 838. Weeds, etc.—Nuisance—Penalty.] § 60. Cockle burrs, this- tles, burdock, wild lettuce and other noxious weeds hereby are declared a Health 229 nuisance, and whoever shall suffer or permit such weed or plant to grow or be in or upon any premises in the City of Bloomington owned or con- trolled by him or her shall be guilty of maintaining a nuisance, and shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense, and a like fine for each week such person shall continue to keep, suffer, permit or maintain such nuisance after the first conviction, 839. Business Causing Nuisance—Prohibited.] § 61. No substance, matter or thing of any kind whatever which is dangerous or detrimental to health shall be permitted to exist in connection with any permitted business, or be used therein, or to exist in connection therewith, or to be used in any work or labor carried on or to be carried on or prosecuted in said city; and no nuisance shall be permitted to exist in connection with any such business or in connection with any such work or labor. 840. Ambulances—Right of Way—Obstruction of—Penalty.] § 62. The city ambulances, while engaged in going for or in carrying sick or wounded persons to or from the hospitals or other places, shall have the right of way in the streets of the city as against any person, carriage or incumbrance put, driven or being in said streets; and no person shall ob- struct said ambulances while so engaged if there shall be an opportunity to get out of the way of the same, under a penalty not exceeding ten dol- lars for each offense. 841. Enforcing of this Article—Duty of Officer.] § 63. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety and the City Marshal to cause this article to be enforced, and to make complaint against and cause to be prosecuted all persons violating the provisions of this article. 842. Abatement of Nuisances.] § 64. When judgment shall be ren- dered against any person for erecting, keeping or maintaining any nui- sance, it shall be the duty of the court before whom such conviction is had to order the defendant in such suit forthwith to abate and remove such nuisance, and if the same is not done by such defendant within twenty- four hours, that the same be abated and removed by the City Marshal. Said order shall be entered upon the docket of the court and be made a part of the judgment in the cause. 843. Maintaining Nuisance After Conviction.] § 65. Any person having been found guilty of creating, keeping or maintaining any nui- sance who shall neglect or fail to abate and remove such nuisance within twenty-four hours next after his conviction, shall for each twenty-four hours thereafter while such nuisance is continued be subject to a like pen- alty as that originally incurred for keeping, creating or maintaining the same. 844. Chief of Police to Abate—When.] § 66. When any nuisance is of such nature or character, and is so situated that the same can be 230 Revised Ordinances abated without the invasion or destruction of private property, and the further continuance thereof is likely to result in expense to the city or injury to any person, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to abate and remove the same summarily without waiting for the conviction of the author thereof. In any case where a nuisance is to be abated by the Chief of Police or any officer, it shall be the duty of such Chief of Police or police officer to proceed with due care and without any unnecessary destruction of prop- erty; and he shall in all cases be authorized to employ such assistance and adopt such means as may be necessary to effect the entire abatement of the evil in question. 845. Liable for Costs of Abatement.] § 67. Every person creating, keeping or maintaining any nuisance shall be liable for all costs and ex- penses of abating the same when done by the city or under its authority; and in all cases where the City Marshal or other officer shall abate any such nuisance, he shall keep an account of all expenses attending such abatement, and shall forthwith bring suit for the same in some competent court in the name of the City of Bloomington against the person creating, keeping or maintaining the nuisance so abated. 846. Unwholesome Food—Penalty.] § 68. Whoever sells or ex- changes, or has in his possession with intent to sell or exchange, or offers for sale or exchange, any unwholesome vegetable, fish, farm produce or other articles used for human food, or adulterated or unwholesome milk, or milk to which water or any foreign substance has been added, shall for such offense be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. 847. Milk—Prohibited—Quality.] § 69. All milk produced from sick or diseased cows, and all milk obtained from cows fed on slops or waste, shall be deemed impure and unwholesome; and all milk to which water, ice, or any other substance has been added shall be deemed adulterated ; and it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer or expose for sale any such unwholesome or adulterated milk or any milk which contains less than three per cent butter fat, or from which the cream, or any part thereof, has been removed, unless such be sold as ‘‘skimmed milk,’’ and the char- acter of the same be expressly and distinctly stated to the purchaser. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each of- fense. 848. Burning Leaves, etc—When Prohibited—Penalty.] § 70. It shall be unlawful for any person within said city to burn leaves, weeds or rubbish of any kind between the hour of four o’clock p. m. of any day and sunrise of the next succeeding day. All such fires must be wholly ex- tinguished, at four o’clock p. m. of the day on which such leaves, weeds or rubbish are burned. Every person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Housemovers 231 849. Penalty.] § 71. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, neglects, omits, resists or refuses to comply with any of the pro- visions of this article, or who refuses or neglects to obey any of the rules, orders or sanitary regulations of the Department of Health, or who resists any officer thereof, when no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. ARTICLE XXII, HOUSEMOVERS. Section. Section. 850. Housemovers — License — 855. Frame Buildings — When Penalty. May be Moved — How 851. License Fee—Bond—Condi- Value of Determined. tion. 856. Wooden Buildings—Moving 852. Moving Building — Permit in Fire Limits. Required. 857. Notice to Street Railway 853. Permit — Application for — Company. ; Power of Council. 858. Signals. 854. Permit—What it Shall 859. Iron Stakes, ete.—Prohibited Specify—Penalty. on Paved Streets. 860. Trees Not to be Cut. 861. Penalty. 850. Housemovers—License—Penalty.] § 1. No person, firm or corporation shall remove any building along the public streets, alleys or public places within said city unless he shall have obtained a license as a housemover, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. 851. License Fee—Bond—Condition.] § 2. Any person may ob- tain a license as a housemover upon the payment of a license fee of twenty- five dollars per annum and the execution to the city of a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, with at least two sureties to be approved by the city council, conditioned among other things that said party applying for such license will pay any and all damages which may happen to any tree, pavement, street or sidewalk, or to any telegraph, telephone, electric light or electric street car pole or wire, within said city, whether such damage or injury shall be inflicted by said party or his agent, employees or workmen, and conditioned also that said party will save and indemnify and keep harmless the City of Bloomington from all liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses which may in any wise accrue against said city in con- sequence of the granting of such license or any permit, and will in all things comply with the ordinances of the city and all permits granted to him. 232 Revised Ordinances 852. Moving Building—Permit Required.] . § 3. No person shall re- move any building or structure from one place to another along the public streets of the city without having first obtained from the council a permit therefor. 853. Permit—Application for—Power of Council.] § 4. Before any permit for the removal of any building shall be granted, the licensed housemover who proposes to do the work shall make application in writing to the council stating the building proposed to be removed, where it is located, the place to which it is proposed to remove it, the route to be taken, and the time probably required for such removal. Upon issuing such permit the council, or someone designated by it, may direct the route to be taken, the maximum time to be consumed in said removal, and any other requirements that may be deemed necessary. ' The work of removal shall be done in such a manner as to meet the ap- proval of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, and the council shall have power to regulate the erection, construction, alteration and repair of the building to be removed, and may prescribe such conditions as to the manner in which the same shall be done as may be deemed nec- essary to the public interest. 854. Permit—What it Shall Specify—Penalty.] § 5. Every permit for the removal of any building shall prescribe the conditions upon which said permit is granted, the route to be taken and the limit of time for the removal; and any person who shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the conditions of such permit shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and every day any such building shall remain on any street, alley or public place after the expiration of the time specified in any permit for the removal of the same, shall be a separate offense under this section. 855. Frame Buildings—When May be Moved—How Value of De- termined.] § 6. No frame building in the city of Bloomington shall be removed unless such building is worth thirty-five per cent of the cost of a similar new building. The Board for the Inspection of Buildings shall determine as to the value of any such building, and their decision shall be subject to the approval of the city council: Provided, that this section shall not apply to any person removing a building upon his own premises, and not going upon the premises of any other person, or upon any street, alley or public place in making such removal. 856. Wooden Buildings—Moving in Fire Limits.] § 7. No wooden building within or without the fire limits shall be moved to any lot or part. of a lot within the fire limits. 857. Notice to Street Railway Company.] § 8. No building shall be allowed to be removed along any street upon which a street railway is or may be operated without at least twenty-four hours notice to the com- pany operating such railway; and during the time such building is being Itinerant Merchants and Transient Venders 258 removed the person or persons engaging in removing the same shall work night and day until such building is off such street. 858. Signals.] § 9. Every person removing any building, or who makes any excavation or piles any lumber or building material upon any of the public streets of the City of Bloomington, shall, in addition to the other requirements of the ordinances of said city, keep from early twilight until dawn a red light or lights hung out upon and about the same sufficient to give ample warning of such building, excavation or obstruction. 859. Iron Stakes, etc.—Prohibited on Paved Streets.] § 10. It shall be unlawful for any house mover or other person to drive iron or other stakes in any asphalt pavement within said city, and into any brick pavement unless the top course of the brick be first removed, under a penalty of not exceeding one hundred dollars for each offense, and a forfeiture of any license as housemover the person convicted may hold, and such forfeiture shall be entered up as a part of the penalty upon any such conviction. 860. Trees Not to be Cut.] § 11. No housemover shall be permit- ted to cut or injure any tree standing in or along any street, alley or other publie place within the city without the consent of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements, or the consent of the owner of the prop- erty on which said tree is located, under a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars. 861. Penalty.] § 12. Every person violating any of the provisions of this article, where no other penalty is provided, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. ARTICLE XXIII. ITINERANT MERCHANTS AND TRANSIENT VENDERS. Section. 862. Itinerant Merchant, etc., Defined. 863. License Required. 864. License Fee. 862. Itinerant Merchant, etc., Defined.] § 1. Every person, firm or corporation temporarily engaged in mercantile business, or who goes from one city or village to another, stopping only for a limited time in each place, for the purpose of selling goods, wares or merchandise shall be held and deemed to be an itinerant merchant or transient vender of merchandise. 863. License Required.] § 2. It shall be unlawful for any itiner- ant merchant or transient vender of merchandise to carry on his business or occupation within the city without first having obtained a license therefor. Every person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this section 234 Revised Ordinances shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Every day or part of a day any such person, firm or corporation shall engage in such business without a license shall be deemed a sepa- rate offense. 864. License Fee.] § 3. The license fee for itinerant merchants and transient venders of merchandise shall be ten dollars for one day, thirty-five dollars for one week, and one hundred dollars for one month. The said license fee shall be paid to the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. ARTICLE XXIV. LICENSES. Section. Section. 865. Licenses—By Whom Granted 869. Clerk Shall Register —Mayor’s Discretion — Licenses. When. 870. Fees for Issuing Licenses. 866. License—How Issued. 871. Transfer of . License—How 867. License—Term of. and When—Bond. 868. Bonds — When Required — 872. License Subject to Ordi- By Whom Approved — nances — Prosecution — Where Filed. Revocation of. 865. Licenses—By Whom Granted—Mayor’s Discretion—When. ] § 1. In all cases where it is not otherwise expressly provided, the Mayor shall hear and grant all applications for licenses upon the terms specified in any of the ordinances of the city; and all licenses shall be issued to such person or persons as shall comply in all respects with the provisions of the ordinances of the city, and as the Mayor, in his discretion, shall deem suitable and proper persons to be licensed: Provided, that the Mayor may, in his discretion, refuse to grant any application for a license until the same shall have been ordered by the city council, to whom he shall refer such application at the next regular meeting of the council. 866. License—How Issued.] § 2. Each license authorized and re- quired by any ordinance of said city, and granted by the Mayor or council, shall be issued by the City Clerk upon the presentation to him of a receipt from the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances of the payment to said commissioner of the license fee or tax, and not otherwise. Each license shall be signed by the Mayor, attested by the clerk under the ecor- porate seal, and countersigned by the Commissioner of Accounts and Fi- nances, and no person shall be deemed to be licensed in any case until the actual payment of the license fee or tax, and the issuing of the license in due form, signed, attested, sealed and countersigned as herein required. Licenses 235 867. License—Term of.] § 3. All licenses shall be granted for a period of one year, unless otherwise provided by ordinance. 868. Bonds—When Required—By Whom Approved—Where Filed. ] § 4. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, the Mayor is hereby author- ized, in his discretion, to approve of the security in all cases where the or- dinances require a bond to be given to the city before a license shall issue, and said bond when so approved shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. 869. Clerk Shall Register Licenses.] § 5. It shall be the duty of the clerk to register all licenses issued under the ordinances of said city, entering the name of the person licensed, the date of the license, for what purpose granted, date of expiration; if transferred, to whom, and the date of the transfer; and in ease of licenses to sell liquor, the house or place where the same is to be sold must be designated, and a column must be set apart for remarks. 870. Fees for Issuing Licenses.] § 6. The fee of the clerk for issuing any license shall be fifty cents, and all of said fees shall be added to the amount charged for the license and paid over to the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. 871. Transfer of License—How and When—Bond.] § 7. Any per- son to whom any license may have been issued under any ordinance of the city may, with the consent of the Mayor in writing, assign or transfer the same to any other person or persons, when not otherwise provided by or- dinance, and the person or persons to whom such license is issued, or the assignee or assignees thereof, may, with the permission of the Mayor, sur- render such license and have a new license issued for the unexpired term of the old license, authorizing the person or persons to whom such old license was assigned or transferred to carry on the same business or occupation at such place as may be named in such old license: Provided, that in all cases the party applying for such new license shall give a new bond with securities which shall conform, as near as may be, to the bond upon which such surrendered license was issued. 872. License Subject to Ordinances—Prosecution—Revocation of. ] § 8. All licenses shall be subject to all ordinances and regulations which may be in force at the time of issuing thereof, and all ordinances which subsequently may be passed by the council; and if any person so licensed shall violate any of the provisions of any ordinance regulating or relating to the business for which he is licensed, he shall be proceeded against for any fine or penalty imposed thereby, and upon conviction the Mayor may, in his discretion, revoke his license. 238 Section, 873. 874. 886. 887. 888. 890. 891. Revised Ordinances ARTICLE XXV. MISDEMEANORS. of—Penalty. Assault and Battery—Pen- . alty. Disorderly Conduct — Dis- turbing the Peace—Pen- alty. Animal—Disturbing Noises by—Penalty. Challenge to Fight—Offen- sive Language—Penalty. Impersonating a City Officer —Penalty. Unlawful Assemblage—Pen- alty. Aiding in Breach of the Peace — Assembling for Unlawful Purpose. Permitting Unlawful Assem- blage on Premises—Pen- alty. j Disturbing Religious ship—Penalty. Disturbing Lawful Assem- blage — Election Poll — Penalty. Disturbing Funeral Proces- sion—Penalty. Congregating in Stairways and on Street Corners— Penalty. Throwing Missiles—Penalty. Molesting Vehicles—Penalty. Intoxicated Person—Appear- Wor- ance in Public Prohibited —Penalty. Solicitation for Immoral Purposes—Penalty. Children on Streets at Night —Penalty. Children on Streets at Night —Duty of Parents—Pen- alty. Section, Burglar’s Tools—Possession 892. 893. 894, 895. 896. 897. 898. 899. 900. 902. 903. 904. 905. 906. 907. 908. 909. 910: vile 912. 913. 914. 915. Children on Streets at Night —Notice to Parents Be- fore Trial. Profane or Obscene Lan- guage—Penalty. Indecent Writing, ete.— Penalty. Indecent Article—Penalty. Indecent Exhibition of Ani- mal—Penalty. Immoral Publications—Pen- alty. Sleeping in Public Place— —Penalty. Indecent Exposure—Penalty. Indecent Play—Penalty. Dog Fight, ete.—Penalty. Cruelty to Animals—Pen- alty. Lottery Tickets and Chances —Penalty. Inducing to Bet—Penalty. Purchase—Chance Included —Penalty. Keeping House of Il-fame— Penalty. Leasing Premises for Im- moral Purposes—Penalty. Inmate of House of Il-fame —Penalty. Enticing to Enter House of Ill-fame—Penalty. Evidence—General tion Admissible. Deformed, ete., Person—Ex- posure of—Penalty. Birds—Protection of—Pen- alty. Excavation in Streets—Pro- tection of—Penalty. Contractor — Excavation — Protection—Penalty. Spiked Railings — Prohib- ited—Penalty. Reputa- Section, 916. 917. 918. 919. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931. 932. 875. Misdemeanors Section, Sidewalks—Casting Refuse 933. Fruit on—Penalty. Throwing Brittleware Onto 934. Street—Penalty. Spitting — Prohibited on Sidewalks, ete.—Penalty. Hay and Straw—Not to be 935. Stored Loose in Fire Lim- its—Penalty. 936. Opium Smoking—Place for Prohibited—Penalty. 937. Cleansing Garments, etc., in Street—Penalty. 938. Getting on Cars in Motion— 939. Penalty. Turning Hose on Persons or 940. Property—Penalty. Distribution of Hand Bills on Streets—Penalty. Street Obstruction — Exhi- 941. bition, ete—Penalty. Street Lounging—Penalty. Dangerous Animal in Street 942. —Penalty. 943. Air Gun, ete.—Discharge of —Penalty. 944, Seaffolds Used in Buildings —Security of—Penalty. Injury to Property—Penalty. 949. Trespass—Injury to Tree— Penalty. Casting of Missiles—Injur- 946. ing or Defacing Property —Penalty. ; Burglar’s Tools—Possession of—Penalty. ] 237 ‘ Posting Bills on Fence or Building—Penalty. Injury to Street Lamp, Tele- graph, Telephone and Elec- tric Light Apparatus, ete. —Penalty. Corner Stone — Tampering With—Penalty. Service Lid or Cup—Injury to—Penalty. Meters—Tampering With— Penalty. Sod—Digging of—Penalty. Grass Plot—Trespassing Up- on—Penalty. Sunday—Places of Amuse- ment Closed—Disturbing the Peace by Amusement on. Sunday—Business and La- bor Prohibited on—Pen- alty—Defined. Vagrancy—Penalty. Causing Pauper to be Charge on City—Penalty. Streets, etc.—Rubbish, ete., not to be Scattered in— Penalty. Occupation of Streets, etc., Without Authority—Pen- alty. Penalty. § 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession any nippers of the de- scription known as burglar’s nippers, or any pick-lock, skeleton key, key to be used with a bit or bits, jimmy or any other burglar’s instrument or tool of whatsoever kind or description, unless it be shown that such possession is in- nocent or for a lawful purpose, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than two hundred dollars. 874. Assault and Battery—Penalty.] § 2. Whoever shall commit an assault or an assault and battery upon the person of another, or shall be guilty of an affray within the limits of the City of Bloomington, shall be fined not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 238 Revised Ordinances 875. Disorderly Conduct—Disturbing the Peace—Penalty.] § 3. Whoever shall disturb the peace of the city, or the quiet of any private family or person therein, by loud or unusual noises, or by blowing of horns or other instruments, or by the unnecessary blowing of steam whistles, or by the beating of drums, kettles or other sounding vessels or instruments, or by the ringing of bells or crying of goods, or by loud or boisterous laugh- ing or singing, or by creating false alarms, as by erying ‘‘fire’’ or ‘‘ police, ’’ or by violent or tumultuous carriage, or by shouting, cursing, quarreling, challenging to fight, or fighting, or by any disorderly conduct, shall upon conviction be fined not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 876. Animal—Disturbing Noises by—Penalty.] § 4. No person shall keep or harbor any dog, cow, calf, hog or other animal which by barking, howling, bawling or by other noises shall disturb the peace and quiet of any family, individual or neighborhood; and every person violating this section shall forfeit and pay not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. 877. Challenge to Fight—Offensive Language—Penalty.] § 5. Any person who shall challenge another to fight, or shall threaten or traduce another, or shall use any profane, obscene or offensive language, or shall indulge in any conduct toward another pretending to provoke a disturbance or breach of the peace, shall be fined not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 878. Impersonating a City Officer—Penalty.] § 6. Whoever shall falsely represent himself to be an officer of this city, or without being duly authorized by the city shall exercise or attempt to exercise any of the duties, functions or powers of a city officer, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 879. Unlawful Assemblage—Penalty.] § 7. Any two or more per- sons who shall assemble in said city for any unlawful purpose, or who, being assembled, shall act in concert to do an unlawful act with force and violence against the property of the city, or the person or property of another, or against the peace or to the terror of the citizens or other persons in said city, or who shall make any movement or preparation therefor, shall be severally subject to a fine of not less than three dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and to a further fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars upon refusal to disperse after being requested to do so by any police patrolman or other conservator of the peace. 880. Aiding in Breach of the Peace—Assembling for Unlawful Pur- pose.] § 8. Any person who shall make, aid, countenance or assist in making any improper noise, riot, disturbance, breach of the peace or diver- sion tending to a breach of the peace, and all persons who shall collect in bodies or crowds for unlawful purposes, or for any purpose to the an- noyance or disturbance of citizens or travelers, shall be severally subject to a fine of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. \ Misdemeanors 239 881. Permitting Unlawful Assemblage On Premises—Penalty.] § 9. Whoever shall knowingly suffer or permit any assemblage for the purpose of committing any unlawful act or breach of the peace, or any riotous, offensive or disorderly conduct, in or upon premises owned or occupied by him, or under his control, within said city, shall on conviction be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 882. Disturbing Religious Worship—Penalty.] § 10. Whoever shall within the limits of the city disquiet or disturb any congregation or assembly met for any lawful purpose, religious or otherwise, by making a noise, or by any rude, indecent behavior, or profane discourse or dis- orderly conduct, within their place of meeting, or so near the same as to disturb the order or solemnity of the meeting, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 883. Disturbing Lawful Assemblage—Election Poll—Penalty. ] § 11. Whoever shall in said city disturb or disquiet any lawful assemblage or association of people, by any rude or indecent behavior, or by any dis- orderly conduct, or who shall create any disturbance or be guilty of any disorderly conduct, at any election poll, shall on conviction be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. 884. Disturbing Funeral Procession—Penalty.] § 12. Whoever shall interrupt or disturb any funeral assemblage, or shall break into or drive any horse or conveyance through any funeral procession, shall be 885. Congregating in Stairways and on Street Corners—Penalty. ] § 13. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons in said city to loiter or congregate about or upon any stairway, doorway, window, or in front of any business or dwelling house, theater, lecture room, church, street corner or elsewhere, and by so doing obstruct or interfere with the free passage of persons entering or occupying such building or premises, or by language, conversation or conduct annoy, insult or disturb persons pass- ing along the streets or alleys, or occupying, residing or doing business in any of said houses or places. Every person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall forfeit and pay not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense; and it shall be the duty of every policeman to arrest and prose- \ cute all persons offending under this section. 272 & 844 ACCOUNTS (See also REPORTS)— PPE UT PCC EID UDILY s,s foe x ésc a eso set © 3.5 ods vines 12 Under supervision of Commissioner of Accounts & Pe AL UM Ge Winter sie cis cis duns eo Goa ee Oly oe a 67% 144 Commissioner of Accounts & Finances to prescribe MRR PIE OLE ROOUIU I Gan wicteitce's dls ¢ acs sass ef ee ¢ 146 Pera ALL ACCOUNLS ANG FEPOTLS.. a. - 406200 s 147 I th Go are cde a a + elie’ osc ie o's ao 9 es * 148 Books of to be kept by Commissioner of Accounts & LOEWE LIY Oe A A en en aes , 155 & 160 RUB RGlTORTG LOOK OOD viel sis ss euro civ sesc ce uea ene 42 Poundkeeper to keep books of—Audit.............. 130 Of Public Service Utilities—Commissioner of Ac- counts & Finances to examine............ 150 Against city—Filed with Commissioner of Accounts Oo RIESE AS Sa Ta ee 156 Report to council on—RHegister ............0.. 156 May require oath of claimant......)....0se.00. 156 Weert Otte SrOMRUTOT) LOLS oi eins oc cis oe els ele , = 157 Register of warrants—Receipts .............. 158 Bond Register—Contents—Annual report .......... 160 & 163 Rmeatoreeept DY COllectOr: <....+..06¢ ov ci ease os rere G et Te PELE CRAMINGA TION Gs. vette coug dass vista ws 9 6 176 Separate accounts by City Treasurer.............. 194 PE CEEIRANIAIPOR LO. KOCD a, ivy) s > @siy cco,co 5.0 os ees 212 Of Board of Health, Commissioners of Health, In- spector of Health and Food and Sanitary In- Bee Le ULOV Oeste snes e's acct fee «ieee 0's. = 263 Record of disbursements for Department of Health. 263 Of Superintendent of Buildings—Monthly settlement 317 ; Of fees by Inspector of Plumbing—Monthly settle- 0 ST ee, 4 elie 330 Of Inspector of Plumbing—Annual Accounting..... 332 Of City Engineer—Monthly settlement............ 393 457 Page 83 & 229 25 o7 58 58 58 59 & 60 33 53 58 59 59 59 60 60 & 61 64 64 67 71 81 81 93 96 96 Ely 458 Index Section Of ‘supplies for water iwo0rks.c.@ "0a smes pee cree 431 Of City Electrician—Monthly settlement.......... 459 To be kept by Park Custodian—Settlements........ 478 Of City Sexton—Monthly settlement.............. 497 ADDITIONS AND ANNEXATIONS— To.the City of BlooOminetonee cnet ane ete re AFFRAY— Prohibited—Penalty.20)2 satire sm oye te ete tine et ee 874 ATR GUN— Discharge of prohibited—Penalty .........+..+-- 928 AISLES— Semiannual inspection of in certain buildings...... 299 Obstruction of in theatres, ete.—Penalty........... 513 & ALLEYS— 649 Moving buildings in (See Housemovers) City Engineer to survey and give grades for........ 380 Shall survey new alleys, etc.—Report.......... 381 Wires, poles, etc., in—Supervision of City Electrician 453 Auctions in: prohibited—Penalty =. van = neice ania 519 & 1093 Bill boards not to ;be@. in ice. os. «os eens eee 550 Ashes and rubbish may be placed in for collection.. 767 Blood, etc., from slaughtering not to run in........ 800 Depositing offensive liquids in—Penalty.......... 810 Throwing rubbish, ete., in—Penalty..............-. 917 Occupying without authority—Penalty ............ 945 Steps, cellars, etc., in—Prohibited—Penalty........ 1085 Use of space beneath—Prohibited.<...........<.+% 1087 Persons not to obstruct—Penalty............essee- 1094 Signs in prohibited—Penalty ....2.s0...ssnccsn ss 1098 Displaying merchandise in—Penalty .............. 1099 Removal of obstructions from—Powers and duties. .1101 Railroads to keep tracks at grade of...........e.. 1130 Railroads to maintain crossings at. .j)........s0..s5 1130 To be kept unobstructed for public use............ 1137 Excavations in—Permit—Injuries to—Penalty ..... 1138 Laying pipes, ete., in—Permit required............ 1139 Application—Cost of repairing, etc............ 1140 Tasuance Of, DOTMiIt—BO0G ceed ss ons ele wh arose res 1141 When defects in immediately shall be repaired..... 1142 Building wholly or partly in—Penalty............. 1146 Notice to remove—Failure—Penalty .......... 1147 Removal’ by City sca oe te emia s ame ae 1148 Guards and danger signals—Interference with—Pen- SILY Fiera: cals bn ieis alu eles sista als greenies oi temaee 1149 Unfastened horses, etc., in—Penalty............... 1153 Page 126 135 142 149 14 237 247 90 155 & 186 113 114 134 156 & 287 165 210 221 223 245 250 286 286 287 288 288 289 296 296 298 299 299 299 299 300 300 300 301 301 302 Index Section Tight wagons required for hauling materials in— PR TAe ek ce ota oa aa wie win: 4 i> we gible 06.0: aise 0a 0 1154 Coasting in prohibited—Penalty ..........2.eeeee. 1156 POMPPUGOOOME PLOMOIted .5 tes ethene ce sisweenene 1162 Contractor paving, etc., to erect guards...........- 1163 Unlawful to drive between guards...........eeee- 1164 Pere PEG PEO VG UAT Gen swe oc eae e's wie ese 6 5.6 50 1165 Wagon tires—Smooth—Width required ............. 1166 Burden of ten tons prohibited without permit...... 1167 Appleation—Avreement ... .-.c. ceca weccnecans 1168 Street railroad to keep tracks at grade of.......... LAL77. Duty of street railroad to pave—Power of council. .1179 Par LE UO TOTLOTOO cc's nis. os 0.0 6 oe onic eo se eels eine 1197 PER OP RAC ETOM——SDCCU pokes seaace cess wes eee ee 1213 AMBULANCES— Of city—Chief of Police custodian of.............. 31 To have right of way—Obstruction of—Penalty.... 841 Sees ee eT CCE DIVAN wet ela sis Liciiie ap 0 a «isms oe L197 AMENDMENT— MEO IIE AIT LOOMLOW OU GN arae citnis 2 66 56 cit ure vis es Sse 6.3 991 AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY— Re AOR O LM g BE Ce a ale inl oie) a0 9 vie a eee 6 Cece wale ODE ILC Ouran tr hs icin a's ing! 3 6:6 n'6 bole 0 wtele's AMUSEMENTS (See also THEATRES)— License for required—Penalty—Exception ........ 504 GY s ClCP RECO MSSUC——CONTONUS: 6s sc eis'eie os o's ese os 505 eee PO SIVA CL RE OL Ra tas acy alas o eon 6 6.000\s ies ole 506 Subject to ordinances—Kevocation ........... 508 Pro a fON Sr tem OTe CV Tes evi es 6 oe elt weie occce 509 Duty of theatre owner to procure—Penalty.... 510 semiannual inspection of theatres, etc............. 299 Injuring amusement poster—Penalty ...........0.. 511 Intoxicating liquors prohibited—Penalty .......... 512 Operruction Of aislos—Ponalty: 2... 0s. 0c ois snis ins oie 513 & 649 Theatre owner to preserve order—Special policemen 514 orusaleto move On—Ponalty 5... ccs ct es eee wes 515 Peaecatte play ——— ONS ty) shee asi se 8's 0-60 a0 20 To Commissioners of Health when food is seized as TES CUS ETI a) nee he ea 284 Loo ay. Y Orester In forestry matters. ........6+.0 415 APPOINTMENTS— Commissioners to make with council’s approval.... 5 May -discharce- without approval... ........6..00020 5 OE SPET SWS 8 oO pert 2 oer 947 APPROPRIATIONS— MATT ee LU CNA ANI WP eee cla sto gia ts «Ae: alle ws isiis« sie e kiss oss 0 10 TAT APOC ACO Tg ag 6 nos n.d og i056 ew 9 8 eye 160 No, warrant against when exhausted............... 161 Unexpended: balance to general fund.............. 162 ewouarate accounts.0f by “Treasurer. .....6...6.200 194 Buses. Wealth not to exceed its... owe. cee ene 263 APPROVAL— Council to approve appointments.............eeee8 5 Commissioners may discharge without council’s ap- EN eee ith ovheia ale cb itary ai silelSteiatin. wit. was 5 Delivery of ordinances, etc., to officials for........ 188 Of bills for health officers by Commissioner of Pub- AVGLLOA CHEAT OLOLY 5 asc .as piv oe 3 ke ee 263 CRreCeGen er EV OCLTICISN wat. a acc 5 s"c oes cine ses he's 455 Of electric sign applications by council............ 727 Of license bonds by Mayor.......... (Lee tes ee 868 SPO DDUCAONA TOF sISNS DYE COUMGL . oi. aic.0 so ov 0 0 ss 1103 SUE OISGiri1G SIP TS AUCs CISPIG Yai estes < oi0f)s 0's 0» o's © 6 734 SPF CONSALUCTION,, SiZC,. CLC... Of BIPNS. cw. e sons nes 1107 461 Page 317 318 318 320 14 27 32 55 62 73 112 124 28 86 121 22 22 251 25 60 60 60 67 81 22 22 66 81 134 202 235 289 203 290 462 Index ARBITRATION— Section Of damage to building in fire limits.....-..-...... 579 ARRESTS— Desk. Sergeant to keep record 01, pvc uss se we ae 43 Whorwmay make eir sac. ces secels site eee wml eae 72 Policeman may call on bystander to assist in making 74 Escape from—Information leading to......... ClLoSea rts Disposition. of \persom carresteéd . esc. cre ste se Clio sgt Record to be made upon—Contents.......... Clee Liem Gn ASHES (See GARBAGE, ASHES, RUBBISH, ETC.)— ASSAULT AND BATTERY— Prohibited—Afiray—Penalty. «os -s autas teietde cirtele ete 874 On policeman—Warrant for—Consent ........ Clete h ASSIGNATION (See DISORDERLY HOUSE)— ASSIGNMENT— Council to assign officers and employees............ 2 Council shall assign commissioners to departments.. 3 Assignment may be changed by council............ 3 ASSISTANT CLERK DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES— Under supervision of Commissioner of Accounts and BINA DCE Pb cele «cia ov ee ees a, ante eaters Oey siete 144 & 206 Appointment by Commissioner of Accounts and Fi- NANGOS (5. sis gis ols eae Vole Mare ie Vieeiee Ee atnieee 204 OLIN OF * on shs Me at chavernle eae vohe wie lohab ake wie tote chara eaacenat enn 204 Bond—Oath 90 es iieen sce cle wer ersis avec eeeee ene 205 Duties: Of pos ine ee chal cee als ose eo ke eee one renee 206 ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL— Appointment by Commissioner of Public Health and MaLoby Sr Sea ai ate om slo ae crete aden Pei ee 234 Ternrrofesin. Ace ics tae See eis waters ae sacar eeetne eee ates 235 Bond—Oath % snes Sst winsia itv ete e waterettivie gts eisvele ete 236 Powers anu -Quticey Ole satiate 5 curse etcede cate ste een 237 UE MIL OVI GAG oes a teure «teint aie aie bolsvehe eraser al Gite tte neta 238 ATTESTATION— Of all instruments, ete., by City Clerk under corpor- atoisea lite Sade nan Ue wee we wae ce aials Me 183 Dieensess by. City Clork Sa.cnsts seer tee mein a steve ae 187 AUCTIONEERS— License required for—Penalty—Exception ........ 516 Thicense FOOR 7) ne 95 to wiete tare ela dlciale a: stave er etete ety eS atere gee 517 Bondi required Fc. waeres scat er tcle coe tere tate 518 Auctions on streets, etc., prohibited—Penalty....... 519 & 1093 Fraud: by--Penalty 57.8. Gwe nate cistette re ste. eas omg 520 Page 173 33 39 40 41 41 42 237 41 22 22 22 57 & 70 69 69 69 70 76 76 76 76 17 65 66 155 156 156 156 & 287 156 Index AUCTIONS— Section Only by Licensees—Penalty—Exception .......... 516 BaP OUR rs Nasa sk os syn pie! ajo, 0 nae pivot die s/s leis « 517 MPO NUCL OCLC gol os ala i'cia a's wih lek le’s 2 'ci nicl vdkoln'c 00 0's’ wie 518 Prohibited on streets, ete.— 519 & 1093 Se UE ies ONLY Ci clvela'n eis Son ec oy eee die o's oes 0 6-6. 520 AUDIT— PE MIMUIE RHEE AGCOUTLS csivre aes e006. sie: olsic a ccs ee es ae 12 REGGE a SL OUNUROOPO!s 2. .e'd ee sce vce cea cceess 130 Commissioner of Accounts and Finances to audit all CATR ATICLE TOPOL LS: weet) esca a s'y Wie wee e's oe 147 PIERO EOEE WOLKE SUPPUCH cscs dele. s wa ue Fe bien e datle'e's 431 AUTHORITY— Ordinance authorizing this publication............ AUTOMOBILES (See also TRAFFIC; CABS, CARTS, ETC.)— Taxicabs (See Cabs, Carts, etc.) Traffic regulations (See Traffic) Operating for hire between definite points—License RecMitogauitney DUSOS)” 2.5 ccc es cece eae 521 Application — Contents — Action on — Modifi- COtIOM=—-ACCEPCANCG:. 6. ccc ccc nc ce sees vies 522 PERO CUE! COME IME Tain. oss eis e 6 vse ioe ts'6 bie ee es 523 & 527 Passengers—Number—Manner of carrying .... 524 Place of stopping for passengers........cese0 525 Placards of route and fare—lInside lights...... 526 License plate—Expiration of license .......... 527 Bond required—Conditions . . . ...cecesvccsses 528 PESTO a a athe oo ae a 529 PUG VOIGHLIOU GOL A LICONBOQl % sieves s0'6 = sues de's'ee-cles ses 530 Pet eeOU—LVOQUITEMONEA 9... 6 woe a eee cade ees 1224 Pa PURMR LU DEROIMINGU, scien 5 ow vised s elec sicve so ules o's 1225 AWNINGS— Height—Obstruction by—Penalty ... ...........- 1096 B BAGGAGE— PSUR CRttACULY CCRDE,\OUC< or a vie'n + «atv ety ui siele e oles 685 BALL ALLEYS— PHGONEG TOU WTC —POng tye.) 5 sialsits sw aie ens sles vaes 539 BALL PLAYING— In streets prohibited—Penalty ........cccscecoees 1155 BANKS (See CITY DEPOSITORY )— BARBED WIRE FENCES (See FENCES)— BASEBALL— PRPORERN DTONIDILGD ts 5p tte ces «6's

137 UEC RIOT LTE PEO aiteaie. FNls eal alinte ie re atia SR RGF Lose Gila WV dia 138 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 95 170 232 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 466 Index Section Election *of* OfGers Ai, 3:0 -cwd wreue ajeusiove me fie oleyeret a atc etatrtes 139 Rules and reculationsifor library... -.. 5 sce ee aw ee 139 Power over ‘buildings:and sfunds..... 2.5. aceite ee 139 Mayor to approve vouchers 0f......5.0 veces cesses 139 Appoint librarian and assistants—Fix salaries—Re- TOG VEL) Ors Gabe er eteceis sal oterene a'kape lone aeceeee er cane a May exclude violators of rules... 2. .csece utes 139 Nonresidents—Use of library by..............006- 139 Annual report and estimate—Contents—Oath...... 140 BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF PLUMBERS— Greated—Dlembershipy se... asicin se 5 so eee sete eee ae 345 Appointment—Term—Inspector of Plumbing on.... 346 Inspector of Plumbingva, member Oly ss oo as oles 323 Shall have statutory powers and duties............ 347 Certificate -of, board =required fayea. onus teste ele 348 Ponalty? ceatere oso aS sols 5 ote ate ee ele ae ae ea renee 349 Bond of Master or Employing Plumber............ 350 Cancellation or suspension of certificate—What work not to be inspected......... Hordisbonrcaiareae 351 Person doing own work—Bond sis. ase ee 352 BOARD OF HEALTH (See also HEALTH; DEPT. OF HEALTH; COMMISSIONERS OF HEALTH)— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health ANG “BaLOby ea when aietee ernie a wialeth = a teste ae 213 Membership: of Officers’). vaiec.. 1 cies ateietete etal seerete 254 Meetings—Qu0ram joc son so civ ctete aia sede ten saints stnvgManote ote 255 May make rules and regulations for sanitation..... 256 General powers—Nuisances—Diseases ............ 257 Territorial jurisdietion .7 «4. iee ase oes Sener ee 258 Contagious disease—Power of in case of........... 259 May enter house—Penalty << sas calc cine atatele b's wate 260 Infected clothing—May destroy or disinfect........ 261 Violation of orders of—Ponalty...... . se iisee cs wots 262 Bills and accounts of—Approval—Record.......... 263 Reports and recommendations—Contents .......... 264 Commissioners of Health to enforce rules and orders OL iG, wale lantdat ee wate Bee atch, Meee ee acre 270 To report contagious diseases tO........ecesse 271 Inspector of Health and Food to enforce rules and OTdOIs OL Picea stat oie sls ete tay! occ io! o/eahatee 278 Shall be*clerk -OL A.5 ~ 15s gee aieeeeene stow eterna 279 Defective plumbing—Notice to owner......... Cli lie33s Shall decide when quarantine shall be lifted........ 179 May cause vacation of premises where contagious disease exists y.:. ais sca acts cuemes Ceimaltnete 790 Failure to comply with order of about privies—Pro- COCCINDS 2. 5 Sowa Vis vs ais wate He ater sieteie sree Vokes 809 Page 55 55 55 55 55a 55 55 55 105 105 95 105 105 105 106 106 106 72 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 83 83 85 85 97 217 220 223 Index 467 Section Page To approve machine for cleaning cess pools, etc.....1039 275 BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— Created—-Membership ... . ceccvccucvercvsccccese 498 150 Meetings—Time and place .......scccc wes denveces 499 150 May adopt rules and regulations..........0.2ce00- 500 150 Mayor to be president and shall preside ......... 501 150 Clerk of—Election—Term—Removal—Duties ..... 502 150 Contracts for public improvements—Execution—Dis- position—Bonds attached to... .......... 503 151 To recommend approval of bonds of sidewalk con- MOL Revere aten cia cic crahat late nutes ae! ste s'et oe a a's 1079 284 BOATS— In parks—In charge of Park Custodian............ 478 142 BOILERS— Enforcement of ordinances concerning............. 311 92 Inspector of Buildings may enter premises to inspect Oren ca ec tn oo 0k can ¥ oreiaes’ elatale 554 166 usare—Notice—Penalty » s. cise ccccse vere tweces’ 555 166 Setting or altering—Approval .........ceseecceces 660 188 BONDS— Shall be drawn or approved by Corporation Counsel. 20 28 Acknowledgment—A pproval—Where filed ........ 949 251 Conditions of—Number of sureties.........ccseees 948 251 Register of—Contents—Annual report... ......... 160 & 60 & 163 61 BIEONEE VOL. gsawie we 0 one okt bali Orie gai 3 Or ge 14 26 Deemer Ora tlOme WOUMNAGI in a asic ae oat es seo cleo wes as ale 19 27 PPMMILIGIAED GEL OLIGO sale die e's eistela cee diee ses e'ccese ss 23 30 PUPAE OT et C1ICO tary gerne) ess o's dive aie oo sales we’e ore 36 32 Pam eIOL TOATIG Tele eh stec tc ehalatayels. vsiene shevele © ive sare eee 41 33 POEM ELCCEOL ALE OU fir. uichs cs ¥ 8 isie's’v's o oleh wie Galt e's @ 49 34 PPEEPOLORTAV ©-TSOL 7 OBTUSE 9.) 4 Sei e'b oe vl vie calc ain'e's sleclarmie ee 54 35 RE ETO RPLITEV GTS 0) oc a's sao cha se exe! oi ofa ohe ee’ e's aoe w « Gwe’ 60 37 RrrmemIG OTE Ole WACy) LISI e tes ys’ eree Se whe seca late of o'elweele's 60 37 Con TRO MG STARE ad da Mepis a a ae Me Oe eR 65 38 BUNA ECOROE SOL OUIS . gtag as amis 4 tes sa coe vita Blah 0 93 46 PETC OODGT oe. cng ane costes eile ff ciclo dics arenes ohavtldl xis 110 49 Of Commissioner of Accounts and Finances........ 145 58 No additional for Commissioner of Accounts and Fi- nances when acting as exofficio City Collec- SOL MPO M Ser ot tetale ce cient vives Batere’s tials wise cards 3 171 aos Of City Clerk—Filed with Treasurer.............. 180 65 COS Uy ECT iat ae a ee ee 192 67 Sere Cer ie AIL MA SRISCENL, CLOLE tes cere e are's one ehare se t's oft 205 69 RPE UCLOL ets O DAIL OL) wal chal ete e sruue teks ie acute viet eve holes! of oe ¥ 208 70 Of Commissioner of Public Health and Safety..... 214 73 468 Index Section Of Chief" Fire» Marshals i. sw shite ease eee 220 Of Assistant: Fire Marshal 76 stascrinee ss sede sees 236 Of Commissioners of Health.,,........ detest 267 Of Inspector, of .Healthvand (Pood vin ecm ae tien 277 Of Sanitary “Inspector qo 0s wicainitels stvmivie cteetde nes 289 Of Superintendent: of Binldings yc... o» ahuleve 620 Hoistways—Trap doors—Protection of ........... 621 Elevator shafts—Fire proof—Stairways............ 622 Doors—Inside lock—Construction ............ 623 471 Page 173 174 174 174 174 174 175 176 Was 177 Nap UT 7 177 da Ge Ay 178 178 178 178 178 178 i179 tio 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 181 181 181 181 181 181 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 183 183 183 Index Section Walls not to project beyond building line.......... 624° Tron shutters—When required—Construction—When closed—Substitute. 10 so Sitee teu. css oes 625 Doors—When shall open outward................. 626 Egress openings and stairways of theatres, ete.—Re- CFUITEMONLS 20's > tae ey te ete atate 627 In buildings for manufacture of combustible ar- TICLES Aas siete chet etoiee © oe ec ecole ee ere ones 628 Heating appliances—Arrangement and construction OLS AWE SS oS Lea et Mat Oe Se Bele ects 629 Boiler rooms—Requirements 2. . .oss0ss sas esslecees 630 FLOOESE 21s cieied whe ees hae an tain aaa Ee exe en ener 631 Steam pipes+-Protvection: Of ey ise e wieteicte Sesto ete 632 Pipes let into joists—Restrictions. ..........-2.... 633 Walls shall beibraced during erection... «+. «ss05eee 634 Term. *‘ Business| Building “7 detined .. «0 <5 es os se eaks 635 “Wholesale Store’’ and ‘‘Store House’’ defined.... 636 “* Basement?? -detined.. .°s:cccna estes oe vee) eee eee 637 How height of buildings determined.............. 638 Chimneys—Proper foundations required ........... 639 Posts and guy ropes—When and how permitted.... 640 Using street—Permit—Lights—Passageway ....... 641 ““Public: Hall’? -defined sc... seme eee eee eens 642 Stairways in public halls—Requirements........... 643 Exits “in ‘publicohalisz:. os s/s pvscsls sae yeaecaertenere nee 644 Public halls, ete—Height above street—Proscenium Wa lle—Oponings vee eee eles ye ie apes Genes 645 Floors of public halls, etc., to be fire proof......... 646 Partitions in theatres—Construction of............ 647 Asbestos curtain in, theatres—Tests........2...... 648 Marking exits—Aisles to be unobstructed.......... 649 Ventilatorsover.stagve: 2a. ussaredunner eatneee 650 Water ‘stand pipe. oni stage. tsa. as sie ors oe aie ete 651 Hose to be attached—Requirements............ 652 When outside standpipe required...............+.- 653 Fire alarm box required in theatres, etc............ 654 Fire extinguishing apparatus required.......... 655 Theatres, etc.,, shall employ firemen’... i.s:...c27:. 656 Recess or flue in wall—Kind prohibited............ 657 Side wall shall not be carried up before rear wall... 658 Division walls—When required—Stairways ........ 659 Steam boilers—Setting and altering............... 660 Floors—Table of strength required...............- 661 Partitions—Size, use and construction............. 662 Unsafe chimney or heating apparatus—Penalty.... 663 Wooden buildings outside fire limits—Height—Loca- TION 9.5 Gi dassaae bang Sore eee Oe eee ieee 664 Page 183 183 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 185 185 185, 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 Index Section Distance between frame houses. ......-....02- 02 eeeen 665 Division walls in blocks of two or more............ 666 Distance between other than dwellings............. 667 Buildings over forty-five feet high shall have incom- RAMI ES PO CLY OPEN Peed 50s lean aip km 5) apd wap sce a8 668 UN Ore BE UY te EN eee ee 669 Poundabions——Requirements .. o.oo c. bec ea sees oes 669 Preparing building material in street—Prohibited...670 Plans not to be changed after permit............... 671 SINR MINERS tai SS 68s oi ne ae wes 10% lee m 0, 2 aye Ss 672 Fire limits bounded and designated ................ 673 Building causing nuisance prohibited................ 836 Spike railing—Prohibited—Penalty ............... 915 seatrolds—Security of—Penalty ... ....... esse tees 929 Pasarin scorn cefacing——Penalty . 2. vaclen ea ewe ke ees 932 Postmormilinson prohibited—Penalty. 1... 2. cts cas 933 Biuetural requirements of saloons. ..2 2... 00. een ee 1011 Conducting water from onto sidewalk—Penalty..... 1097 Permit required to use streets while constructing— Deaton =A UTOCMONE 655. ay apenas wie sins & 1143 space occupied—Contents of permit............ 1144 Ny tOlatOnaOt permit Penalty... i. secs os ene ce 1145 Wholly or in part on public ground—Penalty........ 1146 Notice to remove—Failure—Penalty............ 1147 UC OME ke os gS Foe ere a a ae 1148 [ime erer ne lan OT MM DeTING in. i4is, 2. seis bem eg we 1158 Assignment of numbers—Records—Information. .1158 Pir oeba POSIEION, Of; NUUTCS 5%. cle. aa Scie Ha was 1159 Patuce LO number-——Notice—Penalty.... 2.0... 1160 BURIAL— Of person dying of contagious disease.............. 789 eeemurai burial prohibited 2... biec5 ieee aie e ae a 8 804 Of dead animal—Place and manner of—Penalty...... 830 Of contents of cess pools, ete—Permit............. 1043 BYSTANDER— Refusing to assist policeman—Penalty.............. 74 C CABS, CARTS, ETC., (See also TRAFFIC; AUTOMOBILES )— License required for transportation of property...... 674 License required for carriage of persons............ 675 ESOS a aaa aan ore a er eee eran 676 License number on vehicle—Penalty................ 677 Se PUSOOATOSTONELNG LOL POOGS as 6s. e va is css He oe te 678 Breavien) LUVeOIvey = CNGILY , |, G witece's 6 sme Casas er ene 679 Driver to be with vehicle—Disorderly conduet—Pen- LG eet ay ete cous Gia Yai estate Sie ph tse ele 680 Page 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 190 228 245 247 248 248 266 288 300 300 300 300 300 301 303 303 3035 304 219 222 227 275 40 190 190 191 191 rk 191 474 Index Section License transferable. ..0 eure vote eee ee beeen eae Seer teat 681 Charges allowed for carriage of property..:.......... 682 Service,:to: besrendered ita > 2.0.40) ae ere ea 683 Charges allowed for carriage of passengers.......... 684 Baggage to be carried by cabs; ete.c sso. ee. 5-5 eee 685 Rates to be displayed—Acceptance—Penalty for over- charge or failure to display rates—Revocation Of LI@CNBO se. 5 Assess co Mee Ase crea as ne eee 686 Vehicles excepted from provisions...5..5.e2.+252+s«~ 687 Penalty for operating without license............... 688 Shall not remain on streets—Penalty........:.....2. 689 Fumigation of after carrying person with contagious ISOGBO. 6. oi Soe, os [5 ciate ars ew eee tans wee eeeee eee 782 CANNON (See FIREARMS)— CAPTAIN OF POLICE— Appomtment by Mayors::. ‘crate ee ses arte sn 35 Termiv0£ 035 eee haleiias Cotes rest eee eee ee eae 35 Bond:-—Oath< rntn aie. st Sos ere cee ee epee vs Seen 36 Second in command of police department............ 37 Charge of police department at night................ 37 In- absence of Chief of Police. ie. 1 ae eee 38 Cini forma Fo 52) ci cis 0 wee oe le sic area re ee 39 Detective-Sergeant to act in alsence of.,....,. 73... 57 Power Of arrest. 0ln< lees «icy ale 2 onic ase ene ee 72 Duty: of to impound) animals. ce eee com ee 113 CARTS (See CABS, CARTS, ETC.) — C0. O"C. SATA RR Successor to I. B. & W. R. R.—Franchise of.......... CELLARS— Drainage—Traps—subsoil drains............. el, 39. 338 Connection with house drainece, ....- ee er cl. 40. 338 Allowing persons to sleep in......... eee eee eee e eee 793 Prohibited in sidewalks and alleys—Penalty......... 1085 CEMETERIES (See also CITY CEMETERY )— Digging grave on another’s lot—Penalty............ 483 Shooting, hunting or trespassing in—Penalty........ 485 Refusing to obey custodian of—Penalty.............. 485 Loitering in at night-—Penaltyiie i. ous vies 6 ae duets 486 Not to be located within city without permission of eouncil—Ponaltiy.... is tietieiete i i eae 487 Burial record—Annual report by sextons............ 493 Intramural burial prohibited except in.............. 804 Bloomington Cemetery Association—Charter of..... Park Hill Cemetery—Resolution—Agreement ... . CENTRAL UNION TELEPHONE COMPANY— Ordinance authorizing use of streets by............. AGCCOPTANCE: 6.5 Sit oh a's wile aera ale eye isco aes ea Page 192 192 192 193 193 193 194 194 194 218 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 36 39 50 325 103 103 220 286 145 146 146 146 147 148 222 402 404 385 390 Section OAL Aap gel a oa OS lise 7 a ee ger Be CESS POOLS— When shall be connected with sewer................ 795 Pures TOQUITOMONTE tessa ieee Revs 5 Annual report of treasurer filed with—Publication.... 203 Prepare and countersign deeds to lots in city cemetery. 484 To sign contracts for public improvements.......... 503 To issue amusement licenses... 53 «ko eee ee ee ee 505 To furnish license plates for cabs, carts, ete......... 677 Tovissne dog) Wcenses ome. soc otis tinetics outs er re 709 Shall-issue. and: attest: hcensess. oes oe eee 866 License bonds to: bestled with... 265+ .-6 .65 eee 868 Shall “repister all’ ee ey ee ee 869 Fee of for issuing license—To whom paid.......... 870 To’ file: officials bands scan meet ee oe eee ee 949 Shall record ordinances—Keep originals—Shall procure proot-of publication ss .eh.-. .4. so ee ee ee 953 To have custody of revised ordinances—Distribution of 959 To issue peddlers? icensés: >. 202s on eer ee ee 981 To receive druggists’ report of intoxicants sold...... 1023 Shall attest liquor *licenses = Sein mee ee ee 1029 Shall report expirations of liquor licenses............ 1030 Shall have custody of corporate seal... .... 1.75... . 1052 Page 148 148 148 148 25 & 65 58 & 65 65 65 23 27 64 64 65 65 & 313 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 69 146 151 152 191 198 234 235 235 235 251 252 253 257 270 272 272 278 Index 479 Section Page Shall notify engineer of filing of bonds of sidewalk a Ta ats a PA me, er Ogos, eer 1080 284 To approve bond for running traction engine on paved a ee eI rant alia bea hgh GES 0 Kt wien lo 1169 306 CITY COLLECTOR— Commissioner of Accounts and Finaneées exofficio ecol- Pee Ne Pah ee rae Sele aT tac hel at thy a! 63 PPREEREOUNN A AQT g cue oe ccs Gos ice 6 bk sues ad wiarSie » 0K by 63 EEA OS hte, Ace viaee Ee o8e 2 Wiese sie etek asta 172 63 ASE POCCIAL, BESCCSIMONLS, <5 cist so nono 0'ss ds og d's bls 172 63 MEET NATUB se eee ae en, ions ch ce ee acolo cae wei aes eS 172 63 Report of to county revenue officer...............05: 173 64 ey eekly seitiement with treasurer. .<..5 2 2s sais sens 174 64 Books of account of—Preserve warrants............ 175 64 RPE) ChE IMEITVACLONN copia fds tac ahate gs «ana & vhefovalvy oe 176 64 Annual statement of—Publication ................ ly Bs 64 CITY COUNCIL (See COUNCIL) CITY DEPOSITORY— Selection of—Interest—Bond .... ...........ce eee 202 68 Commissioner of Accounts and Finances to make daily ORES EST a se se ie ee a a 154 59 Treasurer to make daily deposit in...............0.- 201 68 CITY ELECTRICIAN— under supervision of Commissioner of Public Property and Superintendent of Water Works and eee Ss AI Bene ge nyt Pe at ty 01,0" '9 a's 423 & 123 & 447 133 es ER at CCIE Se aL Be ry ca tent ino, hina 9 opens 2 pss oes 446 133 Ti SE AGS oly NSS, ie ry ae 448 “133 OUNCE TST TE aN pa el ae Pe 449 133 Shall not engage in electrical or other business....... 450 133 Member Board for Inspection of Buildings.......... 295 89 MeermaeONOt authority OVCT rss csc 0's wie vcs 2 + 296 89 Supt. of Buildings may require aid of............... 306 91 ROG OE TRUS CR gn oS cre ois Wile nie so kn 030 2c. awytg “£00 133 Shall enforce ordinance—Police powers.............. 451 133 Sraleminantain Olnce at city hall... one. cones « sceke uihte 452 133 DORR TS DOCEIOU GY 0 ied Sie 2 whee sn wifes Sinrtss Swed 452 133 Supervision of poles, conduits and wires............. 453 . 134 Poles—Permit to set or reset... 2... 02. cree peace 454 134 Poles—Material—Uniformity—Approval............ 455 134 Raa aT OBOLV OU GLO: CULV yg 5c gah b ais Sole wert Spee stem any 456 134 Annual report to by electrical company.............. 457 134 Permit required for connection—Record............ 458 135 Inspection required before connection.............. 458 135 Pre DEe LINN STON COND IRIE tus 08 05 oc wis cinlk «icin de etn G0 459 135 PERO RS CCHLOTO Vines ailis, stare ee glue Gann dy wig \«, «-0le's Ss 2 459. 135 480 Index Section Page Records—Reports—Settlements .. 2... ss pscunvscns 459 135 National Hlectrie Code adopted oi.yc.mee sem aa ome 460 135 Certificate of inspection required—Who to obtain..... 461 135 Concealment of wiring—Posting of notice........... 462 136 Permit required for wiring buildings—Application... 463 136 Fees for anspections and. permitsi.., ya: 4 ie ee he 464 156 Defective insulation——Nuisance, . sic ate oe 465 137 Construction ol ordinances tee ee eee ee 466 138 Consolidation of systems: of poles acm vse c te eco tese 467 138 Abandoned poles and wires—Notice—Removal—Pen- BALE Pg cvs, jean ogee Se Dae en ae ere ae 468 138 Master electricians—License required ... ..--s0+s--- 469 138 Fee—Bond—Rights and liabilities... .......... 469 138 Metallic conduits—When required .................- 470 139 General regulations: (2 S022) Aee oe rn ee ene 471 139 Wires obstructing fire department or fire escapes— hemip val Crt aye ee atic oe eee Gl 1s 4a 139 Annual inspection—Dangerous wires, ete.—Notice —- Penalty io. fa irc sies als oct eeraeer eee aee cle aa 139 Power over wires and current during fire—Unsafe apparatus—No current to be furnished for EO oe pe EMP ort ic Mey a el. 3. 471 139 Assistants to: City Hlettrician. tee. en - el. 4. 471 140 Perms: COUSEPUGG S22. fiaie oc ao oe ee Co) es ec el 140 To decide questions unprovided for........ Gl. Os eave 140 Notice to inspect—Certificate—Turning on cur- POD as sans erat aiatoaae as Sone ed ape eee Cliote Bel 140 ; Metallic imaterial near wires—Permit—Inspec- TROT 5 eras Yb no rae ors pe pean Rede ClS ee 140 Interference with City Electrician prohibited cl. 9. 471 140 FInjuring electrical apparatus—Penalty.............. 472 141 Penal ty eee a Ate sieas tre slehe ees alee alts the otek eae ena 473 141 Certificate of inspection from for electric signs required 731 203 CITY ENGINEER— Under supervision of Commissioner of Streets and BPubbejimprovamentec), "eor. ae ee ee 373 ae! Appointment—TPerm hit: Gian 4 oe > at Reais a eee 376 113 Bonds—Oath cata ssens 7 0cce « Po ehh eee eve eee eee 377 113 Assistants——A ppointmentea).0-0, 90 icc. se eee ee 379 1138 Member Board for Inspection of Buildings.......... 295 89 Lamitation: of authoritys overcas 2.0 ee ee 296 89 Superintendent of Buildings may require aid of...... 306 9] Estimates of to be approved by Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements ......... 373 11] Shall mark and establish grades, ete—Surveys....... 380 113 Shall examine public improvements.............:..- 380 113 Index 481 Section Page PeAMeReTeCOTTOCG MOD OL CILY a). 2 eivewe ga eee ne 380 113 Repair sidewalks and pavements. /. ........-...06. 380 & 113 & 382 114 A Sg CTR BS et 5) Sos ole ena RO ae ee ee ea 380 113 muryey new s.reets, etc-——Report.. .. .........26.25s- 381 114 Shall do certain surveying for private persons....... 382 114 Plans and specifications of improvements required— . Deere nied -CONtrath via. fs ol Pee se nae. OOO 114 Shall prescribe manner of connecting to sewers........ 385 115 Sia issue permit—Contents . 2. 2... ec eee 385 115 PUIOCLE INA LOVOKE Permit . Go .ces cs nessa wees 385 115 Ree ae eee Pes wierd shot fet oh oo bts’ ee Pals pa ee 386 115 Private sowers—How authorized, ....... 2.5665 .8eee 387 115 Pee MeE EEE HSEVORL yh etre ep Sik his ase G8. a hd ale eo ace 388 115 Permits—Furnishing of—Form—Use .............. 389 116 Digging in streets, ete.—Permit required—Deposit— epiaciie COU DY CL oe on 635s hes se 390 116 Record of permits and sewer service pipes .. ........ 391 116 Breer OL TROGIR PLIGG OLG., 75 cae ess coe ee wh ees 392 1B ay Mantily reportennd sethiement.....6...8.eisen.s. 393 TF To give assistance to Commissioner of Public Property 423 123 Prallykeep chart of watersmains, ete................ 436 128 Copy of all public improvement contracts to be filed RNAS Og Nae, iti a ge ea a eP 5038 151 Clerk to notify of filing of bonds of sidewalk con- EV CROL SMR Mere els ice in). ee hes She Tole te as 1080 284 Duty of in connection with sidewalk grades.......... 1082 284 To have charge of sidewalk specifications............ 1083 285 To cause repair of dangerous sidewalks—Report...... 1086 286 To cause removal of obstructions from sidewalks...... 1101 289 Permit from required to lay pipes, etc., in streets...... 1139 299 Bupiicaiiioi— ost of TEPaITInNg, CLC... tke es 1140 299 issuance May require bond +n. .0-. 6 on. een 1141 299 CITY FORESTER (See also TREES)— STILLS ARSE) SANE 410 1 SR dA ete 410 121 Under supervision of Commissioner of Streets and PUIG eMIDPOVEMIOTIUS 50. re eres ets sears «3 410 121 MIME CETOTCOMIN ENS ALLO GTi loss og Wir sc a tejeivds ie 2 B00 > 411 121 Bieibadvisein matters of forestry <.. .......ce..505. 412 121 Peerea DLO Val OL TOQUIFO Sohne ae och 6 ed e's 413 121 Advice to commissioners—Instruct property owners.. 414 121 FN SOUR ea geo ee Ac ra ar a 415 121 MEIER eT ANIL LEN gee ers 2 caine ese as, oie ete, Male Boos 416 122 Permit required for planting trees in public ground.. 417 122 Manner and location of planting trees .............. 418 122 Sees eatire rece TLONI LGC ite «feng ts nas + oe sc se ee 419 122 Trees over streets and sidewalks—Trimming ........ 420 122 482 Index Section injury,.20 tLrees: prohibited Ore eta eda 492 Burial record—Annual report by sextons .. ......... 493 Shall:keep. repairs ce. 494 Morithly report—-Content.s 05 43st ars ane coe ee ae 495 Fees—Amount of—Property of city... ............ 496 Monthly-financialistatement ... <0. a eee 497 CITY TREASURER— Electodiby council. 5 oc 2 Fo «5 epee sate etreteat sie ieee 10.& 190 Under supervision of Commissioner of Accounts and FINANGOs ay. orc acetates fio sistnn wink eee 144 & 191 Term sO Rie 54 reir ate See ete ile tar ee oie a abe nee at Bond—Qath. 2.0m sein Oo iisas aire 5 22 Member’ of sores te -. ciearre terre eet ee ae ates 6 23 Approve claims, recommendations, etec., of his depart- MONG oo aie a eisae a tae Se nee henner rr eeeee 9 24 Office: hours? Soyer re ate ete eet ie one ee one 9 24 Vote on-alkquestionsy. i. serene ore to cena ae enemas 9 24 Vice- Président (of ecouneit-9, 2. ar eee re ee ee 9& 24 & 149 58 Agent ofccouncil-merely™ ot caro ee eee = a eee 10 25 Report at request of council). 20... eee mene eae 10 25 Councilimay assion added dutiest0% .. «oa. ee eee 10 25 In absence: 6fo9 Fat es oral ree a ee 15 26 Index Section OP US abe Be cif ok ali 8+) a ee 16 Proceeds of sale of impounded animal paid to........ 126 Audit books of poundkeeper annually ............... 130 Officers and employees under control of.............. 144 Prescribe manner of keeping all accounts............ 146 mnall audit all accounts and reports .. ;:............. 147 RE RE ots aioe Gale Sie-0 9 Cha Ana Siscacy x died 148 Dia eesOrem absence OL Mayor © 2 o's 6 se ce se oie el hs 149 mauy ae to public service utilities’... ces ccs ees 150 eRMRRe LTE OR POT bd OL, CILY Ce he ge ad's. ve pike ssa'a se ete mingentin, we 151 Shall have custody of deeds, contracts, ete..... SE era RAM BREMINACION Gv ac Sy aie ww aww vadlo > «0, 5. 0 Hines 156 Supervision of purchase and distribution of supplies, NR ee cl a 2s wed en atti Pan ks oe aka Yen 152 Manner of ordering and purchasing supplies, ete.. 152 Purchases of over $100.00—Requirements..-.......... 153 Deposit money daily in City Depository ............ 154 Monthly credit to City Tréasurer...............4. 154 Pree Ure ACCOUNT ACO DG KODL DY s 4 6. ssi: v0 crn le 2 o's ‘ones 155 & 160 RR erta TATOOS ATUL CIR eeehe 08 oka epi c's nso wih ono shece ae 155 ee RT et ee SUC WA GD a0 5, a Sohne s ie'le vibe wre + So ead as 156 Report to council on—Register of.............. 156 Mayerenuire oath of claimant...) 0... 0... ews « 156 Warrant on treasurer for bills, pay-rolls, etc.......... 157 Warrant register to be kept—Receipts.............. 158 Reports—Shall require monthly from officers..:..... 159 Default of officer—Report to Mayor—Proceedings... 159 Warrant—Charged to fund drawn upon..... peta aca 160 No warrant against exhausted appropriation......... 161 mnexpended balances to general fund. ........ <4... 162 Bond register—Contents—Annual report............. 160 & 163 Water rents—Record of—Collection ... . .....0.0.-00.- 164 Improvements—Reecord in office of—Contract filed in PRO as ii S tn eR RRR IAS so age ck, oo 165 winnature to contract. lor required... .. 20.0 206... 165 aL ex Sale ——IS10 TOT CILYs: cic lyis =< Soles esis ops Huan 166 Licenses—Signature—Record of ... ................ 167 Pie Yet ODOTt——-U ONTENTS a8 seers aun as cel osm vs 8 168 Annual report—Contents—Publication............. 169 ES PiRRE MNES Pel Thamar crits Sry. pepe Sao is idl wie ea a. ae 163 Amunnal estumate—Contents . . icv cs ncc serene nna ee 170 May require statements from all officers ........ 170 Pity erlOrk UUGCTASUPerviSiON Of 66. 6 2' 4 oie eerie ein LAD May have ordinances, etc., from clerk on request ...... 188 Drivel ierk to cattle 2. o:- ata fee 204 Appomt: Meter’ Kepairer oan ow.codee tee eee 207 Duty of m ease of defective water meter............ 210 & 211 Annual estimate of Commissioner of Public Health and: Salety Pl ele eae oe elaine oes eee 215 Arrest: trespasser, etc, ati fires. >. och Sane ea eee 245 Monthly accounting of Superintendent of Buildings.. 317 Annual estimate of Commissioner of Streets and Public LMPTOVOMENUS wv. ¢ eeue swe gf elas se eeein er ene 375 Plans and specifications of improvements to be filed WIth jos Selon yaa oe cine nt eigen ea ee eo oe 383 Monthly report and settlement of City Engineer ..... 393 Annual estimate of Commissioner of Public Property. 425 Shall issue permits to use eity water—Record........ 434 Shall keep record of water service pipes............ 435 Designate ‘kind of water: meter. 2.5. ste ce ce erences 438 May enter premises to examine water fixtures....... 439 Power of where no water meter is provided......... 440 Duty of in case of nonpayment of water rent........ 44] Shall give receipt upon payment of water rent...... 442 Monthly settlement of City Bléctriciane. eee ee 459 Price of lots in City Cemetery to be paid to—Receipt LOR itd Wes eats Soe eee ae Ore ones 484 Monthiy ‘settlement or City Sexton... .- oe seme ee 497 Member of Board of Local Improvements.......... 498 To sign contracts for public improvements......... 503 Copy of to be filed with—Bonds attached........ 503 To countersion amusement licenses... >... .csaee es os 505 Shall: countersigucetises. 2% 0... sree ce te ees 866 Lerm, ob omce of appointees Ol sow tstcem ss sujet 947 Shall report to Mayor or council when required..... 951 Duty in case of default of Police Magistrate, ete...1004 May enter saloons—Refusal to allow—Penalty....... 1020 Countersign liquor licenses—Receive fee............ 1029 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS (See MAYOR) COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY— Council to assign one commissioner to be...........- 3 Bond) of Ae ii ins See eee ae ete ate eee ciel crete te 214 Rules! and#regulstions”. © ites. ew fate oe tee ole ete ie eee 4 Power to appoint and discharge officers, etc........ 5 Approval ‘by council. reese. eens ates 5 Page 67 67 68 68 112 114 17 124 ys 127 128 128 128 128 129 135 146 149 150 151 151 152 234 251 251 263 269 272 22 73 22 22 22 Index . Section EMER CTU ILC LR GNI gry rie Paielencae < vaie'e to sO Cale #3 6 Approve claims, recommendations, ete., of his de- DRE PERCU Ree Bene cles ed go oe ig tl ee bs Gola ot os 9 (UE 83 oe Cog iPS SS Sali Se i eg Pa era 9 TISSUE ULONS Py cee cs eae ne vs helen sw ae ce eb ees 9 PORE OLOROUNGITNGLOlLY oP, Sa. cence ews nots eee ee 10 Perr Girt eduest, OL COUNCIL ......%. 00 os oe wea sos 10 Pounci may assion added duties to..5:...5..0..... 10 RR MNE I UIERSIE WONT hehe atc cak ig oN o's ot. ave is,e vier bs cet 15 May have ordinances, ete., from clerk on request.... 188 Officers, departments and matters under control of.... 213 errr MC RRIAVE a. ia tte ger ren | SI ce RUGS Se oe Bel 215 Fire department under supervision of.............. 216 Pemorice niet Mire MOersnal. 2c. s ss cis sede etal oe 8 217 Giarces acdinsi firemen made tO... -s.cssc ce cneess 226 Report of Fire Marshal to about employees........ 227 PUG CHTUIIOM OL ADPATAUUS. «sm... see ecto es 3 223 Poe oo eeissant, Hire Marshal. i... ..cce st eee ewe 234 (ERE I yi TEE OC Sou) 9 a 9 tg a a 240 PeeECeLALIESpASSer, (OLG., Al TTC. oo. soe he eee ee ee 245 PURE IES OEM LOTTO Ol sy cc ce = cae en ee 5 sie os 48 246 Department of Health under supervision of........ 253 - Member of Board of Health—Chairman of.......... 254 To approve all bills of health officers.............. 263 Record of disbursements for Department of Health.. 263 PemrMeen meet TO OTC LO cay oes ire ola via diols oo eh e 264 i ppoue, Commissioners of Health: ..:......0.60%6 265 Appoint Inspector of Health & Food—Supervision of 276 Inspector of Health & Food to enforce orders and RTL geO LamCree Pe et ee teette ea cints a iets ete ery 278 TL BCS se S04 a gt oe ag les ae Fe tO gor mir aE oer 282 BermeeOa TL TY LNSDOCLOL 200.4%.) cc sus whe ee ve oo e's Se 289 Supervision of Department of Buildings........... 294 Member of Board for Inspection of Buildings........ 295 Supervision of Board for Inspection of Buildings... 296 Appoint Superintendent of Buildings when......... 304 Annual report of Superintendent of Buildings...... 318 Appoint substitute in absence of Superintendent of Eee eee or eee eet ees wn Seis Peles s 319 ute metsocnor OLE lambing . so. seers C2 ks hee 320 MOCOLy GO UUNUAIFODOTt OL. ssh veces. es chew eee eso 332 Member Board of Examiners of Plumbers.......... 345 Appoint member of ..... eet A See ee re 346 Appoint Sealer of Weights and Measures.......... 353 UEC Myc ate Ln Uh ey Rae a a me ae a cra 354 PUEeRV esr OD OREN OL Nery isi vlc oink oss: Soave We a tees 371 Pel SRT ITI COR ITIL VE OETUIGS fe Nie aicie te es ce elas eee ee ss 433 487 Page 23 24 24 24 82 85 85 86 88 89 89 89 91 93 94 94 96 105 105 107 107 110 127 483 Index Section Member; of Board, of sLocals bmprovemicuts 2c oe 498 Electric sign applications may be referred to........ fou Shall.issue, permits for electric sions *.n4 - 6 <<) seer 728 Shall quarantine all contagious diseases........... 779 Power to cause second hand goods fumigated........ 786 Permit. of to- open offensive, sround, 6teciis. en ae 803 Duty -ofsto-remove dead animals 7k. sete eine 828 Shall.entorce article;on. 3s Health @..).Avie nee ae 841 Term of-oiice of appointees of a,c. «. esis ent nee 947 Shall report to Mayor or council when required..... 951 May enter saloons—Refusal to allow—Penalty...... 1020 Shall issue permits to clean cess pools, etc.......... 1040 Night scavengers to report to—Penalty.. 6... 4-2. 1042 Duty of in ease of offensive cess pools,.cte........<. 1045 Application for sign may be referred to............ 1103 Shallissue. permits for sions 2 casn era en ee 1102 May enter and inspect slaughter houses.............. 1113 Permit from for dwelling in connection with slaugh- ter: house -o. oo stay sgelsjace ies eee ee ee 1115 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC PROPERTY— Council to assign one commissioner to be.......... 3 Boned : OF ig iice%s st. a oso oyaee sy ache Gi mleie: aaa ee eee 424 Rules and regulations <0. srs setae ence eee ee + Power to appoint and discharge officers, etc........ 5 Approval by? councils sak. ee een eee 5 Mémberiot ceouneile. Gunn ate rene tees) ene eee 6 Approve claims, recommendations, ete., of his depart- TIVO Tf, 5 jaiteicege ssinieie tn, otauegaae a ciao inaeke eae Dede 0 Office OUTS octet 5 eecuie evisu tah or amet ana? ce nel ae ene f) Vote. oncall gnestions c.icc 3. cout ete os oe oe ere 9 Arent OfeeOuncll. merely... cn. a eeirsee ee teen ee tee 10 Report ‘aterequests Ob. CONNCH Ny 3 2.2. aa. ses a 784 Bringing into eity—Penalty os 7. rah «eta Or eee 787 Who/may enter house—Penalty | ste... ene tere cere 788 Death from—Burial—Attending funeral—Penalty.. 789 Vacation of premises where exists.) . ss. oe ee 790 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS— License required——Penalty <2) 22 ew wis dies a ee 556 Application for liceonse—Contents .............2-.-5- 557 Tacense feo—A greement 2° 2 oe- eee ao os ne ee 558 Public—F ailing to protect excavations—Penalty...... 914 Sidewalk contractors—Bond—Terms of............. 1079 Must obtain permit for each job. .4. v.06 +> =. 1080 Penalty see. ba ee See ao ee ee 1081 (See Sidewalks) Guards to be erected by when paving, etc............ 1163 Unlawful to drive between guards...............-. 1164 Unilawfil to remove ouards. 2 ye pete 1165 CONTRACTS— For sidewalks (See Sidewalks) Must: beiauthorized by council... een ce 2 ere 10 Requirements ‘forsvalidity. oot een ee 10 Corporation Counsel to approve form................ 10 Officers, /éte;, merely -agents.-.2.eriark one ee 10 Sign: contracts rs oS yi. pee weletnee eine 2 eee ae 15 Drawn or approved by Corporation Counsel.......... 20 Remain in eustody of Commissioner of Accounts and Pinanees: fyi. casey a ng eae eee 151 Open to examina tion et celeste on ae re 155 For improvements—Filed with Commissioner of Ac- counts and Finances—List of.............. 165 Signature of Commissioner of Accounts and Fi- Tances “TeQuITad Aim oh va ee diene ae Ce eee 165 For public improvements—Execution—Disposition— Bondssattached:tO tes te ae een ee 503 Concerning free telephones for city and Board of Educations337. ec ee ee meee le Cea Page 84 84 217 218 218 218 218 218 219 219 219 220 166 167 167 244 284 284 284 304 304 305 bo bo Ov mo bo bo or on bo. pO Coo oO i) | © 59 61 61 151 394 Index Section Between city and Park Hill Cemetery............... Between Chicago & Alton Railroad Company and Bus- iness Mens Association concerning extension DPeGAT, PaLrond "Bh SRODS,. OG 2 5.5. Wile en ou sis Between county and city concerning pest house at ESS 4 Eo ORG at ey Ce ee CORNER STONE— EER WIth CUALLY 0, 6 ofc! os v9 bee Shaw Com aig 935 CORNICES— Pere iits—-CONSEFUCtION Of. 2 mew naw wknd eee is 613 CORPORATE LIMITS— REE A A UITAN 55.0) Fp CE Lp Moey oak wiiwne se) Ree dba oe mimes. ernie" s. 0 8 CORPORATE SEAL— ois SSR) AEE Ro ea ee ae ea ane i ar rae 1050 Ca EY 18 Slt ii a loa ae eA a aa aera 1051 BRUMMELL Mack, ches, x he. ny via soko i + miei abe earn skye 0 2h9-0 1052 SE VRLBOrReLOAKOCDeANG USO.. 5% oredisn sence dale ae owe 183 PPpOr er IMPMGLOSLAGION Of LICONSES 66 .ie ese es niece sd ee 187 CORPORATION COUNSEL— Pee ee UEC N Rr eter igi eS o.ore vw bid os ww any as 608 10 & 18 JHU O SUE Pee gO Pe Ay BU a ee PUT RAs ue east 18 2S) See 92 Oe eS Roti bie ae ee 19 Pea yah eer COMES 8 SS ee re 20 Chief of Police shall notify of suits................ 32 Board to report building violations to.............. 299 COSTS— Of sustenance for impounded animal................ 116 DEPP REAN Od Caen OOTCUS LOPS sik ssl oF 2 we ssi «cea Ree ays 724 Commitment, for nonpayment) of. .... cs ds6. ew seen cee 995 nee age Wittens. foes taxed ASS... 6. 02). sss eck a oe 1000 Seememi ee OCR, MAPIStTEUO } 6.0) 3/- o45 5 GS sie vio dig eos 1001 Officers fees—Amount—To be taxed as costs......... 1002 Adjudged against city—When payable.............. 1003 Officers collecting shall pay to city—Neglect or refusal Ble ECBO ae oe, att Fo VS cic ating Wayanad 1004 Officer collecting on execution—Report.............. 1005 COUNCIL— To determine powers and duties of officers, employees BE OPAC CINE ER iM he. 5 Chie 6 uk oh4 5 su sely se 2 To assign officers and employees to one or more depart- CEN ge arent cae Sle. sip So ayii's Oo ats Mod aig 2 Shall make rules and regulations. ...............656: 2 Shall assign commissioners to departments........... 3 RE PAUDCOME FUL ADDOUNUNCNTS . . ooo .n« oto be disturbed during meetings............ 9 Order 0f businiess=.57.). 2 sa ae eae tte tee reese 9 CUOTUIN 5 iets sears sven are esc eee, Sener eee 9 Votes: necessary ito’ passace. = 5 ce vee see ee cee 9 Holl callsands record tests cere go etaials coos sieian eee 9 Mayor and all commissioners must vote.......... 9 Mayor’ to be ::.+..2 eee ee eee 16 Consent’to' sale: of tax titles. vec: . .. «cee eee 17 Chief of Police to attend on request:........5.....5. 27 To confirm appointment of special policemen.......... 67 Report of Board of Directors of Library to.......... 140 Appropriations—To be notified of when exhausted.... 161 Monthly report of Commissioner of Accounts and Fi- nances—Contents sion < mms shies gueeltee sakes 168 Annual report of Commissioner of Accounts and Fi- nances—Contents—Publication ........... 169 Bond report fim ys itis seers ric arenes setts cern ee oe 163 Annual estimate of Commissioner of Accounts and Fi- NANGCES 0's ware sea Vata els «Ace eee erate Weta ened 170 City Clerkelected byw. ct. aa tis ore cea me renee 178 City Clerk to’ attend all meetings of.) 7... .s 9. 184 Clerk of Council—Keep full record...............%.- 184 Notices—City Clerk torissuess . 200 eee eae 186 City: Treasurer elected: by\ i... eens see teens ere 190 Page 23 23 23 23 66 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 & 58 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 27 27 31 38 55 60 62 62 61 62 65 66 66 66 67 Index Section Annual estimate of Commissioner of Public Health and ae Cr ene OT lien nigh adie tl oe Ws sk 215 munuaieraport Ol board of Health. .. 2... 62.6502 nssis 264 Monthly report of Inspector of Health and Food...... 282 Quarterly report of Board for Inspection of Buildings. 301 Annual report of Superintendent of Buildings........ 318 Monthly report Sealer of Weights and Measures...... 371 Annual estimate of Commissioner of Streets and Public AME OMMUNOL DEL ay x85 cal susrgiai stele citdens 5 wine ee 5 4 375 MeawetevOKe. VOT LO Tay SCWEr. . 2.26. ce ees sense 385 Annual estimate of Commissioner of Public Property... 425 Permit by to use unmetered water............ceeee8 437 To designate kind of water meter... 2... 2.2... nee. 438 Permission of required to set or reset poles.......... 454 May designate fishing days at parks............ Cl .9o 479 Power of to grant certain privileges in parks......... 479 Power of in connection with City Cemetery.......... 482 To pass on applications for jitney bus licenses........ 522 iirasita permission: for bill boards... ....... 6.618 e eee 551 Permits to use streets for building material, etc...... 641 io approve electric sion applications... 00. .0.6 66.6.5 727 To issue permits to conduct offensive business........ 813 MUI DPOVE s DODGE MOUSCINOVETS......6 006 eee es 851 niall issue permit to move building...........0...-. 852 Application—Power of council... ........-.... 853 Application for license may be referred to by Mayor.. 865 May require reports from all officers................ 951 Payment of court costs in discretion of.............+. 1003 . Monthly report of Police Magistrate—Contents...... 1006 DEBT O10 MLCOCNSES ceo ce ohn es islarn f0) ne sc awe © 1009 shall approve saloon license bonds.................. 1012 Consent of to transfer saloon license required........ 1013 May close saloons by proclamation.............-,.0. 1019 May grant licenses to druggists to sell intoxicants... .1023 Sete eC OT ies Ghue’ eicis ties te ainiescin«tecepela cs os da, < 1023 PP EEOVORG MGUOTALICONSCS 2 50 \e5.0 0s vis + 0s sustn.e e100) 6 0,3 ¢ 1032 Pita DOFOVGDONGS Of SCAVENLOTS: © 6 6 .snd owes vee nies © 1037 To aprove bonds of second hand dealers............. 1055 To approve bonds of sidewalk contractors............ 1079 pe eaeaUual -SeOWwalk OTAUCH. . Sn oy a cee ey woe ye ces 1082 Malapprove applications for signs... 6. 66.66 fos e ee ae 1103 May require flagmen or gates at railroad crossings. ..1124 May compel railroads to erect and maintain crossings. .1131 Power of when railroad refuses to pave........4..... 1132 May compel railroads to continue sewers, etc......... 1133 Granting Street Railroad franchises (See Street Rail- roads) 495 Page 73 82 86 90 93 110 274 278 284 284 289 294 296 296 297 496 Index Section Power of when street railroad refuses to pave........ 1179 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS— What: is-—-Penalt yi. j. ofc eerie: wae ts Cee eee 902 CURBING— Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements to control construction and repair of.......... 373 Injury) to——Pend ity 3c cecete 2 ee lee Seta ino es oes eee ee 1090 CURFEW LAW (See MINORS) CURSING— Prohibited—Pengity rane 2. ates canes ar es ae eee 875 & 877 & 893 D DAIRIES (See also MILK)— Inspection of—Powers of Inspectors... #2... 2. = 287 DAMAGES— Policemen not to accept without Mayor’s consent ¢l.5. 77 To abutting property owners on street railroad line. ..1172 DANCING— In saloons’ prohibited -t29..0.0.. tes een Wee ee 1021 DEAD BODY (See also ANIMALS)— Of human being—Not to be retained or exposed...... 832 DEEDS— Custody, Of 5 5.2 55.505 chao neo cheneemtage ets ee eee a 151 To lots in City Cemetery—Execution—Form of...... 484 DEFAMATORY PUBLICATIONS— Publishing of on streets prohibited—Penalty......... 697 Publishing of in city prohibited—Penalty........... 698 Composing Or printing ——Cenalty.. 01. ee eee 699 Hach instrument separate’ offenses. 01. ee 700 Truth no “defénse—Hvidente:.1.0.)... «15. eee se ae oe 701 Newspapers excepted—Evidence ... ............«+. 702 Pleading and complaint—Matters unnecessary........ 708 berms COUN 93 Ngee rsa laa ad ote eet tere eee 704 Shift or devise to evade made offense................ 705 Invalid portions of article not to affect remainder.... 706 DEFORMED PERSON— Exposure for vain-—Penalty vets tree ae See eee oii DEPARTMENTS— Pive! dQ@Partments sc see wrciemie aus issn ele tees etree lene iain 1 Powers :distributeds tO... .5. aw hotest te eee 1 Council to determine powers and duties of............ 2 Council to assign commissioners to!...........:--+2 +. 3 Rules and regulations DOr ew. os ac cmte se) shee -aons eee 4 Police Department—Created—Officers therein....... 21 Fire Department—Created—Officers ............... 216 Department of Health—Created—Officers........... 252 Page 309 242 its all 286 238 & 241 87 40 307 196 196 197 197 197 197 A ks 197 198 198 244 21 21 22 22 22 29 73 79 Index Section Department of Buildings—Created—Officers......... 293 Department of Water and Electricity—Created—Mem- SPUNIN) ayy EES PUNO ES Catv Gh ovis cae vie eds o's 426 DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES (See also COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES)— Pee SCT OUGOU UO y co ci4 sie ele kw oles oie eed oo oe ee Council to determine powers and duties of............ Dounci 10 assion: ¢ommissioner tO.....:...256.0.6 PMMPUT Ce UAIAN NG LOE A Yo viesca esd s Aare nieve aot a's ramera Su nerwMislon WY MAYyOT.. 6c. le cass Seeders DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS (See also BOARD FOR INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS; SUPERIN- TENDENT OF BUILDINGS; BUILD- INGS)— Pee R SAGs JILLCOTS. 5° ory a Hisivb svn ie e's FA > od Bw ke ecace ® aN eI IONE Rn he Son ene Nai woe Fs, e Rie tte ke ee os Superintendent of Buildings to keep records of........ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (See also HEALTH; BOARD OF HEALTH; COMMISSIONERS OF HEALTH )— DUS LE RE oe Be a tah Se TEL EOCCR PLM EOII ies ws 5 Sine eS be eo eb cols as Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health ISR 6 le Loy AE oR ie so a ae MO TMINIIE CS MITECINOIIUS. LOT og osx see clale ss ee 6 ale > DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS (See also MAYOR)— Re MERI ET CCUL ANE dealt craps wie jes es xcs So's 6 ogg os a's Council to determine powers and duties of........... Mayor to be commissioner of............. pastapnee whee See er UIA SIONS LOT eg crs.s lero dtoJn 0 lvls = ois 8 e's DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY (See also COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY)— Bae PCPA ILO Wasa’ Sots since Fae cals ier Rim awe sate Council to determine powers and duties of.......... Council to assign commissioner t0O................-+ fee nea Tee UB hIONG LOR n: . a ina es ev eee RASS ree bois Goneralesupervision bY Mayor... 6k esas eee een ne DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY (See also OF WwW De 293 294 314 252 252 253 263 em C Db COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC PROPERTY )— EOL e tAC TRIO POG LED 46. dca m wie Ainje la see ceed wih le We eee Council to determine powers and duties of............ Council to assign commissioner t0.............-00-055 Pile MMe OOMALIONG TOT, a. cx Gs Ales sale es Oe OS PRE LAS RUDOTVISIO UT Va EY OE Geb ohn! tlie: «whale s6 4s ails be 497 Page 89 124 21 22 22 22 26 89 89 93 21 22 22 22 21 22 22 22 26 21 22 22 22 26 498 Index Section DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IM- PROVEMENTS (See also COMMISSIONER OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVE- MENTS)— Powers distributed 000s. 0en sac ee ees eer oe il Council to determine powers and duties of.......... 2 Council €o: assign« commissioner; 10... 20. ce eee 3 Rules and reoulations* tors, Gees oe ea ee 4 General ‘supervision’ DY Mayors... tosis ee ee 15 DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND ELECTRICITY (See also SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING; CITY ELECTRICIAN.)— Created—Membership—Supervision of Commissioner of PublictPropertyay. 2 succure easier atten cr teens 426 DEPOSITORY (See CITY DEPOSITORY). DEPOSITS (See also CITY DEPOSITORY )— Commissioner of Accounts and Finances to make daily. 154 Treasurer to make daily oon ase onie. eres ide crete nee 201 Interest on monthly balance. 0. eee eee 57 No cuniform Gaeta spss wae See eee oes 58 Power Ofj;arrest:.: 0.4 sayin eee eee ee ee 72 Duty tovim pound. animal oc. ie so en eee, 113 Page 21 22 22 22 26 124 59 68 68 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 39 39 50 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 39 50 Index 499 DISCHARGE— Section Page Commissioners may discharge without council’s ap- yy Eh og & oO mate ae ete re er ga es ee 5 22 Appointments must have council’s approval.......... 5 22 DISORDERLY CONDUCT— UP UMPAMUPRTTOELES 55 hs 006s op cece sims so oe el. 11. 479 143 Pera Or cart driver—Fenalty.. 15... feck cece eee ss 680 192 Ue OCC S Ca8 0 cg a cae danish alte aos opie She She 875 238 Prohibited in saloons—Penalty . . . .cicscscsiecces 1017 268 DISORDERLY HOUSE— Keeping prohibited—Penalty . . . .........ceeceees 906 243 Doneime premises Lor—Ponalty say sian emis ew eta 907 243 Deine emmate, ete., of —Penalty. «2 .ii0cic sees aie gins 908 243 Enticing to enter—Allowing minors to enter—Penalty 909 243 Evidence of—General reputation admissible.......... 910 244 ee eee eNO Oe ick ve teeta gan iets ee ein wins se ostegs Nites oo 70 39 Policemen not to enter except NeCCOSSALY o 5 64. «.- De: ome A 40 DIVISION WALLS— BY GI PTOU WILE GUAT WAYS ves. gi eee ee ees 659 188 PmemlOcke OF CWOOr MOTE-DINIGINGS.. 1.00665. ews ee se 666 189 DOGS— Brood 100S0..10, PETES... Sines ee wee we el. 18. 479 143 Owner must pay license—Amount of.............. Cpe hiy 198 When license fee due—Expiration—For part of year.. 708 198 Clerk to issue license—-Application—Tag............ 709 198 Pere ties HUI OOT —_NGCONG Ol. a binds es iow 05.o ered esata 0 8 710 199 Tags to be issued—Changed yearly................. yp 199 Tags to be attached to dog—Omission not excusable... 712 199 Failure to procure license—Penalty................ 713 LOS BT CI £721 6h, 714 199 Dogs without tags shall be impounded.............. 715 199 Dogs of nonresidents excepted when................ 716 199 Proclamation to muzzle—Publication of............ 717 200 Police may slay vicious dogs at large................ 718 200 Unlawful to kill dog when—Penalty................. 719 200 RRR mer OTA LUV Wg ong sods os s+ alsin Gene eos» 720 200 Wot to be molested when—Penalty................. 721 200 Unlawfully removing muzzle—Mistreatment—Penalty 722 200 Fierce or dangerous dog at large—Penalty.......... 723 200 Dangerous dog — Complaint — Trial — Judgment — Execution—Costs—Penalty ............... 724 201 Bitch in heat not to be at large—Penalty............ 725 201 Conducting, witnessing, etc., fight of—Penalty....... 901 242 DOMES— In business buildings—No wood construction........ 599 178 500 Index Section DOORS— In elevator shafts—Requirements . .........-....s.s. 623 When required: ofsmetalvants ey. +. ae tee ere ee 625 When shall opentoutward.....3.-. «25-1 see 626 DRAINS (See SEWERS). DRAMSHOPS (See SALOONS). DRAYS (See CABS, CARTS, ETC.) DRESSING LIKE OTHER SEX— Prohibited—Penalty iy 41.3 soa ce ee eet oe ee 899 DRUGGISTS— Sale of intoxicants by—License required............. 1023 Fee—A ppheation—Bond soi, oe en ee 1023 Record of sales-——Contents 5-68 was sees eer eee 1023 Record open for inspection—May be taken up... .1023 Prescriptions to be preserved by................ 1023 Report—Afiidavit—Penalty .... ........:5...- 1023 Expiration of license—Fractional time.......... 1023 Requirements to be complied with before each sale. 1024 General Penalty oc ees «tn heirs ecwic hice ir term we Saentan eh tee tied cogent 422 For: nonpayment. of Water Tent ie. ce oa eae ote 441 & 443 For violating provisions concerning water, meters and TONGS Hebe cages says arse ce mse ee 444 For violation of rules governing plumbing in connec- tion with city water system.......... el. 16. 445 Refusal to remove abandoned poles and wires........ 468 Failure to repair dangerous wires, etc........... el. 2. 471 For injuring electrical apparatus: 2.2.0). «2s ee wee 472 For violation of article on City Electrician and Electri- Cal WORK fy ete pane an 6 ete ala ee eee eee 473 For violation of article on Parks and Public Grounds. 480 Digging ofave on anothers lOte 2.0.5. ae wee eke seer 483 Shooting, hunting or trespassing in City Cemetery..... 485 Refusing tio obey, City Sexboiey 2 ee eee es oe 485 Loiterins in- cemetery at Nioht 20. 0. ae ee 486 Locating cemetery in city without permission........ 487 City Sexton failing to keep record of cemetery lots.... 491 For operating without amusement license............. 504 For violation of terms of parade license............. 507 For violation of terms of amusement license......... 509 Theatre owner failing to procure license............ 510 Injuring amiiseméent Ostetoe, . ou esce oa e we 511 Selling, ete., intoxicating liquors in theatres, etc...... 512 Obstructing aisles in theatres, ete...............-..- 513 Refusal to remove from theatre lobby, etc............ 515 Auctioning without. teense. oe als ct eee hoe 516 For holding auttion Ob Streets; CC... 2... ae ee 519 Fraud by auctioneers as ates eo oe: meas acne ee 520 For violating article on Jitney Buses................ 530 For violations of article on Barbed Wire Fence....... 533 For violation of article on Berries, Small Fruits, ete.. 536 Operating billiard hall without license.............. 537 Operating ten-pin alley, ete., without license.......... 539 Page 92 104 105 110 115 118 118 tw 122 128 & 129 129 132 138 139 141 141 144 145 146 146 146 147 147 152 154 154 154 154 155 155 155 155 156 156 160 161 162 162 163 Index Section Posting and distributing bills, ete., without license.... 542 Employee of unlicensed person................; 543 Ne ERM SR ts tes cer x. ois oe Ry Ae .pevl'e =e we te 8 3 546 Postime milisom- prohibited places... 24... 226. coves 547 Bills advertising medicine—Samples............ ... 548 Pistripuune hand bills near school. ...........0. 0.6: 549 Pence? tal DOaTd in street, OtG. . 6s vac oie ne cen 550 Erecting without permission of council.......... 551 Improperly located or constructed......-....... 552 ae MeO EAN TERRA GLAD os te 9c, tm elo late le ein cate: ove: 6 area 553 Refusal to allow boiler inspection.................. 554 PermeMe EES INTIS TE DOLLOT os oc02 seid ueis(aiern:e 10's “alae « sia'(e oi'e0s 555 Muucensed builders and contractors. ............066 + 556 Buildings not in accord with ordinances.............. 559 Maintaining building that is nuisance.............%. 560 Erecting or repairing building without permit........ 561 Sale of imperfect building material—Failure to remove 576 Unsafe chimneys or heating appliances.............. 663 Por violating article on Buildings...........0...... 672 Failing to have license number on cab or cart........ 677 Refusal to convey by licensed cab or cart............ 679 Disorderly conduct by cab or cart driver............. 680 Overcharge by cab drivers—Failure to display rates.. 686 Carrying persons or property without license......... 688 Cabs and carts remaining on streets.................. 689 Por yiolatme article on Cigarettes. .........0..5.00% 694 RETIN SCONCOAICH PWEAPOUS. ..... Gerais v0 bees s oe ee we 695 PaMMeanesOeramalory MAtler, 0. 5. seek Gis soe o cee 697 & 698 Composing or printing defamatory matter........... 699 Peeeeretmeprocure doy Jicense.., «2. ete s ss dea ee 713 Rene AO ea al gn Pie caln a nape a siden wid 9 9.9 714 See MRE UTE EQS ng pt Bosere( als Soh ds ba nig Bie ah bs 719 REISE CS gee ners liens le A A An OA ae ee 720 OEIC TIGR 2 sg te gre 721 Removing muzzle from dog—Mistreatment.......... 722 Paercn or cancerous om at large. odes. s + chee e es vs 723 Refusal to remove dangerous dog after court order.... 724 Allowing bitch in heat to be at large................ 725 For violating article on electric signs. .............-. 738 Sea reas pPCRPOIS oh wad. a ayidyiae b's ou weet 5 we » 739 Operating shooting gallery without a license.......... 741 SOME TEL COWOTES aes os ais alnfslvimen us oie iden Sea ep 743 For violating provisions about fireworks............. 754 Poosniie SmI NOUS OF COVICO 6 obs is sheen 758 NENTS on" at nati rie ko ag eee Ere A BL ee ca ate ee 759 Bringing into city or possessing gaming device....... 760 507 Page 163 164 164 164 908 Index Section xposing ‘gaming device im streets; ys ain. career ces 761 Inmate of: gaming: house: a>.) si. ne. cde eee ee 762 Obstructing seizure of gaming device............... 763 For violating article on Garbage, Ashes and Rubbish.. 776 Physician failing to report contagious disease........ 780 Leaving quarantimed( premises ayia se ct =e eres eee ee 781 Person with contagious disease on street.............. 782 Physician failing to report on quarantine cases....... 783 Failure to. disinfect.clothes 20. sae eee 784 Using signs similar to quarantine signs.............. 785 Failing to fumigate second hand goods.............. 786 Bringing contagious disease into city......°.......-. 787 Entering house where contagious disease exists........ 788 Death from contagious disease—Burial—Funeral..... 789 Unlawful display of vegetables and fruits........... 798 Maintaining oilensive-privy . 24 Ss eae ee tae eee 806 Depositing offensive smelling substances............. 807 Polluting water supply Gon. wae or ees ee 808 Depositing offensive liquids on streets, etc............ 810 Maintaining offensive stable; ete. ~ ans. 2. ees eee 811 Filling cesspool, vault, etc., without cleaning........ 812 Conducting offensive occupation without permit....... 813 Generating sofensive, Gases. 4 ate eae cee oe 816 Violating regulations concerning manure............ 823 Owner failing to remove dead animal............... 826 & 827 Unlawful, burialcof-dead animalt. .4.5. 5 = ote eee 830 Selling diseased live animal.” .2 3.2.22. ie es ere 834 Maintaining offensive premises’... «)a0+0aee eee 837 Allowmg* certain weeds; to 2Trows.) ees ee ee 838 Obstructing ambulances .0 25 2s. bites oe eee nce ate 840 Maintaining nuisance after conviction............... 843 Selling unwholesome food, milk, etc.................- 846 Selling :adulteratedaml ky peer geen gee eet cre ace 847 Burning leaves, ete., at prohibited times.............. 848 Hor -violatingyvarticle on {ohesaith? 2s. 2.2 o. ete oe 849 Moving house without license * 2.8... .25c% 4. ces ee 850 Violating terms of permit to move building.......... 854 Driving stakes in paved streets. 2). s... Ai eee eee * 859 Housemover cutting trees without consent............ 860 For violating article on ‘‘Housemovers’’............ 861 Unlicensed itinerant merchants and transient venders. 863 Having burglars tools in possession...............<-- 873 Assault: and.battery—A firay wes. eo seo ae ee 874 Disorderly conduct—Disturbing the peace........... 875 Animal making disturbing noises...............+.. 876 Challenging to fight—-Offensive language............ 877 Page 209 209 209 212 218 218 218 218 218 218 219 219 219 219 221 222 222 223 223 223 Index Section Me rOMMRII CALS OLNCOT sk ke oF de wa ed ee cane 878 PRB SIO Gignac ais ahs ys. p ans omnis ates 879 Aiding in breach of the peace—Unlawful assemblage.. 880 Permitting unlawful assemblage on premises........ S81 PeispaeCatie TOUSIOUS WOTSHIP ©. 5 oe ee eee ees 882 Disturbing lawful assemblage or election poll........ 883 RIPPER SLIT EL Becca sax tees sees es = 4 lel oahu Zam vues 884 Loitering on streets—Annoying and insulting........ 885 ere NEM EN fen rs a a asec gern dienes Bis che 886 BeetR EE OTL VONICIOS 6 oi cs fis ord HV old ws ble ga es 887 Intoxicated person—Appearance in public or private.. 888 SeterLiMe sLOr- IMIMOTA] DUTPOSES ... . .. 1.5 wv ave ss wees 889 Chiudren unlawfully on street at night.........2..... 890 Paccurralowing children to be... i.e. tem. «- 891 Using profane or obscene language ...........-....- 893 BUM MST LGI I OE ig ch wale aloe ae Sg a em en oD Wig ea see's 894 See MeeremeeTINVCCONU ATTICIO «Cie cm decir ese + ae 8 ce 895 een EY SON MLOIAIMOT ANIMA, We oc es ole cee tee 8 896 Belling, ete., immoral publications, ete. ...°5....6..5.: 897 CARS UMN Trt OU Wego] Evie cS 898 Indecent exposure—Dressing like other sex.......... 899 Performing or allowing indecent play.............. 900 Conducting, witnessing, etc., animal fight............ 901 Dee TAYe ALICIA Ey Oa Wiccte 5 ps oscre o 6.yis aisthse os ogee viele 902 Selling, etc., lottery tickets and chances............. 903 RRR Gees Settee. se sales Goo kas bud dls e's 904 Making sales with chance included.................. 905 Pee Me MISOLUCELY NOUSO 6 eo eine en os ve ce eek as 906 Leasing premises for immoral purposes............. 907 Being inmate, etc., of disorderly house.............. 908 Enticing to enter disorderly house—Minors.......... 909 Exposing deformed person for gain................. 911 Seen ere OteWOUNCINO DIT OS af5 5 say fia vow saris Seis Sas bare 912 Failing to protect excavations in streets ., .......... 913 Public officers or contractors failing to protect exca- RA meee ct Koha s wla io alerts nag Spee Sie 914 Me Pee CSPI OC FALUN 2, egret vatnuat efelacs spas 620 eas 915 SeanieereLuae {Tull ON Sidewalks oo cin awe ds owe dw 916 ‘morowig tubbish, ete., on streets, ete. ...........:- 917 & 944 PetIserOn SINC ALCS CLG iiss ogre’ wreta a eains ide Wie cs 918 Storing hay or straw loose in fire limits.............. 919 Maintaining, ete., place for opium smoking.......... 920 Cleansing garments in public place.................. 921 PeOridtiorou. OLC,, CATS.1D, MOTION Ss gees aso 5 Foisie te chee 2 wie 922 Turning hoke on persons or property...............- 923 Distribution, ete., of handbills on streets............ 924 009 Page 238 238 238 239 239 239 239 239 239 239 240 510 Index Section Obstructing streets, “etty mc vanes oh. < sree ieee ee eee 925 Lounging’ on: street, eter. areas tele. ews oe eens eee 926 Permitting dangerous animal in street.............. 927 Discharging ‘air gun, ebl ete 2. ek vee eee eee 928 Maintaining? insecure scaitold 40 sere vue ti ee oe 929 InjUrin gS? PLOPOrby iy vce cieiaseishe eh ata omelet eee ea 930 Trespassing—Injuring tree, etc.............5++-s5- 931 Posting bills on buildings, fences, etc............... 933 Injuring- lamps, poles, wires; -et@sc. 2... 6 «128s sate 934 Tampering with corner stone or stake...............- 935 Injurimp” service lidOr Cup say archaeon toi cite tee 936 Tampering: with: meters, leo a. pelsle ne eae eee 937 Digging sod" without. permission... 2... 6.6 see wea 938 Trespassing’ on grass: plot, 6tC-s 2) 2. weneeies cele oe ee 939 Amusements open on Sunday—Disturbing peace on.. 940 Unlicensed pawnbroker.<....2«! sa.mns « ata eee 962 Doing business or labor on Sunday.............00s:< 941 VOQTANGCY hes te he bass acres Soe oe via arse saa ane ee 942 Causing pauper to be charge on public.............. 943 Occupying streets, etc., without authority............ 945 For violating article on ‘‘Misdemeanors’’.......... 946 For violating article on ‘‘ Pawnbrokers’’............ 978 Peddling; without a: licefise- {2 22 seems sa ee 979 Misrepresentation by peddlers... 23 vs ss ae ease. eee 986 Calling, shouting, etc., by peddlers and others........ 987 For violating article:on.** Péeddlers’ ee 988 Officers collecting shall pay to city—Neglect or refusal —-Procegdin gs .%, .rive ak Secs See ee 1004 Collection by officers on execution—Report.......... 1005 Monthly report: to: couneil concerning: 45.) 2.) sas sa 1006 Pool aelling, CG... % 1c cks ete ae te ee les Semen eae cn 1007 Selling’ intoxicants without license,................- 1008 Failure? toi post -saloon-licens@s 2. a... toe eee eee 1016 Keeping saloon open after hours—Violating rules..... 1017 Selling intoxicants:to dronkardsc.; =e. rete eee 1018 Violating proclamation closing saloons.............. 1019 Refusing to admit officers to saloon................. 1020 Druggist failing to report intoxicants sold........... 1023 Against druggists for unlawful sale of intoxicants. ...1025 False statement in aplication for intoxicants........ 1025 Physician making false prescription for intoxicants. .1026 For violating article, on. 7‘ Saloons’?”o... 2h 25. see 1031 Doing scavenger work without license............... 1038 Violations by day scavengers......« Bins ool antic arate 1048 For improperly cleaning cesspools, etc............-- 1039 Cleaning-without, permit cc. oe vent ee ere a 1040 Failure of-night seavenger to report................ 1042 Page 246 247 247 247 247 247 247 248 248 248 248 248 249 249 249 254 249 249 250 250 250 256 257 258 258 258 263 263 263 264 265 268 268 268 269 269 270 271 271 272 272 274 277 275 275 275, Index Section Violations of permits by scavengers..............0.. 1043 Maintaining offensive privy vault, ete.............. 1045 For violating article on ‘‘Scavengers’’.............. 1049 Second hand dealer failing to keep record............ 1056 Second hand dealers purchasing from minors.......... 1058 Improperly transporting waste paper, etc............ 1065 Junk dealer failing to keep record........1........ 1066 Collecting: junk without permit... 1067 For violating article on ‘‘Second Hand Dealers and Pome Pere tJ UTC DODS. oh, cs leu, x 6 © sane a's Swe» 1071 Pen Or GUSLEUCtIN GY: SC WEF... 5.5. << ¢ aise aes ees one, 5s 1074 Exeavating around sewer without permit............ 1077 For violating article on ‘‘Sewers and Drains’’....... 1078 Constructing sidewalk without authority............ 1081 Constructing sidewalk at wrong grade—Private use of. 1082 fnproperiy constructing sidewalk .... ss 1083 {f{mproper openings, vaults, ete., in sidewalks........ 1084 Obstructing sidewalk with steps, cellars, etc.......... 1085 Taeeav IN OOPeENING AN SIGGWALC. osc k ee cee cas een eee 1088 Improper use of sidewalk in receiving goods.......... 1089 Obstructing or injuring sidewalks, gutters, ete........ 1090 Be pRPt MEIC WLR E lg fas teraie oss: nietaus wee + sited sold este 1091 Obstructing sidewalk with coal, ete................, 1092 PoucwOMmne, COOCs in) DUDLG STOUNGS. «<5. cece + oes 1093 Persons obstructing sidewalks, streets, etc............ 1094 Maintaining pot on sill insecurely................:. 1095 Dimitar UMlaWlUl AWNING . . ose ec sce cece cine ss 1096 Conducting water from building onto sidewalk........ 1097 Maintaining sign on street, sidewalk, etc............ 1098 Displaying merchandise on sidewalk, etc............ 1099 Riding or roller skating on sidewalks................ 1100 BPANUUOtINT HAPUICIG Ole PAINS 2 oc. oc ssc ae wee ss © 1110 Maintaining unlicensed slaughter house............. CRB ia Refusing to allow inspection of slaughter house...... 1113 Maintaining unsanitary slaughter house............. 1114 Maintaining dwelling in connection with slaughter TUSDS TS deur Sh ot aur eg or a eae ee ee 1115 Improper ventilation, floors, ete., in slaughter houses. .1116 Violating provisions concerning flagmen, gates, etc... .1128 Railroads violating provisions about grades, sewers, he CT eee ene eae: Pe es ee ee 1130 Allowing engine cylinders to exhaust at crossings... .1134 Unnecessary blowing of locomotive whistle.......... 1135 For violating article on ‘‘Steam Railroads’’........ 1136 Injuring or excavating in streets without permit...... 1138 Violating permit to use streets while building....... 1145 Building wholly or in part on public ground......... 1146 O11 Page 275 276 277 279 279 280 280 281 281 282 283 283 284 284 285 285 286 286 286 286 287 287 287 287 287 288 288 288 288 288 291 291 291 292 292 292 295, 296 297 297 297 299 300 300 012 Index Section Failure to remove’ On: notice.2y oan ees sere nian sree J147 Obstriching-removal by City oc .0 eae ee 1148 Interfering with guards or danger signals............ 1149 Throwing rubbish; €te.; Insstreets, GtC2 a... ocean se 1150 Hitching to trees—Injuring, property..........0..... 1152 Allowing unfastened horses, ete., in streets, etc....... 1153 Hauling materials in leaky wagon................--. 1154 Playing ball and other sports in streets.............. 1155 Coasting’ inustreets: BtG.c2e ein encima oe 1156 Improper use of or injury to sewers and culverts..... 1157 Failure to number building on street................ 1160 For violating “article on > Streets ee ncurses ees 1170 Street railroad failing to keep tracks at grade....... Hi Bir Street railroad failing to maintain drainage.......... 1178 For violations of street railroad regulations....c¢l. 11.1181 For violation of article on ‘‘Tax on Fire Insurance COm Paige Woe, edn tance chca aa thei nee eee 1188 For violation of article “on ~* Traiiie? 3. 2...55 eee 1227 For violation of article on ‘‘Water Works’’......... 1232 FIRE ALARM BOx— Required in theatres and public hallssi 2... wc aoe 654 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM— Under supervision of Commissoiner of Public Property 423 Superintendent of Water Works and Electric Lighting in Charge Off. Wi. Sesteiets io ee ee 430 FIREARMS— Prohibited in Darksi 3 cia ee eee Clplanere Discharge of in cemeteries prohibited............... 485 Discharge of prohibited—Mayor may issue permit— Contents—Penalty gen eee n a oe totes ae ee 739 Cannon—Discharge prohibited—Penalty—Permit .... 740 FIRE DEPARTMENT— Hetablished Wave tho h os oer ecient ea Oa ees 216 Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health and Safety oe a tome eee ree eee eee 213 & 216 Officers-andjemployeessin-s.. 0" 520 ee ee ee 216 Chief Mire Marshal’ head totum ent wees eet ee ee 221 Marshal to make rules and regulations.............. 221 Crstody, Ore apparatisss olCsme. 0 -o ate neers anne 222 Examination of apparatus, ete.—Report............. 223 Repairoof apparawis en. eee ee oe er ce een 224 Command: 0f:a tires sstomiree nic me Mees oie tee wre 225 Record of employées—Report), 4... es ss ua cs en ee 227 Record, Of Yes 5 etait pee. Wen aie neg ose Bods Pata ee eee 228 Assistant Fire Marshal second in command of........ 237 Hindering firemen—Injury to property of—Penalty... 247 Page 300 301 301 301 302 302 302 302 303 303 304 306 308 309 312 313 321 322 125 142 146 205 205 Index Section Giving false alarm of fire—Penalty................. 248 False keys to fire alarm box—Penalty............... 249 Perea TOvenGOU OL LTGS is... cs ccc es ee ce ee ea ee 250 PSNR ES | St ile eo ae ae ee 251 Wires obsiructino=—Removal..........+.......¢el, 1. 471 epeiermerOr owargs at TGs igs... se ce te wn ee rol be female. hall re area ave TISht OL Way. ..... 26k wee gene 1198 Werepenes, G.c., not tO be used except. ..: 0.5... 0055 2.4 1231 FIRE ESCAPES— Not to he obstructed by electric signs. ............... 736 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES (See FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES) FIRE LIMITS— Peete ere CESIOTIALON . 8) ie ee ecole esc slse es ce Pe Pree AlOWed Ani yor... eee ek ee eee When wooden buildings in may be repaired.......... Pye TOOLS In May HE TOpaired 7.5... ee ee When flat roof may be substituted in............... Damaged frame building in—When may be repaired. .: Appeal to arbitrators—Selection—Costs......... Proceedings of arbitrators—Report............. When owner fails to ask arbitration............ Roofs in—When and how covered with slate.......... beeay all, 1i-—Wequiremonis: ... i. 8. eee es bate ee Rear walls in—Requirements .... .....-.-. eee eeees Roofs in—Fireproof—Composition roofs... .. Redes Cornices and gutters in—Construction of............ Wooden buildings outside of—Height—Location..... Moving wooden buildings in prohibited.............. Hay and straw not to be stored loose in—Penalty..... FIRE MARSHAL (See CHIEF FIRE MARSHAL) FIREMEN— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health PLCS OU Yr St Bi eie est So clad vip ofete Sensis ae Piper ire Marshal ain control. of. .... 2. ac wece sess ss Charges ASRINSt—Suspension . 2... 6. eee eee ceees EN rg OO gla oe a g's Sate he Od se ig ee Appointment by Commissioner of Public Health and PUES, VaR te eta ss ley aioe se te ne aT os (5 SAU TAMAS Spe i econ it pt iyi Sean rerar gear air PERIL L EMI SSUT ee asic as. s Bie a ee HIST we ba sae ae PRM CRS EMOeTVICHC te te wets hth. cian e's eee cece ste ae > EE CLE geno OE cat 1 ti ol gor a eee en Sari ee Removal of property saved at fire............00eeeee Trespassing, etc., at fire— Arrest... ...6. cece ween SPL ing oy Re TO pelea iy ahh io eee span gee a CU CreOueo, NaN VN © co Ff W De WH 664 856 wig 243 243 244 245 246 013 Page 78 78 79 79 139 139 316 321 204 190 172 172 172 514 Index Section Wires obstructing—Removal .... «.<..e.s+s.<> cll aa Removal. of wires at Arescy, .i. an seein earn eae fol Dts bee at i! Fire.apparatus to have right of way.....-..¢..«.-.- 1198 Wrenches; ete.—Not to be used except. :2 7.0.06... .. 1231 FIREPROOF BUILDINGS— ; Structural requirements—When must be............ 602 All buildings over forty-five feet shall have incombus- tible: COVETED istce wie dtteieie.e ante eee ee ee 668 FIRES— Duty of; Ghiet ‘of Policecat. se tse ae ee 25 Policemen to give alarm of—Duty at.............<.«; 75 Chief Fire Marshal ‘to attend Auctow oss ci cek tea cake ee 225 Record (OL iste at Se areca lms betace siete, ¢ oye trope Wate whe lahat ans eee 228 Fire Marshal may remove property at............--: 229 May» destroy buildings atcan.. oc dee wii eae eee 230 Removal of: property saved abs. 7. ci: ote sa ete 244 Trespassing; etc., at—Arrest, 2, is uaa ee eee 245 Hindering firemen at— Penalty: ys sects i ete a eke 247 Driving over hose-—Penalty 2. he ae eee 247 Injuring property of fire department—Penalty....... 247 Giving false alarm of—Penalty.........<:.00+.++-s 248 False keys to fire alarm box—Penalty............... 249 Rules. for prevention: of is. «6: sos ate ee ee 250 Penal gy icc. ss dicis inks sterite ds, cade cus pecans aia en, 251 Building unsafe as to—Power of board.............. 298 Superintendent of Buildings to enforce antifire ordi- NNATIGOS. oso iss ons guarptaias slap ati aehs pureay tera) aie eens 311 To investigate causes of fires and keep record of.. 312 Wires obstructing work at—Removal.......... ell, 471 Removal ‘of wires! ats-sa.n ode eie ae aay eee el. 3. 471 Fire apparatus to have right of .way.........2...<-. 1198 FIRE WALLS— Unidwellin oa voter ookiecd a ws oe Franchise of Bloomington and Normal Railway and Light Company on Franklin Avenue........ PRTG Bete Pe WPM Ae raha igi 62nhcd 5 ya kieig BI 4b aule’ «hm Be 8 Permission to Bloomington and Normal Railway and Light Company to erect wires, poles, etce., Bion ereurond right Of Way ts..> - << es yess ee ss POSTAL TES 0TSge R a e Franchise of Bloomington and Normal Railway, Elec- irate ttre) Catan er COMPAI yoy gal wns et oom rete ige Mee RO en Ge ei. ed adi dla'e sc g aloes Amending franchise of Bloomington and Normal Rail- way, Electric and Heating Company........ Ea Ghat Se AE | RE ee ae a Acceptance of Mal suede abc Electric Light Company. . Extension of the rights of the Bloomington Electric Ll Tr dr) gy ee rr re Ace ALICE MeN oes als aie Me oye Sa sue ’e oe si's se Franchise of Consumers Heat and Electric Company WG NINeCe tat OWA ALICE soc «aks ate eos eva 0 0 JA ENS GROSS ee 0 eo lay gel aot ee a a Franchise of Consumers Heat and Electric Company on PASO pia MAIN MET COUS «68 orci a ctele acces o's Beare a LTV EN ua Rig Sed gre od oy . a.22 os ass ieee et ee 884 Driving through funeral procession prohibited........ 1199 Page 385 390 391 391 391 392 393 393 394 396 398 398 400 402 402 404 405 428 439 442 442 446 446 448 448 449 217 219 219 239 316 Index G GAMING— Section MN eee SET UY goles hee a vie cess see 6 eral aicl'e s 10 wis e's 759 Inmate, visitor, ete., of gaming house—Penalty...... 762 Seizure of implements—Resistance—Penalty ........ 763 Lotteries and chances prohibited—Penalty.......... 903 epee LOM Ce —"E ONGILY oy ce a nen ce ech tem eee nes 904 Purchase with chance included—Prohibited—Penalty. 905 Pe eIATER TIERS , 0 6c Sev o dig kin pee ws oe vs 8 e's Cl Gy e4¢9 Pool selling, etc., prohibited—Penalty.............. 1007 Prooiwaeo in saloons—Penalty . . 1.2. we ee et 1017 GAMING DEVICES— Keeping prohibited—Penalty ... 2 ......... ce een ee 758 Bringing into city or possessing—Penalty............ 760 Pee urnrerny nurcete—F ENalLY 5 Sk aca yg ob ee ene es 761 STO ewer et races Ura ea 5G te FIP tay Ge SUS he 8 71 Seizure ol—Penalty for obstructing... ..........-. 763 GAMING HOUSE— Beepineg of pronibited—Penalty ... ....2..-. eeu 758 Visitor, inmate, frequenter, etc.—Penalty .......... 762 Seizure of implements—Resistance—Penalty......... 763 Policemen not to enter except necessary........ Bae ee HAS GARBAGE, ASHES, RUBBISH, ETC.— Removal of under supervision of Commissioner of Pub- PCV aL MICS Sa0G Ep Sen 2) 9 ga Ai a Pra 213 Collection of—Under charge of Sanitary Inspector... 291 Piet We BGaAGterod PO PAIKS.. 2... 6 ele ee el, 33. 479 RLS I AERIS a ple $9 lS ele 764 BARON NISUMORIE ML CECT ECTS cl ca cso. ss. bo oe vse vole 018 eles ge 765 Receptacle for garbage required.............+.-s000- 766 Platt GO. WO KOPL ON. . cee sls seeds ease eee 767 Ashes and rubbish in alley—Concrete receptacles—Kind je OS cher ac Lh Giese Sg i ona er ge 767 CH e LO MINe EO GER PALAU nc csi es c's Sac ss ds ele ess 768 Premises on alley—Location of receptacles—Corner lots—Ashes and rubbish for collection..... 770 Garbage, etc., to be set on curb line—Time...... ‘yal DORR MER OG THING (oe. ccc weit noes sees eee 8 773 Bee VORTECOUEACION 2, cc) oe oie soca w vm bs ee needs 5 oss 773 Removal by city—Places and amounts limited........ 774 Supervision of garbage haulers—Interference with... 775 ER STR Re ag eS 776 Perec LAL UPON StTeOls, OUG. ay occ ce ee tetsu ce ee 197 Depositing when offensive—Penalty ................ 807 Ashes to be removed from manufactories............ 831 Throwing rubbish, ete., on streets, etec.—Penaity..... 917 & 944 & 1150 019 Page 209 209 209 242 243 243 143 264 268 208 209 209 9 0 209 208 209 209 40 72 88 144 210 210 210 210 210 211 211 211 212 212 912—~ 212 212 921 992 927 945 & 950 & 301 520 Index Section Notsto. be, thrown inisewers, eta... 5-0. ae ee 1074 GASES— Generating offensive—Penalty. |: «6. ese eu ee 816 Not to escape from manufactories, 6te..........02-)-6 831 GATES— At railroad crossings—Council may require.......... 1124 Duties: ofr eate tenders ere ae teens sce eee 1125 Where shall be maintained—Hours of service........ 1127 Penalty ipinnisa echoes ane carts pales both, foun eee 1128 Time limit on obstruction of crossing by............ 1129 GIFTS— Policemen not to accept without consent........ aR eve GRADES— City Engineer to establish and mark................ 380 Record satiate ane he ete Cee eee eran 392 Baserforerty levela-.s. 15. eee wake oe oe ee eee 777 Grades. established—Table of ai. )ic.0.% fss ne ee eee 778 Tampering with grade stakes, otc. Penalty. icventaee 935 Of sidewalks—Establishment—Duty of engineer..... 1082 Replacement of brick sidewalk when changed........ 1085 Railroads to keep tracks at grade of streets, ete..... 1130 Street Railroads to keep tracks at grade of streets, OLGA sisis: diese 055: ean tays Oise aul Stee te a Raters aameenee meete gO By GRAIN ELEVATORS— Construction of—Requirements .. «.. =e. 1056 279 Of records of junk, dealers: @.2.2. res oe ae ee 1066 280 Of slaughter houses—Penalty for refusal............ 1113 291 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS (See SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINGS). INSPECTOR OF HEALTH AND FOOD— Appointment by Commissioner of Public Health and Ba lety i. is veahin eens, ci es Oat anes Cer eee Ea 276 85 Terni tots hoc tii) Woh Laem wre cae ve ee oan Ree ae epee ane 276 85 Bond -Oath a5 orn ace eta reheat of chars etats staat cnet cas rennet 277 85 Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health and Batety oo ao aie clk scale aden annie nea 213 & 72 & 276 85 Member of Board of Health—Clerk of.............. 254 & 80 & 279 85 Bills and accounts of—Approval—Record........... 263 81 Index Section Give assistance to Commissioners of Health.......... 269 General duties—Enforce rules and ordinances—Make BEN URIIS er TE aed ena SWS ig @ss oe eckson! Hs 278 PIO IVSIEG OW OLGs a gauss xo «= s6 ele. six’ sieless #5 0 eletes 278 Have powers of Commissioners of Health when acting oO” ULSTER pt welitg Sag ote ee ara ee 280 RN RS FR gee a Dia" slats ‘6 Rois as a n'a. 6 wiep ake 281 EE OID Ce Gn Pas creed, oh oa eS walese vs <3 nv a side ds 282 PUR SPC ELON =—L OWOELS 5. oy ae os whe ec vss aes a hes 283 Unwholesome food—Seizure—Appeal—Expenses ... . 284 Disyvcnver premises to Inspect Food: 2... 2. ee ee eee 285 Evidence of intention to sell................+.- 285 Obstructing in discharge of his duty—Penalty........ 286 Inspection of dairies—Preservation of evidence...... 287 Penalty for sale of unwholesome food—Evidence...... 288 Exofticio Sealer of Weights and Measures............ 355 Shall prevent sale of unwholesome food by peddlers... 984 Entry of wagons—Samples—Evidence ......... 985 May enter and inspect slaughter houses............. 1113 INSPECTOR OF OILS (See also OILS)— Merge SUUCIN ISON UL AMAVOI. . 6. ces 5 56 os ee at owen s 15 BE IGN GMI PRUR VOR cea oar 6s ota s viele vo sev ccs sie 92 NCE es cyan a! e'igels aso o.mpa, « 0 ofe Sores ees 92 IN OU Rl 9 OR a ee ee ar 93 Be RC ete ee ole alse 5 sia'a wexi v's sic's sielelg oa eee 94 To test oils upon application or arrival.............. 95 SEER RU HE BOC NO hele eas Scie nile o dy soles cele Hs dled ee ses 95 Provide testing instruments at own expense.......... 95 Result of tests—Marking casks ... .........000se0; 96 Not to deal in oil or be employed by dealer........... 96 Record of inspections—Open to public... .......... ot BaeCUOUCE sO —— On AIty te Sates oes ee ivnee dees bes 98 To be notified to test oil—Penalty.................-- 99 PE et eee ah a. Fic the Sobers 2 os wg ESTE eps Sie oe Fag 101 IEEE GUGEGY OLS CLOY chee ds oigicldce x Wil Vie o's 4/01 a's Fase p94 102 PRE ee al ic Late Fiat iste) go. sae wie. 0 ofa 6) a6%b,eeurigi@ vi'eia 101 Perro ED YC MAVOL ie. 5 cr) scicie ee bircne's oad tie ee 103 SUMP SELLE agree Teer Ne sia. o bic st os ie Cate a ove/w iw wi ELS INSPECTOR OF PLUMBING (See also PLUMBING; PLUMBERS )— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health RT TORY etn oe nso oie Py orere wer is ats Sec iy cue AES era Op ART ms POTI rere mre ettichs < nio'sk baile Se)d-e sed 8 320 PURER eR LCT ee Me re eal cata d Og 5 aoa e wale ow 8% Ere 321 Serre eee EL eg ere 5 2h Fie oc wis clase e Lae oasis. fiaine o 95.5.6 322 Member Board for Inspection of Buildings.......... 295 Superintendent of Buildings may require aid of...... 306 O27 Page 83 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 87 87 87 ral ( 87 107 258 258 291 27 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 47 48 48 72 94 94 94 89 91 528 Index Section Member of certain D0ards 43, ois os ie eee 323 Not to engage in plumbing business................ 324 May enter private, promises ws os. os x2 ae vince octets eres 325 Shall sign and issue notices and certificates.......... 326 Pass on plumbing. plans ss ae cnute's os stetee ase ie rants 326 Record ‘to:be Kept: Py. Gs .2t,45 = so warawtle ala «a ete rene 326 & 327 Duty of inspection and regulation...........5-.-.+:+. 326 & 328 Mees—Inspector? to COlGcts 2 o5. sels ste ete cis eral seit antes 326 ATMOUDEBS ODS tic acetate sree nore = ee geen tee ee 329 When payable—Property Of (ity... moe wees es 335 Account of. fees—Monthly settlement................ 330 Offica.and, OMG6; ROUTES ac...) seen = ee ee 331 early accounting’ and Teport.01 oo aa ee eee 332 May require plans and specifications................ 336 Vertiiicate OL APDTOVal&, 10 ¢ cnc ese « eta ee tle 337 Old plumbing—Inspection—Report ............ ells 309 Notice to amspect NewaWwOlk. oa ee tne step neers el. 2. 338 LIME OL cIMSPSCtION..- 45. «2 soho ee aan ae el. 3. 338 Tests: to. be used airs sactnts sie etd tel insta aot ere el. 3. 338 Jurisdiction over general plumbing... 2) ee 3309 Plumbers to report change of firm name or location... 342 License required to Go plumbing business............ 041 License required for sewer work in connection with plumbing or house: Grats. ee ee 344 Member of Board of Examiners of Plumbers........ 346 Not to inspect work done by plumbers without certifi- COLE a) ic cee mw iaus cays ala sete wa eal oa ae gl Ee ei eee 351 Person ‘doing. own: work—-Bond 70.3.2 ce eee 352 Shall issue permits to tap water mains—Ferrules.... 433 Hecords Of permite coche eee ee ae a eae 433 To approve service pipe material.............. el. 4. 445 INTERURBAN CARS— Where to stop for passengers... 0. 22. - aint ee os Gl. Welk Passing car loading or unloading prohibited......... 1201 INTOXICATED PERSON— Appearance in public—In private premises—Penalty.. 888 Excluded from saloon—No sale to—Penalty......... 1018 INTOXICATING LIQUOR (See SALOONS; DRUGGISTS). INTOXICATION— Of policemen——Penaleyint siccc codes piel es eases ee 76 Cause for renioval-of policeman’. —.0 7.2. ...-... - CL s4 wae ITINERANT MERCHANTS AND TRANSIENT VEND- ERS— Who are—Terms defined 4.5.4. acti ee eee 862 License required-—Penalty*. \. vie. na = se se page ee 863 License fee—To whom payable...................- 864 Page 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 Hf O7 a) 98 98 104 104 104 104 105 106 106 127 127 130 311 316 240 268 40 40 233 233 234 Index J JAILS (See CITY PRISON). Section JANITOR OF CITY.HALL— TT PEATE I OVE. 65 6 puis nie o-e so aloes kid in SD aa «3 59 IRR eR cl fale Pia ey i t's SS ode nla a pase ny oes 59 REE PS saeco cota! S das ats 2 gel g 5 Wig Ma OLe «OS Aww Ss. 60 eG en OS AR ae ee er ee ee 62 Bamana es THLICOPOWOIS «1. os oc os ae caw dis ee ag oye 63 EEOC Ds gos clcitat a ales, soy forte Sagas pis bmn 8s 63 Power of arrest........ ener s fase mma « Sielet shins wis ed Et JITNEY BUSES (See AUTOMOBILES). | J UDGMENT— iiecaee OL AmipGuUndGd ANIMAL... 5.62 se cece wees 118 Two penalties—Election—One judgment only........ 954 Minimum fine only expressed—Judgment may be for oo ARLE ice SNA PS gs Aa EAD 955 When penalty mitigated by this ordinance—Option as MeO ene ees eal ss e ass 960 Bore verdicteor sjury——Oollection. . 00.5% 00.00.45: 999 JUNK DEALERS— License required—Location stated in license......... 1061 epee TEI TMA Perey oiac<

oe wis ina k we aie 6 oo so ajane 517 156 SMU ISIE ULICONSC re. bev x <.< 4.5 © Sleleie.s eres os ope: 523 & 527 159 For billiard halls, ten-pin alleys, etc................ 540 163 rmereenOebinr ANd Duis, CFC. . sic siecle sii aie.e ovp 6's 544 164 PRI era eA -CONLTECLOTS’ .....\s'0%< + . b AAV Sd 2 wiles eo wie 707 198 PRM MERRIE PRA OTLOS 20 ose cae. od vie cisly & 5 sow we pie we 742 205 EMM INERT OTM gre LN cian cits o bng 0 diwie's hnarehe) ol dees ciwip ols 851 231 For itinerant merchants and transient venders....... 864 234 PEIN OCT Seat tals inane, e.g) : 5. Src ry ais she dia eee cle ee eames cer Ce Licenses fee 2 oy) 6 ae Se tas Mea ee ere ee ioe 527 Revocation of conkers. sg... o scacie acre hae soe 530 For billiard hall required—Penalty ................ 537 License fee: a4 PS Te ee. oo eA ee ht ee ee 540 For ten-pin alleys, etc., required—Penalty......... 539 License sLee: iia se tes Sse oa See ee oe 540 For bill posting, hand bills, ete., required............ 542 License-fe@ias 5 s\¢s ..> wcises, © bela attains se ehereacen 544 Revocation “Obs. e542" oer ee ees 942 Causing pauper to be charge on public—Penalty..... 943 Occupation of streets, etc., without authority—Penalty 945 General penaltyic 7) 3 she ee re ere oe ane eee ee are ee 946 MOVING (See HOUSEMOVERS). MUSIC— In saloonsprohibited..0.:0 512 ae eee eee ee 1021 N NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE— Adopted for buildings and dwellings................ 460 Adopted for electric’ signs... +e, nee eke tee 733 NIGHT SOIL— To’ be disinfected before réméval 77...) Sie ee 819 NOTICES— To Inspector of oils to be tested—Penalty.......... 99 To unknown owner of impounded animal—Form of... 119 Sale of impounded animal without—Penalty......... 124 By collector of special assessment due.............. 172 City Clerk’ to issue, for counciled vs ee Oe ee 186 In case of defective water meter. 2552. .112.5. cn 210 & Page 246 246 246 246 246 246 247 247 247 247 247 247 248 248 248 248 248 248 249 249 249 249 249 250 250 250 269 135 203 47 51 52 63 66 70 & 71 Index 539 Section Page Posted on house containing contagious disease...... 274 84 Superintendent of Buildings to issue for Department of URRAAE SLL Wag a aie ecw tak See Si a nk wn 8 313 93 Inspector of Plumbing to issue for his department.... 326 95 To owner of defective plumbing.............. eg Bh wetirsts) 97 To inspector to inspect new plumbing.......... el, 2. 338 97 To owner of condemned weighing or measuring de- (OTE det oh cancer SiR as i tite Sige Ga ts 361 109 PEE NG HIG. rn cas stiches sy ee ks wees 442 129 Posted by City Electrician on completion of inspection 462 136 uae Coeetrician. LO INSPCCh... . 66 6s Mees oes el Feat 140 By Board of Local Improvements to be posted by its OUTS on Ain Sy aie oe in a ee eae 502 150 ee temove parbed Wire 1EnCe. 6 26 o ss. ee eee 532 161 Notice to owner of dangerous building............. 564 170 By superintendent to remove imperfect building ma- CEN ase 2 oir Ber ie 576 173 Of unsafe chimney or heating appliance.............. 663 188 To vacate premises where contagious disease exists.... 790 220 To street railway of moving of building.............. 857 232 Peeretout WELOTO Trial OF CUI. 6... iis cee eines ess 892 240 Of revocation of liquor license—What sufficient...... 1032 272 To owner of offensive cesspool, ete.—Proceedings..... 1045 276 To remove building from public ground.............. 1147 300 Of sale of personal property found in streets, etc..... 1151 301 omowaer, etc., to number building... ....0........:- 1160 304 Of application for street railway franchise.......... 1174 308 NUISANCES— Maintaining after conviction—Penalty ............. 843 229 Summary abatement of—Powers and duties.......... 844 229 Who liable for cost of abatement—Account of expenses 845 230 Chief of Police to abate—Judgment................ 25 & 30 & 842 _ 229 ewer. 0dr Of Health Over, «12... -.6022- 0026 - 257 80 Abatement of by Commissioners of Health......... 272 83 Notice—Service—Disregard of—Penalty ....... 273 83 Unknown owner—No notice—Expenses ......... 273 83 Unsafe building—Power of board...........0.+++.. 299 90 Old plumbing as—Abatement... .............- el. 1. 338 oF. Rete UDI CrIVINSUIALBU 6). 6 vis. vase ee bess ees os 465 137 eM ee OMIOILOU ott 3 eins soe ow alae oh see es el 6. 479 142 Unlawful building declared to be—Penalty.......... 566 170 Dangerous building declared to be.................. 563 170 Offensive privy declared to be—Penalty........... 806 222 Offensive stable declared to be—Penalty............. 811 223 Animal or thing occasioning—Keeping prohibited.. 835 228 Building, ete., causing—Prohibited...............+.: 836 228 040 Index Section Offensive premises, as—Penalty ... ....----+.02-+.0> 837 Certain weeds declared to be—Penalty............ 838 Business causing prohibited 222... e: a.m. are ee 839 Unsafe scaffold declared to be—Penalty....:.,.....- 929 NUMBERING OF BUILDINGS— Plan of Sig oc Ba, dies cbt ete leas aie eo crear 1158 Assignment of numbers—Maps and records—Evidence —Information on demand .-. ...:.........- 1158 N1zZe- and *positiony OL" Ngures gee ia ee ee 1159 Failure to number—Notice—Penalty............... 1160 O OATH— Report of Board of Directors of Library under....... 140 Claim against city may be required to be under...... 156 Collector’s report of delinquent special assessments to arse C6 (2) gE Pee MIME a aie aie Pe grains ALO are 173 ' Arbitrators of damaged building to act under........ 580 Required to com plaiite wae aw sh paces itas ate eee 992 Required to druggists report of intoxicants sold...... 1023 OBSCENE LANGUAGE— Prohibited—-Penaltyy oi. 4 jess tone atone eee ate ee 875 877 & 893 OBSTRUCTIONS— In streets—Duty of Chief of Police. p12 oases 25 Record: of——Desk Sergeantsto_ kecpiz.2 ae ae ees 45 Causing on sidewalks, pavements, gutters, ete.— Penalty 2 °¢ 50 he oss aiits aera cleo oh aie es ae 1090 On sidewalks by coal, ete.—Penalty—Exception...... 1092 Persons not to obstruct sidewalks, etc.—Penalty..... 1094 Removal from sidewalks—Duty and powers.......... 1101 Of crossings by railroads—Prohibited............... 1123 TimesLimyrt 00 este ocsse so owe a peh ee 1129 Alleys—Obstruction of prohibited........... ee ee 1162 Of street*by vehicle prohibiteds s.6 0.45.0 ee 1200 OCCUPATIONS— Offensive—Permit——Penalty sa. eee eee 815 OFFICERS (See also POLICEMEN )— iormer town and ‘city oficers. en pine oe wii Present, city 701 Cara’ ee cee Soke eee, eee a ee Council to prescribe powers and duties of............ 2 Council may assign to one or more departments...... 2 Appointment by commissioners with council’s approval 5 Discharge: ofe tek SE eC Se ae ls eg 5 Commissioner of Accounts and Finances may require statements from. s0 2 .\ aot ee eee eae 170 Page 228 228 229 247. 303 303 303 304 59 64 173 259 270 238 & 241 30 34 286 287 287 289 294 295 304 316 Index Section Agents FIM CEISTHGEOIV Otte Oe oi tek oe ook wb ots ome eae 10 Co A A le ee 10 pr eer roONesE OL COUNCIL. kw. Le ee ee ee es 10 I Ee ie ae ane | Ak oe Sos 's eh ste we be eae 947 Bond—Conditions of—Sureties ... ................ 948 Acknowledgement—A pproval— Where filed ..... 949 Salaries fixed annually by ordinance................ 950 To report to Mayor or council when required......... 951 Beemer mice OL SNA HO OPEN.) 2.) oc eo ae oe eles 952 OFFICIAL BONDS (See BONDS). OIL INSPECTOR (See INSPECTOR OF OILS). OILS (See also INSPECTOR OF OILS)— Inspector to test on application or arrival.......... 95 eR ENA Ue Me Hk 5 cio c sas wie saree a cea aes tyes 95 Poe beste — Marking casks... 2. is... oe ee oe 96 Record of inspections—Open to public.............. oF Notice to inspector to test required—Penalty........ 99 Selling inferior oil—Counterfeit brands—Penalty.... 99 Refilling casks—Sale of uninspected oil—Penalty..... 100 eee RIE WOR ISOOTANIIE eee ot ete ct ss 8d Beds eo ehee G'S he Slew 101 VEU aL i 1 AE rok A Seg a 102 pLorage Of—Requirements ..-. is. ee eee et eee es 105 May be-stored in iron tanks—Permit................ 107 Pera d Fem Alt OM GUIO WALKS. 2 00. ie ye Scie es ovale os 106 MRR SPA PEPORIA LEN GNI e Pt aig. 6 6s Soo a Als ewe one 'e lo ee ee 108 OPIUM— Place for smoking prohibited—Penalty.............. 920 ORDER OF BUSINESS— RATER rata cr ee eS see kia do este ee See ats 9 ORDERS— Council to make all for work, improvements, ete...... 10 Police orders—Not to be communicated........ ALS Boa Sys erecseros MMpOUNGEd ANIMAL. 4466/5. w5 3 see ale ea 118 Of Board of Health—Violation of—Penalty......... 262 Commissioners of Health to enforce............. 270 Inspector of Health and Food to enforce........ 278 ORDINANCES— Ree AUNSCPUOLUICALION ~ 50... fee viele eb Gee ees When revised ordinance shall take effect............ 1233 Molen necessary tO passage Of.........55<.0.06. 000% 9 URED BEEUULOTOOOT ep ott orgies ole siesta fa ale ne « 9 Mayor and all commissioners must vote on........... 9 RDN TAMEULWC SE Ri Mee Gi Sie ow oa Hoe a eee bess" 9 epee Te Mere ha 9.5 CATS Ss Awa eile eiew Give oR" 9 REIT OOO sii eG ay es 5, i Svs + EN Hine oaks eS 9 Recording of by City Clerk—Contents of record.... 185 For contracts to be approved by Corporation Counsel... 10 O41 Page 25 25 25 251 251 251 201 251 251 46 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 246 24 542 Index ~ Section Drawn or approved by Corporation Counsel.......... 20 Mayor tO CnLOTCe Ag cys eae t oe ee re ce 15 Chief of‘ Police to: enforee 4): m4. een ae 24 POlCEMENTLO, GNI OTEG Ry cay a ee a ee 69 Clerk to deliver to officials on request............... 188 Fire: Marshal £0 enforce siectiysscmus rere ers were oe 23 Concerning health—Extra territorial effect.......... 258 Inspector of Health and Food to enforce....... 278 Building—Superintendent of Buildings to enforce.... 307 Superintendent of Buildings to enforce anti-fire...... d1l Inspector of Plumbing to enforce plumbing.......... 328 City Electrician to enforce electrical... ..5 09. asc = 451 Construction of electrical-ordinaneé. 4... se ae «ee « 466 Park Custodian to enforce in reference to parks...... 478 City Sexton to enforce relative to City Cemetery...... 492 Buildings to accord with—Penalty................ 559 Commissioner of Public Health and Safety and Chief of Police to enforce article on ‘‘Health’’.... 841 Ligenses subject: 10o.cnciei. o-oo eet ele ee ee 872 Annual: salary. ordinance, ..24 2 eae 1 eee 950 To be recorded—Originals kept on file—Proof of publi- CATION. dhe Se EW pee boo eee ee 953 Two penalties—Election—One judgment only....... 954 Minimum fine only expressed—Judgment may be for $200.00. a5 rod okies geee earns eka eee ne ee 955 Repeal of repealing ordinance—Nonrevivor.......... 956 Words—Now- construed; . 4. 2545 eaks oss esas 957 Penalty. not expressed—ine. 4) ey... ee 958 Revised ordinances—Custody and distribution of..... 959 Repealing clause of this ordinance—Rights reserved... 960 Application to ‘future: ordinancesvy ce «ease aaah ee 961 Prosecutions under may be by sworn complaint........ 992 Police to enforce article on ‘‘Sewers and Drains’’....1076 es PARADES— In connection with circus, ete.—License required..... 504 City Clerk, to issue—Contents: 2. a-saternet as eis 505 PCOS 2 og suse i se ogy so Ras ae aie ene Mtge Miser nee eee 506 What license shall specify—Penalty............ 507 Subject to ordinances—Revocation ............. 508 Permit. regiired (for: .-.aehawen doe oe eee 1218 Driving through: propibitede, oe ee ees se eae 1099 In parks prohibited without permission........ el, 26. 479 PARK CUSTODIAN— Under Supervision of Commissioner of Public Property 423 & 475 Page 28 27 30 39 66 76 81 85 92 92 95 133 138 142 148 169 229 235 251 252 252 252 252 252 253 253 258 253 259 282 152 152 153 154 154 319 316 144 123 & 141 Index Section MePRMeR SMUG OED cos pis kn ne sce ule tn cs es sn tee eee 474 RE ee ea oak sg cA ves x Siciecy v0 ss ese es 6.0 6 476 Assistants—Devote entire time to his duties.......... 477 PGWere,ANLOOTILY ANG Cuties . 6... se. ce ce eee 478 MWirekiy somencial settloment........cccsseesvenne . 478 IPM DOWOL. 5 a7 chee sn oe che cee toe ss 478 PARK HILL CEMETERY— Pe TO ee OT OCIION 5. Se pe ok vis 6 ae eee ole ee oo e's PARK MATRON— Under Supervision of Commissioner of Public Property MR Mee CET Gag ra Ded wd ov wo 0's a) Swi ae 'ny «Slee she RE Be sae hed ales ols 6.6 te, idle vont ease 6 908 a's PARKS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Property Peer et At (USLOGIAN cea iciy ae os. cee se ole eee ee © REET EMT eee eM yes oe S cieie aid pie 8 41s» are es INOvneeworns OT firearms INS). nec st ees oe ell. Injury to or misuse of park property........ el. 2. Driving limited to roadways............... ela. shuslelebeten . 70ND) Ege oe i ee a el. 4. Injury to or removal of park property...... Clas Psaees AITOMIDILDO. II) a of «ce e's ae aws eco s ol. 0; Throwing stones, etc., into lakes........... nl Ge No swimming without permission—Risk of. .cl. 8. Hunting and fishing—Fish days may be desig- ih aa "ee 0 ee el ar aur sun as ea Clad. Posune bills, ete., prohibited............. rel vol FF Preah Cher Y VatCONO LCE. ce out suis: oa) tow soe e's lee clit No articles to be sold in without permission cl. 12. Fouling drinking fountains, etc............ els 13.. Vehicles shall keep to the right........... el. 14. Shall not fasten animals to trees......... el. 15. Gambling and card playing prohibited..... el16. eM UTeMnUT SOTOUIC soy ae bala ese ws sins be oes CLGLy. Dogs unsecured prohibited .. ....:....... els: Speeches, ete., prohibited without permission CaM ein artist Seba ers io cha: Ge an 32 o7e)c¥s, 8 ss el. 19 Animals at large prohibited.............. el, 20. No trespassing on enclosed grounds........ ehZi: EN a TOE BUR ar gs ie An ae a en el, 22. BUMPING I FLCTILCE vale 4. ss ac =» voce ad SS sec el, 23. PPSERTI RE OMI DINE ch) gos Late a shea sna oie ees el, 24. Bicycles, etc., controlled by Traffic 25. Parading, advertising, selling, ete., prohibited 423 & 474 475 423 478 479 479 . 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 470 479 479 . 479 479 479 479 479 479 479 . 479 . 479 043 Page 141 141 142 142 142 142 404 123 & 141 141 141 123 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 144 144 144 144 144 044 Index Section Skating restrictions 4.0 cee ae ee ee el. 28. 479 Sleds on ice prohibited....... pts aths aeaae eat el. 29. 479 Skaters to obey commands of officers....... el. 30. 479 Heavy tratie excluded)... i. > =e ere el. 31. 479 Self-propelled vehicles excluded from dam. .cl. 32. 479 Scattering rubbish, ete., prohibited..... pits oak lS Penalty. ses Sis tye «eee See es ee ee ee 480 PARTITIONS— Size, Use And COnstruction. wu ee ee ee ee ee ee 662 PARTY WALLS— When old walls:may be used a6°2 2. 23 =e on ne oar 594 Inéressing height gs 2 oe ee ee ee ie eee 594 Openings. in—Permit—Requirements.......-.....«.- O90 Joists and beams entering—Requirements........... 619 Recess or flue in—When prohibited..........1.-..«-05 657 PATROL DRIVERS— Appointment, by Mayor <. . 20g. 26s eas ee ee 59 TSI OTe is cisterns sc egh 6 hes eee ee cece ee 59 Bond=-Oath os seguata? otek > apace weaved nae ee aero 60 Duties 26550 wicais «Sw + nlwn-2 oie 8, Sueereneie 4 ee ase ae 61 Shall have‘ police, powers... . 42.0462 6 ee 63 Uri forimi:5.. fan 3/505 2 soe meiaia aa ateis Gana ee ee 63 Power of. arrestr, G.. ¢ctsta- ieee oe eee 72 Patrol have right of way.ccue. 2-1 eee 1198 PATROL WAGON— Chief of Police custodian Of) 0p. coe ner eater 31 Patrol ‘drivers—Duties 2 22... a ene eee 61 To havesrightool Way ofc. cpa te ae 1198 PAUPERS— Causing to become charge on public—Penalty........ 945 PAVEMENT— Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements to control construction and repair of.......... 373 City Engineer to repair and inspect...............- 380 Obstructing or injuring—Penalty .................- 1090 Duty/of, railroads] to. pave..c...) 1 o> seavE eee te ee 1132 Injuries to—Excavation in—Permit—Penalty ... ...1138 Guards to be erected by contractor doing work........ 1163 Unlawful to drive between guards.............. 1164 Z Unlawtulito iremove-cuards tacit voles ein one ee 1165 Wagon tires—Smooth—Width required ............. 1166 Burden of ten tons prohibited without permit........ 1167 Application—A oreement < on. ia. a. ose es) se eee 1168 Permit required to run traction engine on—Application —Bond-—S peed «<5... Seid ecwieine ate acevo a ae 1169 Duty of; street, railroads "to save.) a5. ata. oe lee 1179 Franchise in paved street—Company to refund portion of cost:of pavements. .\n.. a. saben et een 1180 Page 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 188 177 LEE, 178 182 187 111 113 286 296 299 304 304 305 305 305 305 306 308 310 Index PAWNBROKERS— ection iacense required—Ponalty . . 1. 1... cee e cece wee 962 Eee eens wae pen ss yes raves te yas 4 963 License fee—Where payable—Minimum time... .... 964 SMEAR TRIAS US OOEISG cay 51 awa aks oe 0 Spin, wk a Sn Weve ole 964 eM TSCONCS foro hats ¢' bis o < 5 gio wu lwin Fie 6 nee Kas Bond—Approval—Conditions .... 5.1... .. eee ewes 965 Beemer ROHMG—ATONLONUS Sane bce tee ences cess 966 SRR EMT I STR TRECRITOT fa ler oe eso ckpnis 8 oy e's 3 kes 4 967 Records. and pledges open to inspection.............. 968 SRIIOPE TATCIGAOS coc le pee nie fuk bes epee ee ss 969 Beporew oliot of Police—Contents . . 1. s.r ee ees 970 Redemption or removal of pledge—When prohibited.. 971 Hours of business—Closed on Sunday................ 972 RMON PeREVOUTCTOINOT 2g cede ety cise eee e ek ved toh ek pe ens 8 973 Only one other business at licensed place............ 974 Perret (0) 1) ETIDIOV EU DY. + ce is ss se wien e seat 975 UES SDS FE ete ed Wh ln ae a 976 LS VET GORE de ie ae ota OAS isp Ss O88 ed es eh aera ee a 978 Shall not conduct business of junk dealer or second LOWE wr POTTS. tate Tele Apiaceae a a 1059 PAY ROLLS— : 2 URS WS aa Bi 2 a 10 Examined by and reported upon by Commissioner of PCC OUP IEEE AMA MNCOS 206 kc wig eke s nfo im cee sys 156 NMEA MICO RT ORGUICL ELON oss wince cass sacs eesscces 157 hegister of warrants—Receipts .... .....6. 2.022 ee 158 PEDDLERS— Defined—License required—Penalty ............... 979 License fee—Transfer—Vehicles permitted ... ...... 980 Application—Contents—Statement in license... ...... 981 Not to annoy or become trespassers... .............. 982 IE ERTAI TOTES CC 0 iy sere cy ae syne ik nbs el. 26. 479 Vehicles to show name and number of licensee...... 983 Inspector of Health and Food—Duty of ............ 984 Entry of wagons by—Samples—Evidence........ 985 Misrepresentation by—Penalty ... ..........5.02 00: 986 Calling, shouting, ete., prohibited—Penalty.......... 987 RR RMA ae Set Are iy ho nla. scetele Gi n't & oo aM 988 PENALTIES (See FINES AND PENALTIES). PEORIA, BLOOMINGTON AND CHAMPAIGN TRAC- TION COMPANY— Oe PUNE AOR Ey Wer oe 9 ae J a nn a a eS a ee te RCE G's 6 hg, pine os aie ton = Franchise of in western part of city................ SN Tae de ee ably os ali Se Gi iia ean Pee Authorization to relocate curve .. . «0c... se ceccares eee PRATT eRe crete a ele al ateibele Mes sn -a.d'm, 01m 58) 045 Page 254 254 254 254 256 254 255 255 255 259 255 255 255 256 256 256 370 376 377 380 381 382 546 Index PERMITS— Section To store orl an iron tanks. co niente ois «ate nei eon ee 107 For buildings—Superintendent of Buildings to issue.. 313 Fees, for— When payabie ice. i.s <- see ne ee 315 Collection "ot: fees 2. ais Sais eerste ete 313 Record: Of L6G6;, c.2 os «4's nel fe aes eee a eset 316 For plumbing work required alts... sie whe vie eee ie 333 Mees OF Yaw Vee a oe odes hoe ees ee 329 Contents: of» i'. 220. Scie eaten a 6 ae eee es ee 334 Withheld upon refusal to submit plans.......... 336 To tap sewer—Contents—Council may revoke........ 385 Penalty coe cae sa ca eceee 6 eetente a Ieee tee ee 386 FOr private SOWerss cnce sees eet aera enema 387 Rights reserved . Pe PBs peer ne A Pe 388 By City Te eeetan aS sel pee tp ae 389 Record: OL 5. c: cas <= Sine alee geen eae Cece eaters 391 Required to plant trees in public ground............ 417 To:tap Water mains, e.0c 2 mete aicisleret «civ paunts ae ee 433 To U8e* GLbY WAL? 65.5 wits ana ings ce e aee er ene pied eae 434 Mor extra size tap. in waters main... o..e) ane oe el.7. 445 Required to set. or reset poles in streets... .....20% 9... 454 Required for wiring buildings—Application.......... 463 FOO? LOK cise 59) iste Seis ates oe ote ae nec eee 464 For construction or repair of building required—Pen- BILLY, dca. envio ath eels tale Gare ecaue teas poe ae igeehteeaee ens 561 Ordinary repairs:excepted’s. . 4. sce sea ee 562 Required for additional height to walls.............. 590 To make openings in party wall required............ 595 To use streets for building material, ete. .0......5.. 641 Hor electric’ signs required 2. 0c cos is sine nie ee eee 726 Application—Contents—Approval ............ 727 Commissioner of Public Health and Safety to CC rr ane ercp ce: tavta me Bete scacng ai is 728 FE OCRAL OT a sane ba, ae dat el ecrini neh ete eee ee, 729 To discharge firearms—Contents—Penalty........... 739 To discharge. cannon——l enalty sci. sas sale ft. < eenee ne 740 By Mayor for discharge of fireworks..............-. 743 For storage or sale of fireworks—Application—Posting 744 Inspection. prior: tos iss ances. ces tras io cine eee 745 Amount allowedcunders; es la gn ate reece ee 748 To opens OMenSiVG: STOURC, CLG yet clas ive ah eee 803 To conduct offensive bieiness <....). aaa 0 eee 813 For moving pbuilding required... ....<.ce. see vee O08 Application—Power of council. ........+.s..++. S00 What permit shall specify—Penalty............ 854 To clean cesspools, ete., required—Penalty.......... 1040 Contents of. permit) 0) cones) site te nee viet 1041 Report—Penalty 2 os cw ew eae ines at ae emaeees 1042 Page 48 93 93 93 93 96 95 96 97 115 115 115 115 116 116 122 127 127 131 134 136 136 169 170 Ve 178 185 202 202 202 202 205 205 205 205 206 206 222 224 232 232 232 275 275 275 Index Section Mor couegetion of junk required. .1.......0.. 0.08 eek 1067 For excavating around sewers required.............. LOTT Required for construction of sidewalk.............. 1080 PRE OE Oe lin nil eg ann 'e oSimisiah eins In fee baa? ate « 1081 Sam ere CT OM LW at 0 kn Says fol Tana lwo cae «aren 8 1102 Application—Contents—Approval.............. 1103 AMeNCe-OL— Specifications . <2. eke es ce eeiens 1104 ee Talent ade Ps, fry on ot sind's, oh nfs a. gy a eos a2 5 1105 Required for excavations in streets, ete.—Penalty....1138 iequired for laying pipes, etc., in streets. .......5.5. 1139 Application—Cost of repairing, etc............. 1140 Issuance—May require bond................... 1141 Required to use street while building—Appheation— Bee ETM CT Cee gel AE ae ik hehe Ss ie a nls oops ae fe 1143 Space occupied—Contents of permit........... 1144 Violation of permit—Penalty...... ...5. 1145 Mor ten ton burden on paved street required.......... 1167 BO GMO A UTCCINENG 5. ci whe csr + vine ea bole oe ss 1168 UPR eL ENO OeTOC INO Gs, female ego gn biel eon epe ss s¥s ga cd ® 1218 To Central Union Telephone Company.............. PEST HOUSE— Removal of person with contagious disease to........ 275 At County Farm—Agreement between city and county OEE SAT STL ae a ete a a an ee PETITIONS— Sere CIE TIT WIATIIO oie. 6 aia cin eles = oes aie St 9 ONIN UTE OIG ae SBE Se a a gn er 9 Of property owners required for street railroad fran- CSS: Eee re oe ee eee 1172 PHARMACISTS (See DRUGGISTS). PHYSICIANS— Shall report all contagious diseases................- 79 ER os fog ee sake esas a less uad wee S arie > 780 To report on persons in quarantine—Penalty......... 783 To disinfect his clothes in contagious cases—Penalty.. 784 Prescription for intoxicants—Contents.............. 1024 Making false prescription for—Penalty........ 1026 PICNICS— Prohibited in parks except family picnics...... el, 22. 479 OUI) lg EE rig ef: (a Eee ete a el. 23. 479 PICTURES— Immoral—Prohibited in saloons—Penalty .......... 1017 PILING— For foundations—Requirements ... .........-.+-00- 585 PLATS— City Engineer to file and preserve................00. 380 Shall Keep corrected plat of city... ..:..5... 5.6% 380 547 Page 281 283 284 284 289 289 290 290 299 299 299 299 300 300 300 305 305 319 391 84 448 23 23 307 217 218 218 218 271 272 143 144 268 174 113 113 Index Section Record ‘OF SD a. ayia « some eiise erenarene stale Micer tnt aes eee 392 Of City Cemetery—Recording.s.. 02. .ses.0s seuss 482 Of proposed street railway with application.......... 1172 PLEDGES (See PAWNBROKERS). PLUMBING (See also INSPECTOR OF PLUMBING; PLUMBERS)— Permit ‘required for 52°) c. see eae eee 333 Form*and contents’ ole... ceed oe eee 304 Plans of may besrequired’. 0. tse see ee 3936 Certificate’ of ‘approval’ 220.5 32 belts ne oe ce ee oe 537 Rules for plumbing other than in connection with city water system. W400i) o i cee soe ee eer ne eee 338 Old plumbing—Inspection—Report—Notice to OWROD Re a oes ee oe oa lanet ae noma eee ae el. 1.338 Notice to inspect new work...) ... see el.2. 338 Time of inspection—Tests .:.... reCled. oo Soil and waste piper Matern leaner eae cl. 4. 338 Vent pipes—Material—Joints....../...... el SD. a6 Cast iron soil, ete., pipes—Coating—Table of weights: Pees oa ein sete ake meres cl. 6. 338 Lead waste or vent pipes—Table of weights ¢l.7. 338 Connecting pipes—Wrought iron pipes...... el. 8. 338 Joints and connections—Requirements .. ..¢l.9. 338 Eurther requirements): tare ee el. 10. 338 Size of service pipe, ferrules, ete.—Of meter cl. 11. 338 Drain, soil, waste and vent pipes—Concentration ——= Prost ii Ohne eile eee ne teem neers el. 12. 338 Soil and waste pipes—Table of sizes...... el. 13. 338 Connection between trap and cast iron 14. 338 Cast and wrought iron pipes—Bends—Connec- CLONE) eisdet leis eee Oey ee aie es ee el. 15. 338 Ventilating pipes— 16. 338 For future use—Openings closed...... cle Li sous Main drain—Openitcsn aca see eee ee el. 18. 338 Overflow pipes—Traps—Discharge ... 338 Clean outs—When required—Kind........¢].20. 338 Openings to be closed by plugs............ el. 21. 338 Trap screws—When required............. el, 22. 338 Main house drain—Material—Connection .. cl. 23. 338 House drain—When sewer tile may be used. .cl. 24. 338 Roof flashings—Material ................ el. 25. 338 Slip joints and union connections—not to be con- eéaled: 7G... se ase eee ier oye nett el. 26. 338 Offset and double hub fittings—When prohibited Ee em Are Forte her re Lute NY el. 27. 338 Tapped T’s—When prohibited ...........el. 28. 338 Waste stacks—Fittings ..............05. el. 29. 338 Page 116 116 307 96 96 97 97 97 i 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 oo 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 Index Section Loop and circuit venting—Requirements—Table . 338 Catch basins where oils, ete., are drained...¢l.31. 338 Traps—When required and prohibited—Position —Openings—Requirements..........¢e1.32. 338 Ventilating pipes—Connection .......... cl. 33. 338 Sinks in hotels, ete——Grease trap......... el. 34. 338 brape 10r bath tubs and bars............. el. 35. 338 Water closets—Water for—Connection to drain OS) one 2 ee ee a a el. 36. 338 Water closets—Location—Construction—Supply— DNR See Re RC Far gape ve 39 tb 'o in! 6 Svat Yael el. 37. 338 Water closets—Kinds prohibited ... ......¢1.38. 338 Cellars—Relieving arches—Drainage—Traps—Sub- RPL TAT LAT Wied gah oe Sat SN Sa toranfanklc ta ial) el. 39. 338 Cellars and areas—Connection with house drain Fe Ok ln Pe aa a ee ee ee el. 40. 338 Floor drains connected to house drain—Traps Ae SARS eT PSI ne a el. 41. 338 Rain water leaders—Connections—Material—Uses etl -s S078 UE Re een ei cl 42. 338 (MeATE Outs SN Tra pei On. 6... 6. ee. we el. 43. 338 Wistert: OVELUOWS—ITAPS ... . sn .ce es Cl. 438.338 Rain water Peeters Joints favo Cl. 44.808 Steam exhaust pipe not to be connected with sewer Re ee Se el. 45. 338 Scope of rules see Pes EL ULO TGS cre va: si vislies) sue dinio. <1 «2616 339 Le a eet ELS TS a Bre 340 License required to do business of.................. 341 PRPETNG, RUSE ANE LIOSEC cfg. jae, atcha s s 465 Consolidation; of Systems Ol. c.ssr-. ces semester 467 PONE atelcte cuttete te ce ae hate eater eee el, 2. 471 Bill’ boards *on (prohibited (yo. sees eee ee ces ee 550 Posting bills on prohibited—Penalty.............. 933 injury t0O—Pengity =. . 2s aster ste oe tote lope cetacean eee 934 - POLICE DEPARTMENT (See also POLICEMEN)— Under supervision. of sMayore: 0a rg 15 & 21 Officers. 6m braced: thereis 2. ta, taier te tea eee 21 Recordslot=—Supervisione, cect await eta aati arin 30 Under control-of) Chief of (Police... 22sec 24 Abandoned—Notice—Removal—Penalty ......... 468 Annual inspection—Dangerous apparatus—Notice— 104 104 104 145 105 106 106 106 126 130 132 134 134 134 134 134 135 137 138 138 139 165 248 248 26 & 29 29 31 30 40 Index POLICE MAGISTRATE— Section NEE TOPOL le Tenis wh Coll bos rane 6 8ais cas Fae 8 989 I agi tigt eS ei yiahiia sy 5.00.9 0 aus os 8 ees 8 990 Arrested person to be brought before........ Clee hh Receive fines paid to Chief of Police.............. 91 Proceedings before in case of impounded animal....118 to 126 Complaint—Amendment Of .. . ....scecccrcccccvcs 991 Form of complaint—Objections to.........:....6e. 992 Complaint by city officer—Signed and sworn to.... 993 Warrant to issue—To whom directed—Trial....... 993 Name of offender unknown—Description of—True aCe Olt WW NOU A ETIOWT tie ou cele o's ecese se 994. Conviction—Commitment—Limit of term... TEE: Worm Gre warrenty Of COMMITMENT... 2... ce eee eic es» 996 Process—Issuance and service—What law governs... 997 Police officer—Competent witness—Not to retain WS ge. «MEL Sanna ae 998 Jury—Who may call for—Fix fine—Judgment and ie DO aS iy ate ac es Sis s+ 00 ss .0'0'8 6 999 Jury and witness fees—Amount—Taxed as costs....1000 Officers fees—Amount—To be taxed as costs....... 1002 Costs taxed against city—When payable........... 1003 Moneys payable to city—Neglect or refusal—Pro- COOOL SS oss cs cows cemecsebs ees 1004 Collection on execution by officer—Report.......... 1005 Monthly report to council—Contents.............. 1006 POLICE MATRON— Se TEU MAU AMOL 10, on a tas Vals a oo wie hee clss ee 48 erp matinee) apelin eae ee eae 48 Sea Bite ie sincera 6 eee Ki fienc ai ecne bine here's 49 CRI Ete ain, sie acs crores ie bv oe cade ss 8 eso 8 50 OPN GUCR Pee. ceca ete s'e. 6 fos et a sie 'e'4 sa eles os 51 BUEMMINSPOUMOAITY TIOSEOUECS , ccs a sac cnc css eneusv cis 52 POLICEMEN (See-also POLICE DEPARTMENT)— Number of—Diseretion of Mayor............s..00% 64 era DY OMAY OL! syle secs cin viee se Wek veccevces 64 OP OSE lo Ss ao ever ds agian are 64 PUP GAAS CM cy ctl cies laisiaic © s cinls'e tie crs 20's visisieaee ® 65 SUE Ags FT Sader ar ai RP ie Oi ee cate a ate 66 Chief to report and suspend for misconduct........ 26 May be detailed as sanitary officers..............0+. 28 Secor Or COMPIAINUG AGAIDEL. yo 56s. se Ves se mele ws 44 Detective-Sergeants to supervise night police...... 55 Authority of Detective-Sergeants over............ 56 Patrol drivers and janitor of city hall possess police WEE Beene Fan Wrarsse na Selste wh Gas a See 4 cis. on 58 63 ool Page 259 259 41 45 50 to 53 259 259 260 260 260 261 261 262 262 262 262 262 263 263 263 263 34 34 34 34 35 35 38 38 38 38 38 30 31 33 36 36 37 LO Index Section Special policemen—Public — Appointment — Powers and duties—-Dismissal 2220251... «secre ces 67 Special policemen—Private—Appointment — Powers —Compensation—Penalty ... ............ 68 Devote entire time when on duty......-.....2.- De 1045 PROCESSIONS— erty Oe NTOUONeprUNT ILE oo... 2... ee ee eee 1199 Beer e@UirOG 10F Parades es 2s. ire oe ee we ein 1218 PROCLAMATIONS— Proclamation of Mayor of adoption of Commission Form of Municipal Government... .. eS Requiring muzzling of dogs—Publication of......... (Her) 877 & DOP NCI GRIN SALOONS. cS sao when's cin Svat 2 ois 2 teas e's 1019 PROFANE LANGUAGE— UOT ELIAS 2 nT 1g Mey AC ga 875 & 893 PROOF OF PUBLICATION— Of ordinances—What sufficient proof of............ 953 Of notice of application for street railroad franchise. .1175 PROSTITUTES (See also DISORDERLY HOUSE)— moneeiting on streets—Penalty..... 2. 25s eeeeee cca es 889 Hxeluded from saloons—Penalty ..............-205. 1017 PUBLICATION— Defamatory (See Defamatory Publications) REE OL LDIS. NOOK] so 6 il. ss mies esp es pie ho wo 8 Ppanontuly statement by council......0.......5....- Ty 1 SACO Ne aly i ee nc ee 12 Of annual report of Commissioner of Accounts and Fi- BUMS eerie ae eas eps ates Ware nigh Bn eo ae et dais a. mrad 2 169 Oqannual statement of collectors... ..:...0....e04s 177 if annual report of City Treasurer........0.......> 203 Of defamatory matter prohibited—Penalty.......... 697 & 698 Se prvciminanOn tO Muzzle dOPB. 2.2. we cee at ese 717 Immoral—Selling, ete., prohibited—Penalty ....... 897 oo7 Page 172 220 221 221 222 222 316 319 19 200 269 238 & 241 252 308 240 268 62 64 69 196 200 241 958 Index Section Of ordinances—What sufficient proof of.............. 953 Of notice of application for street railroad franchise. .1174 Proof of—How made) a. aerate Sate ten 1175 PUBLIC HALLS (See also AMUSEMENTS; THEATRES)— SemlannuslinspechiOu- OL ye eee ee tee eevee ema caer 299 Special Inspections sts Gk ane wah Ree ee eee 300 Metallic conduits required for wiring in............. 470 Doors shail open outward.<2 Jo. 0s antes pee oer nae 626 Egress openings and stairways—Requirements........ 627 Term, deaned 1: 5 oc pee eee eee ot ee ra cere 642 Stairways in—HKequirenien te: 52.21) s es nw ne -eteeeee 643 FEXAES PS aes be esa ac os RS or ROPE SI) ces ee 644 Height above street—Proscenium walls—Openings.... 645 Ploors: to’ be Areproot . ) Ses. 2 a eet ee 646 Asbestos curtain= “Vests. yo. os aloes we ce ee 648 Obstruction: of aisles Alaa. ao. eres eee 513 & 649 Markin om extts es sco toi crch tie sears ohn er eel eae a 649 Ventilators: over stages" 3) noc. Wee se mee area 650 Water: standpipe On stage. ries vee eee eee ee 651 Hose to be attached—Requirements........... 652 Outside standpipes required”... wa aceee sree 653 Fire alarm’ box required inw. 2%, sac ss elses ews eta 654 » Fire extinguishing apparatus required............. 655 shall employ firemen. 4..\. <<) vee aie eres ee 656 Allowing indecent play in—Penalty............... 900 No amusements in on Sunday—Penalty............ 940 Theatres, etec.—Vehicles not to stand in front of during performance yc. sees ee eee 1206 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS (See IMPROVEMENTS; SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS). PUBLIC LIBRARY (See LIBRARY). PUBLIC SERVICE UTILITIES— Duty of Commissioner of Accounts and Finances as to 150 Duty of Commissioner of Streets and Public Im- DION CINE DUS SOS) CO a. econ cate a ae satel nie crete 373 Annual report by electrical companies to City Elec- LLICIAN crete cs oi sics seas tat cei te Ae olan cies 457 Annual inspection by City Electrician......... 459 PUNISHMENT— Prisoners reequired to work—Allowance therefor... 87 Lamitsor term 1b cially yisy cts ora steal cheer ete a tte ieee 995 PURCHASES— Commissioner of Accounts and Finances shall be pur- CHASING AONE ten ot aitacie Sscalsiy eters erieeaetene 151 Page 252 308 308 58 lil 134 135 44 261 59 Index Section Of over one hundred dollars—Requirements........ 153 Supervision of for Department of Public Health and LOU Verna te sea bu teks 8 pid Tole lete diate Hut ature! aie he ahehel a's 213 Q QUALIFICA TIONS— Re a mA ECT ED TN a's ph arcs ok oka asl svaal a coxe"s er erete,lei ere e's e's 6.6 50 ERSTE 9) a) Rae G) Se icc «siniss sss omic 493 Of proceedings of Board of Local Improvements.... 502 Of numbers of dog licenses... ost is us) reels 710 Of. ordinances: -<\. ac % «re slants ee ie cutee aaa ee aarat te DO Pawnbrokers to keep—Contents.........seceseeees 966 Page 33 33 34 42 47 54 58 59 60 60 60 & 61 61 61 61 66 67 75 75 93 81 93 95 96 108 116 118 127 127 127 128 129 135 147 148 150 199 202 255 Index Section Of sale of intoxicants by druggists—Contents...... 1023 Of purchases by second hand dealers—Penalty..... 1056 Of purchases by junk dealers—-Penalty............ 1066 Of numbers assigned buildings on streets.......... 1158 REDEMPTION— Of animal from pound—Fees, costs, and penalty... 117 SRT foie 0 y nia sia.s o's to © clhi¥ e'es wre'e eee ale 131 Of pledge—When prohibited.......... Ch rigs Ake 971 RELIGIOUS WORSHIP— Oo a ee ri eee Meee aoe REN DERING— MEI ACOECOUUIFOU —F CNBILY = 20. 5 cc cess teve cect eenees 813 RR MRE tate el x tata fel cl pied se sin al's'e © wie ece's soo 6 leis 6 814 SUMIMILIROLOC DES a uss se en ate sie esis aes cs sss 815 REPAIRS— MimemITOCLIV@ WHLOr MELCTS SF. Se ke ee ee een 210 & 211 Power to compel repair of water meter............ 439 PeaeEN PEL CEs CUS Be cx cc ev oo aw oe howe oes 8 cole 224 Of sidewalks and pavements by City Engineer...... 380 Of buildings—Permit required—Penalty........... 561 PPCIVAR Ys TONOIrS FOR CONTEG So Se oslo ee vce a 562 ie wooden paldings in fire limits.....2.........0 572 Damaged frame building in fire limits—When may be AAR Teel CERIN Me ales Siste's ws ee ss e'devs eae 8 ee 578 Appeal to arbitrators—Selection—Costs....... 579 Proceedings of arbitrators—Report...... epee 580 When owner fails to ask for arbitration........ 581 Of railroad crossings—Power of council........... 1131 Of defects in streets, sidewalks, etc............00. 1142 REPEAL— Or repealing ordinance—Nonrevivor...........2... 956 Repealing clause of this ordinance—Rights reserved. 960 REPORTS (See also ACCOUNTS)— Commissioners to make at request of council........ 10 Bee wureeo Cause PuUvLCAtION Of... ets. cence cee ec ces 15 Corporation Counsel—Annual report............... 20 Chief of Police—Monthly report to Mayor.......... 29 SEEMS MTT RNS Rs gales. vac eects tole bas gene oes 46 er poucemen to superior officersiss. 56... eee ee 70 Bae penvorvore(ilse—Monthly oi. ence ees cc ee se os wes 103 Poundkeeper—Monthly report ...........csceceees 131 Board of Directors of Library—Annual........... 140 Audited by Commissioner of Accounts and Finances. 147 Of public service utilities—Commissioner of Ac- counts and Finances to procure........... 150 061 Page 270 279 280 303 50 54 259 239 224 224 224 70 & 71 128 75 113 169 170 172 173 173 173 174 296 300 252 253 25 26 28 31 34 39 48 53 55 58 58 562 Index Section Page To council on bills, claims, ete., by Commissioner of “Accounts;and Finances se . 24. tetas cites 156 59 May be required by Commissioner of Acconuts and Minances——D eta tive oa sie ob eeriers atest s ote ie 159 60 Monthly report of Commissioner of Accounts and Minances—-Contents ajc suse scenes eistene 168 62 Annual report of Commissioner of Accounts and Finances—Contents—Publication ......... 169 62 Bond reporttin’ Use uke ne eerste nes ata beta eee 163 61 Of collector to county revenue officer.............. 173 64 Annual statement of collector—Publication......... 177 64 Monthly by treasurer to Commissioner of Accounts Gud KINA NCGS cere secrslete a wis) tale ip ele shee ete sake 195 67 Of “Meter th epairer «cues aus vic ace ete sient reayeerie 212 (gl Of Fire Marshal on condition of fire apparatus...... 223 74 Of Fire Marshal concerning employees............. 227 75 Concerning dangerous buildings. }......5.... =< 231 76 OF Board vot (Health ins saci. settee aa eee eee 264 ' 82 Of Inspector of Health and Food—Monthly........ 282 86 Of Board for Inspection of Buildings—Quarterly... 301 90 Of Superintendent of Buildings—Monthly financial. 317 93 ANNUAL -TOPOFD Vs... os « slacuss 3,0 lot lee teereers aie eens 318 93 Of Sealer of Weights and Measures—Monthly...... 371 110 Of City, Engineer—Monthly. 0.5 ait iate oles 380 113 Monthly settlement of City Engineer.............. 393 117 Annual report by electrical companies to City Elec- LTICIA TY Deo. 5 atae ben ayesha otto eee iC 3507 134 Of “Citys Electrician. (5% stages «lh olson shee ene ae 459 135 Weekly settlement of Park Custodian.............. 478 142 Of burials—Annual by cemetery sextons.......... 493 148 Of; City tSexton—- Monthly. secant see te eee 495 148 Monthly settlement by City Sexton............... 497 149 Of Board of Local Improvements to be prepared by ite clorkes.5:225, 4 ss ate « % scoala cin te naeds Seo nies 502 150 Of arbitrators on damaged buildings............... 580 173 Of contagious diseases by physicians.............. 779 217 Of progress of quarantine cases by physicians...... 783 218 Officers to make to Mayor or council when required. 951 251 Of Pawnbrokers to Chief of Police—Contents...... 970 255 By officers of collection on execution.............:; 1005 263 Of Police Magistrate to council—Monthly......... 1006 263 Of druggist as to intoxicants sold—Penalty........ 1023 270 Of Night. Scavengers—Penalty.........+s+.-ss9- ee 1042 275 Of Second Hand dealers to Chief of Police......... 1057 279 Of. .Junk/dealersito Chist. of .Policaceheeis. . ee 1067 281 Index RESISTANCE— Section Resisting officer—Penalty ......ccccceecscseceoees 78 In city prison—Penalty.......ccsessrcsecsscesecs 89 RESOLUTIONS— Reppes iecessary tO. pagsage Of. . Helier. cos Wawel 9 Be MR rE eRe TOCOTC., «5 5 o/c 09 -eh ah elelatetenste eo slave's, sheteve 9 Mayor and all commissioners must vote on......... 9 PMR TES VCH fe, vigic a os ths She a wa ietatere’e' eo ht slieieiel a's 9 NR Ie Ces care wicv se vleie bie'siav vie cede so he's W's 9 For contracts approved by Corporation Counsel.... 10 Clerk to deliver to officials on request............. 188 Of council required for transfer of saloon license...1013 REVENUE (See TAXES; FINANCES). REVISED ORDINANCES (See also ORDINANCES)— Pert Ce TUTTO THAOW OF cc5ha sed fej sas-n e's sie ap see 959 Bypcnmenni take elect. 2.2.5. 02. 8 ess o's ence tats 1233 REWARD— Policemen not to accept without consent...... Cleon Ee RIDING ON SIDEWALKS— Dh 0 SY SIS 24 a a ae 1100 RIGHT OF WAY— DEEL IeeeCrnOU lier tLAIIC. oy ces. ss aise see's os 08's 1197 Pireand pouce apparatus tO NAVO..’. 6.00.56 nc0 see 1198 ROLLER SKATING— On sidewalk prohibited—Penalty..............e00- 1100 ROLLER SKATING RINKS— Paeense ror requireéd—Ponalty ...... os. dees tices ees 504 eter deme tO IssUG—-CONTENLS 65... Ses cee cee a ence 505 Re ETT RCN GLOT can ctictie hay > sles cme id dw weyie c 506 Nubject to ordinances—Penalty.........cscecscves 508 Owners to preserve order—Special policemen....... 514 Refusal to move on—Penalty..........sccsecceces 515 ROOFS— When may be repaired in fire limits............... 573 When flat roof may be substituted in fire limits..... 574 Thickness of walls for trussed roofs.............+ 591 Mansard roofs—Requirements—Domes ............ 599 When and how covered with slate..............0.. 600 Requirements in connection with fire walls......... 603 & 604 Chimneys and flues in—Requirements.............. 606 In fire limits—Fireproof—Composition roofs....... 610 MEUStOPe LO TORCH CTOQUITOD <2. pains )ecele-vie winiele #4 oye 6 ale 614 RUBBISH (See GARBAGE, ASHES, RUBBISH, ETC.) RULES AND REGULATIONS— Sever eites © Beitr | etre IC Ee a Roh hee ayaa sheik poe Oe 250 16, av eee Seve. was 2 063 Page 42 45 24 24 24 24 24 25 66 267 253 “322 41 288 316 316 288 152 152 153 154 155 155 172 172 AT 178 178 180 180 181 182 22 22 064 Index Section Chief of Police to make for police department...... 24 Infringement of by policemen—Penalty........... 76 Of police departmentec t vicre cue ek cow nn ate eet ae 77 For library—Directors*to maker nag. ce fee eee 139 For fire department—Marshal to make............. 221 Power of Board( ot? Health to, make een mints ee 256 Extra territorial Jurisdictions Ol. 25 2 eestor cane 258 Violation ‘of—-Penalty vi on s40% cos wie 0 ols aoe 262 Health—Commissioners of Health to enforce....... 270 Inspector of Health and Food to enforce....... 278 Governing, ceneral plumbing. geese. oie oe ee 338 Seope of Ve acts Se wate crass wrcle ereteia Ane cane anata ae 309 Governing use of city water... vcs< ess ss ele eae 432 Governing plumbing in connection with city water SY SUSI oo aos Foc aim oe ahs fete Pelvis eva srerpetvecs eee 445 Board of Local Improvements may adopt.......... 500 For storage and sale of fireworks...............0.. 747 Governing street railroads ys. =. cs see naicmoe were ee oe 1181 Ss SALARIES (See also FEES)— To be fixed’ annually by ordinance... ..27..5 5.6" ss 950 Of Librarian and assistants—Board to fix........... 139 SALES (See also AUCTIONS)— Of Impoundedipantmals. 7.5... «= sss ne ee eee oe 118 Notice—Fornr (of=—Time) .. sien ae aioe ee eet 123 Adjournment—Sale without notice—Penalty... 124 Who not to purchase at—Penalty............. 125 Proceeds of—Disposition™. unk, te ces 166 * Of unfit food—Inspector of Health and Food to pre- VONE Bb, fos cla se 5s 5 Melee ret ere eta @ antler eaten ators 283 Evidence oftholding-food for.., <1. .<. seca ee 285 Of berries, small fruits, etc. (See Berries, small fruits, etc.) Of Cigarettes (See Cigarettes). Of fireworks—Permit 744 Sale-or: certain kinds prohibited... + ee.sse. ss 750 Timer Otoretalssaless ntsc) ewe vices eters ee erste eee 751 Of iumpureice- prohibited ty gree. ees eae 825 Of diseased live animal—Penalty................. 834 Of unwholesome food, milk, ete—Penalty......... 846 Of adulterated: milk—~Ponaltyc2.... «eee creer 847 Of lottery tickets and chances prohibited—Penalty. 903 With chance included—Prohibited—Penalty........ 905 By Peddlers (See Peddlers). Page 30 40 40 55 74 50 81 81 83 85 97 104 126 130 150 206 310 251 50 52 52 52 53 61 86 87 205 207 207 226 228 230 230 242 243 Index 069 Section Page Of intoxicants at retail without license—Penalty...1008 265 Of intoxicants at wholesale without license—Pen- Re TR Secs Ge sae seis (00 W vise’ iy a epee = 1022 269 Perera ee OONE PTOUWDILEd. . 2. es cae ee ae eee 1011 266 Ofauntexicants tO minors—Penalty..... 0.0. .6s..eceses 1017 268 Of intoxicants to drunkards—Penalty.............. 1018 268 METMPUPORIPO DRS DY CTUSTISES. oe ec ccc ct ass aces 1023 270 Pere OTe MA WEL SSO: cts 6 isn sin eg aru k wee Sil 1025 271 Of personal property found in streets, etc.......... 1151 301 RI MMEEMEM MEG UIDEGOG » stem y c.sie ducc's oh 6 ne soe wes vat 1215 318 SALOONS— Sale of intoxicants by druggists (See Druggists). License required—Sale of intoxicants without— UCN S Tae on aor Ra tae 1008 265 Licenses—Council may grant—-Bond— Prohibited BP NEA AEE Met meee tra a ss cisiel aon set wis ele a sw odie 1009 265 Licenses to be registered—Contents of registry..... 869 235 PeMtOPD LEMILCUGLOUCUIECY TVG 0.65 kc eres et ae ele eee 1010 266 structural and other requirements...........c200. 1011 266 Bond—Sureties—A pproval—Conditions ............ 1012 267 Application for lcense—Contents—Statements in Be ier POT, OPC Heh ace. sm sie ysci8 sv sie mec 1013 267 License fee—Amount—No refund..............00- 1014 267 Licenses to issue quarterly—Quarter designated— Pua eee rGr PAlh OL QUAILEL s.c's%e a caja s ales 'a) e's 1015 268 imeonses te be posted—Penalty ... 6... vas ccess ewes 1016 268 When may be open—Gambling and disorderly con- duct— Pictures—Patrons—Wine rooms— BUR EVM a ee ks leis oils oss pore j6.5 4 ose 1017 268 Drunkards—No sale to—Excluded from—Penalty..1018 268 May be closed by proclamation—Penalty.......... 1019 269 Officers may enter—Penalty for refusal to allow....1020 269 Pe eemes eMUsIG, OT CANCING 10s)... .4 6s eas oes ws 08 1021 269 ME SD EC ces ais Sette avai aaah sv ata Ripe ule. aa ace 0'8 1028 272 Execution of license—Where fee payable.......... 1029 272 MIMEMeLMerOOOLL OX DITACIONS, .<.../ clas ccc oe neds sie 1030 272 ene TOTAL GY Uae gtaien s, «ie fa.s o4he odssay o> W vsyeie 6 9,0. 010 0 1031 272 Revocation of license—Power and result........... 1032 272 Acceptance of license constitutes agreement........ 1032 272 spartner licenses Upon Tevocation.....2...6 0056s 1032 272 RE BBE GN OCD ANOU Sorin a. 10 4 a lbte wre hisiaae ¥ tw olsccivuns acs 1032 272 Pleading and complaints—Evidence............... 1033 273 Shift or devises to evade made offense............. 1034 273 Invalid portions not to affect remainder............ 1035 273 Policemen not to enter except necessary...... eln4y, 77 40 566 Index WHOLESALE DEALERS Section License required—Fee—Bond—Penalty ......... 1022 Shall be subject to all provisions concerning re- tail dealers where applicable—Penalty..... 1022 SANITARY INSPECTOR— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health BNOe Sat ebyocacs go ee were a ne eee ee aera 213 & 289 ADPOMTMENE! vse es o ounise claie tars pee ches ae lele te aia ie tienes nee 289 Term cohen is hiss ey coeba: aycnaterat ree dete octet eh tee ete tee 289 Bond—Oath (nn fos8e 334 5 oy aoa eee eer 290 Duties of e yee 25 sm a ow vaste abet o eae et ence re, cere atone eae Oa 291 Shall have police powers .2 visa. acu men's «ele rane 292 Bills and accounts ol—A pprovaly sss. 1 sen we sae eee 263 Give assistance to Commissioners of Health......... 269 SANITARY POLICEMAN (See INSPECTOR OF HEALTH AND FOOD). SANITATION (See also HEALTH; BOARD OF HEALTH; DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH; COMMISSIONERS OF HEALTH)— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health and ‘Satety sas oc ee dtc sce ole ta eee eate 213 Board of Health may make rules about............ 256 Violation of orders of Board of Health—Penalty... 262 Board of Health to make recommendations......... 264 - Commissioners of Health to supervise../....-...... 270 To. give Ohieisls Ad Vice Ole ois. veces oe ee 271 To-entoree: laws *concérning oe cee ee ee 272 Inspector of Health and Food to enforce laws, etc., CONCEINING | 1/2 sthe tia og see patdia ha sane ee ener 278 Make inspections—Prevent sales.............. 283 Unwholesome food—Seizure—Appeal—Expenses ... 284 Penalty for selling—Evidence................ 288 Inspection of milk) and, .dairiess7e aes. pe tee eels 287 Removal of garbage, ete.—Sanitary Inspector........ 291 Of slaughter jhouseshy ony cess wee etn es eee ese 1114 & | 1116 SCAFFOLDS— Shall, be: secure—Penalty,.- 15 «ase e te or eee ene 929 SCALES (See CITY WEIGHMASTERS; WEIGHTS AND MEASURES). SCAVENGERS— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health ALC MAL OvY x Salt avete meee eats te tee ote epee 213 Rules for burying dead animals shall apply to..... 830 Night scavengers—Defined—License .............. 1036 License’ fee—Bond 's5 cise ee ae Oe ee ved Cee 1037 Unlicensed work—Penalty—Doing own work. .1038 Page 269 269 72 & 88 88 88 88 88 88 81 83 72 80 81 82 83 83 83 85 86 86 87 87 88 292 247 72 227 274 274 274 Index Section Day scavenger—License required—Exception—Fee.1047 SEI VSP GNOILY waves ts vs cee eee o ele’ 1048 Odorless machine—Approval of—Compensation— SAENGER TS aN Tecra kta dic y tie AGRE Gieje = A ee see 1039 Cleaning cesspools, ete.—Permit required—Penalty. .1040 oes SSS GS Pugh ak ASS aoe ar ee 1041 SIMMER TUL CVE? ga Sige vice Sale iele eine Ueieinis 05> ae 1094 Pots on sills—Protection from falling—Penalty....1095 Awnings—Height—Obstruction by—Penalty ........ 1096 Conducting water from building on—Penalty....... 1097 Signs ony prohibited—Penalty «(0% «re. denne sew oes 1098 Displaying merchandise on—Penalty............... 1099 Riding or roller skating on—Penalty.............. 1100 Removal of obstructions—Powers and duties....... 1101 Limit for extension of sign over—Supports.......... 1106 To be kept unobstructed for public use............ 1137 Injuries to—Excavations in—Permit—Penalty....... 1138 When defects in immediately shall be repaired...... 1142 Building wholly or partly on—Penalty.............. 1146 Notice to remove—Failure—Penalty............ 1147 MemGval “Dy CAG. & scape ahem tle tee eee, ee 1148 Guards and danger signals—Interference with—Pen- B1ty Ae. 16 Sx aa ae Pa oe ee 1149 Coasting on prohibited—Penalty..............4... 1156 Vehicleginet. tobe, driyen-onys....

1.405.525 0055 ces ass 1112 May enter premises—Inspection—Penalty......... 1113 Cleanliness and sanitation—Penalty............... 1114 Maintaining dwelling where done—Penalty........ 1115 Ventilation—Floors—Blood—Penalty ............. 1116 Slaughtering and keeping to be done in best known INGDONOL eine Sn oe eee he on eee ie em eta aera 1117 On-streets, ete:;-prohibited m wan.«ses pases eee 792 Blood, ete., from not to run on streets, etc. .......6. 800 Offal or butcher’s refuse—Conveyance of.......... 801 SLEEPING IN PUBLIC PLACE— Prohibited——Penaltyq,<....% sa a ee ee eee 898 SMALL FRUITS (See BERRIES, SMALL FRUITS, ETC). SMOKE— Not to escape from manufactories, ete............. 831 SOD— Digging without permission—Penalty.......,...... 938 SOLICITING FOR IMMORAL PURPOSES— By women prohibited——Penal ty 09 1s or ee 889 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS (See also IMPROVEMENTS; BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS)— Notice of by collector when-due..57.. 00.60. oases 172 Release:of> when, paid soca". sis ere 172 Report of delinquent payment of to county officer... 173 Warrants to be preserved by collector............. 175 Openitosexamination= nee a pee ar 176 Funds ofto beikeptiseparate. scene -rteneetee 197 Not; to: berdiverted ccc. s fete em migrresianis eaters 197 Private sewer NotetO/ailoCt ss... seine wicwse > vie eters ales 388 SPECIAL MEETINGS (See MEETINGS). SPECIAL ORDINANCES (See FRANCHISE ORDI- NANCES). SPECIAL POLICEMEN (See POLICEMEN). SPEED— Of railroad ‘trains: 1imiit0d 22 suc eee ete vee ee eee 1118 Of traction engines on paved streets...........0. 1169 Of street cars) turning \cOrners 2s. ei ele e a ee Clingdioe Off-street? carsilimited ..n%, estan cea el. 10.1181 Of horse:drawn’ vehicles. ic se a ce. tseeiats reenter 1208 Of street: carsipassing each vother.. s,s 404 e-em: 1209 Of vehicles emerging from alley, garage, etc........ 1213 Page 221 221 222 291 291 291 292 292 292 292 221 221 222 241 227 249 240 63 63 64 64 64 68 68 115 293 306 310 312 318 318 318 Index SPIKED RAILINGS— Section PPGRtIVOU——=F OUBILY Sess Pe KE awe betes ceeace es 915 SPITTING— On sidewalks and public places—Penalty........... 918 SPRINKLING STREETS— Duty of street railroad company............. els 211s t STABLES— Offensive—Nuisance—Penalty ..........cecceecees S11 Cleanliness of—Infected animals in...............- 818 Emerging from—Speed .......cccecctccesceccewes 1213 STANDPIPES— MAPPER TOMATO UITOU oe cs oes 5s 4 cies vv. w own ¥ shaleib-s tld wie 651 PUCBOUT OA FLLAC IOC. oss lele s aters Gis. selele gv 0 olelb ln seas 652 Wariwmeatre, etc., buildings required.........c0ceesss 653 STATEMENT— BR UY OTLILC I: scat eased ales dhe beta Reo eiele Wiel ole 11 STEAM— } Discharge into sewers prohibited............00.00% 1072 STEAM BOILERS (See BOILERS). STEAM PIPES— Not to be connected with sewers...........6. ce]. 45. 338 & 1072 STEAM RAILROADS— Playing around—Jumping on cars—Penalty........ 922 Occuping street, ete., without authority—Penalty.. 945 Serre CERI OG ALU L OC Se 4 soy c vere cic e'e 3 2b d's o Sates abe 6 1118 Lights on trains, engines, ete., required.............. 1119 Pere eCHECHOl FiO Pan GOWN... 62s. cate sues wees 1120 ROME IONEGUALL WO TUNG, 0. 4. csc cles cs sss cles c ss 1121 PMC TG CAL VOLES... os +o ss otic ots s eae ees cre 1122 Cars on street crossings—Prohibited............... 1123 Flagmen and gates at crossings—Power of council...1124 Duties of flagmen and gate tenders.............4.. 7125 Electric lights to be maintained at all crossings— CLLR COL Pameins are cme ete 800 221 Offal or butchers réfmse—Conveyance of............ 801 222 Depositing offensive liquids on—Penalty........... 810 223 Vehicles containing offensive matter—Regulations... 820 225 Construction Of. 2s daa tite aaa here scorn eet 821 25 Conduet’ on street... .0e.- 5 eee ee ee toe tare 822 226 Moving buildings on (See Housemovers) Danger signals—When required .. . ........+000 se 858 233 Stakes in paved streets—When prohibited—Penalty. 859 233 LLLING OD LOMAS. (re. Pk sich s stew les ais ine 885 239 Solicitation for immoral purposes on—Penalty...... 889 240 Index Section Children on at night (See Minors) Excavations in—Protection of—Penalty ........... 913 Public officer or contractor failing to protect excava- ete ULES fins s Wwe anak s an bee te YO 914 Throwing rubbish, etc., on—Penalty....... 0... ees 917 & 944 Cleansing parments in—Poenalty ... ....cerccsseers 921 Obstructing by games, exhibitions, ete —Penalty.... 925 Obstructing by lounging—Penalty .. ......c.seceee 926 Permitting dangerous animal on—Penalty.......... 927 Be ee GT ONAILY. oi. 0 Sas vise avinis Sin vn's ais ee eS 938 Occupying without authority—Penalty............ 945 Shouting, calling, ete., by peddlers and others—Pen- IS ol SES RS ee Pee 987 Gutters to be kept clean—Sewers ... ...........0-. 1075 Excavations in—Duty of police—Report............ 1076 fee.or Space beneath’ prohibited «46.6.6... sees eee 1087 Auction in—Prohibited—Penalty ................1093 Persons not to obstruct—Penalty...s...ceseencsece 1094 Seem PCOMI NOU —F ONAILY.. wee ed ening one ees 1098 Displaying merchandise on—Penalty .............. 1099 Removal of obstruction from—Powers and duties...1101 Railroad ears at crossings—Prohibited ............ 1123 Flagmen and gates at railroad crossings—Council DNA ERAT CNR fora vig no's ov 01a a, 6 wan, bus 00, 0,5 *,.1124 Duties of flagmen and gate tenders................ 1125 Electric lights at all railroad crossings............ 1126 Gates, flagmen and electric bells at railroad crossings —Where shall be maintained—Hours of ser- SE te ON IRINA in ATS NE cole Wiis) o\0/ ehanein Gis hic! e anh Glancn 1127 Time limit on railroad crossing obstruction......... 1129 eilroads to keep tracks at grade of...........008. 1130 Railroads to erect and maintain crossings at........ 1130 Failure—N otice—Liability .................1131 To be kept unobstructed for public use............. 1137 Injuries to—Excavations in—Permit—Penalty...... 1138 Laying pipes, etc., in—Permit required............ 1139 Appheation—Cost of répairing, etc............. 1140 Tasupnee—May require Hond 6 uw... 5k eee ce eens 1141 When defects in shall immediately be repaired..... 1142 Occupation of while building—Application—Permit Ng CTE Sane a ge Gin i oe fee ee 1143 Space occupied—Contents of permit ........... 1144 Violation of permit—Penalty ... ....suceeeees 1145 Building wholly or partly in—Penalty............. 1146 Notice to remove—Failure—Penalty ..........1147 SPRL ITV EI Le es rs) att ataied ws A'a 0%e's, o.n5. 1148 975 Page 244 244 245 & 250 246 246 247 247 249 250 258 282 282 286 287 287 2RR 288 289 294 294 294 294 295 295 296 296 296 298 299 299 299 299 300 300 300 300 300 300 301 076 Index Section Guards and prea signals—Interference with—Pen- BICY USehey ae alels F teee eee ue are Pate ee ore 1149 Rubbish, ete., in Sironipited pence ai rte Segre we 1150 Personal property in—Owners unknown—Notice and SLO: OLY a et tidee 26 Me cre tote eis cla age ie aerate ete 1151 Injuring and hitching to trees—Mutilating property Obstructing street, ete-—Penalty 977.1410 Unfastened horses, etc., in—Penalty. 22.5... 0.-. sm. 1153 Materials to be hauled in tight wagons—Penalty....1154 Playing ball and other sports in—Penalty.......... 1155 Goastinguin prohibited—-Penalty < (97... wees oe 1156 Sewers and culverts—Use of and injury to—Penalty.1157 Numbering of buildings on—Plan of .. ............ 1158 Assignment of numbers—Maps and records—Evi- dence—Information on demand... .....-1158 Size and ‘positionvof figures... oss reeeee ee 1159 Failure to number—Notice—Peénalty .........1160 Flags and banners over—Prohibited ............... 1161 Alleys—Obstruction -ofs prohibited. ..- 2. au ane 1162 Contractor paving, etc., to erect guards..-......... 1163 Unlawful to drive between guards............ 1164 Unlawiul to remove puards... “vee, gece eee 1165 Wagon tires—Smooth—Width required............. 1166 Burden of ten tons prohibited without permit...... 1167 Application—-A preement ii... see pei s tt enn es 1168 Traction engine, etc.——Permit required to run on paved streets—Application—Bond—Speed. .1169 Genéralipenalty es yan ees ee ee eee eee enor 1170 Granting street railroad franchise in (See Street Railroads) Control of reserved in case of street railroad........ 1176 Street railroad tracks to conform to grade of....... Eves Drains and culverts under street railroad tracks..... 1178 Duty of street railroad to pave—Power of council. ...1179 Franchise in paved street—Company to refund por- tion: Of /cost.of PAVeMeNnt -—. here stlem ee ees 1180 Duty of street railroad company to 9.1181 Obstruction of by vehicles prohibited............... 1200 Breaking animalfon prohibited... eee. cette eee 1215 Permit -required:for parade iin: ca ec ee alee 1218 Ordinances relating to the installation of ornamental streetulights (0 fa eae epee ree ete a heen eee STREET RATLROADS— Shall receive notice of moving of building—Continu- OUS. “WOTK (.8 eciGrais tea ie tae wee eee tas 857 Playing around—Hopping cars—Penalty ......... 922 Injury to apparatus? of—Pernal tye, ee eens ary are 934 Page 301 301 301 302 302 302 302 303 303 303 303 304 304 304 304 304 304 305 305 305 305 306 306 308 308 309 309 310 311 316 318 319 428 232 246 248 Index aA Section Page Occupying street, etc., without authority—Penalty.. 945 250 By what regulations shall be governed............ aa hea! 307 Franchises not to be granted except upon petition of property owners and payment of damages. .1172 307 Ne EG gy once in 9 ne Xen aie wit y ajalai eins 1173 307 Notice of application—How given............. 1174 308 Proof of publication—Bond for damages....... LTS 308 Control of streets reserved—Police power.......... 1176 308 Tracks to conform to grades—Notice—Penalty..... 1M bya 308 Drains and culverts—Construction and maintenance.1178 309 Paryeno pave—LPower of council. .. 6... ...cee wcaees 1179 309 Franchise in paved street—Company to refund por- RI eGCONE OF PAVOMONE « sw slates es ng anes Se 1180 310 Rules and regulations:— Cars going same direction—Distance apart cl. 1 .1181 310 VStar rnin o COTmers—Speed.... .a's <0 ses CL Ze LSL 310 Proninited sLONPIng. PIAGES, . 4. ese. ares CliopabLet 310 Two men on each car—Announcement of streets Oy Ss, Te ee ee ee Chita al 1Sl 310 Shall keep vigilant watch ahead......... Cleese Lod 311 Lights and bells—Ringing of bell........ ClawO. LL 311 Where to stop for passengers— 7.1881 dll Manner of removing snow from tracks....el. 8.1181 311 Beer) BPLIUEIO™ GEECOUS ss) sK ue oslo oc oe Glee oe Lek 311 SECT PCA TSI A COC er oo oce ww 'o'n eile snails weno 6 el Loviist 312 ES a a agen Sc eee rr elit lisi 312 Permormiee iI b OF STATE fg. oss wa o's nce soe worn so ois 1182 312 Menara Re ALLOW OW) sic's sos 6 owls an se ai tas wie see 1183 312 Provisions to form part of every grant............. 1184 312 NE tLe PAG i ae ars, 2 0 0,8 e 0.6 ea o: ae'o nee aceite 1185 312 Paressiduainot stop on intersections... ...........+6 1196 316 Poteapuaieestop for fire Apparatus... 00. cei neces s 1198 316 Passing car loading or unloading prohibited........ 1201 316 moeedeon cars passing cach other. ...........e.sse00 1209 318 SReMOONe Ys OLCECTS OL POLICEMEN 6 no... cee 's kale egw oe 1210 318 SUBWAYS AND VIADUCTS— Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements to control construction and repair of......... 373 ea SUGAR CREEK— Offensive deposits in prohibited—Penalty.......... 808 223 SUNDAY— Places of amusement closed—Disturbing peace by BIMInGMentrOn-—L ONAILY . .. cue «+ V+ +6 «la 3s 940 249 Business and labor prohibited on—Exceptions—Pen- alty—Sunday defined... ...... as aod Sees 941 249 Pewuvrokers to be closed On. ...... wecetis sive s co s e se 972 255 paloons closed on—-Ponalty ..........ccceseccsescces 1017 268 0/8 Index Section SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINGS (See also BUILD- INGS; BOARD FOR INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS; DEPARTMENT OF BUILD- , INGS)— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Health ONG SaALely nik Se eases cae aes ete, wee ees tages 213 Chief. Fire=Marshal: e70ficios =... soe eee fee eee 219 & 303 When other than Fire Marshal—Appointment—Term 304 Bond—No further from Fire Marshal.............. 305 Member Board for Inspection of Buildings.......... 295 May require assistance of other officers............ 306 Hnforee building ordinances We. ve. neta eee 307 Shall issue building permits. o-5 ar... oe te eee 307 & 569 Inspection and control of buildings being constructed 308 Pass On; Materiales tC. sys a sito wer ateke atin tee aie eerie 308 May. stop -construction—Penalty 5 2.5 secu ee ators 309 Control of elevators—Order—Penalty ............. 310 Shall/enforce’antifire ordinances > m2. +a sss nee 311 Investigate causes of fires and keep record of....... 312 Sign notices—Issue permits—Record of—Collect fees 313 Keep records of Department of Buildings—Inspection Oh eee are ry rer ie esr sre Seen Serine ace 314 Fees for building permits—When payable.......... 315 Record Ole oir Seine eget ee eee eee 316 Superintendent to colle¢t. 2) 3207s s oes 313 Monthly accounting sg cee ele ees aa eee ee 317 Annual TEport.. ei ce ke eee tes eet sins eee ee carers aie ee 318 Substitutes avsence Of tts cess vee tetas ee 319 May enter premises to inspect boilers.............. 554 Unsafe boilers—Notice—Penalty . aare aie Receive application for builders and Beate: li- CONSG Tecchigs qo ccs hats's Sieteie ine pees ote ee aa eae 557 Remove dangerous buildings when..............00- 566 Account” Of VEXDeENSESs nae. esos wie oe eeteitetses 567 POWOr-in CMeCTOONCY. fF... sae cieatis ye ee eee 568 To approve material, construction and location..... 571 May order imperfect material removed—Penalty.... 576 To decide on amount of damage to building—Appeal 578 & 579 Permit to make openings in party walls............ 595 To give notice of unsafe chimneys, etc.............. 663 To approve construction of electric signs—Power to prevent or remove unlawful signs.......... 734 Supervision of existing electric signs by............. 735 Page 72 74. & 91 91 91 89 OL 92 92 & La 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 94. 166 166 167 170 171 a Wid | 172 173 173 178 188 203 203 a Index Section To aprove construction, etc., of signs—Power to pre- vent or remove unlawful signs............. 1107 Supervision of existing signs by.......... cece eee 1108 SUPERINTENDENTS OF DEPARTMENTS (See COM- MISSIONERS ) — SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKS AND ELEC- TRIC LIGHTING— Under supervision of Commissioner of Public Pro- PARP LRA archon ches 6 aioe cues ch 4 ts elec ees 423 DerMORM RIG ——LOTIN Gf Cec tee eee he tes ese ence 427 DUALS osc 5 i Fait ee ae Pa ae Rear ari i 429 General powers, authority and duties........... ... 430 PpeNOberenure tie tO CUtIES Sc 5 2. oo. eee cles aes 430 Supplies—How procured by—Account of........... 431 May prohibit use of water for sprinkling...... el6. 432 Permit for extra size tap in water main....... el. 7. 445 Shall have supervision of City Electrician.......... 446 SUPPLIES— Purchase and distribution of—Commissioner of Ac- counts and Finances to have supervision of. 152 Peuaner Of Orderimc and purchasing.........6....6. 152 Purchases of over $100.00—Requirements.......... 153 For water works—How procured—Account of...... 431 SURVEYS— RVI IMOOP LI OMAKG. pace owes dese en ses esas es 380 New’ streets; alleys, ete—Report.............. 381 Shall do certain surveying for private persons.. 382 BOeRMET OL MEAG OBS CLG S ca. cin ssc veg ye ss a,c 6 0 oe 5 392 SUSPENSION— Beeeerieeruenm LOL MIsCONOUCL. .. 2.2 .ce cee cee ese ess 26 SWIMMING— In park lakes—In charge of Park Custodian........ 478 Without permission prohibited ... .......e1.8. 479 At tisk OF persons so doing. ...:2-..3.+2... el.8. 479 T TAXES (See also FINANCES; COMMISSIONER OF AC- COUNTS AND FINANCES)— SEE POET) COU NG bocce peda sccaie rst eal wis aw asain es 2's 10 MRR Bee EUW SUL 5. Seo ei arcs wines be aera. oie) es a ole 0: sins 17 Franchise taxes of Public Service Utilities—Collection 150 Commissioner of Accounts and Finances to attend Pe een LORE (L LOT) CULY oyis a’ oo ew vin-6 one 0 a v0 166 On foreign fire insurance companies—Amount...... 1186 | TAXI CABS (See CABS, CARTS, ETC.) O79 Page 290 290 123 125 125 125 125 126: 127 131 133 59 59 59 126 113 114 114 116 30 142 143 143 25 27 58 61 312 280 Index TEN PIN ALLEYS, ETC.— Section License required—Penaliy 70.2 6. os akon eee eres 539 LAlCONKE SL08 se Tn. ee cre Re hae @ wane ete cits evades eee 540 When to be: kept closed 125.0 se eee tes ee een 541 TERM OF OFFICE— Of appointed 2omicers: 5c. se see cle ovis + ako reine wieiate ere 947 THEATRES (See also AMUSEMENTS)— License for required—Penalty . 2. 2. os ose wes eens 504 City Clerk: to -issne—Contentsa. 0. ..5.5. ses sae eee 505 Fees-—Time issiedifor a, ners seen cee 506 Subject to ordinances—Revocation.. ....0..- 5 508 Probibition’in——Penalt yee ives eles on ee 509 Duty of theatre owner to procure—Penalty...... 510 Semiannual inspection Of %, ye. <= sal ete tote yee me 299 Special inspeetroms . eee aise an wrereke west etal este avers 300 Metallic conduits required for wiring in............ 470 Injuring amusement poster—Penalty .............-. 511 Intoxicating liquors prohibited—Penalty ..........512 Obstruction of aisles—-Penalty =. ...0- 7 ere eee ae 513 & 649 Owners to preserve order—Special patrolmen....... 514 Refusalito move on—Penalty v.00 secs oc mae arene ta 515 Doors‘ shall open outward’ 7.7.0 cosy «ats creel oe 626 Egress openings and stairways—Requirements...... 627 Classed as a ‘? Business, Building’? | ciie asc oitetis i 636 Deelared to besa public hall. 2232 wes saat ces 642 Stairways in— Requirements «. «sien eee cielo e cree ee 643 FGXTtS SOSH EL spew oe oo lente nie eee he ec eer eee eee 644 Height above street—Proscenium wall—Openings... 645 Floors:to be fireproot -4.92 02 ree oe. vee ee ot ee ee 646 Partitions in theatres—Construction of............ 647 Asbestos curtain=—Tests: 220. settee ons oo eee rer 648 Markino exits to aatiete cele ah abe oleaeiehnye acs) era coat 649 Ventilators:over:sta get. aes: Gi ce enone ore nee 650 Water stand pipe, on stage 2... : eee ete re 651 Hose to be attached—Requirements........... 652 Outside stand pipes required jens eaters cree oe eee ele 653 Fire-alarm box .Trequired( in tee se ee 654 Fire extinguishing apparatus required............. 655 Shall employ Aremen, ys sqree ss geere ne eae cee 656 Allowing indecent play in—Penalty................ 900 To be closed on Sunday—Penalty.. 25... se oe 5 eo 940 Vehicles not to stand in front of during performance Wee eds Heh ay a et re thes Pap 1206 THROWING MISSILES— Prohibited—Penalty (2 c00 sm co 2 esate aie eee 886 & Page 163 163 163 251 152 152 153 154 154 154 90 90 139 154 155 155 & 186 155 155 184 184 185 185 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 186 187 187 187 187 187 187 242 249 317 239 & 248 Index 581 TIRES— Section Page On wagons—Smooth—Width required .............. 1166 305 Burden of ten tons prohibited on paved streets with- TPOM ROTA LIAS Telele c's. sis aie 6 os we Siete ve axis aie le 1167 305 PepeicCAtMOM=“AOTEEMENt .. . . och ee rete s eee ee 1168 305 TOWN CLERK— City Clerk to act as—No town clerk to be elected.... 182 & 65 & 1189 313 TOWN COLLECTOR— City Treasurer to act as—No town collector to be LOSS ULSD es og RA Be arn atlar aoa eee ara 193 & 67 - 1190 313 TOWNSHIP OFFICERS— City Clerk and Town Clerk—Offices consolidated— Duties of City Clerk—No Town Clerk to be SCIEN as pu A rate ee a ae ya a dor 1189 313 City Treasurer and Town Collector—Offices consol- idated—Duties of City Treasurer—No Town POE UIEE tO M0 CLECLOU. u's cs see se es ew se 1190 313 Highway Commissioners—Offices discontinued ..... TI9t 314 TRACTION ENGINE— Permit required to run on paved streets—Application Bee Neer DOCU yE, iy sas oy + ves wen et ears © 1169 306 TRAFFIC (See also CABS, CARTS, ETC.; AUTOMO- BILES)— PORTO EV OHICIGS ATr PALES. us. ose cn. 6 5 ail 6 els4. 479 142 Vehicles in parks shall keep to the right...... el. 14. 479 143 Bicycles in parks—Under traffic laws......... el. 25. 479 144 Heavy traffic excluded from parks............ el. 31. 479 144 Self propelled vehicles excluded from park dam ¢1.32. 479 144 Driving through funeral procession—Penalty....... 884 239 Climbing, ete., on vehicles—Penalty................ 887 239 Transportation of waste paper, ete—Manner of— eee YI Ft aes tesooe lag Meatyng, whe al aoetcs a vese ies 1065 280 Driving on sidewalks—Penalty ... ..........-eee0. 1091 287 Riding on sidewalks—Penalty ... .......22e-s000- 1100 288 Material to be hauled in tight wagons—Penalty..... 1154 302 Alleys—Obstruction of prohibited .. .............. 1162 304 Burden of ten tons prohibited without permit...... 1167 305 see LON A DTCOMOEN Gs wa eas ase ss ee das 1168 305 Shall keep to right—Manner of driving............ 1192 315 Passing and overtaking—Rights and duties......... 1193 315 Turning corners—Turning around—Stopping at curb (OSTRENST aT lcd) hea aril AS Aa oh Sale | cen ire ea 1194 315 Waiting at curb—Backed up to curb—Stopping on CU EON es 9 TR. Se GS Sara cae eee ga oe 1195 315 No stops on intersections—Shall obey police signal. .1196 316 Right of way at cross streets—Entering alleys...... 1197 316 582 Index Section Fire and police apparatus to have right of way..... 1198 Processions—Driving through prohibited............ 1199 Obstructing street—Overloading’. 2. iiss» a citams sie om 1200 Signal on approach—Passing cars loading or unload- ing prohibited—Passing to left of car..... 1201 Intersections—Vehicle under control—Signals........ 1202 Unattended horse—To be securely fastened ....... 1203 Removing harness, ete.—Cracking whip—Care of horses separately hitched ... ....... 00.5. 1204 Vehicle without driver—Shall not stand in certain CERELICE oe nicl cho osncuret« is Meta Oe tale erin gece 1205 Theatres, ete—Vehicles not to stand in front et drr- IND PerLOrMmance aces, sisters op eiemceiets Meets 1206 Sidewalks—Not to be driven on. ..0.... os ss 1207 Speed of horsedrawn vehicles. :; saxianss. os slee weenie 1208 Street cars—Speed in passing each other........... 1209 Orders of policemen—-Must, be obeyed... oss «ems 1210 Unusual noises from materials hauled prohibited....1211 Unfit animal——Driving of prohibited.n eects 1212 Fimerging from alley, garage, ete.—Speed and signals asta ty felt AIGA dos ans Ac eRe FEATS Gay ree ed BE Exhaust—Smoke—Noise—Moufflers .. . .........0-- 1214 Breaking animals on streets—Sales:on..2 2, fees es 1215 Jumping on vehicles—Body protruding from........ 1216 Pedestrians—Cutting corners—Prohibited in con- gested district. coisas uae ree et ee ierraser tee 1217 Parade—Permitarequired, 2. wee eee ee ee 1218 Congested district—Boundaries . 3 ....c<0.s0e0500 1219 Terms Cehnedi, you s2 eiaie.o eiets wiatehip tae tire teh eee ee 1219 Frightened horse—Automobile to stop.............. 1220 Unnecessary signals prohibited (i) .0. .: see eeu seers 1221 Unattended automobile—Engine running... ......1222 Age of persons Orivin’ Lor Hire, same cee oe eer 1223 Lights on automobiles—Requirements ............1224 Lights’ shall; be’ dimmed 2224.2 « sashes Seale iets 1225 Assignment: of powers and duties... . > «0 =e 1226 General: penalty... csc a wae ats i Melasey ete Mee comers ote 1227 TRANSIENT VENDERS (See ITINERANT MER- CHANTS AND TRANSIENT VENDERS). TREASURER (See CITY TREASURER). TREES (See also CITY FORESTER)— When aproval of City Forester required for planting, CUttING. "ELCo oi, F, parse aioe ele eeepc neater eee 413 Instruction and advice concerning by City Forester... 414 Permit required to plant in public ground........... 417 Manneriand location (of planting oy tr. sir setae eee 418 Certain trees prohibited (osc. 73 39 For assault on policemen—Consent............ Ny Meee ere 41 For owner, ofjimpounded animal (6... e-em den nee 118 50 To issue upon filing of complaint—To whom directed 993 260 Index 585 Section Page Description of offender when name unknown—True HWeaMiG VEGC ewe KNOWN. oe oie ele cw ee wae e's 994 260 Of commitment—When to issuc..........ecccceces 995 261 MoritroLs Worthy Of COMMEMENT... 6... c eee e ee se 996 261 fon treneurer 10r-bilis, pay Tolls, ote... 6 oss. ee a se 157 60 hegister of to be kept—RKeceipts...........seecees 158 60 Rater OsONO CLAW UPON. sss cece dave cee ads eyes 160 60 Not to issue against exhausted appropriation....... 161 60 Monthly report of by Commissioner of Accounts and UTE CTE 9 en Oo re a a 168 62 For special assessments—Duty of collector......... NM 63 For special assessments to go with delinquent list... 173 64 OR RRUR I PORCE VO cg a vn e = se cle civ chele'o bs ele wel'e snes 175 64 SPORES ATSIDAION © yy ns oieete ek See od osteo aie 176 64 Paid by treasurer to be delivered to clerk............ 195 67 Treasurer to cancel all warrants redeemed.......... 196 67 UV IS Lhe Cd A NUCTILG Dstt a sowie ss cba eee cee ce see's 196 67 Eenalty tor private use by treasurer.............. 199 68 iy Wiom must be signed—Contents.....5...0+.0%.. 200 68 NC UNO VeOLROR WISE DAIC W.. [5565 0% 2 Falls 6 sw wath! ale 200 68 WASTE PAPER— Throwing on streets, ete.—Penalty...............4.- 917 & 245 & : 1150 301 Transportation of—Manner of—Penalty ........... 1065 28\ WATER— Record of users—Collection of rents................ 164 61 Shut off when meter is defective. ..............0000: 211 71 Kules governing use of city water................- 432 126 MATONIGI LOL-sOrVICG PIPOS ss. 65 sees os aes el.1. 432 126 Separate stop cocks for distinct 432 126 Service pipe repair at owners expense—Waste PE eteie ralciate estes atelier at wie We ote Sas Sees ta a el.3. 432 126 Licensed plumber required—Permit....... el. 4. 432 126 Fixtures shut off when not in use.......... el.5. 432 126 Prohibition of use for sprinkling— 432 127 Shutting off water—Manner and 432 127 Injuring water works system.............. el. 8. 432 127 Permits to tap mains—Ferrules—Record............ 433 127 Applications to use—Permit—Record ............. 434 127 Peg Ol eSOrViCd DINGS ai cried cas os eee cs eee kee 8 435 127 Chart of water mains, ete., to be kept.............. 436 128 Must be measured by meter—Exception........... 437 128 TeerCueOTPDLOLOL SOMUALOU on ss ee GA eae O ws vise Sparkes 438 128 Commissioners may enter premises to examine—Re- LUSALI LO MLIOW ee teminve es ty et tye op tt ieee 439 128 Defective meter—Failure to repair—Water shut off. 439 128 Where no meter is provided—Power of commissioner 440 128 586 Index Section Rates of water rent—Penalty for nonpayment...... 441 Meter. failing £0 works o\icgie os siete oroyee Yee sh oP alee 441 Reading of meters—Record—Notice—Receipt...... 442 Failure to pay water rent—Penalty........2....... 443 Not to be left turned on by plumbers........ el. 15. 445 Polluting water supply— Penalty wets ects cre et eta eee 808 Injuring service lid or cup—Penalty...........2 6s 936 Conducting from building onto sidewalk—Penalty. .1097 Taking water from or injuring hydrants........... 1228 Free access to hydrants, meters, ete... 1. > «arms 1229 Interference with mains, pipes, ete., prohibited..... 1230 Public fountains—Injury to—Carrying away or pol- lnting water in-—Penalty 3.26.0. sews 1232 WATER CLOSETS (See also PRIVIES)— Batteries of— Table for stacey aoc eres toe oe cl. 30. 338 Traps: LOrier Bas sek See ec steht erat erat mien el. 32. 338 Water for—Connection to drain pipe......... cl. 36. 338 Location—Construction—Supply tanks... ...el.37. 338 Certain kinds. probibiteds 5.1 wesc ere ce]. 38. 338 In stores, factories; etc., required <\.. 2 stun 792 When shall be connected with sewer. 2... ce «ees 795 Structural: requirements <9. tei. ca ves te eee 796 Water supply shall) be- suficient. ic... weet eee ee 1073 WATER LEADERS— Rain water leaders—Connections—Material—Uses— TTADS 0g Oy See aku ee eels en ei aes el. 42. 338 Clean: outs*and {traps Otc: coms eentcrts cl. 43. 338 Required* on: all buildings). 5 fy anes Sy eae we 612 WATER MAINS— Minimum size of service pipe, etc............ el.11. 338 Commissioner of Streets and Public EP em outs to Control construction Giv Jaw wc srttee aria = 373 Repair of under supervision of Superintendent of Wa- ter Works and Electric Lighting.......... 430 In charge of Superintendent of Water Works and Hileetri¢ Lighting sigan sett cuore oe 430 Application to tap made to Inspector of Plumbing— Permit oie Ai terteee kite w etessetas tetas eis atone 433 Ferrules—Record of permits .... ......sceeeees 433 Application to use water—Permit................- 434 Record ofiservice Pipes... sean e wee eee 435 Chart’ ofsmains;, be Rep tie c.cwisciekesls stor totieta tees 436 Taps I= 51Z6, 6 GG sei oes ciel ele epeay yn rene ot el. 7. 445 Where: to ibe: made. ... ce... ee ees 936 Taking water from or injuring hydrants........... 1228 Free access to hydrants—Meters, etc............... 1229 Interference with mains, pipes, etc., prohibited..... 1230 Public fountains—Injury to—Carrying away or pol- luting water in—Penalty 2). 22. ..%s6sseee 1232 General pendlty sate ovis te ee ate res) serie eee eee 1232 WEAPONS (See CONCEALED WEAPONS; FIREARMS). WEEDS— Certain declared to be nuisance—Penalty ......... 838 WEIGHMASTERS (See CITY WEIGHMASTERS). WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (See also SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES; CITY WEIGHMASTERS)— Berries, small fruits, etc. (See Berries, Small Fruits, Etc.) Inspection of required \semiannually...............- 357 Seal—Certificate—Gondemnation :.. 1:25.04... 2% 357 State. standard of adopted. 4.2 te aan eee ore ere 358 Record of inspections—Contents ... ......-.eeee0. 309 Approval of—Seal—Certificate .... .2..0520.05-560s 360 Condemnation—Marking—Notice—Seizure.. ...... 361 Power to seize false instrument or commodity...... 362 Release or destruction: of-—Lia bility... «saws. 362 Place’ of inspection... : Sis) Nisesteters wows ee rset nena ee 363 Duty of owner to have inspection. \ ia. «aay foe ee 364 Special inspection on complaint, ete. 3.2... 2....6-s 365 No device to be used before inspection............. 366 Unlawful to use inaccurate or condemned device.... 367 Hindéring inspection. Of (oa .sn weer ae see 368 Removing, altering, ete., seal or certificate.......... 369 When standards to be anpeured wialighesGh9 niet 39 eRPR Ow tee 370 Only City Weighmasters to keep scales in streets. 398 Hay, straw, coal and coke—Must be weighed fee weighmaster—Certificate ....... 399 Certificate to be delivered to pirelanere Pong 403 Sale without weighing—Penalty............... 404 Fees’ of weighmaster*for weighing ..)).0.-cs +.) eee 400 Method of weighing—Contents of certificate.... 402 Care lof scales iets S55 ccah wins 0 neve whet cueintdlane tereines 405 Weight per bushel and barrel of certain articles fixed 406 Laws of atate to controls... 3% scccee es eee eer 407 WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY— Permission tO ee ee, ee oe oe een tere Oa ee Page 223 248 321 321 321 322 322 228 108 108 108 108 108 109 109 109 109 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 118 118 ii? 119 118 118 119 119 120 Index 589 WHITE PLACE HEATING SYSTEM— Section Page RE RUE SETS PLS aa Wiens & ¥ esesalio.oe. 8 6-4 hres: Fin V0 wi eiwo 8 acd 439 ee RORIIC ely cnt Gos wavs States atm ewe telo[ sles « chek HAS 442 WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS— License required—Fee—Bond—Penalty ...........1022 269 Shall be subject to all provisions concerning retail dealers where applicable—Penalty .......1022 269 Seema et: CCT SC. yyy ce ass Go nw 4 6 4 Pawo wise 6 6 1032 272 WINE ROOMS— Prolypited in saloons—Penalty. .... 2.2.6 06 ecoorne 1017 268 WIRES— Supervision of by City Electrician................. 453 134 Anoualreport by electrical companies.............. 457 134 Inspection required before electric current turned BRED? 6 ha tM Gen Ang NPE Se aie Aarne arene 458 135 Annual inspection by City Hlectrician.............. 459 135 National Electric Code adopted\.............0e0e8 460 135 Concealment of in buildings—Posting of notice...... 462 136 Permit required for wiring buildings—Application.. 463 136 AM Ut PME ere TG eR cThrd aieis ols ai siyrs 6 ee bce eho e.0. 3 '* Gleor sil 139 Metallic material near—Permit— 471 140 yee) Uwe sre Ro SAE a ee aca ee ae ae a 934 - 248 Required to be placed underground in certain district 398 WITHERS PUBLIC LIBRARY (See LIBRARY). WITNESSES— Names to be proctfed-upon arrest............ CinlS. iF 42 Police officer competent witness—Shall not retain if OR UNE Mente atte ee ove a obi dials ko ie’ 998 262 WORK HOUSE (See CITY PRISON). od ths . 7 - < 7" Pacer im . . 2 » a Ade : i ; i Wor ane Ave a ha! Pee: — a ) e.