( ONTAIMM, The Arrangements for the Demonstration in Connection with Laying the Corner Stone of the Government Buildings, TTJUXTIB 24, 1874, TOGETHER WITH .V FULL DIRECTORY OF THE CITY LODGES Of the Masons, Odd Fellows^ Knights of Pythias, and other Societies. published by J^uthcmtti af the Committee. CHICA&O&NORTH-fESTERN RAILWAY. GO WEST from CHICAGO Via the FAVORITE ROUTE to the LATEST! TO IOWA, NEBRASKA and CALIFORNIA. THE TRAVELING PUBLIC PRONOUNCE THIS 2^~ THE FAVQBITE &QUTE COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, SALT LAKE CITY, KELTON, ELKO, SACRAMENTO, SAN FRANCISCO, AND ALL POINTS IN THE TERRITORIES and on the PACIFIC COAST. THIS IS THE ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS PULLMAN PALACE CARS f SUPERB COACHES O III O.A.C3rO Via Dixon, Clinton and Cedar Rapids to COUNCIL BLUFFS & OMAHA WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, And Connects with the UNION PACIFIC R. R. for CHEYENNE, DENVER, OGDEN, and all points on the Pacific Coast. IT IS THE SHORTEST AND BEST ROUTF. New York Ticket Office : No. 229 Broadway. Boston Office : ^o. 5 State Street. Chicago Ticket Offices : 62 Clark St., under Shf nnan House; Tor. (.'anal and Madison Sts. : Kinzie St. Depot, cor. W. Kinzie and Canal Sts.; Wells St. Depot, cor. Wells and Kinz!- Tickets over this Rout'- arc sold by all Ticket A "ruts in all Coupon Ticket Offices in the United States aiul the Canada*. MAIJVIN III < MUTT, \V. II. STENNETT, Gen'l Superintendent. ' :F>:R,:ESS. : Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. With its Smooth and Perfect Track, Elegant Passenger Coaches, And PULLMAN SLEEPING and DINING CARS, Is acknowledged by the Press, and all who travel over it, to be the Best Appointed and Best Managed Road in the country. You will find Tickets via this Route at all Offices in the East and West, and at SO OXj-A-H-ISl JSTjFL3SET B D. W. HITCHCOCK, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. MEDAL OF MERIT, A WARDED A T THE WORLD'S EXPOSITION, AT VIENNA, 1.873, CHICAGO. COMMISSIONER HOYNE'S OFFICE. ESTABLISHED IN 1855, PHILIP A. HOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, COMMISSIONED IN 1855. Commissioner for the United States Court of Claims. Notary pnWic anil Commissioner of Deeds FOR ALL THE STATES AND TERRITORIES, TO WIT: Alabama, Idaho, Maine, Pennsylvania, Alaska, Illinois, Minnesota, Rhode" Island, Arizona. Indiana, Montana, South Carolina. Arkansas, Iowa, New York, Tennessee, California, Kansas, New Jersey. Texas, Colorado, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Utah, Columbia, Louisiana. North Carolina, Vermont, Connecticut. Massachusetts, Nebraska. Virginia. Dakota, Maryland, New Mexico, West Virginia. Delaware, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, Florida, Mississippi, Ohio, Washington, Georgia. Missouri, Oregon, Wyoming, Etc., Etc. Eoom 21, 2nd floor Republic Ins. Building, Same building with U. S. Courts and Custom House, 157 and 159 La Salle Street, Depositions taken. Deeds certified and Claims proved, for any of the States and Territories above named. ^F" Insurance Companies Examination and Proofs of, a specialty. PASSPORTS OBTAINED. NOKMAN HALL, cicrk. TT TTT^ 1 A T5 TT f vV Hi A Jtx Jcj, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FINE VARNISHES, 148 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. I3XT C^OOIDS. L C. BIGNALL, MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER IN IRON, BRASS AND WOOD CISTERN, WELL, LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS, PATENT PLAIN AND EXTENSION SINKS, grindstone Trimmings, Bolster Plates, Bench, Jack and Cheese-Press Screws, Tailors' Irons, Sad Irons, Re- volving Clothes Irons, Rubber Hose, Patent Noz- zles and Couplings, Plumbers' Goods, etc. SALESROOM, 226 A 228 LAKE ST., FACTORY AT MEDINA, CHICAGO, ILL, BUENA VISTA FREE STONE QUARRIES, M. MUELLER, STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BLOCKS OF ALL SIZES, ROUGH AND SAWED, ASHLAR IHEOff CAPS AND SILLS, OF ALL SIZES, CAN BE PROCURED ON SHORT NOTICE. For BEAUTY, DURABILITY and ECONOMY, This Stone is Unrivaled in this Market. Many of the Best Business Blocks in the City are built of this Stone. Address, JOHN M. MUELLER, A'u. 1 Ji'. Tu-el j tli .Stt't-rt, Chicago, The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers In Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO, Western Agents. THE PKOGRAMME. ORDER OF MARCH. Platoon of Police. Gen. James W. Forsyth, Chief Marshal. Gen, Joseph Stockton, Gen. A. C. McClurg, Col. H. Jackson, Col. Lock wood, Maj. Robert M. Woods, C. H. Gillespie, Bryan Lathrop, Ed. Norton, Assistant Marshals. FIRST DIVISION. A. C. Ducat, Grand Marshal. The First Division will be composed of the Masonic Fra- ternity, United States officials, and the State and municipal authorities. FIRST SECTION. Band. Warren C. Purdy, Ass't Grand Marshal ; R. Z. Herrick, Aid. Detachment of Police as Skirmishers. Gen'l Sup't of Police and two Captains, mounted. Sergeant and Platoon of Police. Chief Marshal and Staff, mounted. Grand Marshal of Masonic Division. United States Arsenal Band. Oriental Sovereign Consistory, S. P. R. S. 32d Deg., T. T. Gurney, Commander-in-Chief, as escort to the officers of the Supreme Councils, A. A. Rite, U. S. A., in carriages (double file). Visiting Consistories, A. A. Rite. This Section will form on Wabasli avenue, right resting on Lake street. A. L. HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. ESTABLISHED 1852. UNION FOUNDRY WORKS, N. S. BOTTTON, - - f resident. OFFICE AND WORKS, Corner Fifteenth and Dearborn Sts, Manufacturers of all kinds of CAST & WROUGHT IRON BUILDING WORK, IH.O3XT ITLOKTTS, CAR AND LOCOMOTIVE CASTINGS, BRIDGE CASTINGS AND BOLTS, ROLLED BEAMS & COMPOUND GIRDERS, AND General Foundry, Machine and Blacksmith Work. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Upon Public- Work, or large Contracts, will examine Plans at Place of Letting, and Give Bid. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO. Western Agents. THE PROGRAMME. SECOND SECTION. Band. D. A. Cashman, Ass't Grand Marshal; J. H. Huyck, Aid. United States officials. Illinois and other State authorities, accompanied by Citi zens' Committee, in carriages (double file). Chicago City authorities, in carriages (double file). This Section will form on Lake street, right resting on Wabash ave., left resting on State street (North). THIRD SECTION. Band. A. M. Bennett, Ass't Grand Marsha] ; J. B. Gavin, Aid. Joliet Commandery, No. 4, K. T., Joliet, 111. Blaney Commandery, No 5, K. T., Morris, 111. Waukegan Commandery, No. 12, K. T., Waukegan, 111. Urbana Commandery, No. 16, K. T., Urbana, 111. Calvary Commandery, No. 25, K. T., Woodstock, 111. Sycamore Commandery, No. , K. T., Sycamore, 111. Dixon Commandery, No. , K. T., Dixon, 111. Laporte and South Bend Commanderies, K. T., Indiana. St. Louis Commandery, No. , K. T., St. Louis, Mo. Ascalon Commandery, No. , K. T., St. Louis, Mo. And visiting Commanderies not reported. This Section will form on Lake street, right resting on State street, left resting on Dearborn street (South), FOURTH SECTION. Band. E. P. Tobey, Ass't Grand Marshal ; N. J. Messenger, Aid. Chicago Commandery, No. 19, K. T., J. H. Witbeck, Com- mander, as escort to the Grand Encampment K. T. of U.'S. A., and the Grand Commandery K. T. of Illinois, with officers of State Grand Com- manderies, in carriages (double file). This Section will form on Lake street, right resting on Dearborn street, left resting on Clark street (South). A. L. HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. & 82 La Salle St., Chicago. CAPITAL, ASSETS, D. D. SPENCER, D. S. SMITH, A. D. GUILD, C. G. BULKLEY, $500,000 $4,000,000 PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. CASHIER. ASS'T CASHIER. THIS INSTITUTION, The Oldest and Largest Savings (Banl-: in the Jforfhwest, Oft'ers to the public all the advantages that any safely conducted Savings Bank can offer : Seventeen years of successful busines!-. Undoubted security for deposits. Six per cent, interest, compounded half yearly. Central location ; large and convenient offices. Reception rooms exclusively for the use of ladie*. Promptness and courtesy in dealing with its patrons. Burglar Proof Vaults of immense strength, (guarded at night by watch- men,) in which any depositor may place Abstracts. Di-L-ds. Wills, Policies, and other papers or valuables, //-<- of ctiaryt. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO, Western Agents. THE PROGRAMME. 11 FIFTH SECTION. Band. Joseph H. Dixon, Ass't Grand Marshal ; F. li. Grout, Aid. Ottawa Commandery, No. 10, K. T., J. T. Nash, Commander, as escort to the officers of the General Grand Chapter R. A. M. United States, and those of the Grand Chap- ter R. A. M., Illinois, with officers of other Grand Chapters in carriages (double file.) Washington Chapter, No. 3, Chicago; Joliet Chapter, No. 67, Joliet ; New Rutland Chapter^ No. 112, New Rut- land ; and other Chapters not reported. This Section will form on Lake st., right resting on Clark. SIXTH SECTION. Great Western Light Guard Band. W. A. Stevens, Ass't Grand Marshal ; F. S. Allen, Aid. Apollo Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar, Chicago, E. B. Myers, Commander, as the immediate escort of the M. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois. Officers of the Grand Lodge A. F. and A. Masons of the State of Illinois, and Officers of Grand Lodges of other States, in carriages (double file). Grand Master of Illinois, single carriage. Apollo Musical Club of Chicago. This Section will form on Lake St., right resting on La Salle. SEVENTH SECTION. Band. J. A. Crawford, Ass't Grand Marshal ; Frank Wells, Aid. St. Bernard Commandery, No. 35, Knights Templar, of Chi- cago, Henry Turner, Commander, as escort to Lod'ges of A. F. and A. Masons. Germania, 182, Chicago. Fraternal, 58, Monticello. Kilwinning, 311, Chicago. Waukegan, 78, W 7 aukegan. Covenant, 526, Chicago. Corinthian, 205, E. Paw Paw. Lincoln Park, 611 Chicago. Wheaton, 269, Wheaton. Keystone, 639, Chicago. Chenoa, 292, Chenoa. Matteson, 175, Joliet. Orion, 358, Union. Will form on Fifth avenue, right resting on Lake street. A. L. HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. PREVIOUS TO REMOVAL WE ARE SELLING f'fre ITT ppf ^ y illi 1 1 U AT A GREAT DISCOUNT, A. L. HALE & BRO. 10, 12, 14 and 16 Canal St. After July 15th at 200, 202, 204 and 206 RANDOLPH STREET. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO, Western Agents. THE PROGRAMME. 13 EIGHTH SECTION. Band. G. C. Howell, Ass't Grand Marshal ; C. J. Franks, Aid. Pleiades, 478, Chicago. Euclid, 65, Naperville. Herder, 669, Chicago. Harvard, 309, Harvard. Richard Cole, 697, Chicago. Livingston, 371, Dwight. Lumberman's, U. D., Chicago. Marseilles, 417 Marseilles. Centralia, 201, Centralia. Kendall, 471, Yorkville. Braidwood, 704, Braidwood. Hinsdale, 649, Hinsdale. Will form on Lake street, right resting on Fifth avenue, left resting on Franklin street (South). NINTH SECTION. Band. Reuben Cleveland, Ass't Grand Marshal ; J. S. McFar- land, Aid. Cleveland, 211, Chicago. Mount Joliet, 43, Joliet. Hesperia, 411, Chicago. Jerusalem Temple, 90,Aurora. Lessing, 557, Chicago. Nunda, 169, Nunda. National, 596, Chicago. 111. Central, 178, Amboy. Union Park, 610, Chicago. Libertyville, 472, Libertyv'e. D. C. Cregier, 643, Chicago. Peotone, 636, Peotone. D. A. Cashman, 686, Chicago. Will form on Franklin, left resting on Lake street. TENTH SECTION. Band. D. R. Crego, Ass't Grand Marshal ; George Howisson, Joseph Speigel, Aids. Oriental, 33, Chicago. Blair, 393, Chicago. Garden City, 141, Chicago. T. J. Turner, 409, Chicago.- Wabansia, 160, Chicago. Landmark, 422. Chicago. W.M.B. Warren, 209, Chicago. Chicago, 437, Chicago. Blaney, 271, Chicago. Bigelow, 438, Chicago. Ashlar, 308, Chicago. Home, 508, Chicago. Dearborn, 310, Chicago. Apollo, 642, Chicago. Will form on Lake street, right resting on Franklin. First Grand Division will be formed in columns of six. A, L HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. DEALER IX ILLINOIS MARBLE Lake Superior Brown Free Stone, COR, OF HARRISON and FRANKLIN STS,, CHICAGO. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO. "Western Agents. THE PROGRAMME. 15 SECOND DIVISION. I. O. O. F. HEADQUARTERS I. O. O. F., TREMONT HOUSE, PARLOR O. Lodges on the West Side form on Halsted street, between Madison and Washington, right resting on Washington. North and South Side Lodges form on Clark street, be- tween Madison and Washington, right resting on Wash- ington. Line of procession will form on Washington street, right resting on Michigan ave., and will be under the charge of Marshal J. WARD ELLIS. FIRST SECTION. Montgomery Guards. American Polish Guards. SECOND SECTION. Band. Marshal and Aids. Grand Officers of Grand Encampment and Grand Officers of Grand Lodge, in carriages. American City Encampments. American Visiting Encampments with Patriarchs. American City Lodges. American Visiting Lodges with Brothers. THIRD SECTION. Band. Marshal and Aids. German City Encampments. German Visiting Encampments with Patriarchs. German City Lodges. German Visiting Lodges with Brothers. A. L. HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO, Western Agents. 16 THE PROGRAMME. THIRD DIVISION. IK. OF F. The Third Division will be composed of the members of the Order of Knights of Pythias, and will consist of five sections . FIRST SECTION. Gen. H. N. Eldridge and Aids. Nevins & Dean's Band. Mulligan Zouaves. Ellsworth's Zouaves. John J. Healy, commander of K. of P. with Aids. Chief of First Division Malick Vesey, Lodge No. 3. First Assistant Second Assistant P. M. Henry, Lodge No. 11. Third Assistant Henry Bennett, Lodge No. 3. SECOND SECTION. Chief of Second Division.. John Brennan, Lodge No. 6. First Assistant J. D. Kendall, Lodge No. 9. Second Assistant Geo. Anderin, Lodge No. 6. Third Division Harry Gaat, Lodge No. 6. THIRD SECTION. Chief of Third Division _'__E. Race, Lodge No. 4. First Assistant N. M. Plottke, Lodge No. 43. Second Assistant J. W. Ackerman, Lodge No. 4. Third Assistant .P. D. Collins, Lodge No. 4. FOURTH SECTION. Chief of Fourth Division. .Fred. Bruhmann, Lodge No. 2. First Assistant .Peter Miller, Lodge No. 15. Second Assistant Dave Meyer, Lodge No. 32. Third Assistant .Julius Schreiber, Lodge No. 7. A. L. HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO, Western Agents. THE PROGRAMME. 17 FIFTH SECTION. The Fifth Division will be composed exclusively of visit- ing Knights from Sister Lodges, and will be under the immediate command of Past Chancellor G. S. Dana, Capi- tal Lodge No. 14. HENRY C. BERRY, Past Supreme Chancellor of the Su- preme Lodge K. of P. of the world ; P. G. C. HYLAND W. RICE, Grand Chancellor of Illinois; P. G. C. WILLIAM J. LONG, Grand Chancellor of Michigan; P. C. G. J. A. HEN- SHALL, Grand Chancellor of Wisconsin, in carriages. FOURTH DIVISION. Gen. A. L. Chetlain and Aids. Dowagiac Band. Capt. R. E. Moore, Commanding Hannibal Zouaves. FIRST SECTION. Geo. Reed and Aids, Commanding Custom House employes. Stonecutters and Carvers. Apprentices and Laborers. Engineers, Blacksmiths and Carpenters. Stonesetters and Bricklayers. Derrickmen and Laborers. Stone Contractors' men in large stone trucks. Limestone Contractors' men in large stone trucks. Iron Contractors' men in large trucks. SECOND SECTION. C. S. Squiers and Aids. Ryder's Silver Cornet Band. Carriers in uniform, on foot. Clerks in mail wagons. A. L. HALE & BRO, FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO. Western Agents. 18 THE PROGRAMME. FIFTH DIVISION. Col. James Stewart and Aids. Father Matliew Temperance Cadets and Band. Great Eastern Band. Bohemian Workmen's Benevolent Assoctetion. Scandinavisk and German Shoemakers' Union. Horseshoers' Protective Association. Other Labor Unions. SIXTH DIVISION. Benjamin F. Guy ton and Aids. Page's Cornet Band. Schqpl Boys, marching and in wagons, twelve sections, 1,000 each. SEVENTH DIVISION. Fire Marshal M. Benner, Commanding; Wm. Musha and M. W. Shay, Aids. The Chicago Fire* Department, FORMATION OF DIVISIONS. The different organizations that take part in the proces- sion will take position in their respective Divisions in the order above named, and the Divisions will be formed under the direction of their respective Marshals, as follows : First Div., under Gen. A. C. Ducat, will form on Lake st., with the right resting on Wabashav. Second Div., under J. Ward Ellis, on Washington t., right resting on Wabash av. Third Div., under Col. H. N. Eldridge, on Monroe st., the right of the Div. on Wabash av. A, L. HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO,. Western Agents. THE PROGRAMME. 19 Third Div., under Gen. A. L. Chetlaiu, will form on Monroe St., with its right connecting with the left of the Third Div. Fifth Div., Col. James Stewart, Commanding, will form on Van Buren st., with its right resting on Wabash av. Sixth Div., under Mr. B. F. Guy ton, will form on Harri- son st., with its right resting on Wabash av. Seventh Div., Fire Marshal Matt Benner, Commanding, will form on La Salle st., right resting on Van Buren st. The First Div. will march at 10 o'clock a. in. precisely. The Second Div. will remain in position on Washington st. until the rear of the First Div. has cleared the corner of Wabash av. and Washington st. It will then be moved out by the Marshal, and take up the line of march on Wa- bash av. in rear of the First Div., and the other Divisions will be held in position by their Marshals, and only be moved out in their regular and natural order. The Third Div. to take up the line of march when the Second Div. passes Monroe st., and so on for the other Divisions. THE LINE OF MARCH. The procession will move out from the corner of Wabash av. and Lake st. at 10 o'clock a. m., and march south on Wabash av. to Twenty-first st. ; thence to Michigan av., north on Michigan av. to Monroe st., thence to State, thence north on State to Lake, east on Lake to Dearborn. On Dearborn st. the Masonic Division wheels to the left and moves south to the corner stone, where they will be massed by the Marshals. When the Second Division reaches the corner of Dearborn and Lake, it will be conducted by the Chief Marshal west on Lake to Clark st., thence south on Clark to Adams, where it will wheel to the left and march east on Adams past the corner stone and the grand stand. When the Grand Divisions have been massed at that point, they will continue their line of march on Adams st. east to Wabash av., where they will separate and be conducted by Marshals to their rendezvous for disbanding. A. I. HALE & BRO,, FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. "O DE." - (.TO BE SUNG, IF DESIRED.) We meet upon the level, and we part upon the square, While many are the trials that meet us everywhere; But is there anything to make our homes more sweet, To please our kitchen charmers, and keep their realms more neatr They've sighed and ached and wished the cooking steam and smell were gone, That iritate their tempers and cause their brows to frown ; But joy now crowns their charming features, while they gaily sing, Of furniture for stoves, the Steamless is the thing. It saves the fuel, saves the food, its choicest flavor all preserves. Say they who've tried it, and their verdict never swerves. Now do likewise, and take the street they call East Madison, At Two Hundred Ten (210), and see how woman's rights have just begun. RITCHIE & DUCK, MANUFACTURERS OF 154 and 155 MICHIGAN AVENUE, Opposite Exposition Building, THE PROGRAMME. 21 CEREMONIES OF LAYING THE CORNER STONE. AT'HIGH TWELVE. order UP n ""^ " ^ Corner - Stone one blast <* Trumpet will call to V, u 2 V T r h P J" inc .'Pal Architect will say : M. W. G. M. of M. in Illinois, in behalf of the National Treasury Department, and in the name of the President of the U. S. of A I now request you to lay the Corner-Stone of the building to be erected on this spot, m accordance with the formalities of your A. and 3. The G. M.'s reply. Concluding-" The Teachings of Freemasonry inculcate that m all our works, great or small, begun and finished, we should seek the aid and favor of Almighty God. It is our first duty, then, to invoke the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe upon the work in which we are about to engage. I, therefore, command the utmost silence, and call upon all to unite with our G. C. in an address to the Throne of Grace." 4. Prayer by the G. C. (Response by the F.) So MOTE IT BE. "INVOCATION," BY APOLLO MUSICAL CLUB. Composed for the occasion by Bro. Wm. H. Cutler. Great God Eternal, bow Thine ear unto us, And hear, we pray, our supplications to Thee; Grant unto us Thine aid and smiles to bless us, Thine be the glory. Great God Majestic. may Thy power be given That we Thy will may do, and thus be blessed; May we our work thus do in fear and reverence, Thine be the glory. Great God Eternal, may Thy benediction Rest o'er our labors, and foundations laid Be firm and true, that Thou accept it from us, Thine be the glory. 5. G. M.R. W. Bro. G. T., it has ever been the custom, on occasions like the present, to deposit within a cavity in the stone placed in the north-east corner of the edifice, certain memorials of the period at which it was erected, so that if the lapse, of ages, the fury of the elements, or the slow but certain ravages of time, should lay bare its foundation, an enduring record may be found by succeeding generations, to bear testi- mony to the energy, industry, and culture of our time. Has such a deposit been prepared? G. T.li has, M. W. G. M., and the various articles of which it is composed are safely enclosed within the casket now before vou. A. L. Hale & Bro., Furniture, 10-16 Canal Street REDUCED TO A SCIENCE. IMPROVES THE CIRCULATION, RELIETES THE ACHING BRAIN, STRENGTHENS WEAK ORGANS. DEEPENS THE BREATHING. WAKMS THE EXTREMITIES, QUIETS NERTOUS IKKITAIIILITT, REGULATES THE HEART'S ACTION, PROMOTES DIGESTION. INCREASES THE GENERAL TITALITT. THE KEACTIONAKY LIFTEE is a convenient instrument for taking all needed exer-, cise in the safest and best possible manner. ITS WEIGHT is 128 pounds, and when packed it is about the size of an ordinary trunk. ITS COST in one hundred dollars, which is just one- third the price of the only other lifting machine now in the market. CONVENIENCE IN HANDLING. It can be easily transported from place to place, or trundled about ,the house on its cantors. APPEARANCE AND CONVENIENCE ABOUT A HOUSE. It is ornamental and graceful in appearance, and may be placed withoutinconven- lence in a hall, study, office, bed- room, or parlor. Its handles let down so that it may be easily rolled under a table or bed if desirable. CONSTRUCTION. It is made of steel and iron, and Is BO compactly and firmly put together that it will not break or wear out, and is not likely to get out of order. It is japanned to save it from rusting, and is beautifully finished in chocolate and gold. Its adjustment for lifting consists in the movement of a slide, and is so simple that a child can readily understand and manage it. and so easy as to require neither time nor effort. It is available for both sexes, and should be used by all the members of the family. TIME REQUIRED. Only ten minutes once a day is sufficient for all needed exercise on this apparatus. AGENCIES IN CHIEF CITIES AND TOWNS. Northwestern Agency, 114 Dearborn St., Chicago, T. R. STEAKNS, MANAGEK. THE PROGRAMME. 23 6. G. M.R. W. G. S., you will read, for the information of the people here assembled, the record of the contents of the casket. 7. G. S. reads list as follows: 1. A Memorial Plate of Pure Native Copper, inscribed with the Names of the Principal United States, State and Municipal Officers present, or who may signify their intention to be present on the occasion. A Parchment Roll, inscribed with the names of the gentlemen comprising the General and Special Committees, together with the Name* of the Principal Officers of the Organizations taking part in the Ceremonies. 2. Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, Acfs of Congress making Appropriations for the Purchase of the Site and Erection of the Building. 3. Constitution of the State of Illinois, Map of the State of Illinois, List of the State Officers, Engraving of the New State House. 4. List of County Officers. 5. Picture of the Proposed Building, (i. Proceedings, for 1873, of Grand Lodge Masons, Illinois; Grand Chapter Masons, Illinois: Grand Council Masons, Illinois: Grand Commandery Masons, Illinois; General Grand Chapter Masons, U. S. A.; General Grand Encampment Masons, U. S. A.; Supreme Council. 7. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge and Encampment of Odd Fellows; Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias. 8. Directory of Chicago: History of Chicago; Account of First Post Office in Chicago; Map of Chicago, 1874; Map of Chicago, 1820: Proceedings of the Board of Public Works, Educa- tion, Police, Parks, Board of Trade, Relief Committee, Comptroller's Report. 9. Copy of THE PROGRAMME, and all Papers connected with the Ceremonies of Laying the Corner Stone; Daily Papers of Chicago; List of Organizations Attending Ceremonies. 10. Copies United States Bonds-, all Denominations, unsigned : United States Treasury Notes, all Denomina- tions, unsigned: United States Gold, Silver and Copper Coinage. 8. G. Jf. R. W. G. Treasurer, you will now deposit the Casket in Jhe cavity beneath the Corner-Stone, 'and may the Great Architect of fhe Universe, in His Wisdom, grant that ages upon ages shall pass away ere it again be seen of men. 9. G. T.< assisted by the G. S., will place the Casket in the cavity pre- pared. During the ceremony the Choir sing, accompanied by the band. 10. G. T. reports: M. W. G. M., your orders have been duly executed. 11. The P. A. Delivers the working tools to the G. M., who retains the Trowel and presents the Square, Level and Plumb to the D. G. M.. S. and J. G. W., respectively, saying, R. W. B., you will receive the imple- ments of your office. With your assistance and that of the Craft, I will now proceed to lay the Corner-Stone of this edifice, according to the cus- tom of our fraternity. The G. M. takes his place at the East side of the Stone, the D. G. M. at his right, the S. G. W. at the West, and the J. G. W. at the South of the Stone. 12. G. J/.--B. G. M., you will direct the Craftsmen to furnish the Cement. The G. M. spreads the Cement. 13. G. M.E. G. M., you will direct the Craftsmen to lower the Stone. The Stone is suspended by a derrick, about six feet above its bed. It i lowered, very slowly, one-third the distance, during which APOLLO MUSICAL CLUB, comprising sixty vocalists, will sing first verse of the following : A. L. Hale & Bro., Furniture, 10-16 Canal Street. GRAND PACIFIC LIVERY, 13, 15 and 17 QUINCY STREET, A. J. WRIGHT. ESTABLISHED 1857. EDGAR SANDERS, T f~^ "TP T C5 H"" 1 J i \^) JtC JL fcD -L y STORE, 92 DEARBORN STREET. DESIGNER, OF THE TRIUMPHAL ARCH. All kinde of Florists' work on the shortest notice. THE PROGRAMME. 25 ODE. By Robert Morris, L.L.D., P. G. ,., of Kentucky. I. When the kindled wrath Of offended Heaven, Gave in smouldering smoke and flame The wealth that He had given ; Though that day, in black dismay, Saw our city melt away, Yet we hoped, 'twas not in vain, God would smile on us? again ! Chorus : Then deeply lay THE STONE ! Plant it firm and true ! So shall distant ages own The work this day we do ! When the Stone is stopped, the Grand Honors are given by all the Craft present, and one gun will be fired. The Stone is again lowered, as before, the Choir singing the second verse of Ode. II. In its deep recess, Set with mystic care, Hark! our faithful witnesses, The Level, Plumb, and Square. "Nations sink beneath the curse "As they deviate from us; " In unerring truth may yours " Last while circling time endures! " Chorus: Then strongly lay THE STONE ! Plant it firm and true ! So shall distant ages own The work this day we do ! When the Stone is stopped, the Grand Honors are given by the Craft, and two guns are fired. The Stone is lowered for the third time, the Choir singing the concluding verse of the Ode. When the Stone is in place, the Grand Honors are given as before, and three guns are fired. III. Hear our prayer, O God ! Thou, the Nation's Trust! And let these walls majestic stand When we arc in the dust. Humbly, we are but as one; Hopeful, are we not Thine own? To Thy Name we rise and sing. Chorus : And grandly lay THE STONE ! Plant it firm and true! Now shall distant ages own The work this day we do! A. L. Hale & Bro., Furniture, 10-16 Canal Street. THE PROGRAMME. 15. Grand Master. R. W. D. G. M., what is the proper implement of your office? D. G. Master. The Square. G. M. What are its moral and Masonic uses? I). G. M. To square our action* by the rule of virtue, ajnd prove our work. G. M. Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the Corner Stone, and make report. [The Square is applied to the four upper corners.] J). G. .!/. M. W. G. M.. I find the Stone to be square. The Craftsmen have done their duty. 16. G. M. R. W. 8. G. W.. what ih the proper implement of your office? 8. G. W. The Level. G. M. What are its moral and Masonic uses? S. G. W. Morally it teaches equality, and by it we prove our work. G. M. Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the Corner Stone that needs to be proved, and make report. [Level is applied to top surface.] 5. G. W. M. W. G. M., I find the Stone to be level. The Craftsmen have done their duty. 17. G. M.H. W. J. G. W., what is the proper implement of your office ? J. G. IF. The Plumb. d. M. What are its moral and Masonic uses ? ./. G. W. Morally, it teaches rectitude of conduct : and by it we prove our work. G. M. Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the Cor- ner Stone, and make report. [Plumb is applied to the sides of stone.] J. G. IF. M. W. G. M., I find the stone to be plumb. The Craftsmen have done their duty. 18. G. Master. This Corner Stone has been letted by the proper im- plements of Masonry. I find the Craftsmen have skillfully and faithfully done their duty ; and I do declare the Stone to be well formed and trust}', truly laid, and correctly proved, according to the rules of our ancient Craft. May the Building be conducted and completed amid the blessings of Plenty, Health and Peace. JWBfgMM by the Craft. So MOTE IT BE ! 19. G. Master. Bro. G. M., you will present the Elements of Conse- cration to the proper Officers. 20. Grand Marshal presents vessel of Corn to the D. G. M.. the Wine to the S. G. W., and the Oil to the J. G. W. 21. D. G. M. steps forward with the Corn, scattering it on the Stone, and says, I scatter this Corn as an emblem of Plenty ; may the blessings of bounteous Heaven be showered upon us, and upon all like patriotic and important undertakings, and inspire the hearts of the people with Virtue. Wisdom and Gratitude. RttpOHM by the Craft. So MOTE IT BE ! i'i. GraiifJ MarnJuU places a burning Taper of white wax upon the easterly side of the Stone. A. L. Hale <& Bro., Furniture* 10-10 Canal Street* THE PROGRAMME. 23. S. G. W. steps forward with the vessel of Wine, pouring it on the Stone, and says, I pour this Wine as an emblem of Joy and Gladness. May the Great Ruler of the Universe bless and prosper our National, State, and City Governments ; preserre the Union of the States in Harmony and Brotherly Love, which shall endure through all time. Response by the Craft. -So MOTE IT BE ! 24. Grand Marshal places a burning Taper of red wax upon the west- erly side of the Stone. 25. J. G. W. steps forward with the vessel of Oil, pouring it on th.e Stone, saying, I pour this Oil as an emblem of Peace ; may its blessings abide with us continually ; and may the Grand Master of Heaven and Earth shelter and protect the Widow and Orphan, and rouchsafe to them, and to the bereaved, the afflicted and sorrowing everywhere, the enjoy- ment of every good and perfect gift. Response by tlie Craft. So MOTE IT BE ! 26. Grand Marshal places upon the Stone, at the south, the burning Taper of blue wax. 27. Grand Stewards will decorate the Stone with bouquets of Flowers, during which the Choir will chant. 28. Grand Master, extending his hands, pronounces the following Invocation : May Corn, Wine, and Oil, and all the necessaries of life abound among men throughout the World. May the blessing of Almighty God be upon this undertaking. May He protect the workmen from every accident. May the structure here to be erected be planned with Wisdom. supported by Strength, and adorned in Beauty; and may it be preserved to the latest ages, ;t monument of the liberality of its founders, and of the free and enlightened Government in which it is our privilege to partake. by the Craff. So MOTE IT BE! 29. Grand Master, addressing the Principal Architect, says: Worthy Sir, Having thus, as Grand Master of Masons, laid this Corner Stone, I now deliver these implements of operative Masonry into your hands, with the fullest confidence, that, by your skill and taste, aided by faithful craftsmen, a fabric will arise which shall add new lustre to our city and nation. May there be no envy, discord, or confusion among the work- men. May the important duties confided to you be performed, not only to the satisfaction of those who have intrusted yon with their fulfillment, but in such manner as shall secure the approbation of your own conscience and redound to the honor of our country. 30. Grand Master will then make report of his doings. Bro. Grand Marshal, you will make the proclamation. Grand Marshal.. In the name of the M. W. G. Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, of the State of Illinois, I now proclaim that the Corner Stone of the structure to be here erected has this day been found Square, Level, and Plumb, true and trusty, and laid according to the old customs, by the Grand Master of Masons. 31. D. G. M. This is proclaimed from flit- Kast to the West. [Three guns are fired in rapid succession.] 82. 8. G. W' From the West to the South. [Two guns are fired in rapid succession.] A. L. Hale & Bro., Furniture* 10-10 Canal Street. 28 THE PROGRAMME. 33. J. G. W. From the South to the North. [One gun is fired.] 34. G. Master. And throughout the land. [Six guns, in rapid sue- 85. Closing Ode, to be sung by the entire assembly. ODE, "AMERICA." My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing ; Land where my fathers died ; Land of the pilgrim's pride ; From every mountain eide Let Freedom ring. My native country ! thee, Land of the noble free, Thy name I lore ; I love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and templed hille : My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. Let music swell the breeze, And ring from all the trees Sweet Freedom's song ; Let mortal tongues awake ; Let all that breathe partake ; Let rocks their silence break, The sound prolong. 36. Oration. 37. Benediction. 38. The Craft will re-form and return to their respective Halle. ELLIS & YOUNG, DENTISTS, 209 STATE STREET, Corner of Adams. SEVENTEEN YEARS' PRACTICE IN CHICAGO. 161 MADISON STREET, CORNER OF LASALLE, 4t Rose and Bedding Plants in Great Variety. Greenhouses, Oak Park, 111., 3> miles West of the City on Iowa Division North-Western Railway. - OIHIIESS, DENTIST, 88 Washington Street, JRomn 1, 2d Floor. CHICAGO. N. B. All kinds of Dental Work in best manner, at short notice. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE& CO, Western Agents. 30 THE PROGRAMME. o ~ , 1 1 ,P o - c- cafe- O 5 H P K Q S H * g^'S'S w 2 s 11 &S " 03 5 o> ^ ^ , I e 2 -S6a h o J^ O -'O . bC^ 0) Q g tf B S g I 1 t- C5 ", ' o S si < s ilti . . s w w p A. L, HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST, The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO, Western Agents. THE PROGRAMME. 31 O -^ ft 2 O iJ OQ A, L, HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST. The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO, Western Agents. THE PROGRAMME. i i i 18 h I ! I 1 ; ' ! ! :J 6 : i : i i ! j ^ . . . !co S|l*$ . O) o oGPn Q _o3 <1 ^ 1-1 rX *4 & 52, he sf o" fl-Sl'l-as II 1 ^ fc O D O^ o a a - OQQO !J| a* , g.| H - a? '3 3 ffl sii K sg ' s 12 A, L, HALE & BRO., FURNITURE, 10-16 CANAL ST, The New Lawn Game, for sale by all dealers in Games. CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE&CO, Western Agents. CO THE PROGRAMME. O W PS o h- w W OM W 1 * '. !! 1 31 ifc-2