Dibble Publishing Company's World's ^^^^^l "Coluinbian Exposition Pocket Record Book; Illustrated w/cuts and maps . . . TLDNOfS HISTORICAL SURVEY PRICE 10 CENTS. DIBBLE PUBLISHING COMPANY'S World's Columbian Exposition POCKET RECORD BOOK Of - Residence Chicago Address luhile aitending the IFor/d's Fair . \ COMPLIMENTS OF George R. Baker, DRUGGIST Soda Water, 5 Cts. AH 5c. Cigars 6 for 25c. CLARK AND VAN BUREN STREETS, (Under McCoy's Hotel) OHICAGO. Pure Drugs and OPEN ALL NIGHT. Reasonable Prices DIBBLE PUBLISHING COMPANY'S World's Columbian Exposition POCKET RECORD BOOK. Illustrated with aits and viaps of principal buildings, etc. and co7itaining valuable information. PRKPARRD, PUBLISHED AND COPYRIGHTED BY DIBBLE PTBLISHING COMPANY, 334 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO. 1893. As time enhances the value of all records in proportion to the increasing necessity for refreshing the memory say : Let the record be carefully made of the people and things seen each day, lest they pass out of th*^ memory to-morrow, and are lost. Then perpetuate them, not in the mind, it may forget; not upou wood or stone, that crumble to dust, but upon paper, chron- icled in characters and words that endure for ever. By carefully recording what you see and do each day, and checking off each building or department as inspected you will be able to do the Fair systematically and with great saving of time, labor and expense, and the results will be much more satisfactory. This becomes more apparent each day one visits the Fair, which covers 1,037 acres, 160 acres being covered by World's Fair Buildings proper, not counting the various state and foreign buildings, that cover 40 to 50 acres, or more, making a grand total of over 200 acres ; many of the buildings are two or more stories high, so that you have a grand total of nearly 400 acres of floor space. Every nook and corner of this, not reserved for passage ways, is occupied by exhibits of the finest variety, and specimens of products that can be gathered from the art gallery, the workshop, the factory, the press, the' kitchen, the garden, the farm, the forest, the earth, the mountain, the stream, and the sea ; by all nations of the earth, with their people, manners and customs, to behold and comprehend. As your time will undoubtedly be limited the best results can be obtained only by keeping a careful record of each da3''s work, and to this end we publish this memorandum or record book, hoping it may be found useful and convenient to all. ALL FRIENDS MEET AT THE FAIR. The courts of King Solomon, with all their orient splendor would not equal a glance at the great white city, the "World's Colum- bian Exposition." The grandeur of the glistening white palaces, temples of art and science, overflowingly filled with wonders of human ingenuitj'; the enormous size of the beautiful structures that greet the eye from every point of vantage as you approach the Fair, on a bright summer's day, with the mild, refreshing breezes blowing from off the beautiful blue waters of Lake IVIichigan; with the flags of every nation waving their gorgeous colors in the bright sunlight, and thousands of gay streamers floating joyously on the undulating waves of the pure air; with the constant splash- ing of the oars of the Venetian Gondoliers in holiday attire, Electric Launches skimming briskly about on the placid waters of the lakes and lagoons, with the air filled with charming umsic from many bands, the choicest of all lands, scattered about the grounds; all these things combine into a scene unparallelled. Then note the thousands of people, of every nation on the globe, speaking all languages, and displajing their varied manners and customs ; note also the magic effects of the electrical displays on a delightful summer evening, and you will wonder if it is possible that this has all been brought about by the efforts of man, or is it in reality Paradise produced by magic power? Of those who have had an opportunit}- to behold these mystic beauties, the greatest wonder is, how auj- person of even moderate intelligence can resist the temptation to enjoy, to drink iu the glories of the greatest sight that is, has been, or is likely to be for many years to come. Alas, words utterly fail to conve}^ more than a faint outline of the grandeur and magnificence one beholds, on visiting this superb city of wonders, where days and months may be profitably spent in studying the works of the great- est artizans of the world. Those who fail to see it will regret it to the end of the journey of life. Do not allow yourself to be one of those that come too late, or fail to see the Fair. W. E. Dibble. -S- THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. 362 X 262 feet square. Being placed as a centre to the principal buildings of the World's Fair, it is the first to admire. Take the elevator to the gallery, 100 feet above the main floor, from which you get a grand view, and right here couimeuce your record with Day and Date iSgj' Note Decorations, Dome, Statuary, Art Group, Commerce, Industry, Science, etc. ARKANSAS STATE BUILDING -7- a a tn z 01 >, 3 o -1 a; 13 cd lU 3 05 aj tn CD u _l > cS o < o "a. OJ a. "cS c/l 3 .jj »- .r-. • w _l O D 3 ci 'U O o o o >> o c/5 cc oo ,^ -TJ o « Oh >. 4 o 3 l-i u o .9 < 0. u '5 < V 2 4 ■2 .2 (U 'u ^ U ;-i w X ■3 1-t p. Oj ^ t^ *J ^ t: ■B tn Ss "S 3 ■*-' 1 <4-i -o I/) (LI a .^j ^^ OJ a 3 "3 ^ a 2 Oj ^3 '3 n 0! ^ — ( "J "^ w OJ -10- THE ART PALACE. Austria Sections 35, 30, 59. 6u, 61. Belgium " 63, 64, TA 66, 67. Canada " 10, 11. Denmark " '•3, 74, >■>. England " Vi, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. France " 43, 44. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 5.3, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. Germany " 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. Holland " 25, 26, 27. Italy " 70, 77, 78. 79, 80. Japan... " 24. Norway " 71, 72. Poland " 62. Russia '• 19, ~0. Spain " 21, 22, 23. Sweden " 68.' 69, 70. United States... " 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, -11- THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL BUILDING. 200 X 415 feet. "Anthropology: Man and His Works." Contains Many Curiosities and Points of Interest. Arkansas State Building. Australia House. Austrian Village (Midway Plaisauce). Brazilian Building British Building. Canadian Building. -IJ- ^--*j2^ "^ CALIFORNIA STATE BUILDING. 144 X 435 feet. From the ground to top of dome is 113 feet. Aroxind the base of the dotne is the roof-garden, filled with semi- tropical plants. Chinese Village (Midway Plaisance). Chinese Theatre, Joss House, etc. Clam Bake ; seating capacity, 20,000. Cliff Dwellers. THE CASINO. At the south end of the Peristyle Bureau of Public Comfort. I^aggage Rooms, Checking Rooms, Lavatories, Parlors and all con- veniences, with public Dining Room on the second floor with sufficient capacity to feed 10,000 people per day. Ceylon Court. THE CHILDREN'S BUILDING. 90 X l.')0 feet, and two stories high, with play-grounds on the roof 50 feet above the ground. It is the children's world. -13- .;T THE COLORADO STATE BUILDING. Columbian Fountain (designed by Mr. MacMonnies). Connecticut State Building. Convent of Santa Maria de la Rabida. Costa Rica Building. Dahomey Village (iVIidway Plaisance), Dairy Barns. Dairy Buildings. Delaware State Building. Ducker's Hospital. Dutch Settlement (Midway Plaisance). The East India Building. Eiffel Towei ( Midway Plaisance). —14- m ~:.^ ^ >- "= 'o I- . ^ ^- — *J u E ^ I- a, a —15— ELECTRICAL MEMORANDA. Electric Launches. Electric Science Theatre (Midway Plaisance). Esquimau Village. EthonoiOgical Exhibit. Ferris Wheel (Midway Plaisaace). Festival Hall. O O d ^ z V o <-) -1 o ^ CJ D , CD •5 FLORIDA STATE BUILDING. For antiquity and historic interest the Florida State Building stands at the head. "forest KING" RESTAURANT. 40x150 feet. The big Washington stick, 111 feet long and 4 feet square, serves as a lunch counter. FORESTRY BUILDING. 308 X 528 ft. Contains exhibits of many kinds of commercial woods. French Bakery Exhibit. French Cider Press. F'rench Colonies. French Government Building. Garbage Furnace (100-ton capacity). -1&- GERMAN GOVERNMENT BUILDING. German Village (Midway Plaisance). Glass Spinning Exhibit (Midway Plaisance). Gondola Ride. « Greenhouses. Guatemala Building. Hagenbeck's Trained Animals (Midway Plaisance). Hayti Building. Homceopathic Headquarters. Hoo-den or Phoenix Palace. -19- ^' \:^^f^^y'^ -'P -^^i' {« -,*■ -M- HORTICULTURAL MEMORANDA. Hunganau Orpheum (Midway Plaisance), Hunters' Island. Ice Raihvaj' (Midway Plaisance). Idaho State Building. -21- o z Q -i -) ^ OQ 1) 111 O H o < -* H t«! W o CO «5 T-H O Z -1 a lU S bC O c; Xfi A B o Ph —22- ILLINOIS STATE BUILDING MEMORANDA. Illinois Man of War or Battle Ship. -28— :y^vS^^ r- '^y I iff 'A'^ ^--^-f^- INDIANA STATE BUILDING. Indiana School Exhibit. Indiana '^2l.t.^2.x (Midwa\' Plaisance). International Dress and Costume Co. (Midway Plaisance). -24- IOWA STATE BUILDING. Irish Industries Exhibit (Midway Plaisance). Irish Village (Midway Plaisance). Isabella Booth. Japan Building. Japanese Bazaar (Midway Plaisanee). Japanese Tea House. Joint Territorial Buildinj. -25- ^'.■ .-rf^ -->: ^ EfFF ,ja ^ ^ := - B " S .^ '^,^^' ^^"'L -^'"" i. '■^'" KANSAS STATE BUILDING. Kentucky State Building. Krupp's Gun Exhibit. Lagoon Trip. Lapland Village (Midway Plaisance). Leather Exhibit. Lecture Hall (Midway Plaisance). Live Stock Pavilion. -26- LIVE STOCK EXHIBIT MEMORANDUM, Log Cabin. Loggers' Camp. Louisiana State Building, Lonwey Pavilion. —27- ^ M •--V, -:^S -28— MAINE STATE BUILDING. MacMonnies' Fountain. -SO- a 3 - Cd I, -I M< ^ O z < (A U CC D f- O < b. Z < s Oh O o" m (0 I- < -I < U m S ®- _ — o o . u O 3 «% ^ n 5 :S j! t •r oj 3 ^ m z; 3) ^ C J J I ^ ^ CANADA ^ < M ^ a t" J o BEL f ' L M ■^ 5*^ Psfi'A -0 Dbnmark -02 SWlTZEf LANO TTiri V ,^ / D! ^' flp^ SiJaUS SOUTH -32- "''■' (!Tr;i 1 MANUFACTURES & LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING. (COUNTRIES REPKKSKNTKJJ.) Austria. Argentine Republic. Belgium. Bulgaria. Brazil. Canada. China. Italy. J apan. Jamaica. Mexico. Norway. New South Wales Netherlands. Ceylon. Corea. Denmark. France. Germany. Great Britain. India. Persia. Spain. Siam. Switzerland. Russia. United States. -34- ^^ F rwi-mJii-Wl__^iliil M '^. " " ih^ rif l^wx—^ -^ ( i^^ -"'■•^mt MARYLAND STATE BUILDING. MASSACHUSETTS STATE BUILDING. Merchant Tailors' Building. -35- MICHIGAN STATE BUILDING. MIDWAY PLAISANCE. Containing Many Places of Amusement at an Extra Cost of 10 to oO Cents Each. Adams Express Co. Algeria and Tunis. American Indian Village. Blue Grotto of Capri. Cairo Street. Captive Balloon. Irish Industries. Irish Village. Japanese Bazaar. Javanese and South Sea Settlement. Lapland Village. Libbey Glass Co. Chinese Village and Theatre. Moorish Palace. Dahomey Village. Diamond Match Co. Eiffel Tower. Electric Science Theatre. Ferris Wheel. Fire and Guard Station French Cider Press. German Village. Hageubeck Animals. Natatorium. New England Log Cabin. Nursery Exhibit. Panorama of Bernese Alps. Panorama of Volcano Kilaueau. Persian Concession. St. Peter. Turkish Village. Venice Murano Co. Hungarian National Orpheum. Vienna Cafe. Ice Railway. Workingman's Home. Indian Bazaar. Zoopraxiscope. International Dress and Costume Co. —37— bfi o (/; \.^ z o c^ o en • »-< (0 o 5 bl j3 z "S c/) i •a c 'Jo o 2 bo -38- Germany Austria FRANCE N. S. WALES O A ITALY JAPAN New South A^ Wales 3REAT Britain J PENNSYL- VANIA North Carolina Virginia West Virginia Oregon New YORK NEW lERsev LA. &. TENNi Kentucky Minn- esota OHIO INDIANA X >■ DC z 5 o Missouri EC V. W o M D South Dakota California O CO ^ ui ^ U z Utah o o Montana T""° Q < |||||lOn/c SOUTH —89— MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING. MISSOURI STATE BUILDING. Model Workiugmen's Home. -40- ^^il' M^^-K^V MONTANA STATE BUILDING. Moorish Palace (Midway Plaisance). Movable Side Walk. Mi:sic Hall. Natatorium. -41- 2^7 x-t. V^ NEBRASKA STATE BUILDING. New Hampshire State Building. New Jersey State Building. —42— 1 f-^ 3? r ^_r'' r -t il_ M f NEW YORK STATE BUILDING. North Dakota State Building. Norwegian Government Building. Nursery Exhibit. 'r-;- ^W^ '-'^:^^ OHIO STATE BUILDING. Oil Industries. Oil Taiik Vault. Old Times Distillery. Panorama cf Bernese Alps. Panorama of Kilauea. *.^^ PENNSYLVANIA STATE SUILDING. Peristyle. Persian Concession (INIiclway Plaisance). Philadelphia Model Workiugnieu's Home (Midway I'laisaiice). Phoenix Palace. Photographers' Building. Polish Cafe. Power House. "Progress" Old Whalin.i; Bark -45- PUBLIC COMFORT BUILDING. AT THIS GATE BICVCr.ISTS MAY ENTER. Public Service Building (where most of the officers have their offices ) Puck Building. Pumping House. Pumping Works. Rhode Island State Building. Rolling Chairs. Rose Garden on Wooded Island. Siamese Government Pavilion. South Dakota Slate Building. South Sea Island Village (Midway Plai.sance). Spanish Government Building. St. Peter's at Rome, Model of (Midway Plaisance). Statue of ColumV)US. Statue of the Repul)lic. Street in Cairo (Midway Plaisance). Swedish Government Building. Swedish Restaurant. Texas Stale Building. Theatres. Jiilf^^ii. lltliii r ^mk o 6 tc z n 'C o m -1 5 > o o ID 4J ^ Z c »- o> ^ bl ^< X 0) H a a ctf a cd %e i^. Toilet Rooms ._ 1 'Vf ft |L-fl_l ■^ R^^ B ^«. IV^s B 1 '^-"" 14 /il '' ' >. Lj 1 f^ /I A 1 ' A -4 /I ^ -A- APAN|/y " n ) Jx ^ /*'•' IJTUBKEy: ; •-= C FRA 1 ^ [I ICE C c A A c Li ' r A A c= <= L_ 1 1 — i\ — I 1 \ -^ V^ y \^ 1 1 ! 'r nn £■ 1 ELEVAT ORS £ £ e in f ..sl^,. £ f 1 ' ' r F bANAo; F ra^ F y i T' H SPAIN ^ t— ' LI J ( 1 1 >> 4 - A 1 u ^ A < m X 1 To A S > o-l 1"-, A t3 ^ i = D ' 1 1 ^ o 1 SS T m A A in E S A A T3,let Rooms TERMINAL STATION. Arranged for receiving trains of all railroads bringing excur- sionists direct to the Fair. There are 85 R. R. Tracks, with capacity for loading over 40,000 people at one time. Turkish Government Building. Turkish Village (Midway Plaisance) —50— o 3 -51- MEMORANDA. United States Arnn- Hospital. United States Naval Exhibit. United States Naval Observator\'. Utah Territory Building. Venezuela Government Building. Vermont State Building. Victoria House. Vienna Cafe (Midway Plaisance). Viking. Virginia State Building. Volcano of Kilauea (Midway Plaisance) -52- u ' , a^^ ,^- s^« ^,^-j. vj5s«." ' -alja.^ ,-" WASHINGTON STATE BUILDING. Coustructed largelj' of cedar logs 120 ft. loug and 4 ft. in diameter. West Virginia State Building. Wind Mill Exhibit. lilllp^^fi^p^. WISCONSIN STATE BUILDING. —33- ^ is 'in