c/, ^J-^^i, mmmimil wliiiriili pf il OitlJOOE, lit -@r^«' -A.I30I=TEID OCTOBER, 30, 187 J#. MANUAL CoitcpcyiTiDNyiL Chuijch OF CHRIST, Glencoe, 111. ^JDOF-rrEx;} octob£:e, 30 1, f- CHICAGO: H. Willson & Co. 157 LaSalle St. •1873. '-/ HISTORICAL SKETCH. Regular preaching services upon the Sabbath were commenced in the village ot'Glencoe but a short time after its incorporation in 1869. For a year or more they were conducted by transient supplies. During the year beginning November i, 1S70, Prof. S. C. Bartlett. who had become a resident of the place, was invited to supply the pulpit three-fourths of the time, and, the following year, every Sabbath. The Communion of the Lord's Supper was occasionally observed. In the Autumn of 1S72, the conviction had become deep and general that some closer organization was required for the best interests of religion in the community. The first distinct proposal that a Congregational Church should be formed, came from members of the Methodist and Baptist commun- ions. Notice was given on Sunday, October 13,- 1S72, that this question would form the subject of discussion at the next Wednesday evening prayer meeting. The meeting on Wednesday was well attended, and the question wtis fully discussed with absolute unanimity of feeling and opinion, that a Congregational Church ought at once to be organized. Several members of other communions proposed to join it, while all pledged it their most cordial interest and co-operation. It was voted to proceed, and S. C. Bartlett, S. T. Lockwood and P. N. Sher- wood were chosen a Committee to arrange all the preliminaries of such an organization. On the 23rd of October, the committee report- ed a Confession of P'aith and Covenant, together with a Constitution and By-Laws, which on Wednesday, October 30th, were discussed, accepted and adopted, as herewith subjoined. Opportunities were given for any persons to present themselves, who might wish.to unite with the Church on profession ; and two persons were examined, pro- pounded and accepted. , \^ u ' to meet at the -Church on Tuesday Nov. 12th, ) '... mplete the organization. The Churches invited v.ero the C< ngregatnnal Church of Evanston; and the First, Union Park i.i 'itt Street and Tabernacle Congregational Churches of Chi. j.,_, ;ind Profs. F, W. Fisk,J. T. Hj de and G. N. Boardman of the Cii.O'go Theological Seminary. The Council met at the time appointed, and after a full examin- ! ationofailthe circumstances and documents, unanimously voted to { proceed v\ith the cu-tomary exercises of organization and recognition. These services were performed at 7^ o'clock in the evening, as followt. : reading of the minutesofthe Council, by Rev. E. N. Packard, Scribe; invocation and Reading of the Scriptures, by Rev. E. F. Williams ; Ser- mon, by Prof. F. W. Fisk; propounding the Confession of Faith and Covenant, by Ret. Moses Smith; Prayer of recognition and conse- (!fation,by Rev.%. L. Hammond; Fellowship of the Churches, by Rev. ■ C D Heln-er; Address to r.he Church, by Rev. E. P. Goodwin. i •■ . I The following persons were orgnnized into the Congregational 'Churrh of Christ in Glencoe : iler: — From the Union Park Congregational Church In i '.nicagu, .-amuel C. Bartlett, Mrs. Mary L. Bartlett. Edwin J. P.art- i lett, Miss Alice W. Bartlett, William A. Bartlett, Charles H. Howard, 1 .Mr^. Kate F. Howard, Samuel. T. Lockwood, Mrs. Juliette P. Lock- ) Avo^d, Mrs. Annie E. Nutt; from the New England Congregational Church in Chicago, Frederick W. Newhall. Mrs. Ellen Newhall ; from the Forty Seventh St. Congregational Church,- Chicago, Henry Willson Mrs. Jane Willson ; from the Congregational Church in D anbury, Conn.,. Washington A. Nichols ; from the Congregational Church, Kenokha, Wis., Miss Laura A. Newberry; from the Congregational Church in Evan.ston,Mrs. Carrie L. Daggett; from the Methodist EpiscopalChurch ;m Evanston, Augustus H. Ilovey, Mr.-^. Alice M. Hovey, Miss Hattie M. Hovcy, Miss Sarah J. Hovey, Archibald W. Fletcher, Mrs. '\Iizabeth Fletcher; from the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Kenosha, VV is., Porter N. Sherv--^' M'- Sarah V. Sherwood : from the Pro- testant Episcopal Ch. i-ston, Mrs Jeanettt C. Starr. By profession:!— Alexan del 'iairii nd, George F. Newhall. CONSTITUTION. Article I.— Name. The name of tliis Church shall be the Congregational Church of Christ, in Glencoe. Article II.— Government. Seo. 1. The Govern men t and aflFairs of this Church shall be co:i- ducteft in general accordance with the principles and established usages of Uongregationalisiu. Sec. 2. This Church maintains as fundamental principles ofchurth order, both the self government of the local Church and the fellowship of the several churches. While amenable to no other ecclesiastical body, and acknowledging no Head but the Lord Jesus Christ, it also re- cognizes the duty of seeking the advice of Councils intheoiganlzation of a church, in the settlement and dismission of pastors, in cases of peculiar internal difficulty, and in matters of common interest ; and it heartily proffers its Christian sympathy, commuuiou and co-operation to all other bodies of true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Article III. — Membership. All persons may become members of this Church who give credible i evidence of regeneration, and who assent to the Confession of Faith and Covenant. Article. IV. — Officers Sec 1. The essential oncers of the Church are a Pastor and Deacons. They shall be elected by ballot. Sec. 2. For the further ordering of its affairs, the church shall also appoint a Clerk, a Treasurer, a Superintendent of the Sabbath School, and five Trustees. These officers shall be chosen annually, but shall in any case hold office untill their successors are appointed. Sec. 3. The Pastor, who shall be expected to become a member of the Church, shall have control of the pulpit and the exercises of pub- lic worship, shall preach the W ird, shall ordinarily be the Moderator in the meetings of the Church, shall take the spiritual oversight of the flock, shall administer the Sacraments, and shall execute the discipline of the Church, when so brdered. In the settlement of a Pastor, the Church shall act by an Eiitle- siastical Council, called in the usual manner: and such a Council shall be mutually called by the Pastor and the Church, to act upon the question of his dismission, whenever the Pastor shall desire it, or the Church shall so vote in a meeting notified on t];> pi-eceding Sabbath for thai specified purpose. Sec. 4. The Deacons shall aid the Pastor in the celebration of the Lord's Supper, shall take charge of the communion service and of providing for the communion table, shall have the oversight of the poor members, for visitation and relief, and shall assist the Pastor generally in the spiritual care of the congregation. Sec. 5. The Clerk shall keep a faithful record of the proceedings of all business meetings of the Church, and shall submit the same for revision and correction at each meeting preparatory to the commun ion. He shall keep a register of the Church members with the date of their reception and of their removal, and a record of all baptisni. He shall issue letters of dismission voted by the Church, keep on file all important correspondence, all written official reports, and all other valuable papers of the Church, shall audit the accounts of the Treasur- er, and shall make an annual report. Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall receive the funds of the Chureh ; the charitable contributions, he shall dispense under the direction of the Deacons; the benevolent contributions he shall forward to their res- pective destinations ; and the funds for the support of the Church he shall disburse upon the order of the Trustees, and shall make an annu- al report to the Church. Sec. 7. The Trustees shall see that they are legally incorporated according to the laws of the State ; shall hold the property of the Church manage its pecuniary aftairs, superintend the raisin^ of the minister's salary, provide for the incidental expenses, subject always to the gen- eral rules and the directing vote of the Church, but having no power to buy, sell, mortgage, or transfer property, without a specific vote of authority by the Church, at a meeting which has been notified on two preceding Sabbaths ; and shall make an annual report of their doings to the Church. A minority of the Trustees may be chosen from those who are not members of this Church. Sec. 8. The Pastor and Deacons shall constitute a Prudential Committee of the Church. Their duty shall be to confer together con- cerning the interests and wants of the Church, to watch for its purity, to inaugurate measures needed for its welfare, to transact such business as may from time to time be assigned to them by vote of the Church, and in general to care for those matters of common concern, which might otherwise be neglectetl. Sec. 9/ The Prudential Committee and Sabbath School Superin- tendent, shall constitute an executive Committee of the Sabbath School. They shall decide upon its management, anange for its officers and exercises, and have special charge of its interests, subject at all times to a directing vote of the Church. Article V.— Discipline. Sec. 1. The rule of discipline is the law of Christ recorded in Matt. xviii. 15-17. Sec. 2. Discipline may consist in admonition, suspension, public withdrawal of fellowship, or excommunication. Article VI. — Ordinances. Sec. 1. This Church, while retaining tlie method of baptism practiced by the Congregational Churches, will respect both in theory and in practice, the preferences of any i)ersons, whose conscientious convictions may hold them to other modes of baptism. Sec. 2. It shall be the privilege of christian parents in regular Church standing,to consecrate their households to the Lord in baptism. Sec. 3. The invitation to the Lord's Supiier shall be extended to members of i»ther Evangelical churches in good standing. Article VI I.— Amendments and Bv-LAVirs. Sec. 1 This Constitution, the Confession of Faith and the Covenant may be altered by a vote of three-fourths of the members present and voting, at an Annual Meeting.or at a meeting called specially for that purpose by notice four weeks previously from the pulpit on the Sab- bath, provided that the substance of the proposed alteration shall have been publicly given in writing from the pulpit on the Sabbath four weeks previously, and provided also that the change does not infringe upon the doctrines or organicmincipl^ of the Churcl^ Sec. 3. By-Laws, to carry outftuis Constitution, ftiay be enacted at any regular business-meeting. ^ CONFESSION OF FAITH. Accepting the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God and the only infallible rule of religious faith and practice, we confess our faith in the one living and true God, revealed as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; the Creator and Preserver of all things, whose purposes and providence extend to all events, and whose righteous government is over all his creatures. We believe that man was created upright ; that he sinned and fell ; and that in consetiuence of the Fall, all mankind in their natural state are alienated from God, without holiness, and under the condemnation of the Divine law. We believe that .Jesus Christ, the Son of God, having taken upon himself our nature, has by his voluntary sufferings and death, made an atonement for the sins of the world ; that salvation is freely offered to all ; and that all who truly repent and believe in Christ Avill be pardon- ed, justified and saved. We believe that all who are thus justified through faith in Christ, are first renewed by the Holy Ghost, according to the eternal purpose of God, and will owe their preservation in holiness and their final sal- vation to grace alone. Yv'e 'lolieve that tht ,j\oral law of God remains in fuUfoJce as a rule of ilui,y, and tlia.a lo e^eit heart will show itself in the acts and duties of an obedient .lur uo!y life. We hc!iev(! (Ijat the Chrisiian S^abbath, the Ministry of the Word, the Visihk' CIiu.'tIi, and the Ovdiaauces of Baptism and the Lord's Supper, are 'liviie I y appointed, and an- binding on the followers of Christ until hi? eomiug. We believe that there will be a resurrection of the dead and a day of judgment, when every one will give account of the deeds done in the body; and that the wicked will go away into everlasting punish- ment, and the righteous into life eternal. Do you thus solemnly profess to believe ? [ The Pastor ivill address those who ■■■a/jte by profession, and who have been baptized in infancy, as folloius :'\ Do you, wlio were baptized in your infancy, now accept that bap- tism as the sign o.' your present faith in Christ aud tlie seal of your covenant with (^..m ? .'■';//«,':'/',(/ to those loho have not been COVENANT. You do now, in the presence of God and mfn, solemnly declare the Lord Jehovah, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, to be your God and portion forever, accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your only Saviour, and the Holy Spirit as your Sanctifier, Comfprter and Guide. You humbly and cheerfully devote yourself to God in the everlasting covenant of his grace, You consecrate all your powers and faculties to his service and glory, and relying upon the promised aid of the Holy Spirit, you engage to walk in all the statutes and ordinances of the Lord; to assemble yourself with his people foj- his worship ; to keep holy his Sabbatli day; to maintain secret prayer and promote family worship; to lead a life of piety toward God and benevolence toward man ; to seek the lionor of Christ's name and the interests of his king- dom; and,' denying ungodliness and evej-y wordly lust, to live soberly, righteously and godly in this world. \_17io:'i' rreciTcd by letter will /ere come foriuard .1 You do now cordially join yourself by Covenant to this Church of Chi'ist solemnly engaging to submit to itsgoveiument and the discipline which Christ has appointed; to strive earnestly for its peace, edifica- tion and purity; and to walk v/ith its members iu fraternal love, faith- fulness, circumspection, meekness and sobriety. [Here the members of ihc Church will rise^\ We, tlien, the mcujbers ol tliischunliof Christ do no\y receive you into onr comiounion, and (nonnseto \\atch ov'cry(»u with Christian afFectioii stid ■tenderness, o\er treating you in love as a member of the body of Chnst, Mho is Hea I over all things to tho church. This we do, implorins-'the Great Siieiiherd of Israel, bur Lord and Kedcemer, that we and you may havt; uisdom and grace to he faithful in his covenant, and to glorify hiin with the holiness which bwometh His house forever. "Tlie Lord Idcss yoa arid keep you; the Lord jn:ike hU faceshino upon you and he gracious unto you; the Lord lift uj> his cuuntenance upon you, and give you peace. " Amen ! BY-J^AWS. Article L — Membership. Sec. 1. Persons desirous of becoming member,? of this Church upon profession of their faith, shall be examined oraliy, or by a written account ol' their religious experience, in the presence of the t iiurch, at any regularly-called meeting, as to their religioius history and their present Christian experience. If the examination be deemed satis- factory, their names s^all be publicly announced on the Subbath pre- ceding the Communion Sabbath, the*ote of the Church upon their reception, shall be taken at the ChurA meeting preparatory to the Communion, and they shall be receive! into fellowship on the Com- munion Salibath, by publicly assenting to the Confession of Faith, re- ceiving baptism, ( unless previously baptizeil,) and entering into Covenant. In special cases the Church may however, by vote, instruct the Pastor and Deacons to examine candidates ill: private, and report the substance of the examination to the Church for action. Sec. 2. jNIembers of othe Evangelical Churches, applying for ad- mission by letter, may be received by vote of the Church, and by public- ly assenting to the Confession of Faith and Covenant. It is the right and privilege of the Church to seek acquaintance with the Ch istian life of such applicant members, by asking for a narrative of theii- religious history. Sec. :>. Letters of dismission to Evangelical Churches shall be given by vote ol the Church, to all members in good and unimpeachable stand- ing ^^ho desire them. Members who remove their residence beyond the reach of this Church should, ifpracticaldeat once transfer their re- lation to some other Church. If such do not apidy for letters within one year from the time of leaving, satisfactory reasons must be given for the delay of the application, before the disnnssion will be granted. Article II. — Business Meetings. Sec. 1. There shall be an Annual Business Meeting of the Church on the third Wednesday in December of each year, at which the follow- ing business shall be transacted : 1. Reports of Officers— (a) Clerk's Re- port; (b) Treasurer's Report ;(c) Report of S.S. Superintendent; (d) Re- port of the Trustees; (e) Report of Prudential Committee. 2. Election of Officers. 3. Miscellaneous Business. Sec. 3. The ordinary and regular business meeting of the Church, shall be upon the first Wednesday of each month ; but business may be transacted at any regular meeting of the Church, or at a special meet- ing called from the pulpit on the preceding Sabbath by the Officers of the Church, or by tne written request of five adult members of the Church. Sec. 3. Deacons shall be elected for the term of three years. The Pastor, when installed by Council, shall hold office until regularly dis- missed by Council. Other officers shall be elected annually. Sec. 4. A vacancy in the Pastoral office is to be filled only after careful inquiry and prayerful deliberation. Vacancies in the office of Deacon, may be filled at any regular business meeting, after a notice given four, weeks previously from the pulpit on the Sabbath; other vacancies may be filled at any regular business meeting, after notice given on the previous Sabbath. Sec 5. In the transaction of business, this Church will be governed by the established rules of parlimentary proceedings. Article III. — Stated Religious Services. Sec. 1. Besides the regular services of the Sabbath, the Church will hold a prayer meeting ordinarily on Wednesday evening of each week. Sec 2. The Sacr|ment of the Lord's Supper shall be adminstered upon the first Sabbath of January, March, May, July, September and November. Preparatory services shall be held at such time as the Pastormay deem most suitable. In connection with each Com- munion service, a special collection shall be taken to aid the poor of the Church, and for other purposes. Sec 2. A monthly concert of prayer for the conversion of the world shall be observed upon the first Sunday evening of each month, at the close of which a collection shall be taken for Missionary purposes. Sec 4. Contributions shall be solicited in the Congregation for the leading objects of Christian beneficence, according to a schedule adopt- ed by the Church from time to time. Sec. 5. In the absence or lack of a Pastor, the supply of the Pulpit shall be provided for by the Prudential Committee, subject at any time to a directing vote of the church. But no person shall be employed as a supply for a longer period than three months, without a vote of the church. Sec. 6. The Superintendence and control of the Sacred Music con- nected with the Sabbath services, shall be under the charge of the Prudential Committee, subject to the direction of the Church. But no expenses shall be incurred by them for the purpose, except as author- ized by the Trustees or directly by vote of the Church." Article IV. — Discipline. Sec. 1. While. every member of the Church is alike under obligation to watch and to labor for its purity, it shall be a special duty of the Prudential Committee to secure its effectual discipline. Sec. 2. It shall be deemed orderly for any member who has failed in the effort privately to rectify a Church offence, to make known the fact first to the Prudential Committee. If, however, they shall fail to give attention to the case, it shall be his right and duty to bring it in person before the Church. Sec. o. In presenting the case to the Church, aggrieved persons must state their charges in writing. If the Church vote to entertain the complaint, they will then appoint a time for hearing of the case, and summon the accused to be present to take his trial, furnishing him with a written copy of the charges, and the names of the witnesses relied on for proof, at least a week before the trial. Sec. 4. Upon the trial the accused Aay call to his aid any member of the Church ; in case of his non-appearance, a member shall be appointed to defend his case. The confession of the accused, or the testimony of two witnesses, or that which is fairly equivalent, shall be requisite for conviction. Sec. 5. Excommunication or withdrawal of^ellowship, shall be publicly announced. Sec. 6, An excommunicated person may, upon evidence of repent- ance, confession of sin, and reformation of his conduct, be re-admitted to the Church on profession. Article V. — Ecclesiastical Connection. This Church will place itself in the customary connection with the Association or Conference of Congregational churches. Article V I. — Alterations and Amendments. These by laws may be altered or amended at any regular business meeting of the church, notice of the proposed change havingbeen given publicly, at least or\e month previously, and also announced the Sab- bath next preceding the meeting. J r EX (873