y EX ^ LIBRIS 'ir' V •c J »i' -■' ■^- "" >*' .r .»>^-^^ -%^^ , ..•^■■t*'^. . •. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from CARL!: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois http://www.archive.org/details/lawsordinancesofOOchic THB LAWS AND OBDmANCES or THE CITY OF CHICAGO. PASSED IN COMMON COUNCIL. PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE CHICAGO DEMOCRAT; aaws A^m «^ jo P*y»- Side or cross walk, drain or sewer or any part thereof or who shall dig crosa walks anv hole ditch or drain in any street, pa v^meftt er side walk without 4niwM ' 6. pimisbed, and hiu- due authority, or who shall hinder or obstruct the making or repairing dTHDce ia con- g^y pavement side or cro (S-walk, which is or may be making under any strnc ting same, j^^^y or resoliUion of the Common Couucil, or who shall hinder or ob- struct any peison, employed by the Common Council or the Street Com- missioner, or the person employed by him in making or repairing any public improrment or work ordered by the Common Council, shall for every ofience forfeit the sum often dollars. Section 16. No person shall cast or throw, or cause to be cast or thrown Dpains not tc be into any of the drains or sewers within the city any straw, shavings, dbjtroeted, wood, stones, shells, rubbish or any filthy or other substances, or cause any obstructions, nuisance or injury in or to the same by diverting or stopping the course thereof or otherwise under a penalty not exceeding ten dollars, nor less than tv^^o dollars for every such offence in the dis- cretion of the Magistrate convicting. Section 17. All cross-walks within the city are to be kept and reserv- ed free from any sleighs, wagons, carts or carriages, being placed there- brobrtJucted by o^^) except so far as may be necessary in crossing the same without con- teams, iinuing ihereon any longer than necessary tor such crossing, and the ow- ner or driver of any sleigh wagon, cart or other carriage offending here- in, after notice of the existence of this law shall forfeit the penally of tv/o dollars. Section 18. No person shall without permission from the Common nouo be takTn Couucil, dig, removc or carry away, or cause the same to be done, any from streets with- stone, earth, sand or gravel, from any public streets, highway, lane or out permission, public ground in this city under the penalty five dollars for each offence, ^."■sons uot to Section 19. No person shall hereafter ride or drive faster than on a any bridge ^%^thin '^^'^'^^ across or upon any bridge within said city, and any person viola- the city faster ting the provisions of this section shall forfeit the sum of five dollars. than a walk. THIRD DIVISION, Of thepreveniiun of Fires. Section 1. No pipe of any stove or Franklin, shall be put up, unless Stove pipe, how it be Conducted into a chimney made of brick or stone, except in case epu up. where the Mayor or any two Aldermen shall deem it equally safe if oth- erwise put up, to be certified under his or their own hand. And any person putting up the pipe of any stove oi Franklin, contrary to this section, shall for every oflence forfeit five dollars and the further sum k of one dollar fur every twenty four-hours, the same shall remain so put up, after notice given by the Mayor or Fire Warden. Section 2. No hay, straw or other combustible substance, shall be de- Hay and straw, posited within fifteen feet of any place, wheiefire or ashes are kept, un- ow e p ace . j^^^ ^.j^^ ^^j ^ combustible substance be kept in a close and secure build- ing, under the penalty of one dollar for every offence, and the like pen- alty for every twenty four hours the same shall thereafter remain. Section 3. No lighted candle or lamp shall be used in any stable or Candles, ihow to other place or building u'here hay, straw or other combustible materials be used in stables, ^j^.^jj ^^ j^^pj^ unless the same shall be well secured in a lantern, under the penally of two dollars for each offence ; and no fire shall be kept in any store or otherwise in any such building, under a penalty often dol- lars, and an additional penalty of five dollars, for each and every twelve hours, that said fire shall so remain. Section 4. No hay, straw, chips or other combustible substance, shall Hay, straw, &c., be sct ou fire or burned in any street, or on any lot, within two hundred in th° streets"™*''' ^^^^ of any building in the city without permission of the Mayor or an in e 8 r« . Alderman, under the penally of five dollars, upon any person directing or causing ihe same to be done. Section 5. Every person keeping or occupying a shop or othe»- build- Carpenters, etc. \j^g wherein shavings or other combustible materials may be contained, ing7anTotheV' ^^^^^ forfeit the penalty of two dollars for every neglect, "^ to clearer re- combuatible mat- move the same out of such buildings and the yards belonging thereto, at least three times in each week, provided such buildings are situated *" three time* in within two hundred feet of any other building ; and no lighted candles "f^^^^'caidre"/ ill shall/oe used in any siiuh shop or building, except they be placed in a can- carfdlesUcks!* dlestick, made ota material not liable to take fire, under the penalty of two dollars for each offence. Sbction 6. No person in removing any chips or shavings or other ^rs^nd oYhers'°not combustible materials, shall scatter or strew them in any street, or shall to scatter chip's, at any time direct, permij or suffer any chips, shavings or other combus- shavings, etc., 'in tible matter, to be taken or thrown or scattered ou any street or lane un- removing the der >he penalty of two dollars for every offence. ^^^^' Section 7. It shall be the duty of the Fire Wardens in their respec- fjaminl^'de^oi-f tive wards, to examine carefully at all times during the year under the of^ashes amf to ' direction of the Common Council, every house, store or building, and cause same and places for the keeping and deposit of ashes, and to ascertain and report stove-pipes, etc to the Common Council, all violations of the preceding sections, and to'be'^^uHn'to^^^''' also to remove and abate with the consent of the Mayor or any Alder- safe^cond/tioru* man, (in neglect or refusal of the owner or occupant,) any cause from which immediate danger of fire may be apprehended, and to cause all buildings, chimneys, stoves, pipes, hearths, ovens, boilers, ash-hous- es, and apparatus used in every building, which shall be found in such condition as to be considered unsafe, to be without delay at the expense of the owner thereof, or occupant thereof, put in such condition as not to be dangerous in causing or promoting fires. Section 8. If any person shall obstruct or hinder any Warden in the i!^!l>w''' Tl -^ r /^ 1 . ■^ y 1.1 1- • 1 11, be obstructed in periormance oi his duty under the preceding section, such person shall the performance for every offence forfeit the penalty of tweniy-five dollars. of their duties. Section 9. The Mayor or Alderman may give such direction as he ThcMayororany may deem proper relative to the laying, fastening and berths of all Alderman maydi- boats and vessels having on board gunpowder or being loaded with hay of^b^oau^or^ye^els or other combustible materials, or to direct such gunpowder, hay or having powder on other combustible matter, to be removed to a place of safety, or if gun- board. powder to be placed In a powder house, within such time and in such manner as either said Mayor or Alderman shall direct: And it shall be lawful for either of said Aldermen or Mayor, with the aid of any con- stable, to put in force, himself, the orders or directions so given. Every person who shall refuse or neglect to obej* the directions or orders given under this section, shall for every offence forfeit twenty-five dollars. Section 10. No person shall carry fire in or through any street or lot Fire not to be car- except the same be placed or covered in some close and secure pan or ried unless in other vessel, under the penalty of one dollar for each offence. some secure SectioiN 11, No ashes (except at manufactories where ashes are used) ^^s^es'liow to be shall be kept or deposited in any part of the city, unless the same be in deposited. a close and secure metallic or earthen vessel, or brick or stone ash-room, under the penalty of three dollars for each offence, and a further penalty of one dollar for every twenty-four hours the same shall thereafter re- main. Fourth Division. Of the Extinguishment of Fires. Section 1. The fire department ot the City of Chicago shall consist of Fire department a Chief Engineer, two assistant engineers, four fire wardens (in addition of what to consist to the Aldermen, who are ex-otficio, fire wardens,) and such fire engine men, hose men, hook and ladder and axe and saw men, as are or may from time to time be appointed by the Common Council. Section 2, The chief engineer and in his absence the assistant engin- Chief Engineer to eers shall in all cases of fires, have the sole and absolute control, over report to common all the persons of the fire department, and it shall be the duty of the '^°^^^- chief engineer to report, semiannually to the Common Council, at their first meenting after the first of December and July, in each year the condition of the engines, hose, hooks and ladders and all other fire ap- paratus, and the buildings in which they are kept, and also to recom- 8 »cnd snch additions, alterations and improvements to the same as he may deem expedient ; and also the names of such members of the fire de- partment, as shall have disobeyed orders, or neglected or refused to do their duty, and the names of persons recommended, by the respective companies to fill vacancies. And whenever the engines or other fire ap- paratus shall need repairing, he shall cause the same to be repaired with- out delay. Sf.ction 3. The assistant engineers shall be distinguished as number XwbtMteBgineer o;ie and two, and it shall be their duty to assist the chief engmeer and obey his orders foi the extinguishing of fires, and in tht absence of the chief engineer take command according to their rank. Firt Wardens. Section 4. Every fire waiden(except those who are ex-ofiicio wardens,) shall be assigned and attached by the Mayor, to such company of fire men having charge ot a fire engine as he shall think proper, and at every fira each warden shall report himself to the engineer in command and be sub- ject to his direction. And it shall be the duty of the said wardens im- mediately upon the alarm of fire to repair to the place of the fire and aid and assist, in procuring supplies of water for such engines as the engineer in command may direct. It shall also be the duty of the wardens to pro- vent the hose from being trodden on, and to keep all idle and suspicioua persons from the vicinity of the fire. They shall also cause the citizens t© form ranks for the conveyance of water, if requested, and the citizens are hereby requested and enjoined to comply with the orders and direc- tions of said wardens. rin Wardetu. Thatr dutiM Firemen to be di« Tided ioto compa^ Met. Fire companies to be under command of foreman stud at < •ilUut. fire appantas to be kept nt for ixo' BQcdiate we. Fire eompaaie* vheD to meet Penalty for not at- tending meeting. Fire Companies. Section 5. The firemen shall be divided into companies, to consist of as many members, as the common council shall from time to time direct, to attend to the fire engines, hose, cars, hooks and ladders axes, saws and other fire apparatus belonging to the city of Chicago, and each of the companies shall on the first monday of December in each year, choose from their own number a foreman, assistant foreman and clerk, in auch manner as they may think proper. Secfion 6. The different fire companies shall be under the control and direction of the foreman and assistant, and upon an alarm of fiie, the said companies shall repair to the place of the fire, with the engines, hose, hooks, ladders, axes, saws and other implements under their care, and there work and manage the same, under the direction of the chief engi- neer or his assistant, and in case of their absence, place and work their engine and fire apparatus, in the most effectual manner until the fir« shall be extinguished, and shall not remove therefrom but by permissioa of an engineer, if any shall be present, and on such permission they shall return their respective engines, hose, cars, hooks, ladders, saws, axes and other apparatus, well washed and cleansed to their respective places of deposite. Section 7. The fireman or other person having charge of engines, or other apariius, shall have the same kept m the best order for immediate use, and for the more effectually perfecting the firemen in their duties, and keeping and preserving the engines and other implements and appa- ratus from decay. The said fireman shall on the first monday's of May, June, July, August, September, October and November, draw out the engines and other implements committed to their care, in order to work and cleanse them and to exercise the members of the fire department. Section 8. If any fireman shall neglect or refuse to attend at any meet- ing of his company tor the purpose of exerviising the members thereof, or cleansing the engines or other fire apparatus, to which he is attached he shall forleitt and pay for every default the penalty of fifty cents, unless lie be exonerated therefirom by a vote of two thirds of the company. Smction 9. II any fireman shall neglect to attend at any fire without a Buf- P«aalt> for notat- ffeient excuse, or shall refuse or neglect to do hia duty in working his en- dl»obeyiiJ"dciL giue or other fire apparatus provided for the extinguishing of fires, or shall disobey the orders of the chief engineer or assistant engineers or foreman or assistant foreman of companies, or shall leave his engine or other appa- ratus, while at a fire without permission from the acting foiemen, he shall forfeit and pay for every default the penalty of one dollar, and be subject to expulsion from the fire department. Section 10. If any person having charge of an engine or other fire ap- F-ntine* not to be paratus shall sufier or permit the same to be applied to private uses with- "y^rpo'es^ «''*^** out the consent of the Mayor or chief engineer or common council, he eholl forfeit the penalty of five dollars, besides being responsible for all damages. Section 11. Every fireman (not an officer) attached to an engine shall J"J"'^«'»^^'J^"^ when on duty wear a leathern cap, of the form generally worn by firemen, painted black, with the initials of the fireman and the number ot the com- pany to which he belongs, painted in front thereof in white letters. Hook, Ladder and Axe Men. Section 12. A sufficient number of persons shall be selected by the chief engineer from among the firemen to take the care and management of the hooks and ladders, axes and saws, as part of the implements for extin- guishing fires, and they shall be under the direction of a fore.T-an and as- sistant foreman and they shall be exempt from penalties for not attending the cleansing or working of engines. Section 13, The said hook and ladder and axe and saw men. shall reg- SuHdingjtobgMt ularly attend at fires v/ith their tools and implements, and th'eie nnder ^^^^ •^ ^^"^ direction of the chief engineer, or in his absence of an assistant engineer and two members of the common council, and in case of the absence of all the engineers under the direction of three of the common couucil, if so many be present, if not, then by direction of a less number, cut down and remove any building, erection or fence for the purpose of checking the progress of a.iy fire. Section 14. The said hooks and ladders, axes and saws shall be kept in Hooks and ladders some safe and convenient place to be desiguated by the common council, to be examiaed and the foreman or assistant foreman shall at kaat once a month, exam- monthly, ine their state and condition, and shall cause them to bo kept in a porfect Btate of readiness for use. Section 15. At every fire the foreman or in his absence the assistant Fine for not attcn- foreman of each fire company, shall note the names of ^hs absent mem- dbg fires, bers and report the same to the chief engineer and in default thereof shall forfeit and pay the penalty ot three dollars. Section 16. Each member of a hook and ladder and axe and saw com- Menibers to wear pany (not an officer) shall wear a cap painted black, with the iniiiti's of caiie ect. nis name and the number of the company to which he belongs, with a hook and ladder, or axe and saw painted in vrhite in front thereof. Fire Hoss, Men. Sect. 17. A sufficient number of perscas shall be selected by the chief engineer from the several engine companies, whose duty it shall be to tendfireaa-Ztheir carry the e>tra fire hose to every fire and there distribute the same -is duties, may be required by the foreman or assistant foreman of the respective engine companies. Sect. 18. On arriving at the fire with' the hose, two men will remain by each ho£e car, the other hose men will repair to the fire engines to which they respectively belong. Sect. 19. It shall be the duty of the hose men thus selected to choose from among themselves, a foreman and assistant iureraan, who shall su- perintend the conveyance of the hose to and from fines, and to keep tha m.mt at all times in perfect readiness for use. Sect. 20. Everv hose mun shall in addition to the Initials of his name 10 and the number of the company to which he belongs have a coil of hose painted in white on the front ot his cap. Badges of Officers at Fires. Sect, 21. The Mayor and Aldermen, shall severally bear a gilded flame Mayor and Alder- at the top and not be required to bear any other badge of office. ™^°" Sect. 5"3. The chief engineer shall wear a leathern cap painted white Chief Engineer, with a gilded front, and the words '' chief enpneer" painted thereon in black and shall also carry a bright speaking trumpet with the word '• chief engineer" painted therson. Sect. Ho. The assistant engineers shall wear leathern caps painted Assistant en<^ineer white except the combs, which shall be black with a gilded front, and the words and figv^res "engineer No. 1" and "engineer No. 2" painted therecain black. They shall each of them also carry a speaking trump- et painted black with the words and figures " engineer No. I" and " en- gineer No. 2" painted thereon in white. Sect. 24. The tire wardens shall severally wear a hat with the brim Fire WarJsas. black, the crown p?.inLed ^vhite, and the word " warden" painted in front in black, and shall also carry a white speaking trumpet, with the word " warden'' painted thereon in black. Sect. 25. The foreman of each engine company, shall wear a cap pain- ted black with a wuiio iiont, and the word ''foreman" with the ini- Foreman of Engl- ^.-^^^ of his name and the number of the company to which he belongs painted thereon in black. Sect. 26, Tho lOioman of each of tiie hook and ladder companies shall Foreman of He ok wear a cap painted black, with a white front and the word " foreman" and Ladder com- ^^^f^ y^g initials of his name and the number of the company to which panics. j^^ belongs, and a hook and ladder painted thereon in black. Sect. 27. TKz ^isistant to each respective company shall wear a cap, Assistant*. painted in the same manuei as that of the foreman of the company to which he belongs with the word " assistant" painted thereon in lieu of the word " foreman." Sect. 23. It shall be the duty of the chief engineer to report to the com- Ch" fE ■neerto"^'^^ council, the name ol every person who shall neglect or lefuse to report. °^"^ comply with the foregoing regulations, which said persons shall thereup- on be subject to be removed from the fire department. Constc'Mcs at Fires. Sect. 29. Every constable shall rep.iir immediately at the alarm of fire . ., with his staff of office, painted v;hite to the place where the fire may be Their u xcs a^ ^^ , t]^er3 report himself and remain subject to the direction of the Mayor or any Alderman for the preservation of the peace and the removal of all idle or su.ipLv.l:d persons, or others not aciaaily or respectfully employed in the extinguishing such fire or the preservation of property in the vi- ciuily thereof. Citizens and Inhabitants. Sect. 30. Every person who may repair to a fire shall be obedient to the Their duties at orders of the Mayor, Alderman, fire Wardens, the chief engineer and as- fire». sistant engineers in the extinguishment of fires and the removal of prop- erty, and in case any person shall refuse to obey such orders he shall for- feit the penalty of five dollars. The citizens and inhabitants shall res- pectively, if the fire happens at night, place a lighted candle or lamp at the front door or windows of their respective dwellings, there to remain during the night unless the fire be sooner extinguished. Sect. 32, It shall bo lawful for the foreman or assistant foreman of fire To assist in draw- engine or other companies, or for the Mayor, Alderman, chief engineer ing Engines. or either of the assistants, to require the aid of every citizen or inhabitant in drawing any engine or other apparatus to the fire or near about*the fire, and on neglect or refusal to comply with such requisition the offender shall pay a penalty of one dollar. Sect. 33. Every person wilfully offering any hindrance to any officer or Penalty for hin- fireman in the performance of his duty at a fire shall be subject to penal- denng firemea- ty of twenty fivG dollars for each offence. 11 Sect. 34. If an)' person shall wilfully injure in any manner any hose Penalty for injur- ^re engine or other fire apparatus, belonging to the city of Chicafro, the' teg Engines rfire offender sliall for every such offence forfeit and pay a penalty of Twenty apparatu*. five dollars, besides being liable to an action tor the damage or injury, done. Sect. 35. Every dwelling house or other building ccntainin'r one fire. Fire buckets to be place or sto',e, shall have one good painted leatuern tin hvVat, with the kept. ir^ilials of the owner., iia.aa painted thereon. Eveiy building with two or 'lore ure p.u.^..3 or stcvc3, shall hr.ve tv/o cuch buckets. Every owner of such bui':'.;ijg or leaser of the same tor i. term cTjear^. not nrovided with such buckets as aforcGaid, shall I'orrejt two dciiars for each aeficient Penalty for failin- b"'^"'^'^' '^^^^ ^'^® further sum ci one dolkr for each month he shall neglect to procure. ° to pro>ride himseix ^vilh such backet or buciiets alter he shall have been notified by a fire warden so to do. Sect. 36. That every able bodied inliabitant shall upon an alarm of fire Inhabitants to at- ^'^P^^r ^0 the place of the fire with his lire bucket or buckets, if he shall tend fires. have any, there to be under the direction of the several officers, as is pro- vided in the first section of the subdivision of this ordinance entitled Penalty for neg- " citizens and inhabitants" and in default thereof each person shall pay a lect. " penalty of five dollars. Skct. 37. Every occupant of any building shall keep the aforesaid fire Fire buckets buckets in the front hall of said building or in some other convenient and where to be kept, accessible place under the penalty of one dollar. FIFTH Divisio:^. Regulating Weights and Measures. Section 1. Every person engaged in the buying or selling of goods ^ , wares or merchandi/.e, using weights, measures, scale beam or steel be* sealed'^ and J'^^'^^ ^^ wplghing or measuring any article inteiidcd to be purchased or marked. sold in said city, shall cause such weights, measures, scdle beams or steel yards, to be sealed and marked by the sealer of weio-hts and meas- ures for said city, and if any person shs.ll us-e anv weight,' measure, scale beam or steel yard for weighing or measuring any article lor purchase or sale in said city, not so sealed and marked as aforesaid, he shall forfeit the penalty of five dollars for each offence. Section 2. Ail weights, measures, scale beams and steel yards, sealed To conform to and adjusted by the said sealer, bhall be made conformable to the standard standard. of this state, and shall be ruarked by him. Section 3. It shall be the duty of said sealer, and he is hereby author- Sealer toin.pect ^^^^ ^^ inspect and examine, at least once in each year, and n^ much of- weights &e. an- tener as he may thmk proper, all weights, measures, scale beams and nually. steel yards used in said city, for measuring and weighing as aforesaid, and if any person shall refuse to exhibit any such weights, -measures and scale beains or steel yards, to the said sealer for the purpose of examin- ation and inspection as aforesaid, such person shall forfeit the penalty ot five dollars for each offence, and if any person shall obstruct the said sealer in the performance of the duties herel>v imposed upon him, such person shall forfeit the penalty of ten dollars iuc every such offence. Section 4. The said sealer shall be entitled to receive the followin? Fees of Sealer, fees for inspecting and examining weights, measuras and scale beams used in said city from the person for whom tlie same is performed. For every weig]-.t oi fourteen pounds or upwards tv.'o cents, and for every weight of a smaller denomina'iun one cc:;!;, and for every liquid, yard and dry measure, and every scale i)eam or steel yard two cents.' 'All weights. measares,and scale beams, as aforesaid, snail be inspected at the several places where the same are used, but if they be found not conf^^r- mable to the standard of this state, they shn.l) be sent by the owner there- of to such place in the city as the sealer shall direct, for the purpose of being sealed and adjusted within three days, after the owner thereof shall be required so to do by the sealer, under the penally of ten dollars for each offence. 12 Sectiox 5. Ii shall not be lawful for the aforesaUi sMiler to make th« Scaler not to afoi'esaid charges for inspecting and examining weights, measures, soal» charge fees more beams and sieel yards as aforesaid, oftener than once in each year, unles* thau once iu j^^g same shall be found not conformable to the standard of this state. cLeh year. Section 6. It shall be the duty of the said sealer to make a regular ro- Fe'-.ier to make gisterof all the weights, measure:?, scale beams and steel yards inspected a register &■ re- ^y \i\xn^ in which he shall state the names of the owners of the same, and ef per' c^s^-^sT-i^ whether thej arc conformidable to the standard ot this state, and it shall ferfon to per- shall cause or furnish, any nuisance to be or remain m or upon the same mit'any nuisaui-e lot or tenement, or between the same and the centre of the street adjoin- to Mip^-in on coy j^^ upon the pain of forfeiting the i^enalty of two dollars tor each andev- iOt or .T'jp. w- ^^■' p^^-^j^^y j-Qjjj. hours during which the same nuisance shall be or remain by thcra. on the came lot or tenement, or on such part ot the streets adjoming as aforesaid, but no single recovery shall exceed the sum of twenty five dollars. I1;ect.on 7. Ino store keeper, trader or grocer, nor any other person ex- cept Inn keepers duly licensed, shall sell or give away any ardent spirits wl5'**'to '^^\^° ^ ^'■' ^^' -rank iu his or her store, shop, grocery, out house, yard or garden, ^c:.ticr"c7L- owned or occupied by the person selling or giving away the same, or sell 4i)aas/ or give away any ardent spirits or other intoxicatmg liquors to any child, 13 apprentic* or serrant, without the consen-t of his or hor parent, guardian master or mistress, or to any Indian under penalty of twenty five dollars. SEVENTH PI VISION. Ord'niary or Viiuoling Houses. Skct. 1. No person shall after the fifteenth day of June next, keep Croeert(^&<}.ta within the city of Chicago any tavern, petty groce'ry, ordinary or vilual- *** ling house, where oysters, clams, liquors or meat shall be sold unless licensed for that purpose by the common council under the hand of the Mayoragreeably;totheo5th section of the act incorporating said city. and whoever shall violate tlie prohibition in this section contained shall for- feit the penalty of twenty five dollars, and the further penally of ten dol- lars for each and every week any such tavern, petty grocery, ordinary or vitualing house as aforesaid shall be continued, without being licen- sed as aforesaid, after a conviction for the first offence under this sect. Sect. 2. If a recovery in an action at law shall be had against any S!^j-f^feitu°eP"^?^°^^^^^ ^"^^^^ bond to be executed as provided in the preceding of ucenoe. section, such recovery shall be and is hereby declared to be a forfeiture of the licence of such person and all the privileges thereby granted and conferred. EIGHTH DIVISION. Public Market. SEct. I. All persons keeping fresh meat or fish for sale in this city, wMc^h^neats i" ^^^^^ ^' ^^^ times keep the building in which such meat or fish is expo- are exposed for ^^^^ ^^^ ^"^^' '^^'^^^ ^^^ free from any disagreeable smell; and any per- saic, to be kept son neglecting to comply with this or the next succeeding section, shall *J^'i"- for each offence forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of one or more of the commissioners of To be iuspectod the board of health to inspect the state of all places within this city, in ej-3 o°me IJo^d ^^^^^ ^'^^^^ ^^^^ or fish is exposed for sale once in each month between of health. ^^® fii'st of November, and the first of April, and once in each week be- tween the first of April and the first of November, and if they shall find' the foregoing section to be not complied with, they shall order the said building or buildings to be cleansed; and it shall be the duty of the per- son or persons in charge of said building or buildings to facilitate such examination, and when directed as aforesaid, to cause such place or pljt- ces to be cleansed and put in a healthy condition. NINTH DIVISION. Of the running at large of Sheep, Swijie^ (^c. Animah not to Sect. 1. No goats, sheep or swine, or any of such animals shall ba run at large. permitted to run at large in the city of Chicago at any time, and if found running at large, each and every of such animals maybe impounded in the common pound of said city, from whence they shall not be released until the owner or owners, or some other person, shall pay to the pound keeper the sum of fifty cents tor each swine, other than sucking pigs, *" -■ and one shilling for each pig, fifty cents for each sheep, and one dollar for each and every other of the animals so impounded, besides the pound keepers fees, for the use of the city. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the pound keeper to provide necessary Pound keeper to sustenance for all animals impounded in the public pound, and the rea- provide uecessary sonable cost of providing such sustenance for each animal, shall be paid sustenance for aa- to the pound keeper before such animal shall be released irom the pound; TlTbelJir ^°^ ^^ ^^-^^^ ^''^ \a\vh\\ for the pound keeper to sell at public vendue any animal or animals impounded pursuant to the preceding section at any time after the expiration of three days from the time they shall be so impounded, the said pound keeper giving at least forty-eight hours pre- vious public notice of the time and place of sale by advertisement to be put up at the pound, and on the door of the court house, and at the post- 14 Monies received by pound keeper for animals sold, to be paid into the treasury. Pound keeper's f«e*. P«wer •r Board. office ill said city; but il' said animals or any of them are redeemed or an offer is made to redeem by paj'-jng the pound keepers fees and the penalty prescribed in the preceding section, and the expense of suste- nance as aforesaid, at any lime before they are actually sold, the same shall not then be sold, but shall be released by the pound keeper. The pound keeper shall render to the common council quarterly, a true state- ment of all fees and of all monies received by him either for penalties or animals sold by him, and if he shall fail to render such account, he shall be removed from his office: And the pound keeper shall not pur- cha^e, or be interested directly or indirectly in any manner in the pur- chase of any animal sold by him as pound keeper, under a penalty of ten dollars and a forfeiture ot his office. Sect. 3. All monies received by the pound keeper for animals sold by him, by virtue of the preceding sections, after deducting therefrom the fees and charges for sustenance, shall be promptly paid by him to the city treasurer. Sect. 4. The pound keeper shall exact and receive for his fees in re- ceiving and discharging or selling every goat, the sum of twenty-five cents and no more; for each swine or sheep, twelve and a half cents ; and for suitable and proper sustenance for each goat, twelve and a half cents, and for each head of sheep and swine, six cents for every twenty- four hours the same shall be kept. Sect. 5. If any person or persons shall break open, or in any manner directly or indirectly aid or assist in breaking open the city pound, said person or persons shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars. Sf.ct. 6. That each and every person who shall hinder, delay or ob- struct any person or persons engaged in driving to the city pound any animal or animals, beast or beasts liable to be impounded in the city pound, shall for each and every hindrance, delay or obstruction, and for each and every person delayed, be liable to a penalty of five dollars, to be sued for and recovered in an action of debt, in the name of the city of Chicago, in any court having cognizance thereof. TENTH DIVISION. Of the Board of Health. Sect. 1. The Board of Health shall make diligent inquiry with respect to all nuisances which may exist in the city, which they may deem ob- noxious to the health and lives of its inhabitants ; and shall have full power to order the removal of the same at their discretion, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for every refusal or neglect of any person in complying^ with such order. Sect. 2. That all persons in said city not being residents thereof who shall be infected with any infectious or pestilential disease, and all things within said city which in the opinion of the said Board shall be infected by or tainted with pestilential matter and ought to be removed so as not to endanger the health of the city, shall by order ot the said board or health be removed to some proper place not exceeding three miles beyond the bounds of said city, to be provided by the said board at the expense of said city; and the said board may order any furniture or wearing ap- parel to be destroyed whenever they may judge it necessary for the health of the city. Sect. 3. It shall be lawful for said Board to direct some suitable per- son, by them to be authorized tbr the purpose, to enter in the day time and examine any building of any kind, cellar, lot of ground, alley, sink, vault or privy, which they may have reason to believe are foul, damp, sunken or ill-constructed, and may direct the cleansing, altering and amending the same and removing all nuisances in and about the said pre- mises : And the street commissioner shall, from time to time, report to the board of health or to the Mayor, all such buildings, cellars, lots, alleys, sinks, vaults or privies, public or private docks and slips, as may 15 in his judgment require to be cleansed, altered or amended for the secu- rity of the health of the city. Sfxt. 4. It shall be lawful for the said Board of Health to direct any stagnant waters to be drained off or removed from any lot or out of any street, and if any owner or possessor of ground, on which such stagnant water may be, shall omit to obey the directions of the board witli regard to its removal or draining off, such offender shall pay a penalty of twenty five dollars; and the said board shall have authority at their election to enforce and put in execution the directions so given atthe expense of the offender. Sect. 5. It shall be lawful for the said Board to prohibit the use of such vats, pits or pools of stationary water, whether from tanneis, skin- ners, dyers, or other persons, as they may deem dangerous to the public health : And if any orders given by them in the premises shall be dis- obeyed, the offender shall forfeit twenty-five dollars for each ofience ; And further, no tanners, skinners or other persons, shall bring to and' keep during the term of twenty-four hours, in any part of the city, anv undressed or uncurried hides, skins or leather, or any blubber or other materials whatever for dressing the same, which may cause any noisome or offensive smell, under the penalty ot ten dollars for every tvi^enty-four hours the same shall be so kept, 'but no single recovery shall exceed twenty-five dollars ; and the board of heaUh may, at the expense of the offender, procure the removal of such undressed or uncurried hides, skins or leather, or blubber, or other materials whatever for dressing the same' which may be noisome or ofiensive as aforesaid. * Sect. (5. Every butcher or other person immediately afler killing any beeves, calves, sheep or other cattle, shall destroy the' offal, garbage and tther offensive and useless parts thereof, or convey the same into some place where the same shall not be injurious or offensive to the inhabitants under a penalty of twenty-five dollars for every offence. ' Sect. 7. No person shall cast or have exposed, the dead carcase of any horse, cow, hog, dog, or other animal, in any street, lane, alley, yard or lot withm this city, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offence. Sect. S. Whenever any putrid or unsound beef, pork, fish, hides or any skins of any kind, or any other putrid or unsound substance shall be found in any part of the city, it shall be the duty of the board of health to cause the same to be destroyed or to be disposed of in such other manr ner as may be equally secure as regards the public health. And if any person shall resist the city constable or either of the members of the board of health in the execution of the duties hereby imposed, or shall disturb, hinder or molest them therein, such offender shall forfeit the penalty of twenty-five dollars. Passed May l^lh, 1837. W. B. OGDEN, Mayor, Attest, Isaac N. Arnold, CVk. 16 AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING AUCTlONEERg. Be it ordered by the Common Council of the City of Chicago: Sect. 1. All sales at Public Auction in this City, shall be made by an auctioneer who shall have received a licence, and given the security hereinafter required, or by a copartner or clerk of such auctioneer, under circumstances as hereinafter descri- bed, except Sherifl's, Coroner's or Constable's sales under legal process. Sect. 2. The Mayor of said City is hereby authorized to grant licenses to auction- eers in said city, upon the payment of fifty dollars to the Treasurer of said city, by said auctioneer, and by his entering into a bond to said city, with two sufficient free- holders of said city as his sureties, in the penalty of two thousand dollars to be appro- ved by the common conneil, conditional, for the faithful performance of the duties of such auctioneer, and for the payment of the duties, that are hereby, or shall be here- after imposed by law, and shall accrue on sales made by him or under his direction. The said license shall be in force for one year from its date. Setc. 3. All goods, Vv ares and merchandize, and every other species of personal property, which shall at any time be exposed to sale by public auciion within ihis city with the exceptions herein aiier mentioned, shall be subject each and every lime they shall be struck off, to duties of the following rates, namely : 1. All wines and ardent spirits, foreign or domestic at the rate of two dollars on ev cry hundred dollars. 2. All other goods, wares, merchandize and effects, at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents on every hundred dollars. The duties shall be calculated on the sums for which the goods so exposed to sale shall be respectively stuck off, and shall in all cases be paid by the auctioneer making the sale. Sect. 4. All articles which shall be sold by, or in the name of an auctioneer on commission, whether at auction or private sale, shall be liable to the payment of tha duties before enumerated. Sect. 5. No auction duties shall be payable upon the following goods and articles. 1. Ships and vessels. 2. Utensils of husbandry, horse.s, neat cattle, hogs and sheep. 3. Articles of the growth, produced or manufactured, of this state, except di.stilied Spirits. Sect. 6. Goods and chatties otherwise liable to auction duties shall be exempt therefrom, if they should be sold under the following circumstances : 1. If they shall belong to the United States. 2. If they shall be sold under any judgment or decree of any court of law or equity, or under a seizure of any public officer, for or on account of any forfeiture, penally, or under a distress for rent. 3. If they shall belong to the estate of a deceased person, and be sold by his execu- tors or administrators, or by any other person duly authorized by a Judge of Probate or Probate Justice. 4. If they shall be the effect.*; of a bankrupt or insolvent, and be sold by his assigns appointed pursuant to law £.sby a general assignment for the benefit of all the credi- tors of such bankrupt or insolvent. 5. If they shall be goods damaged by water transportation and be sold within twen- ty days after they shall have been landed for the benefit of the owners, in which case there shall in order to exempt said goods from said duties, be attached to the returns hereinafter specified, the affidavit of the owners, his agent, or some other credible witness acquainted with the fact, staling that the said goods were not insured and that the same were sold for the benefit of the owner or owners alone. Sect. 7. Every person who shall sell, or attempt to sell at public auction, ajny goods or effects, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay for each offence a fine of not less than fifty dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court before whom the said conviction shall bo had. Sect. 8. Every auctioneer licensed as aforesaid, in case of his inability to attend an auciion by sickness, by his duty as a fireman, by reason of military arrears or by ne- cessary attendance in a court of justice, or in case of his temporary absence from the ftihy, may employ a copartner or clerk to hold such auction in his name or behalf. 17 Sect. 9. No auctioneer in this city shall at the same time have more than one house or store for the purpose of holding his auctions. And every such auctioneer, before he shall enter upon the execution of his business, shall designate in a writing signed by him, such house or store, and shall also name therein the partner or partners if any engaged with him in business and shall file such writing with the clerk of the city. fcJKcT. 10. When goods shall be struck off at auction and the bargain shall not be immediately executed by the payment of the purchase money, or the delivery of goods it shall be the duty of the auctioneer, to enter in a sale book to be kept by him for that purpose, a memorandum of the sale, specifying the nature, quantity and price of the goods, the terms of sale, and the names of the purchaser and the person on whose ac- count the sale is made. Sect. 11. Every auctioneer of said city, shall make out in writing a quarterly ac- count, dated on the first days of July, October, January and April, in the year for which he shall have taken license, and shall therein state minutely and particularly. 1. The sums for which any goods or effects shall have been sold at any auction held by him, or on his behalf from the time of his entering into such bond, or the date of his last quarterly account. 2. The da3's on which such sales were so made, and the amount of each days sale, designating those sales made by himself or in his presence, and those made in his ab- sence by a partner or clerk acting in his behalf, and specifying the causes of such ab- sence. '■i. The amount of all private sales made by himself or any of his partners or clerks on commission and the days on which su^h sales were made. 4. The amount of the duties chargeable under the provisions of this Ordinance, on all the sales nublic or private, mentioned in the account. Sect. 12, Every such account within ten days after the day on which it is dated shall be exhibited and presented to the common council of said city to be filed and kept by ihe clerk. Sect. 13. Every auctioneer exhibiting such account shall take the following oath : '• 1 do solamnly and sincerely swear (or afllrm) that the account now exhibited by me and to which I have subscribed my name, contains a just and true account of all the goods, wares, merchandize and effects, sold or struck off by me at public sale or sold by me at private sale on commission, whether subject to duty or not, or sold or struck off by others in my name, or under my direction, or for my benefit, within the time mentioned in the within account, and of the days upon which the same were respectively sold, and that I have attended personally such of the said pub- lie sales as are not stated in the said account to have been made without my attendance, and that the causes therein mentioned of my absence from such sales as I did not at- tend are truly stated. That I have examined the entries of all the sales mentioned in the said account, in the book kept for that purpose and fully believe this account to be in all respects correct, and further that I have during the time therein mentioned, conformed in all things to the true intent and meaning of the laws and ordinances reg- ulating sales by auctioneer, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief." — Such oath shall be reduced to writing, endorsed on the account and subscribed by the auctioneer taking it, and may be sworn to before the Mayor or any other person au- thorized to administer oaths in this state. Sect, 14. Every partner of such auctioneer shall also make and subscribe an oath to be endorsed on the account, that he believes the account so rendered to be just and true in every particular. Sect. 15. "Every partner or clerk who shall have made any sale on behalf of an auctioneer, shall in the account rendered by such auctioneer set h's name or the ini- tials thereof opposite to each sale made by him mentioned in such account, and shah make and subscribe an afiidavit to be annexed to such account, stating that the sales so noted arc all the s^les liable to auction duties, public or private made by him within the time mentioned in the account, and that the acconnt of such sales &c. therein stated is just and true, that such sales were made by him in the absence of such auctioneer, who was unable to attend from the causes specified in his account, and that in all acts performed by him in behalf of such auctioneer during the time aforesaid, he had endeavored to conform to the true intent and meaning of the laws, and ordinance regulating sales by auctioneers. 18 Sect. 16. The duties required to be paid uri^er thiii ordinance, shall be paid to the city treasurer, at the time of rendering the said account, unless a longer time shall be given by the common council. Sect. 17. Every auctioneer, and every partner or clerk of an auctioneer, who shall refuse or neglect to perform any act or duty, which in either of the last six sections of this ordinance heis required to perform, he shall for each offence forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars. Scot. 18. All forfeitures and penalties incurred under this ordinance, may be sued for and collected, before the municipal court, the Mayor, or any Justice of the Peace of said city. Passed June 12, 1837. Attest, W. B. OGDEN, Mayor. M. D. Ogden, Clefk Pro Tern. AN ORDIXANCE DIRECTING CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN NAMED. Sect. 1. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of Chicago, That all those parts oJ Canal-street, Clinton-street, JefFerson-atreet and Desplain-street which lie south of Second-street, in said city, shall be widened so that the said south part of the said streets shall correspond with the north parts therrof. Also, all those parts of Third-street and Fourth-street which lie within section sixteen, west of South Branch, be widened so that the same shall be sixty feet wide. And all that part of Madison- street which lies west of the said South Branch, be widened so that the same shall be eighty feet wide. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the City Surveyor to survey, describe and record the said streets in the manner required by the 28th section of the city charter. And when the same shall have been so surveyed and recorded, the same shall be public highways according to said survey. It shall be ths duty of the Clerk to cause the necessary no- tices to be published as required by the 23th section. Sect. 3. The said City Surveyor is further directed to survey, describe and record, in manner aforesaid, a street eighty feet wide which shall be called "Hoosier Avenue," which shall commence on the west line of section sixteen, on Second-street and run in a south westerly course to the bounds of the city, in the direction to cross the canal at Canal Port, in some eligible place, so as to intersect the state road in that direction. And the Clerk is directed to cause the like publications to be made as are directed in the second section of this Act. Sect. 4. The Street Commissioner is directed to cause upon the most advantageous terms possible, the following streets to be graded, viz: all that part of Canal-street which lies north of Third-street, in said ciiy, all that part of Clinton-street which lies north of Third-street, in said city; all those parts of First and Second-streets, which lie west of the South Branch and east of the west line of section sixteen : And that the expenses of said improvements shail be assessed as provided in the 40th section of the charter of said city. Passed June 1st, 1837. Attest, W. B. OGDEN, Mayor. Isaac N. Arnold, Clerk. AN ORDINACE AUTHORIZING THE I^OAN OF FIVE THOUSAND DOIiLARS. Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Common Council of the City pi Chicago, That the Mayor be directed to borrow upon the faith and pledge of the city of Chicago, a sum of money not exceeding five thousand dollars, and to ifesue scrips for the same, in sums of one, two a::d ihree dollars, bearing interest at the rate of one per cent, per annum, and payable and redeemable on the first day of July, in the year of our Lord one thous- and eight hundred and thirty eight, which said scrip- shall be under the seal of the cor- poration, signed by. the Mayor and countersigned by the clerk. 19 Sect. 2. The Revenue of the said city is hereby pledged for tiie repayment of tlie sums to be borrowed as aforesaid with the interest upon the same. The said Scrips shall at any time hereafter be received for or in payment of any debts or dues, due, ow- ing or to be paid to the said city. Passed June 1st, 1837. Attest, W. B. OGDEN, Mayor. Isaac N. Arnold, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE HARBOR. Be it ordained by the Common Council of the City of Chicago, That from and af- ter this date and prior to the time of completion of the harbor at the mouth of the Chicago river by the Government of the United States or until otherwise ordered — any Sloop, Schooner, Brig, Ship, Steam Boat or ether vessel or any raft of Timber, Wood or Lumbe or any Scow, that shall anchor, make fast, or remain in the said harbor within the piers of the same, and east of the Garrison wharf, to exceed the space of an hour, shall be subject to pay a fine of Ten Dollars to be sued for and collected with costs in the same manner provided for the collections of penalties for other violations of the ordinances of the city of Chicago, except said vessels shall lay north of, and one hundred feet distant from the south pier of said harbor— and in addition to the penal- ties hereby affixod, for the violation of this ordinance. And vessels so occupying the south side of said harbor and east of the Garrison wharf aforesaid, and which shall bo run into, or afoul of by, or come in contact with any other vessels, either in entering or clearing said harbor, shall be liable for all or any damages such vessel shall sustain because of the obstruction of the free ingress or egress of such vessel into or out of the harbor aforesaid. Provided this ordinance shall not be so construed as to apply to the vessels or rafls necessarily employed or used in the construction of the harbor by the General Govern- ment of the U. S. Passed June 1, 1837. Attest, W. B. OGDEN, Mayor. Isaac N. Arnold, CJerk. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING STREETS AND ALIiEYS. Be it Ordained by the Common Council of the City of Chicago. Sect. 1. That any owner or occupant of any building which in whole or in part shall stand within or upon any of the commons, streets, alleys or lanes of the city of Chi- cago, shall remove as soon as may be, the said building oi buildings out of or from the said avenues, streets, allej'^s or lanes, and any person refusing so to do shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars and the additional sum of ten dollars lor each week which he shall neglect to remove the same after notice has been given by the Street Commissioner, and it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to notify all owners or occupants of buildings as aforesaid. Sect. 2. When any person or persons shall neglect to comply with the foregoing provision it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to remove said buildings, forthwith at the proper costs and charges of the owner or occupants. Passed June 1 , 1837. Attest, W.B OGDEN, Mayor. Isaac N. x^snolDj Clehk. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ^TUD HORSES AND MARES. Be it Ordiiined by the Common Council of Chicago. Sect. 1. That no person or persons shall indecently exhibit any gtud horse, or let any sach horse to any nmre or mares, within the limits of this city. 20 Sect. 2. That any person or persona guilty of indecently exhibiting any stud horse, or letting any such horse to any mare or mares within the limits of the corporation of said city, he or they shall, on conviction, pay a sum not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for each and every such oifence. Passed Mav 22, 1^37. Attest, W. B. OGDEN, Mayor. Isaac N. Arxold. Clerk. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DOGS. Be it Ordained by the Common Council of the City of Chicago. Sect. 1. No person owning any dog, bitch or whelp, shall after the 1st of July next, permit the same to run at large in this city, without having first paid to the city col- lector the sum of five dollars for each dog so running at large and fastening around the neck of said dog a metalic collar with the name of the owner and the collector's stamp thereon in legible characters. And any person who shall violate the provisions of this Ordinance shall for eacli offence pay a sum of ten dollars, to be collected before the Municipal Court, the Mayor or any Justice of the Peace in said city. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of any and all of the City Constables after the fourth day of July next, to kill or destroy any dog which shall be found running at large in said city, without having a collar on as mentioned in the foregoing section, unless he shall know to whom the same belongs. And if he shall know to whom the same be- longs, he shall forthwith inform the City Attorney thereof, whose duty it shall be, im- mediately to commence prosecution against the owner of said dog under this ordinance: and the said city constable shall be entitled to one dollar for each dog, which he shall kill or destroy under this ordinance, whose duty it shall also be to see the same buried in some proper place. Sect. 3. Any person who shall molest, interrupt or prevent the said Constables, or any person under their direction, in the execution of their duties, as herein prescribed, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty five dollars, to be collected as provided in the first section of this ordinance. Provided that nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent the Common Council from passing any ordinance hereafter prohibiting dogs from running at large in said city, or to prevent them from ordering any dog found running at large as aforesaid, to be niuzsled or killed. Passed June 9, 1837. Attest, W. B. OGDEN, Mayor. I. N. Aenold, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING HACKMEN, DRAYMEN, &c. Be it Ordained by the Common Council of the City of Chicago. Sect. 1. That the mayor or presiding officer of the common council of said city be, and he is hereby authorized, to issue licenses to hackmen, draymen, carters and omni- bus drivers upon the payment to the city treasurer of the sum of twenty five dollars for each hack, dray, cart or omnibus which may be so licensed, which said license shall be signed by the said mayor or presiding officer, and countersigned by the clerk, which license shall be in force for and during the term of one year. And any person who shall be engaged in the business of a public hackman, drayman, cartman or om- nibus driver, or shall be a proprietor therein without such license, shall for each of- fence forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the clerk to keep a correct register, wherein shall be kept a true statement of all the licenses granted under the provisions of this ordin- ance, each of which shall be numbered. Sect. 3. That the north side of south water street, and the west side of east water street, north of randolph street be, and tlie same is hereby assigned as a stand for all hackmen, draymen, carters and omnibusses, except such part of said stand as streets running to the river terminate upon. And if any hackman, drayman, carter or om- 21 nibus driver shall stop or wait for bu'^iness or employment in any other street, alley or lane in the first or second ward of said city, he shall pay a fine of two dollars iti each offence. Sect. 4. It shall be the duty of each drayman and carter, to number his, or each of his drays or carts, with the number of the license of the same, and shall, together with the said number, place in some conspicuous place of said dray or cart, the name ot the proprietor thereof. And any person violating the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar per diem for such violation. Passed June, 10, 1837. Attest, W. B. OGOEN, Mayor. M. D. OGDEN, Clerk Pro Tem. j^..fwki KPX A 4 ^ I *Mm &^ i^: C\ fi ''' h t