■&■ :l ' assBffi :S >WW Chsst® $2.50 LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER l°)S~o - 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/lincolnstoryOOillshoo vW=* lij^li^ "His life was gentle And the elements so mix'd in him that Nature might stand up And say to all the ivorld This was a man." Shakespeare The LINCOLN STORY As Told by CHESTER R. SHOOK CINCINNATI • OHIO ^1 3, 1 LL>3 i fAiC 1150 'Soft as some song divine, thy story flows." Homer — Odyssey COPYRIGHT, 1950 by Chester R. Shook COPYRIGHT, 1950 by Chester R. Shook First printing 1950 (500 copies autographed and distributed but not sold) Berman Printing Co. Cincinnati, Ohio Second printing 1950 The C. J. Krehbiel Co. Cincinnati, Ohio Illustrations by Paul G. Bogosian, Cincinnati artist Printed in U.S.A. Preface Since the first printing of "The Lincoln Story/' we have been encouraged to have the book made available for the public. Accordingly, we present this second edition. Several changes have been made, which do not, in our opinion, alter substantially the style or factual content of the original book. The covering of the book is symbolical. The seven stars represent the number of perfection, its application being explained in the first chapter. The blue and gray colors signify the reunion of the North and South. "One Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I wish at this time to express my appreciation to my friend, Paul G. Bogosian, Cincinnati artist, for his excel- lent contribution. I also feel grateful for numerous comments and criti- cisms, which have been offered by readers of the original book. In several instances, I have been glad to follow, in this second printing, the suggestions so graciously given me. Through the kindness and generosity of Honorable Alfred K. Nippert, former Judge of the Common Pleas Court of Hamilton County, Ohio, former Trustee of the University of Cincinnati, philanthropist, and leader in many important civic events, there has been made avail- able to the public and parochial schools of Cincinnati and VII VIII PREFACE Hamilton County, Ohio, a large number of this Lincoln story. We are indebted to Dr. Claude V. Courter, Superin- tendent of the Cincinnati Public Schools, and Rt. Rev. Msgr. Carl J. Ryan, Superintendent of the Parochial Schools, for their cooperation in the placement of the books in the schools for the use of the students and teachers, more particularly for the American History classes of the junior and senior high schools. The following appraisal of this book by Judge Nippert is significant: "The value of your Lincoln lies in the fact that it is written in easy, flowing style, touches the high spots of Abraham Lincoln's life without giving the reader too much detail, yet giving a comprehensive birdseye view of the Great Emancipator. In this respect I think your painstaking and splendid contribution to Lincolniana is outstanding." Chester R. Shook Cincinnati, Ohio October, 1950 Introduction I have had the pleasure of listening to the reading of most of the papers on the Lincoln Story by former Judge Chester R. Shook. Not only does his factual material show considerable research and knowledge of the subject matter, but we have here a new approach. Certainly, he has reached conclusions which are vibrant and very worth- while for any serious student of Abraham Lincoln. Judge Shook started selling newspapers on the streets of Cincinnati as a young boy; at fourteen years of age, he began working as a cash boy in one of our depart- ment stores; while working, he attended Night High School, graduated, then attended one year of Evening Law School. Later, he worked as a part-time stenographer in one of the leading law offices in Cincinnati in order to pay his way through the Cincinnati (day) Law School. He had received his L.L.B. degree, and was practicing law, when he felt the need for further academic training; at the end of twelve years as a student in day and evening courses at the University of Cincinnati, he received his A.B. degree at the age of thirty-six. In the meantime he had married and had children. In his practice of the law, which has covered a con- siderable range, Judge Shook has achieved the reputation for rigid honesty and observance of the highest professional ethics. He has served one complete term of six years as IX X INTRODUCTION Judge of the Common Pleas Court of Hamilton County, with distinction. He has for years been active as a leader in alumni affairs at the University of Cincinnati. He formed the Committee of 100 in 1925, which has grown into one of the most effective college alumni organizations in the country. At that time, he was serving as President of the general Alumni Association. He helped organize and served as first President of the Evening Alumni Association; also was President of the Men's Liberal Arts Alumni Association for two terms, and of the Cincinnati Law School Alumni Association. He has for years repre- sented the Law School on the Executive Alumni Com- mittee, with which he is still active. He has been on many important committees in the Ohio State Bar Association and the Cincinnati Bar Association; he is a member of the American Bar Association, the American Judicature Society and the Cincinnati Lawyers' Club. He has headed many movements, both welfare and educational, in Cin- cinnati, and is especially interested in the educational program in his home town. I recommend a careful reading and study of this interest- ing Lincoln Story by a man who has been a disciple as well as a student of our greatest American. Michael G. Heintz, Historian, Ohio Department, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Cincinnati, Ohio Appreciation From my earliest youth, the name of Abraham Lincoln has been a source of inspiration. Having read, throughout the years, a good deal of controversial Lincoln material, especially concerning slavery, his ancestry and his married life, I began, a few years ago, an intensive study of his life. Within the past five years I have visited many of the notable Lincoln shrines and monuments throughout the country and have had discussions about Lincoln with many eminent authorities. In Washington, D.C., especially in the Library of Congress, I found an imposing amount of Lincoln ma- terial. On the campus of Lincoln Memorial University, in Harrogate, Tennessee, I lived in the Faculty House, joined the students in the dining room, met with the faculty, including Dr. Robert L. Kincaid, distinguished president of the University, and had the rare privilege of studying in the Lincoln library with Dr. R. Gerald McMurtry, its Director. This library contains the marvelous collection of Meserve portraits of Lincoln. In Fort Wayne, Indiana, Dr. Louis A. Warren was of invaluable assistance to me and allowed me access to the magnificent library of the Lincoln National Life Founda- tion, of which he is Director. In the Illinois State Historical Library, in Springfield, Illinois, I saw one of the signed copies of the Gettysburg XI XII APPRECIATION speech; also, the leather-bound volume containing the masterful address of Edward Everett. Dr. Jay Monaghan, State Historian in charge, patiently answered numerous questions which were bothering me. Also, in Springfield, I had the opportunity of interviewing Dr. Roy P. Basler, Editor of the Abraham Lincoln Quarterly and Executive Secretary of the Abraham Lincoln Association. At the Lincoln Tomb, the late Herbert Wells Fay, state- commissioned custodian, in his usual kindly, courteous fashion, reminisced about Lincoln and displayed his world- renowned collection of Lincolniana. I visited the Lincoln home at Eighth and Jackson Streets and numerous other places connecting Lincoln with his home town. There, too, I saw two of his three law offices, all of which faced the Old State House. The former offices of Stuart & Lincoln and of Logan & Lincoln are kept in about the same condition as during Lincoln's law practice. The third office, Lincoln & Herndon, is designated by a large, bronze plaque on the outside of a department store, which is on the former site of this law office. The rebuilt New Salem of his young manhood is particularly impressive. Interesting discussions with Dr. Paul M. Angle, Secre- tary and Director of the Chicago Historical Society, in Chicago, were of lasting value. Also, I saw many places of interest in Chicago, where Lincoln had tried a consider- able number of law suits and where he was nominated for the Presidency of the United States. These gentlemen, eminent authors, scholars and orators, APPRECIATION XIII stimulated my desire for further research. Likewise, I am indebted to my friends, Honorable Michael G. Heintz, well-known Lincoln scholar, and Honorable James G. Stewart, Judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio and dis- tinguished Lincoln orator, as well as to Dr. Ernest L. Talbert, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, and Dr. Clyde W. Park, Professor Emeritus of English, University of Cincinnati, for their criticisms, corrections and sugges- tions. I recently returned from the National Shrine at Hodgen- ville, Kentucky, containing the traditional log cabin in which Lincoln was born. There, at the base of the knoll, I saw the clear running spring from which Lincoln and the other members of his family drank, during his early childhood. There stands the mighty oak, almost three hundred years old. As I walked up the fifty-six steps, denoting the years Lincoln lived, and saw the sixteen roseates on the ceiling of the Shrine, symbolizing Lincoln as the sixteenth President of the United States, and read the numerous encomiums inscribed on the tablets on the walls fronting the cabin, I could understand the worship of the American people for this gigantic figure. All my activities have been directed toward a true understanding of the real Lincoln ; they have inspired me with a renewed patriotic zeal and love for my country. With it has come the realization of the perils which con- front us in our day. I ask the indulgence of the reader for the reason that XIV APPRECIATION the contents of this booklet were written for public de- livery. There is no claim to special merit for literary attainment, although all of the material has been analyzed and criticized for accuracy. I have had the opportunity of reading the substance of each of these papers in appear- ances here and in other communities, before numerous school children of various ages, teachers' organizations, university groups, Bar associations, luncheon clubs, churches and civic groups. I have been amazed and grati- fied at the universal respect which our people, regardless of age or sex, show toward all phases of the life of Abra- ham Lincoln. Sincerely, Chester R. Shook, Cincinnati, Ohio Contents PREFACE VII INTRODUCTION IX APPRECIATION XI A GREAT MAN IS BORN 1 YOUTH AND EDUCATION 15 CONCERNING THE GENTLER SEX 25 HUSBAND AND FATHER 37 THE LAWYER 47 THE POLITICIAN 59 WAR PRESIDENT 73 THE LONG SHADOW 89 GREAT EMANCIPATOR 99 WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN Ill AND IN CONCLUSION — 121 REFERENCES 133 COMMENTS 137 XV • • * The Lincoln Storij • • as told by Chester R. Shook 'Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I A Great Man Is Born There is a legend that on February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky, at a forest crossing, two frontiersmen were driving in opposite directions, through the rough country. Said one to the other, in passing: "Any news, neighbor?" "Nope," was the reply, "Nothing ever happens around here. Oh, by the way, I hear Nancy Hanks has just had another baby." "Giddap," the drivers yelled to their teams and proceeded in their several directions. Thus, unheralded and unsung, was born one of the earth's truly great. An im- posing monument has been erected near Hodgenville, Hardin County, Kentucky (formerly Hodgen's Mill), by a grateful people, to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. The year Abraham Lincoln was born, James Madison was inaugurated President of the United States; George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had ended their illustrious careers as the heads of our Govem- l 2 THE LINCOLN STORY ment, and had placed the new "experiment in democracy' ' upon a firm foundation. The primitive log cabin where Abraham Lincoln was born blended with the wild surroundings. The floor con- sisted of packed-down dirt. One door swung on leather hinges, which let the family in and out. There was one small window, probably covered with the tightly stretched skin of a hog, or some small animal. A stick-clay chimney carried off the smoke from the crude open fireplace. Through the long winter evenings the children listened to many blood-curdling stories about adventures with wild animals and Indians. From these humble beginnings Lincoln reached sublime heights during a life of hardship, sacrifice and travail. The story of Lincoln is known to nearly every school child throughout America and the world. He was farm- hand, splitter of rails, storekeeper, surveyor, clerk of the Election Board and Postmaster of Salem, Illinois. In 1832, he was defeated for the State Legislature of Illinois. As Lincoln himself said, this was the only time he was ever defeated by the vote of the people for any office for which he ran. He had served as a volunteer in the Black Hawk War, and was elected captain of his company in the same year of 1832. He had announced his candidacy before volunteering, and after serving for about three months, he returned to Salem, about two weeks before the election. From 1834 to 1840 he was elected four times to the A GREAT MAN IS BORN 3 State Legislature in Illinois. In 1837, he was admitted to the Bar of Illinois ; during his practice he had as partners three prominent and well-known lawyers: John T. Stuart, cousin of Mary Todd, Judge Stephen T. Logan and William H. Herndon. On November 4, 1842, he was married to Mary Todd; he was then thirty-three years of age; she was twenty- three. In 1844, he was elected as a Whig candidate to the Presidential Electoral College. From 1846-1848, he served one term in Congress. In May of 1856, at the Republican State Convention in Bloomington, Illinois, Lincoln was nominated as a presidential elector, and made his famous "Lost Speech." In the same year, the first Republican National Convention was held at Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania. Lincoln received one hundred ten votes in this Convention as a candidate for Vice President. In 1858, he was a candidate for United States Senator and engaged in seven debates with Stephen A. Douglas, his formidable opponent. In addition, each of them made numerous other addresses. During the campaign, this series of seven debates was publicly known as "the fight between the little giant and the giant killer." The elec- tion was decided by legislative districts, and Mr. Douglas was declared elected. On February 27, 1860, Lincoln delivered his famous Cooper Union Speech in New York City, before an audience of distinguished scholars and leading citizens; it attracted unusual attention. William Cullen Bryant, 4 THE LINCOLN STORY the poet, presided at the meeting. One auditor told Lincoln, when asked what most impressed him: "The clearness of your statements — the unanswerable style of your reasoning — and especially your illustrations, which were romance and pathos and fun and logic all welded together." Abraham Lincoln was the first successful presidential candidate of the Republican Party; he was nominated in Chicago and, in 1860, elected President of the United States; his running mate was Hannibal Hamlin of Maine. Lincoln received a popular vote in this election of 1,866,452 votes against 1,375,157 votes for Douglas. Lincoln was not a back-slapper. He was a melancholy man, "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. ,, Joshua Speed, one of his few close friends, with whom Lincoln lived when he first went to Springfield, said: "I never saw so gloomy and melancholy a face in my life." He was reserved in manner, but sympathetic toward any worthy appeal. He was a persuasive orator, following the style of his great ideal, Henry Clay of Kentucky, of whom Lincoln said: "Mr. Clay's eloquence did not consist — as many fine specimens of eloquence do — of tropes and figures, of antithesis and elegant arrangements of words and sentences — but rather of that deeply earnest and im- passioned tone and manner which can proceed only from great sincerity and a thorough conviction in the speaker of the justice and importance of his cause." Lincoln often A GREAT MAN IS BORN 5 showed signs of nervousness in the beginning of his talks, and had a high, shrill voice, but the content of his speeches and his sincere and persuasive manner usually made a lasting impression. A considerable number of his public addresses, especially with his opponent, Douglas, were delivered out-of-doors. Douglas had a guttural method of speaking, whereas Lincoln usually spoke in a nasalized, high-pitched tone, which carried much better in the open air. As Lincoln would advance into the body of his speech, he could sustain his tones in a high range, which gave him quite an advantage. Abraham Lincoln was not only honest in the ordinary meaning of the term, but, what is far more important, he was intellectually honest. He said : "I made a point of honor and conscience in all things to stick to my word, especially if others had been induced to act on it." He said, too : "I want in all cases to do right and most particu- larly so in all cases with women." In 1864, Lincoln was nominated at Baltimore, Md., and re-elected President of the United States. Strange to say, he did not make a campaign speech for either term in the White House. Lincoln was born on Sunday, the Sabbath day of the Lord, and was shot fatally on Good Friday of 1865. That year, the following Sunday was known as "Black Easter." He lived a cycle of eight times seven years, which has been considered of some significance by numerologists, seven being the so-called number of perfection. Ancient Judea 6 THE LINCOLN STORY decreed that the candlesticks used in ritualistic services should contain "two branches of one piece with it for the six branches going out of the candlestick/' The seventh day was decreed as the holy day in the creation. In Revelations, the inspired writer speaks of "the mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches; and the seven candlesticks are seven churches/ ' Lincoln lived the first seven years of his life in Kentucky, two times seven years in Indiana; four times seven years in Illinois (including seven years in Decatur and New Salem, and twenty-one years in Springfield); and seven years in Washington, counting the two years in Congress, the four years of his first term as President, and part of the year 1865 down to the date of his death. His paternal ancestry has been traced through seven generations. There are seven letters in both his first and last names. Astrologers have often designated February as the "month of greatness." Many world figures were born in February. Among these are : COPERNICUS who discovered that the sun is the center of the universe and laid the foundation for modern astronomy. GALILEO stargazer, follower of Copernicus. CHARLES DARWIN noted scientist, born February 12, 1809, the same day as Abraham Lincoln. THOMAS A. EDISON .... wizard of electricity. A GREAT MAN IS BORN 7 RAPHAEL whose genius gave to the world one of its most revered paintings, "The Sistine Madonna." FELIX MENDELSSOHN .famous composer of the "Wedding March." GEORGE HANDEL who composed the "Messiah," classed as the greatest Oratorio ever written. Then we have CHARLES DICKENS, VICTOR HUGO, and HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW, in literature, the immortal GEORGE WASHINGTON, and many others. Lincoln was tall and awkward; by the time he was sixteen, he was a strong, sturdy backwoodsman. He reached his full height of six feet, four inches, at the age of twenty-one. He had unusually long arms, a narrow chest and small head; he gave the impression of loping when he walked. Yet, despite his ungainly appearance, Lincoln was a very dignified man. Good authority states: "The only person he ever heard address him by his first name was a street urchin, whose impertinence astonished the future president quite as much as it amused him." Lincoln was known as "Honest Abe" from his early manhood, but this was an appellation of affection and not a nickname. Throughout his adult career he was designated as Mr. Lincoln. What is it which places Lincoln among the great leaders and thinkers of the past? In one of Emerson's Essays, we read : "He is great who is what he is from Nature and who never reminds us of others." Abraham Lincoln was not a 8 THE LINCOLN STORY type. He stands alone. We have his own statement that he had no background of substantial, successful or im- portant forebears. He said : "I am not so much concerned with who my grandfather was and am more concerned to know what his grandson will he." However, his paternal ancestry has been traced back to distinguished settlers in Massachusetts. Many prominent and active men in earliest American history are included. But, he always minimized his ancestry. On the walls of the Memorial Union Building of the University of Indiana are engraved five of the greatest names in history: CHRIST ARISTOTLE GALILEO SHAKESPEARE LINCOLN To date more has been written about Lincoln than any other person in the world's history, aside from religious figures. Up to 1900, literature about Napoleon Bonaparte was leading in volume. This has been exceeded, however, by the flood of Lincoln literature given the public in the past four decades. It is interesting to note that the story of Abraham Lincoln has been broadcast over the world in at least twenty-seven different languages and dialects, including French, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Greek, Hebrew, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Persian, Turkish, Spanish, and many others. According to Carl Sandburg "the total number of Lincoln words preserved for posterity is more than one million — a A GREAT MAN IS BORN 9 figure greater than that of all the words in the Bible (including the Apocrypha) or of Shakespeare's complete works." Great statesmen and scholars have eulogized Lincoln in superlatives. Several quotations will suffice : GEORGES CLEMENCEAU "One of the greatest men that ever lived, great by thought, great by feeling, and great by action." LORD CHARNWOOD "Beyond his own country some of us recall his name as the greatest among those associated with popular government." NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER "What manner of man was this who had become the idol of a free people, and the very incarnation of their loftiest spirit and their noblest ideals? Years have passed and his stately sombre figure stands out every day more clearly against the background of history." LEO TOLSTOY "Of all the great national heroes and statesmen of history, Lincoln is the only real giant." The last speech of Winston Churchill as Prime Minister in the House of Commons of England contained this statement: "The aim of the British people is to develop a government of the people, by the people, for the people." Thus did a spokesman for one of the great governments of the world take this idealistic conception from the lips of the immortal Lincoln. 10 THE LINCOLN STORY Thus spake the prophet Micah to all future generations: "What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" To a supreme degree, Lincoln developed the qualities of Justice, Mercy and Humility. Lincoln said : "Stand with anybody that stands right. Stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong." What a keen sense of justice! His Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, frequently cautioned Lincoln about relaxing military rules in order to save the lives of soldiers who had been guilty of in- fraction of discipline. This was especially true with reference to young, inexperienced men. Lincoln often said that his purpose was to save and not to destroy lives. "The quality of mercy" in Lincoln was not strained. His humility was probably his outstanding trait. In 1860, when he was running for President, he told J. L. Scripps of the Chicago Tribune: "Why, Scripps, it is a great piece of folly to attempt to make anything out of me or my early life. It can all be condensed into a single sentence, and that sentence you will find in Gray's Elegy: 'The short and simple annals of the poor'." In his famous letter of November 21, 1864, to Mrs. Bixby, Lincoln wrote: "Dear Madam: I have been shown in the file of the war department a state- ment of the adjutant-general of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of A GREAT MAN IS BORN 11 battle. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering to you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the republic they died to save. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom." What a tender and compassionate heart had Lincoln! Another mark of greatness about Lincoln was his simplicity of manner and speech. His imperishable words have been read through past generations and will continue to be the inspiration of mankind through all future time. One quotation is sufficient to show his use of language, which all can understand. From the concluding words of the Second Inaugural Address, we read : "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firm- ness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among our- selves and with all nations." Lincoln had the genius to condense colossal, universal ideas into few words. To illustrate this statement, we quote from Dr. Louis A. Warren, noted Lincoln scholar: "Within a period of approximatly a year and a half, there came from the pen of Abraham Lincoln four masterpieces of literature, which in their respective fields have not been sur- passed. This group of compositions consisting of a proclamation of Thanksgiving, an oration of dedication, a letter of condolence, and an inaugural address, were all produced between October 3, 1863 and March 4, 1865. In referring to these writings they might be called an American Quadruple of English Eloquence. 12 THE LINCOLN STORY "The proclamation written on October 3, 1863 was the first annual national Thanksgiving proclamation, the oration of dedi- cation was delivered at Gettysburg on November 19, 1863, the letter of condolence was written to the Widow Bixby on Novem- ber 21, 1864, and the inaugural address, the second one, was delivered on March 4, 1865. "These writings are also unusual examples of brevity in ex- pression. The longest address contains but 700 words and it can be read in five minutes. The shortest manuscript runs about 130 words and can be read in one minute. The four writings com- bined total but 1600 words and only eleven minutes would be required for a careful reading of all the documents." It seems to be a common attribute of truly great men to be able to reduce the most profound thoughts to the simplest equations. Lincoln spoke in Biblical style, using homely parables as illustrations. "He spoke as one with authority and not as the scribes/ ' Abraham Lincoln looms as an intellectual and spiritual giant above his fellows. The finger of God touched this lowly and melancholy man and lifted his head to the stars. Abraham Lincoln was truly a son of God. God crowned him with honor and with glory. The heart of Lincoln enshrined a cathedral with deep sounding bells, because he was attuned to the infinite. We bow our heads in gratitude before this gigantic figure who will live in the hearts and minds of men 'til time shall be no more. In this critical period of the world's history, let us resolve that Abraham Lincoln shall not have lived in vain. "Remember also thy Creator in the days of thy youth." ECCLESIASTES 12-1 II Youth and Education The humble origin of Abraham Lincoln, his bitter poverty, the death of his mother when he was nine years old, which evidently was stamped indelibly upon his memory, his hard and incessant toil, his struggle against adversity and against the forces of rugged nature, his innate and everlasting honesty (honesty of purpose, of intellect, of heart), his gloomy, melancholy ap- pearance, his awkward- ness and sensitivity, his ambition, his final tri- umph, have made this great figure the ideal toward which the struggling youth lifts his face. In his youth, Lincoln had an unquenchable hunger and thirst for knowledge. As a boy, he said : "I will study and prepare myself and if the opportunity should ever come, I will be ready/' Altogether, Lincoln spent about one entire year in regular schools. Often he walked for many miles to borrow books. He was obliged to walk 15 16 THE LINCOLN STORY four miles to and from one of the schools which he at- tended. Two of the books he used at school were Webster's Spelling Book and the American Speller. He also used Pike's Arithmetic. His law partner, Herndon, said that Lincoln had told him that Murray's English Reader was the best school book ever put into the hands of an Ameri- can youth. He managed to read, at an early age, the Bible, Shakespeare, Aesop's Fables, Robinson Crusoe, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, A History of the United States, Weems' Life of Washington, and a copy of the Statutes of Indiana. His early desire to become a lawyer was increased by the reading of the Declaration of Inde- pendence and the United States Constitution. But let us quote from his Autobiography, written in the third person, about his training in his youth in Kentucky and Indiana: "He had a sister, older than himself, who was grown and married, but died many years ago, leaving no child; also a brother, younger than himself, who died in infancy. Before leav- ing Kentucky, he and his sister were sent, for short periods, to ABC schools, the first kept by Zachariah Riney, and the second by Caleb Hazel. At this time his father resided on Knob Creek, on the road from Bardstown, Kentucky, to Nashville, Tennessee, at a point three or three and a half miles south or southwest of Atherton's Ferry, on the Rolling Fork. From this place he re- moved to what is now Spencer County, Indiana, in the autumn of 1816, Abraham then being in his eighth year. This removal was partly on account of slavery, but chiefly on account of the difficulty in land titles in Kentucky. He settled in an unbroken forest, and the clearing away of surplus wood was the great task ahead. Abraham, though very young, was large of his age, and had an ax put into his hands at once; and from that till within his twenty-third year he was almost constantly handling YOUTH AND EDUCATION 17 that most useful instrument — less, of course, in plowing and harvesting seasons. * * * His father's residence continued at the same place in Indiana till 1830. While here Abraham went to A B C schools by littles, kept successively by Andrew Craw- ford, James Sweeney, and Azel W. Dorsey. He does not remem- ber any other. The family of Mr. Dorsey now resides in Schuyler County, Illinois. Abraham now thinks that the aggregate of all his schooling did not amount to one year. He was never in a college or academy as a student, and never inside of a college or academy building till since he had a law license. What he has in the way of education he has picked up. After he was twenty- three and had separated from his father, he studied English grammar — imperfectly, of course, but so as to speak and write as well as he now does. He studied and nearly mastered the six books of Euclid since he was a member of Congress. He regrets his want of education, and does what he can to supply the want. In his tenth year he was kicked by a horse, and apparently killed for a time. When he was nineteen, still residing in Indiana, he made his first trip upon a flatboat to New Orleans. * * * " Early evidence of his latent sense of humor can be found in these lines, scrawled in an arithmetic book in his own handwriting: 1 'Abraham Lincoln His hand and pen He will be good But God knows when" We can all recall the familiar picture of the youth Lincoln in a prone position in front of an open fireplace, using a piece of charcoal on a broad wooden shovel. When the writing was finished, he would use a sharp knife or plane and shave off the markings cleanly, and start over again. 18 THE LINCOLN STORY His father, Tom Lincoln, thought his boy was lazy, but Abraham Lincoln had a tireless mind. As one who was well-acquainted with young Lincoln said: "He dwelt only in the land of thought." The idea of those in charge of him was to keep him constantly at hard work. He helped in the splitting of rails and became expert in clearing farm lands. This developed his muscles and body so that he became celebrated in his young manhood as the strongest man in the community. However, the intellec- tual fire burned slowly but with steady and intense glow throughout all the years. Lincoln had a retentive memory and had developed the faculty of self -discipline to a degree seldom achieved by other men. With Lincoln, obstacles became stepping stones to achievement. We know that Lincoln had a thoroughly trained mind and was educated in the broadest usage of that term. He studied rhetoric and spent hours stretched full length under trees in an effort to fix in his mind the arbitrary rule that "adverbs qualify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs/' It was his habit, as a young man, to practice speaking extemporaneously to stumps and trees as he was splitting rails in the clearance of farm lands. Similarly, he studied mathematics, starting with the proof that "multiplying the denominator of a fraction divides it while dividing the denominator multiplies it." He bought a book on logic and mastered the science of explanations — how to analyze the absolutely true and relatively true, the proximate and remote causes. He bought "The YOUTH AND EDUCATION 19 Elements of Euclid/' a book twenty-three centuries old. He learned that things equal to the same thing are equal to each other, etc. As a practicing lawyer, driving from circuit to circuit on his horse, he quietly worked out these mathematical problems. He was particularly partial to mathematics. He often studied Euclid by the light of a candle after other lawyers had dropped off to sleep. It has been said of Lincoln: "He wanted to be simple as the alphabet, definite as the numbers used in arithmetic, sure as the axioms of common notions, that are the starting point of Euclid.' ' The great intellect of Abraham Lincoln was developed very slowly. According to his own statement, he mastered the six books of Euclid after he was in Congress, so that he was past forty years of age when, still thirsting after knowledge, he perfected himself in the science of mathe- matics. Let us turn back for a number of years and observe Lincoln again as a little boy. He lived in a one room log cabin with his parents and his older sister Sarah. His brother, Thomas, died in infancy. There were long hand- split shingles on the roof; there was a sleeping loft with pegs in the wall for Abraham to climb up to his bed in the attic. Most of the time he slept in dry leaves and kept himself warm by wearing his clothes; occasionally, he covered himself with skins or any material which might provide warmth. Nancy Hanks loved her little boy dearly, but died when he was nine years old. She was buried in a 20 THE LINCOLN STORY rough plank coffin made by her husband, Tom Lincoln, and Dennis Hanks, her cousin. Weeks later, after her death, it is related that an itinerant preacher passed that way; the forlorn and ragged little boy and girl stood at their mother's grave with the rough backwoodsman, Tom Lincoln, and listened to these imperishable words: "And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." There are those who heard Lincoln say: "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother.' ' Then Sarah Bush Johnston came into the life of little Abraham and his sister. Tom Lincoln married her some months after the death of his first wife. She was a widow and had lived in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. She had three children by her former husband. Tom Lincoln had known Sarah Bush as a young girl; it is said they had been sweethearts at one time. Sarah Bush Johnston made a complete change in the lives of these motherless children and the lonesome father. She was a fine, wholesome, tender-hearted, matronly woman. She took a particular fancy to little Abraham. He owed her much and showed his appreciation in many ways even after he had become universally known. When running for the Legislature, in 1832, Lincoln told the people of Sangamon County, Illinois: YOUTH AND EDUCATION 21 "Upon the subject of education, nor presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject we as a people can be engaged in. That every man may receive at least a moderate education and thereby be enabled to read the histories of his own and other countries, by which he may duly appreciate the value of our free institutions, appears to be an object of vital importance." Need anything further be added to this statement of a young man, then twenty-three years of age, showing his burning desire for a knowledge of the truth, both for him- self and his fellow Americans? This, Lincoln felt, could be accomplished only through mental discipline and training. Without exaggeration, we may conclude that a large portion of the genius of Abraham Lincoln was his ability, in spite of distressing adversities which beset him, to discipline his mind and soul in furtherance of his con- suming passion for an education. That he appreciated higher education is also shown by the fact that he sent his son, Robert Todd Lincoln, to Phillips-Exeter Academy and Harvard University. While the self-educated Lincoln was running for Presi- dent, and after he had become President, great universities saw fit to honor him with academic degrees. It is interest- ing to note in this connection that Lincoln once said: "I was never in a college or academy as a student and never inside of a college or academy building till since I had a law license." Abraham Lincoln had three honorary degrees conferred upon him, all in absentia, before he died. In July, 1860, Knox College, located at Galesburg, 22 THE LINCOLN STORY Illinois, granted him the first L.L.D. Degree ever voted by the College. It is told that in 1858, in a debate at Galesburg before a large crowd at Knox College, he stepped through one of the windows onto the platform and said: "At last I have gone through Knox College." In June, 1861, at the 107th Commencement Celebration, Columbia College (now Columbia University) conferred upon Lincoln the honorary degree of L.L.D. Likewise, the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) conferred the same degree upon him in 1864. On Decem- ber 27, 1864, Lincoln sent a letter to the Board of Trustees of this College, one paragraph of which is significant: "Thoughtful men must feel that the fate of civilization upon this continent is involved in the issue of our contest. Among the most gratifying proof of this conviction is the hearty devotion everywhere exhibited by our schools and colleges in the national cause." This man whose education was thorough enough to produce his "Farewell" at Springfield, the "Gettysburg Address" and the "Second Inaugural" was truly deserving of any academic honors conferred upon him. And so, this ambitious youth, Abraham Lincoln, proved to all posterity that he had studied and prepared himself and when the opportunity came, he was ready. l A Woman arrayed with the sun, And the moon under her feet. ,J Revelations 12-1 Ill Concerning The Gentler Sex Probably the least understood phase of the life of Abraham Lincoln is his relationship to and romantic experiences with the opposite sex. In March of 1864, Lincoln wrote: "I am not accustomed to the use of language of eulogy; I have never studied the art of paying compli- ments to women ; but I must say, that if all that has been said by orators and poets since the creation of the world in praise of women were applied to the women of America, it would not do them justice for their conduct during this war. I will close by saying, God bless the women of Ameri- ca. In his youth, Abraham Lincoln had the loving, tender care, first of his mother, Nancy Hanks, and then, in her stead, the utmost affection of Sarah Bush, who married Tom Lincoln, his father, after the death of his mother. Although Sarah Bush, a widow, had three children of her own, she lavished equal attention upon this strange and lonesome step-child. 25 26 THE LINCOLN STORY The death of his mother, when he was nine years old, had an everlasting effect upon Lincoln. From his mother, who had always dreamed strange dreams about this unusual child, he inherited his somewhat mystical and instinctively religious qualities. Nor did he ever forget the maternal care of Sarah Bush, and, in many ways, after he became famous, he expressed his gratitude for all she had done for him. But great as is the interest in these two fine women, and their important relationship to Lincoln, we are primarily concerned with the truth about his romantic experiences with the opposite sex. We note that he became acquainted with little Kate Roby while he attended Crawford's School. He was about seventeen years old then; she was about fifteen. Then Lincoln weighed about 160 pounds; he was six feet, two inches in height, vigorous and awkward. His feet and hands were disproportionately large; he was small through his chest and had a small head. His skin was shrivelled and yellow; he wore buckskin breeches and a cotton shirt with a cap made of the skin of a squirrel or raccoon. His breeches were usually several inches too short, exposing his shin bones. According to Kate Roby, Lincoln seemed to be at- tracted to her and at one time, during a spelling match given by schoolmaster Crawford, she was asked to spell "defied." She began: d - e - f - and then hesitated because she did not know if the next letter was "i" or "y." Looking CONCERNING THE GENTLER SEX 27 up, she saw young Abraham smiling, and pointing with his index finger to his eye. So Kate went on with the correct spelling of the word. Certainly, this was not a love match in any real sense of the word, but Kate Roby liked to walk with Abraham, and they often went down to the river bank where they would dangle their feet in the water. Instead of showing any romantic inclinations, he would discuss, much to her amazement, mathematics and astronomy. History relates that Abraham Lincoln had courted four young women: Ann Rutledge, Mary Owens, Sarah Rickard and Mary Todd. A great deal of mystery and uncertainty surrounds the tragic romance with Ann Rutledge. She was born on January 7, 1813 and died August 25, 1835. She was the daughter of James Rutledge, who was one of the founders of New Salem, Illinois. James Rutledge came from Kentucky in 1829. He had business interests in a general store and mill and kept the tavern where Lincoln came to board in 1833. Ann Rutledge was a beautiful girl and was considered the village belle of her day. She was sensitive, industrious and a good housekeeper. We know, at the time Lincoln met her, that she was about five feet two inches in height and weighed about one hundred twenty pounds. She had auburn hair, blue eyes and fair complexion. Lincoln was fully aware of the fact that Ann Rutledge was engaged to a young man named John McNeil and that she evidently was in love with him. 28 THE LINCOLN STORY In fact, they had become engaged when she was only seventeen years old. Mr. McNeil, having disposed of his interest in a business venture in New Salem, had gone back to New York, his native state. For some unexplained reason, before he left New Salem, he told Ann that his name was not McNeil but McNamar. After reaching New York, he corresponded with her, but his letters grew less ardent in time, and finally he stopped writing. Knowing all these facts, Lincoln openly visited her and was fre- quently seen with her. There were no letters written by either of them, although Lincoln was a prolific writer. It seems that everyone in New Salem was anxious to pre- cipitate a marriage, although with his usual caution, Lincoln had conflicting emotions. Many songs and poems have been written, eulogizing this courtship. In fact, it is safe to say that this has become one of the best known romances in history. There are two contradictory views of the Ann Rutledge romance: Recently, Dr. Louis A. Warren, acknowledged Lincoln scholar, said, according to a newspaper report: "The Rutledge romance in Abe Lincoln's life was 'pure fiction from beginning to end'. It was true that Lincoln had a love affair in Salem, Illinois, but it was with a Miss Owens and not Ann Rutledge. Miss Owens turned down the opportunity of becoming the wife of the Great Emancipator." On the other hand, according to Lincoln's partner, Herndon, the courtship of Ann Rutledge was the grand passion of his life. However, Herndon said: CONCERNING THE GENTLER SEX 29 "I am aware that most of his (Lincoln's) biographers have taken issue with me on this phase of Mr. Lincoln's life." In all likelihood, the truth lies somewhere between the two extreme viewpoints. Mr. Herndon admitted that "Arnold says: The picture has been somewhat too highly colored, and the story made rather too tragic/ Dr. Hol- lard and others omit the subject altogether, while the most recent biography — the admirable history by my friends Nicolay and Hay — devotes but five lines to it." The Herndon version of this love affair, however, has become deep-rooted in the tradition and folk-lore of Lincoln, although it was not published until almost a quarter of a century after his death. Let us pass to his next romance, with Mary Owens. In less than a year after the death of Ann Rutledge, the good women of New Salem again decided that Lincoln needed a wife. A talented, vivacious young lady, Mary Owens, had visited her sister, Mrs. Bennett Abell, some years before, and Lincoln, among other young men, had been attracted to her. So Mrs. Abell, who was deeply interested in Lincoln, suggested that she would bring her sister back to New Salem if Lincoln would marry her. Lincoln, in his characteristic manner, partly in jest, said that if she came and he didn't marry her, it wouldn't be his fault. Of course, this was enough for any woman or group of women. The campaign was on! Mary Owens visited New Salem. She was tall and rather stout, and about twenty-five years of age during this courtship. She 30 THE LINCOLN STORY was the pride of her father; a lively and interesting young woman. There is considerable evidence concerning the development and ending of the courtship of Lincoln and Mary Owens. In a letter written on May 22, 1866, by Mary Owens to Mr. W. H. Herndon (law partner of Mr. Lincoln for many years), she explains one of the reasons she declined to marry Lincoln. "You say you have heard why our acquaintance terminated as it did. I, too, have heard the same bit of gossip; but I never used the remark which Madam Rumor says I did to Mr. Lincoln. I think I did on one occasion say to my sister, who was very anxious for us to be married, that I thought Mr. Lincoln was deficient in those little links which make up the chain of woman's happiness, — at least, it was so in my case." We quote from a letter Lincoln wrote to Miss Owens from Springfield, Illinois, on August 16, 1837, which can hardly be designated as a love letter: ''Friend Mary: "You will, no doubt, think it rather strange, that I should write you a letter on the same day on which we parted; and I can only account for it by supposing that seeing you lately makes me think of you more than usual, while at our late meeting we had but few expressions of thoughts. * * * I want, at this par- ticular time, more than anything else, to do right with you, and if I knew it would be doing right, as I rather suspect it would, to let you alone, I would do it. * * * Do not understand by this that I wish to cut your acquaintance. I mean no such thing. What I do wish is that our further acquaintance shall depend upon yourself. If such further acquaintance would contribute nothing to your happiness, I am sure it would not to mine. * * * Your Friend, Lincoln" CONCERNING THE GENTLER SEX 31 In none of the letters of either of the parties do we find any expression of deep emotion or passion. Sub- sequently, both Mary Owens and Lincoln married and established their separate homes, and a friendly interest existed throughout their lives. Lincoln proposed marriage in a quaint way to another estimable young lady, in 1840. He was finishing his last term in the state legislature and was thirty-one years old. Sarah Rickard was then only sixteen years old. Mr. Lin- coln had met Miss Rickard at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Butler, in Springfield. Sarah Rickard later wrote: "As an old friend I will answer the question propounded to me, though I can scarcely see what good it can do history. Mr. Lincoln did make a proposal of marriage to me in the summer, or perhaps later, in the year of 1840. He brought to my atten- tion the accounts in the Bible of the Patriarch Abraham's marriage to Sarah, and used that historical union as an argument in his own behalf. My reason for declining his proposal was the wide difference in our ages. I was then only sixteen, and had given the subject of matrimony but little, if any, thought. I entertained the highest regard for Mr. Lincoln. He seemed almost like an older brother, being, as it were, one of my sister's family." This proposal to young Miss Rickard is typical of Lincoln's attitude toward women. We can visualize the scene. In his awkward, diffident manner, he probably said: "Our names are Abraham and Sarah; the Biblical Abraham married Sarah; will you marry me?" She promptly replied : "No," 32 THE LINCOLN STORY Abraham Lincoln married Mary Todd, also a native of Kentucky, a relative of Dolly Madison's first husband. She was vivacious, impulsive, strong-willed, exceedingly attractive and was descended from a long line of dis- tinguished and aristocratic forebears. Mary Todd was proud of her heritage and lineage. To her everlasting credit it must be borne in mind that, although her parents were not friendly toward Lincoln (in fact, her father did not meet him until some years after the marriage), she, nevertheless, under exceedingly difficult circumstances, married a man in poverty, bore him four sons, and re- mained faithful and steadfast to the end. No one has ever questioned the sterling character and fine qualities of Mary Todd. On the other hand, she was domineering and extremely ambitious; in fact, she undoubtedly chose Lincoln in preference to Stephen A. Douglas because she felt, by some strange intuition, that Lincoln would become president. She remarked to several friends who were watching Lincoln's rather grotesque approaches to her, that she expected to marry the man who would be- come president. The date for the wedding was first set for New Year's Day of 1841. Lincoln, according to some narrators, simply absented himself from the wedding and failed to appear at the Edward's home where Mary Todd was awaiting him; others claim Lincoln broke the engage- ment by a personal call before the date fixed for the wedding. CONCERNING THE GENTLER SEX 33 At any rate, we know that friends criticized Lincoln and he himself came to the conclusion that he had not been fair to Mary Todd. He went to her to apologize. This meeting resulted in their marriage, which occurred on November 4, 1842, at the Edward's home. At the wedding, the Episcopal ceremony was performed by Rev. Charles Dresser, the first time that service had ever been observed in Springfield. On the bride's wedding ring were inscribed the words: "Love is Eternal/ ' Weeks later, Lincoln wrote to a friend : "Nothing new here, except my marriage, which to me is a matter of profound wonder." Mary Todd started her married life with Abraham Lincoln in the Globe Tavern in Springfield. They paid four dollars a week for room and board. Later, on April 23, 1844, they were able to buy a modest frame house, lo- cated at Eighth and Jackson Streets, Springfield, for $1500.00 — $1200.00 in cash and a lot valued at $300.00 on Adams Street, owned by Lincoln. They lived together until the assassination of Lincoln. At the time of the marriage Mary Todd was 23, Lincoln 33 years of age. Things never seemed to run smoothly in the Lincoln household. Mr. Lincoln was taciturn, Mrs. Lincoln inclined to be loquacious. Mr. Lincoln was indifferent to social activities and, in the best sense of the term, was a public servant throughout their married life. Mrs. Lincoln, on the other hand, by training and inclina- tion, loved to entertain and insisted on extensive social 34 THE LINCOLN STORY connections. As a practicing lawyer on the Eighth Circuit in Illinois, where he made a lasting impression as a great lawyer, he was away from home frequently for many months at a time. He was engrossed in politics during most of the twenty-three years of their married life. This was his chief interest. Mrs. Lincoln was well educated, an aristocrat by birth and training. She had many influential friends, both in Illinois and elsewhere, and had all of the "class" and charm of a "great lady." She con- tributed enormously to valuable contacts which helped raise Lincoln to the heights. Lincoln had a genuine affection for each of these seven fine women : for Nancy Hanks, his mother, who remained first and foremost in his heart; for Sarah Bush, who helped him with kindness and understanding during his period of training and growth into manhood; for little Kate Roby, for whom he had the affection of an adolescent boy for a school girl friend ; for Ann Rutledge, the attachment being perplexing and enigmatical; for Mary Owens, who rejected him because he lacked necessary sentimental qualities; for Sarah Rickard, for whom his feeling was evanescent and paradoxical in its nature ; for Mary Todd, resulting in a faithful marriage between two contrasting personalities under extremely difficult circumstances. And so, we conclude, when we look at the attitude of this man toward the gentler sex, that we must not treat him as a type. He simply did not fit in with the ways of the conventional, average man. Here, as in almost every CONCERNING THE GENTLER SEX 35 other phase of his unusual character, his approach to women was largely objective — therein lies the merit and difficulty in all these attachments. Abraham Lincoln had a great heart and his sympathies embraced all mankind. He was gentle by nature but gave the impression of being rather aloof and not easily approachable. He did not have any real confidants. He was a lonely man. It can be truthfully said of Lincoln that to him a woman was "arrayed with the sun, and the moon under her feet." "God is thy law; thou mine." John Milton (Paradise Lost) IV Husband and Father After his marriage, Abraham Lincoln wrote to a friend : "Are you possessing houses and lands, and oxen and asses and men servants and maid- servants, and begetting sons and daughters? We are not keeping house, but boarding at the Globe Tav- ern, which is very well kept now by a widow lady of the name of Beck. Our room (the same that Dr. Wallace occupied there) and board- ing only costs us four dollars a week." In another letter, in explaining the reason for not visiting Kentucky, he wrote : "I am so poor and make so little headway in the world that I drop back in a month of idleness as much as I gain in a year's sowing." There was a constant clash of different temperaments in the marital relationship of the Lincolns. The high- spirited wife, aristocratic, ambitious and impulsive, had great difficulty in restraining herself with this unusually taciturn but brilliant man. She understood all the fine qualities as well as the weaknesses of her husband, prob- 37 38 THE LINCOLN STORY ably more than any other person. She was a faithful wife to him, he was a faithful husband to her, over a long, stormy period of twenty-three years. There were four children born of this marriage, all sons. Joy and tragedy walked hand in hand in the Lincoln household. The first born was Robert Todd Lincoln, named after the father of Mrs. Lincoln. He was born on August 1, 1843, and died in 1926. He was the only son who achieved any distinction. The other boys died either in childhood or in their early youth. Robert was educated at Phillips- Exeter Academy and Harvard University. After gradu- ating from Harvard University, he entered Harvard Law School. On February 23, 1865, he became attached to the staff of General Grant, and served until the end of the war. He then resumed his law studies at Harvard, was admitted to the Bar in 1867, and practiced in Chicago until 1881. That year he was appointed Secretary of War in President James A. Garfield's Cabinet, in which position he con- tinued under President Chester A. Arthur. In 1881, he refused to be a candidate for President of the United States. Later he was named Minister to England by appointment of President Harrison. In 1893, he withdrew from public life and attained financial success in the busi- ness world. He first served as counsel for the Pullman Company; four years later, upon the death of George M. Pullman, he became president of that company. He resigned this position in 1911 and became chairman of the Board of Directors. He died a wealthy man. HUSBAND AND FATHER 39 Robert Todd Lincoln was a Todd by nature and had many of his mother's characteristics. He felt very keenly the overshadowing greatness of his father; in fact, at times he showed his resentment of this situation. Un- doubtedly, Robert Todd Lincoln would have been success- ful in his own right; the reflection of his father's greatness, however, kept him in the limelight. The next son, Edward Baker (Eddie) Lincoln, was born March 10, 1846, and died at the age of four years. The funeral services were held at the First Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Rev. James Smith, Pastor. William Wallace (Willie) Lincoln was born December 21, 1850, and died in 1862. Thomas (Tad) Lincoln was born in April, 1853, and died in 1871. All of these sons were born in Springfield, Illinois. Robert Todd, Willie and Tad lived with their parents in the White House and Willie died in the White House. Tad was generally accepted as the favorite of Mr. Lincoln. Many well-known photographs have been pre- served, showing the President with little Tad. Robert Todd was always the most stable boy in the family; the other three being rather untractable and spoiled youngsters. Many stories are told about the relationship of Lincoln with his children. One often repeated tale is that Lincoln would put the boys into a little wagon on Sunday after- noons and start with them to his law office. On the way, 40 THE LINCOLN STORY as he would hit rough places in the street, one or more of the children would fall off, and by the time he reached his office, he often had an empty wagon. He had not missed the children; so absorbed had he become in deep thought that he was oblivious to everything and every- body around him. When he discovered what had hap- pened, to the great amusement of his neighbors and friends, he would go back over the route he had taken, asking people if they had seen his children anywhere. Naturally, the eccentricities of Mr. Lincoln disturbed his wife. She would frequently lose her temper, scold him severely, and later, would suffer bitter remorse for these outbursts. She understood her husband well enough to realize that he was totally irresponsible for this sort of action. The boys loved to go to the office with their father. He would sit in his office chair and the children would run riot all over the place, pulling papers, documents and books from the shelves and out of the desk. They would create general havoc, climbing all over their father and leaving everything disheveled and upset. Mr. Herndon frequently remonstrated with Mr. Lincoln, his law partner, about this situation, but to no avail. Mr. Herndon said about Lincoln that "all of the rela- tives and friends called him the kindest father they had ever seen. He let the boys do whatever they pleased. Lincoln so adored his children he was deaf and dumb to their faults. He restrained them from nothing. * * * He had curious spells of abstraction in his home. Often at HUSBAND AND FATHER 41 meal time he would look straight ahead with unseeing eyes, oblivious of his surroundings and unconscious of the food before him." Mrs. Lincoln had difficulty in trying to get her husband to show proper concern for the importance of people in high position. While, undoubtedly, contacts she was able to make for him were of considerable value in his advance- ment, he was never impressed by wealth or high social position. His general physical makeup was awkward and he was careless about his clothing; in fact, he seemed to care very little about his appearance. This, naturally, was extremely disconcerting to a lady who had been reared in luxurious surroundings and who was accus- tomed to all the habits of "good society." So the lights and shadows in the married life of Abra- ham Lincoln were in great contrast. Mr. Lincoln felt that he was a failure in many ways. Certainly, he must have been a disappointment to his wife, because of her exceptional gifts as a hostess and because she had a natural feminine desire for an orderly, well-conducted household. His awkwardness and sensitivity, as well as the general disregard, on his part, of conventional demands, made it impossible for her to be at her best in her home among her guests and visitors. Nevertheless, we must never forget that Mrs. Lincoln, under extraordinarily difficult and trying circumstances, managed to maintain a semblance of orderly housekeeping and, what was more important to her, arranged to have her husband meet many im- 42 THE LINCOLN STORY portant and influential people. She also appreciated the fact that she was living with a man of unusual mental and spiritual qualities. There was no use scolding him because he had a childlike fear of his wife, which was somewhat pitiful, and naturally aggravated the situation. In the records of history, Lincoln is classed as a good but rather indifferent husband — indifferent in the sense that he was neglectful of the ordinary, everyday observ- ances of little rules and regulations which go to make up the sum total of living for most people. Lincoln lived in a world of reason and abstract thinking. He did not have close friends or companions; he was moody, very often disconsolate and absent-minded; his sense of humor was of the type, mostly, which conveyed a lesson and was usually couched in parable form. It is not strange, there- fore, that, being so completely detached from the average outlook on life, he appears to be a different person to many different people. We do not believe it is an over- statement to say that Lincoln was probably the least understood of all the presidents in our history. His wife tried dutifully to understand him and, in large measure, failed. This strain upon her, together with the loss of her two sons, undoubtedly contributed to her poor health, mental and physical, while she was in the White House. Lincoln was never able to accumulate much money, before he became president. He had the largest volume of law practice of any of the Springfield lawyers. Although he made one fee of $5000.00, representing the Illinois HUSBAND AND FATHER 43 Central Railway Company, nevertheless, according to his own account, when he was elected President of the United States in 1860, he listed his total assets, accumulated over a quarter of a century, including his home in Springfield, at about $15,000.00. This included eleven notes, each bearing ten per cent interest, varying in amounts from $150.00 to $3000.00, a total of $9,337.90. Of this amount, one-half was secured by mortgage. He also listed a Spring- field City bond worth at the time $666.67 and a certificate of six shares of Alton and Sangamon Railroad stock. However, after he became President, principally from his salary of $25,000.00 per year, he increased the original $15,000.00 to more than $85,000.00 at the time of his death. After the death of Lincoln, Justice David Davis, of the Supreme Court of the United States (appointed by Lincoln), administered his estate and handled it so judiciously that, by wise investment, when he made final distribution in the Probate Court, he had augmented the estate to $110,974.62. Justice Davis was one of the principal leaders at the Chicago convention in obtaining the nomination for the presidency for Abraham Lincoln in 1860. He had sat as a judge in the Eighth Circuit from 1848 to 1860, during which time Lincoln tried many cases before him. Lincoln excited the great admiration of Justice Davis for his legal acumen and great ability as a trial lawyer. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Lincoln claimed she had a very difficult time supporting herself from the 44 THE LINCOLN STORY income of her one-half of her husband's estate, the other one-half going to her son, Robert Todd Lincoln. In a letter to Justice David Davis, from Chicago, on September 12, 1865, among other statements, Mrs. Lincoln wrote: "Whilst we are passing our days at boarding houses, if my head was not bowed down with a sorrow deeper far than ever fell to the lot of a bereaved and heartbroken woman, with my natural pride I should feel greatly humiliated * * * for the present I accept our most uncomfortable state." Certainly, the most ardent admirers of Lincoln must concede that he was not a success as a father and husband. He was by nature endowed with talents which drove him mercilessly into the field of statecraft. His outlook on life was universal and general, not particular. He was probably more interested in the general welfare of people than in his own personal comfort. This applied equally in his attitude toward his family. He had a deep sense of obligation toward his family and in his peculiar way loved the members of the entire family, but he could or would not devote any but a small fraction of his attention to their interests. This undoubtedly hurt Mrs. Lincoln, although she was too proud and too big a person to com- plain about this failing of her husband. We close this phase of the life of this immortal character with the observation that his mind embraced too large a sphere for him to allow his own particular connections to assume undue prominence in the scheme of creation. The Prairie Lawyer — Master of us all 11 Vachel Lindsay V The Lawyer This prairie lawyer once said : " * * * If, in your judgment, you cannot be an honest lawyer, resolve to be honest without being a lawyer." On another occasion Lincoln said : "It is no use in my pre- senting a case if I do not believe in it, because any jury would see it in my face." Early in life, Abraham Lincoln gained the repu- tation of being rigidly honest and was af- fectionately known as "Honest Abe." In his first term in the Legislature, Lincoln made an important decision. In one of his autobiographies he said he was then considering the trade of a blacksmith, and also "thought of trying to study law." He thought, how- ever, that he could not succeed in being a lawyer without a better education. We can imagine how important was his decision to become a lawyer, not only as it affected his career, but the whole future of the nation. His mighty 47 48 THE LINCOLN STORY physique would have made him a competent blacksmith, and he considered this with great seriousness. In this term of the Legislature he met John T. Stuart, a fellow- member (cousin of Mary Todd), who persuaded him to study and prepare himself to become a lawyer. Mr. Lincoln was admitted to the Illinois Bar in 1837, while serving in the State Legislature, at the age of twenty-eight years. The Legislature was then meeting in Vandalia, Illinois. He formed a partnership with John T. Stuart, and started practicing in Springfield, Illinois, in 1837. Mr. Stuart was one of the leading lawyers in Springfield. The population of Springfield at that time was about nine thousand. Later, in 1841, Lincoln became the junior partner of former Judge Stephen T. Logan, a prominent and pros- perous lawyer. This partnership lasted only two years, partly because both were seeking the nomination to Congress, and also because the son of Mr. Logan was studying law in this office and later became associated with his father in the practice. Mr. Lincoln lost the nomination to Congress in that year. Later Lincoln formed a partnership with William H. Herndon (who had also been a law clerk in the office of Judge Logan), under the firm name of Lincoln and Herndon. Mr. Herndon was the son of one of Lincoln's closest political friends, Archer G. Herndon. This firm lasted until the death of Lincoln. They practiced law together over a period of sixteen years. Mr. Lincoln, upon being elected President, THE LAWYER 49 informed Mr. Herndon that he did not want their shingle removed from in front of the building, because, upon his return to Springfield, he desired to resume the practice of the law with Mr. Herndon. Mr. Lincoln became a famous lawyer in the Eighth Circuit of Illinois, where he practiced for twenty-three years, and undoubtedly was the outstanding lawyer in the State of Illinois in his time. There is a record of 178 cases in which he appeared as counsel in the Supreme Court of Illinois; he won 92 of these cases. He appeared in 12 cases in the United States Circuit Court, of which he won 7. He was counsel in 3 cases in the United States Supreme Court, winning 2. In the trial courts, he was attorney in about 2000 cases. Prior to his admission to the Bar, Mr. Lincoln appeared before a Justice of the Peace, the celebrated Bowling Green of New Salem, and tried small cases, without com- pensation. Many stories are related of the rough and ready practice of this rustic dispenser of justice, who weighed 250 pounds, and who loved the inimitable man- nerisms of Lincoln and the droll illustrations he gave. Mr. Lincoln, because of his unique character and evident earnestness and natural ability as an advocate, gained widespread reputation. He was a man of the people, a true prairie lawyer, who spoke in the vernacular of the day. Any notion, however, that Lincoln indulged in "clowning" or the burlesquing of any situation in which 50 THE LINCOLN STORY he appeared is clearly erroneous. Mr. Lincoln was deadly serious in everything he did. From the beginning of his law practice, Lincoln was known as a compromiser and conciliator. It was not infrequent for both sides, in impending litigation, to agree to be bound by any decision he might make. Lincoln rapidly gained the reputation of being fair and honorable and a sincere peacemaker. However, no one proved more formidable than Lincoln in the court room. Those who knew him well feared his great ability and persuasive qualities before court and jury. His real strength was that, because he was so patently honest, the courts and juries would accept his statements as truth. Not that Lincoln did not make mistakes, but he was never known to pur- posely misrepresent or misconstrue any cause in which he appeared as attorney. Albert A. Woldman in "Lawyer Lincoln" has this to say about Lincoln as a lawyer: "He believed that to be a real lawyer one had to be honest intellectually as well as morally. He had no patience with the popular conception that no lawyer could be thoroughly honest.' A man with these qualities possessed the fundamental essentials of a good lawyer. While it was not technically legal, Judge David Davis, during his absence from court, often authorized Lincoln to act as Judge, when both sides agreed, which they usually did. Most of Lincoln's decisions were accepted as correct, although there are records of several cases decided THE LAWYER 51 by Lincoln, which were taken to the Supreme Court of Illinois and reversed. For some years before being elected President, Lincoln served as one of the State Bar ex- aminers. Mr. Lincoln neither drank nor smoked. He did not drink intoxicants because he did not like them, and he did not smoke for the same reason. As a sample of his keenness in repartee, he was once asked by Judge Douglas whether he was a temperance man. With a smile, Mr. Lincoln immediately replied: "I am not a temperance man but I am temperate in this, I don't drink." In the partnership of Logan and Lincoln, we find a strange combination. Mr. Logan was ambitious to make money and confined himself very closely to the details of his profession. On the other hand, Mr. Lincoln was easy- going, unsystematic in his methods, and without the slightest inclination toward wealth. He told Mr. Logan: "Wealth is simply a superfluity of things we don't need." Logan died a rich man; Lincoln died a great man. Once Lincoln said to his son, Robert, (in 1864) when he favored the return of Robert to Harvard Law School: "If you become a lawyer you will probably make more money at it than I did, but you won't have half the fun." It is interesting to note that Stephen A. Douglas, the most formidable of Lincoln's opponents throughout his career, was a member of the Supreme Court of Illinois (1841-1843) when the case of Bailey vs. Cromwell, re- ported in 4 Illinois Reports, at page 71, was argued. In UBRAfW UNlVERSntOflUiWO» 52 THE LINCOLN STORY this case, decided in the July Term of 1841, Abraham Lincoln appeared for the appellant, Bailey, and his former partner, S. T. Logan, appeared for the appellees. Lincoln had lost his case in the trial court and in the intermediate court, but the Supreme Court reversed both of the lower courts. Thus Lincoln won this case. Not only was a difficult legal principle involved, but the case was a portent of future events in which Judge Douglas and Mr. Lincoln were to play the leading roles. The facts were that a note had been given in consideration of the sale of a Negro girl. The lower courts held that the owner had a right to sell her as his property and entered a judgment against Lincoln's client in the sum of $431.97. The Supreme Court of Illinois decided that, under the laws of Illinois, the sale of free persons is illegal and that there had been a failure of proof that this girl was not a free person; there- fore, there could be no recovery on this note. While there were technical and procedural questions involved, this legal victory for Lincoln was carried out in his political philosophy in later years, especially in his debates with Judge Douglas in the senatorial campaign of 1858. Lincoln in volume of cases tried during this period of twenty-three years, probably had as many appearances as any prominent present-day lawyer. He handled, as does every lawyer, many unimportant matters. However, as the records of the Supreme Court of Illinois and the Federal Courts show, he also appeared in many important cases and would probably be considered what members of THE LAWYER 53 the Bar call "a lawyer's lawyer." He represented several railroads; he was special counsel for municipalities; he represented insurance companies, bridge companies, sever- al manufacturing companies and partnerships, and also served as special prosecutor for the State in several instances. One of the best known of the cases in which he appeared was that of McCormick vs. Manny. Lincoln was employed to defend a Mr. Manny in an action brought by McCormick, the inventor of the reaping machine, for infringement of his patent. Lincoln had been recommended to Manny by a prominent member of the Bar of Illinois. Only a leader of the Bar, of the first class, would have been selected by a fellow-lawyer for this type of case. The case was argued in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the Circuit Court of the United States, in 1855. McCormick was represented by Mr. Reverdy Johnson, considered by many the outstanding lawyer of his day. Edwin M. Stanton and General Harding of Philadelphia were em- ployed with Mr. Lincoln to represent Manny. Lincoln had looked forward to this experience with much en- thusiasm because of the high rating of the other lawyers, on both sides, and because he was particularly anxious to prove his skill with such masters of the law. Mr. Stanton snubbed Mr. Lincoln, both outside of the court room and in court, and refused to read Lincoln's brief, which the latter had prepared with infinite care and skill. Mr. Lincoln was allowed to sit in the court room, but did not take an active part in the trial. He went back to Spring- 54 THE LINCOLN STORY field very much dejected, both by reason of the discourtesy shown him by Mr. Stanton and also because he had not been given the opportunity to show his legal ability. Lincoln's greatness of character was never more manifest than when he later appointed Edwin M. Stanton as Secretary of War in his Cabinet; further, Lincoln was loyal to Stanton and defended him from many attacks, because he felt that Stanton was the best person for this difficult position. One of Lincoln's colleagues in the McCormick-Manny case said : "When I first saw him standing at the head of the steps of the Burnet House in Cincinnati, he looked like a tall, rawly boned, ungainly backwoodsman, with coarse, ill-fitting clothing, his trousers hardly reaching his ankles, holding in his hands a blue cotton umbrella with a ball on the end of the handle." Stanton described Lincoln as "A long, lank creature from Illinois, wearing a dirty linen duster for a coat, on the back of which the perspiration had splotched wide stains that resembled a map of the continent/ ' Lincoln proved his true humility by stating to a friend, later: "I am going home to study law. You know that for any rough and tumble case I am good enough for any man we have out in that country, but these college-trained men are coming West. They have all the advantages of a life-long training in the law, plenty of time to study and everything, perhaps, to fit them. Soon they will be in Illinois and I must meet them. I am just going home to study law and when they appear, I will be ready." THE LAWYER 55 Lincoln was greatly impressed by the presentation of Stanton and Harding, and never forgot Stanton's evident ability. We must bear in mind that when Stanton showed his aversion to Lincoln in the Manny law suit tried in Cin- cinnati his language was characteristic. Stanton was a great lawyer, honest and very blunt, often given to ex- plosive statements. We feel that Stanton greatly colored his remarks, which present a caricature rather than a true picture of the real Lincoln. At any rate, Stanton was judging Lincoln by his outward appearance, which was undoubtedly in great contrast to the well-groomed lawyers who appeared in this celebrated case. On February 12, 1896, in the Marquette Club in Chicago, William McKinley, himself a capable lawyer, (who was elected President of the United States in 1896) said: "The best training he (Lincoln) had for the presidency, after all, was his twenty-three years of arduous experience as a lawyer traveling the circuits of the courts of his district and state. Here he met in forensic conflict, and frequently defeated, some of the most powerful legal minds of the West. In the higher courts he won still greater distinction in the important cases coming to his charge." A half-century ago, on November 13, 1900, Honorable Joseph A. Choate, one of America's great lawyers, in an address on Lincoln at Edinburgh, Scotland, said: "I lay great stress on Lincoln's career as a lawyer — much more than his biographers do; . . . and I am sure his training and experience in the courts had much to do with the develop- 56 THE LINCOLN STORY ment of those forces of intellect and character which he soon displayed on a broader arena." Lord Shaw, eminent English jurist, said that in his judgment the five greatest lawyers of all time were: Papinianus Grotius Duncan-Forbes Mansfield Lincoln In my judgment, the truest appraisal of Lincoln the Lawyer was made by Justice Breese (a member of the Illinois Supreme Court Bench), on behalf of the Bench, in response to a memorial presented to the Court by a former Chief Justice of the Court, on May 3, 1865. On that date, the Supreme Court of Illinois held memorial services for Mr. Lincoln in the Supreme Court room at Ottawa, Illinois. Said Mr. Justice Breese: "It becomes us to speak of him only as a man and as a lawyer - - as a member of an honorable profession from whose ranks have been taken in times of the greatest emergency men whose high destiny it has been not only to guide the car of victory, but to sustain the weight of empire. Not deeply read in his pro- fession, Mr. Lincoln was never found deficient in all the knowl- edge requisite to present the strong points of his case to the best advantage, and by his searching analysis, make clear the most intricate controversy. He was, besides, an honest lawyer prac- ticing none of the chicanery of the profession to which he was devoted, nor any of those mean and little and shuffling and dishonorable arts all do not avoid; nor did he seek an advantage over his adversary to which he was not fairly entitled by the merits of his cause and by the force of his arguments. With an exterior by no means polished, with nothing in the outward man to captivate, there was that within him, glowing in his mind, which enabled him to impress, by the force of his logic, his own THE LAWYER 57 clear perceptions upon the minds of those he sought to influence. He was, therefore, a successful lawyer, but bore with humility the distinction he had won. For my single self I have for a quarter of a century regarded Mr. Lincoln as the fairest lawyer I ever knew, and of a professional bearing so high-toned and honorable as justly and without derogating from the claims of others, entitling him to be presented to the profession as a model well worthy of the closest imitation." So Abraham Lincoln maintained the most honorable and scrupulous attitude in an honorable profession. His fellow-lawyers knew his worth and weaknesses more than any other group. We feel that Mr. Lincoln's greatness as a statesman, President, and world figure is based primarily upon his painstaking ethical deportment and brilliant mental attainments as a member of the Illinois Bar. In fact, in any law school in America, the reading of the cases in which he appeared and the background of his life, including his legal and judicial conduct, should be the cardinal requirements in the study of legal ethics. "To thine own set} be true" Shakespeare VI The Politician On the wall of the entrance to the Administration Building of the Lincoln Memorial University, located at Harrogate, Tennessee, only a few miles from the Oak Ridge atom bomb plant, is framed a por- tion of the address de- livered by Abraham Lincoln before the Young Men's Lyceum of Spring- field, Illinois, on Janu- ary 27, 1838, when he was twenty-eight years of age: "At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some trans-Atlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined with all the treasure of the earth in their military chest, with a Bona- parte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track in the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. "At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be ex- pected? I answer, if it ever reaches us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we 59 60 THE LINCOLN STORY must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we must live through all time or die by suicide." While this address in no way compares with the majestic utterances made by him during his occupancy of the White House, it shows that from his early years Lincoln was master of the spoken word, with universal ideas, applicable in every crisis of our democracy. Lincoln was active in public affairs from his early manhood. At the age of twenty-three, he was a candidate for the legislature in Illinois, but was defeated. In his precinct, in New Salem, the vote was 277 for him and 7 against him. He was not yet well enough known outside of his own district to carry his county. In the same year he had come back with the New Salem Volunteers from the so-called Black Hawk-Indian War. He was elected Captain of the New Salem Company, which was formed as a part of the Voluntary State Militia. Later, he often told many funny stories at his own expense, growing out of this bloodless campaign. He returned to New Salem just two weeks before the election. In one of his speeches, he said : "I have been solicited by many friends to become a candidate for the legislature. My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman's dance. I am in favor of a national bank. I am in favor of the internal-improvements system and a high protective tariff. These are my sentiments and political principles. If elected I shall be thankful; if not, it will be all the same." Four times thereafter, however, he was elected to this office, serving from 1834-1842. Prior to 1834, he had THE POLITICIAN 61 served for a short time as deputy surveyor of Sangamon County; he had also acted as postmaster at New Salem, Illinois. It has been repeatedly told that he carried the post office in his high, "stove-pipe' ' hat. This position paid so little that he was also splitting rails and helping at the mill and doing other hard work in addition, to obtain a slender income. Besides, he had worked as a clerk in the village store. In 1836, at the age of twenty-seven, as candidate for re-election to the State Legislature, Lincoln anticipated woman's suffrage. Throughout his career he advocated, either directly or indirectly, equal rights of suffrage for women. He said, in this campaign : "I go for all sharing the privileges of the government who assist in sharing its burdens. Consequently I go for admitting all whites to the right of suffrage who pay taxes or bear arms (by no means excluding females)." In the following year of 1837, when the abolitionist Lovejoy was murdered at Alton, Illinois, Lincoln placed in the record of the State Legislature his protest concern- ing certain resolutions passed by this Body condemning the abolition movement. Lincoln said : "The institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy, but the promulgation of abolition doctrines tends rather to increase than to abate its evils." In the same year of 1837 Lincoln was admitted to practice law at the Illinois Bar. In 1846, he was elected to the United States Congress. His opponent was a famous traveling evangelist, Peter 62 THE LINCOLN STORY Cartwright, who was a frontier preacher of great elo- quence. An interesting event occurred during this cam- paign. Mr. Cartwright was holding a mass meeting under a tent and was combining preaching and politics, with great fervor. In his most persuasive manner, Mr. Cart- wright was exhorting the people to follow the path of righteousness and good living. In a dramatic way, he asked all of those who expected to go to Heaven to stand up. Most of the audience stood. Then he asked those who expected to go in the opposite direction to stand up. The rest arose, in a spirit of levity, except Mr. Lincoln. He had unobtrusively strolled into the meeting and sat in the rear seat. Mr. Cartwright, expecting to make a point against his rival, said, in a loud voice: "Well, Mr. Lincoln, you are the only one who remains seated. Where do you expect to go?" Mr. Lincoln in his drawling fashion replied: "I expect to go to Congress," and slowly walked out of the meeting. While in Congress, Mr. Lincoln's outspoken criticism of the Administration's Mexican policy made him very unpopular, although he was reflecting the position of the Whig Party. He went back to Illinois and resumed the practice of the law, at the end of one term, under the firm belief that he was through with politics forever, and could start accumulating a little money for the future support of his family. He often said that his political activities caused him to lose any opportunity to earn a fair living. However, although between 1848 and 1854, THE POLITICIAN 63 Lincoln was nominally inactive, he was still known as one of the leaders of the Whig Party in Illinois. In January, 1854, his big chance to attract public attention came to him. Stephen A. Douglas, chairman of the Committee on Territories, had recommended in the Senate, in the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, that the voters of the territories of Kansas and Nebraska should decide for themselves whether they desired slavery or otherwise. The Bill was passed. Douglas was the outstanding leader of "Home Rule" in the territories. His announcement in 1854 made a clear-cut issue and Lincoln was the logical man to oppose him. On October 4, 1854, at the annual State Fair at Springfield, before a tremendous crowd, so effec- tive was a speech delivered by Lincoln that the aboli- tionists attempted to commit him to their cause, without success. He continued his open opposition to the Douglas policies and was active in Illinois in organizing the new Republican Party. The Republican party came into existence in Illinois at Bloomington, May 29, 1856. Abraham Lincoln made a speech at this Convention which his partner, Herndon, said was "the grand effort of his life." Ten days later the action of the Bloomington Conven- tion was confirmed at Springfield. Lincoln had been named as one of the presidential electors and canvassed the State, making in all about fifty speeches. He seemed to be in demand everywhere and had adopted an issue for the newly-formed Party, with himself as its principal 64 THE LINCOLN STORY champion. In the same year the national Republican Convention was held in Philadelphia and nominated John C. Fremont for President. Lincoln received 110 votes for the Vice-Presidency, but he was not nominated. In his characteristic fashion, Lincoln said, when in- formed about this vote: "This must be some other fellow by the name of Lincoln who was named. It couldn't be me." Then, on March 7, 1857, the country was electrified when the aged Chief Justice, Roger B. Taney, read the opinion of the majority of the United States Supreme Court in the noted Dred Scott Decision. Dred Scott was a negro slave who had been taken into free terri- tory. Justice Taney held that he was not entitled to his freedom by reason of his having been brought into free territory. It was also held in the majority opinion that a negro could not become a citizen, had no legal rights, and therefore could not sue; moreover, that slaves were property and that Congress had no more power over slave property than over chattels of any other description. Lincoln openly attacked this decision as erroneous and declared that he would do everything within his power to have it changed. In his future public debates with Douglas and others he followed closely the line of reasoning of dissenting Justice Curtis. In 1858 the Republican Party of Illinois nominated Lincoln for the United States Senate. From then on THE POLITICIAN 65 his career was built largely upon his debates in this senatorial campaign in which Stephen A. Douglas, the Democratic candidate, was his opponent. Douglas was the exact opposite of Lincoln in his personal appear- ance, his technique as a lawyer, and his strategy as a public official. Stephen A. Douglas was born in 1813 and died at the age of forty-eight. He was small in stature, with large head and shoulders, and was always well-groomed. He was called the "Little Giant," giving "the image of power under close compression/ ' He was a polished and skillful orator; he might be termed in present-day parlance a "rabble rouser," as he appealed largely to the emotions of his audiences. Abraham Lincoln was tall, awkward, and melan- choly. He gave no outward sign of his great genius. To the multitudes, Douglas was the "man of the hour." The lawyers with whom these two men had worked for many years, however, had a saying that "with a good case, Lincoln is the best lawyer in the state, but in a bad case, Douglas is the best lawyer the state can produce." Lincoln was careless about his dress. No greater contrast can be presented in history. Each had an abiding respect, however, for the other. It is said that when Lincoln was inaugurated the first time as President, in 1861, the year of Mr. Douglas' death, Senator Douglas held the hat of Mr. Lincoln, saying that he was proud to have this privilege. The Convention which nominated Lincoln for 66 THE LINCOLN STORY United States Senator was held in Springfield on June 16, 1858. At this Convention, Lincoln gave one of his immortal addresses, which startled the entire country and which presented the foundation of the political creed of Mr. Lincoln. This was the famous "House Divided' ' speech. If we compare this speech with his early political addresses, we can realize the tremendous development in his intellectual, moral, and persuasive powers : " * * * 'A house divided against itself cannot stand/ I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect that it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other." Douglas characterized the "House Divided Against Itself" speech as highly dangerous, "advocating boldly and clearly a war of factions." Douglas further de- nounced Lincoln's "warfare upon the Supreme Court of the United States because of their decision in the Dred Scott Case." Lincoln replied: "We believe as much as Judge Douglas (perhaps more) in obedience to and respect for the judicial department of govern- ment. But we think the Dred Scott decision is erroneous. We know the court that made it has often overruled its own de- cisions, and we shall do what we can to have it overrule this." Shortly thereafter, Lincoln challenged Douglas to seven debates. The first debate between the "Little Giant" and the "Giant Killer" occurred at Ottawa, THE POLITICIAN 67 Illinois, on August 21, 1858, the last one at Alton, Illinois, on October 15 of the same year. It was ap- parent throughout these memorable debates that Doug- las was appealing to the emotions and Lincoln to the reason of the people. While Douglas emerged as the victor as a result of this campaign, Lincoln received more votes from the people than Douglas. Douglas was declared elected by the Legislature by reason of the system of voting by districts. Lincoln had laid a firm foundation for his future, and felt secure in the knowl- edge that he had driven a wedge between the northern and southern Democrats which would defeat Douglas in any Presidential campaign in the future. The strategy of Lincoln in his political debates was superb. He was willing to accept temporary defeat to gain the greater victory. Douglas was a talented debater and popular politician and statesman. In the first of these seven debates, Douglas asked a series of pertinent questions. In the next debate, at Freeport, August 27, 1858, Lincoln answered them clearly. In turn, however, he propounded four ques- tions, the second of which confounded Douglas and which Douglas was never able to answer satisfactorily; this was the real cause of his future downfall and en- tangled him in a paradoxical situation in which he was sure to lose either the northern or the southern Demo- cratic vote, whichever way he answered. The second question propounded by Lincoln was: 68 THE LINCOLN STORY "Can the people of a United States territory, in any lawful way, against the wishes of any citizen of the United States, exclude slavery from its limits prior to the formation of a state constitution?" The most influential friends of Lincoln advised him not to ask this question, but Mr. Lincoln foresaw that this was to be a national issue and that it would be sure to split the Democratic Party in 1860. In other words, if Mr. Douglas answered in such a way as to satisfy the Illinois voters, Lincoln foresaw that Douglas would lose the southern votes; if he answered to the contrary, he would not be elected to the Senate. Douglas' reply satisfied the voters of Illinois in the immediate election, but the soundness of Lincoln's position became more evident as the years went on. At Freeport, Lincoln said : "I am impliedly, if not expressly, pledged to a belief in the right and duty of Congress to prohibit slavery in all the United States territories. ,, In the third debate at Jonesboro, Illinois, given on September 15, 1858, Lincoln said: "I say, in the way our fathers originally left the slavery question, the institution was in the course of ultimate extinction, and the public mind rested in the belief that it was in the course of ultimate extinction. I say, when this government was first established, it was the policy of its founders to prohibit the spread of slavery into the new territories of the United States, where it had not existed. All I have asked or desired anywhere is that it should be placed back again upon the basis that the fathers of our government originally placed it." THE POLITICIAN 69 He reiterated the same keynote of his talks in the fourth debate at Charleston, Illinois, September 18, 1858, and with added emphasis; in the fifth debate at Galesburg, Illinois, on October 7, 1858; also in the sixth debate held at Quincy, Illinois, October 13, 1858, as well as in the seventh and last debate at Alton, Illinois, on October 15, 1858. In other words, Lincoln was standing on well- established constitutional principles. He did not argue directly against the prohibition of slavery in the States where it had existed, although he constantly expressed his revulsion toward the system. He pleaded eloquently and with the logic of a master lawyer against the illegal extension of slavery. His thesis was that if the per- nicious issue of human slavery could be "localized," it would utterly die out, because the system was "per se" morally wrong. Lincoln has been charged with being "one of the shrewdest, sharpest and adroitest politicians in the country." Suffice it to say that he often followed in- direct methods to attain his ends, but usually reached the goal toward which he was aiming. We believe that one of the best analyses of Lincoln's political career is the following, by Mr. Horace White, one of Lincoln's contemporaries: "The popular conception of Mr. Lincoln as one not seeking public honors, but not avoiding public duties, is a post-bellum growth, very wide of the mark. He was entirely human in this regard, but his desire for political preferment was hedged about 70 THE LINCOLN STORY by a sense of obligation to the truth which nothing could shake. This fidelity to truth was ingrained and unchangeable. In all the speeches I ever heard him make — and they were many — he never even insinuated an untruth, nor did he ever fail when stating his opponent's positions to state them fully and fairly." As Mr. White, who knew Mr. Lincoln well, said, "fidelity to truth' ' seemed to be the central purpose of his life. No greater accomplishment could be attained by any human being. Lincoln throughout his political career was true to himself and therefore was not false to any man. 11 Never dreamed tho right were worsted wrong would triumph" Robert Browning VII War President On October 19, 1860, Mr. Lincoln wrote the following letter to a little girl, in response to her request that he grow a beard : j - — = ==, "Miss Grace Bedell: _ — iH^h " =r Your very agreeable letter yk\ m^^w^^m^^ == of the 15th is received. I re- //^^m^^^^^^^m^W^^^^^Ty^Z gret the necessity of saying §|\ Tl ff|W "' ^^^fe^^^^ J\ f I have no daughter. I have J % jdML^ii J\ 1 I three sons — one seventeen, ^^»^^^^^w[^f^_/^ \\() one nine, and one seven %$n *mM \\ \^~^ years of age. They, with W$i ^$57 t-tI their mother, constitute my m \ fr^sk Bm a kJw whole family. As to the _3\V>-4^^^^Vf ^-^^^^T whiskers, having never worn yj^ — ]^^ J^M any, do you not think peo- " pie would call it a piece of silly affectation if I were to begin now? "Your very sincere well wisher, "A. Lincoln." Notwithstanding his query in this quaint letter, he started to grow a beard. We are all familiar with the many photographs of Lincoln, the President, always with a beard. Up to the time he wrote this letter, he 73 74 THE LINCOLN STORY had no beard. The incident is typical of many strange actions of Lincoln. The first choice for President of the Republican National Convention held at Chicago in 1860 was William H. Seward, later Lincoln's Secretary of State. Most Eastern papers had not mentioned Lincoln as a possibility. Other candidates nominated at this Con- vention were all mentioned, including William H. Seward, Edward Bates, Simon Cameron, John McLean, and Salmon P. Chase. The spearhead of the support for Lincoln was a group of prominent lawyers from the Eighth Circuit of Illinois, including Judge David Davis, Norman B. Judd, Ward Hill Lamon, William H. Herndon, Joseph Gillespie, and many others. Norman B. Judd, General Counsel of the Rock Island Railroad Company, placed the name of Lincoln before the Convention (after William H. Seward had also been named) in these words: "I desire on behalf of the delegates from Illinois to put in nomination as the candidate for the president of the United States Abraham Lincoln of Illinois." Mr. Seward led on the first two ballots, but without sufficient votes to nominate him. On the third ballot there was a tremendous stampede in the Convention for Lincoln, largely engineered by Ward Hill Lamon, who was the bodyguard of Mr. Lincoln on his entrance in the dead of night into Washington on his way to the presidency. Lamon had diligently and systematically WAR PRESIDENT 75 placed Lincoln "rooters" in strategic places in the Convention Hall. At the psychological moment, Judge Logan, one of the delegates from Springfield, arose and shouted : "Mr. President, in order or out of order, I propose that this Convention and audience give three cheers for the man who is evidently their nominee." All the time Judge Logan, his former law partner, had a letter from Mr. Lincoln in his pocket authorizing him to withdraw his name whenever his friends decided to do so. On the morning of March 4, 1861, Lincoln rode in an open barouche from the hotel in Washington to the Capitol with President Buchanan for the inaugural ceremonies. The oath of office was administered by the aged Chief Justice Taney, who had written the Dred Scott decision. There were fifty armed soldiers concealed beneath the inaugural platform. Every mili- tary precaution for the safety of the new President had been taken along the line of march. There was an air of apprehension manifest everywhere. There was still general fear of assassination of Mr. Lincoln. On his way to Washington from Springfield he was advised of a plot to assassinate him. The inaugural address at this time was an impassioned appeal to the people of both the north and the south to avert impending conflict. Lincoln closed this address with these memorable words : 76 THE LINCOLN STORY "I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." Thus spoke this once poor little desolate boy from the Kentucky wilderness, the flat-boatman, rail-splitter, surveyor, country lawyer and politician, friend of the people. Dennis Hanks had said that Abraham Lincoln would never amount to much — this same Abraham Lincoln had become the sixteenth President of the United States. Lincoln had prepared his first inaugural address in Springfield. He had locked himself in his room. His partner, Herndon, was much surprised to learn that the only authorities Lincoln used in the preparation of this immortal address were Henry Clay's speech delivered in 1850, Andrew Jackson's Proclamation Against Nulli- fication, a copy of the United States Constitution, and Webster's Reply to Hayne. Lincoln regarded Webster's Reply as the finest specimen of American oratory. Lincoln had a premonition that he would not live through his term as President. He was melancholy and depressed a great deal of the time. Once, when he was acting in a facetious manner in the White House, a visitor seemed to be shocked; whereupon, Mr. Lincoln said that at times he felt he would go mad and that WAR PRESIDENT 77 he was obliged to relax by reading humorous stories and telling anecdotes. The first and one of the greatest difficulties which confronted Lincoln as President was the selection of his Cabinet. He chose the leading aspirants in the Republi- can Convention at Chicago in 1860, none of whom was a close personal friend. Most of them greatly misunder- stood the President. The following three selections were former Whigs: William Henry Seward of New York, Secretary of State, aged 60. Caleb Blood Smith of Indiana, Secretary of the Interior, aged 52. Edward Bates of Missouri, Attorney General, aged 68, the first choice of Lincoln. The following four were Democrats : Salmon P. Chase of Ohio, Secretary of the Treasury, in his 50th year. Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania, Secretary of War, who was over 60 (shortly succeeded by Edwin M. Stanton). Montgomery Blair of Maryland (born in Kentucky), Post- master General, aged 48 years. Gideon Welles of Connecticut, Secretary of the Navy, aged 58. When Lincoln was reminded of the fact that he had appointed three Republicans and four Democrats, he is quoted as having said that "he also was a member of the Cabinet, which made the political strength at least equal." The average age of Lincoln's Cabinet 78 THE LINCOLN STORY was 55 years; Lincoln himself was 51 years old when he became President. Upon the urgency of Lincoln, Cameron later resigned and was appointed as Minister to Russia. Edwin M. Stanton was appointed his suc- cessor. Edwin M. Stanton was selected as Secretary of War at the suggestion of Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury. At the time, Lincoln said that Stanton did not like him and had offended him once. In offering the position to Stanton, the President said : "This is a time of war. * * * The life of the nation is in danger. I need the best counsellors about me. I have every confidence in your judgment. * * * Will you accept the position? * * * " Stanton replied : "Mr. President, you take me by surprise." In a few days, he accepted. Chase and Seward were far more extreme in their attitude against the South than was Lincoln. Lincoln wa,s looking forward to the day when there would be peace between brother and brother and other kindred who were divided on the "irreconcilable conflict" be- tween the two sections, North and South. In the actual pursuit of the war, however, Lincoln was uncompro- mising in his determination that any and every method of warfare, which could be used to bring the North a necessary victory to preserve the nation, must be followed. In all American history, no man has been more mis- WAR PRESIDENT 79 understood or maligned than Abraham Lincoln. His was a complex nature. Very often his conduct of affairs did not coincide with his original intention. This was because, very frequently, Lincoln acted upon his own judgment and without advice. He was, however, ex- tremely loyal to the members of his Cabinet. A story is told that a friend went to Lincoln and said that Stan- ton was criticising him. Mr. Lincoln replied: "Well, Mr. Stanton is usually right." This ended the incident. Mr. Stanton frequently tendered his resignation, but Lincoln would not accept it. As a matter of fact, from the time Stanton took charge of his position as Secretary of War, the army seemed to become cognizant of the fact that here was a head who would unrelentingly build up a compact, fighting, victorious host. His appoint- ment was the salvation of Lincoln's war aims. Too much credit cannot be given him. One of the chief conflicts between Lincoln and Stan- ton was the apparent inability of Mr. Lincoln to resist an appeal to pardon soldiers guilty of infraction of military rules, which to Lincoln did not seem impor- tant. A congressman who had heard that a friend of his in the Army had been court-martialled and had been sentenced to be shot, could get nowhere with Stanton. He decided to appeal to the President. Late at night, he persisted in seeing the President and ex- citedly said: "This man must not be shot. I cannot allow him to be shot." "Well," said the President in 80 THE LINCOLN STORY reply, "I do not believe shooting will do him any good. Give me that pen." And so, the pardon, of course, was granted. The firing upon Fort Sumter was the overt act which precipitated the bloodiest and most terrible civil war in recent times. General George B. McClellan, idol of the people, had been given supreme command of the northern troops. It developed that General McClellan was a magnificent drill master, but not the ' 'driver" and leader of precipitate action, which events required. Lincoln and the North experienced a terrible shock when the result of the Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861, was received. The Federal Army was defeated and hurled back to the Potomac. The North was despon- dent, the South jubilant. To make matters worse, there were difficulties with Great Britain and France. Both Great Britain and France were friendly to the Con- federacy due to the cotton trade. The fortunes of war during the military campaign of 1861 and the summer of 1862 turned against the North. The Southern armies were in command of General Robert E. Lee, recognized generally as one of America's greatest soldiers. In fact, it is said that Lincoln had offered the command of the Union armies to General Lee, who had refused, feeling that his first duty was to his native State of Virginia. WAR PRESIDENT 81 The time had come to effectuate a great moral issue in order to stimulate and invigorate the morale of the North. In April, 1862, Congress purchased and freed all slaves in the District of Columbia and two months later abolished slavery throughout the public domain. On September 22, 1862, after the Battle of Antietam, the President issued a preliminary Proclamation of Emancipation, in which he warned the South that unless the seceded states returned to the Union by January 1, 1863, all slaves would be declared free. Antie- tam was an indecisive, but technical victory for the North and a sufficient excuse for this proclamation. Mr. Lincoln had gone so far as to urge upon his Cabinet compensated emancipation. He suggested that a sum of four hundred million dollars should be paid to the slave owners in such of the States as would cease re- sistance; however, the border states were opposed to the plan, and the Cabinet disapproved, unanimously. On January 1, 1863, Lincoln signed the formal Emanci- pation Proclamation, which ranks with Magna Charta and the Declaration of Independence among human liberty documents. Prior to the signing of this Proclamation, prominent anti-slavery protagonists, including Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," were constantly assailing Lincoln's policy of procrastination, as it was called. Lincoln quaintly remarked about Greeley's bitter attack against him that Greeley reminded him of 82 THE LINCOLN STORY the remark of the husband whose wife had given him a good thrashing — "Let her alone; it don't hurt me, and it does her a power of good." The year 1863 saw a gradual turn of tide in favor of the North. McClellan, having failed to take ad- vantage of his opportunities at Antietam, was suc- ceeded by Burnside. Burnside was found wanting and Hooker was appointed chief. Hooker lost the Battle of Chancellorsville. Then came the decisive battle of the war. Meade stopped Lee at Gettysburg after three days of sanguinary battle (July 1, 2 and 3). This ended the possibility of the Confederate invasion of the North. On July 4, 1863, Grant captured Vicksburg. From then on, the war effort was simply a matter of "mopping up." Grant became chief commander with the rank of Lieutenant General of all of the Federal armies in the field. He made his headquarters with the army of the Potomac. Grant was persistent, called by many "the butcher," but used his superior forces relentlessly to cause the downfall of the Confederacy. On April 9, 1865, Grant received the surrender of General Lee's Army at Appomattox Court House. Grant exceeded Lincoln's instructions in allowing the Confederate officers to keep their sidearms and horses. However, when the President heard the terms of surrender he was greatly pleased. The favorite military leaders of Lincoln during the Civil War were Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan. They WAR PRESIDENT 83 believed in offensive, as opposed to defensive, warfare. They were men of action. Lincoln called McClellan, Halleck, Thomas, and Meade ' 'lingerers/ ' They were marvelous in defense, brave and intelligent, but, as Lincoln said, their names figured too much on the "waiting list/' On November 19, 1863, Lincoln gave his immortal address at Gettysburg. The crowd was walking away and showed very little interest in the speech. He was only an incidental speaker. Edward Everett, scholar, college president, United States senator, governor, am- bassador to England, man of letters, was the orator of the day. He gave a polished speech, which took about two hours. The next day, however, Mr. Everett wired Lincoln to the effect that he, Lincoln, had said more in two minutes than Everett had been able to say in two hours. It was well-known among his friends that Mr. Lincoln did not desire to run for President the second time. However, his work was not yet done. He was again nominated by the Republican Party for President at Baltimore, Maryland, in 1864. He had strong oppo- sition for the nomination from Salmon P. Chase and John C. Fremont. Andrew Johnson of Tennessee was nominated as his running mate for Vice-President. It was generally felt that even if he had escaped his tragic end, Lincoln would not have long survived the Civil War. He was, he said, "tired to death," and 84 THE LINCOLN STORY prayed for the rest he could not obtain in the White House. The Democratic National Convention at Chicago nominated George B. McClellan of New York, who had been named by Lincoln as the first chief of the Federal armies. Mr. Lincoln did not make any cam- paign speeches; in fact, there is evidence that he ex- pected defeat. However, he won an overwhelming vic- tory in the election. Lincoln's electoral vote was 212 against 21 for McClellan. McClellan carried only three states, New Jersey, Delaware, and Kentucky. Lincoln carried all the rest, including West Virginia, which had been admitted to the Union on June 19, 1863. The popular vote was much closer, Lincoln having received 2,330,552 to 1,835,985 for McClellan. In issuing a public statement after his election for the second term, Lincoln said: "I am thankful to God for this approval of the people; but while deeply grateful for this mark of their confidence in me, if I know my heart, my gratitude is free from any taint of per- sonal triumph. I do not impugn the motives of any one opposed to me. It is no pleasure to me to triumph over any one, but I give thanks to the Almighty for this evidence of the people's resolution to stand by free government and the rights of hu- manity." On March 4, 1865, in a drizzling rain, on the inaugural platform in front of the Capitol, Lincoln for the second time placed his right hand on the open Bible, and was sworn in by Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, whom he WAR PRESIDENT 85 had appointed to this high office. The President, accord- ing to custom, bent his head over the Book and kissed the open page. On Good Friday, April 14, 1865, General Grant arrived in Washington. He attended a Cabinet meeting in which reconstruction was discussed. From then on, tragedy stalked swiftly across the pathway of Lincoln. On the evening of that day, the President attended a performance of "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theater. John Wilkes Booth, an actor, son of Junius Brutus Booth and brother of Edwin Booth, forced his way into the box of the President and shot him in the back of the head. In leaping to the stage from the President's box, Booth's spur caught in the folds of the American flag. In the fall, Booth broke his leg, but in his crippled condition, dragging his leg, he drew a dagger and shouted to the audience "Sic semper ty- rannis" (thus ever to tyrants), the motto of Virginia. Mr. Lincoln never regained consciousness. He died the next morning, April 15, 1865, surrounded by his family and officials. On the same evening, a fellow conspirator wounded William Henry Seward, Secretary of State, who fortunately recovered. Strange to say, upon the death of Lincoln, all hostility toward him seemed to be buried with his body. The special formal train from Washington to Springfield, Illinois, was almost mobbed by continuous lines of dis- consolate people. 86 THE LINCOLN STORY Lincoln was one of the earth's great champions of human rights and a statesman of the first order. Phillips Brooks said of him: "There are men as good as he, but they do bad things. There are men as intelligent as he, but they do foolish things. In him goodness and intelligence combined and made their best result of wisdom." "Now he belongs to the ages." Edwin M. Stanton VIII The Long Shadow ^^S l ^/Sy/7<7! The life of Abraham Lincoln was a tragedy. It would be necessary to search the terrible tragedies of the Greek writers, Aeschylus, Sophocles or Euripides, or the Shakespearean tragedies, in order to get . a counterpart. From the standpoint of the prac- tical mind, it seemed that he accomplished his purposes in the most tedious and roundabout methods possible. He was misunderstood by his closest associates; he seldom confided in his friends. His association with the gentler sex was filled with caution, forebodings and vacillation. No American was ever more bitterly attacked than was Lincoln. The subtle characteristics of his nature did not blend with conventional thinking. A good illustration of his method in solving perplexing problems is shown by an occurrence when he was Presi- dent. It is said that a delegation of church people waited 89 90 THE LINCOLN STORY upon him and called to his attention that he was not a regular church member. He replied : "When any church will inscribe over its altar, as its sole qualification for membership, the Saviour's condensed statement of both Law and Gospel, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself,' that church will I join with all my heart and soul." Abraham Lincoln was a God-fearing man and be- lieved in the church as an institution. But he did not, in any phase of his life, allow himself to get engulfed in the intricacies of church administration, nor was he impressed greatly by symbolic display. In the case of General Grant, when a complaint was made about his excessive use of intoxicating liquor, Lincoln (in his quizzical way) told the informers that if they would find out the brand of liquor Grant used he would like to put a barrel of it in the headquarters of each of his commanding officers. Lincoln's retort to the committee was typical. The personal habits of General Grant were secondary to the results he was obtaining for the Union. Lincoln always put "first things first." Lincoln proclaimed the first annual nation-wide Thanksgiving Day. His proclamation was issued on October 3, 1863, fixing the day and month at Thurs- day, November 26th. This was the same day as had been selected by Washington in 1789. This was the first Thanksgiving Day Proclamation which had been issued for forty-eight years. Thanksgiving Day has been cele- THE LONG SHADOW 91 brated as a national holiday ever since. There had been spasmodic local celebrations since the time of Washington, but Lincoln made it lasting. What manner of man was Lincoln? His partner, Herndon, wrote a letter after he had been closely asso- ciated with Mr. Lincoln for more than eighteen years, in which he says: "I know him better than he does himself. I know this seems a little strong, but I risk the assertion. Lincoln is a man of heart — aye, as gentle as a woman's and as tender — but he has a will strong as iron. He therefore loves all mankind, hates slavery and every form of despotism. Put these together — love for the slave, and a determination, a will, that justice, strong and unyielding, shall be done when he has the right to act, and you can form your own conclusions." John Drinkwater, famous English playwright, says of Lincoln: "Abraham Lincoln stands out not only as the greatest Amer- ican, but as the greatest man in modern history, in that he did the work that he saw as his to a greater degree of perfection than any man in late centuries has been able to do. Lincoln brought great dignity to a great public office more than any man of modern times, and, at the same time, kept in personal contact with those about him." Woodrow Wilson, 27th President of the United States, in a public address, said : "Lincoln, nevertheless, rather than Jackson, was the supreme American of our history. Lincoln was always a-making; he would have died unfinished if the terrible storms of the war had not stung him to learn in those four years what no other twenty could have taught him and, as he stands there, in his complete manhood, at the most perilous helm in Christendom, what a 92 THE LINCOLN STORY marvelous, composite figure he is! The whole country is summed up in him. ,, Frederick Trevor Hill, one of the leading authorities on the life of Lincoln says : "The history of the United States prior to 1860 is replete with the names of men whose brilliant achievements added luster to the records of their country. "But throughout the miasma of civil war and bitter sectional feeling, Lincoln, though the representative of a partisan group, was the only statesman who, from first to last, thought na- tionally. * * * "He preeminently, if not alone, had the breadth of mind to recognize that the North as well as the South was responsible for the existence of slavery. * * * "He dedicated himself, heart and mind, to the extinction of human slavery. But he unwaveringly subordinated that object to the preservation of the Union." Mr. Lincoln in appearance gave the impression of maturity at an early age. People began to refer to him, affectionately, as "Old Abe," when he was only about thirty years of age. At his untimely death, at the age of fifty-six years, he seemed much older. According to Carl Sandburg, "Lincoln read the Bible closely, knew it from cover to cover, was familiar with its stories and its poetry, quoted from it in his talks to juries, in political campaigns, in his speeches, and in his letters. There were evangelical Christian church members who felt he was a solemn, earnest, religious man." On the other hand, there were others who felt that Lincoln was irreligious. However, his THE LONG SHADOW 93 expressed thoughts, his attitude toward life and his official addresses all breathed the true essence of religion. Probably the best characterization of Lincoln is given by Mr. Sandburg, as follows: "In going to New Salem nearly thirty years back he had been, in his own words, 'a piece of driftwood floating down the Sangamon'. He was, in mood, a drifter, letting the wind and weather of history have their way with him, and taking no credit to himself for the inevitable. He told Herndon he had seen great men up close who were not so great as they seemed far off. "The left corner of Lincoln's mouth had the lines of a laugh- ing man. Beyond a struggle in which he was loser he could see another struggle, and write in a letter, 'There will be another blow-up and we shall have fun again'. But the right corner of his mouth had a droop; he could say, 'I laugh because if I didn't I would weep'." The majesty and universal appeal of Lincoln's thinking are demonstrated in his public utterances: in the ''House Divided Against Itself" speech, accepting the nomination as United States Senator delivered on June 16, 1858, at Springfield, he focused the attention of his countrymen upon slavery as the foremost issue of the day; the First Inaugural address given on March 4, 1861, in which he pleaded for patience and forbear- ance on both sides; his Emancipation Proclamation, given to the world on January 1, 1863; his Second In- augural address, one of the most poignant pleas to the better nature of mankind in all literature, "with malice toward none, with charity for all," etc., delivered on 94 THE LINCOLN STORY March 4, 1865. Included in this list of public addresses should be his speech given to the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois, at the age of twenty-eight, on January 27, 1838, and his Cooper Union speech de- livered in New York City on February 27, 1860, at the age of fifty-one years. The reading of these last two named speeches will show the remarkable intellectual growth of Lincoln over a period of almost a quarter of a century. The man had emerged into a world figure in that time. Also a beautiful example of his style is a speech de- livered by him before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, September 30, 1859: "It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words, 'And this, too, shall pass away'. How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction ! 'And this, too, shall pass away'. And yet, let us hope, it is not quite true. Let us hope, rather, that by the best cultivation of the physical world beneath and around us, and the intellectual and moral world within us, we shall secure an individual, social, and political prosperity and happiness, whose course shall be onward and upward, and which, while the earth endures, shall not pass away." Perhaps the purest rhetorical gem which has been given to posterity is found in the immortal words uttered on November 19, 1863, in the dedication of the Gettys- burg cemetery. The Gettysburg address divides itself into seven separate parts (seven — the number of per- fection), each a perfect facet. It is a message of spiritual THE LONG SHADOW 95 consolation and burning patriotism, which will be sung and praised forever, wherever men dream of lofty ideals and valorous deeds. We divide this address into its component parts: 1. THE BIRTH OF A NATION "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. 2. THE TESTING OF ITS BIRTHRIGHT "Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. 3. THE DEDICATION "We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. 4. APPRECIATION "But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. 5. RENEWAL OF PURPOSE "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. 6. CONSECRATION "It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take 96 THE LINCOLN STORY increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — 7. THE SACRED PLEDGE "That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." James Speed, (brother of Joshua Speed, who had befriended Lincoln as a poor and struggling young man), had been appointed Attorney General in the Cabinet of Abraham Lincoln. In 1864, James Speed paid the following tribute to Lincoln in an address before the Society of the Loyal Legion of Cincinnati. This was the last public occasion which James Speed attended, just a month before his death. He said: "I believe that in all the annals of our race Abraham Lincoln is the finest example of an unknown man rising from obscurity and ascending to the loftiest heights of human grandeur." And so this strange figure, this illustrious statesman and emancipator, belongs to the ages. As long as free men live, the name of Abraham Lincoln will be a symbol of democracy. He has cast his long shadow across the pages of history as no other statesman has succeeded in doing in the past. "I intend no modification of my oft-expressed wish that all men everywhere could be free." Abraham Lincoln (Letter to Horace Greeley, Oct. 22, 1862) IX Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln ranks in world history with Moses as the emancipator of a people. Lincoln had the same sublime faith in an ever-guiding Providence which governed the whole career of Moses — law- giver and emancipator. To understand the ful- fillment of Lincoln's life- time desire to strike down the slave traffic and destroy it, we must | recall, briefly, some of | the steps in his career. Lincoln had made two trips by flatboat ^fffff to New Orleans from Indiana and Illinois before he was twenty-two years of age. He had seen human beings sold on the auction block. He had seen them maltreated, bought with money, owned and delivered like any other chattel. He had protested whenever possible against this evil. When he first saw human beings auctioned as mer- chandise, he determined, if the time should come, to 99 100 THE LINCOLN STORY strike this evil and strike it hard. We can detect here that Lincoln as a young man understood that events often forge the course of men; that no matter how high his vaulting ambition might drive him toward fame and usefulness, unless he had the opportunity, it would avail him nothing. He had the patience of a true philoso- pher and a universal, as opposed to a localized, mind. We detect, too, a religious trend, an awe of Almighty God, in both his oral and written expressions, throughout his career. When Lincoln was in the legislature of Illinois he spoke against slavery; when he was in the United States Congress, he again lifted his voice against slavery. After he was elected to the high office of President, when he was being pressed on every side for extreme positions and actions, the following portion of a letter written by him in September, 1862, demonstrates his philosophy and religious trend of mind : "We are indeed going through a great trial — a fiery trial. In the very responsible position in which I happen to be placed, being a humble instrument in the hands of our Heavenly Father, as I am, and as we all are, to work out His great purposes, I have desired that all my works and acts may be according to His will, and that it might be so, I have sought His aid; but if, after endeavoring to do the best in the light which He affords me, I find my efforts fail, I must believe that, for some purpose unknown to me, He wills it otherwise. "If I had had my way, this war would never have been com- menced. If I had been allowed my way, this war would have been ended before this; but we find it still continues, and we must believe that He permits it for some wise purpose of His GREAT EMANCIPATOR 101 own, mysterious and unknown to us; and though with our limited understanding we may not be able to comprehend it, yet we cannot but believe that He who made the world still governs it." Mr. Lincoln was misunderstood by both sides. After his great unrecorded speech at Bloomington on May 29, 1856, the abolitionists were sure that he would join them. On the other hand, many Northerners felt that he was lukewarm on the subject of slavery and that it was more or less a political ' 'front' ' for him. Further, others thought that he was a Southern sympathizer. Lincoln was revered after his death, but there are many evidences that he was despised by men in high places up to the time of his death. However, "the common people heard him gladly." In his "House Divided" speech, delivered by Lincoln at the Convention which nominated him for United States Senator he quoted directly from the Bible, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was repealed in 1854 by the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. By this repeal, it was intended to extend slavery into the territories and (as Lincoln and other objectors feared) generally, throughout the nation, into the states. Then came the Dred Scott decision in 1857 confirming this position. The seven debates between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Douglas (between August 21, 1858 and October 15, 1858) revolved around this issue and the attempt on Douglas' part to advance the theory of "Squatters' 102 THE LINCOLN STORY Rights or Popular Sovereignty." Mr. Douglas argued, and successfully, in his race for the United States Senate, that the territories had the right by vote to determine whether or not they would adopt slavery as a part of their basic laws. Mr. Lincoln adroitly and patiently put those who were appealing for the ex- tension of slavery on the defensive. He exhausted every possible means, even advocating payment of a mone- tary consideration to the slaveholders to avert bloody and costly civil war. A leader of less brilliant strategic ability undoubtedly would have succumbed to an extreme position on one side of the question or the other. Mr. Lincoln stood like a rock for the preserva- tion of the Union and made this the primary issue of the day, both by his stirring debates with the "Little Giant" and his conduct as Chief Magistrate of the nation. History has proved the justification for the magnifi- cent opposition of Lincoln against the extension of slavery. At eight o'clock on Monday morning of February 11, 1861, Mr. Lincoln addressed his friends and neighbors on the rear of his train, which was carrying him from Springfield on his way to the Capitol to assume the Presidency. This was the last time he was heard in Springfield. At that time, he said : "My friends: No one not in my position can appreciate the sadness I feel at this parting. To this people I owe all that I am. GREAT EMANCIPATOR 103 Here I have lived more than a quarter of a century; here my children were born, and here one of them lies buried. I know not how soon I shall see you again. A duty devolves upon me which is perhaps greater than that which has devolved upon any other man since the days of Washington. * * * " While Lincoln was in Congress, John C. Calhoun had stated the very essence of his doctrine and the position of his constituents when he gave to the world the slogan, "Emancipation can only be effected by the prostration of the white race." In the Lincoln-Douglas Debate in 1858 at Alton, Lincoln said : "It is the eternal struggle between these two principles — right and wrong — throughout the world. They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time; and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity, and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in whatever shape it develops itself. It is the same spirit that says, 'you toil and work and earn bread, and I'll eat it'. No matter in what shape it comes, whether from the mouth of a king who seeks to bestride the people of his own nation and live by the fruit of their labor, or from one race of men as an apology for enslaving another race, it is the same tyrannical principle. * * * " In 1860 Lincoln said : "There is but one political question before the people of this country, which is this: Is slavery right — or is it wrong? * * * Gentlemen, it has been said of the world's history hitherto that 'might makes right'; it is for us and for our times to reverse the maxim and to show that 'right makes might'." Lincoln was waiting for the time when his Proclama- tion would be justified by events and when the morality 104 THE LINCOLN STORY of his position would reach its full strength. He was particularly grieved by the constant importunities of certain persons who urged him to submit to the "will of God/' During this controversy he said: "The will of God prevails. In great contests each party claims to act in accordance with the will of God. Both may be and one must be wrong. God cannot be for and against the same thing at the same time. In the present civil war it is quite possible that God's purpose is something quite different from the purpose of either party; and yet the human instrumentalities, working just as they do, are the best adaptation to effect His purpose." The Union Armies during the troubled years of 1861 and 1862 were not getting decisive victories. In fact, General Lee, brilliant military leader of the South, at Manassas, at the second battle of Bull Run, and at Antietam, proved his superior generalship. The Battle of Antietam, however, gave Lincoln an excuse to issue his Proclamation. This battle, with terrible losses on both sides, lasted three days; it was fought in Septem- ber of 1862. McClellan, Chief Commander of the Union forces, had failed to destroy Lee's Army, and Lee had retreated across the Potomac safely, leaving the blood- drenched battlefield of Antietam behind him; there- upon, McClellan smugly announced that this indecisive victory was "a masterpiece of art." Lincoln was terribly disappointed and visited the battleground of Antietam. Two days later, McClellan received the following orders: "The President directs that you cross the Potomac and give battle to the enemy, or drive him south. Your army must move now, while the roads are good." GREAT EMANCIPATOR 105 However, McClellan procrastinated. These dilatory tactics of McClellan probably prolonged the Civil War for some time. However, on January 1, 1863, the fatal hour arrived. The immortal Emancipation Proclamation, which freed four million slaves and revitalized the ques- tion of freedom all over the world, was issued. The Proclamation is simple and direct: "That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free." Immediately after issuing this proclamation, Lincoln said: "I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, than I do in signing this paper. But I have been receiving callers and shaking hands since nine o'clock this morning, till my arm is stiff and numb. Now this signature is the one that will be closely examined, and if they find my hand trembled they will say, 'he had some compunctions.' But anyway it is going to be done." Lincoln had waited long and patiently. He had been beset on all sides by conflicting forces. He realized that this was an act for the ages. He had a two-fold purpose in "timing" this action: the military effect, as well as the reaction upon the working men of England and France, who were having a struggle toward economic betterment. In Europe the Proclamation was received by the poor and distressed with great enthusiasm and hope. In fact, with the exception of the affectionate 106 THE LINCOLN STORY designation given him as "Honest Abe/' which he always cherished, the title of "Great Emancipator" hovers about his great personality the closest. If Lincoln had done nothing else, he would be remembered as one of the world's immortals. He was fulfilling an early dream. At the very beginning of his career he had said that he "would speak for freedom against slavery until everywhere in all this broad land the sun shall shine, the rain shall fall and the wind shall blow upon no man who goes forth to unrequited toil." The Battle of Gettysburg July 1, 2, and 3, 1863, vindi- cated Lincoln's military attitude. Lincoln, who prob- ably hated war as no other man has hated it, once the conflict began, strove with all his mighty power toward a quick, aggressive and final determination of the con- flict. He had to remove many leaders, including McClel- lan, because of lack of aggressiveness. He clung to Grant (who had never been considered in the same class by military authorities as some of the leaders who had preceded him), because, as Lincoln put it, "Grant won victories." While all due credit and glory must be given Grant, he was but the instrument serving the purpose of a greater heart and mind. In matters of principle and fundamental truths, Lincoln was inflexible and implacable. No amount of abuse or personal aspersion could turn him from his pathway, once he decided he was going in the right GREAT EMANCIPATOR 107 direction. He listened to advice carefully, but as a general rule followed his own judgments. Shortly after the victory at Gettysburg, Lincoln issued a devout Thanksgiving Proclamation on July 15, 1863. It reads : "It has pleased Almighty God to hearken to the supplications and prayers of an afflicted people, and to vouchsafe to the army and the navy of the United States victories on the land and on the sea so signal and so effective as to furnish reasonable ground for augmented confidence that the Union of these States will be maintained, their Constitution preserved, and their peace and prosperity permanently restored. "It is meet and right to recognize and confess the presence of the Almighty Father, and the power of His Hand, equally in these triumphs and these sorrows." Sometimes one ponders what course our Republic would have taken had Lincoln not represented us in this critical hour. No one who studies the fretful life of Lincoln can deny his nobility of purpose and his sincerity of action. Lincoln, as no other statesman has been able to do, lifted the ordinary small events of life to a position of dignity. He was a religious man, a be- liever in the final success of the right, within the provi- dence of Almighty God. He revived the embers of patriotism and stirred anew the serious desire of Wash- ington and his colleagues to make all men free before the law; to recognize the legal rights of the individual, regardless of race, color or creed; to stamp out injustice and to protect the weak against the agression and wrong- doing of those in positions of power. 108 THE LINCOLN STORY People from all over the world have visited the magnifi- cent temple erected by the American people, in Washing- ton, D. C, as a memorial to the "Great Emancipator." There, in the interior, is an impressive statue of Lincoln, in repose. Almost automatically, one approaches this appealing figure silently and in a prayerful mood. Above the head of Lincoln, seated, is carved the feelings of a grateful people: "In this temple As in the hearts of the people For whom he saved the Union The memory of Abraham Lincoln Is enshrined forever." In these times, our generation can look unafraid at the figure of Lincoln and his great predecessors, and with renewed courage and strength, fight with personal sacrifice for the cause of justice and freedom for all peoples everywhere, in every state or condition what- soever. "That nation has not lived in vain which has given the world Washington and Lincoln, the best great men and the greatest good men whom history can show." Henry Cabot Lodge Lincoln address before the Mass. Legislature on February 12, 1909. X George Washington and Abraham Lincoln George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, at Bridges Creek in Westmoreland County, Virginia; he died at Mt. Vernon, Virginia, on December 14, 1799, in his sixty-eighth year. Washington said : "I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles — the character of an 'Honest Man'." Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Ken- tucky. He died April 15, 1865. Abraham Lin- coln treasured the affec- tionate title, "Honest Abe," which he earned through a life-time of rigid, scrupulous conduct. Washington was six feet, one inch tall, dignified, handsome; he had a background of wealth and in- fluence; he took pride in his dress and general appear- in 112 THE LINCOLN STORY ance, and, with his wife, Martha Custis Washington, was the center of social activities during his entire married life. Lincoln was six feet, four inches tall, with narrow chest and a comparatively small head, with arms and feet out of proportion to his general build; he was awkward and lonely, and could never accustom himself to social activities. He was born in obscurity and poverty. Mary Todd Lincoln, his wife, had a back- ground of aristocracy and wealth, and had social as- pirations which were never completely satisfied by her husband. Washington was somewhat hard to approach, but was genial in his friendships, which he cultivated and treasured. Lincoln had few close friends, although he was kindly and humane. Moreover, Lincoln appreciated the support he was given by his circle of acquaintances. Washington lived, in the main, among the so-called wealthy class of people, and was a wealthy man himself. Lincoln kept in close contact, throughout his life- time, with the poor and the masses of people without influence. Washington was a severe disciplinarian and a care- ful supervisor of his affairs, both personal and public, and always kept an accurate diary of his activities. Lincoln was lax in his methods, and indifferent to his personal affairs. WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN 113 Lincoln, like Washington, had dignity and an ob- jectivity toward people and affairs in general, which stamped upon him the mark of great leadership. Mr. Washington enjoyed the luxuries of life. Through the death of the daughter of his half-brother, Lawrence, he became the owner of the estate of Mt. Vernon, one of the show places on the Potomac. At an early age, he had become one of the most distinguished and in- fluential men in the colonies, and the possessor of con- siderable wealth. Mr. Lincoln was always comparatively poor and seemed utterly indifferent toward any but the simplest method of living. Lincoln, however, fully appreciated the value and power of money. Washington never developed a pronounced sense of humor, whereas Lincoln was noted for his droll state- ments and broad sense of humor. Once, when Lincoln was President, a message bearer came into the room with the information that the enemy had captured a group of Union generals and some mules; Lincoln replied: "What a pity to lose all those mules. ,, After the death of Washington, the finest tribute was paid him by one of his generals in the following im- perishable words, which are now found in all school books throughout the land : "First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen/ ' 114 THE LINCOLN STORY Likewise, mankind everywhere reveres the memory of Lincoln — "Great Emancipator." It is correct to state that Washington was the strongest individual force in creating the Union and that Lincoln was the leading influence in preserving it. Washington looms as the greatest figure in the eighteenth century, as does Lincoln in the nineteenth century. Washington was an active vestryman in the Episco- palian Church and later became Master of the Masonic Lodge in Alexandria, Virginia. Lincoln never belonged to a church or a lodge. "The shot heard round the world" at Lexington, in 1775, precipitated the Revolutionary War against Great Britain. When the date for the meeting of the Second Continental Congress was reached, all New England was in arms and Congress was asked to adopt the army gathered around Boston, to assume the con- duct of the war. Congress unexpectedly became a governing body and began to do those things which each colony could not do by itself. After a month's delay, the Second Continental Congress accepted the band of patriots gathered about Boston and made it the Continental Army. George Washington, then a delegate to Congress, was made the Commander in WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN 115 Chief of the army. Washington assumed his duties on June 16, 1775, and set out for Boston on June 21. Meanwhile, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Roger Sherman and Robert R. Livingston were appointed a committee to write the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was the handiwork of Jefferson, with the exception of several phrases credited to John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by Congress and copies sent to the states. The old bell in Independence Hall rang out the news to an expectant people. Strange to say, the bell, which had been cast twenty-four years before this historic date, had these prophetic words engraved upon its side : "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof/' Every peal of this bell proclaimed to the world that "all men are created equal" — "that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" — and "that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The surrender of the British under Cornwallis, at Yorktown, on October 19, 1781, practically ended the war. However, fighting continued on an unimportant scale. A provisional peace treaty was signed before the close of 1782. On April 19, 1783, exactly eight years after the Battle of Lexington, Washington declared the war at 116 THE LINCOLN STORY an end. The final peace treaty was signed in Paris on September 3, 1783. The American Peace Commissioners were Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and John Adams. It was the desire of Washington, after the peace treaty had been signed, to retire from public life. However, his work was not yet finished. The world knows of his inestimable achievement as the first President of the United States. Twice he was elected as the chief executive, with virtually no opposition. His two ad- ministrations of four years each (1789-1797) demon- strated his capable statesmanship. He had the confidence of all the nations of the world and the backing, almost unanimously, of his own people. It is interesting that in his cabinet were included such eminent names as Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox and Edmund Randolph. Not underrating the great military genius of George Washington nor his splendid administrative achieve- ments, we believe that the principal contribution of this noble character was as presiding officer at the Constitutional Convention, which convened in Phila- delphia on May 25, 1787. At the age of fifty-five, Wash- ington presided with infinite patience and tact. The United States Constitution was adopted September 17, 1787, by the representatives of twelve of the thirteen original colonies. The first ten amendments to the WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN 117 Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, were adopted in 1791. Lord Bryce has said, concerning this great document: "The Constitution of the United States, including the amend- ments, may be read aloud in twenty-three minutes. It is about half as long as Saint Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians, and about one fourth as long as the Irish Land Act of 1881. History knows few instruments which in so few words lay down equally momentous rules on a vast range of matters of the highest im- portance and complexity. "Even including the nineteen amendments, after one hun- dred and four years of development, the Constitution does not exceed seven thousand words." William Gladstone, one of the greatest English states- men of all time, in a quotation which has become familiar to most Americans, stated : "The American Constitution is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." When the Constitution was adopted, the country was largely agricultural, mostly undeveloped, and large portions of it undiscovered and unknown. The United States Constitution survives in the present day stress of mechanical development and mass production. From a population of three million we have emerged into a nation of approximately one hundred and fifty million, and yet the instrument is still workable and is our notable contribution to freedom's cause. Its central idea is a combination of individual liberty and national union. 118 THE LINCOLN STORY Abraham Lincoln had virtually no military experi- ence, although he was elected captain of his company in the so-called Black Hawk War. He and his com- panions neither saw Black Hawk, nor did they engage in any warfare. However, the bloodiest Civil War of modern times was fought in his administration. Without Lincoln at the helm, our ship of state would have been adrift on a stormy sea. Lincoln's assassination drama- tized — as nothing else could have accomplished — the life of one of the world's leading exponents of the rights and liberties of a nation. George Washington, like Abraham Lincoln, was a leader of men. The two names, George Washington, the soldier-statesman, and Abraham Lincoln, the lawyer-statesman, must be kept inseparable, insofar as their connection with the United States Constitution is concerned — the one, its creator, the other, its pre- server. Both of these foremost Americans had certain ideals in common: love of country, desire to perpetuate democratic principles, love of liberty, opposition to all forms of injustice. Thus spoke Lincoln about his illustrious predecessor: "This is the one hundred and tenth anniversary of the birth- day of Washington. We are met to celebrate this day. Washing- ton is the mightiest name on earth — long since mightiest in the cause of civil liberty; still mightiest in moral reformation. On that name an eulogy is expected. It can not be. To add bright- ness to the sun or glory to the name of Washington is alike im- WASHINGTON AND LINCOLN 119 possible. Let none attempt it. In solemn awe pronounce the name, and in its naked, deathless splendor leave it shining on." It has truthfully been said that "men revere Wash- ington — they love Abraham Lincoln/' 'Righteousness exalteth a nation"; Proverbs 14:34 XI And In Conclusion — "He {Abraham Lincoln) was so abundantly representative that he stands alone. He is our ideal and our test. The test is not one of achievement, but of equality; Lincoln not only saved the Union, but he incarnated the spirit which alone can preserve it." Charles Evans Hughes We have attempted, in the foregoing chapters, to picture the real Lincoln in various phases and activities during his career. We have tried to avoid deductions of sentimentalists, who have portrayed Lincoln, with marked success among the masses of the people, as a God-like figure, to be worshipped — a figure of perfection. On the other hand, we feel we have avoided the pitfalls of extremists who, without evidence, but based largely on rumor and hearsay, have very strenuously argued that Lincoln was simply a "political accident," an ad- venturer, a man of mediocre talents, cunning, irreligious, willing to compromise with the truth to serve an exces- sively personal ambition. Our research has led us to reach the following conclu- sions about Lincoln : 121 122 THE LINCOLN STORY FIRST The overwhelming proof, based upon actualities, places Lincoln with the seers and prophets of all ages. Among the foremost we name : MOSES SOCRATES CHRIST GHANDI SECOND Lincoln, undoubtedly, must be classed among the great teachers, religious and secular, in the field of truth, ethics and morality. It has been said of Lincoln : "His confidence that in the eternal struggle between right and wrong only right could be victorious, shaped the destiny of the Lincoln who was to save the Union." It has also been said of him : "Where other historic figures seem remote and aloof from every day life, he is still a part of it." Lincoln said : "I am nothing. But truth is everything." Albert Schweitzer, eminent religious philosopher and humanitarian, ethical and moral teacher, master of Bach, Goethe and the Bible, unequivocally advocates the necessity of an ethical foundation for all human endeavor. We quote from Dr. Schweitzer: "The basis of civilization is ethical. Civilization has nothing to do with scientific progress or cultural productivity pursued for their own sakes. Ethical progress — the advance of man in his moral relations with his fellow men — is the only future. The fundamental question facing every human endeavor is not 'Is AND IN CONCLUSION 123 it socially or economically promising, or comfortable or beauti- ful?' but 'Is it right or wrong?' If it is right it will automatically lead to progress. It is precisely the loss of ethical foundation — the growing lack of capacity for thinking about good and evil — which deprives contemporary culture of all sense of direction." This sounds like an echo from the life of Lincoln, as he carried out this basic principle in his everyday living, in his law practice, in the field of politics and statesman- ship. Lincoln said : "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it." THIRD We believe, further, that Lincoln had a universal mind. This needs no special emphasis. He tells us: "So long as one slave exists in this world, none of us is safe." "I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the Heavens and say there is no God." FOURTH Lincoln was the incarnation of the democratic spirit. Lincoln's definition of democracy is contained in three sentences: "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy." The late Stephen S. Wise (Lincoln scholar) said of Lincoln : 124 THE LINCOLN STORY "Abraham Lincoln was the greatest of Americans. He more nearly than any American was America Incarnate." The late President Theodore Roosevelt, in an address, in 1907, to men of Illinois, Kentucky and Missouri, said : "This was the region that brought forth mighty Abraham Lincoln, the incarnation of all that is best in democratic life." FIFTH Abraham Lincoln's pre-eminent accomplishment, how- ever, in our opinion, was in the mastery of the art of expression. In his early career, in the practice of law and in his political and other addresses, his public utterances, although often lengthy, reveal a lofty and noble spirit. As Lincoln perfected himself in the use of words, his addresses became shorter and shorter. The Gettysburg address was in manuscript form, read in two minutes. This well-known speech is considered one of the finest examples of classical English structure. His First and Second Inaugural addresses, his Thanksgiving message, the Bixby letter, all contain brief but unique expressions of truth. His style is Biblical and he was thoroughly familiar with Shakespeare. Here, too, we find a majesty, rhythm and dignity of expression in words clothed in their simplest forms, unsurpassed in literature. In a recent editorial in the Cincinnati Times Star, the tremendous power Winston Churchill has exerted over AND IN CONCLUSION 125 people is credited to his mastery of words. To quote one sentence: "He wrought something like a miracle, with words alone." Lincoln, likewise, deserves this tribute. * * * * Now the argument is constantly made that Lincoln was a great leader in his time, in fact, one of the greatest of all times; but that he would not fit into our modern complicated environment, resulting from mass and ma- chine production. On the contrary, we believe that the principles of truth, morality, integrity and justice, as exemplified and perfectly expressed by Lincoln, are all that can save our constitutional form of government, today, from complete collapse. Moreover, as a matter of fact, Lincoln lived during the early stages of the foremost industrial era in the world's history. With reference to this period, we quote from Carl Sandburg: "And yet again, looking at business and industrial America, one felt the future of America was to swarm with forces of history. The editor of Harper's (in 1860) told his million readers the future would take care of itself. * * * And the editor surveyed the past. 'The United States, during the last eighty years, has endowed the world with the lightning-rod, the steamboat, the photograph, the electric telegraph, the discovery of the use of inhaled ether, the sewing machine; the best and cheapest farm implements, the best carpenter's tools, the best locks, fire- engines, nails, spikes, screws, and axes; the best fire-arms, the cheapest clocks, the fastest steamers and sailing vessels, the 126 THE LINCOLN STORY cheapest railroads, and the lightest wagons, and many labor- saving machines. If any nation, during the same eighty years, has done more, or as much, the fact is not generally known.' And the editor wrote how machinery had made one man as a thousand, and a thousand as a million, and as he looked at science and industry he could hear 'mysterious voices whispering forth majestic prophecies of a new future'." In order to give Lincoln his proper place in the history of our country, we suggest a division of our nation's development into five epochs : FIRST EPOCH 1607-1775 The foundation of our government was laid at James- town, Virginia, in 1607. There was a slow growth of the colonies, which were finally merged into a colonial feder- ation. This period ended in 1775, when "The shot heard round the world" was fired at Lexington. SECOND EPOCH 1775-1799 A new nation was born and firmly consolidated by the time of the death of George Washington, in 1799. THIRD EPOCH 1799-1837 From 1799, through the Andrew Jackson administra- tion in 1837, marked the end of the agricultural and the rise of the industrial period. AND IN CONCLUSION 127 FOURTH EPOCH 1837-1865 Our nation was reborn and rededicated. The industrial period advanced tremendously. During this epoch, the genius of Abraham Lincoln was stamped indelibly upon the pages of history. FIFTH EPOCH 1865-1950 From 1865 to the present day, there has been a swift acceleration of the industrial period, in the expansion of the belt line and mass production methods. Our chief contributions to society since 1896 have been the auto- mobile, the airplane and the atomic bomb. In reviewing a Report of date April 30, 1949, of the Public Relations Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association, we were startled to find a quotation from Mr. George E. Sokolsky, internationally known columnist, a portion of which is apropos to this discussion: "I would be the last person to say that there is not something very ugly about our society in this generation, * * * It is that morality seems to have lost its place in our lives. Anything seems to go. Anything at all. Maybe we need a portrayal of all of us, not as each of us sees himself but as we are seen by each other. Dignity of person exists not by suppressions but in the grandeur of personality. * * * " The matter of right and wrong is a constant ethical principle which has never changed from the beginning 128 THE LINCOLN STORY of time. On the other hand, no economic rule or principle of politics or government is invariable. In fact, it makes no difference, in our opinion, what form of government or what system of economics is adopted by a people, in any part of the world, if the foundation is built on the conception of the difference between right and wrong. We learned this truth at our mothers' knees when we were children; the Bible reduces it to its simplest form; the great moral, spiritual and ethical leaders of all times make it the real and sole issue of good living. And yet, the application of this principle of right and wrong is shunned, perhaps because it seems too simple a solution. Confucius presented the same idea when he said : "To know the truth is easy, But ah — how difficult to follow it." Our forefathers in America, in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, recognized that we are creatures of God; that all of us have certain inalienable rights, among these being "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The pursuit of happiness does not mean the accumula- tion of an abundance of things which a man possesseth, but the spiritual and ethical values which he builds up within himself. We are living in a period, as Sokolsky said, when "anything seems to go — anything at all." The solution of acute daily problems, currently expressed by Dr. AND IN CONCLUSION 129 Schweitzer and others, is supported by leaders of thought from the beginning of time. "We cannot have our cake and eat it too" is a truism which we are refusing to recognize in the materialistic world of today, and, like the ancient Israelites, we are bowing to the "golden calf." The problems we are facing today are forcefully ex- pressed by Lin Yutang, brilliant Chinese contemporary scholar and author, in his book "Between Laughter and Tears." We quote one passage: (page 19) "And not in Asia alone, but throughout the earth, forces are rising, growing, to demand that birth of a new freedom of which Abraham Lincoln prophetically spoke, so that the world shall not be 'half -free and half-slave'. These forces are causing a dislocation of our general ideas and traditions. But being un- prepared and caught unready, we are meeting them, not with clarity and simplicity and strength, but in utter confusion. The first principles being not yet established, we are lost in a desert of temporizing ingenuities." We believe that Lincoln, in his message to Congress on July 4, 1861, stated the pertinent question which is of immediate concern to our country today, and in the same message, he gave the answer. The question: "Is there in all Republics the inherent and fatal weakness that the government of necessity must be too strong for the liberties of its own people, or too weak to maintain its own existence!" And the answer: "Surely each man has as strong a motive now to preserve our liberties, as each had then to establish them." 130 THE LINCOLN STORY Are we to learn from the lessons taught us as the result of the last two World Wars, fought in one generation, and the fear of an impending third World War, that regimentation of people results in intolerable tyranny and oppression — that security at the sacrifice of freedom is a ghastly price, destroying human dignity and "rever- ence for life," and ultimately annihilating security as well as freedom? Shall we not rather listen to Lincoln and other great voices of the past and present, so that we may preserve our priceless heritage as a free people under our Consti- tution? References Angle, Paul M. Angle, Paul M., Editor Angle, Paul M., Editor Appleman, Roy Edgar, Editor Arnold, Isaac N. Babcock, Bernie Baringer, William E. Baringer, William E. Barrett, Joseph H. Barton, William E. Barton, William E. Barton, William E. Basler, Roy P. Basler, Roy P., Editor Beveridge, Albert J. Bryan, George S. Bullard, F. Lauriston Carman, Harry J. and Luthin, Reinhard H. Carmichael, Orton H. Carpenter, F. B. Carruthers, Olive and McMurtry, R. Gerald Charnwood, Lord Colver, Anne Daugherty, James D'Aulaire, Ingri & Edgar Parin A Shelf of Lincoln Books The Lincoln Reader New Letters and Papers of Lincoln Abraham Lincoln — From his Own Words and Contemporary Accounts The Life of Abraham Lincoln The Soul of Abe Lincoln A House Dividing: Lincoln as President Elect Lincoln's Vandalia Life of Abraham Lincoln The Life of Abraham Lincoln, 2 vo. The Paternity of Abraham Lincoln The Soul of Abraham Lincoln The Lincoln Legend Abraham Lincoln, His Speeches and Writings Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1858, 4 vo. The Great American Myth Abraham Lincoln and the Widow Bixby Lincoln and the Patronage Lincoln's Gettysburg Address The Inner Life of Abraham Lincoln : Six Months at the White House Lincoln's Other Mary Abraham Lincoln Mr. Lincoln's Wife Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln 133 134 REFERENCES Dennett, Tyler, Editor Dodge, Daniel K. Donald, David Eisenschiml, Otto Hendrick, Burton J. Herndon, William H. and Weik, Jesse W. Hertz, Emanuel, Editor Hill, Frederick Trevor Holland, J. G. Keckley, Elizabeth Lincoln and the Civil War in the Diaries and Letters of John Hay Abraham Lincoln, Master of Words Lincoln's Herndon Why Was Lincoln Murdered? Lincoln's War Cabinet Herndon's Lincoln: The True Story of a Great Life Lincoln Talks Lincoln the Lawyer The Life of Abraham Lincoln Behind the Scenes, or Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House Lamon, Ward H. Lewis, Lloyd Lorant, Stefan Luthin, Reinhard H. McClure, A. K. McMurtry, R. Gerald McMurty, R. Gerald, Editor Meserve, Frederick Hill and Sandburg, Carl Monaghan, Jay Monaghan, Jay Morrow, Honore Willsie Morrow, Honore Willsie Morrow, Honore Willsie Newton, Joseph Fort Nicolay, Helen Nicolay, John G. Nicolay, John G. and Hay, John The Life of Abraham Lincoln Myths After Lincoln Lincoln : His Life in Photographs The First Lincoln Campaign Lincoln and Men of War Times Let's Talk of Lincoln The Lincoln Log Cabin Almanac The Photographs of Abraham Lincoln Diplomat in Carpet Slippers Lincoln Bibliography, 1839-1939 Forever Free The Last Full Measure With Malice Toward None Lincoln and Herndon Personal Traits of Abraham Lincoln A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, A History, 10 vo. REFERENCES 135 Nicolay, John G. and Hay, John Oldroyd, Osborn H., Editor Petersen, William F. Potter, David M. Pratt, Harry E. Pratt, Harry E. Pratt, Harry E. Pratt, Harry E., Editor Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, 12 vo. The Poets' Lincoln Lincoln-Douglas: The Weather as Destiny Lincoln and His Party in the Seces- sion Crisis The Personal Finances of Abraham Lincoln Lincoln, 1809-1839 Lincoln, 1840-1846 Concerning Mr. Lincoln Randall, J. G. Riddle, Donald W. Rothschild, Alonzo Ryan, Daniel J. Sandburg, Carl and Angle, Paul M. Sandburg, Carl Sandburg, Carl Shaw, Albert Shaw, Albert Sherwood, Robert E. Sparks, Edwin Erie, Editor Stephenson, Nathaniel Lincoln the President, 2 vo. Lincoln Runs for Congress Honest Abe Lincoln and Ohio Mary Lincoln, Wife and Widow Abraham Lincoln : The Prairie Years Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, 4 vo. Abraham Lincoln : The Year of His Election Abraham Lincoln: His Path to the Presidency Abe Lincoln in Illinois Collections of the Illinois State His- torical Library, Vol. Ill, Lin- coln Series Lincoln Stern, Philip Van Doren, The Life and Writings of Abraham Editor Lincoln Tarbell, Ida M. Tarbell, Ida M. The Life of Abraham Lincoln, 2 vo. In the Footsteps of the Lincolns 136 REFERENCES Tausek, Joseph Thomas, Benjamin P. Thomas, Benjamin P. Townsend, William H. Tracy, Gilbert A. The True Story of the Gettysburg Address Lincoln's New Salem Portrait for Posterity Lincoln and Liquor Uncollected Letters of Abraham Lincoln Warren, Louis A. Warren, Louis A., Editor Weik, Jesse W. Whitney, Henry C. Williams, A. Dallis Williams, T. Harry Wilson, Rufus Rockwell Wilson, Rufus Rockwell Woldman, Albert A. Lincoln's Parentage & Childhood Lincoln's Autobiographies The Real Lincoln: A Portrait Life on the Circuit with Lincoln The Praise of Lincoln Lincoln and the Radicals Intimate Memories of Lincoln Lincoln Among His Friends Lawyer Lincoln Comments "It was very good of you to mail me a copy of your new book The Lincoln Story. I have found it a lucid account of important phases of Lincoln's life. I have no doubt that it will stimulate interest, particu- larly on the part of those relatively unfamiliar with Lincoln biography." Paul M. Angle Secretary and Director Chicago Historical Society "The Lincoln Story is readable and presents Lincoln in a way that the common reader can understand him." Roy P. Basler Executive Secretary The Abraham Lincoln Association "I have read your book The Lincoln Story with a great deal of interest. I think there is a particular field for your book. The format, illustrations and easy narrative style are qualities that make your publication outstanding." R. Gerald McMurtry Director, Department of Lincolniana Lincoln Memorial University "I find your The Lincoln Story has the happy combination of accuracy and brevity. An authoritative one volume life of Lincoln has long been needed." Jay Monaghan State Historian Illinois State Historical Library "Your Lincoln Story is admirably done. To select from the vast amount of material on Lincoln those details which are most significant was a formidable undertaking. In a combination of essential facts and interesting side-lights, you have given the reader a well-rounded picture. To me, the dignified simplicity of statement in your presenta- tion is more in keeping with the greatness of the theme than any fulsome eulogy could have been. Also, the implications concerning Lincoln's message for our time, though they are unobtrusive, are still clear enough to be impressive. I congratulate you on an excellent piece of work." Clyde W. Park Professor Emeritus of English University of Cincinnati 137 138 COMMENTS "You are fortunate in having the knack of putting a great deal into comparatively short space and I believe this little book will prove to be a genuine addition to Lincolniana." William H. Townsend "I have read The Lincoln Story with a great deal of pleasure and we are happy indeed to add it to our collection." Louis A. Warren Director The Lincoln National Life Foundation "I wish to compliment you on your splendid book, The Lincoln Story. In simple but graphic style you depict Lincoln in various phases and activities of his epoch-making career. Anyone finding it necessary to prepare a Lincoln speech would do well to read your booklet as the various chapters contain eloquent material for addresses on the different phases of the Lincoln saga. I especially enjoyed your chapter on Lincoln, the Lawyer. Briefly yet ably it depicts Lincoln's career of 23 years in his law offices and judicial circuits. All in all The Lincoln Story makes a useful addition to my shelf of Lincoln books. Congratulations for a fine achievement." Albert A. Woldman * I • .r". ■:: §i : i .:.;..i:;:^ih;l; : !-!:!j:ll!ff: ||S|ll||f