L I B RAHY OF THE U N I VLR.S ITY Of ILLINOIS 977.177 X>5£c *wkm$ hisiory sua m LIBRARY CENSUS FOR CINCINNATI, OHIO, 1817 and HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, VOTERS' LISTS 1798 and 1799 MARIE DICKORE, A. M. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/censusforcincinnOOdick CENSUS FOR CINCINNATI, OHIO, 1817 and HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO, VOTERS' LISTS 1798 and 1799 MARIE DICKORE, A. M. CINCINNATI, OHIO 1960 Copyright 1960 Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio All Rights Reserved D5lo ^ -UWv\o\a TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction v Census for Cincinnati, 1817 1 Business and Estate Entries 79 Voters' List, Hamilton County, Ohio, 1798 BY Voters' List, Hamilton County, Ohio, 1799 91 III INTRODUCTION Hidden away for many years in the manuscript collection of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio reposed a hand-fashioned book, carefully written with goose-quill pen and containing valuable genealogical information. The catalog labeled it "Tax List for 1818" which made it seem of little interest to genealogists searching for records of early Cincin- natians. Census records for Hamilton County earlier than 1820 are among those destroyed when the British burned Washington, D.C. during the War of 1812. A careful study of the manuscript disclosed that the date is 1817 and that the tax list was really an adjunct to a complete census of Cincinnati residents and business men in 1817. Valuable information came to light! The problem of abstracting the vital statistics and preparing them for publication seemed a task well worth while as a contribution to the knowledge of the inhabitants of Cincinnati which was the cross roads of the west in the post-Revolu- tionary War era. The tax list is not uninteresting for it inventories houses, lots, other property, horses, dogs and estates. It discloses the wealth of the city in those days as well as some of its problems. A number of men owned business and real estate in Cincinnati as an investment while they themselves resided out in the country or across the Ohio River in Covington or Newport, Kentucky. The census enumeration is vitally interesting because it, like census reports before that of 1850, gives the head of the household by name, and notes members of his household as male and female in three age brackets: 21 years and up; between 12 and 21 years, and under 12 years of age. The one female usually of 2 1 and up we assume to have been the wife and mother. There were many children under the age of twelve years. Whenever a man had more than the usual number of a normal family enumerated in his household he was either a merchant or an innkeeper. Some trades, however, such as tobacconist, black- smith, carpenter, brickmaker, needed more men, especially in the teen-age group. When a woman headed a large household we can safely assume that she ran a boarding house, although a tailoress and a seamstress also needed extra help. For instance, Henry Bechtel (from Pennsylvania) was a merchant. He had several men and four colored persons listed in his household and presumably they worked in his large store. Thomas Burley had five males of 21 years and up, two females of 21 and up, and two colored persons among those enumerated. In the Cincinnati Directory for 1819 we find Mrs. Frances Burley listed as the operator of a boarding house. James Edmondson had 25 men of 21 years and up, 2 in the 12 to 21 bracket, 4 women 21 and up, and 7 children, with 9 colored persons counted in his household together with a horse and 2 dogs. The 1819 directory listed him as an inkeeper. Jesse Hunt, a wealthy merchant and president of Cincinnati City Council, was taxed for 6 houses, other property and business ventures for which there were 8 men and 5 women with 2 colored persons and several children listed under his name. However, from this we cannot deduce the exact members of his personal family. Samuel Davies, who later be- came mayor of Cincinnati, needed 5 colored persons, 6 extra men and several extra women to look after his four houses, several lots, two dogs and various business enterprises. Often when a citizen owned two or more houses the families were enumerated as one household. We would like to be able to distinguish between children and apprentices or bound children of whom there were many in western households. These were usually children orphaned by the vicissitudes of the frontier or Indian raids. But no such identification was thought necessary in those days. Where the scribe, with his goose-quill pen and bottle of iron-gall ink, wrote some unfamiliar names phonetically we have inserted the known name in brackets, such as Crofford - [Crawford] ; Derrem - [Durham] ; Heffley - [Haifleigh] ; Noblaw - [Knoblough], or Sights - [Seitz]. This census has been checked against the 1819 Directory of Cin- cinnati, first of its kind, to note correctness of name, occupation and to learn if the family was still in residence. Often a name is given without a census record, but with blank spaces. This "no enumeration" usually means that the citizen was taxed but lived outside the city limits. Enumeration of colored persons is noted as such in this census either in the household or in the business where they were servants, VI or if they had their own homes when only the name of the head of the household is given with the number of colored persons living there. At times they are listed as taxables. In this abstract we have placed such names at the end of each alphabetical section. Business firms on the tax list have been placed at the end of the census records with other entries such as "Heirs of Chamberland with Riddle," or "Estate of C. Hartsel with D. Embree," because they may offer clues. The two lists of voters in elections for five delegates to the North- west Territory General Assembly in December 1798 and for two more delegates in September 1799, based on population, are valuable in presenting the names of men who lived in Hamilton County, Ohio, at that time. It is not a complete list. Approximately one hundred more men voted in the September 1799 election than in the December 1798 election. This was due probably to an increase in the number of men living in the county and to better travel conditions through the wilderness in an earlier month. At this time I wish to pay tribute to Mr. Lucien Wulsin, president of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, whose high ideals, love of history, keen perception and encouragement have guided the organization to greater standards of achievement and growth in mem- bership. I also wish to acknowledge the aid and interest of Mr. Herbert F. Koch, Director, Mrs. Alice Palo Hook, Librarian, and the Committee of Publications: Mr. Frederick Giesel, Mrs. Alice Hook, Mr. Herbert F. Koch, Mr. Ernest Miller, Mr. Charles Sawyer and Mr. Lewis C. Thomson, whose approval and support have made this publication possible. In publishing this census record for Cincinnati in 1817 with the additional lists of nearly 1,000 names of voters in the 1798 and 1799 elections in Hamilton County, Ohio, the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio is making an important contribution to the knowledge of citizens living in this area before 1820. Marie Dickore Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 1960. VII CENSUS FOR CINCINNATI, OHIO, 1817 Abbet, Catherine male female none 2 21/up 2 un/12 Abbet, James male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 3 1 un/12 un/12 Abbey, Ansel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Acley, Joseph male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 3 un/12 un/12 Adams, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Addis, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 1 3 un/12 un/12 Addison, Archeble male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Alexam ier, Doc'r no enumeration Allen, Henry male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Allen, Joseph male female 5 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Allen, Philander male female 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 Allen, Samuel male female 1 21/up 3 12/21 Allen, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 Alley, Amos male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Allgaier, Michael male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 3 un/12 un/12 Alston, Benjamin no enumeration Alter, Christian male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 2 un/12 un/12 Alter, Frederick no enumeration Ames, Dan male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Ammelong, Sapphira male female 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Ammerson, Joshua B. male female 5 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Anderson, George male female 1 colored 1 21/up person 1 1 12/21 12/21 Anderson, Isaac no enumeration Anderson, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Anderson, Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Anderson, William C. male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 2 un/12 Andrew, John H. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Andrew, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Andrews, Dudley male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 Andrews, Dudley male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Andrews, Felty no enumeration Andrews, John male female 2 colored 1 21/up 2 21/up persons 1 4 un/12 un/12 Antony, Joseph male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 4 un/12 un/12 Antony, Mary no enumeration Antony, Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Archibald, Robert male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Armstrong, Andrew male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 Armstrong, John male female 1 colored 1 21/up 2 21/up person 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Armstrong, Robert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 4 un/12 2 un/12 Armstrong, Thos. W. male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Arnold, Mary female 1 21/up Arnold. Moses male female 4 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 Arthur, Mary male female 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Arthur, Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Asher, Peter male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Aston, William male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Atkinson, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Avery, John C. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Avery, John L. male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Ayres, Isaac male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Ayres, Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 Anna, 5 colored persons Babbet, Rozwell male female 7 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Babbidge, Sam'l male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Babbinger, Abraham male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Babcock, David male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Baggot, Thomas male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Bailey, Andrew male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Bailey, Barzilla male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Bainbridge, Henry male female 11 21/up 1 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Baker, Barnabas male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 Baldwin, Sharp D. no enumeration Banger, Peter male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Barckley, Mary male female 1 21/up 1 3 un/12 un/12 Bard, William male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 Barge, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Barnard, George male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 4 2 un/12 un/12 Barnard, Peter male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 4 un/12 un/12 Barnes, Wm. Doc'r male female 4 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Barr, William no enumeration Barrat, John no enumeration Barret, Theodore male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Bartholomew, Daniel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Bartlet, Betsey male female 1 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Barwise, Thomas male female 4 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Bassett, Abigail male female 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 Bassett, Benjamin male female 4 21/up 2 21/up 3 12/21 1 un/12 Bassett, Jedediah male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 Bates, Clarke no enumeration for non resident Bates, Isaac no enumeration Baum, Martin male female 1 colored 3 21/up 3 21/up person 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 3 un/12 un/12 Bavis, Andrew male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Bawn, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 3 un/12 un/12 Baymiller, Jacob male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Bechtel, Henry male female 4 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 12/21 1 un/12 Bell, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 2 un/12 un/12 Benney, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Benson, Daniel male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 3 un/12 un/12 Benson, Daniel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Berry, James male female 4 21/up 2 21/up 2 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Berry, Peter male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 4 1 un/12 un/12 Berry, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Berry, Wm. G. male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Bert, Martha male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Best, Robert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 3 un/12 un/12 Best, Samuel Betts, Pheby male female male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 8 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 3 un/12 1 un/12 Betts, Samuel male female 6 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 Betty, Al'x male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 Billinger, Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Bird, Amos male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Bissel, Symon B. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 Black, David male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 1 un/12 Black, James male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 4 12/21 2 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Black, Matthias no enumeration Black, William male female 8 21/up 3 21/up 1 un/12 Blackall, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Blackburn, Jany no enumeration Blinkire, Charles male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 Boal, Robert male female 1 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up person 2 12/21 1 un/12 Bogert, Ralph male female 5 21/up 1 21/up 3 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 Bond, ? no enumeration in country Boner, James no enumeration Bonner, John no enumeration Borden, Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 Borden, Samuel no enumeration Bosson, Thomas M. male female 3 21/up 3 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 Bowen, Thomas male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 4 un/12 Bowman, Henry male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Bowman, Jacob male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Boyer, Robert P. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Brackenrig, R. & J. no enumeration Brady, Patrick no enumeration 2 colored persons Branderoof, Jesse no enumeration Brandruff, Timothy male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Brandt, Felix male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Brannon, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Brigham, John male female 4 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Brindley, ? no enumeration "wagon maker" Brinkerhuff, Harmon male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 3 12/21 1 un/12 Britt, Peter male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Broadwell, Jacob no enumeration lived in country Broadwell, Moses no enumeration Broadwell, Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Brooks, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Brooks, John male female 5 21/up 1 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 4 un/12 1 un/12 Brooks, Moses male female 7 21/up 3 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Brooks, ? male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Brown, David Brown, George Brown, Jacob Brown, John Brown, Mary Brown, Robert Brown, Samuel Brown, Sarah Brown, William C Bruster, Lucrecia Bryant, Charles Bryant, David Bryant, Timothy Bryson, James W. Budd, John Buffum, , John Bullian, John Bunnel, Moses Burke, William male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 16 2 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 male female 7 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 2 colored 12 21/up 3 21/up persons 2 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 3 un/12 male female 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 4 un/12 male female 3 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Burley, Thomas male female 2 colored 5 21/up 2 21/up persons 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Buron, John male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Burnes, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 4 un/12 un/12 Burnet, Isaac G. male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 2 2 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 Burnet, Jacob Esq. male female 2 colored 1 21/up 3 21/up persons 2 1 12/21 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 Burnet, Ralph male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Burns, James no enumeration Burrows, Stephen male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Burt, ! Samuel J. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Burtis, Jesse male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 Burton, Isaac no enumeration Burton, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 5 un/12 un/12 Bushart, Fanney male female none 1 21/up 1 un/12 Butler, Thomas male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Butler, Uriah male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Butler, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Butler, William no enumeration Butler, William Jr. no enumeration Butt, William male male 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 Butterfield, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 10 Buxton, Jane male female 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 Byres, Israel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 4 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Byrne, James W. no enumeration Bywaters, H. R. no enumeration Bywaters, Robert male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Brown, Hugh colored man Bryant, James 3 colored persons Burke, Enoch 5 colored persons Cake, Phillip male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Caldon, ? male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Caldwell, Robert no enumeration Cameron, James male female 2 21/up 1 21/up Cammeron, Robert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Campbell, Henry no enumeration Cancer, Thomas male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Cannon, Robert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Capp, Jacob G. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Carneal, Thomas D. no enumeration [lived in Covington, Ky.] Carnes, Ann male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Carpenter, Elizabeth male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 Carr, Francis male female 1 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up person 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Carrell, Margaret male female 1 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 11 Carrigan, William male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Carter, Daniel C. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Carter, Ephraim male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Carter, Thankful female 1 21/up 1 12/21 Carter, Thomas no enumeration with Ephraim Cary, Stephen male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Carzell, Peter [Cazelles] male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Case, Labun male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Cash, Polley male female 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Castner, ? male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Cathcart, D. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Cavinder, Charles male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Cawley, John male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 3 un/12 Center, James H. male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 Chamberlain, Doc'r no enumeration Chambers, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 1 un/12 Chandler, Rachel male female 2 21/up 1 un/12 Chaney, Tristram male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Chase. Abraham male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Chasemon, Uriah male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 4 un/12 Cheeke, Mary female 1 21/up 1 un/12 12 Cheever, John M. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Churchhill, Jesse male female 2 21/up 1 21/up Churchhill, Simeon male female 2 colored 3 21/up 1 21/up persons 3 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Chute, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Clapp, Lucrecia male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 Clarke, George male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Clarke, Nathaniel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Clarke, William A. male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Claspey, Charles male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 Clement, Ephraim male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Clofford, Sampson no enumeration Clothyer, Abraham male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 Coal, Lambert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Coalmon, Abel no enumeration Coalmon, Frederick male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Cobb, James male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Cobb, Jonathan B. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Cobb, Olliver B. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 5 un/12 Cocklin, Joseph male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Coddington, Robert male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 13 Coddington, Stephem male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Coffin, Barnabas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Coffin, Moses male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Coffin, Syrus male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Coleby, Z. male female 6 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Collard, Isaac male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Collard, Thomas male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 2 un/12 4 un/12 Collins, Jesse P. male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Collins, Norman male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Concklin, Abner male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Concklin, David male female 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 2 un/12 Concklin, Isaac no enumeration Conklin, Josiah no enumeration Conklin, Rachel male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Coney, George C. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Conn, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 Conn, Micajah male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Conner, Mary male female 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Conner, Samuel male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Coo, Francis male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Coones, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 14 Cooper. William male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Cooper, William B. male female 5 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Coppen, Joseph male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Copsey, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Corn, George male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Cornal, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Cornley, James male female 1 2 21/up 2 1 /up 3 12/21 3 3 un/12 un/12 Cornthwait, Thomas male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Correy, Jonathan male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Corry, William male female 2 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up persons 2 3 un/12 un/12 Coughlin, William male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Coughman, Seeman male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Coulman, Richard L. male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Coulmon, Rowlin no enumeration Cowen, Abisha male female 1 3 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 3 2 un/12 un/12 Cowen, Elisha male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Crain, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Crane, Stephen no enumeration Cranmer, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Crarey, William male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 15 Craven, Henry male female 2 2 21/up 21/up Crawford, see Crofford Crippen, William male female 6 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Crisman, Felix male female 2 1 21/up 21/up Crissey, Stodart male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 3 un/12 Crissey, William T. male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Cristey, Nancy female 1 21/up Crofford, John [Crawford] male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Crofford, Robert [Crawford] male female 3 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 Croger, Benjamin no enumeration Crone, John no enumeration with John Kidd Crossman, Peter male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 5 un/12 Crossman, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Crosson, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 Cullum, Allen male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Cumbo, Joseph male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Cumming, Samuel male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Cummins, Alexander male female 4 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 un/12 1 un/12 Cummins, John male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Cunningham, Joseph male female 2 2 21/up 21/up Cunningham, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 2 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 16 Curtw right, Ay re Cury, John Custard, Jeremiah Cutter, Seth Cutter, William Carrall, Samuel Carter, Thornton Coalmon, James Connaway, Solomon Crissop, Thomas Crowder, Betsy male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 3 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 4 1 un/12 un/12 male female 5 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 colored persons 6 colored persons 2 colored persons 5 colored persons 7 colored persons 4 colored persons Dail, Daniel [Dale] Danby, Thomas Danforth, Simeon Daniel, Isaac Darby, Thomas Dart, James Dart, Levi Daulton, John Davies, Cornelius Davies, Daniel Davies, Frederick male female 1 21/up no enumeration male female 2 1 21/up 21/up male female 7 2 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/i2 2 12/21 8 un/12 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 5 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 Davies, James Davis, John Davis, John Davies, Samuel W. Davies, Thomas Davies, William Day, Elias Day, Peter Dayneaux, Gregory Dean, Obed Dean, William Deeds, Isaac Dement, Richard Denny, John Depriest, Mary Derrem, Olliver [Durham] Desotchel, Francis Dewing, Jabes Dick, Samuel Dickey, Margaret male female male female male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 21/up male 4 21/up female 2 21/up 5 colored persons male female male female male female male female male female male female male female male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 21/up 21/up 2 21/up 2 21/up male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 2 colored persons male female 1 21/up 1 21/up male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 1 colored person 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 3 12/21 1 12/21 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 12/21 1 12/21 17 1 un/12 3 un/12 3 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 3 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 3 un/12 1 un/12 3 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 no enumeration male 5 21/up female 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 no enumeration female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 IS Dickinson, Townsend Dickson, James H. Disney, William Dobbins, Rachel Dodson, Edward Dodson, William Doen, Jesse Doing, Robert Dollerhide, Sally [Dalahide] Donohoo, James Dooty, Jesse Dooty, Jesse Jr. Dorman, Jesse B. Dorman, Littleton Douglass, John male female male female male female male female male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 21/up 3 21/up 5 21/up 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 21/up no enumeration male female male female male female male female male female male female male female male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 21/up male 2 21/up female 1 21/up 1 colored person 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 3 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 3 un/12 Douglass, John R. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 1 un/12 Douglass, Willi am male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 Drake, Daniel Doc'r male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Drake, Isaac male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 Drake, Lewis no enumeration 19 Drydon, William Dudley, Daniel Duffil, Benjamin C. Dugan, William Dunbarr, Seth Dunhymer, Christian Dunlap, Ephraim Dunlap, John Dunning, Festus Dunseth, Andrew C. Dunseth, David Dunseth. John Dyer, Daniel Doc'r Dakes, Joseph male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 3 un/12 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 no enumeration male female 3 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 colored 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 3 colored persons Earley, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 3 un/12 Earnst, Andrew H. [Ernst] male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 Earnst, Zacharias [Ernst] male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 Eaton, David male female 10 21/up 3 21/up 3 12/21 1 un/12 Eaton, William male female 1 colored 2 21/up 3 21/up person 1 un/12 2 un/12 20 Ebersol, Abraham male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Eddy, Stephen male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Edmondson, James male female 9 colored 25 21/up 4 21/up persons 2 1 12/21 12/21 4 un/12 2 un/12 Elder, Ely male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 colored person Eley, Jacob male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Ellinwood, Richard male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 4 un/12 Elsoner, Gasper male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Elsworth, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Embree, David male female 2 colored 4 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Embree, Jesse no enumeration Emmerson, Andrew male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Emmons, Alexander male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 Empson, Thomas male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 1 un/12 English, David male female 2 3 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 English, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 English, Samuel male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Ennis, John B. male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 Enyart, William male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Erick, David male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 21 Este, D. K. no enumeration Evans, Joseph male female 1 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up person 1 12/21 3 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Evans, Piatt male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 Ewing, James no enumeration Ewing, Jonathan male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 Fagley, Sarah male female 2 21/up 3 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Faiorn, Frederick [Facron] male 1 21/up Farechild, Alphius [Fairchild] male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 4 un/12 Farechild, Isaac [Fairchild] male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 2 un/12 Farechild, Olliver [Fairchild] male female 2 21/up 3 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Farely, Peter male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Farmer, Benjamin male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Feddenburgh, Isaac male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Feethorn Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 Fellows, Levi male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Fellows, Willis male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 Fellows, Willis Jr. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Fenegan, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Ferguson , Abijah F. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 22 Ferguson, Ethelbert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Ferguson, James male female 2 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up persons 2 12/21 1 12/21 Ferguson, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Ferren, Russel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Ferrere, Charles male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Ferris, Abraham male female 6 21/up 2 21/up 2 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Ferris, Joseph male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 Fields, Haberstout & Co. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 Finley, James Gen'l [Gen. James Findlay] male female 4 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 12/21 Fisher, Elias male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 Fisher, Samuel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Fisher, William no enumeration Fisk, John male female 3 21/up 2 21/up 3 12/21 Flag, Benjamin male female 6 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 1 un/12 Flemmin, Elizabeth male female 1 21/up 3 21/up Flemming, Jane male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Fletcher, Calvin male female 2 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Fletcher, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Flint, Hannah male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 Flint, Hezekiah no enumeration 23 Flora, George male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 5 un/12 Floyd, Gabriel no enumeration Fobble, [Ft Jacob i>wble] male female 2 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Folger, David male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 Folger, Elihu male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 Folger, Jethro male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Folger, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Folger, Mary male female 3 21/up 3 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Folger, Richard no enumeration Folger, Sylvanus male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Folger, Timothy no enumeration Ford, John male female 2 21/up 1 21/up Fosdick, Richard male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Foster, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 Fox, Hezekiah male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Fox, Myner male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Francis, David male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Francis, Enoch male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Freelan< I, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Freeman, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Frisby, Orrin & Bird male female 3 21/up 3 21/up 24 Fry, Theodore male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Fuller, Ashbil male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 Fuller, John no enumeration Fullerton, William no enumeration Furey, Peter male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Fort, Chesser 7 colored persons Foster, Thomas 8 colored persons Gaines, Richard no enumeration Galaspy, Robert [Gillespie] male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Gannon, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Gano, A. G. no enumeration Gano, Daniel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Gano, John S. Gen'l male female 3 21/up 5 21/up 3 12/21 1 un/12 Gant, Nebo Gardner, Allen P. Gardner, Edward Gardner, Josiah Gardner. Robert Gardner, Robert M. Garley, Joseph Garrard, Samuel Garretson, John 1 colored person no enumeration male 2 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 8 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 male 2 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 4 un/12 25 Gaskil, Krips male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Gates, Uriah male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Gazley, James W. male female 2 colored 1 21/up persons 1 un/12 Gibson, Alexander male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Gibson, Isabella male female 9 5 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Gibson, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Gibson, John male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Gibson, Joshua male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Gilbert, Barnard male female 11 3 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Gilbert, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Gilbert, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Gillen, Daniel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 4 un/12 Gillerland, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Gimble, Henry male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Glenn, Hugh male female 2 colored 3 21/up 1 21/up persons 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Glenn, Robert male female 4 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Goheen, Susannah male female 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Gold, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Golden, Peter male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 26 Goldson George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Goodrich, Cornelius male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Goodwir l, Asa male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Goodwir i, Phillip male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 Goodwin, William R. male female 2 colored 18 21/up 1 21/up persons 2 12/21 2 un/12 Gorden, Baker male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Gorden, Joseph male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Gorden, Lewis male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Goresuch, Garrad male female 2 4 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Gormon, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Gourges, Jacob male female 1 1 21/up 2 1 /up 4 un/12 Grandin Philip male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Grant, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 3 un/12 Grant, William male female 2 2 21/up 21/up Grapevine, Peter male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Gray, Alexander male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Green, Mrs. no enumeration with Martin Baun & Burnet Green, Elizabeth male female 5 2 21/up 21/up 4 12/21 1 un/12 Green, Joel male female 1 4 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Green, Joseph no enumeration 27 Green, Margaret male female 1 1 21 /up 21 /up 2 12/21 2 Ml/ 12 Green, Rufus male female 1 1 21 /up 21 /up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 2 Ml/ 12 Ml/ 12 Green, William male female 1 1 21 /up 21 /up 4 2 12/21 12/21 2 Ml/ 12 Greener, John male female 1 2 21/up 21 /up 1 1 Ml/ 12 Ml/12 Greenleaf, Samuel male female 1 3 21/up 21/up 3 3 12/21 12/21 3 Ml/ 12 Greenleaf, Stephen male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 Ml/ 12 un/12 Greenleaf, William male female 1 1 21/up 2 1 /up 1 12/21 1 Ml/12 Greer, D. no enumeration on Jacob Baymiller's Grey, Alexander male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Greyham, Thomas no enumeration Greyham, Thomas D. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Grover, Justice male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Guest, Moses male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 3 un/12 Gulick, Jacob no enumeration Givin, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Gaines, Isham 2 colored persons Graham, Bosin 8 colored persons Graves, Milley 2 colored persons Hadlock, Hezekiah Hafer, Henry Haffley, Jacob male female 1 21/up 1 21/up no enumeration male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 12/21 4 un/12 1 12/21 2 un/12 28 Haggard, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Hailman, Simon male female 26 1 21/up 21/up 3 4 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Haines, Amos male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Haines, Margaret no enumeration with Amos Haines Hales, Charles male female 1 colored 14 21/up 1 21/up person 4 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 Hale, Daniel Jr. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Hall, Elizabeth male female 2 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Hall, Ezekiel male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Hall, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Hall, Sarah male female 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Hall, Thomas no enumeration Hall, Willis male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Halley, David S. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Ham, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Hammel, Christopher male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Hammet, Daniel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 5 un/12 un/12 Hammet, Jacob male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 3 un/12 un/12 Hammilton, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 1 un/12 Hampton, Charles D. male female 3 1 21/up 2 1 /up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Hand, Charles J. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/ 1 2 29 Hand, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 3 un/12 un/12 Hanselman, Charles male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Harbin, Wellers male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 Harder, Isaac male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Hardin, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Hardin, Richard male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Hardgra ves, Maxwell male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 4 1 un/12 un/12 Hardy, Hugh male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 3 un/12 un/12 Harkness >, Anthony male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Harlow, William male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 3 3 un/12 un/12 Harris, Francis A. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Harris, James male female 10 21/up 2 21/up 2 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 Harris, James T. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 3 un/12 un/12 Harris, Richard no enumeration Harris, William male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 Harrison , Ebenezer male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Harrison , Edmond male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 4 1 un/12 un/12 Harrison , Hiram male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Harrison , Job male female 2 3 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 4 3 un/12 un/12 Harrison , Richard male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 30 Harshe, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Hart, Peter male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Harthham, Sarah no enumeration Harton, Roger male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 Hartsell, Abraham male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Harvey, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 colored persons Hatfield, Benjamin male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Hathaway, Henry male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Hatton, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Hawkins, James male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Hawkins, Josiah male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Hays, Barbary male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Hays, Jacob male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Hays, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Hearn, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Heath, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Heath, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Heckewelder, Thomas male female 1 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up person 1 1 un/12 un/12 Heffley, Jacob [Mrs. Maria B. Haifleigh] male female none 1 21/up 1 12/21 31 Heisler, Isaiah male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 3 un/12 un/12 Henderson, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 Henrietter, Rozanah male female none 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Herbert, Asher no enumeration Hewet, Alden male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Hickman, Aaron male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Hickman, Jafeth male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Hicks, Derphy male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Hicks, James male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Higgins, Lucinda male female 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Highfield, Salley male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 3 un/12 un/12 Highinger, Joseph male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Highway, John male female 2 3 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Hill, John male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Hill, Reuben male female 4 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 4 un/12 un/12 Hillhouse, John male 1 21/up Hills, Joseph male female 6 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 3 un/12 Hills, Thomas Esqr. no enumeration Hodgson, Joseph T. male female 1 colored 3 21/up 2 21/up person 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Hody, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 32 Hoffman, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Holcomb, Asa male 1 21/up female 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Hollace, Daniel male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Holley, Lavina male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Holley, Margaret male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Holloway, David male female 2 21/up 3 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Holt, Nancy no enumeration Honn, Jacob male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 Honn, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Hood, John & Wm. male female 7 21/up 2 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Hood, Rollin male female 1 21/up 3 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 Hooker, Benjamin male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person Hoomal. Jacob male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Hoops, Jacob male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Hopkins. Benjamin male female 2 21/up 3 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Hopkins. George F. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Hopkins, Julia male female 9 21/up 2 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Hopper, Aaron no enumeration Hoppei, Albert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 Hopple, Andrew no enumeration 33 Hopple, Casper male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 4 un/12 Hopson, Morris male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 Horn, John, S. male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Horner, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Hough, Isaac Doc'r male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 3 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Howard, Abner male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 2 un/12 Howard, Joseph male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Howard, Solomon male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Howe, John male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Howe, Silas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Howell, Lewis male female 2 3 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Hubble, Gabriel male female 4 2 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Huble, Jacob male female 2 1 21/up 21/up _ 12/21 3 un/12 3 un/12 Hudson, John male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Huffman, David male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Huffman, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 4 un/12 Hughs, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Hulber, Elizabeth male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Hulbert, Nathan male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Hull, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 34 Hull, ? Hultz. Ebenezer Hultz. Wilson Hummel. Andrew Humphrey, Samuel Hunt, Abijah Hunt, Jeremiah Hunt, Jesse Hunt, William Hurdus, Adam Hurdus, James Huston, James Hansford, Garrad Harrison, John Henry, George Hodge, Roger Hopes, Venus male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 2 un/12 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 no enumeration male 4 colored 1 21/up persons no enumeration no enumeration male female 2 colored 5 21/up 1 21/up persons 3 4 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 no enumeration male female 4 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 3 2 un/12 un/12 2 colored persons 3 colored persons 5 colored persons 2 colored persons 2 colored persons Iliff, Joshua Ince, James Irwin, Alexander Irwin, William Esqr. male female male female male female male female 4 colored persons 5 21/up 2 21/up 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 35 Isgrig, Joshua male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 3 un/12 Iuppenplatz, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 Jacobs, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 James, David male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 James, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 James, Levi & McCord male female 1 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up person 2 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 James, Thomas male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 James, William M. no enumeration Jaquish, Amos male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Jarman, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Jarman, Reuben male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Jackson, David male female 3 1 21/up 21/up Jackson, Ethan male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 Jackson, John male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Jackson, Joseph male female 6 3 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Jequett, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 4 un/12 Jerriff, Benjamin [Jelleff?] male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 John, Noble S. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 36 Johnson, Baker Johnson, Jo. H. Johnson, Zenas Johnston, Alexander Johnston, Andrew Johnston, Baker Johnston, Charity Johnston, Jane Johnston, Joseph Johnston, William Johnston, William H, Jones, C. Jones, David Jones, Henry Jones, Isaac B. Jones, John Jones, Joseph Jones, Joseph ["shumaker"] Jones, Susan Jones, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 2 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 3 un/12 no enumeration male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 un/12 male female 3 21/up 2 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 4 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 21/up 1 21/up male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 37 Jones, William male female 2 1 21 /up 21/up 3 un/12 3 un/12 Jones, William male female 1 2 21 /up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Joslin, Augustus male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Judd, Nelson male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 2 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Jung, Henry Jr. male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 3 un/12 Jurden, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Justice, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 3 un/12 Johnson , Priscilla 3 colored persons Johnson , Richard 5 colored persons Karr, William male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 Kating, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Kating, Nancy female 2 21/up 2 12/21 Kautz, David male female 11 3 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 4 un/12 Kautz, Jacob male female 4 3 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 4 un/12 Keeler, Caleb male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Keeler, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up \2 un/12 2 un/12 Keeler, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 1 12/21 Keeley, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 2 un/12 Keeley, Michael male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Keeley, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 38 Keen, Aaron male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Keen, Jonathan male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 Kelley, Dennis male female 6 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 4 un/12 Kelley, Hannah male female none 1 21/up 1 12/21 Kelley, Oliver male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 3 12/21 3 un/12 Kelley, Oliver, Jr. male female 4 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Kellogg, Charles F. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 1 un/12 Kelso, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Kemp. Joseph male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Kemper, Edward Y., Doc'r no enumeration Kemper , James male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 1 un/12 Kendal, Uzziah male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Kennerly, Thomas male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Kent, Luke male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 2 un/12 Keray, Jonathan no enumeration Kerby, James male female 2 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Keting, Loftus male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Keys, James no enumeration Keys, John F. male female 1 colored 3 21/up 1 21/up person 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 39 Kidd, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 Kidd, Samuel no enumeration Kilgoor, David [Kilgour] male female 6 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up persons Kimble, Moody male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 King, Edward male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 King, Harman male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 King, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 4 un/12 King, Justin male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 King, Levi no enumeration King, Thomas male female 11 21/up 2 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Kingsberry, Isabella female 1 21/up Kirkland, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Kowney, Antony male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 Kramer, John C. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Kyler, George male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 5 un/12 Kyse, Margaret male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Kennedy, Sarah 6 colored persons Lake, John no enumeration Landfear, John [Lamphear] male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Lang, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 40 Langdon, John male female 4 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Langdon, John W. male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 Langral, William male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 Lathrop, David male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Lawrence, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 3 un/12 un/12 Lawson, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 5 un/12 un/12 Lawson, Thomas male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 3 1 un/12 un/12 Lee, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 Lee, James male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Lee, John male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 3 2 un/12 un/12 Lee, Lewis H. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Lee, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Leeland, Albert male female 2 1 21/up 21/up Lefever, Peter male 1 colored 1 21/up person Lefler, Henry male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Legg, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 Lemmon, Adam H. male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Lemmon, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 5 un/12 Lenard, Walter male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Levingsworth, Seth M. no enumeration 41 Lewis, John C. male female 1 1 21 /up 21 /up 2 un/12 Lewis, Henry male female 2 2 21 /up 21 /up Lewis, Joseph & Lathrop male female 3 1 21 /up 21/up 4 un/12 Lewis, Josiah male female 1 1 21 /up 21/up Lewis, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Lewis, Thatcher male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Lewis, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up L'Hommedieu, Sarah male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Linken, Anthony male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Little, Benjamin male female 9 2 21/up 21/up 4 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Livergood, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Lloyd, Lydia T. male female none 1 21 /up 2 12/21 1 un/12 Locklin, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Lockman, Anthony male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 3 un/12 Lockwood, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 6 un/12 Lodge, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Lodge, Jozebad male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Long, Harmon male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Long, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Longshore, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 42 Longworth, Francis male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Longworth, Nicholas no enumeration Looker, James H. male female 3 1 21/up 21/up Looker, Salley C. male female 1 21/up Lord, Joseph male female 2 1 21/up 21/up Lord, Richard male female 2 2 21/up 21/up Love, Peter male female 4 1 21/up 21/up Lovell, Oliver male female 2 1 21/up 21/up Lovejoy, Richard male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Lovejoy, Samuel male female 5 21/up 1 21/up Lloyd, Hugh male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Low, Cornelius male 1 21/up Lowder, Benjamin Lowder, James Lowe, Amos Lowe, James Lowring, David [Loring] Ludnum, Norton Ludlum, Zilpha Luffborrow, William Lumbeck, Jacob 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/2 female 1 21/up no enumeration 3 un/12 3 un/12 2 un/12 4 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 5 un/12 1 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up male temale 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 4 un/12 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 2 un/12 un/12 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 43 Lusk. Thomas male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Luton. Abraham male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Lybey, George male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 Lyman , Josiah male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Lynch, Edward male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 Lyon, Jonathan male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 4 un/12 Lyon, Moses male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Lyons, James male female 4 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Lynes, William Sr. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 Lynes, William Jr. male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Lytle, William Gen'l male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Lowder, John F. 7 colored persons 4 colored persons McAlpin, Andrew male female 1 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 McAnnella, Barney male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 4 un/12 1 un/12 McBride, Daniel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 McCall, Alexander no enumeration McCammon, Thomas male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 McCartee, Eliner female 1 21/up 1 12/21 McCartee, Walter male female 1 21/up 1 21/up McCasling, Henry male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 44 McClure, John McCollum, Dunken McConn, Harrison McCord, Abraham McCord, Joseph McCormack, Thomas McCormack, William McCoy, Francis F. McCray, John McCriston, John McDonald, John McDonald, William McDugle, Hugh McDugle, Joseph McFarland, Stephen McGrew, Alexander Mclntire, James McKee, William McKinney, Elinor McLain, James [McLean] male female 2 1 21/up 21 /up 2 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 10 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 male female 4 21 /up * 1 21 /up 6 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 un/12 4 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 45 McMahon, James male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 McMullen, Archible male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 McNicol, Peter male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 McNight, David male female 1 21/up 3 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 McQuiston, James male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 2 un/12 McClemmey, Job 5 colored persons Macy, Elizabeth male female 3 21/up 2 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Macy, Reuben male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 Macy, Stephen no enumeration Madden, James male female 1 colored 1 21/up person 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Maddox, Abijah male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Maddox, Samuel male female 9 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Mahard, John male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 Manard, Ason, W. male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 un/12 Mancil, Joseph male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Mansfield, John no enumeration Mapes, Thomas male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Marsh. Charles male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Marsh, Estate no enumeration on Robert Boal Marsh, Isaac male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 46 Marsh, John Marsh, Thomas Marshall, Daniel Marshal, Syntha [Cynthia] Marshal, William P. Martin, Hiram Martin, Jacob Martin, John Martin, Jonah Martin, Oliver Mason, Benjamin Mason, George Mason, Joseph Mathews, Edwin Matill, David Mead, John Mears, James Medary, Joseph Medary, William Meeker, Moses Meider, Nathaniel male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 4 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 no enumeration with Wm. Coughlin male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 12/21 4 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 male female 2 21/up 4 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 47 Mcnekey, John male female 2 1 21/up 21/up Merridith, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Merril, Moody male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 5 1 un/12 un/12 Merry, Robert no enumeration Messeck, John male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Miers, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Miles, John male female 4 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 un/12 un/12 Millalley, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Miller, Caleb male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Miller, George C. male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 8 1 12/21 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Miller, Humphrey male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Miller, Jacob male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Miller, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Miller, John male female 4 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Miller. Michael male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Miller, Richard male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 3 un/12 un/12 Miller, Salley male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 Miller. Samuel R. male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Mills. Peter male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 3 un/12 un/12 Mills. William male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 48 Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, Thomas Moriston, Rohert [Moyston?] Mondank, Henry Monrow, John [Monroe] Monrow, William [Monroe] Montgomery, Alexander Moore, Adam Moore, Hugh Moore, Jacob Moore, John M . L( oore. i^evi Moore. Rachel Moore, William Moorehead, William Morgan, Ephraim Morin, Michael Morris, James C. Morris, John Morris, Jonathan Morris, William W. male female 2 2 21 /up 21 /up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 3 un/12 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 no enumeration for M. L. Moore no enumeration male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 male none female 1 21/up 1 12/21 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 colored 1 21 /up 3 21 /up person 3 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 male female 6 1 21/up 21/up no enumeration no enumeration male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 un/12 un/12 no enumeration 49 Morrison, Jeremiah male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Morton, Elijah male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Morton, John A. male female 7 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Morton, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Motefonee, Joshua male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Mudge, Benjamin male female 4 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Mulford, Marsh male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Mulford, Richard male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Mullalley, Joseph male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Mullalley, Richard male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Mullhollon, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Muntz, Peter male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Murch, Sarah male female 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Murphey, Cornelius male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Murphey, Peter male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Murry, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Musgrove, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Musselman, David male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 4 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Myres, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Malson, Jacob 5 colored persons 50 Neave, Jeremiah Neave, Thompson Neeley, Thomas Nelson, John Nelson, Ralph Nelson, Sacker Newell, Reason Newell, Samuel Newhouse, John Newnum, Edward Newton, Thomas Nigh, Stephen " [Nye] Night. William [Knight?] Night, William Noblaw, Frederick [Knoblough] Noble, William Norton, Elijah Notterway, Olzias [Ozias Northway] Nox, Ebenezer [Knox] Nox, Reuben [Knox] male female 1 1 21 /up 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 male female 7 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 4 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 4 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 male female 2 21 /up 1 21 /up 1 12/21 4 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 51 Oferrel, Mary male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Ogden, Hiram male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Ogden, James H. male female 1 21/up 3 2 12/21 12/21 Oldham, Moses male female 4 3 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Oldham, Moses J. no enumeration Oldham, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Oliver, Jesse male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Oliver, William male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 1 12/21 1 un/12 Oneal, Widow male female 1 21/up 2 2 un/12 un/12 Orrange, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Orsburn, David male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Ornstout, John male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 4 12/21 1 4 un/12 un/12 Osstander, William [Ostrander] male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 3 un/12 un/12 Owens, Orwin male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 4 1 un/12 un/12 Paddick, Tristrim male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Paddock, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Paddock, Samuel no enumeration Paine, Phineas male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Paine, Thomas L. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 52 Palmer, John Palmer, Thomas Pancost, Jonathan Pancost, Joseph Park, Arthur Parke, Culberson Parke, John Parker, James Parmele, Henry Parmer, William H. Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, Samuel Pawson, William Pearce, Thomas Pearson, Abraham Pearson, Doc'r Pearson, John Pearson, Sarah Pearson, William male female 1 1 21 /up 21 /up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21 /up 21 /up 1 un/12 5 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 21 /up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 5 1 21/up 21 /up 3 12/21 3 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 male 1 21/up 1 un/12 female 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 5 21/up 3 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 male female 2 3 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 male female 1 1 2 1 /up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 colored 1 21 /up 1 21 /up person 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 6 21 /up 1 21 /up 3 12/21 1 un/12 53 Pearsor i, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Penningger, Martin male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Perrkinson, Robert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Perry, Braydon male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 3 12/21 4 4 un/12 un/12 Perry, Joseph male female 3 colored 2 21/up 2 21/up persons 1 1 un/12 un/12 Perry, Joshua male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Perry, Martha male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Perry, William no enumeration Petitt, John male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Pettit. Thomas male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 3 un/12 un/12 Phillips , John male female 4 21/up 1 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Phillips , William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Piatt. Benjamin M. male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Piatt, John H. male female 2 colored 2 21/up 2 21/up persons 1 1 12/21 12/21 Pindle, Joshua male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Poland, [Nathaniel?] male female 1 21/up 1 21/up Porter, Benjamin male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 4 2 un/12 un/12 Porter, George male female 3 21/up 2 21/up 6 12/21 1 un/12 Porter, Nathaniel male female 7 21/up 1 21/up 3 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 54 Post, Aaron Postion, Blass Potter, John S. Potter, William Pounsford, William Powder, John Price, James Pruden, David Pruden, Ebenezer Pruden, James Purcell, Bennet Purcell, Bryson Purcell, Dennis Purcell, Joseph C. Pugh, David Pugh, Lot Puzee, Joshua Pyneer, Isaac [Poinier] Preston, James male female 1 21 /up 1 21 /up 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21 /up 1 21 /up 1 un/12 male female 1 21 /up 1 21 /up 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 12/21 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 6 21/up 3 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 male female 7 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 no enumeration male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 4 12/21 1 un/12 male female 5 21/up 1 21/up 4 12/21 4 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 4 un/12 5 colored persons 55 Riley, j- no enumeration with Rich'd Gaines Ragan, Leeah [Leah Reagin] male female 3 1 21 /up 21 /up 1 12/21 Ragan, Reason male female 1 1 21 /up 21 /up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Ragan, Wilks male female 4 1 21 /up 21 /up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Ramsey , Samuel male female 1 2 21 /up 21 /up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 colored person Ramsey , Thomas male female 1 1 21 /up 21/up Ramsey, Thomas male female 2 21 /up 2 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Ramsey , William male 1 21/up Ransom , Ziba male female 3 3 21/up 2 1 /up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Ratell, Philbert male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Read, Moses male female 4 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Reddington, Daniel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Reed, Robert male female 1 1 21/up 2 1 /up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Reed, William no enumeration Reeder, Jesse male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 Reeder, Nathaniel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 4 1 un/12 un/12 Rees, Lewis male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 1 un/ 1 2 un/12 Reeves, Powel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Reynold Is, James male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/ 1 2 Reynold s, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 un/12 un/12 Rezer, Catherine [Resor] male female none 2 21 /up 56 Rezer, Jacob [Resor] male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Rice, John male female 3 21/up 2 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Richards, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Richards, Nancy male female none 2 21/up 2 un/12 Richards, William & B. male female 3 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 Richards, ? male female 1 21/up 3 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 Richardson, Robert no enumeration Richardson, Samuel male female 3 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up persons 2 un/12 Richey, Robert male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 Rickkett, Thomas male female 4 21/up 1 21/up 3 12/21 3 un/12 Riddle, James Riddle, John Rider, Jeremiah Riley, Boyd Riley, Hugh Riley, Patrick Riley, Robert Rist, Adam Ritter, Charles Roads, Samuel no enumeration no enumeration male 3 21/up female 1 21/up male 1 21/up female 2 21/up male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 12/21 male 1 21/up female 1 21/up male 1 21/up female 1 21/up male 1 21/up female 1 21/up male 1 21/up female 1 21/up male 2 21/up female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 2 un/12 2 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 57 Robbins, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Roberson, Jonathan male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Roberson, George male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Roberson, Mary male female 2 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Roberson, William no enumeration Roberts, Aaron male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Roberts, John male 1 21/up 1 un/12 Roberts, Moses Roberts, Moses B. Roberts, Stephen Robertson, Samuel Roe, Daniel Rogers, Doc'r [Coleman Rogers] Rogers, Joel Rogers, Seva Roll, Jacob C. Roll, Peter Rolson, Daniel Romerin, Edward Rooloof, Phoedrick [Frederick] female 1 21/up male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 2 12/21 male 1 21/up 1 12/2: female 1 21/up male 2 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 3 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 male female 3 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 un/12 3 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 4 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 1 un/12 Roork, John male female 1 1 21/up 2 1 /up Ropsor 1, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Rork, Daniel male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Rose, Luther male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Rose, T. D. male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Ross, Britton male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 un/12 un/12 Ross, Daniel male 2 21/up Ross, Daniel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Ross, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Ross, Stephen male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 Ross, William male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Ross, William F. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Rowlin, William [Rowland] male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Ruffin , William male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 3 12/21 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 Ruffner, Joseph male female 3 2 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Rush, John male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Russel, James male female 3 3 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 Russel, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Ruth, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Rutter, Elizabeth male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 59 Ryland, Thomas Ryley, Daniel Reed, Benjamin Rolton, William Rutter, Annis male 1 21/up female 1 21/up male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 2 colored persons 5 colored persons 7 colored persons 3 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 St. Clair, Arthur male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 8 colored persons 2 12/21 3 un/12 St. Clair, F. no enumeration on Jacob Baymiller's St. Clair, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Salmon, John Doc'r male female 5 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Sampson, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Sampson, Stephen male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 4 un/12 un/12 Sanborn, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Sanburn, Deborah male female 2 21/up 2 12/21 Sanders, Hezekiah male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Sanders, William male female 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 Sandiford , James male female 3 1 21/up 21/up Sanxey, Frederick male female 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Sargent, John male female 7 2 21/up 21/up 4 12/21 2 un/12 Sargent, Nathan male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Sargent, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 60 Saterthwait, John Scarlet, Merrill Scofield, David Scott, Mary Scott, Michael Scott, Ruhanah Scribner, John Scudder, Caleb Scudder, John Scudder, John Jr. Scudder, Samuel Sedgewick, Thomas Sedgewick, Matthew See, Peter Seeley, Jonathan Heirs Seeman, Joseph Sefton, John Sefton, William Seillinger, Willliam Sergent, ? no enumeration mate female 7 21 /up 1 21 /up male female 1 21 /up 1 21 /up 2 1 un/12 un/12 male female 2 21 /up 1 21 /up 1 1 12/21 12/21 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 4 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 4 1 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 2 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up male female 1 colored 6 21/up 1 21/up person 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 no enumeration by D. Mayo 61 Shaddinger, George male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Shaffer, Daniel male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Shaffer, Lewis male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Shalley, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Shane, Henry male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Shane, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 1 un/12 Shane, John & Bennet no enumeration Sharp, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Shaw, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Sheets, Adam male female 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Shepherd, David Esqr. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Shepherd, David male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Sherlock, Frederick male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Sherlock, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Shervin, Ruth male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Shielts, Isaac male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Short, John C. no enumeration Short, Martin male female 1 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up person 2 un/12 Shultz, Conrad no enumeration Sights, Henry [Sites] [Seitz] male female 3 2 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Sisco, Calvin male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 62 Sisco, David male 1 21/up female 1 21/up Sisco, Henry male 1 21/up female 1 21/up Sisco, Solomon male 2 21/up female 2 21/up Sisson. Isaac male 2 21/up female 2 21/up Slack, Elijah [Rev.] male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 1 colored person 1 un/12 1 un/12 3 un/12 1 un/12 2 un/12 Slayback, Abel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Slaysmon, John male female 2 21/up 1 21/up Sloo, Thomas, Jr. male female 3 colored 2 21/up 2 21/up persons 2 12/21 1 un/12 Sloone, Andrew- male female 2 21/up 1 21/up Sloone, David male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 Smead, Doc'r [Ithiel] male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Smith & Blackburn male 2 21/up Smith, Benjamin male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Smith, Benjamin C. male female 1 colored 6 21/up 3 21/up person 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Smith. Burrow male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 4 12/21 2 un/12 Smith, Chancy male 1 21/up Smith, Charles male female 2 21/up 3 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Smith, Christopher male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Smith, Clarissa & Ann no enumeration 63 Smith, Daniel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Smith, Elias no enumeration Smith, Hezekiah male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Smith, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Smith, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 un/12 un/12 Smith, John male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Smith, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Smith, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Smith, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 Smith, John B. male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 Smith, Marcus, T. C. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Smith, Martin male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 Smith, Mordica male female 3 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Smith, Oliver male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 Smith, Paul male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Smith, Robert male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Smith, Simon no enumeration Smith, Sumers male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Smith, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Smith, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 Smith, Sarah no enumeration 64 Smith, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Smith, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Smith, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 Smith, Wright male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Snell, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 Snyder, Adam male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Snyder, Isaac & John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Snyder, Jacob male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Snyder, John male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 Sotcher, Abner male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Soward, David male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Sowder, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Sowe. Abraham male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Sparkes, ? male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Spear, James H. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Spear, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Spencer , Israel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Spencer, , O. M. male female 2 colored 2 21/up 3 21/up persons 1 3 12/21 12/21 6 un/12 1 un/12 Spencer, , Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 to Sperry, Edward male female 1 1 21 /up 21 /up Spinning, Ichabod male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 Spinning, Jonathan male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Spinning, J. P. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Spooner, Reed male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Sprague, Alford D. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Sprigman, Peter A. male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Stabler, Jonathan male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 1 un/12 Stage, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 2 un/12 Stagg, Daniel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Stagg, Isaac male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Staggs, Reuben F. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Stake, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Stall, George W. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Stansberry, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Starbuck, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Starling, Samuel male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Stephens, Ephraim male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Stephens, Fanny male female 1 21/up 1 un/12 Stephens, Isaac male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 66 Stephens, Jesse Stephens, John A. Stephens, Joseph Stephens, Moses Stephens, William Stibbs, Samuel Stilman, William Stilman, Abigail Stilts, William Stitt. Samuel Stockman, John Stockman, Jonathan P. Stokes, John Stone, Ethan Esqr. Stone, Gasper Stonemitz, David H. Stoops, Thomas Storm, Abraham Storms, Jacob Stout, John male female 1 1 21 /up 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 no enumeration no enumeration male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 4 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 1 12/21 3 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 colored 3 21 /up 2 21 /up person 1 12/21 male female 6 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 1 21/up 21/up male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 1 un/12 male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 1 12/21 1 un/12 67 Strigler, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 Strigler, Jonathan male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Stroughuvor, George male female 9 21/up 2 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Stuart, Benjamin male female 2 21/up 1 21/up Stuart, Moses male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 2 un/12 Stuart, Nathaniel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 4 un/12 Stuart, Thomas male female 1 21/up 2 21/up Sullivan, Henry male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 3 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Sutter, Robert male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Swab. Adam male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Swain, Charles male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 Swain, George male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Swaine, Solomon no enumeration . Swann, ? no enumeration on Henry Bechtel Swin, Eason male female 4 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 Swing, Samuel no enumeration Symns, Daniel [Symmes] Decst, & estate of on Elizabeth Symns on M. Ferguson Symns, Elizabeth [Symmes] male female none 2 21/up 2 12/21 Symns, Paton S. [Symmes, Peyton Short] no enumeration Syre, Leonard [Sayre] male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 68 Shaffer, Mary Ann Sizer, William Shilton, Joseph Smith, Frank Smith, Robert Symns, Michael 4 colored persons 7 colored persons 9 colored persons 4 colored persons 4 colored persons 2 colored persons Taft, George W. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 4 un/12 un/12 Tappan, Benjamin male female 3 21/up 4 21/up 3 12/21 1 un/12 Tatspaw, George male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 3 un/12 un/12 Taylor, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Taylor, Jonah no enumeration Taylor, Mary male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Teter, Henry [Teeter] male female 6 21/up 2 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Tharp, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Thatcher, David male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Thomson, John Jr. Thompson, Edward Thompson, James Thompson, Joshua Thornton, Joseph Thorp, Abner Thorp, Abraham male 1 21/up male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 2 un/12 male female 4 21/up 1 21/up 5 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 2 12/21 1 12/21 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 12/21 1 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 69 Thorp, Andrew male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Thorp, Daniel male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 Thorp, David male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 Thorp, Ezekiel male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Thorp, John male female 1 colored 2 21/up 1 21/up person 1 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Thorp, John D. male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 Thorp, William male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 Thorpe, Henry male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Tibbits, Jeremiah male female 2 colored 3 21/up 1 21/up persons 1 un/12 Tibbits, John male female 2 21/up 1 21/up Tfbbits, Samuel male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 Tibbits, Theopholis male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 Tibbies, John male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 4 un/12 Tilson, Lucy C. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 Tilton, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Tirpin, [Ti Phillip jrpin] no enumeration Toby, William C. male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Todhunl :er, Thomas male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Tomlinson, John male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 3 un/12 1 un/12 70 Tompson, Douglas Tompson, William Toney, Edward Torrence, George P. Touffley & Richards Town, Abraham Towner, Abraham Traver, John Troxwell, Frederick Tucker, Thomas Tullis, David Tunis, Jabez Turner, Edmond Turner, Isaac Tutchin, William Tuttle, Ebenezer Tuttle, John Tibs & Grayham Tompson, Anthony Tompson, Charles Tucker, James male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 3 un/12 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up male female 4 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up persons 2 1 un/12 un/12 male 2 21/up male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 1 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 3 3 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 3 21/up male female 1 21/up 1 21/up male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 un/12 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 3 1 un/12 un/12 3 colored persons 5 colored persons 5 colored persons 1 colored person 71 Vallet, Peter male female 1 21 /up 21/up 4 un/12 2 un/12 Vancamp, Mary male female 3 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Vance, Samuel C. male female 2 colored 1 21 /up 1 21 /up persons 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Vance, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Vandouzen, Isaac male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 Vandozen, A. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Vanduzen, Mathew male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Vanhowton, John P. [Vanhouten] male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 Vanhowton, Peter J. [Vanhouten] male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Vanmiddlesworth, Henry male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Vannorsdail, Garrat [Vanausdol] male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Vanvolkinburg, Joiakin male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Vanvolkinburg, Luke male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Vattier, Charles male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Vincent, Hannah male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Vinton, Earl D. male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Voshare, Abraham [Veaucher] male female 8 2 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Wade, David male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 1 colored person 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 72 Wade, David E. Waggoner, John Wakelief, Louvina Walker, Christopher Walker, Daniel Walsh, Hester Walker, James W. Walker, Jemima Walker, Joseph Walker, Robert Wallace, , John S. Wallace, , William Wallen, Edward Waller, Frederick Walsh, Patrick Waltonroad, Jacob Ward, James Ward, James Ward, Robert Warner, Lewis male 5 21/up female 2 21/up 2 colored persons male female male female male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 11 21/up 3 21/up no enumeration male female male female none 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up no enumeration male female male female male female male female male female male female male female male female male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 21/up 1 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 21/up 12/21 12/21 1 12/21 2 21/up 1 12/21 12/21 12/21 3 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 2 12/21 1 12/21 1 12/21 male 1 21/up female 2 21/up [enumerated twice with 1 un/12 3 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/ 1 un/12 1 un/12 1 un/12 un/12 un/12 un/12 un/12 2 un/12 un/12 un/12 2 un/12 un/12 un/12 un/12 un/12 different taxes] male female male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 un/12 un/12 un/12 un/12 un/12 un/12 1 un/12 73 Washburn, Alvin Washburn, Calvin Waters, Jacob Watson, John Watson, Lumen Watt, David Wayman, Jonathan Waynes, Daniel Weatherby, Danforth Weatherby, John Weaver, David Weaver, Lewis Weaver, Richard Webb, James Webb, ? Weeks, Jacob Wells, Zerubabal Wentworth, Daniel Wescoat, David male female 1 21 /up 1 21/up 2 12/21 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 3 un/12 male female 1 colored 5 21/up 2 21/up person 1 3 12/21 12/21 male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 4 21/up 2 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 3 un/12 3 un/12 male female 1 colored 11 21/up 1 21/up person 4 12/21 3 un/12 1 un/12 male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up male 2 21/up female 1 21/up male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 74 Wescoat, James Wescoat, John Wescoat, Jonathan West, Francis West, James West, Otis West, Samuel Westcoat, Leonard Western, William Westervelt, Abraham Weyman, George Wheeler, Aquila Wheeler, George Wheeler, Ignatius Wheeler, Jacob Wheeler, N. W. Wheeler, Rhoda Whetstone, John Whetstone, John Jr. Whipple, Charles male 5 21/up 2 12/21 female 1 21/up 1 12/21 male 2 21/up 1 12/21 female 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male 1 21/up 3 un/12 female 1 21/up 2 un/12 no enumeration male 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 female 2 12/21 1 un/12 male 2 21/up 2 un/12 female 1 21/up 1 un/12 male 1 21/up female 2 21/up male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 male female 9 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 2 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 no enumeration male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 2 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 male 1 21/up female 1 21/up 1 colored person male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 2 un/12 un/12 male female 1 colored 1 21/up 1 21/up person 1 un/12 male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 male female 2 21/up 2 21/up 3 un/12 male female 3 21/up 3 21/up 3 un/12 75 Whipple, Preserved male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 3 un/12 un/12 Whistler, Jacob male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 White, John male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Whiteker, James male female 2 3 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Whiteside, Samuel H. male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 1 un/12 un/12 Whitmore, Julius male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 2 un/12 Wiatt, C ary male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 1 un/12 un/12 Wilcox, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Williams, Caleb male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 5 1 un/12 un/12 Williams, Edward male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Williams, Elmor male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 3 un/12 Williams, Ephraim male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Williams, Israel male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 1 un/12 un/12 Williams, Jacob no enumeration Williams, James no enumeration Williams, Joel no enumeration Williams, John L. male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 2 1 un/12 un/12 Williams, Lewis male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 2 un/12 un/12 Williams, Micajah T. male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 Williams, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Williams, Thomas no enumeration Williamson, George male female 2 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 2 3 un/12 un/12 76 Williamson, James male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Williamson, John male female 2 3 21/up 21/up 4 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Willis, Edward male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 3 12/21 2 un/12 3 un/12 Williston, Othniel H. male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Wilmouth, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Wilson & Cochran male 2 21/up Wilson, George B. male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Wilson, Elijah male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 3 un/12 Wilson, James male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Wilson, James P. male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 Wilson, Joseph male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Wilson, Rev. Joshua L. male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Winezor [W , Thomas indsor?] male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 2 un/12 Wing, Cornelius male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Winters, James F. male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 Winters, Josiah male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Winton, Banks male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 3 un/12 3 un/12 Winton, John male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Winzer, Ignatius male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 2 un/12 Wood, Elisha male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 4 un/12 77 Wood. John male female 1 2 21 /up 21 /up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 3 un/12 Woodnut, William no enumeration Woodru: £f, Enos male female 1 2 21/up 21 /up 1 12/21 Woodru: ff, Joseph male female 2 2 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 Woodward, William male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 Woolf, Jacob male female 3 1 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 3 un/12 2 un/12 Woolley William male female 2 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Worthington, Charles male female 6 2 21/up 21/up 2 12/21 2 un/12 2 un/12 Wright, Henry male female 5 1 21/up 21/up 1 12/21 4 un/12 Wright, Joel no enumeration Wright, John male female 1 2 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 1 un/12 Wright, Jonathan male female 1 1 21/up 21/up Wright, Jonathan Jr. male female 1 colored 3 21 /up 1 21 /up person 1 un/12 1 un/12 Wright, Mary male female 1 21/up 1 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Wright, Samuel male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 Wright, Samuel no enumeration Wright, Thomas male female 1 1 21/up 21/up 1 un/12 Wright, Thomas Williams, Thomas Wilson, Lymus Witt, Orrange male 1 21/up female 2 21/up 2 colored persons 4 colored persons 7 colored persons 1 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 78 Yaugle, William male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 2 un/12 Yeaman, Henry male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 1 12/21 Yeaman, Salley C. no enumeration Yeatmar i, Griffin male female 1 colored 6 21/up 2 21/up person 1 2 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 1 un/12 York, : [Martha male female 1 21/up 4 un/12 1 un/12 Youart, Elizabeth male female 1 21/up 2 un/12 1 un/12 Young, Jonathan male female 3 21/up 1 21/up 1 1 12/21 12/21 2 un/12 Young, Phillip male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 4 1 12/21 12/21 4 un/12 2 un/12 Zebald, Samuel male female 14 21/up 2 21/up 3 1 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Zeigler, Lucy Ann male female 3 colored none 2 21/up persons Zesline, Sarah male female 3 21/up 5 21/up 2 2 12/21 12/21 1 un/12 1 un/12 Zumer, Augustus [Zeumerl male female 1 21/up 1 21/up 2 12/21 1 un/12 6 un/12 79 BUSINESS AND ESTATE ENTRIES Bailey Estate, John B. Ennis, tax but no enumeration. Martin Baum & Burnet, two sugar houses. Brannon, A., on Ebenezer Hultz, no enumeration. Brown's Heirs, on William Sanders. Brown, S.J., with Edmond Harrison. Brown (Wm. C.) & Folk. Burrows & Tunis, on Stephen Burrows. Calhoon & Kennedy, property on Jacob Burnet. J. Canby, with Joel Wright. Chamberland, Heirs of, with Riddle. Cincinnati Bank. Cincinnati Factory. Cincinnati St [earn] Mill Co. Cowdon & Stone, on Thos. M. Brown. Davies & Watkins. Deleplain, with Worth [Gorham Worth]. Denniston, Alexander Rollins Estate, no enumeration. Downs & Haines. Evans & Rees. F[armers] & Me[chanics] Bank, on Samuel Davies. Ferguson, M., on S. W. Davies. B. Fisher, Des't, on Benj. Mason. Flint & Kitchel. Flint & Thatcher. M. Ferguson, on Elizabeth Symns [Symmes]. Gano, Daniel, & Drew. Gibson, G. & J. Gibson & Heckewelder. Green, Wm., & Co., foundry. Harson, Wm., with John Watson. Hartsel, C, Estate of, with D. Embree. Hodgson & Wood. Holloway & Wright. Kerbv & Fosdick. 80 Larz, Roberson, Lawhead & Thorp. Longworth & Barr. Longworth & Dayton. McDugle, Joseph & Hugh. Mason, Benjamin, & Wood. Mears & Canby. Mears & Home, Miami Bank, on O. M. Spencer. Monrow & Fletcher. Moore & Myres. Morgan & Davies. Morris, G. & E., with Samuel R. Allen. O'Ferrel Estate, on O. M. Spencer. Ormsby, with Joel Wright. Pearson, for Paxson, Dis't. Perry, J. & S. Piatt & Henry. Piatt, Henry & McHenry. Piatt, John H. & Co. Piatt, John H. & Benjamin. Pugh & Teeter Glassworks. Read's Heirs, on Griffin Yeatman. H. Read, on Ezekiel Thorp. Rice & Smith. Riddle, Bechtel & Co., Riley, J., with Richard Gaines. Spencer & Piatt, on O. M. Spencer. Southerland, on Wm. Ruffin. Southgate & Lindsay. Strong, E., Estate of, on Samuel R. Miller. Sutton, on Andrew C. Dunseth. Thoburn, Thompson & Co. Thorp, John D., & Coones. Thorp, John D., & Ezekiel Thorp. Vayle & Davies [Vail]. Wallace, John S. & Co. West, Staley, & Grant. Whipple, Washburn & Co. Worth, Cash'r [Gorham Worth]. Yeatman, Walker & Co. 81 ELECTION OF FIVE MEMBERS TO THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 1798 To choose five representatives to the General Assembly of the Northwest Territory the names of eleven prominent Hamilton County men were presented as candidates to the voters. They were William McMillan, William Goforth, James Findlay, Jacob Burnet, Robert Benham, Thomas Gibson, Jacob White, John Ludlow, John Smith, Daniel Reeder and James John. Additional names were at times given by the voters and these were Francis Dunlevy, Daniel Beatty, Jacob Reeder, John Watson, David Enox, Daniel Martin, Nathaniel Kelly and Rice Bullock. The successful candidates polled many votes: McMillan 417; Goforth 357; Benham 303; Smith 228, and John Ludlow 190. Running close in the race were Findlay 165; Burnet 149; Gibson 111. The others won from one to 78 scattering votes. Territory of the United States North West of the Ohio. SEAL Ar. St. Clair By His Excellency Arthur St. Clair, Governor of the Territory of the United States North west of the Ohio to the Sheriff of the county of Hamilton Greeting: Whereas by the Ordinance of congress for the Government of the Territory of the United States North west of the Ohio it is ordained that so soon as there shall be five thousand free male inhabitants of full age in the District, upon proof being given thereof to the Governor, they shall receive authority with time and place, to elect Representatives from their several Coun- ties or Townships, to represent them in general Assembly, and whereas, Sufficient proof having been given to the Governor that there are a much greater Number of free male inhabitants of full age in the Districts than the five thousand required by the Said Ordinance, authority has been given, by an Ordinance under the Seal of the Territory bearing evidence herewith, to the Inhabitants of the District to Assembly together at certain places in the several Counties on the third Monday of December 82 next of which you shall previously give due and public Notice, when and where all persons qualified as by the Said Ordinance of congress is required, are to be admit- ted freely and openly to nominate and appoint such persons qualified in like manner, as they and each of them shall think proper: you shall call to your assist- ance two or more of the Magistrates of the County & shall preside in the said Election and preserve Order and Decorum and use your authority to prevent and repress every tumult and confusion, and anything which may have a tendency to prevent the election from being freely and fairly conducted. And, if the qualifications of the electors and elected you, together with the Magi- strates you shall call to your assistance, are constituted the Judges, — saving however to all and every person who may think himself aggreved by your Judgement therein an appeal to the House of Representatives when the same shall be formed. And you are farther required to cause to be taken in writing in your presence an exact list of the names of the persons who shall vote at the said Election, and of the persons voted for by each of them ; and you shall keep the Election open a reason- able time to give opportunity to all the qualified Electors to declare their votes, and give public notice, at least one hour before the same shall take place, that, at such an hour, nameing it distinctly, the Election will be closed, and no votes received afterwards. So soon as the Election shall be closed you shall cause the num- ber of votes for every Person proposed as a Represent- ative to be accurately cast up in presence of yourself and assistants and in their presence also you shall sign and seal the paper or papers containing the same, and shall forthwith openly publish and declare the Persons appearing to have the greatest number of votes as duly elected to represent your County in the general assem- bly. The original lists of the Electors, signed and sealed as before directed, are to be deposited by you in the office of the Prothonatary of the Court of common pleas, and a copy thereof sealed and certified by you, transmitted to the office of the Secretary of the Terri- tory together with this writ and how you have executed the same, you are further required to give to the Persons and each of them appearing to have the greatest number of votes certificate in the form following viz. — Sheriff of the County of to all Persons whom it may concern, Be it known that of the said County at an Election of Representatives held at Cincinnati for the said County of Hamilton on the third Monday of December last — by Vertue of 83 a writ to me directed by the Governor ( here insert the Person's name) was, by a Majority of votes, duly elected a Representative to represent the said County in the General Assembly for two years — Given under my hand & seal at Cincinnati the day of In the premise or any of them fail not, Given under my hand & seal of the Territory the 29th day of October in the year of our Lord 1798 and of the independence of the United States the Twenty third. Agreeable to the command of the within writ of Election I have taken to my assistance Aaron Cadwell, Stephen Wood & John Greer, Esquires, three of the Justices assigned to keep the peace within and for said County of Hamilton, and on the third Monday of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety eight at Cincinnati in the County aforesaid, opened the Election proceeded to take the votes of the Electors within said County pursuant to this writ, where- upon William McMillan William Goforth Robert Benham John Smith and John Ludlow, esquires, five of the Candidates at said Election were duly elected and Chosen Representatives to the General Assembly, for Hamilton County, and have done in all things within as it is Commanded me to do which will more fully appear by the schedule hereunto annexed. James Smith Shff. LIST OF VOTERS 1798 Dominicus Abbott John Armstrong Elisha Abbott Sam'l Armstrong Jas. Adams Dan'l Artel Sam'l Alexander Wm. Auntes Rich'd Allison Wm. Austin Thomas Alston Thos. Auter Isaac Anderson Ch's Avery John Anderson John Awl Jas. Andrews Ayer - see Are Benejah Are [Aver] Rich'd Ares Rob't Badgly [Ayres] Doct'r Bane 84 Thomas Barns Clark Bates Dan'l Bates Isaac Bates Usual Bates John Beckel [Bickel] Francis Beedle Joseph Begle [Bickel] Abel Bell Jacob Bell John Bell Peter Bell Jas. Bills Rich'd Benham Robert Benham James Bennet Jno. Biesley [Beasley] James Bigle [Bickel] Wm. Bigle [Bickel] Jno. Billington David Black Abr. Blue Melyn Boker Bolser - see Paulser Albert Bonta Daniel Bonta Caleb Boyston Moses Br ad way David Brecount Sam'l Brewster Hezekiah Broadberry Ep'm Brown Wm. Brown Fardemand Buckaw [Ferdinand Brocaw] Mich'l Buckaw [Brocaw] Levi Buckingham Edmond Buksten [Edmund Buxton] Rice Bullock G. W. Burnet Wm. Burt Isaac Bush Aaron Cadwell Esqr. Dan'l Cammeron Peter Camper [Kemper] Sam'l Camper [Kemper] Arc'd Campster [Archibald] Jonah Carr Ab. Cary Jno. Charles Daniel Chorey Ab'r Clark Jas. Clark Jas. Clarke Jno. Clarke Jos. Coe Leonard Coleman Jacob R. Compton Dan'l Conner Jas. Conner Dan'l C. Cooper John Corbley Edward Core [Cory?] Jeremiah Cory Francis Cossert Cas. Covalt Jno. Covert Jas. Cox Hugh Craig Elihu Crane Jas. Crane Josiah Crosly Reub. Crosly Ross Crosly Geo. Cullum W. T. Cullum David Cummins Jas. Cummins John Cummins Jos. Cunningham Rich'd Cunningham Icabod Current Seth Cutter John Dailey Chas. Davis Elij. Davis James Davis 85 Jno. Davis Jas. Frazy Jon'a Davis [Frazee] Stephen Davis Jos. Frazy Mich'l Debolt [Frazee] Jonah Decker Sam'l Freeman David Denman Nathan Frix Sam'l Dick Jos. Dill Wm. Dods J. S. Gano John Dodson Garrard - see Jarad Dan'l Dorham Jno. Gaston [Durham] Uriah Gates Thos. Doyle Thomas Gaudy Esqr. P. Dukes Isaac Gerrard Jas. Dun Jesse Gerrard Henry Dunham Jno. Gerrard Jno. Dunham Chas. Gibson Pauin Dum Geo. Gillespie Geo. Gillespie Jr. Jas. Gillespie And'w Edwards Wm. Goforth Sam'l Eldridge John Goldtrap Jno. Elliot John Gordon Francis Ennis Wm. Graham David Enox Arch'd Gray John Greer Esqr. Smith Gregg Jos. Fagan Grimes - see Grymes [Fagin] Jas. Grumon Jas. Ferguson David Grumond Isaac Ferris P. Grymes Isaac Ferris Jr. Alex'r Gustin Paul Fernsler Seth Field Eb'r W. Finney Aaron Hagaman Jr. [Ebenezer Ward Finney] Aaron Hageman Jas. Fisher John T. Hall James Fitch Patrick Icabod Halsted [Fitzpatrick] Alex'r Hamel G. Fithian Alex'r Hamilton R. Flack Rich'd Hankins Benj. Flinn Wm. Hankins Heze. Flint Jacob Harden Luke Foster Jno. Hardin Zebulon Foster Wm. H. Harrison David Fox Sam'l Highway Jon'a Fox Andrew Hill Thos. Frame Ace Hinkle Jacob Frazy [Asa] [Frazee] Walter Hole Jac. Hollaway 86 John Honnell Silas Howard [Silas Howell?] Jno. Humes Jeremiah Hunt Jesse Hunt Thomas Hunter Elihu Hurin Paul Huston Benj. Innert Wm. Iornes James Iuis Jr. [Joice?] Jno. Jacobs John James Jon'a Jared [Garrard] Abner Jarod [Garrard] Henry Jennings Levi Jennings James John Thos. John Jon'a Johnson John Jones Jas. Kean Jno. Kean Peter Keen Martin Keever Nathan Kelly Wm. Kelly Kemper - see Camper Rub. Kemper [Reuben] Jas. Kennedy Sam'l Kennedy Timothy Kevolt [Covalt] Ephraim Kibby Timothy Kibby Ch's Killgore [Kilgour] Alex'r King Al'r Kirkpatrick Luther Kitchel Sam'l Kitchel Hance Lackey Lewis Laing Dan'l Lambert Jos. Lambert Elisha Landon Dan'l Lang Mich'l Lang Jas. Laws Adam Lee Levi Le^ss Wm. Lemon Ab'r Lenly Barton Leonard Ez'kl Leonard Jeise Leonard Moses Leonard Alex'r Liget Jacob Light Sam'l Limring Sol Lion Jos. Lomis Israel Ludlow Jno. Ludlow Wm. Ludlow James Lyon Jno. Lyon Ep'rm Mc Adams Barney McCarren David McCash Jno. McCashin Wm. McCay Jno. McChesney Levi McClain James McClellan Wm. McClelland Jno. McCormice Francis McCormick Jas. McCormick Chas. McCullagh Jno. McCullough Rob't McElhenny Thomas McFarland Wm. McFarland David McGahey Jos. McHenry Thomas Mclntire Sam'l McKee Rob't McKinley Jos. McMahon 87 Wm. McMillan Jacob Piat Willis Pierson Jon'a Pitman Sam'l Marring David Poor Geo. Marshall David Price Abiah Martin Jos. Prince Alex'r Martin Benj. Purlee Isaac Martin Sam'l Martin Jas. Mason Wm. Ramsey Philip Mason Henry Redinbaugh Wm. Mason David Reeder Jas. Mathews George Reeder Jno. Mathews Jacob Reeder Francis Menessier Jon'a Reeder James Merandy Nath'l Reeder Aaron Mercer Stephen Reeder Edward Mercer Ab'r Riat John Mercer [Wright] I. B. Miller Leonard Rice [Ichabod Benton Miller] Jno. Riddle Jacob Miller John Riley Moses Miller John Robinson Isaac Mills Sam'l Robinson J. R. Mills Thomas Robinson Wm. Melner W. L. Robinson Patrick Moon Ign. Ross Sam'l Mooney [Ignatius] Ch's Moore Wm. Ruffin Rob't Moore Henry Runian Benj. Morris [Runyan] Isaac Morris Wm. Ryans Jno. Morris Lew T is Ryburn John Morris Thos. Morris Wm. Mounts John Sankey Ch's Murray Dan'l Schenck Jno. Scoley [Schooley] Geo. Newcum Henry Seitz [Newcomb] John Sellman, m.d, Wm. Nutt Sam'l Seward Jno. Shaw Israel Sheivs And'w Parks Wm. Smally Culberson Parks Ab'r Smith Geo. Paulser Ch's Smith [Bolser] Jas. Smith Henry Paulser Jas. Smith, Shff. [Bolser] Rev'd John Smith Wm. Perry Peter Smith 88 Wm. Smith Wm. Smith David Snodgrass Jacob Snowden Isaac Sparks James Spears John Spencer O. Spencer [Col. Oliver Spencer] Isaacs Spinings Thos. Spurner Jas. Sterrett Jacob Stewat [Stewart] Wm. J. Stewart Ziba Stibens [Stibbens] Benj. Stites Sr. Benj. Stites Jr. Elijah Stites Hezekiah Stites Sam'l Stitt Jno. Stuart John Suerd [Seward] Sam'l Suming Jno. Sunderland Celadon Syms [Symmes] Dan'l Syms [Symmes] J. C. Syms [John Cleves Symmes" C. Swan [Caleb Swan] Conrad Tague Henry Taylor Ch's Teren Thos. Thomas Enoch Thompson Price Thompson David Tichnel Jon'a Tichnel Jedediah Tingle Jno. Torrence Henry Tucker Jno. Tucker Nath. Tulwiliger [Nathaniel Terwilliger H< lies Tu: Benj. Vanhook Isaac Vanhuse Jno. Vanneys [Vannuys] Ch's Vateer [Vattier] Brice Virgil Jas. Vondoler Garrard Vorheis Ab'r Vorhis Corn'ls Vorhis [Cornelius] Cornelius Vorhis Jacob Vorhis Mich'l Vorhis David E. Wade John Wallace Wall Smith [Christian Waldsmith] Abij. Ward Tabor Washburn Jas. Watson Rob't Watson Thos. Watson Wm. Watson Jon'a Wearing [Waring] Henry Weaver Rob't Wheeling Jac'b Whetstone Jno. Whetstone Ab'r White Amos White Ithamar White Jacob White James White Abner Wilkinson Chas. Williams Elmore Williams Joel Williams Jon'a Williams Isaac Willson Reuben Wingate Zeba Wingel Jon'a Winings Lewis Winnings 89 Matthew Winton Stephen Woodward James Witham Wm. Woodward Robert Witham Wright - see Riat John Wolverton Benj. Wyings Nich's Wood Carmon Wyings Stephen Wood Esqr. Jos. Wyings Wm. Wood Hyram - lot Levi Woodward [Malott?] 95 Justice Gibbs Geo. Gillespie Rob't Gillespie John Goldtrap Aaron Goforth Wm. Goforth, Doc'r Wm. Goforth Esqr. David Gregory David Gruman John Gustin Rob't Hains John T. Hall Icabod B. Halsey Wm. Hamit Rich'd Hankins Jacob Hardin John Hardin Rob't Harper Wm. H. Harrison Esqr. Ab'm Hathaway Martin Hecklebrander Jacob Hessan Thomas Higgins Arn'd Hill John Hill Dan'l Hole Philip Hole Walter Hole Jacob Holloway Sam'l Holloway John Horman Jos. Houn Geo. Howard Wm. Hubbert Thos. Huble Silas Hulin Is. C. Hunt Jeremiah Hunt Jesse Hunt Josi. Hunt Wm. Hunt Chr's Husong Dan'l Husong Gab'l Hutchins Silas Hutchinson Aaron Iron Jno. Irwin Isaac Jarrod [Garrard] Caleb Jeman Jesse Jenning Levi Jennings Henry Jennings Jas. John Jon'a Johnson John Jones Nich's Jones Wm. Jones Rich'd Kean Jos. Keckelbecker Moses Kedy David Kelly Elnathan Kemper Peter Kemper Arch'd Kempster Jos. Kennedy Sam'l Kennedy T. Kibby Henry King Peter King Luther Kitchel Piercy Kitchel Sam'l Kitchel Calvin Kitchell Knight - see Night Aaron Lain [Lane] Lewis Laing Dan'l Lambert Mich'l Lang James Laws Te'd Learnd Wm. Lemon Abram Lenly Barton Leonard David Leonard Jesse Leonard Luther Leonard Jos. Leton Jacob Light Dan'l Long Is. Ludlow John Ludlow Esqr. Wm. Ludlow 92 to aid you in conducting the said election, and will proceed in every respect in the same manner as is directed by the aforesaid Writ to which this is a Supple- ment, giving due notice of the time when the said Election is to be held that all qualified persons may have an opportunity to attend on the said twelfth day of September to vote at the said Election and you will make a return of the names of all such as do vote, and of those voted for to the Office of the Secretary of the territory on or before the fourteenth day of the said September together with this Writ. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Territory at Cincinnati in the County of Hamilton the 28th day of August 1799 and in the twenty fourth year of the independence of the United States. Agreeable to the conmmand of the within writ of Election I have taken to my assistance Robert Benham and Joseph Prince Esquires, two of the Justices of the peace within and for the said County of Hamilton, and on the twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine, at Cin- cinnati, in the County af's [aforesaid] opened the Election proceeded to take the votes of the Electors within said County, pursuant to this writ whereupon Aaron Cadwell and Isaac Martin Esqrs., two of the Candidates of said Election were duly elected and chosen Representatives to the General Assembly for Hamilton County, and have done in all things as within it is commanded me to do, which will more fully appear by the schedule hereunto annexed. James Smith Shff. LIST OF VOTERS 1799 Elisha Abbott H. Abbott Nath'l Abbott Jas. Adams John Adams Sam'l Alexander R. Allison [Dr. Richard Allison] Thos. Alston Isaac Anderson James Andrews John Armstrong Sam'l Armstrong Jac. Arnest [Jacob Ernst] Wm. Austin 93 Thos. Auter Chas. Avery James Burns Isaac Bush Edmund Buxton Rob't Badgley Malon Baker E. Baldwin Isai Ball [Isaiah Ball] Geo. Balser [Bolser] Clark Bates Dan'l Bates Isaac Bates Jas. Baxter John Becket James Bedle Jas. Bedle Jos. Bedle John Beesley Jos. Beesley Wm. Beeslev Abel Bell Peter Bell Rich'd Benham John Billington David Black John Bockover Timothy Boothly Jer. Brand Sam'l Brewster John Bridges Jno. Bridges Nath'l Brish H. Broadbury Jacob Broadwell Ferdinand Brocaw Mich'l Brocaw Reuben Breckney Eph'm Brown Is. Brown T. Brown Wm. Brown Esqr. Eno'c. Buckingham [Enoch] Levi Buckingham Rice Bullock Sam'l Bunam Calvin Bunnel G. W. Burnet Esqr. Jacob Burnet Esqr. A. Cadwell [Aaron] James Caldwell Sam'l Caldwell Geo. Cambell [Campbell] John Campbell Jas. Carpenter John Carpet Ab'r Cary John Cassidy Jos. Cattelin Bethuel Cavault [Covalt] Chenenia Cavault [Cheniah Covalt] Timothy Cavault [Covalt] John Charles Wm. Christy Basil Clark Dan'l Clark Icabod Clark [Ichabod[ Jas. Clark Tennis Clark Ab'r Clarke John Clarke John Clarke Jos. Clarke Charles Coen Rich'd Colivar Fre'd Corns Hezekiah Conn James Conn Jas. Conn Jr. Dan'l Conner John Cook Wm. Cooley D. C. Cooper John Corbly Icabod Cordwin Jeremiah Corey Mathias Cowan Jas. Cox Hugh Craig 98 Jos. Stuart John Sunderland John Sutherland Cleledon Symes [Celedon Symmes] Dan'l Symms Esqr. [Symmes] J. C. Symes Esqr. [John Cleves Symmes] Wm. Symms [Symmes] Conrad Tague Armenas Tallman [Hermanus Taulman] Chal's Tanen Nath'l Tarwillfger [Terwilliger] Henry Taylor Leonard Teeple Wm. Terry John Tharp Enos Thompson Price Thompson Henry Tice John Titchler David Titchner Jno. Torrence Rob't Townsley Wm. Travis Henry Tucker John Tucker Hercules Turner Chris Valsmith [Christian Waldsmith] James Van doler Benj. Vanhook John Van nuys Ch's Vatier [Vattier] John Veil Moses Veil Brice Virgil Ab'r Voorheis Cor. Voorhis [Cornelius] Garrat Voorhis [Gerrit] Ab'm Vorhis Cornelius Vorhis Dan'l Vorhis Jacob Vorhis D. E. Wade [David Este Wade] Thomas C. Wade Aaron Waggoner Waldsmith - see Valsmith Jos. Walker Jas. Wallace John Wallace Esqr. T. Washburn [Tabor Washburn] Is. Ward Stephen Ward Usual Ward Henry Weaver Wm.' Webb Sam'l Westerfield Rob't Wheelen Jacob Whetstone Jno. Whetstone Ab'm White Ithamar White Jacob White James White James Wiley Is. Williams Joel Williams Jon'a Williams Joshua Williams Thomas Williams Patrick Willson Andrew Wilson Lewis Windings Ziba Winget Matthew Winton Jas. Witham Jno. Wolverton Stephen Wood Tim. Wocdraugh Stephen Woodrough Edward Woodruff Sam'l Woods Levi Woodward Wm. Woodward Wright - see Right Griffin Yeatman Idases Young 91 ELECTION OF TWO MORE MEMBERS TO THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 1799 Eleven leading citizens of Hamilton County were candidates in this election of two more representatives to the General Assembly of the Northwest Territory in the year 1799. Listed w T ere Aaron Cadwell, Francis Dunlevy, Jacob White, Thomas Gibson, Thomas Brown, Isaac Martin, Ichabod B. Miller, J. Watson, Thomas Goudy, Daniel Reeder and William Brown. The successful candidates were Aaron Cadwell who received 347 votes and Isaac Martin who received 265 votes. There were scattering votes for John Reiley, David Enox, Israel Ludlow, Rice Bullock, and John Stites Gano. Territory of the United States North West of the Ohio SEAL Ar. St. Clair Arthur St. Clair Governor of the Territory of the United States to the Sheriff of the County of Hamilton Greeting: Whereas by a certain Writ of election to you directed bearing date the day of in the year of our Lord 1798. You were empowered and commanded to hold an Election at the Town of Cincinnati in the said County, at which the Inhabitants of the said County qualified according to the Ordinance of Congress for the Government of the territory should choose five representatives to represent them in the Gen- eral Assembly; And whereas by an enumeration of the people of the said County which has come to my hands since the date of the said Writ, it appears that they were entitled to two more Representatives. These are to require you, and you are hereby required and commanded to cause an Election to be held at the said Town of Cincinnati for two more Representatives on the twelfth day of September next ensuing to represent the said County in the General Assembly of the Terri- tory for two years commencing from the twenty second day of January last past. You will call to your assist- ance two or more of the Magistrates of the said County 96 Benj. Lynes James Lyon Jas. Lyon John Lyon Sol. Lyon Ep'm McAdams David McCash John McCasher John McChesney Levi McClain Ar. McClan Esqr. Jr. [McLean?] Jas. McClellan Th. McClellan Wm. McClellan Robert McClene [McLean?] Hugh McCollom Ba. McConner James McCormick Jno. McCormick Alex'r McCullaugh Thomas McCullaugh Benj. McCullum John McDonald Rob't McElhenny Wm. McFalarn [McFarlan] Thomas McFarlin Rob't McGinnis John McGalher [McGallagher?] Jno. McGlaughlin Jos. McHeny [McHenry] Jos. McKee Rob't McKinlv Wm. B. McLot [Mallott?] Wm. McMillan Esqr. Rich'd Martin Sam'l Martin Sam'l Martin Philip Mason Will Mason Wm. Mason Isaac Matson John Matson James Matthews Fr's. Mennessier [Francis] Aaron Messer [Mercer] Henry Messer [Mercer] John Mercer Wm. Michael E. Miller, Capt. I. B. Miller Moses Miller John R. Mills Wm. Milner John Mizner Dan'l Moor P. Moor Sam'l Moore Isaac Morris John Morris John Morris Rob't Morris Thos. Morris Jas. Moss Adam Nutt Bernard Newkirt Nathan Nichols James Night [Knight] Rob't Peter Orr Owen Abia Mainton Jas. Malson John Mann Lebras Marshall Isaac Martin Levi Martin Levi Martin A. Parks C. Parks Rob't Parks James Patterson James Patterson Rob't Patterson 97 Sam'l Patterson Sam'l Paxton Thomas Paxton Wm. Perry Herman Peterson Abner Phegin [Fagin] John Pickel [Bickel] Jon'a Pitman John Pollox [Pollocks] David Poor Amos Pordilaw David Powers Jos. Preston Isaiah Pricket Josiah Pricket Nath'l Pricket Jos. Prince Esqr. Wm. Ramsey Esqr. Wm. Ramsey B. T. Randolph Henry Reddenbal [Redinbaugh] Jas. Reddick John Redenbaugh T. Reede Dan'l Reeder Geo. Reeder Jacob Reeder Stephen Reeder Aug't Reeves Nath'l Reeves Stephen Reeves John Reiley David Renham Asa Richardson Rob't Richey John Riddle Abel Right [Wright?] Wm. Rittenhouse Geo. Robenson Thos. Robinson Andrew Rogers John Roll John Roll Jr. Thos. Rosbury Ignatius Ross Mathias Ross Reuben Rude Wm. Ruffin Henry Runnion [Runyan] W. C. Schenck John Schooley Andrew Scot Jonas Seamon C. R. Sedam Henry Seitz Jno. Selers Jas. Seward James Seward Jr. John Seward Sam'l Sewerd John Shaw John Shaw Wm. Shaw Jos. Sheperd Sam'l Shepperd Sam'l Shepperd James Silvers Esqr. Nich'ls Sinks Wm. Sloan Jac'b Sly Benj. Smalley Absolom Smith Ch's Smith Jas. Smith Esqr. John Smith Esqr. Peter Smith Sam'l Smith Wm. Snodgrass James Snowden Wm. South Andrew Spear [crossed out] Oliver Spencer Esqr. Matt's Spillings Isaac Spinnings Thomas Spurin Ziba Stebbins Elijah Stites Hez. Stites Sam'l Stitt Jesse Stout Jacob Stuart 94 Elihu Crane Jos. Crane Ross Crosley Josiah Crossley Reuben Crossley Ab'm Crum Wm. Crum Geo. Cullum Wm. T. Cullum David Cummins John Cummins Ja. R. Cumpton [Jacob R. Compton] Jas. Cunningham Jon'a Currangton [Carrington?] Seth Cutter John Dailey Wm. Darlin D'd Davis Elij. Davis James Davis Jon'a Davis Stephen Davis Walter Davis Henry Debolt Mich's Debolt Dan'l Denham Henry Denham Nath'l Denham Obed Denham Timothy Denham Nich'l Demerril Benj. Denscat Dennis Deskin Benj. Devee Isaac Devee Sam'l Dick John Dixon Wm. Dodds John Dodson John Dorrel Thos. Doyl Patrick Dukey Francis Dunlevy Sam'l Dum Jas. Duns Jas. Dunseith Ezk'l Enlaw Francis Ennis Benj. Enyart David Enyart Sam'l Ewing Jos. Fagin Fagin - see Phegin Jas. Ferguson Eli Ferris Isaac Ferris Jos. Ferris Seth Field Ebenezer Ward Finney Jas. Fitchpatrick [Fitzpatrick] Geo. Fithian Rob't Flack Step'h Flin Hez. Flint Gab'l Foster Luke Foster Thos. Frame Paul Framler Nath'n Franks Joseph Frazy [Frazee] Jacob Frazey [Frazee] Edmund Freeman Ez. F. Freeman Rob't French Lewis Fryberger Jas. Gallager Sam'l Gallager J. S. Gano [John Stites Gano] Seth Gard James Gardner Garrard - see Jarrod Levi Garrison Jno. Gaston John Gaston Uriah Gates Jno. Gaudy Ro't Gaudy Thos. Gaudy Esqr. Thos. Gavin