Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library JTHORTZED EDITION. ANALYTICAL ON AN ENTIRELY NEW PLAN CONTAINING EVERY WORD IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, ARRANGED UNDER ITS HEBREW OR GREEK ORIGINAL, VITH THE LITERAL MEANING OF EACH AND ITS PRONUNCIATION. EXHIBITING ABOUT THREE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN THOUSAND REFERENCES, MARKING 30,000 VARIOUS READINGS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. ilje latest information on §iblital (Seograpbg antr Antiquities, ETC., ETC., ETC. DESIGNED FOR THE SIMPLEST READER OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. By ROBERT YOUNG, LL.D., AUTHOR OF A NEW LITERAL TRANSLATION OF THE HEBREW AND GREEK SCRIPTURES, CONCISE CRITICAL COMMENTS ON THE SAME, A GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MINOR PROPHETS IN HEBREW, BIBLICAL NOTES AND QUERIES, HEBREW GRAMMAR, VOCABULARY, ROOTBOOKS, VERBS, ISRAELITISH GLEANER, CHRISTOLOGY OF THE TARGUMS, GUJARATI GRAMMAR, ETC., ETC REVISED EDITION EDINBURGH : GEORGE ADAM YOUNG & CO. NEW YORK: I. K. FUNK & CO., 10 & 12 DEY STREET. MDCCCLXXXI. PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND AN EXTRACT FROM THE APPEAL OF MESSRS. YOUNG & CO. TO THE AMERICAN CLERGY. ‘ ‘ This Concordance may be regarded as the practical outcome of forty years' study of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, which the author commenced in 1840, and has kept up daily ever since. “But Dr. Robert Young is not only the author, he is also the sole proprietor of the work, which cost him thousands of pounds sterling in the printing, besides three years of labor, night and day. in carrying it through the press. “In§the view of these facts we cannot but trust that every right and honorable minded Chris¬ tian man and woman in the United States will prefer to all others the beautifully printed and care¬ fully revised edition which we are now offering at the price of paper and presswork, through the medium of I. K. Funk & Co., New York. “ Edinburgh , Scotland, Oct. 14, 1880.” “ George Adam Young & Co. c tt 0,S> °— \$8l PREFATORY NOTE TO THE ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE. large work T HE 'VALUE of a CONCORDANCE to any - is well known and admitted, yet it can only be duly appreciated by those who are really interested in ^e Work oi which it treats. And the Sixty-six Writings of the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS stand in a very peculiar position, as 1 have remarked elsewhere :— , . “ Apart altogether from the claims of the Bible to be regarded as an authentic Record of the revelation with winch the Divine Being, from time to time, was pleased to favour the children of men, it is by far the most unique volume ever presented to the human race, whether we consider the number of its penmen, their diversified characters, positions and times, or the singular variety and intrinsic greatness of the topics treated of; the astonishing amount and degree of harmony throughout it in reference to all essential points of doctrine regarding moral truth; or the wonderful and unparalleled style and manner in which the whole is handled. These hav e often called forth the spontaneous and exuberant plaudits of accomplished literary and artistic critics, who, it is to be feared, were content to admire the purity of the diction, the sublimity of the style, the grandeur of the thoughts, and the excellency of the morality, without allowing themselves to be practically influenced by its divine life-giving power. “ We are accustomed, and that most justly, to consider the Bible as one Book ; but we ought to remember that it is also a collection of books (pamphlets or tracts, we might call them), not less than sixty-six in number, written origin¬ ally in at least three separate languages—Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek (the most famous and extensively spoken of all antiquity), and composed during a period of 1600 years, between the time of Moses and that of the Apostle John. Written, too, by legislators, patriarchs, prophets, priests, kings, statesmen, physicians, shepherds, taxgatherers, tentmakers, fishermen ; in short, by men of every class of the . com¬ munity, in every stage of human progress and experience, both in poetry and in prose, on the most exalted and interest¬ ing subjects, such as the earliest origin and history of the human race, the providential government of God, the gradual development and exhibition of human progress and declension, and of God’s ways and dealings with men, and the consum¬ mation of Divine wisdom, purity, love, and life, in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. It embraces, in short, the history and fate of nations and individuals; an extensive and luminous code of laws, civil, sacred, and ceremonial; an unrivalled col¬ lection of psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs; of pro¬ phecies, biographies, and epistolary correspondence ; of philoso¬ phical disquisitions, nuptial songs, and mournful elegies ; yet all agreeing, in the most wonderful manner, to present essentially the same sublime views :—of God, as to his nature, character, works and words ;—of Man, as to his origin, fall, depravity, hopes, and final destiny ; his duties, responsibilities, and privileges as a creature; in all his relations of life as a superior, an inferior, or an equal. In a word, it gives all that we are to believe concerning God, and all the duty God requires ol man ; yet, at the same time, in the most simple, artless, pleas¬ ing, truthful, and practical way possible. Consider all this, I say,—and remember, that it is but the barest outline of this most wonderful Volume,—and will you not join in saying that the Bible is its own best witness that the Intelligent Mind which planned its formation, and employed its penmen, was as truly Divine as that which set the sun in the heavens, keeps the planets in their spheres, and gives us this rational soul, those moral and mental powers, and this human form, ‘so fearfully and wonderfully made 1 ’ . Without attempting to define minutely the doctrine of Verbal Inspiration, the present writer holds very decidedly that of a full or plenary one, which gives us real veracious facts and truths in the best and most appropriate language and style, adopted originally by the Writers through their own idiosyncracies, yet so overruled as not unfrequently to convey thoughts which they themselves did at first but faintly apprehend, and which they were afterwards compelled labori¬ ously to study. (See the apostolic testimony on this point in 1st Peter i. 10-12.) AVith this understanding the Sacred Scriptures are to be studied and investigated like every other human composition; for, as remarked elsewhere, the Bible was written by Men, for Men, and in the ordinary language ot For such a VOLUME, it is not wonderful that numerous “ Concordances ” have been prepared, suitable either to the Original Texts, or to the various Translations. Cardinal HUGO is the first of whose work we have any account. He is said to have employed five hundred monks on his Concord¬ ance to the Vulgate, till its completion. (He died a.d. 1262.) At present the best Concordance to the JIEBREAV Text of the Old Testament is that of Julius Eurst, [or the Hebraist's Vade-mecum, a Complete Verbal Index]; to the GREEK Text of the Septuagint that of Abraham Trommius ; to the GREEK Text of the New Testament that of C. H. Bruder ; to the LATIN Vulgate that of Cardinal Hugo, as edited by Lucas Brugensis; and to the ENGLISH A ersion that of Alexander Cruden, who issued his third and last edition in 1763. This has been reprinted (generally abridged) in very many forms by Brown, Butterwortli, Eadie, Hawker, Smith, Youngman, and others, with varied degrees of accuracy or otherwise. After CRUDEN’S work, which is truly wonderful for his day, there appeared nothing in the English language worth mentioning in the shape of a Concordance till George V. AVigram issued the “ Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Con¬ cordance," and the “Englishman's Greek Concordance to the New Testament.” Shortly after this appeared the “Bible Student’s Guide,” or an English, Hebrew, and Chaldee Lexicon and Concordance, by the Rev. William AYilson, D.D., and then the “ Critical Greek and English Concordance to the New Testament,” prepared by C. H. Hudson, H. L. Hastings, and Ezra Abbot, LL.D. These works, however, can only be used with any satisfac¬ tion or safety by a Hebrew or Greek scholar; but to such they are of very considerable value, and without their aid, to no small extent, the present Work could never have obtained the thoroughness and completeness it presents. Notwithstanding the admitted excellences of these works, as first attempts they are necessarily imperfect, and hence the present writer hopes ere long to issue a “ Hebrew and Greek Concordance ” on a new plan, which will also at the same time serve as an Index (or Reversed Part) to the present AVork. [Lexicons and Appendixes are now ready.] The only other work that remains to be mentioned is, an “ Interpreting Concordance to the New Testament," showing the Greek original of every word, with a Glossary explaining all the Greek words of the New Testament, and giving them 616242 IV PREFATORY NOTE TO THE ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE. their varied renderings in tlie Authorised Version, by the Rev. James Gall. This work gives the Greek words only in Roman Letters, without any meaning attached, which the student has to ascertain by turning to the “ Glossary,” at the end of the work. Mr Bullinger’s work on the New Testa¬ ment (now completed) is also to be specially noted for its remarkably minute sub-divisions, carried, it may be, to an unnecessary extreme in this respect. The present Work is the result of very many years’ labour, and is designed to lead the simplest reader to a more correct understanding of the common English Bible, by a■ reference to the original ivords in Hebrew and Greek, with their varied shades of meaning, as explained by the most recent critics— Burst, Robinson, &c. Every word in the English Bible is cast into proper alphabetical order, these are then arranged under their respective original words, all in their own proper alpha¬ betical order. To each of these the literal meaning is prefixed, and the pronunciation appended, with certain figures which indicate the number of the Hebrew conjugation; which latter sign is of great value, since each conjugation has more or less a definite signification of its own. Thus Nos. 1, 3, 5 are active, Nos. 2, 4, 6 passive, and No. 7 reflexive. So that if qatal in the first conjugation is “he killed,” the second is “he was killed,” the third “ he killed violently,” the fourth “ he was killed violently,” the fifth “he caused to kill,” the sixth “he was caused to kill,” and the seventh “he killed himself.” Though many exceptions are found, the general formula holds good very distinctly. NOUNS, ADJECTIVES, VERBS, AND ADVERBS, are here given generally at full length, with the exception of the word or phrase “ The Lord,” which it has been deemed unnecessary to insert, as it is uniformly printed in the Common Version in small capitals—“ the Lord ” —and is thus easily distinguished. It occurs no less than 5000 times, and, if printed in full, would alone have occupied above fifteen pages of this Concordance. THE HEBREW PARTICLES (specially those inseparable) have few or no illustrations presented, but the Greek ones aro more extended; yet in such cases as aWa, Se, &c., they are much too numerous for a separate exhibition at length. THE ITALICS of the English Bible are enclosed within parenthesis (), while the VARIOUS READINGS of the GREEK NEW TESTAMENT are marked by brackets [], and amount to about 30,000 in all. Unfortunately, the entire lack of ancient Hebrew MSS. prevents the same course from being followed with the Old Testament quotations; but wo are not without hopes that future excavations in the Temple Area in Jerusalem may yet provide us with MSS. of the age of Josiah, or of David, if not with the very Autographs once preserved with the Ark of the Tabernacle. THE PROPER NAMES of Persons and Places are, in all existing Concordances (almost without a single exception), either omitted, or put at the end under a separate alphabet; they are here, for the first time, inserted in their proper alpha¬ betical order, with the literal meaning of each, as far as can be at present ascertained. Their proper syllables are also marked and accented according to the principles of Hebrew and Greek —the accent being placed only on the last or on the second last syllable of the word, never on the ante-penultimate. THE GEOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, and BIO- GRAPICAL remarks have been generally limited (after the first ninety-six pages) to Biblical details; and the modern names of ascertained Bible sites have been given in accordance with the researches of Robinson, Baedeker, the Palestine Ex¬ ploration Society, &c. The thorough veracity of the Scriptures is thus incidentally confirmed by existing facts that cannot bo denied or ignored, and are of priceless value. In consulting this Work, the student is to bear in mind that it is a Concordance of Words, not of Phrases save in so far as any given Hebrew or Greek word may be translated in the English Bible not by a word merely, but by a phrase; thus the word “ great ” will be found not only under the adjective, but also under the words “ authority, deal, delight, desire, do, drops, drought, flame, forces, grasshoper, hailstones, how, lion, man, mercies, noise, owl, pain, power, price, shew, so, stature, swelling, teeth, toe, very, way, what, while to come, ivonders,” &c., in all which cases it is not a separate word in the original, but indicates simply what the Translators deemed to be necessary to express the full force of each of the words in question. SO WITH THE VERBS. These are arranged under separate headings, e.g., “to come, come in, come upon,” & c. Yet, under the simple verb “to come,” the student will find numerous cases where Come in, come upon, &c., occur. The explanation is, that in such cases the adverbs are separate particles, and are no part of the signification of the verb itself. Passives are sometimes to be found under Actives, especially in the Greek. As Cruden’s DEFINITIONS, though many of them in¬ teresting and good, often express too decidedly his own specific view of religious truth to be satisfactory, the present Work confines the definitions strictly to their literal or idiomatic force; which, after all, will be found to form the best (and indeed the only safe and solid) basis for theological deductions of any kind. The present Work is thus an entiiely independent one, and in no sense an edition of Cruden, either in its plan or its exe¬ cution. Its great object, as Tyndale says of his New Testa¬ ment, is to enable every “ plough-boy ” to know more of the Scriptures than the “ancients,” by enabling him at a glance to find out THREE DISTINCT POINTS— First, What is the original Hebrew or Greek of any ordinary word in his English Bible: Second, What is the literal and primitive meaning of every such original word : and Third, What are thoroughly true and reliable parallel p>assages. In carrying out these three important Points, the following plan has been adopted : First, One Hundred and Eighteen Thousand references have been given, which are not found in Cruden. Second, Every passage in the New Testament which critical investigators, like Griesbach and Tischendorf, have noted as doubtful, or as having a Various Reading, has been marked by brackets. Third, The Proper Name of every Person and Place has been given, with the literal meaning. Fourth, The date or era of every Person, so as to distinguish him from every other of the same name. Fifth, The location of every place in its tribe, with the modern name (if identified), so as to form a complete Scripture Geography and Gazetteer. But the predominating feature of this work is the Analytical arrangement of each English word under its own proper original in Hebrew or Greek, with the literal meaning of the same. By this means the reader is enabled to distinguish things that differ, which are frequently confounded in the English Bible, and for the elucidation of which Cruden offers no real help at all, and which indeed have hitherto been the exclusive property of scholars. For our Translation often renders one Greek word by ten or twenty English ones; and, on the other hand, it some¬ times employs one English word to translate ten or twenty Greek ones.' In sending forth this “Analytical Concordance” for the benefit of the Christian student of Holy Writ, the Author trusts that as it is only the practical outcome of all his previous Biblical Studies, many of his readers, lay as well as clerical, may give themselves more to the study of the Original Scrip¬ tures, which have “ God for their Author, Truth without mixture of Error for their Matter, and Salvation for their End.” ROBERT YOUNG. Edinburgh, Srpteniler 10, 1879. 1 ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE. AARON AARON AA'-RON, jiinx enlightened, illumined. lie was the first high priest of Israel: of the family of Kohath the second son of Levi the third son of Jacob; he had Miriam for an elder sister, and Moses for a younger brother; his father's name was Arnrarn, and his mother’s Jochebed; he married Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab, and sister of Naashon ; and by lxer had four sons, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Exod. 6. 16-20. He was an excellent speaker, and was appointed to be the prophet or spokesman of Moses: he was then directed by God to meet Moses, and did so at the Mount of God, and received the good news; he went in with Moses to Pharaoh, did the signs foretold, and the plagues commanded, iv.-xi. He was murmured against along with Moses for the want of bread, and called on the people to come near before the Lord ; was commanded to lay up a pot full of manna before the testimony; held up the hands of Mose3 during the battle with Amalek ; eat bread with Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, xii.-xviii.; was called to come up into Sinai to the Lord ; along with the elders he saw the God of Israel; tarried be¬ low with the people when Moses went up ; was set apart with his whole family to the priesthood; had sacred garments prepared for him; was anointed and consecrated to his office by Moses, appointed to light the lamps, and burn incense and make atonement, to wash his hands and feet, xxx. He is persuaded by the people to make a molten image, and is reproved for it by Moses, xxxi.; he sees the shining of Moses’ face, and is afraid, xxxiv. ; holy garments are made for him, xxxix.; he and his sous are sanctified, and wash their hands and feet, xl. The priestly duties of Aarou and his sons are pre¬ scribed in Lev. i.-ix.; his two eldest sons being de¬ stroyed for offering strange fire, he is silent and sub¬ missive ; he receives various prohibitions and regula¬ tions, x. ; how he was to enter the holy place, xvi.; not to mourn for. the dead, xxi. ; nor touch the holy things in uncleanuess, xxii. He was commanded to number the people with Moses and the twelve princes of Israel, Num. i. ; he receives the tribe of Levi for helps, iii. ; numbers the Koliathites, Gershonites, and Merarites, iv. ; receives the form for blessing the people, vi.; lights the lamps, offers the Levites before the Lord, and makes atonement for them, viii. He and Miriam speak against Moses, and are reproved by God for it, xii.; spoken against by Korah, Datliau, and Abiram, also by the whole congregation of Israel, he intercedes with God for them, xvi.; his rod flourishes, and is preserved for a memorial, xvii.; he receives a charge from God of various duties and privileges, xviii.; the people again murmur against him and Moses; he dies on Mount Hor, in the land of Edom, and is buried there, xx. Born B.C. 1574, he die3 B.C. 1451, aged 123 years. Exod.4. 14(Is) not A. the Levite thy brother? 4. 27 the Lord said to A., Go into the wilderness 4. 28 And M. told A. all the words of the Lord 4. 29 And M. and A. went and gathered together 4. 30 And A. spake all the words which the Lord 5. 1 And afterward Moses and A. went in 5. 4 Wherefore do ye, M. and A., let the people 5. 20 And they met Moses and A., who stood in 6. 13 And the Lord spake unto M. and unto A. 6. 20 and she bare him A. and Moses 6. 23 And A. took him Elisheba, daughter of 6. 23 And Eleazar A.’s son took him (one) of the 6. 26 These (are) that A. and M., to whom the Lord 6. 27 these (are) that Moses and A. 7. 1 and A. thy brother shall be thy prophet 7. 2 and A. thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh 7. 6 and A. did as the Lord commanded them 7. 7 A. [was] fourscore and three years old, when 7. 8 the Lord spake unto Moses and unto A. 7. 9 thou shalt say unto A., Take thy rod, and 7. 10 And M. and A. went in unto Pharaoh 7. 10 and A. cast down his rod before Pharaoh 1 Exod. 7. 12 but A.’s rod swallowed up their rods 7. 19 Say unto A., Take thy rod, and stretch 7. 20 And Moses and A. did so, as the Lord S. 5 Say unto A., Stretch forth thine hand 8. 6 And A. stretched out his hand over the 8. 8 Then Pharaoh called for Moses and A. and 8. 12 And M. and A. went out from Pharaoh 8. 16 Say unto A., Stretch out thy rod, and 8. 17 for A. stretched out Ms hand with his rod 8. 25 Pharaoh called for M. and for A., and said 9. 8 the Lord said unto M. and unto A., Take 9. 27 and called for M. and A., and said unto 10. 3 And Moses and A. came in unto Pharaoh 10. 8 And Moses and A. were brought again unto 10. 16 Then Pharaoh called for M. and A. in haste 11. 10 M. and A. did all these wonders before Ph. 12. 1 the Lord spake unto M. and A. in the land 12. 28 as the Lord had commanded Moses and A. 12. 31 And he called for Moses and A. by night 12. 43 the Lord said unto Moses and A., This (is) 12. 50 as the Lord commanded SI. and A., so did 15. 20 the sister of A., took a timbrel in her hand 16. 2 murmured against Sloses and A. in the 16. 6 and A. said unto all the children of Israel 16. 9 Moses spake unto A., Say unto all the 16. 10 as A. spake unto the whole congregation 16. 33 And Sloses said unto A., Take a pot 16. 34 so A. laid it up before the Testimony 17. 10 Moses, A., and Hur went up to the top of 17. 12 and A. and Hur stayed up his hands 18. 12 and A. came, and all the elders of Israel, to 19. 24 thou, and A. with thee: but let not the 24. 1 thou, and A., Nadab, and Abihu, and 24. 9 Then went up Sloses, and A., Nadab 24. 14 and, behold, A. and Hur (are) with you 27. 21 A. and his sons shall order it from evening 28. 1 take thou unto thee A. thy brother, and 28. 1 (even) A., Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and A. 28. 2 thou shalt make holy garments for A. thy 28. 3 they maymake A.’s garments to consecrate 28. 4 they shall make holy garments for A. thy 28. 12 A. shall bear their names before the 28. 29 A. shall bear the names of the children of 28. 30 they shall be upon A.’s heart, when he 28. 30 A. shall bear the judgment of the children 28. 35 it shall be upon A. to minister: and his 28. 38 it shall be upon A.’s forehead 28. 38 that A. may bear the iniquity of the 28. 40 And for A.’s sons thou shalt make coats 28. 41 thou shalt put them upon A. thy brother 28. 43 they shall be upon A., and upon his sons 29. 4 A. and his sons thou shalt bring unto 29. s and put upon A. the coat, and the robe 29. 9 thou shalt gird them with girdles, A. and 29. 9 thou shalt consecrate A. and his sons 29. 10 A. and his sons shall put their hands So in v. 15, 19. 29. 20 the tip of the right ear of A., and upon 2 q. 21 and sprinkle (it) upon A., and upon his 29. 24 thou shalt put all in the hands of A., and 29. 26 the breast of the ram of A.’s consecration 29. 27 (even) of (that) which (is) for A., and of (that) 29. 28 it shall be A.’s and his sons’ by a statute_ 29. 29 the holy garments of A. shall be his sons’ 29. 32 A. and his sons shall eat the flesh of 29. 35 thus shalt thou do unto A., and to his sons 29. 44 I will sanctify also both A. and his sons 30. 7 And A. shall burn thereon sweet incense 30. 8 when A. lighteth the lamps at even 30. 10 A. shall make an atonement upon 30. 19 For A. and his sons shall wash their 30. 30 thou shalt anoint A. and his sons 31. 10 the holy garments for A. the priest 32. 1 together unto A., and said unto him 32. 2 A. said unto them, Break off the 32. 3 in their ears, and brought (them) unto A. 32. 5 when A. saw (it), he built an altar 32. s and A. made proclamation, and said 32. 21 And Moses said unto A., What did 32. 22 And A. said, Let not the anger of my lord Exod. 32. 25 for A. had made them naked unto 32. 35 because they made the calf, which A. made 34 30 when A. and all the children of Israel 34 31 A. and all the rulers of the congregation 35. 19 the holy garments for A. the priest, and the 38. 21 by the hand of Ithamar, son to A. 39. 1 and made the holy garments for A. 39. 27 fine linen (of) woven work for A. 39 41 the holy garments for A. the priest 40. 12 thou shalt bring A. and his sons unto 40. 13 thou shalt put upon A. the holy garments 40 31 A. and his sons washed their hands Lev. 1. 5 the priests, A.’s sons, shall bring the blood 1. 7 the sons of A. the priest shall put fire 1 8 the priests, A.’s sons, shall lay the parts 1. II the priests, A.’s sons, shall sprinkle his 2. 2 he shall bring it to A.’s sons the priests 2. 3,10 of the meat offering (shall be) A.’s and 3. 2 and A.’s sons the priests shall sprinkle 3. 5 And A.’s sons shall burn it on the altar 3. 8 and A.’s sons shall sprinkle the blood 3. 13 and the sons of A. shall sprinkle the blood 6. 9 Command A. and his sons, saying 6. 14 the sons of A. shall offer it before the Lord 6 . 16 the remainder thereof shall A. and his 6 . 18 among the children of A. shall eat of it 6. 20 the offering of A. and of his sons 6 25 Speak unto A. and to his sons, saying 7 10 shall all the sons of A. have, one (as much) 7. 31 the breast shall be A.’s and his sons’ 7. 33 He among the sons of A., that offereth 7! 34 and have given them unto A. the priest 7. 35 of the anointing of A., and of the 8. 2 Take A. and his sons with him 8. 6 Moses brought A. and his sons, and 8. 12 And he poured, .oil upon A.’s head 8. 13 Moses brought A.’s sons, and put coats 8. 14 A. and his sons laid their hands So in v. 18, 22. 8. 23 the tip of A.’s right ear, and upon the 8. 24 And he brought A.’s sons, and Moses 8. 27 he put all upon A.’s hands, and upon 8. 30 and sprinkled (it) upon A., (and) upon his 8. 30 and sanctified A., (and) his garments 8. 31 Moses said unto A. and to his sons 8. 31 saying, A. and his sons shall eat it 8. 36 So A. and his sons did all things which 9. 1 (that) Moses called A. and his sons, and 9. 2 he said unto A„ Take thee a young 9. 7 Moses said unto A., Go unto the altar 9. 8 A. therefore went unto the altar, and 9. 9 the sons of A. brought the blood unto 9. 12, 18 and A.’s sons presented unto him 9. 21 the right shoulder A. waved (for) g. 22 And A. lifted up his hand toward the 9. 23 Moses and A. went into the tabernacle 10. 1 the sons of A., took either of them his 10. 3 Moses said unto A., This (is it) that the 10. 3 I will be glorified. And A. held his peaco 10. 4 the uncle of A., and said unto them, Come 10. 6 Moses said unto A., and unto Eleazar 10. 8 And the Lord spake unto A., saying 10 12 M. spake unto A., and unto Eleazar, and 10. 16 the sons of A. (which were) left (alive), 10. 19 And A. said unto M., Behold, this day 11. 1 the Lord spake unto M. and to A., saying 13. 1 the LORD spake unto M. and A., saying 13. 2 he shall be brought unto A. the priest, or 14. 33 the Lord spake unto M. and unto Assaying 15 1 the Lord spake unto M. and to A., saying 16. I of the two sons of A., when they offered 16 2 Speak unto A. thy brother, that he come 16 3 Thus shall A. come into the holy (place) 16. 6 A. shall offer his bullock of the sin 16. 8 And A. shall cast lots upon the two goats 16. 9 And A. shall bring the goat upon which 16 11 And A. shall bring the bullock of the sin 16. 21 And A. shall lay both his hands upon 16 23 And A. shall come into the tabernacle 17! 2 Speak unto A., and unto his sons, and AARON 2 ABDON Lev. 21. i the sons of A., and say unto them, There 2i. 17 Speak unto A., sayfng, Whosoever (he be) v 21.21 of the seed of A. the priest shall come nigh 21. 24 Moses told (it) unto A., and to his sons, and 22. 2, 18 Speak unto A. and to his sons 22. 4 of theseedof A.(is)aleper, or hatharunning 24. 3 shall A. order it from the evening unto the 24. 9 And it shall be A.'s and his sons'; and Hum. 1. 3 thou and A. shall; munber them by their r. 17 Moses and A. took these men which are 1.44 which Moses and A. numbered, and the 2. t the LORKspake unto M. and unto A., saying 3. 1 the generations of A. and Moses in the day 3. 2, 3 these (are) the names of the sons of A. 3. 4 office in the sight of A. their father 3. 6 and present them before A. the priest ■. 3. 9 the Levites unto A. and to his sons 3. 10 thou shalt appoint A. and his sops, and 3. 32 the son of A. the priest (shall be) chief over 3. 38 and A. and his sons, keeping the charge 3. 39 which Moses and A. numbered at the 3. 48 redeemed, unto A. and to his sons 3. 51 that were redeemed unto A. and to his sons 4. 1,17 Lord spake unto M. and unto A., saying 4. 5 A. shall come, and his sons, and they shall 4. is when A. and his sops have made an end 4. 16 the sou of A. the priest (pertainetli) the oil 4.19 A. and his sons shall go in, and appoint 4. 27 the appointment of A. and his sons shall be 4. 28 of Ithamar the son of A. the priest 4. 33 under the hand of Ithamar the son of A. 4. 34 And M. and A. and the chief of the 4. 37 which Moses and A. did number according 4. 41 whom Moses and A. did number according 4. 45 whom Moses and A. numbered_ according 4. 46 whom Moses and A. and the chief of Israel 6. 23 Speak unto A. and unto his sons, saying 7. 8 the hand of Ithamar the son of A. the priest 8. 2 Speak uuto A., and say unto him. When 8. 3 And A. did so; he lighted the lamps 8. 11 And A. shall offer the Levites before 8. 13 thou shalt set the Levites before A., and 8.19 the Levites (as) d gift to A. and to his sons 8. 20 And M., and A., and all the congregation 8. 21 and A. ottered them (as) an offering before 8. 21 and A. made an atonement for them 8. 22 before A., and before his sons: as the Lord 9. 6 they came before Moses and before A. 10. 8 And the sons of A., the priests, shall 12. 1 Miriam and A. spake against Moses 12. 4 the Lord spake, .unto M., and unto A. 12. 5 and called A. and Miriam; and they both 12.10 and A. looked upon Miriam, and, behold 12. 11 A. said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I 13. 26 came to Moses, and to A., and to all the 14. 2 murmured against Moses and against A. 14. 5 Then Moses and A. fell on their faces 14. 26 the Lord spake unto Moses and unto A. 15. 33 brought him unto Moses and A., and 16. 3 against Moses and against A., and said 16.11 and what (is)A., that ye murmur against him? 16.16 thou, and they, and A., to morrow 16. 17 thou also, and A., each (of you) his censer 16.18 of the congregation with Moses and A. 16. 20 the Lord spake unto Moses and unto A. 16. 37 the son of A. the priest, that he take up the 16. 40 which (is) not of the seed of A., come near 16. 41 murmured against M.andagainst Assaying 16. 42 was gathered against Moses and against A. 16.43 Moses and A. came before the tabernacle 16. 46 Moses said unto A., Take a censer, and 16. 47 And A. took as Moses commanded, and 16. 50 And A. returned unto Moses unto the door 17. 3 thou shalt write A.’s name upon the rod 17. 6 and the rod of A. (was) among their rods 17. 8 the rod of A. for the house of Levi was 17.10 Bring A.'s rod again before the testimony 18. 1 the Lord said unto A., Thou and thy 18. 8 the Lord spake unto A., Behold, I also 18. 20 the Lord spake unto A., Thou shalt have 18. 28 the Lord’s heave offering to A. the priest 19. 1 the Lord spake unto Moses and unto A. 20. 2 together against Moses and against A. 20. 6 And Moses and A. went from the presence 20. 8 thou, and A. thy brother, and speak ye 20.10 and A. gathered the congregation together 20. 12, 23 And the Lord spake unto Moses and A. 20. 24 A. shall be gathered unto his people 20. 25 Take A. and Eleazar his son, and bring 20. 26 And strip A. of his garments, and put 20. 26 A. shall be gathered (unto his people) 20. 28 Moses stripped A. of his garments, and 20. 28 and A. died there in the top of the mount 20. 29 all the congregation saw that A. was dead 20. 29 they mourned for A. thirty days, (even) all 25. 7 the son of A. the priest, saw (it), he rose 25.11 the son of A. the priest, hath turned my 26. 1 Eleazar the son of A. the priest, saying 26. 9 against Moses and against A. in the 26. 59 she bare unto Amram A. and Moses 26. 60 And unto A. was born, Nadab, and Abihu 26. 64 whom Moses and A. the priest numbered 27.13 thy people, as A. thy brother was gathered 33. 1 armies under the hand of Moses and A. 33. 38 And A. the priest went up into mount 33. 39 And A. (was) an hundred and twenty Deut. 9. 20 the Lord was very angry with A. to 9. 20 I prayed for A. also the same time 10. 6 there A. died, and there he was buried 32. 50 as A. thy brother died in mount Hor josh. 21. 4 and the children of A. the priest, (which 21. 10 Which the children of A., (being) of the Josh. 21. 13 they gave to the children of A. the priest 21. 19 of the children of A., the priests, (were) 24. 5 I sent Moses also and A., and I plagued 24. 33 Eleazar the son of A. died; and they buried Judg. 20. 28 Eleazar, the son of A., stood before it 1 Sa. 12. 6 that advanced Moses and A., and that 12. 8 the Lord sent Moses and A., which 1 Ch. 6 . 3 the children of Amram ; A., and Moses 6. 3 The sons also of A. Hadab, and Abihu 6. 49 But A. and his sons offered upon the 6. 50 these (are) the sons of A.; Eleazar his son 6. 54 of the sons of A. of the families of 6. 57 And to the sons of A. they gave the 15. 4 David assembled the cliildren of A., and 23. 13 The sons of Amram; A. and Moses; and 23.13 and A. was separated, that he should 23. 28 on the sons of A. for the service of the 23. 32 and the charge of the sons of A. their 24. 1 the divisions of the sons of A. 24. 1 Tlie sons of A.; Hadab, and Abihu 24. 19 under A. their father, as the Lord 24. 31 the sons of A. in the presence of David 2 Ch. 13. 9 the sons of A., and the Levites, and have 13. 10 (are) the sons of A.,and the Levites (wait) 26. 18 the sons of A., that are consecrated to 29. 21 the sons of A. to offer (them) on the 31. 19 Also of the sons of A. the priests, which 35. 14 the priests the sons of A. (were busied) 33. 14 themselves, and for the priests the sonsof A. Ezra 7. s Eleazar, the son of A. the chief priest Keh. 10. 38 the priest the son of A. shall be with 12. 47 sanctified (them) uuto the Psa. 77. 20 like a flock by the liaud of Moses and A. 99. 6 Moses and A. among his priests, and 105. 26 his servant, (and) A. whom he had chosen 106. 16 in the camp, (anil) A. the saint of the Lord 113.10 0 house of A., trust in the Lord 115. 12 Israel; he will bless the house of A. 118. 3 Let the house of A. now say, that his 133. 2 down upon the beard, (even) A.'s beard 135. 19 bless the LORD, 0 house of A. Mic. 6. 4 I sent before thee Moses, A., and Miriam Luke 1. 5 (was)of the daughters of A.,and hername Acts 7. 40 Saying unto A., Make us gods to go before Heb. 5. 4 but he that is called of God, as (was) A. , 7. 11 and not be called after the order of A? 9. 4 and A.’s rod that budded, and the tables AA-RO-HITES, lit. of or belonging to Aaron. The descendants of the preceding person are so called in 1 Ch. 12. 27, where we read that Jelioiada their leader with 3700 men, also Zadok and 22 cap¬ tains, joined David in Ziklag; and in 27. 17, that this Zadok was their ruler afterwards; and in Luke 1. 5, that Zacharias's wife was of the daughters of Aaron. From Josh. 21. 13-19, it appears that the Aaronites had thirteen cities assigned to them, viz., Hebron, Libnah, Jattir, Eshtemoa, Holon, Debir, Ain, Juttah, and Beth-shemesh, out of Judah and Simeon; Gibeon, Geba, Anatlioth, and Almon, out of Benjamin; while the Kohathites had ten, viz., Shechem, Gezer, Kib- zaim, and Beth-horou, out of Ephraim; Eltekeh, Gibbethon, Aijalon, and Gatli-rimnion, out of Dan; Taanach and Gatli-rimmon, out of the half tribe of Manasseli; and the Gershonites had thirteen, viz., Golan ill Baslian, and Beesh-terah, out. of the other half tribe of Manasseli; Kisliou, Dabareh, Jarmuth, and Enganniin, out of Isaachar; Mishal, Abdon, Helkatli, and Rehob, out of Asher; Kedesli in Galilee, Hammoth-dor, and Kartan, out of Haphtali; and the Memrites had twelve, viz., Jokneam, Kartah, Dimnah, and Hahalal, out of Zebulun; Bezer, Jaliazah, Kedemoth, and Mephaath, out of Reuben; Ramoth in Gilead, Mahauaim, Heshbon, and Jazer, out of Gad. I11 all forty-eight cities with their suburbs. The high-priestliood continued in tlie family of Eleazar, the third son of Aaron, till the time of Eli, B.C. 1200-1141, who was of the family of Ithamar, the younger son, but it was restored to the house of Eleazar in the person of Zadok, who received it when Abiatliar was dismissed by Solomon, 1 Ki. 2. 35, thus fulfilling the prediction in 1 Sa. 2. 30. 1 Ch. 12. 27 Jehoiada (was) the leader of the A. 27. 17 [the ruler], .of the A., Zadok A-BAD'-DON, a/ 3 a 85 cvv destruction, i.e., destroyer. The king and angel (or messenger) of the abyss, whose name translated into Greek is Apollyon ( which see), who was manifested after the fifth angel (or messenger) had sounded. Rev. 9. 11 whose name in the Hebrew tongue (is) A. A-BAG'-THA, happy, prosperous, felix. One of the seven chamberlains or eunuchs that served in the presence of Ahasuerus, also called Xerxes, king of Persia, B.C. 485-467. Compare other Persian names such as Bigtha, Bigthan, Bigthana, Bigvai. Esth. 1. 10 the king, .commanded. .Bigtha and A. A-BA'-NA, rnstt permanent, perennial. A river rising at a height of 1149 feet on the top of Anti-Libanus, near Zebdany, and (along with the A waj or Pharpar), flowing through the city and plain of Damascus, which is twenty-three miles off. It is now called Barada or Chrysorrhoas, and is the larger of the two rivers; it loses itself in the marsh Bahret el Kibliyeh; fourteen villages are more or less de¬ pendent on this river for water. 2 Ki. 5.12 (Are)not A. and Pharpar. .better than a A-BA'-RIM, o"!5i 1, passages, fords, ridges. The two sides of a range of high and rugged moun¬ tains E. of the Jordan, in Moab, facing Jericho, stretching from Gilead to the Arnon; its highest point is Mount Hebo, now Jebel Nebbeh, the top of the “ Pisgah,” whence Moses viewed the land before his death; here Israel pitched after leaving Alnion- Diblathaim. Hum. 27. 12 Get thee up into this mount A. 33. 47 in the mountains of A., before Hebo 33. 48 they departed from the mountains of A. Deut. 32. 49 Get thee up into this mountain A. ABASE, to — To make Iovj, humble, sliaphel, 5. Job 40. 11 behold every one(that is)proud,and abase Eze. 21. 26 exalt (him that is)low,and abase (him that Dan. 4. 37 those that walk in pride he is able to abase ABASED, to be — To make low, humble, raireivbu tapeinoo. Matt.23.12 whosoever shall exalt himself shall be ah. Luke 14. 11 whosoever exaltetli himself shall be ab. 18. 14 every one. .exalteth himself shall be ab. Phil. 4. 12 I know both how to be abased, and I know ABASING — To make low, humble, Taireivico lapteinoo. 2 Co. 11. 7 Have I committed an offence in abasing ABASE one’s self, to — To be humble, to submit oneself, niy anah. Isa. 31. 4 (he) will not. abase himself for the noise ABATE, to — To flee, hasten away, DU nus. Deut. 34. 7 not dim, nor his natural force abated ABATED, to be — 1 .To cut off, diminish, withdraw, ina gara, 2. Lev. 27. 18 it shall be abated from thy estimation 2 . To be lacking, wanting, hen chaser. Gen. 8. 3 after the end. .the waters were abated 3. To become light, lightened, swift, V?]; qalal. Gen. 8. 8 to see if the waters were abated from off 8. 11 so Hoali knew that the waters were abated 4 . 2 b be feeble, desist, fall, nsn raphah. Judg. 8. 3 Then their anger was abated toward him AB'-BA, dj8/32 a Chaldee word signifying “father." Mark 14. 36 Abba,Father,allthings(are)possibleunto Rom. 8. 15 whereby we cry, Abba, Father Gal. 4. 6 sent forth, .into [your] hearts, crying, A. AB'-DA, kney servant, slave, worshipper. 1 . Father of Adoniram, Solomon's tribute officer. 1 Ki. 4. 6 Adoniram, the son of A. (was) over the 2 . A chief Levite in Jerusalem after the exile, the son of Shammua, called Obadiah son of Shemaiali in 1 Ch. 9. 16. Heh. 11.17 A. the son of Shammua, the son of Galal AB-DE'-EL, ^knhy servant of God. The father of Slielemiah whom Jelioiakim, king of Judah, ordered to apprehend Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet. Jer. 36. 26 Shelemiah the son of A., to take Baruch AB'-DI, ’iny servant of Jah. 1 . A Merarite, grandfather of Ethan, one of those whom David set over the service of song. 1 Ch. 6. 44 hand: Ethan the son of Kislii,thesonof A. 2 CI1.29. 12 of the sons of Merari, Kish the son of A. 2 . A descendant of one of the two Elams, who had taken a strange wife during the exile, a tiling forbid¬ den by the law of Moses. Ezra 10. 26 of the sons of Elam. .A., and Jeremoth AB-DI'-EL, Sk'aay servant of God. The ancestor of a family of Gadites dwelling in Gilead in Baslian, as reckoned in the days of Jotham and Jeroboam, kings of Judah and Israel, B.C. 825-742. 1 Ch. 5. 15 Ahi the son of A., the son of Guni AB'-DON, I'ray service, servile. 1 . A Levitical city in Asher, now called Abdeh, at the H. of Acre, on the banks of the Wady Burn; called Hebron (Ebron) in Josh. 19. 28. Josh.21. 30 A. with her suburbs 1 Ch. 6. 74 A. with her suburbs 2 . A son of Hillel the Pirathonite (perhaps the same as Bedan in 1 Sa. 12. n); he judged Israel eight years, B.C. 1120-1112, had forty sons and thirty grandsons, who rode ou seventy ass colts, was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim in what was called the mount of the Amalekites. Judg. 12. 13 A., son of HiUel, a Pirathonite, judged 12. 15 A., son of Hillel the Pirathonite died 3 . A Benjamite in Jerusalem. I Ch. 8. 23 And A., and Zichri, and Hanan 4. The firstborn son of Jehiel from Maacliah, in Gibeon of Benjamin. 1 Ch 8. 30 And his firstborn son A., and Zur, and 9. 36 And his firstborn son A., then Zur, and 5 A son of Mieali, and sent with others by king Josiali to Huldah the prophetess to enquire of Jeho¬ vah regarding the words of the Book of the Law found abedn ego ABIDE in the temple, B.O. 624. He is called ACHBOR in 2 Ki. I Ch. 34. 20 the king commanded. .A. son of Micah A-BED-NE'-GO, xiM i?!!, servant of Nego. » name triven by the prince of the eunuchs of Ne- taSnS king of Babylon, to Azariah, one 0 the four young princes of Judah who were earned away B C 607. He was one of the three companions Daniel that were cast into the burning fiery furnace for refusing to bow before the golden image set up by Nebuchadnezzar in the plain of Dura, m the pro- vince of Babylon. . . - . Ban 1 7 for he gave unto.. Azariah [the name]of A. 2. ' 49 and he set.. A., over the affairs of •5 12 whom thou hast set over the affans. .A. i' j, Nebuchadnezzar., commanded to bring A. a 14 (Is it) true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and A 1 ' 16 Shadrach, Mesliacli, and A., answered and 1 19 changed against Shadrach, Meshach, & A. o 20 his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, & A. I' 22 slew those men that took up.. A. 3 And these three men. .A.,fell down bound 3 26 Shadrach, Meshach, and A., ye servants of 3 26 Then Shadrach, Meshach, and A., name 3 28 Blessed (be)the God of Shadrach TNI.,andA. '3 29 speak anything amiss against.. G od of.. A. 3. 30 Then the king promoted. .A., in the A'-BEL, Sax fresh, grassy, meadow. 1 A stony place in the field of Joshua the Bethle- hemite, in the N.W. of Judah, between Ekron and Beth-sliemesh, whereon the ark was left by the Philistines, B.c. 1140. 1 Sa. 6.18 the great (stone of) A., whereon they set 2 A city in Naphtali (now called Abil, three miles N E. of Beth-rehob), where Joab besieged Shelia, whose head was given up to him at the suggestion of a wise woman of Abel of Beth-maachah. 2 Sa. 20. 14 And he went through..unto A., and to A-BEL-BETH-MA-A'-CHAH, najytn fra Sax meadow of the house of Maachah. A city in Mauasseh or Naphtali, which is mentioned along with Ijon, and Dan, and Janoah, and Kedesh, and Hazor, as being taken by Tiglath-pileser B.O. 740, and the inhabitants carried off to Assyria. iKi 13 20 Ben-hadad. .smote. .A.,and allCinnerotli 2 Ki. 15. 29 Tiglath-pileser. .took Ijon and A., and A-BEL-KE-RA'-MIM, D’D-1? Sax meadow of the vineyards. , A place E. of the Jordan beyond Aroer and now called Abila, six or seven miles beyond itabbah (or Philadelphia) of the Ammonites. Judg.11. 33 smote them, .unto the plain of the v.-y. A-BEL-MA'-IM, o'P Sax meadow of the waters. Apparently another name for Abel-beth-maachah; it was smitten by the armies of Benhadad B.C. 940, 111 the days of Asa. 2 Ch. 16. 4 they smote Ijon, and Dan, and A. A-BEL-ME-HO'-LA, nSin? Sax meadow of the dance. A city in Issaohar, at the N. of the Jordan \ alley, and ten or twelve miles S. of Beth-shean; the birth¬ place of Elisha the prophet, son of Sliaphat. Judo, 7 22 the host fled, .to the border of A., unto I Kf 4 12 from Beth-shean to A., (even) unto (the ' ,9. ,6 and Elisha, the sou of Shapliat of A. A-BEL-MIZ-RA'-IM, cnf? Sax meadow or mourn¬ ing of the Egyptians. A place at the threshing floor at Atad, beyond Jordan," probably on the W. between it and Hebron, at Beth-hogla, now Ain-Hajla; accordmg to others, at El-Haram, near Hebron. See Atad. Gen. 50.11 wherefore the name of it was called A. A-BEL-SHIT -TIM, D'airn Sax meadow of the acacias. A place in the plains (or deserts) of Moab E of the Jordan about seven miles off, opposite Jericho, and nearly W. of Heshbon. It was the extreme N. border of the last encampment of Israel before passing over the Jordan, B.C. 1451. See Shittim. Num. 33. 49 pitched, .unto A., in the plains of Moab A'-BEE, San transitoriness. The second son of Adam and Eve, and apparently the twin brother of Cain. He was a shepherd, and at the end of a certain time brought an offering to Jehovah of the best of his flock. Cain being dis- pleased, slew him “ in the field,” as all the ancient versions declare. His blood is represented as ‘ crying from the ground.” Gen 4. 2 And she again bare liis brother A. And A. 4 4 A., he also brought.. had respect unto A. 4 8 And Cain talked with A ...against A. 4 9 said unto Cain, Where (is) A. thy brother? 4. 25 another seed instead of A., whom Cam Matt23. 33 from the blood of righteous A., unto the Luke 11 51 From the blood of A. unto the blood of Heb. II. 4 By faith A. offered unto God a more 12. 24 speaketh better things than (that of) A. A'-BEZ, pax ivhite, shining. A city in Issachar, near Kisliion or Remeth (perhaps the same as Thebez, now Tubas), near Engannin and Shunem. J osh. iq. 20 f border was toward ].. Kisliion and A 23 - 7 23 - 7 Job 9. 3 1 19. 19 3 °- 10 1 Psa. 5. , 6 106. 40 107. 18 119. 163 Isa. 49. 7 Amos 5 . 10 ABHOR, to — 1. To abhor, Sna bachal. Zech. 11. 8 loathed them, and their soul also abhorred 2. To separate, cast away, loathe, Sya gaal. Lev 26 11 among you: and my soul shall not abhor 26 is or if your soul abhor my judgments, so 26. 30 I will destroy. .and my soul shall abhor 26. 43 and because their soul abhorred my 26. 44 neither will I abhor them, to destroy 3. To nauseate, abhor, cnt zaham, 3. Job 33. 20 So that his life abliorreth bread, and his 4. To be indignant, defy, abhor, psj zaam. Prov. 24. 24 the people curse, nations shall abhor 5. To despise, reject , loath , dnd maas. Job 42. 6 Wherefore I abhor (myself), and repent Psa. ^6. 4 He deviseth. .he abliorreth not evil 78. so he was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel 89. 38 But thou hast cast off and abhorred, thou 6. To despise, pierce, sting, fXJ naatz, 1, 3. Deut. 32. ig And when the Lord saw (it), lie abhorred^ 1 Sa. 2. 17 for men abhorred the offering of the Lord- Psa 10 3 the covetous (whom) the Lord abliorreth jer’ 14. 21 Do not abhor (us), for thy name’s sake 7. To reject, cast down, iR) naar, 3. Lam. 2. 7 the Lord, .hath abhorred his sanctuary 8. To be vexed, wearied with, pp guts. Lev 20 23 these tilings, and therefore I abhorred 1 Ki 11 25 lie abhorred Israel, and reigned over S. Isa. 7.16 the land that thou ahhorrest shall he 9. To have in abomination, f’pw shaqats, 3. Psa. 22. 24 not despised nor abhorred the affliction of 10. To contemn, abhor, reject, axn taab, 3. Amos 6. 8 I abhor the excellency of Jacob, and hate 11. To have in abomination, reject, ayn taab, 3. Deut. 7. 26 and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it (is) ,3 7 Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite ; for lie 7 thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because 9. 31 and mine own clothes sliaU abhor me 19. 19 All my inward friends abhorred me 30 10 They abhor me, they flee far from me 5. 6 the Lord will abhor the bloody and 106 40 insomuch that he abhorred his own 107. 18 Their soul abliorreth all manner of meat 19. 163 I hate and abhor lying; (but) thy law do I isa. 49. 7 to him whom the nation abliorreth Amos 5. 10 they abhor him that speaketh upi iglitly Mic. 3. 9 ye. .princes of. .Israel, that abhor 12. To shrink from, airocrTvyico apo-stugeo. Rom. 12. 9 Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that 13. To have in abomination, Rom. 2. 22 thou that abliorrest idols, dost thou ABHORRED, to be — 1. To be or become stinking, tvxa baash, 2. 2 Sa. 16. 21 Israel shall hear that thou art abhorred 2 .To be indignant, defy, abhor, Dili zaam. Prov. 22. 14 he that is abhorred of the Lord shall ABHORRED, to make to be — 1. To cause to stink, & ! xa baash, 5. Exod 5 21 ye have made our savour to be abhorred 1 Sa. 27.12 He hath made, .utterly to abhor him 2. To make abominable, reject, ayn taab, 3. Eze. 16. 25 hast made thy beauty to he abhorred ABHORRING — An object of abhorrence, ]ixT! demon. Isa. 66. 24 they shall he an abhorring unto all flesh A'-BI, 'ax Jah is father. The daughter of Zecliariah, wife of Ahaz, and. mother of Hezekiah, kings of Judah, (called Abijah in 2 Ch. 29. 1,) B.c. 726. 2 Ki. 18. 2 His mother’s name also (was) A. A-BI'-A, A-BI'-AH, n;ax Jah is father. 1 The second son of Samuel the prophet and judge of Israel; with his brother Joel or Vashni, he judged in Beersheba, and did wickedly, so that Israel desued and obtained a king. 1 Sa 8. 2 and the name of his second A.. .judges in 1 Ch. 6. 28 of Samuel; the first-born Vashni, and A. 2 The wife of Hezron grandson of Judah by Pharez, and mother of Ashur father of Tekoa. 1 Ch 2. 24 then A. Hezron’s wife hare him Ashur 3. A son of Rehoboam, called Abijam in 1 Ki. 14. 31; 15. 1, 7, 8. 1 Ch. 3.10 Solomon’s sou (was) Rehoboam, A. his Matt. 1. 7 and Roboam begat A.; and A. begat 4 . The seventh son of Becher son of Benjamin. 1 Ch. 7. 8 And the sons of Becher; Zemira. .and A. 5 . A priest in the days of David, set over a particular course of service in the Tabernacle. Luke 1. 5 priest. .Zacharias, of the course of A. A-BI-AL-BON, ]iaSs 'ax father of strength. One of David’s mighty men, from Arabah or Beth- arabah, a city in the N. of the country of the tribe of Judah, adjacent to the territory of the tribe of Benjamin. He is called Abiel in 1 Ch. 11. 32. 2 Sa. 23. 31 A. the Arbathite A-BI-A-SAPH, rjDX'ax father of gathering. The third sou of Korali first-born of Izliar, second son of Kohath, second son of Levi third son of Jacob. See Ebiasaph. Exod. 6. 24 And the sons of Korah; Assir. .and A. A-BI-A-THAR, ijrax father of superfluity. The eleventh high-priest in succession from Aaron: son of Aliimelech, son of Ahitub, priest at Nob. He escaped when Boeg tlio JEdumite slew liis father and 83 priests, and lied to David in the cave of Adullam ; was sent back to Jerusalem with the ark when David fled from Absalom ; was joint high-priest with Zadok; conspired to make Adonijah king; was banished to his birth place, Anathoth in Benjamin: and at last was expelled from his office by Solomon, B.O. 1014. 1 Sa 22. 20 And. .A., escaped, and fled after David 22 21 And A. shewed David that Saul had 22’ 22 And David said unto A., I knew (it) that 23 6 when A... fled to David.. he came down 23. 9 David. .said to A. the priest, Bring 30 7 And David said to A.. .bring me hither ,0 7 And A. brought thither the ephod to 2 sa. 8. 17 And Zad’ok. .and Aliimelech the son of A. 15. 24 and A. went up, until all the people je 27 two sons with yon,. .and. .the son of A. 1 . 29 Zadok therefore and A. carried the ark k ocr not there with thee Zadok and A. the flc. 35 thou shalt tell (it) to Zadok and A. the 15. 36 there with them, .and Jonathan A.’s 17 15 Then said Husliai unto Zadok and to A. 19 11 David sent to Zadok and to A. the priests 20. 25 and Zadok and A. (were) the priests 1 Ki 1 7 he conferred with Joab. .and with A. 1. xq and hath called.. A. the priest, and Joab 1 25 and hath called all. .and A. the priest 1. 42 Jonathan the son of A. the priest came 2 22 even for him, and for A. the priest, and 2 26 And unto A. the priest said the king 2 27 So Solomon thrust out A. from being 2 35 Zadok. .the king put in the room of A. 4. I and Zadok and A. (were) the priests 1CI1 15. 11 David called for Zadok and A. the 18 16 Zadok.. and Abimelech the son of A. 24! 6 before the king, and. .the son of A. 27 34 after Aliithophel (was) Jelioiada. .and A. Mark 2. 26 into the house of God, in the days of A. A'-BIB, a'ax sprouting, budding. The first month of the sacred and seventh of the civil year of the Hebrews, on the 15th of which Israel left Egypt. It commenced at the new moon of April or March (according to the Rabbis), and was consti¬ tuted the first month of the year in commemoration of the release from Egyptian slavery. Exod. 13. 4 This day came ye out in the month A 23 15 in tlie time appointed of the month A. 34 18 bread, .in the time of the month A. 34. 18 in the month A. thou earnest out from Deut. 16. 1 Observe the month of A. and keep the 16. 1 for in the month of A. the Lord thy God A-BI -DA, A-BI-DAH, yr 2$ father of knowledge. The fourth son of Midian the fourth son of Keturah and Abraham. Comp, the city of Eboda, between Canaan and Sinai. Gen. 25. 4 the sons of Midian; Ephah. .and A. 1 Ch. 1. 33 the sons of Midian ; Ephah. .and A. A-BI-DAN, |T?x father of judgment. The son of Gideoni, a chief Benjaniite, who was ap¬ pointed along with Moses and Aaron, and a chief mail out of every tribe, to number the people. Num 1 11 Of Benjamin ; A. the son of Gideoni 2 22 the captain of the sons of Benjamin. .A. 7 60 Oil the ninth day A. the son of Gideoni 7 65 this (was) the offering of A. the son of 10. 24 And over the host, .(was) A. the son of AB ID E, to — 1 .To go in, enter, come, xia bo. Num.31. 23 that may abide the fire, .all that abideth 2 . To sojourn as a stranger, gur. Psa 15 1 Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle ? 61. 4 I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever 3 . To slay, wait for, Sun chid. Hos. 11. 6 And the sword shall abide on his cities 4 . To encamp, incline downward, nan chanah. Num. g. 20 according to the. .they abode in their q 22 children of Israel abode 111 their tents 31. iq do ye abide without the camp seven Ezra 8. 15 and there abode we in tents three days 5 . To sit, sit down, settle down, dwell, ari; yashab. Gen. 22. 5 Abide ye here with the ass ; and I 24 55 Let the damsel abide with us (a few) 29 14 And he abode with him the space of a an. 19 And Laban said,.. abide with me 44 93 let thy servant abide instead of the lad 49 24 But his bow abode in strength, and Exodi6. 29 See.. abide ye every man in his place Lev. 8. 35 Therefore shall ye abide (at) the door ot NUI1120. 1 and the people abode in Kadesh 22. 5 and they abide over against me 22. 8 the princes of Moab abode with Balaam 25. 1 And Israel abode in Shittim 35. 25 he shall abide in it unto the death of Deut. 1. 46 So ye abode in Kadesli many days 3. 19 your wives, .shall abide in your cities 3 29 So we abode in the valley over against 9. 9 then I abode in the mount forty days ABIDE 4 ABIJ AH Josh. 2. 22 and abode there three days, until the 5. 8 that they abode in their places in the 8. 9 and abode between Beth-el and Ai Judg. 5. 16 Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds 11.17 and Israel abode in Kadesh 19. 4 and he abode with him three days 20. 47 and abode in the rock Rinunon four 21. 2 and abode there till even before God 1 Sa. 1. 22 before the Lord, and there abide for 1. 23 So the woman abode, and gave her son • 5. 7 The ark. .shall not abide with us 7. 2 while the ark abode in Kirjath-jearim 13,16 And Saul, .abode in Gibeahof Benjamin 19. 2 and abide in a secret (place), and hide 22. 5 the prophet Gad said.. abide not in the 22. 6 (now Saul abode in Gibeah under a tree 22. 23 Abide thou with me, fear not: for he 23. 14 And David abode in the wilderness 23. 18 and David abode in the wood, and 23. 25 and abode in the wilderness of Maon 25. 13 and two hundred abode by the stuff 26. 3 But David abode in the wilderness 2 Sa. 1. 1 and David had abode two days in 11. 11 The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide 11. 12 So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day 15. 8 thy servant vowed, .while I abode at 15. 19 return to thy place, and abide witli the 16. 3 Behold, he abideth at Jerusalem 16. 18 and with him will I abide 1 Ki. 8. 13 a settled place for thee to abide in for 17. 19 carried him up into a loft, where he 2 Ki. 19. 27 But I know thy abode, and thy going 2 Ch. 25. 19 abide now at home; why shouldest 32. 10 that ye abide in the siege in Jerusalem? Ezra 8. 32 we came to Jerusalem, and abode there Job 24. 13 nor abide in the paths thereof 38. 40 (and) abide in the covert to lie in wait ? Psa. 55. 19 even he that abideth of old 61. 7 He shall abide before God for ever 125. 1 (which) cannot be removed, (but) abideth Isa. 37. 28 But I know thy abode, and thy going Jer. 21. 9 He that abideth in this city shall die by 38. 28 So Jeremiah abode in the court of the 42. 10 If ye will still abide in this land 49. 18 no man shall abide there, neither shall 49. 33 there shall no man abide there, nor 50. 40 (so) shall no mau abide there, neither Hos. 3. 3 Thou shalt abide for me many days 3. 4 the children of Israel shall abide many Mic. 5. 4 and they shall abide : for now shall he 6. To bear, hold out, sustain, Sl3 kul, 3 a. Mai. 3. 2 But who may abide the day of his 7. To lodge, pass the night, p 1 ? lun, 1, 7 a - Job 39. 9 Will the unicorn.. abide by thy crib ? 39. 28 She dwelleth and abideth on the rock Psa. 49. 12 man (being) in honour abideth not 91. 1 He that dwelleth. .shall abide under the Prov. 15. 31 The ear that heareth.. abideth among the 19. 23 and (he that hath it) shall abide satisfied 8. To stand, stand still, remain, najl amad. Josh.18. 5 Judah shall abide in their coast on the Psa. 119. 90 established the earth, and it abideth Eccl. 1. 4 but the earth abideth for ever 9. To rise, rise up, stand up, be fixed. Dip gum. Nah. 1. 6 who can abide.. fierceness of his anger ? 10. To recline, tabernacle, ]3^ shaken. Exod 24. 16 the glory of the Lord abode upon mount 40. 35 because the cloud abode thereon Num. 9. 17 and in the place where the cloud abode 9. 18 as long as the cloud abode upon the 24. 2 and he saw Israel abiding (in his tents) Judg. 5. 17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why Prov. 7. 11 her feet abide not in her house 11. To be, exist, continue, n;rr hay ah. Num. 9. 21 when the cloud abode from even unto 11. 35 the people journeyed, .and abode at 12. To turn up and down, avaarpetpoi ana-strepho. Matt 17. 22 And while they abode in Galilee, Jesus 13. To remain in a courtyard, auAi'fouai aulizomai. Luke 21. 37 and abode in the mount that is called 1 l. To nib away, spend, Ziarpi^a dia-tribo. Acts 12. 19 from Judaja to Crcsarea, and (there) abode 14. 3 Long time therefore abode they 14. 28 there they abode long time with the 16. 12 and we were in that city abiding certain 20. 6 to Troas.. where we abode seven days 15. To remain in or on, Impeva epimeno. Acts 15. 34 Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide Gal. 1. 18 to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen 1 (1. To place, cause to stand, 'IcrT-ryu hislemi. John 8. 44 and abode not in the truth, because there 1 7. To remain steadily, Karapivai kata-oneno. Acts 1. 13 an upper room, where abode both Peter 18. To remain, continue, gfuai meno. Matt. 10.11 and there abide till ye go thence Mark 6. 10 there abide till ye depart from that place Luke 1. 56 And Mary abode with her about three 8. 27 neither abode in (any) house, but in the 9. 4 ye enter into, there abide, and thence 19. 5 for to day I must abide at thy house 24 29 Abide with us: for it is toward evening John 1. 32 I saw the spirit, .and it abode upon him 1. 39 they came, .and abode with him that 3. 36 but the wrath of God abideth on him John 4. 40 with them : and he abode there two days 5. 38 And ye have not his word abiding in you. 7. 9 When he had said. .he abode (still) in 8. 35 the servant abideth not. .the Son abideth 10. 40 went away again.. and there he abode 11. 6 he abode two days still in the same place 12. 24 Except a corn of wheat, .die, it abideth 12. 34 We have heard, .that Christ abideth for 12. 46 on me should not abide in darkness 14. 16 Comforter, that he may [abide] with you 15. 4 Abide in. .except it abide, .except ye a. 15. 5 He that abideth in me, and I in him 15. 6 Ifaman abide not in me, he is cast forth 15. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in 15. 10 ye shall abide in my love.. I.. abide in Acts 16. 15 come into my house, and abide (there) 18. 3 thesame craft,he abode with them,and 20. 23 saying that bonds and afilictions abide 21. 7 the brethren, and abode with them one 21. 8 which was (one) of theseven; and abode 27. 31 Except these abide in the ship, ye 1 Co. 3. 14 If any man’s work abide which he hath 7. 8 It is good for them if they abide even as 7. 20 Let every man abide in the same calling 7. 24 let every man. .therein abide with God 7. 40 But she is happier if she so abide, after 13. 13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity Phil. 1. 25 I know that I shall abide anil continue 2 Ti. 2. 13 If we believe not, (yet) he abideth 4. 20 Erastus abode at Corinth; but Trophimus Heb. 7. 3 Without father, .abideth a priest 1 Pe. 1. 23 word of God, which livetli and abideth 1 Jo. 2. 6 He that saitli he abideth in him ought 2. 10 He that lovetli his brother abideth in 2. 14 strong, and the word of God abideth in 2. 17 he that doetli the will of God abideth for 2. 24 Let that [therefore] abide in you, which 2. 27 abideth in you, and. .ye shall abide in him 2. 28 And now, little children, abide in him 3. 6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not 3. 14 He that loveth not. .abideth in death 3. 15 no murderer hath eternal life abiding in 3. 24 we know that he abideth in us, by the 2 Jo. 9 abidethnotin. .doctrine. .He that abideth 19. To remain alongside, irapayeyw para-meno. 1 Co. 16. 6 And it may be that I will abide, yea 20. To do, make, irolew poieo. Acts 20. 3 And (there) abode three months 21. To remain behind, viroyevu hupo-meno. Acts 17. 14 but Silas and Timotheus abode there ABIDE, to be able to — To contain, bear, V 13 kul, 5. Jer. 10. 10 the nations shall not be able to abide his ABIDE all night, to — To lodge, pass the night, p 1 ? lun. Gen. 19. 2 we will abide in the street all night Lev. 19. 13 shall not abide with thee all night ABIDE behind, to — To stand, stand still, remain, ioj; amad. 1 Sa. 30. 10 two hundred abode behind, which were ABIDE, can — To contain, bear, ^>13 kul, 5. Joel 2.11 the day of the Lord. .who can abide it? ABIDE fast, to — To cleave, adhere, pursue, p?3 dabeq. Ruth 2. 8 abide here fast by'my maidens ABIDE in, to — To remain on, continue, eVi/ievw epi-meno. Rom.11. 23 and they also, if they abide not still in Phil. 1. 24 Nevertheless to abide in the flesh (is) ABIDE in the field, to — To be in a fold in the field, aypavXeoo agrauled. Luke 2. 8 were.. shepherds abiding in the field ABIDE, to make to — To cause to sit or dwell, settle, 3 w' r jashab, 5. 1 Sa. 30. 21 whom they had made also to abide ABIDE still, to — To remain towards, or on, irpoayevu) pros-oneno. 1 Ti. 1. 3 As I besought thee to abide still at Eph. ABIDE with, to — To be joined, nib lavali. Eccl. 8. 15 for that shall abide with him of his labour ABIDING — 1 .To sit, sit still, dwell, 3b>; yashab. Judg.16. 9 Now(tliere were) men. .abiding with her 16. 12 And (there were) liers in wait abiding in 2.ITope, expectation, nipp miqveh. 1 Ch. 29. is and (there' is) none abiding 3. To be admitted, join oneself to, n?D saphacli, 7. 1 Sa. 26. 19 driven me out this day from abiding in A-BI'-El, Sn’ 3 r father of might. 1 . Son of Zeror, and father of Ner, and of Kish who was father of Saul the first king of Israel. 1 Sa. q. 1 a man of Benjamin.. Kish, the son of A. 14. 51 Ner the father of Abner (was), .son of A. 2 . One of David’s thirty mighty men, called Abi- albon in 2 Sa. 23. 31. 1 Ch. 11. 32 A. the Arbathite A-BI-E'-ZER, niji’DR father of help. 1 . A descendant of Manasseli, probably the same as Jeezer, son of Gilead, Num. 26. 30. Josh. 17. 2 was also (a lot) for. the children of A. 1 Ch. 7. 18 sister Hammoleketh bare Ishod, and A. 2 . A district in Manasseh inhabited by the Abiezrites. Judg. 6. 34 came upon Gideon, .and A. was gathered 8. 2 gleaning of.. better than the vintage of A. V 3 . A native of Anathoth in Benjamin (now Anata), two miles E. of Gibeah, and one and a-lialf hours from Jerusalem, on the other side of the Wady Selam. 2 Sa. 23. 27 A. the Anethothite 1 Ch. 11. 28 A. the Antothite 27. 12 ninth (captain), .(was) A. the Anetothite A-BI-EZ-RITE, "iiyn ’3k belonging to Abiezer. The Abiezrites were descendants of Manasseh the eldci son of Joseph. Judg. 6. 11 oak. .that (pertained) unto Joasli the A. 6. 24 altar, .yet in Oplirah of the A. 8. 32 buried, .in Oplirah of the A. A-BI-GA'-H, Sg’ 3X source or cause of delight. 1 . Wife of Nabal the Carmelite; she met and pacified David, and afterwards became his wife, and was the mother of Daniel or Chileab. 1 Sa. 25. 3 Nabal; and the name of his wife A. 25. 14 But one of the young men told A. 25. 18 Then A. made haste, and took two 25. 23 And when A. saw David, she hasted, and 25. 32 And David said to A., Blessed (lie) the 25. 36 And A. came to Nabal; and, behold, 25. 39 David sent and communed with A., to 25. 40 the servants of David were come to A. to 25. 42 And A. hasted, and arose, and rode upon 27. 3 David dwelt with Achish. .and A. the 30. 5 David’s two wives were taken captives.. A. 2 Sa. 2. 2 David went up. .and A. Nabal’s wife 3. 3 And his second, Chileab, of A. the wife oi 1 Ch. 3. 1 the second Daniel, of A. the Carmelitess 2 . A daughter of Nahash or of Jesse, and sister or niece of Zeruiali. She was the mother of Amasa, whom Absalom made captain in place of Joab. 2 Sa. 17. 25 Ithra. .went in to A., the daughter of N 1 Ch. 2. 16 [David]..whosesisters(were)Zeruiah exischuo. Eph. 3. 18 [that ye]. .may be able to comprehend 8. To have, hold, possess, e’x“ echo. 2 Pe. 1. 15 that ye may be able after my decease 9. To have power, tax™ ischuo. Luke 13. 24 will seek to enter in, and shall not be able 14. 29 the foundation.andisnot able to finisli(it) 14. 30 to build, and was not able to finish John 21. 6 and now they were not able to draw it Acts 6. 10 And they were not able to resist the 15.10 neither our fathers nor we were able to ABLE to endure, to be — The foot {lit. according to the foot of), regel. Gen. 33. 14 according as. .the children be able toend. ABLE, to make — To make sufficient, luavAa hikanob. 2 Co. 3. 6 Who also hath made us able ministers of AB'-NER {or A-bi-'ner), in*} father of light. Son of Saul’s uncle Ner, and captain of Saul’s army From his relationship to the king, and his force of character, he exercised great influence during Sauls reign as well as afterwards. ,, . , ., . . iSa 14 S o the name of the captain of his host (was) A. 14 51 and Ner the father of A. (was) the son 17 55 Saul, .said unto A.. .A., whose son (is) 17. 55 And A. said (As) thy soul liveth, 0 king 17 57 A. took him, aud brought him before 20 25 and A. sat by Saul’s side, and David's 26. 5 aud A. the son of Ner, the captain of his 26 7 but A. and the people lay round about 26. 14 David cried to the people, aud to A. the 26 14 saying, Answerest thou not, A.? Then A. 26. 15 David said to A. (Art)not thou a(valiant) 2 Sa. 2. 8 But A. the son of Ner, captain of Saul's 2. 12 And A. the son of Ner, and the servants 2. 14 Aud A. said to Joab, Let the young men 2. 17 there was a very sore battle, .and A. was 2. 19 And Asahel pursued after A.; and in 2. 19 nor to the left from following A. 2. 20 Then A. looked behind him, and said 2. 21 And A. said to him, Turn thee aside 2. 22 And A. said again to Asahel, Turn thee 2. 23 he refused to turn aside : wherefore A. 2. 24 Joab also and Abishai pursued after A. 2. 25 gathered themselves together after A., 2. 26 Then A. called to Joab, and said, Shall 2. 29 And A. and his men walked all that 2. 30 And Joab returned from following A. 2. 31 had smitten of Benjamin, and of A.’s men 3. 6 that A. made himself strong for the house 3. 7 and (Ishbosheth) said to A., Wherefore 3. 8 Then was A. very wroth for the words of 3. 9 So do God to A., and more also, except 3. 11 And he could not answer A. a word again 3. 12 And A. sent messengers to David on his 3. 16 Then said Abner unto him, Go, return 3. 17 And A. had communication with the 3. 19 And A. also spake in the ears of Benjamin 3. 19 and A. went also to speak in the ears of 3. 20 So A. came to David to Hebron, and 3. 20 And David made A. and the men that 3. 21 And A. said unto David, I will arise 3. 21 And David sent A. away; and he went 3. 22 but A. (was) not with David in Hebron 3. 23 A. the son of Ner came to the king, and 3. 24 behold, A. came unto thee ; why (is) it 3. 25 Thou lcuovvest A. the son of Ner, that he 3. 26 when Joab was come. .lie sent, .after A. 3. 27 And when A. was returned to Hebron 3. 28 guiltless, .for ever from the blood of A. 3. 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother slew A. 3. 31 and gird you with sackcloth, and mourn 3. 32 And they buried A. in Hebron: and the 3. 32 the king, .wept at the grave of Abner 3. 33 And the king lamented over A., and said 3. 33 the king, .said, Died A. as a fool dietli? 3. 37 it was not of the king to slay A. the son of 4. 1 when Saul’s son heard that A. was dead 4. 12 and buried (it) in the sepulchre of A. in 1 Ki. 2. 5 unto A. the son of Ner, and unto 2. 32 A. the son of Ner, captain of the host of 1 Ch. 26. 28 Saul the son of Kish, and A. the sou of 27. 21 of Benjamin, Jaasiel the son of A. ABOARD, to go — To go on or upon, im^alva epibaino. Acts 21. 2 finding a ship, .we went aboard, and set ABODE— Home, mansion, permanent place, yovi] mone. John 14. 23 will come unto him, and make our abode ABOLISH, to— 1. To change, pass on or away, fpn chalaph. Isa. 2. 18 And the idols he shall utterly abolish 2. To make thoroughly inactive, Karapyew, katargeo. 2 Co. 3. 13 look to the end of that which is abolished Eph. 2. 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity 2 Ti. 1. 10 Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death ABOLISHED, to be — 1 .To be broken down, cast down, nnn chathath, 2. Isa. 51. 6 my righteousness shall not be abolished 2. To wipe away, blot out, nnn machah, 2. Eze. 6. 6 and your works may be abolished ABOMINABLE— 1. Indignation (worthy of), nyj zaam. Mic. 6. 10 the scant measure (that is) abominable ? 2. Abominable, impure thing, piggul. Lev 19 7 on the third day, (it) is abominable Isa. 65. 4 broth of abominable (things is in) their Eze. 4. 14 neither came there abominable flesh into 3 . Abominable, detestable thing, sheqets. Lev. 7. 21 unclean beast, or any abominable unclean Eze. 8-10 behold every form of.. abominable beasts 4. To be abominable, taab, 2. Job 15.16 How much more abominable and filthy (is) Isa. 14. 19 cast out of thy grave like an abominable 5. Without law, unlawful, adepnos a-themitos. 1 Pe. 4. 3 we walked in. .abominable idolatries 6 . Abominable, disgusting, QSeXvKrAs bdeluktos. Titus 1. 16 in works, .deny (him), being abominable ABOMINABLE, to be— 1. To be abominable, nyi? taab, 2. 1 Ch. 21. 6 for the king’s word was abominable to 2. To have in abomination, /iSeXvaaopai. Rev. 21. 8 But the. .abominable, .shall have their ABOMINABLE, to commit more—- To do abominably, fiyn taab, 5 . Eze. 16. 52 thou hast committed more abomiuable ABOMINABLE CUSTOM— Abomination, nfijfw toebah. Lev. 18. 30 commit not., of these abominable customs ABOMINABLE, to do— To do abominably, fijjn taab, 5 . Psa. 14. 1 they have done abominable works 53. 1 and have done abominable iniquity ABOMINABLE FILTH— Abominable, detestable thing, y*PP shiqquts. Nah. 3. 6 And I will cast abominable filth upon ABOMINABLE IDOLS— A bominable, detestable thing, pjsp shiqquts. 2 Ch. 15. 8 and put away the abominable idols out of ABOMINABLE, to make— To act abominably, YiHiff shagats, 3 . Lev. 11. 43 Ye shallnotmake yourselves abomiuable 20. 25 ye shall not make your souls abominable ABOMINABLE thing— 1 .Abominable, impure thing, piggul. Isa. 65. 4 and broth of abominable (things is in)their 2 ..Abomination, n?Jfw toebah. Deut 14. 3 Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing Jer. 16. 18 carcases of their, .abominable things 44. 4 Oh, do not this abominable tiling that I ABOMINABLY, to do— To do abominably, fiyO taab, 5 . 1 Ki. 21. 26 And he did very abominably in following ABOMINATION— 1 . Abominable, impure thing, Vus piggul. Lev. 7. 18 it shall be an abomination, and the 2 . Abominable, detestable thing, yipt? shiqquts. Deut.29. 17 And ye have seen their abominations 1 Ki. 11. 5 For Solomon went after, .the ab. of 11. 7 the abomination of Moab, in the hill 11. 7 the abomination of the children of A. 2 Ki. 23. 13 the abomination of the. .the abomination 23. 24 and all the abominations that were spied Isa. 66. 3 tlieirsouldelightethintheirabominations Jer. 4. 1 if thou wilt put away thine abominations 7. 30 they have set their abominations in the 13. 27 thine abominations on the hills in 32. 34 But they set their abominations in the Eze. 5. 11 and with all thine abominations, therefore 7. 20 the images of their abominations (and) of 20. 7 Cast ye away every man the abominations 20. 8 every man cast away the abominations of 20. 30 and commit ye whoredom after their Dan. 9. 27 for the overspreading of abominations he 11. 31 they shall place the abomination that 12. 11 and the abomination that maketh desolate Hos. 9. 10 and (their) abominations were according Zecli. 9. 7 Aud I will take away. .his abominations 3 . Abomination, detestation, ypv sheqets. Lev. 11. 10 they (shall be) an abomination unto you 11. 11 abomination.. ye shall have, .in abomina. 11. 12 that (shall be) an abomination unto you 11. 13 and these, .ye shall have in abomination 11. 20 All. .thatcreep. .(shallbe)anabomination 11. 23 But all (other), .(shall be) an abomination 11. 41 every creeping thing, .(shall be) an abom. 11. 42 for they (are) an abomination 4 . Abomination, rnjjifl toebah. Gen. 43. 32 for that (is) an abomination unto the 46. 34 for every shepherd (is) an abomination Exod. 8. 26 we shall sacrifice the abomination of the 8. 26 shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Lev. 18. 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind. .abom. 18. 26 and shall not commit (any) of these ab. 18. 27 For all these abominations have the men 18. 29 whosoever shall commit any of these ab. 20. 13 both of them have committed an ab. Deut. 7. 25 for it (is) an abomination to the Lord thy 7. 26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination 12. 31 for every abomination to the LORD, which 13. 14 (that) such abomination is wrought 17. 1 iorthat(is)an abominationuntotheLORD 17. 4 (that) such abomination is wrought in 18. 9 to do after the abominations of those • 18. 12 all that do these things (are) an ah. 18. 12 because of these abominations the Lord 20. 18 not to do after all their abominations 22. 5 all that do so (are) abomination unto 23. 18 these (are) abomination unto the Lord 24. 4 for that (is) abomination before the Lord 25. 16 (are) an abomination unto the Lord thy 27. 15 Cursed (lie)the man that maketh. .an ab. 32. 16 with abominations provoked they him to 1 Ki. 14. 24 according to all the abominations of the 2 Ki. 16. 3 according to the abominations of the 21. ' 2 after the abominations of the heathen 21. 11 hath done these abominations, (and)liath 23. 13 the abomination of. .the abomination of 2 Ch. 28. 3 after the abominations of the heathen 33. 2 like unto the abominations of the heathen 34. 33 And Josialitookawayall the abominations 36. S and his abominations which he did, and ABOMINATION 7 ABOVE 2 Ch 36 u after all the abominations of the heathen Vna o I (doing) according to them abominations t ,i with their abominations, which have o i4 people of these abominations ; wouldest l’sa 88 8 thou hast made me an abomination unto Prov 32 For the froward (is) abomination to the 16 seven (are) an abomination unto him 8 7 and Wickedness (is) an abomination to „ , A false balance (is) abomination to the ii 20 They . of a froward heart (are) ab. to the 22 Lying lips (are) abomination to the Lord i 3 . 19 but (it is) abomination to fools to depait r the wicked (is) an abomination to tlie ! 5 ; 9 The way of the wicked (is) an abomination !5. 26 The thoughts of the wicked (are) an ab. x6 5 one (that is) proud in heart (is) an ab. 16. 12 (It is) an abomination to kings to I7 ,4 even they both (are) abomination to the 20’ 10 both of them (are) alike abomination to 20. 23 Divers weights (are) an abomination unto 21. 27 The sacrifice of the wicked (is) ab. 24. q the scorner (is) an abomination to men 26 24 (there are) seven abominations in his 28 9 even his prayer (shall be) abomination 2o 27 An unjust man (is) an abomination to the 29. 27 upright in the way (is) abomination to Isa. 1. n incense is an abomination unto me 41. 24 an abomination (is he that) cliooseth you 44 10 shall I make the residue thereof an ab. 1 Jer. 2. 7 and made mine heritage an abomination 614 ashamed when they had committed ab. 2 10 We are delivered to do all these ab. S. I2 ashamed when they had committed ab. 72 74 that they should do this abomination 22 because of the abominations which ye Eze s- 91 will not..because of all thine ab. I 11 and with all thine abominations,therefore 1' o for the evils. .in all their abominations 6' xi Alas for all the evil abominations of the 7 7 will recompense upon thee all tlnne an. ■i. 4 and thine abominations shall be in the 7 8 will recompense thee for all tlnne ail. 7. q thine abominations (that) are in the 7. 20 but they made the images of their ab. 8 6 (even) the great abominations that the 8 6 thou slialt see greater abominations 8 q behold the wicked abominations that S : 17 thou slialt see greater abominations 8 14 thou shalt see greater abominations than 8' 17 a light thing, .that they commit the ab. q 4 cry for all the abominations that be 11. 18 and all the abeminations thereof from ^i 21 and their abominations, I will recompense 12.16 that they may declare all their ab. u 6 turn away your faces from all your ab. 16 2 cause Jerusalem to know her abominations 16 22 And in all thine abominations and thy 16] 76 with all the idols of thy abomniatmns 16 43 lewdness above all thine abominations 16' 47 nor done after their abominations : but A 40 and committed abomination before me 16 41 thine abominations.. thine abominations A 48 Thou hast borne.. thine abominations 18 12 his eyes to the idols, hath committed ab. 18’. 17 he hath done all these abominations; he 18. 24 doeth according to all the abominations 20 4 cause them to know the abominations 22' 2 vea, thou slialt show her all her ab. 22. 11 And one hath committed abomination 27 76 yea, declare unto them their abominations 77 26 ye work abomination, and ye defile every 77' 20 because of all their abominations which 76. 71 your iniquities and for your abominations 47. 8 by their abominations that they have 44 6 let it suffice you of all your abominations 44. 7 they have broken. .because of all your ab. 44.13 and their abominations which they have Mai. 2. 11 and an abomination is committed in 5. Abomination, [S5i\vyp.abdelugma. Matt 24 14 shall see the abomination of desolation Markn. 14 ye shall see the abomination of Luke 16. 15 esteemed among men is abomination Rev 1 7 4 having a golden cup. .fullof abominations ii 4 the mother of harlots and abominations 21. 27 that defiletli, neither.. worketh abonuna. ABOMINATION, to be had in¬ fo be stinking, abhorred, b>N3 baash 2. 1 Sa. 13. 4 (that) Israel also was had in abomination ABOMINATION, to have in — To make detestable, j’iA shaqats, 3. . Lev. 11. 11 shall have their carcases in abomination ABOUND, to— 1. Many, much, enough, 37 rob. Prov 28. 20 A faithful man shall abound with 29. 22 and a furious man aboundeth in 2. To be, become, make more, ir\6omi(a pleonazo. Rom 4 20 offence might abound. But where sin ab. 6. I continue in sin, that grace may abound? Phil 4 17 fruit that may abound to your account 2 Th 1. 3 the charity of..toward each other ab. 2 Pe. 1. 8 if these things be in you, and abound 3. To be multiplied, vXridvvoi plethuno. Matt.24.12 And because iniquity shall abound, the 4. To be over and above, 7repnr perisseuo. Rom. 4.15 the grace of God. .hath abounded unto 14. 13 that ye may abound in hope, through the i Co. 15. 58 always abounding in the work of the 2 Co. 1. 5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in 1. 5 consolation also aboundeth by Christ 8 2 abounded unto the riches of their 8 7 Therefore, as ye aboundin everything, in) 8 7 (see) that ye abound in this grace also 9. 8 that ye. .may abound to every good work Eph. 1. 8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in Phil. 1. 9 that your love may abound yet more and 4 12 I know how to abound, .both toabound 4. 18 But I have all, and abound: I am Col. 2. 7 abounding therein with thanksgiving 1 Th. 4. 1 (so) ye would abound more and more ABOUND, to make — To be over and above, nepLs sumpsuchos. Phil. 2. 2 having the same love, .of one accord ACCORD, of one’s own — 1 .Choosing of himself, avBaiperos authairetos. 2 Co. 8. 17 of his own accord he went unto you 2 Moving of itself, abrbparos automatos. ’ Acts 12.10 opened to them of his own accord ACCORD, with one — Like-minded, bpoBupabov homothumadon. Acts 1. 14 all continued with one accord 111 prayer -> 1 they were all with one accord in one 2 46 they, continuing daily with one accord a 24 lifted up their voice, .with one accord T 12 they were all with one accord 111S. s porch 7! 37 and ran upon him with one acconl 8 6 the people with one accord gave heed 12. 20 they came with one accord to him, and 13 23 good, .being assembled with one accord 18 12 Jews made insurrection with one accord 19. 29 rushed with one accord into the theatre ACCORDING as — l.The mouth, n? peh. Mai. 2. 9 according as ye have not kept my 2,. Even as, because that, uaBbri kathoti. Acts 4. 35 unto every man according as he had need Z.Even as, like as, uaBtbs kathos. Rom. 11. 8 According as it is written, God hath 1 Co. 1. 31 That, according as it is written, He that 2 Co. 0. 7 Every man according as he purposeth in Eph. 1. 4 According as he hath chosen us in him 4 As, that, in order that, on the ground that, is hos. Rom. 12. 3 but to think soberly, according as God 2 Pe 1 3 According as his divine power hath Rev! 22. 12 (is) with me, to give every man accord, as 5 . Doion, according to, Kara. kata. 2 Co. 4. 13 the same spirit of faith, according as it is ACCORDING to —, unto, Sn el. Josh. 15. 13 according to the commandment of the 2 . Sufficiency, enough, "5 dai. Deut. 25. 2 to be beaten, .according to his fault 3 .Even as, ias kemo. Zech. 5. 3 shall be cut off.. according to it 4.,4s on, as upon, by? k’-al. Isa. 59. 18 According to (their) deeds, accordingly he 5 .On, upon, over by al. Gen. 43. 7 we told him according to the tenor of with'bread, according to (their) families EX °^i 6. 16 Gather^n^every man'acconling^o his 16 18 they gathered every man accoiding to 16. 21 every man according to his eating: and Lev 23. 16 according to the multitude. .according 23 31 according unto them he shall give again 23' 32 according unto his years shall he give 27 5 8 according to his ability that vowed shall 27 16 thy estimation shall be according to the 27 18 shall reckon, .according to the years Num. 6. 21 according to the vow which he vowed 7 3 to every man according to his seryice 7 7 sons of Gershon, according to their , 8 sons of Merari, according unto their 26. to every one shall, .he given according to 26. 56 According to the lot shall the possession ,, 8 according to his inheritance which Deut 17. 10 And thou shall do according to the Tosh 18 1 and describe it according to the 1 Ki.’ 17’ ? there shall not be dew. ■ b y^ 0 a $°° r „ mS 1 1 Ch. 12. 23 according to the word of the Lord 2 Ch. 31. 2 every man according to his service, the 1 .From* out of , jP min. , ,, Ezra 6.14 according to the. .and according to the 8 . Before, over-against, b?$. qobel. Ezra 6. 13 according to that which Darius the km 0 9. According to, by, Kara kata. Matt. 2. 16 according to the time which lie 0 20 According to your faith be it unto you 16 27 shall reward every man according to lus 23. is to every man according to his several Mark 7 q Why walk not thy disciples according to Luke 1. 9 According to the custom of the priests 1 38 be it unto me according to thy word 2. 22 when the days.. according to the 2 24 to offer a sacrifice according to that 2 29 depart in peace, according to thy word 2 39 performed all things according to the 22 36 according to the commandment John 7 24 Judge not according to the appearance 18. 31 and judge him according to your law Acts 2. 30 [fruit of his loins, according to the flesh] 7 44 make it according to the fashion that he 13. 23 hath God according to (Ills) promise 22 3 taught according to the perfect manner 22 12 Anapias, a devout man according to the 24' 6 [wouldhave judged according to our law] Rom 1. 3 of the seed of David according to the 1 4 Son of God. .according to the spirit 2’ 2 the judgment of God is according to 2 6 render to every man according to his 2! 16 by Jesus Christ according to my gospel 4. 18 according to that which was spoken 8. 27 intercession. .according to (the will oi) 8 28 who are the called according to (lus) o‘ o my kinsmen according to the flesh o 11 the purpose of God, according to election 10. 2 zeal.. but not according to knowledge 11. ca remnant according to the election of 12 3 according as God hath dealt to every 12I 6 according to the grace.. according to the i» e like minded, .according to Christ Jesus 16. 2? according to my.. according to the 16 26 prophets, according to the commandment 1 Co 3 8 his own reward according to his owti | 10 According to the grace of God which is 1 c' 7 Christ died for our sins according to the IV 4 rose again the third day according to the 2 Co. 1. 17 do I purpose according to the flesh 10 2 as if we walked according to the flesh 10 13 measure, but according to the measure 10' 13 enlarged by you according to our rule 11. 13 end shall be according to their works 13. 10 sharpness, according to the power which GaL 1. 4 according to the will of God and our 3 2q seed, and heirs according to the promise Eph. i! 5 according to the good pleasure of lus will 1 7 forgiveness of sins, according to the liches 1’ o the mystery of his will, according to his i* 11 being predestinated according to the 1. in who believe, according to the working of 2 2 in time past ye walked according to the 3 7 Whereof I was made a minister, accord, to 3. 11 According to the eternal purpose which 3. 16 grant you, according to the riches of his 3. 20 according to the power that worketh 4. 7 is given grace according to the measure 4. 16 according to the effectual working m the 4. 22 which is corrupt according to the 6. 5 (your) masters according to the flesh Phil : i 20 According to my earnest expectation and 3. 21 according to the working whereby he is 4 19 supply all your need according to his Col. 1. 11 might, according to his glorious power i 25 a minister, according to the dispensation j. 29 I also labour, striving according to his 3. 22 Servants, obey, .masters according to the 2Th 1 12 according to the grace of our God and 1 Ti III According to the glorious gospel of the 1. 18 son Timothy, according to the prophecies 6. 3 doctrine which is according to godliness 2 Ti. 1 1 according to the promise of life which is i. 8 gospel according to the power of God 1. 9 not according to our works, but accord, to 2. 8 Jesus, .was raised, .according to my 4. 14 Lord reward him according to his works Titus 1. 1 according to the faith of God’s elect Titus 1 3 unto me according to the commandment 3' 3 according to his mercy he saved us, by v 7 be made heirs according to the hope of Heb. 2. 4 gifts, .according to his own will? 7 5 according to the law, that is, of their 8' 4 that offer gifts according to the law 8. 5 make all things according to the 8 o Not according to the covenant that I q. 19 spoken, .to all the people according to Jas 2 8 royal law according to the scripture 1 Pe 1 2 Elect according to the foreknowledge 1 3 which according to his abundant mercy 1' 17 who. .judgeth according to every man’s 3 . 7 dwell with (them) according to knowledge 4. 6 judged according to men. .according to 4. 19 suiter according to the will of God 2 Pe. 3. 13 we, according to his promise, look for 3. 13 Paul also according to the wisdom 1 Jo. 3. 14 we ask anything according to Ins will Rev. 2. 23 I will give.. according to your works 18. 6 unto her double according to her works 20. 12 dead were judged, .according to their 20. 13 judged every man accoiding to their 10. Toward, np6s pros. Luke 12. 47 neither did according to his will, shall 2 Co 5. 10 according to that he hath done, whether Gal. 2. 14 walked not uprightly according to the ACCORDING to that — According to that, uadi katho. 2 Co. 8. 12 accepted according to that a man hath ACCORDINGLY — As on, or upon, k’-al. _ Isa, 59. 18 According to (their) deeds, accordingly he ACCOUNT — . 1. Thought, device, reckoning, cheshbon. Eccl. 7. 27 one by one, to find out the account 2 . Taste, reason, 05m taam. Dan. 6. 2 that the princes might give accounts 3. Number, account, ispo mispar. 1 Ch. 27. 24 neither was. .put in the account of the 4. Inspection, oversight, rn^peguddah. 2 Ch. 26. 11 the number of their account by the b. Word, reckoning, \oyos logos. Matt 12. 36 shall give account thereof 111 the day ot 18. 23 king, which would take account of lus Lukei6. 2 give an account of thy stewardship; for Acts 19. 40 we may give an account of this concourse Rom. 14. 12 every one of us shall give account of Phil 4 17 fruit that may abound to your account Heb! 13. 17 watch, .as they that must give account 1 Pe. 4. 5 Who shall give account to him that is ACCOUNT, to — To qo before, guide, think, pybopai hegeomai. 2 Pe. 3.15 And account (that) the long-suffering of ACCOUNT, to give — To answer, respond, niy anah. Job 33. 13 he giveth not account of any of his ACCOUNT of, to make — 1 .To think, devise, reckon, 3f?n chashab, 3. Psa. 144. 3 of man, that thou makest account of linn. 2 .To make a reckoning, \oyi(opcu logizornai. 1 Co. 4. 1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ACCOUNTED, to be — \.To be thought, reckoned, aiyn chashab, 2. Deut 2 11 Which also were accounted giants, as tne 2 20 That also was accounted a land of giants 1 Ki 10. 21 it was nothing accounted of in the days 2 Ch q 20 it was (not) anything accounted of in the Isa 2 22 for wherein is he to be accounted of ? 2 .To be numbered, ied saphar, 4 Psa. 22. 30 it shall be accounted to the Lord for a 3 To appear, have the appearance, bouew dokeo. ' Markio. 42 they which are accounted to rule over Luke 22. 24 which of them should be accounted the 4. To make an account of, XoyiCopai logizornai. Rom. 8. 36 we are accounted as sheep for. .slaughter ACCTJRSED — 1. H devoted thing. Dun cherem. Josh. 6. 17 And the city shall be accursed, (even) it 7 12 their enemies, because they were accuised 7. 12 except ye destroy the accursed from 2. A thing lightly esteemed, rWp qelalah. Deut 21. 23 for he that is hanged (is) accursed of God 3 A thing put up, devoted, avaBepa anathema. Rom. 9. 3 that myself were accursed from Christ 1 Co. 12. 3 no man. .calletli Jesus accursed, and Gal 1 8 preached unto you, let him he accursed 1! 9 ye have received, let him be accursed ACCURSED, to be — To be lightly esteemed, 7?i? qalal, 4. Isa. 65. 20 but the sinner.. shall he accursed ACCURSED, to make — K To devote (to God or destruction ), curt cliaram, . • Josh. 6. 18 lest ye make (yourselves) accursed, ACCURSED THING — A devoted thing, mn cherem. Josli. 6, 18 keep (yourselves) from the accursed tlnn 0 ACCUSATION 12 ACT Josh. 6. 18 when ye take of the accursed thing 7. 1 committed a trespass in the accursed thing 7. 1 for Achan. .took of the accursed thing 7. 11 have even taken of the accursed thing 7. 13 an accursed thing, .the accursed thing 7. 15 he that is taken with the accursed tiling 22. 20 commit a trespass in the accursed thing 1 Ch. 2. 7 Achar. .who trans. in the thing accursed ACCUSATION — 1. Accusation, nips' sitnah. Ezra 4. 6 wrote they (unto him) an accusation 2. Cause, matter, alria aitia. Matt 27. 37 set up over his head his accusation Markis. 26 the superscription of his accusation was Acts 25. 18 they brought none accusation of such 3 . 2 I speaking down, Kx ct place of horses. A city of Media, perhaps the same as Ecbatana, i.e. the modern Hamadan. N. lat. 34° 47', E. long. 47" 52'. Ezra 6. 2 there was found at A., in the palace A'-CHOR, Ti3ji trouble. A valley near Jericho, in which Achan and his property was destroyed and buried, B.C. 1451. Josh. 7. 24 they brought them unto the valley of A. 7. 26 name of that place was. .The valley of A. 15. 7 border went up. .from the valley of A. Isa. 65. 10 the valley of A. a place for the herds to IIos. 2. 15 and the valley of A. for a door of hope ACH'-SA, ACH'-SAH, nipajj serpent-charmer. Daughter of Caleb, aud wife of Othniel, B.c. 1440. Josh.15. 16 He that smiteth. .to him will I give A. 15. 17 and he gave him A. his daughter to wife Judg. 1. 12 He that smiteth. .to him will I give A. 1. 13 and he gave him A. his daughter to wife 1 Ch. 2. 49 and the daughter of Caleb (was) A. ACH'-SHAPH, f]ci3>< dedicated. A Phenician city, at the foot of Carmel, allotted to Asher; now called Khaifa. Josh.11. 1 Jabin king of Hazor. .sent to. .king of A. 12. 7, 20 these (are) the kings, .the king of A. 19. 24, 25 children of A.. .border. . Helkath. .A. I ACH'-ZIB, a’T?K a winter brook, a lie. 1 . A town in W. of Judah. Comp. Gen. 38. 5. Josh.15. 33, 44 in the valley.. Keilah, and A., and M. Mic. 1. 14 the houses of A. (shall be) a lie to the 2. A city of Asher by the sea of Galilee, and 19 miles from Accho, aud now called Es-zib. Josh. 19. 29 are at the sea from the coast to A. Judg. 1. 31 did Asher drive out the inhabitants., of A. ACKNOWLEDGE, to — 1 .To know, in; yada. Psa. 51. 3 For I acknowledge my transgressions Prov. 3. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, aud Isa. 33. 13 ye (that are) near, acknowledge my might Jer. 3. 13 Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that 14. 20 We acknowledge, 0 Lord, our wickedness. 2. To make known, in; yada, 5. Psa. 32. 5 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and 3 . To males known, discern, *i?) nakar, 5 . Gen. 38. 26 And Judah acknowledged (them), and Deut.21.17 But he shall acknowledge the son of the 33. 9 neither did he acknowledge his brethren Isa. 61. 9 all that see them shall acknowledge 63. 16 though, .be ignorant. Israel acknowledge Jer. 24. 5 Like these, .so will I acknowledge them Dan. 11. 39 whom he shall acknowledge (aud) increase 4. To make known fully, tmyivuoKoi epiginosko. 1 Co. 14. 37 let him acknowledge that the things that 16. 18 therefore acknowledge ye them that are 2 Co. 1. 13 shall acknowledge, .or acknowledge 1. 14 As also ye have acknowledged us in part ACKNOWLEDGING — Full knowledge, lirlyvonus epignosis. 2 Ti. 2. 25 give them repentance to the acknowled. Titus 1. 1 the acknowledging of the truth which Phm. 6 become effectual by the acknowledging ACKNOWLEDGMENT — Full knowledge, lirlyvoiais epignosis. Col. 2. 2 to the acknowledgment of the mystery of ACQUAINT self, to — To make profit, ]?o sakan, 5. Job 22. 21 Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at ACQUAINTANCE — 4. To know, in; yada. Job 19. 13 and mine acquaintance are verily 42. 11 they that had been of his acquaintance 2. To be known, yv yada, 4. Psa. 31. 11 and a fear to mine acquaintance : they 55. 13 But (it was) thou, a man. .acquaintance 88. 8 Thou hast put aw'ay mine acquaintance 88. 18 far from me, (and) mine acquaintance 3. One known, discerned, *»p malckar. 2 Ki. 12. 5 every man of his acquaintance 12. 7 receive no. .money of your acquaintance 4. One known, yvuaTos gnostos. Luke 2. 44 they sought him among . .acquaintance 23. 49 all his acquaintance, and the women that ACQUAINTANCE, his — One's own, 1810s ulios. Acts 24. 23 forbid none of his acquaintance to ACQUAINTED, to be — To make useful, acquainted, [?p sakan, 5. Psa. 139. 3 and art acquainted (with) all my ways ACQUAINTED with, to be — To know, in; yada. Isa. 53. 3 man of sorrows, and acquainted with ACQUAINTING — To lead, drive, in) nahag. Eccl. 2. 3 yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom ACQUIT, to — To declare innocent, cut off, npi naqah, 3 . Job 10. 14 and thou wilt not acquit me from mine Nah. 1. 3 The Lord, .will not at all acquit ACRE — 1. A yoke {of oxen), tax tsemed. Isa. 5. 10 ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath 2. A furrow, rnj;.a maanah. 1 Sa. 14. 14 half acre of land, (which) a yoke (of oxen) ACT — 1. Word, thing, "on dabar. 1 Ki. 10. 6 I heard in mine own land of thy acts and 11. 41 And the rest of the acts of Solomon, aud 11. 41 in the book of the acts of Solomon ? 14. 19 And the rest of the acts of Jeroboam 14. 29 Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam 15. 7 Now the rest of the acts of Abijam, and 15. 23 The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all 15. 31 Now the rest of the acts of Nadab, and 16. 5 Now the rest of the acts of Baasha, and 16. 14 Now the rest of the acts of Elah, and all 16. 20 Now the rest of the acts of Zimri, and 16. 27 Now the rest of the acts of Omri which 22. 39 Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all 22. 45 Now the rest of the acts of Jehosliapliat 2 Ki. 1. 18 Now the rest of the acts of Ahaziah 8. 23 And the rest of the acts of Joram, and all 10. 34 Now the rest of the acts of Jelm. aud all 12.19 And the rest of the acts of Joash. and all 13. 8 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoahaz 13. 12 And the rest of the acts of Joash. and all 14. 15 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoash 14. 18 Anil the rest of the acts of Amaziah, (are) ACT 13 ADINO j Jvi u 28 Now the rest of the acts of Jeroboam il' 6 And the rest of the acts of Azanah, and 1? 11 And the rest of the acts of Zaehariah 15. 15 And the rest of the acts of Shallum, and is 21 And the rest of the acts of Menahem i S 26 And the rest of the acts of Pekahiah 15. 31 And the rest of the acts of Pekah, and 15 36 Xow the rest of the acts of Jotham, and 16 19 Now the rest of the acts of Ahaz which 20. 20 And the rest of the acts of Hezekiah 21 17 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh 21. 25 Now the rest of the acts of Amon which 23. 28 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and 24. 5 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim 1 Ch. 29. 29 Now the acts of David the king, first 2 Ch. 9. 5 I heard in mine own land of thine acts 0 29 Now the rest of the acts of Solomon 12 15 Now the acts of Relioboam, first and last 13! 22 And the rest of the acts of Abijah, and 16. 11 And, behold, the acts of Asa, first and 20 34 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat 25 26 Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah 26 22 Now the rest of the acts of Uzziah, first 27. 7 Now the rest of the acts of Jotham, and 28 26 Now the rest of his acts and of all his 32. 32 Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah 33. 18 Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh 35. 26 Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and 36. 8 Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim ). Work, nh’Jia maaseh. Deut.n. 3 And his miracles, and his acts, which he 11. 7 But your eyes have seen all the great acts 2 Ki. 23. 19 according to all the acts that he had done Esth. 10. 2 And all the acts of his power and of his 3. Service, deed, niiDJ). abodah. Isa. 28. 21 and bring to pass his act, his strange i.Act, action, nb'bn alilah. Psa. 103. 7 He' made known his.. acts unto the 5 .Act, deed, doing, byapool. 2 Sa. 23. 20 Benaiab.. who had done many acts, he 1 Ch. 11. 22 Benaiah. .who had done many acts Isa. 59. 6 the act of violence (is) in their hands ACT, in the very — In the very theft, iiravToipwpcc epautophoru. John 8. 4 [this woman was taken, .in the very act] ACTION — Act, action, alilah. 1 Sa. 2. 3 and by him actions are weighed ACTIVITY — Strength, force, *rrj chciyil. Gen. 47. 6 if thou knowest (any) men of activity AD-A'-DAH, niyiy bordering. A city in S. of Judah, near Dimonali. Josh. 15. 21, 22 the coast of Edom southward.. A. A'-DAH, niy pleasure. 1 . One of the wives of Lamech, B.C. 3874. Gen. 4. 19 the name of the one (was) A., and the 4. 20 And A. bare Jabal: he was the father of 4. 23 Lamech said unto his wives, A. and 2 . One of the wives of Esau, B.C. 1750. Gen. 36. 2 A. the daughter of Elon the Hittite, and 36. 4 And A. bare to Esau Eliphaz; and 36. 10 Eliphaz the son of A. the wife of Esau 36. 12 these (were) the sons of A. Esau’s wife 36. 16 (are), .dukes, .these (were) the sons of A. A-DA'-IAH, rrijt pleasing to Jah. 1 . Maternal grandfather of king Josiah, B.C. 641. 2 Ki. 22. 1 mother's name (was), .the daughter of A. 2 . A Levite descended from Gershom. 1 Ch. 6. 41 the son of Zerah, the son of A. 3 . A son of Shimhi the Benjamite. 1 Ch. 8. 12-21 The sons of Elpaal. .A., and Beraiah • 1 . A Levite of the family of Aaron, and head of a family in Jerusalem. 1 Ch. 9. 10-12 of the priests. .A. the sou of Jeroliam 5 . The father of a captain that aided Jehoiada to put Joash on the throne of Judah. 2 Ch. 23. 1 Jehoiada. . took.. Maaseiah the son of A. C. One of the family of Bani, who took a strange wife during the exile, B.C. 457. Ezra 10. 29 of the sons of Bani; Mesliullam. .and A. 7 . Another of a different family of Bani, who had also taken a strange wife, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 34-39 of the sons of Bani. .Nathan, and A. 8. A descendant of Judah by Pharez. Neh. 11. 5[children of Judah]. .Maaseiah. .son of A. 9 . A Levite of the family of Aaron, probably the same as No. 4. Neh. 11. 12 and A. the son of Jeroham, the son of P. A-DAL'-IA, honour of Ized. One of the ten sons of Hainan who were hanged along with then- father, B.C. 510. Esth. 9. 8 A.. .The ten sons of Hamantlie son of H. AD'-AM, cjx of the ground, firm. I. The man that God created and placed in the garden of Eden, B.C. 4004. Gen. 2.19 the Lord God. .brought (them) unto A, to Gen. 2. 19 whatsoever A. called every living creature 2. 20 And A. gave names to all cattle,and to the 2. 20 but for A. there was not found an help 2. 21 caused a deep sleep to faU upon A. 2 23 A said. This (is) now bone of my bones 3 . 8 and A. and his wife hid themselves from 3. 9 And the Lord God called unto A., and 3. 17 And unto A. he said, Because thou hast 3! 20 And A. called his wife's name Eve 3.21 Unto A. also and to his wife did the Lord 4. 1 And A. knew Eve his wife; and she 4. 25 And A. knew his wife again; and she bare 5. 1 the book of the generations of A. 5. 2 and called their name A., in the day when 5. 3 And A. lived an hundred and thirty years S 4 And the days of A. after he had begotten 5. 5 And all the days that A. lived were Deut 32. 8 when he separated the sons of A., he set 1 Ch. 1. 1 A., Sheth, Enosh Job 31. 33 If I covered my transgressions as A. Luke 3. 38 Seth, which was. .of A., which was. .of Rom 5. 14 Nevertheless death reigned from A. to 5. 14 after the similitude of A.’s transgression 1 Co. 15. 22 For as in A. all die, even so in Christ 15 45 The first man A. was made a living soul 15. 45 the last A. (was made) a quickening spirit 1 Ti. 2. 13 For A. was first formed, then Eve 2. 14 And A. was not deceived, but the woman Jude 14 And Enoch also, the seventh from A. * 2 . A town on the E. of the Jordan, 12 miles from Zartan in Manasseh, and 36 miles N. of Jericho. In the LXX. it is called Kiriatharim, and the termination arim may be = adani. It would thus mean “ the city (Kiriath) of Arim or Adam." Josh. 3.16 waters.. rose up.. very far from the city A. A-DA'-MAH, nsjR ground, fortress. A fenced city in Naphtali. Josh. 19. 33, 36 And the fenced cities. .A., and Ramali ADAMANT stone — Brier, diamond point, ray shamir. Eze. 3. 9 As an adamant harder than Hint have I Zech. 7. 12 made their hearts (as) an adamant stone A-DA'-MI, 'DJN fortified. A city of Naphtali, the same as Adamah. Josh. 19. 33 their coast was from Heleph. .and A. A'-DAR, ns fire god. The 12th month of the Jewish sacred year, from the new moon of March till the one of April, and was doubled seven times in nineteen years to synchronise the lunar and the solar years. Ezra 6. 15 was finished on the third day of.. A. Esth. 3. 7 twelfth (month), that (is), the month A. 3. 13 twelfth month, which (is) the month A. 8. 12 twelfth month, which (is) the month A. а. 1 the twelfth month, that (is) the month A. 9. 15 the fourteenth day also of the month A. 9. 17 the thirteenth day of the month A. 9. 19 made the fourteenth day of the month A. 9. 21 keep the fourteenth day of the month A. A'-DAR or AD'-DAR, TJX height, honour. 1 . A city called also Hazar-Addar, in the S. of Judah, near Edom. Josh.15. 3 and went up to A., and fetched a compass 2 . Son of Bela, and grandson of Benjamin, B.C. 1680. 1 Ch. 8. 3 And the sons of Bela were. A., and Gera. AD-BE'-EL, Sxp'x languishing for Ood. Son of Ishmael, and grandson of Abraham, B.C. 1840. Gen. 25. 13 firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth. .and A. 1 Ch. 1. 29 firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth. .and A. ADD, to — 1.71) add, increase, jc; yasaph. Lev. 27. 13 then he shall add a fifth (part) thereof 27. 15 then he shall add the fifth (part) of the 27. 19 then he shall add the fifth (part) of the 27. 27 he shall redeem (it), .and shall add Deut. 5. 22 and he added no more. And he wrote them 19. 9 then shalt thou add three cities more for 1 Sa. 12. 19 for we have added unto all our sms (this) Isa. 38. 5 behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen Jer. 45. 3 for the Lord hath added grief to my 2. To add, increase, continue, jp; yasaph, 5. Gen. 30. 24 The Lord shall add to me another son Lev. 5 16 and shall add the fifth part thereto, and б. 5 and shall add the fifth part more thereto 27. 31 shall add thereto the fifth (part) thereof Num. 5. 7 and add unto it the fifth (part) thereof, and Deut. 4. 2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I 12. 32 thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish 2 Sa. 24. 3 Now the Lord thy God add unto the 1 Ki. 12.11 I will add to your yoke : my father 12. 14 and I will add to your yoke : my father 2 Ki. 20. 6 And I will add unto thy days fifteen years 1 Ch. 22. 14 and thou mayest add thereto 2 Ch. 10. 14 but I will add thereto: my father chastised 28. 13 ye intend to add (more) to our sins and to Job 34. 37 For he addeth rebellion unto his sin, he Prov. 3. 2 length of days. .shaU they add to thee 10. 22 it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow 16. 23 The heart of the wise.. addeth learning to 30. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he 3. To give, jm nathan. Num 35. 6 to them ye shall add forty and two cities Psa. 69. 27 Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and 4 . To add, hsd sapliah. Deut 29. 19 though I walk in the imagination.. to add Isa. 29. 1 add ye year to year; let themkill sacrifices 30. 1 not of my spirit, that they may add sin to 5 . To bear or bring upon, i-mcpepu epiphero. Phil. 1. 16 supposing to add affliction to my bonds 6 . To furnish abundantly, ewixopyyeu epichoregeo. 2 Pe. i. 5 giving all diligence, add to your faith 7. To put to, or forward, npoariQryii prostithemi. Matt. 6. 27 can add one cubit unto his stature? 6. 33 all these things shall be added unto you Luke 3. 20 Added this yet above all, that he shut up 12. 25 with taking thought can add to his stature 12. 31 all these things shall be added unto you 19. 11 as they heard these things, he added and Acts 2. 41 the- same day there were added (unto 2. 47 the Lord added to the church daily such 5. 14 believers were the more added to the 11. 24 much people was added unto the Lord Gal. 3. 19 It was added because of transgressions ADD in conference, to — To add up together, tt pooavaribypi prosanatithemi. Gal. 2. 6 in conference added nothing to me, but ADD to, to — To arrange throughout in addition, eViSiaTainro/iai. Gal. 3. 15 no man disannulled, or addeth thereto ADD unto, to — To put on, or upon, Imridripi epititheini. Rev. 22. 18 If any man shall add unto these things AD-'DAN, ]jx strong. The name of a place from which some of the inhabit¬ ants came with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem; others con¬ sider it the name of a man who was unable to show his genealogy to be of Israel, B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 59 these (were) they which went up from.. A ADDED, to be — 1. To be added, jd; yasaph, 2. Jer. 36. 32 and there were added besides unto them 2. To be added, yesaph, 6. Dan. 4. 36 and excellent majesty was added unto me ADDER — 1 .Adder, Piii’py akshub. Psa. 140. 3 adders’ poison (is) under their lips 2 . Asp, |n? pethen. Psa. 58. 4 (they are) like the deaf adder (that) 91.13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder 3. Basilisk, cockatrice, 'lips* tsiphoni. Pro. 23. 32 At the last it. .stingetli like an adder i.Adder, viper, jb’Dai sliephiphon. Gen. 49. 17 Dan shall be. .an adder in the path, that AD'-DI, ’A 55 i ( meaning uncertain). An ancestor of Joseph the husband of Mary mother of Jesus. Luke 3. 28 which was (the son) of A., which was (the ADDICT, to — To arrange, set oneself, raacrw tasso. 1 Co. 16. 15 and (that) they have addicted themselves ADDITIONS — Joinings, wreaths, nv? loyoth. 1 Ki. 7. 29 (were) certain additions made of thin 7. 30 undersetters molten, at’the side of every a. 7. 36 proportion of every one, and additions AD'-DON, }V=in strong. The same perhaps as Addan, B.C. 536. Neh. 7. 61 these(were)theywliicliwent up.. from. .A. A'-DER, -nil, rill a flock. A son of Berali, grandson of Shaliaraim, a Benjamite. 1 Ch. 8.15 And Zebadiah, and Arad, and A. A-DI'-EL, Vx’JB. ornament of God. 1 . A descendant of Simeon. 1 Ch. 4. 36 and Jaakobah, and Jeshohaiah. .and A. 2 . A descendant of Aaron. 1 Ch. 9. 12 and Maasiai the son of A., the son of 3 . Asmaveth’s father, who was David's treasurer (per¬ haps the same as No. 2 .), B.C. 1030. 1 Ch. 27. 25 the king’s treasures (was), .the son of A. A'-DIN, pjj? ornament. l.One whose descendants returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, B.C. 445. Ezra 2.15 The children of A., four hundred fifty and Neh. 7. 20 The children of A., six hundred fifty and 2 . One whose posterity came up with Ezra. Ezra 8. 6 Of the sons also of A.; Ebed the son of J. 3 . The name of a family who with Nehemiah and the people sealed the covenant. Neh. 10. 14-16 [The chief of the people]. .A. A-DI -NA, Nini I ornament. A Reubenite captain of David’s, B.C. 1048. 1 Ch. 11. 42 A. the son of Shiza the Reubenite, a A-DI'-NO, ij'jjf ornament. One of David’s thirty valiant men, B.C. 1048. 2 Sa. 23. 8 The Tachmonite.. the same (was) A. the ADITHAIM 14 ADULTERY A-DI-THA'-IM, dwij;. two ways, or passages. A city iu the plain of Judah. Josh. 15. 33-36 in the valley. .Sharaim, anil A., and ADJURE, to — 1 .To cause to take oath, nVk alah, 5. 1 Sa. 14. 24 for Saul had adjured the people, saying 2. To cause to swear, yyy shaba, 5. Jos. 6. 26 And Joshua adjured (them) at that time 1 Ki. 22. 16 How many times shall I adjure thee that 2 Ch. 18. 15 How many times shall I adjure thee that 3 . To adjure thoroughly, e’fopi cifa exorkizd. Matt 26. 63 I adjure thee by the living God,that thou 4 . To adjure, 6pulfa horkizo. Mark 5. 7 I adjure thee by God, that thou torment Acts 19. 13 We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul AD'-LAI, ’Snj; lax, weary. Father of Shaphat, who was overseer of the herds in the lowlands in David’s time, B.C. 1040. 1 Ch. 27. 29 over the herds. .(was)ShapliatthesonofA. AD'-MAH, nanx earthwork, fortress. A town in the vale of Siddim which was destroyed with Sodom, Gomorrah, Zeboim, B.C. 1897. Gen. 10. 19 as thou goest unto. .Gomorrah, and A. 14. 2 made war with. .Shinab king of A., and 14. 8 there went out. .the king of A., and the Dent 29. 23 the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, A. Hos. it. 8 how shall I make thee as A. ? AD-MA'-THA, xnp-ix God-given. One of the seven princes of Persia and Media in the reign of Ahasuerus, B.C. 510. Esth. 1. 14 the next unto him (was) Carsliena.. A. ADMINISTERED, to be — To minister, SiaKOviw diakoned. 2 Co. 8. 19 which is administered by us to the glory 8. 20 this abundance which is administered by ADMINISTRATION — Ministry, SiaKov'ia diakonia. 1 Co. 12. s there are differences of administrations 2 Co. 9. 12 For the administration of this service ADMIRATION — Wonder, Qavpa thauma. Rev. 17. 6 I wondered with great admiration ADMIRATION, to have in — To wonder, 0avp.d(ai thaumazd. Jude 16 having men’s persons in admiration ADMIRED, to be — To wonder, SavyAfai thaumazd. 2 Th. 1. 10 and to be admired in all them that believe ADMONISH, to — 1 . To testify, say again and again, nji ud, 5. Jer. 42. 19 know certainly that I have admonished 2. To put in mind, vouderloi noutheteo. Rom.15. 14 able also to admonish one another Col. 3. 16 teaching and admonishing one another 1 Th. 5. 12 we beseech you. .and admonish you 2 Th. 3! 15 but admonish (him) as a brother 3 . To recommend, irapaivloi parained. Acts 27. 9 was now already past, Paul admonished ADMONISHED, to be — To be shone on, in; zahar, 2. Eccl. 4. 13 king, who will no more be admonished 12. 12 further, by these, my son, be admonished ADMONISHED of God, to be — To have a divine oracle, xpvpar^C 01 chrematizo. Heb. 8. 5 as Moses was admonished of God when ADMONITION — A putting into the mind, vovdeala nouthesia. 1 Co. 10. 11 they are written for our admonition Eph. 6. 4 bring them up in the. .admonition of the Titus 3. 10 anheretick, after the. .second admonition AD'-NA, xinjJ pleasure. 1 . One of the family of Pahatli-moab who had taken a strange wife during the exile, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 30 of the sons of Pahath-moab; A., and 2 . A priest in the time of Joiakim, grandson of Jozadak. Neh. 12. 12-15 [the chief of the fathers]. Of Harim, A. AD'-NAH, nyiy pleasure. 1 . A captain of Manasseh, who joined David in Ziklag, B.C. 1048. 1 Ch. 12. 20 there fell to him of Manasseh, A., and 2 . The chief captain of the army of Jehoshaphat, B.C. 914. 2 Ch. 17. 14 Of Judah. .A. the chief, and with him ADO, to make an — To be tumultuous, 0opv@eop.aL thorubecnnai. Mark 5. 39 he saith. .Why make ye this ado, and A-DO-NI-BE'-ZEK, lord of lightning. A king of Bezek, captured by the men of Judah and Simeon and taken to Jerusalem, where he was mutilated, . and died, B.C. 1449. Judg. 1. 5 And they found A. in Bezek: and they 1. 6 But A. fled ; and they pursued after him 1 7 And A. said, Threescore and ten kings A-DO-NI'-JAH, irri« Jah is my lord. 1 . Fourth son of David, born in Hebron, and afterwards put to deatli by Solomon for aspiring to the throne, u.C. 1015. 2Sa. 3. 4 [unto David were sons born], .fourth A. 1 Ki. 1. 5 Then A. the son of Haggith exalted 1. 7 and they following A. helped (him) 1. 8 Zadok the priest, and.. were not with A. 1. 9 And A. slew sheep and oxen and fat cattle 1. 11 saying, Hast thou not heard that A. the 1. 13 Solomon, .shall reign, .why then doth A. I. 18 And now, behold, A. reigneth; and now 1. 24 Nathan said, .hast thou said, A. shall 1. 25 behold, they, .say, God save king A. 1. 41 And A. and all the guests that (were) with 1. 42 And A. said unto him, Come in; for thou 1. 43 Jonathan answered and said to A., Verily 1. 49 all the guests that (were) with A. were 1. 50 And A. feared because of Solomon and 1. 51 it was told Solomon, saying, Behold, A. 2. 13 And A. the son of Haggitli came to B. 2. 19 king Solomon, to speak unto him for A. 2. 21 And she said, Let Abishag. .begiven to A. 2. 22 why dost thou ask Abishag.. for A. ? ask 2. 23 God do so to me and more also, if A. have 2. 24 A. shall be put to death this day 2. 28 Joab hath turned after A., though he 1 Ch. 3. 1,2 sons of David, .third Absalom, .fourth A. 2 . One of the Levitcs sent by Jehoshaphat to teach the law, B.C. 914. 2 Ch. 17. 8 with them (he sent) Levites. .A., and 3 . A chief of the people that with Nehemiah sealed the covenant, B.C. 445. Neh. 10. 14,16 The chief of the people. .A., Bigavi, A-DO-NI'-KAM, np'jlK my lord has risen. 1 . An Israelite whose descendants cameup from Babylon after the exile, B.C. 536. Ezra. 2. 13 the children of A., six hundred sixty and Neh. 7. 18 the children of A., six hundred threescore 2 . One, some of whose posterity came up from Babylon with Ezra, B.C. 457. This may be the same as No. 1. Eza. 8. 13 of the last sons of A., whose names (are) A-DO-NI'-RAM, my lord is high. A tribute officer of Solomon's, B.C. 975. 1 Ki. 4. 6 and A. the son of Abda (was) over the 5. 14 and A. (was) over the levy A-DO-NI-ZE-'DEK, p’ljp’jix lord of justice. A king of the Canaanites or Amorites in Jerusalem, and slain by Joshua, B.o. 1452. Josh. 10. 1 when A. king of Jerusalem had heard 10. 3 Wherefore A. king of Jerusalem sent ADOPTION — Placing as a son, vlodeoia huiothesia. Pvom. 8. 15 ye have received the Spirit of adoption 8. 23 waiting for the adoption, (to wit), the 9. 4 to whom (pertaineth) the adoption, and ADOPTION of sons or children —• Placing as a son, 6 io 0 e]N) naaph, 3. Hos. 3. 1 yet an adulteress, according to the love 3 . The wife of a man, w’x esheth isli. Prov. 6. 26 and the adulteress will hunt for the i.Adulteress, poixahls moichalis. Rom. 7. 3 called an adulteress, .is no adulteress Jas. 4. 4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye ADULTERIES — 1 . Adulterous objects, D'Sibki naaphuphim. Hos. 2. 2 therefore put away. .her adulteries from 2. Adulteries, D'DW niupliim. Jer. 13. 27 I have seen thine adulteries, and thy ADULTERIES, in — Adulterous acts, d'dxj niupliim. Eze. 23. 43 I unto (her that was) old in adulteries ADULTEROUS — 1 .To commit adultery, naaph, 3. Prov. 30. 20 such (is) the way of an adulterous woman 2.Adulteress, poixahls moichalis. Matti2. 39 An evil and adulterous generation seeketh 16. 4 wicked and adulterous generation seeketh Mark 8. 38 in this adulterous and sinful generation ADULTERY — 1 .Adulteress, poixahis moichalis. 2 Pe. 2. 14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that 2.Adultery, poixela moicheia. Matt 15. 19 For out of the heart proceed, .adulteries Mark 7. 21 of the heart of men, proceed, .adulteries John 8. 3 unto him a woman taken in adultery Gal. 5. 19 works of the flesh are. .Adultery ADULTERY, to commit — 1.7b commit adultery, F|x 3 naaph. Exod2o. 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery Lev. 20. 10 And the man that committeth adultery 20. 10 (even he) that committeth adultery with Deut. 5. 18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery Prov. 6. 32 (But) whoso committeth adultery with a Jer. 3. 9 committed adultery with stones and with 5. 7 they then committed adultery, and 7. 9 Will ye. .murder, and commit adultery 23. 14 they commit adultery, and walk in lies 2. To commit adultery, naaph, 3. Jer. 3. 8 backsliding Israel committed adultery 29. 23 and have committed adultery with their Eze. 16. 32 (But as) a wife that committeth adultery 15 AFFECTION ADULTERY Eze 21 27 That they have committed adultery, and 2 2 27 With their idols.. committed adultery IIos. 1 12 and your spouses shall commit adultery 4. 14 your spouses when they commit adultery To commit adultery, poxx^opai, moichaomai. Matt, s- 22 causeth her to commit adultery: and c 42 shall marry her. .committeth adultery ,g. 9 committetli adultery.. doth commit adul. Mark 10. n and marry another, committeth adultery 10.12 and be married., she committeth adultery To commit adultery, yoix™ » moicheuo. Matt. 5. 27 Thou slialt not commit adultery 5 28 whosoever looketh.. committed adultery 10' 18 Thou slialt not commit adultery Markio. 19 Thou knowest.. Do not commit adultery Luke 16. 18 committeth adultery, .committeth adul. 18. 20 Thou knowest. .Do not commit adultery Bom 2. 22 commit adultery, .dost thou, .adultery 11. g For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery .Tas. 2. 11 not commit adultery, .commit no adultery Bev. 2. 22 and them that commit adultery with DTJLTEBY, committing — '0 commit adultery ^1 naaph. IIos. 4. 2 and stealing, and committing adultery DULTEBY, in— '0 commit adultery, yoixevai moicheuo ._ John 8. 4 [Master, this woman, .taken in adultery] -DUM'-MIM, D'sns red places. ridge of hills, W. of Gilgal, between Judah and enjainiu. Josh 15. 7 Gilgal, that (is) before the going up to A. 18.17 Gililoth. .over against the going up ot A. DVANCE, to — .To make great, gadal, 3 . . . Esth. 10. 2 whereunto the king advanced him, (are) .To lift up, K'pJ nasa.,3. Esth 2 1 and advanced him, and set his seat above 5. 11 and how he had advanced him above the .To do, make, n'pjj asah. 1 Sa. 12. 6 (It is) the Lord that advanced Moses and LDVANTAGE — .Over and above, superfluity, trepiacris perissos. Bom. 3. I What advantage then hath the Jew ? ..Profit, advantage, ixpiXeca. Jude 16 persons in admiration.. of advantage lDVANTAGE, to be of — Yo profit, be useful, [?Q sakati. Job 35. 3 thou saidst, What advantage will it be LDVANTAGE, to get an — Vo get more than another, trXeoveKreu pleoneleteS. 2 Co. 2. 11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us LDVANTAGED, to be — To profit, wcbeXew bpheleb. Luke 9. 25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gam ADVANTAGETH — Profit, advantage, vQeXos ophelos. 1 Co. 15. 32 what advantageth it me, if the dead ADVENTUBE self, to — To give, give up, SlSapi didomi. Acts 19. 31 not adventure himself into the theatre ADVENTUBE, to — 1. To try, attempt, no; nasah, 3.. Deut.28. 56 which would not adventure to set. .her 2. To send forth, shalak, 5. , Judg. 9. 17 my father fought for you, and adventured ADVEBSABY — l.To bind, distress, straiten, ns tsur. Exod23- 22 an adversary unto thine adversaries 2.Straitness, straitener, is tsar. Deut 32 27 lest their adversaries should behave _ 32 43 will render vengeance to his adversaries Josh 5 13 (Art) thou for us, or for our adversaries ? Ezra 4. 1 Now when the adversaries of Judah and Nell 4 11 And our adversaries said, They shall not Esth. 7 6 And Esther said, The adversary and Psa. 74. 10 how long shall the adversary reproach ? 81 14 tinned my hand against their adversaries 8q ; 42 set up the right hand of his adversaries 1 24 I will ease me of mine adversaries, and q 11 Lord shall set up the adversaries of Bezin 59. 18 he will repay, fury to his adversaries 63 18 our adversaries have trodden down thy 64. 2 to make, .known to thine adversaries 30. 16 and all thine adversaries, every one of 46. 10 may avenge him of his adversaries 50. 7 and tlieir adversaries said. We offend not 5 Her adversaries are the chief her enemies 1. 7 the adversaries saw her, (and) did mock at 1. 10 The adversary hath spread out his hand 1.17 (that) his adversaries (should be)round 2. 4 he stood.. as an adversary, and slew all 2.17 hath set up the horn of thine adversaries 4. 12 not have believed that the adversary ana Amos 3. 11 An adversary (there shall be) even round Mic. 5. 9 Thine hand..upon tliine adversaries Nah. 1. 2 will take vengeance on his adversaries Isa. Jer. Lam. 3.Straitness, tsarah. I Sa. x. 6 and her adversary also provoked her sore 4. To straiten, distress, tsarar. Exod 23. 22 an adversary unto thine adversaries Psa 69. 19 mine adversaries (are) all before thee Isa. 11. 13 and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut 5 . To strive, plead, 3”! rib, 5. 1 Sa. 2. 10. The adversaries of the LORD shall bo 6. Accuser, opponent, [B'7 satan. Sum22. 22 angel of the Lord stood, .an adversary 1 Sa 29 4 lest in the battle he be an adversary to us 2 Sa ig 22 that ye should this day be adversaries I Ki. 5. 4 (so that there is) neither adversary nor 11 14 And the Lord stirred up an adversary II. 23 God stirred him up (another) adversary 11. 25 he was an adversary to Israel all the days 7. To accuse, oppose, satan. Psa 71 13 Let. .be. .consumed that are adversaries 109 20 this (lie) the reward of mine adversaries 109. 29 Let mine adversaries be clothed with 8 .Owner of a judgment, Bsya Sy? baal mishpat. Isa. 50. 8 who (is) mine adversary? let him come 9. A man of strife, an u’R ish rib. Job 31. 35 and (that) mine adversary had written a 10. Opponent in law, avriSiKos antidikos. Matt. 5. 25 Agree with thine adversary quickly Lukei2. 58 when thou goest with thine adversary to 18. 3 saying, Avenge me of mine adversary 1 Pe. 5. 8 because your adversary the devil 11 . To be laid in opposition, avriKeipaL antikeimai. Luke 13. 17 all his adversaries were ashamed : and 21.15 which all your adversaries shall not be 1 Co. 16. 9 opened unto me, and. .many adversaries Phil. I. 28 in nothing terrified by your adversaries 1 Tiin.5. 14 give none occasion to the adversary to 12 .Over against, vwtvavrios. Heb. 10. 27 which shall devour the adversaries ADVEBSABY, to be an — To accuse, oppose, [By' satan. Psa. 38. 20 They also that, .are mine adversaries 109. 4 For my love they are my adversaries: but ADVEESITY — 1 .Halting, limping, y?!f tsela. Psa. 35. 15 But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and 2.Straitness, distress, rny tsarah. 2 Sa. 4. 9 redeemed my soul out of all adversity 2 Ch. 15. 6 for God did vex them with all adversity Psa. 31. 7 thou hast known my soul in adversities Prov 17 17 and a brother is bom for adversity 24. 10 (If) thou faint in the day of adversity 3 .Straitness, straitener, is tsar. Isa. 30. 20 the Lord give you the bread of adversity 4 .Evil, in ra. 1 Sa 10. 19 saved you out of all your adversities and Psa 10. 6 for I (shall) never (be) in adversity 94 13 give him rest from the days of adversity Eccl. 7. 14 in the day of adversity consider ADVEESITY, to suffer — Held by evil, Ka.Kovxovfj.ivos kakouchoumenos. Heb. 13. 3 them which suffer adversity, as being ADVEBTISE, to — 1. To counsel, yu: yaats. Num.24.14 I will advertise thee what this people 2. To uncover, the ear, [m nbj galah ozen. Euth 4. 4 I thought to advertise thee, saying ADVICE — l.lVord, 1371 dabar. Judg 20. '7 give here your advice and counsel 2 Sa. 19. 43 advice should not be first had in bringing 2. Taste, reason, oya taam. 1 Sa 25. 33 blessed(be)thy advice,andblessed(be)thou 3 . Counsel, nyy. etsah. . 2Ch. 10. 14 and answered them after the advice of 1.Opinion founded on knowledge, yvcipri gnome. 2 Cor. 8. 10 And herein I give (my) advice : for this is ADVICE, good — Combinations, niSarin tachbuloth. Prov.20. 18 and with good advice make war ADVICE, to take or give — 1. To give or take counsel, f’y; yaats, 2. 2 Ch. 10. 9 What advice give ye that we may return 25. 17 Then Amaziah king of Judah took advice 2. To take counsel, TO uts. Judg 19. 30 consider of it, take advice, and speak ADVISE, to — l.To know, HP, yada. 2 Sa. 24. 13 now advise, and see wliat answer I shall ADVISED, well — To be counselled, yVA, yaats, 2. Prov. 13. 10 but with the well advised (is) wisdom ADVISEMENT — Counsel, nxp etsah. 1 Ch. 12. 19 the Philistines upon advisement sent him ADVOCATE One called alongside {to help), ■napa.KXrfTos. 1 Jo. 2. 1 And if any man sin, we have an advocate 2 . To be counselled, yy, yaats, 2. 1 Ki. 12. 6 How do ye advise that I may answer this 3 . To give counsel, flovXiiv rxBppx boulen tithemi. Acts 27. 12 the more part advised to depart thence ADVISE self, to — To see, CR"] raah. 1 Ch.21. 12 advise thyself what word I shall bring AE-NE'-AS, Alvccv praise. A paralytic of Lydda healed by Peter. Acts 9. 33 there he found a certain man named A. 9. 34 Peter said unto him. A., Jesus Christ AE'-NON, A Ivdv {natural) fountains. A place near Salim (a little N. of it, and now called Aynum), at the head of the valley of Shechem. Copious springs are still here, in a broad open valley called Wady-Farah. John 3. 23 John also was baptising in A. near to R. AEAB OFF — 1. H place far off, i^CH? merchag. Psa. 138. 6 but the proud he knoweth afar off Jer. 31. 10 nations, and declare, .in the isles afar off 2 . Far off, pin - ; rachog. Gen. 22. 4 Abraham lifted up.. saw the place afar off 37. 18 they saw him afar off. .before he came Exod 2. 4 And his sister stood afar off, to wit 20. 18 the people saw (it), they. .stood afar off 20. 21 And the people stood afar off 24 I seventy of the elders.. worship.. afar off Num. 9. IO If any man. .(be), .in a journey afar olf 1 Sa. 26. 13 stood on the top of an hill afar off 2 Ki. 2. 7 fifty men.. went, and stood to view afar off Ezra 3. 13 people shouted, .noise was heard afar oh Neh. 12. 43 joy of Jerusalem was heard even afar olf Job 2. 12 when they lifted up their eyes afar off 36 25 Every man. .may behold (it) afar off 39 25 Ha. .he smelletli the battle afar off 39. 29 sbe seeketh. .her eyes behold afar off Psa. 10. 1 Why staudest thou afar off, O Lord? 38 11 My lovers.. and my kinsmen stand afar off 65. S them that are afar off (upon) the sea 139. 2 thou understandest my thought afar off Isa. 23. 7 her own feet shall carry her afar oif 59 14 And. .justice standeth afar off 66. 19 (to) Tubal, and Javan, (to) the isles afar off Jer, 23. 23 a God at hand, .and not a God afar off? 46. 27 behold, I will save thee from afar off 51. 50 go away. .remember the Lord afar off Mic. 4. 3 he shall, .rebuke strong nations afar off 3 . To put or go far off, prrj rachaq, 5 . Exod 33. 7 and pitched it. .afar off from the camp 4 . Far, distant, paupav makran. Acts 2. 39 and to all that are afar off, (even) as many Eph. 2. 17 peace to you which were afar off b.From far, yaKpidcv makrothen. Markn. 13 seeing a fig tree afar off, having Luke 18. 13 the publican, standing afar off, would 22. 54 And Peter followed afar off 23. 49 stood afar off, beholding these things 6 .From afar, woppaOtv porrothen. Luke 17. 12 that were lepers, which stood afar off Heb. n. 13 but having seen them afar off AFFAIR — 1. Word, thing, dabar. 1 Ch. 26. 32 made’rulers, .for. .affairs of the king Psa.112. 5 he will guide liis affairs with discretion 2.Service, .Tvnj? ahidah. Dan. 2. 49 he set. .over the affairs of the province 3. 12 certain, .thou hast set over the affairs 3 . The things concerning, ra nep't ta peri. Eph. 6. 22 that ye might know our affairs, and (that) Phil. 1. 27 I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand 4 . The things concerning, ra. Kara ta kata. Eph. 6. 21 But that ye may know my affairs, 5. Business, matter, ■npayparCia pragmatexa. 2 Ti. 2. 4 entangleth himself with the affairs AFFECT, to — 1. To roll, move, act, 77 i! alal. Lam. 3. 51 Mine eye affecteth mine heart 2 . To be or make zealous, (r\X&oj zeloo. Gal. 4. 17 exclude you, that ye might affect them AFFECT, to zealously —• To be or make zealous, (gX6a> zeloo. Gal. 4. 17 They zealously affect you, (lint) not well 4. 18 good to be zealously affected always AFFECTED, to make evil — To make evil, Kauioo ltakob. Acts 14. 2 made their minds evil affected against AFFECTION — 1 . Feeling, passion, ird8rffj.a pathema. Gal. 5. 24 the flesh with the affections and lusts 2. Feeling, passion, iraBos pathos. Bom. 1. 26 God gave them up unto vile affections AFFECTION, inordinate—- Feeling, passion, va9os pathos. Col. 3. 5 fornication, uncleanness, mordi. affection 1G affrighted AFFECTION AFFECTION, inward — liowels, prolambano. Mark 14. 8 she is come aforehand to anoint my body AFORETIME — Li Ne C h {r^Vhere aforetime they laid the meat offer. Job 17. 6 and aforetime I was as a tabret 2 - E Z ( ’ &KU be as aforetime 3 '°johu 9°”They brought, .him that aforetime was ' From before this, nil WW 1? » - 5. IO gave thanks before his God, as.. aforetime 17 AFTER Dan AFRAID — 1 ' WhosfeveSis) fearful and afraid, let him 2 " Z Seut”f ig^n'lm people of whom tlwu art afraid Hi^^-S^^fraid 3 -^uS we&, and bowed down Acts £ AFRAID, to be — 1 .To be troubled, >na bahal, 2. Job 2i. 6 Even when I remember I am afraid Isa. 13. 8 And they shall be afraid 2 . To be terrified, afraid, nyn baath, 2. 1 Ch. 21. ^o to enquire of God : for he was afraid Estli. 7. 6 Haman was afraid before the king Dau. 8. 17 I was afraid, and fell upon my face 3. To be afraid, in gur. Num 22 3 And Moab was sore afraid of the people Deut I 17 ye shall not be afraid of the face of man 18 22 thou shalt not be afraid of him 1 Sa 18. 15 when Saul saw. .he was afraid of him Job 19. 29 Be ye afraid of the sword 41. 25 raiseth up himself, the mighty are afraid 4. To be grieved, melted, tx'j daag. Isa c;7. 11 of whom hast thou been afraid Jer ^8 iQ I <1111 afraid of the Jews that are fallen ' 42’. 16 the famine, whereof ye were afraid 5. To be afraid, to creep, Sm zachal. Job 32. 6 ye (are) very old; wherefore I was afraid 6 To be qirdecl, restrained, "un chagar. 2 Sa. 22. 46 they shall be afraid out of their close 7 . To be pained, ‘vn, ‘an chul, chil. . Psa. 77. 16 the waters saw thee ; they were afraid 8 To be qirded, restrained, inn charag. Psa. 18. 45 and he afraid out of their close places 9. To tremble, nnn charad. . Gen. 42. 28 their heart failed., they were afraid Ruth 3. 8 it came to pass, .the man was afraid ,Sa 21 1 Ahimelech was afraid at the meeting ' 28 5 when Saul saw the host, .lie was afraid 1 Ki. t! 40 the guests that (were) with A. were afraid Isa 10 2Q Ram ah is afraid; Gibeah of Saul is fled iq 16 and it shall be afraid and fear 4 i. 5 the ends of the earth were afraid Amos 3. b and the people not be afraid ? 10. To be cast down, nnn chathath. Isa. 20. 5 they shall be afraid and ashamed of E. 31. 9 his princes shall be afraid of the ensign 11. To be cast down, nnn chathath, 2. Isa. 31. 4 will not be afraid of their voice _ 51. 7 neither be ye afraid of their revilmgs Mai. 2. 5 wherewith he. .was afraid before my name 12. To be afraid, "u; %/agar. Deut. 9. 19 For I was afraid of the anger _ 28. 60 all the diseases, .thou wast afraid of 3 Tob 3 24 that which I was afraid of is come o. 28 I am afraid of all my sorrows Jer 39- 17 the men of whom thou (art) afraid 13 . To fear, reverence, xn.) yare. Gen. 3. io I was afraid, because I (was) naked 18 k I laughed not; for she was afiaid 20 * 8 and the men were sore afraid 28 17 lie was afraid, and said, How dreadful \\ and said to Laban, Because I was afraid V 7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and 42. 35 father saw the. .money, they were afraid 43! 18 And the men were afraid .. Exod. 3. 6 Moses hid his face; for he was afraid 34. 10 and they were sore afraid ,4. ,0 they were afraid to come nigh him Num 12. 8 then were ye not afraid to speak Deut 1 29 Dread not, neither be afraid of them 2. 4 and they shall be afraid of you 4 4 for ye were afraid by reason of the ni e 7 18 Thou shalt not be afraid of them 20. 1 and seest horses,. .be not afraid of them 28. 10 and they shall be afraid of thee Tosh o 24. we were sore afraid of our lives JOSH 9. 24 LoRD said Be not afraid because of them 1 Sa 4 7 And the Philistines were afraid, for they ' 7. 7 Israel heard (it), they were afraid 17. ii they were dismayed, and greatly afraid 17 24 all fled from him, and were sore afraid is! 12 And Saul was afraid of David 18. 29 Saul was yet the more afraid of David 21. 12 was sore afraid of Achish the king of 28 5 he was afraid, and his heart greatly 28. 13 the king said unto her, Be not afraid 28 20 was sore afraid, because of the woids of>-. 3 t. 4 would not; for he was sore afraid 2 Sa 1 14 wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine 6. 9 David was afraid of the Lord that day 2 Ki. 1. 14 Go down with him: be not afraid of linn 10 4 But they were exceedingly afraid, and iq* 6 Be not afraid of the words which thou 24 26 for they were afraid of the Chaldees 1 Ch. 10. 4 would not; for he was sore afraid i -3 12 David was afraid of God that day 2 Cli 20. 14 Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason 32. 7 he not afraid nor dismayed for the king Neh. 2. 2 Then I was very sore afraid 4. 14 Be not ye afraid of them : remember the 6. n that I should be afraid, and do so, and sin Job q 21 neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction 5. 22 neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts 6. 21 see (ray) casting down, and are afraid Psa 7 6 1 will not be afraid of ten thousands ot * 40. 16 Be not thou afraid when one is made rich 46 3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee 56* 11 I will not be afraid what man can do 64 8 They also that dwell, .are afraid at thy 01' 4 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by 112’. 7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidings 112 8 His heart (is) established, he. .be afraid 119. 120 and I am afraid of thy judgments Prov. 3 25 Be not afraid of sudden fear 31. 21 She is not afraid of the snow for her Eccl. 12. 4 they shall be afraid of (that which is) Isa to 24 O my people, .be not afraid of the 37* 6 Be not afraid of the words that thou hast io. 0 lift up thy voice. .be not afraid 51 12 that thou shouldest be afraid of a man Tpv I 8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I (am) io* 5 Be not afraid of them; for they cannot 26. 2i when Urijali heard it, he was afraid 41. 18 Chaldeans: for they were afraid of them 42. 11 Be not afraid of the king of Babylon 42. 11 be not afraid of him, saith the Lord Eze 2 6 be not afraid of them. .neither be afraid 2. 6 be not afraid of their words, nor be Joel 2. 22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field Jon 1 5 Then the mariners were afraid, and cried 1. 10 Then were the men exceedingly afraid Hab. 3. 2 I. .heard thy speech, (and) was afraid 14. To be afraid, to tremble, ptt yarah. Isa. 44. 8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid : have not 15. To be affrighted, avals. Deut 31. 6 fear not. nor be afraid of them Josh. 1. 9 be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed 16. To declare fearful, pK arats, 5. Isa. 8 . 72 neither fear ye. .nor be afraid 17. To fear, be afraid, hasten, ins pachad. Job 23. 15 when I consider, I am afraid of him Psa. 27. 1 of whom shall I be afraid ? Prov. 3. 24 thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid Isa. 12. 2 I will trust, and not he afraid 19. 17 every one. .shall be afraid in himself 33. 14 The sinners in Zion are afraid Jer. 36. 16 they were afraid both one and other 36. 24 Yet they were not afraid, nor rent their Mic. 7. 17 they shall be afraid of the Lord our God 18. To be angry, tremble, un ragaz. Exod 15. 14 people shall hear, (and) be afraid 19. To be afraid, to tremble, nnn rahah. Isa. 44. 8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not 20. To be whirled away, nj&' saar. _ Eze. 27. 35 their kings shall be sore afraid, they shall 32. 10 their kings shall be horribly afraid for 21. To be timid, shrinking, SeiAiam, deiliao. John 14. 27 be troubled, neither let afraid 22. To tremble, rpegu, tremb. 2 Pe. 2.10 not afraid to speak evil of dignities 23 . To fear, be afraid, huparcho. Acts 27. 21 after long abstinence Paul stood forth in [See Ask, come, covet, feel, follow, long, looking, lust, manner, seek, that.] AFTER, here —- After these, pera ravra meta tauta. John 13. 7 not now; but thou slialt know hereafter Rev. 1. 19 and the things which shall be hereafter 4. 1 shew thee things which must be hereafter 9. 12 there come two woes more hereafter AFTER our ability — Sufficiency, ’3 dai. Neh. 5. 8 We after our ability have redeemed our AFTER should, that — To be about lo, plWw inello. Heb. 11. 8 a place which he should after receive for 2 Pe. 2. 6 those that after should live ungodly AFTER that — 1. A fter, ink a char. Geu. 13. 14 after that Lot was separated from him 18. 5 hearts; after that ye shall pass on 24. 55 the damsel, .after that she shall go Lev. 13. 55 look on the plague, after that it is 14. 43 after that he hath taken away the stones 15. 28 and after that she shall be clean 23. 48 After that he is sold he may be redeemed Num. 6. 20 after that the Nazarite may drink 12. 14 and after that let her be received in 30. 15 make them void after that he hath heard Dent 24. 4 may not take her.. after that she is Judgis- 7 and after that I ivill cease 2 Sa. 1. 10 he could not live after that he was 2 Ki 14. 22 after that the king slept with his fathers 1 Ch. 2. 24 And after that Hezron was dead 2 Ch. 25. 14 after that Amaziah was come from the Eccl. 9. 3 and after that (they go) to the dead Jer. 12. 15 after that I have plucked them out 24. 1 after that Nebuchadnezzar, .had carried 28. 12 after that Hananiah. .had broken the 29. 2 after that Jeeouiali.. and the queen.. were 31. 19 Surely after that I was turned, I 34. 8 after that the king.. had made a covenant 36. 27 after that the king had burned the roll 40. 1 after that Nebuzar-adan. .had let him go 51. 46 and after that in (another) year (shall 2 . After that, |?"ink ahare-ken. Gen. 6. 4 after that, when the sons of God came in 3 . Then, afterwards, elra eita. Mark 4. 28 then the ear; after that the full corn in 8. 25 After that he put (his) hands again upon John 13. s After that he poureth water into a bason 4 . When truly, eireiSij epeide. 1 Co. 1. 21 For after that in the wisdom of God 5 . Afterward, eneira epeita. 1 Co. 12. 28 after that miracles, then gifts of healing 15. 6 After that, he was seen of above five 15. 7 After that he was seen of James; then Heb. 7. 2 and after that also King of Salem, which 6. Yet, still, any more, en eti. Luke 20. 40 And after that they durst not ask him any 7 . No more, ovkcti. Mark 12. 34 And no man after that durst ask him 8. When, 'Are hote. Matt 27. 31 And after that they had mocked him Tit. 3. 4 But after that the kindness and love 9 . yls, that, when, after that, is lios. Acts 9. 23 after that many days were fulfilled AFTER that maimer — According to, thus, nps kakah. 2 Ch. 18. 19 and another saying after that manner AFTER the manner of—- According to, down, Kara (acc.) kata. John 2. 6 after the manner of the purifying of the AFTER the same manner -—• In the same manner, ucravrus hosautos. 1 Co. n. 25 After the same manner also, .the cup AFTER this manner — 1 .Thus, n33 kakah. 2 Ch. 18.19 one spake saying after this manner 2 . To hold AGE, to be of — 1 ,.lie has maturity, yXiniav ex 61 helikian echex. John 9. 21 we know not: he is of age; ask him 9. 23 Therefore said his parents. He is of age 2 . Day, riuipa. hernera. Luke 2. 36 daughter of Phanuel. .was of a great age AGE, whole — Days of the years of the life, 'n '49 'Q' : . Gen. 47. 28 tlie whole age of Jacob was an hundred AGED — 1. Aged, bearded, ]j5J zaqen. Job 12. 20 taketh..the understanding of the aged 32. 9 neither do the aged understand judgment Jer. 6. 11 the aged, with (him that is) full ol days 2 .One white, grey, old, dry, yashish. Job 29. 8 the aged arose, (and) stood up 3 . Aged, advanced in days, irpeoBurps presbutes. Phm. 9 as Paul the aged, .now also a prisoner AGED man — 1 .Aged, bearded , |PJ zaqen . 2 Sa. 19. 32 Barzillai was a very aged man 2. Aged, advanced in days, irpecrBvTrrs. Titus 2. 2 aged men be sober, .in faith, in charity AGED man, very — One white, grey, old, dry, w'v] yashish. Job 15. 10 very aged men, much elder than thy AGED woman — Aged female, npecr Boris presbutis._ Titus 2. 3 The aged women likewise, that (they be) -GAR, ‘A yap. •eek name of Sarah's handmaid Hagar. Gal. 4. 24 Sinai, which, gendereth to bondage, .is A. 4. 25 Eor this A. is mount Sinai in Arabia, and JATE — A gate or ruby, J313 kadkod. Isa. 54. 12 I will make thy windows of agates Eze. 27. 16 tine linen, and coral, aud agate A gate, achates, shebu. Exod 28. 19 the third row.. an agate, and an amethyst 39. 12 the third row.. an agate, and an amethyst GE — .Revolution, "i'w dor. Job 8. 8 enquire, I pray thee, of the former age Isa. 38. 12 Mine age is departed, and is removed from .Old age, ]pj zogen. Gen. 48.10 the eyes of Israel were dim for age .Lifetime, cheled. Job II. 17 (thine) age shall be clearer than the noon Psa. 39. 5 mine age (is) as nothing before thee ■..Day, d'v yom. Gen. 18. 11 (were) old. .well stricken in age 24. 1 Abraham was. .well stricken in age Josh.23. 1 Joshua waxed old (aud) stricken in age 23. 2 I am old (and) stricken in age Zech. 8. 4 his staff in his hand for very age i .Old age, greyheadness, xiy seb. 1 Ki. 14. 4 his eyes were set by reason of his age S .A son, ja ben. Sum. 8. 25 from the age of fifty years they shall* 1 Ch. 23. 3 from the age of thirty years and upward 23. 24 from the age of twenty years and upward A'-GEE, nix fugitive. The father'of Shammali, one of Davids valiant men, B.C. 1080. 2 Sa. 23.11 after him (was) Shammali the sou of A. AGES — 1 .Age, dispensation, altbv aion, Eph. 2. 7 That iu the ages to come he might shew Col. 1. 26 mystery which hath been hid from ages 2 .Generations, ytvia genea. Eph. 3. 5 Which jn other ages was not made known 3. 21 throughout all ages, world without end AGO — 1 .Former time, ncip qadmah. Ezra s-11 house., was builded these many years ago 2. {Third day of) the days, D'D>n hayyamim. 1 Sa. g. 20 asses that were lost three days ago 3. From, airi apo. Acts 10. 30 And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was 15, 7 ye know how that a good while ago 2 Co. 8.10 but also to be forward a year ago 9. 2 that Achaia was ready a year ago 1. Before, irpi pro. 2 Co. 12. 2 I knew a man. .above fourteen years ago AGONE — The third day, nv'i'V D'vn hayyom sheloshah. 1 Sa. 30. 13 because three days agone I fell sick AGONY — Agony, contest, aywvia agonia. Luke 22. 44 And being in an agony he prayed more AGREE — 1 .To be into or for, elpi els eimi eis. 1 Jo. 5. 8 and these three agree in one 2. To be in good mind, envoi a {elp.1 eimi) eunoeo. Matt. 5. 25 Agree with thine adversary quickly 3. To be the same, loos elp.1 eimi isos. Mark 14. 56 but their witness agreed not together 14. 59 But neither so did their witness agree 4. To be like or similar, dpoiafa homoiazo. Mark 14. 70 [and thy speech agreeth (thereto)] 5. To persuade, prevail upon, nelOa peitho. . Acts 5. 40 And to him they agreed: and when they 6 . To make one'opinion, noifioai piav yvuppv. Rev. 17. 17 and to agree, and give their kingdom 7. To sound or speak together, ovpefxvvea sumphoneb. Matt 18. 19 That if two of you shall agree on earth 20. 2 And when he had agreed with the Acts 15. 15 And to this agree the words of the 3.To put together, owribypi suntithemi. John 9. 22 for the Jews had agreed already, that if Acts 23. 20 The Jews have agreed to desire thee that AGREE together — To sound or speak together, ovytpavca sumphbnto. Acts 5. 9 How is it that ye have agreed together AGREE with — To sound or speak together, avpipuvia sumphoneb. Matt 20. 13 didst uot thou agree with me for a penny ? Luke 5. 36 the piece that was. .agreetb not with AGREED, to be — To be met together {by appointment), iy; yaad, 2 . Amos 3. 3 Can two walk.. except they be agreed ? AGREED not — Not sounding together, aavpipuvos asumphonos. Acts 28. 25 when they agreed not among themselves AGREEMENT — 1.4 seer, vision, njh chozeh. Isa. 28. 15 with hell are we at agreement 2 . Vision, nun chazuth. Isa. 28. 18 your agreement with hell shall not stand 3 . Upright things, O'-re’'? mesharim. Dan. 11. 6 come to the.. north to make an agreement 4.4 putting down together, ovyKarddetris. 2 Co. 6. 16 what agreement hath the temple of God A-GRIP -PA, ’Ayplmras. Great-grandson of Herod the Great. His father being eaten of worms,he, as Herod Agrippa, succeeded (A.D.53) as tetrarch of Abilene, Galilee, Iturea, and Trachonitis. Acts 25. 13 after certain days king A. and Bernice 25. 22 Then A. said unto Festus, I would also 25. 23 on the morrow, when A. was come, aud 25. 24 And Festus said, King A., and all men 25. 26 I have brought, .before you. .0 king A. 26. 1 Then A. said unto Paul, Thou art 26. 2 I think myself happy, king A , because I 26. 7 For which hope's sake, king A., I am 26. 19 Whereupon. O king A., I was not 26. 27 King A., believest thou the prophets? I 26 28 Then A. said unto Paul, Almost tliou 26. 32 Then said A. unto Festus, This man might AGROUND, to run — To force upon, inoKeWiv epokello. Acts 27. 41 they ran the ship aground; and the A'-GUR, "MX gatherer. The son of Jakeli. Jerome and others consider this name as symbolical of Solomon himself; but this is inconsistent with the designation •* Sou of Jakeh,” 1 n.i_ ;.. ihr, IwiaI/ i c? nvnmcolu inCOI 1515 l 43 in> >r J 1 11 cue UC01511U01UU -- ^ apd Solomon, in the same book, is expressly called Son of David.” Prov. 30. i The words of A the son of Jakeh. .the AH 1 .Aha! (complaint), nnx ahah. Jer. 1. 6 Ah, Lord God ! behold, I cannot speak 4. 10 Ah, LoRDGod 1 surely thou hast, .deceived 14. 13 Ah, Lord God ! behold, the prophets 32. 17 Ah Lord God ! behold, thou hast made Eze. 4. 14 Ah LORD God ! behold, my soul 9. 8 Ah Lord God ! wilt thou destroy all the II. 13 Ah LORD God ! wilt tliou make a full end 20. 49 Ah Lord God !. .Doth he uot speak 2. Ah! {grief), nx ach. Eze. 21. 15 ah ! (it is) made bright, (it is) wrapped up 3. He! he-ali! {malicious joy), nxn he-ach. Psa. 35. 25 Ah, so would we have it: let them not 4.7/0/ {threatening, grief, exhortation), ’in hoi. Isa. 1. 4 Ah sinful nation. .laden with iniquity 1. 24 Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries Jer 22. 18 saying, Ah my brother ! or, Ah sister! 22. 18 saying, Ah Lord ! or. Ah his glory ! 34. 5 All, Lord! for I have pronounced the 5.0, ah {derision, insult), ova oua. Mark 15. 29 Ah, thou that destroyest the temple AHA — He! {malicious joy), nxn he-ach. Psa 35. 21 Aha, aha, our eye hath seen (it) 40. 15 Let them he desolate, .that say. .Alia 70. 3 Let them be turned, .that say, Aha, aha Isa 44. 16 Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire Eze 25. 3 thou saidst, Aha, against my sanctuary 26. 2 Aha, she is broken (that was) the gates 36. 2 Aha, even the ancient high places are AH'-AB, nxrtx father's brother { = uncle.) 1 . Son of Omri, and his successor as 7th king of Israel (010-897 B.C.) He married Jezebel, daughter of Eth- baal kin<* of the Zidonians, aud was led by her into idolatry and incited to the persecution of the pro¬ phets of Jehovah. The most remarkable incidents in his life were his defeating Benhadad whom lie freely dismissed, aud his seizing the vineyard of Naboth. During liis reign appeared the great prophet Elijah, who came into direct collision with Jezebel when she attempted to introduce the worship of Baal and the goddess Astarte, of whom her father had been a priest before he usurped the sovereignty of Tyre, B.C. 900. 1 Ki. 16. 28 So Omri slept with his fathers, .and A. 16. 29 in the thirty and eighth year, .began A. 16. 29 and A. the son of Omri reigned over 16. 30 And A. the son of Omri did evil in the 16. 33 And A. made a grove 16. 33 and A. did more to provoke the Lord 17. 1 And Elijah, .said unto A., (As) the Lord AHARAH 22 AHIJAH 1 Ki. 18. i Go, shew thyself unto A.; and I will send 18. 2 And Elijah went to shew himself unto A. 18. 3 And A. called Obadiah, which (was) the 18. 5 And A. said unto Obadiah, Go into the 18. 6 A. went one way by himself, and 18. o wouldst deliver, .into the hand of A. 18. 12 when I come and tell A., and lie cannot 18. 16 So Obadiah went to meet A., and told 18. 16 and A. went to meet Elijah 18. 17 it came to pass, when A. saw Elijah i8. 17 that A. said unto him, (Art) thou he that 18. 20 So A. sent unto all the children of Israel 18. 41 And Elijah said unto A., Get thee up, eat 18. 42 So A. went up to eat and to drink 18. 44 And he said, Go up, say unto A., Prepare 18. 45 And A. rode, and went to Jezreel 18. 46 Elijah, .ran before A. to the entrance of 19. 1 And A. told Jezebel all that Elijah had 20. 2 And he sent messengers to A. king of 20. 13 behold, there came a prophet unto A. 20. 14 And A. said. By whom? And he said 21. 1 had a vineyard..liar'd by the palace of A. 21. 2 And A. spake unto Naboth, saying, Give 21. 3 And Naboth said to A., The Loud forbid 21. 4 And A. came into liis house heavy and 21. 8 So she wrote letters in A.’s name, and 21. 15 Jezebel said to A., Arise, take possession i 21. 16 And it came to pass, when A. heard that 21. 16 A. rose up to go down to the vineyard of 21. 18 Arise,‘go down to meet A. king of Israel 21. 20 And A. said to Elijah, Hast thou found 21. 21 Behold, I. .will cut off from A. him that 21. 24 Him that dieth of A. in the city 21. 25 But there was none like unto A. 21. 27 And it came to pass, when A. heard those 21. 29 Seest thou how A. humbleth himself 22. 20 the Lord said, Who shall persuade A. 22. 39 Now the rest of the acts of A., and all that 22. 40 So A. slept with his fathers ; and Aliaziall 22. 41 began to reign, .in the fourth year of A. 22. 49 Then said Aliaziah the son of A. unto 22. 51 Ahaziah the son of A. began to 2 Ki 1. 1 Moab rebelled.. after the death of A. 3. 1 Now Jehoram the son of A. began to 3. 5 But it came to pass, when A. was dead 8. 16 in the fifth year of Joram the son of A. 8. 18 And he walked, .as did the house of A. 8. 18 for the daughter of A. was his wife 8. 25 the twelfth year of Joram the son of A. 8. 27 he walked in the way of the house of A. 8. 27 the house of A.. .the h. of A.. .the h. of A. 8. 28 And he went with Joram the son of A. 8. 29 Ahaziah. .went, .to see. .the son of A. g. 7 And thou shalt smite the house of A. q. 8 For the whole house of A. shall perish J9. 8 and I will cut off from A. him that pisseth 9. 9 And I will make the house of A. like the 9. 25 when I and thou rode together after A. 9. 29 eleventh year of Joram the son of A. 10. 1 And A. had seventy sons in Samaria 10. 1 wrote, .to them that brought up A.’s 10. 10 which the Lord spake concerning the. .A. 10. 11 Jehu slew all that remained of. .A. 10.17 slew all that remained unto A. in Samaria 10. 18 A. served Baal a little; (but) Jehu shall 10. 30 thou, .hast done unto the house of A. 21. 3 and made a grove, as did A. king of Israel 21. 13 and the plummet of the house of A. 2 Ch. 18. 1 Now Jehosliaphat. .joined affinity with A. 18. 2 after (certain) years he went down to A. 18. 2 And A. killed sheep and oxen for him in 18. 3 And A. king of Israel said unto Jehosha. 18. 19 the Lord said, Who shall entice A. king 21. 6 he walked.. like as did the house of A. 21. 6 for he had the daughter of A. to wife 21. 13 like to the whoredoms of the house of A. 22. 3 He.. walked in the ways of the house of A. 22. 4 Wherefore he didevil, .like the house of A. 22. 5 He. .went with Jehoram the son of A. 22. 6 Azariah. .went down to see. .the son of A. 22. 7 whom theLORD had anointed to cut off.. A. 22. 8 Jehu was executing judgment upon. .A. Mic. 6. 16 and all the works of the house of A. 2 . A false prophet who was in Babylon during the early part of the exile, but was put to death by Nebuchad¬ nezzar, B.C. 600. Jer. 29. 21 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, .of A. the 29. 22 make thee like Zedekiah and like A. A-HA'-RAH, rnnN brother of Rack, or after a brother. Third son of Benjamin, elsewhere called Ehi, Ahiram, and Aher, B.C. 1700. 1 Ch. 8. 1 begat Bela his firstborn, .and A. the A-HAR'-HEL, Sn-mN brother of Rachel, or after might. Son of Harum, a descendant of Judah through Caleb, son of Hur, B.C. 1430. 1 Ch. 4. 8 And Coz begat, .the families of A. the A-HA'-SAI,'mN my holder, protector. A priest of the family of Iramer, some of whom dwelt in Jerusalem after the exile, B.C. 445. Neh. 11.13 Amashai the son of Azareel, the son of A. A-HAS-BAI, ’apnu blooming, shining. Father of one of David’s valiant men, whose family had been early settled at Maachah, b.c. 1080. 2 Sa. 23. 34 [of the thirty).. Eliphelet.. son of A. A-HAS-U-E'-RUS, E'nip'nit Icing. 1 . A king of Persia (529-521 B.C); was the Cambyses of profane history. Ezra 4. 6 And in the reign of A., in the beginning 2 . The father of Darius the Medc, or Astyages (594 B.c.) Dan. 9. 1 In the first year of Darius the son of A. 3 . Xerxes, the son of Darius Hystaspis (485 B.C.) Esth. 1. 1 came to pass in the days of A., (this (is) A. 1. 2 when the king A. sat on the tin-one of his 1. 9 royal house which (belonged) to king A. 1.10 chamberlains that served, .presence of A. 1. 15 not performed the commandment of. .A. 1. 16 in all the provinces of the king A. 1. 17 The king A. commanded Vashti the 1. 19 that Vashti come no more before king A. 2. 1 when the wrath of king A. was appeased 2. 12 every maid’s turn, .to go in to king A. 2 16 So Esther was taken unto king A. into 2. 21 Bigthan..soughtto lay hand on. .A. 3. 1 After these things did king A. promote 3. 6 throughout the whole kingdom of king A. 3. 7 in the twelfth year of king A., they cast 3. 8 And Haman said unto king A., There is a 3. 12 in the name of king A. was it written 6. 2 who sought to lay hand on the king A. 7. 5 Then the king A. answered and said unto 8. 1 On that day did the long A. give the 8. 7 Then the king A. said unto Esther the 8. 10 And he wrote in the king A.’s name 8. 12 one day in all the provinces of. .A. 9. 2 throughout all the provinces of. .A. 9. 20 in all the provinces of the king A. 9. 30 to the. .provinces of the kingdom of A. 10. 1 And the king A. laid a tribute upon the 10. 3 Mordecai the Jew (was) next unto king A. A-HA'-VA, Kink stream. A river in the’ N.E. of Media near the district of Casi- phia; some think it the same as the Adiaba in Adiabene, or Hit, due E. of Damascus, on the Euphrates. On a tri¬ butary of this river Ezra assembled the Jews before starting on their journey to Jerusalem. Some consider the name as applying to a district in the plains of Baby¬ lon. Ezra 8.15 to the river that runneth to A.; and there 8. 21 proclaimed a fast there, at the river of A. 8. 31 Then we departed from the river of A. on A'-HAZ, PIN he holds. 1 . Son of Jotham, king of Judah, and father of Heze- kiah. He succeeded his father as eleventh king of Judah, and reigned sixteen years (740-724 B.c.) 2 Ki. 15. 38 And Jotham slept.. and A. his son reigned 16. 1 A. the son of Jotham king of Judah began 16. 2 Twenty years old (was) A. when he began 16. 5 and they besieged A., but could not 16. 7 So A. sent messengers to Tiglath-pileser 16. 8 And A. took the silver and gold that was 16. 10 And king A. went to Damascus to meet 16. 10 and Icing A. sent to Urijah the priest the 16. 11 an altar according to all that king A. 16. 11 the priest made (it) against king A. came 16. 15 And king A. commanded Urijah the priest 16. 16 according to all that king A. commanded 16. 17 And king A. cut off the borders of the 16. 19 Now the rest of the acts of A. which he 16. 20 And A. slept with his fathers, and was 17. 1 In the twelfth year of A. king of Judah 18. 1 Hezekiah the son of A. king of Judah 20. 11 which it had gone down in the dial of A. 23.12 on the top of the upper chamber of A. 1 Ch. 3. 13 A. his son, Hezekiah his son, Manasseh 9. 42 And A. begat Jarah; and Jarah begat 2 Ch. 27. 9 Jotham slept.. and A. his son reigned in 28. 1 A. (was) twenty years old when he began 28. 16 At that time did king A. send unto the 28. 19 the Lord brought Judah low because of A. 28. 21 For A. took away a portion (out) of the 28. 22 this (is that) king A. 28. 24 And A. gathered together the vessels of 28. 27 And A. slept with his fathers, and they 29. 19 Moreover all the vessels, which king A. Isa. 1. 1 The vision of Isaiah, .in the days of. .A. 7. 1 And it came to pass in the days of A. 7. 3 Go forth now to meet A., thou, and 7. 10 Moreover the Lord spake again unto A. 7. 12 But A. said, I will not ask, neither will I 14. 28 In the year that Icing A. died was this 38. 8 which is gone down in the sun dial of A. Hos. 1. 1 The word of the Lord .. in the days of.. A, Mic. 1. 1 The word of the Lord, .in the days of. .A. 2 . A Benjamite, of the family of Saul. 1 Ch. 8.35 And the sons of Micah (were).. A. 8. 36 And A begat Jehoadali; and Jehoadah 9. 41 And the sons of Micah (were. .A.) 9. 42 And A. begat Jarah; and Jarah begat A-HAZ-I'AH, w;inN nuns; Jah holds, possesses. 1 . A son of Ahab, wlio succeeded as eighth king of Israel and reigned two years (896 and 895 B.c.). 1 Ki. 22. 40 So Ahab slept.. and A. his son reigned 22. 49 Then said A. the son of Ahab unto 22. 51 A. the son of Ahab began to reign over 2 Ki. 1. 2 And A. fell down through a lattice 1.18 Now the rest of the acts of A. which he 1 Ch. 3. 11 Joram his son, A. his son, Joash his 2 Ch. 20. 35 did Jehoshaphat.. join himself with A. 20. 37 Because thou hast joined thyself with A. 2 . A son of Jehoram (or Joram), who succeeded as fifth king of Judah. He is also called Jehoaliaz and Azariah, and reigned only one year (884 B.O.). 2 Ki. 8. 24 And Joram slept, .and A. his son reigned 8. 25 twelfth year of Joram..did A.. .begin to 8. 26 Two and twenty years old (was) A. when 8. 29 And A.. .went down to see Joram the son 9. 16 And A. king of Judah was come down to 9. 21 Joram king of Israel and A. king of Judah 9. 23 Joram. said to A.. .treachery, O A. 9. 27 But when A. the king of Judah saw (this) 9. 29 in the eleventh year of Joram. .began A. 10. 13 Jehu met with the brethren of A. king of 10. 13 they answered, We (are) the brethren of A. 11. 1 w hen Athaliah the mother of A. saw that 11. 2 the. sister of A., took Joash the son of A. 12. 18 hallowed things that Jehoshaphat. and A. 13. 1 three and twentieth year of.. the son of A. 14. 13 Amaziah..son of Jehoash the son of A. 1 Ch. 3. 11 Joram his son, A. his son, Jotham his son 2 Ch. 22. 1 the inhabitants of Jerusalem made A. 22. 2 Forty and two years old (was) A. when he 22. 7 And the destruction of A. was of God by 22. 8 of the brethren of A., that ministered to A. 22. 9 And he sought A.: and they caught him 22. 9 So the house of A. had no power to keep 22. 10 when Athaliah the mother of A. saw 22. 11 Jehoshabeath. .took Joash the son of A. 22. 11 Jehoshabeath. .was the sister of A. AH'-BAN, jariN brother of intelligence. Son of Abishur, a descendant of Jerahmeel, grandson of Pharez, B.c. 1040. 1 Ch. 2. 29 Abihail. .bare him A., and Molid A'-HER, inN one that is behind. A Benjamite (perhaps the same as Ahiram), B.C. 1700. 1 Ch. 7. 12 of Ir, (and) Husliim, the sons of A. A'-HI, ’riN my brother. 1 . A head of the families of Gad, B.C. 1360. 1 Ch. 5. 15 A. the son of Abdiel, the son of Guni 2 . An Israelite of the tribe of Asher. 1 Ch. 7. 34 the sons of Shamer; A., and Rohgah A-HI'-AH, .vnN Jah is a brother. 1 . Grandson of Phinelias son of Eli, B.C. 1080. 1 Sa. 14. 3 And A., the son of Ahitub, I-chabod’s 14. 18 And Saul said unto A., Bring hither 2 . One of Solomon’s scribes. 1 Ki. 4. 3 Elihorepli and A., the sons of Shisha 3 . A descendant of Benjamin, B.c. 1400. 1 Ch. 8. 7 And Naaman, and A., and Gera A-HI'-AM, DN'mt a mother's brother. One of David’s thirty mighty men, and son of Sharar the Hararite, who, in 1 Ch. n. 35, is called Sacar, B.c. 1048. 2 Sa. 23. 33 A. the son of Sharar the Hararite 1 Ch. 11. 35 A. the son of Sacar the Hararite A-HI -AN, |;on brother of day. Son of Sliemidah, a Manassehite, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 7. 19 the sons of Shemidah were, A., and A-HI-EZ -ER, helping brother. 1. A prince of Dan, appointed to assist Moses in num¬ bering the people, B.c. 1491. Sum. 1. 12 Of Dan; A. the son of Ammishaddai 2. 25 of Dan (shall be) A. the sou of Ammisha. 7. 66 On the tenth day A. the son of Ammisha. 7. 71 this (was) the offering of A. the son of 10. 25 and over his host (was) A. the son of 2 . A Danite chief who joined David when lying at Ziklag for fear of Saul. 1 Ch. 12. 3 The chief (was) A., then Joash, the sons of A-HI'-HUD, ■n.Tnk brother of honour. A prince of Asher, appointed to allocate the laud W. of the Jordan, B.C. 1491. Num.34. 27 of Asher, A., the son of Shelomi A-HI'-HUD, nr list brother of mystery. A Benjamite of the family of Ehud, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 8. 7 he removed them, and begat Uzza, and A. A-HI'-JAH, n;nN Jah is brother. This name, though variously expressed in the English version is the same in every passage in which it occurs in the original. See Ahiah. 1. A prophet, probably of Ephraim, who foretold to Jeroboam the revolt of the ten tribes, B.c. 980. 1 Ki. 11. 29 the prophet A. the Shilonite found him 11. 30 And A. caught the new garment that 12. 15 which the Lord spake by A. the Shilonite 14. 2 behold, there (is) A. the prophet, which 14. 4 to Shiloh, and came to the house of A. 14! 4 But A. could not see; for Iris eyes were 14. 5 And the LORD said unto A., Behold 14. 6 And it was (so), when A. heard the sound 14. 18 by the hand of his servant A. the prophet 15. 29 which he spake by his servant A. the 2 Ch. 9. 29 and in the prophecy of A. the Shilonite 10. 15 which he spake by the hand of A. the 2 . Father of Baasha who conspired against Nadab son of Jeroboam and reigned in his stead, B.c. 953. 1 Ki. 15. 27 And Baasha the son of A., of the house of 15. 33 began Baasha the son of A. to reign over 21. 22 like the house of Baasha the son of A. 2 Ki. 9. 9 and like the house of Baasha the son of A. AHIKAM 23 AI 3 . Son of Jerahmeel, brother of Caleb (or Clielubai), of the tribe of Judah. i Ch. 2. 25 and Bunali, and Oron, and Ozem, (and) A. 4 . One of David's thirty valiant men, B.O. 1050. 1 Ch. it. 36 Hepher the Meoherathite, A. the Pelonite 5 . A Levite set over the treasures of the house of God in the time of David, B.C. 1015. 1 Ch. 26. 20 And of the Levites, A. (was) over the 6. A Levite who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant B.C. 445- Neh. IO. 26 And A., llanau, Anan A-HI-KAM, dd'hn my brother has risen. An officer in Josiah’s court, the son of Sliaphan, who was one of the king's officers, B.C. 641. 2 Ki 22. 12 and A. the son of Sliaphan, and Aclibor 22 14 So Hilkiah the priest, and A., and Aclibor 25. 22 the son of A., the son of Sliaphan, ruler 2 Ch. 34. 20 the king commanded Hilkiah, and A. the Jer 26. 24 the hand of A. the son of Sliaphan was 30 14 the son of A. the son of Sliaphan, that 40! s the son of A. the son of Sliaphan, whom 40 6 the son of A. to Mizpah; and dwelt with 40 7 the son of A. governor in the land, and 40 9 the son of A. the son of Sliaphan sware 40. 11 the son of A. the son of Sliaphan 40. 14 Gedaliah the son of A. believed them not 40. 16 Gedaliah the son of A. said unto Johanan 41. 1 unto Gedaliah the son of A. to Mizpah 41 2 smote Gedaliah the son of A. the son of 41 6 Come to Gedaliah the son of A. 41 10 had committed to Gedaliah the son of A. 41' 16, 18 had slain Gedaliah the son of A. 43. 6 with Gedaliah the son of A. the son of A-HI'-LTTD, uS'nk a brother born. An Israelite whose son Jelioshaphat was appointed recorder by David, B.C. 1040. 2 Sa. 8. 16 Jehoshaphat the son of A. fwas) recorder 20. 24 Jehoshaphat the son of A. (was) recorder iKi 4 3 Jehoshaphat the son of A., the recorder 4. 12 Baana the son of A.; (to him pertained) 1 Ch. 18. 15 and Jehoshaphat the son of A., recorder A-HI-MA'-AZ, i'ya’nx powerful brother. 1 . Father of Ahinoam, wife of king Saul, B.O. 1090. 1 Sa. 14. 50 Ahinoam, the daughter of A.: and 2 . A son of Zadok the priest, who carried tidings to. David of the proceedings of Absalom, B.C. 1050. 2 Sa. 15. 27 your two sons with you, A. thy son, and ’ 15. 36 with them their two sons, A. Zadok's (son) 17 17 Jonathan and A. stayed by En-rogel 17 20 Where (is) A. and Jonathan? And the 18 19 Then said A. the son of Zadok, Let me 18 22 Then said A. the son of Zadok yet again 18. 23 Then A. ran by the way of the plain 18 27 is like the running of A. the son of Zadok 18. 28 And A. called, and said unto the king 18. 29 And A. answered, When Joab sent the Ch 6 8 begat Zadok, and Zadok begat A. 6. 9 And A. begat Azariah, and Azariah begat 6. 53 Zadok his son, A. his son 3 One of Solomon’s officers who had the charge of victualling the king's household for one month in the year. B.C. 1015. 1 Ki. 4. 15 A. (was) in Naphtali; he also took A-HI'-MAN, JD’lik brother of Man. 1 . A son of Anak, who dwelt in Hebron, B.C. 1450. Num 13. 22 where A., Slieshai, and Talmai, the Josh.15. 14 sons of Anak, Sheshai, and A., and Judg. 1. 10 and they slew Sheshai, and A., and 2 . A Levite porter in the temple, B.C. 1000. 1 Ch. 9. 17 and Talmon, and A., and their brethren A-HI-ME'-LECH, T]Stt'nx brother of the king. 1. A priest slain in consequence of assisting David when he fled from Saul, B.C. 1060. 1 Sa 21. 1 Then came David to Nob to A. the priest 21 I and A. was afraid at the meetingof David 21. 2 And David said unto A. the priest, The 21. 8 And David said unto A., And is there 22. 9 coming to Nob, to A. the son of Ah i t ub 22. 11 Then the king sent to call A. the priest 22. 14 Then A. answered the king, and said 22. 16 Thou shalt surely die, A., thou, and all 22. 20 And one of the sons of A. the son of 23. 6 when Abiathar the son of A. fled to David 30. 7 David said to Abiathar the priest, A.’s 2 Sa. 8. I7*and A. the son of Abiathar, (were) the 1 Ch. 24. 3 and A. of the sons of Ithamar 24. 6*and A. the son of Abiathar, and (before) 24. 31 and Zadok, and A., and the chief of the Pea. 52. title. David is come to the house of A. * [The names in these verses are supposed to have been transposed by a copyist.) 2 . A Hittite officer in the service of David, B.C. 1048. 1 Sa. 26. 6 Then answered David and said to A. the A-HI'-MOTH, niD’nx brother of death. Son of Elkanali, a descendant of Kohath son of Levi. 1 Ch. 6. 25 the sons of Elkanah ; Amasai, and A. A-HI-NA'DAB, rnrrik brother of liberality. Son of Iddo, and'one of Solomon’s twelve purveyors, B.C. 1015. 1 Ki. 4. 14 A. the son of Iddo (had) Malianaim A-HI-NO'-AM, oyhnk pleasant brother. 1 . Wife of Saul first king of Israel, B.C. 1090. 1 Sa. 14. 50 the name of Saul's wife (was) A., the 2 . A woman of Jezreel who became wife of David during his wandering, and went with him and his other wife, Abigail, to the court of Achish in Gath. She was mother of Amnon, David’s eldest sou, B.C. 1060. 1 Sa. 25. 43 David also took A. of Jezreel; and they 27. 3 withhi3twowives,A.theJezreelitess,and 30. 5 were taken captives, A. the Jezreelitess 2 Sa. 2. 2 and his two wives also, A. the Jezreelitess 3. 2 his firstborn was Amnon, of A. the 1 Ch. 3. 1 the firstborn Amnon, of A.the Jezreelitess A-HI'-O, i’nx his brother. 1 Son of Afcinadab, in whose house the ark of God re¬ mained for twenty years after being sent back by the Philistines, B.C. 1045. 2 Sa. 6. 3 And Uzzah and A., the sons of Abiuadab 6. 4 the ai'k of God, and A. went before the 1 Ch. 13. 7 of Abinadab: and Uzza and A. drave the 2 . An Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin. 1 Ch. 8.14 And A., Shashak, and Jeremoth. 3 . A Benjamite of the Gibeon family from which Saul sprang. 1 Ch. 8. 31 And Gedor, and A., and Zacher 9. 37 And Gedor, and A., and Zechariah A-HI'-RA, yynN brother of evil. A chief of Naphtali when Moses took the census shortly after the exodus, B.C. 1491. Num. 1. 15 Of Naphtali; A. the son of Enan 2. 29 of Naphtali (shall be) A. the son of Enan 7. 78 On the twelfth day A. the son of Enan 7. 83 this (was) the offering of A. the son of 10. 27 the children of Naphtali (was) A. the son A-HI-RAM, DTns exalted, brother. A Benjamite from whom a family was named. He is called E hi in Gen. 46.21, and is supposed to be the same as the Aher of 1. Ch. 7. 12. B.C. 1680. Num26. 38 of A., the family of the Ahiramites A-HI-RAM'-ITE, 'rryrot belonging to Aliiram. The Ahiramites were an Israelite family. Num 26. 38 Aslibelites: of Ahiram, the family of the A. A-HI-SA'-MACH, IjDD'nk supporting brother. Father of Aholiab, a Danite B.C. 1500. Exod3i. 6 with him Aholiab, the son of A., of the 35. 34 Aholiab the son of A., of the tribe of Dan 38. 23 Aholiab, son of A., of the tribe of Dan A-HI-SHA'-HAR, ■OT'nx brother of the dawn. Son of Bilhan and grandson of Benjamin, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 7.10 The sons also of Jediael.. Zethan.. and A. A-HI -SHAR, brother of song. Controller of Solomon’s household, B.C. 1015. 1 Ki. 4. 6 And A. (was) over the household: and A-HI-THO -PHEL, Vph'nk foolish brother. A native of Giloli in the highlands of Judah, and privy counsellor to David; but joined Absalom, and then hanged himself, B.O. 1023. 2 Sa. 15. 12 And Absalom sent for A. the Gilonite 15. 31 And (one) told David, saying, A. (is) among 15. 31 turn the counsel of A. into foolishness 15. 34 mayest thou, .defeat the counsel of A. 16. 15 came to Jerusalem, and A. with him 16. 20 Then said Absalom to A., Give counsel 16. 21 And A. said unto Absalom, Go in unto 16. 23 And the counsel of A., which he 16. 23 so (was) all the counsel of A., both with 17. 1 Moreover A. said unto Absalom, Let 17. 6 saying, A. hath spoken after this manner 17. 7 The coimsel that A. hath given (is) not 17. 14 counsel, .(is) better than the counsel of A. 17.14 to defeat the. .counsel of A., to the intent 17. 15 Thus and thus did A. counsel Absalom 17. 21 for thus hath A. counselled against you 17. 23 And when A. saw that his counsel was 23. 34 Eliam the son of A. the Gilonite 1 Ch. 27. 33 And A. (wae) the king’s counsellor 27. 34 And after A. (was) Jehoiada the son of A-HI'-TUB, Dits'nk a good brother. 1 . Son of Phinehas, and grandson of Eli, B.C. 1100. 1 Sa. 14. 3 the son of A., I-chabod’s brother, the son 22. 9 comingtoNob.toAhimelechthesonof A. 22. 11 to call Ahimelech the priest, the son of A. 22. 12 And Saul said, Hear now, thou son of A. 22. 20 of Ahimelech the son of A., named 2 . Father of Zadok the high-priest in the time of David, B.C. 1060. Perhaps the same as No. 1. 2 Sa. 8.17 And Zadok the son of A., and Ahimelech 1 Ch. 6. 7 and Amariah begat A. 6. 8 And A. begat Zadok, and Zadok begat 6. 52 Amariah his son, A. his son 18.16 And Zadok the son of A., and Ezra 7. 2 the son of Zadok, the son of A. 3. Another priest, in the 7th generation after No. 2, B.C. 758. 1 Ch. 6. 11 begat Amariah, and Amariah begat A. 6.12 A. begat Zadok, and Zadok begat Shallum 4 . Another priest, progenitor of Seraiah, and ruler of the house of God in the time of Nehemiah. 1 Ch. 9.11 son of A., the ruler of the house of God Neh. 11. 11 the son of Meraioth, the son of A. AH'-LAB, n^>nk fruitful place. A city of Asher from which the Canaanites were not driven out. Judg. 1. 31 nor the inhabitants of Zidon, nor of A. AH'-LAI, Jah is staying. 1 . A daughter of Sheshan, a descendant of Pharez, B.C. ! 43 o. 1 Ch. 2. 31 And the children of Sheshan ; A. 2 . Father of one of David’s thirty valiant men, B.C. 1050. 1 Ch. ii. 41 Uriah the Hittite, Zabad the son of A. A-HO'-AH, nins’ a brother's reed. Son of Bela and grandson of Benjamin, B.C. 1650. 1 Ch. 8. 4 Abislma, and Naaman, and A. A-HO-HITE, 'ninB belonging to Ahoah. 1 . A patronymic derived from Ahoah, a grandson of Benjamin. 2 Sa. 23. 28 Zalmon the A., Maliarai the Netophathite 1 Ch. 11. 12 Eleazar the son of Dodo, the A., who 11. 29 Ilai the A. 27. 4 the second month (was) Dodai an A. 2 . This word occurs in the common version of 2 Sa. 23. q, but in the original the expression used is Sen Ahold “ son of Ahohi,” which thus seems to be a proper name, not a patronymic, b.c. 1650. 2 Sa. 23. 9 (was) Eleazar the son of Dodo the A. A-HO'-LAH, nSnk her own tent. A symbolic name for Samaria and the ten tribes. Eze. 23. 4 And the names of them (were) A. the elder 23. 4 Thus (were) their names; Samaria (is) A. 23. 5 And A. played the harlot when she was 23. 36 Son of man, wilt thou judge A. and 23. 44 went they in unto A. and untoAliolibah A-HO-LI’-AB, Dk'Vnx a father's tent. A Danite, in the time of Moses, appointed by God to work with Bezaleel in preparing the tabernacle, B.C. 1490. Exod3i. 6 I have given with him A., the son of 35. 34 (both) he, and A., the son of Ahisamach 36. 1 Then wrought Bezaleel and A., and every 36. 2 And Moses called Bezaleel and A., and 38. 23 And with him (was) A., son of Ahisamach A-HO-LI'-BAH, na’^nx my tent (is) in her. A symbolic name for Judah and Jerusalem. Eze. 23. 4 A. her sister: and they were mine 23. 4 Samaria (is) Aholali, and Jerusalem A. 23.11 when her sister A. saw (this), she 23. 22 Therefore,OAholibah.thussaith the Lord 23. 36 wilt thou judge Aholah and A. ? 23. 44 so went they in unto Aholah and unto A. A-HO-LI-BA'-MAH, npp' l ?nk tent of the high place. 1 . Granddaughter of Gideon the Hivite, and wife of Esau. She is called Judith in Gen. 26. 34. B.C. 1760. Gen. 36. 2 A. the daughter of Anah the daughter of 36. 5 And A. bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and 36. 14 these were the sons of A., the daughter of 36. 18 And these (are) the sons of A. Esau’s wife 36. 18 these (were) the dukes (that) came of A. 36. 25 Dishon, and A. the daughter of Anah 2 . A chief that sprang from Esau, B.c. 1470. Gen. 36. 41 Duke A., duke Elah, duke Pinon 1 Ch. 1. 52 Duke A., duke Elah, duke Pinon A-HU'-MAI, 'Dink heated by Jah. Grandson of Shobal, son of Judah, B.C. 1380. 1 Ch. 4. 2 begat Jahath; and Jahath begat A. A-HU'-ZAM, Dink a holding fast. A son of Ashur! a descendant of Judah through Caleb son of Hur, B.C. 1500. 1 Ch. 4. 6 And Naarah bare him A., and Hepher A-HUZ'-ZATH, mrik holding fast. A friend of Abimedech, king of the Philistines in the time of Isaac, B.c. 1804. Gen. 26. 26 Abimelech went to him. .and A. one of A'-I, 'yn 'yn the heap. A city near Bethel, and about 10 miles N. of Jerusalem, within the territory of Benjamin. See Aiath, Aija, and Uai, other forms of the name. Its modern name is Et Teel, “the heap.” Josh. 7. 2 Joshua sent men from Jericho to A. 7. 2 And the men went up and viewed A. 7. 3 three thousand men, go up and smite A. 7. 4 they fled before the men of A. 7. 5 And the men of A. smote of them about 8. 1 go up to A.: see, I have given into thy 8. 1 the king of A., and his people, and his 8. 2 And thou shalt do to A. and her king 8. 3 So Joshua arose. .to go up against A. 8. 9 and abode between Beth-el and A. 8. 9 on the west side of A.: but Joshua 8. 10 elders of Israel, before the people to A. 8. 11 side of A... a valley between them and A. 8. 12 in ambush between Bethel and A. 8. 14 when the king of A. saw (it), that they 8. i6*all the people that (were) in A. were 8. 17 there was not a man left in A. or 8. 18 spear that (is) in thy hand toward A. 8. 20 And when the men of A. looked 8. 21 turned again, and slew the men of A. 8. 23 And the king of A. they took alive, and 8. 24 slaying all the inhabitants of A. 8. 24 all the Israelites returned unto A. [* The Hebrew text has “ in the city."] AIA H 24 ALIKE Jcdi. 8. 25 twelve thousand, .all the men of A. 8. 26 destroyed all the inhabitants of A. 8. 28 And Joshua burnt A., and made it 8. 29 And the king of A. he hanged on a tree 9. 3 Joshua had done unto Jericho and to A. 10. 1 when, .heard how Joshua had taken A. 10. 1 so he had done to A. and her king 10. 2 because it (was) greater than A., and all 12. 9 the king of A., which (is) beside Beth-el Ezra 2. 28 The men of Beth-el and A„ two hundred Neh. 7. 32 The men of Butli-el and A., an hundred Jer. 49. 3*Howl, 0 Heshbon, for A. is spoiled: cry [* Here the article is omitted.] A'-IAH, A'-JAH, rrx a vulture. 1 . Son of Zibeon, son of Seir the Horite, B.c. 1500. Gen. 36. 24 these (are) the children of Zibeon; both A. 1 Ch. 1. 40 And the sons of Zibeon; A., and Anah 2 . The father of Rizpah, Saul's concubiue, B.c. 1030. 2 Sa. 3. 7 name (was) Rizpah, the daughter of A. 21. 8 two sons of Rizpah the daughter of A. 21. 10 And Rizpah the daughter of A. took 21. 11 what Rizpah the daughter of A., the AI'-ATH, try a heap, a ruin. The feminine form of Ai, but it is not certain that it applies to the same place. Isa. 10. 28 He is come to A., he is passed to AID, to — To strengthen, pin chazeq, 3. Judg. 9. 24 men of Shechem. .aided him in the AI'-JA, a heap, a ruin. One of the forms of Ai. Neh. 11. 31 (dwelt)at Miclnnash, and A., and Beth-el AI-JA'-LON, A-JA'-LON, ji^X. 1 . The name of a valley in Dan. Josh 10. 12 and thou, Moon, in the valley of A. 2 . A Levitical town in Dan, so called from its situation in or near the valley of Ajalon. Josh. 19. 42 And Shaalabbin, and A., and 21. 24 A. with her suburbs, Gath-rimmon with Judg 1. 35 Amorites. .dwell in mount Heres in A. 3 . A place in the tribe of Zebulun. Judg 12. 12 and was buried in A. in the country of 4 . A town in Benjamin or Judah, or perhaps identical with Ajalon in Dan. 1 Sa. 14. 31 smote the Philistines that day. .to A. 1 Ch. 8. 13 fathers of the inhabitants of A. 2 Ch. 11. 10 And Zorah, and A.. .which (are) in Judah 28. 18 and had taken Beth-shemesh, and A., and 5 . A Levitical city in Ephraim, probably the same as No. 2. 1 Ch. 6. 69 A. with her suburbs, and Gath-rimmon AI-JE-LETH SHA'-HAR — Hind of the morning, inci np>s« ay-ye-lctli Shachar. Psa. 22. title. To the chief musician upon A. S. AIL, to — What to thee ? -ip'nD mah-leka. Gen. 21. 17 What aileth thee, Hagar? fear Judg 18. 23 What aileth thee, that thou comest with 1 Sa. 11. 5 What (aileth) the people that they weep? 2 Sa. 14. s What aileth thee?.. I (am) indeed a widow 2 Ki. 6. 28 What aileth thee?. .she answered. .Give Psa. 114. 5 What (ailed) thee, O thou sea, that thou Isa. 22. 1 What aileth thee now, that thou art A'-IN, J'j; py a ( natural ) fountain. 1. A place in the N.E. of Caanan, between Riblah and the Sea of Chinnereth. Num.34. 11 Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of A. 2 . A Levitical city in Simeon, at first belonging toJudah. Josh. 15. 32 Lebaoth, and Shilhim, and A., and 19. 7 A., Remmon, and Ether, and Ashan 21. 16 And A. with her suburbs, and Juttah 1 Ch. 4. 32 Etam, and A., Rinnnon, and Tochen AIR — 1 .Air, wind, nn ruach. Job. 41. 16 no air can come between them 2 . Heaven, crazi shamayim. Gen. 1. 26 have dominion over the. .fowl of the air 1. 28 have dominion over the. .fowl of the air 1. 30 to every fowl of the air 2. 19 Lord God formed every, .fowl of the air 2. 20 gave names to. .the fowl of the air 6. 7 I will destroy, .the fowls of the air 7. 3 fowls also of the air by sevens.. the male 9. 2 the fear.. upon every fowl of the air Deut. 4. 17 winged fowl that ilieth in the air 28. 26 shall be meat unto all fowls of the air 1 Sa. 17. 44 give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air 17. 46 I will give, .unto the fowls of the air 2 Sa. 21. 10 suffered neither the birds of the air to rest 1 Ki. 14. 11 him that dietli. .the fowls of the air 16. 4 shall the fowls of the air eat 21. 24 Him that dieth. .the fowls of the air eat Job 12. 7 ask. .the fowls of the air, and they shall 28. 21 it is. .kept close from the fowls of the air Psa. 8. 8 The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea Prov.30.19 The way of an eagle in the air Eccl. 10. 20 a bird of the air shall carry the voice 3. Air, atmosphere, ayp aer. Acts 22. 23 and threw dust into the [air] j Co. 9. 26 not as one that beateth the air 14. 9 for ye shall speak into the air Eph. 2. 2 to the prince of the power of the air 1 Th. 4. 17 to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall Rev. 9. 2 and the sun and the air were darkened 16. 17 poured out his vial into the air i.Heaven, ovpo.y&s ouranos. Mutt. 6. 26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow 8. 20 and the birds of the air (have) nests 13. 32 so that the birds of the air come and lodge Mark 4. 4 and the fowls of the [air].. and devoured it 4. 32 so that the fowls of the air may lodge Luke 8. 5 and the fowls of the air devoured it 9. 58 Foxes have holes, and birds of the air 13. 19 and the fowls of the air lodged in the Acts 10. 12 creeping things, and fowls of the air 11. 6 creeping tilings, and fowls of the air A'-KAN or JA'-KAN, jpy. acute, twisted. Son of Ezer, son of Seir the Horite, B.c. 1780. Gen. 36. 27 (are) these; Bilhan, and Zaavan, and A. 1 Ch. 1. 42 sons of Ezer; Bilhan, and Zavau, (and) J. AK'-KUB, mpy lain in wait. 1 . Son of Elioenai, of the family of David. 1 Ch. 3. 24 and Eliasliib, and Pelaiah, and A., and 2 . A porter in the second temple. i Ch. 9. 17 the porters (were), Shallum, and A., and Neh. 11. 19 Moreover the porters, A., Talinon, and 12. 25 Talmon, A., (were) porters keeping the 3 . A family of hereditary porters in the temple. Ezra 2. 42 children of A., the children of Ilatita Neh. 7. 45 children of A., the children of Hatita 4 . The chief of a family of the Nethinim who came up to Jerusalem after the exile. Ezra 2. 45 the children of Hagabah. .children of A. 5 . A priest employed by Ezra to make the people understand the law when it was read to them. Neh. 8. 7 Jamin, A., Shabbethai, Hodijali, M. AK-RAB'-BIM, D'jnpy curves or scorpions. An ascent from the S. of the Salt Sea, curving eastward near Kadesh Barnea, along which the S. border of Canaan was traced, now called Nuilces-Sufa. Nuni34. 4. to the ascent of A., and pass on to Zin Josh. 15. 3. it went out to the south side to M.-ac. ALABASTER BOX — Alabaster, aXaPaarpov alabastron. Matt 26. 7 a woman having an alabaster box Mark 14. 3 a woman having an alabaster box Luke 7. 37 brought an alabaster box of ointment A LA'-METH, noby youthful vigour. Son of Becher, and grandson of Benjamin, B.c. 1650. 1 Ch. 7. 8 Jerimoth, and Abiah, and Anathoth. .A. A LAM-ME'-LECH', t^B^X the Icing's oak. A town in Asher, marked now by the Wady-el- 3 IdeJc, a small stream running into the Kishon, 6 miles inland from Ilhaiffa. Josh.19. 26 And A., and Amad, and Mishael; and A LA'-MOTH, nio^y. soprano or treble. A term derived from Almah “a virgin,” in reference to the higher pitch of her voice when compared with that of an adult male's. 1 Ch. 15. 20 and Benaiah, with psalteries on A. Psa. 46. title, for the sons of Korah, A Song upon A. ALARM — Shout {of jubilee or battle), nynfi teruah. Num 10. 5 When ye blow an alarm.. parts shall go 10. 6 When ye blow an alarm the second time 10. 6 they shall blow an alarm for their Jer. 4. 19 the sound of the trumpet, the alarm 49. e I will cause an alarm of war to be heard Zeph. 1. 16 day of. .alarm against the fenced cities ISee also Blow, cry, sound. ] ALAS — 1 .Aha! {complaint ) nnx aliali. Josh. 7. 7 Joshua said, Alas, 0 Lord God Judg. 6. 22 Gideon said, Alas ! O Lord God! 11. 35 Alas, my daughter ! thou hast brought 2 Ki. 3. 10 Alas ! that the Lord hath called these 6. 5 Alas, master ! for it was borrowed 6. is Alas, my master ! how shall we do ? Joel 1. 15 Alas, .for the day of the Lord (is) at hand 2.0, oh I {grief) 'ix 0 . Num 24. 23 Alas, who shall live when God doeththis ! 3 .Ah/ {grief) nx ach. Eze. 6. 11 Alas for all the evil abominations of the i.I pray thee, '2 hi. Num 12. 11 Alas, my lord, .lay not the sin upon us 5. Exhortation, grief, threatening, in ho. Amos 5. 16 say in all the highways, Alas! alas ! 6. Exhortation, grief, threatening, 'in hoi. 1 Ki. 13. 30 they mourned over him, (saying), Alas, my Jer. 30 7 Alas ! for that day (is) great, .none (is) like 7. Wo, oval ouai. Rev. 18. 10 saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon 18. 16 And saying, Alas, alas that great city 18. 19 Alas, alas that great city, wherein were ALBEIT — That, 'Lva hina. Phm. 19 albeit I do not say to thee how thou owest A-LE-METH, n” 1 ”!! hiding place. 1 . A Levitical city of Benjamin. 1 Ch. 6. 60 and A. with her suburbs, and Anathoth 2 . A descendant of Jonathan, son of Saul. 1 Ch. 8. 36 and Jehoadah begat A., and Azmaveth 9. 42 and Jarah begat A., and Azmaveth A-LIX-AN -DER, AKl^avbpos helper of man. 1 . Sou of Simon the Cyreniau who was eompelled to carry the cross of J esus. Mark 15. 21 the father of A. and Rufus, to hear his 2. A leading man in Jerusalem wheu Peter and John were apprehended, A.b. 33. Acts 4. 6 and John, and A., and as many as were of 3 . A convert who was with Paul when the Ephesians raised a tumult; perhaps the same as No. 1. Acts 19. 33 And they drew A. out of. .And A. 4. A convert who afterwards apostatised. 1 Ti. 1. 20 Of whom is Hymeneus and A.; whom I 5 . A person who opposed Paul, perhaps the same as No. 4. 2 Ti. 4. 14 A. the coppersmith did me much evil A-LEX-AN-DRI-A, ’AAejjavSpeus of Alexander. A city in Egypt, founded by Alexander the Great, B.C. 332, near the W. branch of the Nile where it flows into the Mediterranean. It was long one of the most celebrated cities in the world, the metropolis of Egypt as well as a grand seat of commerce and wealth. Jews dwelt in it in great numbers. The modern city is built on tiie ruins of the ancient one, about 125 miles N. of Cairo. It is still the seat of exteusive commerce, aud lias nearly 50,000 of a population. Acts 6. 9 certain of the synagogue..of the. .A. 18. 24 horn at A., an eloquent man,(aud)mighty 27. 6 the centurion found a ship of A. sailing 28. 11 we departed in a ship of A., which had ALGUM trees — A costly wood, D' 8 b 6 x algummim. 2 Ch. 2. 8 Send me also, .algurn trees, out of Leba. 9. 10 tile servants, .brought algum trees 9. 11 the king made (of) the aigum trees AL'-IAH or AL'-VAH, ,T^y ni^y sublimity. A duke of Edom, descended from Esau. Gen. 36. 40 the names of the dukes.. of Esau.. duke A. 1 Ch. 1. 51 dukes of Edom were; duke Timnah.. A. AL'-IAN, or AL'-VAN, |;^>y j)^>y sublime. A son of Sliobal, a descendant of Seir. Gen. 36. 23 the children of Shobal (were) these; A. 1 Ch. i. 40 The sons of Shobal; A., and Manaliath ALIEN — 1.Sojourner, 13 gcr. Exod 18. 3 I have been an alien in a strange land 2. Unknown, 124 nekar. Isa. 6i. 5 sous of the alien (shall be) your plowmen 3. Unknown, ’151 nokri. Deuti4. 21 thou mayest sell it unto an alien Job 19. 15 I am an alien in their sight Psa. 69. 8 I alien unto my mother's children Lam. 5. 2 to strangers, our houses to aliens 4 . Belonging to others, aWorpios allotrios. Heb. 11. 34 turned, .the armies of the aliens ALIEN, to be — To allot to others, alienate, airaXXoTpi6a. Eph. 2. 12 being aliens from the commonwealth of ALIENATE, to — 1. To pass over, iny abar. Eze. 48. 14 they shall not.. alienate the first-fruits 2. To cause to pass over, 13 y abar, 5. Eze. 48. 14 they shall not. !alieuate the first-fruits 3 . To give to others, aTcaXXoTpiiai apallotrioo. Eph. 4. 18 the understanding, .being alienated from Col. 1. 21 you, that were sometime alienated ALIENATED, to be — 1 .To be disjointed, JJj 3 ) yaqa. Eze 23. 17 her mind was alienated from them 23.18 my mind was alienated from her 2.To be disjointed, TJ 33 naqa. Eze. 23. 18 my mind was alienated from her sister 23. 22 from whom thy mind is alienated 23. 28 from whom thy mind is alienated ALIKE — 1 .One, "inx echad. Eccl. 11' 6 whether they both (shall be) alike good 2. As, just as, kaasher. Eccl. 9. 2 All (things come) alike to all 3 . Also, even, ca gam. Prov.20. 10 both of them (are) alike abomination to 4 . Together, irq. Deuti2. 22 and the elean shall eat (of) them alike 15. 22 the clean (person shall eat it) alike 1 Sa. 30. 24 his part (lie), .they shall part alike Job 21. 26 They shall lie down alike in the dust Psa. 33. 15 He fashioneth their hearts alike ALIKE, to be — To be or show oneself equal, nitji shavah, 8. ITov. 27. 15 and a contentious woman are alike ALIVE 25 ALL ALIVE — 1. Alive, living, ’n cliai. Gen. 43. 7 (Is) your father yet alive? have ye 43. 27 the old man. (Is) he yet alive? 4 {. 28 iu good health, he (is) yet alive 45. 26 Joseph (is) yet alive, and he (is) governor 45. 28 enough; Joseph my sou (is) yet alive 46. 30 seen thy face, because thou (art) yet alive Exod. 4. 18 and see whether they be yet alive 22. 4 be certainly found in his hand alive Lev. 14. 4 that is to be cleansed two birds alive 16. 10 shall be presented alive before the Lord Niim 16. 33 went down alive into the pit Deut. 5. 3 who (are) all of us here alive this day 31. 27 I am yet alive with you this day Josh. 8. 23 The kiug of Ai they took alive, and 1 Sa. 15. 8 took, .the king of the Amalekites alive 2 Sa. 12. 18 while the child was yet alive, we spake 12. 2i weep for the child, (while it was) alive 12. 22 While the child was yet alive, I lasted 18. 14 he (was) yet alive in the midst of the oak 1 Ki. 20. 18 come out for peace, take them alive 20. 18 come out for war, take them alive 20. 32 And he said, (Is) he yet alive? 21. is Naboth is not alive, but dead 2 Ki. 7. 12 we shall catch them alive and get into 10. 14 Take them alive, .they took them alive 2CI1. 23. 12 And (other) ten thousand (left) alive Prov. 1. 12 Let us swallow them up alive Eze. 7. 13 although they were yet alive 2. Remaining one, remnant, Tie’ sarid. NU11121. 35 smote him, and. .none left him alive 3 . To live, (aw zao. „ Acts 1. 3 To whom also he shewed himself all) e q. 41 saints and widows, presented her alive 20. 12 they brought the young man alive, and 2s iq Jesus, .whom Paul afhrmed to be alive Rom. 6. 11 reckon ye also yourselves, .alive untoGod Rev. 1. 18 and, behold, I am alive for evermore 19. 20 These both were cast alive into a lake 01 [See also Preserve, save.] Dan. 3. 7 all the people heard. .all the people 4. 1 all people, .that dwell in all tile earth 4. 6 bring in all the wise (men) of Babylon 4. 11 to the end of all the earth 4. 12, 21 and in it (was) meat for all. .all flesh 4. 18 all the wise (men) of my kingdom are not 4. 20 and the sight thereof to all the earth 4. 28 All this came upon the king 4. 35 all the inhabitants of the earth 4. 37 the King of heaven, all whose works (are) 5. 8 Then came in all the king's wise (men) 5. 19 he gave him, all people, .and languages 5. 22 though thou knewest all this 5- 23 and whose (are) all thy ways 6. 7 All the presidents of the kingdom 6. 24 and brake all their bones in pieces 6. 25 Darius wrote unto all people, .in all the 7. 7 it (was) diverse from all the beasts 7. 14 that all people, .and languages, should ' . -111 it. ^ t .ill Hiio Acts 21. 31 22. 30 2 Co. I. I Phil. i. *3 1 Th. 4. 10 Heb. 3 - 2 3 - 5 Rev. 3. 10 13 - 3 7. 16 and asked nim the truth of all this 7 19 which was diverse from all the others 7 23 which shall be diverse from all kingdoms 7. 27 all dominions shall serve and obey him 3. Complete, wholly, Ws kalil. Exod. 28. 31 the robe of the ephod all (of) blue 39. 22 the ephod (of) woven work, all (of) blue 4. Multitude, m rob. Deut 28. 47 for the abundance of all (things) Job 4. 14 which made all my bones to shake ALIVE again, to be — To live again, avaCaw anazao. Luke 13. 24 this my son was dead, and is alive again x |. 32 thy brother was dead, and is alive [again] ALIVE, to be — To live, be active, (aw zao. .... , . Matt 27. 63 while he was yet alive, After three days I Marki6. 11 [they had heard that he was alive] Luke24. 23 which said that he was alive Acts 25. 19 Jesus.. whom Paul affirmed to be alive Rom. 6. 13 as those that are alive from the dead 7 q For I was alive without the law once 1 Th 4 13 that we which are alive (and) remain 2 17 Then we which are alive (and) remain Rev. 2 . 8 and the last, which was dead and is alive ALIVE, to keep — 1 .To keep living or alive, n;n chayah, 3. Gen. 7. 3 keep seed alive upon the face of all the Psa 22. 29 none can keep alive his own soul 30 3 thou hast kept me alive 33 19 and to keep them alive in famine 41. 2 The Lord will, .keep him alive 2 To keep living, restore life, n;n chayah, 5. Gen. 6. 19 to keep (them) alive with tliee 6 20 shall come unto thee, .keep (them) ali\e Numai’. 18 with him, keep alive for yourselves josh 14 10 behold, the Lord hath kept me alive 2Sa.' 8. 2 with one full line to keep alive 3.To keep living, n;q, chayah, 5. Dan. 5. 19 whom lie would he kept alive ALIVE, to leave — To keep living or alive , n^n chayah , 3. 1 Sa. 27. 9 left neither man nor woman alive ALIVE, to make — 1 To keep living or alive , chayah , 3. ' Deut 32. 39 I kill, and I make alive 1 Sa. 2. 6 The Lord killeth, and maketh alive 2 To keep living, restore life, n;n chayah, 5. 2 Ki. 5. 7 (Am) I God, to kill and to make alive 3 To make alive, (wovoiew zoopoieo. 1 Co. 15. 22 in Christ shall all be made alive ALL — 1. All, Sa kol. Geu. 3. 17 in sorrow shalt thou eat (of) it all the 2. AU, Sa kol. Ezra 4. 20 mighty kings. .have'ruled over all 5. 7 written thus; Unto Darius the king, all 6. 12 destroy all kings and people, that shall 6. 17 lambs, .for a sin offering for all Israel 7. 13 all they, .will to go up to Jerusalem 7 .16 all the silver and gold that, .in all 7. 21 I . .make a decree to all the treasurers 7. 25 judges, which may judge all. .all such Dan. 2. 12 the king, .commanded to destroy all the 2. 38 he. .hath made thee ruler over them all 2. 39 which shall bear rule over all the earth 2. 40 subdueth all. .as iron that breaketh all 2. 44 shall break in pieces and consume all 2. 48 the king made Daniel, .chief. .over all 3. 2, 3 all the rulers, .were gathered together 3. .3,7,10,15 the sound of. .all kinds of music 4 5 . All together, anas hapas. Matt. 6. 32 after all these things do the Gentiles 24. 39 until the flood came, and took them all 28. 11 shewed unto the chief priests all the Mark 5. 40 But when he had put them all out 11. 32 for all (men) counted John, that he was 16. 15 Go ye into all the world, and preach Luke 3. 16 John answered, saying unto (them) all, I '3. 21 Now when all the people were baptized 4. 6 All this power will I give thee, and 5. 11 they forsook all, and followed him 5 26 they were all amazed, and they glorified 5/28 he left all, rose up, and followed him 7. 16 there came a fear on all: and they 9. 15 they did so, and made them all sit down 15. 13 the younger son gathered all together 17 27 the flood came, and destroyed them all 17 29 it rained fire, .and destroyed (them) all iq. 7 when they saw (it,) they all murmured 19 48 all the people were very attentive to hear 21 4 all these have of their abundance cast 21 12 before all these, they shall lay their hands 2 1 they were [all] with one accord in one place 2' 4 they were all filled with the Holy Ghost 2'. 14 Ye men of Judea, and all (ye) that dwell 4 31 they were all filled with the Holy Ghost T 12 they were all with one accord in Solomon's 6 15 all that sat in the council, looking 11 10 all were drawn up again into heaven 13 29 when they had fulfilled all that was 16 3 they knew all that his father was a Greek 16. 28 Do thyself no harm : for we are all here 27 . 33 Paul besought (them) all to take meat 6. 13 and having done all, to stand 2 For in many things we offend all Luke Acts Eph. Jas. 6 . The whole, oXos holes. Matt. 1. 22 all this was done, that it might be 4. 23 Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching 4. 24 his fame went throughout all Syria 9. 26 the fame hereof went abroad into all that 9. 31 spread abroad his fame in all that country 14 35 they sent out into all that country round 20: 6 Why stand ye here all the day idle ? 21 4 [All] this was done; that it might be fulfilled 22. 37 all thy heart, .all thy soul, .all thy mind 22 40 O11 these two commandments hang all 24. 14 shall be preached in all the world 26. 56 all this was done, that the scriptures 26. 59 the chief priests, and elders, and all the Mark 1. 28 his fame spread abroad throughout all 1. 33 all the city was gathered together at the 1 39 And he preached, .throughout all Galilee 12. 30 all thy heart, .all thy soul, .all thy mind 12 33 And to love him with all the heart 12. 33 and with all the understanding 12. 33 [with all the soul,] and with all the strength 12. 44 all (they) did cast in of their abundance 14. 55 the chief priests and all the council Luke 1. 65 fear came on all that dwelt round 4 14 a fame of him through all the region 5. 5 Master, we have toiled all the night, and 7 17 this, .went forth throughout all Judea 8. 43 which had spent all her living on physicians 10. 27 all thy heart.. all thy soul.. all thy strength 23. 5 He stirreth up. .teaching throughout all 23. 44 there was a darkness over all the earth 2. 2 it filled all the house where they were 2. 47 Praising God, and having favour with all 5. 11 great fear came upon all the church 7. 10 delivered him out of all his afflictions 7. 11 Now there came a dearth over all the land 8. 37 If thou believest with [all] thine heart, thou 9. 32 as Peter passed throughout all (quarters) 9. 42 it was known throughout all Joppa 10. 22 of good report among all the nation 10. 37 which was published throughout all Judea 11. 28 should be a great dearth througlmut all 13. 49 the word, .throughout all the region 18. 8 believed on the Lord with all his house 19. 27 whom all Asia and the world worshippeth 21. 30 all the city was moved, and the people Acts 21. 31 that all Jerusalem was in an uproar 22. 30 commanded the chief priests aud all their 1. 1 all the saints which are in all Achaia 1. 13 bonds in Christ are manifest in all 4. 10 indeed ye do it toward all the brethren as also Moses (was faithful) in all his house 3 . 5 Moses verily (was) faithful in all his house 3. 10 which shall come upon all the world 13. 3 all the world wondered after the beast 7. How much, great, many, long, oaos hosos. 2 Co. 1. 20 all the promises of God in him (are) yea 3 . All, any, every, it as pas. Matt. 2. 3 he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with 3. 5 Jerusalem, and all Judea, aud all the 3. 15 for thus it becometh us to fulfil all . 6. 29 even Solomon in all his glory was not 18. 32 O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all 18. 34 till he should pay all that was due unto 21. 10 when he was come into Jerusalem, all the 23. 27 are within full, .of all uncleanness 23. 35 That upon you may come all the righteous 27. 25 Then answered all the people, and said 27. 45 there was darkness over all the land unto 28. 18 All power is given unto me in heaven and Mark 1. 5 there went out unto him all the land 2. 13 all the multitude resorted unto him 5. 33 and told him all the truth 7. 14 when he had called [all] the people 9. 15 straightway all the people, when they _ 11 18 all the people was astonished at his doctrine 2. 1 that all the world should be taxed 2. 10 great joy, xvhich shall be to all people 3 3 he came into all the country about Jordan 3. 6 all flesh shall see the salvation of God 4. 13 when the devil had ended all the tempta. 4. 25 great famine was throughout all the land 6. 17 multitude of people out of all Judea 7 17 rumour, .went forth throughout all Judea 7 29 And all the people that heard (him) 8. 47 she declared unto him before all the g. 13 and buy meat for all this people 10. 19 and over all the power of the euemy 12. 27 Solomon in all his glory was not 13 17 all his adversaries were ashamed 18. 43 all the people, when they saw- (it) 20. 6 [all] the people will stone us ; for 20. 45 in the audience of all the people 21. 38 aU the people came early in the morning 24. 19 a prophet mighty, .before, .all the people John s- 22 hath committed all judgment unto the bon 6 37 All that the Father givetli me shall come 6. 39 that of all xvhich he hath given me I should 8. 2 [and all the people came unto him] 16. 13 he will guide you unto all truth 1 7 . 2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh 1. 8 both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea 1 21 which have coinpaiiied xvitli us all the time 2 17 I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh 36 let all the house of Israel know assuredly 9 all the people saw him xvalking and 5'n all the people ran together unto them 4 29 that with all boldness they may speak thy I 21 all the senate of the children of Israel c 34 a doctor of the law. .among all the people 7 . 14 all his kindred, threescore and fifteen souls 7 22 And Moses xvas learned in all the wisdom 8 . 27 who had the charge of all her treasure 10 2 one that feared God xvitli all his house 10' 41 Not to all the people, but unto witnesses II 14 whereby thou and all thy house shall be 12 II and (from) all the expectation of the people 13 10 O full of all subtility and all mischief, .all 13 24 the baptism of repentance to all the people it 3Q And by him all that believe are justified it. it all the multitude kept silence, and gave 17. 11 they received the w ord xvitli all readiness of 17 26 hath made of one blood all nations 17. 26 to dwell Oil all the face of the earth iq. 27 whom all Asia and the world worshippeth 20 18 I have been with you at all seasons , ->0 19 Serving the Lord with all humility of mind to 27 to declare unto you all the counsel of God 20. 28 Take heed, unto yourselves, and to all 21 27 stirred up all the people, and laid hands 22 s and all the estate of the elders : from 23 1 I have lived in all good conscience before 24 , We accept (it) always, and in all places 23. 24 Festus said. King Agrippa, and all men 26 20 throughout all the coasts of Judea 27 20 all hope that we should be saved was 28 31 with all confidence, no man forbidding , ,8 the wrath of God.. against all ungodliness 1 2q Being filled with all unrighteousness 3 19 all the xvorld may become guilty before 4 16 Abraham; who is the father of us all 9. 17 name might be declared throughout all 10 18 their sound w ent into all the earth _ 11'. 26 so all Israel shall lie saved : as it is is 13 the God of hope fill you with all joy and is. 14 filled with all knowledge, able also to 1. 5 in all utterance, and (in) all knowledge 13. 2 understand all mysteries, and all IS. 24 he shall have put doxvn all rule and all is. 39 All flesh (is) not the same flesh: but 1. 3 Father of mercies, and the God of all 1. 4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation 7. i let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness 7. 4 I am exceeding joyful in all our 8. 7 and knowledge, and (in) all diligence, and 9. 8 God (is) able to make all grace abound . .all 9. 11 Being enriched in everything to all Acts Rom. iCo. i Co. ALL 26 ALL 1 Co. io. 6 having in a readiness to revenge all Dal. i2. 12 were wrought among you in all patience K Ph s. 14 all the law is fulfilled in one word i. 3 who hath blessed us with all spiritual i. 8 he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom 1. 2i Far above all principality, and power, and 2. 21 Xu whom all the building fitly framed 3. 19 that ye might be filled with all the fulness 4. 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with 4. 19 to work all uncleanness with greediness 4. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and. all 5. 3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or 5. 9 (For the fruit of the Spirit (is) in all 6. 18 with all prayer, .all perseverance, .for all Phil. 1. 9 your love may abound. .(in) all judgment 1. 20 but (that) with all boldness, as always 2. 29 Receive him. .in the Lord with all gladness 4. 7 the peace of God, which passeth all 4. 19 But my God shall supply all your need Col. 1. 6 Which is come unto you, as. .in all the 1. 9 in all wisdom and spiritual understanding 1. 10 ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all 1. n Strengthened with all might..all patience 1. 19 that in him should all fulness dwell 1. 28 and teaching every man in all wisdom; that 2. 2 and unto all riches of the full assurance of 2. 9 in him dwelleth all the fulness of the 2. 10 which is the head of all principality and 2. 19 from which all the body by joints and 3. 16 dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching 4. 12 that ye may stand, .in all the will of God 1 Th. 3. 7 in all our affliction and distress, by your 3. 9 for all the joy wherewith we joy for your 5. 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil 2 Th. 1. ii and fulfil all the good pleasure of (his) 2. 4 exalteth himself above all that is called 2. 9 with all power and signs and lying wonders 2. 10 with all deceivableness of unrighteousness 3. 16 The Lord (be) with you all 1 Ti. 1. 15 a faithful saying, and worthy of all accepta. 1. 16 Jesus Christ might shew forth all loug-suff 2. 2 For kings, and (for) all that are in authority 2. 11 Let the woman learn in silence with all 3. 4 having his children in subjection with all 4. 9 a faithful saying and worthy of all accepta. 5. 2 the younger as sisters, with all purity 6. 1 count their own masters worthy of all 2 Ti. 3. 16 All scripture (is) given by inspiration of 3. 17 throughly furnished unto all good works 4. 2 reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suff. Titus 2. 10 Not purloining, but shewing all good 2. 14 that he might redeem us from all iniquity 2. 15 These things speak, .and rebuke with all 3. 2 gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men Heb. 2. 15 deliver them who. .were all their lifetime 6. 16 an oath, .(is) to them an end of all strife 7. 7 without all contradiction the less is 9. 19 to all the people, .and all the people Jas. 1. 2 count it all joy when ye fall into 1. 21 lay apart all filthiness and superfluity 4. 16 ye rejoice in your boastings : all such 1 Pe. 1. 24 all flesh (is) as grass, and all the glory 2. 1 all malice, .all guile, .all evil-speakings 2. 18 (be) subject to (your) masters with all fear 5. 7 Casting all your care upon him ; for he 5. 10 But the God of all grace, who hath called 2 Pe. 1. 5 beside this, giving all diligence, add to 1 Jo. 1. 7 and the blood, .cleansetli 11s from all sin 1. 9 to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 2. 16 For all that (is) in the world, the lust 5. 17 All unrighteousness is sin : and there is a Jude 3 when I gave all diligence to write to you Rev. 5. 6 the seven, .sent forth into all the earth 7. 4 there were) sealed.. of all the tribes 7. 9 which no man could number, of all 7. 17 and God shall wipe away all tears from 8. 7 and all green grass was burnt up 11. 6 and to smite the earth with all plagues 12. s who was to rule all nations with a rod 13. 7 power was given him over all kindreds 13. 12 he exerciseth all the power of the first 18. 12 all thyine wood, .all manner, .all manner 18. 17 every shipmaster, and all the company in 21. 4 God shall wipe away aU tears from Plural. Matt. 1. 17 So all the generations from Abraham to 2. 4 when he had gathered all the chief priests 2.16 slew all the children that were in. .all the 4. 8 sheweth him all the kingdoms of the 4. 9 All these things will I give thee, if 4. 24 they brought unto him all sick people 5. 15 it giveth light unto all that are 5. 18 one tittle, .till all be fulfilled 6. 32 that ye have need of all these things 6. 33 all these things shall be added unto 8. 16 word, and healed all that were sick 9. 35 Jesus went about all the cities and 10. 30 hairs of your head are all numbered 11. 13 all the prophets and the law prophesied 11. 28 Come unto me, all (ye) that labour and 12. 15 great multitudes.. and he healed them all 12. 23 all the people were amazed, and said ; 13. 32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds 13- 34 -All these things spake Jesus unto the 1.3. 44 for joy thereof goeth and selleth all 13 46 went and sold all that he had, and 13. 51 Have ye understood all these things? 13. 56 are they not all.. whence.. all these 14. 20 And they did all eat, and were filled 14. 35 brought unto him all that were diseased 15. 37 And they did all eat, and were filled Matt. 18. 25 and all that he had. and payment to 18. 26 Lord, have patience..! will pay thee all 18. 29 Have patience, .and 1 will pay thee [all] 18. 31 told unto their lord all that was done 19. 20 All these things have I kept from my 19. 27 Behold, we have forsaken all, and 21. 12 and cast out all them that sold and 21. 26 for all hold John as a prophet 22. 10 and gathered together all as many as 22. 27 And last of all the woman died also 22. 28 in the resurrection. .for they all had 23. 3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you 23. 5 But all their works they do for to be seen 23. 8 (even) Christ; and all ye are brethren 23. 36 All these things shall come upon this 24. 2 See ye not all these things? verily 1 24. 6 for [all] (these things) must come to pass 24. 8 All these (are) the beginning of sorrows 24. 9 and ye shall be hated of all nations 24. 14 this gospel, .shall be preached in all the 24. 30 and then shall all the tribes of the earth 24. 33 when ye shall see all these things, know 24. 34 this generation shall not pass, till all these 24. 47 he shall make him ruler over all his goods 25. 5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all 25. 7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed 25. 31 and all the holy angles with him, thenj 25. 32 before him shall be gathered all nations 26. 1 when Jesus had finished all these sayings 26. 27 saying, Drink ye all of it 26. 31 Then saith Jesus unto them. All ye shall 26. 35 Likewise also said all the disciples 26. 52 for all they that take the sword, shall 26. 56 Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled 26. 70 But he denied before (them) all, saying 27. 1 When the morning was come, all the chief 27. 22 all say unto him, Let him be crucified 28. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations Mark 1. 5 there went out unto him all the land 1. 27 they were all amazed, insomuch that they 1. 32 they brought unto him all that were 2. 12 went forth before them all; insomuch, .all 3. 28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be 4. 13 how then will ye know all parables? 4 31 less than all the seeds that be in the earth 4. 32 it. .becometn greater than all herbs 5. 12 [all] the devils besought him, saying, Send 5 26 and had spent all that she had, and was 6. 33 ran afoot thither out of all cities 6. 39 he commanded them to make all sit 6. 41 two fishes divided he among them all 6 42 And they did all eat, and were filled 6. 50 For they all saw him, and were troubled 7. 3 For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except 7. 19 goeth out into the draught, purging all 7. 23 All these evil things come from within 9. 35 shall be last of all, and servant of all 10. 20 all these have I observed from my youth 10. 28 we have left all, and have followed thee 10. 44 the chiefest, shall be servant of all it. 17 My house shall be called of all nations 12. 22 last of all the woman died also 12. 28 Which is the first commandment of all ? 12. 29 The first [of all the commandments].. Hear 12. 33 all the heart, .all the. .all the soul, .all the 12. 43 this poor widow hath cast more in than all 12. 44 For all (they) did cast in of their abundance 13. 4 what (shall be) the sign when all these 13. 10 gospel must first be published among all 13. 30 this generation shall not pass, till all these 13 37 what I say unto you, I say unto all 14. 23 he took the cup..and they all drank 14. 27 And Jesus saith unto them, All ye shall 14. 29 Peter said unto him, Although all shall 14. 31 Likewise also said they all 14. 50 And they all forsook him, and fled 14. 53 with him were assembled all the chief 14. 64 they all condemned him to be guilty Luke 1. 6 they were both righteous, .walking in all 1. 48 behold, from henceforth all generations 1. 63 And they marvelled all 1. 65 on all. .all these sayings, .all the hill . 1. 66 And all they that heard (them) laid (them) 1. 71 from the hand of all that hate us 1. 75 In holiness, .before him, all the days 2. 3 all went to be taxed, every one into 2. 18 all they that heard (it) wondered at 2. 19 Mary kept all these things, and pondered 2. 31 thou hast prepared before the face of all 2. 38 spake of him to all them that looked 2. 47 all that heard him were astonished 2. 51 his mother kept all these sayings in 3. 15 all men mused in their hearts of John 3. 19 for all the evils which Herod had done 3. 20 Added yet this above all, that he shut 4. 5 the devil, .shewed unto him all the 4. 7 If thou, .wilt worship me, all shall 4. 15 And he taught, .being glorified of all 4. 20 the eyes of all them that were in 4. 22 all bare him witness, and wondered at 4. 28 all they in the synagogue when they 4. 36 they were all amazed, and spake among 4. 40 all they that had any sick with divers 5. 9 he was astonished, and all that were 6. 10 looking round about upon them all, he 6. 19 went virtue out. and healed (them) all 6. 26 Woe unto you when [all] men shall speak 7. 1 Now when he had ended all his sayings 7. 18 the disciples, .shewed him of all these 7. 35 Wisdom is justified of [all] her children 8. 40 for they were all waiting for him 8. 45 Jesus said, Who touched me? When all Luke 8. 52 And all wept, and bewailed her: but he 8. 54 And he [put them all out, and] took 9. 1 gave them power and authority over all 9. 7 Herod the tetrarch heard of all that 9. 17 And they did eat, and were all filled 9. 23 And he said to (them) all, If any 9. 43 they were all amazed at the mighty 9. 48 for he that is least among you all 11. 50 That the blood of all the prophets, which 12. 7 very hairs of your head are all numbered 12. 18 there will I bestow all my fruits i2. 30 all these things do the nations of 12. 31 [all] these things shall be added 12. 41 this parable unto us, or even to all? 12. 44 that he will make him ruler over all 13. 2 these Galileans were sinners above all the 13. 3 except ye repent, yc shall all likewise 13. 4 think ye that they were sinners above all 13. 5 except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish 13. 17 all his. .all the people, .foralltheglorious 13. 27 depart from me, all (ye) workers of iniquity 13. 28 when ye shall see Abraham, .and all the 14. 18 they all with one (consent) began to 14. 29 all that behold (it) begin to mock him 14. 33 whosoever he be. that forsaketh not all is. 1 Then drew near unto him all the publicans 15. 14 when he had spent all, there arose 15. 31 and all that I have is thine 16. 14 the Pharisees also..heard all these things 16. 26 beside all this, between us and you 17. 10 when ye shall have done all those things 18. 12 I give tithes of all that I possess 18. 21 he said. All these have I kept from 18 22 Vet lackest thou one thing: sell all 18. 28 Peter said, Lo, we have left [all,] and 19. 37 for all the mighty works that they 20. 32 Last [of all] the woman died also 20. 38 for all live unto him 2i* 3 widow hath cast in more than they all 21. 15 I will give you a mouth, .which all 21. 24 shall be led away captive into all 21. 29 Behold the fig tree, and all the trees 21. 32 generation shall not pass away till all 21. 35 as a snare shall it come on all 21. 36 ye may be accounted worthy to escape all 22. 70 Then said they all. Art thou then the 23. 48 all the people that come together to 23. 49 all his acquaintance, and the women 24. 9 and told all these things, .to all the rest 24. 14 they talked together of all these things 24. 21 beside all this, to-day is the third day 24. 25 O fools, and slow of heart to believe all 24. 27 all the prophets, .in all the scriptures tho 24. 47 preached..among all John 1. 16 of his fulness have all we received 2. 15 he drove them all out of the temple 3. 31 He that cometh from above is above all 3. 31 he that cometh from heaven is above all 4. 39 He told me all that ever I did 5. 28 the hour is coming, in the which all 6 . 4s they shall be all taught of God 7. 21 I have done one work, and ye all marvel 10. 8 All that ever came before me are thieves 10. 29 My greater than all: and no 13. 10 and ye are clean, but not all 13. 11 Ye are not all clean 13. 18 I speak not of you all: I know 15. 21 all these things will they do unto 17. 10 all mine are thine, and thine are 17. 21 That they all may be one ; as thou 18. 40 Then cried they all again, saying, Not this Acts 1. 1 The former treatise have I made..of all 1. 14 all continued with one accord in prayer 1. 18 and all his bowels gushed out 1. 19 it was known unto all the dwellers 2. 7 they were [all] amazed, and marvelled 2. 7 are not all these which speak Galileans? 2. 12 they were ail amazed, and were in 2. 32 whereof we are all witnesses 2. 39 the promise is unto you. .and to all 2. 44 all that believed were together, and had 3. 16 this..soundness in the presence of you all 3. 18 had shewed by the mouth of all his 3. 21 God hath spoken by the mouth of all 3. 22 him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever 3. 24 Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and 3. 25 in thy seed shall all the kindreds of 4. 10 Be it known unto you all, and to all 4. 16 a notable miracle.. (is) manifest to all them 4. 24 thou (art) God, which hast made, .all that 4. 33 great grace was upon them all 5. 5 great fear came on all them that 5. 11 great fear came upon all the church 5 17 Then the high priest rose up, and all 5. 20 Go. .stand and speak, .to the people all 5. 23 The prison truly found we shut with all 5. 36 all, as many as obeyed him. were 5. 37 all, (even) as many as obeyed him 7. 10 delivered him out of all his afflictions 7. 50 Hath not my hand made all these things? 8. 1 they were all scattered abroad throughout 8. 10 To whom they all gave heed, from the least 8. 40 he preached in [all] the cities, till he came 9. 14 here he hath authority. .to bind all 9. 21 all that heard (him) were amazed, and 9. 26 they were all afraid of him, and 9. 35 all that dwelt at Lydda and Saron 9. 39 all the widows stood by him weeping 9. 40 Peter put them all forth, and kneeled 10. 33 Nowthereforeareweallherepresentbefore 10. 36 Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all) 10. 38 healing all that were oppressed of ALL 27 ALL ■ To him give all the prophets witness Lcts \ ' \\ the Holy Ghost fell on all them which 11 23 Who, when he came, .exhorted them all “• 1 a man.. which shall fulfil all my will 16 Who in times past suffered all nations to ,c 3 they caused great joy unto all T s ', y the residue of men might seek, .all the 17 saiththe Lord, who doeth (all these things] iS [Known unto God are all his works], from g; 26 immediately all the 4°ors were opened Tfi 22 and to all that were in his house j6 35 was baptized, he and all Ins, straightway 3 j Whom Jason hath received : and these all 7 o, ill the Athenians and strangers which \\ \\ seeing he gtveth to all life.. and all things ; . 30 now commaudeth all men everywhere ,7. 31 he hath given assurance uuto aU (men) 28 z that Claudius had commanded all Jews 18. 17 all the Greeks took Sosthenes the chuf 18 22 he departed, and went over (all) the iq'. 7 And all the men were about twelve sn that all they which dwelt in Asia. \% i 7 brought., books., and burned ..before all ,q 34 all with one voice. .cried out. Great is) I - 4 mi now, behold, I know that ye all 20] 26 I (am) pure from the blood of all (men) 20 32 to give you an inheritance among al- 20'. 36 he kneeled down, and frayed wj,‘^em al 20 37 they all wept sore, and fell on Paul e 21 - they all brought us on our way 2I ' 18 and all the elders were Present 21 20 and they are all zealous of the law 21 . 2t thou teachest [all] the Jews which1 are 21 21 and all may know that those things 22. 3 and was zealous toward God, as ye all 22' 12 having a good report of all the Jews 22' 15 thou shalt be his witness unto all men c a mover of sedition among all the dews 1 thvself mayest take knowledge of all these lc 1 King A“Tippa and all men which are here ll (1 know 0 ) thee to be expert in all customs c \iv manner of life..know all the Jews 26 14 when we were all fallen to the earth 26. 29 but also all that hear me this day y. anH ir> Ood hath giveu thee all them 27'. 35 gave thanks to God in presence of them all 27 ?6 Then were they all of good clieeL 27 37 And we were in all in the ship 27. 44 that they escaped all safe to land 28 20 received all that came in unto him Eom 1 5 for obedience to the faith among all iWm ' j | xo all that be in Rome, beloved of God 8 First, I thank my God. .for you all * o that they are all under sin o 12 They are all gone out of the way, they % 22 unto all and upon all them that believe \ 22 by faith of Jesus Christ unto all 3 23 all have sinned, and come short of the a 1 ? that lie might be the father of all 4 ! 16 the promise might be sure to all the seed C 18 upon all men to. .upon all men unto I 12 so death passed upon all men. for that all 8 32 delivered him up for us all how shall- 37 Nay in all these things we are more ' Christ (came), who is over all, Ood blessed % 6 they (are) not all Israel, winch are of Israel o 7 Neither..are (they all) children, but the same Lord over all is rich unto all ,0 x 6 But they have not all obeyed the gospel \°' 32 concluded them all. .have mercy upon all \l 3 4 and all members have not the same office ,2'. 17 Provide things honest in the sight of 1all 12 18 If it he possible, .live peaceably with all 12. 10 11 ^ t' i _ t — ol| dims *3 1 Co. Co. Gal. Eph. 6 . Phil Col T2 18 it lb oe POSSUJIC. . “ 33 7 Render therefore to all their dues ,4 10 we shall all stand before the judgment l-' 1° Praise..allyeGentiles. .laud . .allye people ,5 - . 33 Now the Ood of peace (b e ) w-ith you a l A 1 but also all the churches of the Gentiles 16] IS Salute Philologus. and all the saints which / „, The urace of our Lord, - (be) with you all x 6. 26 made known to all nations for the obedience 1 Co 1. 10 I beseech you. .that ye all speak , 22 or things to come; all are your s , 7 For I would that all men were even 717 And so ordain I in all churches 8* 7 we know that we all have knowledge q' i„ For though I oe free from all (men) n 2! that they which run m a race run all ,0 I how that all our fathers .all passed ,0' 2 were all baptized unto Moses in the io. 3 did all eat the same spiritual meat ,0. 4 did all drink the same spiritual dnnk m 11 ralll these things happened unto them * we a re all partakers of than one bread 10 31 whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God I2 ' \ the same God which worueth all m all 12 11 all these worketh that one and the ^ 12 12 aud all the members of that one body 12. 13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized, .all 12 iq if they were ail one member, where 12'. 26 all the members suffer, .all the members 12 2q all apostles, .all prophets. .allte^herib .al. 20 Have all the gifts of healing ? do all.. do all 13' 3 2 understand all mysteries, and all knowledge 13 3 though I bestow all my goods to feed 14! 5 I would that ye all spake with tongues T sneak with tongues more than ye an it i 8 3 LS all speak with tongues, and there come it 2! But if all prophesy. .he is judged of .all 14 31 For ye may all prophesy. .all may. .all may 14. 35 as in all churches of the saints 15. 7 he was seen of James; then of all the i 3 . 8 And last of all he was seen of me also is 10 I laboured more abundantly than they all it. iq we are of all men most miserable 13 22 as in Adam all die, even so in Christ , .all it. Is till he hath put all enemies under his feet 15. 28 all things, .put all things, .be all in all I, 51 We shall not all sleep, but we shall all ,6. lo All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one 2 a Mv love (be) with you all in Christ . 1' \ with all the saints which are in all Achaia 2' 3 confidence in you all that, .joy of. .all 2 3 that I may not overcharge you all 2 2 Ye are our epistle. .read of all men 3 t 8 we all. witli open face beholding as m t. 10 we must all appear before the judgment s. , 4 if one died for all, then were all dead C 13 And (that) he died for all, that they 7 13 because his spirit was refreshed by you all 7. 13 he remembereth the obedience of you all 8. 18 whose praise (is), .throughout all 11. 28 Beside, .the care of all the churches 13 2 and to all other, that, if I come again 13 13 All the saints salute you 13’. 14 The grace of the Lord. .(he) with you all 1. t all the brethren which are with me 2. 14 I said unto Peter before (them) all, If 3. 8 In thee shall all nations be hissed 3. 22 the scripture hath concluded all under 3 26 For ye are all the children of God 3 28 for ye are all one in Christ Jesus 4. 1 the heir, .though he be lord of all 26 which is the mother of us [all] 6 communicate unto him. .in all 1. is and love unto all the saint3 # 1.23 fulness of him that filleth all m all 2. Among whom also we all had our 3! 8 who am less than the least of all sal . n j ®. , 3. ,8 May be able to comprehend with all samts o 20 exceeding abundantly above all that we asK 3 21 Unto him (be) glory.. throughout all ages 4 6 of all. above all. .through all. .in you all I 10 that he might fill all things 4. 13 Till we all come in the unity of 6. 16 [Above all], taking the shield of faith, .all 6 18 Praying always with all prayer aud 6. 24 Grace (be) witli all them that love our Loul 1 1 to all the saints in Christ Jesus which / 4 for you all making request with joy ' t 0 i you all. .ye all are partakers of my giace 1. 8 how greatly X long after you all in 1. 13 my bonds in Christ are manifest in all 1. 23 I know that I shall abide, .with you all 2. 17 I joy, and rejoice with you all 2. 21 For all seek their own, not the thin 0 s 2 26 For he longed after you all, and was a 3 Let your moderation be known unto all 4. 18 But I have all, and abound: 1 anl , 1 22 All the saints salute you, chiefly they that 1 23 The grace of our Lord, .(be) with you all 1. 4 the love (which ye have) to all the saints 2 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of 2 n having forgiven you all trespasses _ 2. 22 Which all are to perish with the using 3 8 But now ye also put off all these 3 11 but Christ (is) all, and in all 3 14 above all these things (put on) cha^rity 3 . 17 whatsoever ye do. .(do) all in the name l 7 All my state shall Tychicus declare unto 1 2 We give thanks to God always for you all 1 7 So that ye were ensamples to all tnat 13 and are contrary to all men 13 at the coming of our Lord. .with all 6 the Lord (is) the avenger of all such ,0 indeed ye do it toward a 'l th « bre ‘| ren 3 Ye are all the children of light, and 26 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss 27 that this epistle be read unto all 3 the charity of every one of you all toward 1 4 for your patience and faith in all youi 1 10 and to be admired in all them that 2 12 That they all might be damned who 3 18 The grace of our Lord, .(be) with you all 2. 1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all. .for all 2 2 For kings, and (for) all that are in 2 a Who will have all men to be saved 6 Who gave himself a ransom for ait 4 10 the living God, who is the saviour of all 4. 15 that thy profiting may appear to all 3 20 ThenVthat sin rebuke before all that b 10 the love of money is the root of all evil This thou knowest, that all they which for their folly shall be manifest unto all but out of (them) all the Lord delivered “ I2 Yea. and all that will live godly in 8 unto [all] them also that love his appearm 0 and (that) all the Gentiles might hear -i 7 —__ IaIR III OA 011(1 oil t.hft Heb 11 13 These all died in faith, not having received 11' 30 these all, having obtained a good report 12 8 if ye be without chastisement, whereof all, 12’. 23 to God the Judge of all, and to the 13 4 Marriage (is) honourable in all, and the 13 24 all them that have the rule over, .and all 13. 23 Grace (be) with you all. Amen Jas 1. 8 A double-minded man (is) unstable in all 2.10 he is guilty of all „ . 1 Pe 21 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all ' 3 8 Finally, (be ye) ail of one mind, having 3 3 Yea, all (of you) be subject one to anothei 3. 14 Peace (be) with you all that are in 2 Pe 3 q but that all should come to repentance 2 11 (Seeing) then (that) all these tilings shall 3. 16 As also In all (his) epistles, speaking in Jo. 2. 19 that they were not all of us Jo. x and not I only, but also all they 3 Jo 12 Demetrius hath good report of all M Jude 15 upon all. .convince aU. .of all then. .and Rev. 1 7 all kindreds of the earth shall 2. 23 all the churches shall know that I 3 13 every creature, .all that are in 7. 11 all the angels stood round about 8. 3 with the prayers of all saints upon the ,2. 3 a man child, who was to rule all nations 13. 8 all that dwell upon the earth shall n. t 6 he caused all, both small and gi’.eat 14 8 because she made all nations drink or 3 c* 4 all nations shall come and worship 18. 3 all nations have drunk of the wine 18 to wherein were made rich all that had snips 18. 23 the light..shall shine no more, at a ]t 18 24 in her was found the blood, .of all that iq. 3 Praise our God, all ye his servants, and 19. 17 saying to all the fowls that fly in 10 21 all the fowls were filled with their 21. 8 all liars, shall have their part in 22 21 grace of our Lord, .(be) with you all [See also Any, at, first, glorious here house m, most, uo, places, put, sorts, speed, therein.] 9. Number, iscp mispar. Eccl. 2. 3 winch they should do., all the days o 5. 18 under the sun all the days of his hfe 6. 12 all the days of his vain., which he spendeth ALL abroad — To spread out, nay shatach. Num 11. 32 and they spread (them) all abroad for ALL along — 1 To 00 . ao on, halak. . _ ' Jeix 4/ 6 to meet them, weeping all along as he 2. Fulness, melo. , 1 Sa. 28. 20 Saul fell straightway all along on the ALL, at — Wholly, irdvras pantos. 1 Co. 16. 12 but liis will was not at all to come a iTh. 1 Til iTi 2 Ti. 15 9} a. 17 ana itnat/ vv/uv.. *Y °n 4 21 Eubulus greetetli thee, .and all the ■ .7 __ViofVt a-nnpfirfin tO Titus 2. 11 3 Phm. Heb. :i the grace of God. .hath appeared to all •3 2 shewing all meekness unto all men 3. 15 AU that are with me salute thee, .you all 3 3 Hearing of thy love and faith, toward all 1. 6 let all the angels of God worship him 1 11 they all shall wax old as doth a garment ' j. Are they not all ministering spirits, sent 2. 8 Thou hast put all things in subjection For both he that sanctifieth. .(are) all of 2 II -POL UUulI UO i/iicvv , 7’ 16 howbeit not all that came out of Egypt 4. 4 God did rest the seventh day from all 3 q he became the author of.. salvation unto all 7 2 Abraham gave a tenth part of all; hrst 8. 11 for all shall know me, from the least 9 21 he sprinkled likewise with blood, .all the ALL at onoe — . All together, Trafi-rrAridii parnplelhei. „„ vina . Luke 23. 18 And they cried out all at once, saying ALL gone, to be — To be finished, Dpi? tamam. 1 Ki. 14. 10 taketli away dung, till it be all gone ALL here, to be — ALL, in — ^ Num 31^35 thirty and two thousand persons in all ALL life long — A 9 t n n. y 4 8.’i5G0°f which fed me all my life long ALL manner —- L lxod^f wisdom of heart, to work all manner of 2 All. any, every, was pas. Matt. 4. 23 all manner of. .and all manner of disease 3 11 shall say all manner of evil against 10 1 all manner of sickness and all manner 12 31 Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of Luken. 42 ye tithe mint and rue and all manner Rom 7 8 sin. .wrought in me all maunei of , Pe.' 1. 15 he yc holy in all manner of conversation Rev 21 i9 foundations . .garnished with all manner 18. 12 all manner vessels...and all manner ALL night — , , , , [See Abide, lie, lodge, tarry.] ALL that — IIow much, great, long, many, Luke 9. 10 the apostles . .told him all that they Acts 4 . 23 let go, they went, .and reported all that 14. 27 they rehearsed all that God had done ALL that is therein — Fulness, melo. . , . Isa. 34. 1 the earth...and all that is therein 42. 10 the sea, and all that is therein Jer. 8. 16 the land, and all that is in it _ 47. 2 the laud, and all that is therein Eze 12. iq he desolate from all that is therein 30. 12 the land waste, and all that is therein Amos 3 6. 8 up the city, with all that is therein Mic. 1. 2 0 earth, and all that therein is ALL 28 ALREADY ALL things — All together, arras hapas. Luke 2. 39 when they had performed all things Acts 2. 44 believed were together, and had all things 4. 32 they had all things common 10. 8 when he had declared all (these) things ALLEGE, to — To put alongside, iraparld-npi paratithemi. Acts 17. 3 Opening and alleging, that Christ must ALLEGORY, to be a — To speak otherwise, aWrjyopea allegored. Gal. 4. 24 Which things are an allegory : for these ALLELUIA — Praise Jah, a\\r)\oma allelouia. Rev. 19. 1 I heard a great voice, .saying, Alleluia 19. 3 And again they said, Alleluia 19. 4 worshipped God. .saying, Amen; Alleluia 19. 6 mighty tliunderings, saying. Alleluia ALLIED — Near, anjj qarob. Nell. 13. 4 the house of our God, (was) allied AL' LON, pWs’ an oalc. 1 . A city uear Kadesh Naphtali. Josh. 19. 33 their coast was. .from A. to Zaanannim 2. The chief of a family in Simeon, B.c. 715. 1 Ch. 4. 37 the son of Shiphi, the son of A., the son AL LON-BA -CHUTH, maa jij’X oak of weeping. A place near Bethel where Deborah was buried. Gen. 35. 8 and the name of it was called A. B. ALLOW, to — 1. To know, recognise, yii/dor/tu ginosko. Rom. 7. 15 that which I do I aliow not -■ To make trial, test, proof SoKipdfa dokimazo. Rom. 14. 22 in that thing which he alloweth 1 Th. 2. 4 as we were allowed of God to be 3. To receive to oneself, npoaSexopai prosdechomai. Acts 24. 15 which they themselves also allow, that 4 . To think well of together, frurcuboKeu suneudokeo. Luke 11. 48 ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds ALLOWANCE — Customary or usual diet, nrnx aruchah. 2 Ki. 25. 30 allowance (was) a continual allowance ALLURE, to — 1 . To persuade, entice, nns pathah, 3 . IIos. 2. 14 I will allure her, and bring her 2. To lay a bait, SeA ed£u> deleazo. 2 Pe. 2. 18 they allure through the lusts of the flesh Job. ALMIGHTY — 1. Sufficient, mighty, 'TO shaddai. Gen. 17. I I (am) the Almighty God; walk before 28. 3 God Almighty bless thee, and make thei 35. 11 I (am) God Almighty: be fruitful and 43. 14 God Almighty give you mercy before th< 48. 3 God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz 49. 25 by the Almighty, who shall bless thee Exod. 6. 3 by (the name of) God Almighty Num 24. 4 which saw the vision of the Almighty 24. 16 (which) saw the vision of the Almighty Ruth 1. 20 the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly 1. 21 the Almighty hath afflicted me ? 5- 17 despise, .the chastening of the Almightj 6. 4 the arrows of the Almighty (are) within 6. 14 he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty 8. 3 doth the Almighty pervert justice ’ 8. s make thy supplication to the Ahni-hty 11. 7 canst thou find out the Almighty 13. 3 Surely I would speak to the Almighty 15. 25 he strengtheneth.. against the Almighty 21.15 What (is) the Almighty, that we should 21. 20 shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty 22. 3 (Is it) any pleasure to the Almighty” 22. 17 what can the Almighty do for them ’ 22. 23 to the Almighty, thou slialt be built up 22. 25 the Almighty shall be thy defence 22. 26 thou have thy delight in the Almighty 23. 16 and the Almighty troubleth me 24. 1 times are not hidden from the Almighty 2 7 - 2 BS Almighty, (who) hath vexed my soul 27. 10 Will he delight himself in the Almighty’ 27. 11 which (is) with the Almighty will I not ‘ 27. 13 they shall receive of the Almighty 29. 5 the Almighty (was) yet with me 31. 2 (what) inheritance of the Almighty from 3 1. 35 Oh. .(that) the Almighty would answer 32. 8 the Almighty giveth them understanding 33. 4 the Almighty hath given me life 34 - 10 far be it. .(from) the Almighty, (that he) 34. 12 neither will the Almighty pervert 35 - 13 neither will the Almighty regard it 37. 23 (Touching) the Almighty, we cannot find p .„ 2 ®, hal ! , he : with the Almighty instruct J sa. 68. 14 the Almighty scattered kings in it 91. 1 abide under the shadow of the Almighty Isa. 13. 6 come as a destruction from the Almighty Eze. 1. 24 as the voice of the Almighty 10. 5 as the voice of the Almighty God Joel 1. 15 as a destruction from the Almighty 2. All-powerful, iravroKpaTup pantokrator. 2 Co. 6. 18 be a Father, .saith the Lord Almighty Kcv. 1. 8 and which is to come, the Almighty 4. 8 saying,Holy,holy,holy,LordGodAlmighty 11. 17 give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty 15. 3 marvellous, .works, Lord God Almighty 16. 7 Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and 16. 14 gather them to the battle. .God Almighty 19. 15 lie treadeth the winepress.. of Almighty 21. 22 the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb AL-MO'-DAD, the agitator. Son of Joktau, of the family of Sliem, B.c. 2210. Gen. 10. 26 And Joktau begat A., and Shelepli, and 1 Ch. 1. 20 And Joktan begat A., and Sheleph, and AL-'MON, poiu! hiding place. A Levitical town in Benjamin. Josh. 21. 18 and A. with her suburbs; four cities AL-MON-DIB-LA-THA-IM, novrtai pc^y. The 39th encampment of Israel after leaving Egypt, the 28th from Sinai, and the 8th from Eziongeber. It was in the territory of Sihon, and probably N. of the wilder¬ ness of Kedemoth. See Bcth-diblatliaiui. ALMOND — Almond, ipy shaqed. Gen. 43. 11 a little honey, .nuts, and almonds Num 17. 8 bloomed blossoms, and yielded almonds ALMOND TREE — Almond tree, ipt? shaqed. Ecel. 12. 5 and the almond tree shall flourish Jer. i. 11 I see a rod of an almond tree ALMONDS, made after the fashion of — To be like almondsshaqad, 4 . Exod 37. 19 howls made after the fashion of almonds ALMONDS, made like — To be like almonds, ipd sliaqad, 4 . Exod 25. 33 three bowls made like almonds 37. 19 three bowls made like almonds in 37. 20 four bowls made like almonds ALMONDS, made like unto — To be like almonds, ipy shaqad, 4. Exod 25. 33 Three bowls made like unto almonds ALMOST — 1. A little, few, ayo me-at. Exod 17. 4 they be almost ready to stone mi Psa. 73. 2 my feet were almost gone 94. 17 my soul had almost dwelt iu silence 119. 87 They had almost consumed me upon Prov. 5. 14 I was almost in all evil 2. In or with a little, iv oXiyoo en oligd. Acts 26. 28 Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou 26. 29 both almost, and altogether such as I am 3. Almost, nearly, trxebiv scliedon. Acts 13. 44 the next sabbath-day came almost the 19. 26 almost throughout all Asia, this Paul Ileb. 9. 22 almost all thiugs are by the law purged ALMOST, to be — To be about to, pe\\u melld. Acts 2i. 27 when the seven days were almost ended ALMS — Kindness, kind act, eA er\po cn polio. Acts 26. 29 [altogether] such as I am, except these ALWAYS A'-LUSH, riiVk wild place. The pth encampment of Israel on the way from Sin to Sinai. Hum33. 13 And they departed, .and encamped in A. 33. 14 And they removed from A., and encamped AL'-VAH or AL'-IAH, .liVy, n;Vy sublimity. A duke of Edom, descended from Esau, b.c. 1740. Gen. 36. 40 names of the dukes, .of Esau, .duke A. 1 Ch. 1. 51 dukes of Edom, .duke Timnali, duke A. AL'-VAH, p,Vy, j;Vji sublime. Son of Shobal, a descendant of Seir, b.c. 1760. Gen. 36. 23 the children of Shobal (were) these ■ A 1 Ch. 1. 40 The sons of Shobal, A. and Mauahath ALWAY — 1. (For) pre-eminence, perpetuity, nx: nelsach. Psa. 9. 18 the needy shall not alway be forgotten 2. (For an) indefinite time, cViy olam. Job 7. 16 I loathe (it); I would not live alway 3. Continually, rpn tamid. Exod25. 30 set upon the table, .before me alway Num. 9. 16 it was alway: the cloud covered it (by day) 2 Sa. 9. 10 shall eat bread alway at my table Prov.28. 14 Happy (is) the man that feareth alway 4. All the days, o'p;n Vii kol hay-yamim. Deutn. 1 judgments,and his commandments, alway 28. 33 shalt be only oppressed and crushedalway 1 Ki. II. 36 David my servant may have a light alway 2 Ki. 8. 19 promised him to give him alway a light 5. Through all (time), Siarravris diapantos. Acts IO. 2 much alms, .and prayed to God alway Rom. 11. 10 and bow down their back alway 6 . All the days, nairas ras ypipas. Matt 28. 20 and, lo, I am with you alway 7. A Iways, ndvrore giantote. John 7. 6 but your time is alway ready Phil. 4. 4 rejoice in the Lord alway : (and) again I Co'- 4 - 6 Let your speech (be) alway with grace 1 I n. 2. 16 to fill up their sins alway ; for the wrath 2 Th. 2. 13 But we are bound to give thanks alway 8 . Ever, always, ad aei. 2 Co. 4. II For we which live are alway delivered 6. 10 As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor Iitus 1. 12 Cretians (are) alway liars, evil beasts Heb. 3. IO They do alway err in (their) heart; and ALWAYS — l.(For)pre-eminence, perpetuity, ns: netzach. Tsa. 103. 9 He will not always eliide ; neither Isa. 57. 16 neither will I be always wroth 2 -(For an) indefinite time, nVip olam. Gen. 6. 3 My spirit shall not always strive with I Ch. 16. is Be ye mindful always of his covenant Jer. 20. 17 her womb (to be) always great (with me) 3. Continually, tm tamid. Exod 27. 20 to cause the lamp to burn always 28. 38 it shall always be upon his forehead Deutn. 12 the eyes of the Lord, .(are) always upon Psa. 16. 8 I have set the Lord always before me Prov. 5. 19 be thou ravished always with her love Eze. 38. 8 mountains, .which have been always 4. All the days, QV?;n Vi) kol hay-yamin. Deut. 5. 29 keep all my commandments always 6. 24 to fear the Lord .. for our good always 14. 23 mayest learn to fear the Lord, .always 2Ch. 18. 7 he never prophesied good, .but always 5.In all time, njrVpp be-kol-eth. Job 27. 10 will lie always call upon God? Psa. 10. s His ways are always grievous; thy Prov. 8. 30 daily, .delight, rejoicing always Eccl. 9. 8 Let thy garment be always white, and Q.Bver, ahvays, ad aei. Acts 7. 51 ye do always resist the Holy Ghost; as 1 Pe. 3. 15 ready always to (give) an answer to every 2 I e. 1. 12 to put you always in remembrance of 7 . Through all (time), Sid iravrAs, diapantos. Matt 18. 10 in heaven their angels do always behold Acts 2. 25 I foresaw the Lord always before my face 2 Th. 3.16 give you peace always by all means 8 . Through all (time), SiairavrAs diapantos. Mark 5. 5 always, night and day, he was in the Acts 24. 16 to have always a conscience void of Heb. 9. 6 priests went always into the first tabem. 9. Bach time, dedorort hekastote. 2 Pe. 1.15 have these things always in remembrance 10 .In every season, iv ravfl Kaip$. Luke 21. 36 Watch ye, therefore, and pray always Epli. 6. 18 Praying always with all prayer and 11. In every way, ■ndvTt) pante. Acts 24. 3 We accept (it) always, and in all places \2. Always, it dvr ore pantote. Matt26. 11 poor always, .me ye have not always Mark 14. 7 you always, but me ye have not always Luke 18. 1 men ought always to prav, and not to John 8. 29 I do always those things that please him 11. 42 I knew that thou liearest me always: but 12. 8 poor always, .but me ye have not always 18. 20 in the temple, whither the Jews [always] Rom. 1. 9 I make mention of you always in my 1 Co. 1. 4 I thank my God always on your behalf 31 AMAD AMBASSADOR Gal. Eph. Phil. Col. iTh. . Co i5. 58 always abounding in the work of the'Lord /, * ^ which always causeth us to triumph in ! 4 10 Always bearing about in the body tlie^ 1 6 Therefore. .always confident, knowing O. 8 always having all sufficiency m all(things) 4. 18 good to be zealously affected always in 4 20 Giving thanks always for all things unto 1 4 Always in every prayer of mine foi yotf V 2 4 o but. y with all boldness, as always, .now 2. 12 my beloved, as ye have always obeyed , 4 We give thanks. .praying always foi you 4 12 always labouring fervently for you in 1 2 We give thanks to God always for you all 2' 6 ve have good remembrance of us always l ® We are bound to thank God always for you 1. ii Wherefore also we pray always foryou 4 making mention of thee always 111 my AD, "i 9 Py a station. own on the border of Asher, near Alammelech. Josh. 19.26 And Alammelech, and A., and Mislieal MAX, Spy labouring. iescendant of Asher through Bcriak his son, B.C. 1600. j C h. 7 . 35 And the sons of his brother Helem. .A. MA'-LEK, pbpy. warlike, dweller in the vale. Son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau, B.C. 1680. Gen 36. 12 and she bare to Eliphaz A.: these (were) ' ,6 16 Duke Korali, duke Gatam, (and) duke A. 1. 36 The sons of Eliphaz; Temau. .and A. 2 Til. Phm. AD, 2 Sa. I Ch. I. 30 -^-»- rhe name is also applied to his descendants, who are, wever, generally called Amalekites. Exod 17. 8 Then came A., anil fought with Israel 17 q Choose, .men, and go out, fight with A. 17. 10 So Joshua, .fought with A.: and Moses 17 11 when he let down his hand, A. prevailed 17 12 Joshua discomfited A. and his people 17. 14 I will, .put out the remembrance of A. 17. 16 the Lord (will have) war with A. from Nuni24. 20 when he looked on A., he took up his 24. 20 and said, A. (was) the first of the nations Deut2s 17 Remember what A. did unto tliee by the 25. IQ thou shalt blot out the remembrance of A. Jude. 7. n he gathered unto him the children of .. A. \ 14 Out of Ephraim.. a root of them against A. i Sa. it 2 I remember (that) which A. did to Israel 15. 3 Now go and smite A., and utterly i5 5 Saul came to a city of A., and laid wait is! 20 and have brought Agag the king of A 28 18 nor executedst his fierce wrath upon A. 2Sa. 8. 12 of the Philistines, and of A., and of the 1 Ch. 18. 11 that he brought from.. the children of A. Psa. 83. 7 Gebal, and Ammon, and A.; the Philistines ■MA-LE-KITE, ’pVpy. belonging to Amalek. lie name of a people'and country smitten by Checloi- omer and his confederates in the days of Abraham c iqi7 (Gen. 14. 7), erroneously supposed by some to > the descendants of Amalek, the son of Eliphaz (eldest m of Esau, Gen. 36. 10-16; 1 Ch. 1. 36), by his concubine 'imna. Without any provocation they came and at- icked the rear of Israel as they were journeying through re wilderness, but were defeated by Joshuaat Rephidim Sxod. 17. 8-16), and in consequence of this assault a erpetual war was declared against them by Jehovah, hey dwelt in the land of the S. of Judah (Num. 13. 29). nd in the valley (Num. 14. 25); along with the Caanan- tes they defeated the rash attack of Israel, and drove hem even unto Hormah (Num. 14- 43-45). tney ailed by Balaam “ the first of the nations (or Goyim), lither from their antiquity, or their warlike chaiactei, ,r from their being the first to attack Israel (Num. 24. 20), vhich was henceforth required to ‘ remember then a-eacherous attack (Deut. 25. 17-19)- They, along wth ;he children of Ammon, joined with Eglon, king of Moab B.C 1354), to attack Israel, and took Jericho, the city if palm-trees (Judg. 3-13): they s ”f t c h es fab!u y apposed by the Ephrainutes in the conflict with Jabin, king of Hazor, B.C. 1296 (Judg. 5. 14); they' joined, wit the Midianites and the children of the East (or Kedem) in the days of Gideon, the son of Joash the Abi-ezrite B c 1256 (Judg. 6. 3), but were defeated by him m the valley of J ezreel (J udg. 6. 33,7.12-22); they among the oppressors of Israel (Judg. once possession of a mountain in the land of Ephiaira in which Abdon, the son of HUlel the Pirathomte was buried, B.C. 1112 (Judg. 12. 15); they were smitten by Saul, B.C. 1086 (iSa. 14. 48); again by him, B C. 1079, throughout their whole country “ from Havilah to Shur, on the border of Egypt, when Agag their king was cut in pieces (1 Sa. 15. 2-33); they were invaded and destroyed by David (1 Sa. 27. 8-10); their previous non¬ destruction by Saul was the cause of his rejection (1 Sa. 28. 18); in David's absence they invaded and pluuderetl Ziglag, B.C. 1056, and carried off his two wives and others as captives, but they were pursued, overtaken, and defeated by David (1 Sa. 30. 1-31); one of their nation accusing himself of Saul’s death was put to death by David (2 Sa. 1. 1-16), by whom their silver and gold was dedicated to Jehovah (2 Sa. 8. 12; 1 Ch. 18. n); they were again smitten in the days of Hezekiah, B.C. 726-693, by five hundred men of the tribe of Simeon, who there¬ after dwelt in their place, at the east of the valley of Gedor, or Gerar (1 Ch. 4. 39-43)they are mentioned with Ammon and the Philistines as among the enemies of Israel (Psa. 83. 7). They are not again noticed in Scripture, except Hainan the Agagite be reckoned one of their nation, which is not improbable (Estli. 3. 1), &c. Comp. Num 24. 7. Oen. 14. 7 and smote all the country of the A. Num 13. 29 The A. dwell in the land of the south 14. 25 Now the A.. .dwelt in the valley Num 14 43 the A.. .(are) there before you, and ye 14. 45 the A. came down, and the Canaamtes Tncl£r 6 1 and tlie A.. .even they came up against J dg ' 6 33 the A.. .were gathered together, and went 7 it the A.. .lay along in the valley like io! 12 the A.. .did oppress you; a "i l y e ™ el to 12.15 and was bui-ied m.. the mount of the A. 1 Sa. 14. 48 smote the A., and delivered Israel 1 q 6 get you down from amongst the A., lest I5 ; 6 the Kenites departed from among: the^A. 15. 7 Saul smote the A. from Havilah (until) 15. 8 he took Agag the king of the A- alive is. 15 They have brought them fromthe A.-«» 4 .18 Go and utterly destroy, .the A., and fight it 20 and have utterly destroyed the A. 1? 32 Bring ye. .Agag the king of the A. 27. 3 8 and invaded .the A.: foi' those nation) 30. 1 that the A. had invaded the south, and TO 13 I (am) a.. servant to an A.; and my master 30'. 18 Dailcl recovered allthattlie A. had earned 3 1 was returned from the slaughter of the A. 1 8 And I answered him, I (am) an A. r' 12 I (am) the son of a stranger, an A 1 Ch. 4’. 43 they smote the rest of the A. that were A'-MAM, ddk gathering place. , A city near Shema and Moladah, probably mthc soutn of Judah. , ,, , , . 26 Amam, and Shema, and Moladah A-MA'-NA, njDK permanent. The northern ridge of Antilibanus, as Hermon was the “long" 4. 8 look from the top of A„ from the top of a mat?.t'ati mDR Jah has said . LGrcmdfathe'r of Zadok.'a high priest in the time o Da j d h ’t “ Meraioth begat A., and A. Ahitub 6. 52 Meraioth his son, A. Ins son Al it b Ezra 7. 3 The son of A. the son of Azariah, the son 2 . The son of Azariali, a high priest in the tune 0 k 0 m0 iCh° e'.^Anil Azariah begat A., and A. begat 3 . A descendant of Kohatli, son of Levi, B.C. 1015. T Ch 23 IQ the sons of Hebron. A. the second * 24.' 23 And the sons (of Hebron). .A. the second 4 Chief priest in the time of Jehoshapliat, B.C. 912. 2 Ch. 19. 11 behold, A. the chief priest (is) over you 5 A T pvite appointed in the time of Hezekiah to dis¬ tribute the tithes and oblations among lus brethren B ° 2 Ch. 15 And next him (were) Eden, and. .A., and G. A man of the family of Bani, who took a strange wife during the exile, B.C. 465. Ezra 10. 42 Shallum, Amariah (and) Joseph 7 . A priest who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, Nell. 10. 3 Pashur, Amariah, JIalchijah 12 2 Amariah, Malluch, Hattush 12 13 Of Ezra, Meshullam; of A., Jehohanan 8 A descendant of Judah by Pliarez, some of whose posterity dwelt in Jerusalem after the exile, B.C. 465- Nell. 11. 4 Of the children of Judah. .A., the son of 9. An ancestor of Zephaniah the prophet in the time of Zeph. 1. 1 which came unto.. A., the son of Hizkiah A-MA'-SA, xteDj l burden-bearer. . 1. David's nephew, whom Absalom made captain ovei his rebel army, B.C. 1023. 2 Sa 17. 25 Absalom made A. captain of the host 17. 25 which A. (was) a man's son, whose name 19. 13 And say ye to A., (Art) thou not of my 20. 4 Then said the king to A., Assemble 20 5 So A. went to assemble (the men of) Judah 20’. 8 which (is) in Gibeon, A. went before them 20 q And Joab said to A., (Art) thou m health 20. q And Joab took A. by the beard with 20. 10 But A. took no heed to the sword that 20' 12 And A. wallowed in blood in the midst 20 12 he removed A. out of the highway into 1 Ki 2' 5 what Joab.. did.. unto A. the son of ' 2 32 and slew. .A. the son of Jether, captain 1 Ch. 2'. 17 And Abigail bare A.: and the father of 2. 17 and the father of A. (was) Jether the 2 The name of an Ephraimite who with others resisted the bringing into Samaria of the Jews made prisoners in the time of Ahaz, B.C. 741. 2 Ch. 28.12 and A. the son of Hadlai, stood up against A-MAS-I'-AH, n;t?DJi Jah has strength. Chief captain of the army of Jehoshapliat. 2 Ch. 17.16 next him (was) A.. .who willingly offered AMAZED — , , ,, j Amazement fell, ylvopcu edpPus gmomai tharnhos. Luke 4. 36 they were all amazed, and spake among AMAZED, be greatly or sore — To be qreatly amazed, iuBa/.ifreos ekthambed. Mark 9. 15 straightway all. .were greatly amazed 14. 33 began to be sore amazed, and to be very AMAZED, to be — 1 .To be troubled, Via bahel, 2. Exod 15. 13 the dukes of Edom shall be amazed Judg 20. 41 the men of Benj'amin were amazed 2. To be cast down, nnn chathath. Job 32. 15 They were amazed, they answered no 3. To be cast down, non tamah. Isa. 13. 8 they shaU be amazed one at another 4 . To be exceedingly struck, iunX^aaopat elcplesso. Mattiq. 25 they were exceedingly amazed, saying Luke 2. 48 when they saw him, they were amazed 9. 43 they were all amazed at the mighty 5. To be in an ecstasy, tuaraais eA a&tv. Luke 5. 26 they were all amazed, and they glorified 6 . To be astonished, ^amiyai existemai. Matt 12. 23 all the people were amazed, and said Mark 2. 12 insomuch that they were all amazed, and 6 . 51 they were sore amazed in themselves Acts 2. 7 they were all amazed, and marvelled 2 12 they were all amazed, and were m doubt 9'. 21 all that heard. .were amazed, and said 7. To be astonished, awed, BayPeoyai thambeomai. Mark 1. 27 they were all amazed, insomuch that 10. 32 they were amazed ; and as they followed AMAZED, to make — To make astonished, Dots’ shaman, 5. Eze. 32. 10 1 will make many people amazed at tliee AMAZEMENT - Ecstasy, eKaraais ekstasxs. , Acts 3.10 were filled with wonder and amazement 2. Terror, irririais ptoesis. ■ 1 Pe. 3. 6 and are not afraid with any amazement a haz I AH, n’xDX, w;xpx Jah has strength. 1 . Son of Joash, king of'Judah, who succeeded after the slaughter of his father, B.C. 839. 2 Ki. 12. 21 and A. his son reigned in his stead 12 he fought against A. king of Judah 1 reigned A. the son of Joash king of Judah 8 Then A. sent messengers to Jehoash 9 the king of Israel sent to A. km" " 13 - 14. 14. 14. 14. 15 - 25. 25- 25 - 25 - 25 - 23. A-MA'-SAI, burden-bearer. 1 . A descendant of Kohath, son of Levi, B.C. i° 45 -_ 1 Ch 6 25 And the sonsof Elkanah, A., and Ahimoth 6. 35 Elkanah, the son of Mahatli, the son of A. 2 Ch. 29. 12 the Levites arose, Mahath the son of A. 2 . A captain who joined David at Ziklag. 1 Ch 12 18 Then the spirit came upon A.. .chief 3 . A priest who assisted at the bringing up the ark to the house of Obed-edom, B.C. 1042. 1 Ch. 15. 24 A., and Zechariah. .did blow with the A-MASH'-AI, 'Dippy. carrying spoil. A priest of the family of Immer dwelling at Jerusalem B.C. 445. ., Neh. 11.13 A. the son of Azareel, the son of Ahasai 1? B^ A? would not hear. Therefore Jelio. y . TT he and A king of Judah looked one f Jchoash kingoi Israel took A king of il 15 how he fought with A. king of Judah 14 17 A. the son of Joash king of Judah lived i 4 ‘. 18 the rest of the acts of A. (^e) they not 21 made him king instead of Ins father A. 4 ' 23 In the fifteenth year of A. the son of Joash I began Azariah the son of A king of , ch t ii 2 Ch. 24. 27 ^ n ^^g^^gnty r and n five 1 yeavs S ohl (when) 5 Moreover A. gathered Judah to^ther q And A. said to the man ol 1 3 °d, But 10 Then A. separated them, (to Wit), the II A strengthened himself, and led. forth 13 the soldiers of the army which A sent 25 14 after that A. was come from the slaughtei 25' it anger of the Lord was kindled against A. It 17 Then A. king of Judah took advice, and 25 18 Joash. .sent to A. king of Judali, saying 25 20 But A. would not hear; for it (came) of 25' 21 they saw one another, .lie anil A. king of 23 Joash. .took A. king of Judah, the son of 25 2 1 A. the son of Joash, king of Judali lived It 26 the rest of the acts of A., first and last 25. 27 after the time that A. did turn away 26. 1 made, .king in the room of his father A. 26. 4 according to all that his father A. did 2 . A man of the tribe of Simeon. 1 Ch. 4. 34 and Jamlech, and Joshah the son of A. 3 A Levite descended from Merari. iCh. 6. 45 Hashabiah, the son of A., the son of 4 . Priest of the idol set up in Bethel, B.C. 787. Amos 7. 10 Then A. the priest of Beth-el sent to 7 12 A. said unto Amos, 0 thou seer, go.fflee 7 .14 and said to A., I (was) no prophet AMBASSADOR — 1 .Interpreter, p? luts, 5 . . , 2 Ch. 32. 31 in. .ambassadors of the princes of Baby. 2 . Messenger, agent, HxSp malak. _ . 2 Ch. 35. 21 he sent ambassadors to him, s ^ in ° Isa. 30. 4 and his ambassadors cameMo Hanes 3 ,,. 7 ambassadors of peace shall weep ’utterly i 3 7 3 . 15 against him in sending his ambassadors Eze. AMBASSADOR 32 AMMON AMBASSADOR, to be an — To be elders, seniors, irpef Joseph (Judg. 1. 35); their border was from the iscent of Akrabbim northward (Judg. 1. 36); they were it peace with Israel in the days of Samuel, B.c. 1171- 1061 (1 Sa. 7. 14); the Gibeonites were a remnant of hem (2 Sa. 21. 2); Geber, the son of Uri, was over their and E. of the Jordan in the days of Solomon, B.C. 1014 1 Ki. 4. 19); their remnant was reduced to servitude >y Solomon (1 Ki. 9. 20, 21; 2 Chron. 8. 7); their idol worship was followed by Aliab, B.c. 899 (1 Ki. 21. 26); ilso by Manasseh (2 Ki. 21. 11); their abominations by lie Jews under Ezra (9. 8). The overthrow of Og and iihon was celebrated (Psa. '135. u; 136.19); Judah, jecause of her sins, is represented as having an Amorite or a father, a Hittite for a mother, and Samaria and iodom for sisters (Eze. 16. 3, 45); the Amorite is repre- ;ented as tall and strong, yet destroyed before Israel, ,0 whom his land was promised (Amos 2. 9, 10). Gen. 10. 16 [Canaan begat], .the Jebusite, and the A. 14. 7 smote all the country of. .the A., that 14. 13 he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the A. 15. 16 for the iniquity of the A. (is) not yet full 15. 21 [have I given this land]. .And the A 48. 22 which I took out of the hand of the A. Exod. 3. 8 to bring them.. unto the place of the.. A. 3. 17 I will bring you. .unto the land of. the A. 13. 5 shall tiring thee into the land of. .the A. 23. 23 Angel shall, .bring thee in unto the A. 33. 2 I will drive out the Caananite, the A. 34. 11 behold, I drive out before thee the A. Num 13. 29 the Jebusites, and the A., dwell in the 21. 13 that cometh out of the coasts of the A. 21. 13 Arnon (is), .between Moab and the A. 21. 21 Israel sent, .unto Sihon king of the A. 21. 25 Israel dwelt in all the cities of the A. 21. 26 Heshbon. .the city of. .the king of the A. 21. 29 into captivity unto Sihon.. king of the A. 21. 31 Thus Israel dwelt in the land of the A. 21. 32 the villages thereof, and drove outtheA. 21. 34 as thou didst unto Sihon king of the A. 22. 2 saw all that Israel had done to the A. 32. 33 the kingdom of Sihon king of the A. 32. 39 children of Machir. .dispossessed the A. Deut. 1. 4 After he had slain Sihon.. king of the A. 1. 7 Turn you. .and go to the mount of the A. 1. 19 by the way of the mountain of the A. 1. 20 Ye are come unto the mountain of the'A. 1. 27 to deliver us into the hand of the A., to 1. 44 And the A., which dwelt in that mountain 2. 24 I have given into thine hand Sihon the A ^ __ xi. — c;h1*;,,iw ..y 1 1 •A 3 as thou didst unto Sihon king of the A. 8 out of the hand of the two kings of the A. 9 Ilermon. .the A. call it Shenir 46 in the land of Sihon king of the A. 47 And they possessed. . two kings of the A. 1 the Lord thy God.. hath cast out.. the A. 20. 17 But thou shalt utterly destroy, .the A. 31. 4 as. .to Sihon and to Og, kings of the A. _i...x_:,1_ xxi,~ xxi,.. 3- 5- 7- 9- 9- 20. Josh.~2. 10 what ye did unto the two kings of the A. 10 be will without fail drive out. .the A. 1 to pass, when all the kings of the A. 7 to deliver us into the hand of the A. 1 when, .the A., the Canaanite, the Perizz. 10 he did to the two kings of the A. 5 Therefore the five kings of the A., the 6 all the kings of the A. that dwell in the 10.12 when the Lord delivered up the A. 21. 3 [Jabin king of Hazor.. sent to].. the A. 22. 2 Sihon king of the A. who dwelt in 12. 8 the Hittites, the A., and the Canaanites 23. 4 unto Aphek, to the borders of the A. 13. 10 all the cities of Sihon king of the A. 23. 21 all the kingdom of Sihon king of the A. 24. 8 I brought you into the land of the A. 24. 11 men of Jericho fought against you, the A. 24.*12 drave them out. .the two kings of the A. 24.15 the gods of the A., in whose land ye dwell 24. 18 the Lord drave out. .the A. which dwelt Judg. 1. 34 And the A. forced the children of Dan 1. 35 But the A. would dwell in mount Heres 1. 36 And the coast of the A. (was) from the 3. 5 children of Israel dwelt among the. .A. 6.10 fear not the gods of the A., in whose land 10. 8 inlthe laud of the A., which (is) in Gilead 10. 11 (Did) not (I deliver you) from the. .A. 11.19 messengers unto Sihon king of the A. 11. 21 Israel possessed all the land of the A. 11. 22 they possessed all the coasts of the A. 11. 23 Lord God of Israel, .dispossessed the A. 1 Sa. 7. 14 there w\ns peace between Israel and the A. 28a. 21. 2 Gibeonites. .of the remnant of the A. i Ki. 4. 19 the country of Sihon king of the A. 1 Ki. 9. 20 all the people (that were) left of the A. 21. 26 the A., whom the Lord cast out before 2 Ki. 21. 11 abominations, .above all that the A. did 1 Ch. 1. 14 The Jebusite also, and the A., and the Gir 2CI1. 8. 7 (As for) all the people, .left of. .the A. Ezra 9. 1 according to. .abominations, .of the. .A. Heh. 9. 8 a covenant, .to give the land of. .the A Psa.135. 11 Sihon king of the A., and Og king of 136. 19 Sihon king of the A .: for his mercy Eze. 16. 3 thy father (was) an A., and thy mother 16. 45 mother, .an Hittite,and your father an A. Amos 2. 9 Yet destroyed I the A. before them 2. 10 led you. .to possess the land of the A. A'-MOS, did# burden-hearer. 1 . A native of Tekoa, a place about 6 miles S. of Beth¬ lehem in Judah; originally he was a shepherd and dresser of sycamore trees, but was called to be a pro¬ phet, and exercised his office (about 808 B.c.) during the reign of Uzziah, while Isaiah and Hosea also pro¬ phesied. Amos 1. 1 The words of A., who was among the 7. 8 And the Lord said unto me. A., what 7. 10 A. hath conspired against thee in the 7. 11 For thus A. saith, Jeroboam shall die by 7. 12 Also Amaziah said unto A., 0 thou seer 7. 14 Then answered A., and said to Amaziah 8. 2 And he said, A., what seest thou? And I 2 . An ancestor of Joseph, husband of Mary. Luke 3. 25 (the son) of A., which was (the son) of A'-MOZ, strong. Father of the prophet Isaiah, and apparently of the tribe of Judah, B.C. 800. 2 Ki. 19. 2 sent, .to Isaiah the prophet the son of A. 19. 20 Then Isaiah the son of A. sent to Hezek. 20. 1 And the prophet Isaiah the son of A. 2 Ch. 26. 22 acts of Uzziah.. did Isaiah.. son of A. 32. 20 the prophet Isaiah the son of A., prayed 32. 32 vision of Isaiah the prophet, the son of A. Isa. i. 1 The vision of Isaiah the son of A., which 2. i The word that Isaiah the son of A. saw 13. 2 burden of. .which Isaiah the son of A. 20. 2 spake the Lord by Isaiah the son of A. 37. 2 unto Isaiah the prophet the son of A. 37. 21 Then Isaiah the son of A. sent unto 38. 1 And Isaiah the prophet the son of A. AM-PHI'-PO-LIS, 'A/xd'lwoXis about the city. A city of Macedonia, on the river Strymon, which flows nearly round the town; whence its name. It was called Popolia under the Byzantine empire. Its site is now occupied by a village called Keokhoria, in Turkish, Jeui Keni, literally “new town.” Acts 17. 1 when they had passed through A. AM-PLI'-AS, ’AynAlas. A convert that dwelt at Home. Rom. 16. 8 Greet A. my beloved in the Lord AM'-RAM, □']PU exalted people. 1 . A son of Kohath, Levi's son, and father of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. He died in Egypt, aged 137 years, B.c. 1540. Exod. 6. 18 And the sons of Kohath; A. and Izhar 6. 20 And A. took him Jockebed his father’s 6. 20 and the years of the life of A. (were) an Hum. 3. 19 the sons of Kohath by their families; A. 26. 58 And Kohath begat A. 26. 59 And the name of A. 's wife (was) Jockebed 26. 59 and she hare unto A. Aaron and Moses 1 Ch. 6. 2 And the sons of Kohath; A., Izhar, and 6. 3 And the children of A.; Aaron, and Moses 6. 18 And the sons of Kohath (were), A., and 23. 12 the sons of Kohath; A., Izhar, and 23. 13 The sons of A.; Aaron and Moses, and 24. 20 Of the sons of A.; Shubael; of the sons 2 . A son of Bani, who had taken a strange wife during the exile, B.c. 456. Ezra 10. 34 Of the sons of Bani; Maadai, A., and AM'-RAM, non red. A son of Dishon, son of Anah, and great-grandson of Seir the Horite, B.C. 1709. This name should be written Hamram or Hamran. It is given to Hemdan, “desirable,” in Gen. 36.26, which is probably correct. The form adopted in the common version is manifestly incorrect. 1 Ch. 1. 41 And the sons of Dishon; A., and Esliban AM-RAM-ITE, ’Dip]; belonging to Amram. Patronymic of the family of Amram, father of Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. Hum. 3. 27 of Kohath (v T as) the family of the A. i Ch. 26. 23 Of the A.,(and) the Izharites, the Hebron. AM-RA'-PHEL, Ss'ipk power/ul people. A king of Shinar in the time of Abraham, B.C. 1920. Gen. 14. i it came to pass in the days of A. king of 14. 9 [theyjoined battle with], .A.kingofShinar AM'-ZI, 'ypy my strength. 1 . A descendant of Merari, son of Levi, and progenitor of Ethan, whom David set over the service of song, B.c. 1050. 1 Ch. 6. 46 The son of A., the son of Bani, the son of 2 . Ancestor of Adaiah, a returned exile, B.C. 445. Kell. 11. 12 Pelaliah, the son of A., the sonofZechar. A'-NAB, 331!. a hill. A city in the S. of Canaan, inhabited by Anakim. It is still called Anab, and is equidistant from Sochoh and Eshtemoa. Josh 11. 21 Joshua, .cut off the Anakims from..A. 15. 50 [in the mountains]. .A., and Eshtemoh A'-NAH, .3353. answering. 1 . A daughter© of Zibeon, a Hivite, B.c. 1760. Gen. 36. 2 Aholibamah the daughter of A. the 36. 14 sons of Aholibamah, the daughter of A. 36. 18 Aholibamah the daughter of A., Esau's 36. 25 the children of A. (were) these 36. 25 and Aholibamah trie daughter of A. 2 . A son of Sen - the Horite, and one of the chiefs of the land. Gen. 36. 20 These, .the sons of Seir. .Zibeon, and A. 36. 29 These, .the dukes, .duke Zibeon, duke A. 1 Ch 1. 38 And the sons of Seir. .Zibeon, and A. 3 . A son of Zibeon, son of Seir, B.C. 1760. Gen. 36. 24 children of Zibeon ; both Ajali, and A. 36. 24 this (was that) A. that found trie mules 1 Ch. 1. 40 And the sons of Zibeon ; Aiah, and A. 1. 41 The sons of A.; Dishon. And the sons of A-NA-HA'-RATH, iTinjN narrow way. A town in Issaehar. Josh 19.19 [border was toward], .Shihon, and A. A-HA-I AH, iY33!. Jah answers. 1 . A priest or prince that stood on the right hand of Ezra while he read the law to the people, B.C. 445. Heh. 8. 4 Ezra the scribe stood, .and A., .on his 2 . A Jew who, with Kehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 445 - Hell. 10. 22 [The chief of the people], .Hanan, and A. A'-NAK, pi#., piiy. giant, long-necked. Son of Arba, and ancestor of the Anakim. Hum 13. 22 Hebron; where, .the children of A. .(were) 13. 28 moreover we saw the children of A. there 13. 33 there we saw the giants, the sons of A. Deut. 9. 2 Who can stand before the children of A. Josh 15. 13 the city of Arba the father of A., which 15. 14 Caleb drove thence the three sons of A. 15. 14 Ahiman, and Talmai, the children of A. 21. 11 the city of Arba the father of A. Judg. 1. 20 exxielled thence the three sons of A. A-NA-KIM, D’p3H. giants. The descendants of the preceding Arba, one of the “ sons of Heth” (Gen. 23. 3); who, seven years before the building of Zoar in Egypt (Gen. 23. 2; Hum. 13. 22; Josh. 15. 13, 54), built Hebron, which was hence called Kir- jath-arba, i.e., the city of Arba. Anak, his son, had three distinguished descendants in the days of Moses and Joshua, B.c. 1490 (Hum. 13. 22), whose names were Atiiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, and who dwelt in He¬ bron ; in whose presence the Israelites reckoned them¬ selves only as grasshoppers (Hum. 13. 28, 33); this greatly disheartened Israel (Deut. 1. 28); the Anakim were like the Emim, who were great, and many, and tall, but who were dispossessed by Moab (Deut. 2. 10, 11, 21); it was a common saying, Who can stand before the sons of the Anakim? (Deut. g. 2), but Joshua cut them off from the mountains, and from Hebron, Debir, and Anal), so that only a few were left in Gaza, Gath, and Aslidod, cities of the Philistines (Josh. n. 21, 22); they had great and fenced cities, the chief of which was Hebron, which they had called Kirjath-arba, or the city of Arba, who had been a great man among them (.Josh. 14. 12, 15); and who was also the father of Anak (Josh. 15. 13); this Anak had three leading descendants in He¬ bron (Josh. 15. 14), which city was afterwards assigned to the Kohathites for a possession (Josh. 21. n). The tribe lost its separate existence among the Philistines. Deut. 1. 28 we have seen the sons of the A. there 2. 10 great, and many, and tall, as the A. 2. 11 also were accounted giants, as the A. 2. 21 great, and many, and tall as the A. 9. 2 great and tall, the children of the A. Josh. 11. 21 time came Joshua, and cut off the A. 11. 22 There was none of the A. left in the land 14. 12 lieardest in that day how the A. (were) 14. 15 Arba was) a great man among the A. A-NA'-MIM, D'Ciy. rockmen. A Mizraite people,' of whose locale nothing certain is known; but it was most probably in northern Egypt. Gen. 10.13 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and A. 1 Ch. 1. 11 And Mizraim begat Ludim, and A. A-NAM-ME'-LECH, the king's rock. An idol whose worship among the Sepharvaim was transplanted to Israel when Shalmaneser peopled the cities of Israel with the Sepharvaim. 2 Ki. 17. 31 Sepharvites burnt, .children in fire to.. A. A'-NAN, ] 3 S! he beclouds. An exile who, with Hehemiah, signed the covenant, B.C. 445 * Heh. 10. 26 [chief of the people;] Ahijah, Hanan, A. A-NA'-NI, 'liJ!. my cloud (i.e., protector). Son of Elioenai, of the family of David, B.C. 445. 1 Ch. 3. 24 sons of Elioenai (were). .Dalaiali, and A. A-HAN-I'AH, rnij; Jah is a cloud {i.e.., protector). Grandfather of Azariah, a returned exile, B.c. 460. Heh. 3. 23 repaired Azariah. .the son of A. by his A-NAN-I'AS, 'Avavias Jah is gracious. 1 . A disciple whose wife conspired with him in attempt¬ ing to deceive the apostles in regard to the value ob¬ tained for then- property, A.D. 35. A cts 5. 1 But a certain man named A. .with Sapphira AN ATH 3G AND Acts 5. 3 But Peter said, A., why hath Satan filled 5. 5 Anti A. hearing these words fell down, and 2 . A disciple at Damascus to whom was made known the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, A.D. 35. Acts q. 10 there was a certain disciple.. named A. q. xo to him said the Lord in a vision, A. q. 12 hath seen in a vision a man named A. q 13 Then A. answered, Lord, I have heard by q 17 And A. went his way, and entered into 22. 12 And one A., a devout man according to 3 . A high priest at Jerusalem, A.D. 60. Acts 23. 2 And the high priest A. commanded them 24. 1 And after five days A. the high priest A'-NATH, nig. answer. Father of Shaiiigar, third judge after Joshua, B.C. 1360. Judg. 3. 31 after him was Sliamgar the son of A. f. 6 In the days of Sliamgar the son of A. A NA'-THE-MA, dvddega. Any thing “put up” in the temple of a god, set apart or separated, consecrated, devoted. 1 Co. 16. 22 if any. .love not. .let him he A. A-NA'-THOTH, niniy answers. 1 A Levitical city in Benjamin, 3 miles N. of Jerusalem, the birthplace of Jeremiah, now called Anata. Josli.21.18 A. with her suburbs, and Almon with her I Ki. 2. 26 Get thee to A., unto thine own fields; for I Ch 6. 60 out of the tribe of Benjamin.. A. with her Ezra 2. 23 The men of A., an hundred twenty and Neh 7. 27 The men of A., an hundred twenty and 11. 32 [children.. of Benjamin.. dwelt at].. A. Isa. 10. 30 cause it to be heard unto Laish, O poor A. Jer. 1. 1 the priests that (were) in A. in the land 11 21 thus saith the Lord of the men of A., that II. 23 I will bring evil upon the men of A. 2q. 27 hast thou not reproved Jeremiah of A. -X2 7 Buy thee my held that (is) in A.: for the 32. 8 Buy my field, I pray thee, that (is) in A. 32. 9 I bought the field, .that (was) in A. 2 . The eighth of the nine sons of Becher, son of Benja¬ min, B.C. 1650. 1 Ch. 7. E And the sons of Beclier.. A. and Alemeth 3 . One of the chiefs that signed the covenant with Nelie- miah, B.O. 445. Neh. 10.19 Haripli, A., Nebai ANCESTOR — First, former, mtO rishon. Lev. 26. 45 remember the covenant of then - ancestors ANCHOR — An anchor, &yKupa angkura. Acts 27 29 they cast four anchors out of the stern 27 30 they would have cast anchors out of the 27. 40 when they had taken up the anchors, they Heb. 6. 19 Which.. we have as an anchor of the soul ANCIENT - 1 .Aged, senior, [p; zaqen. Psa. ng. 100 I understand more than the ancients Isa 32 mighty man.. prudent, and the ancient 3 . 5 behave himself.. against the ancient 3. 14 will enter into judgment with the ancients 9. 15 The ancient and honourable, he (is) the 24. 23 and before his ancients gloriously 47. 6 upon the ancient hast thou very heavily Jer. 19. 1 ancients of the people, .ancients of the Eze. 7. 26 priest, and counsel from the ancient 8. 11 there stood.. seventy men of the ancients 8 12 hast thou seen what the ancients, .do in 9. 6 Then they began at the ancient men 27. 9 The ancients of Gebal and the wise 2. White, grey, old, dry, w'V', yashish. Job 12. 12 With the ancient (is) wisdom ;,/nd in Z.Age, indefinite time, dViV olam. Prov.22. 28 Remove not the ancient landmark, which Isa. 44. 7 since I appointed the ancient people ? Jer. 5. 15 mighty nation, it (is) an ancient nation 18. 15 stumble in their ways.. the ancient paths Eze. 36. 2 Aha, even the ancient high places are our’s 4. Removed, p'tiy attiq. 1 Ch. 4. 22 And (these are) ancient things Dan. 7. 9 the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment 7. 13 came to the Ancient of days, and they 7. 22 Until the Ancient of days came, and h.Ancient times, o'pnp qedumim. “ Judg. 5. 21 that ancient river, the river Kishon 6. East, that which is before, Dip qedem. Deut33- is the chief things of the ancient mountains 2|Ki. 19. 25 Hast thou not heard, .of ancient times Isa. 19. 11 I (am) the son of. .ancient kings? 23. 7 whose antiquity (is) of ancient days ? 37. 26 Hast thou not heard, .of ancient times 51. 9 awake, as in the ancient days, in the 7 . Eastern, what is before, Mioip qadmoni. 1 Sa. 24. 13 As saith the proverb of the ancients ANCIENT man — Aged, senior, elder, ]p\ zaqen. Ezra 3. 12 many of the priests, .ancient men ANCIENT time — 1 .Indefinite time, DTiy olam. Psa. 77. 5 I have considered.. the years of ancient t 2.East, what is before, Dip qedem. Isa. 45. 21 who.. declared this from ancient time 1 46. 10 Declaring the end from, .ancient times ANCLE — Ancle, end, ddn ephes. Eze. 47. 3 lie brought me through.. to the ancles ANCLE-BONE — Ancle-bone, atpvpiv sphuron. Acts 3. 7 immediately his..ancle bones received AND — 1 .Or, ik 0. . Song 2. 7 by the roes, and by the hinds of the fields 3. 5 by the roes, and by the hinds of the fields 2 . Also, nN aph. 1 Sa. 2. 7 The Lord bringetli low, and lifteth up 3 . When, '? ki. 1 Sa. 2. 21 And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she 4 . Unto, iy ad. Gen. 6. 7 I will destroy. .both man, and beast Judg 20. 48 the beast and all that came to hand Dan. 7. 13 and came to the Ancient of days, and they 5 .On, upon, in addition to, Sy al. Judg 15. 8 he smote them hip and thigh with a great 6. With, Dy im. Judg 20. 38 the men of Israel and the liers in wait AND — 1 .But, aWd alia. Luke 17. 8 And will not rather say unto him 24. 21 and beside all this, to-day is the third day 2 . Together with, aga liama. Acts 27. 40 to the sea, and loosed the rudder bands 3 . By ( distributively), ava ana. Luke 10. 1 sent them two and two before his face A. For, verily then, yap gar. John 4. 37 And herein is that saying true, One Acts 8. 39 and he went on his way rejoicing 2 Ti. 2. 7 and the Lord give thee understanding 5 . And, then, now, so, but, 5 e de. Marki2. 5 beating some, and killing some Luke 18. 9 And he spake this parable unto certain 1 Co 15. 56 and the strength of sin (is) the law Gal. 3. 17 And this I say, (that) the covenant, that 6 .Certainly, now, de. Acts 15. 36 Let us go again and visit our brethren 7 . Or, than, e. Mark 6 11 more tolerable for Sodom [and] Gomorrlia 1 Co. 11. 27 [and] drink (this) cup of the Lord unwor. 1 Pe. 1. 18 with corruptible things, .silver and gold Os.And, also, ki» kai. Matt. 1. 2 Jacob begat Judas and his brethren 9 . With, gerd meta (gen.) John 3. 25 between. .John's disciples and the Jews 10. Whosoever, Hctls hostis. Acts 9. 35 all. .saw him, and turned to the Lord 11 . Therefore, then, ovu own. Matt 18. 29 And his fellow servant fell down at his John 6. 62 and if ye shall see the Son of man 20. 11 and as she wept, she stooped down Acts IS. 39 And the contention was so sharp between 25. 23 And on the morrow, when Agrippa was 12 . Therefore indeed, moreover, gev oZv men own. Luke 3.18 And many other things in his exhortation Acts 5. 41 And they departed from the presence of 8. 25 And they, when they had testified and 15 3 And being brought on their way by the 17. 30 And the times of this ignorance God 28. s And he shook off the beast into the fire 13 . And, also, t« te. Matt 2 3 6 [And] love the uppermost rooms at feasts 27 48 a spunge, and filled (it) with vinegar 28. 12 and had taken counsel, they gave large Mark 15 36 spunge full of vinegar, [and] put (it) on Luke 2. 16 came with haste, and found Mary, and 12. 45 and to eat and drink, and to be drunken 21 11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers 21. II and fearful sights and great signs shall 22. 66 and the chief priests and the scribes came 24 20 And how the chief priests and our rulers John 2. 15 all out of the temple, and the sheep, and 4. 42 And said unto the woman, Now we 6. 18 And the sea arose by reason of a. .wind Acts 2. 3 as of fire, and it sat upon each of them 2. 9 And in Judea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus 2. IO Phrygia, and Pampliylia. .Jews and pros. 2. 33 and having received of the Father the 2. 37 and said unto Peter and to the rest of the 2. 40 and with many other words did he testify 2. 43 and many wonders and signs were done 2. 46 and they, continuing.. and breakingbread 3. 10 And they knew that it was he which sat 4. 13 and they took knowledge of them, that 4. 33 and great grace was upon them all 5. 19 and brought them forth, and said 5. 35 And said unto them, Ye men of Israel 5. 42 And daily in the temple, and in every 6. 7 and a great company of the priests were 6. 12 and they stirred up the people, and the 6. 13 And set up false witnesses, which said 7. 26 [And] the next day he shewed himself unto Acts 8. 1 [and] they were all scattered abroad 8. 3 and haling men and women.. to prison 8. 6 And the people with one accord gave 8. 13 and wondered, beholding the miracles 8. 25 and preached the gospel in many villages 8. 31 And he desired Philip that he would come 9. 6 [And he trembling and astonished said] 9. 13 before, .kings, and the children of Israel 9. 18 and he received sight forthwith, and arose 9. 24 [And] they watched the gates day and night 10. 22 and of good report among all the nation 10. 28 And he said unto them. Ye know how 10. 33 and thou hast well done that thou art 10. 48 And he commanded them to be baptized 11. 13 [And] he shewed us how he had seen an 11. 21 was with them : and a great number 11. 26 And the disciples were called Christians 12. 6 and the keepers before the door kept the 12. 8 [And] the angel said unto him, Gird thyself 12. 12 And whenhe had considered, .he came to 13. 1 and Manaen, which had been brought up 13. 4 and from thence they sailed to Cyprus 14. 12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and 14. 21 And when they had preached the gospel 15. 4 and they declared all things that God had 15. s and to command.. keep the law of Moses 15. 39 one from the other ; and so Barnabas took 16. 11 we came. .to. .and the next, .to Neapolis 16. 12 [And] from thence to Philippi, which is the 16. 13 And on the sabbath we went out of the 16. 23 And when they had laid many stripes 16. 26 [and]immediately all. .doorswere opened 16. 34 And when he had brought them into his 17. 4 and of the devout.. and of the chief 17. 4 and of the chief women not a few 17. s an uproar, and assaulted the house of 17.19 and they took him, and brought him unto 17.26 And hath made of one blood all nations 18. 4 and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks 18. 11 [And]hecontinued . .ayearand sixmonths 18. 26 And he began to speak boldly in the 19. 3 And he said unto them, Unto what then 19. 6 and they spake with tongues, and prophe. 19. 11 And God wrought special miracles by 19. 12 and tile evil spirits went out of them 19. 18 And many that believed came, and 19. 29 and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus 20. 3 And (there) abode three months. And 20. 7 and continued his speech until midnight 20. 11 [and] talked a long while, even till break 20. 35 and to remember the words of the Lord 21. 11 [and] bound his own hands and feet, and 21. 18 unto James; and all the elders were 21. 20 and said unto him, Thou seest, brother 21. 28 and further brought Greeks also into the 21. 30 And all the city was moved, and the 21. 37 And as Paul was to be led into the castle 22. 7 Ami I fell unto the ground, and heard a 22. 8 And he said unto me, I am Jesus of Naz. 22. 28 [And] the chief captain answered, With a 23. 10 take him. and to bring (him) into the 23. 24 And provide, .beasts, that they may set 23. 35 And he commanded him to be kept in 24. s and a ringleader of the sect of. .Nazarenes 24. 23 [And]liecommanded, .andtolet(liim)have 24. 27 and Felix, willing to shew the Jew's a 26. 10 and when they were put to death, I gave 26. 11 and being exceedingly mad against them 26. 16 which thou hast seen, and of those things 26. 20 and throughout all the coasts of Judea 26. 30 thus spoken, the king rose up. .andBemice 27. 3 And the next.. And Julius courteously 27. 5 And when we had sailed over the sea of 27. 8 And, hardly passing it, came unto a place 27. 17 and, fearing lest they should fall into the 27. 20 and no small tempest lay on (us), all hope 27. 21 and to have gained this harm and loss 27. 43 and commanded that they which could Rom. 1. 27 [And] likewise also the men, leaving the 2. 19 And art confident that thou thyself art a 14. 8 and whether we die, we die unto the Lord 16. 26 and by the scriptures of the prophets 1 Co. 1. 30 made unto us wisdom, and righteousness 4. 21 in love, and (in) the spirit of meekness ? Eph. 3. 19 And to know the love of Christ, which Heb. 1. 3 and upholding all things by the word of 4. 12 and of the joints and marrow, and (is) a 6. 2 and of laying on.. and of resurrection of 6. 4 and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and 6. s and the powers of the world to come 9. 1 of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary 11. 32 to tell of Gideon, and (of) Barak, and (of) 12. 2 and is set down at the. .throne of God •Tas. 3. 7 every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of Jude 6 And the angels which kept not their first Rev. 1. 2 Christ, and of all tilings that he saw 21. 12 [And] had a wall great and high AND afterward — And from thence, udueidev kakeithen. Acts 13. 21 And afterward they desired a king; and AND even — Nevertheless, ogees homos. 1 Co. 14. 7 And even things without life givingsound AND from thence — And from thence, ko.K t 76 ev kakeithen. Markio. 1 And he arose from thence, and cometh Acts 7. 4 and from thence, when his father was 21. 1 Rhodes, and from thence unto Patara AND 37 ANGEL Acts 27. 4 And when we had launched from thence 28. 15 And from thence, when the brethren AND I — And I, Kay]K apli. Gen. 27. 45 Until thy brother’s anger turn away from 30. 2 Jacob’s anger was kindled against Rachel 44. 18 let not thine anger burn against thy servant 49. 6 in their anger they slew a man, and in 49. 7 Cursed (be) their anger, for. .fierce; and Exod. 4. 14 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 11. 8 went out from Pharaoh in a great anger 32. 19 Moses’ anger waxed hot, and he cast the 32. 22 Let not the anger of my lord wax hot Num. 11. 1 the Lord heard (it); and his anger was 11. 10 the anger of the Lord was kindled greatly 12. 9 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 22. 22 God’s anger was kindled because he went 22. 27 Balaam’s anger was kindled, and he smote 24. 10 Balak’s anger was kindled against Balaam 25. 3 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 25. 4 the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned 32. 10 the Lord’s anger was kindled the same time 32. 13 the Lord’s anger-was kindled against Israel 32. 14 to augment yet the fierce anger of the Lord Deut. 6. 15 lest the anger of the Lord thy God be 7. 4 so will the anger of the Lord be kindled 9. 19 I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure 13. 17 that the Lord may turn from, .liis anger 29. 20 the anger of the Lord, .shall smoke against 29. 23 which the Lord overthrew in his anger Deut. 29. 24 what, .the heat of this great anger? 29. 27 the anger of the LORD was kindled against 29. 28 rooted them out of their land in anger 31.17 my anger shall be kindled against them 32. 22 a fire is kindled in mine anger Josh. 7. 1 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 7. 26 So the Lord turned from, .his anger 23. 16 shall the anger of the Lord be kindled Judg. 2. 14 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel 2. 20 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel 3. 8 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel 6. 39 Let not thine anger be hot against me 9. 30 when Zebul.. heard.. his anger was kindled 10. 7 the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel 14. 19 his anger was kindled, and he went up 1 Sa. 11. 6 and his anger was kindled greatly 17. 28 Eliab’s anger was kindled against David 20. 30 Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan 20. 34 Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger 2 Sa. 6. 7 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 12. 5 David’s anger was greatly kindled against 24. 1 again the anger of the Lord was kindled 2 Ki. 13. 3 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 23. 26 his anger was kindled against Judah 24. 20 through the anger of the Lord it came to 1 Ch. 13. 10 the anger of the Lord was kindled against 2 Ch. 25. 10 their anger was greatly kindled against 25. 10 and they returned home in great anger 25. 15 the anger of the Lord was kindled against Neh. 9. 17 a God ready to pardon.. slow to anger Job 9. 5 which overturneth them in his anger 9. 13 God will not withdraw his anger 18. 4 He tearetli himself in his anger 21. 17 distributeth sorrows in his anger 35. 15 he hath visited in his anger; yet he Psa. 6. 1 O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger 7. 6 Arise, 0 Lord, in thine anger, lift up 27. 9 put not thy servant away in anger 30. 5 liis anger, .a moment; in his favour (is) life 37. 8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath 56. 7 in.. anger cast down the people, O God 69. 24 let thy wrathful anger take hold of them 74. 1 doth thine anger smoke against the sheep 77. 9 hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? 78. 21 and anger also came up against Israel 78. 38 many a time turned he his anger away 78. 49 He cast upon them, .his anger, wrath 78. 50 He made a way to his anger; he spared 83. 3 thou hast turned, .from, .thine anger 85. 5 Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? 90. 7 we are consumed by thine anger, and by 90. 11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? 103. 8 The Lord (is) merciful and. .slow to anger 145. 8 The Lord (is) gracious, .slow to anger, and of Prov. 15. 1 but grievous words stir up anger 15. 18 (he that is) slow to anger appeaseth strife t6. 32 slow to anger (is) better than the mighty 9. 11 The discretion of a man deferreth his anger 21. 14 A gift in secret pacifieth anger 27. 4 Wrath (is) cruel, and anger (is) outrageous Isa. 5. 25 Therefore is the anger of the LORD kindled 5. 25 For all this his anger is not turned away 7. 4 for the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria 9. 12, 17, 21 For all this his anger is not turned 10. 4 For all this his anger is not turned away 10. 5 0 Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and 10. 25 and mine anger in their destruction 12. 1 though thou wast angry with me 13. 3 called my mighty ones for mine anger 13. 9 both with wrath and fierce anger 13. 13 and in the day of his fierce anger 14. 6 he that ruled the nations in auger 30. 27 Behold, .burning..hisanger,and the burden 30. 30 with the indignation of (his) anger 42. 25 poured upon him the fury of his anger 48. 9 my name’s sake will I defer mine anger 63. 3 I will tread them in mine anger 63. 6 I will tread down the people in mine anger 66. 15 Lord will, .render his anger with fury Jer. 2. 35 surely his anger shall turn from me 4. 8 the fierce anger of the Lord is not turned 4. 26 were broken down. .by his fierce anger 7. 20 mine anger, .shall be poured out upon this 10. 24 0 Lord, correct me. .not in thine anger 12. 13 because of the fierce anger of the Lord 15. 14 for a fire is kindled in mine anger 17. 4 for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger 18. 23 with them in the time of thine anger 21. si myself will fight, .even in anger 23. 20 The anger of the Lord shall not return 25. 37 because of the fierce anger of the Lord 25. 38 desolate, .because of his fierce anger 30. 24 fierce anger of the Lord shall not return 32. 31 a provocation of mine anger and of my 32. 37 I have driven them in mine anger, and in 33. s whom I have slain in mine anger and in 36. 7 great (is) the anger and the fury that the 42. 18 mine anger and my fury hath been poured 44. 6 my fury and mine anger was poured forth 49. 37 will bring, .my fierce anger, saitli the Lord 51. 45 deliver, .from the fierce anger of the Lord 52. 3 through the anger of the Lord it came Lam. 1. 12 Lord hath afflicted, .in. his fierce anger 2. 1 covered the daughter of Zion, .in his anger 2. 1 remembered not his footstool in.. anger ! 2. 3 He hath cut off in. .fierce anger 2 . 6 hath despised, .in. .his anger the king 2 21 hast slain, .in the day of thine anger 2. 22 so that in the day of the Lord’s anger 3. 43 Thou hast covered with anger 3. 66 Persecute and destroy them in anger 4. 11 he hath poured out his fierce anger Eze. 5. 13 Thus shall mine anger be accomplished 5. 15 I shall execute judgments in thee in anger 7. 3 I will send mine anger upon thee 7. 8 and accomplish mine anger upon thee 13. 13 and. an overflowing, .in mine anger 20. 8 I will , accomplish my anger against them 20. 21 I would, .accomplish my anger against 22. 20 so will I gather, .in mine anger 25. 14 they shall do. .according to mine anger 35. 11 I will even do according to thine anger 43. 8 I have consumed them in mine anger Dan. 9. 16 let thine anger and thy fury be turned 11. 20 he shall be destroyed, neither in auger IIos. 8. 5 mine anger is kindled against them 11. 9 I will not execute the. .of mine anger 13. 11 I gave thee a king in mine anger 14. 4 mine anger is turned away from him Joel 2. 13 gracious and merciful, slow to anger Amos 1. 11 and his anger did tear perpetually Jon. 3. 9 and turn away from his fierce anger 4. 2 gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger Mic. 5. 15 I will execute vengeance in anger 7. 18 he retainetli not his anger for ever Nah. 1. 3 The Lord (is) slow to anger, and great in 1. 6 who can. .in the fierceness of his anger? Hah. 3. 8 (was) thine anger against the rivers? 3. 12 thou didst thresh the heathen in anger Zepli. 2. 2 fierce anger, .before the. .anger come 2. 3 shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger 3. 8 to pour upon them.. all my fierce anger Zecli. 10. 3 Mine anger was kindled against the 2. Indignation, Dpi zaam. Psa. 38. 3 no soundness, .because of thine anger 3. Fury, heat, nan chemah. Esth. 1. 12 the king, .liis anger burned in him 4 . Anger, sadness, Dp? kaas. Psa. 85. 4 and cause thine anger toward us to cease Eccl. 7. 9 for anger restetli in the bosom of fools 5 . Passing over, transgression, nn:p ehrah. Prov.22. 8 and the rod of his anger shall fail 6. Face, countenance, ens panim. Psa. 21. 9 make them, .in the time of thine anger Jer. 3. 12 I will not cause mine anger to fall upon Lam. 4. 16 The anger of the Lord hath divided them 7. Spirit, mn ruacli. Judg. 8. 3 their anger was abated toward him 8 .Anger, opyfi or ye. Mark 3. 5 when he had looked, .with anger, being Eph. 4. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger Col. 3. 8 ye also put off all these; anger, wrath ANGER, to — To make wroth, katsaph, 5. Psa. 106. 32 They angered, .at the waters of strife ANGLE — Angle, hook, nan chakkah. Isa. 19. 8 all they that cast angle into the brooks Hab. 1. 15 They take up all of them with the angle ANGRY — 1 .To be indignant, Dpi zaam, 2. Prov.25. 23 an angry countenance a backbiting tongue 2. Anger, sadness, DU? kaas. Prov.21.19 with a contentious and an angry woman 3. Bitter, x> mar. Judg 18. 25 lest angry fellows run upon thee ANGRY, to be — 1 .To snort, be angry, *l)X anaph. 1 Ki. 8. 46 If they sin.. and thou be angry with them 2 Ch. 6. 36 If they sin.. and thou be angry with them Ezra 9. 14 wouldst not thou be angry with us till Psa. 2. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry 79 5 How long, Lord? wilt thou be angry 85. 5 Wilt thou be angy with us for ever? Isa. 12. 1 though thou wast angry with me 2. To show oneself angry, anaph, 7. Deut. 1. 37 Lord was angry with me for your sakes 421 Lord was angry with me for your sakes 9. 8 so that the Lord was angry with you 9. 20 the Lord was very angry with Aaron 1 Ki. 11. 9 the Lord was angry with Solomon 2 Ki. 17. 18 the Lord was very angry with Israel 3. Anger, nk apli. Psa. 76. 7 who may stand..when. .thou art angry? 4 . To be angry, DJ 3 benas. Dan. 2. 12 For this cause the king was angry 5 . To burn, be heated, nun charah. Gen. 18. 30, 32 Oh let not the Lord be angry 45. 5 be not.. angry with yourselves 2 Sa. 19. 42 wherefore then be ye angry for this Neh s- 6 I was very angry when I heard their cry Jon 4. 1 Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry 4. 4, 9 Doest thou well to be angry for the 4. 9 I do well to be angry. .unto death 3.To be burning, burnt, Tjn charar, 2. Song 1. 6 my mother’s children were angry with me 7. To be angry, sad, Dps kaas. Eccl. 7. 9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry Eze. 16. 42 be quiet, and will be no more angry ANGRY 39 ANOTHER 8 . To smoke, j^V ashan. Psa. 80. 4 wilt thou be angry against the prayer 9 . To be wroth, qatsaph. Lev. io. 16 lie was angry with Eleazar and Ithamar Keel. 5. 6 wherefore should God be angry at thy 10. To be angry, opy'i^opai orgizomai. Matt. 5. 22 I say unto you, That whosoever is angry Luke 14. 21 the master of the house being angry said 15. 28 And he was angry, and would not go in Epli. 4. 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the Rev. 11. 18 the nations were angry, and thy wrath is 11.7V) be full of bile, x»hdw cholao. John 7. 23 are ye angry at me, because I have made ANGRY, soon — Prone to anger, bpylAos orgilos. Titus 1. 7 a bishop must be.. not soon angry ANGUISH — I. Straitness, anguish, p;TO mutsaq. Isa. 8. 22 behold trouble, .dimness of anguish ‘l.Straitness, anguish, pixa matsoq. Psa. 119.143 Trouble and anguish have taken hold on 3. Straitness, anguish, npixp metsuqah. Job 13. 24 Trouble and anguish shall make him 4 .Straitness, anguish, npis tsuqah. Prov. 1. 27 when distress and anguish cometh upon Isa. 8. 22 behold trouble and. .dimness of anguish 30. 6 into the land of trouble and anguish 5. Straitness, distress, is tsar . Job 7. n I will speak in the anguish of my spirit 6. Straitness, distress, rny tsarah. Gen. 42. 21 in that we saw the anguish of his soul Jer. 4. 31 the anguish as of her that bringetli forth 6. 24 anguish hath taken hold of us 49. 24 anguish and sorrows have taken her 50. 43 anguish took hold of him. .pangs 7. Straitness, distress, is'p qotser. Exod. 6. 9 they hearkened not.. for anguish of spirit 8. Confusion, J’39 shabatz. 2 Sa. 1. 9 anguish is come upon me, because 9 .Pressure, dAhjjis thlipsis. John 16. 21 she remembereth no more the anguish 10 . Straitness, strait place, arevoxapta. Rom. 2. 9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul II. Holding together, anguish, avvoxn- 2 Co. 2. 4 out of much affliction and anguish of ANGUISH, to be in — To be pained, Sin chul. Deut. 2. 25 and be in anguish because of thee A-NI'-AM, Djnx lamentation of the people. A son of Shemidah, a Manassehite, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 7. 19 And the sons of Shemidah were.. A. A'-NIM, oujj fountains. A city among the mountains at the N.W. of Judah. Josh. 15. 50 And Anab, and Eshtemoh, and A. ANISE — Anise, dill, dug9or anethon. Matt 23. 23 ye pay tithe of mint and anise and AN’-NA, "Arra grace. A prophetess of the tribe of Asher at the time of the birth of Jesus. Luke 2. 36 And there was one A., a prophetess, the AN'-NAS, “ Avvas grace ofJah. A Jewish high-priest, the son of Seth, and : appointed high-priest in his 37th year (A.D. 7) by Quirinus, the imperial governor of Syria, after the battle of Actium, but was obliged to resign at the beginning of the reign of Tiberius (A.D. 14). Luke 3. 2 A. and Caiaphas being the high priest John 18. 13 And led him away to A. first 18. 24 Now A. had sent him bound unto Caiaphas Acts 4. 6 And A. the high priest, .were gathered ANOINT, to — 1. To fatten, jc ; i dashen, 3. Psa. 23. s thou anointed my head with oil 2. To smear, anoint, 193 mashach. Gen. 31. 13 where thou anointedst the pillar Exod28. 41 his sons with him; and shall anoint them 29. 7 pour (it) upon his head, and anoint him 29. 36 thou shalt anoint it, to sanctify it 30. 26 thou shalt anoint the tabernacle 30. 30 thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons 40. 9 thou shalt.. anoint the tabernacle 40. 10 thou shalt anoint the altar of the burnt 40.11 thou shalt anoint the laver and his foot o. 13 thou shalt put upon Aaron, .and anoint 40. 15 shalt anoint them, as thou didst anoint Lev. 7. 36 in the day that he anointed them, (by) a 8. 10 Moses, anointed the tabernacle and all 8. 11 anointed the altar and all his vessels 8. 12 and anointed him, to sanctify him 16. 32 the priest, whom he shall anoint, and Num. 7. 1 had anointed it, and sanctified it 7. 1 had anointed them, and sanctified them Judg. 9. 8 The trees went forth, .to anoint a king 9.15 If in truth ye anoint me king over you 1 Sa. 9. 16 thou shalt anoint him (to be) captain 10. 1 (Is it) not because. .Lord hath anointed 15. 1 Lord sent me to anoint thee (to be) king 15. 17 the Lord anointed thee king over Israel 16. 3 thou shalt anoint unto me.. whom I name 16. 12 the Lord said. Arise, anoint him: for 16. 13 anointed him in the midst of his brethren 2 Sa. 2. 4 there they anointed David king over the 2. 7 the house of Judah have anointedme king 5. 3 they anointed David king over Israel 5. 17 heard that they had anointed David king 12. 7 I anointed thee king over Israel, and I 19. 10 Absalom, whom we auoiuted over us 1 Ki. 1. 34 let Zadok. .anoint him there king 1. 39 Zadok the priest, .anointed Solomon 1. 45 have anointed him king in Gihon 5. 1 heard that they had anointed him king 19. 15 anoint Ilazael. king over Syria 19.16 shalt thou anoint, .shalt thou anoint 2 Ki. 9. 3, 6 , 12, I have anointed thee king over 11. 12 made him king, and anointed him 23. 30 anointed him, and made him king 1 Ch. 11. 3 they anointed David king over Israel 29. 22 anointed.. unto the Lord .. the chief 2 Ch. 22. 7 whom the Lord had anointed to cut off 23. 11 Jehoiada and his sons anointed him Psa. 45. 7 God, hath anointed thee with the oil of 89. 20 with my holy oil have I anointed him Isa. 21. s arise, ye princes, .anoint the shield 61. 1 the Lord hath anointed me to preach Dan. 9. 24 and to anoint the most Holy 3. To pour out, -po suk. Deut28. 40 but thou shalt not anoint, .with the oil Ruth 3. 3 Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee 2 Ch, 28. 15 gave them to eat. .and anointed them Eze. 16. 9 from thee, and I anointed thee with oil Mic. 6. 15 but thou shalt not anoint thee with oil 4. To anoint, aAelcpw aleiplib. Matt. 6. 17 thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head Mark 6. 13 anointed with oil many that were sick 16. 1 that they might come and anoint him Luke 7. 38 kissed his feet, and anointed (them) with 7. 46 thou didst not anoint, .hath anointed John 11. 2 It was (that) Mary which anointed the 12. 3 anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his Jas. 5. 14 anointing him with oil in the name of 5 . To rub in, iyxp'iai engchrib. Rev. 3.18 anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou 0. To rub on, inixpia iiri epichrib epi. John 9. 6 he anointed the eyes of the blind man with 9.11 A man that is called Jesus, .anointed mine 7. To anoint with aromatics, pvpifa murizb. Mark 14. 8 she is come aforehatid to anoint my body 8. To rub, xp' iu chrio. Luke 4. 18 he hath anointed me to preach the Acts 4. 27 child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed 10. 38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with 2 Co. 1. 21 he which, .hath anointed us, (is) God lleb. 1. 9 thy God, hath anointed thee with the ANOINT self, to — 1. To pour out, suk. 2 Sa. 14. 2 anoint not thyself with oil, but lie as a Dan. 10. 3 neither did I anoint myself at all, till 2. To cause to pour out, ~io suk, 5. 2 Sa. 12. 20 and washed, and anointed (himself) 3. To smear, anoint, 193 mashach. Amos 6. 6 anoint themselves with the chief ointms. ANOINTED — 1.Smeared, anointed, ruppD mimshach. Eze. 28. 14 Thou (art) the anointed cherub that 2. Smeared, anointed, n' 9 D mashiach. Lev. 4. 3 If the priest that is anointed do sin 4. 5, 16 And the priest that is anointed shall 6. 22 that is anointed in his stead shall offer it 1 Sa. 2. 10 and exalt the horn of his anointed 2. 35 he shall walk before mine anointed for 12. 3 here I (am), .and before his anointed 12. 5 and his anointed (is) witness this day 16. 6 Surely the Lord's anointed (is) before him 24. 6 unto my master, the Lord's anointed 24. 6 seeing he (is) the anointed of the Lord 24.10 for he (is) the Lord's anointed 26. 9 his hand against the Lord’s anointed 26.11 mine hand against the Lord’s anointed 26.16 ye have not kept, .the Lord's anointed 26. 23 mine hand against the Lord’s anointed 2 Sa. 1. 14 thine hand to destroy the Lord’s anointed 1.16 saying, I have slain the Lord’s anointed 1. 2t the shield of Saul not. .anointed with oil 19. 21 because he cursed the Lord’s anointed 22. 51 shewetlimercytohisanointed,unto David 23. 1 the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the 1 Ch. 16. 22 Touch not mine anointed, and do my 2 Ch. 6. 42 turn not away the face of thine anointed Psa. 2. 2 the Lord, and against his anointed 18. 50 sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David 20. 6 that the Lord saveth his anointed 28. 8 the saving strength of his anointed 84. 9 look upon the face of thine anointed 89. 38 hast been wroth with thine anointed 89. 51 reproached the footsteps of thine anointed 105. 15 Touch not mine anointed, and do my 132. 10 turn not away, .thine anointed 132. 17 ordained a lamp for mine anointed Isa. 45. 1 Thus saith the Lord to his anointed Lam. 4. 20 the anointed of the Lord, was taken in Hab. 3. 13 for salvation with thine anointed 3. To anoint, smear, ntya mashach. Exod2g. 2 and wafers unleavened anointed with oil Lev. 2. 4 or unleavened wafers anointed with oil 7.12 and unleavened wafers anointed with oil Num. 3. 3 the priests which were anointed, whom he 6. 15 wafers of unleavened bread anointed with 2 Sa. 3. 39 I (am) this day weak, though anointed king ANOINTED one — Son of the oil, shining one, 1191 [? ben hay-yitshar. Zech. 4. 14 These (are) the two anointed ones, that ANOINTED, to be — 1. To mix, anoint, 9)3 balal. Psa. 92. 10 I shall be anointed with fresh oil 2. To smear, anoint, mya mashach. Num 35. 25 which was anointed with the holy oil 3. To be smeared, anointed, nr : a mashach, 2. Lev. 6. 20 Aaron, .in the day when he is anointed Num. 7. 10 altar in the day that it was anointed 7. 84 altar, in the day when it was anointed 7. 8S altar, after that it was anointed 1 Ch. 14. .8 heard that David was anointed king over 4. Smearing, anointing, .lily’s moshcliah. Exod2g. 29 to be anointed therein, and to be consec. ANOINTING — 1. Smearing, anointing, 1193 mishchah. Exod25. 6 for the light, spices for anointing oil 29. 7 Then shalt tliou take the anointing oil 29. 21 thou shalt take of the. .anointing oil 30. 25 it shall be an holy anointing oil 30. 31 This shall be an holy anointing oil unto 31. 11 the anointing oil, and sweet incense 35. 8 spices for anointing oil, and for the 33. 15 the anointing oil, and the sweet 35. 28 for the anointing oil, and for the 37. 29 he made the holy anointing oil, and the 39. 38 the golden altar, and the anointing oil 40. 9 shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint Lev. 7. 35 This, .of the anointing of Aaron 7. 35 and of the anointing of his sons 8. 2 the garments, and the anointing oil 8. 10 Moses tooktheanointingoil.andanointed 8. 12 he poured of the anointing oil upon 8. 30 ifoses took of the anointing oil, and of 10. 7 the anointingoiloftheLoRD(is)uponyou 21. 10 upon whose head the anointing oil was 21. 12 crown of the anointing oil of bis God (is) Num. 4. 16 meat-offering, and the anointing oil 2 . Smearing, 1193 moshcliah. Exod4o. 15 their anointing shall surely be an everlg. Num 18. 8 given them by reason of the anointing 3. Oil, [39 shemen. Isa. 10. 27 destroyed because of the anointing 4. Anointing, rubbing in, xp' l(r l La chrisma. 1 Jo. 2. 27 But the anointing, .the same anointing ANON — 1 . Straightway, directly, ebBeoos eutheos. Mark 1. 30 fever, and anon they tell him of her 2 . Straight, direct, euffvs euthus. Matt 13. 20 word, and [anon] with joy receiveth it ANOTHER — 1. A man, human being, din adcan. Eccl. 8. 9 one man ruletli over another to his own 2. One, inx echad. Exod26. 19, 21, 25 two sockets under another board 36. 10 one unto another, .one unto another 36. 12 the loops held one. .to another 36. 13 coupled the curtains one unto another 36. 22 equally distant one from another 36. 24, 26 two sockets under another board 37. 8 another cherub on the. .end on that side 37. 19 bowls made like almonds in another Deut 21. 15 wives, one beloved, and another hated Judg. 9. 37 another company come along by the plain 16. 7, 11 I be weak, and be as another man 1 Sa. 10. 3 another carrying three, .another carrying 13. 18 another company, .and another company 1 Ki. 18. 6 Obadiah went another way by himself Job 41. 16 One is so near to another, that no Eze. 10. 9 another wheel by another cherub: and 17. 7 There was also another great eagle with 19. 5 then she took another of her whelps 33. 30 speak one to another, every one to his 37. 16 take another stick, and write upon it 37. 17 join them one to another into one stick 40. 26, 49 one on this side, and another on that 41. 11 one door toward the north, and another Dan. 8. 13 I heard one saint speaking, and another Amos 4. 7 I caused it.. not to rain upon another city Zech. 8. 21 inhabitants of one . .shall go to another 3. rl brother, nx ach. Gen. 26. 31 they rose up. .and sware one to another 37. 19 said one to another. Behold, this dreamer 42. 21 said one to'another, We (are) verily guilty 42. 28 saying one to another, What(is)this. .God Exod 10. 23 They saw not one another, neither rose 16. 15 said one to another, It (is) manna: for 25. 20 their faces (shall look) one to another 37. 9 seat, with their faces one to another Lev. 7.10 all the sons, .have, one. .as another ANOTHER 40 ANSWER Lev. 25. 14 ye shall not oppress one another 25. 46 ye shall not rule one over another 26. 37 they shall fall one upon another, as it Num 14. 4 said one to another, Let us make a Dent 25. 11 When men strive.. one with another 2 Ki. 7. 6 said one to another, Lo, the king of Israel 1 CI1.26. 12 chief men..wards one against another Neh. 4. 19 upon the wall, one far from another Job 41.17 They are joined one to another, they stick Jer. 13. 14 I will dash them one against another 25. 26 far and near, one with another, and all Eze. 4. 17 he astonied one with another, and 24. 23 away, .and mourn one toward another 47. 14 ye shall inherit it, one as well as another Joel 2. 8 Neither shall one thrust another; they 4. A sister, ninx achoth. Exod 26. 3 one to another, .one to another 26. 5 the loops may take hold one of another 26. 17 tenons, .set in order one against another Eze. 1. 9 Their wings, .joined one to another 3. 13 living creatures that touched one another 5. Another, ink acher. Gen. 4. 25 ForGod. .liathappointedmeanotherseed 26. 21 they digged another well, and strove for 26. 22 he removed, .and digged another well 29. 19 than that I should give her to another man 30. 24 The Lord shall add to me another son 37. 9 he dreamed yet another dream, and told Exod2i. 10 If he take him another, .her food, her Lev. 27. 20 if he have sold the field to auother man Num 14. 24 because he had another spirit with him 23. 13 Come, .with me unto another place, from 23. 27 Come.. I will bring thee unto'auother place 36. 9 remove from, .tribe to auother tribe Deut 20. 5 in the battle, and another man dedicate 20. 6 in the battle, and auother man eat of it 20. 7 in the battle, and another man take her 24. 2 she may go and be another man's 28. 30 a wife, and another man shall lie with her 28. 32 thy daughters, .given untoanotherpeople 29. 28 cast them into another land, as.. this day Judg. 2. 10 there arose another generation after them Ruth 2. 8 Go not to glean in another field, neither 1 Sa. 10. 6 and shalt be turned into auother man 10. 9 God gave him another heartland all those 17. 30 he turned from him toward another, and 2 Sa. 18. 20 thou shalt bear tidings another day: but 18. 26 the watchman saw auother man running 1 Ki. 7. 8 (had) another court within the porch 13. 10 So he went another way, and returned 20. 37 Then he found another man, and said 2 Ki. 1. 11 sent unto him another captain of fifty 7. 8 came again, and entered, .another tent 1 Ch. 2 26 Jerahmeel had also another wife, whose 16. 20 and from (one) kingdom to another people 2Ch. 32. 5 and built up. .another wall without Estli. 4. 14 arise to the Jews from another place; but Job 31. 8 let me sow, and let another eat; yea, let 31 10 let my wife grind unto another, and let Psa. 16. 4 multiplied (that) hasten (after) another 105. 13 they went from one nation to another 109. 8 be few ; (and) let another take his office Prov.25. 9 and discover not a secret to another Isa 28. 11 with stammering lips and another tongue 42. 8 my glory will I not give to another 48. 11 I will not give my glory unto another 65. is and call his servants by another name 6s. 22 They shall not build and another inhabit 65. 22 they shall not plant and another eat Jer. 3. 1 she go from him, and become another 18. 4 so he made it again another vessel, as 22. 26 I will cast thee out. .into another country 36. 28 Take thee again auother roll, and write 36. 32 Then took Jeremiah another roll, and Eze. 12. 3 shalt remove from thy place to another Joel 1. 3 and their children another generation Zech. 2. 3 another angel went out to meet him G. Another, '-\n*ochori. Dan. 2. 39 aiiotherkingdom. .another third kingdom 7. 5 another beast, a second, like to a bear 7 . 6 I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard 7. 8 there came up among them another little 7. Another, p,nx ochoran. Dan. 5. 17 give thy rewards to another; yet I will 7. 24 another shall rise after them; and he 8. A man, individual, ir'x isli. 1 Sa. 2. 25 If one man sin against another, the judge Isa. 3. 5 shall be oppressed, every one by auother Eze 1 11 wings, .(were) joined one to another, and 22. 11 auother hath lewdly defiled., and another Hos. 4. 4 let no man strive, nor reprove auother 9. A mortal man, Bhix anosh. Job 13. 9 as one man mocketh another, do ye 10. Revolution, generation, ill dor. Psa. 145. 4 One generation shall praise, .to another 11. A stranger, ill zur. Job 19. 27 mine eyes shall behold, and not another Jer. 18. 14 waters that come from another place be 12. New moon, sabbath, c ; in chodesh. Isa. 66. 23 new moon to another, and. .to another 13. Instrument, vessel, ' l ?? keli. Esth. 1. 7 (the vessels, .diverse one from another) 14. Wing, ris kanaph. 1 Ki. 6. 27’their wings touched one another in the 15. Runner, {’7 rats. Jer. 51. 31 One post shall run to meet another, and Hi.Announcer, I'to maggid. Jer. 51. 31 one messenger to meet another 17 . Fellow countryman, rrpji amith. Lev. 19, 11 Ye shall not. .neither lie one to another 25. 17 Yeshallnotthereforeoppressoneanother 18 . Friend, 1n rea. Gen. 11. 3 they said one to another, Go to, let us 11. 7 may not understand one another's speech 15. 10 and laid each piece one against another 31. 49 when we are absent one from another 43. 33 and the men marvelled one at another ExodiS. 16 I judge between one and auother, and I 21. 18 one smite another witli a stone, or with 21. 35 if one man’s ox hurt another’s, that he d ie Judg. 6. 29 said one to another, Who hath done this 10. 18 princes of Gilead said one to another Ruth 3. 14 she rose up before one could know another 1 Sa. 10. 11 then the people said one to auother. What 20. 41 one another, and wept one with another 2 Ki. 3. 23 the kings, .have smitten one another 7. 3 said one to another, Why sit we here 7. 9 said one to another, We do not well: this 2 Ch. 20.23 and. .every one helped to destroy auother Esth. 9. 19,22 day. .sending portions one to another Isa. 13. 8 they shall be amazed one at another Jer. 46. 16 yea, one fell upon another: and they said Mai. 3. 16 feared the Lord spake, .one to another 19. A female friend, min reuth. Esth. 1. 19 king give her royal estate unto another Zech 11. 9 rest eat every one the llesli of another 20 .Second, sheni. Num. 8. 8 another young bullock shalt thou take for Neh. 3. 19 another piece over against the going up 3. 21 After him repaired Meremoth.. another 3. 24 After him repaired Biunui. .another piece 3. 27 After them the Tekoites repaired auother 3. 30 After him repaired Hananiah. .another Eccl. 4. 10 alone when he falletli; for. .not auother, not the same, &Wos alios. Matt. 2. 12 into their own country another way 8. 9 to auother, Come, and he cometh; and to 10. 23 you in this city, flee ye into [another] 13. 24,31 Auother parable put he forth unto 13. 33 Another parable spake he unto them 19. 9 shall marry another,committeth adultery 21. 33 Hear another parable: There wasacertain 26. 71 he was gone out. .another (maid) saw Mark 10.11 shall put away his wife and marry another 10. 12 be married to another, she committeth 12. 4 again he sent unto them another servant . 12. 5 again he sent another; and him they 14. 19 [it I? and auother (said, Is) it I?] 14. 58 within three days I will build another Luke 7. 8 to another, Come, and he cometh; and to 7. 19 Art thou he. .or look we for [another]? 7. 20 Art thou he. .or look we for another? John 5. 7 while I am coming, another steppeth 5. 32 There is another that beareth witness of 5. 43 if another shall come in his own name 14. 16 he shall give you another Comforter, that 18. 15 Deter followed Jesus, .(so did) [auother] 21. 18 another shall gird thee, and carry 1 Co. 3. 10 I have laid the foundation, and another 12. 8 to another the word of knowledge by the 12. 9 to another the gifts of healing by the 12. 10 To another, .miracles ; to another proph. 12. 10 to another .to another the interpretation 14. 30 If. .be revealed to another that sitteth by 15. 39 another flesh, .another of. .another of 15. 41 another glory of the moon, and another 2 Co. 11. 4 he that cometh preacheth another Jesus Gal. 1. 7 Which is not another; but there be some Ueb. 4. 8 would he not. .have spoken of another Rev. 6. 4 there went out another horse (that was) 7. 2 I saw another angel ascending from the 8. 3 another angel came and stood at the 10. 1 I saw [another] mighty angel come down 12. 3 there appeared another wonder in heaven 13. 11 I beheld another beast coming up out 14. 6 I saw [another] angel fly in the midst 14. 8 there followed another angel, saying 14. 15 another angel came out of the temple 14. 17 another angel came out of the temple 14. 18 another angel came out from the altar 15. 1 I saw another sign in heaven, great 16. 7 I heard [another] out of the altar say 18. 1 after these things I saw another angel 18. 4 I heard anothel- voice from heaven, saying 20. 12 another book was opened, which is 22. Another, the other, erepos lieteros. Matt. 8. 21 another of his disciples said unto him 11. 3 Art thou he. .or do we look for another ? Marki6. 12 [After that he appeared in another form] Luke 6. 6 it came to pass also on another sabbath 9. 56 And they went to another village 9. 59 And he said unto another, Follow me 9. 61 another also said, Lord, I will follow thee 14. 19 another said, I have bought five yoke 14. 20 another said, I have married a wife, and 14. 31 going to make war against another king 16. 7 Then said he to another, And how much 16. 18 putteth away his wife, .marrieth another 19. 20 And another came, saying,Lord, behold 20. 11 again he sent another servant: and they 22. 58 after a little while another saw him John 19. 37 again another scripture saith, They shall Acts 1. 20 and his bishopric let another take 7. 18 Till another king arose, which knew not Acts 12. 17 he departed, and went into auother place 17. 7 saying that there is another king Rom. 2. 1 for wherein thou judgest another, thou 2. 21 Thou therefore which teachest another 7. 3 to another man.. be married to another 7. 4 that ye should be married, (even) to him 7. 23 I see another law in my members, warring 13. 8 Owe no man. .but to love one another 1 Co. 3. 4 another, I (am) of Apollos; are ye not 4. 6 be puffed up for one against another 6. 1 Dare any. .a matter against another 10. 24 seek his own, but every man another’s 12. 9 To another faith by the same Spirit 12. 10 to another (divers) kinds of tongues 2 Co. 11. 4 ye receive another spirit, .or another Gal. 1. 6 the grace of Christ unto another gospel 6. 4 rejoicing in himself, .not in another Ileb. 7. 11 further need (was there) that another 7. 13 things are spoken pertaineth to another 7. 15 after the similitude of. .ariseth another Jas. 2. 25 and had sent (them) out another way ? 4. 12 who art thou that judgest [another]? [See also As well as, compassion, feign, justle, look, one, other, performing, see.] ANOTHER man — 1. Another, ink acher. Exod 22. 5 shall feed in another man’s field ; of the Neh. 5. 5 for other men have our lands and viney. 2. A stranger, in zur. Prov.27. 2 Let another man praise thee, and not ANOTHER man’s — Belonging to another, aWrlrpios allotrios. Luke 16. 12 faithful in that which is another man’s Rom 14. 4 Who art thou that judgest another man’s 15. 20 lest I should build upon another man’s 2 Co. 10. 15 Not boasting, .of other men’s labours 10. 16 not to boast in another man’s line of 1 Ti. 5. 22 neither be partaker of other men’s sins ANOTHER nation, one of — Of another tribe, a.\Xoap(xaf 3 a or and that Herod when he rebuilt the city called it Antipatris, in honour of his father Antipater. Acts 23. 31 took Paul, and brought (him), .to A. ANTIQUITY — Former state, nDip kadmah. Isa. 23. 7 whose antiquity (is) of ancient days ? her AN-TO-THI'-JAH, n;nh3JJ answers of Jah.\ Son of Shashak, a Benjamite, B.C. 1340. lCh. 8. 24 And Hananiah, and Elam, and A. AN-TO-THITE, ’nblJZ belonging to Anathoth. It is sometimes written Anethothite. 1 Ch. 11. 28 [men of the armies],. Abiezer the A. 12. 3 Berachah, and Jehu the A. A'-HUB, nil)} strong or high. A descendant of Judah through Caleb, son of Hur, B.C. 1 Ch. 4. 8 And Coz begat A., and Zobedah, and ANVIL — Step, stroke oys paam. Isa. 41. 7 (with)the hammer himthat smote the anvil ANY — 1. One, inx ecliad. Lev. 4.' 2 If a soul shall sin.. agains. any of 4. 13 have done, .any of the commandments 4. 22 When a ruler hath. .done, .any of the 4. 27 he doeth. .any of the commandments 4. 27 he doeth. .any of the commandments 5. 17 if a soul sin, and commit any of these 6. 3 in any of all these that a man doeth Numis. 27 if any soul sin through ignorance, then 36. 3 if they be married to any of the sons of Deuti 6 . 5 within any of thy gates, which the Lord 17. 2 If there be found among you, within any 18. 6 if a Levite come from any of thy gates 28. 55 So that he will not give to any of them 2 Sa. 2. 1 Shall I go up into any of the cities of 7. 7 spake I a word with any of the tribes of 1 Ch. 17. 6 spake I a word to any of the judges of Lze. 16. 5 None eye pitied thee, to do any of these 2 . A man, individual, it’s ish. Exodio. 23 They saw not one another, neither rose any Lev. 21. 9 the daughter of any priest, if she profane Judg2o. 8 We will not any. .neither will we any 21. 1 There shall not any of us give his daughter 1 Sa. 30. 2 they slew not any, either great or small 2 Sa. 9. 3 (Is) there not yet any of the house of Saul 1 Ki. 3. 13 there shall not be any among the kings 5. 6 not among us any that can skill to 2 Ki. 4. 29 if any (salute thee), answer him not again 10. 5 we will not make any king: do thou 10. 14 took them alive, .neither left he any of 10. 24 (If) any of the men whom I have brought 18. 33 Hath any of the gods of the nations Isa. 36. 18 Hath any of the gods of the nations Jer. 23. 24 Can any Hide himself in secret places Eze. 7 13 neither shall any strengthen himself 18. 7 hath not oppressed any. .hath restored 18. 16 Neither hath oppressed any, hath not 46. 16 If the prince give a gift unto any of his Zech 13. 3 to pass,(that) when any shall yet prophesy 3 . All, any, bb kol. Deut. 4. 23 a graven image, (or) the likeness of any Ezra 7. 24 touching any of the priests and Levites Dan. 2. 10 asked such things at any magician, or 2. 30 is not revealed to me.. more than any 3. 28 that they might not serve nor worship any 6. 4 neither was there any error or fault found 6. 5 We shall not find any occasion against 6. 12 that shall ask. .of any God or man within 4. Who ? whom ? V mi. Gen. 19. 12 Hast thou here any besides ? son in law 5. Soul, person, visi nephesh. Lev. 2. 1 when aiiy will offer a meat offering 24. 17 he that killeth any man shall surely be Numi9. 11 toucheth the dead body of any man shall Deut24. 7 If a man be found stealing any of his 6. One, its heis. Acts 4. 32 neither said any.. that ought of the things 7. Not, gii me. Luke2o. 27 Sadducees, which deny that there is any 8 . Mot one, no one, pi) Sets medeis. Acts 25. 17 without any delay on the morrow I sat 2 Th. 2. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means 1 Pe. 3. 6 and are not afraid with any amazement 9. lias any one ? p-fir is metis. ■ John 7. 48 Have any of the rulers or of the Pharisees 10 . Any thing, pi) ri me ti. John2i. 5 Jesus saith. .have ye any meat ? 11 .Not even one, ouSels oudeis. Mark 5. 4 broken..neither could any (man) tame 16. 8 neither said they anything to any (man) Luke 8. 43 neither could be healed of any 9. 36 and told no man in those days any of 20. 40 after that they durst not ask him any Acts 4. 12 [Neither is there salvation in any other] VI. All, any, every, was pas. Matt 18. 19 as touching anything that they shall 2 Co. 1. 4 comfort them which are in any trouble Heb. 4. 12 and sharper than any two-edged sword Rev. 7. 1 not blow.. on the sea, nor on [any] tree 7. 16 hunger no more, neither thirst any more 9. 4 neither any green thing, neither any tree 13 .Any one, any, ns tis. Mark 8. 26 nor tell (it) to any in the town 11. 25 forgive, if ye have ought against any 16. 18 [and if they drink any deadly thing] Luke24- 41 he said.. Have ye here any meat ? John 1. 46 Can there any good thing come out of 2. 25 needed not that any should testify of Acts 4. 34 Neither was there any among them that 9. 2 if he found any of this way, whether they 25. 16 the manner of the Romans to deliver any 27. 42 lest any of them should swim out, and 28. 21 neither any of the brethren. .spake any Rom. 8. 39 height, nor depth, nor any other creature 9. 11 neither having done any good or evil 15. 18 I will not dare to speak of any of 1 Co. 1. 15 Lest any should say that I had baptized 6. 1 Dare any of you, having a matter against 6. 12 not be brought under the power of any 7. 18 Is any man called being circumcised? 2 Co. 11. 21 Howbeit, whereinsoever any is bold, (I 12. 17 Did I make a gain of you by any of them Eph. 5. 27 having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing Col. 2. 23 not in any honour to the satisfying of 3. 13 if any man have a quarrel against any 1 Th. 2. 9 we would not be chargeable unto any 5. 15 none render evil for evil unto any 2 Th. 3. 8 Neither did we eat any man’s bread Heb. 3. 12 Take heed. .lest there be in any of you 3. 13 lest any of you be hardened through the 4. 1 lest, a promise being left.. any of you I2 .15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of 12! 16 Lest there (be) any fornicator, or profane Jas. 5.12 swear not.. neither by any other oath Jas. 5. 13 Is any among you afflicted?. .Is any merry ? 5. 14 Is any sick among you? let him call for 5. 19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the 2 Pe. 3. 9 not willing that any should perish, but [See also Kin, longer, means, more, never, nor, not,thing, time, whether, which, wise without.] ANY at all — 1 .Pleasure, ['art cliaphets. Eze. 18. 23 Have I any pleasure at all that the 2. To be able, Sb; yakol Num 22. 38 have I now any power at all to say any ANY case, in —- To bring back, MB’ shub, 5. Deut 22. 1 thou shalt in any case bring them again 24. 13 In any case thou shalt deliver him the ANY further — Yet, further, in eti. Mark 5. 35 why troublest thou the Master any further 14. 63 What need we any further witnesses ? Luke22. 71 What need we any further witness? ANY longer —- 1 .Yet, further, in eti. Rom 6. 2 How shall we. .live any longer therein? 2.iYo further, pi) Ken meketi. Acts 25. 24 that he ought not to live any longer ANY man — 1. A man, individual, tr’X ish. Gen. 24. 16 (was) very fair, .neither had any man Exod34. 3 neither let any man be seen throughout 34. 24 neither shall any man desire thy land Lev. 7. 8 the priest that offereth any man's burnt 15. 2 When any man hath a running issue 15. 16 if any man's seed of copulation go out 15. 24 if any man lie with her at all Num. 5. 10 whatsoever any man giveth the priest 5. 12 If any man's wife go aside, and commit a 9. 10 If any man of you or of your posterity 21. 9 if a serpent had bitten any man, when Deut 19. 11 if any man hate his neighbour, and lie in 19. 16 If a false witness rise up against any man 22. 13 If any man take a wife, and go in unto 23. 10 If there be among you any man, that is Josh. 1. 5 There shall not any man be able to stand 2. 11 remain any more courage in any man Jtidg. 4. 20 when any man doth come and enquire of 1 Sa. 2. 13 when any man offered sacrifice, the 2. 16 if any man said unto him, Let them not 12. 4 hast thou taken ought of any man's hand 2 Sa. 15. 2 it was (so), that when any man that had 15. 5 it was (so), that when any man came nigh 19. 22 shall there any man be put to death this 21. 4 neither for us shalt thou kill any man 2 Ki. 4. 29 if thou meet any man, salute him not 2. Whoso, 'P mi. Exod24. 14 if any man have any matters to do, let 3. Each one, e waaros hekastos. Eph. 6. 8 that whatsoever good thing any man 4 . Not one, no one, pgdeis medeis. Mark 1. 44 See thou say nothing to any man Acts 10. 28 that I should not call any man common 5 .Not any thing, nothing, pgr is metis. John 4. 33 Hath any man brought him (ought) to 6 . Not even one, ol/Seis oudeis Matt22. 16 neither carest thou for any. .for thou Marki6. 8 said they any thing to any. .for they were John 8. 33 and were never in bondage to any man 18. 31 It is not lawful for us to put any man to Jas. 1. 13 neither tempteth he any man: but every 7. Any, any one, ns tis. Matt 11. 27 neither knoweth any man the Father 12. 19 neither shall any man hear his voice in 21. 3 if any.. say ought unto you, ye shall 22. 46 neither durst any. .from that day forth 24. 23 if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here Mark 9. 30 he would not that any man should know 11. 3 if any man say unto you, Why do ye 11. 16 would not suffer that any man should 13. 5 Take heed lest any. .deceive you 13. 21 then if any man shall say to you, Lo Luke 14. 8 When thou art bidden of any (man) to a 19. 8 if I have taken any thing from any man 19. 31 if any man ask you, Why do ye loose 20. 28 If any man’s brother die, having a wife John 4.33 Hath any man brought him (ought) to eat? 6. 46 Not that any man hath seen the Father , 6. 51 if any man eat of this bread, he shall 7. 17 If any man will do his will, he shall 7. 37 If any man thirst, let him come unto me 9. 22 that if any man did confess that he was 1 9. 31 if any man be a worshipper of God, and 9. 32 that any man opened the eyes of one that 10. 9 I am the door: by me if any man 10. 28 neither shall any. .pluck them out of 11. 9 If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth 11. 57 that, if any man knew where he were 12. 26 If any man serve me. .if any man serve 12. 47 if any man hear my words, and believe 16. 30 and needest not that any man should Acts 10. 47 Can any man forbid water, that these 19. 38 if Demetrius, .have a matter against any 24. 12 neither found me. .disputing with any Rom. 8. 9 Now if any man have not the Spirit of 1 Co. 5. 11 if any man that is called a brother be a 7. 18 Is any man called being circumcised? let ANY 44 APOSTLE 1 Co. 8. io For if any man see thee which hast o. 15 than that any man should make my 10. 28 if any man say unto you, This is ottered 14. 27 If any man speak in an. .tongue, .by two 2 Co. 12. 6 lest any man should think of me above Eph. 2. 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast Col. 2. 4 this I say, lest any man should beguile 2. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you 3. 13 if any man have a quarrel against any 2 Th 3. 8 Neither did we eat any man’s breadjor Heb. 4 . 11 lest any man fall after the same example 12. 15 lest any man fail of the grace of God 1 Jo. 2. 1 if any man sin, we have an advocate with 2. 15 If any man love the world, the love of 2. 27 ye need not that any man teach you; but 5. 16 If any man see his brother sin a sin. .not Rev. 3. 20 if any man hear my voice, and open the 22. 18 If any man shall add unto these things 22. 19 if any man shall take away from the [See also If, by,'.lest, neither, not.] ANY manner — Any, 73 kol. Exod 2 2. 9 for any manner of lost thing which Lev. 7. 27 soul. .that eatetli any manner of blood Deut 27. 21 he that lieth with any manner of beast ANY marks — Writing, njh? kethobeth. Lev. 19. 28 nor print any marks upon you : I (am) ANY more — 1 .To add, f]D; yasaph. Deut. 5. 25 hear the voice of the LORD.. any more 2. To add, ad; yasaph, 5. Exod. 8. 29 not Pharaoh deal deceitfully any more n. 6 nor shall be like it any more Josh. 7. 12 neither will I be with you any more 2 Sa 7. 10 neither shall, .afflict them any more 14. 10 he shall not touch thee any more 2 Ki. 21. 8 Neither will I make. .Israel, .any more 1 Ch. 17. 9 children of wickedness waste.. any more 2 Ch. 33. 8 Neither will I any more remove the foot Jer. 31. 12 they shall not sorrow any more'at all Joel 2. 2 neither shall be any more after it 3. Still, yet, again, iiji od. Gen. 8. 12 returned not again unto him any more 4. (For an) indefinite time, oViy olam. Eze. 27. 36 and never (shalt be) any more 28. 19 and never (shalt) thou (be) any more 5 .Yet, further, en eti. Luke20. 36 Neither can they die any more: for they Rev. 7. 16 neither thirst any more ; neither shall 12. 8 neither was their place found any more 18. 22 no craftsman.. shall be found any more 21. 4 neither shall there be any more pain, for 6 . No more, gpuem meketi. Rom 14. 13 let 1 us not. .judge one another any more 7. No further, ovicen ouketi. Matt 22. 46 from that day forth ask him any more Mark 9. 8 they saw no man any more, save Jesus Lukei22. 16 I will not [any more] eat thereof, until Rev. 18. 11 no man buyeth. .merchandise any more ANY of theirs — Them, cn ham. Eze. 7. 11 their multitude, nor of any of their’s ANY one — A ll, any, every, vas pas. Matt 13.19 When any one heareth the word of the ANY person — Soul, person, aisj nephesh. Nuni3i. 19 whosoever hath killed any person, and 35. 11 which killeth any person at unawares 35. 15 everyonethatkillethanypersonunawares 35. 30 Whoso killeth any person, the murderer 35. 30 one. .shall not testify against any person ANY such — Matter, word, "lyj ddbar. Deut 13. 11 shall do no more any such wickedness 19. 20 henceforth commit no more any such ANY thing — 1 .One, ink echad. Deut. 6’ 7 it shall be forgiven him for any thing 2. Word, thing, "la-j dabar. Gen. 18. 14 Is any thing too hard for the Lord ? Numzo. 19 I will only, without, .any thing, .go 3. What and what, noixD meumah. Gen. 22. 12 neither do thou any thing unto him: for 30. 31 Thou shalt not give me any thing: if thou 39. 9 neither hath he kept back any thing from 39. 23 of the prison looked not at any thing Num 22. 38 have 1 .. any power at all to say any thing ? Deut 24. 10 thou dost lend thy brother any thing 1 Sa. 20. 26 Saul spake not any thing that day: for 20. 39 theladknewnot anything: onlyJonathan 21. 2 Let no man know any thing of the 25. 15 neither missed we any thing, as long as 2 Sa. 13. 2 thought it hard for him to do any thing 2 Ch. 9. 20 it was (not) any thing accounted of in Eccl. 9. 5 the dead know not any thing, neither Jon. 3. 7 neither, .herd nor flock, taste any thing 4 . Not one, no one, pr/Sels, medeis. Rom. 13. 8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one 2 Co. 6. 3 Giving no offence in any thing, that the 5 .Not even one, oi/Sels oudeis. Mark 16. 8 neither said they any thing to any (man) S.Any, anything, ns tis,r 1 ti. Matt24. 17 Let him. .come down to take any thing Markn. 13 came, if haply he might find any thing 13. 15 neither enter, .to take any thing out of Lukeig. 8 if I have taken any thing from any man 22. 35 when I sent you. .lacked ye any thing? John 7. 4 no man (that) doeth any thing in secret 14. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name Acts 17. 25 as though he needed any thing, seeing 19. 39 if ye enquire any thing concerning other 25. 11 or have committed any thing worthy of Rom 14. 14 but to him that esteemeth any thing to 1 Co. 2. 2 For I determined not to know any thing 3. 7 neither is he that planteth any thing 8. 2 if any man think. .he knoweth any thing 10. 19 [say I then ? that the idol is any thing] 10. 19 that which is offered, .idols is any thing? 14. 35 if they will learn any thing, let them 2 Co. 2. 10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I (forgive) 3. 5 to think any thing as of ourselves ; but Gal. 5. 6 neither circumcision availeth any thing 6. 15 neither circumcision availeth any thing 1 Th. 1. 8 so that we need not to speak any thing Jas. 1. 7 that he shall receive any thing of the 1 Jo. '5. 14 that, if we ask any thing according to [See also Not,’superfluous, sweat.] ANY thing at all — Any one, any thing, ns tis,n ti. Acts 25. l 8 Cesar, have I offended any thing at all ANY whither — Whether, rnsji aneh va-anah. 1 Ki. 2. 36 and go not forth thence any whither 2J42 walkest abroad any whither, that thou ANY wise, in — 1 .Only, fjx dk. Psa. 37. 8 fret not thyself in any wise to do evil 2 .Only, surely, pn rag. Josh. 6. 18 ye, in any wise keep, .from the accursed [See also Exod. 22. 23; Lev. 19. 11; 27. 19; Deut. 17.15 ; 21. 23; 22. 7 ; Josh. 23.12; 1 Sa. 6. 3; 1 Ki. 11. 22.] APACE — 1 .To go on, halak. 2 Sa. 18. 25 And he came apace, and drew near 2 .Refuge, flight, Di:a manos. Jer 46. 5 and are fled apace, and look not back APART — 1 .Apart, na bad. Zech.12. 12 the land shall mourn, every family apart [This participle occurs eleven times in v. 12,13, 14 ] 2 .By themselves, ko.t Ibiav hat' idian. Matt 14. 13 he departed, .into a desert place apart 14. 23 went up into a mountain apart to pray 17. 1 bringeth. .into an high mountain apart 17. 19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart 20. 17 Jesus, .took the twelve disciples apart in Mark 6. 31 Come ye yourselves apart into a desert 9. 2 and leadeth them up.. apart by themselves APART, to put or set — Separation, hm niddah. Lev. 15. 19 she shall be put apart seven days 18. 19 as she is put apart for her uncleanness Eze. 22. 10 that was set apart for pollution APE — Ape, marmoset, *]'ip qoph. 1 Ki. 10. 22 silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks 2 Ch. 9. 21 silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks A-PEL'-LES, ’A-rreWris. A disciple at Rome, to whom Paul sends salutation Rom. 16 10 Salute A. approved in Christ A-PHAR-SA'-CHITES, jqP’iss. Meaning uncertain. An unknown Assyrian tribe. Ezra 5. 6 Tatnai..and his companions the A. 6. 6 Tatnai. .and your companions the A. A-PHAR-SATH'-CHITES, SQflCriSK Perhaps the same as the preceding. Ezra 4. 9 Then. .Rehum the chancellor, and..A. A-PHAR'-SITES, fo.DnsK. Meaning uncertain. Perhaps the same as the preceding. Ezra 4. 9 Then. .Rehum the chancellor, and. .A. A'-PHEK, pss fortress. 1 A royal city of the Canaanites, taken by Joshua and assigned to Issachar. Probably the same as the Aphe- kah of Josh. 15. 53. Josh. 12. 18 [these are the kings]. .The king of A.; 1 Sa. 4. 1 and the Philistines pitched in A. 29. 1 Philistines gathered.. their armies to A. 2 . A city E. of Cinneroth, where Benhadad was de¬ feated by Allah. \ i Ki. 20. 26 came to pass.. Ben-liadad.. went up to A 20. 30 But the rest fled to A., into the city 2Ki. 13. 17 thou shalt smite the Syrians in A., till 3 . With the article “the Aphek," a place where the Philistines encamped while the Israelites were at Eben- ezer. This was N.W. and not far from Jerusalem. 1 Sa. 4. 1 and the Philistines pitched in A. 4 . The scene of a battle wherein Saul was defeated and slain. 1 Sa. 29. 1 Philistines gathered, .their armies to A. A-PHE'-KAH, npSK fortress. A city in the hill-country of Judah, near Betli-tappuah. Josh. 15. 53 And Januni, and Betli-tappuah, and A. A-PHI'-AH, striving. One of Saul's ancestors, li.c. 1225. 1 Sa. 9. 1 Zeror, the son of Bechorath, the son of A. A'-PHEK, psi< npst; p-si < fortress. A city of Asher in the N. of Canaan. It is the Aphaka on the river Adonis. The Canaanites kept possession of this stronghold. Josli.13. 4 unto A., to the borders of the Amorites 19. 30 Ummah also, and A., and Rehob, twenty Judg. 1. 31 did Asher drive out the inhabitants of A. 2 Ki. 13. 17 for thou shalt smite the Syrians in A. APH'-RAH, ropy hamlet. A city in Benjamin, near Philistia. It is perhaps the same as Ophrah, but this is uncertain, as all the towns named in the context are in the low country, while Ophrah would seem to be E. of Bethel. Mic. 1. 10 in the house of A. roll thyself in the dust APH'-SES, fxsn the dispersed. A Levite chief of the 18th of the 24 courses in the service of the temple, B.c. 1015. 1 Ch. 24.15 seventeenth to Hezir. .eighteenth to A. APIECE — 1. The one pillar, inkn neyn ha-ammud ha-echad. 1 Ki. 7. 15 pillars. .of eighteen cubits high apiece 2. The spoon, pan hukkapli. Num. 7. 86 spoons, .(weighing) ten (shekels) apiece 3. Up to, up by, apiece, avd ana. Luke 9. 3 journey, .neither have two coats [apiece] John 2. 6 containing two or three firkins apiece A-POL LO-NI'-A, ’ A-K0\\wvia, place of Apollo. A city of Macedonia, in the district of Mygdonia, 28 miles from Ampliipolis, and 35 from Thessalonica. This city must not be confounded with the more cele¬ brated Apollonia in Illyria. Acts 17. 1 when they had passed through, .and A. A-POL'-LOS, ’AiroAAuis a destroyer. A11 eloquent Jew from Alexandria, who came to Ephesus during the absence of Paul (A.D. 54), and was there more perfectly taught in Christian doctrine by Aquila and Priscilla. Acts 18. 24 a certain Jewnamed A.. came to Ephesus 19. I And it came to pass, that, while A. was 1 Co. 1. 12 every one of you saith, I am of.. A. 3. 4 and another, I (am) of A.; are ye not 3. 5 Who then is Paul, and who (is) A., but 3. 6 I have planted, A. watered ; but God gave 3. 22 Whether Paul, or A., or Cephas, or the 4. 6 I have, .transferred to myself and to A. 16. 12 As touching (our) brother A., I greatly Titus 3. 13 Bring., and A. on their journey diligently A-POL-LY'-ON, ’AiroAAt 'mv, destruction, destroyer. The Greek translation of the Hebrew “Abaddon.' 1 Rev. 9. II in the Greek tongue hath (his) name A. APOSTLE — One sent forth, dirooroAos, apostolos. Matt 10. 2 Now the names of the twelve apostles Mark 6. 30 And the apostles gathered themselves Luke 6. 13 chose twelve, whom, .he named apostles 9. 10 the apostles, when they were returned 11. 49 I will send them prophets and apostles 17. 5 the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase 22. 14 he sat down, and the twelve apostles 24. 10 which told these things unto the apostle Acts 1. 2 given commandments unto the apostles 1. 26 was numbered with the eleven apostles 2. 37 and said, .to the rest of the apostles 2. 42 continued stedfastly in the apostles’ 2. 43 many wonders.. done by the apostles 4. 33 with great power gave the apostles 4. 35 laid.. down at the apostles’ feet: and 4. 36 Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed 4. 37 sold, .and laid (it) at the apostles' feet 5. 2 part, and laid (it) at the apostles' feet 5. 12 by the hands of the apostles were many 5. 18 laid their hands on the apostles, and put 5. 29 Peter and the.. apostles answered and 5- 34 commanded to put the [apostles] forth a 5. 40 when they had called the apostles, and 6. 6 Whom they set before the apostles: and 8. 1 were all scattered.. except the apostles 8. 14 when the apostles which were at Jerusa. 8. 18 through laying on of the apostles’ hands 9. 27 took, .and brought (him) to the apostles 11. 1 the apostles and brethren that were in 14. 4 with the Jews, and part with the apostles 14. 14 (which) when the apostles, Barnabas and 15. 2 go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles 13. 4 they were received.. (of) the apostles and 15. 6 the apostles and elders came together 15. 22 Then pleased it the apostles and ciders 15 23 The apostles and elders and brethren 15. 33 were let go in peace, unto the apostles 16. 4 that were ordained of the apostles and Rom. 1. 1 Paul, .called(to be) an apostle, separateu 11. 13 inasmuch as I am the apostle of the 16. 7 who are of note among the apostles, who APOSTLE 45 APPEARANCE 1 Co. i. i Paul, called, an apostle of Jesus Christ 4. 9 God hath set forth us the apostles last 9. 1 Am I not an apostle ? am I not free? 9. 2 If I he not an apostle unto others, yet 9 5 a wife, as well as other apostles, and 12. 28 hath set some in the church, first apostles i2. 29 (Are) all apostles? (are) all prophets? 15. 7 seen of James; then of all the apostles 15. 9 least, .apostles, .to be called an apostle 2 Co. 1. 1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the 11. 5 not a whit behind the very chiefest apostle 11. 13 transforming themselves into the apostles 12. 11 am I behind the very chiefest apostles 12.12 the signs of an apostle were wrought Gal. 1. 1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by I. 17 Neither went..them which were apostles 1. 19 other of the apostles saw I none, save Epli. 1. 1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the 2. 20 built upon the foundation of the apostles 3. 5 now revealed unto his holy apostles and 4. 11 gave some apostles; and ome, prophets Col. 1. 1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the 1 Th. 2. 6 have been burdensome, as the apostles of 1 Ti. 1. 1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the 2. 7 I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle 2 Ti. 1. 1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the 1. 11 I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle Titus 1. 1 Paul, a servant of God, and an Apostle of Heb. 3. 1 holy brethren, .consider the apostle and 1 l’e. 1. 1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the 2 l'e. I. I Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of 3. 2 of the commandment of 11s the apostles Jude 17 which were spoken before of the apostles ltev. 2. 2 tried themwhich say they are apostles,and 18. 20 Rejoice. .holy apostles and prophets; for 21. 14 the names of the twelve apostles of the APOSTLE, false — False or lying apostle, ipfuSarroaroAos. 2 Co. 11. 13 For such (are) false apostles, deceitful APOSTLESHIP — A sending forth, anoaroXTi apostole. Acts, 1. 25 part of this ministry and apostlesliip Komi 1. 5 we have received grace and apostlesliip 1 Co. 9. 2 for the seal of mine apostlesliip are ye in Gal. 2. 8 to the apostlesliip of the circumcision APOTHECARIES' ART, prepared by the — Perfumes, nnpna mirqachath. 2 Ch. 16. 14 (spices) prepared by the apothecaries’ art APOTHECARY — 1 .To mix, compound, perfume, njyj raqacli. Exod 30. 25 compound after the art of the apothecary 30. 35 confection after the art of the apothecary 37. 29 according to the work of the apothecary Eccl. 10. 1 cause the ointment of the apothecary 2. Mixture, spices, n;n raqqach. Neb. 3. 8 Hananiah. .son of (one of), .apothecaries AP-PA -IM, D) 3 N face, presence. Son of Nadab, great-grandson of Jerahmeel, son of Hezron, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 2. 30 And the sons of Nadab; Seled, and A. 2. 31 And the sons of A.; Islii. And the sons APPAREL — \.Garment, ua beged. Judg 17. 10 I will give thee. .a suit of apparel, and 1 Sa. 27. 9 took away the sheep, .and the apparel 2 Sa. 14. 2 put on now mourning apparel, and Zech.14. 14 silver, and apparel, in great abundance 2. Clothing, buu? lebush. 2 Sa. 1. 24 on ornaments of gold upon your apparel Esth. 6. 8 Let the royal apparel be brought which 6. 9 let this apparel and horse be delivered to 6. 10 Make haste, .take the apparel and the 6. 11 Then took Hainan the apparel and tile 8. 15 Mordecai went out. .in royal apparel of Isa. 63. 1 this, .glorious in his apparel, travelling 63. 2 Wherefore.. red in thine apparel, and tliy 3. Clothing, KhaSn malbush. 1 Ki. 10. 5 of his ministers, and their apparel 2 Ch. 9. 4 of his ministers, and their apparel 9. 4 his cup-bearers also, and their apparel Zeph. 1. 8 are clothed with strange apparel 4 . Raiment, simlali. 2 Sa. 12. 20 David arose, .and changed his apparel Isa. 4. 1 We will, .wear our own apparel 5. Robe, garment, iad-qs esthes. Acts 1. 10 two men stood by them in white apparel 12. 21 Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon Jas. 2. 2 a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel 6. Garment, Ipariov himation. 1 Pe. 3. 3 or of putting on of apparel 7. Garment, Iparttrp6s, himatismos. Acts 20. 33 I have coveted no man's silver, .or apparel 8. Long robe, Karaavep6o> phaneroo. Mark 16. 15 [After that he appeared in another form] 16. 14 [Afterward he appeared unto the eleven] 2 Co. 5. 10 we must all appear before the judgment 7. 12 that our care for you.. might appear unto Col. 3. 4 Christ, .shall appear, .ye shall also appear Heb. 9. 26 be appeared to put away sin by the 1 Pe. 5. 4 when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye 1 Jo. 2. 28 that, when he shall appear, we may have 3. 2 it doth not yet appear, .he shall appear Kev. 3. 18 shame of thy nakedness do not appear APPEAR, made — Making bare, 'jfc'rt? machsoph. Gen. 30. 37 and made the white appear, .in the rod APPEARANCE — 1. Appearance, ,i!oa mareh. Num. 9. 15 upon the tabernacle, .the appearance of q. 16 and the appearance of fire by night Eze. 1. 5 And this (was) their appearance; they had 1. 13 their appearance, .like the appearance of 1. 14 as the appearance of a flash of lightning 1. 16 the appearance of the wheels and their 1. 16 their appearance and their work, as it 1. 26 as the appearance of a sapphire stone 1. 26 as the appearance of a man above upon it 1. 27 appearance of fire, .from the appearance 1. 27 from the appearance, .the appearance of 1. 28 as the appearance of the bow that is 1. 28 so (was) the appearance of the brightness 1. 28 This (was) the appearance of the likeness 8. 2 the app. of fire, .from the app.. .the app. 10. 1 as the appearance of the likeness of a 10. 9 the appearance of the wheels, .as the 10. 10 their appearances, they four had one 10. 22 their appearances and themselves: they 40. 3 whose appearance.. like the appearance 41. 21 the appearance, as the appearance 42. 11 the way. .(was) like the appearance of the 43. 3 according to the appearance of the vision Dan. 8. 15 there stood, .the appearance of a man 10. 6 his face as the appearance of lightning 10. 18 like the appearance of a man, and he Joel 2. 4 The appearance, .as the appearance 2. Sight, eTSos eidos. 1 Th. 5. 22 Abstain from all appearance of evil 3. Sight, ityis opsis. John 7. 24 Judge not according to the appearance i.Face, countenance, irpiawsov prosopon. 2 Co. 5. 12 them whichjglory in appearance, and not APPEARANCE, outward — 1 .Eye, i'y ayin. 1. Sa. 16. 7 man looketh on the outward appearance APPEARETH 46 APPOINTED 2 . Face, countenance, ■np 6 poieo. Heb. 3. 2 was faithful to him that appointed him 30 . To arrange together, truvrdaau suntasso. Matt 26. 19 the disciples did as Jesus had appointed 27. 10 the potter's field, as the Lord appointed 31 . To arrange, set in order, t doaoi tasso. Matt28. 16 where Jesus had appointed them Acts 22. 10 things which are appointed for thee to do Acts 28. 23 when they had appointed him a day 32 . Toput, place, t'i 8 t]/ui tithemi. Matt 24. 51 and appoint (him) his portion with the Luke 12. 46 and will appoint him his portion with 1 Th. 5. 9 God hath not appointed us to wrath, but 2 Ti. 1. 11 Whereuuto I am appointed a preacher Heb. 1. 2 Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all 1 Pe. 2. 8 whereunto also they were appointed APPOINT before, to —- To arrange before hand, irpoTaacroyai protassomai. Acts 17. 26 determined the times before appointed APPOINT a time, to — To cause to meet, convene, By; yaad, 5 . Jer. 49. 19 and who will appoint me the time? 50. 44 and who will appoint me the time 1 APPOINTED — 1 .Sons of death, npiDip ’.43 bene themuthah. Psa. 79. 11 preserve thou those that are appointed 2 . To be at a set season, jo; zaman, 4 . Ezra 10. 14 wives in our cities come at appointed Nell. 10. 34 at times appointed year by year, to burn 13. 31 at times appointed, and for the first-fruits 3 . To gird on, "09 chagar. Judg 18. 11, 16 six hundred men appointed with 18. 17 six hundred men. .appointed with 4 .Statute, pn choq. Job , 23. 14 loi, he performeth. .appointed for me 5 . Statute, decreed thing, npn chuqqalx. Jer. 5. 24 lie reserveth unto us the appointed weeks 6 .New or full moon, ND 3 Jeese. Prov. 7. 20 will come home at the day appointed 7 Appointed place or time, ij;id moed. Gen. 18. 14 At the time appointed I will return Exod23. 15 in the time appointed of the month Abib Num. 9. 2 keep the passover at his appointed season 9. 3 ye shall keep it in his appointed season 9. 7 in his appointed season among the 9. 13 in hisjappointed season, that man. .bear Josh. 8. 14 ail his people, at a time appointed 1 Sa. 13. 11 earnest not within the days appointed 20. 35 went, .into the field, at the. appointed 2 Sa. 24. 15 the morning even to the time appointed Job 30. 23 the house appointed for all living Isa. 1. 14 Your new moons and your appointed Jer. 46. 17 he hath passed the time appointed Dan. 8. 19 at the time appointed the end (shall be) 11. 27 the end. .at the time appointed 11. 29 At tlie time appointed he shall return 11. 35 because (it is) yet for a time appointed 8 . Appointed places, rinj;.io moadotli. Josh20. 9 These were the cities appointed for all 9 . To be set up, 3 SJ natsdb, 2 . 1 Sa. 19. 20 Samuel standing (as) appointed over them 10. 77 ) be marked out or off, |DD saman, 2. Isa. 28. 25 cast in the. .appointed barley, .the rye [See also Destruction, season, time.] APPOINTED, to be — 1. To number, n:a manah, 3 . Job 7. 3 wearisome nights are appointed to me 2 . To be numbered, nja manah, 4 . 1 Ch. 9. 29 of them also (were) appointed to oversee 3 . To be appointed, ip B paqad, 2 . Nell. 7. 1 singers and the Levites were appointed 12. 44 were some appointed over the chambers 4.77 ) be laid, kcT/icu keimai. 1 Th. 3. 3 yourselves know that wo are appointed APPOINTED place —- Appointed place, appointment, ipEp miphqad. Eze. 43. 2i the appointed place of the house, without APPOINTED sign — Appointed sign, "lyia moed. Judg2o. 38 there was ail appointed sign betweeu APPOINTED time — 1 . Appointed time, lyin moed. Jer. 8. 7 the stork, .knoweth her appointed times Heb. 2. 3 the vision (is) yet for an appointed time APPOINTED 47 ARBA 2. Warfare, N 2 )t tsabah. Job 7. 1 (Is there) not an appointed time to man 14. 14 all the days of my appointed time will I Dan. 10. 1 true, but the time appointed (was) long APPOINTED unto him — Saying, ipN enter. Job 20.'29 heritage appointed unto him by God APPOINTMENT — [.Saying, 1"no meniar. Ezra 6. 9 according to the appointment of the 2.Mouth, ns peh. Num. 4. 27 At the appointment of Aaron and his sons 2 Sa. 13. 32 by the appointment of Absalom this hath APPOINTMENT, to make an — To meet together by appointment, "!*" yaad, 2. Job 2. 11 they had made an appointment together APPREHEND, to — [.To receive thoroughly, KaTaAayfidvwkatalambano. Phil. 3. 12 I may apprehend. .1 am apprehended 3. 13 I count not myself to have apprehended 2. To press, seize, iua£a> piazo. Acts 12. 4 when he had apprehended him, he put 2 Co. 11. 32 the governor, .desirous to apprehend me APPROACH — 1. To draio near, ai.i) qareb. Deut 20. 3 ye approach this day unto battle against 2. Xear, ahjj qarob. Eze. 42. 13 the priests that approach.. shall eat 43. 19 approach unto me, to minister unto me, APPROACH, to — 1. To draw nigh, tril nagash. Num. 4. 19 when they approach unto the most holy Jer. 30. 21 engaged his heart to approach unto me ? 2. To be nigh, vii nagash, 2. Deut 20. 2 the priests shall approach and speak Jer. 30. 21 he shall approach unto me : for who 3. To draw near, 3"!jj qareb. Lev. 18. 6 None of you shall approach to any 18. 14 thou shalt not approach to his wife 18. 19 thou shalt not approach unto a woman 20. 16 if a woman approach unto any beast 21. 17 let him not approach to offer the bread 21. 18 that hath a blemish, .shall not approach Deut 31. 14 thy days approach that thou must die Josh. 8. 5 the people, .will approach unto the city 2 Ki. 16. 12 the king approached to the altar, and Eze. 42. 14 shall approach to (those things) which 1. To draw nighfiyylfa enggizo. Luke 12. 33 where no thief approacheth, neither moth Heb. 10. 25 the more, as ye see the day approaching APPROACH nigh, to — To be drawn nigh, i tin nagash, 2. 2 Sa. 11. 20 Wherefore approached ye so nigh unto APPROACH, to cause to — To cause to draw near, 3"if) qareb, 3. Psa. 65. 4 thou choosest, and causest to approach APPROACH, to make to —• To cause to draw nigh, s')) nagash, 5. Job 40. 19 can make liis sword to approach (unto) APPROACHED, not to be — Unapproached, air pianos aprositos. 1 Ti. 6. 16 light which no man can approach unto APPROACHING .1 drawing near, nanp qerabah. Isa. 58. 2. they take delight in approaching to God APRON — 1. Anything girded on, rnijq chagorah. Gen. 3. 7 sewed fig leaves.. and made.. aprons 2 . Handkerchief or apron, aiytKivOiov simikinthion. Acts 19.12 unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons APPROVE, to — 1. To see, ntr 1 raah. Lam. 3. 36 To subvert a man. .the Lord approveth 2. To be pleased, nyj ratsah. Psa. 49. 13 yet their posterity approve their sayings 3. To show off, airobe'iKvvpi apodeiknumi. Acts 2. 22 a man approved of God among you by 4. To test, make proof of, SoKiydCu dokimazo. Rom. 2. 18 knowest (his) will, and approvest the 1 Co. 16. 3 whomsoever ye shall approve by Phil. 1. 10 That ye may approve tilings that are 5. To place together, avviorda sunistao. 2 Co. 6. 4 in all (things) approving ourselves as the 7. 11 ye have approved yourselves to be clear APPROVED — Tested, tried, Soatyos dokimos. Rom 14. 18 he that, .serveth Christ (is), .approved of 16. 10 Salute Apelles approved in Christ 1 Co. 11. ig that they which are approved may lie 2 Co. 10.18 not he that commendeth. .is approved 13. 7 not that we should appear approved, but 2 Ti. 2. 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God APT — To do, (lit. doers), n'py asah. 2 Ki. 24. 16 all (that were) strong (and) apt for war APT to teach — Apt to teach, SiSaKriads didaktikos. 1 Ti. 3. 2 A bishop then must be.. apt to teach 2 Ti. 2. 24 but be gentle unto all. .apt to teach A-QTJI'-LA, ’AavAas eagle. A Jew whom Paul found at Corinth on his arrival from Athens. Acts 18. 2 And found a certain Jew named A., born 18. 18 sailed thence, .with him Priscilla and A. 18. 26 whom when A. and Priscilla had heard Rom.16. 3 Greet Priscilla and A. my helpers in Christ 1 Co. 16. 19 A. and Priscilla salute you much in the 2 Ti. 4. 19 Salute Prisca and A., and the household AR, ip city. The capital of Moab, on the left bank of the river Ar- non. It was in Jerome's time known as Areopolis and Rabbath Moab. The site is still called llabba, between Kerek and the Wady Mojeb, about n miles from each. Num 21. 15 brook that goeth. .to the dwelling of A. 21. 28 it hath consumed A. of Moab, (and) the Deut. 2. 9 because I have given A. unto the children 2. 18 Thou art to pass over through A., the 2. 29 As. .the Moabites which dwell in A., did Isa. 15. 1 Because in the night A. of Moab is laid A'-RA, jqx strong. Son of Jetlicr, of the tribe of Asher, B.C. 1540. 1 Ch. 7. 38 And the sons of Jether. .Pispah, and A. A'-RAB, 33X a court. A city in the hill country of Judah, near Hebron. Josh. 15. 48-52 And in the mountains.. A., and Duniah A-RA'-BAH, reqj’n the plain, wilderness. The valley on both sides of the Jordan from the Sea of Galilee to the southern extremity of the Salt Sea. This word is translated “plain” in many places, but seems to denote a particular place in Josh, xviii. The descrip¬ tion of an arabah is beautifully given in Jer. 51. 43. Josh.18. 18 And passed along, .over against A. 18. 18 northward, and went down unto A. A-RA-BI-A, Jqjfb, in;,’., 3-ji?. wilderness. Generally in the Scriptures this name is applied to Arabia Petrsca, or that portion of the great Arabian Peninsula which consists of that of Sinai, Idumea, and the region of Mount Seir, being bounded by Egypt and the upper part of the Red Sea, the Land of Canaan, and Northern Arabia. Its oldest inhabitants were called Horim or llorites, because of their living in “holes or caves; ” these were supplanted by the Edomites, and the Ishmaelites, and the Amalekites. The first men¬ tion of the name occurs in the reign of Solomon, B.C. 1014-975, when he is represented as receiving gold from “ all the kings of Arabia,” but whether as tribute or as a present is not mentioned (1 Ki. 10. 15; 2 Ch. 9. 14); Jehoshaphat, B.C. 941, is also represented as receiving from the Arabians 1700 rams, and 7700 lie-goats (2 Ch. 17. 11); the Arabians, who are represented as “near the Ethiopians," came up against Judah in the days of Jehoram, B.C. 887, plundered his house, carried away his wives and his sons (whom they afterwards slew) except .1 elioahaz (or Ahaziah, or Azariah), his youngest son (2 Ch. 21. 17 ; 22. 1); they are said to dwell in Gur- baal, a place unknown, and to have been defeated by Uzziah, b.c. 810 (2 Ch. 26. 7); Geshem the Arabian, joined with Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite, to mock and intimidate Nehemiah (Nell. 2. 19; 4. 7:6. 1); the woe denounced against Babylon was, that “neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there” (Isa. 13. 20); a woe was denounced against Arabia itself, against a forest there, and against the travelling companies of Dedanim, the land of Tema, and the glory of Kedar (Isa. 21. 13-17): lust for idolatry is represented as that of the Arabian in the wilderness watching for prey (Jer.53. 2); their kings, distinct from those of De- dan, and Tema, and Buz, had to drink of the cup of the Lord from the hand of Jeremiah (Jer. 25. 24). Arabia and the princes of Kedar traded with Tyre, B.C. 588 (Eze. 27. 21); some of its inhabitants were among the hearers of the Apostles on the day of Pente¬ cost (Acts 2. 11); and were perhaps converted, and with these Paul may have associated himself when he went to Arabia after his conversion (Gal. 1. 17; 4. 25). It is sometimes referred to as “Kedem,” or “the East,” as in Gen. 10. 30; 25. 6; 29. 1; Num. 23. 7, &c. This would seem to have been the name given to it by the inhabitants of Egypt and Canaan, as being to the East of these countries, as “Arab," or the “West,” may have been given to it by the people of Babylonia. The principal tribes in Arabia Petnca, with which the Bible principally deals, were the Amalekites, Edomites, Ge- shurites, Gezerites, Hagarites, Horites, Ishmaelites, Kadmonites, Kenites, Kenizzites, Kederenes, Midian- ites, Nabathicans, with the Moabites and Ammonites. The chief places mentioned are Almon-Diblathaim, Alusli, Baal-Zephon, Bemoth, Beeroth, Bene-jaakan Beer-lahai-roi, Bozrah (in Edom), Buz, Diklah, Dinha- bah, Dizaliab, Dophkab, Ebronali, Elath, Elim, En- eglaim, En-mishpat, Ezion-geber, Gebal, &c. 1 Ki. 10.15 Beside, .of all the kings of A., and of the 2 Ch. 9. 14 And all the kings of A. and governors Isa. 21. 13 burden upon A. In the forest in A. Jer. 25. 24 And all the kings of A., and all the kings Eze. 27. 21 A., and all the princes of Kedar, they Gal. 1. 17 but I went into A., and returned again 4. 25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in A., and A-RA-BI-ANS, Q'N' 3 -iy. The Gentile appellation of the inhabitants of Arabia. 2CI1.17. 11 and the A. brought him flocks, seven 21. 16 Lord stirred up. .the spirit of the. .A. 22. 1 for the band.. that came with the A. to 26. 7 And God helped him.. against the A. Nell. 2. 19 But when.. Geshem the A., heard (it), they 4. 7 when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the A. 6. 1 Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Gesham the A. Isa. 13. 20 neither shall the A. pitch tent there Jer. 3. 2 In the ways hast thou sat. .as the A. in Acts 2. 11 Cretes and A., we do hear them speak A'-RAD, TTJ£ fugitive. 1 . A king wlio attacked the Israelites near Mount nor, and was defeated, B.c. 1452. Num 21. 1 And (when) king A. the Canaanite, which 33. 40 And king A. the Canaanite, which dwelt 2 . A Benjamite, son of Beriah, one of the principal in¬ habitants of Aijalon, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 8. 15 [sons of Elpaal], .Zebadiah, and A., and 3 . A town or district in the S. of Judah, N. of the wilderness. Josh. 12. 14 [These (are) the kings], .the king of A. Judg 1. 16 wilderness of Judah.. in the south of A. A'-RAH, rPN wayfarer. 1 . An Asherite, and son of L’lla, B.c. 1500. 1 Ch. 7. 39 And the sons of Ulla; A. and Haniel, and 2 . The father of a family that came up from exile, B.c. 536. Ezr. 2. 5 The children of A., seven hundred seventy Neh. 7. 10 The children of A., six hundred fifty 3 . A Jew whose granddaughter became the wife of Tobiah the Ammonite, who attempted to hinder Nehe¬ miah in the rebuilding of Jerusalem, B.c. 536. Neh. 6. 18 son in law of Shechaniah the son of A. A'-RAM, D-jff high, exalted. 1 . A son of Sheni, B.c. 2280. Gen. 10. 22 children of Sheni; Elam. .Lud, and A. 10. 23 And the children of A.; t T z, and llul, and 1 Ch. 1. 17 The sons of Sliem; Elam. .Lud, and A. 2 . Son of Kemuel Abraham's nephew, B.C. 1838. Gen. 22. 21 Kemuel the father of A. 3 . This term is used to denote the whole country of Syria, but especially the hilly districts. I11 such cases it is generally translated Syria or Mesopotamia. Num 23. 7 Balalt. .hath brought me from A. 4 . A district of the hill country N. of Canaan. 1 Ch. 2. 23 And he took Gesliur, and A., with the 5 . Son of Sliamer, of the tribe of Asher. 1 Ch. 7. 34 And the sons of Sliamer; Alii.. and A. Matt. 1. 3 Phares begat Esrom ; and Esrom begat A 1. 4 And A. begat Aminadab; and Aminadab Luke 3. 33 Aminadab, which was (the son) of A. Aram is used in the Hebrew to denote the nation of which Aram, son of Shem, was the founder, or that dwelt in the country called Aram. In such cases the English version has it always rendered Syrians. A-RA-MI-TESS, .TEnxrr the female Aramite. Manasseh's concubine. 1 Ch. 7. 14 his concubine the A. bare Machir the A-RAM NA-HA-RA-IM, onni cnK Aram of two rivers. The country between the Tigris and the Euphrates, called in Greek Mesopotamia. Psa. 60. title, when he strove with A. Naliaraim, and A-RAM ZO -BAH, 1312 nqx Aram of Tsnbali. The land between the Orontes and the Euphrates, N.E. of Damascus, and S. of Hamath. Psa. 60. title, when he strove with.. A. Zobali A'-RAN, firmness. Son of Seir the Horite, B.C. 1700. Gen. 36. 28 children of Dishan (are) these; Uz, and A. 1 Ch. 1. 42 The sons of Dishan; Uz, and A. A-RA'-RAT, BT)S creation, holy land. A district of Armenia, between the river Araxes and the lakes Par and Urumia. Gen. 8. 4 the ark rested. .upon the mountains of A. Jer. 51. 27 call, .against her the kingdoms of A. A-RAU'-NAH, .tirm, rrns Jah is firm. A Jebusite from whom David purchased the site of an altar to the Lord. (In 1 Ch. 21. 15, it is Oman.) B.c. IO4O. 2 Sa. 24. 16 angel.. was by the threshing-place of A. 24. 18 an altar, .in the threshing-floor of A. 24. 20 And A. looked, and saw the king and his 24. 20 and A. went out, and bowed himself 24. 21 And A. said, Wherefore is my lord the 24. 22 And A. said unto David, Let my lord the 24. 23 All these (tilings) did A., as a king, give 24. 23 And A. said unto the king, The Lord thy 24. 24 And the king said unto A., Nay; but I AR'-BA, panx strength of Baal. Father of the Anakim (Ilivites) and Nephilim (giants). The name Arba occurs in the Hebrew in connection with Kirjatli “city” only, which is left untranslated in the English version, so that “Kirjath-arba" appears as the name of the city which is elsewhere called the “ City of Arba. ” ARBATHITE 48 ARISE Gen. 35. 27 And Jacob came, .unto the city of A. Josh 15. 13 unto Caleb, .he gave, .the city of A. the 2i. 11 And they gave them the city of A. the AR-BA-THITE, belonging to A rabah. The patronymic of Abialbon and of Abiel. 2 Sa. 23. 31 [one of the thirty]..Abi-albon the A. 1 Ch. 11. 32 Hurai of the brooks of Gaash, Abiel the A. AR-BITE, '31 .S' a -native of Arab. Paarai was one of David's guard; in the parallel list of Chronicles it is given as Ben-ezbai, by a change in let¬ ters not unfrequent. 2 Sa. 23. 35 [One of the thirty].. Paarai the A. ARCHANGEL — Chief messenger, apxa-yyeKos archanggelos. I Th. 4. 16 with the voice of the archangel, and with Jude 9 Michael the archangel, when contending AR-CHE-LA'-US, ’ ApxeAaos people's chief. A son of Herod the Great, who succeeded his father as ruler of Idumea, J udea, and Samaria. Matt. 2. 22 But when he heard that A. did reign in ARCHER — 1. To tread a bow, ni?i 3 11} darak qesheth. 1 Ch. 8. 40 the sons of Glam were mighty, .archers Jer. 51. 3 let the archer bend his bow, and against 2 . To shout, shoot arrows, [’xn chatsats, 3. Judg. 5. 11 (are delivered) from the noise of archers 3. To shoot, rrr yarah. 1 Ch. 10. 3 the archers hit him, and he was wounded 2 Ch. 35. 23 the archers shot at king Josiah; and i. Archer, 31 rab. Job 16. 13 His archers compass me round about, he 5. Bow, ncip. qesheth. Isa. 21 17 the residue of the number of archers 22! 3 they are bound by the archers: all that 6 . To shoot, cast with a bow, nt?j 5 ,Ti; yarah, 5. 1 Sa. 31. 3 and he was sore wounded of the archer 1 Ch. 10. 3 and he was wounded of the archers 7 . To become an archer, nBqi nDI rabah. Gen. 21. 20 and he grew . .and became an archer 8. Owner of arrows, ;ti Sin baal chets. Gen. 49. 23 The archers have sorely grieved him ARCHES — 1 .Arches, porches, D'sVk elammim. Eze. 40. 21 the arches.. were after the measure of the 40. 22 their arches, and their palm trees, 40. 22, 26 the arches thereof (were) before them 40. 24, 29, 33 arches thereof, .according to those 40. 25, 29, 33 in the arches thereof round about 40. 31 the arches thereof (were) toward the utter 40. 34 the arches thereof (were) toward the 40. 36 the arches thereof, and the windows to it % Arches, porches, nisSk elammoth. Eze. 40. 16 And. .narrow windows, .to the arches 40. 30 the arches round about (were) five AR-CHE-VITES, k]i?1k. Meaning uncertain. The inhabitants of Orclue in Chaldea removed to Samaria to colonise the land after the Israelites were carried away. Ezra 4. 9 Then. .Rehum the chancellor and. .the A. AR'-CHI, '31 kn the long. A city on the border of Ephraim, between Luz and Ataroth. Josh. 16. 2 passeth along unto the borders of A. to A. ARCH-IP'-PUS, 'A pxiv-n-os chief groom. One whom Paul exhorts to fidelity. Col. 4. 17 And say to A., Take heed to the ministry Phm. 2 to (our) beloved Appliia, and A. our AR-CHITE, '3ikn the long.' The patronymic of Husliai, David's friend, B.C. 1050. 2 Sa. 15. 32 Husliai the A. came to meet him with his 16. 16 And it came to pass, when Husliai the A. 17. 5 Call now Hushai the A. also, and let us 17. 14 The counsel of Hushai the A. (is) better 1 Ch. 27. 33 Hushai the A. (was) the king's companion ARC-TTT'-HUS, V'V group, crowd. A constellation commonly called the Great Bear, of which the principal star is Dublihe. Job 9. 9 Which maketh A., Orion, and Pleiades 38. 32 canst thou guide A. with his sons? ARD, ilk sprout, descent. 1 . A son of Benjamin, B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 21 sons of Benjamin (were) Belah and A. 2 . A son of Bela, son of Benjamin, B.C. 1660. Num26. 40 the sons of Bela were A. and Naaman AR-DITES, -T !lkn the Ardite, belonging to Ard. Patronymic of the grandsons of Bela. Num 26. 40 (of Ard), the family of the A. AR'-DON, pilk descendant. Son of Caleb, son of Hezron, B.c. 1560. iCh. 2. 18 her sons (are) these; Jesher. .and A. ARE there — l.Are there ? there are or is, trk ish. Mic. 6. 10 Are there yet the treasures of wickedness 2 .There is or are, v>'„ yesh. Jer. 14. 22 Are there (any) among the vanities of AR-E'-LI, ''pk'ik valiant, heroic. A son of Gad, B.C. 1700.. Gen. 46. 16 And the sons of Gad; Zephion..and A. Num 26. 17 of A. the family of the Arelites AR-E-LITES, ' L kik the patronymic of Areli’s family. Num 26. 17 of Areli, the family of tliejA. A-RE-O-PA-GITE, ’ApeioTnxyrrTjs of the Areopagus. Dionysius, a convert, is designated thus. Acts 17 34 among the which (was) Dionysius the A. A-RE-O-PA -GUS, "A peios II dyos Mar's Hill. This institution is attributed to Cecrops, the founder of Athens, B.c. 1556 ; Solon, B.c. 594, extended its jurisdic¬ tion. The guardianship of the laws and the power of enforcing them was intrusted by Solon to this court. Religion and the education of youth were placed under its - control. Its constitution was preserved until Pericles, B.c. 461, caused himself to be elected without having previously received the appointment of arclion. Paul was brought before this court A.D. 51 (Acts 17. 19). Acts 17. 19 they took him, and brought him unto A. A-RE'-TAS, ’A peras pleasing. All etlmarch in N. Arabia, whose deputy sought to apprehend Paul in Damascus. 2 Corn. 32 In Damascus the governor under A. the AR -GOB, nink strong. 1 . A district of the kingdom of Og in Bashan, after¬ wards called “ Trachonitis,”. .and now El-lejeh; it had no less than sixty cities. Deut. 3. 4 all the region of A., the kingdom of Og 3. 13 all the region of A., with all Bashan 3. 14 all the country of A. unto the coasts of G. 1 Ki. 4. 13 the region of A., which (is) in Bashan 2 . A man of rank under Pekah, son of Remaliah, B.c. 761. 2 Ki. 15. 25 palace of the king's house, with A. and ARGUE, to — To reason, m; yakach, 5. Job 6. 25 but what doth your arguing reprove ? ARGUMENT — Reasoning, nnrnn tokachalh. Job 23. 4 I would. .All my mouth with arguments A-RI -DAI, 'Tlk. Meaning uncertain. A son of Haman, hanged along with liis father. Esth. 9. 9 Parmashta and Arisai, and A., and V. A-RI'-DA'-THA, kni'lk. Son of Haman, one of the ten who were hanged along with their father, B.c. 510. Esth. 9. 8 Poratha, and Adalia, and A. A-RI -EH, rr-iki lion ofJah. A companion of Argob, B.c. 761. 2 Ki. 15. 25 Pekah..conspired..with Argob and A. A-RI'-EL, Witt lion of God. 1 . A person whom Ezra sent aloDg with others to Iddo at Casiphia, B.C. 457. Ezra 8. 16 Then sent I for Eliezer, for A., for 2 . A symbolic name for .Jerusalem. Isa. 29. 1 Woe to A., to A., the city (where) David 29. 2 yet I will distress A., and there shall be 29. 2 and it shall be unto me as A. 29. 7 the nations that fight against A. ARIGHT — 1 .Right, )3 ken. Jer. 8. 6 I hearkened, .they spake not aright 2. Upright thing, O'izi '0 mesharim. Prov.23. 31 when it is red. .it movetli itself aright ARIGHT, to set — To prepare, set aright, ]13 lam, 5. Psa. 78. 8 (that) set not their heart aright ARIGHT, to use — To make good, use well, Dtp; yatab, 5. Prov.15. 2 tongue of the wise usetli knowledge aright A-RI-MA-THE -A, 'Api/j.a 9 aia a height. Another name for Ramah, where Samuel dwelt, 5 miles N. of Jerusalem, on the borders of Ephraim and Ben¬ jamin. The LXX. call it Armathaim, and Josephus Armatha. It is now called liameh. Matt27. 57 there came a rich man of A., named Markis. 43 Joseph of A., an honourable counsellor Luke23. 51 (he was) of A., a city of the Jews : who John 19. 38 And after this Joseph of A., being a AR I-OCH, link lion-like. 1 . A king of Ellasar in Assyria, B.C. 1926. Gen. 14. 1 it came to pass in the days of.. A. king of 14. 9 With.. A. king of Ellasar; four kings with 2 . Gaptain of the guard of Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. 2. 14 Daniel answered with, .wisdom to A. 2. 15 He anwered and said to A. the king’s 2. 15 Then A. made the thing known to Daniel 2. 24 Therefore Daniel weut in unto A., whom 2. 25 Then A. brought in Daniel before the king A-RI -SAI, 'D'lk. Meaning uncertain. A son of Haman the Agagite, B.c. 510. Esth. 9. 9 Parmashta, and A., and Aridai, and ARISE, to — 1 .To rise, burst forth, nij zarach. Psa. 104. 22 The sun ariseth, they gather themselves 112. 4 Unto the upright there ariseth light Eccl. 1. 5 The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth I. 5 hasteth to his place where he arose Isa. 60. 2 the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his Jon. 4. 8 when the sun did arise, that God Nah. 3. 17 when the sun ariseth they flee away Mai 4. 2 shall the Sun of righteousness arise 2 . To lift up oneself nasa. Psa. 89. 9 when the waves thereof arise 3. To go up, nSj; alah. Gen. 19. 15 Atnd when the morning arose, then the an. 2 Sa. 11. 20 if so be that the king's wrath arise 1 Ki. 18. 44 there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea 2 Ch. 36. 16 the Lord arose against his people 4 . To stand up, ipjf. anw.d. Esth. 4. 14 enlargement and deliverance arise to the 5. To rise up, Dip quin. Gen. 13. 17 Arise, walk through theland in the length 19. 15 Arise, take thy wife, and thy.. daughters 19. 33 when she lay down, nor when she arose 19. 35 the younger arose, and lay with him 21. 18 Arise, lilt up the lad, and hold him 24. 10 he arose, and went to Mesopotamia 24. 61 Rebekali arose, and her damsels, and 27. 19 arise, I pray thee, sit. .eat of my venison 27. 31 Let my father arise, and eat of his son's 27. 43 arise, flee thou to Laban my brother 28. 2 Arise, go to Padan-aram, to the house of 31. 13 arise, get thee out from this land 35 1 Arise, go up to Beth-el, and dwell there '35. 3 let us arise, and go up to Beth-el 37. 7 my sheaf arose, and also stood upright 38. 19 she arose, and went away, and laid by 41. 30 there shall arise, .seven years of famine 43. 8 we will arise and go; that we may live 43. 13 Take, .your brother, and arise, go again Exod. 1. IS there arose up a new king over Egypt Deut. 9. 12 Arise, get thee down quickly from hence 10. 11 Arise, take (thy) journey before the people 13. 1 there arise among you a prophet 17. 8 If there arise a matter too bard for thee 34. 10 there arose not a prophet since in Israel Josh. 1. 2 arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and 8. 1 take all the people of war. .and arise 8. 3 Joshua arose, and all the people of war 8. 19 the ambush arose quickly out of their 18. 8 the men arose, and went away: and 24. 9 Then Balak arose, and warred against Judg. 2. 10 there arose anothergenerationafterthem 3. 20 And he arose out of (his) seat 4. 9 Deborah arose, and went out with Barak 5. 7 until that I Deborah arose, that I arose 5. 12 arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive 7. 9 Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I 7. 15 Arise; for the Lord hath delivered into 8. 21 Gideon arose,and slew Zebaand Zalmunna 10. 1 there arose to defend Israel Tola the son 10. 3 after him arose Jair, a Gileadite, and 13. 11 Manoah arose, and went after his wife 16. 3 Samson.. arose at midnight, and took the 18. 9 Arise, that we may go up against them 19. 3 her husband arose, and went after her 20. 8 all the people arose as one man, saying 20. 18 the children of Israel arose, and went up Ruth 1. 6 Then she arose with her daughters-in-law 1 Sa. 3. 6 Samuel arose and went to Eli, and 3. 8 he arose and went to Eli, and said 9. 3 Kish said to Saul.. arise, go seek the asses 9. 26 Saul arose, and they.went out both of them 13. 15 Samuel arose, and gat him up from Gilgal 16. 12 Arise, anoint him : for this (is) he 17. 35 when he arose against me, I caught (him) 17. 52 the men of Israel and of Judah arose, and 17. 48 the Philistines arose, and came and drew 18. 27 David arose and went, he and his men 20. 23 Jonathan arose, and Abner sat by Saul’s 20. 34 Jonathan arose from the table in fierce 20. 41 David arose out of (a place) toward the 20. 42 he arose, .and Jonathan went into the 21. 10 David arose and fled that day for fear 23. 4 Arise, go down to Keilah; for I will 23. 13 David and his men. arose and departed 23. 16 Saul's son arose, and went to David 23. 24 they arose, and went to Ziph before Saul 24. 4 David arose, and cut off the skirt of Saul's 24. 8 David.. arose afterward, and went out of 25. 1 David arose, and went down to. .Paran 25. 41 shearose.and bowed herself on (her)face 25. 42 Abigail, .arose and rode upon an ass 26. 2 Saul arose, and went down to. .Ziph 26. 5 David arose, and came to the place where 27. 2 David arose, and he passed over with 28. 23 he arose from the earth, and sat upon the 31. 12 the valiant men arose, and went all night 2 Sa. 2. 14 Let the young men now arise, and play 2. 15 there arose and went over by number 3 21 I will arise and go, and will gather all 6. 2 David arose, and went with all the people II. 2 David arose from off his bed, and walked 12. 17 And the elders of his house arose 12. 20 David arose from the earth, and washed 13. 15 Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone ARISE 49 ARK 2 Sa. 13. 29 all the king’s sons arose, and every man 13. 31 the king arose, and tare his garments . 14. 23 Joab arose and went to Geshur, and 14. 31 Joab arose, and came to Absalom 15. 9 lie arose, and went to Hebron 15. 14 Arise, and let us flee; tor we shall 17. 1 I will arise and pursue after David 17. 21 Arise, and pass quickly over the water 17. 22 David arose, and all the people that 17. 23 he saddled (his) ass, and arose, and gat 19. 7 arise, go forth, and speak comfortably 19. 8 the king arose, and sat in the gate 22. 39 they could not arise.. they are fallen 23. 10 He arose, and smote the Philistines until 1 Ki. 1. 50 arose, and went, and caught hold on the 2. 40 Shimei arose, and saddled liis ass, and 3. 12 neither after thee shall any arise like 3. 20 she arose at midnight, and took my son' 8. 54 he arose from before the altar of the Loud 11. 18 they arose out of Midian, and came to 11. 40 Jeroboam arose, and fled into Egypt, unto 14. 2 Arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself 14. 4 Jeroboam's wife, .arose, and went to 14. 12 Arise thou, .get thee to thine own house 14. 17 Jeroboam’s wife arose, and departed, and 17. 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which 17. 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath 19. 3 he arose and went for his life, and came 19. 5 an angel, .said unto him, Arise, .eat 19. 7 and said, Arise. .eat, because the journey 19. 8 he arose, and did eat and drink, and went 19. 21 he arose, and went after Elijah and 2t. 7 arise, (and) eat bread, and let thine heart 21. 15 Arise, take possession of the vineyard of 21. 18 Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of 2 Ki. 1. 3 Arise, go up to meet the messengers of 1. 15 he arose, and went down with him unto 4. 30 And he arose, and followed her 7. 7 they arose and fled in the twilight, and 7. 12 the king arose in the night, and said unto 8. 1 Arise, and go thou and thine household 8. 2 the woman arose.. and she went with 9. 6 he arose, and went into the house; and lie 10. 12 And he arose and departed, and came to 11. 1 she arose and destroyed all the seed royal 12. 20 his servants arose, and made a conspiracy 23. 25 neither after him arose there, .like him 25. 26 all.. arose, and came to Egypt: for they 1 Ch. 10. 12 They arose, all the valiant men, and took 22. 16 Arise, .and be doing, and the Lord be 22. 19 arise therefore, and build ye the sanctuary 2 Ch. 6. 41 arise, O Lord God, into thy resting place 22. 10 she arose and destroyed all the seed 29. 12 the Levites arose, Mahath, and Joel 30. 14 they arose and took away the altars 30. 27 the Levites arose and blessed the people Ezra 9. 5 I arose up from my heaviness; and having 10. 4 Arise; for (this) matter (belongeth) unto 10. 5 Then arose Ezra, and made the chief Neh. 2. 12 I arose in the night, I and some few men 2. 20 we his servants will arise and build: but Esth. 7. 7 the king arising from the banquet of 8. 4 Esther arose, and stood before the king Job 1. 20 Job arose, and rent his mantle, and 7. 4 When shall I arise, and the night be 19. 18 Yea. .1 arose, and they spake against me 25. 3 upon whom doth not his light arise ? 29. 8 and the aged arose.. stood up Psa. 3. 7 Arise, 0 Lord ; save me, 0 my God : for 7. 6 Arise, O Lord, in thine anger, lift up 9. 19 Arise, O Lord ; let not man prevail 10. 12 Arise, O Lord ; O God, lift up thine hand 12. s now will I arise, saith the Lord ; I will 17. 13 Arise, O Lord, disappoint him, cast him 44. 26 Arise, for our help, and redeem us for thy 68. 1 Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered 74. 22 Arise, O God, plead thine own cause 76. 9 God arose to judgment, to save all the 78. 6 should arise anil declare, .to their 82. 8 Arise, O God, judge the earth : for thou 88. 10 shall the dead arise (and) praise thee? 102. 13 Thou shalt arise, (and) have mercy upon 109. 28 when they arise, let them be ashamed 132. 8 Arise, 0 Lord, into thy rest; thou, and Prov. 6. 9 when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Song 2. 13 Arise, my love, my fair one, and come Isa. 2. 19, 21 he ariseth to shake terribly the earth 21. 5 arise, ye princes, .anoint the shield 23. 12 daughter of Zidon: arise, pass over to 26. 19 shall live, .(with) my dead body, .arise 31. 2 he. .will arise against the house of the 49. 7 Kings shall see and arise, princes also 52. 2 arise, .sit down, 0 Jerusalem : loose 60. 1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and Jer. 1. 17 arise, and speak unto them all that I 2. 27 but. .they will say, Arise, and save us 2. 28 let them arise, if they can save thee in 6. 4 arise, and let us go up at noon. Woe 6. 5 Arise, and let us go by night, and let us 8. 4 Shall they fall, and not arise? shall he 13. 4 Take the girdle, .and arise, go to Euphr. 13. 6 Arise, go to Euphrates, and take the 18. 2 Arise, and go down to the potter’s house 31. 6 Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto 41. 2 Then arose Ishmael the son of Nethaniah 46. 16 Arise, and let us go again to our own 49. 28 Arise ye, go up to Kedar, and spoil the men 49. 31 Arise, get you up unto the wealthy nation 2. 19 Arise, cry out in the night: in the Eze. 3. 22 Arise, go forth into the plain, and I will 3. 23 I arose, and went forth into the plain Hos. 10. 14 shall a tumult arise among thy people 7 Amos 7. 2 by whom shall Jacob arise? for he (is) 7. 5 by whom shall Jacob arise? for he (is) Obad. 1 Arise ye, and let us rise up against her Jon. 1. 2 Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city 1. 6 0 sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so 3. 2 Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city 3. 3 So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh 3. 6 he arose from his throne, and he laid Mic. 2.10 Arise ye, and depart.. this (is) not (your) 4. 13 Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion 6. 1 Arise, contend thou before the mountains 7. 8 0 mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise 6 . To rise up, Dip gum. Dan. 2. 39 after thee shall arise another kingdom 6. 19 the king arose very early in the morning 7. 5 said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh 7. 17 great beasts, .shall arise out of the earth 7. 24 the ten horns.. (are) ten kings.. shall arise 7. To aivake, pp guts, 5. Psa. 44. 23 A wake.. arise, cast (us) not off for ever 8 . To stir up, mj? wr. Hab. 2. 19 Woe unto him that saith to.. stone.. Arise 9. To go or come up, avafiaivoi anabaino. Luke24. 38 said unto them. .why do thoughts arise .Rev. 9. 2 there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the 10 . To (make) rise up, avareWa anatello. 2 Pe. 1. 19 and the day star arise in your hearts 11 -To make to stand up, uviarryii anistemi. Matt. 9. 9 And he arose, and followed him 26. 62 the high priest arose, and said unto him Mark 2. 14 And he arose and followed him 5. 42 straightway the damsel arose, and walked 7. 24 from thence he arose, and went into the 9. 27 But Jesus, .lifted him up; and lie arose 10. 1 he arose from thence, and cometh into 14. 57 there arose certain, and bare false witness Luke 1. 39 Mary arose in those days, and went 4. 38 he arose out of the synagogue, and 4. 39 immediately she arose and ministered 6. 8 And he arose and stood forth 8. 55 her spirit came again, and she arose 15. 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will 15. 20 And he arose, and came to his father 17. 19 he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy 23. 1 the whole multitude of them arose, and 24. 12 [Then arose Peter, and ran unto the] Acts 5. 6 the young men arose,[wound him up, and 6. 9 Then there arose certain of the synagogue 7. 18 Till another king arose, which knew not J. 8. 26 Arise, and go toward the south unto the 8. 27 he arose and went: and, behold, a man of 9. 6 the Lord (said) unto him, Arise, and go 9. 11 the Lord (said) unto him, Arise, and go 9. 18 he received sight forthwith, and arose 9. 34 arise, and make thy bed. And he arose 9. 39 Then Peter arose and went with them 9. 40 put them all forth, .said, Tabitha, arise 10. 20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and 11. 7 I heardavoice saying..Arise, Peter; slay 20. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise 22. 10 the Lord said unto me, Arise, and go into 22. 16 And now why tarriest thou ? arise, and be 23. 9 And there arose a great cry: and the Epii. 5. 14 Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from Heb. 7. 15 after the similitude of. .there ariseth 12 . To cast, fiaWca hallo. Acts 27. 14 there arose against it a tempestuous 13 . To come, become, ytvogai ginomai. Matt. 8. 24 there arose a great tempest in the sea 13. 21 when tribulation or persecution ariseth Mark 4. 17 when affliction or persecution ariseth for 4. 37 there arose a great storm of wind, and Luke 6. 48 when the flood arose, the stream beat 15. 14 there arose a mighty famine in that land John 3. 25 Then there arose a question between Acts 6. 1 there arose a murmuring of the Grecians 11. 19 the persecution that arose about Stephen 19. 23 the same time there arose no small stir 23. 7 when he had so said, there arose a 23. 9 there arose a gi eat cry: and the scribes 23. 10 when there arose a great dissension, the 11 -To wake up thoroughly, Sieyeipoi diegeiro. Mark 4. 39 he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said John 6. 18 the sea arose by reason of a great wind 15.To wake up, iyeipa egeiro. Matt. 2. 13 Arise and take the young child and his 2. 14 When he arose, he took the young child 2. 20 Arise, and take the young child and his 2. 21 he arose, and took the young child and 8. 15 he touched her hand, .and she arose, and 8. 26 Then he arose, and rebuked the winds 9. 5 forgiven thee; or to say, [Arise,] and walk? 9. 6 [Arise,] take up thy bed, and go unto thine 9. 7 he arose, and departed to his house g. 19 Jesus arose, and followed him, and 9. 25 took her by the hand, and the maid arose 17. 7 Jesus, .said, Arise, and be not afraid 24. 24 there shall arise false Christs, and false 25. 7 all those virgins arose, and trimmed their 27. 52 bodies of the saints which slept arose Mark 2. 9 or to say, [Arise,] and take up thy bed, and 2. 11 I say unto thee, [Arise,] and take up tliy 2. 12 immediately he arose, took up the bed 5. 41 and said. .Damsel, I say unto thee, [arise] Luke 5. 24 I say unto thee, [Arise,] and take up thy 7. 14 said. Young man, I say unto thee, Arise Luke 8. 24 Then he [arose,] and rebuked the wind 8. 54 the hand, and called, saying, Maid, [arise] John 7. 52 look: for out of Galilee ariseth no 11. 29 As soon as she heard, .she arose quickly 14. 31 even so I do. Arise, let us go hence Acts 9. 8 Saul arose from the earth; and when his 16. To come into, ehrepxoyaL eiserchomai. Luke 9. 46 there arose a reasoning among them ARISE early, to — To rise or go early, D?ip shakam, 5. Judg 6. 28 the men. .arose early iu the morning 19. 5 when they arose early in the morning 19. 8 he arose early in the morning on the 1 Sa. 5. 3 they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow 5. 4 they arose early on the morrow morning 9. 26 And they arose early: and it came to 2 Ki. 19. 35 when they arose early in the morning Isa. 37. 36 when they arose early in the morning ARISE up, to — 1 .To go up, nty alah. Judg 20. 40 the flame began to arise up out of the 2 . To rise up, Dip gum. Exod. 1. 8 there arose up a new king over Egypt Ezra 9. s I arose up from my heaviness; and Prov.31. 28 Her children arise up, and call her 3. To place up, avlaTryu anistemi. Acts 12. 7 he smote Peter on the side, .saying, Arise A-RIST -AR-CHUS, ’Aplarapxos the best ruler. One who accompanied Paul on his third missionary journey through Asia Minor. Acts 19. 29 and having caught Gains and A., men of 20. 4 and of.. Thessalouians, A. and Secundus 27. 2 A., a Macedonian of Thessalouica, being Col. 4. 10 A. my fellow prisoner saluteth you, and Phm. 24 Marcus, A., Demas, Lucas, my fellow A-RIST-0 -B'U-'LVS,’ ApicrrofiovAos the best counsellor. A person in Rome, whose household Paul saluted. Some say that he was one of the seventy disciples, and preached in Britain. Rom 16. 10 Salute them which are of A.’s(household) ARK — 1 .An ark, chest, coffin, ]’yin aron. Exod 25.10 they shall make an ark (of) shittim wood 23. 14 by the sides of the ark, that the ark 25. 15 staves shall be in the rings of the ark 25. 16 thou shalt put into the ark the testimony 25. 21 above upon the ark; and in the ark 25. 22 two cherubims. .upon the ark of the 26. 33 bring.. within the vail the ark of the 26. 34 put the mercy seat upon the ark of the 30. 6 by the ark of the testimony, before the 30. 26 thou shalt anoint, .the ark of the 31. 7 the ark of the testimony, and the mercy 35. 17 The ark, and the staves thereof, (with) 37. 1 Bezaleel made the ark (of) shittim wood 37. 5 into the rings by the sides of the ark, to 39. 35 The ark of the testimony, and the staves 40. 3 put therein the ark. .and cover the ark 40. 5 the incense before the ark of the testimony 40. 20 took and put the testimony into the ark 40. 20 the staves on the ark, and put. .the ark 40. 21 he brought the ark into the tabernacle 40. 21 covered the ark of the testimony ; as the Lev. 16. 2 the mercy seat, which (is) upon the ark Num. 3. 31 their charge (shall be) the ark, and the 4. 5 cover the ark of testimony with it 7. 89 off the mercy seat, .upon the ark of 10. 33 the ark of the covenant, .went before them 10. 35 when the ark set forward. .Moses said 14. 44 nevertheless the ark of the covenant of Deut 10. 1 come up. .and make thee an ark 10. 2 and thou shalt put them in the ark 10. 3 I made an ark (of) shittim wood, and 10. 5 put the tables in the ark which I had 10. 8 bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord 31. 9, 25 bare the ark of the covenant of the 31. 26 and put it iu the side of the ark of the Josh. 3. 3 When ye see the ark. .go after it 3. 6 Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass 3. 6 they took up the ark of the covenant, and 3. 8 priests that bear the ark of the covenant 3. 11 the ark of the covenant of the Lord of 3. 13 the priests that bear the ark of the Lord 3. 14 the ark of the covenant before the people 3. 15 they that bare the ark were come unto 3. 15, 17 feet of the priests that bare the ark 4. 5 Pass over before the ark of the Lord 4. 7 the waters, .were cut off before the ark 4. 9 the feet of the priests which bare the ark 4. 10 tlie priests which bare the ark stood in 4. 11 the ark of the LORD passed over, and the 4. 16 Command the priests that bear the ark 4. 18 the priests that bare the ark of the 6. 4 priests shall bear before the ark seven 6. 6 Take up the ark of the covenant, and let 6. 7, 13 pass on before the ark of the Lord 6. 8 and the ark of the covenant, .followed 6. 9 and the rereward came after the ark 6. 11 the ark of the Lord compassed the city 6. 12 the priests took up the ark of the Lord 6. 13 bearing seven trumpets, .before the ark 7. 6 fell, .upon his face before the ark of the 8. 33 the Levites.. bare the ark of the covenant 8. 33 stood on this side the ark and on that Judg2o. 27 for the ark of the covenant of God ARK 50 ARMENIA 1 Sa. 1*3 where the ark of Goil (was), and Samuel ' 4. 3 Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of 4. 4 bring from thence tire ark of the covenaut 4. 4 Phinehas. .there with the ark 4. 5 tire ark of the covenant, .came into the 4. 6 they understood that the ark. .was come 4. 11 And the ark of Godlwas taken 4. 13 his heart trembled for the ark of God 4. 17 and the ark of God is taken 4. 18 when he made mention of the ark 4. 19 she heard the tidings that the ark. .was 4. 21 because the ark of God was taken 4. 22 glory is departed, .for the ark. .is taken 5. 1, 2 the Philistines took the ark of God 5. 3 upon his face to the earth before the ark 5. 4 upon his face to the ground before the ark 5. 7 Tire ark.. shall not abide with us: for 5. 8 What shall we do with the ark of the 5. 8 Let the ark. .be carried about unto Gath 5. 10 Therefore they sent the ark of God to 5. 10 as the ark of God came to Ekron, that 5.10 They have brought, .the ark. .to us, to 5. 11 Send away the ark of the God of Israel 6. 1 the ark of the Lord was in the country 6. 2 What shall we do to the ark of tire Lord ? 6 . 3 send away the ark.. send it not empty 6. 8 take the ark.. and lay it upon the cart 6. 11 And they laid the ark. .upon the cart 6. 13 lifted up their eyes and saw the ark 6. 15 the Levites took down the ark of the 6.18 whereon they set down the ark of the 6 .19 because they had looked into the ark 6. 21 Philistines have brought again the ark 7. 1 And the men. .fetched up the ark of the 7. 1 Eleazar his son to keep the ark of the 7. 2 the ark abode at Kirjath-jearim 14.18 Bring, .the ark of God. for the ark 2 Sa. 6. 2 bring up from thence the ark of God 6. 3 they set the ark of God upon a new 6. 4 the ark.. and Ahio went before the ark 6. 6 Uzzah put forth, .to the ark of God, and 6. 7 and there he died by the ark of God 6. 9 How shall the ark of the Lord come 6. 10 So David would not remove the ark of 6. 11 the ark of the Lord continued in the 6.12 The Lord hath, .because of the ark of 6. 12 David went and brought up the ark of 6 . 13 when they that bare the ark. .had gone _. 15 aUlhalmuse of Israel brought up the ark 6. 16 as the ark of the Lord came into the city 6. 17 they brought in the ark of the Lord 7. 2 the ark of God dwelleth within curtains 11.11 The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide in 13. 24 bearing the ark. .set down the ark 15. 25 Carry back the ark of God into the city 15. 29 Zadok. .carried the ark of God again to r Ki. 2. 26 thou barest the ark of the Lord God 3. 15 stood before the ark of the covenant of 6. 19 to set there the ark of the covenant of 8. 1 that they might bring up the ark of the 8. 3 came, and the priests took up the ark 8. 4 they brought up the ark of the Lord 8. 5 congregation. ,(were)with. .beforetiieark 8. 6 the priests brought in the ark of the 7 the ark, and the cherubims covered the a, 8. 9 nothing in the ark save the two tables of 8. 21 And I have set there a place for the ark 1 Ch. 6. 31 David set over, .after that the ark had 13. 3 let us bring again the ark of our God to 13. s to bring the ark of God from Kirjath-jear 13. 6 to bring up thence the ark of God the 13. 7 they carried the ark of God in a new cart 13. 9 Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark 13. 10 because he put his hand to the ark: and 13. 12 How shall I bring the ark of God. .to me? 13 13 David brought not thejark. .to himself 13. 14 the ark of God remained with the family 15. 1 and prepared a place for the ark of God 15. 2 None ought to carry the ark. .but the 15. 2 hath the Lord chosen to carry the ark 13. 3 to bring up the ark of the Lord unto his 15. 12 that ye may bring up the ark of the Lord 15.14 to bring up the ark of the Lord God of 15.15 And the children, .bare the ark of God 15. 23 and Elkanah. .doorkeepers for the ark 15. 24 did blow with the trumpets before the ark 15. 24 and Jehiah(were) doorkeepers for the ark 15. 25 David, .went to bring up the ark of the 15. 26 the Levites that bare the ark of the 15. 27 and all the Levites that bare the ark, and 15. 28 Thus all Israel brought up the ark of the 15. 29 the ark of the covenant of the Lord came 16. 1 So they brought the ark of God, and set 16. 4 to'minister before the ark of the Lord 16. 6 before the ark of the covenant of God 16. 37 he left there before the ark of the 16. 37 to minister before the ark continually 17. 1 but the ark of the covenant, .under 22. 19 to bring’the ark of the covenant of the 28. 2 to build an house of rest for the ark 28.18 and covered the ark of the covenant of 2 Ch. 1. 4 But the ark of God had David brought 5. 2 to bring up the ark of the covenant of the 5. 4 came; and the Levites took up the ark 5. 5 And they brought up the ark, and the 5. 6 were assembled unto him before the ark 5. 7 And the priests brought in the ark of the 3. 8 the ark, and the cherubims covered the ark 5. 9 the staves were seen from the ark before 5. 10 nothing in the ark save the two tables 6. 11 And in it have I put the ark, wherein 6 . 41 arise, .thou, and the ark of tliy strength 2 Ch 8.11 wliereunto the ark of the Lord hath come 35. 3 Put the holy ark in the house which Psa.132. 8 Arise, .thou, and the ark of thy strength Jer. 3. 16 say no more, The ark of the covenant of 2 , Ark, ki/ 3 wt 6 s Jcibotos. Matt 24. 38 the day that Noe entered into the ark Luke 17. 27 the day that Noe entered into the ark Ileb. 9. 4 the ark of the covenant overlaid round 11. 7 By faith Noah, .prepared an ark to the 1 Pe. 3. 20 while the ark was a preparing, wherein Kev. 11. 19 there was seen in his tenijile the ark of 3 . An ark, boat, vessel, nnn tebah. Gen. 6. 14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood 6. 14 rooms shalt thou make in the ark 6. 15 length of the ark (shall bel three hundred 6.16 window shalt thou make £0 the ark 6 16 the door of the ark shalt thou set in the 6. 18 thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and 6.19 every (sort) shalt thou bring into the ark 7 . I Come thou and all thy house into the ark 7. 7 Noah went - .into the ark, because of the 7] 9 There went in two and two.. into the ark 7’ 13 wives of his sons, .into the ark 715 they went in unto Noah into the ark, two 717 the waters increased, and bare up the ark 7 18 the ark went upon the face of the waters 7. 23 and they that (were) with him in the ark 8. 1 all the cattle, .(was) with him in the ark 8. 4 the ark rested in the seventh month, on 8. 6 Noah opened the window of the ark 8. 9 she returned unto him into the ark, for 8. 9 and pulled her in unto him into the ark 8. 10 he sent forth the dove out of the ark 8. 13 Noah removed the covering of the ark 8. 16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife 8. 19 every beast, .went forth out of the ark 9. 10 from all that go out of the ark, to every g. 18 sous of Noah, that went forth of the ark Exod. 2. 3 she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and 2. s when she saw the ark among the flags AR-KITE, '$- 1 $ fugitive, belonging to Arka. The patronymic of a tribe descended from Canaan, son of Ham, residing in Area, about 12 miles N. of Tripoli in Syria. Its ruins are now called Tell Arka. Gen. 10. 17 [Canaan begat]. .the Hivite, and the A. 1 Ch. 1.15 [Canaan begat]. .the Hivite, and the A. ARM — . 1 .Ann, 5 / 1 HN ezroa. Job 31. 22 let. .mine arm be broken from the bone Jer. 32. 21 with a stretched out arm, and with I.Arm, irn dera. Dan. 2. 32 his breast and his arms of silver, his 3.Arm, jp» 1 zeroa. Gen. 49/24 the arms of his hands were made strong Exod. 6. 6 redeem you with a stretched out arm 15. 16 by the greatness of thine arm they shall Deut. 4. 34 by a stretched out arm, and by great 5. 15 God brought, .by a stretched out arm 7. 19 hand, and the stretched out arm 9. 29 brouglitest. .by thy stretched out arm 11. 2 hand, and his stretched out arm 26. 8 brought.. with an outstretched arm 33. 20 teareth the arm with the crown of the 33. 27 underneath (are) the everlasting arms Judgis. 14 the cords that (were) upon his arms 16.12 he brake them from off Iris arms 1 Sa. 2. 31 I will cut off thine arm, and the arm of 2 Sa. 1. 10 the bracelet that (was) on his arm 22. 35 a bow of steel is broken by mine arms 1 Ki. 8. 42 shall hear, .of thy stretched out arm 2 Ki. 9. 24 Jehu, .smote Jehoram between his arms 17. 36 with great power and a stretched out arm 2 Ch. 6. 32 mighty hand, and thy stretched out arm 32. 8 With him (is) an arm of flesh; but with Job 22. 9 the arms of the fatherless, .been broken 26. 2 (how) savest thou the arm (that hath) no 35. 9 they cry out by reason of the arm of the 38. 15 and the high arm shall be broken 40. 9 Hast thou an arm like God? or canst Psa. 10. 15 Break thou the arm of the wicked and 18. 34 a bow of steel is broken by mine arms 37. 17 the arms of the wicked shall be broken 44. 3 neither did their own arm save them 44. 3 but thy right hand, and thine arm 77. 15 Thou hast with (thine) arm redeemed thy 89. 10 thou hast scattered, .with thy strong arm 89. 13 Thou has a mighty arm : strong is thy 89. 21 mine arm also shall strengthen him 98. 1 his right hand, and his holy arm 136. 12 strong hand, and with a stretched out arm Prov.31.17 girdethher loins.. strengtheneth her arms Song 8. 6 Set me. .as a seal upon thine arm Isa. 9. 20 they shall eat. .the flesh of his own arm 17. 5 and reapeth the ears with his arm 30. 30 shall shew the lighting down of his arm 33. 2 be thou their arm every morning 40. 10 Behold, .his arm shall rule for him 40. 11 he shall gather the lambs with his arm 44. 12 worketh it with the strength of his arms 48. 14 and his arm (shall be on) the Chaldeans 51. s and mine arms shall judge the people 51. 5 and on mine arm shall they trust 51. 9 awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord 52. 10 The Lord hath made bare his holy arm 53. 1 to .whom is the arm of the Lord revealed ? 59. 16 therefore his arm brought salvation unto 62. 8 The Lord hath sworn, .by the arm of his 63 . 5 therefore mine own arm brought salvation Isa. 63. 12 led. .by. .Moses with his glorious arm Jer. 17. 5 and maketh flesh his arm, and whose 21. si myself will fight, .with a strong arm 27. 5 great power and by my outstretched arm 32. 17 thy great power and stretched out arm 48. 25 Moab is cut off, and his arm is broken Eze. 4. 7 and thine arm. .uncovered, and thou shalt 13. 20 and I will tear them from your arms 20. 33 (As) I live.. with a stretched out arm 20. 34 gather you. .with a stretched out arm 30. 21 I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king 30. 22 against Pharaoh.. and will break his arms 30. 24, 25 I will strengthen the aims of the king 30. 24 I will break Pharaoh’s arms, and he . 30. 25 the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down 31. 17 (they that were) his arm, (that) dwelt Dan. 10. 6 his arms and his feet like. .polished brass 11. 6 the power of the arm. .nor his arm 11. 13 the arms of the south shall not withstand 11. 22 with the arms of a flood shall they be 11. 31 And arms shall stand on his part Hos. 7.15 Though I have.. strengthened their arms 11. 3 taking them by their aims; but they Zech.11. 17 the sword (shall be) upon his arm, and 11.17 his arm shall be clean dried up, and his 1. Bosom, lap, pfh chotsen. Isa. 49. 22 shall bring thy sons in (their) aims 5. Shoulder, qns katliepli. Job. 31. 22 le’t. .mine arm fall from my shoulder Q.Arin, ftpax^v brachion. Luke 1. 51 He hath shewed strength with his arm John 12. 38 to whom hath the arm of the Lord been Acts 13. 17 with an high arm brought he them out ARM, to — 1 .To clothe, Uiib labesh. 1 Sa. 17. 38 Saul armed David, .also he aimed liim 2 . To dram out, pn rug, 5. Gen. 14.14 he armed his trained, .born in his ARM self, to — 1 .To be drawn out or off, ySn clialats, 2. Num 31. 3 Aim some of yourselves unto the war 2 .To arm self, bir\l^ hoplizomai. 1 Pe. 4. 1 arm yourselves likewise with the same ARMED — 1 .To arm, ySi) chalats. Nuni3i. 5’twelve thousand armed for war 32. 21 will go all of you armed over Jordan 32. 27 will pass over, every man armed for war 32. 29 every man armed to battle, before the 32. 30 will not pass over with you armed 32. 32 We will pass over armed before the Lord Deut. 3. 18 ye shall pass over armed before your Josh. 6. 7 let him that is aimed pass on before the 2 . By fifties, armed, D'trDq chamushim. Josh. 1.14 pass before your brethren armed 4. 12 Manassel), passed over armed before the 3. To clothe oneself, labesh. 1. 8a. 17. 5 he (was) armed with a coat of mail i.Sliield, pa magen. Prov. 6. 11 and thy want as an armed man 24. 34 and thy want as an armed man 5. To clasp, arm oneself, pwi nashag. 1 Ch. 12. 2 (They were) armed with bows, and could Psa. [78. 9 The children of Ephraim, (being) armed ARMED, to be — To arm one's self, naboirAi^opai kathoplizomai. Luke 11. 21 a strong man armed keepeth his palace ARMED, to go — To be armed, drawn out, y^n chalats, 2. Num 32. 17 But we ourselves will go ready armed 32. 20 if ye will go armed before the Lord to ARMED man — 1 .Armed, drawn out, y’jri chalats. Josh. 6 . 9 the armed men went before the priests 6. 13 and the armed men went before them 2’Ch. 28. 14 So the armed men left the captives and 2 . Armed, fifties, chamushim. Judg. 7.11 Then went lie., outside of the aimed men 3. To kiss, clasp, arm oneself, ppi nashag. 2 Ch. 17. 17 and with him armed men with bow and i.Armour, pty3 nesheg. Job 39. 21 ho goeth on to meet the armed men ARMED, ready — To be drawn out, armed ySn chalats. 1 Ch. 12. 23 the numbers.. ready armed to the war 12. 24 of Judah, .ready aimed to the war ARMED soldier — To arm, draw out, pq chalats. Isa. 15. 4 the armed soldiers of Moab shall cry out AR-MA-GED'-DON, ’ApfiayeSSuv hill of Megiddo. A symbolic name (derived from 2 Ch. 35. 22) for the scene of some great spiritual contest. Rev. 16.16 place called in the Hebrew tongue A. AR-ME'-NI-A, the Greek form of Ararat. Armenia, according to tradition, was settled by Haik, son of Togarmah, and grandson of Japliet (Gen. 10. 3); ARM HOLE 51 ARPAD 3 noticed in Scripture under the names Togarmah l Ararat. The country, afterwards divided into ser and Greater Armenia, was frequently invaded tlie Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Medes and Per¬ is, and for many years remained in subjection to one other of these empires. The accounts given by iek and Roman writers are at variance with those of Armenian historians. M. St Martin has investi- ed the subject with diligence, and upon his work the owing chronological table is based :— u B.c. 2107, Haik, fleeing from Belus king of Assyria, ties in Armenia, and becomes its first ruler: 1827, ession of Aram, who carries his arms into Asia lor and founds Mazaca, i.e. Csesareia of Cappadocia ; 5, Armenia becomes subject to Assyria ; 743, Baro'ir ders it independent; 565, accession of Tigranes, who tores it to its ancient position ; 323, on the death of xander it falls under the sway of Greek governors ; , under Ardoates it throws off the Grecian yoke ; , Valarsaces, or Wagharshag I., founds the dynasty the Arsacidic ; 34, Antony leads its sovereign cap- 1 to Alexandria ; 30, on the death of Antony, Artaxes .els the Romans, and is crowned king. In a.d. 16, rones, king of the Parthians, seeks shelter in Ar- nia, and is made king ; 18, Germanicus makes Zeno g under the name of Artaxias ; 62, Tiridates king, by er of Nero ; 115, invaded and conquered by Trajan ; , subjected by Ardashir, king of Persia; 276, Titl¬ es is converted to Christianity by Gregory ; 387, Ar- nia divided between the Romans and the Persians: , end of the kingdom of the Arsacidse. 2 Ki. 19. 37 and they escaped into the land of A. Isa. 37. 38 and they escaped into the land of A. MHOLE — m-hole, i; S'yx atslsil yad. Jer. 38. 12 Put now (these), .under thino armholes Eze. 13.18 Woe to., that sew pillows to all armholes MIES — re, open spaces, Ifni id maarotli. iSa. 17. 23 came up..out of the armies of the -MO-NI, 'ib-ik of the palace. on of Saul, by Rizpah, B.c. 1050 2 Sa. 21. 8 But the king took. .A. and Mephibosheth MOUR — °ieces of annour, pointed weapons, niii zonoth. 1 Ki. 22. 38 and they washed his armour 1 thing to gird on, .TjiJn chagorah. 2 Ki. 3. 21 all that were able to put on armour 1 thing to draw on, ny'bq chalitsah. 2Sa. 2. 21 young men, and take thee his armour Listrument, vessel, keli. 1 Sa. 14. 1 unto the young man that bare his armour 14. 6 to the young man that bare his armour 17. 54 but lie put his armour in his tent 31. 9 they, .stripped off his armour 31.10 they put his armour in the house of Asht. 2Sa. 18. 15 ten young men that bare Joab’s armour 2 Ki. 20. 13 and (all) the house of his armour 1 Cli. 10. 9 they took his head, and his armour, and 10.10 they put his armour in the house of their Isa. 39. 2 and all the house of Ills armour Long robe, "in mad. i Sa. 17. 38 Saul armed David with his armour 17. 39 David girded his sword upon his armour irmour, thing joined together, pwi nesheq. 1 Ki. 10. 25 brought every man his present, .armour 2 Ki. 10. 2 with you.. a fenced city also, and armour Isa. 22. 8 thou didst look, .to the armour of the 1 rms, armour, oirAa hopla. Rom 13. 12 let us put on the [armour] of light 2 Co. [6. 7 by the armour of righteousness on the [MOUR, (all) — hole armour, rr avoir Aia panoplia. Luken. 22 he takethfromlihn all his armour wherein tMOUR (whole) — hole armour, iravoirAia panoplia. Eph. 6. n Put on the whole armour of God, that 6. 13 take unto you the whole armour of God tMOUR BEARER — •,arer of weapon, 'S? xiri nose keli. Judg. 9. 54 called.. the young man his armourbearer 1 Sa. 14. 7 his armourbearer said unto him, Do all 14.12 answered Jonathan and his armourbearer 14. i2 Jonathan said unto his armourbearer 14. 13 climbed up. .and his armourbearer 14.13 and his armourbearer slew after him 14. 14 which Jonathan and his armourbearer 14. 17 Jonathan and his armourbearer (were) 16. 21 and he became his armourbearer 31. 4 Then said Saul unto his armourbearer 31. 4 his armourbearer would not; for he was 31. 5 when his armourbearer saw that Saul 31. 6 So Saul died, .and his armourbearer 2Sa. 23. 37 Zelek. .armourbearer to Joab the son of i Ch. io. 4 Then said Saul to his armourbearer 10. 4 his armourbearer would not; for he was 10. 5 his armourbearer saw that Saul was dead it. 39 Zelek. .the armourbearer of Joab RMOURY— Treasury, uyisf otsar. Jer. 50. 25 The Lord hath opened his armoury Thing joined on or together, pwi nesheq. Neh. 3.19 over against the going’up to the armoury ^.Armoury, heap of swords, ni'S^n talpiyyoth. Song 4. 4 Thy neck (is) like..for an armoury ARMS — Arms (as bent or crooked), ayxaAat angkalai. Luke 2. 28 Then took he him up in his arms ARMS, to take (up) in — To make the arms inclose one, tvayxaAi&pai. Mark 9. 36 and when he had taken him in his arms 10. 16 took them up in his arms, put (his) hands ARMY — 1 .Troop, "nil gedud. 2 Ch. 25. 9 I have given to the army of Israel ? 25. 10 the army that was come to him out of 25. 13 the soldiers of the army which Amaziah Job 25. 3 Is there any number of his armies 29. 25 and dwelt as a king in the army 2.Strength, might, force, chayil. Exod 14. 9 Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army Deut II. 4 what he did unto the army of Egypt 1 Ki. 20. 19 and the army which followed them 20. 25 number thee an army, like the army that 2 Ki. 25. 5 the army of the Chaldees pursued after 23. 5 all his army were scattered from him 25.10 all the army of the Chaldees, that 25. 23 when all the captains of the armies 25. 26 all the people, .the captains of the armies 1 Ch. 11. 26 the valiant men of the armies. .Asahel 2 Ch. 13. 3 Abijah.. with an army of valiant men of 14. 8 Asa had an army, .that bare targets and 16. 4 Ben-haded.. sent the captains of. armies 24. 24 the army of the Syrians came with a 26. 13 under their hand (was) an army, three Neh. 2. 9 king had sent captains of the army 4. 2 he spake before, .the army of Samaria Isa. 43.17 Which bringeth forth, .the army and the Jer. 32. 2 the king of Babylon's army besieged Jer. 34. 1 when Nebuchadnezzar, .and all his army 34. 7 king of Babylon’s army fought against J. 34. 21 the hand of the king of Babylon’s army 35. 11 for fear of the army of the Chaldeans 33. 11 for fear of the army of the Syrians 37. 5 Pharaoh’s army was come forth out of E. 37. 7 Pharaoh’s army, .shall return to Egypt 37. 10 though ye had smitten the. .army of the 37. n army. .for fear of Pharaoh’s army 38. 3 the hand of the king of Babylon’s army 39. 1 came Nebuchadrezzar, and all his army 39. 5 the Chaldeans’ army pursued after them 46. 2 against the army of Pharaoh-necho king 46. 22 for they shall march with an army 52. 4 Nebuchadrezzar, .he and all his army 52. 8 the army of the Chaldeans pursued after 52. 8 all his army was scattered from him 52. 14 all tlie army of the Chaldeans Eze. 17. 17 shall Pharaoh with (his) mighty army 27.10 They of Persia, .were in thine army, thy 27. 11 The men of Arvad with thine army 29. 18 Nebuchadrezzar, .caused his army to 29. 18 yet had he no.wages, nor his army, for 29. 19 and it shall be the wages for his army 32. 31 and all his army slain by the sword 37. 10 they lived, .an exceeding great army 38. 4 I will bring thee.. and all thine army 38. 15 a great company, and a mighty army Dan. 11. 7 which shall come with an army, and shall 11. 13 shall certainly come, .with a great army 11. 25 stir up his power, .with a great army 11. 25 with a very great and mighty army 11. 26 destroy him, and his army shall overflow Joel 2. 11 shall utter his voice before his army 2. 25 my great army which I sent among you 3 . Might, strength, force, h'.n chayil. Dan. 3. 20 mighty men that (were) in his army 4. 35 doeth according to his will in the army 4. Might, strength, force, S’n chel. Isa. 36. 2 unto king Hezekiah with a great army 5 . Camp, njnn machaneh. iSa. 17.' 1 Philistinesgathcredtogethertheirarmies 28. 1 Philistines gathered their armies together 29. 1 the Philistines gathered.. all their armies Song 6.13 As it were the company of two armies 6. Arrangement, ntnyn maarakah. 1 Sa. 4. 2 they slew of the army in the field 4. 12 a man of Benjamin out of tho army 4. 16 came out of the army, .out of the army 17. 8 he. .cried unto all the armies of Israel 17. 10 I defy the armies of Israel this day; give 17. 21 put the battle in array, army against army 17. 22 David left, .and ran into the army, and 17. 23 came up the champion.. out of the armies 17. 26 should defy the armies of the livingGod? 17. 36 hath defied the armies of the living God 17. 45 God of the armies of Israel, whom thou 17. 48 David hasted, and ran toward the army 23. 3 if we come to Keilah against the armies 7. Thing set up, rnxo mitstsabah. Zech. 9. 8 I will encamp about. .because of the army 8. Host (as joined together), xnx tsaba. Gen. 26. 26 Phichol the chief captain of his army Exod. 6. 26 Bring out. .according to their armies 7. 4 that I may. .bring forth mine armies 12. 17 have I brought your armies out of the 12. 51 the Lord did bring, .by their armies Num. 1. 3 Aaron shall number them by their armies Num. 2. 3 shall, .pitch throughout their armies 2. 9 of Judah.. throughout theiv armies 2. 10 the standard, .according to their armies 2. 16 of Reuben, .throughout their armies 2. 18 the standard, .according to their armies 2. 24 of Ephraim, .throughout their armies 2. 25 The standard, .by their armies 10. 14, 22 standard, .according to their armies 10. 28 journeyings of. .according to their armies 33. 1 which went forth out. .with their armies Deut 20. 9 they shall make captains of the armies Judg. 4. 7 I will draw, .the captain of Jabin's army 8. 6 we should give bread unto thine army? 9. 29 Increase thine army, and come out 1 Ch. 20. 1 Joab led forth the power of the army, and 27. 34 the general of the king’s army (was) Joab 2 Ch. 25. 7 0 king, let not the army of Israel go with 26. 13 under their hand (was) an army, three Psa. 44. 9 But thou.. goest not forth with our armies 60. 10 didst not go out with our armies? 68. 12 Kings of armies did flee apace : and she Isa. 34. 2 and.. f ury upon all their armies : he hath 9 . An encampment, irapepPoAi) parembole. Heb. 11.34 turned to flight the armies of the aliens 10. Armament, mparcvpa strateuma. Matt 22. 7 he sent forth his armies, and destroyed Acts 23. 27 then came I with an army, and rescued Rev. 9. 16 the number of the army of the horsemen 19. 14 thearmies. .in heaven followed him upon 19. 19 and their armies, .against his army 11 . A camp, army, arparitrtbov stratopedon. Luke 21. 20 ye shall see. .compassed with armies AR'-NAN, jrux strong. Patronymic of a family descended from David, B.C. 500. 1 Ch. 3. 21 the sons of Rephaiah, the sons of A., the AR'-NON, rushing stream. A river and valley forming the S. boundary of Canaan towards Moab. Rising in the mountains of Arabia, it flows into the Salt Sea, opposite Ain-gidy. Now Mojeb. Num2i. 13 pitched on the other side of A., which 21. 13 for A. (is) the border of Moab, between 21. 14 and in the brook of A. 21. 24 possessed his land from A. unto Jabbok 21. 26 taken all his land, .even unto A. 21. 28 the lords of the high places of A. 22. 36 Moab, which (is) in the border of A. Deut. 2. 24 your journey, and pass over the river A. 2. 36 Aroer. .(is) by the brink of the.river of A. 3. 8 from the river of A. unto mount Hermon 3. 12 from A., which (is) by the river A., and з. 16 from Gilead even unto the river A. half 4.48 Aroer, which (is) by the bank of.. river A. Josh.12. 1 from the river A. unto mount Hermon 12. 2 Aroer. .upon the bank of the river A. 13. 9, 16 Aroer. .upon the bank of the river A. Judg 11.13 they came up out of Egypt, from A. even 11. 18 and pitched on the other side of A., but 11. 18 for A. (was) the border of Moab 11. 22 from A. even unto Jabbok and from the 11. 26 cities that (be) along by the coasts of A. 2 Ki. 10. 33 from Aroer, which (is) by the river A. Isa. 16. 2 Moab shall be at the fords of A. Jer. 48. 20 tell ye it in A., that Moab is spoiled A'-ROD, •vnx descent, posterity. One of Gad’s sons, whence came the Arodi, B.C. 1700. , Gen. 46.16 sons of Gad; Ziphion. .and A., and A-RO'-DI, 'im my posterity. The Arodites, descendants of Arod. Num 26.17 Of A., the family of the Arodites A-RO-DITES, 'll")8h. The same as the preceding Arodi. Num. 26.17 Of Arod, the family of the A. A-RO'-ER, yf'f -)jrn£ enclosed. 1 . A city near Rabbatli Ammon, in the valley of Jabbok, now called Arieh. Num32. 34 the children of Gad built Dibon. .and A Josh 13. 25 land of the children of Ammon, unto A. 2 Sa. 24. 5 passed over Jordan, and pitched in A. Isa. 17. 2 The cities of A. (are) forsaken : they shall 2 . A city of the Amorites, on the bank of the Arnou, and now called Arair. Deut. 2. 36 From A., which (is) by the brink of the 3. 12 from A., which (is) by the river Arnou 4. 48 From A., which is by the bank of the Josh 12. 2 Sihon. .in Heshbon, (and) ruled from A. 13. 9 From A., that (is) upon the bank of the 13. 16 And their coast was from A., that (is) on Judg 11. 26 While Israel dwelt in. .A. and her towns и. 33 And he smote them from A., even till 2 Ki. IO. 33 from A., which (is) by the river Arnon 1 Ch. 5. 8 Sliema, the son of Joel, who dwelt in A. Jer. 48. 19 O inhabitant of A., stand by the way 3 . A city in the S. of Judah. Now called Ararah. 1 Sa. 30. 28 And to (them) which (were) in A., and A-RO-E-RITE, njM of A roer. The patronymic of one Hothan. 1 Ch. 11. 44 and Jehiel the sons of Hothan the A. AR'-PAD, AR'-PHAD, -tsqx a couch, resting place. A fortified city near Hamath, perhaps the same as Arvad, now called Ruad. 2 Ki. 18 . 34 Where (are) the gods of Hamath,and oi A.? ARP HA XAD 52 AS 2 Ki. IQ. 13 the king of Hamath, and the king of A. Isa. io. Q (is) not Hamath as A? (is) not Samana as 36. IQ Where (are) the gods of Hamath and A.? 37. 13 the king of Hamath, and the king of A. Jer. 49. 23 Hamath is confounded, and Arpad : for AR-PHAX'-AD, TO91 it. Meaning uncertain. A son of Shem, and a tribe E. of the Tigris near Elam and Asshur, in the N. of Assyria, with Media on the E. and Armenia on the N. B.C. 2348-1904. Gen. 10. 22 The children of Shem ; Elam, .and A. 10. 24 And A. begat Salah; and Salah begat 11. 10 an hundred years old, and begat A n. 11 And Shem lived after he begat A. five II 12 And A. lived five and thirty years, and II *3 And A. lived after he begat Salah four 1 Ch. 1. 17 sons of Shem; Elam, and Ashur and A. 1. 18 And A. begat Shelah, and Slielali begat 1. 24 Shem, A., Shelah Luke 3. 36 Cainan, which was (the son) of A. ARRAY — Clothinq, iixariauSs himatismos. 1 Ti. 2. 9 not with broidered hair.. or costly array ARRAY, to — To clothe, vzb labesh, 5. Gen. 41. 42 arrayed him in vestures of fine linen 2 Ch. 28. 15 all that were naked, .and arrayed them Esth. 6 . 9 that they may array the mail, whom the 6. 11 Then took Hainan, .andarrayedMordecai ARRAY, in —• To set, place, t\'V shith. Isa. 22. 7 horsemen shall set themselves m array ARRAY, put in — To array , TO arak. Jer. 50. 42 (every one) put in array, like a man ARRAY, to put in — To array, fill; arak. . „ 2 Sa. 10. 9 and put. .in array against the Syrian 10. 8 and put the battle in array at the _ 10. 10 that he might put (them) in array against 1 Ch. iq. q put the battle in array before the gate of iq. 10 and put. .in array against the Syrians 19. 17 when David had put the battle in anay ARRAY, to put selves in — To array, TO arak. . . , . Judg 20. 20 Israel put themselves ui array to fight 20. 22 where they put themselves in array 20. 30 put themselves in array against Gibean 20. 33 put themselves in array at Baal-tamar 1 Sa 4. 2 Philistines put themselves in array Jer. 50. 14 Put yourselves in array against Babylon ARRAY, to put the battle ill — To array. IPU arak. 1 Sa. 17. 21 For Israel, .had put the battle in array ARRAY self, to — 1 .To clothe, tsh? labesh. Job 40. IO array thyself with glory and beauty 2. To cover, wrap up, veil, TO atah. Jer. 43. 12 he shall array himself with the land of ARRAY, set in — To array, TO arak. Jer. 6. 23 they ride upon horses, set m array Joel 2. s as a strong people set in battle array ARRAY, to set in — To array, TO l arak. . . . ,. Judg 20. 22 set their battle again in array in the I Sa?i7. 2 set the battle in array against the 17 8 come out to set. .battle in array? 1 Ch iq 11 they set. .in array against the children IQ. 17 and set. -ill array against them 2 Ch 13. 3 Abijah set the battle in array with an 14. 10 they set the battle in array in the valley ARRAY, to set selves in — To array, TO arak. 2 Sa. 10. 17 the Syrians set themselves m array 1 Job 6 4 terrors of God do set themselves in airay ' Jer. 50. 9 they shall set themselves in array against ARRAY in, to — To cast around, irepifldWin penballii. Luke 23. II and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe, and ARRAYED, to be — To be clothed, eqb labesh, 4. 2 Ch. 5. 12 their brethren, .arrayed in white linen ARRAYED in — To go into, put on, ivbbu enduu. Acts 12. 21 Herod, arrayed in royal apparel ARRIVE, to —- f 1. To sail down, KarairRew katapleo. Luke 8. 26 they arrived at the country o. the Cad. 2 To cast alongside, uapafraWoi paraballo. Acts 20. 15 next (day) we arrived at Samos, and ARROGANCY— 1 .Pride, rising, excellency, pxi gaon. Prov 8 13 pride, and arrogancy. .do I hate Xsa 13.11 cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease Jer. 48. 29 the pride of Moab. .and his arrogancy 2 . Stiffness, insolence, PPJf ataq. 1 Sa. 2. 3 let (not) arrogancy come out of your ARROW — 1 .Arrow, pri diets. Hum24. 8 pierce. .through with his arrows Deut 32. 23 I will spend mine arrows upon them 32. 42 I will make mine arrows drunk with 1 Sa. 20. 20 I will shoot three arrows on the side 20. 21 find out the arrows, .the arrows (are) 10. 22 Behold, the arrows (are) beyond thee; go 20. 36 find out now the arrows which I shoot 20. 38 Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows 2 Sa. 22. 15 he sent out arrows, and scattered them 2 Ki. 13. is Elisha said unto. .Take bow and arrows 13 is And he took unto him bow and arrows 13. 17 The arrow of the Lord’s deliverance 13. 17 the arrow of deliverance from Syria 13.18 he said, Take the arrows. And he took 19. 32 He shall not. .shoot an arrow there 1 Ch. 12. 2 (hurling) stones, and. .arrows out of a 2 Ch. 26. 15 to shoot arrows and great stones withal Job 6. 4 the arrows of the Almighty (are) within Psa. 7. 13 he ordaineth his arrows against the 11. 2 they make ready their arrow upon the 18. 14 he sent out his arrows, and scattered 38 2 thine arrows stick fast in me, and thy 45. s Thine arrows (are) sharp in the heart of 57. 4 sons of men, whose teeth (are), .arrows 58 7 he bendeth (his bow to shoot) his arrows 64 3 bend (their bows to shoot) tlieir arrows 64. 7 God shall shoot at them (with) an arrow 91. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the. .arrow 120. 4 Sharp arrows, .with coals of juniper 127 4 As arrows (are) in the hand of a mighty 144. 6 shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them Prov.25. 18 a maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow 26 18 As a mad (man) who casteth.. arrows Isa 5 28 Whose arrows (are) sharp, and all their 7 24 With arrows and with bows shall (men) 37. 33 He shall not. .shoot an arrow there Jer q 8 Their tongue (is as) an arrow shot out SO 9 their arrows.. as of a mighty expert man so 14 shoot at her, spare no arrows: for she 51. 11 Make bright the arrows; gather the. Lam 3 12 and set me as a mark for the anow Eze ’ s’ 16 I shall send, .the evil arrows of famine 21 21 he made (his) arrows bright, he consulted 3 q 3 I will .cause thine arrows to fall out of 39 Q shall go forth.. and burn.. the arrows, and Hab. 3. 11 at the light of thine arrows they went Zech. g. 14 his arrow shall go forth as the lightning 2 . Arrow, 'xn chetsi. 1 Sa. 20. 36 he shot an arrow beyond him 20 37 place of the arrow which Jonathan had 20. 37 Jonathan cried. .(Is)notthearrowbeyond 20. 38 Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows 2 Ki. 9. 24 the arrow went out at his heart 3 . Arrow (aspiercing, cutting in), f’xn chatsats. Psa. 77. 17 thine arrows also went abroad 4 Arrow (as flashing, rushing forth), pip, resheph. ’ Psa. 76. 3 There brake he the arrows of the bow ; 5 .Son of the bow, nip ]| ben qesheth. Job 41.28 The arrow cannot make him flee ART — 1 . Work, n'tyya maaseh. Exod 30. 25 an ointment.. after the art of the 30. 35 confection after the art of the apothecary 2 Ch. 16.14 prepared by the apothecaries’ art 2 . Art, handicraft, skill, rex V7 l techne. . Acts 17. 29 stone, graven by art and man s device ARTS, to use curious — ( To practise curious things, to ncpUpya irpuaaui. Acts 19. 19 Many of them also which used curious arts AR-TA-XER'-XES, ppipiTO great king. 1 . A Persian king, the Lohgimauus of profane history. In 7th year of his reign Ezra went up to Jerusalem, B.C. 418. . , , ,. Ezra 7. 1 after these things, in the reign of A. king 7 7 there went up.. in the seventh year of A. 7. II the copy of the letter that the king A. 7 12 A , king of kings, unto Ezra the priest, a 7] 21 And I, (even) I A. the king, do make a 8. 1 These, .went up with me. .reign of A. Neh 2 1 to pass, .in the twentieth year of A. the c’ 14 unto the two and thirtieth year of A. 13. 6 for in the two and thirtieth year of A. 2 . A king of Persia, the Cambyses of profane history, B °Ezra 4 7 And in the days of A. the king wrote 4 7 the rest of their companions, unto A. A 8 Rehum.. wrote.. against J erusalem to A. 4. 11 the copy of the letter, .unto A. the king 4. 23 when the copy of king A.’s letter (was) 3. Another king of Persia, contemporary with Darius, or subsequent to him. Ezra 6. 14 according to the commandment of. .A. AR-TE'-MAS, ’Aprepus whole, sound. A companion of Paul at Nicopolis. Tit. 3. 12 When I.. send A. unto thee, or Tycliicus ARTIFICER — 1 .Engraver, carver, enn charash. 1 Ch. 29 . s all manner of work., (made) by., artificers 2 Ch.34. 11 to the artificers and builders gave they 2 . Engraver, canter, enn choresh. Gen. 4. 22 Tubal-cain,au iustructer of every artificer 3. Engraving, carving, eTO cheresh. C J J l/W/ VVlVy J yy Isa. 3. 3 The counsellor, and the cunning artificer I ARTILLERY — Instrument, keli. 1 Sa. 20. 40 Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad A-RU'-BOTH, ni 3 -J 8 courts. The third of Solomon's commissariat districts, includ¬ ing Sochoh; it was therefore probably a name for the rich corn-growing country of the Shefelali or "plain' of Judah. 1 Ki. 4. 10 son of Hesed, in A.; to him (pertained) A-RB'-MAH, nsi-it? height. A place near Shechem, in Ephraim, perhaps the same as Rumah (now called El-Ormah, N. L. of Nablus). Judg. 9. 41 And Abimelech dwelt at A.: and Zcbul AR'-VAD, link refuge. An island near Zidon, whence probably it was colonised It is now called Ruad , but formerly Antarudiis. Eze 27 8 The inhabitants of.. A. were thy mariners 27. 11 The men of A. with thine army (were) AR-VAD-ITES, "iy)N inhabiting Arvad. The patronymic of the descendants of the 9th son of Canaan, son of Ham. Gen. 10. 18 the A., and the Zemarite, and the 1 Ch. 1. 16 the A., and the Zemarite, and the AR'-ZA, NX1N firm. A steward of Elah, king of Israel, B.C. 930. 1 Ki. 16. 9 in the house of A. steward of (his) house AS — 1. Who, that, as, TO asher. Gen. 22. 14 Jehovah-jireh: as it is said (to) this day 2. Even as, TO? kaasher. Gen. 7. 9’the male and the female, as God had 3 . Also, C3 gam. Jer. 51. 49 As Babylon, .the slain of Israel to fall 4 . As a sufficiency, ri? kede. Judg. 6. 5 For they came up.. as grasshoppers for 5. That, though, '3 ki. Job 22. 2 as he that is wise may be profita 6 . Even as, ins kemo. Exodis. 5 they sank into the bottom as a stone 7. Unto, ty ad. Judg 20.48 the men of (every) city, as the beast, and 8 . With, Dy im. Job 9. 26 They are passed away as the swift ships 9. Under, instead of, nnn tachatli. Job 34. 26 He striketh them as wicked men 10. Cm, upon, in addition to, Sy al. Job 22. 24 shalt thou lay up gold as dust 11 . Verily, then, for, yap gar. Matt. 1. 18 When[as] his mother Mary was espoused 12. With a view to, els eis. Phil. 4. 15 no church communicated with me as 13.7m, dwring, Iv en. Luke 8. 5 and as he sowed, some fell by the 1 A. Even, as, uaSd-rrep kathaper. Rom 12. 4 For as we have many members m one 1 Co 12 12 For as the body is one, and hath many 2 Co 3 13 not as Moses, .put a veil over his face 8. 11 that as. .to will, so. .a performance 1 Th. 2. 11 As ye knowhow we exhorted, and 3! 6 desiring greatly to see us, as we also Heb. 5. 4 he that is called of God, [as]. .Aaron 15 According to which, xaQa hatha. Matt 27.10 the potter’s field, as the Lord appointed 16.According to what, uadi katho. Rom. 8. 26 Know not what we should pray for as we 17 Even or according as, xaDori kathoti. Acts 2.45 parted them to all.. as every man had 18. Even or according as, k adds kathos. Matt 21. 6 disciples went, and did as Jesus 26. 24 The Son of man goeth as it is written of 28 6 for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the Mark 4. 33 spake he the word unto them, as they wcri q. 13 whatsoever they listed, as it is written oi 14 16 his disciples went forth, .and foundashi 1421 The Son of man. .goeth, as It is written 15 8 multitude.. began to desire.. as he had 16 7 there shall ye see him, as he said unto Luke 1. 55 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham 1 70 As he spake by the mouth of his holy 2 20 heard and seen, as it was told unto then 2 23 As it is written in the law of the Lord 5. 14 according as Moses commanded, for a 6. 31 as ye would that men should do to you 6. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Fathe 11. 1 teach us to pray, as John also taught hi 11. 30 as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites 17. 26 as it was in the days of Koe, so shall it 22. 13 they went, and found as he had said uut 22 29 as my Father hath appointed unto me 24. 24 found (it) even so as the women had sai 24 39 hath not flesh and hones as ye see me John 1 23 Make straight the way. .as said the pro. AS 53 AS ohn 3 14 as Moses lifted up the serpent m the c so as I hear, I judge : and my judgment 6 si as it is written, He gave them bread from 6. 57 As the living Father hath sent me, and 6 58 not as your fathers did eat manna, and 7! 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture 8 28 as my Father hath taught me, I speak 10. 15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know 10. 26 [ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you] 12 14 Jesus, .sat thereon ; as it is written 1315 that ye should do as I have done to you 13 33 Ye shaU seek me: and as I said unto the ,3 34 ye love one another; as I have loved you 14'. 27 not as the world givetli, give I unto you 14 3t as the Father gave me commandment 15 4 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself 15. Q As the Father hath loved me, so have 1 15 12 ye love one another, as I have loved you 17' 2 As thou hast given him power over all 17. 11 keep, .that they may be one, as we (are) 17. 18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even 17 21 That they all may be one ; as thou, Father 17. 23 hast loved them, as thou hast loved me 10. 40 as the manner of the Jews is to bury 20. 21 Peace, .untoyou : as. .Father hath sent Acts 2. 4 tongues, as the Spir it gave them utterance 2. 22 midst of you, as ye yourselves also know 7. 42 as it is written in the book of the prophets 7 44 as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses 7. 48 most High dwelleth.. in temples.. as saith 10. 47 received the Holy Ghost as well as we? 15. 8 giving them the Holy Ghost, even as 15. 15 to this agree the words, .as it is written 22. 3 was zealous toward God, as ye all are this Rom 1 17 you also, even as among other Gentiles I 17 as it is written. The just shall live by faith 2. 24 name, .is blasphemed, .as it is written 3. 4 as it is written. That thou mightest be 3 8 as we be slanderously reported, and as 3 10 As it is written. There is none righteous 4. 17 As it is written, I have made thee a father 8. 36 As it is -written. For thy sake we are 0. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but o. 29 And as Esaias said before. Except the g. 33 As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion 10. 15 as it is written. How beautiful are the II 26 as it is written, There shall come out of 15. 3 but, as it is written, The reproaches of 15. 7 receive ye one another, as Christ also 15. g as it is written, For this cause I will 15 21 as it is written, To whom he was not 1 Co. 2 9 as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor 4. 17 as I teach every where in every church 5. 7 maybe a new lump, as ye are unleavened 8. 2 knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know 10. 6 we should not lust after evil things, as they 10. 7 Neither be ye idolators, as.. some of them 10! 8 Neither, .commitfornication, as some of jo. g Neither, .tempt Christ, as some of them 10 10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them also 10. 33 Even as I please all (men) in all (things) 11. 2 keep the ordinances, as I delivered. .to 12. 11 dividing to every man severally as he will 12. 18 set. .in the body, as it hath pleased him 14. 34 to be under obedience, as. .saith the law 15. 38 God giveth it a body as it hath pleased 15. 49 as we have borne the image of the earthy 2 Co 1 5 as the sufferings of Christ abound in us I. 14 As also ye have acknowledged us in part 4 1 as we have received mercy, we faint not 6. 16 as God hath said, I will dwell in them 8. 5 and.. not as we hoped, but first gave their 8 6 Insomuch that we desired Titus, that as 8' 15 As it is written, He that (had gathered) 9 3 I sent, .that, as I said, ye may be ready 9 9 As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad 10. 7 as he (is) Christ's, even so (are) we Christ's II. 12 they glory, they may be found even as we Gal 2 7 committed unto me, as.. the circumcision 5. 21 as I have also told. .in time past, that Eph. 3. 3 mystery; as I wrote afore in few words 4 4 even as ye are called in one hope of your 4 17 that ye henceforth walk not as other 4 21 and have been taught by him, as the 4 32 as God for Christ's sake, hath forgiven 5. 2 walk in love, as Christ also hath loved 5. 3 let it not be once named, .as becometh 5 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ 5 29 nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Phil 2 12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always 3.17 mark them which walk so as ye have us Col. 1 6 as. .in all the world, .as..also in you 1 7 As ye also learned of Epaphras our dear 2. 7 and stablished in the faith, as ye have 3. 13 as Christ forgave you, so also, .ye 1TI1. 1. 5 as ye know what manner of men we were 2. 2 and were shamefully entreated, as ye know 2. 4 as we were allowed of God to be put in 2. 5 as ye know, nor a cloak of covetousness 2. 13 ye received.. not.. the word of men, but as 2. 14 countrymen, even as they. .of the Jews 3. 4 even as it came to pass, and ye know 4. 1 that as ye have received of us how ye 4. 6 as we also have forewarned you and 4. 11 with your own hands, as we commanded 4. 13 not, even as others which have no hope 2Th. 1. 3 We are bound to thank God . as it is meet 3. 1 and be glorified, even as. .with you 1 Ti. 1. 3 As I besought thee to abide still at Eph. Heb 3. 7 Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith 4 3 as he said .... I have sworn in my wrath 4. 7 as it is said, To day if ye will hear his Heb. 5. 3 by reason hereof he ought, as for the 5. 6 As he saith also in another (place), Thou 8. 5 as Moses was admonished of God when 10' 25 Not forsaking the the 11.12 as the stars of the sky in multitude 1 Pe 4 10 as every man hath received the gift, so 2 p e ’ 1. 14 as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me 3.15 even as our beloved brother Paul also 1 Jo 2 18 as ye have heard that antichrist 3 2 like him ; for we shaU see him as he is 3. 12 Not as Cain, (who) was of that wicked one 3] 23 love one another, as he gave us 4. 17 because as he is, so are we in this world 2 Jo. 4 as we have received a commandment 6 This is the commandment, That, as ye 19.Even or according to, Kara ( acc.) kata Luke 4.16 as his custom was, he went into the 22. 22 truly the Son of man goeth, as it was 22. 39 he came out, and went, as he was wont Acts 17. 2 Paul, as his manner was, went in unto 23. 31 the soldiers, as it was commanded them Rom. 1. 15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready 3. 5 who taketh vengeance? I speak as a man 1 Co. 3. 3 are ye not carnal, and walk as men ? 9. 8 Say I these things as a man? or saith not Gal 4. 28 Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the Titus 1. 9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath Heb. 9. 27 as it is appointed unto men once to die 1 Pe. 1.15 as he which hath called you is holy, so be 20 .Of what kind or sort, oios hoios. 1 Co. 15. 48 As (is) the earthy. .as is the heavenly 21 .How much, many, long, Sous liosos. Heb 1 4 as he hath by inheritance obtained a 10. 25 so much the more, as ye see the day ap. 22 . Whosoever, Sims hostis. 1 Co. 16. 2 lay by him in store, as (God) hath 23. Thus, so, out a outo. 2 Pe. 3. 4 all things continue as.. from the 24. What manner, Ss rpSiros hos tropos. Luke 13. 34 as a ben. .her brood under (her) wings Acts 7. 28 Wilt thou kill me, as thou diddestthe E. 2 Ti. 3. 8 as Jaimes and Jambres withstood Moses 25. As, that, in order to, for, S>s hos. Matt. 1. 24 Joseph, .did as the angel of the Lord had 6.10 Thy will be done in earth, as (it is) in 6. 12 forgive us our debts, as we forgive our 7 29 as (one) having authority, and not as 8. 13 Go thy way; and as thou hast believed 10. 16 as sheep.. wise as serpents.. as doves 10. 25 be as his master.. as his lord 13. 43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as 14. 5 because they counted him as a prophet 17. 2 shine as the sun.. white as the light 17 20 If ye have faith as a grain of mustard 18. 3 Except ye be converted, and become as 18. 4 whosoever, .shall humble himself as this 18 33 compassion, even as I bad pity on thee? 19. 19 Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself 20 14 I will give unto this last, even as unto 21 26 people; for all hold John as a prophet 22 30 but are as the angels of God in heaven 22. 39 Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself 26. 19 the disciples did as Jesus had appointed 26. 39 nevertheless not as I will, but a3 thou 26. 55 Are ye come out as against a thief with 27 65 go your way, make (it) as sure as ye can 28 9 [as they wentto tell his disciples, behold] 28 15 So they took the money, and did as they Mark 1. 2 [As] it is written in the prophets. Behold I. 22 as one that had authority, and not as . 3. 5 his hand was restored whole [as] the 4. 26 as if a man should cast seed into the 6. 15 it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets 6 34 because they were as sheep not having a 7 6 as it is written. This people honoureth me 8. 24 and said, I see men as trees, walking 9 3 became shining, exceeding white [as] 10 1 as he was wont, he taught them again 10! 15 Whosoever shall, .receive, .kingdom, .as 12 26 as touching the dead, that they rise 1231 Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself 12 33 and to love (liis) neighbour as himself 13. 34 For the Son of man is) as a man taking 14 48 Are ye come out, as against a thief, with Luke 2. 15 it came to pass, as the angels were gone 3 4 As it is written in the book of the words 3! 23 Jesus. .being (as was supposed) the son 6. 10 [his hand was restored whole as. .other] 6. 22 cast out your name as evil, for the Son of 6. 40 every one that is perfect shall be as his 9 54 [and consume them, even as Elias did?] 10 3 I send you forth as lambs among wolves 10. 18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from 10 27 Thou shalt love.. thy neighbour as thyself II. 2 [Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in] 11 36 as when the bright shining of a candle 11 44 for ye are as graves which appear not 14. 22 Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded 15! 19 make me as one of thy hired servants 15. 25 as he came and drew nigh to the house 17. 6 If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed 17. 28 Likewise also [as] it was in the days of Lot 18. 11 that I am not. .even as this publican 18. 17 shall not receive the kingdom, .as a 21. 35 as a snare shall it come on all them 22. 26 let him be as the younger, .as he that 22. 27 I am among you as he that serveth Luke22. 31 desired, .that he may sift, .as wheat 22. 52 Kg ye come out, s hos. Luke 1. 23 it came to pass, that, as soon as the day3 1. 44 as soon as the voice of thy salutation 22. 66 as soon as it was day, the elders of the John 11. 20 Then Martha, as soon as she heard that 11. 29 As soon as she heard, .she arose quickly 18. 6 As soon then as he had said unto them 21. 9 As soon then as they were come to land Phil. 2. 23 so soon as I shall see how it will go 3. Whenever, 'Arav hotan. John 16. 21 as soon as she is delivered of the child Rev. 12. 4 for to devour her child as soon as it was 4. When, 'At e hole. Luke 15. 30 But as soon as this thy son was come Rev. 10. 10 as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was AS ASER S5 ,S though, not — I snot, nVj kelo. Obad. 16 shall be as though they had not been ,S though — .That, because, '6 ti hoti. . . Phil. 3. 12 Not as though I had already attained .As that, olov 'At i oion hoti. 2C0. 11.21 I speak as concerning reproach, as though ,S touching — . Upon, iir( epi (dat.) Acts 5. 35 what ye intend to do as touching these .Down, according to, Kara kata (acc.) Rom. 11. 28 as touching the election.. beloved for the Phil. 3. 5 as touching the law, a Pharisee .About, concerning, nepl peri (gen.) Matt 18. 10 if two of you shall agree.. as touching any 22. 31 as touching the resurrection of the cleau Marie 12.26 as touching the dead, that they rise Acts 21. 25 As touching the Gentiles which believe 1 Co. 8. 1 as touching things offered unto idols 16. 12 As touching, .brother Apollos, I greatly 2 Co q 1 as touching the ministering to the saints 1 Th. 4. 9 as touching brotherly love ye need not LS well as — 1 ccording as, even as, Kadawep kathaper. Heb. 4. 2 the gospel preached, as well as unto them IS well as another — Like this, ni? kazeh. 2 Sa. 11. 25 sword devoureth one as well as another IS when — 4 s the day, c'v? ke-yom. Zech.14. 3 fight against those nations, as when lie AS they would — According to their pleasure, oj’isnS H-retsonam. Neh. 9. 24 they might do with them as they would AS yet — 1. Until so, hitherto, jritf ad-ken. Neh. 2. 16 neither had I as yet told (it) to 2. Yet, still, -ny od. 2 Ki. 14. 4 as yet the people did sacrifice and burnt 3 . Till now, niiy ny ad attali. 2 Ki. 13, 23 cast lie them from his presence as yet i.Not yet, ovttoi oupS. Acts 8. 16 [as yet] he was fallen upon none of them Rev. 17. 12 which have received no kingdoms as yet AS yet...not — Not yet, oiiSeVa) oudepd. John 20. 9 [as yet] they knew not the scripture, that A'-SA, kdn physician. 1 . The great grandson of Solomon, B.C. 914. 1 Ki 13 8 and A. his son reigned in his stead ' is. 9 twentieth year of Jeroboam. .reigned A. is. 11 And A. did (that which was) right in the is. 13 A. destroyed her idol, and burnt (it) by is. 14 nevertheless A.’s heart was perfect witii 15. 16 there was war between A. and Baasha is 17 to go out or come into A. king of Judah is 18 Then A. took all the silver and the gold is 18 and king A. sent them to Beu-hadad, the is. 20 Ben-hadad hearkened unto king A., and 15 22 Then king A. made a proclamation is. 22 and king A. built with them Geba of 15. 23 The rest of all the acts of A., and all his 15. 24 And A. slept with liis fathers, and was is. 25 in the second year of A. king of Judah 15. 28 in the third year of A. king of Judali 15. 32 there was war between A. and Baasha 15. 33 In the third year of A. king of Judah 16. 8 In the twenty and sixth year of A. king 16.10, 15 in the twenty and seventh year of A. 16. 23 In the thirty and first year of A. king of 16. 29 in the thirty and eighth year of A. king of 22. 41 Jehoshaphat the son of A. began to reign 22. 43 he walked in all the ways of A. his father 22. 46 which, .in the days of his father A. 1 Ch. 3. 10 Abia, his son, A. his son, Jehoshaphat his 2 Ch. 14. 1 and A. liis son reigned in his stead 14. 2 A. did (that which was) good and right in 14. 8 And A. had an army (of men) that bare 14. 10 Then A. went out against him, and they 14. 11 And A. cried unto the LORD his God, and 14. 12 the Lord smote tlio Ethiopians before A. 14. 13 And A. and the people that (were) with 15. 2 he went out to meet A., and said unto 15. 2 Hear ye me, A., and all Judah and 15. 8 when A. heard these words, and the 15! 10 in the third month, in the fifteenth year 15. 16 the mother of A. the king, he removed is. 16 and A. cut down her idol, and stamped 16! 17 nevertheless the heart of A. was perfect.all 15'. 19 there was no(more)war unto, .reign of A. 16. 1 In the. .year of the reign of A., Baasha 16'. 1 he might let none. .to A. king of Judah 16! 2 Then A. brought out silver and gold out 16! 4 Ben-hadad hearkened unto king A., and 16. 6 Then A. the king took all Judah ; and 16. 7 Hanani the seer came to A. king of Judali - Ch 16 10 Then A. was wroth with the seer, and 16 10 And A. oppressed (some) of the people the iS. 11 behold, the acts of A., first and last, lo 16 12 And A.. .was diseased in Ins feet, until 16 13 And A. slept with his fathers, and died I7 ; 2 in the cities. .which A. his father had 20. -32 lie walked in the way of A^lns father 21 12 thou hast not walked in the ways of.. A. .Ter. 41. o it which A. the king had made for fear Matt. 1. 7 Roboam begat Abia; and Abia begat A. 1. 8 AndA.begat Josaphat; and Josapliat begat 2 . A Levite, head of a family in the villages of the Netophathites, near Jerusalem. i Ch. 9. 16 the sou of A., the son of Elkanah, that A-SAH'-BL, bun’^Sl. God is doer. 1 . A son of Zeruiali, David's sister. He was slam by Abner unwillingly, B.C. 1053. 2 Sa. 2.18 and A.: and A. (was as) light of foot as a 2 ig A. pursued after Abner; and m going he 2. 20 and said (Art) thou A.? And he answered 2. 21 But A. would not turn, .from folio wing 2. 22 Aimer said again to A., Turn thee aside 2 23 came to the place where A. fell down and 2' 4 there lacked of David's servants. .and A. 2 32 they took up A., and buried him 111 the 27 that lie died, for the blood of A. his 3. 30 he had slain their brother A. at Gibeon 23 24 A. the brother of Joab (was) one of the 1 Ch. 2.16 the sons of Zeruiah.. and A three 11. 26 the valiant men. .(were), A., the brother of 27. 7 The fourth (captain.. was) A. the brother 2 . A Levite sent by Jehoshaphat to teach the law to the people in Judah, B.C. 914. 2Ch. 17. 8 with them (lie sent). .A., and Shenn 3 . A Levite employed under Hezekiali as an officer of the offerings and tithes and dedicated things, B.O. 727. 2 Ch. 31.13 Jehiel. .and A.. .(were) overseers under 4 Father of Jonathan whom Ezra appointed to take a census of the Jews who had taken strange wives during the exile, B.O. 536. Ezra 10.15 Jonathan the son of A.. .were employed A-SAH-I'AH, nj’fS, Jah is doer. An officer of king Josiah’s.sent with others to inquire of the Lord in consequence of the reading of the book of the law found by Bhaplian, B.O. 641. 2Ki 22.12 the king commanded. .A. a servant of the 22 14 So A., went unto Huldah the prophetess 2 Ch. 34. 20 the king commanded.. A. a servant of the A-SA-I'AH, ri'Nl Jah is doer. 1 . A descendant of Simeon, B.C. 800. 1 Ch. 4. 36 and A., and Adiel, and Jesimiel, and Ben. 2 . A descendant of Libni, grandson of Merari. 1 Ch. 6. 30 Shimei his son, Haggiah his son, A. Ins 3 . A Shilonito, dwelling in Jerusalem, B.C.536. iCh. 9. 5 of the Shilonites; A. the firstborn, and 4 A descendant of Merari, who assisted in bringing up the ark from the house of Obed-edom in the time of David, B.O. 1040. [This may be the same as No. 2.] 1 Ch '1 s 6 Of the sons of Merari; A. the chief .and ’ 1u David called for Zadok and. .A., and Joel A'-SAPH, ']?!< collector, gatherer. 1 . Father of Joah recorder to Hezekiali, B.C. 727. 2 Ki. 18. 18 and Joah the son of A. the recorder 18. 37 the scribe, and Joah the son of A. the 2CI1. 29. 13 of the sons of A.; Zechanah, and. Matta.. Isa. 36. 3 the scribe, and Joah, A.’s son, the recor. 36 22 the scribe, and Joah, the son of A., the 2 One appointed by David over:the service of song; and by Solomon in the temple service, B.C. 1040. 1 Ch 6 iq his brother A., who stood on his right ’ 6 39 A the son of Beracliiali, the son of is. 17 the Levites appointed. .A. the son of is 19So the singers. .A., .(were appointed) to 16 5 A the chief, and next to him Zechanah 16' 5 with harps; but A. made a sound with 16 7 into the hand of A. and his brethren 16'. 37 he left there. .A. and his brethren, to 25 1 separated to the service of the sons of A. 25 2 Of the sons of A., Zaccur, and Joseph 25 2 the sons of A.; under the hands of A. 25. 6 according to the king’s order to A. 24. q the first lot came forth for A. to Joseph 2 Ch. 5. 12 (which were), .singers, all of them of A. 20 14 a Levite of the sous of A., came the spirit 2 q*. 13 and of the sons of A.; Zechanah, and 29 30 with the words of David, and of A. the 35 sis the singers the sons of A. (were) m then- 35.‘i5 according to the commandment of. .A. Ezra 2. 41 The singers: the children of A., an 3. 10 the Levites the sons of A. with cymbals Neh. 7. 44 The singers: the children of A., an 11 17 Mattaniah. .the son of A., (was) the n 22 Of the sons of A., the singers (were) over 12 35 Michaiah, the son of Zaccur.. son of A. 12. 46 in the days of David and A. of old Psa. 50. title. A Psalm of A. The mighty God 73 A Psalm of A. Truly God (is) good 74 Maschil of A. O God, why hast thou 75 Al-taschith, A Psalm (or) Song of A. 76. on Neginoth, A Psalm (or) Song of A 77 Musician, to Jeduthun, A Psalm of A. 78' Maschil of A. Give ear, 0 my people Psa. 79. A Psalm of A. O God, the heathen are 80. upon Shoshannim-Eduth, A Psalm of A. 81 the.. Musician upon Gittith, (A Psalm) of A. 82" A Psalm of A. God standetli in the 83! A Song (or) Psalm of A. Keep not thou 3 . A Levite, whose posterity dwelt in Jerusalem after the exile, B.C. 444. 1 Ch. 9. 15 Micali, the son of Zichri, the son of A. 4 . A descendant of Koliatli, son of Levi. His descend¬ ants were porters in the service of the tabernacle in the time of David. 1 CI1.26. 1 Meslielemiah. .of the sous of A. 5 . A11 officer (probably a Jew) appointed by the king of Persia as keeper of the royal forests in Judah, B.C. 444. Neh. 2. 8 a letter unto A. the keeper of the king’s A-SAR-E'EL, Sxnb’R God is joined. A son of Jehaleieel,' a descendant of Judah through Caleb, son of Jephunneh, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 4.16 the sons of Jehaleieel; Ziph. .and A. ■ A-SAR-E'-LAH, ,•Strife's .Tah is joined. A son of Asaph, appointed by David for the service of song in the sanctuary, b.c. 1040. 1 Ch. 25. 2 Of the sons of Asaph; Zaccur. .and A. [Azareel in verse 18 is perhaps the same.] ASCEND, to - To go or come up, avaRaivu anabaino. John 1. 51 the angels of God ascending and descend. 20. 17 I am not yet ascended. .1 ascend unto Acts 2. 34 For David is not ascended into the 25. 1 when Festus was come.. he ascended from Rom 10. 6 Who shall ascend into heaven? that is, to Eph. 4. 9 Now that he ascended, what is it but Rev. 7. 2 I saw another angel ascending from the 11. 7 the beast that ascendeth out of the.. pit 17. 8 The beast, .shall ascend out of the ASCEND, to cause to — To cause to go up, nSy ala.h, 5. Psa. 135. 7 He causeth the vapours to ascend from Jer. 10. 13 he causeth the vapours to ascend from 51. 16 he causeth the vapours to ascend from ASCEND (up), to — 1 .To go up, climb, pDj nasaq. Psa. 139. 8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art 2. To cause lo go up, ff^i] alah. Gen. 28. 12 tlie angels of God ascending and descend. Exod 19. 18 the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke Num 13. 22 they ascended by the south, and came Josh. 6. 5 people shall ascend up every man 8. 20 the smoke of the city ascended up to 8. 21 the smoke of the city ascended, then 10. 7 Joshua ascended from Gilgal, he, and all 15. 3 it went out. .and ascended up 011 the Judg 13. 20 the Lord ascended in the flame of the 20. 40 the flame of the city ascended up to 1 Sa. 28. 13 I saw gods ascending out of the earth Psa. 24. 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the 68. 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast Prov.30. 4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or Isa. 14. 13 I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt 14. 14 I will ascend above the heights of the Eze. 38. 9 Thou slialt ascend and come like a storm 3 . To c/o or come up, ava^alvu anabaino. Luke 19. 28 he went before, ascending up to Jerus. John 3. 13 no man hath ascended up to heaven, but 6 62 if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up Eph. 4. 8 When he ascended up on high, he led 4. 10 the same also that ascended up far above Rev 8. 4 the smoke, .ascended up before God out 11 12 they ascended up to heaven in a cloud 14. 11 the smoke of their torment ascendeth up ASCENT — 1. Going up, rblio maaleh. Num 34. 4 from the south to the ascent of Akrabbim 2 Sa. 15. 30 David went up by the ascent of. .Olivet ‘ l.Going up, (burnt) offering, nVy olah. 1 Ki. io.j s liis ascent by which he went up unto the ^.Uppermost place, aliyyah. .... 2 Ch. 9. 4 his ascent by which he went tip into the ASCRIBE, to — 1 .To give, nn; yahab. Deut 32. 3 ascribe ye greatness unto our God 2. To give, 103 nathan, 1 Sa. 18. 8 They have ascribed unto David ten 18. 8 and to me they have ascribed. .thousands Job 36. 3 will ascribe righteousness to my Maker Psa. [68. 34 Ascribe ye strength unto God: his A-SE'-NATH, nipx dedicated to Neit. Daughter of Poti-plierah, priest of On, and wife of Joseph,.B.C. 1715. Gen. 41. 45 ho gave him to wife A. the daughter of 41. 50 which A. the daughter of Poti-plierah 46. 20 which A, the daughter of Poti-pherah, AS'-ER, ’A o"np. The Greek form of Asher. ^ Luke 2. 36 the daughter of Phanuel.'of the tribe of A. Rev. 7. 6 Of the tribe of A. (were) sealed twelve ASH 56 ASHIMA ASH — Ash or pine, n» oren. Isa. 44. 14 he planteth an ash, and the rain doth ASHAMED, to be — 1. Shame, nas bosheth. Jer. 2. 26 As the thief is ashamed when he is found 2. To be ashamed, become pale. Bn a bosh. Judg. 3. 25 they tarried till they were ashamed 2 Ki. 2. 17 they urged him till he was ashamed 8. 11 stedfastly, until he was ashamed Ezra 8. 22 I was ashamed to require of the king a 9. 6 I am ashamed and blush to lift up my •Tob 19. 3 ye are not ashamed, .ye make yourselves Psa. 6. 10 Let all mine enemies be ashamed and 6. 10 let them return . .be ashamed suddenly 25. 2 let me not be ashamed, let not mine 25. 3 let none that wait on thee be ashamed 25. 3 let them be ashamed which transgress 25. 20 let me not be ashamed; for I put my 31. 1 let me never be ashamed: deliver me in 31. 17 Let me not be ashamed, 0 Lord 31. 17 let the wicked be ashamed, .let them be 35. 26 Let them be ashamed and brought to 37. 19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil 40. 14 Let them be ashamed and confounded 69. 6 Let not them . .be ashamed for my sake 70. 2 Let them be ashamed and confounded 86. 17 they which hate me may. .be ashamed 109. 28 when they arise, let them be ashamed 119. 6 Then shall I not be ashamed, when 119. 46 I will speak.. and will not be ashamed 119. 78 Let the proud be ashamed; for they 119. 80 heart be sound. .that I be rrot ashamed 127. 5 they shall not be ashamed, but they shall Isa. 1. 29 they shall be ashamed of the oaks 20. 5 they shall be.. ashamed of Ethiopia 23. 4 Be thou ashamed, 0 Zidon : for the sea 24. 23 and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of 26. 11 they shall see, and be ashamed for 29. 22 Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither 41. 11 all. .shall be ashamed and confounded 42. 17 they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust 44. 9 they see not.. that they may be ashamed. 44. 11 all his fellows shall be ashamed') 44. 11 they shall fear, .they shall be ashamed 45. 16 They shall be ashamed, and also 45. 17 ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded 45. 24 all. .against him shall be ashamed 49. 23 they shall not be ashamed that wait for 50. 7 I know that I shall not be ashamed 54. 4 Fear not.. thou shalt not be ashamed 65. 13 shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed 66. 5 your joy, and they shall be ashamed Jer. 2. 36 thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt 6. 15 Were they ashamed when they had 6. 15 nay, they were not at all ashamed ! 8. 12 Were they ashamed when they had 8. 12 nay, they were not at all ashamed 12. 13 they shall be ashamed of your revenues 14. 3 they were ashamed and confounded 14. 4 the plowmen were ashamed, they covered 15. 9 she hath been ashamed and confounded 17. 13 all that forsake thee shall be ashamed 20. 11 they shall be greatly ashamed; for they 22. 22 then shalt thou be ashamed and 3 i. 19 I was ashamed, yea, even confounded 48. 13 the house of Israel was ashamed of 48. 13 Moab shall be ashamed of Chemosh Eze. 32. 30 with their terror they are ashamed of 36. 32 be ashamed and confounded forlyour Hos. 4. 19 they shall be ashamed because of their 10. 6 Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel Joel 2. 26, 27 my people shall never be ashamed >1 i c . 3. 7 Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the Zeph. 3. 11 In that day shalt thou not be ashamed Zech 13. 4 prophets shall be ashamed every one of 3. To put to shame, aha bosh, 5. Psa. 119. 116 let me not be ashamed of my hope 4.7Y> be ashamed of one's self, aha bosh, 7a. Gen. 2. 25 were both naked.. and were not ashamed 5. To be ashamed, become red, nan chapher. Job 6. 20 they came thither, and were ashamed Psa. 34. s and their faces were not ashamed Jer. 50. 12 she that bare you shall be ashamed 6 . To be dried up, bo; yabash, 5. Isa. 30. s They were all ashamed of a people (that) Jer. 2. 26 so is the house of Israel ashamed 6. 15 Were they ashamed when they had 8. 9 The wise.. are ashamed, they are 8. 12 Were they ashamed when they had Joel 1. 11 Be ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen Zech. 9. s her expectation shall be ashamed 7. To be made ashamed, red, nsn chapher, 5. Isa. 33. 9 Lebanon is ashamed, .hewn down 8. To be ashamed, blush, oSs kalam, 2. Num 12.14 should she not be ashamed seven days? 2 Sa. 10. 5 the men were greatly ashamed : and the ig. 3 people being ashamed steal away when 1 Ch. 19. 5 for the men were greatly ashamed 2 Ch. 30. 15 Levites were ashamed, and sanctified Psa. 74. 21 let not the oppressed return ashamed Jer. 3. 3 thou refusedst to be ashamed Eze. 16. 27 daughters, .are ashamed of thy lewd way 16. 61 shaltremember thy ways, and be ashamed 43. 10 they may be ashamed of their iniquities 43.11 if they be ashamed.. shew them the form 9 . To be ashamed, alaxoropai aischunomai. Lukei6. 3 I cannot dig ; to beg I am ashamed 2 Co. 10. 8 I should boast.. I should not be ashamed Phil. 1. 20 that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but 1 Pe. 4 . 16 if. as a Christian, let him not be ashamed 1. Jo. 2. 28 and not be ashamed before him at his 10 . To be ashained of, tiro.icrx' n, oixai. Mark 8. 38 shall be ashamed of. .shall, .be ashamed Luke 9. 26 shall be ashamed of.. shall.. be ashamed Horn. 1. 16 I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ 6. 21 those things whereof ye are now ashamed? 2 Ti. 1. 8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the 1. 12 nevertheless I am not ashamed : for I 1. 16 and was not ashamed of my chain Heb. 2. 11 for which cause he is not ashamed to call 11. 16 wherefore God is not ashamed to be 11 . To be utterly ashained, KaraiaxovopaL. Luke 13. 17 all his adversaries were ashamed : and all Rom. 9. 33 whosoeverbelieveth. .shall not be asham. 10. 11 believeth on him shall not be ashamed 2 Co. 7. 14 if I have boasted ..lam not ashamed 9. 4 Lest. .we. .should be ashamed in this 1 Pe. 3. 16 they may be ashamed that falsely accuse ASHAMED, to make — 1. To make ashamed, pale, Bd3 bosh, 5. Prov. 12. 4 she that maketh ashamed (is) as 2. To cause to blush, kalam, 5. Job 11. 3 shall no man make thee ashamed ? 3. To shaine utterly, /caranrxuyco kataischuno. Rom. 5. 5 And hope maketh not ashamed ; because ASHAMED, needeth not to be —- Not ashained of, avaraiaxovTos anepaischuntos. 2 Ti. 2. 15 workman that needeth not to be ashamed A'-SHAM, smoke. A Levitical city in Judah, afterwards given to Simeon. Josli.15. 42 Libnah, and Ether, and A. 19. 7 Ain. .and A.; four cities and their 1 Ch. 4. 32 their villages (were), Etam. .and A., five 6. 59 And A. with her suburbs, and Beth ASH-BE'-A, ya^K man of Baal. The patronymic of a family that sprang from Shelah son of Judah, B.c. 1400. 1 Ch. 4. 21 that wrought fine linen, of the house of A. ASH'-BEL, SgipN man of Baal. A son of Benjamin, B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 21 thesonsof Benjamin (were) Belah. .and A. Nura 26. 38 sons of Benj. after their families.. of A. 1 Ch. 8. 1 Benjamin begat. .A. the second, and Ah. ASH-BE-LITE, 'SaB’Krr belonging to Ashbel. A family that sprang from Ashbel. Num 26. 38 of Ashbel, the family of the A.: of Ahiram ASH'-DOD, ■fnif'8 fortress, castle. One of the five chief cities of the Philistines. It was strongly fortified, and stood on the border at the N. extremity of what afterwards belonged to Simeon to¬ wards Egypt. It is now called Asdud, and in the New Testament and LXX. Azotus. It is about 30 miles from the southern frontier of Canaan, 3 from the Mediter¬ ranean, and midway between Gaza and Joppa. Josh.n. 22 in Gaza, in Gath, and in A.. .remained 15. 46 all that (lay) near A., witli their villages 15. 47 A. with her towns and her villages, Gaza 1 Sa. 5. 1 took the ark.. and brought it.. unto A. 5. 3 when they of A. arose early on the morrow 5. s on the threshold of Dagon in A. unto this 5. 6 was heavy upon them of A., and he 5. 6 and smote them with emerods, (even) A. 5. 7 when the men of A. saw that (it was) so 6. 17. for A. one, for Gaza one, for Askelon one 2 Ch. 26. 6 and brake down the wall of.. A., and built 26. 6 and built cities about A., and among the Nell. 13. 23 Jews (that) had married wives of A., of 13. 24 children spake half in the speech of A. Isa. 20. 1 In the year that Tartan came unto A. 20. 1 and fought against A., and took it Jer. 25. 20 Azzah, and Ekron, and the remnant of A. Amos 1. 8 I will cut off the inhabitant from A. 3. 9 Publish in the palaces at A., and in the Zeph. 2. 4 they shall drive out A. at the noon day Zech. 9. 6 a bastard shall dwell in A., and I will ASH-DO-DITES, ASH-DO-THITES, ri'nB’N. The inhabitants of Ashdod. Josh. 13. 3 the Gazathites. .the’A.,'the Eshkalonites Neh. 4. 7 when, .the A., heard that the walls of ASH-DOTH PIS'-GAH, njpsn rrntyN springs ofPisgah. The spurs and ravines of Pisgali, the top of which is Mount Nebo. Now Ain Musa. Deut. 3. 17 of the plain, .the salt sea, under A.-p 4. 49 of the plain, under the springs of P. Josh 12. 3 and from the south, under A.-p 13. 20 Beth-peor, and A.-p. and Beth-jeshimotli A'-SHER, -iBiN happy. 1 . Eighth son of Jacob, and second by Zilpah, Leah's maid. (See Aser, the N.T. form.) B.C. 1730. Gen. 30. 13 And Leah, .called his name A. 35. 26 the sons of Zilpah. .Gad, and A. 46. 17 the sons of A.; Jimnah, and Ishuah, and 49. 20 Out of A. his bread (shall be) fat, and he Exod. 1. 4 Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and A. Num 26. 46 the name of the daughter of A. (was) Sar. Josh. 17. 10 they met together in A. on the north, and 17. 11 Manasseh had in..A. Beth-shean and her iCh. 2. 2 Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, and A. 7. 30 sons of A.; Irnnah, and Isuah, and Ishuai 7. 40 All these (were) the children of A., heads 2 . Asher is used also as the name of the tribe descended from Asher, and of that part of Canaan in which they dwelt. Num. 1. 13 Of A.; Pagiel the son of Ocran 1. 40 Of the children of A., by their generations 1. 41 that were numbered of. .the tribe of A. 2. 27 that encamp, .(shall be) the tribe of A. 2. 27 the captain of the children of A. (shall be) 7. 72 Pagiel. .prince of the children of A. 10. 26 And over, .the children of A. (was) Pagiel 13. 13 Of the tribe of A., Sethur the son of M. 26. 44 (Of) the children of A. after their families 26. 47 These (are) the families.. of A. according 34. 27 the prince of the tribe.. of A., Aliihud Deut27. 13 shall stand, .to curse ; Reuben, .and A. 33. 24 of A. he said, (Let) A. (be) blessed with Josh 19. 24 fifth lot came out for the tribe, .of A. 19. 31 (is) the inheritance of the tribe, of A. 19. 34 the coast, .reacheth to A. on the west 21. 6 of Gershon (had).. out of the tribe of A. 21. 30 out of the tribe of A., Mishal with her Judg. 1. 31 Neither did A. drive out the inhabitants 5. 17 A. continued on the sea shore, and abode 6. 35 he sent messengers unto A., and unto 7. 23 Israel gathered themselves, .out of A. I Ki. 4. 16 Raanah the son of Hushai (was) in A. and 1 Ch. 6. 62 to the sons of Gershom.. out of.. A. 6. 74 out of the tribe of A.; Mashal with her 12. 36 of A., such as went forth to battle, .forty 2 Ch. 30. 11 Nevertheless divers of A.. .humbled Eze. 48. 2 by the border of Dan.. a (portion for) A. 48. 3 by the border of A... a (portion for) N. 48. 34 one gate of Gad, one gate of A., one gate 3 . A town E. of Shechem, on the road to Beth-shean, in Manasseh, W. of the Jordan. Now Asirah. Josh. 17. 7 the coast of Manasseh was from A. to M. [The following localities were in the territory of Asher: — Abdon, Accho, Achshapli, Achzib, AJrlab, Amad, Aphek, Beten, Beth-Dagon, Betli- Emek, Beth-Rehob, Carmel, Ebron, Hali, Ham- mon, Helbah, Helkath,Hosah, Hukkok.Jiphtah- el, Kanah, Mearah, Mishal, Neiel, Sidon, Uru- mah, &c.j A-SHE-RITE, ’Irikh the ( one of) Asher. Patronymic of the tribe of Asher. Judg. 1. 32 But the A. dwelt among the Canaanites ASHES — 1 .Dust, (bruised, fine), isk epher. Gen. 18. 27 I. .(am but) dust and ashes Num 19. 9 a man. .shall gather up the ashes 19. 10 he that gathereth the ashes, .shall wash 2 Sa. 19. 9 Tamar put ashes on her head, and rent 1 Ki. 20. 38 prophet, .disguised himself with ashes 20. 41 he. .took the ashes away from his face Esth. 4. 1 Mordecai. .put on sackcloth with ashes 4. 3 great mourning.. many lay in.. ashes Job 2. 8 and he sat down among the ashes 13. 12 Your remembrances (are) like unto ashes 30. 19 and I am become like dust and ashes 42. 6 I abhor, .and repent in dust and ashes Psa. 102. 9 For I have eaten ashes like bread 147. 16 he scattereth the hoar frost like ashes Isa. 44. 20 He feedeth on ashes : a deceived heart 58. 5 spread sackcloth and ashes (under him)? 61. 3 give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil Jer. 6. 26 sackcloth, and wallow thyself in ashes Lam. 3. 16 stones, he hath covered me with ashes Eze. 27. 30 they shall wallow themselves in the ashes 28. 18 I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth Dan. 9. 3 by prayer.. with fasting.. and ashes Jon. 3. 6 covered , with sackcloth, and sat in ashes Mai. 4. 3 they shall be ashes under the soles of 2 . Ashes (fat), JBH deshen. Lev. 1. 16 the altar, .by the place of the ashes 4. 12 ashes are poured out.. ashes are poured 6. 10 take up the ashes which the fire hath 6. 11 carry forth the ashes without the camp 1 Ki. 13. 3 ashes that (are) upon it shall be poured 13. 5 and the ashes poured out from the altar Jer. 31. 40 valley of the dead bodies, and of the ashes 3 . Dust, (bruised, fine), ibj; aphar. Num 19. 17 take of the ashes of the burnt heifer 2 Ki. 23. 4 carried the ashes of them unto Beth-el 4 . Dust, ashes, n'B piach. Exod. 9. 8 Take to you handfuls of ashes of the 9. 10 they took ashes of the furnace, and stood b.Ashes, embers, owoSSs spodos. Matt 11. 21 have repented, .in sackcloth and ashes Luke 10. 13 repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes Heb. 9. 13 ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean ASHES from, to receive or take away the — To remove or cleanse from ashes, dashen, 3. Exod 27. 3 shalt make his pans to receive his ashes Num. 4. 13 take away the ashes from the altar A-SHI'-MA, NS’B’X heaven. An idol worshipped by the people of Hamath, and in¬ troduced into Samaria by the colonists whom Shalma- nezer settled therein. 2 Ki. 17. 30 and the men of Hamath made A. ASHKELON 57 ASK ASH-KE'-LON, AS-KE'-LON, holm-oak. Askalon is mentioned as a city oi the Philistines, Josh. ,, , au a i Sam. 6. 17. The tribe of Judah captured it b.’c. 1425 (Judges 1.18), but it was retaken by the Philistines, and is frequently denounced by the pro¬ phets. It fell successively into the hands of the Egyp¬ tians the Greeks, and the Romans. It became a bishop's see in the 4th century. It was besieged by the Crusaders in 1100, and again in 114S, without success. Baldwin III. captured it in 1157. Saladin re-took it in 1187, and burnt it in 1191. Richard I. of England ob¬ tained possession the same year, and restored the fortifications in 1192. Sultan Bibars destroyed its forti- flcations and filled up its harbour in 1270. ( Askulan .) Judg. 1. 18 Also Judah took. .A. with the coast 14. 19 he went down to A., and slew thirty men 1 Sa. 6. 17 these (are) the golden emerods. .for A. 2 Sa. 1. 20 publish (it) not in the streets of A.; lest Jer. 25. 20 the laud of the Philistines, and A., and 47. 5 A. is cut off (with) the remnant of their 47. 7 Loltb hath given it a charge against A. Amos t. 8 1 will cut off.. him that holdeth.. from A. Zeph. 2. 4 Gaza shall be forsaken, and A. adesolation 2. 7 in the houses of A. shall they lie down in Zech. 9. 5 A. shall see (it), and fear, .and A. shall ASH-KE'-NAZ, ASH-CHE'-NAZ, n?l?N. 1 . Son of Gomel - , son of Japheth. Gen. 10. 3 the sons of Gomer; A., and Riphath, and 1 Ch. 1. 6 the sons of Gomer; A., and Riphath, and 2 . The people or tribe whose original seat was in the neighbourhood of Armenia, along with the kingdoms of Ararat and Minni. Jer. 51. 27 call together..the kingdoms of. .A. ASH'-NAH, ,i )pH fortification. ' 1 . A town in W. of Judah, near Dan. Josli.15. 33 the valley, Eshtaol, and Zoreah, and A. 2 . Another town in the plains of Judah. Josh. 15. 43 And Jiphtali, and A., and Nezib ASH-PE'-NAZ, ligaift. Meaning uncertain. Tlie prince of tile eunuchs under Nebuchadnezzar, B.C. 606. Dan. 1. 3 the king spake unto A. the master of his ASH-TAR'-OTH, ASH-TOR'-ETH, AS-TAR'-OTH, ffnwy, rnh;py a wife. 1 . An idol of the Philistines, Phoenicians, and Zidonians, worshipped by Israel soon after the death of Joshua, and also by Solomon. Judg. 2. 13 forsook the Lord, and served Baaland A. 10. 6 the children of Israel..served. .A., and 1 Sa. 7. 3 put away. .A. from among you, and 7. 4 the children of Israel did put away. .A. 12. 10 forsaken the Lord, and have served. .A. 31. 10 they put his armour in the house of A. 1 Ki. ti. 5 Solomon went after A. the goddess of 11. 33 and have worshipped A. the goddess of 2Ki. 23. 13 high places. .Solomon, .builded for A. 2 . A city on the E. of the Jordan, in Bashan. Dent. 1. 4 After he had slain. .Og. .dwelt at A. Josh. 9. 10 all that he did. .to Og.. which (was) at A. 12. 4 the giants, that dwelt at A. and at Edrei 13. 12 the kingdom of Og. .which reigned in A. 13. 31 A., and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of 3 . A Levitical town of Manasseli, beyond Jordan. i Ch. 6. 71 Unto the sons of Gershom.. A. with ASH-TE-RA-THITE, 'n-msyy of Ashteroth. Patronymic of one of David’s worthies. 1 Ch. 11. 44 Uzza the A., Shama and Jehiel the sons ASH-TER'-OTH KAR-NA'-IM, Djrip rnitlyy. A city of the Rephaim, in the kingdom of Og, in Man- asseh beyond Jordan. It was an abode of the Rephaim at tlie time of Chedorlaomer, B.C. 1913. ( Ashterah .) Geu.14. s and smote the Rephaims in A. K., and ASH'-UR, freeman. A son of Hezron, son of.Pharez, B.C. 1560. 1 Ch. 2. 24 Abiah Hezron’s wife bare him A. the 4. 5 A. the father of Tekoa had two wives ASH-UR-ITES, ’"ini's belonging to Asliur. A tribe occupying the whole country W. of the Jordan above Jezreel, the district of the plain of Esdraelon. (Asherite occurs in Judg. 1. 32.) 2 Sa. 2. 9 made him king over Gilead.. over the A. Eze. 27. 6 the company of the A. have made thy ASH'-VATH, nwy made, wrought. A son of Japhlet, a descendant of Asher, B.C. 1660. 1 Ch. 7. 33 the sons of Japhlet; Pasach. .and A. A-SI-A. ’A sumbibazb. Acts 16. 10 assuredly gathering that the Lord had ASSWAGE, to — 1 . To restrain, hold back, dim, tiivn ehasak. Job 16. 5 the moving of my lips should asswage 2. To subside, sink down, sluikak. Gen. 8. 1 a wind to pass.. and the waters asswaged ASSWAGED, to be — To be restrained, ehasak, 2. Job 16. 6 I speak, my grief is not asswaged AS-SYR -IA, "8ts>K plain, level. Assyria is the narrow tract of country inclosed between Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Armenia, Susiana, and Media, ASSYRIA 60 ASTRAY called, by the ancients Assyria, or Asturia, and was the original seat of that extended dominion known as the Assyrian empire. From the ioth chapter of Genesis we learn that Nimrod, leaving Babylon, which he had founded, went forth into Assyria, where he built Nine¬ veh, Rehoboth, Calah, and Resen, about B.c. 2218. Such is the interpretation given in the margin of the Bible, though some authors prefer the reading, that Assur went forth and built these cities. The next notice of this empire that occurs in the Old Testament is the invasion of Palestine in the reign of Uzziah, by Pul (2 Kings 15. 19), king of Assyria, B.c. 769. Meua- hem, king of Israel, induced him to retire by a bribe of 1000 talents. Tiglath-pileser, successor of Pul, at the solicitation of Ahaz, king of Judah, invaded Syria, and took many of its people away captive (2 Kings 16. 5-9), b.c. 738. Shalmanassar besieged Samaria three years, captured it, put an end to the kingdom of Israel B.c. 722 (2 Kings 17. 5, 6), and carried away its people into captivity. Another king, Sennacherib, came up against all the fenced cities of Judah, and took them (2 Kings 18. 13, and 2 Chrou. 32.), B.C. 7x4, but failed in an attack upon Jerusalem, having 185,000 men slain in one night, B.c. 712 (2 Kings 18. 13; 19. 35, 36, and 2 G'hron. 32. 21). On his return to Nineveh, Sennacherib was slain by two of his own sons, and another king, named Esarhaddon, assumed the Assyrian sceptre, B.c. 711 (2 Kings 19. 37). The last king of Assyria mentioned in Scripture is Nebuchadnezzar, who is supposed to have ascended the throne B.c. 650. It is evident that the Assyrian empire existed at a very early period in the history of the world; that its rulers obtained extensive dominion; and that, after a partial dismemberment, it continued to exist for many years. The theory of an Assyrian empire that terminated at the revolt of the Medes, about B.c. 711, followed by an Assyrian mon¬ archy that continued till the destruction of Nineveh, B.C. 606, though supported by high authorities, is now generally rejected. Clinton (Fasti Hellenici, i. 268) remarks, with reference to the duration of the Assyrian monarchy: The period delivered by Ctesias seems to have been 1306 years. He placed its commencement 1000 years before the Trojan war, and its termination at B.c. 876. But in assigning the termination of the Assyrian monarchy, Ctesias, and those that followed him, confounded two events, — the revolt of the Medes and the destruction of Nineveh, which they made to happen together. These two events, however, were divided by a considerable interval of time, and the conclusion of the term of 1306 years assigned to that monarchy did not occur at the Median revolt, but at the Anal capture of Nineveh. The date of this event we are enabled to fix with precision, on the concurrent authority of Scripture and Herodotus. (B.c. 606.) Clinton gives the following summary:— Ninus, B.c. 2182; Assyrian monarchy, 1306 years before the empire, 675 years, B.c. 1912 ; during the empire, 24 kings, 526 years, B.c. 1237. Sardanapalus, B.c. 876; after the empire, 6 kings, 105 years, B.c. 711. Capture of Nine¬ veh, B.c. 606. Vaux (Nineveh and Persepolis, p. 508) gives, on the authority of Rawlinson, the following list of Assyrian monarchs:—First Assyrian empire : Belukh, B.C. 1273; Pudil, 1255 ; Pliulukli I., 1240 ; Silima-Risli I., 1220 ; Sanda-pal-imat, 1200; Asshur-capal-il, 1185; Mutaggil- Nebo, 1165; Asshur-Rish-ipan, 1140; Tiglath-Pileser I., 1120; Asshur-bani-pal I., noo; Asshur-adan-akhi, 950; Asshur-dauin-il, 925; Pliulukli II., 900; Tigulti-Sanda, 880; Sardanapalus, 850; Silima-Risli II. (Asshur-danin- pal), 815 ; Shamaspliul, 780 ; Pliulukli III. (Pul), and Semiramis, 760. Second Assyrian empire: Tiglatli- Pileser II., B.c. 747 ; Shalmaneser, 730 ; Sargon, 721 ; Sennacherib, 702 ; Esarhaddon, 680 ; Asshur-bani-pal II., 660; Asshur-Emit-Ilut, 640; final overthrow of Nineveh, 625. Gen. 2. 14 it which goeth toward the east of A. 25. 18 before Egypt, as thou goest toward A.' 2 Ki. 15. 19 Pul the king of A. came against the land 15. 20 exacted the money, .give to the king of A. 15. 20 the king of A. turned back, and stayed 15. 29 came Tiglath-pileser king of A., and 15. 29 took Ijon. .and carried them captive to A. 16. 7 Ahaz sent, .to Tiglath-pileser king of A. 16. 8 and sent, .a present to the king of A. 16. 9 the king of A. hearkened unto him : for 16. 9 the king of A. went up against Damascus 16. 10 went, .to meet Tiglath-pileser king of A. 16. 18 the house of the Lord for the king of A. 17. 3 Against him..Shalmaneser king of A. 17. 4 king of A. found conspiracy in Hoshea 17. 4 brought no present to the king of A. 17. 4 therefore the king of A. shut him up, and 17. 5 the king of A. came up throughout all 17. 6 the ninth year of Hoshea the king of A. 17. 6 carried Israel away into A., and placed 17. 23 So was Israel carried away. .to A. unto 17. 24 the king of A. brought, .from Babylon 17. 26 Wherefore they spake to the king of A. 17. 27 Then the king of A. commanded, saying 18. 7 he rebelled against the king of A. 18. 9 Shalmaneser king of A. came up against 18. 11 the king of A. did carry away, .unto A. 18. 13 did Sennacherib king of A. come up 18. 14 Hezekiah. .of Judah sent to the king of A. 18. 14 the king of A. appointed unto Hezekiah 18. 16 and gave it to the king of A. 18. 17 the king of A. sent Tartan and 18. 19 Thus saith the great king, the king of A. 18. 23 give pledges to my lord the king of A. 18. 28 Hear the word of the great king, .of A. 18. 30 delivered into the hand of the king of A. 2 Ki. 18. 31 for thus saith the king of A., Make 18. 33 land out of the hand of the king of A. 19. 4 whom the king of A. his master hath 19. 6 servants of the king of A. have 19. 8 found the king of A. warring against 19. 10 delivered into the hand of the king of A. 19. 11 heard what the kings of A. have done to 19. 17 the kings of A. have destroyed the nations 19. 20 against Sennacherib king of A. I have 19. 32 concerning the king of A., He shall not 19. 36 Sennacherib, king of A. departed 20. 6 out of the hand of the king of A. 23. 29 went up against the king of A. to the 1 Ch. 5. 6 whom Tilgath-pilneser king of A. carried 5. 26 stirred up the spirit of Pul king of A. 5. 26 the spirit of Tilgath-pilneser king of A. 2 Cli.28. 16 did king Ahaz send unto the kings of A. 28. 20 Tilgath-pilneser king of A. came unto 28. 21 gave (it)unto. .king of A.: but he helped 30. 6 out of the hand of the kings of A. 32. 1 Sennacherib king of A. came and 32. 4 Why should the kings of A. come, and 32. 7 nor dismayed for the king of A., nor for 32. 9 After this did Sennacherib king of A. 32. 10 Thus saith Sennacherib king of A. 32. 11 us out of the hand of the king of A. 32. 21 cut off. .captains in the camp of. .A. 32. 22 the hand of Sennacherib the king of A. 33. 11 captains of the host of the king of A. Ezra 6. 22 turned the heart of the king of A. unto Neh. 9. 32 since the time of the kings of A. unto Isa. 7. 17 shall bring upon thee, .the king of A. 7. 18 for the bee that (is) in the land of A. 7. 20 them beyond the river, by the king of A. 8. 4 shall be taken away before the king of A. 8. 7 the king of A., and all his glory 10. 12 punish, .the stout heart of the king of A. 11. 11 which shall be left, from A., and from 11. 16 which shall be left, from A.; like as 19. 23 shall. .be a highway out of Egypt to A. 19. 23 and the Egyptian into A., and the Egypt. 19. 24 the third with Egypt and with A. 19. 25 Blessed (be) Egypt my people, and A. 20. 1 when Sargon the king of A. sent him 20. 4 So shall the king of A. lead away the 20. 6 to be delivered from the king of A. : and 27. 13 were ready to perish in the land of A. 36. 1 Sennacherib king of A. came up against 36. 2 the king of A. sent Rabsliakeli from 36. 4 Thus saith the great king, the king of A. 36. 8 I pray thee, to my master the king of A. 36. 13 words of the great king, the king of A. 36. 15 delivered into the hand of the king of A. 311. 16 for thus saith the king of A., Make 36. 18 land out of the hand of the king of A. 37. 4 whom the king of A. his master hath 37. 6 servants of the king of A. have 37. 8 found the king of A. warring against 37. to be given into the hand of the king of A. 37. 11 thou hast heard what the kings of A. 37.18 the kings of A. have laid waste all the 37. 21 hast prayed to me against .. the king of A. 37. 33 saith the Lord concerning the king of A. 37. 37 Sennacherib king of A. departed, and 38. 6 out of the hand of the king of A.: and I Jer. 2. 18 what hast thou to do in the way of A. 2. 36 of Egypt, as thou wast ashamed of A. 50. 17 first the king of A. hath devoured him 50. 18 as I have punished the king of A. Eze. 23. 7 all them.. the chosen men of A., and Hos. 7. 11 they call to Egypt, they go to A. 8. 9 For they are gone up to A., a wild ass g. 3 tlisy shall eat unclean (things) in A. 10. 6 16 shall be also carried unto A. (for) a 11. 11 as a dove out of the land of A.: and Mic. 5. 6 they shall waste the land of A. with 7. 12 he shall come even to thee from A. Nah. 3. 18 Thy shepherds slumber, 0 king of A. Zeph. 2. 13 he will stretch out. .and destroy A., and 10 I wiU. .gather them out of A., and I will 10. 11 the pride of A. shall be brought down AS'-SYRIAN, A shut. The same name is used to denote both the people and the country in which they dwell. 2Ki. 19. 35 the angel, .smote in the camp of the A. Isa. 10. 5 O A., the rod of mine anger and the staff 10. 24 0 my people, .be not afraid of the A.: he 14. 25 That I will break the A. in my land, aud 19. 23 the A. shall come.. shall serve with the A. 23. 13 this people was not. .the A. founded it in 30. ' 31 through the voice of the LORD shall the A. 31. 8 Then shall the A. fall with the sword, and 37. 36 the angel.. smote in the camp of the A. an 52. 4 and the A. oppressed them without cause Lam. 5. 6 We have given the hand (to), .the A., to Eze. 16. 28 hast played the whore also with the A. 23. 5 and she doted on her lovers, on the A. 23. 9 into the hand of the A., upon whom she 23 12 She doted upon the A. (her) neighbours 23. 23 Shoa, and Koa, (and) aU the A. with them 31. 3 Behold, the A. (was) a cedar in Lebanon Hos. 5. 13 then went Ephraim to the A., and sent to 11. 5 the A. shall be his king, because they 12. 1 they do make a covenant with the A., and Mic. 5. 4 when the A. shall come into our land : aud 5. b thus shall he deliver (us) from the A. ASTONIED — To be silent, astonished, cpt? shainem. Ezra 9. 3 I rent, .and sat down astonied 9. ; 4 I sat astonied until the evening sacrifice ASTONIED, to be — 1 .To remain dumb, crn daham, 2. Jer. 14. 9 shouldest thou be as a man astonied 2 .To be perplexed, vp? shebash, 2. Dan. 5. 9 Belshazzar, .and his lords were astonied 3. To be silent, astonished, Day shamem. Job 17. 8 Upright (men) shall be astonied at their 4. To remain silent, astonished, cpri shamem, 2. Job 18. 20 that come after (him) shall be astonied Eze. 4. 17 and be astonied one with another 5. To be silent, astmished, ccip shemam. Dan. 4. 19 Then Daniel, .was astonied for one hour 6 . To be vexed, iroi tevali. Dan. 3. 24 Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonied ASTONISHED — To make silent, astonished, Da^ shamem, 5. Eze. 3. 15 remained there astonished amoug them ASTONISHED, to be — 1. 'To be silent, astonished, oa^i shamem. Lev. 26. 32 your enemies, .shall be astonished at it 1 Ki. 9. 8 one that passeth by it shall be astonished Isa. 52. 14 As many were astonished at thee; his Jer. 2. 12 Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this 18. 16 that passeth thereby shall be astonished 19. 8 that passeth thereby shall be astonished 49. 17 one that goeth by it shaU be astonished 50. 13 goeth by Babylon shall be astonished Eze. 26. 16 and shall, .be astonished at thee 27. 35 the isles shall be astonished at thee 28. 19 the people shall be astonished at thee 2. To be silent, astonished, dc^ shamem, 2. Jer. 4. 9 the priests shall be astonished, and the 3. To be made silent, astonished, oat? shamem, 6 . Job 21. 5 Mark me, and be astonished, aud lay 4. To make silent or astonished, dd^ shamem, 5 Dan. 8. 27 and I was astonished at the vision 5. To wonder, marvel, nan tamah. Job 26.11 The pillars.. are astonished at his reproof 6. To be greatly struck, fKw\rie beyond measure astonished, saying 10. 26 they were astonished out of measure 11. 18 the people was astonished at his doctrine Luke 4. 32 they were astonished at his doctrine: for Acts 13 12 being astonished at the doctrine of the 7. To be placed out or away from, ^ioT-gg-ai exist. Mark 5. 42 they were astonished with a great aston. Luke 2. 47 all that heard him were astonished at his 8. 56 her parents were astonished: but he Acts 10. 45 they, .which believed were astonished 12. 16 they had opened, .they were astonished 8 . To be astonished, bapfieopai tliambeomai. Markio. 24 the disciples were astonished at his words Acts 9. 6 [he trembling and astonished said. Lord) 9. Astonishment surrounds, dayfios irepiexu- Luke 5. 9 he was astonished, and all that were with ASTONISHED, to make — To amaze, expel, e’liurri^i existemi. > " Luke24. 22 and certain women, .made us astonished ASTONISHMENT — 1. Astonishment (cause of), rneshammah. Eze. 5. 15 it shall be. .an astonishment unto the 2. Astonishment, net? shammah. Deut 28. 37 thou shalt become an astonishment 2 Ch. 29. 8 the Lord .. delivered them.. astonishment Jer. 8. 21 astonishment hath taken hold on me 25. 9 and make them an astonishment 25. 11 this whole land shall be. .an astonishment 25. 18 a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing 29. 18 to be a curse, aud an astonishment 42. 18 be an execration, and an astonishment 44. 12 be an execration, (and) an astonishment 44. 22 therefore is your land, .an astonishment 51. 37 Babylon shall become, .an astonishment 51. 41 how is Babylon become an astonishment Eze. 23. 33 be filled, .with the cup of astonishment 3. Astonishment, desolation, )'iobb> shimmamon. Eze. 4. 16 drink water by measure, .astonishment 12. 19 shall..drink.. water with astonishment 4. Wonder, pnsn timmahon. Deut 28.28 Lord shall smite thee with.. astonishm. Zechi2. 4 I will with astonishment 5. Trembling, tarelah. Psa. 60. 3 to drink the wine of astonishment 6. A standing out from, eKo-racns ekstasis. Mark 5. 42 astonished with a great astonishment ASTONISHMENT, to be an — To be silent, astonished. Dpi? shamem. 2 Ch. 7. 21 this house, .shall be an astonishment ASTRAY, to go —- 1. To err, wander, nyn taah. E.\od23. 4 If thou meet, .liis ass going astray, thou ASTRAY 61 AT Psa. 58. 3 they go astray as soon as they be born 119. 176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep Prov 7 23 to her ways, go not astray in her paths Isa 53. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray Eze. 14. 11 the house of Israel may go no more astray 44. 10 Israel went astray, which went astray 44. IO when the children of Israel went astray 48. 11 went not astray. .Israel went astray 2. To go astray, planaomoA. Matt 18. 12 be gone astray, .which is gone astray? 18. 13 the ninety and nine, .went not astray 1 Pe. 2. 25 ye were as sheep going astray; but are 2 Pe. 2. 15 are gone astray, following the way of ASTRAY, to cause to go — To cause to go astray, err, wander, nj;n taah, 5. Jer. 50. 6 shepherds have caused them to go astray ASTROLOGER — Enchanter, magician, 'IV''n ashshaph. Dan. 2. 10 asked such things at any.. astrologer 2. 27 the wise (men), the astrologers, the 4. 7 came in the magicians, the astrologers 5. 7 king cried, .to bring in the astrologers 5. 11 thy father, made master of.. astrologers 5. 15 the wise (men), the astrologers, have ASTROLOGERS — 1. Enchanters, magicians, C'Ewk ashshapliim. Dan. 1. 20 ten times better than all the.. astrologers 2. 2 call the magicians, and the astrologers 2. To view the heavens, D-'PV’ "OS habar shamayim. Isa. 47. 13 Let now the astrologers, the stargazers ASUNDER — Between, |'3 ben. 2 Ki. 2.11 parted them both asunder; and Elijah [See also Break, burst, cleave, cut, depart, divide, drive, pluck, put, rend, saw.] A-SUP'-PIM, O'SDKU gatherings. This word, left untranslated in the English version, denotes not a proper name, but granaries, storehouses, collections. 1 Ch. 26. 15 and to his sons the house of A. 26. 17 southward four a day, and toward A. two A-SYN-CRI’-TUS, ' Aovypnos incomparable. One to whom Paul sends salutation. Rom. 16. 14 Salute A., Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas AT — \.After, behind, ink achar. 2 Ki. 19. 21 the daughter, .hath shaken her head at 2. Unto, to, Sk el. Gen. 6. 6 the LORD.. and it grieved him at his heart 3.iV ear, by, Sxn etsel. Prov. 7. 12 and lieth in wait at every corner Isa. 19. 19 a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord 4 . Between, |'3 ben. Exod.16. 12 At even ye shall eat flesh, and in the 5. Through, nya bead. Gen. 26. 8 Abimelech. .looked out at a window, and 6. Hand, T yad. Prov. 8. 3 She crieth at the gates, at the entry of 7. To, for, with a view to, lemo. Job 29. 21 waited, and kept silence at my counsel 8. From, because of.\ ]D min. Psa. 104. 7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice 9. Up to, till, ay ad. Nell. 6. 1 at that time I had not set up the doors Dan. 4. 8 But at the last Daniel came in before me 10 .0», upon, by, Vy al. Gen. 24. 30 behold, he stood by the camels at the well 11 .Over against, nsjl ummali. 2 Sa. 16. 13 Shimei.! threw stones at him, and cast 12 .From, away from, airo apo. Matt 19. 4 he which made (them) at the beginning Luke24. 27 beginning at Moses and all the prophets 24. 47 among all nations,beginning at Jerusalem John 8. 9 (they.. went out one by one, beginning at] Acts 8. 35 Then Philip.. began at the same scripture 23. 23 two hundred, at the third hour of. .night 26. 4 My manner.. which was at the first 1 Pe. 4. 17 at the house of God: and if. .at us 13. Through, by means of, Sia (gen. dia.) Matt. 7. 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide Lukei3. 24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate : for 14. With a view to, at, els eis. Matt 12. 41 because they repented at the preaching 18. 29 his fellow servant fell down [at] his feet Luke 8. 26 they arrived at the country. .Gadarenes 9. 61 farewell, which are at home at my house 11.32 they repented at the preaching of Jonas John 11. 32 she fell down at his feet, saying unto him Acts 4. 6 were gathered together [at] Jerusalem 8. 40 Philip was found at Azotus: and passing 18. 22 he had landed at Cesarea, and gone up 20.14 And when he met with us at Assos, we 20. 15 and the next (day) we arrived at Samos 20. 16 to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost 21. 3 sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre 21.13 but also to die at Jerusalem for the name 23.11 so must thou bear witness also at Rome Acts 23. 15 when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests 27. 3 And the next (day) we touched at Sidon 28.12 landing at Syracuse, we tarried (there) Rom. 4. 20 staggered not at the promise of God 2. Ti. 2. 26 who are taken captive by him at his will 15. Out of, from, hr eh. 1 olm 16. 4 these.. I said not unto you at the beginning •Tas. 3. 11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same Rev. 19. 2 avenged the blood of his servants at her 1 8.In front of, igirpoaBtv emprosthen. Rev. 19. 10 And I fell at his feet to worship him 17 . In, among, tv en. Matt. 8. 6 my servant lieth at home sick of the 11. 22 It shall be more tolerable, .at the day of 11. 25 At that time Jesus answered and said 12. 1 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath 13. 49 So shall it be at the end of the world 14. 1 At that time Herod the tetarcli heard of 18. 1 At the same time came the disciples unto 23. 6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts 24.41 Two.. grinding at the mill; the one shall Mark 6. 3 with us? And they were offended at him 12. 39 and the uppermost rooms at feasts Luke 4. 18 he hath sent me. .to set at liberty them 9. 31 which he should accomplish at Jerusalem 10. 14 itshallbemoretolerable..atthejudgment 12. 46 at an hour when he is not aware, and will 13. 1 There were present at that season some 14. 14 thou shalt be recompensed at the 19. 5 Zaccheus. .to day I must abide at thy 20. 10 [at] the season he sent a servant to the 20. 46 which, .love, .the chief rooms at feasts 23. 7 himself also was at Jerusalem at that time 23. 12 before they were at enmity between John 4. 21 nor yetat Jerusalem, worship the Father 4. 45 things, .he did at Jerusalem at the feast 4. 46 nobleman, whose son was sick at Caper. 4. 53 the father knew that, .[at] the same hour 6. 39 but should raise it up again [at] the last 7. 11 the Jews sought him at the feast, and said 10. 22 it was at Jerusalem the feast of the 11. 24 rise again in the resurrection at the last 12. 20 Greeks, that came up to worship at the 14. 20 At that day ye shall know that I (am) in 16. 26 At that day ye shall ask in my name: and 18. 39 I should release unto you one at the 21. 20 which also leaned on his breast at supper Acts 1. 6 wilt thou at this time restore again the 2. 5 there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews 7. 13 at the second (time) Joseph was made 7. 29 Then fled Moses at this saying, and was 8. 1 at that time there was a great persecution 8. 14 the apostles which were at Jerusalem 9. 10 there was a certain disciple at Damascus 9. 13 how much evil he hath done.. at Jerusalem 9. 19 with, disciples which were at Damascus g. 22 confounded the Jews which dwelt at Da. 9. 27 how he had preached boldly at Damascus 9. 28 he was with them, .going out [at] Jerus. 9. 36 there was at Joppa a certain disciple 11. 15 Holy Ghost fell.. as on us at the beginning 23. i there were in the church that was at A. 13. 5 when they were at Salamis, they preached 13. 27 they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their 14. 8 there sat a. .man at Lystra, impotent 16. 2 the brethren that were at Lystra and 16. 4 of the apostles, .which were at Jerusalem 17. 13 the word of God was preached of Paul at 17. 16 Now while Paul waited forthemat Athens 19. 1 whileAppolloswasatCorinth,Paulhaving 20. 5 These going before tarried for us at Troas 20. 14 when he met with us at Assos, we took 20. is [tarried at Trogyllium;] and the next (day) 21. 11 So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the 25. 4 that Paul should be kept [at] Cesarea 25. 24 the multitude, .both at Jerusalem, and 26. 4 among mine own nation at Jerusalem Rom. 1. 15 to preach, .to you that are at Rome also 8. 34 who is even at the right hand of God 11. 5 Even so then at this present time also 15. 26 the poor saints which are at Jerusalem 16. 1 of the church which is at Cenchrea 1 Co. 1. 2 the church of God which is at Corinth 11. 34 if any man hunger, let him eat at home 14. 35 let them ask their husbands at home 15. 23 afterward they that are Christ's at his 13. 32 If I have fought with beasts at Ephesus 13. 52 In a moment, .at the last trump : for the 16. 8 I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost 2 Co. 1. 1 the church of God which is at Corinth 8. 14 now at this time your abundance Eph. 1. 1 to the saints which are [at] Ephesus, and 2. 12 That [at] that time ye were without Christ 3. 13 desire that ye faint not at my tribulations Phil. 1. 1 to all the saints.. which are at Philippi 2. 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee Col. 1. 2 To the saints.. which are at Colosse 2. 1 have for you, and (for) them at Laodicea 1 Th. 2. 2 were shamefully entreated, .at Philippi 2. 19 the presence of our Lord, .at his coming? 3. 1 we thought it good to be left at Athens 3. 13 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Ti. 1. 3 I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus 2 Ti. 1. 18 things he ministered unto me at Ephesus 3. 11 at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra 4. 8 the Lord.. shall give me at that day 4. 13 The cloak that I left at Troas with 4. 16 At my first answer no man stood with 4. 20 at Corinth : but Trophimus have I left at Heb. 12. 2 Jesus, .set down at the right hand of 1 Pe. 1. 7 glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ I. 13 grace, .at the revelation of Jesus Christ 5. 13 The (church that is) at Babylon, elected i Jo. 2. 28 and not be ashamed, .at his coming 18 . Upon, over, iirl (gen.) epi. Luke 20. 37 dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the 22. 30 That ye may eat and drink at my table 22. 40 And when he was at the place, he said John 6. 21 immediately the ship was at the land 21. 1 shewed himself, .to the disciples at the Acts 25. 10 Then said Paul, I stand at Cesar's 19 . Upon, over, iirl (dat.) epi. Matt. 7. 28 people were astonished at his doctrine 22. 33 they were astonished at his doctrine 24. 33 know that it is near, (even) at the doors Mark 1. 22 they were astonished at his doctrine 10. 22 he was sad at that saying, and went 10. 24 the disciples were astonished athis words II. 18 people was astonished at hisdoctrine 12. 17 And they marvelled at him 13. 29 know that it is nigh, (even) at the doors Luke 1. 14 many shall rejoice at his birth 1. 29 she saw (him), she was troubled [at] his 2. 33 and his mother marvelled at those things 2. 47 all. .were astonished at his understanding 4. 22 witness, and wondered at the gracious 4. 32 they were astonished at his doctrine 5. 5 at thy word I will let down the net 5. 9 he was astonished, .at the draught of 5- 27 Levi, sitting at the receipt of custom 9. 43 at the mighty power of God. .at all things 20. 26 and they marvelled at his answer John 8. 7 [let him first cast a stone at her] Acts 3. 10 at the Beautiful, .at that which had 3. 12 men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? 5. 9 behold, the feet of them, .(are)at the door 13. 12 deputy. .being astonished at the doctrine 1 Co. 14. 16 say Amen at thy giving of thanks Rev. 21. 12 [at the gates twelve angels, and names] 20. Upon, over, (acc.) iirl. Matt. 9. 9 Matthew, sittingatthe receipt of custom Mark 2. 14 sitting at the receipt of custom, and said Luke 5. 27 a publican, named Levi, sitting at the 24.22 women.. which were early at the John 8. 59 Then took they up stones to cast at him Acts 3. 1 into the temple at the hour of prayer 10. 25 Cornelius, .fell down at his feet Rev. 3. 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock 8. 3 another angel came and stood at the 21 .Down, during, Kara, (acc.) kata. Matt 27. 15 at (that) feast the governor was wont to Mark 15. 6 at (that) feast he released unto them one Luke 10. 32 when he was at the place, came and 23. 17 [he must release one unto them at the] John 5. 4 an angel went down at a certain season Acts 16. 25 at midnight Paul and Silas prayed Rom. 9. 9 At this time will I come, and Sarah shall 2 Ti. 4. 1 judge the quick and the dead at his 22. Beside, alongside of, iropo lacc.) para. Matt 15. 30 cast them down at Jesus feet; and he Luke 7. 38 sat at meat in the Pharisee’s house 8. 35 sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and 8. 41 named Jairus. .fell down [at] Jesus' feet 10. 39 Mary, .sat [at] Jesus’ feet, and heard his 17. 16 fell down on (his) face at his feet, giving Acts 4. 35 laid.. down at the apostles’ feet: and 4. 37 sold (it), .andl aid (it) at the apostles’ feet 5.2 a certain part, and laid (it) at the apostles’ 5. 10 Then fell she down straightway [at] liis 7. 58 laid down their clothes at a young man's 22. 3 brought up in this city at the feetof Gam. 23. Around, concerning, irtpl (gen.) peri. Luke 2. 18 they that heard (it) wondered at those John 6.41 The Jews then murmured at him, because 6. 61 that his disciples murmured at it, he 24. Towards, irp6s (dat.) pros. Luke 19. 37 at the descent of the Mount of Olives John 18. 16 Peter stood at the door without. Then 20. 12 one at the head, and the other at the 25. Towards, irpis (acc.) pros. Matt 26. 18 My time is at hand; I will keep Mark 1. 33 the city was gathered together at the 5. 22 when he saw him, he fell at his feet 7. 25 of him, and came and fell at his feet 11. 1 at the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth 14. 54 and warmed himself at the fire Lukei6. 20 Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full 19. 29 at the mount called.. of Olives, he sent John 20. 11 Mary stood -without [at] the sepulchre Acts 3. 2 whom they laid daily at the gate of Rev. 1. 17 when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead [See also Any, attendance, beginning, charges come, death, dwell, dweller, ease, fall, first, hand, home, last, law, least, length, liberty, look, marvel, most, not, nought, once, one, peace, piety, set, sit, stand, strain, stumble, time, wait, wink, wonder.] AT, to be — To do, make, fy’V. asah. Isa. 28. 15 -with death, and with hell are we at AT, all — 1. Together, fin; yachad. Hos. 11. 7 none at all would exalt (him) 2. Still, yet, again liy oil. Eze. 37. 22 into two kingdoms any more at all AT 02 ATTEND AT eventide — At the turning of the evening, 3 p)/ rus 1 ? Gen. 24. 63 went out. .in the field at tlio eventide AT least —- Only, ah. i Sa. 21. 4 have kept themselves at least from women AT once — 1. Together, in: yacliad. Psa. 74. 6 break down the carved work.. at once Isa. 42.14 I will destroy and devour at once 2. To go up, rny alah. Num. 13. 30 Let us go up at once, and possess it A'-TAD, lax thornbush. A spot “beyond Jordan” at which Joseph and his brethren, in their way from Egypt to Hebron, made their “ seven days great and very sore mourning” over the body of Jacob, B.C. 1689. Gen. 50. 10 they came to the threshing floor of A. 50. 11 saw the mourning in the floor of A., they A-TA'-RAH, rrioy. crown, ornament. One of Jerahmeel’s wives. He was grandson of Pharez, son of Judah, B.C. 1520. 1 Ch. 2. 26 (was) A.; she (was) the mother of Onam A-TA'-ROTH, AT-ROTH, nicy. final/, crowns. 1 . A city on the E. of Jordan; having been destroyed in the war with Silion, it was rebuilt by the Gadites. Nuni32. 3 A., and Dibon, and Jazer, and Nimrah 32. 34 the children of Gad built Dibon, and A. 2 . A city in Ephraim, perhaps the same as Ataroth- Adar, on the W. border of Benjamin. Josli.16. 5 the border of their inheritance, .was A. 18. 13 the border descended to A., near the hill 3 . Ataroth, the house of Joab, occurs in the genealogy of Judah. 1 Ch. 2. 54 sons of Salma; Betli-lehem, and.. A. i. Atroth-Shophan, a city in Gad. Now Attarus. Num32. 35 [the children of Gad built], .A. Sh., and A'-TER, nap bound, lame. 1 . The ancestor of an exiled family. Ezra 2. 16 children of A. of Hezekiah, ninety and Neh. 7. 21 children of A. of Hezekiah, ninety and 2 . Ancestor of a family of gatekeepers which came up with Zerubbabel, B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 42 children of the porters, .children of A. Nell. 7. 45 The porters, .the children of A. 3 . A chief of the people that, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 445. Neh. 10.17 [chief of the people]. .A., Hizkijah, Azzur A'-THACH, vjny lodging, inn. A city in the S. of Judah. 1 Sa. 30. 30 and to (them) which (were) in A. A-THA'-IAH, n;nj/ Jah is helper. A Jew in Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s time, B.C. 445. Neh. 11. 4 Of the children of Judah; A. theson of A-THAL'-IAH, .vbpy, Jah is strong. 1. Daughter of Jezebel wife of Omri king of Israel, who became the wife of Jehoram, king of Judah, and ruled in Judah after the death of her son Ahaziali, B.C. 884. 2 Ki. 8. 26 his mother’s name (was) A., the daughter 11. 1 when A. the mother of Ahaziah saw that 11. 2 they hid him., in the bedchamber from A. 11. 3 A. did reign over the land 11.'13 And when A. heard the’noise'of the guard 11. 14 A. rent her clothes, and cried, Treason 11. 20 they slew A. with the sword (beside) the 2 Ch. 22. 2 His mother’s name also (was) A. the 22. 10 when A. the mother of Ahaziah saw that 22. 11 Jehoshabeath. .hid him from A., so that 22. 12 A. reigned over the land 23.12 when A. heard the noise of the people 23. 13 A. rent her clothes, and said, Treason 23. 21 was quiet, after that they had slain A. 24. 7 For the sons of A., that wicked woman 2 . A son of Jeroham, a Benjamite. 1 Ch. 8. 26 [The sons of Elpaal].. Sheliariah, and A. 3 . The father of Jeshiah, a returned exile. Ezra 8. 7 the sons of Elam; Jeshaiah the son of A. ATHENIANS, ’AOyvaios belonging to Athens. , The dwellers in Athens. Acts 17. 21 For all the A.s and strangers which were A'-THENS, 'ABr/vai. Athens, capital of Attica, and the most celebrated city of ancient Greece, is said to have been first called Cecropia, from C'ecrops, an Egyptian who built tbe original city on the Acropolis, according to Hales, B.C. 1558 ; Usher, B.C. 1556; and Clinton, B.C. 1433. It received the name of Athens from the worship of Athense or Minerva, said to have been established by Erechtheus, B.C. 1383. Theseus ascended the throne, according to Hales, B.C. 1236 ; Usher, B.C. 2235 ; and Clinton, B.C. 1234. He united into one body the twelve states into which Cecrops iiad divided Attica, and made Athens the capital. Codrus the last king of the dynasty, sacrificed himself for the safety of Athens, b.c. 1070 according to Hales, or B.C. 1044 according to Clinton. Seventeen kings reigned during the monar¬ chical period, and they were followed by perpetual, by decennial, and finally by annual archous. In B.c. 1069 Medon made the first jierpetual archon; 754, Alcmaeon the last; 752, Charops first decennial archon ; 684, Erixias, the seventh and last, dies; 683, nine annual archons appointed, the title being given only to the first—Creon first annual archon ; 621, legis¬ lation of Draco; 612, Cylon attempts to make himself master of Athens ; 594, Solon remodels the constitution; 560, Pisistratus usurps the government—death of Solon; 554, Pisistratus expelled; 527, death of Pisis¬ tratus ; 514, assassination of Hipparchus by Ilarmodius and Aristogiton ; 510, Ostracism established ; 505, war between Athens and Sparta ; 490, battle of Marathon ; 483, banishment of Aristides ; 481, fleet of 200 ships built at Athens—ascendency of Themistocles ; 480, Athens taken by Xerxes ; 479, Mardonius burns Athens; 478, Themistocles rebuilds it; 477, commencement of Athenian supremacy; 471, banishment of Themistocles; 461, Ostracism of Cymon; 459, Athens asserts supremacy over the other states of Greece ; 457, “long walls" of Athens commenced ; 456, Athenians defeat the The¬ bans at iEnophyta ; 44a, Athenians defeat the Persians; 448, Athenians assist the Pliocians in the Sacred War; 447, Boeotians defeat the Athenians at Chaeronea; 445, thirty years’ truce between Sparta and Athens; 444, Pericles at the head of affairs ; 440, Samos subdued by Pericles; 433, alliance between Athenians and the Cor- cyrseans ; 431, Peloponnesian war begins, and Attica is invaded; 429, Pericles dies of the plague; 415, first Athen¬ ian campaign in Sicily; 411, government of the “four hundred;” 407, second and last banishment of Alci- biades—Lysander defeats Athenians; 404, end of the Peloponnesian war—rule of the “Thirty Tyrants,” who are replaced by the “Ten ;” 403, Thrasybulus overthrows “the Ten;” 399, death of Socrates; 394, Xenophon banished from Athens; 393, Conon rebuilds the walls of Athens; 388, Plato founds the Academy; 378, the Thebans aud Athenians allied against Sparta; 371, general peace; 360, war between Athenians and Olyn- thians respecting Amphipolis; 339, Philip of Macedon makes peace with Athens; 357, commencement of Social War; 352, Philip takes Methond, and enters Thessaly- stopped at Thermopylae by the Athenians ; 346, peace between Athens and Macedon; 339, war between Philip and the Athenians; 322, end of Samian War—submis¬ sion of Athens to Macedon—death of Demosthenes; 317, Cassander conquers Athens; 307, Demetrius restores its ancient constitution; 287, it revolts from Demetrius; 277, Athens, Sparta, and Egypt allied; 268, surrenders to Antigonus Gonatus, king of Sparta; 229, Athens joins the Achaian league; 215, Athenians and vEtolians unite against Macedon; 211, a Roman fleet arrives at Athens; 200, Athens and other Greek states join Rome against Philip; 196, Romans proclaim Athens free from Mace¬ donian power; 146, Romans subdue Greece; 86, Athens stormed by Sylla. In A.D. 267, Athens was besieged by the Goths; 395, taken by Alaric; 532, walls restored by Justinian. Acts 17. 15 that conducted Paul brought, .from A 17. 16 Now while Paul waited for them at A. 17. 22 Then Paul, .said, (Ye) men of A., I perc. 18. 1 After these things Paul departed from A. 1 Th. 3. 1 we though it good to be left at A. alone ATHIRST, to be — 1. jTo be thirsty, tta'i tsame. Judgis. 18 And he was sore athirst, and called Ruth 2. 9 when thou art athirst, go unto the vessels 2 . To be thirsty, Sn|u£ o> dipsao. Matt 25. 44 when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst Rev. 21. 6 I will give unto him that is athirst 22. 17 Come. And let him that is athirst come ATH'-LAI, ’^py Jah is strong. One who married a strange woman, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 28 sons also of Behai; Jeholianan.. (and) A. ATONEMENT — 1 .Coverings, nns? kippurim. Exod29. 36 a bullock (for) a sin offering, .atonement 30. 10 blood of the sin offering of atonements 30. 16 thou shalt take the atonement money 30. 16 to make an atonement for your souls Lev. 23. 27 seventh month, .a day of atonement 23. 28 for it (is) a day of atonement, to make an 25. 9 day of atonement, .make the trumpet Num. 5. 8 priest; beside the ram of tbe atonement 29. 11 beside the sin offering of atonement 2 .Reconciliation, thorough change, KaraWayii. Rom. 5. 11 by whom we. .received the atonement ATONEMENT, to make — To cover, 353 haphar, 3. Exod29- 36 when thou hast made an atonement for 29. 37 thou shalt make an atonement for the 30. 10 Aaron shall make an atonement upon the 30. 10 once in the year shall he make atonement 30. is, 16 to make an atonement for your souls 32. 30 I shall make an atonement for your sin Lev. 1. 4 for him to make atonement for him 4. 20 the priest shall make an atonement for [So in v. 26, 31, 35 ; 5. 6, 10, 13, 16, 18; 6. 7.] 7. 7 priest that maketh atonement therewith 8. 34 Lord, .commanded, .make an atonement 9. 7 aud make an atonement for thyself 9. 7 and make an atonement for them 10. 17 makeatonementforlthemibefoietheLoRD? 12 . 7 Who shall, .make an atonement for her Lev. 12. 8 priest shall make an atonement for her 14. 18 priest shall make an atonement for him 14. 19, 31 and make an atonement for him that 14. 20 the priest shall make an atonement for 14. 21, 29 to make an atonement for him 14. 53 and make au atonement for the house 15. 15, 30 make an atonement for him before 16. 6,11,24 and make an atonement for himself 16. 10 to make an atonement with him 16. 16 make an atonement for the holy (place) 16. 17 to make an atonement in the holy (place) 16. 17 and have made an atonement for himself 16. 18 and make an atonement for it; and shall 16. 27 blood, .brought in to make atonement in 16. 30 shall, .make an atonement for you, to 16. 32 shall make the atonement, and shall put 16. 33 shall make an atonement for the holy 16. 33 shall make an atonement for the priests 16. 34 to make an atonement for the children of 17. 11 to make an atonement for your souls 17. 11 blood. .maketh an atonement for the 19. 22 priest shall make an atonement for him 23. 28 for it (is), .to make an atonement for you Num. 5. 8 whereby an atonement shall be made for 6.11 and make an atonement for him, for that 8. 12, 19 to make an atonement for the 8. 21 Aaron made an atonement for them to 15. 25 priest shall make an atonement for all 15. 28 the priest shall make an atonement for 15. 28 to make au atonement for him ; and it 16. 46 make an atonement for them : for there 16. 47 aud made an atonement for the people 25. 13 and made an atonement for the children 28. 22,30 to make an atonement for you 29. 5 kid. .to make an atonement for you 31. 50 an atonement for our souls before the 2 Sa. 21. 3 wherewith shall I make the atonement 1 Ch. 6. 49 to make an atonement for Israel 2 Ch. 29. 24 to make an atonement for all Israel Neh. 10. 33 to make an atonement for Israel ATONEMENT, to be made — 1 .To cover, make a covering, 153 kapliar, 3. Num. 5. 8 whereby an atonement shall be made for 2 . To be covered, 153 kapliar, 4 . Exod29. 33 thingswherewiththeatonementwasmade AT'-TAI, 'py, ’py seasonable. 1 . Grandson of Sheslian, descended from Pharez, B.C 1400. 1 Ch. 2. 35 and she bare him A. 2. 36 A. begat Nathan, and Nathan begat 2 . A Gadite who joined David at Ziklag, B.C. 1058. 1 Ch. 12. 11 A. the sixth, Eliel the seventh 3 . A son of Rehoboam son of Solomon, B.C. 974. 2 Ch. 11. 20 he took Maacliah. .which bare him. .A ATTAIN to or unto, to — 1. To come, Kia bo. 2 Sa. 23. 19 he attained not unto the (first) three 23. 23 but he attained not to the (first) three 1 Ch. 11. 21 he attained not to the (first) three 11. 25 but attained uot to the (first) three 2. To be able, ^3; yakol. Hos. ,8. 5 how long, .ere they attain to innocency? 3 . To reach, cause to reach, jfe’i nasag, 5. Gen. 47. 9 have not attained unto the days of the Eze. 46. 7 according as his hand shall attain 4. To get, obtain, n/p qanah. Prov. 1. 5 a man of understanding shall attain 5 To come, arrive, hut avrata katantao. Acts 27. 12 if by any means, .might attain to Phenice Phil. 3. ti I might attain unto the resurrection of 6 . To receive, take, Aapfidvoi lambano. Phil. 3. 12 Not as though I had already attained 7 . To come before another, cpBavw phthano. Rom. 9. 31 not attained to the law of righteousness 8. To go alongside of, irapaKoAov&ca) parakoloutheo. 1 Ti. 4. 6 doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained 9. To seize on, lay hold of, KaTaKapflavai. Rom. 9. 30 after righteousness, have attained to ATTAIN already, to — To come before (another), 3 10 in the audience of the children of Heth 23. 13 he spake unto Ephron in the audience 23. 16 in the audience of the sons of Heth Exod 24. 7 read in the audience of the people 1 Sa. 25. 24 I pray thee, speak in thine audience 1 Ch. 28. 8 and in the audience of our God, keep Neh. 13. 1 On that day they read, .in the audience 2 . Hearing, ear, a.Kor\ akoe. Luke 7. 1 had ended all his sayings in the audience AUDIENCE, to give — To give ear, anovu akouo. Acts 13. 16 and ye that fear God, give audience 15 . 12 multitude kept silence, and gave audience 22. 22 they gave him audience unto this word AUDIENCE of, in the—• To give ear, axoino akouo. Luke2o. 45 in the audience of all the people he said AUGHT or OUGHT — 1 .Not even one (thing), obScls oudeis. Mark 7.12 suffer him. .to do ought for his father 2.Any one or thing, tis tis. Matt. 5. 23 that thy brother hath ought against thee 21. 3 if any. .say ought unto you, ye shall Acts 4. 32 neither said any. .that ought of.. things 28. 19 I had ought to accuse my nation of Phm. 18 If he.. oweth.. ought, put that on mine AUGHT, if — If any (one or thing), ef ns ei tis. Mark 8. 23 upon him, he asked him if he saw ought 11. 25 forgive, if ye have ought against any _ Acts 24. 19 have been here.. if they had ought against AUGHT to eat — To eat, (pa-yew phagein. John 4. 33 Hath any man brought him (ought) to eat ? AUGMENT, to — To add, nan saphah. Nuni32.14 to augment yet. .fierce anger of the Lord AU-GUS'-TUS, Avyovaros, 2 e/ 3 auTos sacred, kingly. Augustus Csesar became emperor of Rome after the death of his uncle, Julius Csesar. B.C. 20. Luke 2. 1 there went out a decree from Cesar A. Acts 25. 21 Paulhad appealed, .unto the hearing of A. 25. 25 that he himself hath appealed to A., I 27. 1 named Julius, a centurion of A.’s band AUL — An awl, yin? martsea. Exod2i. 6 shall bore his ear through with an aul Deut. 15. T 7 thou shalt take an aul, and thrust AUNT — Father's sister, uncle's wife, rvrn dodah. Lev. 18.14 not approach to his wife; she. .tliine aunt AUSTERE — _ Rough, harsh, austere, avarripos austeros. Luke 19. 21 feared thee, because thou art an austere 19. 22 Thou knewest that I was an austere man AUTHOR— 1 . Cause, occasion, almos aitios. Heb. 5. 9 he became the author of eternal salvation 2 . Beginner, chief, leader, apxvyos archegos. Heb. 12. 2 unto Jesus the author aud finisher of AUTHORITY — 1 .Strength, npn toqeph. Esth. 9. 29 Mordecai the Jew, wrote with, .authority 2. Privilege, authority, i^ovola. exousia. Matt. 7. 29 he taught them as. .having authority 8 9 For I am a man under authority, having 21. 23 By what authority doest thou these things? 21. 23 and who gave thee this authority? 21. 24 I. .-will tell you by what authority I do 21. 27 Neither tell I you by what authority I do Mark 1. 22 taught them as one that had authority 1. 27 for with authority commandeth he even 11 28 By what authority doest thou these things 11. 28 who gave thee this authority to do 11 29 I will tell you by what authority I do 11. 33 Neither do I teU you by what authority 13. 34 who left his house, and gave authority Luke 4. 36 with authority and power he commandeth 7. 8 I also am a man set under authority 9. 1 gave them power and authority over aU 19.17 have thou authority over ten cities 20 2 by what authority doest thou these things? 20 2 who is he that gave thee this authority? 20. 8 Neither tell I you by what authority I do 20. 20 unto the power and authority of the John 5. 27 hath given him authority to execute Acts 9. 14 he hath authority from the chief priests 26.10 I shut up. .having received authority from 26. 12 as I went to Damascus with authority 1 Co. 15. 24 he shall have put down aU. .authority 2 Co. 10. 8 boast somewhat more of our authority 1 Pe. 3. 22 angels and authorities and powers being Rev. 13. 2 gave him. .his seat, and great authority 3 . An injunction, iwirayf) epitage. Titus 2.15 things speak.. and rebuke.. all authority 4.A holding over, imepox'h huperoche. 1 Ti. 2._2 For kings, and. .all that are in authority AUTHORITY, to be in — To be great, many, mighty, nixi rabah. Prov.29. 2 When the righteous are in authority, the AUTHORITY upon, to exercise — 1 .To use or take privilege, i£ou ischuo. Gal. 5. 6 neither circumcision availeth anything 6. 15 neither circumcision [availeth] anything Jas. 5.16 prayer of a righteous man availeth much A'-VEN, [is vanity. Egyptian city of On or Heliopolis. Eze. 30.17 The young men of A. and of Pibeseth Hos. 10. 8 The high places also of A., the sin of Amos 1. 5 the inhabitant from the plain of A. AVENGE, to — 1 .To give ease, safety, UP', ycislia, 5. 1 Sa. 25. 31 or that my lord hath avenged himself 2. To breathe out a breathing, mpi cpi neqamah. Nuni3i. 2 Avenge the children of Israel. .Midianites 3. To give out vengeance, nep? \ry\nathan. Sum 31. 3 go against.. Midianites.. avenge the LORD 2 Sa. 4. 8 Lord hath avenged my lord the king 22. 48 It (is) God that avengeth me, and that Psa. 18. 47 God that avengeth me, and subdueth 4 . To breathe out, avenge, Dpi naqam. Lev. 19. 18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear, .grudge 26. 25 I will bring a sword. .that shall avenge Deut32. 43 he will avenge the blood of his servants 1 Sa. 24. 12 the LORD avenge me of thee. 5. To avenge (earnestly), Dpi naqam, 3. 2 Ki. 9. 7 I may avenge the blood of my servants 3.To look over or after, Dp? paqad. Hos. 1. 4 a little (while), and I will avenge the I .To judge, adjudicate, Dpri shaphat. 2 Sa. i8- 19 Lord hath avenged him of his enemies 18. 31 LORD hath avenged thee this day of 8 .To give full justice, IkSikIw ekdikeo. Luke 18. 3 saying, Avenge me of mine adversary 18. 5 I will avenge her, lest, .she weary me Rom 12. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves Rev. 6.10 dost thou not judge and avenge our blood 19. a hath avenged the blood of his servants 9. To judge judgment, Kplvco upiya krino krima. Rev. 18. 20 Rejoice, .for God hath avenged you on 10. To do full justice, nolecc lubiK-qaiv. Luke 18. 7 shall not God avenge his own elect 18. 8 I tell you that he will avenge. .speedily Acts 7. 24 he defended (him), and avenged him that AVENGE selves, to — 1 .To avenge, Dpi naqam. Josh 10.13 until the people had avenged themselves 2. To be avenged. Dpi naqam, 2. Esth. 8. 13 to avenge themselves on their'enemies Isa. 1. 24 and avenge me of mine enemies Jer. 46.10 he may avenge him of his adversaries AVENGED, to be — 1. To be avenged. Dpi nakam, 2. Judgis. 7 yet will I be avenged of you, and after 16. 28 be at once avenged of the Philistines for 1 Sa. 14. 24 that I may be avenged on mine enemies 18. 25 be avenged of tlie king’s enemies 2 . To be avenged. Dpi naqam, 6. Gen. 4. 24 If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold 3. To avenge oneself, Dpi naqam, 7. Jer. 5. 9, 29 shall not my soul be avenged on such 9. 9 shaU not my soul be avenged on such a AVENGER — 1 .To loose, set free (from blood), * 7 x 1 gacd. Num35. 12 cities for refuge from the avenger Deut 19. 6 Lest the avenger of the blood pursue the 19. 12 deliver him into the hand of the avenger Josh 20. 3 shall be your- refuge from the avenger of 20. 5 And if the avenger of blood pursue after 20. 9 and not die by the hand of the avenger 2 . To avenge oneself. Dpi naqam, 7. Psa. 8. 2 mightest still the enemy and the avenger 44. 16 by reason of the enemy and avenger 3. Doing f ull justice, exSiuos ekdikos. 1 Th. 4. 6 the Lord (is) the avenger of all such AVENGING — 1. To give ease, yv; yasha, 5. 1 Sa. 25. 26 from avenging thyself with thine own 25. 33 from avenging myself with mine own 2 . To free the free, niy-12 y-13 para peraotli. Judg. 5. 2 Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of AVERSE — To turn back, Dlri shub. Mic. 2. 8 pass by securely as men averse from war AV-IM, AV-ITES, Duy villagers. 1. A tribe destroyed before the time of Moses. Deut. 2. 23 the A.s which dwelt in Hazerim. Josh 13. 3 Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the A.s 2 . A city of Benjamin, near Beth el. (The definite article is here prefixed in the Hebrew). Now Et-tell. Josh 18. 23 A., and Parah, and Ophrah 3 . A tribe transported to Samaria, B.C. 678. 2 Ki. 17. 31 the A.s made Nibhaz and Tartak, and A-VTTH, nuy. hut, village. The capital of Hadad, 4th Edomite king. Gen. 36. 35 and the name of his city (was) A. 1 Ch. 1. 46 and the name of his city (was) A. AVOID, to — 1.7b go round about, 33D sabab, 2. 1 Sa. 18.11 David avoided out of his presence twice 2. To be or keep free, ypf para. Prov. 4.15 Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it 3. Through, on account of, bid dia (ace.) 1 Co. 7. 2 (to avoid) fornication, let every man have 4. To incline or bend fromfunXivu, ekklino. Rom.16. 17 doctrine which ye have learned. . avoid 5. To turn off from, iuTpIiropai ektrepomai. 1 Ti. 6. 20 avoiding profane (and) vain babblings 6. To ask off from, irapair logai paraiteomai. 2 Ti. 2. 23 avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes 7. To beware of, irspiffmj/iai pariistemai. Titus 3. 9 avoid foolish questions, and genealogies 8. To set, place, trreWu stello. 2 Co. 8. 20 Avoiding this, that no man should blame AVOUCH, to — To say, *idx amar, 5. Deut 26. 17 Thou hast avouched the LORD this day 26.18 the Lord hath avouched thee this day AWAIT C4 AZ ARIAH AWAIT, laying — Counsel against , i-rriPovAn epiboule. Acts 9. 24 their laying await was known of Saul AWAKE — 1. To wake, be stirring, yaqats. Gen. 9. 24 Noah awoke from his wine, and knew 28. 16 Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he 41. 4 and fat kine. So Pharaoh awoke 41. 7 Pharaoh awoke, and, behold, .a dream 41. 21 as at the beginning. So I awoke Judgi6. 14 he awaked out of his sleep, and went 16. 20 he awoke out of his sleep, and said 1 Ki. 3. 15 Solomon awoke ; and, behold, (it was) a Psa. 78. 65 the Lord awaked as one out of sleep Hab. 2. 7 Shall they not. .awake that shall vex 2. To be stirring, awake, my ur. Judg 5. 12 Awake, awake, Deborah : awake, awake Psa. 7. 6 awake for me (to) the judgment (that) 44. 23 Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord ? arise 57. 8 Awake up, my glory ; awake, psaltery 59. 4 without (my) fault: awake to help me 108. 2 Awake, psaltery and harp : I (myself) will Song 4. 16 Awake, O north wind; and come, thou Isa. si. 9 Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm 51. 9 awake, as in the ancient days, in the 52. 1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, 0 Zech 13. 7 Awake, 0 sword, against my shepherd 3 . To awake, stir up, my ur, 3 c*.• Song 2. 7 that ye stir not up, nor awake (my) love 3. 5 that ye stir not up, nor awake (my) love 8. 4 that ye stir not up, nor awake (my) love 4 . To stir up, awake, my ur, 5 . Job 8. 6 surely now he would awake for thee, and Psa. 57. 8 I (myself) will awake early 108. 2 Awake, psaltery and harp: I.. will awake 5. To stir oneself up, my ur, 7 a.. Isa. 51. 17 Awake, awake, stand up, 0 Jerusalem 6. To awake {from sleep) pp guts, 5 . 1 Sa. 26. 12 no man saw (it), .neither awaked Job 14. 12 they shall not awake, nor be raised out Psa. 3. 5 I awaked; for the Lord sustained me 17. 15 I shall be satisfied, when I awake 35. 23 Stir up. .and awake to my judgment 59. 5 God of Israel, awake to visit all the 73. 20 As a dream when (one) awaketh 139. 18 when I awake, I am still with thee Prov.23. 35 when shall I awake? I will seek it yet Isa. 26. 19 Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust 29. 8 but he awaketh.. but he awaketh Jer. 31. 26 I awaked, and beheld ; and my sleep was Dan. 12. 2 in the dust of the earth shall awake Joel 1. 5 Awake, ye drunkards, and weep; aud' Hab. 2. 19 to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone 7. To stir up, awake my. Psa. 73. 20 O Lord, when thou awakest, thou 8. To awake thoroughly, 81 eyeipai diegeiro. Mark 4. 38 they [awake] him, aud say unto him Luke 8. 24 they came to him, and awoke him i).To wake up, dyelpa egeiro. Matt. 8. 25 awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we Rom. 13. 11 (it is) high time to awake out of sleep Eph. 5. 14 [Awake] thou that sleepest, and arise 10. To be very sober, 4Kwfi eknepho. 1 Co. 15. 34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not AWAKE, to be — 1 .To awake, pp guts, 5 . 2 Ki. 4. 31 told him, saying, The child is not awaked 2. To wake thoroughly, Siaypriyoplw diagregoreo. Luke 9. 32 when they were awake, they saw his glory AWAKE out of sleep, to — 1 .To toake out of sleep, Qvirvifa cxupnizo. John 11. 11 I go, that I may awake him out of sleep 2. To become awake out of sleep, ylvopat Qvnvos. Acts 16. 27 the keeper of the prison awaking out of AWAKED, to be — To a,wake, pp; yaqats. 1 Ki. 18. 27 Cry. .he sleepcth, aud must be awaked AWARE, to be - 1.7b know, in; yada. Song 6. 12 Or ever I was aware, my soul made me Jer. 50. 24 O Babylon, and thou wast not aware 2. To knoiv, have acquaintance with, yLvdauco. Luke 12. 46 at an hour when he is not aware 3 . To see, know, o 78 a oida. Luke it. 44 men that walk over, .are not aware AWARE of, to be —■ To know, yivwvKui ginoskd. Matt. 24. 50 and in an hour that he is not aware of AWAY — 1. Way, road, pmi derek. 1 Sa. 24. 19 his enemy, will he let him go well away ? 2. To go on, pS; yalak. Exod.19. 24 Away, get thee down, and thou slialt 3. To flee, do nus. 2 Sa. 18. 3 if we flee away, they will not care for us 4 . To turn aside, yid sarar. Zech. 7. n refused to hearken, and pulled away the 5. Without, outside efco exo. Matt 13. 48 into vessels, but cast the bad away [.See also Ashes, break, bring, captive, carried, carry, carrying, cast, casting, catch, chase, chased, consume, convey, departing, do, done, draw, drawn, dried, drive, driven, fade, fadeth, fall, falling, far, flee, flood, flow, fly, gray, get, go, gone, haste, have, have taken, lay, lead, led, look, melt, move, pass, passed, pine, pluck, plucked, portion, purged, push, put, put far, putting, remove, roll, run, scatter, sell, sail, send, sending, slip, steal, stolen, sweep, swept, take, taken, thrust, turn, turned, turning, un¬ taken, utterly, vanish, vilely cast, violently take, wash, waste, wear, wipe, wiped, wither, withered.] AWAY far, to put — To put far off, pro rachag, 5. Job 11. 14 If iniquity, .put it far away, aud let not AWAY from — From after, '-irma meacliare. Num 14. 43 ye are turned away from the Lord 32. 15 if ye turn away from after him AWAY with, to — 1.7b be able, ?P; yakol. Isa. 1. 13 calling of assemblies, I cannot away with 2. To lift up, bear away, aipw airo. Luke23. 18 Away with this (man), and release unto Jolmi9. 15 Away with (him), away with (him), crucify Acts21. 36 multitude, .followed after, crying, Away 22. 22 Away with such a (fellow) from the earth AWE, to stand in — 1. To shrink, be afraid, na Psa. 33. 8 inhabitants of the world stand in awe 2. To fear, ln3 pachad. Psa.119.161 my heart standethin awe of thy word 3. To be angry, m ragaz. Psa. 4. 4 Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with AX or AXE — 1 .An Axe, JT~)3 garzen. Deut 19. 5 his hand fetcheth a stroke with the ax 20. 19 the trees thereof by forcing an ax against 1 Ki. 6. 7 that there was neither hammer nor ax Isa. 10. 15 Shall the ax boast itself against him 2. A destroying weapon, sword, nin chereb. Eze. 26. 9 with his axes he shall break down thy 3. A maul, great hammer, Sts kashsliil. Psa. 74. 6 break down the carved work.. with axes i.A cutting or sawing instrument, nine magzerah. 2 Sa. 12. 31 under harrows of iron, and under axes of 5. Saw, axe, rn:D megerali. 1 Ch. 20. 3 with harrows of iron, and with axes 6 . Ax, hatchet, ~tyip, maatsad. Jer. 10. 3 cutteth. .out of the forest, .with the ax 7. Axe, D'Tip qardom. Judg. 9. 48 Abimelecli took au’ax in his hand, and cut 1 Sa. 13. 20 to sharpen every man. .his ax, and his 13. 21 Yet they had a file, .for the axes, and to Psa. 74. s according as he had lifted up axes Jer. 46. 22 come against her with axes, as hewers 8. An axe, a^lari axine. Matt. 3. 10 now also the ax is laid unto the root Luke 3. 9 now also the ax is laid unto the root AX HEAD — Iron, barzel, 2 Ki.' 6. 5 the ax head fell into the water: and AXLE TREE — Iron, T yad. 1 Ki. 7. 32 the axletrees of the wheels (were joined) 7. 33 their axletrees, and their - naves, and their A'-ZAl, declivity, slope. A place near Jerusalem. Zech. 14. 5 valley of the mountains..shall reach. .A. A-ZAL'-IAH, Jah is noble. Father of Shaphan the scribe, B.C. 624. 2 Ki. 22. 3 the king sent Shaphan the son of A. 2 Ch. 34. 8 he sent Shaphan the son of A., and M. A-ZAN'-IAH, n;)ix Jah is hearer. One whose son sighed the covenant, B.C. 470. Neh. 10. 9 the Levites: both Jeshua the son of A. A-ZAR'-AEL, A-ZAR'-EEL, Slots;. God is helper. 1 . An Aaronite of the family of Korah, who joined David at Ziklag, B.C. 1058. 1 Ch. 12. 6 Elkanah, and Jesiali, and A., and Joezer 2 . A priest appointed by lot to minister in the service of song in the sanctuary in time of David, B.C. 1015. He seems to have been the same as Asarelah the son of Asaph.. t Ch. 2;. 18 The eleventh to A., (he,) his sons, and his 3 . A Danite prince in the time of David, B.C. 1015. 1 Ch. 27. 22 Of Dan, A. the son of Jeroham 4 . One of the family of Bani, who took strange wives dur¬ ing the exile, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 41 [Of the sons of Bani]. .A., and Shelemiali 5 . A priest of the family of Immer, B.c. 445. Neh. 11.13 Amashai the son of A., the son of Aliasai 12. 36 his brethren, Shemaiah, and A., Milalai A-ZAR'-IAH, noy?, Jah is keeper. A very common name in Hebrew, and especially in the family of Eleazar, whose name has a similar meaning. It is nearly identical with Ezra, as well as with Zcra- hiah and Seraiah. 1 . A descendant of David’s high priest, B.C. 1014. 1 Ki. 4. 2 These (were) the princes.. A. the son of Z. 2 . Son of Nathan, ruler of Solomon’s officers, B.c. 1014. 1 Ki. 4. 5 A, the son of Nathan, .over the officers 3 . Son of Amaziah, who was made king of Judah after his father, B.c. 809. 2 Ki. 14. 21 all the people of Judah took A. 15. 1 began A. son of Amaziah king of Judah 15. 6 the rest of the acts of A., and all that 15. 7 So A. slept with his fathers; and they 15. 8 In the thirty and eighth year of A. king of 15. 17 In the nine and thirtieth year of A. king 15. 23 In the fiftieth year of A. king of Judah 15. 27 In the two and fiftieth year of A. king of 1 Ch. 3. 12 Amaziah his son, A. his son, Jotham 4 . A descendant of Judah, through Zerah, B.C. 1660. 1 Ch. 2. 8 And the sons of Ethan ; A. 5 . A descendant of Jerahmeel, grandson of Pharez, B.c. i 33 °- 1 Ch. 2. 38 Obed begat Jehu, and Jehu begat A. 2. 39 A. begat Helez, and Helez begat C. A son of Aliimaz, and grandson of Zadok, B.c. 914. 1 Ch. 6. 9 Ahimaaz begat A., and A. begat Johanan 7 . A grandson of the preceding, under Solomon, B.c. 840. 1 Ch. 6. 10 And Johanan begat A. 6. 11 A. begat Amariah, and Amariah 8. A son of Hilkiah, the high-priest in the reign of Josiali, B.c. 641-610. 1 Ch. 6. 13 Shallum begat Hilkiah. Hilkiah begat A. 6. 14 A. begat Seraiah, and Seraiah begat 9. 11 A. the son of Hilkiah, the son of Ezra 7. 1 Ezra the son of Seraiah, the son of A. 9 . A descendant of Kohath, from whom sprang the pro¬ phet Samuel, B.C. 1100. 1 Ch. 6. 36 Joel, the son of A., the son of Zephaniah 10 . A prophet sent to encourage Asa to destroy the idols in Judah, B.C. 941. 2 Ch. 15.1 the Spirit of God came upon A. the 11 . A son of king Jehoshaphat, B.c. 890. 2CI1.21. 2 he had brethren. .A., aud Jeliiel 12 . Another son of Jehoshaphat, B.C. 890. 2 Ch. 21. 2 he had brethren. .A. and Michael 13 . Son of Jehoram, called also Ahaziah, B.c. 885. 2 Ch. 22. 6 A. the son of Jehoram king of 14 . A captain who aided in elevating Joash to the tliroue of Judah, B.C. 878. 2 Ch. 23. 1 Jehoiada. .took. .A. the son of 15 . Another who assisted in the same work. 2 Ch. 23. 1 Jehoiada. .took. .A. the son of Obed 16 . The high priest that hindered Uzziali from burning incense on the altar, B.c. 765. 2 Ch. 26. 17 A. the priest went in after him 26. 20 And A. the chief priest, and all the 17 . A chief of the tribe of Ephraim, B.c. 741. 2 Ch. 28. 12 A. the son of Johanan, Berechiah the 18 . A Kohathite and father of Joel, B.c. 726. 2 Ch. 29. 12 the Levites arose, .and Joel the son of A. 19 . A Merarite who assisted in cleansing the temple in the time or Hezekiah, B.c. 726, 2 Ch. 29. 12 Then the Levites arose.. and A. the son 20 . A priest (of the family of Zadok) who became chief priest in Hezekiah’s time, B.c. 726. 2 Ch. 31. 10 A. the chief priest of the house of Zadok 31. 13 and A. the ruler of the house of God 21 . Great-grandfather of Zadok the priest, and an ancestor of Ezra. Ezra 7. 3 Amariah, the son of A. ,the son of M eraioth 22 . One of the family of Ananiali. He repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem after the exile, B.c. 445. Neh. 3. 23 After him repaired A. the son of 3. 24 from the house of A. unto the turning 23 . In one passage this name is given to Seraiah who came up to Jerusalem with Zerubljabel, or perhaps Seraiah is here omitted, B.c. 590. Neh. 7. 7 Nehemiah, A., Raamiah, Nahamani 24 . A priest who explained the law to the people while Ezra was reading it, B.c. 445. Perhaps the same as No. 22. Neh. 8. 7 A... caused the people to understand the 25 . A priest who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 445 - Neh. 10. 2 [Now those that sealed (were)]. .A., Jer. 26 . A prince of Judah who joined in the prooession with Nehemiah, B.C. 445. Neh. 12. 33 [after them went]. .A., Ezra, and M. 27 . A son of Hoshaiah who charged Jeremiah with prophesying falsely, B.c. 587. Jer. 43. 2 Then spake A. the son of Hoshaiah, and AZ AZ G5 BAAL SHALISHA 23 . A young man carried away to Babylon along with Daniel, b.C. 560. Dan. 1. 6 of the children of Judah, Daniel, .and A. 1. 7 and to A., of Abed-nego 1. 11 had set over Daniel, Hananiah. and A. 1. 19 among them all was found none like. .A. 2. 17 Daniel, .made the thing known to. .A., his A'-ZAZ, lix strong. Father of a chief of Reuben, iu the time of Jeroboam II., B.C. 1200. 1 Ch. 5. 8 Bela the son of A., the son of Sliema. A-ZAZ-I AH, trvnlj. Jah is strong. 1 A Levite appointed for the musical service when the ark was brought up from the house of Obed-edom, B.C. 1040. 1 Ch. 15. 21 Jeiel, and A., with harps on the Sheminith 2. Father of Hoshea, prince of Ephraim, in the time of David, B.C. 1040. 1 Ch. 27. 20 children of Ephraim, Hoshea the son of A. 3. A Levite who had the oversight of the dedicated things in Hezekiah’s reign, B.C. 726. 2 Ch. 31. 13 Jehiel, and A.. .(were) overseers under AZ'-BHK, pi 3 ]y pardon. Father of Nehemiah who repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem after the return from Babylon, B.C. 445. Neh. 3. 16 After him repaired.. the son of A. AZE'-KAH, npiy. breach. A town of Judah with dependant villages lying in the ■ihephelah or low agricultu ral plain. Near the northern ■ihochoh and Beth-horon, not far from the modern Ain-shems; or the modern Tel Zakariya on the Wady Sumt, the Vale of Elah. Josh. 10. 10 smote them to A., and unto Makkedah 10. 11 stones from heaven upon them unto A. 15. 35 [in the valley). .Socoli, and A. iSa. 17. 1 pitched between Shocoh and A., in 2Ch. 11. 9 [He built even].. Lachish, and A. Neh. 11. 30 the fields thereof, at A., and (in) the Jer. 34. 7 king of Babylon’s army fought against.. A. A'-ZEL, Six noble. A Benjamite of the family of Saul, B.C. 860. 1 Ch. 8. 37 Rapha (was) his son, Eleasali his son, A. 8. 38 A. had six sons, whose names (are) these 8. 38 All these (were) the sons of A. 9. 43 Rephaiah nis son, Eleasah his son, A. his 9. 44 A. had six sons, whose names (are) these 9. 44 Hanan: these (were) the sons of A. A'-ZEM, OSJJ fortress. A city in the extreme S. of Judah, assigned to Simoon elsewhere called Ezcm. (Now El-Aujeh.) Josh. 15. 29 [cities of the tribe). .wereKabzeel. .and A. 19. 3 [in their inheritance Beersheba). .and A. 1 Ch. 4. 29 [they dwelt at].. Bilhah, and at E.; and at AZ'-GAD, illy worship, supplication. 1 . One whose posterity came up with Zerubbabel, B.C. 536. Ezra 2. 12 children of A., a thousand two hundred Neh. 7. 17 children of A., two thousand three 2 . One who came up from exile with Ezra, B.C. 458. Ezra 8. 12 of the sons of A. ; Johanan the son of 3 . A chief, or the name of a family of Jews who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 536. Neh. 10. 15 [chief of the people). .Bunni, A., Bebai A-ZI’-EL, God is might. A Levite in the choral service of the tabernacle at the time the ark was brought up from the house of Obed- edom, B.C. 1042. Iu v. 18 it is Jaaziel. 1 Ch. 15. 20 Zechariah, and A.. .with psalteries on A-ZI'-ZA, Nl'iy. strong. One of the family of Zattu who had taken a strange wife, B.C. 457. Ezra 10. 27 of the sons of Zattu.. Zabad and A. AZ-MA'-VETH, rnaty counsel or strength of death. 1 . One of David's thirty valiant men, B.C. 1050. 2 Sa. 23. 31 [one of the thirty] A. the Barhumite 1 Ch. 11. 33 A.theBaharumite, EliahbatheShaalbon. 2 . A descendant of Jonathan, Saul’s son, B.C. 940. 1 Ch. 8. 36 Jehoada begat Alemeth, and A., and 9. 42 Jarah begat Alemeth, and A., and Zimri 3 . One whose two sons joined David at Ziklag, B.C. 1050. i Ch. 12. 3 Jeziel, and Pelet, the sons of A.; and 4 . A village called also Beth-azmaveth , lying on the confines of Judah and Benjamin. (Now Hizmeh.) Ezra 2. 24 children of A., forty and two Neh. 12. 29 out of the fields at Geba and A. : for the E. One of David’s treasury officers, B.C. 1015. i'Ch. 27. 25 over the king’s treasures.. A. the son of AZ’-MON, poky fortress. A place on tire S. of Canaan, near tire torrent of Egypt, Wady-el-arish. Num34. 4 your border shall. .pass on to A. 34. 5 the border shall fetch a compass from A. Josh 15. 4 it passed toward A., and went out unto AZ-NOTH TA'-BOR, -ran nijtN ears or peaks of Tabor. A pair of hills on the border of Naphtali. Josh.19'. 34 the coast turneth westward to A., and ' 9 A'-ZOR, 'A(wp helper. Great grandson of Zorobabel, B.C. 400. Matt. 1. 13 Abiud begat Eliakim. .Eliakim begat A. 1. 14 And A. begat Sadoc; and Sadoc begat A-ZO'-TTJS, •'Af&n-os fortress, castle. Another form of Ashdod, now called Esdud. Acts 8. 40 Philip was found at A.: and passing AZ-RI'-EL, Sk’iiy God is helper. 1 . The head of a family of the half tribe of Manasseh, E. of the Jordan, B.C. 1300. 1 Ch. 5. 24 these, .the heads. .Eliel, and A., and 2 . Father of the ruler of Naphtali in David’s time, B.C. 1015. 1 Ch. 27. 19 Of Naphtali, Jerimoth the son of A. 3 . The father of an officer sent to take Baruch, B.C. 606. Jer. 36. 26 king commanded. .Seriah the son of A. AZ-RI'-KAM, Qjj'ijy my help has risen. 1 . Son of Neraiah, of the family of David, B.C. 460. 1 Ch. 3. 23 the sons of Neariah.. Hezekiah, and A. 2 . A son of Azel, of the family of Saul, B.C. 860. 1 Ch. 8. 38 Azel had six sons. .A., Bocheru, and 9. 44 Azel had six sons. .A., Bocheru, and 3 . A Levite, a descendant of Merari, B.C. 470. 1 Ch. 9. 14 of the Levites. .Hasshub, the son of A. Neh.11. 15 of the Levites. .A., the son of Hashabiah 4 . Governor of the house of king Ahaz, B.C. 741. 2 Ch. 28. 7 Zichri.. slew.. A. the governor of the house A-ZU'-BAH, nnny. forsaken. 1 . The mother of king Jehoshaphat, B.C. 914. 1 Ki. 22. 42 his mother’s name (was) A. the daughter 2 Ch. 20. 31 his mother’s name (was) A. the daughter 2 . The wife of Caleb, son of Hezron, B.C. 1540. iCh. 2. iSCaleb. begat. of A. (his) wife, and of Jer. 2. 19 when A. was dead, Caleb took unto him A'-ZTJR, miy helper. Father of Jaazaniah, a prince seen in vision, B.C. 594. Eze. 11. 1 among whom I saw Jaazaniah. .son of A. AZ'-ZAH, H’J fortress. A city of the Philistines assigned to Judah, and com¬ monly called Gaza, and now Ghuzzeh. Deut. 2. 23 the A vims which dwelt, .unto A., the 1 Ki. 4. 24 he had dominion. .from Tiphsah. .to A. Jer. 25. 20 And all the mingled people, .and A. AZ'-ZAH, [iy sharp. Father of Paltiel, a prince of Issacliar, chosen to ap¬ portion the land W. of the Jordan, B.C. 1540. NU11134. 26 prince of the tribe.. Paltiel the son of A. AZ'-ZUR, nty helper. 1 . A man who,with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant, B.C. 445 - Neh. to. 17 [chief of the people],. Ater, Hizkijah, A. 2 . A Gibeonite, father of Hananiah, who withstood Jeremiah, B.C. 596. Jer. 28. 1 Hauaniah the son of A. the prophet B BA'-AL, BA-A'-LIM, bjnn master, possessor. The chief male deity of the Phmnicians and Canaanites, as Ashtoreth was their chief female deity. Both these names have the peculiarity of being used in the plural, and of always having the definite article prefixed, e.g. the Baalim. 1 . An idol of the Phoenicians and Tyrians. Num 22. 41 brought him up into the high places of B. Judg. 2. 11 And the children of Israel, .served B. 2. 13 they forsook the Lord, and served B. 3. 7 of Israel did evil, .aud served B. 6. 31 Joash said. .Will ye plead for B ? will ye 6. 32 Let B. plead against him, because he hath 8. 33 children of Israel., went a whoring after B. 10. 6 of Israel did evil.. and served B. 10. 10 have forsaken our God, and also served B. 1 Sa. 7. 4 children of Israel did put away B. and 12. 10 forsaken the Lord, and have served B. 1 Ki. 16. 31 went and served B., and worshipped him 16. 32 an altar for B. in the house of B. 18. 18 and thou hast followed B. 18. 19 the prophets of B. four hundred and fifty 18. 21 if the Lord (be) God, follow him : but if B. 18. 22 B.’s prophets (are) four hundred and fifty 18. 25 Elijahsaid unto the proplietspfB., Choose 18. 26 the name of B.. .saying, 0 B., hear us 18. 40 Elijah said. .Take the prophets of B. 19. 18 knees which have not bowed unto B. 22. 53 For he served B , and worshipped him 2. Ki. 3. 2 he put away the image of B. that his 10. 18 Aliab served B. a little. .Jehu shall serve 10. 19 call unto me all the prophets of B. 10. 19 for I have a great sacrifice. .toB. 10. 19 he might destroy the worshippers of B. 10. 20 Proclaim a solemn assembly for B. 10. 21 worshippers of B.. .into the house of B 10. 21 the house of B. was full from one end to 10. 22 vestments for all the worshippers of B. 10. 23 And Jehu went, .into the house of B. 10. 23 said unto the worshippers of B., Search 10. 23 none, .but the worshippers of B. only 10. 25 aud went to the city of the house of B. 2 Ki. 10. 26 forth the images out of the house of B. 10. 27 brake.. the image of B... the house of B. 10. 28 Thus Jehu destroyed B. out of Israel 11. 18 the people, .went into the house of B. 11. 18 slew Mattan the priest of B. before the 17. 16 all.the host of heaven, and served B. 23. 4 all the vessels that were made for B. 23. 5 them also that burned incense unto B. 2 CI1.17. 3 because he. .sought not unto B. 23. 17 all the people went to the house of B. 23. 17 slew Mattan the priest of B. before the 24. 7 dedicated things.. they bestow upon B. 28. 2 and made also molten images for B. 34. 4 they brake down the altars of B. Jer. 2. 8 the prophets prophesied by B., and 2. 23 not polluted, I have not gone after B.? 7. 9 swear falsely, and burn incense unto B. 9. 14 But have walked, .after B., which their ii. 13 set up altars, .to burn incense unto B. 11. 17 to provoke me.. offering incense unto B. 12. 16 taught my people to swear by B.; then 19. 5 have built also the high places of B., to 19. s their sons, .(for) burnt offerings unto B. 23. 13 they prophesied in B., and caused my 32. 29 they have offered incense unto B. 32. 35 they built the high places of B., which Hos. 2. 8 silver and gold.. they prepared for B. 2. 13 I will visit upon her the days of B. 2. 17 For I will take away the names of B. out 11. 2 they sacrificed unto B., and burned inc. 13. 1 but when he offended iu B., he died Zeph. 1. 4 I will cut off the remnant of B. from Rom. 11. 4 who have not bowed the knee to.. B. 2 . A city in the tribe of Simeon. 1 Ch. 4 . 33 And all their villages, .unto B. 3 . A descendant of Reuben, B.C. 1300. iCh. 5. 5 [sons of Joel]. .Reaia his son, B. his sou 4 . A descendant of Benjamin, B.C. 1180. 1 Ch. 8. 30 his firstborn son Abdon. and B., and 9. 36 his firstborn sou Abdon. .aud B., and BA-AL BE'-RITH, n")3 bya lord of the covenant. An idol worshipped by Israel, B.C. 1200. Judg. 8. 33 children of Israel, .made B. their god 9. 4 gave.. silver out of the house of B. BA-AL GAD, 1 ) Sya lord of fortune. A place near Hermon, the northern limit of Joshua’s conquests. Banias is probably on its site now. This [dace had long a great reputation as the sanctuary of Ban. (Now llasbeya.) Josh.n. 17 even unto B. in the valley of Lebanon 12. 7 from B. in the valley of Lebanon even 13. 5 from B. under mount Hermon unto the BA-AL HA'-MON, jinn ^jjg lord of the multitude. A place in mount Ephraim, near Samaria. Song 8. 11 Solomon had a vineyard at B.; he let out BA-AL HA'-NAN, jjn Sjg the lord is gracious. 1 . The seventh of the kings of Edom, B.C. 1500. Gen. 36. 38 Saul died, and B. the son of Aclibor 36. 39 B. the son of Achbor died, and Hadar 1 Ch. 1. 49 when Shual was dead, B. the son of A. 1. 50 when B. was dead, Hadad reigned iu his 2 . One of David’s superintendents, B.C. 1015. 1 Ch. 27. 28 And over the olive trees. B. the Gederite BA-AL HA'-ZOR, nixn Sjf3 lord of llazor. A place near Ephraim where Amnon was slain, B.C. 1035. 2Sa. 13. 23 Absalom had slieepshearers in B., which BA-AL HER'-MON, jia-in S]J3 lord of Hermon. This name occurring alone denotes a town near Mount Hermon. When coupled with “mount’’ it seems to denote the mountainous district. (HoxvJebel-es-Sheikh.) Judg. 3. 3 from mount B. unto the entering in of i Ch. 5. 23 they increased from Bashan unto B. and BA-AL ME'-ON, jiya Vya lord of the habitation. A town built by the Reubenites. Supposed to be the same as the Beth-baal-meun of Josh. 13. 17, the Bct.h- meon of Jer. 48. 23, aud the Bcon of Num. 32. 3. (Main.) Num 32. 38 [children of Reuben built].. Nebo, and B. 1 Ch. 5. 8 dwelt in Aroer, even unto Nebo and B. Eze. 25. 9 glory of the country, Betli-jeshimoth, B. BA-AL PE'-OR, •fiy? V!,'3 lord of the opening. An idol of Moab which Israel, by the counsel of Balaam to the Midianites, was enticed to worship. In several passages it is simply Peor. Num 25. 3 Israel joined himself unto B.: and the 25. 5 Slay ye every one. .joined unto B.-p. Deut. 4. 3 what the Lord did because of B.-p. 4. 3 for all the men that followed B.-p., the Psa.106. 28 They joined themselves also unto B., and Hos. 9. 10 they went to B., and separated themselves BA-AL PE-RA'-ZIM, ex'] 3 Vjn lord of breaches. A place near the valley of Rephaim. 2 Sa. 5. 20 David came to B., and David smote them 5. 20 he called the name of that place B. 1 Ch. 14. 11 So they came up to B.; and David smote 14. 11 they called the name of that place B. BA-AL SHA-LI -SHA, Sya lord of Slialisha. A place near Gilgal in Ephraim. 2 Ki. 4. 42 there came a man from B., and brought BAAL TAMAR 06 BABYLON BA-AL TA'-MAR, ipn Vj)? lord of the palm. A place near Gibeali of Benjamin. Judg.20.33 Israel, .put themselves in array at B. BA-AL ZE-'BTJB, 3131 ^2 lord of the fly. An idol of the Philistines at Ekron. 2 Ki. i. 2 Go, enquire of B. the god of Ekron i. 3 ye go to enquire of B. the god of Ekron ? i. 6 (that) thou sendest to enquire of B. the i. 16 thou hast sent messengers to enquire of B. BA-AL ZE'-PHON, Jisk ^3 lord of Typhon. A place near where Israel crossed the Red Sea. Exodi4- 2 between Migdol and the sea. .against B; 14. 9 beside Pi-hahiroth, before B. Sum 33. 7 again unto Pi-hahiroth, which, .before B. BA-A'-LAH, nby_.3 mistress, possessor. 1 . A city of Judah, sometimes identical with Kirjath- jeariui or Kirjath-baal. Josli.15. 9 the border was drawn to B., which (is) 15. 10 the border compassed from B. westward 1 Ch. 13. 6 David went up, and all Israel, to B. 2 . A hill on tlie S. border of Judah. Josh. 15. 11 the border, .passed along to mount B. 3 . A city ill the S. of Judah, called Balah U\ Josh. 19. 3, and in 1 Ch. 4. 29 Bilhah. In 1 Ch. 4. 33 it is Baal. Josh. 15. 29 [the uttermost cities.. were].. B., and Iim BA-A'-LATH, Th\>.2 belonging to Baal. A town in Dan. (Now Balut.) Josh.19. 44 Eltekeh, and Gibbethon, and B. 1 Ki. 9. 18 [Solomon built], .B., and Tadmor in 2 Ch. 8. 6 B., and all the store cities that Solomon BA-A-LATH BE'-ER, 1 X 3 nSji.a lady of the well. A town, called also Ramath-iiegeb (or “heights of the south"), among those in the S. of Judah given to Simeon. Josh.19. 8 the villages, .about these cities to B.-b. BA-A'-LE (of Judah), 'bits possessors of or in Judah. Another form of Baalah, now Kuriet cl-Enab. 2 Sa. 6. 2 the people that (were) with him from B. BA-A'-LI, ’^3 my lord. A title of reserve rejected by God. Hos. 2. 16 call me Islii, and slialt call me no more B. BA-A'-LIS, D'^,3 lord of joy.' King of the Ammonites when Jerusalem was taken by Nebuchadnezzar, B.c. 588. Jer. 40. 14 Dost thou certainly know that B. the king BA-A'-NA, BA-A'-NAH, KJE.3 son of grief, patient. 1 . Solomon’s commissariat officer in Jezreel and the N. of the Jordan valley, B.c. 1015. 1 Ki. 4. 12 B. the son of Ahliud ; (to him pertained) 2 .Solomon’s commissariat officer in Asher, B.c. 1015. 1 Ki. 4. 16 B. the son of Hushai. .in Asher and in 3 .The father of Zadok, who came up with Zerubbabel and helped to repair the wall, B.C. 470. Nell. 3. 4 next unto them repaired, .the sou of B. BA-A'-NAH, rijy.3 son of grief. 1. Father of Heleb, one of Davids thirty valiant men, B.C. 1075. 2 Sa. 23. 29 [one of the thirty],. Heleb the son of B. 1 Ch. 11. 30 Heled the son of B. the Netophathite 2 . A captain of Ishboslieth’s army, B.c. 1048. 2 Sa. 4. 2 the name of the one. ,B., and the name 4. 5 Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab and B 4. 6 Rechab ami B. his brother escaped 4. 9 David answered Rechab and B. his brother 3.One who came up with Zerubbabel, B.c. 536. Ezra 2. 2 [are the children]. .Bigvai, Rehum, B. Nell. 7. 7 [are the children]. .Bigvai, Nehum, B. 10. 27 [chief of the people]. .Malluch, Harim, B. BA-A'-RA, tr;i;.3 « wood, or daughter of the fresh. One of Shaharaim’s wives, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 8. 8 Slialiaraim. .Hushim and B.. .liis wives BA-A-SE'-IAH, n;iyjia Jah is bold. A Gerslionite, ancestor of Asajili the musician, B.C. 1100. 1 Ch. 6. 40 Michael, the son of B., the son of BA-A'-SHA, Xw ; V 3 boldness. A man of Issachar, who conspired against Nadab son of Jeroboam I., and slew all his posterity, B.c. 953. 1 Ki. 15. 16 there was war between Asa and B. king 15.17 B. king of Israel went up against Judah 15. 19 break thy league with B. king of Israel 15. 21 when B. heard, .lie left off building of 15. 22 took away, .the timber, .wherewith B. 15. 27 B. the son of Ahijah. .conspired against 15 27 and B. smote him at Gibbethon, which 15. 28 in the third year of Asa. .did B. slay him 15. 32 there was war between Asa and B. king 15. 33 In the third year of Asa. .began B.. .to 16. 1 the word of the Lord came, .against B. 16. 3 I will take away the posterity of B., and 16. 4 Him that dietli of B. in the city shall the 16. 5 the rest of the acts of B.. .(are) they not 16. 6 So B. slept with his fathers, and was 16. 7 came the word of the Lord against B. 16. 8 began Elah the son of B. to reign over 1 Ki. 16. 11 he slew all the house of B. : he left him 16. 12 did Zimri destroy all the house of B. 16. 12 which he spake against B. by Jehu the 16. 13 For all the sins of B., and the sins of Elah 21. 22 like the house of B. the son of Ahijah, for 2 Ki. g. 9 like the house of B. the son of Ahijah 2 CI1.16. 1 B. king of Israel came up against Judah 16. 3 break thy league with B. king of Israel 16. 5 when B. heard (it), that he left, .building 16. 6 carried away.. the timber.. wherewith B. Jer. 41. 9 which Asa. .had made for fear of B. BABBLER — 1 .Master of {the) tongue, pc’ 1 ? Sy .3 baal lashon. Eccl. 10. 11 enchantment; and a babbler is no better 2.A seed-picker, cnrepy.n\Syos spermologos. Acts 17. 18 some said, What will this babbler say? BABBLING - 1. Meditation, n't? siach. Prov.23. 29 hath contentions? who hath babbling? 2 . Empty sound, Kevotpcovla kenophbnia. 1 Ti. 6. 20 avoiding profane, .vain babblings, and 2 Ti. 2. 16 shun profane, .vain babblings: for they BABE — 1 .Boy, lad, ija naar. Exod. 2. 6 saw the child: and, behold, the babe 2.Suckling, growing youth, olel. Psa. 8. 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings 17. 14 leave the rest of their, .to their babes 3. Babe {new born, or unborn), Ppecpos breplios. Luke 1. 41 it came to pass, that, .the babe leaped 1. 44 the babe leaped in my womb for joy 2. 12 Ye shall find the babe wrapped in 2. 16 and found, .the babe lying in a manger 1 Fe. 2. 2 Asnewbornbabes,desirethesincereniilk 4 . Babe {without speech), wiymos nepios. Matt 11. 25 and hast revealed them unto babes 21. 16 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Lukeio. 21 and hast revealed them unto babes Rom. 2. 20 instructor of. .foolish, a teacher of babes 1 Cor. 3. 1 as unto carnal, .as unto babes in Christ Heb. 5. 13 useth milk (is) unskilful, .for he is a babe BABES — Persons causing turnings, windings, D'7?7S.B. Isa. 3. 4 children.. and babes shall rule over them BA'-BEL, confusion, {or Bab-il, gate of Gad.) A city in the plain of Shinar. Gen. 10. 10 the beginning of his kingdom was B., and 11. 9. Therefore is the name of it called B. BABYLON, S33 confusion, gate of Bel, fiafiv\wv. The Greek mode of spelling what in the Hebrew is uniformly Babel. Perhaps when Nimrod founded the city he gave it the name Bab-il, “gate of II" or “gate of God." After the “ confusion ” of tongues, the name was connected by the Hebrews with the root balal, “to confound.” It was latterly the capital of the country called in Genesis Shinar, and in the later Scriptures "Chaldea,” or the “Land of the Chaldeans.” The original city was built about 2230 B.C. Erech, Ur, and Ellasar seem to have been all older than it, and were cities when Babil was a village. But about 1700 B.c. the seat of government was fixed at the latter. Its enormous walls, iron gates, and hanging gardens, were among tire greatest artificial wonders in the world. The modern Birs-Nimrud (anciently the temple of Nebo at Borsippa), and Babil, near Hillah, have both been taken for the site of the proposed Tower. Its history is naturally mixed up with that of the state to which it gave its name. “The Babylonian and Assy¬ rian empires,” says Sir John Stoddart, “in all historical records, are much blended together. These empires, whether distinct or united, possessed in very early times two vast cities—Babylon on the Euphrates, and Nineveh on the Tigris. The country on the Tigris was called Assyria; that on the Euphrates Babylonia; and the large intervening space was commonly termed Mesopotamia, or ‘between the rivers’: and this, to¬ gether with Babylonia, seems to be meant in Scripture by the land of Shinar.” In B.C. ^Babylon is independ¬ ent of Assyria—Nabonassar king; 699, Esarhaddon, or Sennacherib, king of Assyria, takes Babylon ; 677 or 675, Asaridinus, king of Babylon, invades Judah, and makes prisoner its king, Manasseh ; .625, Nabopolassar asserts his independence of the king of Assyria; 604, Nebuchadnezzar succeeds his father Nabopolassar; during his reign tbe Babylonian empire attains its highest splendour; 569, Nebuchadnezzar sets up the “golden image," and becomes insane the same year; 558, Neriglissar, the Belshazzar of Scripture, king; 538, Babylon taken, and the kingdom annexed to the Persian empire by Cyrus; 318, Babylon revolts from Darius Hystaspes; it is besieged and taken the following year; 331, Babylon surrenders to Alexander the Great; 324, Alexander enters it, and commences the restoration of its architectural greatness; 323, Alexander dies in Babylon ; 321, Seleucus Nicator is made governor; 313, Antigonus expels Seleucus, and establishes Python, son of Agenor, in his dignities; 312, Seleucus returns to Babylon, which he recovers, and founds the kingdom and dynasty of the Seleuckhc; 240, invaded by the Gauls under Hierax—they are repulsed by Seleucus II.; 64, on the conquest of Syria by Pompey, Babylon falls into the hands of the Romans; 62, Babylon forms part of the Roman province of Syria. Many travel¬ lers, amongst whom may be mentioned Rich, Ker Porter, Layard, Frazer, Chesney, Botta, Loftus, and Rawlinson, have, by their explorations amongst the ruins of the ancient city, thrown light upon the history of Babylon. Sir Henry Rawlinson has inter- I preted many of the inscriptions found on various relics brought to this country. Babylonian sovereigns were: B.C. 747, Nabonassar ; 733, Nadius ; 731, Chinzirus; 725, Jugams; 721, Mardocempadus; 709, Archianus; 704 (interregnum); 7°2. Belibus; 699, Apronadius; 693, Regibalus ; 692, Mesesiraordachus ; 688 (interregnum); 680, Asaridinus ; 667, Saosduchinus; 647, Cbinaladanus; 625, Nabopolassar; 604, Nebuchadnezzar; 361, Evil Merodach; 558, Belshazzar; 553, Nabonadjus; 538, Cyrus takes Babylon. 2 Ki. 17. 24 king of Assyria brought, .from B. 17. 30 the men of B. made Succoth-benoth, and 20. 12 Baladan, king of B., sent letters and a 20. 14 They, .come from aoneros. Matt 22. 10 as they found, both bad and good : and 5 Rotten, putrid, tra-rrpSs sapros. Matt 13. 48 good into vessels, but cast the bad away BAD, to be so — From badness, snp meroa. Jer. 24. 2 could not be eaten, they were so bad BADGER — Badger or dark red coloured object, wnn tachash. Exod25. 5 rams’ skins dyed red, and badgers’ skins 26. 14 and a covering above (of) badgers' skins 33. 7 rams’ skins dyed red, and badgers’ skins 35. 23 and red skins of rams, and badgers’ skins 36. 19 and a covering (of) badgers’ skins above 39. 34 the covering of badgers’ skins, and the Num. 4. 6 put thereon, .covering of badgers’ skins 4. 8 cover, .with a covering of badgers’ skins 4. 10 within a covering of badgers’ skins, and 4. 11 cover it with a covering of badgers’ skins 4. 12 cover, .with a covering of badgers’ skins 4. 14 spread, .a covering of badgers' skins 4. 25 the covering of the badgers’ skins that (is) Eze. 16. 10 and shod thee with badgers’ skin, and I BADNESS — Evil, badness, ST roa. Gen. 41. 19 such as I never saw. .for badness BAG — 1. Bag, purse, D'P'ID charitim. 2 Ki. 5. 23 bound two talents of silver in two bags ‘l.Cup, D'3 kis. Deut25. 13 Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers Prov.16. 11 all the weights of the bag (are) his work Isa. 46. 6 They lavish gold out of the bag, and Mic. 6. 11 and with the bag of deceitful weights? 3. Vessel, instrument, '^>3 keli. 1 Sa. 17. 40 and put them in a shepherd’s bag which 17. 49 And David put his hand in his bag 4. Bundle, "in’J tseror. Job 14. 17 My transgression (is) sealed up in a bag Prov. 7. 20 He hath taken a bag of money with him Hag. 1. 6 earneth wages (to put it) into a bag with 5. That into which a thing is cast, fio.Xavriov. Lukei2. 33 provide yourselves bags which wax not 6 . Where the tongues of wind instruments are put, y\3 fragrant. 1. One of the wives of Esau, and daughter of Elon the llittite, B. c. 1796. Gen. 26. 34 and B. the daughter of Elon the Hittite 2 . Another wife of Esau and daughter of Ishmael. B.C. 1796. Gen. 36. 3 B. Ismael’s daughter, sister of Nebajoth 36. 4 Adah bare to Esau Elipliaz; and B. bare 36. 10 Reuel the son of B. the wife of Esau 36. 13 these were the sons of B. Esau's wife 36. 17 these (are) the sons of B. Esau’s wife BASIN, BASON — 1 .Bason, bowl, cup, JJN aggan. Exod 24. 6 half of the blood, and put (it) in basons 2. Cup, goblet, "lis? kephor. 1 Ch. 28. 17 golden basons.. every bason.. every bason Ezra 1. 10 Thirty basons of gold, silver basons of a 8. 27 twenty basons of gold, of a thousand 3. Large bowl for sprinkling, pmp mizraq. Exod27. 3 thou shalt make his pans, .his basons 38. 3 he made all the vessels, .and the basons Num. 4. 14 they shall put upon it. .the basons, all 1 Ki. 7. 40 Hiram made the lavers. .and the basons 7. 45 basons. .Hiram made, .(of) bright brass 7. 50 the basons, .and the censers (of) pure gold 2 Ki. 12. 13 not made, .bowls of silver,snuffers, basons 2 Ch. 4. 8 And he made an hundred basons of gold 4. 11 Huram made the pots, .and the basons 4. 22 basons.. and the censers, (of) pure gold Neh. 7. 70 The Tirshatha gave, .fifty basons 4. Dish, bowl, 'IP sapli. Exodi2. 22 dip (it) in the blood that (is) in the bason 12. 22 with the blood that (is) in the bason 2 Sa. 17. 28 Brought beds, and basons, and earthen Jer. 52. 19 the basons, and the fire pans, and the 5. Large vessel err ewer, yiirTyp nipter. Jon. 13. 5 After that he pouretli water into a basin BASKET — 1. Basket, pot, kettle, na dud. 2 Ki. 10. 7 slew, .and put their heads in baskets Jer. 24. 2 One basket (had) very good figs.. the 2. Basket, pot, kettle, 'iia dudai. Jer. 24. 1 two baskets of figs, .set before the temple 3. Basket of woven or twisted work. Bit) tene. Dent 26. 2 shalt put (it) in a basket, and shalt go 26. 4 the priest shall take the basket out of 28. 5 Blessed (shall be) thy basket and thy store 28. 17 Cursed (shall be) thy basket and thy store i.Cage, basket, mVa kelub. Amos 8. 1 and behold a basket of summer fruit 8. 2 And I said, A basket of summer fruit 5. Basket [wicker), Sd sal. Gen. 40. 16 (I had) three white baskets on my head 40. 17 in the uppermost basket, .of allmannerof 40. 17 birds did eat them out of the basket 40. 18 The three baskets (are) three days Exod2g. 3 thou shalt put them into one basket 29. 3 bring them in the basket, with the bullock 29. 23 one wafer out of the basket of the 29. 32 shall eat.. the bread that (is) in the basket Lev. 8. 2 rams, and a basket of unleavened bread 8. 26 out of the basket of unleavened bread 8. 31 with the bread that (is) in the basket Num. 6. 15 a basket of unleavened bread, cakes of 6. 17 with the basket of unleavened bread 6. 19 one unleavened cake out of the basket Judg. 6. 19 the flesh he put in a basket, and he put 0. Wicker basket, crapydrri sargane. 2 Co. 11. 33 in a basket was I let down by the wall 7.A hamper, cnrvp'is spuris. Acts 9. 25 and let. .down by the wall in a basket BASKETS — 1. Wicker baskets, ni^p?p salsilloth. J er. 6 . g turn back thine hand.. into the baskets 2. yl wicker travelling basket, udipivos koplvinos. Matt 14. 20 took up. .that remained twelve baskets 16. 9 and how many baskets ye took up? Mark 6. 43 And they took up twelve baskets full 8. 19 how many baskets full of fragments Luke 9. 17 there, .remained to them twelve baskets John 6. 13 filled twelve baskets with the fragments 3. A hamper, trirupis spuris. Mattis. 37 took up. .that was left seven baskets full in. 10 and how many baskets ye took up ? Mark 8. 8 took up. .that was left seven [baskets] 8.20 how may baskets full. .took ye up ? BAS'-MATH, nipiyp fragrant, spicy. Solomon’s daughter, who became wife of Ahimaaz, a purveyor for Solomon, B.C. 1014. 1 Ki. 4. 15 he also took B. the daughter of Solomon BASTARD — 1 .Mixed, spurious, niOD mamzer. Deut 23. 2 A bastard shall not enter into the cong. Zech. 9. 6 And a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod 2 .Bastard, v60os nothos. Heb. 12. 8 then are ye bastards, and not sons BAT — Bat, night-bird, atallepli. Lev. 11. 19 her kind) and the lapwing, and the bat Deuti4. 18 the stork, .and the lapwing, and the bat Isa. 2. 20 shall cast, .to the moles and to the bats BATH — A measure for fluids, about 8 gallons, np bath. 1 Ki. 7. 26 of lilies: it contained two thousand baths 7. 38 lavers of brass: one. .contained forty baths 2 Ch. 2. 10 thousand baths of wine, .baths of oil 4. 5 received and held three thousand baths Ezra 7. 22 baths of wine, .baths of oil, and salt Isa. 5. 10 acres of vineyard shall yield one bath Eze. 45. 10 a just ephah, and a just bath 45. 11 The ephah and the bath, .that the bath 45. 14 bath of oil. .tenth part of a bath 45. 14 an homer of ten baths ; for ten baths BATH RAB'-BIM, D’p-i-n? daughter of many. A gate of the ancient city of Heshbon, near which were two pools to which the spouse compares the eyes of his “beloved.” Song 7. 4 fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of B. BATH SHE'-BA, ypg’-np daughter of an oath. Daughter of Eliamor Ammiel, wife of Uriah, and mother of Solomon by David. She is also called Bathshua. Jewish tradition has it that she composed and recited Proverbs 31st as an admonition to her son Solomon on his marriage with Pharaoh’s daughter, B.c. 1035. 2 Sa. 11. 3 (Is)not this B.-Sh., the daughter of Eliam 12. 24 David comforted B. his wife, and went 1 Ki. 1. 11 Wherefore Nathan spake unto B.-Sh. the 1. 15 B.-Sh. went in unto the king into the 1. 16 B.-Sh. bowed, and did obeisance unto 1. 28 David answered and said, Call me B.-Sh. 1. 31 B.-Sh. bowed with (her) face to the earth 2. 13 Adonijah. .came to B.-Sh. the mother of 2. 18 B.-Sh. said, Well; I will speak for thee 2.19 B.-Sh. therefore went unto king Solomon Psa. 51. {title) A..after he had gone into B.-Sh. BATH SHU'-A, yur'np daughter of prosperity. This name is translated “daughter of Shua” in Gen. 38. 12 and in 1 Ch. 2. 3 ; but in 1 Ch. 3. 5, it is employed as the name of the mother of Solomon, and she is called the daughter of Ammiel (elsewhere Eliam). In Gen. 38. 2, 12, Bathshua is really the name of Judah’s wife, B.c. 1035. 1 Chron 3. 5 these were born unto him.. of B. -Sh. the BATHE, to — To wash, rub, |’rn rachats. Lev. 15. 13 and bathe his flesh in running water 16. 26 wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in 16. 28 he that burneth them shall, .bathe his 17. 16 But if he wash, .not, nor bathe his flesh Numig. 7 Then the priest, .shall bathe his flesh in 19. 8 wash his clothes in water, and bathe his BATHE (self), to — To wash, rub, j'nn rachats. Lev. 15. 5 shall wash his clothes and bathe (himself) 15. 6 bathe (himself) in water, and be unclean 15. 7 he that toucheth the flesh..aud bathe 15. 8 then he shall, .bathe (himself) in water 15. 10 and bathe (himself) in water, and be 15. 11 he shall wash his clothes, and bathe 15. 18 they shall (both) bathe (themselves) in 15. 21 bathe (himself) in water, aud be unclean 15. 22 bathe (himself) in water, and be unclean 15. 27 and bathe (himself) in water, .until the 17. 15 and bathe (himself), .then shall he be Num 19. 19 wash his clothes, and bathe himself in BATHED, to be — To be satiated, nn ravah, 3. Isa. 34. 5 For my sword shall be bathed in heaven BATTER, to — To destroy, nnifi shachath, 5. 2 Sa. 20. 15 the people that (were) with Joab battered BATTLE — 1 .Circumvallation, lira kulor. Job 15. 24 prevail, .as a king ready to the battle 2. A camp, n:na machaneh. 1 Sa. 28. 1 thou shalt go out with me to battle, thou 3. Battle, conflict, eating up, nen^p milchamah. Gen. 14. 8 joined battle with them in the vale of Nuni2i. 33 he, and all his people, to the battle 31. 21 the men of war which went to the battle 32. 27 armed for war, before the Lord to battle 32. 29 every man armed to battle, before the Deut. 2. 9 neither contend with them in battle 2. 24 possess (it), and contend, .him in battle 3. 1 he and all iris people, to battle at Edrei Deut 20. 1 thou gocst out to battle against thine 20. 2 when ye are come nigh unto the battle 20. 3 0 Israel, ye approach this day unto battle 20. 5 return to his house, lest he die in. .battle 20. 6 lest he die in the battle, and another 20. 7 return, .lest he die in the battle, aud 29. 7 the kiDg.. came out against us unto battle Josh. 4. 13 passed over before the Loud unto battle 8. 14 the city went out against Israel to battle 11. 19 theHivites. .all (other) they took in battle II. 20 they should come aganist Israel in battle Judg, 8. 13 Gideon, .returned from battle before 20. 14 go out to battle against the children of I. 20. 18 Which of us shall go up first to the battle 20. 20 the men of Israel went out to battle 20. 22 aud set their battle again in array in the 20. 23 Shall I go up again to battle against the 20. 28 Shall I yet again go out to battle against 20. 34 out of all Israel, and the battle was sore 20. 39 the men of Israel retired in the battle 20. 42 but the battle overtook them ; and them 1 Sa. 4. 1 went out against the Philistines to battle 4. 2 when, .joined battle, Israel was smitten 7. 10 the Philistines drew near to battle 8. 20 go out before us, and fight our battles 13. 22 it came to pass iu the day of battle, that 14. 20 Saul and all. .came to the battle 14. 22 followed hard after them in the battle 14. 23 the battle passed over unto Beth-aven 17. 1 the Philistinesgathered. armiestobattle 17. 2 set the battle in array against the 17. 8 Why are ye come out to set (your) battle 17. 13 eldest sons, .followed Saul to the battle 17. 13 of his three sons that went to the battle 17. 20 to the fight, and shouted for the battle 17. 28 down that thou mightest see the battle 17. 47 for the battle (is) the Lord's, and he 18. 17 for me, and fight the Lord's battles 25^.njy lor d fightet h the battles of the Lord ■^26. 10 he shaftHesceltdinVO battle.-und perish 29. 4 let him not go down with us to battle 29. 9 He shall not go up with us to the battle 30. 24 part (is) that goeth down to the battle 31. 3 And the battle went sore against Saul 2 Sa. 1. 4 the people are fled from the battle 1. 25 mighty fallen in the midst of the battle ! 2. 17 there was a very sore battle that day 3. 30 slain their brother Asahel. .in the battle 10. 8 put the battle in array at the. .gate 10. 9 the front of the battle was against him 10. 13 And Joab drew nigh, .unto the battle 11. 15 Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle 11. 25 make thy battle more strong against the 18. 6 the battle was in the wood of Ephraim 18. 8 For the battle was there scattered over 19. 3 ashamed steal away when.. flee in battle 19. 10 And Absalom, .is dead in battle 21. 17 Thou shalt go no more out. to battle 21. 18 there was again a battle with the Phil. 21. 19 And there was again a battle in Gob 21. 20 And there was yet a battle in Gath 22. 40 hast girded me with strength to battle 23. 9 the Philistines.. gathered.. to battle 1 Ki. 8. 44 thy people go out to battle against their 20. 14 he said, Who shall order the battle ? 20. 29 in the seventh day the battle was joined 20. 39 Thy servant went out iuto. .the battle 22. 4 Wilt thou go with me to battle to R.-G.? 22. 6 I go against Ramoth-gilead to battle 22. 15 we go against Ramoth-gilead to battle 22. 30 disguise myself, and enter into the battle 22. 30 the king of Israel, .went into the battle 22. 35 Aud the battle increased that day : and 2 Ki. 3. 7 wilt thou go. .against Moab to battle? 3. 26 Moab saw that the battle was too sore 1 Ch. 5. 20 for they cried to God in the battle 7. 11 fit to go out for war (and) battle 7. 40 that were apt to the war (and) to battle 10. 3 And the battle went sore against Saul 11. 13 were gathered together to battle 12. 8 (and) men of war (tit) for the battle 12. 19 with the Philistines against Saul to battle 12. 37 with all. .instruments, .for the battle 14. 15 then thou shalt go out to battle : for 19. 7 from their cities, and came to battle 19. 9 put the battle in array before the gate of 19. 10 Joab saw that the battle was set against 19. 14 Joab. .drew nigh, .unto the battle 19. 17 David had put the battle in array against 26. 27 Out of the spoils won in battles did they 2 Ch. 13. 3 set the battle in array with an army of 13. 3 set the battle in array against him with 13. 14 behold, the battle (was) before and 14. 10 they set the battle in array in the valley 18. 5 Shall we go to Ramoth-gilead to battle 18. 14 shall we go to Ramoth-gilead to battle 18. 29 disguise myself, and will go to the battle 18. 29 disguised himself; aud. .went to. .battle 18. 34 And the battle increased that day : how 20. 1 came against Jehoshaphat to battle 20. 15 for the battle (is) not your's, but God's 25. 8 do (it), be strong for the battle: God 25.13 they should not go with him to battle -32. 8 with us (is) the Lord .. to fight our battles Job 39. 25 and he smelletli the battle afar off 41. 8 remember the battle, do no more Psa. 18. 39 girded me with strength unto the battle 24. 8 The Lord strong and mighty, .in battle 76. 3 the shield, and the sword, and the battle 89. 43 hast not made him to stand in the battle Prov 21. 31 (is) prepared against the day of battle Ecel. 9. 11 nor the battle to the strong, neither yet BATTLE AX 73 BE Isa. 13. 4 Lord .. mustereth the host of the battle 22. 2 slain with the sword, nor dead in battle 27. 4 set the.. thorns against mein battle 28. 6 to them that torn the battle to the gate 30. 32 in battles of shaking will he fight with it 42. 25 his anger, and the strength of battle •Ter. 8. 6 as the horse rushcth into the battle 18. 21 youngmen(be)slain by the sword in battle 46. 3 and shield, and draw near to battle 49. 14 come against her, and rise up to. .battle 50. 22 A sound of battle (is) in the laud, and of 50. 42 put in array, like a man to the battle Eze. 7. 14 none goeth to the battle: for my wrath 13. c stand in (.lie battle ill tfie flay r.f Tin Dan. iii'ro'fielther in anger, nor inbattte 11. 25 the south shall be stirred up to battle Hos. 1. 7 will not save.. by bow.. nor by battle 2. 18 the sword and the battle out of the earth 10. 9 there they stood: the battle in Gibeah 10. 14 spoiled Betharbel in the day of battle Joel 2. 5 as a strong people set in battle array Amos 1. 14 with shouting in the day of battle, with Obad. 1 Arise.. let us rise up against her in battle Zech. 9. 10 and the battle bow shall be cut off: and 10. 3 made them as his goodly horse in.. battle 10. 4 him the nail, .out of him the battle bow 10. 5 in the mire of the streets in the battle 14. 2 all nations against Jerusalem to battle 4. A rmour, arms, p?} nesheq. Psa.140. 7 covered my head in the day of battle 5. Equipment, |iwp seon. Isa. 9. s For every battle of the warrior (is) with G. The host, army, Nay tsaba. Num 31. 27 upon them, who went out to battle 31. 28 men of war which went out to battle Josh 22. 33 intend to go up against them in battle 1 Ch. 12. 33 such as went forth to battle, expert 12. 36 such as went forth to battle, expert 7 .Host of the battle, norths,T Nay. Nuni31.14 the officers.!which came from the battle 8 . 2 I drawing near. Tip qerab. 2Sa. 17.11 go to battle in thine own person Job 38. 23 reserved against, .the day of battle Fsa. 55.18 hath delivered my soul, .from the battle 78. 9 Ephraim, .turned back in the day of battle Zech 14. 3 as when he fought in the day of battle 9 .vl battle, fight, -rroheyos qiolemos. 1 Co. 14. 8 who shall prepare himself to the battle? Rev. 9. 7 like unto horses prepared unto battle 9. 9 sound of. .mauy horses running to battle 16. 14 go forth, .to gather them to the battle 20. 8 go out.. to gather them together to battle BATTLE AX — Hammer, battle-axe, psa mappets. Jer. si. 20 Thou (art) my battle ax (and) weapons of BATTLEMENT .1 restraint, njajJ.p maaqeli. Deut.22. 8 thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof BATTLEMENTS — Any things stretched out, Kurt?) netishoth. Jer. 5. 10 take away her battlements; for they (are) BA-'VAI, M2 wisher. Descendant of Henadad who helped to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, B.c. 445. Nell. 3. 18 After him repaired their brethren, B. BAY — 1 .The tongue, [lEri lashon. Josh. 15. 2 from the bay that looketh southward 15. 5 north quarter (was) from the bay of the 18. 19 of the border were at the north bay 2 .Strong, deep red, D’kCN amutstsim. Zech. 6. 3 in the fourth chariot grisled and bay 6. 7 And the bay went forth, and sought to go BAY TREE — Native born, rniN ezrach. fsa. 37 - 35 spreading himself like a green bay tree BAZ'-LITH, BAZ'-LTJTH, r\'b& asking. A Nethinim whose posterity returned from exile, B.c 536 . Ezra 2. 52 children of B., the children of Mehida Nell. 7. 54 children of B., the children of Mehida BDELLIUM — An oily gum, or a white pearl, nS '13 bedolach. Gen. 2. 12 there (is) bdellium and the onyx stone Num 11. 7 the colour, .as the colour of bdellium BE, to (am, art, is, are, was, were, &c.) — When this word is printed in italics in the common English version, there is no corresponding word in the original text; when it occurs in common type, it is qeneraluj the representative of n;n njn son hayah , havah, hava, “ to be” in Hebrew; and of ei/u, “ to be ’’ in Greek Otherwise it is the translation of such words as the following \.To emne, come in, N 13 bn. 2 Ki. 24. 10 against Jerusalem,and.. city was besieged , 2 5 - 2 Knd the city was besieged unto the •>er. 52. 5 so the city was besieged unto the 5. 4 our wood is sold unto us 10 2 . To give, jm nathan. Job 29. 2 Oh that I were as (in) months past Jer. 9. 1 Oh that my head were waters, and mine 3. To do, serve, laj; abad. 1 Sa. 4. 9 0 ye Philistines, that ye be not servants 4. There is, there are, Eh yesh. Gen. 18. 24 Pel-adventure there be fifty righteous 23. 8 If it be your mind that I should bury my 24. 23 is there room in (thy) father's house for 28. 16 Surely the Lord is iu this place, and I 42. 1 Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt 42. 2 I have heard that there is corn iu Egypt 44. 26 if our youngest brother be with us Exod 17. 7 saying. Is the Lord among us or not? Num. 9. 20, 21 And (so) it was, when the cloud was 13. 20 whether there be wood therein, or not 22. 29 I would there were a sword in mine hand Deut29. 18 Lest there should be among you man or 29. 18 lest there should be among you a root Judg. 4. 20 Is there any man here? that thou shalt 6. 13 Oh my Lord, if the Lord be with us 18. 14 there is in these houses an ephod, and 19. 19 yet there is. .and there is bread and Ruth 3. 12 there is a kinsman nearer than I 1 Sa. 9. 11 and said unto them, Is the seer here '! 9. 12 they answered them, and said, He is 14. 39 though it be in Jonathan my son, he 17. 46 may know that there is a God in Israel 20. 8 if there be in me iniquity, slay me thyself 21. 3 Now therefore what is under thine hand? 21. 4 but there is hallowed bread ; if the young 21. 8 is there not here under thine hand spear 23. 23 it shall come to pass, if he be in the land 2 Sa. 9. 1 Is there yet any that is left of the house 14. 32 if there be. .iniquity in me, let him kill 1 Ki. 18. 10 there is no nation or kingdom, whither .2 Ki. 2. 16 there be with thy servants fifty strong 3.12 The word of the Lord is with him. So 5. 8 shall know that there is a prophet in 9. 15 Jehu said, If it be your minds, .let none 10. 15 Is thine heart right.. It is. If it be, give 10. 23 look that there be here with you none of 2 Ch. 15. 7 for your work shall be rewarded 25. 9 The Lord is able to give thee much more Ezra 10. 2 there is hope in Israel concerning this Neh. 5. 2 For there were that said, We, our sons 5. 3 also there were that said, We have 5. 4 There were also that said, We have 5. s of our daughters are brought unto Esth. 3. 8 There is a certain people scattered abroad Job 5. 1 if there be any that will answered thee. 6. 6 is there (any) taste in the white of an egg 6. 30 Is there iniquity in my tongue? cannot 9. 33 Neither is there any daysman betwixt us 11. 18 thou shalt be secure, because there is 14. 7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut 16. 4 if your soul'were in my soul’s stead, I 25. 3 Is there any number of his armies? and 28. 1 Surely there is a vein for the silver, and 33. 23 If there be a messenger with him, an Psa. 7. 3 if there be iniquity in my hands 14. 2 if there were any that did understand 53. 2 if there were, .that did understand, that 58.11 he is a God that judgeth in the earth 73. 11 is there knowledge in the most high ? 135. 17 neither is there (any) breath in their Prov.n. 24 There is that scattereth, and yet 12. 18 There is that speaketli like the piercings 13. 7 There is that maketh himself rich, yet 13. 23 but there is.. destroyed for want of 14. 12 There is away which seemeth right unto a 16. 23 There is a way that seemeth right unto a 18. 24 there is a friend. sticketh closer than a 19. 18 Chasten thy son while there is hope, and 20. 15 There is gold, and a multitude of rubies 23. 18 surely there is an end ; and thine 24. 14 then there shall be a reward, and thy Eccl. 1. 10 Is there (any) thing whereof it may be 2. 21 there is a man whose labour (is) in 4. 8 There is one.. aud. .not a second ; yea, he 5. 13 There is a sore evil . I have seen under 6 . 1 There is an evil which I have seen under 6 . 11 Seeing there be many things that increase 7. 15 there is a just.. and there is a wicked 8. 6 to every purpose there is time and 8. 14 There is a vanity, .that there be just 8. 14 there be wicked. .to whom it happeneth 9. 4 joined to all the living there is hope: fol¬ io. 5 There is an evil.. I have seen under the Isa. 44. 8 Is there a God beside me? yea. .1 know Jer. 5. 1 if there be. .that executeth judgment 14. 22 Are there, .among the vanities of the G. 23. 26 How long shall (this) be in the heart of 27. 18 and if the word of the Lord be with 31. 6 there shall be a day,(that) the watchmen 31. 16 for thy work shall be rewarded, saiththe Jer. 31. 17 there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord 37. 17 Is there, .word. .There is : for, said he Lam. 1. 12 see if there be any sorrow like unto my 3. 29 in the dust; if so be there may be hope Jon. 4. 11 wherein are more than sixscore thousand Mic. 2. 1 because it is in the power of their hand 5. To hold off, ccnix ® apechij. Matt 15. 8 This people, .their heart is far from me Mark 7. 6 This people, .their heart is far from me Luke 7. 6 when he was now not far from the house 15. 20 when he was yet a great way off, his 24. 13 which was from Jerusalem, .threescore 6 . To lead on or away, txyu, ago. LUIC024. 21 to day is the third day since these things 7. To rub through, pass the time, biaTplfSov. Acts 25. 14 when they had been there many days 8 . With a view to, for, els eis. Acts 13. 22 he raised up unto them David to be their 13. 47 I have set thee to be a light of. .Gentiles 9. To have, tx<». John 8. 57 Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast 9. 21, 23 he is of age ; ask him Acts 7. 1 Then said the high priest, Are these, .so? 12. 15 she constantly affirmed that it was even so 17. 11 searched, .whether those things were so 24. 9 assented, saying that these things were so 1 Ti. 5. 25 they that are otherwise cannot be hid 10. To become, yL/opai ginomai. Matt. 5. 45 That ye may be the children of your 6. 16 when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of 8. 26 the sea ; and there was a great calm 9. 29 According to your faith be it uuto you 10. 16 be ye therefore wise as serpents, aud 10. 25 It is enough, .that he be as his master 12. 45 the last, .of that man is worse than the 14. 15 when it was evening, his disciples came 15. 28 be it unto thee even as thou wilt 16. 2 said unto them. When it is evening, ye 17. 2 and his raiment was white as the light 18. 13 if so be that he find it, verily I say unto 19. 8 but from the beginning it was not so 20. 26 whosoever will be great among you, let 23. 26 the outside of them may be clean also 24. 20 pray ye that your flight be not in the 24. 21 such as was not since the beginning 24. 21 to this time, no, nor ever shall be 24. 32 When his branch is yet tender, and 24. 44 Therefore be ye also ready : for in such 26. 2 Ye know that after two days is. .the 26. 5 Not on the feast, .lest there be an uproar 26. 6 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the 26. 54 scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must 27. 45 there was darkness over all the land 28. 2 there was a great earthquake : for the Mark 4. 10 when he was alone, they that were about 4. 39 the wind ceased, aud there was a great 6. 14 for his name was spread abroad : and he 6. 26 the king was exceeding sorry ; (yet) for 6 . 35 when the day was.. far spent, his disciples 9. 7 there was a cloud that overshadowed 9. 26 came out of him : and he was as one dead 9. 33 being in the house he asked them, What 10. 43 but whosoever will be great among you 10. 44 whosoever of you [will be] the chiefest 13. 7 for (such things) must needs be ; but the 13. 18 pray ye that your flight be not iu the 13. 19 such as was not. .neither shall be 13. 28 When her branch is yet tender, and 15- 33 there was darkness over the whole land 16. 10 [went and told them that had been with] Luke 1. 2 which from the beginning were eyewitness 1. 5 There was in the days of Herod, the 1. 38 be it unto me according to thy word 2. 2 was first made when Cyrenius was 2. 6 so it was, that, while they were there 2. 13 suddenly there was with the angel a 2. 42 when he was twelve years old, they went 4. 25 great famine was throughout all the land 4. 36 they were all amazed, and spake among? 4. 42 when it was day, he departed and went 6. 13 when it was day, he called..his disciples 6. 16 Judas Iscariot,which also was the traitor 6. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father 6. 49 it fell; and the ruin of that house was 8. 24 and they ceased, and there was a calm 9. 29 the fashion of his countenance was 10. 32 likewise a Levite, when [he was] at the 10. 36 Which now of these, .was neighbour unto 11. 26 last (state) of that man is worse than the 11. 30 as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so 12. 40 Be ye therefore ready also : for the Son I2 - 54 Y e say, There cometh a shower; and so it 13. 2 Suppose ye that these Galileans were 13. 4 think ye that they were sinners above all 15. 10 there is joy in the presence of the angels 16.11 ye have not been faithful in the 16. 12 if ye have not been faithful in that 17. 26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so 17. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot 18. 23 when he heard this, he was very 18. 24 when Jesus saw that [he was] very 19. 17 because thou hast been faithful in a very 19. 19 And he said. .Be thou also over five 20. 14 kill him, that the inheritance [may be] 20. 33 in the resurrection whose wife, .is she? 22. 24 And there was also a strife among them 22. 26 let him be as the younger ; and he that 22. 40 when he was at the place, he said unto 22. 44 [being in an agony, .his sweat was as it] 22. 66 as soon as it was day, the elders, .came 23. 24 that it should be as they required 23. 44 there was a darkness over all the earth 24. 5 And as they were afraid, and bowed 24. 19 which was a prophet mighty in deed and 24. 22 women, .which were early at the sepulchre 24. 37 But they were terrified and affrighted John 1. 6 There was a man sent from God. whose 1. 15 cometh after me is preferred before me 1. 27 coming after me is preferred before me 1. 30 a man which is preferred before me 2. 1 the third day there was a marriage in 3. 9 said unto him, How can these things be? 4. 14 shall be in him a well of water springing 6 17 it was now dark, and J esus was not come BE 74 BEAR John 6. 2i immediately the ship was at the land 7. 43 So there was a division among the people 8. sS I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I 9. 22 he should be put out of the synagogue o 27 wherefore, .will ye also be his disciples? 10. 16 there shall he one fold,(and) one shepherd 10. 19 There was a division therefore again 10. 22 it was at Jerusalem the feast of the 12. 36 that ye may be the children of light 12. 42 lest they should be put out of the 14. 22 how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself 15! 8 much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples 20. 27 Then saith he. .be not faithless, but Acts 1. 16 which was guide to them that took 1 19 it was known unto all the dwellers at I. 20 Let his habitation be desolate, and let no 4. 4 the number of the men was about five th. 5. 7 it was about the space of three hours 7. 29 was a stranger in the land of Madian 7. 38 This is he, that was in the church in the 7. 52 of whom ye have been now the betrayers 8. 1 at that time there was a great persecution 8. 8 And there was great joy in that city 9. 19 Then was Saul certain days with the 9. 42 it was known throughout all Joppa; and 10. 4 when he looked on him, he was afraid 10. 25 Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him 12. 18 as soon as it was day, there was no small 12. 23 he was eaten of worms, and gave up the 13. 5 when they were at Salamis, they preached *5- 7 when there had been much disputing 15. 39 the contention was so sharp between 16. 26 suddenly there was a great earthquake 16. 35 when it was day, the magistrates sent the 1 q 17 this was known to all the Jews and Greeks 19 21 After I have been there I must also see ig. 28 they were full of wrath, and cried out 20. 16 hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at 20 18 I have been with you at all seasons •>2 9 with me saw. .the light, and were afraid 22. 17 I prayed in the temple,T [was] in a trance 23. 12 it was day, certain of the Jews banded 23 1 g when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests 26' 4 which was at the first among mine own 26. 19 I was not disobedient unto the heavenly 26. 28 almost thou persuadest me [to be] a Chris. 26. 29 were both almost and altogether such as 27 36 Then were they all of good cheer, and 27. 39 when it was day, they knew not the land 27. 42 the soldiers’ counsel was to kill the Rom. 3. 4 let God be true, but every man a liar 6 5 if we have been planted together in the a. 29 we had been as Sodonia, aud been made II. 5 there is a remnant according to the 11. 6 otherwise grace is no more grace. But 11. 34 or who hath been his counsellor’ 12. 16 Be not wise in your own conceits 15 8 Jesus Christ was a minister of the circum. 15! 16 offering up of the Gentiles might be 15. 31 my service, .may be accepted of the saints 16. 2 for she hath been a suecourer of many 16. 7 who also were in Christ before me 1 Co. 2. 3 I was with you in weakness, and in fear 3 18 let him become a fool, that he may be 4 16 I beseech you, be ye followers of me 7 23 with a price ; be not ye the servants of g 23 that I might be partaker thereof with 0 27 lest. .1 myself should be a castaway 10. 6 Now these things were our examples, to 10. 7 Neither be ye idolaters, as.. some of them 11. 1 Be ye followers of me, even as I also, .of 14. 20 be not children in understanding, .be men 15. 10 which (was bestowed) upon me was not in 13. 37 thou sowest not that body that shall be 13 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye 16. 2 that there be no gatherings when I come 16. 10 see that he may be with you without fear 2C0. 1. 18 our word toward you [was] not yea and nay 1 19 was not yea and nay, but in him was yea 3. 7 the ministration of death, .was glorious 4. 14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with 8. 14 abundance also may be. .that there may Gal. 3. 17 the law, which was four hundred and 3. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster 4. 12 Brethren, I beseech you, be as I. .for I 5. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory Uph. 4. 32 be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted 5. 1 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear 5! 7 Be ye not therefore partakers with them 5. 17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but underst. 6. 3 That it may be well witli thee, and thou Phil. 1. 13 So that my bonds in Christ are manifest 2. 13 That [ye may be] blameless and harmless 3. 17 Brethren, be followers together of me 3. 21 [that it may be fashioned like unto his] Col. 3. 15 called in one body ; and be ye thankful 4 11 which have been a comfort unto me 1 Th. 1. 5 what manner of men we were among you 1. 7 So that yo were ensamples to all that 2. 1 know our entrance, .that it was not in 2 7 But we were gentle among you, even as 2. 8 our own souls, because ye were dear unto 3. 5 have tempted you, and our labour be in 1 Ti. 2. 14 the woman being deceived was in the 4. 12 but be thou an example of the believers 3. 9 a widow, .having been the wife of one 2Ti 1 17 But, when he was in Rome, he sought me 3 9 manifest unto all. .as their’s also was lleb 2. 2 if the word spoken by angels was stedfast 2 17 that he might be a merciful and faithful 3’ 11 hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of 6 12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of Heb. 7. 18 For there is verily a disannulling of the 9. 22 without shedding of blood is no remission 11. 6 he is a rewarder of them that diligently 12. 8 all are partakers, then are ye bastards Jas. 1. 12 for when he is tried, he shall receive the 1. 22 be ye doers of the word, and not hearers 1. 25 he being not a forgetful hearer, but a 2. 10 and yet offend in one (point), he is guilty 3. 1 My brethren, be not many masters 3. 10 brethren, these things ought not so to be 5. 2 aud your garments are moth eaten 1 Be. 1. 15 be ye holy in all manner of conversation 1. 16 Because it is written, [Be ye] holy; for I 3 . 6 whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do 3. 13 if ye be followers of that which is good ? 4. 12 concerning the fiery trial which is to try 5. 3 but being ensamples to the flock 2 Pe. 1. 4 by these ye might be partakers of the 1. 16 but were eyewitnesses of his majesty 1. 20 no prophecy of the scripture is of any 2. 1 there were false prophets also among 2. 20 the latter end is worse with them than 1 Jo. 2. 18 even now are there many antichrists 3 Jo. 8 that we might be fellowhelpers to the Rev. 1. 9 was in the isle that is called Patmos, for 1. 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day 1. 18 I (am) he that livetli, and was dead; and 1. 19 and the things which shall be hereafter 2. 8 the first and the last, which was dead 2. 10 be thou faithful unto death, and I will 3 . 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things 4. 1 will shew thee things which must be 4. 2 And immediately I was in the spirit 6. 12 and, lo, there was a great earthquake 8. 1 there was silence in heaven about the 8. s there were voices, aud tliunderings, aud 11. 13 same hour there was a great earthquake 11. 13 and the remnant were affrighted, and 11. 15 there were great voices in heaven, saying 11. 19 there were lightnings, and voices, and 12. 7 And there was war in heaven : Michael 16. 10 and his kingdom was full of darkness 16. 18 there were voices, and thunders, and 16. 18 [there was] a great earthquake, such as 16. 18 not since men were upon the earth, so 11. ro place down, or fast, Kabiarnpi kathistemi. Jas. 3. 6 so is the tongue among our members 4. 4 a friend of the world is the enemy of God 12. To lie, he laid, Kel/xai keimai. 2 Co. 3. 15 Moses is read, the vail is upon their 13. ro he about to p.e\\o> mello. Matt 11. 14 This is Elias, which was for to come Lukeig. 4 to see him, for he was to pass that (way) Acts 21. 37 when the seven days were almost ended Rev. 12. 5 who was to rule all nations with a rod of 14. ro do, spend, rroleio poieo. 2 Co. 11. 25 a night and a day I have been in the 15. To go up with, avg^aivco sumbaind. Acts 21. 35 so it was, that he was borne of the 16. ro hit, chance, t vyxavai tugchano. 1 Co. 14. 10 There are, it may be, so many kinds of 16. 6 And it may be that I will abide, yea, aud 17 . To begin gradually, be, virdpxoi huparcho. Luke 8. 41 he was a ruler of the synagogue : and he 9. 48 he that is least among you all, the same II. 13 If ye. .being evil, know how to give good 16. 14 And the Pharisees also, who were covetous 16. 23 he lifted up his eyes, being in torments Acts 2. 30 being a prophet, and knowing that God 4. 34 Neither [was there] any among them that 4. 34 for as many as were possessors of lands 5 . 4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? 7. 55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost 8. 16 only they were baptized in the name of 10. 12 Wherein were all manner of four footed 14. 8 [being] a cripple from his mother's womb 16. 3 for they knew all that Ms father was a 16. 20 These men, being Jews, do exceedingly 16. 37 being Romans, and have cast (us) into 17. 24 seeing that he is Lord of heaven and 17. 27 though he be not far from every one of 17. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring 19. 36 ye ought to be quiet, and to do nothing 19. 40 there being no cause whereby we may 21. 20 believe ; and they are all zealous of the 22. 3 was zealous toward God, as ye all are 27. 12 the haven was not commodious to winter 27. 34 for this is for your health : for there 28. 7 In the same quarters were possessions of 28. 18 because there was no cause of death in Rom. 4. 19 when he was about an hundred years old 1 Co. 7. 26 I suppose therefore that this is good for 11. 7 forasmuch as he is the image and glory 11. 18 I hear taat there be divisions among you 12. 22 the body, which seem to be more feeble 2 Co. 8.17 being more forward, of his own accord 12. 16 being crafty, I caught you with guile Gal. 1. 14 being more exceedingly zealous of the 2. 14 If thou, being a Jew, livest after the Phil. 2. 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought 3. 20 For our conversation is in heaven ; from Jas. 2. 15 If a brother or sister be naked, and 2 Pe. 1. 8 For if these things [be] in you, and abound 2. 19 they themselves are the servants of 3. 11 what manner (of persons) ought ye to be BE, to be ordained to — To become, ■y' ginomai. Acts 1. 22 must one be ordained to be a witness BE with, to — / 1 To remain toward (a thing), irpoirptvw. .Mark 8. 2 because they have now been with me 2 .To be with (a thing), aoveipt suneimi. Luke 9. 18 he was. .praying, his disciples were with Acts 22. 11 led by the hand of them that were with BEACON — .1 signal, pole, mast, ph toren. Isa. 30. 17 as a beacon upon the top of a mountain EE-AX'-IAH, .T^JS Jah is lord. A man who joined David at Ziklag, B.C. 1058. 1 Ch. 12. 5 Eluzai, and Jerimoth, and B., and BE-A'-LOTH, niVjp ladies, mistresses. A city in the S.E. of Judah, near Salem. It is now called Kurnub, and is S. W. of Dhullam. Josh.15. 24 [uttermost cities..were]..Telem, and Ii. BEAM — 1. A weaver's beam, px ereg. Judg 16.14 went away with the pin of the beam 2. A board, 33 gcb. 1 Ki. 6. 9 aud covered the house with beams 3. Cross beam, splinter, d’E3 kaplns. Hab. 2. 11 the beam out of the timber shall answer 4. A weaver's beam, yoke, hid manor. 1 Sa. 17. 7 his spear (was) like a weaver’s beam 2 Sa. 21.19 whose spear (was) like a weaver’s beam 1 Ch. 11. 23 hand (was) a spear like a weaver’s beam 20. 5 spear-staff (was) like a weaver's beam b.A rib, yb* tsela. 1 Ki. 7/ 3 covered with cedar above upon, .beams 6.. 1 cross beam, rnip qurah. 2 Ki. 6 . 2 and take thence every man a beam 6. 5 as one was felling a beam, the ax head 2 Ch. 3. 7 the beams, the posts, and the walls Song 1. 17 The beams of our house (are) cedar, .our 7.. 4 beam, rafter, bonis dokos. Matt. 7. 3 the beam that is in thine own eye ? 7 4 behold, a beam (is) in thine own eye ? 7. 5 first cast out the beam out of thine own Luke 6 41 the beam that is in thine own eye? 6 42 the beam that is in thine own eye ? 6. 42 first the beam out of thine own eye BEAM, thick — A thick beam, 3jf ab. 1 Ki. 7. 6 the (other) pillars and the thick beam BEAMS — Hewed beams, nims keruthoth. 1 Ki. 6. 36 liewed stone, and a row of cedar beams 7. 2 with cedar beams upon the pillars 7. 12 hewed stones, and a row of cedar beams BEAMS, to lay — To cause (beams) to meet, mp qarah, 3. Psa.104. 3 Who layetli the beams of his chambers Neh. 3. 3 who. .laid the beams thereof, and set 3. 6 they laid the beams thereof, and set up BEAMS, to make — To cause (beams) to meet, mp qarah, 3. Neh. 2. 8 he may give me timber to make beams BEANS — Bean, pea, Vis pol. 2 Sa. 17. 28 and flour, and parched (corn), and beans Eze. 4. 9 Take.. wheat, and barley, and beans BEAR — 1..4 bear (hairy, shaggy animal), sh, sis dob. 1 Sa 17 34 there came a lion, and a bear, and took 17 36 Thy servant slew both, .lion and. .bear 17. 37 delivered me. .out of the paw of the bear 2 Sa 17. 8 as a bear robbed of her whelps in the Prov 17 12 Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a 28. 15 (As) a roaring lion, and a ranging bear Isa 11 7 And the cow and the bear shall feed 59. II We roar all like bears, and mourn sore Lam. 3. 10 He (was) unto me (as) a bear lying in Dan. 7. 5 another beast, a second, like to a bear Hos. 13. 8 as a bear, .bereaved, .and will rend the Amos 5. 19 As if a man did flee. .and a bear met 2 .A bear, dpuros arktos. Rev. 13. 2 his feet were as. .of a bear, and his BEARS, she — A bear, nil dob. 2 Ki. 2. 24 there came forth two she bears out of the BEAR, to — 1 .To conceive, mn 1 Cli. 4. 17 she bare Miriam, and Sliammai, and 2. To sow, I’ll zara. Gen. 1. 29 I have given you every herb bearingseed 3. To be pained, Vin chul, 3a. Isa. 51. 2 Abraham.. and unto Sarali (that) bare i.To bear, yield, bring forth, beget, ~b r yalad. Gen. 4. 1 she conceived, and bare Cain, and said 4. 2 she again bare liis brother Abel. And 4. 17 she conceived, and bare Enoch : and he 4. 20 Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of 4. 22 Zillah, she also hare Tubal-cain, an 4 25 she bare a son, and called his name Seth BEAR 75 BEAR Gen. 6 . 4 they bare, .to them, the same, .mighty 16. i Sarai Abram's wife bare him uo children 16. 2 tlie Lord, .restrained me from bearing 16. ii thou (art) with child, and shalt bear a 16. 15 Ilagar bare Abram a son : and Abram 16. 15 his son's name, which Ilagar bare, Ishm. >6. 16 when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram 17. 19 Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son 17. zi which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this 18. 13 Shall I of a surety bear a child, which 19. 37 the firstborn bare a sou, and called his 19. 38 she also bare a son, and called his name 20. 17 wife, and..maidservants; and they bare 21. 2 Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son 21. 3 unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac 21. 7 for I have born, .a son in his old age 21. 9 she had born unto Abraham, mocking 22. 20 she hath also born children unto thy 22. 23 these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor 22. 24 his concubine, .bare also Tebah, and 24. 24 son of Milcah, which she bare unto 24. 36 my master’s wife bare a son to my 24. 47 bailor's son, whom Milcah bare unto 25. 2 And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan 25. 12 Sarah’s handmaid, bare unto Abraham 25. 26 threescore years old when she bare them 29. 32 And Leah conceived, and bare a son 29. 33, 34, she conceived again, and bare a son 29. 34 because I have born him three sons 29. 35 she conceived again, and bare a son 29. 35 called his name Judah ; and left bearing 30. 1 Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no 30. 3 and she shall bear upon my knees, that I 30. s Bilhah conceived, and bare Jacob a son 30. 7 Rachel’s maid conceived again, and bare 30. 9 Leah saw that she had left bearing 30. 10 Zilpah Leah's maid bare Jacob a son 30.12 Zilpah Leah’s maid bare Jacob a second 30. 17 she conceived, aud bare Jacob the fifth 30. 19 Leah conceived again, and bare Jacob 30. 20 because I have born him six sons: and 30. 21 afterwards she bare a daughter, and 30. 23 she conceived, and bare a son ; aud said 30. 25 it came to pass, when Rachel had born J. 31. 8 then all the cattle bare speckled 31. 8 then bare all the cattle ringstraked 31. 43 their children which they have born? 34. 1 Dinah.. which she bare unto Jacob 36. 4 AdahbaretoEsau..BashemathbareReuel 36. 5 Aholibamah bare Jeusli, aud Jaalam, and 36. 12 Timna..she bare to Eliphaz Amalek 36. 14 she bare to Esau Jeusli, and Jaalam 38. 3 she conceived, and bare a son ; and he 38. 4 she conceived again, and bare a sou 38. s she yet again conceived, and bare a son 38. 5 he was at Chezib, when she bare him 41. 50 two sons, .which Asenath. .bare unto 44. 27 Ye know that my wife bare me two (sons) 46. 15 These(be)thesonsof Leah, which she bare 46. 18 these she bare unto Jacob, (even) sixteen 46. 20 daughter of Poti-pherah priest of On bare 46. 25 and she bare these unto Jacob, .seven Exod. 2. 2 the woman conceived, aud bare a son 2. 22 she bare, .a son, and he called his name 6. 20 and she bare him Aaron and .Moses 6. 23 she bare him Nadab, aud Abihu, Eleazar 6 . 25 she bare him Phinehas : these (are) the 21. 4 she have born him sons or daughters Lev. 12. 2 conceived seed, and born a man child 12. 5 But if she bear a maid child, then she 12. 7 tliat hath born a male or a female Num 26. 59 bare to Levi in Egypt: and she bare 0eut2i. 15 they have born him children, .the 25. 6 the first-born which she beareth shall 28. 57 toward her children which she shall bear Judg. 8. 31 she also bare him a son, whose name he 11. 2 Gilead’s wife bare him sons ; and his 13. 2 Mauoah. .his wife (was) barren, and bare 13. 3 now, thou (art) barren, and bearest not 13. 3 . S. 7 thou shalt conceive, aud bear a son 13. 24 the woman bare a son, and called his Ruth 1. 12 also to night, and should also bear sons 4. 12 Pharez, whom Tamar bare unto Judah 4. 13 the Lord gave. .conception, and she bare 4. 15 thy daughter in law. .hath born him 1 Sa. 1. 20 she bare a son, and called his name 2. 5 so that tlie barren hath born seven 2. 21 that she conceived, and bare three sons 4. 20 Fear not; for thou hast born a son e Sa. 11. 27 she became his wife, and bare him a son 12.15 struck the child that Uriah’s wife bare 12. 24 she bare a son, and he called his name S. 21. 8 the daughter of Aiah, whom she bare 1 Ki. 1. 6 and (his mother) bare him after Absalom 3. 21 it was not my son, which I did bear 11 20 the sister of Tahpenes bare him Genubath 2 Ki. 4. 17 the woman conceived, and bare a sou 1 Ch. 1. 32 she bare Zimram, aud Jokshan, and 2. 4 Tamar his daughter in law bare him 2. 17 And Abigail bare Amasa : and the 2. 19 Caleb took unto him Eplirath, which bare 2. 21 Hezron. .and she bare him Segub 2. 24 Abiah ; Hezron’s wife bare him Ashur the 2. 29 aud she bare him Ahban, and Molid 2. 35 gave his daughter, .she bare him Attai 2. 46 Caleb’s concubine, bare Haran, aud 2. 48 Caleb's concubine, bare Slieber, and 2. 49 She bare also Shaaph the father of 4. 6 And Naarah bare him Ahuzam, and 4. 9 saying, Because I bare him with sorrow 4.18 his wife Jehudijahbare Jered tlie father 7.14 sons of Manasseh ; Ashriel. .she bare 1 Ch. 7. 14 his concubine the Aramitess bare Macliir 7.16 Maachali the wife of Macliir bare a son 7. 18 his sister Hammoleketh barelshod, and 7. 23 she conceived, and bare a son, and he 2 Ch. 11. 19 Which bare him children ; Jeusli and 11. 20 the daughter of Absalom, .bare him Job 24. 21 He evil entreateth.. barren (that) beareth Prov.17. 25 and bitterness to her that bare him 23. 25 and she that bare thee shall rejoice Eccl. 3. 2 A time to be born, and a time to die Song 6. 9 she (is) the choice (one) of her that bare 8. 5 she brought thee forth (that) bare thee Isa. 7. 14 a virgin shall conceive, and bear a sou 8. 3 and she conceived, and bare a son 54. 1 Sing, 0 barren, thou (that) didst not bear Jcr. 15. 9 She that hath borne seven languisheth 15. 10 thou hast borne me a man of strife 16. 3 their mothers that bare them 20. 14 the day wherein my mother bare me 22. 26 thee out, and thy mother that bare thee 29. 6 that they may bear sons and daughters 50. 12 she that bare you shall be ashamed Eze. 16. 20 thy daughters, whom thou hast borne 23. 4 and they were mine, and they bare sons 23. 37 caused their sons, whom they bare unto Hos. i. 3 which conceived, and bare him a son 1. 6 she conceived again, and bare a daughter 1. 8 Lo ruhamah, she conceived, and bare a 5. To cause to go, q 1 ?; yalak, 5. Zech. 5. 10 Whither do these bear the epliah ? 6. To contain, Sts kul, 5. Amos 7. 10 the laud is not able to bear all his words 7. To lift up. So) natal. Lam. 3. 28 because he hath borne (it) upon him 8 . To lift up, Sbl natal, 3. Isa. (j. 9 he bare them, and carried them all the 9. To lift up, hear, hear away, tt'fJ nasa. Gen. 413 Aly punishment (is) greater than I can b. 7. 17 the waters increased, and bare up the ark 13. 6 the land was not able to bear them, that 36. 7 could not bear them because of their Exod 18. 22 be easier for thyself, and they shall bear 19. 4 I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought 25. 14 that the ark may lie borne with them 25. 27 places of the staves to bear the table 25. 28 that the table may be borne with them 27. 7 and the staves shall be. .to bear it 28. 12 Aaron shall bear their names before the 28. 29 Aaron shall bear the names of the child. 28. 30 Aaron shall bear the judgment of the 28. 38 Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy 28. 43 that they bare not iniquity, and die 30. 4 places for the staves to bear it withal 37. 5 he put the staves, .to bear the ark 37. 14 places for the staves to bear the table 37. 15 he made the staves, .to bear the table 37. 27 places for the staves to bear it withal 38. 7 he put the staves.. to bear it withal Lev. 5. i if he do not utter (it), then he shall bear 5. 17 yet is he guilty, and shall bear his 7. 18 the soul that eateth of it shall bear his 10. 17 hath given it to you to bear the iniquity 11. 25 whosoever beareth. .of the carcase of 11. 28 he that beareth the carcase of them shall 11. 40 he also that beareth the carcase of it 15. 10 he that beareth (auy of) those things 16. 22 And the goat shall bear upon him all 17. 16 nor bathe, .then he shall bear his iniquity 19. 8 that eateth it shall bear his iniquity 20. 17 a wicked thing, .lie shall bear his iniquity 20. 19 near kin : they shall bear their iniquity 20. 20 they shall bear their sin ; they shall die 22. 9 lest they bear sin for it, and die therefore 22. 16 Or suffer them to bear the iniquity of 24. 15 Whosoever curseth his God shall bear his Num. 1. 50 they shall bear the tabernacle, and all 4. 15 the sons of Kohath shall come to bear(it) 4. 25 they shall bear the curtains of the 5. 31 aud this woman shall bear her iniquity 7. 9 they should bear upon their shoulders 9. 13 that man shali bear his sin 11. 12 as a nursing father beareth the sucking 11. 14 I am not able to bear all this people 11. 17 they shall bear the burden of the people 11. 17 that thou bear (it) not thyself alone 13. 23 they bare it between two upon a staff 14. 33 bear your whoredoms, until your carcases 14. 34 each day for a year, shall ye bear your 18. 1 shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary 18. 1 thy sons with thee shall bear the iniquity 18. 22 Neither must, .lest they bear sin, and 18. 23 they shall bear their iniquity: (it shall be) 18. 32 ye shall bear no sin by reason of it, when 30. 15 then he shall bear her iniquity Deut. 1. 9 saying,I am not able to bear you myself 1. 12 How can I myself alone bear your 1. 31 how that the Lord thy God bare thee, as 1. 31 man doth bear his son, in all the way 10. 8 to bear the ark of the covenant of the 31. 9, 25 which bare the ark of the covenant of 32. 11 As an eagle, .beareth them on her wings Josh. 3. 8 the priests that bare the ark of the 3. 13 of the priests that bear the ark of the 3. 15 as they that bare the ark were come unto 3. 15 the feet of the priests that bare the ark 3. 17 the priests that bare the ark of the 4. 9 the feet of the priests which bare the ark 4. 10 For the priests which bare the ark stood Josh. 4. 16 Command the priests that bear the ark 4. 18 when the priests that bare the ark of the 0. 4 seven priests shall bear before the ark 6. 6 let seven priests bear seven trumpets of 8. 33 which bare the ark of the covenant of Judg. 3. 18 he sent away the people that bare the 1 Sa. 14. 1 said unto the young man that bare his 14. 6 said to the young man that bare his 17. 41 the man that bare the shield (went) before 2 Sa. 6. 13 when they that bare the ark of the Lord 18. 15 ten young men that bare Joab’s armour 1 Ki. 2. 26 because thou barest the ark of the Lord 5. 15 ten thousand that bare burdens, and 10. 2 she came.. with camels that bare spices 14. 28 that the guard bare them, and brought 2 Ki. 5. 23 servants: and they bare (them)before him 18. 14 that which thou puttest on me will I bear 1 Ch. 5. 18 men able to bear buckler and sword, and 12. 24 children of Judah that bare shield and 15.15 children of the Levites bare the ark of 15. 26 God helped the Levites that bare the ark 15. 27 aud all the Levites that bare the ark 2 Ch. 9. 1 and camels that bare spices, and gold in 14. 8 an army (of men) that bare targets aud 14. 8 that bare shields and drew bows, two Nell. 4. 17 and they that bare burdens, with those Job 34. 31 I have borne (chastisement), 1 will not Psa. 55. 12 then I could have borne (it): neither (was) 69. 7 forthysake I have borne reproach; shame 89. 50 I do bear in my bosom (the reproach of) 91. 12 They shall bear thee up in (their) hands Prov. 9. 12 (if) thou scornest, thou alone shalt bare 18. 14 but a wounded spirit who can bear? 30. 21 aud for four (which) it cannot bear Isa. 1. 14 a trouble unto me ; I am weary to bear 22. 6 Elam bare the quiver with chariots of 46. 4 I have made, aud I will bear; even I will 46. 7 They bear him upon the shoulder, they 52. 11 be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the 53. 4 he hath borne our griefs, and carried our 53. 12 and he bare the sin of many, and made Jer. 10. 5 they must needs be borne, because they 10. 19 Truly this (is) a grief, and I must bear it 17. 21 bear no burden on the sabbath day, nor 17. 27 not to bear a burden, even entering in at 31. 19 I did bear the reproach of my youth 44. 22 the Lord could no longer bear, because Lam. 3. 27 good for a man that he bear the yoke in Eze. 4. 4 that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear 4. 5 so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the 4. 6 and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the 12. 6 shalt thou bear (it) upon (thy) shoulders 12. 7 I bare (it) upon (my) shoulder in their 12. 12 the prince that (is) among them shall bear 14.10 they shall bear the punishment of their 16. 52 bear thine own shame for thy sins that 16. 52 yea, be thou confounded also, and bear 16. 54 That thou mayest bear thine own shame 16. 58 Thou hast borne thy lewdness and thine 17. 8 that it might bear fruit, that it might be 18. 19 doth not the son bear the iniquity of the 18. 20 The son shall not bear the iniquity of the 18. 20 shall the father bear the iniquity of the 23. 35 therefore bear thou also thy lewdness 23. 49 ye shall bear the sins of your idols : and 32. 24 yet have they borne their shame with 32. 25 yet have they borne their shame with 22. 30 and bear their shame with them that go 34. 29 neither bare the shame of the heathen 36. 6 ye have borne the shame of the heathen 36. 7 about you, they shall bear their shame 36. 15 neither shalt thou bear the reproach of 39. 26 that they have borne their shame, and all 44. 10 they shall even bear their iniquity 44. 12 and they shall bear their iniquity 44. 13 they shall bear their shame, and their Joel 2. 22 the tree beareth her fruit, the fig tree Amos 5. 26 ye have borne the tabernacle of your Mic. 6. 16 ye shall bear the reproach of my people 7. 9 I will bear the indignation of the Lord Hag. 2. 12 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his Zech. 6. 13 he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and 10. To bear, carry away, Sac sabal. Gen. 49. 15 aud bowed his shoulder to bear, and Isa. 53. 11 many ; for he shall bear their iniquities Lam. 5. 7 and we have borne their iniquities 11 .To do, make, njpy asah. 2 Ki. 19. 30 take root downward, and bear fruit Isa. 37. 31 take root downward, and bear fruit Eze. 17. 23 shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit Hos. 9. 16 yea, though they bring forth, yet will 1 12.71) be fruitful, m r 3 parah. Deut 29. 18 a root that beareth gall and wormwood 10. To cause to sprout, ncyr tsumach, 5. Deut 29. 23 burning, .it is not sown, nor beareth 14. To lift up, bear on, or away, atpai and. Alatt 27. 32 him they compelled to bear his cross Alark 2. 3 sick of the palsy,which was borne of four 15. 21 the father of Alexander, .to bear his cross 15.7V) bear upward, avatpepa anaphero. Heb. 9. 28 Christ was once offered to bear the sins 1 Pe. 2. 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own 16. TVs bear, take up, carry, fiairroftn bastazo. Matt. 3. 11 whose shoes I am not worthy to bear 8. 17 Himself took our infirmities, and bare .-20. 12 which have borne the burden., of the day Luke 7. 14 and they that bare (him) stood still 11. 27 Blessed (is) the womb that bare thee BEAR 76 BEAST Lnkei4. 27 whosoever doth not bear his cross. .cannot John 12. 6 and had the bag, and bare what was put 16. 12 hut ye cannot bear them now 20. 15 if thou have borne him hence, tell me Acts 9. 15 to bear my name before the Gentiles 15. 10 our fathers nor we were able to bear ? 21. 35 was borne of the soldiers for the violence Rom 11. iS thou bearest not the root, hut the root 15. 1 We then that are strong ought to hear Gal. 5. 10 he that troubleth you shall bear his 6. 2 Bear ye one another's burdens 6. 5 For every man shall hear his own burden 6. 17 I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Rev. 2. 2 thou canst not bear them which are evil 2. 3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and 17. To bear or beget (children), gcnnab. Luke 1. 13 thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son 23. 29 Blessed (are) the.. wombs that never bare 13. To bear out, iucpepa ekphero. Heb. 6. 8 But that which beareth thorns and briers 19. To do, make, nocew poieo. Luke 8. 8 and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundred 13. 9 And if it bear fruit, (well): and if not Jas. 3. 12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear o. b. Rev. 22. 2 the tree of life, which bare twelve 20. To cover closely, endure, err eyw stego. 1 Co. 13. 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things 21. To beget, bring forth, tIktui tikto. Gal. 4. 27 Rejoice, (thou) barren that bearest not 22. To bear, carry, phero. Luke 23. 26 that he might bare (it) after Jesus John 2. 8 Draw out now, and hear. .And they bare 15. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not 15. 2 every (branch) that beareth fruit, he 15. 4 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself 15. 8 is my Father glorified, that ye bear 23. To bear habitually, wear, cpopew phoreo. Rom 13. 4 for he beareth not the sword in vain 1 Co. 15. 49 as we have borne the image of the earthy 15. 49 we shall also bear the image of the 24.7V) bear up under, vnocpepu) hupopherB. 1 Co. 10. 13 that ye may he able to bear (it) BEAR, to be able to — To lift up, bear, endure, nasa. Gen. 4. 13 punishment (is) greater than I can bear 13. 6 the land was not able to bear them Tsa. 55. 12 an enemy, .then I could have borne (it) BEAR, to suffer to — To cause to lift up, u'yi nasa, 5. Lev. 22. 16 suffer them to bear the iniquity of BEAR long, to — To suffer long, paKpodvpeca makrothumeo. Luke 18. 7 unto him, though he bear long with BEAR out, to — To cause to go forth, .xy; yatsa, 5. Eze. 46. 20 they bear (them) not out into the utter BEAR, that — To lift up, V't?) natil. Zeph. 1. 11 Howl..all they that bear silver are cut BEAR up, to — 1. To lift up, xpi nasa. Gen. 7. 17 the waters increased, and bare up the 2. To rectify, fix, establish, j?ri takan, 3. Psa. 75. 3 are dissolved ; I bear up the pillars of it 3. To lift up, atpu airo. Matt. 4. 6 in (their) hands they shall hear thee up Luke 4. 11 in (their) hands they shall bear thee up BEAR up into, to — To look eye to eye, avTuaB5 rhabdizo. 2 Co. 11. 25 Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was BEAT down, to — 1. To smite (as with a hammer), cbn Iw.lam. 1 Sa. 14. 16 the multitude, .went on beating down 2. To break down or through, Dun haras. 2 Ki. 3 25 they beat down the cities, and on every 3. To crush, bruise, nnp kathath. Psa. 89. 23 I will beat down his foes before his face 4. To break down, }’m nathats. Judg. 8. 17 he beat down the tower of Penuel, and 9. 45 beat down the city, and sowed it with salt 2 Ki. 23. 12 did the king beat down, and brake BEAT in pieces — To beat small, ppp daqaq, 5. Mie. 4. 13 thou shalt beat in pieces many people BEAT off, to — To beat out or off, cpn chabat. Isa. 27. 12 the Lord shall beat off from the channel BEAT out, to — To beat out or off, npn chabat. Ruth 2. 17 beat out that she had gleaned : and it BEAT to pieces, to — To bruise, npp daka, 3. Isa. 3. 15 What mean ye. .ye beat my people to p. BEATEN — 1. Beaten down or out, mnp kathith. Exod27. 20 pure oil olive beaten for the light, to 29. 40 with the fourth part of an bin of beaten Lev. 24. 2 pure oil olive beaten for the light, to Num 28. s with the fourth, .of an hin of beaten oil 2. Beaten out work, na>pn miqsliah. Num. 8. 4 the candlestick, .beaten gold, unto the 3. To slaughter, beat out, Bnp 1 shachat. 1 Ki. 10. 16 Solomon made, .targets (of) beaten gold 10.17 And. .three hundred shields (of) beaten 2 Ch. 9. 15 two hundred targets (of) beaten gold : six 9. 15 hundred (shekels) of beaten gold went to 9. 16 And three hundred shields, .beaten gold BEATEN, to be — 1. To be come upon,plagued, yn 11 aga, 2. Josh. 8. 15 as if they were beaten before them and 2. To be smitten, plagued, 'll) nagaph, 2. 2 Sa. 2. 17 sore battle that day. .Abner was beaten 3. To smite, npj nakah, 5. Deut. 25. 2 worthy to be beaten.. to be beaten 4 . To be smitten, npj nakah, 6. Exod. 5. 14 theofficers. .werebeaten,(and)demamled 5. 16 Make brick : aud, behold, (are) beaten 5. To skin, flay, thrash, Septa dero. Mark 13. 9 in the synagogues ye shall be beaten Luke 12. 47 that servant, .shall be beaten with many 12. 48 But he. .shall be beaten with few (stripes) BEATEN corn — Beaten out com,'er\i geres. Lev. 2. 14 corn dried, .corn beaten out of full ears BEATEN down, to be —- 1 .To be cast down, affrighted, nnn chathath, 2. Isa. 30. 31 shall the Assyrian be beaten down 2. To be beaten down or out, nnp kathath, 6. Jer. 46. 5 their mighty ones are beaten down, aud BEATEN in sunder, to be — To be dashed to pieces, j'S) naphats, 4. Isa. 27. 9 as chalk stones that arc beaten in sunder BEATEN out, to be — To be beaten out or off, upn chabat, 2. Isa. 28. 27 the fitches are beaten out with a staff BEATEN out of one piece — Beaten out work, nypa miqsliah. Exod 37. 7 beaten out of one piece made he them BEATEN to pieces, to be — To be beaten down or out, nnp kathath, 6. Mic. 1. 7 graven images, .shall be beaten to pieces BEATEN work — Beaten out work, n? ; pp miqshah. Exod25. 18 (of) beaten work shalt thou make them 25. 31 (of) beaten work shall the candlestick be 25. 36 all of it. .one beaten work of pure gold 37. 17 (of) beaten work made he the candlestick 37. 22 all of it (was) one beaten work Num. 8. 4 And this work, .(was) beaten work BEATING — 1. To skin, flay, thrash. Septa dero. Mark 12, 5 beating some, and killing some 2. To strike, Tv-nria tupto. Acts 21. 32 the soldiers, they left beating of Paul BEAUTIFUL — 1. Good of form, nxpp npio lobath mareli. 2 Sa. 11. 2 tbe woman (was) very beautiful to look Esth. 2. 7 the maid (was) fair and beautiful; whom 2. Beauty, desire, roe buck, ’px tsebi. Isa. 4. 2 the branch of the Lord be beautiful and 3. Beauty, glory, nnktn .tin rn tipliarah, tipliereth. Isa. 52. 1 0 Zion ; put on thy beautiful garments 64.11 Our holy and our beautiful house, where Jer. 13. 2o(that)was given thee, thy beautiful flock? 48. 17 the strong staff broken, .the beautiful Eze. 16. 12 I put.. a beautiful crown upon thine head 23 42 put. .beautiful crowns upon their heads 4. Fairness, beauty, n?j yapheh. 1 Sa. 25. 3 of good understanding, and of a beautiful Psa. 48. 2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the Eccl. 3. 11 He hath made every (thing) beautiful in Song 6. 4 Thou (art) beautiful, 0 my love, as 5. Fair of form, PNfi n?) yephath toar. Gen. 29. 17 Rachel was beautiful and well favoured Deut2i 11 seest among the captives a beautiful 6 . Fair (of eyes), r\ s; yapheh. 1 Sa. 16. 12 a beautiful countenance, and goodly to 7.Opportune, ripe, fit, la polos horaios. Matt 23. 27 which indeed appear beautiful outward Acts 3. 2 the gate of the temple, .called Beautiful 3. 10 he which sat for alms at the Beautiful Rom 10. 15 beautiful are the feet of them that preach BEAUTIFUL, to be — l.To be fair, beautiful, no; yaqihali. Song 7. 1 How beautiful are thy feet with shoes Eze. 16. 13 thou wast exceeding beautiful, and thou BEAUTIFY 78 BECAUSE 2 . To be comely, nxi naali, 3 . Isa. 52. 7 How'beautiful upon the mountains are BEAUTIFY, to — To make beautiful, 1N3 paar, 3 . Ezra 7. 27 to beautify the house of the Lord which Fsa. 149. 4 lie will beautify the meek with salvation Isa. 60. 13 to beautify the place of my sanctuary BEAUTY — 1 .Honour, beauty. Tin hadar. •lob 40. 10 array thyself with glory and beauty Psa. no. 3 thy power, in the beauties of holiness Prov.20. 29 the beauty of old men (is) the grey head Lam. 1. 6 all her beauty is departed : her princes 2 . Honour, beauty, nnnn hailarah. 1 Cli. 16. 29 worship the Lord in the beauty of 2 Ch. 20. 21 that should praise the beauty of holiness Psa. 29. 2 worship the Lord in the beauty of 96. 9 0 worship the Lord in the beauty of 3. Honour, beauty, majesty, Tin hod. Hos. 14. 6 his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and 4. To desire, non chamad. Psa. 39. 11 thou makest his beauty to consume away 5. Fairness, beauty, np; yapheh. 2 Sa. 14. 25 so much praised as Absalom for. .beauty 6 . Fairness, beauty, yephi. Eze. 28. 7 draw their swords against the beauty of 7 . Fairness, beauty, ’£>; yoplii. Esth. 1. n shew the people and the princes, .beauty Psa. 45. n So shall, .king greatly desire tliy beauty 50. 2 the perfection of beauty, God hath Prov. 6. 25 Lust not after her beauty in thine heart 31. 30 Favour (is) deceitful, and beauty (is) vain Isa. 3. 24 come to pass. .burning instead of beauty 33. 17 Thine eyes shall see the king in. .beauty Lam. 2. 15 (Is) this the city, .perfection of beauty Eze. 16. 14 went forth among.. heathen for. .beauty 16. 15 thou didst trust in thiue own beauty 16. 25 Thou, .hast made thy beauty, .abhorred 27. 3 thou hast said, I (am) of perfect beauty 27. 4 thy builders have perfected thy beauty 27. 11 they have made thy beauty perfect 28. 12 full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty 28. 17 was lifted up because of thy beauty 31. 8 tree, .was like unto him in his beauty Zech. 9. 17 how great (is) his beauty ! corn shall 8. Appearance, sight, nto,'? march. Isa. 53. 2 no beauty that we should desire him 9. Pleasantness, Ejli noam. Psa. 27. 4 to behold the beauty of the Lord 90. 17 let the beauty of the Lord our God be Zech ii. 7 one I called Beauty, .the other I called 11. 10 I took my staff, (even) Beauty, and cut 10 . Beauty, ornament, head-dress, ins peer. Isa. 6i. _a -t«~&ive uato-them beauty for ashes 11. Beauty, desire, roebuck, ’3? tsebi. 2 Sa. I 19 Tile beauty of Israel is slain upon thy Eze. 7 20 As for the beauty of his ornament 12 . Form, Yx, ns tsur, tsir. Psa. 49. 14 their beauty shall consume in the grave • 13. Beauty, nnxrn, .Yixsn tipharah, tiphereth. Exod28'. 2 Aaron thy brother for glory and.. beauty 28. 40 make for them, for glory and for beauty 2 Ch. 3. 6 house with precious stones for beauty Psa. 96. 6 strength and beauty (are), .his sanctuary Isa. 73. 19 the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency 28. 1 whose glorious beauty (is) a fading flower 28. 4 the glorious beauty, which (is) on the 28. 5 of glory, and for a diadem of beauty 44. 13 according to the beauty of a man ; that Lam. 2. 1 cast down from heaven, .the beauty of BEAUTY, to pass in — To be pleasant, Dyf naem. Eze. 32. 19 Whom dost thou pass in beauty ? go BE' BAI, '33 fatherly. 1. A man whose descendants came up with Zerub- babel. B.c. 445 Ezra 2. 11 children of B., six hundred twenty and Neh. 7, 16 children of B., six hundred twenty and 2 . One whose posterity came up with Ezra in the time of Artaxerxes [perhaps the same as No 1], B.C. 445. Ezra 8. 11 of the sons of B. ; Zechariah the son of B. 10. 28 Of the sons also of B. ; Jehohanan 3. One that sealed the covenant, B.c. 445. Neh. 10. 15 [chief of the people], .Bunni, Azgad, B. BECAUSE — 1 .In regard to, Vn el. 1 Sa. 4. 21 because the ark of God was taken, and 2.That, 1^8 asher. Gen. 30'. 18 because I have given my maiden to my 3 .In that, n»N3 baasher. Gen. 39. 9 from me but thee, because thou (art) his 4 . Even as, YlPso kaasher. 1 Sa. 28. 18 Because thou obeyedst not the voice of 6 .Because that, Jjc yaan asher. Gen. 22. 16 for because thou hast done this thing Deut, 1 36 because..hath wholly followed the Lord d. Because that, "ram by al asher. Exod32. 35 plagued the people, because they made 7. Because that, 3]$ eqeb asher. Gen. 22. 18 because thou hast obeyed my voice 2 Sa. 12. 6 fourfold, because he did this thing, and 8 . From the face that, ntra '4?'? mippene asher. Exodig. 18 because the Lord descended upon it in Jer. 44. 23 Because ye have burned incense, and 9. Under that, 3^8 nnu tachath asher. N1111125. 13 because he was zealous for his God, and Deut 21. 14 because thou hast humbled her 10 . Concerning the matter that, "O'! by. Deut 22. 24 because she cried uot. .because he hath 11. Tn answer to, beca.use, ]5," yaan. Lev. 26, 43 because, even because they despised my Num it. 20 because that ye have despised the Lord E ze. 25. 8 Because that Moab and Seir do say 12 .In answer that, '3 ]y] yaan ki. 1 Ki. 21. 29 because he humbleth himself before me Isa. 3. 16 Because the daughters of Zion are 13. The heel, end, consequence, 3i25! eqeb. Num 14. 24 because lie had another spirit with him Deut 8. 20 because ye would not be obedient unto 11. The consequence that, '3 Djiy eqeb ki. 2 Sa. 12.,10 because thou hast despised me, and hast Amos4.'12 because 1 will do this unto thee, prepare 15. Wholly over-against this, ’3 ^3p 7? kol qebel di. Ezra 4. 14 because we have maintenance from Dan. 3. 8 because ye see the thing is gone from me 3. 29 because there is no other God that can 6. 3 because an excellent spirit (was) in him 1 6.On so, over so, ]3 by al ken. Judg. 6. 22 because I have seen an angel of the Lord 17. From that, Tj? min di. Dan. 3. 22 because the king's commandment wa3 18 . From the face of, ’JSP mippene. Jer. 44. 23 Because ye have burned incense, .because 19. For, ivherefore, yap gar. John 3. 19 than light, because their deeds were evil 10. 26 because ye are not of my sheep, as I said R,om. 4, 15 Because the law worketh wrath : for 20.7n return for which things, avd' &v anth’ hon. Luke 1. 20 because thou believest not my words 19. 44 because thou knewest not the time of thy Acts 12. 23 because he gave not God the glory : and 2 Th. 2. 10 because they received not the love of the 21. Through, on account of, St a (acc.) dia. Matt 13. 5 because they had no deepness of earth 13. 6 because they had no root, they withered 24. 12 because iniquity shall abound, tile love Mark 4. 5 because it had 110 depth of earth 4 6 because it had no root, it withered away Luke 2. 4 because he was of the house, .of David 8. 6 it withered away, because it lacked mois 11. 8 because he is his friend, .lie will rise 18. 5 because this widow troubleth me, I will 19. 11 spake a parable, because he was nigh to J. 23. 8 because he had heard many things of him John 2. 24 Jesus, .because he knew all (men) Acts 12. 20 because their country was nourished by 18. 3 because he was of the same craft, lie 27. 4 Cyprus, because the winds were contrary 27. 9 because the fast was now already past 28. 18 because there was no cause of death in Phil. 1. 7 Even, .because I have you in my heart Heb. 7. 23 because they were not suffered to continue 7. 24 because he contiuuetli ever, bath an Jas. 4. 2 yet ye have not, because ye ask not 22 . For this reason, SitSn dioti. Luke 2. 7 because there was no room for them in Acts 17. 31 [Because] he hath appointed a day, in Korn. 8. 7 Because the carnal mind (is) enmity 1 Co. 15. 9 because I persecuted the church of God 1 Th. 2. 8 our own souls, because ye were dear unto Heb. 11. 5 because God.. translated him : for before 11. 23because they saw (he was) a proper child Jas. 4. 3 and receive not, because ye ask amiss I Pe. I. 16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I 23 .Since, after that, eirel epei. Matt 18. 32 all that debt, because thou desiredst me 27. 6 treasury, because it is the price of blood Markis. 42 because it was the preparation, that is Johni3. 29 some, .thought, because Judas had the 19. 31 The Jews therefore, because it was the Heb. 6 . 13 because he could sware by no greater 11. 11 because she judged him faithful who had 21.Since truly, itretS-n epeide. Matt2i. 46 [because] they took him for a prophet Acts 14. 12 because he was the chief speaker 25.0)1 account of, tveicaTieneJca. Luke 4. 18 because he hath anointed me to preach 26. Tn order that, 7vo. hina. Matt2o. 31 because they should hold their peace 27. Tn as much as, kuQ6tl leathoti. Acts 2. 24 because it was not possible that he should 28. That, seeing that, on hoti. Matt. 2. 18 Rachel..wouldnot be comforted,because 5. 36 Neither sbalt thou swear, .because thou 7. 14 [Because] strait (is) the gate, and narrow Matt. 9. 36 lie was moved with compassion. because 11. io Then began he to upbraid.. because they 12.41 The men. .shall rise..because they rep. 13. 11 Because it is given unto you to know the 13. 13 speaklto them in parables: because they 14. 5 be feared the multitude, because they 15. 32 Ibave compassion..because they continue 16. 7 (It is) because we have taken no bread 16. 8 why reason ye among yourselves, because 20. 7 They say unto him, Because no man 20. 15 Is tinne eye evil, because I am good? 23. 29 Woe unto you.. because ye build, .tombs Mark 1. 34 suffered not the devils to speak, because 3. 30 Because they said, He bath an unclean 4. 29 be putteth in the sickle, because the bar. 6. 34 Jesus, .moved with compass!on..because 7. 19 Because it entereth not into his heart 8. 2 I have compassion. .because they have 8. 16 saying, (It is) because we have no bread 8. 17 Why reason ye, because ye havenobread? 9. 38 and. .forbad him, [because he followethj 9. 41 whosoever shall give you. .because ye 16. 14 [because they believed not them which] Luke 8. 30 because many devils were entered into 9. 49 we forbad him, because he followeth not 9. 53 because his face was as though lie would 10. 20 because your names are written in heav. 11. 18 because ye say.. I cast out devils through 12. 17 What shall I do, because I have no room 13. 2 these, .were sinners above all. .because 15.27 thy father liatli killed. .because he hath T9. 3 and could not for the press, because he 19. 17 because thou hast been faithful in a very iq. 21 For I feared thee, because thou art an John 1. 50 Becausel said unto thee, Isawtheeunder 3 18 is condemned already, because he hath 3 23 John also was baptizing, .because there 5. 16 sought to slay him, because he had done 5. 18 kill him, because he not only 5. 27 hath given him authority. .because be is 5. 30 because I seek not mine own will, but the 6. 2 a great multitude followed him, because 6. 26 Ye seek me, not because ye saw the mir. 6 . 26 Ye seek me..because ye did eat of the 6. 41 Jews then murmured at him, because he 7. 1 he would not walk, .because the Jews 7. 7 but me it hatetli, because I testify of it 7. 22 not because it is of M., but of the fathers 7. 30 no man laid hands on him, because his 8. 22 because he saith, Whither I go, ye 8. 37 ye seek to kill me, because my word hath 8. 43 because ye cannot hear my word 8. 44 abode not in the truth, because there is 8. 47 ye. .hear (them) not, because ye are not 9. 16 because be keepeth not the sabbath day 9. 22 These (words) spake his parents, because 10. 13 The hireling fleeth, because he is an 10. 17 Therefore.. my Father love me, because 10. 36 because I said, I am the Son of God? 11. 9 be stumbleth not, because he seeth 11. 10 he stumbleth, because there is no light 12. 6 but because he was a thief, and had the 14. 12 greater, .than these shall he do because 14. 17 whom the world cannot receive, because 14. 19 because I live, ye shall live also 15. 19 but because ye are not of the world 15. 21 because they know not him that sent me 15. 27'ye also shall bear witness, because ye 16. 3 because they have not known the Father 16. 4 these things I said not unto you. .because 16. 6 But becausel have said these things unto 16. 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me 16. 10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Fa. 16. 11 Of judgment, because the prince of this 16. 16 [ye shall see me, because I go to the] 16. 21 A woman, .liatli sorrow, because her 16. 27 For the Father, .loveth you, because ye 16. 32 I am not alone, because the Father is 17. 14 because they are not of the world 19. 7 because he made himself the Son of God 20. 13 Because they have taken away my Lord 20. 29 Thomas, because thou bast seen me Acts 2. 27 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in 6. 1 because their widows were neglected 8. 20 because thou hast thought that the gift 17. 18 [because he preached unto them Jesus] Rom 5. 5 because the love of God is shed abroad 6 . 15 because we are not under tlie law, but 8. 27 because lie maketli intercession for the 9. 7 Neither, because they are the seed of A. а. 28 [because a short work will the Lord make] 9. 32 Because.. not by faith, but as it were 1 Co. 1. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser 2. 14 because they are spiritually discerned 3. 13 because it shall be revealed by fire; and 12. 15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the 12. 16 if tlie ear shall say, Because I am not the 15 15 because we have testified of God that he 2 Co. 11. 11 Wherefore? because I love you not? God Gal 2 11 I withstood him. .because he was to he 4! 6 And because ye are sons, God hath sent Eph. 5. 16 Redeeming the time, because the days Phil. 2. 30 Because for the work of Christ he was 4.17 Not because I desire a gift: but I desire 2 Th. 1. 10 because our testimony among you was 3. 9 Not because we have not power, but to 1 Ti. 1. 13 I obtained mercy, because I did (it) 4. io we both labour, .because we trust in 5. 12 Having damnation, because they have б. 2 because they are brethren.. because they Phm. 7 we have great joy. .because the bowels Heb. 8. 9 because they continued not in my coven. BECAUSE 79 BECOME jas. i. io because as the flower of the grass he shall i Pe. 2. 21 because Christ also suffered forus, leaving 5 . 8 be vigilant; [because your adversary thej i Jo. 2. 8 which thing is true, .because the darkness 2. 12 I write, .because your sins are forgiven 2. 13 because ye. .because ye. .becauseye have 2. 14 because ye have, .because ye are strong 2. 21 because ye know, .but because ye know 3. 1 the world knoweth us not, because it 3. 9 he cannot sin, because he is born of God 3. 12 Because his own works were evil, and 3. 14 We know that we have passed, .because 3. 22 we receive of him, because we keep his 4. 1 because many false prophets are gone out 4. 4 Ye are of God. .because greater is he that 4. 18 perfect love casteth out fear: because fear 4. 19 We love him, because he first loved us 5. 10 hath made him a liar; because he believeth Rev. 3. 10 Because thou hast kept the word of my 3. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and 3. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and incr. 5. 4 I wept much, because no man was found 8. 11 men died of the waters, because they were 11. 10 shall rejoice over them, .because these 14. 8 Babylon is fallen.. [because] she made all 16. 5 which art, and wast. .because thou hast 29.As a demonstrative, 'bn hoti. Matt 11. 25 because thou hast hid these things from Luken. 18 because ye say that I cast out devils 13.14 because that Jesus had healed on the 16. 8 because he had done wisely : for the 17. 9 because he did the things that were 19. 11 because they thought that the kingdom 19. 31 Because the Lord hath need of him John 7. 23 because I have made a man every whit 8. 45 because I tell (you) tlie truth, ye believe 14. 28 because I said, I go unto the Father : for 16. 17 he saith. .Because I go to the Father? si. 17 because he said unto him the third time Acts 2. 6 because that every man heard them 22. 29 a Roman,"and because he had bound Rom. 8. 21 Because the creature itself also shall be 14. 23 because (lie eateth) not of faith : for 1 Go. 6. 7 because ye go to law one with another 2 Co. 7. 13 because his spirit was refreshed by you 11. 7 because I have preached to you the 1 Th. 2. 13 because, when ye received the word of 2 Th. 2. 13 because God hath from the beginning 1 Jo. 3. 16 because he laid down his life for us : and 4. 13 because he hath given us of the Spirit 4. 17 because as he is, so are we in this world 5. 6 beareth witness, because the Spirit is Rev. 2. 4 because thou hast left thy first love 2. 14 [because] thou hast there them that hold 2. 20 because thou sufferest that woman Jezeb. 11. 17 because thou hast taken to thee thy SO./ft order that, birus hopes. Acts 20. 16 because he would not spend the tim BECAUSE of — I . 0 ft account of the causes of, n'liN bu al odoth. Gen. 21. 11 thing was very grievous, .because of his 21. 25 Abraham reproved Abimelech because of Nunii2. 1 Aaron spake against Moses because, .the 13. 24 because of the cluster of grapes which Judg. 6 . 7 Israel cried unto the Loitn because of the 2. Turning, circumstance, opportunity, bbi galal. Gen. 12. 13 and my soul shall live because of thee Dent 18. 12 because of these abominations the Lord 1 lCi. 14. 16 because of the sins of Jeroboam, who Jer. 15. 4 because of Manasseli the son of Hezekiah 2.From the way, t|T30 midderek. Psa.107. 17 Fools because of their transgression, and i.A word, matter, Ian dabar. Gen. 12. 17 with great plagues because of Sara! 20. 18 the house of Abimelech, because of Exod. 8. 12 because of the frogs which he had brought Psa. 45. 4 because of truth and meekness (and) 5 . By the hand of, T 3 be-yad. Jer. 41. 9 whom he had slain because of Gedaliah 6 . To answer to, lemaan. 2 Ki. 13. 23 because of his covenant with Abraham 7. In going over, mj /3 baabur. Exod 13. 8 because of that (which) the Lord did 8.0n, upon, bn al. Gen. 27. 41 because of the blessing wherewith his 9. From, jp min. Gen. 5. 29 becanse of the ground which the Lord 10 . From, jp min. Dan. 7. 11 because of the voice of the great words II. From the face of, psa mippcnc. Gen. 7. 7 went in. .because of the waters of the 27. 46 because of the daughters of Hetli: if Jac. 36. 7 could not bear them because of their Exod. 1. 12 grieved because of the children of Israel 9. 11 could not stand before Moses because of Vim32.17 because of the inhabitants of the laud Dent. 2. 25 and be in anguish because of thee 20. 3 neither be ye terrified because of them Josh. 6. 1 because of the children of Israel: none 9. 24 were sore afraid of our lives because of 11. 6 Be not afraid because of them : for 23. 3 unto all these nations because of you Judg. 2.18 because of their groanings by reason of 6. 2 because of the Midianites the children of 6. 6 greatly impoverished because of the 1 Sa. 8. 18 because of your king which ye shall 1 Ki. 1. 50 Adonijah feared because of Solomon 2. 7 I fled because of Absalom thy brother 8. 11 priests could not. .minister because of 2 Ki. 9. 14 Joram had kept. .because of Hazael king 2 Ch. 12. 5 princes.. were gathered.. because of Nell. 4. 9 set a watch against them, .because of 5. 15 so did not I, because of the fear of God Job 35. 12 none givetli answer, because of.. evil men Psa. 38. 3 no soundness, .because of thine anger 38. 3 neither, .rest in my bones because of my 38. 5 My wounds stink, .because of my 60. 4 it may be displayed because of the truth 102. 10 Because of thine indignation and thy Isa. 10. 27 the yoke shall be destroyed because of 17. 9 which tlieyleft because of the children of 19. 16 it shall be afraid. .because of the shaking 19. 17 because of the counsel of the Lord of 19. 20 they shall cry unto the Lord because of Jer. 4. 4 because of the evil of your doings 14. 16 the people, .shall be cast out. .because of 15. 17 I sat alone because of thy hand : for thou 21. 12 because of the evil of your doings 23. 9 I am like a drunken man. .because of 23. 10 because of swearing the land mourneth 25. 16 And they shall drink, .because of the 25. 27 Drink ye. .because of the sword winch 23. 37 the. .habitations are cut down because of 25.,38 their land is desolate because of. .the 26. 3 which I purpose, .because of the evil of 32. 24 and the city is given, .because of the 41. 18 Because of the Chaldeans : for they were 44. 3 Because of their wickedness which they 44. 22 because of the evil of your doings Lam. 5. 9 We gat our bread, .because of the sword 5. 10 Our skin was black, .because of the Eze. 16. 63 never open thy mouth, .because of thy Hos. 10. 15 So shall Betli-el do unto you because of 12 . From, an6 apo. .Matt 18. 7 Woe unto the world because of offences! 13. Through, on account of, 51a (acc .) dia. Marki3. 21 when tribulation. .ariseth because of the 13. 58 did not many mighty works, .because of 17. 20 Jesus said unto them, Because of your 27. 19 I have suffered, .in a dream because of Mark.3. 9 small ship should wait on him because of 6. 6 And he marvelled because of their Luke 5. 19 they might bring him in because of the 11. 8 yet because of his importunity he will John 3. 29 the friend, .rejoiceth greatly because of 4. 41 And many more believed because of his 4. 42 Now we believe, not because of thy saying 7. 43 there was a division, .because of him 11. 42 because of the people which stand by 12. 30 This voice came not because of me, but 12. 42 because of-the Pharisees they did not 19. 42 There laid they Jesus, .because of the Acts 4. 21 they let them go. .because of the people 16. 3 took and circumcised him because of the 28. 2 for they, .received us. .because of the Rom. 6. 19 I speak, .because of the infirmity of your 8. 10 the body (is) dead because of sin; but 8. 10 Spirit (is) life because of righteousness 15. 15 because of the grace that is given 1 Co. 11. 10 to have power on (her) head because of Gal. 2. 4 And that because of false brethren Eph. 4. 18 because of the blindness of their heart 5. 6 because of these things cometh the Heb. 3. 19 they could not enter in because of 4. 6 they, .entered not in because of unbelief 14. Out of, 4 k ek. Rev. 16. 11 because of their pains and their sores 16. 21 men blasphemed God because of the 15.In, with, iv en. Matt 26. 31 All ye shall be offended because of me 26. 33 (men) shall be offended because of thee Marki4. 27 All ye shall be offended [because of] me 16 . 0 ft, upon, ini (acc.) epi. Rev. 1. 7 all kindreds, .shall wail because of him 17 . Towards, npis (acc.) pros. Matt 19. 8 Moses because of the hardness of your 18. For or on account of, x°-P‘ v cliarin. Gal. 3. 19 It was added because of transgressions Jude 16 persons in admiration because of BECAUSE that — 1 .Because, Jjc yuan. Eze. 25. 8 Because that Moab and Seir do say 2. Because, ’? ki. Gen. 2. 3 because that in it he had rested from all 3. For, verily, then, yap gar. Acts 28. 20 because that for the hope of Israel I am 3 Jo. 7 Because that for his name's sake they 4 . Through, on account of, Sia (acc.) dia. Mark 5. 4 Because that he had been often bound Luke 9. 7 because that it was said of some, that J. Acts 8. 11 because that of long time he had 18. 2 because that Claudius had commanded 5. For this reason, Bibri dioli. Rom. 1. 19 Because that which may be known of God 1. 21 Because that, when they knew God, they Phil. 2. 26 because that ye had heard that he had 1 Th. 4. 6 because that the Lord (is) the avenger of 8.That, seeing that, on hoti. John 7. 39 because that Jesus was not yet glorified 10. 33 and because that thou, being a man John 12. 11 Because that by reason of him many of 12. 39 they could not believe, because. .Esaias Acts 10. 45 And they, .were astonished, .because 2 Th. 1. 3 as it is meet, because that your faith 1 Jo. 2. 11 because that darkness hath blinded his 4. 9 because that God sent his only begotten 7.In as much as, nadon kathoti. Luke 1. 7 they had no child, because that Elisabeth BECAUSE un(satiable) — From want of, ’n?3a mibbilti. Eze. 16. 28 because thou wast unsalable ; yea, thou BECAUSE.. .would — Toward, in order to, wpos (acc.)pros. 1 Th. 2. 9 because we would not be chargeable BECAUSE he would not — That i1 might not happen to him, bira/s pn yevgrai avTip. Acts 20. 16 determined to sail, .because lie would not BEC AU SE... yet — Yet, still, while, liy od. Gen. 46. 30 Now let me die. .because thou (art) yet BE'-CHER, 153 youth, first-born. 1 . A son of Benjamin, B.c. 1700. Gen. 46. 21 the sons of Benjamin. .Belah, and B., and 1 Ch. 7. 6 of Benjamin ; Bela, and B., and Jediael 7. 8 sous of B.. .All these (are) the sons of B. 2. A son of Ephraim (called Derad in 1 Ch. 7. 20), B.c. 1680. Nuni26. 35 of B., the family of the Baclirites : of BE-CHO'-RATH, first birth. Son of Aphiah or Abiah, and grandson of Becher son of Benjamin, also an ancestor of Saul the first king of Israel, B.c. 1225. 1 Sa. 9. 1 Zeror, the son of B., the son of Aphiah BECKON to or unto, to — 1 .To nod through, Siaveiua dianeuo. Luke 1. 22 he beckoned unto them, and remained 2. To nod downward, Karaveua kataneuo. Luke 5. 7 they beckoned unto, .partners, which 3. To wave downward, Karaoeia kataseiu. Acts 19. 33 Alexander beckoned with the hand and 21. 40 Paul, .beckoned with the hand unto the l.To nod, make signs, vevu neuo. John 13. 24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him Acts 24. 10 Paul, after, .the governor had beckoned BECKONING — To wave downward, Karaaeiu kataseiu. Acts 12. 17 But ne beckoning unto them with the 13. iC Paul stood uii, and beckoning with (his) BECOME, to - 1. To be, exist, ftin, kvj liava, havah. Dan. 2. 35 Then, .the iron, .became like the chaff 2. To be, exist, n' r n.hayah. 2 Sa. 7. 24 and thou, Lord, art become their God 3. To be comely, .ini naah, 3a. Psa. 93. 5 holiness becometh thine house, O Lord 4. To do, npi; asah, 2. Esth. 2. 11 how Esther did, and what should become 5. To be, become, rrn hayah, 2. Deut 27. 9 thou art become the people of the Lord 6. To be turned, “sn haphak, 2. Job 30. 21 Thou art become cruel to me : with thy 7. To become, yiuopai ginomai. Matti3. 22 He also that received seed, .becometh 13. 32 when it is grown, it. .becometh a tree 18. 3 Except ye. .become as little children, ye 28. 4 the keepers did shake, and became as Mark 1.17 I will make you to become fishers of 4. 19 cares, .choke the word, and it becometh 4. 32 it groweth up, and becometh greater 9. 3 And his raiment became shining, .white John 1. 12 to them gave he power to become the Acts 7. 40 Moses, .we wot not what is become of 10. 10 he became very hungry, and would have 12. 18 stir among the soldiers, what w'as become Rom. 3. 19 all the world may become guilty before 4. 18 that he might become the father of many 7. 13 that sin. .might become exceeding sinful 1 Co. 3. 18 let him become a fool, that he may be 8. 9 lest, .this liberty of your's become a 9. 20 unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I 9. 22 To the weak became I as weak, that I 13. 1 I am become (as) sounding brass, or 13. 11 when I became a man, I put away childish 15. 20 now is Christ, .[become] the firstfruits of 2 Co. 5. 17 behold, all things are become new 12. 11 I am become a fool in glorying; ye have Gal. 4. 16 Am I therefore become your enemy Phil. 2. 8 humbled himself, and became obedient 1 Th. 1. 6 And ye became followers of 11s, and of 2. 14 For ye.. became followers of the churches Plim. 6 communication of thy faith may become Heb. 5. 9 became the author of eternal salvation 5. 12 and are become such as have need of 10. 33 and partly, whilst ye became companions 11. 7 by the which he. .became lieir of the Jas. 2. 4 and are become judges of evil thoughts? 2. 11 thou art become a transgressor of the BECOME 80 BEETLE Rev. G. i2 the sun became black as sackcloth of 0. 12 and, lo. .the moon became as blood 8. 8 the third part of the sea became blood II. I 5 The kingdoms of this world are become 16. 3 the sea ; and it became as the blood of a 16. 4 rivers and fountains of waters, .became 18. 2 Babylon, .is become the habitation of 8. To become for or into, yiuopai ds ginomai eis. Matt 2i. 42 the same is become the head of the JIarki2. io The stone. .is become the head of the Luke2o. 17 the same is become the head of the Acts 4. 11 which is become the head of the corner Rev. 8. 11 third part of the waters became wormwd. BECOME surety, to —- To mix, traffic, arab. Gen. 44. 32 thy servant became surety for the lad Prov.17.18 becometh surety in the presence of his [See also Brutish, dead, destitute, dim, dry, effect, fat, fool, full, glorious, great, great estate, guilty, Jews, lame, like, loathsome, long, mighty, old, poor, ready, rich, servant, stranger, strong, surety, uncircumcised, un¬ profitable, vain, weak.] BECOME, to — X.Worthily, a^ius axios. Rom 16. 2 That ye receive her. .as becometh saints Phil. 1. 27 let your conversation lie as it becometh 2. It is proper, irpeirei prepei. Matt. 3. 15 for thus it becometh us to fulfil all Eph. 5. 3 let it not be once named, .as becometh 1 Ti. 2. 10 which becometh women professing Titus 2. 1 Speak thou the things which become Heb. 2. 10 For it became him, for whom (are) all 7. 26 For such an high priest became us. .holy 3. Comely, comeliness, nix) naveh. Prov.17. 7 Excellent speech becometh not a fool BECOMETH holiness, as — Proper to a sacred person or thing, Upoirpeirgs. Titus 2. 3 (they be) in behaviour as becometh h. BED — 1. Any thing spread out, Jhx; (cny eres) yatsua. 1 Ch. 5. 1 forasmuch as he defiled his father's bed Job 17. 13 I have made my bed in the darkness Psa. 63. 6 When I remember thee upon my bed 132. 3 I will not come, .nor go up into my bed 2 . Place of reclining, ntsa mittah. Gen. 47. 31 Israel bowed himself upon the bed’s 48. 2 Israel strengthened himself, .upon, .bed 49. 33 he gathered up his feet into the bed, and Exod. 8. 3 into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed 1 Sa. 19. 13 took an image, and laid (it) in the bed 19. 15 Bring him up to me in the bed, that I 19. 16 an image in the bed, with a pillow of 28. 23 arose from the earth, and sat upon the bed 2 Sa. 4. 7 he lay on his bed in his bedchamber 1 Ki. 17. 19 he abode, and laid him upon his own bed 21. 4 And he laid him down upon his bed 2Ki. 1. 4 Thou shalt not come down from that bed i. 6 thou shalt not come d own from that bed 1. 16 thou shalt not come down off that bed 4. to and let us set for him there a bed 4 . 21 and laid him on the bed of the man of God 4. 32 child was dead, .laid upon his bed 2 Ch. 24. 25 and slew him on his bed, and he died Esth. 1. 6 the and silver, upon a 7. 8 and Hainan was fallen upon the bed Psa. 6. 6 all the night make I my lied to swim Prov 26. 14 hinges, so (doth)the slothful upon his bed Song 3. 7 Behold his bed, which (is) Solomon's Eze. 23. 41 And safest upon a stately bed, and a Amos 3. 12 dwell in Samaria in the corner of a bed 6. 4 That lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch ^.Anything spread out, yin matstsa. Isa. 28. 20 For the bed is shorter than that (man) 4 . Place for lying down, 33ifin mishkab. Gen. 49. 4 because thou wentest up to thy. .bed Exod2i. 18 fist, and be die not, but keepeth (bis) bed Lev. 15. 4 Every bed, whereon he lietli that hath 15. 5 whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash 15. 21 whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash IS- 23 And if it (lie) on (her) lied,or on any thing 15. 24 all the bed whereon he lieth shall be 15. 26 Every bed whereon she lieth all the days 15. 26 shall be unto her as the bed of her separ 2 Sa. 4. 5 Ish-bosbeth, who lay on a bed at noon 4. 11 have slain a righteous person .. upon. .lied 11. 2 David arose from off his bed, and walked 11. 13 he went out to lie on his bed with the 13. s Jonadab said.. Lay thee down on thy bed 17. 28 Brought beds, and basons, and earthen 1 Ki. 1. 47 And the king bowed himself upon the bed 2Ch. 16. 14 they, .laid him in the bed which was Job 33. 15 sleep falleth. .in slumberings upon, .bed 33.19 chastened also with pain upon his bed Psa 4. 4 commune with your., heart upon your bed 36. 4 He deviseth mischief upon his bed 41. 3 wilt make all his bed in his sickness 149. 5 let them sing aloud upon their beds Prov. 7. 17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh 22. 27 why should he take away thy bed Song 3. 1 By night on my bed I sought him Isa. 57. 2 they shall rest in their beds, (each one) 57. 7 Upon a. .mountain hast thou set thy bed 57. 8 thou bast enlarged thy bed, and made 57. 8 thou lovedst their bed where thou Eze. 23. 17 came to her into the bed of love 32. 25 They have set her a bed in the midst of Dan. 2. 28 the visions of thy head upon thy bed 2. 29 thy thoughts came, .upou thy bed, what 4. 5 the thoughts upon my bed and the 4. 10 the visions of mine head in my bed 4. 13 in the visions of my head upon my bed 7. 1 and visions of his head upon his bed IIos. 7. 14 when they howled upon their beds Mic. 2. 1 and work evil upou their beds ! 5 . Furrow, njna arugah. Song 5. 13 His cheeks (are)as abed of spices..sweet 6. 2 gone down into his garden, to the beds of 6. Couch, b’-jj) eres. Job 7. 13 When I say, My bed shall comfort me Psa. 41. 3 The Lord will strengthen him upon.. bed Prov. 7. 16 I have decked my bed with coverings Song 1. 16 yea, pleasant: also our bed (is) green 7 . Place for reclining, uXivt] Mine. Matt. 9. 2 a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed 9. 6 Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine Mark 4. 21 put under a bushel, or under a bed ? 7 . 30 and her daughter laid upon the bed Luke 5. 18 men brought in a bed a man which was 8. 16 with a vessel, or putteth (it)under abed 17. 34 there shall be two (men) in one bed ; the Acts 5. 15 laid, .on [beds] and couches, that at the Rev. 2. 22 I will cast her into a bed, and them that 8. H lying, bed, koItti koite. Luke 11. 7 my children are with me in bed ; I Heb. 13. 4 honourable in all, and the bed undeflled 9. A matrass, Kpa/XParos krabbatos. Mark 2. 4 they let down the bed wherein the sick 2. 9 Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk 1 2. 11 Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy 2. 12 he arose, took up the bed, and went 6. 55 to carry about in beds those that were John 5. 8 Rise, take up thy bed, and walk 5. 9 the man. .took up his bed, and walked 5. 10 it is not lawful for thee to carry (thy)bed 5. 11 the same said. .Take up thy bed, and 5. 12 What man.. said.. Take up thy [bed,] and Acts 9. 33 jEneas, which had kept his bed eight BED, to make — 1. To strew [a place for reposing in), ys; yatsa, 5. Psa 139. 8 If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou 2. To strew (a place for resting on), . Acts 9. 34 maketh thee whole : arise. .make thy bed BED CHAMBER — 1 .Inner reclining place, nayo “nn cheder mishkab. Exod. 8. 3 into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed 2 Sa. 4. 7 he lay on his bed in his bedchamber 2 Ki. 6. 12 words, .thou speakest in thy bedchamber 20 curse not the rich in thy bedchamber 2. Inner bed room, nao -nn cheder mittah. 2 Ki. 11. 2 hid. .him anil his nurse, in. .bedchamber 2 Ch. 22. 11 put him and his nurse in a bedchamber BE -DAD, T13 son of A dad. Father of tire fourth king of Edom, “ Hadad-ben- Bedad,” B.c. 1500. Gen 36 35 Hadad the son of B., who smote Midian I Ch. I. 46 Hadad the.son of B., which smote Midian BE'-DAN, jn? son of judgment. 1 A judge of Israel between Jerubbaal ( i.e. Gideon) and Jephtliah. His name is omitted in the history of the Book of Judges. The LXX., Syriac and Arabic, have Baralc. His name may be compared with that of Jael in Judg. 5. 6, who was probably also a judge, though we know nothing of him except from Deborah's song, B.c. 1112. 1 Sa. 12.11 Lord sent Jerubbaal, and B., and 2 . Descendant of Machir son of Manasseh, B.c. 1369. 1 Ch. 7. 17 the sons of Ulam ; B. These (were) the BE-DE'-IAH, .T -13 servant of Jah. One of the family of Bani who had married a strange wife, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 35 [Of. sons of Bani ;Maadai]. .B., Chelluh BED STEAD — An arched bed, i y~AL eres. Deut. 3. 11 behold, his bedstead (was) a bedstead of BEE — A bee, rri'ui deborah. Deut. 1. 44 the Amorites. .chased you, as bees do Judg 14. 8 behold. .a swarm of bees and honey m Psa 118. 12 They compassed me about like bees; they Isa. 7. 18 for the bee that (is) in the land of Assyria BE-EL-IA'-DA, yv?513 the lord knoios. A son of David, caiied Eliada in 2 Sa. v. and 1 Ch. iii., B. C. 1020. 1 CI1.T4. 7 And Elishama, and B., and Eliplialet BE-EL-ZE'-BTJB, lord of the. pj. A heathen deity to whom the Jews ascribed supremacy among evil spirits. The correct orthography is Beel- zebul. Matt 10. 25 they have called the master of the house B. 12 24 but by B. the prince of the devils 12. 27 if I by B. cast out devils, by whom do Mark 3. 22 He hath B., and by the prince of the Luken. 15 He casteth out devils through B. the 11. 18 ye say that I cast out devils through B. 11. 19 if I by B. cast out devils, by whom do BE'-ER, " 1 x 3 a well (artificial ). 1 . A station of the Israelites beyond the Arnon, and so called because of the “ well” dug by the princes and nobles of the people. This is probably the Beer-Elivi (“ well of heroes") of Isa. 15. 8. Kumn. 16 from thence, .to B.: that (is) the well 2 . A place to which Jotham son of Gideon fled for fear of his brother Abimelech, 8 miles W. of Hebron. Judg. 9. 21 Jotham ran away, and fled, .to B., and BE-E'-RA, X1X3 expounder. Son of Zophali of the tribe of Asher, B.c. 1570. 1 Ch. 7. 37 [sons of Zopliah,] Suali. and B. BE-E'-RAH, rnx 3 expounder. A prince of the Reubenites, carried captive to Assyria by Tilgath-pilnescr, B.C. 740. 1 Ch. 5. 6 [sons of Joel]. .B. his son, whom Tilgath. BE-ER E'-LIM, c'^x 1 x 3 well of Elim. In the S. coniines of Moab, Eglaim being at the N. of the Salt Sea. The name points to the well dug by the chiefs (Elim) of Israel on their nearing the promised land. Isa. 15. 8 and the howling thereof unto B.-e. BE-E'-RI, '1X3 expounder. 1 . A Hittite, father of Judith, wife of Esau, B.C. 1810. Gen. 26. 34 took to wife Judith the daughter of B. 2 . Father of Hosea the prophet, B.C. 800. Hos. 1. 1 The word.. came unto.. the son of B. BE-ER LA-HAI -ROI, 'SO 'nb 1X3 well of the living one that beholds me. Between Kadesh and Bered, “ in the way to Shur," and therefore in the S. Gen. 16. 14 Wherefore the well was called B.-l.-r. 24. 62 Isaac came from the way of the well L.-r. 25. 11 and Isaac dwelt by the well L.-r. BE-E'-ROTH, rnx3 ivells. 1 . A station of Israel belonging to Jaaken. Deut 10. 6 children of Israel took, .journey from B. 2 . One of the four cities of the Hivites that drew Joshua into a treaty of peace. It is 7 miles from Jerusalem on the way to Xicopolis. Kow El-Bireh. Josh. 9.17 their cities (were) Gibeon..and B., and 18. 25 Gibeon, Ramah, and B. 2 Sa. 4. 2 for B. also was reckoned to Benjamin Ezra 2. 25 children of Kirjath-arim. .and B., seven Heh. 7. 29 men of Kirjatli-jearim. .and B., seven BE-ER-O-THITE, 'nhx3 belonging to Beeroth. An inhabitant of Beeroth in Benjamin. 2 Sa. 4. 2 Rechab, the sons of Rimmon a B. 4. 3 the B.s fled to Gittaim, and were 4. 5 the sons of Rimmon the B., Rechab and 4. 9 David answered, .sons of Rimmon the B. 23 37 Naharai the B., armourbearer to Joali 1 Ch. 11. 39 Naharai the B... armourbearer of Joab BE-ER SHE'-BA, V3v i 1X3 well of the oath. One of the oldest places in Canaan at the extreme south. Gen. 21. 14 Hagar. .wandered in the wilderness of B. 21. 31 Wherefore he called that place B. 21 32 Thus they made a covenant at B.: then 21. 33 And. .planted a grove in B., and called 22. 19 they rose up and went together to B. 22. 19 and Abraham dwelt at B. 26 23 And he went up from thence to B. 26! 33 the name of the city (is) B. unto this day 28. 10 Jacob went out from B., and went 46. 1 Israel took his journey.. and came to B. 46 5 Jacob rose up from B. : and the sons of Josh. 15. 28 Ilazar-shual, and B., and Bizjothjah 19. 2 they had in their inheritance B., and Judg 20. 1 congregation was gathered.. from Dan 1 Sa 3. 20 all Israel from Dan even to B. knew that 8. 2 Joel.. Abiah. .judges in Peer-slieba 2 Sa 3 10 throne of David, .from Dan even to B. 17. 11 Israel, .gathered, .from Dan even toB. 24 2 Go now. .from Dan even to B., and 24 7 they went out to the south of Judah 24 is died of the people from Dau even to B. 1 Ki. 4. 25 Israel dwelt safely.. from Dan even to B. ig. 3 when he saw. .he..came to B. 2 Ki 12 1 his mother's name (was) Zibiah of B. '23 8 defiled the high places.. from Geba to B 1 Ch 4 28 they dwelt at B., and Moladah, and 21. 2 Go, number Israel from B. even to Dau 2 Ch 19 4 be went out again. .from B. to mount 24 I His mother’s name also (was) Zibiah of B. 30 s to make proclamation, .from B. even to Nell 11 27 at Hazar-sliual, and at B., and (in) the II 30 they dwelt from B. unto the valley of Amos 3. s seek not Beth-el.. and pass not to B.: for 8. 14 and, The manner of B. livetli; even they BE-ESH-TE'-RAH, nm-rfE? house of A shterah. A Lcvitical city in Manasseh, W. of the Jordan. It was allotted to the Gershomites, and is identical with AsU- taroth or Ashterah. Josh.21. 27 tribe of Manasseh. ,B. with her suburbs BEETLE — A beetle, chargol. Lev. II. 22 the beetle after his kind, and the BEEVES 81 BEFORE BEEVES — Herd, ox, heifer, baqar. Lev. 22. 19 a male without blemish, of the beeves 22. 2i a freewill offering in beeves or sheep Num 31. 28 of the persons, and of the beeves, and of 31. 30 of the persons, of the beeves, of the asses 31. 33 threescore and twelve thousand beeves 31. 38 the beeves, .thirty and six thousand ; of 31. 44 And thirty and six thousand beeves BEFALL, to — 1. To meet, .fix anah, 4. Psa. 91. 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither 2. To come, xia bo. 2Sa. 19. 7 worse unto thee than all the evil, .befell 3. To find, xyD malsa. Num 20. 14 all the travail that hath befallen us Deut3i. 17 many evils and troubles shall befall them 31. 21 when many evils, .are befallen them Josh. 2. 23 told him all (things) that befell them Judg. 6. 13 why then is all this befallen us? and 4. To meet, chance, R"!i? qara. Gen. 42. 4 Lest peradventure mischief befall him 42. 38 if mischief befall him by the way in the 49. 1 which shall befall you in the last days Lev. 10. T9 and such things have befallen me Deut3i. 29 evil will befall you in the latter days 5. To meet, chance, .TijJ qarah. Gen. 42. 29 told him all that befell unto them 44. 29 if ye take. .from me, and mischief befall Esth. 6. 13 Hamaan told..every (thing), .befallen Dan. 10. 14 what shall befall thy people in the latter G.To become, come into being, ylvopai ginomai. Mark 5. 16 they, .told them how it befell to him 7. To come together, av/j.^alvai sumbuino. Acts 20. 19 temptations, which befell me by the lying 8 . To meet together, awavraa sunantao. Acts 20. 22 knowing the things that shall befall me 9. The things of, to. to>v ta ton. Matt. 8. 33 what was befallen to the possessed of the 10. Chance, occurrence, rnpp miqreh. 1 Sa. 20. 26 Something hath befallen him, he (is) not Eccl. 3. 19 that which befalleth the sons of men 3. 19 befalleth beasts ; even one thing befalleth BEFORE — 1 .Unto, to, ‘ix el. Gen. 12. 15 saw her, and commended her before 1 'ha. 2 . Nose, Ik aph. Deut33. 10 they shall put incense before thee, and 3. With, nx eth. Gen. 19.13 is waxen great before the face of the Lord i.Expectation, D'np terom. Ruth 3. 14 she rose up before one could know 5. Expectation, □no terem. Gen. 2. 5 before it was in the earth. .before it grew 6. In or with expectation, □■193 beterem. Gen. 27. 4 that my soul may bless thee before I die Jer. 1. 5 Before I formed thee, .before thou came. 7 .In not, without, xSg belo. Job 15. 32 It shall be accomplished before his time 8.Over against, SlD mul. Exod34. 3 flocks nor herds feed before that mount Josh. 19. 46 and Rakkon, with the border before J. 9 .Over against the face, nps Sid. Exod28. 25 the shoulder pieces of the ephod, before 39. 18 the shoulder pieces of the ephod, before \6. Ascent, up-going, nSji.P maaleh. Judg. 8. 13 returned from battle before the sun 11. The front, in neged. Gen. 31. 32 before our brethren discern thou what 12 .At the front, imS leneged. 2Ki. 1. 13 came and fell on his knees before Elijah 13. From the front, "133D minneged. Deut 28. 66 thy life shall hang in doubt before thee 14 . The front, over-against, nai nokach. Gen. 30. 38 the rods which he had pilled before the Josh. 15. 7 that (is) before the going up to Adummim Judg 18. 6 Go in peace: before the Lord (is) your Prov. 5. 21 the ways of man (are) before the eyes of Lam. 2. 19 like water before the face of the Lord E ze. 14. 3 stumbling block of their iniquity before 14. 4 stumbling block of his iniquity before his 14. 7 stumbling block of his iniquity before his 15 . The front, nai nekach. Exod 14. 2 before it shall ye encamp by the sea 16. Until, iy ad. Gen. 48. 5 born, .before I came unto thee into E. 17 .In the eye of, }jy 3 beayin. iSa. 21. 13 he changed his behaviour before them \8.With, oy im. iSa. 2. 21 the child Samuel grew before the Lord 19. Faces, countenance, ops panim. Gen. 6. n Tlie earth also was corrupt before God 6. 13 The end of all flesh is come before me 7. 1 for thee have I seen righteous before me 11 Gen. 10. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the Lord 10. 9 the mighty hunter before the Lord 13. 9 (Is) not the whole land before thee? 13. 10 well watered every where, before the Lord 17. 1 walk before me, and be thou perfect 17. 18 0 that Ishmael might live before thee ! 1 3 . 8 which he had dressed, and set (it)before 18. 22 Abraham stood yet before the Lord 19. 27 place where he stood before the Lord 20. 15 Behold, my land (is) before thee : dwell 20. On, the face, d'js Sy al panim. Gen. 11. 28 Haran died before his father Terah in the 21.Over-against, Spi) qobal. 2 Ki. 15. 10 smote him before the people, and slew 22.Over-against, Snj? qebel. Dan. 2. 31 brightness (was) excellent, stood before 3. 3 they stood before the image that N. 5. 1 Belshazzar.. drank wine before the 23 . The east, what is before, DUj7 qedem. Psa. 139. 5 Thou hast beset me behind and before Prov. 8. 22 of his way, before his works of old Isa. 9. 12 The Syrians before, and the Philistines 24. Tlie east, what is before, Dii;. qodam. Ezra 4.18 The letter.. hath been plainly read before 4. 23 Now when the copy, .(was) read before 7. 19 (those) deliver thou before the God of Dan. 2. 9 speak before me, till the time be changed 2. 10 The Chaldeans answered before the king 2. 11 none other that can show it before the 2. 24 bring me in before the king, and I will 2. 25 Arioch brought in Daniel before the king 2. 36 the interpretation thereof before the king 3. 13 they brought these men before the king 4. 6 the wise (men) of Babylon before me 4. 7 and I told, the dream before them ; but 4. 8 at the last Daniel came in before me 4. 8 and before him I told the dream, (saying) 5. 13 Then was Daniel brought in before the 5. 15 astrologers, have been brought in before 5. 17 Then Daniel answered..before the king 5. 23 they have brought the vessels, .before 6. 10 he kneeled, .gave thanks before his God 6. 11 found Daniel., making supplication before 6. 12 they, .spake before the king concerning 6. 13 Then answered they, and said before the 6 . 18 instruments of musick brought before 6. 22 and also before thee, 0 king, have I done 6. 26 men tremble and fear before the God of 7. 7 all the beasts that (were) before it 7. 8 before whom there were three of the first 7. 10 A fiery stream, .came forth from before 7. 10 ten thousand times ten thousand, .before 7. 13 and they brought him near before him 25. The heart, inner part, rig qereb. Exodio. 1 that I might shew these my signs before 26. First, former, jwxi rishon. Num. 6. 12 but the days that were before shall be Josh. 8. 33 as Moses, .had commanded before 1 Ki. 13. 6 the king’s hand, .became as..before 27. From the east, ci|? |D. Dan. 5. 19 all people, feared before him 6. 26 tremble and fear before the God of Daniel 7. 8 before whom there were three of the first 7. 20 and (of) the other, .before whom three fell 28. Yesterday, third day, DiB’Sy ViDp temol shilshom Gen. 31. 2 behold, it (was) not toward him as before 31. 5 that it (is) not toward me as before ; but Josh. 4. 18 the waters, .flowed, .as (they did) before 29 . From, airi apo. Acts 7. 45 whom Goddrave out before the face of 1 Jo. 2. 28 we may. .not be ashamed before him 30 .If...not first, lav / it pirepov ean me proteron. John 7.51 Doth our law judge, .man before it hear 31. To, towards, eh eis. Acts 22. 30 brought Paul.. and set him before them Jas. 2. 6 rich men., draw you before the judgment 32 .To the face, els npiau-Kov eis prosopon. 2 Co. 8. 24 Wherefore shew ye to them, and before 33. From over-against, airevavn apenanti. Matt27. 24 Pilate, .washed (his) hands [before] the Rom. 3. 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes 34. /» front of, epirpoadev emprosthen. Matt. 5. 16 Let your light so shine before men 5. 24 Leave there thy gift before the altar 6. 1 that ye do not your alms before men 6. 2 do not sound a trumpet before thee 7. 6 neither cast ye your pearls before swine 10. 32 Whosoever.. shall confess me before men 10. 32 him will I confess also before my Father 10. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men 10. 33 him will I also deny before my Father 11. 10 I send my messenger before thy face 17. 2 was transfigured before them : and his 25. 32 before him shall be gathered all nations 26. 70 he denied before (them) all, saying, I 27. 11 Jesus stood before the governor: and the 27. 29 they bowed the knee before him, and Mark 1. 2 I send my messenger [before] thy face 9. 2 and he was transfigured before them Luke 5. 19 they, .let him down, .before Jesus 7. 27 which shall prepare thy way before thee 12. 8 Whosoever shall confess me before men 12. 8 him shall the Son. .confess before the 14. 2 there was a certain man before him Luke 19. 4 he ran before, and climbed up into a 19. 27 bring hither, and slay (them) before me 19. 28 he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem 21. 36 and to stand before the Son of man John 1. 15 preferred before me : for he was before 1. 27 coming after me is preferred before me i. 30 cometh a man. .preferred before me 3. 28 not the Christ, but that I am sent before 10. 4 he putteth forth. .lie goeth before them 12. 37 he had done so many miracles before Acts 18. 17 Greeks, .beat him before the judgment 2 Co. 5. 10 we must all appear before the judgment Gal. 2. 14 I said unto Peter before (them) all. If Phil. 3. 13 unto those things which are before 1 Th. 3. 9 we joy for your sakes before our God 3. 13 unblameable in holiness before God 1 Jo. 3. 19 we.. shall assure our hearts before him Rev. 4. 6 And before the throne, .a sea of glass 22. 8 I fell down to worship before the feet of 35. In the midst, ev (t $ yeoion over against, Kartvaym hdtenanti. Horn. 4. 17 before him whom he believed, (even) God 4 4. Down in face of, Kareuamov k&tendpion. 2 Co. 12. 19 think, .we speak [before] God in Christ Eph. 1. 4 and without blame before him in love J ude 24 to present (you) faultless before the 45. Alongside, rrapd (dcit.) para. Rom. 2.13 the hearers of the law (are) just before Jas. 1. 27 Pure religion and undefiled before God 2 Pe. 2. 11 accusation against them.. [before] the 4 Q.Before, in front of, npi pro. Matt. 5. 12 they the prophets which were before you 8. 29 art thou torment us before the 11. 10 I send my messenger before thy face 24. 38 For as in the days that were [before] the Mark 1. 2 I send my messenger before thy face Luke 1. 76 for thou shalt go before the face of the 7. 27 Behold, .my messenger before thy face 9. 52 And sent messengers before liis face jo. 1 sent them two and two before Ins face 11. 3S he had not first washed before dinner 21. 12 But before all these, they shaH lay their John 5. 7 am coming, another steppeth down before 10. 8 All that ever came before me are thieves 11. 55 and many went out. .before the passover 12. 1 Jesus, six days before the passover, came 13. 1 Now before the feast of the passover 17. 5 which I had with thee before the world 17. 24 for thou lovedst me before the foundation Acts 5. 23 the keepers Stan ling without [before] the 5. 36 before these days rose up Theudas 12. 6 the keepers before the door kept the 12. 14 she. .told how Peter stood before the 13. 24 When John had first preached before his 14. 13 Then the priest, .which was before their 21. 38 which before these days madest an Rom. 16. 7 who also were in Christ before me 1 Co. 2. 7 which God ordained before tire world 4. s Therefore judge nothing before the time Gal. 1. 17 them which were apostles before me Epli. 1. 4 he hath chosen us in him before the Col. 1. 17 And he is before all things, and by him 2 Ti. 4. 21 Do Uiy diligence to come before winter Heb. 11. s for before his translation he had this Jas 5. 9 behold, the Judge standeth before the 1 Pe. 1. 20 Who verily was foreordained before the 47 . Before, irpii ( adv.) pro. Matt. 6. 8 your Father knoweth. .before ye ask him Luke 2. 21 named of the angel before he was 22. 15 I have desired to eat. .before I suffer John 1. 48 Jesus . .said unto him, Before that Philip 13. 19 Now I tell you before it come, that Gal. 2. 12 For before that certain came from James 3. 23 But before faith came, we were kept 2 Ti. 1. 9 which was given.. before the world began Titus 1. 2 which God. .promised before the world 48. Towards, vp6s {acc.) pros. Acts 26. 25 before whom also I spake freely Rom. 4. 2 he hath. .to glory ; but not before God .J.Before flue face of 7 -pi irpoadiTrov. Acts 13. 24 When John had first preached before his 5'). Formerly, before, irportpov (adv.) proteron. John 6. 62 Son of man ascend up where he was before? 9. 8 and they which before had seen him 2 Co. 1. 15 I was minded to come unto you before 1 Ti. 1. 13 Who was before a blasphemer, and a 51 .Formerly, erst, before , nplv prin. Matt 26. 34 That this night, before the cock crow 26. 75 Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny Marki4. 72 Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt Luke22. 61 Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny John 8. 58 I say unto yon, Before Abraham was 14. 29 now I have told you before it come to 52 . Before that, np\v -?) prin e. Matt. 1. 18 before they came together, slie was found Markup 30 before the cock crow twice, thou shalt Luke 2. 26 before lie had seen the Lord's Christ Acts 2. 20 [before] that great and notable day of the 7. 2 God., appeared unto. .Abraham before he 53. First, foremost, npuTos protos . John i. 13, 30 for he was before me. bi.First, before, upuTov (adv.) proton. John 13. 18 ye know that it hated me before, .you BEFORE, to be — To be formerly , irpovirdpxo> prowpa/rchii. Luke 23. 12 for before they were at enmity Detween BEFORE that — Before that, tvp\v 1) prin e. Luke 22. 34 [before that] thou shalt thrice deny that Acts 23. 16 before that he which is accused have the BEFORE that time — Yesterday, third day, Biafyy VtopR ethinol sliilshom. 1 Sa. 14. 21 were with the Philistines before that before, that were — The former, ha-rishoniin. Num. 6. 12 the days that were before shall be lost BEFORE, they that vent — The funner, 'fioip qadmoni. Job 18. 20 as they that went before were affrighted. [See also Appoint, begin, brought, choose, con¬ firm, day, determine, fall, go, gospel, hear, instruct, know, meditate, never, notice, ordain, preach, preferring, presence, prove, run, sab¬ bath, say, see, set, show, speak, spoken, stand, suffer, take, tell, world.] BEFOREHAND — [See Make, manifest, open, testify, thought.] BEFORETIME — 1. Formerly, Otis 1 ? lephanim. Deut. 2. 12 Horims also dwelt in Seir beforetime 2.1n former, niiiria barishonah. 2 Sa. 7. 10 children of wickedness, .as beforetime 3. Yesterday third day, Di dbd Storm ethinol shilshom. 1 Sa. 10. 11 when all that knew him beforetime saw 4. Yesterday third day, chd l d b'co tempi shilshom. J0SI120. 5 neighbour, .bated him not beforetime 2 Ki.13. 5 children of Israel dwelt, .as beforetime 5 . To be before, irpo'virdpxtv proUparchd. Acts 8. 9 Simon, wliieh beforetime in the same city BEG, to — 1 .To seek, inquire, djis bagash, 3. Psa. 37. 25 have I not seen, .liis seed begging bread 2. To ask, demand, shaal. Prov.20. 4 shall he beg in harvest, and (have) 3.7b ask earnestly, shaal, 3. Psa. 109. 10 Let his children be. .vagabonds, and beg 4.7b ask, entreat, supplicate, cure to aitoo. Matt 27. 58 lie went to Pilate, and begged the body Luke 23. 52 This (man) went unto Pilate, and begged 5. To ask more, or beside, inairea epaiteo. Luke 16. 3 I cannot dig ; to beg I am ashamed G. To ask at, upocraiTew prosaiteo. Markio.46 Bar tomeus.. by the high wayside [begging] Lukei8. 35 blind man sat by the wayside [begging] John 9. 8 Is not this lie that sat and begged ? BEGAN — Foundation, "ibj yesud. Ezra 7. 9 upon the first (day), .began he to go up BEGAN, men — To be begun, VSn chalal, 6. Gen. 4. 26 then began men to call upon the name of BEGET, to — 1 . To beget, bring forth, nS; yalad. Gen. 4. 18 Irad begat M.. ,M. begat M.. .M. begat 10. 8 Cush begat Nimrod : he began to be a 10. 13 Mizraim begat Ludim, and Anamim 10. 15 Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, and 10. 24 Arphaxad begat Salah, and Salah begat 10. 26 Joktan begat Almodad, and Slieleph 22. 23 Bethuel begat Rebekah : these eight 25. 3 Jokshan begat Sheba and Dedan Nunm. 12 all this people? have I begotten them Dent.32. 18 Of the rock (that) begat tliee thou art 1 Ch. 1. 10 Cush begat Nimrod : he began to be 1. 11 Jluzraim begat Ludim, and Anamim 1. 13 Canaan begat Zidon bis firstborn, and 1. 18 Arphaxad begat Shelah, andShelah begat I. 20 Joktan begat Almodad, and Shelaph Psa. 2. 7 Thou (art) my son. .have I begotten thee Prov.17. 2 t He that begetteth a fool (doeth it) to liis 23. 22 Hearken unto thy father that begat thee 23. 24 he that begetteth a wise (child) shall have Isa. 49. 21 Who hath begotten me these, seeing I Dan. 11. 6 and lie that begat her, and he that Hos. 5. 7 for they have begotten strange children Zecli 13. 3 his mother that begat him. .that begat 2. To cause to yield or bring forth, a 1 ?; yalad, 5. Gen. 5. 3 and begat (a son) in his own likeness 5. 4 after he bad begotten. .and he begat 5. 6 an hundred and five years, and begat 5. 7 after he begat Enos, .begat sons and 5. 9 Enos lived ninety years, and begat 5. 10 after he begat Cainan. .begat sons and 5. 12 Cainan lived seventy years, and begat 5. 13 after lie begat Mahalaleel. begat sons 5. 15 Mahalaleel lived, .and begat Jared 5. 16 after he begat Jared, .begat sons and 5.18 Jared lived an.. and he begat Enoch 5. 19 after he begat Enoch, .begat sons and 5.21 Enoch lived sixty, .and begat Methuselah 5. 22 after he begat Methuselah, .begat sons 5. 25 Methuselah lived.. and begat Lamecli 5. 26 Methuselah lived after he begat Lamccli 5. 28 Lamecli lived an hundred, .and begat a 5. 30 after he begat Noah, .begat sons and 5. 32 Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth 6. 10 Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and II. 10 and begat Arphaxad two years after the 11. ii Sliem lived after he begat Arphaxad 11. 12 Arphaxad lived five, .and begat Salah 11. 13 after he begat Salah. .begat sons and 11. 14 Salah lived thirty years, and begat Eber 11.15 after be begat Eber. .begat sons and 11.16 Eber lived four and..and begat Peleg 11.17 after lie begat Peleg. .begat sons and it. 18 Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Keu 11.19 after he begat Reu. .and begat sons and j 1. 20 Iteu lived two and.. and begat Serug Gen. 11. 21 after be begat Serug. .begat sons and 11. 22 Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nahor 11. 23 after lie begat Nahor. .begat sons and 11. 24 Nahor lived nine and..and begat Tcrah j 11. 25 after lie begat Terah. .begat sons and 11. 26 Terah lived . .begat Abram, Nahor, and 11. 27 Terah begat Abram, .and Haran begat 17. 20 twelve princes shall he beget, and I will 48. 6 which thou begettest after them, shall Lev. 25. 45 which they begat in your land : and they Nuni26. 29 and Machir begat Gilead : of Gilead 26. 58 the Korathites. And Kohath begat Deut. 4. 25 thou shalt beget children, and children's 28. 41 Thou shalt beget sons and daughters Judgn. 1 son of an harlot: and Gilead begat Ruth 4. 18 the generations of Pharez: Pharez begat 4. 19 Hezron begat Ram, and Ram begat 4. 20 Amminadab begat Nahshon, andN. begat 4. 21 Salmon begat Boaz, andBoaz begat ()l;ed 4. 22 Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David 2 Ki. 20. 18 of tliy sons.. which thou shalt beget 1 Ch. 1. 34 Abraham begat Isaac. The sons of Isaac 2. 10 Ram begat Amminadab ; and A. begat 2. 11 Nahshon begat Salma. .Salmabegat Boaz 2. 12 Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse 2. 13 Jesse begat bis firstborn Eliab, and 2. 18 Caleb, .begat (children) of Azubah (Ins) 2. 20 Hur begat Uri, and Vri begat Bezaleel 2. 22 Segub begat Jair, who had three and 2. 36 Attat begat Nathan, and Nathan begat 2. 37 Zabad begat Ephlal, and Eplilal begat 2. 38 Obed begat Jehu, and Jehu begat Azariah 2. 39 Azariah begat Ilelez, and Helez begat 2. 40 Eleasah begat Sisamai, and Sisamai begat 2. 41 Sliallum begat Jekamiali, and J.. .begat 2. 44 Sliema begat Raham. .Rekem begat 2. 46 Ephah.. bare H aran.. H aran begat 4. 2 Reaiah. .begat Jahath; and Jahathbegat 4. 8 Coz begat Anub, and Zobebah, and the 4. 11 Chelub the brother of Shuali begat Meliir 4. 12 Eshton begat Beth-rapha, and Page ah 4. 14 Meonothai begat Ophrali. .Seraiah begat 6. 4 Eleazar begat Phinehas, Pbinelias begat 6. 5 Abishua begat Bukki, and Bukki begat 6. 6 Uzzi begat Zerahiah, and Zerahiali begat 6. 7 Meraioth begat Amariah, and A. begat 6. 8 Ahitub begat Zadok, and Zadok begat 6. 9 Aliimaaz begat Azariah, and A. begat 6. 10 Johanan begat Azariah, he (it is) that 6. 11 Azariah begat Amariah, and A. begat 6 . 12 Ahitub begat Zadok. .Zadok begat Shall. 6. 13 Shallum begat Hilkiali. Hilkiah begat 6 . 14 Azariah begat Seraiah. .Seraiah begat 7. 32 Heber begat Japhlet, and Shomer, and 8. 1 Benjamin begat Bela his firstborn, Asld cl 8. 7 be removed them, and begat I’zza and 8. 8 Shaharaim begat (children) in the country 8. 9 he begat of Hodesh his wife, Jobab, and 8. 11 of Hushim be begat Ahitub, and Elpaal 8. 32 Mikioth begat Shimeah. And these also 8. 33 Ner begat Kish. .Kish begat Saul..Saulb 8. 34 Merib-baal; and Merib-baal begat Micah 8. 36 Ahaz begat J... Jehoadah begat A.. .Z. b. 8. 37 Moza begat Binea: Rapha (was) Ids son 9. 38 Mikioth begat Shimenm. And they also 9. 39 Ner begat Kisli.. Kish begat Saui. .Saul 9. 40 Merib-baal; and Merib-baal begat Micah 9. 42 Ahaz begat J.. .Jarah begat Alemeth. Z. 9. 43 Moza begat Binea; and Eephaiali his son 14. 3 David begat more sons and daughters 2 Ch. 11. 21 Rehoboam. .begat twenty and eight sens 13. 21 Abijah. .begat twenty and two sons 24. 3 Jehoiada. .begat sons and daughters Nell. 12. 10 Jeslma begat J... J.. .begat E. E. begat 12. 11 Joiada begat Jonathan. .Jonathan begat Job 38. 28 who hath begotten the drops of dew? Eccl. 5. 14 and be begetteth a son, and (there is) 6. 3 If a man beget an hundred (children) Isa. 39. 7 of thy sons.. which thou shalt beget 45. 10 What begettest thou? or to the woman Jer. 16. 3 concerning their fathers that begat them 29. 6 Take ye wives, and beget sons and Eze. 18. 10 If lie beget a son . .a robber, a sbedder 18. 14 Now, lo, (if) he beget a son, that sceth all 47. 22 which shall beget children among you 3. To beget, bring forth, avoicvia apokueo. Jas. 1. 18 Of bis own will begat he us with the word A. To beget, bring forth, ycvvdoi gennab. Matt. 1. 2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob ; and Jacob begat Judas ai d liis brethren: 3 And Judas begat lliares and Zara of Thamar; and Pliiircs begat Esrom ; and Esrom begat Aram ; 4 And Aram begat Aminadab; and Amirai'.ab begat Naasson; and Naasson begat Salmon ; 5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab: and Booz begat Obed of Ruth: and Obed begat Jesse; 6 And Jesse be¬ gat David the king ; and David the king begat Solomon of her. .of Frias; 7 And Solomon begat Roboam; and Roboam begat Abia; and Abia begat Asa; 8 And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias; 9 And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatliani begat Acliaz; and Acliaz begat Ezekias; 10 And Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses begat Anion; and Amon begat Josias;,n Ami Josias begat Jechonias and his_brethren. 1.12 Jechonias begat Salatluel: anchSalathicl BEGET 83 BEGOTTEN JIatt. i. ia begat Zorobabel; 13 Ami Zorobabel be¬ gat Abiud; and Abiud begat Eliakim ; , and Eliakim begat Azor; 14 And Azor begat Sadoc; and Sadoc begat Achim ; and Achim begat Blind; 15 And Eliud begat Eleazar; and Eleazar begat Mat- than ;and Matthau begat Jacob; 16 And Jacob begat Joseph Acts 7. 8 so (Abraham) begat Isaac, and circumc. 7. 29 Moses, .was. .in . Madian, where he begat 13. 33 Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten i Co. 4. 15 I have begotten you through tire gospel Phm. 10 whom I have begotten in my bonds Heb. 1. 5 Thou art my Son. this day have I begotten 5. 5 Thou art my Son. to day have I begotten 1 Jo. 5. 1 him that begat lovetli him. .is begotten 5. 18 he that is begotten of God keepeth him. 3 EGET again, to — To beget again or anew, avayevvdu anagennau. 1 Pc. 1. 3 God and Father, .hath begotten us again 3 EGGAR — ..Needy, desirous, |i’3K ebyon. 1 Sa. 2. 8 He. .lifteth up the beggar from the ’..Crouching, cringing, ir t o>xi f ptvehos. Luke 16. 20 there was a certain beggar named Lazarus 16. 22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died 1 EGGARLY — irouching, cringing, irruxds ptochos. Gal. 4. 9 turn ye again to the weak and beggarly iEGIN — beginning, commencement, nVnfi techilldh. Neil. 11. 17 Mattaniah. .(was) tlie principal to begin iEGIN, to — ..To begin, bbn chalal, 5 . Gen. 6. 1 when men begau to multiply on the face 9. 20 And Noah began, .an husbandman, and 10. 8 he began to bo a mighty one in the earth 11. 6 And the Lord said, .this they begin to do 41 54 tlie seven years of dearth began to come 44. 12 And he searched, (and) begau at the Num 16. 46 Take a censer, .the plague is begun 16. 47 behold tlie plague was begun among tlie 25. 1 the people began to commit whoredom Dcut. 2. 24 begiu to possess (it), and contend with 2. 25 This day will I begin to put the dread of 2. 31 I have begun to give.. begin to possess 3. 24 thou hast begun to show thy servant thy 16. 9 begin to number the seven weeks from Josh. 3. 7 This day will I begin to magnify thee Judg 10. iS What man (is lie) that will begin to fight 13 5 and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of 13. 25 the Spirit of the Lord began to move him 16. 19 she began to afflict him, and his strength 16. 22 the hair of his head began to grow again 20. 31 they began to smite of the people, (and) 20. 39 Benjamin began to smite (and) kill of the 20. 40 But when the flame began to arise up 1 Sa. 3. 2 his eyes began to wax dim, (that) he 3. 12 when I begin, I will also make an end 22. 15 Did I then begin to enquire of God for 2 Ki. 10. 32 I11 those days the Lord begau to cut 15. 37 In those days the Loud began to send 1 Cli. 1. 10 he began to be mighty upon the earth 27. 24 Joab the sou of Zeruiah began to number 2 Cl). 3. 1 Then Solomon began to build the house 3. 2 And he began to build in the second 20. 22 And when they began to sing and to 23 17 Now they begau on the first (day) of the 29. 27 the burnt offering begau. the song, .began 31. 7 I11 the third month they began to lay 31. 10 Since (the people) began to bring the 31. 21 And in every work that he begau in the 34. 3 he began to seek after the God of David Ezra 3. 6 From the first day. .began they to offer 3. 8 Now in. .second year, .began Zerubbaliel Nell. 4. 7 that the breaches begau to be stopped Estli. 6. 13 before whom thou hast begun to fall 9. 23 the Jews undertook to do as they., begun Jer, 25. 29 I begin to bring evil on the city which is Kze. 9. 6 begin at my sanctuary. Then they began Jon. 3, 4 And Jonah begau to enter into the city !. To be begun, SSn chalal, 6 . Gen. 4. 26 theu begau (men) to call upon the name '■To begin, be pleased, $8] yaal, 5 . Deut. 1. 5 On this side Jordan. .began Moses to 1 . To begin, solve, loose, H~!P sherc, 3 . Ezra 5. 2 Zerubbabcl. .aud begau to build the ’•To begin, commence, dpxoyai circhomai. Matt. 4. 17 Jesus began to preach, and to say 11. 7 Jesus began to say unto the multitudes 11. 20 Then began he to upbraid the cities 12. 1 his disciples, .began to pluck the ears of 14. 30 beginning to sink, he cried. .Lord, save 16. 21 From that time forth began Jesus to 16. 22 Peter took him, and began to rebuke 18. 24 when he had begun to reckon, one was 20. 8 Call the labourers, .beginning from the 24. 49 Aud shall begin to smite (his) fellow 26. 22 they, .began every one of them to say 26. 37 he. .began to be sorrowful and very 26. 74 Theu began he to curse and to swear Mark 1. 45 lie went out, and began to publish (it) 2. 23 his disciples begau, as they went, to 4. 1 he began again to teach by the seaside 5. 17 they began to prav him to depart out Matt. 5. 20 he departed, and began to publish in 6. 2 he began to teach in the synagogue 6. 7 he. .began to send them forth by two(and 6. 34 he began to teach them many things’ 6. 55 began to carry about in beds those that 8 . 11 the Pharisees.. begau to question with 8. 31 he began to teach them, that the Son of 8. 32 Peter took him, aud began to rebuke 10. 28 Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo 10. 32 he. .began to tell them what things 10. 41 they began to be much displeased with 10. 47 he began to cry out, and sa}', Jesus 11. 15 Jesus, .began to cast out them that sold 12. 1 he began to speak unto them by parables 13. 5 Jesus answering them begau to say, Take 14. 19 they began to be sorrowful, and to say 14. 33 he. .began to be sore amazed, aud 14. 65 some begau to spit on him, and to cover 14. 69 a maid, .began to say to them that stood 14. 71 he began to curse and to swear. .1 know 15. 8 the multitude, crying aloud, began to 15. 18 began to salute him. Hail, King of. .Jews Luke 3. 8 begin not to say within yourselves, We 4. 21 he began to say unto them. This day is 5. 21 the scribes and the Pharisees began to 7. 15 he that was dead sat up, and began to 7. 24 he began to speak unto the people 7. 38 begau to wash his feet with tears, and 7. 49 they that sat. .began to say within 9. 12 when the day began to wear away, then 11. 29 he began to say, This is an evil generation 11. 53 the scribes aud the Pharisees began to 12. 1 he began to say unto his disciples first of 12. 43 shall begin to beat the men servants and 13. 25 ye begin to stand without, and to knock 13. 26 Then shall ye begin to say, We have 14. g thou begiu with shame to take the lowest 14. 18 all with one (consent) begau to make 14. 29 Lest, .all that behold (it) begin to mock 14. 30 This man began to build, aud was not 15. 14 when he had spent, .lie began to be in 15. 24 lost. .And they began to be merry 19. 37 the whole multitude. .began to rejoice 19. 45 began to cast out them that sold therein 20. 9 Then began he to speak to the people 21. 28 when these things begin to come to pass 22 23 they began to enquire among themselves 23 2 they began to accuse him, saying, We 23. 5 beginning from Galilee to this place 23. 30 Then shall they begin to say to the 24. 27 beginning at Moses and all the Prophets 24. 47 among all nations, beginning. .Jerusalem John 8. 9 (they, .went out one by one, beginning atj 1 j. 3 lie. .began to wash the disciples' feet Acts 1 1 of all that, .began both to do and teach 1. 22 Beginning from the baptism of John 2. 4 they, .began to speak with other tongues 8. 35 Philip, .began at the same scripture, and 10. 37 That word, .began from Galilee, after the 11. 15 as I began to speak, the Iloly Ghost fell 18. 26 he began to speak boldly in the synagogue 24. 2 Tertullus begau to accuse (him), saying 27, 33 when he had broken (it), he began to eat 2 Go. 3. 1 Do we begin again to commend ourselves? 1 Pe. 4 17 judgment must begin at the house of God C. To begin in, evdpxoyai enarchomai. Gal. 3. 3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Phil. 1. 6 he which hath begun a good work in you 7. To begin before, proenarchomai. 2 Co. 8. 6 that as he had begun, so he would also 8 . To be about to, ye\\u mellii. Rev. 10. 7 when he shall begin to sound, the BEGIN at the first, to — To receive a beginning, bay^dvia dpxvv. Heb. 2. 3 which at the first began to be sjioken by BEGIN before, to —- To begin before, irpoevdpxoyat proenarchomai. 2 Co. 8. 10 who have begun before, not only to do BEGIN to be, to —- Was beginning, -i )v ipxoyevos cn arcliomenos. Luke 3 23 Jesus himself began to be about thirty [Sec also Amend, build, dark, dawn, reign, sink spring, wanton, world.] BEGINNING — 1. Then, in az. Isa. 48. 3 declared the former things from the h. 48. 5 I have even from the beginning declared 2 . Head, B’to rosh. Exodra. 2 This mouth, .unto you the beginning of Nunuo. 10 in the beginnings of your mouths, ye 28. 11 in the beginnings of your months ye shall Deut 32. 42 from the beginning of revenges upon the Judg. 7. ig came unto, .in the beginning of the I’sa 119. 160 Thy word (is) true (from) the beginning i’rov. 8. 23 I was set up from, .from the beginning Eccl. 3. 11 that God maketli from the beginning to Isa. 40. 21 hath it not been told you from the beg. 41. 4 calling the generations from the beg. 41. 26 Who hath declared from the beginning 48. 16 not spoken in secret from the beginning Lam. 2.19 in the beginning of the watches pour cut Eze. 40. 1 in tlie beginning of the year, in the tenth 3 . Head, “ffto risluih. Eze. 36.11 do better (unto you) than at your begin. 4. First, former, pritn rishon. Ruth 3. 10 more kindness, .than at the beginning 1 Ch. 17. 9 waste them any more, as at the beginning Prov.20. 21 inheritance, .gotten hastily at the begin. Jer. 17. 12 A glorious high throne from the beginning 5. First, former, rriptn resldth. Gen. 1. 1 In the beginning God created the heaven 10. 10 the beginning of liisf kingdom was Babel 49. 3 my might, and the beginning of my Deut 11. 12 from the beginning of the year even unto 21. 17 for he (is) the beginning of Ins strength Job 8 . 7 Though thy beginning was small, yet thy 42. 12 latter end of Job more than his beg. Psa.m. 10 The fear of the Lord (is) the beginning Prov. 1. 7 The fear of the Lord (is) the beginning 8. 22 The Lord possessed me in the beginning 17. 14 The beginning of strife (is as) when one Eccl. 7. 8 Better (is) the end. .than the beginning Isa. 46. io Declaring the end from the beginning Jer. 26. 1 In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim 27. 1 In the beginning of thereign of Jehoiakim 28. 1 in the beginning of the reign ot Zedekiah 49. 34 in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah Mic. 1. 13 she (is) the beginning of the sin to the 6. Beginning, commencement, riVnfi techillah. Gen. 13. 3 where his tent had been at the beginning 41. 21 they (were) still ill favoured, as at the beg. Ruth 1. 22 came to B. in the beginning of barley 2 Sa. 21. 9 the first (days) in the beginning of barley 21.10 from the beginning of harvest until water 2 Ki. 17. 25 it was at the beginning of their dwelling Ezra 4. 6 in the beginning of his reign, wrote they Nell. 11. 17 the principal to begin the thanksgiving Prov. 9. 10 The fear of the Lord (is) the beginning of Eccl. 10. 13 The beginning of the words of his mouth Isa. 1. 26 restore. .thy counsellors as at tlie beg. Dan. 9. 21 whom I had seen in the vision at the beg 9. 23 At the beginning of thy supplications the Ifos. 1. 2 The beginning of the word of the Lord Amos 7. 1 in the beginning of the shooting up of the 7. Beginning, dpxv arche. Matt 19 4 he which made, .at the beginning made 19. 8 but from the beginning it was not so 24. 8 All these (are) the beginning of sorrows 24. 21 such as was not since the beginning of Mark 1. 1 T he beginning of the gospel of Jesus 10. 6 from the beginning of the creation God 13. 8 These (are) the beginnings of sorrows 13. 19 such as was not from the beginning of Luke 1. 2 which from the beginning were eye witn. John 1. 1 I11 the beginning was the Word, and the 1. 2 The same was in the beginning with God 2.11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus 6 . 64 Jesus knew from the beginning who they 8. 25 that I said unto you from the beginning 8. 44 He was a murderer from the beginning 15. 27 ye have been with me from the beginning 16. 4 these things I said not. .at the beginning Acts 11. 15 fell on them, as on us at the beginning Phil. 4. 15 that in the beginning of the gospel, when Col. 1. 18 who is the beginning, the firstborn from 2 Th. 2. 13 because God hath from the beginning Heb. 1. 10 Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid 3. 14 if we hold the beginning of our confidence 7. 3 having neither beginning of days, nor 2 Pe. 3. 4 continue as. .from the beginning of tlie 1 Jo. 1 1 which was from the beginning, which wo 2. 7 old commandment, from the beginning 2. 7 word, .have heard from the [beginning] ' 2. 13, 14 ye have known him. .from the beg. 2. 24 heard from the beginning, .from the beg. 3. 8 for the devil sinneth from the beginning 3. 11 message that ye heard from the beginning 2 Jo. s that which we had from the beginning 6 That, as ye have heard from the beg. Rev. 1. 8 I am Alpha and Omega, Ithe beginning] 3. 14 true witness, the beginning of the 21. 6 I am Alpha aud Omega, the beginning 22. 13 beginning and the end, the first and the 8 . First, former, irpwTos proto*. 2 Pe. 2. 20 the latter end is Worse, .than the beg. BEGINNING, at the — First, former, irpwrov proton. John 2. 10 Every man at the beginning doth set BEGINNING, from the — From above, avuBev anothen. Acts 26. s Which knew me from the beginning, if [Sec also Rehearse, world.] BEGOTTEN — 1. Birth, nite moledelh. Lev. 18. i 1 begotten of thy father, she (is) thy sister 2. To go out, n T. yalsa. Judg. 8. 30 Gideon had. .sons of his body begotten BEGOTTEN (Son), only Only-born, chief, yovoyevris monogenes. John 1. 14 glory as of the only begotten of the F. 1. 18 the only begotten Soil, which is in the 3. 16 that lie gave liis only begotten Son, that 3. 18 in the name of the only begotten Son of 1 Jo. 4. 9 that God sent his only begotten Son into Heb. 11. 17 aud I10. .offered up his only begotten (son) begotten 84 BEHOLD BEGOTTEN, first — First-born, irpariroKoi protolokos. . . Heb. i. 6 when he bringeth in the first begotteninto Rev. i. 5 tlie first begotten of the dead, and the BEGOTTEN, to be — T ° 8 The* children that arc begotten of tlicm BEGUILE, to — 1 . Tu deceive, nakal, 3 . . ,, N nm 05. 18 wherewith they have beguiled you m the 2 . To beguile, lift up, K'v’i nasha, 5 . Gen. 3. 13 The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat 0.T0 throw, cast down, no - ] ramah, 3 . Gen. 20. 25 wherefore then hast thou beguiled me . Josh. 9. 22 Wherefore have ye beguiled us, saying 4 . To entrap, SeAcafw deleazu. ,,, 2 Pe. 2. 14 canuot cease from sin; beguiling unstable 5 . To deceive greatly, ^uariiaexapatao. 2 Co. 11. 3 as the serpent beguiled Eve through Ins G. To reason wrongly, uapa\oyi(oyai. Col. 2. 4 this I say, lest any man should beguile you BEGUILE of one’s reward, to — ; To award the palm against one, Kara&paPeva. Col. 2. 18 Let no man beguile you of your reward BEHALF — Part, share, portion, peposmeros. »(' 0 0 o boasting.. should be in vam in this behalf 1 Pe" 4. 16 but let him glorify God on this [behalf] BEHALF of, in the — On behalf of, for, bnep (gen.) huper. Phil. 1. 29 uuto you it is given in the behalf of Christ BEHALF, on — 1 .In addition to, on account of, eiri (dat.)cpi. R0111.16. 19 I am glad therefore on your behalf : but 2. Concerning, about, uepi (gen.) peri. I Co. I. 4 I tliauk my God always on your behalf 3.0n behalf of, for, inrtp (gen.) huper. 2Co. 1. 11 thanks may be given, on our behalf r t 2 , iireiSov eplwrao, epcidon. Acts 4. 29 now, Lord, [behold] their threatenings 14. To vieiv, 6edopai theaomai. Luke23. 55 the women also, beheld the sepulchre John 1. 14 we beheld his glory, the glory as of the 15. To view, 6eoop4w theoreo. Marki2. 41 beheld how the people cast money into 15. 47 Mary Magdalene, beheld where lie was Luke 10. 18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from 14. 29 Lest, .all that behold (it) begin to mock 21. 6 these things which ye behold, the day John 17. 24 they may behold my glory, which thou Rev 11. 12 ascended..and their enemies beheld them 16. Ti' observe fully, xararoioj katanoeo. Acts 7 . 31 as he drew near to behold (it), the voice 7. 32 Moses trembled, and durst not behold Jas. 1. 24 he beholdeth himself, and goetli his way EEHOLD as in a glass, to —- To see one’s self in a mirror, xaTouTplCoyai. 2 Co. 3. 18 beholding as in a glass the glory of the BEHOLD, to cause to — To (cause to) look attentively, 03) nabat, 5. Hab. 1. 3 Why dost thou, .cause (me) to behold BEHOLDING — 1. To see, ntn raah. Psaiig. 37 Turn away mine eyes from beholding 2 .Seeing, sight, nwn reuth. Eccl. 5. 11 saving the beholding, .with their eyes? 3. To view, Ocoipiu theoreo. Matt 27. 55 many women were there beholding afar Luke 23. 35 the people stood beholding. And the 23. 48 all the people, .beholding the things Acts 8. 13 beholding the miracles aud signs which 4. To behold, ]3AeVo> blepo. Acts 4. 14 beholding the man which was healed Col. 2. 5 joying and beholding your order, and the 5. To behold intensely, 4pfi\4na> emblepd. Markio. 21 Then Jesus beholding him, loved him 6. To observe fully, xavavoioi katanoeo. Jas. i. 23 like unto a man beholding his natural 7. To see, opd o> liorao. Luke23. 49 his acquaintance, .stood afar, .beholding [See also Earnestly, steadily.] BEHOVE, to — To be binding on, 5ei (acc.), dei. Luke24. 46 thus [it behoved] Christ to suffer, and to. BEHOVETH one, it — To owe, bipelka opheilo. Heb. 2. 17 it behoved him to be made like unto (his) BEING, while I have — In my being, ’TiJ/a beodi, Psa 104. 33 I will sing praise.. while I have my being BEING — 1 .To be, e iu l eiini. Matt. 1. 19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just 7. 11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give 12. 34 how can ye, being evil, speak good Mark 8. 1 In those days the multitude being very 14. 3 being in Bethany, in the house of Simon Luke 2. 5 To be taxed with Mary, .being great with 3. 23 being (as was supposed) the sou of Joseph 13. 16 ought not this woman, being a daughter 20. 36 the children of God, being the children 22. 3 Judas. .being of the number of the twelve John 4. 9 How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest 5. 13 conveyed himself away, a multitude being 6. 71 that should betray him, [being] one of the 7. 50 he that came to Jesus by night, being one 10. 33 that thou, being a man, makest thyself 11. 49 one of them, .being the high priest that 11. 51 being high priest that year, he prophesied 18. 26 One of the servants of. .highpriest, being 19. 38 Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Acts 15. 32 Judas aud Silas, being prophets also _ 16. 21 teach customs, .not lawful for us..being 27. 2 (one) Aristarchus, a Macedonian. .being Rom 11. 17 thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed 1 Co. 8. 7 and their conscience being weak is 9. 21 being not without law to God, but under 12.12 all the members of that one body, being BEING 86 BELIEVE Gal. 2. 3 neither Titus, who was with me, being a Eph. 2. 20 Jesus Christ himself being the chief 4. 18 being alienated from the life of God Col. 2. 13 you, being dead iu your sins..hath he 1 Ti. 3. 10 use the office of a deacon, being., blameless Titus 1. 16 in works they deny..beiug abominable 3. 11 and sinneth, being condemned of himself J'hm. 9 being such an one as Paul the aged, and Hob. 1. 3 Who being the brightness of (his) glory 13. 3 as being yourselves also in the body 2. To become, yi!yo/uai ginomai. Mark 9. 33 being in the house, he asked them. What Luke22. 44 being in an agony he prayed, .earnestly .Tas. 1. 25 he beiug not a-forgetful hearer, but a 1 Pe. 5. 3 Neither as being lords over, heritage 3 . To be, exist, iinahuparcho. Luke 11. 13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give 16. 23 being in torments, and seeth Abraham Acts 7. 55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost 14. 8 [being] a cripple from his mother's womb 16. 20 These men, being Jews, do exceedingly 16. 37 being Romans, and have cast (us) into 19. 40 there beingno cause whereby we may give 2 Co. 8. 17 but being more forward. .lie went unto 12. 16 being crafty, I caught you with guile Gal. 1. 14 being more exceedingly zealous of the 2. 14 If thou, being a Jew, livest after the Phil. 2. 6 being iu tire form of God, thought it BEING, we have our — We are, Icrplv esmen. Acts 17. 28 we live, and move, and have our being BEK AH — A bekah, yp? beqa. Exod38. 26 A bekah for every man. .half a shekel BEL, ^2 lord. The Babylonian name of Baal, though some critics doubt their identity. Isa. 46. 1 B. boweth down, Nebo stoopeth; their Jer. 50. 2 Babylon is taken, B. is confounded 51. 44 I will punish B. in Babylon, and I will BE’-LA, BE'-LAH, yS| consumption. 1. A place near the S. of the vale of Siddim, called also Zoar. Gen. 14. 2 made war with, .the king of B., which 14. 8 there went out. .the king of B., the same 2 . Tlie first king of Edom mentioned in scripture, n.c. 1600. Gen. 36. 32 B. tire son of Beor reigned in Edom : and 36. 33 B. died, and Jobab the son of Zerali of 1 Cli. 1. 43 these, .the kings that reigned:.B. the son 1. 44 when B. was dead, Jobab the son of S. Eldest son of Benjamin, and head of the Belaites, of whom tire house of Ehud was most remarkable. lie was one of the left-handed heroes, n.c. 1700. Gen. 46. 21 the sons of Benjamin. ,B., and Becher Num 26. 38 of B., the family of the Belaites : of Ash. 26. 40 tlie sons of B. were Ard and Naaman 1 Clr. 7. 6 of Benjamin ; B. and Becher, and Jediael 7. 7 tlie sons of Bela : Ezbon, and Uzzi, and 8. 1 Benjamin begat B. his firstborn, Ashbel 8. 3 tlie sons of B. were, Addar, and Gera and 4 . A son of Azaz of the tribe of P k euben. 1 Ch. 5. 8 Bela the son of Azaz, the son of Shema BE-LA-ITES, >i ^3 belonging to Hela. Descendants of tlie preceding Bela. Num 26. 38 of Bela, the family of the Belaites : of BELCH out, to — To cause to flow, utter, send forth, jnt ndba, 5. Tsa. 59. 7 Behold, they belch out with their mouth BE LI'-AL, worthless, reckless, lawless. This should not be regarded as a proper name. It is generally associated with the words “man,” “son," “daughter," or “chilren.” Hence “son” or “man" of Belial, simply means “a worthless person.” In the New Testament the form of the word is Bcliar (/3e?^iap not /3e\la\ as given in the common version). Dent 13. 13 men, the children of B., are gone out Judg 19. 22 certain sons of B., beset the house round 20. 13 deliver (us) the men, the children of B- 1 Sa. 1. 16 Count not thine handmaid for a dan. of 1 ! 2. 12 Now the sons of Eli (were) sons of B. 10. 27 tlie children of B. said, How shall this 25. 17 for he (is such) a son of B., that (a man) 25. 25 Let not my Lord. .regard this man of B. 30. 22 Then answered all tlie wicked men...of Ii. 2 Sa. 16. 7 Come out, come out. .thou man of B. 20. 1 there happened to lie there a man of B. 23. 6 But (tlie sons) of B... all of them as thorns 1 Ki. 21. 10 set two men, sons of B., before him, to 21. 13 there came in two men, children of B. 21. 13 the men of B. witnessed against him 2 Ch. 13. 7 there are gathered unto him. .child, of B. 2 Cor. 6. 1 5 what concord hath Christ witli B. ? BELIE, to — To lie to, be false, vr,3 kacliash, 3. Jer. 5. 12 They have belied the Lorp, and said BELIEF — Confidence, trust, ir'urr is pistis. ‘2 Th. 2. 73 through sanctification of the Spirit, and BELIEVE, to — 1 .To remain stedfast, |»l< aman, 5. Gen. 15. 6 he believed in the Loitb ; and he counted 45 26 Jacob’s heart fainted, for he believed Exod. 4. j they will not believe me, nor hearken 4. 5 That they may believe that tiie Lord God 4. 8 it shall come to pass, if they will not be. 4. 8 they will believe the voice of the latter 4. 9 if they will not believe also these two 4. 31 the people believed: and when they heard 14. 31 believed the Lord, and his servant Moses 19. 9 that the people may hear, .and believe Num 14. 11 how long will it be ere they believe me 20. 12 Because ye believed me not, to sanctify Deut. 1. 32 in this thing ye did not believe the Lord 9. 23 ye believed him not, nor hearkened to his 1 Sa. 27. 12 Achish believed David, saying, He hath 1 Ki. 10. 7 Howbeit I believed not the words, until 2 Ki. 17. 14 that did not believe in the Lord their God 2 Ch. 9. 6 Howbeit I believed not their words, until 20. 20 Believe in the Lord, .believehis prophets 32. 15 nor persuade you. .neither yet believe Job. 9. 16 would I not believe that he. .hearkened 15. 22 He believeth not that he shall return out 29. 24 (If) I laughed on them, they believed (it) 39. 12 Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring 39. 24 neither believeth he that (it is) the sound Psa. 27. 13 unless I had believed to see the goodness 78. 22 Because they believed not in God, and 78. 32 and believed not for his wondrous works 106. 12 Then believed they bis words ; they sang 106. 24 they despised the pleasant land; they be. 116. 10 I believed, therefore have I spoken : I 119. 66 for I have believed thy commandments Prov.14. 15 The simple believeth every word: but the 26. 25 When he speaketh fair, believe him not Isa. 7. 9 If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not 28. 16 he that believeth shall not make haste 43. 10 that ye may know and believe me, and 53. i Who hath believed our report ? and to Jer. 12. 6 believe them not, though they speak fair 40. 74 Gedaliah the son of Aliikam believed, .not Lam. 4. 72 The kings, .would not have believed that Dan. 6. 23 taken up out. .because he believed inliis Jon. 3. 5 So the people of Nineveh believed God Hub. 7. 5 ye will not believe, though it be told 2 . To h 7 persuaded, irCOopai peithomai. Acts 17. 4 some of them believed, and consorted 27. 11 Nevertheless the centurion believed the 28. 24 some believed tlie things which were 3 . To adhere to, trust, rely on, iritrTevio pisteuo. Matt. 8. 73 as thou hast believed, (so) be it done unto 9. 28 Believe ye that I am able to do this? 18. 6 one of these little ones which believe in 21. 22 whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believ. 21. 25 Why did ye not then believe him ? 21. 32 believed him not. .believed him..miglitb. 24. 23 Lo, here (is) Christ, or there ; believe fit) 24. 26 (he is) in the secret chambers ; believe (it) 27. 42 let him. .come down, .and we will believe Mark 5. 36 unto the ruler..Be not afraid, only believe 9. 23 If thou canst [believe]..him that believeth 9. 2 ( Lord, I believe ; help thou mine unbelief 9. 42 offend one of. .little ones that [believe]in 11. 23 shall believe that those things which lie 17. 24 when ye pray, believe that ye receive i7. 31 will say, Why then did ye not believe him? 13. 21 or, lo, (he is) there ; believe (him) not 15. 32 descend, .that we may see and believe 16. 13 [they went and told, .neither believed] 16. 14 [because they believed not them which ] 16. 16 [He that believeth. .shall be saved ; but] 16. 17 [these signs shall follow them that believe] Luke 1. 20 because thou believestnot my words 1. 45 blessed (is) she that believed : for there 8. 12 lest they should believe and be saved 8. 13 have no root, which for a while believe 8. 50 believe only, and she shall be made whole 20. 5 he will say, Why then believed ye him 22. 67 lie said. .If I tell you, ye will not believe John 1. 7 that all (men) through him might believe 1. 12 power, .to them that believe on his name 1. 50 I saw thee under the fig tree, believest 2. 11 miracles, .and his disciples believed on 2. 22 they believed the Scripture, and the word 2. 23 many believed in bis name, when they saw 3. 12 and ye believe not, bow shall ye believe 3. 15 That whosoever believeth in him should 3. 16 that whosoever believeth in him should 3. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemn. 3. 18 he that believeth not is condemned al. 3. 18 because he hath not believed in tlie name 3. 36 He that believeth on the Son of man hath 4. 21 Woman, believe me, the hour cometh 4. 39 many of the Samaritans, .believed on him 4. 41 many more believed because of his own 4. 42 Now we believe, not because of thy saying 4. 48 Except ye see signs, .ye will not believe 4. 50 the man believeil the word that Jesus 4. 53 and himself believed, and his whole house 5. 24 believeth on him that sent me, hath ever. 5. 38 whom he hath sent, him ye believe not 5. 44 How can ye believe, which receive honour 5. 46 had ye believed Moses, ye would have b.. 5. 47 if ye believe not his writings 5. 47 how shall ye believe my words? 6 . 29 that ye believe on him whom he hath 6. 30 that we may see, and believe thee? what 6. 35 he that believeth on me shall never thirst 6. 36 That ye also have seen me, and believe John 6. 40 which seeth the Son, and believeth on 6. 47 He that believeth on me hath everlasting 6. 64 some of you that believe not. .believed 6. 69 we believe and are sure that thou art that 7. 5 For neither did his brethren believe in 7. 31 many of tlie people believed on him, and 7. 38 He that believeth on me, as the Scripture 7. 39 which they that believe on him should 7. 48 Have any of the rulers, believed on him? 8. 24 if ye believe not that I am (he), ye shall 8. 30 As lie spake these words many believed 8. 31 said, .to those Jews which believed on 8. 45 because I tell.. the truth, ye believe me 8. 46 if I say the truth, why do ye not believe 9. 18 the Jews did not believe concerning him 9. 35 Dost thou believe on the Son of God ? 9. 36 Who is he. .that I might believe on him? 9. 38 lie said, Lord, [I believe.] And he 10. 25 I told you, and ye believed not 10. 26 ye believe not, because ye are not of my 10. 37 If I do not tlie works .believe me not 10. 38 though ye believe not me, believe the 10. 38 that ye may know and [believe,] that the 10. 42 And many believed on him there 11. 15 to the intent ye may believe; nevei tlieless 11. 25 he that believeth in me, though he were 11. 26 whosoever, believeth in me shall never n.27 Believest thou this? I believe that thou 11. 40 if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest 11. 42 that they may believe that thou hast sent 11. 45 Then many of the Jews, .believed on him 11. 48 If we let him thus alone, all.. will believe 12. 11 of the'Jews went away, anil believed on J. 12. 36 While ye have light, believe in the light 12. 37 done, .many miracles, .yet they believed 12. 38 Lord, who hath believed our report? ami 12. 39 Therefore they could not believe, because 12. 42 among the chief rulers also many believed 12. 44 He that believeth on me, believeth not 12. 46 whosoever believeth on me should not 12. 47 if any man hear my words, and [believe] 13. 19 that, .ye may believe that I am (he) 14. 1 ye believe in God, believe also in me 14. 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father 14. 11 Believe me that I (am) in the Father, and 14. 11 or else believe me for the v.ery works’ 14. 12 I say unto you. He that believeth on me 14. 29 when it is come to pass, ye might believe 16. 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me 16. 27 and have believed that I came out from 16. 30 by this we believe that thou earnest forth 16. 31 Jesus answ r ered them, Do ye now believe? 17. 8 they have believed that thou didst send 17. 20 which shall believe on me through their 17. 21 that the world may believe that thou hast 19. 35 that he saith true, that ye might believe 20. 8 went in also that other, .and believed 20. 25 thrust, .into his side, I will not believe 20. 29 thou hast believed. .and. .have believed 20. 31 that ye might believe.. and that believing Acts 2. 44 all that believed were together, and had 4. 4 many of them. .heard the word believeil 4. 32 the multitude of them that believed were 8. 12 when they believed Philip preaching the 8. 13 Simon himself believed also : and when 8. 37 [If thou believest . .1 believe] 9. 26 and believed not that he was a disciple q. 42 it was known, .and many believed in the 10. 43 whosoever believeth in him shall receive 11. 17 unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus 11. 21 a gi’eat number believed, and turned unto 13. 12 when he saw what was done, believed 13. 39 by him all that believe are justified from 13. 41 a work which ye shall in no wise believe 13. 48 as., were ordained to eternal life believed 14. i a. .multitude both of the Jews, .believed 14. 23 to the Lord, on whom they believed 15. 5 there rose up certain of. .which believed 15. 7 Gentiles, .word of the gospel, and believe 15. 11 we believe that through the grace of the :6. 31 they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus 16. 34 believing in God with all his house 17. 12 Therefore many of them believed ; also 17. 34 men clave unto him, and believed 18. 8 believed on the Lord, .hearingbelieved 18. 27 helped them much which had believed 19. 2 received the Holy Gliostsince ye believed? 19. 4 tliey should believe on him which should 19. 18 many that believed came, and confessed 21. 20 thousands of Jews there are which believe 21. 25 As touching the Gentiles which believe 22. 19-beat in every synagogue, .that believed 24. 14 believing all things which are written 26. 27 believest thou. .1 know, .thou believest 27. 25 be of good cheer: for I believe God Tvom. 1. 16 power of God. .every one that believeth 3. 22 unto all and upon all them that believe 4. 3 Abraham believed God, and it was 4. 5 believeth on him that justifieth the 4. n he might be the father of all them that be. 4. 17 before him whom he believed, (even) God 4. 18 Who against hope believed in hope, that 4. 24 if we believe on him that raised up Jesus 6. 8 we believe that we shall also live with 9. 33 whosoever believeth on him shall not lie 10. 4 for righteousness to. .one that believeth 10. 9 slialt believe in thine heart that God hath 10. 70 with the heart man believeth unto 10. 11 Whosoever believeth on him shall not lie 10. 14 they have not believed, .shall they believe 10. 16 Lord, who hath believed our report ? 13. 11 now (is)our salvation, .when weJJelieved BELIEVE 87 BELOVED Rom 14. 2 one believeth that he may cat all things 1 Co. x. 2j it pleased God.. to save them that believe 3. 5 but ministers by whom ye believed n. 18 lie divisions among you. .partly believe it 13. 7 Bcareth all things, believeth all things 14. 22 not to them that believe, .that believe 15. 2 are saved, .unless ye have believed in 15. xi they, so we preach, and so ye believed 2 Co. 4. 13 I believed.. we also believe, and therefore Gal. 2. 16 even we have believed in Jesus Christ 3. 6 Even as Abraham believed God, and it 3. 22 promise, .be given to them that believe Eph. x. 13 in whom also, after that ye believed, ye 1. 19 who believe, according to. liis mighty Phil, x, 29 not only to believe on him, but also to 1 Th. 1. 7 to all that believe in Macedonia and 2.10 behavedourselves among you that believe 2. 13 effectually worketh. .in you that believe 4. 14 if we believe that Jesus died and rose 2 Th. 1. 10 that believe, .our testimony, .believed 2. ix delusion, that they should believe a lie 2. 12 might be damned who believed not the 1 Ti. i. 16 which should hereafter believe on him 3. x6 believed on in the world, received up 2 Ti. 1. 12 I know whom I have believed, and am Titus 3. 8 they which have believed in God might Heb. 4. 3 we which have believed do enter into rest ix. 6 he that cometli to God must believe that Jas. 2. 19 Thou believest. .the devils also believe 2. 23 Abraham believed God, aud it was 1 Tc. 1. 8 believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable 1. 21 Who by him do [believe] in God, that 2. 6 he that believeth on him shall not be 2. 7 Unto you therefore which believe (he is) 1 Jo. 3. 23 That we should believe on the name of 4. 1 believe not every spirit, but try the spirits 4. 16 we have known and believed the love 5. 1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the 5. 5 he that believeth that Jesus is the Sou Jude 5 afterward destroyed them that believed \.To remain stedfast in regard to, mar cow ex’s. 1 Jo. 5. 10 He that believeth on the Son of God 5. 10 he believeth not the record that God 5. 13 [that believe on. .that ye may believe on] 't.To remain stedfast in, nloreiiw eV Mark 1. 15 saying, .repent ye, and believe the gospel 3 .To remain stedfast on, marevw inl. Luke 24. 25 O fools, and slow of heart to believe all BELIEVE not, to — 1.2b be unpersuaded, ancibe'w apeitheo. John 3. 36 he that believeth not the Son shall not see Acts 17. 5 the Jews [which believed not,] moved 19. 9 when divers were hardened, and beli. not Horn ix. 30 as ye in times past have not believed God 11. 31 Even so have these also now not believed 15. 31 from them that do not believe in Judea Ileb. 3.18 sware he. .to them that believed not? 11. 31 Kahab perished not with them that bcl. 2.7b be without trust, airurreo) apisteo. Marki6.11 [they, when they had heard..believed not] 16. 16 [he that believeth not shall be damned] Luke 24. 11 as idle tales, and they believed them not 24. 41 while they yet believed not for joy, and Acts 28. 24 which were spoken, and some believedn. Horn. 3. 3 what if some did not believe? shall their 2 Ti. 2. 13 If we believe not. .he abidetlifaithful BELIEVE, them that —- To be of faith, rival nlorecos einai pisteos. Heb. 10. 39 but of them that believe to the saving of BELIEVED, most surely — To bear, carry fully, n\ypo. I follow place, iia'p qobah. Num25. 8 thrust, .the woman through her belly G. Belly, yaaryp gasler. Titus 1. 12 Cretians (are) alway liars, .slow bellies 7. Belly, inward parts, KoiXia koilia. Matt 12. 40 as Jonas was three days, .whale's belly 15, 17 enteieth in at the mouth, .into the belly Mark 7. 19 not into his heart, but into the belly Luke 13. 16 he would fain have filled his belly with John 7. 38 out of his belly shall flow rivers of living Rom 16. 18 they that are such serve, .theirown belly 1 Co. 6. 13 Meats for the belly, and the belly for Phil. 3.19 Whose end (is) destruction, whose, .belly Rev. 10. 9 it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall 10.10 as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was BELONG to or unto, to — To be, dp. I eimi. Mark 9. 41 because ye belong to Christ, verily I say Luke23. 7 as soon as he knew tliat he belonged unto Heb. 5. 14 strong meat belongeth to them that are BELONG to, things that — 1 .Portion, njD manah, Esth. 2. 9 with such things as belonged to her, and 2.The things of, ra or vpbs, cdso gen. Luke 9. 10 a desert place belonging to the city called 1 Co. 7. 32 He.. eareth for the things that belong to [See also Gen. 40. 8; Lev. 27. 24; Deut. 29. 29; 32. 33 ; Judg. 19. 14; 20. 4 ; 1 Ki. 1. 8 ; Ezra 10 4; Psa. 3. 8 ; 47. 9; 62. n, 12; 68. 20; Prov. 24. 33 ; Dan. 9. 7, 8, 9; Heb. 10. 30.] BELOVED — 1 To love, nnx aheb. Deut2i. 15 If amanhave two wives, one beloved, and 21.15 have born him children.. the beloved and 21. 16 he may not make the son of the beloved Nell. 13. 26 who was beloved of his God, and God Song 1. 14 My beloved (is) unto me (as) a cluster of Hos. 3. 1 Go yet, love a woman beloved of (her) Song 1. 16 thou (art) fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant 2 . Loved, in dod. Song 2. 3 so (is) my beloved among the sons 2. 8 The voice of my beloved ! behold, he 2. 9 My beloved is like a roe or a young hart 2. 10 My beloved spake, and said unto me. Rise 2. 16 My beloved (is) mine, and I (am) his : he 2. 17 turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe 4. 16 Let my beloved come into his garden 5. 1 drink, yea, drink abundantly, O beloved 3. 2 the voice of my beloved that kuocketh 5. 4 My beloved put in his hand by the hole 3. si rose up to open to my beloved ; and my 5. 6 I opened to my beloved ; hut my beloved 5. 8 0 daughters of Jerusalem, .my beloved 5. 9 What.. thy beloved more than (another) b. 5. 9 what, thy beloved more than (nnother)b. 5. 10 My beloved (is) white and ruddy, the 5. 16 This (is) my beloved, and this (is) my 6. 1 is thy beloved gone, .thy beloved turned 6. 2 My beloved is gone down into his garden 6. 3 I (am) my beloved's, and my beloved (is‘ 7. 9 like tlie best wine for my beloved, that 7. 10 I (am) my beloved's, and his desire (is) 7. 11 Come, my beloved, let us go forth into 7. 13 (which) I have laid up for thee, .beloved 8. 5 Who (is) this, .leaning upon her beloved? 8. 14 Make haste, my beloved, and be thou Isa. 5. 1 a soug of my beloved touching liis viney. 3. Beloved, i’ll yedid. Deut 33. 12 The beloved of the LORD shall dwell in Psa. 60. 5 That thy beloved maybe delivered, save 108. C That thy beloved may he delivered • save 127. 2 (for) so he givetli his beloved sleep Jer. 11. 15 What hath my beloved to do in mine 4 . Desire, ictso machmad. Hos. 9.16 yet will I slay, .the beloved, .of tlieir 5. To love dearly, ay an aw agapao. Rom. 9. 2_5 call. .her beloved, which was not beloved Eph. 1. 6 he hath made us accepted in the Beloved Col. 3.12 as the elect of God, holy and beloved 1 Th. 1. 4 Knowing, brethren beloved, your election 2 Th. 2.13 brethren beloved of tiie Lord, because Rev. 20. 9 camp of the saints about, .beloved city G. Pearly beloved, ayanyris agapelos. Matt. 3. 17 This is my beloved Soil, in whom I am 12. 18 my beloved, in whom my soul is well 17. 5 This is my beloved Son, in whom I am Mark 1. 11 Thou art my beloved Son. in whom I am 9. 7 saying, This is my beloved Son : bear him Luke 3. 22 Thou art my beloved Son ; in thee I am 9. 35 saying.This is my [beloved] Son : hear him 20. 13 What shall I do ? I will send my lieloved Acts 15. 25 to send chosen men. .with our beloved Rom. 1. 7 To all that be in Rome, beloved of God 11. 28 the election.. beloved for the fathers’ 16. 8 Greet Amplias my beloved in the Lord 16. 9 Salute Urbane, .and Stachys my beloved 16.12 [Salute the,beloved Persis, which laboured] 1 Co. 4. 14 but, as my beloved sons, I warn (you) 4.17 Timotheus, who is my beloved son 13. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye Eph. 6. 21 a beloved brother and faithful minister Phil. 2. 12 my beloved, as ye have always obeyed Col. 4. 7 Tychicus. .beloved brother, and a 4. 9 Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother 4. 14 Luke, the beloved physician, aud Demas 1 Ti. 6. 2 because they are faithful and beloved Phm. 2 to (our) [beloved] Appliia, and Arcliippus 16 but above a servant, a brother beloved Heb. 6. 9 But, beloved, we are persuaded, .of you Jas. 1. 16 Do not err, my beloved brethren 1. 19 my beloved brethren, let every man be 2. 5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not 1 Pe. 4. 12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning 2 Pe. 1. 17 This is my beloved Son, in whom I am 3. 1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write 3. 8 beloved, he not ignorant of this one thing 3. 14 beloved, seeing that ye look for such 3. 15 even as our beloved brother Paul also 3. 17 beloved, seeing ye know, .before, beware 1 Jo. 3. 2 Beloved, now are we tile sons of God 3. 21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not 4. 1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, liut try 4. 7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love 4. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also 3 Jo. 2 Beloved, I wish, .thou mayest prosper 5 Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil Jude 3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to 17 beloved, remember ye the words, .of the 20 beloved, building up yourselves on your BELOVED, dearly — 1 .Dearly beloved, niT£ yediduth. Jer. 12. 7 dearly beloved of my soul into the liaind 2.Dearly beloved, ayanyros agapelos. Rom 12. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves 1 Co. 10. 14 Wherefore, my dearly lieloved, flee from 2 Co. 7. 1 dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves 12. 19 but. .all things, dearly beloved, for your Phil. 4. 1 my brethren dearly beloved and longed 4. 1 stand fast in the Lord,(my) dearly beloved 2 Ti. 1. 2 To Timothy, (my) dearly beloved son Phm. 1 Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellow- 1 Pe. 2.11 Dearly beloved, I beseech (you) as BELOVED, well — Dearly beloved, ayanyros agapelos. Mark 12. 6 Having yet. .oue son, his well beloved BELOVED 88 BENJAMIN Rom 16. s Salute my well beloved Epenetus, who is 3 J o. x The elder uuto the well beloved Gaius BELOVED, greatly — Very desirable, n'niDn chamudoth. Dan. 9. 23 for thou (art) greatly beloved : therefore 10. II O Dauiel, a man greatly beloved 10. iq And said, 0 man greatly beloved, fearnot BEL-SHAZ'-ZAR, the lord’s leader. Son of Nebuchadnezzar and last of the kings of Babylon, slain B.C. 550. Dan. 5. 1 B. the king made a great feast to a 5. 2 B.,whiles he tasted the wine, commanded 5. 9 Then was king B. greatly troubled, and 5. 22 thou his son, 0 B., hast not humbled 5. 29 Then commanded B., and they clothed 5. 30 In that night was B. the king of the Chal. 7. 1 In the first year of B. king of Babylon 8. 1 In the third year of the reign of king B. BEL-TE-SHAZ-ZAR, nwz’taj’a the lord’s leader. The name given to Daniel by the prince of Nebuchad¬ nezzar’s eunuchs, B.C. 550. Dan. 1. 7 for he gave unto Daniel (the name) of B. 2. 26 said to Daniel whose name (was) B., Art 4. 8 at the last Daniel.. whose name (was) B. 4. 9 0 B., master of the magicians, because I 4. 18 Now thou, O B. declare the interpretation 4. 19 Then Daniel, whose name (was) B., was 4. 19 The king spake, and said, B., let not the 4. 19 B. answered and said, My Lord, the dream 5. 12 Daniel, whom the king named B. : now 10. 1 revealed unto Daniel, whose name was B. BEMOAN, to — To nod, move, id mid. Job 42.11 they bemoaned him, and comforted him Jer. 15. s O Jerusalem ? or who shall bemoan thee ? 16. s neither go to lament nor belhoan them 22. 10 Weep ye not for the dead, neither bemoan 48. 17 All ye that are about him, bemoan him Nah. 3. 7 Nineveh is laid waste ; who will bemoan BEMOAN self, to — To nod or move oneself, id nud, la. Jer. 31. 18 I have, .heard Ephraim bemoaning h. BEN, )a son, intelligent. A Levite set over the (service of song in the time of David, B.C. 1042. 1 Ch. 15. 18 with them their brethren. .B., and Jaaziel BE-NA'-IAH, Jah is intelligent. 1 Son of Jehoiadah, one of David’s officers, B.C. 1042. 2 Sa. 8. 18 B. the son of Jehoiada (was over) both 20. 23 B. the son of Jehoiada (was) over the 23. 20 B. the son of Jehoiada, the son of a 23. 22 These (things) did B. the son of Jehoiada 1 Ki. 1. 8 Zadok the priest, and B. the son of .Tehoia. 1. 10 Nathan the prophet, and B., and the 1. 26 Zadok the priest, and B. the son of Jeh. 1. 32 David said, Call me Zadok the priest..* B. 1. 36 B. the son of Jehoiada answered the king 1. 38 So Zadok the priest, .and B. the son of 1. 44 the king hath sent..B., the son of Jehoiada 2. 25 king Solomon sent by the hand of B. the 2. 29 Then Solomon sent B. the son of Jelioiada 2. 30 B. came to the tabernacle of the Loud 2. 30 B. brought the king word again, saying 2. 34 So B. the son of Jehoiada went up, and 2. 35 the king put B. the son of Jehoiada 2. 46 So the king commanded B. the son of 1 Ki. 4. 4 B. the son of Jehoiada (was) over the 1 Ch. 11. 22 B. the son of Jehoiada, the son of a 11. 24 These (things) did B. the son of Jehoiada 18. 17 B. the son of Jehoiada (was) over the 27. s The third captain of the host..(was) B. the 27. 6 This (is that) B. ,(who was) mighty (among) One of David's valiant men from Pirathon, B.C. 1042. 2 Sa. 23. 30 [one of the thirty]. .B. the Pirathonite 1 Ch. 11. 31 children of Benjamin, B. the Pirathonite 27.14 The eleventh (captain, .was) B. the Pira. 3 . Head of a family of Simeon, B.C. 1050. ' 1 Ch. 4. 36 Asaiah, and Adiel, and Jesimiel, and B. 4 . One of David’s priests in Jerusalem, B.C. 1042. 1 Ch. : i5. 18 with them their brethren. .B., and Maas. 15. 20 Maaseiah, and B., with psalteries on 15. 24 B., andEliezer, the priests, didblowwith 16. 5 Mattithiah, and Eliab, and B., and Obed. 16. 6 B. also and Jahaziel the priests with 5 . Bather of one of David’s counsellors, B.C. 1040. 1 Ch. 27. 34 Ahithophel (was) Jehoiada the son of B. fi. The grandfather of Jehaziel, B.C. 896. 2 Ch. 20. 14 Then upon Jahaziel. .the son of B., the 7 . A Levite overseer of the temple and the offerings in Hezekiah’s reign, B.C. 725. 2CI1.31. 13 Mahath, and B. ..overseers under the hand 8. One of the family of Parosh, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 25 the sons of Parosh. .Malchijah, and B. 9 . A son of Pahath-moab, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 30 sons of Pahath-moab ; Adna. .Chelal, B. 10. A son of Bani, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 33 [Of thesonsofBaui; Maadai]..B.,Bediah 11. A son of Nebo, B.C. 456. Ezra 10. 43 Of the sons of Nebo; Jeiel. .and Joel, B. 12 . Father of Pelatiah, a prince of Judah, B.C. 594. Eze. 11. 1 among whom. .Pelatiah the son of B. 11. 13 that Pelatiah the son of B. died. Then BEN AM -MI, ’ey if son of my people. The son whom Lot’s younger daughter bore to him. He was father of the Ammonites, B.C. 1819. Gen. 19. 38 also bare a son, and called his name B. BENCH — Board, bench, an [5 qeresh. Eze. 27. 6 the Ashurites have made thy benches BEND, to — 1 .To tread, darak. Psa. 7. 12 he hath bent his bow, and made it ready 11. 2 For, lo, the wicked bend, .bow, they make 37. 14 The wicked, .have bent their bow, to cast 58. 7 he bendeth. .his arrows, let them be as 64. 3 bend, .their arrows, .bitter words Isa. 5. 28 tbeir bows bent, their horses’ hoofs shall 21. 15 they fled, .from the bent bow, and from Jer. 46. 9 Lydians, that handle (and) bend the bow 50. 14 all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her . 50. 29 all ye that bend the bow, camp against it 51. 3 Against (him that) bend, let the archer b. Lam. 2. 4 He hath bent his bow like an enemy 1 3. 12 He hath bent his bow, and set me as a Zech. 9. 13 When I have bent Judah for me 2. To cause to tread, darak, 5. Jer. 9. 3 they bend their tongues (like) their bow 3. To bend, bow, ]5| Jcaphan. Eze. 17. 7 this vine did bend her roots toward him BENDING — To bow down, nnv shacliach. Isa. 60. 14 sons also, .shall come bending unto thee BENEATH — 1 . Beneath, boiv, nias mattali. Exod26. 24 they shall be coupled together beneath 27. 5 thou shalt put it under, .the altar beneath 36. 29 they were coupled beneath, and coupled 38. 4 under the compass thereof beneath unto Deut28. 13 thou shalt not be beneath ; if that thou Prov.15. 24 that he may depart from hell beneath Jer. 31. 37 the foundations, .searched out beneath 2. Under, nnn tachath. Exod32. 19 and brake them beneath the mount Deut 33. 13 Blessed, .for the deep that coucheth be. 3. From under, nrwo mittachath. Exod2o. 4 heaven above, or. .in the earth beneath Deut. 4. 18 fish that (is) ip the waters beneath the 4. 39 heaven above, and upon the earth beneath 5. 8 heaven above, or. .in the earth beneath Job 18. 16 His roots shall be dried up beneath 4. Downwards, down, ko.tu kato. Mark 14. 66 as Peter was beneath in the palace, there John 8. 23 Ye are from beneath ; I am from above Acts 2. 19 I will show, .signs in the earth beneath BE-NE BE'-RAK, pin - ’]? sons of lightning. A city in Dan, near Ashdod. Josh.19. 45 [coast of their inheritance]. .Jehud. .B. BENEFACTOR — Well-doer, evepyerys euergetes. Luke 22. 25 exercise authority. .are called benefactors BENEFIT — 1 .Deed, gemul. 2 Ch. 32. 25 according to the benefit (done) unto him Psa. 103. 2 Bless the Lord .. forget not all his benefits 2 . Deed, tagmul. Psa. 116.12 I render unto the Lord, .all his benefits 3. Good, aya6os agathos. Phm. 14 that thy benefit should not be as it were 4 . Good work, well-doing, evepyetrla euergesia. 1 Ti. 6. 2 because they are.. partakers of the benefit 5. Grace, char is. 2 Co. 1. 15 that ye might have a second benefit BENEFIT, to — To do good, Jt?; yatab, 5. Jer. 18. 10 wherewith I said I would benefit them BE-NE JA-A'-KAN, [py.; '33 sons of intelligence. A tribe that gave its name to several wells around the 27th station of the Israelites, and 16th from Sinai. It lay between Moseroth and Horagidgad. Nuni33. 31 they departed from Moseroth, and B. 33. 32 they removed from B., and encamped at BENEVOLENCE — Good mind, evvoia eunoia. 1 Co. 7. 3 render unto the wife due benevolence BEN HA'-DAD, inn ]3 son of Iladad. 1 . A king of Syria, son of Tabrimon. He made a league with Asa, king of Judah, and invaded Israel, B.C. 951. 1 Ki. 15. 18 king Asa sent them to B., the son of 15. 20 So B. hearkened unto king Asa, and sent 2 Ch. 10. 2 sent to B. king of Syria, that dwell at 16. 4 B. hearkened unto king Asa, and sent 2 . Another king of Syria, who reigned in the time of Aliab king of Israel, B.C. 901. 1 Ki. 20. 1 B. the king of Syria gathered all his 20. 2 said unto him, Thus said B., thy silver 20. 5 Thus speaketh B., saying, Although I 20. 9 he said unto the messengers of B., Tell 20. 10 B. sent unto him, and said, The gods 20. 16 B. (was) drinking himself drunk in 20. 17 B. sent out, and they told him, saying 20. 20 B. the king of Syria escaped on an 20. 26 it came to pass.. that B. numbered 20. 30 B. fled, and came into the city, into 20. 32 Thy servant B. saith, I pray thee, let me 20. 33 they said, Thy brother B. Then he said 20. 33 Then B. came forth to him ; and he 2 Ki. 6. 24 it came to pass after this, that B. king of 8. 7 B. the king of Syria was sick : and 8. 9 Thy son B. king of Syria hath sent me 3 . Son of Hazael, who succeeded him, B.C. 842. 2 Ki/13. 3 into the hand of B. the son of Hazael 13. 24 and B. his son reigned in his stead 13. 25 Jehoash. .again out of the hand of B. Amos 1. 4 which shall devour the palaces of B. 4 . A general title of the kings of Damascus. Jer. 49. 27 it shall consume the palaces of B. BEN HA'-IL, strong, valiant. A prince of Judah under Jehosliaphat, B.C. 912. 2 Ch. 17. 7 he sent to his B., and to 0 . BENHA'-NAN, f very gracious. A son of Shimon, descended from Jephunneh,B.c. 1400. 1 Ch. 4. 20 the sons of Shimon. .B., and Tilon BE-NI'-NU, D'33 posterity. A Levite who, with Nehemiah, sealed the covenant. Neh. 10. 13 [And their brethren]. .Hodijah, Bani, B. BEN-JA-’MIN, pa;:? son of the right hand. 1 . The youngest son of Jacob, and the only one born in Canaan. His birth occurred a short distance from Bethlehem, and where his mother Rachel died, naming him with her last breath Bcnoni ‘‘son of my sorrow." This name was changed by Jacob into Beujamiu or Binyamin, B.c. 1732. Gen. 33. 18 but his father called him B. 35. 24 The sons of Rachel; Joseph and B. 42. 4 B., Joseph’s brother, Jacob sent not with 42. 36 Simeon (is) not, and ye will take B. 43. 14 may send away your other brother, and 1!. 43. 15 took double money in their hand, and B. 43. 16 when Joseph saw B. with them, he said 43. 29 he lifted up his eyes, and saw. .B. 43. 34 B.’s mess was five times so much as any 44. 12 and the cup was found in B.’s sack 43. 12 youreyessee, andtheeyesofmybrotherB. 45. 14 he fell upon his brother B.’s neck, and 45.14 and B. wept upon his neck 43. 22 but to B. he gave three hundred (pieces) 46. 19 of Rachel, Jacob’s wife ; Joseph and B. 46. 21 the sons of B. (were) Belah, and Becher 49^27 B. shall ravin as a wolf : in the morning Exod. 1. 3 [children of Israel].. Issachar, Zebulun..B. Deut 33. 12 of BJi£_£aid T -The beloved of the Lord i Ch. 2. i2"[sons of Israel].. Dan, Joseph, and B. 7. 6 of B. ; Bela, and Becher, and Jediael 2 . The tribe springing from Benjamin as well as the district occupied by it are frequently spoken of by this name. Num. 1. 11 of B. ; Abidan the son of Gideoni. 1. 36 Of the children of B., by their generations 1. 37 of the tribe of B... thirty and five thous. 2. 22 the tribe of B. : and the captain of the 2. 22 sons of B. (shall be) Abidan the son of 7. 60 Abidan. .prince of the children of B. 16. 24 over the host of the tribe of. .B. (was) 13. 9 of the tribe of B., Palti the son of Rafdiu 26. 38 The sons of B. after their families : of 26. 41 These. .the sons of B. after their families 34. 21 of the tribe of B., Elidad the son of Chis. Deut 27. 12 These shall stand. .Joseph, and B. Josh.18. 11 the lot of the tribe of the children of B. 18. 20 This.. the inheritence of the children of 1 !. 18. 21 the cities of the tribe of the children of 1». 18. 28 (is) the inheritance of the children of B. 21. 4 out of the tribe of B., thirteen cities 21. 17 out of the tribe of B., Gibeon with her Judg. 1. 21 the children of B. did not drive out 1. 21 Jebusites dwell with the children of B. 5. 14 after thee, B., among thy people : out of 10. 9 Ammon passed. .to fight also against. .B. 19. 14 them. .byGibeah, which(belongeth)to B. 20. 3 Now the children of B. heard that the 20. 4 I came into Gibeah that (belongeth) to B. 20. 10 may do, when they come to Gibeah of B. 20. 12 sent men through all the tribe of B. 20. 13 the children of B. would not hearken 20. 14 the children of B. gathered themselves 2Q. 15 the children of B. were numbered at 20. 17 the men of Israel, besides B., were 20. 18 to the battle against the children of B. ? 20. 20 men of Israel went out to battle against B. 20. 21 the children of B. came forth out of 20. 23 shall I go.. against the children of B. 20. 24 came near against the children of B. 20. 25 B. u r ent forth against them out of Gibeah 20. 28 shall I. .go out to battle against. .B. 20. 30 Israel v'ent up against the children of R 20. 31 the children of B. went out against the 20. 32 the children of B. said, They(are)smitten 20. 35 the Lord smote B, before Israel: and 20. 36 the children of B. saw that they were 20. 39 B. began to smite (and) kill of the men BENJAMIN 89 BEROTHAH Judg 20. 41 the men of B. were amazed : for they saw 20. 44 there fell of B. eighteen thousand men 20. 46 So that all which fell that day of B. 20. 48 turned again upon the children of B. 21. 1 There shall not any of us give, .unto B. 21. 6 Israel repented them for B. their brother 21. 13 to speak to the children of B. that (were) 21.14 B. came again at that time ; and 21.15 the people repented them for B , because 21. 16 seeing the women are destroyed out of B.? 21 .17 inheritance for them that be escaped ofB. 21. 18 Cursed (be) he that giveth a wife to B. 21. 20 they commanded the children of B. 2i. 21 daughters of Shiloh, and go to. .land of B. 2i. 23 the children of B. did so, and took 1 Sa. 4. 12 there ran a man of B. out of the army 9. 1 there was a man of B., whose name 9. 16 send thee a man out of the land of B. 9. 21 least of all the families of the tribe of B. ? 10. 2 Rachel's sepulchre, in the border of B. at 10. 20 Israel to come near, the tribe of B. was 10. 21 When he had caused the tribe of B. to 13. 2 were with Jonathan in Gibeah of B. 13. 15 gat him up from Gilgal unto Gibeah of 15 . 13. 16 Saul, and Jonathan..abode in Gibeah of B. 14. 16 the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of B. 2 Sa. 2. 9 made him king over Gilead, .and over B. 2. 15 there, .went over by number twelve of B. 2. 25 tlie children of B. gathered themselves 2 31 the servants of David had smitten of B. 3. 19 Abner also spake in the ears of B. 3. 19 that seemed good to the whole house of B. 4. 2 Rimmon a Beerothite.of the children of B. 4. 2 for Beeroth also was reckoned to B. 19. 17 And. .a thousand men of B. with him 2i. 14 buried they in the country of B. in Zelali 23. 29 Ribai out of Gibeah of the children of B. 1 Ki. 4. 18 Shimei the son of Elali in B. 12. 21 Rehoboam. .assembled all .with. .B. 12. 23 Speak, .unto all the house of Judah and 15 . is. 22 king Asa built with them Gelia of B. 1 Cli. 6. 60 out of the tribe of B.; Geba with her 6. 65 they gave, .out of the tribe, .of B., these 8. 1 B. begat Bela his first born, Aslibel the 8. 40 All these (are) of the sons of B. 9. 3 in Jerusalem dwelt.. of the children of B. 9. 7 of the sons of B. ; Sallu the son of Mes. 11. 31 of Gibeah. .to the children of B., Benaiah 12. 2 armed with bows.. of Saul’s brethren of B. 12. 16 there came of the children of B.. .unto 12. 29 of the children of B.. .three thousand 21. 6 Levi ami B. counted he not among them 27. 21 of B.; Jaasiel the son of Abner 2 Ch. xi. 1 Rehoboam. .gathered of the house of.. B. 11. 3 Speak, .to all Israel in Judah and B. 11. 10 which (are) in Judah and in B. fenced 11. 12 made them, .strong, having. .B. on his 11. 23 dispersed, .his children throughout. . 15 . 14. 8 out of B.. .two hundred and fourscore th. 15. 2 Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and B. 15. 8 put away the. idols out of. .Judah and B. 15. 9 lie gathered all Judah and B., and the 17. 17 of B.; Eliada a mighty man of valour 25. s captains over thousands, .throughout.. B. 31. 1 threw down, .the altars out of all. ,B. 34. 9 the Levites.. had gathered.. of all.. B. 34. 32 he caused all that were. .in. .B. to stand Ezra 1. 5 Then rose up. .chief of the fathers of. .B. 4. 1 when the adversaries of Judah and B 10. 9 the men of.. B. gathered themselves Neh. n. 4 at Jerusalem dwelt, .of. .children of B. 11. 7 these (are) the sons of B. ; Sallu the son 11. 31 The children also of B.. .at Michmash 11. 36 And of the Levites (were) divisions, .in 15 . Tsa. 68. 27 There (is) little B.. .their ruler, the princes 80. 2 Before Ephraim and 15 .. .stir up thy Jcr. 1. 1 of the priests that (were), .inthelandof B. 6. 1 O ye children of B., gather yourselves to 17. 26 they shall come, .from the land of B. 32. 8 Buy my field.. which (is) in.. B. : for the 32. 44 and take witnesses in the land of B. 33. 13 in the land of B.. .shall the flocks pass 37. 12 Jeremiah went, .into the land of B. Eze. 48. 22 the border of Judah and the border of B. 48. 23 from the east side unto the west side, 15 . 48. 24 by the border of B.. .Simeon (shall have) 48. 32 one gate of B., one gate of Dan Hos. 5. 8 cry aloud (at) Beth-aven, after thee, O B. Obad. 19 of Samaria ; and B. (shall possess) Gilead Acts 13. 21 S. the son of C., a man of the tribe of 15 . Rom. 11. 1 I also am an Israelite, .(of) the tribe of B. Thil. 3. 5 Circumcised the eighth day.. tribe of 15 . Rev. 7. 8 of the tribe of B. (were) sealed twelve Tlie following localities were in the territory of Benja¬ min:—Ai, Aja, Aiatii, Ajalon, Alemeth, AUon-bachuth, Almon, Ammali, Ananiah, Anathoth, Aphrali, Avim, Baaltamar, Bahurim, Beeroth, Beth-Arahali, Beth- Aven, Beth-el, Beth-Haecerem, Beth-Hoglali, Betli- Horon (the lower), Beth-Phage, Bethany, Charashim, Chepar Haamonai, Chephirah, Eleph, En-rogel En- shemesh, Emmaus, Ephraim, Gaba, Gallim, Gareb, Oebim, Giah, Gibeah, Gibeon, Gidom, Gihon, Gilgal, uittann, Goatli, Hadid, Ilazor, Helkath-hazzurim, Jehus, Jericho, Jerusalem, Keziz, Kirioth, Luz, Mad¬ men, Maktesh, Michmas, Migron, Millo, Mizpah, Moza, Naiotli, Neballat, Nephtoah, Nob, Ono, Ophel, Ophni, uphrah, Far ah, Ramah, Rekem, Secliu, Shaveh, Shell, Miual, Silla, Taralah, Zalmcn, Zcboim, Zclah, Zelzali, Zemaraim, &c. 3 . Great grandson of Benjamin. 1 Ch. 7.10 The sons also of.. Jeush, and B., and 12 4. A descendant of Harim. Ezra 10. 32 B., Malluch, (and) Shemariah 5 . One who took part in repairing the wall, B.c. 550. Neh. 3. 23 After him repaired B. and Hasliub 6. One who took part in purifying the wall. B.c. 550. Neh. 12. 34 Judah, and B., and Shemaiah, and Jer. 7 . One of the gates of Jerusalem. Jer. 20. 2 the stocks that (were) in the. .gate of B. 37. 13 And when he was in the gate of B., a 38. 7 tlie king then sitting in the gate of B. Zech. 14. 10 from B’s. gate unto the place of the first BEN-JA-MITE, 'rpbvja belonging to Benjamin. Patronymic of the tribe of Benjamin. Judg. 3. 15 Ehud the son of Gera, a B., a man left 19. 16 but the men of the place (were) B. 20. 35 the children of Israel destroyed of the B. 20. 36 the men of Israel gave place to the B. 20. 40 the B. looked behind them, and, behold 20. 43 (Thus) they inclosed the B. round about 1 Sa. 9. 1 a B., a mighty man of power 9. 4 he passed through the land of the B. 9. 21 (Am) not I a B., of the smallest of the 22. 7 Hear now, ye B.; will the son of Jesse 2 Sa. 16. 11 how much more now (may this) B. (do it) ? 19. 16 Shimei the son of Gera, a B.. .came down 20. 1 Shelia, the son of Bichri, a B. ; and he 1 Ki. 2. 8 Shimei the son of Gera, a B. of Bahurim 1 Ch.27. 12 ninth..Abiezer the Anetothite, of the B. Esth. 2. s Shimei, the son of Kish, a B. l’sa. 7. title, concerning the words of Cush the B BE -NO, 113 his son. A descendant of Merari, son of Levi, B.c. 1000. 1 Ch.24. 26 the sons of Jaaziah; B. 24. 27 The sons of Merari by Jaaziah ; B., and BEN O’-NI, UiN’II son of my sorrow. The name given by Rachel to her second son, B.C. 1732. Gen. 35. 18 it came to pass, .she called his name B. BENT, to be — To, N5>n tala. Ho’s. 11. 7 my people are bent to backsliding from BEN ZO'-HETH, nnit j| corpulent, strong. A son of Ishi, a descendant of Judah through Caleb the son of Jepliiinneh, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 4. 20 tlie sons of Ishi (were) Zolieth, and B. BE'-ON, JV3 lord or house of On. A place E. of the Jordan, doubtless a contraction of Baal-meon. Compare verse 38. Now Main. N1111132. 3 Elealeh, and Shebam, and Nebo, and B. BE'-OR, liys shepherd. 1 . Father of Bela the first king of Edom, B.c. 1600. Gen. 36. 32 Bela the son of B. reigned in Edom 1 Ch. 1. 43 Bela the son of B.: and the name of his 2 . Father of Balaam the prophet, B.c. 1510. NU11122. 5 messengers. .unto Balaam the son of B. 24. 3 Balaam the son of 15 . hath said, and the 24. 15 Balaam the son of B. hath said, and tlie 31. 8 Balaam also tlie son of B. they slew with Dent 23. 4 hired against thee Balaam the son of B. Josh.13. 22 Balaam also the son of B.,the soothsayer 24. 9 called Balaam the son of B. to curse you Mic. 6. 5 remember now.. what Balaam.. son of B. BE'-RA, yip gift. A king of Sodom in the time of Abram, B.c. 1917. Gen. 14. 2 made war with B. king of Sodom, and BE-RA-CHAH, "z blessing. 1. One who joined'David at Ziklag, B.c. 1040. 1 Ch. 12. 3 The chief (was) Ahiezer, then Joasli.. B. 2 . A valley near Tekoali, in the S. of Judah (in 2 Ch. 20. 26 the origin of the name “valley of blessing" is given). The name Bereikut still survives in a valley between Tekua and the main road from Bethlehem to Hebron. 2 Ch. 20. 26 they assembled, .in the valley of B. 20. 26 the same place was called, The valley of B. BE-RA'-LAH, n;*q3 .Tah is maker. A son of Shimhi, a Benjamite, B.c. 1340. 1 Ch. 8. 21 B., and Shimrath, the sons of Shimhi BE-RE -A, 3 ipo :a. A city in the S. of Macedonia, now called Vcrria or Kara-verria, and situated 011 the E. slope of the Olym¬ pian range. Acts 17. 10 brethren. .sent away.. Silas by night.. 15 . 17. 13 the word of God was preached of Paul at B. 20. 4 accompanied him into Asia, Sopaterof B. BEREAVE, to — 1 .To cause to lank, npri chaser, 3. Eccl. 4. 8 I labour, and bereave my soul of good 2. To enfeeble, cause to stumble, Sirs kasha!, 3. Eze. 36. 14 neither bereave thy nations any more 3. To bereave, make childless, shakol, 3. Gen. 42. 36 Me have ye bereaved. .Joseph (is) not Lam. 1. 20 abroad the sword liereavetli, at home Eze. 5. 17 evil beasts, and they shall bereave thee 36. 12 thou shalt no more henceforth bereave 36. 13 thou, .hast bereaved thy nations 36. 14 neither bereave thy nations any more Hos. 9. 12 they bring up. .yet will I bereave BEREAVE of children, to — To bereave, make childless, b'jy shakol, 3. Jer. 15. 7 I will bereave, .of children, I will destroy BEREAVED, to be — To be bereaved, Yiy shakol. Gen. 43.14 If I be bereaved. .1 am bereaved BEREAVED (of children) — Bereaved, shakhid. Jer. 18. 21 let their wives be bereaved of their child. Hos. 13. 8 a bear (that is) bereaved, .and will rend BE-RECH'-IAH, /rzna, ?,T3fi3, Jah is blessing. 1 . A descendant of Jehoiakim king of Judah, b.c. 520. 1 Ch. 3. 20 And Hasliubah, and Ohel, and B. 2 . Father of Asaph the chief singer, B.c. 1070. 1 Ch. 6. 39 (even) A. the son of B., the son of Shimca 15. 17 of his brethren, A. the son of B. ; and of 3 . A Levite who lived near Jerusalem, B.c. 445. 1 Ch. 9. 16 B. the son of Asa, the son of Elkanali 4 . A Levite, one of the tabernacle doorkeepers. 1 CI1.15. 23 B. and Elkanali (were) doorkeepers for 5 . An Ephraimite in the time of Pekah, B.c. 741. 2 Ch.28. 12 certain of the heads. .B. the son of Mes. fi. Father of Meshullam who assisted in repairing the wall of Jerusalem, B.c. 520. Neh 3. 4 next, .repaired Meshullam the son of 15 . 3. 30 After, .repaired Meshullam the son of B 6. 18 the daughter of Meshullam the son of B BE'-RED, Tip seed place. 1 . A place in S. of Canaan, between which and Kadesh lay the well La hai-roi. The Peshito gives Gadar— Gerar('.'); the Arabic, Yarad ; Onkelos, Chagra. It is perhaps el-Khrdasah, 12 miles S. of Beersheba. Gen. 16. 14 behold, (it is) between Kadesh and B. 2 . An Ephraimite, perhaps the same as Becher, B.c. 1680. 1 Ch. 7. 20 the sons of Ephraim ; Sliuthelah, and B BE-RI, ’12 expounder. A son of Zopliah, an Asherite, B.c. 1570. 1 Ch. 7. 36 sons of Zopliah ; Suah. .and B., andlmrah BE-RI'-AH, nynp unfortunate. 1 . A son of Asher) B.C. 1700. Gen. 46. 17 Jimnah, and Ishuali, and Isui, and B. 46. 17 the sons of B. ; Heber, and Malchiel Nuni26. 44 of B., the family of the Beriites. 26. 45 Of the sons of B. : of Heber, the family 1 Ch. 7. 30 Imnali, and Isuah, and Isliuai, and B. 7. 31 the sons of 15 . ; Heber, and Malchiel 2 . A son of Ephraim, B.c. 1670. 1 Ch. 7. 23 ho called his name B., because 3 . A son of Elpaal, a Benjamite, B.C. 1400. 1 Ch. 8. 13 B. also, and Shema..heads of the fathers 8. 16 Michael. .Ispah, and Joha the sons of B. 4 . A Levite, a Gersliomite, B.c. 1015. 1 Ch. 23. 10 thesonsof Shimei. .Jahath, Zina. .andB 23. 11 but Jeush and B. had not many sons BE-RI-ITE, 'y’13 unfortunate. A family of Asherites sprung from Beriali. Nuni26. 44 children of. .Bcriah, the family of the B BE-RITES, n - 13 belonging to Beri, Descendants of Beri in the N. of Canaan, visited by Joab in his pursuit after Sheba. 2 Sa. 20. 14 And he went through all. .the B. BE'-RITH, m3 a covenant. An idol (Baal-berith) worshipped in Shechem. Judg. 8. 33 children of Israel made B. B. their god 9. 46 they entered into.. the house of the god B. BER-NI -CE, j 8 epy(/c 7 j. A daughter of Herod Agrippa, grandson of nerod the Great, and sister of Agrippa II., A.D. 50. Acts 25. 13 B. came unto Cesarea to salute Festus 25. 23 B... was entered into the place of hearing 26. 30 king rose up, and the governor, and B. BE RO-DACH BAL-A'-DAN, 31 X 13 bold. A king of Babylon, B.c. 713. The name is more accurately written Merodach Baladan. 2 Ki. 20. 12 At that time B. B... sent letters., unto II. Isa. 39. 1 At that time M. B.. .sent letters, .to Hez. BE-RO'-THAH, nnl3 food. A city near Hamath on N. of Canaan, and considered by some as the same as Berothai. Ezekiel places Berothah between Hamath and Damascus; hence it cannot be Beirut (the classical Berytus); nor can it be Beirut in the form Berothai, for David's war with the king of Zobah led him from the sea coast towards the Euphrates. Besides, in the latter case, the Hebrew text reads Chun (instead of Berothai) in 1 Ch. 18. 8. Fiirst regards Berothah and Berothai as distinct places, but identifies the former with Berytus. Mislin derives the name from the “wells” (Beeroth) which may still be seen bored in the solid rock at Beirut. (icyrout, the ancient Berytus, was the seat of a famous school of jurisprudence from the third to the middle of the 6th century. The city having been destroyed by an earthciuake 551 A.D., the school was removed to Sidon. Beyrout suffered severely during the crusades, and having been taken by the Saracens, was wrested from them by Baldwin in mo. The Saracens, however, BEROTHAI 90 BESIEGED regained possession in T187. Ibrahim Pasha seized it in 13^2 ; and it was bombarded by the combined fleets of England and Turkey, 1840, and being captured, was restored to the Porte. Beyrout was made a bishopric l»v Theodosius the Younger, and after its capture by Baldwin I. it became the seat of a Latin bishop about 1136. Eze. 47. 16 B., Sibraim, which (is) between the border BE-RO-THAI, 'ring cypresses of Jah. A city belonging to Hatladezei’ king of Zobali. See Berothah. 2 Sa. 8. 8 from B. ..king David took exceeding BERO-THITE, 'nig belonging to Beroth. A patronymic of Naharai Joab's armourbearer. Per¬ haps it ought to be Beerothite, as in 2 Sa. 23. 37. 1 Ch.n. 39 Naharai the B., the armour bearer of Joab BERRIES — Berry, in? gar gar. Isa. 17.’ 6 two (or) three berries in the top of the BERRIES, olive — Olive (tree or fruit), iAaia elaia. Jas. 3. 12 Can the fig tree. .bear olivo berries ? BERYL — 1. Beryl, chrysolite, topaz, tr'SHd tarshish. Exod28. 20 the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and 39. 13 the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a Song 5. 14 His hands, .gold rings set with the beryl Eze. 1. 16 their work.. like unto the colour of a beryl 10. 9 appearance, .as the colour of a beryl 28. 13 precious stone, thy covering..the beryl Dan. 10. 6 His body also (was) like the beryl, and 2. A jewel of sea green colour, PypvWos berullos. Rev. 21. 20 the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the BE -SAI, 'Da treading down. A Nethinim who returned with Zerubbabel, B.C. 550. Ezra 2. 49 the children of Paseah, the children of B. Neh. 7. 52 children of B., the children of Meunim BESEECH, to — 1 .To seek, inquire, rpa baqasli, 3. 2 Sa. 12. 16 David therefore besought God for the Ezra 8. 23 So we fasted, and besought our God for 2. To smooth, n^n chalah, 3. Exod32. 11 Moses besought the Lord his God, and 1 Ki. 13. 6 the man of God besought the Lord, and 2 Ki. 13. 4 Jehoaliaz besought the Lord, and the 2CI1.33. 12 when, .in affliction, he besought the Lord •T er. 26. 19 fear the Lord, and besought the Lord M ai. 1. 9 beseech God that he will be gracious unto 3. To incline, be gracious, ]in chanan, 7. Gen. 42. 21 when he besought us, and we would not Dent. 3. 23 I besought the Lord at that time, saying 2 Ki. I. 13 besought him, and said unto him, O man Esth. 8. 3 besought him with tears to put away the 4. To be in want, Seoyai deomai. Luke 5. 12 seeing Jesus, fell on. .face, and besought 8. 28 Jesus. .1 beseech thee, torment me not 8. 38 the man. .besought him that he might 9. 38 Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son 9. 40 I besought thy disciples to cast him out Acts 21. 39 I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto 26. 3 I beseech thee to hear me patiently 2 Co. 10. 2 I beseech (you), that I may not be bold Gal. 4. 12 Brethren, I beseech you, be as I. .for I D. To question, ask about, Iparau erotao. Matt is. 23 his disciples came and besought him Mark 7. 26 she besought him that he would cast Luke 4. 38 wife's mother, .they besought him for her 7. 3 sent, .the elders of the Jews, beseeching 8. 37 whole multitude., besought him to depart 11. 37 a certain Pharisee besought him to dine John 4. 40 besought him that he would tarry with 4 47 besought him that he would come down 19. 31 besought Pilate that their legs might be 19. 38 besought Pilate that he might take away 1 Th. 4. 1 Furthermore then we beseech you 5. 12 we beseech you, brethren, to know them 2TI1. 2. 1 we beseech you, brethren, by the coming 2 .Jo. s now I beseech thee, lady, not as though 6 .To call to one’s side, napaKaXewparakaleo. Mate. 8. 5 theie came, .a centurion, beseeching him 8. 31 So the devils besought him,saying, If thou 8. 34 they besought, .that he would depart out 14. 36 besought him that they might only touch 18. 29 his fellow servant, .besought him, saying Mark 1. 40 there came a leper to him, beseeching him 5. 10 he besought him much that he would not 5. 12 all the devils besought him, saying, Send 5. 23 besought him greatly, saying, My little 6 . 56 they laid the sick, .and besought him 7. 32 they beseech him to put his hand upon 8. 22 a blind, .and besought him to touch him Luke 7. 4 they besought him instantly, saying 8. 31, 32, 41 they besought him that he Acts 13. 42 the Gentiles besought that these words 16. 15 she besought, .saying, If ye have judged '6. 39 they came and besought them, and 21. 12 we. .besought him not to go up to Jeru. 25. 2 informed him against Paul, and besought 27. 33 Paul besought, .all to take meat, saying 12. 1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the 15. 30 I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord 16. 17 I beseech you, brethren, mark them 1 Co. 1. 10 I beseech you, brethren, by the name of 4. 16 I beseech you, be ye followers of me 16. 15 I beseech you, brethren, ye know the 2 Co. 2. 8 I beseech you that-ye would confirm.. love 5. 20 as though God did beseech, .by us 6. 1 We then, (as) workers together, .beseech 10. 1 I Paul myself beseech you by the meek. 12. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice Eph. 4 . 1 I therefore, .beseech you that ye walk Phil. 4. 2 I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche 1 Th. 4. 10 we beseech you, brethren, that ye 1 Ti. 1. 3 As I besought thee to abide still at Eph. Phm. 9 Yet for love's sake I rather beseech 10 I beseech thee for my son Onesimus Heb. 13. 19 I beseech, .the rather to do this, that I 13. 22 I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word 1 Pe. 2. 11 I beseech (you) as strangers and pilgrims BESEECH (I) thee — 1 .Pray, rjk, k)k anna, annah. 2 Ki. 20.' 3 I beseech tliee, 0 _.0RD, remember now Neh. 1. 5 I beseech thee, 0 Lord God of heaven 1. 11 0 Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear Psa. 116. 4 0 Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul 118. 25 I beseech thee, 0 Lord : O Lord, I b. Isa. 38. 3 Remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee Jon. 1. 14 We beseech thee, 0 LORD, we beseech th. •2.Pray, k) na. Exod 33. 18 lie said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory BESET, to — 1 .To go round about, 33D sabab. Judg 20. 5 beset the house round about upon me by 2 .To bind, straiten, mx tsar. Psa. 139. 5 Thou hast beset me behind and before BESET about, to — To go round about, 33D sabab. iios. 7. 2 their own doings have beset them about BESET round about, to — To be round about, ddd sabab, 2. Judg 19. 22 sons of Belial, beset the house round a. BESET round, to — To surround, rpa kathar, 3 . Psa. 22. 12 (bulls) of Bashan have beset me round BESET, which doth so easily — Standing well around, tiinepioTaTos. Heb. 12. 1 the sin which doth so easily beset (us) BESIDE — 1. Behind, after, ink achar. Neh. 5. 15 bread and wine, besides forty shekels of 2. Unto, to, Sk el. Exod29. 12 pour all the blood beside the bottom of 3. j\ T ear, 7xk etsel. Lev 1 '16 cast it beside the altar on the east part 6. 10 and he shall put them beside the altar 10 12 eat it without leaven beside the altar : for Dent 11. 30 other side, .beside the plains of Moreh? 1 Ki. 3. 20 took my son from beside me, while thine 10 19 and two lions stood beside the stays 13. 31 buried ; lay my bones beside his bones 2 Ki. 12. 9 set it beside the altar, on the right side Nell. 8. 4 beside him stood Mattitliiali, and Shema Eze. 9. 2 they went in, and stood beside the brasen 10. 6 he went in, and stood beside the wheels 10. 16 same wheels also turned not from beside 4 . Apart from, ]? 13 b lebad min. Exodi2.-37 six hundred thousand, .men, beside 2 Ki. 21. 16 beside his sin wherewith he made Judah 5 . Apart from, ig 1 ?!? milbad. Gen. 26. 1 beside the first famine, .in the days of Lev 9 17 beside the burnt sacrifice of the morning 23. 38 Beside the sabbaths, .beside your gifts 23. 38 beside all your vows, and beside all Num. 6. 21 beside (that) that his hand shall get 28. 23 Ye shall offer these beside the burnt 29. 6 Beside the burnt offering of the month Deut. 4. 35 the Lord he (is) God. .none else beside 29. 1 words of the covenant, .beside the cov. Josh.22. 29 beside the altar of the Lord our God i Ki. 10. 13 whatsoever she asked, beside that which 6. Apart from, ny.^g bilade. Num. 5. 20 some man have lain with thee beside Josh.22. 19 an altar beside the altar of the Lord our Isa 43. 11 I. . 1 .. the Lord; and beside me. .no 44 6 1 (am) the last; and beside me. .no God 44. 8 Is there a God beside me ? yea. .no God 45. 6 that, .none beside me, I (am) the Lord 45. 21 and. .no God else beside me. .nonebeside 7. Without, bilti. Num 11. 6 nothing at all, beside this manna,(before) 1 Sa. 2. 2 none holy as the Lord .. none beside thee Hos. 13.. 4 no god but me; for. .no saviour beside 8 .Save, except, beside, only, nbu zulah. Ruth 4. 4 none to redeem (it) beside thee ; and I 2 Sa. 7. 22 neither. .God beside thee, according to 1 Ch. 17. 20 neither. .God beside thee, according to Isa. 26. 13 lords beside thee have had dominion 45. 5 no God beside me : I girded tliee, though 45. 21 and. .no God else beside me ; a just God 64. 4 neither hath the eye seen, 0 God, beside <3. At the hand of, ley ad. 1 Sa. 19. 3 I will go out and stand beside my father 2 Sa. 14. 2 Absalom. stood beside tile way of the 15. 18 all his servants passed on beside him 10. Yet, still, "up od. Gen. 19. 12 Hast thou here any besides? son in law 1 Ki. 22. 7 not here a prophet of the Lord besides 2 Cli. 18. 6 not here a prophet of the Lord besides 11.On, upon, above, by al. Gen. 31. 50 if thou slialt take, .wives beside my Lev. 18. 18 to uncover her nakedness, beside the Psa. 23. 2 lie leadeth me beside the still waters Song 1. 8 feed thy kids beside the shepherds'tents Isa. 32. 20 Blessed (are) ye that sow beside all waters 12. From on, byo meal. Jer. 36. 21 the princes which stood beside the king Eze. 32. 13 the beasts thereof from beside the great 13. With, cy im. Josh. 7. 2 Ai, which (is) beside Beth-aven, on the 14. Over, against, near, just as, nsjt ummah. Eze. 10. 19 the wheels also (were) beside them ; and 11. 22 and the wheels beside them ; and the lb.From the side of, ixc mitsstad. Josh. 3. 16 the city Adam, that (is) beside Zaretan 12. 9 the king of Ai, which (is) beside Beth-cl Ruth 2. 14 And she sat beside the reapers: and he 16.On, upon, Ini (flat.) epi. Matt 25. 20 I have gained beside tlicrn five talents 25. 22 I have gained two other talents [beside] Luke 16. 26 [beside] all this, between us and you 17. With, prosoplieilo. Phm. 19 owest unto me even thine own self besides BESIEGE, to — 1 .To go round, ggo sabab. Eccl. 9.14 there came a great king, .and besieged it 2. To press, straiten, nx tsur. Deut 20. 12 against tliee, then thou slialt besiege it 20.19 When thou slialt besiege a city a long 1 Sa. 23. 8 to Keilah, to besiege David and his men '2 Sa. 11. 1 they destroyed the children, .besieged 20. 15 they came and besieged him in Abel of B. 1 Ki. 16. 17 Israel with him, and they beseiged Tirzali 20. 1 Ben-liadad. .went up. .besieged Samaria 2 Ki. 6. 24 Ben-liadad. .went up. .besieged Samaria 6. 25 behold, they besieged it, until an ass’s 16. 5 they besieged Aliaz, hut could not over. 17. 5 went up to Samaria, and besieged it 18. 9 came up against Samaria, and besieged it 24. 11 the city, and his servants did besiege it 1 Ch. 20. 1 came and besieged Rabbah. But David Isa. 21. 2 Go up, O Elam : besiege, 0 Media : all t he Jer. 21. 4 which besiege you without the walls 21. 9 falleth to tlie Chaldeans that besiege you 32. 2 king of Babylon's army besieged Jerus. 37. s the Chaldeans that besieged Jerusalem 39. 1 against Jerusalem, and they besieged it Dan. 1. 1 came Nebuchadnezzar, .and besieged it 3 . To straiten, ny tsarar, 5. Deut 28. 52 he shall besiege thee in ail thy gates 28. 52 besiege thee in all thy gates, throughout 1 Ki. 8. 37 if their enemy besiege them in the land 2 Ch. 6 . 28 if their enemies besiege them in the cities BESIEGED — 1 .Straitness, TixD matsor. Eze. 4. 3 thy face against it, and it shall he besieged 2. To keep, watch, besiege, rx) natsar. Isa. 1. 8 daughter of Zion is left, .as a besieged Eze. 6. 12 lie that, .is besieged shall die by the BESIEGED, to be — To go into siege, -ffl»g kig bo bammatsor. 2 Ki. 24. 10 against Jerusalem, and the city was he. 25. 2 the city was besieged unto the.. year Jer. 52. 5 the city was besieged unto the..year BESIEGED 91 BETH HACCEREM BESIEGED place — Straitened place, lisa matsor. 2 Ki. 19. 24 I dried up all. besieged places Isa. 37. 25 I dried up all. .the besieged places BE-SO-DE-IAH, nn'iDa given to trust in Jah. 3ne of the repairers of the old gate, u.c. 470. Neh. 3. 6 the old gate repaired, .the son of B. BESOM — Besom, broom, ttcxyo matate. Isa. 14. 23 I will sweep it with the besom of destr. BE'-SOR, lib’s cool brook. A brook which falls into the sea near S. of Gaza. It is now called el-Sberia, and rises at Debir. 1 Sa. 30. 9 David went, .and came to the brook B. ’ 30.10 they could not go over the brook 15 . '30. 21 they had. .to abide at the brook 15 . : and BEST — 1. Good, sits tob. Num 36. 6 Let them marry to whom they think best Deut23- 16 in that place, .where it liketli him best 1 Sa. 8. 14 And he will take your fields, .the best 1 Ki. 10. 3 best and meetest of your master's sons Esth. 2. 9 he preferred her. .unto the best, .of the Song 7. 9 the roof of thy mouth like the best wine Ezc. 31. 16 the choice and best of Lebanon, all that jlic. 7. 4 The best of them (is) as a brier; the most 2 .Good, good part, atra metal. Gen. 47. 6 in the best of the land make thy father 47. j 1 in the best of the land, in the land of It. Exod22. 5 best of his own field, .best of his own 1 Sa. 15. 9 the best of the sheep, and of the oxen 15. 15 the people spared the best of the sheep 3.Fat, 3$n cheleb. Num 18.12 All the best of the oil, and all the best of 18. 29 of all the best thereof. .the hallowed 18. 30 When ye have heaved the best thereof 18. 32 when ye have heaved from it the best of ^Stronger, more powerful, KpdirTov kreitton. 1 Co. 12. 31 covet earnestly the [best] gifts : and yet C. First, foremost, upwros prbtos. Luke 15. 22 Bring forth the best robe, and put (it) on BEST fruits — Praised thing, rnat zimrah. Gen. 43. 11 take of the best fruits in the land in your BEST (gold) — Refined (gold), ns pazaz, 6. 1 Ki. 10. 18 of ivory, and overlaid it with the best g. BEST, to seem — To be good, sa; yatab. 1 Sa. 18. 4 said.. What seemeth you best I will do BEST, to think — To be good in the eyes, j;j;3 nia tob beayin. Num 36. 6 Let them marry to whom they think best BEST state —- To be set up, 3S3 natsab, 2. I’sa. 39. 5 every man at his best state (is), .vanity BESTIR oneself, to — To move sharply, Fin charats. 2 Sa. 5. 24 that then thou slialt bestir thyself: for 3 EST 0 W) to — 1. To put, m; yanach, 5. 2 Ch. 9. 25 whom he bestowed in the chariot cities 2. To put, nnj nachah, 5. 1 Ki. 10. 26 whom he bestowed in the cities for 3. To give, ;m nalhan. Exod32. 29 that lie may bestow upon you a blessing Deut 14. 26 thou slialt bestow that money for 2 Ki. 12.15 the money to be bestowed on workmen 1 Ch. 29. 25 bestowed upon him. .royal majesty as had Ezra 7. 20 which thou slialt have occasion to bestow 7. 20 bestow, .out of the king's treasure house 4. To do, n$ii asah. 2 Ch. 24. 7’ of the Loud did they bestow upon B. 5. To lay up, ip3 paqad. 2 Ki. 5. 24 bestowed.. in the house : and he let the G. To give, SiSwpu didomi. 2 Co. 8. 1 the grace.. God bestowed on the churches 1 Jo. 3. 1 what manner of love.. hath bestowed 7.To bring together, auvdyoi sunago. Luke 12. 17 I have no room where to bestow my 12.18 there will I bestow all my fruits and my BESTOW labour (on), to — To toil, K 01 naio kopiao. John 4. 38 reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour Rom.16. 6 Mary, who bestowed much labour on us Gal. 4. 11 I have bestowed upon you labour in vain BESTOW to feed, to — To give morsels, fatten, xf/ujuiCu psbmizo. 1 Co. 13. 3 though I bestow all my goods to teed BESTOW on or upon, to — 1.7V> do, perform, Vt) gamal. Isa. 63. 7 according to all that.. hath bestowed on 63. 7 he hath bestowed on them according to 2. To put around, irepnidnyi peritithemi, i Co. 12. 33 upon these we bestow more abundant BE -TAH, nag confidence. A city of ffadadezer. 2 Sa. 8. 8 from B.. .king David took exoceding BE'-TEN, jp? height. A city of Asher, 8 miles E. of Ptolemais. Josh.ig. 25 border was Helkatli, and Hali, and B. BETH A-BA'-RA, BvOo.Bapd place of passage. A place E. of the Jordan, perhaps Bethbarah, or rather Bethany. John. 1. 28 These things were done in B. beyond Jor. BETH A'-NATH, n;j;. tv? house of echo. A city of Naplitali, 15 miles from Viaccesarcea, (Anata.) Josh.19. 38 Iron, and Migdal-el, Horem, and B. Judg. 1. 33 did Naplitali drive out. .inhabitants of B. I. 33 the inhabitants of.. B. became tributaries BETH A'-NOTH, Di:t. n'3 house of echo. A city of Judah, 4 miles from Hebron, near Maarotli. The modern Beit-ainun, near Ilalhul and Beit-Sur, the ancient Hailiul and Bethzur. Josh. 15. 59 Maarath, and B., and Eltekon BETH'-ANY, Bn^avla house of dates or figs. A village at the Mount of Olives. Its modern name el-Azariyeh, or Lazarieh, is derived from Lazarus. It is about 2 miles E. of Jerusalem, near the road from Jericho to the city. Matt2i. 17 went out of the city into 15 .; and he 26. 6 when Jesus was in B., in the house of Markit. 1 they came nigh to. .Bethphage and B. II. 11 lie went out unto B. with the twelve 11. 12 when they were come from B., he was 14. ybeingin B.,in the house of Simon the leper Luke 19. 29 he was come nigh to Bethphage and B. 24. 50 he led them out as far as to B.; and he John 11. 1 a certain (man) was sick. .Lazarus, of B. 11. 18 B. was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen 12. 1 Jesus..came to B., where Lazarus was BETH A RA'-BAH, nii;/ n n'3 house of the desert. One of the six cities of Judah that were in the Arabah or sunk valley of the Jordan and Salt Sea, the “ wilder¬ ness" oil the N. border of the tribe, and between Betli- hoglali and the high land on the W. of the Jordan. It is also included among the towns of Benjamin. Josh.15. 6 passed along by the north of B. : and the 15. 61 the wilderness, B., Middin, and Secacah 18. 22 B., and Zemaraim, and Beth-el BETH A'-RAM, oin n '3 house or place of the height. A city of Gad, E. of the Jordan, between Succoth and Debir, the same as Beth-haran, and now called Bcit- el-rainah. Josh.13. 27 B.. .and Zaphon. .of. .kingdom of Sihon BETH AR'-BEL, Vnsik n'3 house of God’s court. A city destroyed by the king of Assyria, and supposed to be tli eArbela of the Maccabees and Josephus. Now Mid. Hos. 10. 14 Shalman spoiled B. in the day of battle BETH A'-VEN, n '3 house of iniquity. A town in Benjamin near Bethel. Josli. 7. 2 Joshua sentmen. .to Ai, which. .beside B. 18. 12 goings out. .were at the wilderness of B. 1 Sa. 13. 5 they, .pitched. .Miehmash, eastward. .B. 14. 23 the battle jiassed over unto B. Hos. 4. 15 neither go ye up to B., nor swear, The 5. 8 cry aloud (at) B., after thee, O Benjamin 10. 5 Samaria shall.. because of the calves of B. BETH AZ-MA-VETH, nijlij) n'3 house of A zmaveth. A village of Judah or Benjamin. In Ezra 2. 24 it is called Azmavcth. Neh. 7. 28 The men of B., forty and two BETH BA-AL ME'-ON, pi ’3 *7J73 n' 3 . A town of Moali, given to Reuben; it was on the tV. of the Anion, not far from Jaliaza. Josli.13. 1 7 Dilion, and Bamoth-baal, and B. BETH BA'-RAH, rna n '3 fording place. A place on the E. of the Jordan, in Gad. Judg. 7. 24 take before them the waters unto B. 7. 24 took the waters unto B. and Jordan BETH BIR'-EI, ’k "]3 n '3 place of the city. A town of Simeon, same as Beth-lebaoth. 1 Ch. 4. 31 Hazar-susim, and at B., and at Shaaraim BETH CAR,n 3 n'3 place of pasture. A stronghold of the Philistines in Judah near Mizpeii. 1 Sa. 7. 11 Israel.. smote them, until.. under Beth-c. BE-TH DA'-GON, ;iji-n '3 house of Dagon. 1 . A town of Judah near Gederotli. Now B. Dejan. Josli.15. 4 1 Gederotli, B., and Naamali, and Mak. 2 . A town in the tribe of Asher, on the coast. Josh. 19. 27 And turneth toward the sun rising to B. BETH DEB-LA-TKA'-IM, crrfal 13 . A Moabite town, elsewhere called Almon-Diblathaim. The “ circles” here likely means “ cakes” (of figs). Jer. 4S. 22 [judgment is come] upon Ncbo, and. .B. EETH'-EL, ^k'h'3 house of God. A well-known holy place of Central Canaan. Two accounts are given of the origin of the name: 1 . It was bestowed on the spot by Jacob under the awe inspired by the vision of God (Gen. 28. 19); 2 . It received its name on the occasion of a blessing bestowed by God upon Jacob after his return from Padau-aram, at which time his name was changed to Israel (Gen. 35. 14, 15). Luz was the ancient name. Bethel was in the tribe of Benjamin. It is 12 miles N. of Jerusalem on the way to Sheeliem, and was the seat of one of Jero¬ boam's golden calves. It is now called Beitin. Luz was perhaps the city, and Bethel the holy place close by it. Gen. 12. 8 unto a mountain on the east of B. 12. 8 pitched his tent. .B. on the west 13. 3 on his journeys from the south even to B. 13. 3 his tent had been, .between B. and Ilai 28. 19 he called the name of that place B. 31. 13 I (am) the God of B., where thou 35. 1 God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to B. 35. 3 let us arise, and go up to B. ; and I will 35. 6 in the land of Canaan, that (is), B. 35. 8 she was buried beneath B. under an oak 35. 15 Jacob called the name of the place..B. 35.16 they journeyed from B. ; and there Josh. 7. 2 Joshua sent, .to Ai. .on the east side of B. 8. 9 went to lie in ambush, and abode between 8. 12 to lie in ambush between B. apd Ai, on 8. 17 And there was not a man left in Ai or B. 12. 9 the king of Ai, which (is) beside B., one 12. 16 king of Makkedah, one ; the king of B. 16. 1 up from Jericho, throughout mount B. 16. 2 goetli out from B. to Luz, and passeth 18. 13 border went, .toward Luz. .which (is) B. 18. 22 [cities of the tribe],.Zemaraim, and B. Judg. 1. 22 house of Joseph, .went up against B. 1. 23 the house of Joseph sent to descry B. 4. 5 she dwelt, .between Ramali and B. in 21. 19 Shiloh. .which (is) on the north of B. a 1. 19 the highway that goeth up from B. to 1 Sa. 7. 16 he went from year to year in circuit to B. 10. 3 three men going up to God to B., one 13. 2 with Saul in Miclnnash and in mount B. 30. 27 which (were) in B., and to (them) which 1 Ki. 12. 29 he set the one in B., and the other 12. 32 So did he in B., sacrificing unto the 12. 32 he placed in B. the priests of the high pi. 12. 33 offered upon the altar which he had 13. 1 out of Judah by the word of the Loud 13. 4 which had cried against the altar in B. 13.10 returned not by the way he came to B. 13. 11 there dwelt an old prophet in 15 .; and 13. 11 that the man of God had done that day 13. 32 For the saying, .against the altar in B. 2 Ki. 2. 2 sent me to B.. .they went down to B. 2. 3 the sons of the prophets that (were) at B. 2. 23 he went up from thence unto B. 10. 29 the golden calves that (were) in B. 17. 28 one of the priests.. came and dwelt in B. 23. 4 carried the ashes of them unto B. 23.15 moreover the altar that (was) at 15 ., (and) 23. 17 that thou hast done against the altar of B. 23.19 according to all. .that he had done in B. 1 Ch. 7. 28 their possessions.. (were) B. and the 2 CI1.13. 19 Abijali.. took cities from him ; B. with the Ezra 2. 28 The men of 15 ... Ai, two hundred twenty Neh. 7. 32 The men of B. and Ai, an hundred twenty 11. 31 Children also of Benjamin, .(dwelt) at Jer. 48.13 as the house of Israel was ashamed of B. Hos. 10. 15 So shall B. do unto you because of your 12. 4 he found him (in) B., and there he spako Amos 3. 14 I will also visit the altars of B. ; and the 4. 4 Come to B., and transgress ; at Gilgal 5. 5 seek not B., nor enter into Gilgal . 5. 5 B. shall come to nought 5. 6 devour (it), .none to quench (it) in B. 7. 10 Amaziah the priest of B. sent to 7. 13 But prophesy not again any more at B. BETK-EL-ITE, ' u Nn n'3 belonging to Bethel. The patronymic of iliel who rebuilt Jericho. 1 Ki. 16. 34 In bis days did Hiel the B. build Jericho BETH E'-MEK, pajjri n'3 house of the valley. A town in Asher on or near the border, on the N. side of which was the ravine of Jiphthah-el. It is now called Amlcah, in a plain at the foot of the hills. Josh. 19. 27 toward the north side of B., and Nciel BE’-THER, i(i 3 depth, separation. Perhaps a poetical form of Bithron in Gad, E. of the Jordan. Now Bittir. Song 2. 17 a roc..upon the mountains of B. BETH ES'-DA, fi-pOeo-Sd house of mercy. A pool in Jerusalem near the sheep market gate. The large reservoir called the Birlcct-Israil, within the walls of the city, close by the St Stephen's gate, and under the N.E. wall of the Haram area, is generally considered the modern representative of “Bethesda." John 5. 2 which is called in the Hebrew tongue B. BETH EZ'-EL, ^xkrrn'S place of declivity. A city near Zanaan in the N. of Judah. Mic. 1. 11 came not forth in the mourning of B. BETH GA'-DER. 113 n'3 walled place. A descendant of Caleb son of Hur. 1 Ch. 2. 51 Harepli the father of B. G. BETH GA'-MUL, Yarn's place of the camel. A town of Moab in the mishor or downs. Now Jemal. Jer. 48. 23 upon Kiriathaim, and upon B., and upon BETH HAC-CE'-REM, Ci 2 n n'3 place of the vine yard. A town of Judah S.E. from Jerusalem, between it and Tekoah. Now Fureidcis. BETH HARAN 92 BETONIM Neh. 3. 14 the son of Rechab, the ruler of part of B. Jer. 6. 1 Gather, .and set up a sign of fire in B. BETH HA'-RAN, pn n '3 high or strong place. A city of Gael in the region of Gilead. Perhaps the same called in Josh. 13. 37 Betharcum ; in the original “ Beth- haram.” Num32. 36 And Beth-nimrah, and B., fenced cities BETH HOG'-LAH, rA;n n '3 place of magpies. A city of Benjamin 3 miles from Jericho.Now Jlajlah. Josh.15. 6 And the border went up to B., and 18. 19 the border passed along to the side of B. 18. 21 the cities, .were Jericho, and B., and the BETH HO'-RON, pTm'n '3 place of hollows. Two places (Upper and Lower) in Ephraim near Ben¬ jamin. The Lower was the more important. Josh 10. 10 the LORD, .chased them along, .to B. 10. 11 as they.. were in the going down to B. 18. 14 border was drawn, .from. .hill, .before B. 21. 22 Kibzaim with her suburbs, and B. with 1 Sa. 13. 18 another company turned the way (to) B. 1 Ch. 6. 68 Jokmeam with her suburbs, and B. with 2 Ch.25.-13 fell upon, .cities, .from Samaria, .unto B. Bethhoron the Upper. Josh.16. 5 the border, .was. .unto B. the upper 2 Ch. 8. 5 he built B. the upper, and B. the nether Bethhoron the Nether. Josh 16. 3 goeth down. .unto. .B. the nether 18 13 border descended to. .south side of. .B. 1 Ki. 9. 17 Solomon built Gezer, and B. the nether 2 Ch. 8. 5 he built B. the upper, and B. the nether BETHINK themselves, to — To turn back to the heart, 3'K’n heshib el leb. 1 Ki. 8. 47 if they shall bethink themselves in the 2 Ch. 6. 37 Yet (if) they bethink themselves in the BETIMES, to rise —- 1 .To be with the dawn, iny' sliachar, 3. Job 24. 5 wild asses, .rising betimes for a prey: the 2. To take on one's shoulder. Day 1 shakam, 5. Gen. 26. 31 they rose up betimes in the morning, and 2 Ch.36. 15 God..sent, .rising up betimes, and sending BETIMES — To be with the dawn, *in(y sliachar, 3. Job 8. 5 If thou wouldest seek unto God betimes Prov.13. 24 that loveth him chasteneth him betimes BETH JE-SHI -MOTH, niDzbn r\'i place of desolations. A city of Moab, near where "the Jordan falls into the Salt Sea. Now 11 amah. Num33. 49 they pitched by Jordan, from B.. .unto Josh. 12. 3 the salt sea on the east, tiie way to B. 13. 20 Beth-peor, and Ashdoth-pisgah, and B. Eze. 25. 9 the glory of the country, B., Baal-meon BETH LE-BA'-OTH, ninapTi'H place of lionesses. A town in Simeon. Josh 19. 6 B., and Sharuhen ; thirteen cities and BETH LE'-HEM, DnJ> n'3 place of food. 1 . This town, about 6 miles south of Jerusalem, is celebrated as the birthplace of the Saviour. It was called Ephrath, and is mentioned as the place at which Rachel died and was buried, B.C. 1729. Reho- boam fortified or rebuilt it, B.C. 973. David was born here (circ. B.C. 1085), and hence it was called the city of David. Helena, the mother of Constantine, a.d. 325, erected a church, which remains to this day, on the place of the Nativity. It was ceded, with other towns, to Frederick II. by the sultan of Egypt in 1229. It was called Bethlehem-Jndah to distinguish it from Bethlehem in Zebulon (Josh. 19. 15, 16). Bethlehem was made a bishopric in mo. Gen. 35. 19 buried in the way to Ephrath, which (is) B. 48. 7 the way of Ephrath ; the same (is) B. Judg 17. 7 there was a young man out of B. 17. 8 And the man departed out of. .B. to 17. 9 he said . .1 (am) a Levite of B., and I go 19. 1 a. .Levite. .took, .a concubine out of B. 19. 2 his concubine, .went away fronvhim. .toB. 19. 18 We (are) passing from B. toward, .mount 19. 18 I went to B., but I (am now) going to the Ruth 1. 1 a certain man of B. went to sojourn in 1 2 Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of B. i. 19 they two went until they came to B. 1. 19 when they were come to B.. .they said 1. 22 they came to B. in the beginning of. .har. 2. 4 Boaz came from B., and said unto the 4. 11 worthily inEphratah.. be famous in B. 1 Sa. 16. 4 Samuel, .came to B.. .And the elders of 17. 12 David, .son of that Ephrathite of B. 17. 15 David went, .to feed his. .sheep at B. 20. 6 David.. asked.. that he might run to B. 20. 28 David earnestly asked ( go) to B. 2 Sa. 2. 32 buried him in the sepulchre, .(in) B. 23. 14 the garrison of the Philistines ( B. 23. 15 the water of the well of B.. .by the gate ! 23. 16 and drew water out of the well of B. 23. 24 Elhanan the son of Dodo of B. t Ch. 11. 16 the Philistines’ garrison (was) then at B. 11. 17 the water of the well of B.. .at the gate 11. 18 and drew water out of the well of B. 11. 26 Elhanan the son of Dodo of B. 2 Ch. 11. 6 He built even B., and Etam, and Tekoa Ezra 2. 21 children of B., an hundred twenty and Neh. 7. 26 of B. and Netopliah, an hundred fourscore Jer. 41. 17 Chimham, which is by B., togoto. .Egyp. Mic. 5. 2 But thou, B... (though) thou be little Matt. 2. 1 Jesus was born in B. of Judea, in the 2. 5 they said unto him, In B. of Judea 2. 6 And thou, not the least among the 2. 8 he sent them to B., and said, Go and 2. 16 Then Herod.. slew all the children.. in B. Luke 2. 4 Joseph, .went, .unto the city..called B. 2. 15 the shepherds said. .Let us now go even John 7. 42 Christ cometh. .out of the town of B. 2 . A town in Zebulon. Now Beit-lahm. Josh.19. 15 Nahallal, and Shimron, and Idalah..B. 3 . The following passages refer to Nos. 1 or 2. Judg 12. 8 And after him Ibzan of B. judged Israel 12. 10 Then died Ibzau, and was buried at B. 4 . A descendant of Caleb, son of Iiur. 1 Ch. 2. 51 Salma the father of B., Hareph the father 2. 54 sons of Salma ; B., and the Netoplmthites 4. 4 the firstborn of Ephratah, the father of B. BETH-LE-HE-MITE, 'Di$n n '3 belonging to Bethle¬ hem. Patronymic of an inhabitant of Bethlehem. 1 Sa. 16. 1 I will send thee to Jesse the B. : for I 16. 18 I have seen a son of Jesse the B., (that is) 17. 58 (I am) the son of. Jesse the B. 2 Sa. 21. 19 Elhanan the son of Jaare-oregim, a B. BETH MA-A'-CHAH, naijo n '3 place of oppression. A city of Manasseh at tlle’foot of Hermon, near Dan, E. of the Jordan. It sometimes occurs as Abel-beth- maachali, and occasionally as Abel. 2 Sa. 20. 14 he went through all. .Israel, .to B. 20. 15 And they, .besieged him in Abel of B. 20. 18 They shall surely ask. .at Abel: and so 2 Ki. 15. 29 Tiglath-pileser king of Assyria, .took. .A. BETH MAR CA'-BOTH, ninnen n '3 place of chariots. A city of Simeon at the extreme S. of Judah, with Ziklag aud Hormah. Josh.19. 5 Ziklag, and B., and Hazar-susah 1 Ch. 4. 31 at B., aud Hazar-susim, and at Beth-birei BETH ME'-ON, jiyp n '3 place of habitation. A city of Moab, near Beth-gamul [See Beth-baal-mcon, the full form]. Jer. 48. 23 Kiriathaim, and upon Beth-gamul, and BETH NIM'-RAH, nnpj n'3 place of flowing water. A city of Gad, the same as Nimrah (Num. 32. 3), and Nimrim (Isa. 15. 6). Num 32. 36 B., and Betli-haran, fenced cities : and Josh.13. 27 in the valley, Beth-aram, and B., and BETH PA'-LET or BETH PHE 'LET, 3^3 n' 3 . A town in the S. of Judah. Josh. 15. 27 Hazar-gaddah, and Heshmon, and B. Neh. 11. 26 at Jeshua, and at Moladah, and at B. BETH PAZ -ZEZ, j’k? n'3 a place of destruction. A town of Issachar. Josh.19. 21 and En-gannim, and En-haddah, and B. BETH PE -OR, nips n '3 house of the opening. A city of Moab, near mount IPeor, E. of the Jordan, opposite Jericho, and 6 mile’s above Libias or Betli- haran. It was in the allotment of Reuben. Deut. 3. 29 we abode in the valley over against B. 4. 46 this side Jordan, in., valley over against B. 34. 6 lie buried him in a valley.. over against B. Josh 13. 20 And B. and Ashdoth-pisgah, and Beth. BETH PHA'-GE, ^Qipayn house of figs. A village on the Mount of Olives, near Bethany, on the road between Jericho and Jerusalem. Matt21. 1 when. .drew nigh, .and were come to B. Markn. 1 when they came nigh to Jerusalem. .B. Luke 19. 29 when he was come nigh to B. aud Beth. BETH RA'-PHA, KSn n ’3 place of fear. A name which occurs in the genealogy of Judah as the son of Eshton and grandson of Chelub through Caleb son of Hur. There is a Rapiia in the line of Benjamin and elsewhere, but no connection can be traced between those and this Beth-rapha, B.C. 1450. 1 Ch. 4. 12 Eshton begat B., and Paseah, andTehin. BETH RE'-HOB, 2in7 n '3 roomy place. A place in the N. of Canaan near the valley in which lay the town of Laisli or Dan ; the place is now repre¬ sented lay Ilunin, a fortress commanding the plain of Ilvteh, in which lay the city of Dan or Tell-el-Kady. ,Tudgi8. 28 it was in the valley that (lieth) by B. 2 Sa. 10. 6 children of Ammon.. hired.. Syrians of B. BETH SAI'-DA, / 3 r) 0 (rai'Sa place o f nets. 1 “Bethsaida of Galilee" (the native city of Andrew, Peter, and Philip) in the land of Genncsareth, on the west side of the lake. Matt 11. 21 Woe., thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, B.! Mark 6. 45 to go to the other side before unto B. Luke 10. 13 unto thee, Chorazin ! woe unto thee, P>.! John 1. 44 Philip was of B., the city of Andrew and 12. 21 same. .came, .to Philip, which was of B. 2 . Bethsaida at which the 5000 were fed, a place on the east of the Lake of Gennesaretli. Such a place there was at the N.E. extremity, formerly a village, but rebuilt and adorned by Philip the Tetrarch, and raised to the dignity of a town under the name Julias, after the daughter of the emperor. Mark 8. 22 he cometh to P>. : and they bring a blind Luke 9. 10 a desert place belonging to.. city called B. BETH SHAN, n '3 house of security. A city of Manasseh W.of Jordan. Perhaps the same as Bethshean. It was the S. border town in Galilee aud belonged to Dccapolis. 1 Sa. 31. 10 they fastened his body to the wall of B. 31. 12 took the body of Saul.. from the wall ofB. 2 Sa. 21. 12 had stolen them from the street of B. BETH SHE'-AN, [>«? n '2 house of security. Probably the same as Bethshan. The Canaanites were not driven out from this town. In the time of Solomon it formed a commissariat district extending from the town itself to Abel-meholah (1 Ki. 4. 12). Its modern name is Beisan. It lies in the Ghor or Jordan valley, about 12 miles S. of the sea of Galilee and 4 W. of the Jordan. Josh.17. 11 Manasseh had in Issachar and in Asher, B. 17. 16 who (are) of B. and her towns, and (they) Judg. 1. 27 Neither did Manasseh drive out. ,B. and 1 Ki. 4. 12 Taanach. .all B., which (is) by Zartanah 4. 12 from B. to Abel-meholah, (even) unto 1 Ch. 7. 29 by the borders of..Manasseh, B. and her BETH SHE'-MESH, efiti n'3 house of the sun. 1 . One of the towns marking the N. border of Judah, though not named among the cities of that tribe. It is now called Ain-shems, which is on the N.W. slope of the mountains of Judah, a low plateau at the junction of two plains, about 2 miles from the great Philistine plain, and 7 from Ekron. Josh.15. 10 went down to B., and passed on to Tim. 21. 16 Juttali with her suburbs, (and)B. with Judg. 1. 33 did Najihtali drive out. .inhabitants of B. 1. 33 nevertheless, .inhabitants of B.. .became 1 Sa. 6. 9 goeth up by. .way of his own coast to B. 6. 12 kine took, .straight way to the way of B. 6. 12 went after them unto the border of B. 6. 13 (they of) Beth-shemesh (were) reaping 6. 15 the men of B. offered burnt olferiugs aud 6. 19 he smote the men of B., because they 6. 20 the men of B. said, Who is able to stand 1 Ki. 4. 9 The son of Dekar. .in Shaalbim, and B. 2 Ki. 14. 11 he and Amaziah. .looked one another in 14. 13 Jehoash king of Israel..Amaziah. at B. 1 Ch. 6. 59 Ashan with her suburbs, and B. with her 2 Ch. 25. 21 Joash. .saw. .Amaziahkingof Judah,atB. 25. 23 Joash. .took Amaziah. .of Judah, .at B. 28. 18 The Philistines, .had taken B., and Ajalon 2 . A city on the border of Issachar. Josh.19.22 the coast reacheth to Tabor, .and B., aud 3 . A fenced city of Naphtali. Josh. 19.38 Iron, and Migdal-el, Horem, and B. 4 . An idolatrous temple in Egypt, supposed to be On or Heliopolis, which in the middle ages was still called Ain-Shems. Jer. 43. 13 break also the images of B.,that(is)in. .Eg. BETH SHEM-ITE, W-rn n'3. A11 inhabitant of Bethsliemish, B.C. 1140. 1 Sa. 6. 14 the cart came into..field of Joshua,aB. 6. 18 stone remaineth. .in. .field of Josh, the B. BETH SHIT'-TAH, nairn n'3 place of acacia. Tiie narrative and the name both require this place to be near the Jordan where Zererath and Abel-meholah also lay. The Shuttah of Robinson is too far to the W. Judg. 7. 22 and the host fled to B. in Zererath, (and) to BETH TAP-PU'-AH, niErrn'2 place of fruit trees. A city in the mountainous district of Judah, near Hebron. This is a different place from Tappuah. The modern name is Teffith, 5 miles W. of Hebron, on a ridge of high table land. Josh. 15. 53 And Janum, and B., and Aphekah BE-THU'-EL, Vkins dweller in God. 1 . A son of Nahor, Abraham's brother, B.C. 1872. Gen 22. 22 Hazo, and Pildash, and Jidlaph, and E. 22. 23 B. begat Rebekah.. eight Milcali did hear 24 15 Rebekah came out, who was born to B. 24. 24 I (am) the daughter of B... son of Milcah 24 47 The daughter of B., Nahor's son, whom 24. 50 Then Laban and B. answered and saul 25. 20 Rebekah. .the daughter of B. the Syrian 28. 2 Arise, go to Padau-aram, to. .house of B. 28! 5 he went to Padan-aram.. Laban, son of li. 2 . A town in the tribe of Simeon, (the Bethul of Josh. > iCh. 4. 30 And at B., and at Hormah, and at Ziklag E'-THtTL, Vin? dweller in God. . city in Simeon, the same as Bethuel. Josh. 19. 4 And Eltolad, and B., and Hormal ETH ZTJR, Hsti'3 place of rock. A city in the mountains of Judah towards Idumea, t was founded by the people of Maon, which had erived its origin from Hebron. Betlizur was fortified y Rehoboam for the defence of his new kingdom It > now called Beit-sur. Josh. 15. 58 Halhul, B., and Gedor 2 Ch. 11. 7 B., and Slioco, and Adullam. Neh. 3. 16 Azbuk, the ruler of the half part of B- . Patronymic of the son of Maon, a descendant^of Iehron, one of the posterity of Caleb, brother of Jerali* leel. BE-TO'-NTM, D':b? heights. A town in the N. of Gad, on the E. of the Jordan. Josh. 13.26 from Heslibon. .Eamatli-mizpehTandB. BETRAY 93 BEWRAY BETRAY, to — 1 To cast, throw, nan ramah, 3. i Ch. i2. 17 but if. .to betray me to mine enemies o To give up over to another, -n-apaSiSupi. ” Matt 10. 4 Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him 17. 22 Tile Son of man shall be betrayed into 20 18 the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the 24. 10 shall betray one another, and shall hate 26. 2 the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified 26. 16 he sought opportunity to betray him 26 21 Verily I say. .Thatoneof you shall betray 26 23 He that dippeth. .the same shall betray 26. 24 by whom the Son of man is betrayed 26. 25 Then Judas, which betrayed him 26 45 the Son of man is betrayed into the hands 26 46 he is at hand that doth betray me 26. 48 he that betrayed him gave them a sign 27 3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him 27. 4 1 have betrayed the innocent blood Stark 3 19 Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him !3 12 the brother shall betray the brother to 14. 10 Iscariot, .went, .to betray him unto them 14. 11 he sought how he might, .betray him 14 18 One. .which eatetli with me shall betray 14 21 by whom the Son of man is betrayed 14. 41 the Son of man is betrayed into the hands 14 42 lo, he that betrayeth me is at hand 14. 44 he that betrayed him had given them a Lukezi. 16 ye shall be betrayed both by parents 22. 4 how he might betray him unto them 22 6 sought opportunity to betray him unto 22 21 the hand of him that betrayeth me (is) 22. 22 unto that man by whom he is betrayed 22. 48 betrayest thou the Son of man with a John 6. 64 For Jesus knew, .who should betray him 6 71 for he it was that should betray him 12. 4 Judas Iscariot., which should betray him 13. 2 the devil having now put. .to betray him 13 11 For he knew who should betray him 13! 21 verily, I say. .one of you shall betray me 18. 2 Judas also, which betrayed him, knew 18. 5 Judas also, which betrayed him, stood 21. 20 Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? 1 Co. 11. 23 the. .night in which he was betrayed BETRAYERS — One betraying, npoSorris prodotes. Acts 7. 52 of whom ye have been now the betrayers BETROTH, to — 1 .To betroth, espouse, BHR aras, 3. Deut2o. 7 what man.. that hath betrothed a wife 28. 30 Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another Hos. 2.19 I will betroth thee, .yea, I will betroth 2. 20 I will even betroth thee unto me in 2.To appoint, vj_' r yaacl. Exod2i. 8 master, who hath betrothed her to himself 21. 9 if he have betrothed her unto his son, he BETROTHED, to be —■ 1 .To be betrothed, espoused, bns aras, 4. Lev. 19. 20 a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband 2. To be prepared, exposed, rpn charaph, 2. Exod22. 16 a man entice a maid that is not bet rothed Deut 22. 23 If a damsel.. a virgin be betrothed unto 22. 25 if a man find a betrothed damsel in the 22. 27 the betrothed damsel cried, and. .none 22. 28 which is not betrothed, and lay hold on BETTER — 1 .Good, Bin tub. Gen. 29. 19 better that I give her to thee, than that Exodi 4 . 12 better for us to serve the Egyptians Nuim 4 . 3 Were it not better for us to return into Judg 8. 2 (Is) not the gleaning of., better than the 9. 2 Speak, I pray you.. Whether (is) better 11. 25 now (art) thou anything better than Ruth 4 . 15 which is better to thee than seven sons 1 Sa. 1. 8 (am) not I better to thee than ten sons ? 15. 22 Behold, to obey (is) better than sacrifice 15. 28 a neighbour of thine, .better than thou 27. 1 nothing better for me than that I should 2 Sa. 17. 14 The counsel of Hushai. .(is) better than 18. 3 better that thou succour us out of the 1 Ki. 2. 32 two men more righteous and better than 19. 4 for I (am) not better than my fathers 21. 2 I will give thee for it a better vineyard 2 Ki. 5. 12 better than all the waters of Israel ? 2 Ch. 21.13 hast slain thy brethren. .better than Esth. 1. 19 give, .unto another that is better than Psa. 63. 3 thy loving kindness (is) better than life 119. 72 The law of thy mouth (is) better unto me Prov. 3. 14 the merchandise of it (is) better than the 8. 11 wisdom (is) better than rubies; andall the 8. 19 My fruit (is) better than gold, yea, than 12. 9 better than he that lionoureth himself 15.16 Better (is) little with the fear of the 15.17 Better (is) a dinner of herbs where love 16. 32 slow to anger (is) better than the mighty 17. 1 Better (is) a dry morsel, and quietness 19. 1 Better (is) the poor that walketli in his 19. 22 a poor man (is) better than a liar 25. 7 better, .that it be said unto thee, Come 25. 24 better to dwell in a corner of the house 27. 5 Open rebuke (is) better than secret love 27.10 better (is) a neighbour, near, than a 28. 6 Better (is) the poor that walketh iu his Eccl. 2. 24 nothing better for a man, (than) that he 3. 22 I perceive that.. nothing better, than 4. 3 Yea, better, .than both they, which hath Eccl. 4. 6 Better (is) an handful (with) quietness 4 9 Two (are) better than one ; because they 4 13 Better (is) a poor and a wise child than 5 . 5 Better, .that thou shouldest not vow 6 3 I say.. an untimely birth (is) better than 6 9 Better (is) the sight of the eyes than the 7. 1 A (good) name (is) better than precious 7 2 better to go to the house of mourning 7! 3 Sorrow (is) better than laughter : for by 7 5 better to hear the rebuke of the wise 7 .’ 8 Better (is) the end of a thing than the 7. 8 the patient in spirit (is) better than the 7. 10 the former days were better than these ? 8. 15 a man hath no better thing under the q 4 for a living dog is better than a dead lion q. 16 Then said I, Wisdom (is) better than 0. 18 Wisdom (is) better than weapons of war Song 1. 2 for thy love (is) better than wine Isa. 56. 5 name better than of sons and.. daughters Lam. 4. 9 slain with the sword are better than- Hos. 2. 7 for then (was it) better with me than now Amos 6 . 2 better than these kingdoms ? or their Jon. 4. 3, 8 (it is) better for me to die than to live 2. More, ini' yother. Eccl. 6. 11 increase vanity, what (is) man the better? 3 . Advantage, abundance, pup) ytlhron. Eccl. 10. 11 enchantment; and a babbler is no better 4. Beautiful, honourable, naXos halos. Matt 18. 8, 9 it is better for thee to enter into life Mark 9. 43, 45, 47 it is better for thee to enter into 5. Good...than, ua\6v...yaWov kalon.. .mallon. Mark 9. 42 it is better for him that a millstone 1 Co. 9. 15 better for me to die, than that any man 6.Stronger, more powerful, Kpdtraav kreisson. 1 Co. 7. 9 for it is better to marry than to burn 7. 38 he that giveth (her) not. .doeth better 11. 17 ye come together not for the better, but Phil. 1. 23 to be with Christ; which is far better Heb. 1. 4 Being made so much better than the 7. 7 the less is blessed of the better 7. 19 but the bringing iu of a better hope. .by 7. 22 J esus made a surety of a better testament 8. 6 a better covenant.. upon better promises 9. 23 heavenly things, .with better sacrifices 10. 34 ye have iu heaven a better and an endur. 11. 35 they might obtain a better resurrection 1 Pe. 3. 17 better, if the will of God be so, that ye 2 Pe. 2. 21 it had been better for them not to have 7 . Better, kindlier, xpyarirepos chrestoteros. Luke 5. 39 desireth new. .he saitli, The old is better BETTER, to be — 1 .To be good, tub. Song 4. 10 how much better is thy love than wine ! 2. To do good, or well, 3?) yatab, 5. Nah. 3. 8 Art thou better than populous No, that 3. To be different, bear diversely, Si atplpw diapherb. Matt. 6. 26 Are ye not much better than they ? 12. 12 How a man better than a sheep? Luke 12. 24 how much more are ye better than the i. TV; be advantageous, AiurireAeo) lusiteleb. Luke 17. 2 It were better, .that a millstone were 5 . To be profitable, avp. sumphero. Matt 18. 6 it were better, .that a millstone were 6 . To hold forward, orbefore, irpoexo/iaiprocc/iomuf. Rom. 3. 9 What then? are we better. .No, in no BETTER, to do — To do good, 3 its tab, 5. Eze. 36. 11 will do better, .than at your beginnings BETTER, to make — To do or make good, 29 ; yatab, 5. 1 Ki. 1. 47 make the name of Solomon better than BETTER, to be made — To be good 3 a; yatab. Eccl. 7. 3 by the sadness, .the heart is made better BETTER, to be the — To be over and above, ‘ircpio perisseub. 1 Co. 8. 8 for neither, if we eat, are we the better BETTER (country or) thing — Stronger, more powerf ul, Kpeitraav kreisson. Heb. 6. 9 we are persuaded better things of you _ji. 16 now they desire a better (country), that 11. 40 God having provided some better thing 12. 24 that speaketh better things than. .Abel BETTERED, to be — To profit, bpheleo. Mark 5. 26 had spent all . .and was nothing bettered BETWEEN — 1. Between, ]'? hen. Gen. 15. 17 a burning lamp that passed between 2. Between, nii '3 benoth. Eze. 10. 2 Go in between the wheels, .under the 3. On, upon, Sy al. 1 Ki. 18. 21 How long halt ye between two opinions 4. Middle, midst, tavek. Exod 28. 33 bells of gold between them round about 39. 25 put the bells between the pomegranates 39. 25 round about between the pomegranates b In the midst, ana. plaov ana meson. 1 Co. 6. 5 not one.. aide to judge between his br. ? G. In, among, iv en. Rom. 1. 24 dishonour their own bodies between 7.In between, pcra^u metaxu. Matt 18. 15 tell him his fault between thee and him 23. 33 whom ye slew between the temple and Luke 11. 51 which perished between the altar and 16. 26 between us and you there is a great gulf Acts 12. 6 Peter was sleeping between two soldiers 15. 9 put no difference between us and them 8 . Toward, -rrpis (ace.) pros. Luke 23. 12 they were at enmity between themselves Acts 26. 31 they talked between themselves, saying BETWEEN, to differ — To make a parting, division, p.epl(w merizo. 1 Co. 7. 34 There is difference (also) between a wife BETWEEN (some) of...and — From the...with, Ik Twv...pcTa ek ton...meta. John 3. 25 between (some) of John's disciples and BETWIXT — 1 . Between, pa ben. Gen. 31. 37 that they may judge betwixt us both 2.Out of, Ik ek. Phil. 1. 23 I am in a strait betwixt two, having a des. BETWIXT, to come — To strike on, y:s paga, 5. Job. 36. 32 by (the cloud) that cometh betwixt BE-TJ -LAH, nSfJ?3 married. A symbolic name which the land of Israel is to bear in its future prosperity. Isa. 62. 4 thou shalt be called, .and thy land B. BEWAIL self, to — To breathe one's self out, ns; yaphach, 7. Jer. 4. 31 the daughter of Zion, .bewaileth herself BEWAIL, to — 1 .To weep, npa bakah. Lev. 10. 6 bewail the burning which the Lord hath Deut 21. 13 bewail her father and her mother a full Judg 11. 37 I may..bewail my virginity, I and my 11. 38 bewailed her virginity upon the mount. Isa. 16. 9 I will bewail with the weeping of Jazcr 2. To wail, Khaiti) klaio. Rev. 18. 9 kings of the earth, .shall bewail her 3. To strike (the breast), kAittw kopto. Luke 8. 52 all wept, and bewailed her: but he said 23. 27 which also bewailed and lamented him 4. To lament, mourn, irevBcu pentlieb. 2 Co 12. 21 I shall bewail many which have sinned BEWARE, to — 1. To become subtile, Diy aram, 5. Prov.19.25 Smite, .and the simple will beware 2. To watch, wui shamar. 2 Sa. 18. 12 Beware that none, .the young man Ab. 3. To be watchful, rt 1 shamar, 2. Gen. 24. 6 Beware thou that, .bring not my son Exod 23. 21 Beware of him, and obey his voice Deut. 6. 12 beware lest thou forget the Lord, which 8. 11 Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy 15. 9 Beware that there be not a thought in Judg 13. 4 beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine 13. 13 that I said unto the woman let her beware 2 Ki. 6. 9 Beware that thou pass not such a place 4 . To behold, fiXe-irai blepb. Mark 8. 15 beware of the leaven of the Pharisees 12. 38 Beware of the scribes, which love to go Acts 13. 40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon Col. 2. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through y. To guard, blepb. Phil. 3. 2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers 3. 2 beware of the concision 2. To hold toward oneself, irpo(rex w prosecho. Matt. 7- 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to 10. 17 beware of men ; for they will deliver you 16. 6 beware of the leaven of the Pharisees 16. 11 ye should beware of the leaven of the 1612 not beware of the leaven of bread, but of Luke 12. 1 Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees 20. 46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to 3. To guard, (pvAdoau phulasso. 2 Ti. 4. 15 Of whom be thou ware also ; for he hath BEWITCH, to — 1. To smite with the eye, (JacniatVco baskainb. Gal 3. 1 Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that 2. To cause to stand out, i^larypi existemi. Acts 8. 9 bewitched the people of Samaria, giving 8. 11 he had bewitched them with sorceries BEWRAY, to — 1. To reveal, uncover, nb; galah, 3. Isa. 16. 3 outcasts; bewray not him that wandereth BEYOND 94 BIM H A L 2. To set before, ijj nagad, 5. ProY.29. 24 lie liearetli cursing, and bewrayeth (it) 3. To call, «~ 3 i 5 gam. Prov.27.16 ointment of his right, .bewrayeth 4. To make evident, Troieia SrjAos poieo delos. Matt.26. 73 of them ; for tliy speech bewrayeth thee BEYOND — 1 . Yonder, beyond, henceforth, nkta halah. Gen. 35. 21 spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar i Sa. 20. 22 Behold, the a'rrows (are) beyond thee ; go 20. 37 said, (Is) not the arrow beyond thee? Jer. 22. 19 cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem Amos 3. 27 I cause you to go into captivity beyond 2. To cause to pass over, dbar, 5. 1 Sa. 20. 36 as the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond 3. Over, ■ny eber. Gen. 50. 10 which (is) beyond Jordan, and there they 50. 11 Abel-mizraim, which (is) beyond Jordan Deut. 3. 20 land. .God hath given them beyond Jord. 3. 25 see the good laud that (is) beyond Jordan 30. 13 Neither (is) it beyond the sea, that_thou Josh. 9. 10 that he did to the two kings, .beyond 13. 8 which Moses gave them, beyond Jordan 18. 7 received their inheritance beyond Jordan Judg. 5. 17 Gilead abode beyond Jordan : and why 2 Sa. 10. 16 the Syrians that (were) beyond the river 1 Ki. 4. 12 Abel-meholah. .unto, .beyond Jokneam 14. 15 shall scatter them beyond the river 1 Ch. 19. 16 the Syrians that (were) beyond the river 2 Ch. 20. 2 from beyond the sea on this side Syria Nell. 2. 7 to the governors beyond the river, that 2. 9 I came to the governors beyond the river Isa. 7. 20 by them beyond the river, by the king of 9. 1 the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in 18. i which (is) beyond the rivers of Ethiopia Jer. 23. 22 kings of the isles which (are) beyond the Zeph. 3. 10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my 4.Over, beyond, 13 !i abar. Ezra 4. 17 and (uiito) the rest beyond the river 4. 20 have ruled over all. .beyond the river 6. 6 Now. .Tatnai, governor beyond the river 6. 6 Apharsachites, which (are) beyond the 6. 8 of the tribute beyond the river, forthwith 7. 21 the treasurers which (are) beyond the 7. 25 all the people that (are) beyond the river 5 .On yonder side of, iireiceira epekeina. Acts 7. 43 I will carry you away beyond Babylon H. Over, beyond, irlpav peran. Matt. 4. 13 the way of the sea, beyond, Jordan 4. 25 multitudes of people, .(from) beyond 19. 1 into the coasts of Judea beyond Jordan Mark 3. 8 from Jerusalem, and. .beyond Jordan John 1. 28 were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan 3. 26 he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to i 10. 40 went away again beyond Jordan, into 7.Over, v-rrep ( acc .) huper. 2Co. 8. 3 [beyond] (their)power, .willingof thems. [See also Go, measure, pass, regions, stretch.] EEYOND the time — Over, 'rj. al. Bov. 15 25 if it run beyond the time of her separation BE’-ZAI, shining, high. I . One whose posterity to the number of 323 returned from exile with Zerubbabel, b.c. 536. Ezra 2. 17 children of B., three hundred twenty and Nell. 7. 23 children of B., three hundred twenty and 2 . A family that, with Nohemiah, sealed the covenant, E.C., 445. Nell. 10.18 Hodijali, Haslium, B. BE-ZAL'-EEL, God is protection. 1. The artificer to whom was confided the design and execution of the works of art required for the taber¬ nacle in the wilderness. His charge was chiefly in all works of metal, wood, and stone, Alioliab having charge of the textile fabrics. Bezaleel, however, was chief in both departments, B.C. 1491. Exodyi. 2 See, I have called by name B. the son of 35. 30 the Lord hath called by name B. the son 1 36. 1 Then wrought B. and Alioliab, and every 36. 2 Moses called B.. .unto the work to do it 37. 1 B. made the ark of sliittim wood 38. 22 B.. .made all. .Lord commanded Moses 1 Ch. 2. 20 Hur begat Uri, and Uri begat B. 2 Ch. 1. 5 Moreover the brasen altar. .B.. .had 2 . Son of Pahath-moab, and one of those who had taken a strange wife, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 30 of. .sons of Pahath-nioab. .B., and Binn. BE'-ZEK, pia breach. 1 . The residence of Adouibezek (“ lord of Bezek ”) in Judah, inhabited by Canaanites and Perizzites. Judg. 1. 4 and they slew, .in B. ten thousand men 1. 5 And they found Adoni-liezek in B. 2 . The place where Saul numbered his forces before going to the relief of Jabcsh Gilead, somewhere in the centre of the country near the Jordan valley, a day’s march from Jabesh. There wore two places of this name 17 miles from Neapolis (Shecliem), on the load to Bethshean. z Sa. 11. 8 And when he numbered them in B. BE'-ZER, TX’| strong. 1 . A city of Reuben, in the downs, or mUhor, one of the three cities of refuge on the E. of the Jordan, and allotted to the Merarites. Now Besheir. Deut. 4. 43 B. in the wilderness, in the plain country Josh.20. 8 they assigned B. in the wilderness upon 21. 36 of the tribe of Reuben,B. with her suburbs 1 Ch. 6. 78 of the tribe of Reuben, B... with her sub. 2 . A son of Lipli, oue of the heads of Asher, B.C. 1540. 1 Ch. 7. 37 B., and Hod, and Sliamma, and Shilshali BICH'-RI, '-15? youth, first born. Ancestor of Sheba who rose against David, B.C. 1022. 2 Sa. 20. 1 Sheba, the son of B., a Benjamitc 20. 2 every man of Israel, .followed, .son of B. 20. 6 Now shall.. the son of B. do us more harm 20. 7, 13 to pursue after Sheba the son of B. 20. 10 Joab. .pursued after Sheba the son of B. 20. 21 the son of B.. .hath lifted up his hand 20. 22 they cut off the head of. .the son of B. BID, to —- 1. To say, ipk amar. Gen. 43.17 the man did as Joseph bade ; and the N uni 14. 10 the congregation bade stone them with 13. 38 bid them that they make them fringes Josh. 6. 10 until the day I bid you shout; then shall 11. 9 did unto them as the Lord bade him 1 Sa. 9. 27 Bid the servant pass on before us 24. 10 and. .bade..kill thee ; but. spared tliee 2 Sa. 1. 18 he bade them teach the children of Judah 2. 26 how long, .ere thou bid the people return 16. 11 let. .curse; for the Lord hath bidden him 2 Ki. 4. 24 slack not (thy) riding, .except I bid thee 10. 5 we. .will do all that thou slialt bid us Estli. 4. 15 Esther bade, .return Mordccai (this ans.) 2. To speak, irn dabar. Jon. 3. 2 preach. .the preaching that I bid thee 3. To speak, nn) dabar, 3. Gen. 27. 19 I have done according as tlioti badest me 2 Ki. 5. 13 the prophet had bid thee, .great thing 2 Ch. 10. 12 came, .as the king bade, saying, Come 4. To set up, command, niy tsavali, 3. Exod 16. 24 laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade Ruth 3. 6 according to all. .her mother-in-law bade 2 Sa. 14. 19 thy servant Joab, he bade me, and he put 5. To separate, sanctify, trip qadash, 5. Zeph. 1. 7 prepared a sacrifice, lie hath bid his C). To say, Tiirov eipon. Matt 16. 12 Then understood they how that he bade 23. 3 All. .whatsoever they bid you observe Luke 10. 40 sister.. bid her therefore that she help me Acts 11. 12 the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing 22. 24 bade that he should be examined by 7. To call, icuAeio lealeo. Matt 22. 3 call them that were bidden to the wedding 22. 4 Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I 22. 8 they which were bidden were not worthy 22. 9 as many as ye shall find, bid to the mar. Luke 7. 39 the Pharisee which had bidden him saw 14. 7 put forth a parable to those.. were bidden 14. 8 When tliou art bidden of any. .to a wed. 14. 8 honourable man than tliou be bidden of 14. 9 he that bade tliee and liim come and say 14. 10 when thou art bidden, go and sit down 14. 10 when lie that bade tliee cometh, lie may 14. 12 Then said he also to him that hade him 14. 16 A. .man made a great supper, and bade 14. 17 to say to them that were bidden, Come 14. 24 none of those men which were bidden 1 Co. 10. 27 If any of them that believe not bid you 8 . To command, KeXebw keleuo. Matt 14. 28 bid me come unto tliee on the water 0. To say, Aeyw lego. 2 Jo. 10 receive, .not. .neither bid liim God speed 11 he that biddetli liim God speed is 10. To put toward, irpocrTaaau prostasso. Matt. 1. 24 the angel of the Lord had bidden liim BID again, to — To call in return, avTiicaAecv antikaleii. Luke 14. 12 lest they also hid tliee again, and a BID farewell, to — To arrange off from, a.-KOTa 24. Simeon, and bound him before their eyes ' In 11 Binding his foal unto the vine, and his N'umio 2 swear, .oath to bind his soul with a bond to 3 bind.. by a bond. in her father’s house to! 4, s bond wherewith she hath bound her to 6 8 of her lips, wherewith she bound her to 7 1 1 her bonds wherewith she bound her to', q vow. .wherewith they have bound their to 10 or bound her soul by a bond with an oath Jud lr i 5. 10 To bind Samson are we come up, to do to °i- 12 We are come down to bind thee, that we 1, 13 we will bind thee fast, and deliver thee 13. 13 they bound him with two new cords 16 5 that we may bind him to atttict him 16. 7 If they bind me with seven green withs 16 8 withs. .and she bound him with them 16’ 11 If they bind me fast with new ropes 16 12 Delilah .bound him therewith, and said 16 21 bound him with fetters of brass ; and he „ ICi 17. 4 king of Assyria, .bound him in prison 23. 7 bound him with fetters of brass, and 2 Ch 3? 11 bound him with fetters, and carried him ' 6 bound him. .fetters, to carry him to Bab. job 36. 13 wrath ; they cry not when he bindeth Paa ,03. 22 To bind his princes at his pleasure, and 11S 27 bind tlie sacrifice with cords, .unto the 140- 8 To bind their kings with chains, and •Ter. 39. 7 bound him with chains, to carry him to 52 n king of Babylon bound him in chains Eze. 3. 25 shall bind thee with them, and thou Hos. 10. 10 when they shall bind themselves in their 1. To gird, isx aphad. Lev. 8. 7 the ephod, and bound (it) unto him I . To wrap round, con chabash. Job 40. 13 Hide them, .bind their faces in secret Eze. 24. 17 bind the tire of thine head upon thee 30. 21 to put a roller to bind it, to make it 5. To wrap round, con chabash, 3. Job 28. 11 He bindeth the floods from overflowing G.To gird, no; yasar, 3. llos. 7. 13 I have bound (aiul) strengthened their 7 .To bind, fetter, ns? hepliath, 3. Dan. 3. 20 most mighty men. .to bind Slmdvach 3. 21 these men wore bound in their coats 3. 23 these three men. .fell down bound into 3. 24 Did not we cast three men bound into 8 . 7 b tie, bind, ty anad. Job 31. 36 Surely I would, .bind it. .a crown to me 9 . 7 b bind, ip 'J, aqad. Gen. 22. 9 bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the 10 . 7 b press, compress, "ns tsar. 2 Ki. 5. 23 bound two talents of silver in two bags Eze. 5. 3 Thou shalt also, .bind them in thy skirts II . 7 b compress, press, -ny tsarar. Prov 26. 8 As he that bindeth a stone in a string, so 30. 4 who hath bound the waters in a garment ? 12 . Zb bind (as a conspirator), TZ'p qashar. Deut. 6. 8 bind them for a sign upon thine hand 11. 18 bind them for a sign upon your hand Josh. 2. 18 bind this line of scarlet thread in the 2. 21 she bound the scarlet line in the window Job 39. 10 Canst thou bind the unicorn with, .band 41. s or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens ? Prov. 3. 3 bind them about thy neck ; write them 6. 21 Bind them continually upon thine heart 7. 3 Bind them upon thy fingers, write them Jer. 51. 63 thou shalt bind a stone to it, aud cast it 13 . 7 b bind, Tjp qashar, 3. Job 38. 31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Isa. 49. 18 thou shalt surely. .bind them (on thee) 14 . To entangle, bind, D?i rakas. Exod28. 28 they shall bind the breastplate by the 39. 21 they did bind the breastplate by his 15 . 7 b yoke, bind, ern ratliam. Mic. 1. 13 bind the chariot to the swift beast: she 16 . 7 b fetter, Ssir/xeoto desmeuo. Matt 23. 4 they bind heavy burdens and grievous to Acts 22. 4 binding and delivering into prisons both 1~.To fetter, 8eo>e u desmeo. Luke 8. 29 was kept bound with chains and.. fetters 15. To bind, fasten, tie. Sea deb. Matt 12. 29 except he first bind the strong man ? 13. 30 bind them in bundles to burn them ; but 14. 3 Herod had laid hold on John, and bound 16.19 thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound 18. 18 ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in 22. 13 Bind him hand and foot, and take him 27. 2 when they had bound him, they led Mark 3. 27 except he will first bind the strong man 5. 3 no man could bind him, no, not with 9. 4 he had been often bound with fetters 6. 17 bound him in prison for Hcrodias’ sake 15. 1 bound Jesus, and carried, .away, and 15. 7 bouud with them that had made insur. Lukei3. 16 whom Satan hath bound, lo, these, .years Jolniir. 44 bound hand and foot with grave clothes 18. 12 Then the band. .tookJesus, and bound iS. 24 Annas had sent him bound untoCaiaphas Acts 9. 2 might bring them bound unto Jerusalem 9. 14 authority, .to biud all that call on thy 9. 21 might bring them bound unto the chief 12. 6 Peter was sleeping.. bound with two 20. 22 I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem 21. 11 bouud his own hands and feet, aud said 21. 11 So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the 21. 13 I am ready not to be bouud only, but also 21. 33 commanded .. to be bound with.. chains 22. s to bring them.. bound unto J erusalem 22. 29 was afraid ..because he had bound him 24. 27 Felix, willing to show., a., left Paul bound Pvom. 7. 2 the woman.. is bound by the law to.. hus. 1 Co. 7. 27 Art thou bound unto a wife ? seek not to 7. 39 The wife is bound by the law as long as 2 Ti. 2. 9 bonds; but the word of God is not bound Pv.ev. 9. 14 are bound in the great river Euphrates 20. 2 Satan, and bound him a thousand years 19 . To stretch out before, irporeiva proteino. Acts 22. 25 as they bound him with thongs, Paul BIND about, to —- 1. To gird, iix azar. Job 30. iS it bindeth me about as the collar of my 2. To bind around, wepiSea perideo. Jolinn. 44 his face was bouud about with a napkin BIND on, to — To bind under, viroSta hupodeb. Acts 12. 8 Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals BIND sheaves, to — To bind, amar, 3. Psa. 129. 7 uor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom BIND up, to — 1. To bind up, gird, irpn chabash. Job 5. 18 For he maketh sore, and bindeth up ; he Isa. 30. 26 Lord bindeth up the breach of his people 61. 1 sent me to bind up the broken hearted Eze. 34. 4 have ye bound up (that which was) broken '34. 16 will bind up (that which was) broken llos. 4. 19 The wind.. bound her up in her wings 2. To bind up, gird, u’jn chabash, 3. Psa.147. 3 He healeth ..and bindeth up their wounds 3. To straiten, compress, ms tsur. Deut 14. 25 Then shalt thou., bind up the money in 4. To straiten, compress, -ns tsarar. Job 26. 8 He bindeth up the waters in his thick Isa. 8. 16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among 5 . 7*0 bind fast, naraSeai katadeb. Lukeio. 34 went., and bound up his wounds, pouring BIND with, to —• To bind along with, sun deb. Heb. 13. 3 them that are in bonds, as bound with BINDING — 1. Binding, obliging, ids, isn issar, esar. Num30. 13 every binding oath to afflict the soul, her 2. Lip, edge, ns\y saphali. Exod28. 32 it shall have a binding of woven work [See also Curse, execration, oath.] BI'-NEA, .1335, spp wanderer. A son of Moza, a descendant of Saul, B.C. 900. 1 Ch. 8. 37 Moza begat B.: Kapha (was) his son 9. 43 Moza begat B.; and Kephaiah his son BIN-ND'-I, ’if? familyship. 1 . A Levite appointed to the oversight of the weighing of the gold and silver vessels that Ezra brought up from Babylon, B.C. 536. Ezra 8. 33 with them (was). .Noadiah the son of B. 2 . One of the family of Pahath-moab, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 30 of the sons of Pahath-moab; Bczaleel . B. 3 . One of the family of Bani, B.C. 445. Ezra 10. 38 And Bani, and B., Shimei. 4 . One of the family of Henadad, B.C. 460. Nell. 3. 24 After him repaired B.. .another piece 10. 9 B. of the sons of Henadad, Kadmiel 5 . One whose descendants came up with Zerubhabel. He is called Bani in Ezra 2. 10, B.C. 536. Neh. 7. 15 The children of B.. six hundred forty and C. A Levite who came up with Zerubhabel, B.C. 536. Nell. 12. 8 Moreover the Levites : Jeshua, B. BIRD — 1 .Fowl, bird, my oph. Gen. 40. 17 the birds did eat them out of the basket 40. 19 the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee 2 Sa. 21. 10 neither the birds of the air to rest on Keel. 10. 20 a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and Isa. 16. 2 as a wandering bird cast out of the nest Jer. 4. 25 all the birds of the heavens were fled 5. 27 As a cage is full of birds, so (are) their 12. 4 the beasts are consumed, and the birds Hos. 9. 11 their glory shall fly away like a bird 2. A ravenous bird, try ay it. Jer. 12. 9 heritage, .tlie birds round about (are) 3. A sparrow, liss tsippor. Gen. 7. 14 every fowl after his kind, every bird of 15. 10 divided them. .the birds divided he not Lev. 14. 4 that is to be cleansed two birds alive 14. 5 one of the birds be killed in an. .vessel 14. 6 As for the living bird, he shall take it Lev. 14. 6 dip. .the living bird in the blood of the 14. 7 shall let the living bird loose into the 14. 49 shall take to cleanse tlie house two birds 14. 50 he shall kill the one of the birds in an 14.51 living bird.. in the blood of the slain bird 14. 52 shall cleanse.. with the blood of the bird 14. 52 running water, and with the living bird 14. 53 shall let go the living bird out of the city Deut 14. 11 (Of) all clean birds ye shall eat 22. 6 If a bird's nest chance to be. .in any tree Job 41. 5 Wilt thou play with him as. .a bird? Psa. 11. 1 say ye. .Flee (as) a bird to your mountain ? 104. 17 Where the birds make their nests 124. 7 Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the Prov. 6. 5 as a bird from the hand of the fowler 7. 23 as a bird liasteth to the snare, and 26. 2 As the bird by wandering, as the swallow 27. 8 As a bird that waudereth from her nest Eccl. 9. 12 as the birds that are caught in the snare 12. 4 he shall rise up at the voice of tlie bird Isa. 31. 5 As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts Lam. 3. 52 Mine enemies chased me sore, like a bird Eze. 39. 4 I will give thee unto the ravenous biros llos. 11. 11 They shall tremble as a bird out of Amos 3. 5 Can a bhd fall in a snare upon the earth 4. Bird, 72x tsepliar. Dan. 4. 33 and his nails like birds’ (claws) 5.Owner of a wing, ’]j| baal kanaph. Prov. 1. 17 the net is sjiread in the sight of any bird 6 . Bird (domestic or loild), tpueov orneon. Rev. 18. 2 cage of every unclean and hateful bird 7. Flying, winged animal, ttctcivSv peteiivm. Matt. 8. 20 the birds of tlie air. .nests ; but the Bon 13. 32 that the birds of the air come and lodge Luke 9. 58 birds of the air. nests ; but tlie Sou ot Rom. 1. 23 to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and Jas. 3. 7 every kind of beasts, and of birds, and 8 . Feathered, winged animal, irr-pvov pUnon. 1 Co. 15. 39 one. .flesh of men. .another of birds BIRD, speckled or ravenous — A ravenous bird, (ms?) o 'M ayit tsippor. Isa. 46. 11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east Jer. 12. 9 Mine . (is) unto me (as) a speckled bird Eze. 39. 4 I will give thee unto the ravenous bit ds BIR'-SHA, ytr]3 thick, strong. A king of Gomorrah in the time of Abram, B.C. 1917. Ge. 14. 2 made war with.. B. king of Gomorrah BIRTH — 1. To bear, bring forth, yield, i 1 ?; yalad. Hos. 9. 11 giory shall tty away, .from the birth 2. Cutting out, rnoo mekurali. Eee. 16. 3 Thy birth and thy nativity (is) of the 3. Breaking forth, i3tyo mashber. 2 Ki. 19. 3 for the children are come to the birth Isa. 37. 3 for the children are come to the birth 4. Generations, nnVw toledolh. Exod28. 10 their names, .according to their birth 5. Birth, a being born, yti/trij genete. John 9. 1 he saw a man which was blind.. birth 6 . Birth, nativity, yivvr\