1LUN0IS HISTORICAL SURVEY 977.3798 W724y U Yesteryears of Windsor" SOUVENIR PROGRAM August 26 - September 1 The Story of Windsor 1856 -WINDSOR, ILLINOIS - 1956 Windsor Centennial Souvenir Historical Book BlBBBBSIttBUlSIUSia Se&trattnn To the memory of those early pioneers who braved the perils of an unsettled wilderness, the bitter cold winters and the hot summers to bring to us a city and a community of which we can be proud. To those who have broughl spiritual guidance and education. To those who in later years have given of themselves unselfishly and untiringly to help in the growth and development of our community. To those who have served in our armed forces in time of war to maintain our American heritage. To our past and present city officials and members of our volunteer fire de- partment. To all those who have lived here, who live here now. and those who will live here in the future and have said, and will say, proudly, "Windsor is my home town." To these wonderful people we dedicate this history. Western Union Telegram The White House, Washington, D. C. Charles E. Wall Chairman Windsor Centennial Committee, Windsor Fair Ass'n., Inc., Windsor, 111. To the citizens of Windsor, Illinois, Greetings as you cele- brate your first hundred years in the "Land of Lincoln.' Perhaps some of your forefathers heard Abraham Lincoln speak exactly one hundred years ago a few miles northeast of Windsor. Lincoln said then that America's welfare was not a sectional concern but the concern of the whole land. So now we say we all have a stake in the Land of Lincoln and we are proud of Windsor. e-UJwiakt <=J_). (L-izenkow Windsor Centennial Steering Committee Top row, left to right: Floyd Bauer, Bruce Smith, James Thompson, Arnold Englund, Dale Baugher. Bottom row, left to right: Floyd Fox, Russell Carr, M. H. Yunker, Clinton Wall ■1 Early Residents $ **. - Dr. Jesse York Alexander Rose •Ml J. D. Bruce (First Citizen) Dr. C. H. Brunk Marshall Wallace BEN KULL IMPLEMENT CO. Allis-Chalmers New Idea The Finest Farm Equipment At The House of Service Phone 213 — Route 16 East Shelbyville, 111. BAKER'S ELEVATOR GRAIN FERTILIZER Middlesworth, 111. Telephone: Shelbyville Co. 7623 or Windsor 332 DOWNS FEED MILL Dairy, Hog and Poultry Feed Custom Grinding and Mixing Phone 82 Phone 193 Windsor, 111. Shelbyville, 111. Congratulations from CENOL COMPANY CHICAGO In Windsor Cenol Products are Sold by SHAFER'S DRUG STORE 1856 . . A History of the City of Windsor . . 1956 The territory in which Windsor is located was, like most of the Other areas in Illinois inhabited by Indians in the early days. They wire of three separate tribe.-, the Kickapoos, Pottawatomies and Del- The Kickapoos were the largest group. The last Indian chief in this area was called "Turkey." These Indians were friendly and mingled with the whites causing no trouble. The last camp near Windsor was in Ash Grove Township- in the winter of 1826 and 1S27. It was a large camp of 90 or 100 lodge-. This camp was a lively place on Sunday when they indulged in athletics. The white people would come from a distance and watch them run races, jump and run horse races. There were some ex- pert shooters among them and they would have shooting contests. There were some Indians in Windsor Township and also in Richland Township about this same time. Mrs. Anna Weeger, wife of John Weeger, gave birth to twin girls named Julia Ann and Jane on July 4, 1826. The neighboring Indians made a double papoose cradle for these twins. Early County History In 1827 the Illinois State Legis- lature in session at the Capitol in Vandalia, passed an act entitled, "An act creating the Countv of Shelby and appointing commission- ers to select a seat of justice." Shelbyville was selected. The first County officers were: William Wil- liamson, Sheriff; Isaac Martin, Coroner; John Whitley, Levi Casey and William Weger, Commission- ers; Joseph Oliver was appointed County Clerk and William Wil- liamson, the Sheriff was appointed County Surveyor and laid out the County Seat. Early Justice John Spalding on September 16, 1828, was found guilty of larceny and his punishment was placed at 39 lashes on his bare back and a fine of $2.71, this amount being one half of the value of the goods he had stolen. He was also im- prisoned for 3 days. The sentence of the court was carried out, and the prisoner was publicly whipped in accordance with the terms of the verdict. The first murder trial was on April 13, 1830. The defendant made his appearance in court and made a plea of not guilty. The petit jury had been discharged so a new states jury was ordered to be sum- moned, to wit;- Isaac Martin, James A. Baker, David Hinton, James Ledbetter, Barnet Bone, William Bone, John Hill. John Richardson, Isaac Rentfro and Bennet Robinson. Who being duly sworn to try the issue joined upon the oaths, do say, that we the jury, find the defendant not guilty. Therefor it is considered by the court now here, that the defendant be discharged, and go hence with- out delay. The defendant was Benj. Warnock, In the May term of court in 1842, an important criminal case came up for trial. It was the case of the people vs. Robert Sellers. Sellers was indicted for killing James Rodman; he was found guilty of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to be hanged. The fol- lowing is in his sentence as copied from the record. "That the defen- dent, Robert Sellers, be again re- manded to jail, there to remain until Tuesday, the 21st. of June next, when he shall be taken to the place of execution, and there between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and two o'clock of the afternoon of that day he be hanged by the neck until he is dead." By the manipulations of his attorneys he succeeded in get- ting a new trial, and on this trial plead guilty of manslaughter. He was sentenced for eight years to hard labor in the penitentiary, where he served his time. On his release he returned to Shelby County, but was soon afterwards thrown from a horse and killed. First Naturalization At the May term of court, A.D. 1847 Soloman Stilgebauer applied for naturalization. Hi filed his dec- laration and took the oath of al- legiance and renounced all alle- giance to every foreign prince, po- tentate, state and sovereignty whatever, and particularly to the King of Bavaria, in Germany. He was admitted to all the rights, privileges and immunities of a citizen of the United States of America. Early Settlers David Elliot) was perhaps the first settler in Richland Township. He located there in 1825 an had a horse mill and still house. His brother Jacob Elliott can 1826 but left soon after ami in Holland Township. William Weeger and his son John and their families also came to Rich- land in 182ti. In the fall of 1826 John Cochran \.ith his three sons-in-law, John, Daniel and William Price, settled in Ash Grove Township in what was later called Cochran's Grove. Other early pioneers in Ash Grove were: John Frazer, Robert Tem- pleton, Joseph Dixon, Robert Ran- kin, Daniel Green, John Bolin and John Storm. John and James Renshaw two enterprising men came to Shelby County in 1825 with a drove of hogs from White County, Illinois. They were so pleased with the country that they settled in Rich- land Township the next year. They started with 150 hogs and wolves killed 75. Benjamin Walden a native of North Carolina came to Shelby County in 1827 and settled in the north part of Richland Township. His son Hugh Walden came and settled near his father the same year. Other early settlers in Richland Township were John Richardson. John Cox, Bolen Reems, Obadiah Wade, Joseph Robinson and James Rather all of whom came in 1827. William Childers and David For- tenberry settled there in 1828. George Parks and James Poe came to Richland in 1830. Whitley Township was the first settled part of Moultrie County. John Whitley and family and his son-in-law Samuel Lindley came in the fall of 1826. They were natives of Maryland. The Whitleys were a large family and had eight or nine children, six of whom were boys all being married but one when they came to Whitley Creek. They built a crude horse mill which was the first in the township. Wm. Price came in 1827 or 1828 and married one of the Whitley girls. Hal McDaniel and two brothers Samuel and Jonathan Anderson came from Tennessee about the same time as Wm. Price. These people mentioned here-to-fore were transients and remained only 2 or 3 years. Isaac Waggoner was a native of South Carolina and ser- ved three years in the Revolution- ary War. He came to Whitley in 1828. He had four sons and two daughters. Harrison Smith came from North Carolina with the Waggon- ers in 1828. He also had a large family. Wright Little and William Walker came in 1830 as did Gideon Edwards and his brother John, and Isham and Jeduthun Hardy. They COFFEE-KIMBROUGH, INC. Sullivan, 111. Phone 2489 Farmall Tractors McCormick Implements At This Store You Get Quality Service Congratulations On Windsor's 100th Anniversary WINDSOR MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO. Compliments ENGLUND'S MARKET Groceries & Meats Phone 131 Windsor, III. "WE BUILD" Compliments of WINDSOR KIWANIS J. Logan Gover Manager Betty E. Hyland Secretary Compliments of WINDSOR INSURANCE AGENCY It Always - PAYS - You To Do Business With Us Office Located in Windsor Bldg. & Loan Building all came from Kentucky. Samuel Hughes, a blacksmith, came in 1830. He made rifles as well as doing- thi? smithing for his neigh- bors. John Hannon, Isaac Renfro and Joseph Henricks all came the same year 1830. The first settlers in Windsor Township were Elias Carr and Isaac Corbin. They settled on a branch of Sand Creek in 1826. This branch was called Carr's Creek. The place where they settled was in section 28 near where Sulphur Springs Church was later built. Early in 1827 Benjamin Moberley built a log cabin on the south side of Sand Creek in section 26. This was about two miles northwest of Windsor. Isaac Sherlv a brother-in- law of Mr. Moberley came with him from Kentucky. They brought with them a load of salt, and part of a barrel of whiskey, for which they found a ready sale. Joseph Baker came in 1827. Daniel Turrentine came in 1828 and settled at the head of the north prong of Sand Creek and lived there his entire life time. Daniel Davis was another of the early settlers. He was a black- smith and although not an expert at the trade, he could do repair- ing and was considered a useful citizen. He sometimes preached' to the early settlers. Benjamin Bruce settled west of Sulphur Spring in 1829. He was married twice and raised a family of twelve children. Col. Peter Warren a native of Virginia came from Tennessee in 1830. He raised a family of 15 children. He was a militia colonel in Tennessee before he came to Illinois, and was a militia general in this state. He was Captain of a company in the Black Hawk war. He represented this district in the State Senate for a number of years. Alfred Wallis and Daniel Tull came in 1829 and David Robinson in 1830. The homes in which these early settlers lived were all built of logs. Judge William Williamson a native of North Carolina came to Shelby County in 1825 and moved near the head of Carr's Creek in 1830. He was elected the first sheriff of Shelby County and filled the office two terms. He was First Lieutenant in Captain Price's com- pany in the Black Hawk war. He was the first Shelby County Sur- veyor and filled the office of Coun- ty Judge for some time. He after- wards represented this District in both houses of the State Legis- lature. Assessed Valuation Total assessed valuation of all personal property in Shelby Coun- ty in 1859 was $1,141,649.00 The largest item in the list is domestic animals valued at $430,055.00. There were 12 pianos valued at $1,390.00. Clothing Worn By Early Settlers The early settlers wore home- spun clothes. The men and boys wore jeans and linsey woolsey shirts. Women wore dresses made of linsey-woolsey. In the winter buckskin clothing was worn. The earliest Postoffice in this area was Cochran's Grove which was established in 1831 or 1832. John Price was the first Post- master, the office being in his home. The mail was carried from Paris to Vandalia by way of Shel- byville over what was known as the Old State Road. James Poe and Jesse Evans kept the office for a number of years. The last Postmaster at the Grove was James Cochran who held the office for fifteen years. Amusements and Parties Log-rollings and barn-raisings were times for community get- togethers and were enjoyed by everyone. Husking bees were among the ■most enjoyable parties. Whole neighborhoods were invited, and corn was piled on the floor in two equal piles. Captains were chosen and they chose their helpers. The object was to see which group could shuck their pile first. When a red ear was found by a man he was entitled to a kiss from the girls. This caused a lot of fun. These husking bees usually ended in a dance. One fiddler furnished ill! the music. The fun lasted all night sometimes. Every man had a rifle, and he kept it in good order. Each one had his flints and bullet molds. A screwdriver, awl, butcher knife and tomahawk were fastened to his shot-pouch strap or to a belt around his waist. Target shooting was an enjoyable pastime. Jump- ing and wrestling were great sports and the best jumpers and the best wrestlers were considered men of notoriety. Many timesi if a dispute arose it was settled by a list fight and no one thought of using other weapons than his fists. They held no grudges after the fights because this was considered unmanly. When the railroad was built and Windsor established the Coch- ran' Grove Postoffice was dis- continued. Cochran's Grove Post- office was quite a distributing office. The following offices in this part of the County received their mail from this point: Hood, Sand Creek, Whitley's Point and Big Spring. Hood was in the southern part of Ash Grove Township. It was established about 1854 with Aaron Hood as Postmaster. This office was discontinued at the same time the Cochran's Grove office was. Sand Creek or Quigley as we know it now was located about 9 miles northwest of Wind- sor. This office was discontinued about 53 years ago when the rural routes were established. Whitley's Point was northeast of Gays in Section 12 of Whitley Township. This office was established at an early date in Daniel Ellington's store, Mr. Ellington being the first Postmaster. The mail was received and dispatched only once a week, on Saturdays. This office was dis- continued when the railroad was built in 1855, and was moved to Gays, then called Summit. It was named Summit by the Railroad officials, it being the highest point on the railroad between St. Louis and Terre Haute. Windsor, Illinois was first called Illiopolis, but was later changed when it was discovered there was already a town by that name in the state. 1856— Last year of Franklin Pierce as President, James Bu- chanan being elected President in November, 1856. This was the year the Republican party nominated a candidate John C. Freemont for the first time. The electoral vote was: Buchanan 174 — Freemont 114. Their first slogan was: Freemont, free soil and victory. Joel A. Matteson was Governor of the State of Illinois. The Illi- nois Central Railroad had already been built from Chicago to Cairo. In 1853 the Terre Haute, Alton and St. Louis Railroad now called the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis and nicknamed the Big Four began to build it's line from Terre Haute west to Shelby- ville and from Alton east to Shel- hyville. Work was slow in those days and not much progress was made the first year, only a few grades being put in. By 1855, track was laid within one mile of the future city of Windsor. Early in 1856 the railroad was completed, the east and west building crews meeting at Shelbyville and joining the tracks. Trains then started to run. Barnes, Phelps and Mattoon was the name of the construction firm that built the railroad. All work was sublet, Harrison Messer of Ash Grove laid the ties and rails from Terre Haute to Shelbyville. He was one of the men who helped to lay out the city of Mattoon. He was connected with the railroad as fuel agent until 1860. He was vrry wealthy and at the time of STEARNS TV & APPLIANCES Maytag - Norge - Apex Motorola - Dumont - Admiral Phone 3189 Sullivan, 111. WHISNANDS HYBRID SEED CORN White or Yellow A Type For Every Soil CHAS. YOUNa Ph. Gays 844 R.R. #1 Windsor, 111. Custom Trucking Ford Tractors and Implements New Holland Balers and Forage Harvesters Wagons and Elevators Behlen Corn Cribs DOWLER TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT Shelbyville, 111. OLDSMOBILE WATSON MOTOR CO. 106 W. Harrison St. Sullivan, 111. Phone 6212 Phones 6485 & 6486 SHANKS PACKING CO. 13th and Hayes Sts. Mattoon, 111. Home Killed Meats Compliments of LANE FARM SUPPLY W. M. Lane and Son Phone 4226 Sullivan, 111. VEECH LOCKER SERVICE "Refrigerated Locker Service" Individual Lockers — Meat Processing Phone 263 WINDSOR, ILL. SULLIVAN PACKAGE STORE AND TAVERN Clarke "Farmer" Lowe Air- Conditioning - Television Phone 5111 Sullivan, 111. his death in 1864 owned 14,000 acres of land in Ash Grove Town- ship. P. C. Huggins of Bunker Hill, Illinois and Simeon Ryder of Alton, Illinois, purchased and laid out several sites along the route of the new railroad and four of these towns were Windsor, Tower Hill Gays and Pana. First Buildings In Windsor In 1856 Johnathan D. Bruce of Sand Creek ordered the frame for an 18x36 foot structure from David M. Robinson and built a hotel. This building was on the northwest corner of Virginia Avenue and Oak Street, On March 31, 1856, Bruce and his family moved into the building and became Wind- sor's first citizens. The roof was only about half on and the doors were not hung. The railroad was installing a switch at the time and Mr. Bruce put up ten men and the first night he was in business. They were no doubt grateful for their lodging because there was a fourteen inch snow on the ground. That year there was no rain in Windsor from April 1 to July 3. Mr. Bruce first called his hotel the Wilson Illiopolis but soon changed the name to Windsor House. He charged $2.50 a week for board and room and for three years did a thriving business. In 1858 while waging his cam- paign against Stephen A. Douglas, for United States Senator, Abra- ham Lincoln spent the night at Windsor House and held Mr. Bruce's small daughter Belle on his lap while her mother prepared his breakfast. It was the 1858 campaign that set Lincoln on his way to the White House and in 1860 the little girl who later be- came Mrs. George Garvin was able to boast that she had been held by the President of the United Itates. The first residence was built by Dr. Jesse York on the noitheast corner of Oak Street and Broadway. It is still standing. Thomas Kenny, who came with the railroad and helped work on it built the second house in Windsor. It was located on the north side (f K>ntl cky Avenue between Maple and Elm Streets. Mr. Kenny boarded railroad hands and his place was called "The Boarding Shanty." The next building was a store building erected by Marsh Wallace who opened a saloon. I.. H. Keller then hired William rnd Joe Tull to build a store build- ing for him on the northeast corner of Virginia Avenue and Pine Street just east of J. D. Bruce's Windsor Sou e. .Mr. Keller moved in from the old stage road in Ash Gro 1 on June 1, 1856 and started a Gen- eral Store. He bought wool for cash, and his store being the larg- est in this area, drew trade from as far as twenty-five miles. Alexander Rose was his first clerk and made his first sale from a barrel of New Orleans sugar while the goods were being taken into the si »re. He was heard to remark several times that he sold the first dry goods in town and Wat Wallace sold the first wet goods. In 1856 James Hilsabeck and Dudley Smith of Shelbyville built the third store building on the northwest corner of Virginia Ave- nue and Oak Street. Hilsabeck con- ducted a store until the middle 70's when he moved his stock to the new town of Stewardson. The fourth store was erected by John L. Templeton and his nephew William A. Cochran on the south- east corner of Kentucky Avenue and Pine Street. In 1862 Charles Voris (of whom we shall hear more later) son-in-law of John L. Tem- pleton entered the business. Charles Voris came to Windsor February 13, 1860 as a represent- ative of the E & I Jennings Grain Company and married Mary Jane Templeton on November 6, 1860. Jonathan D. Bruce was the first postmaster and Alexander Rose was the second. Dr. Jesse York was the first doctor. He was a distinguished figure. He was both cultured and progressive and had a taste for fine living that not many of the townspeople possessed. His library was one of the best selected and finest bound in the county. Mr York was the first man in Windsor to keep ice. He bought the instru- ments for the first brass band in Windsor. He was the first member of the band and played the drum. E. D. (Dandy) Tull was one of the members and in later years was the leader. Dr. York did much to- ward building the First Christian Church and on one of his many trips he purchased for its steeple a fine weather vane decorated with a large golden fish. In those days the various Church organizations were highly prejudiced against each other and so many people joked about the fish being extreme- ly appropri ite because it took so much water for the Campbellites that in anger and chagrin the good Doctor York took it down. Worn out by the hardships of his profes- sion, Doctor York died in about 1867 at the age of 38. It has been said that he liter illy gave his HI'' for his patients. In his will he left the Christian Church $1000, the in- terest from which was to go to- ward the upkeep of the building. His brother Dr. Eli York came in 1858. Dr. H. H. Aldridge came shortly afterward. Dr. Brunk came to Windsor in 1857. He was born in Grayson Co. Kentucky, October 17, L82B and attended country schools. He attended one term at Cumber- land College, Princeton, Ky. Stud- ied .nedicine under Dr. R. B. Eng- lish of Hardin Co., Ky., attended Louisville Medical College, Louis- ville, Ky., and attended Rush Med- ical College from which he was graduated. He located first at Springville, Illinois later called Lerna. Moved to Windsor in 1857 and practiced until 1905. He died January 1, 1919 aged 93. Another Doctor was Dr. W. H. Dubler and he probably came sometime during 1860. He served in the Union army and is buried in Windsor Cemetery. A Dr. Waite was the first Dentist and came to Windsor in the 1860's. Dr. W. H. Woolard and Dr. E. M. Scott were dentists from the SO's on for many years. In 1857 John Kieth of Indianap- olis built a mill. He ran this mill until 1863 when it was sold to Shew Garvin of Shelbyville who ran it for years. This mill was lo- cated on Virginia Avenue on the south side of the street in the 200 block. George Garvin recalls that the railroad had a big pond just east of the mill. They dug a well near Pine Street but the water foamed and could not be used in the engines. This pond ran about '., mile south. There was a dam ten feet high at the north end to hold the water. The railroad bridge that crossed it was over 40 feet long. Mr. Garvin said it was an ideal place for skating in the win- ter and swimming in the summer. The first depot was a block east ef the one now in use. It was where Pine Street intersects the railroad. In those early days the locomotives burned wood and were obligated to mike frequent stops to refuel. There were 2 loading platforms in Windsor. One on the east side of Chestnut Street next to the rail- road ami the other was on the east side of Pine Street next to the railroad. Dr. Jesse York supplied a'l wood for the railroad the first few years. The wood was hauleo into town in pole lengths and sawed into proper lengths by a tread- mill powered by horses, and stack- ed in long ricks along the tracks. Some was kept piled on the loading platform ready to be loaded on the trains. When the' trains stop- i ed to refuel passengers often got off and helped the trainmen load the wood. There was another building con- nected with the railroad. It was the roundhouse and was on the west side of Maple Street next to the railroad. There was also a large wter tank next to the round 37 Years On The Same Corner 1919 - 1956 GROCERIES — FRESH and CURED MEATS FLOUR and FEEDS STAPLE DRY GOODS and MEN'S WORK CLOTHES J, C. SMITH Two Phones - 148 and 240 Windsor, Illinois Compliments of ERNEST ASPHALT SALES COMPANY ASPHALT ROAD OIL and TAR 304 Illinois Avenue East St. Louis. Illinois housi - rhe roundhouse wa fii - 1 built at Thornton Switch cast of Shelbyville but in L856 or 1857 it was moved n> Windsor, The railroad first planned to establish their shops here but be- cause of the better location of Mattoon the shops were moved to Bfattoon. There was also trouble between the railroad employee; and the merchants that caused them to move. The railroad em- ployees owed Lee Keller and J. N. Jones, merchants and refused to pay. Regardless of threats and persuasion they declined to meet their debts, whereupon Keller and Jones got a constable, went to the loundhouse attached the engines, and staked them down. It is not known if the men paid but the railroad officials were deeply of- fended. The first station agent was L. B. Perkins. L. C. Jackson then be came agent and served for many years. At this period of Windsor's his- tory a fence enclosed the railroad right of way, which was a block wide for about 4 or 5 blocks. In- side this enclosure the Irish labor- ers built crude board shacks to live in. They had come straight from Ireland and were very poor and generally quarrelsome. These shacks were built alongside of most of the new railroads in the country and these people were known all over the country as "The Shanty Irish." Alexander Rose had one of the first restaurants in Windsor and sold out to L. B. Perkins and Dr. C. H. Brunk for $17.00 and soon afterward started a drugstore. L. B\ Perkins was appointed postmaster in 1858 and made Dr. Brunk his deputy. L. B. Perkins died in 1860. Joanna Kenny was the first child born in Windsor and G. F. Bruce ■was the second. Windsor in the late 1850's was a town emerging from the wilder- ness; a line of frame stores strag- gling along unbelievably muddy streets and a scattered handful of dwellings. Prairie chickens were everywhere and a man could shoot enough of them at the edge of town to supply his family. During this early period a man shot a deer on the site of the present Methodist Church. Windsor was alive and progressive even at this early date. The people of the com nunity -were intensely Southern in their s\ mpathies. This article is written just as it was printed in an early Windsor Gazette: During the Civil War Windsor was one of the worst Rebel holes in the country. While troop trains took on fuel many of the soldiers alighted to have a look at the city. i ii i in .ailed such infui iatin.; insults after them that word of Windsor's hostility soon -plead and when troop trains stopped, the soldiers who walked the Streets often tired into windows of stores and dwellings. While the soldiers were in town many people made it a practice to lie flat en the floor. A number of rallies and speak- ings were held in Windsor by Southern sympathizers. On these occasions butterwood badges were freely distributed. Once thi Knights of the Golden Circle held Grand \ ssembly here, and - than 800 horsemen paraded down the street of the city. Many people either evaded the draft or hired substitutes. The eap- turi oi Windsor by Union troops lias been previously related. A number of Northerners living in t'nd about Windsor were ordered to leave the country on threat of lynching. Though some "neck-tie parties*' were actually formed, no lynchings ever occurred. On the second -floor of Kellers store was a hall, sometimes known as Keller and Greer's Hall, in which the young folks of the city held their dances. The hall was leached by an outside stairway and it was while standing on this stair- way that James Horn, an intense Southern sympathizer, was shot and killed during the bitterness of war days. In spite of Windsor's partisan ship for the Confederacy, a number of its boys fought for the Union cause. Mrs. H. J. Hamlin recalls how as a child she attended a din- ner given the soldiers. The boys of Windsor and adjacent commu- nities had assembled to meet the troop train that was to take them away. At noon the women spread r huge feast for them in one of the empty warehouses that stood near the railroad track. Garbed in long calico dresses and long aprons, they set out cakes and meats and relishes. As they worked they turned their heads aside and reach- ed for a corner of their faded aprons to wipe away the tears. After the banquet the troop train arrived. Many who waved goodbye from its windows never returnee'.. On February 4, 1860 an election was held for or against incorpora- tion the town of Windsor: 36 votes wore cast for incorporation and ! against. On February 18, 1860 an election for trustees of the town was held and the following men were elect- ed: L. H. Keller, President. Mr. II. II. Aldridge, William Wells and Dr. C. II. Brunk. (in March 24 the trustees met rnd Dr's Brunk and Aldridge of- fered their resignations. The other —11— members of the board when faced with the loss of two of their best men acted with brilliant resource. An Entry made in the Clerk's book runs as follows: On motion C. H. Brunk and II. II. Aldridge were appointed trustees of Windsor to fill the vacancy occasioned by their m. Confronted with this action Dr's Brunk and Aldridge gracefully bowed to the inevitable. I,. B. Muchmorc was the first clerk; John II. Whitestone, Trea- surer; I. I). Bruce, Assessor and Collector and I). P. Henry, Street Superinti ndent. The- new tin lees ordered fence posts for hitching racks and pro- vided for the construction of wood- en side walks where they were needed. Whiskey license was set at $50.00 a year; and beer license at $25.00. It was made unlawful to deposit in the streets and alleys any wood rails, posts or lumber. Selling whiskey or playing cards on the Sabbath was forbidden, un- I'.er penalty of a $3.00 to $25.00 fine. A $1.00 to $l(i.()() fine was im- posed for neglecting to tie teams hitched to wagons. In the early days of Windsor the town was overgrown with dog fen- nel and every yard had a wood pile. Live stock ran at large, waded in the pond which stood where the city park now is and ate hay from the farmers wagon beds and sleds. The city was constantly allowing bills for the burial of dead dogs, hogs, cows and horses. At one time 14 dead hogs were buried in one day and shortly afterward train- men threw off six dead hogs near the depot. The City Council passed a dog ordinance that was a masterpiece. It allowed the head of every fam- ily to keep one clog free of charge. For a second dog in each family an annual license of $5.00 was charged and for the third and every other dog added the annual license was $10.00. On February 16, 1865 Windsor was made a city under a special charter. On April 10, 1865 the following councilmen were elected. Benjamin H. Logan, President; Charles Voris, J. B. Hardy, J. D. Bruce and Thomas Gilpin, Landy Waters was Marshall, Williair. Caldwell, City Clerk, G. W. Logan, City Treasurer, J. N. Jones, Asses- sor, and William Templeton, Street Supervisor. The new Council set Whiskey License at $75.00 a year. It passed Sunday laws prohibiting anyone from playing ball, pitching quoits or selling any goads on the Sab- bath. It made liable to a fine of from $1.00 to $50.00 any one who indulged in: blowing trumpets, ringing bolls, beating drums, Hal- lowing, singing profane or obscene songs, shouting, setting fire to tar Courtesy of SWINFORD'S STANDARD SERVICE Phone 291 Residence 159 The Best of the Best Windsor, 111. Ford Tractor Dearborn Farm Equipment BROWN IMPLEMENT CO. Murphy Feeds Youi Ford Farming Headquarters 600 Dewitt Mattoon, 111. Phone 2105 REYNOLDS AND CUMMINGS FEED STORE F. S. Feeds, Seeds and Fertilizers Limestone and Phosphate Petroleum Product* Spreading Bulk Ferilizer Phone 77 Windsor, III. Carl Cummings, Phone 9 or 76 BENNETT OIL & GAS COMPANY Windsor's Own Independent Fuel Company Serving a Great Community With Fine Products Gasoline Fuel Oil Bulk Propane Motor Oils Bottle Gas Furnaces Heaters Ranges Tanks You are cordially invited to make our exhibit tent your headquarters during the Centennial. — Leo Bennett, President Serving this community with oil products for 24 years — ■ 1932-1956 barrels at night time, fighting or crying fire without cause. There apparently was much drunkenness and hilarity. To bear this out here are some entries from the dork's book dated November 28, 1866: "Motion, Robert Haines be al- lowed $20.00 to satisfy misfortunes in discharging his official duties as constable." "On motion Will Caldwell be ap- pointed to repair calaboose and put new luck on same." In June 1866, the city council passed an ordinance forbidding any trains to pass through the city at more than five miles an hour. The next month they raised the speed limit to six miles an hour. Following Is A List Of The Firms Doing Business During The 1860s GENERAL STORES: Cochran & Templeton Henry Smyser-Jeff Arnott Lee Keller-York Weeger & Co. York and Ferguson Starr and Price MILLS: Shem Garvin William H. Woolard & John H. Price SALOONS: James Greer Samuel Rankin Constine Mast Monroe Harmon Laughlin & Shaw BLACKSMITHS: John Van Zant-Archie Smith Jenkins Riggs-John McDaniel Joseph Garrett Joe and Fletcher Hardy OTHER BUSINESSES: ' Ring Photograph Gallery The Windsor House David Triune, Prop. Theodore Hill, Hotel Cottlow's Clothing Store Could find no record of barber- shops. HARNESS SHOP: John Malone John B. Holmes SHOE SHOP: James Willis B. Wagner HARDWARE: Jacob Shaffer GROCERY: Thomas Leggitt Sam Warren GRAIN BUYERS: Bruce, Voris & York Tom Cavins DRUGS: D. P. Henry-Postmaster Richard Bourne had soda fountain and drugs in Postoffice SECTION WORKERS: Patrick Berry, Foreman Michael Calt Paddy O'Connor Michael Jillegin John Duffy Patrick Murphy In 1869 General Bull opened the first lumber yard on the south side of Virginia Avenue and there has been a lumber yard there ever since. This was sold after a few- years in John Moberley and Hugh Smysor, his son-in-law. In 1872 Lyman A. and George F. Gould built the first elevator on the block of ground bordered by Kentucky Avenue, Oak Street, Chestnut Street and the C. C. C. & St. Louis Railroad. Several years later Wm. Fitz- water built the first bank in Wind- sor and sold out in 1873 to a man named Westby. In 1871 Bruce, Voris and Mid- dlesworth bought the remaining town site from Huggins and Ryder and laid OCt the Bruce, Voris and MiddlesWOrth addition tO Windsor. Since Windsor was laid out in the middle of the original town site the Brute, Voris and Middlesworth addition lies on all four sides of the city. Some of the streets in the addition are crooked and the story was later told that Voris, a tall thin man, stepped them off in one direction and Bruce a short man stepped them off in the other. Jonathan D. Bruce, during his life, was interested in two dry goods stores, a hotel, a bank, a real estate business, grain and stock trade, building and contract- ing, a tile kiln, a railroad and farm- ing and was at one time one of the lichest men in the county. From his tile kiln came the brick for three of the finest houses that were then in the county: the William Middlesworth house still standing about 4 miles west of Windsor, the F. B. Thompson and the J. D. Bruce house still stand- ing on the north edge of Windsor. At one time Bruce owned 5000 acres of land. He was a deacon in the Christian Church for more than 25 years. This earned him the nick- name of "Deacon" Bruce. He was very shrewd and loved a good joke. — The Wabash Railroad — On June 30, 1870 a special elec- tion was held in Windsor for the purpose of voting on the question of issuing $20,000.00 in railroad aid bonds for the Bloomington and Ohio River Railroad. Eighty votes were cast: Seventy-nine for and one against. The payment of these bonds later caused the city much trouble and litigation. The railroad was completed by April 1872. They had agreed to build their shops here but failed to keep their agree- ment. Both J. D. Bruce and Charles Voris were interested in this rail- road. Mr. Bruce was a director of the road and the Village of Bruce was named for him. The railroad did a good business for a number of years. As late as 1920 they ran 'our trains daily. A passenger train and a freight went north each morning and returned south in the evening. Sometime along the line the railroad was sold to the Wabash Railroad Company who ran it until November L938 when it was torn up and ceased opera- tions. The Windsor Hotel was erected at the junction of the two railroads in 1874 by Amos Walker & Co. J. D. Bruce was the contractor and Philhower and Snyder managed the hotel for several years. It has been in the hands of the Bowen family for several years and still run by them. In 1877 D. N. Haiwood built his hay barns in Windsor. He handled 2000 tons of hay a year. J. II. Wal- lace bought the hay barn and ran it until his death. Carriage and wagon shop was run by McDaniel and Wallace. In 1869 a smallpox epidemic broke out in the shanties along the railroad. Almost everyone who con- tracted the disease died. The dead were taken from their houses by night and buried on the J. D. Bruce farm north of Windsor. Tull and Gilpin were the undertakers and the coffins were made by them. Social Life In The 1860's and 1870's Early public gatherings in Wind- sor were held in the depot which was usually decorated with bunting for the occasion. The righteous went to temper- ance meetings and to Church on Sunday. The rest of the town got drunk and went to the horse races. These were at their best on Satur- day and were held northwest of town on the west side of what is now State Route 32. Item from a September 8, 1870 paper: "There is horse racing every Saturday afternoon. A race came off last Saturday for a bet of $10.00 and several other races came off on smaller bets." From November 3, 1870 paper. "There has been no horse racing for two weeks. A horse has been .stolen. The other day a drunken man attacked the marshall with e knife. The Marshall got a club and p..t him in the calaboose. A man from the country got drunk and tried to ride his horse into the bar room of the hotel. He, too, was put in the calaboose. June 27, 1870, paper: "There has been a fire and a murder with- in the last 3 days. Harmon's sa- loon burned. John Erwin was murdered by Constine Mast in the 1 tter's saloi n." May 30, 1870: "There is much fighting and drunkenness. Ladies are obliged to walk in the middle of the street to avoid fights going on outside saloons. Men may be often seen lying full length on the sidewalk, dead drunk. There is Compliments of ALBIN ROELLIG GENERAL CONTRACTOR Steel Farm Buildings Phone 308 Windsor, 111. Compliments of Compliments of HOWARD ALWARD EVERETT LUCE SALES & SERVICE AND SONS SHELBYVILLE, ILL. Pioneer Seed Corn John Deere Farming Equipment WINDSOR, ILL. Congratulations to Windsor on its Centennial by two Ex Windsorettes now located in Mattoon THE SMITHS MACHINE SHOP P. O. Box 14 Phone 3123 813 N. 21 St. "We Try To Do It Right" Mattoon, 111. A. R. Smith H. G. Smith horse racing every Saturday after- noon and at that time much drink- ing and fighting occurs." Young people went to the river for all day parties and spent the time boat riding and fishing. On one occasion two young women fell overboard and George Voris dived in after them. In doing so he lost his slippers and had to go home barefooted. In 1872 Dr. Pickett enterprising farmer and a physician living a few miles northeast of Windsor purchased $2700.00 worth of ma- chinery to use in the processing of tobacco. In the 1870's Led Baldwin ran a livery stable in Windsor. He had a matched team of grays and it was the ambition of all the young men in town to hire this team and a buggy to take his best girl for a ride. Baldwin's second choice was a bav and a sway backed black. In the late 70's and 80's Windsor had a brass band that once played for the Shelby County Fair. Play- ers were Jim Moberley, John Mob- erley, Wilbur Jones, Toni Tice, Charles Gilpin, Perry Jackson, Frank Riggs, Gus Flowers and Charles Starr. In the 1880's Windsor was de- veloping into a prosperous, thriv- ing little city. During this period it enjoyed its largest population. Records show that there were 1200 inhabitants at that time and it was the second largest town in Shelby County. The sidewalks were wood- en and there were large wooden awnings over the walks. There were several chances for factories and other industries to be brought here but there seemed to be quite a bit of indifference to such proj- ects, and they were allowed to go elsewhere. Roy Bowen had a bottling plant in Windsor and was doing a fine business. He delivered pop to all the surrounding towns with a team and wagon. It was while working in this plant that his brother-in- law, Ed Cassell, was killed by the explosion of a bottle of pop A piece of glass cut his jugular vein. It was during 1901 that the wooden sidewalks and the wooden awnings were done away with and a nice brick walk was laid in the down town district. The Annual Harvest Picnic was started in 1895. The plans were started on July 18, 1895, when a meeting was held and the following committees were appointed: W. H. Shaw, Chairman; H. R. Moberley, secretary; N. L. Baxter and W. B. Moberley, solicitors; executive committee, George E. Duscomb, Sherman Haupt and J. H. Wallace; speakers committee; T. N. Henry and W. II. Shaw; balloon ascen- sion, L. Rogers. The picnic was held on August 29, 1895, and was a great success. The Knights of Pythias Band of Sullivan, which was the best band in this area at that time, played concerts in the morning, afternoon and at night. The Big Four Male Chorus of Shelbyville sung during the day and there was speaking by the ministers of the town, the mayor, T. N. Henry, and Charles Voris. People came to town in their big wagons, brought the whole family, tied their horses to the wagons where they could eat hay, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Some bad looking clouds came up during the evening concert which scared some people into go- ing home, but it did not rain, and those who stayed were richly re- warded by the music of the band and glee club. Thus ,-tarted one of the many fine programs that has become an institution in Windsor. Harvest Picnics have been held regularly ever since with the exception of 2 or :; years during World War II, when people had too much on their mind' to enter into such things as picnics. There were no carnivals in con- nection with the picnic until later years. At the first picnic there was a balloon ascension and a para- chute drop by Madame Kirkendall. This was the only entertainment besides music and speaking. In those days it did not take much to entertain people, but they wanted something worthwhile when they did have it. Foot races, bicycle races and ball games were held. In this same year the Storm family reunion was held for the first time. This also became a big annual event in the life of Windsor but in recent years they have not been held. The old time reunions were similar to the Harvest Pic- nic so far as entertainment was concerned. It consisted of music and speaking. In this same period the first telephones were put into use in Windsor and in December, 1897, a telephone line was run from Mat- toon to Windsor, and people were promised that they would soon be able to talk to Chicago. In 1897 the city well on the corn- er of Virginia Avenue and Pine Street was drilled. In 1896 many political rallies were held by both parties. Torch- light processions were held fre- quently and feeling ran very high. Ii was estimated that there were 6900 people at the second Harvest Picnic in 1896. In 1895 there was an opera house —15 — in Windsor, and the fust show was "Falka" presented by The Andrews i i|n ,.-, ( |o ill- opera house had a capacity of 300. WINDSOR FROM 1900 ON There have been several oil and gas booms in Windsor's history, but nothing of any value was ever found. Gas has been piped into several homes but it soon gave out. On April 5, 1900, Windsor suf- fered a disastrous fire, which caused $85,000.00 damage. All the buildings in the east half of the west block (200 block) on Virginia Avenue were destroyed. There were 25 telephones in 1900. On Sept. 13, 1900, there were LS freight cars of broom corn ship- ped out of Windsor on the Big Four railroad. On August 15, 1901, C. V. Wall brought a new Locomobile car through Windsor on his way home to Mattoon. This was a great treat for the folks here for some of them had never seen a car before. On June 26, 1902, The Mutual Telephone Co. was incorporated. On March 13, 1902, J. H. Wal- lace bought the hay business which was started when Windsor was young by the Harwoods. In 1903 four rural mail routes were started for Windsor. In August, 1904, a band was or- ganized by local men. Albert Storm was elected manager; George Tull, secretary; and P. G. Matzen, lead- er. Other members were Newt Whitlatch, Bruce Garvin, Ward Walden, Jasper Neal, Carl Thoma- son, Rolla Cox, Sam Bruce, Forrest Storm, Bert Lemons and Gail Lansden. This band played together for about 12 or 15 years, some mem- I- i dropping out and others tak- ing their place. Charles Voris took a great in- terest in this band and each year at Thanksgiving he would treat the members, their wives and sweethearts to a turkey dinner at the Windsor Hotel. The members named the band "The Voris Reed Band" in his honor. The Goat Farm James A. Moberley took a large number of his Angora goats to the State fair at Springfield, Illinois, :.im I tOOll most of the best prizes in their class year after year. This farm, fifty years after that time, is still known as the "Goat Farm." 1904 was the year of the Worlds Fair at St. Louis celebrating the anniversary of The Louisiana Pur- chase. Each week daring the sum- mer 10 to 30 Windsor families made the trip to see the fair. The Centennial Queen Contestants The Centennial Queen contestants are shown in the above picture. They are, reading from left to right, as follows: Front row — Clinton Wall, general chairman of the Centennial; Marilyn England, Janis Voris, Phyllis Helton, Patsy Daubs, Jo Ann Lovins, Rosann Passalacqua, Margaret Stilabower, Genean Craig, Nancy Clawson, Susie Olson, and Mrs. Virgil Grabb, chairman of Queen Contest. Second row — June Twitty, Virginia Hughes, Bea Daubs, Betty Hyland, Mary Jo Wise, Barbara Griffin, Joyce Elliott, Nancy Jo Freemon, Linda Neal, Harlene Bence, Louise Williamson, Kay Walker. Back row — Phyllis Larrew, Marilyn Kelley, Ruth Neal, Esther Cress, Jenean Finley, Emma Carter, Alberta Roellig, Kay Reynolds, Georgia Miller, Rita Wall, Mary Louise Young, Rose- mary Siolas, Jean Siolas. Big Four railroad ran excursions each week and the fair being only a little over 100 miles away, nearly everybody took advantage of the opportunity. In 1U06 there was talk of erect- ing an electric light plant in Wind- sor. A franchise was granted to Thos. Lefforge but for some rea- son nothing was done about it. In 1906 Wm. Jennings Bryan, candidate for President in 1896 and 1900, bought a set of single driving harness from R. M. Tull, Windsor harness maker, [nice (25.00. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Tu'l were warm personal friends. Many events took place in the intervening years but nothing sen- sational. In 1924 the State of Illinois built Routes 16 and 32 through Windsor. The little prairie town that had wallowed so many years in the mud of the country roads could drive to all the surrounding towns on a high class pavement. On August 8, 1924, the City Council having felt the need for proper fire fighting equipment, bought a modern Reo Pumper. This machine was of the latest type and saved its price many times over. This pumper served until 1945 when the City purchased the last word in lire fighting apparatus and now have as good a lire depart- ment as any town its size. In 1926 the pavement on Virgin- ia Avenue was laid and this was propably the biggest imp made up to that time in Windsor. Up to this time this street became impassable every winter, and no one who never had seen it in that condition knows how bad it could get. The pavement cosl ¥26,000.00 and was opened to the public on June L8, 1926, The depression which started in 1929 was indeed sad for a lot of people. Some lost their life's sav- ing. In 1933 and 1934 both Wind- sor banks failed and many people who had always had plenty became destitute. Many citizens worked on C. W. A. and P. W. A., both gov- ernment projects. I hi] me this period our water- works were built and partly fi- nanced with government funds. The work was done by James & Shinn Co. of Mattoon, being the low bidders, their bid was $56,962- .75. The wage scale was unskilled labor 50c, semi-skilled labor 55c, foreman SSMjC, skilled labor $1.20, l'/ 2 ton truck $1.25, two horse team with driver 75c. The waterworks well is 26 inches in diameter and 125 feet deep and is located on the J. J. Chambers farm, one mile south of Windsor. Tien. arc 37 fire hydrants at various points over the City. In September, 1934, the Lee H. Keller building, which was the second store building built in Windsor, was torn down. On January 11, 1946, Windsor adopted the commission form of government which is another step forward for a city that has not been very much out of step in 100 years. In January, 1956, we took another forward step when wo voted to build a new grade school building. This building will be of the most modern construction and will have every means whereby children can obtain the education which they need to make Windsor grow more, yes. much more than it has before. First Divorce Bennet Robinson obtained a divorce from his wife on the grounds of desertion. No date for this divorce is given in the History of Shelby County but it is pre- sumed that it must have been be- tween 1845 and 1850. CONGRATULATIONS WINDSOR ON IT'S 100th BIRTHDAY • Prescriptions • Toiletries • Cameras • Tobaccos • Stationery GST 1Vl£ BEST. . . 6ET ICE CREAM IRsrttydti • Sodas • Magazines • Films • Jewelry • Sundries SHAFER'S DRUG STORE Windsor Illinois CONGRATULATIONS on YOUR 100™ BIRTHDAY & CENTENNIAL THE NATIONAL BANK OF MATTOON (MEMBER F.D.I.C.) OFFERING COMPLETE BANKING SERVICES PAYING 2'/ 2 ', ON SAVINGS * % Prominent Men of Windsor and Four Townships Judge William Williamson, a native of North Carolina, rum to Windsor Township in about 1825 and settled on a farm near a branch of Sand Creek. He was the first sheriff of Shelby County and was ele-tsd to a second term. He was a first lieutenant in Captain Price's company in the Black Hawk War. He filled the office of County Judge for some time and after- wards was elected to both I ouses of the State Legislature. He died in this township and is buried in Sulphur Springs Cemetery. Charles Voris of the -City of Windsor served as a representa- tive in the State Le ris'.atui ■ froi > 1867 to 1869 and as a State Sen- ator from 1871 to 1873. He was a very tall m n and was known a-^ "The" Tall Sycamore of the Wa- bash." He held various city offices and was considered one of our most civic minded citizens. Howland J. Hamlin was born in 1850 in New York state. He was educated there and came to Wind- sor in 1871 where he opened a se- lect school. He was very well liked and was given the office of Super- intendent of schools, which office he held three or four years. He read law while he taught school, passed the bar examination, and St) it d practicing law in Sullivan, Illinois, in 1875. He later entered politics and was elected Attorney General of the State of Illinois. He later ran for Governor but was de- feated. Col, Peter Warren, a native of Virginia, came here from Tennes- see in 1830. He was the father of J.5 children. Colonel Warren w; s a militia colonel in Tennessee before coming to Illinois and was made a Genera] in the Illinois Militia. He served as a Captain in the Black Hawk War. He organized the com- pany in which he served rnd he and his men furnished their own horses, saddles and bridles. He re- presented this district in the State Senate for several years. Judge Truman E. Ames was born in New York January 1, 1850. He came to Windsor with Howland .1. Hamlin, George Po Edward Rose, all being former residents of New York. Alter Mr. Hamlin quit teaching in the Wind- sor schools, Mr. Ames was hired as principal for several terms. All four of these men were well edu- cate,! and no doubt had a great in- fluence on the life of our city. After coming to Windsor these men were regular attend, nt at Sunday school and church, al- though they had not attended church before coming here. They thoughl that due to the positions they held in the town they should attend church. One time in Sunday school their teat her asked Mr. Ames who the three wise men from the East were and without any hesitation he answered, Ham- lin, Powers and Rose. Thomas N. Henry, a merchant f.n 1 farmer mayor of Windsor, also served one or two terms in the lower house of the State Legis- lature. The Ash Grove Christian Church was the first church founded in this community. It was founded on the first Sunday in June, 1832. and on the first Sunday in June, 195r,. they celeb rated their 124th anniversary. The first meeting place was a Ion- b. ildin-j h afe d by a 1 ■ place. The seats were made of split logs hewed with a broad axe. The seats had legs but no backs. This building was used until 1856. This church was organized wit 18 members and the Reverend John Storm was their first min- ister. This man was very influen- tial in the early life of this fine community. The hardships that he and his congregation endured have brought to our present time a her- itage that will continue to live as long as time lasts. On the first Sunday in June, 1856, the congregation, having outgrown the log church, a new frame building was dedicated. This building was adequate unti 1887 when the. present building was erected. Improvements W< e adde I and in 1929 and 1930 the building was modernized and re- dedicated on the first Sunday in .Tune, 1930. This is the oldest church in our community and they are to be con- gratulated' for their long life of service to not only this immediate History Of Churches vicinity but to the Christian cans' in the world. Services are held regularly and each year on the first Sunday in June they hold a meeting which has been called the "June Meet- ing" for many years and at which time they celebrate the anniver- sary of their church. People come from long distances to attend this meeting which lasts all day, they having services in the morning and afternoon with a bountiful basket dinner at noon. The Rev. B. J. Steed is the present pastor. The Sand Creek Church of Christ was organized in 1834 by Elder John Storm. There were 11 members at first. By 1880 they had a membership of 85. Elder Grinder was their minister for 44 years and Elder P. P. Warren was asso- ciated with him in this capacity for 30 years. The 109th Anniver- sary was held August 5, 1934. This church has produced several min- isters who have become forceful speakers and have done much to build the cause of Christ in the community. The present building was built in 1874 at a cost of $1200.00. This church is active and has services regularly. odist Church. It was a log house 30x40 feet. It was heated by a fire place and the seats were hand hewn split logs on legs. This build- ing served the church until 1870, when a nice frame building was erected. The congregation disband- ed a few years ago, the members who were left transferring their membership to other churches. The church building was torn down in 1954. There were services held m Whitley Township in people's homes. The first sermon was preached in the cabin of Samuel Linley in 1828 by the Rev. Miles Hart, a Methodist minister. Wm. Martin, a Baptist, preached here in 1820 and organized a society the same year. The first church was lni ilt in section 8 by the Bap- tist Church, Rev. Whitfield being one of the first ministers. It was a hewed log structure with puncheon seats and floor. This church pros- pered for many years. No services have been held there for some '.ime but the church still stands as a silent reminder of the meetings held there in the long ago. The first Methodist Church in this community was built in 1840 near Sulphur Spring and was called the Sulphur Springs Meth- The Smyser Christian Church was built soon after the Whitfield Church in 1837. The church was constituted by Elder Tobias Grider. There were only two charter mem- bers, John Hendricks and his wife, Cynthia. Samuel M. Smyser Compliments of NEAL FARM EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS DEPENDABLE SERVICE QUALITY FARM EQUIPMENT Beecher City, 111. Phone 7-310i GERALD WILLAREDT OLSON OIL CO. Distributors of MOBILOAS MOBILOIL MOBILHEAT PROPANE joined the church immediately after its organization. His wife and the following: John W. Ed- wards and wife, Nancy Drain, Joseph Lilly and wife joined a short time afterward. In 1841 Elder Grider, being engaged else- where, the congregation called Elder Levi Fleming to preach for them, They held a meeting for three or four days and eight or ten were added to the church by bap- tism. By 1843 there were about 25 members and by 1877 there were around 120 members. The present church was built in 1S75. This is today a very active church with regular services as well as Sunday school. The Rev. Leroy Trulock is the present pastor. The 100th An- niversary was celebrated August 1, 1937. A Cumberland Fresbyterian Church was organized in 1850 and a church was built of logs on Sand Creek and was called Pleasant Grove. After the city of Windsor was located, the congregation moved to town and erected a build- ing on the corner of Ohio and Elm. This building was 44x60. The name was changed from Pleasant Grove to Windsor. The Rev. W. M. Barber came to this church in 18G5 and with the exception of five years spent in Colorado, served this church as Pastor until his death in 1921. In 1875 a new church was built on the corner of Ohio and Maple Streets at a cost of $2000.000. This Church disband- ed several years ago and the build- ing was sold to the Bethany Church of Christ who now occupy it. About 1840 a log house was built for meeting purposes in the northwest part of Windsor Town- ship. They were a part of the Sand Creek congregation until 18(1 when they decided to organize a separate congregation. They met in the Dodson and Baker school houses and were known as the Wolf Creek congregation. They built a new church in 1874 for $1100.00 and changed their name to New Liberty. This church is active and holds services regular- ly. The Richland Church was formed by John W. Morgan in 1855. This church has been inter- denominational most <>f the time, ministers of different churches do- ing the preaching. The Rev. W. W. Barber preached there some as did Baptist and Methodist min- isters. The church has been closed for several years. The First Methodist servii e held in Windsor was held in a cabinet shop and J. W. Morgan the first sermon here. The first minister sent here by the Confer- ence was the Rev. J. B. Reynolds in 1858, and services were held in homes or some other convenient place. On July 8, 1863 the trustees of the Church bought a lot from Ryder and Huggins for $1.00, and one from Will Cochran. A small building was built on this lot and this served as a home for the Church until 1882. In that year a brick building was built during the pastorate of the Rev. M. B. Mc- Fadden. At this time the church had L02 members. Commencement exercises, lecture courses, and many community affairs here. A union revival held by the team of Kirkland and Leonard 1911 was very successful and the old building being too small, they voted to build a new church. The new church was dedicated on Sun- day, March 9, 1913, with an im- pressive service. All the ministers of the town took part, in addition to the visiting pastors. This was the first building in town to be lighted with electricity. The Cen- tral Illinois Public Service Co. made a special effort to get it con- nected. This Church has been quite active through the years and d< - serves a lot of credit for its service to the community. They have had an active Ladies Aid Society, which has done much to help in the work of the Church. The present church membership is 270. The Windsor Christian Church was organized some time prior to 1859. The first building was erect- ed in 1859, the ground for the Church being given to them by Dr. Je^se York, Windsor's first phy- sician. The first building cost $2,- 500.00 and was dedicated by Elder John S. Sweeney of Paris, Ky. Dr. Jesse York, before his death, gave $1000.00 to be invested for the Church. The Church has been re- modeled several times and a base- ment has been added. At this writing the Church is undergoing a complete overhauling. The ca- pacity is to be almost doubled and it will be a beautiful Church when completed. This Church has en- joyed a steady growth for many years and is to be proud of it's ac- complishments in the Christian way. The Centennial will have a special significance with a fine new building. The Rev. Joe Veach is the present minister. Presenl membership is about 400. The Bethany Church of Christ held it's first meetings in a school 1 se in the Bethany community in 1860. They took membership in Sai d < reek Church until their church was built in 1871, then 21 transferred there. The building cost $1200.00, much of the work being done by members of the Church. They purchased the old Presbyterian Church in Windsor in 1952, selling the old house Church, and moved their meeting place to Windsor. They are quite active and hold services each Sun- day. Elder Forrest Sisk is their present minister. Gaskill Church was named for John Gaskill, an early educated Methodist minister, who was licensed to preach in Ohio in 1844. He enlisted in the Union Amiy in 1861 in Company C, 51st regiment, Ohio Infantry, and on account of poor health resigned and came home in December, 1862. He was a Captain when discharged. He built up the Gaskill Church on his re- turn from the Army and in I860 he was a traveling minister on the Windsor Circuit. He was a Whig and cast his first vote for President for Wm. Henry Harri- son in 1840. Gaskill Church still has services on alternate Sundays and Sunday school every Sunday. The Fletcher Chapel Methodist Church was built in 1874 at a cost of $1800.00. The first minister was J. W. Lapshaw. Meetings had been held before then in a log building, built by J. W. Reynolds in 1860. No meetings had been held in the Church for a long time, so it was sold and torn down in 1952. The last minister was H. H. Higgins. In connection with this early history of the churches of our community, the author thought that this item should be included here. This item was taken from an old Windsor paper. Carrie Brunk, daughter of Dr. C. H. Brunk, who later became the wife of l>r. E. M. Scott, was an ac- complished musician. She had the first melodion in Windsor and later owned the first piano. At one time she played for all three Windsor churches, they holding services at different times to make this possible. The Windsor Universalist church was the last church to be organized in the Windsor community. It was organized on August lit. 1880, and the church was built soon after in about 1882 or 1883. It was on the northeast corner of Chestnut and Broadway. The church was dis- banded in 1917 and was torn down in 1934. A church known as the Webb Church was located about three miles south of Windsor. It was of Baptist denomination and was torn down about 25 years ago. DOEHRING AUTO & IMPLEMENT SALES •*\ Authorized LANDERS SEED CO. Mm Hudson Dealer /*jC%\ W J. I. Case f II) Feed Seed Fertilizer J$S& Farm Machinery \W^j/ x£E>^ Sales — Service Sullivan, 111. Phone 13 Res: 5-66 Windsor, Ell, Phone 6217 LEO LATCH FARM DRAINAGE Telephone 283 WINDSOR, ILL. AYLCO PBWUEIE Compliments JONES CAFE Irene Jones, Prop. Serving Quality Foods WINDSOR, ILLINOIS Compliments WINDSOR CLEANERS Quality Cleaning and Pressing Modern Equipment Max Kib!er, Prop. The Windsor Fair Association presents The Magnificent Historical Spectacle "Yesteryears of Windsor" Staged Under The Direction Of Walter Williams for the John B. Rogers Producing Company, Fostoria, Ohio WINDSOR ATHLETIC FIELD AUG. 28, 29, 30, 31, SEPT. 1, 1956 Windsor, Illinois 8:30 p. m. Sound By Atomic Bomb By PRESTON SOUND COMPANY STAR FIREWORKS COMPANY Columbus, Ind. Danville, Illinois Synopsis Of Scenes — By Way of Introduction — We acquaint you with a mythical and wholly fanciful Character, who, nevertheless, is very much alive in the respect that he is most probably a sort of universal and composite picture of a homey and down-to-earth individual as everyone might visualize him at one time or another— A Pioneer Personage whose voice is heard at the beginning of our Story, to "kinda explain an' mebbe em- phasize a point or two that you folks would' ve otherwise overlooked'— An ancient fellow we shall affectionately call "The Old Timer" — —23— Episode One "QUEEN'S COURT OF HONOR" A fanfare of trumpets heralds the arrival of our Celebration Queen "Miss Duchess of Windsor" preceded by her royal Ladies-in-Waiting and the Princesses of her Court, along with the Pages and Court Attendants of the Regal Entourage — Down through the Avenue of Flags comes Her Majesty, as the personified "Forty-Eight States" and the "UN Princesses" along with the "Military Cadets" and the "Sailorettes" plus the Boy and Girl Scouts, Brownies and other groups, pay homage to their Sovereign — Episode Two "IN THE BEGINNING:" Scene One — "The Windsor Story" This is the Windsor Story: an epic of a tidal wave of freedom-loving men and women sweep ing on to a new world rich with natural resources beyond the dreams of the ages; rolling back the great unknown of darkness and wilderness they came, across the trackless plains, seeking the right to worship according to their light, to win sustenance and fortune, to live their lives untouched by tyrants' rule. Scene Two — "The Mound Builders" Once an ancient people inhabited this land, known as the "Mound Builders." Being pagan, they worshipped many gods, offering sacrifices and building funeral pyres. Then, they vanished as mysteriously as they came. Episode Three "RED MEN IN THE LAND UNKNOWN" Where today a community stretches its streets, homes, civic buildings, industries, farms, offices and stores and weaves its daily life into the fabric of an energized nation, there once stood a virgin wilderness people by the Pottawatomies and the Delawares, along with remnants of the once power- ful tribe of Kickapoos. Episode Four "A NEW PEOPLE TO A NEW LAND" No longer can the Red Man stem the tide. Across the mountains and plains, through the forest, moves the White God .... the Indians turn their faces towards the sunset. Some of the first arrivals in the section were Benjamin Moberly and family and Samuel and John Little. Then came an important event .... the birth of George Falconer Bruce .... the first white boy born in this section ! Episode Five "WINDSOR BEGINS TO GROW" Scene One — "Remember the Sabbath" The early settlers believed that every individual was able to enjoy unparalleled opportunity fo v the betterment of mankind .... to seek his own salvation in his own way and live as a free man, so our forefathers looked to their spiritual welfare These people were hardworking and courageous, but through all hardship they maintained their faith in God. Scene Two — "Readin', 'Ritin' and 'Rithmatic" Our early settlers realized that in order to build a foundation for a new life for the future gener- ations to come, their children must learn to read and write. To fully appreciate the great strides education has made we have only to look in on this first school. It seems, however, that teacher had some of the same troubles then as now .... Scene Three — "The Iron Horse" The railroad progressed rapidly and in 1856 the Big Four completed its line through Windsor. A large crowd turned out to celebrate the passage of the first train. Scene Four — "A Birthday" The early settlers were intensely civic minded and realized the time had come to incorporate as a village. Accordingly they met on the fourth of February, 1 860 and cast their ballots unanimously in favor of incorporation. Scene Five — "A Chapter in Black" The cataclysm of Civil War descends upon the nation over the question of States' rights. Windsor soldiers march to Armageddon. Out of this terrible conflict came one of the greatest figures in American History .... Abraham Lincoln. FIFTEEN MINUTE INTERMISSION Episode Six "CITIZENS OF TOMORROW" Before returning to our history, we pay tribute to our youth — the spiritual descendants of those who were the Spirit of '76. Youth, upon whom the destiny of America depends! Youth, the Citizens of Tomorrow! In these faces we see a promise — a promise to us today of greater things to come! Episode Seven "THE WINDSOR PICNIC" The period of the 90's was the decade of the telephone, the bicycle built for two, and the "Horseless Carriage." Women adopted gay and fantastic fashions; it was the day of the hour-glass figure and the Merry Widow hat. It was the period of the bustle and "every girl was a Gibson Girl." It was the day of the tintype, the handle-bar moustache, the bathing beauties, the Band Concert .... and the beginnings of the famous Windsor Picnic! We see them all, but wait, there's a fight develop- ing! Those Were The Days! Episode Eight "WINDSOR GROWS UP" Scene One — "The Flickers" People said they wouldn't last . . . that they were a fad, but soon nickelodeons were springing up all over. And now? Cinerama, Cinemascope, Stereophonic Sound — what next? Scene Two — "In the Cause of Freedom" The year was 1914 and again the people of Windsor heard the troubling sounds of war in the making. President Wilson protested "Unrestricted Submarine Warfare." The climax came in 1917 when the Lusitania was sunk and the United States entered the war. Scene Three — "The Roaring Twenties — "The Golden Age" It was the golden age of "Yes, We Have No Bananas," plus-fours, and the Flappers. A dance sensation hit the nation and soon everyone was doing the Charleston. Episode Nine "LEST WE FORGET" Scene One — "The Day of Infamy" With startling suddenness on the quiet afternoon of December 7, 1941, war came to the United States for the second time in a generation. The Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor! Scene Two — "Iwo Jima" From Guadalcanal to Omaha Beach the men and women of the nation helped to fight the battle against outrageous tyranny. Scene Three — "The Beginning of the End ?" Just a few years ago, residents of Windsor, like citizens all over the country, wondered how they would be affected by the recent experiments at Yucca Flats. This was the start of the Atomic Age. Episode Ten "SALUTE TO OUR HERITAGE" There are no bounds or limits to the frontiers of our freedom. We have built our schools, hos- pitals, libraries, laboratories, brought forth symphonies and created literature. The darkness and wilderness are far behind. Ahead lie new frontiers widening, expanding, certain to roll back before the same unquenchable spirit of which we are the heirs. Product of a pioneer people, it is ours to go forward, to surmount the obstacles, to keep the Faith! OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM FIREWORKS DISPLAY —25— PROGRAM SUNDAY— RELIGIOUS DEDICATION DAY Morning — Special observances in all churches. 8 p. m. — Union service at the Pageant grounds. MONDAY— MERCHANTS' DAY Unveiling of historical windows Carnival Centennial Ball TUESDAY— AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL DAY Hobby Show Agricultural and Industrial Exhibit? Mammoth Float and Marching Parade Band Concert Address by Mayor Merlin Yunker Crowning of "Miss Duchess of Windsor" Premier performance of "YESTERYEARS OF WINDSOR" pageant Fireworks display Carnival WEDNESDAY— FRATERNAL DAY Band Concert Centennial Belles Style Show Hobby Show "YESTERYEARS OF WINDSOR" pageant Fireworks display Carnival THURSDAY— HARVEST PICNIC DAY Harvest Picnic Band Concert Address by Lt. Governor John William Chapman Free Acts Hobby Show Organ concert by Rosann Passalacqua "YESTERYEARS OF WINDSOR" pageant Fireworks display Free Acts Carnival FRIDAY— YOUTH DAY Youth Pet and Costume Parade Band Concert Planting of the Tree of Peace Hobby Show Indian Dance demonstration "YESTERYEARS OF WINDSOR" pageant Fireworks display Carnival SATURDAY— PIONEER RECOGNITION DAY Registration of all former residents and visitors Hobby Show Final judging of beards and dresser Whisker shaving contest Final performance of "YESTERYEARS OF WINDSOR" pageant Fireworks Carnival Windsor Schools During The Past Century "School days, school days, Dear old golden rule days . . ." Yes, school 'lays are happy days and the pleasant memories of them continue with us during our life- time. And it doesn't seem to mat- ter, in retrospect, whether school was held in a little red school house, a log house or a modern fireproof structure. But schools exist for more than to provide happy memories and the history of our local schools reveals the many changes that have taken place, igress means change. In order to place Windsor in the proper time perspective, it should be pointed out that the first school house in Shelby County was built in Cold Springs township in 1821. The second school house was built in 1832 in Richland township. The first school house in Windsor town- ship was built in 1835 on Upper Sand Creek near what was known as the Ben Bruce place. The teach- n- the first year was S. R. Davis. John Price taught the first school in Ash Grove in an empty cabin en his place. The first school house in Ash Grove, a log building, was erected en the southeast corner cf section 4 and was taught by Younger Green. In 1843 Wm. G Hayden taught school in a log house in Whitley township. Up to 1855 schools had been sup- ported by voluntary tax or sub- scription and from the public fund. After the passage of the free school law of 1855, schools began to improve. The first school in Windsor was held in a church building located just south of the present grade school building. The teacher was D. V. Canan. The date of this is not known but it is believed to have been prior to 1860. Soon a one- room frame building was built on the present grade school site on the corner Ohio and Elm Street, and the old church building was moved to the north part of town to be used as a barn. By 1870 it became necessary to have a larger building and while the old frame building was being torn down and a brick building erected tool was held in the old Methodi t Church. Part i f the 'unibei from the old huildii rsed in building the Lefforgi which sti 1 -tan Is north of the pre- s nt gr ;de school. John Weeks was ihe first teacher in the new build- tl ,, i ithei teachers in later years were II. J. Hamlin, afterwards Attorney General of Illinois, am! Trum n Anus, who later became county judge and circuit i addition to the public schools I was a "select" school taught by Mrs. Sue Calloway. The late George Garvin was a pupil in this school. The oldest records on file in the Windsor school office go back to 1880. We find that year a high school class composed of Ida Bar- ber, Ella Kenney, Maude Bence, Minnie Brady, Lee W. Frazier, lln ley Moberly, Sherman Rigg-, Pail Glider and Benjamin Rector. The students were not classified as ides but as "A" el is-, "B' class, etc.. down to the beginners who were in the chart class. That year there were 179 in school, the ; 'F" class (4th grade) having 45 pupils. These records are in a large ledger, beautifully written. Tiie high school class had work in arithmetic, geography, reading and spelling — quite different from the high school program of today. On January 4, 1904, a letter appeared in the Gazette wanting to know why Windsor could not have a township high school made up of Whitley, Windsor, Ash Grove and Richland townships. Domestic art and agriculture were especially desired. The letter was signed "Progressive Hayseed." Others joined in the letter writing with good results for plans were made for a high school program and a contract was let to O. J. Swain for the erection of a new building. The corner stone was laid July 4, 1905. The members of the Board of Education were W. H. Poe, Presi- dent, I. H. Gilpin, J. A. Duncan, A. H. Storm, Thomas Banks, Mrs. Mary Moberley and Mrs. Lizzie D. Fortner. At the corner stone laying Kate Garvin and Lala Tull (Gad- dis) sang solos. While the build- ing was being built school wa% held in the old Keller building, at the corner of Virginia and Pine Street, then located just north of Shafers Drug store; in the Uni- versalist Church, located where Kill Hill's house now -toed, Chestnut & Broadway; and in the room over J. C. Smith's store, Chestnut & Virginia. School opened in the new building September 14, 1905. We find the names of Chas. B. Guin, O. C. Bailey, E. C. McClel- land, Simon Williams, J. C. Tilton, Bessie Sargent, Lala Z. Tull, Ber- lin Tu'l, Ergenia Tull, J. J. Love, I . Maye Gleason, Hettie Ens< y Allie Walden, Gertrude Lord, W. W. Griffith, Jennie Swiney, Nellie Ro.v, Minnie Goode, Nell Hanc3ck, M. M. Rodenberger, Charles E. I :, . and many others appearing —27— on the record as teachers. i; L913 more room was needed and two more rooms were built on the north side of the building. By 1918 the high school, under the principalships of O. N. Wing and Dean Parrill, had increased in number so that more room was needed. At a cost of $20,000 an ad- dition consisting of two class- rooms, an assembly room and a gymnasium was built. This addi- tion was finished in 1919. In 1921 a community high school district was formed, taking in parts of Windsor, Whitley, Ash Grove and Richland townships— 79% square miles. J. A. Alexander was the first principal, followed by J. H. Dunscomb. A new high school building was completed in L936 at a cost of $118,000. In 1948 a community unit dis- trict was formed. .1. H. Dunscomb was the first superintendent, fol- lowed by Irvin Hill, Ellis Brant and J. R. Curry, who is the present superintendent. Prior to this there had been grade school consolida- tion—Ash Grove in 1946, Gays in HUT and Windsor in 1947. These became a part of the new com- munity unit district. In January, 1956, the voters of the unit district approved the is- suance of $400,000 in bonds for the purpose of building a new grade school in Windsor. In this brief outline nothing has been said about the developments that have really meant progress- such as improved administrative and supervisory procedures, test- ing and guidance programs, stu- dent records, higher teacher stand- ards, pupil transportation and school lunches, the enrichment of the curriculum with home eco- nomics, agriculture, manual arts, commercial subjects, band and vocal music, health and physical education, and interscholastic ath- letics. Yes, progress has brought changes. — J. H. Dunscomb. THE MORMONS Very few people know that we at one time had a Mormon settle- ment in this locality. Neither do they know that it almost took a war to get rid of them. Three very old settlers; Jimmy Cochran, Sam- my Rankin and Benny Moberly, were the gentlemen who gave the information to an early historian who made the following record. In about is;:7 the trouble began. This is their story. ll appears that about that time a young man came to Ash Grove Present Windsor Grade School Methodist Church Christian Church % Main Street In Early Days —28— and preached the Mormon doctrine and made many converts. In fact there were about 30 and for a time the Mormon Church in Ash Grove, Shelby County, Illinois; flourished like a patch of jimpson weeds in fertile soil and preached their pernicious doctrine to all who would hear them. They claimed that one man had as much right t i another man's wife as the old man himself and wanted all our old sisters and cousins and aunts some of whom already had husbands, to marry them without going to the trouble of a marriage ceremony; but the brothers and cousins (mas- culine) and uncles as well as the original and only genuine Husbands began to grumble and mutter and finally the fire of indignation and wrath broke out in full fury, ami the popular cry was, "Tin Mm mons must go." Accordingly a company of militia was raised and a warrant was issued for the ar- rest of the Saints. The men of many better halves, hearing of the preparations being made to arrest them, assembled and fortified themselves and said they would fight to the last man before they would surrender. The militia company was under the command of Colonel James Vaughan who later moved to .Moul- trie County. He was a very old man and a Baptist minister. They marched close to the Mormon camp and demanded a surrender. The Blormons refused to surrender to the militia, but said they would appear before any civil magistrate. A warrant was accordingly served on them to appear before I i Crockett the next day, which they r id. But instead of anyone appear- ing against them, they were given 24 hours to leave the neighborhood and the Mormons seeing our fathers were in earnest, packed up their grip-Sacks and put off to Nauvoo. The militia was then di>- banded and thus ended the Mor- mon campaign in Ash Grove. FIRE DEPARTMENT The members of our Volunteer Fire Department are Virgil Grabb, Chief; John R. Bruce, assistant chief; Charles Fugate, fire com- missioner; Vernon Fugate, Marion Martin, William A. Camic, Clar- ence A. Shafer, Mac Sexson, Jerry Endsley, Arthur P. Stuckey, D. Robert Jones, Phil Passalacqua, Walter E. Rose, James R. Carter, Chester Chappel, Harold E. Baker, Max Kibler, Charles M. Swinford, Lee Slater and Floyd Paxton. These men stand ready to an- Present City Officials Listed The present city officials are Merlin H. Yunker, Mayor; Milton Yunker, clerk; John R. Bruce, treasurer: E. C. Eberspacher, at- torney; Edmund H. Ledbetter, commissioner of public grounds, buildings and cemetery; Max Kib- swer a call for help 24 hours a day and they deserve a lot of credit for the fine work they have done. ler, commissioner of police, finance and safety; Virgil Grabb, com- missioner of streets and alleys; Charles Fugate, commissioner of public health and fire department; Dean Thompson, commissioner of waterworks maintenance; George Allen, city police. These men handle the business affairs of our city and it is a pretty hard job to keep everybody happy but they try to do it. WELCOME TO WJNDSOR, AND THE WINDSOR STATE BANK Established In 1949 The Officers, Directors and Employees of the Windsor State Bank extend our congratulations to the various Committees and Individuals sponsoring the Windsor Centennial Celebration for their efforts in making this event possible for the enjoyment of the citizens of Windsor and surrounding communities. When attending this celebration, and at all times, we invite you to come in, visit with us and get better acquainted with your bank. Officers J. Wilbur Haegen, President E. R. Duncan, Executive Vice President and Cashi Donald R. Carnes. Ass't. Ca Marlene Flesner, Teller Directors Claude Anderson E. R. Duncan J. Wilbur Haegen Lloyd R. Haegen Ruth Haegen John W. Hagen Total Capital Accounts $95,000.00 Deposits more than $1,000,000.00 Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation BENNETT TIRE CO. COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE RETREADING REPAIRING Phone 4-124 Windsor, 111 jTa^/^e Hair P] ns Bobby Pins YORK'S CAFE and TAVERN Telephone 68 Route 32 GOOD FOOD Strasburg, Illinois THE WINDSOR GAZETTE Established in 1877 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Job Printing — : — Advertising SUNBEAM BREAD Better Because It's "BATTER WHIPPED" Congratulations WINDSOR On Your One-Hundredth Anniversary STRASBURG STATE BANK Strasburg, 111. Black-Hawk War Thru Korean Conflict Black-Hawk War 1832 tain ivi. i w ai n n bol h companies to serve in the Black- dawk War. Captain I i i< Ash Grove Township an lowing men are known to have enlisted in his company: Wm, Price, Elijah Biggs, .1. hn Cochran, ■h-.. Green Fra David Elliott, John Simpson, Jol n Perdew, Nathan Curry, A. G. Prazer, Samuel Park . Rankin, Levi Casey, John, Green, Charles Welch, Thomas Hall, Jor- dan Ball, Tl as Scribner, Joseph McClain, John Hall, Wm. Green, Jami s Whasong, Wm. Templeton, "'ni. Sherrell and I.. Mosely. Captain Peter Warren lived in Windsor Township and rei ed his company in Shelbyville. We could not find a record of his men's names but neithei of | panies saw action, the war ending shortly after the companies were formed. These men furnished u own horses, bridles and saddles. Captain Warren later bee- me a Gem ial in the Illinois Militia. Mexican War i in in hed mi in the Mexican > wi re attached to the Third Regi- ment under Colonel Porman. Moultrie Countj mii ti nit , hey «rlr ,1 it II, e I because the call was full. 1 In t Ml War is recorded in the 1 i torj of the City of Windsor. Spanish-American War we have h en able to find em there wen only six men fr in Windsor who enlisted in the Spanish - American War: Joseph Shuck, David H. .M„n is, John W. Meiiis, Thurman Mont- mery, Ot- to Smith an. 1 Clyde I . Bowi n. Bowen and Smith are the one surviving-. World War I We have no record of how man- served in World War I, but we know that Windsor and the sur- rounding community did theii share, not only in number of men sent, I 'ii t in am n of work doni by the local Red Cross, churches and ol hei organizations. t v\ u made the supreme sacrifice: Earl ■ ' . Willie Lucas, • Cox an J v*ei ne Edwards. World War II A targe number of Windsor's fine young men responded to the c ill in this war. The organizations 67. The i resent officers are: Ora B -tier. Noble Grand; Dee Buckley Vice Grand; Hollock Storm, treas- urer; Eugene Price, secretary; Clinton Wall, chaplain. The lodge now has 40 members. Shelby Encampment No. 65 The Shelby Encampment at Windsor No. 65 was chartered October 9, 1866, with the follow- ing charter members: Geo. C. Leathers, H. H. Aldridge, F. B. Thompson, W. S. Moore, H F. Hardy, W. W. Wilkins, Wm. Templeton and Charles Voris. The lodge has not functioned for a number of years. Knights of Pythias Knights of Pythias, Waldemar Lodge No. 77, was chartered Octo- ler 23, 1879, with the following charter members: Sylvester Storm. Amos H. Messer, Wm. Fisher, Edgar M. Scott. Philip Keller. Wm. Templeton, Truman Ames, O. Y. Robbins, Lyman A. Gould, Alvin M. Anderson, John Fox, W. W. M. Barber, John Crane, James L. Tin ini. Michael Montgomery, Wm. Bowen, George Cochi-n Henry Richman, David Richardson, J. Poe, W. H. Dubler, A. Martin, J. Willis, J. Price, O. Bandy, C. 0. Davis, J. Storm, A. J. Reed, A. M. Record, 3. \ U g ei f, C. K. Hughes, I. F. Sexson and H. Dille. This lodge, in spite of its popularity and large membership, lias ceased to e\ist. Knights of Honor Knights of Honor "Home Lodge," No. 990 was organized March 27, 1878, with the following charter members: J. W. Brady, C. H. Brunk, Thomas Gavins, G. F. Gould, W. S. Glover, Thomas N. Henry, L. C. Jackson, J. N. Jones, A. A. Ricketts, Jacob Smyser, J. S. Wilkinson. J. P. Westbay. This Lodge too no longer meets. There was in the last fifty years a lodge of Independent Order of Red Men but records were hard to find and nothing definite could be found out about the organisation. Grand Army of the Republic The Grand Army of the Republic was an organization of veterans of the Civil War who fought on the Union side. According to the few things we were able to find out the Post at Windsor was or- ganized a': out 1880 and had quite a large membership. No one seems to know anything about whether any records were kept or not, but it they were, they have been lost, and we know nothing about where the Post was organized, who the first officers were or when they disbanded. One of the outstanding things this Post did was to attend a Memorial Service in a body at one of the churches annually. They always decorated the graves of their dead comrades on Decoration Day. There were seven of these Civil War Veterans living in Windsor at the close of World War I and our local Legion Post gave all of them whose family desired it, a full military funeral. The G. A. R. had a branch or- ganization called the Sons of Union Veterans. They were what their names implies and they made it their business to be helpful t ■> their fathers. So far as we know none of these men are living. Rebekah Lodge The Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois: Of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows- To all whom it may concern: Know ye, that the Grand Lodge en the application of these brothers — ?» New Windsor Elementary School Big Four Railroad Station Old Wabash Depot and Railroad Tower Old Presbyterian Church (Now Church of Christ) - si ill ml I III. Windsor High School —36— ami sisters of the order, viz: A. J. Reed, Alonzo Hatch, John G. Thomas, R. W. Record, L. C. Bald- win, Chris Shears, Mellon Moore, S. Storm, O. Y. Robbins, D. F. Richardson, John H. Potter, George Cochran, W. L. Bowen, Josephine Gharett, Daniel Dietst, II. Bartles, Nancy Bartles, Julia Hatch, Phebe Diet/., Emma Dietz, Lizzie Potter, Lydia Record; Doth hereby grant this warrant to establish lodge of the Daughters of Rebekah at Windsor in Shelby County, Illi- nois to be known and hailed as Eden Rebekah Lodge No. 118. In witness, pursuant to the order of the Grand Lodge, we have signed our names and affixed the seal ot the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois this 22nd day of November, 1882. N. 0. Nason, Grand Secretary Alonzo Elhvood, Grand Master March 3, 1930 Queen City Re- bekah Lodge consolidated with Eden Rebekah Lodge under the name and number of Eden Re- bekah Lodge No. 118. There were 16 members from Queen City. The following was written by- Florence Chambers: Queen City, our sisters on the West, After some struggle thought it best To come to Eden for new pasture And bring to us another Grand Master Now we hope members no more will roam But stay with Eden and feel at home We welcome you as Naomi did Ruth With open arms in Friendship, Love and Truth. Members who have received 50 year pins are John Yantis, Delia Frizzel and Annie Sanders. The following members have served as president of District 23: Sarah Wallace in 1932, Mabie Bailey in 1948 and Nellie Cordes in 1954. The past Noble Grand Club was organized January 28, 1948. They adopted the same by-laws as the Stewardson Past Noble Grand Club. The first officers were Mattie Hud- son, president, Bess Horn, vice president, Aileen Morford, secre- tary, Nellie Cordes, treasurer. The club meets the fourth Wednesday of each month. Present officers are: Edna Jones, Noble Grand; Alice Morrison, Vice Grand, Nellie Cordes, Recording Secretary; Fern Swinford, Finan- cial Secretary; Jean Sanders, Treasurer; Mary Parnell, Chaplain; Daisy Buckley. Inside Guardian; Clara Bowen, Outside Guardian; Mabel Bailey, Musician; Myrtle Jones, Right Supporter to the Noble Grand; Mattie Hudson, Left Sup- the Noble Grand; Alene Miller, Right Supporter to the Vice (Iran. I; Laura King, Left Supporter to the Vice Grand; Doris Price, Past Noble Grand. Modern Woodmen of America The Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica, Camp No. 347, was organized and received its charter May 20, 1887. The first officers were H. Gilpin, Venerable Consul; A. II. Hatch, Worthy Advisor; E. D. Tull, Excellent Banker; M. Mont- gomery, clerk; E. M. Scott, escort; J. Gharrett, watchman; J. Grubei, sentry; M. Montgomery, delegate; J. H. Potter, delegate; G. A. Ed- wards and W. B. Wallace, man- agers and associates. At that tinv J. C. Roof was national head con- sul and the national Head Camp was located at Fulton, 111. The lodge no longer holds meetings but boasts of 130 beneficial members who have insurance policies in the organization. Kenneth R. Davis is clerk of the local camp. Woman's Club Organized in 1904 The Windsor Woman's Club was c rganized in the Spring of 1904 through the planning of Mrs. Amos Walker, who had moved here from Chicago. The Constitution and By- Laws were submitted and accepted in May, 1904. The following officers were elected for the first year: President, Mrs. Amos Walker, vice- president, Mrs. James Moberley, recording secretary, Mrs. John Fortner, corresponding secretary, Miss Leota Garvin, treasurer, Mrs. Mollie Jones, and librarian, Mrs. W. F. Hilsabcck. In August, the president, vice- president and secretary resigned, and when the club year really started in October, the following officers had been elected: President, Mrs. J. D. Fortner, vice-president, Mrs. O. C. Bailey, treasurer, Mrs. George Huston, recording secre- tary, Miss Ida Barber, correspond- ing secretary, Miss Leota Garvin and librarian, Mrs. W. F. Hilsa- beck. The departments were Domestic Science, Bible, Philanthropy, Chau- tauqua, Shakespeare and Music. They were all active for several years, but at present, the Bible is the only active department. The Club joined the Illinois Fed- eration of Woman's Clu'is in Sep- temrer and in March, 1905, the Club was federated with the Dis- trict. We joined the County Fed- eration in 192G. We participate in iects of the State E i dei ation and the departments of Pub- lic Health, Public Welfare, Civirs and Education and have occupied an important place in the club's activities. —37— During World War I and II. we cooperated in every way possible to help the service men in this country and overseas. In the Spring of 1911, the ceme- tery walk was completed at a cost if $280.00, the club paying the en- tire amount. In 1921, the park walk was built and paid for by the club and local contributions and the next year, the band stand wis built by the club and tin citj council. Many worthwhile things have been accomplished through the work of the club members. We have had 25 presidents, ten of whom are still members of the club; four are living but are not members, and eleven have died. The largest enrollment was in 1908-1909, with 59 members, and the smallest was in 1919-1920, with 18 members. The present officers are: President, Mrs. El- mer Bailey, vice-president, Mrs. Oscar Turner, recording secretary, Mrs. C. O. Soland, corresponding secretary, Mis. Roscoe Hamilton and treasurer, Mrs. Bruce Munson. The enrollment is 48 members. Our c'ub still remembers its original purpose, that it is for women who are genuinely interested in the educational, cultural and social progress of our community. Our 50th anniversary was cele- brated in October, 1954, and guests Included our District president and the County president, and a num- ber of club members from Shelby- ville, Sullivan, Moweaqua and Tower Hill. Evening Woman's Club The Windsor Evening Woman's Club was organized June 22, 1954. Practically all of these women had been members of the Junior Woman's Club for many years, some from the very beginning. Since several had reached the age limit for membership in that or- ganization, they formed the Amer- ican Home Department of the Woman's Club in 1952. Mrs. Her- bert Clawson and Mrs. Phillip Passalacqua served as chairmen of this department. After two years, a more satisfactory solu- tion was sought, the result being the organization of a separate club called the Windsor Evening Wo- man's Club, which meets the second Wednesday evening of each month. Mrs. Phillip Passalacqua was the first president of this newly organ- ized club of 40 members, serving in that capacity for two success- ful years. Mrs. Basil Green is the president-elect for the ensuing year. This club is affiliated with the county, district, state and general federations. One of the aims of this club is to aid in the Compliments of OAKLEY AND SON Complete line of Schwinn Bicycles, Cushman Scooters, Boats, Outboard Motors, Fishing Equipment, Hunting Supplies, Hobby Items 2601 Marshall Ave. Mattoon, 111. We service what we sell Satisfaction Guaranteed COLES GROCERY 2713 Marshall Mattoon, 111. Open 8:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. Seven days a week ALL PICNIC SUPPLIES Compliments of SHANK ROAD OIL & CULVERT CO.. INC. Manufacturers of Metal Culverts Road Oil and Asphalt Furnished and Applied Mattoon Illinois P F E I F F E R Roofing and Siding Strasburg, 111. Phone 9 Compliments of GEHL'S HARDWARE Mattoon More than just a Hardware Store See Gehl's First Congratulations from K, B. THOMASON Phillips 66 Bulk Plant Mattoon, 111. O'HAIR MOTOR CO. Studebaker — Packard Sales and Service MATTOON, ILL. Phone 5669 NEW OLIVER SUPER 77 OLIVER DEALER M\ }f\ ^./^ SHELBYVILLE ■^^^^L^ZJJ_"-^^y^- FARM MACHINERY ^aara^fjjJL ' /th^ 142 N - Mor £an St. •- ' : Vx§» < -^S -i Shelby ville, 111. Phone 184 betterment of our community. It is toward this goal that we are striving both individually and as a group. Windsor Junior Women's Club Organized in 1932 The Junior Women's Club wa organized in 19J2. Miss Sar.ih Wallace was one of the people to get the young Windsor women interested in the organization. She is now a life time honorary mem- ber. Miss Evelyn Wallace (Lovins) was the first president for the year 1932-33. The club was discontinued for a short while during the war, but was reorganized and we now hav3 approximately 42 members. The club meets the second Thursday evening of each month in the homes of members. We are affili- ated with the county, district, state and general federations. Our club pledge is: We pledge our Loyalty to the Junior Clubwomen, For doing better than ever before, What work we have to do, By being prompt, honest and courteous, By living each day trying to accomplish something, Not merely to exist. We all are trying to live up to our pledge in hopes that we may help ourselves as well as our fam- ilies and the community. The W. C. U. Club The W. C. U., a social club, was organized about 1906 and last- ed about twelve years. It was com- posed of 13 young women, and they met on the 13th of the month. If he 13th came on Friday they gave a big party, and defied r.ll the superstitions they knew. The lant- ern was their emblem and they had a W. C. U. Hymnal with black cats pasted on the front and on the margins. The original 13 members were: Cora Athey, Ida Barber, Nellie Burson, Bertha Brill (McClain), Gertrude Brill (Swain), Hettie En- sey (Purvis), Leota Garvin, Kath- erine Garvin, Mabel Goodwin, Daisy Mcllwain (Griffith), Faith Mooberry, Minnie Richardson (Morris), and Lala Tull (Gaddis). If a member moved from Win 1- sor, or a death occurred, a new member was added. Mabel Good- win died in November, 1907. Ger- trude Brill was the first bride I nd she was given a shower, which was something new in those days. No one to this day knows what the letters W. C. U. represents. Each member took an oath that she would never tell and no mem- ber has. Of the original number, seven ale living. N. I. T. Club The N. I. T. Club was organized in 1907 by 12 young ladies of the Windsor community and was a purely social club. The meetings wera held at the hemes once a month, and many beautiful pin. of needlework were embroidered for their "hope chests." Several parties were held during the year, each one inviting a young man of her choice. When married, a com- fort was made and presented to the bride. The club was active for more than ten years, cr until a"l the members were mairied. The mem- bers were: Lela Ashbrook (Ghere), Maude Banks (Hennigh), Lena Gleason (Shores), Edna Harris 'Tackett), Annie Matzen (Burns), Ludelia Matzen (Storm), Floss Moberley (Gordon), Oma Poo (Wallace), Edna Robinson (Tem- pleton), Olivia Robinson (Wallace), Irma Smysor (Barnhart), and Jen- nie Swiney (Lemons). THE AMERICAN LEGION A group of veterans of World War I met on April 8, 1921, on the second floor of a frame building located the second d< or east of the northeast corner of Virginia Ave- nue and Oak Street for the purpose of organizing an American Legion Post. Earl Garrett was the first man from Windsor to be killed in thii war so it was voted to call our post Earl Garrett Post. The following men were elected as its first of- ficers: Burl H. Gray, Post Com- mander; Clarence 0. Soland, Vice Commander; Samuel Hugh Leeper, post adjutant; Roscoe B. VValkei . finance officer; Guy E. Morford, historian, and Grover Horn, ser- geant-at-arms. Commander Gray appointed the following commit- tees: Executive committee, E'.don G. Turner, Ralph Horn, Harry Sexson, Wm. Cecil and Herbert Baldridge: finance committee, Roscoe B. Walk- er, S. H. Leeper, Guy Mo fore, Palmer M. Leffler and B. H. Gray; hall committee, Eldon G. Turner, Clarence O. Soland, Dellaven Ry- herd and Hurry Hood. The charter was dated Septem- ber 10, 1921, and was signed b- Wm. R. McCauley, department commander, Wm. O. Setliffe, de- partment adjutant, John G. Emery, natinal commander, and Lemuel Bolles, national adjutant. The number assigned to our Post was 725. When John Harold Baldridge be- came the first Windsor man to make the supreme sacrifice in World War II it was voted to change the name to Garrett- Baldridge Post No. 725 American Legion. The charter members of our original Post are B. 11. Gray, Hai- ry Hood, Ed Batson S. II. I per, ( ii. Soland, Jack Horn, H. E. Spencer, Virgil Sharp. Dellaven RyherJ, Harry D. Leeds, Clark Wallace, Wm. C. Cecil, E. H. Alex- ander, Clarence Miller, Roscoe B. Walker, Herbert Baldridge, Law- rence L. Carroll, Bill Tull, Fred N. Cain, Raymond O. Davies, Ralph Horn, L. C. Hyland, John Pruitt, Lawrence Horn, E. T. Swiney, Harry Sexson, Morris Hancock. Conrad Dobson, Walter Shewmake, Guy E. Morford, George E. Lake, Eldon G. Turner, Jesse F. Swin- ford and Wm. Palnn r Leffler. After the Post name was chang- ed we were granted a new charter with 97 charter members. Out rf 1 he 34 original members only four have held continuous membership: Wm. E. Jones, Hairy D. Leeds, H. Everett Spencer and Clarence O. Soland. The Post has a regular business meeting once a month on the sec- ond Thursday. They hold their meetings in their own building the first door east of the City Hall in the 100 block, East Virginia Avenue. The present officers are Oliver E. Baugher, Commander; Alfred J. Mayer, vice commander; Eldon G. Turner, finance officer; Clarence O. Soland, ad'utant and chaplain, and Harry D. Leeds, sergeant-at- arms. Legion Auxiliary The Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion Unit 725 was or- ganized on December 6, 1948, by a group of mothers, wives and sisters of veterans of World Wars I and II. Mrs. Earl Summerlin, Mattoon, alternate director of the 19th district, Mrs. Lester Bennett, county president, and several members from the Shelbyville unit were present to explain the work and to assist in the organizing. Installation was December 29, 1948, with Mrs. Lester Cannon of Areola installing the following of- ficers: Mrs. C. O. Soland, Presi- dent; Mrs. Ruby Cecil, vice presi- dent; Mrs. Leo Latch, treasurer; Mrs. Orval Swain, Jr., secretary; Mrs. Ed Jones, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. J. F. Swinford, chaplain. There were 20 charter members. Present officers are Mrs. Harold Minor, President; Mrs. Everett Spencer, vice president; Mrs. Bruce Smith, secretary; Mrs. C. O. Soland, treasurer; Mrs. Oscar Turner, chaplain, Mrs. John Mof- fitt and Mrs. J. F. Swinford, color >f the First Picnics m m i! View of Main Street Today J i The Old Black Horse Tavern (Where Lincoln Stopped On His Regular Circuit Rides) —40— bearers. Membership this year is 47. The Kiwanis Club The Windsor Kiwanis Club held its organization meeting on Octo- ber 28, 1952, with Frank Lawrence of Kiwanis International as chair- man and advisor. The club was sponsored by the Mattoon, Shelby- ville and Sullivan clubs and had 40 members at the beginning. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Ellis L. Brant, President; Virgil E. Grabb, vice president; Clarence O. Soland, secretary; John Hagen, treasurer. The following directors were elected: E. Ward Bridges, Malvin A. Ritchie, Jr., Phil Pas- salacqua, Thomas J. Leggitt, 0. H. Reynolds, Luther Hennigh, Luther Martz, and Walter E. Rose, sergeant-at-arms. Charter night was observed De- cember 10, 1952, with over 450 guests, including several district officers, present. The club has been very active in youth services and citizenship services. They have installed play- ground apparatus in the City Park and also built three outdoor fur- naces. They keep the park mowed and cleaned of brush. They are planning a tree planting project for next year. They meet on Thurs- day at 6:30 p. m. each week in the basement of the Methodist Churc'i. The club now has 26 members and the present officers are h. Ward Bridges, President; Clarence O. Soland, vice president; Arnold Englund, secretary; Russell Curry, treasurer; Orvyll V. Bundy, ser- geant-at-arms. Directors, Ro' ert L Buchanan, O. C. Fisher, Eugene Norman, Orris A. Seng, Arthur P. Stuckey, Clarence A. Shafer and Leo C. Bennett. P. T. A. Organized in 1900 The first P.T.A. was organized in 1900 by a group of interested parents who realized that through such an association a closer rela- tionship between parents and teachers could be brought about. To guide the association through its first year were Mrs. Ethel Rose, President; Mrs. Daisy Wal- lace, secretary; Mrs. Emma Moo- berry, treasurer. From the very start the members all worked hard to earn money to purchase needed equipment for our school. It was the P.T.A. who bought the first piano for the gym, a victrola for a lower grade room, maps and li- brary books for the upper grades and each year advanced $50 to help maintain the summer kinder- garten. The first P.T.A. was discontin- ued in 1938-39 but was reorgan- ized in 1!)4S and each year has had worthwhile projects which bene- fited our school and community. It was through the combined efforts of the P.T.A. and other meetings that the community was made aware of the desperate need for more adequate housing for our school children. So in the near future we will have a new grade school where our citizens of to- morrow can be prepared to play their important roles as the leaders of this ond other communities. There are still problems to solve and we can solve them — our P.T.- A., an organization of parents and teachers, created in the in- terest of our most priceless pos- sessions — our children. — Ruby Bailey, President. Home Bureau Home Bureau, an organization of homemakers, came into exist- ence in Illinois in the early 1920's. An organization was started in Shelby County in 1936 and Moul- trie County in 1936. Windsor com- munity was well represented with many charter members. Miss Lu- einda Rose of Windsor was on the first county board as treasurer in Shelby County. The motto of Home Bureau is "The home is the center of every homemaker's interest but not the circumference." The aim is to have every home economically sound, mechanically convenient, morally wholesome, physically healthful, mentally stimulating, artistically satisfying, socially responsible, spiritually inspiring, founded upon mututal affection and respect. Home Bureau has a cooperative program. A continuing education in family and community living is provided through the cooperation of the county home bureau, the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension service in Agriculture and Home Economics and the United States Department of Ag- culture. The county program of work helps people better help - through organization and subject matter meetings as well as many other kinds of activ- ities for adults and youths. The counties are divided into units for convenience. There are seven of these units in \\ indsor community, four in Shelby I ounty and three in Moultrie. Tl were started about the same year the organizations began in their respective counties. —41— At the present time Richland unit has an active membership of 28. The unit chairman is Mrs. Gus Cress of Windsor. Ash Grove unit has 23 members. The chairman is Mrs. W. 1). White of near Neoga. Windsor A has 12 members and Mrs. Donald Davis is unit chair- man. Windsor B has 14 members and the present chairman is Mrs. Albin Koellig. The Moultrie County units are Gays with 12 members, Mrs. Roy Glasscock, chairman; Whitley with 12 members, Mrs. Virgil Stirrett, chairman, and East Moultrie, Mrs. Spencer Black, chairman. Home Bureau sponsors Rural Youth and 4-H. It provides an ad- visor and an assistant. The as- sistant is Mrs. Marion Cordes of Windsor. Home Bureau provides leadership training, all manuals and record books necessary. It sponsors the 4-H Fair every year and provides ribbons and prizes. Windsor community is very proud of its 4-H clubs. There are 10 clubs. The names, number of members, leaders and presidents are: Agriculture, Windsor Win- ners, 14, Dale Stremming, Monty Nohren; Silver Horse Shoe, 15, Floyd Haney, Theron Newell; Don's Doers, Donald Davis, Don Cameron; Whitley Whiz Kids, 25, Carl Cummings, Glen Harpster, W. W. Hilligoss, Lyle Huffmaster, Carl Edwards. Home Economics, Kum Join Us, 5, Annabelle Harp- ster; Gold and Silver Stars, 12, Mrs. Virgil Grabb, Mrs. Junior Swain, Joyce Johnson; Prairie Skippers, 11, Mrs. Clinton Wall, Genean Craig; Happy Helpers, 13, Mrs. Ethel Weakley, Mary Ruth Slifer; Richland Willing Workers, 15, Mrs. Lueck, Mrs. Don Heller, Kathryn Schmitt; Moultrie Merry Makers, 14, Mrs. Ethel William- son, Mrs. Ralph Edwards; Victory Star, 15, Mrs. Donald Christie, Mrs. Mildred Phipps. Of the present active member- ship in both counties in Windsor community the following are charter members: Ash Grove, Mrs. Ethel Weakley, Mis. Vance Kerch- ival, Mrs. Myrtle Tressler; Rich- land, Mrs. Ed Duncan, Mrs. Chae. Krile; Windsor A, Mrs. Roy Spen- cer, Mis. Hugh Robinson, Mrs. Fred Walker, Sr.; Windsor B, Mrs. Katherine Bottrell. Mrs. Thomas Bottrell, Mrs. Luther Martz, Mrs. Harry Storm, Mrs. Ward Bridges; Gays, Mrs. Bruce Smith, Mrs. Paul Hostetter, Mrs. Roy Glasscock; Whitley, Mrs. Everett Spencer, Mrs. Omar Spen- cer, Osa Wright. — Mrs. Howard Clawson, Co. chairman, 1954-56. Compliments of MURRELL HAGUE Salesman RATH PACKING CO. Your local dealers Arnold Englund Arthur Stuckey J. C. Smith O. H. Reynolds Compliments of SCHWARZ AUTO PARTS WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS and JOBBERS of AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT Branches: Charleston and Robinson, 111. 1411 Broadway - Mattoon - All Phones 6425 CONGRATULATIONS WINDSOR ON YOUR 100th BIRTHDAY MATTOON LIQUOR DRIVE-IN 2017 Broadway REACH FOR NEW the bread in the new orange picture wrapper WINDSOR LUMBER CO. Building Materials of All Kinds Celotex Seidlitz Paints Roofing Hardware Lumber Phone 30 Windsor, 111. CHAIRMEN OF CENTENNIAL COMMITTEES REVENUE DIVISION— John Bruce SPECTACLE TICKET DIVISION— Russell Curry SPECTACLE DIVISION— Jean Walden PUBLICITY DIVISION— C. O. Soland, Orvyll Bundy HOSPITALITY DIVISION— Leo Bennett SPECIAL EVENTS DIVISION— Don Zabel HISTORICAL PROGRAM— C. O. Soland PRESS RELEASE COMMITTEE— Ray Hall RADIO AND TV COMMITTEE— Lucille Shafer DIGNITARIES AND GUESTS— Leo Bennett OFFICIAL ENTERTAINING— Merlin Yunker MERCHANTS' PROMOTION— J. C. Smith HISTORICAL WINDOWS— Mable Bailey PROPERTIES COMMITTEE— Mrs. Philip Passalacqua CONSTRUCTION— Frank Baugher DISTRIBUTIVE— Paul Miller SPEAKERS' COMMITTEE— J. H. Dunscomb HOUSING COMMITTEE— Mrs. Thomas Bottrell PIONEER RECOGNITION— Mable Bailey NOVELTIES COMMITTEE— Gertrude Green BROTHERS OF THE BRUSH— Kenneth Stratton SISTERS OF THE SWISH— Elaine Stratton TICKET COMMITTEE— Irl Schuyler QUEEN CONTEST COMMITTEE— Hazel Grabb SCENARIO AND TITLE— Clarence Soland CAST COMMITTEE— Helen Bridges CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE— Picnic Com- mittee CELEBRATION BALL — Clarence Shafer MEN'S HATS — Clarence Shafer LADIES' SUN BONNETS— Elaine Stratton PATRONS TICKET— Orris Seng CASHIERS AND GATES — Luther Martz PARADES COMMITTEE— Art Stuckey MUSIC — Douglas Begeman PROMENADE AND CARAVAN — Picnic Committee KANGAROO COURT— Dale Baugher SPECTACLE MUSIC— Donna Bennett COSTUME AND MAKEUP— Jeannette Norman UNDERWRITING COMMITTEE— John Hagen DECORATIONS COMMITTEE— Virgil Grabb HEADQUARTERS SECRETARY— Ruth Fox MILE-MAKER GASOLINE V. E. P. MOTOR OIL THE OHIO OIL COMPANY Massey Harris and Compliments Minneapolis Moline of Sales and Service JOHN J. SMITH IMPLEMENT CO NEAL-COOPER GRAIN CO. Phone 20 ShelbyviUe, EL WINDSOR, ILL. COMPLIMENTS - of - ENGINEERING SERVICE CORPORATION DECATUR, ILLINOIS GRABB MOTOR COMPANY SALES SERVICE WINDSOR.. ILLINOIS These Firms Are In Business Here Now Groceries and general stores: 0. H. Reynolds, J. C. Smith, Arthur P. Stuckey, Arnold Eng- lund, Glenn Hart; hardware, Gar- vin & Son; lumber, hardware and building material, Windsor Lumber Co., Windsor Supply Co., Phil Pas salacqua; furniture, feed and seed Harrell Storm; hotel, Clyde M Bowen; poultry and egg buyers, Elmer Bailey, Luther G. Beuce cleaning and pressing, Max Kib ler; bulk oil and gas dealers Bennett Oil & Gas Co., Leo Ben nett, prop.; Standard Oil Co, Walter E. Rose, prop.; Socony Oil Co., Gerald Olson, prop., and athon Oil Co., Ward Bridges prop.; coal dealer, Howard Claw son; grain dealers, Neal-Cooper Grain Co.; marber shops, Harold Bullerman, John Robison; insur- ance, John Kasey, Glenn Hart and Logan Gover Insurance Co. Windsor State Bank, Windsor Building & Loan Association, Mayer's Tavern, Renshaws Dry Goods and Notions, C. A. Shafer Drug Store, Windsor Gazette Printing office, Windsor Post Of- fice, Daisy Wallace, postmaster; Don Horn, pool hall; restaurants, Irene Jones, Ruth Stillablower; locker plant, Clarence Veech; blacksmith, J. E. Carter; woodwork- ing shops, M. H. Yunker, Ben Klep- sig; automobile dealers and ga- rages, Clarence Doehring, Hudson cars and Case tractors and farm machinery; 0. C. Fisher, Chevro- let, and Virgil Grabb, Ford; auto- mobile repair shop, Jim Wallace; filling stations, Howard Trout man, Dean Bennett, Charles M. Swin- ford, Roger Bridges; Dr. Smith D. Taylor, physician; Dr. Harry E. Myers, dentist; feed stores, Down's Feed Mill, Reynolds & Cummings; Dean C. Fling, radio and television repairs; Windsor Mutual Telephone Co., C. H. Miner, manager. George Garvin Over 70 Years In Same Business Establishment George Garvin came to Windsor about 1863 when his father, Shem Garvin, bought a mill which he ran for some time. In the fall of 1872 Mr. Garvin entered the hard- ware store of Shaffer & Turner to learn the tinner's trade. The firm changed hands several times but Mr. Garvin stayed on as an em- ployee until Mr. Shaffer's death when he was given an opportunity to manage the store and buy an interest in it which he did. The store then changed hands seven or eight times until in 1906 it became Garvin & Son which name it still bears. Mr. Garvin stayed with the firm through all these changes until his death in 1945. During Mr. Garvin's four years apprenticeship under Mr. Shaffer, he worked for $4 a week, making everything from tin cups to stove pipes. One year 5,000 tin fruit cans were made and sold by the firm. After he completed his apprentice- ship, he went to work in the store for $40 a month. He married Belle Bruce, daughter of J. D. Bruce, in 1876 and continued in the same business. For 50 years he sold Moline plows. Mr. Garvin served on the Windsor Building & Loan Associa- tion board for 27 years and served as a director of the Windsor Tele- phone Co. from its organization through the rest of his life. He served as Windsor Township sup- ervisor for two years, being the first Republican elected to that office from this township. He was a Mason for over 50 years. This is a short sketch of the long and fruitful life of one of Windsor's best known citizens. It is doubtful if his record will be equalled in Windsor's second hundred years. To serve in one business in the same building for over 70 years is a record to be proud of. The business is now being run by Mr. Garvin's son, Bruce, who has been in the firm with his fa- ther since 1906, making 50 years for Bruce. HOUSEPOWER Is A "MUST' To Live Better ELECTRICALLY CENTRAL ILLINOIS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY With Compliments Of And From H. E. MYERS WIRT LOVINS DR. S. D. TAYLOR RUTH AND CHET CAFE Ruth and C. E. Stilabower HAROLD BULLERMAN Barber Shop CLAWSON COAL CO. Complete Line of Coal The place where the people enjoy getting trimmed Heating Equipment GARVIN & SON STUCKEY & SONS Since 1885 Groceries and Meats Windsor, 111. ROBISON'S BARBER SHOP CARL F. ERICKSON " It Pays To Look Well' Veterinarian Sullivan, 111. O. H. REYNOLDS Groceries-Meats Congratulations to Windsor on Their 1 00th Anniversary PHIL PASSALACQUA LUMBER CO. THE SMITHS Maude — Bruce — Jack Wood Products CEN - PE - CO JOE MAYER Oils and Grease Dale Butler ANDY'S RADIO & Phone 135 7, Shelbyville SOUND SERVICE 912 East First St. — Phone 2 324 GRANDMA'S CAFE Pana, III. Maltha Robinson, Prop. ADA MAXEDON SHAFER FINK'S SALES CO. Beauty Shop Quality Work Pontiac, Ferguson and GMC Shelbyville, 111. REYNOLD'S BLACKSMITH SHOP Shelbyville, 111. JIBBY'S TAVERN - Where Friends Meet STRUNK Sullivan, 111. Chain Saw Sales and Tree Cutting Jean Walden Phone 2-60, Windsor, 111. Massey-Harris and New Holland CONLIN IMPLEMENT DEALER Phone 79 39 — Mattoon Ruth VanDeren, Prop. RUTH'S BEAUTY SALON Clyde Bowen Telephone 254 — Windsor, 111. WINDSOR HOTEL So Ends History of Windsor's First Hundred Year's- Thanks To All Who Helped In It's Preparation Thus ends the history of Wind- sor's first hundred years. We hope the reading of it has been enjoy- able to you. We realize that there are some errors because the ma- terial was gathered from so many different places and our memory cannot always be trusted. We also realize that some im- portant events have been omitted and some things have been print- ed that may seem trivial but such are the frailties of human beings. After all we have tried to cover a century of time and the lives and experiences of several thousand persons. There is no doubt but what some person in each church or organi- zation in Windsor could write a history of their own group which would contain as much material as this book. And it would be inter- esting, too. So, we ask your forgiveness for any mistakes we have made and we now leave the beginning of a new century to you. We hope that with the help of this history and with the records that some good citizens will keep that the year 2056 will find some one who can write a better history than this We know that Windsor will keep right on being the fine little city it has been and that the home like ..in., phere will prevail as long as time lasts. With these final words we lay the second hundred years in your lap. The Authors. AUTOGRAPHS TO SERVE YOU BETTER THE ILLINOIS ROAD EQUIPMENT CO. has opened two new branch offices. QUINCY U. S. Route 24 West Quiney, Mo. Phone Baldwin 3-4439 P. O. Box 444, Quiney, III. SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Home Office MATTOON, ILL. 43 DeWitt Phone 5491 In this territory we supply parts and service as authorized by the franchises of our manufacturers. DISTRIBUTORS FOR THESE NATIONALLY KNOWN MANUFACTURERS • Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. • Chain Belt Co. (Rex) • Bros. Boiler & Mfg. Co. • Joy Manufacturing Co. • Iowa Mfg. Co. (Cedar Rapids) • K. E. McConnaughy • Gar Wood Ind., Inc. • Northwest Engineering Co. • Buckeye Div., Gar Wood Ind., Inc • Pacific Car & Foundry Co. (Carco). • Standard Steel Works • Schield-Bantam Co. • Tractomatic Corp. • Union Wire Rope ILLINOIS ROAD EQUIPMENT CO. 1310 E. Jefferson Street - Springfield, Illinois