Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/equivalentformso940skee O///;UIUCDCS-R-78-940 WW lYl&bL UILU-ENG 78 1730 EQUIVALENT FORMS OF MULTTSTEP FORMULAS by Robert D. Skeel August 1978 UIUCDCS-R-78-940 EQUIVALENT FORMS OF MULTISTEP FORMULAS by Robert D. Skeel August 1978 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE 222 DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA- CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 USA Research sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Systems Command, USAF, under Grant No. AFOSR-75-2854. The United States Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes not withstanding any copyright notation hereon. 1. Introduction. Multistep methods are the oldest and the most important class of numerical methods for solving systems of ordinary differential equations, Implementations of these methods have become increasingly sophisticated in the last two decades. One paper having a considerable impact on the development of these algorithms is that of Nordsieck [1962], which introduces a class of formulas closely related to multistep formulas. It is the purpose of the present paper to explore thoroughly the relationship between multistep and Nordsieck formulas on a uniform mesh. The results apply to a limited extent to variable order variable stepsize algorithms which discourage order and stepsize changes, because such algorithms often produce sequences of values computed with the same formula and stepsize. Consider the system y' = f(t, y) with exact solution y(t). Given starting values y., y! , j = 0(l)k-l, a linear k-step formula on a mesh t := t_ + nh, n = 1(1)N, determines approximations {y } to the values n n {y(t )} by means of p(E)y . = ha(E)y' . and y' = f(t , y ) where n n-k n-k n n n k k p(£) := Z a. C J , a(£):= £ 6. ? 3 , j=0 J j=0 J 2 2 and E is the shift operator. It is assumed that ex ^ and a, +3, > 0. k k For convenience a normalization such as a = 1 or Z$ = 1 is not imposed. If 3 n $ 0, the formula is implicit and requires the solution of a system of nonlinear equations, which is always possible for small enough h if f(t, y) is Lipschitz continuous as a function of y. In §2 a simple reformulation of the general k-step formula is given which requires that only k values be saved between steps. In practice, k+m values might be stored, from which it is possible to construct a predictor formula of order k+m-1 except for pathological cases where p(£) and a(£) have a common factor. In §3 linear multistep formulas are described in terms of a local polynomial approximation p (t) which interpolates the k-hn values which are retained after completion of the n-th step. It is from this basis free description that equivalent forms of multistep formulas are derived. One convenient representation of the polynomial p (t) is in n terms of the scaled derivatives h p J (t )/j!, j = 0(l)k+m-l. Multistep formulas represented in this way belong to the class of formulas introduced by Nordsieck. Another is in terms of ordinates p (t .), n n-j i = 0(l)k -1, and derivatives hp'(t .), j = 0(l)k o -l, where k n + k. = 1 n n-j 2 12 k+m, which yields the modified multistep formulas of Gear [1971a, p. 150] Backward differences of ordinates or derivatives is also possible. General linear Nordsieck formulas compute approximations a =: [y , hy',..., h y /q!l to the vector of scaled derivatives ~n n n n [y(t ), hy'(t ),..., h q y^(t )/q!] by the recurrence n n n a := Pa . + £6 ~n ~n-l ~ n where 6 is chosen so that y' = f(t , y ); that is, 6 is implicitly n n n n n defined by e.Pa , + JL6 = hf(t , e_Pa . + l n 6 ) . ~1 ~n-l In n ~0 ~n-l n Here P is the Pascal triangle matrix defined by P. :- (.h, 0_ k-l, one would expect to need an additional m = q-(k-l) values. This can be done by including information from preceding meshpoints Since each step of the computation introduces exactly one new item of information, namely y 1 , the following set of k+m values is suggested: n-m j = 0(l)k-l , hy* . , j = 0(l)m-l . From these values one can apply the corrector formula to generate y .. , 8 ,.,..., s ,.» j " l(l)m. Moreover, if the corrector n-m+j n-mf j n-m+j formula is of order q or more, then the polynomial of degree q or less which interpolates the original set of k+m values also interpolates the values generated from them. An alternative set of values from which the others can be recovered (by reversing the forward step procedure) is the following: s j , j = 0(l)k-m-l* , n-m y n-j' j = °*( 1 ) m - 1 ' hy' ., j = 0(l)m-l , n-j where 0* - 0, 1* = 1 if m < k and 0* = 1, 1* = if m = k+1. This set has the important advantage of requiring values from only k+0* meshpoints instead of k+m meshpoints, although it is a little more awkward to specify, The case m = k+1 can only apply to the trapezoid formula, the Milne formula, and other (unstable) k-step formulas of maximal order 2k. For this case the set of values y ., i = l(l)k,and hy' ., i = 0(l)k, is used n-j J n-j to define a polynomial of degree at most 2k. This polynomial interpolates y because y is determined from the other values by a corrector formula n n which is exact for polynomials of degree at most 2k. As an example, a k-th order predictor for the (k+l)-st order Adams-Moulton formula would be constructed from the values j . _ k-i+i n-l-i n n i=0 J or equivalently linear combinations of these values: y , and hy' ., n J n-2 j = 0(l)k-l. The predictor so constructed is the k-th order Adams- Bashforth formula. It is not obvious, however, that such a predictor can always be constructed. Clearly the question is of practical interest only for implicit formulas (p, a) of order at least q. It is claimed that the construction of a suitable predictor is possible if and only if a unique polynomial p(t) of degree q or less is uniquely determined from the values L^p(t ), j = 0(l)k-l, and p'(t . ), j = 0(l)m-l, where the h n-m n-j operators L? are defined by i j L^z(t) = Z (-a. .^z(t-ih) + h6, .,.z'(t-ih)) . i=0 k_ J +:L k-j+i Clearly, the possibility of constructing p(t) implies the existence of a suitable predictor. On the other hand, if p(t ,,) can be determined n+1 by a predictor, then from the corrector formula we can get p'(t . ) . This can be repeated to generate p(t l0 ), p(t ,_),... until there are n+z n+3 enough values to construct p(t) by interpolation of ordinate values. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the possible construction of p(t) is given by the theorem that follows. First a precise definition of order is needed. Definition. A linear multistep formula (p, a) is of order at least q if Mi±f} . io g (i +z) + o (z s +1 ) and is of formal order at least q if p(l+z) = log(l+z) a(l+z) + 0(z q+1 ) (cf. Gear [1971a, p. 119]). THEOREM 2.1. Let (p, a) be a linear k-step formula of order at least q. Values L^p(t ), j = 0(l)k-l, and p'(t .), j = 0(l)m-l, h n-m n-j uniquely determine a polynomial p(t) of degree at most q if and only if p(£) and a(^) have no common factors. 10 Proof. If polynomials are identified with the column vector of their scaled derivatives, then the unique existence of p(t) is equivalent to the linear independence of the rows of the matrix i n T -k T ^T T T -1 T n l-nK . T := col{A , A ,..., ^ » e , e P ,..., e^V ) where ,T ^ r T , Ti_— i— m A. := Z {-a e + 3, ...e.JP ~J ±=0 k-j+i~0 k-j+i~l and P is the (q+1) * (q+1) Pascal triangle matrix. The row vectors T A , j = 0(l)k-l, have a simple generating function, for (-p(S)eJ + a(?)e^)(I-?P" 1 )"V m = Z C k " j (-a.e^ + B.e*) Z 6" 1 " 1 j=0 J ~ U J i=0 k " 1 £ T £=0 T k-£ T - where we have used the fact that A P = . Let p(£) = tt(£) p(£) and a(£) = tt(D a(0 where tt(^) is the g.c.d. of p(£) and a(^). Then — — — T— T— 1— 1 — m (p, a) is of order q or greater, and so (- p(^)e + o(E,)e ) (1-^,? ) P -T is a generating function for the y.» which are defined in the obvious way. The relation (-P(C)eJ + cr(DeJ)(I-£P~ 1 rV" ,n = Tr(0(-P(0ej + a(?)eJ)(I-?P" 1 )" 1 P -m implies that the first k rows of T are linear combinations of the row -T vectors y.» J = 0(l)k-l. If p(£) and a(£) have a common factor so that k < k, then p(t) is obviously not uniquely determined. Assume that p(£) and a(£) have no common factors. Suppose that the rows of T are linearly dependent. Then Tv = for some v ^ 0. Hence 11 (-p(Oel + c(Oe*)(I-£P X ) X P "v = or equivalently (2.2) P(C)t q (?) = a(?)T 1 (C) where T (£) = det ( (I-?P~ 1 )P in )eT(I-?P~ 1 )~ P~ m v, which by Cramer's rule is simply the determinant of (I-£P )P with the i-th column replaced by v. Thus T . (O is a nonzero polynomial of degree q or less. Furthermore ^(o = -a-^+V^u-rVV^v oo = (1-C) £ 5 e ,P v j-o = (-l)^C e Pv + lower order terms and so t.. (?) is of degree at most k-1. Hence from (2.2) at least one of the k roots of p(?) must be a root of G(£). This is a contradiction and therefore the rows of T are linearly independent. □ COROLLARY. The values L^p(t ), j = 0(l)k-m-l*, p(t .), n n-m n-j j = 0*(l)m-l, and p'(t _.), j = 0(l)m-l, uniquely determine p(t) if and only if p(£) and a(?) have no common factor. Remark 1. It is not enough to have formal order of at least 2 q. Consider p(£) = (£-1) and 0(O = 0; the values -p(t ) and 2p(t ) - n n p(t ., ) uniquely determine a polynomial of degree one or less. n-1 Remark 2. Theorem 2.1 appears to be related to a result of Dahlquist [1975] concerning the equivalence between a linear k-step formula and the corresponding one-leg k-step formula under the assumption that p(?) and a(£) have no common factor. Apart from the need for a predictor there is another complication that affects the amount of storage needed. In practice it has been found 12 desirable to vary the stepsize, and thus a variable step form of the multistep formula must be used. For any given fixed step formula there are numerous variable step formulas, some of which require less storage than others. This topic will be studied in a future paper. 13 3. Construction of Linear Nordsieck Formulas. In this section linear multistep formulas are described in terms of local polynomial approximations, and an equivalent Nordsieck formula is constructed by representing the polynomials in terms of their coordinates with respect to local monomial bases. Consider a linear k-step formula of order at least q where q >_ k such that p(£) and G (£) have no common factor. (The case q = k-1 is treated at the end of this section.) Then as a consequence of the corollary to Theorem 2.1 a unique polynomial of degree at most q is determined by the q+1 conditions L k-l (t n-l-J " S n-1- B - i - «»*-l'. P„-l (t „-l-j )= " y n-l-j' 3-0*(Dm-l, K-lK-l-S = K-i-y J-0(D-1. The polynomial p , (t) can be regarded as an approximation to the solution n-1 y(t) near t = t , and it can be used to obtain a predicted value n— 1 y _ = p ,(t ) as an initial approximation to y . In terms of the values n , n- In n y« i y„ ir» and y' ,..., y' , the relation y = p (t ) becomes n-1 n-k n-1 n-k n,0 n-1 n an explicit linear k-step formula. Advancing the numerical solution one step yields values which determine the polynomial p (t). However, there is a more direct way of n expressing p (t) in terms of p ,(t). First, we examine how y and y 1 n n-1 n n are determined. From the multistep formula we have ay = h3 n y' + s ~ On On n-1 and because L. annihilates p , (t) we have h n-1 14 a ny« n = he ny' n + L u~ P i < c i> n,0 n,0 h n-1 n-1 where y' _ = p' 1 (t ) . It follows from the defining conditions that n,U n-1 n k-1 k-1 K p„ i (t « i^ = s „ T Hence a n(y n ~y n r) = he n ( yJ, _ yJ, J- Also n n-i n-l n-1 U n n,U U n n,U y' = f(t , y ). Together these last two equations define y and y'. n n n n n A more convenient way of expressing this is to introduce an increment 6 which satisfies n hy' n + a_6 = hf (t , y + 6 ) n,0 On n n,0 n and set y n = y n,0 + 3 6 n ' hy' = hy' + a_6 . n n,0 n Second, we construct d (t) := p (t) - p ,(t). For j = 0(l)k-m-l* n n n-1 L h d n (t n J = L hPn (t n J " { ~\ ^r, 1 (t n J + h3 V iK 1 (t « J h n n-m h n n-m k-j n-1 n-m k-j n-1 n-m + Lrj" 1 ? .(t )} h n-1 n-l-m = s j - {-a. .y + hR .y' + s j "^ } n-m k-j n-m k-j n-m n-l-m = ; for j = 0*(l)m-l jVn if 3 = , d n (t n _.) =< 3 1 otherwise; and for j = 0(l)m-l Hence jVn if J = ° ' hd n (t n- J = \ I otherwise. t-t d (t) = A(-r^)6 n h n 15 where A(x) is the unique polynomial of degree at most q which satisfies L^A(-m) - , j - 0(l)k-m-l* , 3 , j = 0*(1)0 , j = l(l)m-l , I a n • n A'(-j) -< ° « J = ° ' \J) , j = l(l)m-l . Briefly, we have shown that the numerical solution is advanced one step by setting t-t (3.1) p (t) = p (t) + A (-t-^)6 n n-l n n where 6 is chosen so that p (t) satisfies the differential equation and n n A(x) is characteristic of the multistep formula. The polynomial formulation of the k-th and (k+l)-st order Adams-Moulton formulas was discovered by Descloux [1963]. Schemes based on general choices of A(x) are discussed by Skeel [1973] and by Wallace and Gupta [1973], who give an interesting interpretation of polynomial schemes in terms of polynomial predictive filters. They derive new formulas for stiff problems by choosing A(x) to be a monic polynomial which best approximates zero for x < 0. Different types of approximations yield different formulas. Still more formulas are presented in Gupta and Wallace [1975] and Gupta [1976]. The 1975 paper uses the term modifier polynomial for A(x). (In the 1973 paper this term is applied to A(x/h).) A very simple identification of these polynomial schemes with Nordsieck formulas becomes apparent if the polynomials are represented by vectors of scaled derivatives. Let a = [p (t ), hp' (t ),..., ~n n n n n h q p (q) (t )/q!] T and I = [A(0) , A'(0),..., A (q) (0) /q ! ] T . Then from n n ~ (3.1) we have 16 p (j) (t ) = P (j 1 ) (t n ) + h" j A (j) (0)6 , n n n-± n n from which it easily follows that a = Pa , + 16 ~n ~n-l ~ n -IT T with 6 chosen so that h e,a = f(t , e.a ). n ~l~n n ~0~n For the k-th order backward differentiation formula k Z a.y , = hy' j-0 3 n " J the modifier polynomial A(x) must satisfy A(-j) = , j = l(l)k-l , A(0) = 1, A'(0) = a Q , whence k-1 A(-k) = (A'(0) - Z a.A(-j)}/a, j=0 J = . Therefore A(x) = ( X ^ k ) 3=0 k! ^ +1 where the (square) brackets denote Stirling numbers of the first kind (see, for example Knuth [1968, p. 66]). The fact that A(x) vanishes for x = -1 , -2 , . . . , -k means that the values y , , y „,...,y , are n-1 n-z n-k. "remembered" after advancing from t , to t . n-1 n For the (k+l)-st order Adams-Moulton formula 17 y -y = h I B.y' . n n_1 j=o J n ~J the modifier polynomial of the (k+2)-value form must satisfy A'(-j) = , j = 2(l)k-l , A(0) = 3 Q , A»(0) = 1 , whence A(-l) = A'(-l) = , k-1 A'(-k) = {A(0) - A(-l) - Z 3. A , (-j)}/3 1 J-0 J = Therefore and so A»(x) = ( X + k ) A(x) - / ( 7 t k )dy -1 k = -/( y >y + / ( y > y . In terms of Stirling numbers / C k )dy = Z TTTT [ , ]x J . o k j=i Jk ' J These are the formulas used by the nonstiff options of the codes DIFSUB of Gear [1971], GEAR Rev. 3 of Hindmarsh [1974], and EPISODE of Byrne and Hindmarsh [1975] when the stepsize does not vary. The (k+l)-st order Adams-Moulton formula could also be written as a (k+l)-value Nordsieck formula. The modifier polynomial for such a formula can be determined by applying the theorem that follows. 18 THEOREM 3.1. Let A(x) be the modifier polynomial of the (q+1)- value form of a linear k-step formula of order at least q where q > k+1 and p(£) and a(£) have no common factors. Then A(x) := A(x) - A(x-l) is the modifier polynomial for the q-value form of the multistep formula. Proof. For m <^ k L m A(-m) = L A(-m) - Z (-a.A(-i) + 0.A'(-i)} 1=0 1 X = , and for m = k+1 3 1 k A(0) = -f- A' (0) + -f- Z {-a.A(-i) + a.A'(-i)} a o a o i=l 1 X = V Hence L:JA(-m) = , j = 0(l)k-m , A(0) = 3 Q , A'(0) = a Q , A (-j) = A'(-j) =0, j = l(l)m-l , from which the theorem follows. D Therefore the (k+l)-value form of the (k+l)-st order Adams- Moulton formula has A(x) = / ( y + k )dy - f (^ k )dy -1 R -1 k = / ( y f)dy + / {(^ k ) - ( y+ ^ 1 )}dy -1 K ■ - "' C^ + { ?Z>y ■ 19 These are the original formulas of Nordsieck. Let us consider now the case m=0. The values <5 , y , and y' n n n are determined as before. However, for j = 0(l)k-l I/}d (t ) = -a, .(y -y _) + hB, . (y'-y' n ) h n n k-j n n,0 k-j n n,0 = (-a, .B n + 8, .cx.)6 . k-j k-j n Therefore the solution is advanced one step as given by (3.1) with A(x) determined by L^A(O) =-a k _. 3 Q + 3 k _.a Q , j = 0(l)k-l. However, p (t) does not necessarily interpolate y and y 1 nor does n n n it generally satisfy the differential equation at t = t . Therefore, in the scaled derivative form this scheme is a generalized Nordsieck formula in the sense that 6 is determined by a condition other than the n satisfaction of the differential equation at t = t . Such formulas are n potentially useful because of their minimum storage property. Nordsieck [1962, p. 27] considers the possibility of having Z = $ but JL f a so that p (t) interpolates y but not y' ; however, the results of his r n n n experiments were not promising. Also, Wallace and Gupta [1973] mention that "Other choices of 6 are rationally possible, and we hope to explore some other choices later." Finally, it is worth noting that Theorem 3.1 extends to the case q = k. 20 4. The Correspondence between Multistep and Nordsieck Formulas. In the preceding section it was shown how to construct the modifier polynomial A(x) of a Nordsieck formula from the polynomials p(£) and o(E,) of a linear multistep formula provided that p(£) and a(£) have no common divisors. In this section we show how to obtain p(£) and o(E,) from A(x), and we establish a one-to-one correspondence between (i) the class of all (q+1)- value linear Nordsieck formulas and (ii) the class of all linear multistep formulas of formal order at least q and of stepnumber at most q (including those for which p(£) and o(E,) have common factors). For each linear Nordsieck formula we define a corresponding linear multistep formula (p, a) by (4.1) p(0 := det(Cl-P)e] , (?I-P) h, 5(0 := det(£I-P)eJ(£I-P) 1 %. T -1 Applying Cramer's rule to e.(^I-P) £ for j = 1 and j = yields P(£) = det 5-1 o -1 -2 -1 and 21 5(0 - det % -l -1 -l *1 ?-i -2 -2 h 5-1 -( q ) • • • • • • £ . q 5-1 Hence 5(C) is a polynomial of degree q or less, and p(C) is of degree q since £ ^ 0. Let p(5) =: Z a.? q 1 and 5(C) =: Z 3.C q 1 i=0 i=0 It might happen that a =3 =0, and hence express q q (4.2) p(5) =: C m 1 P(?) and 5(C) =: C™ Vo 2 2 where a, + 3, > and m-1 = q-k. k k The following theorem shows that the p(C) and a(C) corresponding to A(x) can be used to reconstruct A(x) by the process of §3 if it is applicable. THEOREM 4.1. With P(C) and a (5) derived from A(x) by (4.1) and (4.2) we have L^A(-m) =0,j= 0(l)k-l , £ Q = A(0) = 3 Q , % 1 = A'(0) = a Q A(-j) = A'(-j) = , j = l(l)m-l , A(-m) = (-D q 3 k , A'(-m) = (-1)\ . Proof. The relations £ = 3 n and £ = a follow from the expressions for p(C) and a(C) as determinants. From (4.1) we have 22 P(U = -(?-l) q+1 e^(I-?P X ) h X £ oo = -(?-D q+1 z Jr^p-j-^ j=o ~ x CXD = -(?-l) q+1 Z A'(-j-l)? j . J-0 Clearly, A'(-j) = 0, j = l(l)m-l, a k = (-l) q A'(-m), and 00 p(0 = -(?-l) q+1 Z A'(-j-m)C J . j=0 Similarly A(-j) = 0, j = l(l)m-l, 3 R = (-l) q A(-m), and oo a(C) =-(C-D q+1 2 A(-j-m)? j . 3=0 From these expressions for p(£) and a(£) we get OO 00 -p(0 Z A(-j-m)? j + o(0 Z A'(-j-m)? j = . 3=0 j-0 Equating coefficients of the powers of £ completes the proof .D The next theorem shows that the multistep formula (p, 5) corresponding to A(x) is of order at least q, and therefore it can be used to reconstruct A(x) by the process of §3 if p(£) and a(£) have no common factors. THEOREM 4.2. The linear multistep formula corresponding to a (q+1) -value linear Nordsieck formula has formal order at least q. T Moreover j it is of order at least q+1 if and only if b I = where the components of b are the Bernoulli numbers defined by 00 b.z J e Z -l j-0 J ' 23 Proof. According to the definition of formal order and equation (4.1) it must be shown that z q+1 e[((l+z)I-P) _1 £ = log(l+z)z q+1 eQ((l+z)I-P)" 1 £ + 0(z q+1 ) , and so it is enough to show that e^(I-z _1 F) -1 = log(l-fz)eJ(I-z" 1 F)~ 1 + 0(z) where F := P-I. Because F " = 0, it is not difficult to verify that log(l+z)(I-z _1 F) -1 = log(I+F)(I-z~ 1 F)~ 1 + 0(z) , T T and so it suffices to show that e_ log(I+F) = e.. . This holds because I+F = P = exp(Q) where Q = o o o To prove the second assertion, retrace the first two steps of the proof to get the following condition for formal order of at least q+1: eJ{l-|F + ...+ ^ r (-F)lH = . The matrix in braces is log (i+F) = Q = 2 j_ n J F ' exp(Q)-l ± 1 V- ' from which the second part of the theorem follows. □ Remark 1. The matrices P, F, and Q obviously represent the linear operators shift, forward difference, and derivative, respectively, for polynomials of degree q or less. Defining B = I-P to be the matrix 24 representing the backward difference operator V it is not difficult to T show that the condition b Z = is equivalent to q 1 1 Z ~r V J A(-1) = j=0 JT± as well as q-1 , A(-l) - Z y^. 1 V J A , (-1) = j=0 3+i where the y*., are the coefficients for the backward difference form of the Adams-Moulton formulas. These conditions on the polynomial A(x) arise in another situation in Henrici [1962, p. 342]. T Remark 2. The condition b I is obtained by Wallace and Gupta [1973] although the coefficients b. are not identified as the Bernoulli numbers. Instead a recursive definition is given for the b . , which should read j 1+1 b = 1, Z ( 3 7)b. = . i=0 Remark 3. It is shown by Gear [1966] that a stable linear Nordsieck method is convergent of order q in all components of a , and ~n it is shown by Skeel and Jackson [1977] that it is convergent of T order q+1 in all components if and only if b Z = 0. It has thus been shown that to each linear Nordsieck formula, which is uniquely specified in terms of £, there corresponds a linear multistep formula of formal order at least q and of stepnumber at most q, We now establish a correspondence in the opposite direction. We have from (4.1) that 25 5(l+z) - z q+1 eJ(zI-F) 1 £ = z q e T I Z " j F j £ J-0 where F := P-I is the matrix of the forward difference operator. Equating coefficients of powers of z gives 2^ = A^A(O) . and hence A(x) is determined from its corresponding 5(0 by Newton's forward difference formula q a (j) Q) x (4.3) A(x) = I Q ./ ( X .) . 3=0 J ! q ^ Since the linear multistep formula is uniquely specified by 5(?) , the one-to-one correspondence is established. The inverse transformation is conveniently expressed as q a(U = Z A J A(0)(C-D q J j=0 and q-1 . p(?) = E A J A'(0)(^-l) q J . j-0 Note from (4.3) that the popular normalization a(l) = 1 corresponds to £ = 1/q!. q Remark. Theorem 3.1 can be generalized to any modifier polynomial A(x) for which m >_ 2. Express d(£) =: ^d(^). Then a (j) d) = a (j) d) + ja (j - 1} (i) , from which it can be shown that 26 q_1 S (j) (l) x+1 A(x) = I ., U ( X L ) J-0 j! q ' J and q-i a (j) d) x A(x) := A(x) - A(x-l) = I . ) L) ( * ,) . j-o j! q_1 - J Clearly A(x) is the modifier polynomial for the q-value formula, 27 5. Equivalence of Linear Nordsieck Formulas to Linear Multistep Formulas, Recall that a linear Nordsieck formula determines successive values by the system of difference equations (5.1) a = Pa . + £6 ~n ~n-l ~ n where 6 is chosen so that y' = f(t , y ). We do not consider the more n n n n general formula a = Aa , + Z6 because formulas with A 4- P are of ~n ~n-l ~ n dubious value, and in any case, most of the results for A = P generalize if minor restrictions are imposed on A. For theoretical purposes a rewriting of (5.1) is often useful. Premultiplying (5.1) by e? yields 6 = £~ 1 (hf -e^Pa ,). Let I := C^l J ~1 n 1 n~l ~n-l ~ 1 ~ ~ x and S := (I-£e )P, and we get (5.2) a = Sa , + h£f ~n ~n-l ~ n T where f is chosen so that f = f(t , e.Sa - + h£_f ). Expressions for n n n ~1 ~n-l On p(£) and 5(5) in terms of S are given by the following theorem, whose proof uses an idea from Osborne [1966, equation (4.3)]. THEOREM 5.1. The polynomials p(£) and 5(£) defined by (4.1) satisfy and p(£) = det(?I-S)e^(?I-S) _1 £ 5(0 = det(€l-S)eJ(£I-S) ^ . Proof. We have £l-S = £I-P + Ze^P = (?I-P)(I + (Cl-P) ^P) , 28 and so det(£l-S)'(5l-S) -1 £ = det(Cl-P) det (I+C^I-P)" 1 ^?) •(I+(?I-P)" 1 £e^P)" 1 (Cl-P)" 1 I . This can be simplified by means of the identity T T -1 det(I+xy )'(I+xy ) x = x , which follows from Cramer's rule. Thus we get det(£l-S)'(£l-S) -1 £ = det(5l-P)*(?I-P) _1 ^ , from which the lemma immediately follows. □ Note that e^S = T ; and so p(£) - det (^I-S)^" 1 ^ , which gives the characteristic polynomial of S as det(£I-S) = £~Vp(0 • Thus the strict root condition is satisfied by the linear Nordsieck formula (cf. Skeel and Jackson [1977]) if and only if it is satisfied by the corresponding linear multistep formula. The theorem that follows shows that in the case of all Nordsieck formulas the zero-th and first components of the vectors a satisfy the difference equation of the corresponding linear multistep formula (p, o) . Hence all the limitations on the accuracy of multistep formulas (Dahlquist [1956], [1963]) apply also to Nordsieck formulas. THEOREM 5.2. The values y , y' , n - 0(1)N, computed from (5.1), satisfy the linear multistep formula p(E)y = ha(E)y' n-k n-k defined by (4.1) and (4.2) for n = k(l)N. Proof. From (5.2) we have 29 , • k-1 . S k_:i a , = a . - Z S 1 J ilhf . ~n-k ~n-i . . ~ n-i i=J and k k-1 k-1 ._.- p(S)a ,= Z a. a .- Z a. Z S J £hf ~n-k . _ j~n-j s n J • j ~ n-1 j=0 J J j=0 i=j T Premultiplying by e_ and rearranging gives k k-1 i _ Z a.y . = Z el{ Z a.S J Hhf . + e„p(S)a . . 3=0 * °-J 1=0 ~° j-0 3 ~ n_1 ~° ~ n_k It needs to be shown first that q i • • (5.3) a(0 = Z e^{ Z a.S 1 J H£ q X . i=0 ~ U j-0 J We have that = pCOeJCl-r^)" 1 ! = Z a.E, q 3 Z K e n S X i , j=0 3 i=0 ~ ~ which leads to (5.3). It remains to be shown that Because S satisfies its characteristic polynomial, e p(S)S = . Also, because S is of rank q, it has only one linearly independent left eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue 0; and so e n p(S)S ' is a multiple of e.. . T m-1 ~ T This implies e p(S)S (I-let) = 0, and so by (5.3) T ,_,,._m-l n T ?0 P(S)S = e k+m-l!l • 30 If m > 1, then e p(S)S = , and this argument can be repeated until the assertion is established. □ Remark 1. We have y 1 = f except possibly for n = 0. n n Remark 2. This theorem improves the result of Descloux [1963] and Osborne [1966] in two respects: first, p(?) and cr(£) are given in closed form, and second, the result is shown for n >. k rather than n >^ q. The next theorem proves that Nordsieck and multistep methods are equivalent in the sense of Gear, for it is shown that there is a nonsingular matrix that relates the scaled derivative approximations a ~n to certain linear combinations of computed y and y' values. As a consequence, in practically all cases linear Nordsieck methods cannot be regarded as generalizations of linear multistep formulas (cf. Gear [1971a, pp. 102, 136]). THEOREM 5.3. Assume the polynomials p(£) and o(0 corresponding to a given (q+l)-value Nordsieck formula have no common factors. Then there exists a unique nonsingular (q+l)x(q+l) matrix T depending only on H such that a = T _1 y n y n for n = k-l*(l)N where r k-m-1* , , , f -.T y := [s ,..., s , y *,..., y , hy , . . . , hy J in n-m n-m n-0 n-m+1 n n-m+1 Proof. By Theorem 4.2 the formula (p, a) is of order at least q, and hence by the corollary to Theorem 2.1 there exists a unique nonsingular matrix T such that 31 P(t n ) hp'(t n ) hS (q) (t )/q! = T -1 LTp(t ) h n-m L"p(t ) h n-m "^Wi' for any polynomial of degree q or less. Define values y. and y! for j = l*-k(l)-l such that The process of §3 may be applied to construct a (q+l)-value linear Nordsieck formula which would compute vectors T y , n = 1(1)N. The results of §4 imply that this formula would be identical to the given Nordsieck formula, and hence a = T y . The uniqueness of T follows ~n in from the fact that the method is exact for all polynomials of degree at most q if the starting values are exact. □ Remark. For implicit formulas Wallace and Gupta [1973] give an informal argument suggesting that the quantities a , and 6 . , ~n-q n-j j = l(l)q-l, can be expressed as linear combinations of y ., f ., n-j n-j' ■m— 1 j = l(l)q. Their conjecture is correct as long as E, p(K) and E, O(C) have no common factors. In that case it is an immediate consequence that the components of a are linear combinations of y ., f ., j = l(l)q. n-j n-j Theorem 5.3 does not extend to Nordsieck formulas for which the corresponding p and G polynomials have common factors. THEOREM 4.4. Assume that p(£) and a(£) have a common factor and that the formula (p, a) is of order at least q. Then a cannot be expressed only in terms of y ., hy' ., j = 0(l)n. 32 Proof. We begin by showing that there exists an eigenvector T v associated with a nonzero eigenvalue £, of S such that e~v = 0. From (4.3) it follows that p(£.) and a(£) have the common factor 1 if and only if £ =0. First, suppose that £ = 0. Then £ = 1 is a common root and q q T so the formula must be of formal order at least k+1. Hence b £ = where T T log(P) H fo P-I ' and so rp rp rp rp rp rp rp (b +e|)S = b P = b + ej logP - b + e£ . T T Also £ = implies e S = e . Therefore the null space of S-I is at least q ~q ~q of dimension two, and so we can choose v ^ such that Sv = v and T e.v = 0. Second, suppose that £ ^ 0. Let ~0~ q v(K) = det(£l-S)-(a-S) _1 £ , which is a vector of polynomials in £. Let £, be a common root of p(0 and a(£). Then v(£_) ^ 0, since e v(£) = (£-l) q £ . Also (J ~ ~q~ q (C I-S)y(£ Q ) = det(£ Q I-S).£ = , T and e n v(E. ) = a(£. ) = 0. Therefore in either case there exists E, £ T T and v 4- such that S = £_v and e~v = 0. Moreover, e,v = 0, because ~ v 0~ ~0~ ~1~ T e.. is a left eigenvector for the eigenvalue 0. This means that if a_ were changed to a A + v, the values of y and hy' would remain unchanged ~U ~ n n for all n, and yet a would become a + K„v. This proves the nonexistence ~n ~n 0~ of an expression for a in terms of the values y and y 1 .D n n n Theorems 5.3 and 5.4 do not cover the case where the order is less than q due to a common factor of £-1, but extending the results to such formulas does not seem worthwhile. 33 6. Equivalence of Predictor-corrector Formulas. The use of a linear Nordsieck formula requires the solution for <5 of the equation n hy' n + JL6 = hf(t , y n + 1.8 ) ■'njO In n ^n,0 n T T where y _ = e^Pa , and hy 1 . = e.Pa , . In practice this must be 'n,0 ~0 ~n-l n,0 ~1 ~n-l approximately solved by some iterative process: 6 n :- , n,0 6 .. := 6 -[£l-£hJ ]~ 1 [hy* _+£_ 6 -hf ] , n,y+l n,y 1 n,y n,0 1 n,y n,y M = 0, 1,..., M(n)-1 , where f ,1, and J , are defined as in §2 with y = y _ + &„6 n,y n,y-l n,y n,0 n,y After determining 8 := 6 .,, N and adding the increment £6 a final n n,M(n) ~ n function evaluation may or may not be performed. For a P(EC)* Nordsieck formula a := Pa , + 18 ~n ~n-l ~ n and for a P(EC)*E Nordsieck formula a := Pa . + £6 + e.h(f -y ' ) , ~n ~n-l ~ n ~1 n n where hy' := hy' . + 1.8 „, , n . n y n,0 1 n,M(n)-l Remark. The predictor-corrector Nordsieck formulas of Gear [1971a] are introduced independently of linear ("corrector only") Nordsieck formulas. For this reason these predictor-corrector formulas use l^l-l n hJ := 1. 1 n,y T For the P(EC)* formulas we have that hy' = e„Pa n + 16 , n ~1 ~n-l 1 n and so the recurrence can also be expressed as a = Sa . + £hy' . ~n ~n-l ~ n Therefore the equivalence results apply to P(EC)* formulas as much as they do to linear formulas. The underlying multistep predictor formula 34 T can be obtained from y . = e^Pa , by expressing a n as linear n,0 ~0 ~n-l ~n-l combinations of the components of y _. ; thus it has stepnumber of at most k+0*. The situation is quite different for P(EC)*E formulas. To determine the equivalent multistep formula, one begins with the recurrence a = Sa , + (i-ejhy 1 + e,hf . ~n ~n - i ~ ~1 n ~1 n Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 5.2, one obtains a difference equation involving y . , j = 0(l)k, y 1 . , j = 0(l)k-l, and y' ., j = l(l)k, which is not a true P(EC)*E multistep formula. For example, consider the three-value Nordsieck formula. By expressing y and y . as functions of y 1 , y' , , f ., , and a _ n n-1 n n-1 n-1 ~n-2 and then eliminating h y" /2, one obtains the difference equation n-z \ + (2, 2- 2) Vl + (1 - U lK-2 - 4 h " y n + [(1 ^0 )hy ;-l + ^2- £ )h Cl ] + ( % +£ 2" 1)hy ;-2 > which is not a P(EC)*E formula unless £ = £ . For the third order Adams-Moulton formula this is y„ - Vi ■ Ti K + l T2 K-i + n h K-i ] + s hy ;-2 • 35 7. Applications. An important practical consequence of the equivalence theory is that all multistep formulas are minimum storage formulas. This idea is certainly implicit in the investigations by Gupta and Wallace of new multistep formulas. It is also the rationale for the computer research of Kong [1977] for k-step formulas of order k having the smallest error coefficient for a given angle a of A(a)-stability. Previous searches by Dill and Gear [1971] (the error coefficient for their formula should be 14.0 rather than 0.0108) and by Jain and Srivastava [1970] concentrated on formulas for which most of the trailing coefficients of a(£) were set to zero. The computer results of Kong suggested formulas which lead to a proof of the following result: for any a < tt/2 there exists an A(a)-stable k-step formula of order k. This is also proved by Grigorieff and Schroll [1977]. The paper of Nordsieck mentions that "the potential advantage of a more elaborate procedure in which the matrix hf is numerically y computed at every step and £ is made a chosen function of hf , implying a nonlinear process tailored to the subject differential equation system, is an interesting topic for future investigation," where we have substituted our notation for his. The idea is developed further in a report of Gear [1966], which proposes a formula for scalar implicit differential equations of any order. For the equation y' - f(t, y) = the formula becomes I :- iVhf y and £,l-Jl n hJ := l+h 2 f 2 1 n,u y 36 where AM and BD refer to the (q+l)-st Adams-Moulton and q-th order backward differentiation formulas, respectively. (The subscripts y in the equation on page 21 of this report should read a . ) This idea q is extended to systems of differential equations by Skeel and Kong [1977], who suggest y and ItI-IAiJ : = (1-chf ) 2 1 n,y y where y an< 3 c are free parameters. In §4 it was shown that p(£) and o(E,) are linear transformations of Z, and so a linear combination of I vectors corresponds to that same linear combination of the corresponding linear multistep formulas. Thus, under the assumption of constant hf y the "blended" Nordsieck formula is equivalent to the same blend of linear multistep formulas. 37 BIBLIOGRAPHY G. D. BYRNE & A. C. HINDMARSH (1975), "A polyalgorithm for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations," ACM Trans. Math. Software, v. 1, pp. 71-96. G. G. DAHLQUIST (1956), "Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations," Math. Soandinavioa, v. 4, pp. 33-50. G. G. DAHLQUIST (1963), "A special stability problem for linear multistep methods," BIT, v. 3, pp. 27-43. G. G. DAHLQUIST (1975), On Stability and Error Analysis for Stiff Non-linear Problems } Part I, Report TRITA-NA-7508, Dept. of Computer Sci. , Roy. Inst, of Technology, Stockholm. J. DESCLOUX (1963), A Note on a Paper by A. Nordsieok, Report #131, Dept. of Computer Sci., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. C. DILL & C. W. GEAR (1971), "A graphical search for stiffly stable methods for ordinary differential equations," J. ACM, v. 18, pp. 75-79. C. W. GEAR (1966), The Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations of Various Orders 3 Report //ANL-7126, Argonne National Lab. , Argonne, Illinois. C. W. GEAR (1971a), Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations } Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. C. W. GEAR (1971b), "Algorithm 407: DIFSUB for solution of ordinary differential equations," Comm. ACM, v. 14, pp. 185-190. R. D. GRIGORIEFF & J. SCHROLL (1977), Uber A (a) -stabile Verfahren hoher Konsistenzordnung , Nr.34, Fachbereich Mathematik (3), Technische Universitat Berlin. G. K. GUPTA (1976), "Some new high-order multistep formulae for solving stiff equations," Math. Comp. , v. 30, pp. 417-432. G. K. GUPTA & C. S. WALLACE (1975), "Some new multistep methods for solving ordinary differential equations," Math. Comp., v. 29, pp. 489-500. P. HENRICI (1962), Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations, Wiley, New York. A. C. HINDMARSH (1974), GEAR: Ordinary Differential Equation Solver, UCID-3001, Rev. 3, Lawrence Livermore Lab., Univ. of California, Livermore, Calif. M. K. JAIN & V. K. SRIVASTAVA (1970), High Order Stiffly Stable Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, Report #394, Dept. of Computer Sci. , Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 38 D. E. KNUTH (1968), The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1: Fundamental Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. A. NORDSIECK (1962), "On numerical integration of ordinary differential equations," Math. Comp. , v. 16, pp. 22-49. M. R. OSBORNE (1966), "On Nordsieck's method for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations," BIT, v. 6, pp. 51-57. R. D. SKEEL (1973), Convergence of Multivalue Methods for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations, Report TR73-16, Dept. of Computing Sci. , Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton. R. D. SKEEL & L. W. JACKSON (1977), "Consistency of Nordsieck Methods," SIAMJ. Numer. Anal., v. 14, pp. 910-924. R. D. SKEEL & A. K. KONG (1977), "Blended linear multistep methods," ACM Trans. Math. Software, v. 3, pp. 326-345. C. S. WALLACE & G. K. GUPTA (1973), "General linear multistep methods to solve ordinary differential equations," Austral. Comput. J. , v. 5, pp. 62-69. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-78-940 3. Recipient's Accession No. 4. Title and Subt itle EQUIVALENT FORMS OF MULTISTEP FORMULAS 5- Report Date August 1978 7. Author(s) Robert D. Skeel 8. Performing Organization Rept. No - UIUCDCS-R-78-940 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science 222 Digital Computer Laboratory University of Illinois at U-C Urbana r Illinois 6 1801 USA 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. AFOSR-75-2854 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Air Force Office of Scientific Research/NM Boiling AFB DC 20332 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Research 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts For uniform meshes it is shown that any linear k-step formula can be formula can be formulated so that only k values need to be saved between steps. By saving an additional m values it is possible to construct local polynomial approximations of degree k+m-1, which can be used as predictor formulas. Different polynomial bases lead to different equivalent forms of multistep formulas. In particular, local monomial bases yield Nordsieck formulas. An explicit one-to-one correspondence is established between Nordsieck formulas and k-step-f ormulas of order at least k, and a strong equivalence result is proved for all but certain pathological cases. Equivalence is also shown for P(EC)* formulas but not for P(EC)*E formulas. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors linear multistep formula, multistep formula, linear multistep method, multistep method, Nordsieck method, multivalue method, predictor-corrector method. 17b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms 17c. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement Approved for public release; distribution unlimited FORM NTIS-35 (10-70) 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 38 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P7I SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) EQUIVALENT FORMS OF MULTISTEP FORMULAS 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED RESEARCH 6. PERFORMING O^G. REPORT NUMBER UIUCDCS-R-78-940 7. AUTHOR(s) ROBERT D. SKEEL 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(s) AFOSR-75-2854 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Department of Computer Science 222 Digital Computer Laboratory Univ. of 111., Urbana, IL 61801 USA 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS 61102F 2304/A3 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Air Force Office of Scientific Research/NM Boiling AFB DC 20332 12. REPORT DATE August 1978 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 38 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME ft ADDRESSf// ditterent from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS, (of this report) UNCLASSIFIED 15a. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWN GRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION ST ATEMEN T (of this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited, 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered in Block 20, it different from Report) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse side if necessary and identify by block number) linear multistep formula, multistep formula, linear multistep method, multistep method, Nordsieck method, multivalue method, predictor- corrector method 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side If necessary and identify by block number) For uniform meshes it is shown that any linear k-step formula can be formulated so that only k values need to be saved between steps. By saving an additional m values it is possible to construct local polynomial approximations of degree k+m-1, which can be used as predictor formulas. Different polynomial bases lead to different equivalent forms of multistep formulas. In particular, local monomial bases yield Nordsieck formulas. An explicit one-to-one correspondence is established between Nordsieck formulas and k-step-f ormulas DD , :° N RM 7 3 1473 EDITION OF 1 NOV 65 IS OBSOLETE SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) ECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEfWTifi Did Bnlurtd) of order at least k, and a strong equivalence result is proved for all but certain pathological cases. Equivalence is also shown for P(EC)* formulas but not for P(EC)*E formulas. , 1 4 1978 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF Tuic PAGE(TW)»n Dmta Entered) AUG itsn.