FRED LOCKLEY RARE WESTERN BOOKS 4227 S. E. Stark St. PORTLAND ORE. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 352.O70SI PB3or ise j j and nays. of four members. Its deliberations and proceedings must DJ.berati„„s be public. Member maybe Sec. 33. The Council may puuisli any member for disorderly punished by. , . . .. , Council when or improper conduct at any meeting, or for refusing or neglect- May expel mem- ing to attend any regular meeting without sufficient excuse there- thirds vote. for ; and may, by a two-thirds vote, expel a member. Regular meeting Sec. 34. On the first Monday in July next following any Monday in July, general clcction, there must be a regular meeting of the Council — and such meeting is appointed by this Act. and no notice thereof is necessary. Majority of the Sec. 35. A majority of the whole number constituting the is. Council, as then provided by law, is a majority of the Council or members thereof, within the meaning of this Act, and not CITY OF PORTLAND. 13 Otherwise, unless expressly so provided. The concurrence of a Majority of quo- rum — when suf- majority of a quorum is a sufficient majority to deter. nine any ficient. question or matter, other than the final passage of an ordinance. Sec. 36. At the first regular meeting of the Council in July President of the Council — when of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Council and how elected. shall choose by ballot one of its members to preside over the Council and perform the duties of Mayor, in the absence of the Mayor. He shall be designated as President of the Council j Duties of Presi- and in the absence of the Mayor from the city, or if he be from any cause unable to act, said President of the Council shall have and exercise the powers and perform all the duties of the Mayor. *Sec. 37. The Council has power and authority within the City of Portland — 1. To assess, levy and collect taxes for general municipal Tax not to ex- ceed one-half of purposes not to exceed one-half of one per centum upon all one per cent, property, both real and personal, which is taxable by law for State or County purposes. 2. To levy and collect a special tax of one-half of one per Special tax not .to exceed one centum upon all the property assessed by authority of the first and one-haif per cent. subdivision of this section, for any specific object within the authority of this municipal corporation, including the payment of an existing debt ; but the ordinances providing therefor must specify the object thereof and the estimated amount thereof, and the money so raised shall not be expended for any other purpose. 3. To license, tax and regulate lawyers, doctors, brokers. To tax lawyers, brokers, doctors, wharfingers, auctioneers, drummers, commercial travelers, hawk- wharfingers, drummers, ped- ers, peddlers, pawnbrokers, places of public amusement or enter- diers, etc. tainment, including theaters, operas, exhibitions, shows, and the like ; hotel, tavern and boarding-house keepers and runners, steamship and steamboat runners, junk dealers, dealers in second- hand articles or merchandise ; the keeping of billiard tables. * As amended by an Act entitled “An Act to amend Sections i, 37, 95 and 159 of an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Portland, approved October 24, 1882, and to repeal Section 155 of said Act, and all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith.” Ap- proved February 25, 1885. H CHARTER OF THE bowling alleys and shooting galleries ; and for the purposes of this Act to define and declare what constitutes any of such pro- fessions, callings, employments or places of amusement or enter- tainment. To tax livery and 4, To Hcense, tax and regulate livery or boarding-stables, boarding stables, . ® ^ to > hacks, cabs, wag- hacks, cabs, hackneys, carriages, wagons, carts, trucks, drays or ons, carts, etc. o o j Other vehicles used for the transportation of persons or pas- sengers, or any goods, wares or merchandise, earth, rock, ballast, building material or other article, within the limits of the city either in whole or in part, with or without hire ; and to prescribe the rates to be charged for such transportation ; but any actual resident of East Portland who has a license from the municipal government of that place for that purpose, may transport such passengers or articles to and from the City of Portland without another license or authority therefrom. To license, tax, 5. To license, tax, regulate and restrain bar-keepers, saloon- and regulate bar- rooms and drink- keepers, dealers in spirituous or malt liquors, bar-rooms, drink- ing shops. ing shops or places where spirituous or malt liquors are kept for sale or in any manner disposed of, and the sale or disposal thereof; all offensive or dangerous trades, employments or busi- ness ; and for the purpose of this act to define and declare who is a bar-keeper, saloon-keeper or dealer in spirituous or malt liquors, and what is a bar-room, drinking-shop or place where spirituous or malt liquors are kept for sale or disposed of, and what are offensive or dangerous trades, employments or busi- nesses ; but this subdivision does not empower the City of Port- land to declare a trade, employment or business offensive or dangerous contrary to the common understanding of the subject, nor to authorize anyone to do any act or engage in any business contrary to the law of the land ; nor shall any provision of law concerning the sales or disposition of sjDirituous or malt liquors in Multnomah county apply to the sale or disposition of the same in the City of Portland. To suppress 6. To prevent and suppress gaming and gambling houses or l^mbiinfhoui places where any game, in which chance predominates, is played ga"mbiing.“"‘^ for anything of value; and to punish any person who engages in such game, or keeps or frequents such a house ; to prevent and CITY OF PORTLAND. 5 suppress bawdy houses or places where fornication is enacted, and to punish any keeper, inmate or frequenter thereof ; to pre- vent and suppress opium smoking, and houses or places kept therefor, and to punish any keeper of such house or place, or person who smokes therein or frequents the same. 7. 'Fo make regulations to prevent the introduction of con- To prevent the ' _ introduction of tagious diseases in the city or remove persons afflicted with such contagious dis- ^ eases. diseases therefrom to suitable hospitals provided by the city for that purpose. To secure the jjrotection of persons and property therein, and to provide for the health, cleanliness, ornament, peace and good order of the city. 8. To prevent and punish trespassers upon real and personal To prevent and ^ r I I 1 punish trespass. property. 9. To provide for lighting the streets and furnishing the city Lighting streets, with gas or other lights. 10. To define what shall constitute vagrancy and provide for To define and punish vagrancy. the support, restraint, punishment and employment of vagrants and paupers. To prevent the sale, circulation and disposition of obscene literature, including books, papers, prints, pictures and the like, and to punish any person who sells or offers for sale, or who circulates or disposes of any such literature ; and to define and declare from time to time what, if any, books, papers, prints, pictures and the like are obscene within the purpose and province of this provision. 11. To prevent and remove nuisances and to declare by gen- To prevent and remove n u i s - eral rules what shall constitute the same and to make the expense ances. of abating a nuisance a lien upon the property wl\ere such nuis- ance exists ; to fill up or drain any lots or blocks wherever stagnant water stands, and to make the cost thereof a lien upon the property ; but in such case the same must be reported to the Council and the necessity thereof declared, and thereupon the work must be let to the lowest bidder, and the cost thereof be made a lien and collected in like manner as street improvements. 12. To prohibit the erection or repair of wooden buildings To regulate . . . . . . . building within Within the fire limits, and to restrict and limit the height of fire limits. 6 CHARTER OF THE buildings within such limit, to provide for and determine the number and size of places of entrance and exit from all public halls, churches and other buildings used for public gatherings, and the modes of hanging doors thereat. To prevent ob- 1 3. To providc for the prevention and removal of all obstruc- structing streets. . tions from the streets, cross and sidewalks, and for the cleaning Cleaning and re- pairing streets. and repairing of the same. To prevent ob- 1 4. To provide for the prevention and removal of obstruc- structions inWil- . , ... . . lamette river. tioiis in the Willamette river within the limits of the city. To assess and 15. To asscss and collcct harbor dues from all vessels and collect harbor ri •• dues. steamboats, or other water crafts whatever, arriving at or depart- ing from the city. To regu ate 1 6. To rcgulatc the building of wharves along the city front on river front, and the driving of piles in the Willamette river within the limits of the city, and to establish a line beyond which wharves shall not be built nor piles driven. To provide for 1 7. To provide for the establishment of market houses and the establishm’nt ofmarket places, places, and to regulate the location and management of market houses and market places. To provide city 1 8. To provide for the erection of a city jail, house of cor- jail and house of . correction. rectiou and work-house, and government and management of the same. To regulate stor- ip- To regulate the storage and sale of gunpowder, dyna- gunpowde?!^^ *^^mite, giant powder, nitro-glycerine, oil or combustible material, and prevent their manufacture in the city, and to prevent by all possible and proper means danger or risks of injury or damage by fire arising from carelessness, negligence or otherwise. To punish intox- 20. To restrain and punish intoxication, fighting and quar- reling on the streets, and any disturbance or any unlawful or indecent practice, and to define what shall constitute the same. Concealed weap- 2 1. To prohibit the Carrying of dangerous weapons in a con- ons. cealed manner.' CITY OF PORTLAND. 17 22. To regulate and prohibit the use of guns, pistols and fire- To prohibit use ° _ of firearms. arms, firecrackers, bombs and detonating works of all de- scriptions. 23. To prevent, restrain, punish and disperse a riotous assemblage, or any person taking part therein. punish riots. 24. To license, tax, control and regulate slaughter houses. To tax and n- ^ . . cense slaughter wash houses and public laundries, and to provide for their ex- wash houses elusion from the city limits or any part thereof. 25. To prevent any and all domestic animals from running To prevent do- mestic animals at large within the city limits, or any portion thereof: and to from running at large. punish those persons who allow animals to so run at large. 26. To regulate the driving of stock through the streets. 27. To compel all persons erecting or maintaining privies or To provide for cesspools within 100 feet of any street in which a sewer has, or cesspools, may hereafter be constructed, to connect the same therewith ; provided^ that in cases where blocks are more than 100 feet in width, this authority shall extend to the center of the block. 28. To regulate the use of streets, roads, highways and imblicTo regulate the places for foot passengers, animals, vehicles, cars, street railways and locomotives ; to prohibit more than one railway track, other than switches, on streets no more than 60 feet wide ; to regulate the transportation of gunpowder, dynamite, nitro-glycerine and other combustibles through the streets of the city ; to protect the public from injury by runaways by punishing persons who neg- ligently have horses or carriages in the streets without fastenings; to prescribe the width of tires of all drays, trucks, carts and other vehicles, and the weight to be carried thereby, for the preservation of the streets and highways. 29. To regulate the use of sidewalks and prevent the exten-To regulate use -,.,T , .. of sidewalks. sion of building fronts and house fronts within the street line. 30. To regulate the opening of street surfaces, the laying of To regulate op- . . ening street sur- gas and -water mams, the building and repairing of sewers and faces, the erection of gas or other lights. i8 CHARTER OF THE To provide for 3 1. To providc foF Surveying the blocks and streets of the surveying t h e _ blocks andcity, and for marking the boundary lines of such blocks and streets. o j streets. 1 o regulate land- 32. To build, construct and regulate landings at the foot of ings at streets terminating at the Streets terminating at the Willamette river; to permit, allow Willamette river ' and regulate the laying down of iracks for street cars and other railroads upon such street or streets as the Council may designate ; to regulate and prevent public criers and advertising notices, steam whistles, the ringing of bells and playing of bands in the streets, and to control and limit traffic on the streets, avenues and places ; to regulate the use of the streets and sidewalks for the use of signs, sign -posts, hitch ing-posts, awnings, awning- posts, telegraph, telephone and electric light posts, and other purposes ; to regulate and prohibit the exhibition and hanging of banners and placards or flags in or across the streets or from houses or other buildings ; to prohibit the exhibition of deformed or crippled persons, and to prohibit such and all persons from begging upon the streets or in public places; to establish from time to time such police stations as may be necessary ; to regu- late the numbering of houses and lots on the streets and avenues. To provide for and the naming of streets and avenues; to provide for the clean- dean i n g and . . . , . sprinkling streets ing and Sprinkling of the streets ; to prohibit persons from roam- ing the streets at unseasonable hours. To prevent and ^3. To prevent the erection of buildings within the city lim- remove danger- ous buildings, i fs which shall be dangerous to the passers-by or to adjacent prop- erty ; and in case any building on any public street shall become dangerous to passer.s-by, the Council shall have power to cause the same to be removed or made safe at the expense of the prop- erty. Such expense shall be made a lien upon the property, and shall be collected in the same manner as street improvements. To regulate the 34, To allow and regulate the erection and maintenance of erection of tele- ^ graph poles. telegraphic poles and wires used in connection with or as a part of electric light works in, upon and over the streets, alleys, pub- lic parks and public grounds of said city ; and in, over and upon any lands owned or under the control of said city, whether they lie inside the limits of said city or not. CITY OF PORTLAND. 19 I'o purchase, take and hold real property when sold for a To acquire and ^ ’ 11 ^ pj.Qp_ delinquent tax or assessment levied or imposed under the author- erty. ity of the city of Portland to sell and dispose of same. 36. To establish and regulate the fees and compensation of To regulate the compensation of all officers of this municipal corporation, except when otherwise city officials, specially provided. To provide for the punishment of a violation of any To punish by 'J • fine or imprison- ordinance of the city by fine or imprisonment not exceeding ment. three hundred dollars, or ninety days, or both, or by a forfeiture as penalty not exceeding three hundred dollars, and for working any person sentenced to such imprisonment upon the streets, public squares, work-house or house of correction during the term thereof, and to provide for the punishment of any person sentenced to imprisonment who shall refuse to work when ordered. 38. To license and regulate, for the purpose of city revenue. To license ail trades and call- all such business, callings, trades and employments as the Com- ings not prohib- ^ ^ ^ ited by State law. mon Council may require to be licensed, and are not prohib- ited by the laws of the State. 39. To appropriate money to pay the debts, liabilities and To appropriate money. expenditures of the city, or any part or item thereof, from any fund applicable thereto. 40. To locate and construct any ditch, canal or pipe for the Eminent domain conduct of water, and any drain, sewer or culvert it may deem necessary or convenient, and for such purposes it shall have a right to enter upon any land between the termini of such ditch, canal or pipe, drain, sewer or culvert for the purpose of examin- ing, locating and surveying the line of such ditch, canal, pipe, drain, sewer or culvert, doing no unnecessary damage thereby, and to appropriate so much of said land as may be necessary for the construction of said ditch, canal, sewer, pipe, drain or cul- vert in like manner as provided by the laws of this State for the appropriation of lands or right of way by corporations, and to appropriate and divert from its natural course or channel, for the purpose of drainage or flushing any drain, sewer or culvert, any spring or stream of water. 20 CHARTER- OF THE 41. To exercise such power and authority as may be given to the Council in this act. Power exercised Sec. 38. The power and authority given to the Council by only by ordinan- . . ce; majority ofSection 3 7 caii Only be enforced or exercised by ordinance, un- Council may • j j f nance not in°co^ri- Otherwise expressly provided; and a majority of the Council flict with, etc. ordinance not repugnant to the laws of the United States, or of this State, necessary or convenient for carrying such power or authority, or any part thereof, into effect. Style of ordi- Sec. 39. The Style of every ordinance shall be: “The City of Portland does ordain as follows.” CHAPTER VI. OF THE MAYOR HIS POWER AND DUTIES. Powers and SECTION 40. The Mayor is the executive of the municipal duties of Mayor. . , . _ , . . corporation, and must exercise a careful supervision over its general affairs and subordinate officers. It is his duty, annually, to communicate by message to the Council a general statement of the condition and affairs of this municipal corporation, and to recommend the adoption of such measures as he may deem expedient and proper, and to make such special communications to the Council, from time to time, as he may think proper and useful. Mayor to ap- Sec. 41. The Mayor shall take and approve all official un- imdertriLgfS^ dertakings which the ordinances of this city may require any of- same to be filed ficer to give as Security for the faithful performance of his con- with Auditor. ... ... , ... tract, or any undertaking which may be required of any con- tractor for the faithful performance of his duty, and when he ap- proves such undertaking he must immediately file the same with the Auditor — excepting the undertaking of the Auditor, of which ‘he shall be the custodian. xMayor’s further Sec. 42. He shall perform such other duties and exercise duties to be pre- . , , . , , 1 1 • a scribed by ordi- such Other antiionty as may be prescribed by this Act, any city nance. ordinance, or any law of the United States or this State. CITY OF PORTLAND. 21 Sec. 4^ No ordinance passed by the Council shall t For removal and suspension of any member of said force, and for the forfeiture ofany^mVm°ber of all or any portion of the wages that may be due any member of such force on account of misconduct or negligence in the dis-"'^®®^' charge of his duties. 4. The Common Council of said city by ordinance may. Working jirison- ers, etc. however, provide for the working of prisoners and for the pun- ishment of prisoners who shall refuse to work. The Board of Police Commissioners are authorized to adopt Rules and reg- ulations to be rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the City Charter, the management, control and organization of the Police Force. From and after the qualification of the three Commissioners to be appointed by the Governor, all power heretofore vested in the Mayor and Common Council of said City, in relation to the appointment to offices of the several officers in this Act desig- nated, shall cease and determine, and the power of appointment thereto shall thereafter vest in said Board of Police Commissioners and their successors in office. *Sec. 73. The Board of Police Commissioners shall receive Commissioners ... to receive no no salary or compensation for their services. A majority of salary, said Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. The Board of Police Commissioners have power, and may from time to time fix and determine the salaries to be paid to the Chief of Police, the Captains of Police and policemen ; but such salaries shall not exceed the amount limited in Section *As entered by an Act entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to Incorporate the City of Portland, approved October 24, 1882, and to amend Section one (i) of an Act entitled an Act to amend Sections one (i), thirty-seven (37), ninety-five (95) and one hundred and fifty-nine (159) of an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Portland, approved October 24, 1882, and to repeal Section one hundred and fifty-five (155) of said Act, and all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith, approved February 25, 1885.” Approved No- vember 25, 1885. 30 CHARTER OF THE 74, and they shall audit and allow all necessary expenses of con- ducting and running the Police Department. Expenses of The Board shall, on the first day of January of each year, re- po lice depart- , ^ ^ . ment— how paid, port to the Commou Couucd the estimated amount of salaries and other necessary expenses of the Police Department for the ensuing year, and the Common Council must make appropria- tions to meet the expenses of the Police Department and pay the same monthly, as other accounts are paid out of the City Treasury. Claims— when The Comiiion Couucil shall pay no claim which has not been and how paid. Py p-,g Board of Police Commissioners, and the evidence thereof shall be that each claim must be endorsed “Approved and Allowed,” and signed by the President of the Board, and a certified copy of the order of allowance, and forwarded to the Common Council by the Auditor and Clerk of said city, acting as Clerk of said Board. Salary of Chief Sec. 74. The Salary of the Chief of Police shall not exceed of Police. the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars per month, and he shall Salary of Cap- receive any other fees or compensation whatever. The sal- S^ry of Police- of Captains of Police shall not exceed one hundred dollars per month, each ; of policemen shall not exceed ninety dollars per month, each. Chief of Police Sec. 75. The Chief of Police is a peace officer, and must ex- —powlisol ^^"^ecute all processes issued by the Police Judge or directed to him by any magistrate of this State in criminal matters. He may make arrests for breach of the peace, or commission of crime within the limits of the city, with or without a warrant, as a peace Duties of— under the laws of this State. He must exercise a pHson*^ vigilant control over the peace and quiet of the city. He is the keeper of the city prison, or house of correction. He must col- Coiiector of de- lect all delinquent taxes and assessments when required by war- linquent taxes. Must pay over rant, aiid pay the same to. the City Treasurer monthly. He Must'^lu'tend sit- must attend regularly upon the sittings of the Police Court and Court and Coun- the meetings of the Common Council. He shall exercise such oil meetings. _ . . Further duties of additional powers as may be conferred upon him by the ordi- nances of said city, to enable him to carry out the object and purpose of this Act, and for the prevention of fires. CITY OF PORTLAND. 3 Sec. 76. The Captains of Police and policemen shall posess Captains and po- ' '■ licemen — powers the same power and authority as the Chief of Police, except as same as Chief, herein provided. Sec. 77. The Chief of Police shall have control over Captains chief has control over Captains and all policemen when they are upon duty, and shall see that and Policemen, the city ordinances, and the rules, order and regulations for the government of the Police Force are observed and enforced. He power to sus- may suspend any Captain or policeman for negligence or viola- tion of duty until the first regular meeting of the Council follow- ing such suspension. Sec. 78. The Chief of Police, when acting under or en fore- Fees to be coi- , , . , . . . lected by Chief ing any law or statute other than a city ordinance, is entitled to of Police, collect and receive the same fees and compensations as are al- lowed to a Constable for like services, and he shall pay the same same to be paid , „ ..... . - to City Treasurer over to the City ireasurer, as provided in the case of fees re- ceived by the Police Judge; Provided^ no fees shall be taxed no fees taxed against Multnomah County for services rendered by either Chief of Police or Police Judge. The Chief of Police shall keep in his office a book of arrests, which shall be entered by him, or Book of arrests under his direction, the name of every person arrested, the cause of such arrest, by whom arrested, and the date thereof. to be kept. What to contain. Sec. 79. The Chief of Police and his sureties shall be re- Responsibility of Mil- -11 ■ rr- Chief of Police. sponsible to the city or any person aggrieved, the same as .sheriffs and their sureties now are. Before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall file a bond in such sum as the Council may fix Bonds to be filed by ordinance of not less than five thousand dollars nor more^^^ than twenty thousand dollars — which bond shall be approved by Mayor to ap- the Mayor — and subscribe and take an oath that he will faith- 03 * to betaken. fully perform the duties of (ffiief of Police and Tax Collector during his continuance in office, and will account for and pay over all moneys that may come into his hands as Tax Collector. Tax Collector. He shall receive such fees for the collection of taxes as the Coun- Fees collected. cil may provide, not exceeding those of Sheriff, which must be Ses*^ 0/ ShSff!^^ paid by him into the City Treasury. Every regular policeman Policeman -oath shall, before entering upon his duties, take and subscribe an oath that he will faithfully perform his duty for which he is appointed. 32 CHARTER OF THE CHAPTER IX. OF THE OPENING, LAYING OUT AND WIDENING STREETS AND ALLEYS. Common Coun- SECTION 8o. The ComiDon Council of the City of Portland open, lay out, es- has power and authority within the city, whenever it deems it tablish and wid- . * i i • i i i i en streets and expedient, to Open, lay out, establish and widen streets and alleys. . . alleys, and to appropriate private property for that purpose. Steps to be taken Sec. 8 i. Whenever the Council shall deem it expedient to lish or widen a lay out and establish or widen a street or alley, it shall direct the street or alley. City Surveyor to survey such new street or alley or such widened street or alley, as the case may be, and to mark the boundaries thereof, and to make his report containing a plat of the survey of such street or alley and a full and perfect de.scription of such street or alley and the boundaries thereof, and of the portion of each lot or part thereof to be appropriated for such street or alley to the Council, which report, when so made, if satisfactory to the Council, shall be adopted by an ordinance embodying such City Surveyor— report. The City Surveyor shall make such survey, and report when ordered to . . make a survey, within twenty days from the time the same is ordered, unless the Council grant further time. Appointment of Sec. 82. Thereafter, and within thirty days from the adop- three disinterest- . r ^ ^ -i 1 n • 1 ■ ed freeholders, tioii of such report, the Council shall appoint three disinterested freeholders of the City of Portland, no kin to any owner or per- son interested in any property to be appropriated, possessing the Qualifications of qualifications of jurors of the Circuit Court of the county of Multnomah, to view such proposed street and make an assess- To view and as- ment of damages and benefits, as provided in the next following sess damages and benefits. section of this Act : and shall assign a day and place for them to Notice by publi- meet, and shall cause a notice to be given by publication in some daily newspaper, published in the City of Portland, of the ap- Giving names of pointment of such viewers, with their names and the time and viewers. • ^ r ^ • r • oftimeandpiace appointed TOT them to meet, and specifying with conven- dLcTip^iolf ^o*fient certainty the boundaries and terminus of the proposed street app?opnated. or alley to be laid out, established or widened, as the case may be, and the boundaries and description of the private property to be appropriated for such purpose. CITY OF PORTLAND. 33 Sfx\ 83. The Auditor and Clerk of the city shall immedi- viewers to beno- tified of appoint- ately, and at least five days before the time assigned for such mem and to take ... oath within one meeting, cause such viewers to be notified of their appointment week. and of the time and place for such meeting, and such viewers shall meet at the time and place designated and take an oath faithfully to discharge the duties assigned them, and shall then or on any other day to which they may adjourn, not exceeding one week, proceed to view the proposed street or alley, and to assess Make assess- and determine how much less valuable, if any, any lands, tene- h ow assessment of damages and ments, hereditaments or premises, or any part thereof, through benefits to be made. or over which, or any part of which, such street or alley is to be laid out, established or widened, will be rendered by the laying out, establishing or widening of such street or alley ; and if sev- eral parties have different estates or interests in any lots or parts thereof, or any improvements thereon, the damages of which each of such persons will respectively sustain according to the rules of law in suits of partition, and shall also make a jijst and be°maS!'”^^^ equitable estimate and assessment of the value of the benefits and advantages of such street or alley so to be laid out, established o widened, as the case may be, to the respective owners, lessees and other persons interested in any lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises, any part of which is required for the opening, lay- ing out, establishing or widening of such street or alley, in ex- cess of the damages which any such owner, lessee or other person interested will sustain by reason of the opening, laying out, es- tablishing or widening of any such street or alley, and of the value of the benefit and advantage of such street or alley to the respective owners, lessees or other persons interested in any lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises not required for the pur- pose of opening, laying out, establishing or widening any such street or alley, but fronting or to front thereon, or being at and within half the distance of the next street or alley thereto, and also within one hundred feet of the boundary of the street or al- ley to be laid out, established or widened on each side thereof, and which the said viewers shall deem to be benefited by such street or alley in respect to the respective estate and interest of said owners, lessees and other persons respectively so interested 34 CHARTER OF THE in any lands, tenements, hereditaments and premises, and shall report such assessment to the next session of the Council*. The respective sums so assessed by the said viewers upon the owners, lessees or other parties in interest in the lands, tenements and premises deemed by the said viewers to be benefited by the opening, laying out or widening of any street or alley, under the Assessments— provisions of this Act, shall be a lien or charge upon the estate when made to be , a lien and the and interest of the respective owners, lessees and parties inter- amount to be en- tered on thegste^j gych lands, tenements and premises for and on account docket of city ^ liens, like assess- Qf sums shall be assessed by the said ments tor street * improvements, yiewers upou the Said respective owners, lessees or other parties interested therein, and shall be entered on the docket of city liens in like manner as assessments for street improvements in said City of Portland ; and the said owners, lessees and other persons interested as aforesaid shall, moreover, be respectively If no appeal as- and Severally liable to pay such assessment, and in case no appeal sessments must be paid within is taken as to any such assessment benefits, the said assessment ten days to City Treasurer. shall be paid to the Treasurer of the said City of Portland within ten days from the expiration of the time limited for appeal, or the same shall be deemed delinquent, and thereupon, whenever the tobrcSieSTn Council SO Order shall be collected in like manner as provided for delinquent taxes, the collection of delinquent taxes by the Act incorporating the City When collected of Portland. All moneys arising from such assessment of bene- to be kept in a separate fund, fits shall be kept in a separate fund and be applicable to sat- To be applied to of the damages assessed to the owners and other persons ed"^o^?wn^s^^oC^^ property taken for the purpose of laying out, establishing or property taken. ^yj(^ening the Streets or alleys in which such benefits are assessed. Liability to pay a The liability to pay a tax, except the benefits provided in this tax no disqualifi- cation as a view- Act to satisfy any such assesment of damages, shall not disqual- ify any person from serving as such viewer. Ween damages Sec. 84. If it shall appear to the Council that the damages unreasonable, as- i 1 1 /- • rr sessment may be assessed are unreasonable, or that the benefits assessed are insutfi- cient in any respect, the Council may set aside such view and order another view under the same regulations as provided in Compensation of case of the first view. The viewers shall receive as compensation viewers. . _ . . for their services the same fees as referees in courts of record, to be paid by the city. CITY OF PORTLAND. 35 Sec. 85. If no further view be ordered, the Council shall, at After time for an the expiration of the time hereinafter limited for appeal, if judgment when appeal taken, ap- appeal shall be taken, and immediately after judgment is ren- propriation to be ‘ ^ . . made for dam- dered, if an appeal be taken, make an appropriation for the ages and war- amount of damage, or damages and costs, as the case may be, parties assessed by such viewers, or by the jury on appeal against the city, and shall order warrants drawn upon the Treasurer, payable out of a fund to be provided for that purpose, for the amount of damage or dcimages and costs assessed to the owner or owners, or other public parties interested, in each lot or part thereof, or of the improvements thereon, in favor of the owner or owners, or other persons in interest, and as soon thereafter as the full amount of such appropriations shall be in the city treasury subject to such warrants, and the amounts respectively assessed shall be tendered Tender appro- pri.ates property. to the parties entitled to the same, such property shall be deemed appropriated for the purpose of such street or alley, and not oth- erwise ; provided, that no process of any court shall issue to com- No process of any court to issue pel any appropriation for damages on the issuing of warrants for the same. Sec. g6. The owner or owners of any lot or part thereof Appeal allowed sought to be appropriated as aforesaid, or of the improvements of Multnomah ... county from as- thereon, or any person having an interest therein, or any person sessment. against whom an assessment of benefits has been made, may ap- peal to the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah from such report and assessment of damages and On appeal, only question to be benefits. Any number of persons may join in such appeal, and^am^ages and the only question to be determined by such appeal shall be the^°^^.f^^? o*’® ^ /II may join m ap- question of damages and benefits. Sec. 87. An appeal shall betaken by serving a notice of ap- Appeal — how peal upon the Mayor, Auditor and Clerk, or attorney of the city, fected and filing and undertaking, with one or more sureties, who shall justify in the same manner as bail upon arrest in a civil action, conditioned that the appellant will pay all costs and disburse- ments that may be awarded against them on appeal, not exceed- ing three hundred dollars, together with proof of the service of such notice in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court within CHARTER OF THE twenty days from the adoption of the report of the viewers of the Council. Appeal— how Sec. 88. Such appeal shall be deemed and be heard and de- Judgment— how and the judgment thereon enforced, so far as prac- jur^may veiw ^'calbe, in the same manner as an action at law. The jury shall view the proposed street or alley, the property to be appropriated Proofs as to dam- and the property against which benefits are assessed, and proof ages and benefits i i ^ , • of damages and benefits may be introduced by the city, and the City to be plain- Considered the plaintiff. The jury jury-whattode- sPail assess and determine by their verdict how much less valu- verdict. able, if any, each lot or part thereof, with the improvements, may be rendered by the laying out, establishing or widening such street or alley, and in case of persons having different estates and separate interests in any lot or part thereof, or of the improve- How to appor-ments thereon, shall apportion the same between them, and shall tion damages as . i i between owners also assess and determine the value of the benefit and advantages of different in- terests, etc. if any of such Street or alley so to be opened, laid out, estab- lished or widened, as the case may be, to the respective owners, lessees and other persons interested in any lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises, any part of which is required for the opening, laying out, establishing or widening of such street or alley in excess of the damages which any such owner, lessee or other person interested will sustain by reason of the opening, laying out, establishing or widening of any such street or alley, and assess and determine the value of the benefit and advantages of such street or alley to the respective owners, lessees or other persons interested in any lands, tenements, hereditaments and To what extent premises not required for the purpose of opening, laying out, Lg^?o”^S‘^c^o'Ui establishing or widening any such street or alley, but fronting or to front thereon, or being at and within half the distance of the next street or alley thereto, and also within one hundred feet of the boundary of the street or alley to be laid out, established or widened on each side thereof, and which the jury shall deem to be benefited by such street or alley in respect to the respective estate and interest of said owners, lessees and other persons re- spectively so interested in any lands, tenements and premises ; but the issues, testimony and verdict upon such appeal shall be CITY OF PORTLAND. 37 confined to the parties appealing, and the iu'-y shall not reassess issues and testi- mony to be con- any damages or benefits unappealed from. The verdict of the fifed to parties ^ appealing. jury shall be a final and conclusive determination of the matter of such assessment. On an appeal from the report and assess- ment of damages and benefits, the fact that one called as a juror a taxpayer not ° ... disqualified from is a taxpayer within the city of Portland shall not disqualify him serving as juror, from sitting as such juror. Sec. 89. If the appellants, or any of them, fail to recover Costs of appeal when assessed to greater damages, or to secure a more favorable assessment of appellant, benefits, as the case may be, than were assessed by the viewers, judgment shall be rendered against them and their sureties on the appeal bond for their proportion of the costs of such appeal, to be paid pro rata, according to the amount of damages and How apportion- ed. benefits assessed ; and in all cases against the appellant appeal- ing from an assessment of benefits for the amount of benefits as-^^f^fits and ^ damages. sessed by the jury against them, and against the city for damages assessed to the owner or other person interested in any lands, tenements and premises, and for the costs of such appeal that are not adjudged against the appellant. Sec. 90. The same fees and costs shall be taxed and paid Costs on appeal, upon such appeal as are allowed in other actions. Sec. gi. The power and authority granted to the Council by Power granted to Council — how to this Act is granted to the municipal corporation of the City of be exercised. Portland, to be exercised according to the provisions of the Act creating such corporation, unless otherwise specially provided therein. The power to approve and adopt the survey of any Power to ap- prove and adopt street or alley, or to appropriate money, as herein granted, must survey of street be exercised by ordinance, and not otherwise. Sec. 92. The Council may provide by ordinance any regu- Connciimaypro- . . . , , . , . vide regulations lations as to the manner of opening, laying out, establishing and for opening, lay- . . . . . ing out and wid- widening streets and alleys not in conflict with this Act, and may ening streets and provide by ordinance anything convenient and necessary for the effectual carrying out of the spirit and intention of this Act. 38 CHARTER OF THE Presumption of Sec. 93. Ill all actions, suits and proceedings concerning the eningstreets,etc. opening, laying out, establishing or widening of any street or alley, under the provisions of this Act, all the proceedings had for that purpose shall be presumed to have been regularly and legally taken until the contrary is shown. CHAPTER X. OF STREETS THEIR GRADE AND IMPROVEMENT. Grade of streets. SECTION 94. The Council lias power and is authorized when- Council — power of, to establish or ever it deems expedient, to establish or alter the grade and to alter grade, etc. ^ ° improve any street or part thereof, now or hereafter laid out or established within the corporate limits of the city. The power and authority to improve a street includes the power and author- ity to improve the sidewalks or pavements, and to determine and provide for everything convenient and necessary concerning such improvement. Grade and im- *Sec. 95. No grade or improvement mentioned in Section provementof streets. 128 can be undertaken or made without ten days’ notice thereof being first given by publication in some daily newspaper pub- lished in the city of Portland ; but no such notice shall be given until the owners of one-half of the property affected by such im- provement shall petition for the same. Auditor to give Sec. 96. Such notice must be given by the Auditor, by order notice. of the Council, and must specify with convenient certainty the street or part thereof proposed to be improved, or of which the grade is proposed to be established or altered, and the kind of improvement which is proposed to be made. Remonstrance— Sec. 9 7. Within ten days from the final publication of such must be within thh-d^^of^^ ro° owners of two-thirds of the property adjacent to such street or part thereof, as the case may be, may make and file with the Auditor a written remonstrance against the proposed im- provement, grade or alteration thereof, and thereupon the same *As amended by an Act entitled “An Act to amend Sections i, 37, 95 and 159 of an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Portland, approved October 24, 1882 and to repeal Section 155 of said Act, and all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith.” Approved February 25, 1885. CITY OF PORTLAND. 39 shall not be then further proceeded in or made. And any im- provement so defeated by remonstrance shall not be again pro- No further action ^ _ to be had for six posed for six months, except on petition of two-thirds of the months, property to be affected thereby. Sec. 98. If no such remonstrance be so made and filed, the when no remon- . strance, Council Council, at its earliest convenience thereafter, and within six must proceed within six mos. months from the final publication of such notice, may establish the proposed grade or alteration thereof, or commence to make the proposed improvement as hereinafter provided. Sec. 99. In the case of a notice to establish a grade or al-To establish or ^ ^ ... alter grade. teration thereof, the Council, within the time limited by Section 98, may establish the same by ordinance, as proposed in the notice. Sec. ioo. In case the notice be for the improvement of a when improve- ment is of street street or part thereof, the Council may proceed to ascertain and part, determine the probable cost of making such improvement and assess upon each lot or part thereof liable therefor its proportion- ate share of such cost. Sec. ioi. When the probable cost of the improvement has Cost of improve- . . . ment ascertained been ascertained and determined, and the proportionate share — proportionate share of each lot. thereof of each lot or part thereof has been assessed as provided in Section 100, the Council must declare the same by ordinance, and direct its clerk to enter a statement thereof in the docket of To be entered in . . . docket city liens. City hens, as provided in the next Section. Sec 102. The docket of city liens is a book in which must Docket city liens what entered in. be entered, in pursuance of Section loi, the following matters in i;elation to assessments for the improvement of streets : 1. The number or letter of the lot assessed, and the number No. or letter of ^ , , , , . ..... . lot and block. or letter of the block in which it is situated — and if a separate assessment is made upon a part of a lot, a particular designation of such part. 2. The name of the owner thereof, or that the owner is Name of owner, or owner is un- unknown. known. 40 CHARTER OF THE Sum assessed. 3. The sum assessed upon such lot or part thereof, and the date of entry. Docket city liens Sec. 103. The docket of city liens is a public writing, and the original or certified copies of any matter authorized to be entered therein are entitled to the force and effect thereof, and from the date of the entry therein of an assessment upon a lot or part thereof, the sum so entered is to be deemed a tax levied and Priority of lien, a lien thereon, which lien shall have priority over all other liens or incumbrances thereon whatever. Notice required. Sec. 104. A Slim of money assessed for the improvement of a street cannot be collected until, by order of the Council, ten days’ notice thereof is given by the Auditor by publication in a daily new.spaper published in the City of Portland ; such notice What to contain, must Substantially contain the matters required to be entered in the docket of city liens, concerning such assessment. When assess ment not paid. Sec. 105. If within five days from the final publication of the notice prescribed in Section 104 the sum assessed upon any lot or part thereof is not wholly paid to the City Treasurer, and a Auditor to issue duplicate receipt therefor filed with the Auditor, the Council may warrants. thereafter order a warrant for the collection of the same to be Chief of Police issiied by the Auditor, directed to the Chief of Police or other person authorized to collect taxes due the city. Sec. 106. Such warrant must require the person to whom it is directed to forthwith levy upon the lot or part thereof upon which the assessment is unpaid, and sell the same in the manner How to be re- provided by law, and to return the proceeds of such sale to the City Treasurer, and the warrant to the Auditor, with his doings endorsed thereon, together with the receipt of the City Treasure^ for the proceeds of such sale as paid to him. Warrant, what to contain. turned. Warrant — force and effect of. Sale for delin- quency. Deed. Sec. T07. Such warrant shall have the force and effect of an execution against all real property, and shall be executed in like manner, except as in this Chapter otherwise specially provided. Sec. 108. The person executing such warrant shall immedi- ately make a deed for the property sold thereon to the purchaser, CITY OF PORTLAND. 41 stating therein that the same is made subject to redemption, as provided in this Chapter. Within three years from the date of such sale, the owner, or his successor in interest, or any person having a lien by judgment, decree or mortgage on the property, or any part thereof, separately sold, may redeem the same upon subject to re- 1 . • -111 o • demption. the terms and conditions provided in the next Section. Sec. 109. Redemption is made by the payment of the pur- How to redeem, chase money and fifteen (15) per cent, additional, together with interest upon the purchase money from the date of sale to the time of payment at legal rate, and the amount of any tax which the purchaser may have paid upon the property. Sec. 110. A redemption discharges the property from the ef- Effectofredemp- tion, by owner — fects of the sale for the assessment. If made by the owner or his successor in interest, the estate in the property is thereby re- stored to such owner, or his successor in interest, as the case may be; but if made by a lien creditor, the amount paid for the re- By a creditor, demption is thereafter deemed a part of his judgment, decree or mortgage, as the case may be, and shall bear like interest, and may be enforced and collected as a part thereof. Sec. III. Whenever a purchaser, or those claiming under Purchaser refus- ing to convey. him, refuse to convey to a person entitled i-o redeem, such person may enforce a conveyance therefor by a suit in equity, as for a specific contract to convey real property; and such suit may be Suit to compel. maintained against absent parties, without proof of tender of the money and offer to redeem, if the plaintiff brings such money into court and offer then to redeem. Sec. 1 12. Each lot or part thereof within the limits of a pro- Liable for im- provement. posed street improvement, shall be liable for the full cost of making the same upon the half of the street in front of and abutting upon it, and also for a proportionate share of the cost of improving the intersection of two of the streets bounding the block in which such lot or part thereof is situated. But when Land within 100 the land adjacent to said street to be improved shall not be laid off in blocks, then the cost of the improvement shall be assessed 42 CHARTER OF THE to the owner or owners of the tract of land l\ ing within one hundred feet of such improvement. Improvements of Sec. ii^. The Dfobable cost of improving such intersection intersections as- i i o sessed, etc. {q be assessed upon the lots or part thereof situated in the quarters of the four blocks adjoining such intersection ; but only upon the lots or parts thereof within the quarters nearest thereto, and in the following proportion : five-ninths of the cost to the corner lot, and four-ninths of the cost to the lot next inside ; ^^TbloSs when any tract adjacent to said improvement shall not be laid off in blocks, the proportionate cost of the improve- ment of such intersection shall be assessed to the owner or own- ers of such land as lies within one hundred feet of the intersection. Lands sold as Sec. 1 1 4. A Sale of real property under the provisions of this Chapter conveys to the purchaser, subject to redemption, as herein provided, all the estate or interest therein of the owner, whether known or unknown, together with all the rights and ap- purtenances thereunto belonging. When assess- Sec. 115. When an assessmeiit upon any lot or part thereof delinquent, etc. becomes delinquent, any person having a lien thereon by judg- ment, decree or mortgage, may, at any time before the sale of Lien— creditor such lot or part thereof, pay the same, and such payment dis- may pay. charges the property from the effect of the assessment, and the amount of such delinquent taxes and all accruing costs and charges, if any, when so paid, is thereafter to be deemed a part of such lien creditor’s judgment decree or mortgage as the case may be, and shall bear like interest, and may be enforced and collected as a part thereof. To provide time Sec. 1 1 6 . The Couiicil must provide by ordinance for the and manner of r 1 • 1 i i • doing work— time aiid manner of doing the work on any proposed improve- how. Restrictions. meiit, subject only to the following restrictions, viz. : After Let to lowest bid- proper notice, the work must be let to the lowest responsible bid- der. der, for either the whole work necessary to complete the pro- posed improvement, or for such subdivision thereof as will not materially conflict with the completion of the remaining portions; CITY OF PORTLAND. 43 but no bid of a fractional part of any class of work chargeable No subdiviMon to be less than to the blocks or lots on either side of the street, from one cross from one cross street to another street to the other, shall be received, except that side walks may sidewalks be let separately, as the Council may direct. The Council shall provide for the rejection of any and all bids, when deemed un- reject bids, reasonable, and that the bid of any person who has before bid or contracted for such work and been delinquent therein, shall not be received. The Council shall provide for taking security by bond for the faithful performance of any contract let under authority, and the provisions thereof sh^ll be enforced by an action in the name of the City of Portland. Sec. 1 1 7. If, upon the completion of any improvement, it is insufficient as- sessments. found that the sum assessed therefor, upon any lot or part thereof, is insufficient to defray the cost thereof, the Council must ascertain the deficit and declare the same by ordinance ; Deficit, when so declared, the Auditor must enter the sum of the deficit in the docket of city liens, in a column reserved for that purpose, in the original entry, with the date thereof, and such deficit shall thereafter be a lien upon such lot or part thereof, in like manner and with like effect as in case of the sum originally assessed, and shall also be payable and may be collected in like manner and with like effect as in the case of such sum asse.ssed. Sec. ii8. If, upon the completion of any improvement, it assess- found that the sum assessed therefor upon any lot or part thereof is more than sufficient to defray the cost thereof, the Council must ascertain and declare the surplus in like manner as in the case of a deficit; when so declared, it must be entered as in case of a deficit — in the docket of city liens ; thereafter the person who paid such surplus, or his legal representative, is entitled toP^J'sons entitled repayment of the same by warrant on the City Treasurer. Sec. 1 19. All money paid or collected upon assessments for Separate fund, the improvement of streets shall be kept as a separate fund, and in nowise used for any other purpose whatever. Sec. 120. The proceedings authorized by this Chapter for the Petition by two- . . . thirds for im- establishment or alteration of a grade, or an improvement of a provement — no notice necessary. Street or part thereof, may be taken and had without giving the 44 CHARTER OF THE Sewers and drains. Cost of. Assessed to prop- erty benefited. Viewers — when. Creeks and streams may be diverted into sewers. Repair of streets. Cost — how as- sessed. Repai r — when deemed an im- provement. When paid from general fund. Grade — cost of, how paid. "General Fund" defined. notice prescribed in Section 95, whenever the owner or owners of two-thirds of the adjacent property shall, in writing, petition the Council therefor. Sec. 1 21. The Council shall have the power to lay down all necessary sewers and drains, and cause the same to be assessed on the property directly benefited by such drain or sewer, but the mode of apportioning estimated costs of improvement of streets, prescribed in Sections 112 and 113 of Chapter 10 of this Act, shall not apply to the construction of such sewers and drains ; and when the Council shall direct the same to be assessed on the propert directly benefited, such expense shall, in every other re- spect, be assessed and collected in the same manner as is pro- vided in the case of street improvements ; Provided, that the Council may, at its discretion, appoint three disinterested per- sons to estimate the proportionate share of the cost of such sewer or drain to be assessed to the several owners of the property ben- efited thereby. And in the construction of any sewer or drain the city shall have the right to use and divert from their natural course, any and all creeks or streams running through the city into such sewer or drain. Sec. 122. The Council is authorized to repair any street, or part thereof, whenever it deems it expedient, and to declare by ordinance, before doing the same, whether the cost thereof shall be assessed upon the adjacent property or be paid out of the gen- eral fund of the city. Sec. 123. If the Council declares that a proposed repair shall be made at the cost of the adjacent property, thereafter the pro- posed repair is to be deemed an “improvement,” and shall be made accordingly ; but if it declares that the cost of the same shall be paid out of the general fund, such repairs may be made as the ordinance may provide, and be paid for accordingly. Sec. 124. The cost of establishing or altering the grade of any street, or part thereof, shall be paid out of the general fund of the city: the term “general fund,” as used in this Chapter, includes any fund raised by special tax for the purpose in connec- tion with which term is used. CITY OF PORTLAND. 45 Sec. 125. Whenever any lot or part thereof, sold under the Sale— overplus, provisions of this Chapter shall bring more than the assessment thereon, with costs and charges of collection, the surplus must be paid to the Treasurer, and the person executing the warrant must take a separate receipt for such surplus and file it with the g^^pius receipt. Auditor on the return of the warrant. At any time thereafter the owner, or his legal representative, is entitled to a warrant upon Surplus warrant, the Treasurer for such surplus; provided, whenever any lot or part thereof, sold under the provisions of this Chapter, shall bring less than the assessment thereon, the Common Council shall supply the deficiency out of the “general fund,” if, in the opinion of the Council, such improvement is necessary. Sec. 126. The deed to the purchaser must express the true Deed— what to state. consideration thereof — which is the amount paid by the pur- chaser — and the return of the person executing the warrant must specify the amount for which each lot or part thereof sold, and°^' the name of the purchaser. Sec. 127. Whenever the grade of any street has been estab- permits to im- lished, the Council may authorize the owner or owners of any^’^°'^^ property thereon to cut down or fill up such street in front of such property, according to such grade, at the expense and cost of such owner; but the authority mentioned in this Section can- not be given after an assessment has been made for the improve- Not after assess- ment of the street in front of such property, and in giving such authority the Council may impose such terms and conditions thereon as may be necessary to secure the deposit of excavations upon any part of such street as may require to be filled up. Sec. 128. Whenever any lot or part thereof is sold for a de- Purchaser may , . - . 1 , redeem — when. linquent assessment for a street improvement, and afterward re- sold for a deficit in such assessment, as in this Act provided, to any person other than the purchaser at the first sale, his suc- cessor in interest, such purchaser or successor, for the purpose of making redemption from the purchaser at such resale, is to be deemed an owner within the meaning of this Act. 46 CHARTER OF THE CHAPTER XL OF THE COLLECTION OF DELINQUENT TAXES. Taxes — interest Sec. 1 29. Whenever any general or special tax has been on. levied, as provided and authorized in Section 37, every part thereof shall bear interest at the legal rate from the time it is due and payable until paid or collected. Delinquent— Sec. 1 30. The Council must provide by ordinance within when. ... . what time all taxies levied, as provided and authorized in Section 37, may be paid to the treasurer; and all taxes not paid to the Treasurer within such time are thereafter delinquent taxes, and must be collected as such. Tax roll— return Sec. 131. Within five days from the expiration of the time of. . . . limited for paying taxes to the Treasurer, the Treasurer must re- turn the tax roll to the Council, distinguishing thereon the taxes paid and those remaining unpaid. Delinquent taxes Sec. 1 32. The Council must thereafter order the Auditor to — how collected. deliver the tax roll to the Chief of Police, and issue and annex thereto a warrant directed to the Chief of Police, commanding him to proceed forthwith to collect the delinquent taxes upon such roll, in the manner provided by law, and pay the same to the Treasurer, together with the costs of collection, and return the warrant with his doings thereon, and the receipt of the Treas- urer, for all moneys collected thereby and paid to the Treasurer, to the Auditor. Warrant for, Sec. 133. Such warrant, for the purpose of collecting such deemed an exe- cution. delinquent taxes, shall be deemed an execution against property, and shall have the force and effect thereof against any person, firm or corporation against whom such taxes are levied or charged on the tax roll, and shall be executed and returned in like manner, except as in this Chapter otherwise provided. Levy. Sec. 134. If no personal property be found whereon to levy Personal prop- . . ... erty. the warrant, or if that levied upon be not sufficient to satisfy the Real property, same, it must be levied on any real property of the person. CITY OF PORTLAND. 47 firm or corporation against whom the tax is levied or charged, or sufficient thereof to satisfy such warrant, including fees of offi- cers, and all expenses of sale and executing the warrant. Sec. 135. In case of a delinquent tax levied upon real prop- Unknown owner erty in the name of an owner unknown, the warrant shall be ex- ecuted by levying upon each lot or part thereof of such property for the tax levied thereon, and selling it separately. Sec. 136. All taxes heretofore levied by the mnnicipal cor-Fo r m e r delin- . 1 1 • • *1 IT quent taxes. poration of Portland, and remaining unpaid or delinquent, may, by order of the Council, be collected from the person, firm or corporation againt whom the same was charged or levied, by warrant, in the manner and with the effect provided in this Chapter for the collection of delinquent taxes. Sec. 137. When real property is sold for delinquent taxes. Deed— who to the person executing the warrant must immediately make a deed for such property to the purchaser, stating therein that the same is made subject to redemption, as provided by law, and such sale shall have the effect prescribed in Section 114. Sec. 138. Real property sold for delinquent taxes, as pro- Redemption, vided in this Chapter, may be redeemed by the owner or his suc- cessor in interest, or by any person having a lien by judgment. By whom, decree or mortgage on such property, or any part thereof, separ- ately sold, within three years from the date of the deed therefor, when, and upon the terms and conditions, and with the effect provided in Chapter to of this Act, in the case of sales of real property for delinquent assessments, for the improvement of streets, and creditor such delinquent tax may be paid by such lien creditor in the same manner and with the like effect as a delinquent assessment, as provided in Section 115. Sec. 139. Whenever any property, real or personal, sold for Overplus on tax delinquent taxes, shall bring more than the amount of such taxes, with the costs and charges of collection, the surplus must be paid to the Treasurer, and the person executing the warrant must take a separate receipt for such surplus and file the same with the Au- 48 CHARTER OF THE ditor on the return of the warrant. At any time thereafter the owner of the property sold, or his legal representative, is entitled Ownerentitiedto ^ Warrant iipoii the Treasurer for such surplus. Sec. 126, to ap- Sec. 140. Section 126 shall apply to the sale of real property ply when. for delinquent taxes, and in case of the sale of personal prop- Personal prop- erty— bill of sale ei*ty for SUch taXCS, the true consideration thereof shall in like of. manner be expressed in the bill of sale therefor, and the return of the person executing the warrant must specify such consider- ation and the name of the purchaser. Warran^t— when Sec. 141. The Couucil may provide by ordinance within what time a warrant for the collection of delinquent taxes must be Alias warrant, returned, and may order an alias warrant to issue for the collec- Costs, etc. tion of any such taxes not made on a previous one. All costs and charges for collecting delinquent taxes must be made on the warrant and collected as a part of the tax. The Council may prescribe by ordinance the fees and compensation for collecting Fees for collect delinquent taxes, but the same shall in no case be paid out of the ■’ng taxes. Treasury. Property subject Sec. 142. All property subject to levy upon execution is sub- ^ ject to levy upon a warrant for the collection of delinquent taxes, and also all property subject to assessment for taxation, as provided in Section 37, whether the same be exempt from execu- tion or not. CHAPTER XII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Contract must be Sec. 1 43. The City of Portland is not bound by any dhlanJeandJgm contract, or in any way liable thereon, unless the same is author- ized by a city ordinance and made in writing and by order of the Council, signed by the Auditor or some other person in be- half of the city. But an ordinance may authorize any officer or agent of the city, naming him, to bind the city, without a con- Verbai— when tract in writing, for the payment of any sum of money not ex- ceeding one hundred dollars. CITY OF PORTLAND. 49 Sec. 144. The City of Portland is not liable to anyone for Damages— city not liable for, any loss or injury to person or property growing out of any cas- when, ualty or accident happening to such person or property, on ac- count of the condition of any street or public ground therein. But this Section does not exonerate any officer of the City of Portland, or any other person, from such liability when such casualty or accident is caused by the willful neglect of a duty en- Officer— when joined upon such officer or person by law, or by the gross negli- gence or willful misconduct of sui h officer or person in any other respect. Sec. 1415. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but Appropriation — when necessary. in pursuance of an appropriation for that purpose made by ordi- nance, and an ordinance making an appropriation of money must How made, not contain a provision on any other subject ; and if it does, such ordinance as to such provision shall be void, and not otherwise. Sec. 146. When an additional ward is created by the Coun- Additional ward, cil, the three Councilmen from such a ward shall, at the first elec- tion therefor, be elected for the term of one, two and three years respectively, and the voting and returns thereof shall take place and be made accordingly. Sec. 147. A member of the Council, for words uttered in de- Privilege in de- bate. bate therein, shall not be questioned in any other place. Sec. 148. The fiscal year of the city shall commence on the Fiscal year. first day of January and end on the last day of December of each year ; and during any such year the rates of general and special taxes levied must not exceed in the aggregate one and a half per 4 'ax not to ex- ceed 15 mills. centum. *Sec. 149. Except as otherwise expressly provided or per- indebtedness not mitted by this Act, the indebtedness of the City of Portland 000!^*^^^ ^ must never exceed in the aggregate ^100,000, nor shall the city ever contract any debt or assume any liability in any manner whatever by means of which it may be called upon or become bound to pay any sum of money at any time beyond the period of two years from the date of such contract or assumption. *As amended by an Act entitled “ AnAct to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Portland, approved October 24, 1882.” Approved November 25, 1885. 50 CHARTER OF THE Dredging bars in Sec. 150. The City of Portland has powcr and authority to river. provide by ordinance for dredging the bars in the Willamette river, and for improving and keeping improved the navigation of the same in front of and below the City of Portland, and, in the exercise of such power and authority, may provide and use Tax for. uecessary or convenient therefor not prohibited by this Act, including the levying and collecting of the tax provided for in subdivision 2 of Section 37. Proceedings on Sec. 151. Ill any action, suit or proceeding in any court levy and tax sales presumed regu- couceriiing any assessment of property or levy of taxes author- lar — when. ized by this Act, or the collection of such tax or proceeding con- sequent thereon, such assessment, levy, consequent proceeding and all proceedings connected therewith, shall be presumed to be regular and duly done or taken, until the contrary is shown ; and when any proceeding, matter or thing is, by this Act, com- Discretion of mitted or left to the discretion or judgment of the Council, such Council, when final. discretion or judgment, when exercised or declared, is final, and cannot be reviewed or called in question elsewhere. Deed for delin- Sec. 1 5 2. In making a deed for real property sold for delin- quent assessment . . . . quent assessment for the improvement oi a street, it is not neces- what to contain, sary to recite or set forth the proceedings prior to the sale, but it is sufficient if it substantially appear from such deed that the property was sold by virtue of a warrant from the City of Port- land, and the date thereof, for a delinquent assessment or tax and the amount thereof, together with the date of the sale and Warrant — style the aiTiount bid thereat by the purchaser. The style of warrant of. for the collection of delinquent assessments or taxes shall be : “In the name of the City of Portland.” Sales to be for u. Sec. 153. Real property, when sold for or to satisfy a delin- s^igoid or assessment or tax, must be sold for United States gold or silver coin, and not otherwise ; and anyone applying or seeking Redemption in to redeem property so sold, as in this Act provided, must pay or like coin i /- • 1 • i offer to pay the sum necessary therefor in such coin, and not otherwise. CITY OF PORTLAND. 51 Sec. iq4. All real property within the limits of the City of Real property— ii.' •^ when assessed Portland, not laid off in blocks and lots at the time of making per acre, any assessment authorized by this Act, must be assessed at its cash value per acre, or fraction thereof, as the case may be. Sec. 155. Section 155 is repealed. Sec. 156. The Council, at its earliest convenience after this Codification of . , . - T r • ordinances. Act takes effect, must provide by ordinance for the codifying and publishing in book or pamphlet form of all city ordinances, or parts thereof, then in full force, and for the publishing in like form annually thereafter the city ordinances for the current year. Sec. is 7. All existing city ordinances in force when this Ordinances ex- o y isting to remain Act takes effect, and not inconsistent therewith, shall be and re-*"fo'‘ce- main in full force after this Act takes effect, and thereafter until repealed by the Council; and all rights vested or liabilities in- i^p 3 red^*^^^"°^ curred when this Act takes effect shall not thereby be lost, im- paired or discharged. Sec. 158. All actions and proceedings pending in the Police Actions in Police Court not to Court for the City of Portland when this Act takes effect, shall abate, thereafter be proceeded in according to the provisions of this Act, or any city ordinance applicable thereto and continued in force by this Act ; and no suit, action or proceeding now pend- ing in any court shall abate by virtue of this Act, and no pro- ceedings for the collection of taxes and sale of property shall be affected by this Act, but the Chief of Police shall proceed to enforce the same by virtue thereof, as though this Act had not been passed. *Sec. icjo. The incumbent in the office of Mayor when this incumbents in Act takes effect shall hold his office until the first Monday in '■°- July, 1885. The Councilmen in office when this Act takes effect shall hold their offices during the respective terms for which they .shall have been elected. The respective incumbents of the offices * As amended by an Act entitled “An Act to amend Sections one (i), thirty-seven (37), ninety-five (95) and one hundred and fifty-nine {159) of an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Portland, approved October 24, 1882, and to repeal Section one hundred and fifty-five (155) of said Act, and all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith.” Ap- proved February 25, 1885. 52 CHARTER OF THE of Treasurer and Attorney when this Act takes effect shal! hold their respective offices until the first Monday in July, 1887, and until their successors are elected and qualified. ^CHAPTER XIII. WATER WORKS. Power to pur- SECTION i6ori42j. The City of Portland hereinafter referred chase, keep and maintain water to as the city, is authorized and empowered to construct or pur- works. ^ chase, keep, conduct and maintain water works therein of a char- acter and capacity sufficient to furnish the city and the inhabi- tants thereof with an abundance of good, pure and wholesome water for all uses and purposes necessary for the comfort, con- venience and well being' of the same, and to that end may ac- quire by purchase or otherwise, and own and possess such real and personal property within and without the limits of the city as in the judgment of the persons herein authorized to construct, purchase, conduct and maintain the same may be deemed neces- sary and convenient, and for such purpose may also issue bonds and dispose of the same as hereinafter provided. In whom vested. Sec. i6i [143]. The power and authority given to the city by Section i6o [142] hereof to construct or purchase waterworks and issue and dispose of bonds therefor, shall be exercised as here- inafter provided by the following named substantial taxpayers and bona fide residents thereof, namely: John Gates, F. C. Smith, C. H. Lewis, Henry Failing, W. S. Ladd, Frank Dekum, L. Fleischner, H. W. Corbett, W. K. Smith, J. Loewenberg, S. G. Reed, R. B. Knapp, L. Therklesen, Thomas M. Richardson, A. H. Johnson, who shall be styled collectively “The Water Com- mittee,” and are hereinafter mentioned and referred to as the committee. * As enacted by an Act entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled “ An Act to incorporate the City of Portland, approved October 24, 1882,” approved November 25, 1885. N. B. — It was evidently intended to add the Sections of this Act to the charter at the end thereof, so as to preserve the numerical order in the numbering of the Sections, but through some inadvertance the numbering of the Sections in this Act is commenced with Section 142 instead of Section 160, so in order to preserve the numerical order in the numbering of the Sections in the charter it was thought advisable to begin the numbering of the Sections of this Act with Section 160. giving the number of the Sections as they occur in the Act itself in brackets. CITY OF PORTLAND. 53 Sec, 162 [144]. Within thirty days from the time this Act Committee -how to organize. goes into effect, the fifteen persons named in Section 161 [143] hereof shall meet at some convenient place in the city on the written call of nine or more of their number, published in a daily paper of the city for not less than three days before the time named therein for said meeting, and organize by the election of a presiding officer from their number, who shall be styled the chairman of the committee, and also a clerk who shall be styled Chairman and the clerk of the committee. Sec. 163 [145], The committee may fill any vacancy that Vacancies in committee — how may occur in that body by death, resignation, removal from the fiHed, city or otherwise, by the appointment of a person to be a mem- ber thereof who is a bona fide resident and a taxpayer of the city, and nine of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the pur- Quorum pose of organization as well as the transaction of all other business. Sec. 164 [146]. The chairman of the committee shall, if who to preside at meetings of present, preside at all the meetings thereof; and in case of his committee, absence, the committee may appoint from their number a chair- man for the time being. Sec. 165 [147]. The chairman of the committee shall exe- Chairman to exe cute contracts. cute all written contracts on behalf thereof, and sign all orders for the payment of money authorized thereby. Sec. 166 [148]. The clerk of the committee is its clerical Duties of clerk of . . . committee. officer, and he shall make and keep a fair minute of its acts and doings, countersign all orders authorized by it and signed by the chairman for the payment of money, and witness all written con- tracts signed by the chairman on its behalf, keep its accounts and have the custody of its books and papers. Sec. 167 [149]. The committee shall appoint a treasurer. Treasurer of the , , . , . . committee -bond who shall give a bond in such sum as it may require, and who and duties of. shall have the care and custody of all money received by the committee from the sale ot bonds or otherwise for the construc- tion or purchase of water works as herein provided, and shall pay out the same on the order of the chairman, countersigned by the clerk of the committee, and not otherwise. 54 CHARTER OF THE Duties of chair- Sec. 1 68 [150]. The chairman, clerk and treasurer aforesaid man, secretary and treasurer of shall also do and perform all such other acts or duties as may be committee ■' required of them, or either of them, by the committee or this act, and they, and each of them, shall hold their offices at the pleasure of the committee ; and the clerk and treasurer shall re- Compensation. ceive such Compensation as the committee may from time to time direct or prescribe. Committee to Sec. i 6 q fiSil- Committee may also from time to time employ work- ^ i_ ^ _i j employ and discharge such other agents, workmen, laborers and servants, at such compensation or wages, as it may deem neces- sary and convenient for the accomplishment of the purpose of this Act. Meeting of com- Sec. 1 70 [152]. The Committee shall meet in the city for the mittee. transaction of business at least once a month, at such hour and place as it may direct, and at such other times as it may provide. Committee may Sec. 171 [153]. For the purpose of Carrying this into effect, issue bonds — . . i*i • it tenor and effect the Committee IS authorized to issue and dispose of the bonds of the city of the denomination of from $ioo to $1000, as the pur- chaser may desire, wkh interest coupons attached thereto, the par value of which shall not exceed the sum of $700,000, signed by its chairman and countersigned by its clerk, whereby the city shall be held and considered in substance and effect to undertake and promise, in consideration of the premises, to pay to the bearer of each of the said bonds, at the expiration of thirty years from the date thereof, the sum named therein in gold coin of the United States, together with interest thereon in like coin, at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable half yearly as pro- vided in said coupons. Water Commis- Sec. i72[i54]. Whenever and as soon as the water works herein provided for are, in the judgment of the committee, ready for use, there shall be selected as herein provided five persons for the purpose of maintaining and conducting said w^ater w'orks, who shall be styled individually “Water Commissioners,” and collectively “The Water Commission,” and are hereinafter re- ferred to as the commissioners and the commission respectively. CITY OF PORTLAND. 55 and thereafter the power and authority hereby given to the city to keep, conduct and maintain water works therein shall be ex- ercised as hereinafter provided by said commission. Sec. T7^fii;c;l. The commissioners shall be selected in the Com mission— first instance by the committee from their own number for the several terms of two, four, six, eight and ten years ; but in case a sufficient number thereof do not consent to serve as such com- Term, missioners, the remainder may be selected from the resident tax- payers of the city, and thereafter the commissioners shall be ap- pointed by the Governor of the State from such taxpayers as follows : In case of a vacancy arising otherwise than by the ex- Vacancy, piration of a term, for the remainder of the term, but in case of the expiration of a term, for the full term of the ten years next thereafter. Sec. 174 [156]. Three commissioners shall constitute a quo- Quorum for transaction of rum for the transaction of business ; the commission shall meet business, at any time and place to be appointed by the committee, and or- Organization, ganize by the election of a chairman and clerk, as herein pro- Chairman and . . . . . Clerk. vided in the case of the committee, which chairman and clerk shall have the same powers and perform the same duties in regard to the commission as the chairman and clerk of the committee have and are required to perform in regard to the latter, and thereafter the commission shall meet in the city, for the transaction of business regularly once a month on such a day and hour thereof and at such place as it may provide, and otherwise as often as may be deemed necessary and convenient. Sec. 175 [157]. When the commission is selected and or- water works to , , . , , , . 1 n 1 be turned over ganized as above provided, the committee shall turn over the to commission — . . . when. water works to it, and all property pertaining thereto, together with all the books, papers and accounts relating to the construc- tion or purchase thereof, as the case may be, and the commission shall thereupon take possession and charge of, and manage, con- Manage, con- duct and maintain the same, and in so doing it may alter, ta^in. improve and extend such works from time time, when the receipts from the works are sufficient to defray the expenses thereof, and as the growth of the city and the wants and con- 56 CHARTER OF THE venience of the inhabitants thereof may require ; and the com- mittee may turn over a completed portion or portions of such work to the commission before the final completion thereof by it, and as often and as fast as such portion is so turned over to the commission, it must accept the same and conduct and maintain it accordingly. Disposition of Sec. T76 [158]. All moncy collected or received by the money collected . . _ , , . . by commission, commission for the use and consumption of water or otherwise shall be deposited with the treasurer of the city, who shall keep the same separate and apart from the other funds of the city and pay it out on the order of the chairman of the commission, coun- tersigned by the clerk thereof, and to the holder of any overdue interest coupon of the bonds aforesaid upon the presentation and surrender thereof, and not otherwise. Powers of com- Sec. 1 77 [159]- The commission has power and authority to mission. employ — 1. To employ, hire and discharge from time to time all such agents, workmen, laborers and servants as it may deem necessary or convenient in the conduct and management of said water works. 2. To make all needful rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the same by the city and the inhabitants thereof. 3. To establish rates for the use and consumption of water by the city and the inhabitants thereof, including the people living along the line or in the vicinity of the works without the city. 4. To provide for the payment of water rates monthly in ad- vance, and to shut off the water from any house, tenement or place, for which the water rate is not duly paid, or when any rule or regulation is disregarded or disobeyed. 5. To do any other act or make any other regulations neces- sary and convenient for the conduct of its business and the due execution of the power and authority given it by this Act and not contrary to law. CITY OF PORTLAND. 57 Sec. i78ri6o1. The commission shall annually before the Commission to ^ make estimate of first day of January make a written estimate of the probable ex- expenses annuai- pense of maintaining and conducting the water works during the ensuing year, and also the cost of any contemplated alteration, improvement or extension thereof, and thereupon ascertain and prescribe as nearly as it conveniently can a water rate for such year as will assure a sufficient income from the sale of water to ^esSed.”^”'^ pay such expenses and costs, together with one year’s interest on the bonds aforesaid then issued and outstanding. Sec. 179 [i 6 i]. After the expiration of five years from the Redemption of 1 . . , . . bonds. selection of the commission, a sum equal to one per centum on the par value of the bonds aforesaid then issued and outstanding may be annually estimated for in fixing the water rate, in addi- tion to the expenses, costs and interest aforsaid, and collected as a part thereof, which sum when so collected shall be kept and in- vested under the direction of the commission as a sinking fund for the payment of redemption of said bonds. Sec. 180 [162]. The committee and commission shall each Quarterly state- ment of receipts cause a quarterly statement in detail of its receipts and dis-and disburse- ments to be filed bursements to be made and signed by its chairman and clerk and with Auditor, filed with the City Auditor and Clerk, who shall preserve the same among the files of his office and shall cause the same to be published in two daily papers of the city, and the commission shall cause to be so made, filed and published as a part of its last xo be published, quarterly report in each year an inventory or statement of the inventory, property, implements and material in its possession or control pertaining to the water works, together with the condition and approximate value thereof. Sec. 181 [163]. Each of the five commissioners shall re- Salary of Com- - , . . , - . , _ missioners. ceive on account of his services under this act the sum of ^500 a year, payable quarterly out of the receipts of the water works, on the order of the chairman, countersigned by the clerk of the commission. Sec. 182. [164]. No person shall be considered a taxpayer Persons eligible ... , . r 1 • * 1 • • 1 1 to be members of Within the meaning of this Act, so as to be eligible to become a committee and commission. member of the commission or committee under this Act, unless 58 CHARTER OF THE he has paid to the city within a year before his selection or ap- pointment to such position a tax of not less than ^25, and when- ever any member of said committee or commission shall fail to pay such tax to the city for one year, he shall cease to be a mem- ber thereof, and his place therein shall be deemed vacant and may be filled accordingly. Bonds exempt Sec. 183 [165]. All bonds issucd and disposed of under this from taxation. Act shall be exempt from taxation, either by this State or any county or municipal corporation therein. Emergency Sec. 1 84 [167]. There being an urgent necessity that the water works herein provided for should be furnished to the city as soon as possible, this Act shall take effect upon its approval by the Governor. General Ordinances —OK THE— 3^ fo-tcc Scplciit&c't, 1886. General Ordinances No. 23. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PROCURING OF A PARCEL OF LAND FOR A CEMETERY, AND IMPROVING THE SAME. Whereas, Tames Terwilliger and Finice Caruthers have agreed. Grant of cem- etery grounds. upon certain conditions, to grant to the City of Portland ten acres of land for a cemetery, and the same having been accepted ; therefore The People of the City of Portland do ordain as follows : Section i. That the Committee on Streets, Public Build- dings and Improvements, together with the Mayor, be and are here- by authorized and required to enter into an agreement, in the Agreement re- quired. name of the City of Portland, with James Terwilliger and Finice Caruthers for the purpose of procuring from them ten acres of land for a cemetery. Sec. 2. That the sum of four hundred dollars be, and the Appropriation, same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the use of said Committee and the Mayor, for the purpose of carrying into effect such agreement. Sec. 3. That for the purpose of carrying into effect the above named agreement the Committee on Streets, Public Buildings, and improvements, together with the Mayor be, and are here- by authorized and required to have surveyed and laid out into Survey in lots, lots of a proper size for family burial lots, so much of said land as may be conveyed to the City of Portland by said Terwilliger and Caruthers, as can be sold at a price not less than twenty-five 64 ORDINANCES OF THE dollars per lot, provided that one-fourth of the whole of said ten Public burial acres of land shall be set apart and used as a public burial ground. ground. Sec. 4. That for the purpose of carrying into effect said agreement the Committee on Streets, Public Buildings, and Im- provements, together with the Mayor be, and they are hereby authorized and required to sell, or cause to be sold, at public To sell at auction auction, on or before the first Monday* of November next, as many of said lots so laid off as will bring the price named in Section 3 of this Ordinance, provided that one of the lots so laid off shall be granted and conveyed unto the said James Terwilli- ger and one to Finice Caruthers and that said Committee, to- gether with the Mayor, are further authorized to sell at any and all times upon application, any lots so laid off by them. Sec. 5. .That the Committee on Streets, Public Buildings and Improvements, together with the Mayor be, and they are To be enclosed, hereby authorized and required to enclose said land with a good and substantial board fence, not less than five feet high, said fence to be paid for by said Committee and the Mayor, out of Proceeds from the proceeds received by them from the sale of said lots, the re- plied in bLuS- mainder of the proceeds to be applied to the improvement and tying cemetery. ornamenting of said cemetery. Sec. 6. That the Committee on Streets, Public Buildings and Improvements, together with the Mayor, are required to Committee re - make a report of their proceedings in writing to the Common quired to report. . , Council, upon the first Monday of January, April, July and Oc- tober of each year. Sec. 7. That Ordinance No. 8, entitled “An Ordinance au- thorizing the purchase of a parcel of land for a cemetery, enclos- ing the cemetery and clearing a part of the same,” be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the Mayor. Approved September 21, 1854. *As amended by Ordinances Nos. 28 and 33. CITY OF PORTLAND. 65 No. 54. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE RIGHT OF WAY THROUGH THE STREETS FOR LAYING PIPES FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING WATER THROUGH THE CITY. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That Stephen Coffin, Finice Caruthers and Jacob Right of way. Cline, or their assigns, be and are hereby granted the privilege of laying pipes through the streets of the City of Portland, for the purpose of conducting water through the city. Sec. 2, That the ditches for laying pipes shall be sunk two Depth, feet, and that the pipes conducting the water shall be under the surface or level of the established grade of the streets from six to , ten inches, and that no pipes shall be laid so as to interfere with the erection of sewers : Provided, That nothing in this ordi- nance shall be so construed as to grant any exclusive right or Right not exciu- privilege of conducting water into the city. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its approval by the Mayor. Approved September 6, 1856. No. 83. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH AND LOCATE A FERRY LANDING IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordam as follows : Section i. That a ferry landing be and is hereby established Rights, and located at the foot of Pine street, and the ferry boat shall have the exclusive right to the same to come and depart from her 66 ORDINANCES OF THE One landing. Unlawful to struct. Penalty. Monuments. landing without hindrance or obstruction from any vessel, raft, or craft, and the owner or owners, or lessee of such ferry boat, shall have the right to make any improvements that may be nec- essary to perfect a good and sufficient landing : Provided^ Noth- ing in this section shall be construed as giving the right to cut or destroy any part of Pine street west of a line parallel to and sixty feet from the west line of Front street. Sec. 2. No one ferry owner, owners or lessee shall have the use of more than one landing. ob- Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to land any vessel, raft, or craft of any kind at the foot of Pine street, so as to obstruct in any way the landing of said ferry boat; and any person or persons found guilty of a violation of this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Recorder, pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars, at the discre- tion of the Recorder, and the costs of prosecution for such offense. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the Mayor. Approved May 25, 1859. No. 177. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A BASE LINE, REG- ULATE THE SURVEY OF STREETS OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND, AND ESTABLISH THE BOUND- ARIES THEREOF. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That a stone monument shall be erected and es- tablished at a point to be found and ascertained by running a straight line from the established iron monument, near the corner of the sidewalk, at the northwest corner of Front and Main streets, to the established iron monument at the corner of the CITY OF PORTLAND. 67 sidewalk at the southwest corner of Front and Washington streets, and producing and continuing the same to a point twenty-one feet northerly from the last mentioned iron monument in the same straight line; thence running a straight line at right angles with said line twenty-one feet easterly from said point to the cor- ner of Front and Washington streets. Said stone monument, when so erected and established, shall be the place of beginning for all surveys of streets in the city between the claims of John H. Couch and Finice Caruthers. Sec. 2. That a line from said stone monument, parallel with Base line, the line between the two established monuments, as described in Section i of this ordinance, to the north boundary of the Finice Caruthers’ land claim, and a projection of said line from said stone monument northerly to Ash street, shall be the base line of all surveys of streets of the City of Portland, except so much thereof as lies north of said Ash street, and south of the north boundary of said Finice Caruthers’ land claim. Sec. 3. That all streets running at right angles with said base width of streets line shall be sixty feet in width, including the sidewalks, and all streets running parallel with said base line, except Front, First, Second, East Park and West Park streets, saall be eighty feet in width including the sidewalks. Front, First, Second, East Park and West Park streets shall be sixty feet in width, including the sidewalks. All blocks of lots in the City of Portland, east of Blocks. Tenth street, south of Ash street and north of Caruthers’ land claim, shall each be two hundred feet square, except those blocks lying between East Park and West Park streets, which blocks shall each be eighty feet from east to west by two hundred feet from north to south ; but this section shall not apply to fraction- al blocks. Sec. 4. The Surveyor of the City of Portland shall erect and Additional mon establish additional stone monuments, not exceeding fifty in number, at such places as the City Council shall direct ; Provid- ed, that all such additional monuments shall be located at the points of intersection of the streets running parellel with said base line and those running at right angles therewith, which points of 68 ORDINANCES OF THE Streets in Couch’s addi- tion. » Repeal intersection shall be ascertained and determined by surveys made from the said stone monuments at the intersection of Front and Washington streets, when established pursuant to Section i of this ordinance ; such additional monuments, when so erected and established shall be the places of beginning for subsequent sur- veys of streets, and such surveys made therefrom as places of be- ginning shall be valid, the same as if made from the stone monu- ment provided for in Section i of this ordinance. Sec. 5. That the streets in Couch’s Addition to the City of Portland shall be bounded as follows, viz : A line shall be drawn through the iron monument at the corner of the sidewalk at the northeast corner of A and North Front streets, and the iron monument at the corner of the sidewalk of the southeast corner of North Front and B streets ; said line shall be produced north- erly twenty-one feet from the last mentioned monument. Through the point thus found, a line shall be drawn at right an- gles westerly to the line through the iron monuments, twenty- one feet to the center of the intersection of North Front and B streets. A stone monument shall be set at said place, which shall be the starting point for locating all the streets in Couch’s Addition to the City of Portland, except that part of North Front street north of E street. All the streets in said Couch’s Addition, except A street, shall be sixty feet wide, and all the blocks of lots, except fractional blocks and the blocks between North East Park and North West Park streets, shall each be two hundred feet square. The blocks between North East Park street and North West Park street shall each be one hundred feet from east to west, and two hundred feet from north to south. All the streets except that part of North Front street north of E street and A street, shall be parallel or at right angles to the line drawn through the iron monuments. Two stone monuments shall be placed in each of the streets running north and south, at their intersections with the streets running east and west. An additional stone monument shall be placed at each of the angles in North Front street. Sec. 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed. Approved February 9, 1865. CITY OF PORTLAND. 69 No. 178. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR PEACING STONE MONUMENTS IN THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND, AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE No. 177, ENTITLED ‘‘AN ORDINANCE TO ESTAB- LISH A BASE LINE, REGULATE THE SURVEYS OF THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND AND ESTABLISH THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF.” The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the City Surveyor be and is hereby ordered where placed, to procure and establish the stone monuments as provided in Or- dinance No. 177. Also to procure six (6) other stone monu- ments and establish the same in Front street at the junction of said streets with Front street (so as to comply with the provisions set forth in Ordinance No. 177,) as the said Surveyor may deem best for future measurement. Also to procure eight (8) other stone monuments, and establish four (4) of the same in Wash- ington street and four (4) in Madison street, west from Front street, where said surveyor in his judgment shall deem they may be most convenient for future measurement. Sec. 2. That the City Surveyor be, and is hereby ordered to Measure, establish a measure, one of twenty (20) feet and one of fifty (50) feet on the stone water table on the north side of Parish’s build- ing standing on the south-west corner of Washington and Front streets, which measurement of twenty (20) feet and fifty (50) feet shall be the base of all future measures for the measuring of all streets in the City of Portland. Sec. 3. That the Committee on Streets and Public Property, Assistants, be, and are hereby authorized to employ such person or persons as in their judgment they may deem proper or think it expedient to do so, in connection with the City Surveyor, for the purpose Take effect. B o u n d a ries streets. 70 ORDINANCES OF THE of establishing a correct measurement from monument to monu- ment, when said monuments are placed in the various streets as designated in Ordinance No. 177, and this Ordinance. Sec. 4. The requirements of this Ordinance shall take effect, and be put into force immediately from and after its approval by the Mayor. Approved February 10, 1865, No. 185. AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE PLACES WHERE STONE MONUMENTS SHALL BE PLACED TO MARK THE BOUNDARIES OF STREETS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. Two stone monuments shall be placed in each of the following streets, viz : Stark, Alder, Morrison, Taylor, Sal- mon, Main, Jefferson, Columbia, Market, Mill, Montgomery, Hall and College streets ; and one in each of the following streets, viz ; Pine, Oak, Yamhill, Clay, Harrison and Jackson streets, at their intersections with streets parallel to Front street, at such points as the City Surveyor may in his judgment deem best. Approved March 18, 1865. CITY OF PORTLAND. 7 > No. 344. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE NAMES OF STREETS IN COUCH’S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT- LAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The streets of Couch’s Addition to the City of How designated. Portland running east and west shall be known and designated as follows, viz : The streets adjoining the south line of the Couch claim shall be known as A street, the next to the north shall be known as B street, and each of the successive streets to the north and parallel with B street, shall be known respectively as C street, D street, E street, F street and G street. , .. Sec. 2. Those streets running north and south shall be Names of street.s known and designated as follows, viz : The street parallel with and near the river shall be known as North Front Street; the next street to the west shall be known as North First street, and each of the streets to the west parallel with North First street, shall be known respectively as North Second street. North Third street. North Fourth street. North Fifth street, North Sixth street, and North Seventh street. The two streets west of and parallel with North Seventh street, shall be known respectively as North East Park street and North West Park street. The parallel streets to the west shall be respectively known as North Eighth street. North Ninth street, North Tenth street. North Eleventh street, North Twelfth street. North Thirteenth street and North Four- teenth street. Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict Repeal with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. ■ ’ - Approved June 22, 1866. 72 ORDINANCES OF THE No. 419. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT PERSONS IMPROP- ERLY RETAINING BOOKS, PAPERS AND OTHER PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE CITY. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Demand by SECTION I. That any person or persons retaining any books, Mayor or Com- ' . . . . mittee. papers or property ot any description belonging to the city alter the same, or any portion thereof, have been demanded by the Mayor of this city, or any Committee of the City C^ouncil duly authorized to make such demand, or shall keep possession there- of after such demand, or shall refuse to allow a full inspection of all books belonging to the city after such demand, such person or persons shall be liable, upon conviction thereof before the Penalty. Recorder, to a fine of not less than twenty (20) dollars nor more than two hundred (200) dollars, or to imprisonment not to exceed twenty days. Approved August'16, 1867. No. 434. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A FERRY AT THE FOOT OF STARK STREET. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Location. SECTION I. That a ferry landing be and is hereby established and located at the foot of Stark street ; and the ferry boat shall have the right to come and depart from the landing without CITY OF PORTLAND. 73 hindrance or obstruction from any vessel, raft, craft, wagon or vehicle, of any description, and the owner or owners of such ferry boat shall have the right to make any improvements that may be necessary to perfect a good and sufficient landing : Pro- vided, Nothing in this Section shall be construed as giving the right to cut or destroy any part of Stark street, west of the line Not to cut, of Front street. Sec. 2. No one ferry owner or owners shall have the use of One landing, more than one landing. Sec. 3. Any person or persons, violating the provisions of penalty, this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Recorder, be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, for each and every offense. Sec. 4. Ordinances Nos. 30 and 428 are hereby repealed. Repeal. Approved September 2, 1867. No. 568. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO JAMES B. STEVENS AND WALTER MOFFETT TO CON- STRUCT A WHARF ADJOINING LOT NO. ONE (i), BLOCK NO. SEVENTY-TWO (72), AND THE SOUTH HALF OF LOT NO. FOUR (4) IN BLOCK NO. SEVENTY-THREE (73), IN THE CITY OF PORT- LAND, AND TO GRADE AND PLANK SO MUCH OF THAT PORTION OF MAIN STREET, LYING EAST OF THE EAST LINE OF FRONT STREET AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR A CONVENIENT PASSAGE TO AND FROM THE WHARF. The City of Portland does ordam as follows : Section i. That James B. Stevens and Walter Moffett have the authority and consent of the Common Council to construct 74 ORDINANCES OF THE Wharf in front of a wharf adjoining, on the east, lot (i) in block seventy-two (72), lot 1, block 72, lot 4, block 73. and the south half of lot four (4) in block seventy-three (73) in such manner that the same shall not unnecessarily interfere with the navigation of the Willamette river adjacent thereto. Grade and plank- Sec. 2. That Said Steveiis and Moffett have the authority and ing. the consent of the Common Council to grade and plank so much of that portion of Main street lying east of the east line of Front street, as may be necessary for a convenient passage to and from the wharf. Regulations. Sec, 3. That Said parties shall in all respects comply with the directions of the Committee on Streets and Public Property and the Street Commissioner in the construction of said wharf — grading and planking — and at all times comply with such regu- lations as the Common Council may prescribe, governing wharves. Limit. Sec. 4. The authority, consent and privilege hereby granted to remain only during the pleasure of the Common Council. Approved October lo, 1868. No. 599. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE OREGON CEN- TRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, OF PORTLAND, TO LAY A RAILROAD TRACK AND RUN CARS OVER THE SAME WITHIN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Right of way on SECTION I. The Oregon Central Railroad Company, of ourt street. pQj-j-i^nd, Oregon, is hereby authorized and permitted to lay a railway track and run cars over the same, along the center of Fourth street, from the south boundary line of the City of Port- CITY OF PORTLAND. 75 land to the north side of G street, and as much farther north as said Fourth street may extend or be extended, upon the terms and conditions as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. The said railroad company shall grade to established Grade and re- . . . . . pairs, grades, construct and maintain in good repair said street, at least six (6) feet in width, upon each side of the center line of said street and as much wider as may be affected by said railway or the construction thereof, and shall do and perform said work and the improvement and repair thereof in such manner and as often as the Common Council of the City of Portland may at any time provide for or require. Sec. 3. The Common Council reserves the right to make or Reserved rights, to alter regulations at any time, as they deem proper, for the conduct of the said road within the limits of the city, and the speed of railway cars and locomotives within .said limits, and may restrict or prohibit the running of locomotives at .such time and in such manner as they may deem necessary. Sec. 4. Alterations of grades of streets required for laying Alterations, said railroad track, and all improvements and repairs of the same for said purpose shall be made at the expense of said railroad company and the same shall be made as may be provided by or- dinance. Sec. 5. It is hereby expressly provided that any refusal or Forfeiture, neglect of the said Oregon Central Railway Company to comply with the provisions and requirements of this ordinance, or any other ordinance passed in pursuance hereof, shall be deemed a forfeiture of the rights and privileges herein granted ; and it shall be lawful for the Common Council to declare, by ordinance, the forfeiture of the same, and to cause the said rails to be removed from said street. Approved January 6, 1869. 76 ORDINANCES OF THE Record of sales. Redemption. Deed to be exe- cuted. No. 604. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO CERTAIN LOTS AND LANDS HERETOFORE SOLD FOR THE CITY TAXES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The Auditor and Clerk of the City of Portland is hereby directed to prepare from the files of his office, and where the same are insufficient, from any other reliable source, a full and complete list of all property, lands or lots heretofore sold for city taxes, by the Tax Collectors, for which certificates have issued to the city as the purchaser thereof, and enter the same in a book to be prepared for that purpose. Sec. 2. Upon the application of the person or persons entitled thereto, the Auditor and Clerk shall certify to the City Treasurer the amount chargeable to such lands or lots for redemp- tion, which sum shall be the amount of said taxes, together with interest, costs and charges, as provided by the laws for the assess- ment and collection of taxes, and said Treasurer shall receive the same and issue his receipt therefor. Sec. 3. Upon the filing in the Auditor’s office of the receipt of the Treasurer for the amount of said redemption money as provided in section 2 of this ordinance, the Auditor and Clerk is hereby authorized and directed, in the name of the City of Portland, and under its corporate seal, to execute and deliver to the person or persons so redeeming, and at his or their cost, a good and sufficient release of all interest or claim the City of Portland may have acquired, in and to said property by virtue of said sale. Approved January 25, 1869. CITY OF PORTLAND. 77 No. 619. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A MAP SHOWING THE PLAN OF THE STREETS, BLOCKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Portland, at “ Brady” map. its regular meeting, held April 29, 1852, adopted the map com- monly known as the ‘‘Brady Map,” as the plan of streets, blocks and public property ; and whereas, since that date several addi- tions have been made to the city ; and whereas, a complete plan of all the streets, blocks and public property has been made by order of the Common Council, by C. W. Burrage, and submitted at a meeting of the Common Council held July 18, 1886; now therefore. The City of Po7'tland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the “Map of the City of Portland, surveyed “Burrage” map. and drawn by order of the Common Council, by C. W. Burrage, City Surveyor, 1886,” be and is hereby adopted as the official map of this city, showing the plan of the streets, blocks and pub- lic property within the city limits. Sec. 2. That the Auditor and Clerk be and is hereby direct- Recorded, ed to attach to said map a certified copy of this ordinance, and cause said map and ordinance to be recorded in the Records of Deeds in the office of the County Clerk of Multnomah County, Oregon. Approved February 27, 1869. 78 ORDINANCES OF THE Monuments. Extensions. No. 685. AN ORDINANCE PLACING STONE MONUMENTS AT CERTAIN POINTS IN THE STREETS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND, AND TO REGULATE THE SURVEY OF THE STREETS AND BLOCKS IN THAT PORTION OF CARUTHER’S ADDITION LYING BETWEEN THE EAST LINE OF SOUTH FRONT STREET AND THE CENTER LINE OF FOURTH STREET, AND TO DEFINE THE BOUND- ARIES THEREOF. Whereas, During the lifetime of Finice Caruthers, to wit : the 22d and 23d days of October, 1857, he caused to be surveyed and laid off into blocks and streets, what is known as Caruthers’ addition in the City of Portland, embracing twenty (20) blocks and suitable streets, said blocks numbering from one (i) to twen- ty (20) ; now for the purpose of carrying out and perfecting said survey — The City of Portland does ordain as folloivs : Section i. That the City Surveyor be and is hereby ordered to establish stone monuments at the following described points : One at the center line of Front street where it intersects with the center of South Front street, on the northboundary line of Finice Caruther’s land claim ; one at the center line of Fourth street where it intersects with the center line of South Fourth street, on the north boundary line of Finice Caruthers’ land claim ; one at the intersection of South Front with Sherman street ; one at the intersection of South Fourth and Sherman streets ; one at the in- tersection of Fourth and Harrison streets. Sec. 2. That the center, east and west lines of South Fourth street shall run at right angles to the north boundary line of Fi- CITY OF PORTLAND. 79 nice Caruthers’ land claim, and those lines shall commence on said boundary lines at the intersection of the corresponding lines of the streets that they are respectively the deflected extensions of. Sec. 3. That all the streets running in an easterly and west- width of streets, erly direction in that portion of Caruthers’ addition lying south of the north boundary line of Finice Caruthers’ land claim and between the east line of South Front street and the center line of South Fourth street, shall run parallel with said north boundary line, and shall be sixty (60) feet wide. Sec. 4. Tliat all blocks within the limits described in Sec- Blocks, tion three (3) of this ordinance shall be two hundred feet wide where they face the streets running in a northerly and southerly direction. Where the blocks face the streets running parallel to and with said boundary line, the width shall be determined by the angle of deflection made on said north boundary line by the extension of South Front, First, Second, Third and Fourth streets, from Front, First, Second, Third and Fourth streets, as described in Section 2 of this ordinance. Sec. 5. That the Committee on Streets and Public Property Assistants, be and are hereby authorized to employ such person or persons as in their judgment they may deem proper, in connection with the City Surveyor for the proposed establishing the monuments mentioned in Section one (i) of this ordinance. Approved July 30, 1869. No. 899. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DUTIES OF POLICE JUDGE. The City of Portlmui does ordain as follows : Section i. The Police Judge shall make and file with the Quarterly re- Auditor on the first day of the months of January, April, July, and October, or within five days thereafter, a full and complete 8 o ORDINANCES OF THE report of the business transacted in his court for the quarter pre- ceding, in which said report shall be set forth in appropriate col- umns the names of persons arrested and brought before the court, the date thereof, the offense charged, whether for a violation of a city ordinance or a law of the State, the amount of fine, term of commitment, amount of costs, amount of fines and fees collected, amount due to witnesses and other persons, and to whom pay- able, and amount due the Chief of Police. Fines, etc., to be Sec. 2. All fincs, penalties and costs collcctcd by the Police paid in monthly. ... . . Judge, the disposition of which is not otherwise provided for by law, shall be paid into the City Treasury monthly, and duplicate receipts taken therefor, one of which shall be filed with the Au- ditor, Approved November 25, 1870. No. 900. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE POLICE JUDGE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Salary. SECTION I. The Salary of the Police Judge is hereby fixed at eighteen hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly. Approved November 25, 1870. CITY OF PORTLAND. 8l No. 905. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A FERRY LANDING AT THE FOOT OF F STREET. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That a ferry landing be and the same is hereby Location, established and located at the foot of F street, and the owners of the ferry license from Clinton Point shall have the right to come and depart from the landing without hindrance from any vessel, raft, craft, wagon or vehicle, of any description, and the owner or owners of the ferry from Clinton Point shall have the right to make any improvement that may be necessary to perfect a good and sufficient landing : Provided, Nothing in this Section shall Not to cut be so construed as giving the right to cut or destroy any part of F street, west of the east line of North Front street. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this penalty, ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Police Judge, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisonment not to exceed twenty (20) days in the city jail, or both, at the discretion of the Police Judge, for each and every offense. Approved December 2, 1870. No. 912. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING A BOND FROM THE CITY SURVEYOR. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the City Surveyor, before entering upon the Bond, duties of his office, and within two days after the approval of this ordinance, shall execute a bond to the City of Portland in ORDINANCES OF THE the sum of two thousand dollars, payable in United States gold or silver coin, with sufficient sureties, to be approved by His Honor the Mayor, conditioned that he will well and faithfully perform the duties of his office as City Surveyor. Sureties Sec. 2. The parties who shall become sureties as before men- tioned, shall be required to file with the bond an afhavit to the effect that said sureties were worth in*the aggregate, over and above all liabilities, and exclusive of property exempt from exe- cution, at least double the amount of the penal bond. Approved December i6, 1870. No. 922. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE WORKING OF CITY PRISONERS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Liable to work *Section I. That hereafter all city prisoners, during the on city property. .... . . . term of their imprisonment or commitment, after conviction, shall be liable to work upon the public square, lots, blocks, engine houses, streets, cisterns, sewers and other property of the city or property of which the city has direct charge or control, and in cleaning all crossings of streets in the city, and upon any and all streets of the city when so required by the Superintendent of Streets and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, or either of tham. *As amended by Ordinance No. 2315 — Approved Nov. 22, 1878, entitled An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 922 entitled “An Ordinance to provide for the working of City Prisoners.’’ CITY OF PORTLAND. 83 fSEC. 2. Whenever the Chief of Police shall have prisoners who to designate where work is to in his custody, the Superintendent of Streets or Chief Engineer be done, of the Fire Department shall designate the place or places where the labor of such prisoners may be required, and the kind of work necessary to be done, and thereupon the Chief of Police shall have such work performed by the j)risoners in his custody as far as practicable. Sec. 3. The city prisoners must labor as herein provided un- Un^er chief of der the direction of the Chief of Police, whose duty it shall be to see that prisoners are guarded to prevent escapes, and if necessary he may shackle them. fSEC. 4. No prisoner shall be allowed to. labor more than i o Labor 10 hours, hours in one day. If prisoners shall refuse to labor when directed by the Chief of Police they shall be compelled to go upon the street and have attached to their leg a chain and ball. Sec. s- On or before the .second day of each and every Statement by whom perform- month the Chief of Police shall file with the Auditor and Clerka^^- statement containing the names of prisoners who shall have per- formed work during the preceding month, together with the number of days’ work performed by each prisoner, the kind of work performed, and the aggregate number of days’ work per- formed by prisoners under his direction, during the said prece- ding month. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall not be construed to require any Females not to ^ ^ labor. female to perform labor, nor to require any prisoner to labor on Sunday. The term ‘‘prisoner ” or “city prisoners,” as used in this ordinance shall be construed to include all persons who have been or may be hereafter sentenced to imprisonment for the vio- lation of any ordinance of the City of Portland, or committed to prison for the non-payment of any fine imposed for the viola- tion of such ordinance, and not otherwise. Sec. 7. Ordinance No. 593, entitled “An ordinance to pro- Repeal, vide for the working of city prisoners,” passed December 4th, 1868, is hereby repealed. Approved January 27, 1871 fAs amended by Ordinance No. 2672, approved April 16, 1880, entitled “An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 922 entitled ‘ An Ordinance to provide for the working of City Prisoners.’ ’’ 84 ORDINANCE OF THE Park blocks let- tered from “A” St. to “G” St. Park blocks numbered from Salmon St. south Right of way. No. 1039. AN ORDINANCE TO DESIGNATE THE PARK BLOCKS BY LETTERS AND NUMBERS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the tracts of land lying between North East Park and North West Park streets, and the streets hereinafter named, be designated upon the maps and records of the city as follows : The tract between A and B streets as Park Block A ; between B and C streets as Park Block B ; between C and D streets as Park Block C ; between D and E streets as Park Block D ; between E and F streets as Park Block E, and between F and G streets as Park Block F. Sec. 2, The tracts of land lying between East Park and West Park streets and the streets hereinafter named shall be numbered as follows : The tract between Salmon and Main streets as Park Block 7 ; between Main and Madison streets as Park Block 8 ; between Madison and Jefferson streets as Park Block 9 ; between Jefferson and Columbia streets as Park Block 10; and so on, consecutively, as far south as said Park streets extend. Approved July 28, 1871. No. 1065. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION AND OPERATION OF STREET RAILWAYS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That there be and hereby is granted unto Levi Estes the right and privilege to lay down and maintain an iron railroad track or tracts within the City of Portland, as follows. VIZ : S. & P. p.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 85 Along North First, First and South First streets ; Fifth, North Location. Fifth and South Fifth streets ; B street, Washington street, Tay- lor street, Jefferson street, and Hall street ; and to operate and run cars thereon to be drawn as hereinafter provided, and to convey for hire passengers and their luggage thereon. *Sec. 2. The said Levi Estes, or his assigns, owner or own- Repairs, etc. ers of said railway, shall plank, pave or macadamize, as the municipal authorities shall direct, that portion of the street or streets along which their railways shall be laid, the whole length of said railways, between the rails, and shall put and keep in repair such other portions of the street as shall be disturbed in putting down such railway or repairing the same. Sec. 3. The tracks of said railways in those streets where Double tracks, double tracks shall be laid, shall not be more than five feet apart between the rails, and shall be laid as nearly as possible in the middle of the street and flush with the pavement, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the crossing of vehicles ; and where the lines crossing each other intersect, the rails shall be out so as to permit the passage of cars, and to offer no obstruc- tion to the free use of the street by the public. Sec. 4. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such obstructions, railway no street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than the length of one block at any one time, nor for a longer period than ten working days, except that in case of excessive bad weather the Common Council may extend the time as afore- said at its discretion. Sec. 5. The cars to be used upon such railway shall be of Cars, the most approved construction for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and shall be provided with brakes or other neces- sary appliances for stopping the same when required ; they shall be drawn by horses or mules, and not otherwise; the rate of Rate of speed, speed shall not exceed eight miles per hour, and any case of violation of this clause shall subject the owner or owners of the said railway to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each Penalty. *As amended by Ordinance No. 1503, approved June 25, 1874. 86 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Unlawful to obstruct. Penalties. When com- menced. offense, on conviction thereof before the Police Court. The rails to be used for the said railway shall be of good iron, and of the most approved pattern now in use for street railroads ; the cars shall run at all convenient hours of the day and night, for the accommodation of the public. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to ob- struct the railway herein provided for, either during the con- struction or the operation of the same, and any person or per- sons carelessly or willfully violating the foregoing provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dol- lars, or by imprisonment not exceeding twenty days, or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. Any conductor or other employe on the railroad herein provided for, any passenger thereon, or any person on or about the cars belonging thereto, who shall by offensive, opprobrious or abusive language, insult, abuse or maltreat any passenger on the said cars, shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Court be punished by a fine not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding twenty days, or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. *Sec. 7. The construction of the railway on North First, First and South First streets, between North First street and Caruthers street, shall be commenced in the manner herein pro- vided, within one year from the 12th day of September, 1871, and shall be completed within eighteen months thereafter, and whenever a majority of the property owners adjacent to any street named in section one of this ordinance shall petition the Common Council to have street railways constructed upon such street, or any portion thereof, the Common Council may notify said Estes, or his assigns, to construct a railway or portion thereof under the provisions of this ordinance, and in case said Estes or his assigns shall fail to commence the construction of such railway upon such street, within six months from the date *As amended by Ordinance No. 1503, approved June 25, 1874. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND, 87 of such notification, and to complete the same within eighteen months from such notice, they shall forfeit all rights and priv- ileges granted by this ordinance, so far as the same relates to the particular street or part thereof named in such notice. Provided^ that said Levi Estes, or his assigns, may at any time prior to such notice, construct their railways upon the streets named in Section No. one (i) of this ordinance, or any portion of said streets without notice from the Common Council. *Sec. 8. That said railway when laid down and completed be extended, upon any street or streets herein named and as herein provided shall be extended upon such street or streets, whenever the improvement of the roadway thereof (other than grading) shall be extended, and the Common Council shall so direct. Sec. 9. Nothing in this ordinance, or any privilege granted Grading and re- hereby, shall be construed to prevent the proper officers of the city from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over or upon which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions. But all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of the cars, and the owner or owners of such railway shall have the privilege of raising or shifting the rails, so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction, during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. Sec. 10. The owners of said railways shall pay annually to License, the City of Portland, as a license upon each car in use by them on such railways, such sum, not exceeding fifty dollars, as shall be fixed by ordinance of the Common Council. Sec. II. The City of Portland shall have the right, by ordi- Rate of fare, nance of the Common Council, to regulate the rate of fare to be charged on any railway constructed under the provisions hereof; Provided, that the rate to be charged shall not be reduced below *As amended by Ordinance No. 1503, approved June 25, 1874. 88 ORDINANCES OF THE [S. & P. P. six and one-fourth cents per mile or fractional part of a mile, within the five years next ensuing the completion of the railway on the first streets as named and provided for herein. Nor shall it ever be reduced below five cents on any one route beginning and ending on any one street or fractional part thereof ; and for the purposes hereof the railway on any street running parallel with the Willamette river shall be deemed one route from the northern boundary of the city to the southern boundary thereof ; and in any street running at right angles to the river, the railway from first street to the western boundary of the city shall be con- sidered one route. No double track Sec. 12. There shall be no double track railway laid under 8o feerwide!^^^" this Ordinance upon any street that is less than eighty feet wide; and in operating such railways as shall be constructed under this ordinance no car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain Stopping on in- still upoii any intersection of streets, and any violation of the tersections. provisions of this section shall subject the owner or owners of said railway to a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty- five dollars for every offense, upon conviction before the Police Court. Acceptance to be Sec. 13. The said Levi Estes and his assigns shall 'forfeit and be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance, unless they shall, within thirty days after the approval of this ordinance, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk their written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions herein contained. Duration of fran- Sec. 1 4. All the rights and privileges hereby granted shall expire at the end of twenty-five years from the date of the ap- proval of this ordinance. Approved September 12, 1871. Ways & Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 89 No. 1 1 14. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT ALL MONEYS PAYABLE INTO THE CITY TREASURY SHALL BE PAID IN COIN. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. All taxes, licenses, assessments for street improve- Moneys paid r ' 1 • 1 treasury. ments or other purposes, all fines, forfeitures, penalties and costs, imposed by and collectable under any judgment of the Police Court, and all moneys arising from any other source belonging and payable in or into the City Treasury, shall here- after be paid in gold coin of the United States of America, and Gold, not otherwise ; Provided, That sums not exceeding five (5) dol- Silver, lars may be paid in silver coin. Sec. 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be deemed Loans, to apply to payments of the principal or interest of loans out of the Building Fund. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 138, entitled “An ordinance to reg- Repeal, ulate the payment and collection of taxes and licenses,” Ordi- nance No. 255, entitled “An ordinance providing that all fines and costs imposed for a violation of any city ordinance shall hereafter be paid in coin,” and Ordinance No. 728, entitled “An ordinance to provide for the payment in coin of taxes, licenses and street assessments,” are hereby repealed. Approved December 8, 1871. 90 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and Warrants un- called for to be cancelled by Au- ditor — when. Notice ot filing assessment roll. Roll open for correction until Jan. ist. Person may ap- ply for revision. No. 1416. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLA- TION OF CERTAIN WARRANTS UNCLAIMED. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. At the close of each fiscal year the Auditor and Clerk of the City of Portland is authorized and directed to cancel all warrants remaining in his possession uncalled for by the persons entitled thereto, and date whereof shall be in excess of six years prior to the time of such cancellation. Approved December ii, 1873. No. 2923. AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TAXES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That upon the filing of the assessment roll, the Auditor and Clerk shall give notice by publication in some daily newspaper that said roll is open for inspection, and will remain open until the first day of January following, prior to which time all applications for corrections of errors must be filed. Sec. 2. Any person deeming himself aggrieved by the assess- ment, valuation or listing of property may apply to the Com- mittee on Ways and Means for a revision of the same. Such Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 91 application shall contain a list of all the property subject to Application, what to contain, taxation for city purposes, owned by, in the hands of, or under the control of the applicant, and a concise statement of the particular item or items claimed to be erroneously assessed, which said application shall, in all cases, be verified by the oath or affirmation of the applicant, and must be filed with the Auditor when to file, and Clerk before the first day of January following the date of filing the assessment roll. As soon thereafter as practicable the Committee on Ways and Means, together with the Auditor and re- Clerk, shall carefully examine the same and report to the Com- mon Council such alterations and corrections as they may deem necessary and proper to be made. Sec. 3. The assessment roll when revised and corrected, shall RoUtobeaccept- be accepted by the Common Council, which acceptance must by resolution, and all general or special taxes when levied shall extended be extended thereon by the Auditor, and said roll delivered to uv^reTto^Trea^ the Treasurer for the collection of such taxes. Sec. 4. Upon the receipt of such tax roll, the Treasurer shall Treasurer to give give notice by publication in some daily newspaper published in of S roih the City of Portland, that such taxes must be paid to him within what notice to thirty days or they will be returned as delinquent. contain. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall return such tax roll to the to return roll in Auditor at the expiration of thirty days from the date of notice provided by Section 4 of this ordinance, with a statement of the amounj collected, and all taxes unpaid at the time of making such return shall be deemed delinquent, and ])articularly designated statement there- upon the tax roll as such. Sec. 6. When so directed by the Common Council, the Auditor to deiiv- Auditor shall deliver the tax roll to the Chief of Police and to ^hrel'^of^Po-^ annex thereto a warrant commanding him to collect the delinquent taxes therein named, in the manner provided by law. The Chief of Police shall return said warrant with his doings thereon, within sixty days from date of its issue. *Sec. 7. The Chief of Police shall collect two (2) per centum collect 2 per centum. *As amended by Ordinance No. 3408. entitled “ An ordinance to amend section seven ( 7 ) of Ordinance No. 2923, entitled ‘An ordinance in relation to the assessment and collection of taxes.’ ” Approved April 8, 1882. 92 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and in addition to the cost of collection upon all delinquent taxes collected by him, and all warrants for the collection of such taxes shall command him to collect such per centum in addition to such delinquent taxes. Repeal. Sec. 8 . Ordinance No. 1113, entitled “An ordinance in relation to the assessment and collecting of taxes,” and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved December 2, 1880. No. 2958. AN ORDINANCE TO IMPOSE AND REGULATE LI- CENSES, AND REGULATING THE MANNER OF ISSUING LICENSES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Persons required SECTION I. That no person, firm, company or corporation cense^ ^ ' shall be engaged in, prosecute or carry on any trade, business or Not to do busi- Profession within the limits of the City of Portland, for which rs^taS'out^"^^ ^ license may be required by this ordinance, until he or they shall have obtained such a license. Mode of taking ^EC. 2. That every person, firm, company or corporation out license. required by any ordinance to obtain a license to engage in any trade, business or profession for which a license is required, shall pay to the City Treasurer the sum or sums required by ordinance to be paid therefor, thereupon, with the receipt of the City Treasurer (which receipt shall set forth the kind of business for which license is desired) they shall apply to the City Auditor, Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 93 who shall issue a license to the parties applying in accordance with the receipt of the Treasurer, upon the compliance by the applicant with the provisions of all ordinances relating to ob- taining licenses for the business, trade or profession for which such license is desired. Sec. -i. That in every license to be taken out under or by License— what to set forth. virtue of this ordinance shall be contained and set forth the pur- pose, trade, business or profession for which such license is granted, and the name and place of abode of the person or per- To authorize the ^ _ continuance of sons taking out the same. And said license shall authorize the business in same place , but not continuance of the business named therein at the place named ^Iber, unless the ^ place is closed therein for the term of such license, but shall not authorize the carrying on of said business in any other place unless the place licensed shall be closed, and in such cases the Auditor shall be notified of the change and he shall note the same in the Register of Licenses. If by a peddler, such license shall state whether peddier’s license authorized to travel on foot, or with one, two or more animals, tahl.^ the time for which such license is to run and the date or time of granting such license ; and any person exercising or carrying on such trade, business or profession, or doing any act for which a license is required shall, on demand of any city officer at his place of business, produce such license, and unless he shall do so may be taken and deemed to have no license. And in case any peddler shall refuse to produce his or her license when demanded by any city officer, said officer may seize the animals, wagon and Persons holding ., when to contents, or pack, bundle or basket of any person so refusing, produce them, and hold the same until the license is produced. Sec. 4 That in every case where more than one of the pur- To take out a license for each suits, employments or occupations for which a license is required business engaged shall be pursued or carried on in the same place by the same person at the same time, license must be taken out for each, ac- cording to the rate severally described. Sec. 5. All licenses issued as quarterly licenses shall expire when license to expire. the last day of each quarter, viz: 31st day of March, 30th day of June, 30th day of September, and 31st of December, and allwh e n to date quarterly licenses shall be dated from the first day of the month 94 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and in which the liability therefor accrued, and shall be issued upon the payment of a suitable proportion of the whole amount of duty imposed for such license. To be paid for in Sec. 6. All Hcenses required by this ordinance shall be paid coin. m advance m gold or silver coin. Repeal. Sec. 7. Repealed by Ordinance No. 3720, entitled ‘-An ordinance to provide for licensing bar-rooms and drinking shops, and to prohibit the sale of liquor without license,” approved March 8, 1883. Auctioneers, $40 *Sec. 8. Auctionccrs shall pay a quarterly license of forty per quarter. dollars, or five dollars per day or night. Every person shall be Definition of deemed an auctioneer within the meaning of this ordinance. Auctioneer. ^ ^ whose business it is to offer property for sale at public outcry. Not to employ Provided, That no auctioneer shall be authorized by virtue any person to . act, except upon of his license as such auctioneer to employ any other person to his own prem- »se.s. act as auctioneer in his behalf except in his own store or ware- house or in his presence. Persons making The provisions of this sectioii shall not apply to judicial or judicial sales ex- . . . . empt. executive officers making auction sales by virtue of any judg- ment or decree of any court, nor public sale made by executors and administrators. Hawkers-iicense -[Sec. 9. Hawkcrs shall pay a license of twenty dollars per of $-20 per day. day. Definition of Any oiie who offers goods for sale by outcry on the street or shall conduct business from a stand or wagon on the street shall be deemed a hawker under this ordinance : provided, that Permit to infirm a permit may be granted to a hawker for not more than ten ’ days without charge, whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Auditor and Chief of Police that by reason of the inability of the applicant to perform labor, the public interest will be *As amended by Ordinance No. 4640, approved August 20, 1885. fAs amended by Ordinance No. 3576 entitled “An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2958 entitled ‘ an ordinance to impose .and regulate licenses and regulating the manner of issuing licenses and repealing Ordinance No. 3573,’ ” approved October 6, 1882. Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 95 subserved thereby, which permit shall state the reason for giving the same, and any person who shall give a false reason for grant- False statement, penalty for. ing of such permit shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars. *Sec. io. Bowling alleys and billiard tables and pool tables Bowling alleys, (except such tables as are known as oval pool tables and Packet- t^Mes— amount pool tables either square or oval) shall pay license according to the number of alleys or billiard tables (except oval pool tables and pocket-pool tables either square or oval) belonging to or used in the building or place to be licensed as follows : For each alley or billiard or pool table, the keeper of such house or houses shall pay a quarterly license of five ($5) dollars. Every place or alley where bowls are known or billiard orWhatis. pool played and opened to the public, whether used with or without charge or price thereof shall be deemed a bowling alley or billiard or pool room respectively under this ordinance. fSEC. II. Shooting galleries shall pay a quarterly license ofshooting gal- leries, $5 per ^5 00. Every place or building where guns or pistols are kept quarter, for shooting at targets, whether for hire or not, shall be deemed what is. a shooting gallery under this ordinance. ISec. 12. Theatres shall be classified and rated as follows : Theatres classi- fied. When kept open and a play or performance conducted at an ist class, hour of the night later than 12 o’clock midnight — the first class. When not kept open at a later hour of the night than 12 o’clock 2d class, midnight — the second class. Theatres of the first class shall pay a quarterly license of $75, License of ist T r • 1 1 • ^ 1 class $75 per or a ol ^15 per night at the option of the manager quarter; ;gi5per night. Theatres of the second class shall pay a quarterly license of 2d class $50 per . . quarter ; ;^io per $50, or a license of ^10 per night at the option of the manager, night. *As amended by Ordinance No. 4827, approved April 8, 1886. fAs amended by Ordinance No. 4786, approved January 21, 1886. tAs amended by Ordinance No. 3574, entitled “An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2958 entitled ‘ an ordinance to impose and regulate licenses and regulating the manner of issuing licenses,’ ” approved October 6. 1882. 96 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and What is a theatre Every building used wholly or in part for the purpose of dramatic or operatic representations, plays or performanaces shall be regarded as a theatre under this ordinance. *Sec. 13. Circuses shall be classified and rated as follows: Every circus capable of seating or entertaining at one time, eight thousand or more people, shall be termed and designated a first-class circus, and the keepers or the proprietors thereof, shall pay a license of two hundred dollars for each exhibition given by such circus. Every circus capable of seating or enter- taining at one time, six thousand or more people and not over eight thousand persons, shall be termed a second-class circus, and the keepers or propiietors thereof, shall pay a license of one hundred dollars for each exhibition given by such circus. Every circus capable of seating or entertaining at one time, three thou- sand or more persons, and not over six thousand persons, shall be termed a third-class circus, and the keepers and proprietors thereof, shall pay a license of seventy-five dollars for each exhi- bition given by such circus. Every circus capable of seating or entertaining at one time, a number of persons less than three thousand, shall be termed a fourth-class circus, and the keepers or proprietors thereof, shall pay a license of fifty dollars for each What is. exhibition of such circus. Every building, tent, space or area where feats of horsemanship or acrobatic sports are exhibited shall be regarded as a circus under this ordinance. juggiers-amount Sec. 1 4. Jugglers shall pay a license of ten dollars per week or five dollars for each day and night of their exhibition. Every person who performs by sleight of hand shall be regarded as jugglers under this ordinance. Circus — seating 8000 or more people $200 each exhibition. Seating 6000 not over 8000, $100 each exhibition. Seating 3000 not over 6000, each exhibition Seating under 3000, $50 each exhibition. Who is. Other shows not The proprietors or agents of all other exhibitions or shows for named to pay .... . , ,, , ,, license. money, not enumerated in this section, shall pay ten dollars per week or a daily license of five dollars. Pawnbrokers $25 Sec. 15. Pawnbrokers shall pay a quarterly license of twenty-five dollars. Every person whose business or occupation is to take or receive by way of pledge, pawn or exchange, any per quarter. Who is. *As amended by Ordinance No. 4324, approved July 21, 1884. Means,] CITY OF PORTLAND. 97 goods, wares or merchandise, or any kind of personal property whatever, for the repayment or security of any money lent thereon, shall be deemed a pawnbroker under this ordinance. *Sec. 1 6 . Every person or persons, firm or corporation who junk dealers and second-hand shall be engaged in the buying or selling old junk, old lead, old dealers, who are. metal, bottles, broken glass, old paper, or any other articles usually found in a junk shop, second hand clothing, second hand furniture of any kind, second hand guns, second hand pistols, second hand axes, or any other article of second hand merchandise or second hand furniture or property whatever within the limits of the city of Portland, shall pay a quarterly $5 per quarter, license in advance of five dollars ($5.) Sec. 17. All persons who shall carry on the business of pawn- Pawnbrokers, junk shops and broker as described in Section (15) fifteen of this ordinance, or second-hand dealers to keep that of keeping a junk shop or second-hand store as defined in register. Section (16) sixteen of this ordinance, shall keep a register, in which shall be entered in legible writing a description of all What register to property purchased or taken as a pledge, pawn or security for any money loaned thereon, of any description whatever, whether new or old, together with the names and residences of the person or persons from whom such property was purchased or received, and said register shall be kept in the English language and subject to the examination of the Chief of Police or any police Chief of Police to . . . . . . examine register officer whom the Chief of Police may deputize in writing for and articles at aii times. that purpose, and any person carrying on such business who shall fail or neglect to keep such register, or who shall refuse to exhibit the same to the Chief of Police or such police officer on his presenting his written authority to make such examination, when requested so to do, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten nor Penalty, more than fifty dollars, and shall forfeit the license of such pawn- broker or junk shop, or second-hand store. The Chief of Police and any police officer whom he may May appoint , . . . . • 11 policemen to ex- deputize in writing specially for such purposes shall have amine. *As amended by Ordinance No. 48S0, approved June 17, 1886. ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and authority to enter into at all reasonable hours and examine such register and all articles kept in such shop or store. Steamboat run- Sec. 1 8 . Steamboat runners shall pay a quarterly license of ter. fifty dollars. Every person who shall solicit passengers or treight Who are. steamboats or steamships on the public streets or on the wharves or docks of the city shall be deemed a steamboat runner under this ordinance. All licenses hereafter issued to steamboat License, what to ruuners shall be issued in the name of the runner, and when contain. To wear badge, employed or acting as such he shall wear a metallic badge in some conspicuous place on his person, upon which shall be in- scribed the words “Steamboat Runner,” with the number of his license. Hotel runners, *Sec. Ip. Hotel runnei's shall pay a quarterly license of ten $io per quarter. , , . , , , dollars ($io) and when employed or acting as such every hotel Badge. runuer shall wear a metallic shield shaped badge in some con- spicuous place on his person upon which shall be legibly inscrib- ed the word “Hotel” and the number of his license and the name of the hotel. License issues to Such Ucense shall be issued in the name of the party employed runner. as such hotel runner, together with the name of the hotel for which he is soliciting, and it shall be obligatory upon said hotel runner to carry said license and said badge upon his person whenever he is soliciting for any hotel, and it shall be further obligatory on said hotel runner to show said license when re- quested to do so by a police officer. And in case the said hotel runner should discontinue his ser- vices at said hotel named, it shall be the duty of the Auditor and Transfer. Clerk to transfer the license to the party recommended by the proprietor of the hotel named in said license. No such transfer of license shall be valid until made on the books of the Auditor and Clerk as above provided. Who are. Every person who on the public streets or on the docks or wharves of the city of Portland shall solicit custom for any hotel, inn, tavern or boarding-house shall be deemed a hotel runner under this ordinance. *As amended by Ordinance No. 4814, approved March 4, 1886. Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND, 99 Sec. 20. The owner of every stage coach, hack, carriage. Vehicles, dray, cart, wagon or other vehicle which shall be used for the conveyance of passengers, packages, goods or freight from place to place within the city for hire (except hand carts and the vehicles used by merchants, dealers and manufacturers exclu- sively for the delivery of their wares to their customers, and hotel coaches conveying passengers and baggage without charge) shall pay a quarterly license of three dollars for each vehicle License, drawn by one animal and for each additional animal used in drawing such vehicle the additionul sum of two dollars. The owner or driver of vehicles conveying passengers or mer- chandise, or anything as above mentioned, shall place the num- Number, ber of his vehicle as named in his license upon each side of his vehicle in a conspicuous place, in a neat and legible manner, in figures of not less than one and a half inches long, and propor- tionable width, and said numbers shall not be changed whilst the said vehicle is subject to the payment of a municipal license. *Sec. 21. Wharfingers shall pay a quarterly license at the wharfingers, ?io per quarter for rate of ten dollars for each two hundred feet or less, of river each 200 feet, front of wharf owned, used or occupied by them. Any person who has charge of any wharf or dock within the city limits who are. either as owner, manager, proprietor, lessee, agent or keeper thereof and whose business is to receive, store or take charge of goods, wares, merchandise or articles of any kind or description, for the purpose of transferring the same from, to or upon any steamboat, vessel, scow or other water craft shall be deemed a wharfinger under this ordinance. Sec. 22. Any person or persons who shall keep or offer for Keeping or sei- . ling gunpowder, sale any gunpowder, giant powder, gun cotton, or any other etc; explosive substance having an explosive power equal to ordinary gunpowder, shall pay a quarterly license of (5) five dollars ; per quarter. Provided, That such license shall not authorize the keeping of more than (50) fifty pounds in any one place, which shall be Quantity. *As amended by Ordinance No. 4548, approved March 28, 1885. lOO ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and Vessel contain- kept in an air tight metallic vessel, marked with the name of the ing to be marked. • i substance m plain Roman letters, not less than three inches in height, and of proportionate width, which vessel shall be kept at all times conspicuously in view near the entrance of the premises where kept, and convenient for removal therefrom. Repeal. Sec. 23. Repealed by Ordinance No. 4714. Approved November 5, 1885. Sec. 24. See Ordinance No. 4817, entitled “An ordinance to license tax and regulate drummers and commercial travelers.” Approved March 4, 1886. Peddlers — das- Sec. 25. Peddlers shall be classified and rated as follows: ses of. When traveling with more than two animals, the first class ; when traveling with two animals, the second class; when travel- ing with one animal, the third class ; and when traveling on Amount of li- foot, the fourth class. Peddlers of the first class shall pay a license of one hundred dollars per quarter or twelve dollars per week ; the second class shall pay a quarterly license of seventy- five dollars or a weekly license of eight dollars ; the third class shall pay fifty dollars per quarter, or six dollars per week ; and peddlers of the fourth class shall pay two dollars and fifty cents per week, seven dollars and fifty cents a month or fifteen dollars a quarter ; and all such licenses shall date from the day of pay- ment. Provided, That a permit may be granted to a basket Chief of Police peddler for not more than ten days, without charge, whenever it grant^pSmit^^to shall appear to the satisfaction of the Auditor and Clerk and Chief basket peddler. ... of Police that, by reason of the inability of the applicant to perform labor, the public interest will be subserved thereby, which permit shall state the reason for giving the same ; and any person who shall give a false reason for the granting of such per- mit shall be deemed gnilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof before the Police Court shall be fined not less than ten and no more than twenty-five dollars. Exemptions in Any persoiis, except persons peddling newspapers, bibles and peddlers’ license. . . 1 1 1 • 1 i c religious tracts, and farmers or persons peddling the products ot their own farms, garden or milk ranches, who offer to sell at Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. lOI retail, goods, wares, merchandise or other commodities as traveling from place to place in the City of Portland, shall be regarded as a peddler under this ordinance. *Sec. 26. Any person, company or corporation owning or Street cars-$6.25 for i-horse car, running street cars on any of the streets of the City of Portland ^12. 50 for 2-horse ® car per quarter. shall pay a quarterly license of six dollars and twenty-five cents (^6.25) on each and every one-horse car so run, and twelve dollars and fifty cents (^12.50) on each and every two-horse car so run. Sec. 27. Any person or persons who shall engage in the Person soliciting custom for ex- business of soliciting custom or patronage on any of the public press or baggage streets, wharves, docks, hotels or other public places in the City of Portland, for express or baggage wagons, shall pay a quarterly license of five dollars per quarter. Provided, That the owner per quarter, or driver of any express or baggage wagon shall not be subject to the payment of this license. Sec. 28. Repealed by Ordinance No. 4539. Approved Repeal. March 19, 1885. Sec. 29. Repealed by Ordinance No. 4806. Approved Repeal. March 4, 1886. Sec. 30. Express agents shall pay a quarterly license of Express agents twenty-five dollars, or a yearly license of one hundred dollars. The term express agent shall include all persons, firms and cor- who are. porations, and agents for any firm who live, or corporations organized outside of the limits of the city, who shall engage in the business of common carriers in transmitting or conveying gold dust, bars, bullion, coin or letters from or to any place without the city. Sec. 31. Repealed by Ordinance No. 4806. Approved Repeal. March 4, 1886. Sec. 32. Brokers shall pay a quarterly license of twenty-five Brokers, #25 per *As amended by Ordinance No. 3680, entitled “ An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 21^74, entitled ‘An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2958, entitled ‘An ordinance to impose and regulate licenses and regulating the manner of issuing licenses.’ ” Approved January 5, 1883. 102 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and Who are bankers Sec. 33. The terms bankers and brokers shall include all and brokers. persons, firms and corporations, except pawnbrokers, engaged in buying or selling bills of exchange, drafts, gold dust, gold bars, bullion, evidences of indebtedness or stocks. Livery stables, Sec. 34. Livcry stablcs shall pay a quarterly license of ^20 per quarter. ^ ■' twenty dollars. Repeal. Sec. 35. Repealed by Ordinance No. 3038. Approved March 19, 1881. Penalties for do- Sec. 36. That if ally person or persoiis cxcrcisc or cariw on ingbusiness without license, any trade, business or profession, or do any act for the exercis- ing carrying on or doing of which (trade, business or profession) a license is required by this ordinance, without taking out such license as in that behalf required, or violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, he, she or they shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Judge, for every such offense, besides being liable to the payment of the tax, be subjected to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fifty days, or a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or both. Provided, this section shall not apply to cases in which penalties or punishments are specifically provided for in this ordinance. Repealing clause Sec. 37. That all Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and are hereby repealed. Approved December 29, i88o. No. 3003. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LOAN FOR A TERM OF YEARS, PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF ISSUING BONDS THEREFOR AND THE TIME AND MANNER OF P.LYING THE SAME AND AU- THORIZING THE SALE THEREOF. llie City of Poidland does ordain as follows : Bonds for |;56, 500 SECTION I. That ill Order to provide for the payment of certain bonds heretofore issued to become due May ist, 1881, Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 103 there be issued one hundred and thirteen bonds in the sum of five hundred dollars each, payable on the first day of May A. D. $500 each. i8oi, with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, pay- Payable 1891, in- ^ _ terest, 6 per ct. able semi-annually. Sec. 2. The bonds mentioned in the foregoing section shall Bonds to be num- bered and enter- be numbered and entered in the proper books in the office of the ed in Auditor’s office. Auditor and Clerk and shall contain a provision pledging the faith of the city to the full payment in United States gold coin To be paid in u. . S. gold coin. of the principal and interest thereon at the office of the City Treasurer, at the time or times the same may become due, upon the surrender of such bonds, or of the coupon for the interest attached thereto. Sec. 3. To each of said bonds shall be attached twenty 26 interest cou- pons to be attach- paper coupons bearing the same number as the bond and repre- ed to each bond, senting the interest thereon for each consecutive half year, from the first day of May, 1881, to the first day of May 1891, and payable on the date therein named, at the place and in the man- ner provided by section two (2) of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The bonds hereinbefore mentioned shall be signed Bonds to be sign- by the Mayor and attested by the Auditor, and the Auditor and attes\idby°Audb Clerk is hereby authorized to sign the coupons attached thereto. Auditor & cierk to sign coupons. Sec. 5. The Committee on Ways and Means, of the Com- Com. on w. and AI . to receive mon Council are hereby authorized and empowered to advertise proposals and sell to highest for, receive proposals and sell to the highest bidder, at such bidder, times and in such amounts as they may deem advisable, all or any portion of the bonds to be issued under the provisions of this ordinance; Provided^ That no bonds shall be sold at less Not to be sold at rr'N • , 1 ^ *^ban par. than par (interest off) without the consent of the Common Council. Sec. 6 . Upon making a sale of any of said bonds the Com- committee to mittee on Ways and Means shall notify the City Treasurer of of saie.^'^^^^^’'^’^ the terms and conditions thereof, and upon receiving the pur- chase price therefor, the Treasurer shall give the purchaser a Receipt to be receipt, which shall be sufficient authority to the Mayor and T^eTsu^X. Auditor, to sign and deliver the requisite number of bonds as provided in this ordinance. Approved February 18, 1881. 104 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and No. 3720. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR LICENSING BAR- ROOMS AND DRINKING SHOPS, AND TO PRO- HIBIT THE SALE OF LIQUORS WITHOUT LICENSE. The City of For tlajid does 07 'dain as follows : License $300 per ^SECTION I , No persoii or persons shall in this city, directly or annum. ... . indirectly, in person or by another, sell, barter or deliver for or on his or their account wine, spirituous or malt liquors to be drank on the premises owned or occupied by him or them without first obtaining a license therefor in the manner hereinafter provided, and every person to whom such license shall be granted shall pay into the City Treasury the sum of ^300 per annum, pay- Penaity. able quarterly. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding the sum of two hundred dollars, and not less than fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the City Jail not less than twenty-five (25) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or both, at the discretion of the Court. Breach of the peace or dis- turbance. Sec. 2. Any keeper of a bar-room or drinking shop who shall permit any breach of the peace, or disturbance of public order or decorum, by noisy, riotous or disorderly conduct on the premises, when it is in his power to prevent the same, or Selling or giving who shall Sell or give any intoxicating liquor to any person intoxicated or already iiitoxicated, or to any person under the age of legal majority. majority, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon *As amended by Ordinance No. 4690, entitled “ An ordinance to amend Section i of Ordinance No. 3720, entitled ‘An ordinance to provide for licensing bar-rooms and drinking shops and to prohibit the sale of liquors without license,’ as amended by Ordinance No. 4570, entitled ‘An ordinance to amend Sections i and 5 of Ordinance No. 3720, entitled ‘An ordinance to provide for licensing bar-rooms and drinking shops and to prohibit the sale of liquors without license.’ as amended by Ordinance No. 3744, entitled as above.” Approved October 15, 1885. Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 105 conviction thereof be fined not less than ^25 or more than ^50 Penalty, or be imprisoned in the city jail not less than ten nor more than twenty days, and shall forfeit the license to such bar-room or drinking shop. Sec. 3. Any keeper of a bar-room or drinking shop, who Women not to act as waitresses shall permit or employ any woman to act as waitress or bar- or bartenders not sing or dance in tender, or to sing or dance, or serve in any capacity in such bar-room, bar-room or drinking shop, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof be fined not less than $25 Penalty, nor more than ^50 or be imprisoned in the city jail not less than ten nor more than twenty days, and shall forfeit the license to such bar-room or drinking shop. Sec. 4. Any keeper of- a bar-room or drinking-shop, or any Day of general employe therein who shall, on the day of any general or city self inioxicating election held under the city charter, or laws of this State or the United States, sell, give or otherwise dispose of intoxicating liquors to any person during the voting hours of any such elec- tion, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof be fined not less than ^100 for each offense, or Penalty. be imprisoned in the city jail not less than twenty days, and Forfeiture li- cense. shall forfeit the license to such bar-room or drinking shop. *Sec. 5. Before any license shall issue as provided in this ordinance the applicant shall file with the Auditor the receipt of Receipt of treas- the Treasurer for the amount of such license within ten days from the beginning of such quarter. Sec. 6. Ordinance No. 3340, and all ordinances in conflict Repealing clause herewith are hereby repealed. Approved March 8, 1883. *As amended by Ordinance N. 4570, entitled “An ordinance to amend Sections i and 5 of Ordinance No. 3720, entitled ‘An ordinance to provide for licensing bar-rooms and drinking shops and to prohibit the sale of liquors without license.”' Approved April 16. 1885. Forty bonds of ^500 each, pay- able ten years from date, to be issued with inter- est at 6 per cent. Bonds to be num- bered and enter- ed in proper books in Audi- tor’s office To be paid in U. S. gold coin. Coupons. Bonds to be sign- ed by the Mayor and attested by the Auditor. 106 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and No. 3798. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LOAN FOR A TERM OF YEARS, PROVIDING FOR THE MAN- NER OF ISSUING BONDS THEREFOR AND THE TIME AND MANNER OF PAYING THE SAME AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE THEREOF. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That in order to provide for the payment of certain bonds heretofore issued, and which are now due and payable, there be issued forty bonds in the sum of five hundred dollars each, payable ten years from the date thereof, with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi- annually. Sec. 2. The bonds mentioned in the foregoing section shall be numbered and entered in the proper books in the office of the Auditor and Clerk, and shall contain a provision pledging the faith of the city to the full payment in United States gold coin, of the principal and interest thereof, at the office of the City Treasury at the time or times the same may become due, upon the surrender of such bonds or of the coupon for interest attached thereto. Sec. 3. To each of said bonds shall be attached twenty paper coupons, having the same number as the bond, and repre- senting the interest thereto for each consecutive half year from the date of said bonds and payable on the date therein named, and at the place and in the manner provided by section two of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The bonds herein before mentioned shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Auditor, and the Auditor and Clerk is hereby authorized to sign the coupon attached thereto. Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 107 Sec. 5. The Committee on Ways and Means of the Common com. on Ways ,, and Means to ad- Council are hereby authorized and empowered to advertise for, venise for bids and sell to high- receive proposals and sell to the highest bidder at such times and est bidder, in such amounts as they may deem advisable, all or any portion of the bonds to be issued under the provisions of this ordinance ; Provided, That no bonds shall be sold at less than par (interest No bonds to be sold at less than off) without the consent of the Common Council. par, unless &c. Sec. 6. Upon making a sale of any of said bonds the Com- Treasurer to give . . . receipt mittee on Ways and Means shall notify the City Treasurer of the terms and conditions thereof, and upon receiving the purchase price therefor the Treasurer shall give the purchaser a receipt, which shall be sufficient authority for the Mayor and the Auditor to sign and deliver the requisite number of bonds as provided in this ordinance. Approved May 18, 1883. No. 3912. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LEASE. The City of Portla 7 id does ordain as follows : Section i. The Committee on Ways and Means is hereby coundi rooms— authorized to enter into a lease with Frank Dekum for a period of five years at a monthly rental of one hundred and sixty dol- 5 years at ^160 lars payable monthly, for the use of the second floor of said^^*^™°'^ ’ • Dekum’s new brick building on the N. E. corner of Washington and Third streets in the city of Portland, State of Oregon, said second floor to be used for Council rooms and offices of the city government. Approved August 24, 1883. io8 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and Salary of Supt. of Streets ^2400 per annum. Repealing clause Shall keep reg- ister. No. 3915. .A.N ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE SALARY OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the salary of the Superintendent of Streets shall be twenty-four hundred dollars per annum, to date from the time of his qualifying for the position, payable monthly. Sec. 2. That section i of Ordinance No. 2616, passed Jan- uary 2ist, 1880, and all other ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved August 24, 1883. No. 4585. AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE, TAX AND REGULATE WASHHOUSES AND PUBLIC LAUNDRIES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. Public laundries and washhouses within the cor- porate limits of the City of Portland shall keep and exhibit upon demand of the Chief of Police, a register in writing in which shall be entered the name or names and addresses of the persons from whom washing is received, together with the date of the receipt and return thereof. Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 109 Sec. 2. Any person or persons, firm or company who shall Premises to be kept in good either as proprietor or manager conduct the business of any such sanitary condi- public laundry or washhouse, shall be and is hereby required to maintain and keep in good order and sanitary condition the premises wherein such business is conducted. Sec. 3. Every house building or place which is open to the Laundry defined public as a laundry or washhouse shall be deemed a public laun- dry or washhouse under this ordinance. Sec. 4. The owner or owners, proprietor or proprietors. License, keeper or keepers of each washhouse or public laundry shall pay a Cjuarterly license of five ($5) dollars per quarter, the first quar- ter to begin July i, 1886. Sec. 5. Any person, firm or company hereinbefore referred Penalty, to violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall neglect or refuse to take out the license hereinbefore provided for shall upon conviction thereof in the Police Court of said city for every such offense be punished by a fine of not less than five ($5) dollars nor more than fifty ($50) dollars or be imprisoned in the City Jail not less than two (2) days nor more than twenty- five (25) days. Sec. 6. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police to chief of Police to enforce. supervise and control the due and proper administration and enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 7. That Ordinance No. 4539, entitled “An Ordinance Repeal, to license, tax and regulate washhouses and public laundries, ap- proved March 19, 1885, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. ; Approved May 7, 1885. I lO ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and No. 4627. AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE AND REGULATE PLACES WHERE INTOXICATING LIQUORS ARE SOLD NOT TO BE DRANK ON THE PREMISES, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CITY REVENUE. Tlie City of Portland does ordaijt as follows : License $12.50 *Section I. Every person, firm or corporation who shall set per quarter. . . up, open or keep any house or place where wines, spirituous, malt or fermented liquors are sold not to be drank on the premi- ses within the corporate limits of the City of Portland shall pay a quarterly license of ^12.50 per quarter for the purpose of city revenue. How collected. Sec. 2. The Hcense herein provided for shall be collected in like manner and with like effect as other licenses are now col- lected under the provisions of Ordinance No. 2958, of said city, entitled “An Ordinance to impose and regulate licenses and regulate the manner of issuing licenses,” approved December 29, 1880. Chief of Police Sec. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police to enforce. to see that the provisions of this ordinance are strictly enforced. Repeal. Sec. 4. That Ordinance No. 4603 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved July 2, 1885 *As amended by Ordinance No. 487S, approved June 17, 1886. Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. I I I No. 4714. AN ORDINANCE RECxULATING THE STORAGE OF CRUDE PETROLEUM OR ANY RECTIFIED OR REFINED PRODUCT OF PETROLEUM OR ANY HYDRO CARBON LIQUID THAT WILL EMIT AN INFLAMMABLE VAPOR WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND, LICENSING THE SAME AND DEFIN- ING THE MANNER OF ISSUING SUCH LICENSE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : ^Section i. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm. Limits of storage in quantities less or corporation to store, permit the storage of, or keep in any than 1000 gals, larger quantity than 1000 gallons in that portion of the city bounded as follows. Commencing at a point at the intersection of F street with the Willamette river, thence westerly to the center of First street, thence northerly to the center of G street, thence westerly to the center of Fourth street, thence southerly along P'ourth street to the center of Jefferson street to the Willamette river, thence northerly to the point of beginning, any crude petroleum, or hydro carbon liquid that will emit an inflammable vapor. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm Permh tobeob- or corporation to store, permit the storage of or keep any crude petroleum or any rectified or refined product of petroleum or any hydro carbon liquid that will emit an inflammable vapor in any building in a larger quantity than 1000 gallons within the corporate li aits of the City of Portland outside of the limits described in section i of said Ordinance No. 4714, without first filing with the Auditor and Clerk, written permission from the Board of Fire Commissioners and Chief Engineer, certifying that *As amended by Ordinance No. 4820, entitled “An ordinance to amend the title and Section 2 of Ordinance No. 4714, entitled ‘An ordinance regulating the storage of crude petroleum or any rectified or refined product of petroleum, or any hydro carbon liquid that will emit an inflammable vapor,"’ approved March 18, 1886. 112 ORDINANCES OF THE [Ways and such building is adapted to the purpose of such storage and is in a suitable locality, and the payment to the City Treasurer of a License. license of twenty dollars for each quarter year of such storage, or for any person or persons, firm or corporation to store, per- mit the storage of or keep any crude petroleum or any rectified or refined product of petroleum or any hydro carbon liquid that will emit an inflammable vapor within the limits described and set forth in section i of said ordinance No. 4714, without first having paid into the city treasury of Portland the sum of twenty dollars for each quarter year of such storage. Penalty. Sec. 3. Ally person or persons violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine of not less than ^10, nor more than $ioo, and each day of maintaining or continuing such violation, shall be deemed a new offense and punished accordingly. Chief Engineer Sec. 4. The Chief Engineer is required to see that the pro- toenorce. yisious of tliis Ordinance are enforced, and to make complaint in the Police Court for violation thereof. Repeal. Sec. 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict with this ordinance, 'be and are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. This ordinance to take effect and be in force thirty days after its approval by the Mayor. Approved November 5, 1885. No. 4806. AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE BANKERS AND INSUR- ANCE BROKERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CH’Y REVENUE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : License fas per SECTION I. That bankers shall pay a quarterly license of $25. quarter. Bankers defined. Every persou, compaiiy, firm, association or corporation en- gaged in conducting a bank and borrowing or loaning money Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. I 13 or credits or both, or receiving deposits subject to check or draft within the City of Portland shall be deemed bankers tor the pur- pose of this ordinance. Sec. 2. That insurance brokers shall pay a quarterly license insurancebroker ;^6.25 per quarter of $6.25. Every person, firm, company, association or corporation rep- insurancebroker defined. resenting one or more fire, marine or life insurance companies, as agent or agents thereof, doing business within the City of Portland shall be deemed insurance brokers for the purpose of this ordinance. Sec. 3. Every person, firm, company, association or corpor- Penalty, tion carrying on or engaged in any business specified in section I and 2 of this ordinance, either as a banker or insurance broker, without having first procured a license therefor as herein provided shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, be punished by a fine not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than tw’o hundred dollars (^200) or be imprisoned in the City Jail not less than twenty days nor more than ninety days. Sec. 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict Repeal, with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 4, 1886. No. 4817. AN ORDINANCE TO LICENSE, TAX AND REGULATE DRUMMERS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. Drummers and commercial travelers shall pay a License, license of three dollars (^3.00) per day when issued for less than six days and when "issued for any peiiod greater than six days, they shall pay a license at the rate of two dollars (^2.00) per day for ^each and everyday during the time the said license is issued ORDINA^XES OF THE [Ways and Who are com- mercial travelers Li cense — how obtained. Penalty. Chief of Police to enforce. 47 bonds, ^300 each, payable June I, 1893, at 5 per cent, inter- est per annum. II4 for, and when issued quarterly, they shall pay a license of twenty-five (^25) per quarter. All persons who shall go about from place to place, within the corporate limits of the City of Portland soliciting the purchase of goods, wares or merchandise or offering to sell, barter or deliver any goods, wares or merchandise by sample or otherwise are hereby defined to constitute drummers and commercial travelers. Sec. 2. The license herein provided for shall be obtained and issued in the same manner as other licenses are now issued. Sec. 3. Any person who shall carry on the business of a drummer and commercial traveler as herein defined, without having first obtained a license so to do as provided by this ordi- nance, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge of said city be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail of said city not less than five days nor more than ninety days. Sec. 4. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police to see that the provisions of this ordinance are strictly enforced. Approved March 4, 1886. No. 4856. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LOAN FOR A TERM OF YEARS; PROVIDING FOR THE MAN- NER OF ISSUING BONDS THEREFOR, .\ND THE TIME AND MANNER OF PAYING THE SAME AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE THEREOF. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That in order to provide funds for the payment of the floating indebtedness of the city, there be issued forty- Means.] CITY OF PORTLAND. II5 seven (47) bonds in the sum of five hundred dollars each, pay- able on the first day of June, 1893, interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable semi-annually. Sec. 2. The bonds mentioned in the foregoing section shall Bonds to be reg- istered — when be numbered and entered in the proper books in the office of and how pay- able. the Auditor and Clerk and shall contain a provision pledging the faith of the city to the full payment in United States gold coin of the principal and interest thereon at the office of the City Treasurer at the time or times the same may become due, upon the surrender of such bonds, or of the coupons for the interest attached thereto. Sec. 3. To each of said bonds shall be attached fourteen coupons — what (14) paper coupons bearing the same number as the bond and ^ lepresenting the interest thereon for each consecutive half year from the 1st day of June, 1886, to the ist day of June, 1893, and payable on the date therein named at the place and in the manner provided by section two (2) of this ordinance. Sec. 4. The bonds herein before mentioned shall be signed To be signed and attested. by the Mayor and attested by the Auditor ; and the Auditor and Clerk is hereby authorized to sign the coupons attached thereto. Sec. The Committee on Ways and Means of the Common Com. on w. and . . M. to sell. Council are hereby authorized and empowered to advertise for, receive proposals and sell to the highest bidder at such times and in such amounts as they deem advisable, all or any portion of the bonds to be issued under the provisions of this ordinance provided that no bonds shall be sold at less than par (interest off) without the consent of the Common Council. Sec. 6. Upon making a sale of any of said bonds the Com- city Treasurer to be notified of mittee on W”ays and Means shall notify the City Treasurer of the sale and condi- _ lions of sale terms and conditions thereof and upon receiving the purchase price therefor the Treasurer shall give the purchaser a receipt, which shall be sufficient authority to the Mayor and Auditor to sign and deliver the requisite number of bonds as provided in this ordinance. Approved May 13, 1886. ORDINANCES OF T?IE [Accounts and 1 16 No. 1414. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR DRAWING WAR- RANTS FOR SALARIES, AND OTHER PURPOSES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Auditor to draw *Section I. The Auditor and Clerk of the City of Portland is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the treasury for the amounts to which the several parties may be entitled, as hereinafter set forth : ist day of each Oil the first day of each quarter for the salary of the Police quarter, what. Judge, City Treasurer, Mayor and members of the Common Council. 1st day of each Oil the first day of each month for the salary of the Auditor and Clerk, Superintendent of Streets, City Surveyor, City Attor- ney, and for rent of rooms in Dekum’s building as per lease, and rent of stables as per lease, and for the salary of the Deputy Auditor and Clerk, upon the approval of the Auditor and Clerk •and the Committee on Accounts and Current Expenses; and for pay of Street Repairer, Keeper of Park and employes of the Street Cleaning Department, upon the approval of the Commit- tee on Streets and Public Property. For pay of Assistant Sur- veyor, rodmen and axmen upon the approval of the City Surveyor and Committee on Streets and Public Property. June 30 and Dec. For pay of the Deputies of the Superintendent of Streets, 31— to be drawn approval of the Superintendent of Streets, and Com- mittee on Streets and Public Property, and for pay of the Chief of Police, Captains of Police, regular policemen and Clerk of the Police Department, upon approval by the Committee on Health and Police, f Provided, that in lieu of the issuing of *As amended by Ordinance No. 4155, entitled “An ordinance amending section one of Ordinance No. 1414, entitled ‘An ordinance to provide for drawing warrants for salaries and other purposes.’ ’’ Approved February 29, 1884. fSee Sec. 72, City Charter. As amende85 Sec. 4. It is hereby expressly provided that any refusal or neglect of the said Oregonian Railway Company, (Limited) to comply with the provisions and requirements of this ordinance, or any other ordinance passed in pursuance hereof, shall be deemed a forfeiture of the rights and privileges herein granted; and it shall be lawful for the Common Council to declare by ordinance the forfeiture of the same and to cause the said rails to be removed from said streets. Approved January 7, 1881. No. 3477. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING D. E. BUDD AND HIS ASSOCIATES TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE STREET RAILWAYS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : ^Section i. That there be and is hereby granted unto D. E. Budd and such other person or persons as he may associate with himself therein, the right and privilege to lay down and main- tain an iron railroad track or tracks and to operate street rail- ways within the City of Portland as follows, to-wit. First, along Washington street from First street to its intersection with the center line of B street. Second, along North Twentieth street from the center line of B street to the center of S street. Third, along Eleventh street from the center line of Washington to Market street, the line of route on Eleventh to be a continua- tion of the line or route on Washington street. Sec. 2. The whole system of railways above described shall be completed on or before the first day of July 1883, if all of the streets upon which the same is located shall have been opened up *As amended by Ordinance No. 4027, entitled “ An ordinance amending sections i and 4 of Ordinance No. 3477, entitled ‘an ordinance authorizing D. E. Budd and his associates to construct and operate street railways in the city of Portland,’ approved June 12, 1882.” Approved November 23, 1883. Forfeiture. Street railway franchise to D. E. Budd and as sociates. Route. When to be com pleted. i86 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and and improved by the city, prior to said date, by planking, pav- ing or macadamizing the same, but if said streets shall not have been so improved prior to said date, then as soon after said streets may be so improved as may be practicable. Owners of rail- way to improve streets between rails and i foot on each side. Sec. 3. The said D. E. Budd, his associate or associates, his or their assigns, the owner of said railway, shall plank, pave or macadam as the municipal authorities may direct, that portion of the street or streets along which their railway shall be laid, the whole width of said railway between the rails and for the width of one foot on the outside of said rails. Single or double *Sec. 4. The Said railway shall be a single or double track, and may at any time when a single track be changed to a double track, and when a double track to a single track, and when a single track shall be constructed with the necessary turnouts, switches and turn-tables, and whether laid a single or double Laid in middle track, shall be placed as near as practicable in the middle of the ol street. Street where laid and flush with the pavement, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of vehicles. Sec. 5. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such ilway no street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than the length of one block at any one time, nor for a longer period Streets not to be obstructed a greater distance railway iio Street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than than I block nor longer than jo days. than ten working days, except that in ( ase of excessive bad tindTimrfn eJ- ^''Gather the Common Council may extend the time aforesaid at «ssivelybad its discretion. Pattern of cars. Sec. 6. The cars to be used upon said railway shall be of the most approved construction for the comfort of passengers and shall be provided with brakes or other necessary appliances for To be drawn by stopping the Same when required; they shall be drawn by "’u es- or mules and otherwise, unless hereinafter authorized by Rateofspeed not ordinance ; the rate of speed shall not exceed six miles per to exceed 6 miles . . /- 1 • 1 1 n i • per hour. hour, and any case of the violation of this clause shall subject the owners of said railway to a fine not exceeding twenty-five Penalty. dollars for each ofifense on a conviction thereof before the Police Rails, pattern of. Court. The rails to be used for the said railway shall be of good *As amended by Ordinance No. 4027, entitled “An ordinance amending sections i and 4 of Ordinance No. 3477, entitled ‘an ordinance authorizing D. E. Budd and his associates to construct and operate street railways in the city of Portland,' approved June 12,2882.“ Approved November 23. 1883. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 187 iron and of the best and most approved pattern now in use for street railways and not inferior to diagram of rail attaclied to Ordinance No. 3346, and shall be subject to the approval of the Common Council. The cars shall run between the hours of 6 o’clock a. m. and Time of running 1 ITT 1 • cars, 8 o’clock p. m. as often as every 7^ minutes on the Washington street portion of the route between Eleventh street and Front street; from Eleventh and Washington streets south, on Eleventh street to Market street, every fifteen minutes; from Eleventh and Washington streets along Washington street to N. Fifteenth street, along N. Fifteenth street to E street, along E street to N, Twentieth street, along N. Twentieth street to I street every 15 minutes; and between the hours of 8 o’clock p. m. and ii o’clock p. m. shall run as often as every thirty minutes on any and all portions of the route. Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to Obstructions to street railway obstruct the railway herein provided for, either during the con- struction or operation of the same, and any person or persons carelessly or willfully violating the foregoing provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty- Penalty for. five dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days or both at the discretion of the Court, for each and every offense. Any conductor or other employe on the railroad, herein provided for, any passenger thereon, or other person on or about the cars belonging thereto, who shall by offensive, indecent, opprobrious Abusive or inde- cent language to or abusive language insult, abuse or maltreat any passenger on and maltreat- ment of passen- the said cars shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Court, gers. be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty- Penalty five dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days or both at the discretion of the Court for each and every such Sec. 8. The said D. E. Budd, his associate or associates. Time of compie- shall construct and put in operation the portion of its route from Front street to Eleventh street on or before June ist, 1883, and may build such other portions of its route within the time herein- i88 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and before limited for the completion of the whole thereof as may be found to be most practicable. Officers of city Sec. o. Nothing in this ordinance, nor any privilege granted may grade, im- prove and lay hereby, shall be construed to prevent the proper officers of the sewers in and l x i upon streets. from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over or upon which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions; but all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of the cars, and the owner Owners may OT owners of such railway shall have the privilege of raising or during improve- shifting the rails so as to avoid as much as possible the liability ment or repair. to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. License $50 each Sec. lo. The owners ofsaid railways shall pay annually to j;25°each ont^’ the City of Portland, as a license upon each car in use by them year. ou Said railways, the sum of fifty dollars on each two-horse car, and twenty-five dollars on each single horse car. Fare, 5 cts. Sec. II. The rate of fare to be charged on any railway con- structed under the provisions hereof shall be five cents on any one route, and that a route shall be deemed to be one route from the eastern to the northern terminus, and one route from the eastern to the southern terminus. Cars not to stop §EC. 12. In Operating such railways, as shall be constructed on intersections. 10 j ^ under this ordinance, no car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain still upon any intersection of streets, and any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owner Penalty. or owners of said railway to a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for every offense upon conviction before the Police Court. Written accept- Sec. 12. The Said D. E. Budd shall be deemed to have ance to be filed within 30 days, abandoned all rights and privileges, conferred by this ordinance, unless he shall within thirty days after the approval of this ordi- nance, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk his written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 189 to the terms, restrictions and conditions herein contained, accompanied by a bond in the sum of $5,000 to be approved by Bond of #5000 to .be filed. the Mayor, conditioned for the completion of the work as herein specified. Sec. 14. A failure on the part of the said D. E. Budd, and Time of compie- . . tion- his associate or associates, his or their assigns, to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, requiring the comple- tion of their line of road to a certain extent by a certain date, shall work a forfeiture of all the rights and privileges hereby Forfeiture, conferred. Sec. 15. All the rights and privileges hereby granted shall Duration of fran- chise. expire at the end of thirty (30) years from the date of the appproval of this ordinance. Approved June 12, 1882. No. 3513. AN ORDINANCE GRANTINCx THE RIGHT OF WAY THROUGH THE SFREETS OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND FOR LAYING PIPES FOR THE PUR- POSE OF CONVEYING WATER THROUGH AND THROUGHOUT THE CITY. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the Portland Hydraulic Elevator Company, Portland Hy- their successors and assigns, be and are hereby granted the cT.^may^ay privilege of laying pipes through the streets of the City of Port- through'streets. land, for the purpose of conducting water through and through- out the city. Sec. 2. That the ditches for laying pipes shall be sunk two Ditches, how (2) feet, and that the pipes conducting the water shall be under the surface or level of the established grade of the street from six ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and 190 to eight inches, and that no pipes shall be laid so as to interfere with the erecting of sewers. Provided, That nothing in this Right not exciu- ordinance shall be so construed as to grant any exclusive right or privilege of conducting water into the city. Approved July 21, 1882. No. 3538. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ERECTING AND MAINTAINING OF ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRES AND THE NECESSARY SUPPORTS THEREFOR ON AND OVER THE STREETS OF . THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : G. w.Weidier— SECTION I. That Geo. W. Weidler and his assigns be and dSmcfigh^t^ are hereby granted the right and privilege of erecting and main- taining, operating and using, in, along and over any and all the streets of the City of Portland, electric light wires. Poles to be Sec. 2. Said Geo. W. Weidler and his assigns shall have the erected, how. right to and shall erect poles and stretch the wires so as not to interfere with the free and unobstructed use of the streets for travel, and shall erect the poles at such points in the streets and Com.^on s. and place the wires at such height as may be designated by the Corn- height of wires. mittee on Streets and Public Property, and the right and Council may privilege hereby granted is subject to modifications, limitations modify. and change by the Common Council whenever in their judgment the public interests require it. Streets when dis- Sec. Whenever it shall become necessary in the erection turbed to be put t?on^°°'^ <=o"d'-or repair of such wires for the said Geo. W. Weidler and assigns to dig into or in any manner interfere with any public street or Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. I9I any part thereof, said Geo. W. Weidler or assigns shall, without delay, put the street in as good condition as it was before it was so broken up, dug up or disturbed, and shall remove all surplus sand, earth, rubbish or other material. Sec. 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, interfering and unless authorized by said Geo. W. Weidler or assigns to interfere, meddle with, injure, impair or remove any of the poles, wires, boxes or apparatus belonging to or appertaining to said wires or electric system. Sec. 5. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions Penalty, of this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Police Judge, be fined not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned in the City Jail not more than twenty days at the discretion of the Police Judge. Sec. 6. The parties named in section one (i) of this ordi- Acceptance to be filed and work nance shall file their acceptance of its conditions and commence commenced within 6 months. the work within six months from the date of the approval hereof, otherwise this ordinance shall be null and void. Approved September 8, 1882. No. 3637. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION AND OPERATION OF A STREET RAILWAY ON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PORT- LAND, OREGON. The City of Pot (land does ordain as follows : Section i. That there be and is hereby granted unto H. W. h. w. Monastes Monastes, Joseph Paquet, L. W. Bates, D. F. Leahy, and F. M. “ra'i aT Speed, jointly, and their associates, successors and assigns, right to construct, maintain and operate, with animals, a single 192 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and track street railway, with the necessary turnouts and appurte- nances, for the period of thirty years from the passage of this ordinance on the following named streets in the City of Portland in the manner and upon the conditions hereinafter prescribed . Route. First — Beginning on the west side of First street on Stark street, thence along Stark street to Second street, thence along Second and North Second streets to C street, thence along C street to N. East Park street, thence along N. East Park street to H street, thence along H street to N. West Park street. Second — From the intersection of Stark and Second streets, along Second to Yamhill, thence on Yamhill to Sixth, thence along Sixth and South Sixth street to Caruthers. To be laid in Sec. 2. Said Street railway shall be laid in the middle of middle of streets. Streets, and the rails used shall not be inferior in design to those shown on drawing herewith marked exhibit “A.” Rails how laid. The rails shall be laid upon stringers resting upon and notched into ties. The rails on the main line, curves and turnouts shall be laid in such manner as to least incommode the public in the use of said streets. Lines to be kept Sec. 3. That Said Street railway shall be kept in good order and repair; and the cars run thereon, first-class, with platforms class. at each end, provided with the usual appliances for the safety and convenience of passengers, and kept in a cleanly condition. What part of Sec. 4. That the space between rails and one foot of the proved.^ Street on either side shall be planked, paved or macadamized as shall be prescribed by ordinance, by the owners of said railway. Not to obstruct Sec. 5. That in the construction and repair of said railway h!°repair^g°° ' more than two hundred continuous feet of any street shall be obstructed at any one time nor for a longer period than ten con- secutive days. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 193 *Sec. 6. The system of railway herein provided for shall be when commenc- ed. commenced during the year 1884, and shall be completed at the i mile each year, rate of one mile each year. Sec. 7. That cars shall be run on said railway at intervals of h ow often cars not more than ten minutes between the hours of 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. and twenty minutes from 7 p. m. to ii p. m. Sec. 8. That for each one-horse car run on said railway a License, yearly license of twenty-five dollars shall be paid, and for each two-horse car a yearly license of fifty dollars shall be paid. Sec. 9. That a failure on the part of the owners or operators Forfeiture, of said railway, so declared by a resolution of the Council, to comply with all the provisions of this ordinance shall work a for- feiture of all the privileges herein granted. Sec. 10. The rate of fare charged on said railway shall not Fare, rate of. exceed five cents for each passenger over the said route or any portion thereof. Sec. II. No cars shall be run at a greater rate of speed than Rate of speed, six miles per hour and no cars shall be allowed to stop on any intersection of streets. Sec. 12. That a written acceptance of the provisions of this Written accept- . .. . ance to be filed. ordinance be filed with the City Auditor within thirty days after its passage. Approved December 8, 1882. *As amended by Ordinance No. 4073, entitled “An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3637, entitled ‘an Odinance authorizing the construction and operation of a street railway on certain streets in the city of Portland, Oregon, approved December 8, 1882.’ ” Ap- proved December 21, 1883. N. P T. Co. franchise to lay dou ble track along N. Front street. 194 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and No. 3656. *AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE NORTHERN PACIFIC TERMINAL COMPANY OF OREGON, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A DOUBLE RAILWAY TRACK IN NORTH FRONT STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT- LAND, FROM. THE NORTHERN LIMITS OF SAID CITY TO THE SOUTH LINE OF P STREET, AND A SINGLE TRACK FROM THENCE TO A POINT OPPOSITE THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK G AND EIGHTY FEET DISTANT THEREFROM WITH A SIDE TRACK FROM A POINT OPPOSITE BLOCK 220 TO BLOCK H, BOTH IN COUCH’S ADDITION TO SAID CITY OF PORTLAND, ALSO SUFFICIENT AND SUITABLE SIDE TRACKS FROM AT OR NEAR THE FOOT OF P STREET CURVING ACROSS AND ALONG EAST AND WEST PARK STREETS AND M, N, 0 AND P STREETS, AND TO CONFIRM -TO THE OREGON AND CALI- FORNIA RAILROAD CO. THE RIGHT TO MAIN- TAIN AND OPERATE ITS MAIN AND SIDE TRACKS IN NORTH FRONT STREET IN SAID CITY. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : f S ection i. The Northern Pacific Terminal Co. of Oregon, its successors and assigns, are hereby authorized and permitted to construct and maintain a double railroad track along North ♦See Ordinance No. 3935. fAs amended by Ordinance No. 3935. Approved September 7, 1883. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND 195 Front street in the City of Portland, the center line of each to be located seven feet from and on either side of the center line of said street, from the northern boundary line of said city, to a point of intersection A^ith the south line of P street in Couch’s Addition to said city produced, and a single track from thence to a point opposite the southeast corner of block G in Route, said Couch’s Addition with its center eighty feet in an easterly direction therefrom. And also a side track from a point in said main track opposite Side track, the southeast corner of fractional block 222 in said Couch’s Addition to a point at or near the northwest corner of fractional block H in said Couch’s Addition, with a branch track from a point in said side track near the southeast corner of block 221 in Route, said Couch’s Addition to a point in the west line of said block H, about forty feet from the northwest corner thereof. And also the right to construct and maintain sufficient and side tracks ° branches and suitable sidetracks, branches and turnouts branching off from said turnouts as ^ shown on plat. double track in North Front street between the west line of North Eighth street extended and the west line of East Park street extended, thence along and across East Park street and West Park street and M, N, O and P streets, as nearly as practicable as said main and side tracks are now shown and designated upon the annexed map or plat by red line, which plat is made par‘ hereof, and to run locomotives and cars over the same upon the terms and conditions herein provided. The Northern Pacific Terminal Co. in the exercise of the Conditions, rights and privileges hereby granted shall not ('onstruct any of its main or side tracks in or along North Front street east of the east line of East Park street extended, unless or until it shall have agreed with the Oregon and California Railroad Company for the purchase or leasing of the property of said Oregon and California Railroad Co. situate on either side of said Front street, for terminal purposes and for the occupation and use by the said Oregon and California Railroad Co. in common with other rail- road and transportation companies of the terminal facilities to ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Mam and side- tracks now loca- ted to remain until completion of terminal build- ings and railroail track. For use of. What companies lines to be main- tained. Grade. To improve when Council re- quires it. I 96 be provided by the said Northern Pacific Terminal Co. And the said Oregon and California Railroad Co., its successors and assigns, is hereby authorized to maintain and operate for the purpose of a railroad operated by steam, its main and side tracks as now located, constructed and used in said North Front street until such time as the Northern Pacific Terminal Co. shall have con- structed and completed its terminal buildings and railroad tracks, and shall have, by agreement with the said Oregon and Cali- fornia Railroad Co. extended its track upon North Front street south of the east line of East Park street. The right hereby granted may be exercised and said tracks, branches, turnouts and sidetracks may be constructed and main- tained by the said Northern Pacific Terminal Co., its successors and assigns, for the use of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co., the Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., the Oregon and Cali- fornia Railroad Co., the Oregon Improvement Co., the Oregon and Transcontinental Co., the Oregonian Railway Co., limited, the Pacific Coast Steamship Co., and any other railroad or trans- portation companies to whom the right to use the terminal build- ings and facilities may be leased by the Northern Pacific Ter- minal Company. Sec. 2. The said Northern Pacific Terminal Co. shall grade to the established grades, construct and maintain in good repair the following enumerated portions of said street so occupied : First — Between its double tracks from the northern boundary of the city limits to the south boundary line of P street extended. Second — Between the rails of all its main and side tracks and branches. Third — At least two feet in width upon each side of the outer rail of all its main, side tracks and branches. And shall do and perform such work and the improvement and repair of said por- tions of said street in such manner and as often as the Common Council of the city of Portland may provide for or require. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 197 Sec. Alterations of grades of streets required for laying the Alterations at _ expense of com- said railway tracks and all improvements and repairs of the samepany. for said purpose, shall be made at the expense of said Northern Pacific Terminal Co., and the same shall be made as shall be provided by ordinance. Sec. 4. The Common Council of the City of Portland Rate of speed to be regulated by reserves the right to regulate by ordinance the rate of speed at Council, which locomotive and trains may be run upon said track. Approved December 8, 1882. No. 3672. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSCONTI- NENTAL STREET RAILWAY Co. TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE STREET RAILWAYS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : ^Section i. That there be and is hereby granted unto the Franchise- Transcontinental Street Railway Co. the right and privilege to tarstreTt^Su way Co. lay down and maintain an iron railroad track or tracks and to operate street railways within the city of Portland as follows, to- wit . Along G street from North Twenty-First street to North Third Route, street, along North Third street. Third and South Third streets, from G street to Caruthers street. Sec. 2. The work upon said line or lines of street railway commencement shall commence in the year 1883, and shall be completed and in operation by January i, 1884. *As amended by Ordinance No. 4250. Approved May 22, 1884. ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Street improve merits — what company to make. Double track. Single track tem- porarily. Track to be ii •center of street. Obstructions to street. Cars to be of most improved construction. To be drawn b> horses or mules Rate of speed. Penalty for vio- lating. Sec. 3. The said, The Transcontinental Street Railway Co., owner or owners ofsaid railway, shall plank, pave or macadamize, as the municipal authorities may direct, that portion of the street or streets along and over which their railway shall be laid, the whole width of said railway between the rails, and for the width of one foot on the outside of said rails. *Sec. 4. The track to be laid on said G street. Third street. North Third street and South Third street, shall be a double line of track, with the necessary turnouts and turntables, but said Company may for the present lay down a single line of track on any portion of said streets, and when the public convenience and the business over any portion of said road demand it, said Com- pany may and shall lay down a double line of track on such por- tion thereof. Said track shall be laid, as nearly as possible in the center of the street and flush with the grade thereof, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of vehicles. Sec. 5. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such railway no street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than the length of one block at any one time, nor for a longer period than ten working days, except that in case of excessively bad weather the Common Council may extend the time aforesaid at its discretion. Sec. 6. The cars to be used upon said railway shall be of the most approved construction for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and shall be provided with brakes or other necessary appliances for stopping the same. They shall be drawn by horses or mules, and not otherwise, unless hereafter authorized by ordi- nance. The rate of speed shall not exceed six miles per hour, and any case of the violation of this clause shall subject the owner or owners of said railway or railways to a fine not exceed- ing twenty-five dollars for each offense on a conviction thereof in the Police Court. *As amended by Ordinance No. 371S, entitled “An ordinance amending an ordinance entitled ‘an ordinance authorizing the Transcontinental Street Railway Co. to construct and operate street railways in the city of Portland,’ approved by the Mayor, December 2zd, 1882.'’ Approved February 12, 1883. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 199 Sec. 7. The rails to be used on said railway or railways shall Raiisof iron pat- tern to be ap- be of good iron and of the most approved pattern, and the Com- proved by^Co^ mittee on Streets and Public Property shall, within ten days after this ordinance goes into effect, designate what kind of rail shall be used. Sec. 8. The cars shall run between the hours of 6 o’clock a. when cars to be run m. and 8 o’clock p. m. as often as every seven (7) minutes and between the hours of 8 o’clock p. m. and eleven o’clock p. m. as often as every twenty (20) minutes. Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to Obstructions to railway. obstruct the railway or railways herein provided for, either during the construction or the operation of the same, and any person or persons carelessly or willfully violating the foregoing provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing twenty-five ($25) or by imprisonment not exceeding ten Penalty for. days, or both, at the discretion of the court for eat h and every offense ; any conductor or other employee on the railway or rail- ways herein provided for, any passenger thereon or other person on or about the cars belonging thereto, who shall by offensive, indecent opprobrious or abusive language insult, abuse or mal- Offensive or in- decent language treat any passenger on the said cars, shall, on conviction thereof o" cars, before the Police Court be punished by a fine of not less than five Penalty for. nor more than twenty-five (25) dollars or imprisonment not exceeding ten days or both at the discretion of the court for each and every such offense. Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance nor any privih^ges city authorities granted herebv shall be construed to prevent the municipal provrs'tre'c°L'"^ authorities from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macada- mizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over or upon which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions ; but all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of rais- 200 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and License. Rate of fare, 5 cents. Not to stop on intersection. Penalty for. Written accep- tance to be Forfeiture clause. Duration of franchise. ing or shifting the rails so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. Sec. II. the owners of said railways shall pay annually to the city of Portland as a license to each car in use by them on said railway or railways the sum of fifty (50) dollars on each two- horse car, and twenty-five (25) dollars on each single horse car. Sec. 12. The rate of fare charged shall be not exceeding five (5) cents over the entire line mentioned in this ordinance. Sec. 13. In operating such railways as shall be constructed under this ordinance no car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain still upon any intersection of streets, and any viola- tion of the provisions of this section shall subject the owners of said railways to a fine of not less than five and not more than twenty-five dollars for every offense upon conviction before the Police Court. Sec. 14. The said. The Transcontinental Street Railway Co. shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance unless it shall within thirty (30) days after the approval of this ordinance, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk the written acceptance of the rights and priv- ileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms, restrictions and conditions herein contained. Sec. 15. A failure on the part of the said, The Transconti- nental Street Railway Co. to comply with the provisions of this ordinance requiring the commencement and completion of the construction of said railways, shall, at the option of the Council, work a forfeiture of all the rights and privileges hereby conferred. Sec. 16. All rights and privileges hereby conferred shall expire at the end of thirty (30) years from the date of the approval of this ordinance. Approved December 22, 1882. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 201 No. 3684. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE MULTNOMAH STREET RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A STREET RAIL- WAY ON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The right is hereby granted to the Multnomah Multnomah T-,-, !• Street Railway Street Railway Co., and assigns, to lay down and maintain for a Co. franchise, period of thirty years from the date of the passage of this ordi- nance a single track, or double railway, at the option of said railway company, with the necessary turnouts and turntables, and operate thereon passenger cars, upon certain streets within the limits of the City of Portland, to-wit ; On North Fifteenth Ro^^e. street from B street to S street; also on B street from First street to the present western boundary of the city, with the priv- ilege of extending the same on the line of B street extended to the City Park ; Provided^ That after said B street is extended and graded under authority of the city, to the City Park, the railway track hereby authorized thereon shall be laid down on such extension within six months thereafter. A failure so to do shall work a forfeiture of the privilege hereby granted to lay said rail- Forfeiture, way track on said extension of B street. The said railway track is to be composed of iron or steel rails weighing not less than Rails, twenty-three (23) pounds to the yard and is to be laid of the same width as the railway track now laid on Washington street. Sec. 2. Said street railway shall be laid in the middle of said to be in middle streets, and the rails used shall not be inferior in design to those shown on drawing on page 468 of Book 6, Record of Ordinances of the City of Portland (Ordinance No. 3346). 202 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Rails, how laid Cars, first-class. Company to im- prove, what. Bridges. Obstructions to streets in repair- ing. All to be con- structed in 1883 Cars run, how often. License. Forfeiture clause. The rails shall be laid upon stringers resting upon and notched into ties. The rails on the main line, curves and turnouts shall be laid in such manner as to least incommode the public in the use of said streets. Sec. 3. That said street railway shall be kept in good order and repair; and the cars run thereon first-class, with platforms at each end, provided with the usual appliances for the safety and convenience of passengers and kept in a cleanly condition. Sec. 4. That the space between rails and one foot of the street on either side shall be planked, paved or macadamized, as shall be prescribed by ordinance, by the owners of said railway. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to require said Multnomah Street Railway Co. to keep in repair or rebuild any bridge over which said road shall be run further than to keep in repair the surface planking on such bridges between, and one foot outside of the rails of said railway. Sec. 5. That in the construction and repair of said railway no more than two hundred continuous feet of any street shall be obstructed at any one time, nor for a longer period than ten con- secutive days. Sec. 6. That all of said railway as herein designated shall be constructed and put in operation during the year 1883. Sec. 7. That cars shall be run on said railway at intervals of not more than ten minutes between the hours of 6 a. m. and 7 p. m., and twenty minutes from 7 p. m. to 11 p. m. ; except on B street west of Fifteenth, cars shall be run at intervals of not more than fifteen minutes between the hours of 6 a. rn. and 7 p. m., and thirty (3o)minutes from 7 p. m. to it p. m. Sec. 8. That for each one-horse car run on said railway a yearly license of twenty-five dollars shall be paid, and for each two-horse car a yearly license of fifty dollars (^50) shall be paid. Sec. 9. That a failure on the part of the owners or operators of said railway, so declared by a resolution of the Council, to comply with all the provisions of this ordinance, shall work a for- feiture of all the j)rivileges herein granted. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 203 Sec. 10. The rate of fair charged on said railway shall not Rate of fare, 5 Cts. exceed five cents for each passenger over the said route or any portion thereof. Sec. II. No cars shall be run at a greater rate of speed than Rate of speed, six miles per hour, and no cars shall be allowed to stop on any intersection of streets. Sec. 12. Section six is hereby construed not to include that Sec . 6 construed, portion of B street west of the old western boundary of the city as it existed on the ist of January, 1883, extending to the City Park, nor that portion of B street east of its junction with Wash- ington street. The last named portion of B street shall be con- b st. to be con- , , . . .... structed within structed and put into operation within the year 1885. year 1885. Sec. 13. Said company shall within thirty days file with the written accept- City Auditor a written acceptance of this ordinance, otherwise no rights shall vest thereunder. Approved January 5, 1883. No. 3687. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE PORTLAND STREET RAILWAY COMPANY TO EXTEND THE LINE OF ITS STREET RAILWAY ON SOUTH FIRST STREET SOUTHERLY FROM CARUTHERS STREET AND TO REPEAL ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the Portland Street Railway Company be Portland st. r. and it is hereby authorized to extend the line of its street railway on South First street, from its present terminus at Caruthers Route street to the southern boundary of the city. 204 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and When to be com- menced and com- pleted. Forfeiture clause. Improvements — what Co. to make. Cars to be run, how often. Repealing clause. Sec. 2. That said extension of said street railway shall be commenced within sixty days after the date of the passage of this ordinance, and shall be completed from Caruthers street to the center line of Woods street within sixty days thereafter, and shall be extended southerly on said South First street as fast as said street shall be graded southerly from Woods street. Sec. 3. That a failure on the part of said company to com- mence the construction of said extension of said railway within sixty days from the passage of this ordinance, or to complete the same to the center line of Woods street from Caruthers street within sixty days thereafter, or to extend the same southerly from Woods street as fast and as far as said South First street, southerly from Woods street, shall at any time hereafter be graded, shall work an absolute forfeiture of all rights and franchises of said Portland Street Railway Company, and of Levi Estes and his assigns to construct or operate a street railway upon said South First street southerly from Caruthers street. Sec. 4. That the owners of said railway shall plank, pave or macadamize as the municipal authorities may direct, that por- tion of the street along and over which said railway shall be laid, the whole width of said railway between the rails, and for the width of one foot on the outside of said rails. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to require said Portland Street Railway Company to keep in repair or rebuild First street bridge, further than to keep in repair the surface planking on said bridge between and one foot outside of the rails of said railway. Sec. 5. The cars shall be run between the hours of 6 o’clock a. m. and 8 o’clock p. m. as often as every ten minutes, and between the hours of 8 o’clock p. m. and ii o’clock p. m. as often as every twenty minutes. Sec. 6. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with any other provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved January 17, 1883. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 204A No. 3721. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE OBSTRUCTION OF STREETS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. No portion of any building hereafter to be Buiiding-not to project. erected, altered or repaired, shall be allowed to project over or into any street or sidewalk ; Proinded^ That this section shall not apply to the bases of antes or columns projecting not to Bases of columns . . . . niay project six exceed six inches, or to cornices or projections placed at least inches, ten feet above the top of the sidewalk. Sec. 2. Awnings, when desired, shall not be less than ten Awnings to be 10 feet above side- feet above the top of the sidewalk, and so as to admit of a free walk. passage from tlie sidewalk into the road-way ; and all awnings hereafter erected on all buildings east of Fourth, North Fourth where self-sup- porting. and South Fourth streets, shall be self supporting ; and all awn- ings erected on any street west of the streets above named, if supported by posts, shall be so constructed at the intersection of streets that no upright or supporting post shall stand upon any Awning posts, how set. sidewalk, crosswalk or road-way within the space included between the side lines of the intersecting streets. No awning, shade or balcony shall extend beyond the line of the curb, and Not to extend beyond curb. all posts used for supporting awnings shall be placed at least six inches inside the outer line of the sidewalk curb. Sec. 3. No person owning or occupying any building or premises shall place or cause to be placed, or maintain or suffer upon the street or sidewalk or suspend or cause to be suspended over the same in front of such building or premises, any sign or signs, &c. any advertisement, or place any goods, wares or merchandise upon the sidewalk by way of show, advertisement or otherwise. Goods on side- , .... walk prohibited. or suspend or cause to be suspended, maintain or suffer over the 204 B ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Holidays, elec- Street bevond the line of the curb in front of said building or tion days, and days^of p u b 1 i c premises, any sign, advertisement or flag, except upon holidays, elet'tion days and days of public parade. Com. on S. & P. P. may grant permit, when. Mdse, in course of delivery. Wood, &c., may remain 15 hours for each cord, not exceeding 10 days. Building permit — does not apply to. Sec. 4. No person shall place or cause to be placed on any sidewalk, crosswalk or street, any article or thing whatsoever which shall obstruct such street or sidewalk, except a permit be first granted therefor by the Committee on Streets and Public Property, which permit shall be exhibited to any police officer demanding the same. Provided^ That this section shall not apply to merchandise while in the actual course of receipt or delivery ; and further provided^ that wood for fuel may be allowed to be piled and remain in the street in such manner as to cause the least obstruction to public travel, not to exceed fifteen hours for each cord thereof, and not to exceed ten days in the aggregate. This section shall not be deemed to effect the deposit of building material under a permit, as provided by Ordinance No. 1145, entitled ‘‘ An ordinance relating to the use of streets for build- ing purposes and the removal of buildings.” No person shall throw or deposit, or cause to be highway or Glass, metal, SeC. 5 ' rubbish, &c., not . . . to be thrown in thrown into or deposited upon any public street, street. .... grounds, or upon any private premises, or anywhere except m Dirt, rubbish, such placcs as may be designated by the Chief of Police, any poshed. glass, metal, broken ware, dirt, rubbish, garbage or filth, and no Filth not to be person shall carry upon any sidewalk, exposed so as to be offen- carried on side- walk sive to pedestrians, any rubbish, garbage or filth. Vehicles not to Sec. 6. No persoii shall drive, wheel or draw upon any side- bewheeledor driven on side- walk anv vehicle except hand carriages for children, and no per- walk or stand on ^ crossings. soiis having the charge or control of any beast of burden or Beast of burden Vehicle shall intentionally cause or permit the same, or either of not .to stand on crossing. them to Stand upon any street crossing, or so near thereto as to obstruct travel on the same. Owner or agent Sec. 7. Any persoii owniiig or having control of any prem- Sde'^^when?*^'^* iscs fronting on a public street and below the grade thereof, shall within five days after notice from the Chief of Police, requir- Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 204c ing him so to do, at his own expense, erect a suitable barricade upon the inner line of the sidewalk in front of such premises. Sec. 8. Any person by whom or under whose immediate Barrier in dan- , . . , , . 1 . , . ... gerous places. direction or by whose immediate authority as principal, or as contractor or employe, any portion of a public street may be made dangerous, shall erect, and, so long as the danger may continue, maintain around the portion of the street or highway so made dangerous, a good and sufficient barrier. Sec. 9. A violation of any of the provisions of this ordi- Penalty, nance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before the Police Judge, the offender or offenders shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than two nor more than twenty days for each and every offense. Sec. 10. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police chief of Police to see that the provisions of this ordinance are strictly enforced. Sec. II. That Ordinance No. 2266, entitled ‘‘An ordinance Repealing clause. relating to the obstruction of streets,” and all ordinances amend- atory thereof be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 9, 1883. No. 3829. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSCONTI- NENTAL STREET RAILWAY CO. TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE STREET RAILWAYS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordaiti as follows : Section i. That there be and IS here by granted unto d he Transcontinen- Transcontinental Street Railway Co. the right and privilege to way Co. fran- lay down and maintain an iron railroad track or tracks, and to ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and 20ZjD operate street railways within the city of Portland as follows, Route. to-wit: Along North Thirteenth street from the center line of G street to the center of S street ; thence westerly along the cen- ter line of S street to the center line of N. Sixteenth street. Work, when commenced and completed. Street improve- ments — C o m- pany to make what. Sec. 2. The work upon said line or lines of street railway shall commence by the year 1884 and shall be completed and in operation by September i, 1884. Sec. 3. The said, The Transcontinental Street Railway Co., owner or owners of said railway, shall plank, pave or macadamize, as the municipal authorities may direct, that portion of the street or streets along and over which the railway shall be laid, the whole width of said railway, between the rails, and for the width of one foot on the outside of said rails, except across bridges, where only the covering plank shall be kept in repair. Double or single Sec. 4. The track of Said railway shall be a double or single in center of street line of track with the necessary turnouts and turntables, and and to offer as . . . little obstruction shall be laid as nearly as possible in the center of the street and as possible. flush with the grade of said street or streets, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of vehicles. Obstruction of Sec. 5. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such street while lay- ing down or re- railway, uo Street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than pairing. the length of one block at any one time, nor for a longer period than ten working days, except that in case of excessively bad weather the Common Council may extend the time afore- said at its discretion. Cars to be of Sec. 6. The cars to be used upon said railway shall be of the most approved . , construction. most approved construction for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and shall be provided with brakes or other neces.sary Drawn by horses appliance for Stopping the same. They shall be drawn by horses or mules and not otherwise, unless hereafter provided by ordi- Rate of speed, nance. The rate of speed shall not exceed six miles per hour, and any case of the violation of this clause shall subject the owner Penalty. or owiiers of Said railway or railways to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense, upon a conviction thereof before the Police Court. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 204 E Sec. 7. The rails to be used for said railway or railways Rails, iron or steel. shall be of good iron or steel and of the most approved pattern. Sec. 8. The cars shall run between the hours of 6 o’clock a. Cars to be run, how often. m. and 8 o’clock p. m. as often as every ten minutes, and between the hours of 8 o’clock p. m. and ii o’clock p. m. as often as every twenty (20) minutes. Sec. q. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to obstruction to railway. obstruct the railway or railways herein provided for, either dur- ing the construction or the operation of the same, and any per- son or persons who shall carelessly or willfully violate the fore- going provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25), or by imprisonment not Penalty for exceeding ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. Any conductor or other employe on Conductor or the railway or railways herein provided for, any passenger fo use fndecent or offensive lan- thereon or other person on or about the cars belonging thereto, guage to passen- • • . . who shall by offensive, indecent, opprobious or abusive language insult, abuse or maltreat any passenger on the said cars, shall on conviction thereof before the Police Court be punished by a fine Penalty for. of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars (^^25), or imprisonment not exceeding ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court for each and every offense. Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance nor any privilege granted Municipal au- hereby, shall be construed to prevent the municipal authorities sewer or improve , . . . . . streets. trom grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its pro- visions, but all such shall be done so far as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shift- ing the rails so as to avoid as much as possible, the liability to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. 204 P ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and License. Sec. II. The ovviiers of said railways shall pay annually to the city of Portland, as a license upnn each car in use by them on said railway or railways, the sum of fifty dollars 50) on each two-horse car, and twenty-five dollars (^25) on each single horse car. Rateoffare, Sec. 12. The rate of fare charged shall be not exceeding five (5) cents for each passenger while traveling in any one general direction on the lines of the said Transcontinental Street Rail- way Company. Car not to be Sec. 13. In Operating such railwavs as shall be constructed stopped at inter- section. under this ordinance, no car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain still upon any intersection of streets, and any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owners of said Penalty for. railway or railways to a fine of not less than five and not more than twenty-five dollars for every offense upon conviction thereof before the Police Court. Written accep- Sec. 1 4. The Said, The Transcontinental Street Railway Co. , ’shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges con- ferred by this ordinance unless it shall within thirty (30) days after the approval of this ordinance, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk, the written acceptance of the rights and priv- ileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms, restrictions and conditions herein contained. Forfeiture Sec. 1 5. A failure Oil the part of the said. The Transconti- nental Street Railway Co. to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, requiring the commencement and completion of the construction of said railways, shall, at the option of the Common Council, work a forfeiture of all the rights and privileges hereby conferred. Duration of Sec. 1 6. All rights and privileges hereby conferred shall franchise. expire at the end of thirty (30) years from the date of the approval of this ordinance. In force by operation of law, June 18, 1883. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 205 No. 3884. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE MULTNOMAH STREET RAILWAY COMPANY THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A STREET RAILWAY ON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PORT- LAND, OREGON. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The right is hereby granted to the Multnomah Multnomah st Railway Co. Street Railway Company and its assigns to lay down and main- franchise for 30 tain for a period of thirty years from the date of the passage of this ordinance a single or double track railway, at the option of Single or double track along said railway company, with the necessary turnouts and turn- Eleventh from tables, and operate thereon passenger cars, upon certain streets M^^et to Mont- within the limits of the City of Portland, to-wit : on Eleventh street from the north line of Market street to the north line of Montgomery street, in the City of Portland, said railway track or tracks to be composed of iron or steel rails weighing not less than twenty-three (23) pounds to the yard and to be laid of the same width as the railway now laid on ‘Washington and Eleventh streets, in said city. Sec. 2. Said street railway shall be laid in the middle of said To be laid in middle of street. Eleventh street and the rails used shall not be inferior in design to those shown on drawing on page 468 of book 6 record of Rails, quality of. ordinances of the City of Portland (Ordinance No. 3346). The rails shall be laid upon* stringers resting upon and notched into Rails, how laid. ties. The rails on the main line, curves and turnouts shall be laid in such manner as to least incommode the public in the use of said street. Sec. 3. The said street railway shall be kept in good order cars to be firsi- and repair and the cars run thereon, first-class, with platform at each end provided with the usual appliances for the safety and convenience of passengers and kept in a cleanly condition. 2o6 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Space between rails and i ft. on each side to be improved by Railway Co. Obstruction of streets. When to be completed. Time of running cars. License. Forfeiture clause. Fare 5 cents. Rate ot speed. Written accept- ance to be hied. Sec. 4. That the space between rails and one foot of the street on either side shall be planked, paved or macadamized, as shall be prescribed by ordinance, by the owners of said railway. Sec. 5. That in the construction and repair of said railway no more than two hundred continuous feet of any street shall be obstructed at any one time, nor for a longer period than ten consecutive days. Sec. 6. That all of said railway as herein designated shall be constructed and put in operation within one year. Sec. 7. That cars shall be run on said railway at intervals of not more than ten minutes between the hours of 6 a. m. and 7 p. m. and twenty minutes from 7 p. m. to ii p. m. Sec. 8. That for each one-horse car run on said railway a yearly license of twenty-five dollars shall be paid and for each two-horse car a yearly license of fifty dollars (^50) shall be paid. Sec. 9. That a failure on the part of the owners or operators of said railway, so declared by a resolution of the Council, to compl)- with all the provisions of this ordinance shall work a for- feiture of all the privileges herein granted. Sec. 10. The rate of fare charged on said railway shall not exceed five cents for each passenger over the route, or any por- tion thereof, of which this is a part. Sec. II. No cars shall be run at a greater rate of speed than six miles per hour, and no cars shall be allowed to stop on any intersection of streets. Sec. 12. Said company shall within thirty days file with the City Auditor a written acceptance of this ordinance, otherwise no rights shall vest thereunder. Approved, July 20, 1883. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 207 No. 3917. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE COMMITTEE ON STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY TO PURCHASE A STANDARD YARD MEASURE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The Committee on Streets and Public Property standard Yard- Committee to are hereby authorized to purchase on account and for the use of purchase, the city a United States standard yard, with the government guarantee of correctness, said measure not to cost more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 2. When purchased, the said standard shall be kept in Where kept, the custody of the City Surveyor and shall constitute the standard standard, of all measurements. Approved August 24, 1883. No. 3922. AN ORDINANCE TO INSTRUCT THE SUPERINTEN- DENT OF STREETS TO PUT UP STREET SIGNS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The Street Superintendent is hereby directed to street Supt. to , • • 1 , . • , . place street place signs with street names at the intersections of all streets in signs, this city where they do not now exist. Sec. 2. Such signs shall be provided by the Committee on Committee to contract for. Streets and Public Property who shall contract for them with the lowest bidder, always providing that such bid is reasonable. Sec. 4. When practicable the signs shall be painted in the Lamps— when ' signs painted in. public lamps. Approved August 24, 1883. 2o8 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and No. 3935. *AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 3656 ENTITLED ‘‘AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE NORTHERN PACIFIC TERMINAL CO. OF OREGON, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN A DOUBLE RAIL- WAY TRACK IN NORTH FRONT STREET IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND, FROM THE NORTHERN LIMITS OF SAID CITY TO THE SOUTH LINE OF P STREET, AND A SINGLE TRACK FROM THENCE TO A POINT OPPOSITE THE SOUTH- WEST CORNER OF BLOCK G AND EIGHTY FEET DISTANT THEREFROM, WITH A SIDE TRACK FROM A POINT OPPOSITE BLOCK 220 TO BLOCK H, BOTH IN COUCH’S ADDITION TO SAID CITY OF PORTLAND, ALSO SUFFICIENT AND SUIT- ABLE SIDE TRACKS FROM, AT OR NEAR THE FOOT OF P STREET, CURVING ACROSS AND ALONG EAST AND WEST PARK STREETS AND M, N, O AND P STREETS; AND TO CONFIRM TO THE OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN AND OPERATE ITS MAIN AND SIDE TRACKS IN NORTH FRONT STREET IN SAID CITY.” APPROVED DECEMBER 8, 1882. The City of Portland does ordam as follows : N. p. Terminal SECTION I. That sectioii I of Said Ordinance No. 3656, approved December 8, 1882, be and the same is hereby amended, track^on^^^NS so as to authorize and permit the Northern Pacific Terminal Front St., center line of each track Company of Oregon to construct and maintain a double railroad to be 7 ft. from ^ ^ center line of st. track along North Front street in the City of Portland, the cen- instead of 6 ft. as ° ^ ’ in Ord. No. 3656. ♦See Ordinance No. 3656. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 209 ter line of each track to be located seven feet from and on either side of the center line of said street from the northern boundary of said city to a point of intersection with the south line of P street instead of six feet from and on either side of the center line of said Front street as in said Ordinance No. 3656, now provided. Sec. 2. That said section i of said Ordinance No. 3656 be and the same is hereby amended so that the same shall hereafter read as follows: Section i. The Northern Pacific Terminal Co. of Oregon, Double track, its successors and assigns are hereby authorized and permitted to construct and maintain a double railroad track along North Front street in the City of Portland, the center line of each track Center line of . . track to be 7 ft. to be located seven feet from and on either side of the center on each side of center of North line of said street from the northern boundary line of said city to Front st. from north boundary a point of intersection with the south line of P street in Couch’s to south line of P. St. produced. Addition to said city produced, and a single track from thence single track from P to southeast to a point opposite the southeast corner of block G in said cor. of block g. Couch’s Addition with its center eighty feet in an easterly direc- tion therefrom. And also a side track from a point in said main track opposite side track op* posite block 222. the southeast corner of fractional block 222 in said Couch’s Addition, to a point at or near the northwest corner of fractional block H in said Couch’s Addition with a branch track from a point in said side track near the southeast corner of block 221 Branch track . , „ , , . . . . . near block 221. in said Couch s Addition to a point in the west line of said block H about forty feet from the northwest corner thereof. And also the right to construct and maintain sufficient and side tracks. branches and suitable side tracks, branches and turnouts branching off from turnouts in n. Front street and said double track in North Front street between the west line ofay/oss e. Park, W. Park, M, N, North Eighth street extended, and the west line of East Park ^ ^ ^ street, extended, thence along and across East Park street and West Park streets and M, N, O and P streets, as nearly as prac- ticable as said main and side tracks are now shown and desig- nated upon the annexed map or plat by red lines, which plat is 210 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and made part hereof, and to run locomotives and cars over the same upon the terms and conditions herein provided. Agreement of The Northern Pacific Terminal Co. in the exercise of the c. R. R. Co to rights and privileges hereby granted shall not construct any of be made before . . . track IS laid on its main or Side tracks in or along North Front street east of the North Front st. east of east line east line of East Park street extended, unless, or until it shall of E. Park st. extended. have agreed with the Oregon and California Railroad Co. for the purchase or leasing of the property of said Oregon and Cali- fornia Railroad Co. situate on either side of said Front street for terminal purposes and for the occupation and use by the said Oregon and California Railroad Co. in common with other rail- road and transportation companies of the terminal facilities to be provided by the said Northern Pacific Terminal Co., and the said Oregon and California Railroad Co., its successors and Main and side assigns, is hereby authorized to maintain and operate for the tracks of O. & c. R. R. Co. to purpose of a railroad operated by steam, its main and side tracks continue how as now located, constructed and used in said North Front street until such time as the Northern Pacific Terminal Co. shall have constructed and completed its terminal buildings and railroad tracks, and shall have by agreement with the said Oregon and California Railroad Co. extended its tracks upon North Front street south of the east line of East Park street. Right may be The right hereby granted may be exercised and said tracks, exercised for use , , , . , , , , , . of the N. P R. R. branches, turnouts and side tracks may be constructed and main- Co!,’ oi&c.R.Ri tained by the said Northern Pacific Terminal Co., its successors Co.,O.I.Co.,0. . . . R.Co. (Limited), and assigns, for the use of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co., the P.C.S Co.,and ® . feasing°fVom^ i/ Railwpy and Navigation Co., the Oregon and California p Terminal Co. Railroad Co., the Oregon Improvement Co., the Oregon and Transcontinental Co., the Oregonian Railway Co., limited, the Pacific Coast Steamship Co., and any other railroad or transpor- tation companies to whom the right to use the terminal buildings and facilities may be leased by the Northern Pacific Terminal company. Approved September 7, 1883. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 2IOA No. 4039. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE RIGHT OF WAY THROUGH THE STREETS OF THE CITY TO ERECT POLES AND STRETCH WIRES FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT PURPOSES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That there be, and is hereby granted unto F. C. f. c. Smith et al, electric light Smith, C. E. Smith and J. F. Watson, the right to erect poles franchise, and stretch wires for electric light purposes along Water from Route. Harrison to Columbia, along Front from Harrison to Main and along First from Main to Washington streets; provided said work shall be done so as not to obstruct the streets unnecessarily dur- ing its progress. Sec. 2. The work shall be under the supervision of the Super- Supervision, intendenent of Streets and Committee on Streets and Public Property, and the Common Council expressly reserves the right Repeal, etc. to repeal, modify or amend this ordinance at any time. Approved November 24, 1883. Committee on S. & P. P. to pur- chase carts and horses, etc., to clean streets. Costs, etc- 2IOB ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and No. 4074. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE FOR CLEANING STREETS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the Committee on Streets and Public Prop- erty be and are hereby authorized and empowered to negotiate for and purchase ten dirt carts and a sufficient number of horses to transport the same, together with harness, shovels, hoes, brooms, tools, utensils and apparatus, to equip and operate the same, and to employ a sufficient number of men to engage in cleaning the improved streets of the city which are macadamized, planked 16 feet in width or more, or paved with Nicholson or stone block pavement; to keep said teams and carts at work in so cleaning such streets; and to employ a competent man to superintend such work and see that such men and teams are kept so employed, at an expense not exceeding six thousand dollars for the purchase of such teams and outfit. Approved December 21, 1883. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 2IOC No. 4092. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE MANNER OF LAY- ING DOWN GAS AND WATER MAINS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. Whenever it shall become necessary for any per- Persons laying . . down gas and son or persons (or the authorized agents of any corporation duly water mains in . . . streets to file organized for the purpose of supplying the city and its inhab- bond, itants with water or gas) to dig up, break, disturb, dig under, or undermine a public street, or any part thereof, for the pur- pose of laying down or gaining access to his or their pipes and mains, or for the purpose of laying down main sewers or branch sewers, or pipes of any kind, such person or persons shall (before commencing the work) file with the Superintendent of Streets a bond with good and sufficient sureties conditioned that he, or condition of they, will immediately remove all surplus sand, earth, rubbish or other material, and will immediately replace the portion of such street so disturbed, dug up or undermined, in as good condition as it was before being broken up, dug up, under- mined or disturbed, and that he or they will keep the same in good repair, at his or their own expense for the period of one year from the date of the completion of such work. The amount Amount thereof, of such bond shall in no case be less than $50, and shall be at the rate of $100 for every two hundred feet of street to be dug up or disturbed. Provided, That the Portland Gas Light Com- pany and the Portland Water Comany, or any individual, firm or company, may at their option file yearly a bond in such yearly bond may amount as the Committee on Streets and Public Property shall deem satisfactory, in place of giving a separate bond for each part of street disturbed. be given. 2IOD ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Work to be Sec. 2. Such vvork shall be done under the personal super- supervised. vision of the Superintendent of Streets. Pipes and mains, Sec. 3. All pipes or mains hereafter laid in any of the streets how laid. Portland shall be laid at a distance of at least three and one-half (3}^) feet from the sidewalk curb, measuring toward the center line of the street. Repairs in cer- Sec. 4. In case of leakage or breakage in any pipe or main, fiTing*^bo?d!^^^°'^^ requiring immediate action, it shall be lawful for the person or persons authorized so to do, to commence the repairs of such pipe or main without first giving the bond required by section i of this ordinance ; such bond shall be filed as soon thereafter as practicable. Penalties. Sec. 5. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction before the Police Court be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or punished by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than five days nor more than twenty days. Repeal. Sec. 6. Ordinance No. 2876, entitled “ An ordinance defi- ning the manner of laying down gas and water mains,” approved October 30, 1880, and all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved January 17, 1884. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 21 I No. 4144. AN ORDINANCE NAMING CERTAIN STREETS IN CARUTHERS’ ADDITION TO CARUTHERS’ AD- DITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the streets in Caruthers’ addition to Ca- Baker, Williams, ruthers’ addition to the city of Portland lying between Hood sts.— extensions of. street and the macadam road and between Woods and Sheridan streets, and which are at right angles to that part of Hood street between Woods and Sheridan streets be deemed extensions of Baker, Williams, Porter and Hooker streets, to which they most nearly and respectively conform, and that there be and are hereby named and designated respectively Baker street, Williams street. Porter street and Hooker street. Approved Febuary 7, 1884. No. 4174. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF AWN- ING, PORCH, PORTICO OR PIAZZA AS A PLACE FOR STORAGE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. It shall be and it is hereby declared unlawful for Awning, porch, portico, etc., not any person or persons to place or cause to be placed upon any to be used as a . ... place for storage. awning, porch, portico or piazza, where the same projects over 212 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Penalty, Chief of Police to enforce. Park Keeper. Duties of. or upon any sidewalk or street in said city of Portland, or per- mit to be placed or remain upon any such awning, porch, por- tico or piazza, where the same is under his or their control, any wood, fuel, wares or articles whatsoever, or in anywise use or cause to permit the same to be as a place for storage. Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction before the Police Judge, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail not less than ten days nor more than twenty days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to see that the provisions of this ordinance are strictly enforced. Approved March 6, 1884. No. 4249. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF A PARK KEEPER AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the Committee on Streets and Public Prop- erty are hereby authorized and directed to employ a competent person as Keeper of the city park. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Park Keeper to labor continuously in the city park, in the western portion of the city, repairing and beautifying the same under the direction of the Committee on Streets and Public Property and the Superinten- dent of Streets. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 2 I 3 Sec. 3. The salary of the Park Keeper shall be sixty dollars Salary, per month, payable monthly, as provided by Ordinance No. 1414. Approved May 22, 1884. No. 4291. AN ORDINANCE CxRANTING THE RIGHT TO ERECT POLES AND STRETCH WIRES THEREON FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT PURPOSES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That there be and is hereby granted unto Charles Franchise of Chas. S. Roe to S. Roe and to his associates, successors and assigns, the right, locate, erect and _ maintain electric privilege and authority to locate, erect, place, maintain and in the streets and alleys within the City of Portland, poles and ‘hereon, thereon to fasten wires, and to stretch said wires through said streets and alleys, for the purpose of producing electric light in the different buildings and sections of said city. Sec. 2. That the said poles shall be constructed and erected in Poles — where and how erected. a workmanlike manner, and when erected in or near a street having a sidewalk, they shall be placed inside of and adjoining the curb. Said poles shall be not less than thirty-five feet long and at least eight inches square at the bottom and four inches square at the top, and shall be placed in the ground not less than four feet. They shall be placed and erected in such manner as may be designated by the Committee on Streets and Public Property, and in case it shall become necessary to cut any wire in order to get fire ladders or apparatus to a building during a city not liable. conflagration the city shall not be liable to pay for the repairs to such wires. 214 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Wires not to be Sec. 3, That the Said wires shall be insulated and carefully stretched to in- terfere with connected and fastened SO as not to come in contact with any travel on street. To replace walks and repair streets when torn up. Privileges to last 50 years. To file accept- ance of franchise Council when to declare grant terminated. Shall commence operations. object, and shall be stretched so as not to interfere with the free and unobstructed use of said streets and alleys for travel, and at such height as may be designated by the Committee on Streets and Public Property. Sec. 4. That whenever it shall become necessary in the erection of said poles to take up any portion of the sidewalks, or dig up the ground in or near the sides and corners of said streets or alleys, then the said Roe and his associates, successors or as- signs shall, after said poles are erected, without delay replace said sidewalk and properly refit the planks of said sidewalk in a work- manlike manner, and remove from such place, street or alley all surplus sand, earth, rubbish or other material which may be taken up or dug up in the construction or erection of said poles, and shall put such sidewalk, street or alley in as good condition as it was before it was so taken up, dug up, or disturbed. Sec. 5. That all the privileges herein conferred upon and granted to said Roe, and to his associates, successors and assigns, shall continue for tifty years from the time this ordinance goes into effect. Sec. 6. That within three months from the time this ordi- nance goes into effect, said Roe, his associates, succe.ssors or as- signs, shall file with the City Clerk an acceptance of this fran- chise and all the terms and conditions thereof ; and shall com- mence the erection of said poles and the construction of said works in compliance therewith, otherwise the city shall have the right to declare the same terminated ; and the right and privilege hereby granted is subject to modification, limitation and change by the Common Council, whenever in its judgment the public good may require it. Sec. 7. The said Charles S. Roe, his associates, successors or assigns, shall begin operations and expend not less than five thousand dollars within the limits of the city of Portland in the construction and operation of said works, within one year and six months from the date of the approval of this ordinance. Approved July 3, 1884, Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 215 No. 4347. AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE MANNER OF FILLING TRENCHES EXCAVATED FOR LAYING WATER, GAS OR SEWER PIPES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. Whenever a trench or hole has been dug or Roadways.pave- ments and other opened in any roadway, pavement or other street improvement street improve- ments -when dis- on any street or alley in the city of Portland, for the purpose of get- turbed to be re- ting at or laying any sewer, gas, water or other pipe or main under a permit from the proper authorities, it shall be the duty of the person or persons so digging or opening such trench or hole to refill the same in the manner hereinafter designated,, within forty-eight hours after laying or getting at such sewer, gas water or other pipe or main, to-wit : The earth excavated from such hole or trenches shall be refilled and thoroughly rammed or tamped in layers of not more than six inches until the grade of the roadway previously existing at such trench or hole is reached when the street has not been improved with plank, macadam, stone block or other permanent improvement, and to the eleva- tion of the bottom of such permanent improvements. When the street has been improved with macadam, plank, gravel, stone How. block or other permanent improvement, and such improvements when removed by digging or opening such trench or hole, shall be relaid compactly and thoroughly rammed or tamped and made to conform to the grade and quality of the surrounding street pavement or improvement. Sec. 2. Any person or persons who shall fail or refuse to Penalty, comply with the provisions of section i of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there- of before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a term not exceeding ten days. 2I6 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Streets to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. Approved August 22, 1884. No. 4495. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICE FROM SIDEWALKS. The City of Portland does 07 'dain as follows : Snow and ice to SECTION I. The tenant or occupant or any person having be removed from . . . sidewalk. the care of a building or 01 land bordering on a street where there is a sidewalk, within the corporate limits of the city of Portland, or if there is no tenant, occupant or other person hav- ing the care of the whole of such building, or of any such land, the owner thereof shall, within the first four hours of daylight after the ceasing to fall of any snow, cause the same to be removed therefrom, the entire length of said premises, and for a space not less than three feet in width. Sec. 2. The provisions of the preceding section shall also ap- ply to the falling of snow from any buildings. Sidewalk to be Sec. 3. Whenever any portion of a sidewalk is encumbered kept convenient . . . . and^safe for with ice the tenant or occupant of a building or of land adjoin- ing a street whereon is such sidewalk, or in case there is no occu- pant of the whole of such building or of any such land, the owner or other person having the care of the same, shall cause such sidewalk to be made safe and convenient by removing the ice therefrom, or by covering the same with sand, ashes or some other suitable substance, within the first three hours of daylight after the formation of said ice. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 2 I 7 Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars. Approved January 23, 1885. No. 4538. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING A CONTRACT WITH THE UNITED STATES ELEC- TRIC LIGHTING AND POWER COMPANY, OF PORTLAND, OREGON. TJie City of Portland does or dam as follows : Section i. The Committee on Streets and Public Property Articles of agree- ment with the u. are hereby directed, authorized and empowered to enter into s. Electric Light- ing and Power articles of agreement with the United States Electric Lighting be enter- and Power Company, of Portland, Oregon — a corporation incor- porated and organized under the laws of the State of Oregon — for lighting the streets of the city of Portland for a term of two (2) years. Sec. 2. The City of Portland shall furnish, erect, maintain city of Portland . . . land to furnish. and keep in repair all lamp posts, and it shall furnish all coal oil lamps and burners, and make the necessary changes from gas burners to coal oil lamps, and it shall equip the same ready for burning, excepting wicks and oil. The Electric Lighting and Power Company to furnish first- The Electric . Lighting and class Oil or kerosene of i^o fire test, and from time to Power Co. to \ furnish. time, as may be required, replace all chimneys, burners, etc., with articles of the same size and quality ; keep the fountains 2i8 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Contract to con- tain a provision. Oil lamps to be lighted. Electric lamps — where erected. Power. and all connected therewith in good repair ; keep the wicks well trimmed, and keep clean the fountains, lanterns, burners and posts. At the expiration of said contract it shall return the foun- tains, burners and everything connected therewith in good order and condition. Said contract shall contain a provision to the effect that for any failure to light or keep lit any lamp or lamps in said contract during any of the hours specified in said contract, caused by the negligence or carelessness of said company, it shall forfeit and pay therefor a sum equal to one-tenth of the monthly contract price for lighting such lamps, for each and every night of such failure. Also to provide for canceling such contract upon the failure of the contractor to furnish good and satisfac- tory light. Sec. 3. The United States Electric Lighting and Power Company, of Portland, Oregon, aforesaid, shall maintain and light : One hundred and eighty (180) coal oil lamps with class B burners, and Three hundred and twenty (320) coal oil lamps with class D burners. *Sec. 4. Said company shall furnish, erect, maintain and light electric lamps on First and North First streets, and on Third and North Third streets, at the intersections of said streets be- tween and inclusive of Market and G streets, that is to say : On First and North First streets at the intersections thereof by Mar- ket, Columbia, Madison, Salmon, Yamhill, Alder, Stark, Pine, A, C, E and G streets. And on Third and North Third streets at the intersections thereofby Clay, Jefferson, Main, Taylor, Morrison, Washington, Oak, Ash, B, D and F streets. Said eleccric lamps to be of a power equal to those now in use by said company for private lighting. Said lamps to be sus- pended at the intersections of said streets, and to be placed one *See Ordinance No. 4730- Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 2 1 9 (i) at each intersection of streets as herein designated. Said lights to be of not less than 2coo candle power each. Sec. 5. Said electric lamps shall burn every night from twi- light at night to midnight following. Provided^ The said city of Portland may at its option require the said U. S. Electric Lighting and Power Company to keep lit all electric lights fur- nished or to be furnished under said contract from twilight until daylight at an additional cost to be measured at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum for all of said electric lights. Sec. 6. Said coal oil lamps, with the exception of those on First, North First, Third and North Third streets, between and inclusive of Market and G streets, shall burn every night from twilight at night to twilight of the morning following. Sec. 7. Coal oil lamps on First, North First, Third and North Third streets, between and inclusive of Market and G streets, shall burn every night from midnight to twilight of the morning following. Sec. 8. The City of Portland shall pay the United States Electric Lighting and Power Company of Portland, Oregon, aforesaid for said lighting the sum of sixteen thousand dollars (^16,000) U. S. gold coin per annum, payable quarter yearly. Sec. 9. The City of Portland shall pay said company for additional coal oil lamps other than as hereinbefore mentioned as follows: Those with class B burners at the rate of one dollar and five cents ($1.05) per month for each lamp. Those with class D burners at the rate of two dollars and five cents ($2.05) per month for each lamp; payments to be made in U. S. gold coin or its equivalent quarter yearly. Sec. 10. Said company shall enter into a good, and suffi- cient undertaking with said city, with not less than two responsi- ble tax-payers and freeholders of the city, to be approved by the Mayor in the penal sum of fifteen thousand dollars, conditioned that said company shall perform all the conditions of said con- tract on its part. Passed the Common Council March 4, 1885. Vetoed by the Mayor, and passed over objections of the Mayor March 18, 1885. To burn from twilight to mid- night following, provided — Coal oil lamps — when to burn. City of Portland shall pay 516.000 per annum. To pay for addi- tional lighting. Good and suffi- cient undertak- ing in sum of 15,000 to be en- tered into. 220 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and No. 4599. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE TIME AND MANNER OF LETTING CONTRACTS FOR STREET WORK AND ACCEPTING THE SAME WHEN COMPLETED. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : When Com. on *Section t. Whenever the Common Council shall by ordi- Streets and Pub. . . Property to ad- nance provide for the time and manner of improving anv street vertise tor pro- _ _ ■' posak for street or Streets, or laying any sewer and estimates and specifications for the work to be done thereunder shall have been made in duplicate, and the original of such estimate or specifications or of both as the case may be, shall have been filed in the office of the Auditor and Clerk, and the duplicate thereof placed in the office of the Superintendent of Streets for inspection, the Committee on Streets and Public Property are hereby authorized to adver- tise for proposals and enter into contract on behalf of the city for furnishing material and performing the labor necessary for the completion of the proposed improvement according to the provisions of the ordinance providing for the time and manner of making the same, subject to the restrictions and regulations as hereinafter jirovided. Notice for pro- Sec. 2. A iiotice shall be published not less than three inser- posals to be pub- ... .... lished not less tions in the newspaper doing the city printing, specifying the than three m- , r 1 1 • sertions in offi- name of the Street, the part thereof proposed to be improved, cial newspaper. the number of the ordinance providing therefor, the time of let- what to contain, tiiig, aud that the person, firm or corporation to whom the con- tract is let will be required to enter into a stipulation in the con- tract therefor to the effect that they shall look for payment only to the fund to be assessed upon the property liable to pay for such improvement and collected and paid into the City Treasury *As amended by Ordinance No. 4861, approved May 20, 1886 Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 22 1 for that purpose, and that they will not require the City of Portland by any legal process or otherwise to pay the same out of any other fund. No bid shall be received after the time speci- fied in the notice and in such notice the right to reject any and all bids shall be reserved. Sec. z . Bids must state, opposite, the number of each block what bids must ^ state. bid upon, the price for each class of work separately, viz : Grad- ing and macadam with crushed or broken rock or gravel, per cubic yard; Nicholson pavement and stone block pavement, per square yard; new sidewalks, crosswalks, plank gutters and plank roadways, per lineal foot. All work to correspond as nearly as practicable with the estimate filed as provided by sec- tion one (i) of this ordinance. Accompanying each bid there Bids to be ac- . . c o m p a n i ed by shall be a written guaranty, signed by two responsible tax-payers written guaranty of the city, to be approved by some member of the Committee on Streets and Public Property, to the effect that if a contract be awarded to such bidder, he will enter into contract as required and give security for its faithful performance within forty-eight hours after receiving notice of such award, or they will forfeit and pay to the city the difference between such bids and that of the next highest bid for the same work. Sec. 4. As soon after the time fixed for receiving bids as when bids to be opened. practicable, the Committee on Streets and Public Property shall open the same and report them, together with a summary of the several bids, to the Common Council. When so reported, the when contracts . to be awarded. Common Council shall award the contract or contracts to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, if in its judgment such bids are not unreasonable. Provided^ however, that an unreasonable Unreasonable . bid to be rejected bid, or a bid for less than all of one class of work chargeable to one block, or a bid that does not conform to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be rejected. Sec. 5. Whenever the Committee on Streets and Public Council can ex- tend time for Property and the Superintendent of Streets shall report to the completion of contract — how. Common Council that a contractor for work upon the streets has failed to complete his contract within the time specified therein, the Common Council may, by resolution, extend the time or 222 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Delinquent con- dcclarc Said contractoi* delinquent, and thereafter no bids shall be tracts. received from such person or persons so declared delinquent. Amount of bond Sec. 6. The Comiiion Council, upon awarding a contract or contracts, as hereinbefore provided, shall fix the amount of bond to be given by each contractor, and upon receiving a statement of such award and amount of bond, it is hereby made the duty City Attorney to of the City Attorney to prepare such bond and contract in prepare bond and j l \ contract. accordaiicc with the award. When improve- *Sec. 7 . When the improvement has been completed the ment is complet- ed contractor to contractor shall immediately thereafter file with the Auditor and notify — what to • Clerk a written notice to that effect and also the certificate of the Superintendent of Streets and City Surveyor approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Property as to the amount of the work, and that the same is on the proper grade and has been duly and fully completed, upon which the Auditor and Clerk shall certify the amount due for said work according to the Ten days’ time contract therefor. Within ten days thereafter any person or per- allowed for ap- pealing to Com- sons affected by the assessment for such improvement who claim mon Council. that the work has not been done according to the contract there- for may appeal to the Common Council of said city by filing with the Auditor and Clerk a written notice specifying his or When work to be their objections thereto. At the expiration of the time allowed accepted — how. for such appeal the Common Council shall examine the work, hear and determine all such objections, if any, and if satisfied that the work has been completed according to the contract it shall by ordinance accept the same and direct that a warrant be drawn in favor of the contractor for the amount of the contract price upon the fund collected for the payment thereof. Repeal. Sec. 8. That Ordinance No. 3281, entitled ‘‘An Ordinance to regulate the letting of contracts for street work,” approved October 24, 1881, and Odinance No. 3097, entitled “An Ordi- nance providing for the time and manner of the acceptance of *As amended by Ordinance No. 4711, approved Nov. 5, 1885. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 223 Street work and the presentation of claims therefor, approved May 6, 1881, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved May 22, 1885. No. 4621. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING A CONTRACT WITH P. F. MOREY, AND TO PRO- VIDE FOR THE LEVY OF TAXES THEREFOR AND GRANTING THE PRIVILEGE, FRANCHISE AND THE RIGHT OF WAY THROUGH THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND FOR LAYING PIPES FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- DUCTING WATER THROUGH AND THROUGH- OUT THE CITY AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF FURNISHING THE CITY OF PORTLAND AND ITS RESIDENTS WITH WATER. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The Committee on Streets and Public Property com. on s. and are hereby directed, authorized and empowered to enter into in’to^arddes"^of . , - . . . . agreement with articles 01 agreement with P. h . Morey, his associates and assigns p. f. Morey for . . . the erecting of for the erecting of water works to supply the city with water ; to water works to ® ^ ^ ^ ^ supply the city supply water for flushing sewers for the better public health, to with water, supply water for sprinkling the streets of the city, to supply water for the prevention of, injury or damage by fires arising from carelessness, negligence or otherwise, and for the extinguishment of fires, and to supply water for the public buildings and offices, and to supply water to the residents and inhabitants of the City of Portland. 224 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and p. F. Morey to Sec. 2. Said P. F. Morev, his associates and assigns shall at run, lay, main- tain and keep in his and their own cost and expense run, lay, maintain and keep repair mains. in repair mains of not less than six (6) inches in diameter on streets of the City of Portland where the Portland Water Com- where. pally HOW ruiis its mains, parallel with the lines of such streets and such other and additional mains as shall be required by a majority of all the members of the Council, provided no mains At what altitude, shall be required at an altitude greater than that at the intersec- tion of Twelfth and Montgomery streets. All mains hereafter run to be not less than six (6) inches in diameter. p. F. Morey to Sec. 3. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns shall erect, maintain and keep in re- erect aiid maintain and keep in repair at his and their own cost pair fire hydrants and expense for the period hereinafter mentioned, hydrants for the prevention and extinguishment of fires on streets where the On what streets, maiiis shall mil and at such places as the Board of Fire Commis- sioners or the proper city authorities may designate, but not to exceed four hundred (400) in number, but in such number shall be included and counted those now furnished the city by the Portland Hydraulic Elevator Company. But said P. F. Morey, Where not to be his associates or assigiis, shall not be compelled to erect, main- erected. _ y tain or keep in repair hydrants at places at a greater altitude than the present height above the base of grade of the intersection of Twelfth and Montgomery streets, nor on such blocks on which are located hydrants furnished and placed by the Portland Hy- draulic Elevator Company, aforesaid, in accordance with its con- tracts with the city until the expiration of said contracts. But City of Portland the city of Portland may at its own cost and expense erect and may erect at _ . . ., . own cost and ex- Eeep ill repair hydrants on the mains of said P. F. Morey, his pense additional i x ./ hydrants. associates and assigns, and at such places thereon as it may desire, but the same shall be erected under the direction and supervision of said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns. Pressure. Sec. 4. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall maintain a pressure of not less than sixty (6o) pounds to the square inch at each hydrant so erected by him and them. p. F. Morey to Sec. q. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall pay Portland _ . Hydraulic El. pay or cause to be paid to the Portland Hydraulic Elevator Com- Co. amounts to ^ ^ Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 225 pany, aforesaid, the amounts to become due to it by its present become due un- der existing con- existing contracts with the city of Portland, such payments not tracts with city, to be made, however, until after the beginning of the payments when, to be made hereunder by the city of Portland to said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns. Sec. 6. That for the purpose of filling and supplying withP. f. Morey to water the city carts and other vehicles for the i^urpose of sprink- tanks for street sprinkling pur- ling the streets of the city, said P. F. Morey, his associates andpo'^^s. assigns, shall at his and their own cost and expense erect and keep in repair tanks or furnish other suitable appliances at con- Common Coun- cil to designate venient places to be designated by the Common Council for said where placed, purpose. Sec. 7. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall have Water works— when to be com- said water works fully completed by December 31, 1887, and pieted by. begin supplying water for the foregoing purposes, and the resi- dents and the inhabitants of the city of Portland, by the 31st day of December, 1887. But in case the completion of said R enjoined time to be extended. water works shall be delayed by injunction or other legal proceed- ings, then the time so taken up or occupied by such injunction or other legal proceedings, shall extend the time for the comple- tion of such works for a like period beyond December 31, 1887. Sec. 8. The city of Portland shall i)ay said P. F. Morey, his City of Portland . . . . to pay P. F. associates and assigns, for supplying the city with water for the Morey $40,000 11^0 . per year, payable purposes aforesaid, the sum of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) United States gold coin, or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States, per year, for the period of twenty (20) years, beginning with the first service of water under said agreement, such payments to be made quarter yearly of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) each. Sec. 9. The said city of Portland shall each year during the city to levy spe- cial tax each year said twenty (20) years, and at the times the general municipal 3 mills, taxes are levied, levy a special tax of three (3) mills per centum (or so much thereof as shall be necessary) on each dollar of the taxable property in the city of Portland, to provide a special Shall provide and constitute a fund, which tax when so collected, shall be known as the water special fund. 226 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and uled^r^what and bc uscd exclusively for the payments to be made to the said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, under said con- tract, and the same is hereby set apart for the purpose of making payments to become due under said contract. At expiration of Sec. io. At the expiration of said twenty (20) years, said P. 20 years water to be furnished city F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall thereafter and forever furnish water to the city of Portland without additional compen- sation and free for flushing sewers, sprinkling the streets, for the prevention and extinguishment of fires, and supplying the city buildings and offices, cisterns and hydrants. But at the expira- At expiration of tion of said twenty (20) years, all hydrants and all tanks and 20 years — hy- drants tobecome other appliances for Sprinkling streets so erected by said P. F. property of city. _ _ Then city to keep Morey, his associates and assigns, as hereinbefore mentioned, in repair. •' ^ shall become the property of the city. But thereafter all addi- tional hydrants shall be erected by the city of Portland, and all hydrants shall be kept in repair by it at its own cost and expense. Rates at which Sec. II. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall water shall be r i • r -r» i i furnished to resi- turn ish Water to residents of the city of Portland at rates not dents monthly. to exceed the following monthly rates. Said rates are hereby established and shall be made a part of said contract and shall remain the established rates during the said period of twenty (20) years, except as hereinafter mentioned, to-wit: To all private dwelling houses occupied by one (i) family as follows : Family of ten (10) persons, or less $i 00 Each additional person 10 Additional rates for baths, water closets, urinals and hose. BAKERIES. According to daily use of flour, ^i.oo to meter rates. BATH ROOMS. For family of ten or less: One tub, hot or cold water $ 50 Each additional person ...**• 10 Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 2 2/ Public bath rooms, each tul:) i oo Bath tubs in boarding houses, when used by boarders, for each ten (lo) persons i oo Each additional person lo BARBER SHOPS. First chair oo Each additional chair to BUTCHER SHOPS. According to business, $1.50 to meter rates. 9 BUILDING PURPOSES. Each 1000 brick, wetting $ 10 Lime, each barrel, wetting 10 Stone, per perch, wetting 05 Cement, per barrel, wetting 10 BLACKSMITH SHOPS. One (i) fire . . . • * 00 Each additional fire 25 BOOKBINDERIES. Employing ten (10) workmen or less $ Each additional workman 10 FACTORIES. Employing ten (10) workmen, or less $i 00 Each additional workman 10 GARDEN HOSE. For each 250 square yards or less watered 25 All over 250 square yards, one-half (^) cent, per square yard. HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES. According to business, ^2.50 to meter rates. Offices 00 228 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and PRINTING OFFICES. For each power press $250 For each hand press 50 For each person employed 10 STORES. Drug stores, ^i.oo to meter rates. Grocery stores 00 Liquor stores (wholesale) ^i.oo to meter rates. Dry goods and other stores i 00 With family living in same building, ^i.oo additional. STABLES. Private, for each horse, including water for washing . . . one vehicle 50 Private, for each cow 50 Livery or public stable, including washing of carriages, for each hors© 25 RESTAURANTS. Rate according to business, ^i.oo to meter rates. DRINKING SALOONS. According to business, ^1.25 to meter rates. URINALS, Each 10 WATER CLOSETS. Family of ten (10) persons, or less 50 Each additional person 10 For public houses, public buildings, hotels, restaurants, . boarding houses, saloons, stores, factories i 00 WORKSHOPS. Employing ten (10) persons, or less i 00 Each additional person 10 Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 229 SLEEPING ROOMS. For each person 10 STEAM ENGINES. Each horse power, ten hours per day, $1.00 to meter rates. WATER BY METER. T,ooo to 50,000 gallons, 20 cents per 1,000 gallons; rates for water over first 50,000 gallons, 15 cents per 1,000 gallons. All water rates shall be due and payable monthly in advance. Sec. 12. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, may, p. f. Morey when to furnish at his and their own option, in all cases (except for water used water through meters, in private dwelling houses and by the City of Portland for the purposes aforesaid), whether provided for in the foregoing rates or unprovided therein, or otherwise, furnish water to comsumers through meters and charge and collect for the same each month at the foregoing established meter rates. Sec. 13. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall buU Run river — . r ^ water to be fur- furnish water for the foregoing purposes from the stream known nuhed from, as Bull Run river. Sec. 14. All connections made with the mains of said P. F. Connections with water mains Morey, his associates and assigns, and all service pipes connected to be at expense of person making therewith, shall be at the cost and expense of the person or same. persons making the same ; but such connections shall be made only after giving five (5) days’ written notice to said P. F. 5 days' notice to be given. Morey, his associates and assigns, and shall be made under his or their personal supervision, or his or their authorized employes and agents ; provided, however, that to those persons desiring to be supplied with water from the mains of said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, as hereinafter in this section mentioned, the service pipe shall be run to the curb of sidewalk and a stop cock supplied and attached at the expense of said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns ; provided, further, that at the time mains are being run and ditches are open at the places most convenient to supply such persons so desiring to be supplied with water, shall give said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, not less than five (5) days’ written notice thereof. 230 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and P. F. Morey to have exclusive right, make need- ful rules and reg- ulations for tap- ping mains, mak- ing connections therewith and for the use of water. Other rights. Affidavits — can require. P. F. Morey may enter at all reasonable hours for purpose of in- specting condi- tion of pipes any building. On refusal — may shut off water supply. Overcharge may be recovered by action at law. Sec. 15. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall have the exclusive right to make all needful and necessary rules and regulations, and the right to change, alter and amend the same from time to time for the tapping of and making connection with his and their mains, and for the supplying residents with water, and the use and time and manner of use of water, and the appliances for using water. And shall have the right to require all persons using water to make and furnish affidavits, or other written state- ments, as to their compliance with such rules and regulations, and as to their coming within the provisions of such rates, and as to what persons use water and for what purposes, and the amount of water so used, and as to whether improper use is made of such water, and as to whether persons use or obtain water without paying said P. F. Morey, his associates and as- signs, for the same ; and he and they shall have the right to shut off the water for non-payment of the foregoing rates and rents, or violation of such rules or regulations, or the failure, neglect or refusal to make or furnish such affidavits or other written statements, or the making of false affidavits or other written statements, or allowing other person or persons to obtain water without payment made to said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns. Sec. 16. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, may enter at reasonable hours all houses, buildings, structures and other places, and all parts thereof, for the purpose of inspecting the condition of the pipes and the manner in which the water is used, and to ascertain whether or not such rules and regulations are complied with. And in case of the refusal of the occupant of such house, building or structure or other place, to allow such entering and inspection, said P. F. Morey, his associates and as- signs, may shut off the water therefrom until such entering and inspection is had. Sec. 17. That any overcharge by said P. F. Morey, his asso- ciates and assigns, or overpayment to them for water furnished under said contract other than to the city of Portland, shall not make or work a forfeiture of said contract, but the amount of Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 231 such overcharge or overpayment may be recovered from him and them by proper action at law by the party aggrieved. Sec. 18. That the said P. F. Morey, his associates and as- Grant— franchise signs, be and are hereby granted the right and privilege of lay- ing pipes through the streets of the city of Portland for the pur- pose of conducting water through and throughout the city and for the purpose of furnishing the city of Portland and its resi- dents with water. Sec. IQ. That the ditches for laying pipes shall be sunk two Ditches to be ^ oil sunk 2 feet-pipes (2) feet, and that the pipes conducting the water shall be under the surface or level of the established grade of the street not less °f grade, than six (6) inches, and that no pipes shall be laid so as to inter- fere with the erection of sewers. Provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to grant any exclusive right or privilege of conducting water into the city. Sec. 20. Any failure, neglect or refusal on the part of said Contract to be P. F. Morey, his associates or assigns, resulting from any in ten- when— provided, tional act or omission to supply water at reasonable times and in reasonable amount for flushing sewers, for sprinkling streets, for supplying said hydrants, or to residents or inhabitants of the city of Portland at the foregoing rates or the rates hereafter law- fully established by the city of Portland (on the streets or parts of streets where the mains of said P, F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall be), in accordance with the true meaning and intent of the terms and conditions of said contract, shall work a forfeiture of all rights, privileges and franchises hereby granted to him or them under the provisions of this ordinance, and the said contract made in pursuance and by authority thereof shall be and become null and void ; provided, however, nevertheless, that after due notice by the Common Council, said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall refuse to correct or remedy the said neglect, failure or refusal ; provided, however, further, nevertheless, that nothing in this section shall be or be construed to be as in any way applying to or limiting or changing provis- ions of sections 15, 16 and 17 of this ordinance. 232 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets ami p. F. Morey, Sec. 21. The said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, responsible for. shall be responsible for all loss or damage resulting to persons or property in making the improvements and appliances for supply- ing water as aforesaid and in laying down, maintaining and keeping in repair mains, in erecting and maintaing hydrants and tanks, and in doing the work therefor, or in any manner sus" tained on account thereof for which the city of Portland might be liable for, and shall hold the city of Portland free and harm- less therefrom. City of Portland Sec. 22. That in case the city of Portland shall at that time ?ve^’‘yea?s°may have the power to purchase said water works to be erected under works of P. ^F%aid contract, said city of Portland may, within five (5) years Morey. from the date of said contract, have the right and privilege to purchase said water works from said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, by paying him and them therefor his and their actual outlay, cost and expenses therefor and thereon, together with an additional amount of six (6) per centum on such actual outlay, cost and expenses up to the time of such purchase. Conditions of Sec. 2 2. That after the period of ten (lo) years from the purchase— Com- ^ ^ ^ . mon Council to services of Water under said contract by said P. F. Morey, regulate water ■' ■' y?a?s associate and assigns, the Common Council shall regulate the water rates under said contract, save and except for water furnished the city of Portland under said contract ; provided, however, nevertheless, that under no circumstances shall such rates be so reduced that said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns shall have a net annual income on his and their actual outlay, cost and expenses on .said water works therefor and thereon of less than ten (lo) per centum per annum. Rights and priv- ggc. 24. Said P. F. Morey, his associates and assigns, shall ileges — when to become forfeited, forfeit all rights and privileges under this ordinance and the con- tract made in pursuance thereof, if he or they shall sell or assign said contract to the said Portland Water Company. give^bo^dTso^- associates or assigns, shall, within sixty (6o) days after the execution of said contract, give Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 233 a bond, to be approved by the Mayor, to the city of Portland for the faithful performance of his and their part of said contract in the penal sum of ^^50,000. Approved June 24, 1885. No. 4699. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE COMMITTEE ON STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY FROM ENTERING INTO CONTRACT WITH P. F. MOREY AND HIS ASSOCIATES UNTIL THE FURTHER DIRECTION OF THIS COMMON COUNCIL. Whereas, The Common Council of the city of Portland did, on the 24th day of June, 1885, pass Ordinance No. 4621, entitled “An Ordinance authorizing and directing a contract with P. F. Morey and to provide for the levy of taxes threfor, and granting the privilege, franchise and right of way through the streets of the city of Portland, for laying pipes for the pur- pose of conducting water through and throughout the city ; and for the purpose of furnishing the city of Portland and its resi- dents with water.” Approved June 24, 1885 ; and Whereas, an ordinance is now pending before the Com- mon Council of said city to repeal said ordinance, and a suit is also pending in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Oregon, to enjoin the execution of the contract pro- vided for in said ordinance, which said suit involves questions of great public importance ; and Whereas, the said Common Council deems it expedient and proper that the contract provided for in said ordinance should not be signed, entered into or in any manner executed 234 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Commi t te e on Streets and Pub- lic Property pro- hibited from en- tering into, sign- ing or executing contract with P. F. Morey, as pro- vided by Ordi- nance No. 4621. Additional elec- tric lights. Intersections of what streets. by the Committee on Streets and Public Property, until the decision of the court in the said .suit is made known to the Com- mon Council, and it has had an opportunity to consider the same as affecting the validity of said ordinance and the contract therein provided for, now, therefore, The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Common (Council of the City of Portland, be, and is hereby instructed, directed and required not to sign, enter into or in any manner execute the said contract provided for in the aforesaid ordinance, and the said Committee is hereby expressly prohibited from so doing until hereafter ordered so to do by the Common Council of the said city of Portland. Approved October 26, 1885. No. 4739. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE ERECTION AND MAINTAINANCE OF AN ELEC- TRIC LIGHT AT THE INTERSECTION OF SEC- OND AND WASHINGTON STREETS, AND SECOND AND MORRISON, IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That The United States Electric Lighting and Power Company of Portland, Oregon, be, and it is hereby authorized, directed and required to erect and maintain an elec- tric light at the intersection of Second and Morrison streets, and one at the intersection of Second and Washington streets in said Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 235 city, subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions set forth in its existing contract with the said city of Portland, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 4538, entitled An ordinance authorizing and directing a contract with The United States Elec- tric Lighting and Power Com])any, of Portland, Oregon, pro- vided that the cost thereof shall not exceed the cost per lamp Cost not to ex- ceed what. now paid said company under the aforesaid contract. Approved December 3, 1885. No. 4789. AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE PORTIONS OF VINE AND FIRST STREETS, IN THE CITY OF PORT- LAND, OREGON. Whereas, A petition was duly filed with the Auditor and Petition filed for vacation ot street Clerk of the said city of Portland, on the 2d day of December, —when. 1885, and is now pending before the Common Council of said city, asking that the following described portions of Vine and First streets in said city, be vacated, to-wit: All that portion of said streets bounded by and included with- Bound aries of street proposed in the perimeter of a circle twenty (20) feet in diameter, the to be vacated center of which is at the point where the center line of Vine street intersects the center line of First street, in said city of Portland, as originally laid out and containing three hundred and fourteen and sixteen-hundredths (314 16-100) feet; and Whereas, due and legal notice of the pending of said peti- Proceedings 1 • -11111 1 1 • • prio*" lo vacation tion has been given as required by law by the publication of notice thereof, for more than thirty days next prior hereto, in the Daily Standard, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and 236 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and published in the said city of Portland, and requiring all persons interested to appear at the regular meeting of the Common Coun- cil of the said city of Portland, at the Council chamber on Wed- nesday, the 6th day of January, 1886, at 7:30 o’clock p. m. of • said day, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why such vacation of said portions of said streets above described, should not be made, as prayed for in said petition; and No objection Whereas, No objections have been made or filed to such filed to vacation. . , .... , • , vacation or the petition therefor, and all persons owning the property immediately adjoining to said portions of said streets having duly consented to such vacation thereof, as required by law, and there being no good reason why such vacation should not be made; now, therefore, The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That all that portion of Vine and First streets Vacation of. street declared in the city of Portland, Multnomah county. State of Oregon, and sitedesignat- ed for erection of bounded by and included within the perimeter of a circle the Skidmore Fountain. twenty (20) feet in diameter, the center of which is at the point where the center line of Vine street intersects the center line of First street in said city as orignially laid out, be, and the same is, hereby designated as a site upon which to erect and maintain the drinking fountain to be erected by the said city of Portland, with the five thousand (^5,000) dollars bequeathed to said city by the late Stephen G. Skidmore for that purpose. Approved February 8, 1886. No. 4802. AN ORDINANCE TO COMPEL ALL PERSONS ERECT- ING OR MAINTAINING PRIVIES OR CESSPOOLS WITHIN 100 FEET IN WHICH A SEWER HAS BEEN OR MAY HEREAFTER BE CONSTRUCTED TO CONNECT THE SAME THEREWITH. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Privies and cess- SECTION I. No persou or persous shall, within the corporate pools within loo . . . • • rr feet of a sewer to limits of the City of Portland, erect or maintain or suffer to be Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 237 erected or maintained upon any premises owned by him, her or be connected therewith. them any privy or cesspool within one hundred (100) feet of any street in which a sewer has been or may hereafter be constructed without causing such privy or cesspool to be connected with such sewer in the manner provided by Ordinance No. 1717, entitled “An ordinance for the protecting of public sewers and to pro- vide for the manner of making connection therewith,” approved January 20, 1876. Sec. 2. All persons erecting or maintaining any privy or Connections to cesspool within the corporate limits of the city of Portland who cfea^nT^ have made the connections required in section one of this ordi- nance shall keep the said connections free and clean of and from all obstructions and in good order and condition so as to properly drain any such privy or cesspool. Sec. 3. Any person violating anv of the provisions of this Penalty of viola- tion. ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred, or in case of default in the payment of such fine, by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than five days nor more than ninety days. Sec. 4. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- Repeal, flict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 187 1886. No. 4803. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE PORTLAND STREET RAILWAY COMPANY TO EXTEND ITS LINE OF STREET RAILWAY ON SOUTH FIRST STREET SOUTHERLY FROM CARUTHERS STREET TO PORTER STREET. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section r. That the Portland Street Railway Company be Portland street and it is hereby authorized to extend the lines of its street rail- SedTo^Ltend^u 238 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and lines southerly to way OD South First Street from its present terminus at Car- Caruthers street uthers street southerly to Porter street. Extension, when Sec. 2. That Said extension of said street railway shall be to be completed, withiii three months from the date of this ordinance, and that a failure on the part of said company to so construct and complete said extension within the said three months shall work a forfeiture of all rights and privileges expressed herein. Comp'y to com- Sec. 3. That the owners of said railway shall plank or ma- municipai au- cadamize as the municipal authorities may direct that portion of thurities direct to be done in the Street along which their railway shall be laid, the whole repairing streets. length of said railway between the rails and shall put and keep in repair such other portions of the street as shall be disturbed in putting down such railway or repairing the same. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to require the said Port- land Street Railway Company to keep in repair or rebuild First street bridge, further than to repair the surface planking on said bridge between the rails of .said railway. Railway to be Sec, 4. That the Said railway shall be run and operated in operated in con- formity with cer- con fomiity wi th the prOvisioilS and requirements of Ordinance tain ordinances. No. 1065, entitled “ An ordinance to authorize the construction and operation of street railways in the city of Portland,” and Ordinance No. 1126, amendatory thereof. Repeal. Sec. 5. All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved February i8, 1886. No. 4812. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT WITH W. T. SPILMAN AND FIXING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : w. T. Spiiman SECTION I. That the Committee on Streets and Public Prop- iiej^gralued 7 or erty be and it is hereby authorized, required and directed to 7 years to vend ' . .. . refreshments in enter iiito articles of agreement with W. P. Spilman granting City Park. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 239 him the right and privilege of erecting buildings in the City Park, together with the exclusive privilege of vending refresh- ments therein for the period of seven years from and after date of the approval of this ordinance by the Mayor of said city. Sec. 2. The said W. T. Spilman shall at his own cost and Said spUman to erect and build expense erect and build at or as near the center of said park, as pavilion at own cost and ex- conveniently as may be, a pavilion eighteen feet by forty-five p^nse. feet and one story high, with brick foundation, the walls of the Dimensions and . . . style. pavilion to be made of timber m its natural state, tastefully and artistically formed, such rustic walls to be protected by water- proof varnish ; said pavilion building to be erected in a good and substantial manner and shall keep and maintain the same in good order and condition. The said W. T. Spilman shall at his own cost and expense said Spiiman to ... . . , , r ^ erect and build erect and build a cottage in said park twenty-two feet by twenty- at own cost . . . .andexpense SIX feet, one story high and also connected therewith a toilet cottage and toil- et room. Dimen- room eight feet by ten feet one story high ; said cottage and toi- “sions. let room to be furnished with hard finish plastering and thor- oughly painted; and the material therein used to be of the best quality and all the work thereon to be done in a good and work- manlike manner. Said cottage and toilet room to be erected adjoining the pavilion above mentioned and said pavilion, cot- tage and toilet room to be strictly in accordance with the plans therefor now on file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk of Pavilion, cottage and toilet room said City. Said pavilion, cottage and toilet room to cost not --what to cost, less than $2300. Sec. 3. The said W. T. Spilman shall commence the erec- Erection of said buildings — when tion of said buildings mentioned in section two of this ordinance commence. immediately after the execution of the contract and agreement herein provided for, and shall complete the same on or before one year from said date in all particulars except the rustic work on said pavilion, which shall be completed on or before two years when to com- . . . . plete. from said last named date; said building shall all be completed as aforesaid to the satisfaction of the Common Council of said city and the manner of conducting and maintaining the same shall at all times be under the inspection and supervision of the Com- 240 ORDINANXES OF THE [Streets and Council to super- mon Council of Said city; and said Council may from time to vise manner con- ducting and time during said period of seven years adopt such rules and reg- maintaining _ .. same. ulations as in its judgment may be necessary or convenient in the supervision or control of said building or the business con- ducted therein. w. T. Spiiman Sec. 4. That the said W. T. Spilman shall, during the said to have exclusive use, enjoyment period of seveii years have the exclusive use, enjoyment and and occupancy of said buildings occupancy of Said buildings and the exclusive right to vend for seven years, * ^ also exclusive j-efi-(^sPjyygnts in Said park, and no other person, firm or corpora- pnvilegeofvend- ‘ 7 i ing refreshments shall be allowed to Vend refreshments therein during Said tn said park. o term of seven years. Said W. T. Spilman shall, during said seven years, keep the said buildings and the premises whereon the same are situated in a neat and clean condition, and shall not allow any riotous, disorderly or indecent conduct or practice therein or thereon, but shall keep the same in a quiet and orderly manner and open to the public at all seasonable hours. Not to vend Sec. 5. The said W. T. Spilman shall not in any of said s pi r i t u o u s o r malt liquors. buildings or ill said park directly or indirectly, in person or by another sell, barter or deliver for or on his or their account any wine, spirituous or malt liquors, or suffer or permit any person or persons to drink any wine, spirituous or malt liquors in said buildings or upon the premises connected therewith or under his control. At expiration of Sec. 6. That at the cxpiratioti of said period of seven years buildings to be-all Said buildiiigs and improvements shall be and become the come property of city. property of the said city of Portland and shall thereafter be owned and controlled by the said city, free and clear of all rights thereto or claims thereon by the said W. T. Spilman in consider- ation of the privileges hereby granted to him. Privileges here- Sec. j. The 1‘ights and privileges hereby granted are granted by conferred not . . to be sublet, sold, to W. T. Spilman, and he shall not sell, assign, sublet, mortgage, assigned, mort- gaged or leased, or Otherwise dispose of the same to any person or persons whomsoever, or in any way or manner sell, convey or encumber the said buildings or any or either of them. Penalty for neg- Sec. 8. Aliy iieglect, failure or refusal of the said W. T. lect, failure or re- . /- 1 1 j* • fusai to perform Spiliiiaii to keep aiid faithfully perform the terms and conditions terms of grant. Public Property,] CITY OF PORTLAND. 241 of this ordinance or any violation of the provisions thereof, or of the contract and agreement made in pursuance thereof, shall work a forfeiture of all buildings, improvements, and of all the rights and privileges hereby granted, and all said buildings shall immediately after such neglect, failure, refusal or violation, be and become the property of the city of Portland, and it may, by its officers and agents, enter into and take immediate possession thereof and evict the said W. T. Spilman therefrom. Sec. 9, In case said buildings should be attached or levied Buildings to re- vert to city in upon by virtue of any process of any court or otherwise the same case attached, shall immediately be and become the property of the city of Portland, and it shall have the right to take immediate pos.session of the same free and clear of all liens or claims thereon or thereto by the said W. T. Spilman or any person claiming the same by, through or under him. Approved March 4, 1886. No. 4816. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LEASE OF BLOCK T32 IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND, TO THE MECHANICS FAIR ASSOCIATION. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The Portland Mechanics’ Fair Association being The Portland a corporation, duly organized under the laws of the state of association. Oregon, for the purpose of establishing a Mechanics’ Fair, to encourage and assist the Industrial Arts in this city and state, and said Association having established its principal office and place of business in this city, and are desirous of making additional improvements on the buildings and machinery now owned by them on said block 132, with a vievv of holding fairs and exhibi- tions as often at least as once in each year, and in order to more 242 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and successfully to carry out the objects and intentions of said society, and in view of the additional expense necessary to be incurred in making such additional expenditures, the said Block 132 leased Mechauics’ Fair Association desires a lease of said block 132 for the for ten years. When lease to period of ten years from the loth day of June 1889, the date of the expiration of the present lease to said society; and the Com- mon Council of the city of Portland, deeming it to the interests of said city of Portland to aid the said society in the carry- ing out of its plans by granting an extended lease of said block ; therefore, the Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Common Council are hereby authorized and directed, in consid- eration of the advantages to be derived by the continuation of the said lease to the said institution to this city, to enter into a lease with said corporation for said block 132 for the full term of ten years to begin on the loth day of June, 1889, upon the Terms. following temis : Two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per year in advance each year of said lease, to be paid in U. S. gold coin. Assessments for and the further Consideration of the payment by said corpora- street imp rove- . . ... ments— who totioii of all assessmeiits which may be levied against said propertv p^y • for street improvements during the term of said lease. Right at expira- Sec. 2. The Said Corporation shall have the right at the expiration of said lease to remove all structures and buildings which it may erect on said block, Aprroved March 4, 1886. No. 4834. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSCONTI- NENTAL STREET RAILWAY COMPANY TO CON- STRUCT AND OPERATE STREET RAILWAYS UPON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Franchise SECTION I. That there be and is hereby granted unto The Street °RaUway Transcontinental Street Railway Company the right and privil- Company. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 243 ege to lay down and maintain an iron railroad track or tracks and to operate street railways within the city of Portland, as fol- lows, to-wit ; Commencing at the intersection of Third and Morrison streets. Route, thence along Morrison street to Ninth street; thence along Ninth street to Montgomery street ; thence along Montgomery street to Thirteenth street ; also commencing at the intersection of Yamhill and Third streets ; thence along Yamhill street to Ninth street. Sec. 2. The work of laying and operating a single line ofsi^^gu street railway upon said streets shall be completed and in completed when, operation within one year after the approval of this ordinance. Sec. 3. The track to be laid on the said Morrison and Yam- hill streets shall be a single line of tracks with necessary turnouts and turntables, and along Ninth street and Montgomery street the track to be laid at present may be a single track with neces- sary turnouts and turntables, and the said company at any time when the public convenience and business over the roads warrant it, may lay down a double line of tracks on said Ninth street and Montgomery street. Said track upon all the streets aforesaid shall be laid as nearly as possible flush with the grade thereof, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of vehicles. Single line of track to be laid on Morrison and Yamhill streets. May lay double line on Ninth and Montgom- ery streets. Track always to beflush with grade of streets. Sec. 4. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such No street to be obstructed at one railway, no street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than bme for greater distance than the length of two blocks at any one time, nor for a longer blocks, nor ° J ’ O longer than ten period than ten working days, except that in excessively bad weather the Superintendent of Streets may extend the time afore- .said at his discretion. Sec. 5. The said company shall plank, pave, or macadamize. Company to ...... . . plank, pave or as the municipal authorities may direct, that portion of the street macadamize, or streets along which the railway shall be laid the width of said railway between the rails, and for the width of one foot on the outside of said rails. 244 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Power of munic- Sec. 6. Nothing in this ordinance nor any privilege granted ipal authorities to grade, pave, thereby shall be construed to prevent the municipal authorities sewer, plank, "l-o5e^ltt^’r'or grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadamizing, de?^th^T?rdT altering or repairing any of the streets over or upon denied which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions. But all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shift- ing the rails so as to avoid, as much as possible, the liability to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. Unlawful for any Sec. 7. It shall be uiilawful for any person or persons to person t o o b- struct. obstruct the railway or railways herein provided for, either dur- ing the construction or the operation of the same ; and any per- Penaity for vio- son or persons who carelessly or willfully violate the foregoing lation. . . provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the Police Court, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25) or by imprisonment not Offensive, inde- exceeding tell days, or both, at the discretion of the court for each Hus ianjuag°e and cvcry offensc. Any conductor or other employe on the rail not to be allow- ed on or about way or railways herein provided for, or any passenger thereon or cars. Other person on or about the cars belonging thereto, who shall by offensive, indecent, opprobious or abusive language, insult, abuse or maltreat any passenger on the said cars, shall, on con- Penaity. victioii thereof before the Police Court, be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25), or imprisonment not exceeding ten days or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. Fare not to ex- ceed 5 cents. Sec. 8. The rate of fare shall not exceed five (5) cents for each passenger while traveling in one general direction on the lines of said company. Cars to run be- Sec. 9. The cars shall run between the hours of 6 a. m. to tween the hours . of— II a. m. as often as every ten minutes; and between ii a. m. and 8 p. m. as often as every eight minutes; and between the Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 245 hours of 8 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. as often as every twenty min- utes, save and except on Montgomery street the cars shall run as often as every twenty minutes from 6:30 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. Sec. 10. The owners of said railways shall pay annually to License, the city of Portland as a license upon each car in use by them on said railway or railways the sum of fifty dollars ($50) on each two-horse car and twenty-five dollars ($ 25) on each single- horse car. Sec. II. The said, The Transcontinental Street Railway when company . deemed to have Company shall be deemed to have abandoned all the rights and abandoned fran- chise. privileges conferred by this ordinance unless it shall within thirty (30) days after the approval of this ordinance, file in the office written accept- , . . r 1 • 1 ance of franchise of the Auditor and Clerk their written acceptance of the rights to be filed in of- fice of Auditor and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms, restrictions and^cierk within and conditions herein contained. Sec. 12. All rights and privileges hereby conferred shall Rights and priv- expire at the end of thirty (30) years from the date of this ordi-expre. nance. Sec. 13. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict Repeal, herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 8, 1886. No. 4835. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING GEORGE W. WEID- LER AND ROBERT IRVING AND THEIR ASSIGNS TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE STREET RAILWAYS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That there be and is hereby granted unto George Franchise— Geo. Anr J 1 T • , , . . , . , ° W. Weidleretal W. Weidler, and Robert Irving and their assigns the right and street railway. 246 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and privilege to lay down, maintain and operate an iron railway track or tracks and to operate street railways within the city of Portland, as follows, to-wit: Route. First : Commencing at what would be the center line of North Front street if extended at the north boundary line of the city, thence along North Front street extended and North Front street to its intersection with F street, thence along F street to North Second street, thence southerly along North Second street. Second street and South Second street to Sheridan street. Second: Commencing at a point in the center of Second street where the same intersects Alder street, thence westerly along Alder street to the center of Fifth street, thence southerly along Fifth street to the center of Jefferson street, thence west- erly along Jefferson street and the Canyon road to the west boundary of the city. Third: From the intersection of North Front and D streets along D street to the center line of North Eighteenth street, thence along North Eighteenth street to the center line of E street, thence along E street westerly to the center line of what is known as the Balch county road, thence northerly to a con- nection with the center of North Twenty-Second street, thence along North Twenty-Second street to its intersection with P street, thence easterly along P street to the center of North Eighth street, thence southerly along North Eighth street to its intersection with D street. Work to com- Sec. 2. The work upon said line or lines of street railway mence. Rate of progress, shall commeiice during the year 1886 and shall progress at the rate of one mile each year thereafter. Company to Sec. 3. The Owner or owners of said railway shall plank, plank, pave or macadamize, &c. pave or macadamize, as the municipal authorities may direct, that portion of the street or streets along and over which the rail- way shall be laid the whole width of said railway between the rails, and for the width of one foot on the outside of said rails; except across bridges, where only the covering plank shall be kept in repair. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 247 Sec. 4. The track of said railway shall be a double or single Track to be double or single. line of track, with the necessary turnouts and turntables, and shall be laid as nearly as possible in the center of the street, and flush with the grade of said street or streets, so as to offer as lit- To be flush with grade of street. tie obstruction as possible to the passage of vehicles. Sec. 5. For the purpose of laying down o*" repairing such street^no^t^to^^ railway, no street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than d\™tan^^tha'^^?ne the length of one block at any one time, nor for a longer period fonger'^’thTn ten than ten working days, except that in case of excessively bad ^^ys weather the Common Council may extend the time aforesaid at its discretion. Sec. 6, The cars to be used upon said railway shall be of Cars-what to be. the most approved construction for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and shall be provided with brakes or other neces- sary appliance for stopping the same. They shall be drawn by horses or mules, or propelled by stationary steam engines or other power where rendered necessary or convenient by reason of steep grades or inclines. The rate of speed shall not exceed Speed not to ex- ° ^ ceed SIX miles six miles per hour, and any case of the violation of this clause shall subject the owner or owners of said railway or railways to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense, upon a conviction thereof before the Police Court. Sec. 7. The rails to be used for said railway or railways Quality of rails, shall be of good iron or steel, and of the most approved pattern. Sec. 8. The cars shall run between the hours of 6 o’clock a. cars to run be- m. and 8 o’clock p. m. as often as every ten minutes, and o?l^" between the hours of 8 o’clock p. m. and ii o’clock p. m. as often as every twenty ( 20 ) minutes. Sec. o. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to u^^iawfui forany ^ person to ob- obstruct the railway or railways herein provided for, either dur- struct, ing the construction or the operation of the same, and any per- son or persons who shall carelessly or willfully violate the fore- going provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before the Police Court shall be punished by a 248 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Offensive, inde- cent or oppro- bious language not to be allow- ed on or about cars. Penalty. Power of muni- cipal authorities to grade, pave, sewer, plank, macadam, im- prove, alter or repair streets under this ordi- nance not to be denied. License. Fare not to ex- ceed 5 cents. Cars not to stop on intersection of streets. fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars (^25), or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. Any conductor or other employe on the railway or railways herein provided for, any passenger thereon or other person on or about the cars belonging thereto, who shall by offensive, indecent, opprobious or abusive lan- guage, insult, abuse or maltreat any passenger on the said cars, shall, on conviction before the Police Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars (^25), or less than five dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every such offense. Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance nor any privileges granted hereby shall be construed to prevent the municipal authorities from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadam- izing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions; but all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shift- ing the rails so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. Sec. II. The owners of said railways shall pay annually to the city of Portland as a license upon each car in use by them upon said railway or railways, the sum of fifty dollars ($50) on each two-horse car, and twenty-five dollars ($ 25) on each single horse car. Sec. 12, The rate of fare charged shall be not exceeding five (5) cents for each passenger while traveling in any one general direction on the lines of the said railway. Sec. 13. In operating such railways as shall be constructed under this ordinance, no car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain still upon any intersection of streets, and any viola- tion of the provisions of this section shall subject the owners of Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 249 said railway or railways to a fine of not less than five and not more Penalty, than twenty-five dollars for every offense, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court. Sec. 14. The said George W. Weidler and Robert Irving When franchise . . 1111 111 deemed to have and 'their assigns shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights become aban- and privileges conferred by this ordinance unless they shall within thirty (30) days after the approval of this ordinance, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk the written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms, restrictions and conditions herein contained. Sec. IK. All rights and privileges hereby conferred shall and pnv- o r o j lieges— when to expire at the end of thirty (30) years from the date of the^'^P^*'®- approval of this ordinance. Approved April 13, 1886. No. 4838. AM ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SUPERIN- TENDENT OF STREETS TO EMPLOY A DEPUTY AND FIXING HIS SALARY. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the Superintendent of Streets be and isSupt. of streets to employ effi- hereby authorized to employ an efficient person as a Deputy ci^nt deputy. Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 2. The salary of the Deputy Superintendent of Streets Salary, shall be twelve hundred dollars per year, payable monthly, upon certification to the Auditor and Clerk by the Superintendent of Streets of the employment of such person as deputy, which certi- ficate shall be approved by the Committee on Streets and Public Property. ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Repeal. Franchise- Cook and Ordway — railway. Route. 250 Sec. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, and that Ordi- nance No. 3899, entitled “An Ordinance authorizing the Super- intendent of Streets to employ Deputies,’' approved August 17, 1883, be and the same is hereby repealed. # Approved April 8, 1886. No. 4849. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING J. W. COOK AND JULIUS ORDWAY AND THEIR ASSIGNS TO CON- STRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE STREET RAILWAYS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordam as follows : -J.w. ^Section i. That there be and is hereby granted unto J. W. street Cook and Julius Ordway and their assigns the right and priv- ilege to lay down, maintain and operate an iron or steel railway track or tracks, and to operate a system of street railways within the city of Portland, to-wit: First: Commencing at a point in the center of Stark street where the same intersects the west line of Front street, thence westerly along Stark street to the center line of Ninth street. Second : Commencing at the intersection of North Seventh and N streets and running thence southerly along North Seventh street to A street, thence westerly to Seventh street and running thence southerly along Seventh street to the center of Alder street. *As amended by Ordinance No. 4853. Approved May 13, 1886. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND, 251 Third : Commencing at the intersection of North Fifth and J streets, thence southerly along North Fifth, Fifth and South Fifth streets to the south line of Sheridan street. Fourth: Commencing at the intersection of South Fifth and Sheridan streets, thence easterly along Sheridan street to the center of Front street, thence southerly along Front street to Porter street, thence down Porter street to Hood street, thence up Hood street to Grover street, thence down Grover street to Multnomah street, thence along Multnomah street and what is known as the country road to the southern boundary of the city. Fifth : Commencing at a point in the north line of R street, which point is also the intersection of North Tenth and North Front streets and running thence southerly along North Tenth street to Stark street, thence westerly to Tenth street and thence southerly along Tenth street to the north line of Myrtle street. Sixth: Commencing at the west line of Front street where the same intersects the center line of Hall street, thence westerly along Hall street to where the same intersects what is known as the Terrace road, thence along said Terrace road to the west boundary thereof. Seventh: Commencing at the intersection of Fifth and Alder streets, and running thence westerly along Alder street to the west boundary of said Alder street. Sec. 2. The work upon said line or lines of street railway Work to com- shall commence during the year 1886 and shall progress at the Rate of progress, rate of one mile each year thereafter. Sec. 3. The owner or owners of said railway shall plank. Com pany to plank, pave or pave or macadamize, as the municipal authorities may direct, macadamize, etc. that portion of the street or streets along and over which the railway shall be laid the whole width of said railway between the rails, and for the width of one foot on the outside of said rails ; except across bridges, where only the covering plank shall be kept in repair. Sec. 4. The track of said railway shall be a double or single •' ® double or single. line of track, with the necessary turnouts and turntables, and 252 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and To be flush with shall be laid as nearly as possible in the center of the street, and grade of street, flush with the grade of said street or streets, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of vehicles. obSJictTdat'any Sec. 5. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such greater' distance railway, uo Street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than nor"foT^io^ng?r the length of one block at any one time, nor for a longer period days.'^" than ten working days, except that in case of excessively bad weather the Common Council may extend the time aforesaid at its discretion. Cars— what to be Sec. 6. The cars to be used upon said railway shall be of the most approved construction, for the comfort and convenience of passengers, and shall be provided with brakes or other necessary appliance for stopping the same. They shall be drawn by horses or mules, or propelled by stationary steam engines or other power where rendered necessary or convenient by reason of steep Speed not to ex- CTj-ades or incHnes. The rate of speed shall not exceed six miles ceed SIX miles per ° ^ per hour, and any case of the violation of this clause shall sub- ject the owner or owners of said railA^ay or railways to a fine not Penalty. exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offense, upon a conviction thereof before the Police Court. Quality of rails. Sec. 7. The rails to be used for said railway or railways shall be of good iron or steel, and of the most approved pattern. Cars to run be- Sec. 8. The cars shall run between the hours of 6 o’clock a. tween hours of — m. and 8 o’clock p. m. as often as every ten minutes, and between the hours of 8 o’clock p. m. and ii o’clock p.. m. as often as every twenty (20) minutes. Unlawful for any Sec. 9. It shall be iiulawful for any person or persons to struct. obstruct the railway or railways herein provided for, either dur- ing the construction or the operation of the same, and any per- son or persons who shall carelessly or willfully violate the fore- going provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and Penalty for vio- on conviction before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25), or by imprison- ment not exceeding ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. Any conductor or other Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 253 employe on the railway or railways herein provided for, any pas- offensive, inde- senger thereon or other person on or about the cars belonging bii*us ^’ianguJJe . . . , . not to be allowed thereto, who shall, by offensive, indecent, opprobious or abusive on or about cars, language, insult, abuse or maltreat any passenger on the said cars, shall, on conviction before the Police Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25), or less than Penalty, five dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every such offense. Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance nor any privileges Power of munic- granted hereby shall be construed to prevent the municipal to grade, pave, sewer, plan k, authorities from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadam- macadam, im- 01 001 o prove, alter or izing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over ^st^ree^ts which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions; but all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shift- ing the rails so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. Sec. II. The owners of said railways shall pay annually to License, the city of Portland as a license upon each car in use by them upon said railway or railways, the sum of fifty dollars (^50) on each two-horse car, and twenty-five dollars (;^25) on each single horse car. Sec. 12. The rate of fare charged shall be not exceeding five ° ceed 5 cents. (5) cents for each passenger while traveling in any one general direction on the lines of the .said railway. Sec. 13. In operating such railways as shall be constructed Cars not to stop on intersection of under this ordinance, no car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain still upon any intersection of streets, and any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owners of said railway or railways to a fine of not less than five and not more than twenty-five dollars for every offense, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court. 254 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Rights and priv- Sec. 14. All riffhts and privileges hereby conferred shall ileges— when to , x o j expire. expire at the end of thirty (30) years from the date of the approval of this ordinance. Written accept- Sec. 15. A Written acceptance of the provisions of this ordi- ance of franchise to be filed in of- nance shall be filed with the Auditor and Clerk within thirty fice of Auditor ^ and Clerk within days from the approval of this ordinance. 30 days. ^ ^ Approved April 17, 1886. No. 4855. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE NAME OF PORT- LAND STREET AND DECLARING IT TO BE A PART OF CORBETT STREET. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Portland street SECTION I . That Portland Street, extending from Fifst avenuc Avimiedeckred south to the south boundary line of the city of Portland, as laid Lnd^named'^Cor- out and designated on the recorded maps and plats of the Home- bett street. Stead addition to the city of Portland, be and the same is hereby designated and declared to be a part of Corbett street and deemed and held to be an extension thereof, and together with all of Corbett street, as now laid out and established, extending from its intersection with Hood street south to said First avenue, is hereby named and designated Corbett street, making Corbett street one continuous street from its intersection with Hood street to the south boundary line of the said city of Portland. Approved May 13, 1886. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 255 No. 4873. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF A PARK KEEPER AND DEFINING HIS DU- TIES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section t. That the Committee on Streets and Public Prop- Charles Myers employed as erty be and they are hereby authorized and directed to employ Keeper of the Charles Myers as Keeper of the City Park for the term of one year. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Keeper of the Park Duties of Keeper to labor continuously in the City Park, improving and beautify- ing the same, under direction of the Committee on Streets and Public Property and the Superintendent of Streets. Sec. 3. The salary of the Keeper of the Park shall be sixty Salary, dollars per month, payable monthly as provided by Ordinance No. 1414. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- Repeal, with be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved June 3, 1886. No. 4874. AN ORDINANCE TO RATIFY THE CONTRACT EN- TERED INTO BY THE COMMITTEE ON STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY WITH OFELDT BROS. FOR ERECTING AND KEEPING IN REPAIR STREET LAMPS. WHEREA.S, The Common Council of the City of Portland did Proposals for 1 r 1 • 11' 1 ^ • erecting and re- heretoiore authorize and direct the Committee on Streets and pairing street . . , lamps advertised Public Property to advertise for bids for erecting and keeping in repair street lamps for the period of one year, and report the said bids to the Council ; and whereas, said committee did advertise 256 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Ofeldt Bros, awarded con- tract for — for bids therefor and report the same to the Council, and recom- mend that the contract therefor be awarded to said Ofeldt Bros., as they were the lowest responsible bidders therefor; and Whereas, The said Committee on Streets and Public Property of the Common Council of said city did, without any further authority or direction to so do, enter into contract with said Ofeldt Bros., for doing said work in accordance with their said bid therefor, and without being authorized by ordi- nance to so do, as required by section 143 of the charter of said city; and, whereas, the terms of said contract are reasonable and satisfactory to the Common Council, now The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the contract entered into between said and the said Committee on Streets and Public and dated March 5, 1886, for erecting, maintaining and keeping in repair the street lamps of said city of Portland, excepting the lamp posts, for the term of one year from the said 5th day of March, 1886, (which said contract is signed by said Ofeldt Bros, and by J. J. Holland and W. H. Andrus, of the said Committee on Streets and Public Property, and was filed in the office of the Auditor and Clerk of said city of Portland, March ii, 1886), be and the same is hereby ratified, adopted and approved, and that said contract be and the same is hereby declared to be a valid and subsisting contract with the said city of Portland for erecting, maintaining and keeping in good repair the street lamps of said city for the term of one year Termof contract from the Said 5th day of March, 1886, at the prices and upon the terms and conditions specified in said contract. Approved June 17, 1886. Contract with Ofeldt Bros, rati- „ , , , fied and approv- Ofeldt BrOS. ed. Property, as aforesaid No. 4903. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE MOVING OF BUILDINGS. The City of Portla^id does ordain as follows : Brick chimneys SECTION I. That no pcrsou or persons shall move or cause roorof"bund'ing to be moved through the streets of the city, any building or Public Property.] CITY PORTLAND. 257 buildings with brick chimneys, without first removing so much to be removed before moving of said chimneys as project above the roof of said buildings. building. Sec. 2. The Superintendent of Streets in issuing permits forsupc of Streets . in issuing pef- the removal of buildings shall observe the enforcement of thismits for the re- moval of build- ordinance, and all persons violating this ordinance shall, upon ingsto enforce — conviction thereof before the Police Court, be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, or be punished by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than five days, nor more than twenty days. Approved September 8, 1886. No. 4904. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSCONTU NENTAL STEET RAILWAY COMPANY TO CON- SRUCT AND OPERATE STREET RAILWAYS UPON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That there be and is hereby granted unto the Franchise Trans- . . . continental St. Transcontinental Street Railway Company the right and priv- Railway, ilege to lay down and maintain an iron railroad track or tracks, and to operate said street railways within the city of Portland, as follows, to-wit : Commencing at the center line of Third and Yamhill streets, Route, thence along Yamhill street to Front street, thence along Front street to Morrison street, thence along Morrison street to the center line of Third street. Sec. 2. The work of laying and operating street railways Track to be com- . pleted by when. upon said streets shall be completed and in operation within two years after the approval of this ordinance. 258 ORDINANCES OF THE [Streets and Track to be eith- er single or dou- ble. To be flush with grade of street. Street not to be obstructed at any one time for greater distance than two blocks, nor for longer than lo days. Company to plank, pave, ma- cadamize, etc. Right of munici- pal authorities to grade, pave, sew- er, plank, maca- dam, improve, alter or repair streets under this ordinance not to be denied. Unlawful for any person to ob- struct. Penalty for vio- lation. Sec. 3. The track to be laid on said streets shall be either a single or double line of tracks, with necessary turnouts and turn- tables, and side tracks shall be laid as near as possible flush with the grade thereof, so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of vehicles. Sec. 4. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such railway, no street shall be obstructed for a greater distance than the length of two blocks at any one time, nor for a longer period than ten working days, except that in excessively bad weather, the Superintendent of Streets may extend the time aforesaid at his discretion. Sec. 5. The said Company shall plank, pave or macadamize, as the municipal authorities may direct, that portion of the street or streets along which the railways shall be laid, the width of said railway between the rails, and for the width of one foot on the outside of said rails. Sec. 6. Nothing in this ordinance nor any privilege granted thereby shall be construed to prevent the municipal authorities from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over or upon which the privilege of constructing a railway may be granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions, but all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shifting the rails so as to avoid as much as possible the liability of obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to obstruct the railway or railways herein provided for, either dur- ing the construction or the operation of the same, and any per- son or persons who carelessly or willfully violate the foregoing provisions, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25) or by imprison- ment not exceeding ten days or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. Public Property.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 259 Any conductor or employe on the railway or railways herein Offensive, inde- cent or o p p r o- provided for or any passenger thereon or other person on or bins language ^ ° be allowed about the cars belonging thereto, who shall by offensive, inde- o'" about cars. cent opprobious or abusive language insult, abuse or maltreat any passenger on the said cars, shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Court, be punished by a fine of not less than twenty- Penalty. five dollars (^25) or imprisonment not exceeding ten days or both, at the discretion of the court, for each and every offense. Sec. 8. The said. The Transcontinental Street Railway When deemed to have abandoned Company shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges grant- privileges conferred by this ordinance unless it shall within thirty nance. (30) days after the approval of this ordinance, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk their written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms and condi- tions herein named. Approved September 8, 1886. Streets and Public Property. — Addenda. See Ordinance No. 23, authorizing purchase of ground for cemetery purposes. — Page 63. See Ordinance No. 54, granting Stephen Coffin, Finice Caruthers and Jacob Cline privilege of laying pipes and conveying water through City. — Page 65. See Ordinance No. 177, establishing base line and regulating survey of streets. — Page 66. See Ordinance No. 178, providing for placing of stone monuments in streets. — Page 69. See Ordinance No. 185, designating points for stone monuments. — Page 70. See Ordinance No. 344, fixing names of streets, Couch’s addition. — Page 71. See Ordinance No. 599, granting Oregon Central Railroad Company authority to lay track and run cars through city of Portland. — Page 74. See Ordinance No. 604, lands and lots sold to city by Chief of Police at Tax sales. — Page 76. See Ordinance No. 619, adopting Brady map. — Page 77. See Ordinance No. 685, stone monuments. — Page 78. See Ordinance No. 1039, designating and naming park blocks. — Page 84. See Ordinance No. 1065, authorizing construction and operation of street railways. — Page 84. 26 o ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and No. 1353. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A WHARF IN TFIE WILLAMETTE RIVER ADJACENT TO BLOCK NO. 78. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Wharf, block 78. SECTION I. The owncFS of block numbered seventy-eight (78) according to the plat of the city of Portland, are hereby authorized and permitted to build a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river in front of and adjacent to said block in the manner hereinafter set forth. How to be con- Sec. 2. The outer line of the main wharf or lower floor, to structed. . . . . commence at a point in said river, 166 feet easterly from the east line of Front street and on a continuation of the center line of Alder street, to run thence northerly to a point in the con- tinuation of the center line of Washington street 187 feet easterly from the east line of Front street. The said lower floor at the point first above mentioned to be as near ten feet above the base of grades as practicable. Upper story not Sec. 3. The Upper story or floor of said wharf shall not [owJJ^wharf?'°"^ extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond Passage-way the Hnes of the block, except for a passage-way fifteen feet in along Alder St. aloiig the north side of Alder street to a point io8 feet from the east line of Front street, and of four feet in width from Passage-way the last named point to the end of the wharf, and a passage-way Washington st. of the Same width and proportionate lengths on the south side of Passage-ways to Washington street. Provided, that said passage ways shall be sidewalks. Considered as sidewalks and with those portions of said wharf extending over and into the streets subject to regulation by the Common Council as a part of the streets. Approved July 25, 1873. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 261 No. 1398. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER, ADJACENT TO THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS “DISTILLERY BLOCK.” The City of Portland does ordam as follows : Section i. That the owners of the tract of land in the city of Portland known as “ Distillery Block,” lying between the east line of North Front street and the Willamette river, are hereby authorized and permitted to build a wharf of piles and timber in front of and adjacent to that part of said block hereinafter set forth, viz : the outer or easterly line of said wharf to commence at a point in the Willamette river 264 feet easterly from the east line of North Front street, and 37 feet northerly from the north line of block in. Couch’s Addition, thence northerly on a line parallel with the east line of North Front street forty feet, said wharf to be two stories and to be subject to such regulations as the Common Council may hereafter prescribe for the protection of the public interests. Approved November 7, 1873. No. 1513. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF CERTAIN WHARVES IN THE WILLA- METTE RIVER. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners of lots three (3) and four (4) in block three (3), Couch’s Addition, are authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river, commencing at a point about one hundred feet easterly from the east line of North Front street, thence along the line of the Wharf opposite ‘Distillery Block’ How constructed T wo s t o r i e s — Council to reg- ulate. Wharf front of lots 3 and 4 in block 3, Couch's Add. 262 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and wharf now built on lot two, to the end thereof, thence northerly to the intersection of the center line of D street, at a point about i8o feet from the east line of Front street, thence westerly on said center line to a point about loo feet east of North Front street, thence southerly to the place of beginning. The lower floor of said wharf at the outer line to be as near ten feet above the base of grade as practicable. Upper story not Sec. 2. The upper story or floor of said wharf shall not vondTinTof low- extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond €r wharf, except . ^ . 15 ft. passage- the liiies of the block, except for a passage-way fifteen feet m width way on D st. Passage-way to along the south side of D Street ; Provided, that said passage-way sidewalk. sliall be Considered as a sidewalk, and with those portions of said wharf extending over and into the street subject to the regula- tions of the Common Council as a part of the street, and. Trap in lower provided further, that a suitable trap for fire purposes shall be purpS-^^*" placed in the lower roadway to be kept clear and in order by the owners of said wharf. • Wharf in front ot Sec. 3. The owiiers of lots I, 2, 3 and 4 in block 318, Couch’s lots I, 2, 3 and ... 4 in block 318, Addition, are hereby authorized to construct a wharf over and Couch’s Add. into the Willamette river in front of said lots, the easterly or outer line thereof, to be not to exceed 220 feet from the east line of North Front street, and as near as practicable parallel therewith. Approved July 17, 1874. No. 1519. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE TO THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF BLOCK No. 73. The City of Portland does ordahi as follows : Wharf to be con- Section i. The owners of lots No. i, 2 and north half of 3, of lots I, 2 and in block No. 73, are hereby authorized and permitted to con- north >4 of 3 in . . . . . . block 73. Struct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river in front of said lots. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 263 The easterly line of said wharf to run parallel with the easterly East line to be parallel with line of Front street, and extend northerly to the center of Sal- Eront st. and ex- tend to center of mon street, and to the said easterly line of said wharf to be salmon st. about 190 feet from the easterly line of said Front street. The lower floor of said wharf at the said easterly line thereof, Lower floor to be 10 ft. above base to be as near ten feet above the base of grades as practicable. of grade. Sec. 2. The upper story or floor of said wharf, shall not Upper floor not extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf, or beyond yond lowei floor line except for 15 • the lines of the block northwardly except for a passage-way fifteen ft- passage-way feet wide along and over the south side of Salmon street, to within 28 feet of the easterly margin of said wharf, and for the said distance of 28 feet said passage-way shall not extend north- wardly into said street for a greater distance than six feet. Provided^ that the whole of said passage-way and all of those Council to reg- ulate. portions of said wharf extending over and into the street shall be subject to regulations by the Common Council as a part of said street and sidewalk, and Provided^ further^ that a suitable trap for fire purposes shall be Trap for fire pur- poses to be erect- placed on the lower road-way to be kept clear and in order by ed by owners, the owners of said wharf. Approved July 25, 1874. No. 1624. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF BLOCK NO. 4, COUCH’S ADDITION. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners of lots i and 2 in block 4, Couch’s wharf in front of Addition, is hereby authorized and permitted to construct a Dock 4, Couch’s wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river, commencing 264 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and at a point about 100 feet easterly from the line of North Front street in the boundary of lots 2 and 3, in block 4, thence easterly to a point about 80 feet from said starting point, thence southerly to the intersection of the center line of D street on a line with the wharf recently built by G. H. Flanders, et ah, thence westerly along said center line of D street to a point about 100 feet from the said easterly line of North Front street, thence northerly to point of beginning. The lower floor of said wharf to be as near ten feet above the base of grades as practicable. Upper story not Sec. 2. The Upper story or floor of said wharf shall not extend tq extend beyond i ^ i i i /- i i i i • lower floor ex- easterly beyond the line of the lower wharf or beyond the lines cept passage- way 15^ ft^ wide of the block, except for a passage-way fifteen feet in width along Passage-way to the north side of D street ; provided^ that said passage-way shall be considered a, , -in • r • sidewalk. be coiistructed as a sidewalk, and with those portions of said To be regulated wharf extending over and into the street shall be subject to regu- by Council. . lations by the Common Council as a part of the street : and Fire trap to be provided, further, that there shall be a suitable trap for fire pur- owners of wharc poses in the lower road-way, to be kept clear and in order by the owners of said wharf. Approved April 24, 1875. No. 1801. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF AND BUILDING ON AND ADJACENT TO THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF BLOCK NO. 74. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Wharf in front of SECTION I. The owiier or owiiers of lot four and the south lot 3 in"biocl^7^ half of lot three in number seventy-four, (74) are hereby author- be parallel with ized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in Front St. ... . . . the Willamette river in front of said lots, the easterly line of said Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 265 wharf to run parallel with the east line of Front street from the north-east corner of the wharf known as Pacific wharf to the north line of the south half of said lot three, upon a continua- tion of the easterly line of said Pacific wharf as described by Ordinance No. i^iQ- "I'he lower floor of said wharf and the Power floor and roadway to con- road-way thereto to conform to the grade of said Pacific wharf, Pacific at its connection therewith. Sec. 2. The upper story or floor of said wharf shall not Upper story not to extend beyond extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond lower floor ex- cept for 15ft. pas- the lines of the block southwardly except for a passage-way fifteen feet wide along and over the north side of Salmon street to within 28 feet of the easterly margin of said wharf, and for the said distance of 28 feet, said passage-way shall not extend south- wardly into said street for a greater distance than six feet. Provided, that the whole of said passage-way and all those por- tions of said wharf extending over and into the street shall be subject to regulations by the Common Council as a part of said street and sidewalk. And provided, further, that a suitable trap for fire purposes shall be placed in the lower road-way to be kept clean and in order by the owners of said wharf. Sec. 3. The owner of the property described in section onew a r e h o u se of . '■ . . wood one story IS hereby auuthorized and permitted to erect a one story ware- to be erect- house thereon to be constructed of wood with the roof covered with some fire-proof material, anything contained in Ordinance No. 1140, entitled An ordinance to provide for the prevention of fires and the protection of property endangered thereby, and the amendments thereto, to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved August ii, 1876. No. 2046. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE BLOCK 71. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners of that part of block 71 lying east of wharf in front of block 71. a line 200 feet east of and parallel with the west line of block 71, 266 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and are hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river in front of the tract above How constructed described. The wharf to be an open wharf without upper story. Floor lo ft. above The floor of the north half to be as near ten feet above the base base of grades. South ^ to slope of grades as practicable : the south half to slope towards Teffer- toward Jefferson o ^ J street. son Street at the north of line of which the floor shall be four To extend 6o ft. feet above the base of grades. The wharf to extend sixty feet easterly from 200 ft. line. easterly, from the above mentioned line 200 feet from Front street, or far enough to secure a sufficient depth of water for Material, etc., to wharfage purposes. The material and manner of constructing Pacific Dock, the same to be similar to Pacific Dock. Approved September 13, 1877. No. 2122. AN ORDINANCE TO EXEMPT CERTAIN PERSONS FROM THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE No. 1288. The City of Pottland does ordain as follows : Levi and A. j. SECTION I. That Levi Knott and A. J. Knott be and are proSons hereby exempted from the penalties of Ordinance No. 1288, ofOrd. No. 1288. . . . . entitled “An ordinance relating to wharves and other improve- ments upon the Willametre river,” in the driving of certain piles commencing at the foot of Stark street, on the north side, and extending about 25 feet into the Willamette river. Approved January 16, 1878. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 267 t No. 2211. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC* TION OF A WHARF ’ IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE LOTS 3 AND 4 IN BLOCK No. 79. The City of Portla 7 id does or dam as follows : Section i. The owner of lots 3 and 4 in block No. 79, in wharf in front of lots 3 and 4 in the city of Portland, is hereby authorized and permitted to con- block 79. struct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river on and in front of the lots above mentioned. The easterly line of said wharf to come parallel with the east line of Front street, East line to be parallel with from the north-east corner of the wharf, known as Central wharf. Front street. to the north line of lot 3 in said block 79. The lower floor of said wharf and the road-way thereto to conform to the grade of Lower floor to conform to grade said Central wharf at its connection therewith. of Central wharf. Sec. 2. The upper story or floor of said wharf shall not Upper floor not ^ to extend easter- extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond b b^ond lower •' wharf, nor south the lines of the block southwardly except for a passage-way of°^ ^fl°%a^ssage- fifteen feet in width along and over the north side of Washing- Jllgton^rirc^.^^^* ton street to within 28 feet of the easterly margin of said wharf, and for said distance of 28 feet said passage-way shall not extend south- wardly into said street for a greater distance than six feet. Provided^ That the whole of said passage-way and all those por- tions of said wharf extending over and into the street shall be subject to regulations by the Common Council as a part of said Common Coun- street and sidewalk ; and provided, further, that a suitable trap ^ ^ for fire purposes shall be placed in the lower road-way to be Fire trap to be maintained by kept clear and in order by the owners of said wharf. owner. Sec. 3. The owner of the property described in section one w arehouse of of this ordinance is hereby authorized and permitted to erect a erected, one story warehouse thereon, to be constructed of wood, the Tin roof, roof to be covered with tin. Approved July 19, 1878. 268 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and No. 2226. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE LOTS NUMBERED ONE, TWO AND NORTH HALF OF THREE, IN BLOCK NO. 74. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Wharf in front SECTION I. The owner or owners of lots i, 2, and N. half of 3 ?n block of three, in block 74, in the city of Portland, are hereby author- 74. ized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river, on and in front of the lots above men- East line to be tioned. The easterly line of said wharf to run parallel with the parallel with Front street. east line of Froiit Street from the north-east corner of the wharf, situate on said block. No. 74, and known as Smith’s wharf, to the center line of Taylor street. The lower floor of said wharf Lower floor to to conform to the grade of said Smith’s wharf at its connection conform to grade of Smith’s wharf, therewith. Upper floor not Sec. 2. The Upper story or floor of said wharf shall not to extend further east than lower extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond floor, nor north- block ^eSpt^^S lines of the block northwardly, except for a passage-way 15 ft passage-way fggj- width along and over the south side of Taylor street to within 28 feet of the easterly margin of said wharf, and for said distance of 28 feet said passage-way shall not extend northwardly into said street for a greater distance than six feet; Provided, that the whole of said passage-way and all of those portions of said wharf extending over and into the street shall be subject Council may reg- to regulation by the Common Council as a part of said street and ulate. Fire trap to be sidewalk ; and provided, further, that a suitable trap for fire pur- ^wne?*"^^ poses shall be placed in the lower road-way to be kept clear and in order by the owners of said wharf. One story wood- Sec. 3. The owners of the property described in section i of en warehouse . . may be erected, this Ordinance are hereby authorized and permitted to erect a Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 269 one story warehouse thereon, to be constructed of wood, with the roof covered with tin, anything contained in Ordinance No. 1140, entitled ^‘An ordinance providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of property endangered thereby,” and the several amendments thereto, to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved August 9, 1878. No. 2228. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DRIVING OF PILES IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE BLOCK NO. 81. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The owner of lots i, 2, 3 and N. ^ of 4, in Piles may be . driven in front of block No. 81, in the city of Portland, Oregon, is hereby author- lots 1,2, 3 and n. ... . . . of4, block 81. ized to drive piles in the Willamette river on and in front of the above described property. The easterly row of said piles to run How driven. parallel with the east line of Front street and not to extend further into the river than a line formed by a southerly extension To be on a line of the southerly of the east line of the wharf known as the Oregon Steam Naviga- NTo‘°s"wharf^' tion Company’s wharf in said city situate on the block imme- diately north of block 81. Sec. 2. The owner of said above described property is also wooden wharf of hereby authorized to erect thereon a wharf of timber and planks, tiTb^ b(I!i?. at such time as he shall desire so to do without further applica- tion to the Council; pfoviding, that the upper story of said wharf Upper story, shall not extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond the lines of the block northwardly, except for a passage Passage-way. way 15 feet in width along and over the south side of Pine street 270 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and to within 28 feet of the easterly margin of said passage, and for said distance of 28 feet said passage-way shall not extend north- wardly into said street for a greater distance than six feet ; pro- Councii to reg- vidcd, that the whole of said passage-way and all of those por- ulate. tions of said wharf extending over and into the street shall be subject to regulation by the Common Council as a part of said Fire trap to be Street and sidewalk ; and provided, further that a suitable trap maintained by . ‘ owner. for fire purposes shall be placed in the lower road-way to be kept clear and in order by the owners of said wharf. One story wood- Sec. 3. The owner of the above described property is also en warehouse to be erected with hereby authorized and permitted to erect a one story warehouse fire-proof roof. thereon to be constructed of wood, the roof to be covered with some fire-proof material. Approved August 7, 1878. No. 2273. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE LOTS NUMBERED 3 AND 4, IN BLOCK No. 77. 'The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Wharf in front of SECTION I. The owner or owners of lots 3 and 4 in block 77, lots 3 and 4 in . 1 1 • i i • j block 77. in the city of Portland, are hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river on Easterly line par- and in fooiit of the lots above mentioned, the easterly line of said allel with Front , . street. wharf to run parallel with the east line of Front street from a point 100 feet north of the north line of Morrison street, the Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 271 lower floor of said wharf to be as near ten feet above the base of grades as practicable: Provided, that the owner or owners of Lower floor 10 said above described property shall construct and maintain at grade. their own expense, a pontoon suitable for the landing of small boats, with suitable steps leading from the pontoon to the lower Pontoon for floor of the wharf: said pontoon to be constructed at the foot o f by ^ owner at toot of Morrison street and to be in accordance with plan on file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk. Sec. 2. The upper story or floor of said wharf shall not Upper floor, extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond the lines of the block southwardly, except for a passage-way 15 15 ft. passage- . . " way along north feet in width along and over the north side of Morrison street to side of Morrison street. within 28 feet of the easterly margin of said wharf, and for said distance of 28 feet said passage-way shall not extend southwardly into said street for a greater distance than six feet ; Provided., That the whole of said passage-way and all those portions of said Council may reg- wharf extending over and into the street shall be subject to regu- lation by the Common Council as a part of said street and side- walk; and provided, further., that a suitable trap for fire purposes Fire trap to be shall be placed in the lower road-way, to be kept clear and in S^wner^*"^ ^ order by the owners of said wharf. Sec. 3. The owners of the property described in section i of Warehouse of . . . , wood may be this ordinance are hereby authorized and permitted to erect a erected, one story warehouse thereon, to be constructed of wood with the roof covered with tin, anything contained in Ordinance No. Tin roof. 1140, entitled ‘‘An ordinance providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of property endangered thereby,” and the several amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved September 28, 1878. 272 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and No. 2316. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE THE SOUTH HALF OF LOT NUMBERED (2) TWO, IN BLOCK NO. (77) SEVENTY-SEVEN. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Wharf in front of SECTION I. The owners of the south half of lot two in block bio 4 77.^°^ seventy-seven in the city of Portland are hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Wil- lamette river, on and in front of the said south half of lot two in East line to be block seventy-seven. The easterly line of said wharf to run Une^if^FTolIt st^^ parallel with the east line of Front street from the south-east corner of the wharf known as Everding and Farrell’s wharf, situate on lot i and the north ^ of lot 2 in said block, to a Lower floor to point 25 fcct south of Said corner. The lower floor of said wharf on lots 3 and 4. to coiiform to the grade of the wharf now being erected on lots 3 and 4 in said block by Messrs. Coulter and Church. Upper story not Sec. 2. The upper story or floor of said wharf shall not low^r wharL^ extend easterly beyond the line of the lower wharf. One story wood- Sec. 3. The owners of the property described in section i of may be^ere°cted^ this Ordinance are hereby authorized and permitted to erect a one story warehouse thereon to be constructed of wood, with the Tin roof. roof covered with tin, anything contained in Ordinance No. 1140, entitled “An ordinance providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of property endangerd thereby,” and the several amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved November 22, 1878. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 273 2387. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE LOTS Nos. 3 AND 4 IN BLOCK No. 76. The City of Portand does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners of lots 3 and 4 in block 76, are Wharf m front of . . lots 3 and 4 in hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles block 76. and timber in the Willamette river on and in front of the above described lots. The easterly line of said wharf to commence at East line where . . ^ . located. a point 147 feet east of the east line of Front street and running from the center line of Morrison street extended in a direct course to a point 130 feet south of the center line of Morrison street, extended at a distance of 13734 feet from the east line of Front street. The lower floor of said wharf to conform to the grade of Lower floor to Coulter and Church’s wharf at its connection therewith; S" Couiter^'^^nd Church’s wharf. vided, That the owner or owners of the above described prop- erty shall construct and maintain at their own expense a pontoon pontoon for suitable for the landing of small boats, with suitable steps leading kept by owner, from the pontoon to the lower floor of the wharf, said pontoon to be constructed at the foot of Morrison street, and to be in accordance with plan in Auditor’s office. Sec. 2. The upper story or floor of said wharf shall not Upper floor not , 1 , , • r 1 1 1 extend east of extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond lower wharf, the lines of the block northwardly, except for a passage-way 15 15 feet passage- feet in width along and over the south side of Morrison street to oSorHson se within 28 feet of the easterly margin of said wharf, and for said di-stance of 28 feet, said passage-way shall not extend north- wardly into said street for a greater distance than six feet ; Pro- vided, That the whole of said passage-way, and all those por- 274 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and tions of said wharf extending over and into the street shall be Council may reg- subject to regulation by the Common Council as a part of said ulate. Fire trap to be Street and sidewalk; and provided, further^ that a suitable trap S™wnen*"^^ for fire purposes shall be placed in the lower road-way, to be kept clear and in order by the owners of said wharf. One story wood en warehouse Sec. 3. The owners of property described in section i of ’ay "be" erected this ordinance are hereby authorized and permitted to erect a ith tin roof. 1 1 • 1 one Story ware house thereon, to be constructed of wood with the roof covered with tin, anything contained in Ordinance No. 1140, entitled “An ordinance providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of property endangered thereby,” and the several amendments thereto, to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved February 21, 1879. No. 2463. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A WHARF LINE ON THE. CITY FRONT. The City 0/ Portland does ordain as follows : Wharf line. *Section I. The wliarf line of the river front of the city of Portland, is hereby established at, and made to conform to the deep water line in this section, designated, to-wit : Beginning Designation of Oil the old north boundary of the city of Portland, at a point deep water me. hundred and sixty (260) feet north-easterly from North Front street as measured at right angles thereto, and thence run- ning south-easterly parallel with said street, to a point two hun- dred and sixty (260) feet from North Front street, at the line *As amended by Ordinances No. 3231 and 4189. entitled respectively “ An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2463, entitled ‘An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front.’ ” Approved Sept 16, 1881, and March 20, 1884. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 275 between lots eighteen (18) and nineteen (19), in block three hundred and eighteen (318), thence in an unbroken line to a point two hundred and thirty-five (235) feet from North Front street, at the line between lots six (6) and seven (7) in block three hundred and eighteen (318), thence in an unbroken line to a point in line with the north side of the tract belonging to the O. R. &. N. Co., and known as the Ainsworth Wharf prop- erty, and two hundred and ninety-five (295) feet from North Front street, as measured along the north line of said “ Bone- yard,” thence in a direct line, to a point two hundred and nine- ty-five feet from North Front street, at a line parallel with, and two hundred and sixty (260) feet south-easterly from the north line of said boneyard, thence in a direct line to a point two hundred and eighty-seven (287) feet from North Front street, at and in line with the south side of the wharf and brick build- ing, known as the ‘‘Old Distillery,” thence in a direct line to a point two hundred and eighty-four (284) feet from North Front street, measured at right angles to the east line of said street, at a point three hundred and twenty (320) feet north-westerly from the south-west corner of block twenty-one (21), thence in a direct line to a point two hundred and seventy-two (272) feet in right measurement from the east line of North Front street, at a point eighty (80) feet north-westerly from the south-west corner of block twenty-one (21), thence in a direct line to a point in the north line of F street, and two hundred and fifty-seven (257) feet from the south-west corner of block No, twenty-one (21), thence in a direct line to a point one hundred and eighty-five (185) feet from North Front street, at the line between lots two and three in block No. four (4) in Couch’s Addition, thence to a point in the center of C street, and one hundred and ninety-two (192) feet from North Front street, thence to a point two hundred and forty (240) feet east of front street, at the south line of A street, thence to a point two hundred and seventy (270) feet east of Front street, at the north line of Ash street, thence to a point three hundred (300) feet east of Front street, at the north line of Pine street, thence in a direct line to a point in the center line of Washington street one hundred and ninety-two (192) feet 2/6 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and from Front street, thence in a direct line to a point in the center line of Alder street, one hundred and sixty-seven (167) feet from Front street, thence in a direct line to a point in the cen- ter line of Morrison street one hundred and forty-seven (147) feet from Front street, thence in a direct line to a point in the center line of Yamhill street one hundred and twenty-seven (127) feet from Front street, thence parallel with Front street to the middle of block seventy-five (75), thence in a direct line to a point in the center line of Salmon street one hundred and seventy-eight (178) feet from Front street, thence in a direct line to a point in the center line of Madison street two hundred and sixty-six (266) feet from Front street, thence in a direct line to a point two hundred and eighty-eight (288) feet from Front street in right measurement, along the middle of block No. seventy-one (71), thence in a direct line to a point in the north line of Jefferson street, three hundred and twenty-five (325) feet easterly from the east line of Front street, thence in a direct line to a point in the center line of Clay street, six hundred and thirty (630) feet easterly from the east line of Front street, thence in a direct line to a point one hundred (100) feet easterly from the north-east corner of Pennoyer’s saw mill building, thence in a direct line to a point opposite to and one hundred and fifty (150) feet easterly from the brick well at the Water Works pumping engine, thence continuing at the last described line, in a south-easterly direction two thousand and sixty (2060) feet to a point; thence deflecting the last described course ten degrees, to the right (or south), and continuing in that direc- tion to a point in the old south boundary of the city. Wharves to con- Sec. 2. All wharves or other structures hereafter built, or whenbJSt. '"^erected, on the river front of the city, shall not extend easterly beyond the line as laid down in section one (i) of this ordinance ; and all permits hereafter granted by the Common Council for the driving of piles or erection of structures shall conform to said line. All wharves to Sec. 3. All wharves and piles now erected or driven beyond line m ten years, Jines as described in section one (i) of this ordinance, shall Wharves,] CITY OF PORTLAND. 277 be removed to conform to the above described line, within ten years from the date of the approval of this ordinance. Provided^ That if any such wharf or structure shall be at any time destroyed by the elements or so damaged as to nece.ssitate the rebuilding thereof, that it shall be rebuilt to conform to said above described lines. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Penalty, ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be punished by a fine not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dol- lars, and each day of maintaining or continuing such violation shall be deemed a new offense and punished accordingly. Sec. 5. The Superintendent of Streets shall cause all piles, Supt. of streets to remove certain or Other material that may be driven or placed upon that part of the city front herein described, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, to be removed forthwith. Approved June 20, 1869. No. 2678. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A FERRY LANDING AT THE FOOT OF JEFFERSON STREET. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That a ferry landing be and is hereby established Ferry landing and located at the foot of Jefferson street, and ferry boats shall street, have the right to come to and depart from such landing without hindrance or obstruction from any vessel, raft, craft, wagon or vehicle of any description ; and the owner or owners of such ferry 278 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and Improvements boat or boats shall have the right to make any improvements that may be made by Ferry Co. east of may be iiecessarv to perfect a good and sufficient ferry landing at the foot of the said Jefferson street ; Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall be construed as giving the right to cut or destroy any part of said Jefferson street west of the east line of Front street. Persons first Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful for the owners of another ferry using to have ^x- •ciusive right. to use the said landing at any time, and the person or persons who shall first make use of and occupy said landing shall be enti- tled to the use thereof as long as he or they shall continue to exer- cise such right ; Provided, That no ferry owner or owners shall have the use of more than one ferry landing within the limits of the city of Portland. Penalty. Sec. 3. Any person or persoiis violating any of the provisioiis of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge, be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars. Repeal of Ord. Sec. 4. That Ordinance No. 1107, entitled “ An ordinance No. 1107. to establish a ferry landing at the foot of Columbia street,’' approved October 27, 1871, be and the same is hereby repealed. Righttoter- Sec. 5. Unless the Jefferson Street Ferry Company shall conditions? establish a good and convenient ferry across the Willamette river at and from Jefferson street landing, within six months from the passage of this ordinance, unless prevented by unavoidable litiga- tion, and then within four months from the termination of such unavoidable litigation, which shall have been prosecuted as expeditiously as the course of law will admit, then the right under this ordinance to the use of the foot of said Jefferson street as a ferry landing shall terminate. City to have right Sec. 6. Provided, further : And the said ferry landing is estab- pum^p on^boats.'^^ lished upon the express condition that the said city of Portland shall have the right and privilege of setting up and maintaining upon any and all boats used upon said ferry or hereafter to be used thereon, a fire pump of such dimensions as the Committee Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 279 on Fire and Water and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Depart- ment of said city may deem advisable, and the said city shall at all times in case of conflagration have the free and uninterrupted use of said pump during such conflagration ; and the said Ferry Company shall allow such use of said pump at all times when applied to by the Mayor of the city, or the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department thereof, and the refusal of said Ferry Com- pany to comply with the provisions of this section shall work a forfeiture of the right to use said ferry landing, and all the priv- ileges granted under this ordinance. Approved April 17, 1880. No. 2690. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE LOTS NUMBERED 3 AND 4 IN BLOCK NUMBER (76) SEVENTY-SIX. The City of Portland does ordain as follows ; Section i. The owners or lessees of lots 3 and 4 in block wharf in front of No. 76 are hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf block 76." ^ of piles and timber in the Willamette river, on and in front of the above described lots, the easterly line of said wharf to com- mence at the southeast corner of the wharf recently erected by W. S. Ladd, running thence in a direct line to a point where the center line of Yamhill street intersects the line known as the “ wharf line,” being one hundred and twenty-seven feet east of the east line of Front street. The lower floor of said wharf to Lower floor to conform to the grade of said wharf erected by W. S. Ladd. of'w.'^s.^Ladcf.'^^ 28 o ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and Pontoon for small boats to be maintained at Yamhill st. Upper story not to extend east of lower wharf. Passage-way 15 feet wide along north side of Yamhill st. Council to reg- ulate. Fire trap. One story wood- en wa re house may be erected. Part of wharf ex- tending beyond wharf line to be removed in 10 years from June 20, 1879. Written accept- ance to be filed. Sec. 2. The owner or owners of said wharf shall construct a pontoon suitable for the landing of small boats, with suitable steps leading from the pontoon to the lower floor of the wharf; said pontoon to be constructed at the foot of Yamhill street, and to be in accordance with plans on file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk, and to be maintained at the expense of the owners of said wharf. Sec. 3. The upper story or floor of said wharf shall not extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond the lines of the block on the south, except for a passage-way 15 feet in width along and over the north side of Yamhill street to within 28 feet of the east line of said wharf, and for said distance of 28 feet shall not extend into said street more than six feet ; Provided, That all of those portions of said wharf extending over and into said street shall be subject to regulation by the Com- mon Council as a part of said street and sidewalk. Sec. 4. A suitable trap for fire purposes shall be placed in the lower road-way, to be kept clear and in order by the owners of said wharf. Sec. 5. The owners of the above described property are also hereby authorized to construct a one story warehouse thereon to be constructed of wood, and the roof to be covered with tin, anything contained in Ordinance No. 1150, entitled “An ordi- nance providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of property endangered thereby,” and the several amendments thereto to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 6. The authority granted by this ordinance is granted with the express understanding and upon condition that that portion of said wharf extending beyond the line known as the “wharf line,” as established by Ordinance No. 2463, entitled “An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front,” approved June 20, 1879, shall be removed within ten years from the date of approval of said ordinance, to-wit, June 20, 1879. Sec. 7. The owners of the above described property shall, before the commencement of work on said wharf, file in the Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 281 office of the Auditor and Clerk a written acceptance of the terms herein imposed, and a failure so to do shall render this ordinance null and void. Approved April 27, 1880. No. 2997. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DRIVING OF PILES, BUILDING OF WHARVES AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER, AND TO PROTECT THE RIVER FRONT. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. No person or persons shall drive piles, build a Piles not driven, nor wharves wharf, or wharves, or make any improvements, or deposit any built, etc., with- out permission. ballast or earth, or make any other obstruction upon that portion of the city front lying easterly and beyond low water mark in the Willamette river, without first obtaining permission from the Common Council. Sec. 2. Applications for permission to build a wharf or Application, make other improvements beyond the line of low water mark, shall be signed by the owner or owners of the land fronting the same, and shall specify with convenient certainty the mode and extent of such improvements, the materials to be used, distance beyond the line of low water mark intended to be occupied, the depth of water, and such other information as will enable the Common Council to determine whether the same will unneces* sarily interfere with the navigation of the Willamette river, the use of the streets connecting therewith, and also its security against fire. 282 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and Penalty. Sec. 3. Any persoii or persons violating any of the provis- ions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hun- dred dollars ; and each day of maintaining or continuing such violation shall be deemed a new offense, and punished accord- ingly. Removal of piles Sec. 4. The Superintendent of Streets shall cause all piles or other material that may be driven or placed upon that part of the city front herein described, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, to be removed forthwith. Oidinancere- Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 1288, approved Febuary 14, 1873, is hereby repealed. Approved February 4, 1881. No. 3089. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MOORING OF VESSELS AND DEFINING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF LICENSED WHARFINGERS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Powers of wharf- SECTION I. The licensed wharfinger, in charge of any wharf within the limits of the city of Portland, is hereby authorized and empowered to regulate the manner in which any vessel shall be moored along-side the dock or wharf under his charge. Rigging, etc. Sec. 2. Licensed wharfingers shall have full power to order the rigging in of jibbooms, spanker-booms, cock-building of lower Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 283 yards and stowing of anchors, rigging of bumpkins, whiskers, martingales, etc., either before or after said ship is made fast to, or brought along-side of the dock or wharf under his charge. Sec. 3. Said wharfingers shall also have full power and Mooring vessels, authority to order the removal of any vessel from one part of .said wharf or dock to any other part thereof, and to regulate the movements of said vessel in order to facilitate the entry or dis- charge of cargo. Sec. 4. Any officer in charge of any vessel moored to or Penalty, along-side of any wharf in this city, who shall violate the pro- visions of this ordinance by refusing or neglecting to comply with the orders of the licensed wharfinger in charge of said wharf shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof in the Police Court, shall be fined not less than (^25) twenty-five dollars nor more than ( 100) one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the City Jail not less than (10) ten days nor more than (90) ninety days. Approved May 6, 1881. No. 3099. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE LOTS NUMBERED 3 AND 4, IN BLOCK NUMBER (72), SEVENTY-TWO. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners or lessees of lots 3 and 4, in block Wharf in front of , 111- . Lts 3 and 4 in number 72, are hereby authorized and permitted to construct a block 72. 284 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and To extend to wharf line. wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river on and in front of the above described lots, the northerly line of said wharf to be in a line with the northerly line of said lot number 3, in said block No. 72, running easterly to tlie line known as the “wharf line” as established by Ordinance No. 2463, entitled “An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front,” approved June 20, 1879; thence running along said “wharf line” to Madison street, and to conform, so far as the grade of the lower floor is concerned, to the wharf owned by the Orego- nian Railway Company (Limited), in front of and opposite block No. 70. Warehouse of Sfx. 2. The owiiers or lessees of the above described prop- wood with tin , , 1 1 • 1 roof may be erty are also hereby authorized to construct a warehouse thereon erected. to be constructed of wood, with the roof covered with tin, any- thing contained in Ordinance No. 3034, an ordinance, entitled “An ordinance providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of persons and property endangered thereby,” to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. The upper floor of said wharf or storehouse shall not Upper floor not low^r wharC*^ ° extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf or beyond Passage-way 15 the line of the block on the south except for a passage-way 15 side of Madison feet in width along and over the north side of Madison street, to within 28 feet of the east line of said wharf, and for said distance of 28 feet shall not extend into said street more than six feet; Provided, That all of those portions of said wharf extending over Council may reg- and into Said Street shall be subject to regulations by the Com- mon Council as a part of said street and sidewalk. Written accep- tance to be filed. Sec. 4. The owners or lessees of the above described prop- erty, shall, before commencement of the work upon said wharf, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk a written acceptance of the terms herein imposed, and a failure to do so shall render this ordinance null and void. Approved May 6, 1881. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 285 No. 3121. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE LOTS Nos. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, AND S. ^ OF 18, IN BLOCK No. 318, IN COUCH’S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The owner of lots Nos. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 1 7 , wharf in front of lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and S. of 18 in block 318, of Portland, is hereby authorized to erect and construct a wharf Couch Add. of piles and timber in the Willamette river in front of and oppo- site said above described lots, the easterly line thereof to con- form to the line of wharves as established by Ordinance No. to conform to 2463, entitled ‘‘An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front,” approved June 20, 1879. Sec. 2. The owner of the above described property is hereby Two-story ware- , . , , .... house with tin authorized to erect a warehouse thereon two stories in height, roof may be the roof to be tin or other fire-proof material. and S. Yz of 18, in block No. 318, Couch’s Addition to the city Approved May 28, 1881. No. 3175. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LANDING, STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION OF EXPLO- SIVE COMPOUNDS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : *Section I. It shall be unlawful for any steamship, vessel or Vessels not to r , • 1- • , , enter city limits Other water craft to enter the city limits while having on board having explo- sives on board. *As amended by Ordinance No. 3235, entitled “An ordinance to amend section one (i) of Ordinance No. 3175, entitled ‘An ordinance regulating the landing, storage and trans- portation of explosive compounds.’ ’’ Approved September 23, 1881. 286 ORDINANCES OF THE [I.andings and any blasting powder, gun powder, dynamite or other explosive compounds used for blasting purposes. But this shall in no wise Not to include be construed so as to include water crafts of anv description crafts passing ' ^ through the city. Paving any such cargo on board, which may be passing up or down the Willamette river to points outside the city limits. How discharged Sec. 2. No person shall discharge blasting powder, gun- from vessel. powder, dynamite, or other explosive substance, from any vessel or steamships except from ships sides or tackles and before the vessel shall have been hauled up to the wharf. Vessel not to re- No Water Craft shall be permitted to remain at the wharf main over 24 afte^io^ding^^^^^^^^^^ twenty-foui' hours after receiving gunpowder, blast- with explosives, powder oi‘ Other explosives on board. Explosives de- All giiupowder, blasting powder, dvnamite or other exolosive posited on wharf . jo bCiUnmediate- substance deposited on the wharf for shipment, shall be imme- diately passed on board the vessel which is to receive the same. Gunpowder ^con- Sec. 3. No persoii shall convey or assist in conveying in any to be in secure vehicle any gunpowder, unless the same shall be securely packed case and covered. j i j i in close packages, nor unless such packages shall be securely covered while in the vehicle. Penalty. 4 A violatioii of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in the Police Court, the offender shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five (25) dollars, nor more than one hundred (.loo) dollars. Approved July 22, 1881. No. 3207. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER IN FRONT AND OPPOSITE LOT No. 2, IN BLOCK No. 79. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Owners of lot 2 SECTION I. The owuers of lot two (2) in block seventy-nine in block 79 allow- ed^ t^ construct in the city of Portland, are hereby authorized and permitted Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 287 to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river, on and in front of the above described lot. The easterly line of said wharf to conform with the “wharf line,” as established by Ordinance No. 2463, entitled “An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front,” approved June 20, 1879. The grade of the lower floor of said wharf to conform as nearly Grade, as practicable to the floor of the adjoining wharf owned by J. S. Smith. Sec. 2. The owners of the above described lot are also Warehouse of . wood with tin hereby authorized to construct a warehouse thereon, to be con- roof may be con- structed. structed of wood, with the roof covered with tin, anything con- tained in Ordinance No. 3034, an ordinance entitled “ An Provisions of . . . . Ord. No. 3034 not ordinance providing for the prevention of fires and the protec- to apply, tion of persons and property endangered thereby,” to the con- trary notwithstanding. Sec. 3. The upper floors of said wharf or storehouse, shall Upperfloorshow not extend easterly beyond the lines of the lower wharf. Approved September 9, 1881. No. 3212. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER, IN FRONT AND OPPOSITE BLOCK NUM- BER EIGHTY-ONE (81). The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners of block number eighty -one (81) are owners of block hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles build wh^rf^. and timbers in the Willamette river, on and in front of block 288 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and No. eighty-one (8i). The northerly and southerly lines of said How constructed wharf to be upon the lines of said block with sufficient approaches outside thereof so constructed as to connect upon the south side of said block with the wharf of John Rines & Co., as now built up, and running easterly to the line known as the wharf line as established by Ordinance No. 2463, entitled “An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front,” approved June 20, 1879 - Warehouse may Sec. 2. The owiiers of the above described property are also be built. hereby authorized to construct a warehouse thereon, to be con- structed of wood, with the roof covered with tin, anything con- Ord. No. 3034 tain ed in Ordinance 3034, an ordinance entitled “An ordinance not to apply. . . providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of per- sons and property endangered thereby,” to the contrary notwith- standing. Upper floors, Sec. 3. The Upper floors of said wharf or storehouse shall how far may extend. not extend easterly beyond the wharf line aforesaid, or beyond the lines of said block upon the north and south thereof except for approaches and passage-ways fifteen feet in width along and over Oak street on the south and Pine street on the north to within twenty-eight (28) feet of the east line of said wharf ; and for said distance of twenty-eight (28) feet shall not extend into the street more than six (6) feet ; Provided, Thai all of What subject to those portions of said wharf extending over and into said street sfdewaik!' shall be .subject to regulation by the Common Council as a part of said street and sidewalk. Owners to file Sec. 4. The owners of the above described property shall written accept- ance. before the commencement of work upon said whart, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk a written acceptance of the terms herein impo.sed, and a failure to do so shall render this ordinance null and void. Approved September i6, i88i. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 289 No. 3330. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER* IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE BLOCK No. loi. The City of Port larid does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners of block number one hundred and Owners of block Toi — may build one are hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of wharf in front of piles and timbers in the Willamette, on and in front of block number one hundred and one. The northerly line of said wharf shall not extend beyond the center line of Clay street, and the east line shall not extend easterly beyond the line known as the wharf line, established by Ordinance No. 2463, entitled “ An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front,” approved June 20, 1879. Sec. 2. The owners of the above described property are also May construct . warehouse. hereby authorized to construct a warehouse thereon, to be con- structed of wood, with the roof covered with tin, anything con- tained in Ordinance No. 3034, an ordinance entitled “An ordinance providing for the prevention of fires and the protec- tion of persons and property endangered thereby,” to the con- trary notwithstanding. Sec. 3. The upper floors of said wharf or storehouse shall Upper floors, ho w constructed . not extend easterly beyond the wharf line aforesaid, or beyond the lines of said block upon the north and south thereof, except for approaches ard passage-ways fifteen feet in width along and over Clay street on the north, to within twenty-eight (28) feet of the east line of said wharf ; and for said distance of twenty-eight (28) feet said line shall not extend into the said street more than six feet; Provided, That all those portions of said wharf extend- to be regulated ing over and into said street shall be subject to regulation by the when?°”"^* Common Council as a part of said street and sidewalk. 290 ORDINA^XES OF THE [Landings and Written accept- ance to be filed Block 80 — own- ers may build wharf. How constructed May build ware- house. Upper floors — how constructed. Sec. 4. The owners of the above described property shall before the commencement of work upon said wharf, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk a written acceptance of the terms herein imposed, and a failure to do so shall render this ordi- nance null and void. Approved December 9, 1881. No. 3378. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DRIVING OF PILES AND THE EXTENSION OF THE WHARF OF JOHN RINES & Co., IN FRONT OF AND OPPOSITE BLOCK No. 80. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the owners of said wharf in front of and opposite block No. 80, known as John Rines & Co’s, wharf, be and are hereby authorized and permitted to construct an addi- tion or extension to their present wharf. The easterly line thereof to extend easterly to the wharf line as established by Ordinance No. 2463, and the amendments thereto. Sec. 2. The north and south lines of said wharf shall corres- pond with the north and south lines of their present wharf. Sec. 3. The said John Rines & Co. are also hereby author- ized to construct a two story warehouse thereon forty by fifty feet, the roof thereof to be covered with tin. Sec. 4. The upper floors of said wharf or storehouse shall not extend easterly beyond the wharf line aforesaid, or beyond the lines of said wharf line on the north, except for approaches and passage-ways fifteen feet in width along and over Oak street Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 291 to within twenty-eight feet of the east line of said wharf ; and for said distance of twenty-eight feet said passage-way shall not extend into said street more than six (6) feet; Provided^ That all those portions of said wharf extending over and into said Council to reg- ulate. street shall be subject to regulation by the Common Council as a part of said street and sidewalk. Sec. 5. The owners of the above described property shall, Owners to me ... acceptance. before the commencement of work upon said whart, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk a written acceptance of the terms herein imposed, and a failure so to do shall render this ordinance null and void. Approved February 17, 1882. No. 3484. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF AND WAREHOUSE ON AND IN FRONT OF LOTS Nos. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, AND THE NORTH 14 OF 18 IN BLOCK No. 318 COUCH’S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT- LAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the lessees of lots Nos. 19, 20,21, 22, 23, Lots 19,20, 21,22, 24, and the north 14 of 18 in block No. 'ziS, Couch’s Addition 54’ of 18 in block . ^ . 3i8,Couch’sAdd. to the city of Portland, be and are hereby authorized and per- mitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette Lessees of, may ^ • r r • 1 1 1 , rT-i, construct wharf. river on and in front of said above described property. The westerly line thereof to be within the line known as the wharf line as defined in Ordinance No. 2463, entitled “An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front.” 292 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and Warehouse may be built thereon. Lots 3 and 4 in block 75 owners allowed to con- struct wharf. How built. Warehouse may be built. Sec. 2. The lessees of said above described property are also hereby authorized to erect on said wharf a two story warehouse built of wood with the roof covered with tin. Approved June 24, 1882. No. 3485. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER ON AND IN FRONT OF LOTS 3 AND 4 IN BLOCK No. 75. The City of Portland does ordain as follows ; Section i. That the owners of lots Nos. 3 and 4 in block No. 75 in the city of Portland be and are hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timbers in the Willa- mette river on and in front of lots Nos. 3 and 4 in block No. 75. The west line of said wharf to be parallel with Front street, and the east line to be on what is known as the “ wharf line,” as established by Ordinance No. 2463, entitled “ An Ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front,” approved June 20, 1879. The south line of said wharf shall not extend farther south than the center line of Taylor street. Sec. 2. The owners of the above described property are also hereby authorized to construct a warehouse thereon two stories in height, built of wood, the roof to be covered with tin, any- thing contained in Ordinance No. 3,034, entitled “ An ordi- nance providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of persons and property endangered thereby,” to the contrary not- withstanding. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 293 Sec. 3. The upper floor of said wharf or warehouse shall not Upper floors— how constructed. extend easterly beyond the wharf line aforesaid or beyond the lines of said lots upon the south thereof, except for approaches and passage-ways fifteen feet in width along and over Taylor street to within twenty-eight (28) feet of the east line of said wharf; and for said distance of twenty-eight (28) feet, said line shall not extend into the said street more than six (6) feet ; Provided^ That all those portions of said wharf extending over Council may reg- ulate part ex- and into said street shall be subject to regulation by the Common tending into Council as a part of said street and sidewalk. Approved June 24, 1882. # No. 3617. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER, BETWEEN THE NORTH LINE OF PINE STREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF COUCH’S ADDITION. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners of that portion of the city front ci t y front be- lying between Pine street and the south line of Couch’s Addition, and south line of . . . Couch’s Add. are hereby authorized and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river, on and in front of said Owners of, may . ^ • 1 1 /- 1 1 1 construct wharf. premises, the southerly line of said wharf to be upon the north line of Pine street, with sufficient approaches outside thereof so 294 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and Warehouse may be built. Upper floors, how constructed. Council to reg- ulate, when. Written accept- ance to be filed. constructed as to connect with the wharf and approaches now constructed upon and in front of block No. eighty-one (8i) and extending easterly to the line known as the wharf line as here- tofore established. Sec. 2. The owners of the above described property are also hereby authorized to construct a warehouse thereon, to be con- structed of wood, with the roof covered with tin, anything con- tained in Ordinance No. 3034, entitled “An ordinance provi- ding for the prevention of fires and the protection of persons and property endangered thereby,” or any amendment thereto not- withstanding. Sec. 3. The upper floors of said warehouse shall not extend easterly beyond the wharf line aforesaid or beyond the said north line of Pine street upon the south thereof, except for approaches and passage-ways fifteen feet in width along and over Pine street to within twenty-eight (28) feet of the east line of said wharf and for said distance of twenty-eight (28) feet not more than six (6) feet ; Provided, that all those portions of said wharf extending over and into said street shall be subject to regulation by the Common Council as a part of said street and sidewalk. Sec. 4. The owners of the above described premises shall, before the commencement of work upon said wharf, file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk, a written acceptance of the terms herein imposed, and a failure to do so shall render this ordinance void. Approved November 18, 1882. Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 295 No. 3671. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A WHARF IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER, ON AND IN FRONT OF LOTS ONE (i) AND TWO (2), IN BLOCK NUMBER SEVENTY- FIVE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the owners of lots one (i) and two (2) in Lots i and 2 in block 75, owners block 75 in the city of Portland be and are hereby authorized construct and permitted to construct a wharf of piles and timber in the Willamette river, on and in front of lots Nos. one (i) and two (2) in block No. 75. The west line of said wharf to be parallel with and extend to the east line of Front street, and the east line to be on what is known as the wharf line, as established by Ordi- nance No. 2463, entitled “ An ordinance establishing a wharf line on the city front,” approved June 20, 1879. north line of said wharf shall not extend further north than the center line of Yamhill street. Sec. 2. The owners of the above described property are also warehouse may , , , . , , , .be built thereon. hereby authorized to construct a warehouse thereon, two stories high, built of wood, the roof to be covered with tin, anything contained in Ordinance No. 3034, entitled “An ordinance pro- viding for the prevention of fires and the protection of persons and property endangered thereby,” to the contrary notwith- standing. Sec. 3. The upper floor of said wharf or warehouse shall not Upper floors, how built. extend easterly beyond the wharf line aforesaid, or beyond the lines of said lots upon the north thereof, except for approaches and passage-ways, fifteen feet in width along and over Yamhill street to within twenty-eight (28) feet of the east line of said 296 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and wharf, and for said distance of twenty-eight feet said line shall not extend into said street more than six (6) feet ; Provided, Council to reg- That all those portions of said wharf extending over and into ulate, when. ° said Street, shall be subject to regulation by the Common Coun- cil as a part of said street and sidewalk. Approved December 22, 1882. No. 3842. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A WHARF LINE ON THE CITY FRONT. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Wharf line front SECTION I. The wharf line of the Hver froiit of that part of j. H.^Couch line the city of Portland lying on the westerly side of the Willamette river and north of the north line of the donation land claim of John H. Couch and wife, is hereby established at and made to conform to the deepwater line in this section designated, to-wit: ^Beginning at a point on what was in the year 1879 north boundary of the city of Portland, which point is two hundred and sixty (260) feet northeasterly from the east line of North Front street, as measured at right angles thereto, and is the northern extremity of the present established wharf line of said city, and running thence northerly in a direct line to a point six hundred Tracings to west and seventy-five (675) feet easterly from, and at right angles to, boundary. ^ northerly extension of the central line of Sherlock Avenue, at a *For wharf line south of this point see Ordinance No. 2463, as amended by Ordinance No. 4189. Wharves,] CITY OF PORTLAND. 297 point in said extension twenty-seven hundred and fifty (2750) feet northerly from the north line of William street, in Sherlock’s addition to said city ; thence northerly and curving to the left on a circle with a radius of seventeen thousand one hundred and ninety (17,19c) feet, to a point six hundred and sixty-five (665) feet easterly from, and at right angles to, said extension of Sherlock Avenue, at a point three thousand two hundred and fifty (3250) feet northerly from the said north line of William street; thence, continuing the same curve to a point six hundred and thirty-seven (637) feet easterly from, measured at right angles to, said extension of Sherlock Avenue, at a point thirty-seven hundred and fifty (3,750) feet northerly from said north line of William street ; thence, continuing the same curve, to a point six hundred (600) feet easterly from, and at right angles to, said extension of Sherlock Avenue, at a point forty- two hundred and fifty (4,250) feet northerly from the said north line of William street; thence, continuing the same curve, to a point five hundred and fifty (550) feet easterly from, and at right angles to, said extension of Sherlock Avenue at a point where such extension of said central line intersects a southerly exten- sion of the north side line of North First street, in the northern part of said city, as said North First street is located on plat filed and made by P. L. Willis; thence, continuing the same curve to a point easterly five hundred and seventy-five (575) feet from the southeast corner of block numbered four hundred and eighty- one (481), measured at right angles to said north side line of North First street ; thence on a curve to the right of twenty-two thousand feet radius to a point six hundred and twenty-two (622) feet northerly from said north line of North First street, measured on a northerly extension of the west side line of Ladd street ; thence, continuing the last named curve, to a point in the northerly extension of the west side line of Thompson street and six hundred and eighty-one (681) feet, measured along said west side line, from the said north line of North First street; thence, continuing the last mentioned curve, to a point in a northerly extension of the west line of Villard street, and seven hundred and fifty (750) feet northerly from the north line of North First 298 ORDINANCES OF THE [Landings and Street ; thence, continuing the curve last mentioned to a point in the west line of Dolph street extended northerly eight hundred and thirty-three (833) feet northerly from the north line of North First street ; thence, continuing the last mentioned curve, to a point in the northern extension of the west side line of Thielsen street nine hundred and twenty-eight (928) feet northerly from the north line of North First street; thence continuing the last mentioned curve, to a point in a northerly extension of the west side line of Vanderbilt street ten hundred and thirty (1,030) feet northerly from the north line of North First street ; thence, con- tinuing the last named curve, to a point in a northerly extension of the west line of Stanford street eleven hundred and forty-seven (1,147) northerly from the north line of North First street; thence in a right line to a point in the west line of section twenty in T. I N. R. I E., fifteen hundred and eighty-seven (1,587) feet north from the south-west corner of block numbered four hundred and sixty-seven (467) on said plat made and filed by said Willis. Said section line being the western boundary of said city. Wharves to con- Sec. 2. All wharves and other obstructions hereafter built or form to line. ejected on the river front of the city shall not extend easterly beyond the line as laid down in section one (i) of this ordinance ; Permits to con- and all permits hereafter granted by the Common Council for the driving of piles or erection of structures shall conform to said line. Wharves and Sec. 3. All wharves and piles now erected or driven beyond piles now stand- . . /-Nri* ing to be removed the lines as described in section one (i) of this ordinance, shall to conform to line within 6 years, removed to conform to the above described line within six years from the date of this ordinance. Provided, That if such wharf or structure shall be at any time destroyed by the elements If destroyed to or SO damaged as to necessitate the rebuilding thereof, that it be rebuilt to con- . • ^ ^ ^ form. shall be built to conform to said above described line. Penalty. Sec. 4. Aliy persoii violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be punished by Wharves.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 299 a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and each day of maintaining or continuing such violation shall be deemed a new offense and be punished accordingly. Sec. 5. The Superintendent of Streets shall cause all piles Supt. of Streets . , , 11- IT 1 to cause piles and and other material that may be driven or placed upon that part material placed beyond wharf of the city front herein described, contrary to the provisions ofHne to be re- moved, this ordinance, to be removed forthwith. Approved June 22, 1883. Landings and Wharves. — Addenda. See Ordinance No. 83, establishing and locating ferry landing at the foot of Pine street. — Page 65. See Ordinance No. 434, establishing ferry landing at the foot of Stark street. — Page 72. See Ordinance No. 568, granting James B. Stevens and Walter Moffett permission to construct wharf adjoining blocks 72 and 73, city. — Page 73. See Ordinance No. 905, establishing ferry landing at foot of F street. — Page 81. 300 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and No. 1347. AN ORDINANCE FOR PRESERVATION OF HEALTH AND THE PREVENTION OF DISEASE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Space to each SECTION I. That for the purpose of preventing disease and person, preserving health, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to use any tenement house or other building used as a sleeping apartment within the city of Portland, which contains less than five hundred and fifty cubic 'feet of air or space for each and every person lodging in such house or apartment. Penalty. Sec. 2. Every person violating section i of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, or by imprisonment in the city jail not exceeding ten days. Police to make Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and the examination. , ' , , members of the police force to make examination of premises, where they have reason to believe that persons are living in over- crowded houses in violation of this ordinance; and upon exami- nation, if persons should be found violating this ordinance, to arrest any person violating the same and take the person or per- sons before the Police Judge for trial. Approved June 19, 1878. No. 1358. AN ORDINANCE EMPOWERING THE BOARD OF HEALTH TO MAKE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Small-pox hos- SECTION I. The Board of Health are hereby authorized to make such expenditures as may be necessary for work and mate- Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 301 rials in and about the small-pox hospital and furnishing the Furnishing, etc. same, the employment of nurses, supply food, medicine whatever may be necessary to the care of small-pox patients, and for the suppression and prevention of contagious or infectious diseases. Provided, That the aggregate of such expenditure shall Not to exceed appropriation. at no time exceed the amount of any appropriation applicable to the payment thereof. Sec. 2. Upon the approval by the Board of Health of any Payment, claim for services or material furnished under the provision of this ordinance, the Auditor and Clerk is hereby authorized to draw warrants upon the Treasury in payment thereof. Approved August i, 1873. No. 1717. AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PROTECTING OF PUBLIC SEWERS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE MANNER OF MAKING CONNECTIONS THEREWITH. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to Connections, make connection with or in any manner obstruct or interfere with any public sewer or drain pipe, except as hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 2. Any person or persons desiring to make connections Applications, with any public sewer or drain pipe shall make written applica- tion for a permit therefor, specifying therein the location, area to be drained, and whether for house drainage or otherwise. Sec. 3. The officers constituting the street department are Permits, hereby authorized to grant permits for such connections, subject 302 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and to such restrictions as to size of pipes, traps, and the manner of doing the work, as they may deem necessary and proper: Pro- vided, That no connection shall be made (except within the line of the lot or block) with other than Terra Cotta pipe or some other material not subject to injury from the use of acids or other deleterious substances. A 7 id further provided, that the parties making such connections shall cause that portion of the street disturbed to be placed in good condition. Security. Sec. 4. Security by deposit or otherwise may be required of such applicant against loss or damage resulting from carelessness, improper work or material, or failure to comply with the terms of the permit. Penalty. Sec. 5. A violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before the Police Judge, the offender or offenders shall be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than three nor more than twenty days. Approved January 20, 1876. No. 1784. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE PUBLIC HEALTH. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Board of Health SECTION I. The Board of Health, as constituted by Ordi- to cause cellars . . , and lots to be nauce No. 1352, are hereby authorized and directed to cause the drained and dis- r 1 1 i i n j infected. Qwuer or occupaut of each and every lot, building or cellar, and Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 303 the street in front thereof, which has been flooded or upon which water has stood or is standing in such quantities as to be detri- mental to the public health, or which from any cause is in an unhealthy condition, to be at once cleansed and placed in good condition and sprinkled with lime or other disinfectants. Sec. 2. A failure or refusal by the owner or occupant of any penalty, house, store, building or premises to comply with the directions of the Board of Health, as by this ordinance provided, within (24) twenty-four hours after notice from the Board of Health, or some officer deputed by them, shall be deemed a misdemeanor and be punished on conviction before the Police Judge by a fine of not less than (5) five dollars nor more than (100) one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than (3) three days nor more than (20) twenty days. Approved July 13, 1876. No. 2368. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE TAXING AND KILLING OF DOGS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That no dog shall be permitted to go abroad in collar, any of the streets, squares, lanes, alleys or public places of the city without having a collar of leather or metal secured about its neck, with a number stamped from metal or engraved thereon. *Sec. 2. The owner or person having in charge any dog Tax, when to be permitted to run at large within the city limits shall, on or before *As amended by Ordinance No. 2837, entitled “ An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2368, entitled ‘ An ordinance to provide for the taxing and killing of dogs/ ” approved February 7, 1879. ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and 304 the first day of September of each year, pay into the City Treasury the sum of one dollar and fifty cents (^1.50) in gold or silver coin for each and every male dog, and the sum of three dollars for each and every slut or female dog, which shall entitle him to a receipt from the Treasury designating the owner’s name and the number of the license, which number shall correspond with that worn by the dog. Record of li- censes. Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall keep a suitable record of the licenses granted, and on the expiration of the annual time for issuing licenses shall give to the Chief of Police a list of the num- bers on which licenses have been paid or renewed, and of the numbers which have not been renewed, and the names of owners or representatives of dogs bearing such unrenewed numbers. Chief of Police Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or such to kill dogs. person as shall be duly appointed therefor by the Board of Police Commissioners, to seize, kill and properly bury in some suitable place outside the city limits, any and all dogs found running at large in violation of section one of this ordinance; also any and all dogs wearing collars, running at large, on which the owner or representative has failed to pay or renew the license ; Provided^ Wearing collar. That when a dog wearing a collar has been taken up, the Chief of Police shall notify the owner or representative thereof, who may thereupon recover possession upon payment of the license to the Treasurer, and a fee of one dollar in coin to the Chief of Police for each male dog and a fee of three dollars for each slut or female To be 48 hours dog; provided , further , that no dog shall be killed unless it has in the pound. been kept in the city pound at least forty-eight (48) hours, except as provided in section five of this ordinance ; provided^ further^ that any dog which has been duly licensed under the ordinance of the city of East Portland, and which shall have a collar about its neck with the number stamped or marked thereon, shall not be liable to be seized or killed while running at large in the city of Portland, except as provided in section five of this ordinance. East Portland dogs. Sluts; vicious and mad dogs. Sec. 5. No slut or female dog in time of heat, no habitually vicious dog or mad dog shall be permitted to run at large within the city limits, and it shall be lawful for any person to kill any Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 305 such dog running at large, whether wearing a collar duly num- bered or not; and the owner or person permitting any such dog to run at large shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars. Sec. 6. Any person, an inhabitant of this city, permitting Liability of owner, etc. any dog of which he is owner, or over which he has control, to go abroad in any of the streets, squares, lanes, alleys or public places of this city, without having first paid the license required by this ordinance and having the number thereof stamped or engraved on a collar upon such dog as hereinbefore provided, or who shall suffer or cause a collar and number to be put on any dog with intent to avoid payment of license, shall, upon convic- tion before the Police Judge, be subject to a fine of not less than ten (10) dollars nor more than fifty (50) dollars. *Sec. 7. The Chief of Police shall receive the sum of one Fee lor killing, dollar for each dog seized, killed and buried as provided in section four, to be paid by the city, but shall be recoverable, in addition to fine and costs, in case of conviction for violation of this ordinance. Sec. 8. No person or persons shall hinder or molest any Penalty, person or persons who may be engaged in seizing any dog, kill- ing or removing the carcass in conformity with this ordinance, under a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, fine, or imprisonment not to exceed twenty days for each offense. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to prose- chief of Police . . . . to prosecute. cute for all violations of this ordinance, and he shall receive the sum of ($3) dollars, to be taxed as costs against the defendant, upon every conviction of a violation of this ordinance in which he or his deputies shall have made complaint. Sec. 10. The annual time for issuing licenses as herein pro- License, vided, and the time when all and each license shall expire, shall *As amended by Ordinance No. 2837, entitled “ An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2368, entitled ‘An ordinance to provide for the taxing and killing of dogs,'” approved September 23, 1880. See Ordinance No. 4356, providing for appointment of Deputy Pound Master at salary $90 per month — no other compensation — approved August 22, 1884. 3o6 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Repeal. Owners and oc- cupants to clean trees of caterpil- lars. Penalty for al- lowing caterpil- lars to remain after notice from Chief of Police. be on the first day of September of each year. No license shall be issued for a less time than one year; provided, that a person applying for a license at any time between the first of March and the first of September shall pay therefor a sum equal to one- half of the yearly license. Sec. II. That Ordinance No. 241, passed August 24th 1865, and Ordinance No. 526, approved August 21st, 1868, and Ordi- nance No. 918, approved January 20th, 1871, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved February 7, 1879. No. 2753. AN ORDINANCE TO SECURE THE PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND PROVIDE FOR THE CLEAN- LINESS AND ORNAMENT OF THE CITY. The City of Portlaiid does ordain as follows : Section i. The owners and occupants of all occupied prem- ises are hereby required whenever necessary to clean out, by burning, trimming, or otherwise, the caterpillars from all trees upon the premises owned, occupied, or for which they are agents, within the city limits. Sec. 2. Any person who shall permit caterpillars to remain in or upon any premises owned or occupied by him, and any owner or agent of any unoccupied premises who shall permit caterpillars to remain upon such premises, after written notice from the Chief of Police, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, be liable to a fine of not more than twenty dol- lars, or ten days’ imprisonment in the City Jail. Police.] CITY GF PORTLAND. 307 *Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to insert Thistles — Chief of Police to insert or cause to be inserted in the official paper of the city, a notice notice in official paper to remove. requiring all thistles within the limits of the city to be cut down, dug up, or otherwise destroyed. Every owner or occupant of all occupied premises and every owner or agent of all unoccupied premises within the corporate limits of the city, who shall permit or allow any thistles to blossom or to grow upon such premises, or in front of or abutting upon the premises owned or occupied by them or for which they are agents, after the publication of the notice herein mentioned shall, upon conviction before the Police Court, be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more Penalty for neg- . . . . . lect to remove. than twenty dollars, or imprisonment in the City Jail not less than three nor more than ten days. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to see that chief of Police ... to enforce ordi- this ordinance is enforced. nance. Sec. 5. Ordinance No. 2499, approved Aug. 7, 1879, and Repeal. Ordinance No. 2503, approved Aug. 21, 1879, hereby repealed. Approved July 23, 1880. No. 2994. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PREVEN^ TION AND REMOVAL OF NUISANCES, AND TO PUNISH THOSE WHO ALLOW OR MAINTAIN THEM. The City of Porila7ui does ordain as follows : Section i. No butcher or other person shall kill or slaughter Animals not to be within the city limits, any animal or animals, the flesh of which limUsr^ *As amended by Ordinance No. 3300, entitled “ An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2753, entitled ‘ An ordinance to secure the protection of property and provide for the cleanliness and ornament of the city.’ ” Approved November 3, 1881. 3o8 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and is intended to be sold or offered for sale ; and no person shall keep in any yard, pen, corral, or enclosure, within the city limits Not kept in pen any bceves, sheep, swine or other animals, for sale or to be more than three days. slaughtered, for a longer period than three days. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall cast or leave or keep in or adjoining any street, lane, alley, square or public place, public wend, or in any yard, lot, block or premises, within the city limits, or in the Willamette river between the south boundary of Bones, unsound the city and the north boundary thereof, any bones, putrid^ water,’ ofTa^ etc. unsound, unwholesome or refuse beef or meat of any animal, whether salted or otherwise, or any hides or any skins of any kind, or the whole or part of any dead animal or fish, or any stagnant or impure water, or any unsound, putrid or unwholesome substance, or the offal, garbage or the offensive part of any ani- mal or animals. Sec. 3. No person or persons shall permit, or suffer to accu- mulate, in or upon any yard, lot, place or premises, or upon any street or sidewalk adjacent to or abutting upon any lot, block, place or premises, owned or occupied by him or them, or for which he or they may be agent or agents within the city limits, any stagnant or impure water, refuse vegetables, decayed or decaying substances, garbage or filth of any kind, nor suffer such yard, lot, place or premises to be or to remain in such condition Creates nuisance as to cause or Create a noisome or offensive smell or atmosphere, or thereby to be, become, cause or create a public nuisance ; P 7 'ovided^ That no person shall be prosecuted for a violation of this section, unless such violation shall continue for twenty-four hours after he or they have received the notice provided in sec- tion 7 of this ordinance. Sec. 4. No person who is the owner or occupant of, or agent for any house, store, building or premises, in the city of Portland, Privy. to which a privy belongs or appertains, shall use or keep the same in such a condition as to cause a noisome or offensive smell so as to become a nuisance. Cesspools and Sec. 5. It shall be uiilawful for any person or persons to privies under i i • sidewalk. construct or cause to be constructed, or used, any privy or cess- Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 309 pool under the sidewalk in front of or adjoining any property owned or occupied by him or them; and every day which such person or persons sliall use or permit to be used, such privy or cesspool, after receiving the notice provided for in section 7 of this ordinance, shall be deemed a new and separate offense. Sec. 6. Whenever in the opinion of the Committee on Fire when building, declared nuis- and Water and the Chief Engineer, (or a majority of them) anyance. building or awning within the city limits shall become so much injured by fire, decay, or on account of defective material used in the construction thereof, or from any other cause, as to be dangerous to surrounding property, or in danger of falling down, the same shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be by them so declared, and they shall forthwith file such declaration in the Declaration filed . . . with Auditor. office of the Auditor and Clerk, who shall forthwith furnish to the Chief of Police a certified copy of such declaration, to be Copy served on owner or occu- served by him upon the owner of such property, or in case of hispa^t- absence from the city, upon his agent. And any owner of such building, or in case of the absence of such owner from the city, his authorized agent, who shall neglect or refuse to remove or repair such building or awning for three days after being ordered so to do by the Chief of Police, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge, shall be fined in a sum of not less than ten nor more than Penalty, fifty dollars ; and each day that such building or awning shall so stand, after such conviction, shall be deemed a new and separ- ate offense. Sec. 7. Whenever the Chief of Police shall be informed of Chief of Police to examine prem- the existence of any nuisance prohibited by sections 3 and 4 ofises. this ordinance, he shall immediately make, or cause to be made, an examination of the yard, lot, place or premises on which it is charged that such nuisance is suffered or permitted, and if a nuisance is found to exist thereon, or to exist in or upon any Nuisance, street, gutter or sidewalk adjacent to or abutting upon said yard, lot, place or premises, unless it shall be necessary in order to abate such nuisance to fill up or drain the property on which the same is situated, he shall forthwith give, or cause to be given, to 310 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and either owner, agent or occupant of such yard, lot, place or prem- ises, or to all of them, a notice to remove or abate such nuisance ; and if such nuisance shall not be removed or abated within twenty- four hours after such notice, the Chief of Police shall cause the Arrest. owner, occupant of or agent for such property to be arrested in the Police Court, and if he or they shall be convicted, the Chief of Police shall cause the same to be removed, and he shall be and he is hereby authorized to remove any obstructions that it may be necessary to remove in order to reach and remove or abate Expense, sucli iiuisance. The expense of the removal of any nuisance by the Chief of Police shall be paid by the city in the first instance, but the same shall be taxed as part of the costs in such cause, and be recovered by the city from the owner, agent or occupant notified as hereinbefore provided. Chiefof Police to Sec. 8. Whenever the Chief of Police shall find that it is report nuisance. necessary in order to abate any nuisance, to fill up or drain the ground whereon it exists, he shall report the same to the Com- mon Council at its next meeting, together with a description of the nuisance, the ground upon which the same exists, the owner or owners of such property, together with his estimate of the cost Action of Coun- of fill or drain. Thereupon if the Council adopt such report, 'cil thereon. they shall by ordinance declare the same a nuisance, and they shall thereupon direct the Committee on Streets and Public Work of abating. Property to let the contract for making such fill or drain in the manner provided in the Charter and the ordinances for letting street work, and the estimated cost thereof shall be entered in the Cost, how col- docket of the city liens as a lien against such property and the lected. Penalty. same shall be enforced against such property in like manner and with like effect as a lien for street improvements. Sec. 9. If any person or persons shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance they shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or imprisonment not less than five days nor more than thirty days, and in all cases of conviction the costs of the case, together with the cost of removing or abating the nuisance, shall be taxed against the defendant. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 3II Sec. 10. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict Ordinance re- pealed. with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved February 4, 1881. No. 3004. AN ORDINANCE TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF DANGER- OUS OR CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. There shall be kept at the Police Office by the Record kept at Chief of Police, and under his direction, a book in which shall what to contain, be entered the name and place of residence of every person who is affected with any of the diseases mentioned in this ordinance, and also the name, age, residence, sex, nativity, color, and such other details as the Board of Health may deem requisite, of every person dying within the city, and the cause of death, as nearly as can be ascertained. Sec. 2. There is hereby established a Board of Health, Board of Health, consisting of the Mayor, the Chairman of the standing Commit- tee of the Common Council on Health and Police, and the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall be ex-officio Health He'aUh°offk?r.^^ Officer. Sec. 3. The Board of Health may, whenever it may be Board may em- deemed necessary, employ a physician of skill and experience to and^fix^hS^com" ... . .... . ... pensation. Visit and examine persons sick with any contagious or infectious disease, or to certify to cause of death of any person, and to advise said Board in any matter relating to the health of the city. 312 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and •Physician to give ■written certifi- cate as to cause of each death. I Chief of Police to issue permit for burial. Corpse not to be removed without permit. Persons practic- ing midwifery to keep registry of births. To make report to health officer. Such physician shall receive such compensation as the Board of Health may consider reasonable, subject to the approval of the Common Council. *Sec. 4. In case of the death of any person within the city, it shall be the duty of the attending physician within twelve hours thereafter, or in his absence a physician to be employed by the Board of Health, immediately on receiving notice of his employment, to give the Chief of Police a written certificate, stating the date and cause of death, and such other information about such deceased person as the Board of Health may deem requisite and necessary. Sec. 5. The Chief of Police, as Health Officer, shall, on receipt of a duly qualified physician’s certificate, filled out in the form to be prescribed and furnished by the Board of Health — and not otherwise — issue a permit for the removal from the city of any deceased person. No undertaker or other person or persons shall remove or cause to be removed from this city any corpse, or the body of any deceased person, without having first obtained a permit from the Chief of Police. Sec. 6. Every person practicing midwifery in this city, under whose charge or superintendence births shall hereafter take place, shall keep a true and exact register of such births, and shall enter the same on a blank schedule to be furnished by the Health Officer; this schedule shall contain a list of births which have occurred under his or her care during the month, and shall set forth as far as can be ascertained the full name of such child (if any name shall have been conferred) its sex, color, the full name, occupation and nativity of its parent or parents, the date and place of birth; and the said schedule shall be delivered, duly signed by such practitioner in the form of a certi- ficate, on the first day of each and every month, to the Health Officer or to any authorized person calling for the same. In ♦As amended by Ordinance No. 4847, approved April 16, 1886. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 3^3 case the birth of any cliild shall have occurred without the atten- dance of a physician or practitioner of midwifery, or should no other person be in attendance upon the mother, immediately thereafter, it shall then become the duty of the parent or parents of such child to report its birth to the Health Officer in the man- when parents to report births. ner and form, and within the period above required. Sec. 7. The Health Officer shall cause all cases of Asiatic Health officer to . . cause examina- cholera or small-pox brought to his notice to be examined, and non ofsmaii-pox and cholera. report the result of such examination to the Board of Health. He shall be vigilant and active in detecting and removing all causes of disease, and shall see that all persons violating ordi- nances in relation to the preservation of public health are duly prosecuted. Sec. 8. Every Police Officer having a regular beat shall be Police officers to ex-officio Health Inspector, but without extra pay therefor, Should such officer observe that any building, premises or street on his beat is in a condition offensive to the public health, he when to report . . and what. shall immediately report the same to the Health Officer. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of each physician in this city to physicians at- , • •• • 1 ...tending con- report to the Health Officer in writing every patient he shall tagious diseases, have, laboring under Asiatic cholera or small-pox, variola, them. ^ diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, measles, and other danger- ous or any contagious diseases, immediately after he shall be satis- fied of the nature of the disease, and to report to the same offi- cer every case of death from such disease immediately after it shall have occurred. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of every householder in this Householder to . . . . . . report all con- city to report in writing to the Health Officer, immediately, the tagious diseases occurring in his name of every person boarding or lodging at his or her house, or house, living there, whom he or she shall have reason to believe to be sick of cholera, or small-pox, variola, diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, measles, or any other contagious or dangerous diseases, and to report any deaths occurring at his or her house from any disease. 3H ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Owner or occu- Sec. II. That it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the pant of building' to hang out flag owiier Of occupaut of every house, store, building or tenement in when contagious ... disease therein, said city, wherein au v person may have the diphtheria, small-pox, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, measles, whooping-cough, chicken- pox or any other dangerous or contagious disease or diseases, to give notice to the public immediately of the existence of such disease in such house, store, building or tenement by placing a green flag in case of diphtheria, a scarlet flag in case of scarlet fever, a yellow flag in case of small-pox, and in all other cases a white flag, in some conspicuous place on the premises, where it may be seen by persons passing on the street near the said premises; and in case the owner or occupant of such house, store, building or tenement shall fail or neglect to place such flag as aforesaid, it is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police of said city, as If owner or occu- soon as he is informed of the existence of such disease in any pant fail. Chief of . . Police to cause house, Store, building, or tenement, to cause such flag to be placed flag to be hung out. as aforesaid ; and such flag whether placed as aforesaid by such owner or occupant, or by the Chief of Police, shall remain there until such person having such disease shall have so far recovered Size of flag. that no danger by infection shall remain. Said flag shall be not less than one foot wide, by one and one-half feet long. Person having Sec. 12. No person having any contagious disease, as eaL^n^oTt? travel enumerated in section 9 of this ordinance, shall go out in public, around. or pass from house to, or building to building, or appear in any street, alley or other public place in said city, until he or she shall have so far recovered from such disease as to preclude all danger of infection; and if the Chief of Police shall see or be informed of any person violating this section, it shall be his duty Chief to remove to cause such persou to be taken forthwith to his or her place of such persons . ... . . . . . . from street. residence, if within the city, and if such residence is not within the city, then to such place as the Mayor and Chairman of the Committee on Health and Police may direct. Occupant to de- Sec. 1 3. The occupant of any house, store, building or stroy clothes and .... . , purify rooms, tenement in Said City, whereiii any person may have been sick of small-pox, diphtheria or scarlet fever, shall, on the death or recovery of such person from such disease, forthwith destroy by burning or burying the clothes worn by such person during such Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 3^5 sickness, and shall cleanse and purify the room and house, store, tenement or building in which such sick person was confined, and the Health Officer shall see that the provisions of this sec- tion are strictly enforc ed. Sec. 14. No person owning or having control thereof, shall Conveyance not ^ _ to be used with- drive or use any vehicle, or permit slk h vehicle to be used or put permit from J ^ ^ ^ health officer. driven for the conveyance, transportation or removal of any person infected with the small-pox, or the body of any person (who may die of such disease) without the written consent of the Health Officer ; and any vehicle so used under a permit shall not be used for any other purpose whatever without the written consent of the Health Officer. Sec. 15. No person owning or having control thereof, shall Vehicles used for carrying passen- use or permit to be used, any vehicle which is used for the pur- gers not to carry ^ ^ bodies of the pose of carrying or transporting passengers, to be used for, or dead, allow to be placed therein, the body of any deceased person. Sec. 16. Any person or persons who shall use any vehicle for Vehicles used for carrying dead to carrying or transporting the body 01 any deceased person who be plainly desig- nated. has died of any disease, shall have the same plainly marked or otherwise designated as a vehicle used for that purpose. Sec. 17. No person attending upon or otherwise coming in Attendant on small-pox case contact with any person affected with small-pox in such manner not to go upon or to such an extent as to render him liable to communicate the disease, shall go upon any public street, or in any way mingle with people not affected with the disease. Sec. 18. Whenever a case of small-pox shall exist in any chief to take charge of prem- house or tenement, and for any reason the person affected shall ises. not be removed to the small-pox hospital, the Board of Health may direct the Health Officer to place some suitable person in charge of such premises, whose duty it shall be to see that the provisions of section 13 of this ordinance are strictly enforced so long as may be deemed necessary for the public safety. P 7 'ovided, nothing in this or the last preceding section shall be construed to apply to physicians. 3i6 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Health officer to post yellow flag. Patient not to be removed without consent of Board of Health. Not to be remov- ed from boats or house, through streets, without consent of Board of Health. Butchers' offal, etc., not allowed on street or prem- ises. U n w h o 1 e some vapors, etc., to be deodorized. Stables to be kept clean. Sec. 19. Whenever a case of small-pox is reported to the Health Officer, and found to be such by the statement of the attending physician, or of the physician employed by the Board of Health, he shall immediately cause to be erected a yellow or quarantine flag in a conspicuous place upon said premises, or to post upon the doorways of such premises a placard setting forth the said fact, said flag or placard to remain during the continu- ance of the disease on said premises. Sec. 20. No person shall move a small-pox patient from any house or place within the limits of the city, to any other house or place within the city limits, without the written consent of the Board of Health. Sec. 21. No person without a permit from the Health Officer, shall carry or remove from one building to another, or from any railroad depot to any house, or through the public streets, or from any boat or vessel to the shore, any person sick of any contagious disease. Sec. 22. No butcher’s offal, garbage of any kind, nor any putrid or stinking animal or vegetable matter, shall be allowed to remain on the premises of any person, or to be thrown into any street or alley or place, or in any standing water or excavation, or upon the grounds or premises of any person. Sec. 23. The rendering, heating or steaming of any animal or vegetable product or substance generating noisome or unwhole- some odors, or gaseous vapors, shall be conducted in steam-tight kettles, tanks or boilers, and such method shall be adopted as shall entirely condense, decompose, deodorize or destroy the odors, vapors and gaseous products. And no person shall be permitted to burn upon his premises, or in any street, alley or other place, any animal or vegetable substance which will create noisome or unwholesome odors. Sec. 24. Every owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of any stable or place in which any horse, cattle or swine, or any other animal shall be kept, or of any place in which manure or any Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 317 liquid discharge of such animals shall collect or accumulate, shall cause such liquid and manure to be removed to some proper place, and shall at all times keep, or cause to be kept such stable and place and the drainage, yards and appurtenances thereof in a cleanly and wholesome condition. Sec. 25. No person shall be permitted to pursue any business Dangerous busi- , . , . , , . ... - ness not to be or occupation in the city that is dangerous or detrimental to liie carried on. or health, and every such business shall be promptly discontinued. Sec. 26. No person shall offer, or have for sale, or deliver to Adulterated or ... swill milk not to any person in this city, any unwholesome, watered or adulterated be sold, milk, or milk known as swill milk, or milk from cows that are fed on swill, stagnant water, garbage or other like substance, nor any butter or cheese made from such milk. Sec. 27. No person shall sell, expose for sale, or offer to sell Diseased meat or . . . vegetables, and or deliver, for human food, any blown, tainted, diseased or bad calves less than two months old meat, poultry fish or game, or the flesh of any calf less than two not to be sold, weeks old when slaughtered, or any unsound, decayed, or unwholesome fruit, vegetables or other market produce. Sec. 28. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions Penalties, of this ordinance, shall, on conviction before the Police Judge, be fined not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the City Jail not less than three nor more than ninety days for each offense. Approved February 23, 1881. No. 3150. .\N ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DISPOSAL OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS IN PLACES OF AMUSE- MENTS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. It shall be lawful for any person or persons pay- Lawful to sell in ing a license for carrying on a theater, to sell wine, spirituous or ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and 318 malt liquors in said theater, upon the payment of the license required for the sale thereof, anything contained in Ordinance No. 2959, entitled “An ordinance concerning offenses and dis- orderly conduct,” to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved June 17, 1881. No. 3259. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE USE OF STREETS, WHARVES AND PUBLIC PLACES, AND TO PUNISPI VIOLATIONS OF SUCH REGULA- TIONS. The City of Portland does or dam as follows : Hack drivers. SECTION I. No hack driver, hotel runner, steamboat runner, hotel runners, ... - i n i n i expressmen, etc., expressman, or solicitor for express wagon, shall be allowed upon wharf or road- any wharf, or road-way leading thereto, the property of any way leading . ... . .. thereto without corporation, firm, or individual without permission in writing permission. from such owner. Provided^ That in case the owner of any wharf or road-way, shall give one person of any class authority to so go upon such wharf or road-way, no other of the same class shall be refused except for misbehavior. Not to solicit Sec. 2. No hack driver, hotel runner, steamboat runner, custom or call ... in out louder than expressmau , or solicitor for express wagon, or any solicitor, shall ordinary conver- sation. solicit custom either for himself or another or call out to passers by in a tone or voice louder than ordinary conversation ; nor shall any such hack driver, runner, expressman or solicitor pur- Not to annoy poscly Stand in front of, or annoy any passenger or take hold of passengers. . , . , _ the baggage of any such passenger without his or her first request- ing him so to do. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 319 Sec. 3. No person shall ride or drive any horse or team upon Team not to be driven on wharf any wharf or wharf road-way at a greater rate of speed than a or wharf road- •' y X faster than walk. a walk. Sec. 4. No hack driver, expressman or solictor, shall stand Hack drivers, solicitors and ex- or go into any gangway built or used by wharf owners for the pressmen not to convenience of the traveling public, when such gangway is being way. used by passengers coming from such wharf. Sec. 5. No person shall solicit custom for any hotel, hack, Not to solicit on wharf or gang- express wagon or steamboat upon any wharf, gangwav or dock, way louder than conversation. in a tone of voice louder than that used in ordinary conversation. Sec. 6. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions Penalty, of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or impris- oned not less than five days nor more than twenty days. x\ppROVED September 23, 1881. No. 3462. AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ALL PERSONS ARRI- VING AT THE CITY OF PORTLAND FROM FOR- EIGN PORTS DIRECT, TO BE VACCINATED BEFORE BEING LANDED FROM THE VESSEL, AND AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF A PHYSICIAN FOR THAT PURPOSE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That in order to prevent the introduction of physician to be contagious and infectious diseases in the city of Portland, there Board of Helitii! 320 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Duties of. To vaccinate passengers on vessels landing from foreign ports. Captain must al- low physician to board vessel and notallow persons not vaccinated to land Penalty, Physician to be confirmed by Council. To receive 25 cts. for each person vaccinated to be paid by person vaccinated. shall be appointed by the Board of Health, a competent physician whose duty it shall be to board all vessels arriving from foreign ports with immigrants or other passengers, and to vaccinate or cause to be vaccinated all such passengers or immigrants who are unable to prove that they have been vaccinated within the last five years, before they shall be allowed to land at the docks or wharves of the city, or before they shall be allowed to leave such vessel. Sec. 2. Any captain of any such vessel who shall refuse to allow such physician to board his vessel, or who shall land or attempt to land any such passengers from his said vessel, without their first having been vaccinated by such physician, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine of not less than j^5o nor more than $250, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than ten days nor more than 30 days. Sec. 3. The physician appointed under this ordinance shall be confirmed by the Council and shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of twenty-five cents for each person vac- cinated by him, which said sum shall be paid by the person vac- cinated, and shall be paid before his vaccination. Approved May 19, 1882. No. 3533. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING HACKS AND FIXING THE RATES OF FARE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. Every vehicle, except railroad cars, which shall be used in this city for the conveyance of persons by land from Hack defined. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 321 place to place for hire, shall be deemed a hack within the mean- ing of this ordinance. Sec. 2. No person having charge of a hack shall allow the Not to stand within 10 ft. of same to stand within ten (10) feet of any street crossing, nor at grossing nor ^ ^ ^ ® farther than 2 ft. a greater distance than two (2) feet from the outer edge of any sidewalk. Sec. No person shall collect or receive a higher rate of Amount of fare to be collected. fare than is specified in the following schedule, to-wit : For a hack drawn by more than one horse, for one or two persons to any part of the city, one dollar ($i 00) ; for each additional person fifty cents (50c); for riding or calling, first hour for four or less persons, two dollars ($2 00) ; for each additional hour, one dollar and fifty cents ($i 5c); for a hack drawn by one horse for one or two persons, to any part of the city, seven ty-five cents (75c); for each additional person twenty-five cents (25c) ; each additional hour fifty cents (50c). Sec. 4. Every owner or driver of a hack shall at all times Number of hack and rates of fare keep conspicuously posted within the hack or hacks of which he be conspic- uously posted in- may have charge, in such a position as to be easily read, the nurn-side. ber of such carriage, and also a notice showing the rates of fare which may be lawfully charged for the use thereof. *Sec. 5. No person shall use or drive or have upon a public Hacks to have 11 -1 -1 1 • 11 1 • 1 lighted lanterns Street any hack at night, without having attached to each side after nightfall, of said hack a lighted lamp or lantern, with the number of said hack affixed thereto on the outer side of said lamps or lanterns in a conspicuous and legible manner. Sec. 6. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions Penalty, of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than five (5) dollars nor more than one hundred (100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than three (3) days nor more than fifty (50) days. Approved August 18, 1882. *As amended by Ordinance No, 4466, approved December 19, 1884. ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Certain animals and fowls not to run at large or be herded in streets, alleys or public places in the city except when be- ing driven. Permit from owner of prem- ises. Between 6 a. m. and 7 p. m. may run at large out- side certain limits. Limits. 322 No. 3688. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CERTAIN ANIMALS AND FOWLS AND PROHIBITING THEIR RUN- NING AT LARGE WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : ^Section i. No horses, mules, cattle, sheep, swine, goats or domestic fowls shall be allowed to run at large or to be herded in any of the streets, alleys, parks or public places in the city of Portland, or upon any private premises therein except those of the owners of such animals, unless when being driven through for shipment or other purposes as provided in section 32 of Ordi- No. 3983, unless the owner or owners of such animal or animals shall first obtain permission of the owner of said private prem- ises or his agent or the occupant thereof. fSEc. 2. Between the hours of 6 o’clock a. m. and 7 o’clock p. m. of each day, horses, mules and cattle may be allowed to run at large outside of the following limits : Commencing at a point where the south line of Sheridan street intersects the Macadam road ; thence southerly along the west line of the said Macadam road to a point where the same intersects the south line of Woods street, extended ; thence westerly along the south line of Woods street, extended, to South Fifth street, extended, thence northerly along the west line of south Fifth street, extended, to the south line of Sheridan street, extended, thence westerly along the south line of Sheridan street, extended, to the west line of South Seventh street, extended, thence northerly along the west line of South Seventh street, extended, and South Seventh street, to the Caruthers’ line ; thence west- *As amended by Ordinance No. 4840, approved April 8, 1886. fAs amended by Ordinance No. 4902, entitled “An ordinance to amend section 2 of Ordinance No. 3688, entitled ‘An Ordinance relating to certain animals and fowls, and pro- hibiting their running at large within certain limits” and repealing Ordinance No 4717. approved August 19, 1886. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 323 erly along said Caruthers’ line, to the west line of Ninth street extended ; thence northerly, along the west line of Ninth street extended and Ninth street to the south line of College street ; thence westerly, along the south line of College street, to the west line of Tenth street ; thence northerly, along the west line of Tenth street, to the south line of Montgomery street, thence westerly along the south line of Montgomery street to the west line of Fourteenth street ; thence northerly, along the west line of Fourteenth street, to the south line of Jefferson street, thence westerly, along the south line of Jefferson street, to the east line of the City Park ; thence north along the east line of the City Park, to the north line of B street; thence east, along the north line of B street, to the west line of North Twenty-first street ; thence north along the west line of North Twenty-First street, to the south line of G street; thence west along the south line of G street to the Cornell road, thence northerly along the Cornell road to a point where L street, if extended, would intersect the same ; thence east along said L street extended and L street to the west line of North Twenty-Second street ; thence north along the west line of North Twenty-Second street to the North line of S street ; thence east along the north line of S street to the west line of North Sixteenth streeP; thence north along the west line of North Sixteenth streer to the Willamette river ; thence south along the meanderings of said river to the division line between the Coffin and Caruther’s land claim ; thence westerly along said division line to the Macadam road ; thence southerly along the west line of said Macadam road to the place of beginning; pro- vided^ that animals taken into custody within the above limits, while remaining in the custody of an officer on the way to the pound, may be driven outside of said limits if necessary. Sec. 3. Any of the animals or fowls described in section Animals and j- r ^ ■ 1 -i-i fowls to be taken one (i) ot this ordinance, tound running at large within the up and impound- limits of this city, except as provided in section two (2) may be taken up by any police officer or by any person and delivered to a police officer, and impounded in a pound or enclosure; such animal or fowl shall be provided with proper care, food and water, while so confined. 324 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Notice to be post- ed and published Sec. 4. The Chief of Police shall give immediate notice of the taking up of such animal or fowl, with a description thereof, by posting the same in a conspicuous place at the pound, and by publication of notice in the official paper of this city. Animal or fowl to be sold Proceeds to be paid into city treasury. Owner entitled to possession be- fore sale upon payment of legal charge and ex- penses. Sec. 5. If any animal or fowl so taken up at the expiration of five days from the date of such notice in the case of horses, mules or cattle, or of twenty-four hours in the case of any other animals, or the fowls described in section one (i), the Chief of Police shall sell such animal or fowl at public auction after due notice, to consist of at least two insertions in a daily newspaper, in the case of horses, mules or cattle, and twenty-four hours’ notice duly posted at the places named in section four (4) in the case of other animals or fowls ; and after deducting his legal fees and all costs, expense of taking up, keeping and selling, shall pay the remainder of the proceeds of such sale into the city treasury. Sec. 6. If^it any time before such sale, the owner of any animal or fowl so taken up shall claim the same, he or she shall be entitled to the possession thereof upon the payment of all legal charges and expenses incident to such taking up and keeping. Penalty for ai- Sec. 7. The owiier 01' pcrson having charge of any animal or or'7oSis To fowl described in section one (i) of this ordinance, who shall suffer or allow the same to go at large, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall, on conviction before the Police Judge, be fined five dollars for each offense. Public pound to Sec. 8. The building or enclosure within which any animal ^nder^penaity.^" or fowl named or described in this ordinance is confined or kept, shall be kept properly cleaned and free from stench under a pen- alty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, upon conviction before the Police Judge, and whenever, in the opinion of the Board of Health, such building or enclosure shall become a nuisance, the health officer shall remove the same at the expense of the owner. Fees of Chief of Police. Sec. 9. The Chief of Police, beside the cost of keeping any animal or fowl taken up and impounded, shall be entitled to Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 325 receive as his legal fees two dollars per head for cattle and horses, fifty cents per head for sheep and goats, fifteen cents for each fowl so impounded, and ten per centum of the proceeds of any sale when the amount shall not exceed twenty-five dollars, and five per cent, on any amount exceeding such sum. Sec. 10. If the owner or owners of any property sold under owner to receive , . . _ , . , . Ill • • 1 • net proceeds of the provisions of this ordinance shall, at any time within sale within one 1 • r r ^ year on proof. one year from the date of such sale, make satisfactory proof of his ownership, he or they shall be entitled to receive the net pro- ceeds of such sale on deposit in the city treasury. Sec. II. Ordinance No. 1369, entitled An ordinance rela- Repealing clause ting to certain animals and fowls, and prohibiting their running at large within certain limits” and all ordinances amendatory thereto, are hereby repealed. Approved January 19, 1883. No. 3983. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OFFENSES AND DIS- ORDERLY CONDUCT. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That any person or persons who shall be guilty Violent, riotous of any violent, riotous or disorderly conduct, or who shall use conducc^^"^^^ any profane, abusive or obscene language in any street, house, or Profane, abusive . . . or obscene place Within the city of Portland, whereby the peace or quiet of the city is or may be disturbed, or who shall be guilty of any indecent or immoral act or practice in said city, shall, upon con- indecent or im- viction thereof in the Police Court, pay a fine of not less than pracfice!^ 326 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Penalty. Firing ordnance, gun, pistol, rifle or other firearm. Squib, rocket, fire-cracker, fire- works, etc., in •certain limits. Penalty. Permit. Permit to be filed. Penalty. Assault and as- sault and bat- tery. Penalty. Drawing danger- ous weapon upon another. Penalty. ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the City Jail not less than five days nor more than ninety days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. That any person or persons who shall fire off or dis- charge any ordnance, gun, pistol, rifle or other firearm within the corporate limits of the city of Portland, or any squib, rocket, roman candle, chaser, fire-cracker, bomb, torpedo or other fire- works of any kind or nature whatever, in that portion of the city bounded by Grant, South Seventh, Grover, East Park and I streets, and a line parallel with the west shore line of the Willa- mette river and distant two hundred yards east from such west shore, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, be fined not less than $io nor more than $50; Provided, That the Mayor may permit upon national holidays and other days of public celebration, the discharge of cannon, which permit shall designate the time and locality of firing and the number of dis- charges authorized. Sec. 3. Any person to whom a permit has been issued as provided by section 2 of this ordinance, who shall fail to file a copy of the same with the Chief of Police at least one hour before the time of such firing, shall, upon conviction in the Police Court, be fined not exceeding the sum of %2o. Sec. 4. That any person or persons who shall be guilty of any assault, or assault and battery, within the limits of the city of Portland, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or impris- oned in the City Jail not exceeding ninety days, or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 5. Any person or persons who shall draw any species of firearms, or any dirk, dagger or knife, or other deadly or dan- gerous weapon on the person of another, within the limits of the city of Portland, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, be fined not less than ten nor more than three hundred dollars, and may be imprisoned for any period not exceeding ninety days. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 327 Sec. 6. Any person or persons who shall resist any peace Resisting peace ' . . . . officer. officer, or who shall refuse to assist him in the discharge of his duties, or who shall by any means whatever aid or assist any per- son in custody upon charge of a violation of a city ordinance in Aiding person to escape from cus- his endeavors to escape from such custody, whether such escape t?dy for violating city ordinance. be effected or not, shall on conviction be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than three hundred dollars, or Penalty, shall be impri.soned not less than ten nor more than ninety days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 7. That any person who shall falsely assume to be a Falsely assuming „ . , . .... , . -- to be an officer of Chief of Police, captain of police, policeman, or other officer of the the city. city, and shall take upon himself to act as such, or who shall wear the adopted uniform of the police force, or who shall wear upon wiring police uniform. the street a star similar in general appearance to the star adopted wearing star, for and used by the police force of the city of Portland, unless he is a duly commissioned officer, such person, upon conviction before the Police Court, shall be subjected to a penalty of not Penalty, less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. Sec. 8. No person or persons shall ride or drive any horse Fast riding and driving. or horses, mule or mules, or beast of burthen, nor shall any per- Horses, mules, , beasts of burden son or persons or any corporation run or cause to be run, any and locomotives railroad locomotive within the corporate limits of this city at a greater speed than 6 miles per greater speed than six miles per hour, and any person or persons hour, who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court shall be punislied by a fine of not less than five dol- Penalty, lars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 9. Any person who shall throw or deposit in any street. Broken glass, bottles, crockery, sidewalk, or footpath of the city of Portland, any broken glass, nails, etc., not to ^ ^ ° be thrown into bottles, crockery, nails, or other substance whatever, whereby the feet of horses, pedestrians or any beast of burthen may be injured, or throw, deposit or sweep into or upon any street, side-No paper or walk or footpath of the city of Portland, any paper or other sub- cept snow to be 1 IT 1 - thrown into stance whatever except snow or the dirt resulting from travel shall street upon conviction thereof in the Police Court, be fined not less than Penalty, five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Carrying con- cealed deadly weapon. Penalty. Cruelty to ani- mals. Penalty. Moiety of fine to be paid to com- plainant. Interments with- in city limits. Penalty. Introducing in- toxicating liq- uors or opium into city jail ex- cepting with per- mit or on physi- cian’s prescrip- tion. Penalty. 228 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Sec. 10. That any person or persons who shall carry any fire- arms or deadly weapons of any kind in a concealed manner within the corporate limits of the city, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not more than twenty days ; Provided, That peace officers shall be exempt from the provisions of this section. Sec. II. Any person who shall cruelly beat, torture, misuse, deprive of food or water, or otherwise treat any animal with cruelty, shall, upon conviction before the Police Judge, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding fifty days, or both fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the Police Judge, and one-half of any fine collected for a violation of this section shall be paid by the Police Judge to the person making the complaint for his own use, or for the use of any society he may represent. Sec. 12. If any person or persons shall inter the body of any deceased person in any lot, place or premises within the corpor- ate limits of the city, they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City. Jail not less than ten days nor more than twenty days or both, at the discre- tion of the court. Sec. 13. If any person or persons shall introduce or take into the City Jail, or deliver to any prisoner confined therein, any wine, spirituous or malt liquors, or any opium, except by permis- sion of the Chief of Police, or upon the prescription of a practic- ing physician, they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned in the City Jail not less than five nor more than twenty days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 329 *Sec. 14. It is hereby forbidden and declared unlawful for Gaming and gambling and any person, either as owner, proprietor, manager, employe or keeping or set- ^ ^ 01./ ting up gambling lessee, or otherwise, to play, deal, set up, open or cause to be houses prohibu- opened, or to carry on or cause to be carried on, or permit to be carried on, or engage in any game of faro, monte, roulette, rogue Games enumer- ated. et noir, rondo, twenty-one, poker, draw poker, bluff, brag, tan, tan tan, or fan tan, for or with anything of value, or for or with anything the representative of value, whether the said games or any of them be played, dealt, set up, or carried on with cards, checks or any other device, in any store, shop, building, hotel or Gambling house defined. in any room, park, street, or public or private yard or place ; and it shall be unlawful for any person to bet at or upon any such game or games, and any store, shop, hotel, room or building within which is played, dealt, opened, set up or carried on any game mentioned in this section, is to be deemed a gaming and gambling house. Any person violating any provision of this Persons found in gaming or gam- section, or any person who shall be found in any such gaming or house with- , ovX lawful busi- gambling house without lawful business, shall, upon conyiction, ‘^^ss. be punished by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, or by a Penalty, fine not exceeding three hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 15. If any person shall willfully cut, remove, deface or Defacing public in any manner injure any fence, gate or inclosure, or . part thereof placed around the public squares of said city or erected by authority of the City Council, or by direction of the Superinten- dent of Streets upon any bridge or street in said city, he shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one Penalty, hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not more than twenty days. Sec. 16. If any person or persons shall trespass upon or dam- Trespass upon property. age any real or personal property belonging either to the city of Portland or any public or private corporation, or to any indi- vidual or individuals, they shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, *Section 14 held invalid by U. S. District Court, Deady, Judge, in re Le Tong. Opinion rendered November 3, 1883, 330 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Penalty. shall be fined not less than ten nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or imprisoned in the City Jail not exceeding thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Riding or driv- Sec. 1 7. That any person or persons who shall ride or drive ing over bridges . . faster than a any animal or animals over any of the bridges in the city at a walk. greater rate of speed than a walk, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Penalty. Coiirt, sliall be fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. Leaving animal Sec. t8. No person Of persons having or using any animal, except it be attached to a dray or truck, shall leave such animal without securely fastening the same, and no person or persons having or using any animal or animals attached to a dray or Wheels of stand- truck, shall Icavc such animal without first securely locking the ing dray or truck to be locked. wheels of the vehicle to which it shall be attached. Any person Penalty. violating the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Hitching animal Sec. 1 9. If any person or persons shall hitch or fasten any to shade tree, or . , • i • t • 1 i box around same animal to or Otherwise destroy any growing or living shade or ornamental tree, or any case or box around such tree, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof Penalty. before the Police Court, shall be punished by a fine not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. M i n o r wander- Sec. 20. That no minor shall be permitted to go abroad ing about streets after 9 o’clock ypon or A^ander about the streets of the citv after the hour of at night without ^ '' permission of iiine o’clock at night, unlcss such minor shall have the permis- guardian or par- ^ ‘ necesL^ry^^bush guardiaii, or parent, or shall be accompanied by such parent or guardian, or unless such minor shall have necessary business upon such street or streets, and any minor who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in the Police Penalty. Court shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Roaming about Sec. 21. If any person or persons shall be found roaming night without about the streets at night, after the hour of 12 o’clock, without any lawful busi- . . , . , ness. having any lawful business upon the streets at that time, they Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 33 ^ shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine of Penalty for. not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 2 2 . If any person or persons shall exhibit or cause to Exhibiting crip- ‘ _ pie or deformed be exhibited upon the street, or in any house or public place, person, within the city, any crippled, maimed or deformed person, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be fined not less than Penalty, twenty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. Sec. 22. If any crippled, maimed or deformed person shall Begging by crip- pie, maimed or beg upon the streets or in any public place, they shall, upon deformed person, conviction thereof before the Police Court, be fined not less Penalty, than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. *Sec. 24. If any person or persons shall cut, saw or split any Cutting, splitting and sawing wood wood upon the sidewalk of any street within the city, or shall on sidewalk, fail to thoroughly clean up the litter caused by said cutting, saw- ing or splitting of said wood upon said street, he or they shall upon conviction thereof pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor Penalty, more than twenty dollars. Sec. 25. That any person or persons who shall set up, open, cause to be opened or keep any house as a resort for the purpose of smoking opium, or who shall sell or furnish opium for the purpose of being smoked upon the premises, shall be. guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge, shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the City Jail not exceeding ninety days, and it shall be the duty of the Police Judge to pay to the informer in such case one-third of the money collected as fine, and whenever any pipes or other uten- sils used in smoking opium shall be captured by the police they shall be destroyed upon the order of the Police Judge. Keeping bouse used as a resort for smoking opium. Selling opium to be smoked on premises. Penalty. One-tbird of fine to be paid to in- former. Pipes and uten- sils when des- troyed. Sec. 26. That any person or persons who shall bargain for Pargainingforor ... , 111 1 buying opium to or buy any opium in anv house or place, to be smoked upon the be smoked on tbe premises. premises, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction *As amended by Ordinance No. 4561, approved April 2, 1885. 332 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Penalty. thereof before the Police Judge, shall be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the City Jail not exceeding twenty days. Smoking opium Sec. 27. That any person or persons who shall smoke opium Bein°g^!n house ^.ny house or place or who shall be in any house or place where bdng\moked. opium is being smoked, without any lawful business, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge, shall be punished by a fine of not less Penalty. than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or impri- sonment in the City Jail not exceeding twenty days. Keeping dis- orderly bar-room or drinking shop Giving liquor to intoxicated per- son or minor. Allowing minor to remain in bar- room or drinking shop. Penalty. Permitting wo- men to act as waitresses or to sing or dance or serve in any ca- pacity in bar- room or drinking shop. Employing per- son to sing or dance in. Allowing minor to remain in theatre or place of amusement where intoxicat- ing liquors are sold. Penalty. Sec. 28. Any keeper of a bar-room or drinking shop who shall permit any breach of the peace or disturbance of public order or decorum, by noisy, riotous or disorderly conduct on the premises, when it is in his power to prevent the same, or who shall sell or give any intoxicating liquor to any person already intoxicated, or to any person under the age of legal majority, or who shall allow or permit any minor to remain in or about any bar-room or drinking shop under his control, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars, or be im- prisoned in the City Jail not less than ten nor more than twenty- five days, and shall forfeit the license to such bar-room or drink- ing shop. Sec. 29. Any keeper of any bar-room or drinking shop who shall permit or employ any woman to act as waitress or barten- der, or to sing or dance, or to serve in any other capacity in such bar-room or drinking shop, or who shall employ any per- son to sing or dance in such bar-room or drinking shop, or who shall permit any theatrical or minstrel show, exhibition or con- cert to take place in such bar-room or drinking shop, or who shall allow or permit any minor to be or remain in any theater or place of amusement in which intoxicating liquors are sold, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, shall be fined not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned in the City Jail not less than ten nor more than twenty-five days, and shall forfeit the license to such bar-room or drinking shop. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 333 Sec. 30. Any person or persons who shall solicit any person Soliciting per- to visit or enter any house of ill-fame, or bawdy house, or any house of iii fame y or other place house or place for purposes of lewdness or prostitution, shall upon conviction thereof before the Police Court, be fined not than Penalty, five dollars nor more than twenty dollars. Sec. 31. Any person who shall, within the corporate limits Killing robins, of the cit\ of Portland, kill any robin, or offer for sale or other Offering robins J ’ for sale. disposal, any robin that has been killed by himself or any other person, whether killed within the city limits or not, or shall purchase or receive any robin that has been killed, whether Purchasing or receiving, etc. killed within the city limits or not, shall, upon conviction thereof in the Police Court, be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, or by imprison- Penalty, ment in the City Jail not exceeding ten days. Sec. 32. That no person or persons shall drive or cause to Driving cattle through certain be driven, any cattle, except milch cows, through any public streets between certain hours. Street north of Hall street, east of Ninth street and North Tenth street, and south of F street, except Jefferson street and Front and North Front streets, between the hours of six in the morning and twelve at night. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge, shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty penalty, dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than three nor more than twenty-five days. Sec. 33. If any person shall drive, wheel or draw upon any wheeling hand sidewalk, any hand-truck or vehicle, except hand carriages for on' sidewalk. ^ children, or if any person having charge or control of any beast Beast of burden, vehicle or street of burden, vehicle or street railway car, shall intentionally cause pr standing on or permit the same to stand upon any street crossing or intersec- street crossing, tion, or so near thereto as to obstruct the same, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof Penalty, before the Police Court shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. 334 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Baskets.buckets, Sec. 34, If any person or persons shall carry any basket or bags, etc., sus- pended from baskets, bucket or buckets, bag or bags, or any other thing, poles carried on ’ n n ^ J C57 sidewalk. Suspended from or attached to poles across or upon the shoulders. Swill, filth, etc., or shall carry anv rubbish, garbage, swill or filth so as to be offen- carried so as to ^ ^ ^ ^ pedestSans'"^ sive to pedestriaiis, upon any sidewalk, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Penalty. PoHce Coiirt, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Riding, driving Sec. 35. If any person or persons shall suffer or permit to go, or hitching ani- mai on sidewalk, or snail lead, drive or ride, or .shall hitch any horse, mule or other beast of burden, or any hogs or cattle, upon any sidewalk within the corporate limits of the city of Portland, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof Penalty. before the Police Court, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Bathing without Sec. 36. No persoii shall bathe in the waters of the Willa- suitable dress be- tween certain mette river, or in the waters of any lake, slough or creek within hours. the corporate limits of the city of Portland between the hours of 6 o’clock a. m. and 8:30 o’clock p. m., without wearing a suit- able bathing dress, which shall cover the body from the neck to the knees, and no person while so attired in said bathing dress, or otherwise, shall unnecessarily expose himself to the public view. Provided persons of the age of twelve years and under shall wear a suitable bathing dress, which shall cover the body from the waist to the knees ; provided, further, 3 .ny person bath- Not to bathe ing as aforesaid, within one hundred yards of any ferry SLnyfe^ryS^ landing, shall enter the water and retire therefrom and to a bathing house or other place so sheltered that the bather shall not be exposed to public view while entering or retiring from the water. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than thirty dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than three days nor more than fifteen days. Dragging lumber Sec. 37. Any persoii or persons who shall drag or cause to be« through ciTy be dragged, any timber, log or lumber of any kind on any of Ing. Penalty. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 335 the public streets of the city of Portland, or any person or per- sons who shall haul any timber, log or lumber of any kind in such a manner that one end thereof shall drag, on any of the public streets of the city, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof before the Police Court shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more Penalty, than twenty dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceeding ten days. Provided, That whenever in the opinion of the Committee on Streets and Public Property it is deemed necessary and proper to suspend the operation of this section and grant any person or persons the right to drag or cause to be dragged any timber, logs or lumber of any kind through the Permit^ may be streets of the city of Portland, and to permit any timber, logs or ons. and p. p, lumber to be hauled through the streets of said city so as to drag on any of the public streets, said Committee on Streets and Pub- lic Property may, and they are hereby authorized to suspend the operation of this section and grant permits to haul or drag tim- ber, logs or lumber through such streets in such manner as will protect such streets, and with such restrictions as said Committee may deem essential to the public interests, anything in this sec- tion to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 38. If any person or persons shall remove, transfer or Tran.spor ting /-I - ,-T^ swill not in tight- transport through any of the public streets of the city of Port- ly covered box or apparatus. land any swill or garbage, except it be in a tightly covered box or apparatus, or in such manner as will prevent the contents thereof from being deposited in the public streets, or from being exposed in the open air during such process of transportation, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof Penalty, shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars. Sec. 39. If any person or persons shall remove, transfer or t ra n s p o r t ing swill prohibited transport any swill or garbage through any public street of the during certain hours within cer- city north of Harrison street, east of Ninth street and North ^ain limits. Tenth street, and south of H street, except between the hours of 9 o’clock evening and 8 o’clock forenoon following, during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September, and between the hours of 7 o’clock evening and 9 o’clock forenoon 336 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and following, during the months of October, November, December, January, February and March, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Police Court, Penalty. shall be puuished by fine not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Posting bills, Sec. 40. If any person shall post, stick, stamp, paint or other- placards and . posters on side- wise affix, or cause to be done by another, any notice, placard, walk, crosswalk, . _ ^ > r > curbstone lamp bill, postcr or advertisement to or upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, post, hydrant, ^ ‘ ^ ’ shade tree, etc. cm-p or curbstone, lamp post, hydrant, shade tree or tree box, or upon any fence, gate, gate post or enclosure or part thereof, awn- ing or awning post, horse post, telegraph or telephone poles. Posting and barrel or box, or who shall post, stick, stamp or otherwise affix sticking bills and advertisements or cause to be done by another, any notice, placard, bill, poster • on buildings consent advertisement upon any building, wall or part thereof without first obtaining permission of the owner, agent or occupant of such premises, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and Penalty. upon coiiviction shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Bean shooters— Sec. 41. If any person or persons shall use, cause to be used, use of for throw- ing beans, stones Or encourage the use of any bean shooter, or other contrivance etc. or invention used in shooting or throwing beans, stones, pebbles or other substance or thing, in or upon any street, park, lane or alley, or other public place in said city, they shall be guilty of a Penalty. misdciTieanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Standing upon Sec. 42. Any person or persons who shall stand in or upon after being re- the Street or sidewalk within the limits of the city of Portland, quested by police . . „ . . officer to move after being notified to move on by any police officer of said city, on. Penalty. sfiall, upon conviction thereof in the Police Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars. Pianos or other *Sec. 43. No proprietor, manager, keeper or bartender of any ments not to be bar-rooiii, drinking shop, saloon or place, where liquors are sold, played in bar- . . . . rooms or drink- shall allow or permit pianos or other musical instruments to be shops after 10 o’clock at night. *As amended by Ordinance No. 4901, entitled “An ordinance to amend section 43 of Ordinance No. 3983, entitled ‘An ordinance concerning offenses and disorderly conduct.’ ” Approved Aug. 19, j886. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 337 played in any such bar-room, drinking shop, saloon or place where liquors are sold under his or their control, between the hours of ten o’clock in the evening and seven o’clock in the morning. No proprietor, manager, keeper or lessee of any show, theatre in theatres or place of amuse- or place of amusement, shall allow or permit pianos or other ment not after 12 ^ o’clock midnight musical instruments to be played in any such show, place of amusement or theatre under his or their control, between the hours of twelve o’clock midnight and seven o’clock in the morning. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section. Penalty, shall upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge of said city, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or in default of the payment of such fine by imprisonment in the City Jail of said city not less than five days, nor more than fifty days. Sec. 44. Any person or persons who shall back up any truck. Backing up trucks and cer- wagon or other four-wheeled vehicle, excepting vehicles used for tain vehicles. carrying passengers, against the sidewalk or curb thereof, or who shall leave or cause to be left standing in or upon any street of Leaving vehicle further than 9 ft, the city of Portland, any vehicle so that any part thereof shall be from curb, at a greater distance than nine feet from the curb line of the side- walk nearest thereto, unless a written permit be first obtained Written permit to be obtained from the Mayor or some member of the Common Couib il and and filed, filed with the Auditor and Clerk of said city, shall, upon con- viction before the Police Judge of said city, be fined in a sum not Penalty, less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, or be impri- soned in the City Jail not exceeding ten days. Sec. 45. Any person or persons who shall transport or cause Transporting . dirt, stone, rub- to be transported through any street within the limits of the city bish etc. through streets in vehicle of Portland any dirt, sand, gravel, stone, street cleanings, wood, so the ^contents filth, rubbish or other substance, in any vehicle which is not so constructed and maintained in such good condition as to prevent its contents from leaking or spilling upon the street, shall, upon conviction thereof in the Police Court, be fined not less than one penalty, nor more than ten dollars. 338 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Feeding animal Sec. 46. Any pcrsoii OF pcrsons who shall feed or cause to be with hay or straw . . on certain im- fed any animal With hay, straw or grass in or upon any street of proved streets. . the City of Portland which has been improved by macadamizing, planking to the width of fourteen feet or more, or by being paved with Nicholson or stone block pavement, shall be punished, upon Penalty. conviction before the Police Court, by a fine of not less than one nor more than ten dollars. General penalty Sec. 47. Ill all cases of conviction for any of the offenses clause. . ... mentioned in this ordinance, the court shall adjudge the offender to pay the cost of prosecution, and shall, in default of payment of fine and costs, commit the offender in the City Jail for a term of imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, and in all cases where the term of punishment in the City Jail in lieu of a fine shall not be fixed by the Police Judge, the offender shall be imprisoned in default of payment of fine, one day for every two dollars of such fine. Repealing clause Sec. 48. Ordinance No. 1465, entitled “ An ordinance to prevent certain nuisances and obstructions to streets,” approved April 6, 1874; Ordinance No. 3188, entitled “ An ordinance prohibiting the deposit of dirt and rubbish on the public streets of the city of Portland,” approved August 5, 1881 ; Ordinance No. 3280, entitled an ordinance to compel theaters to close at certain hours,” approved October 24, 1881 ; Ordinance No. 3681, entitled “An ordinance to regulate drays, trucks and wagons,” and all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with or in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Approved October 13, 1883. No. 4222. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE BONDS OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE. The City of Portland does or dam as follows : Chief of Police SECTION I. That the Chief of Police of the city of Portland to give bond of -i • i - >io,oo.x be, and he is required to give a bond to the city of Portland, in Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 339 the sum of ten thousand dollars, with at least two sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office. Approved April 24, 1884. No. 4356. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO APPOINT A DEPUTY POUND MAS- TER, AND FIXING HIS COMPENSATION. T^he City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the Chief of Police be and he is hereby chief of Police ... ... , . toappointa authorized and directed to appoint a suitable person to act as Deputy Pound Deputy Pound Master, at a salary not to exceed the sum of ninety compensation, dollars per month, payable monthly, upon the approval of the Chief of Police. Sec. 2. Said Deputy Pound Master so appointed shall receive no compensation for his services, other than prescribed in sec- tion one of this ordinance. Approved August 22, 1884. No. 4549. AN ORDINANCE TO DEFINE AND PUNISH VA- GRANCY. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. Any habitually idle or dissolute person who has Definition of no visible means of living or lawful occupation or employment ^ 340 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and by which to earn a living, or any person who shall be found beg- ging the means of support, or who not having other lawful means of living refuses to work, or who shall habitually wander about the streets without any lawful business, or who lives in or about any house of ill-fame or bawdy house, is hereby defined to be a vagrant. Penalty on con- Sec. 2. Any person who shall be convicted before the Police viction of vag- . _ . . . . rancy. Judgc of being a vagrant as defined in section one of this ordi- nance, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or be imprisoned in the City Jail not less than ten nor more than ninety days. Chief of Police Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and all men to prc»ecute policemen to prosecute any j^erson whom they shall know of vagrants. their own knowledge or by reliable information to be a vagrant as defined in section one of this ordinance. Repeal. Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 2995, entitled ‘‘ An ordinance defi- ning vagrancy and providing for the punishment thereof,” approved February 4, 1881, and all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Approved March 28, 1885. No. 4633. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF A CLERK FOR THE CHIEF OF POLICE AND POLICE DEPARTMENT. The City of Portla^id does ordain as follows : Chief of Police SECTION I. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to petem^'aJcoSITti appoint and employ a competent accountant as clerk in his office Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 34 ^ and for the police department, at a salary of ninety dollars per ant as clerk of police depart- month, to be paid monthly as policemen are paid; and thement. Chief of Police is hereby authorized to require and take from such clerk a bond in the sum of ^5,000, conditioned that the Bond, said clerk will faithfully perform the duties required of him ; account for all money which may come into his hands, and promptly pay the same over on proper demand. Sec. 2. The resolution heretofore passed authorizing the Repeal, employment of a clerk of the Chief of Police or Police Depart- ment, and all ordinances or resolutions in conflict with this ordi- nance are hereby repealed. Approved July 10, 1885. No. 4678. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT AND SUPPRESS GAM- ING AND GAMBLING HOUSES AND ALL PLACES WHERE ANY GAME IN WHICH CHANCE PRE- DOMINATES IS PLAYED FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE; AND TO PUNISH ANY PERSON WHO ENGAGES IN ANY SUCH GAME, OR KEEPS OR FREQUENTS ANY SUCH HOUSE OR PLACE. The City of Portland does oi'dain as follows : Section i. No person or persons shall, within the corporate Gambling houses limits of the city of Portland, open, set up or keep either as owner, proprietor, keeper, manager, employe, with or without hire, lessee or otherwise, any gaming or gambling house, or any house or place where any banking or any other game is played 342 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and with cards, dice, cheen, buttons, or any other device, for any- thing of value, whether the same be played for money, checks or credits, or any other representative of value. Unlawful to play Sec. 2. No persoii or persoiis shall, in any house, room or in,at,orbetupon . . i- • any game play- place. Within the Corporate limits of the city of Portland, engage ed for money, , checks, credits or m, or play in or at, or bet at or upon any game played with cards, live of value. dice, cheen, buttons, or any other device, for anything of value, whether the same be played for money, checks, credits, or any other representative of value. Unlawful to Sec. 3. No person or persons shall, within the corporate frequent, go into or visit gambling limits of the city of Portland, frequent or go into or visit any houses or places. 10 j gaming or gambling house, or place mentioned in section one of this ordinance. Unlawful to keep Sec. 4. No person or persons shall, within the corporate either as owner, proprietor, man- Umits of the city of Portland, set up or keep, either as owner, ager or employee rrbie^oJ" dllFcl keeper, manager, employe with or without hire, lessee, adapted for play- Qj. otherwise, ally kind of gambling table or gambling device moue^y adapted, devised and designed for the purpose of playing any game of chance for money or property, or induce, entice or per- mit any person or persons to bet or play or play at or upon any such gambling table or gambling device, or at or upon any game played at or by means of such table or gambling device, or on the side of or against the keeper thereof. Sec. No person shall open, =et up or keep any house, the city of Portland enroll r\r ^ 5. No person or persons shall, within the limits of , - , , open, set up or keep any house, shop or shop or place for *' ? 1 ^ r x / ^ i of sam- pi3(.e resorted to for the purpose of gambling, or permit or suffer any person or persons in any house, shop or place under his con- trol or care, to play at any game for anything of value, whether the same be played for money, checks, credits, or any other rep- resentative of value. No person shall ggc. 6. No persoii or persons shall, within the corporate entice or per- * suade another to pmits of the city of Portland, invite, entice, or persuade any per- go into, visit or ^ 7 ? x y x gambling" Voule persons to frequent, go into or visit any gaming or gam- or place. bling house mentioned in this ordinance, or to engage in or play Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 343 at or in, or bet at or upon any banking or any other game played with cards, dice, cheen, buttons or any other device for anything of value, whether the same be played for money, checks, credits, or any other representative of value, or to engage in or play at or in, or bet at or upon any of the games or gambling devices mentioned in this ordinance for anything of value. Sec. 7. Every person violating any of the provisions of this Pen.-iity. ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge, be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars, or in default of the payment of such fine by imprisonment in the City Jail not more than ninety days. Sec. 8. It is hereby made the duty of the Chief of Police and chief of Poike 11 1- -1 r 1 • • • to enforce. all policemen in the employ of the city, to see that the provisions of this ordinance are strictly enforced. Approved Septemcer 19, 1885. No. 4706. AN ORDINANCE TO RESTRAIN AND PUNISH INTOX- ICATION. The City of Portlajid does ordain as follows : Section i. That it shall be unlawful for any person to be intoxication intoxicated upon any street or within any public place within the corporate limits of the city of Portland. un- 344 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and Penalty. Bawdy unlawful. Keepers i punished Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than two dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than one day nor more than ninety days. Approved October 22, 1885. No. 4710. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT AND SUPPRESS BAW- DY HOUSES AND PLACES WHERE FORNICATION IS ENACTED, AND TO PUNISH KEEPERS, IN- MATES AND FREQUENTERS THEREOF. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : houses Section i. That it shall be unlawful for any person or per- sons to open, set up or keep within the corporate limits of the city of Portland, any bawdy house or house or place where forni- cation is enacted, or to frequent, reside in, or become an inmate thereof. of, how Sec. 2. Any person who shall open, set up, keep or maintain within the corporate limits of the city of Portland any bawdy house, or house or place where fornication is enacted, or know- ingly aid or assist in setting up, keeping or maintaining the same, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge, be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or in default of the payment of such fine, by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 345 Sec. •?. Any person who shall, within the corporate limits of Frequenters or _ inmates of — how the City of Portland, frequent, reside in or become an inmate of punished, any bawdy house, or house or place where fornication is enacted, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge, be pun- ished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or in default of the payment of such fine, by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than five days nor more than fifty days. Sec. 4. In all cases of prosecutions under this ordinance, in all cases of prosecution com- common fame shall be competent evidence in support of themon fame com- petent evidence. complaint, and every house or place used or occupied for the purposes of prostitution, fornication or levvdnc-ss, shall be taken and deemed to be a bawdy house within the meaning of this ordinance, in any prosecution against any person or persons for violating any of the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 5. Any person who shall, within the corporate limits of Any p^erson en- deavoring to en- the city of Portland, stand, or sit at, or in or near any door, tice attract atten- tion of passers- window or place in any such bawdy house or place so as to be by. who shall ^ ‘ be, remain at, sit observed by passers-by, or who shall, bv any sign, token or®”' by* motion, while in any such house or place, attract the attention of passers-by, or who shall be or remain at or in any door or win- ]}^°“4r’off2nrive dow or place in any such bawdy house or place in such condition {,oJpanPhed!~ as to attract the attention of persons passing along the street, or shall be or remain at or in any door, window or place in any such bawdy house or place in such condition, attitude, or dress as to be or become offensive to public decency, shall, upon con- viction thereof, before the Police Judge, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or in default of the payment of such fine by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than five days nor more than fifty days. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and all chief of Police , . . . ^ , • 1 • enforce. policemen to institute prosecutions for the violation of this ordi- nance whenever he shall have reasonable cause to believe that any person or persons have been guilty of a violation of the same. 346 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and i^epeai. Sec. 7. Ordinance No. 2996, entitled “An ordinance to suppress bawdy houses and for the punishment of the inmates thereof, approved February 4, 1881,” is hereby repealed. Approved November 5, 1885. No. 4731. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINT- MENT AND COMPENSATION OF AN INTERPRE- TER IN THE POLICE COURT. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Police Judge to SECTION I. The PoHce Judge is hereby authorized to appoint inter- . . . i i /- i • • i • i , preter for Police appoint an interpreter in all cases tried before him in which the Court. . . . _ . city IS a party, when the services of an interpreter are necessary. Compensation of Sec. 2. Such interpreter shall receive the sum of one dollar interpreter. and fifty cents (,'^1.50) per day, for each day actually employed. Police Judge to Sec. 3. The Police Judge shall make a report at the end of ^?vice^ monthly each month in the Common Council of the number of days any person may have been employed as interpreter under the pro- visions of this ordinance, together with the title of the case for which such services were required, and the amount due therefor, and shall certify that the same is correct and that the services were necessary. Approved November 20, 1885. Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 347 No. 4761. AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT THE DISTRIBUTION OF NOTICES, PLACARDS, BILLS AND ADVER- TISEMENTS. The City of Poi'tland does ordain as follows : Sec. I. No person or persons shall, within the corporate Dodgers, buis, posters, placards limits ot the city of Portland, hand out, scatter or distribute any not to be scat- tered upon the “dodgers,” notices, placards, bills, posters or advertisements streets, upon any of the public streets of the city. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall, within the corporate Not to be depos- ited in any store, limits of the city of Portland, throw, deposit or leave any house, pUce or yard without “dodgers,” notices, placards, bills, posters or advertisements in consent of owner ° ^ oroccupant any yard, house, store, shop, building or residence without the thereof first had. consent of the owner or occupant thereof first had and obtained. Sec. 3. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions Penalty, of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge of said city, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or in default of the payment of such fine, by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than five days nor more than twenty-five days. Approved January 13, 1886. No. 4848. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT AND PUNISH THE KEEPING OF HIDES AND STORING OF HIDES OF ANIMALS SO AS TO CONSTITUTE A NUI- SANCE. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the keeping and storing of uncured or green Keeping orstor- , • j 1 1 • 1 r • 1 • • • ing of hides emit- hides and hides of animals in any house, store or building or ting offensive 348 ORDINANCES OF THE [Health and smell declared a public nuisance. Unlawful to store in any manner to become offensive to the public. Punishment. Preamble. Other place within the corporate limits of said city so as to cause or create a noisome or offensive smell or atmosphere is hereby declared to constitute a public nuisance. Sec. 2. That no person, firm or corporation shall within the corporate limits of said city, keep or store any uncured or green hide or hides of animals in any house, store, building or other place where the same shall cause or create a noisome or offensive smell or atmosphere or in such manner as to be or become offen- sive to persons traveling along the public streets of said city or to the owners or occupants of premises adjacent thereto. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge of said city be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars or in default of the payment of such fine then by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than twelve days nor more than ninety days. Approved April 16, 1886. No. 3036. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE BLOWING OF STEAM RAILROAD WHISTLES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. Whereas, It is within the power and authority conferred upon the Common Council by theCharter of the City of Portland to prohibit the blowing of steam whistles within the city limits ; and, Police.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 349 Whereas, All ordinances passed by the Common Council granting the right to lay tracks and run cars over the same within the city, contain a provision reserving the right to make such regulations as the Council deem proper for the conduct of said roads within the limits of the city ; therefore, The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That from and after the approval of this ordi- Unlawful to bW steam whistles, nance it shall be unlawful for any steam railroad to blow a steam except as danger whistle within the limits of the city of Portland, except as a sig- nal of danger. Sec. 2. A violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall Penalty, be deemed a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof the offen- der shall be subject to a fine of not less than ($io) ten dollars nor more than ($50) fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the city jail not less than (5) five days, nor more than (25) twenty-five days. Approved March 18, 1881. Health and Police. — Addenda. See Ordinance No. 899, relating to duties of Police Judge. — Page 79. See Ordinance No. 900, salary of Police Judge. — Page 80. See Ordinance No. 922, working prisoners. — Page 82. 350 ORDINANCES OF THE [Judiciary.] Bond. Sureties. Salary. Quarterly ex hibit. No. io8i. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE BOND AND COMPEN- SATION AND DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE city treasurer. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the City Treasurer, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall execute a bond to the city of Port^ land in the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, payable in United States gold coin, with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned that he will faithfully perform his duties as Treasurer, and will account for and pay over all moneys that may come into his hands as such Treasurer. Sec. 2. The parties who are sureties upon the bond of the City Treasurer shall be required to file with the bond affidavits to the effect that they are worth in the aggregate, over and above all debts and liabilities, and exclusive of property exempt from execution, at least the amount of the penal bond. *Sec. 3. That the salary of the City Treasurer of the city of Portland, from and after the first day of July 1874, shall be twelve hundred dollars per year, to be paid in the same manner as his salary is now paid. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to make a quarterly exhibit to the Common Council of the city of Port- land, setting forth the amount of moneys received from taxation or otherwise, and specifying from what sources such moneys were received and showing the amounts paid out from each fund dur- ing the quarter, and the balance of money or other property remaining in his hands at the close of the quarter; and shall accompany such exhibit with a schedule of all warrants paid by him during the quarter, specifying the amount and number of each, and the fund out of which such amounts were paid. Such *As amended by Ordinance No. 1498, approved June 25, 1874 [Judiciary.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 351 exhibit shall be made on the first day of January, the first day of When made. April, the first day of July, and the first day of October of each year. Sec. c.. It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to cancel warrants to be every warrant paid by him, by writing across the face of the same the word “Paid,” and the date of the payment either in writing or by a stamp, and said warrants so cancelled shall accompany each quarterly exhibit. Sec. 6. All warrants drawn upon the Treasurer shall be paid How paid, in the order of their presentation. * *Sec. 7. The quarterly exhibit of the City Treasurer shall be Exhibit examin- : ed and publish- referred to the “Committee on Ways and Means,” and after ed. being approved by the Common Council, a certified copy of the same shall be published in the newspaper having the contract for doing the city printing, for two consecutive days. Sec. 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict Repeal, herewith are hereby repealed. Aprpoved September 29, 1871. No. 1729. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE AUDITOR AND CLERK OF THE CITY OF PORT- LAND, AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF HIS BOND AND COMPENSATION. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The duties of the Auditor and Clerk of the city Duties, of Portland are such as are prescribed in the city charter and by ordinance. *As amended by Ordinance No. 1497, approved June 25, 1874. 352 ORDINANCES OF THE [Judiciary.] Repeal. Records. Bond. Salary. Repeal, Sec. 2. Repealed by Ordinance No. 4275, entitled “An ordinance fixing the office hours of the Auditor and Clerk, Super- intendent of Streets and City Surveyor,” approved June 5, 1884. Sec. 3. The Auditor shall keep proper records and books of accounts, showing all his doings as Auditor and Clerk, and shall keep and preserve all books, papers and documents not properly in the custody of any other officer of the city. Sec. 4. The Auditor and Clerk shall give a bond with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Mayor, in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful dis- charge of the duties of his office. The Mayor is hereby made the custodian of said bond. Sec. 5. The salary of the Auditor and Clerk shall be twenty- four hundred dollars per annum, to date from the first day of January, 1876, and be payable monthly. Sec. 6. Ordinance No. 168, entitled, “An ordinance pre- scribing certain duties of the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Portland, and fixing his salary,” and ordinances amending the same, and Ordinance No. 1005, entitled “An ordinance requir- ing a bond from the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Portland, are hereby repealed. Approved February 18, 1876. No. 2184. AF ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SEAL FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Porthmd does ordain as follows : Seal— design of. SECTION I. That the Seal to be hereafter used and known as the seal of the city of Portland, shall consist of a female figure in HJudiciary.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 353 the center thereof, representing commerce, and holding in her right hand a trident and pointing with her left to a sheaf of wheat and a forest, with a representation of Mount Hood in the back- ground, and at her feet a cog-wheel and hammer, and on her right, a steamship coming into port. Said seal shall also have the words “City of Portland, Oregon,” in the outer rim thereof; also the figures “ 1851,” the date of the incorporation of the city of Portland, and shall make an impression inches in diameter, as follows : Sec. 2. That the seal described in section one of this ordi- Adoption, nance be and is hereby adopted as the seal of the city of Port- land. Approved June 6, 1878. No. 2265. AN ORDINANCE TO COMPEL THE ATTENDANCE OF WITNESSES IN CERTAIN CASES. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That for the purpose of any investigation. Council or com- T 1 , mittee may com- examination or other proceeding by the Common Council to pel attendance of . . . . . . witnesses. inquire into the working or condition of any department of the 354 ORDINANCES OF THE [Judiciary.] Refusal of wit- ness to attend or testify. Penalty for. Chief of Police and policemen to serve subpoena. City Attorney, qualifications oi duties of. Municipal Government of the city of Portland, the Council or any Committee or Committees, person or persons, empowered by it to take any testimony or conduct any such investigation, examination or other proceeding, shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses by process of subpoena issued under the hand and seal of the Auditor and Clerk of the city of Portlands Sec. 2. A witness disobeying any such subpoena so issued and duly served, with a tender of the fees allowed by the general laws of Oregon, or who shall refuse to be sworn or to answer as a witness when so required by the Council or any such Committee or Committees, person or persons, in any such investigation, examination or other proceeding, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the Police Judge shall be adjudged to pay a fine of not less than ten (lo) nor more than (50) fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not less than five nor more than twenty days. Sec. .3. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or any policeman to serve any such subpoena when so issued and delivered to them or either of them therefor. Sec. 4. As there is no means of compelling the attendance of witnesses in such cases, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval by the Mayor. Approved September 20, 1878. No. 2984. AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE DUTIES AND COM- PENSATION OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. The City of Poi'tland does ordain as follows : Section i. The City Attorney shall be of the degree of Attorney and Counselor of the Supreme Court of the State. It [Judiciary.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 355 shall be his duty to attend to and manage, on behalf of the city, all actions, suits or proceedings in which the city is legally inter- ested, and to attend to the prosecution of all persons charged with the violation of a city ordinance, and give his advice and opinion in writing on such legal questions as may arise from time to time in relation to the business of the corporation, or To give opinion, when. concerning any matter in which the city is interested, when required by the Mayor and Common Council, or any city officer, and such other duties in the line of his profession as are or may hereafter be required of him by the Charter or any ordinance of the city. Provided^ That no opinion of the City Attorney need be in writing unless required by the Mayor, Common Council or Chairman of a Committee, or a majority of such Committee. Sec. 2. The City Attorney shall, from and after January i, Salary. 1 88 1, receive a .salary of two thousand dollars per annum, paya- ble monthly, and he shall be furnished with such blanks and sta- tionery as he shall require in the transaction of city business. Sec. 3. The City Attorney may transact all business in the May have deputy. Police Court by a deputy, who shall be a competent lawyer; but his compensation shall be paid by the City Attorney without charge to the city. Sec. 4. No writ of review or appeal shall be taken by the No writ of review ...... or appeal with- City Attorney in any suit in which judgment shall be rendered out consent of Council. against the city, unless upon report of the facts to the Mayor and Council ; the Council shall order such writ or appeal to be brought. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prepare To prepare con- all contracts to which the city may be a party, and deliver them to the City Auditor ; and thereupon to notify by mail the res- pective parties in interest that such contracts are ready for execution. Sec. 6. The City Attorney shall file with the City Auditor Briefs to be filed with the Auditor. two copies of each brief submitted by him in the Supreme Court of the State, in cases to A^hich the city is a party. Sec. 7. The City Attorney shall report to the Council in To report to . . -Ill • Council. writing, when required by the Mayor or Council, a statement of the suits instituted by him and settled before judgment, and of 356 ORDINANCES OF THE [Judiciary.] Conflicting ordi- nances repealed. "Daily News” designated as of- ficial paper. Repeal. those which shall be prosecuted to judgment, the names of the defendants, the cost of each suit, the results of the suits, whether in favor of the defendant or plaintiff, and at the same time shall submit his opinion as to the result of any suit determined against the city on appeal. Sec. 8 . All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved February 3, 1881. No. 4870. AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE PORTLAND DAILY NEWS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That “The Portland Daily News,” a newspaper of general daily circulation in the city of Portland, be and hereby is declared and designated the official paper of said city of Port- land, in which shall be printed and published from time to time all ordinances and notices required to be published by the City Charter and such other matter directed to be printed and pub- lished by the Common Council thereof until further order of the Common Council of the city of Portland, not less than one year from date hereof. Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 4798, entitled “An ordinance designating the ‘ Evening Telegram’ as the official paper of the city of Portland,” be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved June 4, 1886. J udiciary. — Addenda. See Ordinance No. 419, to prevent persons improperly retaining books, papers and other property belonging to the city. — Page 72. See Ordinance No. 912, requiring bond from city surveyor. — Page 81. [Commerce.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 357 No. 2280. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PREVEN- TION AND REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. It shall be unlawful for the master of any vessel where to anchor to allow said vessel to be at anchor at any point in the Willamette river in front of the city between Greenwich Dock and the south line of Salmon street, and west of the center line of said river. The master of vessels anchoring below Greenwich Dock must anchor the same west of a line drawn from the O. S. N. Co.’s new wharf to the head of Swan Island and as close to the west shore as practicable. * Sec. 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provis- Penalty, ions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the Police Court shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, and each day of maintaining or continuing such violation shall be deemed a new offense and punished accordingly. The Chief of Police is hereby directed to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. Approved October 2, 1878. No. 3012. AN ORDINANCE TO PREVENT OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE WILLAMETTE RIVER. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, Throwing debris firm or corporation, to dump, deposit or throw into the Willa- 358 ORDINANCES OF THE [Commerce.] mette river within the limits of the city of Portland, any saw- dust, slabs, or other debris, which may tend to obstruct the channel of said river; or to dump or deposit any sawdust, slabs, or other debris, on the banks of said river, within said limits, so as to be liable to be carried away into said river by freshets or otherwise. Penalty. Sec. 2. Ally person or persons, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction before the Police Court, be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding ninety days. Approved March 3, i88i. No. 4547. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TIME AND COMPENSA- TION OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN OPERATING THE CITY DREDGER AND TENDER. The City of Portla7id does or dam as follows : Compensation of SECTION I. That the pei'sons employed in operating the city dredger and ten- der-employees. dredger and tender, excepting the Superintendent of the dredger, during the time of operation shall be paid monthly, upon the approval of the Special Committee on Dredger, and shall receive for such service, compensation as follows : Engineer of dredger, the sum of $125 per month. Engineer of tender, the sum of $95 per month. Captain of tender, the sum of $95 per month. Mate, the sum of $70 per month. Deck-hands, the sum of $56 per month. Watchmen, the sum of ^60 per month. Firemen, the sum of $60 per month. Cook and Waiter, the sum of ^65 per month. Approved March 28, 1885. [Miscellaneous.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 359 No. 4275. AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE OFFICE HOURS OF THE AUDITOR AND CLERK, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS AND CITY SURVEYOR. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. The offices of the Auditor and Clerk, the Super- office hours, intendent of Streets and City Surveyor shall be kept open on all ordinary business days from 8 o'clock a. m. till 5 o’clock p. m. of each day. Sec. 2. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1729, and all ordinances Repeal. or parts of ordinances in conflict with section i of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved June 5, 1884. 36 o ORDINANCES OF THE [Special.] Codification of ordinances au- thorized. No. 4875. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE CODIFICATION AND PRINTING OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PORTLAND. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That the Committee on Accounts and Current Expenses of this Common Council having been directed to arrange for codifying and printing in book form the existing ordinances of the city of Portland, of a general nature, with their proper amendments, together with the city Charter as amended, and other matter, and they having reported to the Common Coun- cil the necessity of such work being completed without delay, and of their inability to proceed further in the matter without authority from this Body and an appropriation therefor, the said committee are hereby authorized and directed to have the ordi- nances codified and printed in book form, together with all the amendments thereto that have been made from time to time, together with the city Charter as amended, and the Fire Depart- ment Laws, and Police, and laws governing the Water Commission, and the Rules of Order of the Common Council and such other matter as they may deem necessary to the use and information of this Body, and that there be and hereby is appropriated for all of such work out of the General Fund a sum not to exceed ;^i5oo. Approved June 17, 1886. [Skidmore Fountain.] CITY OF PORTLAND. 36 No. 4695. AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND AUTHORIZING A COMMITTEE IN THE MATTER OF THE SKID- MORE FOUNTAIN. The City of Portland does ordain as follows : Section i. That John Gates, Mayor of the city of Portland, Skidmore foun- tain committee. T. L. Eliot, Henry Failing, C. E. Sitton and Wm. Wadhams, be and they are hereby appointed a committee to select, locate and cause to be constructed within the corporate limits of the city a suitable fountain to the memory of the late Stephen G. Skid- more, who at his death bequeathed to the city of Portland the sum of ^5,000 for the purpose of establishing a public fountain. Said committee are hereby authorized to select, locate and cause to be constructed such a fountain, to be known as the Skidmore fountain, the cost of which shall not exceed the sum donated, and to be so constructed as to be as near as said sum will make, a fitting monument to deceased. Approved October 22, 1885. ;• lv : :'!>; , . . r 1’ )!' '■'•01 ■; ■ '-VOjj 1 1 • icro') ! bi'v 1 : i t ■ ii' - " ' iDfi.' ‘ ;; -• • ■ j . . . . i ; . rv'lV. l'',- " nTf^i ' * i ' ' * D r//’i’c I >;r-x n.voo ■ i ' ■ ■ -U' - ' 1) ^ 1- ' “I 1 • •)> Zi ' • u\ : ‘T'K'. ■••V'- TT., JTsi ' r; .. • * -V ■ ' • 1 -V i •••• r,': rV' ' j i;- •* J O <' X 1 • ■ J. I ■'•v. "i ' 4! .•■'l 4 N'- )l • ■ 1 ■ J-;r !:).•’» ■' ‘ • r ) ,, ■»'•*. iO , : ''K.. I'-'i'-i , ■,/, ‘ 1 ^ , Vj u < 1 Ou'i*0 i ; - ■ ■ r •' "k'.v'cC - ' ^ t ’ Ski-»xkmiu-'K. CITY GRADES. TO ESTABLISH A PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND, Approved October 9, 1882. AS ANIENDKD. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon r Section i. That there shall be a Board of Fire Commission- ers of the city of Portland, consisting of three persons, citizens of the United States, and residents of the city of Portland for at least three years previous to their appointment as such Commis- sioners, who shall have the power and perform the duties herein- after imposed, and who shall be appointed as hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Mayor of said city of Portland, within twenty days from the passage of this Act, to appoint three Fire Commissioners, who shall hold their offices until their successors are appointed, confirmed and qualified as provided by this Act. The term of office of the first three Com- missioners, so to be appointed by the Mayor, shall commence on the first Monday in December, 1882, and shall expire respec- tively by the appointment, confirmation and qualification of their successors in July, 1884, July, 1885, and July, 1886, their LAWS OF PAID 366 respective terms to be determined by lot, upon the organization of said Board of Fire Commissioners. The appointment of said first three Fire Commissioners by the Mayor, shall be made in writing and filed by him in the office of the Auditor and Clerk of said city, which shall constitute the appointment of said Fire Commissioners. At the first meeting of the Common Council in the month of July, 1884, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and annually thereafter, at said meeting of the Common Coun- cil, in the month of July, it shall be the duty of the Mayor of said city, with the advice and consent of the Common Council, to appoint one Fire Commissioner, who shall hold his office for the term of three years, and until his successor is appointed, con- firmed and qualified. Before entering upon their duties, each of said Fire Commissioners must take and file with the Auditor and Clerk of said city an oath of office to the following effect : “I,_ ,do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and of the State of Oregon, and that I will, to the best of my •ability, faithfully perform the duties of Fire Commissioner dur- ing my continuance in such office; so help me God.” If the person affirms, instead of the last clause, there shall be added : “ And this I promise under the pains and penalties of perjury.” No member of the Board of Fire Commissioners shall hold an} other office within the city government. A vacancy in said Board of Fire Commissioners shall be filled by the appointment of the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, to continue during the remainder of the term. *Sec. 3. The said Commissioners shall hold their first meet- ing on the first Monday of December, 1882, at 10 o’clock a. m., at the council chamber of said city, and shall organize by elect- ing one of their number President. The first President so chosen shall hold his office until the first meeting of said Board in July, 1884, and until his successor is elected and qualified ; and *As amended by an Act approved February 17th, 1885. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 367 at said first meeting of the Board in July, 1884, 3,nd annu- ally thereafter, there shall be elected a President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, who shall exercise the powers and perform the duties specified in this Act. Said Board shall also elect a Secretary, who shall have been a resident of the city of Portland for at least three years prior to his election, who shall perform such duties as may be required of him, and shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board. He shall audit all claims an(^ accounts such as relate to the Fire Department, and report the same to the Board of Fire Commissioners with all convenient speed, together with any suggestions or explanations that he may deem proper. And all demands and accounts against the Fire Department shall be presented to the Secretary with the neces- sary evidence in support thereof. Said Board of Fire Commis- sioners shall keep a record of its proceedings, and upon its organ- ization, the said Commissioners shall have power and are hereby authorized and directed to moke all necessary arrangements, and do and perform all acts necessary to prepare the Fire Department constituted by this Act, to go into operation on January i, 1883. Said Commissioners shall have power to fit up an office for their use, which shall be centrally located, the costs of which, together with rents and necessary stationery, shall be paid out of the Fire Department Fund of said city. Said Fire Commissioners are hereby given full power over the Fire Department constituted by this Act, and shall adopt a seal therefor. Sec. 4. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall hold their stated meetings at such time as they shall fix upon by rule. Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the President, by notice thereof being given to each of the other members of the Board of the time and object of the meeting. A majority of their number shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. Sec. 5. For the extinguishment of fires in said city and the protection of property endangered thereby, the said Board of Fire Commissioners shall from time to time appoint from the exempt or active firemen of said city, one Chief Engineer and 368 LAWS OF PAID two Assistant Engineers, and shall prescribe their duties; and there shall be a sufficient number of steam fire engine companies, with steam fire engines, hose and apparatus complete, to be drawn by horses to be provided for that purpose, and to have a complement of men, each to be appointed by said Board of Fire Commissioners, and also a sufficient number of hook and ladder and hose companies, with vehicle or vehicles and apparatus com- plete, to be drawn by horses, and to have a complement of men to be appointed by said Board of Fire Commissioners. Sec. 6. The officers of the Fire Department of said city shall be : 1. Three Fire Commissioners to be appointed as aforesaid, and one Secretary of the Department. 2. One Chief Engineer. 3. Two Assistant Engineers. 4. One Superintendent of the Fire Alarm Telegraph. *Sec. 7. The members and employes of said Fire Depart- ment shall be : 1. One Foreman for each Steam Fire Engine Company. 2. One Engineer for each Steam Fire Engine Company. 3. Two Drivers for each Steam Fire Engine Company. 4. One Driver for each Hook and Ladder and Hose Com- pany. 5. One Foreman for each Hook and Ladder and Hose Com- pany. 6. Six Extramen for each Steam Fire Engine and Hose Com- pany. 7. Eight Extramen for each Hook and Ladder Company. 8. One Driver for Department Supply wagon. *As amended by an Act approved February 17th, 1885. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 369 Such members and employes shall also perform such other duties as may from time to time be required of them by the Board of Fire Commissioners. Sec. 8. All officers and members and employes of the Fire Department, constituted by this Act, shall be removable at the pleasure of the Board of Fire Commissioners. *Sec. 9. The salaries of the officers, members and employes of the Fire Department shall be paid in monthly installments and as follows : 1. The salary of the Chief Engineer shall be two thousand dollars per annum. 2. The salary of the First Assistant Engineer (who shall also be Corporation Yard Keeper) shall be six hundred dollars per annum. 3. The salary of the Second Assistant Engineer shall be five hundred dollars per annum. 4. The salary of the Secretary of the Department shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum. 5. The salary of the Superintendent of Fire Alarm Tele- graph shall be fifteen hundred dollars per annum. 6. The salary of the Foreman of each Steam Fire Engine Company shall be three hundred and forty dollars per annum. 7. The salary of the Engineer of each Steam Fire Engine Company shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum, 8. The salary of the drivers of each Steam Fire Engine, Hook and Ladder and Hose Company, shall be nine hundred dollars per annum. 9. The salary of the Extramen shall be two hundred and forty dollars per annum. 10. The salary of the drivers of each Fire Engine Tender shall be eight hundred and forty dollars per annum. *As amended by an Act approved February 17th, 1885. 370 LAWS OF PAID 11. The salary of the Foremen of each Hook and Ladder and Hose Company shall be eight hundred and forty dollars per annum. 12. The salary of the driver of the Supply Wagon shall be seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum. All salaries to be paid by warrants drawn on the Treasurer of said city by the Mayor and Auditor and Clerk of said city, upon requisitions made by the President of the Board of Fire Com- missioners thereof. *Sec. io. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall have the supervision, control and management of said Fire Department, including the Fire Alarm Telegraph, and of the officers, mem- bers and employes of said Fire Department, and shall prescribe the rules for its discipline and government ; and the said Board of Fire Commissioners shall also have the control and management of the public property now pertaining to the Fire Department of the said city of Portland, and that shall hereafter pertain to the Department created by this Act ; and shall from time to time, in their sound discretion, purchase, add to and acquire, when nec- essary, or sell and dispose of when not required for the use of the Department, engines, hose carriages, hose, horses, engine houses and the lots on which said houses stand, and such other property, real and personal, as the provisions of this Act and the exigencies of the Department may require, and shall pay over to the City Treasurer for the Fire Department Fund, all moneys that may come into their hands immediately after the receipt of the same, such proceeds to be appropriated to the pur- chase of lots and the erection of engine houses thereon, and the purchase of steam engines, hose carts, hook and ladder trucks, hose, horses and material and apparatus for said Department, as the same may be required ; Provided, however, that all sales of real property shall be subject to the approval of the Common Council, to be evidenced by a majority vote of all the members elected thereto, the vote in all cases to be by ayes and noes, and *As amended by an Act approved February 17th, 1885. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 371 entered of record. Upon such sales being made by the Board of Fire Commissioners, and so approved by the Common Coun- cil, the Mayor and Auditor and Clerk of the city of Portland are hereby authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge and deliver good and sufficient deeds of conveyance to the purchaser or purchasers for the real property so sold. The said Board of Fire Commissioners are also hereby invested with all discre- tionary powers to the faithful execution of this Act, including the proper selection and location of all needful buildings and offices, and the complete equipment of the several companies with horses, engines, vehicles and other apparatus, and by a majority vote of said Board, shall prescribe, control and regulate the expenditures of every kind of the Department created by this Act. Sec. II. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall, on the first day of January of each year, or as soon thereafter as prac- ticable, report to the Common Council the estimated amount of salaries and other necessary expenses of the Fire Department for the ensuing year, together with the estimated cost of con- structing and erecting cisterns and hydrants, and the erection and repair of buildings, the purchase of lots for the purpose of erecting engine houses thereon, the purchase of engines, hose carts, hose, horses, feed, material and apparatus for said Depart- ment, required for the ensuing year; and the Common Council shall, at the same time that other taxes are levied and collected, levy and collect a special tax sufficient to raise the amount so estimated by said Board of Fire Commissioners, which tax shall be paid into a fund to be known as the Fire Department Fund of said city of Portland, and shall be subject solely to the control of the said Board of Fire Commissioners, and shall be paid out by the City Treasurer upon warrants drawn by the Mayor and Auditor and Clerk of said city, upon requisitions therefor, made by the President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, for claims duly allowed by said Board. And the said Mayor and Auditor and Clerk are hereby directed to draw warrants on said Fire Department Fund in accordance with the requisitions of said President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, such requisitions 372 LAWS OF PAID to remain on file in the office of the Auditor and Clerk, and to be sufficient authority for drawing warrants, as aforesaid. Sec. 12. The Chief Engineer shall be the executive officer of said Fire Department ; he shall devote his exclusive attention to its interests and shall engage in no other business. It shall be his duty, and that of the Assistant Engineers, to see that the laws, orders, rules and regulations concerning the same, including the ordinances of the Common Council, are carried into effect, and also to attend to such duties as Fire Wardens as may be required of them, and to see that all laws, orders and regula- tions established to secure protection against fire are enforced. It shall also be the duty of the Chief Engineer to enforce the rules and regulations made from time to time, to secure discipline in said Fire Department, and he shall have power to suspend any subordinate officer, member or employe for a violation of the same, and shall forthwith report, in writing, with his reasons therefor, to the Board of Fire Commissioners, for their action. He shall diligently observe the condition of the apparatus and workings of said Department, and shall report in writing at least once in each week, to said Board of Fire Commissioners upon the same, and make such recommendations and suggestions respecting it, and for securing its greater efficiency as he may deem proper ; and in the absence or inability of the Chief Engineer to act, the Assistant Engineer, highest in rank, shall perform the duties and possess the rights and powers of said office, during such absence or inability. Sec. 13. The Chief Engineer shall have power to appoint one member of each company to act as Assistant Foreman. Such Assistant Foreman shall act as clerk, and for his services shall receive five dollars per month extra pay. Sec. 14. The Board of Fire Commissioners shall, in the month of January of each year, report in detail to the Common Council the receipts and expenditures of said Department, with other matters pertaining thereto of public interest, including a complete inventory of all the property under their charge ; such FIRE DEPARTMENT. 373 report shall also exhibit a particular statement of all fire alarms and fires which have occurred in said city during the preceding year, together with the causes of all such fires, so far as the same shall have been ascertained. It shall also exhibit a particular statement of all losses caused by such fires and the insurance thereon. It shall also show the amount of hose used, the number and names of all companies under their direction ; the names of all members and officers of such companies; the names of all persons in the employ of the Board, the compensation paid them, a statement of all expenses paid or incurred under the direction of the Board during the year, and such other information relating to the Department as to the Board shall seem important. *S)':c. 15. The Common Council of the city of Portland shall have power, subject to the approval of the Board of Fire Commissioners, to enact such ordinances and repeal and modify the same from time to time, subject also to the approval of the Board of Fire Commissioners, to prevent the taking and spread of fires in the city, by establishing fire limits, and regulating the keeping and storage of earth or rock oil, petroleum, benzine, benole, naptha or varnish, or any other article or product of the articles above mentioned, and to establish and ordain penalties for each and every violation thereof; provided, however, that all permits to alter, move, repair or build any building or buildings in the fire limits of said city, shall only be granted by a majority of the Board of Fire Commissioners and the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, and not otherwise. Sec. 16. Any person who may have been an active fireman in the Fire Department of the city of Portland for two years and six months immediately preceding the time when this Act shall take effect, shall be entitled to enjoy all the privileges and immu- nities now enjoyed by exempt firemen in said city, under the laws of the State existing at the time of the passage of this Act. Any such person shall, upon application and satisfactory proof of such service, and payment of the fees now required to be paid there- *As amended by an Act approved February 17th, 1885. 374 LAWS OF PAID FIRE DEPARTMENT. for, receive a certificate to that effect from the Board of Fire Commissioners in the same form as exempt firemen in said city are now entitled to receive the same; such certificate shall be signed by the Chief Engineer, the President of the Board of Fire Commissioners and the Secretary of the Fire Department, and shall also have the seal of the Department affixed. Sec. 17. Until the organization of the Fire Dapeftment created by this Act, shall be put in working order, the present fire companies shall do duty at all fires that may occur as hereto- fore; and thereafter, upon notice from the Board of Fire Com- missioners, the Common Council shall, by resolution, naming them therein, honorable discharge the members of the Depart- ment hereby abrogated from further duty as firemen. If the members of the present Fire Department shall fail, neg- lect or refuse to perform their duties, in every respect, after the passage of this Act, and until the organization of the Paid Fire Department as in this Act provided, the Common Council are empowered to take possession of all engines, hose, hooks and ladders and other appurtenances belonging to said Department, and to pass such ordinances as may be necessary for the protec- tion of property, until the organization of the Fire Depart- ment provided for by this Act. Sec. 18. The Act entitled “An Act to regulate the Fire Department of the city of Portland,” approved October 17, i860, and the Act entitled “ An Act supplemental to an Act to regulate the Fire Department of the city of Portland,” approved October 24, 1864, and all Acts and (jarts of Acts in conflict therewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 19. Inasmuch as there is an urgent necessity for a Paid Fire Department for the city of Portland, this Act will take effect and be in force from and after its aj)proval by the Governor. Sec. 7 of H. B. No. 167 — contained P’inergency Clavise. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX OF Ordinahces passed by the Commoh COUHCIL OF THE CITY OF PORTLAHD. 1864 = 1886 . Number. 1. Fixing the hre limits and providing for appointment of Fire Wardens. Approved April 14, 1854. Repealed by Ordinance No. 71. 2. To suppress gambling and gaming. Approved June 22, 1854. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 228. 3. Providing lor the election of City Collector and defining his duties. Approved April 14, 1854. Amended by Ordinance No. 37 and 67. Superseded by Act of Legislative Assembly. Approved Oct. 14, 1864. 4. To impose licenses upon drinking places, taverns, shows, billiard tables, etc. Approved April 20, 1854. Repealed by Ordinance No. 57. 5. To impose licenses on hawkers, peddlers, brokers and pawnbrokers. Approved April 20, 1854. Amended by Ordinance No. 124. Repealed by Ordinance No. 170. 6. To license and regulate the use of vehicles. Approved April 26, 1854. Superseded by Ordinance No. 78. 7. To provide for the election of a Street Commissioner and defining his duties. Approved April 26, 1854. Amended by Ordinance No. 26. Repealed by Ordinance No. 49. 8. Authorizing the purchase, clearing and fencing of cemetery grounds, (on Couch’s Addition, adjoining Block I.) Approved April 25, 1854. Repealed by Ordinance No. 23. 9. To provide for the election of a City Surveyor and defining his duties. Approved May 25, 1854. Amended by Ordinance No. 27. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 444. 10. To prevent rioting or disorderly conduct. Approved May 22, 1854, Amended by Ordinance No. 120. Repealed by Ordinance No, 444. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 378 Number. 11. Creating a Fire Department. Approved May 29, 1854. Amended by Ordinance No. 70. Repealed by Ordinance No. 71. 12. Levying a tax — (5 mills.) Approved June 6, 1854. 13. Authorizing the purchase of a fire engine, hose carriage, hose, and truck for hooks and ladders. Approved June 10, 1854. 14. Providing for election of a City Attorney and defining his duties. Approved June 10, 1854. Repealed by Ordinance No. 165. 15. Authorizing the survey of Front street for a grade. Approved June 22, 1864. 16. Admitting Willamette Fire Engine Company, No. i, into the Fire Department. Approved July 11,1854. 17. Requiring the planking of Front street, (west side, Taylor to Oak.) Approved July 27, 1854. 18. Fixing the compensation of the City Assessor. Approved August 4, 1B54. 19. Admitting Vigilance Hook and Ladder company into the Fire Department. Approved August 10, 1854. 20. Requiring the planking of Front street between A and C. Approved August 22, 1854. 21. Establishing a grade in Front street between Ash and C. Approved August 22, 1854. 22. To prevent and remove obstructions fiom the streets and sidewalks. Approved September 4, 1854. Superseded by Ordinance No. 142. 23. Authorizing the procuring of a piece of ground for a cemetery and the impi'ovement thereof. Approved September 21, 1854. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 28 and 33. 24. Authorizing the construction of a sidewalk on Second street in front of Block 20. Approved September 23, 1854. 25. Directing the Street Commissioner to grade and plank a portion of Front street. Approved October 9, 1854. 26. To amend Ordinance No. 7. Approved October 9, 1854. Repealed by Ordinance No. 49. 27. To amend Ordinance No. 9. Approved October 9, 1854. Repealed by Ordinance No. 444. 28. To amend Ordinance No. 23. Approved October 20, 1854. 29. To establish a ferry landing, (Taylor street.) Passed October 27, 1854. 30. To establish a ferry landing, (Stark street.) Approved October 30, 1854. Repealed by Ordinance No. 434. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 379 N umber. 31. Authorizing the planking of Taylor street where it crosses Front street. Approved October 30, 1854. 32. Requiring the planking of a portion of Front street. Approved Octo- ber 30, 1854. 33. To amend Ordinance No. 23. Approved November ii, 1854. 34. To provide for the storage of gunpowder. Passed November 4, 1854. Not approved and void. 35. To encourage and regulate the growing of .shade and ornamental trees. Approved June 15, 1855. Repealed by Ordinance No. 310. 36. Fixing the amount of bond and compensation of the City Treasurer. Approved June 15, 1855. Repealed by Ordinance No. 167. 37. To amend Ordinance No. 3. Approved June 15, 1855. 38. Calling a special election, (Recorder.) Approved June 12, 1855. 39. To prevent dogs running at large — without license. Approved August 14, 1855. Repealed by Ordinance No. 241. 40. Relating to swine. Approved October 4, 1855. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 245. 41. Authorizing a survey of grades of First street and of streets between P'ront and P'irst — Ash and Jefferson. Passed November i, 1855. 42. Requiring the laying of sidewalks on Pdrst street — (Ash to Jefferson inclusive.) Approved November 5, 1855. Amended by Ordi- nance No. 45. 43. Directing the Street Commissioner to lay certain sidewalks in Front street. Approved November 5, 1855. 44. Authorizing the grading and laying of sidewalks on the cross streets between P'ront and Phrst — (Pine and Salmon.) Approved Nov- ember 5, 1855. 45. To amend Ordinance No. 42. Approved January 14, 1856. 46. To provide for the purchase of a fire engine, hose, etc. Approved June 30, 1855. (Cost limited at $2500. Special tax levied of per centum.) 47. Creating a “ Water Cistern Fund. Approved April 2, 1856. 48. To authorize and require the grading and laying of sidewalks on Sec- ond street and the cross streets between First and Second from Ash to Jefferson, inclusive. Approved April ii, 1856. 49. To repeal Ordinance No. 7. Approved April 14, 1856. 50. To provide for the election of a Street Commissioner and defining his duties. Approved May, 19, 1856. Superseded by Ordinance No. 224. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 380 Number. 51. To provide for the removal of obstructions from the levee. Ap- proved May 19, 1856. Amended by Ordinance No, 73. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 91. 52. Providing for the cleaning of streets. Approved May 19, 1856. Amended by Ordinance No. 97. Superseded by Ordinance No. 302. 53. To prevent fast riding or driving on certain streets — (east of Fourth street). Appproved August 25, 1856. Superseded by Ordinance No. 475 — Sec. 7. 54. Granting the right to lay pipes in the streets for conducting water. Approved September 6, 1856. (To S. Coffin, F. Caruthers and J. Cline.) 55. Requiring a survey for a grade and planking of Front street between Salmon and Jefferson — (west side.) Approved September 8, 1856. 56. Admitting “ Multnomah Fire Engine Company,” No. 2, into the Fire Department. Approved November 25, 1856. 57. To impose licenses on bar-rooms, shows, &c. Approved January 27? 1857- Amended by Ordinance No. 61. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 78. 58. Requiring the grading and planking of Morrison street between Front and Third. Approved F'ebruary 10, 1857. Amended by Ordi- nance No. 62, 59. Requiring the grading and planking of Washington street, between Front and Second. Approved March 15, 1857. 60. To prevent riding and driving on the sidewalks. Approved April 8, 1857. Superseded by Ordinance No. 475 — Sec. 9. 61. To amend Ordinance No. 57. Approved May 5, 1857. Amended by Ordinance No. 78. Superseded by Ordinance No. 80. 62. To amend Ordinance No. 58. Approved May 10, 1857. 63. To estaldish the grade of Front street, Salmon to Jefferson. Ap- proved May 29, 1857. 64. Requiring the Marshal to remove a building from the levee. Ap- proved June II, 1857. (B. F. Smith’s.) 65. Requiring the improvement of First street between Jefferson and Ash street, and the cross streets between Salmon and Pine — Front and First. Approved June 9, 1857. 66. To amend Ordinance No. 55. Approved July 20, 1857, 67. Authorizing the planking of Front street in front of block 3, Ap- proved July 25, 1857. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 381 Number. 68. To levy a lax for the year commencing July i, 1857. Approved August 6, 1857 — (five mills.) 69. To establish base lines governing surveys. Ajiproved Oct. 2, 1857. Superseded by Ordinance No. 177. 70. Reorganizing the Fire Department. Approved November 27, 1857. Amended by Ordinance Nos. 84 and 93. Rendered void l>y Act of Legislative Assembly. Approved October 17, i860. 71. For the prevention of fires. Approved F'ebruary 17, 1858. 72. To divide the city into three w^ards. Approved March — , 1858. In- valid. See Charter, Sec. 4. 73. To amend Ordinance No. 51. Approved May 8, 1858. Repealed by Ordinance No. 91. 74. Fixing the salary of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Approved May — , 1858. Repealed by Ordinance No, 81. 75. Levying a tax for the year commencing July i, 1858. Approved July 15, 1858. 76. To amend Ordinance No. 3. Approved September 21, 1858. 77. To regulate the improvement of streets. Approved Sept. 21, 1858. 78. Relating to licenses. Approved September 28, 1858. Superseded by Ordinance No. 80. 79. To provide for the improvement of Morrison street between Third and Sixth. Approved October 28, 1858. 80. Relating to licenses. Approved December 3, 1858. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 83 and loi. Superseded by Ordinance No. 141. 81. To repeal Ordinance No. 74. Approved March 12, 1859. 82. To regulate the sale of liquors and amendatory to Ordinance No. 80. Approved May 17, 1850. Amended by Ordinance No. 96. Superseded by Ordinance No. 141. 83. To establish and locate a Ferry Landing. Passed May 25, 1859. Approved (Pine street.) 84. To amend Ordinance No. 70. Passed June 15, 1859. 85. For levying and collecting city taxes. Approved August 31, 1859. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 87 and 85. 86. To provide for the improvement of Front street — (Jefferson to Mont- gomery.) Approved August 24, 1859. 87. To amend Ordinance No. 85. Approved November 18, 1859. 88. To prohibit the deposit of glass in the streets. Approved June 29, i86o. Superseded by Ordinance No, 475. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 382 Number. 89. Providing for the sale of “Willamette Engine,” No. i. Approved June 29, i860, 90. Authorizing the purchase of 500 feet of hose for Columbia Engine Company No. 3. Approved March 28, i860. 91. To prevent and remove obstructions from the Willamette river and the levees, between Washington and Main streets. Approved August 2, i860. Repealed by Ordinance No. 103. 92. b'ixing the salary of the Clerk of the Common Council. Approved August 9, i860. Amended by Ordinance No. 122. 93. To amend Ordinance No. 70. Approved August 16, i860 94. To provide for repairing the streets. Approved September 6, i860. 95. To amend Ordinance No. 85. Approved October 4, i860. Amended by Ordinance No. 98. 96. To amend Ordinance No. 82. Approved October ii, i860. Super- seded by Ordinance No. 141. 97. To amend Ordinance No. 52. Approved October 25, i860. 98. To amend Ordinance No. 95. Approved December 27, i860. 99. To license the Willamette Theater. Approved January 6, 1861. Repealed by Ordinance No. 10 1. 100. Defining the duties of the City Treasurer. Approved January 17, 1861. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1081. loia. To amend Ordinance No. 80. Approved Eebruary 7, 1861. Super- seded by Ordinance No, 141. loi^. To amend Ordinance No. 51, and repealing Ordinance No. 73. Approved March 20, 1861. 102. Providing for the prosecution and defense of certain suits. Approved March 22, 1861, 103. To repeal Ordinance No. 73 (?) Passed over veto, June 14, 1861. 104. Providing for the erection of a brick Engine House for “ Willamette Fire Company,” No. i. Approved July i, 1861. 105. To provide for the removal of obstructions in the Willamette river between Washington and Salmon streets, and for the encourage-' ment of commerce. Approved August 6, 1861. 106. Fixing the salary of J. H. Mitchell, City Attorney, ($1,000.) Passed over veto, September 27, 1861. Repealed by Ordinance No. no. 107. To license the selling of liquors in the Willamette Theater, Approved December 12, 1861. Superseded by Ordinance No, 141. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 383 Number. 108. Granting the right of way to lay water pipes through the streets — (to VV. S. Ladd and others.) Approved April 2, 1862. (The grant of EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES declared void by the Supreme Court, 1863.) 109. To license Auctioneers. Approved May 10, 1862. Amended by Ordinance No. 112. Superseded by Ordinance No. 141. no. Fixing the salary of the City Attorney, (^500.) Approved May 18 1862. Repealed by Ordinance No. 166. 111. To prevent butchering and other nuisances within certain limits. Approved May 22, 1862. Repealed by Ordinance No. 928. 1 12. To amend Ordinance No. 109. Approved May 29, 1862. Superseded by Ordinance No. 141. 1 13. To protect the public from contagious or dangerous diseases. Approved June 12, 1862. 1 14. Fixing the pay of the Marshal for attendance upon the meetings of the Common Council. Approved July 15, 1862. Repealed by Ordinance No. 407. 1 15. To grade and lay sidewalks in Washington street, between Second and East Park. Approved July 18, 1862. 1 16. To grade and ])lank First street, between A and C. Approved July 18, 1862. 1 17. To establish the grade of Washington street — Second to West Park. Approved July 25, 1862. Amended by Ordinance No, 131. Superseded by Ordinance No. 154. 1 18. None. 119. Authorizing the purchase of a lot for an Engine House for Columbian Engine Co. No. 3. Passed July 9, 1862. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 121. 120. To amend Ordinance No. 10. Approved August 21, 1862, Repealed by Ordinance No. 228. 121. Repealing Ordinance No. 119. Approved August 21, 1862. 122. To amend Ordinance No. 92. Approved August 25, 1862. 123. Providing for a small pox hospital. Approved September 4, 1862. 124. To amend Ordinance No. 5. Approved September 18, 1862. 125. Requiring the numbering of houses within certain limits and changing the names of certain^ streets in Couch’s Addition. Approved September 18, 1862. 126. To license taverns and porters. Approved October ii, 1862. Super- seded by Ordinance No. 141. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 384 Number. 127. Admitting “Protection Fire Company,” No. 4 into the Fire Depart- ment. Approved November 13, 1862. 128. Levying a tax for 1862-3 — (3 mills.) Approved November 28, 1862. 129. For the relief of Jos. Webber, Chief Engineer. Approved January 23, 1863. 130. Authorizing the purchase of a lot for use of Engine Co. No. 3. Approved January 23, 1863. Superseded by Ordinance No. 149. 13 1. To amend Ordinance No. 117. Approved January 23, 1863. 132. Authorizing the purchase of Fire Apparatus for “ Pi otection Engine Company,” No. 4. Approved March 12, 1863. 133. Providing for the grading of the Public Square and streets adjoining. Approved March 12, 1863. 134. PNtablishing grade for sidewalks around Block 16. Approved March 12, 1863. 135. 'I'o establish certain grades — (Vine to Madison — Front to West Park.) Approved March 12, 1863. Superseded by Ordinance No. 154. 136. Fixing the salary of the Chief Engineer. Approved April 9, 1863. Superseded by Ordinance No. 202. 137 No. dropped. 138. Requiring all taxes and licenses to be paid in coin. Approved May 23, 1863. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1114. 139. Defining the duties of the Street Commissioner. Approved June 4, 1863. Repealed by Ordinance No. 224. 140. To improve certain streets. Approved June 4, 1863. 141. To impose and regulate licenses. Approved June 9, 1863. Repealed by Ordinance No. 170. 142. To prevent and remove obstructions from streets and sidewalks. Approved June 13, 1863. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 579 and 921. 143. To authorize the “Portland and Milwaukie Macadamized Road Co.” to place a toll gate within the city limits. Approved July 22, 1863. 144. To establish the grade of Jefferson street. Approved vSeptember 4, 1863. Repealed by Ordinance No. 154. 145. For the improvement of Jefferson street — (First to East Park.) Approved September 4, 1863. 146. Levying taxes for the year ending June 30, 1864 — (5 mills.) Approved October 15, 1863. 147. Levying a special tax — (5 mills.) Approved October 22, 1863. CHKONOLOGRAl, INDEX. 385 Number. 148. To provide for grading and fencing the Public Square and improving the streets adjacent thereto. Ajiproved Octol)er 22, 1863. 149. Authorizing the purchase of a lot for the ])urpose of erecting thereon a house for the use of “ Columbian Engine Co.” No. 3, (W. lot I. VV. N. lot 2, block 19.) See Ordinance No. 988. Approved November 6, 1863. 150. Providing for the building of an Engine Mouse for “Columbian Engine Company,” No. 3, and the purchase of a Steam Fire Engine, Hose Cart, and Hose for “ Protection Eire Engine Com- pany,” No. 4. Approved February 27, 1864. (See Ordinance No. 151.) 151. To carry into effect so much of Ordinance No. 150 as relates to the building of an Engine House and repealing the remainder thereof Approved May 19, 1864. 152. Authorizing the grading of Main street— ( Front to'l'hird.) Approved July 28, 1864. 153. I'o prevent injury to fences and other property of the city. Approved July 29, 1864. 154. To establish certain grades. xApproved August 29, 1864. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 164, 175, 199 and 21 1. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 246. 155. Authorizing the improvement of First street between Washington and College streets. Approved October 15, 1864. 156. Authorizing the improvement of Third street, between Madison and College streets. Approved October 15, 1864. The act of the Legislative Assembly entitled “An Act to Incorporate the City of Portland,” and commonly known as “The New Charter,” went into effect October 24, 1864. 157. Appropriating $iOD to compel the attendance of witnesses in certain suits. Approved November 12, 1864. 158. To regulate and license “ Hiirdy Curdy,” and Dance Houses. Approved November 12, 1864. 159. Authorizing a contract for gas to street lamps for year ending Novem- ber 12, 1865. Approved November 18, 1864. 160. Appropriating ^1,000 for the construction of a sewer in Montgomery street. Approved November 23, 1864. 1 61. Authorizing a contract for building a sewer in Montgomery street. .\pproved November 23, 1864. 162. To pay M. P. Deady for preparing City Charter. Approved Decem- ber 3, 1864 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 386 Number. 163. Appropriating $600 for a new truck for the use of “Vigilance Hook and Ladder Company,” No. i. Approved December 16, 1864. 164. d'o change certain grades on Second, Tliird and Fourth streets. Approved December 17, 1864. Repealed by Ordinance No. 246. 165. Prescribing the lime for returning the Assessment Roll and for apply- ing for a revision thereof. Approved December 30, 1864. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1113. 166. Defining the duties and fixing the compensation of City Attorney. Approved January 7, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1082. 167. Fixing the bond and compensation of the City Treasurer. Approved January 13, 1865. Amended by Ordinance No. 213. Repealed by (')rdinance No. 221. 168. Relating to the duties of the Auditor and Clerk and fixing his salary. Approved January 13, 1865. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 214, 470 and 781. 169. Fixing the time for payment of taxes to the Treasurer. Approved January 13, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1113. 170. To impose and regulate licenses. Approved January 13, 1865. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 312, 334, 393, 395 and 722. Repealed by Ordinance No. 984. 1 71. Levying a general tax for 1865— (5 mills.) Approved Jan. 13, 1865. 172. Levying a special tax for the payment of indebtedness — (5 mills.) Approved January 13, 1865. 173. Levying a special tax to purchase a Dredging Machine. (5 mills.) Approved January 20, 1865. 174. Appropriating $1,700 to pay indebtedness. Approved Jan. 19, 1865. 175. To change certain grades on B, C, and D streets. Approved Janu- ary 20, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 1 76. Providing for revising, codifying and publishing Ordinances. Approved February 6, 1865. 177. To establish a base line, regulate surveys and establish the boundaries of streets. Approved February 9, 1865. 178. To provide for placing stone monuments in the streets. Approved February 10, 1865. 179. Appropriating sundry amounts for expenses of the diflerent depart- ments. Approved February 15, 1865. 180. Fixing the time for the return of warrants for the collection of “ Delin- quent taxes” and the compensation of the Marshal for making collections. Approved February 17, 1865. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1 1 13. CHKONOLOCaCAl, INDEX. 387 Number. 181. Appropriation for gas and water. Approved February 27, 1865. 182. Appropriation for Police and Sanitary pur|)oses. Approved March 6, 1865. 183. I'o change certain grades. Approved March 13, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 184. Appropriation to pay the indebtedness accrued prior to December 31, 1864. Approved March 18, 1865. 185. Designating the location of stone monuments for .street boundaries. Approved March 18, 1865. 186. Appropriation for purpose of dredging ap|)aratus. Approved April 10, 1865. 187. Authorizing contract for the con.struction of a dredger, boats, etc. Approved April 10, 1865. 188. To change the grade of Front street between Mill and Hall. Approved April 22, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 189. Appropriation for repairs to streets and public property. .Approved April 22, 1865. 190. Establishing the width of sidewalks. Approved April 29, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 515. 191. Appropriation to defray the expenses attending the obsequies of the late President Lincoln. Approved April 29, 1865. 192. Additional appropriation for purchase of a truck for the use of Vigi- lance Hook and Ladder Co. No. i. Approved April 29, 1865. 193. Appropriation for fire engine in possession of Willamette Engine Co. No. I. In force by operation of section 45 of the Charter, May 2, 1865. 194. Appropriation for the extension of the Columbia .street sewer. * Approved May 6, 1865. 195. Authorizing a contract for a truck for Vigilance Hook and Ladder Co. No. I. Approved May 13, 1865. 196. Authorizing a contract with the Portland Water Co., for water to cis- terns and public buildings. Approved May 13, 1865. 197. To prevent and abate nuisances. Approved May 13, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 208. 198. Providing for the imi)rovement of Front street between Morrison and Harrison — (broken stone.) Approved May 13, 1865. 199. To change certain grades. Approved May 20, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. To change the grade of Salmon and East Park streets. .Approved May 20, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 200. 388 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. Number. 201. Appropriating $1000 to a “ Miscellaneous Fund.” Approved May 27, 1865. 202. Fi.xing the salary of the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Approved February 2, 1865. (In chronological order, this should l)e Ordinance No. 176.) 203. Appropriating $1000 for j^olice and sanitary purposes. Approved June 3, 1865. 204. Authorizing the appointment of two Deputy Marshals. Approved June 3, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 215. 205. Appropriation for salaries. Approved June 8, 1865. 206. To change the grade of Second street, at Main. .Approved June 8, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 207. Authorizing the erection of hr>se and bell tower for Engine Co. No. 4. .Approved |une 8, 1865. 208. To prevent and abate nuisances. Appro\ ed June 15, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 928. 209. To prevent certain animals from running at large. Approved June 15, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 232. 210. Making an assessment to defray cost of improving Front street — (Mor- rison to Harrison. ) Approved June 15, 1865. 211. To change certain grades. .Approved June 17, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 212. -Authorizing contracts for the improvement of Front street, as per Ordinance 198. Approved June 17, 1865. 213. To amend Ordinance No. 167. Approved June 24, 1865. Super- seded by Ordinance No. 221. 214. To amend Ordinance No. 168. Approved June 24, 1865. Superse- ded by Ordinance No. 470. 215. To repeal Ordinance No. 204. Approved June 24, 1865. 216. Appropriating money for the 4th of July celebration. ^Approved June 24, 1865. 217. To provide for improving Front street, Morrison to Pine, (Nicholson pavement.) .Approved June 24, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 235. 218. Declaring probable cost and making assessment for improving Front street, as per Ordinance No. 217. .Approved June 28, 1865. Repealed by (Ordinance No. 236. 219. Appropriating $300 additional for celebrating the 4th of July, Approved June 28, 1865. CHRONOLOGICAI. INDEX. 389 Number. 220. To refund money to J. F. McCoy, in correction of errors in tax list. Approved June 28, 1865. 221. Fixing the l)ond and compensation of the City Treasurer. Approved June 28, 1865. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 491 and 998. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1081. 222. Appropriating money for the removal of snags from the mouth of the Willamette river. In hu'ce b\' operation of section 45 of Charter, July 8, 1871. 223. Authorizing the letting of contracts for work on Front street, as per Ordinance No. 217. A]iproved July 8, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 237. 224. Defining the duties and fixing the salary of Street Commissioner. Approved July 28, 1865. Amended by Ordinance No. 325. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1106. 225. Appropriating $3,000 to build two fire cisterns. Api'roved July 29, 1865. 226. Appropriating money to lower the cistern at Third and Morrison streets. Aj^proved July 29, 1865. 227. Authorizing contract for two fire cisterns. Approved July 29, 1865. 228. Concerning offences and disorderly conduct. Approved August 3, 1865. Amended by Ordinance No. 445. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 475. 229. To change certain grades on Front street. Approved August 9, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 230. To change certain grades of North Sixth and North Seventh streets. Approved August ii, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 231. Authorizing the purchase of 500 feet of leather hose, for the use of Engine Company No. 4, and making an appropriation therefor. Approved August 15, 1865. 232. To prevent horses and cattle from running at large between certain hours. .Approved .August 15, 1865. .Amended by Ordinance No. 748. 233 - To change the grade of 'bhird street at Salmon and Taylor. .Approved -Augirst 15, 1865. Superseded by Ordinance No. 246. 234. Authorizing contracts for building sewers in Oak, Stark, Washington, Alder, Morrison, Yamhill, Taylor, Salmon, Main and Madison, streets. Passed over Mayor’s veto, .August 15, 1865. 235 - provide for improving Front street, between Pine and Morrison, and repealing Ordinance No. 217. (Nicholson.') Passed over .Mayor’s veto, .August 15, 1865. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 390 Number. 236. Declaring probable cost of improving Eront street, as per Ordinance No. 235, and repealing Ordinance No, 218. Approved August 16, 1865. 237. Authorizing contract for the improvement of Eront street, as per Ordi- nance No. 235, and repealing Ordinance No. 223. Approved August 16, 1865. 238. Appropriating money in addition to the amount named in Ordinance No, 231, for the purchase of hose. Approved August 19, 1865. 239. Making an appropriation from special tax for dredger. Approved August 19, 1865. 240. 'fo provide for dredging the channel of the Willamette river. Approved August 19, 1865. 241. To provide for taxing and killing dogs. Approved August 26, 1865. Amended by Ordinance No. 526. Repealed by Ordinance No. 919. 242. d'o transfer certain balances to the General Eund. Approved Sep- tember 2, 1865. 243. Authorizing a contract to connect certain cisterns with the water mains. Approved September 2, 1865. 244. Recjuiring the Marshal to give a bond. Approved .September 2, 1865, 245. Relating to swine. Approved .September 2, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1066. 246. To establish certain grades, establishing a base. Approved Septem- 15, 1865. Amended by Ordinances. 247. Making appropriations for expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year. Approved September 14. 1865. 248. For the relief of M, C. Mulhollan. Approved .September 16, 1865. 249. Creating a “Recorder’s Court Fund.” Approved .September 16, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 705. 250. .Making an appropriation out of the fund for the improvement of Front street, between I’ine and Morrison. Approved September 16, 1865. 251. Making an appropriation out of the fund for the improvement of Front street, between Morrison and Harrison. Approved Sep- tember 16, 1865. 252. 1 )eclaring surplus of assessment for improving Front street, [efiferson to Harrison. Approved September 30, 1865. Declaring the surplus of a.ssessment. Front street. Fine to .Stark. .\p- proved September 30, 1865. 25.F CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 391 Number. 254. Declaring a deficit in assessment made l>y Ordinance No. 210. Approved September 30, 1865. 255. Providing that all fees and costs be paid in coin. Approved October 7, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1114. 256. Appropriating $5000 firr sewers. Passed over veto October 13, 1865. 257. Declaring the surplus of assessment, Front street, Stark to Washing- ton. Approved October 27, 1865. 258. Declaring the surplus of assessment. Front street, Morrison to Jefler- son. Approved October 27, 1865. 259. Providing for the improvement of Washington street. Front to P' Park ( broken stone). Approved October 27, 1865. 260. Authorizing a committee to effect a loan. Approved October 28, 1865. 261. Appropriating $5416.45, to pay a judgment in favor of J. P. Garrison. Approved October 28, 1865. 262. Authorizing the borrowing of $3500 for improving the \Villamette river. Approved October 28, 1865. 263. Making an assessment for improving Washington street, as per Ordi- nance No. 259. Approved October 28, 1865. 264. Authorizing the letting of contracts for work on Washington street. Approved October 28, 1865. 265. Declaring a deficit of assessment, Front street, Washington to Morri- son. Approved October 28, 1865. 266. Making an appropriation for extra work on certain streets. Approved October 28, 1865. 267. To provide for improving First street, A to Madison. (Broken stone.) Approved November 3, 1865. Amended by Ordinance No. 291. Repealed by Ordinance No. 294. 268. To provide for the payment of certain street assessments. Approved November 4, 1865. 269. To authorize a contract for iron lamp posts and connections with gas mains. .Approved November 4, 1865. 270. Making an appropriation out of the Front .Street Fund, Pine to Madi- son. Approved November 4, 1865. 271. Appropriating money for repairs to improve streets. Approved November 4, 1865. 272. To cancel certain liens for street improvements. .Approved Novem- ber 4, 1865. 273. Making assessment for improvement of Front street, as per Ordinance No. 267. .Approved November 4, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance N^o. 295. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 392 Number. 274. Authorizing contract for improvement of First street. Approved November 4, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 296. 275. Appropriation — Rent of pounds. Approved Noveml^er ii, 1865. 276. Authorizing a contract for gas for street lamps. Approved November 18, 1865. 277. To provide for improving .Madison street, Front to Sixth. (Broken stone and gravel.) Approved November 25, 1865. 278. Making appropriation for Marshal’s fees on sales of property for taxes purchased by the city. Approved November 25, 1865. 279. Fixing the compensation for board of prisoners. Approved Novem- ber 25, 1865. ' . ' ■ ' 280. Making an assessment for improvement of Madison street, as per Ordinance No. 277, {^8,082.) Approved December 2, 1865. 281. Authorizing contracts for work on Madison street. Approved Decem- ber 2, 1865. 282. Appropriation — “ Dredging Machine h'und.” Approved December 9, 1865. 283. To prevent the carrying of concealed weapons. Approved December 9, 1865. 284. Appropriation — for board of prisoners. Approved Dec. 16, 1865. 285. Appropriation — Washington Street Fund. Approved Dec. 23, 1865. 286. Levying sundry taxes for 1866. ( 12 mills. ) Approved Dec. 23, 1865. 287. To establish certain grades on macadamized road. Approved December 23, 1865. Amended by Ordinance No. 304. 288. Appropriating $1,200 for title, in fee, to Block No. 132. Approved December 23, 1865. 289. I'o regulate the height and slope of sidewalks. Approved December 23, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 337. 290. Appropriation — Repairs to improved streets. Approved December 30, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 297. 291. To amend Ordinance No. 267. Approved December 30, 1865. Repealed by Ordinance No. 297. 29^. Authorizing the purchase of furniture. Approved Jan. 27, 1866. 293. Appropriations for current expenses, 1866. .Approved Jan. 31, 1866. 294. To repeal ()rdinance No. 267. .Approved Kebruary i, 1866. 295. 'bo repeal Ordinance No. 273. .Approved Feliruary i, 1866. 296. To repeal Ordinance No. 274. .Approved February 1, 1866. 297. To repeal Ordinance No. 291. .Approved February i, 1866. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 393 Number. 298. Appropriation to pay borrowed money. Approved Fel). 22, 1866, 299. Appropriation — Wasliington Street Fund. Approved ?"eb. 15, 1866. 300. Authorizing a contract with II. L. Pittock — advertising. Approved February 22, 1866. 301. Authorizing a contract for cistern top. — ^(Third and d'aylor.) Approved February 22, 1866. 302. To provide for cleaning streets. Approved February 22, 1866. Repealed by Ordinance No. 936. 303. To authorize a contract for improvement of the Public Square. Approved February 22, 1866. ^04. To change certain grades on macadamized road. Approved March 8,1866. (See Table.) 305. Appropriation — acknowledging tax deeds. Approved March 8, 1866. 306. Appropriation — “ Willamette River Fund.” Approved March 8, 1866. 307. To provide for improving First street — Vine to Madison. (Nicholson pavement.) Approved March 15, 1866. 308. Assessment — improvement of First street as per Ordinance No. 307. Approved March 15, 1866. 309. Authorizing contracts for work on P'irst street, as per Ordinance No. 307. Approved March 15, 1866. 310. To provide for the location of shade and ornamental trees. Approved March 23, 1866. 31 1. Authorizing contracts for lamp posts, &c. Approved March 23, 1866. 312. To amend Ordinance No. 170. Approved March 29, 1866. Repealed by Ordinance No. 984. 313. To prevent and remove obstructions to sidewalks. Approved March 29, 1866. 314. Authorizing contracts for the improvement of the Parks south of Sal- mon street. Approved March 29, 1866. 315. Appropriation — Madison Street Fund. Approved March 29, 1866. 316. Appropriation — Front street Fund. In force by operation of Sec. 45, of the Charter, April 7, 1866. 317. Canceling part of appropriation. Fourth Street Fund — Morrison to Harrison. In force by operation Sec. 45 of the Charter, April 7, 1866. 318. Authorizing contracts for mudsills and iron traps to cisterns in First street. Approved April 19, 1866. 319. Appropriation — erection of four hydrants. Approved April 19, 1866. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 394 Number. 320. Authorizing contracts for hydrants. Approved April 19, 1866. 321. To prevent and punish trespass on tlie Public Square and other public property. Approved April 19, 1866. 322. Authorizing the Chief Engineer to act as Fire Warden. Approved April 26, 1866. Amended by Ordinance No. 818. 323. Authorizing contracts for water cisterns — North Front and B — Third and Montgomery — Seventh and Morrison. Approved April 26, 1866. 324. To provide for improving the navigation of the Willamette river. Approved May i, 1866. Repealed by Ordinance No. 332. 325. To amend Ordinance No. 224. In force by Sec. 45 of Charter, April 28, 1866. Repealed by Ordinance No. 436. 326. Authorizing contracts for repairs to Engine House, No, 2. Approved May 5, 1866. 327. Providing for the improvement of Front street — -Pine to C. (Nich- olson. Approved May 5, 1866. 328. Assessment — Front street — Pine street to C. Approved May 5, 1866. 329. Authorizing contract for work on Front street— Pine to C. Approved May 5, 1866. 330. Authorizing a loan ( $20,000) for improving the navigation of the Willamette river. Approved May 8, 1866. Amended by Ordi- nance No. 342. (Bonus paid May i, 1871. ) 331. Appropriation — “Willamette River Fund.” Approved May 8, 1866. Amended by Ordinance No. 354. 332. To provide for the construction and use of apparatus for improving the navigation of the Willamette river. Approved May 8, 1866. 333. Declaring surplus of assessment made by Ordinance No. 259 — Wash- ington street. Approved May 10, 1866. 334. To amend Ordinance No. 170. In force as per section 45 of Charter, May 13, 1866. Amended by Ordinance No. 361. Repealed by Ordinance No. 387. 335. Authorizing a contract for water to cisterns and public buildings — ($600 per annum.) Approved May 16, 1866. 336. Authorizing the construction of sidewalks in front of engine house No. 2. Approved May 17, 1866. 337. Regulating the height and slope of sidewalks. Approved May 17, 1866. Repealed by Ordinance No. 515. 338. To change certain grades — (see table.) Approved May 25, 1866. Appropriation — First Street fund. Approved May 25, 1866. 339 - CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 395 Number. 340. To amend Ordinance No. 308. Approved May 25, 1866. 341. Establishing A Street and fixing its boundaries. In force by section 45 of the Charter, June 2, 1866. 342. To amend Ordinance No. 330. Approved May 31, 1866. 343. Adopting Surveyor’s Report — extension of North Ninth and North 'Fenth Street. Approved May 30, 1866. 344. Fixing the names of streets in Couch’s Addition. Approved June 22, 1866. 345. Changing the grades at Seventh and Morrison Streets. Approved June 22, 1866. (See table.) 346. Appropriation — Madison Street Fund. Approved June 29, 1866. 347. Appropriation — additional for hydrants. Approved June 29, 1866. 348. Appropriation — election. Approved June 29, 1866. 349. Appropriating $13,000 — h'ront and North Front Street improvement. Approved July 20, 1866. 350. Declaring surplus of assessments made by Ordinance No. 280. Ap- proved July 27, 1866. 351. Appropriation — Salutes — 4th of July. Approved July 27, 1866. 352. Appropriation — Front and North Front Street. Approved August 9, 1886. 353. Appropriation — Recorder’s Court Fund. Approved August 16, 1866. 354. To amend Ordinance No. 331. Approved August 16, 1866. 355. To authorize the lease of rooms from Blumauer & Rosenblatt. Ap- proved September i, 1866. 356. Authorizing contracts for repairs to improved streets. Approved September i, 1866. 357. Appropriations — additional for ci.sterns. Approved Sept, i, 1866. 358. Declaring surplus of assessments — First Street. Approved Septem- ber 2, 1866. 359. Authorizing the sale of apparatus formerly in use by “Vigilance Hook and Ladder Company No. i.” Approved .Sept. 6, 1866. 360. Appropriation — extra work — First Street. In force as per Section 45 of Charter, September 8, 1866. 361. To amend Ordinance No. 334. Approved September 20, 1866. Repealed by Ordinance No. 367. 362. To improve B Street — North Front to North Fifth — (broken stone.) Approved September 20, 1866. Amended by Ordinance No. 385. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 396 Number. 363. Assessment for improving B street. Approved September 20, 1866. 364. Authorizing contract for w ork on B Street. Approved Sept. 20, 1866. 365. Authorizing contract for 500 feet leading hose. Approved October I, 1866. 366. Appropriation — Harbaugh & Stitzel — Fire. Passed Sept. 26, 1866. 367. Authorizing contract for furniture. Approved Oct. 4, 1866. 368. Appropriation — for fitting up a room. Approved October 4, 1866. 369. To amend Ordinance No. 367. Approved October 27, 1866. 370. To amend Ordinance No. 386. Approved October 27, 1866. 371. Appropriations — to supply deficiencies in current expenses. Ap- proved October 27, 1866. 372. Appropriation — -for two fire hydrants. Approved November 2, 1866. 373. Appropriation — Front and North Front Streets. Approved Novem- ber 2, 1866. 374. Assessment — Front Street — Madison to Columbia. Approved No- vember 7, 1866. 375. To improve Front Street — Madison to Columbia. Approved Novem- ber 7, 1866. 376. Authorizing contracts for improving Front Street. Approved No- vember 7, 1866. Repealed by Ordinance No. 383. 377. d'o amend Ordinance No. 375. Approved November 12, i866. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 382. 378. Appropriation— Record’s Court Fund. Approved Nov. 13, 1866. 379. Appropriation — Hose Carriage for use of Engine Company No. i. Approved November 12, 1866. 380. Appropriation — B Street Fund. Approved November 12, 1866. 381. Declaring surplus of assessments — B Street. Approved Nov. 13, 1866. 382. To amend Ordinance No. 385. Approved November 20, 1866. 383. Authorizing contracts for improving Front Street as per Ordinance No. 375. Approved November 24, 1866. 384. Authorizing the repairs of improved streets. Approved Dec. 3, 1866. 385. Supplementary to Ordinance No. 362. Approved December 3, 1866. 386. Appropriation — Council room. Approved December 8, 1866. 387. To repeal Ordinance No. 335, and to regulate certain places of amuse- ment. Approved December 8, 1866. Amended by Ordinance No. 918. (See Ordinance No. 1072.) CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 397 Number. 388. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of Washington street. Ap- proved December 21, 1866. 389. Appropriation — Committee room. Approved December 21, 1866. 390. Appropriation — deficiency — Plaza improvement. Approved Decem- 21, 1866. 391. For relief of W, B. Clark. Approved December 21, 1866. 392. To improve the streets around Block 132. Approved Jan. 24, 1867. 393. To amend Ordinance No. 170. Approved January 25, 1867. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 984. 394. Appro[)riation — Repairs to Front street. Approved Feb. 2, 1867. 395. To amend Ordinance No. 170. Approved February 16, 1867. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 984. 396. Authorizing a contract for street lamps, .\pproved Feb. 16, 1867. 397. Levying taxes for 1867 (4j^ mills). .Approved March 9, 1867. 398. To amend Ordinance No. 359. Approved March 20, 1867. 399. Appropriation — General Fund— Current expenses for fiscal year com- mencing January 1st, 1867. Passed over the Mayor’s veto March 15, 1867. 400. Establishing certain grades in Couch’s Addition. Approved March 18, 1867. (See Table. ) 401. Authorizing a contract with the “Herald Publishing Association” for City printing. Approved March 27, 1867. 402. Appropriation — Front street, between Madison and Columbia. Ap- proved March 27, 1867. 403. Appropriation — Willamette River Fund. Approved March 27, 1867. Partially repealed by Ordinance No. 461. 404. Authorizing the purchase of a steam fire engine for use of Protection Engine Company No. 4. Approved March 27, 1867. 405. Appropriation — Expenses under provisions of Ordinance No. 123. Approved March 27, 1867. 406. Declaring surplus of assessment for B street. Approved April 4, 1867. 407. Fixing the compensation of the City Marshal. Passed over the Mayor’s veto April 10, 1867. Repealed by Ordinance No. 890. 408. Establishing a day and night police, and fixing their pay. Passed over the Mayor’s veto April 10, 1867. Repealed by Ordinance No. 852. 409. Appropriation — General Fund. Approved April 26, 1867. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 398 Number. 410. To provide for opening A street adjacent to Block 42. Approved May 3, 1867. 41 1. To cancel a street assessment otherwise provided for. Approved May 23, 1867. 412. To change a grade at Fourth and Ash streets. Approved May 30^ 1867. (See Table.) 413. Appropriation — General Fund — Celebration of July 4th. Approved June 6, 1867. 414. To cancel a portion of appropriation made by Ordinance No. 299. Approved June 29, 1867^. 415. Appropriation — Funeral obsequies of the late Mayor J. Holmes). Approved August 2, 1867. 416. Assessment for improvement of Second street — A to Madison. Ap- proved August 9, 1867. 417. To provide for improving Second street — A to Madison (planking). Approved August 9, 1867. Amended by Ordinance No. 418. 418. To amend Ordinance No. 417. Approved August 16, 1867. 419. To prevent persons improperly retaining books, papers, etc., belong- ing to the city. Approved August 16, 1867. 420. To provide for improving Alder street — Front to Seventh (broken stone to Fourth; grade remainder). Approved August 23, 1867. 421. To provide for improving Fourth street — A to Harrison (grade). Approved August 23, 1867. 422. Authorizing contracts for work on Fourth street. Approved August 30, 1867. 423. To authorize the construction of two fire cisterns — Seventh and Washington; First and Mill. Approved August 30, 1867. 424. To provide for improving Seventh street — Madison to Harrison (grade). Approved September 13, 1867. 425. To provide for improving First street — Madison to Harrison. Ap- proved September 13, 1867. 426. Appropriation — (^7,000,) Second Street Fund — A to Madison. Ap- proved September 13, 1867. 427. Assessment for improvement of Alder Street, as per Ordinance No. 420. Approved September 13, 1867. 428. To amend Ordinance No. 30. Approved September 30, 1867. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 434. 429. Appropriation — General Fund to Recorder’s Court Fund. Approved September 13, 1867. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 399 Number. 430. Appropriation — Alder Street Fund. Approved September 20, 1867. 431. Appropriation for the relief of C. Lamar. Approved .Sept. 20, 1867. 432. Assessment for improving Fourth Street — A to Harrison. Approved September 28, 1867. 433. To provide for a sewer — Hall and Front Street. Approved Septem- ber 28, 1867. 434. To establish a Ferry Landing at foot of .Stark Street. Approved Sep- tember 28, 1867. 435«. Appropriation — Fourth Street h'und. Approved October 4, 1867. 435<^. Assessment for improving Second Street — Madison to Harrison. Ap- proved October 9, 1867. 436('?. Fixing salary of Street Commissioner. Approved October 9, 1867. Amended by Ordinance No. 881. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1106. 436^^. Appropriation — Second Street Fund — Madison to Harrison. Ap- proved October ii, 1867. 437^i. Fixing the compensation of the Recorder. Approved Oct. 9, 1867. Repealed by Ordinance No. 586. 437/^ Assessment for improving First Street — Madison to Harrison. Ap- proved October ii, 1867. 438. Appropriation — First Street Fund. Approved October ii, 1867. 439. To establish the grade of Columbia and Water Streets. Approved October II, 1867. See table.) 440. To provide for improving Oak .Street — Front to Second, (Plank.) Approved October 24, 1867. 441. To provide for improving Third Street — A to Harrison. (Grade.) Approved October 24, 1867. 442. Appropriations to supply deficiencies. Approved October 24, 1867. 443. To provide for improving Salmon Street — First to East Park. (Grade.) Approved October 24, 1867. 444. Defining the duties and fixing the pay of the City Surveyor. Ap- proved f)ctober 25, 1867. Repealed by Ordinance No. 697. 445. To amend Ordinance No. 228. Approved November 8, 1867. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 475. 446. Changing grade — Front and Harrison. Approved November 8, 1867. (See table.) 447. Assessment — sewer — Front near Hall street, to property benefited. Approved November 8, 1867. 448. Appropriation — Front .Street Sewer. Approved November 22, i 867. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 400 Number. 449. Assessment — Oak Street, as per Ordinance No. 440. Approved No- vember 22, 1867. 450. Appropriation — Seventh Street Fund — A to Madison. Approved November 22, 1867. 451. Appropriation — Willamette River Fund. Approved Nov. 22, 1867. 452. Loan from General Fund to Willamette River Fund. Approved November 22, 1867, 453. Appropriation — Oak Street Fund. Approved November 29, 1867. 454. To improve Stark Street — Front to Second. Approved Dec. 6, 1867. 455. Appropriation--relief of Mrs. Annie O’Connor. Approved Decem- ber 6, 1867. 456. Appropriation— purchase of a safe. Approved December 14, 1867. 457. Appropriation— Third Street Fund. Approved December 20, 1867. 458. Appropriation for Hose Cart No. 4. Approved December 20, 1867. 459. Assessment— Third Street, as per Ordinance No. 441. Appropriation December 20, 1867. 460. Authorizing the sale of Hand Engines---(Nos. 2 and 4.) Approved January 10, 1868, 461. Authorizing the purchase of the Steam Fire Engine belonging to En- gine Co. No. 2. ($4,600.) Approved January 10, 1868. 462. Appropriations---deficiencies for 1867. Approved January 10, 1868. 463. Appropriations---General Fund---ordinary expenses for 1868. Ap- proved January 10, 1868. 464. Changing a grade — North Fifth to E. Approved January 24, 1868. (See table.) 465. Appropriation — removing safe. Approved January 30, 1868. 466. Levying general tax ( 4 j 4 mills). Approved February 6, 1868. 467. Levying Special tax ( 3 ^ mill) — Willamette river. Approved Feb- ruary 6, 1868. 468. To provide for the payment of the interest for twenty years on $250,- 000, Bonds of the Oregon Central Railroad Co. — (west side.) Approved February 6, 1868. Declared void by the United States District Court. 469. Levying a special tax ( 2 J^ mills) to carry out the provisions of Or- dinance No. 468. Approved February 13, 1868. 470. To amend Ordinance No. 168. ^Approved February 13, 1868. Super- seded by Ordinance No. 78;. 471. Declaring surplus of assessment made by Ordinance No. 416, Ap- proved February 13, 1868. C' 1 1 RU N ( J LO ( j I C A L I X 1 ) K X . 401 N umber. 472. Extending the time h>r improving 'I'hird street. Api)rovecI h ebiuary 21, 1868. 473. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of Morrison street. Approv- ed Felrruary 21, 1868. 474. Adopting Surveyor’s i-eport — extension of Alder street. Approved February 21, 1868. 475. Concerning offenses and disorderly conduct. Approved March 6, 1868. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 907 and 1080. 476. Appropriations--\Viliamette River Fund, .\pjrroved April 3, 1868. 477. To provide for improving B Street from Xorth Fifth to West Side Block 195. (Plank.) Approved April 3, 1868. Amended by Ordinance No. 486. 47.8. Adjusting cost of imi)roving First Street from Madison to Harrison. Approved April 3, 1868. 479. Adjusting cost of improving Second Street from Madison to Harrison. Approved April 3, 1868. 480. To provide for repairs to P'ront Street. Approved Aj)ril 3, 1868. 481. To provide for repairs to Washington Street. Approved April 3, 1868. 482. To provide for repairs to B Street. Approved April 3, 1868. 483. To ])rovide for repairs to Madison Street. Approved April 3, 1868. 484. Authorizing the purchase of 1,000 feet of leading hose. Approved April 10, 1868. 485. Authorizing a contract for City printing. (Herald.). Approved April 10, 1868. 486. To amend Ordinance No. 477. Approved April 16. 1871. 487. Adopting Surveyor’s report on extension of X^orth Eighth Street. Ap- proved April 16, 1868. 488. Adopting Surveyor’s Report on extension of North X’^inth Street. Ap- proved April 16, 1868. 489. Adopting Surveyor’s report on extension of X^orth Tenth Street. Ap- proved April 16, 1868. 490. Authorizing contract for lighting the street lamps. Approved April! 16, 1868. 491. To amend Ordinance No. 221. Approved April 16, 1868. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1081. 492. Authorizing the construction of two Fire Cisterns, ( Fifth and Oak, B and North Seventh). Approved April 24, 186S. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 402 Number. 493. Declaring that the repairs ordered by Ordinances Nos. 480, 481,482 and 483 shall be at the expense of the property adjacent. Ap- proved April 24, 1868. 494. Adopting the report of the Surveyor on extension of Salmon Street. Approved April 24, i868- 495. Appropriation, judgment in favor of J. S. Giltner. Approved April 24, 1868. 496. Changing grades on Fourth Street. In force as per Section 45 of Charter, May 18, 1868. (See table.) 497. Assessment--K Street, as per Ordinances Nos. 477 and 486. Ap- proved May 15, 1868. 498. Assessment for repairs on Washington Street. Approved May 15, 1868. 499. Assessment, Madison Street repairs. Approved May 29, 1868. 500. Appropriation, Madison Street repairs. Approved May 29, 1868. 501. Appropriation, B Street Fund. Approved May 29, 1868. 502. In relation to awnings and awning posts. Approved May 29, 1868. 503. Appropriation — Third Street Fund. Approved June 24, 1868. 504. Appropriation — Front Street repairs. Approved June 24, 1868. 505. To provide for improving Fourth Street from Harrison to Sherman. Approved June 24, 1868. 506. To amend Ordinance No. 497. Approved June 24, 1868. 507. Grades on Fifth street. Appi'oved June 24, 1868. (See table.) 508. Appropriation — Special Deputy Marshal — election days. Approved June 27, i868. 509. Appropriation — Viewing street extensions. Approved July 8, 1868. 510. To provide for improving Alder street from Front to First; Nichol- son. Approved July 8, 1868. 51 1. Assessment, Fourth street, as per Oi'dinance No. 505. Approved July 8, 1868. 512. Appropriation — celebration 4th of July. Approved July 8, 1868. 513. To alter grades, I) and E streets. Approved July 8, 1868. (See Table. ) 514. To provide for improving Seventh street from Washington to Clay ; grade. Approved July 8, 1868. 515. In relation to the construction of sidewalks and crosswalks. Ap- proved July 8, 1868. Repealed by ordinance No. 793. 516. Appropriation to the Recorder’s Court Fund. Approved July 8, 1868. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 403 Number. 517. Appropriation--General Fund. Approved July 10, 1868. 518. Appropriation — Fourth Street Fund. Approved July 28, 1868. 519. d'o provide for improving Jefferson street from Front to 'lAvelfth ; grad- ing. Approved July 28, 1868. 520. 'To provide for improving Market street from Front to Fcjurth ; grad- ing. Approved July 28, 1868. 521. Appropriation — Willamette River P'und. Approved August 3, 1868. 522. Assessment — Alder street, as per Ordinance No. 510. Approved August 3, 1868. 523. Assessment — Front street repairs. Approved August 3, 1868. 524. Appropriation — Alder Street Fund. Approved August 14, 1868. 525. Providing for interest on certain warrants. Approved August 14, 1868. 526. To amend Ordinance No. 241. Approved August 21, 1868. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 919. 527. To provide for improving Mill street from P'ront to Fourth ; grade. Approved August 21, 1868. 528. To provide for improving Harrison street from Front to Fourth ; grade. Approved August 21, 1868. 529. To provide for improving Ash street from P'ront to P'ourth; plank. Approved August 21, 1868. 530. To provide for improving North P'ourth street from A to E ; grade. Approved August 26, 1868. 531. To provide for improving E .street from North PTont to North West Park; grade. Approved August 26, 1868. 532. To provide for improving North Fifth street from A to E ; grade. Approved August 26, 1868. 533. To provide for improving D street from North P'ront to North Elev- enth ; grade. Approved August 26, 1868. 534. To provide for improving North Sixth street from A to P' ; grade. Approved August 26, 1868. 535. To provide for improving Clay street from P'ront to P'ourth ; grade.. Approved August 26, 1868. 536. To provide for improving North First street from A to E ; grade.. Approved August 26, 1868. 537. Assessment — Seventh street, as per Ordinance No. 514. Approved August 27, 1868. 538. Deficit of assessment — Washington street repairs. Approved August 27, 1868. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 404 Number. 539. Appropriation — Washington street repairs. Approved August 27 1868. 540. 'Fo provide for improving Madison street from Sixth to East Park ; broken stone. Approved August 27, 1868. 541. To amend Ordinance No. 529. Approved August 27, 1868. 542. Appropriation — General Eund deficiencies. Approved August 31, 1868. 543. To alter the grade at Eifth and Montgomery streets. Approved Sep- tember 8, 1868. (See table.) 544. To provide for improving Morrison street from Second to Seventh ; grade. Approved September 8, 1868. 545. To provide for improving Pine street from First to Sixth; plank. Ap- proved September 8, 1868. 546. lo provide for improving Fifth street from A to College; grade. Ap- proved September 8, 1868. 547. Assessment — Harrison street, as per Ordinance No. 528. Approved September 26, 1868. 548. Appi'opriation — Harrison Street Fund. Approved September 26, 1868. 549. Assessment — Market street, as per Ordinance No. 519. Approved September 26, 1868. 550. Appropriation — Market Street Eund. Approved September 26, 1868. 551. Assessment — Mill street, as per Ordinance No. 527. Approved Sep- tember 26, 1868. 552. Appropriation — Mill Street F'und. Approved September 26, 1868. 553. To establish grades on Jefferson street from Eighth to Twelfth. Ap- proved September 26, 1868. (See table.) 554. To provide for improving Sixth street from Pine to Clay; grade. Ap- proved September 26, 1868. 555. To provide for improving Taylor street from First to Seventh ; grade. Approved September 26, 1868. 556. Appropriation — Seventh Street Fund. Approved September 26, 1868. 557. Assessment — North Fourth street, A to E. Approved October i, 1868. 558. Appropriation — North Fourth Street Fund. Approved October i, 1868. 559. Appropriation — General Fund deficiencies. Approved October 10,1868. 560. Assessment — North F'ifth, A to E. Approved October 10, 1868. 561. Appropriation — North Fifth Street Fund. Approved October 10, 1868. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 405 Number. 562. Assessment — D street, as per Ordinance No. 532. Approved October 10, 1868. 563. Appropriation — D Street Fund. Approved October 10, 1868. 564. Assessment — North Sixth street, A to hb x\pproved October 10, 1868. 565. Appropriation — North Sixth Street Fund. Approved October 10, 1868. 566. To amend Ordinance No. 520. Approved October 20, 1868. 567. 'bo provide for improving Yamhill street from Second to Seventh ; grade. Approved October lo, 1868. 568. Granting J. B. Stephens and Walter Moffett permission to construct a wharf, and to plank Main street east of Front. Approved Octo- ber 10, 1868. 569. To provide for re-letting contracts for work on B stree October 23, 1868. 570. Assessment — North First street, A to E. Approved October 23, 1868. 571. To establish grades on Columbia street. Approved October 24, 1868. (See table, j 572. Appropriation — North First Street Fund. Approved (October 24, 1868. 573. Assessment — Morrison street, as per Ordinance No. 544. Approved October 24, 1868. 574. Appropriation — Morrison Street Fund. Approved October 24, 1868. 575. Assessment— Clay street, as per Ordinance No. 535. Approved Oc- tober 24, 1868. 576. Appropriation — Clay Street Fund. Approved October 24, 1868. 577. Asse-ssment — Pine street, as per Ordinance No. 545. Approved Oc- tober 24, 1868. 578. To change a grade on Fifth street. Approved October 24, 1868. (See table.) 579. To amend Ordinance No. 142. Approved October 24, 1868. 580. Appropriation — Pine Street Fund. Approved November 7, 1868. 581. Assessment — Sixth street, as per Ordinance No. 554. Approved November 7, 1868. 582. Appropriation — Sixth Street Fund. Approved November 7, i868. 583. Assessment — Fifth street, as per Ordinance No. 546. Approved No- vember 7, 1868. 584. Appropriation — P'ifth Street Fund. Approved November 7, 1868. 585. Number dropped. 586. To repeal Ordinance No. 437. Approved November 7, 1868. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 406 M umber. 587. To provide for improving North Front street from B to F ; grading. Approved November 12, 1868. 588. Authorizing contract for erection of lamp-posts and repairs. Ap- proved November 12, 1868. 589. To amend Ordinance No. 531. Approved November 12, 1868. 590. Assessment — Jefferson street from Front to East Park. Approved November 28, 1868. 591. Appropriation — Jefferson Street Fund. Approved November 28, 1868. 592. Appropriations — General Fund deficiencies. Approved November 28, 1868. 593. To provide for working city prisoners. Approved December 4, 1868. 594. Appropriation — General Fund — Fire Department. Approved De- cember 4, 1868. 595. Appropriation — General Fund — Streets. Approved December ii, 1868. 596. Declaring a contract for work on North First street void, and provid- ing for re-letting the work. Approved December 14, 1868. 597. Deficit of assessment — Third street. Approved December 23, 1868. 598. Adjusting the cost of improving Harrison street. Approved Septem- ber 26, 1868. 599. Authorizing the Oregon Central Railroad Company to lay a railway track along Fourth street. Approved January ii, 1869. 600. Appropriation — General h'und— in aid of road connecting with B street. Approved January ii, 1869. 601. Adjusting cost of Pine street improvement. Approved January 16^ 1869. 602. Adjusting cc'St of Market street improvement. Approved January 16,, 1869. 603. Adjusting cost of improving Fourth Street, from Harrison to Sher- man. Approved January 25, 1869. 604. In relation to certain lots and lands heretofore sold for city taxes. A['proved January 25, 1869. 605. Adjusting cost of Third Street improvement. Approved January 25, 1869. 606. Providing for building a fence around Block 132, by the Oregon Cen- tral Railroad Company. Approved January 25, 1869. 607. Appropriation — Railroad Fund, for fence, as per Ordinance No. 606. Approved January 25, 1869. CHRONOLOCxICAL INDEX. 407 Nvimber. 608. Appropriation— General Fund, for ordinary expenses of year 1869. Approved February 10, 1869. 609. To levy a lax — General. (.005.) Approved February 10, 1869. 610. To levy a special tax, Willamette River. (.0006.) Approved Feb- ruary 10. 1869. ■6ii. To levy a special tax, street lamps. (.0017.) Approved Feb. 10, 1869. 612. To levy a special tax. Block 172. (.0007.) Approved Feb. 10, 1869. 613. Providing c[uarterly allowances to the several companies belonging to the Fire Department. Approved Fel)ruary 10, 1869. Amended by Ordinance No. 978. Repealed by Ordinance No 1146. 614. Appropriation — Street I. amp Fund. Approved February 15, 1869. 615. Appropriation — special tax for the purcliase of Block 172. Ap- proved February 15, 1869. 616. Adjusting cost of Jefferson Street improvement. Approved Febru- ary 1 5, 1869. 617. To provide for the eoinstruction of aprons on Front Street, from C to Harrison. Approved February 15, 1869. 618. Authorizing the sale of Block 172 to the United States Government. Approved February 26, 1869. 619. Adopting a map made by C. W. Burrage in 1866. Approved Febru- ary 27, 1869. 620. Appropriation — General Fund — expenses of litigation. Approved February 27, 1869. 621. Adjusting cost of Seventh Street improvement. Approved March 5, 1869. 622. To provide against injury to shade trees and shrubbery. Approved March 8, 1869. 623. Appropriation — General Fund — streets. Approved March 8, 1869. 624. Adopting the Surveyor’s Report, extension of North Eleventh Street. Approved March 12, 1869. 625. Adopting the Surveyor’s Report, extension of East Park Street. Ap- proved March 12, 1869. 626. Adopting the Surveyor’s Report, extension of Oak Street. Approved March 12, 1869. 627. Appropriation — Willamette River Fund. Approved March 12, 1869. 628. Adjusting the cost of Morrison Street improvement. Approved March 26, 1869. 629. Adjusting the ofimproving Fifth Street. Approved Mar. 26, 1869. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 408 Number. 630. Declaring deficit of assessment — Fifth Street. Approved March 26, 1869. 631. Declaring deficit of assessment — Alder Street. Approved March 26, 1869. 632. Adjusting the cost of Alder Street improvement. Approved March 26, 1869. 633. Appropriation — General Fund — clerk hire. Approved April 2, 1869, 634. Assessment — Front Street aprons. Approved April 9, 1869. 635. Appropriation — Front Street aprons. Approved April 9, 1869. 636. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Yamhill Street. Approved .April 9, 1869. 637. Adjusting cost of Clay Street improvement. Approved April 9, 1869. 638. To provide for printing the Charter and Ordinances. Approved April 15, 1869. 639. 'I'o provide for improving North Tenth Street, B to F. (Grade.) Ap- proved April 15, 1869. 640. Grade. Sixth and Montgomery. Approved April 28, 1869. (See table.) 641. Deficit of assessment — Front street repairs. Approved April 30, 1869. 642. Authorizing a contract for city printing. (Herald.) Approved May 5, 1869. 643. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Stark street. Approved May 5, 1869. 644. Assessment, Ash street, as per Ordinance No. 529, Approved May 14, 1869. 645. Appropriation — Ash Street Fund. Approved May 14, 1869. 646. To provide for improving Clay street — Fourth to East Park. Ap- proved May 14, 1869. Amended by Ordinance No. 674. 647. Adjusting the cost of repairs on Front Street. Approved May 14, 1869- 648. To provide for laying aprons on First Street, from A to Madison. -Approved May 14, 1869. 649. Adjusting of Sixth -Street improvement. Approved May 20, 1869. 650. To provide for improving C street, from North Front to West Park. ( Plank.) Approved May 21, 1869. 651. To provide for improving D street. North Front to North Eleventh. (Plank.) Approved May 21, 1869. 652. d'o provide for improving Yamhill -Street, First to Seventh. (Plank.) Approved May 21, 1869. (' H RON( ) I .( )C; I ( ' AL I X I )E X . 409 Number. 653. Adopting Viewers’ report and making assessments for extension of Oak Street. Approved May 21, 1869. 654. Adopting Viewers’ report and making assessment for extension of East Park Street. Approved May 21, 1869. 655. Adopting Viewers’ report, extension of North Eleventh .Street. Ap- proved May 21, 1869. 656. To provide for improving Second Street, from Madison to Harrison. (Plank.) Approved May 28, 1869. 657. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Alder Street. Approved June 12, 1869. 658. Adopting .Surveyor’s report, extension of Main .Street. Approved June 12, 1869. 659 Adopting Viewers’ report, extension of Vamhill .Street. Approvetl June 12, 1869. 660. Adopting Viewers’ report, extension of Stark .Street. Approved June 12, 1869. 661. To provide for improving Montgomery Street, from Eront to Sixth. (tirade.) Approved June 12, 1869. Amended by (Jrdinance No. 699. 662. Granting permission to lay water pipes in Jefferson .Street. Approved June 12, 1869. 663. Assessment — First .Street aprons. Approved June 18, 1869. 664. Appropriation — First .Street aprons. Approved June 18, 1869. 665. Appropriation — General Fund — Printing. Approved June 18, 1869. 666. To change certain grades. Approved June 17, 1869. (See table.) 667. Adopting .Surveyor’s report *of extension of Morrison .Street. Ap- proved June 26, 1869. 668. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Market .Street. Approved June 26, 1869. 669. Appropriation — Oak Street extension. Approved June 26, 1869. 670. Appropriation — East I’ark Street extension. Approved June 26,1869., 671. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Jefferson Street. Approved June 30, 1869. 672. Appropriation— General Fund — relief of f. II. Lappeus. Approved June 28, 1869. 673. Creating a building Fund. Approved June 29, 1869. 674. To amend Ordinance No. 646. Approved July 16, 1869. 675. To provide for improving Stark Street, First to Tenth. Approved July i6, 1869. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 410 Number. 676. To provide for improving North Eleventh street, .Stark to B. Ap- proved July 16, 1869. 677. Appropriation — General Pdind — advertising. Approved July 16, 1869. 678. Assessment — Second Street, as per Ordinance No. 656. Approved July 30, 1869. 679. Appropriation — Second Street Fund. Approved July 30, 1869. 680. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of Eleventh street. Approved Inly 30, 1869. 681. To alter certain grades — Second .street. Approved July 30, 1869. 682. Appropriation — General Fund. Special Deputy Marshal. Approved July 30, 1869. 683. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of North Tenth street. Ap- proved July 30, 1869. 684. Adopting Surveyor’s report — ^extension of North Ninth street. Ap- proved July 30, 1869. 685. I'o establish monuments and regulate the survey of certain streets and blocks in Caruthers’ addition. Approved July 30, 1869. 686. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of Washington street. Ap- proved August 9, 1869. 687. To provide for improving North Seventh street from B to D; plank. Approved August 9, 1869. 688. To provide for improving Front street from Morrison to Main ; Nich- olson. Approved August 9, 1869. 689. Assessment — Clay street, as per Ordinance No. 636. Approved August 23, 1869. 690. Appropriation — Clay Street Fund. Approved 23, 1869. 691. To provide for improving Seventh street from Pine to Clay; grade. Approved August 23, 1869. 692. Assessment — C street, as per Ordinance No. 650. Approved August 23, 1869. 693. Appropriation — C Street Fund. Approved August 23, 1869. 694. To provide for improving Salmon street from Fifth to Ninth; plank. Approved August 23, 1869. 695. Adopting viewers’ report — extension of Morrison street. Approved August 23, 1869. 696. Adopting viewers’ report— extension of Main street. Approved Au- gust 23, 1869. 697. Defining the duties and fixing the pay of the City Surveyor. Approved August 23, 1869. CMKONOL(X;iCAL INDEX. 4II Number. 698. To grade Clay and jefTerson streets, adjacent to Park. .Approved August 27, 1869. 699. To amend Ordinance No. 661. Approved August 27, 1869. 700. Adopting viewers’ report — extension of Jefferson street. Approved August 28, 1869. 701. Assessment — Stark Street, as per ( )rdinance No. 75. Approved Au- gust 27, 1869. 702. Appropriation — Stark Street Fund.. Approved August 27, 1869. 703. Assessment — Yamhill street, as per Ordinance No. 652. Ajiproved August 27, 1869. 704. Appropriation — ^Vamhill Street Fund. Approved August 27, 1869. 705. Relating to the duties and compensation of the Recorder. Approved September i, 1869. Office abolished by amendment to Charter October 20, 1870. 706. Appropriation — General Fund; expenses Recorder’s Court. Approved September i, 1869. 707. Authorizing the construction of two tire cisterns — Seventh and Salm- on ; North Ninth and B. Approved September 3, 1869. 708. Appropriation — General Fund ; Surveyor, etc. Approved September 3, 1869. 709. Adopting Viewers’ report — extension of Alder street. Approved September 17, 1869. Amended by Ordinance No. 718. 710. Adopting report of Viewers and making an assessment for extension of North Tenth street. Approved September 17, 1869. 71 1. To provide for improving Taylor street from First to Fourth; plank. .Approved September 17, 1869. 712. To provide for improving Jefferson street from I'hird to Twelfth ; plank. .Approved September 17, 1869. 713. Authorizing the purchase of a piece of ground for city purposes. .Ap- proved September 23, 1869. 714. Assessment — Front street, as per Ordinance No. 688. .Approved September 23, 1869. 715. Appropriation — Front Street Fund. .Approved September 23, 1869.. 716. To provide for improving Front street from Main to Madison; Nich- olson. Approved September 23, 1869. 717. To provide for improving Morrison street from First to d'welfth ; plank. Approved September 23, 1869. 718. To amend Ordinance No. 707. .Approved September 30, 1869. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 41 2 Number. 719. Adopting Viewers’ report — extension of Washington street. Approved September 30, 1869. 720. 'I'o amend Ordinance No. 661. Approved September 30, 1869. 721. To adjust the cost of improving Ash street. Approved September 30, 1869. 722. d'o amend Ordinance No. 170. Approved September 30, 1869. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 984. 723. Assessment —Montgomery street, as per Ordinance No. 661. Approved ( )ctol)er 7, 1869. 724. Appropriation — Montgomery Street Fund. Approved October 7, 1869. 725. Assessment — Front street, as per Ordinance No. 688. Approved October 7, 1869. 726. Appropriation — Front Street Fund. Approved October 7, 1869. 727. Adjusting the cost of improving North Fdrst .street. Approved Oc- tober 7, 1869. 728. To provide for the payment of taxes, licenses, etc., in coin. Ap- proved October 7, 1869. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1117. 729. Assessment — North Eleventh street, as per Ordinance No. 676. Ap- proved October 9, 1869. 730. Appropriation — North Eleventh street. Approved October 9, 1869. 731. To r)rovide for improving the parks between A and G streets. Ap- proved October 9, 1869. 732. Assessment — Seventh street, as per Ordinance No. 691. Approved October 15, 1869. 733. Appropriation — Seventh Street F'und. Approved October 15, 1869. 734. Assessment — Salmon street, as per Ordinance No. 694. Approved October 15, 1869. 735. Appropriation — Salmon Street Fund. Approved October 15, 1869. 736. Appropriation — General Fund : Reception of Hon. W. H. Seward. Approved October 22, 1869. 737. Assessment — Jefferson street, as per Ordinance No. 712. Approved ( )ctober 22, 1869. 738. Appropriation — Jeft'erson Street Fund. Approved October 22, 1869. 739. Adjusting the cost of repairs to Madison street. Approved October 22, 1869. 740. Appropriation — Gene’ al Fund : deficiencies in current expenses. Ap- proved Oclooer 29, 1869. Appropriation — Street Lamp Fund. Approved October 29, 1869, 741 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 413 Number. 742. Assessment — Front street; Main to Madison. Approved October 29, 1869, 743. Appropriation — Front Street Fund. Approved October 29, 1869. 744. Deficit in assessment made by Ordinance No. 725. Approved No- vember 5, 1869. 745. Appropriation — Front Street Fund. .Approved November 5, 1869. 746. Grades of Morrison street. Approved November 5, 1869, (See table . ) 747. To amend Ordinance No. 717. Ap])roved November 19, 1869. 748. To provide for improving Columbia street from Seventli to Eighth ; grade. Approved November 19, 1869. 749. Adjusting the cost of improving Second street. Approved Novemljer 26, 1869. 750. To change grades — Sixth street. Approved November 25, 1869. (See table.) 751. Assessment, Morrison street, as per Ordinance No. 717. Approved December 3, 1869. 752. Appropriation — Morrison Street Fund. Approved December 3, 1869. 753. Assessment — North Seventh street, as per Ordinance No. 687. Ap- proved December 3, 1869. 754. Appropriation — North Seventh Street Fund. Approved December 3, 1869. 755. Assessment — Columbia street, as per Ordinance No. 748. Approved December 10, 1869. 756. Appropriation — Columbia Street Fund. Approved December 10, 1869. 757. To provide for improving Sixth street from Clay to Jackson. Ap- proved December 15, 1869. 758. Adopting viewers’ report, and assessment for extension of North Ninth street. Approved December 16, 1869. 759. Appropriation — General Fund: extension of North Ninth street. Approved January 15, 1870. 760. Authorizing a contract for meteorological observations. Approved January 28, 1870. 761. Appropriation — North Tenth .Street Fund. Approved February 7, 1870. 762. Appropriation — General Fund : current expenses for 1870. Approved February 7, 1870. 763. Levying a tax for ordinary expenses (.0045). Approved February 7, 1870. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 414 Number. 764. Levying a Special Tax; streets. (.001.) Approved Feb. 7, 1870. 765. Levying a Special Tax; No. 4 Engine House. (.0018,) Approved February 7, 1870. 766. Levying a Special Tax; street lamps. (.0024.) Ajjproved Febru- ary 7, 1870. 767. Levying a Special Tax; Willamette River. (.0006.) Approved February 7, 1870. 768. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension North Third street. Approved February 12, 1870. 769. Appropriations; Street Lamp Fund. Approved February 12, 1870. 770. Appropriations; Street Improvement Fund. Approved Feb. 12, 1870. 771. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Feb. 12, 1870. 772. To provide for improving blocks 53 and 54. Approved Feb. 12, 1870. 773. To provide for improving Third and South Third streets, Harrison to Caruthers. (Grade.) Approved February 18, 1870. Amended by Ordinance No. 801. 774. Appropriation; No. 4 Engine House Fund. Approved Feb. 18, 1870. 775. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension East Park street. Approved February 25, 1870. 776. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension Park street. Approved P'ebruary 25, 1870. 777. Appropriation; North Ninth street extension. Approved March 10, 1870. 778. Appropriation; East Park street extension. Approved Mar. 10, 1870. 779. Establishing certain grades; North Tenth to North Twenty-tirst. Approved March ii, 1870. (See table.) 780. do provide for improving Main street. Front to dhvelfth. (Plank.) Approved March ii, 1870. Amended by Ordinance No. 820. 781. To amend Ordinance No. 168. Passed over veto March 16, 1870. 782. dM provide for grading the parks between Salmon and Mill streets. Approved March 25, 1870. 783. To provide for improving North d'enth street, .Stark to D. (Plank.) Approved April 15, 1870. Amended by Ordinance No. 803. 784. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Salmon street. Approved April 22, 1870. d'o estal)lish certain grades. Approved April 22, 1870. (.See table.) d"o establish certain grades; South Front street. Approved April 29, 1870, (See table.) 785. 786. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 415 Number. 787. Appropriation; General Fund; advance assessment. Approved April 29, 1870. 788. To amend Ordinance No. 557. Approved April 29, 1870. 789. To authorize contracts for erection of Engine House No. 4. Ap- proved April 29, 1870. 790. Authorizing a contract for fire works, July 4, 1870. Approved April 29, 1870. 791. Adopting report of .Surveyor, extension of certain streets in Caruthers’ addition. Approved May 2, 1870. 792. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Eighth street. Approved May 2, 1870. 793. In relation to the improvement of streets. Apj)roved May 16, 1870. Amended hy Ordinance No. 980. 794. Amendatory to Ordinance No. 789. Approved May 19, 1870. 795. 'I'o provide for improving h'ront and South Front streets, Harrison to Sherman. (Grade.) Approved May 19, 1870. Amended by Ordinance No. 827. 796. Adopting Viewers’ report, extension of Salmon street. Approved May 19, 1870. 797. To change certain grades, Alder street. Approved May 19, 1870. (See table. ) 798. To amend Ordinance No. 232. Approved May 19, 1870. 799. d'o establish certain grades. Main street. Approved May 27, 1870. (See table.) 800. To provide for improving Morrison street. First to Second, (Nichol- son.) Appi'oved May 27, 1870. 801. To amend Ordinance No. 773. Approved May 27, 1870. 802. Authorizing contract for lighting the street lamps. Approved June 3, 1870. 803. To amend Ordinance No. 783. Approved June 3, 1870. 804. Authorizing contract for party wall. Engine House No. 4. Approved June 3, 1870. 805. To provide for improving North First street, A to E. (Plank.) Ap- proved June 10, 1870. 806. To provide for improving Third and North Third streets, Columbia to G. (Plank.) Approved June 10, 1870. 807. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Taylor street. Approved June 17, 1870. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 416 Number. 808. To establish a grade on P street. i\pproved June 17, 1870. (See table. ) 809. Appropriation, .Special Deputy Marshals, election days. Approved June 17, 1870. 810. To authorize the erection of a bridge across the Willamette river. Approved June 17, 1870. 81 1. To establish certain grades, Salmon -street. Approved June 24, 1870. ( See table. ) 812. To provide for improving E street. North Front to North Tenth. (Grade.) Approved June 24, 1870. 813. Appropriation, General Fund. Pound. Approved June 24, 1870. 814. To provide for improving Salmon street. First to Twelfth. (Plank.) Approved June 30, 1870. 815^'. To establish certain grades. Eighth street. Approved July 8, 1870. (See table. ) 815^. Assessment, North Tenth street, as per Ordinance No. 783. Ap- proved July 15, 1870. 816. Appropriation, North Tenth Street Fund. Approved July 15, 1870. 817. To provide for improving G street. North Front to North Tenth. (Grade.) Approved July 15, 1870. Amended by Ordinances Nos. 904 and loi 2. 818. To amend Ordinance No. 382. Approved July 20, 1870. 819. Appropriation, General Fund — -Remission taxes. Approved July 22, 1870. 820. To amend Ordinance No. 780. Approved July 22, 1870. 821. To provide for improving Oak street. Second to East Park. (Plank.) Approved July 22, 1870. 822. Concerning bathing in the Willamette river. Approved July 22, 1870. 823. Regulating the letting of contracts for street work. Approved July 22, 1870. 824. Appropriation, General Fund— Bell for Vigilance Hook and Ladder Co. No. I. Approved July 22, 1870. 825. To change certain grades, Alder street, .\pproved July 29, 1870. ( See table.) 826. Amendatory to Ordinance No. 788. Approved July 29, 1870. 827. 'I'o amend Ordinance No. 795. Approved July 29, 1870. 828. To amend Ordinance No. 801. Approved July 29, 1870. Amended by Ordinance No. 868. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 417 Number. 829. Appropriation for relief of F. Dalton. Approved July 29, 1870. 830. To pay for bell for use of Vigilance Hook and Ladder Company No. I. Approved July 29, 1870. 831. Authorizing a contract for city printing (Oregonian). Approved July 29, 1870. 832. Assessment — North First street, as per Ordinance No. 805. Approved August 5, 1870. 833. Appropriation, North First Street Fund. Approved August 5, 1870. 834. To provide for improving Eighth street from Jefferson to Stark ; grade. Approved August 5, 1870. Amended by Ordinance No. 869. 835. To provide for improving Idncoln street from South Front to South Fourth; grade. Approved August ii, 1870. 836. To provide for improving Harrison street from Fifth to Eighth ; grade. Approved August ii, 1870. 837. Appropriation, General Fund — contested election. Approved August II, 1870. 838. To provide for improving College street from Third to Seventh ; grade. Approved August 18, 1870. Amended by Ordinance No. 863. 839. Assessment — Main street, as per Ordinance No. 780. Approved Au- gust 26, 1870. 840. Appropriation, Main Street Fund. Approved August 26, 1870. 841. Assessment — Morrison street, as per Ordinance No. 800. Approved September i, 1870. 842. Appropriation, Morrison Street Fund. Approved September i, 1870. 843. Assessment — Salmon street, as per Ordinance No. 814. Approved September i, 1870. 844. Appropriation, Salmon Street Fund. Approved September i, 1870. 845. Appropriation, General Fund — Special Deputy Marshals. Approved .September 2, 1870. 846. Assessment; Third and North Third streets, as per Ordinance No. 806. Approved September 6, 1870. 847. Appropriation; Third and North Third Street Fund. Approved September 6, 1870. 848. Authorizing the sale of Hand Engine No. 2. Approved Sept. 10, 1870. 849. Authorizing the purchase of 1,000 feet of leather hose. Approved September 10, 1870. 850. Authorizing a contract for a party wall, etc. Approved September 10, 1870. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 418 Number, 851. Fixing the salary of the Secretary of the Portland Fire Department. Approved September 10, 1870, 852. Establishing a day and night Police. Approved September 12, 1870. Repealed by Ordinance No. 891. 853. Fixing the compensation of Deputy Marshal. Approved September 10, 1870. Repealed by Ordinance No. 892. 854. Assessment; E street, as per Ordinance No. 812. Approved Septem- ber 14, 1870. 855. Appropriation; E Street Fund. Approved September 14, 1870. 856. Assessment; Front and South Front street, as per Ordinance No. 795. Approved September 14, 1870. 857. Appropriation; Front and South Front .Street Fund. Approved Sep- tember 14, 1870. 858. Assessment; Third and South 'fhird Street, as per Ordinance No. 773. Apppoved September 14, 1870. 859. Appropriation; Third and South Third Street Fund. Approved Sep- tember 14, 1870. 860. Appropriation; General Fund; public grounds. Approved Septem- ber 15, 1870. 861. To provide for quieting the titles to certain portions of public prop- erty in the Chapman tract. Approved September 22, 1870. 862. Appropriation; General Fund; to quiet titles. Approved September 22, 1870. 863. To amend Ordinance No. 838. Approved September 24, 1870. 864. To provide for improving Taylor street. First to Fourth. (Plank.) Approved September 24, 1870. Amended by Ordinance No. 882. 865. Adopting Surveyor’s report, e.xtension of North Sixth street. Ap- proved September 24, 1870. Repealed by Ordinance No. 926. 866. Assessment; Oak street, as per Ordinance No. 821. Approved Octo- ber 3, 1870. 867. Appropriation; Oak Street Fund. Approved October 3, 1870. 868. To amend Ordinance No. 828. Approved October 3, 1870. 869. To amend Ordinance No. 834. Approved October 3, 1870. 870. Adopting the Viewers’ report; opening and extension of certain streets in Caruthers’ Addition. Approved October 3, 1870. 871. To change a grade; First and Hall. Approved October 25, 1870. (See table. ) To provide for improving First and South First streets, Madison to Lincoln. (Plank.) Approved October 25, 1870. 872. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 419 Number. 873. To provide for improving vSeventh street, Clay to Caruthers’ Line. (Grade.) Approved October 25, 1870. 874. To change the grade of North Tenth street. Approved October 25, 1870. (See table.) 875. Appropriation; General Fund; special Deputy Marshals, Approved October 25, 1870. 876. Appropriation; No. 4 Engine House Fund. Approved Oct. 25, 1870. 877. Assessment; Sixth street, as per Ordinance No. 757. Approved Oc- tober 25, 1870. 878. Appropriation; Sixth Street Fund. Approved October 25, 1870. 879. Assessment; College street, as per Ordinance No. 838. Approved October 25, 1870. 880. Appropriation; College Street Fund. Approved October 25, 1870. 881. To amend Ordinance No. 436. Approved October 25, 1870. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1106. 882. To amend Ordinance No. 864. Approved October 28, 1870. 883. Assessment; Lincoln street, as per Ordinance No. 835. Approved October 28, 1870. 884. Appropriation; Lincoln street. Approved October 28, 1870. 885. Assessment; Harrison street, as per Ordinance No. 836, Approved October 28, 1870. 886. Appropriation — Harrison Street Fund. Approved October 28, 1870. 887. Loan from General Fund to No 4 Engine House Fund. Approved October 28, 1870. 888. Appropriation, General Fund — Reception Gen. W. T. Sherman. Ap- proved October 28, 1870. 889. Appropriation, General Fund — Deficiencies. Approved October 28, 1870. 890. To repeal Ordinance No. 407. Approved November 4, 1870. 891. To repeal Ordinance No. 852. Approved November 4, 1870. 892. To repeal Ordinance No. 853. Approved November 4, 1870. 893. Authorizing a lease of rooms in Corbett’s building. Approved No- vember II, 1870. 894. Authorizing a contract for furniture and fittings for Council Chamber and office. Approved November ii, 1870. 895. To transfer balance of a special fund to the General Fund. Approved November 21, 1870. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 420 Number. 896. Transferring balance Block 172 Fund to General Fund. Approved November 21, 1870. 897. Assessment — Eighth street, as per Ordinance No. 834. Approved November 25, 1870. 898. Appropriation, Eighth Street Fund. Approved November 25, 1870. 899. Relating to the duties of the Police Judge. Approved November 25, 1870. 900. Fixing the salary of the Police Judge. Approved November 25, 1870. 901. Creating the Police Fund. Approved November 25, 1870. 932. Appropriation, General Fund to Police Fund. Approved November 25, 1870. 903. Appropriation, Police Fund. Approved November 25, 1870. 904. To amend Ordinance No. 817, Approved December 2, 1870. 905. Establishing a ferry at F street. Approved December 2, 1870. 906. Providing for a contract for an alarm bell (Odd Fellows’ building). Approved December 2, 1870. 907. Defining vagrancy and providing for its punishment Approved De- cember 2, 1870. 908. Authorizing a contract to arch a cistern. Approved December 9, 1870, 939. A.ssessment — First and South First streets, as per Ordinance No. 872. Approved December 16, 1870. 910. Appropriation, First and South First Streets Fund. Approved De- cember 16, 1870. 91 1. Amendatory to Ordinance 872. Approved December 16, 1870. 912. Requiring a bond of the City Surveyor. Approved December 16, 1870. 913. Assessment — Taylor street, as per Ordinance No. 864. Approved December 24, 1870. 914. Appropriation, Taylor Street Fund. Approved December 24, 1870. 915. Appropriation, General Fund— Police Judge. Approved December 24, 1870. 916. Fixing the salary of the City Attorney from November i, 1870, to July I, 1871. Approved Deceml^er 30, 1870. 917. Authorizing the purchase of grounds for a park. Approved January 6, 1871. 918. To amend Ordinance No. 387. Approved January 20, 1871. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1072. 919. To provide for taxing and killing dogs. Approved January 20, 1871. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 42 I Number. 920. Amendatory to Ordinance No. 810. Approved January 21, 1871. 921. To amend Ordinance No. 142. Approved January 26, 1871. 922. To provide for working the city prisoners. Approved January 27, 1S71. 923. To establish certain grades — Caruthers’ Addition. Approved January 27, 1871. (See table.) 924. Appropriation, General Fund---hose. Approved January 28, 1871. 925. To provide for planting shade trees in Morrison street. Approved February 2, 1871. 926. To repeal Ordinance No. 865. Approved February 10, 1871. 927. Adjusting the cost of improving Third and North Third streets. Ap- proved February 10, 1871. 928. For the prevention and removal of nuisances. Approved February 10, 1871. 929. Appropriation, Police Fund. Approved February 10, 1871. 930. For trees in Fifth street. Approved February 10,1871. 931. To provide for improving South First street from Lincoln to Woods; grade. Approved February 10, 1871. Amended by Ordinance No. 960. 932. Appropriation, Street Lamp Fund; annual. Approved February 17, 1871. 933. Appropriation; General Fund to No. 4 Engine House P'und. Ap- proved February 17, 1871. 934. To prohibit interments within the city limits. Approved P'ebruary 17, 1871. 935. Authorizing the issue of bonds. Approved February 18, 1871. 936. To provide for cleaning streets. Approved February 18, 1871. 937. Appropriations; General Fund. Ordinary expenses for year 1871. Approved February 24, 1871. 938. Appropriations; Willamette River Fund. Payment of bonds, princi- pal and interest. Approved February 24, 1871. 939. Appropriation; Street Improvement Fund. Annual. Approved Feb- ruary 24, 1871. 940. For trees in Alder Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 941. For trees in Salmon Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 942. For trees in Washington Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 943. For trees in Taylor Street. Approved February 27, 1871. For trees in North Fifth Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 944 - CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 422 Number. 945. For trees in Sixth Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 946. For trees in Fourth Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 947. For trees in North Fourth Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 948. For trees in North Third Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 949. For trees in First Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 950. For trees in Second Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 951. For trees in Third Street. Approved February 27, 1871. 952. Levying tax for general purposes. (.005.) Approved March 3, 1871. 953. Levying a special tax; street lamps. (.002.) Approved March 3. 1871- 954. Levying a special tax; street improvement. (.00075.) Approved March 3, 1871. 955. Levying a special tax. Interest on bonds. (.00075.) Approved March 3, 1871. 956. Adjusting the cost of improving Jefferson street. Approved March 4, 1871. 957. To provide for fencing and setting out trees in Parks; A to G. Ap- proved March 4, 1871. 958. Providing for a clerk to the Police Court and fixing his salary. Ap- proved March 4, 1871. 959. To suppress Bawdy Houses. Approved March 4, 1871. 960. Adopting plan for a bridge on South First street, as per Ordinance No. 931. Approved March 4, 1871. 961. For trees in E Street. Approved March 4, 1871. 962. For trees in F Street. Approved March 4, 1871. 963. For trees in D street. Approved March 4, 1871. 964. For trees in C Street. Approved March 4, 1871. 965. For trees in B Street. Approved March 4, 1871. 966. For trees in Pine Street. Approved March 4, 1871. 967. For trees in Oak Street. Approved March 4, 1871. 968. For trees in Stark Street. Approved March 4, 1871. 969. For trees in Yamhill Street. Approved March 4, 187 r. 970. For trees in Main Street. Approved March 4, 1871. 971. To provide for a sewer in Lincoln street. Approved March 9, 1871- 972. To provide for improving Alder street, Fourth to Tenth. (Plank.) Approved March 15, 1S71. Amended by Ordinance No. 1001. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 423 Number. 973. Authorizing the sale of bonds. Approved March 17, 1871. 974. Adopting Surveyor’s report; Salmon street extension. Approved March 17, 1871, 975. Changing grade, Sheridan street. Approved March 24, 1871. (See table.) 976. Appropriations. Fund from sale of bonds. Approved March 24, 1871. 977. Appropriations. Park Phind. Approved March 24, 1871. 978. To amend Ordinance No. 613. Apjiroved March 31, 1871. 979. To change the grade of North Front street. Approved March 31, 1871. (See table.) 980. To amend Ordinance No. 793. Approved March 31, 1871. 981. Assessment; Seventh street, as per Ordinance No. 873. Approved April II, 1871. 982. Appropriation, Seventh Street Fund. Approved April ii, 1871. 983. To provide fur fencing the Public Park. Approved April 21, 1*871. 984. To impose and regulate licenses. Approved April 28, 1871. Amend- ed by Ordinance No. 1079. 985. Authorizing contract for hydrants. Approved April 28, 1871. 986. To change a grade — Woods street. Approved May 5, 1871. (See table. ) 987. To change certain grades. Approved May 5, 1871. (See table.) 988. To provide for purchase of part of lot 2, block 19. Approved May 5, 1871. 989. Appropriation, General Fund — Police Court Clerk. Approved May 5, 1871. 990. To provide for improving Washington street from East Park to B; plank and bridged. Approved May 5, 1871. 991. Appropriation, General Fund — guard to prisoners. Approved May 5. 1871. 992. Assessment, as per Ordinance No. 971. Approved May 5, 1871. 993. Appropriation, .Sewer Fund. Approved May 5, 1871. 994. To establish certain grades. Approved May 12, 1871. (See table.) 995. Assessment— G street, as per Ordinance No. 817. Approved May 12, 1871. 996. Appropriation, G Street Fund, Approved May 12, 1871. 997. Appropriation, General Fund — taxes illegally collected. Approved May 19, 1871. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 424 Number, 998, To amend Ordinance No. 221. Approved May 19, 1871. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1081. 999. Appropriation, General Fund — purchase part of lot 2, block 19. Ap- proved May 19, 1871. 1000. To protect the Public Park from fire. Approved May 19, 1871. 1001. To amend Ordinance No. 972. Approved May 26, 1871. 1 J 32 . Adopting Surveyor’s report — widening North Fifth street. Approved May 26, 1871. 1003. Appropriation, General Fund to Police Fund. Approved May 26, 1871. 1004. To provide for improving Pine and North Seventh streets — Sixth to B; plank. Approved May 26, 1871. 1005. Requiring Auditor to give a bond. Approved May 26, 1871. 1006. Adopting Surveyor’s report — opening streets in Caruthers’ Addition. Approved May 31, 1871. 1007. Appropriation, General Fund-Police Court Clerk. Approved June 5, 1871. 1008. To provide for improving Second and South Second streets from Harrison to Sherman; grade. Approved June 5, 1871. 1009. To provide for improving North Eighth street from Stark to G. Approved June 5, 1871. 1010. To establish the grades of H, I, J and K streets. Approved June 5, 1871. (See table). ion. To provide for improving North Ninth street from Stark to G; grade. Approved June 5, 1871. 1012. Amendatory to Ordinance No. 817. Approved June 5, 1871. 1013. To provide for sprinkling streets. Approved June 5, 1871. 1014 Assessment — South First street, as per Ordinances Nos. 931 and 960. Approved June 15, 1871. Amended by Ordinance No. 1020. 1015. Appropriation, South First street Fund. Approved June 15, 1871. 1016. Establishing a grade on Alder and Pacific streets. Approved June 21, 1871. (See table.) 1017. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of Main street. Approved June 21, 1871. 1018. To provide for improving Eighth street from Jefferson to Jackson ; grade. Approved June 21, 1871. Amended by Ordinance No. 1067. 1019. Changing the grade of Alder street. Approved June 28, 1871. (See table.) CHRON()LX)GICAL INDEX. 425 Number. 1020. To amend Ordinance No. 1014. Approved July 14, 1871. 1021. To provide for quieting the title to the Public Levee. Approved July 14, 1871. 1022. Appropriation, General Fund — title to Levee. Approved July 14, 1871. 1023. Changing a grade on Eighth and Jackson streets. Approved July 21, 1871. (See table.) 1024. Providing for the improving of Alder street from Tenth to Lowns- dale; grade. Approved July 21, 1871. Amended by Ordinance No. 1068. 1025. Amendatory to Ordinance No. 931. Approved July 21, 1871. 1026. Appropriation, General Fund — remission taxes. Approved July 21, 1871. 1027. Adopting .Surveyor’s report — extension of Twelfth street. Approved July 21, 1871. 1028. To provide for lighting the streets. Approved July 21, 1871. 1029. Assessment — Second and South Second streets, as per Ordinance No. 1008. Approved July 21, 1871. 1030. Appropriation Second and South Second Street Fund. Approved July 21, 1871. 1031. Authorizing the purchase of lot 4, block 30, for police building. Ap- proved July 28, 1871. 1032. Appropriation, General F'und — purchase of lot 4, block 30. Ap- proved July 28, 1871. 1033. Assessment — Alder street, as per Ordinance No. 972. Approved July 28, 1871. 1034. Appropriation, Alder Street Fund. Approved July 28, 1871. 1035. Authorizing a contract with the Portland Water Company for water. Approved July 28, 1871. 1036. Authorizing the lease of a room in Corbett’s building. Approved July 28, 1871. 1037. Assessment — Washington street, as per Ordinance No. 990. Approved July 28, 1871. 1038. Appropriation, Washington Street Fund. Approved July 28, 1871. 1039. To designate the Park blocks by letters and numbers. Approved July 28, 1871. Appropriation, General Fund — investigations, water supply. Approved July 28, 1871. 1040. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 426 Number. 1041. Appropriation, General Fund — to supply deficiencies. Approved August 4, 1871. 1042. To provide for improving Taylor street from Seventh to Twelfth ; plank. Approved August 4, 1871. 1043. To provide for improving South Front street from Sherman to Sheri- dan. Approved August 4, 1871. 1044. To provide for a sewer in Lincoln street. Approved August 9, 1871. 1045. ^ o provide for improving Grant street from South Front to South Fourth; grade. Approved August 18, 1871. Amended by Or- dinance No. 1096. 1046. To provide for improving Sherman street from South Front to South Fourth; grade. Approved August 18, 1871. 1047. To authorize contracts for work at No. 3 engine-house. Approved 18, 1871. 1048. To provide for improving Yamhill street from Seventh to Twelfth. Approved August 25, 1871. Amended by Ordinance No. 1099. 1049. Amendatory to Ordinance No. loii. Approved August 25, 1871. 1050. Amendatory to Ordinance No. 1009. Approved. August 25, 1871. 1051. Appropriation, General Fund — anniversary of the Fire Department. August 25, 1871. 1052. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of Eleventh street. Approved August 25, 1871. 1053. Providing for the improvement of Lincoln street from South Front to South Fourth ; grade. Approved August 25, 1871. Amended by Ordinance No. 1098. 1054. To provide for improving South Second street from Sherman to Sheridan. Approved August 25, 1871. 1055. Authorizing the purchase of certain property on South First street, for sale for delinquent street assessment. Approved September i, 1871. 1056. Assessment — North Eighth street, as per Ordinance No. 1009. Ap- proved September 9, 1871. 1057. Appropriation, North Eighth street Fund. Approved September 9, 1871. 1058. Assessment —North Ninth street, as per Ordinance No. toil. Ap- proved September 9, 1871. 1059. Appropriation, North Ninth Street Fund. Approved September 9, 1871. 1060. Authorizing expenditures for investigations for supply of water. Ap- proved September 9, 1871. CHRONOLOGICAI. INDEX. 427 Number. 1061. Authorizing the employment of additional counsel in a certain suit. Approved September 9, 1871. 1062. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of North Ninth street. Ap- proved .September 9, 1871. 1063. Adopting Surveyor’s report — extension of Tenth street. Approved September 9, 1871. 1064. To change the grades of Fourth street and approving bond of O, C. R. R. Co. Approved September 9, 1871. (See table.) 1065. To authorize the construction and operation of street railways. Ap- proved .September 12, 1871. Amended by Ordinance No. 1126. 1066. In relation to certain animals and fowls. Approved September 12, 1871. 1067. Amendatory to Ordinance No. 1018. Approved September 14, 1871. 1068. To amend Ordinance No. 1024. Approved September 14, 1871. 1069. Appropriation-— General Fund. South First street property. Ap- proved September 14, 1871. 1070. To change certain grades— North Front street. Approved September 14, 1871. (See table.) 1071. To establish certain grades. Approved September 14, 1871. 1072. To regulate and license certain places of Amusement. Approved September 14, 1871. 1073. Adopting Viewer’s report of extension of Main street. Approved September 22, 1871. 1074. Assessment— Taylor street, as per Ordinance No. 1042. Approved September 22, 1871. 1075. Appropriation--Taylor Street Fund. Approved September 22, 1871. 1076. Assessment for Lincoln street sewer. Approved September 22, 187 i 1077. Appropriation for Lincoln street sewer. Approved Seprember 22, 1871. 1078. Authorizing the issue of a warrant to draw interest. Approved Sep- tember 22, 1871. 1079. To amend Ordinance No. 984. Approved September 29, 1871. 1080. To amend Ordinance No. 475. Approved September 29, 1871. 1081. City Treasurer — duties and compensation. Approved September 29 1871. 1082. City Attorney — duties and compensation. Approved October 4, 1871. 1083. Appropriation— General Fund. Monuments. Approved October 6, 1871. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 428 Number. 1084. Authorizing the construction of a fire cistern. Approved October 6, 1871. 1085. Authorizing the erection of a building for Police purposes. Approved October 6, 1871. 1086. Authorizing the “ Portland, Dalles and .Salt Lake Railroad Company ” to construct a bridge across the Willarnetle River. Approved October 6, 1871. 1087. Appropriation; General Fund. Deficiency. Approved Oct. 21, 1871. 1088. Appropriation. Fund for interest. Approved October 21, 1871. 1089. Adjusting the cost of improving Main street. Approved October 21, 1871. 1090. To provide for improving F street, North Front to North Second. (Grade.) Approved October 21, 1871. 1091. To provide for improving North Front street, E to N. (Grade.) Ap- proved October 21, 1871. 1092. Assessment; Eighth street, as per Ordinance No. 1018. Approved October 21, 1871. 1093. Appropriation; Eighth Street Fund. Approved October 21, 1871. 1094. Appropriation; General Fund. To supply deficiencies. Approved October 27, 1871. 1095. To provide for improving First street, E to G. ^Grade.) Approved October 27, 1871. 1096. To amend Ordinance No. 1045. Approved October 27, 1871. 1097. To amend Ordinance No. 1046. Approved October 27, 1871. 1098. To amend Ordinance No. 1053. Approved October 27, 1871. 1099. To amend Ordinance No. 1048. Approved October 27, 1871. I TOO. To adjust the cost of improving Montgomery street. Approved Oc- tober 27, 1871. 1101. Assessment — South First Street, as per Ordinance No. 1043. Ap- proved October 27, 1871. 1102. Appropriation — South Front Street Fund. Approved Oct. 27, 1871. 1103. Assessment— -Pine and North .Seventh .streets Approved October 27, 1871. 1104. A})propriation — Pine and North Seventh Streets Fund. Approved October 27, 1871. 1105. To provide for the improvement of Columbia street. Levee to Second street. Api^roved October 27, 1871. 1106. Street Commissioner; duties and compensation. Approved October 27, 1871. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 429 Number. 1107. To establish a ferry landing at Columbia street. Approved October 27, 1871. 1108. To regulate the storage and sale of gunpowder. Approved Novem- ber 16, 1871. 1109. To establish a grade; N street. Approved November 17, 1871. (See table.) 1 1 10. Appropriation; General Fund; extension of Main street. Approved November 17, 1871. nil. Making transfer from Building Fund to Police Building Fund. Ap- proved November 29, 1871. 1112. Appropriation — Police Building Fund. Approved Nov. 29, 1871. 1 1 13. Assessment and collection of taxes. Approved Dec. 8, 1871. 1 1 14. Providing that all moneys be paid to City Treasurer in coin. Ap- proved Dec. 8, 1871. 1 1 15. Appropriation; General Fund. To supply deficiencies. Approved December 8, 1871. 1 1 16. Establishing certain grades. Approved Dec. 8, 1871. (See table.) 1117. Changing certain grades. Approved Dec. 8, 1871. (See table.) 1 1 18. Authorizing the employment of a hydraulic engineer and assistants. Approved December 15, 1871. 1 1 19. Improvement of Sherman street; South Front to South Fourth streets. Approved December 15, 1871. 1120. Appropriation — Sherman Street Fund. Approved Dec. 15, 1871. 1121. Improvement — Lincoln street; South Front to South Fourth streets. Approved Dec. 15, 1871. 1122. Appropriation; Lincoln Street Fund. Approved Dec. 15, 1871. 1123. Improvement of Grant street, South Front to South Fourth streets. Approved Dec. 15, 1871. 1124. Appropriation; Grant Street Fund. Approved Dec. 15, 1871. 1125. Authorizing contract for printing. Approved Dec. 23, 1871. 1126. Authorizing the construction and operation of street railways. Ap- proved Jan. 8, 1872. 1127. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Jan. 8, 1872. 1128. Adopting the Surveyor’s report, extension of B street. Approved Jan. 12, 1872. 1 1 29. To extend the time for improving Columbia street. Approved Janu- ary 18, 1872. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 430 Number. 1130. To provide for improving Sixth street, Morrison to Washington. Ap- proved Jan. 19, 1872. 1131. Assessment; Yamhill street, as per Ordinance No. 1048. Apprqved Jan. 19, 1872. 1132. Appropriation, Yamhill Street Fund. Approved Jan. 19, 1872. 1133. Authorizing the purchase of a piece of ground for street assessment, Washington street. Approved Jan. 19, 1872. 1134. Appropriation; General Fund; expenses of the fiscal year. Approved Feb. I, 1872. 1135. Assessment, Columbia street, as per Ordinances Nos. 1105 1129. Approved Feb. 16, 1872. 1136. Appropriation, Columbia Street Fund. Approved Feb. 16, 1872. 1137. Appropriation, General Fund, current expenses. Approved Febru- ary 17, 1872. 1138. Appropriation, Street Lamp Fund. Approved Feb. 17, 1872. 1139. Appropriation, Police Fund. Approved Feb. 17, 1872. 1140. Establishing fire limits and prohibiting the erection of w^ooden build- ings within the same. Approved February 22, 1872. 1141. Levying a tax — general, (.005). Approved March i, 1872. 1142. Levying a special tax, (.0005.) for interest on bonds. Approved March i, 1872. 1143. Levying a s[>ecial tax, (.0075.) for completion of the Police building. Approved March i, 1872. 1144. Levying a special tax, (.00125.) street lamps. Approved March I, 1872. 1145. Relating to the use of streets for building purposes and the removal of buildings. Approved March 8, 1872. 1146. Providing quarterly allowances for the several fire companies. Ap- proved March 15, 1872. 1147. Authorizing a contract for setting out and taking care of trees. Ap- proved March 15, 1872. 1148. Extending time for filing map of Willamette river by the Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake R. R. Co. Approved April 6, 1872. 1149. Establishing a grade on Ninth street. Approved April 6, 1872. 1150. Providing for the time and manner of improving South First street between Harrison and Lincoln. Approved April 6, 1872. Providing for the time and manner of improving North Twelfth street between B and K. Approved April 6, 1872. 1151. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 431 Number. 1152. Providing for the time and manner of improving Hall street between Front and East Park. Approved April 6, 1872. 1153. Providing for the time and manner of improving Caruthers street be- tween South Front and South Fourth. Approved April 6, 1872. 1154. Authorizing the construction of two fire cisterns. Approved April 6, 1872. 1155. Authorizing contracts for repairs to certain bridges. Approved April 12, 1872. 1156. Providing for the time and manner of improving North Eleventh street between B and K. Approved April 12, 1872. 1157. Making an appropriation out of the Building Fund to the Police Building Fund. Approved April 19, 1872. 1158. Making appropriation out of the General Fund to Police Fund. Ap- proved April 19, 1872. 1 1 59. Extending time for filing map of Willamette river by Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake R. R. Co. Approved May 6, 1872. 1160. Providing for the time and manner of improving Fourth and North Fourth streets between Jefferson and G. Approved May 14, 1872. 1161. Adopting report of City Surveyor — extension of Ninth street. Ap- proved May 15, 1872. 1162. Adopting report of City Surveyor — extension of Tenth street. Ap- proved May 15, 1872. 1163. Adopting report of City Surveyor — extension of Eleventh street. Ap- proved May 15, 1872. 1164. Adopting report of City Surveyor — extension of Twelfth street. Ap- proved May 15, 1872. 1165. Providing for the time and manner of improving G street between North Fourth and North Eighteenth. Approved May 17, 1872. 1166. Making appropriation out of the General Fund to refund taxes ille- gally collected. Approved May 24, 1872. 1167. Relating to obstructions of the streets. Approved May 24, 1872. 1168. Providing for repairs to streets. Approved May 24, 1872. 1169. Providing for the time and manner of improving West Park street between Stark and Salmon. Approved May 24, 1872. 1170. Providing for the time and manner of improving Alder street be- tween Tenth and Twelfth. Approved May 24, 1872. 1171. Amending Ordinance No. 1130 (improvement of Sixth street). Ap- proved May 31, 1872. Prevention of fires. Approved May 31, 1872. 1 172. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 432 Number. 1173. Cleaning of streets. Approved June 7, 1872. 1174. Authorizing the purchase of fire hose. Approved June 7, 1872. 1175. Changing certain grades. Approved June 8, 1872. 1176. Establishing monuments on South First street. Approved June 8, 1872. 1177. Amending Ordinance No. 1150 (improvement of First and South First streets). Approved June 2i, 1872. 1 178. Appropriation of $1000 for celebration of 4th of July, 1872. Approved June 21, 1872. 1179. Appropriation, General Fund — care of smallpox patients. Approved June 27, 1872. 1 180. Authorizing the Committee on Streets and Public Property to contract for the erection of lamps and lamp-posts and keeping the same in repair. Approved June 28, 1872. 1181. Preventing horses or cattle running at large. Approved July 6, 1872. 1182. Authorizing H. R. Leonard, his associates and assigns to construct a bridge across the Willamette river. In force by operation of law July 8, 1872. 1183. Appropriation, General Fund — to supply deficiencies. Approved July 12, 1872. 1184. Declaring cost of improving Caruthers street between South Front and South Fourth. Approved July 12, 1872. 1185. Appropriation, Caruthers Street Improvement Fund. Approved July 12, 1872. 1186. Providing for the time and manner of improving Jefferson street be- tween Second and Front. Approved July 12, 1872. 1187. Adopting report of City Surveyor — extension of Columbia street. Ap- proved July 12, 1872. 1188. Establishing certain grades. Approved July 12, 1872. 1189. To improve North Second street between E and G. Approved July 19, 1872. 1190. Locating a fire cistern. Approved July 26, 1872. 1191. To light the town clock. Approved July 29, 1872. 1192. Appropriation, General Fund to Police Fund. Approved August i, 1872. 1193. Appropriation, Police Fund. Approved August i, 1872. 1194. Appropriation, General Fund — repair of bridges. Approved August I, 1872. 1195. Authorizing contract for fire hydrants. Approved August i, 1872. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 433 Number. 1 196. Appropriation — payment of judgment (Kingsley & Toner). Approved August 8, 1872. 1197. Adopting report of City Surveyor — lateral extension of North First street. Approved August 8, 1872. 1198. Adopting report of City Surveyor — extension of B street. Approved August 8, 1872. 1199. Adopting View^ers’ report — extension of Ninth street. Approved August 15, 1872. 1200. Adopting Viewers’ report — extension of Tenth street. Approved August 15, 1872. 1201. Adopting Viewers’ report — extension of Eleventh street. Approved August 15, 1872. 1202. Appropriation, General Fund, repairing bridges. Approved August 15, 1872. 1203. Improving Fourth and North Fourth streets, from Jefferson to G. Approved August 15, 1872. 1204. Authorizing a contract, lease of block 132, five years, floral garden. Approved August 15, 1872. 1205. Declaring cost of improvement, F street, between Front and Second. Approved August 15, 1872. 1206. Declaring cost of improvement. North First street, between E and G streets. Approved August 15, 1872. 1207. Amending Ordinance No. 1152, (improvement Hall street.) Ap- proved August 15, 1872. 1208. Amending Ordinance No. 1182, (Leonard’s bridge across the Wil- lamette river). In force by operation of law August 18, 1872. 1209. Appropriation for fire badges. Approved August 23, 1872. 1210. Authorizing the purchase of a piece of ground for street assessment. Approved August 23, 1872. 1211. Appropriation; General Fund to Police Fund. Approved August 23, 1872. 1212. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of Caruthers street. Approved August 29, 1872. 1213. Establishing certain grades. Approved August 29, 1872. 1214. Lighting street lamps. Approved August 29, 1872. 1215. Adopting plans for bridge across Willamette river. In force by op- eration of law Sept. 9, 1872. 1216. Authorizing contract for fire hydrants and repealing Ordinance No. 1195. Approved Sept. 9, 1872. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 434 Number. 1217. Appropriation; General Fund; payment of certain warrants. Ap- proved Sept. 9, 1872. 1218. Declaring cost of improvement, Sixth street, between Morrison and Washington streets. Approved Sept. 9, 1872. 1219. Appropriation out of Sixth Street Fund. Approved Sept. 9, 1872. 1220. Declaring cost of improvement; Jefferson street, between Front and Second streets. Approved September 9, 1872. 1221. Appropriation; Jefferson Street Fund. Approved September 9, 1872. 1222. Adopting Viewers’ report, extension of Twelfth street. Approved September 9, 1872. 1223. Appropriation; Building Fund to Police Fund. Approved Septem- ber 13, 1872. 1224. Appropriation; Building Fund. Approved September 13, 1872. 1225. Appropriation; General Fund to Police Fund. Approved Septem- ber 13, 1872. 1226. Appropriation; General Fund, purchase of lot for street assessment, (Lot 8, Block 312,) improvement Washington street. Approved September 13, 1872. 1227. Improving Fourth street, between Jefferson and College streets. Ap- proved Sept. 20, 1872. 1228. Authorizing the purchase of patent couplings for firehose. Approved September 20, 1872. 1229. Declaring cost, Hall street, between Fourth and East Park streets. Approved September 20, 1872. 1230. Appropriation; Hall Street Fund. Approved September 20, 1872. 1231. Improving East Park and N. W. Park streets, between Stark and B streets. Approved September 20, 1872. 1232. Adopting Viewers’ report; extension of B street. Approved Septem- ber 21, 1872. 1233. Appropriation; North First street; Improvement Fund. Approved October 17, 1872, 1234. Appropriation; F street; Improvement Fund. Approved October 17, 1872. 1235. Improving West Park street, Jefferson to Mill. Approved October 17, 1872. 1236. Extending time for completion of North Second street improvement. Approved October 17, 1872. 1237. Improving Fifteenth street, Jefferson to Montgomery. Approved Oc- tober 17, 1872. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 435 Number. 1238. Declaring cost of improvement, Fourth and North Fourth streets, Jefferson to G. Approved October 17, 1872. 1239. Appropriation; Fourth and North Fourth streets; Improvement Fund. Approved October 17, 1872. 1240. Appropriation; General Fund; deficiencies. Approved Oct. 17, 1872. 1241. Directing City Surveyor to set stakes, Fourth street improvement. Approved October 24, 1872. 1242. Adopting Viewers’ report, extension of Caruthers street. Approved October 26, 1872. 1243. Extending time for completion of Fourth and North Fourth streets. Approved October 26, 1872. 1244. Relief of E. Barton. Approved October 26, 1872. 1245. Amending Ordinance No. 1 156, (Improving North Eleventh street). Approved October 26, 1872. 1246. Extending time for completion — improvement of Hall street. Ap- proved October 26, 1872. 1247. Change grades, G street. Approved Nov. i, 1872. 1248. Changing plan, improving streets. Approved Nov. i, 1872. 1249. Appropriation; Building Fund to Police Fund. Approved Novem- ber I, 1872. 1250. Improving G street. North Fourth to North Sixth. Approved No- vember 8, 1872. 1251. Adopting Viewers’ report, extension of Columbia street. In force by operation of law, November 18, 1872. 1252. Extending time for completion of Fourth street improvement. Ap- proved November 22, 1872. 1253. Declaring cost of improvement. Fourth street. Approved November 22, 1872. 1254. Appropriation; Fourth Street Improvement Fund. Approved No- vember 22, 1872. 1255. Improving College street. Approved November 22, 1872. 1256. Establishing grades, B street. Approved Nov. 22, 1872. 1257. Appropriation; Police Building Fund to General Fund. Approved Nov. 29, 1872. 1258. Appropriation; General Fund to Police F'und. Approved November 29, 1872. 1259. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov. 29, 1872. 1260. Declaring cost of improvement. North Second street. Approved November 30, 1872. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 436 Number. 1261. Appropriation; North Second Street Improvement Fund. Approved Nov. 30, 1872. 1262. Establishing certain grades. Approved Dec. 4, 1872. 1263. Improving Morrison street, Lownsdale to Pacific. Approved Decem- ber 5, 1872. 1264. Amending Ordinance No. 697; defining duties of City Surveyor and salary. Approved Dec. 12, 1872. 1265. Firemen’s badges. Approved Dec. 12, 1872. 1266. Authorizing purchase fire hose. Approved Dec. 12, 1872. 1267. Repealing certain ordinances relating to extension of Main street. Approved Dec. 12, 1872. 1268. Improving Ninth street, Stark to Montgomery. Approved Decem- ber 20, 1872. 1269. Improving Front street, Harrison to Hall. Approved Dec. 24, 1872. 1270. Authorizing temporary loan. Approved Dec. 27, 1872. 1271. Appropriation; General Fund; expenses Front street fire. Approved Dec. 27, 1872. 1272. Amending Ordinance No. 1140; prevention of fires, etc. Approved Dec. 27, 1872. 1273. Amending Ordinance No. 934; prohibiting interments within city limits. Approved Jan. 15, 1873, 1274. Improving G street. North Sixth to North Thirteenth. Approved Feb. I, 1873. 1275. Improving North Front street, C to E. Approved Feb. i, 1873. 1276. Establishing grades, North Thirteenth street. Approved Feb. i, 1873. 1277. Improving North Thirteenth street, G to Q. Approved Feb. I, 1873. 1278. Appropriation; General Fund to Police Fund. Approved February I. 1873- 1279. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase fire hose. Approved Febru- ary 12, 1873. 1280. Authorizing contract, fire cistern. Approved Feb. 12, 1873. 1281. Providing system of drainage. Approved Feb. 12, 1873. 1282. Relating to plans of bridge across the Willamette river. Approved February 12, 1873. 1283. Establishing certain grades. Approved February 12, 1873. 1284. Admitting Tiger Engine Co. No. 5, into Fire Department. Approved February 13, 1873. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 437 Number, 1285. Transfer Police Building Fund to General Fund. Approved February 14, 1873. 1286. Appropriation out of Interest Fund. Approved February 14, 1873. 1287. Authorizing contract repairs S. First street bridge. Approved Febru- ary 14, 1873. 1288. Relating to wharves and other improvements on the Willamette river. Approved February 14, 1873. 1289. Improving Front street, Harrison to Hall. Approved February 21, 1873- 1290. Appropriation; fund, extension Columbia street. Approved February 21, 1873. 1291. Appropriation; fund, extension B street. Approved February 21, 1873. 1292. Appropriation — General Fund; ordinary expenses city government. Approved February 21, 1873. 1293. Appropriation — Street Lamp Fund; erection, repairs and lighting street lamps. Approved February 21, 1873. 1294. Appropriation out of Police Fund. Approved Febauary 21, 1873. 1295. Appropriation; purchase lot for street assessment (lot 5, block 313.) Approved February 28, 1873. 1296. Levying tax ; (.005.) 1873. Approved March 5, 1873. 1297. Levying special tax, payment interest on bonds, (.0008.) Approved March 5, 1873. 1298. Levying special tax; street lamps, (.0016.) Approved March 5, 1873- 1299. Levying special tax; police department, (.0025.) Approved March 5 . 1873- 130D. Levying special tax ; fire department (.0035.) Approved March 5, 1873- 1301. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved March 5, 1873. 1302. Authorizing purchase 1000 feet carbolized hose. Approved March 7, 1873- 1303. Amending Ordinance No. 1268, (improving 9th street.) Approved March 7, 1873. 1304. Appropriation; fund, extension loth street. Approved March 10, 1873. 1305. Adopting report City Surveyor, intersection First and N. First street. Approved March 10, 1873. 1306. Appropriation; fund, extension iith street. Approved March 14, 1873. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 438 Number, 1307. Appropriation; fund, extension 12th street. Approved March 14, 1873- 1308. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension West Main street. Ap- proved March 21, 1873. 1309. Authorizing repairs Vigilant Hook and Ladder House. Approved March 21, 1873. 1310. Appropriation; fund, extension 9th street. Approved March 21, 1873. 1311. Amending Ordinance No. 1263, (improvement Morrison street.) Ap- proved March 21, 1873. 1312. Regulating storage, sale and use of petroleum, etc. Approved March 22, 1873. 1313. Submitting que.stion incurring indebtedness erection water works to voters, pursuance act Legislative Assembly, approved October 21, 1870. Approved March 26, 1873. 1314. Fixing salary Chief Engineer Fire Department, Approved March 27, 1873, and repealing Ordinance No, 202. 1315. Authorizing Chief Engineer Fire Department to perform duties Fire Warden and fixing compensation, and repealing section 3, Ordi- nance No. 322. Approved March 27, 1873. 1316. Declaring cost improvement G street — N. 6th to N, 13th. Approved March 27, 1873. 1317. Appropriation; fund, improvement G street. Approved March'27, 1873- 1318. Authorizing purchase lot 6, block 143, city, for Tiger Engine Co. No. 5. Approved March 28, 1873. 1319. Authorizing purchasing three steam fire engines and hose carriages. Approved March 28, 1873. 1320. Authorizing the sale of certain Fire Department apparatus. Approved March 26, 1873. 1321. Appropriation; fund, extension Caruthers street. Approved April 4, 1873- 1322. Appropriation — General Fund; street extensions Approved April 4, 1873. 1323. Amending Ordinance No. 1 140, (prevention fires.) Approved April 4 , 1873- 1324. Appropriation — General Fund; quiet title, (W^ block 53 and 54, Chapman, et ux.) Approved April 10, 1873. 1325. Extending time for collecting taxes 1873. Approved April 10, 1873. 1326. Appropriation — General Fund ; purchase lot 6, block 143. Approved April 12, 1873. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 439 Number. 1327. Declaring cost improvement N. Front street, C to E. Approved April 12, 1873. 1328. Appropriation; fund, improvement N. Front street. Approved April 12, 1873. 1329^, Appropriation; out of Police Fund. Approved April 16, 1873. 1329. Declaring all rights and privileges granted H. R. Leonard by Ordi- nance No. 1182 to bridge Willamette river forfeited and void. Approved April 22, 1873. 1330. Authorizing Ben Holladay, C. II. Lewis and assigns to construct bridge across Willamette river. Approved April 23, 1873. 1331. Declaring cost improvement Ninth street. Approved April 25, 1873, 1332. Appropriation ; fund, improvement Ninth street. Approved April 25, 1873- 1333. Establishing grade on B street. Approved April 25, 1873. 1334. Declaring cost improvement North Thirteenth street. Approved May 2, 1873. 1335. Appropriation; fund, improvement North Thirteenth street. Ap- proved May 2, 1873. 1336. Improving Stark street. Sixth to Willamette river. Approved May 1873. 1337. Amending Ordinance No. 1330 (Holladay and Lewis bridge over Willamette river.) Approved May 3, 1873. 1338. Adopting viewer’s report extension West Main street. Approved May 3, 1873- 1339. Appropriation; fund, sale of bonds. Approved May 16, 1873. 1340. Adopting Viewer’s report, extension and improvement First and North First streets. Approved May 16, 1873. 1341. Authorizing sale of snag puller, mud-scows and appurtenances. Ap- proved May 23, 1873. 1342. Improving B street. North Thirteenth to western boundary city. Ap- proved May 23, 1873. 1343. Authorizing contract repairs to engine houses. Approved May 30, 1873- 1344. Establishing grades, Columbia street. Approved June 6, 1873. 1345. Authorizing letting of contracts Engine House, lot 6, block 143. Approved June 6, 1873. 1346. Authorizing Mayor, Auditor and Clerk to give note to secure payment for steam fire engines purchased under Ordinance No. 1319. Approved June 19, 1873. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 440 Number. 1347. Preservation of health and prevention disease. Approved June 19 , 1873- 1348. Appropriation; Morrison street fund. Approved July ii, 1873. 1349. Declaring cost improving Morrison street. Approved July 1 1, 1873. 1350. Improving Harrison street, Front to Fourth. Approved July 18, 1873- 1351. Authorizing and directing Auditor and Clerk to procure from Mult- nomah county deed 4 acres, section 5, township i South, range i East, and right of way thereto for small-pox hospital. Approved July 18, 1873. 1352. Concerning public health. Approved July 18, 1873. 1353. Authorizing wharf line adjacent block 78, city. Approved July 25, 1873- 1354. Appropriation, B Street Improvement Fund. Approved July 25, 1873. 135 5. Appropriation; Fund for extending and intersecting First and North First streets. Approved July 25, 1873. 1356. Repealing Ordinance No, 1351, (smallpox hospital) authorizing the Chief of Police to contract for the erection of a smallpox hospital on ground offered by Leonard & Green. Approved July 25, 1873. 1357. Appropriation; General Fund; to suppress and prevent infectious di- seases. Approved August i, 1873. 1358. Empowering Board of Health to make expenditures. Approved Au- gust I, 1873. 1359. Appropriation; General Fund; sewer plans. Approved Aug. 4, 1873. 1360. Declaring cost of improving B street. Approved Aug. 4, 1873. 1361. Authorizing contract, fire cistern. Approved Aug. i, 1873. 1362. Appropriation; General Fund; Erection engine house. Lot 6, Block 143. Approved August 8, 1873. 1363. Appropriation; General Fund; refund license money. Approved Aug. 15, 1873. 1364. Fixing compensation Superintendent of Streets, limited period. Ap- proved August 15, 1873. 1365. Authorizing construction of fire cistern. Approved Aug. 15, 1873. 1366. Legalizing purchase of hose. Approved Aug. 15, 1873. 1367. Appropriation; General Fund; expenses incurred by fire Aug. 2, 1873. Approved Aug. 15, 1873. 1368. Authorizing reward, conviction sending threatening letters. Ap- proved Aug. 22, 1873. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 441 Number. 1369. Animals and fowls running at large. Approved Aug. 22, 1873. 1370. Amending Ordinance No. 1336; improving Stark street. Approved Aug. 30, 1873. 1371. Authorizing reward; detection and conviction of incendiarism. Ap- proved Aug. 30, 1873- 1372. Appropriation; General Fund; prevention of infectious diseases. Ap- proved Aug. 30, 1873. 1373. Authorizing contracts; work, Engine House No. i. Approved Au- gust 30, 1873. 1374. Declaring cost of putting main sewer in Stark street. Approved Au- gust 30, 1873. 1375. Appropriation; Fund, Stark Street sewer. Approved Aug. 30, 1873. 1376. Amending Ordinance No. 1 167, (obstructions to streets). Approved September 5, 1873. 1377. Improving Oak street, Front, lot 5, block 26. Approved September 5. 1873. 1378. Improving First street. Hall to Lincoln. Approved Sept. 5, 1873. 1379. Adopting Surveyor’s report, extension of First street. Approved Sept. 12, 1873. 1380. Authorizing loan, term of years. Approved Sept. 16, 1873. 1381. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Sept. 12, 1873. 1382. Compensation counsel — Carter, Mason suits. Approved September 29, 1873. 1383. Amending Ordinance No. 1369; animals and fowls. Approved Oc- tober I, 1873. 1384. Improving Stark street, Front to Second. Approved Oct. i, 1873. 1385. Repealing Ordinance No. 958; Clerk Police Court. Approved Octo- ber I, 1873. 1386. Authorizing contract, house Engine Co. No. 4. Approved October 2, 1873. 1387. Authorizing purchase of fire alarm bell. Approved Oct. 6, 1873. 1388. Authorizing sale of bonds issued under Ordinance No. 1380. Ap- proved Oct. I, 1873. 1389. Authorizing payment of O. N. Denny, clerk hire. Approved Octo- ber 17, 1873. 1390. Appropriation; General Fund; board prisoners. Approved October 17, 1873. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 442 Number. 1391. Determining proportionate share abutting property liable assessment, improvement of streets, B, Washington and Fifteenth streets. In force by operation of law Oct. 7, 1873. 1392. Relief Henry Ralston. In force by operation of law Oct. 20, 1873. 1393. Declaring cost of Improvement, First street. Approved October 24, 1873. 1394. Appropriation, Fund, First street improvement. Approved October 24, 1873. 1395. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Oct. 24, 1873. 1396. Authorizing repairs on ditch, Robinson’s hill. In force by operation of law Nov. 3, 1873. 1397. Authorizing improvements. Engine house No. 5. Appproved No- vember 7, 1873. 1398. Wharf line adjacent distillery block. Approved Nov. 7, 1873. 1399. Providing house. Hook and Ladder Co. No. i. Approved Novem- ber 7, 1873. 1400. Russell, right to lay private sewer, A street. Approved November 7 , 1873. 1401. Improving East Park street, Morrison to Yamhill. Approved No- vember 7, 1873. 1402. Improving Jefferson street. Seventh to Twelfth. Approved Novem- ber 14, 1873. 1403. Appropriation; General Fund; infectious diseases. Approved No- vember 14, 1873. 1404. Declaring contract for improvement of Harrison street forfeited. Ap- proved November 18, 1873. 1405. Repealing Ordinance No. 1376, (amending Ordinance No. 1167, ob- structing streets.) Passed over Mayor’s veto Nov. 19, 1873. 1406. Declaring cost of improving Stark street. Approved November 21, 1873- 1407. Appropriation out of fund from sale of Fire Department bonds. Ap- proved Nov. 21, 1873. 1408. Repealing Ordinance No. 1402; improving Jefferson street. Ap- proved Nov. 21, 1873. 1409. Contract for removing dirt from public buildings and streets in front of. In force by operation of law Nov. 24, 1873. Constituting Street Department. Passed over Mayor’s veto Novem- ber 26, 1873. 1410. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 443 Number. 1411. Fixing salary of Superintendent of Streets. In force by operation of law Dec. i, 1873. 1412. Authorizing contraat for city printing. Approved Dec. i, 1873. 1413. Appropriation; Fund, Improvement Stark street. Approved Decem- ber I, 1873. 1414. Drawing warrants for salaries and other purposes. Approved Dec. 5. 1873. 1415. To provide for publishing Charter and certain Ordinances in book form. Approved Dec. 5, 1873. 1416. Authorizing cancelling warrants. Approved Dec. 1 1, 1873. 1417. Transfer surplus to General Fund. Approved Dec. 11, 1873. 1418. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Dec. ii, 1873. 1419. Authorizing temporary loan. Approved Dec. 24, 1873. 1420. Amending Ordinance No. 1140; prevention fires. Approved Decem- ber 24, 1873. 1421. Prevent cruelty to animals. Approved Dec. 24, 1873. 1422. Authorizing contract, Portland Water Co., 2 years. Approved Janu- ary 2, 1874- 1423. Appropriation; General Fund; to pay Surveyor. Approved Janu- ary 2, 1874. 1424. Authorizing sale of dredger and snag puller. Approved January 6, 1874. 1425. Allowances, Engine Companies. Approved Jan. 9, 1874. 1426. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 16, 1874. 1427. Authorizing contract, improvement portion Market street. Approved Jan. 16, 1874. 1428. Authorizing contract; improvement portion Jefferson street. Ap- proved Jan. 16, 1874. 1429. Defining duties and fixing salary of City Surveyor. Void after July I, 1874. In force by operation of law Jan. 19, 1874. 1430. Authorizing purchase certain lots and tracts for assessment, improve- ment B street. In force by operation of law of Jan. 26, 1874. 1431. Prevent obstruction and injury sidewalks. Approved February 5, 1874. 1432. Levying special tax, payment interest on bonds. Approved February 13, 1874. 1433. Appropriation; Interest Fund ; interest on bonds. Approved P'ebru- ary 13, 1874. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 444 Number. 1434. Regulating mode expenditure public money and presentation claims against city. Approved February 13, 1874. 1435. Authorizing contract fire cistern. Approved February 13, 1874. 1436. Granting R. H. Towler right lay track South Fourth street. Ap- proved February 5, 1874. 1437. Declaring cost improvement Harrison street. Approved February 20, 1874. 1438. Authorizing contract work Engine House No. 4. Approved Febru- ary 26, 1874. 1439. Fixing pay Chief of Police boarding city prisoners. Approved Feb- ruary 26, 1874, and repealing Ordinance No. 279. 1440. Levying tax, (.004.) Approved February 28, 1874. 1441. Levying special tax for street lamps, (.0015.) Approved February 28, 1874. 1442. Levying special tax. Fire Department, (.0026^.) Approved February 28, 1874. 1443. Levying special tax, Police Department, (.0015.) Approved February 28, 1874. 1444. Prevent destruction robins. Approved March 6, 1874. 1445. Authorizing purchasing additional property for street assessments, to Ordinance No. 1430. Approved March 6, 1874. 1446. Fixing pay Police Commissioners. Approved March 6, 1874. 1447. Appropriation out Police Fund. Approved March 6, 1874. 1448. Amending Ordinance No. 1173 (cleaning streets.) Approved March 6, 1874. 1449. Repealing Ordinance No. 1371 (incendiarism.) Approved March 6, 1874. 1450. Appropriation ; fund improvement Harrison street. Approved March 6, 1874. 1451. Lighting and keeping in order street lamps. Approved March 6, 1874. 1452. Appropriation — General Fund ; payment salaries. Approved March 20, 1874. 1453. Transfer General Fund to River Improvement Fund. Approved March 20, 1874. 1454. Appropriation out River Improvement Fund. Approved March 20, 1874. 1455. Determining width of sidewalks on A street. Approved March 20, 1874. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 445 Number. 1456. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved March 23, 1874. 1457. Appropriation; General Fund; payment claims. Approved March 25, 1874. 1458. Appropriation ; Street Lamp Fund ; lighting lamps. Approved March 25, 1874. 1459. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund; water supply. Approved March 25, 1874. 1460. Appropriation; General Fund; current expenses city. Approved March 25, 1874. 1461. Appropriation; General Fund; board prisoners. Approved March 27, 1874. 1462. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund allowances. Approved April 3, 1874. 1463. Appropriation; General Fund; paying claims. Approved April 3, 1874. 1464. Changing grade South Front street. Approved April 3, 1874. 1465. Prevent nuisances and obstruction streets. Approved April 6, 1874. 1466. Adopting report City Surveyor, lat. extension North First street. Approved April 15, 1874. 1467. Appropriation; Fire Department. Approved April 16, 1874. 1468. Appropriation ; fund, sale Fire Department bonds. Approved April 16, 1874- 1469 Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved April 1 6, 1874. 1470. Constructing tire cistern. First and Stark streets, and repealing Ordi- nance No. 1435, (fire cistern). Approved May 8, 1874, 1471. Appropriation; building fire cistern. First and Stark streets. Ap- proved May 8, 1874. 1472. Appropriation; General Fund; board of prisoners. Approved May 8, 1874. 1473. Authorizing contract for hand carts. Approved May 8, 1874. 1474. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved May ii, 1874. 1475. Amending Ordinance No. 1167, (obstructing streets). Approved May II, 1874. 1476. Improving intersection Stark and First streets. Approved May 12, 1874. 1477. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved May 18, 1874. 1478. Adopting Viewers’ report, lat. extension North First street. Ap- proved May 18, 1874. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX, 446 Number. 1479. Relief F. Harbaugh. Passed over veto of Mayor June 3, 1874, 1480. Change grade, intersection A and N. E. Park streets. Approved June 5, 1874. 1481. Declaring cost of improving intersection Stark and First streets. Ap- proved June 5, 1874. 1482. Appropriation; improvement intersection Stark and First streets. Ap- proved June 5, 1874. 1483. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved June 5, 1874. 1484. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved June 5, 1874. 1485. Improving G street, North Front to North Fourth streets. Approved June 5, 1874. 1486. Declaring cost of improving G street. Approved June 5, 1874. 1487. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, (animals and fowls). Approved June 6, 1874. 1488. Establishing the south line of A street. In force by operation of law June 15, 1874, and repealing Ordinance No. 341, (establishing A street). 1489. Licensing and regulating bar-rooms and drinking shops. Approved June 18, 1874. 1490. Repealing Ordinance No. 1072, (licensing places of amusement). Ap- proved June 18, 1874. 1491. Regulate manner of issuing licenses and repealing sections 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and ii of Ordinance No. 984, (regulating issuing of licenses). Approved June 18, 1874. 1492. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved June 19, 1874. 1493. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved June 19, 1874. 1494. Appropriation; General Fund , purchase property under Ordinances Nos. 1430 and 1445, (improvement B street, $13,882.36). Ap- proved June 19, 1874. 1495. Appropriation; Fund, widening North First street. Approved June 20, 1874. 1496. Fixing compensation of Superintendent of Streets and repealing sec- tion II of Ordinance No. 1410. Approved June 25, 1874. 1497. Amending Ordinance No. 1081, (City Treasurer). Approved June 25, 1874. 1498. Fixing compensation of City Treasurer. Approved June 25, 1874. 1499. Amending Ordinance No. 18, (fixing compensation of City Assessor). Approved June 25, 1874. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 447 Number. 1500. Fixing salary of City Attorney and authorizing appearance by deputy in Police Court. Approved June 25, 1874. 1501. Changing and establishing grades, Sixth and North Sixth streets. Approved June 25, 1874. 1502. Relief P. G. Baker. Approved June 25, 1874. 1503. Amending Ordinances Nos. 1065 and 1126, (street railways). Ap- proved June 25, 1874. 1504. Amending Ordinance No. 1420, (amending Ordinance No. 1140 — prevention of fires). In force by operation of law June 29, 1874, 1505. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved July 3, 1874. 1506. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved July 3, 1874. 1507. Providing for removal wreck Fr. Brig. “ Due de Lorges ” from chan- nel Willamette river. Approved July 3, 1874. 1508. Appropriation; General Fund; board prisoners. Approved July 16, 1874. 1509. Authorizing contract repairs Engine House No. 3. Approved July 16, 1874. 1510. Establishing grade of Twelfth street. Approved July i6, 1874. 1511. Authorizing contract connecting fire cisterns. Approved July 16, 1874. 1512. Amending Ordinance No. 1489 (bar-rooms and drinking shops). Approved July 17, 1874. 1513. Authorizing construction wharves in Willamette river. Approved July 17, 1874. 1514. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved July 17, 1874. 1515. Authorizing construction Engine House (No. 2). Approved July 17, 1874. 1516. Appropriation; Fire Department. Approved July 25, 1874. 1517. Declaring surplus; improvement Harrison street. Approved July 25, 1874. 1518. Appropriation; General Fund; relief R. J. Hudson. Approved July 25, 1874. 1519. Authorizing construction wharf, Willamette river. Approved July 25, 1874. 1520. Authorizing contract for use piece of ground (walls Engine House No. 2). Approved July 25, 1874. 1521. Authorizing purchase of lot 6, block 50; erection Hook and Ladder. In force by operation of Law, August 13, 1874. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 448 Number, 1522. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved August 6, 1874, 1523. Amending Ordinance No. 1520 (authorizing contract for use certain piece of ground, walls Engine House No. 2). Approved August 7, 1874. 1524. Appropriation; General Fund; salary City Attorney. Approved August 7, 1874. 1525. Appropriations; General Fund. Approved August 7, 1874. 1526. Authorizing expenditures. Approved August 7, 1874. 1527. Authorizing purchase fire hose. Approved August 7, 1874. 1528. Appropriation; Police Fund, Approved August ii, 1874. 1529. Changing grades, Third street. Approved Aug. 13, 1874. 1530. Authorizing contract, street lamps. Approved Aug. 13, 1874. 1531. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund ; (purchase lot 6, block 50.) In force by operation of Law, Aug. 17, 1874. 1532. Appropriation; Fire Department ; purchase hose. Approved August 20, 1874. 1533. Appropriation; Fire Department ; purchase hose. Approved August 20, 1874. 1534. Appropriation; General Fund ; City Assessor. Approved August 20, 1874. 1535. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved September 4, 1874. 1536. Amending Ordinance No, 1369 (animals and fowls.) Approved September 4, 1874. 1537. Authorizing payment salutes, July 4, 1874, Approved Sept. 4, 1874. 1538. Appropriation; General Fund; salary City Surveyor. Approved September 4, 1874. 1539. Appropriation; General Fund; payment lot 6, block 50. Approved September 26, 1874. 1540. Appropriation; General Fund; payment salaries. Approved Sept. 26, 1874. 1541. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Sept. 26, 1874. 1542. Appropriation; General Fund ; erection Engine House No. 2. Ap- proved September 26, 1874 1543. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved September 26, 1874. 1544. Liquor bonds to be filed before payment of license. Approved September 26, 1874. 1545. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved September 26, 1874. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 449 Number, 1546. Improving intersection of First and Washington streets. Approved Sept. 28, 1874. 1547. Declaring cost of improving Washington and hirst streets. Approved Sept. 28, 1874. 1548. Improving Morrison street, Twelfth to Pacific. Approved Septem- ber 28, 1874. 1549. Declaring cost of improving Morrison street, Twelfth to Pacific. Ap- proved Sept. 28, 1874. 1550. Improving Tenth street, Stark to Columbia. Approved September 28, 1874. 1551. Declaring cost of improving Tenth street. Stark to Columbia. Ap- proved Sept. 28, 1874. 1552. Improving public property and streets abutting. Approved Septem- ber 28, 1874. 1553. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Sept. 28, 1874. 1554. Establishing certain grades, Montgomery street. Approved Septem- ber 28, 1874. 1555. Authorizing construction of Engine House, (Hook and Ladder). Ap- proved Oct. I, 1874. 1556. Improving streets, front public property. Approved Oct. 12, 1874. 1557. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection First and Washington streets. Approved Oct. 22, 1874. 1558. Authorizing improvements. Tiger Engine House, (No. 5). Approved Oct. 22, 1874. 1559. Transfer; General Fund to Fire Department Fund. Approved Oct. 22, 1874. 1560. Appropriation; Fire Department Bond Fund. Approved November 5 . 1874- 1561. Authorizing placing platform scale in Ash street. Approved Novem- ber 6, 1874. 1562. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Nov. 6, 1874. 1563. Repairing roadway, B street. Approved Nov. 6, 1874. 1564. Constructing bridge. North Thirteenth street. Approved November 6, 1874. 1565. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved Nov. 6, 1874. 1566. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Tenth street. Approved Novem- ber 6, 1874. 1567. Appropriation; Police Fund, .\pproved Nov. 6, 1874. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 450 Number. 1568. Apppropriation ; General Fund. Approved Nov. 6, 1874. 1569. Fire cisterns. Approved Nov. 6, 1874. 1570. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov, 6, 1874. 1571. Improving East Park street. Approved Nov. 6, 1874. 1572. Appropriation; General Fund; payment P. G. Baker, judgment. Ap- proved Nov. 20, 1874. 1573. Improving Jefferson street, West Park to Eighth. Approved Novem- ber 20, 1874. I “574. Platform scale. Second street. Approved Nov. 20, 1874. 1575. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 4, 1874. 1576. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Dec. 4, 1874, 1577. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Dec. 4, 1874. 1578. Contract, Portland Gas Light Company. Approved Dec, 4, 1874. 1579. Designating official paper. Approved Dec. 10, 1874. 1580. Contract official printing. Approved Dec. 10, 1874. 1581. Declaring cost of improvement, Jefferson street. Approved Decem- ber 18, 1874, 1582. Appropriation; Fund improvement Jefferson street. Approved Dec. 18, 1874, 1583. Declaring cost, improving East Park street. Approved December 18, 1874- 1584. Appropriation; Fund improvement East Park street. Approved De- cember 18, 1874. 1585. Transfer, Willamette River Fund to General Fund. Approved Dec. 18, 1874. 1586. Appropriation; Fire Department Bond Fund. Approved December 18, 1874. 1587. Authorizing construction of sidewalk and repairs. Engine House No. 2. Approved Dec. 31, 1874. 1588. Appropriation; General Fund; payment plans Engine House No. 2. Approved Jan. 8, 1875. 1589. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Jan. 8, 1875, 1590. Providing for purchase of certain real property — Street Assessment. Approved Jan. 8, 1875. 1591. Manner lighting street lamps. Approved Jan. 22, 1875. 1592. Transfer, Willamette River Fund to Interest Fund. Approved Jan. 22, 1875. 1593. Authorizing temporary loan. Approved Jan, 22, 1875. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 451 Number. 1594. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 23, 1875. 1595. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved Feb. 3, 1875. 1596. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Feb. 3, 1875. 1597. Levying tax, general municipal purposes, (.005). Approved Febru- ary 3, 1875. 1598. Levying special tax, Fire Department, (.0025). Approved Febru- ary 3 , 1 ^ 75 - 1599. Appropriation; General Fund; salaries. Approved Feb. 3, 1875. 1600. Improving Montgomery street. Sixth to Seventh. Approved Febru- ary 3, 1875. 1601. Improving East half Front Street, Morrison to Salmon. Approved February 3, 1875. 1602. Extending limit permission interment Hebrew Cemetery (exempting operation Ordinance No. 934.) Approved February 19, 1875. 1603. Transferring tax levied by Ordinance No. 1597. Approved February 17 , 1875. 1604. Appropriation; Interest Fund. Approved February 19, 1875. 1605. Authorizing improvement lot 6, block 50. Approved Feb. 19, 1875. 1606. Repealing Ordinance No. 1446, (pay of Police Commissioners.) Ap- proved February 19, 1875. 1607. Contract work on B street. Approved February 17, 1875. 1608. Appropriation; P'ire Department Fund. Approved Feb. 19, 1875. 1609. Fixing pay Police Commissioners. Approved Feb. 19, 1875. 1610. Authorizing system automatic fire alarm. Approved Feb. 19, 1875. 1611. Appropriation; General Fund ; certain work. Approved March 5, 1875- 1612. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved March 5, 1875. 1613. Declaring cost of improvement East half Front street. Approved March 5, 1875. 1614. Appropriation; fund, improvement Front street. Approved March 5. 1875. 1615. Authorizing conveyance real property. Approved March 5, 1875. 1616. Improving Montgomery street. Front to Fourth street. Approved March 17, 1875. 1617. Appropriation; fund. Fire Department bonds. Approved April 8, 1875. 1618. Improving Ash street. Front to Fourth street. Approved April 9, 1875- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 452 Number. 1619. Authorizing construction two hose carriages. Approved April 9 1875. 1620. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved April 24, 1875. 1621. Repealing Ordinance No. 1618, (improving Ash street.) Approved April 24, 1875. 1622. Lighting street lamps. Approved April 24, 1875. 1623. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved April 24, 1875. 1624. Authorizing construction of wharf, block 4, Couch’s addition. Ap- proved April 24, 1875. 1625. Improving Front street, Washington to Ash. Approved April 24, 1875- 1626. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved April 24,1875. 1627. Declaring cost improvement Montgomery street. Approved May 10, 1875- 1628. Appropriation; fund, improvement Montgomery street. Approved May 10, 1875. 1629. Improving Front street. Ash to Washington. Approved May 10, 1875. 1630. Improving F street. North First to North Fourth. Approved May 10, 1875. 1631. Appropriation; C.eneral Fund ; repairing streets. Approved May 10, 1875- 1632. Improving First street. Ash to Alder. Approved May ii, 1875. 1633. Improving Ash street. Front to Fourth. Approved May 21, 1875. 1634. Improving intersection Second and Alder streets. Approved May 21, 1875. 1635. Improving intersection .Second and Yamhill .streets. Approved May 21, 1875. 1636. Improving intersection Second and Main streets. Approved May 21, 1875 - 1637. Authorizing purchase of hose. Approved May 21, 1875. 1638. Amending Ordinance No. 1167, (obstructing streets). Approved June 4, 1875. 1639. Appropriation; General Fund; attorney’s fees. Approved June 4, >875- 1640. Repairing Engine Houses. Approved June 4, 1875. 1641. Recasting alarm bells. Approved June 4, 1875. 1642. Connecting Fire Cisterns. Approved June 4, 1875. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 453 Number. 1643. Delaring cost improving intersection Second and Alder streets. Ap- proved June 7, 1875. 1644. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection Alder and Second streets. Approved June 17, 1875. 1645. Improving Montgomery street, Fourth to Tenth streets. Approveil June 18, 1875. i 645 J 4 - Changing grades, Montgomery street. Approved June 17, 18715. 1646. Authorizing elevation bell tuwer. Approved June 18, 1875. 1647. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved July 3, 1875. 1648. Declaring cost of improving intersection Second and Yamhill streets. Approved July 3, 1875. 1649. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection Second and Yamhill streets. Approved July 3, 1875. 1650. Declaring cost of improving intersection Second and Main streets. Approved July 3, 1875. 1651. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection Second and Main streets. Approved July 3, 1875. 1652. Declaring cost of improving Ash street. Front to Fourth streets. 1653. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Ash street. Approved July 3, 1875. 1654. Improving Tenth street. Stark to Jefferson. Approved July 9, 1875. 1655. Improving Ninth street, Montgomery to College. Approved July 9, 1875. 1656. Appropriation; General Fund, fire alarm. Approved July 9, 1875. 1657. Authorizing Avork, bell tower. Approved July 23, 1875. 1658. Declaring cost of improving F street. First to Fourth. Approved July 23, 1875. 1659. Appropriation; Fund improvement F street. Approved July 23, 1875- 1660. Improving Twelfth street, Washington to Columbia streets. Ap- proved July 23, 1875. 1661. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved July 23, 1875. 1662. Appropriation; Fund, Fire Department Bonds. Approved July 23, 1875- 1663. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Aug. 5, 1875. 1664. Appropriation; expenses fire alarm. Approved Aug. 5, 1875. 1665. Amending Ordinance No. 1489, (bar-rooms and drinking shops). Approved Aug. 5, 1875. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 454 Number. 1666. Authorizing work, Stark street sewers. Approved Aug. 13, 1875. 1667. Declaring cost of intprovement, Front street. Approved August 13, 1875- 1668. Declaring cost of improvement, Montgomery street. Approved Aug. 1875. 1669. Appropriation; Fund improvement Montgomery street. Approved Aug. 13, 1875. 1670. Improving Pine street, Fourth to Willamette river. Approved Aug. 13. 1875. 1671. Improvement public grounds. Approved Aug. 26, 1875. 1672. Chief Engineer control fire alarm telegraph. Approved August 26, 1875. 1673. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front street. Approved August 26, 1875. 1674. Appropriation General Fund. Approved Sept. 10, 1875. 1675. Declaring cost of improvement, First street. Approved September II, 1875. 1676. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First street. Approved Septem- ber II, 1875. 1677. Declaring cost of improvement. Ninth street. Approved September II, 1875. 1678. Appropriation; P'und improvement Ninth street. Approved .Septem- ber II, 1875. 1679. Fire cistern. Approved September 1 1, 1875. 1680. Fire cistern. Approved September ii, 1875. 1681. Improving East Park street. Approved September ii, 1875. 1682. Amending Ordinance No. 71, (fires). Approved Sept, ii, 1875. 1683. Protection fire alarm telegraph. Approved Sept, ii, 1875. 1684. Improving North First street, A to F. Approved Sept. 13, 1875. 1685. Relief Thos. PVazar. Approved September 16, 1875. 1686. Enforcing Ordinances; sale of liquors. Approved Sept. 16, 1875. 1687. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved October 8, 1875. 1688. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved October 8, 1875. 1689. Appropriation; General Fund ; fire alarm telegraph. Approved Oc- tober 8, 1875. 1690. Painting Engine House No. 3. Approved October 8, 1875. 1691. Declaring cost improvement Tenth street. Approved Oct. 8, 1875. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 455 Number. 1692. Appropriation ; fund, improvement Tenth street. Approved October 8, 1875. 1693. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved October 21, 1875. 1694. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved October 21, 1875. 1695. Fire cistern. Approved October 21, 1875. 1696. Contract Portland Water Company. Approved October 21, 1875. 1697. Vacating “A” street, (North West Park and Tenth). Approved Oct, 21, 1875. 1698. Improving “A” street, North Front to North West Park. Approved October 21, 1875. 1699. Changing grade, A and North West Park streets. Approved Nov. 5, 1875* 1700. Changing grade, A and North East Park .streets. Approved Nov. 5, 1875- 1701. Declaring cost improving East Park street. Approved Nov. 5, 1875. 1702. Appropriation; fund, improvement East Park street. Approved Nov, 5, 1875. 1703. Covering cisterns. Approved Nov. 5, 1875. 1704. Improving South Fourth street, Lincoln to Caruthers. Approved November 5, 1875. 1705. Planking intersection Front and Pine streets. Approved November 19, 1875. 1706. Declaring cost improving Twelfth street. Approved Nov. 19, 1875. 1707. Appropriation; General Fund; fire alarm telegraph. Approved No- vember 19, 1875. 1708. Transfer General Fund to Police Fund. Approved Nov. 19, 1875. 1709. Declaring cost improving North First street, A to F. Approved De- cember 3, 1875. 1710. Appropriation; fund, improvement North First street. Approved De- cember 3, 1875. 1711. Appropriation; fund, improvement Twelfth street. Approved Dec. 3, 1875. 1712. Extending time, completion improvement South Fourth street. Ap- proved December 20, 1875. 1713. Impose and regulate Incenses. iVpproved Dec. 20, 1875. 1714. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved January 5, 1876. 1715. Prevention fires aboard vessels. Approved January 7, 1876. 1716. Amending Ordinance No. 1168, (repairing streets). Approved Jan- uary 7, 1876. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 456 Number, 1717. Public sewers; connecting therewith. Approved January 20, 1876. 1718. Amending Ordinance No. 1172, (fires). Approved January 20, 1876. 1719. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved January 20, 1876. 1720. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved January 20, 1876. 1721. Amending Ordinance No. 1706, (Twelfth street assessment). Ap- proved January 24, 1876. 1722. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved February 4, 1876. 1723. Appropriation; General Fund, salaries. Approved Feb. 4, 1876. 1724. Aiipropriation ; Fire Department Fund. Approved Feb. 4, 1876, 1725. Contract; Oregonian, (printing). Approved Feb. 18, 1876. 1726. Levying tax ; general purposes ; (.004). Approved Feb. 18, 1876. 1727. Levying special tax; Fire Department; (.0025). Approved February 18, 1876. 1728. Transferring General to Police Fund. Approved Feb. 18, 1876. 1729. Duties Auditor and Clerk; Repealing Ordinances Nos. 168 and 1005. Approved February 18, 1876. 1730. Franchise O. C. R. R.; South Fourth street. Approved Feb. 18, 1876, 1731. Deviation; improvement Pine street. Approved Feb. 18. 1876. 1732. Declaring cost improvement South Fourth street. Approved Febru- ary 18, 1876. 1733. Appropriation; fund, improvement South Fourth street. Approved February 18, 1876. 1734. Prevent introduction liquor into jail. Approved Feb. 18, 1876. 1735. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Feb. 18, 1876. 1736. Appropriation; P'und, interest on bonds. Approved Feb. 18, 1876. 1737. Improving Stark street, Second to Fourth. Approved Mar. 3, 1876, 1738. Improving Pine street. Fourth to Sixth. Approved March 3, 1876. 1739. Authorizing lease, block 132. Approved March 3, 1876. 1740. Appropriations; General Fund, certain persons. Approved March 3, 1876. 1741. Transfer tax, general purposes. Approved March 17, 1876. 1742. Amending Ordinance No. 1670, (improving Pine street). Approved March 17, 1876. 1743. Amending Ordinance No. 1738, (improving Pine street). Approved March 17, 1876, 1744. Amending Ordinance No. 1 140, 1420 and 1504, (prevention fires). Approved March 17, 1876. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 457 Number. 1745. Fire cisterns. Approved April 7, 1876, 1746. Authorizing purchase hose. Approved April 7, 1876. 1747. Appropriation; General Fund; expenses celebration. Approved April 7, 1876. 1748. Improving Morrison street, Second to Fifth. Approved Apr. 7, 1876. 1749. Buildings and public assemblies. Approved April 10, 1876. 1750. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved April 20, 1876. 1751. Fire cisterns. Approved April 20, 1876. 1752. Improving Oak street, First to Fourth. Approved April 20, 1876. 1753. Improving Columbia street. Second to Fourth. Appi'oved April 20, 1876. 1754. Improving Second street, A to Taylor. Approved April 20, 1876. 1755. Improving C street. First to North Third. Approved May 4, 1876. 1756. Laying plank roadways. Approved May 4, 1876. 1757. Improving Taylor street. First to Second. Approved May 4, 1876. 1758. Purchasing hose. Approved May 26, 1876. 1759. Purchasing hose. Approved May 26, 1876. 1760. Improving Third street, Columbia to Harrison. Approved May 26, 1876. 1761. Declaring cost of improvement. Oak street. Approved May 26, 1876. 1762. Appropriation; Fund improvement Oak street. Approved May 26, 1876. 1763. Improving Yamhill street. First to Fourth. Approved May 26, 1876. 1764. Improving D street, east to west line N. E. Park. Approved May 26, 1876. 1765. Improving First street. Main to Madison. Approved May 26, 1876. 1766. Changing grade, Clay street. Approved May 26, 1876. 1767. Declaring cost, sewer in Pine steeet. Approved May 26, 1876. 1768. Fire cistern. Approved May 26, 1876. 1769. Improving A street. North Front to N. W. Park. Approved May 26, 1876. 1770. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Pine street. Approved June 8, 1876. 1771. Amending Ordinance No. 1755, (improving C street). Approved June 8, 1876. 1772. Improving Jefferson street, Fourth to Seventh. Approved June 8, 1876. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 458 Number. 1773. Improving Morrison street, Second to Fifth. Approved June 8, 1876. 1774. Improving F street, North Sixth to N. E. Park. Approved June 8, 1876. 1775. Amending Ordinance No. 1769, (improving A street). Approved June 8, 1876. 1776. Amending Ordinance No. 1489, (bar-rooms and drinking shops). Ap- proved June 8, 1876. 1777. Purchasing hose. Approved June 23, 1876. 1778. Appropriation; General Fund; repairing streets. Approved June 27, 1876. 1779. Appropriation; General F'und ; celebration. Approved June 27, 1876. 1780. Amending Ordinance No. 475, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Approved June 30, 1876. 1781. Appropriation; Police Fund; Approved July 13, 1876. 1782. Declaring cost of improving Third street. Approved July 13, 1876. 1783. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Third street. Approved July 13, 1876. 1784. Concerning public health. Approved July 13, 1876. 1785. Expenditure; prevention contagious diseases. Approved July 13, 1876. 1786. Amending Ordinance No. 1 172, (prevention fires). Approved July 13, 1876. 1787. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved July 13, 1876. 1788. Declaring cost improvement Second street. Approved July 20, 1876. 1789. Appropriation; fund, improvement .Second street. Appr<.>ved July 20, 1876, 1790. Declaring cost improvement Columbia street. Approved July 20, 1876. 1791. Appropriation; fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved July 20, 1876. 1792. Appropriation; Police fund. Approved July 20, 1876. 1793. Lighting street lamps. Approved July 20, 1876. 1794. Declaring cost improvement Yamhill street. Approved Aug. 4, 1876. 1795. Appropriation; fund, improvement Yamhill street. Approved Aug. 4, 1876. 1796. Declaring cost improvement Morrison street. Approved Aug. 4, 1876. 1797. Appropriation; fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved Aug. 4, 1876. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 459 Number. 1798. Adopting report City Surveyor, widening Second street. Approved August 5, 1876. 1799. Amending Ordinance No. 1738, (improving Pine street). Approved August 5, 1876. 1800. Improving Pine street, First to Second. Approved Aug. 5, 1876. 1801. Wharf, block 74. Approved Aug, ii, 1876, 1802. Contracts, street work. Approved Aug. 10, 1876. 1803. Fire cistern. Approved Aug. 18, 1876. 1804. Fire cistern. Approved Aug. 22, 1876. 1805. Improving Alder street. First to Twelfth. Approved Aug. 22, 1876. 1806. Improving Morrison street. Second to Fifth. Approved August 22, 1876. 1807. Appropriation; Fund, improvement D street. Approved September 7, 1876. 1808. Improving public grounds. Approved Sept. 7, 1876. 1809. Appropriation; General Fund ; celebration. Approved September 7, 1876. 1810. Appropriation; General Fund; refund tax. Approved Sept. 7, 1876. 1811. Changing and establishing grades ; Pine street. Approved Septem- ber 19, 1876. 1812. Adopting Viewers’ Report, widening Second street. Approved Sep- tember 19, 1876. 1813. Improving North G street, G to L, Approved September 19, 1876. 1814. Improving E street. North Front to North Second. Approved Sept. 19, 1876. 1815. Improving Main street. West Park to Front. Approved September 19, 1876. 1816. Improving Madison street, East Park to Front. Approved September 19, 1876. 1817. Improving Jefferson street. West Park to Front. Approved Sept. 19, 1876. 1818. Improving Columbia street. West Park to Front. Approved Sept. 19, 1876. 1819. Improving Clay street. West Park to Front. Approved Sept. 19, 1876. 1820. Improving Market street. West Park to Front. Approved Sept. 19, 1876. Improving Mill street, West Park to Front. Approved Sept, 19, 1876. 1821. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 460 Number. 1822. Improving Harrison street, West Park to Front. Approved Sept. 19, 1876. 1823. Improving Hall street, West Park to Front. Approved Sept. 19, 1876. 1824. Improving College street. Seventh to Third. Approved Sept. 19, 1876. 1825. Fire cistern. Approved Sept. 23, 1876. 1826. Improving Yamhill street, Tw’elfth to Fourteenth. Approved Sept. 23. 1876. 1827. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain parties. Approved Sept. 23, 1876. 1828. Improving B street. North Tenth to North Twelfth. Approved Sept. 23, 1876. 1829. Repealing Ordinance No. 1730, (O. C. R. R. track south Fourth st.), and Ordinance No. 1436. Approved Sept. 23, 1876. 1830. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Sept. 30, 1876. 1831. Lease rooms. Council offices. Approved Sept. 23, 1876. 1832. Declaring cost improvement Morrison street. Approved Oct. 5, 1876. 1833. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved Oct. 5, 1876. 1834. Establishing grade, intersection Yamhill and Lownsdale streets. Ap- proved October 20, 1876. 1835. Improving Market street. Third to Fourth. Approved Oct. 20, 1876. 1836. Improving Montgomery street. Tenth to Thirteenth. Approved Oct. 20, 1876. 1837. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Oct. 20, 1876. 1838. Improving Second street, Oak to Pine. Approved Oct. 20, 1876. 1839. Improving Alder .street. First to Twelfth. Approved Oct. 20, 1876. 1840. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Alder street. Approved Octo- ber 20, 1876. 1841. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Oct. 30, 1876. 1842. Amending Ordinance No. 1814, (improving E street). Approved Oct. 30, 1876. 1843. Purchasing Babcock Fire Extinguishers. Approved Oct. 30, 1876. 1844. Prohibit awnings, fire limits. Approved Nov. 2, 1876. 1845. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Nov. 2, 1876. 1846. Completion street improvements. Approved Nov. 16, 1876. 1847. Amending Ordinance No. 1826, (improving Yamhill street). Ap- proved Nov. 16, 1876. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 461 Number. 1848. Improving Mill street, Second to Fourth. Approved Nov. 16, 1876. 1849. Improving Market street, Fifth to Sixth. Approved Nov. 16, 1876. 1850. Improving intersection Columbia and Front streets. Approved Nov. 16, 1876. 1851. Improving intersection Clay and Front streets. Approved Novem- 16, 1876. 1852. Amending Ordinance No. 1813, (improving North Ninth street). Ap- proved Nov. 16, 1876. 1853. Improving Hall street. Third to F'ourth. Approved Nov. r6, 1876. 1854. Declaring cost of improvement, A street. Approved Nov. 18, 1876. 1855. Appropriation; Fund, improvement A street. Approved November 18, 1876. 1856. Declaring cost of improvement, B street. Approved Nov. 21, 1876. 1857. Appropriation; Fund, improvement B street. Approved November 21, 1876. 1858. Appropriation; General Fund; contagious diseases. Approved Nov. 21, 1876. 1859. Amending Ordinance No. 1836, (improving Montgomery street). Approved Dec. 7, 1876. 1860. Declaring cost of improvement. Mill street. Approved December 7, 1876. 1861. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Mill street. Approved Decem- ber 7, 1876. 1862. Declaring cost of improvement. Clay street. Approved December 7, 1876. 1863. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Clay street. Approved Decem- ber 7, 1876. 1864. Declaring cost of improvement, Jefferson street. Approved Decem- ber 7, 1876. 1865. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Dec. 7, 1876. 1866. P'ire cistern. Approved Dec. 7, 1876. 1867. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 22, 1876. 1868. Improving Pine street. Second to Fifth. Approved Dec. 22, 1876. 1869. Declaring cost of improvement. Hall street. West Park to Front. Ap- proved Dec. 22, 1876. 1870. Appropriation ; Fund improvement Hall street. Approved Decem- ber 20, 1876. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 462 Number. 1871. Declaring cost of improvement, Montgomery street. Approved Dec. 22, 1876. 1872. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Montgomery street. Approved Dec. 22, 1876. 1873. Declaring cost of improvement. Market street. Approved December 22, 1876. 1874. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Market street. Approved Dec. 22, 1876. 1875. Correcting assessment roll and restricting Ordinance No. 1 1 13, (taxes). Approved Dec. 27, 1876. 1876. Declaring cost of improvement. Hall street. Approved December 28, 1876. 1877. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Hall street. Approved Decem- ber 28, 1876. 1878. Declaring cost of improvement, Madison street. Approved Decem- ber 28, 1876. 1879. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Madison street. Approved Dec. 28, 1876. 1880. Declaring cost of improvement, Yamhill street. Twelfth to Fourteenth Approved Dec. 28, 1876. 1881. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Yamhill street. Approved Dec. 28, 1876. 1882. Declaring cost of improvement, Columbia street. Approved Decem- ber 28, 1876. 1883. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved De- cember 28, 1876. 1884. Declaring cost of improvement. College street. Approved December 28, 1876. 1885. Appropriation; Fund, improvement College street. Approved Dec. 28, 1876. 1886. Adopting report Surveyor, extension North Nineteenth street. Ap- proved Dec. 28, 1876. 1887. Improving First street. Main to Madison. Approved Dec. 28, 1876. 1888. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 4, 1877. 1889. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Jan. 4, 1877. 1890. Declaring surplus ; assessment Oak street improvement. Approved January 4, 1877. 1891. Establishing grade. South Fourth street. Approved Jan. 18, 1877. 1892. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved January 1 1, 1877. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 463 Number. 1893. Amending Ordinance No. 1868 (improving Pine street). Approved January 18, 1877. 1894. Amending Ordinance No. 1887 (improving First street). Approved January 18, 1877. 1895. Improving South Second street, Sherman to Sheridan. Approved January 18, 1877. 1896. Delaring cost improvement E street. Approved January 18, 1877. 1897. Appropriation; Fund, improvement E street. Approved January 18, 1877. 1898. Declaring cost, improvement Mill street. Approved Jan. 18, 1877. 1899. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Mill street. Approved January 18, 1877. 1900. Declaring cost, improvement Harrison street. Approved January 18, 1877. 1901. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Harrison street. Approved Jan. 18, 1877. 1902. Declaring cost improvement Market street. West Park to Front. Ap- proved Jan. 18, 1877. 1903. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Market street. Approved Janu- ary 18, 1877. 1904. Declaring cost improvement intersection Clay and Front streets. Ap- proved January 18, 1877. 1905. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection Clay and P>ont streets. Approved January 18, 1877. 1906. Declaring cost improvement intersection Columbia and Front streets. Approved January 18, 1877. 1907. Appropriation; F'und, improvement intersection Columbia and Front streets. Approved January 18, 1877. 1908. Appropriation; General Fund; salaries. Approved Jan. 18, 1877. 1909. Conveyance real property, (lots 5 and 6, block 313). Approved Jan- uary 18, 1877. 1910. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, (animals and fowls). Approved February 8, 1877, 1911. Wharf, (lot i, block 80).^ Approved Feb. 8, 1877. 1912. Transfer from General Fund. Approved Feb. 8, 1877. 1913. Appropriations; General Fund. Approved Feb. 8, 1877. 1914. Declaring cost improvement North Ninth street, G to L. Approved February 8, 1877. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 464 Number. 1915. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Ninth street. Approved P'ebruary 9, 1877. 1916. Improving intersection Montgomery and Front streets. Approved February 8, 1877. 1917. Declaring cost improvement Main street. Approved Feb. 8, 1877. 1918. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Main street. Approved February 8, 1877. 1919. Improving intersection Montgomery and First streets. Approved February 8, 1877. 1920. Improving Jefferson street. Seventh to Twelfth. Approved February 8, 1877. 1921. Improving Clay street. Seventh to Eighth. Approved Feb. 8, 1877. 1922. Authorizing lease, old City Jail. Approved Feb. 8, 1877. 1923. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Feb. 23, 1877. 1924. Changing and establishing grades, C street. Approved Feb. 23, 1877. 1925. Appropriations; Fire Department. Approved Feb. 23, 1877. 1926. Declaring cost improvement Clay street, Seventh to Eighth. Ap- proved March i, 1877. 1927. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Clay street. Approved March I, 1877. 1928. Amending Ordinance No. 1793, (street lamps). Approved March i, 1877. 1929. Improvement public grounds. Approved March i, 1877. 1930. Authorizing temporary loan. Approved March 8, 1877. 1931. Improving Third street, Yamhill to Taylor. Approved March 8, 1877. 1932. Improving E street, Tenth to Seventeenth. Approved March 17, 1877. 1933. Improvement public grounds. Approved March 8, 1877. 1934. Improving Morrison street. Fifth to Sixth. Approved Mar. 22, 1877, 1935. Adopting report of Surveyor, extension Clay street. Approved March 22, 1877. 1936. Adopting report Viewers, extension North Nineteenth street. Ap- proved March 22, 1877. 1937. Declaring cost of improvement, intersection Montgomery and First streets. Approved March 28, 1877, 1938. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Montgomery and First streets. Approved March 28, 1877. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 465 Number. 1939. Improving Hall street, Front to Sixth. Approved March 28, 1877. 1940. Changing and establishing grades. Stark street. Approved March 28, 1877- 1941. Improving Stark street, Fourth to Sixth. Approved March 28, 1877. 1942. Appropriation; Fund, interest on bonds. Approved March 28, i877» 1943. Declaring cost of improvement. Pine street. Approved April 6, 1877. 1944. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Pine street. Approved April 6, 1877. 1945. Improving Columbia street. Eighth to Twelfth. Approved April 6, 1877. 1946. Declaring cost of improvement, intersection Montgomery and Front streets. Approved April 5, 1877. 1947. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection Montgomery and Front streets. Approved April 5, 1877. 1948. Contract for advertising. Approved April 6, 1877. 1949. Apj)ropriation ; Police F'und. Approved April 20, 1877. 1950. Improving Jefferson street. Approved April 23, 1877. 1951. Declaring cost of improvement. South Second street. Approved Apr. 23, 1877. 1952. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement South Second street. Approved April 23, 1877- 1953. Declaring cost of improvement, Morrison street. Approved April 23. 1877. 1954. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved April 23, 1877. 1955. Improxing Madis(Ui Street, Seventh to Eighth. Approved April 23, 1877. 1956. Improving Hall street. Seventh to Eighth. Approved April 23, 1877. 1957. Improving West Park street, Salmon to Hall. Approved April 23, 1877. 1958. Improving East Park Street, Salmon to Hall. Approved April 23, 1877. 1959. Appropriation ; Fund, extension North Nineteenth street. Approved April 23, 1877. 1960. Levying tax, general purposes, (.005). Approved May 3, 1877. 1961. Transfer General Fund to Fund on bonds. Approved May 3. 1877. 1962. Improving F street, East to West Park. Approved May 3, 1877. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 466 Number. 1963. Adopting report Viewers, extension Clay street. Approved May 3, 1877. 1964. Appropriation; Fund, widening Second street. Approved May 3, ^877. 1965. Driving, First street bridge. Approved May 7, 1877. 1966. Designating official paper. Council. Approved May 7, 1877. 1967. Contract, printing. Approved May 17, 1877. 1968. Transfer, tax ; general purposes. Approved May 17, 1877. 1969. Declaring cost improvement Columbia street. Approved May 17, 1877. 1970. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved May 17, 1877. 1971. Declaring cost Improvement Hall street. Approved May 17, 1877. 1972. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Hall street. Approved May 17, 1877. 1973. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved May 17, 1877. 1974. Amending Ordinance No. 1932, (improving E street). Approved May 17, 1877. 1975. Relating to improvement of streets. Approved May 17, 1877. 1976. Contract, Fire Alarm Bell. Approved June 7, 1877. 1977. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved June 7, 1877. 1978. Appropriation ; Street Lamp Fund. Approved June 7, 1877. 1979. Appropriation; Fund, extension Clay street. Approved June 7, 1877. 1980. Declaring cost improving Hall street. Approved June 7, 1877. 1981. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Hall street. Approved June 7, 1877. 1982. Declaring cost impi'ovement Third street. Approved June 7, 1877. 1983. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Third street. Approved June 7, 1877. 1984. Declaring cost improvement Stark street. Approved June 7, 1877. 1985. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Staric street. Approved June 7, 1877. 1986. Improving First street. Approved June 7, 1877. 1987. Driving cattle through streets. Approved June 7, 1877. 1988. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, (animals and fowls). Approved June 7, 1877. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 467 Number. 1989. Improving Washington street, Front to East Park, Approved June i 5 » 1877. 1990. Improving Fifth street, Main to Market. Approved June 15, 1877. 1991. Declaring cost improvement First street. Approved June 15, 1877. 1992. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First street. Approved June 15, 1877. 1993. Purchase real property, (Nj 4 fractional block between Pine and Ash streets, and Sixth and Seventh; improvement A street). Ap- proved June 15, 1877. 1994. Suspending operation Ordinance No. 1987, Approved June 15, 1877. 1995. Declaring cost sewer in Pine street. Approved June 15, 1877. 1996. Appropriation; Fund, Pine street sewer. Approved June 15, 1877. 1997. Declaring cost improvement East Park street. Approved June 21, 1877. 1998. Appropriation; Fund, improvement East Park street. Approved June 21, 1877. 1999. Declaring cost improvement West Park street. Approved June 21, 1877. 2000. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement West Park street. Approved June 21, 1877, 2001. Declaring cost improvement Madison street. Approved June 21, 1877. 2002. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Madison street. Approved June 21, 1877. 2003. Amending Ordinance No. 1987, (driving cattle). Approved June 21, 1877. 2004. Contract for street roller. Approved June 21, 1877. 2005. Declaring improvement F street. Approved July 18, 1877. 2006. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement F street. Approved July 18, 1877. 2007. Declaring cost improvement Jefferson street. Approved July 18, 1877. 2008. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved July 21, 1877. 2009. Contract; Portland Gas Co. Approved July 21, 1877. 2010. Declaring cost improvement E street. Approved July 21, 1877. 2011. Appropriation; Fund, improvement E street. Approved fuly 21, 1877. 2012. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved July 21, 1877. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 468 Number. 2013. Improving West Park street, Main to Salmon. Approved July 21 , 1877. 2014. Refund assessment, Stark street sewer. Approved July 21, 1877. 2015. Establishing grades, North Eighteenth street. Approved July 21, 1877. 2016. Contract, Portland Water Company. Approved July 21, 1877. 2017. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase fractional block, A and Pine streets, pursuance Ordinance No. 1993. Approved July 21, 1877. 2018. Improving Second street. Pine to Ash. Approved July 21, 1877. 2019. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Aug. i, 1877. 2020. Amending Ordinance No. 2005, (cost improvement P' street). Ap- proved Aug. I, 1877. 2021. Refund license. Approved August i, 1877. 2022. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Aug. i, 1877. 2023. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Aug. i, 1877. 2024. Contract, street lamps. Approved Aug. i, 1877. 2025. Lighting street lamps. Approved Aug. i, 1877. 2026. Appropriation ; General Fund. Approved Aug. i, 1877. 2027. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Aug. 16, 1877. 2028. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Aug. 16, 1877. 2029. Fire cisterns. Approved Aug. 16, 1877. 2030. Contract, improving Engine House No. 4. Approved Aug. 16, 1877. 2031. City printing, German language. Approved Aug. 16, 1877. 2032. Ex. Portland Street Railway Co. Approved Aug. 16, 1877. 2033. Improving G street. Front street to blocks 280 and 281. Approved Aug. 16, 1877. 2034. Impose and regulate licenses. Approved Aug. 16, 1877. 2035. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Sept. 6, 1877. 2036. Rectifying erroneous assessments. Approved Sept. 7, 1877. 2037. Improving First street, Alder to Main. Approved Sept. 7, 1877. 2038. Declaring cost of improvement, West Park street. Approved Sept. 7, 1877. 2039. Appropriation; Fund, improvement West Park street. Approved Sept. 7, 1877. 2040. Contract, street lamps. Approved Sept. 7, 1877. 2041. Adopting report of Surveyor, widening North Second street. Ap- proved Sept 7, 1877. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 469 Number. 2042. Fire cistern. Approved Sept, 7, 1877. 2043. Purchasing hose. Approved Sept. 7, 1877. 2044. Improving First street, Main to Salmon, Approved Sept. 13, 1877. 2045. Extending time, improvement Washington street. Approved Sept. 13. 1877- 2046. Wharf opposite block 71, Approved Sept. 13, 1877. 2047. Improving Second street, Salmon to Columbia. Approved Sept. 13, 1877. 2048. Improving First street, Jefferson to Harrison. Approved Sept. 13, 1877. 2049. Improving Market street, front to Fourth. Approved Sept. 13, 1877. 2050. Declaring cost improving Fifth street. Main to Market. Approved Sept. 13, 1877. 2051. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fifth street. Approved Sept. 13, 1877. 2052. Improving North Fifteenth street, B to H. Approved Sept. 13, 1877. 2053. Improving Columbia street, P'ront to Third. Approved September 13, 1877. 2054. Improving Madison street. First to Seventh. Approved September 25, 1877. 2055. Improving E street. First to Tenth. Approved Sept. 25, 1877. 2056. Changing and establishing grades. North Fifth street. Approved Sept. 25, 1877. 2057. Improving Sixth street. Pine to Jackson. Approved Sept. 25, 1877. 2058. Improving Fifth street. Stark to Main. Approved Sept. 25, 1877. 2059. Amending Ordinance No. 2053, (improving Columbia street). Ap- proved Sept. 28, 1877. 2060. Location shade and ornamental trees. Approved Oct. i, 1877. 2061. Adopting report of Surveyor, extension Taylor street. Approved Oct. 3, 1877. 2062. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Oct. 5, 1877. 2063. Appropriation ; General Fund ; payment street roller. Approved Oc- tober 5, 1877, 2064. Improving Alder street. Fifth to Willamette river. Approved Octo- ber 5, 1877. 2065. Improving Lincoln street. Front to Third. Approved Oct. 19, 1877. 2066. Improving Grant street. Front to Third. Approved Oct. 19, 1877. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 470 Number. 2067. Declaring cost of improvement, Washington street, Front to East Park. Approved October 19, 1877. 2068. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Washington street, Front to East Park streets. Approved Oct. 19, 1877. 2069. Physician’s report, infectious diseases. Approved Oct. 19, 1877. 2070. Impose and regulate licenses, and repealing Ordinance No. 2034, Sec. 3, Ordinance No. 1715. Approved Oct. 23, 1877. 2071. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Nov. 9, 1877. 2072. Contract, street signs. Approved Nov. 9, 1877. 2073. Amending Ordinance No, 475, (offences and disorderly conduct). Approved Nov. 9, 1877. 2074. Declaring cost of improvement, First street. Approved Nov. 9, 1877 2075. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement First street. Approved Novem- ber 9, 1877. 2076. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Nov. 9, 1877. 2077. Regulating number of Police and compensation thereof. Approved Nov. 9, 1877. 2078. Improving Front street. Clay to Sherman. Approved Nov. 9, 1877. 2079. Fire cistern. Approved Nov. 9, 1877. 2080. Supplemental Ordinance No. 1767, (sewer. Pine street). Approved Nov. 15, 1877. 2081. Appropriation; Fund, sewer Pine street. Approved Nov. 15, 1877. 2082. Appropriation ; General Fund. Approved Nov. 15, 1877. 2083. Amending Ordinance No. 1715, (licenses). Approved Nov. 15, 1877. 2084. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Nov. 22, 1877. 2085. Contract, care Park and Plaza blocks. Approved Nov. 22, 1877. 2086. Declaring cost of improvement, First street. Approved December 1 , 1877- 2087. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Pdrst street. Approved Decem- ber 7, 1877. 2088. Declaring cost of improvement, North Fifteenth street. Approved Dec. 7, 1877. 2089. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Fifteenth street. Approved Dec. 7, 1877. 2090. Appropriation; General Fund; payment Ilallock judgment. Ap- proved Dec. 7, 1877. Repair bridge. Approved Dec. 21, 1877. 2091. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 471 Number. 2092. Amending Ordinance No. 1715, (licenses). Approved Dec. 21, 1877. 2093. Declaring cost of improvement, Market street. Approved December 21, 1877- 2094. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Market street. Approved Decem- ber 21, 1877. 2095. Declaring cost of improvement. G street. Approved Dec. 21, 1877. 2096. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement G street. Approved December 21, 1877- 2097. Declaring cost of improvement, Madison street. Approved Decem- ber 21, 1877. 2098. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Madison street. Approved Dec. 21, 1877. 2099. Declaring cost of improvement, Columbia street. Approved Dec. 21, 1877. 2100. Ai)propriation ; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved De- cember 21, 1877. 2101. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 21, 1877. 2102. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Taylor .street. Approved Dec. 21, 1877. 2103. Transfer; General Fund to Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. II, 1878. 2104. Appropriation; Street Lamp k'und. Approved January ii, 1878. 2105. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. ii, 1878. 2106. Amending Ordinance No. 2078, (improving Front street). Approved January 1 1, 1878. 2107. Changing and establishing grades, K street. Approved Jan. ii, 1878. 2108. Amending Ordinance No. 1715, (Licenses). Approved Jan. 11,1878. 2109. Declaring cost improvement Grant street. Approved Jan. 17, 1878. 2110. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Grant street. Approved January 17, 1878. 21 1 1. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Jan. 17, 1878. 2112. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Jan. 17, 1878. 2113. Appropriation; Fire Department. Approved Jan. 17. 1878. 2114. Levying tax; general purposes, (.004). Approved Jan. 17, 1878. 2115. Levying special tax; Fire Department; (.003). Approved January 17, 1878. 2116. Preservation health and prevention diseases. Approved January 17, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 472 Number. 2117. Platform scales, North Front street. Approved January 17, 1878. 2118. Providing for cleaning streets. Approved January 17, 1878. 2119. Improving D street. North Front to North West Park. Approved January 17, 1878. 2120. Appropriation; Fund, interest on bonds. Approved Jan. 17, 1878. 2121. Protection public health. Approved January 17, 1878. 2122. Exempting certain parties, provisions Ordinance No, 1288, (wharves and driving piles). Approved January 17, 1878. 2123. Prevent injury to fire hose. Approved P’eb, 8. 1878. 2124. Repairs Washington street bridge. Approved Feb, 8, 1878. 2125. Numbering buildings. Approved Feb. 8, 1878. 2126. Platform scales in streets. Approved Feb. 8, 1878. 2127. Erecting .street lamps and fire cisterns. Approved Feb. 8, 1878. 2128. Improving Market street, Front to Water. Approved Feb. 8, 1878. 2129. Declaring cost improvement Lincoln street. Approved Feb. 8, 1878. 2130. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Lincoln street. Approved Feb. 8, 1878. 2131. Erection street lamps. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2132. Amending Ordinance No. 828, (contract, street work). Approved February 22, 1878. 2133. Changing and establishing grades, College street. Approved Febru- ary 22, 1878. 2134. Authorizing condemning fire hose Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2135. Appropriation ; Police Fund. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2136. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2137. Transfer tax ; general purposes. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2138. Cleaning streets : repealing Ordinances Nos. 1113, 1418 and 2118. Approved Feb, 22, 1878. 2139. Improving Pine street, Fourth to North Seventh. Approved Febru- ary 22, 1878. 2140. Amending Ordinance No. 2119, (improving D street). Approved Feb- ruary 22, 1878. 2141. Improving Taylor street, Third to Fourth. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2142. Establishing grades ; D street. Approved Feb, 22, 1878. 2143. Improving certain public property. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 473 Number. 2144. Amending Ordinance No. 1140, (prevention fires), and Nos. 1420, 1504 and 1744, amendatory thereof. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2145. Establishing grades on Pine street. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2146. Establishing grades on A street. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2147. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension North Second street, A to North Front streets. Approved Feb. 22, 1878. 2148. Improving B street. North Front to North Tenth. Approved Febru- ary 22, 1878. 2149. Authorizing employment suitable person ; street repairer. Approved February 27, 1878. 2150. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved, Feb. 27, 1878. 2151. Amending Ordinance No. 918, (dogs). Approved Feb. 27, 1878. 2152. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Mrs. Ralston. Approved March 7, 1878. 2153. Authorizing contracts ; improvement B street. Approved March 7, 1878. 2154. Granting franchise American District Telegraph Co. Approved March 8, 1878. 2155. Changing and establishing grades on A street. Approved March 21, 1878. 2156. Repairs to Engine House No. 4. Approved April 4, 1878. 2157. Appropriation; General Fund; salary street repairer. Approved April 4, 1878. 2158. Appropriation; GeneralFund; street signs. Approved April 4, 1878. 2159. Improving Taylor street. Eighth to Twelfth. Approved April 4, 1878. 2160. Improving Sixth street. Pine to Jackson. Approved April 4, 1878. 2161. Improving Washington street. East Park to Twelfth. Approved April 4, 1878. 2162. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved April 4, 1878. 2163. Authorizing contract ; construction Engine House No. i. Approved April 4, 1878. 2164. Changing and establishing grades on Water street. Approved April 4, 1878. 2165. Improving Eleventh street, B to Jefferson. Approved April 4, 1878. 2166. Improving College street. Seventh to Ninth. Approved April 4, 1878. 2167. Authorizing sale certain real estate. Approved April 4, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 474 Number. 2168. Declaring cost improving Tenth street. Approved April 19, 1878. 2169. Appropriation; Fund, improving Front street. Approved April 19, 1878. 2170. Declaring cost improving Taylor street. Approved April 19, 1878. 2171. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Taylor street. Approved April 19, 1878. 2,172. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved April 26, 1878. 2173. Changing and establishing grades on B street. Approved April 26, 1878. 2174. Amending Ordinance No. 475, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Approved April 26, 1878. 2175. Prohibiting dragging of timbers through the streets. Approved May 2, 1878. 2176. Appropriation; Fund, extension of Taylor street. Approved May 2, 1878. 2177. Prevention and removal of nuisances. Approved May 2, 1878. 2178. Appropriation; General Fund; lighting town clock. Approved May 17, 1878. 2179. Vacating portion North First street, adjoining lots 2 and 4, block ii, Couch’s addition. Approved May 17, 1878. 2180. Rectifying assessment Pine street sewer. Approved May 17, 1878. 2181. Authorizing painting fence, plaza block No 54. Approved May 17, 1878. 2182. Confirming sale. East 30 feet, lot 8, block 13, city. Approved June 6, 1878. 2183. Granting franchise, American Telephone and District Telegraph Co. Approved June 6, 1878. 2184. Adopting seal. City of Portland. Approved June 6, 1878. 2185. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved June 6, 1878. 2186. Changing and establishing grades on North-East Park street. Ap- proved June 6, 1878. 2187. Improving Stark street. Sixth to Tenth. Approved June 6, 1878. 2188. Authorizing extension, base of columns, lots 6 and 7, block 18, city. Approved June 5, 1878. 2189. Declaring cost of improving Pine street. Approved Tune 21, 1878. 2190. Appropriation; Pine Street Sewer Fund. Approved June 21, 1878. 2191. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, (animals and fowls). Approved June 21, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAI, INDEX. 475 Number. 2192. Declaring cost of improving D street. Approved June 21, 1878. 2193. Appropriation; Fund, improvement D street. Approved June 21, 1878. 2194. Improving Fifth street, Morrison to Caruthers claim line. Approved June 29, 1878. 2195. Improving D street, N. W. Park to North Tenth. Approved June 29, 1878. 2196. Changing and establishing grades on G street. Approved June 29, 1878. 2197. Adopting Viewers’ report, lateral extension North Second street. Ap- proved June 29, 1878. 2198. Improving C street, river to North Second. Approved July 2, 1878. 2199. Improving Third street, Washington to Yamhill. Approved July 2, i 87 §. 2200. Amending Ordinance No. 1715, (licenses). Approved July 3, 1878. 2201. Authorizing purchase steam fire engine, (No. 5). Approved July 6, 1878. 2202. Changing and establishing grades on North Eighth street. Approved July 6, 1878. .2203. Amending Ordinance No. 2177, (nuisances). Approved July 6, 1878- 2204. Improving G street. North Fourth to North Thirteenth. Approved July 6, 1878. 2205. Changing and establishing grades on C street. Approved July 6, 1878. 2206. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved July ii, 1878. 2207. Declaring cost of improving Eleventh street, B to Jefferson. Ap- proved July II, 1878. 2208. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Eleventh steet. Approved July II, 1878. 2209. Improving intersection Stark and First streets. Approved July ii, 1878. 2210. Declaring cost of improving College street. Approved July 19, 1878. 2211. Authorizing construction wharf opposite lots 3 and 4, block 79, city. Approved July 19, 1878. 2212. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved July 19, 1878. 2213. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved July 19, 1878. 2214. Appropriation; P'und, improvement College street. Approved July 19, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 476 Number. 2215. Declaring cost of improving Taylor Street, Approved July I9, 1878. 2216. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Taylor street. Approved July 19, 1878. 2217. Authorizing extension B street culvert. Approved July 19, 1878. 2218. Improving North Nineteenth street, B to L. Approved July 19, 1878. 2219. Improving Main street. Front to Second. Approved July 19, 1878. 2220. Changing and establishing grades on North Nineteenth street. Ap- proved July 19, 1878. 2221. Establishing certain grades on North Nineteenth ssreet. Approved July 19, 1878. 2222. Appropriation; General Fund; repair of streets. Approved July 19, 1878. 2223. Improving Stark street, (sewer). Approved July 29, 1878. 2224. Amending Ordinance No, 2177, (nuisances). Approved July 29, 1878, 2225. Authorizing contract, Portland Water Company, Approved July 29, 1878. 2226. Authorizing construction wharf opposite lots i, 2 and Nj 4 3 > block 74, city. Approved August 9, 1878. 2227. Regulating storage, sale and use of petroleum and other dangerous . liquids. Approved Aug. 9, 1878. 2228. Authorizing driving piles in Willamette river opposite block 81, city. Approved Aug. 7, 1878, 2229. Declaring cost improving Washington street. Approved August 12, 1878. 2230. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Washington street. Approved August 12, 1878. 2231. Improving North Seventh street, A to D. Approved Aug. i2, 1878. 2232. Establishing grades on L street. Approved Aug. 12, 1878. 2233. Authorizing contract, Portland Gas Light Co. Approved August 12, 1878. 2234. Lighting street lamps. Approved Aug. 12, 1878. 2235. Declaring cost improving intersection Third and Stark streets. Ap- proved Aug. 12, 1878. 2236. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement intersection Third and Stark sts. Approved Aug. 12, 1878. 2237. Amending Ordinance No. 2175, timbers through the streets). Approved Aug. 12, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 477 Number. 2238. Improving Sheridan street, South First to South Fourth. Approved Aug. 12, 1878. 2239. Improving South Third street, Sheridan to point south. Approved Aug. 12, 1878. 2240. Improving L street. North Nineteenth to Couch line. Approved Au- gust 12, 1878. 2241. In relation to lateral extension North Second street. Approved Aug. 12, 1878. 2242. Designating daily paper to do city printing. Approved Aug. 12, 1878. 2243. Authorizing contract for official advertising. Approved Aug. 12,1878. 2244. Improving Front street, Washington to Madison. Approved Aug. 23, 1878. 2245. Improving Front and North Front streets. Ash to F. Approved Aug. 23, 1878. 2246. Improving Yamhill street, river to Tenth. Approved Aug. 23, 1878. 2247. Improving South Fifth street, Caruthers to Sheridan street. Approved August 23, 1878. 2248. Establishing grades on South Fifth street. Approved Aug, 12, 1878. 2249. Authorize repairs to hand engine. Approved Aug. 23, 1878. 2250. Authorizing purchase heaters for fire engines. Approved August 23, 1878. 2251. Authorizing extension of B street culvert. Approved Sept. 7, 1878. 2252. Improving Alder street. First to Second. Approved Sept. 7, 1878. 2253. Declaring cost of improving D street. Approved Sept. 7, 1878. 2254. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement D street. Approved September 7, 1878. 2255. Amending Ordinance No. 1140, (prevention fires). Approved Sept. 7, 1878. 2256. Improving North Eighth street. Stark to G. Approved September 7, 1878. 2257. Improving North Tenth street, Stark to G. Approved September 7, 1878. 2258. Improving C street. North Front to North Tenth. Approved Sept. 7, 1878. 2259. Improving Yamhill street. Third to F'ourth, Approved September 20, 1878. 2260. Declaring cost of improving Sixth street. Pine to Jackson. Approved Sept. 20, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 478 Number. 2261. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Sixth street. Approved Septem- ber 20, 1878. 2262. Declaring of improving Third street, Washington to Yamhill. Approved Sept. 20, 1878. 2263. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Third street. Approved Sept. 20, 1878. 2264. Authorizing contract, repairs of streets. Approved Sipt. 20, 1878. 2265. Compelling attendance of witnesses — Council investigations. Ap- proved Sept. 20, 1878. 2266. In relation to obstructions of streets. Approved Sept. 20, 1878. 2267. Improving Fifth street, Morrison to Approved Sept. 20, 1878. 2268. Improving Eleventh street, Jefferson to Columbia. Approved Sept. 20, 1878. 2269. Authorizing contract, purchase fire alarm box. Approved September 20, 1878. 2270. Declaring cost of improving Main street. Front to Second. Approved Sept. 20, 1878. 2271. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Main street. Approved Septem- ber 20, 1878. 2272. Appropriation; General Fund; Chief of Police investigation. Ap- proved Sept. 20, 1878. 2273. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite lots No. 3 and 4, in block No. 77, city. Approved Sept. 28, 1878. 2274. Declaring cost of improving G street. Approved Sept. 28, 1878. 2275. Appropriation; Fund, improvement G street. Approved September 28, 1878. 2276. Appropriation; General Fund; reward for murderers. Approved Sept. 28, 1878. 2277. Appropriation; General Fund; repairs of streets. Approved Oct. 5, 1878. 2278. Appropriation ; General Fund ; capture robbers. Approved October 5, 1878. 2279. Amending Ordinance No. 1975, (improvement of streets). Approved Oct. 5, 1878. 2280. Prevention and removal of obstructions, Willamette river. Approved Oct. 5, 1878. 2281. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension of North Second street. Approved Oct. 5, 1878. 2282. Appropriation ; Police Fund. Approved Oct. 8, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 479 Number. 2283. Regulating number of Policemen and fixing compensation. Approved Oct. 8, 1878. 2284. Amending Ordinance No. 1414, (drawing warrants). Approved Oct. 8, 1878. 2285. Declaring cost of improving North Nineteenth street'. Approved Oct. 17, 1878. 2286. Appropriation; Phind, improvement North Nineteenth street. Ap- proved Oct. 17, 1878. 2287. Authorizing improvement Park blocks. Approved Oct. 17, 1878. 2288. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Oct. 17, 1878. 2289. P'ire cisterns. Approved Oct. 17, 1878. 2290. Changing and establishing grades on .South Fifth street. Approved Nov. 7, 1878. 2291. Improving Salmon street, Third to Eighth. Approved Nov. 7, 1878. 2292. Changing and establishing grades, Stark street. Approved Novem- ber 7, 1878. 2293. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Nov. 7, 1878. 2294. Appropriation; General Fund; advertising. Approved November 7, 1878. 2295. In relation to Pine Street Sewer Fund. Approved Nov. 7, 1878. 2296. Improving North Fifth street, G to F. Approved Nov. 7, 1878. 2297. Improving E street; North Eront to North Eleventh. Approved No- vember 7, 1878. 2298. Supplemental assessment. First street. Approved Nov. 7, 1878. 2299. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First street. Approved Novem- ber 7, 1878. 2300. Declaring cost of constructing sewer in Alder street. Approved No- vember 7, 1878. 2301. Appropriation; Alder Street Sewer Fund. Approved Nov. 7, 1878. 2302. Declaring cost of improving Sheridan street. Approved November 7, 1878. 2303. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Sheridan street. Approved No- vember 7, 1878. 2304. Declaring cost of improving Front and North Front streets. Ap- proved Nov. 22, 1878. 2305. Appropriation; General Fund; improvement Front and North Front streets. Approved Nov. 22, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 480 Number. 2306. Declaring cost of improving South Third street. Approved Nov. 22, 1878. 2307. Appropriation; Fund, improvement South Third street. Approved Nov. 22, 1878. 2308. Declaring cost of improving Fifth street. Approved Nov. 22, 1878. 2309. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fifth street. Approved Novem- ber 22, 1878. 2310. Improving Washington street, river to Fourth street, (sewer). Ap- proved Nov. 22, 1878. 2311. Improving South Fourth street. College to Sheridan. Approved No- vember 22, 1878. 2312. Amending Ordinance No. 475, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Ap- proved Nov. 22, 1878. 2313. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Nov. 22, 1878. 2314. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund; purchase fire engine for Co. 5. Approved Nov. 22, 1878. 2315. Amending Ordinance No. 922, (working city prisoners). Approved Nov. 22, 1878. 2316. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite S. ^ lot No. 2, block 77, city. Approved Nov. 22. 1878. 2317. Transfer from General Fund. Approved Dec. 6, 1878. 2318. Authorizing publication Charter and Ordinances. Approved Dec. 6, 1878. 2319. Declaring cost sewer constructed in Stark street. Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2320. Appropriation ; Fund, Stark Street Sewer Fund. Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2321. Adopting Viewers’ report; lateral extension North Second street. Approved Dec, 7, 1878. 2322. Declaring cost improving North Eighth street. Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2323. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Eighth street. Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2324. Amending Ordinance No. 2258, (improving C street). Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2325. Fire cistern. Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2326. Fire cistern. Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2327. Appropriation; General Fund; repair Engine House No. i. Ap- proved Dec. 7, 1878. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 481 Number. 2328. Authorizing repairs engine house. Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2329. Amending Ordinance No. 1 140, (prevention fires). Approved Dec. 7, 1878. 2330. Improving intersection Third and Pine streets. Approved Dec. 20, 1878. 2331. Improving Washington street, Tenth to end of bridge. Approved Dec. 20, 1878. 2332. Improving B street, end of bridge to western boundary of city. Ap- proved Dec. 20, 1878. 2333. Declaring surplus; assessment Yamhill street. Approved Dec. 20, 1878. 2334. Declaring cost improvement North Tenth street. Approved Dec. 20, 1878. 2335. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Tenth street. Approved Dec. 20, 1878. 2336. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief Costello & Gibson. Approved Dec. 20, 1878. 2337. Authorizing lease rooms, Corbett building. Approved Dec. 20, 1878. 2338. Declaring cost sewer in C street. Approved Dec. 23, 1878. 2339. Appropriation; Fund, C street sewer. Approved Dec. 23, 1878. 2340. Adopting report City Surveyor, lateral extension North Second street. Approved January 8, 1879. 2341. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 10, 1879. 2342. Fire cistern. Approved January 10, 1879. 2343. Improving North Twelfth street. Approved Jan. 10, 1879. 2344. Declaring cost improving South Fifth street. Approved Jan. 10, 1879. 2345. Appropriation; Fund, improvement South Fifth street. Approved Jan. 10, 1879. 2346. Transfer, General Fund. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2347. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2348. Authorizing repairs, Tiger Engine No. 5. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2349. Contract, Portland Gas Light Co. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2350. Appropriation; General Fund; relief E. Myers. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2351. Authorizing contract taking city census. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2352. Levying tax; general municipal purposes, (.005 ). Approved Jan. 17, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 482 Number. 2353. Appropriation ; General Fund ; salaries and general expenses. Ap- proved Jan 17, 1879. 2354. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2355* Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2356. Concerning offenses and disorderly conduct. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2357. Declaring cost sewer, Yamhill street. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2358. Appropriation; Fund, Yamhill street sewer. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2359. Declaring cost improving L street. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2360. Appropriation; Fund, improvement L street. Approved January 17, 1879. 2361. Improving Front and North Front street. Approved Jan. 17, 1879. 2362. Declaring cost improving North Seventh street. Approved January 17, 1879. 2363. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Seventh street. Approved January 17, 1879. 2364. Licensing and regulating bar-rooms and drinking shops, and repeal- ing Ordinances No. 984 and 1489. Approved January 17, 1879. 2365. Appropriation; Fund, lateral extension North Second street. Ap- proved January 17, 1879. 2366. Prevention and removal of nuisances, and repealing Ordinances No. Ill, 928, 2177 and 2224. Approved February 7, 1879. 2367. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Madison street. Eighth to Twelfth. Approved February 7, 1879. 2368. Taxing and killing of dogs, and repealing Ordinances No. 241, 526 and 918. Approved February 7, 1879. 2369. Declaring cost improving Yamhill street. Approved Feb. 7, 1879. 2370. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Yamhill street. Approved Feb. 7, 1879. 2371. Declaring cost improvement Eleventh street. Approved Feb. 7, 1879. 2372. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Eleventh street. Approved Feb. 7, 1879. 2373. Amending Ordinance No. 1975, (improving streets). Approved Feb. 7 , 1879- 2374. Imposing and regulating licenses, and repealing Ordinances No. 984 and 1079. Approved February 7, 1879. 2374 .A-dopting report City Surveyor, extension Market street. Eighth to west line Chapman D. L. C. Approved Feb. 21, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 483 Number. 2375. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Clay street, Tenth street to west line Chapman Donation Land Claim. Approved February 21, 1879. 2376. Transferring tax levied by Ordinance No. 2352. Approved February 21, 1879. 2377. Authorizing purchase of gong box. Approved Feb. 21, 1879. 2378. Authorizing cleaning of fire cisterns. Approved Feb. 21, 1879, 2379. Authorizing purchase hose cart and tender. Engine Co. No. 5. Ap~ proved P'ebruary 21, 1879. 2380. Declaring cost improving Salmon street. Approved Feb. 21, 1879, 2381. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Salmon street. Approved Febru- ary 21, 1879. 2382. Authorizing erection street lamps. Approved F'eb, 21, 1879, 2383. Changing and establishing grades on F street. Approved February 21, 1879. 2384. Improving Columbia street, river to Seventh street. Approved Feb. 21, 1879. 2385. Changing and establishing grades on H street. Approved February 21, 1879. 2386. Changing and establishing grades on E street. Approved February 21, 1879. 2387. Authorizing construction wharf, opposite lots 3 and 4, block 76, city. Approved F'ebruary 21, 1879. 2388. Amending Ordinance No. 2364, (bar-rooms and drinking shops). Approved February 26, 1879. 2389. Appropriation; General F'und ; relief P. G. Baker; E street improve- ment. Passed over veto of Mayor, March 5, 1879. 2390. Authorizing construction and operation of street railway on Wash- ington and B streets. Approved March 5, 1879. 2391. Changing and establishing grades on Columbia street. Approved March 7, 1879. 2392. Amending Ordinance No. 1500, (salary of City Attorney). Approved March 7, 1879. 2393. Modifying Ordinance No. 2183, (franchise Am. Tel. & Dist. Tele- graph Co.) Approved March 7, 1879. 2394. Fire cisterns. Approved March 7, 1879. 2395. Declaring cost of improving North Fifth street, F to Ck Approved March 7, 1879. 2396. Appropriation; Fund, North Fifth street. Approved March 7, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 484 Number. 2397. Declaring cost of improving intersection Pine and Third streets. Ap- proved March 7, 1879. 2398. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement intersection Pine and Third streets. Approved March 7, 1879. 2399. Declaring cost of improving South Fourth street. Approved March 7 , 1879. 2400. Appropriation; Fund, improvement South Fourth street. Approved March 7, 1879. 2401. Declaring cost of improving Stark street. Approved March 7, 1879. 2402. Aiipropriation ; Fund, improvement Stark street. Approved March 1 , 1879- 2403. Declaring cost of improvement, C street. Approved March 7, 1879. 2404. Appropriation; Fund, improvement C street. Approved March 7, 1879- 2405. Authorizing contract, boarding prisoners. Approved March 7, 1879. 2406. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2266, (obstruction to streets). Approved March 21, 1879. 2407. Improving Jefferson street. Seventh to Eighth. Approved March 21, 1879. 2408. Authorizing repairs, First street bridge. Approved March 21, 1879. 2409. Improving First and North First streets, Vine to F. Approved March 21, 1879. 2410. Improving Columbia street. Eighth to Fifteenth street. Approved March 21, 1879. 2411. Declaring cost of improving Alder street. Approved March 21, 1879. 2412. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Alder street. Approved March 4, 1879. 2413. Declaring cost of improving B street. Approved March 21, 1879. 2414. Appropriation; Fund, improvement B street. Approved March 21, 1879. 2415. Declaring deficit ; Fund, improvement Front and North Front street. Approved March 21, 1879. 2416. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front and North Front street. Approved March 21, 1879. 2417. Prohibiting use of bean-shooters. Approved March 21, 1879. 2418. Authorizing contract, Lewiston & Fretland, feeding prisoners. Ap- proved March 24, 1879. 2419. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension of Second and North Second street. Approved April 2, 1879. CHRONOI.OGICAI. INDEX. 485 Number. 2420. Appropriation ; General Fund ; supply deficiency for compiling and printing City Ordinances and Charter. A.pproved April 3, 1879. 2421. Improving Fifth street, Pine to Oak. Approved April 3, 1879. 2422. Declaring cost of improving North Twelfth street, E to F. Approved April 3, 1879. 2423. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Twelfth street. Approved April 3, 1879. 2424. Fire cistern. Approved April 3, 1879. 2425. Improving East and N. W. Park streets, Stark to B. Approved Apr. 23, 1879. 2426. Improving Morrison street. Sixth to Twelfth. Approved April 28, 1879. 2427. Improving Tenth street, Jefferson to Montgomery. Approved April 16, 1879. 2428. Authorizing contract, work on B street. Approved April 28, 1879. 2429. Improving B street. North Fifteenth street to west boundary city. Ap- proved April 28, 1879. 2430. Authorizing repairs to fire engine No. 4. Approved April 28, 1879. 2431. Amending Ordinance No. 2374, (licenses). Approved April 28, 1879. 2432. Adopting report of City Surveyor, opening of Ella street. Approved April 28, 1879. 2433. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2266, (obstruction of streets). Approved April 28, 1879. 2434. Authorizing purchase of hose. Approved April 29, 1879. 2435. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved April 29, 1879. 2436. Improving Salmon street. Third to Seventh. Approved May 3, 1879. 2437. Improving Yamhill street. Front to Thirteenth. Approved May 3, 1879. 2438. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement Harrison street. Ap- proved May 3, 1879. 2439. Declaring cost of sewer in Washington street. Approved May 3, 1879. 2440. Fire cisterns. Approved May 3, 1879. 2441. Appropriation; Police Fund; fees Chief of Police. Approved May 3 . 1879- 2442. Authorizing repairs. First street bridge. Approved May 3, 1879. 2443. Adopting report Viewers, extension Madison street. Eighth to Twelfth. Approved May 8, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 486 Number. 2444. Adopting report Viewers, lateral extension Second and North Second streets. Approved May 8, 1879. 2445. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Washington street. Approved May 8, 1879. 2446. Improving North Eleventh street, G to N. Approved May 8, 1879. 2447. Declaring cost of improving Fifth street, Pine to Oak. Approved May 23, 1879. 2448. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fifth street. Approved May 23, 1879- 2449. Appropriation; Fund, lateral extension Second and North Second streets. Approved May 23, 1879. 2450. Adopting report Viewers, extension Clay street. Tenth to west line Chapman claim. Approved May 23, 1879. 2451. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, (animals and fowls). Approved May 23, 1879. 2452. Appropriation; General Fund; repair of streets. Approved May 23, 1879- 2453. Appropriation; Fund, extension Clay street. Approved June 6, 1879. 2454. Improving Fourth and North Fourth streets, Taylor to G. Approved June 6, 1879. 2455. Establishing certain grades, Couch’s addition. Approved June 6, 1879. 2456. Declaring cost of improving First and North First streets. Approved June 6, 1879. 2457. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement First and North First streets. Approved June 6, 1879. 2458. Authorizing lease, Mechanics’ Fair xA.ssociation, Market block 132, city. Approved June 10, 1879. 2459. Declaring cost improving Jefferson street. Approved June 20,1879. 2460. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved June 20, 1879. 2461. Declaring cost improving E and North West Park streets. Approved June 20, 1879. 2462. Appropriation ; P'und, improvement E and North West Park streets. Approved June 20, 1879. 2463. Establishing wharf line, city front. Approved June 20, 1879. 2464. Adopting map city front and wharf line. Approved June 20, 1879. 2465. Declaring cost improving Columbia street. Approved June 20, 1879. 2466. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved June 20, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 487 Number. 2467. Adopting report of Viewers’ opening Ella street. Approved June 20, 1879. 2468. Amending Ordinance No. 2356, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Approved June 20, 1879. 2469. Repealing Ordinances No. 2367 and 2443, (extension Madison street). Approved June 20, 1879. 2470. Changing and establishing grades on Water street. Approved June 28, 1879. 2471. Declaring surplus; assessment improvement Eighth street. Approved June 28, 1879. 2472. Declaring cost sewer, Columbia street. Approved June 28, 1879. 2473. Improving Second and North Second street, Ash to North Front. Approved June 28, 1879. 2474. Improving North Thirteenth street, ”G to Q. Approved June 28, 1879. 2475. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Columbia street sewer. Ap- proved July 3, 1879. 2476. Amending Ordinance No. 2366, (nuisances). Approved July 3, 1879. 2477. Appropriation; General Fund; litigation. Approved July 3, 1879. 2478. Changing and establisliing grades on K street. Approved July 3, 1879. 2479. Improving Salmon street. Seventh to West Park. Approved July 3, 1879. 2480. Improving North Fifth street, A to G. Approved July 3, 1879. 2481. Authorizing repairs, fire apparatus. Approved July 18, 1879. 2482. Amending Ordinance No. 1140, (prevention of fires). Approved July 18, 1879. 2483. Declaring cost improving Salmon street. Approved July 18, 1879. 2484. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Salmon street. Approved July 18, 1879. 2485. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement Second street. Ap- proved August 7, 1879. 2486. Repealing Ordinance No. 143, (toll gate, Milwaukee road). Ap- proved August 7, 1879. 2487. Improving Fourth and North Fourth streets. Approved Aug. 7, 1879. 2488. Designating daily newspaper to do city printing. Approved August 7, 1879. 2489. Authorizing contract, city printing. Approved August 7, 1879. 2490. Declaring cost of improving Tenth street. Approved Aug. 7, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 488 Number. 2491. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Tenth street. Approved August 7, 1879. 2492. Declaring cost of improving Yamhill street. Approved Aug. 7, 1879. 2493. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Yamhill street. Approved Aug. 7, 1879. 2494. Declaring cost of improving Morrison street. Approved Aug. 7, 1879. 2495. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved Aug. 7 , 1879- 2496. Improving Mill street, P'irst to Third. Approved Aug. 7, 1879. 2497. Declaring cost of improving B street. Approved Aug. 7, 1879, 2498. Appropriation; Fund, improvement B street. Approved Aug. 7, 1879. 2499. To secure protection of property and provide for the cleanliness and ornament of the city. Approved Aug. 7, 1879. 2500. Providing manner of constructing entrances to cellars and basements. Approved Aug. 8, 1879. 2501. Improving Taylor street. Fourth to Seventh. Approved Aug. 8, 1879. 2502. Appropriation; General Fund; judgment F. Bickel. Approved Aug. II, 1879. 2503. Amending Ordinance No. 2499, (cleanliness and ornament of city). Approved Aug. 20, 1879. 2504. Levying deficit assessment, improvement South Fifth street. Ap- proved Aug. 21, 1879. 2505. Improving Jefferson street. Seventh to East Park. Approved August 21, 1879. 2506. Declaring cost of improving Salmon street. Approved Aug. 21, 1879. 2507. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Salmon street. Approved Aug. 21, 1879. 2508. Appropriation; Fund, opening of Ella street. Approved August 21, 1879. 2509. Prohibiting Lathing within city limits. Approved Aug. 21, 1879. 2510. Prohibiting driving of swill carts certain hours. Approved August 21, 1879. 2511. Amending Ordinance No 2374, (licenses). Approved Aug. 22, 1879. 2512. Lighting street lamps. .Approved Av.g. 26, 1879 2513. Amending Ordinance No. 1975, (improvement of streets). .Approved Aug. 26, 1879. 2514. Improving Lincoln street. Front to Water. .Approved Aug. 26, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 489 Number, 2515. Declaring cost of improving Fourth and North Fourth streets. Ap- proved Aug. 26, 1879. 2516. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fourth and North Fourth streets Approved Aug. 26, 1879, 2517. Authorizing employment Assistant City Surveyor. Approved August 26, 1879. 2518. Appropriation; General Fund ; salary Assistant City Surveyor. Ap- proved Sept. 4, 1879. 2519. Improving North Ninth street, Stark to G. Approved Sept. 4, 1879. 2520. Declaring cost improving North Eleventh street. Approved Sept. 4 -, 1879. 2521. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Eleventh street. Ap- proved Sept. 4, 1879, 2522. Authorizing contract, lamp posts. Approved Sept. 18, 1879. 2523. Authorizing contract, erection street lamps. Approved Sept. 18, 1879. 2524. Improving E street, North Front to North Tenth. Approved Sept. 18, 1879. 2525. Improving North Sixth street, H to G. Approved Sept. 18, 1879, 2526. Amending Ordinance No. 2266, (obstruction of streets). Approved Sept. 18, 1879. 2527. Amending Ordinance No. 2374, (licenses). Approved Sept. 18, 1879. 2528. Appropriation ; General Fund ; filling street. Passed over veto of Mayor, September 17, 1879. 2529. Improving bridge. North B street. Approved Oct. 2, 1879. 2530. Prohibiting firing of fire crackers. Approved Oct. 3, 1879. 2531. Amending Ordinance No, 1414, (drawing warrants). Approved Oc- tober 3, 1879. 2532. Authorizing lease, house on lot 6, block 50, city. Approved Oct. 3, 1879. 2533. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, (animals and fowls). Approved Oct. 3, 1879. 2534. Appropriation; General Fund; payment A. B. Hallock. Approved October 21, 1879. 2535. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund; repairs apparatus. Approved October 21, 1879. 2536. Declaring cost improvement Mill street. Approved Oct. 21, 1879. 2537* Appropriation; Fund, improvement Mill street. Approved October 21, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 490 Number. 2538. Appropriation; General Fund; litigation. Approved Oct, 21. 1879. 2539. Appropriation; General Fund; City Assessor. Approved October 21, 1879. 2540. Improving North West Park street, G to B. Approved Oct. 21, 1879. 2541. Improving North East Park street. Ash to G. Approved October 21, 1879. 2542. Improving Water street, Columbia to Caruthers. Approved October 21, 1879. 2543. Declaring cost improving North Thirteenth street. Approved Octo- ber 21, 1879. 2544. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Thirteenth street. Ap- proved October 21, 1879. 2545. Declaring cost improving North Fifth street. Approved October 21, 1879. 2546. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Fifth street. Approved October 21, 1879. 2547. Declaring cost improving Jefferson street. Approved Oct. 21, 1879. 2548. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Oct. 21, 1879. 2549. Declaring cost improving Taylor street. Approved Oct. 21, 1879. 2550. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Taylor .street. Approved Oct. 21, 1879. 2551. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension E, street. Approved Oc- tober 21, 1879. 2552. Improving Main street. Fourth to Eleventh. Approved Oct. 2 1, 1879. 2553. Declaring cost of improving North Thirteenth street. Approved Oc- tober 30, 1879. 2554. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Thirteenth street. Ap- proved Oct. 30, 1879. 2555. Declaring cost of improving Lincoln street. Approved Oct. 30, 1879. 2556. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Lincoln street. Approved Oct. 30, 1879. 2557. Feeding prisoners, City Jail. Approved Oct. 30, 1879. 2558. Directing City Surveyor to prepare plans for a main sew-^er. Ap- proved Oct. 30, 1879. 2559. Appropriation ; Police Fund ; relief E. K. Campbell and J. W. Sloan. Approved Nov. 6, 1879. 2560. Improving Jefferson street. Front to river. Approved Nov. 6, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 49 1 Number. 2561. Improving North Seventeenth street, H to B, Approved November 6, 1879. 2562. Amending Ordinance No. 2283, (Police force). Approved Novem- ber 6, 1879. 2563. Amending Ordinance No. 2374, (licenses). Approved November 6, 1879. 2564. Amending Ordinance No. 2266, (obstruction of streets). Approved Nov. 6, 1879. 2565. Appropriation; General Fund; .Supply deficiency E Street Fund. Passed over veto of Mayor Nov. 5, 1879. 2566. Amending Ordinance No. 2557, (feeding prisoners). Approved Nov. 19, 1879. 2567. Appropriation; General Fund; general purposes. Approved Nov. 19. 1879. 2568. Regulate width tires of vehicles. Approved Nov. 20, 1879. 2569. Appropriation; General Fund; supply deficiency Clay Street Fund. Approved Nov. 20, 1879. 2570. Improving F street, North Front to North Thirteenth. Approved Nov. 20, 1879. 2571. Improving North Nineteenth street, L to B. Approved Nov. 20, 1879. 2572. Declaring cost of improving Second and North Second streets. Ap- proved Nov. 20, 1879, 2573. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Second and North Second streets. Approved Nov. 20, 1879. 2574. Granting franchise ; North Western Telephone and Electric Compa- ny. Approved Dec. 4, 1879. 2575. Declaring cost of improving North Ninth street. Approved Dec. 4, 1879. 2576. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Ninth street. Approved Dec. 4, 1879. 2577. Improving B street, Washington to North Tenth. Approved Dec. 4, 1879. 2578. Transfer; General b'und to Street Lamp Fund. Approved Dec. 4, 1879. 2579. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Market street. Approved Dec. 4, 1879. 2580. Providing payment claim Patrick Norton. Approved Dec. 4, 1879. 2581. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 4, 1879. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 492 Number. 2582. Appropriation; Police Fund ; relief C. H. Howard. Approved Dec. 18, 1879. 2583. Appropriation ; Police Fund ; pay of police. Approved December 18, 1879. 2584. Declaring cost improving Jefferson street. Approved Dec. 18, 1879. 2585. Appropriation; F'und, improvement of Jefferson street. Approved Dec. 18, 1879. 2586. Declaring cost improving North East Park street. Approved Dec. 18, 1879. 2587. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North East Park street. Ap- proved December 18, 1879. 2588. Declaring surplus assessments, improvement Lincoln street. Ap- proved December 18, 1879. 2589. Declaring surplus assessments, improvement South First street. Ap- proved Dec. 18, 1879. 2590. Declaring surplus assessments, improvement Alder street. Approved Dec. 18, 1879. 2591. Authorizing purchase Hook and Ladder Truck. Approved Dec. 19, 1879. 2592. Authorizing repairs Fire Engine House No. 4. Approved Dec. 19, 1879. 2593. Amending Ordinance No. 2524, (improving E street). Approved Dec. 19, 1879. 2594. Amending Ordinance No. 2561, (improving North Seventeenth st.). Approved Dec. 19, 1879. 2595. Transfer General Fund to F'ire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 30, 1879. 2596. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 8, 1880. 2597. Levying tax, general municipal purposes (.005). Approved January 13, 1880. 2598. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Jan. 13, 1880. 2599. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Jan. 13, 1880. 2600. Appropriation; General Fund; payment salaries. Approved Jan. 13, 1880. 2601. Declaring cost improving North Sixth street. Approved January 13, 1880. 2602. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Sixth street. Approved January 13, 1880. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 493 Number. 2603. Declaring cost improving North West Park street. Approved January 13, 1880. 2604. Appropriation ; P'und, improvement North West Park street. Ap- proved January 13, 1880. 2605. Declaring cost improving Main street. Approved Jan. 13, 1880. 2606. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Main street. Approved January 13, 1880. 2607. Appropriation; General Fund ; supply deficiency, fund for improve- ment Sheridan street. Approved Jan. 13, 1880. 2608. Authorizing repairs to Pdre P'ngine No. 4. Approved Jan. 13, 1880. 2609. Regulating the number of policemen and fixing their compen.sation, and repealing Ordinance No. 2283 and all conflicting Ordinances. Approved January 22, 1880. 2610. Improving First street, Salmon to Madison. Approved Jan. 23, 1880. 2611. Improving First und North First streets. Vine to P'. Approved Jan. 23, 1880. 2612. Street lamps. Approved Jan. 23, 1880. 2613. Pdre alarm telegraph. Approved Jan. 23, 1880. 2614 Amending Ordinance No. 2356, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Approved Jan. 23, 1880. 2615. Transfer; sundry balances. Approved Jan. 23, 1880. 2616. Fixing salary Superintendent of Streets. In force by operation of law P'eb. 2, 1880. 2617. Authorizing contract, Portland Gas Light Company. Approved P"eb. 5, 1880. 2618. Declaring cost of improving B street. Approved Feb 5, 1880. 2619. Appropriation; P"und, improvement B street. Approved Feb. 5, 1880. 2620. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension of Third street. Ash to A. Approved Feb. 6, 1880. 2621. Adopting report of Viewers, extension of E street. Approved Feb. 6, 1880. 2622. Establishing certain grades. Approved Feb. 6, 1880. 2623. Establishing certain grades. Approved Feb. 6, 1880. 2624. Amending Ordinance No. 1975, (improving streets). Approved Feb. 7, 1880. 2625. Amending Ordinance No. 823, (contracts street work). Approved Feb. 20, 1880. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 494 Number. 2626. Amending Ordinance No. 1 146, (quarterly allowances fire companies). Approved Feb. 20, 1880. 2627. Transferring tax levied by Ordinance No. 2597. Approved Febru- ary 20, 1880, 2628. Appropriation; General Fund; judgment B. F. Dowell. Approved Feb. 20, 1880. 2629 Appropriation; General Fund; srpply deficiencies various funds. Approved Feb. 20, 1880. 2630. Authorizing payment claim of Willamette Iron Works, Approved Feb. 20, 1880. 2631. Improving Front street, Ash to Madison. Approved Feb. 20, 1880. 2532. Licensing and regulating pawn brokers, junk shops and second-hand stores. Approved Feb. 20, 1880. 2633. Transfer; General Fund to Pine Street Sewer Fund. Approved Feb. 20, 1880. 2634. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Market street. Approved Feb. 27, 1880. 2635. Authorizing lease Willamette engine house wall. Approved March 18, 1880. 2656. Appropriation; General Fund; expense of pound. Approved March 18, 1880, 2637. Improving North Fourteenth street, E to C. Approved March 19, 1880. 2638. Declaring cost of improving E street. Approved March 19, 1880. 2639. Appropriation; Fund, improvement E street. Approved March 19, 1880. 264J. E)eclaring cost of improving First and North First streets. Approved March 20, 1880. 2641. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First and North First streets. Approved March 19, 1880 2642. Declaring cost improving F street. Approved March 19, 1880. 2643. Appropriation; Fund, improvement F street. Approved March 19, 1880. 2644. Declaring cost improving First street. Approved March 19, 1880. 2645. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First street. Approved March 19, 1880. .Authorizing repairs. North Ninth street bridge. .Approved March 19, 1880. 2646. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 495 Number. 2647. Authorizing employment Assistant Surveyor. Approved March 19, 1880, 2648. Improving First and South First street, Madison to Woods. Approved March 19, 1880. 2649. Amending Ordinance No. 1975, (improving streets). Approved March 19, 1880. 2650. Authorizing public sale certain real estate belonging to city. Approved March 19, 1880. 2651. Improving Columbia .street, Front to Water. Approved March 19, 1880. 2652. Improving Fifth street, A to Morrison. Approved March 19, 1880. 2653. Fire cistern. Approved March 19, 1880. 2654. Improving Front street. Ash to Madison. Approved March 30, 1880. 2655. Repealing Ordinance No. 2631, (improvement Front street). Ap- proved March 30, 1880. 2656. Improving First and South First street, Madison to Woods. Approved March 30, i88o. 2657. Transfer; General P'und; to supply deficiency, fund for lateral exten- sion Second and North Second street. Approved March 30, 1880. 2658. Authorizing sale of diving apparatus belonging to city. Approved April 9, 1880. 2659. Appropriation ; Fund, extension Madison street. Approved April 9, 1880. 2660. Declaring surplus assessment ; improvement Salmon street. Approved April 9, 1880. 2661. Improving Madison street, Willamette river to Eighth. Approved April 9, 1880. 2662. Improving Alder street. Fifth to Ninth. Approved April 9, 1880. 2663. Appropriation; Fund, extension E street. Approved April 9, 1880. 2664. Amending Ordinance No. 2060, (shade trees). Approved April 9, 1880. 2665. Changing and establishing grades. North Sixteenth, North Seventeenth and North Eighteenth streets. Approved April 9, 1880. 2666. Improving North Fifteenth street, H to S. Approved April 9, 1880. 2667. Improving North Eleventh street, N to Q. Approved April 9, 1880. Appropriation ; Police Fund ; fees Chief of Police. Approved April 16, 1880. 2668. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 496 Number. 2669. Appropriation; Fund, extension Market street. Approved April 16, ’ 1880. 2670. Appropriation ; General Fund ; payment assessments Market street extension. Approved April 16, 1880. 2671. Authorizing purchase of fire hose. Approved April 16, 1880. 2672. Amending Ordinance No. 922, (working city prisoners). Approved April 16, 1880. 2673. Authorizing expenditure, shade trees. Park blocks. Approved April 16, 1880. 2674. Changing grade of J street. Approved April 16, 1880. 2675. Improving South Sixth street, Jackson to Caruthers. Approved April 16, 1880. 2676. Amending Ordinance No. 2356, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Approved April 16, 1880. 2677. Amending Ordinance No. 2374, (licenses). Approved April 16, 1880. 2678. Establishing ferry landing, Jefferson street. Approved April 17, 1880. 2679. Protect public from contagious or dangerous diseases. Approved April 17, 1880. 2680. Improving O street. North Front to North Thirteenth. Approved April 17, 1880. 2681. Vacating C street, west of west line North Eighteenth street. Ap- proved April 22, 1880. 2682. Changing and establishing grades of South First street. Approved April 22, 1880. 2683. Improving G street. North Thirteenth to North Nineteenth. Ap- proved April 22, 1880. 2684. Declaring cost of improving North Nineteenth street. Approved April 22, 1880. 2685. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Nineteenth street. Ap- proved April 22, 1880. 2686. Fire cisterns. Approved April 22, 1880. 2687. Improving B street. North Fifteenth street to west line of city. Ap- proved April 22, 1880. 2688. Improving Washington street. Front to B. Approved Apr. 22, 1880. 2689. Fixing compensation Street Repairer. Passed Common Council over veto of Mayor April 21, 1880. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block No. 76, city. Ap- proved April 27, i88o. 2690. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 497 Number. 2691. Declaring of improving North Seventeenth street. Approved May 7, 1880. 2692. Appropriation; P'und, improvement North Seventeenth street. Ap- proved May 7, 1880. 2693. Improving Main street, Second to Twelfth. Approved May 7, 1880. 2694. Improving P'ront street, Ash to Madison. Approved May 7, 1880. 2695. Improving Oak street, Willamette river to Seventh street. Approved May 7, 1880. 2696. Improving Jefferson street, Seventh to Twelfth. Approved May 1880. 2697. Improving Morrison street, Willamette river to Sixth street. Approved May 7, 1880. 2698. Improving Fourth and South Fourth streets. Approved May 21, 1880. 2699. Appropriation; General P'und ; litigation. Approved May 21, 1880. 2700. Improving D street. North Park to North Eighth. Approved May 21, 1880. 2701. Improving Market street, Eighth to P'ifteenth. .Approved May 2i, 1880. 2702. Declaring cost improving Columbia street. Approved May 21, 1880. 2703. Appropriation; P'und, improvement Columbia street. Approved May 21, 1880. 2704. Declaring cost repair bridge, North Ninth street. Approved May 21, 1880. 2705. Appropriation; Fund, repair North Ninth street bridge. Approved May 21, 1880. 2706. Amending Ordinance No. 1015, (sprinkling streets). Approved May 21, 1880. 2707. Authorizing repairs. Fire Engine House No. 3. Approved May 21, 1880. 2708. Improving Third street, Taylor to Madison. In force by operation of law, June i, 1880. 2709. Amending Ordinance No. 2510, (prohibiting driving swill carts cer- tain hours). Approved lune 3, 1880. 2710. Prohibiting posting of notices, placards, bills, posters, etc., on side- walk, curb or crosswalk. Approved June 3, 1880. 2711. Authorizing repairs to Fire Engine House No. 5. Approved June 3, 1880. Declaring cost improving Front street. Ash to Morrison. Approved June 10, 1880. 2712. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 498 Number. 2713. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front street. Approved June 10, 1880. 2714. Extending sewer in Oak street, Seventh to East Park. Approved June 10, 1880. 2715. Declaring cost improving First and South First street. Approved June 10, 1880. 2716. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First and South First street. Ap- proved June 10, 1880. 2717. Improving H street, North Thirteenth to North Nineteenth. Ap- proved June 10, 1880. 2718. Improving Grant street. South Fourth to South Fifth. Approved June II, 1880. 2719. Improving Eleventh street. Clay to Montgomery. Approved June ii, 1880. 2720. Improving North Seventh street, A to G. Approved June ii, 1880. 2721. Improving Sherman street. South Fourth to South Fifth. Approved June II, 1880. 2722. Improving Lincoln street, vSouth Fourth to South Fifth. Approved June II, 1880. 2723. Improving Caruthers street. South Fourth to South Fifth. Approved June II, 1880. 2724. Appropriation ; General Fund to Pine street sewer Fund. Approved June II, 1880. 2725. Amending Ordinance 1140, (prevention of fires). Approved June II, 1880. 2726. Authorizing contract, Oregon and California Railroad Co. Approved June 1 1, 1880. 2727. Changing and establtshing grade of Water street. Approved June 17, 1880. 2728. Changing and establishing grade of Market street. Approved June 17, 1880. 2729. Changing and establishing grades on Clay street. Approved June 17, 1880. 2730. Improving Clay street, Eighth to Fifteenth. Approved June 17, 1880. 2731. Amending Ordinance No. 2266, (obstruction of streets). Approved June 17, 1880. 2732. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Wm. Jackson. Approved June 17, 1880. Declaring cost of improving Fifth and North Fifth streets. Approved June 17, 1880. 2 733 - CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 499 Number. 2734. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fifth and North Fifth streets. Approved June 17, 1880. 2735. Declaring cost of improving Water street. Approved June 17, 1880. 2736. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Water street. Approved June 17, 1880. 2737. Prevent injury to lampposts and street signs. Approved June 17, 1880. 2738. Establishing grades on Grant street. Approved June 17. 1880. 2739. Establishing grades on Hall street. Approved June 17, 1880. 2740. Declaring cost sewer in Madison street. Approved June 19, 1880. 2741. Appropriation; Madison Street Sewer Fund. Approved June 19, 1880. 2742. Authorizing employment Assistant Auditor and Clerk. Passed Com- mon Council over objections of the Mayor July i, 1880. 2743. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase Park blocks Nos. 14, 17, and 18. Approved July 7, 1880. 2744. Impri^ving Jeffer.son street. Seventh to Twelfth. Approved July 9, 1880. 2745. Authorizing employment additional counsel. Approved July 9, 1880. 2746. Authorizing purchase fire material. Approved July 9, 1880, 2747. Prohibiting suspension of signs and transparencies over streets. Ap- proved July 12, 1880. 2748. Granting permission Portland Mechanics’ Fair Association to extend buildings on block 132, city. Approved July 22, 1880. 2749. Declaring cost of improving Fourth and South Fourth streets. Ap- proved July 22, 1880. 2750. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fourth and South Fourth streets. Approved July 22, 1880. 2751. Declaring cost of improving Front street. Ash to Madison. Approved July 22, 1880. 2752. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front street. Approved July 22, 1880. 2753 - Secure protection of property and provide for cleanliness and orna- ment of the city, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 2499 and 2503. Approved July 23, 1880. 2754. Appropriation; General Fund; Judgment Coung Ye Loong & Co. Approved July 23, 1880. 2755. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Salmon street. Approved July 23, 1880. 2756. Admitting Couch Engine Co. No. 6, into Portland Fire Department. Approved July 23, 1880. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 500 Number. 2757. Constructing sewer in Taylor street, river to Seventh. Approved Au- gust 5, 1880. 2758. Authorizing repairs Engine House No. 4. Approved August 5, 1880. 2759. Appropriation ; Police Fund ; fees Chief of Police. Approved Aug. 5, 1880. 2760. Authorizing contract, Evening Telegram ; city advertising. Approved Aug. 5, 1880. 2761. Declaring cost improving Sixth and South Sixth street. Approved Aug. 6, 1880. 2762. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Sixth and South Sixth street. Approved Aug. 6, 1880. 2763. Declaring cost improving North Eleventh street. Approved August 6, 1880. 2764. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Eleventh street. Ap- proved Aug. 6, 1880 2765. Authorizing erection fire alarm box. Approved Aug. 6, 1880. 2766. Improving Water street, Columbia to Caruthers’ land claim. Ap- Aug. 6, 1880. 2767. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Wm. Church, Sr. Approved Aug. 6, 1880. 2768. Declaring cost, sewer in Alder street. Approved Aug. 6, 1880. 2769. Declaring cost improving D street. Approved Aug. 6, 1880. 2770. Appropriation ; Fund, imprcn'ement D street. Approved August 6, 1880. 2771. Appropriation; General Fund ; killing and burying dogs. Approved Aug. 12, 1880. 2772. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Meade street. Approved Aug. II, 1880. 2773 - 2774. 2775 - 2776. 2777. 2778. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Hooker street. Approved Aug. II, 1880. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Williams street. Approved Aug. II, 1880. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Porter street. Approved Aug. II, 1880. Adopting report of City Surveyor, North Twentieth street. Approved Aug. 13, 1880. Authorizing rejiairs. Fire Engine House No 2. Approved Aug. 13, 1880. Improving Main street, river to Twelfth. Approved Aug. 13, 1880. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 501 Number. 2779. Appropriation; Alder street Sewer Fund. Approved Aug. 19, 1880. 2780. Improving B and Washington streets. Approved Aug. 19, 1880. 2781. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Aug. 19, 1880. 2782. Declaring cost improving Q street. Approved Aug. 19, 1880. 2783. Appropriation; Fund, improvement street. Approved Aug. 19, 1880. 2784. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Mill street. Approved Aug. 19, 1880. 2785. Declaring cost of improving G street. Approved Aug 19, 1880. 2786. Appropriation; Fund, improvement G street. Approved August 19, 1880. 2787. Appropriation ; General Fund ; miscellaneous accounts. Approved August 19, 1880. 2788. Declaring cost of improving North Fourteenth street. Approved Au^ gust 19, 1880. 2789. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Fourteenth street. Ap- proved August 19, 1880. 2790. Authorizing contract, JefTerson .Street hArry Company. Ajiproved August 19, 1880. 2791. Improving Taylor street. Twelfth to Pacific street. Approved Aug. 19, 1880. 2792. Improving Oak street. Front to First. Approved Aug. 19, 1880. 2793. Repairs to fire cisterns. Approved Aug. 21, 1880. 2794. Requiring privy vaults and drains to be connected with street sewers. A]-)proved Aug. 19, 1880. 2795. Appropriation; Lamp Fund; relief). J, Keneally. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2796. Improving Second street, Columbia to Mill. Approved September 6, 1880. 2797. Improving Third street, Madison to Market. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2798. Improving Market street. Front to Fourth. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2799. Declaring cost of improving North Fifteenth street. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2800. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Fifteenth street. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2801. Providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of property endangered thereby. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2802. Improving South Seventh street. College to Grant. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 502 Number. 2803. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2804. Improving North East Park street, A to H. Approved September 6, 1880. 2805. Regulating manner of appointing Engineers Portland Fire Depart- ment. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2806. Prohibit minors roaming streets. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2807. Providing for the construction of underground drains or box sewers in certain streets. Approved Sept. 2, 1880. 2808. Improving Harrison street, Front to Water. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2809. Amending Ordinance No. 1975, (improving streets). Approved Sep- tember 6, 1880. 2810. Lighting street lamps. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2811. Declaring cost of improving Jefferson street. Approved September 6, 1880. 2812. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Sep- tember 6, 1880. 2813. Declaring cost of improving Washington street. Approved Septem- ber 6, 1880. 2814. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Washington street. Approved Sept. 6, 1880. 2815. Amending Ordinance No. 2647, (employment Assistant City Survey- or). i\pproved Sept. 18, 1880. 2816. Fire cistern. Approved Sept. 18, 1880. 2817. Declaring cost improving Third street. Approved Sept. 18, 1880. 2818. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Third street. Approved Sept. 18, 1880. 2819. Declaring cost, sewer in Morrison street. Approved Sept. 18, 1880. 2820. Appropriation; Morrison street Sewer Fund. Approved Sept. 18, 1880. 2821. Declaring cost, sewer in Oak street. Approved Sept. 18, 1880. 2822. Appropriation; Oak street Sewer Fund. Approved Sept. 18, 1880. 2823. Improving First street. Vine to Alder. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2824. Levying deficit assessment ; improvement North Fifteenth street. Ap- proved Sept. 23, 1880. 2825. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Fifteenth street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. Levying deficit assessment ; improvement Washington street. Ap- proved Sept. 23, 1880. 2826. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 503 Number. 2827. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Washington street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2828. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Jefferson street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2829. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension South First street. Ap- proved Sept. 23, 1880. 2830. Declaring cost improving Water street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2831. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Water street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2832. Declaring cost improving Second street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2833. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Second street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2834. Improving North Eighteenth street, H to M. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2835. Declaring cost improving B street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2836. Appropriation; Fund, improvement B street. Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2837. Amending Ordinance No. 2368, (dogs). Approved Sept. 23, 1880. 2838. Regulating letting contracts, street work. Approved Sept. 24, 1880. 2839. In relation to the improvement of streets, and repealing Ordinance No. 1975, and all other Ordinances conflicting. Approved Sept. 25, 1880. 2840. Levying deficit assessment; sewer in Oak street. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2841. Appropriation; Oak street Sewer Fund. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2842. Declaring cost improving Grant street. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2843. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Grant .street. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2844. Declaring cost improving Market street. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2845. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Market .street. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2846. Declaring cost improving I. strret. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2847. Appropriation; Fund, improvement L street. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2848. Improving Columbia street. Front to Eighth. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2849. Improving Clay street, Front to Second. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2850. Amending Ordinance No. 2801, (prevention fires). Approved Oct. 7, 1880. CHR( 3 NOLOGICAL INDEX. 504 Number.. 2851. Authorizing contract, connection Police Building and Engine House No. 2 with Oak street sewer. Approved Oct. 7, 1880. 2852. Improving N street, North Thirteenth to North Fifteenth. Approved Oct. 14, 1880. 2853. Improving Third and North Third street, Washington to North Front, Approved Oct. 21, 1880. 2854. Authorizing a loan. Approved Oct. 22, i88a. 2855. Authorizing contract, lamp posts. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2856. Declaring cost of improving Third street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2857. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Third street. Approved Octo- ber 22,. 1880. 2858. Declaring cost of improving North East Park street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2859. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Fast Park street. Ap- proved Oct. 22, 1880. 2860. Declaring cost of improving Oak street. Front to First. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2861. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Oak street. Approved October 22, 1880, 2862. Declaring cost of improving Lincoln street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2863. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Lincoln street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2864. Declaring cost of improving Seventh and South Seventh streets. Ap- proved Oct 22, 1880. 2865. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Seventh and South Seventh streets. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2866. Declaring cost improving Sherman street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2867. Appropriation; F'und, improvement Sherman street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2868. Declaring cost improving Caruthers street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2869. Appropriation ; Fund, improving Caruthers street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2870. Improving Twelfth street, Columbia to Montgomery. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2871. Establishing grades. North Second street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2872. Changing and establishing grade of Third street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2873. Changing and establishing grade of North Third street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 505 Number. 2874. Changing and establishing grade of North First street. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2875. Authorizing purchase material for police uniforms. Approved Oct. 22, 1880. 2876. Defining manner of laying down gas and water mains. Approved Oct. 22. 1880. 2877. Appropriation; Goneral Fund; improvement of streets in front of public property. Approved Nov. 4, 1880. 2879. Improving Front and North Front streets, Vine to F. Approved No- vember 4, 1880. 2880. Improving Morrison street, Front to First. Approved November 4 , 1880. 2881. Improvi-ng North Sixteenth street, R to G. Approved Nov. 4, 1880. 2882. Improving B street, North Tenth to North Fifteenth. Approved No- vember 4, 1880. 2883. Improving Third and South Third streets, Market to Sheridan. Ap- proved Nov. 4, 1880. 2884. Declaring cost of improving Market street. Approved Nov. 6, 1880. 2885. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Market street. Approved Nov. 6, 1880. 2886. Declaring cost of improving Washington and B streets. Approved Nov. 4, 1880. 2887. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Washington aud B streets. Ap- proved Nov. 4, 1880. 2888. Declaring cost of improving Clay street. Approved Nov. 4, 1880. 2889. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Clay street. Approved Novem- ber 4, 1880. 2890. Declaring cost of improving Columbia street. Approved November 4, 1880. 2891. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved No- vember 4, 1880. 2892. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Jefferson street. Approved November 4, 1880. 2893. Adopting report Viewers, extension North Twentieth street. Ap- proved Nov. 4, 1880. 2894. Declaring cost of improving First street. Approved Nov. 4, 1880. 2895. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First street. Approved Novem- ber 4, 1880. Improving F street. North Thirteenth to North Nineteenth. Ap- proved Nov. 4, 1880. 2896. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 506 Number, 2897. Improving North Front street, G to N. Approved Nov. 20, 1880. 2898. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement of B street. Approved Nov, 20, 1880. 2899. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement of Clay street. Ap- proved Nov. 20, 1880. 2900. Declaring cost of improving Eleventh street. Approved November 20, 1880. 2901. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Eleventh street. Approved No- vember 20, 1880. 2902. Appropriation; Police Fund, Approved Nov. 23, 1880. 2903. Declaring cost of improving Taylor street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2904. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Taylor street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2905. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension D street. Approved No- vember 24, 1880. 2906. Adopting report of City Surveyor. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2907. Improving N street. North Front to North Sixteenth, Approved No- vember 24, 1880. 2908. Declaring cost sewer in Taylor street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2909. Appropriation; Taylor Street Sewer Fund. Approved November 24, 1880, 2910. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Clay srreet. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2911. Declaring cost improving Harrison street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2912. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Harrison street sewer. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2913. Changing and establishing grade of Hall street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2914. Changing and establishing grades, North Front street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2915. Improving E street. North Fourteenth to city limits. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2916. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2917. Amending Ordinance No. 2807, (underground drains). Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2918. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov, 24, 1880, 2919. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension G street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 507 Number. 2920. Amending Ordinance No. 2778, (improving Main street). Approved Nov. 24, 1880, 2921. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension H street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880, 2922. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Columbia street. Approved Nov. 24, 1880. 2923. In relation to assessment and collection of taxes, and repealing Or- dinance No. 1 1 13. Approved Dec. 2, 1880. 2924. Authorizing contract, stationery and blanks. Approved Dec. 2, 1880. 2925. Declaring deficit assessment ; improvement of Market street. Ap- proved Dec. 4, 1880. 2926. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Market street. Approved Dec. 4, 1880. 2927. Prohibiting suspension signs and transparencies over sidewalks. Ap- proved Dec. 4, 1880. 2928. Amending Ordinance No. 2778, (improving Main street). Approved Dec. 4, 1880. 2929. Declaring cost improving Third and South Third street. Approved Dec. 4, 1880. 2930. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Third and South Third street. Approved Dec. 4, 1880. 2931. Amending Odinance No. 1410, (Street Department). Approved Dec. 7, 1880, 2932. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Madison street. Passed Common Council over objection of Mayor, Dec. 15, 1880. 2933. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 17, 1880. 2934. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 17, 1880. 2935. Authorizing contract, boarding prisoners. Approved Dec. 21, 1880. 2936. Declaring deficit assessment ; improvement Columbia street. Ap- proved Dec. 21, 1880. 2937. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved Dec. 21, 1880. 2938. Declaring cost sewer. Main street. Approved Dec. 21, 1880. 2939. Appropriation; Fund, Main street sewer. Approved Dec. 22, 1880. 2940. Adopting report of Viewers, extension F street. Approved Dec. 22, 1880. 2941. Declaring cost of improving Clay street. Approved Dec. 22, 1880. 2942. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Clay street. Approved Decem- ber 20, 1880. 5 o8 chronological index. Number. 2943. Appropriation ; Fund, extension Jefiferson street. Approved Decem- ber 22, 1880. 2944. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Montgomery street. Ap- proved Dec. 22, 1880. 2945. Amending Ordinance No. 2609, (Policemen and salary). Approved Dec. 22, 1880. 2946. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Water street. Approved Dec. 22, 1880. 2947. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension of North Third street. Approved Dec. 22, 1880. 2948. Authorizing erection of street lamp. Approved Dec. 22, 1880. 2949. Improving Hall street. Ninth 1o Fourteenth. Approved December 22, 1880. 2950. Appropriation ; Fund, extension North Twentieth street. Approved Dec. 22, 1880. 2951. Amending Ordinance No 1414, (drawing warrants). Approved Dec. 28, 1880. 2952. Changing and establishing grade of Water street. Approved Decem- ber 29, 1880. 2953. Adopting report Viewers, extension G street. Approved December 29, 1880. 2954. Adopting report of Viewers, extension H street. Approved Decem- ber 29, 1880. 2955. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Clay street. Approved Dec. 29, 1880. 2956. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension D street. Approved De- cember 29, 1880. 2957. Adopting report of Viewers, extension of Columbia street. Approved Dec. 29, 1880. 2958. Impose and regulate licenses. Approved Dec. 29, 1880. 2959. Concerning offenses and disorderly conduct. Approved December 29, 1880. 2960. Authorizing sale of lots 5 and 6, block 51, Caruthers’ addition. Ap- proved Jan. 7, 1881. 2961. Changing and establishing grades on Fifth street. Approved Janu- ary 7, 1881. 2962. Improving R street, Ella to city limits. Approved Jan. 7, 1881. 2963. Improving J street. Ninth to Couch claim. Approved Jan. 7, 1881 . CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX, 509 Number. 2964. Declaring cost of improving Third and North Third streets. Ap- proved Jan. 7, 1881. 2965. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Third and North Third streets. Approved Jan. 7, 1881. 2966. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 7, 1881. 2967. Prohibiting suspension signs and transparencies over sidewalks. Ap- proved Jan. 7, 1881. 2968. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension South First street. Ap- proved Jan. 7, 1881. 2969. Authorizing Oregonian Railway Company (Limited) lay track. Ap- proved Jan. 7, 1881. 2970. Levying tax ; general municipal purposes, (.0025). Approved Jan. 21, 1881. 2971. Levying special tax; Fire Department, (.003). Approved January 21, 1881. 2972. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 21, 1881. 2973. Appropriation; General Fund ; salaries, etc. Approved Jan. 21, 1881. 2974. Appropriation; Street Lamp F'und. Approved Jan. 21, 1881. 2975. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Jan 21, 1881. 2976. Amending Ordinance No. 1 146, (quarterly allowances Fire Depart- ment). Approved Jan. 22, 1881. 2977. Declaring cost of improving Morrison street. Approved Jan. 22, 1881 . 2978. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved Jan. 22, 1881. 2979. Repealing Ordinance No. 2879, (improving Front and North Front street). Approved Jan. 22, 1881. 2980. Improving D street, river to Tenth. Approved Jan. 22, 1881. 2981. Improving North Third street. Approved Jan. 22, 1881. 2982. Declaring cost wooden box drains. Approved Jan. 22, 1881. 2983. Appropriation; Fund, construction box drains. Approved Jan. 22, 1881. 2984. Defining duties and compensation City Attorney.* Approved Jan. 25, 1881. 2985. Authorizing contract, purchase steam fire pump. Approved Jan. 25, 1881. 2986. Improving D street, North Tenth to North Eighteenth. Approved Jan. 26, 1881. 2987. Improving Market street. Fourth to Tenth Approved Jan. 26, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 510 Number. 2988. Authorizing printing Charter and Ordinances. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2989. Changing and establishing grade, South Seventh street. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2990. Improving Ella street, B to E. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2991. Improving Third street, Washington to Taylor. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2992. Changing and establishing grade of N street. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2993. Authorizing contract, John Folkman. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2994. Prevention and removal of nuisances. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2995. Defining vagrancy and providing for punishment thereof. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2996. Suppressing bawdy houses. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2997. Regulate driving of piles, Willamette river, and repealing Ordinance No. 1288. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2998. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Mill street. Approved Feb. 4, 1881. 2999. Establishing grade on Jefferson street. Approved Feb. 18, 1881. 3000. Authorizing contract, fire cisterns. Approved Feb. 18, 1 881. 3001. Authorizing purchase lot 4, block 108, city. Approved Feb. 18, 1881. 3002. Adopting report Viewers, extension South First street. Approved Feb. 18, 1881. 3003. Authorizing a loan for a term of years. Approved Feb. 18, 1881. 3004. Protect the public health and prevent spread of dangerous or conta- gious diseases. Approved Feb. 23, 1881. 3005. Appropriation; General P"und ; satisfaction damages extension South First street. Approved March 3, 1881. 3006. Appropriation; Fund, extension South First street. Approved March 3, 1881. 3007. Appropriation General Fund; purchase lot 4, block 108, city. Ap- proved March 3, 1881. 3008. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved March 3, 1881. 3009. Appropriation; Police Fund; payment note First National Bank. Approved March 3, 1881. 3010. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved March 3, 1881. 3011. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension East Park street. Approved March 3, 1881. 3012. Obstructions, Willamette river. Approved March 3, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 5II Number. 3013. Appropriation; Fund, extension F street. Approved March 3, 1881, 3014. Appropriation; Fund, extension Columbia street. Approved March 3, 1881. 3015- Changing and establishing grade of H street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3016. Changing and establishing grade of I street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3017. Changing and establishing grade of J street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3018. Changing and establishing grade of K street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3019. Changing and establishing grade of L street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3020. Changing and establishing grade of M street, 1881, Approved March 3, 3021. Changing and establishing grade of O street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3022. Changing and establishing grade of P street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3023. Changing and establishing grade of Q street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3024. Changing and establishing grade of R street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3025. Changing and establishing grade of S street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3026. Changing and establishing grade of T street. 1881. Approved March 3, 3027. Appropriation; Fund, extension (} street. Approved March 4, 1881. 3028. Appropriation; Fund, extension H street. Approved March 4, 1881. 3029. Appropriation ; Fund, extension Clay street. 1881. Approved March 4, 3030- Providing for appointment Deputy Supt. of March 7, 1881. Streets. Approved 3031- Authorizing contract, extension in B street culvert. Approved March 7, 1881. 3032. Transferring tax levied by Ordinance No. 2970. Approved March 18, 1881. * 3033- Authorizing contract, Portland Gas Light Company. Approved Mar. 18, 1881. 3034. Providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of persons and property endangered thereby. Approved March 18, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 512 Number. 3035. Improving F street, Willamette river to Tenth street. Approved March 18, 1881. 3036. Prohibiting blowing of steam whistles within city limits. Approved March 18, 1881. 3037. Improving Columbia street, Water to Second. Approved March 19, 1881. 3038. Repealing Section 35 of Ordinance No. 2958, (impose and regulate licenses). Approved March 19, 1881. 3039. Appropriation; General Fund; payment damages, street extensions. Approved March 19, 1881. 3040. Declaring surplus of assessments, improvement Front and South Front streets. Approved March 19, 1881. 3041. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement Hall street. Approved March 19, 1881. 3042. Adopting report of Viewers, lateral extension North Third street. Approved March 22, 1881. 3043. Regulating manner of appointment Engineers Fire Department. Ap- proved April 8, 1881. 3044. Amending Section 12 of Ordinance No. 2839, (improving streets). Approved April 8, 1881. 3045. Authorizing purchase of wagon, use of street repairer. Approved April 8, 1881. 3046. Changing and establishing grade. Front and North Front streets. Ap- proved April 8, 1881. 3047. Improving N street. Approved April 8, 1881. 3048. Declaring cost of improving J street. Approved April 8, 1881. 3049. Appropriation; Fund, improvement J street. Approved April 8, 1881. 3050. Improving Third street, Taylor to Washington. Approved April 8, 1881. 3051. Improving Front street, Madison to Columbia. Approved April 8, 1881. 3052. Authorizing purchase of hose. Approved April 18, 1881. 3053. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain parties. Approved Apr. 8, 1881. 3054. Declaring cost of improving N street. Approved April 8, 1881. 3055. Appropriation; Fund, improvement N street. Approved April 8, 1881. 3056. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement First street. Approved April 22, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 513 Number. 3057. Declaring cost of improving N street. Approved April 22, 1881. 3058. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement N street. Approved April 22, 1881. 3059. Declaring cost of improving North Third street. Approved April 22, i88i. 3060. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Third street. Approved April 22, 1881. 3061. Declaring cost of improving North Sixteenth street. Approved April 22, 1881. 3062. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Sixteenth street. Ap- proved April 22, 1881. 3063. Laying sewer in B street, river to North Eleventh. Approved April 22, 1881. 3064. Appropriation; General Fnnd; extension B street culvert. Approved April 22, 1881. 3065. Improving P street. North Twelfth to North Eighteenth. Approved April 22, 1881. 3066. Declaring cost improving North Eighteenth street. Approved April 22, 1881. 3067. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Eighteenth street. Ap- proved April 22, 1881. 3068. Improving A street. First to Second. Approved April 23, 1881. 3069. Authorizing contract, extension B street culvert. Approved April 23, 1881. 3070. Improving Morrison street, First to Second. Approved April 23, 1881. 3071. Improving Fifth street, Columbia to Jackson. Approved April 23, 1881. 3072. Changing and establishing grade of North Eighteenth street. Ap- proved April 23, 1881. 3073. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement Second and South Second street. Approved April 23, 1881. 3074. Changing and establishing grade of E street. Approved April 23, 1881. 3075. Laying sewer in Salmon street, river to Eleventh street. Approved April 23, 1881. 3076. Improving Front and North Front street. Vine to F street. Approved April 23, 1881. Authorizing purchase horses Vigilance Hook and Ladder Co. Ap- proved April 23, 1881. 3077- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 514 Number. 3078. Appropriation; General Fund; improvement streets. Approved April 23,, 1 88 1. 3079. Appropriation; Fund, extension G street. Approved April 23, 1881. 3080. Improving Main street, Second to Twelfth. Approved April 23, 1881. 3081. Authorizing purchase of lot, Couch Engine Co. No. 6. Approved April 23, 1881. 3082. Improving Washington street, P'ourth to Eleventh. Approved April 23, 1881. 3083. Appropriation; General Fund; salary Deputy Superintendent Streets. Approved April 23, 1881. 3084. Improving Jefferson street, river to Fifth. Approved April 23, 1881. 3085. Transfer, General Fund to Police Fund. Approved May 5, 1881. 3086. Declaring cost improving Front street. Approved May 6, 1881. 3087. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front street. Approved May 6, 1881. 3088. Amending Ordinance No. 3034, (prevention fires). Approved May 6, 1881. 3089. Regulating the mooring of vessels, and defining the powers and duties of licensed wharfingers. Approved May 6, 1881. 3090. Amending Ordinance No. 2958, ‘(impose and regulate licenses). Ap- proved May 6, 1881 3091. Declaring cost of improving B street. North Tenth to North Fifteenth. Approved May 6, 1881 3092. Appropriation; General Fund; improvement B street. Approved May 6, 1881. 3093. Authorizing removal fire alarm. Approved May 6, 1881. 3094. Fire cisterns. Approved May 6, 1881. 3095. Declaring cost of improving B street. Approved May 6, 1881. 3096. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement B street. Approved May 6, 188 1. 3097. Providing time and manner of accepting street work and the presenta- tion of claims therefor. Approved May 6, 188 1. 3098. Laying sewer in Ash street, river to Fourth street. Approved May 6, 1881. 3099. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 72, city. Approved May 6, 1881. 3100. Improving Fourteenth street. Market to Jefferson. Approved May 6, 1881. 3101. Improving Clay street. Water to Front. Approved May 6, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 515 Number. 3102. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Mill street. Approved May 6, 1881. 3103. Improving C street, North First to North Second. Approved May 6, i88i. 3104. Improving Alder street. Front to First. Approved May 12, 1881. 3105. Improving Sixth street, G to Caruthers. Approved May 12, 1881. 3106. Improving North Eighth street, G to H. Approved May 12, 1881. 3107. Declaring cost of improving Columbia street. Approved May I2, 1881. 3108. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved May 12, 1881. 3109. Declaring cost of improving Twelfth street. Approved May 12, 1881. 3110. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Twelfth street. Approved May 21, 1881. 31 1 1. Changing and establishing grade, D street. Approved May 21, 1881. 3112. Establishing grade of South Pdrst street. Approved May 21, 1881. 3113. Improving South F'irst street. Approved May 21, 1881. 3114. Appropriation; General Fund; R street culvert. Approved May 21, 1881. 3115. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved May 21, 188 1. 3116. Improving North Twentieth street. Approved May 21, 1881. 3117. Authorizing purchase fire engine heater. Approved May 21, 1881. 3118. Levying deficit assessment, improvement J street. Approved May 18, 1881. 3119. Appropriation; Fund, improvement J street. Approved May 21, 1881. 3120. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Salmon street. Approved May 21, 1881. 3121. Authorizing construction wharf in Willamette river, opposite block 318, Couch’s addition. Approved May 28, 1881. 3122. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved May 28, 1881. 3123. Appropriation; General Fund; lithographing bonds. Approved May 28, 1881. 3124. Authorizing purchase fire hose. Approved May 28, 1881. 3125. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved May 28, 1881. 3126. Authorizing repair Fire Engine Co. No. 2. Approved May 28, 1881. 3127. Declaring cost improving Market street. Approved May 28, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 516 Number. 3128. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Market street. Approved May 28, 1881. 3129. Appropriation; General Fund; refund taxes. Approved May 21, 1881. 3130. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Madison street. In force by operation law, June i, 1881. 3131. Establishing grade Lincoln street. Approved June 3, 1881. 3132. Changing and establishing grade. East Park and South streets. Ap- proved June 3, 1881. 3133. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved June 3, 1881. 3134. Appropriation ; Fund, extension Mill street. Approved June 3, 1881. 3135. Authorizing contract, connect Hook and Ladder Co’s. House with Morrison street sewer. Approved June 3, 1881. 3136. Declaring cost improving Third street. Approved June 3, 1881. 3137. Appropriation; Fund improvement Third street. Approved June 3, 1881. 3138. Appropriation; General Fund; Gillis vs. City of Portland. Ap- proved June 3, 1881. 3139. Declaring cost improving Morrison street. Approved June 8, 1881. 3140. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved June 8, 1881. 3141. Improving Hall street, Ninth to Eleventh. Approved June 8, 1881. 3142. Improving North Eighteenth street, G to L. Approved June 8, 1881. 3143. Changing and establishing grade. Hall street. Approved June 8, 1881. 3144. Adopting report City Surveyor, lateral extension Chapman street. Approved June 8, 1881. 3145. Laying sewer in Yamhill street. Approved June 8, 1881. 3146. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved June 8, 1881. 3147. Changing and establishing grade of Second street. Approved June II, 1881. 3148. Amending Ordinance No. 2980, (improving D street). Approved June 18, 1881. 3149. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved June 18, 1881. 3150. Regulating sale of spirituous liquors — places of amusement. Ap- proved June 17, 1881. 3151. Declaring cost sewer in Washington street. Approved July 13, 1881. 3152. Appropriation; Fund, Washington street sewer. Approved July 13. 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 517 Number. 3153. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Salmon street. Approved July 13, 1881. 3154. Improving Fifth street, Morrison to Columbia. Approved July 13, 1881. 3155. Declaring of improving North Twentieth street. Approved July 13, 1881. 3156. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Twentieth street. Ap- proved July 13, 1881. 3157. Improving North Fourteenth street, B to N. Approved July 13, 1881. 3158. Improving Morrison street. Sixth to Tenth. Approved July 13, 1881. 3159. Improving Columbia street. Third to Eighth. Approved July 13, 1881. 3160. Improving Morrison street. Second to Fifth. Approved July 13, i88i. 3161. Improving North West Park Street. Approved July 13, 1881. 3162. Declaring cost of improving F street. Approved July 13, 1881. 3163. Appropriation; Fund, improvement K street. Approved July 13, 1881, 3164. Regulating width tires of certain vehicles. Approved July 22, 1881. 3165. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension D street. Approved July 22, 1881. 3166. Declaring cost of constructing sewer, Jefferson street. Approved July 22, 1881. 3167. Appropriation; Fund, Jefferson street sewer. v\pproved July 22, 1881. 3168. Declaring cost of improving Front and North Front streets. Ap proved July 22, 1881. 3169. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front and North Front str.'eis. Approved July 22, 1881. 3170. Declaring cost of constructing sewer, S dmon street. Approved fuly 22, 1881. 3171. Appropriation; Fund, .sewer, Salmon street. Approved July 22, 1881. 3172. Declaring cost of improving Main street. Approved July 22, 1881. 3173. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Main street. .Approved July 22, 1881. 3174. Fire cisterns. Approved July 22, 1S81. 3175. Regulating landing, storage and transportation explosive compounds. Approved July 22, 1881. 3176. Amending Ordinance No. 1 146, (quarterly allowances Fire Depart- ment). Approved July 22, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 518 Number. 3177. Declaring cost improving E street. Approved July 22, i8Sr. 3178. Appropriation; Fund, improvement E street. Approved July 22,. 1881. 3179. Declaring cost improving North Eighth street. Approved July 22, 1881. 3180. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Eighth .street. Approved July 22, 1881. 3181. Improving Second street, A to Madison. Approved July 22, 1881. 3182. Authorizing contract, construction culvert under D street. Approved August 4, 1881. 3183. Declaring cost sewer in D street. Approved August 5, 1881. 3184. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in D street. Approved Aug. 5, 1881. 3185. Fire cistern. Approved Aug. 5, 1881. 3186. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, (animals and fowls). Approved Aug. 5, 1881. 3187. Improving Ash street, Front to North Third. Approved August 5, 1881. 3188. Prohibiting deposit of dirt and rubbish on the public streets. Ap- proved Aug. 5, 1881. 3189. Authorizing a temporary loan. Approved Aug. 15, 1881. 3190. Improving PTont and South Front street. Approved Aug. 15, 1881. 3191. Granting Geo. W. Weidler and assigns right to erect and maintain Electric Light wires. Approved Aug. 15, 1881. 3192. Improving North F’ront street, F to G. Approved Aug. 15, 1881. 3193. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3194. Street Oil Lamps. Approved Aug. 18, 1881. 3195. Appropriation; Fire Department. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3196. Adopting report City vSurveyor, extension South Sixth street. Ap- proved Aug. 19, 1881. 3197. Declaring cost improving Sixth street. . Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3198. Appropriation; Fund improvement Fifth street. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3199. Declaring cost improving C street. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3200. Appropriation; Fund, improvement C street. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3201. Levying deficit; improvement Main street. Approved August 19, 1881. 3202. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Main street. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 519 Number. 3203. Declaring cost improving North Front street. Approved August 19, 1881. 3204. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Front street. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3205. Declaring cost improving Fifth street. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3206. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fifth street. Approved Aug. 19, 1881. 3207. Authorizing construction wharf opposite block 79, city. Approved Sept 9, 1881. 3208. Authorizing contract, fire cisterns. Approved Sept. 15, 1881, 3209. Regulating number of Policemen and fixing compensation of same. Approved Sept. 16, 1881. 3210. Designating official paper ; city printing. Approved Sept. l6, 1881, 3211. Authorizing contract, city printing; Daily Standard. Approved Sep- tember 16, i88r. 3212. Authorizing construction wharf, opposite block 81, city. Approved Sept. 16, 1881. 3213. Adojiting report City Surveyor, extension T street. Ajiproved Sept. 16, 188I. 3214. Adopting report City Surveyor, opening and establishing of North Twenty-Third street. Approved .Sept. 16, 1881. 3215. Adopting report City Surveyor, opening and establishing of North Twenty-Fourth street. Approved Sept. 16, 1881. 3216. Adopting report City Surveyor, opening and establishing of North Twenty-Fifth street. Approved Sept. 16, 1881. 3217. Authorizing repairs, fire apparatus. Approved Sept. 16, 1881. 3218. Improving East Park street. Oak to Salmon. Approved September 16, 1881. 3219. Improving S street. North Thirteenth to North .Sixteenth. Approved Sept. 16, i88t. 3220. Declaring cost improving South First street. Approx ed Sf])tember 16, 1881. 3221. Appropriation; Fund, improvement South First street. Approved Sept. 16, 1881. 3222. Declaring cost improving Fourteenth street. Approved September 16. 1881. 3223. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fourteenth street. .Approved Sept. 16, 1881. 3224. Declaring cost improving N street. Approved Sept 16, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 520 Number. 3225. Appropriation; Fund, improvement N street. Approved September 16, i88i. 3226. Amending Ordinance No. 2753, (protection of property, cleanliness' and ornament of city). Approved Sept. r6, 1881. 3227. Extending time for completion improvement of Sixth street. Ap- proved Sept. 16, 1881. 3228. Laying sewer in Columbia street. Seventh to Eighth. Approved Sep- tember 16, 188 r. 3229 Adopting report of assessors, sewer in Yamhill street. Approved Sept. 16, 1881. 3230. Appropriation; Yamhill street Sewer Fund. Approved September 16, 1881. 3231. Amending Ordinance No. 2463, (establishing wharf line). Approved Sept. 16. 1881. 3232. Regulating manner awarding contracts. Approved Sept. 19, 1881. 3233. Fire cisterns. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3234. Amending Ordinance No. 3160, (improving Morrison street). Ap- proved Sept. 23, 1881. 3235. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 3175, (explosive compounds). Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3236. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3237. Declaring cost of sewer in B street. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3238. Appropriation; B Street Sewer Fund. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3239. Improving P street. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3240. Declaring cost of improving North Eighteenth street. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3241. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Eighteenth street. Ap- proved Sept. 23, 1881. 3242. Declaring cost of improving Columbia street. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3243. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved Sep- tember 21, 1881. 3244. Declaring cost of improving D street. Approved Sept. 21, 1881. 3245. Appropriation; Fund, improvement D street. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3246. Laying sewer in B street. North Eleventh to North Twelfth streets. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3247. Improving Taylor street. Seventh to Lownsdale streets. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 521 N umber. '• 3248. x'\uthorizing repairs, Fire Engine House No. 3. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3249. Declaring cost of improving Second street. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3250. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Second street. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3251. Transfer; General Fund to Wooden Box Sewer Fund. Approved wSept. 23, 1881. 3252. Appropriation; Fund, wooden box sewers. Approved Sept. 23, 1881. 3253. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Sept. 30, 1881. 3254. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Sept. 30, 1881. 3255. Improving Yamhill street. Approved Sept. 30, 1881. 3256. Laying sewer in West Park street. Approved Sept. 30, 1881. 3257. Changing and establishing grade of G street. Approved September 30, 1881. 3258. Changing and establishing grade of H street. Approved Oct. i, 1881. 3259. Regulating use of streets, wharves and public places. Approved Oct. 3, 1881. 3260. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension North Third street. Approved Oct. 7, 1881. 3261. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension North Sixth street. Approved Oct. 7, 1881. 3262. Amending Ordinance No. 2959, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Approved Oct. 7, 1881. 3263. Fire cisterns. Approved Oct 7, 1881. 3264. Appropriation; Fire * Department Fund; relief engine companies. Approved Oct. 7, 1881. 3265. Declaring cost improving North Front street. Approved Oct. 7, 1881. 3266. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Front street. Approved Oct. 7, 1881. 3267. Authorizing employment drivers, fire engines. Approved October 7, 1881. 3268. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Oct. 15, 1881. 3269. Adopting report of Viewers, extension South Sixth street. Approved Oct. 15, 1881. 3270. Declaring cost improving Front and South Front street. Approved Oct. 15, 1881. 3271. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front and South Front street. Approved Oct. 15, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 522 Number. 3272. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Pine street, Front to Wil- lamette river. In force by operation of law, Oct. 18, 1881. 3273. Declaring cost sewer in Ash street. Approved Oct. 17, 1881. 3274. Appropriation; Ash street Sewer Fund. Approved Oct. 21, 1881. 3275. Improving E street. North Seventeenth to North Nineteenth street. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3276. Improving I street. North Seventeenth to North Eighteenth street. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3277. Authorizing contract, furnishing wood and coal, police building. Ap- proved Oct. 24, 1881. 3278. Repealing Ordinance No. 2794, (cesspools and drains to be connected with sewers). Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3279. Improving A street. North Front to North Third. Approved October 24, 1881. 3280. Closing Theatres at certain hours. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3281. Regulating letting of contracts for street work. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3282. Improving North Front street to intersection of N street. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3283. Improving D street. North Eleventh to North Fourteenth. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3284. Improving intersection North Third and North Front streets. Ap- proved Oct. 24, 1881. 3285. Amending sections i and 2 of Ordinance No. 2138, (cleaning streets). Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3286. Licensing and taxing insurance brokers. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3287. Declaring cost improving Morrison street. A,pproved Oct. 24, 1881. 3288. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3289. Appropriation; Fund, extension South Sixth street. Approved Oct. 24, 1881. 3290. Amending Ordinance No. 2959, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Approved Oct. 27, 1881. 3291. Authorizing lease of rooms, Corbett building. Approved Oct. 27, 1881. 3292. Declaring cost of improving Sixth street. Approved Oct. 28, 1881. 3293. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Sixth street. Approved Octo- ber 28, 1881. 3294. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Morrison street. Approved Oct. 28, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 523 Number. 3295. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Morrison street. Approved October 28, 1881. 3296. Declaring cost extending sewer in B street. Approved Oct. 28, 1881. 3297. Appropriation; Fund, extension B street sewer. Approved October 28, 1881. 3298. Improving K street. North Eighteenth to North Nineteenth streets. Approved Oct. 28, 1881. 3299. Authorizing repairs fire apparatus. Approved Nov. 3, 1881. 3300. Amending Ordinance No. 2753, (protection of property and cleanli- ness and ornament of the city). Approved Nov. 3, 1881. 3301. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in West Park street. Approved Nov. 3, 1881. 3302. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in West Park street. Approved Nov. 3, 1881. 3303. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Columbia street. Approved Nov. 3, 1881. 3304. Appropriation; Fund, extension Columbia street sewer. Approved Nov. 3, 1881. 3305. Declaring cost of improving North West Park street. Approved No- vember 3, 1881. 3306. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North West Park street. Ap- proved Nov. 3, 1881. 3307. Improving North First street, N to F streets. Approved November 3, 1881. 3308. Authorizing construction of bridge on South First street. Approved Nov. 5, 1881. 3309. Authorizing temporary loan. Approved Nov. 19, 1881. 3310. Improving Washington street. Twelfth to B. Approved November 19, 1881. 3311. Changing and establishing grade of North First street. Approved Nov. 19, 1881. 3312. Declaring cost of improving Ash street. Approved Nov, 19, 1881. 3313. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Ash street. Approved Novem- ber 19, 1881. 3314. Declaring cost of improving D street. Approved Nov. 25, 1881. 3315. Appropriation; Fund, improvement D street. Approved November 25, 1881. 3316. Declaring cost of improving E street. Approved Nov. 25, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 524 Number. 3317. Appropriation; Fund, improvement E street. Approved November 25, 1881, ’ ' ' < . 33x8. Declaring cost of improving Clay street. Approved Nov. 25, 1881. 3319. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Clay street. Approved Novem- ber 25, 1881. 3320. Authorizing sale of lot No. 4, in block No. 108. Approved Novem- ber 26, 1881. 3321. Authorizing the appointment of six additional policemen as night- watchmen. Approved Nov. 28, 1881. 3322. Amending Ordinance No. 3035, (improving F street). Approved Nov. 28, 1881. 3323. Appropriation; Fire Department P\md. Approved Dec. 9, 1881. 3324. Declaring cost of improving North Third and North Front streets. Approved Dec. 9, 1881. 3325. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Third and North Front streets. Approved Dec. 9, 1881. 3326. Declaring cost of improving intersection North Front and N streets. Approved Dec. 9, 1881. 3327. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection North Front and N streets. Approved Dec. 9, 1881. 3328. Declaring cost sewer in Taylor street. Approved Dec. 9, 1881. 3329. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Taylor street. Approved December 9, 1881. 3330. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block No. loi, city. Ap- proved Dec. 9, 1881. 3331. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 17, 1881. 3332. Declaring cost sewer in F street. Approved Dec. 17, 1881. 3333. Appropriation; F Street Sewer Fund. Approved Dec. 17, 1881. 3334. Declaring cost of improving North Fourteenth street. Approved Dec. 17, 1881. 3335. Appropriation; P'und, improvement North Fourteenth street. Ap- proved Dec. 17, 1881. 3336. Declaring cost improving East Park street. Approved Dec. 17, 1881. 3337. Appropriation; Fund, improvement East Park street. Approved De- cember 17, 1881. 3338. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief certain persons. Approved De- cember 17, 1 88 1. 3339. Improving North Twentieth street, B to I. Approved Dec. 17, 1881. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 525 Number. 3340. Licensing bar-rooins and drinking shops and repealing Ordinance No. 3290. Approved Dec. 23, 1881. 3341. Extending time completion improvement Sixth street. Approved De- cember 23, 1881. 3342. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Thirteenth street. Ap- proved Dec. 23, 1881. 3343. Declaring cost of improving Yamhill street. Approved December 23, 1881. 3344. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Yamhill street. Approved De- cember 23, 1881. 3345. Amending Ordinance No. 3164, (regulating width tires of certain ve- hicles). Approved Dec. 23, 1881. 3346. Authorizing the Willamette Street Railway Company to construct and operate street railways. Approved Dec. 23, 1881. 3347. Appropriation; Columbia Street Sewer P'und. Approved January 5, 1882. 3348. Transfer; General Fund to Columbia Street Sewer Fund. Approved Jan. 5, 1882. 3349. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Meade street. Approved Jan. 14, 1882. 3350. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Fourteenth street. Ap- proved Jan. 14, 1882. 3351. Improving G street. North Front to North Fourth. Approved Jan. 14, 1882. 3352. Authorizing extension B street culvert. Approved Jan. 14, 1882. 3353. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 14, 1882. 3354. Regulating Theaters. Approved Jan. 14, 1882. 3355 - Levying tax, payment ordinary expenses city government. .0045. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3356. Levying special tax. Fire Department. .0025. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3357. Levying special tax, improvement Willamette river. .003. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3358. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3359. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3360. Appropriation; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3361. Appropriation ; General Fund, salaries. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3362. Declaring surplus of assessments, improvement of Hall street. Aj)- proved Jan. 20, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 526 Number. 3363. Adopting report City Surveyor, opening and establishing North Twen- ty-First street, E to B. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3364. Adopting report City Surveyor, lateral extension North Sixth street, B to H. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3365. Improving Harrison street. Front to Water. Approved Jan. 19, 1882. 3366. Improving South First street. Porter to city limits. Approved Jan. 20, 1882. 3367. Authorizing contract, McKercher & Thompson, stationery. Approved Jan. 27, 1882. 3368. Authorizing contract with Smith Bros. & Watson, lamp posts. Ap- proved Jan. 27, 1882. 3369. Authorizing contract with E. A. Swope & Co. for printing. Approved Jan. 27, 1882. 3370. Authorizing contract with E. Lewiston, feeding prisoners. Approved Jan. 27, 1882. 3371. Transfer, General Fund to Fund improvement Willamette river. Ap- proved Jan. 27, 1882. 3372. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Willamette river. Approved Jan. 27, 1882. 3373. Authorizing expenditure, removal obstructions Willamette river. Ap- proved Jan. 27, 1882. 3374. Authorizing expenditure, furnishing committee rooms. Approved Jan. 27, 1882. 3375. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension J street. Approved Jan. 27, 1882. 3376. Authorizing contract with Smith Bros. & Watson. Approved Feb. 3, 1882. 3377. Granting Chinese certain privileges. Approved Feb. 3, 1882. 3378. Authorizing extension of wharf opposite Block 80, city. Approved Feb. 17, 1882. 3379. Transferring tax levied by Ordinance No. 3355. Approved Feb. 17, 1882. 3380. Fire cisterns. Approved Feb. 17, 1882. 3381. Authorizing purchase of a fire gong. Approved Feb. 17, 1882. 3382. Repealing Ordinance No. 3349. (Adopting report City Surveyor, extension of Meade street.) Approved Feb. 17, 1882. 3383. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Thirteenth street. Approved Feb. 17, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 527 Number. 3384. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Fourteenth street. Approved March 2, 1882. 3385. Improving Fourth and South Fourth streets. Approved March 2, 1882. 3386. Declaring cost improving Harrison street. Approved March 2, 1882. 3387. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Harrison street. Approved March 2, 1882. 3388. Appropriation; General Fund, relief of Leslie Cook. Approved March 2, 1882. 3389. Authorizing purchasing of plans and specifications for a city hall. Approved March 2, 1882. 3390. Changing and establishing grades on P' street. Approved March 2, 1882. 3391. Declaring cost improving P street. Approved March 2, 1882. 3392. Appropriation; Fund, improvement P street. Approved Mar. 2, 1882. 3393. Improving Alder street. Fourth to Twelfth. Approved Mar. 2, 1882. 3394. Improving Montgomery street, Front to Water. Approved March 2, 1882. 3395. Repealing Ordinance No. 3383. (Adopting report of Viewers, ex- tension Thirteenth street ) Approved March 15, 1882. 3396. Declaring cost improving South First street. Approved March 17, 1882. 3397. Appropriation; Fund improvement South First street. Approved Mar. 17, 1882. 3398. Adopting report of Viewers, lateral extension North Sixth street. Approved Feb. 10, 1882. 3399. Adopting report of Viewers, extension J street. Approved March 21, 1882. 3400. Adopting report of Viewers, lateral extension North First street. Approved March 21, 1882. 3401. Adopting report City Surveyor, lateral extension North Front street. Approved March 21, 1882. 3402. Appropriation ; General Fund, relief Jas. Cobb. Approved March 21, 1882. 3403. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Meade street. Approved March 21, 1882. Appropriation; Police Fund, H. F. Goodwin. Approved March 21, 1882. 3404- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 528 Number. 3405. Allowing extra compensation Engineer Multnomah Fire Engine Co. No. 2. Approved March 21, 1882. 3406. Laying sewer in Mill street, River to East Park street. Approved March 21, 1882. 3407. Improving F street, North Front to N. Nineteenth. Approved March 21, 1882. 3408. Amending Section 7, of Ordinance No. 2923, (assessment and collec- tion of taxes). Approved Apr. 6, 1882. 3409. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved Apr. 8, 1882. 3410. Appropriation; Fund, extension of J street. Approved Apr. 8, 1882. 3411. Transfer; General Fund to Fourteenth Street Extension Fund. Ap- proved April 8, 1882. 3412. Appropriation; Fund, extension Fourteenth street. Approved April . 8, 1882. 3413. Improving B street. North Front to North Third. Approved April 18, 1882. 3414. Declaring cost of improving North First street. Approved April 8, 1882. 3415. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North First street. Approved April 8, 1882. 3416. Extending Pine street sewer to west line of Sixth street. Approved April 8, 1882. 3417. Appropriation; General Fund; payment damages extension Salmon street. Approved April 8, 1882. 3418. Fire cisterns. Approved April 8, 1882. 3419. Declaring cost of improving Washington street. Approved April 8, 1882. 3420. Appropriation : Fund, improvement Washington street. Approved April 8, 1882. 3421. Declaring cost of improving I street. Approved April 8, 1882. 3422. Appropriation; Fund, improvement I street. Approved Apr. 8, 1882. 3423. Improvement E street, river to Tenth street. Approved Apr. 8, 1882. 3424. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 3034, (prevention of fires). Approved April 8, 1882. 3425. Appropriation, General Fund; relief Mrs. H. M. Smith. Approved April 8, 1882. 3426. Authorizing sale of east 22 feet 7 inches, of lot 8, block 14, city proper. Approved April 8, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 529 Number, 3427. Authorizing employment of drivers for fire engines. Approved Apr. 21, 1882. 3428. Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1146, (quarterly allowances fire department). Approved April 21, 1882. 3429. Fire cisterns. Approved April 21, 1882. 3430. Improving North Seventh street, E to N, Approved April 21, 1882. 3431. Granting extension of time, completion certain contracts. Approved April 21, 1882. 3432. Improving G street to west line of city. Approved April 21, 1882. 3433. Changing and establising grade on G street. Approved Apr. 21, 1882. 3434. Adopting report of Viewers, opening and establishing of North Twen- ty-First street. Approved April 21, 1882. 3435. Changing and establishing grade of F street. Approved Apr. 21, 1882. 3436. Authorizing contract with Honeyman & Co. for a river dredge. Ap- proved April 25, 1882. 3437. Declaring cost improving Fourth and South Fourth streets. Approved March 5, 1882. 3438. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fourth and South Fourth streets. Approved May 5, 1882, 3439. Changing and establishing grade of F street. Approved May 5, 1882. 3440. Changing and establishing grade of B street. Approved May 5, 1882. 3441. Changing and establishing grade of College street. Approved May 5, 1882. 3442. Changing and establishing grade of Fourth and North Fourth streets. Approved May 5, 1882, 3443. Changing and establishing grade of G street. Approved May 5, 1885. 3444. Improving North Tenth street, G to North Front. Approved May 5, 1882. 3445. Improving Oak street. Second to East Park. Approved May 5, 1882. 3446. Laying sewer in Morrison street. Approved May 5, 1882. 3447. Appropriation; Fund, lateral extension North Sixth street. Approved May 5, 1882. 3448. Improving S street. North Front to North Twenty-Second streets. Approved May 5, 1882. 3449. Improving East Park street, A to College. Approved May 5, 1882. 3450. Improving North Thirteenth street, B to G. Approved May 5, 1882. 3451. Improving Morrison street, Twelfth to Fourteenth. Approved May 19, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 530 Number. 3452. Improving North Nineteenth street, BtoS. Approved May 19, 1882. 3453. Improving B street, North Third to west line of city. Approved May 19, 1882. 3454. Authorizing employment Superintendent city dredger. Approved May 19, 1882. 3455. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved May 19, 1882. 3456. Improving North First street, F to North Front. Approved May 19, 1882. 3457. Improving Fourteenth street, Morrison to B. Approved May 19, 1882. 3458. Appropriation; Fund, opening North Twenty-First street. Approved May 19, 1882. 3459. Declaring cost of improving Alder street. Approved May 19, 1882. 3460. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Alder street. Approved May 19, 1882. 3461. Improving Seventh street, B to Jackson. Approved May 19, 1882. 3462. Requiring vaccination of all persons arriving in city from foreign ports, and providing for the appointment of a physician for that purpose. Approved May 19, 1882. 3463. Appropriation; General Fund; relief H C. Leonard. Approved May 25, 1882. 3464. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement of Eighth street. Ap- proved May 25, 1882. 3465. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Twenty-First street. Approved May 25, 1882. 3466. Authorizing contract with John Honeyman & Co., machinery city dredge. Approved June 9, 1882. 3467. Establishing grade of S street. Approved June 9, 1882. 3468. Declaring cost sewer, extension Pine street. Approved June 9, 1882. 3469. Authorizing the appointment of an electrician, Portland F'ire Depart- ment. Approved June 9, 1882. 3470. Declaring cost of improving B street. North Front to North Third. Approved June 9, 1882. 3471. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement B street. Approved June 9, 1882. 3472. Improving D street. North Front to North Third. Approved June 9, 1882. 3473. Fire cisterns. Approved June 9, 1882. 3474. Appropriation ; Fund, sewer in Pine street. Approved June 9, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 531 Number. 3475. Fire cisterns. Approved June 9, 1882. 3476. Changing and establishing grade on G street. Approved June 10, 1882. 3477. Authorizing D. E. Budd and associates to construct and operate street railways. Approved June 12, 1882. 3478. Providing for the vacation of certain portions of North East Park street, North West Park street, and of I, J, K, and L streets, in the city of Portland. Approved June 24, 1882. 3479. Providing for the vacation of certain portions of North Sixth street. North Fifth street. North Fourth street. North Third street and North Second street, and of H, I, J, K, L and M streets. Ap- proved June 24, 1882. 3480. Fire cistern. Approved June 24, 1882. 3481. Appropriation; General Fund; refund of tax. Approved June 24, 1882. 3482. Authorizing the construction of a dredger, hull, dump-scows and ap- pliances. Approved June 24, 1882. 3483. Improving West Park street, Salmon to College. Approved June 24, 1882. 3484. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block No. 318, Couch’s addition. Approved June 24, 1882. 3485. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block No. 75. Approved June 24, 1882. 3486. Improving -Salmon street. West Park to Twelfth street. Approved June 24, 1882. 3487. Changing and establishing grades on E street. Approved June 24, 1882. 3488. Improving H street, North Eighth to North Eighteenth. Approved June 24, 1882. 3489. Improving J street. North Eighth to city limits. Approved June 24, 1882. 3490. Improving Thirteenth street, Yamhill to Lownsdale Land Claim. Approved June 24, 1882. 3491. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Meade street. Approved June 24, 1882. 3492. Laying sewer in Montgomery street. East Park to Front street. Ap- proved June 24, 1882. 3493. Providing for the sprinkling of streets. Approved June 24, 1882. 3494. Transfer, General Fund to Fund for widening North Sixth street. Approved June 29, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 532 Number. 3495. Appropriation; General Fund, relief of E. Eberhard. Approved June 29, 1882. 3496. Laying sewer in Market street, East Park to Front street. Approved June 27, 1882. 3497. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved July 6, 1882. 3498. Declaring cost sewer in Morrison street. Approved July 6, 1882. 3499. Appropriation; Morrison Street Sewer Fund. Approved July 6, 1882. 3500. Declaring cost improving East Park street. Approved July 6, 1882. 3501. Appropriation; Fund, improvement East Park street. Approved July 6, 1882. 3502. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement of Ninth street. Ap- proved July 6, 1882, 3503. Declaring cost improving Oak street. Approved July 21, 1882. 3504. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Oak street. Approved July 21, 1882. 3505. Declaring cost improving S street. Approved July 21, 1882. 3506. Appropriation; Fund, improvement S street. A.pproved July 21, 1882. 3507. Declaring cost improving F street. Approved July 21, 1882. 3508. Appropriation; Fund, improvement F street. Approved July 21, 1882. 3509. Declaring cost improving Seventh street. Approved July 21, 1882. 3510. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Seventh street. Approved July 21, 1882. 3511. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved July 21, 1882. 3512. Improving Lownsdale street; Taylor to south line Lownsdale Land Claim. Approved July 21, 1882. 3513. Granting right of way. Hydraulic Elevator Co., lay pipes and convey water through streets. Approved July 21, 1882. 3514. Declaring cost improving North First street. Approved Aug 4, 1882. 3515. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Noith First street. Approved Aug. 4, 1882. 3516. Appropriation; General Fund, relief Mrs. J. A. Miller. Approved Aug. 4, 1882. 3517. Authorizing erection fire alarm box. Approved Aug. 4, 1882. 3518. Authorizing purchase hose and suction pipes. Approved Aug. 4, 1882. 3519. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. A.pproved Aug. 4, 1882. 3520. Fixing compensation Assistant Auditor and Clerk. Approved Aug. 4, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 533 Number. 3521. Adopting report of Viewers, extension North Twenty -Finst street. Approved Aug. 4, 1882, 3522. Improving S street, North Eighteenth to North Nineteenth street. Approved Aug. 4, 1882. 3523. Improving S street. North Fifteenth to North Sixteenth street. Ap- proved Aug. 9, 1882. 3524. Changing and establishing grade of S street. Approved Aug. 9, 1882. 3525. Authorizing payment assessment improving intersection B and Wash- ington streets. Approved Aug. 18, 1882. 3526. Appropriation ; ‘General Fund, street assessments. Approved Aug, 18, 1882. 3527. Changing and establishing grade of S street. Approved August 18, 1882. 3528. Changing and establishing grade of G street. Approved August 18, 1882. 3529. Authorizing contract, construction of dredger scows. Approved Aug. 18, 1882. 3530. Authorizing appointment additional policemen as night watchmen. Approved Aug. 18, 1882. 3531. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Aug. 18, 1882. 3532. Improving G street, North Tenth to North Eleventh street. Approved Aug. 18, 1882. 3533. Regulating hacks and fixing rates of fare. Approved Aug. 18, r882. 3534. Fire Cisterns. Approved Aug. 18, 1882. 3535. Authorizing purchase necessary equipments city dredger. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3536. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3537. Authorizing sale, east 22 feet 7 inches of lot 8, block 14, city. Ap- proved Sept. 8, 1882. 3538. Authorizing erection and maintaining electric light wires. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3539. Transfer, Police Fund to General Fund. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3540. Improving North Second street, A to G, Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3541. Authorizing contract for ditch and culvert in Johnson’s creek. Ap- proved Sept. 8, 1882. 3542. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3543. Declaring cost improving D street. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3544. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement D street. Approved September 8, 1882. chronological index. 534 Number. 3545. Appropriation; General Fund; D street culvert. Approved Sept. 1882. 3546. Changing and establishing grade of E street. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3547. Improving Fourteenth street, B to D. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3548. Declaring cost of improving G street- Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3549. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement G street. Approved September 8, 1882. 3550. Declaring cost of improving North Tenth street. Approved Septem- ber 8, 1882. 3551. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Tenth street. Approved Sept. 8, 1882, 3552. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Thirteenth street. Ap- proved Sept. 8, 1882. 3553. Adopting report of assessors on sewer in Market, Mill and Mont- gomery streets. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3554. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Market, Mill and Montgomery streets. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3555. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Mill street. Approved Sept, 8, 1882. 3556. Declaring cost of improving North Nineteenth street. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3557. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Nineteenth street. Ap- proved Sept. 8, 1882. 3558. Repealing Ordinances Nos. 3465 and 3521, (adopting Surveyor’s and Viewers’ reports, extension North Twenty-First street), and can- celing liens created thereby. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3559. Improving Montgomery street. Water to Ninth. Approved Septem- ber 8, 1882. 3560. Improving Harrison street. Front to Tenth. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3361. Authorizing purchase of fire hose. Approved Sept. 8, 1882, 3562. Improving Second street, Madison to Caruthers. Approved Septem- ber 8, 1882. 3563. Improving H street at intersection of North Tenth street. Approved Sept. 8, 1882, 3564. Appropriation; General Fund; supply deficiency Meade Street Ex- tension Fund. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3565. Appropriation; Fund, extension Meade street. Approved September 8, 1882. 3566. Authorizing erection fire alarm box. Approved Sept, 8, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 535 Number. 3567. Declaring cost of improving Morrison street. Approved September 8, 1882. 3568. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved Sep- tember 8, 1882. 3569. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3570. Amending Ordinance No. 3321, (authorizing appointment of six ad- ditional policemen as night-watchmen). Approved Sept. 8, 1882. 3571. Declaring cost of improving Fourteenth street. Approved September 22, 1882. 3572. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fourteenth street. Approved Sept. 22, 1882. 3573. Amending Ordinance No. 2958, (licenses). Approved September 22, 1882. 3574. Amending Ordinance No. 2958. (Licenses.) Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3575. Appropriation ; General Fund, payment Charter Commission. Passed over veto of the Mayor Oct. 6, 1882. 3576. Amending Ordinance No. 2958. (Licenses.) Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3577. Amending Ordinance No. 3186. (Amending of Ordinance Nc. 1369, animals and fowls.) Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3578. Lighting street lamps. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3579. Improving Morrison street. Front to Twelfth. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3580. Improving North Thirteenth street, R to S. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3581. Improving Salmon street. Front to First. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3582. Improving Taylor street, Seventh to Tenth. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3583. Improving Front .street. Vine to Harrison. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3584. Improving Sixth .street. Pine to B. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3385. Improving First street, Ash to Sheridan. Approved Oct. 6. 1882. 3586. Improving North Thirteenth street, B to G. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3587. Improving Eighth street, Stark to Harrison. Approved Oct. 6. 188?. 3588. Appropriation; General Fund; 5800 payment plans city hall. Ap- proved ( )ct . 6, 1882. 3589. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3590. Adopting report City Surveyor, lateral extension North Third, Ash to H street. Approved Oct. 6, 1882. 3591. Authorizing contract Daily Evening Telegram, city printing. Ap- proved Oct. 20, 1882. 3592. Appropriation ; General Fund. Approved Oct. 20 , 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 536 Number. 3593. Declaring cost improving Lownsdale street. Approved Oct. 20, 1SS2, 3594. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Lownsdale street. Approved Oct. 20, 1882. 3595. Declaring cost improving Salmon street. Approved Oct. 20, 1882, 3596. Appropriation: Fund, improvement Salmon street. Approved Oct. 20, 1882. 3597. Declaring cost improving Thirteenth street. Approved Oct. 20, 1882. 3598. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Thirteenth street. Approved Oct. 20, 1882. 3599. Declaring cost improving S street. Approved Oct. 20, 1882. 3600. Appropriation; Fund, improvement S street. Approved Oct. 20, 1882. 3601. Declaring cost improving G street bridge. Approved Oct. 20, 1882. 3602. Appropriation ; Fund improvement G street bridge. Approved Oct. 20, 1882. 3603. Amending section I of Ordinance No. 3034. (Prevention of fires.) In force by operation of law, Oct. 30, 1882. 3604. De.signating daily pap>er ; official paper ; city printing. Approved Nov. 2, 1882. 3605. Declaring cost improving B street. Approved Nov. 2, 1882. 3606. Appropriation; Fund, improvement B street. Approved Nov. 2, 1882. 3.607. Appropriation ; Fire Department Fund. Approved Nov, 2, 1882. 3608. Declaring cost improving J street. Approved Nov. 3, 1882. 3609. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement J street. Approved Nov. 3, 1882. 3610. Appropriation; Willamette river Fund. Approved Nov. 3, 1882. 3611. Improving Mill street. Front to Tenth. Approved Nov. 3, 1882. 3612. Improving Washington street. Second to Twelfth. Approved Nov. 3, 1882. 3613. Changing and establishing grade of C street. Approved November 3, 1882. 3614. Adopting report of Assessors; sewer in E street. Approved Nov. 4, 1882. 3615. Appropriation; E street Sewer Fund. Approved Nov. 4, 1882. 3616. Adopting report of Viewers ; extension Mill street. Approved Nov, 4, 1882. 3617. Authorizing construction of wharf between Couch line and Pine street. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3618. Declaring cost improving Harrison street. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 537 Number. 3619. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Harrison street. Approved No- vember 18, 1882. 3620. Athorizing contract, towing dredger scows. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3621. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Nov. l8, 1882. 3622. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov, 18, 1882. 3623. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3624. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3625. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 3209, (Police force). Ap- proved Nov. 18, 1882. 3626. Declaring cost improving Morrison street. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3627. Appropriation ; Fund improvement Morri.son street. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3628. Improving Caruthers street, First to Third. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3629. Improving North Eighth street. North Front to M. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3630. Improving Washington street. First to Second. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3631. Improving North Twentieth street, B to J. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3632. Improving E street. North Nineteenth to North Twenty-First street. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3633. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief Mrs. Patrick Maher. Approved Nov. 13, 1882, 3634. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Barber & Nicklin. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3635. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement North Sixteenth street. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3636. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement North Eighteenth street. Approved Nov. 18, 1882. 3637. Authorizing construction and operation of street railway, (Monnastes, H. W., et al.) Approved Dec, 7, 1882. 3638. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 3034, (prevention of fires). Approved Dec. 7, 1882. 3639. Authorizing construction and operation of street railways, (Multno- mah). Approved Dec, 8, 1882. 3640. Granting Chinese certain privileges. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3641. Improving Caruthers street, Eirst to Third. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3642. Authorizing contract, supplies city dredger. Approved Dec. 8, 1882, 3643. Appropriation; Eire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 538 Number. 3644. Appropriation; General Fund, Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3645. Appropriation; General P^und, Approved Dec, 8, 1882. 3646. Authorizing contract, printing amended City Charter. Approved De- cember 8, 1882, 3647. Declaring cost of improving North Second street. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3648. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Second street. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3649. Declaring cost of improving Taylor street. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3650. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Taylor street. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3651. Declaring cost of improving Second and South Second streets. Ap- proved Dec. 8, 1882. 3652. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Second and South Second streets. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3653. Declaring cost of improving Montgomery street. Approved Decem- ber 8, 1882. 3654. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Montgomery street. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3655. Authorizing expenditure. Fire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 8, 1882. 3656. Authorizing Northern Pacific Terminal Co., successors and assigns, right to constauct, maintain and operate railroad tracks. Ap- proved Dec. 8, 1882. 3657. Declaring cost of improving First street. Approved Dec, 22, 1882. 3658. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement First street. Approved Decem- ber 22, 1882, 3659. Declaring cost of improving Sixth and North Sixth streets. Ap- proved Dec. 22, 1882. 3660. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Sixth and North Sixth streets. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. 3661. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement Second and South Second streets. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. 3662. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Second and South Second streets. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. 3663. Declaring cost improving Eighth street. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. 3664. Appropriation; Fund, improving Eighth .street. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. 3665. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 539 Number. 3666. Authorizing expenditure ; General Fund, Approved Dec. 22, 1882, 3667. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. 3668. Appropriation ; General Fund, relief James Barry. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. 3669. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Dec. 22, 1882, 3670. Improving Fourth street, Vine to Ash. Approved Dec. 22, 1882. 3671. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite Block No. 75, city. Ap- proved Dec. 22, 1882. 3672. Authorizing Transcontinental Street Railway to construct and oper- ate street railways. Approved Dec. 2, 1882. 3673. Authorizing a temporary loan. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3674. Transfers, General Fund and Police Fund to Lamp Fund. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3675. Transfer, General Fund to Willamette River Fund. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3676. Improving Tenth street, Montgomery to College. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3677. Appropriation; Fund, relief H. M. Taylor. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3678. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement of North Eighteenth street. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3679. Improving West Paik street. Stark to Salmon. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3680. Amending Ordinance No. 3574, amendatory of Ordinance No. 2958. (Impose and regulate licenses.) Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3681. Regulating trucks, drays and wagons. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3682. improving North Twenty-First street, B to E. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3683. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3684. Granting Multnomah Street Railway Co. right to construct and oper- ate street railways. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3685. Laying sewer in Columbia street. Approved Jan. 5, 1883. 3686. Improving E street. Front to Third. Approved Jan. 19, 1883. 3687. Authorizing the Portland Street Railway Co. to extend line south on First street. Passed over veto of the Mayor Jan. 17, 1883. 3688. Relating to certain animals and fowls and prohibiting their running at large within certain limits, and repealing Ordinance No. 1369. Approved January 19, 1883. 3689. Declaring cost improving Washington street. Approved January 19, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 540 Number. 3690. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Washington street. Approved January 19, 1883. 3691. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Willamette river. Approved January 19, 1883. 3692. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved January 19, 1883. 3693. Changing and establishing grade South Second street. Approved Jan. 19, 1883. 3694. Transfer General Fund to Fund, Fourteenth street bridge. Approved Jan. 19, 1883. 3695. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved January 19, 1883. 3696. Transfer General Fund to Willamette river Fund. Approved January 19, 1883. 3696 Appropriation; General Fund; salaries and expenses. Approved February 9, 1883. 3697. Levying tax, payment ordinary expenses city government, (.0048.) Approved Feb. 9, 1883. 3698. Levying special tax. Fire Department, (.0026). Approved February 9, 1883. 3699. Levying special tax, improvement Willamette river, (.0016). Ap- proved February 9, 1883. 3700. Appropriation ; Police Fund. Approved February 9, 1883. 3701. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved February 9, 1883. 3702. Authorizing contract, Willamette Iron Works ; lampposts. Approved February 9, 1883. 3703. Appropriation; Willamette river F'und. Approved February 9, 1883. 3704. Declaring cost improving North Thirteenth street. Approved Feb. 12, 1883. 3705. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Thirteenth street. Ap- proved February 12, 1883. 3706. Declaring cost improving H street. Approved February 12, 1883. 3707. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement H street. Approved February 12, 1883. 3708. Declaring cost improving Mill street. Approved February 12, 1883. 3709. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Mill street. Approved February 12, 1883. 3710. Improving North Fifteenth street. Approved February 12, 1883. 3711. Declaring cost improving Front street. Approved Feb. 12, 1883. 3712. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front street. Approved F'ebruary 12, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 541 Number, 3713. Establishing grade of Mill street. Approved February 12, 1883. 3714. Establishing grade of Meade street. Approved February 14, 1883. 3715. Amending Ordinance No: 3672, (Transcontinental Street Railway franchise). Approved February 12, 1883. 3716. Appropriation; Willamette river Fund. Approved Feb. 23, 1883. 3717. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Feb. 23, 1883. 3718. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement S street. Approved Feb. 23, 1883. 3719. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 3209, (police force). Ap- proved March 7, 1883. 3720. Licensing bar-rooms and drinking shops and prohibiting the sale of liquors without license, and repealing Ordinance No. 3340. Ap- proved March 9, 1883. 3721. Relating to obstruction of streets, and repealing Ordinance No. 2266. Approved March 9, 1883. 3722. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Joseph Hellering. Approved March 10, 1883. 3723. Improving H street. North Seventh to North Twentieth. Approved March 10, 1883. 3724. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension F street. Approved Mar. 10, 1883. 3725. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Madison street. Ap- proved March 10, 1883. 3726. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement Front street. Ap- proved March 10, 1883. 3727. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front street. Approved March 10, 1883. 3728. Declaring cost of improving E street. Approved March 10, 1883. 3729. Appropriation; Fund, improvement E street. Approved March 10, 1883. 3730. Declari)ig cost sewer in Columbia street. Approved March 10, 1883. 3731. Improving North Ninth street, G to I. In force by operation of law March 20, 1883. 3732. Transfer; General Fund to Funds, improvement North Fourteenth and I) .streets. Approved March 23, 1883. 3733 - Declaring cost of improving North Twentieth street. Approved Mar. 23, 1883. . 3734. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Twentieth street. Ap- proved March 23, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 542 Number. 3735. Regulating the management of fires and the protection of property. Approved March 23, 1883. 3736. Improving Fifth street, Columbia to Jackson. Approved March 23, 1883. 3737. Improving Seventh street, A to Salmon. Approved March 23, 1883. 3738. Changing and establishing grade of College street. Approved March 23, 1883. 3739. Appropriation; Fund, construction sewer in Columbia street. Ap- proved March 23, 1883. 3740. Declaring cost of improving West Park street. Approved March 23, 1883. 3741. Appropriation; Fund, improvement West Park street. Approved March 23, 1883. 3742. Transfer; General Fund to B street Sewer Fund. Approved March 23, 1883. 3743. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Twenty-First street. Approved March 23, 1883. 3744. Amending Sections I and 5 cf Ordinance No. 3720, (bar-rooms and drinking shops). Approved April 6, 1883. 3745. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain parties. Approved April 6, 1883. 3746. Transferring tax levied by Ordinance No. 3697. Approved April 6, 1883. 3747. Declaring cost improving Front street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3748. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3749. Declaring cost improving North Thirteenth street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3750. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Thirteenth street. Ap- proved April 6, 1883. 3751. Improving Thirteenth street, Morrison to Yamhill. Approved April . 6, 1883. 3752. Improving Eighth street. Stark to Salmon. Approved April 6, 1883. 3753. Repealing Ordinance No. 3737, (improving Seventh street). Ap- proved April 6, 1883. 3754. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement H street. Ap- proved April 6, 1883. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement H street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3755 - CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 543 Number. 3756. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension of E street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3757. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension G street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3758. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension of II street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3759. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension of I street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3760. Adopting report of City Surveyor, opening North Twenty-First street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3761. Adopting report of City Surveyor, opening North Twenty-Third street. Approved April 6, 1883. 3762. Improving Columbia street. Front to Third. Approved April 6, 1883. 3763. Appropriation; General Fund; salaries. Approved April 6, 1883. 3764. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved April 13, 1883. 3765. Improving Clay street, Front to Twelfth. Approved April 13, 1883. 3766. Improving Meade street, South First to Macadam road. Approved April 19, 1883. 3767. Improving I street, North Ninth to North Twentieth. Approved April 19, 1883. 3768. Improving Fifth street, Jackson to Lincoln. Approved April 19, 1883. 3769. Declaring cost improving E street. Approved April 19, 1883. 3770. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement E street. Approved April 19, 1883. 3771. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 1414, (drawing warrants for salaries). Approved April 19, 1883. 3772. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension of unnamed street, Ca- ruthers’ addition to Caruthers’ addition. Approved April 20, 1883. 3773. Authorizing D. E. Budd, C. J. McDougall, et al. to construct and operate street railways. Approved May 4, 1883. 3774. Authorizing Committee on Streets and Public Property to enter into contract, cleaning Sixth street. Approved May 4, 1883 3775. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement F street. Approved May 4, 1883. 3776. Authorizing contract with McKercher & Thompson for stationery. Approved May 4, 1883. 3777. Authorizing contract with S. B. Schwab, printing. Approved May 4, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 544 Number. 3778. Authorizing extension B street culvert. Approved May 4, 1883. 3779. Changing and establishing grade of Morrison street. Approved May 4, 1883. 3780. Improving Fourth and North Fourth streets, Pine to G. Approved May 4, 1883. 3781. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement S street. Approved May 4, 1883. 3782. Appropriation; Fund, relief John Moir. Approved May 4, 1883. 3783. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved May 4, 1883. 3784. Authorizing expenditure, Willamette River Fund. Approved May 4, 1883. 3785. Changing and establishing grade of Stout street. Approved May 4, 1883. 3786. Changing and establishing grade of Nartilla street. Approved May 4, 1883. 3787. Improving Seventh street, Market to Madison. Approved May 4, 1883. 3788. Authorizing employment extra labor in the City Park. Approved May II, 1883. 3789. Authorizing employment of Jacob Sittel, keeper of City Park. Ap- proved May II, 1883. 3790. Fire cisterns. Approved May ii, 1883. 3791. Appropriation; Police Fund; clerk hire. Approved May ii, 1883. 3792. Transfer; General Fund to S Street Improvement Fund. Approved May II, 1883. 3793. Authorizing purchase lot. Couch’s addition, branch police station. Approved May ii, 1883. 3794. Appropriation; Fund, improvement F street. Approved May ii, 1883. 3795. Improving Lincoln street. Approved May 11,1883. 3796. Adopting report of Viewers, extension G street. Approved May ii, 1883. 3797. Improving Jefferson street. Front to Seventh. Approved May 18, 1883. 3798. Authorizing a loan for a term of years, providing for the manner of issuing bonds therefor and the time and manner of paying the same, and authorizing the sale thereof. Approved May 18, 1883. 3799. Improving L street. North Ninth to North Thirteenth streets. Ap- proved May 18, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 545 Number. 3800. Improving Front .street, Madison to Clay. Approved May 18, 1883. 3801. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension North Third street. Ap- proved May 18, 1883. 3802. Improving Washington street. Twelfth to B. Approved May 18, 1883. 3803. Fire cisterns. Approved May 18, 1883. 3804. Adopting report of Viewers, opening North Twenty-Third street. Approved May 18, 1883. 3805. Adopting report of Viewers, extension H street. Approved May 18, 1883. 3806. Adopting report of Viewers, extension I street Approved May 18, 1883. 3807. Adopting report of Viewers, extension North Twenty-Second street. Approved May 18, 1883. 3808. Adopting report of Viewers, extension F street. Approved May 18, 1883. 3809. Changing and establishing grade West Salmon street. Approved May 18, 1883. 3810. Amending sections i, 2, 9 and 25 of Ordinance No. 3034. (Preven- tion of fires.) In force by operation of law, May 28, 1883. 3811. Adopting report City Surveyor, lateral extension North Seventh street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3812. Appropriation; General P\md. Approved June 8, 1883. 3813. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved June 8,1883. 3814. Improving North Twentieth street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3815. Transfer, General Fund to East Park Street Improvement Fund. Approved June 8, 1883. 3816. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement B street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3817. Appropriation; Fund, improvement B street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3818. Declaring cost improving Tenth street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3819. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Tenth street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3820. Declaring cost improving South Fifth street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3821. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fifth street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3822. Declaring cost improving Eighth street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3823. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Eighth street. Approved June 8, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 546 Number. 3824. Declaring cost improving Fifth street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3825. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Fifth street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3826. Improving Ninth street, Washington to Main. Approved June 8, 1883. 3827. Improving Ninth street. Main to Market. Approved June 8, 1883. 3828. Changing and establishing grade of Jefferson street. Approved June 8, 1883. 3829. Authorizing Transcontinental Street Railway Co. to construct and operate street railways. In force by operation of law, June 18, 1883. 3830. Appropriation ; General Fund. Approved June 22, 1883. 3831. Appropriation; Willamette river Fund. Approved June 22, 1883. 3832. Authorizing contract, John Honeyman & Co. Approved June 22, 1883. 3833. Declaring cost improving Columbia street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3834. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Columbia street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3835. Changing and establishing grade. North Fifteenth street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3836. Authorizing lease, south wall Willamette Engine House No. i. Ap- proved June 22, 1883. 3837. Adopting report City .Surveyor, opening North Twenty-Second street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3838. Declaring cost improving .Seventh street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3839. Appropriation; Fund, improvement .Seventh street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3840. Declaring cost improving Front street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3841. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Front street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3842. Establishing wharf line, city front, north of Couch claim. Approved June 22, 1883. 3843. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved June 22, 1883. 3844. Declaring cost improving Clay street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3845. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Clay street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3846. Declaring cost improving North Ninth street. Approved June 22, 1883! 3847. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Ninth street. Approved June 22, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 547 Number. 3848. Declaring cost improving H street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3849. Appropriation; Fund, improvement H street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3850. Establishing grade, North Twenty-First street. Approved June 22, 1883. 3851. Transfer, General Fund to Park Fund. Approved July 7, 1883. 3852. Authorizing expenditure General Fund. Approved July 7, 1883. 3853. Appropriation; Park Fund. Approved July 7, 1883. 3854. Appropriation ; Park Fund. Approved July 7, 1883. 3855. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved July 7, 1883. 3856. Appropriation; Fund, extension F street. Approved July 7, 1883. 3857. Appropriation; Fund, extension G street. Approved July 7, 1883. 3858. Number of Ordinance dropped. 3859. Appropriation; Fund, extension H street. Approved July 7, 1883. 3860. Appropriation; Fund, extension I street. Approved July 7, 1883. 3861. Appropriation; Fund; extension North Twenty-Second street. Ap- proved July 7, 1883. 3862. Appropriation; Fund, extension North Twenty-Third street. Ap- proved July 7, 1883. 3863. Appropriation; General Fund; relief D. P. 'Thompson. Approved July 7, 1883. 3864. Declaring cost of improving L street, North Ninth to North Thir- teenth. Approved July 7, 1883. 3865. Appropriation; Fund, improvement L street. Approved July 7, 1883. 3866. Declaring cost of improving I street. Approved July 13, 1883. 3867. Appropriation; Fund, improvement I street. Approved July 13, 1883. 3868. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved July 13, 1883. 3869. Authorizing a contract, printing and binding City Ordinances. Ap- proved July 13, 1883. 3870. Authorizing payment temporary loan. Approved July 13, 1883. 3871. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved July 13, 1883. 3872. Prevention covering up of fire cisterns. Approved July 13, 1883. 3873. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension North Third stree t. Approved July 13, 1883. 3874. Declaring cost of improving Thirteenth street, Yamhill to Morrison Approved July 13, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 548 Number. 3875. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Thirteenth street. Approved July 13, 1883. 3876. Declaring cost of improving Jefferson street. Approved July 13, 1883. 3877. Ordinance No. dropped. 3878. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved July 13, 1883. 3879. Improving S street. North Thirteenth to North Twenty-Second. Ap- proved July 13, 1883. 3880. Improving Mill street. Front to East Park. Approved July 13, 1883. 3881. Declaring cost of improving Fourth and North Fourth streets. Ap- proved July 18, 1883. 3882. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fourth and North Fourth streets. Approved July 19, 1883. 3883. Appropriation; General Fund; payment temporary loan. Approved July 19, 1883. 3884. Granting Multnomah Street Railway Company right to construct and operate street railways. Approved July 20, 1883. 3885. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Aug. 2, 1883. 3886. Transfer General Fund to Fund, improvement Salmon street. Ap- proved Aug. 2, 1883. 3887. Transfer General Fund to Fund, improvement Sixth street. Ap- proved Aug. 2, 1883. 3888. Transfer General Fund to Fund, extension Mill street. Approved Aug. 2, 1883. 3889. Declaring cost of improving North Fifteenth street. Approved Aug, 2, 1883. 3890. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Fifteenth street. Ap- proved Aug. 2, 1883. 3891. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Aug. 2, 1883. 3892. Changing and establishing grade of Lincoln street. Approved Aug. 2, 1883. 3893. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Twenty-First street. Approved Aug. 2, 1883. 3894. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension North Twentieth street. Approved Aug. 2, 1883. 3895. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension of E street. Approved Aug. 2, 1883. 3896. Appropriation ; General Fund, relief Henry Weinhard. Approved Aug. 3, 1883- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 549 Number. 3897. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Aug. 17, 1883. 3898. Authorizing expenditure, Fire Department Fund, Approved Aug. 17, 1883. 3899. Authorizing Supt. of Streets to employ Deputies. Approved Aug. 17, 1883. 3900. Appropriation ; General Fund, relief certain persons. Approved Aug. 17, 1883. 3901. Adopting report of Viewers, extension E street. Approved Aug, 17, 1883. 3902. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension B street. Approved Aug. ih 1883. 3903. Authorizing Geo. W. Weidler, Robt. Irving and assigns, right to con- struct, maintain and operate street railways. Approved Aug. 17, 1883. 3904. Granting Nicolai Bros, permission to erect wooden cornice. Ap- proved Aug. 17, 1883. 3905. Improving Front and South Front streets. Approved Aug. 17, 1883. 3906. Authorizing purchase of safe for police building. Approved Aug. 24, 1883. ^ 3907. Changing and establishing grade of Eleventh street. Approved Aug. 24, 1883. 3908. Transfer, Funds of Old Fire Department to Funds for new. Approved Aug. 24, 1883. 3909. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Aug. 24, 1883. 3910. Appropriation; Fire Department F'und. Approved Aug. 24, 1883. 3911. Suppress gaming and gambling houses. Approved Aug. 24, 1883. 3912. Authorizing lease with F. Dekum, Approved Aug. 24, 1883. 3913. Changing and establishing grade of North Sixteenth street. Approved Aug. 24, 1883. 3914. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Aug. 24, 1883. 3915. Fixing salary Supt. Number, 3944. Authorizing a contract for printing and binding City Ordinances. Approved Sept, 21, 1883. 3945. Transfer sundry funds to General Fund. Approved Sept. 21, 1883. 3946. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Alfred Nelson. Approved Sept 21, 1883. 3947. Regulating the number of policemen and fixing their salary. Ap- proved Sept. 21, 1883. 3948. Amending Ordinance No. 2959, (offenses and disorderly conduct). Approved Sept. 21, 1883. 3949. Declaring cost of improving Ninth street. Approved Sept, 21, 1883. 3950. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Ninth street. Approved Septem- ber 21, 1883. 3951. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Sept. 21, 1883. 3952. Improving Pine street, Third to Fourth. Approved Sept. 21, 1883. 3953. Improving Ash street. Third to Fourth. Approved Sept. 21, 1883. 3954. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Front street. Ap- Sept. 21, 1883. 3955. Authorizing contract for cleaning streets. Approved Sept. 21, 1883. 3956. Appropriation; General Fund; payment claim of A. B. Singleton. Ap- proved Sept. 2F, 1883. 3957. Amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 3034, (prevention of fires). Approved Sept. 21, 1883. 3958. Improving C street. North Third to North Fourth. Approved Sept. 21, 1883. 3959. Adopting report of City Surveyor, lateral extension Second street. Approved Oct. 5, 1883. 3960. Improving intersections Washington, B, North Fourteenth and Lowns- dale streets. Approved Oct. 5, 1883. 3961. Appropriation; Park Fund. Approved Oct. 5, 1883. 3962. Transfer; Police Fund to Fire Department f'und. Approved Octo- ber 5, 1883, 3963. Appropriation; General Fund ; relief H, W. Taylor. Approved Oct. 5» 1883. 3964. Granting right of way. Crystal Springs Water Company, lay pipes and convey water through streets. Approved Oct. ii, 1883, 3965. Authorizing employment Clerk Police Court. Approved Oct. 12,1883. 3966. Improving Ninth street, Washington to Stark, Approved October 12, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 552 Number. 3967. Transfer; General Fund to B Street Improvement Fund. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3968. Providing for the construction of certain bridges. Approved October 12, 1883. 3969. Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 3955, (cleaning streets). Ap- proved Oct. 12, 1883. 3970. Adopting report of Viewers, extension E street. Approved October 12, 1883. 3971. Adopting report of Viewers, extension North Twentieth street. Ap- proved Oct. 12, 1883. 3972. Adopting report of Viewers, extension North Twenty-First street. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3973. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Jefferson street. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3974. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Sixteenth street. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3975. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Hood street. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3976. Extending the C street sewer to west line of Eleventh street. Ap- proved Oct. 12, 1883. 3977. Providing for cleaning street crossings. Approved Oct. 12,1883. 3978. Declaring cost improving Eleventh street. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3979. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Eleventh street. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3980. Establishing grade North Front street. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3981. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3982. Granting right of way to A. G. Cunningham, C. B. Talbot and as- signs to lay pipes and convey water through streets. Approved Oct. 12, 1883. 3983. Concerning offenses and disorderly conduct, and repealing Ordinances No. 1465, 3188, 3280 and 3681. Approved Oct. 13, 1883. 3984. Declaring cost improving Lincoln street. Approved Oct. 18, 1883. 3985. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Lincoln street. Approved Oct. 18, 1883. 3986. Improving Yamhill street. Front to First. Approved Oct. 18, 1883. 3987. Amending sub-division 4 of Section 12 of Ordinance No. 2839, (im- proving streets). Approved Oct. 18, 1883. 3988. Authorizing contract; Daily Standard; advertising. Approved Oct. 18, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 553 Number. 3989. Designating Daily Newspaper, official paper; city printing. Ap- proved Oct. 18, 1883. 3990. Appropriation; General Fund; relief H. M. Taylor. Approved Oct. 18, 1883. 3991. Appropriation; General Fund; relief S. A. Moreland. Approved Oct. 18, 1883. 3992. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Oct. 18, 1883. 3993. Authorizing contract, Portland Gas Light Co. Approved October 18, 1883. 3994. Providing for cleaning of streets. Approved Oct. 18, 1883. 3995. Authorizing contract for re-arrangement of Police building. Ap- proved Oct. 18, 1883. 3996. Improving Front and South Front street, Harrison to Porter. Ap- proved Nov. 8, 1883. 3997. Improving First street, Salmon to Harrison. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 3998. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement North Tenth street. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 3999. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement First street. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4000. Amending sub-division 4 of Section 12 of Ordinance No. 2839, (im- proving streets). Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4001. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension North Front street. Ap- proved Nov. 9, 1883. 4002. Declaring cost improving intersection B, Washington and Lownsdale streets. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4003. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement intersection B, Washington and Lownsdale streets. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4004. Providing for cleaning streets. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4005. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4006. Transfer, General Fund to various Street Funds. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4007. Transfer, General Fund to Jefferson Street Extension Fund. Ap- proved Nov. 9, 1883. 4008. Appropriation; Fund, extention North Twentieth street. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4009. Appropriation ; Fund, extension North Twenty-First street. Ap- proved Nov. 9, 1883. 4010. Appropriation; Fund, extension North Twenty-Second street. Ap- proved Nov. 9, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 554 Number. 4011. Appropriation; Fund, extension E street. Approved Nov. 9, i88j. 4012. Appropriation; Fund, extension Jefferson street. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4013. Appropriation; General Fund, repair streets and bridges. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4014. Appropriation; General Fund, purchase of property. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4015. Authorizing expenditure, General Fund. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4016. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Wm. Wascher. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4017. Authorizing contract city printing. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4018. Appropriation; General Fund ; cleaning street crossings. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4019. Adopting report City Surveyor, widening North Seventh street. Ap- proved Nov. 9, 1883. 4020. Authorizing certain persons to construct, maintain and operate Gas works. Approved Nov. 9, 1883. 4021. Authorizing contract; Portland Hydraulic Elevator Co. Approved Nov. 13, 1883. 4022. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief T. D. Rumple. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4023. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4024. Adopting report of Viewers, widening Second street. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4025. Authorizing employment additional help in City Surveyor’s office. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4026. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Hood street. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4027. Amending sections i and 4 of Ordinance No. 3477. (Authorizing D E. Budd and associates to construct and operate street railways.) Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4028. Improving D .street. North Fourteenth to North Eighteenth. Ap- proved Nov. 23, 1883. 4029. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Seventh street. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4030. Improving C street. North Fourteenth to North Eighteenth. Ap- proved Nov. 23, 1883. Laying sewer in Mill street. West Park to Ninth. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4031. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 555 Number. 4032. Authorizing extension plank roadway on Water street. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4033. Adopting report of Viewers, extension B street. Approved Novem- ber 23, 1883. 4034. Declaring cost of improving Hall street. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4035. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Hall street. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4036. Repealing Ordinance No. 3153, (adopting report of Viewers, exten- sion Salmon street). Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4037. Authorizing expenditure ; General Fund. Approved Nov. 23, 1883. 4038. Authorizing S. Rachenberger to alter building within fire limit. Ap- proved Nov. 24, 1883. 4039. Granting F. C. Smith et al. right to erect poles and stretch electric light wires. Approved Nov. 24, 1883. 4040. Extending time of completion Transcontinental Street Railway. Ap- proved Nov. 24, 1883. 4041. Authorizing expenditure; General Fund, purchase instruments City Surveyor’s office. Approved Dec. 13, 1883. 4042. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, extension Hood street. Approved Dec. 13, 1883. 4043. Appropriation ; Fund, extension Hood street. Approved December 13, 1883. 4044. Appropriation; General Fund; Council rooms and offices. Approved Dec. 13, 1883. 4045. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4046. Transfer; General Fund to various street Funds. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4047. Declaring cost of improving M street. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4048. Appropriation; Fund, improvement M street. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4049. Declaring cost of improving Ash street. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4050. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Ash street. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4051. Declaring of improving Yamhill street. Approved December 14, 1883. 4052. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Yamhill street. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4053. Appropriation ; General Fund. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 556 Number. 4054. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Thirteenth street. Ap- proved Dec. 14, 1883. 4055. Amending Section 5 of Ordinance No. 4020, (W. W, Gibbs et al.y gas wiorks). Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4056. Declaring cost of improving N street. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4057. Appropriation; Fund, improvement N street. Approved December 14, 1883. 4058. Declaring cost of improving Ninth street. Approved Dec. 14, 1883. 4059. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Ninth street. Approved Decem- ber 14, 1883. 4060. Declaring cost improving Tenth street. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4061. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Tenth street. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4062. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase of property. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4063. Appropriation ; General Fund ; cleaning street crossings. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4064. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension T street. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4065. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4066. Authorizing the organization of a hose company. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4067. Requiring removal of obstacles from North Third street. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4068. Improving West Park street, Salmon to Harrison. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4069. Establishing grade, Multnomah street. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4070. Establishing grade of Hood street. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4071. Improving intersection Ninth street. Stark and North Front street. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4072. Authorizing J. W. Cook and Julius Ordw^ay to construct, maintain and operate street railways. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4073. Amending Ordinance No. 3637, (authorizing construction and opera- tion street railways). Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4074. Authorizing expenditure for cleaning streets. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4075. Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No, 3983, (granting A. G. Cun- ningham and C. B. Talbot right of way through streets for laying pipes and conducting water). Approved Dec. 21, 1883. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 557 N umber. 4076. Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 3964, (granting right of way through streets for laying pipes and conducting M^ater). Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4077. Improving Second street, F to Morrison, Approved Dec. 21,1883. 4078. Improving Front street, F to Madison. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4079. Improving First street, F to Alder. Approved Dec. 21, 1883. 4080. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4081. Improving C street, Front to First. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4082. Transfer; Lamp Fund to Willamette River Fund. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4083. Transfer; Police Fund to Fire Department Fund. Approved Jan, 3, 1 884. 4084. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4085. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4086. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4087. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4088. Authorizing a temporary loan. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4089. Authorizing contract, printing Mayor’s message and official reports. Approved Jan, 3, 1884. 4090. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Jan. 3, 1884. 4091. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Jefferson street. Ap- proved Jan. 4, 1884. 4092. Defining manner laying down gas and water mains. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4093. Providing manner lighting and keeping in order street oil lamps. Approved Jan, 17, 1884, 4094. Amending Title and Section i of Ordinance No. 4031, (sewer in Mill sti;eet). Approved Jan, 17, 1884. 4095. Authorizing certain contracts. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4096. Directing the Committee on Health and Police to advertise for pro- posals, feeding prisoners. Approved Jan, 17, 1884. 4097. Appropriation; Tenth Street Improvement Fund. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4098. Establishing grade of Clay street Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4099. Establishing grade of Hood street. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4100. Improving Mill street. Twelfth to Thirteenth. Approved January 17, 1 884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 558 Number, 4101. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement M street. Ap- proved Jan. 17, 1884. 4102. Appropriation; Fund, improvement M street. Approved January 17, 1884. 4103. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Sixteenth street. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4104. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Seventh street. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4105. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, lateral extension Second street. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4106. Appropriation; Fund, lateral extension Second street. Approved Jan, 17; 1884. 4107. Appropriation; Fund, extension North Front street. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4108. Appropriation; Fund, E street extension. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4109. Appropriation; Fund, extension B street. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4110. Declaring cost of improving D street. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 41 1 1. Appropriation; Fund, improvement D street. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4112. Declaring cost of improving PTont and South Front streets. Approved Jan. 17, 1884. 4113. Appropriation; Fund, extension Front and South Front streets. Ap- proved Jan. 17, 1884. 4114. Lighting and keeping in order street oil lamps. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4115. Authorizing contract; lamp posts. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4116. Granting right of way through streets to A. G. Cunningham and C. B. Talbot for laying pipes and conveying water. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4117. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4118. Declaring cost improving First street. Approved Jan, 25, 1884. 4119. Appropriation; Fund improvement First street. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4120. Changing and establishing grade Front and South Front streets. Ap- proved Jan. 25, 1884. 4121. Levying tax; payment ordinary expenses city government, .004. Ap- proved Jan. 25, 1884. Levying special tax ; Paid Fire Department, .003. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4122. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 559 Number. 4123. Levying special tax; improvement Willamette river, .0015. Ap- proved Jan. 25, 1884. 4124. Appropriation; General Fund; salaries and expenses. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4125. Appropriations; Police F'und. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4126. Appropriations; Fire Department. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4127. Appropriations; Street Lamp Fund. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4128. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Willamette river. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4129. Granting Chinese residents certain privileges. Approved Jan. 25, 1884. 4130. Providing for the prevention of fires and the protection of properly endangered thereby. Approved Jan. 26, 1884. 4131. Levying special tax for cleaning and sprinkling streets, .0025. Ap- proved Jan. 25, 1884. 4132. Declaring cost sewer in Mill street. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4133. Appropriation ; Fund ; sewer in Mill street. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4134. Declaring cost improving intersection Stark, Ninth and North Tenth streets. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4135. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection Stark, Ninth and North Tenth streets. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4136. Declaring cost sewer in C street. Approved February 7, 1884. 4137. Appropriation, Fund, sewer C street. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4138. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4139. Transfer tax levied by Ordinance No. 4121. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4140. Authorizing contract, Lee & Marx, feeding prisoners. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4141. Authorizing expenditure ; Fund, improvement Willamette river. Ap- proved Feb. 7, 1884. 4142. Authorizing an assessment. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4143. Authorizing payment temporary loan. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4144. Naming certain streets, Caruthers’ addition to Caruthers’ addition. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4145. Declaring probable cost improving C street. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4146. Appropriation; Fund, improvement C street. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. 4147. Authorizing rent of certain rooms. Police building. Approved Feb. 7, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 560 Number. 4148. Authorizing fire cistern. Approved Feb. 21, 1884. 4149. Authorizing expenditure ; Police Fund. Approved Feb. 21, 1884, 4150. Providing improvement public levee. Approved Feb. 21, 1884. 4151. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 1414, (drawing warrants). Approved Feb. 2i^ 1884. 4152. Authorizing drawing warrant payment codifying Ordinances. Ap- proved Feb. 21, 1884. 4153. Authorizing expenditure j Fire Department Fund. Approved Feb. 21, 1884. 4154. Adopting report of Viewers, extension F street. Approved Feb. 21, 1884. 4155. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 1414, (drawing warrants). Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4156. Authorizing expenditure; General Fund. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4157. Appropriation; General Fund; care city horse. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4158. Authorizing issuing warrants in lieu certain warrants. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4159. Improving North Fourteenth street, N to S. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4160. Improving Grover street. Hood to Multnomah. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4161. Providing form and manner improving Alder street. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4162. Improving intersection North F'ifteenth and B streets. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4163. Declaring cost improving C street. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4164. Appropriation; Fund improvement C street. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4165. Requiring removal of obstructions from Seventh street. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4166. Improving Multnomah street, Grover street to south boundary line of city. Approved Feb. 29, 1884. 4167. Transfer General Fund to Fund improvement I street. Approved March 6, 1884. 4168. Transfer General Fund to Fund improvement Ninth street. Ap- proved March 6, 1884. 4169. Repealing Ordinance No. 4154, (adopting report of Viewers, exten- sion T street.) Approved March 6, 1884. 4170. Authorizing purchase of safe for city records. Approved March 6, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 561 Number. 4171. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved March 6, 1884. 4172. Authorizing contract for road in City Park. Approved Mar. 6, 1884. 4173. Improving Hood street, Caruthers land claim line to Terwilliger’s land claim line. Approved March 6, 1884. 4174. Prohibiting use of awnings, porticos, porches or piazzas as places of storage. Approved March 6, 1884. 4175. Directing a re-entry of assessment docket, city liens, improvement Front and .South Front streets. Approved March 6, 1884. 4176. Authorizing expenditure ; appropriation ; repairs streets and bridges. Approved March 6, 1884. 4177. Appropriation; General Fund; fence City Park. Approved March 20, 1884, 4178. Repealing Ordinances Nos. 4160, 4166 and 4173, (improving Grover street, Multnomah .street and Hood street). Approved March 20, 1884. 4179. Improving Porter street. First street to Corbett street. Approved March 20, 1885. 4180. Repealing Ordinance No. 4004, (cleaning streets). Approved Mar. 20, 1884. 4181. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved March 20, 1884. 4182. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved March 20, 1884. 4183. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved March 20, 1884. 4184. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase of property, Chief of Police sale. Approved March 20, 1884. 4185. Improving .Second street, Madison to Jefferson. A.pproved March 20, 1884. 4186. Improving Alder street, First to Fourth. Approved March 20, 1884. 4187. Authorizing construction of a steam tender for city dredge. Approved March 20, 1884. 4188. Extending Mill street sewer. Approved March 20, 1884. 4189. Amending Ordinance No. 2463, (establishing wharf line). Approved March 20, 1884. 4190. Regulating use of certain streets, vehicles. Approved Mar. 20, 1884. 4191. Authorizing committee to advertise for bids for cleaning and sprink- ling certain streets. Approved March 20, 1884. 4192. Improving Hood street, Caruthers’ land claim line to Terwilliger’s land claim line. Approved March 20, 1884. 4193. Improving Multnomah street, Grover street to Terwilliger’s land claim line. Approved April 4, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 562 Number. 4194. Improving Grover street, Hood to Multnomah. Approved April 4, 1884. 4195. Declaring supplementary assessment, Mill street sewer. Approved April 4, 1884. 4196. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Mill street. Approved April 4, 1884. 4197. Appropriation; General Fund; relief C. H. Roach. Approved April 4, 1884. 4198. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved April 4, 1884. 4199. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension T street. Approved April 4, 1884. 4200. Adopting report City Surs^eyor, lateral extension Water street. Ap- proved April 4, 1884. 4201. Adopting report City Surveyor extension North Sixteenth street. Ap- proved April 4, 1884. 4202. Establishing grade Corbett street. Approved April 4, 1884. 4203. Establishing grade. South Water street. Approved April 4, 1884. 4204. Establishing grade. South First street. Approved April 4, 1884. 4205. Establishing grade. South Front street. Approved April 4, 1884. 4206. Establishing grade, Kelly street. Approved April 4, 1884. 4207. Repealing Ordinance No. 3965, (authorizing employment clerk. Po- lice building). Approved April 4, 1884. 4208. Changing and establishing grade, West Salmon street. Approved April 17, 1884. 4209. Adopting report of Viewers, extension North Sixteenth street. Ap- proved April 17, 1884. 4210. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved April 4, 1884. 4211. Establishing grade. North 'Twenty-First street. Approved April 17, 1884. 4212. Declaring cost improving West Park street. Approved April 17,1884. 4213. Appropriation; Fund, improvement West Park street. Approved April 17, 1884. 4214. Adopting report City .Surveyor, extension North Twenty-First street. Approved April 17, 1884. 4215. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Thirteenth street. Approved April 17, 1884. 4216. Adopting report City Surveyor, lateral extension B street. Approved April 17, 1884. 4217. Establishing grade of Jefferson street. Approved April 21, 1884. 4218. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved April 22, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 563 Number. 4219. Appropriation; C street Sewer Fund, Approved April 22, 1884. 4220. Appropriation; Cieneral Fund. Approved April 22, 1884. 4221. Authorizing certain contracts. Approved April 22, 1884. 4222. Fixing bonds Chief of Police. Approved April 24, 1884.. 4223. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved May 8, 1884. 4224. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved May 8, 1884. 4225. Appropriation ; General Fund. Approved May 8, 1884. 4226. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved May 8, 1884. 4227. Improving B street, North Twelfth to North Sixteenth. Approved May 8, 1884. 4228. Improving Lownsdale street, Washington to B. Approved May 8, 1884. 4229. Improving Washington street, Twelfth to B. Approved May 8, 1884. 4230. Improving King street, B to West Main. Approved May 8, 1884. 4231. Declaring cost improving Mill street. Twelfth to Thirteenth. Ap- proved May 8, 1884. 4232. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Morrison street. Approved May 8, 1884. 4233. Improving Mill street. East Park to Tenth. Approved May 8, 1884. 4234. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, improvment Front and South Front streets. Approved May 8, 1884. 4235. Concerning erection Fire Alarm Telegraph poles. Approved May 8, 1884. 4236. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief certain persons. Approved May 8, 1884. 4237. Laying sewer in Stark street. Approved May 16, 1884. 4238. Laying sewer in Montgomery street. Approved May 16, 1884. 4239. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension T street. Approved May 16, 1884. 4240. Laying sewer in G street. Approved May 16, 1884. 4241. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved May 16, 1884. 4242. Declaring cost improving First street. Approved May 16, 1884. 4243. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First street. Approved May 16, 1884. 4244. Authorizing additional counsel, liquor cases. Approved May 16, 1884. 4245. Appropriation; P'und, extension North Sixteenth street. Approved May 22, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 564 Number. 4246. Declaring cost improving Second street. Approved May 22, 1884. 4247. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Second street. Approved May 22, 1884. 4248. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved May 22, 1884. 4249. Authorizing employment park keeper. Approved May 22, 1884. 4250. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 3672. Approved May 22, 1884. 4251. Improving Jefferson street, Water street to block 9, King’s addition. Approved May 22, 1884. 4252. Changing and establishing grade of Clay street. Approved May 22, 1884. 4253. Authorizing expenditure, cleaning streets. Approved May 22, 1884. 4254. Appropriation ; Fund, cleaning and sprinkling streets. Approved May 22, 1884. 4255. Improving A street. Seventh to West Park. Approved May 22, 1884. 4256. Improving North Twenty-First street, E to J. Approved May 22, 1884. 4257. Transfer ^Street Cleaning and Sprinkling Fund to General Fund. Approved May 22, 1884. 4258. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved May 22, 1884. 4259. Authorizing driving of piles, public levee. Approved May 22, 1884. 4260. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Jefferson street. Ap- proved May 22, 1884. 4261. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Chapman street. Ap- proved May 22, 1884. 4262. Improving First street, Alder to Salmon. Approved June 5, 1884. 4263. Declaring cost of improving Alder street. Approved June 5, 1884. 4264. Appropriation; Fund, improvement .^Ider street. Approved June 5, 1884. 4265. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement First street. Ap- proved June 5, 1884. 4266. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First street. Approved June 5, 1884. 4267. Improving Taylor street, First to Second. Approved June 5, 1884. 4268. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension South Front street. Ap- proved June 5, 1884. 4269. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved June 5, 1884. 4270. Improving College street. Second to Third. Approved June 5, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 565 Number. 4271. Declaring cost of improving Front street. Approved June 5, 1884. 4272. Appropriation ; F’und, improvement F'ront street. Approved June 5, 1884. 4273. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase of property. Approved June 5, 1884. 4274. Authorizing employment L). E. Buchanan superintendent construc- tion steam tender for dredger. Approved June 5, 1884. 4275. Fixing office hours of Auditor and Clerk, Superintendent of Streets and City Surveyor. Approved June 5, 1884. 4276. Transfer Police Fund to General F'und. Approved June 20, 1884. 4277. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved June 20, 1884. 4278. Improving Montgomery street, First to terrace road. Approved June 20, 1884. 4279. Establishing grade of Hooker street. Approved June 20, 1884. 4280. Establishing grade of Williams street. Approved June 20, 1884. 4281. Establishing grade of Meade street. Approved June 20, 1884. 4282. Establishing grade of Porter street. Approved June 20, 1884. 4283. Improving Caruthers street, F'ront to Hood. Approved June 20, 1884. 4284. Appropriation; General F'und; relief John Stephenson. Approved June 20, 1884. 4285. Appropriation; Police F'und. Approved July 3, 1884. 4286. Appropriation; Police F'und. Ajrproved July 3, 1884, 4287. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved July 3, 1884. 4288. Appropriation; General Fund; relief W. J. Burns. Approved July 3, 1884. 4289. Authorizing temporary loan. Approved July 3, 1884. 4290. Appropriation; F'und, improvement Willamette river. Approved July 3, 1884. 4291. Granting right to erect poles and stretch wires f(w electric light pur- poses. (Charles S. Roe, et ol.) Approved July 3, 1884. 4292. Declaring cost improving Multnomah street. Approved July 3, 1884. 4293. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Multnomah street. Approved July 3, 1884. 4294. Declaring cost improving North Fourteenth street. Approved July 3, 1884. Appropriation; F'und, improvement North F'ourteenth street. Ap- proved July 3, 1884. 4295- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 566 Number. 4296. Declaring cost improving Alder street. Approved July 3, 1884. 4297. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Alder street. Approved July 3, 1884. 4298. Declaring cost improving Hood street. Approved July 3, 1884. 4299. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Hood street. Approved July 3, 1884. 4300. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Louis Eppinger. Approved July 3, 1884. 4301. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 4240, (sewer in G street). Ap- proved July 3, 1884. 4302. Laying sewer in Clay street. Approved July 3, 1884. 4303. Declaring cost improving Taylor street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4304. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Taylor street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4305. Declaring cost improving Mill street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4306. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Mill street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4307. Declaring cost improving Second street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4308. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Second street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4309. Declaring cost improving Washington street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4310. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Washington street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4311. Declaring cost improving Grover street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4312. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Grover street. Approved July 9, 1884. 4313. Appropriation; Park Fund. Approved July 9, 1884. 4314. Improving Hooker street, South Front to South Third. Approved July 9, 1884. 4315. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved July 18, 1884. 4316. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension North Eighteenth street. Approved July 18, 1884. 4317. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Porter street. Approved July 18, 1884. 4318. Adopting report of Viewers, extension T street. Approved July 21, 1884. 4319. Changing grade. Hood street. Approved July 18, 1884. 4320. Adopting report of Viewers, extension North Twenty-First street. Approved July 18, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 567 Number. 4321. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Thirteenth street. Approved July 21, 1884. 4322. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Jefferson street. Approved July 21, 1884. 4323. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Chapman street. Approved July 21, 1884, 4324. Amending Section 13 of Ordinance No. 2958, (licenses). Approved July 21, 1884. 4325. Declaring cost sewer in Mill street. Approved July 22, 1884. 4326. Appropriation ; Fund, sewer in Mill street. Approved July 22, 1884. 4327. Transfer; General Fund to Fund improvement Eleventh street. Ap- proved July 22, 1884. 4328. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain parties. Approved July 22, 1884. 4329. Appropriation; General P'und. Approved July 22, 1884. 4330. Improving Fifteenth street, Jefferson to Mill. Approved July 22, 1884. 4331. Improving Stout street, Jefferson to point north of West Salmon. Ap- proved July 22, 1884. 4332. Appropriation; Fire Department. Approved August 7, 1884. 4333. Authorizing temporary loan. Approved August 7, 1884. 4334. Granting Nicolai & Bro. permission to extend wooden cornice. Ap- proved Aug. 7, 1884. 4335. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Montgomery street. Approved Aug. 7, 1884. 4336. Appropriation ; Fund, sewer in Montgomery street. Approved Aug. 7, 1884. 4337. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Stark street. Approved Aug. 7, 1884. 4338. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Stark street. Approved Aug. 7, 1884. 4339. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 4130, (prevention fires). In force by operation of law, Aug. 18, 1884. 4340. Amending Sections 5, 7 and 10 of Ordinances No. 3721, (obstruction of streets). Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4341. Declaring cost improving intersection Second and A streets. Ap- proved Aug. 22, 1884. 4342. Appropriation; Fund, improvement intersection Second and A streets. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. ■T343. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 568 Number. 4344. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, improvement Willamette river. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4345. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Willamette river. Approved Au- gust 22, 1884. 4346. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Willamette river. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4347. Designating manner filling trenches excavated for laying water, gas or sewer pipes. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4348. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension South Second street. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4349. Declaring cost of improving Montgomery street. Approved August 22, 1884. 4350. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Montgomery street. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4351. Declaring, of improving North Twenty-First street. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4352. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Twenty-First street. Ap- proved Aug. 22, 1884. 4353. Declaring cost of improving First street. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4354. Appropriation; Fund, improvement First street. Approved August 22, 1884. 4355. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4356. Authorizing appointment of deputy pound master. Approved August 22, 1884. 4357. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2125, (numbering buildings). Approved Aug. 22, 1884. 4358. Laying sewer in E street. Approved Sept. 4, 1884. 4359. Authorizing employment of an efficient fire boat. Approved Septem- ber 4, 1884. 4360. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement of Hood street. Approved Sept. 4, 1884. 4361. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Hood street. Approved Sept. 4, 1884* 4362. Declaring cost of improving A street. Approved Sept. 4, 1884. 4363. Appropriation; Fund, improvement A street. Approved September 4, 1884. 4364. Improving Grant street, Front to Fourth. Approved Sept. 4, 1884. 4365. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase of property. Approved Sep- tember 4, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 569 Number. 4366. Extending sewer in Market street. Approved Sept. 4, 1884. 4367. Improving N street, North Front to 130 feet west of North Tenth street. Approved Sept. 4, 1884. 4368. Amending sub-divisions 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Section 12 of Ordinance No. 2839, (improving streets). Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4369. Transfer; General Fund to Fire Department Fund. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4370. Improving North Thirteenth street, bridge to G street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4371. Appropriation; Fund, extension Jefferson street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4372. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement Multnomah street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4373. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Multnomah street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4374. Amending Ordinance No. 2839, (improving streets.) Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4375. Authorizing and directing contract with Portland Hydraulic Elevator Co. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4376. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief certain persons. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4377. Declaring cost improving King street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4378. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement King street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4379. Establishing grade of Sherman street west of South Sixth street. Ap- proved Sept. 19, 1884. 4380. Appropriation ; P'und, extension North Twenty-First street. Ap- proved Sept. 19. 1884. 4381. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Clay street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4382. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Clay street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4383. Appropriation; Fund, extension T street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884 4384. Transfer ; General Fund to Fund, extension of T street. Approved Sept. 19, 1884. 4385. Transfer; Street Cleaning and Sprinkling Fund to Police Fund. Ap- proved Oct. 2, 1884. 4386. Adopting report of Viewers, extension South Front street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 570 Number. 4387. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Porter street. Approved Oct. 3, 1884. 4388. Appropriation; General Fund, Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4389. Amending Ordinance No. 4366, (extending sewer in Market street.) Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4390. Declaring cost improving N street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4391 . Appropriation ; Fund, improvement N street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4392. Declaring cost improving Grant street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4393. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Grant street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4394. Declaring cost improving Jefferson street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4395. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Oct, 2, 1884. 4396. Declaring cost improving Fifteenth street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4397. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Fifteenth street. Approved Oct, 2, 1884. 4398. Declaring cost improving Hooker street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4399. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Hooker street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4400. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement North Twenty- First street. Approved Oct. 2, 1884. 4401. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Twenty-First street. Ap- proved Oct. 2, 1884. 4402. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief J. H. Wallace. Approved Oct. 17, 1884. 4403. Transfer; Street Cleaning and Sprinkling Fund to Police Fund. Ap- proved Oct. 17, 1884. 4404. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, improvement Willamette river. Approved Oct. 17, 1884. 4405. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Oct. 17, 1884. 4406. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Oct. 17, 1884. 4407. Declaring cost of improving Caruthers street. Approved October 17, 1884. 4408. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Caruthers, street. Approved Oc- tober 17, 1884. 4409. Improving Jefferson street. Approved Oct. 17, 1884. 4410. Authorizing contract with St. Vincent’s Hospital. Approved October 17, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 571 Number. 4411. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in G street. Approved October 17, 1884. 4412. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in G street. Approved Oct. 17, 1884. 4413. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in E street. Approved October 17, 1884. 4414. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in E street. Approved Oct. 17, 1884. 4415. Improving North Front street, F to N. Approved Oct. 29, 1884. 4416. Authorizing employment of competent i>erson superintendent of con- struction and operation city dredger. Approved Oct. 29, 1884. 4417. Transfer; General Fund to Fire Department Fund. Approved Oct. 29, 1884. 4418. Improving J street. North Twentieth to Balch creek road. Ap- proved Oct. 29, 1884. 4419. Appropriation; General Fund; supply deficiency C Street Sewer Fund. Approved Oct. 29, 1884. 4420. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Oct. 29, 1884. 4421. Declaring cost of improving North Thirteenth street. Approved Oct. 29, 1884. 4422. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Thirteenth street. Ap- proved Oct. 29, 1884. 4423. Appropriation; Police Fund, Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4424. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief Edwin Stevens. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4425. Improving Third street, Yamhill to Washington street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4426. Transfer; Fund, improvement Front and South Front streets to Fire Department Fund and General Fund, Approved Nov. 7. 1884. 4427. Authorizing contract, Portland Hydraulic Elevator Company. Ap- proved Nov. 7, 1884. 4428,. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4429. Amending Ordinance No, 2839, Section 12, sub-divisions 3, 4, and 6; as amended by Ordinance No. 4368, (improving streets). Ap- proved Nov. 7, 1884. 4430. Improving Tenth street, Yamhill to Stark. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4431. Establishing grade of Corbett street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4432. Establishing grade of Grover street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884, 4433. Establishing grade of Whitaker street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4434. Establishing grade of Lane street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 572 Number. 4435. Establishing grade of Abernethy street. Approved Nov, 7, 1884. 4436. Establishing grade of Curry street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4437. Establishing grade of South Water street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4448. Establishing grade of Gaines street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4439. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Eighteenth street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4440. Improving I street, North Eleventh to North Twelfth. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4441. Declaring cost improving Stout .street. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4442. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Stout street. Approved Nov, 7, 1884, 4443. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief certain persons. Approved Nov. 7, 1884. 4444. Amending Section 2, Ordinance No. 4428, (Appropriation; General Fund). Approved Nov. 13, 1884. 4445. Authorizing contract for advertising in Daily Standard, Approved Nov. 26, 1884. 4446. Designating daily newspaper, official paper ; city printing. Approved Nov. 26, 1884. 4447. Repealing Ordinance No. 4104, (adopting report of Viewers, exten- sion Seventh street). Approved Nov. 26, 1884, 4447^, Appropriation; Fund, extension South Front street. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4448. Licensing and regulating wash-houses and public laundries. Ap- proved Dec. 4, 1884. 4449. Declaring surplus of assessment, improvement North Twenty-First street. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4450. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4451. Transfer; General Fund. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4452. Appropriation ; General Fund. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4453. Appropriation; General Fund; relief C. B, Bellinger. Approved Dec. 4, 1884, 4454. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Market street. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4455. Granting extension time to John L. Stewart, Wm. W. Gibbs, et al. construction gas works. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4456. Declaring cost improving Jefferson street. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4457. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 573 Number. 4458. Authorizing Committee on Streets and Public Property to advertise for proposals for lighting street lamps. Approved Dec. 4, 1884. 4459. Appropriation ; Fund, sewer in Market street. Approved Dec. 4. 1884. 4460. Appropriation; Fund, extension Seventh street. Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4461. Transfers; certain Funds to General Fund. Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4462. Transfer; General Fund to Funds, Fire Department and Police. Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4463. Transfer; General Fund to Park Fund. Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4464. Appropriation ; Fire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4465. Repealing Ordinance No. 4190, (regulating use of streets by certain vehicles.) Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4466. Amending section 5 of Ordinance No 3533, (regulating hacks and fixing rates of fare.) Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4467. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement North Twenty- First street. Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4468. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Twenty-First street. Ap- proved Dec. 19, 1884. 4469. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4470. Authorizing an assessment and entry in docket city liens. Approved Dec. 19, 1884. 4471. Fixing and requiring bonds, certain city officers. Approved Dec. 20. 1884. 4472. Regulating number of policemen and fixing compensation same. Ap- proved Dec. 20, 1884. 4473. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4474. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4475. Amending Ordinance No. 3684, (granting Multnomah Street Railway Co. right to construct and operate street railways.) Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4476. Declaring cost improving I street. Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4477. Appropriation; Fund, improvement I street. Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4478. Declaring cost improving Tenth street. Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4479. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Tenth street. Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4480. Declaring cost improving Third street. Approved Dec 30, 1884. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 574 Number. 4481. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Third street. Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4482. Amending Ordinance No. 3903, (authorizing George W. Weidler and Robt. Irving to construct and operate street railways). Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4483. Amending Ordinance No. 4070, (authorizing J. W. Cook and Julius Ordway to construct and operate street railways). Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4484. Amending Ordinance No, 3637, (authorizing construction and opera- tion street railways, city of Portland). Approved Dec. 30, 1884. 4485. Authorizing repairs to certain building. Approved Jan. 10, 1885. 4486. Granting certain privileges to Chinese residents. Approved Jan. 10, 1885. 4487. Appropriation; Willamette River P'und, Approved Jan, 10, 1885. 4488. Declaring cost improving J street. Approved January 10, 1885. 4489. Appropriation; Fund, improvement J street. Approved Jan. 10, 1885. 4490. Amending Section 6, Ordinance No-. 2839, (improving streets). Ap- proved Jan. 10, 1885. 4491. Improving North Sixteenth street, S to North Front, Approved Jan. 10, 1885. 4492. Transfer; General Fund to Police Fund. Approved Jan. 23, 1885. 4493. Transfer; General Fund to Fire Department P'und. Approved Jan. 23, 1885. 4494. Authorizing an expenditure. Approved Jan. 23, 1885. 4495. Providing for removal of snow and ice from sidewalks. Approved Jan. 23, 1885. 4496. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Jan. 23, 1885. 4497. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Jan. 23, 1885. 4498. Authorizing re-assessment, improvement Montgomery street, abutting on block C. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4499. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement Montgomery street. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4500. Appropriation; General Fund, purchase of property. Approved Feb. 5,1885. 4501. Appropriation; General Fund ; relief certain persons. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4502. Authorizing contract, J. Haas ; feeding prisoners, city jail. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 575 Number. 4503. Authorizing an improvement within the fire limits. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4504. Levying special tax, paid Fire Department, .004. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4505. Levying special tax, improvement Willamette river, .001. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4506. Levying special tax, cleaning and sprinkling streets, 001. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4507. Levying tax, payment ordinary expenses city government, 003. Ap- proved Feb. 5, 1885. 4508. Authorizing contract, lamp posts. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4509. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved P"eb. 5, 1885. 4510. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4511. Appropriation; Fire Department F'und. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4512. Appropriation ; General Fund ; salaries and ordinary expenses. Ap- proved F'eb. 5, 1885. 4513. Improving Fifteenth street, Columbia to Mill. Approved February 5, 1885. 4514. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement Third street. Ap- proved Feb. 5, 1885. 4515. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Third street. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4516. Appropriation ; Fund, extension Porter street. Approved Feb. 5, 1885. 4517. Appropriation; Police Fund. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4518. Transfer; General Fund to Park P'und. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4519. Appropriation; Park Fund. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4520. Authorizing contract, D. Halpruner. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4521. Improving North Front street, F to N. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4522. Authorizing an expenditure. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4523. Authorizing an expenditure. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4524. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4525. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Approved Feb. 19, 1885. 4526. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Sherlock avenue. Ap- proved Feb. 25, 1885. 4527. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Front street. Ap- proved Feb. 25, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 576 N umber, 4528. Transferring tax levied by Ordinance No. 4507. Approved March 5 , 1885. 4529. Improving North Sixteenth street, S to North Front streets. Ap- proved March 5, 1885. 4530. Declaring supplementary assessment, improvement intersection Mor- rison and Tenth streets.. Approved March 5, 1885. 4531. Appropriation; P'und, improvement intersection Tenth and Morrison streets. Approved March 5, 1885. 4532. Providing for the relief of C. F'riendly. Approved March 5, 1885. 4533. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase property. Approved March 5, 1885. 4534. Authorizing re-assessment, improvement Hood street abutting on block B. Approved March 5, 1885. 4535. Declaring cost of improving North Front street. Approved March 7, 1885. 4536. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Front street. Approved March 7, 1885. 4537. Authorizing contract, changing gas lamps to oil lamps. Approved March 9, 1885. 4538. Authorizing contract with the United States Electric Lighting and Power Company, of Portland, Oregon. Passed Common Council over objections of Mayor March 18, 1885. 4539. Licensing, taxing and regulating wash-houses and public laundries. Approved March 19, 1885. 4540. Changing and establishing grade of Porter street. Approved March 19, 1885. 4541. Authorizing an expenditure. Approved March 19, 1885. 4542. Transfer; Police Fund to General Fund. Approved March 19, 1885. 4543. Directing a re-entry of assessment in docket of city liens. Approved March 19, 1885. 4544. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Len. Anderson. Approved March 21, 1885. 4545. Authorizing an expenditure. Approved March 28, 1885. 4546. Amending Sections 5, 7 and 10 of Ordinance No. 3721, (obstruction of streets). Approved March 28, 1885. 4547. Fixing and compensation of persons employed in operating city dredg- er and tender. Approved Maach 28, 1885. 4548. Amending Section 21 of Ordinance No. 2958, (licenses). Approved March 28, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 577 Number. 4549. Defining and punishing vagrancy. Approved March 28, 1885. 4550. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved March 28, 1885. 4551. Amending Section 22 of Ordinance No. 4130, (prevention of fires). Approved March 28, 1885. 4552. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Twenty-First street ; relief W. B. Chase. Approved March 28, 1885. 4553. Appropriation; Willamette River Fund. Approved March 28, 1885. 4554. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North Eighteenth street. Approved March 28, 1885. 4555. Authorizing appointment superintendent city dredger and fixing com- pensation of same. Approved March 28, 1885. 4556. Directing opening of public plazas. Approved April 2, 1885. 4557. Appropriation; General Fi;nd; relief H. Wolf, assignee. Approved April 2, 1885. 4558. Appropriation; General Fund; relief John, Neill. Approved April 2, 1885. 4559. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, sewer in Market street. Approved April 2, 1885. 4560. Appropriation ; General Fund , relief Mrs. F. C. Congdon. Approved April 2, 1885. 4561. Amending Section 24 of Ordinance No, 3983, (oftenses and disor- derly conduct). Approved April 2, 1885. 4562. Transfer; General Fund to Fund improvement Jefferson street. Ap- proved April 2, 1885. 4563. Declaring cost improving North Front street. Approved April 16, 1885. 4564. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Front street. Approved April 16, 1885. 4565. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved April 16, 1885. 4566. Relief of Mjs. M, J. Bird. Approved April 16, 1885. 4567. Declaring cost improving Fifteenth street. Approved April 16, 1885. 4568. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fifteenth street. Approved April 16, 1885. 4569. Improving Porter street. South First to Hood. Approved April 16, i88s. 4570. Amending Sections i and 5 of Ordinance No. 3720, (bar-rooms and drinking shops). Approved April 16, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 578 Number. 4571. Transfer; General Fund to Fund improvement Second street. Ap- proved May I, 1885. 4572. Appropriation; General I'und; relief certain persons. Approved May I, 1885. 4573. Appropriation; General Fund; improvement City Park. Approved May I, 1885. 4574. Changing and establishing grade of Grant street. Approved May i, 1885. 4575. Changing and establishing grade of Meade street. Approved May i, 1885. 4576. Declaring cost improving North Sixteenth street. Approved May i, 1885. 4577. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement North Sixteenth street. Ap- proved May I, 1885. 4578. Transfer; General Fund to Fund improvement Jefferson street. Ap- proved May II, 1885. 4579. Amending Ordinance No. 4556, (opening public plaza). Approved May I, 1885. 4580. Relief E, Cahalin, Approved May 7, 1885. 4581. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved May 7, 1885. 4582. Improving sanitary condition City Jail. Approved May 7, 1885. 4583. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension D street. Approved May 7, 1885. 4584. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase of property. Approved May 7, 1885. 4585. Licensing, taxing and regulating wash-houses and public laundries. Approved May 7, 1885. 4586. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief R. H. Thompson. Approved May 7, 1885. 4587. Appropriation ; Fund, lateral extension Third and North Third street. Approved May 7, 1885. 4588. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Front street. Approved May 7, 1885. 4589. Relief C. R. Hoffman. Approved May 7, 1885. 4590. Appropriation ; General Fund to Fund, improving Montgomery street. Approved May 7, 1885. 4591. Adopting report City Surveyor, laying out and establishing Corbett street. Approved May 22, 1885. 4592. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved May 22, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 579 Number. 4593. Transfer; Police Fund to General Fund. Approved May 22, 1885. 4594. Transfer; Willamette River Fund to General Fund. Approved May 22, 1885. 4595. Transfer; Street Cleaning, Sprinkling and Repairing Fund to Gen- eral Fund. Approved May 22, 1885. 4596. Appropriation; General Fund ; payment temporary loan. Approved May 22, 1885. 4597. Appropriation; General Fund; and repealing Ordinance No. 4581. Approved May 22, 1885. 4598. Authorizing additional expenditure improving city jail. Approved May 22, 1885. 4599. Regulating time and manner letting contracts for street \vork and accepting same when completed ; and repealing Ordinances Nos. 3281 and 3097. Approved May 22, 1885. 4600. Authorizing redemption certain property, (J. L. Atkinson.) Approved May 22, 1885. 4601. Authorizing an expenditure. Approved May 22, 1885. 4602. Adopting report of Viewers, extension North Eighteenth street. Ap- proved May 22, 1885. 4603. Licensing and regulating grocers and grocery stores where intoxi- cating liquors are sold. In force by operation of law, June 2, 1885. 4604. Improving Taylcr street. Tenth to Fourteenth street. Approved June 4, 1885. 4605. Appropriation ; General Fund. Approved June 4, 1885. 4606. Appropriation ; General Fund ; improving city park. Approved June 4, 1885. 4607. Amending section 3 of Ordinance No. 3964, (Granting right of way through streets for laying pipes and conducting water.) Ap- proved June 4, 1885. 4608. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved June 18, 1885. 4609. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Ap- proved June 18, 1885. 4610. Authorizing employment of park keeper and defining his duties. Ap- proved June 18, 1885. 4611. Providing relief, R. Clinton. Approved June 18, 1885. 4612. Transfer; General Fund to Police Fund. Approved June 18, 1885. 4613. Improving Second and South Second streets, Montgomery to Sheridan street. Approved June 18, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 580 Number. 4614. Fixing compensation Mayor and members Common Council. Ap- proved June 18, 1885. 4615. Relief of John Kennedy. Approved June 18, 1885. 4616. Improving Fourteenth street, Jefferson to Market. Approved June 18, 1885. 4617. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, extension Jefferson street. Ap- proved June 18, 1885. 4618. Authorizing redemption certain property, (Amanda W. Reed.) Ap- proved June 18, 1885. 4619. Adopting report City Surveyor, laying out and establishing South Water street. Approved June 18, 1885. 4620. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief certain persons. Approved June 18, 1885. 4621. Authorizing and directing a contract with P. F. Morey, and to provide for the levy of taxes therefor; and granting the privilege, fran- chise and the right of way through the streets of the city of Portland for the purpose of furnishing the city of Portland and its residents with water. Approved June 24, 1885. 4622. Improving North Sixteenth street. Approved June 26, 1885., 4623. Improving Meade street. South First to Hood St. Approved June 26, 1885. 4624. Establishing grade of Porter street. Approved June 26, 1885. 4625. Establishing grade. South First street. Approved June 26, 1885. 4626. Appropriation; General Fund; relief C. H. Dodd. Approved July 2, 1885. 4627. Licensing and regulating places where intoxicating liquors are sold, not to be drank on the premises, and repealing Ordinance No. 4603. Approved July 21, 1885. 4628. Transfer; General Fund to Police Fund. Approved July 2, 1885. 4629. Amending Sec. 20 of Ordinance No. 2958, (Licenses). Approved July 2, 1885. 4630. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief Sol. Shapirer. Approved July 2, 1885. 4631. Transfer; General Fund to Fund improvement Stout street. Ap- proved July 2, 1885. 4632. Appropriation ; Fund, extension North Eighteenth street. Approved July 8, 1885. 4633. Authorizing employment of clerk for Chief of Police and Police Department. Approved July 10, 1885. 4634. Appropriation; General Fund, improvement City Park. Approved July 16, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 581 Number. 4635. Declaring cost improving Taylor street. Approved July 16, 1885. 4636. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Taylor street. Approved July 16, 1885. 4637. Improving Grant street, Fifth to Seventh. Approved Aug. 6, 1885. 4638. Transfer; General Fund to Park Fund. Approved Aug. 6, 1885. 4639. Appropriation ; General Fund ; purchase of property. Approved Aug. 7, 1885. 4640. Amending Section 8 of Ordinance No. 2958, (licenses). Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4641. Accepting improvement of Porter street. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4642. Accepting improvement of Porter street. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4643. Transfer; General P'und to Police Fund. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4644. Transfer; General Fund to Street Cleaning, Sprinkling and Repair- ing Fund. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4645. Improving Clay street, Water to Twelfth streets. Approved August 20, 1885. 4646. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No, 3688, (animals and fowls). Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4647. Changing and establishing grade. South Second street. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4648. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief S. M. Lyon. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4649. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4650. Improving North Sixteenth street, S to V. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4651. Declaring cost of improving Porter street. Approved Aug. 20,1885. 4652. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Porter street. Approved August 20, 1885. 4653. Laying sewer in Clay street. Third to river. Approved Aug. 20, 1885. 4654. Authorizing temporary loan. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4655. Authorizing contract with R. H. Schwab & Bro. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4656. Authorizing contract with W. B. Ayer & Co. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4657. Changing and establishing grade of Corbett street. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4658. Declaring cost of improving Fourteenth street. Approved September 3, 1885. 4659. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Fourteenth street. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 582 Number, 4660. Declaring cost of improving Meade street. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4661. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Meade street. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4662. Accepting improvements of Meade street. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4663. Accepting improvements of Fourteenth street. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4664. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, improvement Q street. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4665. Improving South street, East Park to Seventh. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4666. Improving East Park street. College to South. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4667. Appropriation; Park Fund. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4668. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension D street. Approved Sept. 3, 1885. 4669. Adopting report City Surveyor, opening and laying out of Corbett street. Approved Sept. 4, 1885. 4670. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension North Third street H to North Front. Approved Sept. 5, 1885. 4671. Appropriation; Street cleaning, sprinkling and repairing Fund. Ap- proved Sept. 19, 1885. 4672. Transfer; General Fund to Lamp Fund. Approved Sept. 19, 1885. 4673. Authorizing an expenditure. Approved Sept. 19, 1885. 4674. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief Arthur Davenport. Approved Sept. 19, 1885, 4675. Declaring cost improving North Sixteenth street. Approved Sept. 19, 1885. 4676. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Sixteenth street. Approved Sept. 19, 1885. 4677. Laying sewer in Jefferson street. Approved Sept. 19, 1885. 4678. Prevent and suppress gaming and gambling houses, and all places where any game in which chance predominates is played for any- thing of value, and to punish any person who engages in any such game, or keeps or frequents any such house or place. Ap- proved Sept. 19, 1885. 4679. Authorizing a contract. Approved Oct. 14, 1885. 4680. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension Corbett street, Grover to Woods. Approved Oct. 14, 1885. 4681. Transfer; General Fund to Fund extension North Eighteenth street. Approved Oct. 14, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 583 Number. 4682. Improving Corbett street, Porter to Lane. Approved Oct. 14, 1885. 4683. Authorizing redemption real property, (A. H. Johnson), Approved Oct. 14, 1885, 4684. Improving North Sixteenth street, B to G. Approved Oct. 15, 1885. 4685. Transfer; General P'und to Fund improvement Second street. Ap- proved Oct. 14, 1885. 4686. Adopting report City Surveyor, laying out and establishing South Water street. Approved Oct. 14, 1885. 4687. Declaring cost improving North Sixteenth street. Approved Oct. 14, 1885. 4688. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Sixteenth street. Approved Oct. 14, 1885. 4689. Changing and establi.shing grade of Corbett street. Approved Octo- ber 14, 1885. 4690. Amending Section i of Ordinance No. 3720, (bar-rooms and drink- ing shops). Approved Oct. 15, 1885. 4691. Accepting improvements North Sixteenth street. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4692. Accepting improvements North Sixteenth street. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4693. Accepting improvements North Sixteenth street. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4694. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4695. Making and authorizing a committee in the matter of the Skidmore fountain. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4696. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Richard Minshull. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4697. Repealing Ordinance No. 4025, (authorizing employment additional help, City Surveyor’s office). Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4698. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Newhouse & Co. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4699. Prohibiting Committee on Streets and Public Property entering into contract with P. F. Morey and associates until further direction of Common Council. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4700. Amending Section 36 of Ordinance No. 3983, (offenses and disorder- ly conduct). Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4701. Accepting improvement of Meade street, intersected by Corbett street. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4702. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4703. Declaring cost of improving Clay street. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 584 Number. 4704. Appropriation; Fund, improvement Clay street. Approved October 22, 1885. 4705. Appropriation ; Street Cleaning, Sprinkling and Repairing Fund. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4706. Restrain and punish intoxication. Approved Oct. 22, 1885. 4707. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4708. Authorizing an expenditure. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4709. Transfer; General Fund to Police Fund. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4710. Prevent and suppress bawdy houses and places where fornication is enacted and to punish the keepers, inmates and frequenters there- of. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4711. Amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 4599, (street work). Ap- proved Nov. 5, 1885. 4712. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension North West Park street. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4713. Appropriation; Fund, extension Thirteenth street. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4714. Regulating storage crude petroleum or any rectified product thereof. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4715. Appropriation; General Fund; relief certain persons. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4716. Transfer; General Fund to Fire Department Fund. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4717. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 3688, (animals and fowls), and repealing Ordinance No. 4646. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4718. Accepting improvements, Clay street. Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4719. Improving East Park street, College to South. Approved Nov. 5, 1885 4720. Authorizing redemption certain property, (block A, sub-division C, Caruthers addition). Approved Nov. 5, 1885. 4721. Adopting Viewers’ report, laying out and establishing Corbett street. * Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4722. Authorizing contract with Good Samaritan Hospital. Approved No- vember 20, 1885. 4723. Authorizing redemption certain property, (Elizabeth Eckerson). Ap- proved Nov. 20, 1885. 4724. Authorizing redemption certain property, (John C. Doscher). Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4725. Authorizing redemption certain property, (Bloomfield and Haseltine). Approved Nov. 20, 1885. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 585 Number. 4726. Transfer; General Fund to Lamp Fund. Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4727. Appropriation; Fund, lighting street lamps. Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4728. Appropriation; Lamp Fund; erecting and repairing street lamps. Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4729. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4730. Transfer; General Fund to Fund for improvement Jefferson street. Approved Vov. 20, 1885. 4731. Providing for appointment and compensation interpreter Police Court. Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4732. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Con Ryan. Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4733. Improving south half of Porter street. Approved Nov. 20, 1885. 4734. Adopting report of Viewers, extension Corbett street. Approved No- vember 23, 1885. 4735. Transfer; General Fund to Fund for cleaning, sprinkling and repair- ing streets. Approved Dec. 3, 1885. 4736. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Clay street. Approved Dec. 3» 1885. 4737. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Jefferson street. Approved Dec. 3, 1885. 4738. Amending Ordinance No. 2060, (shade trees.) Approved Dec. 3, 1885. 4739. Authorizing erection and maintainance electric lights at the intersec- tions of Washington and Second streets and Morrison and Sec- ond streets. Approved Dec. 3, 1885. 4740. Adopting report City Surveyor, extension North Third street. Ap- proved Dec. 18, 1885. 4741. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Dec. 18, 1885. 4742. Transfer; General Fund to Police Fund, Approved Dec. 18, 1885. 4743. Authorizing contract with Daily Standard. Approved Dec. 18, 1885. 4744. Designating Daily Standard official paper city printing. Approved Dec. 18, 1885. 4745. Appropriation; Fund, sewer in Jefferson street. Approved Dec. 18, 1885. 4746. Appropriation ; Fund, sewer in Clay street. Approved Dec, 18, 1885, 4747. Transfer; Willamette River Fund to Street Cleaning, Sprinkling and Repairing Fund. Approved Jan. 8, 1886, CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 586 Number. 4748. Authorizing an improvement within the fire limits. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4749. Improving Third and North Third streets, Washington to G. Ap- proved Jan. 8, 1886. 4750. Repealing Ordinances Nos. 2790 and 4359, (Jefferson Street Ferry Co. fire boat.) Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4751. Transfer ; General Fund to Police Fund. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4752. Accepting sewer in Clay street. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4753. Authorizing redemption certain property, (A. Hamilton.) Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4754. Establishing grade North Eighteenth street. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4755. Appropriation ; General Fund ; payment claim of Fosafus & Quinn. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4756. Declaring cost improving East Park street. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4757. Appropriation; Fund, improvement East Park street. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4758. Improving North Eighteenth street, M street to Sherlock avenue. Ap- proved Jan. 8, 1886. 4759. Declaring cost improving North Sixteenth street. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4760. Appropriation; Fund, improvement North Sixteenth street. Approved Jan. 8, 1886. 4761. Prohibiting distribution placards, bills and advertisements. Approved Jan. 13, 1886. 4762. Laying sewer in Harrison street. Approved Jan. 15, 1886. 4763. Repealing Ordinance No. 4749, (improving Third and North Third streets.) Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4764. Repealing Ordinance No. 4758, improving North Eighteenth street.) Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4765. Laying sewer in Harrison street. Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4766. Granting Chinese residents certain privileges. Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4767. Authorizing redemption certain property, (Mary Noble). Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4768. Amending Section ii of Ordinance No. 2958, (licenses). Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4769. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief Ann Lamotte. Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4770. Laying sewer in Yamhill street. Approved Jan. 21, 1886. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 587 Number. 4771. Accepting improvements North Sixteenth street. Approved January 21, 1886. 4772. Changing and establishing grade of North Seventeenth street. Ap- proved Jan. 21, 1886. 4773. Changing and establishing grade of North Twelfth street. Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4774. Establishing grade South ^Second street. Approved Jan. 21, 1886. 4775. Levying special tax; Paid Fire Department, (.004). Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4776. Levying tax for Police Department, (.003). Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4777. Levying special tax for cleaning streets, (.001). Approved February 8, 1886. 4778. Levying tax, general municipal purposes, (.002). Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4779. Laying sewer in Yamhill street. Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4780. Authorizing repair to North Twenty-First street. Approved Febru- ary 8, 1886. 4781. Appropriation; General Fund. Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4782. Directing drawing of warrants. Clay Street Sewer Fund. Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4783. Authorizing contract for lamp posts. Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4784. Declaring cost of improving S. of Porter street. Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4785. Appropriation ; Fund, improvement S. of Porter street. Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4786. Licensing bankers and insurance brokers. Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4787. Amending Section 10 of Ordinance No. 2958, (licenses). Approved Feb. 8, 1886. 4788. Transfer; General Fund to Fund, improvement Jefferson street. Ap- proved Feb. 8, 1886. 4789. Vacating portions of Vine and First streets, Skidmore fountain. Ap- proved Feb. 8, 1886. 4790. Appropriation; General Fnnd; relief W. M. Gregory. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. 4791. Providing for transfer of moneys. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. 4792. Appropriation; Lamp Fund. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. 4793. Appropriations; Police Fund. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. ^ 4794. Appropriation; Fire Department Fund. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 588 Number, 4795. Appropriation; Fund, cleaning streets. Approved Feb, 18, 1886. 4796. Requiring certain moneys to be paid into the General Fund, Ap- proved Feb, 18, 1886. 4797. Authorizing redemption certain property, (Geo, P, Gray), Approved Feb. 18, 1886. 4798. Designating the Daily Evening Telegram the official paper. City of Portland, Approved Feb, 18, 1886. 4799. Authorizing canceling of lien on Hammond property. Porter street. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. 4800. Transfer; General Fund to Fund extension Corbett street, Grover to Woods. Approved Feb, 18, 1886. 4801. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase of property. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. 4802. Requiring privies and cesspools within 100 feet of any sewer to be connected therewith. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. 4803. Authorizing Portland Street Railway Company to extend line on South First street to Porter street. Approved Feb. 18, 1886. 4804. Laying sewer in D street. Approved Feb. 26, 1886. 4805. Adopting report of Viewers, extension North Third street, H to North Front street. Approved March 4, 1886. 4806. Licensing bankers and insurance brokers. Approved March 4, 1886. 4807. Authorizing contract ; feeding prisoners, city jail. Approved March 4, 1886. 4808. Transfer; General Fund to Park Fund. Approved March 4, 1886. 4809. Accepting improvements. North Sixteenth street. Approved March 4, 1886. 4810. Appropriation; Fund, extension Corbett street. Approved March 4, 1886. 4811. Appropriations; General Fund; payment salaries and ordinary ex- penses. Approved March 4, 1886. 4812. Authorizing contract with W. T. Spilman, Approved March 4,1886. 4813. Appropriation; General Fund; purchase of property. Approved March 4, 1886. 4814. Amending Ordinance No. 2958, (Licenses). Approved March 4, 1886. 4815. Authorizing contract with Karl Engleman. Approved March 4, 1886. 4816 Authorizing lease of block No. 132, Mechanics’ P'air Association. Ap- proved March 4, 1886. 4817. Licensing and regulating drummers and commercial travelers. Ap- proved March 4, 1886. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 589 Number. 4818. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension D street. Approved March 4, 1886. 4819. Authorizing redemption certain property, (east of Scotland Invest- ment Company). Approved March 18, 1886. 4820. Amending Title and Section 2 of Ordinance No. 4714, (regulating storage of crude petroleum or any rectified product thereof). Ap- proved March 18, 1886. 4821. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Allen & Lewis. Approved March 18, 1886. 4822. Accepting sewer in Jefferson street. Approved March 18, 1886. 482"?. Appropriation; General Fund; relief R. V. Lundblad. Approved March 18, 1886. 4824. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief Elijah Corbett and F. K. Ar- nold. Approved March 18, 1886. 4825. Providing time and manner constructing sewer in Harrison street, describing district to be drained and assessed therefor. Approved March 18, 1886. 4826. Adopting report of Viewers, extension D street. Approved April 10, 1886. 4827. Amending Ordinance No. 4787, (amending Ordinance No. 2958 — licenses). Approved April 8, 1886. 4828. Authorizing improvement within fire limits. Approved Apr. 8, 1886. 4829. Accepting Woods and Davis street bridges on Corbett street. Ap- proved April 10, 1886. 4830. Appropriation; General Fund; payment claims for bridges on Cor- bett street, at Woods and Davis streets. Approved Apr. 10, 1886. 4831. Accepting improvements S. of Porter street. Approved April 8, 1886. 4832. Transfer ; General Fund to interest Fund and authorizing drawing of warrants thereon. Approved April 8, 1886. 4833. Authorizing an expenditure out of the appropriation for repairing sewers. Approved April 8, 1886. 4834. Authorizing Transcontinental Street Railway Company to construct and operate street railways. Approved April 8, 1886. 4835. Authorizing Geo. W. Weidler and Robert Irving to construct and op- erate street railways. Approved April 15, 1886. 4836. Improving North Eighteenth street, M street to Sherlock avenue. Approved April 8, 1886. 4837. Transfer; General Fund to Fund for extension Thirteenth street. Approved April 10, 1886. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 590 Number. 4838. Authorizing Superintendent of Streets to employ deputy, and fixing compensation. Approved April 8, 1886. 4839. Transfer; General Fund to Fund for improvement of Porter street. Approved April 10, 1886. 4840. Amending Section i, of Ordinance No. 3688, (animals and fowls). Approved April 8, 1886. 4841. Authorizing improvement within fire limits. Approved April 16, 1886. 4842. Accepting sewer in Yamhill street. Approved April 16, I886. 4843. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in Yamhill street. Approved April 16, 1886. 4844. Appropriation; General Fund; relief of John yimx, et al.; Corbett street damages. Approved April 16, 1886. 4845. Appropriation; Fund opening North Third street, H to North Front. Approved April 16, 1886. 4846. Transfer ; General Fund to Fund for opening North Third street. Approved April 16, 1886. 4847. Amending Section 4, of Ordinance No. 3004, (protect public health and prevent spread contagious diseases). Approved April 16, 1886. 4848. Prevent and punish keeping and storing of hides of animals. Ap- proved April 16, 1886. 4849. Authorizing J. W. Cook and Julius Ordway to construct and operate street railways. Approved April 17, 1886. 4850. Appropriation ; Fund, sewer in Yamhill street. Approved May 3, 1886. 4851. Extending sewer in Columbia street. Approved May 3, 1886. 4852. Extending sewer in Pine street. Approved May 3, 1886. 4853. Amending Ordinance No. 4849, (authorizing J. W. Cook and Julius Ordway to construct and operate street railways). Approved May 13, 1886. 4854. Changing and establishing grade of Williarns and South Front streets. Approved May 13, 1886. 4855. Changing name of Portland street and declaring it a part of Corbett street. Approved May 13, 1886. 4856. Authorizing a loan for a term of years; providing for the manner of issuing bonds therefor and the time and manner of paying the same, and authorizing the sale thereof. Approved May 13, 1886. 4857. To prevent bribery. Approved May 13, i886. 4858. Accepting improvements East Park street. Approved May 13, 1886. CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX. 591 Number. 4859. Adopting report of City Surveyor, extension Multnomah street. Ap- proved May 13, 1886. 4860. Authorizing contract with A. J, Spicer. Approved May 20, 1886. 4861. Amending Section i, of Ordinance No. 4599, (street work). Ap- proved May 20, 1886. 4862. Appropriation; General Fund; relief Chas. Cardwell. Approved May 20, 1886. 4863. Appropriation ; General Fund ; relief Scheurer & Coyne. Approved May 20, 1886. 4864. Adopting report of Assessors, sewer in D street. Approved May 20, 1886. 4865. Authorizing Committee on Health and Police to advertise for propo- sals for furnishing meals to prisoners confined in city jail. Ap- proved May 28, 1886. 4866. Appropriation: Fund, sewer in D street. Approved June 3, 1886. 4867. Accepting sewer in D street. Approved June 3, 1886. 4868. Appropriation ; General Fund ; payment temporary loan. Approved June 3, 1886. 4869. Authorizing Committee on Accounts and Current Expenses to enter into contract with the Daily News for printing. Approved June 4, 1886. 4870. Designating the Portland Daily News the official paper of the city of Portland. Approved June 3, 1886. 4871. Appropriation; General Fund; relief W. T. Scholl. Approved June 3, 1886. 4872. Appropriation; General Fund; relief George Wager. Approved June 3, 1886. 4873. Authorizing the employment of a park keeper. Approved June 3, 1886. 4874. Ratifying contract with Ofeldt Bros, for erecting and repairing street lamps. Approved June 17, 1886. 4875. Authorizing and providing for the codification and printing of the Ordinances of the city of Portland. Approved June 17, 1886. l■':^ ■ :;•> ■ Mr ■' *" IBL ■ ■ ^ -^1 r fev " • iSL; • SK- ' ■ '^ • .•'•'(IV ‘ '.'V. < ■'''»n^'rt»S'S2K''^^>A'^ '1 '■ .?:*'»ii)i'Vi.* L' . ^ .N V j * .-*' -• iijir>^:y,, .-.v, . ^ • :1V , .‘■^ y " > ■> . . ( Mv4^t * ' ;j '■■;• ‘:;i>V-- ' • • ■ ‘ - ' :^ - ‘ -"''Nf •■;! J V, .'y '•'■ •'■ '" ■ lfcS5;,'v;:;''''''-K'--’^^^ t- if'*yS3f r’'S ■ '1 -^'W ■ '" 4 CLASSIFIED INDEX TO ORDINANCES. WAYS AND MEANS:— Number. Page, 1 1 14. Providing all moneys payable into the City Treasury shall be paid in coin 89 1416. Authorizing cancellation of certain warrants unclaimed ... 90 2923, In relation to assessment and collection of taxes 90 2958. Imposing and regulating licenses and regulating manner of issu- ing licenses 92 3003. Authorizing a loan for a term of years, providing manner issu- ing bonds therefor, paying same, and authorizing sale thereof 102 3720, Licensing bar-rooms and drinking shops and prohibiting sale of liquors without license 104 3798. Authorizing a loan for a term of years, providing manner of issuing bonds therefor, paying same, and authorizing sale thereof 106 3912. Authorizing a lease — Council building 107 3915, Establishing salary Superintendent of Streets 108 4585. Licensing, taxing and regulating wash-houses and public laun- dries 108 4627. Licensing and regulating places where intoxicating liquors are sold not to be drank on premises no 4714. Licensing and regulating storage of crude petroleum or any hydro carbon liquid emitting an inflammable vapor, and defining manner of issuing such licenses ill 4806. Licensing bankers and insurance brokers 112 4817, Licensing, taxing and regulating drummers and commercial travelers 113 4856. Authorizing a loan for a term of years, providing manner issu- ing bonds therefor, paying same, and authorizing the sale thereof. 114 594 CLASSIFIED INDEX. ACCOUNTS AND CURRENT EXPENSES:— Number. Page. 1414. Providing manner drawing M'^arrants for salaries and other pur- poses 1 16 1434. Regulating mode of expenditures of public moneys and pre- sentation of claims 117 1526. Authorizing certain expenditures 12 1 2742. Authorizing employment Assistant Auditor and Clerk ... 121 4869. Authorizing contract for printing 1 22 FIRE AND WATER:— Number. Page. 1265. Relating to fireman’s badges 124 1683. Protection Fire Alarm Telegraph 124 2123. Prevent injury to hose and obstruction of streets during fire • 125 2613. Concerning Fire Alarm Telegraph 126 3735. Regulating management of fires and protection of property . 127 3836. Authorizing lease south half wall engine house No. i . . . . 129 3872. Prevention covering up cistern tops 129 4021. Authorizing and directing contract with Portland Hydraulic Elevator Co 130 4130. Providing for the prevention of fires and protection of persons and property endangered thereby 1 3 1 4334. Permitting Nicolai & Bro. to extend wooden cornice .... 141 4375. Authorizing and directing contract with Portland Hydraulic Elevator Co 141 4427. Authorizing and directing contract with Portland Hydraulic Elevator Co 142 STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY:— Number. Page. 23. Authorizing the procuring of land for cemetery purposes . . 63 54. Granting Stephen Coffin, Finice Caruthers and Jacob Cline privilege to lay pipes and convey water through city ... 65 177. Establishing base line and regulating survey of streets ... 66 178. Providing for placing stone monuments in streets 69 185. Designating points for stone monuments "JO 344. Fixing names of streets, Couch’s addition 71 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 595 STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY:— Number. Page. 599. Granting Oregon Central Railroad Co. privilege to lay track and run cars through city 74 604. Relating to lands and lots sold to city by Chief of Police at tax sales 76 619. Adopting Brady map, City of Portland 77 685. Stone monuments . 78 1039. Designating and naming Park blocks 84 1065. Authorizing construction and operation street railways in the City of Portland 84 1145. Relating to the use of streets for building purposes and the removal of buildings 144 1168. Providing for repairs to streets 146 1391. Determining proportionate share for which certain property is liable for the improvements of the streets fronting or abut- ting thereon 147 1410. Defining the duties, powers and compensation of the officers constituting the Street Department 149 1455. Determining the width of sidewalks on A street 15 1 1591. Authorizing change in mode of lighting certain street lamps . 152 1844. Relating to awnings 152 2032. Authorizing extension Portland Street Railivay 153 2060. Providing for protection of shade trees in the public streets and for the care thereof 153 2125. Providing for the numbering of buildings 155 2126. Authorizing the placing of platform scales in the streets . . 159 2127. Providing for the erection of street lamps near cisterns ... 160 2149. Authorizing the employment of a suitable person to work on the streets and for other purposes 161 2179. Providing for the vacation of a portion of North First street, adjoining lots i and 4 in block ii. Couch’s addition . . 162 2183. Granting the American Telephone and District Telegraph Co. right and privilege of erecting, maintaining and operating a district telegraph 163 2188. Authorizing certain parties to extend the bases of columns into certain streets 165 2393. Making certain modifications in Ordinance No. 2183 . . . . 165 596 CLASSIFIED INDEX. STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY :— Number. Page. 2458. Authorizing a lease of Block 132, city, to the Portland Me- chanics’ Fair Association 166 2500. Providing manner of constructing entrances to cellars and basements 168 2647. Authorizing the employment of an Assistant Surveyor . . . 168 2681. Providing for the vacation of that portion of C street in Couch’s Addition to the city of Portland lying west of the west line of North Eighteenth street 169 2737. To prevent injury to lamps, lamp posts and street signs . . . 170 2839. In relation to the improvement of streets ... 172 2967. Prohibiting the suspension cf signs and transparencies over the sidewalks, etc 182 2969. Authorizing the Oregonian Railway Company, (Limited) to lay track and run cars within the city of Portland .... 184 3477. Authorizing D. E. Budd and associates to construct and operate street railways in the city of Portland ... . . 185 3513. Granting right of way through the streets for laying pipes for the purpose of carrying water, (Portland Hydraulic Ele- vator Company) 189 3538. Authorizing erection and maintenance of electric light wires . 190 3637. Authorizing the construction and operation of a street railway on certain streets 191 3656. Franchise, Northern Pacific Terminal Company 194 3672. Franchise, Transcontinental Street Railway Company, (S. Third, Third, N. Third and G streets) 197 3684. Franchise, Multnomah Street Railway Company, (N. Fifteenth and B streets) . . 20i 3687. Authorizing extension track Portland Street Railway Company southerly from Caruthers street 203 3721. Relating to the obstruction of streets 204A 3829. Authorizing the Transcontinental Street Railway ‘ Company to construct and operate street railways in the City of Portland, (Thirteenth and S streets) 204c 3884. Granting Multnomah Street Railway Company right to con- struct and operate street railways on Eleventh street . . . 205 3917. Authorizing Committee on Streets and Public Property to pur- chase standard yard measure 207 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 597 STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY:— Number. r- Page. 3922. Requiring Superintendent of Streets to put up street signs . . 207 3935. Amending Ordinance No. 3656, (franchise Northern Pacific Terminal Co.) 208 4039. Granting right of way through the streets to erect poles and stretch wire for electric purposes 210A 4074. Authorizing an expenditure for cleaning streets 210B 4092. Designating manner of laying down gas and water mains . . 21OC 4144. Naming certain streets in Caruthers’ addition to Caruthers’ ad- dition 211 4174. Prohibiting use of awnings, porches, porticos or piazzas as places for storage 2 1 1 4249. Authorizing employment of Park keeper and defining his duties 212 4291. Granting right to erect poles and stretch • wires thereon for electric light purposes 213 4347. Disignating manner filling trenches excavated for laying water, gas or sewer pipes 215 4495. Providing for removal of snow and ice from sidewalks ... 217 4538. Authorizing and directing a contract with the United States Electric Lighting and Power Company 217 4599. Regulating time and manner of letting contracts for street work and accepting same when completed 220 4621. Authorizing and directing contract with P. F. Morey; providing for the levy of taxes; granting franchise for laying pipes and conducting water throughout the city for the purpose of furnishing the City of Portland and its residents with water 223 4699. Prohibiting Committee on Streets and Public Property from entering into contract with P. F. Morey and associates, under provisions of Ordinance No. 4621, until further di- rection of the Common Council 233 4739. Authorizing and directing erection additional electric lights . 234 4789. Vacating portions of Vine and First streets, (Skidmore foun- tain) 235 4802. Requiring privies and cesspools within 100 feet of street sew- ers to be connected therewith 236 4803. Authorizing Portland Street Railway Company to extend line of street railway southerly on .South First street to Porter street 237 598 CLASSIFIED INDEX. STREETS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY:— Number. Page 4812. Authorizing contract with W. T. Spilman 238 4816. Authorizing lease of block No. 132, city, to Mechanics’ Fair Association 241 4834. Authorizing Transcontinental Street Railway Company to con- struct and operate street railways upon certain streets in the City of Portland, ( Morrison, Ninth and Montgomery streets) 242 4835, Authorizing Geo. W. Weidler et al to construct and operate street railways in the City of Portland 245 4838. Authorizing Superintendent of Streets to employ deputy, and fixing salary 249 4849. Authorizing J. W. Cook et al to construct and operate street railways in the City of Portland 250 4855. Changing the name of Portland street and declaring it to be a part of Corbett street 254 4873. Authorizing employment of Charles Myers as Park Keeper, and defining his duties 255 4874. Ratifying contract entered into by Committee on Streets and Public Property with Ofeldt Bros, for erecting and repair- ing street lamps 255 4903. Relating to the moving of buildings with brick chimneys . . 256 4904. Authorizing Transcontinental Street Railway Co. to construct and operate street railways upon certain streets in the City of Portland, (Yamhill, Front, Morrison and Third streets) 257 LANDINGS AND WHARVES:— Number. Page. 83. Establishing and locating ferry landing at foot of Pine street . 65 434. Establishing ferry landing at foot of Stark street 72 568. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite Blocks 72 and 73, city 73 905. Establishing ferry landing at foot of F street 81 1353. Authorizing construction of wharf adjacent block 78, city . 260 1 398. Authorizing construction of wharf adjacent “old distillery” block 261 1513. Authorizing construction of certain wharves in the Willamette river 261 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 599 LANDINGS AND WHARVES:— Number. Page. 1519. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite northern portion of block 73, city 262 1624. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite southern portion of block 4, Couch’s addition 263 1801. Authorizing construction of wharf adjacent to block 74, city . 264 2046. Authorizing construction of wharl opposite block 71, city . 265 2122. Exempting certain persons of Ordinance No. 1288, (relating to wharves) 266 2211. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 79, city . . 267 2226. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 74 ... . 268 2228. Authorizing driving of piles opposite block 8l, city 269 2273. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 77, city . . 270 2316. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite lot 2 of block 77, city 272 2387. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 76, city . . 273 2463. Establishing wharf line on city front 274 2678. Establishing ferry landing at foot of Jefferson street .... 277 2690. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite lots 3 and 4, block 76, city 279 2997. Regulating the driving of piles, building of wharves and other improvements on the Willamette river and protecting the city front, and repealing Ordinance No. 1288 281 3089. Regulating the mooring of vessels and defining powers and duties of licensed wharfingers 282 3099. Authorizing construction wharf opposite block 72, city . . 283 3121. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 318, Couch’s addition 285 3175. Regulating landing, storage and transportation of explosive compounds ■ 285 3207. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 79, city . . 286 3212. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 81, city . . 287 3330. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block loi, city . . 289 3378. Authorizing driving of piles and extension of John Rines & Co’s, wharf opposite block 80, city 290 3484. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 318, Couch’s addition 291 6oo CLASSIFIED INDEX. LANDINGS AND WHARVES:— Number. Page. 3485. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 75, city . . 292 3617. Authorizing construction of wharf between north line of Pine street and south line of Couch’s addition 293 3671. Authorizing construction of wharf opposite block 75, city . . 295 3842. Establishing wharf line on the city front, north of north line Couch Claim 296 HEALTH AND POLICE:— Number. Page. 899. Relating to duties of Police Judge 79 900. Fixing salary of Police Judge 80 922. Providing for the working of city prisoners 82 1347. Providing for the preservation of health and prevention of dis- ease 300 1358. Empowering Board of Health to make certain expenditure . 300 1717. Providing for the protection of public sewers and manner of making connections therewith 301 1784. Concerning the public health 302 2368. Providing for the taxing and killing of dogs 303 2753. Securing the protection of property and providing for the clean- liness and ornament of the city • 306 2994. Providing for the prevention and removal of nuisances . . . 307 3004. Providing for the protection of the public health and for the prevention of contagious diseases 311 3036. Prohibiting blowing of steam railroad whistles within the city limits ... • 348 3150, Regulating the disposal of spirituous liquors iu places of amusement 317 3259. Regulating the use of streets, wharves and public places and providing for the punishment of violations thereof . . 318 3462. Requiring vaccination of all persons arriving at the city of Portland from foreign ports before being landed, and au- thorizing the appointment of a physician for that purpose 319 3533. Regulating hacks and fixing rates of fare 320 CLASSIFIED INDEX. 6oi HEALTH AND POLICE Number. Page. 3688. Relating to certain animals and fowls and prohibiting their running at large within certain limits 322 3983. Concerning offenses and disorderly conduct 325 4222. Fixing bonds of Chief of Police 338 4356. Authorizing Chief of Police to appoint Deputy Pound-master and fixing compensation 339 4549. Defining and punishing vagrancy . . 339 4633. Authorizing employment of clerk for Chief of Police and Police Department 340 4678. Preventing and suppressing gaming and gambling houses, and providing punishment for violations thereof 341 4706. Restraining and punishing intoxication 343 4710. Preventing and suppressing bawdy houses and places where fornication is enacted, and providing punishment for viola- tions thereof 344 4731. Authorizing appointment of interpreter for the Police Court and fixing compensation 346 4761. Prohibiting distribution of notices, placards, bills and adver- tisements 347 4848. Preventing the keeping and storing of hides of animals so as to constitute a nuisance, and providing punishment for vio- lation thereof 347 JUDICIARY:— Number Page. 419. Preventing persons improperly retaining books, papers and other property belonging to the city 72 912. Requiring a bond of the City Surveyor 81 1081. Defining duties of City Treasurer and fixing amount of bond and compensation 350 1729. Defining duties of the Auditor and Clerk, and fixing amount of bond and compensation 351 2184. Adopting a seal for the City of Portland 352 2265. Compelling attendance of witnesses in certain cases .... 353 2984. Defining duties and fixing compensation of City Attorney . . 354 4870. Designating the Portland Daily News the official paper of the City of Portland 356 6o2 CLASSIFIED INDEX. COMMERCE:— Number, Page. 2280. Providing for the prevention and removal of obstructions in the Willamette river within the city limits 357 3012. To prevent obstructions in the Willamette river 357 4547. Fixing time and compensation of persons employed in opera- ting the city dredger and tender 358 MISCELLANEOUS Number. Page. 4275, P'ixing office hours of the Auditor and Clerk, Superintendent of Streets and City Surveyor 359 SPECIAL:— Number. Page, 4875. Authorizing and providing for the codification and printing of the Ordinances of the City of Portland 360 SKIDMORE FOUNTAIN:— Number. Page. 4695. Making and authorizing a committee in the matter of the Skidmore Fountain • 361 4789. Provides for vacation of certain portions of streets 235 REGULAR INDEX, Page. ABATEMENT. Actions in police court not to abate by passage of charter . charter 51 Nuisances — Expense of abating, a lien on property charter 15 How abated 309, 310 Proceedings, etc., not to abate by passage of charter . . . charter 51 ABSENCE FROM CITY. Offices when vacated by, leave of when may be granted . charter 10, ii Police judge, temporary may be appointed during, and illness “ 27 ABUSIVE LANGUAGE. Unlawful in street, house or place 325 ACCIDENT. City not liable for charter 49 Officer of city when liable for “ 49 ACCOUNTS. Audited, to be by auditor charter 22 Authorized, when 118, 121 Books of, auditor to keep and what to show charter 23 Presented — To be to auditor when against city ........ charter 22 When and how presented to and paid by city 1 17-120 Treasurer to keep, with general fund, etc., how paid from, charter 21 ACRE. Real property not laid of in blocks to be assessed by . . charter 51 ACT. For which license required not to be done without 102 Indecent or immoral, unlawful 325 6 o4 regular index. ACTIONS AND SUITS. Abatement of, not to occur by passage of charter .... charter 5 Attorney to attend to, for city “ 23 Fees of police judge and policemen in, to be taxed and turned over to city treasurer . . charter 26, 27 Judgment of council in, when exercised to be final ... “ 50 Name by which city to sue and be sued in “ 6 Opening and laying out streets, etc. — appeal from, how tried “ 35 Proceedings for collection of taxes, sales, etc., not to abate, etc. “ 51 Report, attorney to make, concerning, when 355 When presumed regular charter 50 ADJOURNMENT. Time to time — less than quorum, may adjourn from . . charter 12 Yeas and nays on, four members may call “ 12 ADMINISTRATORS. Public sales, may make by auction without license 94 ADVERTISEMENTS. Building, not to be affixed to without consent of owner, etc. . . 336 Sidewalks, post, fence, hydrant, etc., not to be affixed to ... . 336 Street and sidewalk, not to be placed over, except on holidays, etc., 204a Prohibiting distribution of dodgers, hand-bills, etc 347 ADVERTISING NOISES. Power of council to regulate and prevent charter 18 AGENTS. Barricade on inner line of sidewalk to erect where premises below grade 204^^ Caterpillars — Permitting to remain on occupied premises, etc., unlawful . . 306 Permitting to remain on unoccupied premises after notice . . 306 Thistles, to remove, etc., after notice published 307 AIDING OR ASSISTING PRISONERS. To effect escape unlawful 327 AISLES AND PASSAGE WAYS. In Public Buildings — Camp stools, benches, etc., in, unlawful when 140 Width of 140 ALIAS WARRANT. For collection of taxes, when to issue charter 48 ALLEYS, STREETS, ETC. Power of council to lay out and widen, and manner of . . charter 32 REGULAR INDEX. 605 Page. AMERICAN TEL. & DIST. TEL. CO. Telephone and Telegraph System — Acceptance to l)e filed within six months or ord. void .... 164 Lines of, to be removed for passage of buildings when . . . 165 AMUSEMENT, PLACES OF. Bar-room or drinking shop not allowed in 332 Places of, lawful to sell liquors in when 317 Power of council to license, tax, regulate and restrain, . . charter 14 ANCHORING OF VESSELS. Regulated and prohibited in certain limits 357 ANCHORS. Buildings in fire limits, to have in walls of, size of, etc .... 133 ANIMALS. Burning substance of, in city limits not allowed 316 Cruelty to, punishment for, one half of fine paid to complainant . 328 Dead, not to be cast or left where 308 Dogs, mad, not to run at large, license of . . . 304 Driving faster than 6 miles per hour not allowed 327 Driving over bridges faster than a walk unlawful 330 Enclosure, not to be kept in longer than 3 days in city .... 308 Feeding with hay or straw on improved street unlawful .... 338 Herds of, in certain limits not allowed unless, etc 322 Hitching — To lamp posts irohibited 17 1 To shade trees 330 Leaving insecurely fastened or unhitched unlawful 330 Manure, etc., from, to be removed from stables, etc 316 Notices of taking up, for running at large, etc, chief of police to post, etc 324 Offal and offensive parts of, not to be thrown or left where . . . 308 Owners may give permission to herd on premises, etc 322 Owners, when entitled to possession of, after taking up .... 324 Power of Council — To prevent domestic animals running at large .... charter 17 To regulate streets and highways for “ 17 Putrid or stinking, not to be thrown in street, etc., in city ... 316 Rendering, etc., substance of, generating unwholesome odors, etc., how done ^16 Running at large prohibited within certain limits 322 Slaughtering of, in city limits prohibited 307 Stables, yards, etc., where kept, to be kept in cleanly condition, etc 316 6o6 REGULAR INDEX. ANIMALS AND FOWLS. Chief of Police — Fees of, for impounding 324 Notice, to give immediately after taking up 324 Driven, may be in proscribed limits when 323 Penalty for allowing to go at large, etc., fine of 324 Police Officer — To take up and impound, when 323 Any person may take up and deliver to 323 Pound — To be kept clean and free from stench 324 To be removed as a nuisance when 3 24 Proceeds of Sales of — After notice how disposed of 324 Owner entitled to, if claimed within one year 325 APARTMENTS. Used for sleeping purposes, to have 550 cubic feet of space to each person .... 300 APPARATUS. Of Fire Department — Board of fire Commissioners to furnish and control ..... 365 Right of way to have, going to fires, etc 128 Right side of street to keep, going to fires, etc 128 Willful injury to, penalty for 128 APPEAL. Assessment — Of damages and benefits on opening streets, owner, etc., may charter 35 How taken and heard “ 35 Notice and undertaking on, to be filed, etc “ 35 Not to be taken by city unless by order of Council 355 Police Court — How taken and allowed in charter 27 Undertaking on appeal from, what required “ 27 APPROPRIATIONS. Claims, for payment of, must be by ordinance 117 Damages assessed by Viewers — Council to make for charter 35 Process to compel, no court to issue “ 35 Money not to be taken from treasury but in pursuance of . “ 49 Ordinance making appropriations not to contain other provision charter 49 REGULAR INDEX. 607 Page. APRONS AT INTERSECTIONS. Fall of, not to exceed six inches 177 Length and dimensions of 176 ARRESTS. Power to make, conferred on chief of police, captains and po- licemen charter 30 ASHES. Depositing of, in wooden vessels, on floor, or nearer than ten feet from wood work unlawful 137 ASSAULT AND BATTERY. In street, house or place unlawful 326 Power of council to provide for peace and good order . . charter 15 ASSEMBLAGE. Riotous, power of council to prevent, punish, restrain and disperse charter 17 ASSESSMENT ROLL. Acceptance of, by council when revised, to be by resolution . . 91 Aggrieved party may apply to council for revision of . . . charter 23 Application for Correction — To be made under oath and when . . • 91 Com. on ways and means and auditor to report on 91 Auditor — To make out from county roll charter 23 To examine and add to property omitted, etc “ 23 Notice of filing, auditor to publish in newspaper 90 Revised roll to be submitted to council when 91 Revision of, aggrieved party may apply to committee for .... 90 Taxes — To be apportioned on by auditor and delivered to treasurer, charter 23 To be extended on by auditor when . , 91 Treasurer, roll to be delivered to, when accepted 91 ASSESSMENTS. By the acre, when to be made charter 51 Damages and Benefits — On opening streets, etc., appeal from, how taken . . . charter 35 How made “ 35 Delinquent Sales on — Must be for U. S. gold or silver coin charter 50 Warrant for collection of, style of “ 50 Drains and Sewers — Apportionment of, for laying charter 44 Liability of property benefited by, for “ 44 Regulate building and repairing of ........ . “ 17 6o8 REGULAR INDEX. ASSESSMENTS.— Continued. Street Improvements — Assessments for charter 39 Acre to be by, when “ 51 Collectable after publication of ten days notice . . . . “ 40 Deed, person executing warrant on to make 40 Deed, what to contain “ 50 Deficit on insufficient, how declared, etc “ 43 Delinquent assessments, effect of “ 40 Delinquent assessments, payment of “ 50 Docket of city liens, entered in, to be, what to include . “ 39 Docket of city liens prior to all other liens “ 40 Fractional blocks, etc., how made on ... . 147 Gold coin of the United States, to be paid in charter 50 Intersections, how assessed “ 42 Lots, blocks and tracts, how assessed “ 41 Name of owner if known to be entered in docket . . “ 39 Notice to be given and what to contain “ 38 Number or letter of lot and block to be entered in docket “ 39 Redemption, how made “ 41 Redemption within three years, who may redeem . . . “ 41 Sales for delinquent, what conveyed by “ 42 Sales for and levy presumed regular when • “ 50 Sum assessed and date of entry “ 40 “Unknown owner,” when assessed to “ 39 Warrant to be directed to chief of police “ 40 Warrant, what to contain “ 40 Warrant, when to issue for “ 40 Warrant, force and effect of execution . . . . “ 40 Warrant, how executed, etc “ 40 Taxes — Auditor to prepare roll from county roll, etc. ..... charter 23 Redemption from sales on, within three years, how made “ 47 Roll, tax apportioned on how “ 23 Roll, correction and revision of “ 23 Roll, to be delivered to treasurer when charter 23 91 ASSISTANT AUDITOR. Appointment of by auditor 121 May have one or more charter 22 Salary of, ^iio per month, payable monthly 122 Salary of, manner of payment and approvol of claim for .... 122 ASSISTANT ENGINEERS PAID FIRE DEPT. Board of fire commissioners to appoint two 368 Fire wardens are, duties of, etc 372 REGULAR INDEX. ASS’T ENGINEERS PAID FIRE DEVT.— Continued. 609 Page. Prosecutions for violating ordinance for prevention of fires to make 138-140 Salaries of, 1st $500, 2d ^400 per annum, payable monthly . . . ASSISTANT FOREMEN. Chief engineer of fire department may appoint, etc., to act as clerks, pay of, etc ASSISTANT SURVEYOR. Surveyor to employ at $100 per month Surveyor to employ in addition to . . ^‘A” STREET. Sidewalks, manner of laying on • . ATTORNEY, CITY. Actions and Suits — In which city is interested, to attend to charter To attend to and manage, where city legally interested . . . Advice — To give in writing if required by mayor, council or com- mittee charter To give when I'equired by mayor, council or city officer, when in writing Appeal, not to take unless ordered by council Appointment of, by mayor, confirmed by council .... charter Bonds, for city, to prepare • “ Briefs, to file 2 copies of cases in supreme court with auditor . . Contracts and Bonds — To prepare according to award for street work To prepare and deliver to auditor and notify parties . • . . . To prepare for execution where city a party charter Deputy, may appoint in police court, qualifications and pay of . . Duties of — Generally charter Generally, ordinance defining Opinion — To give in writing when required by mayor, council or com- mittee charter To give in writing when required by mayor, council, chairman or majority of committee charter 24 To give opinion as to result of suits on appeal, etc Ordinances, violations of, to prosecute etc charter Qualifications of, to be attorney of degree of supreme court . . Removal of, for what cause to be made charter 369 372 168 151 151 23 355 24 355 355 7 24 355 222 355 24 355 23-24 355 355 356 23 354 7 6io REGULAR INDEX. Page. ATTORNEY, CYYY .—Continued. Report to make to council of suits settled, etc 355 Salary of, ^2000 per annum, payable monthly 355 Stationery and blanks, to be furnished to, etc 355 Vacancy in office of charter ii AUCTION. Executors, judicial officers, etc., may sell at, without license . . . 94 AUCTIONEERS. Classification and definition of 94 License to be paid by, amount of 94 Power of Council to license, tax, regulate and define . . charter 13 Substitute, not to be employed to act for except, etc 94 AUDITOR AND CLERK. Accounting and clerical officer of the city charter 22 Accounts, books of to keep, what to show . ! . . . . “ 23 Accounts and demands to be audited by “ 22 Assessment Roll — Applications for correction of, to report, etc 91 To make out from county roll charter 23 Assistant, appointment of, salary .. 121 Basket peddler, may with chief grant permit to infirm person as . 100 Bond of, to give in sum of $25,000, mayor to approve and be cus- todian of ... . 352 Books of accounts to keep 352 Certificates of election to be issued by charter 9 Clerk of the council, auditor is “ 22 Deed, to lands sold by board of fire commissioners to execute with mayor 37 1 Delinquent tax roll, to deliver to chief of police with warrant for collection . 91 Demands and accounts against the city to be presented to ex- cept charter 22 Deputies, may have one or more, to be responsible for . . “ 22 Duties of — Accounts to keep charter 23 Bonds to give, books of accounts to keep, etc 352 Elections, to give notice of charter 8 Journal, to keep “ 22 Licenses, to issue “ 22 List of taxable property taken from county assessment roll “ 23 List of taxable property to be delivered to committee on ways and means charter 23 List of taxable property, when to make out “ 23 Papers, books and maps, to file and keep “ 22 REGULAR INDEX. 6l I Page. AUDITOR AND CLERK.— Continued, Duties of — Papers, books and maps, copies and transcripts of to make charter 22 Reports of treasurer to file “ 22 Roll, assessment, to deliver to treasurer when . ... “ 23-91 Roll, property to be added to by “ 23 Roll, taxes to be apportioned on by “ 23 Statement, semi-annual to make to council “ 23 Such as prescribed by charter and ordinance to be . . “ 23-91 Taxes, to apportion on assessment roll “ 23 Warrants, to draw 0)1 fire dept, on requisition of board . ... 37 1 Warrants, to draw on treasury and attest charter 22 Election of, by council “ 7 Fees of, when allowed, same as county clerk ...... “ 22 Name of office, “auditor and clerk of the city of Portland” “ 22 Oath, may administer any authorized by law “ 23 Office hours from 8 A. m. until 5 P. M 359 Records to keep and what to show 352 Salary of, ^2.400 per annum, payable monthly 352 Statements showing receipts and disbursements, to make semi- annually charter 23 Suggestions to make to council concerning claims . . . “ 22 Treasurer’s report, to file “ 22 Viewers, notice of appointment and time and place of meeting to give charter 33 Warrants — Report to make monthly of warrants drawn 117 Thirtieth of June and 31st of December to draw ..... 117 To attest charter 22 To cancel all outstanding six years old 90 To draw on treasury . . charter 22 What to draw on first day of each month 116 What to draw on first day of each quarter 116 AUTHORITY OF CITY. Conferred by sec. 37, of charter, to be enforced by ordinance, charter 20 AUTHORIZATIONS. Claims against city, what presented monthly and considered au- thorized 1 21 Concerning expenditures, when by ordinance, when by resolution, 120 Emergency, in case of, committee may incur expense without . . 120 Loans authorized by ordinance 102, 106, 114 AVENUES, ETC. Power of Council — Naming and numbering of, to regulate charter 18 Traffic on, to control and limit “ 18 REGULAR INDEX. 6l 2 Page. AWNINGS. Constructed, how to be, not to be used for storage 204a, 21 1 Curb, awnings not to extend beyond 204a Nuisances deemed when in danger of falling, etc., how declared to be ... 309 Posting bills, advertisements, etc. on, unlawful 336 Posts, how to be set 204^7 Power of council to regulate streets for use of and posts for, charter 18 Self supporting, within certain limits to be 204^: Sidewalks, awnings to be ten feet above 204a Wooden, not to be erected around two story within fire limits . . 1 52 BADGE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Person ceasing to be active fireman to return 124 Wearing of, by person unauthorized prohibited 124 BAGGAGE WAGON. License as vehicle ^5 per quarter loi Number of license to be placed on each side of 99 Power of Council — To license, tax and regulate as vehicle charter 14 To regulate use of streets for, as vehicle “ 17 Solicitor for, to pay $5 per quarter as license loi BAKER STREET. Ordinance providing for extension of, etc. ... 211 BANKERS. Definition of 112 License of $25 per quarter to pay 112 Power of council to license as calling, etc., which public good re- quires to be licensed, etc charter 19 BANNERS. Power of council to prohibit hanging of charter 18 204;^ BARRELS. Advertisement, placard, etc., painting or affixing on, unlawful . . 336 BARRICADE. Premises below grade, owner of, etc., to erect on sidewalk . . . 204^ BARRIER. Contractor, etc., to maintain around dangerous places when . . 204c BAR ROOMS AND DRINKING SHOPS. Breach of the peace in, penalty, fine and forfeiture 104 Disturbances in, by and riotous conduct, penalty for . . 104, 332 Election day, keeper of, not to sell liquor on 105 Intoxicated person, keeper of, not to sell or give liquor to . . . 104, 332 License required for keeping, $300 per year, etc 104 License, when forfeited . 332, 105 REGULAR INDEX. 613 Page. BAR ROOMS AND DRINKING ^Y^OY^.—Contimied. Minor — Not to be allowed to remain in 332 Selling or giving liquor to, by keeper of, unlawful 104, 332 Power of council to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . charter 14 Receipt of treasurer to be filed before license to issue 92, 105 Theatrical or Minstrel Show — In bar-room or drinking shop unlawful 332 Wines and liquors may be sold at, by taking out license ... 317 To be closed at midnight where music played in 336 Women not allowed in as waitresses or bartenders, etc 105, 332 BASE LINE. Establishment of, monuments, surveys, boundaries, etc 66 BASEMENTS AND CELLARS. Doors to Entrances to — Flush with sidewalk, to be 168 Those now constructed to be changed, etc 168 BASES OF COLUMNS. On Catholic cathedral, may extend 20 inches into street .... 165 Projection of six inches by, allowed generally 204^ BASKET PEDDLERS. Auditor and chief of police, when to grant permit to 100 False reason given by, on application for permit, penalty .... 100 BASKETS. Suspended from poles, not to be carried on sidewalk 334 BATHING. Without suitable dress within certain hours in city unlawful . . 334 BAWDY HOUSES. Aiding or assisting in setting up, penalty for 344 Chief of police to prosecute 345 Definition of, places used for fornication, lewdness, etc .... 345 Evidence, in prosecution for, what competent 345 Inmates of, how punished 345 Keepers of, etc., ]iunishment of 344 Opening, setting up or keeping, in city, unlawful 344 Ordinance to suppress, and to punish inmates 344 Power of council to suppress, and to punish inmates of . . charter 15 Soliciting for, for prostitution or lewdness unlawful 333>345 BEAN SHOOTERS. Using or encouraging use of, in city, unlawful 336 6 i4 regular index. Page. BEASTS OF BURDEN. Crosswalk or intersection, not to stand on 333 Riding or driving faster than 6 miles per hour unlawful .... 327 .Sidewalk, not allowed to go or be hitched on 334 Street crossing, not allowed lo stand on or near 204^^ BEGGING. By cripple, maimed or deformed person on streets unlawful . . 331 Dissolute persons who shall be found, deemed vagrants .... 339 Power of council to prohibit, by cripple, etc charter 18 BELLS. Power of council to regulate and prevent ringing, in sts . charter 18 BENCH MARKS. City Surveyor to place, where and in what mianner 150 BIDS. For Street Work. Delinquent contractor not allowed to offer 222 Form of Did, and when to be handed in 221 Guaranty in writing to accompany each bid 221 Members of committee on S. & P. P. to approve guaranty . . 221 Rejected, any and all bids may be by committee 221 Rejected, when bids must be 221 To contain stipulation looking to the fund for payment . . . 220 BILLIARD TABLES. Definition of 95 License required for 95 Power of council to license tax, and regulate charter 13 BILLS. Not to hand out, scatter, etc 347 Sticking, affixing, etc., to lamp posts, sidewalks, buildings, etc., without consent, etc., unlawful 336 BLASTING POWDER. Deposited on wharf for shipment to be immediately shipped . . 285 Power of council to regulate storage of, etc charter 16 To be discharged from vessel when and how 286 Vessel not to remain at wharf over 24 hours, when loaded with . 2S6 Vessel having on board, not to enter city except to pass through . 285 BLOCKADE. At Fires — Breaking through not allowed 127 Ropes or guards to be stretched forming 127 REGULAR INDEX. 615 Page. BLOCKS. Assessments for street improvements, how made on certain frac- tional 147 Council may provide for survey of, etc charter 18 Size of — East of loth street, etc., except park blocks, 200 ft. square . . 67 In Caruthers’ add., size of, determined by what 79 In Couch’s add., all except fractional and park, 200 ft. square . 67 Park blocks, 80 ft. e. to w., 200 ft. n. to s 68 BOARDING HOUSE RUNNERS. Power of council to license, tax, regulate and define. . . charter 13 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS. Act creating paid fire department 365 Appointment of, by mayor, confirmed by council, to be . . . . 365 General powers of ... 365, 374 BOARD OF HEALTH. Cellars, lots, etc., flooded, to cause to be cleaned 302 Certificates and records of deaths and diseases to regulate . . . 31 1 Constituted how, mayor, chairman of committee on health and po- lice and chief of police are 31 1 Houses where small-pox patients are, to put person in charge of, 315 Physician, may employ, to vaccinate foreign immigrants .... 320 Physician, may employ, when deemed necessary, etc 31 1 Small -pox hospital, to provide for nurses, supplies, etc 300 BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS. (See police commissioners.) BOMBS. Firing off, in certain limits unlawful ... 326 Power of council to regulate and prohibit use of ... . charter 17 BONDS. Attorney — For city to prepare charter 23 Street contracts, to draw for 222, 355 Auditor to give, in sum of ^25,000 352 Auditor’s bond, mayor to be custodian of charter 20 City Surveyor, in sum of ^2,000 81 Chief of Police, in sum of $10.000 338 Gas and water pipes, laying of, to be given for, what to contain, etc. 2iOt‘ Loans, given on . . 102, 106, 114 Official, mayor to approve of all ... . .... charter 20 Treasurer to give, in sum of $75,000 with sureties, etc 350 BONES. Where not to be cast or left, and when deemed a nuisance . . . 308 6i6 REGULAR INDEX. Page, BOOK. Chief of police to keep, containing cases of contagious diseases, deaths, etc 311 BOOKS. Official, city property are, and to be kept as such .... charter 25 Inspection of official, by mayor or councilman “ 25 Retaining of, owned by city after demand unlawful 72 BOTTLES. Street, foot-path, etc., not to be thrown into 327 BOUNDARIES. Animals running at large within what, unlawful 322 City, lines of charter 5 Fire limits in which, brick and stone buildings to be erected . . 131 Marking of blocks, etc., council to provide for charter 18 Streets, ordinance declaring certain 66 BOWLING ALLEYS. Definition of . . . . 95 License, 55 each alley per quarter 95 Power of council to license, tax and regulate charter 14 BOX. Advertisement, placard, etc., not to be affixed to, or painted on, etc. 336 Around shade trees, hitching animals to, unlawful 155, 330 BOX GUTTERS. How laid 177 Committee on streets to designate what intersections to be placed at, 1 78 Grade of, 12 inches below grade of sidewalk 177 BREACH OF THE PEACE. In bar-rooms and drinking shops, fine and forfeiture for . . 104, 332 BRIDGES. Driving or riding over, faster than a walk unlawful 330 Fences on, defacing of unlawful 329 BRIEFS. Attorney to file 2 copies of each with auditor, in cases in supreme court 355 BROKERS. Defined 102 Insurance brokers to pay license of $6.25 per quarter — definition of 1 13 Money license of 325 per quarter loi Power of council to license and regulate, as calling, etc., which public good requires, etc charter 19 REGULAR INDEX. 617 Page. BUDD, D. E., ET. AL. Street railway franchise, Washington, N. 20th and iith streets . 185 (See title “Street Railways.”) BUILDINGS. Advertisements, etc., not to be affixed to, without owners’ consent 336 Aisles and passage ways of public, width of, obstructions to, etc , 140 Ashes, depositing in wooden vessels in, or on floor of, unlawful . 137 Board of fire commissioners may select and locate for dept ... 371 Combustible goods, not to be erected for manufacture of ... . 137 Dangerous, power of council to remove, make safe and prevent erection of . . charter 18 Doors of public, to open outwardly and inwardly, and be kept unfastened when 1 39 Flues in — Brick or stone, to be of, with 4-inch walls 135 Constructed, to be, from ground up, where over i story ... 135 Plastered, to be, on inside 1 35 Smoke pipe, entering into, how regulated 135 Unsafe, when deemed by fire warden, repaired or removed, how 137 Height of, power of council to determine charter 15 Hoistways and well-holes in 140 In fire limits 131 to 140 Nuisance — When deemed dangerous, how declared to be, and removal of 134 When in danger of falling, deemed, and how declared to be . 309 Numbering of, regulations, etc., concerning generally 155 Permit for erecting, ordinance relating to obstruction of streets, does not apply to Posting bills, etc., on, unlawful unless by consent of owner . . . 336 Power of Council — To determine height of charter 15 To prevent extension of, into street “ 17 To provide for exits and entrances in public “ 15 Wooden, to prevent erection of, in fire limits “ 15 Projecting into street, not allowed, except 6 in. for columns, etc . 204a Removal of — Am. tel. and dist tel. co. to move their wires for 165 Application for permit, committee to endorse, what to contain . 144 Brick chimneys on, to be removed, when 256 BURIALS, In city limits prohibited 328 Permits for, chief of police to issue when 312 BURNING. Animal or vegetable substance, where unlawful 316 Rubbish, combustibles, etc., fire not to be started for, where . . 139 6i8 REGULAR INDEX. BURYING GROUNDS. Committee authorized to purchase 63 Land for, city may purchase, etc charter 6 BUSINESS. Dangerous or detrimental, to life not to be carried on in city . . 317 BUTCHERS OFFAL. Not to be thrown in street or premises in city 316 BUTTER. Made from adulterated or impure milk not to be offered for sale, etc. 3 1 7 ‘‘C” STREET. Vacation of 169 CABS. License, amount of required for 99 Number of license to be placed on each side of, etc 99 Power of council to license, tax and regulate charter 14 Power of council to regulate use of streets, etc., for . . . “ 17 CALLINGS, TRADES AND EMPLOYMENTS. Power of council to license and regulate, such as public good requires charter 19 CALVES. Less than two weeks old, flesh of not to be offered for sale, etc. . 317 CAMP STOOLS. Not allowed in aisles of public buildings, etc 140 CANALS. Power of council to locate and construct charter 19 CANNON. Firing of, without permit unlawful 326 Mayor may grant permit for firing, on holidays, etc., 326 Permit for firing, to be filed with chief, I hour before firing, penalty 326 Power of council to regulate and prohibit charter 1 7 CARRIAGES. License of, amount required for 99 Number of license to be placed on each side of 99 Power of Council — To license, tax and regulate charter 14 To punish for leaving unsecured in street “ 17 To regulate use of streets for “ 17 CARS. Intersection, not to stand on, or near 333 Power of council to regulate use of streets for charter 17 REGULAR INDEX. 619 Page. CARS . — Continued. Railroads, speed of cars not to exceed six miles per hour . . . 327 Speed to be retarded in case of fires, etc,, when 128 (See title “Street Cars.”) CARTS. License, amount of, required for 99 Number of license to be placed on each side of 99 Power of Council — To license, tax and regulate charter 14 To prescribe width of tires on “ 17 To regulate use of streets for “ 17 CARUTHERS’ ADDITION. Ordinance naming extensions certain streets in 21 1 Size of blocks in 78 Street monuments established in 78 Width of streets in, 60 feet 79 CASUALTY. City not liable for damages resulting from charter 49 Officer of city, when liable for “ 49 CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL. Bases of columns on, may extend 20 inches into street 165 CATERPILLARS. Destruction and Removal of — From premises after written notice required 306 From trees and premises required 306 CATTLE. Driven, not to be through certain streets bet. 6 A. m. and midnight 333 Herding of, in certain limits prohibited unless, etc 322 Running at large prohibited within certain limits 322 Sidewalks, not to be permitted to go on, etc 333 (See title, “Animals and fowls.”) CELLARS. Board of health to cause owner, etc., to clean, etc., when . . . 302 CERTIFICATE, Claims against the city to have certificate of claimant attached . 118 Exempt fireman, to be granted to 373 Of death to be furnished by attending physician 312 Of Election — Auditor to issue charter 9 Primary evidence of facts therein stated “ 9 620 REGULAR INDEX. CESSPOOLS. Power of council to compel connection with sewer when . charter 17 Sidewalks, not to be placed or maintained under 308 To be connected with sewers 236 CHEESE. Made from impure milk, etc., not to be offered for sale, etc . . . 317 CHIEF ENGINEER FIRE DEPT. Appointment of, to be by board of fire commissioners, etc . . . 367 Assistant foreman, may appoint, to act as clerks, etc 372 Fire warden, is 372 Provisions of ordinance relating to fires, to enforce 139 Salary of, ^2.000 per annum, payable monthly 369 Work of prisoners, to designate where done when 83 CHIEF OF POLICE.— (See Police.) CHIMNEY. Brick, to be removed before moving building situate on ... . 256 Brick or patented, chief engineer may order, when 136 Height of, to extend at least four feet above roof 135 Hotels and restaurants, brick or patent to be used in 136 In fire limits, how constructed 1 31-140 CHOLERA. Householder and physician to report to health officer 313 (See title “Diseases.”) CHURCHES. Aisles and Passage Ways — Camp stools, benches and obstructions in, when unlawful, . 139 Width of, to be at least four feet 140 Doors — To main entrance to open outwardly and inwardly 139 To be kept unfastened when used for publie assemblage ... 139 Ingress and egress to, means of, to be such as fire com. approve . 139 Power of council, to provide for entrances to, and exit from, charter 16 CIRCUS. Definition of 96 License, amount of 96 Power of council, to license, tax, regulate and restrain as exhi- bition charter 13 CISTERNS. Fire department to estimate cost of 371 Covers of, not to be obstructed or covered up 129 Lamps adjacent to, top lights of, to be of red glass, etc 160 REGULAR INDEX. 621 Page. CITY JAIL. Introducing liquor or opium into, unlawful, unless, etc 328 Power of council to erect charter 16 Rules and regulations for care and management of, board of police commissioners to make • charter 29 CITY LIEN DOCKET. Assessments, how entered in, and effect of charter 39 Nuisances, cost of abating, when to be entered in, etc 310 (See title “ Docket of City Liens.”) CITY OF PORTLAND. Boundary lines of .... . charter 5 Municipal corporation, is “ 6 Name and style of “ 6 Power and authority of council in “ 6 to 20 Powers of, general “ 6 CITY PARK. Keeper of, com. on S. & P. P. to appoint Charles Myers as, salary $60 per month 255 Keeper, authorizing employment of, and defining his duties . . 212 Property for, city may purchase charter 6 CLAIMS AGAINST CITY. Appropriation for, applicable to payment of, by ordinance only . 1 1 7 Approved, to be, by committee or officer ordering 118 Audited, how 118 Auditor, suggestions to council concerning, to make . . . charter 22 Certificate, to have attached, by claimant and what to contain . . 118 Committees to Certify — Accounts and current expenses, what 119 Fire and water, what 119 Health and police, what • 119 Judiciary, what 119 River improvements, what 119 Streets and public property, what 119 Contractors, when and how to present, etc 222 Endorsement, auditor to make, and what to contain 118 Examination of, auditor to make 118 Emergent — Emergent claims, may be presented, when 118 Endorsement, auditor to make, what on 118 Ordinance may authorize payment, without presentation of . . . 120 Presented monthly, what to be 121 Presented, on day of meeting of council 118 Street work, claims for, to be certified by supt. of streets . charter 24 Street work, when and how presented for, etc 222 Unauthorized, may be presented if endorsed by proper officer, etc. 118 622 REGULAR INDEX. CLEANING STREETS. Committee on streets and public property to purchase carts, etc., employ men, etc., for cost of outfit, etc. 210^ Power of the council to provide for, and punish those refusing, etc charter 18 CLEANLINESS. Power of council to provide for charter 15 CLERK OF THE COUNCIL. Auditor is charter 22 CLERKS OF ELECTION. Qualifications required of charter 9 When not present, judges to appoint “ 9 CLOTHING. Worn by persons having contagious diseases to be destroyed . . 314 COACHES. Amount of license required for 99 Power of council to license, tax and regulate as vehicles . charter 14 CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES. Council to provide for, etc charter 51 COFFIN, STEPHEN, ET. AL. Franchise to lay water pipes in city 65 COIN. Moneys paid into city treasury in sums over ^5 to be paid in . . 89 COLUMNS. Rases of, generally may extend 6 inches 204a Bases of, on lots 5, 6 and 7, block 18, (Catholic Cathedral) to extend 20 inches, etc 165 COMBUSTIBLES. Fires for burning not to be started where 139 Lantern, lights used where kept, to be enclosed in 137, 138 Manufacture of, in city limits unlawful 137 Power of Council — To pass ordinances regulating keeping and storage of ... . 373 To regulate storage and sale of charter 16 Storage of, ordinance regulating and licensing in COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Definition of 114 License, amount to be paid by 113 Power of council to license, regulate and define .... charter 13 REGULAR INDEX. COMMITTEES. 623 Page. Accounts and current expenses, claims against the city, what to certify 119 Fire and Water — Claims against city, what to certify 119 Contract with Hydraulic Elevator Co., to make .... 130, 141, 142 Health and police, claims against city, what to certify 119 Judiciary, claims against city, what to certify 119 River improvements, claims against city, what to certify . ... 119 Streets and Public Property — Bids for street work, to advertise for and let contract .... 220 Claims against city, when to certify to 1 19 Cleaning streets, to employ men and purchase carts for, etc . . z\ob Nuisances, when to contract for removal of, and how .... 310 Permit for constructing and removing buildings, to endorse ap- plication for 144 Permit for dragging timbers, etc., in streets, may give .... 335 Permit may grant to obstruct streets and sidewalks 204^ Telephone and telegraph wires, when to designate height of . 163 Standard yard measure, to purchase 207 Street signs at intersections, to provide, how 207 Street work, claims for, to approve 222 Witnesses before, may be compelled to attend, how 353 COMMON COUNCIL. Confirmation by, of appointees, when necessary .... charter 7, 25 Deliberations and proceedings must be public “ 12 Discretion, when exercised, final “ 50 Duties of, meetings, rules, etc “ 12 Elections to — Councilmen, qualifications of charter 7, 8 Electors, qualifications of “ 8 Held when “ 8 Three members from each ward, to be “ 7 Expulsions of members, by, causes for and vote on . . “ 12 Grades, to establish and alter, when and how “ 38 Improvement of Streets — Lowest bidder, work to be let to, how charter 42 Notice of, to publish 10 days “ 38 Time and manner of, to provide for, how “ 42 Journal of Proceedings of — To be kept charter 12 Yeas and nays to be entered in, when “ 12 Majority of all, when necessary “ 7, 12 Majority of quorum, when sufficient “ 13 624 REGULAR INDEX. COMMON COUNCIL— Meetings — Adjournment of charter 12 Chief of police to attend “ 30 Convened by mayor or majority of council “ 12 Notice of special, two days publication “ 12 Regular meeting without notice first Monday in July . “ 12 Time and place of, council to provide for “ 12 Members of — Elected, how charter 8 Expulsion of, requires two-thirds vote “ 12 Number of, three from each ward “ 7 Punishment of, by council, for improper conduct, etc. . “ 12 Vacancies, filled how “ 10 Vacancies in office of “ ii (3fficer, may require any duty of not inconsistent with charter “ 25 Ordinances, majority of all members may pass “ 13 Ordinances establishing grades to pass “ 39 Power and iAuthority of — Advertising noises, to regulate and prevent charter 18 Alleys, streets, etc., to open, lay out and and widen . . “ 32 A.musements, to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . . “ 13 Animals, domestic, to prevent running at large • • . . “ 17 Animals, to regulate streets and highways for ... . “ 17 Assemblage, riotous, to prevent, punish, restrain and dis- perse • charter 1 7 Auctioneers, to license, tax, regulate and define .... “ 13 Authority, to exercise “ 20 Avenues, naming and numbering of, to regulate ... “ 18 Avenues, traffic on, to control and limit “ 18 Awnings, to regulate use of streets for ....... “ 18 Awning posts, to regulate use of streets for “ 18 Banners, to prohibit hanging of “ 18 Bar rooms, to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . “ 14 Bawdy houses, to suppress, and punish inmates of . . “ 15 Begging, by cripple, etc., to prohibit “ 18 Bells, to regulate and prevent ringing of in streets . . “ 18 Billiard tables, to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . “ 13 Boarding house runners, to license, tax, regulate and define “ 13 Bombs, to regulate and prohibit use of “ 17 Boundaries of blocks and streets, marking, etc “ 18 Bowling alleys, to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . “ 14 Buildings, fronts of, to prevent extensions of ... . “ 17 Buildings, height of, to determine “ 16 Buildings, public, exit from, to provide for “ 16 Buildings, public, places of entrance, to provide for . . “ 16 Buildings, wooden, to prohibit erection of in fire limits, “ 15 REGULAR INDEX. 625 Page. COMMON ZO\5^QXL.— Continued. Power and Authority of — Cabs, to license, tax and regulate charter 14 Callings, to license and regulate what “ 19 Canals, to locate and construct “ 19 Carelessness, to prevent damage from by fire “ 16 Carriages, to license, tax and regulate ........ “ 14 Carriages, to punish for leaving unsecured in streets . . “ 17 Cars, to regulate use of streets for “ 17 Carts, to license, tax and regulate “ 14 Carts, width of tires on, to prescribe “ 17 Cess-pools, to compel connection with sewer when. . “ 17 Churches, entrance to and exit from, to provide for . . “ 16 Cleaning streets, to provide for . . • • “ 18 Cleanliness, to provide for “ 15 Combustibles, to pass ordinances regulating keeping and stor- age of 373 Combustibles, to regulate storage and sale of charter 16 Commercial travelers, to license, tax, regulate and define . “ 13 Contagious diseases, to make regulations concerning . . “ 15 Cripples, begging by, to prohibit * • . . . “ 18 Cripples, exhibition of, to prohibit “ 18 Crosswalks, to prevent and remove obstructions from . “ 16 Culverts, to appropriate private property for “ 19 Culverts, to divert streams of water therefor “ 19 Culverts, to locate and construct “ 19 Dangerous buildings, to prevent erection of “ 18 Dangerous buildings, to remove or make safe .... “ 18 Deadly weapon, to prohibit carrying of, how .... “ 16 Debts of city, to appropriate money to pay “ 19 Deformed persons, begging by, to prohibit “ 18 Deformed persons, exhibition of, to prohibit “ 18 Detonating works, to regulate and prohibit use of . . . “ 17 Disturbances, to restrain punish and define .... “ 16 Ditches, to appropriate property for “ 19 Ditches, to divert streams of water therefor “ 19 Ditches, to locate and construct “ 19 Doors, in public buildings, to provide mode of hanging, “ 16 Drains, to locate and construct “ 19 Drains, to appropriate private property for “ 19 Drains, to divert streams therefor “ 19 Drains, to lay down, etc “ 44 Drays, to license, tax and regulate “ 14 Drays, tires of, to prescribe width of “ 17 Dredging bars in Willamette river, ordinance providing for, to pass charter 50 Drinking shops, to license, tax, regulate and restrain. “ 14 626 REGULAR INDEX. Page. COMMON (ZO\5^Ql\..— Continued. Power and Authority of — Driving stock, to regulate charter 17 Drummers, to license, tax, regulate and define .... “ 13 Drunkenness, to I'estrain and punish “ 16 Dynamite, to regulate storage and sale of “ 16 Electric light posts, to regulate use of street for ... . “ 18 Electric light wires and poles, to allow and regulate . . “ 18 Employments, callings and trades, to license and regulate “ 19 Exhibitions, to license, tax, regulate and restrain ... “ 13 Lighting, to restrain and punish “ 16 Line, may punish by, for violating ordinance “ 19 Fire limits, to establish, by ordinance, prevent fires, etc . . . 373 Fires, to prevent damage by, from negligence charter 16 Fire-arms, to regulate and prohibit use of “ 17 Fire-crackers, to regulate and prohibit use of . . . . “ 17 Flags, to regulate and prohibit display of “ 18 Foot-passengers, to regulate use of streets, etc., for . . “ 17 Forfeiture, to provide, not exceeding $300, for violating ordinance “ 19 Fronts of buildings and houses, to prevent extension of . “ 17 Gambling houses, to suppress “ 14 Gaming, to suppress “ 14 Gas, to provide for furnishing city with, or other light . “ 15 Gas lights, erection of, to regulate “ 17 Gas mains, to regulate laying of “ 17 Giant powder, to regulate storage and sale of “ 16 Good order, to provide for . . “ 15 Gunpowder, to regulate storage and sale of “ 16 Guns, to regulate and prohibit use of “ 17 Hacks, to license tax and regulate “ 14 Hackneys, to license, tax and regulate “ 14 Halls, public, to provide for entrance to, and exit from . “ 16 Harbor dues, to assess and collect from vessels, etc . . “ 16 Hawkers, to license, tax, regulate and define “ 13 Health, to provide for “ 15 Highways, to regulate use of “ 17 Highways, width of tires, to prescribe for preservation of “ 17 Horses, left insecurely fastened, to punish for “ 17 Hospitals, to provide for, for contagious diseases ... “ 15 Hotel runners, to license, tax, regulate and define . . . “ 13 House of correction, erection of, to provide for .... “ 16 House of correction, prisoners to work in “ 19 Houses of ill-fame, to punish inmates of “ 15 Houses, to regulate numbering of .... “ 18 Houses, for smoking opium, to suppress “ 15 Imprisonment, to provide punishment by “ 19 REGULAR INDEX. COMMON COUNCIL— Power and Authority of — Indecent practice, to restrain, punish and define .... charter Intoxication, to restrain, punish and define “ Jail, to erect “ Junk dealers, to license, tax and regulate ..... “ Keepers of places kept for smoking opium, to punish . “ Landings, to build, construct and regulate “ Laundries, public, to control and regulate “ Liabilities of city, to appropriate money to pay .... “ Lighting city and streets, to provide for “ Locomotives, to regulate use of streets by “ Lots, to regulate numbering of “ Market houses and places, to provide for and regulate . “ Negligence, to prevent damage by fire from “ Nitro-glycerine, to regulate storage and sale of ... . “ Nuisances, to prevent, remove and define “ Numbering of houses and lots, to regulate “ Obstructions in Willamette river, to prevent and remove “ Obstructions, to streets, to prevent and remove .... “ Offensive trades, etc., to license, tax, regulate and restrain “ Officers, fees and compensation of, may establish and regulate “ Oil, to regulate storage and sale of “ Opening of street surfaces, to regulate “ Opium houses, inmates of, to punish “ Opium houses, to suppress “ Opium smokers, to punish “ Opium smoking, to suppress “ Order, to provide for good “ Ordinance, power can only be exercised by, unless . . “ Ordinances, violation of, to provide punishment for . . “ Ornament of city, to provide for “ Paupers, to provide for support, restraint of, etc ... . “ Pawnbrokers, to license, tax and regulate “ Peace and good order, to provide for “ Peddlers, to license, tax, regulate and define “ Persons and property, to provide for protection of . . . “ Piles, driving of, in Willamettee river, to regulate ... “ Pipes, for conduct of water, to locate “ Pistols, to regulate and prohibit use of “ Placards, to regulate and prohibit exhibition of ... . “ Places for smoking opium, to suppress “ Places for smoking opinm, keepers of, to punish ... “ Poles and wires, to allow and regulate, for what . , “ Police stations, to establish, from time to time “ Posts for signs, to regulate use of streets for “ 627 Page. 16 16 16 13 15 18 17 19 15 17 18 16 16 16 15 18 16 16 14 19 16 17 15 15 15 15 15 20 19 15 15 13 15 13 15 16 19 17 15 15 15 18 i8 18 628 REGULAR INDEX. Page. COMMON COUNCIL.— Power and Authority of — Power and authority, to exercise charter 20 Prisoners, to provide for working of “ 15 ? 19 Privies, to compel certain, to be connected with sewer . “ 17 Property and persons, to provide for protection of . . . “ 15 Public places, streets, etc., to regelate use of, etc ... “ 17 Public property, may lease, etc “ 6 Punishment for violating ordinances, to provide for . . “ 19 Quarreling, on streets, to restrain and punish “ 16 Railroads, to permit, allow and regulate laying tracks for “ 18 Rates of license, to fix “ 13, 14 Real estate, to appropriate, for sewers, etc “ 19 Real estate, to purchase, take, sell and hold for taxes . “ 19 Repair of streets, to provide for “ 16 Riots and riotous assemblages, to prevent, punish, restrain and disperse charter 17 Roads, to regulate use of, etc “ 17 Roaming streets, to prohibit, at unreasonable hours. . “ 18 Runaways, to protect public from injury by “ 17 Second hand dealers, to license, tax and regulate . . . “ 13 Sewers, to compel connection of privies and cesspools with, “ 17 Sewers, to construct and repair “ 19 Sewers, to lay down, etc “ I 7 > ^9 Shooting galleries, to license, tax, regulate and restrain, “ 14 Shows, to license, tax, regulate and restrain “ 13 Sidewalks, cleaning and repairing, to provide for . . . “ 16 Sidewalks, obstructions, to provide for removal of . . . “ 16 Sidewalks, use of, to regulate “ 17 Signs and sign posts, to regulate use of streets for . . . “ 18 Slaughter houses, to control, regulate and exclude . . . “ 17 Sprinkling of streets, to provide for “ 18 Squares, public, to provide for working prisoners on . . “ 19 Stagnant water, to fill or drain lands to remove .... “ 15 Steam-boat runners, to license, tax, regulate and restrain “ 13 Steam whistles, to regulate and prevent “ 18 Stock driving, to regulate “ 17 Street car tracks, to allow and regulate laying of . . . “ 18 Street line, to prevent extension of building fronts into . “ 17 Street railways, to regulate use of streets, etc., for . . . “ 17 Streets, boundary lines of, to provide for marking . . . “ 18 Streets, cleaning, to provide for “ 18 Streets, naming of, and avenues, to regulate. . . . “ 18 Streets, obstructions, to prevent and remove 16 Streets, open, lay out and widen, etc., may ..... “ 32 Streets, preservation of, by prescribing width of tires . . 17 Streets, repairing of, to provide for “ 16,44 REGULAR INDEX. 629 Page. COMMON COUNCIL.— Continued. Power and Authority of — Streets, sprinkling, to provide for . charter 1 8 Streets, use of, to regulate “ 17 Street surfaces, opening of, to regulate “ 17 Survey of blocks and streets, to provide for .... . “ 18 Tax, certain places, occupations, etc. to “ H Taxes, general, to levy and collect “ 13 Taxes, real estate, to purchase, take and hold for and sell “ 19 Taxes, special, of 5 mills, may levy and collect, how . . “ 13 Telegraph posts, to regulate use of streets for ... . “ 18 Telephone posts, to regulate use of streets for ... . “ 18 Theatricals, to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . “ 13 Tires, to prescibe width of “ 17 Tracks for street cars and railroads, to permit, allow and reg- ulate charter 18 Trades, to license and regulate certain “ 14 Traffic, to control and limit, on streets “ 18 Trespass, to prevent and punish “ 15 Trucks, weight to be carried by to prescribe “ 17 Trucks, width of tires of, to presciibe “ 17 Unlawful practice, to restrain, punish and define . . . “ 16 Vagrants, to provide for support, restraint, punishment and em- ployment of charter 1 5 Vehicles, streets and highways, to regulate use of, for . “ 17 Vehicles, tires of, to prescribe width of “ 17 Vehicles, to license, tax and regulate “ 14 Vehicles, weight to be carried by, to prescribe . . “ 17 Vessels, to assess and collect harbor dues from .... “ 16 Washhouses, to control, regulate and exclude “ 17 Water mains, to regulate the laying of “ 17 Weapons, dangerous, to prohibit carrying concealed . . “ 16 Weight to be carrried by vehicles, to prescribe .... “ 17 Wharfingers, to license and tax “ 13 Wharf line, to establish “ 16 Wharves, to regulate building of “ 16 Willamette river, dredging, to provide for and levy special tax for charter 50 Willamette river, obstructions in, to prevent and remove “ 16 Wires, electric, to allow and regulate erection and mainte- nance of charter 18 Within city of Portland “ 13 Workhouses, erection of to provide for “ 6, 16 Workhouses, working prisoners in, to provide for ... “ 19 Working prisoners on streets, to provide for “ 19 REGULAR INDEX. 630 Page. COMMON COUNCIL.— Powers of City of Portland — To be exercised by . . . . • • charter 20 Vested in mayor and “ 5 Presiding Officer of — In absence of mayor president of council is charter 13 Mayor is executive of city “ 20 Proceedings of, to be public “ 12 Quorum — Majority of council to constitute charter 12 Less number may meet, adjourn and compel attendance, “ 12 Majority of quorum, when sufficient “ 13 Rules — Council may adopt for government of charter 12 Streets, alleys, etc., may open, widen and lay out, etc. . . “ 32 Taxes, to declare by ordinance, when delinquent . . . “ 46 Rules of XIII Vacancy — By failure of councilman to qualify charter 10 By absence from city “ 1 1 How created generally ' “ 1 1 How filled . . “ II Viewers — In laying sewers and drains, may appoint at discretion . charter 44 In opening and widening streets, to appoint “ 32 Witnesses — May compel attendance of, at investigations, etc 353 Penalty for refusing to attend or be sworn 353 CONCEALED WEAPONS. Carrying of what unlawful • 328 Power of council to prevent carrying of what charter 16 CONSIDERATION. In deed for land sold for taxes, etc., true, to be expressed . charter 45 CONTEST. For office of mayor or councilman determined by council . charter 9 For other officers determined by law of state “ 10 Review, decision of council on, subject to “ 9 CONTRACTOR. Delinquent, when and how declared to be 222 Street Work — Claims for, when to be presented, etc 222 Completion of, whom to notify of, and when 222 Delinquent, not to bid on 222 REGULAR INDEX. 631 Page. CONTRACTS. Attorney to draw and prepare charter 24 Attorney to prepare, according to award for street work . . . 222 City not liable on, unless authorized by ord. and signed, etc., charter 48 Ordinance may authorize officer or agent to contract for less than ^100 verbally charter 48 Street Work — Attorney to prepare in accordance with award 222 Awarded, to be to lowest responsible bidder 221 Bids for, when to be handed in 221 Bids for, when to be rejected 221 Bond on, council to fix, attorney to draw 222 Claims for, how presented 221 Committee to advertise for bids for and let, etc 220 Delinquent contractor, bid of not to be received 222 Guaranty in writing to accompany bid for 221 Letting of, manner of, etc charter 42 220 Superintendent of streets to enforce, what charter 24 COOK, J. W., AND JULIUS ORE WAY. Street railway, franchise to construct on certain streets 250 (See title, “ Street Railways. ) CORPSE. Burying, in city limits unlawful . . 328 Removal of, from city without permit, unlawful 312 COUCH’S ADDITION. Blocks in — Buildings in, numbering of 158 Fractional, assessed how for street improvements 147 Streets in — Boundaries of 69 Naming of 71 COUNCIL ROOMS AND OFFICES. Lease of, from Frank Dekum for 5 years at ^160 per month . . 107 COUNCILMEN. Absence, leave of, may be obtained charter 1 1 Contest for office of, how determined “ 9 Debate, for words uttered in, not to be questioned, etc . , “ 49 Election of, each ward to elect three “ 7 Expulsion from office by two-thirds vote “ 12 How elected from additional wards “ 49 Punishment of, for improper conduct, etc “ 1 2 Qualifications of, elector and i year a resident, etc ... “ 7,8 632 REGULAR INDEX. COUNCILMEN.— Salary of, five hundred dollars per annum, ord. 4614 .... no Term of, to hold for three years charter 7 When and how elected “ 8 Vacancies in office of — By reason of absence charter 1 1 Change in boundaries does, not create . “ 1 1 How filled “ II Generally how created . “ 10 Yeas and Nays — On adjournment, 4 members may call charter 12 Two members generally may call . . . “ 12 COUNTY ASSESSMENT ROLL. Assessment roll for city taken from charter 23 COUNTY CLERK. With auditor and justice to canvass election returns . . , charter 9 COURT. Police judge to hold in city to be known as police court . charter 25 CREEKS AND STRP:AMS. Power of council to divert for flushing sewers, etc. . . . charter 19 CROSSWALKS. Buildings being removed not to stand on over night . ... 145 Hacks not to stand within ten feet of, on street 321 Power of council to prevent and remove obstructions from . charter 16 Vehicles not to obstruct 333 CUBIC AIR ORDINANCE. Space of 550 ft. required for each person in sleeping apartment . 300 CULVERTS. Power of council to locate, construct, appropiate property, divert streams for, etc charter 19 DAMAGES. Appeal from assessment of viewers, how levied, and judgment on charter 35 Assessed for opening streets, etc., council to make appropriation for charter 35 Casualty or accident, city not liable for, officer is, when . . “ 49 DANGEROUS PLACES. Barricade, to be erected on inside line of sidewalk at, when . . 204^ Barrier, contractor to maintain around, when 204^ Dangerous business not allowed to be carried on 317 REGULAR INDEX. 633 Page. DEATHS. Causes of, physician to certify as to, etc 312 Record of, chief of police to keep in book, what to contain , . 312 DEBATE. Councilmen not to be questioned for words used in . . charter 49 DEBRIS. Not to be thrown into or near river in city limits 357 DEBTS OF CITY. Power of council to appropriate money to pay, etc . . charter 19 DECEASED PERSON. Interment of, in city limits, unlawful 328 DEED. On Sales — By fire commissioners, mayor and auditor to execute .... 371 For street improvements, what to recite charter 45, 50 Person executing warrant, must execute when . . . . “ 40 Recitals in, for street improvements, what sufficient . . “ 50 Purchaser refusing to make, after redemption, suit to compel “ 41 Purchaser on sales for taxes, etc., entitled to . . . “ 47-48 Taxes, sales for, to city, auditor to execute deed to redemptioner from 76 DEKUM, FRANK. Lease of council rooms and offices from, at ^160 per month , . 107 Lease of council rooms and offices from, warrant for rent of, when drawn 116 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY. In police court attorney may appoint, qualifications and pay . . 355 DEPUTY AUDITOR. Appointment, by auditor, one or more charter 22 Auditor, responsible for “ 22 Duties and powers of, same as auditor “ 22 Salary of. Si 10 per month, paid monthly 121 DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. Authorizing employment of 249 One or more to be, and powers of charter 24 Number of, and compensation to be fixed by council . . . “ 24 Special, when may be appointed, etc 150 Street repairer may be appointed as, when desired 161 634 REGULAR INDEX. Page. DETONATING WORKS, ETC. Discharging, in city limits unlawful ' 326 Power of council to regulate and prohibit use of ... . charter 17 DIRT, ETC. Streets, etc., not to be thrown or deposited on 20 ^b Wagons, leaking from, etc., unlawful 337 DISEASES. Asiatic Cholera — Examination of cases of, chief to report to board of health . . 313 Householder and physician to report cases to chief, etc. ... 313 Board of Health — Duties of .... 31 1 to 317 Expenditure by, authorized 300 How constituted 311 Contagious Diseases — Board of health to provide for suppression of, etc 300 Ordinance to prevent spread of 31 1 Health Officer — Chief of police is 31 1 Health ordinances, to enforce, etc 313 Hospital for, city may provide charter 6 Hospital for, small-pox hospital, board of health to provide, furnish, etc 300 Meats, diseased, not to be sold or offered for sale 317 Physician, board of health may employ, when, duties of . . . . 31 1 Physician, certificate of death, etc., to be given by attending . . 312 Placard, when chief to cause to be placed on door-way for smallpox 316 Prevention of, sleeping apartments to have 550 cubic feet of space to person 300 Record, chief to keep in book, of persons diseased, deaths, etc. . 31 1 Removal of patient having contagious disease not allowed with- out permit 316 DISORDERLY CONDUCT. Councilmen may be punished for, by council charter 12 In street, house or place, unlawful 325 (See title “Offenses and Disorderly conduct.”) DITCHES AND DRAINS, ETC. Gas and water, mains for, to be not less than 3^ feet from curb, 2 \od Power of council to locate, construct, appropriate property and di- vert streams for charter 19 Sewer connections, gas and water pipes, etc., how dug for . . . 2\od Trenches excavated for sewers or drains, how filled 215 REGULAR INDEX. 635 Page. DOCKET OF CITY LIENS. Assessments for Street improvements — How and when entered in charter 39, 40 DOGS. Chief of police to prosecute and receive $3 as costs for violations of ordinance relating to 305 License for 304 DOORS. In public buildings to open outwardly and inwardly when, to be kept unfastened 139 DRAINAGE. When to be on south and west side of streets 174 DRAINS. Apportionment of assessment for laying charter 44 Assessment for laying, on property benefited “ 44 Creeks and streams, council may divert into “ 19? 44 Ordinance defining manner of laying 210^: Regulations for laying and maintaining 301 Trenches excavated for 215 When lien upon property charter 15 DRAYS. License, amount of, required 99 Number of license, to be placed on each side of 99 Power of Council — To license tax and regulate charter 14 To prescribe width of tires of, and weights carried by . “ 17 To regulate use of .streets, etc., for “ 17 Wheels of, when left standing to be securely locked 330 DREDGER. Compensation of employees 358 DREDGING. Bars in Willamette River — Ordinances, power of city to pass, providing for ... . charter 50 Special tax, council may levy and collect for “ 13 DRIVING AND RIDING. Faster than 6 miles per hour unlawful 327 Over bridges faster than a walk unlawful 330 DRIVING CATTLE. At certain hours within certain limits unlawful 333 Power of council to regulate charter 17 REGULAR INDEX. 636 Page. DRIVING PILES. A. J. and Levi Knott, permission given to drive certain .... 266 Power of council to regulate charter 16 Regulations concerning, generally 281 Wharf limits, within which to be driven 274, 296 DRUMMERS. Power of council to license, tax, regulate and define . . .charter 13 License for 113 DRUNKENNESS. Ordinance prohibiting and providing punishment for 343 Power of council to restrain and punish charter 16 DYNAMITE. Regulation for storage of 285 Storage and sale of, council to regulate charter 16, 17 EAST PORTLAND. Dogs licensed in, may run at large in city without license . , . 304 License granted resident of, for vehicle, when good in city, charter 14 ELECTION DAYS. Flags, signs, etc., may be suspended over streets, etc., on ... 204<^ Intoxicating liquor not to be disposed on, during voting hours . 105 Polls to be kept open on, from 9 a. m. to 6 P. M. . . . charter 9 •ELECTIONS. Provisions of charter concerning charter 8, 9, 10 ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Power of Council — To allow and regulate erection of poles and wires for . charter 18 To regulate use of street for posts for ........ “ 18 Roe, Chas. S. Franchise to erect poles and stretch electric light wires ... 213 Smith, F. C., C. E. and J. T. Watson — Franchise to erect poles and wires for, on Water, Front and First streets 210a The United States Electric Lighting and Power Co. Ordinance authorizing contract with city for street lighting . . 217 Ordinance authorizing additional electric lights 234 Weidler, Geo. W., and assigns — Franchise to erect poles and wires in streets for, etc 199 ENGINEER, CIVIL. Supt. of streets to have qualifications of charter 24 REGULAR INDEX. 637 Page. ENGINEERING. Street department to have charge of all, and surveying .... 149 ENGINES. Fire department, board of com. to provide with equipments, etc. . 370 Locomotive, not to be run faster than six miles per hour .... 327 ESTES, LEVI. Street railway franchise. First street and others 84 EXHIBITIONS, ETC. License to be paid for certain, amount of 96 Of crippled and deformed persons in public unlawful 331 Power of council to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . charter 13 EXPENDITURES. Claims against City — Appropriation for, when applicable 117 Committees, what and how to certify 118 Monthly, what presented and considered authorized 121 Cleaning streets, com. on S. & P. P. authorized to make, what for 2io^ Emergency, in case of, committee may incur without authorization 120 Exceeding ^100, not to be incurred unless provided for by ord. . 120 Fire department charter 30 37 1 Police department charter 30 EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS. License required for sale of, regulations concerning, and storage of 99 Ordinance regulating landing, storage and transportation of , .111, 286 Power of council to regulate, etc charter 16 EXPRESS AGENTS. Definition and license of loi EXPRESSMEN. Gangway, standing in, not allowed when used by passengers . . 319 Passenger, not to annoy or seize baggage of, but by request, etc . 318 EXPRESS WAGONS. License required for, under name of vehicle 99 Number of license to be placed on each side of 99 Power of council to license, tax and regulate as vehicle . charter 14 Solicitor for, to pay license of ^5 per quarter loi FERRY LANDINGS. “ F ” street 81 Jefferson street 277 Pine street 65 Stark street 72 638 REGULAR INDEX. Page. FIRE. Power of council to prevent damage by, from negligence, etc. charter 1 6 FIRE ALARMS. False, complainant in prosecution for making, to receive one-half of fine 138 FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. Boxes, gongs and striking apparatus of, not to be interfered with, etc 124 Telephone and telegraph wires not to be placed within 3 feet of . 126 FIRE APPARATUS. At fires, not to be obstructed by vehicles, etc 125 FIRE ARMS. Carrying concealed, unlawful 328 Drawing, on person of another, unlawful 326 Firing, in city limits, unlawful 326 Power of council to regulate and prohibit use of ... . charter 17 FIRE CISTERNS. Covers of, not to be obstructed 129 FIRE COMMISSIONERS. Board of, appointment and qualifications of • . . 365 (See title “Board of Fire Commissioners.”) FIRE CRACKERS. Firing off, prohibited in certain limits 326 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Emergency, council to take charge of, in case of 374 Laws governing 365 FIRE HOSE. Engine, vehicles, etc., not to cross, during fire, except . • . . . 125 FIRE HYDRANTS. Contract for, with Portland Hydraulic Elevator Company, and terms of 130, 141, 142 Covers of, not to be obstructed nor covered up 129 FIRE LIMITS. Boundaries of 13 1 Buildings within, how erected 131-140 Fires not to be made on street or lot within, without permit . . 139 Council to establish from time to time, subject to approval by board of fire commissioners 373 REGULAR INDEX. 639 Page. FIREMEN. Badge of, returned, to be, by person ceasing to be active fireman . 124 Notice to fire warden, duty of, to give, of violation of fire ordinance 1 38 FIRES. Apparatus of Fire Department — Going to, to have right of way, etc 127 Fire limits, not to be made in, without permit 139 Insurance, board of fire commissioners to report to council amount of, on losses by 373 Ordinances concerning 127, 131 FIRE WORKS. Firing off, in certain limits prohibited 326 FLAGS. Chief of police to place yellow, at premises where contagious dis- eases exist 314 Holidays, election days, etc., may be displayed on 2041^ FOWLS. Running at large within certain limits, prohibited 322 FUNDS. Appropriations out of, when applicable to payment of claims . . 117 General, accounts with, treasurer to keep charter 21 Special, accounts with, treasurer to keep “ 21 Warrants on general and special, how drawn “ 22 GAMBLING AND GAMING. In city limits unlawful 329, 34 1 Power of council to suppress gaming charter 14 GARBAGE. Accumulation of, so as to become nuisance, prohibited .... 308 Cast or left, in what places not allowed to be 316 Sidewalk, not to be carried on, so as to be offensive 204^ Streets, to be carried on, so as not to be offensive, etc 334~335 GAS. Power of Council- Mains, to regulate laying of charter 17 To provide for furnishing city with, or other light . . . “ 15 Street lamps, committee to change from oil to, when 152 GAS AND WATER MAINS. Laying Down in Streets — Bond required for 210^' Supt. of streets to have personal supervision of 215 Repairs to, in case of leakage or breakage, may be made without bond, etc 210a Trenches excavated for, how filled 215 640 REGULAR INDEX. Page. GEESE. Running at large, etc., in certain limits, prohibited 322 GIANT POWDER. License required for keeping and selling, $5 per quarter .... 99 Vessel, not to enter city having on board, except passing through 285 GLASS. Street or premises, not to be thrown into, etc 204^^ GOODS, WARES AND MDSE. Sidewalk, not to be placed on, by way of show, advertisement, etc 2041^ GRADES. Bench marks, where and how placed 130 Council to establish and alter, when and how charter 38 Extent of, at intersections . 174 Notice for change of, not required where ^ petition for . charter 43 Notice of grade, what to specify “ 38 Record of survey, to keep 130 Remonstrance against, what sufficient and when filed . . charter 38 Remonstrance against, not to be proposed for six months after, unless charter 39 Table of 364 When change of, pending, permit not to be given to grade ... 172 GUNS. Firing or discharging, in city limits unlawful 326 GUTTER. Box gutters, how constructed and laid 177 Plank gutters, how constructed, laid, etc 177 HACKS. Crossing, not to stand within 10 feet of, on street 321 Driving of, on wharf, regulations concerning 318 Fares, rates of, to be charged in city 321 License, amount of, to be paid for 99 HACK DRIVERS. Gangway, standing in, by, not allowed when, etc 319 Soliciting custom by, not to be in tone louder than ordinary con- versation 318 Wharves, not allowed on, without permission of owner .... 318 HALLS. Public — Aisles and passage-ways, width of, camp stools, benches, etc., in unlawful 139 REGULAR INDEX. 641 Page, HARBOR DUES. Power of council to assess and collect, from vessels • • • charter 16 HAWKERS. Definition of, on foot and in wagon 94 License, to pay ^20 per day 94 HEALTH. Board of — Authority, duties, etc 300, 302, 31 1 HEALTH OFFICER. Chief of police, ex-officio 31 1 Diseases, causes of to remove, and to enforce health ordinances . 314 Flag, MTen to place at premises where contagious diseases ... 314 HIDES. Nuisances, not to be thrown or left where, to become 308 Storing of, when a nuisance 347 HIGHWAYS. Power of council, to regulate use of charter 17 HOLIDAYS. Flags, etc., may be displayed on streets on 204^ HOOKER STREET. Extension of, ordinance declaring, and naming 21 1 HOSPITALS. Contagious diseases, for, to be beyond limits of city . . . charter 6 Establishment and maintenance of “ 15 Small-pox, board of health to make expenditures for supplies, etc., for 300 HOTEL RUNNERS. Definition of 98 License, to pay ^10 per quarter , . 98 Wharves, not allowed on, without permission, etc 318 HOUSES. Numbering of, regulations concerning, and manner of 155 HOUSES OF CORRECTION AND WORK HOUSES. Establishment and maintenance of, by city, power of . . charter 6, 16 HYDRANTS. Portland Hydraulic Elevator Company, contract with, for . 130, 141, 142 642 REGULAR INDEX. Page. HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR CO. Franchise to lay water pipes 189 HYDRO-CARBON LIQUID. License, regulations for amount of, and when required storing . . iii IMMIGRANTS. Vaccination of, on vessels from foreign ports required, etc. . . . 319 IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS. •Ordinance in relation to 172, 220 (See “Streets.”) INDEBTEDNESS OF CITY. Not to exceed ^100,000 charter 49 INFORMANT. Fines, when to receive part of 138, 170, 328, 331 INSURANCE AGENTS. Fires, may go within guards stretched at 127 License, person, corporation, etc., doing business as, to pay what, 112 INSURANCE BROKERS. Definition of, license 112 INTERMENTS. In city limits unlawful 328 INTERPRETER. Employment of, in police court, authorized 346 INTERSECTIONS. Beasts of burden, vehicle or street car not to stand on or near , . 333 Building being removed, not to stand on or near, at night ... 145 INTOXICATION. Ordinance, restraining and punishing 343 IRVING, ROBERT, & GEO. W. WEIDLER. Franchise for street railway 245 JAIL. Intoxicating liquor or opium, introducing into, unlawful, except . 328 Ordinance requiring prisoners confined in, to work upon the streets 82 Power of council to erect charter 16 Prisoners confined in, power of council to work upon the streets, public square 19, 29 Rules for care and management, board of police commissioners to make charter 29 REGULAR INDEX. 643 Page. JEFFERSON STREET FERRY. Landing for, and regulations concerning 277 Fire pumps, on boats of, city may maintain 278 JOURNAL. Proceedings of council, to be kept, containing charter 12 JUGGLERS. Definition of, license 96 JUNK DEALERS. Definition of, license 97 KNOTT, A. J., AND LEVI. Privilege to drive certain piles at foot of Stark street 266 LAMPS AND LAMP POSTS. Cisterns, adjacent to, to have red glass top lights, etc 160 Lettering on, defacing, removing, or injuring maliciously, etc. . 170 Signs, used as, and advertisements, to conform to street lamps, etc. 182 LAND. Burying ground, city may purchase for charter 6 Ordinance authorizing procuring of parcel of, for cemetery pur- poses 63 Taxes and street assessments, city may buy and sell for . charter 19 LANDINGS. Power of council to build, construct and regulate at foot of streets charter 18 (See title “Ferry Landings.”) LANGUAGE. Profane, abusive or obscene, in street, house or place unlawful . 325 LAUNDRIES. Definition of, license 108 Power of council to control, regulate and exclude from city, charter 1 7 LEASES. Council rooms and offices from F. Dekum 107 Party wall, Wil. Engine Co. No. i, to J. A. Strowbridge .... 129 Portland Mechanics’ Fair Association, block 132 166, 241 LIABILITY OF CITY. Debts not to be contracted beyond two years charter 49 Exceeding ^100, to be incurred only by ordinance . . . “ 48 Power of council to appropriate money to pay, etc. ... “ 17 644 REGULAR INDEX. Page. LICENSES. Act done, etc., for which license required, without taking out, penalty for 102 Auditor to issue, upon delivery of treasurer’s receipt for • charter 22 Bankers to pay license of ^25 per quarter, definition of . ... 112 Bar-rooms and drinking shops to pay ^300 per annum, payable quarterly 1 04 Basket peddlers, when chief of police and auditor may grant per- mit to 100 Brokers, insurance, defined, to pay license of $6,25 per quarter . 112 Business, trade, etc,, requiring license, not to be carried on without, 92, 102 Commercial travelers, amount of license, and who are 113 Explosive compounds, license for keeping, etc., amount of, regula- tions, etc Ill Insurance agents to pay ^6.25 per quarter 112 Liquors, spirituous or malt, sale, etc., of to be drank in places of amusement • 317 Liquors sold, not to be drank on premises no Ordinance, regulating licenses generally 92 Power of council, certain trades, persons, things, etc., to require gf charter, 13, 14, 19 LIEN. Entry in docket of city liens for street improvements, priority of • charter 40 LIGHT. Power of council to provide city with charter 15 LIMITS. City, boundaries of charter 5 Fire limits, boundaries of 13 1 Pound limits 322 LIQUORS. Spirituous or Malt — Giving to intoxicated person or minor unlawful 104, 332 Place of amusement, when lawful to sell in 317 Sale, etc., of, to be drank on premises, license for 104 Sale of, not to be drank on premises no LIVERY STABLES, License of ^20 per quarter 102 LOANS. Authority to issue 113 City Bonds of $500 each — Auditor to sign coupons and attest bonds 102 Authority to issue 40 City Bonds of $500 each — Auditor to sign coupons and attest bonds 106 Authority to issue 47 Bonds of $500 each — Auditor to sign coupons and attest bonds 114 REGULAR INDEX. 645 Page. LOCOMOTIVE. Rate of speed not to exceed 6 miles per hour 327 Steam whistles, not to blow in city limits except 348 LOTS. Power of council to regulate the numbering of charter 1 8 MACADAM. See Ordinance No. 2839, (Streets) 172 MAD DOG. Any person may kill, when 304 MAINS — (Trenches for). Ordinance regulating laying of, for gas and water 210c, 215 MAP OF CITY. “ Burrage map,” adoption of by city as official 77 MARKET PLACES AND HOUSES. Power of council to provide fpr and regulate charter 16 MAYOR. Absence, leave of, council may grant charter ii Absence of, president of council to act, during “ 13 A.ttorney, to appoint, council to confirm “ 7 Board of health, is member of 31 1 Deeds to land sold by fire com,, with auditor, to execute .... 371 Duties of — Authority prescribed by ords., etc , to be exercised by . charter 20 Message, to communicate by, annually “ 20 Ordinances, to approve and return “ 21 Election for, who to vote at “ 8 Fire commissioners to appoint 366 Police judge, to appoint, council to confirm charter 25 Salary of, fifteen hundred dollars per annum, ord. 4614 .... no Salary, warrant for payment of, when drawn 116 Superintendent of streets, to appoint, council to confirm . charter 7 Surveyor, to appoint, council to confirm “ 7 Term of office “ 7 Vacancy in office of, when and how filled “ ii Warrants to be signed by, and attested by auditor . . . . “ 22 MEAT. Nuisance, where not to be cast or left so as to become 308 Tainted, diseased, etc., not to be sold or offered for food, etc . . 317 646 REGULAR INDEX. MECHANICS’ FAIR. Lease of block 132 for, time and terms of . . . 166, 241 MERCHANDISE. Not to be placed on sidewalk, etc., unless 204*^ MILK. Butter or cheese made from impure, not to be sold, etc ..... 317 MINOR. Bar-room and drinking shop, not to be allowed to remain in . . 332 Intoxicating liquor not to be sold or delivered to 104, 332 Theatre, etc., where liquors are sold, not to be allowed to remain in 332 Wandering about streets after 9 p. M., unlawful unless, etc. . . . 330 MONASTES, H. W., ET. AL. Franchise for street railway on Stark, 2d, 6th and other streets . 191 (See title “Street Railways.”) MONEYS. Paid into city treasury, sums over ^5, to be paid in U. S. gold coin 89 MONUMENTS. Assistant surveyor for placing, committee may appoint 70 Caruthers’ addition, establishment of, in 78 Couch’s addition, and additional 68, 69 Temporary points, to be placed at, by surveyor 150 MOREY, P. F. Ordinance authorizing and directing contract with (water) . . . 223 Ordinance prohibiting committee from entering into contract with 233 MOSS. On roofs, fire warden when to notify owner, etc., to remove . . 139 MULTNOMAH STREET RAILWAY CO. Street railway franchise, extension on iith st. south of Market st. 205 Street railway franchise, N. 15th and B streets 201 (See title “ Street Railways.”) NICOLAI & BRO. Authority to extend wooden cornice 14 1 NITRO-GLYCERINE. Ordinance regulating storage of in NORTHERN PACIFIC TERMINAL CO. Railroad franchise, on N. Front and other streets 194 Ordinance amending section i of 3656 above 208 REGULAR INDEX. 647 Page. NOTICES. Not to be affixed or stuck on sidewalk 336 Ordinance prohibiting distribution of, on streets . . 347 NUISANCES. Abating, expense of, a lien on property charter 15 Animals — Dead, not to be cast or left where 308 Offal and offensive parts of, not to be thrown or left where . . 308 Slaughtering of, in city limits prohibited 307 Awnings, in danger of falling, etc., deemed, and how declared to be, etc 309 Buildings — Danger of falling, etc., deemed and how declared to be . . . 309 Dangerous, when deemed to be, and how removed 134 Cesspools and privies under sidewalks not allowed 309 Drainage, when necessary, chief to report to council, etc .... 310 Filth, etc., not to accumulate, to cause nuisance 308 Hides, stored, when to create 347 Power of council to prevent, remove and define .... charter 15 OATH. Auditor may administer any, authorized by law charter 23 OATH OF OFFICE. Form of, officers elected under charter charter 10 OBSTRUCTIONS OF STREETS. Ordinance in relation to 204a Ordinance in relation to, during fire 125 OFELDT BROS. Ordinance ratifying contract with 255 OFFENSES AND DISORDERLY CONDUCT. Advertisements, bills, etc., not to scatter 347 Animal, leaving unhitched, penalty 330 Bawdy houses, etc., soliciting to enter for lewdness, etc 345 Gambling and gaming, unlawful 341 Hides, not to create nuisance when stored 347 Liquor, giving to intoxicated person, unlawful ...... . , 104 Liquor, giving to minor, unlawful 104 Officer, falsely assuming to be what, unlawful ........ 327 Ordinance defining 325 to 338 Snow and ice, sidewalk to be kept free of . . . 216 Whistles, blowing of within city limits, unlawful 348 OFFENSIVE TRADES, ETC. Power of council to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . charter 14 REGULAR INDEX. 648 OFFICER. Falsely assuming to be what, unlawful 327 Resisting, in discharge of his duty, unlawful 327 OFFICERS. Power of council to regulate and establish fees and compensa- tion of charter 19 Willful neglect of duty and gross negligence, liable for damage resulting from charter 49 OIL. Power of council to regulate storage and sale of ... . charter 16 Storage of what, required to be licensed, amt. of, regulations, etc. 1 1 1 Street lamps, committee to change from, to gas, when ... . 152 OPIUM. Bargaining for or buying, to be smoked on premises, unlawful . 331 Places kept for smoking, council may suppress and punish in- mates of charter 15 ORDINANCES. Appropriations, mode of expenditure of, to be fixed by .... . 117 Attorney to prosecute for violations of charter 23 Authority of city, given by section 37 of charter, to be enforced by charter 20 Codification of, council to provide for “ 51 Contract not binding unless authorized by, when . . . . “ 48 Duties of officers, not inconsistent with' charter, may be required by charter 25 Existing at time of passage of charter, to continue in force, when charter 51 Expenditure, exceeding ^100, must be authorized by ordinance . 120 Laws of state or U. S., not to be repugnant to charter 20 Passage of, final, requires majority of all members .... “ 13 Style of, “'fhe City of Portland does ordain as follows” . “ 20 Chronological index to 376 ORDNANCE. Firing, in certain limits, unlawful 326 ORDWAY, JULIUS, J. W. COOK AND Street railway, franchise for, on certain streets 250 (See title “Street Railways.”) OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD- CO. Franchise for railway track 74 Regulation of, council reserves right, etc 75 REGULAR INDEX. 649 Page. OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (limited.) Franchise to lay railway track in city and run cars over same . . 184 ORNAMENT OF CITY. Power of council to provide for charter 15 OVERSEER STREET CLEANING. Ordinance authorizing appointment of 210^ Salary of, how drawn 116, 117 PAPER. Sidewalk, street or footpath, not to be swept or thrown on . . . 327 PAPERS. Official, of officers are city property charter 25 Inspection of, by mayor or councilmen “ 25 Retention of, after demand by mayor or committee, penalty for . 72 PARK. Keeper of, committee on S. & P. P. to appoint Charles Myers as, at ^60 per month 255 Keeper, ordinance authorizing employment of 212 Property for, city may purchase, etc charter 6 PARK BLOCKS. Lettered from “A” st. north, numbered from Salmon st. south . 84 PAUPERS. Power of council to provide for support, restraint, punishment and employment of . charter 15 PAWNBROKERS. License, ^25 per quarter, definition of 96 PEACE AND GOOD ORDER. Power of council to provide for charter 1 5 PEDDLERS. Bibles, newspapers, etc., persons peddling, exempt from license . 100 Classification of, license loi Power of council to license, tax, regulate and define . charter 13 PERSONS AND PROPERTY. Power of council to provide for protection of charter 15 PEST HOUSE. Expenditures for supplies for, board of health may order, etc . . 300 Limits of city, to be beyond charter 6 Power of council to establish and maintain “ 15 REGULAR INDEX. 650 Page. PETROLEUM. Ordinance regulating storage of, license in PHYSICIAN. Board ofhealth may appoint, for contagious diseases, when . . 31 1 Board of health may appoint, for vaccinating foreign immigrants . 320 Contagious diseases, to report cases of, to health officer .... 313 PILES. Driving of — Ordinance regulating generally 281 Wharf line, permits for driving, to conform to 276, 298 PISTOLS. Firing, in city limits unlawful 326 PLACARDS. Not to be affixed to sidewalk 336 Ordinance prohibiting distribution of 347 PLATFORM SCALES. Placing of, in Streets — Approval of eommitttee and supt. of streets, subject to ... . 159 POLES. Baskets, buckets, bags, etc., not to be carried on, where .... 334 POLES AND WIRES. Power of couneil to allow and regulate what charter 18 POLICE COMMISSIONERS. Ael creating board of charter 27 Board of, how constituted, duties, powers, etc “ 28 POLICE COURT. Appeal from, when and how allowed and taken .... charter 27 City attorney, may appoint deputy in, pay of, etc 355 Civil and criminal proceedings in, how governed .... charter . . 26 Costs, fees & expenses received in, to be paid into city treasury “ 26 Fines and penalties, city and state, to be paid into city treasury “ 26 Interpreter in, ordinance providing for 346 Judge of, appointment charter 25 Jurisdiction, extent of “ 26 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Clerk of, ordinance providing for 340 REGULAR INDEX. 651 Page. POLICE FORCE. Officers of • charter 28 Organization and government of, rules and regulations for, how made charter 27 Pay of — Captains, $100 per month, payable monthly, etc . . . charter 30 Chief of police, not to exceed ^200 per month, payable monthly, etc . charter 30 Policemen, ^90 per month, payable monthly, etc . . . “ 30 Prisoners, council to provide by ordinance for working on streets charter 29 Removal of Officers of — Cause of, to be stated in order of removal charter 29 Rules and Regulations — Care and management of priso)i charter 29 Rules for government of xxi POLICE JUDGE. Absence or illness of, mayor to appoint temporary, in case of, charter 27 Appointment of, by mayor, confirmed by council .... “ 25 Costs, fees, and expenses, when collected, to be paid into city treasury by charter 26 Court, to hold, in city, known as police court “ 25 Civil or criminal proceedings before, regulated by law of state except charter 26 Duties of, subject to laws governing justice of the peace . “ 26 79 Fines and penalties, to be paid in, monthly, and duplicate receipts taken 80 Illness or absence of, mayor may appoint temporarily, etc . charter 27 Ordinances, crimes defined by, to try “ 25 Ordinance fixing salary of, at ^1800 per annum 80 Qualifications of, to be voter and attorney of supreme court charter 25 Report to submit to council quarterly, what to contain, etc . . . 79 Salary of charter 27 Vacancy in office of “ 25 POLICE STATIONS. Power of council to establish from time to time charter 18 POLLS. At elections, when opened and closed charter 9 PORTER STREET. Extension of, ordinance declaring, etc 211 PORITCO. Not to be erected of wood around second story in fire limits, or be used as place of storage 105, 21 1 652 REGULAR INDEX. PORTLAND HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR CO. Page, (See Hydraulic Elevator Co.) PORTLAND MECHANICS’ FAIR ASSOCIATION. Lease to, of block 132, terms of 166, 241 PORTLAND STREET RAILWAY. Extension of, south on First street 203 Extension of, to and along G and N. 2d sts., restrictions, etc. . . 153 Ordinance No. 1065 84 PORTLAND STREET. Deemed and declared to be an extension of Corbett street . . . 254 POSTS. Power of council to regulate use of streets for, for signs . charter 18 POUND. Clean and free from stench, to be kept 324 Nuisance, when to be removed by health officer as 324 POUNDMASTER— DEPUTY. Ordinance authorizing appointment of 339 PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL. Duties of, same as mayor when mayor absent ... . charter 13 Election of, by ballot, to be at first regular meeting in July “ 13 Power and authority of, same as mayor, in mayor’s absence “ 13 PRINTING. City, official paper 356 PRISON. Power of council to erect charter 18 Rules for care and management of, board of police commissioners to make charter 29 PRISONERS. Chief of police to file list of names of, performing work monthly 83 Defined, sentenced to imprisonment or on failure to pay fine . , 83 Power of council to provide for working of charter 19, 29 Working of — Public property and streets, to work on 82 PRIVIES. Power of council to compel connection of certain, with sewers, charter 1 7 Sidewalks, not to be placed or maintained under 309 Vaults of, and cesspools, to be connected with sewers, when . . 236 REGULAR INDEX. 653 Page. PROCESS. Of court not to issue to compel appropriation, when , . . charter 35 PROPERTY, Appropriated for Opening Streets, etc. — Deemed to be, when money in treasury and warrants drawn, charter 35 How appropriated “ 32 Personal and Real — Beyond limits, city may purchase when charter 6 Taxes, city may purchase, take, hold and sell real, for . “ 18 Protection of, power of council to provide for “ 15 Redemption of, (See “Redemption.”) Trespass on, unlawful 3^9 PROSTITUTION. Soliciting for, unlawful 333, 345 PUBLIC PROPERTY. Board of fire com. to control, buy and sell what and how . . 370 Cutting, defacing or removing, unlawful 3^9 Power of city to lease, sell, etc charter 6 PUBLIC WRITING. Docket of city liens is, and entitled to force and effect of . charter 40 PUNISHMENT. Power of council to provide, for violating ordinance . . . charter 19 RAILROADS. Northern Pacific Terminal Co., Franchise — Franchise for laying railroad track 1 94 Ordinance amending franchise 208 Oregon Central Railroad Co., Franchise — Regulations concerning, council reserves right to make ... 74 Oregonian Railway Co. (Limited), Franchise — Regulations concerning, council reserves right to make, what . 184 Railroad locomotive not to run greater speed than six miles per hour 327 REAL ESTATE. Levy on, for taxes, when made charter 46 Power of council to appropriate for sewers, etc “ 19 Power of council to purchase, take, sell and hold for taxes, “ 19 Redemption from sales for street improvements “ 40, 41 Redemption from sales for taxes, how made and by whom “ 46, 47,76 REGULAR INDEX. 654 RECORDS. Auditor to keep, and what to show 352 Board of fire commissioners to keep, of proceedings 367 Chief of police to keep, of contagious diseases and deaths ... 311 Permits for street improvements, Surveyor to keep, of 173, Official, city property charter 25, REDEMPTION. Assessments for Improvement of Streets — Effect of redemption charter 41 May be redeemed within three years, by whom ... “ 41 Assessments for taxes, sales on, may be made within 3 years, “ 47 Sales of land, gold or silver coin to be paid on, for . . . “ 50- ’ Sales of land to city, auditor to execute deed to redemptioner from, 76 Taxes from sales for, how nade and by whom charter 47 REGISTER. Junk dealers, pawnbrokers and second hand dealers to keep . . 97 REPORTS. Attorney to make, to council, of suits settled, etc 355 Auditor to make, of warrants drawn each month 117 Auditor to make semi-annual statement to council . . . charter 23 Board of fire commissioners to make to council what 371 Chief of police to make, concerning nuisances, when . . . . . 310 Police judge to make, quarterly 79. Supt. of streets to make, from time to time charter 24 Surveyor to make annually . . . . • 150 Treasurer to make quarterly, auditor to file, etc charter 22 RESOLUTION. Expense not exceeding ^loo, committee, etc., may be authorized to incur, when 120 RIDING AND DRIVING. Faster than 6 miles per hour unlawful 327 Over bridges faster than a walk unlawful 330 RINES, JOHN & CO. Wharf, privilege to construct, front of block 80, city 290 RIOTOUS CONDUCT. In street, house or place unlawful 332 RIOTS. Power of council to prevent, punish, restrain and disperse . charter 17 RIVER — (See Willamette River.) IIEGULAR INDEX. 655 Page. ROADWAYS. Lumber used in, quality and finish of 177 Plank, how constructed and laid 178 Power of council to regulate using charter 17 ROAMING STREETS. After midnight, without lawful business unlawful 330 ROBINS. Killing, offering for sale, purchasing, etc., unlawful 333 ROCKETS. Firing off, within certain limits prohibited 326 RODMEN. For city surveyor, appointment of two authorized, and pay of, ad- tional, when 151 ROE, CHAS. S., AND ASSIGNS. Franchise to erect poles and stretch wires for electric light pur- poses 213 ROOF. Moss on, to be removed on notice of fire warden 139 ROPES, . Fires, in case of, police force to place across streets, etc .... 127 RUBBISH. Carried, not to be, on sidewalk so as to be offensive 334“335 Streets and premises, not to be thrown into, etc 20\b Transportation of, through streets, how 337 RULES OF ORDER. Common council xin RUNAWAYS. Animal to be securely fastened, wheels to be locked, to prevent, etc. 330 Power of council to protect public from injury by .... charter 17 SALARIES. Warrants for — First of each month, auditor to draw what 1 16 First of each quarter, auditor to draw what 116 Officers, paid fire dept., drawn by mayor and auditor when . 370 Thirtieth of December and June, to be drawn 117 SAND. Transportation of, to be so as not to leak out on street 337 REGULAR INDEX. 656 SAWDUST. Willamette river, not to be thrown into or near in city limits . . 357 SAWING WOOD. On sidewalk or improved street, litter from to be cleaned away . 331 SCALES. Placing of in Streets — Owner or lessee to make written application for 159 SCUTTLE. In roof, where house over i story, required, size of 135 SEAL. City shall have charter 6 May alter and break, etc “ 6 Design of, ordinance adopting 332 SECOND-HAND DEALERS. License, ^5 per quarter, definition of 97 SECRETARY OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Board to appoint, qualifications and duties of, etc 367 SEWERS. Assessment of benefits for, how levied, etc charter 44 Connection with — Manner of making, regulations, etc 301 Pipes for, manner of laying, etc 2io<: Privies and cesspools to be connected with 236 Terra cotta or non-corrosive pipe to be used in making . . . 302 Trenches excavated for, how filled 215 Power of Council — Building and repair of, to regulate charter 17 Creeks and streams, to divert for flushing, etc “ 19 ■ Privies and cesspools, certain, to compel connection with “ 17 Viewers to make assessment for, council may appoint or not “ 44 SHADE TREES. Hitching horses to, not allowed 155, 330 Trimmed, to be kept so as not to obstruct view of street lamps . 154 SHEEP. (See title “Animals and Fowls.”) SHIPS AND VESSELS. Anchoring of, regulations concerning 357 Explosives, having on board, not to enter city, except 285 Mooring at docks of licensed wharfingers, to regulate 282 REGULAR INDEX. 657 Page. SHIPS and vessels. — Continued. Portable light in hold of, etc 137 Power of council to assess and collect harbor dues from . charter 16 Vessels arriving from foreign ports, crews of to be vaccinated . . 319 SHOOTING GALLERIES. License, ^5 per quarter, definition of 95 SHOWS. License, amount of 96 Power of council to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . charter 13 SIDEWALKS. Advertisements, etc., not to be affixed to 336 Advertisements, etc., not to be placed over, except on holidays, etc. 204a “A” street, manner of constructing upon 151 Backing up vehicles against, what unlawful . : 337 Beasts of burden, cattle, etc, not to go on 334 Cesspools under, not allowed 309 Covering plank, dimensions of, in different streets, how laid . . 175 Curb, official grade to correspond with, when 175 Hitching animal on, unlawful 334 Power of Council — Cleaning and repairing of, to provide for charter 16 Obstructions, to provide for removal of “ 16 Poles supporting baskets, buckets, etc., not to be carried on . . 334 Repairs, to be made by owners or agents when notified by supt. of streets 146 Sawing, splitting and cutting wood on, where unlawful .... 331 Signs, advertisements etc., not to be suspended over .... 182,204a Wheeling hand trucks or vehicle on, unlawful 333 SIGNS. Fastened, to front of building, not less than 9 feet above sidewalk 182 Removed, all not conforming to ordinance to be 183 Sidewalk, unlawful to suspend over 204a Space, to occupy not over i foot in front of building 183 Chief of police to enforce ordinance relating to ..... . 204a Supt. of streets to place, at intersections with names of streets on, 207 SKIDMORE, S. G— FOUNTAIN. Ordinance creating committee for erection of, 361 Ordinance vacating streets for 235 SLAUGHTER HOUSES. Not allowed in city limits 308 Power of council to control, regulate and exclude .... charter 17 658 REGULAR INDEX. Page. SLAUGHTERING ANIMALS. Unlawful in city limits 308 SLEEPING APARTMENTS. Space in, 550 cubic feet to each occupant, to be 300 SMALL POX. Chief of police to cause flag or placard to be erected on premises, etc 314 Health officer to examine cases of, and report to board .... 313 Hospital for, board of health to make certain expenditures for . 301 Householder to report cases of, etc., to health officer 313 Power of council to establish hospital for, beyond city limits, charter 6 Vaccination of foreign immigrants 319 SMITH, F. C., C. E. AND J. F. WATSON. Electric light, poles and wires for, right to erect where .... 2 \oa SNOW AND ICE. ' Sidewalks to be kept free of, for space of three feet in width . . p.i 6 SPILMAN, W. T. Contract with, for vending refreshments in city park 238 Improvements provided for under to be completed by, when . . 239 Terms and conditions 238-241 SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS— (See Liquors.) STABLES. Cleanly and wholesome condition, to be kept in, etc 316 Livery, license for 102 STANDARD OF MEASUREMENT. Measure of 20 and 50 feet, corner Washington and Eront sts. . . 69 U. S. standard yard, com. on S. & P. P. to purchase 207 STEAMBOAT RUNNERS. Definition of, license 98 Wharves, not allowed on, without consent of owner, etc. ... 319 STEAM RAILWAY WHISTLES. Blowing of, in city except as danger signal unlawful . . . . 348 STOCK. Driving of, through certain streets, unlawful, etc 333 Power of council to regulate driving of through streets . . charter 17 STRAW. Feeding animals with, on improved streets unlawful .... 338 REGULAR INDEX. 659 Page. STREET CARS. Intersections and crossings, not to stand on or near 333 License, amount of required generally loi Power of council, tracks for, to allow and regulate laying of, charter 18 STREET CLEANING. Com. on S. & P. P. to purchase carts, horses, etc, and attend to . 2 \ob Power of council to provide for charter 16 STREET CROSSINGS. Beasts of burden, vehicle or street car, not to be left on or near . 333 Building not to stand on or near at night, during removal ... 145 STREET DEPARTMENT. Constituted how, committee on S. & P. P., superintendent of streets and surveyor are 149 Duties generally of officers constituting 149-151 Engineering and surveying, to have charge of all 149 STREET LAMPS. Boxes, goods, wood, etc., placing of against, prohibited .... 170 Cisterns, com. on S. & P. P. to erect at, top lights to be red glass, change, etc 160 Gas mains, com. on S. & P. P. to connect with, when , . . . 152 Lighting of, without authority prohibited and punishment for . . 170 Street signs, when practicable, to be painted on inside of . . . 207 STREET LINE. Bases of columns may extend six inches into 204a Catholic cathedral may extend twenty inches into 165 Power of council to prevent extension of building fronts into, char. 17 STREET RAILWAYS. Budd, D. E., and Associates, Franchise — Acceptance of terms of, to be filed, when 185 Cook, J. W., and Julius Ordway, Franchise — Acceptance of terms of, to be filed when, etc 250 Estes, Levi, Franchise — • Acceptance to be filed within 30 days, etc 84 Monastes, H. W., et al., Franchise — Acceptance of terms of, to be filed when, etc 19 1 Multnomah Street Railway Co. Franchise — Acceptance of terms of, to be filed when, etc 205 Franchise on N. 15th Street — Acceptance of terms of, to be filed when, etc 201 Ordinance authorizing construction and operation of 84 66o REGULAR INDEX. STREET AYS.— Continued. Portland Street Railway Co., Extension North — Ordinance granting franchise, terms, etc 153 Extension South — Bridge at Marquam’s gulch, what repairs to, to make, etc . . 203 Extension South from Caruthers Street — Ordinance granting franchise, terms, etc 237 Transcontinental Street Railway Co. Franchise — G, North Third, Third and South Third Sts. — Acceptance to be filed when, terms, etc 197 Franchise Front, Morrison, Yamhill and Third Sts — Acceptance to be filed, when, terms, etc 257 Franchise Morrison, Ninth, Montgomery and Yamhill Sts — Acceptance to be filed when, terms, etc 242 Franchise N. 13th and S Sts — Acceptance to be filed when, terms, etc 204^ Weidler, G. W., and Robert Irving, Franchise — Acceptance to be filed when, terms of, etc 245 STREET REPAIRER. Employment of, to be by com. on S. & P. P. and supt. of streets, 161 Prisoners in city jail, to call on chief of police for, and work on streets, etc 161 STREETS. Advertisements, not to be placed on, or over, except 204a Animals and fowls running at large or being herded in certain limits in, unlawful, etc 322 Barriers and barricades, to be erected in dangerous places, etc . 204^ Bench marks in, surveyor to place where and how ..... 150 Boundaries of, in Couch’s addition • 68 Building material not to be deposited on, without permit .... 145 Buildings, removal of, through, permit for, regulations, etc . . 144, 256 Caruther’s add., monuments, width of, in, etc 78 Cleaning of, com. on S & P. P. to procure outfit for, etc .... 210/; Construction of sidewalk or improvement in, permit for, etc. . . 172 Crosswalks, timber and lumber in, laiS how, dimensions, etc . . 176 Cutting, excavating, etc., in, not allowed without permit ... 172 Dirt, gravel, stone, street cleanings, etc., not to leak from wagon on 337 Grades of— Bench marks, where and how placed 150 Council to establish and alter, when charter 38 General fund, costs of grade paid from “ 44 Gutters, drainage of, to be on south and west side of streets . . 174 Notice of, to be given by publication, etc charter 38 REGULAR INDEX. 66l Page. STREETS. — Continued, Grades of — Record of grades, surveyor to keep . ...••• 150 Remonstrances, after, not to be proposed for six months . charter 59 Hooker street, ordinance naming extension of 211 Improvement of — Assessment for, delinquent when charter 40 Assessment for, sales for presumed regular “ 50 Bids, when may be rejected “ 43 Contracts for, manner of letting 220 Certificates of acceptance for, to be filed when . . . . 222 Intersection, how assessed for at charter 42 Macadamizing, how done, unless notice specifies other . ... 179 Notice of completion of contract for, to be filed, when, how . 222 Ordinance providing manner of, etc 172 Permits for, after assessment, not to be given charter 45 Permits for, application for, how made, etc 172 Petition by ^ for, dispenses with notice charter 44 Separate fund, moneys collected for, constitute, etc. . . “ 43 Sidewalks, may be let separately, etc “ 43 Unlawful to make without permit 172 Monuments, surveyor to establish certain 67 Monuments, temporary, surveyor to place, where 150 Names of, in Caruthers’ add. certain, designated 21 1 Names of, in Couch’s add., how designated, etc 71 Portland street, declared to be an extension of Corbett street . . 254 Obstructions to — Committee on S. & P. P. may grant permit for, when .... 204<5 Material used in constructing buildings, not to obstruct, with- out permit 144 Ordinance relating to 204^:, 327 Opening, Laying Out, etc. — Actions, how tried on appeal from viewers report on . charter 35 Appropriation of property for “ 32 Verdict of jury final on appeal from “ 37 Viewers in, to be appointed, qualifications of “ 32 Permits to Improve — How granted and what to contain 172 Person to Work on, etc. — Appointed, how to be i6i Horse and cart, may be furnished with 16 1 Porter street, ordinance naming extension of 21 1 Power of Council. — (See “Common Council.”) Prisoners, to call for and work when 82 Repairs — Council to make, when deemed expedient charter 44 Local, owners to make when notified by supt. of streets . . . 146 662 REGULAR INDEX. STREETS. — Contmued. Sprinkling of — Power of council to provide for charter Substance, of any kind except snow, etc., not to be thrown into . Vehicle, to be so constructed as not to spill contents on .... Widening, opening and laying out, mode and manner of . charter Williams .street, ordinance naming extension of STREET SIGNS. Superintendent of streets to place, at all intersections of streets . STREET SURFACES. Power of council to regulate opening of charter STREET WORK. Ordinance providing time and manner of letting contracts for, and accepting same when completed Ordinance in relation to the improvement of streets STROWBRIDGE, J. A. Lease of party wall to, Willamette Engine Co. No. i, for ^75 . . SUBPCENA. Investigations by council, etc., auditor to issue for witnesses of . Investigations by council, etc., chief of police and policemen to serve SUITS. Attorney to report condition of, when SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. Absence from city, permit for charter Appointment of, by mayor, confirmed by council .... “ Certificates for street work, to issue Claims for street work, not to be allowed until certified by, chaner Construction, etc., of bridges, streets, sewers, public grounds, etc.. to supervise charter Deputies — May appoint one or more charter Ordinance authorizing employment of Special deputy, when appointed, term of, etc Duties of generally charter Gas and water mains, laying of, to have personal supervision over Office to be kept open for business during what hours Permits — Certificate, to give, for work under Page. 18 327 337 32 211 207 17 220 172 129 354 354 355 II 7 222 24 24 24 249 150 24 2iod ■ 359 172 i ) I J REGULAR INUEX. 663 Page, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS.— Cmfinued. Plans and specifications for construction and improvement, to have supervision of charter 24 Qualifications of, must be a civil engineer “ 24 Reports and recommendations, to make to council, when . “ 24 Salary of, ^2400 per annum, payable monthly 108 Signs, ordinance relating to, to enforce 183 Street signs, to place at intersections 207 Term of, until successor appointed and qualified .... charter 7 Trenches excavated for gas and sewer pipes, to enforce ordinance concerning 215 Vacancy in office of, created how charter 1 1 Violations of ordinances concerning public works and streets, to complain of 1 50 SURVEYOR. Absence, council may grant permit for, for 30 days . . . charter 1 1 Appointment of, by mayor, confirmed by council . . . . “ 7 Assistant, regular, appointment of, salary ^100 per month, paid how 168 Bench marks, for street grades, etc., where to place 1 50 Bond, amount of, approved by mayor, etc., to be filed when , . 81 Certificates, for work, under permits to improve streets, to endorse as to grade 222 Chain bearers or rod men, surveyor may appoint two additional, salary ^3 per day 151 City work, to make surveys and estimates of, when . , . charter 25 Draughtsman in office to appoint, salary 151 Duties, prescribed by ordinance, to perform charter 25 Duties, what required by ordinance 150, 172, 220 Ordinance fixing office hours . . . • 359 Records to be kept by, regarding streets, sewers, etc 150 Salary of, $2,400 per annum, payable monthly 151 Term of office, until successor elected and qualified . . . charter 7 Vacancy in office of, created how “ ii SURVEYS. Of blocks and streets, council to provide for charter 18 SWILL. Streets, etc., to be carried on so as not to be offensive 334 Transported, to be, at certain hours, times, etc 335 SWINE. Herding within certain limits not permitted unless, etc 322 TABLE OF CITY GRADES. Of streets ^63 664 REGULAR INDEX. Boiling of, in city, to be done in open space 30 ft. from building, 139 TAX Power of council to, and to license and regulate, etc., certain places, persons, occupations, etc charter 14 TAXES. Amount of — During fiscal year not to exceed in the aggregate 1 5 mills, charter 49 General purposes, may be 5 mills for . . “ 13 Special, of 5 mills may be levied • . . . “ 13 Assessment Roll — Acceptance of, when revised to be by resolution 91 Auditor to add to, when charter 23 Auditor to make from county roll “ 23 Notice of filing, auditor to publish . 91 Revised and corrected, to be presented to council . charter 23, 91 Revision of, person aggrieved may apply for ... “ 23, 91 Taxes to be extended on 91 Treasurer, to be delivered to charter 23, 91 Delinquent — Auditor to deliver delinquent roll to chief of police, charter 46, 91 Council to provide when delinquent by ordinance . . . charter 46 Former delinquent, eollected how “ 47 Unpaid taxes when treasurer returns roll, are 91 Warrant for collection of, auditor to deliver to chief of police . 91 Warrant for collection of, what to command . . . charter 46, 91 Fees and compensation for collecting, council to fix . . . charter 48 Fiscal year, not to exceed 15 mills in all, during , . . . “ 49 Gold coin of the United States, to be paid in 89 Interest on, after levy, collectible at legal rate . . . . charter 46 Lands sold to City for — Auditor to prepare list and keep record of . 76 Lien creditor may pay tax and have lien for charter 47 Redemption of lands sold for, may be made within three years, by whom charter 47 Unknown owner, lots sold separately in case of “ 47 Tax Roll — Auditor to deliver to chief of police when charter 46 Auditor to prepare from county roll “ 23 Correction and revision of, how made charter 23, 91 Notice to be published of receipt of, etc., by treasurer .... 91 Treasurer to return within 5 days after time limited . . charter 46 Warrant for. Collection of — Alias warrant for, when issued charter 48 Auditor to deliver to chief of police when 91 REGULAR INDEX. 665 Page. TELEGRAPH. American Tel. and Dist. Tel. Co. Franchise — Additional regulations concerning 163 Interference with, prohibited 165 Fire Alarm Telegraph — Ordinance providing protection for 124, 126, 128 Power of Council — Posts for, to regulate use of streets for charter 18 Wires and poles for, to allow and regulate erection, etc., of “ 18 TELEPHONE. American Tel. and Dist. Tel. Co. Franchise — Interference with poles, wires or apparatus of, not allowed . 163, 165 THE UNITED STATES ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND POWER CO — (See ‘‘United States Electric Lighting and Power Co.”) THEATRES. Aisles and passage-ways in, stools, etc,, in, when unlawful . . 139-140 Bar-rooms, not allowed in 332 Closed at midnight, to be, where musical instruments played . . 337 License, amount of, for each class, etc 95 Wines, spirituous and malt liquors, may be sold in, when, etc . . 317 THEATRICAL EXHIBITIONS. Power of council to license, tax, regulate and restrain . . charter 13 THE TRANSCONTINENTAL STREET RAILWAY CO. Street railway franchise on G, N. Third, Third and ,S. 'I'hird sts. 197 Street railway franchise on N. 13th and S streets 2041; Street railway franchise on Morrison, Ninth and Montgomery sts. 242 Street railway franchise on Yamhill, Front and Morrison streets, 257 THISTLES, Agents, required to move, etc., after notice published 307 Chief of police to enforce ordinance requiring removal of . . . 307 TIMBERS, ETC. Dragging of, on streets, unlawful without permit 334 TRACKS. Power of council to permit, allow and regulate laying of, for street cars and railroads ... charter 18 Power of council to prohibit more than one, on streets not more than sixty feet wide charter 17 666 REGULAR INDEX. Pager, TRADES, ETC. Power of council to license and regulate such, as public good requires charter 19 TRAFFIC. Power of council to control and limit, on streets ... charter 18 TRANSPARENCIES. Height, to be placed not less than 9 feet above sidewalk .... 182 Ordinance relating to obstructions of streets 204^? Suspension of, over sidewalk prohibited 182 TRAP DOORS. In floors, where hoistways or wellholes, to be closed at night . . 140 TREASURER, CITY. Absence from city, permit for, etc charter 1 1 Account of receipts and expenditures, to file quarterly . . “ 22 Accounts, to keep with general fund, separate with special, “ 21 Election of, when held and who to vote at “ 8 Exhibit to be referred to com. on W. & M. and published ... 351 Monies, must receive, keep and pay out, on warrant . . charter 21 Monies paid, to be in U. S. gold coin 89 Notice, to give, by publication requiring payment of taxes, etc . 91 Salary of, ^i,200.per year, and how paid 350 Taxes, is receiver of charter 21 Tax roll, auditor to deliver over to, when accepted 91 Tax roll, to publish notice of receipt of 91 Tax roll, to return, after 30 days, return to state what 91 Tax roll, to return within 5 days after time limited . . charter 46 Vacancy in Office of — Absence, when caused by charter 1 1 Warrants, to cancel when paid, what to write on etc 351 TREASURY. Appropriation for money in, to be by ordinance, etc. . . charter 49 Money not to be drawn from, without appropriation, etc. . “ 49 Moneys paid into, to be U. S. gold coin 89 TRENCHES. Excavation of, for laying gas and sewer pipes, how filled. . . 215 TRESPASS. Power of council, to prevent and punish charter 15 Upon property, real and personal, public and private, unlawful . 329 REGULAR INDEX. 667 Page. TRUCKS. Backing up, to curb of sidewalk without permit, unlawful . . , 337 Hand, not to be wheeled on sidewalk 333 License required of, as vehicle 99 Wheels of, to be securely locked when left standing 330 TURPENTINE. Boiling of, in city to be done in open space, thirty feet from building, etc. . 1 39 UNDERTAKING. Appeal from police court, what necessary on charter 27 On appeal from assessment of viewers opening streets, what “ 35 UNITED STATES ELECTRIC LIGHTING & POWER CO. Ordinance authorizing contract with, for street lighting .... 217 Ordinance authorizing additional electric lights 234 VACANCIES IN OFFICE. Caused how, generally charter 10, ii VACANT PROPERTY. Owner or agent of, required to remove thistles and caterpillars when ... 306 Street assessments on, assessed to unknown owner . . . charter 39 VACATIONS— STREETS. Ordinance vacating “C” street, west of North Eighteenth ... 169 Ordinance vacating portions of Vine and First streets 235 VACCINATION. Captain of ship must allow physician to board vessel for purposes of, etc., when 319 Physician, to be appointed by board of health and confirmed by council to vaccinate foreign immigrants, etc 320 See Health Ordinance No. 3004 31 1 VAGRANTS. Ordinance providing punishment for, and defining 339 Power of council to provide for support, restraint, etc., of . charter 15 VEGETABLES. Decayed, unsound or unwholesome, not to be offered for sale . . 317 Nuisance, refuse, not to accumulate, so as to cause 308 Putrid or stinking, where not to be thrown, etc 316 ?.l 1 ,M V r 668 REGULAR INDEX. Page. VEHICLES. Backing up to sidewalk, by what, unlawful 337 Bodies of persons dying of disease, vehicle carrying, to be marked 315 Corpse of small-pox patient not allowed in, without permit ... 315 Dirt, sand, gravel, etc., carrying, to be so constructed as not to leak 337 Fires, going to or coming from, not to obstruct fire apparatus . . 128 License, drawn by one animal or more, amount of 99 Number of license to be placed on each side of, size of, etc. . . 99 Power of council to license, tax and regulate, and regulate use of streets and highways for charter 14, 17 Sidewalks and crossings, not to be drawn nor to stand on . . 204^5, 333 Wheeled, not to be, on cross or sidewalk, except hand carriages . 333 VESSELS. Anchoring of, regulations concerning 357 Explosives for blasting, having on board, not to enter city except to pass through . . . 285 From foreign ports, passengers to be vaccinated, etc., when . . . 319 Mooring of, at docks, licensed wharfingers to regulate, etc . . . 282 Portable light in hold of, to be enclosed in lantern, etc ... . 137 Power of council to assess and collect harbor dues from . charter 16 VIEWERS. Appointment of, qualifications, what notice to be given of . charter 32 Assessment of Damages and Benefits by — Lessees and owners, liable for, how made charter 33 Report of, to be filed and entered in docket of city liens . . “ 34 Separate fund, moneys arising on to be kept in .... “ 34 Compensation of, same as referee in courts of record . . “ 34 Oath, to take, what to contain “ 33 Qualifications of “ 32 Report of damages and benefits, council may set aside when 34 VOTERS. Qualifications, must reside in city 6 months, in ward 10 days, etc charter 8 WAGONS— (See Vehicles.) WALL. Buildings in fire limits, how constructed in 133 Party wall, lease of south wall of Willamette Engine Co. to J. A. Strowbridge as 129 WARDS. Boundaries of — Change in, does not create vacancy charter ii Defined • . “ 6 REGULAR INDEX. 669 Page. WARDS. — Continued. Councilmen from, how elected and term of charter 7 Elections in, council to designate place of “ 8 Number of, council may increase “ 7, 49 WARRANTS. Assessments, when to issue for, force and effect of, executed how charter 40 Attested by auditor, signed by mayor “ 22 Auditor to draw on fire dept, fund on requisition of board ... 371 Auditor to draw on treasury and attest charter 22 Auditor to report number drawn each month 117 Cancellation of, auditor to cancel uncalled for, after 6 years . . 90 Cancellation of. Treasurer to cancel when paid, what to write on 351 Expenditures of small-pox hospital, auditor to draw for, when . 301 Payments, when made by for street work, how claims presented 222 Rent of stables to be drawn monthly for 116 Roorns, in Dekum’s building, to be drawn monthly for .... 116 Salaries — First of each month auditor to draw what 116 First of each quarter auditor to draw what 116 Officers of paid fire dept., mayor and auditor to draw when . . 371 One warrant for overseer street cleaning department .... 117 Taxes — Alias warrant for collection of, when may issue .... charter 48 Delivered to chief of police, to be, by auditor, for, when . . 91 Directed to chief of police and executed by, for, to be . charter 46 WASH-HOUSES. License of, $5 per quarter, definition of 108 Power of council to control, regulate and exclude from city limits or any part thereof charter 17 WATER. City Water Works — Act creating committee for erection and maintainance of . charter 52 Commissioners, how selected “ 54 Committee composed of whom “ 52 Powers, authority, duties of, etc “ 52-58 Coffin, Stephen, et al. — Franchise 65 Hydraulic Elevator Co., Franchise — Ordinance granting 189 Ordinance directing contract with, for . . . . • . . 130, 141, 142 WATER MAINS. Rreakage or leakage, repair of, without giving bond ..... 210c Manner of laying, bond given for, etc 210c Superintendent of streets to personally supervise laying of ... . 210a 6/0 REGULAR INDEX. Page. WATER MAINS. — Continued. Trenches — Excavation of, for, how filled 215 Superintendent of streets to enforce ordinance regulating . . . 216 WATER WORKS. City may purchase property for .... charter 52 City water works, authority of committee to erect and main- tain charter 52 to 58 WEAPONS. Dangerous, drawing upon person of another unlawful .... 326 Deadly, carrying in concealed manner, by other than peace officer unlawful 328 Power of council to prohibit carrying deadly, concealed . charter 16 WEIDLER, GEO. W. Franchise to erect poles, etc., in streets for electric lights . . . 190 WEIDLER, GEO. W., AND ROBT. IRVING. Franchise for street railway. North Front, Second and other streets 245 (See title “Street Railways.”) WHARF. Construction of, ordinance regulating 281 Explosive compounds for blasting, stored on, for shipment, to be immediately loaded 286 Who not to go upon, without consent of owner, etc 318 WHARFINGERS. Definition of, license, 99 Power of council to license and tax charter 13 Vessels — Mooring of, at docks, etc., to be regulated by 282 WHARF LINE. From old north boundary line, north 296 From old north boundary line, south 274 Permits for driving piles to conform to 274, 296 Power of council to establish charter 16 Wharves — Built, to conform within 6 years where 298 Built, to conform within 10 years where • 277 Permits for construction of to conform to 276, 298 REGULAR INDEX. 671 Page, WHARF PRIVILEGES. Block 71, wharf in front ol, regulations concerning 265 Block 72, lot I hi, wharf in front of, etc 73 Block 72, lots 3 and 4 in, wharf in front of, etc 283 Block 73, lots I, 2 and N. of 3 in wharf in front of, etc. ^ . . 262 Block 73, S. yi of lot 4 in, wharf in front of, etc. ... 73 Block 74, lots I, 2, and N. ^ of 3 in, wharf in front of, etc. . . 268 Block 74, lots 4 and S. ^ of 3 in, wharf in front of, etc. . . . 264 Block 75, lots I and 2 in, wharf in front of, etc 295 Block 75, lots 3 and 4 in, wharf in front of, etc 292 Block 76, lots 3 and 4 in, wharf in front of, etc 273, 279 Block 77, S. Y2 of lot 2 in, wharf in front of, etc 272 Block 77, lots 3 and 4 in, wharf in front of, etc 270 Block 78, wharf in front of, etc 260 Block 79, lot 2 in, wharf in front of, etc 286 Block 79, lots 3 and 4 in, wharf in front of, etc 267 Block 80, wharf in front of, etc 290 Block 81, lots I, 2, 3, and N. ^ of 4 in, wharf in front of, etc. . 269 Block 81, wharf in front of, etc 287 Block loi, wharf in front of, etc 289 Couch’s add., block 3, lots 3 and 4, wharf in front of, etc?. . . 261 Couch’s add., block 318, lots i, 2, 3 and 4, wharf in front of, etc. 262 Couch’s add., block 318, lots 12 to 17 and S. ^ of 18, wharf in front of, etc • 285 Couch’s add., block 318, lots 19 to 24 and N. Yi of 18, wharf in front of, etc. . 29I Distillery block, wharf, etc., in front of, regulations, etc 261 O. S. N. Co. block, wharf, etc., in front of, regulations, etc. . . 293 Rines, John, & Co., wharf, etc., in front of block 80, regulations, 190 Stephens, James B., and Walter Moffett, wharf, etc., in front of lot I, block 72, and S. of lot 4, block 73 73 WHARVES. Applications to build, to be signed by owner, what to contain . . 281 Construction of, ordinance regulating, generally 281 Hack drivers, hotel runners, etc., not allowed on, without per- mission, etc 318 Rate of speed on, for team, etc., not to be faster than a walk . , 319 Removal of, supt. of streets to cause when 282 WHISTLES. Steam railroad, not to be blown in city limits except, etc. . . . 348 WILLAMETTE RIVER. Bathing in, unlawful between the hours of 334 Debris, slabs and sawdust not to be thrown in, or on bank of, in city. 357 6/2 REGULAR INDEX. WILLAMETTE RlYER.—Co;t^inued. Ordinance regulating driving of piles in, for wharf purposes . . 281 Power of council, driving piles in, to regulate charter 16 Power of council, obstructions in, to prevent and remove . “ 16 Power of council to levy tax for dredging the bars of . . “ 50 Vessels anchoring in, regulations concerning WILLIAMS STREET. Ordinance declaring extension of 21 1 WINE. (See titles “Liquors” and “Bar Rooms and Drinking Shops.”) WIRES. Am. Tel. and Dist. Telegr. Co., to move, to enable building to pass when i5^ Power of council, electric light, to allow and regulate erection and maintainance of, for charter 18 WITNESS. Investigation by council or committee, penalty for refusing to at- tend or be sworn at WOOD. Sidewalks, cutting, sawing and splitting, on, on improved streets unlawful • 2^1 Streets, etc., may be piled in, 15 hours for each cord, not over ten days in all 204^ WOMEN. Bar-rooms, etc., not to act as waitress, sing or dance, etc., in . 105, 332 WORK HOUSES AND HOUSES OF CORRECTION. Power of council, erection of, to provide for, etc charter 6, 16 Power of council, prisoners, to provide for working in . . “ 19 WRIT OF REVIEW. Contest for office of mayor or councilman, lies in . . . charter 9 Not to be taken in city matters unless ordered by council . . . 355 YARD. U. S. standard, com. on S. & P. P. to purchase as standard, etc . 207 YEAS AND NAYS. Entry of, in journal, on adjournment, four members must call for charter 12 Entry of, in journal, on call of two members, when . . . “ 12 -■S' V *' • i •I. • »> » .^ ■ y 4 H - ,v ■■^ % ■• i> A ' 1 4 . A » 1 - <« ' f -# i * iri. f.* tV* m ■■“ O' V / ♦ < i» ■ r ■V ' 4 . •A . ■ ■m . ' *<<^7 • • « , r > ; 1 , ■c. f-