THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY (JHiVES^SIW OF iLLiWOlS at iiR3AHA-GHAMPA!6M STACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates Cl)etl)am ESTABLISHED M.DCCC.XLIII. FOE THE PUBLICATION OF HISTORICAL AND LITERARY REMAINS CONNECTED WITH THE PALATINE COUNTIES OF LANCASTER AND CHESTER. RULES OF THE CHETHAM SOCIETY 1. That the Society shall be limited to three hundred and fifty members. 2. That the Society shall consist of members being subscribers of one pound annually, such subscrip- tion to be paid in advance, on or before the day of general meeting in each year. The first general meeting to be held on the 23rd day of March, 1843, and the general meeting in each year afterwards on the 1st day of March, unless it should fall on a Sunday, when some other day is to be named by the Council. 3. That the affairs of the Society be conducted by a Council, consisting of a permanent President and Vice-President, and twelve other members, including a Treasurer and Secretary, all of whom shall be elected, the first two at the general meeting next after a vacancy shall occur, and the twelve other members at the general meeting annually. 4. That the accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the Society be audited annually, by three auditors, to be elected at the general meeting ; and that any member who shall be one year in arrear of his subscription, shall no longer be considered as belonging to the Society. 5. That every member not in arrear of his annual subscription, be entitled to a copy of each of the works published by the Society. 6. That twenty copies of each work shall be allowed to the editor of the same, in addition to the one to which he may be entitled as a member. Applications and communications to he addressed to the Honoeaet Seceetaey, C. W. Sutton Esq., Free Reference Library^ Manchester. PUBLICATIONS OF THE CHETHAM SOCIETY. VOL, First year (184 3-4) . I. Travels in Holland, the United Provinces, England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1634-1635. By Sir William Brereton, Bart. Edited by Edward Hawkins, Esq., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.L.S. yf. viii, 206, II. Tracts relating to Military Proceedings in Lancashire during the Great Civil War. Edited and Illustrated from Contemporary Documents by George Ormerod, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S., author of “ The History of Cheshire.” yy. xxxii, 372. III. Chester’s Triumph in Honor of her Prince, as it was performed upon St. George’s Day 1610, in the foresaid Citie. Reprinted from the original edition of 1610, with an Introduction and Notes. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Corser, M.A. yy. xviii, 36. Second year ( 1 844-5). IV. The Life of Adam Martindale, written by himself, and now first printed from the original manu- script in the British Museum. Edited by the Rev. Richard Parkinson, B.D., Canon of Manchester. yp. xvi, 246. V. Lancashire Memorials of the Rebellion, 1715, By Samuel Hibbert-Ware, M.D., F.R.S.E., &c. pp. X, 56, and xxviii, 292. VI. Potts’s Discovery of Witches in the county of Lancaster. Reprinted from the original edition of 1613 ; with an Introduction and Notes by James Crossley, Esq. pp. Ixxx, 184, 52. Third year (1845-6). VII. Iter Lancastrense, a Poem written a.d. 1636, by the Rev. Richard James. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Corser, M.A. yp. cxii, 86. Folding Pedigree. VIII. Notitia Cestriensis, or Historical Notices of the Diocese of Chester, by Bishop Gastrell. Cheshire, Edited by the Rev. F. R. Raines, M.A., F.S.A. Vol. I. py. xvi, .396. Plate. IX. The Norris Papers. Edited by Thomas Heywood, Esq., F.S.A. yy. xxxiv, 190. Fourth year (1846-7). X. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Edited by W. A. Hulton, Esq. Vol. I. yy. xl, 338. Plate. XI. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Vol. II. py. 339-636. XII. The Moore Rental. Edited by Thomas Heywood, Esq., F.S.A. yp. Ixx, 158. Fifth year (1847-8). XIII. The Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington. Edited by J as. Crossley, Esq. Vol. I. py. viii, 398. XIV. The Journal of Nicholas Assheton. Edited by the Rev. F. R. Raines M.A. , F.S.A. ^,164. XV. The Holy Lyfe and History of Saynt Werburge, very frutefull for all Christen People to rede. Edited by Edward Hawkins, Esq. pp. xxviii, 10, 242. Sixth year ( 1 848-9). XVI. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Vol. III. pp.x\\-\iv, 637-936. XVII. Warrington in 1465. Edited by William Beamont, Esq. pjo.lxxviii, 152. XVIII. The Diary of the Rev. Henry Newcome, from September 30, 1661, to September 29, 1663. Edited by Thomas Heywood, Esq., F.S.A. pp. xl, 242. Seventh year (1849-50). XIX. Notitia Cestriensis. Vol. II. Part I. Lancashire, Part I. yp iv, 160, xxviii. XX. The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey. Vol. IV, (Conclusion), p^, 937- 1314. XXI. Notitia Cestriensis. Vol. II. Part II. Lancashire, Part II. pp. Ixxvii, 161-352. Plate. Eighth year (1850-1). XXII. Notitia Cestriensis. Vol. II. Part III. Lancashire, Part III, ((Conclusion). 23 ^. 353-621. XXIII. A Golden Mirrour ; conteininge certaine pithie and figurative visions prognosticating good fortune to England, &lc. By Richard Robinson of Alton. Reprinted from the only known coj^ of th<* original edition of 1589 in the British Museum, with an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. Thomas Corser, M.A., F.S.A. yp. xxii, 10, 96. 3 Publications of the Chet ham Society, VOL XXIV. Chethain Miscellanies. Vol. I. Edited by William Langton, Esq. : containing Papers connected with the affairs of Milton and his Family. Edited by J. F. Marsh, Esq. 46. Plate. Epistolary Reliques of Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquaries, 1653-73. Communicated by George Ormkkod, D.C.L., F. R.8., F.S.A., and F.G.S. pp.\Q. Calendars of the Names of Families which entered their several Pedigrees in the successive Heraldric Visitations of the County Palatine of Lancaster. Communicated by George Ormerod, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.^>.A., and F.G.S. pp. 26. A Fragment, illustrative of Sir Wra. Dugdale’s Visitation of Lancashire. From MSS. in the possession of the Rev. F. R. Raines, M.A., F.S.A. pp. 8. Autobiographical Tracts of Dr. John Dee, Warden of the College of Manchester. Edited by Jamks Chossley, Esq. iv, 84. Visitations temp. Hen. VIII. The Ahhaye of Whawley (for insertion in Whalley Coucher Book), Ninth year ( 1851 - 2 ). XXV. Cardinal Allen’s Defence of Sir William Stanley’s Surrender of Deventer. Edited by Thomas Heywood, Esq., F.S.A. pp. c, 38. XXVI. The Autobiography of Henry Newcorae, M. A. Edited by Rd. Parkinson, D.D., F.S.A. Vol. I. pp . XXV 184. XXVII. The Autobiography of Henry Newcome, M.A. Vol. II. (Conclusion), pp. 185-390. Tenth year ( 1852 - 3 ). XXVIII. The Jacobite Trials at Manchester in 1694. Edited by William Beamont, Esq. pp.xc,, 132 XXIX. The Stanley Papers, Part I. The Earls of Derby and the Verse Writers and Poets of the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries. By Thomas Heywood, Esq., F.S.A. pp. 64. XXX. Documents relating to the Priory of Penwortham, and other Possessions in Lancashire of the Abbey of Evesham. Edited by W. A. Hulton, Esq. pp. Ixxviii, 136. Eleventh year ( 1853 - 4 ). XXXI. The Stanley Papers, Part II. The Derby Household Books, comprising an account of the Household Regulations and Expenses of Edward and Henry, third and fourth Earls of Derby ; together with a Diary, cont nning the names of the guests who visited the latter Earl at his houses in Lancashire: by William Farrington, Esq., the Comptroller. Edited by the Rev. F. R. Raines, M. A , F.S.A. pp. xcviii, 247. Five Plates. XXXII. The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John Byron. Edited by Richard Parkinson, D.l)., F.S.A. Vol I. Part 1. pp. x, 320 Portrait. XXXIII. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories from the Ecclesiastical Court, Chester. The First Portion. Edited by tbe Rev. G. J. Piccope, M.A. pp. vi, 196. Twelfth year ( 1854 - 5 ). XXXIV. The Private Journal and Literal v Remains of John Byrom. Vol. I. Part II. pp. 321-639. XXXV. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall. Edited by John Harland, Esq., F.S.A. Parti, pp. 232. Frontispiece. XXXVI. The Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington. Vol. II. Part I. pp. 248. Thirteenth year ( 1 855 - 6 ). XXXVII. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. II. Edited by William Langton, Esq. : containing The Rights and .Jurisdiction of the County Palatine of Chester, the Earls Palatine, the Chamber- lain, and other Officers. Edited by Joseph Brooks Yates, F.A.S., G.S., and P.S. pp. 37. The Scottish Field. (A Poem on the Battle of Flodden.) Edited by John Robson, Esq. pp. xv, 28. Examynatyons towcheynge Cokeye More, Temp. Hen. VIII. in a dispute between the Lords of the Manors of Middleton and* Radclyffe. Communicated by the Rev. F. R. Raines, M.A., F.S.A. pp. 30. A History of the Ancient Chapel of Denton, in Manchester Parish. By the Rev. John Booker, M. A., F.S.A. pp.viii, 148. Three Plates. A Letter from .John Bradshawe of Gray’s Inn to Sir Peter Legh of Lyme. Edited by William Langton, Esq. pp. 8. Facsimile of a Deed of Richard Bussel to Church of Evesham ( for insertion in vol. xxx ). XXXVIII. Bibliographical Notices of the Church Libraries of Turton and Gorton bequeathed by Humphrey Chetham. Edited by Gilbert J. French, Esq. pp. 199. Illustrated Title. XXXIX. The Farington Papers. Edited by Miss ffakington. pp.xvi, 179. Five plates of Signatures. 4 Publications of the Chetham Society, VOL. Fourteenth year ( 1 856-7). XL. The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John Byrora. Vol. II. Part I. 326 and two Indexes. XLI. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall. Part II. fp. 233-472. Portrait. XLII. A History of the Ancient Chapels of Didsbury and Chorlton, in Manchester Parish, including Sketches of the Townships of Didsbury, Withington, Burnage, Heaton Norris, Reddish, Levenshulme, and Chorlton-cum-Hardy: together with Notices of the more Ancient Local Families, and Particulars relating to the Descent of their Estates. By the Rev. John Booker, M.A., F.S.A. pp. viii, 337. Seven Illustrations. Fifteenth year (1857-8). XLIII. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall. Part III. pp. x, 473-776. XLIV. The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John Byrom. Vol. II. Part II. pp. 327-654. Byrom Pedigrees, pp. 41 and three folding sheets; Index, pp. v. XLV. Miscellanies : being a selection from the Poems and Correspondence of the Rev. Thos. Wilson, B.D., of Clitheroe. With Memoirs of his Life. By the Rev. Canon Raines, M.A., F.S.A. pp. xc, 230. Two Plates. Sixteenth year (1858-9). XLVI. The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall. Part IV. (Con~ elusion), pp. 777-1171. XLVII. A History of the Ancient Chapel of Birch, in Manchester Parish, including a Sketch of the Township of Rusholme ; together with Notices of the more Ancient Local Families, and Particulars relating to the Descent of their Estates. By the Rev. John Booker, M.A., F.S.A. pp. viii, 255. Four Plates. XLVIII. A Catalogue of the Collection of Tracts for and against Popery (published in or about the reign of James II.) in the Manchester Library founded by Humphrey Chetham; in which is incorporated, with large Additions and Bibliographical Notes, the whole of Peck’s List of the Tracts in that Controversy, with his References. Edited by Thomas Jones, Esq. B.A. Part I. pp. xii, 256. Seventeenth year ( 1 859-60). XLIX. The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts. The Civil and Military Govern- ment of the County, as illustrated by a series of Royal and other Letters ; Orders of the Privy Council, the liord Lieutenant, and other Authorities, &c., &c. Chiefly derived from the Shuttleworth MSS. at Gawthorpe Hall, Lancashire. Edited by John Harland, Esq., F.S.A. Part I. pp. exx, 96. Seven Plates. L. The Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts. Part II. ( Conclusion), pp. 97-333. LI. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories from the Ecclesiastical Court, Chester. The Second Portion, pp. vi, 283. Eighteenth year ( 1 860-1 ). LII. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica : or, A Bibliographical and Descriptive Catalogue of a portion of a Col- lection of Early English Poetry, with occasional Extracts and Remarks Biographical and Critical. By the Rev. Thomas CousEK, M.A., F.S.A., Rural Dean; Rector of Stand, Lancashire; and Vicar of Norton, Northamptonshire. Parti, pp. xi, 208. LTII. Mamecestre: being Chapters from the early recorded History of the Barony, the Lordship or Manor, the Vill Borough or Town, of Manchester. Edited by John Harland, Esq., F.S.A. Vol. I. vp- 207. Frontispiece. I.tV . l., ,oc&3hii-e and Cheshire Wills and Inventories from the Ecclesiastical Court, Chester. The Third Portion. (Conclusion), pp.v.272. Nineteenth year (1861-2). LV. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part II. pp. vi, 209-456. LVI. Mamecestre. Vol. II. pp. 209-431. LVII. Chetham Miscellanies. Vol. III. Edited by William Langton, Esq. : containing On the South Lancashire Dialect, with Biographical Notices of John Collier, the author of Tim Bobbin. By Thos. Hey wood, Esq. pp. 84 Rentale de Cokersand : being the Bursar’s Rent Roll of the Abbey of Cokersand, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, for the year 1501. Printed from the Original. Edited by the Rev. F. R. Raines, M.A., F.S.A. pp. xviii, 46. 5 Publications of the Chetham Society. T UL.# The Names of all the Gentlemen of the best callin^e w'^'in the countye of Lancastre, whereof choyse ys to be made of a c’ten number to lend vnto her Ma‘y® moneye vpon privie seals in Janvarye 1588. From a manuscript in the possession of the Rev. F. R. Raines, M.A., F.S.A. pjo. 9. Some Instruction given by William Booth FiSquire to his stewards John Carington and William Rowcrofte, upon the purchase of Warrington by Sir George Booth Baronet and William Booth his son, A.D. MDCXViii. Communicated by William Beamont, Esq. 'p]p. 8. Letter from Sir John Seton, Manchester y« 25 M’ch, 1643. Edited by Thomas Heywood, Esq., F.S.A. f-p. 15. The Names of eight hundred inhabitants of Manchester who took the oath of allegiance to Charles II. in April, 1679. Communicated by John Hakland, F.S.A. pp. 8. The Pole Booke of Manchester, May y' 22'^ 1690. Edited by William Langton, Esq. pp. 43. Map and folding Table. Twentieth year ( 1862 - 3 ). LVIII. Mamecestre. Vol. III. (Conclusion.) xl, 433-627. LIX. A History of the Chantries within the County Palatine of Lancaster : being the Reports of the Royal Commissioners of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Queen Mary. Edited by the Rev. F. R. R.aines, M.A., F.S.A. Vol. I. pp. xxxix, 168. LX. A History of the Chantries within the County Palatine of Lancaster, &c. Vol. II. ( Conclusion), pp. 169-323. Twejity-first year ( 1863 - 4 ). General Index to the Remains Historical and Literary published by the Chetham Society, vols. I-XXX. pp. viii, 168. LXI. I. Abbott’s Journal. II. An Account of the Tryalls &c. in Manchester in 1694. Edited by the Rt. Rev. Alexander Goss, D.D. pp. xix, 32 ; xxi, 42 ; 5. LXII. Discourse of the Warr in Lancashire. Edited by William Beamont, Esq. pjo. xxxiv, 164. Two Plates. Twenty-second year ( 1864 - 5 ). LXIII. A Volume of Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester in the Sixteenth Century. Compiled and edited by John Hakland, F.S.A. pp. xix, 208. Frontispiece. LXIV. A Catalogue of the Collection of Tracts for and against Popery. Part II. To which are added an Index to the 'Fracts in both editions of Gibson’s Preservative, and a reprint of Dodd’s Certamen, Ctriusque Ecclesise. Edited by Thomas Jones, Esq., B.A. pp. x, 269, 17. LXV. Continuation of the Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester, a.d. 1586-1602. By John Harland, Esq. pp. viii, 128. Twenty-third year ( 1865 - 6 ). LXVI. The Stanley Papers. Part III. Private Devotions and Miscellanies of James seventh earl of Derby, K.G., with a prefatory Memoir and Appendix of Documents. Edited by the Rev. Canon R AiNES, M.A ., F.S.A. Vol. I. i-ccviii. Four Plates. LXVII. The Stanley Papers. Part III. Vol. 2. jop. ccix-cccxcv. Four Plates. LXVI 1 1 . Collectanea relating to Manchester and its Neighbourhood, at various periods. Compiled, arranged and edited by John Harland, F.>.A. Vol. I. pp. viii, 258. Tweitty -fourth year ( 1866 - 7 ). LXIX. The Admission Register of the Manchester School, with some Notices of the more distinguished Scholars. Edited by the Rev. Jekemiah Finch Smith, M.A. , Rector of Aldridge, Staffordshire, and Rural Dean. Vol. I., from a.d. 1730 to a.d. 1775. pp. viii, 253 LXX. The Stanley Papers. Part III. Vol. 3. (Conclusion,. ) pp. 112 and 65. Frontispiece. LXXI. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. Part III. pp.x,282. Twe}ity-fifth year ( 1867 - 8 ). LXXII. Collectanea relating to Manchester and its neighbourhood. Vol. IT. pp. viii. 2.52. LXX I II. The Admission Register of the Manchester School, with some Notices of the more dis- tingui.^hed Scholars. Vol. II., from a.d. 1775 to April a.d. 1807. pp. v, 302. LXXIV. Three Lancashire Documents of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, namely: I. The Great De Lacy Inquisition, Feb. 16, 1311. II. Survey of 1320-1346. III. Custom Roll and Rental of the manor of Ashton-under-Lyne. 1421. Edited by .Tohn Harland, Esq., F.S.A. pp. xiii, 140. 6 Publications of the Chetham Society. VOL. Twenty sixth year (i 868-9). LXXV. Lancashire Funerals Certificates. Edited by Thomas William King, Esq., F.S.A., York Herald. With ad PREFACE, ' I ^ H E Chetham Society was established in 1843 the publication of Historical and Literary Remains connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester, and the first series of its publications consists of 1 14 volumes, and two volumes of Index. A General Index to the first thirty volumes was issued in 1863, and it was felt that the completion of the first series was the proper occasion for the preparation of an Index to the remaining volumes. The volumes covered by the present General Index are : Vol. XXXI, LXVI, LX VI I, LXX. The Stanley Papers. XXXII, XXXIV, XL, XLIV. Private Journal of John Byrom. XXXIII, LI, LIV. Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories. XXXV, XLI, XLIII, XLVI. Shuttleworth Accounts. XXXVI, CXIV. Diary of John Worthington. XXXVII, LVII, LXXXIII, XCVI, CIII. Chetham Miscel- lanies. XXXVIII. Chetham’s Church Libraries. XXXIX. Farington Papers. XLI I. Ilistoiy of Did.sbury and Chorlton. IV Preface. Vol. XLV. Wilson’s Miscellanies. XLVII. History of Birch Chapel. XLVIII, LXIV. Chetham Library Popery Tracts Catalogue. XLIX, L. Lancashire Lieutenancy under the Tudors and Stuarts. LII, LV, LXXI, LXXVII, XCI, C, Cl, CII, CVI, CVIII, CXI. Collectanea Anglo-Poetica. LIII, LVI, LVIII. Mamecestre. LIX, LX. Lancashire Chantries. LX I. Jacobite Trials, 1694. LXII. War in Lancashire. LXIII, LXV. Manchester Court Leet Records. LXVIII, LXXII. Manchester Collectanea. LXIX, LXXIII, XCIII, XCIV. Manche.ster Grammar School Register. LXXIV. Three Lancashire Documents, 14th and 15th Centuries. LXXV. Lancashire Funeral Certificates. LXXVI. Heywood’s Observations. LXXVIII, LXXIX, LXXX. Amicia Tracts. LXXXI. Lancashire Visitation, 1567. LXXXII. Lancashire Visitation, 1613. LXXXIV, LXXXV, LXXXVIII. Lancashire Visitation, 1664-5. LXXXVI, LXXXVII. Annals of Warrington. LXXXIX, XC. Dr. Farmer Chetham MS. XCI I. History of Kirk’ham. XCV, XCIX. Towneley Inquisitions. XCVH. History of Prestbury. XCVHI, CX. Visitation of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1533. CIV, CV. History of Garstang. CVH, CXIII. Lancashire Church Goods, 1552. CIX. Walworth Correspondence. CXH. De Lacy “ Compoti.” Preface. V A full list of the publications of the Chetham Society appears in the Prospectus bound up with the present volume. Some of the volumes were originally issued without indexes. These have now been supplied, and in other cases supplementary indexes have been prepared. The plan of the present General Index is simple. Like its predecessor, it is in effect a concordance of all the separate indexes. The references given are to the volume and not to the page. The reasons for this method were fully stated by its deviser, Mr. Charles Simms, the com- piler of the first General Index, and the only deviation made from his plan is that in references to persons, the Christian names have been set out instead of the surname only being given. GENERAL INDEX. VOLUMES 31-114- [THE NUMERALS INDICATE THE No. OF THE VOLUME.] A A. , 1 1 1 ; A. , B. , III; A. , Dr. , 1 1 1 ; | ., A., Mrs. D., Ill ; A., E. (printer), III; A., F. (printer), iii; A., H., Ill ; A., T., Ill ; A., J., iii; A., R. (prnter), iii. ALarbanal, Isaac, 114. Abassi, Prince, 1 14. Abbadie, Dr. J., 61. Abbey-Field, 94. Abbey-Hey, Gorton, 58. Abbey, John, of Aynetre, 60. Abbis, Chr. , iii. Abbot, or Abbott, Edmund, 39 ; Abp. Geo., 64, 90, III, 114; Henry, 105; Martin, 73 ; Mr., 44; Peter Jasper, 73; Richard, 61, 105; Bp. Robert, 64; William, 46, 54, 73. Abbot’s Hay and Hay Bank, 97. Abdie, Abigail and Anth., iii. Abdy, Sir T., 1 1 1. Abel, Alderman, ill; Thomas, 64. Aberfoyle, Perth, 94. Abelard on the Trinity, 40, 44. Abingdon, Mrs., 44. Abingdon, Book of, 80. Abingdon School, 91. Ablet, Captain, 72 ; Joseph, 73. Abney, Thomas de, 37. Abnetherton, Alice, no; John, no; Wm., no. Abolton, Robert, 113. Abraham, Abram, 50, 54; Cecelye, 82; Gilbert, 82 ; Isabel, 81, 82; Henry, 54; John, 47, 81, 82 ; Mary, 88 ; Nicholas, 60 ; Thomas, 50, 57, 88 ; William de, 95. Abraham, or Abram (place), 88. Abringham, Johannes, 99. Abyngdon, Henry, in. Aca, the clerk, 38. Accates, Cates, Caterer, 31. Acclamby, Nicholas, 99 ; Thomas, 99. Accrington, 58, 69, 81, 94, 103, 112; Chapel, 60; Forest, 50, 112; Grange, 112 ; Vaccary, 112. Ache, 82. Achelley, 94- Ardwick Green, 47, 69, 72, 94. Ardwick school, 47. Apes, ^Apes, BporoAotye, 44. Areskin, Mr., 44. Argali, 82, 88. Argameles, 58. Argentine, John, 60; Richard de, 58. Argoil, coarse cream of tartar, 58. Argosy, 50. Argyle, Marquis of, 39, 70, in, 1 14. Arie, R. J., 114. Arion’s Song, in. Ark, 46. Arkwright, Elizabeth, 105 ; Simeon, 73 ; William, 105 ; Sir Richard, 72. Arland, 95. Arley, 72, 78, 81, 82, 83, 96. Arley hall, 72. Arlington, Earl of, in. Armada, 50, in. Armagh, Usher, archbishop of, 54. Armathwaite, 94. Armefield, John, 54. Armelle Nicolas, La Vie de, 44. Armer, John, 105. Armestead, Tho., 92 ; Rev. Wm., 92, Armetriding, Rev. James, 45. 8 GENERAL INDEX. Armetryding, Ric. , 46. Armett, John, 73; Tho., 73. Armin, Rob., 61. Armistead, Rev. T. D., 105; Wm., 94; Rev. Wm. , 105 ; Mr., 92. Armitage, Sir Elkanah, 42; Geo., 94; John, 94 ; Jos. Taylor, 94. Armitstead, see Armistead. Armley, Armeley, hall, 82, no. A rmor of Proofe, ill. Armo}y, Book of, in. Armo 7 y, Use of , in. Armourer, 46. Arms, blazoning of, 80, in. Arms and Armour, 46, 50, 58. Armstead, 82. Armstrong, Archy, in. Armstrong, Joseph, 72, 94; Samuel, 44; Thomas, 70, 94. Army, army labourers, 50. Armyn, Armine, Sir Evers, 114; Lady Mary, 114; Sir Michael, 114; Sir Wm., 114. Arnall, Richard, 60. Arnauld, Anthony, 64. Arncliff, 88, 94. Arndt, John, 114. Arne, Dr., 72. Arneshead, 75. Arnold, Alice, in ; Dr., 94, 114 ; Mr., 44 ; Nicholas, in ; William, 69. Arnold’s Chronicle, in. Arnoldus, C. , 114. Arnull, Peter, 72. Arosmith, Willimus, 99. Arowesmithe, William, of Warrington, 58. Arpeley, 95. Arran, Earl of, 105. Arrows, 46, 50, 112. Arrowsmith, 74, 81 ; Agnes, 83 ; Alison, 83 ; Amice, 83 ; Dyot and Dinaria le, 112; Edmund, 75; Edward, no; Elizabeth, 83 ; Ellen, 54, 83 ; Father, 42 ; Gilbert, 83 ; Grace, 83 ; Hugh, 83 ; James, 69, 83, 114; Jane, 88; John, 69 ; Jonathan, 69 ; Margaret, 83 ; Ralph, 83; Richard, 54; Robert, 112; Simon, 61 ; Thomas, 69, 83, 94 ; William, 58, 69, 74, 83, 99. A rs adulandi, in. Arscot, John, 60. Arsenic, 46. Arslynge, 57. Arstall, James, 42 ; W., 57; Will., 42. Arstindall, James, sen. and jun., 47. A At asleep Husband, in. Arthington, Henry, in. Arthur, King, in. Arthur, Mr., 44; William, 105. Artichokes, 46. Artificers, wages of, 46. Artillery, 46, 50, 63 ; see also Archery. Artillery-men, 50. Artrobus, Ranulphe, 60. Artwright, James, Lawrence, Will., 105. Arundel, 81, 99, 1 10. Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury, 60 ; Earl and Countess of, 58, 70, 83, 88, 95, in ;John, 60, 92, 103 ; Sir Richard, 88 . Arwaker, Edmund, in. Asaveres, Zabres, 50. Asbrooke, John, 54. Asburner, Thomas. 31. Ascalon, 47. Ascham, 88. Ascham, Mr., 39 ; Roger, 64, in. Ascheton, John, 60; Dom. Will., 60. Aschyrste, Johannes, 57. Ascott, Sir Walter, 42. Ascough, Christopher, 60; John, 60; Matthewe, 60. Ascroft, Ascrofte, Henry, 105 ; Hugh, 113 ; Richard, 31 ; Will., 47, 54. Asden, William, 46. Asgarby, prebend of, 114. Ash, Henricus del, 95 ; Rev. Simon, 105 ; see also Ashe. Ash (timber), 46. Ashall, see Ashaw. Asham, Mr., in. Ashaw, Ashaw e, Ashehawe, Ashall, 31, 39, 50, 54, 81 ; manor, 39, 82, 99, 113. Ashaw, Ashawe, Ashall, Asshawe, Alice, 54, 96, 107, no, 113 ; Ann, 31; Anthony, 54, no; Elizabeth, no; George, 54; Jane, 60, no; Joan, 88, 99 ; Johane, 60 ; John, 50 ; Lawrence, 39, 54, no, 113; Leonard, 50, 54, 62, 88, 96, no; Margaret, 31, 96, no; Mr., 46, 75; Mrs., 54; Richard, 31; Roger, 54, 60, no; Thomas, 50, 54, 1 10 ; William, 54. Ashbourne, 44, 69, 94, in. Ashbourne, Thomas, 83. Ashbridge (musician), 72. Ashburner, Edward, 105 ; Robert, 105. Ashby de la Zouche, 81. Ashcroft, Henricus, 99; Will., 73. Ashe, Ed., 39; Robert, 60; Rev. Mr., 42 ; Mr., 57, 72. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 9 Ashecrofte in Heaton Norris, 58. Asheden, Miles and Robert, 46. Ashehow of the Hall (pedigree), 81, 82. Asheldon, Alice, no; Sir Rob., no. Asheley, see Ashley. Ashemale, William, 54. Ashemell, James, 54. Ashenhurst, Dr., 40, 44; Mr., 44; see also Assenhirste. Ashes, 46, 84 ; burned, 58 ; wood, 46. Asheton, 'iee Ashton. Asheworth, 63. Ashford, 81. Ashhurst, see Ashurst. Ashley, 37, 42, 47, 54, 58, 65, 69, 73, 83, 88 ; Duttons of, 80. Ashley-lane, Fields, 65. Ashley, Asheley, Cicely, 54, 107, 113 ; George, 54, 94 ; Hamnet, 78 ; T., 57 ; Sirjac., 39; John, 54, 78; Thomas, 465 57? 73 ; Mestres, 54. Ashleys, the, 65. Ashmalle, — , 88. Ashmole, Elias, 80, 88, in. Ashmore, John, in. Ashow, Laurence, 60, 99 ; Roger, 99. Ashowe, 82. Ashterley, 62. Ashtley, see Astley. Ashton, or Assheton, 95, 99. Ashton-by-Dutton, 94. Ashton lordship, tenants of ; see Tenants. Ashton-in-Makerfield, 54, 60, 69, 74, 84, 94, no. Ashton-under-Lyne, 37, 42, 47, 50, 54, 57, 58, 62, 63, 69, 73, 74, 81, 82, 84, 88, 93, 94, 96, 99, no, 113; manor, 6d. Ashton-under-Lyne church goods, 113. Ashton-upon- Mersey, Ashton Marsebank, 42, 54, 69. Ashton, West, 81. Ashton, West Derby, 50. Ashton with Stodday, 50. Ashton juxta Kella, 78, 80. Ashton juxta Lancaster, 50, 99. Ashton-hurst, 42. Ashton, Asheton, Assheton, 81, 82, 88 ; Abdias, 103, 107, 113; Adam, no; Agnes, 60, 99, no; Alexander, 46; Alice, 60, 96, 103, no; Ann, Anne, 37, 54, 96, 103, 105, no; Ann, wife of John Trafford, 31 ; Ann, wife of William, 31 ; Arthur, 31, 50, 54, 57, 96, 107, 113 ; Botham, 88 ; Cecil, 54; Charles, 69 ; Christian, 54 ; Dorothy, 54, 96, 103, 1 10 ; Dulcia, 60 ; Ed- mund, 37, 39, 50, 54, 57, 60, 70, 96, 103, 107, no, 113; Edmund of Chad- derton, 31, 42, 60, 70, 99 ; Sir Edmund, priest, 54; Edward, 50, 57, 73, 96, 113; Edw., rector of Middleton, 31, 54, 60; Eleanor, 105, no; Elizabeth, 31, 42, 45, 54, 88, 96 ; Ellen, 105, no; Emma, no; Frances, no; Francis, 39, 57; Geoffrey de, 37 ; George, 73 ; Gilbert, 58, 105, no; Grace, 31, 96; Hamlet, 54; Henry, 37, 54, 58, 70; Hugh, B. D. , 60, 96 ; Isaac, 96, 105; Isabella, 1 10 ; J., 57 ; James, 31, 39, 47, 50, 54, 60, 69, 96, 99, 103, no, 113; Jane, 54, 60, 96, 103 ; Johan, 95 ; Johanna, 99; John, 31, 39, 42, 44, 47, 50, 54, 57, 60, 63, 65, 76, 96, 99, 103, 105, 107, no, 113; John de, 47, 58, 68, 74, 103 ; Rev. John, 31, 54 ; Sir John, 47, 58, 60, 74 ; John of Penketh, 62 ; Katherine, 37, 96, 99, 103, no; Laur, 103; Leonard, no; Maister of Chad- derton, 60; Margaret, 31, 46, 76, 99, no ; Mary, 31, 37, 96, 105, no ; Lady Mary, 37 ; Morrys, 50 ; Nicholas, 60, 95, 99 1 Orme de, 68 ; Peter, 103 ; Piers de, 95 ; Radcliff, Ratcliffe, 39, 46, 54, 62, no; Ralph, 37, 46, 54, 57, 58, 69, 74, 99, 103, no, 113; Ralph, of Lever, 31, 50 ; Ralph, of Middleton, 39, 42, 50, 62, 74 ; Ralph, rector of Ashton, 42 ; Col. Ralph, 103 ; Sir Ralph, 31, 37, 39, 42, 44, 46, 47, 54, 62, 69, 75, 88, 92, 96, 103, 109, no; Ranlyn of, 74; Richard, 39, 42, 54, 57, 60, 69, 95, 96, 103, 105, no, 113 ; Richard de, de Mersey, 42 ; Richard, of Chaderton, 50 ; Richard, of Croston, 31, 39, 60, 75 ; Richard, of Downham, 50, 54 ; Richard, of Lever, 46, 50; Richard, of Middleton, 35, 44, 50, 54 ; Richard, of Sidney Sussex Coll., 103; Richard, of Whalley, 50 ; Rev. Richard, 42, 44, 45 ; Sir Richard, 37, 54, 57, 60, 103, 109; Robert, 37, 47, 50, 58, 72, 105, 109, no, 113; Rev. Robert, 42, 44, 60; Robin of, 74; Roger, no; Samuel, 37» 57. 73 ; Theophilus, 46, 96 ; Thomas, 42, 47, 50, 54, 57, 69, 113 ; Thomas de, 58, 68, 74 ; Sir Thomas, 37, 54, 60, no; Thomas, of Croston, 31, 50, 60; Thomas, of Herstbanke, 39 ; Thomas, of Preston, 69 ; Tony, 44 ; Walter, 94, 96 ; William, 42, 45, C 10 GENERAL INDEX. 46, 54, 61, 64, 69, 73, 80, 90, 96, 99, 103, 109 ; Dom, William, 60 ; William, rector of Prestwich, 42, 47 ; Rev, William, 44, 45, 54, 64, 69, 114; William, of Clegg, 54 ; Sir William, 60 ; William Henry, 73 ; Willimus de, 91; ; Captain, 39 : Colonel, 37 ; Ensign, 70; Lady, 44; Mr., 31, 45, 46, 54, 57 , 61, 75, 95 ; Mrs., 31, 46, 57, 114; Rev. Mr., 42. Ashton family, 81, 82, 88, 96, 103 ; of Ashton (ped. ), 81, 82, 88 ; of Bamfur- long (ped.), 82; of Chadderton (ped.), 8[, 88; of Croston (ped.), 60, 82, 88; of Great Lever (ped.), 81, 88; of Kirkby, 103 ; of Middleton (ped.), 81, 82, 88 ; of Penketh (ped.), 81, 82 ; of Shepley (ped.), 81, 88. Ashtrees, 112. Ashull, 82. Ashurst, Ashhurst, 82, 84, 85, 88. Ashurst, Ashhurst, Capt., 39 ; Dr., 44; Henry, 39, 50, 88; Jack, 70; Joshua, 70; W., 37; William, 42, 47, 50, 57; family (ped.), 88 . Ashwell, — , 114; George, 64. Ashworth, 42, 82, 84, 88, 95, 96. Ashworth chapel, 54, 61. Ashworth, — , 88; Abr., 69; Caleb, 47; Sir Ellis, priest, 54 ; Edw., 57 ; Grace, 96 ; James, 69; John, 69, 83, 94, 96; Joshua, 69; Lawrence, 69; Percy, 94; Richard Whitfield, 94; Rob., 69; Samuel, 94; Thomas, 69, 94 ; Thomas Alfred, 94; William, 94; Mr., 37. Aske, James, 52, iii; Sir Thomas, 54. Askeaton, Robert de, 83. Asker, — , 72 ; Richard, 105; Robert, 57. Askew, Dr., 44. Askewe, Anne, iii. Askewolde, Triamore, of Aughton, 60. Aslasbye, Nicholas, 105. Asley, Luke, 69 ; Thomas, 69. Asmall, Asmoll, Asmull, Adin, 1 13; Ambr., 37; George, 37; Henry, 57; Hugh, 60; Peter, 57; Richard, 54 ; see also Ashemale, Ashemele, Ashmalle. Aspall, 82. Asparsorium, the, 40, 44. Aspden, 82. Aspden, John, 96; Isabel, dau. of Ralph, 88 ; John, priest, 60, 103 ; Robert, 46 ; Roger, 54. Aspeinowle, William, clerk of the kitchen, 31 - Aspenhagh, Aspinhalph, Aspinaughe ; James, 96 ; John of the, 74; Johannes, 99; John, 54; Seth, 54. Aspenhalgh, 74. Aspenhall, — , 82, 88. Aspenwall, 99. Asperse, meaning of, 80. Aspell, James, 69, 94. Aspes, the, 88. Aspes, Robert, 60, 113. Aspinall, John, 45, 50, 69; Miles, 31 ; Richard, 54; Serjeant, 45; Thomas, 53. Aspinell, Christopher, 69. Aspinwall, Edward, 31, 54, 75, 96 ; George, 47; Hezekiah, 47; Miles, 96; William, 39, 54, 96; Dr., 44. Asppennight, Myles, 39. Aspull, 50, 57, 58, 63, 76, 88, 95, no. Aspull, Joane, iio; Thomas, no. Aspynhalgh ; see Aspenhagh, Aspinall, Aspinwall. Ass, the murmuring, 45. Assarted lands, 40, 58. Assarts, 63, 112. Assebroke, W. and Marg. de, 112. Asselum, Hugh de, 47. Assemblies, Manchester, 44, 72. Assenhirste, Elyas de, 112. Assessments, 46. Assewell, Roger de, 58. Asshaw, Asshagh, Asshawe, see Ashaw. Assheley, John, 54. Assheton, see Ashton-under-Lyne. Assheton, see Ashton. Assheworth, see Ashworth. Assheworth, Sir Ellis, 54. Asshowe ; see Ashow. Assize of bread and ale, 50, 58, 105. Assizes, 50. Assmoll, see Asmall. Astbrooke, 54. Astbrooke, John, 54. Astbury, 54, 69. Astbury, Randle de, 80. Astell, Ra., in. Asthurst, 88. Asthwate, Aschwayte, Asthwayte,'8i. Astle, 54, 69. Astle, James, 57. Astley, Asteley, Astlegh, 50, 54, 58, 60, 73, 74, 81, 84, 85, 88, 94, 95, 99, no; green, 46; hall, 36, 45. Astley, Astelaye, Astelie, — , 88 ; Rev. Adam, 105; Andrew, ni; Elizabeth, 82; Geffray, 46; George, no; Gilbert, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 11 96; Grace, 46; Hugh, iii; Hugo, 95; Sir Jacob, 39, 47; Jane, IIO; John, 46; Johannes de, 95 ; Thomas, 39, 50, 57, 95; Willimus, 99; Rev. Mr., 46; the equestrian, 68; the painter, 57 ; see also Asley. Astley, of Stakes (ped. ), 82, 88. Astmore, 112. Aston, Asseton, 47, 80, 81, 82, 88, 99, no, 1 12. Aston chapel, 42, 54, 60. Aston juxta Birmingham, 93. Aston, — , 81, 88 ; Anna, 1 10 ; Anne, 1 10 ; Arthur, 50 ; Sir Edward, 96; Capt. F., Ill; Frances, 96; Gilbert de, 31 ; John, 47, 54, 60 ; John Partington, 94; Joseph, 46, 68, 72; Molly, 44; Nic- holaus, 1 10 ; Orm. de, 42 ; Peter, 46 ; Ricardus de, 79 ; Richard, no ; Robert de, 42, 47; Thomas, 31, 54, 83, iiO; Thomas de, 58 ; Sir Thomas, 42, 44, 54» 75 ; Sir Walter, in ; Sir Willough- by, 31, 61 ; Mr., 44, 46 ; Mr. of Ches- hire, 31 ; Mrs., 31. Astona, Robert de, 42. Astonhurst, 58. Astreeals Tears, in. Astre, Astur, or Easter, 103. Astrolabie, in. Astrology, in. Astrology, Judicials of, 90. Astun, Orm. de, 42. Astwayte, 95. Aswort, Hen., 58. Asylls or Hazels, 103. Atcham, 42. Atchlow, T., in. Atham, 88. Atheleston, Michael, 103. Athersage, 94. Atherstone, 94. Atherswic, see Ardwick. Atherton, 58, 73, 74, 81, 82, 84, 88, 94, 95. 96, 99, IIO- Atherton fair, 46; Fair Master, 60; Little Master, 60. Atherton, Athur'ion, Alicia de, 95 ; Ather- ton Leigh, 73 ; Eleanor, of Kersal Cell, 37, 42, 44, 45, 54 ; Elizabeth, 31, 45; George, 54, 57, 75, 87, 88, 113; Hamlet, or Hamnet, 60 ; Hamo, 99 ; Harriet, 113; Harry, 72; Henry, 45, 58, 60, 99 ; Homfrey, 58 ; Isabel, 1 10 ; James, 46; Jane, 60; Joan, 60; John, 31, 39, 54, 58, 60, 75, 105, 113 ; Sir John, 50, 54, 60, 75, 105 ; Katerina, 95; Margaret, 60, 99; Nicholas, 60, 95 ; Petrus, 99 ; R. , 39 ; Rad’us, 99 ; Richard, 45, 54, 75, 95, 99, 105, 113; Richard Vernon, 45, nO; Robert, 60, 95 ; Robert Vernon, 54 ; Susanna, 95; Thomas, 54, 60, 99; Rev. William, 61 ; Sir William, 60 ; Willimus, 95, 99; Mr., 31, 60, 109; Mr. and Mrs., 75; Rev. Mr., 45 ; family, 81, 83, 88 (ped.), 96; see also Adcx\.on. Athol, 44, no. Atholl, James, duke of, 44, iiO; John, duke of, no. Athurton, see Atherton. Atiscros, hundred of, 80. Atkins, Elinor, 82. Atkins, Mrs., 72. Atkinson, — , 72, 82, 88; Agnes Eliza- beth, 92; Edward, 92; Ellen, 31 ; E. Dyson, 92; James, 105; John, 72, 74, 94, 105; J. H. G., 92; Leonard, 46; Michael, 73, 94; My., 39; Peter, 69 ; Richard, 95, 105 ; Robert, 105 ; Thomas, 60, 63 ; Mr., 37 ; the wife of Wilkyn, 74. Atkyns, Sir Robert, 64. Atkynson, see Atkinson. Atlas under Olympus, in. Atreus, in. Attebrigge, Rob., 112. Atterbury, Francis, 40, 44, 64, III. Attersbye, Anne, 54. Attorneys, fees of, 63. Attrabus, Ralph, chantry priest, 60. Atye, Arthur, 87. Aubrey, Friend, 44; John, 114. Audenshaw, Awclwynshawe, 37, 42, 47, 58, 69, 74. Audenshaw school, 42. Audley, Awdeley, Ann, 31 ; H., ni; Henry de, 80; Henry, Lord, 31 ; Hugo de, 37; J., in ; James, 80 ; John, 69; Sir John, vicar at Lichfield, 54 ; Lord, 60, 88 ; Richard, 69 ; Robert de, 80; Dr., 44; family pedigree, 80. Aughton, 50, 54, 60, 69, 71, 74, 81, 82, 84, 85, 88, 94, 96, 1 10 ; see also Aghton. Aughton advowson, 60, 74. ' Aughton, Johannes, 99; Margaret, 99; Nicholas, 60 ; Ric., 75, 99; Rogerus de, 95 ; Mrs., 78; of Adlington, 8i. Aughtrington, 82. Augustine, St., 103, in. Augustine friars hold lands in Warrington, 83, 87. ' Augustinesmough, Richard, 83. 12 GENERAL INDEX, Aukeland, 99. Aula, 1 1 2, Aulneger duties, 65. Aulnership of co. Lane., 54. Auncell, Aunsell, William, 58, 99. Aunerton, 54, Auneslowe, 81. Aunger, Fr., iii. Aungier, Lady, III. Aunslowe, Mrs., 75. Aura, Arura, 112. Auskitilli, Wilielmus fil., 80. Ausonius, 1 14. Auspicante Jehova, in. Austen, see Austin. Austin, St., see Augustine. Austin, Anne, wife of John, 88 ; Francis, 46; John, 64; Robert, ill; Samuel, 52, III; Thomas, ill; William, 54, III ; Mr., 44. Australia, 94. Austurcum, ambiguous meaning of, 58. Austwick, 46, 99. Autclyf, 58. Avale, Lemeke, 52, in. Avarice (poem), 45. Avener, the, 31. Avenarius, Jo., Heh-ew Lexicon^ 114. Avenon, Alse, in. Avenson, William, 96. Averland, 88. Avissone, Roger, 58. Award, Edward, 54. Awart, Thomas, 54. Awelyffe, 57. Awdeley, see Audley. Awkeley, 81. Awleston, 75. Awstwicke, see Austwick. Awte, Robert, 57. Awyn, 73 (app. I.) Awyn, Richard, 54, 65, 95. Axes, 46. Axholme, Isle of, 81. Axletrees, 46. Axon, W. E. A., 114. Aydenfelde, 54. Aykensaw, Geoffrey de, 74. Aylesbury, 93. Aylesbury, Thomas, 39. Aylett, Robert, in. Aylmer, Mr., 44. Aylsham, 47. Aylward, Orme, son of, 58. Aymer, John, 94. Aynescough, iee Aynscough. Aynesargh, Nicola, 95 ; Ricardus, 95 ; Thomas, 63, 95, 105. Aynesworth, see Ainsworth. Ayno, Aynhoe, 45, 114. Aynscough, 63. Aynscoe, John, 57. Aynscough, Parson, 72 ; Rev. Radley, 44, 47 ; Thomas, 69 ; Rev. Thomas, 42, 47; Mr., 42; Rev. Mr., 114. Aynsdale, Aynolsdale, 57, 95. Aynsdale, John, 113. Aynson, Elizabeth, 88. Aynsworth, see Ainsworth. Ayntre, see Aintree. Ay ray, James, 64. Ayre, John, 69 ; Rev. J., 105. Ayres, Philip, 64, in. Ayscogh, Robert, 60. Ayscough, Dorothy, 88. Aysshe, Robertus, 99. Ayston, Ellen, 54; Robert, 63; Tho., 54. Aytenfield, 99. Ay toft. Dr., 44. Ayton, Sir Rob., in. Aytoun, Capt., 45; Mrs., 57. B A., in ; B., C., in ; B., F., in; ., B., G., Ill; B., H., in; B., I., Ill; B., J., in; B., L., in; B., N., in; B., R., in; B., T., ni; B., W., in. Babbes, Henry, 63. Babilayes, 109. Babington, Babyngton, A., ill; G., 64; H., 114; Thomas, 60; Willimus, 99. Babington’s Conspiracy, in. Babthorpe, 82. Bacchus, Edw., 88. Bachelor, Hugo, 99. Bachelor' s Banquet, HI. Bachelor of Salamanca, 44. Backester, Mr., 46. Backford, Cheshire, 54, 80, 88, 93. Backhouse, Backhowse, Ann, 92; James, 54, 88; John Harris, 94; Roger, 57; T., 94; Thomas, 57; William, 57. Backstone (baking stone), 46. Bacon (food), 46. Bacon, Sir Edmund, 44, in; Eliz., in; Sir Francis, 46, in, 114; J., ni;Lady, III; Montague, 44; Nathanial, 64; Sir Nich., 37, 54, no, in; Richard, 80; Robert, 80, 114; William, 80; Rev. Mr., 44; fam., in. Baddeley, 80, 88. Baddesworth, Dom. John, 60. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 13 Badger, — , lii; Richard, 92. Badgers, 50. Badges and Cloth, 31. Badiiall, Richard, 73. Badsworth, 99. B?emand, Thomas, 74. Bafford, Roger, 54. Bagaly, see Baguley. Bagehurst, 57. Bager, Thomas, of Friklington, 60. Bagerstaff, Richai'd, of Bispham, 60. Bagestondene, W. de, 112. Bagford, J., iii. Baggarley, a Royalist, 62. Baggaly, Baggilly, see Baguley. Baggerburgh, 57, 58. Baggot, John, 54, Baghall, 88. Baglegh, see Baguley. Bagley, see Baguley. Bagnall, 54, 64, 94. Bagoley, 81. Bagott, 81. Bagpipe Blower, iii. Bags, 46. Bagshaw, Bagshawe, Christopher, 64; Edward, 54, 64; Henry, 64; John, 69, 73 > 94; John Charles, 94; Thomas Pittard, 94; William, 69, 73; William Henry, 94; Mr., 44, 61; family, 81, 82. Baguley, Baguleye, Baggilly, Bagley, &c., Adam, 69; Alex., 42; Alice, 31, 47, iio; Christopher, 42; Edward, 47, 60; Eliz- abeth, 31; George, 54; Henry, 54; Humphrey, 70; James, 65, 96; Jane, 60; Joan, 31; John, 73, 1 13; John the elder, 58; Laurence, 42; Margaret, 31; Nichol- as, 31, 60, 65; Rev, Ottiwell, 42; Ralph, 57; Richard, 42, 57, 73; Robert, 31, 37, 42, 60; Sir Robert, chantry priest, 60; Thomas, 60; William, 42, 54, 57, 63, 109; Sir Wm., iio; of Manchester, 31 ; family, 65, 82. Baguley, Baggelegh, Baglegh, Baguly, Baguleye, Bagguley, 37, 42, 59, 73, 80, 81, 82, 83, 93, 99, 109, no. Baguley Fold, 72. Bagwell, W., 52, in. Baiard, Andrew, 42, Bail bond, copy of, 61. Baile, Mr., solicitor, 61. Bailey, Baley, Cornelius, 72 ; George, 94; James, 42, 75; John, 54, 75, ni; John Eglington, 105, 114 {Lancashire Church Goods), 107, 113 {De Lacy Conipoti), 112; Joseph, 73; Nicholas, 47, 72; Samuel, 57, 94; Samuel Silver- thorne, 73; Thomas, 64, 73; William, 50; Mr., 44; see also Bayley. Bailie, James, 54; John, 54, Bailiffs, office and duties, 58, 63. Bailiffs, 46. Bailiffs of Garstang, list, 105. Bailiffs of Macclesfield forest, 97. Bailiffs, records, 105. Bailiwicks of Manchester, 58. Bailie, Lt.-Gen., 62. Bailman, 105. Bailrig, 60. Bailton, William, 105. Bain, William, 92. Bainardus, 109. Bainbridge, Bainbrig, Bainbrige, Bain- brigg, Anne, 47; George Hobson, 94; Nicholas, 47; Sarah, 47; Sherwood, 47; Thomas, 47, 64; family, 57. Baine, Henry, 92; James, 92. Baines, James, 94, 105; John, 105; Robert, 105; Captain, in. Baines’ History of Lancashire, 58, 103; Map of Manchester, 68. Baions, — , 81. Baiteman, George, 57. Baithus, 114. Baitson, Rauffe, 39. Baize, 46. Bakehouses, 46, 58, 63, 65, 74; see Oven. Bakehouse, Ann, 92. Bake-meats, in. Baker, Captain, 61; Rev. Daniel, 75; David (or Augustine), 64, 114; Edward, 69; Francis, 69; George, 54; John, 69; Rev. John, 44; Sir Richard, 62, in ; Robert, 60; Dr. Samuel, 44; Thomas, 60, 69, 113; Thomas John, 73; — , a bookseller, 44. Baker’s Chronicle, 80. Baker’s Reflections upon Learning, 44. Bakers, 46, 50, 63. Bakeser, Johannes, 99. Bakestone, value of a, 58. Bakewell, 69, 73. Bakhowse, see Backhouse. Bakstonedane, John, 60. Baiard, Nicholas, 105; Robert, 105; see Ballard. Balaste, Richard, 80. Balay, C. M. J. de, 105; Eleanore de, 105. Balcanquall, W., 113. Baldekin of Silk, 46. Balden, John, 42. Balder, Johannes, 99. 14 GENERAL INDEX. Balderstone, Baldreston, Balderson, 50, 74, 81, 88, 99, no; manor of, no. Balderson, Balderstone, Baldreston, — , 88; Constance, no; Isabella, 99, no; Joan, no; Johanna 99; John, 105; Mar- gareta, 99; Richard, 60, i lo; Richardus de, 95, 99, 105, no; Sir Robert, 92; Simon de, 112; Thomas, 99; Sir Wil- liam, 92; William, 74, no; Willimus, 9S> 99, 105. Baldicot, Mr., 44. Baldwin, Baldwen, — , 63 (app. I.), 72; — , of Wrightington, Nonconformist preacher, 39; Alderman, 105; Mr., 44; Christopher, 54; Elizabeth, 105; Hugh, 105; John, 63, 69, 73; Rev. John, 31; Mary, 105; Rev. Nicholas Rigbye, 94; Rev. Rigbie, 31; R., the Publisher, 72; Sarah, 105; Thomas, 31, 45, 105; William, 52, 54, in. Baldwinhill, 112. Bale, J ohn, 64, ill; De Scriptoribus Brit., 80. Balerig, Lawrance, 74. Balerston, 54; see also Balderston. Bales, Peter, Writing Schoolmaster, 44, in. Baley, see Bailey. Balfour, — , 63 (app. IV.); James, 76; John (printer), in. Balif Chapel, 60. Balif of Coppull, 60. Balinge, John, 105. Balistratus, or L’Arballistrier Galfidus, 92. Ball, Benjamin, 73; Edward, 94; Heriri- cus, 99; Joseph, 73; Joseph Lancaster, 94; P. , in; Rauf, 60; Ricardus, 99; Robert, 113; Thomas, 60, 96, 99, 114; W., in; William, 54, 99, 105; Mr., 44. Ballacullom, 82. Ballad on Amicia Controversy, 80. Ballads, in. Ballard, Balard, — , 82; George, 52, in; J., in; Nicholas, 105; Richard, 96, in; Robert, 57, 96, 105, 113. Ballassis, T., in. Bade = Bailiff, 103. Bade, see Bad. Baderie, Henricus, 95. Ballon, William, 105. Badrigge, Henricus de, 95. Bads, Mr., 44. Bads, “Goody,” 114. Badye Edye Castle, 54. Badyebyn, 54. Balschagh, John de, 58, 74. Balshaie, Margaret, 54. Balshaw, Ad. de., 112; Edward,. 39; Robert, 60. Baltharpe, J., 52, in. Baltimore, Lord, 44. Baltislawe Wapentak, 80. Bambridge, Thomas, 64. Bameburgh, William, 57. Bamber, George, 57; John, 62, 92; Thomas, 82. Bambro, 73. Bamfield, Hugh, in. Bamford, Bamfforte, Bamforthe, — , 61, 63 (app. I. and IL); Abraham, 57; Adam, 42; Alice, 57; Anne, 42, 47; Barten de, 47, 58; Bartin, 42; Bertrand, 58; Elizabeth, 54; George, 42, 47; Henry, 47, 54; James, 54; Jenet, 42; Jerome, 65; John, 42, 47, 60; John de, 47, 60; Sir John, Presbyter, 60; Mar- garet, 54; Nicholas de, 95; Richard, 42, 47; Robert, 47; Samuel, 42, 57, 94; Thomas, 42, 47; William, 42, 45, 47, 50, 57; pedigree, 82. Bamford, 42, 45, 47, 81, 82, 88. Bamford Hall, 42. Bamfurlong, Bamfudlong, 81, 82, 88, 95, no. Bamfylde, Sir Copleston, 44. Bampton, 93. Bampfield, Mr., 44. Bamvide, Randle of Gawsworth, 54. Bam vile, — , 88. Banaster, 82, 95; Banaster Had, 85, 88. Banaster, Banastre, Banester, Banister, Bannister, Adam, 92, 95, 105, 113; Adam de, 58, 92; Sir Adam, 31, 74; Agnes, 95; Alesia, 99; Alice, no; Anne, 31, 96, no; Christian, 42, 105; Captain, 105 ; Christopher, 39, 54, 95, 99, 105; Charles, 54; dementia, 99, no; Constantia, 95; Edward, 54, 95; Elias, 99; Elisabeth, 54, 105; Eden, 50; Galfrid, prior of Warrington, 60; Galfridus, vicar of Blackburn, 60, 99; Geoffrey, 60, 83; George, 54; Gregory, 83; Henry, 57, 60, 95, 96, 99, 105, 112; Henry, of Bank, 39, 46, 54, 60; Henry, of Brotherton, 60; Hugh, 60; Plugo, 57; Isabella, 99; J., 112; Rev. J. D., 105; James, 99, iio; Joan, 60, 105; Johan, 99; Johanna, 95; Johannes, 9S, 99 ; John, 46, 54, 103; John, of Walton-le-Dale, 60; Katherina, 95; Katherine, 31; Laurentius, 95; Law- 1 rence, 54; Margaret, 31, 95, 99, no; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 15 Marmaduke, 39; Matilda, 95; Mr., 61, 64, 109, 1 14; Nathaniel, 105; Nicholas, 50. 54, 57, 96, 99, 103, 105; Nicholas, chantry priest, 60, no ; Petronilla, 95; Ralph, 95; Randle, 54; Ric. of Wem, 75; Richard, 39, 42, 54, 60, 92, 95, 99, 105, no; Robert, 50, 58, 75, 95,99, no, 112: Sir Robert, 60; Roger, 95, 99, 105 ; Sibilla, 95 ; Thomas, 46, 50, 60, 74, 95, 99, 105 ; Thomas, vicar of Leyland, 60; Thomas, chantry priest, 60; Sir Thomas, 60, 83, no; Thurstan, 58, 80, 95, 99, 105, no; Warin, 58, 105, no; Wilfrid, 46, 54; William, 39, 50, 54, 57, 60, 92, 95, 99, 103, 105, 1 10 ; Sir Wm., 74. Banaster family, 81, 82, 83, 88; of Altham, ped., 88; of Darwin, ped., 8i; of Bank- hall, ped., 81, 82, 88; of Preston, ped., 88. Banbury, 88, 114. Banbury Cakes, 46. Banbury Field, in. Banchey in Little Harwood, 88. Banck, James, 82; Richard, 105; see also Bank. Banckes, Matthew, 64; Rad’us, 99; Ric., Ill; William, of Winstanley, 75, 82; see also Bankes. Bancks, G. 72; James, 94; John, 94; Thomas, 94. Bancks and Co’s. Map of Manchester^ 68. Bancroft, — , 63 (app. IV.), 88; Alex., 54; Barnard, 46; Benj., 69; Christopher, 113; Henry, 42; J., iii; James, 46, 57, 69, 73; Jeremy, 57; John, 42, 73, 113; Joseph, 57, 60, 69, 72; Richard, 113; Richard, Archbishop, 31, 64; Richard (shoemaker), 46; Robert, 42; Robert, of Addeswudde, 54; Thomas, 52, 54, 69, 72, 73, 94, III; Rev. Thomas, 45 ; William, 54, 57, 69, 105; Mr., school- master of Burnley, 46. Band, Mr., 44. Bandcroft, Thomas, 69. Bandfurlong, see Bamfurlong. Bandinel, Rev. Bulkeley, 88. Bandore and case, 46. Bands, 46. Banereris, 47. Banes, Michell, 46; Robert, 105; William, 105. Banferlonge, see Bamfurlong. Banford, William, 73. Bangor, 46, 69. Baniere, Mr., 44. Banished Beauty, 40, 44. Banister Hall, 85, 88. Banister, see Banaster. Bank, Banke, 58, 81, 88, 96, 99, no. Bank, the, 47, 82. Bank, hamlet of, 42. Banke, Henry, 60; James, 60; John, 57; Robert, 95; Thomas, 46, 60. Bankehouse, 81, 88. Banke Newton, 88. Bankes and his horse, in. Bankes, — , 88; Adam, 54; Alice, 54; Anne, 45 ; Edmund, 46; Ellen, 54 ; Henry, 54; James, of Winstanley, 31, 75; Jane, 54; Legh, 61 ; William, 69, 73) 75 ; William, of Winstanley, 31; Mrs., 75 ; see also Banckes, Banks. Bankes, of Winstanley, pedigree, 88. Bankfield, 92, 96. Bankhall, Bankehall, 42, 81, 82, 88, 95, no. Bankhowses, 57. Bankrouf s Banquet, in. Bankruptcy, in. Banks, — , actor, 72 ; Rev. Adam, 44 ; Ann, 46 ; Elizabeth, 92 ; Ellen, 44 ; Hammond, 44; John, 94; Sir J. , 39, I in; Mrs., 44; Miss, 92; Rev. Thomas, 92. ! Banktop, 82, 88. I Bankwell, Henricus de, 95. j Bannatyne, G. , in. I Banne, Rev. Nathaniel, 42, 44, 57, Banner of green silk, 113. Banner, Benjamin, 69. Bannerman, David, 63 (app. I.) Bannister, see Banaster. Banquet of Dainties, in. Banton, William, 57. Banyon, Thomas, 54. Banys, 57; Thome, 57. Banz (Baines?) Robert, jun., 50. Baptism, 76; Rites, 96. Baptist Chapel at Nateby, 105. Bar, Henry, 99; Johan, 99; Thomas de, 74; William de, 74; see also Barre. Barba, William, 80. Barbadoes, Gen. Venables in, 83. Barban, 82. Barbanson’s Verce Theologice Mysticce Com- pendium, 44. Barber, Dr., 114; Mr., 114; John, 31, 94; Jonathan, 57 ; Peter, chantry priest, 60; Richard, 88; Robert, 96; Sir Robert, curate, 65, 75. Barbers, Manchester, 68. 16 GENEUAL INDEX. Barberino, Cardinal, 6o. Barbie, Abel, 46. Barbon, 46, 57, 82 ; Barbon Park, 46, Barbor, John, of Colde Harber and Poole, 54. Barbour, — , 63 (app. IV.); John, ill. Barch, Raufe, 47. Barcicroft, Bassy-croft, Barscrofte, 42. Barckhaur, Laurence, 31. Barclay, Alex., 52, iii; Amadin, iii; John, 64; W. , III. Barcroft, Barcrofte, 88. Barcroft, — , 88; Henry, 54, 103; Richard, 103; Robert, 46, 60, 103; Tho., 103; William, 57; Willimus, 46, 99. Barcroft of Barcroft, pedigree, 88. Bard, Mr., 46. Bardeney, Walter, 83. Bardon, J. , 1 1 1. Bardsey, 88. Bardsley, Bardesley, • — , 88; Adam of, 74; Christopher, 74 ; Edmundus, 60, 99 ; George of, 74; Gregory of, 74; James, 58; Sir James L., 45; John, 74; Joseph, 74; Ralph of, 74; Raufe, 74; Richard, 74; Robert, 47, 57; Samuel, 57; Syssot, 74; Dr. S. A., 72; Thurstan, 74; Wil- liam, of Haldome, 74 ; William, of Plazlehurst, 74. Bare, Captain, 62. Barecroft, Henry, 50; Wm., 50. Barelowe, John, 63. Bares, Roger, 46. Barettor, Definition of a, 63. Barge, J. , 72; Robert, 94; Thomas, 72. Barges, 68. Bargrave, Dr. John, 114. Bark, 46. Barkar, John, 57. Barkeley, W. , ill. Barker, — , 63 (app. I. and IV.), 72, 81, 88; — , vicar of Forcet, 46; Alarms, 95; Alex., 69, 83; Anthony Auriol, 94; C., Ill; Christopher, no; Elizabeth, 57, 105; E. PL, 1 14; Grace, 105; Henry, 54, 1 13; H. H., 105; Hugh, 60; Im- manuel, 69; James, 46, 54, 69; Rev. James, 92; John, 46, 57, 69, 73; Rev. John, 105; John Gemster, 73;Jonathan, 73; Joseph, 69; Maria, 92; Matthew, 54; Nathaniel, 69; Robert, 54, 69, 73, 92, 94; Samuel, 44, 69, 105; Thomas, 54) 73) 99; W., Ill; William, 50, 69, 1 14; Wm., of Barcroft, 60. Barkesland, 88. Bark-house, -hill, 65. Barking, 114; Free School, in. Barkles, John, of Barkles, 81. Barkley, James, 69; W., ill; see also Barclay. Barksdale, Clem., ni;J., in. Barkstead, Helen, 81; James, 81 ; W., in. Barlavve, — , dau. of R. Holt, 60; George, 73; James, 60; John, 60; John de, 47; Radulphus de, 47; Rauf, 60; Richard, 60; Robert, 60; Thomas, 60; see also Barlow. Barley, 46, 88, 112. Barley-break^ III. Barley, — , 60; Peter, 88; W., in. Barley seed, 46. Barlings Abbey, Book of, 80. Barlow, 37, 42, 58, 8i, 82, 88, 96, no. Barlow Chapel, 42. Barlow-croft-moss, 63. Barlow-cross-croft, 65. Barlow estate, 42. Barlow Hall, 37, 42. Barlow Moor, 42. Barlow Moor Lane, 42. Barlow Moor School, 42. Barlow’s Croft, 72. Barlow’s Gate, 42. Barlow, Barlowe, — , 57, 63 (app. I.); Adam, 47; Agnes de, 42; Alex., 37, 42, 47) 50) 54, 57) 60, 72, 75, 96, no; Sir Alex., 31, 37, 42, 75 ; Alice, 42; Alisand, 42 ; P'ather Ambrose, 42 ; Amicia de, 42; Ann, 31, 42, no; Annes, 42; Anthony, 42; Benj., 69, Dorothy, 42; Edmund, 42; Edward, 42, 69, 99; Elizabeth, 31, 37, 42; Ellis, 37, 42, 75, no; Frances, 42; PTancis, 50, 69, III; George, 42; Hamon de, 42; Henry, 57, 73; Henry de, 42; Pludd de, 42 ; Hugh, 65, 113 ; Hugo de, 42; Humphrey, 42; Isaiah, 69; James, 42, 57, 58, 63, 65, 69, 113; James Kershaw, 94; Jane, 42; Jenkin, 42; Jeremiah, 42; Joan de, 42; Johane, 42; Johannes, 99; John, 31, 38, 42, 47, 54) 57) 69, 72, 94; John Brown, 69; John de, 42, 47; JoJm, Exposition of 2nd Timothy, 38; John, jun,, 42; Sir John, parson ofMalpas, 54; John, rector of Warmingham, 54; Katherine, 42; Laurence, 42, 72, 113; Magdalene, 42; Margaret, 31, 42, 54, 75, no; Margery, 42; Lady Marie, 42; Marion de, 42; Mary, 42, 54; Matthew, 47; Maud, 54; Miss M., 44; Nicholas, 42 ; Ottiwell, VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 17 42; Peter, 65; Rad’us, 47, 95; Ralph, 42, 54, 1 13; Randle, 54; Richard, 42, 54 , 58, 69, 109; Robert, 42, 50, 63, 65, 69, 73, 1 13; Sir Rob, de, 42; Roger, 42, 47, 58, 63; Father Rudesind, 42; Samuel, 42, 57 ; Thomas, 42, 44, 50, 57, 69: Thomas de, 42, 47; Sir Thos., clerk, 60; Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, 42, 64; W., Ill; William, 37, 42, 54, 57 , 63, 64, 65, 73, 94; Wm., Bishop of Lincoln, 31, 42, 64; Winifred, 42; Dr., 44; Captain, 44. Barlow family, 37, 81 ; of Barlow, ped., 81, 88. Barm, 46. Barmenissa’s Song, iii. Barn, Memorandum relating to a, 65. Barn, Robert, iii. Barnab(Z Itinerarhwi^ iii. Barnaby, T,, ill ; Thomas, 37, 99; Thomas, parson of Rothwell, 58. Barnack, no, Barnacre-with-Bonds, 105. Barnake, 82. Barnard Castle, 46, 47. Barnard, Sir John, 44; Radulf fitz, 87, Barnarde, S., ill. Barnardiston, Louisa, 45; Nathaniel, 45; Sir Nathaniel, in, 114; Sir Samuel, 44; Mr., 114. Barne, George, 60; Olyver, 60; Rafe, 60. Barneby, Thomas, 99. Barnelanton, 47. Earners, — , ill; Robert, 57. Barnes, 75, 81, 82. Barnes, — , 63 (app. II.), 88; Anne, 57; Barnabe, i ii ; Charles, 69 ; Edward, 57; Rev. Dr. Francis, 45; George, 105; James, 69, 72; John, 57, 69, 73, 92; Joseph, III; Katherine, sister of Bishop of Durham, 31; Margaret, 39; Owen, in; Richard, 92; Robert, 60, 64; Row- land, 54, 83; Thomas, 54, 75, 94 ; Rev. Dr. Thomas, 72; William, 54, 69, 72, 105; Mr., 44; widow, 57. Barnes, James, Reminiscences of Man- chester Localities, 72. Bameshyde, 57. Barneslowe, Alexander, 60. Barneston, — , 44; Trafford, 44. Barnet, 88. Barnet, James, 73; Rev. Nehemiah, 105. Barnetsham, 81. Barnett, Obediah, 57; Mrs., 75. Barnewall, Sir Chr. , in. Barnez, Ranold, priest, 60. Barn Field, 47. Barnfield, Richard, in. Barningham, 88. Barnoldswick, 112. Barns, 63. Barns, — , 57; George, 105; Richard, 57; Thomas, 73 ; see also Barnes. Barnshall, William, 54. Barnshaw, co. Chester, 80. Barnshed (Barneshed), 81. Barnside, 88, in. Barnsley, 69, 88. Barnsley, Simon de, 58. Barnston, 69. Barnston, Thomas, 54. Barnwell, Dr., 44; Mr., 44. Baron, Alex., 46; Henry, 46, 63; John,^ 46, 54, 103; Lawrence, 103; Robert, 39, no; Thurston, 50. Baron’s hull, or hill, 58, 68. Baronius, 114. Barony, Definition of a, 58. Barouford, J. del, 112. Baroull, 70. Barr, Barre, Antonio (printer), in; Henry, 99; Johan, 99; Rd., 57; Roger- us, no. Barratise, 46. Barratt, James, 94; John, 42. Barrels, 46. Barres, James, 39. Barret, Barrett, Ann, 96; Edward, 57; James, 57, 73, 96; James, of South Wales, 54; John, 57 ; John, parson of Northenden, 54; Joseph, 73; Micah, 57; Robert, n i ; Thomas, prize-fighter, 72; W., in; Widow, 57, 109. Barrington, Hon. Daines, 37; Lord, 96; Cousin, 44. Barrington, a college cup, 44. Barritt, Thomas, 58, 60, 68, 72, 73, 109. Barrobie, Dr., 44. Barrock, Mr., 114. Barron, Isaac, 64; Rychard, 96. Barrough, William, 57. Barrow, 50, 54. Barrow, — , 81, 82, 88; George, 45; Henry, 92; Dr. Isaac, in, 114; James, 73; James Newton, 94; John, 69, 72, 73, 105; Rev. John, 105 ; Maria, dau. of Tho., 92; Peter, 69, 94; Richard, 73; Thomas, 57 ; Thomas William, 94 ; Walter, 57 ; William, 54, 75. Barrowes, Henry, 31. Barrowford, 46. Barrows in Prestbury parish, 97. D 18 GENERAL INDEX. Barrt, Widow, 109. Barry, — , 72; Sir Charles, 109; Stephen, 42. Barr}'’s Tenures, 80. Barse, John, 109. Barsley, 74. Barter, James, 44. Bartherton, 88, Bartholinus, Thomas, 114. Bartholomew, John, 60, 69. Bartholomew of the Martyrs, 40. Barthomley, 94. Bartinton, Anne, 54; Matthew, 54. Bartlet, Captain, 70; Sir William, 54. Bartley, Sir Thomas, 37. Barton, 37, 42, 50, 54, 57, 69, 81, 82, 88, 95. 96, 99. no- Barton ( Amounderness), 74- Barton boat, 46. Barton bridge destroyed by rebels, 44. Barton chapel, co. Stafford, 60. Barton, Halmote of, 63. Barton juxta Halsall, 99. Barton, manor of, no. Barton-Turf-with-Irstead, 94. Barton-upon-Irwell, 42, 58, 72, no. Barton, West Derby, 74. Barton, — , 63 (app. I. III. and IV.); Agnes, 54 ; Alexander, 69 ; Andrew, 39, 60, no; Andrew of Smethills, 54; Anne, no; Benj., 94; Cecily, no; Dorothy, 113; Edith de, 58; Edmund, 113; Eliz., Ill; Ellene, 105; Fleet- wood, 31, 46; Geoffrey de, 105; George, 63. 57. 69, 94; Gilbert, 57, 58, 95, 99, 105 ; Henry, 54, 72, 69, 105 ; Hugh, 105; J. de, 112; James, 69, 94; Jo., 46; Johannes, 105; John, 54, 69, 105, 1 10; John de, 74, 105; Sir John, 37;Mar- gai’et, 92, no; Margereta, 99; Nicholas, 47; Owen, 54; Patrick, 69; Rad’us de, 95; Ralph, 31, 50, 54, 57, 65; Ralph, of Middleton, 60; Ralph, of Rydale, 60 ; Randle, 46, 50; Richard, 31, 50, 64, 68, 69, 75, 95, 99, no, 113; Robert, 46, 50, 54, 75, 92; Roger, 69, 95; Rowe, 81, 99; Rye., 31; Samuel, 73; Samuel Milner, 94; T. de, 112; Thomas, 50. 54, 57, 69, 75, 94, 95, 105, no; Sir Thomas, 39, 46, 54, no; Thurstan, 54; W., 57; William, 50, 95, 99; William de, 58; Rev. William, 45; Mr., 44; Sister, 46. Barton family, 81, 82, 88; of Barton, 81; of Holme, 46; of Smithells 46, 81, no. Barwick, 47, 50, 88, 109. Barwick, Edward, 39; Johannes de, 95; Dr. John, 83, 114; Dr. Peter, 114. Baselard, 60. Basford, Mary, 54, 81. Bashall, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96, 99, no. Bashall, William, 105. Bashell, Mr., 105. Bashowe, 82. Basilikon Doron, in. Basingbie, or Basingley, Hugh, 58. Basingham, Robert de, 80. Basinghouse, Siege of, 62. Basire, Isaac, 64; J., in. Baskerville, Hannibal in; Sir Humph., in; John, 92, in; Sir T., in. Baskervyle, John, 44. Basket Feilds, 74. Baskets, 46. Baslow, 94. Basnett, Basnett Birch, 69 ; John, 54, 69. Bason, James, 57. Basons, 46. Basse, 46. Basse, Robert, 58; Will., in. Bassen, 109. Basset, Bassett, Gilbert, 58; Isabel, 58; Joshua, 64; Sir Philip, 58; T., 114; Thomas, 58; William, 42, 47, 64. Bassett family, 80. Basshall, see Bashall. Bassnett, Richard, 94. Bastall, see Bestal, 74. Bastard, Thomas, 55, in. Bastards, 50, 63, 70, 80. Basterdes wardens (the warden pear), 46. Bastide, M. A. de la, 64. Bastile, Imprisonment of Lady Morton in, 44. Bastwell, Henry, 54; Rich., 54; Tho., 54. Bastwich, Captain, in. Batch, Thomas, 99. Batchelor, Edith, 114. Batchelors, Mr., 44. Bate, — , 88; Dr., 75; Edward, 94; Henry, 60; James, 54; Jane, 82 ; John, 42, 60, 73; Thomas, 54; William, 80. Bateman, — , 63 (app. I. and IV.), 81, 82, in ; Sir Ant, in ; George, 57 ; Henry, 94; James, 63, 72; John, 39; Roger, 88; Samuel, 94 ; Thomas, 39 ; W., in; William, 57; Rev. Wynne, 45. Batersbe, see Battersby. Bates, — , 72; Henry, 69, 73; Joab, 69, 73; Joshua, 72; T., in; Dr. William, 114. Bateson, James, 54; Rauffe, 39; Robert, 105; Rev. Wm., 105; Mr., 44. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 19 Bath, Earl of iii; Rev. Robert, 92; Wil- liam, 88. Bath, 69, 72, 73, 88, 94. Bath, Knights of, in. Bath and Wells, Bishop of, 44, 92. Bath, The, 81. Batheaston Vase, 45. Bather, The, 76. Batherton, 54. Bathowe, John, 54; Wm., 54. Bathson, Charlys, 60. Bathurst, Lord, 44; Dr. Ralph, 44, 47, III ; Theodore, 114. Batley, 88. Batley, Charles, 94. Batmanson, John, 64. Batson, Geoffry, 50. Batt, William Thomas, 94. Batte, 81. Battely, Rev. Mr., 44. Battersbee, Battersbie, Battersby. Battersby, 82. Battersby, Batersbe, Battersbee, Batters- bie, — , 63 (app. I. and IV.); Ather, 54; George, 45, 63; John, 94; Margaret, 60; Nicholas, 105; Ralph, 54; Thomas, 63, 73; William, 39; Mr., 44. Battersea, 46. Battison, John, rector of Tatham, 60. Battle Abbey, 80, no. Battle, an approver at Chester, 87. Battle, John, 92. Battledore, 46. Batty, John, 69. Battye, Agnes, 39; Christopher, 50; Jack, 72; William, 73, 94. Baughy, Captain, 44. Baumfort, John de, 47; see also Bamford. Baurdeman, James, 54. Baure, Thomas, 113. Bauret, Alexander, no. Bavand, Bavande, Kath., 54; Richard, mayor of Chester, 31; Thomas, 54; Wb, in; Mr., of Chester, 31. Bavaria, Maud of, 60. Bavine, Richard, of Chester, 46. Bavington, 45. Bawden, Richard, 50. Bawdon in Cheshire, 60; see Bowdon. Bawdon, John, 54. Bawdwen, Christopher, 96; Rev. W., 58; William, 69, 73. Bavvegen, Willimus, 99. Baxendell, Edward, 94; Tho., 94. Baxenden, 81, 112. Baxenden, John, 46. Baxter, — , 81, Charles, 73; Edw., 72; Henry, 69; wife of Henry, 74; John, 50, 54, 57, 105; John, of Rochdale, 65; Kath., 103; Nathaniel, in; Richard, 38, 44, 54, 57, 64, 94, 114; Robert, 57, 69, 94; wife of Roger, 74; Simon, no; Tho- mas, 42, 54; William, 54, 58, 88; Mr., 46. Baxterden, William, 60. Bayard, Captain, 62. Bayfield, Stephanus, no. Baylegh, Johannes de, 95; Mabilla, 95; Ricardus, 95. Bayley, 57, 60. Bayley, Bayly, — , 63 (app. HI.); Dr., Cornelius, 72; Sir Daniel, 45, 73; Esther, 42, 45; Frances, 42; Genet, 54; Han- nah, 47; Henry, 45; James, 42, 44, 63, 69, 72, 75; Rev. James, 42; John, 42, 47 j 69, 73; Bp. Lewis, 37; Margaret, 105; Ralph, 113; Richard, 47; Samuel, 69, 75 , 94; Samuel Henry, 94; Thomas, 46; Tho. Butterworth, 45, 72; William, 42, 88, 105; Miss, 45; Mrs., S’] \ see also Bailey, Baylegh, Baylie. Baylie, Alice, 54; T., ill; Thomas, 65. Baylieff, John, 54. Baylif, Henry, 113. Baylise, 82. Baylryg, 57, 60. Baylton, William, 105. Baylton’s Charity, 105. Bayly, — ,81, 82; Henry, 57; Thomas, 99. Baylye, Elizabeth, 54; Wm., 54. Baynard’s Castle, 109. Baynbrige, Edmund, 60. Bayne, Christopher, 57; Paul, 38; Thomas, 60, 92; Sir Wm., 54. Baynebryg, Jacob, 57. Baynel, 112. Baynes, Alex., 109; Edward, 60; Elizabeth, 88; Francis, 70, 103; Ralph, 64; Rich- ard, 105; Thomas, 105; Mr., 44; see also Baines. Baynham, Mr., 46. Bayning, Lord, in. Baynton, James, 57. Beach, William, 44; Mr., 44. Beacom, 69. Beacon, Dr., 31. Beacons, 50. Beadle, Office of, 63. Beake, Peter, 47. Beal, Dr. John, 114. Bealey, Edw., 57; Ellis, 57; D., 57; Hy., 57; James, 47; W., 57; see also Beeley. Beamond, — , 63 (app. H. ); Thos., 57, 65^ 20 GENERAL INDEX. Beamonde, John, 54. Beamont, 82. Beamont, Bebby Eleanor, 60. Beamont, William, 37, 57, 61, 105; Amicia Tracts, 78, 79, 80; Annals of the Lords of Warrington, 86, 87; Booth’s Instruc- tions to his Stewards, 57; Discourse of the Warr in Lancashire, 62; History of Warrington Friary, 83. Beamsley, 88. Beamyshe, 81. Beans, 46, 112. Bear and ragged staff, 60, 1 1 3. Bear baiting, 50, 92. Bearcroft, Edward, 37. Beard and Taylor, Theatre of God's Judge- ments, 38. Beard, John, 80; Thomas, 69, 73, 94; Wm., 54, 73. Beardmore, — , 114. Beardoe, James, 63 (app. IV.). Beards, 46. Beardworth, 88. Bearward, 46. Beast gate, 46. Beasts, English, 90. Beasts or cattle in forests, 58. Beasts, strongest, 90. Beatrice of the Rudding, 74. Beauchamp, Lord, 44; Stephen de, 80. Beauchamp Arms, 83. Beauchief Abbey, 47. Beauclyff, 81. Beaufort, Cardinal, 60. Beaufoy arms, iii. Beaulieu, Luke de, 64. Beaumanor, 88. Beaumaris, 54, 73, 81, 82, 88,94, no- Beaumont, Adam, son of Sir Tho., 88; Francis, lii; Isabella, dau. of Henry Lord, 60; Sir John, iii; Dr. Joseph, 1 14; Richard, 44; Thomas, 105. Beause, 95. Beauty, Poem in praise of, ill. Beavan, John, 57. Beave, 46. Beaver, Ellen, 92; W. G., 72. Bebbye, William, 58. Bebelius, iii. Bebyngton, 54. Bebyngton, Richard, 54. Bee, see Beck. Becaneshow, see Beconsall. Becansade, Georgius, 99. Beche, Elizabeth, 63 ; Stephen, 63 ; Wil- liam, 54, 63. Bechton, Agnes, 97; Margaret, 97; Philip de, 97. Beck, 97. Beck, Bee, Bekke, — , 63 (app. 1 . and III.), 88; Anne, 54, 63; Cicely, 54, 60; Edward, 60; Isabel, 60, 63; Jas., 57; Jonathan, 57; Marion, 47, 88; Matthew, 54 ; Mestres, 54 ; Nicholas, 47, 54, 63, 65 ; Randall, 65 ; Richard, 57, 60, 65 ; Robert, 47, 54, 63, 65; Sir Robert, 54; Stephen, 60, 75, 113; T., 57; Thomas, 47, 54, 60, 63, 65, 94, 96; Thomas, of Manchester, 31; W., 57; William, 54; Widow, 57. Beck of Manchester, pedigree, 88. Becken, Will., 88. Beckensall, see Beconsall. Becker, Ernest Hannibal, 42. Becket, Sir John, 54. Becket, S. Thomas a, 60. Beckett, a kinsman of the Botelers, 87. Beckford, Richard, 44. Beckingham Field, 74. Beckingtonfield, 74. Becon, Tho., 1 1 1. Beconsall, 60, 81, 82, 88, 96, 99, no. Beconsall Chapel in Croston, 60. Beconsall, Beconsawe, — , 81, 88, no; George, 60; Henricus, 99; Robert, 60; William, 92 ; Willimus, 95. Beconsall of Beconsall, pedigree, 8i, no. Beconsawe, see Beconsall. Becton, no. Bedale, 94. Bede, Cuthbert, 114. Bedell, Bishop W., 64, 114. Bedelria, 112. Bedes bequeathed to our Lady of Man- chester, 60. Bedes forbidden to be used in Liverpool, 60. Bedesey, John de, 105. Bedewynd, W. de, 112. Bedford, Lane., 50, 54, 58, 74, 81, 82, 88 , 94 , 95 , 99 - Bedford, Adam, 95; Earl of, 55; Edward, Earl of, 70, in; Francis, Earl of, 50, in; Hilkiah, 45, 114; Jane Sibilla, Countess of, 83; Johannes, no; John, Duke of, 95, 105; Lucy, Countess of, in; Wilimus, 95; William, M.D., 44. “ Bedfordshire,” 40. Bedingfield, Sir Ilenry A., Bart., 44. Bedman, W., in. Bedmen, Bedemen, Bedesmen, 60. Beds, 46. Beds in alehouses, 63. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 21 Bedsteads, 46. Bedwell, \Villiam, iii, 114. Bee, Cornelius, 114; Henry, 105; Tho., 105; Wm., 105. Beech, Rob., 47; Tho., 47; Wm., 47; see also Beach. Beechis, Richard, 105. Beed, Th., iii. Beedome, Fr., iii; Tho., in. Beef, 46. Beeley, George, 72; Rev. Thos., 42; Thos., 37. Beeley family, 57. Beer, 46, 112. Beer Drinkers, in. Bees, 46, 58; see also Honey. Bees of Lydia, proverb respecting, 39. Beesley family, 105; Helen, 92; Thomas, 50, 99; William, 88. Beeston, 88, no; Castle, 37. Beeston, George, 54 ; Sir George, 83 ; Giles, 99; Hugh, 37, 54; Sir Hugh, 37; John, 54; Joseph, 63, 73; Mr., 31; see also Beston. Beetham, Westmoreland, 39, 57. Beetson, — , Churchwarden of Manchester, 63 (app. IV.). Beever, — , 63 (app. IV.), Rev. B., 105 ; Henry Moss, 94; James, 73; John Atwood, 42. Beggars, 46, 50, 63, 65; see also Inmates. Beggars, in. Beggary, in. Beg worth, 95. Begwyk, 95. Beharer, Moses, 44. Behmen, Jacob, 44, 114. Bek, see Beck. Beke, Thomas, 60. Bekenshawe, see Beconsall. Bekering, Peter de, 80. Bekerstaffe, Thomas, 57. Bekerstath, 99. Bekk, Bekke, see Beck. Bekker's Orbis Fascinalus, 44. Bekonsall, see Beconsall. Bekyrschawe, 57. Bekyrstath, R^adulfus, 57. Belan, William, 105. Belcher, Thomas, 63 (app. I. and IV.). Beldornie Press, in. Belfast, 83, 88. Belfast, Lord, in. Belfeld, see Belfield. Belfield, 57, 65, 69, 81, 82, 88, 96; Bel- field Hall, 44, 45, 57. Belfield, — , 88; Adam, 31; Ann, 31; Anne, 54; Arthur, 54; Christopher, 74, 99; Elizabeth, 31, 42, 54, 96; James, 31, 54, 96; John, 54; Matthew de, 31 ; Ralph, 31, 42, 54, 60, 75, 96; Thomas, 54, 57. Belgtce’s Troubles, in. Belgrave, Arabella, dau. of Thomas, 97; Katherine, 80; Matilda, wife of P. Legh, 97- Belinge, Thomas, 96. Bell, — , 63 (app. 1. H. HI. IV.); Adam, in; Agnes, 105; Ann, 105; Anna, filia Will., 88; Esther, 105; James, 65; Jane, 105; John, 63, 92, 105; John, of Gars- tang, 60; Joseph, 69; Mary, 105; Mary Ann, 105; Milonis, 57; ISbcholas, 57; Peter, 105; Richard, 105; Robert, 105; Thomas, 57, 64, 105; Webster, 105; William, 63, 99, 105 ; Rev. Wm., 37 ; Mr., 44. Bell founders, 46. Bell ringing, 46. Bell saynts, saunce, sacring, 60. Bellamie, J., in. Bellamont, Lord, 61. Bellamy, — , 72; Miss, 72. Bellaport, 47. Bellas, W., in. Bellasis, Grace, no; Henry, no. Sir Tho., no; Mr., 44. Bellasyse, Lord, in. Bellau, Mr., 88. Bellendinus, Galt., in. Bellerman, J. J., 114. Belli, Monsieur, 70. Bellingham, Anne, no; Dorothea filia Jacobi, 82; Katherine, no; H. G. , in; Sir Robert, 54, no. Beilis, Randulph, 37; Rev. Mr., 42. Bellman and Captain, a tale, 44. Bellman at Manchester, 44. Bellman of London, in. Bellman’s verses, 44. Bello Campo Guido, 99. Bello, Johannes, 99; Walterus, 99. Bellocampo, Roger de, 80. Belloport, 88. Bellot, Bellott, Bellotte, Amye, 54; Cuth- bert, 54; Edward, 54; George, 54; Bishop Hugh, 54, 65; James Pendleton, 94; John, 54; John Charles, 94; Marie, 47; Owen Charles, 94; Phillipe of Moreton, 47; Stephen, 94; Thomas, 54, 94; William Henry, 94. Bellows, 46, 112. 22 GENERAL INDEX. Bellows makers’ Epitaph, 90. Bellropes, 44. Bells in Kirkham Church, 92. Bells in Prestbury Church, 97, Belluui Parlianientale, III. Belniati’s Second Night Walk, iii. Belmont, 73. Belper, 37, 94. Belsey, 88. Belson, John, 64. Beltesford, 80. Belton, William, 105. Belvedere, ill. Bely, J. de, 112. Bembo, Admiral, 44. Benbow, Captain John, 70. Benbridge, — , 63 (app. III.). Benbrigge, — , 63 (app. III.)j Edmund, 63; Wm., 63. Bence, Mr., 44. Bendewode Grevffe, 46. Bendish, Mr., 44. Bends, 46. Benedict, Abbot and Confessor, 60. Benedict, Ad., s. ofRic., 112. Benefield, Sebastian, 64. Benest, John, 94. Benet, Edwarde, 31 ; Martha, iio; Thos., no; see also Bennett. Benet Eink, St., Church of, 114. Benetsone, Johannes, 95 ; Katerina, 95. Benett, see Benet and Bennett. Bengal, 94. Benger, Sir Thomas, 113. Benison, Bennison, Mary, of Bredbury, 42; Rev. J., 42; Robert, 105; Samuel, 69; Governor, 44. Benlowe, Captain, 62. Benlowes, Andr., iii;Edw., ill ; T., in. Benn, James, 61. Bennet, Bennett, — , 63 (app. IV.), 103 ; Anthony, 94; Ashton, 94; Benj., 94; Charles, 94 ; Edward, 94 ; Rev. Edward, 92; Rev. Geo., 92; James, 72; John, 54, 57, 69, 72, 73, 94; Joseph, 73; Randle, 57; Robert, 54, 94, 105; Robert Barker, 94; Robert Wil- liam, 94; Samuel, 57; Rev. Theophilus, 42; Thos., 57, 92; Rev. Thos., 92; Sir Thos., ill; Thos. Randle, 94; William, 92; see also Bennison, see Benison. Benoit, Elias, 64. Benslaye, 46. Bensley, B., in; T., in. Benson, — , 82, 88 ; Geo., 39, 57; James, 92; John, 92; Moses, 73; Ralph, 73; Rev. Richard, 42; Thomas, 92; Wil- liam, 60, 92, 105; Miss, 72; Mr., 44; Widow, 57. Bent, Bente, — , 44, 63 (app. IV.); Ed- ward, 65; Edward Stanley, 94; Francis, 57 ; George, 57; James, 94; John, 47, 65; Roger, <57; Susanna, 47; Thos., ‘57; Wm, Partington, 73. Bent, 82, Bent (coarse grass), 46. Bent, meaning and use of the word, 58. Bent Hill, Prestwich, 72. Ben tarn, 57. Bentcliffe, 88. Bentham, 57. Bentham, Isabel, 103; John, 60, 103; Richard, 103; Thomas, 103. Bentley, 88 ; Bentley Church, 83. Bentley, — , 63 (app, I.), 88; Andrew, 37; Charles, 94; Daniel, 69; Elizabeth, 31, 44; Francis, 69; George, 73; Sir Henrie, priest, 54; James, 94; Johanna, 44; John, 37, 63, 69, 94; Sir John, priest, 54; Joseph, 57; Mary, 42, 54; Nathan, 57; R., iii; Dr. Richard, 44, 1 14; Robert, 37; Sisley, 57; Dr. Thomas, 44; Walter, 94; William, 31, 69, 94; Lady, 54; Miss, 37; Rev. — , of Birch Chapel, 42, 47; Mr., 75. Bentlie, — , in. Benton, James, 57. Bentons, 88. Berbrunne, 57 - Berchenridinges, arable land in, 58. Bercles, see Birches. Bercroft, Matth. de, II2; Ric. de, II2. Berd, Em., 54. Berdeney, Hugh de, 80. Berdesay, Berdesey, 95. Berdesey, Hugo, 95. Berdeshille, Hen. de, 112. Berdesley, Edmund, 60; Peter, 60; see also Bardsley. Berdewith, 74. Berdeworthe, 112. Berdeworthe, Will, de, 112. Berdeworthgrene, or grave, II2. Berdisley, Oliver, 83. Berdsley, Edward, 54. Berdys worth, John, 60. Bere, Johannes, no. Bereford, Will., 99. Bereparke, 82. Beresford, Frances, 37; John, 69; Rev. Will., 42; Mr., 37, 44. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 23 Berewic, Patrick de, 57. Berewick, 63; Berewicks, 58* Bergem, Lord, 62. Berham, 82. Berimigham, John, 70. Berington, 88. Berkeley, George, 88 ; Bishop George, 44; Henry, Lord, 75; John, Lord, of Stratton, 1 14; Maurice, iii; Sir Robert, 39; William, Marquess of, 60. Berket, Sir John, 54. Berkinhead, see Birkenhead. Berknockhill, or Berkothill, 74. Berley, John, 60, 92. Berlowe, Thomas, 60. Berme (Barm), 46. Bermondsey, 37. Bernacles, 114. Bernard, Saint, 80, iii; Miss, actress, 72; Daniel, 88; Edw., 64, iii; Sir John, 44; Rich., 64; Will., 80; Mr., 44. Bernegger, Matthias, 114. Berners, Juliana, iii; Sir James, iii; Ric., Lord, iii. Bernesley, 95. Bernetruding, rent of, 58. Berney, Sir Ric., iii; T., III. Bernhard, Frederick, 72. Bernoldswick, 88. Bernstein, Adolphus, 94. Berny, Martin, iii. Berresford, 88. Berrie, — , 73 (app. II.). Berridge, Mr., “ The Spiritual Comet,” 44. Berriman, Rev. John, 44. Berrisford, Captain, 61. Berron, J., 57; John, 57; W., 57. Berrow, John, 57. Berry Brow, 72. Berry, Berye, — , 88; Andrew, 44; Betty, 44; Elizabeth, 37; Harry, 44; James, 69, 83; John, 54, 72; Rev. John, 37; Nicholas, 57; Phylyp, 54; Richard Sparling, 94 ; Robert, 54; Thomas, 73; Wm., 69; Col., 47; Maj.-Cen., 47; Mr., 44, 1 14; see also Berrie, and Bury. Bersey, Christopher, 54. Bertenshaw, 37. Berterton, 80. Berthelette, T., ill. Berthelinus, Jo., 114. Bertherton, 80. Berthorton, Randle de, 80. Bertie, Sir Peregrine, in. Bertram, B. C., 114. Bertred, Countess of Chester, 80; Main- waring, 80. Bertwisell, 95. Bertwyssel, Thustan, 54. Berwick, 39, 54, 63, 74, no. Berwick-upon-Tweed, 70, 99; levies for, 50 -. Berwick, Castle of, 95. Berwick, Berwyck, Berwyk, Berwyke, Edward, 69; James, 69; John, 69; Patrick de, 57, 58; Thomas, 31. Bery, Berye, see Berry. Beseley, Besele, Beselegh, George, 54, 57; John, 54; Thomas, 54; Wm. de, 105. Besley, 88. Besoms, 46. Bessie Bell, in. Bessike, Alexander, 60. Best, Francis, 105; James, 105; R., in; Thomas, 105; Whlliam Draper, 37. Bestal, The, 74. Bestgate in Edish, 103. Beston, Sir Geo., 31; Hugh, 31; Sir Hugh, 31. Beswick, 42, 57, 58. Beswick, Beswicke, Bexwick, &c., family, 63 (app. L, IL, HI., IV.), 65, 88; Alex., 60; Charles, 44, 57, 61 ; Chris- topher, 58, 60; Ciceley, 65 ; Edmund, 69; Edward, 54, 65; Elizabeth, 65; Geoffrey de, 37, 42; Hugh, 63, 65; Sir Hugh, priest, 60; Isabel, 65; Isabella, 60; James, 66, 72; Joan, 60, 63, 65; John, 42, 44, 47, 54, 57, 60, 63, 69; John de, 58; Sir John, 54, 60; John Halliwell, 54 ; Lomax, 69 ; Margaret, 42, 54, 65; Miles, 47, 60, 65; Nicholas, 63 ; Philip, 63, 65 ; Ralph, 54, 65 ; Richard, 47, 58, 60, 65; Richard, rector of Radcliffe, 54, 60; Robert, 57, 63; Roger, 47, 54, 63, 65, 75; Thos., 37, 47 , 73 ; Wm., 60. Betham, Bethom, 54, 57, 81, 82; Rec- tory, 60, Betham, Bethom, Bethum, Agnes, 99; Amuria de, 95; Anne, dau. of Roger, 92; Edward us, 99; Elias de, 37; Jo., 64; Johannes, 95, 99; Margaret, 54; Ralph, 74, 92, 105 ; Ricardus, 99 ; Robert de, 58; Roger, 95, 99, 105; Sir Tho. de, 74; Tho. de, 58, 92; Wil- limus, 99. Bethnal Green, 114. Bethune, Edward, 57. Bethune, see Drinkwater, John. Beton, Frances, 88. 24 GENERAL INDEX. Betonsaw, 82. Betteley, Raffe, 54. Bettesford Church, 80. Bettesworth, Dr., 44. Betton, 88, no. Bevan, — , 63 (app. IV.); Mr., 44. Bever Castle, 81. Bever, — , 88. Beverley, 69, 114. Beverley, George, 83; P., 1 1 1 ; Thomas, 64. Beversham, W., in. Beivare the Cat, in. Bewganett, no. Bewicke, Robert, 47. Bewman, Thomas, 57. Bewmaris, 54. Bewsey, 37, 57, 81, 82, 88, 96, 99, no. Beswey Hall, 46, no. Bewsicke, Roger, 47. Bexeckne, Robert de, 80. Bexwick, see Beswick. Beyford Place, 88. Beymond, Robert, 57. Beynyn, John, of Henton St. George, 58. Beza, Theodore, ill, 114. Bibby, Biby, Bible, Bibbey, Bibbye, Bybby, — , 88; Bryane, 60; Edward, 63; Gilbert, 42, 54; James, 105; Jannet, 105; Jeremiah, 42; John, 42, 47, 58; Margaret, 105; Ralph de, 60; Richard, 47; Thomas, 42. Bible, 46, in; Briefe of. III; inverse, HI; Rhymes, in ; Antwerp Polyglot, Armenian, English, errors in editions of, Hebrew, Lithuanian, Turkish, Walton’s Polyglot, 114. Bibliorum Sum 7 nula, III. Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica, in. Bibliotheque raisoitnee des Savans, 44. Bickenhill, 94. Bickerstaff, Bickerstaffe, &c., 81, 88, 96, no. Bickerstaff in Ormskirk, 60 ; Stanley family of, 60. Bickerstaff, Bickerstaffe, Bikerstaffe, Adam, no; Agnes, 92; Geo., 92; Jane, no; Kath., 54; Lewis, 46; Thomas, 39, 57. Bickerstath, 54, 82, 95, no. Bickerstath, Bikerstath, Adam, 57, 95; Henry, son of Simon de, 58; Radulfus, 57 ; Thomas, 31. Bickersteth, 50, 60, 88, 95, no. Bickersteth, Edmundus, 95. Bickerston, 82. Bickerton, 54. Bicom, Henry, 105. Biddulph, Biddulf, 88. Biddulph Hall, Siege of, 62. Biddulph, Francis, 88; Helen, dau. of Rich., 88; Middleton, 31. Bidston Hall, 70. Bidstone, 54, 88. Bien Venn, in. Bierthwaite, 69. Bieston, Roger, in. Bigerstane, Robert, 60. Biggens, Over, 81. Biggin Grange, 88. Biggins, 88. Bightbank, 37. Bigod, Rogerus, Earl of Norfolk, 99. Bigsby’s Histoiy of Repton, 75. Bikerton, Margaret, 54. Bikrstad, Adam de, 57. Bill, J., 73, in. Billesborough, see Bilsborough. Billesburgh, Billiesbough, Alan de, 105; John de, 105; Richard de, 105; Roger de, 105; Thomas, 60. Billets, 46. Billett, George, 54. Billiard Club, 72. Billies, 46. Billin, Richard, 105. Billing, 50, 54, 57, 62. Billing Chapel, 113. Billing, Billinge, &c., — , 72, 88; Harriet, 105; James, 63, 72; John, 63; W., in ; William, 55. Billinge, 74, 82, 95, 99. Billinge of Billinge, pedigree, 88. Billinghurst, George, 109. Billingsley, J., in; Nich., in. Billingsgate, Customs of, 58. Billington, 45,46, 50, 54, 58, 74, 81, 88,99. Billington, Edw. , 105; Henricus, 99; Mrs., 72. Billmen, or Halberdiers, 50, 63. Bills, 46. Billyng, W., HI. Bilney, Thomas, 64. Bilsborough, Bilsborowe, Billesborough, &c., 50, 74, 81, 88, 95, 99, 105 ; Assize of bread and ale, 105. Bilsborrow, Roger de, 105, see also Billes- burgh. Bilson, 90. Bilson, Thomas, 64. Bimpson, 81. Binding corn, 46. Bind-leather, 63, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 25 Bindloss, Bindlosse, Bindlcwes, Bynd- lowes, Cicillia, 105 ; Edward, 94 ; Dame Elizabeth, 50; J. B., 72; John, 50; Sir John, 50; Rebecca, 105; Robert, 50j 57> 105^ Rob., 39, 105; Thos., 50; Mr., 46. Bindlosse of Barvvick, pedigree, 88. Bindon, Lord Viscount, 90. Bineston, 50. Biney, N., 72. Bingham, 114. Bingham, Edward, 94; Geo. Brook, 94; Mark, 94 ; Thomas, 73. Binging, The, 63. Bingley, Lord, 44 ; Thomas, 73. Binke, — . 96. Binns, Binnes, J., 57 ; John, 33, 45; N., 45; Thos., 1 13. Binulle, William de, 80. Birbonis, Elizabeth, 54. Birch, The, a poem, 45. Birch, Birche, 37, 42, 45, 47, 57, 8l, 82, 88, 1 10 ; see also Byrches. Birch Chapel, 37, 83 ; History of, 47. Birch Hall, 42, 45, 47, 65, 88, 96. Birch Hall fold, 47. Birch Hall Houses, 47. Birch House, 42, 45. Birch Lane, 47. Birch Mill, 47. Birch School, 47. Birch, Birche, Byrch, 63(app. I., IL, HI.); — , 72; Alex., 47; Alice, 47; Andrew, 47; Ann, 42, 45, 47; Arnold, 69; Beatrix, 47; Charles, 73; Deborah, 47; Edmond, 40; Edmund, 47, 54; Eliezer, 47; Elizabeth, 47, 96; Ellen, 46; Ellena, 47; Ewan, 31; George, 39, 42, 47, 50, 54, 58, 60, 63, 65, 69, 96; Gilbertus del, 95; Henry, 54; Humph., 47; J., Ill, James, 42, 47, 57, 69, 73, 94 5 Jennet, 47; Joan, 63; John, 42, 44, 47, 54, 57, 60, 65, 69, 73, 75, 109; John Peploe, 47; John Wyrley, 47; Joseph, 69; Josiah, 63; Joyce, 47; Lea, 42; Margaret, 47, 54; Martha, 47; Mary, 47, 57; Maryon, 47; Matthew, 42, 47; Islcholas, 96; Peter, 47; Peter, D.D., 47; Ralph, 39, 65; Radulphus, 47; Raufe, 47 ; Richard, 39, 42, 63, 73 ; Robert, 47, 54, 57, 58, 69, 96; Robert, curate of Birch, 47 ; Robert, fellow of Manchester Collegiate Church, 47 ; Rob., of Grindlow, 47; Samuel, 44, 47, 57, 60, 69; Samuel, Major-General, 47; Sarah, 47; Scholes, 72; Sybil, 47; Rev, Thos., 44; Dr. Thos., 1 14; Thomas, 42, 47, 50, 54, 60, 63, 65, 69, 73, 74, 96; Col. Thomas, 39, 47, 62, 70; Sir Thos., priest, 47; W. , iii; William, 42, 44, 47, 54, 57, 65, 69, 73; Rev. Wm., 54, 65, 96; Captain, 62, 72; Col., 42; Dr., 44; Major, 47; widow, 42; Madam, 57 ; see also Birches. Birch, of Ardwick, pedigree, 47, 88; of Birch, pedigree, 47, 88. Birch Feodary, 58, 74. Birchall houses, 42. Birchall, — , 88; Elizabeth, 46; Jeffrey, 46; Joseph, 94; William, 41,46, 83; wife, 46. Birchaw, 103. Birchen, 47. Birchenwood, 47. Birchenshaw, the, 74. Birchin, 47. Birchehawe, 95. Birches, Birchis, Byrches, Alex, de or del, 47, 58, 68, 72; Edmund del. 47; Edward, 54; Elizabeth, 105; Henry del, 47; Johanna del, 47; John, 105; Margaret del, 47 ; Matt, del, 42, 47 ; Radulphus, 47, 99; Ralph, chantry priest, 60; Ralph del, 47; Richard, 60, 105; Robert del, 47; Thomas, 47, 105 ; Wm., 47, 99, 105. Birches, 47 ; tenants of, 58 ; the Light Birches, 74. Birchess, Dyk de, 74. Birchley, 54, 81, 88. Birchowe, Thos., 46. Birchynshagh, Agnes, 99; Henricus, 99; Ricardus, 99 ; Robertas, 99. Birckbeck, Simon, The Protestant’' s Evi- dence, 38, 64. Birckened, see Birkenhead. Bircle or Birtle, in Middleton, 58. Bird, — , 88; Adam Yates, 94; Benj., 94; Geo., 88; John, Bishop of Chester, 54, 60, 65, 96, 103; Richard, 58; Rob., Ill; Thos,, 73; Wm., 71. Bird’s Magazine of Honor, 80. Birdcatching, 45, 46. Birdlime, 46. Birdie-loane head, 62. Birdok, or Brideoake, James, 58. Birdesley, John, 63 (app. HI.). Birdkirke, 81. Birds, 46. Birds of JSfoah's Ark, III. Birdsworth, John, 113. Birewath, Birewayth, Alicia, 95; Ellen de, 105 ; Rogerus, 95. E 26 GENERAL INDEX. Biri, Adam de, 47. Birkdale, Byrkedale, 74, 8i, 99, 112. Birkenhead, 54, 62, 81, 82, 94. Birkenhead, Prior of, 54, 83. Birkenhead, Birkened, Byrkenhead, — , 63 (app. III.); Adam, 54; Anne, dau. of Henry, 88; Elizabeth, 31; Henry, 54, 80, 83; Lieut. -Col. Hen., 70; Hugh, 54; Isaac, 70; J., Ill; John, 87, Sir John, 70, 1 14; Ralph, 31, 75; Randall, 114; Richard, 54, 83; Thomas, 54; William, 54. Birket, Birkett, Elizabeth, dau. of Ralph, 88; James, 46; John, 46, 57; Thomas, 94; Wm., 94. Birkhead, Birkhed, Birkhede, Adam, 54, 95; H., Ill; Henricus, 99; Henry, 55; Johannes, 95; Dame Margery, 54; Martin, 88; Robert, 113; William, 57. Birkhull, 95. Birkinshaw, or Byrkynschavv, 57. Birkitt, see Birket. Birks, Charles, 94; Jonathan, 73; Thomas, 73; William, 54. Birley, — , 63 (app. I. and IV.); Cicely, 92; Fredk., 92; Hannah, 92; Herbert, 42; Hugh, 42; Hugh Hornby, 63, 72, 75; Hugh, jun., 42; Isabel, 92; John, 72, 92, 105; Joseph, 42; Maria Joanna, 92; Mary, 105; Mrs., 42; Richard, 94; Thomas, 92 ; Thomas Hornby, 94 ; Thomas Shepherd, 92; William, 105; Rev. William, 42, 92. Birmingham, 45, 54, 72, 93, 94, 114. Birom, see Byrom. Biron, see Byron. Birine, Sir John, 60. Birowne, Adam, 60. Birrie, John, 46. Birron, see Byron. Birstal, Dr., 114. Birstall, 44. Birtcroft, 46. Birtisle, see Birtwistle. Birtles, 112. Birtles, arms of, 97. Birtles, — , 82, 112; Geo., 31; John, 69; Raph, 46; Thomas, 63; Wm., 46. Birtwistle, Berdtwisell, 74, 99, 103. Birtwistle croft, 46. Birtwistle, Birtwisell, Birtwesill, Birt- wistle, &c., Ann, 103; Edmond, 96; Edw., 96; Henry, 96, 113; John, 96; Olin, 50; Oliver, 96, 103; R., 105; Richard, 39, 103 ;Thurstan, 54; Mr., 46. Birtwistle, of Huncothall, pedigree, 81, 88. Birum, R. de, 47. Bisbame, see Bispham. Bisbie, William, 54. Biscay, Province of, 50. Bischop, Sir John, knt., 58. Biscoe, John Vincent, 94. Biscuit, etymology of, 50. Bishay, William, 60. Bishop (mulled port wine), 44. Bishop’s clerk, 46. Bishop, G., Ill; R., iii; Thomas, 42, 92; Wm., 64; a quaker, 114. Bishop’s Stortford, 114. Bishopthorpe, 46. Bishopswood, 94. Bisire, 54. Bispham, Bisphame, Byspham, 50, 57, 60, 62, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99. Bispham Chapel, 60; bell at, 60. Bispham Manor, 70. Bispham, Great, 74. Bispham, Almarius, 95; Elizabeth, 54; Elizabeth, dau. of Wm., 88. Bisselegh, William, 95. Bissell, John, 73. Bissett, William, 94. Bitchfield, 114. Bits, 46. Biveleg, 80. Bix, 45. Bix Angel, 64. Bixon, Robert, 63. Bizar, Peter, 114. Blacburn, see Blackburn. Black, Edw., ill ; James, Roman Friesic Manchester, 68; John, 94; Wm. H., 37. Black Bastel, iii. Black Boy of Ashton, 74. Black Death, 112. Black (Blake) Flatt, 47. Black Hall, 88. Black rock, Liverpool, 61. Blackall, 60. Blackbirds, 46. Blackborn, Henry, 105. Blackburn, Blackbarn, Blackeburne, Blak- borne, 39, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57, 60, 62, 65, 69, 72, 73, 74, 81, 82, 88, 94, 96, 99, 103, no, 1 1 2. Blackburn, Banastre’s Chantry, 60; B. Virgin’s Chantry, 60; Church of, 58, no; Church (joods, 113; Grammar School, 75, 96, in 1745, 105; Vicarage, 83- Blackburn Hundred, 39, 50, 74, no; Church Goods, 113. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 27 Blackburn, Blackburne, Blackborne, — , 88 ; Adam de, 58, 72, 74 ; Sir Adam, 3 1 ; Andrew, 105; Ann, 92; Anna, 42, 45; Bridget, 105; Edw., 60, 105; Ellen, 105; Gilbertus, 99, no; Henry, 54, 60, 74, 99, 105, no; Isaac, 73, 94; Sir John de, 31; John, 58, 60, 72, 74, 75, 94, 96, 112; John, of Orford, 54; John, M.P., 45; John Ireland, 31, 54, 60; Jonathan, 44, 61, 105; Lancelot, Arch- bishop, 44; Margery, 31, no; Mar- garet, 99; Marmaduke, 50; Ralph, 99; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 92, 105; Richard, of Ribchester, 60; Robert, 99, 105; Roger, 105; Samuel, 69; Thos., 42, 45. 92, 94. 99. 105; Rev. Thos., 42; Walter, 94; Wm., 44, 54, 57, 60, 94; see- also Blagborne. Blackburn of Newton, pedigree, 88; of Scorton, 105. Blackburn’s Charity, 105. Blackburnshire, Blakeburnshire, 58, 95, 103, 112. Blackburnshire, forest of, 88, 96. Blackcock, 46. Blackden, 47. Blackden, Roger, 54. Blacke Booke, in. Blackenhal, 80. Blackeladge, John, scullery man, 31. Blackenows, The, 74. Blacketer, Mr., attorney, 46. Blackenwall, George, 64. Blackerby, S., 64. Blackett, — , 61. Blackfriars, 114. Blackfriars Bridge, 72. Blackball, Rev. Mr., 44. Blackhurst, Richard, 39 ; Roger, 39 ; Thos., 69. Blackiston, 42. Blacklache, 58. Blackleach, Blackleeche, Blakelache, John, 60; N., 31; Nyc., of Leyland, 60; Rob., 39; Thos., 60; Wm., 96. Blackledge, Aubrey, 88; John, 81. Blackley, 37, 42, 47, 58, 60, 69, 81, 94, 96, no; Chapel, 37; Hall, 96. Blacklock, Joseph, 37, 69. “ Blackloe,” Mr., White. Blackmore, Gath., dau. of Rich., 88; Henry, 113; Wm., 94. Blackrod, Hugh de, 58. Blackrod, 42, 46, 50, 54, 57, 58, 60, 61, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no, 113; Chantry and priests, 60; Chapel, 60; Church Goods, 113; Lord of, 60; Tithe, 46; Tithe Barn, 46. Blackroyd, 88. Blacks (cloth), 46. Blacshaghe, 112. Blackshaw, Anne, 54; John, 94; Raffe, 54; Thos., 107; W., 57. Blackstakes, 42. Blackstone, Sir William, Commentaries, 80. Blackstone Edge, 44, 57, 62. Blackwall, Mrs. Ann, 31; Thomas, 63 (app. IV.). I Blackwater in Ireland, 54. Blackwell, Mr., 92. Blacow, Richard, 69, 88, 94; Rev. — , 72. Bladen, Robert, 88. Bladgburne, Robert, 105. Blagborne, Blagburn, John, 96; Richard, 105; Dom. Thomas, 60. Blagg, John, 97. Blagrave, Ob., in. Blagrove, Wm., 88. Blagshawe, William, 57. Blague, Dr. Tho., 103. Blaguley, Rob., 50; Wm., 50. Blaikelock, Laur. , in. Blainsco, Adam, 88. Blainscough, 81, 88. Blair, John, 94; Maj.-Gen., 70; Wm., 94. Blaise, Christopher, 94. Blakay, 112. Blakburne, see Blackburn. Blake, Admiral, 39; James, 64; Sir Peter, 54; Thomas, Vindicm Foederis, 38. Blake acres, rent of, 58. Blakehey, 99. Blakeknolles, the wife of, 74. Blakelache, John, 60 ; Tho., 60. Blakeley, see Blackley. Blakelow, 88. Blakelow, Thos., 88. Blakemore, Henry, 94. Blaken, 80. Blakenhal, 80. Blakenye, 88. Blakerode, see Blackrod. Blakerode, Hugh de, 58. Blakestake, 47. Blakey, 81, 82, 88, 99, 112. ^ Blakey, — , 88; Bernard, 54; Galfridus de, 95; John, 54; Joseph, 54; Laurence, 50; Sir Robert, chaplain, 54; Roger, 60; Mr., 46. Blakhurst, — , 88; Thos., 60. Blakiston, 42. 28 GENERAL INDEX. Blakket, Sir John, 54. Blaklache, Van., Bp. of Man, 60. Blakley, see Blackley. Blakley, Gyles, of Coppull, 60. Blakoe, Richard, 88. Blanche, D. of Lane. , iii. Blanchart, Katherine, 54. Bland, Ann, 42; Lady Anne, 42, 44, 58, 63, 68, 72; Edward, 42; Elizabeth, 42; Francis, 42; James, 94; Jane, 42; John, 42, 44; Sir John, 42, 44, 47, 57, 58, 63; Meriel, 42; Mosley, 42; Miss, 44; Mr., 105; Mrs., 44. Bland’s Regiment, 44. Blande, 57. Blandford, Marquis of, 44; Dr., 114; Mr., 44; Walter, 64. Blandyburne, John, 105. Blankensop, Thos., 88. Blankets, Manufacture of, 46. Blanscoe (Blainskowe), 82. Blare, J., iii. Blase, John, 94. Blaston, Thomas de, 37. Blayney, Rowland, 47. Bleachers, 68. Bleaching, 46. Bleaching ground in Crumpsall, 58. Bleasdale, 50, 54, 58. Bleasdale, Forest of, 57, 88. Bleasdale, Ralph, 46; Thos., 39, 54. Blease, 88. Bleeding calves, 46; cattle, 46; horses, 46. Blencoe, Mr., 44. Blencorst, James, 46. Blendings (mixed grain), 46. Blennerhasset, Cuthbert, 88; T., ill. Blestones, John, 60, iii. Blevyn, Johannes, 99. Blew Hall, 88. Blewet, Ralph, 80, 88. Blewstone in Reddish, 58. Blind Man's Bought ill. Blindhurst, 88. Blinkhorn, James, 69; Thos., 69. Bliss, Dr., 1 14. Blith, Geof., 60. Bliton, 82. Blodwite, or blood fine, 58. Blois, no. Blois, Stephen, Earl of, 58. Blomar, Sir H., III. Blome, 60. Blomefield’s History of Norfolk^ 46. Blomeley, Adam, 42; Alice, 42; Arnold, 54; Edmund, 63; Edward, 42, 63, 65; Ellis, 42; George, 42; James, 73; John, 42; Katherine, 42; Richard, 42, 63; Robert, 42, 65, 73; Thos., 42, 69; Wm., 42, 73. Blomfield, Bishop, 94; John, 96; Mary, 96. Blomiley, Arnold, 47; Elizabeth, 47; George, 47; William, 47; Widow, 47. Blomyle, John, 54. Blondell, see Blundell. Blondell, Anne, no; David, 114; Harry, no; Mr., of Crosby, 'i,\\seealso Blundell. Blondeville, Randle, no; Ranulph, no; see Blundevil. Blood-wipes, 63. Bloomer, — , 114. Bloomfield, Bridget, 105. Bloor, Matthew, 69; Thomas, 73. Blore Heath, 60, 88, no. Blore, Thomas, 94. Blosius, Lud., in. Blossoms, in. Blount, Charles, 90, iii; Sir Christopher, 90; Edw., Ill; Eliz., 109; G. W., ni; H. , n I ; Sir H. , in; Thomas, 88 ; Sir Thomas Pope, in; Sir Walter, 88. Blount’s Laiv Dictionary, 80. Bloundelles, Two, 31. Bloxedene, Plugh de, 58. Bloxham, Manor of, 58. Bludworthe, 81. Blue Coat School, Manchester, 72. Blue, powder, 46. Blumely, John, 57. Blund, Simon, 92. Blundell, 82. Blundell, — , 57, 61, 88; Amelia, 31; Ann, 31; Anne, 54; Bryan, 105; Elizabeth, 45; Henricus, 95, 99; Henry, 114; Henry, of Crosby, 54; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 94, no; Nicholas, 61, 95, 99; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 31, 39, 50, 54, 57, 60, 95; Robert, 50, 62, 99; Robert Fitz- William, 83; Sir Robert, 31; Thos., 99; Wm., 31, 54, 61, 74, 75, 92; Sir Wm., 58; Col., 70; Mr., 46, 47; see also Blon- dell. Blundell, Blondell, of Ince Blundell, pedi- gree, 81, 82, 88; of Crosby, pedigree, 81, 88; of Preston, pedigree, 88. Blundell MS., 61. Blunden, Humph., in, 114. Blunderston, Robert de, 92. Blundevil, Blundeville, Blundville, Hawys de, 74; Randle, Earl of Chester and Lincoln, 58, 74, 80, 87; T., in. Blundo, William, 80. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 29 Blunclstone, \Villiam, 94. Blunham, 114. Blunt, Sir C., ill; Nich. , in; Mr., 44. Blusher, Martha, 88. Blyndhurst, 88. Blyth, J., III. Blythe, Bp. Geof. , 103. Blythe Hall, 45, 88. Blythe, Manor of, 88. Boar spears, 50. Boardman, — , 63 (app. I. II.) ; Alex., 42, 47; Betty, 61 ; Dorothy, 42; Edward, 69, 94; Fredk., 73; Haydock, 69; Henry, 69; Hugh, 73; J., 57; James, 42, 57, 6c, 69, 94; Jerem., 57; John, 42, 57, 69, 94; Joseph, 42, 69; Martha, 42; Mary, 42; Rob., 47, 69, 72, 73; Thos., 63, 69, 72; Thos. Jas. Haydock, 94; Wm., 69, 73; Mr., 42; Sergeant, 42; see also Bordman. Boarshawe, Boarshay, 54, 60. Boasting, iii. Boat-hire, 46. Boats from Worsley to Knott Mill, 68. Bobelius, see Bobovius. Bobovius, Albertus, Account of, 114. Bobyn, 54. Boc-land, Tenure of, 63. Boccus and Sydracke, iii. Bochampton, co. Berks, 58. Bochart, Samuel, 114. Bochert, Thomas, 113. Bode, Sergeant’s, a custom of distraint, 58. Boden, James, 47; Samuel, 94; Tim., 57. Bodenham, J., in ; T., in. Bodice, 46. Bodingfield, — , in. Bodley, Sir T., in. Boe, F. de le, 114. Boerhaave’s cure for the gout, 44. Boethe, Both ; see Booth. Boghhegryt, 88. Bogun, — , 81. Bohemia, Elizabeth, Queen of, 70, 1 14. Bohemia, King of, 46. Bohemian Protestants, Sufferings of the, 114. Bohler, Peter, 44. Bohours, Dominick, 64. Bohun, Mr., 44. Boidele, Alan de, 80; Hugh de, 80; Wm. de, 80. Boileau, James, 64. Bointon, Colonel, 39. Boke, Robertus, 95. Boland e, 81. Bolandvvra, 57. Bold, Bolde, Bovvlde, Boulde, 46, 50, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96, 99, 1 10. Bold Hall, in. Bold, Bolde, Bould, Bovvld, &c., — , 57, 81, 88, 96; Adam de, 112; Alice, 54; Ann, Anne, 31, 54, no; Sir Baldwin, 113; Baldwin, no; Boniface, 60; Brian, 60; Cuthbert, 60; Cutlier, 83; Dorothy, no; Elizabeth, 54, 60, 83, no; Ellen, 60; Emma, 60; Franceys, no; Francis, 31, 50, 57, 60, 113; Gal- fridus, 95, 99; Geoffrey, no; Gregory, 112, 113; Helen, 60; Henricus, 99; Henry, 31, 54, 55, 95, 105, ill; Sir Henry, 60; Jane, 31, 39, 60, no; Jo., 31; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 50, 54, 60, 105, no, 113; John de, 60; Sir John, 60, 83; Kath., 31, 45, 60, 95; Mar- garet, 31, 54, 60, no; Matilda, 31; Maude, no; Norton, in; Peter, 39, 44, 47, 54, 68; Richard, 31, 45 > 5 °, 54 , 57, 60, 75, 87, 95, 96, no, 113; Sir Richard, 31, 37, 54, 60, 105, 1 10; Robert, 57; Samuel, 64; Thos., 31, no; Sir Thos., 31, 96; William, 54, no, ill; Mr., 31, 44, 46, 54; Mrs., 54; Lady, 60. Bold of Bold, pedigree, 81, 82, 88, no; funeral certificate, 75. Boldeburn, 74. Bolden, 88. Bolder, William, 47. Boldero, Dr. Edmund, 114. Boldycar, John, 83. Bole, Boole, 112. Boler, H., in; John, 75. Boleyn, Anne, no, in. Bolingbroke, 80 ; Henry of, 87. Bolingbroke, Lord, 44, 105. Bolington, see Bollington. Bolland, 46. Bolland, Forest of, 50; see also Bowland. Bolland, Baron, in. Bolleron, Agnes, 99; Katerina, 99; Nich., 99; Petrus, 99; Tho., 99; Will., 99; see also Bolron. Bolles, Dame Mary, 97. Bollin, Bolin, Bollen, 81, 83, 88, no. Bollinbroke, Johannes, 95. Bollington, 54, 60; Church, 97; Cross, 97; Nunnery, 80. Bollott, William de, 105. Bologne, Godfrey de, in. Bolron, 57, 74, 81, 99. Bolron, Johannes de, 95; Petrus, 95; 30 GENERAL INDEX. Rob., 74, 99; Thome, 57; Thos., 95, 99; Will., 74. Bolsha, Robert le, 60. Bolte, Randall, 54. Bolting cloth, 46. Bolton, Bolton-le-Moors, Bolton-supra- moras, Boulton-le-Moores, 37, 38, 39, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 81, 82, 85, 88, 94, 95, 96, 99, i°9, no, 112, 113. Bolton-in-Bolland, Bolton-juxta-Bowland, 45, 1 12. Bolton-in-Urswick, 37. Bolton-le-Sands, Bolton-juxta-Sands, 50, 57, 74, 88, 96. Bolton, Little, 46, 58, 8i, 82, 99. Bolton Abbey, 112. Bolton Bells, 113; butcher, 46; Church, 38, 45, 46, 60, 74; Church Goods, 113; Fair, 46; Hall, 45; Market, 47; Mon- ument to Wilson, 45; Moor, 46; Peace Meeting, 50; Prebend of, in Lichfield Cathedral, 60; Rector of, 46, 60; Rec- tory, 46; Tithes, 46 ; tithe-corn, tithe- corn silver, 46; Tolls, 46; Wood Gate Lane, 42. Bolton, — , 81, 82, 88; Adam, 50, 54, 60, 1 13; Alice, 47, 54; Christopher, 57; Col., 45; Dr., 114; Edmund, 54, iii; Elias, 60; Elizabeth, 54; George, 63; Giles, 113; Henry de, 74, 1 12; James, 54, 113; Sir James, vicar of Bolton, 54; Johannes, 95, no; John, 113; John de, 74; Mr., 46, 105; Mr., of Manchester, 42; Richard, 113; Richard, chantry priest, Ormskirk, 60; Richard de, 58; Robert, 38, 45, 54, 57, 75, 96, 99, 109, 1 13; Robert, of Kersley, 109; Roger, 95, 99, 109; Rev. Roger, 42, 44; Roger de, 58; Simon de, 74; Thomas, 42, 47, 69, 113; Thomas de, 54, 60; W., iii; William, 65, 99, 105, 113; William de, 58 ; see also Boulton. Boltoners, 46. Bolts of rushes, 46. Bolymer, Roger, 74. Bolyn, 54, 87, 88. Bombay, 94. Bomber, William, 105. Bomberg, Daniel, 114. Bomford, Richard, 47. Bom vile, Agnes, Edward, Jane, Randulph, Thomas, 54. Bon, Dr, 44. Bona, J., III. Bond, Bonde, — , 88; Jane, 105; Johannes, 57; John, 105; Mr., 37, 105; Richard, 51, 51, 105; Robert, 105; Thomas, 57, 105, 1 13; William, 57, 105. Bondage, definition of, 58. Bonders, definition of, 58. Bondheth, 112. Bondi, 58, 1 12. Bondini, Richard de, 47. Bondmen, 63. Bonds F riends’Meeting-house, 105 ; Roman Catholic Chapel, 105. Bonds (in law), 46. Bone, Christopher, 92; J. W., 105; Maiy Elizabeth, 105; Mrs., 105; R. C., 105; Wm., 105. Bonehill, Ancient remains at, 105. Bonfires, in. Bonfoi, Dick, 44. Bonfoy, Hugh, 44. Bonham, W., in. Bonian, Ric, in. Boniface IX. and pew rents, 96. Bonishall, 88, 97. Bonk, John de, 92; Thom o’ th’, capelk, 60. Bonkerlegh, 99. Bonne, 74. Bonnefoy, Mr., 44. Bonner, Bp. Edm., 54, 64, 1 03, in ; Frederick, 94. Bonor, Dr., 113. Bonwicke, H., in. Bonworth, Gilbert, 54. Book of Furness, 58. Booker, Rev. John, 58, 65, 103; Birch Chapel, 47 ; Didsbury and Chorlton Chapels, 42; History of Denton Chapel, 37. Booker, J., in; Thomas, 60; Peter, 47; William, 57; see also Bowker. Bookmaking, in. Books, 46, III; bequests, 96; purchases, 44; read by a Manchester wig maker, 68 . Boolde, Rychard, 57. Boomet, Mr., 57. Boon Hens, 103, 105. Boon Work, 74. Boone, Mr., 44; Wm., 92. Boons, 46. Boorde, Dr. A., in. Boot-hose, 46. Booth, 82, 88, 99, 112. Booth, Boothe, Bothe, Bouthe, Bowthe, — 57, 51, 63 (app. I. H. HI.), 75, 81, 82, 88; Agnes, 105; Ale.xander del, 47; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 31 Alice, S45 no; Andrew, 54; Bartholo- mew, 69, 94; Benj., 47, 73; Bryan, 57; Capt., 47; Capt. of Stockport, 75; Charles, 46, 54, 73; Christopher, 113; Ciceley, 54; Dorothy, 31, 42, 54, no, 1 13; Dulcia, 1 10; Edmund, 94; Edward, 57, 73 ; Edward, of Manchester, 60 ; Elizabeth, 31, 47, 54, 60, 83; Ellen del, 47; Ellen, of Dunham Massey, 97; Elys, 37; Francis, 88; George, 37, 63, 69, 83; George, of Dunham Mas- sey, 54, 60; Sir George, 39, 47, 54, 57, 80, 83, 103, 1 14; Gore, 57; Harry, 44; Henry, 37, no; Hugh, 58; Sir Hugh, 54; Humphrey, 57; Isabel, 57; J., 70; J. H., and Co., 37; James, 69, 96, 103; James, of Hapton, 46; James, of Hollins Green, 31 ; Jane, widow, 60; Johanna, 60, 99; Johannes, 57, 95, 99; John, 31, 37, 42, 47, 54, 57, 58, 60, 65, 94, 96, no, 114; John, Bp. of Exeter, 60, 103; Captain John, 50; Colonel John, 62; Sir John, 37, 54, 57, 88, no; John del, 112; John des, 60; John, of Barton, 31, 47, 50, 60, 75; John, of Dunham, 50, Jonathan, 69; Jordan del, 112; Joseph, 54, 96; Juliana, 112; Katherine, 54, 60; Langham, 44; Arch- bishop Laurence, 60, 92; Laurence, 46, 54, 60, no; Laurence, of Altring- ham, 60; Margaret, 31, 37, 54, 96, no; Margery, 60; Martha, 47; Mary, 31, 42, 47, 54; Matilda, 112; Matthew, 54; Montague, 69, 73; Mr., 31, 37, 44, 105; Mrs., 44; Richard, 42, 54, 57, 60; Richard, clerk, 60; Robert, 31, 37, 44, 54, 57, 58, 60, 68, 69, 75, 99; Robert, chantry priest, 60; Robert, of Dunham, 54; Sir Robert, of Dunham Massey, 57, 60, no; Robert, of Gray’s Inn, 60; Robert, of Tabley, 54; Robert, Dean of York, 54; Roger, 54, 57, 60; Samuel, 69; Sarah, 47; Susan, 31; Sysle, no; Thomas, 37, 46, 54, 58, 60, 69, 94, no; Sir Thomas, 74; William, 47, 54, 57, 60, 72, 73, 99, no; William, Insii-iictions to his Stewards, 57 ; Wil- liam, Bp. of Lichfield, 60 ; William, Abp. of York, 60, 103 ; Sir William, 31, 42, 54, 57, 60 ; William Andrew, 97- Booth, of Barton, ped.,81, no; of Booth, ped., 88; of Mottram Andrew, 97 ; of Salford, ped., 82. Booth’s Bequests, 96. Boothby Pagnell, 94. Boothe Banke, 60, 88. Boothman, John, 46. Booths, Boothes, 42, 58, 74, 82, 88, 99, no. Booths, the, in Manchester, 58, 63, 65, 74- Bootle, — , 63 (app. I. and IV.); Edward, 44, 45, 57, 63, 75 ; James, 54; Sir John, 57; Matthew, 63; Tho., 46, 61; Wm., 54; Captain, 62; Lieut., 70; Mrs., 57. Bootle, Botell, 50, 74, no. Bootle of Melling, ped., 88. Boots, 46. Boots for Horses, 46. Boots, white, 46. Bootson, Robert, 105. Bordam, 81. Bordarii, 58. Bordeaux, no. Bordesley, Oliver, 60; Sir Thos. , priest, 60. Bordman, Bordeman, — , 63 (app. IV. ), 88; Tames, 57, 60, 63, 73; Jeremy, 57; John, 54; Martha, 57; Richard, 47, 63; Ron- dull, 54; Samuel, fellow of Manches- ter College, 31; Sarah, 57; Mr., 31; Mrs., 57; widow, 47, 57; see also Boardman. Bore, Thomas, 81. Boreshed in Westminster, 31. Borewys, Margeria, 99. Borgom, Sir Richard, 105. Borid-ridinge, The, 58. Borlase, Rev. George, 45. Bornibergius, 114. Boromagalus, 57. Borough, Johannes, 95. Borough Hall, 45. Borough and Free Borough, meaning of, 87. Borough, Origin of the, 58. Boroughbridge, 88 ; Battle of, 58. Borough reeve, 65 ; Boroughreeves of Manchester, 63. Borowe, widow of Edmund, 65. Borowes, Mr., 31. Borrah, Robert, 105. Borron, — , 63 (app. 1. and IV.); Arthur, 94; Edw. , 63; James, 42, 45, 63; John Arthur, 73; Ro., iii; Thos., 42. Borrowe, Henry, 31. Borrowes, Rye., 31. Borsholder, 63. Borstal, Thomas, 83. Borth, Edward, 57, 32 GENERAL INDEX. Borthman, Rd. , 103. Borton in Lonsdale, 75. Borton, John, 83. Borwick, 88 ; see also Berwick. Berwick Hall, 88. Bosca (busca), 112. Bosco, Ranuld de, 105; W. de, 112. Boscobel House, 70. Boscowen, J., 61. Bosedon, Richard de, 47; Tho. de, 47. Bosevile, Godfrey, 39. Bosgrave, John, 44. Bosley, 54, no; Church, 97; Township, 97 - Bosley, Edw., 73; James, 94; Robert, 94. Boslow, 88. Bosoleclou, Bosseclou, 58. Bossley, George, 69. Bossevile, Susanna, dau. of Tho., 88. Bossuet, James Benigne, 64. Bostock, Bostocke, Bridget, the touching woman, 44; Charles, 96; Francis, 73; John, 42; Lancelot, 54, no; Mary, 96 ; Richard, 57, 69, 96, 99 ; Robert, 1^4, 1 10, in; William, 60; family of, 83. Boston, 34, 73, 114. Boston, Rauf, 60 ; Robert, 47. Bosville, Godfrey, 37 ; Mr., 44. Boswell, Sir Ab, in ; Elizabeth, no. Bosworth, 88, 95, 99, in. Bosworth Field, 37, 60, no. Bosworth, E. T., in ; William, in. Botany Bay, Newton Heath, 72. Boteler, see Butler. Boteworth, Rad’us, 99. Boterude, Henry, 58. Boterword, 58. Boterworth, 99. Boterworth, Alex., 95 ; Galfridus, 95; Ricardus, 95. Botes in another manor, 87. Botetout, John, 83 ; Maud, 83. Both, see Booth. Bothall Castle, 88. Bothamley, James, 63 (app. I.). Bothe, F. H., 114; see also 'Qooth. Bothebank in Worsley, 60. Bothelton, see Bolton. Bothelton, William de, 42. Botheman, — , 96. Bothes, see Booth. Bothes, lez, 95. Bothomes, 88. Bothum, Elias de, 58. Bothumes, Edward, 54. Botill, 99. Botill, Hugh, 107, 113. Botiller, see Butler. Botirworthe, Galfridus, 95. Botley, William, 54. Boton, 95. Boton, Robert, chantry priest, 60. Botreaux, Elizabeth, 95, 105; William de, 105. Bottell, Matthew, 54. Botterworth, see Butterworth. Bottles, 46. Bottom wood. Bottom wood field, 47. Bottomley, 58. Bottomley, — , 63 (app. IV.); Jeremy, 57 ; Joseph, 72. Boucher, Rev. John, in. Bouchier, Mr., 44. Boudoun, Richard de, 58. Boudler, William, 94. Boudwyn, Nicholas, 46 ; see also Baldwin. Boughen, Edward, 64. Boughs, 46. Bought Gap, 88. Boughton, 54, 82, 88. Bouker, see Bowker. Boukerleghe, 58. Boulogne, Monsieur, 44. Boulstrad, Mrs., Epitaph, 90. Boulter, Rob., in. Boulton, — , 63 (app. I. H.) ; Alice, 47 ; Elizabeth, 46; Ellen, 92; J., 57; Jennet, 92; John, 63; Rev. Mr., 42; Robert, 92 ; Thomas, 47 ; William, 63 ; Rev. Wm., 42, 92; see also Bolton. Boundaries of Mamcestre, 58. Boundaries, removal of, 63. Boundary marks, 46. Bounde, Henry, 54. Bouquet, Dr. Philip, 44. Bourbonnois, no. Bourcher, Mr., 80; Sir Hunt, 80. Bourchier, Arthur, in. Boure, Henricus, 95. Bourghill, John, Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, 103. Bourignon, Antoinette, 40, 44. Bourke, Theobold, Viscount, 96. Bourne, Bourn, Rev. Charles, 105 ; Rev. H., 114; John, 69; Sir John, 44; Nich. , in ; W., in; Rev. Wm., 31, 50, 62, 65, 75, 103, 114; see also Burn. Bout (= Without), 44. Boutflower, Henry Crewe, 94; John, 94. Bouthe, Bouthes, Bowthe, Bowthes, 81. VOLS. XXXI.-OXIV. 33 Bouthe, 31, 65 ; Booth. Bovey, Geoffrey de, 83. Bow, staff, and strings, 46. Boware, Robert, 54. Bowdekin, 107. Bowden, Elizabeth, 54; Sami, 37; Thos., 58, 72 ; Wm., 42. Bowdley, Mr., 44. Bowdon, Bowden, 54, 65, 73, 94, no, 1 14. Bowen, Rev. Charles, 105. Bower, — , 63 (app. I., IV.) ; Archibald, 44; Arthnr, 54; Benj., 63; Elizabeth Anne, 45; Foster, 69; George, 54; George Buckley, 69 ; Henricus, 99 ; Jeremiah, 44, 63 ; John, 69, 73 ; Michaiah, 80; Miles, 44, 57, 63, 69, 72; Peter, 54, 60; Richard, 65, 1 13; Robert de, 105; Samuel, 37, 69, 94; Thomas, 45, 54, 60. Boiver of Delights, in. Bowerhouse, 42. Bowerhouse, Alex., 42; Oliver, 65; Ralph, 42. Bowers, 82. Bowers, Benj., 69 ; James, 105 ; Margrett, 57; Mrs., 44; Richard, 105; Rose, 44. Bowers house, 84, 105. Bowes, Jane, 105; John, 105; Johanna, no; Mr., 44; Sir Martin, no; Sir W., 1 1 1. Bowet, Henry, archdeacon, 60; John, 60. Bowker, Bouker, — , 57 (part VI), 63 (app. I., II., III.) ; Adam, 65 ; Catherine, 114 ; Dorothy, 47 ; Geoffrey, 65 ; George, 63 ; George, chantry priest, 55; Henry, 63; Henry Hill, 94; Isabel, d. of Rich. , 88 ; J. , 114; James, 42, 47, 57 ; Jane, 47 ; John, 37, 57, 63, 69, 94, 96; Peter, 57 ; Ralph, 65 ; Richard, 54, 65, 94, 114; Robert, 44, 47, 63; Roger, shoemaker, 63; Samuel, 114; Thomas, 57, 69, 114; Sir Tho., priest, 54 ; William, 96 ; Widow, 47 ; see also Booker. Rowland, 74, 88, 96, 112. Bowland, Rev. Thomas, 105. Bowld, see Bold. Bowie, Rev. J., in. Bowler, — , 63 (app. HI.); Anne, in; Geo., 37; John, 37. Bowles, Rev. William, 45. Bowling, 65; an unlawful game, 63. Bowling Hall, 70. Bowlinge, — , 82. Bowman, Thomas, 105. Bowme, William, 50. Bowmen, 50. Bowness, William, 69, 73. Bowre, Henricus, 99. Bowrehouse, see Bowerhouse. Bowring, — , 63 (app. IL). Bows, 46; steel, 46; and arrows, 50. Bowser, Sir Rafe, in. Bowstones, or Borestones, 97. Bowtell, Rachel, 92; Steph., in. Bowthe, see Booth. Bowyer, Andrew, 54; Sir John, 88; Nich., in; Wm., 44. Boxes, 46. Boxted, 45. Boyar, Ed., 39. Boyce, Lieut. Thos. Wm. Tyrrell, 45. Boyd, Robt. Lord, in. Boydell, — , 81, 82; J., 112; Joan, no; John de, 83; Margaret, 83; Wm. de, no; Sir William, and children, 97. Boyer, — , 83; Arthur, 69, 94. Boyere, Sir Houmfre, 54. Boyes, John, 31; Thos., 54; Tobias, 57. Boyesnape, or Boylesnape, 58. Boyle, Robt., 64, 114; Michael, 114. Boyle’s Veneration, 44. Boyley Abbey, in. Boynton, Col., 62, 70. Boys, — , 82; Henry, 94; James, 92, 94; John, 55, III; Sir J., in; Joseph, 94. Boys, wages of, 46. Boyse Boys, John, Account of, 114. Boyse, Joseph, 64; Wm., 114. Bozom, Sir Richard, 105. Braban, Thomas, 57; Wm., 57. Brabande, Richard, 83. Braben, Brabin, Elizabeth, 54; Richard, 54; Mrs., 44; see also Braban, and Brabyn. Brabazon, Sir Edw., 31, 39, 82, 83, 88, 92; Katherine, 31, 39, 82, 88. Brabery, Hortredus de, 42. Brabin, see Braben. Braboner, Robert, 113. Brabson, see Brabazon. Brabyn of Docker, ped., 88; see also Braben. Bracciolini, Fr., in. Brace, Mr., 44. Bracebrigg, Bracebrugg, Sir Geoffrey de, 42, 58; Galfridus de, 47; Robert, 58. Bracewell, 88, no. Brachy-Martyrologia, in. Bracing (breaking) hemp and flax, 46. Bracken, Dr., 42. F 34 GENERAL INDEX. Brackens, 46. Brackley, Lord, 54, ill ; see also Egerton, Sir Tho. Bracton, on the carucate, 58 ; quotations from, 80. Bradake, J. de 112. Bradburn, Bradburne, — , 81 ; James, 42; John, 88 ; Richard, 54. Bradburie, T., iii. Bradbury, — , 72; Adam de, 68; Alice, 54; Betty, 44; Kezia, dau. of Joseph, 92; John, 37, Braddell, Braddill, Braddyll, &c., — , 81, 88; Ann, 31 ; Anne, 54; Edward, 31, 54, 57, 99, 103, 1 13; Helen, 31 ; Henry, 96; Henry de, 74; Jane, 54; Jenet, 54; John, 50, 54, 60, 96, 113; Capt, John, 62; John, son of Walter de, 74; John, of Brockholes, 54; John, of Portfield, 39, 46, 54; John, of Whalley, 54; Mr,, 31, 46; Richard, 50, 54, 57; T. R. G., 54 ; Thomas, of Portfield, 39, 54 ; see also Bradhull, Braidill. Braddell, or Braddill of Whalley (ped.), 88 . Bradderton, 57. Braddill, 88. Braddock, James, 72, 73; William, 113; see also Briddock, Brideoak. Brade, Jennet, 105; Margaret, 105; Oliver, 105; Richard, 57, 73, 105. Bradelegh-brook, or Bradley bent, 58. Bradeley, or Bradlegh, 95. Bradeley, Ricardus, 95; Thomas, 95, 105. Brade-lache, or Bradlech, 58. Bradell, see Braddell. Brademede, 57. Braderton, James, 92, Bradeschagh, Bradeshaugh, see Bradshaw, Bradfield, Mrs., 44. Bradfield St. George, 94. Bradford, 58, 69, 72, 83, 88, 94 ; grange of, 83 ; mylne, 83. Bradford, East, 62. Bradford, Yorkshire, 70, 73, 1 12. Bradford, Earl of, 109; John, 58; John, the martyr, 31, 47, 54, 58, 60, 64, 75, 96, 103, 109, III; Robert, 60; T., iii; Thomas, vicar of Manch, College, 47 ; William, Chaplain, 47, 60; Sir William, Fellow of Manch. College, 60. Bradforth, 57. Bradforthgrevys, 57. Bradham manor, 80. Bradhill, see Braddell. Bradhull of Brockhole, ped,, 81, 82. Bradkirk, 88, 92, 95, iio; Bradkirk-hall, 92. Bradkirk, — , 81 ; Adam, 92, 95; Anne, 92; Cuthbert, 62, 92; Ellen, 92; Henry, 92; James, 92; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 92; John de, 105; Laurence, 92; Rich- ard, 92: Robert, 92; Thomas Curtays de, no; William, 105; William de, 92; see also Breadkirke. Bradkirk of Newton, ped., 92. Bradlaye, see Bradley. Bradle, John, 109, Bradley, Bradlay, — , 63 (app. IV.), 82; Arthur, 46; Edmund, 45; Capt. Edward, 92; Edward, of Bryning, 62; Elizabeth, 31; Ellen, 31; George, 69, in; Grace, 31; Henry, 94; J., 105; James, 92; Jane, 31, 45; Johannes, 99, John, 31, 37, 39, 5^5 57. 75’ 94. I055 Laurence, 69; Mil- dred, 54; Otes, 96; Peter de, 112; Peter Legh de, 113; Raufe, 54; 14ich., 57, 112 ; Ricardus, 95, 99; I^obert, 57, 105; Thos., 31. 50, 57, 94. 105. Bradley of Bradley, ped., 81; of Bryning, ped., 88. Bradley, 46, 75, 81, 82, 88, 99, 103, no. Bradley JJall, 57. Bradley, seat of Sir P. Leighe, 60. Bradley in Appleton, 83, 97. Bradley in Burtonwood, 97. Bradloe, or Bradlow, John, 105. Bradmedive, Galfridus, no. Bradocke (IJroadock), Ric. , in. Bradshagh, Bradshaigh, Bradschay, Brad- sha, Bradshaugh, see Bradshaw. Bradshaw, Bradshawe, &c., — , 63 (app. HI.), 81,82, 88, no, in; Adam de, 95, Agnes, no; Alex., 46, in; Alex, of the Byrches, 54; Alice, 95; Ann, 31; Anne, 47, 54; Benj., 57; Charles, 69; Dorothy, 31 ; Edmonde, 60; Edmund, 54; Edward, 54, 99; Elianora, 99; Elias, 58, 95, IIO; Elizabeth, 42, 46, 54, 60, 95, 99, 105, no; Ellen, 54, Frances, 60; George, 70, 105; Giles, 63; H. 39; Henricus, 95, 99, no; Henry, 58, no; Henry, of Bradshawe Hall, 50, 58 ; Col. Henry, of Marple, 70; Sir Henry, par- son, of Aghton, 60; Huctred, 105; Hugh, 60, no; Hugo, 95, 99; I., Virginalia, III; Isabel, 54; Izaake, 57; Jacobus, 99; James, 31, 44. 5°. 54. 60, 63, 69, 71, 96, 105, no, 113; Jane, 31, 54, no; Jere- miah, 44, 63; Johanna, 95, 99; Johan- nes, 95, 99 ; John, 37, 39, 42, 44, 47, 50. 54. 57. 69, 70, 75, 94, 96, no, in; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 35 John, Letter to Sir Peter Legh, 37; Rev, John, 42; John, of Bradshaw, 50; John, of Darcy Lever, 60; John, of Uplither- land, 60; John, of Manchester, 60; Jonathan, 69, 73, Laurence, 46; Mabel, 74, 105, no ; Dame Mabella, 60; Margaret, 42, 60,95, 99^ no; Miles, 47, 57, 63; Mr., 31, 46, 62, 105, 109, 1 14; Mr., of Hay, 31; Mrs., 44, 46, 57; Miss, 42; Peris, 54, Peter, 54, 113; Peter, D.D., 60; R., 72; Ralph, 54, 60; Rawstorne,54; Ricardus95, 99; Richard, 39, 47, 58, 70, no, 113; Richard, of Pennington, 42, 60; Richard, Fellow of Manchester College, 54; Richard, Ser- geant at Arms, 54 ; Sir Richard, 54; Robert, 44, 47, 57, 58, 74, 92, 95, no; Capt. Robert, 62 ; Roger, 31, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57, 58, 60, 70, 95, 96, 99, no ; J')om. Roger de, 60; Roger, of Haigh, 50; Sir Roger, 44, 70, 105; Samuel, 42, 69; Simon, 113; Sir Symond, 54; Tho., of Lumin, 61; Thomas, 42, 47, 54, 55, 57, 69, 73, 95, 99, no, in; Widow, 42, 47, 57; W. de, 112; William, 42, 47, 54, 57, 60, 73, 95; Sir William, no. Bradshaw of Bradshaw, ped. , 82, 88; of Darcy Lever, ped., 88; of the Haigh, ped., 82, 88, no; of the Haw, ped., 81; of Pendleton, ped., 88; of Penning- ton, ped., 88; of Prisall, ped., 88. Bradshaw, 63, 81, 82, 88, 96, 99, IIO; chapel, 113; township, 58. Bradshowe, see Bradshaw. Bradstreet, Anne, in; Dudley, 44. Bradton, Thomas, 57. Bradwall, 96. Brad well, 88, no. Bradwood, Melch. , in. Bragg, Wm. Nich., 94. Bragget Sunday, 92. Braibroc, see Bray brook. Braidill, Dorothy, 105 ; Edw. , 105 ; Elizabeth, 105 ; Jennet, 105; John, 105; Richard, 105; Robert, 105. Braidley, Benj., 63; James, 105; John, 105. Braidsworth, William, 105. Braithwaite, — , 81, 82, 88; Ann, 31; Dorothy, 92; h" ranees, in; Galfrid, 31 ; Galfride, 54; John, 105; Richard, 31, 39, 92, 105, in ; Sir Stafford, in ; Thomas, 69, 105, in. Bramall, — , 63 (app. IV.) Bramhall, Jabez, 94 ; Abp. John, 44, 64, 114. Bramhall (Bromhall), 42, 69, 81, 82, 83, 88, 96, no. Bramhall Hall, 31. Bramham, 88. Brampton, Dorothy, ill; John, 64; Sir J., in. Bramston, Daniel, 44; Dr., 44; John, 64. Bramwell, Charles, 69; Jas., 69. Branched velvets, 46. Brand, Brande, J., 114; James, 105; Wil- liam, 105, 113. Brandenburg, Elector of, 114. Brandle, Nicholas, 105. Brandlesome, 46, 74, 82, 88, 96, no. Brandlesome, Alice, d. of Rich., 88. Brand ley, 81. Brandok, Willyam, 60. Brandon, 94, 1 10. Brandon, — , 88 ; Alianora, no ; Charles, no; Mary, no; Duke of, 105. Brandreth, Joseph, 73. Brandt, Charles, 72, in; Charles Eredk., 63; Sebastian, in. Brandurth, 99. Brandwood, James, 60; John, 54; Law- rence, 54; Thos. , 94; William, 94. Brandye, Thos., 105. Branham, Joannes, 37. Brankston Moor battle, 37. Branthwaite, Edw., 94. Brasenose College, 46, 54. Brashe, Henry, 46. Brass, 46. Brass, monumental, of Legh of Ridge, 97. Brassey, Wm. Henry, 94. Brassy, Robert, 60, 113; Bressye. Braswell, Brasewell, 81, 88. Brathay Hall, 94. Bratherton, Mr., 109. Brathwaite, Brathewayte, see Braithwaite. Bratt, John, 57. Braus, or Brews, Wm. de, 80. Brauxholm Moor, no. Brawn, 46. Bray, 81. Bray, — ,81; Alicia, 105 ; Augustine, 105 ; Laur. , 54; Rev. Nich., 105; Thos., 64, 105 ; Wm., in. Braybon, Rich., 47. Braybrook, Braybrok, &c. , Gerard de, 58; II. de, 80, 99, no; Henry, 94; James, 94 ; Philip Watson, 94. Braybrook, 88. Brayshaw, Mary, 57. Brayton, 88. Brazil fleet, 39. 36 GENERAL INDEX. Bread, 46; assise of, 58, 63, 65; holy, 92; horse, 46; wheaten, 46; white, 46. Breadkirke, Wm., 81. Breadie buttes and lands, 47. Breadsall park, or priory, 42, 88. Breakfast table of Q. Elizabeth, 46. Breakfasts. 46. Bream, 46. Breant, Foulke de, 80, Brearcliffe, Mr., 44; Sarah, 44. Breares, see Brears. Brearley, Jas., 57 ; Robert, 103 ; see also Breerley. Brears, Breeres, Breres, — , 80, 82, 88; Alex., 39; Edmond, 70; Edmund, of Preston, 31, 54; Capt, Edward, 62; Elizabeth, 54; John, 6i; Laurence, 31; Mary, 31; Mr., 46; Oliver, 54; Thomas, 46, 50. Brears family, ped,, 82. Brebury (PArbury), 74. Breckell, Thomas, 42. Breckhill, Thomas, 47. Brecland, John de, 68. Brecon, iii. Breda, agreement at, 39. Breda (le Brede), 112. Bredall, Chas., 42; Elizabeth, 42; Francis, 42; Thos., 42. Bredbury, 42, 82. Bredbury, James, 69; Thomas, 57. Brederton, 57, Brederton, John, 105 ; Wm. de, 92. Bredkirk, see Bradkirk. Bredley, John, 105. Bredon, Rich., 83. Bredsall, see Breadsall. Breeches, 46. Breeclif moor, 46. Breerehurst (Brerehurst), 47. Breeres, Breers, see Brears. Breerley, Brereley, — , 88; Bernard, 113; Edward, 54; James, 54, 96; John, 64; see also Breariey and Brierley. Bregge, Ed., 103. Breightmet, 42, 58, 88, 99, no; manor of, no. Breikill, Sir John, parson of Northen, 54. Breists, 60. Brekawnse, John, 57, 105. Brekdannes, Roger, 105. Brekedannte, John, 57, 105. Brekell, — , see also Breckell, Breykell. Brelsford, John, 73. Bremecroft, 99. Bremishawe, Mr. and Mrs., 31. Bremner, John Alex., 94. Brendlache, 58. Brend orchard, or Osecroft, 58. Brenius, Daniel, 114. Brennan, James, 109. Brent, — , 88; Sir Nath., in, 114. Brentford, 94. Brerde, Alex., 50. Brerecliffe, see Briercliffe. B re re hey, 58. Brereley, see Brearley and Breerley. Brererydinge, 58; see also Briar-Ridings. Brereton, — , 81, 82, 88; Andrew, 54; Sir Andrev/, 54; Anne, 31, 54, 96 ; Brian, 113; Dorothy, 31, 42, 54; Charles, 58; Edward, 54, 105 ; Dame Eleanor, 54, 83 ; Elizabeth, 54, 60 ; Ellen, 54, 96 ; Frances, 42; Francis, Lord, 54; Geof- frey, 31, 63; George, 31, 54; Hugh, 54; Jane, 31, 54; Joan, 31, 60; John, 54, 60; Katherine, 31, 54; Lady, 54, 63 ; Lord, 70; Lord, of Leighlin, 54; Lucre- tia, 31; Margaret, 54, no; Mary, 31, 42, 96; Mr., 31; Mr., of Brereton, 54; Mr., of Worsley, 31, 46; Sir Peter, clerk, 54; Philip, 60; Sir Ralph, of Hipstones, 54; Ralph, of Wettenhall, 54; Randle, 54; Sir Randle, 31, 37, 54, 60, 80, 83; Richard, 31, 50, 54, 63 ; Richard, of Ley, 54; Sir Richard, of Malpas, 31; Richard, of Tatton and Worsley, 31, 54, 75, 97; Richard, of Worsley, 50, 60; Sir Richard, of Worsley, 54; Sibell, 31, 54, 97; Thomas, 37, 44, 54, 70; Thomas, of Barrow, 54; Urian, 31, 42; Col. Urian, 31, 42, 54, 60, 75 ; Sir Urian, 96; William, 54, 83,96, no; William, Lord, 54, 114; Sir William, 31, 42, 46, 47, 54, 58, 62, 70, 83, 96; William, of Ashley, 42, 54, 75, 103; William, of Honford, 31, 42. Brereton family of Ashley, 80; of Hand- forth, 97; of Nantwich, 114. Brereton, 54, 81, 82; Brereton Green, 114. Breretwisle, Henry de, 74. Brerewood, Edward, 64; John, 70; Rich- ard, 54; Robert, 83; Sir Robert, 70. Brers, i?rBrores, Roger, 81. Breres, see Brears. Brereworth, 82. Brereworth, Charles, 58; Hadrian de, 105; John de, 105. Bressye, John, of Tuerton, 54; Mary, of the cliff, 54; see also Brassy. YOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 37 Bresyngham, or Brusyngham, 99. Bretbye-super-Wiske, 60. Bretherton, Elizabeth, 54; Henry, 99 ; John, 50, 54, no; Thomas, 46, 99; William, 46. Bretherton of Pley, ped., 88. Bretherton, 47, 50, 54, 58, 60, 74, 95, 99, no. Bretland, Reginald, 92; Tobias, 92. Breton, Arms of, in. Breton, — , 88; Nicholas, 90, in; Richard, 47. Brett, Thomas, LL.D., 44; William, 73. Brettargh, Brettergh, — , 70; Anne, 54 ; Catherine, 31, 75, 96; John, 54, 75; Mr., 44; Maud, 31, 75; Robert, 54; Tom, 44; William, 31, 44, 54, 69, 75, 82. Brettargh of Brettargh Holt, fam., 75; ped., 88. Brettargh Holt, 54, 75, 82, 88. Brettlond, Henry fitz Rich de, 60. Brettenbye, 46. Brettone, i.e., Monk Bretton, co. York, 112. Bretwesley, 60, 103. Breval’s Travels, 44. Brevall, Francis, 64. Brevint, Daniel, 64. Brewen, J., 11 1. Brewer, — , 81, 88; Ann, 57; Joseph, 92; T., in; Thomas, 71, 105; William, 105. Brewers, 58, 73, Brewerth, — , 82. Brewhouse, 46. Brewing, 46. Brewood, 94. Brewreton, see Brereton. Brewster, Edw., 82, in. Breykell, William, 113. Briarley, see Breerley and Brierley. Briber, Francis, 64. Brice, Edw., in. Brich, — , 54, 82 ; Rauf, 60 ; Roger, 60 ; Wm., 60. Brich of Brich, ped., 81; see also Bruche. Brick-croft, the, 73. Brickenden, John, 54. Brickhill, 114. Brickhull, Hugo de, 37. Brickmakers, 46. Bricks, 46. Bridal day, in. Bridbery, 81. Bridd, Christopher, 58, 63; Hugh, 58, 63; Nicholaus, 99; Roger and Agnes his wife, 60; see also Bird. Bridden, see Briddon. Briddock, Edward, 54 ; Elizabeth, 63 ; Geffrey, 54; John, 60, 73; Ralph, 47; Richard, 54; Sir Robert, priest, 54, 63, 65; Thomas, 54; Thomas and Margaret his wife, 54; see also Braddock. Briddon, Bridden, Abram, 42; Charles, 94; John, 94; Mr., 42; Robert, 94. Brideoak, Ii)r. Ralph, 70, 1 14; Richard, 114; Thomas, 73; T. , 57; W., 57. Bridge, — . a bookseller, 44; Christopher, 46, 69; Edward, 60, James, 57; Ralph, 47, 69; Richard, 54; William, 38. Bridge-Trafford, Cheshire, 81, 88. Bridgehous, Bridgehowse, Grace, 37 ; Robert, 37, 65. Bridgeman, — , 88, Charles, 105; Edward, 39, 109, Sir Francis, 92; Henry, 109; Henry, bishop of Sodor and Man, 70; Sir John, 37, 109; John, bishop of Chester, 37, 39, 60, 70, 103, 105, 109; Lord keeper, 1 14; Mr., 44, 62; Orlando, 109; Sir Orlando, 105; W., in. Bridgend, — , 46. Bridges, John, 44, 64; T. , ill; William, 54; William, cook, 46. Bridges, 46; building, 46; repair of, 63; tolls, 58. Bridget, in. Bridgewater, 47. Bridgewater, Dr. John, his Concertatio,\ 2 , 64; Dukes of, 54; Earl of, 54, in; Earls and Dukes of, 60; John, 64. Bridgford, John, 73. Bridghall, or Bridge-hall, 82, 88, 96. Bridghouses, 37. Bridgman, see Bridgeman. Bridgnorth, 42, 47, 82, 88. Bridlington, in; parsonage, 54. Bridoul, E. Toussain, 64. Briefs and collections, 92, 97. Brier Ridings, Great and Little, 65; see also Brererydinge. Briercliffe, — , 88. Briercliffe, 50, 74, 99, 112. Brierley, 82. Brierley, Adam, 113; Ann, 42; Benj., 73; James, 63, 69, 73; John, 73, 94; Robert, 42; Roger, 76; Thomas, 42, 44. Briers, — , 88; Roger, 105. Brierwood, Sir Robert, 80. Brigandine jacket, 50. Briges, Edmunde, 60. Briges, or Bruges, satin, 60. 38 GENERAL INDEX. Brigge, 109. Brigge-Casterton, manor of, 58. Brigge, Rogerus de, 95. Brigges, Bruges, 113. Brigges, Briggs, Ephrahim, 105; Henry, 69; Sir Humphrey, 41; John, 69, 94; Mr., 46; Richard, 31, 60, 69, 92; Rol- and, 57, Rt., 57; Wm., 94. Brigham, Nich., ill. Brighouse, Elland of, 74. Bright, Benj. Heywood, 57, 63; Jonathan, 69; Mr., 1 14. Brightelmstone, 73. Brightman, Mr., 54; Thomas, 38, 114. Brightmed, Brightmede, see Breightmet. Brighton, 58, 94. Brightwell, 88, 99. Brignall, Jonathan, 94. Brimstone, 46. Brindle, 62, 82, 88; Church goods, 113; name of, 58; parish of, 50. Brindley, J., iii. Brinknell, Thomas, 64. Brinkull, or Brignhill, 58. Brinksway, 42. Brinley, — , 88; Alice, 103; Lawr., iii. Brinne, Brynne, 81. Brinnington, 54; township, 42. Brinshop, 88. Brinskip, 88. Brion, Mr., 42. Brisclance, Roger, 57. Briscoe, — , 88; Rev. Humph., 105. Briscowe, Roger, 54. Briset, Jordan, knt., 47. Briskeow, John, 69. Briskoe, Mr., 47. Brissingham, 95, 99. Brisson, or Bressan, flute-maker, 44. Bristol, 44, 47, 84, 88, 94, in; Charter of, 58; MS. Chronicle of, 46; Drollery, III. Bristol, Earl of, 109. Bristow, Charles, 73; Richard, 64, 96. Bristow’s Motives ; Fifty-one Demands, 31 *. Britaine, Annals of, in. Britain, early, 58. Britain, Johannes, 99. Britavi's Bath, in. Bj'itani’s Glory, in. Britannia’s Pastorals, in. Britanny, Little, 42. Britanny, war in, 87. British Apollo, 44, British Journal, 44. British Volunteer, 72. Britons in Manchester, 68. Brittaine, Rich., 92. Brittle, John Edw., 94. Brittlebank, Benj., 94; Francis, 94. Brittwisle, Adam, 95. Britwisle, — , 88. Brixlesworth, co. Northampton, 60. Brixworth, 95, 99. Broad croft, 47. Broad (Brode) meadow, 47. Broad Oak, 42, 88. Broadbent, Ralph Newton, 94; Robert, 31 - Broadgates Hall, 109. Broadhead, 46, 112. Broadhead, Le, 112. Broadhead, Joshua, 69; see also Brodehede. Broadhurst, John, 72, 94; Wm., 94; see also Brodhurst. Broadsides of 1752, 72. Broadstone Hall, 42. Broadsword play, 72. Broadwell, 69. Brocade, 46. Brocas, — , 88. Brock, Brocke, — , 82, 88; Henry, 57; John, 54; Judith, 114. Brockbanke, Christopher, 105; John, 105; Nicol, 57. Brockefeilde, — , 81. Brockes, alias Spits, 31. Brockfort (Brookfoot), 46. Brockhall, — , 82, 88; Elizabeth, 105. Brockhole, 54, 81, 95. Brockhole, Over, 81. Brockhole, Rob., 88; Thos., 104. Brockholes, Brockes, Brockhows, $ 8 , 81, 82, 88, 95, 99. Brockholes, — , 81, 82, 88; Adam de, 105; Cuthbert, 60, 105; Elena de, 105; Eliz- abeth, io5;Geoffrey, 105, i io;Helen, 60; Isabel, 105; John, 39, 60, 92, 105; John de, 58, 105; Johannes, 95, 99; Mary, 92; Nicholaus, 95; Robert, 60; Roger, 57, 58, 60, 95, 99 ; Roger de, 105 ; Thos., 60, 105; Thos. Fitzherbert, 60, 92; W. Fitzherbert, 105 ; Willimus, 99. Brockholes, fam., 105; ped., 82, 105; of Clayton, ped., 88. Brocklehurst, 112. Brocklehurst of Butley, 97; of Tithering- ton, 97; of Swythamley, 97. Brocklesby’s Gospel Theism, 44. Brockley, Sami., 39. Brodbelt, John, 105. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 39 Brodehede, Gylbert, 57; Hugh, 60; Johan- nes, 99 ; see also Broadhead. Brodehed mine, 103. Brodhurst, Edmund, 50; Roger, 50. Brodie, G., Bi'itish Empire^ 70. Brodned, pasture in, 58. Brodrick, Allen, iii. Broght, Richard, 37. Brok, Robert, of Upton, 54. Brokbanke, see Brockbanke. Broke, — , 88 ; Sir James, chaplain, 42; Richard, 60; Thomas, chantry priest, 60, Broken brow, Manchester, 44. Broken cross, 97. Brokes, see Brooke, Brookes. Brokes, the, 58. Brokesland, 60, 99. Brokestand, 60. Brokfyld, 57. Brokholes, see Brockholes. Bromall, 54 - Bromall, Geo., 69. Brornborough, 54, 73. Bromborough, Sir Wm., 83. Brome, 88. Brome, Alex., 71, iii; H., in; Henry, 42; John, 83, 105; Richard, 71, iii; W., III. Bromehouse, Bromhouse, 88, 99. Bromehurst, no. Bromfield, 54, 82. Bromfield, Dr. Wm., 61. Bromhall, see Bramhall. Bromhall, Mrs., 44. Bromiley, Geo., 57; William, 37. Bromilovv, John, 37; Nich., 37. Bromley, 99, no. Bromley in Kent, 94. Bromley, Sir Geo., 50, 54; H., ill; Henry, 44, 69; Hugh, 54; Isabel, 54; John, 44, 95; Sir John, 60, no; Mar- garet, no; Richard, 54, 69; Robert, 69, 73; Roger, 54; Stephen, 105; Thos., 44, 69, 73; Sir Thomas, 50, in; Thos., of Nantwich, and Emlyn, his daughter, 54; Thos., of Norbury, 54; Wm., 54. Brompton’s Chroiiicon, 80. Bromshall, 88. Bromstere, 37. Bromwell, Charles, 69; James, 69; Wm., 69. Bron, — ,81. Bronage, 60. Brone, John, 105; Margaret, 54. Bronnshanks, Wm., 54. Brooch, Spit, 39. Brook, 82. Bi'ook, Brooke, — , 72, 81, 82, 88; Alice, 47; Sir Basil, in; Charles, 54; Christian, 96; Christopher, 90, in; Clare, 31, 92; Edward, 63; Elizabeth, 42 ; Francis, eighth baron, 44; Francis E., 105; Fulke Greville, Lord, 71, in, 114; G., in; George, 42, 109; Giles, 31, 54; Henry, 90, 96, III; Rev. Henry, 42,44, 69; Col. Henry, 70; Henry, of Norton Priory, 62; Hugh, 46; Humphrey, 50, no; J., 44, 57 ; J* C., 82; James, 63; Jane, 45, 87, no; Joan, 31; John, 42, 54, 63; Judith, 114; Letitia, 45, 105; Margery, 54; Mai-y, 96; Mr., 37, 44, 54 ; Nat., in; Peter, 39, 44, 45; Peter, of Astley, 31; Sir Peter, 31; Richard, 45, 54, 80; Sir Richard, 31, 37, 96, 105, no; Richard, of Nor con, 54; Richard, lord chief baron, 54; Robert, 42, 46, 47, 54; Robert, of Nantwich, 54; Roger, 54; Samuel, 57, 72; Susanna, 31, 45; Thomas, 42, 47, 54, 80, 83, 96, no; Thomas, of Leigh- ton, 54; Thomas, of Norton, 31, 54; Rev. Thomas, 44; W., 57, iii; Wm., 54; Sir Wm., clerk, 54. Brooke’s Graiinde Abridgement, 80. Brook, see also Brucke. Brookbank, Dr., 44. Brookeshawe, Joseph, 57. Brookes, Brooks, — , 88; Alice, 105; Benj., 42; Charles, 57; Geo., 57, 94; James, 64, 94; James, bishop of Glou- cester, 60; Jane, 105; John, 42, 63, 69, 73; John Harry, 94; Rev. Joshua, 42, 69, 72, 94; Kitty, 44; Mr., 44, 46; Major, 109; Marmaduke, 105; Samuel, 42, 57, 63, no; Thos., 42, 57, 73; Wm., 57; Wm. Lee, 94; Widow, 37. Brooks, see also Brucks. Brookesmouthe, — , 82. Brookhalls, Roger, 105. Brooklime, 46. Brooklyn in Blackburn, 60. Brooksbank of Titherington, 97. Brooksbank, Mr., 114; Thomas, 105. Brooksby, P., ni;Thos., 44. Broom, Higher, 37. Broome, 97. Broome house, 45. Broome, Andrew, 70; Ann, 42; Elizabeth, 42; Francis, 42; Hannah, 42; Henry, 47; James, 42; John, 42, 94; Margaret, 92; Mary, 42; Molly, 42; Mr., 42; Richard, 42, 45, 69; Richard, of Man- chester, 42 ; Richard, of Dklsbury, 42 ; 40 GENERAL INDEX. Robert, 47; Thos., 47; William, 42, 44, 72. Broomyhurst, wood in, 58. Broosholms, see Browsliolme. Broscupp, John, 47. Brosson, Mr., 105. Broster, Edward, 37; Hugh, 54; Jone, 54; Richard, 54. Brotherton, 60, 81, 82. Brotherton, — ,81, 82, 88; Mr., 44; John, 62; Thos., 57. Brottwisle, Adam, 95. Brough, — , 88; Dr. William, 114. Brough Hill fair, 46. Brough, 73. Brougham, 88. Broughill, Lord, 83. Broughton, — , 81, 88; Anne, of Shocklach, 54; Sir Brian, 54; Edward, 54; Francis, 54; Sir Henry Delves, 54; Hugh, iii, 1 14; Humphrey, 54; John, 54; Morgan, 54; Richard, 64; Susan, 54; Sir Thom- as, 60; Thomas Delves, 97; Valentine, 54, 83. Broughton, 45, 58, 60, 69, 72, 73, 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 99, 1 10, 1 14. Broughton, near Cartmel, 50, 62. Broughton, near Preston, 74. Broughton chapel, 60. Broughton cum Membris, 50. Broughton Hall, 45, 88, 96. Broughton, in Oxfordshire, iio. Broughton Tower, 88, 99, no. Broun and Broune, see Brown. Brounylaye, Thos., 46. Brow Top School, 105. Browen, W. & S., 63 (app. HE) Brown, Browne, — , 62, 63, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95; Adam, 54; Anne, 72, no; Ant., in; Sir Anthony, 31, 54; Bolton, 69; Bridget, 50; Charles, 44; Dr., 114; Edward, 71; Elizabeth, 92; Ford Madox, 114; Frances, 92; Francis, 57, 63; G. Best, 94; George, 39, 50, 60, 65, 70, 73, 92, 94, 105, 113; Rev. George Ric- hard, 92; Henry, 54, 60, 92; Rev. Henry, 42; Henry, of the Scales, 60; Isaac Hawkins, 44; James, 50, 54, 57, 69, 73, 92, in; James, of Coppull, 60; John, 54, 60, 61, 63, 72, 73, 83, 96, 105, in; John, his Apologetic all A' elation, 114; Jonathan, 63, 94; Joseph, 105, in; Joshua, 57, 72; Rev. Mr., 92; Mr., 44, 46; Margaret, 54; Mary, 45; Matthew, 31; N., in; Nenam, 94; “Old”, 46; Oliver, 60; P. J., 44; Peter, 69, 92 ; Bishop Peter, 44; Ralph, 54, 1 10; Sir R., 114; Reginald, 72; Richard, 73> 75> 83, 92, 95, 99, 105; Risley, 61; Robert, 57, 60, 64, 94, 105; Roger, 50, IIO; Roger le, 58; Samuel, 42; Stephen, 42, 54, 63, 65, 109; Thos., 37, 39, 45, 47, 54, 57, 64, 72, 73, 94, 95, 99; Thos. Vicar of Marlow, 31 ; Dr. Thos., 44, 114; Sir Thomas, 88, in, 114; Sir Valentine, 54; W. ,92, iii; William, 46, 50, 54, 57, 60, 69, 71, 72, 73; Sir William, priest, 54. Brownbill, Thos., 73. Brownelawe, see Brownlaw. Brownell, Edward, 96. Browneley, 50. Browneley, Brownlaye, Mr., 46; Roger, 57; Thos., 46. Brownhill, James, 42; William, 47, 54. Browning, John, 92; Rich., 92. Brownlaw, Laurence, 54; Roger, 42. Brownlow, — , 81, 82, 88. Brownrigg, Rob., in. Brownsell, — , 88. Brownson, Edward, 73; Thomas, 69. Brownsword, — , 63, 88 ; Ciceley, 54 ; Elizabeth, 63; Isabel, 54; John, 47; John, of Manchester, 54, 63; Rev. Mr., 92; Richard, 60, 63, 65; Thomas, 54, 63, 65, 96. Brownsworthe, Thomas, 63. Browsholme, 37, 45, 82, 88. Broxholme, Charles, 37; John, 37. Broxolme, Dr., 44. Broxton, 88. Broxup, John, 37, 47; Seth, 57. Broyn, Johannes, 99. Bruce, David, in; Edward, ill; Robert, in. Bruch, Brugh, 47, 88, no. Bruch, Gilbertus, 95, no; Sir James, vicar of Bethom, 54; Richard, 54. Bruche of Bruche, ped., 81, no. Bruches, 47. Bruches, Henry de, 47. Brucke (Bruc)-Field, 47. Brucke, Richard, 54; Robert, 54; Roger, 54; Tho., 54. Brucks, Mr., 31. Bruckshaw, 47. Bruckshaw, Joseph, 57. Brudeheved, no. Brudsey (? Bardsea), Nicholas, 50. Bruen, Ann, 54, 96; Dorothy, 54; Eliza- beth, 54; Geo., 54; J-, hi; James, 54; John, 31, 54, 75, 83, 96, 109; Katherine, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 41 54; Margaret, 54; Mary, 54; Ralph, 54; Robert, 54; Thomas, 54; Wm., 54. Bruen-Stapleford, 88, 96, Bruer, Christiana, 39; James, 39, 105; Richard, 105 ; William, 105. Bruerio, Hamo de, 80. Bruerton, see Brereton. Bruges, William, 90. Bruges, 54 ; see also Brigges. Bruinford, 88. Bruk, Walter, iii. Brun, or Brunne, Robert de, 58, 105, in. Brundhill, Brindell, 88. Brundreth, Jeremiah, 42 ; John, 42 ; Matthew, 42. Bruneres, Edvv., 46. Brunhull, or Brynhill, 58; see also Bum- hull. Brunghill Moor, 112. Brunlay, W. de, 112. Brunley, see Burnley. Bruno, Jordano, 44. Brunschaghe, 112. Brunshaw, 103. Br unsop, no. Brus, Peter de, 105. Bruse, John de, 80. Brushes, 46. Brussies of Wood (besoms), 46. Brustlington, county Somerset, 58. Brute for Britannia, 44. Brutes, proof of their non-reason, 44. Bruyn, — , 88 ; Johannes, 99. Bruzeau’s Faith of the Catholick Churchy 64. Bryan, Rev. Augustine, 44; John in; John, D.D., in; Samuel, 94. Bryddock, see Briddock and Brideoke. Bryche, Gilbertus del, no. Bryden, Thomas, 94. Brydenbrugge, 80. Brydge, Alex., 54. Brydges, — , 88; Dr., 94. Bryers, — ,81, 88. Bryers of Walton, ped., 88. Bryffementes, brevement, breved, 31. Brygche, Christopher, 54. Bryge, Thomas, 99. Brygge, Nicholas, 54; Rauff, 37. Brymley, Dame Barbara, 54; John, 54. Bryn, 81, 82, 88, 96, 99, iio ; Bryn Park, 46. Bryn, Joan, no ; Peter de, no. Brynbella, Flint, 94. Bryne, John, 54; Margery, 54; Ralph, 54; Wm., 54. Brynhir, 73. Bryning, Thomas, 92. Bryning, 58, 74, 88, 99; tithes, 92. Bryning-with-Kellesmergh, 92, no. Brynkale, Robertas, 95. Brynmadir, 94. Bubnell, 37, 69, 73, 88. Buc, see Buck. Buccleuch, Duke of, 74* Bucer, Martin, 64, no. Buces, — ,81. Buchan, John, 94. Buchanan, Geo., 64, 114. Buckynshagh, Robertas, 99. Buck, — , 88; Rev. Charles, 92; Sir George, in; Henry, 92; James, 92; Rev. James, 92; Rev. Richard, 45. Buckby, 112; Buckby manor, 80. Buckden, 114. Bucke, G. , in; William, 54. Buckeridge, John, 64. Buckhurst, Lord, 90, in. Buckingham, Duke of, 37, 39, 44, 62, 70, 109, in, 114. Buckingham Castle, 81. Buckland, Sir John, 58; Ralph, 64. Buckles, 46. Buckley, Bulkeley, — , 81, 88; Abel, 96; Adam, 57, 96; Alice, no; Arthur, 47, 54, 63; Charles, 54, 94; Dorothie, 54, 96; Edmund, 63, 72; Edward, 75, 92; Elizabeth, 54; Pilizabeth Plarriot, no; Francis, 105; George, 47, 54; Gilbert, 58, 60; Grace, 31, 96; Henricus, 99; Henry, 58; Henry de, 60; Hugh, 54; Isabell, 96; Jacobus, 99; James, 54, 72, 96; Sir James, 60; Johannes, 95; John, 31, 54, 69, 72, 73, 75, 96, 113; Rev. John, 54, 75; Joseph, 94; Katherine, 54; Laurence, 54, 60, 96, 113; Mar- garet, 60, 96 ; Margery, 95 ; Randell, 96; Richard, 54, 60, 75, 80, 95, no; Sir Richard, 31, 54; Robert, 54, 63, 72, 94, 95, 96; Rowland, of Beaumaris, 54, lio; S., 114; T. A., 64; Thomas, 31, 50, 54, 69, 73, 94, 96, 99; Thos. James, no; William,- 54, 60, 63, 96, no; William de, 74, 80; William Hal- stead Greenwood, 94. Buckley of Buckley, ped., 88. Buckley, 45, 74, 81, 88, 96, 99. Bucknall, 88. Bucknell, T., in. Buckram, 46. Buckshagh, Ellen, 95 ; Emma de, 95 ; Willimus, 95. G 42 GENERAL INDEX. Buckshaw, 88. Bucksie, Nicholas, 54. Buckstalls, or Deerhays, 58. Budoeus, W., 1 1 1. Budd, Thomas, 94. Budden, Mr., 44. Budeford Manor, county Warwick, 80. Budelescumbe, Robert de, 58. Budge, J., III. Budworth, 37, 54, 72, 88, in, 112. Budworth, Sir Geffrey of, 80; Joseph, 69, 94. Buerdsall, 54. Buerdsell, or Buerdsill, — , 63 (app. IV. ) ; R., 57; Robert, 60; Thos., 57. Buff jerkin, 46. Bufton’s at Altrincham, 44. Bugden, Buckden, 42. Bukelsboots, Johan, 54. Bulcock, John, 103. Buld, Bulde, Henrici, 57; Thome, 57; Richard, 74. Bulder, Ricardus, 99 ; Robertas, 99 ; Thomas, 60; William, 60. Buldree, — , 88. Bulhaughe, Robert de, 50. Bulhango hamlet, 63. Bulke and Aldcliffe, 50. Bulkeley george (Grange), no. Bulkeley, see Buckley. Bull, Geo., 64; Joseph, 42; Mr., 44, 46; R., in. Bullbait at Cambridge, 44. Bull-baiting, 92. Bull-oak, the, 58. Bull of Pius V. against Elizabeth, 50. Bullaine, John, clerk, 60. Bullaric, John, clerk, 60. Bullen, Ann, 92 ; Sir Richard, 54. Buller, Francis, 37; Geo., 92; Wm., 92. Bullhaghe, High, 88. Bulling, 99 ; see also Billing. Bulling, Bullinge, Henry de, 60; Sir Henry, 54; Hugh, 60; Richard, 60; William, 60, 113. Bullinges, — , 82 ; see also Billinge. Bullinger, Sir Henry, priest, 54. Bullingham, R., in. Bullock, Bulloke, — , 88; Captain, 72; Geo., 64; Henry, 64; Hugh, 46; John, 63; Law., 54; Nicholas, 54; Mr., 44; Rev. — , 70, 92; Robert, 94; William, 73 - Bullock, or Bullough, High, 88. Bullogne, Siege of, 54. Billion, Mr., 44. Bulloque, Mr., 44. Bulls, 46. Bulmer, — , 88. Bulshawe, James, 105. Bulwell, 69, 72. Bulwer, John, on beards, 114. Bumbast, 46. Bunbury, 54, 70, 73, 81, 82, 83; conven- tion of, 62. Bunbury, — , 72, 81, 82, 88; Elizabeth, 54; Henry, 54; Sir Henry, 75; Richard, 54; Thomas, 54, 83. Bungary School, 54. Bunny, Edmund, 96; Edward, 64; Ric- hard, 96; Robert, 60. Bunyan, John, in. Bura, see Bury. Burbage, Ric, in. Burbeck, — , 88. Burblethwayt, 88. Burby, Cuth., in. Burch, Burche, — , 57; Ewan, 31; James, 60; Ricardus, 99 ; see also Birch. Burchell, — , 72. Burches, Henry del, 47; Robert del, 47. Burd, see Bird. Burden, W., in. Burdeshall, — , 82. Burdeton, John, 74. Burdett, John, 69; Peter, 69. Burdman, Edw., 60; Hugh, 103; John, 60. Burdon, Rauf, 60. Burdsell, John, 47; Jonathan, 57. Bureaston, 82. Buren, Count de, 44. Burg, Richard de, 74; Roger Gerneth de, 74 - Burgage, 112; Burgage tenure, 58. Burgages, 63 ; in Manchester, 60. Burge, alias Crook, John, 63. Burges, Burgess, Anthony, 38; Arthur, 94; Edwin, 94; Elizabeth, 54; George, 73; Henry, 72, 94; Tames, 42, 69; Jeffrey, 57; John, 63, 64, 72, 73; Roger, 54 ; Samuel, 69 ; Thomas, 60, 72; W., 72; William, 57, 73; William Lancaster, 94. Burgesses, 63, 105. Burgh, 47, 57, 58, 81, 82, 88, no. Burgh, arms of, 83. Burgh hall, 94. Burgh-juxta-Chorley, 81. Burgh, — ,81, 82, 88; Agnes, 31; Eliza- beth de, 83; Hubert de, 58; Sir John, in; John de, 58, 60; John of, 83; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 43 Richard, 39, 92; Richard de, 58; Thomas de, 31 ; William de, 74. Burgh fam. of Larbrick, 92. Burghersie, Roger, 37. Burghley, — , 88; Lord, 31, 50, 60, 65, 96, 103, III. Burghton, 95. Burgoine, G., ill. Burgoinett, 50. Burgonet, 46. Burgoyne, Col. John, 92. Burh, or Byrig, 58. Burhill, Robert, 64. , Buri, see Bury. Burial expenses, 46 ; in linen, 92 ; in the church, 92 ; in woollen, 97 ; super- stitions, 96. Burials, orders respecting, 75. Burkitt, William, 73. Burlacy, Alex., iii. Burland, county Chester, 54, 80. Burley dam, 94 ; Hall, 94. Burley, Isabell, 92; Sir Simon, ill; William, 92. Burling, John, 94. Burlingham, Chr., III. Burlington parsonage, 54; quay, 62. Burn, see Burne. Burnaby, R,, ill. Burnacre-with-Bonds, 105. Burnage, 42, 47, 58, 73. Burnby, John, 83. Burne, 88, 105, 109. Burne, John de, 105; Mr., 92; Nicholas, 105 ; Richard, 94 ; Robert, 105 ; Thomas, 94 ; William, 105 ; see also Bourne. Burneby, Sir Hugh, 54. Burnehull, 95. Burnell, Alan de, 58; Mr., 54. Burnes, see Bourne. Burnes, Mr., 46. Burnessell, John, 60. Burnet, Bishop Gilbert, 64, 88, 114; T., 64; Thomas, De Statu Mortuoruin^ 44. Burnett, Dr., I14; Philip, 57. Burnfires, 44. Burnhall, no. Burnhill, Peter de, 47; family, 87. Burnhull, Thomas de, 58. Burnley, 46, 54, 60, 72, 73, 74, 82, 88, 95, 99, 1 12; chantries, 60; chapel, 60; church, 60, no; church goods, 113; court, 46; cross, 112; fair, 46; market, 46; mill, 46; mills, 112; rent roll, &c.. 103; sports at, 39; train bands, 50; wood, 46, 99. Burnley, John, 83. Burns, Richard, 73. Burnside, 88. Burnthayes, 73. Burnthwaite, Thomas, 73 - Burom, see Byrom. Buron, see Byrom. Burras, 88. Burre, Richard, 57. Burrell, Chr., ni; William, 50. Burren, a proscribed priest, 60. Burrie, parson of, 31. Burroes, see Burrows. Burron of Warrington, ped., 88. Burrough Green, 94. Burrough, J., in; Rev. John, 92. Burroughs, Col., in; Mr., 83; Jeremiah, 38. Burrowmoor, 37. Burrowe, Robert, chantry priest, 60. Burrows, Edward, 65; James, 73; John, 69, 73 . 94; Mr., 44; Joseph, 73. Bursar Rolls of Cockersand Abbey, 105. Burscall John, of Penwortham, 39. Burscoe, see Burscough. Burscough, 31, 50, 54, 69, 73, 81, 88, 95, 99; abbey, 81; dean of the chapel-of- Lathom-in, 60 ; prior and convent of, 60, 83; priory, 57, 58, 60, 70, 74, no. Burscough, — , 88 ; Edmund, 54; Hugo, 99; John, 31; John, of Leyland, 60; Richard, 95, 99; Sir Roger, chaplain, 54; T., 75; Thomas, prior of, 60; William, prior of, no. Burslem, 37. Bursley, 54. Burstall vill, 58. Burt, James, 63. Burtche, see Birch. Burthens, in. Burtoft, county Lincoln, 58. Burton, 57, 69, 88, 114. Burton-in-Lonsdale, 45, 60. Burton lane, 42. Burton near Lincoln, 112. Burton-on-Trent, 94. Burton, — , 88; Bryan, 62; Charles, 73; Daniel, 47; Elizabeth, 105; Emmota, 57; Fran., 37, in; Henry, ni; Dr. f lezekiah, 114; James, 65 ; Jevise, 105; John, 54; Sir John de, 58; Miss, 72; Mr., 44; Mrs., 50; Nicholaus, 99; Paul, 44; Peter, 73; R., 71, in; Rev. R. W., 42; Robert, 57, 90; Roger, 57 ; 44 GENERAL INDEX. Thomas, 46, 50; Rev. Wilfred, 92; William, 88, 94. Burton’s Anatomy^ 103. Burtonhede, 57, 99. Burtontrebrek, 57. Burtonwood, 50, 54, 58, 74, 87, 88, 95, 99, no. Burtwood, 82. Burun, Burunn, see Byron. Burwell, Nicholas, 42. Burwell Park, 73. Burwys, Robert de, 80. Bury, Adam de, 42, 47, 74; Sir Adam de, 72; Alice, no; Edward, 60; Edward de, 58; Henry, 54, 99; Henry de, 58, 74, no, 112; Hugh, 31; James, 54; James, of Mobberley, 31; John, 54, 60; Mr,, 44, 114; Mary de, no; Matthew, 54; Ralph, 54; Richard, 47, 63; Sir Richard de, 47; Robertas, 54, 69, 99; Robert de, 58; Thomas, 54; Sir Thomas, of Bewsey, 54; William, 39; William, of Tottington, 54. Bury, 37, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 58, 60, 63, 65, 69, 72, 73, 76, 82, 88, 94, 96, 99, 103, 109, no, 112. Bury church goods, 113; fair, 46; manor, 74; parson of, 31, 46; town disarmed, 62. Bury- Hatley, 88. Bury St. Edmunds, 54, 94. Bury St. Edmunds, John of, 83. Burying in woollen, 105. Busby, Dr., 37, n i ; J., ii i ; Sir J., 1 1 1; Mr., 44; Dr. R., 114. Busca, 112. Busfield, Fothergill, 44. Bushel, 46. Bushell, — , 88; Adam, 54; Sir E., ni; James, 105; Sir John, 54; Margaret, 92; Rev. Seth, 105; T., in ; Thos., Ill; Rev. Wm., 92, 105; see also Bussell. Bushell, of Kuerden, ped., 88. Bushey, Mr., 31. Bushie, Bussy, 81. Busk or Bustian, 46. Buskill, — , 88. Buskins, 46, Busli, see Bussel. Bussel, — , 81; Avicia, no; Matilda, no; Ricardus, 99; Richard, iio; Robert, no ; Warin, 58, no. Bussey, — , 81, 82, 88 ; Hugh de, 31 ; William, 73. Bussiere, Danish Minister, 44. Bussye, see Bussey. Bust, Mr., 114. Busworth, John, 105. Butcher, Rev. Tho., 92 ; W. H. , 92. Butchers, 46, 73 ; laws respecting, 50 ; punishment of, 58. Bute, James of Kelcheth, 60. Buteler, see Butler. Buter, Simon le, 112. Buterworth, see Butterworth. Buthouse, 88. Butle, Richard, 60. Butler, Boteler, &c., — , 81, 82, 88 ; Agnes, 31 ; Albanie, 105 ; Alex., 105; Alice, 60, 87, 95; Alicia, 105; Almeric le, 54, 87, no; Anne, 31, 54, 105, no; Betrix, 92; Bridget, 105; Captain, of Kirkham, 62 ; Cecilia, or Cicelye, 105, no; Dorothy, 105; Edmund le, 92, 105 ; Edward, last baron, 87 ; Edward, 54, 57, 75, no, 113; Eliza- beth, 31, 57, 60, 83, 92, 95, 99, 105, 116; Ellen, 105, no; Elena, 95; Elynor, no; George, 50, 94, 99, 105; Grace, no; Hamo, no; Henry, 31, 50, 54, 57, 60, 62, 75, 87, 92, 96, 105; Hugh, 83; Sir Hugh, 74; Isabel, 60; Isabella, 87, 99, no; Jacob, 57; James, 57, 92, 105 ; James, of Merton, 60; Jane, 60, 105, no; Janet, 92; Johanna, 99; Johannes, 95, 99, no; John, 31, 50, 54, 57, 60, 74, 83, 87, 103, 105, no; John le, 58, 83, 105; Dr. John, 114; Sir Jolni, 60, 83, 87, 105; Sir John, clerk, 60; Joseph, bishop, 44; Katherine, 105; Mr., 31, 44, 46, 105; Major, 47; Mabel, 92; Margaret, 31, 60, 83, 99, 105, no; Mary, 57; Nicholas, 54, 74, 92, 99, 105, no; Nicholas, of Rawclife, 60 ; Philip, 105; Richard, 31, 54, 60, 74, 87, 92, 95, 99, 105, no; Capt. Richard, 62; Richard, of Merton, 86; Sir Richard, 31, no; Sir Richard le, 60; Robert, 92, 105 ; Samuel, 57, 63, 71, 105, 109; Sicelie, 105; Theobold, 57, 58, 92; Theobald Walter, alias le, 60 ; Thomas, 50, 54, 58, 62, 99, 113; Thomas, of Exul, 87; Sir Thomas, 31, 37, 54, 57, 60, 75, 83, 87, no; W. de, 112 ; William, 50, 54, 57, 58, 60, 74, 83, 87, 92, 95, 96, 99, 105; William le, 54, no ; Sir William, 60, 83, 87; Capt. Wm., 62; Dr. Wil- liam, 90, 114. Butler fam., 87; of Bewsey, ped., 81 ; of Kirkland, 105, ped., 81, 82, 88; of Rawclifife, 57, ped., 88. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 45 Butler Chapel, Warrington, 75. Butler’s Chantry, 54. Butlers, Thomas, no; Sir Wm., no. Butley, Cheshire, 73, 88, 97, in. Butley Hall, 88, 97. Buts, see Butts. Butter, 46, 65; butter cakes, 46; butter making machine, 44. Butter, Alyce, 60; Elizabeth, 60. Buttered ale, 44. Butterfield, Robert, 46. Butterley, 83. Butterton, 69. Butterton Chapel, county Stafford, 60. Buttervvick, Mr., 44. Butterworth, 50, 54, 56, 74, 82, 88, 95, 96, 112; Chapel of St. James, 60; Oratory, 60. Butterworth of Belfield, 96, ped., 82, 88. Butterworth, — , 63 (app. III.) ; 88, Agnes, 54; Alex., 57, 63, 65; Alice, 70; Barnard, 113; Bernard, 60; Capt., 47; Edmund, 54; Edward, 39, 42, 47, 5o» 54, 57, 60, 63; Henry, 54; James, 54, 57 ; John, 54, 69 ; Mrs., 57 ; Mar- garet, 96 ; Mary, 57 ; Matthew, 96 ; Ralph, 47 ; Robert, 47, 50, 54, 96 ; Samuel, 42 ; T., 57 ; Thomas, 44, 47, 57- Buttery, 46. Buttes, Cicely of the, 54. Buttes, Sir Wm., in; T., in. Buttings (buntings), 46. Buttler’s Lane, 42. Button, John, 57. Buttons, 46. Buttres, 46. Butts, Bishop, 44. Butts, 63. Butts, the, 65, Buxhall, county Suffolk, 83. Buxstones, 63. Buxton, 37, 42, 44, 69, 73, 94. Buxton, George, 73; James, 73; Michael, 47, 63. Buxtorf, John, 114. Bybby, see Bibby. Byckerstath, 54. Bydam (? Ogdam), Joseph, 57. Byerly, Mr., 44. Byers, Daniel, 73 ; Theophilus, 69. Byfield, Dr., 44. Bygbergh, 57. Byggyng, 57. Bykarstaffe, see Bickerstaff. Bykerscathe, — ,81. Bykerstath, 74. Bykerstath, Adam de, 74 ; see also Bicker- stath. Bylden, Thomas and Jane, of Chester, 54. By-laws and by-lawmen, 65. By land, 73. Bylesbury or Byllesburgh, Roger de, 105. Bylyng, 57. Byllinge, 82. Bymeson, Wyllym, 60. Bynam, Mr., 46. Byndlowes, see Bindloss. Bynion, Sir George, 39. Byne, Mr., a preacher, 31. Byng, Admiral, 44; T., in. Bynneman, H., in. Byram, clothier, 46. Byrche, see Birch. Byrchall, Uyrn, and Margaret, 54. Byrchels, 112. Byrchenhedd, Richard, 54; Thos., 54; Wm., 54. Byrchenleye, Ric de, 112. Byrches, Henry de, 47; Matthew de, 47; Radulphus de, 47; Richard, 105 ; Robert, 47 ; William del, 47; see also Birches. Byrd, see Bird. Byreworth, or Byrewith, 57, 105. Byrkehed, see Birkhead. Byrkis, Matthew de, 42. Byrklandbergh, 57. Byrn, William, 69. Byrom, — , 81, Adam, 31, 54, 60, 63, 65; Alice, 54, 83; Anne, 44, 54; Capt., 39; Dorothy, 44; Edward, 44, 47, 57, 60, 63, 114; Elizabeth, 44, 54; Ellen, 44, 92; George, 54, 63; Henry, 54, 60, 62, 65, 75. 99, 105, 113; Isabel, 54, 96; James, 92; John, 44, 54, 57, 69, 114; John’s Private yournals and Literary Remains, 32, 34, 40, 44; John de, 42, 74; Joseph, 44, 57, 60; Josiah, 44; Laurence, 54, 96; Mr., 31, 109; Mar- garet, 54; Mary, 54, 92; Mildred, 54; Phebe, 44 ; R. de, 47 ; Ralph, 54, 63, 65, 83, 96; Richard, 54, 63, 65, 99; Richard de, 42 ; Robert, 54 ; Robert de, 42 ; Sir Robert, 54 ; Samuel, 44 ; Sarah, 114; Susan, 54; Simon, 60 ; Thomas, 31, 44, 54, 63, 65 ; Dorn. Thomas, 60; W., 57; William, 44, 54, 60, 63, 92. Byrom of Byrom, ped., 44, 88 ; of Man- chester, ped., 44, 88; of Salford, ped., 44, 82, 88. 46 GENERAL INDEX. Byrom, 50, 63, 81, 82, 88. Byrom Chapel, 60. Byrom Library, 44, in. Byron, — , 50, 58, 81, 82, 88; Lady Alice, 58; Ann Halgh, 31 ; Christopher, 44; Elizabeth, 31, no; Geoffrey de, 42; Harry, no; Henry de, 47; Isabell, no; James de, 68; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 54, 58, 60, 74, 103; John de, 42, 58, 68, 112; Sir John, 31, 46, 54, 58, 60, 63, 68, 74, 75, 96, no, 113; Sir John de, 68 ; Lady, 54, 65 ; Lord, 47, 70 ; Margaret, no; Margery, 60; Mary, no; Mr., 31; Nicholas, 60, 99, no; Sir Nicholas, of Clayton, 54; Ricardus de, 95 ; Richard, 60, no; Richard de, 47, 58; Sir Richard de, 47, 74; Robert de, 42, 47, 68 ; Roger de, 42 ; Sir R. de, 68; Thomas, no. Byron, Burun, &c., 50, 81, 82, 95, 99, no. Byron Chapel, 60. Byryne, Sir John, 60. Bythorne, county Westmoreland, 75. Byston, Alice, 54; Geo., 54; Hugh, 54, 65; Hughkin, 54; John, 54; Mrs., 54. B., I ii; C., C., in; C.. , Eliz., : in , C., E., in ; C., H., I :n ; C., , I. II hc., ni;C., J. H., , in; C, •, J- M. , in ; C, ., L., in; C ., M., in; C.. N. , in ; C :., R., in ; C., Rob., 1 11 C. ,T., in ; C., W., n Ca., R., in. Cabala Club, 44. Cabbages, 46. Cable, Samuel, 45. Caboun, Ad., 112. Cabus township, 105. Cac (Cae), George, 81. Caddis, 46. Cade, a tale of 1000, 46. Cade, Anthony, in; William, 57 (pt. 3), 60, 64, 81. Cadewall, Thomas, 42. Cadilegh, 58. Cadishead, 58, 70. Cadman, — , 88; T., in ; William, 105. Cadogan, Lord, 44. Cadwal dough, 58. Cadwallader, in. Caen, no, 114. Caermarden, — , 88. Caernarvon, 73. Caernarvon, Rob., Earl of, in. Csesar’s Coaunenlaries, 58. Caesar, Aug., in; Sir Chas., in, 114 Sir H., in; Sir Julius, in. Cage, 65. Cairns, Mary, 92. Caistor, William, 42 ; William Yates, 94 Caiton, Richard, 105. Cakes, 46, 65. Calais, no; levy for succour of, 50. Calamy, Dr., 37, 114. Calamine, 46. Calandrin, Mr., Professor of Mathematics 44. Calanthrop and Liicilla^ III. Calc, see Calke. Calcot, Anne, ‘54; Ellen, Ka-, Robert, 1^4. Calcott, Robert, 88. Calcotte, Richard, 81. Calcutta, 94. Calde, wife of John, 60. Caldefielde, John, 74 (part II). Calder river, 62, 112. Calder vale church, 105. Calder, Edward, 94; F., 114. Calderbank, Hugh, 60. Caldewall, chaplain to Earl of Derby, 31 Hugh, 54; parson of Mobberley, 32. Caldre, 58. Caldwall, Edward, 31 ; John, 31, 96, 113 John, clerk, 31 ; Judith, 31 ; Margaret 31 ; Richard, 96; Richard, M.D., 31 William, 31 ; Mr., 31. Caldwell, John, parson of Winwick, 31 75; Thomas, 83. Caldwick, 88. Caldwoldshedd, 54. Calengers, 63. Calepine, A., 114. Cales, 99. Caley, John, 88. Calf cote, calfhouse, 46. Calfe crofte, 47. Calfe, Jo., Epitaph, 90. Calfield, H., in. Calfhill, James, 57 (part HI), 64. Calford, Nicholas, 92. Calforthe, Catworth, 81. Calfson, John, 57, 105. Calgarth, 84. Calholme, Sidora de, 74 (part H). Calico, 46. Calivers, 50. Calke Priory, co. Derby, 80, 87. Call, Roger, 57 (part H). Calle, or Weir, on the Ribble, 39. Calling, 46. Callowe, Elizabeth, 54. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 47 Callye, Mary, 54, Calpin, Thomas, 105. Calthorp, Sir Philip, 31. Calton, 82. Caltrot, Alice, 54 Caluard, John, 57 (part II). Calveley, 54, no. Calveley, — Anthony, 54, no; Dame Christiana, 54, no; Dorothy, no; Eleanor, 54, 83, 1 10 ; Elizabeth, 54, no ; George, 31, no ; Sir George, 54, 83, no; Hew (Hugh), 54, 73, 83, 94, no; Sir Hugh, 54, 83, 87, no ; Jane, 54, no; John, 54, no; Katherine, no; Lettice, 54, 97, no; Margery, 54 ; Mary, 54 ; Mr., 54; Ralph, 54; Sir William, 54. Calveley, of Mottram-Andrew, 97. Calver, Edward, in. Calver-hey (pasture), 58. Calverley, 82, 88. Calverley, — , 88 ; Roger de, 74 ; family ped., 82. Calvert, — , 81,82, 88; Antonio, 105; Chris- topher, 105; Frederich, 73, 94; George, 73; Sir Geo., iii; John, 50, 105; Mr., 44; Michael Penn, 94; Philip, 105; Richard, 105 ; Robert, 105 ; Rev. Tho- mas, warden of Manchester, 42 ; Wm., 105 ; Rev. William, 105. Calves, 46; calves’ feet, 46; calves’ heads, 46; calves’ hearts, 46; calves’ tongues, 46. Calvin, John, 38, in. Calworthe, — , 8r. Camaca, Cammancke, 46. Cambell, Sirjas.. in; Rachel, in. Cambei'ton, 81, 88. Cambray Congress, 44. Cambric, 46. Cambridge, 37, 54, 60, 72, 88, 93, 94, 103, no, in, 114; strange death of boy at, 114; St. John’s College, Bp. Barlow’s bequest, 42; Trinity Hall, Bp. Barlow’s bequest, 42 ; John Byrom at, &c., 44. Cambridge, Richard Owen, 44. Cambridgeshire, 82. Camden, William, 82, 88, ii i ; Britannia, 58, 80 ; Remains, 8g ; description of Manchester in 1585, 65; Epitaph on N. Bacon, 90. Camell, T., in. Camerarius, Joachim, in, 114; Philip, account of, 1 14. Camerton, see Camberton. Campbell, Mr., 44; Captain, 44; David, 105 ; Dr., 44 ; Edward, 94 ; Lord, 45 ; Lives of Chief fiistices, 114; of Loi'd Chancellors, 31 ; Archibald, Viscount and Earl of Isla, 44; Sir James, 44; William, 44. Campeden, Hugh de, in. Camp Field, 58, 68, 84 Campion, Edmund, the Jesuit, 31, 50, 57 (part HI), 60, 64, 65, in ; George, 31; H., in; T., no. Camplin, Mr., 44. Campsall, 112. Campsfield, — , 88. Camus, Bishop of Grenoble, 64. Camvile, — , 82. Canaan's Calamitie, in. Canals, 42, 72. Cancefeld, see Cantsfield. Cancefeld, — , 82; Mathew, 95; see also Cansfield and Cauncefeld. Candeley, son of Matilda, 105 ; William, 105. Candish, Thomas, 64. Candland, Bartholomew, 54. Candles, 46; piths, 46; rushes, 46; making, 46; white, 46. Candlesticks, 113. Candlemas day at Farnworth, 60. Candy, 46. Cane, Thomas Coats, 114. Canes, Vincent, 64. Canell, cinnamon, 46. Canidia, or the Witches, in. Caninius, Angelus, 114. Cannall, Sir Hugh, 31. Cannel, 46. Cannock, Canocke, John, 54, 58. Cannock Wood, lii. Canon, Dr., 75; Rogerus de, no. Canopy of brass, 113. Cans, 46. Cansfield, see Cantsfield. Cansfield, John, 50, 62 ; Mr., 62 ; Tho- mas, 57 (pt. 3); see also Cancefeld. Cant, G., 105. Canterbury, 39, 47, 88, in. Canterbury, Archbishop of, 44, 60 ; ser- vant of, 31 ; Arundel 60, 95 ; Hubert, 57 (pt. 2) ; Sancroft, 60. Cantilupe, Thomas, 83 ; William de, 80. Canting dialect, in. Canton, George, 83. Cantrell, Alexander, 46. Cantsfield, 50, 81, 82, 95. 48 GENERAL INDEX. Canute, iii. Canvass, 46, 112; Normandy, 46 ; weav- ing, 46. Canyan, Wm,, 82. Cape, William, 105. Capel, Sir Henry, 61 ; Lord, III, 114. Capenhurst, 88. Capers, 46. Capes, — , 72. Capes and Smiths, 72. Capesthorne, 83 (part III) ; domestic chapel, 97. Capeston, 88. Capgrave, John, 83. Capital punishments, temp. Elizabeth, 65. Capitiila Itinens, 74. Caplehurst, 46. Capleside, 88, Capleton, 74 (part I). Capons, 46. Caponwray, 50. Caponwray, C., Adam de, 58. Cappell's Arcanum Punctationis Revela- tum^ 44. Capper, Mr., 44; John, 54; Philip, 54; Ralph, 54, Caps, 46, 63. Captains, orders for, 50. Caractata, 112. Caram, Henry, 105. Caratum, 112. Caravel, 50. Car Brow Lane, 42. Carbonell, Delillers, 44. Carbey, Mr., 70, Carcatus, 112. Cardale, George, 69. Cardan, Jerome, 114. Carden, Edward, 54 ; John, 54. Cardigan, — , 88. Cardigan’s (Lord), mansion burnt, 44. Cardinal, — , 88. Cardinel, Nicholas de, 47. Carding, 46. Cardmaker, in. Cardonel, P. de, ill. Cardolls, 57. Cards, 46, in. Carduus Benedictus, 46. Cardwell, Cuthbert, 92; Elizabeth, 54; Prudence, 92; Thomas, 73, 92, 105; William, 105. Cardwood, heath in, 58. Care, Henry, 64. Carecta, 112, Carering, 46. Carew family, ill; Sir George, 75, in; Richard, in; Thomas, in. Carey, George Lord Hunsdon, 90; Eliza- beth, 31, III; Lady Elizabeth, iii; Lord H., in; Mr., 31, 44; Mrs., 75; Mrs. Anne, 54; Sir George, 31, ni; Sir Matthew, 96; Sir Ph., in. Carfax, 47. Cargrasse, 46. Caribs extirpated from Jamaica, 83. Carill, Hannah, 47, 113; John, 47, 113; see also Caryll. Caringham, 69. Carington, see Carrington. Carisbrook, 88; Castle, 62. Carke, 46, 87, 88. Carlands, 57. Carlaverock, 112. Carlenthwete, 81. Carles, Johannes, 95. Carleton, 50, 54, 57, 82, 88, 99, no. Carleton, co. Cumberland, 70, 94. Carleton, — , 82, 88; Adam de, 105; George, 64, 113; Georgius, 99; Henri- cus de, 95; Lord Dudley, iii; Sir Dud- ley, 70; James, 42; Mr., 44; Thomas, 39; wife of — Brotherton, 60; William, 54; William le, 58. Carliell, Robt., ni. Garble, Christopher, 50; Robertas, 99. Carlill, Sir John, Warrington, 60. Carlisle, 62, 69, 81, 88, 112; Parliament at, 74. Carlisle, John, 94; Sir John, 83. Carlos, Don, his advertisement, 44. Carlow, 73. Carlow, John, 94. Carlton, see Carleton. Carlyton, 54. Carmadine, 46. Carmarthen, Marquess of, 6i. Carmelite Friars, 83. Cartnen Deo Nostro, in. Carmichael, Hon. W., in. Carnaby, — , 88. Came, William, 105. Carneford, 84. Carney, Richard, 96. Carnforth, 47, 50. Cams, Thomas, 37. Caroche, 46. Carolan, Neal, 64. Caroline, Queen, 44, Carp, 44. Carpencell, 99. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 49 Carpenter, Edwin, 58; James, I05; Rich- ard, III; William, 94. Carpenters, carpenter, 46, 76. Carpentry, a form of petit serjeantry, 57. Carr, 81, 88; Carr Hall, 45, 88. Carr, Carre, — , 82; Dr., in ; Earl of Somerset, iii; Ewan, 75; John, 69, i 105; Mrs., 45, 57; Nicholas, in; Kalfe, 82; Randle, 57; Sir Robert, 88, 90; Thomas, 45, 64 ; William, 45. Carraways, 46. Carrehowse, 57, Carreke, 46, Carrel, John, 81, 82, 88, Carriage, 46. Carriages, 46; in Manchester, 44, 46. Carrier, Benjamin, 57 (part 3). Carrick-onrSuir, 73. Carrill, John, 113; see also Carill, Carrel, and Car) 11 . Carrington, 37, 54, 81, 82, 88, 93, 96. Carrington fam. , 82, 88, iii; Mr., 57; Andrew, 54, 57; Anne, 57 ; Bonaven^ lure, 54 ; Charles, 94 ; Dorothy, 54 ; Elinor, 54; Elizabeth, 54; Emme, 54; George, 54; Hamlet, 54; Jane, 54, 96; Joan, 54 ; John, 54, 57 , 96 ; John, of Carrington, 31, 54 ; Johannes, 57 ; Katherine, 54; Lord, 61, 88; Robert, 105; William, 54. Carrion, J., ill. Carroll, — , 88. Carrs, the, in Cuerdley, 58* Carrot seed, 46. Carrots, 46. Carrus, — , 88. Carruthers, — , 72, Carrvel, Balim, 46. Carryar, Robert, 96 ; William, 96. Carson, Nicholas, 105, Cart and carters, 46, Carta de Foresta, 58. Carte, Mrs., 57. Carten, Mr., 44. Cartemill, John, 105, Carter, 88; Abraham, 31; Alice, 31; Capt. George, 92; Colonel John, 70; Dorothy, 31; Edward, 50; George, of Hambleton, 62; Henry, 92; James, 105; John, 31, 92, 105; Mary, 31; Mr., 31, 44; N.,57(partIH);Nathaniel,strangedeath, 44; Oliver, 31, 64, 96, 1 13; Oliver, B. D., 75; Rev. Oliver, B.A., 31; Randal, 60; Richard, 60, 92; Robert, 54, 92, 105; T., Ill; Thomas, 60, 6i ; Rev. Thomas, T05; William, 31, 69. Carteret, Lord 44; Granville, 114. Carters, wages of, 46. Cart^gate, 65, Carthagena, Expedition to, 44; Jourtial of^ 44. Cartledge, Win. Ashworth, 94. Cartmale, see Cartmel. Cartmel, 37, 50, 73, 75, 88; Priory, 83, Cartmel, James, 96, 105; John, 96, 105; Nicholas, 105 ; Richard, 105 ; Roger, 105; Thomas, 105; William, 105; WiB liam Marshall, baron de, 58. Cartway, see Causeway. Cartwright, — , 83; a puritan, 50; Bishop, 105; Byzantia, 45, 57; Charles, 72; Charles Johnson, 94; Christiana, no; Francis, 57, 63 (app. );G. , iii; Geffrey, 80; Humphrey, 113; James, 73; John, 54, 57; Randle, 54; Roger, 54; Thomas, 45, 54, 64, 73, 1 14; W., Ill ; William, 73, no, in. Cartwright, Thomas, Confutation of th^ Rhe?)iists' Testament, 38. Caruca in Domesday record, 58. Caruen, Robert, 50. Cams, — , 57 (part III), 81, 88; Justice, 31, 54; Sir Christopher, 50; Christopher, 57 (part III) ; Thomas, 57, 60, 105 ; Thomas, of Halton, 50; William, 94. Carus of Asthwaite, ped., 81; of Halton, ped., 88. Carve, carucate, or ploughland, 58. Carve, Anne, 54; Maude, 54; Peter, in, Carver, — , 88. Carverton, 103. Carwell, Thomas, 114. Cary, Visct., in. Caryar, see Carryar. Caryll, Caryl, Bridget, 92; John, 92; John, of Warnham, 31; Richard, 114; Sir Thomas, 75; Thomas, 92; Mr., see Maryborough, Visct. Caryngton, see Carrington. Casaubon, Isaac, 64, 114; Meric, 64, 114, Case fam. of Hayton, ped., 88. Case, Dorothy, 54; Dr., 75; Dr., J., in; George, 69, 73; George Gregson, 94; Henry, 73; James, 94; Jonathan, 61; Margaret, 54; Rev. Thomas, 75; ThoniT as, 37, 54, 73; Thomas, of Chester, 54, Case is Altered, in. Cash, Joseph, curate of Mobberley, 311 Samuel, 94. Cashel, 1 10. j Casimere, in, i Casks, 46, H 50 GENERAL INDEX. Casks, 46. Casley, David, 44. Caslon, or Castleton, W., typefounder, 44. Cason, John, 70. Cassandra, iii. Casse, Dennis, 57. Cassel, 1 14; Cassel, Cashel, 39. Cassianus, ill. Cassocks, 50; cost of, 50, Casson, Christopher, 60; John, 94; John, of Torver, 60; Randle, 54. Castara, iii. Caste explained, 31. Castell, — , 82; Dr. Edmund, 114; Wil- liam George, 94. Castell ward, 57. Caster, Chester, as terminations, 58. Castilion, Douglas, iii. Castle, 46. Castle x\shby, no. Castle Field, 58, 65, 68. Castle Hill, 58. Castle, George, iii; Rev. Laurence, 105. Castleford, co. York, 60. Castlegar, 94. Castlehill, Hawise de, 58. Castle Meadow, 42. Castlemere, 45. Castle of Courtesy, ill. Castleton, 47, 50, 54, 57 (pt. I), 58, 69, 74, 82, 88, 95, 96, 99. Castleton Hall, 70. Castleward, 57, 58. Castrey, Widow, 92, Castro, 50. Casty, — , 88. Catchpoll, 63, 65 Catchfol’s Afasque, in. Cateaton Street, 57. Cater, Mr., 114. Caterall, see Catterall. Caterhall, see Catterall. Caterowe, Elizabeth, 54. Catesby, Rd., in. Cathrall, William, 94; see also Catterall. Catherine, Queen,- 37; of Portugal, in. Cathertone, W. de, 112. Cathirton, Alan, 105; William, 105. Catholes, 99. Catholics and Recusants, how treated, 50J Exiles, in; patriotism of the, 61. Cathorne, Cicelie, 105. Cathrall, see Catterall. Catishead, see Cadishead. Catlaw, Mhlliam, 99. Catlou, Roger de, \ 12 ', see also Cattelow. Catlow, 88. Cato, 114; playbill, 45. Cato's Moral Distichs, III. Caton, 50, 57, 60, 74, 99. Caton, Christopher, 105; Edmund, 57, 105; Elizabeth, 105; Johannes, 57, 95; John, 57, 105; Laurence, 105; Oliver, 57; Thomas, 105; Willimus, 95. Caton’s gifts, 105. Catowyghe, Richard, 46. Cats, in. Cat’s-pallet, game of, 58, 63. Catsius, J., in. Cattell, Rev. Thomas, 44. Cattelow, Robert de, chaplain, 42. Catterack, Mr., 46. Catterall, 50, 57, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no; Chapel of St. John the Baptist, 105 ; Hall, 57, 105; Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 105; Mill in the 13th cen- tury, 105; township, 105. Catterall, — , 81, 82, 88; Adam de, 95; Agnes, no; Alan, 57, 74, 105, no; Ann, 60, 103, no; Anne, no; Eliza- beth, 54, 105, no; Genken, 54; George, 54; Henricus, 99; Isabella, 95; Johannes, 95; John de, 105; Margaret, 113; Mar- gareta, no; Peter, 39; Rad’us, 57, 99, 105; Ralph, 103, 105, no; Ralph de, 58, Raphe, 60; Rawffe, 50; Ricardus, 95, 99; Richard, 105, no; Richard de, 105; ITomas, 50, 57, 99, no, 113; Thomas, of Mitton, 54; William, 60; Willimus, 95. Catterall, fam., 105; of Catterall, ped., 105; of Crooke, ped., 88; of Mitton, ped., 81. Catterick Church, ill. Cattle, 63, 112. Catton, John, 105. Cattro, Mr., Byrom’s letter to, 44. Caudrey, — , 88. Caunce, Robert, 94. Cauncefield, Johannes, 99; Robertus, 99 - Cause, Thomas del, 95. Causeway, ancient, in Pilling, 105. Causeways, 63, 65. Causey, T., 57. Causun, — in. Caux, Pays de, 87. Cavaliers, in ; at Westby Hall, 92. Cave, Thomas Browne, 42; V., 44; Wil- liam, 64. Caveley of Mottram St. Andrew, 97. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 51 Cavendish, — , 8i; James, 44; Lady, 31; Lord James, 44; Sir William, 75, III; William, Lord, 31. Cavyll, — , III. Cawdey, Margery, 54; Sir Richard, 54. Cawdray, Bened. de, 80. Cawdwell, John, 83. Cawghton, 82. Cawley, James, 69, 73, 94; William, 64. Cawling, 46. Cawood, Gabriel, iii; J. , iii. Cawood Forest, 74. Cawsaye, or Cause, 58. Cawson, Charles, 61, Christopher, 105. Cawt, 58. Cawthorn, John, 105 ; Mr., 45, 68, 105 ; Thomas, 94. Caxton, W., ill. Cay, Elys, 37; John, 37; Rauf, 37; Thom- as, 37. Cayle, no. Cayley (Caylegh), Richard de, 60; Wil- liam, 73. Cayrens, Ricardus, 95. Cay ton, Thomas, 105. Caytrel, 46. Cecil, — , 88; Sir Robert, 37, 65, 90, in; Sir T., in; Thomas, Lord Burghley, 75, 90; Sir W., in. Cecill, T. (engr.), ni; Tho. (St, John’s), in. Cefn, 73. Ceidio, 69. Ceiling rooms, 46. Celes, Richard, 105, Celestial sphere, in. Celia Sowning, in. Celibacy of Clergy, 64. Cell, solitary, in, Cellanova, abbot and monks of, 42. Celler, Christopher, 46; John, 46. Cellerer, 57. Celt of bronze found on a Manchester Moss, 68. Celts in Manchester, 68. Celts socketed, 105. Cemetery (in Manchester), 58. Censariis, notes on the word, 58. Centaurs, in. Centenarians, reputed, 105. Ceorls, Saxon freemen, 58. Cepes, 112. Cepmundewich, 80. Cepmundewich, Thomas de, 80. CTi'bie, James, 105. Cerke, John, 105. Cerles, William, 105. Cetewale, 58. Ceton, see Seton. Cevallerius, Ant,, 114. Cewley, Edward, 54, Ceylon, 94. Chace, definition of, 58, Chad, Hugh, 57; Jer., 69, Chadderton, Chaderton, 42, 47, 50, 58, 72, 73, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96, 99, 103, no; manor, 74. Chadderton, fam. ped., 82. Chadderton, — , 81, 82, 88; Adam de, 68; Alexander-, 95 ; Alexander de, 58 ; Alice, 54; Anne, 54; Bridget, 54; Edmund, 96, 103 ; Edmund us, 99 ; Galfridus, 47, 99; Geoffrey de, 42, 58, 68, 74, 112; George, 54; Henricus, 95; Henry de, 58; Isabel, 96; J., 57; Jane, 54; Joan de, 68; Johannes, 95; John, 57, 103, 113; John de, 103; Laurence, 31; Lawrence, B.D., Master of Eman- uel Col., Cambridge, 54; Margareta, 94; Ricardus, 95, 99, 103; Richard, 57, 58, 74; Robert, 42, 52; Roger, 47, 58; Roger de, 58, 74 ; Thomas, 54, 57 (pai't HI), 65; Thomas de, 95; Thomas, of the Lees, 54; William, 54; William, Bp. of Chester-, 31, 50, 65, 75, 96, 103, in; William de, 58. Chaddesden, Agnes, 60; Cecilia de, 60; Geoffrey de, 60; Henry de, canon of Lichfield, 60; Nicholas de, Archdeacon, 60; — , rector of Wigan, 60 ; Richard, 60; Richard de, vicar of Whalley, 60. Chaddock of Chaddock, 44; ped.., 88. Chaddock, — , 88; Cousin, 44; Geoffrey, 68; Hugh, 58; James, 54; John, 54; Mr., 44; Radulf, 57; Robert, 92; Thomas, 44; Tom, 44; William, 44; see also Chadwick. Chadertone, see Chadderton. Chadesworth, see Shoresworth. Chadgley, 88, 95. Chadishleyfeild, 95. Chadkirke, Jno., 57. Chadock, Chadocke, see Chaddock. Chadsley, 82, 88. Chadwick, 74, 82, 88, 96; Chadwick Half, 82. Chadwick of Chadwick, ped., 82, 88; of Tawnton, ped., 88. Chadwick, Adam, 75; Agnes, 31; Alex- ander, 96; Arthur-, 54; Charles, 69, 82; Charles, D.I)., 31; Charles, of Healey I Hall, 68; Colonel, of Healey Hall, 31; 52 general index. David, 105; Elizabeth, 31, 96; Ellis, 47, 50; Francis, 96; Geoffrey de, 68; Giace, 96;]. T., 105; James, 69, 75; James, of Tongend, 31; Jane, 54; John, 47, 50, 57 ) 69, 96; John, of Healey Hall, 31; Dr. John, 82; Jonathan, 3!, 73; Jordan, 69, Joseph, 42; Mary, 96; Mrs., 57; olivet, 54; Petrus, 99; Richard, 1 13; Robert, 47, 54, 57, 65; Robert of, 74; wife of do., 745 Robert Oldham, 94; Roger, 96; Sarah, 31, 57, 1 13; Thom- as, 54, 57, 58, 60, 63 (app.), 103; Wil- liam, 69, 94. Chadwycke, Galfride, 60; Robert, of Preston, 60. Chaffer, Hugo, 99, Johannes, 57. Chaffers, Ellen, 45; Thomas, 94. Chafing dish, 46. Chageley, Chagley, Shagley, 81. Chaighley, 88. Chairs, 46; Chairs and Chairmen, 6l. Chaladye, Margaret, 54. Chalder, Henry de, 80. Chalice on an eagle’s foot, 1 13. Chalk Abbey, no. Chalkhill, John, in. Chalkleghe, Johnde, 58. Challender, Joseph, 72. Challoner, — , 81, 82 ; Bp., 75 ; his A/A- sionary Priests, 42; Elizabeth, 75; John, 58; Sir Thomas, 75; Thomas, a poet, 31. Chaim er, Edmund, 69. Chalmers, George, 114. Chalner, Christopher, 54. Chaloner, — , 82; John, 63; Thurstan, 58, 63- Chalvil (?), John de, 60. Chamber, 88; Chamber Hall, 57 (part I). Chamber in the forest, 97. Chamberlain, Abraham, 73; Edward, 94; Elizabeth, 54 ; J ames, n i ; J ohn, in; Mr., 44; Raphe, 54; Robert, 54, in; Thomas, 54, 73, 87; William, in. Chamberlayne, Thomas, 37. Chamberleyne, — , 81; Margaret, no; Robert, no. Chambers, — , 82, 88; Ephraim, 44; Dr. John, 114; J. W., 105; Margaret, 39; Mr., 31; Walter, 105. Chambre, Justice, 45; Walterus, 95. Chambur, Edmund, 57. Chamlet, 113. Champ, or Champney, Anthony, 64. Champeneys, John, 58. Champernoun, Mr., 44. Champion and bis reward) 87. Chan. Pet, 80. Chandler, Edw.j Bishop of Dulbam, 44; James, 69; Katherinej 57; Mr., 44. Chandois, 88. Chandosj Duke of, 445 Gilfes, Lord, 50; Gray Bridges, Lord, 75 ; Lady, in; Lordj 90j ni;SirJi, ni;Wm. Bru- ges, 90' Channels, s^e Watercourses, 65. Chansey, Mr., 46. Chantrell, Ann, 54; Elizabeth, 54; James, 50; Sergeant Major, 57; William, of Bache, 54; William, 68. Chantries, 103; in Garstahg Church, 105; in Kirkham, 92. Cha 7 itries within the Comity Palatine of Lancaster, I^istory, 59, 60. Chantry Lands, 63. Chap for customer, 44. Chapel-en-le-Frith, 73, 94. Chapel Fields, Denton, 37. Chapel-in-the-forest, 97. Chapel Town, 73. Chapell Croft, 99. Chapels, James, 94. Chapman, George, 57, III; James, 73; John, 47, 57; Joseph, 57; Katherine, 57; Laur., in; Rev. John, D.D., 44; Ro- bert, 57, 69, 73; Samuel, 57; Thomas, 60; Rev. Thomas, D.D., 44; William, 73, 94- Chappel, Robert James, 69. Chappill, Mr., 57. Chappull, William, 60. Characters, in. Charcoal, 46. Charfield, 69. Charities, Baylton’s, 105 ; Bilsborrow School, 105; Blackburn’s and others, 105; Brow Top School, 105; Caton’s, 105 ; Chorley’s, 105 ; Church-Town School, 105; Corless, 105; Cross Hill School, 105; Garstang School, 105; of Kirkham, 92; Parker’s, or Chorley’s, 105; Pilling School, 105; Sturzaker’s School, 105; Scorton School, 105; Vasey’s, 105. Charity, modes of, 97. Charles, — , 88; Peter, 54, 75. Charles L, 62, 70, 72, 97, 103, 109, in, 114. Charles IL, 39, 62, 64, 68, 70, 77, 103, in, 114. Charles V., in. Charleton, 88. VOLS. xxxr.-cxiv. 53 Charlewood, Charles Benjamin, 94 ; J. (printer), ill. Charlett, Gregory, 113. Charlotte, Princess, III> Charlton, — , 885 Alice, no; George, 44; Henry, 73; James, 42, 73; Job, 37; Mrs. Sus., in; Rychafd, lio; Sir John, 83; William Hetiry, 73. Charm (old), in. Charms and Omens, 92. Charnels, Elynor, 54; Thomas, 54. Charnles, — , 82. Charnley, — , 88. Charnley, Henry, 105 ; Margeria, 95 ; Richard, 50, 54 ; Robert, 95, 105. Charnock, 45, 58, 81, 82, 88, no. Charnock-Richard, 95. Charnock (Charnoke, Charnocke), — , 88; Alice, 31; Anne, 92; Bridget, 31; Captain, 31; Cicily, 31, no; Edward, 57, no; Elizabeth, 31, 54; Harry, no; Isabel, 31; Jamys, 57; Jane, 54; John, 31, 50, 54, 57, 105; Katherine, 31; Margaret, 105; Mary, 31; Mr., of Charnock and Astley, 46, 62; Oliver, 105; Peter, 54; Richard, 54, 88, 92; Robert, 31, 39, 50, 54, 57, 105, no; Roger, 31, 54, no, 113; Thomas, 31, 39, 54, 105, in; William, 31, 39, 46, 54, 60, no. Charnock fam., ped., 81, 82; see also Chernock. Chamois, John de, 58. Charre, 112. Chartce Scriptfe, in. Charterers, 46. Charterhouse, no, 114. Charteris, H., in. Charters of Chester, Clitheroe, Lancaster, Liverpool, Macclesfield, Manchester, Newton, Preston, Salford, Stockport, Wigan, 58. Chartleye Castle, 37, 74. Chartres, Colonel, 44. Charworth, 69. Charyngton, Mr., 54. Chaseley Hall, 94. Chasing and rechasing, 63. Chasleton, co. Oxford, 88. Chassebells, 46. Chaste and Lost Lovers, in. Chatburn, 45, 50, 54, 58, 88; Chatburne- wode, 99. Chatburn, (Chatburne, Chatbourn, Chatt- burn,) — , 88; John, 105; Margery, 54; Mrs., 42; Nycol, 57; Robert, 54, 96; Thomas, 54, 96, 105; Thos. de, 74; Valentine, 42. Chateley Moss, 60. Chatham, 72. Chatmoss, 58; beehive found on, 68. Chatterton, see Chadderton. Chatterton, Katherine, 42; Robert, 42; Thomas, 50. Chattock, Bessy, 46. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 60, 83, ill. Chaufepie, J. G. de, 114. Chaumette’s inventions, 44. Chauntrell, Willimus, 99 ; William, Ser‘ geant at Law, 58. Chauros, or Choresworth, Paganus, 58. Chawner, Edward, 50. Chawntrell, Richard, 54. Chaydok, Radulf, 57. Chayforth, co. Devon, 60. Cheadle, 37, 42, 47, 54, 73, 80, 88, 94, no; striking incident at ford, 44. Cheadle, co. Staff., 94, 103. Cheadle Bridge, 42. Cheadle Hulme, 42, 47. Cheadle Mosley, 42, 47. Cheadsey, William, 64. Cheam, 88. Checkley, Rev. George, 47. Cheddale, Thomas, 97. Chedel, Galf., 112. Chedle, Clemence, no; Roger de, iiO. Cheek, Edward, 73; James, 73; Rev. Nicholas Mosley, 42; Solomon, 73, 94; Sir Thomas, 75; William Henry, 73. Cheeke, Sir J., in. Cheese, 46; Holland, 46; press, 46; Ches* sott, cheese vat, 46; “Cheese and Bread,” a Lancashire phrase, 41, 44. Cheese, John, 73. Cheetham, 42, 150, 1^7, t;8, 63, 69, 72, 73, 81, 83, 88, 94, 95 96, 109, no; Fold, 72; Hill, 47, 69, 73. Cheetham, — , 88, Adam, 37 ; Cardwell, 94; Edward, 44, 57; George, 44, 57; James, 44, 57; John, 37, 42, 69; Mary, 44; Mr., 57; Robert Farren, 73; Samuel, 42, 44; Susannah, 37; Mr., of Mellor Hall, CO. Derby, 44; see also Chetham. Cheetnam, Ernest Hilton, 94. Cheetwood, 42, 69, 94. Cheffattes, 46. Cheiney, — , 88. Cheite, BenJ., 31. Cheleworth, co. Somerset, 58. Chelford, 47, 54, 73;chapel, 97;school, 97, Chellerton chaijcl, in Manchester, 60. 54 GENERAL INDEX. Chelmsford, 114; assizes at, 39. Cheneau, Dr., 44. Cheney, — , 88 ; see also Cheyney. Cheney, John, 92. Cheneys, — , 88 ; see also Cheyneys. Chenie, — , iii. Chenington, 58. Chepyn, see Chipping. Chequerbent, 46. Cher, the, 58. Cherburg, 72, Cherbury, Lord Herbert of, 57. Chereton, Guy de, 74; Thomas de, 74? see also Chorlton. Chernock, Chernocke, Agnes, 99; Edwar- dus, 99; Henricus, 99; James, 60; Lau- rence, 60, 105; Richard, 60, 99; Rober- tus, 95 ; Thomas, 60; William, 60 ; see also Charnock. Cherries, 46. Cherriholme, Mr,, 44, Cherton, Henry del, 58. Chesden, 72, Cheseboulle seed, 46, Cheseldon, William, 44. Chesham, 54, 88, 94. Cheshire, Assessment in 1656, 83;beggars, III; dispute as to jurisdiction, 37; early boundaries, 58; gentlemen, iii; loan of 1597? ^3; members, 50; militia, 62; Palatine privileges, 37; Rising, 103. Cheshire Comics, a play, 44. Cheshire Visitation, 1533, 98, no. Cheshire Wills and Inventories, 33, 51, 54- Cheshire, Sir John, 44; Mr,, 44. Cheshyre, Charles, 73; James, 73. Chesne, Andrew du, 88. Chessamboys, 82, 88. Chesshire, John Widdowson, Widdow- son, John, 94, Chesshyre, Edward, 69, 72, 73; Robert, 73; Thomas, 72, 73. Chester, 37, 39, 42, 46, 47, 54, 58, 62, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 81, 82, 83, 88, 94, 96, 99, 109, no, 112. Chester, Abbot of, 54, 80, 83, 95. Chester, Archdeacon, 60; Archdeaconry, 54. Chester, Bishops of, 45, 46, 60, 65, 70, 80; Bird, 60; Bridgeman, 60; Chadderton, 31, 47, 60; Cuthbert, 60; Francis, 105; Gastrell, 42, 47, 105; George (1607), 31; Law, 42; Morton, 60; Peploe, 47, 69; Stratford, 60; Sumnei', 47; Wilkins, 42. Chester, assizes at, 46; Black Friars, 54; book of ships in river of, 75; Castle, 37, 65, 83, no; Cathedral and Churches, 54; Charters, 58; Chronological list of Judges, 37; do. of Chamberlains, 37; coke from, 60; Constable of, 74; Costu- mal, 58; Dean and Chapter, 54; diet- ing of Justices, 46; Grey Friars, 54; Justiceship of, 80; Market, 112; Mayor and his brethren, 31; Nunnery of our Lady, 83; Nuns, 54; Officers in the Ex- chequer of the County, 37; Plague in 1654, 83; preparation for visit to, 46; prebendaries, 54; Registrarship, 54; Rights and Jurisdiction, 37; White Friars, 54. Chester County Palatine, Rights and Jiirisdiction, 37. Chester Diocese Visitation 1590, 96. Chester Conrant, 72. Chester, Earldom and Earlsof, 37,58,60,80. Chester, John, Constable of, 47; Prince of, 37; Peter de, 112; Robert, in. Chesterfield, 45, 72, 88, 94, in; fairat, 58. Chesterfield, — , 88; Catherine, Countess of, 70; Lord, 44. Chestershire, 112. Chesterton, 45. Chestnutt, Stephanus de, 37. Chests, 46. Chesworth, Daniell, 57. Chetam, see Cheetham and Chetham. Chetham, Chetam, — , 40, 81, 88, 95; Alice, 54, 60; Amos, 65; Amies, 60; Mrs. Barrett, 67; Clemens, 54; Cor- nelius, 69; Edmund, 65; Edmund, Master of Manchester Grammar School, 54, 103; Edward, 44, 47, 54, 57, 60, 103, 109;. Elinor, 54; Elizabeth, 47, 54; Geoffrey, 42, 47, 58; Sir Geoffrey de, 47, 72; George, 54, 70, 96, 103; Henry, 47, 54, 60, 96, 103 ; Henry de, 42, 58, 63; Hugh, 31; Hugh de, 60; Hum- phrey, 31, 38, 39, 42, 47, 54, 57, 58, 60, 70, 72, 75, 96, 103, no, 1 14; Isabel, 54, 60; James, 3L 39? 42? 47? 5°? 54? 57? 60, 63? 69, 73, 96; Jane, 54; John, 31, 42, 54,63,65, 113; John de, 58, 60; Sir John, clerk, 54; Joseph, 69; Laurence, 54; Lawyer, 57; Margaret, 31; Mary, 40; Mrs., 57; Raphe, 54; Robert, 46, 60; Samuel, 44, 63 (app. ), 65, 69; Symon, 54; Thomas, 54, 60, 95, 103; William, 60, 103. Chetham, fam. of Chetham, ped., 82, 88; of Nuthurst, ped., 88; of Turton, peA, 88. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 55 Chetham, Chetam, see Cheetham, Chetham’s Chantry, 63. Chethani’s Chapel, 60. ChethavCs Church Libraries, 38. Chetham’s Hospital and Library, 44, 58, 68, 72, 73, 1 14. Chetham Library Popery Tracts, Catalogue, 48, 64. Chetham Miscellanies, 37, 37, 83. q6, 103. Chetherton, Robert, 113. Chetle, Henry, iii, Chetvvode, Mr., 44; Sir Philip Touchet, 44. Chetwood, 69. Chetvvynd, Lord, 44; Walter, 88. Chevage, 112. Chevet, 99, no. Chevons (Chubs), 46. Chevy Chase, in. Chew, Chevve, — , 88, Ann, 45, 57; Eliza- beth, 54; George, 94; J., 57; John, of Park Head, 54; William, 94; Thomas Heath, 94; Thomas, 69 ; see also Chue, Chooe, Chowe. Chewt, Anthony, in. Cheyne, Alexander, 105 ; Ur. George, letters to Byrom, &c., 44. Cheynel, Francis, 114. Cheyneston, Robert de, 92. Cheyney, — , 8r, 82, 83, 88; John, 105; Ric., in. Cheynye, Eliza, 92; John, 92. Chicheley, Sir Thomas, 75 ; portrait at Lyme, 97. Chichester, 88, 94, 99, no. Chichester, Bishop of, 44; Adam, Bp. of, 60. Chichester, Sir Arth., in. Chickens, 46. Chidde, Thomas, 54. Chidiough, Mr., 54. Chidley, M., in. Chidwall, see Childwall. Chikkens, Ralph, 54. Child, Bishop, in; Dr. William, 114. Childe, — , 88. Childers, Richard del, 95. Childerscroft in Wollowe, 74. Childerwell, 58. Children, 63; diet and treatment of, 44. Childrey, 45. Childwall, 31, 58, 60, 74, 75, 88, 95, 96; bore, 31; chantry of St. Thomas, 60; church goods, 113; parish of, 50; popu- lation, 60. Childwite, penalty of, 58, Chillington, 94. Chillingworth, William, 64, 114; The Religion of Protestants, 38. Chilton, Mr., 44. Chimney, noisome, 65. Chimneys, 46. Chinese musical instruments, 44. Chingeldhall, 81. Chingle Hall, 88. Chipindall (Chippindale, &c. ), Edward, 735 Jfinies, 73, 105; Jane, 105; Richard, 105; Robert, 105. Chipinge Lamborne, co. Berks, 58. Chippendale, 88, 95. Chipping, 50, 62, 73, 81, 88, 95, 99 ; parish of, 46; Rectory, 60, Chips, 63. Chireburne, Robert de, 92. Chirke, 88. Chiselbotham, 42. Chisenhale, — , 81, 82, 88; Edward, 31, 70; Col. Edward, 31, 62; Sir Edward, 61; Elizabeth, 31; John, 31, 54, 57, 69, no; Margaret, 31, 92; Maud, 31 ; Thomas, 50, 54, 57 (parts HI. and VL). Chisenhale fam. of Chisenhale, ped., 81, 82, 88. Chisenhale, 81, 82, 88. Chisney, Robert de. Bishop of Lincoln, 80. Chisnoll, Edward, 65 ; Mr., 65. Chissnall, see Chisenhale. Chiswell, Mr., 114. Choake, Mr., 57. Chocton, 58. Choeson, Thomas, 96. Choice of Change, in. Choir, 46. Cholbanke, 46. Choll, William, 113. Cholle, abbreviation of Chollerton, 56. Cholle, Matilda de, 58. Chollerton, (7r Cholreton, Chorlton. Cholmondeley, 88. Cholmondeley, — , 81, 88; of Plolford, 44; Edward, of Coppenhall, 54; Eliza- beth, no; Ellinor, 54; Frances, 31; Francis, 80, 114; George, third Earl, 44; Henry, ni; Hugh, 31, 54; Sir Hugh, 31, 34, 83, III; lane, 37; John, 69; Lady, 83; Lord, 88; Maude, 54; Marquis of, 54; Randle, 54; Richard, 54, 60, 80; Robert, 37, no; Robert, first Viscount, 50; Thomas, 37, 44, 114; Thomas, of Vale Royal, 44; William, 54; Captain, 114. 56 GENERAL INDEX. Chomley, see Cholmondeley. Chooe, James, 96. Choose what, Lancashire for whatever, 44- Choreton, see Chorlton. Choreworth, Alexander de, 37. Chorleigh, jtrChorley. Chorley, Alexander, 54; Alice, 54; Brid- get, 54; Charles, 54, 57; James, 54, 60; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 54, 57, 61; Joseph, 105; Joshua, 72; Leonard, 31, 54; Mary, 54; Mawde, 54; Mr,, 105 ; Ricardus, 95; Richard, 42, 54; Richard de, no; William, 50, 54, 57; William, of Chorley, 54; Willimns, 95. Chorley fam,, 57; of Chorley, ped., 8 1, 82, 88; of Preston, 88. Chorley, 39, 4;, 46, 54, 60, 62, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75’ 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 99, no; Church goods, 113; fair, 46; hall, 82; 1 parish, 30. Chorlton (Chorleton, Chollerton, &c. ), 88; Adamde, 42, 57, 58; Alan, 54 Alex., 42, 113; Alice, 65; Cecily, 42; Charles, 69, 73; Edmund, 42; Edward, 42; Ellen, 54; Genet, 54; George, 42, 60; Gospat- ric de, 42, 58, 68; J., 37, 57; James, 42, 63, 94; Jeffrey, in; Jeremy, 57; John, 42, 47, 57, 60, 63, 69, 94, 114; Mr., 42; Mrs., 57; Mary, 42; Nicholas, 42; Peter, 80; R., 37; Richard, 42, 60, 65; Richard de, 42, 47, 58; Robert, 42, 58; Robert de, 47, 58; Roger de, 60; Samuel, 42, 57; Thomas, 42, 47, 113; Thomas de, 42, 47, 58; Thomas, churchwarden of Didsbury, 60; Thomas (smith), 63; William, 54, 65, 69; Wib liam de, 42, 60. Chorlton (Chollerton, &c. ), 37, 47, 50, 57, 58, 60, 63, 65, 73, 88, 94, 95, no; Chapel, 37; History, 42 ; Chapel Orna- ments, 113; township, 42. Chorlton hagh, 57; hall, 88; “rant,” 72. Chorlton-upon-Medlock (Chorlton Row), 94. Chorton, Peter, 80. Choureton, — , 63 (app. ), George, 65; James, 63 (app. I.), 65; Thomas, 63. Chow, or Choo, 58. Chowbent, 57, 69, 73, 88. Chowe, John, 54; Robert, of Potter Forth, 54. Chowe Milne, 54. Chowerton, Ralph, 54. Chrestoleros, in. Chrichley, John, 69, 73. j Chrichloe, Wm., 61. I Christ, Attributes of, 76; Mystery of j Sufferings, 44. [ Christ, Five Wounds of, in. Christ on his Cross, in. I Christ’s College, Cambridge, 114. Christ-Cross-Row, in. Christall (? Kirkstall), 46. Christian IV., in, Christian VII. in Manchester, 68. Christian, • — , 88; Demster, 70; Edward, 45’ 705 John, 92; William, 70; the family, 70. Christian name of ladies, 87. Christians Incouraf^einent, in, Christie, Richard Copley, Dr, Worthing- ton's Diary and Correspondence, 113, 114. Christleton, 83, 94. Christmas, 46, in. Christmas, — , 81; W,, in. Christopher, William, 69. Christopherson, John, 64; Mich., 64. Chronica N'orinanniie, 80. Chubb, Thos,, the deist, 44. Chue, Alice, 57; John, 57. Church, township of, 50, 74, no, 112; Chapel at, 60. Church attendance, how enforced, 60; officers, 96; patronage, 58; robbers, 76; seats orders, 96. Church of England in 1590, 96; Episcopal view of the, 44 ; Controversy with Rome, 64; Service, in. Church, Churche, Mr,, 44; Joseph, 114; William, 83. Church-Coniston, 50. Church-Coppenhall, 94. Church Hills, 46. Church-Hulme, 54. Church-Minshull, 94. Churchen Heath, 54. Churches, in; destruction of, 88. Churches of Garstang, Kirkham, Man- chester, &c.,j’^^ the names of those places. Churchfelde, 112. Churchill, — , 44, 45, in. Churchlowe, William, 50. Churchmasters, 46. Churchtown, 57, 73, 88. Churchtown (Kirkland), 105. Churchwardens, 46; Garstang, 105; Man- chester, 63; Kirkham, 92; no inkeeper to be hired as, 92; dinners, 92. Church Yard Syde, Manchester, 57 (part VIL); Wall, 63, 65. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 57 Churchyard, Thomas, iii. Chtirl and the Bird, ill. Churton, no. Churton, Archdeacon, 31; John, 73, 94. Chute, Anthony, in. Chylinski, Boguslaus, 114. Chypin, see Chipping. Chypindale, see Chippindale. Ciceronis Amor, in. Cimador, vocalist, 72. Cinnamon, 46. Cipher for secret writing, 44. Cirencester, in. Cissor, John de, of Manchester, 47, 57; Matthew, 47, 58. Cistercians, 84; in Wyresdale, 105. Citation, 46. Cithern, 65. Civil War, 50, 92, 105, in. CL, J., in. Clachton, Clacton, Roger de, 105; parson of? 57; William de, 105. Claget, Nich. , 64; William, 64. Claghton, Clayton, Claughton, 50, 57, 74, 95. 99- Claghton, Claughton, Adam, 99; Gilbert de, 105; Hugo, 99; John, 105; Johannes, 95, 99; Richard, 105; Roger de, 105; Thomas, 105; Walter, 105; Willimus, 95. 99- Claie, Thomas, 54. Claiton, see Clayton. Clanricarde, Lord, 70. Clapham, 88, 114; Clapham Hall, 46. Clapham, — , 88; Chr., in; Heiiock, III; Johannes, 95; John de, 74. Clapoune, Mrs., 46. Claptone, 54. Clare, family, arms of, 83; Bevoys de, 80; Earl of Gloucester, 83; Gilbert de,* 109; Richard, Earl of, 80; Sir Richard, of, 83. Clare Hall, Cambridge, 37, 114. Claremont, 45, 72. Claremonte, Hugh de, 80. Clarendon, Edward Earl of, 37, 64, 70, 82, 88, in, 114. Claret, 39, 46. Clark's Disaster, in. Clark, Clarke, — , 82, 88; Alice, 47; Anne, 92; Christopher, 105; Christopher T. , 92; Edward, 37, 73; Edward Hyde, 37; Ellen, 46; Evan, 42, 60; Francis, 39. 94; George, 37, 47, 63, 75, 96; George Hyde, 73; Henry, 39; J., in; James, 105; John, 44, 54, 57, 69, 73, 94, 105; John, chaplain of Kirkham, 60, 92; Joseph, 73, 114; Katherine, 37; Major, 45; Mr. ,44; Richard, 74, 105; Sir Richard, 113; Robert, 96, 105; Sir Robert, 90; Samuel, in, 114; Dr. Samuel, 44, 60, 114; Sir Samuel, 44; Susan, 105; T., in; Thomas, 69, 73; Thomas, dean of Chester, 54; Walter, 74; William, 73, 105; see also Clerk. Clarke Hill, 88. Clarkson, Agnes, 92; Anthony, 44; Ed- mund, 92; Francis, 105; George, 50; Grace, 105; James, 105; John, 73, 105; Nicholas, 105; Richard, 92; Robert, 92; Thomas, 105; William, 92, 105; Mr., 44 ; see also Clerkson. Claro, de, 103. Clarson, Richard, 105. Clary seed, 46, 62. Claton, see Clayton. Claude, John, 64. Claughton, 45, 52, 54, 74, 75. 81. 82, 88, 95, in; ancient remains, 105 ; advowson, 97, 105; assize of bread and ale, 105; Roman Catholic Chapel, 105; tithes, 105; town- ship, 105; war tax, 105 ; see also Clach- ton, Claghton. Claughton, Rev. T. L., 70. Clavell, Rob, ni; W., in. Claverton, 83. Claxton, Pllizabeth, 47 ; Hamond, 47 ; Paulina, 47; Susan, 47. Clay, or daub, 75. Clay, — , 72, 88; John, 57; Joseph, 57; Lawrence, 57; Mary, 57; William, 46, 57- Clayden Field, 58, 63. Clayden, Claydon, John de, 58; Jordan de, 47; Richard de, 58; Thomas, 74; Maister, 60. Clayffeld, 47. Clayse (? Claife), 50. Clayton, 37, 42, 46, 54, 57, 58, 60, 72, 76, 81, 82, 88, 96, 99, no. Clayton Hall, 42, 60, 63. Clayton Hall, Droylsden, 58. Clayton-on-the-Moors, 50, 74, 82, 88. Clayton-juxta-Ribchester, 99. Clayton-le-Dale, 50, 99, no. Clayton-le-Woods, 50, no. Clayton, — , 81, 82, 88; Adam de, 95, 99; Adam, of Leyland, 60; Alexander, 60; Anthony, 44 ; Cecilia, no; Cecilia de, 68; Daniel, 57; David Shaw, 37; Dr., 44; Edward, 63, 94; Edw. , High Master of Manchester .Schl., 103; Eliza- beth, 57; George Edward, 94; Hawisia, I 58 GENERAL INDEX. 95; Henricus de, 95; Henry, 39, 92; Henry de, no, 112; Hugh, 96; Hugo de, 109, no; Isabel, 54, no; J., 57; James, 42, 46, 69, 92; Jane, 46; Japhet, 94; Johannes, 91;, 99, loi?; John, i^o, 57, 69, 74, 103, 105, no; John, of Ulneswalton, 60; of Clayton, 54; of Little Harwood, 61; of Shorrock green, 61; Rev. John, 42, 44, 57, 64, 72; Katherine, 105 ; Laurence, 103 ; Mar- garet, no; Martin, 94; Mary, 42, 57; Miles, 96; Mr., 46, 61, 105; Mrs., 44; Nicholas, 60; Peter, 113; Rad’us, 95; Ralph de, 74; Raufe, 60, 113; Randill, 63; Richard, 39, 54, 103, 105; Richard de, 68; Robert, 69; Simeon, 94; Sir — , 114; Thomas, 39, 45, 57, 60, 72, 73, 94; of Little Harwood, 54; Rev. Tho- mas, 42, 69; Capt. Thos. E,, 60; William, 39, 44, 50, 60, 69, 96, 103; William (Nicholas), of Leyland, 54; of Farington, 60; Willimus, 99. Clayton, fam. ped.,82; of Crooke, ped., 88; of Lentworth, ped., 88; of Little Har- wood, ped., 88. Clean Lent, 37. Clearke, Anne, 54. Cleaver, William, Bp. of Chester, 45. Cleavin, John, 73. Cledden, 82. Cledden, — , 82. Clederhow, Cledro, see Clitheroe. Cleeworth, see Cleworth. Cleg, John, 54. Clege, John, chaplain of Butterworth, 60. Cleges, J. , 112. Clegg, 42, 74, 82, 88; Hall, 88, 96. Clegg, — , 72; Abraham, 69, 92; Alfred, 94, 100; Arthur, 73; Ashworth, 69, 72, 73, 94; Benjamin, 94; Benson William, 94 ; Bernulf, 92 ; Charles, 94 ; Rev. Cuthbert, 92; Dorothy, 92; Eliz., 92; Henry, 92; James, 31, 57, 69, 94; Jere- miah, 73; John, 57, 69, 73; Mary, 57, 92; Michael, 105; Mr., 44; Mrs., 92; Quenilda, 92; Rev. — , 105; Richard, 92; Rev. Richard, 92; Robert, 54; William, 92. Clegge in Rachedale, 74. Clegge, — , 82; John and Elyn, 60; Tho- mas, 63. Clegswood, Cleggs Wood, 88. Clemenscrofte, Clement’s Croft, 58, 63. Clement HI., 57. Clement, Antoine, 114. Clements, .Symon, water drinker and mystic, 44; Theophilus, 73; William, 73 - Clenardus, N., 114. Clench, Clenche, John, judge, 46, 50; Wm. , 64. Cleopatra, 1 1 1 . Cleoworth, Thomas, 54. Clergy, 46 ; cease to wear their gowns in the street, 40; celibacy, 64; costume of, 44; duties of, 37; epigram, 90; love of controversy, 44; Romish, iii; taxa- tion of, 50. Clerk, Clerke, Barth., 64; Diana Susanna, 45; Elizabeth, 60; George, 60; Henri- cus, 95; Henry, of Chippinge, 60; John, 60, 105, 1 14; Sir John, 45; Matthew, 1 14; Richard, chantry priest, 60; Richard, iir, 114; Robert, 54, 105; Susanna, 45; Sir William Henry, 45. Clerkenwell, 47, 61. Clerkhill, 45, 88. Clerks in Cheshire, 112; of Churches, 46. Clerkson, James, 57, 105 ; John, 105 ; Lawrence, 57. Clerkthorpe, 57. Cleton, Mr., 42; Elizabeth, 54; Robert, 54. Clevacher, see Cliviger. Cleveland, Earl of, 39; J., ill; Richard, 57; Rev. T., iii; Rev. W., iii. Cleveley township, 105. Cleworth, 81, 88. Clews, John, 73; Samuel, 72. Cleyburne, William, B.D., prebendary, of Ripon, 47. Cleyden Hall, 63. Cleyden, Mr., 65; John, 54; Robert, 63, 65. Cleyn, Fr., in. Cliderow, Cliderowe, see Clitheroe. Cliderhow, — , 81, 82; Abraham, chantry priest, 60; Adam, no; Agnes, no; Cecilia, 95, no; Hugh, 60, 95, no; Isabella, 95, 99, no; Johanna, 99; Richard, 95, 99, no; Robert, 95, 99, no; Robert de, clerk, 60; Roger, 74, no; Sibilla, 99, no; William, son of Henry of, 74; see also Clitherall, Clitheroe. Cliff, Clife, &c., — , 81; Crystyan, 54; Deborah, 47; James, 73; John, 39, 54; Ralph, 54; Randle, 54; Richard, 54, 113; Robert, LL.B., 60; Robert, war- den, 60, 65; Thomas, 54; William, 73. Clifford, — , 88; Alice, no; Lady Anne, 70, III; George, 90; George, Earl of Cumberland, iii; Henry, no; Lord VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 59 Henry, ill; Johanna, 99; John, no; Sir Lewis, K.G., 58; Lord, no; Mar- 2:aret, no; Maude, iio; M., 64; Wm., 64. Clifton, Clyfton, 42, 50, 58, 62, 65, 74, 81, 82, 88, 96, 99, 103, no. Clifton, Ainounderness, 50. Clifton Hall, 105. Clifton, with Sal wick, 92. Clifton, or Rock Savage, 97. Clifton Moor, skirmish on, 44. Clifton, Clyfton, — , 81, 82, 88; Ad. and Marg. de, 112; Alice, 60, 92, no; Ann, 92; Anne, 54; Bridget, 92; Caterina, 92, Catherine, 31; Cuthbert, 31, 50, 54, 57, 60, 62, 70, 75, 92, no; Sir Cuthbert, 31,54, 92, 105, no; Eleanor, 31; Elizabeth, 31, no; Ferdinanda, 92; Sir Gervas, 60; Gilbert de, 92; Henry, 92; Isabella, 31; Jacobus, 99; James, 60, 105; Jane, 92; Dame Joan, 60; John, 62, 105; John, chantry priest, 60; John Talbot, 54; Joseph, 73; Margaret, 60; Mawde, 54; Mr., 31, 92; Lady Pene- lope, HI; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 60, 92 ; Robert, 60, 92 ; Robert de, 58 ; Robertas, 95, 99; Sir Robert, 44, 60; Thomas, 54, 60, 62, 75, 92, no; Sir Thomas, 60, 61, 92; Walter de, 92; William, 54, 92, no; William de, 58, 74, 92; Sir William, 92; Sir William de, 72; Willmo, 92. Clifton of Clifton, ped., 88; of Westby, ped., 81, 82. Cliftone, see Clifton. Clim of the Clough, in. Clinch, — , of Barnet, 44; Dr., 44. Clinton, Caroline F., 92; Rev. Charles F., 92 ; Edward, Earl of Lincoln, 50 ; Henry, 90; Roger, Bp. of Lichfield, 80; Sir William, 83; see also Clynton. Clipston, in. Clitherall, Alice, 92 ; Elizabeth, 92 ; George, 54; James, 62, 92; Janet, 92; Richard, 92; Thomas, 92. Clitheroe, 45, 46, 47, 50, 57, 58, 60, 62, 69, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, 103, no, 112; Burgesses (a poem), 45; Castle, 45, 60, 62, 74, 112; Grammar School, 45, 88; prologues and verses, 45; limestone, 46 ; mill, 46; peril to, 50; St. Michael’s Chapel, 60, 96; warden, 60. Clitheroe, — , 81, 88; Cicely de, 60; Henry de, 60; Hugh de, 112; Jordan de, 60, 112; see also Cliderhovv and Clitherall. Clivacher, see Cliviger. Clivacher, Ivo de, 112. Clive, Alice, 54; Rebecca, 31; Richard, 44 , 54 - Cliviger, 50, 60, 74, 95, 99, 103, no, 112; chapel, 60; mill, 112. Cloak, cloaks, 46, 50. Clocks, 46. does, George, 54. Clogging, 46. Clogh, Cloghe, A. del, 74, 95, 112; Thos. de, 74. Cloghed, Thomas of, 74. Clogs, 46. Clonely, 82. Clopton, 88. Clopton, — , 81; J., in. Close, Frederick, 94; John, 72 ; T. D., 105; Thomas, 94. Closes of land, 46. Cloth, 46; and badges, 31 ; canvas, 46; cotton, 46 ; cupboard, 46 ; flaxen, 46 ; frieze, 46 ; hair, 46 ; housewife, 46 ; line, 46 ; linen, 46 ; linen and woollen enactments, 65; sacking, 46; woollen, 46. Clothes, making and mending, 46. Clothing, 46. Clothworkers, company of, 42. Clough, 88; house, 65. Clough, Cloughe, — , 63; Charles, 94; Mrs. Elizabeth, 45; George, 72; James, 42, 63 (app.), 69, 73; John, 69, 73, 94; Joseph, 69; Margaret, 65; Nathaniel, 69, 73; Oliver, 60; Richard, 54; Robert, 63, 65, 69, 73; Thurstan, 72; William, 54 , 69, 72. Cloughs, or Clowes, Samuel, 60. Clouts, 46. Cloves, 46. Clowes, Clows, Cloughs, pronunciation of name, 44; Sir Alex., no; Alderman, 44; John, 44; Rev. John, 45, 72, 75; Joseph, 44; Margaret, 57; Mary, 44, 57; Mrs., 72; Nanny, 44; Richard, 69; Rev. Richard, 44 ; Samuel, 44, 57, 60, 63 (app.), 69, 72, 73; Thomas, 40, 47, 57, 63 (app.); Tom, 44; Rev. Thomas, 72 ; William, 57, 63 (app*)> 69; see also Clews and Cloes. Clown, William, Abbot of Leicester, 60. Club, the, 44. Clubcliffe, 96; Hall, 96. Clubmen, 63. Cluley, Thomas, 94. 60 GENERAL INDEX. Clulow, William, 69. Clumber once an Adlington possession, 97. Clumst, 109. Glutton, 54. Glutton, Anne, 54; Honfrey, 54; John, 54; Margery, 54; Richard, 54; Thom- as, 54. Cluworth, Thomas, of Altringham, 31. Cluyt, 1 14. Clyderhou, see Clitheroe and Cliderow. Clyffe, see Cliff. Clyfton, see Clifton. Clynfeilde, Henry, 60. Clynton, Thomas, 58; William de, 37. Cly onion, iii. Clyster pipe, 46. Clystone, Robert, 57. Clyton, Matthew, 54. Cnolles, or Knolles, 58. Coach, 46; hire, 46. Coaches in Manchester, 72. Coachmen, 46. Coal, 46; used by the Greeks, 87; Cannel, 46; Carbones niaris, 112; pit, 65; ruck, 65. Coalne, Thomas, 105. Coat, 46; of mail, 46. Coat, “Goody,” 114. Coates, an Oxford carrier, 46; Alexander, 83; Charles, 73; John, 94; John Edwin, 94; Richard, 73. Cobb, Geoffrey, 96; Richard, 44. Cobden, John, 42; Richard, 47. Cobham, Henry, 94 ; Henry Brooke, Lord, 50, 90; Lord Oldcastle, 60. Cobbne, To., 75, Cocceius, J., 1 14. Cochrane, J. (printer), iii;John, 94. Cock, Henry, 54; Sir Henry, 31; James, 54, 96; Joanne, 113; John, 54; Robert, 54, 1 13; Sir Robert, 54; Samuell, 57; Thomas, 68, 114; William, 54. Cockayne, — , 44; Captain, 44; Frances Annabella, 45; John, 58; Sir John, 58; see also Cokayn. Cockbain, John, 69. Cockburn, Dr., 44; Mr., 44; Samuel, 69. Cocke, see Cock. Cocker, Jenkyn, 74; Sir Thurstan, priest, 54, 60; William, 54, 74. Cocker river, 57. Cockerall, Edward, 1 13. Cockerele, James, 70. Cockerham, 34, 45, 50, 57, 61, 62, 74, 81, 82, 88; Church, 57; churchwardens, 44; Priory, early foundation, 57. Cockerham, Alanus, 95; Henry, Prior of, 57 - Cockerill Edward, 69, 113; John, 69. j Cockers, James, 58. Cockersand Abbey and Abbots, 37, 42, 57, 58, 60, 74, 88, 95, 99, 105; Rentale de, 57- Cockersand, Abbas de, 95; Roger de, 105. Cockeshott, see Cockshott. Cockete, James, 46; Margery, 46. Cockey, 46. Cockey Moor dispute, 37. Cockfighting, 72, 87, 92. Cockhill, Thomas, 57. Cockin, Richard, 92; Thomas, 92; Wil- liam, 45, 92. Cockles, 46. Cockney, iii. Cock-penny, 72, 92. Cockpit, Manchester, 65; Whitehall, 109. Cockram, — , 39. Cocks, 1 1 2. Cocks, John, 73 ; Joseph Dunkerley, 94; Roger, 70, III. Cocksey, Sir Thomas, 60. Cockshots, 60. Cockshott, — , 57 (pt. H. ), 88; Edmund, 96; Edward, 46; George, 46; Giles, 46; Grace, 46; Henry, 96; Hugh, 46; James, 39; John, 46, 96, 1 14; Lawrence, 96; Margaret, 46; Robert, 96; Roger, 46; Thomas, 94; Widow, 46. Cockshute, see Cockshott. Cockshutt, 88. Coddington, 42, 54. Coddy behaviour, 44. Codel, coddy, 44. Code, Ten Commandments, 45. Codfish, 46. I Codlins, 46. Codnor, 88. Codrington, Rob., ill; Thomas, 64. Coe, John, 54; Rev. John, 75; Robert, 54. Ccelica, iii. Coen, John Baptista, 114. Coffee-house conversation, 44. Coffer, 46. Coffin, 46. Cogan, apothecary at Manchester, 46; Thomas, 54. Coggan, John, 105. Coghlan, James, 94. Cogishull, 80. Cognovi, Fini, 44. Cogshull, 1 12. Cogswell, Norris, 94. VOLS. XXXI.-CXTV. 61 Coins found at Gawthorpe, 46 ; of Eliza- beth, 46; Roman, 68. Coire, Richard, 46. Cokain, — , 88. Cokaine, Sir Aston, in. Cokayn, Johannes, 99 ; John, 58 ; Sir John, 58; see also Cockayne. Coke, Sir A., 65; Christopher, 96; Cle- ment, 42, no; Sir Edward, 37, 42, 64, 80, 90, no; Gilbert, 60; James, 54; Ric- hard, 54; Sarah, 42, no; Sir A., 65; Thomas, 54; Thomas William, 42. Coke’s sale of books, 44. Cokeham, 81. Cokenete, James, 46. Coker, — , 1 14; see also Cocker. Cokersand, Abbey of, see Cockersand. Cokerson, Ralph, 50; Roger de, 57 (part II.). Cokeson, Hugh, 60. Cokey e Moor Exajyiynatyons, 37. Cokishall, or Cogishull, 80. Coknete, Cocke nett, 46. Cokrain, Captain, 44. Cokschot, see Cockshott. Colayn, Robert, 47. Colbatch, Dr., 44. Colborne, Colbourne, Henry, 92; Mr., 114; Thomas, 92 ; see also Coldburne, Coleburne. Colburne, — , 88. Colbrand, — , 88; Henry, 92. Colbron, Sir George, John, Henry, Matt- hew, Richard, 92. Colchester, 81, no. Coldalle, William 54. Coldburne, William de, 60. Colde-cotes, 58, 88, no, 112; manor of, 46. Coldenstock, Marg., 83; Thomas, 83. Coldicotes, — , 82. Coldwell, John, 50. Cole, — , 88; Dorothy, 105; Dr., 44; Edmund, 105; Edward, 54, 105; Henry, 64; Isabella, 105; J., in; John, 54; Lettice, 54; Mr., 44, 109; Ralph, 63; T., Ill; T. B. , 105; Thomas, 105; W., in. Cole family of Coat, ped., 88. Coleburne, Widow, 57. Coleley, 58. Coleire, Robert, 60. Colerane, Lord, in. Coleridge, S. T., 45. Coles, F. (printer), ill; Gilbert, 64. Colesbach, 88. Coleshill, 88. Colet, Dean, 103; Dr. John, 64, 114; Willimus, 95. Colevile, William de, 80. Colewiche, George, 87. Coley, 47. Colhaus, z>r Cohelaus, Mr., 114. Coliander, or Coriander seed, 46. Colibertie, definition of, 58. Colier, see Collier. Colineus, in. Colins, Sami., 64. Collar maker, 46. Collars, 112. Collay, Matilda, 99. Collayn, Robert, 42, 58. Colle, John, 54. Collectanea Anglo- Poetica, 52, 55, 71, 77, 91, 100, loi, 102, 106, 108, in. Collectanea relating to Manchester, 68, 72. College, see Manchester. Collent, 63. Colier, Thomas, 54. Colleshawe barn, 113. Collet, Mary, 114. Collett, T. , in. Colleton, Mr., 44; John, 64. Colley, Henry, 57, 113; Mr., 44; Mrs., in; Thomas, 83; William, 113; Wil- liam, of Windell, 54. Collier, Benjamin, 57 (part I.); Betty, 57 (parti.); Charles, 57 (part I.); Dauntsey, 73; Edward, 57 (part I.), 94; Elizabeth, 57 (part I. ) ; Dr. George, 65 ; Rev. George, 42 ; Hannah, 57 (part I.) ; J., 57 (6) ; James, 73; Jeremy, 31, in, 114; John, Tim Bobbin, 57 (part I. ), 72; Rev. John, 57 (part I.) ; Joseph, 57 (part I.), 72 ; Mary, 57; Mr., 42, 44, 105; Mrs., 44, 57 (part I.); Nancy, 57 (part I.); Nathan, 57 (part I.); Rev. Mr., 42, 57; Richard, 69, 94; Robert, 57 (part L); Sally, 57 (part I.) ; Sarah, 57 (part I.) ; Payne, 31 ; Thomas, 42, 47, 57, 61, 69; Thomas Bagnall, 94 ; William, 64, 69 ; see also Collyer, Colyer. Collingbourne, in. Collinge, James, 94, 113; John, 31; Ro- bert, 54, 57. Collings, Dr., 114. Collins’s Genealogical acco 7 int of the Wests, 58; Collins, Anthony, deist, his Philosophical Enquiry, Cfc., 44 ; James, 69 ; Rev. John, 42; Martin, 83; O., 114; Peter, 72; Rev. Dr., 45; T., in; Thomas, 77. 62 GENERAL INDEX. Collinson, Rev. J., 45. Collinwood, Mr., 44. Collock, a pail, 39, 46. Colly, John, 92; William, of Ebnall, 54. Collyer, — , 88; George, 60; Sir George, 1 13; Dr., 75; see also Collier. Collyhurst, 42, 57, 58, 60, 65, 68, 69, 72, 94, 99, no; common, 63; fold, 63. Collyn (Cologne) Horse, 103. Colman, W., in. Colmora, William de, 92. Colne, 46, 50, 54, 78, 60, 74, 88, 99, 103, 112; chapel, 60; farm, 112; fair, 46; general rendezvous at, 62; mills, 112. Colnekole, Rich, de, 74. Colney Hatch, 88. Colon, John, 60, 92. Colparthwayte, 57. Colquitt, Miss, 45. Colse, Peter, in. Colson, John, 44. Colstenstoke, Margaret, 54. Colt, — , 81. Coltam, Oliver, 105 ; Thomas, 105. Colthurst, — , 82, 88; Abraham, 46; Ed- ward, 60, 96; Giles, 96; Henry, 60, 103; Henricus, 99; John, 46; Richard, 46; Rogerus, 99; Thomas, 60. Coltman, William, 57. Colton, 50. Colton, John, 105; Mr., 44. Colts, 46. Coluert, George, 105. Columbers, — , 81 ; Cicely, 31. Colvii, Sam., in. Colvile, — , 82. Colville, — , 105. Colwel, 74. Colwell, T., in. Colwich, Anthony, 54; Edmund, 31. Colwich chantry, 60. Colwiche, — , 88. Colwige, Mr., 92. Colyer, Alex., 37; Bartholomew, 60; George, 54; George, warden of Manr., 60. Comb, Mr., 44. Comball, Rauf, 60; Thomas, 60. Comber, Andrew, 94 ; Dr., in ; Thomas, 64. Comberbach, 112. Comberbatch, Hugh de, 80; Roger, 44. Comberlache, Elizabeth, 42. Combermere, 88; Abbey and Abbot of, 54, no. Combermere, Sir George Cotton of, 31; Viscount, 31. Combination, the, 44. Combs, 46. Combs, — , 82. Comelach, Richard, 42. Comenius, John Amos, 114. Comes, Thomas, 57. Comfits, 46. Coming, — , 88. Commissioners, 46; of Array, 50 « Common lands in Macclesfield forest, 97. Common, right of, 46, 58, 63. Cojnmon Sense Journal, 44. Common Prayer, Book of, in. Communion, 46; avoidance of, 96; East- erly, 96 ; how administered, 50 ; in one kind, 64. Como, Ralph, 92. Compani, 44. Compasses, 46. Compcy, William, 74. Co 7 nplaint of Verity, 1 1 1. Compton, 58. Compton, — , 88 ; Henry, Lord, 31 ; Lady, 31; Sir Henry, 31, 75, in; Spenser, Lord, 60; William, 64, 90. Comptrowler, Mr. Clerk, 31. Comyn, — , 88. Concealed lands, 87. Concerts at Manchester, 44, 72. Concord, in. Conder, Christopher, 105; Robert, 105. Conder Manor, 80. Condover, 94. Conduit, Manchester, 57 (pt. VII.) ; Repairs of, 63 ; Officers of repairs, 65. Conears, Mrs., 44. Conersley, grange of, 83. Conesland in Bewmont, 74. Coney Catching, in. Coney, — , 88; de William de Gynes, 92; Grace, 54. Coneys, 46. Confectionary, 46. Confessio Ama^itis, in. Confession of Faith, by Lady Bridget Egerton, 83. Confession of sin, 76 ; to be made by clergymen, 96 ; auricular, 64. Congleton, 37, 47, 54, 69, 73, 112. Congleton, Alex, and J. de, 112. Congreve, Mr., 44. Corners, Johannes, 95. Coningesbye, Harry, in. Conishead, 82, 88; Priory, 54. Conkeshay, George, 96. Conksone, Matthew, 42. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 63 Cononly, 73. Conquer, Johanna, 95; Thomas, 95. Comingius, H., 114. Consanguinity, 87. Conscience, 76. iii. Conscience, Progress of, ill. Conschogh, Keniscough, 57 (pt. II.) Constable, — , 88; A., in; PT., iii; Henry, 96, ill; Sir Henry, 46; Jane, 54; John, 64; Sir Ralph, 54; Sir Wil- liam, 47, 80. Constable, office of, 87. Constable Burton, 88. Constable Hillock, 105. Constables, High, 50; list of, 50, 63; of Manchester, 44; of Blackrod, &c., 46; to be assisted, 65; tried for treason, 72. Constablevvick of Garstang, 105. Constan, — , 63. Constantine, — , 88; John Hebdin, 94; Mr., of Oldham, 42; Mr., clerk, 47; Rev. R., 37. Constantinople, 94. Consterdine, Elizabeth, no; James, 72; William, 1 10. Conswich, see Cunswick. Content, in; Search for, 45. Contrition, in. Co 7 iicsaunce D' Amours, in. Conventicle Act enforced at Birch, 47. Conventry, Lord, 61. Conversions to Rome, 64. Conway Castle, 60; a harbourage for papists, 61. Conway, — , 88; John James, 94; Lady, 114; Lord, 44, in, 1145 Sir Henry, 60. Conybeare, Dr. John, 44. Conyers, — , 88; Darcy, in; G., in; J., Ill; Katherine, 31, no; Lord John, 31, no; Mr., 44; see also Coniers. Conyldmores, 95. Conyngton, Rob. de, 103. Conyshed, see Conishead. Cooe, Richard, 54. Cook, Alex., 64; Captain, 92; Charles, 94; James, 69; John, 94; John the, 74; wife of John the, 74; Mary, 57 (part L); Mr., 44, 64, 114; Mr. [Crook], 114; Robert, 64; Samuel Manley, 94; Syssot, 74; Thomas, 74, 94, 114. Cooke, — , 63 (app.), 72, 81, 88; Abra- ham, 37; Anthony, in; Sir Anthony, 90; Bold, 73; Charles, 57 (6); Daniel, 57 (6); Edward, 37; Elizabeth, 54, no; P'rederick Hilton, 94; George Frederic, 72; Henry, 46, 94; Hugh, 57; Jenet, 54; John, 37, 57 (6), 94, no, in; Joshua, 57 (6); Lieut. -Col., 72; Margar- et, 54, 58 ; Martha, 37 ; Mary, 37, 96 ; Matt, in; Otho, 73, 96; Ra., in; Rev. James, 42; Rev. John, 94; Ricar- dus, 99; Robert, 37, 57, 72, 96; Robert, Clarencieux, 75 ; Roger, 72 ; Strethill, 94; Susannah, 37; Thomas, 73; Thomas Alderson, 96; Toby, in; William, 37, 54, 63 (app.); 73, in. Cookery, 46. Cookham, in. Cooks, 46. Cooks, John, 114. Cookson, F., in; Henry, 113; Thomas, 69; Tom, 44; William, 57. Coolen, Mrs., 44. Coolers, 46. Coomb, 46. Coombe, John, 37. Coop, Elize, 54; Humphrey, 87; Thomas, 73- Coope, — , 88. Cooper, — , 88; An., in; Anne, 92; B., 61; Benjamin, 69; Edmund, 39; Fran- cis, 94; George, 57; George Charles, 94; James, 94; John, 42, 69, 92; Joseph, 69, 94; Mary, 57; Mr., 44, 114; Ralph, 57; Rev. John, 45; Samuel, 69, 94; Spencer, 37; Thomas, 69, 72, 94, 105; William, 44, 94. Cooper family, of Carneford, ped., 88. Coopers, 46; Coopers’ ware, 65. Cooppe, John, 63. Coops, James, 94. Coore, William, 96. Cootes, John, 39, 105. Cope, Alan, 64 ; Sir Anthony, 75 ; Sir John, 44. Copeland, George, 73 ; John, 46, 73 ; Thomas, 73. Copell, George, 50. Copenhagen, 39. Copes, coloured, 113. Copewoode, Margaret, 105; Sophia, 105; William, 105. Cophall, Cophull, see Coppull. Copland, Robert, ill; W., in. Cople, see Coppull. Coplestone, Bishop, 72, 94. Copley, 99. Copley, — , 88; Anthony, in; Rev. John, 44; John Singleton, 37 ; Sir T., I n. I Coplow, 45. 64 GENERAL INDEX. Coppage, Cowpege, Cupage, Sir John, 54, 6o, 1 1 3. Coppall, see Coppull. Coppe, William, 46. Coppendale, Mr., 44. Coppenhall, 54, 81, 94. Coppenholme, Thomas, 60. Copper, John, 54, Copperas, 46. Coppinger, Edm., Ill; Elizabeth, 83; Henry, 83. Coppley, see Coppull. Coppock, Cornelius, 57; Edwai'd, 57 (6); John, 42, 47; Margaret, 42; Richard, III; Samuel, 57, 69; T., 57 (6); Thom- as, 69, 99. Coppull, 58,60, 73, 75, 81,82, 88,99, no* Coppall, Willimus, 99. Coppydhurst, 74. Cops, 46. Copt Hewick Hall, 70. Copthurst, 46, 99. Copyholders, 46, 63. Corake, 46. Coral, 46. Corbesley, George, 57. Corbet, Corbett, — , 88; a bookseller, 44; Alice, of Stoke, 54; Andreas, 90; Sir Andrew, 105; Francis, 54; John, 60, i ii; Maria, 54; Miles, ill; Rich., iii; Robert, 50; Stephen, 94; Thomas, 57; Vincent, ill; Capt. Vincent, 70; Sir Vincent, 42 ; William, 69. Corbie, William, 69. Corbold, T. , ill. Corbridge, Abp., 112. Corby, 88; Castle, 88, 96. Corbyn, Margaret, 54. Cordel, Sir, J., iii. Cordell, — , 88; Sir William, 54, 88. Cordials of Coinfort, ill. Cordin, Tho., ill. Cordirode, 58. Cords, 46; bed, 46 ; hemp, 46 ; malynge, 46. Cordy, Nicholas, 58; Tho., 58. Corelli, coterilli, cottagers, 58. Coriander seed, 46. Corinna, iii. Cork, 82. Corker, — , 63 (app.); Charles, 63; James, 64; Nicholas, wife of, 58; Robert, 54. Corks, 46. Corlas, George, of Warrington, 60. Corlehous, Henry, 105. Cories, Christopher, 105 ; Henry, 105 ; James, 105; John, 105; Joshua, 57; Nat., 42; Richard, 105; Robert, 105; Thomas, 105; William, 56, 105. Corless’ gift, 105. Corlews, see Corlose. Corley, 47. Corley, John, 105. Corlose, Henry, 57, 105 ; John, 105 ; Robert, 57, 105 ; Thomas, 57, 105. Corn, 46; binding, 46; export of,| 50; losing, 46; measures, 63; mills, 74; regulation of sale of, 65; seed, 46. Coma (Corney-Row), 57. Cornay, John de, 92. Cornbrook, 42, 47, 58, 65, 73, 94. Cornbury, 88. Corneford, 99. Cornells, Jacob, 114. Comely, Miss, 72. Corneraw (Corney-Row), 57. Cornere, William de, dean of Wymburne, 92. Corney, Benjamin, 105 ; Radulf, 57, 105. Corney-Row, 57. Cornfield, 46. Cornford or Carnforth, 74. Cornish, — , in; John, 69; Joseph, 114; Bishop T., III. Cornleycroft, 112. Cornrue, Henry, 57. Cornthwaite, John, 105; Mr., 105. Cormicopice, in. Cornwall, 81, 88; History of, in. Cornwall, Mr., 44. Cornwallis, Bishop, 94; Charles, 1st Earl, 44; Lord, 114; Mr., 44. Corohouse, 58. Corona, Ellen de, no; family, of Adling- ton, 97; Thomas de, 97, no. Coronation day, 46, no. Coroner’s inquest, 46. Corporas, corporax, corporal, 113. Corporation Act, 47. Corry’s History of Lancashire, 58. Corse presents, 74. Corser, Rev. Thomas, 76, 94; Collectanea Anglo Poetica, 52, 55, 71, 77, 91, 100, loi, 102, 106, 108, in. Corslets, 50. Corston, Richard, 60. Cort, Cicely, relict of John, 74; John, 94; Robert, 94. Cortas, Richard, 105. Cortes, John, 105. Corwen, — , 88. Cory, Ed., in. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 65 Coryat, Geo. , 1 1 1 ; Thomas, 109, 1 1 1 . Cosen, Dr. , 1 1 1 . Cosgrave, John, 94. Cosin, Bishop, 37 ; Dr., Dean of Aixhes, 42, 64. Cosmetics, 46. Cosmo III., Grand Duke of Tuscany, 1 14. Cosmography, in. Cossart, Mr., 44. Cost, ribs of veal, 46. Coste, Hilarion de, 114. Costendyne, John, of Whitchurch, 54. Costerden, Elizabeth, 54; Ralph, of Black- ley, 54; William, 54. Costerdin, — ,81. Costerdyne, Thomas, 63. Coston, Thomas, 42, 50, 54. Costor, petition against, 44. Cosyn, Thomas, 99; Thomas, chantry priest, Huy ton, 60. Cotarii, definition of, 58. Cote, 88. Cotes, — , 81, 88; Charles, M.D., 44; George, Bishop of Chester, 65; Richard, in; T., Ill; T. and R., in. Cotesworth, or Coatsworth, Mr., 44. Cotgrave, no. Cotgrave, Matilda, 92; Hugh, Richmond Herald, 75; William, of Chester, 54. Cotgreve, Alice, 54; Eleanor, daughter of John, 31; James, 31; Mr., 31; Sir Ran- dle, 54; Robert, 54; William, 54. Gotham, see Cottam. Cothingley, 73. Cotom, Cotome, see Cottam. Coton, John de, 92. Cotsbache, 84. Cotswold, in. Cottage, 46. Cottages and curtilages, 58. Cottam, 75, 81, 82, 88; milne, 39. Cottam, — , 81, 88; family of Bilsborrow, 105; Henry, 105; James P., 105; John, 54, 69, 105 ; John de, 105 ; Lawrence, 92, 105 ; Margaret, 105; Mr., 44, 46; Oliver, 60, 105 ; Richard, 105 ; Sir Robert, priest of Longridge, 60 ; wife of Robert, 60 ; Thomas, 44, 105 ; Wil- liam, 50, 99, 105; Willimus, 95. Cottam fam. ped., 82. Cotterell, Capt., 62, 70; William, 42. Cotting, Ann, 70. Cottingham, no; rector of, 60. Cottingham, Thomas, 54. Cottington, Francis, Lord, 70. Cottom, see Cottam. Cotton, 46 ; bill, 44 ; manufacture, 44 ; mill, first, 72. Cotton, Cheshire, 81, 112. Cotton, — , 81, 82, 88; Alice, 54; Arthur, 54; Beatrix, 47; Catherine, no; Ch., in; dementia, 80; Dorothy, 54; Ed- ward, 54, 83 ; family, in; George, of Combermere, 54; Sir George, of Com- bermere, 75; Katherine, 54; John, 54, 92, 1 14 ; Rev. John, 37 ; Sir John, 1 10 ; Mary, no; Mr., 44; Rev. Mr., 114; Mrs., 37; Oliver, 54; Philip, 47; Richard, 54, 83, 1 10, in ; Robert, 54 ; Sir Ro- bert, 50, 76, 82; Roger, in; Sir Row- land, in; Sir Thomas, 88 ; Thomas, 54; William, 47; William de, 92. Cottonian Library, 44. Cottrell, Mr., 44; J., ni; Samuel, 57. Cottum, Cotum, see Cottam. Cotyngton, 54. Couches, in. Coucy, Ingelram de, 105; Lord de, 105; Robert de, 105; William de, 105. Couet and Bleasdale, boundaries of forest of, 58. Coughton, 88. Couhope, Hen. de, 112; Rob. de, 112. Couksone, Matthew, 42. Coulborn, Henery, 92; Isabel, 92. Coules, Fr., in. Coulson, Edward, 45. Coulthard, Edward, 73. Coulthart, J. R., 63. Coulthurst, — , 81 ; Abraham, 46; Adam, 46; Rev. Plenry Wm., 45; Thomas, 105. Coulton, Rev. John, 105. Council of the North, 50. Counters, 46. Counties, Government of, 50; Palatine, 50 - Country, Delights of, in; Divine, ill; Life, in. Countrye, Thomas, 54. Coup, Coupe, see Cowp. Coupe, Cowhope, 112. Couper, — , 88; Lieutenant, 47. Couperthwaite, Charles, 54. Coupland, Alan de, 105; Johanna de, 105; John de, 57, 105; Matilda, 105; Peter, 73; Richard de, 105; Sir Richard, 37; Thomas, 73; Thomas Jackson, 94, 99. Courayer, Peter Francis, D.D., 44, 114. Court and Country, in; Calender, iii; K 66 GENERAL INDEX. Convert, 1 1 1 ; of Conscience, 1 1 1 ; Vices, III. Court, Willfrey, 57. Court Baron, Courts Baron, 58, 63, 105; Courts Leet, 58, 63, 105; Court Leet Recoi'ds of Manchester, 63, 65; Court Rolls, 46; of Warrington, 87. Courthope, Ric., iii; Sir Wm., no. Courtier, Notes for a, in. Courtier’s Life, in. Courtney, Richard, Bp. of Norwich, 95. Courtois, Monsieur, 44. Cousins, Henry, 73. Coustan, — , 63. Cousturier, J. (pr.), in. Couton, — , 81. Coutts, Miss Burdett, 37; James, 94. Coveil, Mr,, 114; Thomas, Govr. of Lan- caster Castle, 39. Covenant, Oath of, 39. Covenanters, 70, in. Covent Garden, notice of, 61. Coventre, John, 57; Robert, 54. Coventry, 72, 81, 88, 94, no, 114; Bishop of, 60; Church, 54; Grammar School, 88; thread, 46. Coventry, Ann, 31, 97; Henry, 44; Gil- bert, Earl of, 31, 37; Lord, 39, 61; Lord Thomas, ni; Walter de, 80. Coverchief, 46. Coverdale, 81. Coverdale, Miles, 64, in. Covetousness, in. Covile, — , 88. Covyll, — , 81. Coward, Robert, 57. Co way, Richard, 92. Cowbaine, Margaret, 92; Richard, 92. Cowban, George, 54; Nicholas, 54. Cowbarne, — , 82. Cowbern, Nicholas, 92. Cowbon, George, 92. Cowborne, James, 60; Laurence, 60; Nicholas, 60. Cowboune, George, 92. Cowbourne, Henry, 92; Peter, 92. Cowbrone, Ellen, 92; George, 92, Sir Geo., 92; Laurence, 92; Nicholas, 92. Cowburn, George, 92; John, 92; Wm., 92. Cowburne, — , 82; John, 92; family, 92; Sir George, 92; Henry, 92; Laurence, 92. Cowden Mere, 46. Cowderey, William de, 74. Cowdroy, Benjamin, 72; Howarth, 72 ; Thomas, 72; William, 72, 94. Cowdrye, Robert, 50. Cowebebarne, 99. Coweburne, 99. Cowell’s Law Dictionary, 80. Cowell, Jenet, 105; Johannes, 95; John Finch, 94; Robert, 39; Thomas, 50. Cowen, Henry, 39; Ric., 57 * Cowgate, 58. Cowgill, Joseph, 94. Cowherds, 58. Cowhopp, Nicholas, 60. Cow lane, 63, 70. Cowle, James, 60. Cowleshagh, 74. Cowleshagh, Cowleshaw, William, 74. Cowley, — , 81; Abr., 61, in, 114; Sir William, parson of Doddleston, 54. Cowley Hill, 88. Cowlinge, Isabel, 54. Cowlishaw, 74, 103. Cowlthurst, — , 81. Cowmale, custom of, 74 - Cowope, Cowopp, Henry, 54; Hugh, 54; Sir Hugh, 54; John, 54; Peter, 63 (app. I.); Thurstan, 31; Ralph, 50; see also Couhope, Cowhopp. Cowp, Cowpe, Alan de, 105; Anne, 92; John, 60, 65, 96; Peter, 60, 65; Nicho- las, 60, 103; Richard, 57; Thomas, 57; William, 60, 92. Cowpege, Sir John, 113. Cowper, — , 88; Anne, 31 ; Christopher, 54; Dicon, 60; Edmund, 39, 96; Henry, 60, 83; Isabel, 46; James, 31; John, 39, 54; Richard, 31, 4^ 57, 60; Wm., 31, 50, 54, 96, in; Dr. William, 44. Cowplande, William, 60. Cowple, Cowpell, see Coppull. Cows, 46. Cowsel, Anthony, 105. Cowsill, 39. Cowton, — , 82. Coyns, Thomas, 60. Cox, — , 39; J., in; James, 42; Richard, 64; Ro., in. Coxe, — , 88. Coxheath, 45. Coxwold, 82. Coytmor, Robert, 39. Cozenage, in. Crab, brother, 114. Crabb, Eliz. , 114. Crabb Croft’s Gate, 42. Crabtree, John, 54; Thomas, 54; William, 54, 114. Craches (racks), 46, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 67 Cradock, — , 8i; Sheldon, 73; Dr. Zach- ariah, 114. Cradokke, Agnes, 54; Justinian, 54. Cradon, Thomas, 50. Cradwell, Henry, 57. Crafts?}ian, The^ 44. Cragge, Alice, 60; John, 60; Richard, 54; William, 60. Craghouse, 99. Craine, Henry, 31; John, 39. Craister, Dr., 44. Crakenthorpe, — , 88; Richard, 64. Crallan, James, 69; John, 69; Thomas, 69. Cramer, — , 72; Francis, 72; Frederick, 94; John, 72. Crampe, William, chantry priest, 60. Crampton, 88. Crampstone, Richard, 46. Cramtone, Crampton, Arthur, 46; John, 46; Yate, 46. Cranage, 69, 73. Cranage, Mr., 44. Crane, — , 82; Dr., 44; John, 54, 60; Ralph, III; Sir Richard, 70; Rev. Samuel, 80; Thomas, 113. Cranerse, alias jaxmy Elizabeth, 54. Cranesley, see Barnsley, 58. Cranford, 88, 96. Cranke, Rev. John, correspondence with Rev. Thomas Wilson, 45. Cranley, Tho., iii. Cranmer, Alice, 31; Robert, 63 (app.); T., Ill; Thomas, 31, 64; Thomas, Abp., 96, 1 13. Cranmore, — , 88. Crannock, 46. Cransford, 94. Cranshaw, 82. Crappencrop, 105. Cras, 58. Crashaw, fam., iii; Richard, iii, 114; William, 90. Crathorne, — , 82. Craunton, Johannes, 99. Craven, 42, 46, 54, 62, 69, 8i, 82, 88; deanery, no. Craven, — , 88, 103; Adam de, 74; Agnes, 103; Anne, 54; Charles, 94; Edward, 96; Sir Harry, Cappellanus, 1 13; Henry, 113; Margaret, 39; Mr., 44; Richard, 45, 46, 54, 96, 103; Robert, 96; Roger, 96; Thomas, 96, 103, 113; Thomas, vicar of Eccles, 54; William, 96; Rev. William, 45. Crawden, Regynalde, of Altringham, 60. Crawele, no. Crawford, Jos., in. Crawford and Balcarres, Earl of, 54, 60. Crawley, 88. Crawshaw, 88. Crayke, 96. Cream, 46; in cakes, see bread, 65. Crebie, Barnard, 105. Crecheley, — , 81. Crechlaye, Roger, 46. Creech, Tho., in. Creede, T., in; W., in. Creke, Rev. Mr., 44. Crellius, Joannes, 114. Crembill le, 95. Cremer, Abbot, III; Cha., in. Crenius, T., 114. Crenton, no. Creon, Guy de, 58. Crescey, in. Cressacre, Edw., Rector of Arksey, 103. Cressener, A., 64. Cresset, Mr., 114. Cressie, Robert, 60. Cressingham, Hugh de, 74; Sir Hugh, 83. Cresswell, — , 72; Edward, 73; Henry, 94; John, 73, 83; Samuel, 69; William, 73, 94. Cressy, i lo; battle of, 58. Cressy, Hugh Paulin (Serenus)de, 64, 114. Creswall, Margaret, 54; Mr., 54. C reswell, Edward, 54. Crewe, 69, 81, 83, 88, no; Hall, siege of, 62. Crewe, Jane, 37; John, 37, 44, 54, 69; 83; Lord, 45, 69, 114; Sir Randle, 83; Sir Randolph, 39; Richard, 69, 94; Stephen, 94; see also Crue. Crew wood, 88. Criche, Richard, 42. Crichlawe, Crichlowe, Critchlaw, Gal- frid, 60; John, 37; Margaret, 54; Oliver, 60; Ralph, 113; Richard, 54; Roger, 54. Crickiett, 69. Crickle, in Craven, 50. Cridling, 112. Crimbles, 88. Crinesius, Christopher, 114. Cringlebrook, 42, 47, 58. Criples, 46. Cripps, Francis, 69. Crisp, Thomas, 105. Crispe, Mr., 39. Crispin, — , 88; Nicholas, 95. 68 GENERAL INDEX. Croby, 95, Crock, Elizabeth, 105; George, 105; John, 1 13; Richard, 46; William, 105. Crocketts, 88. Crocklewood, 46. Croft, 47, 50, 54, 60, 74, 99; big, 37. Croft, Crofft, Crofte, — , 57, 81, 88; Alice, 105; Alison, 57; Edmund, 57; Edward, 57 ; Elena, 95; Elizabeth, verses on her death, 90; Ellen, 57; Gabriel, 50; Gal- frid, 60; George, D. D., 94; Henricus, 95, 99; Henry, 57, 74; Dr. Herbert, 47, 64; Sir Herbert, ill; James, 46, 54, 57 } 88; Sir James, 50, 87, no; Jacobus, 99; Johannes, 95, 99, no; John de, 74; Mabil, no; Margery de, 74; Nicho- las, 57, 95, 99, no; Nycol, 57; Ricar- dus 95; Richard de, 42, 60; Robert, in; Sir — , 105; Thomas, 57, 105; William, 57. Croftlyfife, or Crosscliff acres, 46. Crofton, 58, 82. Crofton, Henry, 105; John de, 92; Wil- liam, 54; Zachary, 103, Crofts, — , 82; Henry, 94; Sir James, 65; Rob., in. Crointon, 58. Crok, James, 92; Richard, 92. Crokall, Thomas, 92; William, 92. Crokan, John, of Lytham, 54. Croke, Car, in; John, 92; Ricardus del, 95; Robert, 92; Symon, 54; Unton, HI; seo also Crok, Crook. Croker, a soldier, 44. Crokett, Alice, 54; Robert, 54; Isabel, 54. Croks, Crooks, 103. Croks, Robert, 54. Crokstath, 99. Crollius, O., 114. Crombache, — , 88. Crombleholme, Crumbilholme, family, 105; Agnes, 105; Anne, 105; Edward, 105; Elias, 60, 99; Isabel, 92; John, 105; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 54; Rev. William, 105; Willimus, 99. Crombock, Crombocke, — , 81, 88; Isabel, 92; Jane, 54; John, 46, 54, 99; Ric- hard, 54; Robert, 54; William, 54, 96. Crombock of Clarke-Hill (ped.), 88. Cromelhulme, W., 64. Cromer, 47. Cromii, Custos, 112. Crompton, 37, 42, 50, 57, 58, 63, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96, 103, 109, no. Crompton, — , 57, 81, 82, 88, 95; Abra- ham, 54; Adam, 65; Alice, 37; Anne, 54; Ellis, 57, 60, 96; Hamer, 46; Han- nah, 44; Grace, 96; Henry de, 47; Hugh, 95, in; J., in; James, 37, 54, 57,69, 73, 113; Jasper, 94; John, 37, 57, 58, 96, 109; John Fletcher, 73; Jordan de, 42; Margaret, 54; Meriel, verses on her death, 90; N. S., 72; Nathan, 63 (app. ); Nathaniel, 73; Oliver, 63; Peter, 63 (app.), 73 ; R-, 72; Ralph, 39, 46; Richard, 73, 92, 109; Robert, 95, 96; Sir Omfrey, 54; Col. T., in; Thomas, 31, 37 , 50, 54 , 57 , 73 , 96; Sir Thomas, 31; W., 57; Waring, 57; widow, 57; William, 54, 57. Cromwell, Henry, in, 114; Lady, in; Oliver, 39, 60, 83, no, in, 114; Oliver, enmity to Lord Derby, 70; Oliver, Lord Derby’s petition to, 62; Raufe, Lord, 80; Ric. , n i ; Thomas, 65. Cromwell-botham, 88. Cronckshawe, Thomas, 46; widow, 46. Cronckshay, George, 46; John, 46, Mar- garet, 96. Crone, Benjamin, 105; George, 105; John, 105; Thomas, 105. Cronkeshay, Christopher, 96. Cronkshaye, 46. Cronkshaw, Ann, 39; Jennet, 39. Cronschaghe, W. de, 112. Cronton, 50, 74. Croocoe, Ellen, 92; William, 92. Crook, Crooke, — , 88; Andr. , in; Sir J., in; Johannes, 99; John, 39, 57, 63, 69, 73, 92, 105; Richard, 57;Rober- tus, 99; Roger, 39; Thomas, 73; Wil- liam, 39, in. Crook Hill, 49. Crooke, 81, 88. Crookell, Cuthbert, 92. Croone, Dr. William, 114. Cropp, Richard, Ormskirk, 60. Cropper, — , 88; Benjamin, 73; Hugh, 31; John, 94; Magot, 74; Robin the, 74; Roger the, 74; Richard, 31, 113; Thomas, 54, 63; Thomlyn, 74; the wife of Robert the, 74. Crosby, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95, no; Chapel, 60; Church Goods, 113; Little Crosby, 58, 74, 88. Crosby, Sir John, 54; John, 44; Sir War- ren, 44; William, 54. Crosdell, — , 72. Crosegylle, John, 60. Croshaw, Croshall, 82. Croskell, Rev. Oswald, 105. VOLS. XXXl.-CXIV. 69 Crosley, Joshua, 57; Robert, 57 (parts III., VI., VII.) ; see also Crossley. Croslit, R. del, 112. Cross, Crosse, — , 60, 81, 82, 88; Ann, 31, 57, 105; Ann Mary, 97; Alice, 54; A vice, 1 13; Charles, 63 (app.) ; Daniel, 105; Elizabeth, 60; Henry, 39, 105; Humphrey, 60, 113; J,, 57 (part VI.), 105; James, 60; Jennet, 105; Joan, 92; Tohannes, 60, 99; John, 31, 34, 37 (part ill.), 60, 64, 69, 72, 73, 105, no, 1 13; John of Myerscough, 105; John of Cross Hall, 31, 50; Lawrence, 54; Mar- garet, 45, 54; Richard, 31, 45, 60, 99, 1 13; Richard del, mayor of Liverpool, 60; Richard of Shaw Hill, 31, 97; Robert, 105; Roger, 60; T., in; Thomas, 39, 45, 54, 60, 97; Sir Tho- mas, 54; \VilIiam, 45, 46, 72, 96, in, 113; William, of the, 74; William del, 47. Cross of Liverpool (ped.), 81. Cross Hall, 45, 50, 54, 81, 82, 88, 96, no. Cross Hill School, 105. Cross Street, Manchester, 58. Cross Street, Cheshire, 69. Crossby, see Crosby. Crossebanke, 46. Crossehouse, 81. Crossen, Mr., 70. Crosses, 113; ancient wayside, 105; Gars- tang, 105; Kirkland, 105; Manchester, 44, 65; Prestbury, 97. Crossfield, Anne, 92; Thomas, 92; Rev. Thomas, 92. Crossford bridge, 65. Crossgill, Oswald, 105. Crossgylle, John, 60. Crosskell, 46. Crossley, Anthony, 54; Elizabeth, 54; James, 54, 57 (part L), 72, 83, 90, 103, 114; James, Heywood's Observations and Instructions^ 76; Presentation of Por- trait, 96 (app.); Worthington's Diary, 36; John, 54, 70; John Jackson, 94; Richard, 54; Richard of Scaitcliffe, 54; Thomas, 73; William, 54. Crostaffe, 46. Croste, Gilbert, 113. Croston, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57, 60, 69, 72, 73, 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 99, no; Chantries, 60; Church Goods, 113; Hall, 61 ; Lodge, 45. Croston, Agnes, 54; Edwaixl, 57; Henry, 54, 60; Hugo, 57; Jane, 54; John, 54; Mr., 57; Richard, 60; Thomas, 99. Crouch, — , 88; Mrs., 72; Nat., in. Crouchback, Edmund, 57 (part I.), 58, 105. Crouchley, — , 88; John, 69; Rev. John, 44. Croughton, Mrs., 65; Thomas, of Chester, 54 - Croule, — , 88. Crounlowe, Richard, 50. Crounton, 54. Crouther, Thomas, 46. Crow croft, 47. Crow nets, 63. Crow boy, 46. Crow, Mr., 44; Peter, 69. Crowder, Laurence, 42; Richard 42. Crowker, — , 88. Crowley, Rob., 64, in. Crownfield, Charles (printer), 44. Crozvn of Thorns, in. Crowns and Garlands, in. Crowshaw, Richard, 54. Crowther, — , 57, 88; Capt. , 83 ; George, 75 ; John, 57 ; Jonathan, 94 ; Jos., in; Mr., 57; Ralph, 54; Richard, 63 (app.); William Henry, 94. Crowton, 81, 82, 88. Croxhull, Johannes, 95. Croxteth, near Liverpool, 61, 99 ; Park, 58. Croxton, 63 (app.), 81, 82, 88. Croxton, — , 88; Abbas de, 57; Alice, 54; Anne, 37; Ciceley, 54; Ciceleye, 65; Col. Thomas, 70; Col. Thomas, of Ravenscroft, 54; Elizabeth, 37; Geoff- rey, 54; George, 47, 54; Jas., 72; Jeff- rey, 63 (app.); John, 54, 65; Keyrial, 57; Keyrial, abbot of, 57, 66; Keyriel, 60; Mrs., 54; Sarah, 37; Susannah, 54; Waringe, 54; William, of Ravenscroft, 54. Croydon Hospital, 42, 54. Croyland, 57. Croynshaw, 99. Crucifixe, A, in. Cruciger, Dr., 114. Crue, Alice, 54; Katherine, 54; Margaret, 54; Randle, 54; Thomas, of P'arndon, 54 ; see also Crewe. Cruells, 46. Cruelty, in. Cruets, 113. Crules, 113. Crumbock, Johannes, 99; Crombock. Crump, J., in; Mr., 44. Crumpe, of Churton, 54. 70 GENERAL INDEX. Crumpsall, 42, 58, 60, 69, 73, 75, 82, 88, 94, 96 ; Hall, 72. Crunclell, 88. Crusade, tavern sign, 87. Crusades, ill. Crutched Friars, 83. Cruttenden, — , 72. Cryer, 46. Cryer, Hugh, ofTatton, 60; Lawrence, 37. Crytchley, Richard, 60. Cubbesden, 95. Cuchenlode, 58. Cucking-pool, 65. Cucking-stool, 46, 58, 65, 92. Cuckney, 73. Cuckoo, III; flower, 46. Ctcckow, The^ iii. Cucumber, 46. Cucworth, John, 64. Cudmore, Richard, 72. Cudworth, — , 81, 82, 88; Aid., 114; Alice, 42; Elizabeth, 54; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 54, 96; Margeria, 95; Mrs., 1 14; Ralph, 42, 54, 59, 1 1 3, 1 14. Cudworth of Werneth, ped., 81, 82, 88, Cuerdale, 45, 50, 54, 88, 99, no. Cuerdale, — , 88 ; Ricardus, 99. Cuerden, 45, 50, 54, 57 (part I.), 58, 60, 81, 82, 88, 96, no; Hall, 45. Cuerden, — , 82, 88 ; Isabel, 96 ; James, 60; John, 46, 57 (part HI.), 96; John, of Cuerden, 60; John de, 58. Cuerdley, 50, 58, 88; Chapel, 113. Cuerdon, John, 50, Cuflhells, Hants, 94. Cuffyn, Mr., 44. Cuirass, Cuirett, 50. Culbray, Roger, 92. Culcheth, 42, 50, 54, 58, 72, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no, 113; Hall, 44, 45, 72, no. Culcheth, — , 81, 82, 88; Ann, 31; Beat- rix, no; Biron, 42, 113; Catherine, 31; Cecilia, no; Ciceley, 31; Ellen, no; Gil- bert de, no; Gilbertus, 95, 99; Joan, no; John, 42, 54, 57 (part HI.), 63 ; John, called Kilshaw, 50; John, of Cul- cheth, 31, 65; Margaret, no; Mary, 31; Matilda, 31 ; Otuel, 99; Rauf, 60, 113; Thomas, 31, 47; Thurstanus, 95; Wil- liam, 57, 113. Culcheth, of Abram, ped., 88; of Culcheth, ped., 81, 88. Cullen, Ralph, 103. Cullenfield, 47. Culm, Benjamin, 44. Culpepper, Mr., 44. Culvard, John, 57 (part HI.). Culwen, — , 82; Agnes, 74; John de, 74; Robert de, 105. Cumberland, 57. Cumberland, — , 81 ; Denison, 44; Duke of, 105; Earl of, 90; Elizabeth, dau. of Earl of, 31; Geo., Earl of, 109; Marg., Countess of, in ; M., 44 ; William Augustus, Duke of, 44. Cummin, 112. Cumya, Edmund, 57; Robert, 57. Cuncliffe, — , 81, 88; Mr., 46; William, 65; see also Cunliffe. Cunclall, Maister, 47. Cunderhey, Willimus, 95. Cundlifife, see Cunliffe. Cunliffe (hamlet of), 54, 58. Cunliffe, — , 82, 88 ; Adam de, 58 ; Ed- ward, 63; Gilbertus, 99; Isabell, 96; Martin, 109; Nicholas, 42, 50; Richard, 54; Richard de, 50, 72; Robert, 42, 50, 99; Robert de, 58; Roger de, 58; Sam- uel, 94; Sir Thomas, 31; Thomas, 63; William, 105; see also Cuncliffe. Cunnie, Capt., 50, 62. Cunningham, Sir David, 70; Mr., 44; Nicholas, 73; Rev. Peter, 45. Cunscough, 50, 74, 88. Cunsleghe or Knowsley, 74. Cunswick, 81, 82, 88. Cupage, John, 60. Cupboard cloths, 46. Cupid, in. Curan, James, 105. Curates, 46. Curbishley, Jane, 54. Cureball, Richard, 60. Curedale, see Cuerdale. Cureden, see Cuerden. Curlew, 46. Curlew-hilpp, 46. Curmesall, 99. Curmesholme, see Kirkmanshulme. Currants, 46. Currer, — , 88. Curriers, see Leather. Curry combs, 46. Cursetors, Caveat for ^ in. Cursy, John de, 80. Curtenhall, John, 63. Curteys, — , 81. Curteis, Christopher, 105. Curteous, J., 57 (parts HI. & VL). Curtilage, 58, 112. Curtis, J., 57 (parts HI. «S: VL). Curtnall, Rauf of, 74; Thomas of, 74. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 71 Curwen, — , 8i, 82, 88; Edward, 105; Elen, 60; Gilberlus, 99; Henry, 105; Hugh, 1 13; Jacob, 57 (part 11 . ); James, 105; Johannes, 57 (part IL), 99; John, 105, 1 13; Mary, 113; Richard, 50, 57 (part HI,), 105; Robert, 42; Sir Henry, 46; Thomas, 50, 57 (part HI.), 99, 105; Walterus, 99; William, 60, 105. Curwen family, ped., 82. Curwin, Curwyn, see Curwen. Curzon, — , 82, 88 ; Assheton, Lord, 45; Assheton, Viscount of, 88; Dorothy, Viscountess, of, 88; Elizabeth, 88; Hon. Geo. A. W., 45; Hon. R., 44; Mr., 45. Cust, Sir John, 44. Custance, Mr., 44. Custard pots, 46. Custom, definition of, 63. Customary tenants, 58. Customs, 58; duties, 46. Custumal, definition of, 58. Cutfox, John, 57, 105. Cuthbert, Bishop of Chester, 54; Mr., 44. Cutlard, William, 60, 99. Cutler, 46. Cutler, — , 88; Mary, 54; Mrs. Mary, 42;SirGervase,ofStainborough Hall, 54. Cutt, — , 82. Cutteler, Agnes, 54; William, 99. Cutts, Blandita, 92. Cutwulf, Dean, 92. Cyffin, Mr., 44. Cymaron castle, 80. Cynthia, ill. Cypress Garland, ill; Grove, in. Cyprian Academy, ill. Cyprian, Luther, 70. Cyveliok, Hugh, Earl of Chester, 80, 87. D a., hi; D., E., Ill; D., Em., in; ., D., G., in; D., I., in; D., J., in; D., P., in; D., R., ni; D., Sir R., 103; D., T., in; D., W., in. Dabridgcourt, — , 88. Dacca, 94. Dace, 46. Dacherius, Lucas, 114. Dacre, 99. Dacre, — , 88; Sir Edmund de, in; Ed- mundus de, 95; Elizabeth, 57 (part IL), 95; Humfridus, 99; Johannes, 57 (part IL); Lord, 37, 42, 60; Randle de, 74; Rad’us, 95, 99; Thomas, 57, 74, 95, 99; Thomas, Lord, 60; William de, 74; Willimus, 95, Dagge, 46, Dagger, 46. Daggers, William, 69. Dahmen, — , 72. Daille, Jean, 114. Daily Advertiser, 44; Conrant, 44; your- nal, 44; Post, 44. Dain, Ralph, 54. Daintree, 46. Daintry, John, 69; family, of North Rode, 97 - Daintythe, John, 54. Daire, Wm., 92. Dairy, deie, 46. Dairy maids, 46. Daivill, — , 88; Walter de, 80. Dakin, — , 46; James, 94; Mr., 42; Wil- liam, 73. Dakyne, Henry, 46. Dalbury, 99. Dalby, Henry de, 47. Dale, — , 88 ; Captain, 72 ; Edward, 94 ; Elizabeth, 54; John, 37, 54, 73; John, of the, 74 ; Sir John, 54 ; Joseph, 37, 73, 94; Joseph, clerk, curate of Birch, 47; Rev. Joseph, 42; Rev. Mr., 42; Robert, 81; Rev. Roger, 37, 42; Tho- mas, 113. Dales, country, 62. Dalgarno’s tracts, 44. Dalhusius, John Herman, 64. Dalkeith, 94. Dallam, 69 ; tower, 88. Dallas, John, 73, 94; Ralph Ollier, 94; Robert, 37. Dallington, Rob., in. Dallison, Maximiliam, in. Dallom, Thomas, 105. Dalrymple, Charles, no; Elizabeth, no; Frances, 105; Hugh, 105; Jacintha, 105; Sir D., in. Dalston, 94. Dalston, — , 88; Sir Chr. , in. Dalton, — , 82, 88, 105; — , Norroy king- at-arms, 87; Ann, daughter of Sir Richard Molyneux, 31; Anna, 105; Eleanor, daughter of William Hulton, 31; Jane, 103, no; John, 113; Dr. John, 72; Laurence, 81, no; Mr., 31. 46, 61 ; Mr., of Thurnham, 62; Ricar- dus, 99; Richard, 47, 83; Richard, of Pilling, 50; Robert, 31, 50, 57, 103, 105; Robertas, 95; Roger, 57, 105; Thomas, of Thurnham, 31, 50; William, 57, 103, 105, no, 113; young Mr., 31. Dalton fam., ped., 82; of Thurnham, ped., 88 , 72 GENERAL INDEX. Dalton, 57, 58, 60, 62, 69, 74, 81, 82, 88, 99, no; Manor of, no; -in-Furness, 50; -in-Lonsdale, 50. Daltons, 60. Dalyell, Sir J. G., in. Dalzell, Sir Robert, 70. Dam, the, in Middleton, 96. Dam house 44, 88. Damask, cloth of, 113. Darners, 82. Damian, P., in. Damieta, capture of, 80. Damold, Sir Robert, parson of Handley, 54. Damon and Pithias, in. Dampford, Thomas, 54. Dampfort, John de, 92. Damport, see Davenport. Dampport, Lady, in. Danays, Wm., son of Roger, 92. Danburgh, Robertas, 95. Danby, — , 88; Adam, of Liverpool, 60; Sir Thomas, knt., 54. Dancing, in. Dancrofte, 58. Dand, Joseph, 57. Dande, George, 60; Henricus, 57; Jaco- bus, 57. Dandy (Dandie, Dandye), Andrew, of Lostock, 61; George, chantry priest, 60; George, of Tarlton, 60; Henricus, 57; John, of Tarlton, 60; Robert, 60; William, 60; Capt. William, of Tarle- ton, 62. Dane, James, 69; John, of Tonworth, 46; Samuel, 69; the heir of Robert, 74. Dane wood, 47; river, 112; see also Deane. Danelagh, area of the, 58. Danell, Roger, 54. Danegeld, 58. Dane’s pad in Pilling, 105. Danes, the, in; in Manchester, 68. Daneshead Bank, 37. Danet, — ,81. Daniel (Daniell), — , 81, 88; Alice, 54; Clemence, no; Dorothy, no; Dr., 114; George, ni; Isabel, no; J., ni; Joan, 99, no; John, 31, 57 (part VI.), 69, 73, 94, 99, no; Sir John, 60; Margaret, 54, 60, no; Mr., 44, no, 114; Nicho- las, 54; Nicholas, vicar of Preston, and fellow of Manchester College, 60; Peter, 31, no; Peter, of Over Tabley, 54; Roger, III; Samuel, 90, 109, in; Thomas, 54; Thomas, of Tabley, 31; Sir Thomas, no; Sir William, 31, ill; William, 54, 75, no; Willimus, 95. Daniell, of Wigan, ped., 88. Daniels, Miss, 72. Danish names, 58; in Kirkham, 92. Danne, Johannes, 99. Dannett, Plenry, 69; Rev. Henry, 92; John, 92; Robert, 69; Thomas, 69. Danold, Robert, of Hanley, 54. Danson, Mary, 105. Dansye, — , 57. D’Anteney, Mr., 44. Dant, — , 88. Danter, J., in. Dantsey, 88; co. Wilts., 82. Danvers, — , 82, 88; Dan., 61; Sergeant- major, 62; Sir Charles, 90. Danyel, W. , 112. Danyers, Margaret, peck, 97; Sir Tho- mas, 97. Danyscales, J. de, 112. Danyscoles, 74. Danyscoles, John de, 74. Dnphnis and Chloe, in. Aacpvis HoXvaretpavos, III. Darbey, Rev. John, 42, 69, 72, 94. Darbishire (Darbyshire), Elizabeth, 54; Francis, 94; Geoffrey, 54; Isabel, 54; Jas., 57 (part VI.); John, 73, 113; Nicholas, 54; Oliver, 54, 96. Darby, — , 81 ; Elizabeth, no; Robert, 1 10; see also Darbey. Darbye, Robert, chantry priest, 60. Darbye, Lord, see Derbye. Darbyshire, see Darbishire. Darcey, John, 73. Darcy (D’Arci, D’Arcy), — , 82; Abr., i n ; Adomar, 74; Grace, no; Sir Henry, 75; Mr., 44, 109; Sir Robert, 42, no; Capt. T., in; Thomas, Lord, 90; see also Derscy. Darcy Lever, 65, 73, 82, 88, 96, 109. Darell, Wm., 64. Daresbury, 54, 69, 73, 81, 83, 88, 99, no. Darington, Nicolas, 113. Darisbury, Margaret, no; Will, de, no. Darley, 54, 88; -dale parish, 37. Darley, Katherine, 54; Roger, of Ches- ter, 54. Darlington, Ralph, 94. Darnall, 45. Darnel, Sergeant, 44. Darnelly, Mistress, 109. Darnhall, 83. Darrell, John, 64. Dart, Mr., in. Dartmouth, William Legge, Earl of, 44. Dartiquenave, C., in. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 73 Darwall, Charles F,, 94; John, 69, 94. Darwell, James, 42; Thomas, 42, 73. Darwen, Over and Lower, 54, 73, 74, 81, 88, 94, 99, 1 10; bridge, 62. Darvvente, Anna, 99. Darwyn, — ,81. Dasbery, see Daresbury. Dastin, J., iii. Dates, 46. Datton, — ,81. Daub, 65; definition of, 63. Daub-holes, 63, 65, 68; ducking-stool, 72. Daubeny, Arth., in. D’Aubigney, iii. Daughtrey, John, 94. Daulcon, — , in. Dauntesey, Anne, no; John, 69; Mr., 65; Thomas, no; William, of Agecroft, 42. Dauter’s, John, Lancashii'e' s Lamentation^ 75 - Dave, William, 54. Davenant, John, 64; Bishop John, 114; Sir Wm., in. Davenham, 54, 60; Church, 60; Rector of, 60. Davenport, — , 45, 63, 81, 82, 88; Agnes, 99, no; Ann, 42; Anne, 54; Anne, daughter of Sir William, 31; Anthony, 54; Arthur, 54; Bartilmew, 54; Blanche, 54; Bridget, of Davenport, 54; Capt., 44; Charles, 54, 69; Christopher, 64; Cicelye, no; Com., 44; Davies, 44, 97; Dorothy, 54, no; Edmund, 54; Edward, 54; Eleanor, 54; Elizabeth, 54, 97, no; Elizabeth, widow of Tho- mas, of Henbury, 54; Ellen, 54; F., 44; Francis, 61; George, 73; H., 44; Hugh, 54, 83, no; Humphrey, 42, 54, 96, III; Humphrey, of Gray’s Inn, 31 ; Sir Humphrey, 31, 47, 75, 109; James, 42, 54, 69; Jane, 54; Johanna, 54; Johan- nes, 95; John, 31, 54, 57 (parts VI. & VIE), 73, 74, 96, 99, no, 114; Rev. John, 42; John, of Calveley, 54; John, of Davenport, 54; John, of Henbury, 54; John, of North Rode, 54; John, of Wistaston, will of, 54; John, of Wood- ford, 54; Sir John, 54, 97; Jonathan, 69, 73 ; Judge, 54; Katherine, 42, 47, 54, no; Margery, 54; Mary, 54; Mr., 31, 37, 44, 46, 54; Mr., of Bramhall, 62; Mr., of Henbury, 31; Nicholas, of Woodford, 60; Penelope, 96; Peter, 54; Sir Peter, of Woodford, 97; Rad’us, 95; Rafe, no; Ralph, of Chester, 54; Randle, 31, 54, 83; Richard, 54, 57 (part VI.), 63; Robert, 42, 47; Thomas, 42, 54; Thomas Goodhall, 73; Thomas, of Disley, chaplain, 54; Thomas, of Henbury, 54, 97; Widow, 57; William, 54, 69, 83, 96, 103, in; William, of Bramhall, 31, 54; William, of Henbury, 31; William, of Woodford, 97; Sir Wil- liam, 31, 42, 54, 92, no. Davenport family, 96, 97; of Bramhall, 97; of Henbury, ped., 81; of Salford, ped., 88. Davenport Mortuary Chapel, at Prest- bury, 97. Daventry, 47. Daves, Jo., in. Daveson, Mr., 54; Mrs., 54; Robertas, 95. David, J., 112; Prince of N. Wales, 80. David's Heinous Sin, in. Davidsone, Henry, 46; Richard, 46. Davie, Edward, 46; John, 47, 57; Mary, 47; Mrs., 57; Captain Richard, of Nuton-in-Poulton, 62; William, 42, 47. Davies, Catherine, daughter of John, 31; David, 73, 94; Edward, 44; George, 44; James, in; John, 65, 69, 91, 94; John (Hereford), in; Sir John, 63, 90, in; Rich., in; Richard, 92; Dr. Richard, 44; T., in; Thomas Charles, 94; Wil- liam, 92, 94; see also Davyes. Davies’s Races of Lancashire, 58. Davington, no; Hall, 81. Davis, — , 72; Edward, 94; John, 47, 63, 64; John, Holy Roode, 75; Mr., 44; Thomas, 69, 94. Davison, Erancis, 91, in; James, 69; John, 42; Mr., 44; Thomas, 42, 64. Davisst, Jhon., 75. Davors, J., in. Davy, — , 63; Charles, 44; James, 92; Johannes, 95. Davydson, William, 60. Davye, James, 54; John, 54, 63. Davyes, Edward, 81; Eleanor, 81; Eliza- beth, 81; Ellen, 54; Gilbert, 81; Helen, 81; Jane, 81; Thomas, 54. Davyhulme, 42, 58; Hall, 72. Dawen, Mr., 31. Dawes, Archbishop, 44; Lady, 31; Ric- hard, 72. Dawne (Done), — , 81, 82, 88. Dawney, Sir Christopher, bart., 31; Sir John, 31; Sir Thomas, knt., 46. Dawnie, Master, 31. Dawning, Mrs. Er., 44. Dawson, — , 72; Benjamin, 105; Bridget, 1 105; Captain, 57 (parti.); Cousin, 44; I. 74 GENERAL INDEX. Rev. David, 42; Elizabeth, 42, 45; Frederick Ackers, 94; Rev. Gabriel, 105; George, 46; Isaac, 69; Jacob, 57 (part II.), 105; James, 44, 73, 105; Cap- tain James, 42; Jeremiah, 69; John, 47, 57 (part VI.), 63, 69, 73, 75, 94, 96, 105, III; John, of Manchester, 54; John, of Sedbergh, 45; John, “ the lynen man,” 39; Jonathan, 72, 73; Joseph, 69; Law- rens, 60; Margaret, 42; Pudsey, 45; Rauf, 60; Rawlyn, 54; Richard, 105; Robert, 73; Robert, Bishop of Clonfert, 105; Samuel, 69; Thomas, 60, 69, 73, III; Widow, 47; — , wife of Edesforth, 60; William, 44, 69, 73, 105. Dawton, 81. Day of Doom^ III. Day of Judgment, ill. Day-sleepers, see night-walkers, 63. Daye, a surveyor, 46; Angell, iii; James, III; John, III. Deacon, Charles, 44; John, 69, iii ; Peter, 69; Robert, 44, 47; Thomas, 44, 69; Thomas Theodorus, 44. Deacon’s and sub-deacon’s dress, 1 13. Dead Ter me, in. Deale, Jas., 57 (part VL). Dean, Admiral, 39; Dr. J., 69; Edward, 94; George, 94; Henry, 73; James, 73; John, 73; Mr., 44; R. and W., Man- chester Directories, 68; Richard, 69; Robert, 69; Samuel, 69, 73; Thomas, 64, 69, 72, 73, 94; William, 73, 94. Deane, — , 81, 88, 96, 109; Alice, 47; Dr., 46; Esther, 47; Hamlet, 57 (part VI.); J., Ill; John, 58; John, of Townsworth, 46; Josiah, 57; Mr., 47; Mrs., 57; Nathaniel, 57 (parts VI. & VH. ); Peter, 42; Richard, stipendary priest, 60; Thomas, 47, 54, 64; William, 105. Deane, 54, 57 (part IL), no; Church, 46, 113; Church Goods, 113; Moor, 58; Parish, 50. Deanham, Edw. , 57; Thos., 57. Deansgate, 37, 42, 47, 57, 63, 65, 72, 94; Etymology of, 58. Deard’s pen, 44. Dearden, — , 88; Charles, 69; George, 73; J. H., 72; James, of Stoneheys, 54; John, 37; Josiah, 72; Mark, 94; Ro- bert, 69; Simon, 57 (part I.); Thomas, 69; William, 94, Dearkes, the, 46. Dearth in England and France, 50. Deas, Henry Richmond, 69. Death dissected. III; and Fortune, III; Triumphs over, ill’. Duel, in. Debar, Thomas, 73. Debdale, Richard, 113. Debdall, William, 96. Debden, Mr., 54; Peter, 46. Debias, Margaret, 54. De Bruey, 64. Debt, law of, 58. Deconson, see Dicconson. Dede Carr, 74. Dedekindus, F. , in. Dedham, 37, 45, 114. Dee, Arthur, M.D., 54; David, Earl of, 80; Dr. John, 31, 44, 54, 65, 75, 96, 103, in. Dee mills, no. Deeble, N., in. Deeping, 109. Deer, 46, 58, 112; -leap, 58. Deering, Edward, 64. Defacers, 63. Defaults, penalties for, 63. “ Defendebo,” 87. Deffe Holme, 57. Defoe, D., in, 114. Degne, Peter, 96. Deidier, Dr., 44. Deist Club, 44. De Jongh, Charles, 94. Dekker, Thomas, in. Delacour, Mons., 57 (part I.). Delacres, Abbey of, see Dieulacresse. De Lacy, see Lacy, 58. De la Hay (Delahey), — , 81, 82; Jane, 39 - De la Mare, family of, 83; M., 114; William, 82. Delamer, — , 81. Delamere, no; Forest, 46, 70, 96. Delamere, Hugh Baron, 54; Lord, 88. Delane, Henry, 91. Delashutt, John, 103. Delaune, Mr., 44. Delawarr, John, ist Earl, 44. De la Warre family, 58; Joane, 42; John, 2nd Baron, 42; John, 9th Baron, 58; John, nth Baron, 58; Roger, 8th Baron, 58; Roger, loth Baron, 58; Thomas, 42; Thomas, 12th Baron, 58. Delia, in. Delights for the Ingenious, in; of the Muses, in. Delinquents’ lands, sale of, 39; see Papists, 62. De L’Isle, Brian, 58; Mr,, 44. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 75 Dell, Mr., 44. Dellon, S., 64. Deloney, Thomas, iii. Delph for coal and stone, 46. Delves, — , 81; Anne, 54; Dame Cicely, 54; Ellen, daughter of Ralph Egerton of Wrinehill, 60; Ellinor, 54; Henry, 54, 83; Sir Henry, 54, 80; Hugh, 54; John, 54, 60; Captain John, 70; John, of Doddington, 54; Sir John, 87; Sir John, of Delves, 60; Sir John, of Dod- dington, 60; Lady, 44; Margaret, 54; Margaret, wife of Sir Thomas Butler, 60; Mary, 54; Mr., 47, 50; Ralph, 54, 60; Richard, 60; Sir Richard, presbyter, 60; Richard, rector of Warrington, 60; Robert, 57; Sir Thomas, 88; Sir Tho- mas, of Doddington, bart., 54. Demby, John, his wife, 46. Demesnes, 58. Demilances, 46, 50; levy of, 39. Democke, Edmund, 54. Den, Mr., 44. Denbigh, 69, 81, 82, 94, iio, ill, 1 12; Assizes, 46; Castle, 74. Denbigh, Earl of, 70; Lady, ill; Robert de, 80; William Charles, 73. Denby, — , 46. Denby, co. York, 37. Denby e, John, 96. Dene, — , 88; Ellen, 54; John, 103; Nich., 103; Wm., 103. Dene (a valley), in composition, 58. Dene Moor, see Deane, Denee, John, 92. Deneham Massie, see Dunham. Denfield, 54. Denham, H., iii; Sir J., ill. Denman, — , 88. Denie, Richard, 105. Denison, John, 64; Joseph, 47. Dennet, Mr., 44. Dennis, John, 57 bis-, Rob., 57; William, 94. Dennison, C., ill. Dennon, or Downham, 74. Denny, Edward Lord, 83; Sir Wm., III. Dennys, John, iii. Dennyson, John, 60. Denson, John, 54. Dent, Mr., 114, Dent, 69. Denton, Alex, de, 37; Sir Alex., 37; Andrew and J. de, 113; Henry de, 37; John, 37, 60; Joseph, 37; Joshua, 37; Margaret, 37, 54, 113; Rich, de, 37, 74, 1 12; Rob. de, 37; Roger, 47; Tho- mas de, 37; William, 64. Denton, 42, 45, 47, 58, 60, 81, 82, 83, 88, 94, 96, 99, 109, 1 12; Chapel, 54, 60, 1 13; Church Goods, 113; Collieries, 42; Histo 7 y of, 37; Hall, 37; Mill, 112; Waste, 37. Denton, York, iii. Denys, Gilbertus, no. Deodate, Theodore, 54. Deodichi, Mr., 44. Deoruni Dona, ill. Depdale, — , 88. De pj'ofundis, ill. Deps, Wm., 92. Deptford, in. Deputy-Lieutenants, orders for and duties of, 50. De Quincey, Thomas, 69, 73, 94. Derbie, Roger, of Chester, 54. Derby, 42, 58, 69, 81, 88, no, 114. Derby, Bailiff, 60; Church Goods, 113; Chapel, Manchester, 44; Forest of, 60; House, London, 37; Hundred, vide West Derby; Manor, 58; Vice-comites of, 58; Wapentake of, 58; Wood, 58. Derby, West, 39, 50, 57, 60, 74, 81, 88, 99, IIO; see also West Derby. Derby (Stanley), family ped., 8l, 88 ; Alice, Countess of, 31, 46, ni; Anne, wife of Edward, 3rd Earl of, 60; Charles, 8th Earl of, 31, 47, 64, 105, no; Charlotte de la Tremouille, Countess of, 31, 39, 47, 50, 70, 97; garrisons Lathom house, 62; Countess of, 50, 72, 105; Earls of, 31, 44, 47, 50, 58, 60, 62, 82, 88, 99, 103, 105; Ed- ward, Earl of, 37, 42, 54, 60, 96, no; Edward, 3rd Earl of, 31, 37, 39, 50, 635 65, 75, 113; Edward, nth Earl of, 31; Edward, 13th Earl of, 60; Edward G. S., 14th Earl of, 60; Eleanor and Margaret, wives of Thomas, Earl of, 60; Elizabeth, Countess of, 31, 61; Elizabeth, daughter of Edward, Earl of, 31; Elizabeth, sister of Thomas, Earl of, 31, 60; Ferdinando, 5th Earl, 39 , 50, 65, 75, no, in; Henry, 4th Earl of, 31, 37, 39, 46, 50, 54, 60, 63, 65, 70, 75, 76, 81, 96, 109, no; James, 7th Earl of, 31, 37, 39, 47, 50, 54, 62, 88, 97, 105, no; Life of, 70; James, loth Earl of, no; John, brother of Thomas, Earl of, 31; Katherine, sister of Thomas, Earl of, 31; Lady, 76 GENERAL INDEX. 103, 105, III; Lord and Lady Tre- inouille, portraits at Lyme, 97; Mar- garet Barlow, Countesss of, 31; Mar- geret, Countess of Richmond and, 60; Sir Thomas Stanley, Earl of, 60 ; Sir Thomas Stanley, son of Edward, Earl of, 60; Thomas, ist Earl of, 31, 54, 57, 60, 99, no; Thomas, 2nd Earl of, 31, 60, 87, no; William Ferrers, Earl of, 57 (part I.), 58; William, 6th Earl of, 31, 37, 39, 42, 50, 54, 65, 70, 75 ^ 90, 96, 109, no, in; William George Richard, 9th Earl, 39, 92, no; see also Stanley. Derbye, Robert, 63. Derbyshire, in. Derbyshire, Grace, 105; Henry, 57; John, 105; Ricardus, 95; Richard, 69; Tho- mas, 94. Dereham, co. Norfolk, 60. Deresbury, Ran. de, 112. De re Poetic a, in. Derham, 83. Derham, Rev. William, 44. Derick, James Macduff, 47. Dering, Sir E., in. Derley, 83. Dernall, 54. Derresbury, see Daresbury. Derrick, J., in. Derscy, Sir Arthur, knt., 54. Derwen, Derwent, see Darwen. Derwentwater, Earl of, 72. Derwind, see Darwen. Derwyn, William, 96. Desaguliers, particulars of the family of, 46; Dr. John Theoph., 44. Desborough, General, 47. Descartes, R. , 114. Descent, law of, 80. Desiderius, or the Original Pilgrim, 114. Detheck, Nicholas, 75; Captain, in. Dethick, Catherine, i lO; Gilbert, 37, 75, 81; Henry, no; Humphrey, 42; Sir William, 96. De Trafford, Humphrey, 94; see also Trafford. Deulacres Abbey, see Dieulacresse. Deurden, William, 54. D’Euyas, — , 88. Dever, Edw., in. De Vere, Edward, 90. Devias (Devyas), — , 81; Sir Henry, 54; John, 58, 63; John, of Sale, 65; Mich- ael, 58; Nicholas, 54, 58; Sir Robert, 54. Device, Jennett, 39. Devereux, Sir G., 88; Captain W. B., 90. Devil’s handwriting, 44; last will, in. Devils, frequent appearances of, 44. Devis, William, 57. Devon, Earl of, 103. Devonshire, Duke of, 45; William, 3rd Duke of, 44; George Augustus, his son, 44; W., Earl of, in. Devyas, see Devias. Deware, Mr., 46. Dewe, T., in. Dewerest, Henry, 46. Dewes, Sir Simonds, 70, 80. Dewerhouse, Elizabeth, 54. Dewesnape, Robert del, 68. Dewhurst, 82. Dewhurst, familyped., 82; of Alston, ped., 88; — , 88; Ellen, 92; Eleyz, wife of, 60; Giles, 103; Hannah, 92; John, 47, 57, 69; John, of Downham, 60; John, of Dewhurst, 60; Richard, 96; Robert, 46, 70; Roger, 105; Thomas, 50; Tho- mas, of Ribchester, 60. Dewsbury, 69, 94. Dey, John, 54. Deyethalghe, J. de, 112. Deyes, Arthur, 105; ffrancis, 105; Robert, 105. Deyn (Deyne), Agnes, 99; John, 99; Peter, 54; Roe, 54. Deyncourt, Alice, 42; Sir Roger, 42. Deyne Hall, Prestwich, 58. Deynehouse, 88. Deyners, Sir William, of Daresbury, 83. Deyster, Thomas, no. Deyvill, — , 82. D’Hermand, Mr., 44. Bia, in. Dial, 46. Dialect, Cheshire, 37. Dialogues, iw, and Dramas, in. Diana, in. Diary of a Manchester Wig Maker, 68. Dick Whipped s Sessions, in. Dicconson (Deconson, Diconson, &c.), — , 63, 88; Adam, 105; Christopher, 96; Edward, 54; Edward, a footman, 31; Edward, of Wrightington. 31; Eliza- beth, 92; Frances, 39; Gilbert, 57; Henry, 46; Hen., 61; Hugh, 39, 54, 61; Hugh, ofEccleston, 31, 50; James, 57, 63; John, 46, 47, 113; John, chap- lain, 54, 60; Margaret, 31, 92; Mr., 31; Mrs., 61; Petrus, 57; Rich., 47, 92; Robert, 57, 63; Robert, of Eccleston, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 77 31, 54; Roger, 54, 57, 61; Samuel, 75; Thomas, 46, 50, 92; Thomas, of Eccles- ton, 50; Thomlyn, 74; William, 39, 57, 63; William, of Wrightington, 61; see also Dickinson. Diceto, Ralph cle, 80. Dichefielde, see Ditchfiekl. Dickanson, sec Dickinson. Dickens, — , 72; Dr. Francis, 44; Rev. Mr., 42; Robert, 94. Dickenson (Dickanson, Dickinson, Dik- onson, &c. , — , 81, 82, 88; Alice, 47; Amos, 94; Charles, 94; Dicky, of Scar- borough, 44; Henry, 47, 57, 63, 69; Jane, 54; John, 44, 47, 57 (part VI.), 63, 69, 105; John, of Leighton-Buzzarcl, 60; John, Lector of Chorlton Chapel, 42; John, of Levenshulme, will, 47; Margaret, 47; Mary, 42, 47; Matthew, 105; Michael, 63, 65, 75; Miss, 47; Richard, 105; Robert, 47, 57, 65, 92; Samuel, 60, 63; Thomas, 44, 47, 57, 69, 105; Widow, 47; William, 105; see also Dicconson. Dickeson, Robert, 92. Dicket, William (gardener), 31. Dickin, Job, 94; Oswald, 94. Dickinson of Wrightington, ped., 88. Dicknes, Alexander, 54. Dickonson, see Dickenson. Dicks, Rev. Mr., 114. Dickson, Alice, 92; Edward, 92; Rev. Edward, 92; Elizabeth, 92; James, 92; Rev. James, 92; John, 92; Joshua, 109; Richard, 92; Roger, 109; Rev. \Vm., 92. Dickyn, Halliday, 94. Diconson, see Dicconson. Dicson, Rad’us, 99; Thos., 99. Dicsun, William, 54. Dicus, Robert, 54. Diddesbury, see Didsbury. Diddisford, 42, 47. Didgbury, 88. Didier, — , 72. Didsbury, — , 57 (part VI.); Adam de, 42; Alexander de, 42; Amies, 60; Henry, 58; James, 42; John, 42; Jordan de, 47; Robert, 42; William de, 42, 47. Didsbury, 37, 45, 47, 54, 58, 65, 69, 94; Chapel, 42, 47, 60, 1 13; History of, 42; Moor, 42. Diem clausit extrennnn, description of writ so named, 58. Dien, Adam del, 95. Dier, Sir Jas., 37. Diet better than physic, 76; for children, 44; of the justices, 46; of the sheriff, 46; or diet money, 46; verses on, 90. Dieulacresse Abbey, 80, no. Diez, Baron von, 114. 88; E., Ill; Lord George, 70; Sir Kenelm, 64, in, 114; Mr., 44, 70. Digge birdes, 46. Digges, T. P. , in. Diggil, — , 1 1 1. Higgle, James, 113; Joh., 61. Higgles, — , 88; Robert, 69; Mr., 44. Diggs, Sir Dudley, 109; Dudley, in. Dighton, 47, 74, 96. Diglache, 46. Digle, William, 47. Digles, Dorathy, 57; John, 57; Mrs., 57; Robert, 57. Dijon, 37, 114. Dik, son of Mocock, 74; of the Gate, 74. Dike, 46. Dikonson, see Dickenson. Dillingham, — , 88; Wm., 64, 114. Dilworth, 74, 82, 88, 99. Dilworth, Edward, 92; John, 92; Osber- tus, 99; Thomas, of Preston, 60. Dimmock, Sir Edw., in. Dimock, Jas, 64; Mr., 70. Dimples Hall, 81, 82, 105. Dimples, Richard de, 105. Dimpley, 88. Dinaria, 112. Dineley, Sir John, chantry priest, Edis- forth, 60. Dineleys, of Downham, 60; see also Dyneley. Dinely, Wm. de, 74. Dingman, William, 73. Dingwall, Ric., Lord, in. Dinkley, 54, 60, 74, 88, 99. Dinmore, Anne, 92. Dinner, 46. Dinwiddie, Gilbert, 73; James, 73; Law- rence, 73. Diomedes, 114. Dionysius Afer, 114; Areopagita, 44. Directories of Manchester from 1773 to 1815, 68. Dirplay (Derplaghe), 112. Disco 7 itented Mind, in. Discovery of Cose^tage, in. Disdain, 76. Dish dylker, 46. Dish thrower, 46. Dishes, 46. Disle, IL, in. 78 GENERAL INDEX. Disleworth, — , 88. Disley, 54, 69, 94, 96, 97, no; Chapel, 1 13; Church, 97. Disorderley houses, 63; persons, 65. Diss, 99. Disseisin, definition of, 58. Distaff spindles, 46. Distefthing, Alan, 74. , Distraint, 63. Ditchfield, — , 81, 82, 88; Elizabeth, 105; Hamlet, 50, 54, 57; Hugh, 54; John, 54, 105; John, of Bold, 54; Juliana, 105; Laurence, 54; Rev. Robert, 105; Thomas, 54, 60. Ditchfield of Ditton, ped. , 81, 82. Ditchford, 88. Ditching, 46. Ditton, 50, 54, 74, 81, 82, 88, 99. Ditton, Fen or Fenny, 114. Ditton, Alicia, 95; Hugh de, 74, John de, 74; Margeria, 95; Robert de, clerk, 60; Roger de, 60; Rogerus, 95; Thomas, son of John de, 60. Divell of the Vault, in. Divine service, 63; Emblems, in; mid Moral Speculations, ill; Poetry, ill; Raptures, in. Dix, Alexander Mills, 94. Dixie, Theodosia, Lady, 44; Wolstan, in. Dixon, — , 39, 88, Abraham, 44; Henry, 94; James Dickson, 94; John, 73, 105; Joshua, 57, 109; Rev. Joshua, 42; Mrs., 57; Richard, 57, 69; Robert, in; Tho- mas, 57, 69. Dob, 47. Dobbes, Dr. Robert, rector of Warton and canon of York, 60. Dobbs, — , 82. Dobegon, Mr., 44. Doblane house, 88. Dobmagh, John, 105. Dobson, Agnes, 54; Sir Geo., 103; Henry, 54; Isaac, 114; James, 113; Joan, 92; John, 96; Lawr., 46; Richard, 96; Robert, 60, 92, 96; Thomas, 57, 92, 96; Thomas, chantry priest, Prestwich, 60; Thomas, chantry priest, Ulverston, 60; William, 57, 92, 96. Doccliston, 80. Docker, 50, 88. Docket, Mabell, no; Richard, 57, no; Dockinfeld, see Duckinfield. Dockwray, — , 61. Dockynfeld, see Duckinfield. Doctors, 46. Dod, — , 82, 88; Alice, 54; Bartholomew, 54; David, 54; Edward, of Edge, 54; Sir P'.dward, knt. , 54; Elizabeth, 54; Esther, 37; ffrances, of London, haber- dasher, 54; Henry, iii; Jane, 54; John, the Decalogist, 38, 97, 1 14; Margaret, 54; Mary, 54; Randle, 54; Randulph, of Edge, 54; Sir Richard, curate of Tatt- nall, 54; Robert, 54; Thomas, 37, 54; Urian, 54; Urian, of Clement’s Inn, 54; William, 37; William, of Chester, 54. Dod and Cleaver’s Plaine Expositions, 38. Dodd, Charles, 64. Doddile, John, 31; William, 31; see also Dodell. Dodding, — , 82, 88; Colonel, 105; George, 39, 42; Colonel George, 62; Myles, of Conishead, 54. Dodding of Conishead, ped., 88. i Doddington, 83, 88. Doddleston, 54, no, 113; rectory, 96. Doddridge, Dr., 44, 47. Dodechedron of Eortune, in. Dodehull, Thomas de, 95. Dodell, John, 54. Doderidge, Sir John, 80. Dodeson, Henry, 54; Thomas, priest, 54; Thomas, 60. Dodgeson, Christopher, 96; Henry, 96; John, 46; Omfrey, 96; Robert, 96; Rychard, 96. Dodinge, — , 82. Dodingfull, Marcella, of Kendall, 60. Dodshon, - — , 88. Dodsley, Mr., 45, in. Dodsworth, — , 82, 88; Cassandra, 88; Rev. Edward, 96; Margaretta, 88; Marie, 88; Mathew, 88, 96; Radulph, 88; Rev. Robert, 96; Roger, 82, 87, 88, 96, 105. Dodsworth Plot, 61. Dodwell, H., 64. Dodwell’s Christianity not founded on Argument, 44. Dodworth, 47, 88. I Dodyngton, John, 60. Doe, Ch., in; Sir C., 114. ! Doesborowe, J., in. Dog couples, 46. Dog meadows, 63. Dogeson (Doggeson), Adam, 95; Adam Wilson, 74; Henry, 60; John, 74;John, of Woodcham, 60; Nycholas, of Padi- ham, 60; Richard, 54, 74; Richard, of Kirkby Ireleth, 60; William, 74. Dogfielde, 58. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 79 Dogs, 46, 63, 65; lawing of, 58; meat, 46; of Manchester, 68. Dogwhipper in 1732, 92. Dokenfield, see Duckinfield. Dokesbury, see Duxbury. Dokett, see Dockett. Dokinfeild, see Duckinfield. Doland, John, 1 13; John, Ormskirk, 60. Dolben, Dr. John, 114; Sir William, 61. Dolbin, J., 61. Dole, 47. Dole castle, Britany, 80. Doles at Funerals, 31. Dolfinus, William, 47. Doll, Hugh, 60. Dolle, Rob., 1 1 2. Dolman, — , 82. Dolphin, Thos. , 92. Dolphyn, William, 60. Dolton, William, 105. Doly, Sir William, 47; William, 42. Dombell, George, 113. Dombyll, James, 60. Domesday, The D nun of, in. Domesday Survey, 58, 74, 91, 97, 105. Dominicans, the, 83. Dominus as a prefix, 80. Domplinton, no. Domville, — , 88. Domvyle house, in Salford, 60. Domvyle, John, 60. Don, — , 88. Don Quixote, a pernicious book, 44. Donaldson, James, in. Doncaster, 60, 69, 72. Doncaster, Lord, in. Donderdale, John, 105. Done, Eleanor, 83; Elizabeth, 83; Ellen, 54; Hugh, 83; James, of Utkinton, 54; Jane, 83; John, 31, 54, 83; Sir John, 37, 54^ 83? no; Sir John, of Utkinton, knt., 60; Mary, 37, 83; Sir Raufe, of Duddon, 54; Ralph, of Elaxyards, 54; Richard, 54; William, 54. Doneam Moss, 74. Donefield, 99. Donersdall, 50. Doney, see Dawney. Donington, 63, 80; Castle, in. Donington, James, 42; Ric. de, 74, 112; William, constable of, 80. Donishbooth, 54. L)onkenhagh, see Dunkenhalgh. Donkynsall* 1 10. Donne, — , 88; Dr. 90, 109; G,, iii; John, 64, 87, in; John, jun., in; Katherine, 54. Donnom, 58. Donnon, ^rDennon, Henry de, 74; Hugh de, 74. Donnyngton, see Donington. Donockshey, 103. Doodson, Henry, 57; Widow, 109. Dootson, James, 69; William, 73. Dopsone, Nicholas, of Moston, 63. Dorchester, Henry, Marquess of, in; Viscount, 70. Dore Abbey, co. Hereford, 58. Dorem, Henry, 57, 105; John, 57, 105; Robert, 57, 105. Dorham, James, 105; Richard, 105. Doristall, Adam de, 74. Dorman, Agnes, 54; George, of Malpas, 54; Thomas, 64. Dormer, — , 82, 88; Lieut. -Gen. James, 44; John, 64; Mary, daughter of Will- iam, 31; Robert, in; William, 75; Sir W., in. Dormisden, 1 14. Dormyssius, [? of] Ulster, 75. Doming, Daniel, 94; Edmund, 60. Dornyx, or Dornick, in Flanders, 60, II3- Dorrell, Hadrian, in. Dorrington, James, 42. Dorset, a beverage, 44. Dorset, Lady Anne, in; Charles, second Duke of, 44; Countess of, in; Edw. , Earl of, in; Richard, Earl of, 109, in; Thomas, Comes, 95. Dort, Synod of, 114. Dos, dotarium, meaning of, 80. Doson, Edward, 57; John, 96. Doterind, Flenry, 58. Doterynde, Richard, son of Henry, 60. Douay, 42, 88, in. Double P. P., the, in. Doublet, 46. Douchtie, or Doughtie, Mr., 46. Doughtie, — , 82; Henry, 92; Michael, 31, 75; Robert, 31. Doughty, Elizabeth, 31 ; John, 31. Douglas, Attorney-general, 45; — , Earl of, 95; Gawyn, in; Sir George, 31; Henry, 46; James, 44, 69; Sir James, III; John, 44, 72, 73 ; Richard, 44; Robert, in; William, 63; Admiral Sir William, 94. Douglas chapel, 60; river, 58. Douglas, Isle of Man, 70. Dounham, see Downham. 80 GENERAL INDEX. Dove, — , 82; John, 64, iii; Dr. Tho., 103; Thomas, 64. Doves, “dovenys,” 46. Dovecote, 112. Dovefield in Derwynd, 99. Dover, Dr., 44; J. and R., iii. Dowars, Penelope, 42. Dowbiggin, Mr., 44. Dowcarhey, Clitheroe, rent of, 46. Dowdson, Thomas, 54. Dowebyggyn, Robert, 57. Dower, 112. Dowill, Richard, 58. Dowlas, 65. Dowle, J., III. Downall, James, 113. Downat, Richard, 54. Downe, — ,81. Downe, John, Viscount, 31. Downeby (Dewconby), 81. Downey, Done, Downes, — , 31. Downes, — , 63, 81, 82, 88; Alice, no; Andrew, 1 14; Charles, 69; Rev. Charles, 44; Christopher, 63, 65; Elizabeth, no; Francis, 96; Jane, 54; John, 42; John, a gentleman waiter, 31; John, of Ward- ley, 62, 75; Captain John, 70; Joseph, 69; Laurence, no; Major, 62; Margar- et, 54; Mr., 31, 46, 109; Penelope, 96; Reginald, of Taxall, 54; Richard, 69; Robert, 54, 97, no; Sir Robert, 31, 54; Roger, 37, 50, 63, 92, 96; Roger, of Shrigley, 54; Roger, of Wardley, 31, 42; Thomas, 54, 94. Downes family, pedigree, 82; of Butley, 97; of Shrigley, 97; of Tytherington, 97; of Wardley, ped., 88. Downhalus, C., in. Downham, 42, 45, 46, 50, 54, 74, 81, 88, 99, no, 112; Chapel, 60; Hall, 45; Mill, 112, Downham, — , 88; Bishop, 60; George, 64; Hen. de, 95, 112; John, Bp. of Chester, 103; Margeria, 95; Peter de, 112; William, Bishop of Chester, 50, 65, 96. Downham Market, Norfolk, 94.. Down Holland, 31, 50, 51, 60, 74, 81, 82, 99; see also Holland. Downholland, Richard de, 74. Downing, — , 88; T. Hibbert, no. Dowriche, Anne, in. Dowse, G., in. Dowson, Isabel, 54; John, 54; William, 105. Dowsonne, George, 46. Dowstowe, Johannes, IIO; Mauritii, no. Doyle, W., 42. D’Oyley, Fulk., in. Doyley, Mr., 114. Dozeiners, signification of, 63. Drabicius, Nicolas, 114. Draff, sale of, 65. Dragonetti, — , 72. Dragon’s blood, 46. Drake, Dr., 57; F., in; Francis, 94; Sir Francis, 50; James, 73, 94; James Thomas, 94; John Dean, 94; Mrs., 57; Roger, Sacred Chronologie, 38; Dr. S., in; T., in. Drakelow, 42, 58, 88. Drakes, 46. Drant, Thomas, in. Drap, Stephen, 83. Drapentier, J., in. Draper, 46. Draper, Gideon, 94; John, 46. Draught-gate, etymology of, 58. Draycock, — , 81. Draycot (Draycote), — , 88; Alice, 54, 97; George, 54; Margaret, 54; Philip, 75- Draycott, Dr., 39; Sir Philip of Painsley, 54. Drayton-Basset, 80. Drayton, Michael, in; W., in. Dream of Pharonnida, in. Dreams, verses on, 90; in rhyme, in. Dredge, 31. Dredge, Rev. J. I., 103. Drenches, or Drenges, 58. Drengage, or Thanage, 58. Dress, 46; of the Ancient Britons, 68; of the people in 16th century, 65. Dressing, or Cloak, 46. Dressing churches, 46. Dressing land, 46. Driby, 88. Driffield, Thos., no. Dring, Mi'., 44; T., in. Drink, 46; verses on, 44, Drinkall, — , 88. Drinking-cans of oak, 46; the law of, ill; toper’s plea for, 45. Drink-lean, custom of, 74. Drinkwater, — , 88; Arnold, 57; John, 63, 69, 72, 73, 94; Margere, 54; Peter, 63; Samuel, 57 bis, 61, 73; Thomas, 63, 69, 72, 73; William, 57. Dripping eaves, 63. Drister, 46. Driver, James, 94; Joseph, 73. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 81 Drogheda, notice of, 6i. Dromore, 99. Dronefield, Richai'd, 65. Dronfield, 69, 73. Drouart, J., 114. Droylsden, 42, 47, 58, 74, 88. Druids, 70, Drumantre, George, 46. Drummond, Archbishop, 45; Mrs,, 44; Lord John, 44; Lord, ili; William, III, 114. Drunkard, The, ili; Opened, iii. Drunkard’s argument, 76. Drunkards, 63. Drunkenness, 96, iii; Scourge of. III; and gluttony, 76. Drury, Sir Drue, iii; Elizabeth, iii; Robert, 37; Sir Rob., iii; Sir Thos., 44; William, 37; Sir Wm., ill. Drury House debentures, 39, Dryden, John, 64, 75, 88, ill. Drye Leche, 46. Dryhurst, Robert, 63. Drying corn and malt, 46. Drylesden, see Droylsden. Drylouse, 46. Drynkale, William, 57. Drynkeley, or Dinkley, 99. Drynkwater, see Drinkwater. Drysdale, John, 46. Duane, Mr., 57. Du Bartas, iii. Dubbing hook, 46. Dubcar (Padiham), 46. Dubeldai, Randle, 80. Du Bellay, iii. Dublin, 37, 61, 69, 73, 82, 83, 88, 94. Dublin University, 54. Dubler, a dish, 46. Ducate, a duble dubble, 31. Duchy Court, suit in, 65. Duchy of Lancaster, 46. Ducie, Lord, of Strangeways, 60; Randle de, 74; Rob., III. Duck, Richard Gelson, 94; Robert, 94; Stephen, 44. Duckenfield, see Duckinfield. Ducker, John, 94; Mr,, 44. Duckesburie, see Duxbury. Ducket, — , 81, 88; Charles, 54; Sir F., Ill; Henry, 57, 99; John, 57; Margaret, 99; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 57. Duckinfield (Dockinfield, Dockynfeld, Dokenfield, Dokinfield), — , 81, 82, 88; Anne, 42, 47; Sir Charles, 54; Colonel, 39, 47; Lady Daniel, 57; Dorothy, 103; Edmund, 54; Ellyne, no; Francis, 47; Hamnet de, 42; James, of Hindley, 75; Jane, no; Joan, 54; John, 42, 54, no; Katherine, 54; Lucy, 42; Mr,, 42; Raufe, 54; Robert, 37, 44, 54, 96, 103, no; Robert, of Duckinfield, 54; Col. Robert, 37, 54, 57, 62, 70; Sarah, 37; William, 42, 54; Capt. William, 47; Sir William Daniel, 57. Duckinfield family, of Hindley, ped., 88; of Portwood, peel., 81. Duckinfield, 37, 54, 57, 72, 74, 81, 82, 88, 94, no. Ducks, 46; and geese, 63. Duckworth, 57. Duckworth, — , 81, 88; Anne, 54; George, 72; Henry, 54; James, 94; Mr., parson of St. Mary’s, Chester, 83; Ralph, rector of Prescot, 60; Richard, 57; Thomas, 46, 103; Thomas, miller, 46; William, 46. Dudall, — , 82; Wm., 105. Duddell, — , 88; Alice, 42; Anne, 92; Captain, 62; George, 54, 92; Georgius, 99; Richard, 54, 92; Roger, 42; Wm., 92, 105. Duddington, 81. Duddyll, Richard, 31. Dudel, Mary, 105. Dudley, 94. Dudley, — , 81, 88; Baron of, no; Dorothy, in; Edmund, 31; Edward, 8th baron, 31; Geoffrey Lord, 31; Lady Jane, 31; Jo., 31; John, 75; John, baron, 31; Mr., 31; Dr. Richard, 60; Richard, rector of Walton-on-the-Hill, 60; Richard, rector of Warton, 60; Robert, in; Robert, Earl of Leicester, 50; T., in. Dudleyheye, 99. Dudusbury, see Didsbury. Duel, 72. Duer, William Henry, 94. Duerden, George, 61; Robert, 54. Duesburgh, J., in. Dufay, Dr., 44. Dufour, Louis, 64. Duffield, 94, 96. Dugard, George, curate of Manchester, 47; Johannes, 57. Dugdale, Agnes, 54; Christopher, 88, 96; Dugdale Stratford, 88; Henry, 46, 88; James, 88, 105; Jane, 88; John, 72, 88, 105; John, of Clitheroe, 46; Nicho- las, 88; Roger, 54, 57; Sir William, Life of, 88; Sir William, 37, 42, 44, 80, M 82 GENERAL INDEX. 8i, 88, 96, 103, 105, III, 1 14; William Stratford, 88. Dugdall, Mr., 92. Dugdell, James, 57. Dughty, James, 57; Ric., 57; Rob., 57. Duke, Richard, 94. Dukenfield, see Duckinfield. Duke’s hill, 42. Duket, see Ducket. Dukinfield, see Duckinfield. Dulwood, CO. Derby, 58. Dumbleton, Joseph, 44. Dumfries, 70. Du Moulin, Lewis, 64, 114. Dumvil, Georgius, 99. Dumvile, Arthur William, 94; John, 94; P. W., 72; Peter, 73. Dun, William, 54. Dunbabin, John, 50. Dunbar, 47, 114; Battle of, 62. Dunbar, J., iii; W. , ill; Sir Wm., 44. Dunbaven, Daniel, 47; Elizabeth, 47. Duncalf, — , 88; Elizabetha, 99; Johan- nes, 99; John, 54; William, 54. Duncalf family, of Foxwist, 97. Duncannon, Lord, 44. Dunch, — , 88. Dunchurch, 88. Duncuft, John, 42. Duncuthley, Edmund, 47; Margaret, 47; Ralph, 47. Dundalk, 88. Dundall, Richard, 105. Dundas, Rev. Thomas Henry, 92. Dunderdale, John, 105; Richard, 105; Thomas, 105; William, 105. Dunelmensis, Simeon, 80. Dunes, Robert, 42. Dung, 46, 63. Dungeon, the, 63. Dunghill, 63. Dunham, 54, 57, 69, 73, 81, 82, no. Dunham Massey, 42, 57, 60, 65, 88, no. Dunham-on-the-Hill, no. Duninton, 80. Dunkelly, Lord, in. Dunkenhalgh, 81, 82, 88, 103, no. Dunkerlay, Elizabeth, 60; John, 73; Robert, 54. Dunkip, 82. Dunkirk, 39, 88. Dunn, Alexander, 105; Cuthbert, 105. Dunnerdale, Thome, 57. Dunnes, 46. Dunnester, John, 60. Dunnesthorp, 88. Dunnington, John, 69, 94; Joseph, 94; Thomas, 69, 72. Dunnishope, 88, 112. Dunnock, Ric. de, 112. Dunsanye, Baron, in. Dunscombe, Mr., 114. Dunsier, Alex., 39. Dunslawe, James, 63. Dunstall, — , 72. Dunstaple, 88. Dunstan, Francis Powell, 94; Frederick George, 94; John, 94; John Alexander Gordon, 94; Mr., 44; William John Roe, 94. Dunster, Henry, 54; James, 57 (pt. VL); John, 113; John, chantry priest of Newton, 60; Mr., 109; Dr. Samuel, 44. Dunton, John, 1 1 1. Du Pency, Peter, 54. Duport, Dr. Jas. , 114. Duppa, Brian, ni;Dr. , 114. Duram, Hugh de, 80. Durandesthorp, no. Durdant, W., in. Durden, George, 54; John, 69; Jonathan, 31 ; Joseph, 31 ; Raphe, B.D., 31 ; Robert, 54 ; Thomas, incumbent of Ashworth, 31; William, 31. Durdent, Walter, Bishop of Chester, 80. Dureden, Thomas, 96. Durell, John, 64, 114. Durham, 54, 82, 94, no; Bishoprick of, 62; Cathedral, 60; Gaile, 47; Old, 88; Prior of, 60, 74; Priory, 60; See of, 1 10. Durham, Anthony, Bishop of, 92; James, 105; John, 105; Laurence, Bishop of, 60; Mr., 44; R., Ill; Robert, 105; Simeon, 80; Thomas, 105; Thomas, Bishop of, 58, 95; W., in. Durnesell, John, 60. Durney, — , 82. Durnham, — , 88. Durslett, Ric., 57. Durton, 88. Durie, J., in, 114. Duskebery, William, 54. Dussec, Mad., 72. Dust, 46. Dutch Loom, 57. Dutton, 50, 60, 81, 88, 95, 96, 99, no; Hall, 45. Dutton, — , 81, 88; Alice, no; Anne, no; Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas, 60; Arnalde, 54; Mrs. E. , in; Edward, mayor of Chester, 54; Eleanor, daugh- ter of Hugh Calveley, knt., 31; Mrs., VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 83 Elianor, 54; Elinour, 96; Elizabeth, 54, no; Elizabeth, daughter of Lord Elles- mere, 31; Francis, 73; Fulke, mayor of Chester, 54; Geffrey de, 80; George, 69, 73, 75, 96; Hugh, 37, no, 112; Sir Hugh, of Dutton, Joan his widow; 60; Joan, no; Johanna de, 87; Sir John, 54; John, 31, 54, 60, 83, no; John, of Dutton, 54; John, of the New Manor, 54; John, son and heir of Hugh, 31 ; John, son and heir of Thomas, of Dut- ton, 31; Katherine, 54, no; Lady, 54; Laurence, 54; Laurence, of Dutton, 54; Sir Lawrence, 83; Margaret, 60, no; Margery, 83, no; Maud, daugh- ter of Piers, 31; Mr., 31, 54; Mr., of Dutton, 46; Odard, or Hudard de, 80; Perys, 54; Peter, 31, 54, 95; Sir Peter, 80; Sir Piers, knt., 54, no; Philippa de, 83; Ralph, clerk, 54; Ralph, of Hatton, 54; Richard, of Chester, 54; Robert, 54; Roger, of Dutton, 54; Ro- lande, 83; Samuel, 69; Sir Thomas, 83, no; Thomas, 54, 83, 95, 96, 99; Thomas, of Bickershagh, 54; Thomas de, 80; Thomas, of Dutton, 31; Willi- mus, 95. Dutton family, 80, 83; jurisdiction over players, 37. Du Veil, Mr., 44. Duxbury (Dokesbury, Duxberrie, &c. ), — , 88; Ellene, 95; Henry, 57 (part VI. ); Hugo, 99; John, 105; Johannes, 95; Nicholas, 50; Robert, 105; Thomas, 95. Duxbury, 45, 74, 81, 82, 88, 99, no, 112. Duxford, Christopher, 60. Dwalreve, Arthur, in. Dv^sell, T., in. Dyall, — , in. Dychfield, see Ditchfield. Dyckes, Jacobus, 99. Dyconson, see Dicconson and Dickenson. Dyddesbury, see Didsbury. Dye, Elizabeth, 54; Johan, 54; John, 54; John, rector of Tilston, 54; Sir John, chaplain, 54; Mylnes, 54; Reginaldus, 99; Richard, 54; Thomas, 54; William, 54. Dyeing, 46. Dyer, Anthony, ni; Sir Edward, 90, in; Sir James, in; John, 72; J. C., 42; Mr., 44; see also Dier. Dygle, Sir John, 54. Dyke, — , 88; Sir P., 103. Dykes, J., in. Dylle, Thomas, chantry priest, 60. Dymmoke, — , 81. Dymock, Margaret, daughter of Philip, 31- Dymocke, Jane, 54. Dymok, Anne, 54; Edmund, 54; Nanny, 54- Dymoke, Sir Ch., in. Dyne, F., in. Dyneley (Dynelay, Dynley), — , 82, 112; Adam de, 95, 112; Alicia, 95; Chris- tiana, 112; Elizabetha, 95; Henricus de, 95, 112; Isabella, 95; Johannes, 95, 99; Margareta, 95; Ricardus, 95, 99; Robert de, 72; W. de, 112. Dyneley, 82, 112. Dynham, Lady Penelope, ill. Dynkley, see Dinkley. Dyote (arrowsmith), 112. Dyryng, Roger, 92. Dysart, Lionel, Earl of, 45. Dyson, Edward, 65; H., iii; John, 73. Dystele chapel, 54. E d., in; E. G., in; E. J., in; E. ., R., in; E. T., HI; E. W., in; E. O. Box (dice), 46. Eagle, Mr., 44. Earbery, Matthew, 64. Earl, Henry, 94; John, 94. Earle, — , 88; Augustine, 105; Jane Eliz- abeth, no; John, 61, 1 10; Bishop John, in, 114; Petronell, 105; Ralph, 69; Thomas, 69, no. Earls Palatine, rank of, 58. Early rising, 90. Earn, Henry, 94. Earinge, or Ernynge bags, 46. Earnest Money, 46. Earnley, 88. Earthquake in Eccleston in 1777, 92. Earwaker, J. P., 96; BenaWs Visitation^ 1 10. Easington, 74. East, T. (printer), in. East Ardsley, 94. Easter Mysteries, 60; offerings, 46; rolls, 47; Rolls of Whalley, 96. Eastham, 88, 99, 109; Advowson, 54. Eastham, Ar., 54; George, 54; Richard, 54. Easthead, Margaret, 113. Easthwayt, 88. Easton of the Hill, 88. Easton, Cuthbcrt, 50; T., in; William, 50 - 84 GENERAL INDEX. Eastwood, George, 46, 73; Henry, 94; James, 103; John, 54, 60, 92, 103; Lawr., 103; Richard, 46; Thos., 103; William, 73, 94. Eaton, 82, 96, no; Hall, 72. Eaton, — , 88; Dr., 44; Israeli, 57; Nathaniel, 31; Lambert, 57; Randle, 54; Richard, 31, 37, 54; Robert, vicar of Leigh, 60; Samuel, 57; Samuel, chap- lain at Dukenfield, 31, 37; Theophilus, governor of New Haven, 31; Shusan, 57; Mr., 47; Mr., preacher, 31; Widow, 57. Eaton, see Potter, George. Eaton Wood Green, 42. Eaves, — , 88; Ellen, 105. Eaves, or easing droppers, 63. Ebchester, William of, 83. Ebor, see York. Ebourn, — , 88. Ebury, Baron, 54. Eccarsall, James, 54; Thomas, 54. Ecchill, CO. Chester, 42. Eccles, 37, 42, 47, 50, 54, 57, 58, 60, 69, 72, 74, 88, 94, 96, 99, 103, no; Chan- tries, 6c; Church Goods, 113; College of Jesus and B.V. M., 60; parsonage, 46. Eccles, — , 88; Adam de, 58; Anicia, or Alicia de, 58; Hugh, 54; Laurence, 31; Thomas, Churchreve of Clitheroe, 60; vicar of, 60; William, 94; William de, 58. Eccles cum Deane, 50. Ecclesfield, 73. Eccleshall, 73, 81, 94, 95, 99, no. Eccleshill, 46, 74, no. Ecclesiastical Commission, I559, 65 ; Commissioners of 1579, in Manr., 68; taxation of Pope Nicholas, 58. Eccleston, 46, 54, 57, 58, 60, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96, 99, 1 10; Green, 62; house, 46. Eccleston, Leyland, 50; Church Goods, II3- Eccleston, Prescot, 50, 74. Eccleston, Gi'eat, 31, 60, 82; Little, 60, 92. Eccleston, — , 81, 82, 88, 96, no; Adam, 92; George, 54; Plenry, 31, 50, 54, 57, 95, no; Jane, 105; John, 54, 95, no; Margaret, 92; Marie, 96; Mary, 31, 37, no; Nicholas, 92; Peter, 113; Peter, churchreve of Prescot, 60; Ralph, 54, 92; Ranulphus, 57; rector of, 60; Rich- ard, 92; Robertas, 95, no; Thomas, 39, 50, 54, 57, 60, 92, 113; William, 39, 60, 92, 95, 105; William de, 57, 105; Mr., 46. Eccleston fam., of Eccleston, ped., 81, 88; of Singleton Grange, 92. Echellensis, Abraham, 1 14. Echells, see Etchells. Eckersley, Roger, 96; William, 94. Eckington, 82. Ecton, 109. Ecton, Ellen, 54; Thomas, 92. Edda, 112. Eddish, see Edish. Eddyford, John, 105. Edeleston, Rogerus, 99. Eddington, — , 88. Eden, David, 105; Peter, 54; Thomas, 54- Eden’s State of the Poor^ 46. Edenfield, 88, 103. Edensor, 69. Edensor, William Johnson, 63. Edesforthe, see Edisforth. Edge, 63, 81, 88. Edge, — , 88; Anne, 47; Captain, 47, 62; Ebenezer, 47; Elizabeth, 54; Hannah, 47; James, 63, 69; Joan, 63; Johan, 54; John, 47, 69; John of the, 74; Jon., 57; Katharine, 47; Mary, 47; Oliver, 47, 70; Raufe, 113; Richard, 54, 61, 69; Ro- bert, 54; Samuel Eaton, 94; Thomas, 39, 47, 65, 70, 96; William, 54, 57, 63? 69, 94; Mr., 47; Mr., of Little Hoole, 39. Edge in composition, 58. Edgecombe, Pears, in. Edgehill, battle of, 39, 50, 62, in. Edgeley, Mrs., 57; Nathaniell, 57; Samuel, 69. Edgeworth, 50, 58, 95. Edgford, Robert, 105. Edgworth, Roger, 64. Edinburgh, 47, 62, 94, no, in, 114. Edisforth, Edisford, 60, 81, 82; Hospital and Chantry, 60. Edish, Edishing, 46, 103. Edleston, Charles Rainford, 94; Elswood, 94; Richard Chambers, 94; Robert, 94; Robert Chambers, 94; William, 94; see also Edeleston and Ethelstone. Edling, William, Groom of the Chamber, 31- Edmondson, — , 81, 82, 88; Charles, 105; Rev. Christopher, 105; James, 105; John, 39, 94; Nathaniel, 72; Theophi- lus, 105; William, 39. Edmund Ironside, in; son of Henry, HI., 87; Earl of Lancaster, 74, 92; Earl of Cornwall, 92. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 85 Edmunds, Sir T., in. Ednnindson, — , 46; Alonin, 47; Dr., 44; Geoffrey, 47; J. 44; Johannes, 57; John, 47; Mr., 44; Thomas, 54, 60; William, 57, 63. Edmundstone, John, 46. Edrevet, Coronon fil, 80. Education beyond sea, 50; Lancashire in 1590, 96. Edward, — , 81. Edward 1., 58, 74, 87, in, 112. Edward II., 58, 87, in, 112. Edward III., 58, 60, 74, 87, 109. Edward IV., 60, in. Edward V., in. Edward VI., 37, 64, 65, 103, in. Edward, the Black Prince, 58, 97; his sword, 68. Edward the Confessor, 37, 58. Edward the Elder, 58, 68, 87. Edwards, Edwardes, — , 81, 88; Sir Erancis, iii; George Robertson, 94; Jane, 31, 54; John, 60, 69, 73; John, of Chirk Castle, 31, 39, 54; Joseph, 69; Mary, daughter of Sir Richard Sher- burne, 31; Mr., 42, 54; Rev. Mr., 44; Richard, 60, ni; Robert, 54, 92; W., 41, 105; William, 54, 73; William Gamul, 94. Edwards’s Freedom of the Will^ 44. Edwardston, Thomas, 83. Edwin, Elizabeth, no; Sir Humphrey, no; John, no; Jonathan, ni; Mrs., 44. Edwin, King, visit to Manr., 68. Edylston, Roger, 57. Eels, 46. Egan, — (actor), 72; Miss (actress), 72. Egane, Anthony, 64. Egargarthe, 58, 74, 99. Egbaston, 94. Egbedene, and Egburden, 58. Egberth, 88, Egburden, 46, 58. Egelsome, Alexander, 94. Egerton, 60. Egerton, — , 57, 72, 82, 88; Alice, 54; Anne, 54; Barbara, 54; Lady Bridget, 83; David de, 83; Dorothy, 31, 54, 97; Elizabeth, 54, no; Ellen, 60; Dame Ellenor, 54; Lady h'., in; George, 54; He.ster, 44; Holland, 37; Sir Holland, 69, 83; Jane, 42, 54; John, 42, 54, 75, 83; Sir John, 37, 42, 75, 83, 96, 97; Lady, of Ridley, 50; Leonard, 57; Lord, of Tatton, 60; Marie, 83; Dame Mary, 54, 97; Lady Mary, 31; Miss, of Heaton, 73; Mr., 31, 44, 46; Mr., ofTatton, 58; Peter, 39, 42, 47, 50, 54, 62, 70, 75, 96, no; Philip, 54, 72, 75, 83, 114; .Sir Philip, 54, 80, 83; Sir Philip de Mai pas Grey, 54, 83; Ralph, 54, 57, 61, 83, 96; Ralph, of Bettley, 54; Ralph, of Ridley, 31, 46, 54; Sir Ralph, 54; Richard, 54, 60; Sir Richard, 31, 54, 96, 97, IIO; Sir Richard of Ridley, 75; Sir Rowland, 83; Samuel, of Tatton, 42, 44; Thomas, 54, 83, in; Thomas, Lord Keeper, 31, 54, 97, ni; Sir Thomas, 31, 37, 45, 54, 57, 60, 69, 72, 75, 90, 96; Thomas, bart, of Hea- ton, 73; Sir Thomas Grey, 37, 42; Urian de, 83; Vere, 57; Mrs. Vere, in; Wilbraham, 42, 47; William, 154, 69, 73; William Tatton, 42. Egerton family, ped., 83; of Shaw, ped., 88 . Egge, Adam, 54; Giles, 46. Eggergarth, see Egargarthe. Eggington, 96. Eggs, 46. Eglamby, — , 81. Egle, John, 113. Eglesfield, F., ni;J., in. Eglesom, John, 73. Egleson, Robert, 94; William, 94. Eglionby, Elizabeth, 54. Egmanton, Egmenton, 47. Egmond, William, 83. Egmont, David, Lord, 44; John Percival, Earl of, 31. Egremond, Robert, 57. Egremunds, Ric. , 57. Egresfield, alias Eccles, 54. Eidforth, Robert, 105; Thomas, 105. Eies, Eires, dead, 46; yate, 46. Eiko 7 i Basilike, 70. Eislake, Johannes de, 95. EKaro/iTra^ia, III, Ela, a note in music, 76. Eland, or Yeland, Adam de, 58; John de, 58, 74; W., 72. Elaunde, Hugo de, 112. Elborough, — , 82. Elcam Park, 54. Elcock, — , 81, 82, 88; Alexander, 42, 75; Anne, 54; Anthony, 42, 50, 54; Francis, 42; Isabel!, 60; John, 42; M., in; Ralph, 60; Randal, 60; Thomas, 47, 54- Eld, Chas,, 57; G., in. Elder, Robert, chantry priest, 60. 86 GENERAL INDEX. Elderton, 88; W., iii. Eldon, Lord Chancellor, 45. Elemesford, Galfrid, 95. Eleswik, or Ellswyk, see Elswick. Eleswik, Johannes, 99. Elfoborth Hall, 82. Elford, 88. Elgin, Earl of, in. Elgood, Samuel, 94. Elindon, 94. Eliosto Libidinoso, III. Eliot, John, in. Eliott, Sir John, 76, 109. Elis, Jane, 54; John ap, 54; see also Ellis. Elisson, see Ellison. Elizabeth, Queen, 37, 46, 50, 64, 65, 76, 90, in, 114; Lady, 46, in; Princess, in, 114. Elizabeth's Fiineral Teares, in. Elizabetha Triuniphans, in. Elkington, George, 94; James, 94. Ellale, Grymebald de, 58. Ellam, Peter, 57; Ralph, 73. Elland, 47, 73, 94. Elle, Robert, 54. Ellel (Ellall, Ellhall), 50, 57, 74, 88, 95, 99; moor, 70. Ellen de Lahady, 74. Ellenborough, Lord, 45. Ellenbrook, Eccles, 94. Ellerbeck, Thomas de, 83. Ellerbeke, Ricardus, 95. Ellesmere, 47; Castle and Lordship, 80. Ellesmere, Earl of, see Egerton, Thomas. Elletson, Daniel, 105; Jane, 105; John, 105; Robert, 105. Ellice, William, 105. Ellin, — , 81. Ellington, — , 88. Elliot, Humphrey, 70. Elliott, — , 72, 74; Adam, 94; G., in; General, 72; John, 94; Mr., 70. Ellis, — , 39, 61, 88; Alicia, 92; Anthony, 105; Clement, 64; Cousin, 109; David, 69, 73; Edward, a butler, 31 ; Sir Plenry, 88; Hugh, 31, 75; John Thomas, 73; Sir Matthew ap, 92; Philip, 64; Richard, 69, 73; Samuel, 72. Ellys, Thomas, 50. Ellison, — , 88; Henry, 54; Mr., 37; Rev. — , rector of Ashton-upon-Mer- sey, 42; Richard, 54; Stanhope, 69; Thomas, 57; William, 74. Elliston, or Elston, 99. Ellolt, Alice, 105; Joane, 105; Jordan, 105. Ellom, Jon., 57. Ellor, — , 63; Edward, 65; John, 57; Samuel, 57; William, 57, 65. Eliot, John, 96. Ellston with Hothersall, 50. Ellswyck, see Elswick. Elmore, Mr., 44. Elmet, 57. Elmeton, 112. Elneden, Willielmus, no. Elmisthorp, in. Elrington, — , 72. Elsdale, Daniel Thomas, 94; Henry El- wyn, 94; Robinson, D.D., 94; Captain Robinson, 94; Robinson Tunstall, 94; Samuel, 94; Samuel George, 94. Elsinge, Henry, 62. Elslake, 88. Elslake, Johannes de, 95. Elston, 50, 54, 60, 88, 95, 99. Elston, — , 81, 82, 88; Deborah, 92; George, 50; Rich., 92; Rogerus de, 95. Elstonwick, Elstronwick, 114. Elstow, 54. Elswick, 50, 57, 62, 95, 99, no; see also Ethelswike. Eltoft, — , 88. Elton, — , 88. Elton, 37, 88. Eltonheacl, — , 81, 82, 88; Richard, 50, 57, 60, 113; William de, 88. Eltonhead of Eltonhead, ped., 81, 82, 88 . Elverton, 88. Elviden, Edmond, in. Elwall, E., Heresiarch, 44; Lydia, 44. Elwin receives land in Thornton, 87. Ely, — , 81, no; Bishop of, in; Humph- rey, 64; see also Stanley, Jas. Ely House, 114. Elys, Edmund, 114. Elzevir, 114. Emanuel, in. Ember Days, 50. Emblems, in. Emblemata Afuaioria, in. Emelote, Ralph de, see Ancoats, 58. Emely, J., in. Emerson, William, 45. Emlyn, Rev. Thos. , 44. Emmanuel College, Camb., 114. Emmett, — , 57. Emmot, loan head, 62. Emms, Dr., 44. Emontont lane, 65. Emot, Hen. de, 112. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 87 Emotaner lane, 58. Emolt, Edmund, 96. Emoyt, Johannes, 99. Empson, Mr., 44; Mrs., 57. Emson, Thomas, 105. Enclosure, see Encroachment. Encroachment, 63, 65. Endesbyre, see Henbury. Endimio?ts Song, ill. Endon, 73. Enes, Nicholaus, 95; Robertas del, 95. Eneus Silvias, ii i. Engaine, — , 82. Engelbrecht, John, 44. England in the i6th century, 46. England, John, 47, 73. Eitglami's Ccesar, ill; Helicon, III; Ju- bilee, III; Mourning Garmenl, 1 1 1 ; Pai-nassiis, III; Sad Posture, 1 1 1 ; Selected Chaj'acters, ill. Englefield, 95, 99, no. English company of merchants, 39. English, Isabella le, 60; Mr., 44; William, 95; Sir William le, 60. Enolisk Gentleman, in; Gentlewoman, in. Englysh — , 82. Engolisme, Earl of, 80. Engrossers, or Forestallers, 50. Engrossing, 46. Enkestone, 81. Enot, Thomas, 50. Enslowe, Sir Maurice, 70. Enson, Benjamin, 73; Robert, 73 « Ensworth, John, 54. Entertainment, places of, 72. Entissyle, Entwesill, Entwisell, or Entwy- sell, Entwisle, see Entwistle. Entwistle, Heirs of, 60. Entwistle, 42, 47, 81; manor, 42. Entwistle, — , 81, 88; Abel, 54; Agnes, 54; Alexander, 42, 47, 105; Alice, 54; Bertie, 45, 61; Edmund, 42,47, 54, 68; Elias, 42, 58, 95; ffrancis, 54; George, 54, 105; Gilbert, 54; Giles, of Entwistle, 54; Henry, 54; Hugh, 54; J., 94; James, 63; John, 45, 54, 63, 69, 72, 73; Joseph. 54; R., 94; Ralph, 54; Rev. Mr., 37; Richard, 31, 54, 63, 72, 73, 96; Robert, 54, 57; Robert de, 58; Robert, of the Foldes, 54; Robert, of Foxholes, 31, 54; Roger, 1 10; Thomas, 69, 72, 73; Wil- liam, 46, 54. Entwistle of Foxholes, ped., 88. Entwysell, see Entwistle. Epictetus, 114. Epicure’s Song, in. Epigrammas, in. Epigranijuata Sacra, in. Epigrams, 45, in. Episcopius, Simon, 64, 114. Epistle to Justices, in. Epitaphs, Book of, in. Erard, Mr., 44. Erasmus, 103, no, 114. Erbury, 58, 99. Erdington, 94. Erdeswick family, 97. Erdeswicke, Hugh, 54; Sampson, 54, 80, 1 1 1 . Erdeswyks, Thom, de, 80. Ergham, 95. Ergham, Willimus, 95. Erlam, 88; see also Irlam. Erlam, T., 57. Fries, erlynges, 46. Erley, 74, 95. Erlond, Robertas, 113. Ermentrude, Countess of Chester, 80. Ernecot, Radulphus, or Robert de, 68. Ernesley, Grange of, 83; House, 83. Ernest, Prince of Saxe-Gotha, 114. Ernys, — , 81, 88; Alice, no; Richard, 1 10. Erpenius, Thomas, 114. Errington, Anthony, 64. Errome, 99. Ersfield, — , 88. Erskine, — , 72; Mr., 44; Ralph, 44; Tho., 44. Erthouit, John de, 57; Thom, de, 57. Erwan, John, vicar of Tunstall, 60. Esbreck, 54, 57. Escam, Thomas, 105. Escapia, or escapes, 58. Eschede, Johannes, 57. Escheats and Escheators, 46, 58, 63. Eschoueleyehurst, 57. Eschton, 57 ; see also Ashton. Eschton, Ric., 57. Escott, Christopher, 65. Esecroft, or Asecroft, 58. Eshold, see Ashall. Esholt, 88. Eshton in Craven, no. Esington, no. Esington, Wil. de, 37. Eskrigg, CO. Lane., 60. Esne, a serf class, 58. Esparvarii, 112. Espley, 73. Esseby, Joannes de, 37, 88 GENERAL INDEX. Essex, Countess, in; Earl of, 31, 50, 54, 90; Lord, 39; Robert, Earl of, 103, III; Walter, Earl of, iii; William, 94. Esshebye cle Kirkdale, 74. Essheton, 95. Essoin, definition of, 58. Estam, see Eastham. Estbryke, or Esprick, 60. Estbury, co. Berks, 58. Estbury, Randle de, 80, 88. Este, T. (printer), in. Esterley, 58. Estlancl merchants, 39. Estline (Sline), 74. Estock, Hen. del, 112; Tho. del, 112. Eston, 58. Eston, Henry de, 58; Robert de, 58; Richard, 83; Thomas de, 58. Estruit, Magister, 80. Estwick, Nicholas, 114. Estwitton, John de, 92. Eswicke, see Elswick. Estwoode, John, see Eastwood. Etaughe, Robert, 54. Etchels, 42, 54. hithelston fam. ped., 82. Ethelston, Charles Wicksted, 42, 69, 72, 73, 94; Edwards, 94; Edwin, 94; Hart, 94; Richard Assheton, 73; Roger de, 95, 105. Ethelswike, 58, 74; see also Elswick. Ethereston, 95. Ethought, Richard, 46. Eton, 81, 114. Eton, — , 81; Cecily, 95; Joan, 95; Jo- hanna, 74; Sir N. de, 112; Nicholas, 74, 95 ; Mr., parson of Mobberley, 83. Etonfield chapel, 60, 113; parish, 60. Etough, Rev. Mr., 44. Etruria, 93. Etty, Thomas, 94. Etwall, no. Etvvall Hospital, 75. Eues, see Eves. Eudo, Earl of Blois, 97. Eugenius, cosmotheist, 44. Eukestone, Rob. de, 112. Eumus, in. Euphties, his Censure, in. Eure, Lord, 31, in. Europaisch, the, 39. Eusden, Rev. Lawrence, 44. Eusebius, 114; De Vita Constantini, 44. Etithy 7 niLP Raptus, in. Euxton, 50, 58, 63, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, 112; Plague at, 46. Euxton, Christopher, 39. Evangelista, John, 44. Evans, - 39, 8i; Anne, 54, 57; Charles, 73; Edward, 73; Dr. George, 114; Hugh, 73; James, 73; John, 46, 57, 73, 96; John Harrison, 94; Leigh Thomas, 73; Miss, 92; Mr., 44; Richard, 54, 69, 73; Robert Shearing, 94; Sam., iii; Thos., 57, 63, 72, 94; William David, 94. Evatt, Henry 73. Eveley, John, 54. Evelyn, — , 82; John, 114. Evening Post, 44. Everard, Dr., in; James, 73; John, 73; Mathias, 73; Robert, 64; Thomas, 73. Everett, J., Plan of Manchester, 68. Evereux, Simon, Count of, 80. Everingham, 88. Evers, Thomas, Lord, 65. Eversden, G., in. Everton, Sir John de, 58. Eves, — , 82; James, 50; Richard, 50. Evesham, Evesholme, 88, no; Abbot and Convent of, 60; battle of, 83. Evias, Evyas, — , 58, 88; Lady Cecill de, 74; Nicholas d’, 74, no. Evidences, detention of, 63. Evistor, Fr., 114. Evyas, Evyhus, see Evias. Evys, Matthew, prior of Chester, 47; Thomas, 57. Ewans, Roger, 54. Ewart, Peter, 63, 72. Ewenac, 45. Ewer, Gaunt, 94; Robert, 94. Ewers, — , 88. Ewes, 46. Ewewode, Galfridus, 99. Ewin, John, 44, Ewing, Joseph, 94. Ewod, Ricardus de, 95. Ewood, Eawood, 88, 96. Ewyas, Sir Rich, de, 92. Ewyas Harald, castle of, 58. Example of Evil Tongties, in. Exancestre, 58. Exchange Wa^'e, in. Exchange, Manchester, 58, 72; London, 44. Exclive, John de, 57; Teravigo, clerico de, 57. Excommunication, parochial, 44. Exeter, 94, no. Exeter, Anne, Duchess of, no; Earl of, 82, in; Henry, Duke of, no; John, Bishop of, 60; Thomas, Earl of, 31, 96. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 89 Exeunte money, 46. Exhibitions, 46. Expounding Controversy, 64. Extenta Manerii, statute of, 58, 74. Exton, see Euxton. Exton, Ralph, 52;. William, 54. Extretes, Estreats, 46. Extwistle, 45, 58, 88, 95, 99, 103, no. Eyas, definition of, 58. Eyles, Bro. , 44; Sir John, 44, Eynes, Roger, 39. Eynsham, 88. Eyneworth, Margrett, 57. Eyre, — , 57, 81; Charles Wolfe, 73; Sir Giles, 61, 68; IMr., 44; Rowland, 61; Sir Samuel, 61. Eyres, — , 88; Geo., 57; Jos., 57; Nath., Ill; Ralph, 57. Eyton, 69. Eyton, — , 88; Captain, 70; Sir Edmund, 54; Lady Francis, 37; Sir John, 54; Kenric, 69. Eytoughe, — , 46; Richard, 46. Eyves of Fishwick, ped., 88. F D., hi; F., G., hi; F., J., hi; ., F., M. (printer), iii; F,, R. (printer), hi;F., T. (printer), iii; F., W., HI. Faber, — , 114; Albertus Otto, 114; Ed- mundus, 95; Johannes, 95; Tanaquil, 114; Thomas, 92; William, 92. Fabian’s Chtonicle, 80. Fable of Ass, Man, and Boy, Hi. Facuner, Henry le, 105. Fading Charms, HI. P'aerekill, 103. Fagan, Joseph, 94. Fage, Mary, iii. Fagel, pensioner of Holland, 64. Fagg, Margaret, 75; Sir John, 75. Fagot, 46. Fagun., 80. Faile, Rich., 92. Failsworth, 42, 57, 58, 65, 72, 73. Fainsworth [? Failsworth], 69. Fairbank, 88. Fairbank, Alice, 54; Edmund, 54; Gilbert, chantry priest, 60; William, 54. Fairchild, Mr., 44. Faircloighe, see Fairclough. Fairclough, Alexander, 60; Sir Alexan- der, 60; Boothroyde, 94; Edward, of Melling, 60 ; Hugh, 60 ; John, 60 ; Laurence, 60; Miss, 105; Nath., iii; Ric., hi; Rev. S., hi; Samuel, of Haverhill, 60; Thomas, 113; Dr. Thomas, 60. Faire, Thomas, 92. Fairfax, Edw., Hi; Ferdinand, Hi; Sir P^erdinand, 96; Ferdinando, Lord, 47; Sir Guido, 58; Henry, 96; Dr. Henry, 88; John, rector of Prescot, 60; John, 73, 114; Margaret, prioress of Munk- ton, 60; Matilda, 95; T. and W., 11 1; Thomas, Lord, 31, 39, 47, 62, 70, 88, ho; in Manchester, 68; Thomas Lodington, 73. Fairfield, 47. Fairford windows. Hi. Fairhurst, 82, 88, 99. Fairies, Hi. Fairleus, R., m. Fairock House, 88. Fairs, 46, 50, 63; and Wakes, 58; at Garstang, 105. Fairsnape, 88. Faitch worth, 50. Faith, Captain, 62. Faithfitl Lovei's^ Hi. Faithful Subject's Sigh, Hi. Faithorne, Mhn. , Hi, 114. Falaise, treaty at, 80. Falcon Inn, Littlebrook, 44. Falconer, Mr., 44; Thomas, 44, 73 J William, 94. P^alconers, Hi. Falda, 112. Falder, John, 73;Thomas, 73; William, 73. Faldryng, Ric., 57. Fale, Charles, 92. Falerton, Thomas de, 74. Falitt, 46. Falkinner, Isaac, 73. Falkirk, battle of, 74. Falkland, Lucius, 64; Lord, 90, iii, 114; Lady, 11 1. Falkner, Charles, 94; F., i ii; Josiah, 69; Matthew, 72, 73; Thomas, 69. Fall, the, 47. Falle, 46. Falling bands, 46. Fallowes, Samuel, 94. Fallowfield, 42, 47, 58, 95. Fallowfield, — , 82; Alexander de, 42; Cousin, 46; Isabel, 105; John de, 42; Jordan de, 42, 47; Richard, 105; Thomas de, 42; William de, 42, 47. Fallows, 46. P’allows, William, 94. Pkalmouth, 94; Charles Berkley, Pkarl of, 1 14. N 90 GENERAL INDEX. Falsnape, 82, Falstaff, Sir John, 114. Falybrome, Robert, 97; Roger, 97. Falyngbrome, 54. Fame and the Scholar, ill. Fame’s Foil, iii. Famine in i6th century, 65. Famines and deaths, 46. Fancourt, Samuel, 114. Fane, Lady Mary, 105. Fanish Clife bridge, 46. Fannane, 113. Fanshaw, John, 73; Mr., 46; Sir Richard, III, 1 14 ; Viscount, 1 14. Fantasticks, ill. Fardel, 46. Fardle of Fancies, 1 1 1 . Farebrother, Elizabeth, 54. Farebanke, set Fairbank. Farelowe, Thomas, 60. Fared oughe, see Fairclough. Farindon, Ant., 114. Farinelli, a singer, 44. Faringdon, co, Hants, 58. Farington, Farrington, ffarington, — , 81, 82, 88, 95; Admiral, 39, 54; Alderman, 39; Alicia, 99; Alice, 54; Alice, daugh- ter of Thomas, 31; Alice, daughter of William, 31; Alice, daughter of Sir William, 60; Alice, wife of Sir William, 60; Ann, widow of James Anderton, 31; Ann, wife of William, of Worden, 31, 75; Anne, 105, IIO; Avicia, iio; Captain, 47; Charles, 57; Christopher, 99; Dorothy, 60, no; Edmund, parson of Halsall, 60; Edmundus, 99; Eliza- beth, 105, no; Francis, 57; George, 39, 61; Henricus, 99; Henry, 39, 50, 54, 57, 60, 63, 105, 113; Major Henry, 39; Mrs. Henry, 45; Sir Henry, 31, 39, 54, 60, 92, no, 113; Hugh, 39; Hugo, 99; Humphrey, vicar of Leyland, 60; Isabel], no; James Nowell, 45; Jane, widow of William, 60; Jane, 54, no; Johannes, 95; John de, no; Margaret, 39, 755 Margaret, daughter of Robert Hesketh, 60; Margaret, relict of Wil- liam, of ffarington, 60; Mary, daughter of Sir William, 60; Mary, daughter of William, 31; Master, 60; Mr., 31, 46, 47; Nicholas, 105; Peter, 31, 50, 54, 60; Piers, 60; Radulph, vicar of Ley- land, 60; Richard, 39, 54, 57, 60; Ric- hard, of Langton, 60; Mrs. Richard, 45; Ivobert, 50, 54, 60, no, 113; Ro- ; bel t, churchreve of Leyland, 60; Roger, ^ 58, 60, 95; Roger, of ffarington, 60; Sibella Georgiana, 31; Siscelye, no; Miss S. M., 39, 45; Thomas, 39, 46, 57, 99, 105, no; Thomas, son and heir of Henry, 60; Sir William, 54, 57, 60; William, 39, 50, 54, .57, 60, 61, 62, 69, 70, 96, 103, 105, no; Rev. William, 44; William, of Knorbroke, 60; William, of Leyland, 39; William, of Worden, 3I5 39, 50? 60, 70, 75; Willimus, 95, 99. Farington family, of Lingard, ped., 81; of Little Farington, ped., 81, 82; of Rible- ton, ped., 81, 88; of Worden, ped., 82, 88 . Farington Papers, 39. Farington, Farrington, 54, 60, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no; chantry at Leyland, 60; Moss, 39. Farington-cum-Howick, 50. Farish, G. , 105. Farland, James, 73. Farleton, 57, 95. Farley, — , in. Farley- Wallop, in. Farmer, Dr., Commonplace Book, 89, 90. Farmer, Ellis, 69; William, 69, 70. Earmers’ daily diet, 46. Earmery, Geo., 57. Earnaby, T., in. Farndon Church, 62. Farnell, Henry, and Margaret his wife, 54 - Farneworke, Adam de, 47. Farnham, — , 81. Farnham, Essex, 73, 82, 114. Earnley, 45; wood plot, 83. Earnley, George, 69. Earn wood, no. Farnworth, 37, 42, 58, 63, 65, 72, 8 1, 82, 88, 95, 99, 109, no; Chantry, 60; Chapel, 54, 60; Church, 113; Curate of, 60. Farnworth, Adam de, 47, 58; Edward of Duxbury, 54; Ellis, 109; Geoffrey de, 58; John, 105; Richard de, 47; Robert, 39; Robert de, 47; widow, 109. Farrand, John, 96; Mr., 46; Peter, 57; William, 96. Farrant, William, 113. Farrar, — , 88; Edmund, 57; Richard, 58; Robert, 64, 113; Thomas, 58. Farren, Miss, 72. Fairer, — , 44, 88; Henry, 96; John, 54, 96; Mr., 61 : Bishop R., in. Farrimon, Robertus, 95. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 91 Farrington, see Farington. Fartell, — , 46. Farthill, 95. Farthinghoe, 37, 83. Farton, township, 105; see also Farleton. Fashion, in. Fasiciihcs Myrrhtv, ill. Fast-day in 1745, 44; in 1625, 92. Fasting and fast-days, 50, 65. Fasts, exemptions from, 97. Faucet, G., in. Faucets, 46. Fauconberg, Henry, 54; the lords, 58; Mr., 39; Thomas, viscount, 54, in. Faukes, or Fawkes, Richard, 58. Fauler, James, 105. Faulkner, Edward Chantler, 94; George, 73; H. (printer), in; Isaac, 94; John, 47, 57; Thomas, 73; widow, 42; Wil- liam, 57, 73. Faunt, Arthur, 64. Favour, John, 96. Fawfeld, see Fallowfield. Fawknor, see Faulkner. Fawsett, Richard, 54; William, 54, 96. Fawsitt, Thomas, 94. Fayerbeard, G., in. Fayle, Alice, 92; William, 94. Fayre, Nicholas, 54, 92. Fayrethwayte, Oliver, 57. Fayrfax, see Fairfax. Fayrham, bookseller, 44. Fazackerley, Fazakerley, Fizackerley, — , 81, 88; Frederick William, 94; Edward, 60; Henry, 113; Sir Henry, 54; Nicho- las, 42, 44, 54, 92; Robert, 50, 54, 60, 113; Robert, chantry priest, Walton, 60; Roger, 95; Thomas, 95, 99; Wil- liam, 73; Willimus, 99. Fazackerley, family ped., 82; of Fazacker- ley, ped., 88; of Kirkby, 88. Fazakerley, 50, 82, 88. Fealty, 63; definition of, 58. Fearne, Sir J., in. Fearnhead, 50, 54, no. Fearnhead, Edward, 73; Peter, 72, 73; see also Fernehead. Fcarniside, Richard, 46. Fearnside, Jo., 92. Featherstonhaugh, Alex., 57; Sir Timothy, 62, 70. Featley, Daniel, 64, in. Fecamp, in Normandy, 83. Feckenham, John, 64. F'ederstanhaw, see Featherstonhaugh. Fee, or Foedum, 80; definition of, 58. Feename, Mrs., 46. Fees, 46; assise, 46; bishop’s, 46; for search of inventory, 46. Feild, — , 81; Mrs. Alice, 42. Feilden, Cecilia, 45; John, 44, 46; Joseph, 45; Mrs. Henry, 45; Rev. Henry J., 45; Rev. Oswald, 45; Randle, 45; Robert, 45; Rev. Robert Mosley, 45; Roger, 113; Sir William, 45; William, 45; see also Fielden. Feirar, William, 58. Felde, the (Manchester), 58. Felden, Henry, 39; John, 60, 96, 113; Nicholas, 39; Robert, chantry priest, 60; Sir Robert, 60. Felgate, S., 64. Felkes, fellexes, felly, 46. Felkirk, 88. Fell, Bryan, 57; Christopher, 57; Dr. John, 47, 64, in, 114; John, 57; James, of Hutton, 60; Thomas, 37, 42, 47 , 57 ; William, 73. Fell Foot, 45. Fells, Myles, of Byddston, 54. Felmyngham, 95. Felon, examination of a, 39. Felon, Felony, 112. Felonies, 63. Felons, 46. Felons’ goods, 63. Feltham, O., in. Felton, 69. Felton, J., in; Mary, no; Sir Thomas, no; Thomas, 73; Thomas de, 37. Fely Close, 103. Female Beauty, in. Feminine Saints, in. Fen, Ezekiel, in. Fen draining, in. Fences, 65. Fendown, William, 42. Fene, Richard, 54. Fenelon, Archbishop, 44. Fenilstate, 82. Feniscowles, 45. Fenistreet, 88. Fenn, John, 64; Richard, in. Fenne, Thomas, in. Fennel, or Finkle, 46. Fennel Street, 57, 60, 63, 65. Fenner, Sir Edward, 90. Fennick, — , 88. Fennistanton, 81. F’ennor, William, in. Fenowe, Richard, 54. Fenshaw, Benjamin, 69; Thomas, O9. 92 GENERAL INDEX. Fenton, John, 69, 73. Fenugreek, 46. Fenwick, Dorothy, no; Sir John, 110, III; Mr., 44; Thomas, 45; William, 42; Sir William, no. Fenwicke, John, 69; William, 69. Fenytes [? fents], officers for, 65. Feodary, definition of, 58. Fere, Adam del, 95; Geoffrey del, 103. Ferguson, — , 72; John, 63; Robert, 64. Ferguson’s Orrery, 44. Ferine, i.e. rent, 103. Fermon, Robertas de, no. Fermor, H., in. Fern ashes, 46. Fern, Mr. (surgeon), 44. Ferna, 54. Feme, Henry, 64. Fernehaugh, Fernyhalgh, 60; Chapel, 60. Fernhough, Ellen, 54. Ferneley, Adam de, 47; Matthew, 73; Robert de, 47. Feme’s Lacy’s Nobility, 80. Femes Castle, 54. Ferneside, Cecilia, 99; Johannes, 99; Robertas, 99. Fernhead, Fernehed, Sir John, 54; Roger, son of Vane, 54; Thomas, 54, 113; see also Fearnheard.^ Fernilegh, see Ferneley. Fernley, George, 59. Fernyhough, Joseph, 94. Fernyside, Pet. del, 112; Ran. de, 112. Ferour, Johannes le, 95. Ferrand, — , 88; Ben., 44; Mr. (apothe- cary), 44; Ran., 50; Richardson, of Harden, 44; Rev. Thomas, 44. Ferrar, Nich., in, 114; W., in. Ferrarius, P. A., \\\% Lexicon, 114. Ferratura, 112. Ferrebee, Henry, 73; Michael Downes Wrigley, 94. Ferrer, Ferror, — , 81; Anne, 54; Henry de, 37, 113; Sir Henry, 54; Hugh, 54; John, cappellanus, 47; Richard, 60; Thomas, 37, 60; William, 60. Ferrers, Anne, 83; Earl, 58; Earls of Derby, 56; fam., 80; G., in; Henricus de, 95, 99; Isabel, 42; John de, 95; Robert de, 80, 99; Robert de, Earl of Derby, 42, 87; Sir Thomas, 42; Wil- liam, Lord of Groby, 83; William, Earl of, 58, 80, 87; William de, Earl of Derby, 57, 72, 80; Willimus, 95, 99. Ferrets, 63. Ferrex and Porrex, in. Ferriar, Dr. John, 72, 103. Ferries, 58. Ferris, Mrs., 57. Ferror, see Ferrer. Fessantford, P'ezantford, 88. Festivals, in. Fetherston, H., ni; Richard, 64. Fetherstonehaugh, or Fetherstone, see, F eatherstonhaugh. Fetlawe, see Tetlawe. Feversham, 114. Feyinge, or Fehinge, 46. ffarington, ffitton, and other names begin- ning with ff, are arranged in this index as if spelt Farington, Fitton, &c. Ficinus, 114. Ficius, in. Fidelis, Lud. Neiwius, de Militia Spirit- ual i, 44. Fidler, Francis, 105; Mr., 44; Ralph, 54. Fiddlers, 46. Fiddles, 46. Field, — , 88; David, 46; J., ill; John, 64, III; Rev. John, 92; Mary, 92; Mr., 44; N., Ill; Richard, 92, in; Samuel, 94; Theo., 1 1 1. Field Plumpion, Great and Little, 74. Field preaching, 44. Fielden, — , 63, 103; Ann, 42; Henry, 54; John, 63; Oswald, 42, 94; Richard, 57; Rev. Robert Mosley, 42; Robert, 42, 63. 69, 73; Roger, 113; Sarah, 42. Fielder, J., 92. Fieldes, James, 50. Fieldfares, 46. Fieldhouse, 96. Fieldhouse, Thomas, curate of Syngleton, 60, 92. Fielding, — , 88; Alice, 105; Edward, 73; Elizabeth, 105; H. B., 105; Henry, 63; 72; 73, 105; James, 73; Jeremiah, 63, 72, 75; John, 73, 94; Joseph, 94; Lord, 44; Messrs., 105; Mr., 44; Mrs., 45; Peter, 73; Richard, 105; Robert, 69; William, 73. Fife, Defeat of the Royal Army in, 70. Fife, — , 88; family of Wedacre, ped., 88, 105; see also Fyfe, Fyffe. Fifte, Mr., 105. Fifteenths, 46, 63; for Astley Bridge, 46. Fig for Fortune, in; for Momus, in. Figes, — , 88. Figg’s Amphitheatre, 44. Fighters, 74. Figs, 46. Figulus, Petrus, 114. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 93 Figure of Four, iii’, of Nine, 1 1 1 . Figures and numerals, 50. Filden, Geffrey, 96. Fildes, John, 73; Joseph, 73; Roger, 69; Thomas, 42, 54. Files, 46. Filewood, James, 94. Filkyn, John, 54; Richard 54. Fillenale, a custom, 58. Fillian, John, 1 1 1. Finch, — , 57, 88; Daniel, Earl of Notting- ham, 61; Elizabeth, 47; Hannah, 47; Harry, 44; Henry, curate of Birch, 47; Hon. J,, III; Sir J., iii; James, 47; John, 65, 69, 1 13; John, the elder, 47; Mr. 44, 47; Nathan, 47; Nicholas, 47; Lt.-Col. Simon, 70; Thomas, 105; William, 57, 73. Finche, Laur., 50. Fine money, 46. Fines, 46, 58, 63; for absence from leet, 65. Fineux, quotation from, 58. Finlason, T. (printer), iii. Finlison, Matthew, 57. Finney (ffynney), NTcholas, 75. Firbank Chapel, 45. Fire-arms, 50. Fireworks in the Green Park (1748-9), 44. Firmicus, Julius, 114. Firmin, Thomas, 114. First fruits, 46, 50, 87. Firth, Esther, 31; John, of Kipping, 31; Penelope, 31; Robert, 94. Fish, 46; and fish-dealers, 63; and flesh, officers for, 65; royal, and sturgeon in the Ribble, 92. Fish, Captain, 44; George, 94; Simon, 64. Fish-house, market, 65. Fishborne, — , in. Fishe, Anne, 54; Ellinor, 54; James, 54; John, 46; Mr., 109; Ralph, 54; Thomas, 54. Fisheburne, Tho. de, 112. Fisher, — , 46, 88; Ales, 54; Ann, 105; Sir Clement, 88; Edward, 57; Flet- wood, 92; George, 105; Hugh de, 74; James, 105; Rev. James, 92, 105; Jasper, iii; John, 54, 57, 64, 105; John, Bishop of Rochester, 60; Miss, 44; Mr., 39, 105, 1 14; Mrs., 57, 72, 92; Nicholas le, 60; Payne, in; Rev. Peter, 92; Richard, of Parbold, 60; Robert, 57,92, 105; Roger, 105; Sir T., in; Thomas le, 60; Thomas Makin, 94; William, 92, 94, 105. Fisheries, 58. Fishermen, 46. Fishery, 112; in Otterpool, 74; in Ribble- water, 74. Fishes, in. Fishing, 46, in; Royal Herring Buss, 1 14. Fishmongers, 46; Worshipful Company of, 42. Fishur, Richard le, 60. Fish wick, 50, 54, 58, 60, 74, 82, 88, 99. Fishwick, Alan de, 105; Alan, of the More of, 74; George, 105; Henry, 114, Hist 07 y of Garstang, 1 04, 105, History of Kb'khani, 92; James, 92, 105; John, 105; John, of Goosnargh, 60; Jennet, 105; Mabilde, 105; Richard, 54, 105; Roger, 93, 105; Simon de, 105; Webster, 105; William de, 74. Fiskerton, no. Fitch, Mr., 44. Fitche, Colonel, 70. Fitchet, James, 72. Fittleton rectory, 44. Fitton, 88. Fitton, — , 81, 82, 88; Alice, no; Lady Alice, 96; Amabilla, no; Cecilia, no; Dame Lady Anne, 54; Edmund, no; Edward, 54, 96, no; Edward, justice of Chester, 31; Edward, of Chester, 54; Edward, of Fulshaw, 97; Sir Edward, 31, 46, 54, 75, 83, 92, 96; Elizabeth, 54, 83, 1 10; Mrs. Ellin, 54; George, 54; Hamon, 83, no; Henry, 69; Hugh, 42, no; James, 97; Joan, 83, no; Sir John, 83; John, 54, 83, no; John, of Gawsworth, 54; Sir Lawrence, 97; Mary, 54; Margaret, 83; Matilda, no; Mrs., 75; Randulph, 54; Richard, 80, no; Robert, chantry priest, 60; Robert, 54; Susan, daughter of Sir Edward, 31; Thomas, 42, 54, 83, 94; Thomas, of Gawsworth, 97; William, 54. Fitton family, of Bollin, ped., 97; of Pownall, ped., 97. Fitzacreley, see Fazackerley. Fitz, Robert, 60; Richard, 75; William le, 60. Fitz-Ailward, Orme, 58, no. Fitz-Edwards, Mr., 44. Fitz-Eustace, Aubrey, 74, John, no; Richard, 74, no; Roger, 74. Fitz-Geffrey, Ch., in; Henry, in. Fitzgerald, Francis E., 105; Sir James G., 57; John, 73; Lord Gerald, in; Thomas, 105. Fitz-Ilaimon, Robert, 80. 94 GENERAL INDEX. Fitzhenry, — , 8i; Richard, no; Robert, I lO. Fitzherbert, — , 8i; Sir Anthony, 42, 58, 60, 80; Constantia, 92, 105; Dorothy, 42; Jane, 54, no; John, of Etwall, 75; Mrs., 92; Nicholas, 64; Richard, 54; Mag. Thomas, 60; 7 'homas, 64, 92; Sir Thomas, 54; William, 60, 92, 105, 1 10. Fitz-Hugh, Hugh, 74; Maude, 83; Mr., 44; William, Lord, 83. Fitzmaurice, Henry Petty, 45. Fitz-Nigel, William, 58, 80, Fitz-Osbert, Walter, 74. Fitz-Piers, William, Earl of Essex, 80, Fitz-Parnell, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 58- . . Fitz-Reinfrid, Gilbert, 92. Fitz-Ric., no. Fitz- Roger, Amuria, 92. Fitzroy, Lady Barbara, 44; Lord Charles, 44. Fitz-Seward, Henry, 58. Fitzsimons, Henry, 64. Fitz-Siward, Henry, no; Robert, no. Fitz-Swane, Richard, 74; Walter, 74. Fitzwalter, Barons, 72; Elizabeth, 99; Johannes, 99; Lord, 37 (3); Robert Rat- clifife. Lord, 90; Robertus, 99; Walter, 99. Fitz-Warine, Fulke, 58. Fitzwaters, Lady, in. Fitzwilliam, Sir William, 31, 113. Five Acres, 47. Fizackerley, see Fazackerley. Flack, — , 88. Flails, 46. Flambards, no. Flame, Lord (Samuel Johnson), 44. Flamsteed, John, 114. Flanders, English forces in, 44; Wars in, in. Flannel, 46. Flasby, Mr., 44. Plasket, J., in. Flaskets, 46. Flatman, Thomas, in, 114. Flax, 46; watering, 63. Flaxe-box, 50. Flaxfield, 95. Flaxyards, 81, 83. Flechier, Mr., 44. Flecknoe, Richard, in. Flecher, see Fletcher. Fleechinge, co. Sussex, 58. Fleeminge, Charles, 105; Henry, 105; Thomas, 105; William, 57; see also Fleming. Fleetcroft, Nicholas, 50; Robert, 47, 63. Fleetwood, — , 58, 60, 81, 82, 88; Ann, 96, 1 10; Bridget, 92, 96; Dorothy, 54, 96; Edmund, 50, 54, 57, 92, 105; Ed- mund, a monk at Sion, 31; Edward, 96; Edward, rector of Wigan, 31, 50; Edward, vicar of Kirkham, 92; Eliza- beth, 105, no; PL, 39; Henrietta Maria, no; Hugh, 113; Johannes, 95; John, 50, 54, 57, 62, 92, 99, 113; John, of Penwortham, 31, 39, 54; Margery, 88, 96; Mary, 92; Mary, daughter of Sir Richard Sherburne, 60; Sir Miles, 96; Mr., 31, 46, 54, 109; Mr., of the Pille, 46; Sir Peter Hesketh, 92; Ralf, 54; Richard, 31, 47, 50, 54, 96, 99; Richard, of Ley land, 61; Richard, of Penwortham, 75; Sir Richard, 46, no; Sir Richard, of Colwich, 31; Serj., iii; Thomas, 54, 60, 99, no; Sir Thomas, no; Thomas, of Penwortham, 31; Wil- liam, 31, 64, 75; Sir William, 96; Sir William, of Cranford, 31; William, of the Middle Temple, 54. Fleetwood family ped., 81, 82, 88. Fleetwood’s Chronicon Preciosun, 46. Flemby, 88. Fleme, 46. Fleming, — , 81, 82, 88; Abrah., ni; Anthony, 105; Dorothy, 45; Dr., 114; Elizabeth, no; Elizabeth, daughter of William, 60; John, 60; Margaret, 105; Michael, 58, 74; Mr., 72; Thomas, 72, 73, 95; Sir Thomas, 90; William, 50, no; Sir William, 45, 70. Flemings, early dwellers in Mamecestre, 58. Flemyng, Willimus, 99. Flemynge, see Fleming. Flemynge Flail, 81. Flesh in Lent, 50. P'leshboard, 64. Flesher, James, 114; Miles (printer), in, 114. Fleshewer, John, 58. Flesshamoll, 113. Fleta, quotations from, 80. Fletcher, — , 63, 82, 88; Abraham, 42; Adam, 73; Agnes, 54; Alex., 57; Alfred, 94; Andrew, 57; Captain, 44; Chadwick, 69; Charles, 69, 94; Chris- topher, 54; Edmund, 42, 69; Edward, 73; Elizabeth, 47, 54; Ellen, 54; Ellis, 37 , 73 , 109; George, 42, 44, 47, 69, 72, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIY. 95 73, 94; Giles, 44, iii; Isaac, 69; Jacob, 37 , 73; James, 46, 57, 69, 73; Jane, 54; John le, 60; John, 42, 47, 54, 65, 69, 94, III, 1 13; John, of Stretford, 54; Rev, John, 44; John Samuel, Cor- respondence of Walworth and Seddon, 109; Joseph, 73; Margaret, 31; Martha, 47; Matthew, 73; Miss, 37; Mrs., of Levenshulme, 47; Mr., of Longworth, 46; Peter, 42, 57, 69, 73; Phineas, iii; Ralph, 42, 47, 57; Richard, 42, 47, 54, 57, 109; Richard, chantry priest, 60; Richard, Bishop of London, 90; Robert, 92; Robert, of Ince, 54; Samuel, 94; Sidney, 94; T., iii; To., sub-groom of the chamber, 31; Thomas, 42, 47, 54, 69, 83, 94; Thomas, vicar of Runcorn, 54; widow, 109; William, 50, 54, 57, 69, 73 , 92. Flete, John, 154; Richard, 54; Rondull, 54; William, 83. Fletewcod, see Fleetwood. Flethe, St. Nicholas en le, London, 60. Fleury, Admiral, 44. Flint, 81, 88, 94. Flint, Charles Gough, 94; Humphrey, 37. Flintoff’s Rise and Progress of the Laws in Englafid, 58. Flintshire, tithe case in, 70. Flitcroft, Michael, 57; Seth, 73. Flixton, 37, 42, 50, 54, 58, 65, 69, 72, 95, 99 , 113; Church, 58; Church Goods, 1 13; Manor of, 1 10. Flocks, 46. Flockton, 57. Flodden, Flodden Field, 37, 54, 60, 87, 88, no. III. Flood, James, 94. Floods in Cheshire, 44. Flookborough in Cartmel, 61. Flookersbrook, 54. Floorish upon Fancy, III. Florence of Worcester, quotation from, 58. Florence wine, 44. Flores Bernard!, 60. Florio, J., III. Flounders, 46. Flour, 46. Flourilach, 58. Flower, — , 88; Edward, 81; Elizabeth, 81; Helen, 81 ; Margaret, 81 ; Peter, 81; Robert, 8i; W., Ill; William (Norroy), 75, Visitation of Lancashire, 8l, Flower pots, 46. Flowers, 46, 1 1 1. Flowers of Fpigranis, ill; of Fame, ill; Fragrant, 1 1 1 ; of Heaven, III; of Sion, III. Flowkersbrooke, or Flookersbrook, 54. Floyd, George, 72; Mr., 44. Fludd, Robert, 114. Fluegel, G., 114. Flukes, 46. Flute, David, 46. Flutes, 44. Flying Post, 44. Fo., Jo., III. Fobrigge, 58, 99. Fodder, 46. Foddering, 63. Foden, Daniel, 73. Fodon in Over-Peover, 80. Fogg, — , 82; Dr., 44; Ellis, 31, 54; Henry, 57; Jhon., 75; I.awrence, 46, 54, 92; Mr., 46; Thomas, 113. Fogg Lane, 42. Fogg’s barn, 46. Foiles, Thomas, 42. Foissart, astronomical weaver, 44. Fokington, co. Sussex, 58. Foldes, James, 46; Thomas, 103; William, 103. Foldes, le, 95. Foldes in Sharpies, 58. Folds, Heaton Norris, 42. Foley, Colonel, 44; Lord, 44; Thomas, 44. Foljambe, — , 82, 88; Elizabeth, no; Henry, no; John, 73. Folk-lore and old customs at Kirkham, 92. Folkes, Martin, 44; William, 44. Folly in Print, in. Folrigge, 95. Folyhall, 95. Food, 46. Fool, Henry the, 31. Fooler, John, 105. Football at Kirkham, 92. Foote, — , 46; Samuel, 44; Thomas, 105. Footmen, 46; running, in. Footpath, ancient, 72. Footways, 65. Foraxe, 81. Forber, Edward, 94. Forbes, Sir A., in; Flon. Frederick, 73; Mr., 44; James, in; John, master of Pitsligo, 44. Forcet, 46; bailiff of, 46; vicar of, 46. Forcha, see Forshaw. Ford, 73. Ford Bank, Didsbury, 42. 96 GENERAL INDEX. Ford, in composition, 58. Ford, — , 72, 83, 88; a tallow chandler, 44; Alex,, 47; Charles, 45, 63; Colonel, 72; Edward, 39; Isabel, 47; John, 45, 69, 94, III; Mr., 44; Mrs., 72; Roger, 39; Thomas, 73; William, 47, 68, 73. Forde, — , 82, 88; Alfred, 94; Francis Johnson, 94; Frederic, 94; Hugh, 69; John, 73, 94; William, 69. Fordes, Thomas, 46. Fords of Barton and Frith, 58. Fordyce, David, 44. Fore, Galfridus, 99. Foreign pasture, woods, and tenants, 58. Foreigners, strangers, 63, 65. Foreman of the jury, his oath, 63. Forest, John, 64; William, 57, 60, 64, 96. Forest combes, 97; laws, 97. Forestallers, 50, 58, 63, 65. Foreste, Richard, 50. Forestel, definition of, 58. Forester, — , 88; Giles le, 112; Mr., 44; Rauf, chantry priest, 60; Seth, 50. Foresters, duties, &c., of, 58. Forestership, privileges of, 97. Forests, 50, 1 12; definition and laws of, 58; taxation of, 50; see also Accrington, Rowland, Pendle, &c. Forge, waters of, 61. Forges, 112. Foris, le, 58. Foriswrth’, Robert de, 58. Forman, Sir John, no; Dr. S., in. Formby, 46, 50, 57, 60, 74, 88, 99. Formby, Alice, wife of Richard, 31. Forneby, see Formby. Forrest of Fancy ^ III. P'orrestor, Robert, 73. P’orshaw, P'orshay, Forshae, — , 81 ; Alice, 54, 105; James, 113; John, 54, 57; Ric., 57; Robert, 54; William, 50, 54, 105. Forster, — , 81, 82, 88; Cythe, 60; Henry, 54; Jennet, 113; John, 76, 96;Nycholas, 96; Raffe, 60; Raufe, 113; Richard, 96; Robert, 50; Thomas, 96; William, D.D., 70, 105; William, 96, 113; Wil- limus, 99. Forsterus, J., 114. Forsty, Hugh, 54. Forsyth, John, 94. Fort, Mr., 39; Rychard, 96. Fortescue, — , 81, in; Sir John, 44; General, 83. Forth, — , 82; Henry, 42, 63; Tames, 54; Roger, 39; W., in. Forth Feasting, in. Forton, Aldred de, 57, 105; Alan de, 57; Alex, de, 57; Christian de, 57; Henry de, 57; Huan de, 57; John, 57, 95; Jor- dan de, 57; Laurence de, 57; Nich., 31; Ranulph de, 57, 105; Rich, de, 57; Robert de, 57; Simon de, 57; Thomas de, 57, 105; William de, 57. Forton, 57, 88, 99; Hall, 105; Manor, 57, 105; Township, 105; Tenants, 105. Foilune, 1 1 1 ; The Bate and Snare of ill. Fortune, John, 54. Forty Acres, 47; in Rusholme, 58. P'osbrook, John, 114. Fosbrooke, Thomas, 63, 72. Fosse, at Lincoln, 46. Foster, — , 82; Elizabeth, 105; Ellyer, 46; Hugh, 94; J. (printer), in; John, of Whalley, 54; Leonard, 105; Mrs., 44; Ralph, 113; Richard, 46, 94; Sam- uel, 94; Seth, 54, 113; To., yeoman waiter, 31; William, 96; William, of Garstang, 54. PMther, 112. Fotherby, Ch., in. Fothergill, — , surgeon, 44. P'others, = fodders, 103. P^ouldes, 46, 60; see also Foldes. Fouldrey, Peel of, 50, 75. Fouleshurst, PMulshurst, — , 37, 81, 88; Anne, no; Isabel de, 83; Richard de, 80, 83; Sir Robert, no. Foulis, Ldw., in. Foulkes, Edward, 94; John, 94; Thomas, 73 - Foulks, John, 47. P'oulridge, 50, 74. P'oultfin, 54. Four acres, the, 58. Fourmont, Stephen, 44. Fournesse, P'ourneux, P^ourneys, see Fur- ness. P'ovile, — , 82.. Fowcaster, or Focastle, or Castle hill, 58. Fowden, Henry, 54; William, 63, 69. Fowle, Jane, 92; Sir Thomas, 92. Fowler, Dr. Edward, 114; Edward, 64; James, 105; John, 64; Matthew, chantry priest, 60; Mr., 44, 54; Mrs., 114; Robert, 105; Rev. T., 114; William, ^ 105. Fowleshurste, see Fouleshurst. P'owlis, Henry, 64. Fox family, 96. PMx, — , 82, 88; Alice, 92; Ann, 96; Charles James, in Manchester, 68; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 97 Ednnincl, 105; Edward, 105; George, in Manchester, 68; Henry, 44, 105; Rev. James, 92; John, 57, 96, 105, iii; John, Acts atid Monuments, 31, 38, 64; Katherine, 57; Richard, 57, 60, 70, 75; Richard, Bishop of Winchester, 60; Robert, 105; Sir Robert, 105; Scholas- tica, 75; Stephen, 57; Thomas, 70, 105; William, 63, 69, 96, 105; William, a bearvvard, 50; William, of Rhodes, 75; Rev, William, 42; see also Foxe. Foxcoft, George, 61. Foxcroft, — , 88; Mrs. Eliz., 114; Ezekiel, 1 14; Mr., 1 14. Foxdenton, 54, 57, 58, 72, 88. Foxe, — ■, 63, 88; Ann, 31, 54; Anthony, 105; Dorothy, 54; Edward, 52; Esther, wife of John Firth, 31; Henry, 54; J., 105; James, 63, 105; Jane, 31, 54; John, 54, 58, 105; John, junior, 31; fohn, of the Rhodes, 54; John, son of William, 31; Laurence, 65; Margaret, 31, 54; Margaret, wife of William Hinde, 31; Margaret, wife of William, 31; Mary, wife of Ralph Seddon, 31; Mary, wife of John Smith, of Bradford, 31; Mr., 31, 46, 109; Mrs. Margaret, 109; Mrs. de Rhodes, 54; Penelope, daughter of Radclyffe Scholfield, 31; Richard, 31, 42, 54, 63, 65; Capt. Richard, 31; Robert, 105; Sarah, daughter of Joshua Crompton, 31; Thomas, 31, 54, 105; William, 31, 54, 109; William, son of John, of Rhodes, 31; William, of Rhodes, 54. Foxes, 46. Foxhole bank, 88. Foxhole, Ellen, 54. Foxholes, 37, 57, 88, 96, Foxholes, Richard, 54. Foxley, Dr., 72; Edward, 69; Thomas, 69; Rev. Thomas, 44; Robinson, 64; William, 54. Foxstones, 88. Foxwist and Duncalf, of Foxwist, 97. Foxwyst, Mrs. Jane, 54. h’oyne house, 46. Foynes, in. Fragmenta Poetica, in. Fradsham, Anne, 54; Edward, 54; John, 54; Maior, 54; Mrs. Mary, 54; William, 54- Frampolde, — , 46. Frampton, Bishop, 114. Frampton, Rectory of, 54. Framsden, 99. Framwall, Alice, of Chester, widow, will of, 54- France family, of Little Eccleston Hall, ped. , 92. France, — , 88; Alis, 92, Ann, 105; Henry, 69, 92; Isaac, 73, 94; James, 69, 73 , 92; Jennet, 92; Johanna, 105; John, of Raweliffe Hall, 60; John, 42, 69, 73 , 92, 105; Mr., of Wigan, 46; Richard, 31, 73, 92; Robert, 42, 92, 105; Thomas, 65, 92, 105, 113; Tho , a footman, 31; William, 69, 105; Wil- son, 69; see also Fraunce. Frances, — , 82. Franceys, Alan, 112; John, 74. Francie, Janie, 92. Francis, — , 72. Francis I.,. 37 (part I.). Franciscans, the, 83. Frank chace, 58; marriage, 80; pledge, 58, meaning of, 63. Franke, Alicia, 95; Willimus, 95. Franke, Augustus Herman, 44. Frankendall, 39. Frankland, John, 42; Mrs., 57; Rev. Ric- hard, 31; Sarah, 57; Sir Thomas, 44. Franklin, Dr., 109; Isaac Abraham, 94; Mr., 1 14. Franks, Mr., 44. Frant, Robert, 105. Fraunce, Abraham, 90, III; John, 92, 105; Margaret, 92; Sir Robert, 60; see also France. Frear, see Frere. Freckleton, 50, 58, 60, 62, 74, 88, 95, 99, no; Church, 92; Marsh, 62, 92; Quakers’ burial ground at, 92; town- ship of, 92. Freckleton, Adam de, 74, 92; Andrew, 92; Gregory, 92; Helen, wife of Henry, 92; Iwan, 92; Mauld, 92; R., 92; Rado. de, 92; Ralph, 92; Richard de, 92; Robert, 92; Thomas, 92, 94. Frederick, Prince of Wales, 44; Prince Palatine, in; the Fifth, in. Freehold bands called out, 50. Freeholders, 46. Freeholders’ court, 63; oath of fealty, 63. Freeholds and freeholders, 58; tenures of, 58. Freeman, — , 88, 114; Councillor, 6i; Robert, in; .Samuel, 64; 4 '., in. Freemasons, 44. Freemen of Garstang, 105. Freert, John, 60. Free-warren, right of, 97; Warren. O 98 GENERAL INDEX. Freke, J., surgeon, 44. Frekelton, Frekilton, see Freckleton. Frekiltone, Ad. de, 112. French, — , 82, 88; Captain, 62; G. J., Chethani’s Church Libraries^ 38; J., III. French family, of Preston, 88. French History, in. French Lea, no. Frennys, 88. Frer, Johannes, 57. Frere, Captain Edward, 62; Dan., in; Edmundus, 95; Mr., 44; Robert, 96. Freremon, William the, 83, 87. Freschot, Casimir, 64. Freshfield, 88. Frevill, — , 81. Freyer, or Freher, mystical writer, 44. Friarsgate, 83. Friars Preachers, 112. Friary, 83. Frickleton, see Freckleton. Friend, Dr., 44; Mr., 114. Friend’’ s Yearly Epistle, 44. Frier, William the, 57. Frierhead, 88. Friesland, the old man of, 114. Frieze, Cloth, 46. Frikelton, Ralph de, 74. Friklyngton, see Freckleton. Fringe, 46. Frisians, 58; in Manchester, 68. Frith ford, 58. Frith, Joseph, 94; Ricardus, 99; Robert, 94. Friton, 81. Frobisher, Sir M., in. Frodsham, 46, 72, 73, 88, 96, no; bridge, 54. Frodsham, — , 88; — , chantry priest, Liverpool, 60; John, 54; Nic. de, 112; Richard, 113; Richard, chantry priest, Wyndell, 60; see also Fradsham. Froggatt, John, 94; Old, 72; Thomas Mort, 69. Frogmore, 114. Froissart, J., in. Froman, — , 88. Frost, — , 72; Mr., 70; — , secretary, 39; Walter, 47; Walter, of Cockerham, 01. Frosting horses, 46. Frozen Tomes, in. Fruit, 46, 63, 65. Frumgeld, a Saxon mulct for murder, 31. Fryerson, 63. Frying pan, 46. Fryse, Nych’as, 60. Fryth, — , 81; John, 64; Richard, 58; also Frith. Fry ton, no. Fuel, 63. Fuel-stack, 65. Fngarello, 46. Fulbourne, 57. Fulbrook, Mrs., 44. Fulburne, Walter de, 37 (i). Fulford, Sibilla, no. Fulgineo, Angela de, 44. Fulke, William, Defense of the English Translation of the Scriptures, 38. Fullager, W. P., 105. Fulialove, John, 94, William, 54. Fullarton, John Alexander, 94; William Henry, 94. Fuller, — , 81, 88; — , a plotter, 61; Rev. E. A., 105; Samuel, 64; Dr. Thomas, 45, 62, 70, 75, 87, in; Dr. William, 114. Fullers and fulling, 46. Fullerton, Alexander, 69. Fulleshurst, Robert, 54; Thomas, 54; see PAwleshurst. Fulling mills, 58, 105, 112. Fullwood, see Fulwood. Fulshaw, Fulwood, moor, 39. Fulshaw, William, 60. Fulstaffe, John, 74; Robert, 74; Robyn, 74 - Fulthorp, Isabella, 95; Rogerus de, 95, 99; Sir Roger, no; Sibilla de, 95, 99, no; Sir William, no. Fulwell, Ulpian, in. Fulwood, 47, 50, 54, 81, 88, 99, no; moor, 39, 62; wood, 58. Fulwood, Dr. Francis, 64, 114; William, in. Funccius, 114. Funeral ceremonies, 46; church dues for a, 46; dole, 105; expenses, 46; sermons, 46, 92; sermon on Lady Houghton, 105. Furbanke, Nicholas, 46. Furmenty, 46. Furnace, Tobie, 42. Furnage, see Ovens, 58. Furnell, Henry, 54. Furness, 37, 50, 54, 57, 60, 74, 75, 81, 88, 95, no; Abbot of, 58, 74, 95; Manor of, 82, no. Furness, John, 58; Michael Fleming, Baron of, 58; Robert de, 58; William, 94 - VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 99 Furnifull, Robert, 94. Furniture, military, cost of, 50; of houses, 46. Furnival, Baron, 73; James, 94; Thomas, 69, 94. Furrur, Thomas, sen., 60. Fust’s, John, Bible, 44. Fustian, 46, 113. Fydel, Mr,, 44. Fydelar, see Fidler. Fydgrevys, John, 57. Fyfe, Captain, 62. Fyfe family, ofWedacre, ped., 88, 105. Fyfild, Fifeild, Fifild, 81. Fyfife, Ann, 105; Isabel, 105; John, 105; Thomas, 105; William, 105; Dr. Wil- liam, 105. Fylde, Johannes, 57. Fylde, the, 50, 62. Fylden, John, 46; John, chaplain, Colne, 60. Fyldes, see Fildes. Fynch, see Finch. Fynes, — , 81. Fynlawe, Issabell, 60. Fynney, Nicholaus, 75. Fyrth, Willyam, 60. Fysheweke, see Fishwick. Fyssher, see Fisher. Fytheler, John le, 47; William le, 47; see also Fidler. Fyton, see Fitton. G B,, hi; G., C., hi; G., E. (prin- ., ter). III; G., F., iii; G., G., hi; G., H., HI; G., I. (printer), Hi; G., J, (printer), 103, Hi; G., N., iii; G., S., hi; G., S. and E. (printers), hi; G., T., hi;G., W. (printer), iii. Gabel, meaning of, 58. Gabell rope, 46. Gafsuinescinkel, 57 (part II.). Gades, 46. Gage, Col., iii. Gager, W., 11 1. Gagg’s Field, 72. Gaiger, Laine, 57 (part VIE); Moston, 57 (part VIE). Gainsford, Thomas, Hi; Sir T., Hi. Gairner, Robert, 105. Gairstang, see Garstang. Gait, cattle walk, 46. Gakes, John, 46. Galantyne, 46. Galatinus, Peter Columna, 44. Gald, 46. Gale, Dunstan, 1 1 1 ; George, of Crediton, and Katherine his wife, 54; John, of York, 60. Galen, 114. Galen, James, 105. Galey, Galley, Anne, 54; Elizabeth, 60; Nicholas, 60; Richard, 54, 58, 60, 63, 65; Seth, 60; Thomas, 60, 65; William, 60. Galey’s chantry, Manchester, 60. Galfridus, dean of Manchester, 47; Capel- lanus de Stallmyn, 92; son of Tho., 112. Gallant^ HI. Galle, W., 112. Galleasse, 50. Galleons, 50. Galley, see Galey. Galleys, 50. Galliard, Colonel, 39, 70; Mr., 44. Gallimore, Jarvis, 73; John, 73; Matthew, 73; William, 73. Galloway, Lord, 44, 70 - Gallows field at Ashton, 74. Gallows, Manchester, 58. Galls, 46. Galoshes, 46. Galt, Wm., 57 (part IE). Gaiter, William, chantry priest, Preston, 60. Galthorpe, see Gawthorp. Galwath, 74. Galwey, Galway-lands, 112. Galyghtly, Wm., 57 (part IE). Gam, William, chaplain, 60. Gamal, see Gamull. Gambesons, Gambasions, 46. Gamble, J. Hi. Gambleside, 81, 88. Gambold, John, 44. Gamel, a Rochdale thane, 58. Gamester, iii. Gaming, 50. Gammon, Mr., 44. Gamon, Polly, 44. Gamslaye, Nicholas, 46. Gamull, — , 88; Edmund, mayor of Ches- ter, 31, 83 (part HE); Edmund, 54; Francis, 54; Sir Francis, 39. Gam well, Mr., of Chester, 31. Gancefeild, Johannes, 99. Gandy, Gandye, — , 88; Elizabeth, 54; Jane, 54; Roger, 54; Thomas, 54; Wil- liam, 54. Gang, 46. Gannockj William, 99. 100 GENERAL INDEX. Gant, Rev. William, 105; William, 94, Ganwayn, Elena, 99; Henricus, 99; Ric- ardus, 99. Gaols and prisons, 50; charges in, 61. Gape, Sym., 103. Gapmaking, 46. Garden, ill. Garden, James, 44. Gardener, Anthony, 105; Nicholaus, 99. Gardening, 46; wages of, 46. Gardeviance, the, 31. Gardiner, — , 82; Anthony, 105; Ashton, 94; Dr., 1 14; Francis, 94; Frederick, 94; Grace, 45; James, 94; Sir James Whalley, 45; John, 75; Sir John Whal- ley Smyth e, 45; Lady, 45; Mr., 44; Rich. , 1 1 1 ; Samuel, 64; Bishop Stephen, 60, 64; Sir William, 45. Gardner, Bishop, iii; Captain, 105; Eliza- beth, 47; James, 42, 49; Johannes, 57 (part II.); John, 69, 105; Jon., 105; Joseph, 105; Lawrence, 57 (part VI.), 63; Mrs., 57 (part VII.) ; Nicholas, 60; Oliver, 105; Richard, 57 (part 11 . ), 94; Richard C., 105; Robert, 57 (part 11 . ), 69; Samuel, 69; Thomas, 47, 69, 73, 94, 105; Thome, 57 (part II.) ; William, 73, 105; William Atkinson, 94. Gardwebbe, Garthwebbe, 46. Gardyn’, Alexander, 60. Gardyner, Isabel, 60; James, 60; John of Lancaster, 60; Robert, 60. Gargrave, 94 , 95- Gargrave, Sir Thomas, 65. Garibaldi, a singer, 72. Garlands, iii; funeral, 114. Garlegh, John, 92. Garlic, 46, 50. Garlick Hithe, 60. Garlick, James, 73; Samuel, 73; Wm., 92. Garlycke, Ewan, kitchenman, 31. Garments, 46; gay, ill. Garnall, Robert, 105. Garnell, Mr., 44. Garner, John, 73; Lawrence, 57 (part VIL); Richard, 57 (part VIL); Robert, 94, 105. Garnet, — , 82, 88; Alexander, 60, 63, 1 13; Dom. Edward, chantry priest, 60; Edward, of Kirkby Ireleth, 60; Sir Edward, 54; Father, 50; Guenilda, 95; Henry, 105; John, 54; Richard, 54; Roger, 57 (part II.), 95, 105; W. J., 105; William, 69, 83, 95; Willimus, 99. Garnett, — , 8i; Edward, 113; Henry, 57 (part VII.); Henry John, 94; James Seddon, 73; John, 47; John Jasper, 73; John J., 94; Thomas, 42; William, 42, 63; see also Garnet, Gernet. Garnons, Abr. and Ralph, iii. Garrard, John, 54; Oliver, of Brindell, 54; Peter, 54; see also Gerard. Garrat, W., iii. Garratt, Wm., 46. Garratt, Manchester, 46, 63,65, 68, 72, 88. Garratt, Garrett, Tildesley, 81, 82, 88, 1 10. Garret, Garrett, — , 88; Elizabeth, 92; John, 92; Rauf, Wigan, 60; Thomas, of New Hall, 46; Thomas, surgeon, 46. Garrick, David, 72. Garrol, — , 88. Garrow, Sir William, 37. Garsdale, 45. Garside, — , 88; Charles Brierley, 94; Francis, 50; Joane, 47; John, 37, 94; Mr., 44; Margaret, 113; Robert, 42; Thomas, 94; see also Gartside. Garstang, 39, 46, 54, 57 (part II.), 57 (part V.), 58, 60, 62, 73, 74, 76, 81, 88, 95, 99; Book of Sports and rushbearing, 60; Brockholes chantry, 60; chantry of B.V. M., 60; History of , 104, 105; parish 50; school, 88. Garstang in Childwell, 50. Garstang, — , 8i; fam., 105; Gilbert de, 82; Henry, 105; Laur., 50; Margaret, 54; Oliver, 50; Paulinus de, 57 (part 11 . ), 58, 105; Robert, parson of, 57 (part IL), Robert de, 105; Thurstan, 1 13; William, 54, 57 (part IL). Garsten, Thos., 57 (part H. ). Garston, — , 81, 82; John, chaplain, 60. Garston, 60, 81, 95; Chapel, 60, 113. Garswood, 88, no Garter, Bernard, 1 1 1 ; T. , in. Garters, 46. Garth, Hugh, 57 (part IL); Sir John, chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, 60; Richard, 57 (part II.); Ricardus, 99. Garther, John, 63. Gartheside, Hugh, 58. Garthwode, 46. Garton, John, 69. Gartside, — , 81, 88; Abr., 57 (part VI.); Adam, 47 ; Enoch, 57 (part VI.) ; Francis, 60; John, 69; Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Nicholas, patron of Halsall, 60; Phineas, 57 (part VI.), 57 (part VIL); Robert, 44, 61, 63; Roger, of Rochdale, 60 ; Rev. Thomas, 60; Thomas, 57 (part VIL), 69; Wm., 57 (part VL). VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. JOl Gartside of Rochdale, ped., 88 Gartside Hall, 57 (part L). Gartsyde, 88. Garway, - — , 88. Gascoigne, — , 88; — , M.P. for Ware- ham, 44; George, iii; Sir J., iii; Wilimus, 95. Gascoine, — , 88. Gascoyne, Richard, 88. Gaskarth, John, 64. Gaskell, — , 81, 88; Dan., 103, no; Ellen, lawnder, 31 ; John, 37, 54, 63, 75; Laurence, iio; Margaret, 54; Nath- aniel, 57 (part VII.); Robert, 54, 73; Rowland, 62; Thomas, 69, 72, 73, 94; Thomas Francis, 94; William, 94. Gaskene, Laurence, 54. ♦ Gaskine, Ellen, 31. Gasquoine, S. , 72. Gassendi, P. , 114. Gastang, 82. Gastrell, Bishop, 44, 60, 69, 96, 97. Gataker, Thos., 114. Gate, 46. Gate, or Gatley-cotes fields, 63. Gate, Dyk of the, 74; Richard of the, 58. Gatecliffe, Hugh of, 74. Gatecoterfielde, 58. Galeen, Mr., 44. Gateford, Notts, 103. Gateforth, 99. Gates, Sir Henry, 65; Sir T., in. Gates, time of closing, number of, in Mamecestre, 58. Gathorne, John, 57 (part VII. ); Katherine, 57 (part VIE). Gathurst, 82. Gatisheade, 47. Gatley, 42, 69; ford, or ferry, 42. Gatley, Thomas, 69. Gatliff, Rev. J., 72; James, 42, 69, 73, 94; John, 42, 63, 69, 73; William, 69. Gattaker, W. , 92. Gauden, John, 64. Gaudentius, J. , in. Gaulter, William, 94. Gaunt, John of, 58, 60, 65. Gaunt medow, 99. Gauntlets, 46. Gautier, M., 64. Gautier’s collection of pictures, 44. Gauvven, John, 47. Gavel, a sheaf, 46. Gavel-bit, 58. Gavel-field, 58. Gawdy, Sir Francis, 90. Gawen, Thomas, 64; William, caterer, 31. Gawsworth, 54, 69, 73, 81, 88, 94, 96, 97, no; Church, 97. Gawthorn, Christopher, 105. Gawthorpe, 45, 46, 50, 57 (part III.), 62, 81, 82, 88, 99, 103, no; House and Far 7)1 Accoinits, 35, 41, 43, 46; Shuttle- worth MSS. at, 49, 50. Gawthrop, see Gawthorpe. Gayeford, — , 82. Gayley, William, 60. Gaytcliffe, see Gatecliffe. Gaythforth, Elizabeth, no; James, no. Gaythorne, Anne, 47; John, 47; Thomas, 47- Gayton, Edmund, in. Gaytonby, 88. Gaytonby, — , 88. Gaywane, Henricus, 95. Gay wood, R., in. Gazette, 44. Geast, Nicholas, 47; Richard, 88. Gebon, Alyson, 54. Geckie, Mr., 44. Ged’peny, Johannes, 57 (part II.). Gee, — , 88; Alice, 54; Anne, 54; Ben- jamin, 37 ; Charles, cantarist, 60 ; Edmund, 75, 113; Edward, 54, 64, 65, 92; Edward, A Treatise of Prayer, 38; Elizabeth, 47, 54, 63, 65; ffrancys, 54; George, 57 (part VI.), 57 (part VII.) ; George, clerk, 47; Henry, 54, 60, 63, 65; Henry, alderman of Chester, 54; Isaac, 37; J'ames, 69; Joan, 54; John, 37, 54, 63, 64, 65, 69, 94, 114; Jona- than, 42, 47; Nathaniel, 42; Margaret, 54; Ralph, 47, 54; Richard, 63, 65; Robert, 42; Thomas, 54. Geese and goslings, 46; field, 46; green, 46. Geffeson, Robert, 87. Geffronson, Hugh, 54. Geffrey, son of John, 74. Gefreyson, Nicholaus, 99. Gekell, Gilbert, 80. Geldart, John, 105; Richard, no. Geldebrook, Birch, 47. Gelding cows, 46; pigs, 46. Geldings, 46. Geldred, John de, 83. Geleband, Karolus, 57 (part II.). Gelibrand, Gellibrond, &c. , Gillibrand. Gell, Anthony, 73; Philip, 73; Dr. Robert, 114, Gelsthorpe, — , 88. Gemewe- (gemel) ring, 65. 102 GENERAL INDEX. Gemholle, 103. Geminiani, — , 72. Gemiticensis, Wilhelmus, 80. Gendall, Peter, 94. Gene, Richard, 48. General Delusion of Christians, 44. Geneva, citizens of, 54; society at, 44. Gennyngs, R. , iii. Gentil, Gentyl, Johannes le, 95; John, 105; Nicholas le, 105; Thomas le, 74, 105; Thomas le, chaplain, Newton, 60; William le, high sheriff, 60; William, 105. Gentius, G. , 114. Gentlejnen Instnccted, 44. Gentlemen of the Best Calling in Lanca- shire, 1588, 57 (part III,); worthy and unworthy, iii. Gentlemen’s concerts, Manchester, 72. Gentlemen’’ s Academy, iii; Magazine, Recreation, ill. Geoffrey le Parker, 112. George, — , 72; David, 114; William, D.D., 44. George, St., iii; History of, iii. George, I., 44; II., 44; III., 44, 72; IV., 72. Georgia, Missions to, 44. Gerard, — , 81, 82, 88; family, 75, 105; Ann, wife of Sir Gilbert, 60; Anne, no; Mrs. Anne, 54; Betsy, 105; Catherine, III; Charles, 54; Charles, Lord of Bran- don, 61; Lord Charles, 105; Sir Charles, 39, 54, no; Digby, 105; Dorothy, 54; Dulcia, daughter of Sir Thomas Asshe- ton,6o; Dutton, Lord, 50, 105; Edward, 54; Eleanor, 54, 96; Elizabeth, 54, 92, 105, no; Elizabeth, of Bryn, 31, 60; Emma, no; Eelix, 42; Fitton, no; Frances, 31, 96; Gilbert, 42, 54, 60, 63; Sir Gilbert, 31, 42, 46, 50, 54, 62, 65, 75, 96, 105, no, in; Gilbert, Lord, 31, 54; Helen, no; Henry, no; James, 54, 105, 1 10; Jane, of Bryn, 97; Jennet, no; Joan, no; Joan, daughter of Sir Alexander Osbaldeston, 31; Johannes, 95. 99; John, 54, 73, 75, 94, 105, no; John de, 60; Rev. John, of Kirkham, 92; Katherine, no; Lady, 31, 96, 105; Lieut-Col., 70; Lord, 39, 42, 80, 92, 105; Lords, of Gerards Bromley, 54; Margaret, no; Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas, 31; Margaret, daughter of Sir William Stanley, 60; Margaret, of Bryn, 97; Margery, 54; Miles, 47, 50, 57 (part HI.), 60, 61, 96, 113; Miles, of Ince, 31; Mr., 44, 50, 6i; Mr., of Ince, 31, 46; Mr., of Stockport, 31; Mr., of the Holt, 46; Nicholas, 75; Penelope, 54; Peter, no; Peter, son and heir of Sir Thomas, 60; Sir Peter, 50, 58; Piers, 54, 60, 75; Radcliffe, 42, 54, no; Sir Richard, parson of Bangor, 54; Richard, rector of Stockport, 42, 50, 54, 83 (part HI.) ; Richard, 113; Richard, of Crewood, 54; Richard, priest, 60; Sir Robert Tolver, 75, no; Sir Thomas, 37, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 58, 60, 65, 75, 96, 105, no, 113; Thomas, 42, 50, 54, 57 (part VL), 60, 73. 95. 105. no. 113; Thomas, ist Lord, 31; Thomas, Lord, 96, 105; Thomas, of Bryn, 31, 60, 75; William, 42, 103, 105, 1 10; William, clerk of the Duchy, 42; Sir William, 61, 75, 83; William, of Harrowe, 54; William, of Ince, 31, 50, 54; William, recorder of Chester, 54; Willimus, 99. Gerard of Astley, fam., 75, 105, ped. , 81 ; of Bryn, ped., 88, no; of Ince, ped., 61, 82; of Newton, ped., 88. Gerard’s Bromley, 82, 96, no. Gerelde, Thomas, 54. Gerlington, see Girlington. Germaine, Sir John, 44. German, Richard, 94. German hymns, 44. Germanie, a, 46. Germon, Nicholas Medland, 94; Nicho- las, 94; Rev. Nicholas 73, 94; Richard Charles, 94. Gerner, Benedict, 92; Cicely, 92. Gernet, — , 88; Benedict, 105; Matthew, 58; Robert, 54; Roger, 58. Gerningham, Lady, in. Gcrnon, — , 82. Gernouns, Ralph, 58; Randle de, Eaid of Chester, 58, 80, 87. Gerrard, see Gerard. Gerrarde, Cuttberde, yeoman waiter, 31. Gerratt, Sir Thomas, 96. Gerret, Robert, of Ormskirk, 60. Gersingham, Tho. de, 74. Gerson’s Imitation of Christ, 44. Gerthefilde, Hugh, 58. Gervas, Gerves, Gervis, Edward, 105; James, 57 (part 11. ), 105; John, 57 (part IL), 105; Nicholas 57 (part IL), 105; Thomas, 105; William, 57 (part IL). 105. Gervasius’ Chronicles, 80. Gervcsson, Henry, 105. VOLS. XXXI.^CXIV. 103 Gesner, — , 114. Gest, Geste, Anne, 54; Christofer, 54; Elias, 46; Ellen, 54; Gilbert, 60. Gesta Stephani Regis, 80, Gething, Rd., iii. Gethskolles, Robert, 60. Getty, Antonio, 94. Geva, daughter of Hugh Lupus, 80. Ghisna, Christiana de, 105; Ingleram de, 105. Ghiste, Ghistement= Agistment, 103. Ghost, Honest, iii. Ghost of Weeton, 92. Ghosts, belief in, 103. Gibb, James, 63; William, 72. Gibbes, Chas., iii; John, 54. Gibbon, Edward, historian, 44; Hester, 44; J., Ill; Mr., 44; William, 42, 94, Gibbons, John, 64; Peter, 69; Richard, 64. Gibbs, — III; G., iii; Mr., 44; Philip, 44; Vicary, 37. Gibraltar, 72, iii. Gibson, — , 72, iii; Anne, 54; C., 72; Charles, 105; Edmund, Bishop, 44; his Preservative against Popery, 64; Isaac, 57 (part VI.); Jane, 54; John, 50, 57 (part H.), 69, 96; Sir John, 105; Mr., 37, 44; Reginald, 39; Rich., 57 (part VI.), 57 (part VIE); Robert, 57 (part IE) ; Thomas, 54, 105; William, 57 (part IE), 69, 94; Captain Wm., 72. Giddy-gaddy, game of, 63. Gidlow, — , 82; Thomas, 50, 54. Giffard, — , 88; Charles, 70; David, 80. Giffard, — . of Chillington, 94. Gifford, Bonaventura, 64; Sir Thomas, 75; Walter, Earl of Buckingham, 80; William, 64. Giglis, John de, no. Gift Hall, Garstang, 105. Gifts, 46. Giggleswick, 45, 46, 88. Giggleswick Church, 45. Gilbartson, Adam, 74. Gilbert, — , 57 (part I.), 57 (part H.), 82; Ashurst Turner, bishop of Chichester, 69, 73, 94; Claudius, 64; Dr., 44; Sir Humph., Ill; de la Legh, 112; John, 64; son of Reinfrid, 42, 58; Robert, 69; (a smith) 112; Thomas, 69; Wil- liam John, 94. Gilbertson, Hugh, 105; W., in. Gilbie, Anthony, vicar of Ashby, 31. Gilbourne, T., in. Gilchrist, Octavius, in. Giles le Forester, 112. Giles, Robert, 96; William, 64. Gilfeld, 82. Gilford, R., in; William, 54. Gill, Edward, 54; James, 94, 105; John, 69; Madam, 47; Mr., 44; Mrs., 44; Percival, 54; William, 105. Gill’s Logonomia Anglica, 44. Gillatt, Henry, and Ellen his daughter, 63- Giller, James, 69; John, 69, 73. Gillesland, 99. Gillespie, George, Aaron^s Rod Blossoming, 38. Gillet, Thomas, 105. Gillez, Rauf, 60. Gilliam, Hugh, 65; Hugh, heir of James, 63; James, 65; John, 42, 47, 57 (part VI.), 63, 65; Jane, 42. Gillibrand House, Parbold, 62. Gillibrand, Gelibrond, Gellybrand, Gilli- brond, Gillibrownde, — , 82, 88; Anne, 54; John, 54; Mary, 47; Mrs., 57 (part VIE) ; Robert, 57 (part VIE) ; Roger, 54, 95, 99; Roger, of Chorley, 54; Thomas, 50, 54, 75, 92; Thomas, ser- vant to Sir Alex. Radcliff, 31. Gillibrand, fam. ped., 82; of Chorley, ped., 88; of Peele, ped., 88; of Rams- greve, ped., 88. Gillibrand-Fazakerley, Henry Hawarden, 92; Matilda Henrietta, 92. Gilling, 88. Gillman, Joseph, 57 (part VH.). Gillott, Richard, 63. Gillow, — , 72; Alice, 92; Geo., 92; Henry, 92; Richard, 92; William, 92. Gillow family, of Clifton Hall, ped., 105. Gilly, Seath, 39. Gilman, Joseph, 63. Gilpin, — , 88; Bernard, 96; Edw., in. Gilsdon, 88. Gimnier, 46. Ginger, 46. Gipps, Thomas, rector of Bury, 31, 64. Giraldus Cambrensis, 80. Girdlers’ Hall, 109. Girdles, 46. Girlington, fam. ped., 82, 88. Girlington, John, high-sheriff, 39; Lady, 47; Nicholas, 31; Sir John, 57 (part V.), 62, 92. Gisborne, Hartley Packer, 42. Gisburne, 46, 88; fair, 46; park, 37, 45. Gladstone, Robert, 42. Glaister, William, 94. Glanvil, Ranulf de, 80. 104 GENERAL INDEX. Glanvlll, Joseph, 64, iii, 114. Glapthorne, Henry, iii; Priscilla, ill. Glasbrooke, Alice, 54; James, 54. Glasbrough, 99. Glascock, Mr., M.P., 50. Glasebroke, Adam, 80. Glaseor, Alice, 54; Elizabeth, 54; Plugh, 54; John, 54; William, 50; will of, 54; William, vice-chamberlain of Chester, 37 , 54 - Glasgow, 94; University, 47. Glass of Government, ill. Glass, Rev. John, 44. Glasses, 46; looking, 46; Venice, 46. Glaston, Michael Flemingus, Baro de, 58. Glauber, John Rudolf, 114. Glazebrook, 50, 74, 82, 99, no. Glazier and glass for windows, 46. Gleadall, Charles, 94. Gleare, — , 88. G 1 easier, — , 88. Gleave, J., in; Jack, 105; Joseph, 94; Robert, 94; William, 94. Glegg, — , 82; Richard, 54. Glegg (Clegge), 81, 82. Glegge, John and Elene, 60; Katherine, widow of Morgan, 54. Glenbervie, Lord, 45. Glendinning, Alexander, 42. Glennan, John, 94. Glerrudinge, see Brererydinge. Gleve, — , 81, 82, 88; John, of High Legh, and Anne his wife, 54. Glisburne, 82. Glodwick, 58. Glossary of words in the Shnttleworth Accounts, 46. Glossop, 37, 54, 69. Glossop, John, 42; Raphe, 47. Glothet, Matthew de, 42. Gloucester, 37, 47, 69, 81, 88. Gloucester, Duke of, 72; Humphrey, Duke of, 83, 109, III; Prince William of, 72; Richard, Duke of, 60; Robert, Duke of, 80; Robert, 1st Earl, 58; Thos. , in; Thomas, Duke of, 37; William, 2nd Earl of, 58. Glover, — , 82; Alexander, of London, 42; Ann, 81; Blanche, 42; Edward, 54; Elizabeth, 65; George, 73, 94, in; James, 54, 63, 105; John, 47 , . 54 , 57 (part VIL), 58, 60, 63, 65, '81, 96, 109; John, of Manchester, will of, 54; Margaret, 54; Mildred, 81; Mrs., 57 (part VH.) ; Nicholas, 60; Olyver, 54; Richard, author of Leonidas, 44; Robert, 54, 65, 81; Roger, 54; Thos., 81; Sir T., in; William, 54, 57 (part VI.), 60, ^65. Glovers, 46, 63. Gloves, 46, 58, 112. Glue, 46. Glusburne, 88. Gluttons Fever, the, in. Glynne, Serjeant, 70. Gnype, Henricus, 95. Goad, Dr. Thomas, 3J, 64, 114. Goadsby, Thomas, 69, 94. Goate, Mary, 47. Gobarte, Ann, 97; John, of Boresworth, 97. Gobert, — , 88; Edw. , in. God, argument of the existence of, 44. God and Man, History of, in. Godbid, W., in. Goddard, Edw., 57 (part VL), 57 (part VIL); J., in; James, 47, 69, 73; Johannes, 95; Mr., 44; Peter, 61; Robert, 73; Thomas, 57 (part VL), 73; W., Ill; William, 69. Goddart, Anne, 42; Edward, 69. Godden, Thomas, 64. Godefrey, — , 114. Godefridus, Vice-comes de Derby, 58. Godelmynges, a prepared leather, 58. Godeor, Sir William, priest, 54. Godfray, T. (printer), in. Godfrey, Alice, 105; Peter, 105; Ti, 105; Thomas, quadrant, 44; Rev. Thomas, 105; William, 105. Godfrey of Btdloigne, in. Coding, — , 82; George, 72; Isabel, 72. Godly Songs, in. Godolphin, Francis, 2nd Earl of, 44; Sidney, in. Godson, Richard, chantry priest. Single- ton, 54, 60, 92. Godwin, Francis, 64; Catalogtie of Bishops, 80. Godwit, 46. Goffe, Colonel, 47; Henry, 54. Goge, Robert, 54. Gogh, — , 81. Gohopton, 58. Gohorius, Jac., De Usii et Mysteriis Fdota- mm, 44. Goisfrid, 58. Golborne, 50, 54, 58, 74, 88, 95, 99, no; manor of, no. Golborne, Golbron, Golburne, Gold- bourne, Goulborn, &c. , — , 82; Alex- ander, 105; Humphrie, 105; Jane, 54; VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. ]05 John, 73; John, of Overton, 54; John, and Katherine his wife, 54: Margaret, 105; Mr., 44; Mrs., 44; Thomas, 54; William, of Orton, 54; William de, 80; Sir William, 31. Gold, 46; fields, 46; pen, 44; weights, 46. Gold's Khi^donie, 1 1 1 . Goldeburne, see Golborne. Golden Aphrnditis, III; Fleece, ill. Golden, James, 42; John, 54. Golding, — , 88;^ Agnes, 92; Arthur, in; Edmund, 92; Richard, 92. Goldingham, H. , in. Goldman, (?r Gouldman, Francis, 114. Goldsbury, 88. Goldsmith, Francis, in; Nich., 103; Oliver, 44, 90. Goldycar, John, 83. Golius, James, 114. Golston, — , 81. Gomersall, Robert, in. Gondomar, Count, 70. Gons, Ana, 37. Gonumtonce lane, 58. Good and the Bad, in; Counsell, in. Good Friday, disregard of, 44. Good works controversy, 64. Good, — , 88; Robert, 54; William, 64. Goodall, Mrs. 57 (part VII.) ; Edw., 64. Goodday, — , 81. Goodde, John, 54; Dr., Dean of West- minster, 42. Gooden, 47. Gooden, Reynold, 54; Robert, 54; Wil- liam, 96. Goodere, Lady F,, in; H., iii; Katha- rine, 42; Thomas, 42. Goodhand, — , 88. Goodier, Betty, 72; Charles, 69; Ellen, 42; Henry, 54, 57 (part VII.) ; Joseph, 42; Laurence, 42; Margaret, 42; Robert, 42; Richard, 73; Samuel, 63, 72; Thomas, 54; Thos., of Manchester, 54, 57 (part VI.), 57 (partVIL); see also Goodere, Goodyear. Goodlaw, fam., ped. , 82. Goodman, Christopher, 54, 64; Rev. Christopher, will of, 54; Davenport, 94; Elizabeth, 54; George, 94; John, 3 L 37 , 54 , 64, 94; Margaret, 54; Paul, 54; Ralph, 54; Robert, 31; William, alderman of Chester, 54; will of, 54. Goodman’s fields, London, 61. Goodrich castle, 47. Goodrich, T., in. Goodrick, Michael, 31; Mr., 44. Goodshaw in Rossendale, 45. Goodshaw Chapel, 60. Goodson, Admiral, 83 (part L). Good wick, John, 83. Goodwin, John, 114; Sir John, 31 ; Peter, III; Robert, 47; Thomas, 64, 69; William, 96. Goodwin Sands, in. Goodyear, — , 63; — (a barber), 44; Elline, 113; Francis, 46; Katherine, 42; Mrs., 42; Robert, 63, 65; Robert, of Manchester, 42; Samuel, 65; Thomas, 42, 54, 63, 96; Thomas, of Manchester, 3L 65. Gooenson, Richard, 105. Googe, Barnaby, in. Goold, Sir Geo., 92; M. C. H., 92. Goolden, Alexander, 42; Beffore, 46; James, 42; Mary, 57 (part VII.) ; Mrs., 57 (part VII.) ; Samuel, 42; see also Goulden. Gooldin, Peter, 69. Goose, Alexander, 105; Henry, 105; James, 105; John, 92, 105; Richard, 105; Robert, 105; Thomas, 105; Wil- liam, 92, 105. Gooseberries, 46. Goosecroft, 47. Goose lache, 47, 58. Goosetree, 47, 80, 94. Goosnargh, 50, 54, 57 (part 11 . ), 60, 62, 73, 74, 81, 88, 95, 99; bells, 60; Chapel, 60; Church ornaments, &c., 60; Church-rent due to Kirkham, 92. Goosnargh, Jordan de, 57 (part II. 1 , 105; Robert de, 95, 105; Roger, 95, 105; Thomas, 74. Gorbo, in. Gorboduc, in. Gorded, 109. Gordon, Charles Robert, 73; Jack, 44; James, 94; John Corson, 94; Lewis, 44; Lord Geo., iii; Lord Lewis, 44; Sam- uel, 94. Gore Brook, 47, 58. Gore, Rev. Charles Frederick, 94; Col- onel, 44; Elizabeth, 60; Mr., 44; Thomas, M.P., 44. Goreing, Mr., 61. Goreld, Thomas, 54. Gorges, — , 88; Sir Arth., in. Goring, George, 61; Colonel George, 39, 62. Gorlits, 114. Gorlston, Suffolk, 94. Gorman, — , 72. P 106 GENERAL INDEX. Gormanston, Viscountess, 6i. Gormestone, 8i. Gormogon, the, 44. Gornall, Joseph, 73. Gorner, Richard, 92. Gornertie, Roger de, 58. Gornyt, Richard, 92. Goropius Bee an us Hieroglyphica, 44, Gorschawe, Ric. , 57 (part II.). Gorse, 46, 65; crofts, 47; stubbing of, 46. Gorse, Ralph, 57 (part VII.). Gorsuch, 88. Gorsuch, Gorsych, — , 88; Arthur, 60, 1 13; Gabrieli, 54; Sir Henry, priest, 54; James, 75; Nicholas, 54; Thomas, 113- Gorsuch of Gorsuch, ped., 88. Gorton, 37, 42, 45, 47, 58, 60, 69, 88, 94, 96, 109; Chapel, 37, 38, 42, 47; corn mill, 58; green, 58; heath land in, 58; library, 38; villeins, or nativi of, 58. Gorton, Agnes, 54; Alys, 54; Edward, 47; Ellen, 57 (part VII.) ; Jacobus, 99; James, of Westhoughton, 54; John, 73; Richard, of Winwick, 54; Robert, 54; Samuel, 69; Thomas, of Adlington, 54; Thos., of Aspull, 54. Goscopethuart, 57 (part II.). Gose, Thomas, 105; William, 54. Gosenar, Gosenargh, Gosenor, &c., see Goosnargh. Gosenhal, Phillipe, 96. Goshawks, 46. Goslache, see Goose lache. Gosling, Thomas Morton, 94. Gosnell, James, 96 (parts I. and II.); Philip, 54. Gosnold, H., ill. Gospatric, 58. Gospatrick, Earl of Northumberland, 80. Goss, Bishop, 70; Ahbotfs Journal^ and Jacobite Trials in 1694, 61. Gosse, E. W., 1 14. Gossehaugh in Furnesse, 88. Gosset, John, 54. Gossip, Randall, 73; William, 73. Gosson, H., Ill; Stephen, in. Gosworth, see Gawsworth. Gosynhy 11 , Edward, in. Gotha, gentlemen of, 114. Gotham, 69. Gofher, John, 64. Gothofridus, Dionysius, 1 14. Gothurst, 88. Gott, S., in. Goubrun, Jane, 54; Thomas, 54. Gouge, — , 88; William, Workes, 38. Gougge, W. , 112. Gough, — , 88; Benj., his defence of Whitefield, 44; Henry, 94; J., in; John, 44. Goulart, Simon, 114. Goulborn, see Golborne. Gould, George, 94; Sir Henry, 45; John, 94; Mr., 44; Nicholas, 39; Richard, 105; Robert, 73; Serjeant, 61. Goulden, John, 42; Thoipas, 75. Goulding, Sir Edward, 42; Margaret, 42. Gould man’s Dictionary, 80. Gouldsmith, — , 88. Goulson, William Roper, 94. Gourdon, — ,61, 64. Goushill, Gousil, Gousul, Elizabeth, no; Joan, no; John de, 42; Dame Maud, 42; Sir Robert, no; Simon de, 47; Sir Simon de, 42, 47. Gousley, 54. Gout, remedy for, 44. Government notices, how forwarded in 1588, 50. Gowburne, see Golborne. Go wen, — , 39; T., in. Gower, John, in. Gowland, Miss, 92. Gowns, 46. Gowrie Controversy, in. Gowshull, — , 88. Goye, Emma, 54. Goysters, see Agistors. Grace-Dieu, in. Graceles in Weryngton, 99. Gradal, Miss, 44. Gradell, — , 81, 88. Gradhill, Richard, of Preston, 60. Gradwell, Christopher, 54; Cicely, 54; Henry, 105; James, 92; Jane, 54; Jen- net, 54; Robert, 105; Thomas, 54; William, 54. Grafton, 1 10. Grafton, Duchess of, 44; Rich., in. Graham, George, 73; Hon. Baron, 45; Mr., 44; John, 94; Thomas, 70, 94; William, Earl, 44. Grahame, Simon, in. Grains, 65. Grammar, in. Grammar School, see Manchester. Grammar Schools, 103. Granard, Earl of, 73, 114. Grand, Anthony le, 64. Grandeson, Otto de, 92. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 107 Grandfelt, George, 83. Grandison, Col., in; Sir O. de, 112; William Villiers, 2nd viscount, 50. Grandley, or Grindlow Cross, 60. Grange in Cartmel, 94. Grange, John, in; Stephen of the, 74. Grange, the, Singleton, 88. Granger, Jas. , in; Sir William, 54. Granges, Manchester, &c., 58. Grangia, Granges, 112. Grangia, Ad. de, in. Granont, Mr., 44. Grant, — (actor), 72; Christopher, 63; John, 92; Miss (actress), 72; William, 37- Grantham, 73, 88, 114; Church library of, 114; Church struck by lightning, 39. Grantham, Captain, 70; Eliz., 57 (part VII.) ; Humfrey 57 (part VI.) ; James, 44; John, 42; Jone, 42; William, 42, in. Grantesset manor, 80. Granville, Dean, 88; John, Earl of, 44; Randle de, 105. Grappenhall, 54, 83, 88, 94, 96, 97, 109, no, 112. Grascome, Samuel, 64. Grason, Elline, 105; William, 105. Grass, 46. Grassington, 45. Grassock, Air., 44. Grasstanley, 88. Cratarol, W., in. Grate of iron, 63. Grater, 46. Gratewood, John, 54; Richard, 54; William, and Mary his wife, 54. G rath way te, 88. Gratricke, Henry, 47. Gratrix, George, 94; William Hodgson, 94- Grave = wood bailiff, 103. Grave, 46. Grave (reeve), 46. Graveship, 46. Gravel hole, 47. Graveley, 114. Gravelin, 88. Gravend, Richard, 54. Gravener, Mr., 31. Gravenor, soe Grosvenor. Graver, Joshua, 57 (part VI.); Widow 57 (pai-t VIL). Graves, — , 81, 114; Edward 57 (part VIE); John, 42; Mr., 44; Thomas, 105. Graveson, Richard, 96. Gray, — , 88; Sir Andr., in; Edw., ni; Elizabeth, 63; George, 94; James, 94; John, 42, 94; John Hardie, 94; Lady A., Ill; Lady Eliz., in; Marke, 39; Reginald, Judge of Chester, 37, 80; Thos. , 88; Thomas Forsyth, 94; W., 92; Archbishop Walter 105; William 57 (part 11. ). Gray’s Inn Lane, 109. Grayling, 46. Grayling, Westmorland, 81. Graylynge, 1 10. Graymaynes, 88. Grayne gatt, a service, 58. Grayneson, Elena, 95; Wiliimus, 95. Grayrigg, 88. Graystock, Edmund de, 92; Thomas de, 92. Grazing, 46. Grease, swine’s, 46. Greasley, see Gresley. Great Britain' s Troy, III. Great Brook Field, 47. Great Ditch, 47. Great Limber, 88. Great Marsh, 37. Great AIoss, 47. Great Pendleton, Longsight, 47. Great Rosliffe, 37. Great Wilbraham, 94. Great Worth, 37. Greatorex, Charles, 69. Greatrakes, Valentine, 44, 1 14. Greatres, Thomas, 47. Greatrex, James, 63. Greatrix, James, 42. Greave, Anne, 54; William, 54. Greaver, Ralph 57 (part VI. ); Rob., 57 (part VL). Greaves, Agnes, 54; Edward, 44, 45, 60, 61, 72; Edward, of Culcheth, 60, 73; Edmund, 42; Francis, 42; James, 54; Joe, 45; John, 42, 44, 63, 73; John, of Culcheth; 42; John, of Torver, 60; Lawrence, 54; Matthew, 63; Mr., of Culcheth Hall, 44; Richard, 113; Thomas, 47, 54, 105; Widow, 57 (part VIL); William, 44, 57 (part I.), 96. Greaves Town, 57. Gredley Orchard, 60. Gredley, see Greslet. Greek accent, origin, 44. Green, Greene, Grene, — , 39, 72, 88; — , wine dealer, 39; Agnes, 105; Alexander, ) 37> 47> 62; Alice, 54; Bernard Hartley, 108 GENERAL INDEX. 73; Dorothy, 42, 54; Dr., 114; Edward, 54> 57 (part VI.), 73; Elizabeth, 54; Ellen, 92; Mrs. Everett, 114; family, of Bovvers House, l05;Galfrid, 57 (pt. 11.); George, 92, 96, 105; Gilis, 96; Henry, of Hindley, 60; Rev. Henry, of Knuts- ford, 83 (part I. ) ; Henricus del, lio; Isaac, 47; James, 94; James, of Hind- ley, 60; James Carter, 73; Sir James, priest, 54, 60; Jeremiah, 92; Johannes, 99; John, 42, 54, 57, 61, 73, 92, 96, 105, 1 13; John, churchreeve of Riving- ton, 60; John, curate of Chorley, 54; John, a monk of Whalley, 60; Jonathan, 57 (part VIE), 61; Joseph, 63, 69, 92; Joshua, 69, 73; Margaret, 54; Margerie, 54; Mary, 44, 57 (part VIL); Mr., 44; Mrs., 44, 105; Matthew, 44; Dr. Mau- rice, 44; Nicholas, 42; Nicholas, chantry priest of Lancaster, 60; Nycol, 57 (part II.); Oliver, 44; Ralph, 47, 105; Richard, 69, 70, 96, 105; Rich., and Alice de la, 103; Robert, 69, in; Rev. Robert, 44; Roger, 47, 105; Samuel, 72; Thomas, 44, 54, 60, 65, 69, 73> 94i 99 j Thomas de, 105; Thomas Heartley, 94; Thomas, his account of the trials at Manchester in 1694, 61; Thomas, alderman of Chester, 54; Thomas, of Craven, 46; Thomas, of Manchester, will of, 54; "William, 54, 57 (part IL), 60, 73, 94, 96; William, of the, 74; Wm., map of Manchester, 68; Willi’mus de, 95. Green, 88, 99. Green, the, 81. Green End, 42. Green fish, 46. Green Gore, 88. Green -lo-marsh, see Grindlow. Greenackers, 47, Greenacre, Henricus de, 95; John, 50; Mr., 88, 92. Greenacres, Rev. Arthur, 92; Benj., 92; Francis, 57 (part VII.) ; Jacob, 92; John, 88; Judith, 92; Ralph, 92, 105; Sara, 92. Greenacres, 82. Greenacres Chapel, Downham, 60. • Greeneall, John, 54. Greenefeld, Mr., 61. Greenehide in Pendle, 88. Greener, John, 69. Greenfield, 88. Greenfield, — , 57 (part VH.) ; Sir Chrsfe., 61. ■ Greengate, Salford, 72. Greenhalgh, 88. Greenhalgh Castle, 57 (part H.), 62, 70, 105. Greenhalgh-cum-Thistleton, 57 (part H. ), 60, 92. Greenhalgh, Greenhalch, Grenhalgh, &c., — , 81, 82, 88, 96; Alice, no; Anne, 54; Amies, 54; Barthemewe, 54; Ed- mund, 37, 54; Edward, 58, 105; Eliza- beth, 105; Francis, of the Starnes, 54; Galfridus, 99; Henricus, 95; J. Styth, 105; Jacobus, 99; James, 54, 60; James, of Chamber-hall, 31; John, 31, 39, 50, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 69, 96, no; John, of Brandlesome, 54, 70; Margaret, 54; Mr., 39, 44, 54; Nicholas, 54; Richard, 39, 54, 65; Robert, 46, 95; T. A., 105; Thomas, 47, 50, 54, 61, 94, 103, no; William, 105, no. Greenhalgh of Brandlesome, ped., 88. Greenhall, 109. Greenham, Richard, Workes, 38. Greenhead, 88. Green-hew, 46. Greenheys, 94. Greenhill, 42. Greenhill, Mr., 44; William, Exposition upon Ezekiel 38. Greenhough, — , 88; John, 63, 73; Robert, 46, 60. Green lache, 58, 112. Greenlowe, 07 ' Grindlow, in Gorton, 58. Greenough Castle, see Greenhalgh. Greenville, Mr., 44. Green way, Charles, 63; John, 73; of Biddulph, arms, 97. Greenwich, 88; excursion to, 44. Greenwood, — , 88; Edm., 54; Frederick, 45; John, 45, 57 (part VIL), 69, 94, 105, in, Mary Littledale, 45; Richard, 73; Robert, of Westerton Hall, 54; Thomas, 94; William 57 (part VII.). Greetham, Edward, 94. Greg, John, 42; Joseph, of Chamberhall, 61; Messrs., of Manchester, 42; Robert Hyde, 42; Samuel, 72. Gregg, John, 57 (part VI.). Gregge, — , 57 (part I.); Abigail, dau.^of Joseph, 92; Benj., 44; Edvv^ard, 44. Gregories, i.e. Gregory’s, 109. Gregory, — , 72, 82; (a mason), 46; Charles, 39, 113; Charles, Haslingden,, 60; Francis, 64; Cleorge, 50; Sir George, priest, 54; Johannes, 99; John, 54,', 63, 113; J., 61 ; Mr., 44; Mag., ill; Richard, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 109 54; Thomas, 94, 109; William, 73; Willimus, 99. Gregory of Highhurst, ped., 81. Gregory, Popes of the name of, 58. Gregson, — , 96; George, 46; Henry, sen,, of Elston, 60; James, 94; John, 96; Margaret, 39; Matthew, 37; Matthew, Portfolio of Fra:^vients, 74; Robert, 99; Roger, 96; Thomas, 60. Grelle, see Greslet. Grenail, 54. Grenaughe, Oliver, 54. Grendacre, 58. Grendelawe, see Grindlow. Greneacre, see Greenacre. Grenebank, Randal, priest, 60. Grenefild, James, 96. Grenefelt nunnery, 80. Greneforth, James, 60. Grenehalche, see Greenhalgh. Greneholl, Ric., 57 (part II.) ; William, 57 (part IT). Grenelawe, Thomas, 60. Greneloweth, see Grindlow. Grenerodde, — , 81. Greneway, A., in. Grenhal, Fr. Phil, de, 92. Grenhou (Downham), 112. Grennall, James, 92; Wm., 92. Grennegge, 58. G renock, parsonage of, 54. Grentemaisnil, Robert de, 80. Grenvill, Sir Bevill, in; fam., in. Grenville, Charles, in Manr., 68. Gresbroke, — , 88. Gresham, Sir Thomas, 50, 90, 96, in. Gresham College, 114. Greslet, Albert, 1st Baron, 58; Albert, jtivenis, 4th Baron, 42, 58; Albert, senex, 3rd Baron, 58; Aubertus, 80; Hawise, widow of Robert, 7th Baron, 58; Joan, Mufe of Sir John de la Ware, 60; John de, 58, 74; Peter, son of Thomas, 6th Baron, 58; Robert, 37, 42, 47, 58, 60, 68, no; Robert, 2nd Baron, 58; Robert, 5th Baron, 58; Robert, 7th Baron, 58; Thomas de, 42, 60; Thomas, 6th Baron, 58; Thomas, 8th Baron, 58; William de, 58. Gresley, — , 88; Dorothy, 42, 75; Sir George, bart. , 42; Nigel Bowyer, 69; Sir Thomas, of Drakelow, bart., 42, 75; see also Greslet. Gresseld, Geoffrey, 83. Gressiard, 82. Gressingham, 50, 60, 74, 99. Gressingham, Tho. de, 74. Gresty, James, 42, 94. Greswell, Charles, 37; Clement, 37; Edward, 37, 94; Francis Hague, 37; John, 37, 60; Richard, 37, 45; Thomas, 37; William, 37, 94; William Parr, 37, 69. Gretehull, 99. Gretton, .Steven, 73; Thomas, 94. Greve, Thomas, 113. Greves, Richard, 60; Robert, vicar ot Childwall, 60. Grevile, — , 88. Greville, Fulk, ni; Rob., in. Grew’s Cosmolofa Sacra, 44. Grey, — , 88; Alice, 54; Arthur, Lord of Wilton, III; Earl de, 45; Edward, 99; Elizabeth, 99; Sir H,, 44; Sir James, 44; Lady Jane, in; Rev. John, 37; Kathe- rine, 42; Lord, 42; Dr, N., in, 114; Sir Thomas, 90; Thomas, Lord, in; William, Lord, 68; William Lord, of Wark, 42, 58; Zachary, 44, 103, in. Grey de \\blton, pedigree, 83 (part II.); Bridget, 83; Thomas, Lord, 83. Greyffes, James, 46. _ Greyhounds, 63. Greys, Anth., in. Greyson, Henry, 60. Grice, — , 88. Gridiron, 46. Grielly, Robert, 60. Grierson, Joseph, 94; Robert, 73. Griffin, Anne, ni;Edw., 1 1 1; Elizabeth, 92; family, 58; G. , in; John, 75; Nicholas, 58; R., in; see also Gryffyn, Griffith, — , 88; an actor, 44; A. F. , in; Agnes, no; Edward, 54, no; Evan. 69; Grace, no; Hugo, 113; Jane, no; John, 69, 73, 96, no; Capt. John, 70; Rev. John, 37, 42; Mr., 114; Rev. Maurice, 42, 69; Rowland, no; W., in; William, no; Sir William, 31; see also Gryffyth. Griffiths, Bishop G., in; Miss (actress), 72; Rev. Dr., 42; Rev. R. N., 92. Griffyn, John fitz John, 83. Grigg, Mrs., 114; Thos. , 114. Grimbaldeston, Jn., 61; Lawrence, 92; Thomas, 92. Grimbalston, John, 92; Dr. W., 92. Grirnbaston, John, 92; Wm. , 92. Grimbleston, — (landscape painter), 44; Mrs., 44. Grime, 46. Grime, Edward, 73; John, 57 (part I.), 110 GENERAL INDEX. 94; Joseph Geoffrey, 94; William Kay, 94, Grimesbotham, Grimesbottom, 42, 58. Grimeshagh, see Grimshaw. Grimeskirk manor, 50. Grimeston, — , 88; Ed., iii, 114, Grimeston-Garth, 88. Grimm, Dr., on the Lancaster Runic Cross, 68. Grimmason, John, 92. Grimsall, 8k Grimsargh, — , 88. Grimsargh, 50, 74, 95, 99, no. Grimsdich, 82. Grimsdich, — , 82; Bridget, 54; Eliza- beth, of Grimsdich, will of, 54; Henry, 54; Jasper, 54; John, 54, 113; John, of Deynewall, 54; John, of Grimsdich, 54; John, executor of Sir John Butler, 60; Thomas 54; Tymothea, 54; William, merchant, 54. Grimshagh, see Grimshaw. Grimshaw, 82, 103. Grimshaw, Grimeshagh, Grimshaye, — , 81, 82, 88; Adam, no; Adam de, 74; Cecilia, no; Galfridus, 99; George, 57 (part VIE), 103; Gilbert, 46; Henricus, 95, 99; Henry, 46, no; Hugh, 46, 69; Jacobus, 99; James Richard, 94; Johan- nes, 95, 99; John, 57 (part VIE), 73, 96, 105; Capt. John, 72; Louisa, 105; Mr., 42, 47; Margaret, no; Mychelle, 46; Nehemiah, 37; Nicholas, 45, 46, 69, 96; Richard, 46, 50, 96; Robert, 72; Robert de, 74; Samuel, 42, 72, 73, 94; Rev. T. S. , 105; Thomas, 46; 103, 105, no; Thomas, of Clayton, 46; Thomas, of Manchester, 57 (part VII.). Grimshaw family, ped., 82; of Clayton, ped., 81, 82. Grim.sted, Mr., 44. Grimston, John, 44. Grimstone, Sir Harbottle, 114. Grindal, Edmund, Archbishop, 65, 96, 1 1 1. Grindell, Thomas, 70. Grindlache, see Greenlache. Grindleton, 46, 74. Grindlow, Grenlow, Grenclow (Gorton), 47, 58, 99- Grine, or Grive, Jane, 46. Grinhalghe, see Greenhalgh. Grip-yard, 65. Gripping land, 46. Grisdale, 58. Grise, — , 82. G rise-brook, 58, Grisedale, 88. Griselhurst, Gristlehurst, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96, no. Grisheued, John de, 57 (part IE). Grismond, J., in. Grist, — (actor), 72; George, 63. Gristone, 46. Grith-sergeant, see Bailiff. Groat, 46. Groats, 46. Groby, 88. Grocer, 46. Grocin, William, 64. Grogan, — , 88. Grograine, 46. Groncker, Jane, 105. Grondie, Henry, 58. Grondy, — ,81. Gronton closes, 46. Groos, T., in. Gropenhale, Robert, Parson of, 80. Gropenhall, see Grappenhall, Grosart, A. B., Dr. Farmer's Chetham MSS., 89, 90. Grose’s Military Antiquities, 50. Grostier, Reynolde, 31. Grosseld, Geoffrey, 83. Grosser, the, 31. Grosvenor, — , 81, 82; Agnes, no; Alice, no;Amye, 54; Anne, no; Anthony, 54, no; Dorothy, 54, no; Earl, 83 (part IE); Elizabeth, 54, no; Elnor, no; ffrances, 54; Gilbert le, 96; Jane, no; John, 54, no; John, of Tussing- ham, 54; Kateryn, 54, no;Mabill, no; Margaret, no; Mary, no; Mary, of Eaton, 31, 54, 97; Dame Maud, of Ince, will of, 54; Raffe, 54; Richard, 54, 70, 72, 83 (part HE), 96, Richard, of Eaton, 31, 54, no; Richard, Earl, 88; Richard, of Doddleston, will of, 54; Sir Richard, Knt. , 44, 54; Robert le, 1 10; Sir Robert, 72, 83, no; Thomas, 31, 54, 99, no; Thomas, of Eaton, 54; Sir Thomas, 54; Ursula, no; Wiiliam, 54- Grosvenor family, of Pulford, 97. Groot, <7r Grotius, W., 114. Grotius, H., in, 114. Groton, 54. Grotton, Robert de, 47. Groupe, 46. Grove, Fr., iii; Robert, 64, in. Grover, Mr., 44. Groves, John, 73; Mr., 44; William, 105. VOLS. XWI.-CXIV. Ill Grudell, William, 105. Gruff, Thomas, 31. Gruffyn, Edmond, 54. Grumpington, William de, 80. Grunddies, 46. Grundey Hill, 42. Grundey, Peter, 73. Grundie, — , 88; Ellen, John, 109; 109. Grundy, Alexander, 46; Dorothy, 54; Dr., 105; George Docker, 94; Giles, of Ashley, 65; Henry Willes, 94; John, 73; Joseph, usher of Standish, 31; Tho- mas, 94; William, 94. Grunner, Hugh, 105. Gruter, Janus, 114. Gruytrodius, Jac. , in. Grydall, Mr., law clerk, 46. Gryell, Robert, 60. Gryffyth, Humfrey, 54; Katherine, 54. Gryffyn, Nicholas, 99; Thomas, 54. Grygson, — , 81. Grymesawre, see Grimsargh. Grymesdyche, see Grimsdich. Grymesha, Grymshow, sec Grimshaw. Grymeston, Elizabeth, in. Grymsdich, see Grimsdich. Grymshe, goodwife, of Mowerhills, 46. Grymsor, see Grimsargh. Grynseus, Simon, 114. Grynehaghe, see Greenhalgh. Grynhill, William, 42. Gryphyus, in. Grysdall, 50. Gryse, — , 88. Guagers, 46. Guardu, Mira, in. Guarin, Peter, 44. Guarini, Battista, 114. Gubbin, T. , in. Gucht, V. der, in. Gudale, Ric., 57 (part IE). Gudde, Mr., 31. Guden, Edmund, 54. Gudgeons, 46. Gudier, see Goodier. Gudshawe, Rychard, 96. Guelderland, in. Guerard, see Gerard. Guest, Ralph, 57 (part VIE); Thomas, 69; William, 57 (parts VI. and VIE). Guevara, in. Guide Bridge, 42. Guides, 46. Guies = green 07 ‘ goose, 103. Guilbody, Martha, 37. Guildford, Lady Eliz. , iii; Isabel de, 112; Sir John, 42. Guild houses, 58, 65. Guild houses, or Heald houses, Birch, 47. Guild, masters, wardens, or yeomen of the, 60 ; of our B. Lady and St. George in Manchester, 60; of St. George in Man- chester, 60; of St. Saviour in Man- chester church, 60; of the Blessed Mary, 58. Guillame, James, 50. Guilliam, Madam, 57 (part VIE). Guillim, J., in; Heraldry^ 80. Guilt-bitt, a payment, 58. Guion, Madame de la Motte, 44. Gu Id- riding, custom of, 74. Gulds Hornbook, in. Gullot, — , 72. Gulston, Dr., 114. Gullye, Thomas, 54. Gum, 46. Gum dragon, 46. Gundry, Alice, of Southampton, 54. Gunner, cost of his arms and equipments, 50 - Gunney, James, 57 (part VIE). Gunning, Peter, 64, 114. Gunolfmores, 74. Gunpowder, 46; cost of, 39, 50; made in Manchester College, 62; plot, 50, in. Guns, 46. Gunson, T. , in. Gunthwaite, 37. Gurlyn, Nath., 1 1 1. Gurnall, John, 105. Gurnell, Mr., 44. Gurney, Arthur, 46; Joseph, 72; Mr., 44. Guthlac the Anchorite, St., 57 (part IE). Guthry, — , 114. Guttering land, 46. Guy, — , 88; John, 42, 105; Mr., 44. Guy, Earl of War%vick, in. Guynes, Robert de, 105. Guyse, John, 58; Sir John, 61. Gwent, Richard, rector of Walton, 60, II3- Gwillym, Alice, 96; Elizabeth, no; Esther, no; Harriet, no; Henrietta Maria, no; Jane Elizabeth, no; John, 96; Mary, no; Richard, 69, 73, no; Robert Vernon, no; William, no. Gwineth, John, 64. Gwinne, — , 14. Gwyllim, Robert, of Atherton, 44. Gwyn, William, 69; Mrs., 114. ; Gwynedd, Owen, 1 10. 112 GENERAL INDEX. Gwynfrin, 69. Gwytles, Thos., 103. Gybonson, Robert, 105; Thomas, 57 (part IL). Gybson, see Gibson. Gydlawe, Roger, of Coppull, 60, Gydlowe, — , 81. Gyle, Henry, no. Gyles, Mr., 44. Gylforth, Mylys, 54. Gyll, John, 57 (part II.), 105; Thomas, 63. Gyllome, ffoke, 54. Gyllyband, — , 81. Gyllysholme, Gylysholme, 57 (part II.); 105. Gylsford, Miles, 47. Gymer, Katherine, 47. Gynes, Ingelram, 42, 105 ; Robert de Courcy de, 105. Gynney, Hugh, 42. Gypsies, 50, in. Gyrdley, Ric., 57 (part IL). Gyrsyngham, John de, 57 (part IL). Gyst ale, or Gysing feast, 74. H (the letter), iii; H., A., ni; H., Dr., 103; H., E., in; H., F., ni;H., G., ni;H., H., ni;H., Hy., 103; H., I., Ill; H., J. (printer), in; H., N., in; H., R., ni; H., T., in; H., T. (printer), in; H., W. (printer), 1 1 1 . Lla {sic), Johannes le, 95. Haak, Theodore, 114. Habariame Eves, see Habergham. Habberdyne, 46. Haber, — , 88. Llaberdaine, 31. Haberdasher, 46. Habergam, Hugh, 103; James, 103; Lau., 103; William, 103. Habergham, 57 (part HI. ), 83 (part HI.), 88, 96, 96 (part IL), 112; Eaves, 46, 50, 74, 99- Habergham, — , 88; Grace, no; Kathe- rine, 46; Laurence, 60, 96, 96 (part IL), no; Margaret, no; Mr., 46. Haberiame, Richard, 50. Habest, Thomas, 60. Habington, William, Castara, 70, in. Habriam, Lawrence, 113. Habringham, James, 96 (part IV.). Habryiam, Robert, 96 (part IV.). Hache, William, 60. Hack, Mrs., 57 (part VIL). Hackensall, 74, 88. Hacker, — ,81. Hacket, — , in; T. (printer), in; Wil- liam, in. Hackett, Andrew, 44; Bishop, 31; Dr., 44- Hack forth, 82. Hacking, 88. Hacking hall, 46. Hacking family, 46. Hacking, John, 46; W. de, 112. Hackney, 114. Haccunshou, Hacuneshou, Alan de, 92; Galfridus de, 57 (part IL), 92; John de, 57 (part IL), 92. Hack well, George, 64. Hacklutt, Rd., in. Hackyng, Nicholas, 54. Hackyng (in Whelpishire), Bernard de, 74. Hadderton, Mr., 44. Haddington, Lord, 39; Viscountess, in. Haddock, or Haydock, 50. Haddock, Henry, 50; Richard, 92; Roger, 92; Roger, of Coppull, 39; Sergeant Roger, of Bryning, 62; Simon, 113. Haddoke, Mr., 46; Richard, 60. Haddon, 42. Haddon, Rev. John, 44, 57 (part L); Walter, 64, in. Hadelande, Merget, 54. Hadendam, 88. Hadfield, 74, 94. Hadfield, Alfred, 73; John, 69, 73; Joseph, 69; Margot, 74; Mrs. E., 44; Richard, of Aldwinshagh, 74; Richard of, 74; Thomas of, knt., 74; Thomas, 69; William, 94. Hadham, 88. Hadley, 88, 94. Hadley, Mr., 44. Hadoc, or Haydock, 99. Hadock, — , 88; Symon, of Brownley, 60. Hadok, William, 105. Hadoke, Matthew de, 68. Hadsfield, Conrad de, 44. Hage, John, 46. Hagerston, 88. Hagge, 46. Haggerston, 96 (part HI.). Haggerston, Anne, 54, 96 (part HI.); Luke, 54; Margaret, 96 (part HI.); Thomas, 54, 61; William, 54, 96 (part HI.). Hagh, Haghe, see Haigh. Hagh Parva, 58. Haghesmede, 95. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 113 Ilagheved, 58. Ilaghfield, John, 58. Ilaghton (Ainouuderness), 50, 54, 57 (part II.). Haghton, co. Notts, 60. Haghton (Salford), 50; chapel, 113. Haghton, Hugh, 54; Hugo, 57 (part II.); Radulphus, 47; Sir Robert, 113. Hagley, 45. Haginoss, 58. Hague, John, 73; Ml., 57 (part VI.). Hague, The, 39, 70. Hagulsted, or Hexham, John, prior of, 80. Haice, 112. Haidoc, Henry de, 57 (part H. ). Haie, Lawrence, 54. Haies, Sir James, iii. Haigh, Hagh, &c., 42, 54, 58, 60, 62, 73, 74, 8i, 82, 88, 95, 96 (part HI,), 99, no. Haigh, George, 73; Thomas, 69, 72. Haighs, Master, 72. Haighton, Roger, 105; William, 105. Haighton, 57 (part II.), 88; see also Haghton, Hair, 46; powder, 46; rarity of wearing one’s own, 44. Hair cloth, 46; manufacture, 46. Hair of animals, 46. Hailes, Lord, in, 114; Sir Matthew, 114. Hakanshawe, Petre, 58. Hake, 46. Hake, Edward, in. Hakelater, Thomas de, 74. Hakenneshawe, Cecilia, 95; Christopher, 95; Calfridus, 95; Johannes, 95; Matilda, 95; Willimus, 95. Hakenshawe, Rogerus, 95. Hakenshow, Hackensall, 74. Hakenshow, John, 74. Hakenson, 99. Hakewill, George, Apologie, A.d. 1635, 38. Haking, Hugo del, 95. Hakoneschawe, Roger de, 105. Hakyn, Hugh, 60. Halachton, no. Halberd, or bill, 50. Plaldelegh, Robert de, 105. Haldeley, Adam 74. Hale, 42, 54, 69, 73, 80, 81, 88, 94; vill of, 58; chapel, 60, 113; bells, 113, 60; manor, no. Hale, Adam, 47; Sir John, priest, 54; lord chief justice, 44, 80; Mr., 44; Thomas, 54, 94; Sir Thomas, 54. Hale MS., 57 (part L). Plalebank, 50. Halefeld, Halefield, Halfeld, 54, 88, 99; see also Hallfield. Hale-ford, 62. Halegateford, 47. Plales, see Hale. Hales Eyes, 37 (part IV.). Hales, John, 64, 114; John, Bishop of Cov. and Lich., 103; Mr., 44. Halewood, 50, 54, 81, 88, 95, 99. Half-acre, The, 47. Halffes, 54. Halfield, Ar. (printer), in. Haigh, 46, 81. Haigh, Halghe, Elena, 60; George, 50, 54, 65, 96, no; Johannes del, 95; Mar- garet, 60. Haighton, 54, 74, 95. Haighton, Sir Adam, no; James, 54; Richard, 57 (part H.). Haliburton, Pat., in. Haliday, Christopher, 96 (part IV.). Halifax, 37 (part IV.), 45, 46, 57 (part 69, 73, 88, 94, 114; cakes, 46; parish, 96. Halifax, George, Marquess of, 61, 64; George Montagu, 2nd Baron, 44; Lady, 44. Haliwell, Richard, a conduct, 60. Plalkett, Craigie, 105; H. J. C., 105. Halkynson, Ada, 57 (part IL). Hall, — , 82, 88; Alice, 54; Alicia, 92; Arthur, in; Augustine, 105; Butler, 105; C. L., 105; Christopher, 42; Clemence, 83 (part IV.); Daniel, 57 (parts VI. and VIL); Dorothy, 54; Edmund, 113; Edward, 54; Elizabeth, 54, no; Ellis, 65; Elys, 63 (app. I. and HI.); Erancis, 44; Francis Russell, 73; Galfrid, 60; Geoffrey, 65; George, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 60, 63, 72, 92; Bp. George, 114; Hugh, 60; Isaac, 47, 57 (part VIL); James, 47, 60, 69, 92, 94; James Bowman, 94; Jenet, 92; Jo- anna, 92; Johannes, 99; John, 42, 47, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 73, 92, 94, 105, in, 113; John, chantry priest of Prestwich, 60; John, of the Broken Crosse, 54; Joseph, 64; Bp. Joseph, in, 114; Laurence, 113; Lawr., reader of Shaw, 103; Mary, 37 (part IV.); Matthew, 92; Micah, 69; Mr., 44; Mr., clerk, curate of Birch, 47; Mrs., 44, 54, Q 114 GENERAL INDEX. 57 (part VII.); Nich., 6i; Nicholas, 1 05 ; Oliver, 58; Oliver, chantry pi'iest , 60 ; Oliverus, 99; Pyers, 54; Ralph, 54, 57 (part VIL); Rauffe, 113; Richard, 44,54; Sir Richard, 54; Dr. Richard Edward, 44; Robert, 54, 94; Robert, incumbent of Butler’s chantry, 60; Sir Robert, 60, 83 (part IV.); Samuel, 69, 73, 94; Rev. Samuel, 72; Sir — (Manchester Col- legiate Church), 50; Thomas, 44, 54, 57 (parts II. and VII.), 73, 92; Rev. Tho- mas, 42; Thurstan, no; William, 54, 57 (parts II. and VI.), 60, 63 (app. I.), 64, 69, 92, 105, 1 13; William Wright, 73, Hall, of the Hill, ped., 81, 82; of the Shaw, ped., 82. Hallam, Henry, 70, 114; the player, 44. Hallam West, 82. Halland, Mr., deputy sheriff, 46. Hallas, John, 94. Hallatryce, 81. Hallaughton, 69. Hall Cliff, 47. Hall Croft, 47. Halle, Hall. Hallehyne, Hen. de, 112. Hallewell, Jane, 57 (part VIL); Jasper, 37 (part IV.). Halley, Dr., 44; Michell, 46. Hallfield, 47, 58. Hal’fieldgate, 73. Halliday, Elizabeth, 45; Jane, 45; John D., 45; John Richard Delap, 45. Hallbax, Benjamin, 69. Halliwell, 46, 63 (app. H. ), 73, no; near Bolton, 58. Halliwell, — , 88; Elizabeth, 46, 54; Ewen, 47; Henry, 73; Rev. Henry, 45;*‘Hugh, 46; Isabel, 54; James, 54, 69, 103; James, of Ealees, will of, 54; James Orchard, 114; John, 54, 69; Mary, 57 (part VII. ); Mrs., 54; Rd., 103; Richard, 42, 47 , 57 (part VIL), 58, 63 (app. 1 . and HI.); William, 46. HoWiwelVs A rc/iaic Dictionary, 46; Palat. Anthol., 60. Hall land, 58. Hallmote, 50, 58, 63, 112; of Ashton- under-Lyne, 74. Hall on the Hill, 72, 82. Halloway, Rev. J. T., 92. Hallowes, Gilbert, 96; Grace, 57 (part VH.); Jos., 57 (part VL); Joseph, 57 (part VIL); Mr., 46; Richard, 63 (app. I.); Robert, 57 (part VIL); Thomas, 57 (part VIL); widow, 57 (part VIL). Hallsal, Henry de, 83 (part IV.). Llallsworth, Henry, 94, 114. Hallyway, 81. Hallywell, James, 57 (part HI.), 83 (part HI.), 96; Lawrence, chantry priest, 60; Richard, 63 (app. L), 65. Halman, James, 114. Halmoss, or Halemoss, 58. Halmote, see Hallmote. Halom, 81. Halsale, or Halsall, — , 58, 88, 95; Ann, 31; Anne, 31, 54, no; Bridget, 31, no; Cuthbert, 31, 54, 92, no, 113; Sir Cuthbert, 31, 50, 54; Dorothy, no; Douce, 60, no; Edward, 50. 54 , 57 (part HI. ), 70, 83 (part HI. ); Edward, groom of the chamber, 31; Ed- ward, of Halsall, will of, 54; Elizabeth, 99; Ellena, 99, no; Ellyn, no; Gilbert, 54, no, 113; Gilbertus, 95, 99; Harry, priestof Halsall, 60; Henricus, 57(pt. H. ), 95 , 99; Henry, 54, 57 (part IL), 60, no, 113; Henry, chantry priest, 60; Henry, of Halsall, 31, 50, 54; Sir Henry, 57 (part IL), 60, no; Sir Henry, of Hal- sall, 31; Hugh, 60, no; Hugh, rector of Halsall, 60; Hugo, 99; James, 54, 113; Jane, 31, 92, no; John, 54; Kate- rina, 99; Katherine, 54; Margaret, 31, 60, no; Margereta, 99; Mary, 54; Maud, daughter of Sir Thomas, 31, no; Mr., 31, 54; Mr., the younger, 31; Mrs., 57(partHI. ), 83(partIH. ); Otho, 58, 60, 74, 99, no; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 31, 54, no, 113; Richard, of Melling, 31; Richard, rector of Halsall, 31, 60; will o'f, 54; Sir Richard, 54; Robertus, 95, 99, no, 113; Thomas, 39, 54, 60, 99, no, 113; Thomas, of Bickerstaff, 31; Thomas, of Melling, 31, 50; Sir Thomas, 31, 54, 60; Ursula, 54; see also Halsol. Halsall, of Halsall, ped., 81 ; of Mell- ing, ped., 88. Halsall, 50, 54, 57 (part H.), 58, 60, 74, 81, 82, 87, 88,' 95, 99, no; church goods, 113; St. Nicholas Chantry, 60. Halsall, alias Norres, Cuthbert, 54. Halsey, 88. Halsnethe, Halsned, 81. Halsoe, Sir Cuthbert, 46. Halsol, Cuthbert, 31; Dame Dorothy, 31; Edward, 31; Mr., 31; Mr. and his wife, 31 ; Mr., senior, 31 ; young Mr. and Mrs. Dorothy Stanley, 31. Halstead, Mrs. Ann, 57 (part VIL); VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 115 Domville Poole, 69, 73 ; Nycholas, 96 (parti V.); Peter, 69; William, 94. Halstead, High, 88. Halsted, — , 82; Henricus, 99; Hugh, 46, 50, 60; Johannes, 99; John, of Row- ley, 50; Legh Dumville, 94; Miss, 44; Mr., 46; Nicholas, 46, 50; Oliver, 50; Peter, chantry priest, Eccles, 60; Richard, 46; William, 46. Halstedes, Adam de, 95. Halstid, James, 96 (part IV.). Halters, 46. Halton, 50, 54, 58, 73, 74, 88, 95, 99, 1 10, 1 12; bailiff of, 83 (part IV.); barons of, 80; castle, 1 12; mill, 112. Halton, Henry, 105; Isabella, no; Maria, no; Matheus, 99; Nigel de, 105, no; Sibilla, 105. Haltone, Alan and Marg. de, 112. Haltonshire, 112. Haltune, 57 (part H. ). Halworke, Jhon., usher of the Chamber, 31 - Halyday, John, 96 (part IV.); Rychard, 96 (part IV.). Halydd, William, 96 (part IV.). Halywell, 57 (part II.), 88. Ham, 58. Hamant, William, 54. Hambi, Roger, monk of, 80. Hambleton, 57 (part II.), 62, 74, no; chruch, 92; school, 92; township of, 92. Hamborough, Hamborow, 82, 88. Hamburgh, letters to British residents at, 39; proceedings at, 39. Hamelot, 74. Plamelton, see Hambleton. Hamelyn, William, 80. Hamer, 88. Hamer, Agnes, 54; Alice, 54; Sir Bernard, 113; Catharine, 54; Charles, 54; Debo- rah, 96 (part HI.); Edward, 54, 57 (part VII.); Elys, 54; Gedete, 54; Gyles, 54; Henry, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 105; James, 54; John, 70; Joseph Ed- mond, 94; Mrs., 54; Samuel, 96 (part HI,); William, 54. Hamerton, 81, 82, 88. Hamilton (Hamyton), 60, 95, 99; battle of, 47. Hamilton, — , 72; Alexander de, 92; An- drew, 94; Dr., 44; Duchess of, 105; Duke of, 70, 105; conduct of his army in Lancashire and its defeat by Crom- well, 62; duel in Hyde Park, 105; Sir IL, 105; James, 94; John, 63 (app. I.); Major, 44; Miss, 72; Robert, 63; Simon de, 92; Thomas, 105; Thomas Perrott, 94; William de, 92. Hamlet, in. Hamlet, definition of a, 80. Hamlet, fifransis, yeoman of the hall, 31; William, 57 (part VI.). Hamlette, — , 82. Hamlin, Frs., usher of the hall, 31. Hamme, son of Adecock, 74. Hammers, 46. Hammersley, Hugh, 44, in. Hammerton, Mr., 114. Hammond, — , 88; Giles, 96 (part IV.); Henry, 64; Dr. Henry, 114; MS. on Proverbs, 114; J. (printer), in; John, 69; Joseph, 94; Meredith, 64. Hamnet, Ralph, 62. Hamnett, Humfrey, 54. Hamon, William, 69. Hamond, Jn. , 61. Hampden, Richard, 61. Hamper, — , 88; W., on the Lancaster Runic Cross, 68. Hampole, convent at, 83 (part IV.). Hampsall Rudware, no. Hampsfield, 81, 82. Hampson, — , 72; Daniel, 47; Edward, 42; Henry, of Hyndley, 60 ; James, 69; John, 42, 69, 73; John, vicar of Roch- dale, 31; John Henry, 94; Joseph, 69; Luke, 73; Richard, 42, 57 (parts VI. and VH.), 69, 94; Robert, 94; Samuel, 42, 94; William, 69. Hampstead, 47. Hampstede Mareschal, manor of, 58. Hampton Court Conference, 96; notice of, 61; Palace, 73. Hamson, Henry, 60; John, 69; Matthew, 113; Richard, 46. Hamyleton, 50, 57 (part IL). Hanbury, co. Stafford, 60. Hanbury, Mr., 44. Hancky, James, keeper of Shotwick Park, 54 - Hancock, — , 88; Charles, 94; James, 72 Jo., 1 1 1; Johannes, 95; Mr., 46; Mrs. 46; Nicholas, 46; Richard, 46. Hancocke, 54, Hancocke, — , 57 (part HI.), 81, 83 (part HI.), 96 (part IV.); Nicholas, 5^5 Nycholas, 96 (part IV.); Richard, 50; William, 103. Hancrofte, 57 (part IL). Handasyde, Roger Peter, 44. Hand, Enoch, 73. 116 GENERAL INDEX. Handel and Bononcini, Byrom’s Epigram on, 44. Handel visits Adlington, 97. Handford, 47, no. Handford, Mr., 37 (part H.); T., 47. Handfort, 81. Handforth, 42; chapel, 97; demesne pur- chased by Thomas Legh of Addlington, 97. Handforth, or Hanford, Sir John, 97; Richard, 58. Handley, 54. Handley, Thomas, 54. Hand-mill, 112. Handsworth, 47, 69, 94. Hanford, 81. Hanforth, John, 72. Hangers, 46. Hanging Bridge, 58, 60, 63. Hanging Ditch, 47, 57 (part VH. ), 63, 65.. Hanging Meadow, 47. Hangmer, 54. Hangsend, or Houghsend, 60. Hanke, John, 54. Hankinson, Edmund, 54, 92; Edward, 92; John, 54, 92; Josiah, 69; Mary, 92; Mr., curate of Lathom, 103; Richard, 92; Robert, 54, 92; Thomas, 92, 113. Hankyns, see Olife, 82. Hanlawe, 74. Hanley, no. Hanley, Humphrey, 57 (part VI.). Hanmer, 94, 96 (part III.). Hanmer, Anthony John, 94; Dr., 44; El- len, 96 (part III.); Jane, daughter of John Salusbury, 31; Jhon., of Flint- shire, 31; John, son and heir of Sir Thomas, 31; Sir John, 96 (part HI.); Meredith, 64; Mr., 44; Mr., junior, 31; Ranulphus, 95; Thomas, 54, 96 (part HI.); Sir Thomas, 96 (part III.); To., 31; William, 96 (part HI.); Sir Wil- liam, 96 (part HI.). Hannah, Dr. John, 90; Robert, in. Hannay, Donald, in; Rev. James, 37 (part IV.); Patrick, in. Hansby, 88. Hanse, meaning, 58; towns, 94. Hansome, Edward, 63 (app. I.). Hanson, — , 57 (part I.) ; Alice, or Alys, 74; Edward, 63, 65; George, 96 (part IV.); John, 92, ni; Joseph, 72; Lau- rence, 96 (part IV.); Rev. Mr., 114; Richard, 63 (app. HI.), 65; William, 42. Hansone, John, 46. Hanwell, no. Hanyngton, John de, 74. Hapertas, a cloth, 58. Happesford, 54. Happy Husband, in. Hapton, 46, 50, 58, 74, 88, 95, 99, 103, no, 112; park, 46, 60, 99; tenants, 96 (part IV.). Har, or hare-moss, 58. Harbert, William, in. Plarborcl, Sir Harbord, 57 (part I.). Harborne, J., in. Harbottle, 88. Harbottle, Jane, 54; Michael, 63; Thomas, 54. Harcamblen, Robert, 113. Harcourt, — , 88; Lord, 44; John, 57 (part VL); Sir Simon, in. Hardacke, Ewen, 46. Hardberde, Arthur, in. Hardcarre, Ricardus, 99. Hardcastle, Edward, 63 (app. IV.). Hard croft, 99. Hardeman, James, 63. Harden, 45, 81, 88, 103 ; see also Hawarden. Harden, Adam, 50, 82; Alice, 54; John, 99; John William, 94. Hardcrlee, 58. Hardersolines, 58. Hardesby, J., in. Hardeschag, William de, 83 (part IV.). Hardey, Elizabeth, 47, 54; Mary, 57 (part VH. ); Richard, 57 (part VIL); Roger, 63 (app. I.); William, 54. Hard eye, William, 63. Hardeyn, John, no; Lawrence, 54. Hardhoim with Newton, 50. Hardie, Henry, 63 (app. I.); Ilenry, of Manchester, 54; Rev. John, 92; Samuel, 63 (app. HI.). Harding, 88, 109. Harding, — , 72; — , bookseller, 44; John, 72, in; Robert, 69, 94; Thomas, 64. Hardinge, Dr. Caleb, 44 ; Ellen, 54 ; James, 54. Hardman, — , 63 (app. IL), 72; Alice, 45; family, 103; Geo., 109; Henricus, 99; Sir Hugh, priest, 54; Isaac, 73; James, 37 (part HL), 39, 73; Johannes, 99; John, 45, 47, 63 (app. I. and IV.), 72, 94; John, of Liverpool, 44; Joseph, 63 (app. I.); Joseph Tipping, 94; Mar- garet, 42; Mr., 37 (part IV.), 44; Mrs., 57 (part 1 . ); of Birmingham, 60; Richard, 57 (part VI.), 92, 109; Thomas, 45, 63 VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 117 (app, I, and IV.), 64, 72, 92; William, 45. 54, 57 VI.), 69, 72, 94, 109. Ilardock, William, 50. Ilardreshulle, William de, 80. Hardshaw, St. Ellen’s chapel in, 54. Ilardshaw, William, 83 (part IV.). Hardware, — , 88; Anne, 54; Anne, of Little Mouldsworth, will of, 54; El- lenor, 54; H., 105; Henry, 54; Henry, of Bromborough, 54; Henry, of Chester, Alderman, will of, 54; Jane, 54; John, 54; Margaret, 54; Samuel, of Molds- worth, 54; Sir William, vicar of Bud- worth, 54. Hardwick, 80. Hardwick, F., 72. Hardwicke, Idailip Yorke, ist Earl, 44- Hard wyke, or Ardwick, 60. Hardy, Hardey, 42. Hardy, Charles, 37 (part IV.), 92; Henry, 47; Herbert, 73; John, 37 (part IV.), 42, 46, 57 (part VI I.), 94; John, M.P. , 45; Joseph, 94 ; Rev. Richard, 105 ; Robert, 37 (part IV.), 47; Thomas, 37 (part IV.); Thomas Brooke, 73; Wil- liam, 37 (part IV.), 57 (part IE), 73, 94. 105. Hardye, 63 (app. IT). Hardye, Henry, 65; John, 57 (part VI.); Margaret, Joan her daughter, 65 ; Richard, 57 (part VI. ); Robert, 63 (app. I.), 65; Samuel, 65; William, 63 (app. I.). 65. Hardy’s Farm, 72. H are, Dr. Francis, Bp. of Chichester, 44; Hen., 1 1 2. Harefield place, Middlesex, 75. Haregreaves, a priest, 60; J. del, 112. Hareoke, Hartoke, 81. Hares, 63. Haresnape, J., 105; Robert, 105. Haresneppe, Roger, 37 (part IV.). Elareth, 99. Harewett, Wm. de, 58. Elarewode, Alexander de, 47; Gilbert de, 47- Harewood, 58; castle, 81. Harewood, Alexander de, 58. Harfleete, 95. Harfleur, Siege of, 87. Hargrave, 81, 82. Hargrave, Barnard, 96 (part IV.); see also Hargreaves. Hargreave, Francis, 94; Henry, 94. Hargreaves, — , 88; a priest, 60; George, 69; Henry, 69; James, 45, 50, 69; James, vicar of Blackburn, 50; Jennet, 39; John, 46, 63 (app. IV.), 69, 94; Rev. John, 45; Jonathan, 94; Marsden, 69; Nicho- las, 46; Oliver, 63 (app. IV.), 69; Ric. , 46; Robert, 46; Thomas, 46, 73, 94; William, 94; William, of Burnley, 46. Hargreve, 88. Hargreve, John, 50. Hargreves, — , 88; Edward, 96 (part IV.); George, 96 (part IV.); Hugh, 96 (part IV.); Hugh, chantry priest, 60; James, 96 (part IV.); John, 96 (part IV.); John de, 74; Rauffe, 96 (part IV.); Robert, 96 (part IV.); Rychard, 96 (part IV.). Harington, — , 81, 88; Agnes, 60, 95; Alianora, 95; Alice, 60; Alicia, 95; Ann, 60; Anna, 95; dementia, 95; Elizabeth, 95; Sir Hugh, 60; Isabella, 60, 95 ; Isabella English, 60; J acobus, 95 ; J ames, milit. , 60; Sir James, 5o; Johanna, 95; Johannes, 95; John, of Huy ton Hey, 60; Sir John, ill, Niigee Antiq., 31; Sir John, of Hornby, 31; Sir John de, of Farleton, 31; Katharina, 95; Katherine, 60 ; Margaret, 60 ; Margareta, 95 ; Nicholas, 95; Sir Nicholas, 60; Per- cival, 57 (part HI.), 60, 83 (part HI.); Ricardus, 95; Richard, 60; Sir Richard, 60; Robertas, 95 ; Thomas, 95 ; Sir Thomas, 57 (part IE); William, 60; Sir William, 60; Willimus, 95; Xtofer, priest, 60; see also Haryngton and Har- rington. Harison, — , 82 ; John, 92, 99 ; John, clerk, 47. Harker, lienry, 94; J. C., 37 (part IV.); John Pierpoint, 94; William, 94. Harkhill, 110. Harland, Charles John, 94; John, 39, 57 (part I.); Court Leet Records of Man- chester, 63, 65; House and Farm Ac- counts of the Shuttleiuorths of Gaivthorpe Hall, 35, 41, 43, 46; Lancashire Lieu- tenancy, 49, 50; Mamcestre, 53, 56, 58; Manchester Collectanea, 68, 72; Names of 800 inhabitants of Manchester, lOjg, 57 ; Ihree Lancashire Documents, 74. Harleston, 88. Harley, Sir Edward, iii; John, 39. Harling, Mr., 44, 8^ Harlinge, Major John, 62; Miles, 39, 105. Harlow, 88. Harlow, Hiram, 94. Harlowe, John de, 92. Harlowes, The, 114. 118 GENERAL INDEX. Harman, Edm., ill; Sir J,, ill; Thomas, III. Harmar, J., iii; John, 69; Joshua, 69. Harmer, Edward, 54; Jo., armourer, 46; John, 64, 69; Samuel, 47, 63 (app. IV.); Samuel, of Manchester, 60. Harmin, Mr., 44. Harmony of the Confessions of Faith, ^^ 43 ) 38. Harmston, 114. Harness, 46. Harnot, John, 72. Harock hill, 88. Harpar, William, 57 (part IL). Harper, — , 88; Agnes, 54; Dr., 44; Elias, 46; Francis, 44 ; George, 69 ; Izaake, 57 (part VH.); John, 37 (part IL), 54, 69, 103; Rev. John, 75; Sir John, M.P., 31,113; Mr. ,44; Richard, 54, III; Roger, 46; T. (printer), iii; Thomas, 37 (part I-)? 57 (part VII.); Thomas, of Hatton, 54; William, 73. Harper Wollowe, 74. Harpier, iii. Harpour, John le, 92; William, 58; Wil- liam le, 92, Harpsfield, John, 64; Nicholas, 64. Harpur, — , 82; Christian, 42; Henry, 54; Richard, 37 (part I ). Flarpurhey, 58, 60, 94. Harquebus, 50; Harquebusier, 50. Harrick, 88. Harries, William, 64. Harrington, 82, 88. Llarrington, Haryngton, — , 96; Agnes, 99, no; Alianora, 99; Alice, 99, no; Anne, 54, 99, no; Lady Anne, ill; Barnaby, in; Christopher, 99; Clem- ence, 99; Elena, 99; Edizabeth, 54, 99; family, 57 (part II.), arms of, 42; Ham- net, will of, 54; Isabell, 99; Jacobus, 99; James, 54, 64; Sir James, 57 (part II.), 96, 99; Sir James, of Woolfage, 54; Joan, 99; Johannes, 99; John, 54; Sir John, no, in; quotations from Epigrams, 75; to Queen Elizabeth, 90; Sir John, of Llornby, 54; Katherine, 54, 99; Margaret, 99, no; Mr., 61 ; Nicholas, 54, 82; Percival, 54, 105; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 54; Sir Richard, no; Robert, 99; Sir Robert, 105, no; Thomas, 54, 99; Sir Thomas, no; W., in; William, 54, 82; Sir William, of llornby, knt., 54; William Stanhope, baron, 44; Willimus, 99; see also Har- ington, Harrynton, and Haryngton. Harris, — , 88; engraver, 44; Agnes, 113; Charles, 94; Mrs. Dudley, in; George Poulett, 94; Rev. J., 105; Joan, in; John, 109; Lawrence, 94; Mr., 44, 45; Robert, 45; IForks, A. D. 1634, 38; Ser- geant, 90; Tom, 72; William, 94; Wil- liam, curate of Harwood, 60. Harrison, of Bankfield, ped., 92. Harrison, — ,88, 92; Agnes, 105; Allan, of Lancaster, 54; Anthony, 105; Benjamin, 73; Charles, 73; Claudia, 92; Cuthbert, 92, 105; David, 72; Edmund, 69; Ed- ward, 37 (part IV.), 63 (app. L), 105; Edwin, 73; Elling, 92; Frances, 105; George, 69, 94, 105 ; Hannah, 92 ; Henry, 44, 46, 94; Humphrey, vicar of Sixell, 31; Isabel, 46; J. (printer), in; James, 42, 47, 63 (app. IV.), 69, 94, 105; Sir James, 113; Jeremy, 57 (part VL); John, 39, 42, 46, 58, 69, 73, 92, 94, 105; John, of Barton, 54; Rev. John, 37 (part IV.), 42; Sir Johri, 57 (part II.); Sir John, curate of Bebington, 54; Joseph, 69, 73, 92, 94; Margaret, 92; Miss, 57 (part I.); Mr., 42, 44; Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Peter, 31, 94; Ralph, 105; Rev. Ralph, 37 (part IV.), 72; Randle, 54; Richard, 50, 57 (part IL), 62, 63 (app. L), 69, 92, 105; Robert, 46, 65, 69; Roger, 46; Samuel, 69, 94; Stephen, ni; Strethill, 73; Thomas, 54 , 57 (parts H., VL, and VH. ), 63 (app. I. and HI.), 69, 83 (part HI), 105; Rev. Thomas, 44; Sir Thomas, 105; W., 72; Webster, 73; Widow, 57 (part VIL); William, 42, 46, 54, 63 (app. IV.), 69, 73, 94, 96, 105; Rev. William, 37 (part IV.), funeral sermon by, 75- Harrison’s Account of the Mamecestre rivers, 58. Harrock, — , 81. Harrock, 47, 82, 88. Harrockford, 88. Harrogate, 88. Llarrok-hyll, 57 (part H.). Harrold, Edmund, his diary, 68; James, 57 (part VI.); Thomas, 57 (part VL). Harrop Edge, in Matley, 88. Harrop, James, 69, 72, 73, 94; Joan, of Barsley, 74; John, 94; Joseph, 57 (part L), 69, 72. Harrope, Edmund, 54 ; Elizabeth, 54 ; James, 54. Harrop’s Manchester Mercury, 72. Harrowing, 46. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 119 Harrow on the Hill, 54. Harrow pins, 46. Harrows, 46. Harryngton, — , 88; of Huyton, ped,, 88 . Harryson, Elizabeth, 105; John, 39, 60; Richard, 105; William, chantry priest, St. Michaels, 60. Harshokes, le, 95. Harsneppe, see Haresneppe. Harsnet, Samuel, 64. Harster, Thomas, 99. Hart, — , 88; Andrew, ill; Anne, 54, no; Ch. , in; Humphrey, chantry priest, Huyton, 60; J. (printer), in; John, 64, no; John, son of Humfrey, 63; Sir Percival, no; Sir Percival, of Lullingston, 54; Richard, 74, 113; Thomas, 95. Hartcliffe, John, 64. Harte, — , 81 ; Humfrey, 63 (app. HI.); Michael, 63 (app. HI.); Mr., 44; John, 63 (app. HI.); Richard, 57 (part IL); Walter, Essay on Reason, 44. Hartecarre, 99; see also Hardcarre. Hartegreave, Thomas, of Chadderton, 54 - Harteley, Hugh, 60; Hugh, chantry priest, Blackrod, 60. Harteleye, Nicholas, 63 (app. I.), 65. Plarter, George Gardner, clerk, curate of Birch, 47; James Collier, 63 (app. IV.), 73, in; William, 73, 94. Hartfield, 73. Hartforth, 73. Harthill, 88, no. Hartington, 69. Hartishedd hall, 54. Hartlebury, co. Worcester, 58, 94. Hartley, — , 57 (part VIL), 63 (app. H.), 88 ; Alexander, 42 ; Alice, 42 ; Ann, 42 ; David, correspondence with By- rom, &c., 44; Edward, 47; Henry, 46, 57 (part VIE); James, 42, 50; James, clerk, 54; John, 47, S7 (part VI.), 63 (app. I. and III.); 69, 75; John, of Strangeways, 60 ; John, of Swinden, 54; Margaret, 42; Mrs., 72; Nicholas, 63 (app. I. and HI.); of Strange- ways (pedigree), 88; Ralph, of Strange- ways, 60; Richard, 42, 60, 61, 63 (app. HI.); Robert, 57 (part VI.); Robert, of Colne, 60; Thomas, 47, 57 (part VI.); William, 42, 57 (part VI.); William, of Colne, 60. Hartley v. the Earl of Dude, case, 44. Hartlib, Samuel, correspondence with Dr. Worthington, &c., 114; Husban- dry, 44. Hartman, — , 114. Hartsbourne, 94. Hartshorn, Samuel, 73. Hartwell, Abm., in. Hartwellsicke, 58. Hartwright, William, 72, 73. Hartyngton, Robert, 57 (part IL). Harvard College, 54. Harvest Home, in. Harvesting, 46. Harvey, Captain, 44; Rev. Charles, iii; Gabriel, in; Gideon, 114; Henry, D.D., 65; John, his evidence, 61; Mr., 44; Richard, in. Harvye, Anne, 54, Harward, Mary, 94; Symond, 96. Harware, Samuel, 69. Harwod, — , 82. Harwood Castdl, 82. Harwood, Harwoode, Harwode, 42, 45, 46, 50, 58, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no; chan- try, 60; chapel and bells, 60, 103; churchwardens’ accounts, 60. Harwood, Great (Magna, Moch), 43, 30, 60, 82, 88, 99, no, 113. Harwood, Little (Parva), 46, 50, 54, 60, 88, 99. Harwood, Alex, de, 58; Dr. E., 114; John, 83 (part IV.); Margery, 54; Miss, 72; Rev. Mr., 44; Richard, of Strong- low, 54; Thomas, 57 (part VI.); Wil- liam, 96. Haryngton, Anne, no; Clemence, no; Elizabeth, 87, no; Isabella, no; Jacobi, 57 (part II.); Sir Jacob de, 57 (part H. ); Sir James, 87, 103, no; Sir John, no; Katherine, no; Margaret, no; Maude, no; Robert, 57 (part IL); Sir Robert, 57 (part IL); Sir Thomas, 57 (part IL), 83 (part IV.), 88; Sir William, 87, no; see also Harington and Harrington. Haryngton’s lands at Blackrode, 60. Haryson, Richard, 92; William, 92. Haryson, alias Slater, Thomas, 63 (app. III.), 65. Llascard, Gregory, 64. Hase, John, 54. Haselham, — , 88. Haselhurst, Rauf, 113. Haselrigge, Sir Arthur, 70. Haselum, Hugh de, 47. Haselwall, Margery, no; Nicola, no; Sir Patric, no. 120 GENERxVL INDEX. Haskayth, William de, 74. Haslam, — , 88; James, 113; Samuel Holker, 94; Thomas, 63. Haslehurst, 113. Haslehurst, Ellen, 57 (part VIL). Haslingden, Haslynden, 46, 50, 54, 58, 60, 69, 74, 1 12; chapel, 60; fair, 46. Haslingden, James, 72; John, 72. Haslington, Haselington, 88. Haslington, William, 103, Haslingwurthe, 112. Haslom Haye, 60. Haslome, Alys, 54; Anne, 54; George, 54; Joane, 54. Haslomes in the fouldes, 46. Hasps of yarn, 46. Haspynall, Seth, 54. H assail, 81, 88. Hassall, Anne, iio; Cicely, 54; Joseph, 94; Margerie, 54; Richard, 54, no; T., Ill; Thomas, no; William, 94; Rev. William, 72. Hasselam, Alexander, 54; Gyles, 54; Wil- liam, 54. Hasselhurst, Elizabeth, 54. Hassell, R., 57 (partVL); letter to Byrom, 44. Hassells, the, 44. Hassocks, 46. Hastead, Mr., 57 (part VIE). Hasteley, William, 113. Blastings, 46, 81, 88, 94. Hastings E)., ni; Edward, Lord, 99; Lady Elizabeth, 57 (part I.); Lord Eerdinand, in; Florence, 83 (part H. ); Francis, 42; Sir Francis, 64; Lord H., in; Lady Kath., in; Sir Rafe, 83 (part IE). Hastlay, 57 (part IE). Hasty, Cecilie, wife of Henry le, 60. Hasworth, William, 54. Hasylhurst, Rauff, 54. Hat, case, 46; dressing, 46; manufacture, 37 (part IV.). Hatch, William, priest, 60. Hatchets, 46. Hatfield, 57 (part IE), 72, 74; see also Hadfield. Hatfield, Rev. John, 45 ; Jonathan, 724 Rd., 103; William, 45, 69. Hatfilde, Richard, 96 (part IV.). Hatfyld, Anne, 54; Simon, 54. Hatherbecke, 81. Hathersag, 94. Hathersage, Cecilia de, 42; Matthew de, 42, 47. Hathersall, — , 82. Hatherton, 54, 96 (part HE). Hatherton, Sir William, 99. Hathornwaite, John, 105; Mr., 105. Hathorwait, John, 105. Hath way, R,. in. Hatirseg’, Matthew de, 47. Hatkynson, John Richard, 57 (part IE); Thomas Harrison, 57 (part IE). Hatley St. George, manor, 82. Hats, 46, 63. Hatsel, Harry, 44. Hattersley, Rachel, 92. Hattocks of corn, 46. Hatton, — , 88, 94; Anne, 54; Sir Chris- topher, 88, 90, 1 n ; Edward, 113; Harry, 54; John, 94; Lady, 88; Lawrence, 54; Lawrence, of Hatton, will of, 54; Lord, 88; Mrs. and Miss, actresses, 72; Peter, 54; Randulph, 54; Richard, 54; Thom- as, 54; William, 54, 72; Sir William, no. Hatton e, 112. Hauconshaw, Geoffrey de, 92. Hauering, Master Richard de. Archdea- con of Chester, 60. Haugh, — , 81, 88. Haughe, Cycelye, 96; George, 57 (part HE); 83 (part HI.). Haughton, 37 (part IV.), 42, 54, 60, 63 (app. IE), 69, 81, 88, no; chapel, 60; Green, 37 (part IV.); hall, 37 (part IV.); see also Hoghton and Houghton. Haughton Dale, 37 (part IV.). Ilaughton-infra-Wythington, 37 (part IV.). Haughton-moor-side, 37 (part IV.). Haughton, — , 88, ill; Alexander, 37 (part IV.), 54; Alice, 54; Alys, 65; Anne, 54; George Dunbar, 94; Henry Philip, 94; Humphrey, 63 (app. I.), 65; James, 69, 105; James, of Liverpool, 60; John, 37 (part IV.), 42, 47 , 57 (part VI.), 69; John, draper, 63, Judith, 42; Lady, 92; Mr., 37 (part IV.); Mrs., 92; Nicholas, 37 (part IV.); Peter, 37 (part IV.); Ralph, Raphe, Rauff, 37 (part IV.), 47, 57 (part VE), 63 (app. HI.), 65; Richard, 65; Richard de, 74; Sir Richard, 92; Robert, chan- try priest, Warrington, 60; Robert, of Orrell, 60; Thomas, 37 (part IV.), 57 (part VH.), 63 (app. HE), 65; Thomas, of Haughton, 54; William, 54, 92, 94. Haughtoune, Ralph, 63 (app. E). Hauksbee, Mr., 44. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 121 Haulgh, 63 (app. 11 . ). Haulghe, Robert, 63 (app. I.). Haunby, 82. Haunton, 88. Haurden, Adam, 57 (part III. )» §3 (part III.); William, 60. Hauthoner, servitium de, 80. Havard, — , 72. Haverbrek, 57. (part II.). Haverford, no. Haverhill in Suffolk, 60. Haverington, Johnde, 105; Sir John, 105; Sir Thomas, 105. Haversege, etymology of, 58. Haversege, Matthew de, 58. Haversham, — , 88. Haversham, 88. Haviland, J. (printer), in. Hav’sege, Matthew, 47. Haw, John, 57 (part IT). Haward, (Hawarde), Alice, will of, 47; Rafe, 60; Richard, 50; Robert, 60; Samuel, 47; To., 31. Hawarden, 37 (part IV.), 81, 82, 88, 99, 1 10; castle, 39, 46, 70; manor, 70; Rector, 60. Hawarden, Harwadyn, Hawardyne, Adam, 50; Agnes, no; Ales, 54; Alice, 60; Anne, 54, 75, no; Elizabeth, 54, 99; Ellen, 54; Sir Henry, 54; James, 94; Johannes, 99; Margaret, of Chester, will of, 54; Mrs., 60; Rauf, no; Thomas,. 54, 99, no; William, 60; William de, no ; see also Haurden. Hawarden (ped. ), 82; of Widnes (ped. ), 88; of Wolston (ped.), 81. Hawarth, Abraham, 63 (app. I.). Hawcourt, James, 69; John, 69; Samuel, 69. Hawdley hall, 96, 103. Hawerte, Rauf, chantry priest, Warring- ton, 60. Hawes, Jas., in; Sir John, 73; Ralph, 65; Stephen, in. Hawet, 95. Hawett, John, 54; Nicholas, 63 (app. HI.); Robert, 54; Thomas, 54. Hawghton, see Haughton. Hawgwarde, Ralph, 60. Hawise, of Castlehull, 58. Hawkeley, Haukeley, Hawkley, 81. Hawker, Thomas, 103, 113. Hawkes, John, 94; John Hately, 94. Hawkesworth, Francis, 45; James, 94. Hawkin, 88. Hawkin, — , 88. Hawking, 63, in. Hawkins, H., in; Judith, iii; Mr., 44; R., 45; Rd. (printer), in; T., 57 (part VI.), Ill; Sir T., in. Hawkley, 82, 88, no. Hawks, 46, 58. Hawkshead, 50; Pastor of, 1 05. Hawkson, — , 88. Hawkswell, 88. Hawkswell, John, 63 (app. I. and IV.). Hawksworth, 88. Hawksworth, — , 88. Hawley, General, 44; Thos. , 81. Hawlin (Kent), in. Plawood, John, 57 (part VIE). Haword, Lord T., in. Haworth, 47, 63 (app. II,), 8i, 88, 99; mill, 105. Haworth, — , 81, 88 ; Alexander, 54 ; Alice, 54, no; Christopher, no; Edmund, 47, 54, 94; Elys, 54; James, 54. 73; John, 46, 57 (part HI.),_ 83 (part HI.), 113; John, chantry priest, 60; John of, 74; Jonathan, 94; Law- rence, 54; Mr., 44, 46; Ralph, 50, 113; Randal, 46, 54, 65, 113; Richard, 57 (part VH. ) 60; Robert, 42, 50, 54; Thomas, 54; To., porter, 31; William, 57 (part VH, ). Haworth, or Hawach, in Catterhall, 105, Hawstead, 37 (part IV.). Hawston, George, 94 (part IV.). Hawthorn, Joseph, 69. Hawthornwaite, Jennet, 105; John, 105. Hawtrey, Edward, 94; Montague John Gregg, 94; Stephen Thomas, 94. Hay, 46, 57 (part H. ), 88; see also Haigh, Hay ground, 46. Hay mow, 46. Hay, or Hey, a fenced enclosure, 58. Hay, Ellis, 54; Lady Honor, ni; Peter, 113; Rev. R. W., 94. Hayam, altered into manerium, 87, Haybote, 58, 112. Haycroft, the, 74. Haydoc, Gilbert de, 83 (part IV.), no; Henry de, 57 (part II.). Haydock, Haydok, or Haydocke, 74, 81, 88, 95, 99, no. Haydock, — , 81, 88; Alice, no; Ann, 92, 103; Edmund, 74; Edward, 92; Elena, 113; Ellin, 103; Elinor, 103; Evan, 92, 105, Ewan, 103; George, 105; Gilbert, 60, 113; Gilbert de, 60; Gilbert de, M. P., 60; Sir Gilbert, 97, 103, no; Sir Gilbert de, knt., 60; Gilbertus, 95, 99; Giles, R 122 GENERAL INDEX. 103; Henry, 105; Hugh, no; Joan, 60, 97, no; Johanna, 95, no; Johannes, 95; John, no; Jone, 103; Margaret, 39; Mary, 103; Mathew, no; Mattheus, 95; Matthew de, 42, 57 (part HI.); hlatthew de, seneschal of Salford, 47; Richard, 54, 103; Robert, 113; Simon, 46, 92, 103; Sybil, no; Thomas, no; William, 92, 103; see also Haydoc, and Haydok. Haydocke’s land, 46. Haydok (ped.), 82. Haydok, Gilbert de, 60, 87; Henry de, 60; Hugh de, 60; Joanna de, 60; John de, 60, 87; Matthew de, 60; Matthew, son of Gilbert de, 60. Haydoke, Henry de, 58. Haydon, 60. Haydon, B. R., in. Haye (Haigh), 50, 60; see also Hay, and Haigh. Haye, of Chorlton hall (ped.), 88. Haye, George, 46; Henry 105; Hugh, 54; John, 46 ; John de la, 60 ; Robert, Liverpool, 60; Roger, 60. Hayes, — , 88; Charles, 94; George, 94; J. (printer), in; James, 73; John, 114; Mr., 44; Sir Thomas, 75; William, 94, 114. Hayfield, 60, 69. Hayholme, 57 (part H. ). Hayhurst, Henry, 45, 88; Oliver, of Rib- chester, 60; Robert, 60. Haylegh, Henry, 74. Hayley, 88. Haymaking and haymakers, 46. Hayman, — , ni; Rev. Henry, 92. Haymer, — , 88. Hayner, Thurston, 50. Haynes, Sarah, 44; Thomas Smith’s letter to, 44; William, 63 (app. I.), 72. Hay pay chapell, 60. Hays, — , 88; John, 44, 73. Haystealers, in. Hayton, Haighton, 88. Hay ton Hey, 81. Hayton, — , 88; Richard, 113. Hayward, Ann, 105; Charles, 94; Doro- thy, 105; Elizabeth, 105; Francis, 105; George, 105; Margaret, 105; Mary, 105; Mr., 109; Ralph, 54; Richard, 105; Robertus, 99; Rev. Thomas, 105; William 54; Willimus, 99. Haywarden, — , 88. Hay-wards, 63. Haywood chapel, see Heywood. Haywood, David, 69; Ralph, in; W., in. Hayworth, Christopher, 113; George, yeoman waiter, 31; Hugh, 113; To., yeoman waiter, 31. Hazilhurst, Thomas of, 74. Hazlehurst, 74. Hazlehurst, Isaac, 69. Hazlewood, Miss Hannah, 47. Hazlington, see Haslingden. Hea, William de, 47. Head pieces, 46, 50. Head, Rev. Sir John, 45. Heald, James, 42; William, 54. Healdhouses, see Guildhouses. Heale, Sergt., 90. Healey, 82, 88, 96. Healey hall, 60, 68, 82, 88. Healey, — , 82; Ad. de, 112; Cecilia de, 112; Elias de, 112; John, 54; Ric., 112; Thomas, 96; see also YlQ\.e.y. Heane, Col., 83 (part I.). Heap, — , 88; George, 94; James, 69; James Goolden, 94; John, 42, 73; Joseph, 73; Lomax, 76; Rich., 61; Samuel, 69; Thomas, 69. Heape, 88. Heape in Lomax, 88. Heape, Sir Edward, 54; Richard, 109; Robert, 39; Thomas, 109; Thomas, of Prestwich, 54; William, 65. Heapey, 50, 54. Heapey, John, 42; Joseph, 69; Robert, 69. Heapitt, John, 42. Heard, John, 57 (part VH.) Heardson, — , 88. Hearne, T., in, 114. Heart Imployment^ in. Hearse, 46; parish, hire of, 92. Hearst, James, 69. Hearth tax, 92. Heartshorne, Thomas, 73. Heast, John, 69. Heater, Mr., 44. Heath, 82, 88. Heath barn, 74. Heath Charnock, 60, 81, 88, 96, no. Heath Gate, 72. Heath hens, 46. Heath land, 58. Heath, Ashton Marler, 94; Die., 44; Edward, 94; James, 69, 73; John, 82, in; Nicholas, 64; Robert, 73; Sir Robert, 42; William, 73, 94. Healheote, George, 94; Sir G., 44; John, 94; John Edensor, 69, 73; Sir John, 44; Lady, 44; Mr., 44. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 123 Heathe, Alice, 54. Heatley, James, 57 (part VI.); Thomas, 69. Heaton, — , 82, 88; Adam de, 58; Fer- dinando, 46 ; George, 94; James, 73; Johnde, 58;Josiah, 94; Mr., 31; Raphe, 75; Richard, 60; Robert, 46, 57 (part VII.); Thomas, 63, 65, 69, 73; William, 58, 60; see also Heeton, Heiton, Heton, and Heyton. Heaton, 46, 58, 69, 73, 83 (part H.), 88, 96 (part HI.), 99, no; hall, 37 (part IV.), 96. Heaton Chapel, 42. Heaton Fallowfield, or Heaton Faufild, 95 - Heaton cum Halliwell, 50, 58. Heaton in Lonsdale, 58, 99. Heaton Mersey, 42. Heaton Moss, 42. Heaton Norris, 37 (part IV.), 42, 50, 58; township, 42. Heaton, Over, 42. Heaton park, 72. Heaton Reddish, 37 (part IV.). Heaton super Faughfield, 42. Heaton under the Forest, in Dean, 58. Heaton with Oxcliff, 50. Heaton wood, 42; wood green, 42. Heaulme, — , 81 ; Edmond, 105. Heavenly Harmony, in. Heaviley, 42. Heawood, William, 63; his translation of the Manchester Charter, 58. Heaword, Joseph, 42. Hebblethwaite, Thomas, 42. Heber, Bishop, 88, 114; John, 44; Re- ginald, 45, 69, 94; Thomas, of Brase- nose, 31. Heberden, Dr., 44; Mr., 44. Heblethwaite, 46. Hebrew language, 44. Hecham, 72. Hechemoght, Nycholas, 54. Hechstetter, Mr., 39. Heckinbotham, William, 69. Hecmondwike, 94. Hector, Death of, in. Hecuba, in. Hedges, Mr. , 44. Hedging, 46. Hedingley, 73. Hedley, William, 94. Hedsforth, William, 57 (part H.), 105. Hee, Henry, 46; Sir Henry, 105. Heeld, Henry, 54. Heep, Laur., 103. Heesham, 74. Heeton, William de, 47. Hefferston, grange of, 83 (part IV. ). Hefield, John, 58. Hegham, Ralph, 80. Heghfeld, 99. Heghrode, see Heyrode. Hegington, Dr., 44. Heginbothom, Beulah, 47; Cassandra, 47; Henry, 47; Joane, 47; William, 47; William, the younger, will of, 47. Heginson, Margaret, 54. Heham, Alice de, 105. Hei, Christopher, 103. Heidelberg, 114. Heifers, 46. Heighburne, Ferdinando, 37 (part I.). Heighfield, John, 58. Heilde, John, 60. Heills, Henry, 54. Heinfare, definition of, 58. Heinsius, D., 114; Nicholas, 114. Heirs and heirship, Manchester, chrono- logical list, 63. Heiton, 81. Heiton of Heiton, ped., 8l. Heiward, Johan, 54. Helagh, 88. Helbeck, 88. Held, Helde, Adam, of, 74; Petre, of Heth Charnock, 60; Syr Thurstan, 60; Unis, 57 (part VII.). Helden, John, 73. Helder, T., in. Helen of Troy, in. Heley, 81, 82, 88. Heley, Arthur, 96; Dowen de, 74; Henry de, 74; Nich., 103. Helgod, Robert fitz, Beatrice, his wife, 87, Heligoland, 39. Hell, in. Hellen, daughter of Prince Lhewellyn, 80. Hellesby, see Helsby. Hellme, Will., 105. Hellungen, 57 (part V.). Helme, — , 88; Georgius, 99; Henry, 57 (part TI.); J. (printer), in; James, 54; John, of Gosenar, 60; Laurence de, 95; Laurentius, 99; Leonard, 46; Leonardus, 99; Rev. Nicholas, 92; Ric., 57 (part IL); Thomas, 57 (part 11 . ), 105. Helmesals, Wilimus, 95. Helmeshaghes, 99. Helmsley, 57 (part I.). 124 GENERAL INDEX. Helmont, seeW2iXi Helmont, 114, Helsby, Hillesby, 81. Helsby, — , 81; Lucy, no; Sir William, no. Helyar, Dr., 109. Hemet, Robyn, 54. Hemmingly, 80. Hemp, manufacture, &c., 46. Hempenhaughe, Hempenouch, 81. Hempseed, 46, Hemshawes, 60. Hemsworth, 88. Henage, — , 88; Sir Thomas, lent., 39. Henault, John of, Earl of Cambridge, 80. Henbury, 80, 81, 95, no, 112; church, 97; schools, 97; township, 97. Henchman, Bp., 114; Dr., 44; Humph- rey, 69. Henderson, C. P., 42; Rev. John, 45. Hendley, Elizabeth, 42. Hendley, of Hendley, ped., 81. Hendon, 99, no, 114. Henege, Heneage, — , 88; Johannes, 99; John, 58; Sir J., in. Henethirn (Henthorn), Henry de, 74. Hengham, Rad’us, 95. Henkinson, Edmund, 92; Thos., 92. Henley, — , 88; Hugh, 62; “Orator,” 44. Henley, 88. Henley moor, 62. Henley-upon-Thames, 94. Henllan, 69. Henman, William, 94. Hen-pen, 65. Henreson, Johannes, 57 (part H.); Ricar- dus, 99; Richard, 57 (part IL), 105; Robert, 57 (part IL); William, 57 (part H. ), 105; see also Henryson. Henrie, Robt., 105. Henrietta, Queen, 62. Henrietta Maria, Queen, in. Henriquez de Villa Corta, 114. Henry H., in. Henry HI., 37 (part I.), 58; confirms the grant of Warrington, 87. Henry IV., 37 (part I.), 60, 103, in. Henry V. 87, in. Henry VI., 60, 103; Margeret, Queen of, 60. Henry VH., 60, 109, in; and his Queen visit the Earl of Derby, 87; visit to Manchester, 68. Henry VIIL, 37 (parti.), 60, 64, 103, 109, III; chief events of the reign of, 65 . Henry of Huntingdon, 80. Henry, Duke of Lancaster, 92. Henry, Prince of Wales, in. Henry, son of Christiana, 112; son of Hy., 74, 112; son of Holekyn, 74; son of Kitte, 112; son of Patric, 112; son of Ric. , 112; Katherine, 54; Matthew, 34; Thomas, 45, 57 (part I.), 72; William, 72; y® ffoolle, 31. Henryson, Christopher, 105; Henry, 113; John, 54, 74; John, of Preston, 60; R., Ill; Thomas, 105; see also Henreson. Hens, 46. Henshall, John, 69, 73; Samuel, 73, 94. Henshaw, 54, 88. Henshaw, family, 44; Fanny, 44; Henry, 88; John, 54, 57 (part VL), 94; Mr., 44; Rev. Ralph, of Wilmslow, 42; Thomas, 60; William, 42, 54, 57 (part VL), 69. Henthorne, 46, 81. Henthorns, 74. Henton St. George, 58. Henwood chapel, 113. Hepar, 99. Hepey, 95. Hepp, Sir Edward, 54- Heppale, Heppehale, Rob. de, 112. Heppall, — , 88. Heppe, Mr., 62. Hepta 7 neron^ in. Hepworth, Ann, 57 (part VH.); Thos., 57 (part VH.); William, 57 (parts VI. and VIL). Herald’s College, on the site of Derby House, 37 (part L), 60; cost of pedigree at, 44. Heraldry, in. Heraldus, B. J., in. Heratage, Hugh, 105. Herbage and pannage, 58. Herbals and herbalists, 46. Herbert, family, in. Herbert, Car., ni;Edw. (Montg. ), in; Sir Edward, 37 (part L), 64; George, 76, III; H. (licenser), in; H. E. Pem- broke, III; John, 113; Lord, 44; Lord of Cherbury, ni; Lucy (Powis), in; Mr., 44; Lord Philip (Montg.), in; Tho. , III; Sir Thomas, 88; W., in; Sir W., in; Wm., Earl of Pembroke, in; William, Lord, 114. Herbotell, — , 81. Plerbs, 46. Hercules’ labours moralized, 45; choice, in. Herd, John, 57 (part VL). Herdman, Thomas, 63. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 125 Herdemon, William, 87. Hereford, 47, no; Castle, 47. Hereford, Countess of, 83 (part IV.); Henry, Earl of, 60. Hereward, abbot of Cockersand, 57 (part II.), 92. Herford,, 1 12; William Henry, 94. Herforde, T. (printer), in. Heriot, 46, 58, 74; definition of, 63; hen for, 65. Heris, William de, 74. Heritage, Rauff, 54. Heriz, John de, 74. Herle, — , ni; Rev. Charles, M.A., rector of Winwick, 64, 70; Thomas, warden of Manchester, 31, 42, 50, 60, 65. Hennaphrodiie, in. Hermetott, Willielmus, 83 (part IV.). Hermit friars, 83 (part IV.), 87. Hermit, John the, 83 (part IV.); Richard the, 83 (part IV.); Thomas le, 42. Hermits, 57 (part IL). Henyiit’s Tale, in. Hern, Mr., 114. Herneflatte, 47. Heroical Epistles, in. Heroical Lover, in. Heroick Portraits, in. Heron, George, 69, 94; Harry, 94; Peter, 73, 94; Peter Kyffin, 69; William, 73. Heronsewe, 46. Herrick, Nich., ill; Robert, ni; Thom- as, 57 (part VII.). Herring bags, 46. Herring, Michael, 39. Herringham, Henry, 114. Herringman, H., in. Herrings, 46. Herris, Arthur, in. Herrison, John, chantry priest, 60. Herritage, Henry, 105. Henman, — , 72; Bros., 72. Herrup, Samuel, 57 (part VII.). Herrys, W., in; Sir W., 88. Herswyche, 58. Hert, William, of Orrell, 58. Herteley, William, 46. Hertford, 99. Hertford, Earl of, 31, 90; Edward, Earl of, 105, in. Herthill, 54. Herthstede, 57 (part II. ). Hertmillsich, 58. Hertocks, A., in, 114. Hervey, Rev. James, 44; Thomas Kibble, 94. Hervy, Davy, 87; William Fitz, 105. Hesandforth, Rob. de, 112. Hesanford, Hesandford, 88, 103. Heschton, Johannes, 57 (part H. ). Heseldene, Margarie, 46. Hesham, Willimus, 99. Hesham, see Heysham. Hesiod, in. Pleskaith, Heskayth, 82. Heskayt, William de, clerk, 60. Hesken, John, 113; Thomas, 60. Hesket, Henry, 60 ; Henry Aughton, 60 ; Thomas, of Ormskirk, 60. Hesketh, 42, 81, 82, 88, no. Hesketh, Heskethe, — ,81, 82, 88; Agnes, 97; Alexander, 54, 61; Alice, 57 (part II.), 92, 105, no; Dame Alice, 60; Ann, 60, no; Barnaby, 61; Capt. Barnaby, 39; Bartholomew, 31, 46, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 60, 75, 83 (part HI.); Charles, no, 1 13; Cuthbert, 31, 46, 105; Dorothy, 31, 92; Elizabeth, 50, 54, 60, 72; Ezekiel, 57 (part VIE); Francis, 31; Gabriel, 96 (part HI.), 105, 113; Gabriel, of Aughton, 31, 54, 60, 75; George, 60, 113; Grace, 60, 96 (part HI.), 103, no; Holcroft, 82, 88; Hugh, 50, 92, 105; Hugh, a bastard son, 31; Hugh, clerk, 60; Sir Hugh, Bp. of Man, 60; Hugo, 99; Jacintha, 105; Jane, 31, 54, 88, 96 (part HI.), no; Johannes, 95; John, of Ayntre, 60; Joseph, 105; Lady, 57 (part HI.), 83 (part III.); Lloyd Hesketh Bamford, 42; Dame Marcella de, 60; Margaret, 31, 60, 92, no; Mary, 31, 60, no; Matilda, no; Matthew, 60; Mr., 31, 44, 46, 92, 103; Mr., of Maynes, 62; Mr., of Rufford, 46; My Lady, 31; Nicholas, 99; Nicholaus, 95; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 31, 37 (part HI.), 46, 60; Robert, 31, 42, 45, 46, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 60, 63 (app. HI.), 72, 75, 82, 83 (part HI.), 88, 96 (part HI.) 105, no; Rev. Robert, 47, 60; Robert, of Rufford, 62; Sir Robert, 60, 103, no; Robertus, 99; Roger, 64, 105; Sibilla, 99; Thomas, 31, 39, 42, 46, 47, 54, 60, 92, 95, 99, 103, 105, no; Thomas, of Blackmore, 75; Thomas, of Gray’s Inn, 31; Thomas, of Martholme hall, 60; Thomas, of Preston, 31; Sir Thomas, 31, 46, 54, 57 (part IL), 60, 72, 88, 92, no; Sir Thomas, of Rufford, 50, 75; 126 GENERAL INDEX. Sir Thomas, of Whitehill, 31; Thurstan, 50; To., 31; W. de, 1 12; William, 50 j 54 » 57 (part III.), 60, 83 (part III.), 92, 105; William, of Aughton, 50; Sir William, of Rufford, knt., 60. Hesketh family, of Mains, 60, 92; of Aughton, ped., 88; of Hesketh, ped., 82, 88; of Poulton and Mains, ped., 88, 92; of Preston, ped., 88; of Rufford, ped., 81. Hesketh Bank, 62. Hesketh with Beconsall, 50. Heskeyne, Edward, 54. Heskin, Heskyn, 45, 54, 82, 88, 99. Heskins, Thomas, 64. Heskye, Anne, 54; Ezekiel, 57 (part VI.). Heskynne, Thurstan, Nicholas, his son, 63 (app. HI.), 65. Heslam, Thomas, 99. Hesleden, Mr., 44. Heslop, John, 94; Luke, 94; William Thomas, 94. Hesmondelf, wyff of, 60. Hesperides, ill. Hessam Moore, 88. Hesse, Landgravine of, 114. Hest, Thomas de, 74. Hestham (Heysham), 74. Hestholm, Johannes, 99. Heston, — ,81; Mr., 31; Richard de, 105; William de, 105. Hesychius, 1 14. Hesyll, 57 (part IL). Hesylryg, 57 (part IL). Heth, the, 58. Heth Charnock, see Heath Charnock. Heth, Edward, 47; John del, of Kenyan, 58; Richard, 54; William, 47. Hethalis, 80. Hethe, John, 46. Hethenhead, 88. Hetherington, Mr., 44. Hethershall, 82. Hethiascogh, or Hethiaskogh, 95. Hethinglegh, 42. Heton, Heiton, Heyton, 58, 63, 82, 88. Heton, — , 88; Edmundus, 95; Gilbertus, 95; Ricardus, 95; Ric. de, chantry priest, 60; Thomas, 95; Thomas de, 47, 68; William de, 42, 74; Willimus, 95; see Heaton, and Heiton. Heton Norreys, see Heaton. Heton Strangways, 58. Heurtley, Henry, 72. Hevedlone, Ane de, 68. Plevelius, J., 114. Heveningham, 96. Hever, — , 88. Heversham hall, 88. Heversham, rector of, 60. Hewer, Mr., 44. Hewes, James, 69. Hewet, Alls, 54; John, prebendary of Chester, will of, 54 ; Margery, 54 ; Richard, 54; William, 54, 57 (part VIL). Hewing coals, 46. Hewit, Mrs., 114. Hewitt, — , 72; Dr., Chaplain to Charles L, 97; Henry, 94; John, 69, 73, 94; Jonas Barratt, 72; Richard, 73, 94; Thomas, 94; William, 69, 94. Hewode, John, 46; William, 46. Hewood, Nicholaus, 95. Heworth, Richard, 46. Hewson, Frederick, of Brentford, 94. Hewster, Thomas, 99. Hexham, see Hagulsted, 80. Hexham, Roger, 74. Hext, Captain John, 45. Hey, 88, no; corn, 37 (part IV.); mea- dow, 37 (part IV.). Hey, Anne, 47; Ellis, 47; George, 57 (part VI.); Hamnet, 54; Henry, 54, Hugh of the, 54; James, 105; Johannes, 99; John, 96 (part IV.), 105; Laurence, 96 (part IV.); Laurence, of Haslingden, 60; Margaret, 75; 105; Nicholas, 57 (part IL), 105; Perys, 54; Rauf, 113; Richard, 69; Robert, 109; Roger, 54; Tho., 103; Willimus, 99. Heyden, James, 57 (part VL). Heydock, 54. Heydock, Evan, 50; Ilvan, 50. Heydon, Edward, 39. Heye, 82, 88. Heye, — , 88; Ellis, 60. Heyes, Gilbert, his evidence, 61; Joseph, 57 (part VL); P., 57 (part VL); Thomas, 69. Heyfeild, Widow, 57 (part VH.). Heyford, 88. Heygate, T., in. Heyghfeld, Robert, 54. Heyham, or Hecham, in Claughton, 105. Heyhouse, 88. Heyhouses tenants, 96 (part IV.). Heylde, William, 47. Heylewell, James, 54. Heyley, Reynard, 113; William, 54. Heylyn, Mr., 44; Dr. Peter, 44, 64, in, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 127 1 14; Catalogue of Bishops, 80; Cosmog- raphie, 38. Heypey, William, 54. Heyrick, Rev. Nathaniel, 44; Richard, 37 (part IV.); Richard, warden of Man- chester, 42, 47, 60, 1 14; T., 57 (part VI.); Sir W., iii. Heyrick, of Manchester, ped., 88. Heyrode, John, of the, 74. Keys, Elizabeth, 92; George, 57 (part VIL); Thos., 57 (part VII.). Heysham, 50,75,95,99; Lower, 57 (partll.) Heysham, Jane, 57 (part II.). Heyside, 69, 88. Heyton, 54, 60, 81, 82, 88, no. Hey ton family, 113. Heyton, Heton, — , 82, Anne, 54; Agnes, no; Alice, 54, no; Bryan, no; Catherine, no; Dorety, 54; Elizabeth, 1 10; Ellyn, 1 10; fifernando, 54; Geoffrey, no; George, no; Grace, no; Isabel, 1 10; Ivan, 1 10; Jane, no; Johanna, no; Katherine, 113; Lambert, no, 113; Margaret, no; Martin, no; Mary, no; Richard, 54, no; Roger, of Heyton, will of, 54; Thomas, 54, no; William, 54, no, 113; William de, 47; see also Heton. Heyton Strangewishe, 42. Heyward, E., in; Edmund, 54; Ralph, 54; Thomas, 44. Hey wood, 58, 73, 76, 83 (part IV.), 88; chapel, 60, 113; hall, 44, 45, 76. Heywood, — , 88; Arthur Henry, 63 (app. IV.); Dorothy, 76; Edmund, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 83 (part HI.); Edw., 57 (part VI.); Elizabeth, 37 (part IV.), 76; Ellis, in; Gasper, 64; Henry, 94; Isaac, 69; James, 57 (part VI.), 63 (app. I.), 94; Jasper, ni; John, 42, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 63 (app. I. and IV.), 73, III; Mary, 31; Miss, 42; Mr., 37 (part IL), 54, 70; Nathaniel, 72; Rev. Nathaniel, 105; Oliver, 37 (part IV.), 76, 109; Peter, 31, 47, 50, 57 (part VIL), 63 (app. IV.), 76; Richard, 42, 109; Robert, 76, 103; Robert, of Hey- wood, 54; Robert, Poems, extract from, 75; Observations and Instructions, di- vine and morall, 76; Susan, 76; Thomas, 44, 57 (parts V. and VL), 63 (app. I.), 72, 73. 75. 94. in; Rev. Thomas, 105; William, 69, 73. Heywood (Thomas), on the South Lanca- shire Dialect, 57 (part I.); Letter from Sir John Seton, 57 (part IV.). Heywood of Heywood, 114; ped., 88; of Walton on the Hill, ped., 88. Hey worth, W., bp. of Cov. and Lich., 103. Hibbert, James, 63 (app. I. and IV,), 69; John, 57 (part VI.); Joseph, 57 (part VIL); Nathaniel, 57 (part VL); Robert, 63 (app. L); Samuel, 57 (part VL), 72; William, 57 (part VIL), 72. Hibbert, of Birtles, monument, 97. Hibbert-Ware, Dr. Samuel, 72, 74; on the Lancaster Runic Cross, 68; Foun- dations of Manchester, 58; Customs and Usages of a Manor, 58. Hibbetson, John P., 72. Hibernia, David de, 60; Emma, 60. Hichen, Richard, 60. Hickes, Dr., 44; George, 64. Hickey, Rev. Michael, 105. Hickinson, Antonie, 54; William, 54. Plickley, John, 83 (part IV.); Thomas, 69. Hickman, Dr., 44; Henry, 114. Hicks hall, London, notice of, 61. Hickson, — , 88; Charles, 63 (app. IV.); Frances, 92; John, 69; Thomas, 69, 94; William, 69. Hicson, Randulph, 54. Hidden, Alex., 109. Hide, measure of land, 58. Hide, of Denton, ped., 82; of Hide, ped., 82. Hide, Hyde, — , 82, 88; Fr., iii; Georgius, 99; John de, 58; Sir Nich., Ill; Richard de, 42; Richard, of Cam- bridge University, 60; Robert, 61; Robert, of Denton, 42; Thomas, 99; Willimus, 99; see also Hyde. Hides, 46. Hidson, Oliver, 42. Hield, 80. Hierome, 103. Higby, — , III. Higden, Rev. William, 44. Higen, Richard, 60. Higgen, Anthony, 96 (part IL); Antonio, 60; Edward, 96 (part IL); Elizabeth, 47; George, 96 (part H.); Thomas, 47, 96 (part IL). Higgenson, Eliz., 109; William, 57 (part VIL). Higgin, Anthony, 96; Edward, 96; George, 96; Joseph, 94; Thomas, 96; William, 94. Higginbottom, Benjamin, 37 (part IV.); John, 69; Mr., 37 (part IV.). 128 GENERAL INDEX. Higgins, or Higgons, J., in. Higgins, John, 94. Higginson, — , 57 (part I.), 88; Henry, 61 ; John, 57 (part VI.), 113; Samuel, 69; William, 57 (part VI.), 69, Higgit, Mr., 44. Higgons, Theoph., 64. High altar, 1 13. High Ash, High Ashes, 88, 96 (part HI.). High Bullock, 88. High constables, 50. High Legh, 42, 54, 81, 82, 88, 97, no. High Ongar, 114. High sheriffs, list of, for Lancashire in 1 6th century, 65. High-street, 63. High, the, 88. High Whitaker, 81. Higham, 82, 112; court, 46; Lower, 81, 88; tenants, 96 (part IV.). Higham, — , 82, Elizabeth, 63 (app. HI.); Jane, 37 (part IV.); John, of Manches- ter, 60; Joseph, 57 (part VI.), 63 (app. I. HI. and IV.); Laurence, 96 (part IV.); Mr., 44; Roger, 63; Thomas, 54, 105. Highenhed, Anne, 54. Highfield, Edm., 57 (part VI.); Geoffrey, 60; John, 57 (part VI.), 60; William, 60; William de, 60. Highfield, 57 (part H. ), 65, 82, 88; hall, .^ 5 - Highgate, iii; Swearing at, 44. Highhurst, Highehurst, 81. Highlanders at Manchester, 44. Highnough, Thomas, 60. Highrode, see Heyrode. Highshine, — , 88. Highton Hey, Highton High, 88. Highwaldenhead, 99. Highwaymen, 44. Highways, 50, 63; repair of, 65. Highwide, 88. Higinbotham, Wm., 73. Higinbotom, Martha, 47; William, 47. Hignison, Richard, 105. Higson, Johannes, 99; John, 47, 72; Thomas, 42, 74. Higton, 88. Hil, Mr., 1 14, Hiland, Charles, 69. Hildegard, Jesuit, 44. Hildersam, Arthur, Lectures on Psalm 51, a.d. 1642, 38; IVor/cs, 37 (part IV.). Hildersham, Ric., in. Hildersley, Mr., 44. Hilderston Moss, 57 (part H. ). Hildesley, John, 64; Mark, bp. of Sodor and Man, 44; correspondence with Byrom, 44. Hil ditch, George, 94. Hiles, Rowland, 94. Hill, the, 81, 88. Hill, — , 57 (part I.), 72, 82, 88; Adam. 50, 54, 57 (part VIE), 95; Alice, 54; Anne, 54; Benjamin, 73; Charles, 73; Charles, of Hollingworth, 54; Christo- pher, 46; Elizabeth, 47; Ewan, 54; George, 69, 73; Henry, 46, 94; Hugh, 54; James, 46, 54, 73; James, rector of Northenden, 42; Jem, 72; Jo., ni; Johannes del, 95; John, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 64, 69, 73, 96 (part H.), 113; Sir John, 44; Sir John, priest, 54; Joseph, 69; Margaret, 54; Molly, 44; Mr., 44; P. S. F., Ill; Peter, yeoman waiter, 31; R., in; Raufe, 113; Rich- ard, 57 (parts I. VI. and VIE), 58, 114; Robert, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 63 (app. I.), 64; Robert, Pathzoay to Prayer, 75; Roger, 54; Sir Rondull, 54; Sir Rowland, knt., 54; Samuel, 64, 69; Sarah, 57 (part VIE); Thomas, 31, 54, 64, 88, 113; Tom, 44; William, 45; William, clerk, 54; Willimus, 95. Hillard, Mary, 37 (part IV.); Thomas, 37 (part IV.). Hillarye, Rogerus, 37 (part I.). Hille, George, chantry priest, Huyton, 60; Robert, 60. Hillgate, 82, 88. Hillock, 72. Hills, H. (printer), in. Hillyard, Mr., barrister, 46. Hilsborough, 73. Hilton, 46, 57 (part I.), 63 (app. H. ), 82, 88, 99. Hilton, Plylton, — , 82, 88, 99; — , carrier, 61; Adam, 57 (part III.), 83 (part HE), 99, 113; Allen, 50; Mrs. Alice, 42; Anthony, 105; Baron, 44; Christopher, 72; Francis, 57 (part VI.); George, 63 (app. HE), 65, 69; Jacobus, 99; James, 57 (parts VI. and VH.), 61, 63 (app. III.), 65, 69; James, ofHeth Charnock, 60; Jeffrey, 57 (part VI.); John, 42, 54, 57 (part VIE), 69, 74; Jonathan, 73; Joseph, 69; Margaret, 54; Miss, of Preston, 44; Mr., 31; Mr., of Manches- ter, 44; Mr., sie Hulton, 109; Mrs., 57 (part VIE); Oliver, 113; Ralph, 42, 54; Randle, 63 (app. HE), 113; Robert, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 129 57 (parts VI. and VII.), 63 (app. III.), 65, 72, 73; Rogerus, 99; Sam, 39; Stock, 69; Thomas, 63 (app. IV.); Tho. de, 1 12; William, 47, 57 (part III.), 83 (part III.), 1 13; William Hughes, 94; widow, 57 (part VII.); wyffe of John, 60. Hilton, of Millwood, ped., 88; see also Hulton. Himsworth, William, 94. Hinchcliffe, Bishop, 45. Hinchliffe, or Hinchcliffe, Robert Bowyer, 94. Hinchenbrook, Lord, 44. Hinchman, — , 88. Hinckes, — , 88. Hind, Jak the, 74; Marget, wife of John the, 74; Martin, 73; Rev. Dr., vicar of Rochdale, 42; Rev. Mr., 42. Hinde, Mr., 54; Mrs., 109; Dr. Samuel, 70; Thomas, 94; Rev. William, 70; Life of Mn. Brettargh, 75; Rev. William, fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, 545 William, 96; Willimus, 99. Hindeley, Hughe, 63 (app. HI.); Robert, 63 (app. HI.). Hindle, John, 60, 69, 94, 96 (part IV.); Richard, 96 (part IV.); William, 94. Hindley, 42, 50, 54, 58, 60, 81, 82, 88, 945 955 99; hall, 82. Hindley Birch, 47, 96 (part H.). Hindley, — , 82, 88, Adam, 1 10; Beatrix, no; Charles, 44; Elizabeth, 54; Ellen, no; Henry, 63 (app. IV.); Hugh de, no; Hugo, 99; Joan, no; John, 46, 54, 69, 73; Rev. John Haddon, 45, 69; Mar- garet, no; Mr., 46; Nicholas, 113; Ric., 50; Richard, no; Robert, 47, 58, 63, 69, 72, no; Rev. Robert, 105; Robert de, 58; Robert, of Hindley, 54; Roger, 50; Samuel, 73; Thomas, 69, no; William, of the Chowbent, 54. Hindley, of Hindley, ped., 81, 82. Hindshagsike, 99. Hinkelmann, Abr., 114. H innerds, 103. Hinton, Anthony, 109. Hippocras, 46. Hipston, 69. Hird, Lamplugh, 73; Lamplugh Wick- ham, 94. Hirdilton, Nicholaus, 99. Hirst, le, 95. Hirst, Edward, 42; Hugo del, 95. Hirstwood, Johannes, 99. Hiscox, Mr., 44. Hiskebank, 57 (part V.). Hispaniola, 83 (part I.). History Surveyed, in. Hitcham, 114. Hitchen, Robert, of Knowsley, 42. Hitchinson, Lawrence, 96 (part IV. ). Hives, 46. Hivvins, Robert, 69; Thomas, 69. Hoad, Richard, 94. Hoadly, Bp., 44; Dr. Benjamin, 44; Dr. John, 44. Hoard, Mr., 114. Hobart, Nicholas, 114; Rob., in. Hobbes, Thomas, 64, 1 14; Tillotson on his Leviathan, 114. Hobbs, William, 42. Hobby, Sir Edward, 64. Hobcrofte, 58. Hobearthe, the, 47. Hobriding, 74. Hobson, Charles, 42, 88; Daniel, 37 (part IV.); Edward, 63 (app. 1 . ), 69; Emote, 54; George, 47, 94; Henry, 94; John, 42, 47, 94, 105; Joseph, 42; Mary, 42; Mr., of Levenshulme, 42; Peter, 42; Raphe, 47; Reginald, 60; Robert, 47; Dom Romald, capell., 60; Sarah, 42; Thomas, 42, 47, 69. Hoburthornes, 95. Hoby, Sir T., in. Hock day, 58. Hockbridge, 88. Hockenhall, John, of Prenton in Wirrall, 75 - Hockenhull, Jane, 54; John, 54. Hocknell, Elizabeth, 54; John, 50, 54. Hockwold, 96 (part L). Hocton, Sir Adam de, 60; Sibilla de, 60. Hodder, river, 103; water, 62. Hoddersall, Robert, 54; William, 54. Hoddesden, Chr., in; John, in. Hoddesden wood, 58. Hoddesdene, 112. Hoddlesdon, 74. Hodeleston, Rad’us, 99. Hodersale, Adam de, 95. Hodersall, Robertus, 99; Ughtredus, 99; William, 60. Hodge, Robert, 50. Hodgekinson, — , 88; Henry, 105; John, 105. Hodges, — , 88; — (bookseller), 44; Frances, 54; George, 94; John, of London, 54; Dr. Nathaniel, his pre- ventive treatment of the plague, 114; S 130 GENERAL INDEX. Thomas, 69; William, 69; William Arthur, 73. Hodgeson, James, 96 (part IV. ); Reginald, 60; Richard, 96 (part IV.); William, 96 (part IV.). Hodgets, J., III. Hodgkin, Rev. J. , 92. Hodgkinson, — , 81, 82, 88; Elizabeth, 54; Francis, 105; (Jeorge, 54; Hamnet, 54; Henricus, 99; Henry, 54, 69, 94; Henry, of Preston (draper), 60; Jacob, 1 13; James, 105; Jane, 46; John, 69; Joseph, 73, 94; Mr., of Preston, 54; Ricardus, 99; Richard (printer), iii; Rishton, of Preston, 54; Robert, 69; Roger, 50, 54; Sir Roger, priest, 54; Simon de, 60; Thomas, 46, 60, 92, 105; William, 50; William, of Ingoll, 60. Hodgkinson of Preston, ped., 88. Hodgon, Edward, 105. Hodgson, — , 82, 88; Anne, 105; Brian, 73; Edmund, 113; Edward, 50, 105; F. R., 42, 63 (app. IV.); Francis, 63 (app. L); George, 105; Isabel, 105; James, 92, 94, 105; Mr., 44; Richard, 54; Robert, 46; William, 105. Hodgwick, 8k Hodleston, or Hudleston, Johannes, 95; John de, 74; Rad’us, 95; Ricardus, 95; 'Willimus, 95. Hodlyston, Robertus, no. Hodmen, 46. Hodnutte, 54. Hodresale, Hothersall, 74. Hodreshall, Robert de, 74. Hodshon, — , 105. Hodson, Abraham, 73; Francis Marcel- lus, 94; Frodsham, 69, 73, 94; George, 69; James, 63 (app. I. and IV.); John, 73; Nicholas, 54; Thomas, 63 (app. I.), 73; William, 63 (app. IV.). Hoes, the, 62. Hofferman, — , 72. Hoffman, — , 114; Fran., his strange book, 44. Hogarth, W., in. Hogden, Rauffe, 42. Hogekinson, Hugh, 60. Hogkynson, Richard, 60; Robert, 57 (part II.); William, 57 (part H.). Flogerd, Johannes, 57 (part H.). Plogeson, Edmund, 96 (part IV.); Henry, 105; John, 57 (part H. ), 60, 96 (part IV.), 105; Rauf, 60; Thomas, 96 (part IV.). Hog-faced Lady, in. Hoggard, Miles, 64. Hogge, Edward, of Liverpool, 60; Gilbert, of Liverpool, 60; Xpofer, 60. Hoggerson, Dicon, 74; Malkyn, 74. Hogh, John of, 74. Hoghe, Richard, 50. Hoghson, Henry, 57 (part H. ). Hoghton, 50, 54, 58, 74,88,94, 95, no; common, 62; see also Haughton, Hor- ton, and Houghton. Hoghton Tower, 45, 46, 62, 88. Hoghton, Adam, 31, 99; Adam de, 92, 95; Sir Adam, no; Agnes, 103, no; Alexander, 50, 54, 99; Alexander de, 60; Alexander of Lea, will of, 54; Alice, 60; Alicia, 95, 99; Ana, 105; Ann, 31, 54; Arthur, 50, 60, 99; Arthur, of Kirkham, 54; Captain, 47; Sir Charles, 39, 92; Dor- othy, 54; Edward, 54; Elizabeth, 54, 99; Ellen, 54, 60, 103; family coat of arms, 97; George, 50, 54, 60; Georgius, 99; (jilbert, 50, 99; Sir (Gilbert, 31, 47, 50; Sir Gilbert, bart., 39, 62; Sir Gilbert, knt., 60; Grace, 54; Helen, 60; Henricus, 99; Henry, 60, 95, 103; Sir Henry, 44, 92; Sir Henry de, no; Sir Henry Bold, 31, 54, in; Sir Henry Philip, 45; Hen. de, 112; Hum- frey, 50, 57 (part HI.), 83 (part HI.); Humfrey, of Manchester, 54; Jane, 92, no; Johanna, 95, 99; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 54, 105, no; Sir John, 103; Katherine, 31, 60; Lady, 39, 47; Laur- entius, 99; Leonard, 50; Leonard, of Spinagh, 54; Margaret, 92, 99; Mar- gareta, 95; Margery, 60; Merget, 54; Mr., 31, 54; Mr. (auditor), 31; Sir Otnel, 54; Philip, 92; Rad’us, 99; Ralph, 54; Ratcliffe, 54, 62; Ricardus, 95, 99; Richard, 54, 60; Richard de, 58; Sir Richard, 39, 54, 60, 113; Sir Richard de, 60, 105; Sir Richard, of Hoghton Tower, 50; Sir Richard, of the Lea, knt., 60; Robert, 54; Sibella, 60; Thom- as, 31, 47, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 83, 95> 99 j no; Sir Thomas, 92; William, 3L 39> 54. 57 (part IL), 103; William de, no; Willimus, 95, 99; see also Horton, and Houghton. Hoghton of Parkhall, ped., 88. Hoghwic, Avicia, wile of Sir Adam de Hocton, 60. Hoghwyk, 60. Hogs, 46. Hogshead, 46. Hoiloch, 80. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. ]31 Hokertoune, 6o, Hokkeleye, Nicholaus, no. Hokton, Richard de, 74. Holand, Alan, 99; Alianora, 99; Cecily, 47; Elizabeth, no; Frances, no; Hen- ricus, 95; Isabella, 99; James, 47; Jane, no; Johanna, 95; Johannes, 95, 99; John, no; John de, 83 (part IV.); Lawrence, no; Margaret, 95; Maud, 99; Nicholaus, 99; Otho, 99; Rad’us, 99; Ricardus, 95, 99; Ricai'dus de, no; Robertas, 57 (part II.), 95, 99; Roger- us, 95, 99; Sir Robert de, 74; Sir Rd. de, 103; Thomas, 95, 99; Thurstan de, 42, 1 10; Thurstanus, 95, 99; William de, ' 60; Willielmus, 95, 99; Willielmus de, no; see also Holland. Holande, Lord of, 74; Rob. de, 74, 1 12. Holbeach, Martin, in. Holbeck, Thomas, 113. Holbein, H., in. Holborn, 82, 88. Holbrok, Henry, chantry priest, Huyton, 60. Holbroke, — , 88; Hugo, 95; Rogerus, 95 - Holbroocke, John, 63 (app. I.). Holbrook, — , 63 (app. II.); Dr., 44; John, 69. Holbrooke, Edward, 54, 63 (app. I.); Elizabeth, 57 (part VH.);John, 57 (part VI.), 63 (app. I.); Mary, 54. Holburne, 85. Holbyche Heron, no. Plolcar, Henry, 96 (part IV.); James, of the Crosse, 54; John, 54; Rondle, 96 (part IV.). Holcomb, — (a singer), 44. Holcome chapel, 60, 113; forest, 54. Holcome, Rob. de, 112. Holcoumbe, Benne de, 112. Holcraft, Holcrafte, Holcrofte, 81, 82, 88 . Holcroft, Holcrofte, — , 82, 88, 96 (part HI.), 99, no; Adam, no; Adam de, 83 (part IV.); Alexander, no; Alice, 54, 96 (part HI.), no; Anne, no; Bartholomeus, 99; Clemence, no; Dame Anne, 54; Dorothy, 96 (part HE), no; Ellena, 47; Ellyne, no; family of, 83 (part IV.); arms, 83 (part IV.); Geoffrey, 50, 63 (app. IV.); Gil- bert, no; Plamlet, 31, 50, 54; Harry, 54; Helen, 113; Henry, 31, 54, 63; Isabel, countess of Rutland, 31; James, 99; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 83 (part IV.), 96 (part HI.), no; Capt. John, 62; Sir John, 31, 54, 57 (part HI.), 60, 70, 83 (part HI.), 103, no, 113; John, of Holcroft, 54, 60; Sir John, of Holcroft, 50, 75, will of, 54; Dame Juliana, 31; Laurentius, 99; Margaret, 54, 83 (part IV.), no; Miliscent, 99; Mr., 31; Mylycent, no; of Holcroft, 81; Nicholas, 60; Rafe, no; Ricardus, 99; Richard, no; Roger, 31, 54; Thomas, 31, 47, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 83 (part III.), 95; Sir Thomas, 31, 39, 54, 60, 83 (part IV.), no; William, 113. Holcroft of Holcroft, ped., 88. Holda-oft, Bartylmew, 37 (part III.). Holde, Adam de, 74. Holden, 74, 82, 88; fair, 46. Holden, Abbot of Whalley, 60; Adam, 103; Adam de, 95, 112; A. de, 57 (part II.); Alice, 105; Alicia, 95; Catherine, 105; Elizabeth, 105; family, 45; Frances, 45; Francis, 105; George, 42; Rev. George, 105; Rev. George, jun., 105; Gilbert, 103; Grace, 103; Hannah, 105; Henry, 64; Hyla Willets, 94; J., in; James, 69; James Henry, 94; Jane, 105; Johannes, 57 (part IE); John, 50, 105; Maria, 105; Mary, 105; Mr. ,44; Nicholas, 105; Ralph, 103; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 63 (app. IV.); Robert, 37 (part IV.), 54, 57 (part IE), 96 (part IE); Rob. de, 112; Robertas, 95; Samuel, 69; Thom- as, 60, 96 (part IV.); Sir Thomas, 54, 103; Syr Thomas, of Haslingden, priest, 60; William, 54, 72, 94; Dom. William,, chantry priest, 60. Holden of Holden, ped., 88. Holden, see Alveden. Holdene, Adam de, 74; Robt. de, 74. Holderness, 88, 114. Holdholmbroc, 42. Holdsworth, — , 88; Rev. John, 44. Holdtown, 57 (part IE). Hole, 82, 88, no; Magna, 99. Hole, George, 63 (app. E); Richard, 63 (app. IV.), of Warton, 60; Robert, 94; William (engr. ), in. Holebrooke, — , 57 (part VIE); Mrs., 57 (part VIE). Holehouse, John, 94. Holekyn, 74. Holerodes, 95. Holford, 37 (part IV.), 69, 81, 88. Holford, Barbara, 96 (part HE); Bartel- mew, 54; Brian, 54; Christopher, 69, 132 GENERAL INDEX. no; Dorothy, 54; Elizabeth, 54; family, 37 (part IV. ), 83 (part IV.); George, 54; Sir George, 54; John, 42, 47, 54; Sir John, no; Margaret, 54, no; Mar- gerie, 54; Matthew, 54; Philip, 54; Robert, 54; Thomas, 31, 47, 54, no; Vane, 54; W. de, 112. Holgate, — , 88; Thomas Henry, 73. Holiday, Barten, in; George, 105. Holineworth, Robert, 58. Holinhed, 72. Holinshead, — , 82; Thurstan, 31. Holinshed, Ralph, Chronicler of England, 54. Holinworth, Alexander de, 68; Hugh de, 68; John de, 68; Matthew de, 68; Thomas de, 68. Holiwell, Laurence, 60. Holkar, Holker, 88. Holker, — , 82; Edmund, 105; James, 96 (part IV.); John, 96 (part IV.); Mrs., 57 (part VIL). Holland, 37 (part IV.), 50, 57 (part H.), 62, 63 (app. H.), 69, 73, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no, 113; monastery, 113; Prior and Convent, 60. Holland, Court of, 70; divided counsels, 39; victory over fleet, 39; peace, 39. Holland moor farm, 37 (part IV.). Holland, Abraham, 57 (part VII.), ni; Adam, 42, 54, 57 (part VI.), 60, 63, 65; Adam de, 57 (part IL); Alice, 96 (part III.); Ann, 37 (part IV.); Anna, 31; Anne, 54; Benjamin, 57 (part VH. ); Catharine, 96 (part HI.); Charles M. , no; Christopher, 60; Cuthbt., 61; David, 105; Dorothie, 54; Edgar S., no; Edmund, 54; Edward, 37 (part IV.), 54, 57 (part VI.), 60, 73, 83 (part II. ), 96 (part HI.), no; Edward Thurstan, no; Edward, of Denton, 42, 50; Eleanor, no; Elizabeth, 31, 37 (part IV.), 83 part IL); 96 (parts II. and HI.); Lady Elizabeth de, 74; Ellinor, 65; family, 58, arms of, 37 (part IV.), Frances, 96 (part HI.); George, 50, 54, 63, 83 (part HI.), 96 (part HI.); Henry, 60, 64, no, 113; Sir Plenry, 1 10; H. , Earl of, i n ; Hugh, in; Isabel, 54, 65, 96 (part HI.); James, 54, 57 (part I.), 69, 96 (part III.); Jane, 42, 96 (part HI.); Jennet, 72; Joan, 60; Joan de, 42; John, 54, 60, 75 ? 94? 96, no; John, of Manchester, 60; Katherine, 54, 96 (part HI.); Lau- rance, 57 (part VH.); Lord, 62; Lord of, 39; Margaret, 31, 58, 96 (part HI.), no; Margery, 31; Mary, 96 (part HI.), no; Matilda, no; Maude, daughter of Alan Lord le Zouch, 60; Mr., 37 (part IV.), 42, 46, 54, 60; Mr., of Clifton, 42; Mr., of Denton, 46, 60; Mrs., 37 (part IV.), 57 (part VIL); Nicholas, 60; Otho, Othes, Otes, 50, 54, 96 (part HI.), no; Peter, of Downholland, 60; Dr. Philemon, 80, in, 114; Ralph, 54; Rauf, 60, 75; Rev. John, 47; Richard, 39, 42, 47, 50, 54, 58, 60, 63 (app. HI.), 65, 68,»70, 83 (part HI.), 96 (part HI.), no; Richard de, 31, 42, 58; Richard, of Heaton, 50; Col. Richard, 37 (part IV.), 47, 62, 70, 114; Sir Richard, knt., 60; Robert, 54, 57 (part HI.), 58, 96 (part HI.), no, in; Robert de, 58; Robert fitz Thurstan de, 1 10; Sir Robert de, 31, 37 (part IV.), 72, 83 (part IV.); Roger fitz Robert de, 58; Samuel, 73, no; Thomas, 54, 57 (part VIL), 63 (app. IV.), 73, 94, 96, 109, no; Sir Thomas, Earl of Kent, 60; Thurstan, 58; Thurstan de, 31, 37 (part IV.), 60, no; widow, 37 (part IV.); William, 37 (part IV,), 54 ? 57 (parts HI. and VIL), 83 (part III. ), 96 (part HI. ), 1 10; William de, 37 (part IV.), 96 (part HI.); Sir William de, no; William, of Clifton, 63, 65; William fitz Thurstan de, 1 10; see also Holand. Holland of Clifton, ped., 81, no; of Denton, 37 (part IV.), 81 ; of Heaton, 88; of Sutton, 81, 88 . Holland cloth, 46. Hollande, Adam, 63 (app. I.); Edmond, an almoner, 31; Edward, 31, 63 (app. HI.); Mr., 31; Mr,, of Clifton, 31; Mr., of Woden, 31; Rawffe, 75; Richard, of Denton, 31; Thomas, of Clifton, 63 (app. HI.). Holland’s pouther, 46. Hollar, Wenc., in. Hollcarre, Willimus, 99. Holleford, 95. Hollerton, 37 (part IV.). Hollelh township, 105. Holliday, — , 88; Thomas, 50. Hollinfare, 50, 57 (part VH. ), 60, 62, no, 113; chapel, 113; chantry green, 60; passage, 58. Hollin Green Chapel, 54. Hollingcroft, 88. Hollingpriest, John, 42. Hollings, Francis, 69. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 133 Hollingsworth, John, 73. Hollington, 88. Hollingworth, — , 88; George, 54; Isabel, 54; John, 54, 63 (app. IV.); John of, 74; Lawrence, 54; Mercy, 57 (part VII.); Mr., 42; Mrs., 57 (part VII.); Reynold, 54; Robert 54; William, 54; see also Hollinworth. Hollingworth’s shop, 63. Hollinhead, 58. Hollinhurst, John, 39; John, jun., 93; Robert, 39. Hollins Green, 57 (part VH. ). Hollins, Hollyns, 88. Hollins, Dr., 44; Michael Daintry, 94; Mr., 44; Thomas, 94; William, 57 (part VI.), 94. Hollinshead, Edward, of Bosley, 54; Francis, 54; Hugh, of Hey wood, 54; Isabel, 54; Reynold, 54; Thomas, his estates in Cheshire and Staffordshire, 97. Hollins worth, John of, 74. Hollinwood, 58, 94; chapel, 42. Hollinworth, 74. Hollinworth, Dr., 1 14; Dycon of, 74; John of, 57 (part VI.), 74; Mr., of Man- chester, 47; Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Rich- ard, 47, 60, 103; Richard of, 74; Samuel, 6o;Syssot, 74; Thomas, 37 (part IV.). Hollis, Dr., 114; Mr., 61. Holliwell, Richard, 94. Hollond, Edw., 92; Richard, 92. Holloway, 88. Hollyband, Claudius, ill. Hollynfare, see Hollinfare. Hollyn Swipples, 46. Hollynworth, Geo., 60; Thos., 60, 68. Hollywell, 81. Hollywell, Jhon., 31. Holly wood, 37 (part IV.). Holm, James, 46, 76; John, 69; Robert del, 74. Holm’s mill, 63. Holman, George, 114. Holme, the, 45. Holme, Heaulme, Houlme, 81. Holme in Kendal, 60. Holme juxta Davenport, 80. Holme, 37 (part IV.), 50, 54, 82, 88, 96 (part HI.), 109, no; chantry in Clivi- ger, 60; chapel in Cliviger, 60. Holme, Adam, 31; Alexander, 54; Alice, 42; Anne, 45, 54; Clemens, 54; Rev. Edmond, 44; Edmund, 57 (part III.), 1 13; Edward, 45, 50, 69, 72, 83 (part HI.), 105, 1 13; Edward, Manchestet Directory, 68; Dr. Edward, 68; Geoffrey, 42; George, 46, 54; Gilbert, groom of the chamber, 31; Hugh, 54, 75; incum- bent of Child wall, 60; James, 44, 54, 57 (part HI.), 73, 83 (part HI.), 105; Johan, 37 (part IV.); John, 42, 46, 54, 60, 69 ; Josiah, 44 ; Lambert, 54; Mary, 105; Meyrick, 45; Mr., 42, 44; Nicholas, 37 (part IV.); Peter, 54 ; Phillippe, 75 ; Ralph, 50 ; Randle, 60, 87, 88, Letters on Claims of College of Arms, 96 (part HI.), Notes on Oratory at Prestbury, 97; Raulyn, 57 (part 11. ); Richard, 50, 57 (part III. ), 83 (part HI.) ; Robert, 37 (part IV. ), 42, 50, 60, 63, 63 (app. I.), 105; Rob. de, 1 12; Stephen, 60, 63; Thomas, 37 (part IV.), 42, 57 (part HI.), 60, 73, 83 (part HI.) ; Rev. Thomas, 45 ; To. and Wm., slaughtermen, 31; W., in; William, 37 (part IV.), 42, 63 (app. IV.), 96 (part HI.), 105; William, a master cook, 31. Holme’s bridge, 58. Holmes, 57 (part H.), 95, no. Holmes Chapel, 46, 73, 88, 114; memo- rial window at, 80. Holmes, Breckalde, 92; Gervas, 44; John, 69; John, citizen of London, will of, 54; Rev. John, 45; Major 44; William, 54, 94. Holmes, the, 88; More, 37 (part IV.). Holmeswood, Holmewood, 82, 88, no. Holmewood, Captain, 70. Holms mill, 63. Holond, Richard de, 47; Robert de, 92; Thurstan de, 68. Plolroyd, — , 72. Holstein, Duke of, 44, 114. Holsworthy, 73. Holt, 47, 54, 81, 82, 88, no; castle, 60; chapel, 103 ; close, 46 ; hall, 42, 47, 103, no; hall in Rishton, 60; market, 47; the, 37 (part IV.), 58, 103. Holt, Aaron, 73; Agnes, 60; Alanus, 95; Alexander, 54, 105; Alianora, 99; Alice, 54, 1 10; Alyce, ofChesham, 60; Ann, 42; Arthur, 54; Bertylmew, 54; Cecily, no; Charles, 54, 57 (part HI.), 82, 83 (part HI. ), 96 (part 11. ), 1 10; Charles, of Ash- worth, 50; Charles, of Stubley and Cas- tleton, 50; Christopher, 54; Cicely, 54; Clemence, 60; David, 73; Dorothj/, 54, 96 (part H. ), 1 10; Edmund, 54; Edward, 42, 60, 73, 105; Eli, 69; Elizabeth, 54, 96 134 GENERAL INDEX. (part III.); Ells, 54; Ellen, 54, iio; Father, the Jesuit, 31; Frances, no; Francis, 50, 54, 57 (part III.), 59, 83 (partllL), 96, 109, 113; Franciscus, 99; Geoffrey, 57 (part III.), 83 (part III.); Geoige, 54, 72, 73, 94; Rev. George, 42; Grace, 96; Henry, 54; Hugh, 54, 80; Hugh, of the, 58; Hugo del, 95; Isabel, 54; Jacobus, 95, 99; James, 54, 73, 96 (part IV.), 103; Jane, 54; Johannes, 95; John, 42, 54> 63 (app. I. and IV.), 69, 73, 96; John del, 74; John, of the, 58; Sir John, lord chief justice, 61 ; Joseph, 94; Kathe- rine, no; Margaret, 54, no; Margerie, 54; Mary, 54, 82, 103, 1 10; Matilda del, 42, 47; Miss, 44; Mr., 46; Mr., of Cas- tleton, 61, 70; Mr., of Stubley, 47; Nic- holas, 42; Oliver, 54; Peter, 54; Ralph, 54, 96, no, 113; Ralph, of Gristle- hurst, 54, 60; Richard, 54, 60, 73, no, 113; Richard, of Ribchester, 60; R. (printer), in; Robert, 50, 54, 57 (part III.), 60, 62, 69, 82, 83 (part III.), 92, 96 (part II.), 103, 113; Robert, of Ash- worth, 42, will of, 54; Robert, of Stub- ley, no, will of, 54; Robert, of the, 58; Robertus, 95; Roger, 50, 54, 60; Rogerus, 95; Theophilus, 105; Sir Thomas, 50, 96, 105; Sir Thomas, knt., 54; Sir Thomas, of Gristlehurst, knt., 54, 60; Thomas, 54, 60, 94, 103, 105, 113; Thomas de, 47; Thomas Posthumus, 31, 54; William, 54, 69, 73. 96; Willimus, 95; see also Holte and Hoult. Holt of Ashworth, ped.. 88; of Eridgehall, ped,, 88; of Gristlehurst, ped., 81, 82, 88; of Stubley, ped., 81, 88. Holte, — , 88; Charles, 42; Constance, 31; Edward, 39, 60; Sir Edward 63; Francis, 3I; Grace, 31; John, of Stub- ley, 31; Margaret, wife of John Kay, 31; Mr., 31; Oliver, of Ashworth, 31; Ralph, 31 ; Richard, 31; Richard, of Haslom Haye, 60; Robert, 39, 42; Robert, of Ashworth, 31; Roger, of Bridge Hall, 31; Sir Edward, 63; Sir Thomas, chaplain, 31; Thomas, 96; Thomas, of Grizlehurst, 31 ; Willyam, 60. Holtes, Thomas del, 42, Holtham, or Hotham, 99. Holy bread silver levied, 97. Holy Cross, exaltation of the, 58. Holy Days, in. Holy Profession, in. Holy Rood, in. Holyman, John, 64. Holyne Grene chapel, 54. Holyne Fare, see Hollinfare. Holynhead, Laurence, 97; Ralph, 97; Thomas, 97; William, 97. Holynhed, 95. Holynworth, Thomas, 68. Holyoak, Christopher, 64. Holyoake, F., 114. Holyoke’s, Dr. Thomas, Dictionary, 80. Holy- water stock, 113. Homage, 46; tenure, description of, 58. Home, Lady Margaret, in; Lord, 37 (part IL); James, 63 (app. III.). Homer, in. Homes, Dr. Nathaniel, 114. Hoinilcs, the Book of, A. D. 1635, 38. Hondford, see Honford. Hondforth, Richard de, 42. Hondkin, John, 54. Honeford, see Houford. Honer, John, 54. Honersfelde, 54. Honey, 46, 58, 112. Honford, 82, 88, 96 (part HL). Honford, Agnes de, 47; Barbara, 31; Geoffrey de, 47; Henry de, 42, 47, no; Henry, of Handforth, 97; Johannes, 95; John, LL. B., rector of Ashton, 60; Sir John, of Honford, 60; John, of Honford, 80; Katherine, 54; Margaret, 60; Margery, 97; Richard de, 42, 45; Robert, 42; Robert, of Etchells, will of, 54; Stephen, 31; Sybil, 97; W. de, 97; William de, 42, 47; William, 60; William, of Honford, 54. Hongrill, 80. Honorsfield, Honresfeld, 54, 58, 95; see also Hunresfeld. Honour, high court and tenants of, 58. Honswod, 95. Honton, John de, 58. Honyat, Thomas, 54. Hood, Richard, 94; Lord, in Manchester, 68 . Hoogh, the, 88. Hoohoyle, Hoohole, 73. Hook, R., 114; Rev. W. F., 31, 94. Hooke, Rev. John, 44. Hooker, Richard, 64; Polity, 1 03. Hookes, N., in. Hooks and eyes, 46. Hoole, 46, 62, 73; Great and Little, 50; Heath, 70; Much, 46, 54; Much and Little, 58. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 135 Hoole, Elijah, 5)4; Holland, 94; John, of vSingleton, 62; Captain John, 92; Joseph, 69^; Rev, Joseph, 44; William, 54. Hoonet, no. Hoop, 46. Hoope, Charles, 54; Richard, 63. Hooper, Bp,, iii; Rev. F. H., 42; Rev. Francis, 42, 44; George, 64; John, 64; Joseph, 57 (part VH.), 61, 63 (app. IV.). Hoornbeck, John, 114. Hooton, 81, 88, no; arms of, 42. Hooton, James, 73. Hop holand, or Upholland, 99. Hop yard, 37 (part IV.). Hope, 45, 72, 73, 81, 88, 95, 99, no, in; the, 58. Hope Carr, 88. Hope, Cicely, 46; Edmund, 94; Henry, 73; Sir Hugh, clerk, 54; Mary, 54; Mawde, 54; Robert, 54; Silas, 69; Thomas, 57 (part VI.), 69; William, 73. Hopevv^orth, 58. Hopkins, — , 64; Miss, 72; R. W., 92. Hopkinson, — , 88; Edward, 50; Henry, of Hulme, 54; John, 88. Hopp, or Hopps, Joseph, 94. Hoppe, Robert, 46. Hopper, B., 72; John, 73. Hoppets, 46. Hoppewode, see Hopwood. Hops, 46. Hopton, 73, 82. Hopton, Mr., 44; Sir R., in. Hopwode, see Hopwood. Hopwood, 45, 58, 60, 81, 82, 88, 96 (part H.). Hopwood Cleydon, 88. Hopwood, Adam de, 47, 58, 68; Alice, 54; Anne, no; Anthony, 96 (part H.); Bet., 45; Daniel, 96 (part H. ); Dorothy, 96; Edmund, 39, 46, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 60, 63 (app. HI.), 83 (part HI.), 96 (part H. ), 103, no; Edward Gregge, 45; Elizabeth, 31, 45, 54, 96 (part IL), no; Galfridus, 95; Henry, 46; James, 42, 96 (part H.) 103; Sir James, 54, 60; Jane, daughter of Edmund, 31; Jennet, no; John, 57 (parts VI. and VH.), 63 (app IV.), 96 (part H.) ; 99, 103, no; John, of Hopwood, 61 ; Leonard, 96 (part H.); Mary, 45; Mr., 54, 109; Mrs., 54; Ralph, 54; Richard, 42, 44, 57 (parts VI. and VH.), 96 (part I.) ; 96 (part H. ); Robert, 58; Robert de, rector of Middleton, 60; Samuel Fogg, 94; Sarah, 96 (part H.); Thomas, 58; Thomas de, 68; William de, 42; Winifred, 96 (part H. ). Hopwood, of Hopwood, ped., 81, 88. Horabine, George, 46; Giles, 46; John, 46; William, 46. Horace, imitations of, 45; manuscript, 44; Odes, III-, Satires, in. Horbery, Mr., 44. Horbury, Agnes de, 42; Ralph de, 42. Horchard, 57 (part H). Horden (Hordern), David, 94. Hordern, Great and Little, 58. Hordern, Rev. Joseph, 42; Peter, 94; Rev. Peter, 42. Hordern Solyns, 58. Horderne, 74. Hordeznesoleyne, 95. Hereby, Giles, 60. Horeskes, Thomas, 99. Horewich, see Horwich. Horewichley, 58. Horley, Charles, 72. Horley Green, 73. Horn, Robert, 64; T., ill. Hornbie, George, 92; John, 92; William, 92. Hornby, 46, 50, 57 (part IL), 69, 74, 81, 82, 88, 1 io;castle, 45, 60, 62, 88, 95, i lo, castle and manor, 57 (part IL ), 58, 62; hospital and bedehouse, 60; priory, 57 (part IL). Hornby, Charles, 88; Daniel, 94; E. G. S., 105; Edmund, 92, 105; Esther, no; Rev. Canon, 76; Rev. Geoffrey, 105; Rev. George, 88; Rev. Hugh, 45; Hugh Hilton, 92; Rev. James John, 70, no; John, 60, 92; Joseph, 92; Richard, 50, 92; Robert, 94; Roger de Montbegon, Baro de, 58; William, 92; in. Horncastle, 57 (part L). Horne, Thomas, 60. Horneby, Edmund, 74 ; George, 92 ; Hugh, 92; James, 57 (part IL); John, 92, no; Richard, 92; Thomas de, 95; William, 57 (part H. ); Willimus, 95. Hornebye, Margaret, 92; Ric., 96 (part IV.). Horneck, Anthony, 64. Horner, — , 88. Hornsey, 72. Horridge, Edward Samuel, 94; James, 73. Horrobyn, Richard, 54. Horrockford, Clitheroe 103. Horrocks, no. Horrocks, Alexander, 54, 109; Elizabeth, 136 GENERAL INDEX. 54, 1 14; Genet, 54; James, 46, 54, 1 14; Jeremiah, see Horrox, 114; John, 109; Laurence, 57 (part II.); Mar- garet, 46; Mr., 37 (part IV.), 109; Samuel, 45; Sir, chantry priest, Leigh, 60. Horrox, Jeremiah, account of, 114. Horsdale, Ordsall, 99. Horse breakers, 46. Horse-mill, 112; -pool, 65, 72. Horse Race, strange, ill. Horses, 46, 63, 112; breeding, 50 ; cloths, 46; collars, 46; comb, 46; dancing, in, feed, 46; hey, 47; hire, 46; leech, 46; load, 58; marshal, 46; price of, 44. Horsedge, 42. Horsefield, John, 73; Richard, 73; Rob., III. Horseman, Dr., 44; R., iii; Sir William, 54 - Horsemen (cavalry) in 1588, 50. Horsey family, in. blorseway, see Causeways. Horsfall, — , 88 ; Charles, 63 (app. IV.) ; Edward, 105; Ellen, 105; John, 105; Richard, 105, Horsham, William de, abbot of Dale, 60. Horsley, 88. Horsley, Edward, 105. Horsworth, Edmund, 54. Horton, 69, 88, 99, no, 114; castle, 31. Horten, Dr., 114; Elkanah, 44; Elizabeth, 54; Ellen de, no; family, 103; James, 44; John, 54; Joshua, of Chaderton, 61; Margaret de, i lO; Matildis, no; Maude, no; Owen, 31; Richard, 65; Thomas, 94; Thomas, of Toternhoe, 54; Sir Watts, 72; William, 72, 73, no; William de, 1 10. Horthornethwayt, Laurence, 99. Horwich, 46, 54, 58, 65, 81, 96 (part IV.); Chapel, 60, 113. Horwich, Adam, 96 (part IV.); Jhon., 96 (part IV.); George, 96 (part IV.). Horwood, 46. Hose, 46. Hose, James, 74. Hoskins, 88; J., verses on, 90; Mr., 44; W. (printer), in. Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, in Catterall, 105; St. Bartholomew, in. Hospitallers, knights, 58. Hotchkis, John, 54. Hotham, Captain, 50; Charles, 114; Durand, or Durant, Life of Behmen^ 114; Sir John, 50, 114. Hothersall of Hothersall, ped., 88. Hothersall, — , 57 (part HI.); 81, 83 (part HI.); Anne, of Hothersall, 54; George, 64; Captain J., 1 05; John, 50; William, 54; William, of Hothersall, 60. Hothome, Johannes, 95. Hothorn, John de, 105. Hoton, 58. Hoton, Thomas, 105. Hotton, 57 (part 11 .) Hottinger, J. H., 114 Houcetum, 112. Hough, 42, 96 (part HI.) Hough and Hough’s End, 58; Clough and Hall, 42, 47, 58, 82, 88. Hough, Charles, 69; Christiana, 54; George, 73; John, 69; Mary, 57 (part VH.) ; Mr., 44; Peter, 69; Richard, of Leighton, 54; Robert, chantry priest, Warrington, 60; Samuel, 69; William, 50; Rev. William, 92. Hougham, 81, 1 14. Houghe, Dorothy, 54; Edward, 54; Fran- cis, 65; James, 109; Mr., 54; Richard, 54; Thomas, 54; William, 54. Houghim, Thomas, 50, 57 (part HI.). Houghton, 37 (part IV.), 47, 54, 73, 74, 81, 82, 88; Chapel, 113; Papers, dis- covery of, 62; Tower, 88, no. Houghton, — , 72; Adam, no; Adam de, 74; Agnes, no; Alice, 92, no; Ann, 42; Arthur, 92; Catherine, 105; Charles, 44; Ellen, 92; George, 92; George, Kirkham, 60; Sir Gilbert, 108, ni; Sir Henry, no; Hugh, 92; Humphrey, 42, 63 (app. I.); James, 69; Jane, no; Joanna, no; John, 44, 57 (part VIL); 63, 69, 73; John, of Baguley, 42; Rev. John, 47; Justice, 39; Katherine, 31, 92, no; Lady Margaret, 105; Laurence, 96 (part IV.); Mr., 31, 39, 44; Mr., and the Baron Newton, 31 ; Mrs., 31; Rev. Pendlebury, 47; Philip, 63 (app. I. ); Philippa, no; Ralph, 47, 63 (app. IV.); Richard, 31,44,63, 92, 1 10; Sir Richard, 31,47,60, 92, 105, no, in; Robert, 73, 96 (part IV.); Sibilla, no; T., in; Thomas, 44, 83 (part HI.), 92, no; Thomas, of Houghton, 31; William, 46, 63 (app. L), 69 73, 96 (part IV.) ; Sir William, no; see also Hoghton. Houghton of Houghton, ped., 81. Houghton, West, see Westhoughton. Houghton, Yorks, 81. Houghtoun, Elizabeth, 39. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 137 Iloughwick, 6o, 69, Si, 82, 88, 1 10. Iloulbrocke, Sir Raufe, 54. Houlbrooke, Edw., 57 (part VIE). Houlden, — , 88; Ellen, 46; Ellis, 46; James, 46; John, 46, 57 (part VIE); Mr., of Duckworth, 46; Mrs., 57 (part VIE) ; Ralph, 65; Robert, 46; Thomas, 46; William, 46; see also Holden and llowlden. Iloulds worth, Thomas, 72. Houley moor, 62, Houlgate meadow, 47. Houlme, — , a goldsmith, 31; Alice, no; George, 39, 47; Henry, 105; Robert, 105; Roger, 39. Houlme, see Elulme. Hoult, — , 57 (part VIE) ; Hannah, 57 (part VIE); John, 42, 47; Thomas, of (dresillhurst, no; Uriah, 42; William, 42. Houlte, John, 57 (part VI.), 65; Mr., 46; Mr., of Ashworth, 46; Mr., of Gristle- hurst, 46; Richard, 57 (part VE); Thomas, 63. Eloune, Robert, 46. Hounsfield, — , 72; John Brailsford, 94, Hounswood, 46. House building, 46; rent, 46. House of Correction, 46, 72, in. House of husbandry, 63. Housebote, 58, 112. Housing not repaired, 65. Houslinge people in Manchester, 60; (communion), 46. Houson, John, 64. Hoveden, Roger, Annals, 80. Hovel, see Pendis. Hove, Van, in. Hovingham, 88; hall, 76. Hovringham, 1 10. How, Lord, 44. Howard, — , 81, 82, 88; Catherine, 105; Cephas, 42; Charles, Baron, 90; Char- les, Duke of Norfolk, 105; Hon. Char- les, in; Lord Charles, 50, in; Dorothy, no; Edmund, Lord, 37 (part IE), 54; Edward, 69, 94; Elizabeth, 57 (part 1 . ); Frances, 105; Sir ETancis, 96 (part HE) ; George Routh, 94; Lord Henry, 37 (part II.), 50, 90, iii; Lord Henry Thomas, 31; J. and Co., 37 (part IV.); John, 63 (app. IV.), 69; John, visit to Manchester, 68; Mary, 54, 105; Mr., 44; Sir Robert, 61; Lord Thomas, 61, 90; Thomas, 73, 94, 96 (part HE); Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, no, ni; Lord William, 96 (part HE), in; Willimus, 95; Wynn, 73 - Howarden, — , 88. Howarth, — , 57 (part H.), 88, 96; Charles, 69; Henry, 94; Isabel, 54; John, 74; Miss, 92; Radclyffe, 57 (part IE); Ran- dle, 63 (app. HE); Richard, 63 (app. HI.); Theophilus, 57 (part IE), 75; Thomas, 69; the wife of John of, 74. Howcarre, Thomas, 54. How'croft, Thomas, 113. Howden, 60. Howe, (dharles, 44; Georgius, 99; John, 69; Sir Scroop, 61; W., in. Howel, Laurence, Desiderius, 114. Howell, — , 88; James, in; R., ni; T., in. Howerth, Mrs., 57 (part VII.). Howggsley, Richard, 54. Howghe, Richard, no. Elowghwyke, — , 81. Howgill chapel, 45. Howick, Howghwyke, see Houghwick. Howie, — , 88. Howitt, Agnes, 31. Howland, Dr., 103 (part H.). Howlden, fam. ped. , 81; see also Holden and Houlden. Howlee [Howlte?], — , 81. Howlet, John, 64. Howley, co. Ebor, 88. Howley, Rev., 69. Howlrode, George, 81. Howorth, 63 (app. IE), 82, 88; hall, 88. Howorth, Dr. Radcliffe, 88; Edmund, 88; James, 54; Dr. John, 114; Robert, 88; Dr. Theophilus, 88; Thomas, 57 (part VE). Howorth, of Howorth, ped., 82, 88; of Thurcroft, ped., 88. Howorth, Little, 88. Elowpe, John, 54. Howreden, Thomas, 37 (part HI.). Howse Walden, 81. Howsley, — , 96 (part HE). Howson, Bp. J., in. Hoyland, Charles, 69. Hoyle, — , 88; John, 57 (part VIE); Josue, 64. Hoyling arrows, 65. Hozhe, Sir Roger, 54. Hubark, no. Hubbard, — , 88. Hubberstie, John, 1015; Richard, 105; Robert, 105. T 138 GENERAL INDEX. Hubert, archbishop of Canterbury, 105. Hubert, Ric., in. Huchins, Williams, 54. Hucklescott, T. , in. Huddelestone, — de, 112 ; Adam de, 74, 112; John de, 112. Huddersall, John, 54; see also Hodersall. Huddersfield, Uddersfield, 37 (part IV.), 69, 94, no. Huddleston, — , 88; Colonel, of Millom castle, 62 ; Edmund, 54 ; Eleanor, 54; family, 87; John, 54, 64; Richard, 64; Sir William, 70. Huddlestone, Sir Edward, 31. Hudelston, John, no; Elinor, no; Eliza- beth, no; Richard, no; Sibilla, no. Hudibras, ill; Scotch, in. Hudleston, — , 81, 82, 88 ; Sir Edmund, knt., 60; Nicholas, 50 ; Rev. William, 105. Hudreshall, — , 82. Hudson, — , 63 (app. H.), 88; Beulah, 47; Charles, 69; Dr., 46; Edward, 63 (app. I. & IV.) ; George Henry, 94; Gowen, 39 ; Henry, 47 ; James, 105 ; John, 42, 57 (parts VI. and VII.), 94; John, of Heaton Norris, 42; Margareta, 95; Raphe, 47; Richard, 54; Robert, 54, 63; Roger, 69; T., in; Thomas, 42, 57 (part II.) ; William, 46, 105; Willi- mus, 95. Hudysbank, John, 57 (part II.). Hue and Cry, 63. Huet, Bp. , Weakness of Human Reason, 44; edition of Origen, 1 14; Hamnet, 54; Sir John, prebendary of Chester, 54. Huett, a waitt, 46 ; Edward, 54 ; Roger, 54- Hugerde, John, 60. Hugeson, Adam, 74. Huggarde Miles, in. Hugh, Abbot of Salley, 112; Daniel, 63 (app. HI.); Ralph, 63 (app. HI.); Robert, 60 ; son of Ralph, 74 ; son of Thomas, 74. Hugh de S — , 74. Hughes, — , 37 (part I.), 83 (part I.); Arnold, 94; Cornelius, 94; Edward, 94; George, 64; Henry, 47, 94; James, 57 (part VI.) ; John, 94; Margaret, 57 (part VH.); Moses, 72; Mr., 31; Mrs., 31, 44; Philip James, 73; Rev. Mr., 42 ; Robert, 42 ; Thomas, 42, 47, 69, 94; William, 94; William Jones, 73; Dr. William, 103 (part H.). Hughes’s Gf'and Abnd^>men/, 80. Hughs, H. (printer), in; J. (printer), in. llughurst, 99. Hugill, Hugell, 82. Hugo, Hermann, 44, in. Hugson, Alexander, 113. Uugyn, 74. Huish, Jas. , in. Hul, William, 92. Hulks, 50. Hull, 45, 69, 70, 88, 109, 112, 114; super Dane, 112; Blokehouses, no; pro- ceeding at, 50. Hull, the Baron’s, 58. Hull, — , 88; Cecilia del, 47; Christopher, 60, 92, Elling, 92; George, 92; James, 92; Johannes, 99; John, 92, 94; John Edmund, 94; Nicholas, 92; Ralph, 60; Richard del, 60; Richard del, chaplain, 42; Rogerus, 99; Thomas, 57 (part H.), 105; William, 57 (part IL), 60, 92, 105; William, of Bisbame, 62; William Winstanley, 94. Hullenhedge hall, 81. Hulles, or Hules le, 58. Hulm, 112. Hulm cross, in Winwick, 60. Plulm, Galfridusde, 47; John, 57 (part I.). Hulme, or Holme, meaning of in com- position, 58; several townships of the name, 58. Hulme, 42, 47, 58, 63, 65, 68, 69, 73, 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 96, no ; Moss, 58 ; hall, 37 (part IV.), 42, 44, 65. Hulme Edgcroft, 42. Hulme, in Winwick, 74. Hulme, near Stockport, 42. Hulme, — , 63 (app. H.) ; Adam, 47, 57 (part VI.) ; Banaster, 42 ; Charles, 47 ; Christian, 42 ; Cicely, 42 ; Daniel, 57 (part VII.); Dauntesey, 63 (app. IV.), 69 ; David, 47, 95, 99; Edmund, 50, 113; Edward, 42, 47, 58, 63 (app. IV.); Elizabeth, 42; Ellen, 42; Elyn of, 74; Francis Philips, clerk, curate of Birch, 47 ; Geoffrey, 42, 58, 60, 65; Geoffrey de, 58; George, 42, 47, 54, 57 (part VI.), 113; Gilbert de, 58; H., 42; Hugh, 60, 61, 113; Isabel, 54; Jacobus, 99; James, 42, 50, 54, 57 (part VI.), 63 (app. I. & HI.), 94; James Hilton, 94; James, of Hulme, 60; Jane, 42; Japhet, 57 (parts VI. and VII.); Johannes, 95; John, 42, 47? 73 > John, chantry priest, Huy- ton, 60; John de, 42, 60; Jone, 54; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 139 Laurence, 37 (part IV,), 42, 47; Lau- rence de, 58, 60 ; Laurentius, 95, 99 ; Lawrence, 54; Margaret, 42; Mary, 42; Mr., 37 (part IV.), 42 ; Nicholaus, 37 (part IV.), 99; Nicholas, canon of Dar- lington and Ripon, 60 ; Obadiah, 42, 47; Oliver, 42; Otho, 63 (app. IV.), 69; Rad’us, 99 ; Ralph, 42, 60, 63, 65 ; Sir Raufife, chaplen, 54 ; Richard, 54, 60, 65 ; Richard, of Davy Holme, 54 ; Robert, 42, 54, 63, 65, 72; Robert de, 58; Robert, of Hulnie hall, 42; Robert, of Manchester, 54; Robert, of Reddish, 47, 54 ; Samuel, 42 ; Stephen, 57 (part VL), 60; Steven, 54; Thomas, 42, 47, 58, 73; Thomas de, 58; Thomasine, 42, 65; Titus, 42; Willimus, 95; William, 37 (part IV.), 47, 54, 57 (parts VI. & VII.), 60, 72, 96, 109, will of, 42; Wil- liam de, 42 ; William, of Davyhulme, 42 ; William, of Hulme, 31 ; William, the founder, 42, 109. Hulme, of Hulme, pedigree, 88. Hulme myln in Winwick, 60. Hulme’s mill, 65; moor, 42. Hulme Wallfield, 112. Hulmore, 60. Huls, Rafife, 54. Hulsius, F., Ill; T., iii. Hulton, 37 (part IV.), 50, 54, 57 (part I-)j 585 735 ^2, 88, 95, 99, no; Middle, 46, 54; Over, 37 (part IV.); Park, 37 (part IV.), 45, 57 (part H.), 72, no. Hulton family, 37 (part IV.). Hulton, — , 57 (part I.), 81, 82, 88; Adam, 31, 37 (part IV.), 39, 42, 60, 113; Adam de, 47, 58, 72, 95, no; Adam, of the park, 63, iio; Allan, 65; Allan, of Farnworth, 63 (app. HI.), 65; Alice, 31, no; Alicia, no; Anne, 45, 54; Beatrix, 37 (part IV.); Blethyn de, no; Camp- bell Bassett Arthur Grey, 94; Catherine, 83 (part H.); Cecilia de, 37 (part IV.); Christian, 42; Christopher, 60, 99, no; Clemence, 31, no; David de, 37 (part IV.), 58, 72, no; Edmounde, no; Eleanor, 44, no; Elena, no; Eliza- beth, 31, 47, 72, 99, no; Ellyn, no; Elnor, no; Frederick Blethyn Copley, 94; George, 65, 109, no; Col. Henry, 69; Henry, 44, 45, 73; Henry William, 94; Henry de, 58; Henry, of Hulton, 61; Hugh de, 72; Jacobus, 99; James, no; Jane, no; Jarverthde, 58, Jerworth de, 83 (part 11 . ); Jessop, 37 (part IV.); Jessop George de Blackburn, 94; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 37 (part IV.), 63, 96, no; John de, 47, 58, 74, no; John de, of Farnworth, 47; John Edward, Uxbridge, Wellington, 94; John, of Farnworth, 58; John, of Whittle in the Woods, 60; Jorweth, no; Katerina, 95; Katherine, no; Maister, minister of Ringley chapel, 42; Margaret 31; Margeret, 99, no; Margeret, daughter of Sir James Haring- ton, 60; Marpeth, or Yarwith de, no; Meredith, no; Micheall, no; Mr., 37 (part IV.), 46; Mr,, junior, 31; Mr., of the Park, 46, 81; Ralph de, 58; Randle, 63, 113; Randulph de, 72; Ricardus, 99; Richard de, 42, 47, 68, 72, no; Richard, 37 (part IV.), 58, no; Robard, no; Robert, 58, 60, 63 (app. HI.), 99; Robert de, 42, 47; Roger, 58, 72, no; Roger, of Hulton Park, 54; Rogerus, 95, 99; Siscelye, no; Thomas, no; Thomas de, rector of Bury, 47; W. W. B., no; William, 37 (part IV.), 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 58, 60, 63 (app. IL), 99, 109; William Adam, 31, 94, no; William de, 47; William, of Donnington, 63; William, of Farnworth, 42, 63; William, of Hulton, 31, 42; William, of the Park, 63; William Royle, 1 10; Willimus de, 95; see also Hilton. Hulton, of Farnworth, ped. , 81; of Hul- ton, 57 (part IL), 60, 88; of the Park, ped., 81. Hultoun, John, 63 (app. HI.). Humberstone, Hy., 64. Humbles, 46. Humbleton, 88. Hume, Anna, in. Hume’s Philosophy of Geographical Names ^ extract from, 58. Humfraye, Wm., 75. Humours Heaven on Earth, in. Humphfrey, Duke, in; Lauren., 64. Humphrey, John, 69. Humphreys, — , 88; Dr., 44; David, 44. Huncote, George, 96 (part IV.). Huncote, Huncotes, 50, 58, 88, 112. Huncote Hall, 103. Huncothall, Huncothale, 81. Hunderfilde, 50. Hundersfield, 54, 58, 88, 96 (part HI.); township of, no. Hundow, 88. 140 GENERAL INDEX. Hundred, the, how constituted, 58. Hundreds, custom of grouping by, 50. Hungate, W., 82, Hungerford, Sir Anthony, 64; Lord, 109; Robert Lord, 58; Walter Lord, 113. Hungerhill, 45. Hunis, W., III. Hunmanley, 54. Hunnington, 8^ Hunresfeld, Michael de, 92. Hunresfeld, 99; see also Honorsfield, and Hundersfield. Hunsdon, Lord, 90. Hunshman, Catherine, 1 14; John, 114. Hunt is up^ 1 1 1 . Hunt Fields, 63; Hall, 58, 60. Hunt, — , 63 (app. IL), 82, 88; Alice, 54; Arnold, 54; Catherine, 54; Chr., Ill; Dorothy, 54; Edmund, 42, 54, 68; Edmundus, 99; Elizabeth, 54; Ellen, 54; George, 54; Henry, 46, 80, 94; Hugh, 54; Humfrey, 54; Sir L, iii; James, 54; John, 42, 47, 54, 65, 72, 73; Margaret, 54; Margeret, 47; Mawd, 54; Rauff, 47; Richard, 42, 54, 63, 65; Richard, of Hunt Hall, 54; Richard, of Manchester, will of, 54; Richard of, 74; Richard, the, 74; Robert, iii; Robert le, 54; Robertas, 95; Rowland, 50; Symonis, 57 (part IL); T,, iii; Thomas, 44, 54, 63, 96 (part H.); Thos., minister of Oldham, 103 (part IL); William, 42, 47, 54, 92, 94; William le, 58. Huntbach, John, 88; Margery, 88. Huntcote, George, 113. Hunte, Agnes, 60; Anne, 57 (part VH.); James, 31; Margaret, 57 (part VIL), 60; Master Rychard, 60; Mr., a preacher, 31; Nichol, 60; Sir Raphe, 1 13; Richard, 60, 63 (app. III.); Richard, the elder, 60; Richard, the younger, 60; Robert, of Warrington, 60; Sir Thomas, priest, 60; Thomas, M.A., of Oldham, 31; William, 58, 63 (app. I.). Huntendune priory, 80. Hunterholm, 46, 96. Hunter, — ; 88, iii; Ellen, 54; Henry, 94; John, 105; Rev. John, 105; Rev. Joseph, 105; Joseph, 105; Margaret, 105; Mary, 105; Matthew, 69; Mr,, 44; Mrs., 105; Richard, of Longtree, 60; Robert, 57 (part VH.); Rev. Robert, 105; .Sarah, 105; Thomas, 39; Rev. Thomas, 105; To., 75; William, 63 (app. 1 . and IV.), 105; Rev. Wil- liam, 105; William, of Manchester, 60. Hunting, iii; unlawfull, 63. Huntingdon, 54, 109; no mustard in, 44. Huntington, Earl of, 31; Edward, 105; Eliz., Countess of, iii; George, Earl of, 60; Henry, Earl of, 65, 75, iii; Henry Hastings, third Earl of, 50; Johannes, 95; Kath., Countess of, iii; Mary, 105; Robert, 54; Robert, Earl of, III; Selina, Countess of, 44. Huntley, Elizabeth, 99, no; Marquis of, 39, III; Thomas, 99, 1 10, Hunton, Timothy, 94. Huntroyd, 45, 88, no. Hunt’s bank, 57 (part VIL), 58, 60, 63, Hunt's house in Deynes-gate, 60. Huntwick, 42. Huntyngdon, John, warden of Man- chester, 58. Hupton, John, 69. Hurbboat, Ellen, 42; William, 42. Hurd, Bishop, 94; James, 94. Hurde, John, chantry priest, Liverpool, 60. llurdesfield, 54. Hurdis, Rev. James, in; John, 113. Hurdleton (? Latham), 74. Hurd man, Mr., 44. Hurdsfield church, 97. Hurdus, Blenry, 57 (part VIL), Hurewitt, William de, 58. Hurison, John, 92. Hurleston, Hurlston, 54, 57 (part II.), 88. Hurleston, — , 88; Elizabeth, of Chester, widow, will of, 54; Hugh, 54; John, and Jane his wife, 31; Mrs., 54; Nicholas, 54; Peter, 54; Ralph, 50; Randall, 50; Ranulph, or Randel, 63; Richard, 50, 54; Richard, of Picton, 54; Roger, 54; William, 54. Hurleston, ped. , 82. Hurleton, 81. Hurleton, Willimus, 95. Hurlock, Benj., in. Hnrlothrumho, 44. Hurlton, Elizabeth, 54; Hugh, 54; Hum- phrey, 113. Flurries, = commotions, 44. Hurslegh, 99. Hurst, 47, 74, 81, 82, 88, no. Hurst, — , 72; Arthur, 57 (part VI.); Edward, 92; George, 57 (part VL); Jane, 46; Jeffrey, 54; John, 54, 73; Nichol of, 74; Peter, 73; Richard, 57 VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 141 (]'>art VL); Thomas, 69; William, 63 (app. IV. ), 73, 94. Ilurste, John, 60; Sir Whlliam, chantry priest, Ehesforth, 60. Hursted, Jenet, 92. Hurstwood, 88, 99, 103. Hurstwood, Jolin, 103; Wm., 103. Hurt, Richard of, 74. Hurwilham, Galfrid de, 57 (part II.). Husbandmen, 65. Husbandry, 46. Husbands, Rev. Mr., 44. Husborne Crawley, 94. Huske, Dr., 114. Husserwood, John, 54. Hussey, — , 88; Bridget, 92; Sir Edward, 92; Sir Harry, 44; Sir T. , iii; Rev. W. L., 92. Hussher, Johannes, 99. Hussye, Humfrey, 54. Hustede, 88. Hutcheson, Archibald, 44; Dr. Francis, hiqiiiry, 44. Hutchins, Mr., 44. Hutchinson, — , 64, 82; Bridget, 54; Francis, Alany Advantages of a Good Language, 44; Rev. George, 42; J. H., 44; John, 44, 94; Lady Mary, 54; Mr., 44, 46; Mrs. Lucy, 31; Robert, 72, 94; William, 69; William, of West Hallam, 54. Huthersall, Cort, 94. Huthwaite, William, 73. Huton, — , 82; William, 60. Hutt, the, 81, 82, 88, no. Hutter, Jo., 50. Hutterus, Elias, 114. Huttesonn, Edw. , 92. Hutton, 45, 54, 82, 88; field, no; grange, 81, 82, 88, 96 (part HI.). Hutton, Huyton, 46. Hutton of Thorpensty, ped., 88. Hutton, — , 88; — , bookseller, 44; Frede- rick, 94; G., in; Dr. James, 45; John, 88; Judge, in; Dr. L., in; Luke, in; Matthew, 96; Sir Ric. , in; T. , in; Whlliam, 45. Huxley, 82, 83 (part I.), 88. Huxley, George, 83 (part L); Hugh, 105, 113; Ralph, 54. Huxolm, Dr., 44. Huyton, 37 (part IV.), 54, 58, 60, 74, 82, 88, 95, 99, no, 113; chantries, 60; chapel, commission to survey chancel, 113; church, 60; church goods, 113; parish, 50. Huy ton-cum- Roby, 50. Huyton Hey, Hyton Hey, 81, 82, 88. Huyton rode-stock, 60. Hyale, Adam, 54. Hybart, Nicholas, 54. Hychmouthe, Nicholas, 60. Hyckacke, Thomas, 54. Hycks, Michael, 37 (part IV.). Hyde, 37 (part IV.), 47, 73, 82, 88, no; Crosse, 57 (part VIL); Hall, 37 (part IV.); House, 37 (part IV.), Hyde, — , 88; Alexander de, 37 (part IV.), 42; Alice, 37 (part IV.); Ann, 37 (part IV.); Anne, 54, 57 (part VII.); Brid- get, 54; Deborah, 37 (part IV.); Edward, 37 (part IV.), 64, 82, 92, 96; Elizabeth, 37 (part IV.); Ellen de, 42; Ellinor, 37 (part IV.); George de, 60; George, 57 (part VH.); Godfrey, 54; Grace, 37 (part IV.), 96 (part III.); Hamnet, 37 (part IV.); Hector, 37 (part IV.); Isaac, 57 (part VIL); J., in; James, 73; Jane, 37 (part IV.), 63 (app. HI.), 65; Jem, 72; John, 37 (part IV.), 42, 54, 57 (part VIL), 63 (app. L); John de, 42; John de la, 37 (part IV. ), 58; John, his Genealogy of Sir yohn Radclyffe, 72; Joseph, 73; Joshua, 37 (part IV.); Rev. Joshua, 42; Katha- rine, 37 (part IV.); Laurence, 54; Lord Chancellor, in; Margaret, 54; Mary, 37 (part IV.); Mr., 37 (part IV.), 42; Mr., clerk, 47; Mr., of Northbury, 54; Mrs., 44, 57 (part VIL); Nicholas de, 95; Peter, 37 (part IV.); Ralph, 54; Ralph de, 58; Richard, 60; Robert, 37 (part IV. ), 47, 50, 54, 57 (parts VL and VH.), 70, 83 (part HI.), 96 (part HI.), 109; Robert, of Denton, 50, 60; Robert, of Hyde Bank, 60; Robert, 54; Robert de, 37 (part IV.), 42; Robertas, 95; Sir Robert, of Hyde, knt., 54; Sir Robert 37 (part IV.); Samuel, 37 (part IV.), 57 (part VIL), 73, 109; Silvester, 57 (part VIL); Thomas, 37 (part IV.), 54, 60, 63, 64, 73, 94, 114; Widow, 37 (part IV. ); William, 37 (part IV. ), 50, 57 (parts VI. and VH. ), 73, no; William Martin, 73; William, of Urmston, will of, 54- Hyde, of Denton, ped., 37 (part IV.), 81, 88; of Ormston, ped., 81. Hyde Road, 47. hlydil Park, 58. Hydon, 99. Hydson, Richard, of Worstorn, 54. 142 GENERAL INDEX. Hygen, Anthony, clerk, Dean of Ripon, [ will of, 47; Edward, 47; Elizabeth, 47; George, 47; John, 47; Robert, 47; Thomas, will of, 47. Hygenson, Cateren, 54; John, 54. Hygham, Lower and Over, tenants, 96 (part IV.). Hyham, Joseph, 63 (app. III.). Hyldyrston, 57 (part II.). Hyll, Hill. Hyll, W., III. Hylobares, 114. Hylton, 82, no; see also Hilton and Hulton. Hylton, Adam, 57 (part II.), 63 (app. HI.), no; Alyce, no; Edmund, 42; Ellys, 60; Randle, 63 (app. HI.); Robert, 57 (part IE); see also Hilton. Hymn writing, advice on, 44. Hymen s Heavenly Hy 7 nn^ in. Hymen’’ s Trinmph, in. Hynd, James, 57 (part VIE), 63 (app. HE ); John, n i; W., in; see also Hind. Hynde, John, 57 (part VH.), 103 (part I.), no; Jonathan, 57 (part VI.); Joseph, 57 (part VI.); Mrs., 57 (part VIE); Richard, 50. Hyndelegh, Hindley, 74, no. Hyndlay, 57 (part IE). Hyndle, — , 96 (part IV.); Geffrey, 96 (part IV.); John, 96 (part IV.); Rychard, 96 (part IV.). Hyndley, Richard, 57 (part HE), 83 (])art III.); Robert, 42; Robertus, 95. Hyndsone, Jenet, 47, 54. Hyne, Thomas, 54. Hynton, Thomas, 54. Hynyng, 57 (part IE). Hyperfeild, 58. Hyrleton, 57 (part IE). Hyrst, see Hurst. Hyton, see Huyton. Hyton, — , 88; John, 57 (part VE); Mr., a preacher, 31; Nicol, 57 (part IE). Hyversall, — , 57 (part HE), 83 (part HE). T A., in ; I., R., in ; E, T., in. 1 ., I zvould, and I zvonld not, in. Ibbotson, Sir Henry, of Denton park, bart., 54; Richard, 44. Idea’s Min- 07 ', in. Idhit, Helin, 80. Idleziess, e 7 ie 77 iy of , in. Idolatry, in. lesland glass, 46. Ightenhill, 74, 103 (part E), 112; grange, 112; manor, 58; park, 46, 50; rent roll, 103. Igson, George, 113; William, 69. Ilcomb, Henricus, no; Willielmus, no. Ilfraeombe, 94. Illidge, S., in. Illingworth, 63 (app. H.). Illingworth, Anne, 105; James, 114; Rev. James, 105; John, 63 (app. IV.); Mrs., 57 (part VIE); Robert, 60, 63 (app. E, III., and IV.) ; Thomas, 40, 44, 63 (app. I., HE, and IV.) 105; William, 73 , 94 - Ilsding, 88. Ilsley, Mr., 70; Robert, 105. Images Controversy, 64. Immines, Mary, 44. Impotency, 63. Imprese, in. Imputed Righteousness, 44. Ina, King of Wessex, 58. Ince, 47, 50, 54, 57 (parts H. and HI.), 58, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96 (parts H. and III.), 99, no. Ince, — , 81, 88; Alice, 54; Gilbert de, no; Helen, no; Margery, no; Ran- dle, 54; Richard de, 58, no; Rickards, 73; Robert, 1 10; Thomas, 57 (part HI.), 58, 73; see also Ines. Ince, of Ince, pedigree, 88. Ince Blundell, 45, 50, 58, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99. Incendiarism, frequency of, 40, 44. Inchiquin, Eord, 83 (part E). Incledon, Jack, 72. Inclosures, increase of, 65. Incubus, in. India, in. Indian nut, explanation of, 62. Indigo, 46. Indulgences, Royal letters of, 64; sale of, 97 - Ines, Agnes, 99; Henricus, 95, 99; Johannes, 99; Will de, 60; see also Ince. Infallibility of Church Controversy, 64. hifancy of the Wo 7 'ld, in. Infangthef and outfangthef, 58. Infirmary, Manchester, 72. Influenza, 44. Informers, employment of, 70. Ing, 103 (part I.). Ingam, Dom. Rob, 60. Ingeland, Johannes, 95. Ingelfeld, 58. Ingelo, Dr. Nathaniel, 114. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 143 Ingestrie, 88. Ingham, — , 88; Benjamin, 69; Rev. Benjamin, 44; Blumph., 103 (part I.); James, 103 (part I.); Jenet, 103 (part I.), no; Jennet, 60; Sir John, chantry priest, 60; John, priest, 103 (part I.); John, 73, 103 (part I. ); Mar- garet, 1 10; Lady Margaret, 44; Richard, 63 (app. III.); Robert, 46, 60, 103 (part I.); William, 57 (parts VI. and VII.), 63 (app. III.), 73. Inghorn, Anthony, 69. Ingkippe, see Inskip. Ingle, Martin, 94. Ingleby, — , 88; Sir Charles, 61; Clement, of Moseley, 94; Mr., 46; Sir William, 46. Inglefeld, 58, 99. Inglefeild, — , 88. Ingleforth, 46. Inglesent, Edward, 94. Inglewhyt fair, 46. Inglewood forest, ill. Inglis, John, 114; Mr., 44. Ingoldsby, 114. Ingoll, 60. Ingram, Sir Arthur, ill; Elizabeth, 45; Francis, 45; Mary, iii; Mr., 44; Rev. Robert, 45, 56; Rev. Robert Acklom, 45; Rev. Rowland, 45; Sir T., ill; T., Ill) see also Y ngram. Ingrossers, 50, 63. Ings, 46. Inheritance, land of, 58; law of, 80. Inheritances, partible at the Conquest, and for a century afterwards, 87. Ink, 46. Ink sand, 50. Inkhorn, 46. Inkle, 46. Inman, — , 88. Inmates, 63, 65. Inn, 46; charges, 58. Innocent, Pope, 54. Innocent IV., Pope, 58. Inns, 63. Inny, or Innis, bookseller, 44. Inoculation, 44, Inquisitiones post mortem, 74, 95, 99. Inquisitions, 58. Inskip, 46, 50, 54, 81, 95. Inskip, John de, 105; William, of Ellest- wyke, 60. Instaurator, 112. Instaurum, 112. Intacks, 58. Intercession of Saints, 64. Interest of money, 46. Intwhytefeld, 99. Invasion, dread of, 50; rumours of, 44. Inventions, Rare, III. Inventories of Goods in Churches, 107, “ 3 - . Invocation of Saints, 64. Inwilham, no. Ipher, William de, Earl of Kent, 80. Ipre, Johannes de, 95; Rad’us de, 95. Ipswich, 54, 69, III, 1 14. Ireby, 50, 74, 82. Irelam, see Irlam. Ireland, 46, in; arrival of troops from, 70; Phillippa, Duchess of, 105; pro- ceedings in, 39; state of, 50. Ireland, Irland, Lane., 81. Ireland, fam., 75, 82, 88; descent of, from Holland, 31; of Hutt, ped., 81, 82, 88; of Lydiate, ped., 81. Ireland, Irlande, Irlonde, — , 81, 88; Adam, of Hutte, 31; Alice, no; Bar- bara, 31 ; Christopher, 60, 1 13; Edmund, usher of Middleton Grammar School, 60; Edward, 54; Eleanor, 105; Elizabeth, 54; Emma, 60; G., 39; George, 31, 46, 50, 54, 57 (part III.), no, 113; Gilbert, 31, 37 (part IV.), 54; Col. Gilbert, 70; Sir Gilbert, 31, 54, 75; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 31, 50, 54, 60; Sir John, 31; Joseph, 94; Jo,, of Halwood, 75; Katharine, 31, 54; Laurence, 54, 113; Lam-entius, 99; Lawrence, 39, 50, 57 (part III.), 105; Margaret, 31, 54, 75, 96 (part III.); Mary, no; Mr., 31; Mr., of Lidyate, 31; Mr., of the liutte, 31; Mrs., 46; Peter, 60; Robert, p’son of Christleton, 83 (part III.); Roger, priest, 60; Sir Roger, 54; S. H., in; Thomas, 31, 39, 50, 54, 60, 75, 83 (part IV.), 94, 96 (part I.), no, 113; Sir Thomas, 54, 60, 75, 96 (part III.); William, 31, 54, 60, 75, 92, 95, no, II3- Irelaugh, 8 1. Irelehe, Rob., in. Iremonger, Henry, 46. Ireton, C. iii; Defiance, 37 (part IV. ); Lt. -General Henry, 70, in; Thomas, 37 (part IV.). Irk river, 47, 58, 63, 65, 73, 94. Irlam, or Irwellham, 57 (part IL), 58, 82, 88. Irlam, — , 88; Richard, 69; Thomas, 54. Irleham, 54. Irlonde, see Ireland. 144 GENERAL INDEX. Irnham, 114. Irning, or arning bag, 46. Iron, 46; ore, 1 12. Ironside, Gilbert, 64, iii, 114. Irving, Dr., 114; Richard, 63 (app. IV.); William, 94. Irwelham, see Irlam, Irwell river, 58, 63, 65, 72, 109. Irvvitham, 99. Isaackson’s Chronology^ 80. Isaac’s picture sale, 44. Isabella, Queen of England, 74. Isabel’s Ode, 1 1 1. Isaiah, a commentary on, 60. Isaffe, 8r. Isall, no. Iscoed, 73. Isefeld, CO. Sussex, 58. Iseni, Adam de, 42, 58. Isherwood, James Bradshaw, 69, 73; John, 72, 73, 1 13; Oliver, parish priest, 37 (part III ); Oswald, 94; Thomas, 50; Thomas Bradshawe, 73. Isherwode, John, 46; Roger, 46. Ishurwood, — , 82, Isis river, in. Isla, Archibald, Earl of, 44. Isle of Man, see Man, Isle of. Isley, Henry, ni; Ursula, in. Islington house-rent, 46. Islip, Ad., in. Ispania, 95. Iston, 54. Ithell, Sir Davyd, curate at Mottram, 54; Thomas, 54. Itinera of A 7 itonint{s, 58. luet, Randall, 54. Ive, Sir Marke, ni; Sam., in. Ives, Thomas, 81. Ivo, Brother, canon of Beauchief abbey, 47. Ivy Chui'ch,^ in. Izod, Fr., in. F., in; J. J., ni;J. R., in; J. T., ., in; J. W., in. Jack, Alexander, 73. Jack a Lent, in. Jack Hey’s estate, 37 (part IV.). Jackeson, Thomas, 47. Jackett, Thomas, 57 (part II.). Jackhouse, 88. Jacks, 46, 50, 63. Jackson, — , 57 (part VIE), 61, 63 (app. II.), 81, 88; — , town clerk, 44; Allen, 73; Amb., 103 (part II.); Basil, 73; Charles, 37 (part IV.), 94; Cornelius, 37 (part IV.); Cyril, 69, 73; Dean, 45; Dr., 44, 92; Edward, 54, 57 (part VIE); Rev. Edward Dudley, 42; Elizabeth, 39, 103 (part E); Ellen, 42, 57 (part VII,); Francis, 61; George, 31, 37 (part IV.), 42, 57 (part VE), 103 (part E); H., iii; Henry, 69; Humfraye, chantry priest, Ormskirk, 60; Humphrey, 94; J., in; J. L., in; James, 57 (part VE), 94; Rev. James, 42; Jane, 54; John, ‘54, 157 (part VI.), 63, 69, 72, 94, 95, 103 (parts I. and IE). 105; Jonathan, 105, no; Joseph, 63 (app. IV.), 69, 105; Eaurens, 54; Luce, 103 (part I.); Martha, 57 (part VIE); Mary, 37 (part IV.), 42; Millington, 69; Miss, 72; Mr. 44; Mr., of the Grammar School, 72; Rev. Mr., 42; Nanne, 74; Raphe, 54; Peter, 113; Richard, 42, 47, 54, 72, 105; Robert, 47, 54, 57 (part VIE), 74; Robyn, 74; Roger, 54, 94, 103, in; Samuel, 69, 72; Thomas, 31, 37 (part IV. ), 39, 54, 60, 63 (app. IV.), 64, 65. 69, 73, 80, 83 (part HI.); Dr. Thomas, 103 (part II.), 114; Rev. Thomas, 45; Thomas Liver, 73; Wil- liam, 47, 63 (app. I.), 69, 73, 94, 105; Rev. William, 37 (part IV.). Jacob, Giles, 88; Hildebrand, 42, 44; Meriel, 42; Mr., 44; Mrs., 44; W., in. Jacob’s Law Dictio 7 iary, 80. Jacobi, John Christian, 44. Jacobite Trials in 1694, 61. Jacques, Counsellor, 44; Robert, 54; Mar- garet, 54. Jacson, Francis, 63; George, a footman, 31; Dom. Humfridus, chantry priest, Ormskirk, 60; Humphrey, 113; Joan, 63; Johannes, 57 (part II.); Nicol, 57 (part H.); Nicholas, 105; Ralph, 113; Ric. , in; Thomas, 63. Jaffa, in. Jaggard, W., in. Jagger, George, 57 (part VH. ); Thomas, 105. Jakes, 63. Jakes, Edward, 60; Robert, 54. Jakke Cloyse, 99. Jakson, Richard, of Ormskirk, 60; Seath, of Cuerden, 60. Jamaica, 73, 83 (part E), 94. James E, 37 (part I.), 46, 90, 103 (part IE), in, 114; at Lancaster, 76; in Lancashire, 50; supposed visit to Man- chester, 68. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 145 James II., 6i, in, 114. James IV., in, 114. James VI. , in. James, Abbot of Abingdon, visited Man- chester, 68. James, Duke of York, in. James, Anne, 54; Eleanor, 64; Elijah, 94; Francis, in ; John, of Northerden, 54; Mr., 44, 45; Mrs. Julian, n i ; Richard, 54, 64, 76; Richard, of Litherland, 60; Robert, 57 (part II.); T., in; Capt. T., in; W., in. Jameson, Johanne, 54; John, 54, 74; Robert, 54; Thomas, 64; William, 73; see also Jeamson. Jamesson, James, 74, William, 74. Jampson, John, 105. Jamson, John, 105. Jamye, Gyles, 60. Jamyes, Thomas, of London, 54. Janion, Giles, 46. Janitor, 112. Jankens, Richard, 47. Jankynson, Richard, 57 (part II.). Jannock, oaten bread, 39, 46. Janny, or Janney, Edward, 54, 60, 63, 65, 113; Elizabeth, 54; James, 54; John, 54; Joseph, 57 (part VII.); Ralph, 54; Richard, 54; Robert, 60, 65; Thomas, 47, 54. Jannyn, Hugh, 54; John, 54. Jansenists, 114. Jansenius, C., 114. Janson, Henry, of Tymperley, 54. Jaques, George, 46. Jarratt, Margrett, 54. Jarvis, Thomas, 105. Javelins, 50. Jawecloise, 99. Jaynson, Henry, 105. Jaynsoon, Thomas, 54. Jazerine jackets, 50. Jeaffreson, Rev. Chas. Babington, 42. Jealousy, in. Jeamson, Thomas, 114. Jeansonne, David, 54. Jebb, Avery, 63 (app. I.); John, 69; Mr., 44. Jee, Elizabeth, 63 (app. HI.); Richard, 63 (app. HI.). Jefferys, John, 96, (part HI.). Jefferyes, John, of Acton, 75; Judge, 75; Mrs., 75. Jeffes, Abel, in. Jeffreson, Christopher, 44. Jeffrey, J., in. Jeffreys, Edward, 37 (part I.); Sir George, 37 (part I.); John, 41, 54; W., in. Jeffrey’s affair, 44. Jehovah Rophi, 103 (part H.). Jeinson, Arthure, 37 (part I.). Jekyll, Sir Joseph, 37 (part I.), 44. Jelly, 46; bags, 46. Jellybrand, — , 81; John, 4.6; see also GiWi- brand. Jempson, J eamson. Jenens, Mrs., 54. Jeneson, George, 54. Jenion, Doctor, 46. Jenison, — , 88; John, 75; Michael, 75; Robert, 64, Jenkens, Richard, 54. Jenkes, Katherine, in. Jenkin, Robert, 64. Jenkin Chapel, 97. Jenkins, David, 103 (part IL); J., ill; Joseph, 73; Sir Leoline, 39, 64, 114. Jenkinson, — , 88; Ann, 92; Christopher, 105; James, 42; John, 57 (part VH.), 92, 94, 105; John Henry, 94; Richard, 54; Thomas, 74, 105; Yeemon, 105. Jenks, Henry, 114; Sylvester, 64. Jenkyn, daughter of Carol, 74. Jenkynson, Adam, of Tarleton, 60; Ric., 57 (part H. ); Thomas, 60; William, of Ribchester, 60; William, of Skotforth, 60. Jenner, Stephen, 44; Thomas, 102, in. Jennings, — , 88; Alderman, 31; John, 73; Juliana, 83 (part IV.); Mr., 44; Nicholas, 83 (part IV.). Jennins, Jane, 54; Sara, 54. Jennion, — , 82. Jennoway, Richard, 69; William, 69. Jennynge, Edward, 60; James, of Brother- ton, 60. Jennyns, Nicholas, alderman of London, 54 - Jenoway, Oldham, 73. Jenyer, Mr., 39. Jenynges, Edward, 102, in. Jephson, — , 88. Jepson, — , 88; Adam, 63, 109; Alice, 47; Francis, 63 (app. L); John, 57 (parts VI. and VIL); Mr., 47, 92; Nicholas, 63 (app. HI.), 65; Ralph, 63; Richard, 42; Robert, and Elizabeth his wife, 65; Robert, 63 (app. HE), 65; Thomas, 42. Jepsonne, John, 47. Jerden, Joseph, 57 (part VH.). U 146 GENERAL INDEX. Jeremiah, iii. Jeretre wapentak, 8o. Jerkins, 46. Jermin, Michael, Paraphrasticall Medita- tions, 38. Jermyn, — , 81, 88; Lord, 114. Jerome, St., 60, 114. Jerome, John, 94; Mr., 114. Jerratt, Sir Richard, parson of Grapnall, 54; see also Gerard. Jerusalem, no, in; Knights Hospitallers of, 47; Pilgrimage, 47. Jervaux monastery, 60. Jerves, — ,81. Jervis, Robert, 105; Sergeant, 37 (part L); Thomas, 37 (part I.). Jerzey, Peter, 47. Jesse, Josiah, 57 (part VII.), 69, 73. Jesse A 'lS., 61. Jessop, — , 88; William, 37 (part I.); Judge, 44. Jesuits, in; Powder, 114. Jesus Chantry, Manchester, 60; Church, 83 (part IV.); College, Cambridge, 114. Jesns, Poem on, in. Jevum, Richard, 50. Jew, fee for burial of, 58. Jewell, — , 81; Bishop, 64; IVor/ces, 38; Sam., 114. Jewell fo 7 ' Genby, in. Jewsbury, — , 72. Jeynson, Sir John, 54. Jhoynson, Arthur, 31. Joane, wife of Lhewellyn Prince of N. Wales, 80. Joanes, Abraham, 57 (part VII.); Isaac, 57 (part VII.); Joane, 42. Joans, Mrs., 57 (part VII.). Jobson, tfraunces, master of thejuells, 60; Mr., 44; William, 47. Jobur, Thomas, clerk, London, 60. Jocabella, in. Jo cast a, in. Joceline, Elizabeth, 31; Torrell, 31. Joddrell, Edmund, 31. Jodrell, — , 88; Edmund, 54; John Bower, 69. John, abbot of Vale Royal, 92. John, Don, in. John, Duke of Aquitane, 95. John, King, 58, 74, 80, 87, in. John, King of Castile, 95. John, the miller of Westby, 92. John, of James’s, 46. John, son of Bonne, 74; son of Gilbert, 74, 112; son of Matthew, 74, 112; son of Odousa, 112. John of the Dale, 74. John, Gabriel, 44. John, the parker, 112. John Baptist, St., in. John, Roger, 74. Johnes, Mr., 46; Ric., in. Johns, Henry, 54; John, 37 (part I.); Sir Richard, parson of Bury and Waryngton, 54, 60; Thomas, 54, 94; William Viner, 94; see also Jones. John’s College, St., Camb. , 114. Johnson of Preston, ped. , 88. Johnson, — , 63 (app. IL), 82, 88 ; — , a soldier, 46; Alexander, 114; Anne, 45 ; Arthur, in; C., 105; Catherine, 105; Cecilia, 105 ; Charles, 44 ; Rev. Croxton, 45, 69, 72; David, 54; E., in; Edward, 50, 60, 63 (app. 1 . and HI.); Edward Henry, 94; Ferdinando, 114; Geffrey, 54; George, 37 (part I.), 45, 63 (app. I.), 92; H., in; Henry, 60, 63, 75, 94; Hugh, 54; Sir Hugh, priest, 54; Israel, 57 (part VH.) ; Jack, 74; lames, 40, 61, 63 (app. I.), 69, 73, 96 (part IV.), 113; Dr. James, 44; Sir James, 54; Jennet, 92, 105; John, 37 (partIV.),47, 57(parts Vl.and VH. ), 60, 61, 63 (app. HI. ), 73, 75, 92; Rev. John, 94; Joseph, 73, 94; Katharine, 42, 58; Margaret, 65; Margeret, 47, 105; Mark, 73; Mary, 54; Merriam, 54; Mr., 46, 105; Mrs. , 44; of Ellenbrook, 50; Peter, 73, 81; Rauf, 74; Richard, 47, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 105, in, 113; Richard, fellow of Manchester College, 3 L 38^ 75 . 103 (pai't II- )j 1 14; Robert, 37 (part IV.), 40, 44, 47, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 64, 69, 92, 94; Samuel, 64, 94; Samuel, author of Hn 7 'lothmanho, 44; Dr. Samuel, 45, 72, 114; Thomas, 42, 44, 45, 54, 60, 63 (app. L), 69, 72, 73 , 75 , 109, in, 113; Thomas, alderman of Liverpool, 61; Thomas, chantry priest of Farnworth, 60; Thomas, of Acres- field, 31; Thomas, incumbent of Ellen- brook, 54; Thomas, of Tildesley, 44; Thomasyn, 54; widow, 57 (part VH.); William, 31, 39, 42, 54, 69, 105, 114; Rev. William, 44, 114; Sir Wil- liam, priest, 54; William, ofWoolston, 54; William Wilbraham, 94. Johnston, Edmund, 57 (part VIL); Henry, 88; Jos., 64; Dr. Nathaniel, 88; Pat, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 147 in; Robert, 37 (part VL); William, 94. Johnstone, Irish, the actor, 72; Joseph, 64; Nathaniel, 64. Joiners, 46. Joliff, Henry, 64; J., in. Jolanderman, 74, Jolandercoyners, 74. Jolland, George, 69. Jolley, — , 88. Jollie, Major James, 37 (part IV.); John, 37 (part IV.); Captain Robert, of War- breck, 62. Jolly, — , 88; Henry, 92; Mr., 37 (part IV.); Richard, 62; Thomas, 47, 92. Jolly s, Thomas, 105. Jonefeld, 99. Jones, — , 39, 88; — , a musician, 72; Abra- ham, 57 (part VI.); Alys, 54; Andrew, 39; C., 72; Captain, 44, 72, in; Colonel, 72; David, 64; Edmund, clerk, 47; Edward, 57 (part VIL), 72; Evan, 54; H., in; Henry, 54; Hugh, 54, 60; Hugh Wynne, 73; I., in; Inigo, ni; Isaac, 57 (part VI.); Jane, 42, 105; John, 54, 64, 69, 72, 73, 94, 102, in; Col. John, 62; John Highfield, 94; Joseph, 94; Katherine, 54; Mary, 105; Michael, 105; Miss, 72; Mr., 44; Peter, 37 (part IV.); Private, duel, 72; Ric- hard, 54, 94, 105, in, 113; Richard, clerk, parson of Bury, will of, 54} 60; K-Oger, 54; Sir Roger, knt., viscount Ranelagh, 54; Samuel, 72; T., in; Thomas, 54, 64, 69, 73, 105, 114; Thomas, Cheiham Popery 7'racts, 48, 64; Thomas, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, 54; W., in; William, 54, 63 (app. I.), 72; Rev. William, 44; see also Joanes, Joans, Johns. Jonesfield de Hulton, land so called, 58. Joneson, Johannes, 95; Ralph, 74. Jonesson, Roger, no. Jonshon, Thomas, 69. Jonson, Ben, 31, 44, 76, 81, 90, 109, in, 114; George, 54; Dom. Henry, curate of Winwick, 60; Humphrey, 113; James, 54; Thomas, 63, 113. Joppa, of the hall of Schippen, 74. Jordan, — , 46, 72; bailiff, 112; Fr., ill; Mrs., actress, 72, 75; T., in; Thomas, in. Jordan Law Cross, 97. Jordano filio Ranulfi, 57 (part H.). Jordani, Adam, son of, 92. Jordanson, Margery, 74; Thomas, 74; William, 74. Jorger, — , 72. Jortin’s Ltistis Poet, 44. Joscelin, John, 64; Mr., 44. Joseph, in. Josephus, 114. Joslyn, Mistress, 109. Joule, Charles Chalterton, 94; Thomas, 73 - Journal, The, 44. Journey, 46. Jovhis, Paulus, in. Jowinson, Peter, 94. Jowle, Henry, 69. Joyce, derivation of, 46. Joyce, piercer, 44. Joyner, Dr., 75; Ra. , in. Joynes, Mr., doctor, 31. Joynson, Nathaniel, 57 (part VI.); Peter, 94; Thomas, 94. Judas, in. Judge, — , hatseller, 44. Judges, III; of the court of Mamecestre, 58; of assize, 46. Judgment day, 76. Juell, Jephson, in. Jugge and Cawood, in. Jugs, 46. Jukes, Alfred, 94. Julia, in. Julian the Emperor, 114. Julius Ccesar, an opera, 44. Jumentum, 112. Jump, — , frigate master, 61; William, 92. Juniper wood, 46. Jupiter Stator, Statuette of, found at Camp Field, 68. Jurates, 50. Jurien, Peter, 64. Jurin, Dr. James, 44. Jury, 46; proceedings at election of, 73. Just, John, 68, 92. Justice, Caspar, in; John, 54; Mr., 44. Justices of the Peace, 50. Justiciarius, term introduced by Bracton, 80. Juvenal, in. Juyn, Johannes, 99. Jynkynson, William, 57 (part II.). K F., in; K., I., in; K., P., in; ., K., R., in; K., T., in. Kaballes, Adam de, 57 (part H. ), 105; Swain de, 57 (part IL), 105. Kabron, W., 57 (part VI.). Kade, 46. Kalandra, Hon. Lady, in. 148 GENERAL INDEX. Kalender, early instance of alteration of, 50 - Kalendar of Shepheards, ill. Kames, Lord, 45. Kandlane, Katren, 54; Uryan, 54. Karba, Mr., 44. Kark, weight of the, 58. Karliolum, Carlisle, 99. Karlton, Karleton, Adam de, 92; Wil- liam de, 57 (part II.), 58. Karrok, or Karreke, 46. Kartmell, prior of, 74. Karver, — , 88. Kate, Capt., 44. Katerall, Richard, 74; Richard de, 92. Katharine Hall, Cambridge, 37 (part IV.). Katherine of Arragon, 109 ; of France, III; St., III. Katherton, Alan de, 57 (part II.). Katon, 74. Katt, — , 72. Kauffman, Nicholas, 114. Kawode forest, 74. Kay, — , 82, 88; Alexander, 42, 63; Arthur, 1 13; Barton, 113; Daniel, 69, 94; Dy- onisius, of Thornham, 31 ; Elizabeth, 31, 103, no; family, 103; Frances, 47; George, 57 (part VI.); Henry, 94; James, 57 (part VH.), 60, 73; Jennet, of Cheesden, 31 ; Joanna, wife of Rob- ert, 31; John, 31, 44, 47, 54, 57 (part VH. ), 60, 69, 73, 94, 103; Laurence, 54; Lettice, of the Tutehwade, 54; of Rochdale, 103; Oswald, chantry priest, Winwick, 60; Peter, 69; Richard, 47; Richard Smith, 94; Roger, 44, 103; Roger, of Blackley, 54; Roger, of Woodhill, 54; Rev. Roger, M.A., 54; Susanna, 103. Kayballes, see Kabelles. Kaye, — , 82, 88 ; Charles, 94 ; George, 94; John, 58; Miles, 46; Thomas, 47, 58; William, 70. Kearsley, James, 63, 72, 92 ; Jeremiah, 57 (part VH.); John, 72; Joseph, 57 (part VH.); Margaret, 92; Riehard, 57 (part VIL). Keaton, John, 57 (part VH.); Oliver, 57 (part VH.). Kebill, or Keble, Edw., rector of War- rington, 60, 87, 1 13; Sir Thomas, Justice of Common Pleas, 60; Thomas, 99; Thomas, serjeant-at-law, 60. Keble, J., in. Kebrewick, 112. Kebroyd, 57 (part L). Kech, Elizabeth, no; Geo. Anthony Legh, no; James Anthony, no. Kechen, William, 57 (part II.), 105. Kecheyn, John, 54, 60. Keckwick, William de, 87, no. Kecwyk, Johanna, 95; Johannes, 95; Willimus, 95. Ked Lane, 47. Kedermyster, Richard, 64. Keele, 88. Keeley, — , 72. Keeling, William Robert, 94. Keepe, Henry, 64. Keeton, 88. Keighley, Keighleigh, 46, 81, 88, Keighley, Robert, 60. Kekewick, 112. Keldon, 114. Kele, 54. Kelermer, see Kellamergh. Kelett, Peter, 46. Keley, — , 63 (app. H.); Henry, 63 (app. 1 . and HI.); Thomas, 63 (app. HI.), 75, Kelgrimesargh, Kelgnymsargh, 58, 74, 99. Kelham’s Domesday Book Illustrated, 58. Kelkyn, 46. Kell, Mr., 44; Richard, 54; Thomas, 57 (part VH.). Kellamergh with Bryning, 50, 54, 60, 74, 75, 99; also Bryning and Kelgrime- sargh. Kellermer, Rad’us, 99. Kellermergh, Richard, 87. Kellet, Lower, 74; Upper, 74. Kellett and Kellet, — , 88; Adam de, 31, 95, 105; George, 92; Johannes, 95; Ormus de, 95; Peter, 46; Richard, 60. Kelley, Sir Ed., in. Kellison, Matthew, 64. Kellot, Kelot, William, 60. Kelly, 63 (app. H.); Henry, 63 (app. IV.); Mike, 72; William, 94. Kelsall, — , 72; Henry, 44; James, 42; John, 73, 94; Maria, 92; Mr., 39, 42; Reynald, 54. Kelsey, Colonel, 47; Joseph, 114. Kelsey, North, 60, 88. Kelshaw, Kelshau, Johannes, 99; John, 69; Wm., 57 (part VI.). Kelso, William, 54. Kelsteaton, 73. Keltish Lancashire, 57 (part I.). Kelyrumshagh, Adam de, 92. Kelyver (? cleaver), 46. Kembe, Andr., in. YOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 149 Kemble, John, 72; John Philip, first appearance in Manchester, 68. Kemble’s Saxons in England: Codex Diplojnatiais, 58. Kemlache, 47. Kemling, a brewing tub, 39. Kemp, — (Jesuit), iii; — , Newton Heath, 72; Alice, 105; Christopher, 105; John, 42, 113; Lady, ill; Mr., 44; \Vm., 1 14; Winifred, 42, 113. Kemp’s Jig, in. Kempe, James, 60; John, 68; dom Lauren tins, 92; Robert, 57 (parts 11. and VL). Kempis, Thomas a, 44, in, 114. Kempnall, Kempnough, 81. Ken, Thomas, 64, in. Kendal, Kendall, 37 (part IV.), 46, 47, 57 (parts 1. and II,), 81, 82, 84, 88, 94. Kendal cloth or green, 46. Kendal, Richard, the elder, Preston, 60. Kendall, — , 88; John, of Kirkby Ire- leth, 60; Timothy, in. Kendley, 60. Kendrick, James, 73; Mr., 44; Thomas, 73- Kene, Nicholas, 57 (part II.). Kenean, 74. Kenerdale, Alex, de, 112. Kenerdey, Kenerden, 47. Kenerdley, 60. Kenian Erbur, 95. Kenilworth, Kenelworth, 88, no, in. Kenion, — , 88; Abram, 47; Ann, 103; Dorothy, 105; Mrs. Dorathie, 47; Joseph, 47; Matheus, 95; Ralph, 58; Roger, 103, 105; William, 96 (part L), 103; see also Kenyon, Kennyon. Kenion’s MSS., 58. Kenley, James, 94. Kenn, George, 42; L., 44. Kennedy, — , 105; Dr., 44; John, in; Miss, 72. Kenner, Sir Gregory, in. Kennersley, Arthur, 57 (part VL). Kennett’s Register and Chronicle, 44. Kennington, 94. Kennion, Dr., 44. Kenniscough, 57, 88. Kenniscough-Hevenhead, 88. Kennon, John, 113. Kennyon, Michael, poetical letter from, 39. Kensington, 37 (part IV.), 88. Kent, in. Kent, Amabel, Countess of, 114; Countess Dowager, in; Duke of, 44; Edmund, Earl of, 83 (part 11. ); Mary, Countess of, 114; Thomas, Earl of, 96 (part III.), 99, III- Kent, Edwin Jackson, 94; John, 73; Jo- seph Jackson, 94; Robert, 46; Roger, 94. Kentewelle, Gilbert de, 105. Kentwick, 88. Kenwick, 82, 88. Kenwicke, — , 88. Kenworthy, — , 54; Charles, 94; Edward Buckley, 94, George, 73; John, 63, 72, 735 J- W., 114; William, 73. Kenyam, Thomas, 46. Kenyan, — , 81, no. Kenyon, 50, 54, 58, 63 (app. 11. ), 74, 8 1, 88, 99. Kenyon of Peele, pedigree, 88. Kenyon, — ,88; Adam, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 99; Adam de, no; Ameria, 99, 1 10; Ann, 37 (part IV. ); Christopher, 46, 54; Dorothy, 47; Edward, 37 (part IV.), 54, 63 (app. I.), 69, 114; Edward, B.D., rector of Prestwich, 47; Edward Lloyd, 73; Elizabeth, 46; Ellen, 54; George, 40, 44, 47; James, 57 (part I.); John, 54, 57 (part VI.), 60, 63; Lloyd, 37 (part I.); Michael, 54; Mr., 44, 46; Mr., of the Mylne Shaye, 46; Nicholas, 46; Ralph, 57 (part VL); Ralph, of Gorton, 47; Randull, 47; Ranold, 60; Rauf, 60; Richard, 54, 96 (part I.); Robert, 60, 65; Roger, 46, 47, 54, 57 (part VI.), 60, 63 {also app. III.), 65, 114; Samuel, 73; Thomas, 44, 54, 63 (app. III.), 65; Widow, 57 (part VIL); William, 46, 54, 60, 65; William, of Manchester, will of, 54; see also K.&rv\or\, Kennyon. Keper, 82. Keperfeld, 58. Keppell, Rev. W. A. Walpole, 105. Ker, Henry, 94; Lord Mark, 44; Robert, in; see also Kerr. Kerden, see Kuerden. Kereby, Sir Robert, 54. Kerfoote, — , 88; Thomas, 105. Kerkenlod, 58. Kermond, 88. Kerneford, 95, 99. Kernom, Willimus de, 95. Kerr, Colonel, 44; Hugh, 94; James William, 94; Joseph, 94; see also Ker. Kerres, 58. Kerrich, Thos., 45. Kerridge rocks 37 (part IV.). 150 GENERAL INDEX. Kerroc, 58. Kerrye, Robert, 54. Kersal, Kersal], 37 (part IV.), 44, 47, 58, 60, 88, 96 (part III.); Cell, ill; Moor, 72; Wood, 47. Kersey, 46. Kershagh, Christopher, 54; Isabella, 54. Kershaw, — , 72; Alexander, 60; Edmund, 113; James, 69, 72; James, M.P., 42; John, 69; Joseph, 72; Matthew, 57 (part VI.); Peter, 69; Robert, 69, 72; see also Kyrshaw. Kershawe, Arthur, 63; Richard, 46; Robert, wife of, 63 {also app. III.). Kerslaye, Richard, 46. Kersley, 88, 96 (part I.), 109. Kersley, John, 63 (app. I.); Richard, 57 (parts VI. and VII.); Thomas, 57 (part VI.). Kerstone, Agnes, 92; Richard, 92. Kerves, 46. Kery, Tho., 83 (part III.). Kesters, a house near Bolton, 70. Keth, Eliza, 42. Kettell, Raufif, of Swanlowe, 54. Kettering, 1 14. Kettilby, Walter, 114. Kettle, — , 46; Ellen, 54; John, 54. Kettleby, Kettilby, Rev. Mr., 114. Kettleshulme-cum-Saltersford, 97. Kettlewell, 46. Ketylrydding, 57 (part II.). Keuerdale, Alex, de, 112. Keuerden, see Kuerden and Cuerden. Keuersdale, 74. Keuersdale, Alexander de, 74. Keurdeley, 99; see also Cuerdley and Kewerdley. Keurden, see Kuerden. Keverley, 60. Kevet, Richard, 46. Kew, — , 57 (part VIE). Kewe, Willimus, 95. Kewerdley chapel, 113. Key, Corporal, 47; Dennis, 42; John, priest of Padiham, 60; Sir John, 54; Thomas, 73. Keye, Alexander, 46; Arthur, 46; Thomas, 46. Keyle, Ric., iii Keymis, Lawr., in. Keynchirche, co, Hereford, 58. Keynton, battle of, 54. Keyreslay, Alexander, 57 (part II.). Keys, 46. Kiching, William, 92. Kidd, Rev. William John, 42. Kidde, T., in. Kidder, Richard (huckster), 50, 64. Kidderminster, 61, 94. Kiddes, 63; and gorse, 65. Kiddle, explanation of, 58. Kidlington, — , 81. Kidsnapp, Kidsnape, 46, 88. Kieffer, Professor, 114. Kieghley, Robert, 60. Kighlay, see Kighley. Kighley, 46, no. Kighley, — , 81, 82, 88; Alicia, 95; Ann, d^aughter of Henry, 31; Cicelye, no; Elizabeth, no; George, no; Harry, no; Henricus, 95, 99; Henry, 60, no; Sir Henry, 37 (])art II.), 60; Plenry, of Inkskip, 31; Hugh, 105; Hugo, 95; John, no; Jonathan, 69; Katherine, no; Margaret, no; Ricardus, 95, 99; Richard, 60, no; Richard de, 105; Sir Richard de, 87; Thomas, 60; William, no; see also l^\gh\y, Kyghley. Kighley of Inskip, pedigree, 81. Kighly, no. Kighly, Elizabeth, 50; Ellis, 50 ; Henry, 50; Thomas, 50. Kightly, Henricus, 99. Kightley, .Sir Henry, 39. Kilbee, William, 94. Kilburne, Robert, 40, 44. Kildwick, 88. Kilgour, Peter, 94. Kilgrimesargh, see Kelgrimesargh and Kellamergh. Kilham, 69. Kilken, rectory of, 46. Kilkenny, 99, no. Killer, John Egerton, 69; Robert Wag- staffe, 69. Killet, Gilbert de, 58. Killfalghan, 54. Killigrew, Sir Henry, 65; T., in. Kdlingbeck, Charles, 42. Killington, 88. Killshaw (Culcheth), 50. Killybegs, 73. Kilmorey, Lord, 70, 96 (app. HI.); pedi- gree, 80; Viscount, 31, 96 (part HI.). Kiln, 68. Kiln Croft, 47. Kiln Meadow, 37 (part IV.). Kilne, the, 74. Kilne, Thomas, 113. Kilner, John, 105; Richard, 63; Thomas, 105. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 151 Kilshaw, John, 105; Mr., 31; William, 57 (part VI.). Kilvert, Ric. , ill. Kilvington, North, 42. Kima, or Kyma, Philip cle, 80; Simon cle, 80. Kimchi, David, 114. Kimnel, 46. Kinaston, — , 82. Kinaston, Sir Edw., iii; Sir Fr., ill; Sam., III. Kindenall, Adam de, 95. Kinder, Ph., in. Kinderton, 81, 82, 83 (part I.), 88,99, iio; Baron of, 46. Kindesley, William, 39. Kindlemarsh, F., in. Kindor, Joseph, 57 (part VII.). Kine, 46. Kineton, 82. Kineton field, 62. King, 88. King, — , 88; — , actor, 72; — , horse- dealer, 44; Mrs. A., in; Ann, 45; Captain, 92; David, in;' Doctor, 31, 44; Edward, 45, 92; Gregory, 88; Bp. Henry, ni; Hobbethe, 74; Humphrey, in; J., bp. of London, ii i ; J. , priest, in; Sir J., in; James, 45, 46, 92, 94; Jhon., a trumpeter, 31; John, 45, 105; Dr. John, 96 (part H.); Lord Chan- cellor, 44; Mr., 44; Rev. Mr., 114; Margaret, widow of Hobbe, 74; Ph., in; the wife of Robert the, 74 ; Tho- mas, 73, 105; Thomas William, 60, 81, 82; Lancashire Funeral Certificates, 75; Dr. Thos., 45; Walker, 45; Walter, 92; William, 44, 73; Bp. William, 64; Willimus, 99. King Knough, 82. King’s Bromley, 88. King’s College, Cambridge, 114. King’s evil, 44, 92, 109. King’s heath, 94; lane, 42. King’s library, 44, 114. King’s Norton, 94. King’s preachers, 105; rents, 44; salary of, 105. King's Prophesie, in. Kinge, Richard, of Cliderowe, 60. Kingesleigh, Randle de, 80; Richard de, 80. Kingly Bed of Misery, in. Kingsley, no; manor of, 83. Kingsley, Adam de, lands in Broome, 97; Catherine, wife of John Legh, 97; Emma, no; John de, 97; Katherine de, no; Richard de, no. Kingsmill, Sir George, 90; Richard, 65, 1 1 1 .. Kingston, 82. Kingston, Evelyn Pierrepoint, second Duke of, 44; Dr. Richard, 61; see also Kyngston. Kingston in Jamaica, 69. Kingston upon Hull, 88; see also Hull. Kiniston, — , 57 (part VIE). Kinnaird, Charles, Lord, 45. Kinnerton, 88. Kinnison, Thomas, 69. Kinsayder, W. , in. Kinsey, Anne, 47; Benjamin, 54; John, 47; Rev. Noah, 37 (part IV.); Robert, rector of Barthomley, 54; Mrs. Sarah, 37 (part IV.). Kinslaye, Robert, 46. Kinsman, Mr., 44. Kintal, or Quintal, 50. Kinton, Philip de, 80. Kinwelmarsh, F., in. Kiperclif, 58. Kipling, Dr. 45. Kippax, John, 44. Kippax Park, 42. Kippis, Dr., 114. Kirbie, Ned, 92. Kirby, 50, 94; East, 69. Kirby Fleetham, 94. Kirby Maladeale, 69. Kirby, — , 88; Eleanor, 92; George, 105; John, 105; Mr., 61; Mrs., epitaph, 90; Roger, 57 (part HI.), 62; William, 105. Kirby-in-Kendal, see Kirkby. Kirby Irelache, see Kirkby. Kircher, Athanasius, 114. Kirchnerus, H., in. Kirckham, PL, in. Kirk, — , 72; Mrs. A., in; Henry, 73; James, 73; John, 46; Major-general, 61; Mr., 44; Thomas, 73; William Reid, 94. Kirk Braddan, Isle of Man, 94. Kirk Deighton, 47. Kirkbie, George, 54. Kirkby, 50, 58, 74, 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 99, no; Chapel, 60; Church Goods, 113. Kirkby Anstey, 42. Kirkby Ireleth, 56, 60, 82. Kirkby Kendal, 88, 95, 113; vicarage, 60. Kirkby Lonsdale, 57 (part IL), 62, 81, 88 . Kirkby Moresheid, 54. Kirkby, Malham Dale, 69, 88. 152 GENERAL INDEX. Kirkby, — , 8i, 82, 88; Agnes, 31; Ann, 60; Alexander de, 60; Elizabeth, 60; Henry, 60; Jane, 31; John, 60; of Kirkby, 57 (part II.), 88; Randolph, 1 13; Richard, of Kirkby, 60; Roger, 50; Roger, of Kirkby, 31, 39; Thomas, 1 13; William, 57 (part III.), 60. Kirkby of Kirkby, ped., 8i; of Upraw- cliffe, ped., 52, 88. Kirkbye, see Kirkby. Kirkbys, 81. Kirkdale, 50, 58, 60, 74, 81, 88, 95, no. Kirkdale, Robert, 57 (part VI.). Kirke, — , 88; Henry, 57 (part VH. ); Mr., chaplain, 65; Thomas, 57 (part VI.). Kirkeby, see Kirkby. Kirkeby, Alexander, 99; family, 58; Hen- ricus, 99; Sir John de, 58; Sir John de, hiqiiest of Yorkshire, 74; Mr., 31; Ricardus, 95, 99; Sir Richard de, 58; Thomas, chantry priest, Sefton, 60; Willimus, 99. Kirkedale, John de, 58. Kirkefeilde in Winwick, 60. Kirkeham, Robert de, 95. Kirkeland, see Kirkland. Kirkeland, John de, 105; William de, 105; Sir William de, 105. Kirkeleys, 54. Kirkella, 45, Kirkeswold, 99. Kirkgate in Newton, 60. Kirkhall the engraver, 44. Kirkham, Kyrkham, 39, 45, 50, 54, 57 (part H.), 60, 62, 81, 88, 95, 96 (part I.), 99. Kirkham, History of, 92. Kirkham, — , 81, 88; Ellen, 54, 105; George, 92; Henry, 92; Joan, 92; John, 92; Richard, 105; Thomas, priest, 60; see also Kyrkham. Kirkhoven, Charles Henry, 70. Kirkland, 57 (parts H. and III.), 81, 82, 88, 95, 99; cross 105; hall, 105; school, 105; township, 105. Kirkland, Alice, 105; family, 105; Johan- na, 95; John de, 105; Laurence, 105; Nicholas de, 105; Robert, 105; Walter, 105; William de, 105. Kirklands, no. Kirkleys, Kirklees, 54, 88. Kirklington, 82. Kirkman, Elizabeth, 44; George, 37 (part HI. ); John, 63; John Moss, 94; Thomas, 94. Kirkmanshulme, 42, 47, 58, 60, 65. Kirkstall, 112; Abbot of, 74. Kirkstreet de Werington, 95. Kirschawe, Robert, 60. Kirsley, Jeremiah, 47. Kirton, Eliza, 105; Johannes, 95; Mr., 114; Samuel, 105. Kitchen, 46. Kitchen, — , 88; Alice, 105; Anne, 105; Barnabie, 105; Barnaby, 50; Elizabeth, 105; Grace, 1015; Henry, 73; fames, 73; Jane, 105; John, 50, 105; Mr., 105; Peter, 73; Robert, 73; Thomas, 73; see also Kytchen, Kitchin. Kitchin, — , 82, 88; Adam, 105; Barnabie, 57 (part HI.); John, 57 (part IL); Robert, 105; William, 105. Kitson, Gervase, 54; Jervais, 57 (part HI.); Sir Thomas, 75. Kittson, Richard, 73. Kiverden, 60. Knapp, Mr., 44. Knapton, 88. Knapton, bookseller, 44. Knaresborough, 46,62, 88, 112, 114. Knaresborough, Mr, 42. Knatbank, 96 (part II.). Knatchbull, Mr., 44. Knell, — , III; Thomas, in. Knellen, George, 42 Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 44. Knevet, H., in. Knevett, — , 88, Captain, 105; Robert, 54. Knife, Tobias, 105. Knight, — , 82; Benjamin, 94; Clement, . in; Edw., in; Elizabeth, 92; G., in; James, 69, 94, 96 (part H. ); Margery, 42; Mr., 44, 92; Rauff, 54; Samuel, 40, 44, 114; Thomas, 73; William, 37 (part IV.); see also Knyght. Knighte, William, 83 (part HI.). Knight and Priest, 60. Knighton, monk of Leicester, 80. Knights’ fees, 58, 112. Knights made by James I., 50. Knights of Garter, arms of, in Lyme, 97. Knights of the Bath, 44, 109. Knipe, — , 62; John, 72, Mr., 44; Richard, 105; see also Knype. Knipe of Broughton, ped., 88. Knippersley, 69. Knitting hose, 46. Knives, 46, 58, 112. Kniveton, Mrs. (actress), 72; William, 73. Knocking, 88. Knockyn, no. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 153 Knokyn, arms of Strange of, 6o; Jacquetta, 6o; Jane, 6o; John, Lord Strange of, 6o; Lady Strange of, 6o, Knole, Rd. de, II2. Knoll — , 88; Alice de, 105; Henry, 113; Joan de, 105; Johannes de, 95; Kater- ine, 99; Laurence, 99; Laui-ence de, 95 ; Margaret, 105; Ralph de, 105; Ricardus, 99; Ricardus de, 95; Robert, 105; Robertus, 99; Roger, 105; Rogerus, 99; Thomas, 99; Thomas de, 95. Knolle, Radulphus, 57 (part 11 .) ; Ralph de, 105. Knolles, John of the, 74. Knoll es of Leghes, the wife of John of, 74 - Knolles, see Cnolles, 58. Knolle’s meadow, 74. Knolls, the, 58, 65, 72, 74. Knollys, Sir Francis, 58, Knomelegh, Thomas de, 95. Knot, — , 82; Elizabeth, 47; Mr., 92. Knot, or Cnutdane, 58. Knott, — , 82; Edward, 64, 114. Knott Mill, Knot Mill, 63, 68. Knotte, Charles. 60; James, 65; Thomas, 54. Knottingley, II2. Knouchley, 73, Knouseleigh, Thomas de, 95. Knowelle, Richard, 46. Knowle, — , 81; Henry, 105; Henry of Garstang, 60. Knoi.vledge and Simplicity^ iii. Knowles, — , 81, 88; Anne, 57 (part VIE), 63 (app. H. ), 81, 88; Edmund, 47; Eliza- beth, 57 (part VIL), 105; Henry, 105; John, 69; John, carrier, his evidence, 61; Joseph, 57 (part VL); Peter, 73; Rich- ard, 57 (parts VL and VH.), 94;Thomas, 57 (parts VL and VH.), 88, 94; Thur- stan, 96 (part III.); Widow, 57 (part VIL); William, 94, 105, 113; Rev. William, 105. Knowlle, Richard, 46. Knowls, James, 69. Knowlt, 46. Knowsale, John de, 83. Knowsley, 31, 37 (part L), 39, 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 70, 73, 74, 82, 88,-95, 96 (part I.), no; turfs used at, 31. Knowsley, John de, 83. Knox, Dr. Vicesimus, letter to Rev. Thos. Wilson, 45; John, 38, 54, 64, in. Knutsford, Moses, 69; Samuel, 57 (part VIL); Thomas, 57 (part VL). Knutsford, 46, 47, 54, 69, 72, 73, 82, 94, no; booth, no; heath, 62; vale, 47. Knyght, — , in; Sir Henrie, 54; William, 54 - Knype, Anthony, 50. Knyvett, — , 81. Kock, Thomas, 68. Kockeshote, Edmund, 96 (part IV. ). Kockett, James, 46. Kockshote, Henry, 96 (part IV.); John, 96 (part IV.); Robert, 96 (part IV.). Kockye, 46. Kokerham, John de, 92. Korbyn, Margaret, 54. Koa/xofipecpLa, III. Kote, Hugh, of Wigan, 46. Kouhope, Henry de, 74. Koverdale, — 81. Krainsky, John de Kraino, 114. Kuerden, — , 81, 88; Dr., Jl/SS., 58. Kuerclen, Keurden, of Keurden, ped., 81; of Preston, ped., 88. Kuerden, Kerden, Keuerden, 57 (part IL), 58, 60, 74, 81, 88. Kvcoi/, meaning of, 44. Kulwenne, Agnes de, 74; John de, 74. Kureton, William de, 60. Kutte, Thomas son of, 74. Kuxton, Elizabeth, 46. Kychensie, 46. Kyching, John, 60. Kyd, — , in. Kydsnape, 57 (part II. ). Kyffen, Kyffin, Ermine, 92; Maurice, in; Mr., 44; Sir Thomas, 92. Kyghley, Custance, iio; Henry, 105; Hen. de, 112; Hugh, 105; Richard, priest, 60; Rychard, no; also Kigh- ley, Kighly. Kylaneshalgh, 58. Kylchith, James, chantry priest, Blackrod, 60. Kyllington, 88. Kyln, Ric., 57 (part IL). Kylner, Christopher, 57 (part IL). Kymbole, — , 82. Kynaston, Edward, 40, 44; John, 69. Kyndsley, William, 39. Kyne, Thomas, 54. Kynerton, 54. Kynesworth, Thomas, 63. Kyng, Jhon., 31. Kynge, see King. Kyngeswalden, no. Kyngsfyld, 57 (part II.). Kyngsley, John de, 83. X 154 GENERAL INDEX. Kyngston, F., in. Kynraden’, kindred, 6o. Kynsie, Elizabeth, 54. Kynslaye, Robert, 46. Kynton, John, 64. Kyrby Irleth, see Kirkby Ireleth. Kyrebie, William, 105. Kyrfoote, Thomas, 54. Kyrkbank, 57 (part II.). Kyrkbie, Isabel, 105; William, 105. Kyrkby, John de, chantry priest, Huyton, 60; Robert, 57 (part II.); William, 57 (part II.). Kyrkbye, Margaret, 1 10; Wylliam, 1 10. Kyrke, Rev. Ralph, charges against, 75. Kyrkeby, see Kirkby. Kyr-keby Waley, 54. Kyrkeham, — , 82, John, 54; Ranulph, 54. Kyrkeley, 74. Kyrkeman, — , 81. Kyrkeym, William de, 92. Kyrkhalgh, Laurence, 47. Kyrkham, — , 82. Kyrkland, Kyrklands, see Kirkland. Kyrshaw, Alexander, 54; Edmund, 54; Richard, 63; William, 54; see also Ker- shaw. Kyrstley, Alexander, of Ulneswalton, 60. Kytchen, John, 105. Kytchin, Robert, 105. Kytchyn, Alice, 54; Barnaby, 54; John, 54- Kytheleye, Flenry de, 92. Kyton, — , 88. Kyveliock, Earl Hugh, 37 (part I.), 87, 1 10. L a., Ill ; L., C., Ill ; L., E., in; ., L., F., in; L., G., in; L., H., in ; L., I. B. de, in ; L., J., in ; LEE., G., in ; E., M., in ; E., N., in; E., S., in; E., W., in. Eabadie, John, 44. Eaborer, Thomas, 54. Eaborick, 82. Eaborne, Sir James, knt., 60; John, of Cunswick, 70 ; see also Labourne, Eay- borne, Eeybourne, &c. Eabourers, 46; levy of, 39. Eabourne, James, 50. Eabrey, — , 88. Eabrey’s house, 65. Eacconby, — , 88. Ea Cerda on the u:^neid, 44. I.ace, 46. Eaces, 46. Eaceward, Rob., 54. Eacey, William, 114. Eache, Agnes, 60; Anthony, 60; Dennis, 42; Edmundus, 99; Hugh, 60; James, 54; Robert, EE.B., 60. Eache-by-Marleston, 83. Eachford, 88. Eacheford, Sir Pyers, priest, 154; Robert de, 57 (part IE). LachrymcB Fnneb 7 'es, m ; Musarum^ III; Sponsre, HI. Eacie, Gervase, 54; Robert, 54. Eacings, 46. Eackey, 46. Eacy, pedigree, 112; of Eongworth, ped., 88 . Eacy, — , 88, Albreda, no; Alex., in; Alice, 74; Eady Alice de, 74; Alice de, 112; Augustus, 94; Edmound, no; Ed- mund de, 37 (part IV.), 74, 96 (part HI.), no, 112; Eustace, no; Geoffrey de, 57 (part IE); Hawise, no; “Hell,” 112; Henry, no; Henry de, 37 (part IV.), 58, 74, 92, 95, no, 112; Two Co?!ipoii, 112; Henry de, of Cromley- wellbotham, 58; Hugh de, 80; Ilbert, Baro de Clitheroe, 58; Ilbert de, 74, no; Ildebert, 57 (part I.); John, 42, 47 j 58, 63, 65; John, constable of Chester, 80; John de, 57 (part H.), 74, no, in, 112; Margaret, 74; Mar- garet, or Alice, 74; Mr., lord of the manor of Manchester, 46; Richard, no; Robert, 1 10; Robert de, 74; Roger, 37 (part I.), no; Roger, constable of Chester, 80; Roger de, 37 (part IV.), 74; William, 64. Eadeveye, A. R. de, 64. Eadie priest of Manchester, 60. Eadles, 46. Eady Barn, 42, 47. Lady Pecunia, in. Eafargue, Francis, 73. Eaffenham, Simon, 58. Ea Fond, Mr. de, book of music, 44. Eaghmote, 58. Eaghokes, Hugh de, 47; William de, 47. Eagoe, — , 88; Dorothy, 47; Waldive, 47. Eahady, Ellen de, 74. La Hogue, army of invasion at, 6l. Laholmes, Holmewood, 99. Laidlaw, Misses, 72. Laing, Johannes, no. Lailand, Roger, 92. I.aithwood, Henry, a recusant, 50. Laiton, John, chantry priest, 60; Lady, 90. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 155 Lake, — , 88; Davyd, 6o; Dr., John, III, 1 14; Rev. John, 70; Lancelot du, 74; T., HI. Lake, fine linen, 58. Lakeland, 88. AaAayr], probable meaning of, 44. Lalande, Sir William, 60. Lally, Edmund, 73 ; William Michael, 73- Laman, Edmund, churchreve of Lawe, 60. Lamb, 46. Lamb, Catharine, 64; Charles, iii; John, 42, 94; Mr., 44; Rev. R. M., 92; Samuel, 73. Lambard, — , 82; Nicholas, 57 (part II.); William, 57 (part II.). Lambe, John, of Hallyfax, 60; Mr., 114; Mrs., 1 14. Lambert, — , 82, 88; Ch., iii; Genera], 62, 70; John, 64; Lord, 47; Mr., 44; Nicholas, 44; Dr. Thos., 114. Lambeth, 99; palace, public dinner at, 44; library, 1 14. Lambs, 46; clipping, 46. Lamme, George, 54. Lampe, musical composer, 44. Lamplay, Lamplugh, 81, 88. Lamplugh, — , 57 (part II.), Thomas, 44; Sir Thomas, 57 (part 11. ). Lampreys, 46. Lanburow, 82. Lancashire, 46, 87, 1 1 1 ; agriculture, I03(part I.); assessment on towns, 87; Bouquet, 45; Cha7ttries^ History^ 60; Claims of College of Arms, 93; created a Duchy, 58; dialect, 57; Documents, Three, 74; Funeral Certificates, 75; Gentry, list of, 50; their address to James I., 50; hill, 42; in Civil War, 70; levies, 112; Lieu- tenancy, 50; Lovers, ill; Loyal Associa- tion, 50; Members of Parliament in 1603, 50; Magazine, 72; manors. Two Compoti, 1 1 2; manners, 103 (part L); men, their prowess, 50; monasteries, 57 (part II.); pronunciation, 50; Romanists, 64; state of parishes in 1590, 96 (part L); summary of events, 50; Visitation of 1530, 103 (part L); of 1533, 98, no; of 1567, 81; of 1613, 82; of 1664, 84, 85, 88; Wa7'r, Discourse of, 62; Wills and Lnventories, 54. Lancashire, surname of, 63 (app. 11.) ; Henry, 54; James, 47, 54,60, 63 (app. I. and III.), 65, 75; Jonas, 94; Mrs., 57 (part VII.); Robert, vicar of Burton, 60; Thomas, 63 (app L), 75. Lancaster, — ,81, 88; Adam, deacon of, 57 (part II.); Adam de, 95; Agnete de, 105; Alice, countess of, 99; Alice, 60, 74; Blanche, wife of John, duke of, 60, 95, Chaucer’s character of, 60; Con- stance, duchess of, 60; Duke of, 60, no, rights of, 39; Earl of, 37 (part IV), 60; Earls of, 60; Edmund, earl of, 42, 58,60, 9S,99, 105, no, 112; Edward, earl of, 74; Guendrida, no; Helewise de, 105; Henry de, 57 (part IL), 105; Henry Crysmounde, earl of, no; Henry, duke of, 37 (part I-) 58? 74 j 95> 105? iiOj 1 12; Henry, earl of, 58, 60, 87, 88, 99; Isabel, countess of, 60; J., 57 (part VI.); John de, no, 112; John, of Gaunt, duke of, 60, 95, no, 112; Prince John of^, 60; Katherine Swinford, duchess of, 60; Mr., 114; Dr. Nathaniel, 44; Peter, 44, 60, 113; Robert de, 58, 74, 105 ; Roger cle, 57 (part H. ); Roger de Poictou (called) earl of, 58; Sarotta de, 57; Thomas, 50, 57 (part HI.); Thomas, earl of, 58, 60, 74, 83 (part IV.), 87, 95, 99, 1 12; Thomas, of Rainhill, 60; Thomas Plantagenet, earl of, 74; Saint Thomas, earl of, no; Warin de, 57 (part IL), 60, 105, no; William, no; William de, 57 (part IL), 92, 95, 105; William de, Baro de Netherwires- dale, 58; William de, Baro de Ul vers- ion, 58, 74. Lancaster of Rainhill, ped., 81, 82, 88. Lancaster, 37 (part IV.), 39, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 58, 62, 63, 70, 72, 73, 74, 81, 82, 88,, 94, 95, 99, 103 (part HI.), no, in, 112; castle, 39,42, 57 (part IL), 62, 95, 99, 112; chantry, 60; charter, 58; church, 57 (part H.), 60; dominican friary, 60, 83; first named a borough, 58; gaol, 39; great mortality of 1422, 105; honour of, no; hospital, 60; judges at 39; manoi\ no; Mayor and Burgesses of, 60; prior of, 74, 105; priory, 58; runic cross, 68; St. Patrick’s lands at, 60; sessions adjourned to Preston in 1422, 105; vicarage, 60, 105; waits, 39. Lancaster, co. Lincoln, 58. Lancastre, see Lancaster. Lances, 112. Lan Chester, prebend of, 60. Lancktori, Lancton, see Langton. Land, 46; copies of, 46; homage, 46; 156 GENERAL INDEX. measuring, 46; purchase, 46; redemp- tion, 46; stubbing, 46; a rise in the rent of, 87; enclosure of, 63; unlicensed 63; belonging to attainted freeholders, 63; tenure of, under Feudal system, 74. Land, — , 88; George, 54; Ralph, 88. Landa, Richard de, 80. Lande, Sir Henry de, 60. Landen, — , 82. Landrie, Edward, 105. Landwood, 82. Lane, John, 73, III; Mr., 44, 70; Dr., 44; Richard, ill; Thomas, 47, 96 (part IV. ); William, 42. Laneare, Nich., iii. Laneton, Raphe, 54. Laney, Dr. Benjamin, 64, 114. Lang, Dr. B., iii. Langall chapel, 54. Langbaine, Dr., 114; G., iii. Langbake, Nycol, 57 (part 11 . ). Langcl iff hall, 45. Langdale, Alban, 64; Lord, 61; Sir Marmaduke, 62, 70. Langden-in-Fourneys, 95. Langdendale, see Longdendale. Langeforde, see Langford. Langeren, P. van, iii. Langeshawe, William, 60. Langeton, Dom John de, 60; Sir John, 74; Dom Robert de, 60; see also Langton. Langetre, Ricardus, 99. Langfield, Mr., 44. Langford, 81. Langford, — , 8 1, 82; B., iii; Dorothy, 1 13; Edward, 42, 47; Elizabeth, iio; John de, 42; Jonathan, 42; Mr., 42; Nicholas, 42, 47, 58, 65; Nicholas de, 68; Oliver, 42; R., iii; Sir Rauf, no; Thomas, 42; William, 42, 47; see also Longford. Langforth, Sir Nicholas, 42. Langhaw, 57 (part 11 . ). Langhe, 74. Lang-hill, 42. Langho, 45. Langhorn, Richard, 64. Langland, Rob., in. Langley, 81, 88, 96 (part III.), 109; hall, 57 (part VII.), no. Langley parish, Middleton, 1 10, Langley, surname of, 63 (app. III.). Langley, — , 37 (part IV. ), 63, 81, 82, 88, 95, Agnes, 60; Ann (Berks), 103 (i)art III); Ann (Oldham), 103 (part III.); Anne, 63, no, 113; Cecily, no; Cicely, 54; Dorothy, 103 (part III.), no; Ed- mund, 54, 96 (part L), 103 (part III.), Ill; Edm., of Oldham, parish clerk, 103 (part III.); Eleanor, 60, 96 (part L); Elenor, of Agecroft, will of, 54; Elenore, 54; Elianora, 99; Eliz., 103 (part III.); Ellen, no; family, 96 (part II.); family of Agecroft, 103 (part III.); family of Langley, 103 (part IIL); Helen, 31; Henry, 58; Henricus, 99; Hy. (Berks), 103 (part HI.); Hy., clerk, 103 (part HI.); Henry de, 60; Jacobus, 96 (part L); James, 96 (part L); Jo., 58; Joanna, 54; Johanna, 99, no; Johannes, 99; John, 95, 96 (part I.), 105; John, A.M., rector of Prestwich, 103 (part HI.); John, clerk, 103 (part HI.); Rev. John, 31; John, of Agecroft, 54; Jone, 54; Katherine, 37 (part IV.), 105, no; Katren, 54; Laurence, 54, 60, 63, 65, 96 (part I.), 103 (part IIL); Mabel, 96 (part 1 . ), 63 (app. IIL); Margaret, 31, 37 (part IV.), 42, 60, 96 (part HI), 103 (part HI) ; Mary, 96 (part I.); Miss, 105; Mr., 31, 65, 109; Autobiography, 103 (part H. ); Mr., parson of Prestwich, 31, 54; Peter de, 103 (part IIL); Rad ’us, 99; Ralph, B. in Decret, 103 (part HI. ); Ralph, D.D., 60, 103 (part IIL); Mag. Raphe, 60; Ricardus, 99; Richard, no; Richard de, 58 ; Richard, of Shrewsbury, 54 ; Robert, 31, 54, 60, 63 (app. I.), 65, 95, 96 (part 1 . ), 103 (part III); Robert de, 95; Sir Robert, 37 (part IV.), 54, 60, 63 (app. IL), 96 (parts 1 . and III.), 103 (part HI.), 113; Sir Robert, of Agecroft, 42, 50, 54; Roger, 103 (part HI), no; Rogerus de, 95, 99; Thomas, 54, 60, 95, 96 (part I.), 99, no; Thomas, of B. N. Coll., clerk, 103 (part HI.); Thomas de. Cardinal Bp. of Durham, benefactions, &c., 60, no; Titus, 57 (part VI.); William, 99; William, clerk, 103 (part I.); William de, rector of Middleton, 60; William, rector of Prestwich, 54, 60, 96 (part L), 103 (part HI.), 113; Rev. William, 96 (part H. ); William, supposed author of Autobiography, 103 (part HI.); William, of London, 54; Win., of Berks, 103 (part HI.); Win., M.A., 54, 60, 103 (part HI.); Wm., of York, 103 (part IIL); see also Longley. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 157 Langley of Agecroft, ped., 8i. Langston, — , 72; Thomas, 72. Langstone, no. Langtoft, Peter, his F 7 -ench C/u'onide, 58. Langton, 60, 74, 88, 99; church, no; East, manor of, no; West, manor of, no. Langton, — , 81, 82, 88, in; Agnes, 99; Agnes de, 95; Alesia de, 95; Alice, no; Dame Anna, 54; Anne, 54, 99, no; Lady Anne, 54; Anthony, 54; Catherine, daughter of Peter Legh, 31; Christopher, 54, no; Cornelius, 92; Edmund, 57 (part 11 . ); Phlward, 31, 54, 99, no; Eleanor, no; Elizabeth, 54, 92, 99, no; Franceys, 54; George, 54, no; Georgius, 99; Gilbert, 57 (part II.); Gilbertus, 99; Henricus de, 95; Henry, no; Henry de, 99, no; Isabel, 92; Isabella, 99; Jacobus, 95, 99; Jane, 42, 54, 92, no; Joan, 54; Johan, 99, no; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 92; John de, 42, no; John de, rector of Wigan, 60; Sir John de, 60; Katherine, 31, 54, 83 (part I.), no; Leonard, 31, 54, no; Lewes, 57 (part II. ); Margaret, 99; Margareta, no; Mary, 31, 92, no; Mr., 31, 44 , 4^, 92; Mr., of the Low, 31; Mrs., 31, 105; Nicholas, 54; of Low, 57 (part II.); of Leicestershire, 54; Peter, 31; Philip, 54, 61; Philip, of the Low, 31; Philippa, 31; Rad’us, 95; Ralph, 54, 92, 99, no; Ralph, baron of Newton, 54; Ralph de, baron of Newton, 31, 42; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 54, 57 (part HI.), 83 (part I.), no, 113; Richard, rector of Wigan, 54; Richard, knt., 103 (part I.); Syr Richard, knt., 60; Robert, 31, 57 (part III. ), no; Robert de, 31, 74; Robert, of Low, 50; Sir Robert de, knt., 60; Robertas, 95, 99; Roger, 54, 57 (part ^I-)) 75 > 99; Roger, bishop, 60; Roger, of Broughton Tower, 54; Simon, 99; Stephen, 58; Stephen, Cardinal, 99, no; Thomas, 31, 45, 46, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 60, 92, 96 (part L), 99, 105; Sir Thomas, 54, 60, 105, 113; Sir Thomas, baron of Newton, 31, no, will of, 54; Sir Thomas, of Walton-le- Dale, 50; Walter, 99, no; Walter de. Bp. Cov. Lich., 103 (part HI.); William, 31, 50, 54, 57 (part I.), 92, 105 ; Visitaiioit of Lancashhe and Cheshire, 1533, 98, no; Abstracts of !no-, see also Leycester. Leicroft, J. de, 112. Leight, James, 46; widow, of Accrington, 46. Leigh, 46, 47, 50, 54, 60, 62, 65, 69, 70, 72, 73, 81, 82, 88, 94, 113; chapel of St. Marie in church of, 60; church goods, 113; dispute between vicar and Mr. Atherton, 60; levy of troops, 50; see also Legh, West Leigh. Leigh, Atherton in, 60. Leigh, Leighe, — , 81, 82, 88 ; Anne, 44; Baron, of Stoneleigh abbey, 31; C. R. B., 31 ; Charles, 63, 65, 94, 96; Charles, M.D., E.R.S., 31, 88, 92; Charles, of Adlington, 31; Christian, 31; Clare, 31; Clarissa, 31; Lady Dorothy, 75; Colonel Egerton, 88; Edward, 31 ; Egerton, 44; Elizabeth, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 163 42, 96 (part iio; family of Lar- brick, 92; of the Grange, 92; Francis, Earl of Chichestei', 54; Sir Francis, of Newnham Regis, 54; George, 42, 60, 63 (app. HI.)? 75> 96; George Edward, 73; Gilbert de la, no, 112; Henry, 94; Sir Horrocks, chantry priest of, 60; Isabel, 42; J., 57 (part VI.); James, gentleman waiter, 31; John, 69, 73, 94; John, schoolmaster of Farnworth, 31; Sir John, of Booths, 31 ; Joseph, 73; Margaret, 31; Dame Margaret, 31; Margery, 96 (part III.); Mary, 54; Michael, no; Mich, de la, 112; Mr., 31, 37 (part IV.), 44; Mr., of Adlington, 31, 83 (part III.); Mr., of Stoneleigh, 75; Nathaniel, 31; Nicholas, 57 (part VI.); Peter, 31, 60; Peter, of Lyme, 44; Peter, knt., 60; Petter, 31; Sir Petter, 75; Ph. de la, 112; Piers, 31; Sir Piers, 31; Ranulph, 31; Rev. G., 45; Richard, 31, 47, 60, 63 (app. I.), 105; Richard, of Highfield, 65; Robert, 60, 63, 96, 109; Sir Robert Holt, 69; Samuel, 69; Theophilus, 31, 92; Theophilus, of Singleton grange, 31; Thomas, 39, 63 (app. HI.), 65, 69, 73, 94, 96 (part HI.) no; Capt. Thomas, 31; Sir Thos., knt., 103 (part HI.); Thomas, son of Sir Urian, 31; Timothy, 69; To., 31; Trafford, 73; Sir Urian, 31, 96 (part HI.); Walt., ni ; Widow, 57 (part VIL); William, 31, 39, 61, 69, 73, 96; William, of Westhoughton, 44; Rev. William, 92; William, B. D., rector of Standish, 31, 54, 96; funeral sermons, 75; young Mr., 31; young Peter, 31; see also Legh, Lee, Lea. Leigh of Barton, ped., 88; of Bradleigh, ped., 88; of Bruch, ped., 88; of Sin- gleton Grange, ped., 88. Leighe, Edward, of Baguley, 83 (part HI.); Ellyn, no; George, 83 (part HI.). Leighton, — , 88 ; Lady, verses to, by Raleigh, 90; T. , in. Leighton, 54, 57 (part H. ), 81, 82, 88; see also Layton. Leipsic, 114. Leith, 54, 62, no. Leiz, Roger, 60. Lejay, Pere, 64. Lek (Leek), 57 (part IL), 95. Leke, co. Ebor, 88. Iceland, — , 88; John, the Anticpiary, 60, 88, 103 (part I ) in; his Description of Manchester in 1538, 65, 68; Sarah, 57 (part VIL). . Lely, Sir Peter, 114. Leman, Edward, 113; Sir William, 44. I..eme, Adam de, 58. Lemoine, see Moine, 1 14. Lemon, — , 88; of Preston, ped., 88. Lemons, 46; syrup of, 46. Lempter, George Lord, 44. Lengley, see Longlegh. Lenke, Ad. and Marg., 112. Lennecare, William, 54. Lenneclogh, Pok. de, 74. Lenney, — , 88. Lennoll, Roberte, 60. Lennox, Duke of, 37 (part V,), 39; Fr., Duchess of, i n ; Jas. , Duke of, in. Lenny, Richard, 47. Lent, custom of, 80; observances of, 50; lenten stuffe, 31. Lentford, 88. Lenthall, E., ni; Speaker, 70. Lenton, 114; priory, 47, 58. Lentwood, 88. Lentworth, 88. Leo, Dr. Heinrich, Local Nonienclahtre^ 58. Leofricus, Earl of Chester, 37 (part 1 . ). Leofwine, Swain, son of, 58. I.epanto, in. Lerbin, — , 72. Lerch, John, 61. Leresche, Edward, 94; John P., 94. Le Sassier, Alexander, 73. Lesley, General David 70; John, 64; Mr., 44. Leslie, Henry, bishop of Down, 70. Leslie’s Water Baptism, 44. Lester, Jane, 46; Mr., 44. Lestoc, 58. Lestock, Jarrell, 105. Lestold, 58. L’Estrange, Roger, 64, in, 114; see also Strange. Lestranges, of Hunstanton, 83 (part IV.). Letasse, Mr., 46. Letherbury, — , 88. Letheringsett, 47. Letherwyte, Leirwite, 112. Lethery, Richard, 46. Lethez, Peter, 60. Lethuillier, Mr., 44. Lethum, John de, 105. Letters, and their carriage, 46. Letters of Administration, 46. i Lettuce, 46. 164 GENERAL INDEX. Leucht^, Julius, 72. Leuerpole, Joh’nes, 60; see also Liverpool. Leven, etymology, 42. Levens, Westmoreland, 94. Levenshulme, 42, 47, 58, 60, 72. Levenshulme, Mr., 42. Leventhorpe, Edw., iii ; Johannes, 99. Lever, 54, 58, 63 (app. 11. ), 81, 82, 88, 94, no; Great, 37 (part IV.), 46, 81, 82, 88, 109, 1 10; Little, 46, 47, 50, 54, 58, 81, 82, 88, 109; Darcy Lever, see Darcy. Lever, — , 81, 88; Adam de, 42, 58, no; Alexander, 46; Ann, 46; Ashton, 44, 57 (part I.); Sir Ashton, 45, 68; Brian, 46; Chi'istopher, 102, in ; Darcy, 69, 73, Correspondence with Byrom,&c ,44; Sir Darcy, 45, 54; Dorothy, 45; Edward, 46; Ellis, Elias de, 58; Elys, 54;Fanny, 44; James, 58, 96; Joan, wife of Adam, 58; Johannes, 99; John, 54, 57 (part VIE), 75; John de, 58; Rev. John, 45 ; Laurentius, 99; Margaret, no; Martha, 45; Mr., 46, 54, 109; Mr., of Colly- hurst, 42; of Bolton, 50; Rad’us, 99; Ralph, 58; Richard, 46, 54; Robert, 37 (part IV.), 57 (part II.), 58, 65, 109; Robert, of Darcy Lever, 46 ; Roger, 60; Rogerus, 99; Samuel, 69; Thomas, 42, 46, 50; William, 37 (part IV.), 109; William de, 58; Willimus, 99; see also Leyver. Lever of Kersall, ped., 88; of Little Lever, ped., 81. Leveridge (a singer), 44. Leverpole, — , 82. Leverpole, see Liverpool. Levers, the, 46. Leversage, Douce, 54; George, 31; Kathe- rine, 54; Margery, 54; Ralph, 54; Ralph, of Wheelock, 54; Richard, 54; Thomas, of Wheelocke, 54; William, 54, 83 (part III. ); William, of Wheelocke, 54. Leversedge, see Liversedge. Levesay, — , 82; Ran. de, 112. Levesey, see Livesay. Levesley, in Blackburne, 60. Levita, Elias, 44, 114. Leviton, Rd., 64. Levite's Revenge, in. Levinston, Henry, 73. Levinz, Sir Cresswell, notice of, 61. Levret, Albon, 83 (part L). Levyns, Thomas, priest, 60. Levynsholme, see Levenshulme. Lewell, W., in. Lewgar, John, 64. Lewis, David, 69; John, 54, 69; Mar- garett, 57 (part VII.); Mr., 44. Lewknor, co. Oxon, 58. Lewtas, Mary, 92; Matthew, 92; Thomas, 105. Lewthwaite, Thomas, 44; William, 73. Lewtie, John, 92. Lewyns, Thomas, chaplain, 60. Lewys, Sir John, 96 (part III.); Thomas, 96 (part III.). Ley, 63; in composition, 58. Ley, near Middlewich, 54. Ley, Edmund, 54; Edward, 54; Henry, 54; Kateryn, 54; Richard, 54; W., in. Leya, John le, 47. Leyborne, — , 82; Dr., 114; George, 64; Sir John, exor. of John, Duke of Lancaster, 60. Leybourn, John, 64. Ley bourne, 81, 88. Leybourne, — , 88 ; Anne, 54, 105; Eliza- beth, 105 ; George, 1 05 ; James, 65 ; John, 105. Leyburne, — , 88; Sir Nich., and Sir Rob. de, 112; Thomas, of Cunswick, 54; see also Laborne, Layburne, &c. Leycester, — , 81, 88; Alianor, 60; Alice, 31; Anne, 54; Dame Jane, 54; Earl of, 31, settles Boteler estates, 87; Edward, 44; Elianor, 60, 99; Elizabeth, of Tabley, 42, 54; Ellen, 54; Sir Francis, 31; Geffraye, 54; George, 54; George, of Toft, 44; Henry, 54; Jane, 44; Jenny, 44; John, 54, 99; John, of Toft, 60; Kathe- rine, 54; Lawrence, of Knottesford, 54; Lawrence, 54; Mary, 54; Nich. de, 112; Peter, Correspondence with Byrom, 44; Peter, of Tabley, 31, 54; Sir Peter, 31, 37 (part I.), 74, 88, Aniicia Tracis, 78, 79, 80; Philippa, 31; Ralph, 54; Ralph, of Toft, Correspondence with Byrom, 44; Sir Ralph, 54; Sir Ralph, of Toft, knt., will of, 54; Rog. de, 112; William, 3L 54. Leyden, 114; Professors at, 114. Leye, la (Cliviger), 95. Leye, Amabella, no; Christopher, chantry priest, Lancaster, 60; Edmund de, no; Rawfe, 31. Leyes, — , 82. Leygh, W., see Leigh. Leyghe, see Legh. Leyis = leys, 103 (part I.). Leyland, 45, 54, 57 (parts H. and HI.), 58, 60, 81, 82, 88, 96, no; church, 39; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 165 St. Andrew, 6o; deanery of, 6o; gram- mar skol, 6o; house, 92. Leyland hundred, wapentake, 39, 50, 57 (parts I. and II.), 58, 74, 95, 110, 1 12; assessment of, 39; church goods, 1 1 3 ; parish, 50 ; see also Leylond. Leyland, — , 88; Alice, 60; Alis, 54; Anne, 60; family, 96; of Leyland house, 92; Jo- hannes, 99 ; John, 83 (part IV.), 92; Mr., 92; Robertas, 99; Roger, 54; Tho. de, 74, 1 12; Thomas, 54; Thomas, of Morleys, 54, 60; William, 60, 92, 105; Sir William, knt., 54, 60, 113. Leyland, of Kellarmergh,’ ped., 92 ; of Morleis, ped., 8i. Leylande, Anne, no; Margaret, no; Thomas, no; Sir William, no. Leylond, 99; family of, 83 (part IV.). Leylond, Henry, 47. Leylond kirk, 99. Leyntall, Ralph, 83. Leys, 46; church, 46. Leythe, to invite, 63. Leyton, Antonie, 54. Leyver, Alexander, 47; Hamlett, 113; Richard, 57 (part III.); Robert, 113. Lhanvaes in Anglesey, 80. Lhewellin ap Jorwerth, Prince of N. Wales, 80. Liagham, Edrevet, 80. Liar, The, in. Libber, the, 46. Libbing, calves, horses, pigs, rams, tups, 46. Liberate, writ, 46. Liberties, customs and services, 58. Libraries, church, of Turton and Gorton, founded by Humphrey Chetham, 38. Library, early, founded in Manchester, 60. License, 46. Lichefeld, Will’imus, 95. Lichfield, 42, 46, 54, 62, 69, 72, 81, 103 (part HI. ), no, in, 114; Bishop of, 60, 103 (part L); cathedral, 60. Lichfield, Chaddesden, Nicholas, preben- dary, of, 60; G. H. L., 3rd earl of, 44; Geoffrey, bishop of, 60; J., in; John, bishop of, 60; John Bourghill, bishop of, 60; Reginald, bishop of, 60; Richard, III; Richard, bishop of, 54; Robert, bishop of, 60; Roger, bishop of, 60; William, bishop of, 60; Willimus, 95. Lichfield, Earls of, 54. Lida, in. Lickas, Thomas, 96 (part IV.). Lickebert, Thomas dc, 57 (])art IL). Lickeseed, Leekseed, 46. Lickhurst, Over, 88. Lidbieter, — , 88. Liddel, Sir Ilenry, 44. Liddesdale, 82. Lidel, — , 72. Lidgate, see Lydgate. Lidiat, see Lydiat. Lidyard Tregoza, 82. Lieutenant, deputy, 46; lord, 46. Lifton, 94. Ligeyate, 60. Ligh, James, 105. Lighe, Randill, 63; Renolde, 54. Light horsemen, 46; equipment of, 50; levies of, 39. Light Oakes, 88. Lightbound, — , 88. Lightboune, Charles, 73; James, 75; Jn., 61; John, 57(part VIL), 70, 73. Lightbourne, Samuel, 57 (part VH.). Lightbowne, — ,63(app. H. ), 88; Adam, 54; Anne, 54 ; Alexander, of Bolton, 54 ; Eleanor, 54 ; Ellen, 54 ; Elizabeth, 54 ; James, 44, 47, 54, 57 (part VL), 60, 63 (app. I. and HI.), 103 (part L); James, of Manchester, merchant, will of, 54; John, 39, 54, 57 (part VH. ), 60, 63 (app. I.); lawyer, 31; Madam, 57 (part VII.); Nathan, 54; Richard, 54; Samuel, 54, 63 (app. I.); Thomas, of Hallywell, 54; William, 54. Lightbowne of Manchester, ped., 88. Lightfoot, J. B., D. D., 94; Dr. John, 114; Mr., 44; Rev. Nicholas, 94; Rev. Mr., 114. Lightfoote, John, 50, 105. Lightollers, Richard, 113. Lightoulers, James, 75. Lightowlers, — , 81. Lightshay Hall, 54. Lignum Vitce, in. Lilburne, Colonel, 39, defeats Earl of Derby in Wigan Lane, 62, 70. Lile, Johannes del, 95. Lilford, no. Lilford, Lady, 45; Lord, 60; Thomas, Lord, 54. Lilium Missce, 60. Lille, Alice, 112. Lilley, Edmund, 57 (part VIL); J., in; James, 57 (part VIL); William, 57 (part VIL). Lillie, James, 72. Lining, Robert, 113. Lilly, Margaret, 47. 166 GENERAL INDEX. Lillye, Edw,, 57 (part VL); W., 57 (part VL). Lillyman, Robert, 92. Limam infra^ 80 ; infra et extra^ 58. Limbert, Steph., ill. Limbery, Ric., iii. Limborch, Philip van, 114. Lime, 46; kiln, 46. Lime, George, 96 (part III.); Katharine, 96 (part III.). Lime-seed, see Linseed. Lime-stones, 46. Limehurst, the Aspes of, 74. Limer, his wages, 46. Limerick, 94; siege of, 70. Limerick, Adam, bishop of, 105. Linacre, 50. Linacre, — , 82, 88. Lincoln, 37 (part IV.), 42, 72, 88, 95, 96 (part III.), 99, 109, no; cathedral, III; Dr. Worthington’s prebend in, 1 14; Gretton stall, 60; Hungate stall, 60; Langford ecclesia, 60; parliament, 60. Lincoln, Alice, countess of, 74; Countess of, 105; Earl of, 90; Lancashire and Cheshire Manors, 112; Earl of, see Blundeville and Lacy; Edward Clinton, earl of, 50; Hugh, bishop of, 99, no; John, bishop of, 58, 60; Lovel, John, no; Matilda, no; ISlicholas de Lang- ford, archdeacon of, 60; Theophilus, earl of, in. Lincoln’s Inn, 112, 114; revels, 44. Lincolnshire, 114. Lindescia, Richard de, 80. Lindesay, Sir David, 114. Lindeshay, co. Lincoln, 58. Lindeth, 57 (part II.). Lindley, — , 72, 88; Francis, 44. Lindsay, Alexander, no; Lady Bridget, III; Elizabeth, no; Rt. Hon. Fr., in; John, Correspondence with Byrom, 44. Lindsey, Christiana, 105 ; Lord of, 39; Rob. earl of, in; Walter de, 105. Lindsey house, London, notice of, 61. Linen, 46, 65; pieces of, 113. Linesay, John, 39. Linewray, Sir J., in. Linford, Thomas, 64. Ling, 46. Ling, N., in. Lingard, — , 57 (part IL), 72, Frederick, 94 ; John, 42, 73 ; Dr., 45 ; Richard, curate of Birch, 47; Thomas, 73. Lingard, 81. Lingart, Edmund, 54; Robert, 54. Lings, Charles, 69; George, 94; John, 94; Thomas, 94; William, 69. Lining, 46. Links, 46. Linley, William, 63, 113. Linneldale, 74. Linney, — , 82; Edward, 42; James, 73; Joseph, 69 ; Nicholas, 42 ; Ranulph, 113; Robert, 42; Thomas, 42. Linseed, 46. Linsey wolsey, 46. Linton, 88. Lintot, Bernard, in. Lion, bookseller, 44. Lionel, Duke of Clarence, 83 (part IV.). Lips and Eyes, in. Li})shire, 99. Lipsius, Justus, 44, 64, in, Moniia et Exempla Politica, 80. Liquorice, 46. Liquoring boots, 46; mittens, 46. Lisbon, ships seized at, 39. Lisbornsis, John, 64. Liscard, 112. Lisco, 88. Lisle, — , 88; Sir Ch., in; J., in; Laur., in; Sir R. and Lady, in. Lisnegarvey, 83 (part I.). Liste boundary, 46. Lister, — , 46, 82, 88; George, 94; George Seal, 94; J., 57 (part VI.); John, 113; John Joseph, 73, 94; Major, 45; Mr., 45, 1 14; Mr., of the Deane, 46; Richard, 50; Rosamond, 31; Thomas, 37 (part IV.), 64; of Westby, 54; William, of Thornton, 31; Sir William, 46. Litany to the Holy Spirit, in. Litchfield, see Lichfield. Litchford, Robert, of Manchester, 31. Litelton, Thomas, 99. Litheak, 58. Litherland, 50, 60, 74, 88, 95. Litherland, — , 88; Henry, 57 (part VIL). Lithgow, John, 73; Matthew, 113; W., in. Lithuanian language, 114; Bible in, 114. Litildale, see Littledale. Litill, Elizabeth, 54; John, 54; Margere, 54. Litler, — , 96 (part HI.); Henry William, 94; John, 54; Richard, 54; Robert, 94. Litten, — , 88. Litting, dyeing, 46. Little, James, 73; Peter, 73. Little Ifi'itain, Alan, earl of, 80. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 167 Little Brook Field, 47. Little Crosby, 50; see also Crosby. Little Eccleston and Ilarebrooke, 50 ; see also Eccleston. Little Green, 69. Little-heath, 42. Little Lever, see Lever. Little Marsh, 37 (part IV.). Little Moss. 58. Little Pendleton, see Pendleton. Little Red Stone, 47. Little Resliffe, 37 (part IV.). Little Singleton, Singleton. Little Warth, 37 (part IV.). Little Woolton, see Woolton. Littleborough, 42, 44, 54, 57 (part L), 96, no, 1 14; chapel, 113. Littleboyes, G. and M., in. Littledale, 99; Pell of, 57 (part 11. ). Littledale, Edw., in; Henry, 45; Sir Joseph, 45; Mary, 45. Littleton, 54, 82, 88. Littleton, — , 82, 88 ; Adam, 64 ; lord- keeper, 70; Sir Edward, 31, 39, 44; J., in; Peter, in. Littlewood, 39, 88. Liitlewood, Jonathan, 73. Liuesay, see Livesey. Liver, 46. Liveries, 46. Liverpool, Leverpool, Lyverpoole, 31, 39, 45> 46, 47, 54, 60, 62, 69, 70, 72, 73, 81, 82, 87, 88, 94, 95, 99, no, 114; blue coat hospital, 105 ; bullbait in 1782, 87; castle, 47, 58; Lord Derby’s castle in, 37 (part I.); chantries, 60; chapel, 60; church goods, 113; conflict between Ratcliff and Trafford, 87; constable of the castle of, 60; Courant, 72; customs tolls, 58; election, 1806, 105; etymology of, 58; free school, 60; haven, 60; in 1689, 61; in the civil war, 62; indulgence of forty days granted to St. Mary’s chapel, 60; Infirmary, 1787, 105; John Pemberton, warden of, 60; Molyneux, Castellanus de, 58 ; royalist ships at, 50; St. Mary of the key (quay), 60; siege, 70; vessels at, 75. Liverpool, Johnde, 60; see also 'L,y\exY)o\e. Liversage, see Liversedge. Liversage, George, 31. Liversedge, 57 (part II.), 81, 88, no. Livesay, — , 82, 88, 96 (part II.); Egidius, 99; Galfridus, 99; Johannes, 95, 99; Mr., 44; Ralph, of Livesay, 61; Richard, 57 (part VI.). Livesay of Livesay, ped., 82, 88; of Sutton, ped., 88. Livesey, 50, 58, 74, 81, 82, 83, 95, 99. Livesey, — , 88; Alexander, 50; Henry, 72; James, 50, 96 (part III.); John, 39, 94, 96 (part HI.); Ralph, 47; Richard, 50, 96 (part HI.); Robert, 63 (app. I.); Sir Roger, priest, 60 ; see also Lyffsaye and Lyvesey. Livesley, Anne, 57 (part Y\l.)',see also Lyfifesley. Livet, Roger de, 80. Livius Sigonii, 44. Lizours, Aubrey, 745 Robert de, 74; Roger, 74. Llancaruan’s, Caradoc, IVelsh History, 80. Llansavan, in. Llewellyn, John, 73; Martin, in. Llewes, J., in. Llhawenny, 88. Llhuyd, Humphrey, 58. Lloyd, — , 72, 81, 88; Anne, 54; Bp. of Chester, 103 (part HI.); his shorthand, 44; David, 54; Edward, 39; Edward J., 72, 75 ; Edward Lloyd Kenyon, 73 ; Gamaliel of Manchester, 60; George, 44, 57 (part VH.), 69, 72, 73; George, of Alkrington, 60 ; George, of Man- chester, 42; George, of Stockton Hall, 42; Henry, 73; Jane, 54 ; John, 69, 73; Marget, 54; Mrs., 72; Thomas, 73, III; William, 54, 64. Lloyde, William, of Halton, 75. Lloyed, Marm., 37 (part L). Lluellin, Martin, in. Llunden, Mr., 54. Load, horse and man’s, 58. Loans, 46; to Queen Elizabeth, 46; to James I., 46. Lob’s pound, in. Lobenham, 99. Lock, — , 88. Locke, — , 63 (app. IL); Edward, 94; IL, in; John, 64, 114, Condtict of the UnderstaJiding, 44 ; Nathan, 37 (part IV.); Thomas, 54. Locker, — , 63 (app. IL), 88; Francis, 63 (app. I. ); James, i n. Lockett, J., 57 (parts VI. and VH.); Joseph, 94. Lockevelle, Rye., yeoman waiter, 31. Lockram, Cloth, 65. Locks, 46. Lockwood, George Henry, 94; Thomas, 42. 168 GENERAL INDEX. Lockyer, — , 88; Alfred, 94. Locman, 114. Locusts, fricasee of, 44. Lodge, Edw., 57 (parts VI. and VIL); Mr., 54, Thomas, ill. Lodge, the, 58, 88. Lodge, the, in Lathom Park, 31. Lodgings, 46, 63. Lodington, Mr., 114. Loe, Gilbert, 57 (part VIL); James, 57 (part VIL); John, 57 (part VII.); Thomas, 42; W., ill. Lofty, Malcolm, 94. Loggan, — , 88; D., ill, 114. Loggyn, Ellen, 54; William, 54. Logic, III. Lokelralghe, William de, 74. Lcker, Nicholas, 54, Lokewoode, Olyver, 54. Lomas, Robert, 73, 94; Thomas, 73; William, 63 (app. I.). Lomax, — , 63 (app. II.), 88; Alice, 54; Edward, 109; Geffraye, of Pylworth, 54 ; J-j 57 (parts VI. and VIL); widow, 109; Mr., 47; Rev. Mr., 42; Oliver, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 76; Richard, 63 (app. I. and III.), 69, 75, 109; Thomas, 69. Lomb, William Henry, 73. Lombart, Peter, iii. Lomos, — , 88. Loncaster, see Lancaster. Loncaster, Wm., of Bethom, 60. Londesdale, 82. London, 37 (part IV.), 39, 42, 45, 46, 47 , 54 , 57 (part I.), 60, 69, 72, 73, 81, 82, 83 (part I.), 88, 94, 95, 96 (parts I. and III.), 99, no, in, 112; book- sellers’ signs, in; Charing and Cheap- side Crosses, in; customs and tolls of, 58; Exchange, ill; Fire, 47, in, 114; Goldsmith’s hall in, 39; haymakers from, 46; journey, 46; murders, &c., 37 (part V. ); Preb. of Holywell, Fins- bury, 103 (part HI.); Proclamation for ladies to leave, 90; Plague, in, 114; Red Bull Theatre, 1 11 ; streets, danger- ous, &c. , 44. London, Johannes, no; Richard Clifford, Epis., 95. London Dinrnall, n i ; Journal, I Mirror, in; Seven Deadly Sins, ii i ; Specuhtm, in. Londonderry, 94. Lones = lanes, 1 03 (part I.). Long, -, 88. Long Eyes, 47. Long Millgate, 42. Long Moss, 97. Long, Sir Philip Parker, bart., 31; Dr. Roger, 44; Roger, soothsayer, 44; Thomas, 114. Long Small Meadow, 47. Longacre, 96 (part HI.). Longbarowe, Ricardus, 95. Longborne, — , 81. Longchamp, Hawys de, 83 (part L); Henry de, 58; Hugh de, 83 (part I.). Longdendale, 112. Longdendale, Rob. de, 112. Longe, Eliza, 105; Mr., 46, 105; Peter, 105. Longeford, see Longford. Longeford, Nicholas de, 47, 74. Longelands, 46. Longeley, Rob., 103 (part HI.). Longespee, Alice, 74; Margai'et, 74; Sir William, 74; W. de, 112. Longesthawton, Longesthoweton, 58. Longetre, Gilbertus de, 95, no. Longevity, Art of, in. Longford, 42, 58. Longford, — , 88; Alice de, 42; Alicia de, 95; Dorothy, 31, 54 ; Elizabeth, 42, 54 ; Henry, arm. , 47 ; Henry de, 92 ; Jane, 54 ; Joan de, 58 ; John de, 42; Sir John de, 58; Margaret de, 42; Margaret, 95; Matilda, 42; Nicholas de, 47, 58; Nicholas, 37 (part IV.), 42, 54; Sir Nicholas, 42, 60; Sir Nicholas de, 47; Nicholaus, 95, 99; Nigel de, 47; Sir Nigel, 42; Noel de, 47; Oliver de, 42; Rad’us, 95, 99; Ralph 42; Ralph de, 58; Sir Ralph, of Longford, 31, 42, 54; Richard de, 42 ; Roger de, 58; William de, 42. Longforth, Margery, 42; Rauffe, 42. Longhead, Dr. Thomas, 44. Longlegh, or Lengley, Johanna, 95; Johannes, 95; Ricardus, 95; Robertus, 45; Rogerus de, 95; Thomas, 95; Will’imus, 95. Longley, — , 82, 88; Christopher, 113; Henry, 58; Joan de, 58; Margaret, 103 (part HI.); Dr. Radulph, 103 (part III; Richard de, 58; Robart, 37 (part HI.); Robert de, 60, 68, 103 (part HI.); Thomas, 58, 113; Thomas, bis- hop of Durham, 60; Tho. , rector of Prestwich, 60, 103 (part HI.); William, 113; Sir William, parson of Prestwich, 60; see also Langley. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 169 Longo Campo, Henry cle, 8o. Longridge, 88 ; chapel, 6o ; Sir Robert Cottom, or Cotome, priest of, 6o. Longsden, George, 57 (part VIL). Longshaw, Thomas, 94. Longshay, Johannes, 99. Longsight, 47, 94; church, 42. Longspee, see Longespee. Longton, 46, 50, 58, 60; chapel, 54; see also Langton. Longton, Anne, 54; Henrie, 54; Henricus fie, 95; James, 94; John de, 58; Mar- garet, 54; Roger, 105; Rogerus, 88; widow, 46; William de, 105; Wil’imus, 45- Longtre, see Langtre, Longtre, Ric.. 57 (part II.). Longtree, Gilbert, no; Helene, no; Isabel, 1 10; John, no. Longueville, — , in. Longus, Daphfiis and Chloe, 44. Longvvorth, 57 (part IL), 58, 60, 8l, 82, 88 . Longworth, Longworthe, — , 82, 88; Al- cides, 94 ; Christopher, 31 ; Cisley, 54; Elizabeth, 54; Edward, 92; Francis, 54; George, 46, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.); Henry, 54 ; Hugh, 54 ; James, 69 ; Janet, 46 ; John, 46, 73; Mr., 46; Peter, 54; Ralph, 105; Richard, 46, 61, 92, 105, 113; Thomas, 46, 54, 57 (parts II. and VI.), 69, 73, 105; Thurstan, 54; William, 54. Longworth, of Longworthe, pedigree, 81, 82; of Upper Rawcliffe, ped. , 88. Lonisdale, James, 96 (part IV.); Thomas, 96 (part IV.). Lonsdale, Lounesdale, 57 (part H. ), 58, 95- Lonsdale hundred, or wapentake, 39, 50, 57 (part HI.), 58, 74. Lonsdale, Daniel, 72; Henry, 3rd visct. , 44; Miles, clerk, 44, 47, 54; William, 72, 94; William Hilton, 72. Lonsdall, John Greenhalgh, 73, 94. Looney, James, 94. Loon, Mill of, 74. Lord, Cisley, 54 ; Edmundus, 95, 103 (part L); Jo., 46; John, 54, 58, 69, 94; Simeon, 69 ; Susan, 96 ; Thomas, 46, 54, 96. Lord-Lieutenants, commencement of, 50; their duties, 50. Lord Mayor’s Day, in. Lord’s Prayer, n i. Lorde, Elizabeth, 63. Lordson, Ric., 57 (part IL). Lordyng, James, Fellow of Manchester College, 60. Lorimer, Charles, 73; John, 69; William, 69. Lorriman, Richard, 57 (part VI. ). Lort, Jane, 54. Lorymer, Sir George, 60; William, church- reve of Padiham, 60. Lossius, Dr., 114. Lostock, 46, 54, 57 (part IL), 58, 65, 73, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96 (part HI.), 99, no; Moss, 46. Lostock cum Rumworth, 50. Lostock, Henry de, 87. Lostockmore, 113, Lostwithiel, in. Lothian, Earl of, 70; James, earl of, ill; William, 3rd marquess, 44. Lothresdene, Godf. de, 112. Loton, John, 57 (part VIL). Loudon, John, 4th earl of, 44, Lough Rigg, 88. Loughborough, 73. Loughborough, Lord, 45. Lound, a name for Lunt in Sefton, 87. Lounds, or Loundes, Mr., 44; Mr., of Rochdale, 44. Louth, 73, 88; Baron of, in. Love, Christopher, 38; H., in. Love, in; Century of, in; effects of, 90; emblems, in ; made lovely, in; of Amos and Laura, in ; praise, in ; remedie, in; Lriumphsof, in. Love’s Apostacy, in; choice, in; Laby- rinth, in; Riddle, in; Sacrifice, in. Lovel, Johannes, 99; Matilda, 99; Mr., 44; Salathiel, 37 (part I.); Willimus, 99. Lovelace, Capt. Ric., ni;Lord, in. Loveley, 82. Lovell, — , 81 ; Dorothy, 42; Sir Francis, 42;Francis, Lord, 58;Gregory, 42;Dame Jane, 42, Johannes, 95; Lady, 42; Lord, 80, in ; Matilda, 95; Sir Robert, 42; Thomas, baron, 44; Sir W., 112. Lover, in ; jealous, in; phantastic, 1 1 1 . Lovers, in. Lover’s maze, in. Lovesucken, see Soken, 74. Lovesey, — , 88. Low, Aaron, 44; Alexander, of Stopford, 54; Charles, 44; Jane, 54; Mary, 105; Matthew, 105; Patrick, 105; Robert, of Middlewich, 44. Low countries, emigrants from, 63. Z 170 GENERAL INDEX. Lowcaster, 58. Lovvcock, Emanuel, 73. Lowd, Wm., 61. Lowde, — , 81 ; Catharine, 92; James, 92; Mr,, 92; Raphe, 92. Lowde, of Kirkham, pedigree, 88. Lowe, 63 (app. II.), 73, 88, 99, no; chapel, 60; the, 81, 88; Church in Wal- ton, 54. Lowe, — , 82,88; Alexander, 75; Edmund, 1 13; Edward, 39, I13; Henry, 94; Hen- ly, jun., 50; Isaac, 37 (part IV.); J., 57 (part VI.) ; James, 96 (part IV.); John, 37 (part IV.), 69, 83 (part IV. ); Sir John, 83 (part IV,); Jonathan, 42; Joseph, 57 (part VI.), 69; Margaret, 50; Mary, 37 (part IV.); Mr., 44; Mrs., 72; Raufe, 75; Richard, 54; Robert 37 (part IV.); Roger, 103 (part III.); Solomon, 44; Theophilus, 37 (part IV.); Thomas, 94; Widow, 37 (part IV.); William, 73. Lowe-in-IIindley, no. Lowebert, William de, 57 (part II,). Lowen, William, 46. Lower Higham, see Higham. Lower Place, 8k Lowes, John, 54, 105. Lowick, 88. Lowick, Ambrose of, 105. Lowking (weeding), 46. Lowknor, Sir Richard, 37 (part L). Lownde, — , 82, 88; Raphe, 75. Lowndes, John, 94; R., 103 (part III.); Thomas, 57 (part L); William, 73, Lownes, Humphrey, in ; Matt., in ; Nath., Ill; Reginald, clerk, 60. Lowry, Frederick, 94. Lowson, Edward, 105; Robert, 105. Lowstock, 42. Lowten, Joseph, 69 ; Thomas, 69, 73 ; Thomas Wainwright, 73; Timothy, 69. Lowther, 88. Lowther, — , 82, 88; Sir James, 44; John, 70 ; Sir Richard, 54 ;. Sir Thomas, 44, 105; Sir William, 44. Lowthorp, John, 73. Lowton, no. Loxam, Henry, 39, John, 92; Mr., 92; Thomas, 61. Loxaman, 46. Loxham, Edward, 92 ; Mr., 92 ; Rev. Robert, 92. Loyalty, in. Loyd, Bishop, 96; Edward, 37 (part IV.), 63, 72, 75; Geo., 57 (part VI.); Mrs., 47; see also Lloyd. Loydes, Rev. Mr., 42; Thomas, 72. Loynd, John, 46. Lubin, Eilhard, 114. Luc or Lun, Count de, 44. \^\XQ.zxi'& Pharsalia, in. Lucas, — , in; Bernard, 94; Sir Ch., in; Henry, 105, 113; J., 57 (part VI.); Lewis, 72 ; Mr., 44 ; Richard, 105 ; Robert, 57 (part II.), 72, 94; Roger, 57 (part IL); Thomas, 94, 105; W., 75; W. F., 105. Lucasr, Christopher, 57 (part IL). Lucca merchants, 87. Luce and Tench, in. Lucian^ uncial MS., 44. Lucie, Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Thomas, 31. Lucifugi, in. Lucina wine, 44. Lucinda described, ill. Luckman, Robert, 94. Lucy, SirT. , in; William, 83 (part IV.). Luda, William de, archdeacon of Dur- ham, 92. Luddington, Dr. Stephen, 114. Ludham, Walter de, 74. Ludlow castle, 47. Ludlow, Edmund, in. Ludlum, — , 88. Ludolf, J., his Lexico 7 i ALthioporutn 114. Luffenham, Simon, 99. Luis, Mr., 61. Lukyn, Ann, 54; John, 54. Lullaby, in. Lullingstone, no; castle, no; hall, 88. Lully, Raymond, in. Lum, John, 113. Lum, Lumb, 88. Lumais, Richard, 37 (part HI.). Lumb, John, 73. Lumbard, Richard, 58 ; Ricardus, 99. Lumley, Elizabeth, 60, 99 ; Henry, 99 ; Henry, of Rishton, co. Northampton, 60; John, 90, 99; Katherine, 105; Mar- gareta, 105; Marmaduke de, 105; Mr., 44, 105; Robert de, 105; Robertas, 95; Sir John de, 105 ; Sir Thomas, knt., claims the rectory of Warton, 60. Lumme, 42. Lummey, The, 82. Lun, Count de, 44. Lund chapel, 62 ; curates, 92 ; old font, 92 ; manor boundaries, 92 ; school, 92. Lund, Lind, John, chantry priest, Lan- caster, 60; John, 69. Lunetat, John de, 92. VOLS. XXXI.-OXIV. 171 Limey, Thomas, 94. Lunt in Sefton, 87. Lunt, John, political informer, 61 ; Mr., 44; Mrs., 44; Thomas, 54. Lupton, Rev. Dr., 44; John, 73. Lupus, Hugh, earl of Chester, 37 (part L), 80. Lurrimore, Richard, 57 (part VIL). Luskin, Randall, 113. Lusley, 74 ; Peter of the, 74 ; William of, 74 - Lute and case, 46. Lutener, John, 73. Luter, William, 60. Lutford, Mr., 44. Luther, Martin, 83 (part IV.), iii ; Col- loquia Mensalia, A.D. 1652, 38 ; Table Talk, 45. Lutterworth, in. Luttrell, Narcissus, in. Lutwiche, Thomas, M.P., 44. Lutwych, Edward, 37 (part L). Lyall, John, 57 (part VII.). Lycas, see Lidias. Lycophron, 44. Lydall, Arnold, 57 (part VIL). Lydegate, see Lydiate. Lydgate, John, in. Lydiate, Lydegate, 50, 58, 60, 74, 8 1, 88, 95, 99, 109, no; Lydiate hall, 103. Lydle Heath, 42. Lydyat, — , 88. Lye, Richard, 54. Lyehead, 46. Lyes, Thomas, 95, 99. Lyffesley, Lawrence, 54. I.yffseye, Roger, 54. Lyght, Thomas, 46. Lyghtfoote, Omffrey, clerk, 54. Lyghton, see Leighton. Lying, in. Lykhede, 57 (part H.). Lykteenes, Jordan de, 74. Lylie, Helen, 54; Henrie, 54; Johane, 54; Nycholas, 54; Raufe, 54. Lyly, J., in. Lymbury, — , 82. Lyme, the Lyme, Lime, Lim, 37 (part V.), 42, 46, 60, 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 96 (parts I. and HI.), 99, 109, no; mean- 0^5 58 ; cage, 97 ; chapel, 97 ; grant to Sir P. Legh and his wife, 97 ; hall, 97; manor of, 1 10. Lyme, Oliver, 105 ; Oliver, alderman of Liverpool, 61 ; the wife of John of, 74. Lymere, a cloth, 58. Lymerhurste, 65. Lymm, Lymme, 42, 46, 54, 69, 73, 94. Lymme, Hugh de, 80; Richard, 54. Lynalls, Lynalx, 95. Lynalls, Adam, 95; Wil’imus, 95. Lynax, see Lennox. Lynch, Edward, 94. Lyncoln, see Lincoln. Lynd, Sir Humphrey, 64. Lyndesay, Walter de, 57 (part H. ). Lyndeth, M., 57 (partlL); William, frier of, 57 (part 11. ). Lyndford, Willimus de, 37 (part L). Lyndgards, or Lyngards, John of, 74; Richard of, 74 » Robert of, 74. Lyndhened (Lindeth), 74. Lyndhurst, 94. Lyne, linge (flax), 46. Lyne, Roger, 47. Lyneall, 81. Lynedocke, Simon, 46. Lyneston, Richard, 54. Lyngard, 105. Lyngai'd, John, 105. Lyngarth, Richard, 60. Lyngley, John, goldsmith, 154. Lynley, Captain, 105. Lynlie towels, 39. Lynn, Lynne, 46, 81, no. Lynn, Charles Townsend, Lord, 44; Mr., 44; Thomas, 94. Lynnale, Ricardus, 99. Lynney, — , 88; Ralph, vicar of Black- burn, 54; Richard, 113. Lynroad, 82. Lynteth, 57 (part IL). Lyon, — , 88; Cycele, 54; Francis, 69; J., 57 (part VL); James, 73; Jhon., 75; John, 54, 69, 73; Joseph, 57 (part VIL); Robert, 113. Lyons, Rabbi Israel, 44; Rev. P. A,, I'wo De Lacy Compoti, 112. Lyric Poems, in. Ly son’s History of Cheshire, 80; Magna Britannia, 37 (part I.). Lysours, Aubrey, 80. Lysle, Mr., 44. Lyster, — , 81, 88; Dr., 44; John, 63 (app. L); Sir Matthew, 109; Rye., 31; Thomas, 103 (part L). Lyth, George, 105; James, 105. Lytham, Litham, 45, 50, 62, 74, 82, 88, 95; cell, 60; priory, 87. Lythe, meaning of, 46. Lytherland, Rauf, 60; Thomas, 54. Lytherpole, see Liverpool. 172 GENERAL INDEX. Litherpol, Thomas de, 83 (part IV.). Lyttleton, Sir Edward, 39 ; George, ist Lord, 44; Lady Lucy, in; Mr., 44. Lyvals, Johannes, 99. Lyvalx, Thurstanus, 95. Lyverpole, see Liverpool. Lyverpole, John of, to. Lyverpull, Adam, son of William de, 60; William de, 60. Lyversage, Maistres, 54. Lyversaytche, Elizabeth, 31 ; John, 31; Mr., 31. Lyversege, see Liversedge. Lyvesey, Richard, 57 (part III.); Thomas, 39 - M A. (printer), iii; M., E. (printer), ., Ill; M., Rev. E., iii; M., G., Ill; M., H. (printer), in; M., J., in; M., Lady V,, in; M,, P., in; M. S. D, D. G., in; M., S., in; M., T., in. Mabota, 112. McCabe, Turloughe, 54. Macartney, General, 105. McCasland, Mr., 44. Macarius, 114. Macaulay, J., 94; James, 69; Lord, 114; Thomas, 69; W., 94; William, 69. Macclesfield, — , 88 ; Cecelie, 54 ; Earls of, 54; family of, 97; George, earl of, 45; John de, no; Lord, 61; Ralph de, 97; Tho. de, 112; Thomas, earl of, 44. Macclesfield, 37 (parts 1 . and IV.), 47, 54, 69, 72, 73, 94, no; castle, 97; charter of, 58 ; church, 97 ; forest, 46, 97 ; forestership of, 97 ; Grammar School, 54, 97; manor and forest of, 97; market cross, 97; park, 97; Pretender's visit to, 97; rolls, 97. Macbeth, in. McClellan, Sam., in. McClintock, John Kerr, 94; William Kerr Macky, 94. McClure, George, 94; John, 72. Mace, 46. McFarlane, John, 73. McGill, George Henry, 94; John, 94. McGregor, Sir George, 105. Machabre, in. Macham, Sam., Ill; Thomas, 60; William, 60. Machiavel, John, 72. Machiavelli, Nicolo, 70. Machin, Mr., 44. Macintyre, John, 94. Mackaye, Sir Donald, in. Mackele, Alee, 54. McKenna, John, 94. Mackenzie, Charles Finch, 94; Pat., in. Mackerall, Robert, chantry priest, Lan- caster, 60. Mackerel, 46. Mackerfield, see Makerfield. Mackering, 88. Mackinson, — , 88. Macklin, Gerard, 69. Mackrell, Mr., 44. Mackreth, Canon, 45. Mackworth, Colonel Humphry, 70. Maclaurin’s Algebra, 44. Macley, Hugh de, 68. Mac Morland, Patrick John Mac, 73. McNab, John, 73. McNabb, James, 73. McNiven, John, 73; Peter, 73. Macom, William, 69. Macont, — , 88. Macorowines, 46. Macready, — , 72. Macrell, William, 39. Macro, Ralph, 44. Macvicar, John, 63. Mad Fashions, in; Letters, III; World, III. Madan, Rev. Martin, 44. Madden, Sir Frederick, 37 (part 11 . ). Madder, Alexander, 105; Flumphrey, 60. Maddock, Edward, 73; Hinton, 69, 73; Jonadab, 69; Mrs., 57 (part VH.) ; Peter, 57 (parts VI. and VH. ); Robert, 113; Thomas, 54, 73; Thomas Flerbert, 94. Maddocks, Plant, 69. Maddoxe, Anne, 54. Madeley, Roger de, 54; Winifred, 54. Maden, Alexander, 105; John, 60. Mader, George, 54. Madescoe, Nicholas, 105. Madin, Mr., 44; Thos., 57 (part VH. ). Madison, — , 88. Madock, Mr., 44, 114. Mador, Johannes, 57 (part H.); William, 57 (part IL). Madox, Rich., in. Madoxe, Richard, 54. Madox’s Baronia Anglica, 58. Madrid, assassination of Mr. Aschamat, 39. Maen, meaning of, 58. Maer, Andrew, 105. Maergison, Wm., 105. Maerscooe, Thomas, 105. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 173 Magdalen, in. Magdalen College, 109; Cambridge, 114. Magdalen'’ s Ftiiieral Tears, III. Magdebourg, Archbishop of, 57 (part II.). Mageall, Robert, 50. Magge, J., 1 12. Magiiull, 50, 57 (parts II. and III.), 58, 60, 74 (parts II. and III.), 81, 88, 95, 99; chapel, 54; church goods, 113. Maghull, — , 88 ; Thomas, 99 ; see also Magull and Male. Maghull of Maghull, ped., 88. Maginn, Dr., in. Magius, Hieron, 114. Magna Carta, 58. Magnanimity, Mansion of , in. Magnes, M., in. Magnus, Aliz., no; Ormus, no. Magnusen, Prof., on the Lancaster Runic Cross, 68. Magull, Alicia, 95 ; Nicholaus de, 95 ; Richarclus, 95; Thomas, 95. Mahomet, 114. Mahon, John, 72; Miss, 72; Ross, 72. Maidsley, — , a goldsmith, 46. Maile, Robert, 105. Mailor, Thomas, 54. Maimbourg, Louis, 64. Maimed soldiers, relief of, 50. Maimonides, 114. Mains hall, 92. Mainwaring, — , 81, 82, 88; Alexander, 54; Alice, 54; Ann, daughter of Ralph L.eycester, 31; Anne, 54, 96 (part III.); Anne, of Peover, will of, 54; .Sir A., in; Sir Arthur, of Ightfield, 31; Betty, 44; Bertred, 80; Charles, 73; Charles, of Croxton, will of, 54; Charles, of Pennington, 42; David, 54; Edmund, 54; Edmund, D.C.L. , 42; Edward, 31, 54; Captain Edward, of Ranmore, 54; Elen, 54; Elizabeth, 31, 54; Elizal)eth, daughter of Sir Randall, 31; P'rances, 54; G., in; Sir G. , ni; (George, of Ightfield, 54; Henry, 54, 83 (part HI.), 94; Henry, of Carincham, 54; Henry, of Chester, 54 ; Henry, of Kirminc- ham, 80; Hugh, 54; llumphrey, 54; Isabel, 54; J., 70; Sir J., in; James, 54; Jane, 54; Lady Jane, 31 ; John, 54; John (George), of Ightfield, 54; Sir John, 61, 80; Sir John, of Peover, knt. , 54; Katherine, 31, 54; Katherine, daughter of Sir Randall, of Peover, 31; Katherine, daughter of Roger Hurlston, 31 ; Katherine, wife of Sir Edward Stanley, 31; Lady, 54; Laurence, will of, 54 ; Margaret, 54 ; Margaret, of Warford, 42; Margery, 83 (part IL); Mary, 42, 54; Mary, of Woodhey, 54; Mr., 44, 54; Oliver, 54; Peter, 54; Peter, of Nantwich, 54; Dr. Peter, 44; Philip, 31, 54, 80; Philip, of Peover, 54 ; Sir Phillip, 80 ; Ralph, 54 ; Sir Ralph, 80; Ralph, of Croxton, 54; Ralph, of Oldcastle, will of, 54 ; Randle, 54, 60, 83 (part HL); Randle, of Peover, 31, 54; Sir Randle, 31, 80, 96 (part HL); Sir Randle, of Peover, 31, 54; Ranulph, 97; Richard, 54; Sir Richard, 54; Robert, 54; Robert de, 80; Roger, 54; Roger, of Nantwich, will of, 54; Sir Roger, 80; Sarah, 54; Thomas, 31, 54; Sir Thomas, 80, 88, Amicia Tracts, 78, 79, 80; Sir Warine, 80; Wido, 80 ; William, 83 (parts H. and IV.); Sir William, 80; William, of Ightfield, 75; William, of Peover. 54. Mainwaring, family, 80; of Peover, 97. Mainwaring Library, in. Maiot, William, son of, 58. Mail', James, 94. Maire, — , 88. Maire, 88. Maisterson, Anne, 54 ; Elizabeth, 54 ; Katherine, 54; Margaret, 54; Richard, 54; Richard, of Nantwich, 54; Thomas, 54; Sir Thomas, of Nantwich, knt., 54. Maitland, Jo., 70; T. , in. Majendie, Bishop, 45, 94. Major, Mr., 44. Makand, Ambros, 57 (part IL); William, 57 (part IL). Make, W. , 47. Makensone, Robert, 46; William, 46. Makerfield, 54, 58, 88; fee of, no; lord- ship of, no. Makin, John, 73 ; Joseph, 73; Ric., 31 ; Richard, 94; Robin, 46; Roger, 57 (part VL); William, 94. Makinson, John, 94; Roger, 113; Thomas Cooper, 94; see also Makenson. Makon, Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Richard, 57 (part VIL).' Makonde, Richard, 46. Malbon, Ralph, 73; Samuel, 97. Malbranche, E. , 44. Malbreck, 88. Malcher, Mr., 44. Male, — , 81, 88; Elizabeth, of Liverpool, 60; Matthew, 57 (part IL); Robert, 105; see also Maghull. 174 GENERAL INDEX. Malebiss, Hugh, 8o. Malene, 58. Malesbury, 74, Malet, General de, 105. Maletot, Roger de, 80. Malham, — , 81, 88. Malibran, Madame, 72. Malignants, iii. Maliverer, Mauleverer, Richard, 95. Maliverne, Sir Richard, 46. Mallalieu, Jonathan, 94. Mallam, Anthony, 31. Mallard, 46. Mallards, 103. Malle, or Mail, 46; saddle, 46. Mallebisse, Ricardus, 95. Mallet, Christopher, 92. Mallorie, Thomas, Dean of Chester, 31. Mallyn raisins, 46. Malom, Ann, 103 (part I.). Malome, — , 81. Malone, Simon, 31, 63. Malony, William, 64. Malore, Petrus, 95. Malory, SirJ., Ili; Wm., Ill, Malowrsarseneck, co. Flint, 75. Malpas, 37 (part II. ), 54, 73, 81, 83 (part HI.), 88. Malpas, David de, 80, 83 (part II.); George, Viscount, 44 ; Matilda de, 83 (part IL); Philip de, 83 (partll.). Malpigius, M., 114. Malseshall, 88. Malt and Malting, 46. Malta, 54. Malton fair, 70. Malton, — , 81; Ralph, 73; Thomas de, 83 (part IV.). Maltonne, J,, iii. Malyn, family, 44; Dr., 44; Kitty, 44 ; Mr., 44; Mrs., 44; Mrs. H., 44; N., 44; Robert, 44. Mam, or Maine, in composition, 58. Mamecestre, our lady of, 60. JSIamecestre, by Plarland, 53, 56, 58. Mamecestre, see Manchester. Maminot, Walcherin, 80. Alan in the Moon, ill, Man, Isle of, 39, 44, 47, 54, 62, 70, 81, 88, 94, no; arms of, 42; bishop of, 54; Governor of, 54 ; its soldiers, 62 ; mili- tary provision at, 75 ; Stanley Papers connected with, 70. Man, — , 81 ; Seth, 46; T., Ill ; Thomas, 57 (part HI.). Manby, Peter, 64. Mancenion an untenable name, 58. Mancester, Alicia, no; Edmund, no; George, 58; Guy de, no. Manchester, or Mamecestr’, Adam de, 68; Earl of, 70; Edw. , Earl of, in ; Gal- fridus de, 47; Geoffrey de, 47, 87; George, 58; H., Earl of, in ; Henry de, 47, 87 ; Houlot de, 47 ; Hugh de, 87 ; John de, 87 ; Jordan de, 47 ; Luke de, 42, 47; R. de la Warre, Lord of, no; Richard de, 47; Robert de, 47, 68; Robert, son of Symon de, 47; Roger de, 42, 68, 78; Symon de, 47; Thomas de, 47 ; William de, 37 (part IV.), 47 ; William, son of Henry, son of Houlot de, 42; William Montagu, second duke of, 44; Wluric, 58. Manchester, 37 (part II. ), 39, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57 (parts I. V. and VIL), 58, 69, 70, 72, 73, 81, 82, 88, 94> 95^ 96 (parts I. and HI.), 99, 103, no, in, 112, 113, 114; academy, 72; alehouses and bakers at, 50 ; Ashley lane, 103 ; assembly rooms and billiard club, 72 ; barons of, no; bedes silver for our Ladie of, 60; bells, 113; Bishop of, 42, 60, 105 ; bonny lasses, 72 ; bor- ough, 60; boroughreeves of, list of, 63 ; broadsides, 72; Bull’s Head Inn, 103; Cardinal Langley’s legacy to, 60 ; castle of, 74 ; chantries, 59, 60 ; chapter house, 60 ; Chetham chapel, 103 ; Chetham hospital, 103 ; Chetham library, 103, ni;Chorlton hall, 103; church, 42 ; church goods, 113 ; church plate, 113; churchwardens, list of, 63; civil war at, 62 ; clubs, 72; coaches, 72; coaches in 1780, 72; Collectanea, 68, 72; college, 50, 58, 60; college in 1590, 96 (part II.) ; college of Christ, 103 ; col- legiate church, 45, 58, 60, 70, 72, 75, 114, fellowship controversy, 44, war- denship, 114; concerts in 1744, 72; constables, list of, 63 ; constitutional society, 72; Court Leet Records, 63, 65; Cross street chapel, 72; descriptions of, at various periods, 68 ; excitement at, 61 ; families and residences, i8th and 19th centuries, 72; fee of, no; first blood shed in the Civil Wars, 62 ; for- wardness of papists against, 50; govern- ment of, 65 ; Grammar School, 44, 54, 58, 63, 72, 103, in, 114, founded, 65, mills, 44, 63, 72, rebuilt, 73, Register, 69, 73, 93, 94 ; Grammar School Boy’s Recollections, 72 ; harriers, 72 ; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIY. 175 “honest men,” 72; in 1650, 63; in 1776, 72; in 1783, 72; in 1794, 68; infirmary proposed, 72 ; Inhabitants in i6yg, 57; inns (Angel), 44; Irk river, 103 ; Irwell river, 103 ; lane, 63 ; lime pits, 103 ; localities, old men’s reminis- cences of, 72; lord of the manor of, 46 ; manor of, 74 ; maps or plans of, 68 ; Market street lane, 57 (part VII.) ; Market place, 57 (part VII.), 72; men, 31 ; New College, 72 ; news- papers, 72 ; olden theatricals, 72 ; Our Lady of, 60; Oxford commendation of, 44; parish, 42, 1 10; parish church, 38, 60; place names, 68; political feeling in, 44, 72 ; Poll Book, 1690, 57 ; post office management, 44 ; Prestwich’s library in, 60 ; Pretender in, 44 ; pro- posals for pacification, 50 ; Queen’s grindlestones, 103 ; races, 44 ; recollec- tions of, 1808-1830, 72 ; recollections of a nonagenarian, 72 ; Roman remains and relics, 68; royalist army against, 50; rudeness, 44 ; School mills, 44 ; School Register, 69, 73, 93, 94 ; siege of, 70 ; state of religion in 1590, 96 (part II.) ; sketch of, in verse, 72 ; theatre royal, 72; theatricals, 72; Town Hall, 114; visits of remarkable persons, 68 ; volun- teers, 72 ; Walker’s croft, 103 ; warlike preparations, 72 ; workhouse contro- versy, 44 ; see also Aldport, Ancoats, Ardwick, Deansgate, Millgate, Miln- gate, &c. Manchester chamber at Adlington hall, 31. Manchester Advertiser, 72 ; Chronicle, 72 ; Coiirier, 72; Gazette, 72; Guardian, 72; Herald, 72; Joitrnal, 72; Magazine, 72; Mercury, 72; Museum, 72; Politics, 44; Vindicated, 44 ; Weekly Journal, 72. Manchester al Mondo, ill. Manchetts, fine bread, 31. Mancsterhold, 58. Mancton (Monton), 58. Mancunium, 58. Mandation, 46. Mandeville, Dr., 44; Sir J., in. Mandevyle, Geffrey, 80. Mane, Robert, carpenter, 31. Manering, see Mainwaring. Maneringe, Mr., 75. Maney, — , 88; Walter, 75, Manfield, Ja., 114. Manger, Mr., 44. Manheim, in. Manifould, Jane, 47; see also Manyfould. Manige, meaning of, 58. Manilius, 114. Manister, John, 57 (part VI.). Manknolls, Manknowles, — , 88. Manley, 82, 88. Manley, — , 8r, 82, 88; Capt, 44; Eliza- beth, 1 10; Margaret, 54; Nicholas, no; Richard, 54; Thomas, 106, ni; Wil- liam, no. Mann, Edward, 57 (part VI.); Michael, 99; Robert Manners, 94. Manne, Agnes, wife of Thomas, 60; John, of Thorpe Underwood, 60; Thomas, 60. Manners, Sir John, 31; Roger, 90. Mannerynge, Mr., 46. Manning, John, 94; Richard, 94. Manningham, Sir Richard, 44. Mannour, the (the manor), 88. Mannson, Wm., 57 (part VI.). Manny, Cicely, daughter of Sir Walter, 31- Mannying, Robert, Rhyming Chronicle, 58. Manor officers, Manchester, 63. Manor, the, 58, 88 ; explanation of the word, 58. Manors, exlending of, 58. Man’s May, in. Man’s Mortality, in. Mansel, William, 73. Mansella, Lady K. M., in. Mansfeild, Count, 109, in. Mansfield, 73, 88. Mansfield, — , 82, 88; James, 37 (part 1 . ). Mansergh, 57 (part II.). Mansei-gh, family, 57 (part II.). Manshargh, Ric., 57 (part 11 . ). Manshargh, 57 (part 11 . ). Mansure, James, 69, 73; Ralph, 69, 73. Mant, Bishop, 94. Mantio, city of, 58. Mantuan's Pclog7ies, in. Manuductio ad Coelum, in. Manwaring, see Mainwaring. Manwood, Joshua, in; Sir P., in; T., in. Manwood’s Forest Laws, 58. Manyfold, Henry, 69. Manyfoldes, Thomas, 54. Manyfoulds, Kathrene, 54. Manzer hall, 88. Mapes, — , 44. Maple, Robert, 105. Maps, 46. Maquoid, Samuel, 69. Mara, John de, no; W. de, 112. 176 GENERAL INDEX. Maracci, Louis, 44. Marant, Mons., 44. Marbury, 54, 88, Marbury, family of, 83 (part IV.); James, 54; Nicholas, 83 (part IV.); Richard, 54; Richard, of Appleton, will of, 54; Richard, of Walton, 54; Thomas, 83 (part in.). Marcellinus, Ammianus, 114. Marcer, Alex., 57 (part II.); James, of Kirkdale, 60; Roger, of Litherland, 60. March, Edward, earl of, 109; Elizabeth, 92; Humphrey, 92, Marchagium, 112. Marchal, Henry de, 47 ; Robert le, 47 ; Thomas le, 47. Marchall, Guy, 60. Marchancia, 112. Marchant, Guy, in. Marchaunt, Ad., 112. Marche, Brian, iVshton-in-Makerfield, 60; Humphrey, 46; Robert, 46; Roger, of Wigan, 46; Thomas, 46; William, 54; see also Marsh. Marcher, or Marchehar, Alicia, 99. Marchet, 112. Marching money, 50. Marchington, co. Stafford, 60. March ice, 112. Marchpanes, 46. Marchumley, William, 54. Marcroft, Brian, priest, 60; Henry, curate of Bury, 54; Joseph, clerk, of Little- borough, 54; Thomas, 109; William, 60. Marcrosse, Thomas, 65. Marcus, Moses, 44. Marcy, Sir Geoffrey, 57 (part IL). Mare, John de la, 58; Sir John de la, 72; Julian, 46; Mr., Preston, 61 ; Richard de la, 83 (part IV.); Thomas, 73; William de la, 74. Marecroft, Jamys, 54. Mares, 46; serving, 46. Maresa, William, the younger, 58. Mareschalcia and Marescalcia, 112. Mareschall, Richard le, 60. Mareshall, Thomas, of Padiham, 60. Maresheale, John, 60. Mareys, Sir Robert, 92. Margaret, Queen, in. Margaret, Queen of Henry VI., 87. Margaret, St., Life of , in. Margarita, Saint, 102. Margate, 39. Margeryson, William, 57 (part IL), 105. Margree, of Stayley, the wife of Patrick, 74- Marham, Ralph, 83 (part IV.). Mariana, in. Mariden, church of, 58. Marie's Exercise, in. Marigium, 58. Marigold, in. Mariniis, Marcus, his Area Nooe, 114. Mariscus, 112. Maritagium, 58. Mark, or March, 58. xMarkeland, Robert, of Wigan, 46. Markelande, Matt., of Wigan, 60. Markelaw, Wm., rector of Prestwich, 103. Markle, Robertas, no. Market-cleansers, 63, 65 ; cross, 63, 65 ; cross at Garstang, 105 ; cross at Kirk- ham, 92; days, 65; gait, 112; Garstang, 105; lookers, 63, 65; new, Manchester, 72 ; plaee, 63, 65, 72 ; stead, 63, 65. Mai'kets, 46, 58; tolls, 58. Marktield, Leicester, 69. Markham, — , 88, in; Bishop, 45 ; Johannes, 95, 99; Mr., 44; Ralph, 105; Robert, 44, ni; Dr. William, 44; William Orlando, 94. Marking iron, 46. Marklan, Johannes, 95. Markland, — , 88 ; Bertie, 69 ; Captain, 31 ; Edward, 69 ; J. PL, 69 ; John, 63, 69; Mr., 44; Ralph, 69; Robert, 63, 69; Robert, mayor of Wigan, 39; Samuel, 69; Thomas, 47, 72. Markland, of Wigan, pedigree, 88. Markland mill, 88. Markwell, Thomas, 105. Marl and marling, 46, 74; pit, 63. Marland, 54. Marland, — , 81, 88 ; Dr. Adam, dean of Kendale, 60; Henry, 54; James, of Marland, 31, 54; John, 54; Samuel, 73. Marler, — , 82, 88; Edward, 63, 65; Sir Hugh, priest, 60; Humfrey, 63; James, 65 ; Joane, spinster, 63 ; John, 42, 63, 65, 75; Mr., 42; Mrs., 63; Robert, 47, 60, 63 ; Roger, 60 ; Thomas, 63 ; Tho- masine, 42; William, 60. Marlings, 74. Marlor, Ashton, 57 (part VIL); Edward, 63 ; Humphrey, 57 (part VII.) ; Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Raphe, 47; Robert, 37 (part IV.), 63. Marlowe, Chr., in. Marmalade, 46. Marmion, Philip, 99, no. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 177 Marniiun, William, So. Marmyon, Shack., iii. jSIarny, Henricus, 99. Maroccits Extnticiis, ill. Marple, 73, 88, 97, no; hall, 37 (part V.), 1 10. Marr, 96 (part III.). M array, Richard de, 92. Marriage, 46, 76, iii; burgess by, 63; frank-marriage, 80 ; license, 46 ; of clergy, 103 (part L); preferment in, 46; rites, 96 (part I.). Marrick-on-the-Swale, 1 13. Marriot, Richard, 114. Marriott, C., 72; Christopher, 63; Henry, 94; J., in; John, 72; Joseph, 73; Joshua, 44, 63; Richard, 69; Thomas, 63, 72, in. Marriotts, of Roebuck Inn, Rochdale, 44. Marrot, the great, 60. Marrow, William, 69. Marsar, — , 81. Mai'say, Mr., 44. Marschall, John, 57 (part II.), 105; Richard, clerk, Preston, 60; Thomas, 58. Marscoe, Nicholas, 105; Thomas, 105, Marsden, 88, 99 ; Great and Little, 74, 112; chapel, 60. Marsden, — , 88; Anne, 105; Captain, 62; Edward, 94; family, 44; George, 73; Henry, 44 ; James, 44 ; John, 72 , 73 ; Rev. John, 97 ; Rev. John Howard, 94; John William, 94; Mrs., 44; Richard, 72, 73, 94 ; Thomas, 64, 69; William, 92, 105. Marsdene, Robert, 96 (part IV.). Marsdine, Robert, 69. Marsh, — , 82, 88 ; Brian, 73 ; George, 109; George, martyr, ^,4, 615, 715, no, 113; H., Ill; Hunk, 50; J. F., 103, //tsL of Warringto7i School, 60; James, 73; John, 94, 109; Kat., 50; Martha, 105; R., Ill; Richard, 69, 94; Robert, 69; T. (printer), in; Thomas, 46, 69; Titus, 46; W., 64; William, 54, 69; William Ranicar, 94; see also March. Marshalfeld, 58. Marshall, — , 63, 88; Charles, 94; Dr., 44; Earl, 90; Francis, 94; George, 63, 96 (part I.), Ill; George, chaplain, 60; Gilbertus, 95 ; Grace, 99 ; Guy, of Etton, 60; J., Ill; Jacobus, 99; Rev. James, 105 ; Johannes, 95 ; John, 60, 61; John, LL.B., 60; Joshua, 105; Lord, 39; Matilda, 95 ; Miss, 37 (part IV.), 47; Mr., 70; Mrs., 47; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 54, 60, 63, 96 (part IV.); Robert, 65, 113; Robertas, 99; Samuel, 37 (part L); Serjeant, 37 (part I.); Stephen, 31 ; Thomas, 60, 96 (part IV.); W., in; William, Baro de Cart- mell, 58; Willimus, 99. Marshall’s chantry, 60. Marshalls, Anne, 39. Marshalsea, the, 46. Marshes, 46. Marshland, — , 88. Marslache (ledge), 42. Marsland, John, 42; Joseph, 42; Samuel, 72; Sarah, 92; William, 94. Marson, William, 31, 54. Marstisfeld, 58. Marston, 88. Marston Magna, 99. Marston Moor, 88, no; battle of, 70. Marston, — , 88; John, in; Ralph de, 83 (part IV.); Willimus de, 95. Marston’s Masque, 75. Marten, John, 50. Martholme, 82, 88, no; hall, 60. Martial, John, 64. Martin, — , 88; — , quaker, 44; Bryan, 54; Capt., in; Dr., 44; Elizabeth, 54; Gregory, 64; J.,ni;Dr. Jeremy, in; Ric., in; Richard de, 99; Robert, 94; Samuel, 69 ; Thomas, 39, 54, 92 ; W., Ill; Willimus, 99; see also Martyn. Martin Mar-prelate Tracts, 50, 65, Martin Mere, 46. Martindale, Adam, 47, 103, 114; Rev. James, 42. Marton, 50, 54, 57 (part H.), 69, 73, 82, 88, 95 ; Great, 74 (part IL) ; Little, 74 (part II,); Mere, 74 (part IL). Marton (Prestbury) church, 97 ; registers, 97; school, 97. Marton, Edward, M.P., 44. Martone, Christopher, 46 ; Gilbert, 46 ; Launcelot, 46; Mr., 46. Martyn and Allestry, in. Martyn, — , 82; Henry, 39; Johannes, 99; Mr., speech to the king, 90; William, 57 (part IL). Martyndale, Hugh, Aughton, 60; Richard, 60. Martyr, Peter, 64, in ; Conunon Places, 38. Martyrology, in. Martyrs, Marian, in. Marvell, Andrew, 64, in. A A 178 GENERAL INDEX. Mary Magdalen’s Conversion, 1 1 1 ; Funeral Tears, 1 1 1 ; Lavmitations, 1 1 1 ; Love, Mary, Princess, iii. Mary, Queen, 37 (part I.), 65, iii. Mary Queen of Scots, 75, in. Mary, Queen, wife of William III., 61. Mary, St., of Egypt, in. Maryborough, no. Maryborough, Caryl], sixth viscount, 44. Mascadine, 46. Mascall, Leonard, in. Maser, a little, 60. ' Mascey, Mascie, Mascy, Massie, see Massey. Mashiter, Rev. Roger, 42. Maskell, Robert, no. Maskerel, Thomas, 58. Maskerell, Sir Thos., 72. Maskill, William, 73. Maslin, mislin, or miscelin, 46. Maslyn bassyn, 60. Mason, — , 81, 88 ; Alice, 92 ; Anne, 54; Charles, D.D. , 44; Colonel, 70; Ed- ward, 42; Edward, yeoman of the ward- robe of beds, 31 ; Ellyn, 54 ; F., in ; Francis, 64; Gabryell, 75; George, 94; Henry, 42; Sir J., iii; John, 54, 105; Mr., 44; Myles, chantry priest, Ashton- under-Lyne, 60; Richard, 92, 105; Ro- bert, 57 (part VI.), 105 ; Roger, 57 (part VI.), 113; Stephen, 54; Thomas, 54, 57 (part VI.), 58, 113; Widow, 57 (part VIE); William, 60, 73, 105. Masone, — , of Preston, 60. Masons, 46. Masque at Court, 39. Masques, Lord Derby’s opinion of, 70. Mass, the, in. Mass, early, in Manchester College, 60. Massac 7 'e of Money, in. Massay, Alexandre, 60. Massbook, 113. Masse, messe, mace, maye (a measure), 46. Masse, Galfrid, 57 (part II.); Jamys, 60; John, 54; Rychard, 60; Thomas, 54. Massey, Masci, Mascy, — , 72, 82, 88; Alice, no; Alice, of Chester, widow, will of, 54; Anne, 47, 54, 105, no; Constance, 47; Daniel, 42; Davie, of Broxon, 54; Dr., 44; Dowce, no; Edmund, 54 ; Edward, 47, 54, 70 ; Edward, of Manchester, 54 ; Major- Gen, Edward, 31 ; Elizabeth, 54, 60, no; Ellen, no; Francis, no; Sir Galfride, 60; Geffray, 54; Geoffrey, 58; Sir Geoffry, knt., 60, 83 (part IV.) ; George, 31, 83 (part III.), 105; Gerard, rector of Wigan, 54; Hamand, of Rix- ton, 60; Hamlet, 83 (part IV.), 88, no; Hamlet, of Rixton, 31, 54; Hammet, 95; Hamnet, 47, 54, no; Hamo de, 31; Hamon, 80, 83 (part IV.), no; Hamon, his will, 60 ; Hamon, of Halley, 60; Sir Hamon, 60; Heleyne, 54; Henry, 47; Hugh, 47, 54; PI ugh, of Audlem and Denfield, 54; Hugh, of Broxton, 54 ; Isabel, 47, 60 ; Isabel, of Manchester, 54; Isabel, daughter of Sir John Butler, of Bewsey, 60; James, 50, 54, 70, 72, 105; James, of Hindley, 31; James, of Carlton, 31 ; Jamys, 54; Jane, 54; Joan, wife of Wm. Stanley, 60; Joel, 47; Johanna, no; John, 50, 54, 69, no; John de, 83 (part IV.); John, of Coddington, 31, 54; John, of Man- chester, 54; John, of Podington, 54; John, of Whickleswick, 54; Sir John, no; Sir John, ofTatton, 31; Katherine, 47, no; Laurence, 54; Major-General, 62; Margaret, 47, 54, 83 (part IV.), no, 113; Margareta, 95; Margery, no; Maud, daughter of Richard of Hand- ford, 31; Mawde, 54, Millington, 69, 73, 94; Mr., 31, 44; Mr., of Codding- ton, 54; Mrs., of Denfield, 54; Perys, 54; Peter, 69, 94, no; Raffe, 54; Randall, 47; Rauff, 60; Ricardus, 95; Ricardus de, no; Richard, 54, 60, 69, 83 (part HI.), no; Richard, of Graf- ton, 54; Richard, of Oldfield, 54; Richard, of Rixton, 50, 54, 60; Sir Ric- hard, no; Robert, 39, 54, 70, no; Robert de, 47, 112; Sir Robert, 54; Roger, of Acton, 54; Samuel, 72, 73; Sarah, no; Thomas, 54, 95, no; Thomas, of Apethrope, 54; Thos., of Bromall, 54; Thomas, of Wickleswick, 54, 60; William, 54, 73, 75, no; William, alderman of Chester, 54 ; William, of Coddington, 54; William, of Denfield, will of, 54; William, of Podington, 54; William, of Rixton, will of, 54 ; William, parson of Wilmslow, 83 (part HI.), 96 (part I.) ; Sir William, priest, 54, 60; Willimus, 95; see also Massie, Massy. Massey fam., pedigree, 82 ; of Carlton, pedigree, 81 ; of Rixton, pedigree, 88, 1 10. Masshe, James, 46. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 179 Massie, Alexander, 63 ; Edward, 47 ; Gerard, 50 ; John, late abbot of Com- bermere, will of, 54; Mr., 31; Ranulph, 65; Thomas, 50; Thomas, of Quickles- wick, 63 ; Thomas, of Whickleswicke, 65; William, 50; see also Massey, Massy. Masson, Helen, wife of Henry Hoghton, 60. Massy, Massye, — , 81, 82; Alice, no; Cecilia, iio; Elena, 99; Galfridus, 99; Hamlet, no; Hamo, 99; Hamo de, 58; Sir Hamon de, no; Hamone, sen., 60 ; Jacobus, 99 ; Johannes, 99 ; John, 57 (part HI.); Sir John, no; Mar- garet, no; Petrus, 99; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 57 (part HI.); Richard, fellow of Manchester College, 60 ; Rev. Ric- hard, 42 ; Thomas, 57 (part HI.), 99 ; Willimus, 99; Wm., parson of Wilms- low, 83 (part HI.), 96 (part I.); see also Massey, Massie. Mast, 63. Master, Edward, 45; Elizabeth, 45; James, 73 ; James Streynsham, 94; Jane, 45 ; Legh, 44 ; Oswald, 94 ; Rev. Robert, 45; Robert, 73, in; Robert Mosley, 45; Streynsham, 73; Rev. Streynsham, 31, 44, 45, 72; Whalley, 45; William, 114. Masters, — , in; Ben., in; T., in. Masterson, — , 81. Mastie, Ales, 54. Mastiffs The, in. Mastiffs, 46, 65. Match, 50. Mater amabilis, in. Mather, — , 82, 88; Adam, 54, 103; Alice, 54; Christopher, 54; Cotton, 44, 114; Dr., 69; Edw., 57 (part VI.); Ellen, 54; George, 69, 94; John, 54, 63, 72; Jos., 57 (part VI.); Mr., 44; Myles, 54 ; Nycolas, 46, 54 ; Richard, 42 ; Robert, 57 (part VIL); Samuel, 64, 72, 73, 94 ; Sarah, 57 (part VH.) ; Simon, 113; Thomas, 39, 73; William, 54, 57 (part VH. ). Matherer, George, 54. Mathew, Thomas, 54, 65. Mathewe, David, 54 ; Richard, of Form- by, 60. Mathewes, Aug. (printer), in. Mathews, Mr., 105. Matilda, or Maud, wife of Randle de Gernoniis, Earl of Chester, 80. Matley, 69. Mattaire, — , 44. Matte, 46. Matters, W., in. Mattes, W., in. Matthe, 46. Matthew, Dr., 44; Simon, 113. Matthewe, Robertas, 99. Matthews, — , 88; Mr., 105 ; Samuel, 72, 73; Toby, 64, 114; William, 69. Matthewson, — , bookseller, 44. Mattison, John, 57 (part VI.). Mattley, Sir Thomas, priest, 60. Mattresses, making, 46. Maudesley family, pedigree, 82 ; of Ley- land, pedigree, 88 ; of Mawdsley, pedi- gree, 88. Maudesley, — , 88 ; Hector, 54 ; Henry, 113 ; Samuel, 94 ; Thomas de, 95 ; see also Maudsley, Mawdesley. Maudlands, hospital seal, 60 ; in Preston, 60. Maudsley, Alee, 60; Henry, 105; John, 60, 105; Rev. — , incumbent of Astley, 44 ; Robert, 105 ; Rychard, of Colham, CO. Middlesex, 60 ; Thomas, chantry priest, Middleton, 60; Thomas, of Tar- leton, 60. Maugliell, 60. Mauldeth hall, 42. Mauldrie, J ohn, 113. Mauleverer, — , 88; Richard, 95, 99; Sir Richard, no; Sibella, no. Maulke, Ad., 112. Maunsel, John, provost of Beverley, 58. Maunsell, Andr., in; Mr., 114. Maunt, Ralph de, Earl of Hereford, 80. Maunton, Johannes, 95. Maurice, Henry, 64; Prince, in. Mausoleimi, in. Mautrevers, Joan, wife of John, 80. Mauxell, Sir Ric., 37 (part I.). Mavesin, Hugo, effigy and skeleton, 68. Mawde, Michaell, 57 (part VIL). Mawdeline, Mrs., 31. Mawdesley, Mawdisley, Robert, 39, 54, 57 (part H.), 61, 105; Thomas, 113; Sir Thomas, 54; William, 39, 60; William, the cowtche boye, 31. Mawdrell, Mr., 114. Mawdsley, 50, 60, 88, 95. Mawe, 74. Mawinton, no. Mawnton, 57 (part IL). Mawser, Richard, 39. Mawsley, William, 69. Mawson, Willimus, 99. Maxe, Anth., in. 180 GENERAL INDEX. Maxey, Maxsey, — , 82, 88. Maxfield, 82, 88. Maxima Csesariensis, province of, 58. Maximus, MS, of, 114. Maxstoke, 60. Maxwell, Mr., 44; Robert, 70. May, III; day, 1 1 1; day in Kirkham, 92; games, objections to, 39; pole, iii. May, — , 88; Edw., iii; Sir Humphrey, 50; Thomas, 109, in. Mayer, John, 92 ; John, Ecclesiastica Interpretation 38. Mayes, Edward, 65. Mayfield, 72. Mayfield, John, of Singleton, 31. Mayford, 37 (part IV.). Mayghell, 60. Mayhew, Edward, 64. Mayhow, William, 54. Maylard, Leonard, ill. Maylins, Mrs., 44. Maynard, — , 88 ; Ann, 42 ; Dr., 44 ; Jos- eph, 42; Mary, 42; Sergeant, 80; Lord W., III. Mayne, Jasper, in; Mr., 31. Mayner, Robert, 60. Maynes, 88. Maynewaring, see Mainwaring. Maynond, Mr., 54. Mayo, — , 88; J., in. Mayor, derivation of, 58. Mayor, Hemy Bickersteth, 94 ; Mr., of Chester, 31 ; Robert Bickersteth, 94; William, 63. Mayre, Edward, 57 (part II.) ; Jacob, 57 (part II.) ; John, 60; Margaret, 54; Radulf, 57 (part II.); Ric., 57 (part 11. ); Thome, 57 (part 11 . ); William, of Meyr, 54. Mays, — , 96 (part III.); Thomas, 54. Mayson, Roger Preston, 60; William, 60. Mead, Dr., 44. Meade, Rob., in. Meaden, Thos., 57 (part VI.). Meadow land, 46, 58. Meadowcroft, 95. Meadowcroft, — , 82; Alicia, 95; Francis, 57 (parts VI. and VII.), 61 ; Francis, of Smethurst, 54 ; Giles, 47, 70 ; Jo- hannes, 95; John, 69; Richard, 50, 57 (part VIL), 60; Richard, of Smethurst, 54; Robertus, 95 ; Rogerus, 95. Meadowcroft, of Smethurst, pedigree, 88. Meadows, 88. Meadows, — , 57 (part L); Jas., 72; Mr., 44. Meaire, Margery, 46. Meakin, Roger, 63. Meal, 46. Meal-gate, 57 (part VIL), 63, 65. Meal-house, 63, 74. Meales, 88. Meane field, 47. Meanley, Rev. Richard, 47. Mear, — , bookseller, 44. Meare, 63, 80, 88. Meare, — , 88; Richard, 63. Meares, boundaries, 63. Mearley, 45, 50, 58, 81, 82, 88, no; Great, 54, 74, 99; Little, 50, 74, 88. Mears, Messrs., 37 (part IV.). Measures, 46. Measuring plane, 46. Meat, diseased, 58. Meath, Earl of, 61. Medcalfe, — , 82; James, 96 (part I.). Medcaulfe, a cavalier, daring conduct of, 39 - Medde, Theod. le, 114. Meddehey, 99. Meddope, 81. Mede, Joseph, Wd^', Diatribce, 38. Medecroft, Willimus, 99. Medhurst, Thomas, 99. Medical expenses, 46. Medicine, 46. Medina, Duke of, in. Meditations, i\i', 07 i Man's Life, in. Medlar, 46, 57 (part II.). Medlar with Wesham, 92. Medley, 46. Medlicot, 44. Medlock, river, 42, 58, 65. Medowcroft, see Meadowcroft. Medidla Grajnmatica, 60. Medwall, Johannes, 99. Medwalland, 57 (part II.). Medwoodd, Richard, 54. Mee, John, 69; William Frederick, 94. Meek, Robert, 94. Meeke, — , 88 ; William, 60 ; William, clerk, 37 (part IV.), 47. Meer, 88. Meere, W., in. Meeres, Johannes, 99; John de, 58. Meerscough, 88. Meighen, Ric., in. Meinell, Anthony, 42; Winifred, 42. Meir, William, 54. Mekin, Richard, 54. Melancholike Hnvioiirs, in. Melancthon, Philip, in, 113, 114. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 181 Melbury Sampford, 72. Melder, 46. Meldon, 1 10. Meldrum, Sir John, 62, 70, 92, 105, no. Meles, see Meols. Meles, Rob. de, 112; William del, no. Meleys, Meles, — , 81. Melfort, Earl of, 61. Aleliades, Death of, III. iMelibcEiis, in. Meller, see Mellor. Melles, 81. Mellin, William, archbishop of York, 92. Melling, 50, 57 (parts IT. and III), 74 (part II.), 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no; chapel, 54, 60 ; church goods, 113. Melling, Elizabeth, 105 ; Mr., 44; Peter, 54- Mel ling-wood, 88. Mel huge, see Melling. Mellish, Mr., 44. Mellison, Hannah, 57 (part VIE). Mellor, 37 (part IV.), 45, 54, 58, 69, 72, 74, 99. Mellor cum Eccleshill, 50. Mellor loan head, 62. Mellor, George, 73; James, 37 (part IV.), 73; Ralph, 57 (part VIE); Thomas, 94; William, 47. Mellynge, see Melling. Mellynge, Mr., 46; Richard, of Eey, 60. Melmoth, Mr., 45; William, 44. Melore, see Mellor. Mels, see Meols. Melsche lache, 58. Melso Grange, 54. Meltham, James of, 74; Thomas of, 74. Melton, Archbishop, 60; Margaret, 42. Melver (Meller), no. Melver, Richard de, 58, 72. Melvill, Andr., ni; Elizabeth, iii; fam- ily, in; James, in. Melwel, a fish, 58. Melyenith castle, 80. Memoria Sacra, in. Men Miracles, in. Mendale, 99. Mending apparel, 46 ; barns, 46 ; harness, 46; manger, 46; salt cover, 46. Menegate, Le, 47. Menese, Captain, in. Menilwaring, — , 88. Mennill, — , 82, 88. Menredes, dependents or retainers, 50. Mentz, Elector of, 114. Menylgaring, see Mainwaring. Menzies, J. , 92; John, 64; W., in. Meoles, Alan de, 74 ; Geoffrey, 54 ; Henry, 54; John, will of, 54; Katherine, 54; Margery, 54, Thomas, 54. Meols, the, 46, 58, 62, 73, 74 (part I.), 82, 88,95,99, no, 1 12; church goods, 113. Merbrook, see Merebrook. Merbury, 88. Merbury, Hugh de, 80; John, 83 (part IV, ); John de, 80; Nicholas, 83 (part IV.); Richard, 54. Mercator, Nicholas, 114. Mercer, — , 82, 88; Agnes, 60; Alex., 112; Ellen, 60; George, 54; Henry, 105; Isabel, 60; Jack the, 74; Johannes, 99; Johannes le, 95; John, 57 (parts VI, and VIE), 92, 96 (part IV.), 113 ; John le, 74 (part IE); Myles, 105; Ric. le, 112; Richard, 113; Robert, 54, 62, 113 ; Samuel, 72 ; Thos., 57 (parts VI. and VIE) ; Willimus, 95 ; William, 57 (part VIE), 60, 96 (part IV.). Mercer, of West Derby, ped., 88. Mercer’s chapel, 44, 114. Mercerus, Jo., 114. Mercet, — , a mystic, 44. Mercery, 46. Merchant Distressed, in; of London, in. Merchant-Taylors’ School, 44. Merchants and merchandise, 46 ; statute of, 58. Merchats (Mulierum), 112. Merclesden, Willimus, 95. Mercury, 46. Mere, — , 82; W. de la, 112. Mere, 69, 82, 112; hall, 45. Merebrook, — , 81. Merebrook, 42, 58, 81. Mere dough, 58. Meredith, — , 72; Amos, 44; Charles, 94; Edward, 64; George, 73; J., 44; James^ 73; Joseph, 73 ; Robert, 73 ; William, 44. Mere-stakes, 65. Mereley, — , 88. Mereley, see Mearley. Meres, Fr. , in. Mereshamton, 58. Merestone, the, 58. Meretricum Magistratum, 37 (part E). Mereweather and Stephen’s History of Boroughs, 58. Mergot, widow, 74. Meric, Mr., 44. Merie, Rauffe, 54. 182 GENERAL INDEX. Meriton, Dr., 114; Geo,, iii. Merlande, near Rochdale, 112. Merlay and Merlay Parva, see Mearley. Merler, or Master, Thomas, 58. Merler, wife of John of, 74. Merles, the, 82. Merley, see Mearley. Merone, Joseph, 94. Merrick, Essex, 54; Major, 54; Mary, 54, 92. Merriden, N., iii. Merriman, Mr., 44. Merryburgh, 88. Merry Conceits, iii. Merscer, Johannes, 57 (part II.). Merscough, 88. Merscowe, Robert de, 92. Mersden, 50. Mersden, Richard, chantry priest, 60 ; Willimus, 99. Mersenne, Marin, 114. Merser, William, 50. Mersey, fisheries, 112; river, 42, 47, 58, 62, 72. Mersh, Matheas, 95; Ricardus, 95. Mershell, Merget, 54; Robert, 54. Merson, William, yeoman of the ewery, 31. Merton, 57 (part II,), iio; grange of, 83 (part IV,); see also Marton. Merton Magna, 58, 95. Merton, — , 81 ; Mabel, no; Ralph de, no; Thomas, 113; William, 113. Mervland, 46, Meryng, William, 83 (part IV.), Meschines, Randle de, Earl of Chester, 8o. Mesne lords, 58. Mesnil, Carolus du, 114. Messager, J., in. Mesure, — , 88. Metals, 46. Metaphysics, definition of, 44. Metcalf, Margaret, daughter of Sir Chris- topher, 31; Sir T., in. Metcalf’s Shorthmid, 44. Meteranus, Em., in. Methodism and Methodists, 44, Methop, 82. Mett, a measure, 39. Mette, = strike, 46, 103 (part I.). Meum, J, de, in. Meutas, Hercules, 75. Meverell, Alys, widow, 63. Mew, P., in. Mexbrough, 88. Mexico, 94. Meydgeley, Richard, 113. Meyer, Louis, his Philos. Script. Interpres, 114. Myers, Edmund, 63. Meynell, Anthony, 75; George, no; see also Meinell. Meyre, 37 (part IV.), Meyre, Elsabeth, 54; Sir John, clerk, 54. Meyrick, Owen, 73 ; Thomas, 73 ; Wil- liam, 73. Mice, 46; baits, 46; killer, 46; trap, 46. Mich Crosbie, see (Crosby. Michael, Charles, 103 (parti.). Michael!, John, 57 (part VIE). Michel, or Muchel, mede, 58. Michelborne, Edw., in; Tho., in. Michell, — , 82, 88; Henry, 60, 105; Mr., 46; Nicholas, 54; Ricardus, 99 ; Thom- as, of Tatton, 60; William, 54. Michewall Diche, 47. Mickledale, 88. Micklehead, 82, 88. Micklehey, no. Micklethwaite, Richard, 44. Mickley, 88. Mico, Lady, widow of Sir Samuel, 37 (part IV.). Microbiblon, in. Microcosinos, in. Mida, Henry de, 31. Middings, or Middens, 46, 63; nuisances, 65- Middle brook, 58. Middleford, 112. Middleforth, 88. Middleham, 57 (part 11. ). Middlemen, William de, 74. Middlemore, — , 74; G., in; Richard, 114. Middleton, 37 (parts III. and IV.), 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57 (parts H. and III.), 58, 60, 69, 72, 74 (parts H. and HI.), 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 96 (parts 1. H. and HI.), 99, 103, 109, no, 113; bells, 113; chantries, 60 ; chapel, 45 ; church, 37 (part HI.), 46, 58, 96, no; church goods, 113; hall, 37 (part L), 81, 88; manor, 37 (part HI.), 74 (part I. ); parish, 50; park, 46; school, 96 (part I); Siamese twins at, 72. Middleton in Goosnargh, 60, 88. Middleton in Lonsdale, 50. Middleton, Sussex, 58. Middleton, Westmoreland, 88. Middleton juxta Wynwyke, 95. Middleton, — , 81, 82, 88; Adam de, 58; 74, 112; Agnes, Domina de, 60; Alicia, VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 183 95; Ann, 31; Anne, 113; Chr., in; Dr. Conyers, 44; David, 113; Ellen, 31; Sir F., 88; General, 70; Geoffrey, 57 (part IF); Georgje, 31, 57 (parts II. and III.); George, of Leighton, 50; Sir George, 31, 39; Sir George, of Leighton, 60; H. (printer), in; Jane, daughter of Sir William, 60; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 50, 73; Katherine; daughter of Thomas Hoghton, 31; Margaret, 31; Mr., 46; Mrs., 31 ; Oliver, 50, 57 (part 11 .) ; Peres, 54; Peter, 37 (part I.); Rad’us, 99; Richard, 113; Robert, 57 (part 11 . ), 94 ; Robert de, 58 ; Sir Robert, 92 ; Robertas, 95, 99; Roger, 42, 60; Roger de, 47, 58, 68, 74 (part L); Sir Roger de, 60; Sampson, 94; T., ni; Sir T., 88, in; Thomas, 31, 50, 60, 73, 94, 99; W. (printer), ni; . . . , wife of Ralph Barton, of Rydale, daughter of Roger de, 60; William, 57 (partIL); William Henry, 94; Sir William, 44; Willimus, 95 - Middleton family, 57 (part 11 . ), ped., 82; of Leighton, ped., 81, 88. Middlewich, 42, 47, 54, 69, 73, 80, 82, 83 (part L). Middlewood, James, 72; Joshua, 72. Middope, 47. Middulton, see Middleton. Mide, Richard de, 58. Midelrasen, no. Midelton, see Middleton. Midelwoode, 58. Midgeal, Midgeall, Robert, 50, 105. Midgelay, W. de, 112. Midgley, — , 88; Esther, 31; Grace, 31; Henry, 31; Jane, wife of William Bentley, 31 ; Jonathan, 31 ; Joseph, vicar of Rochdale, 31 ; Rebecca, 31 ; Richard, vicar of Rochdale, 31, 54; Richard, 42, 96 (parts I. and IL); Rev. Robert, 31; Ruth, 31; Samuel, 31. Midhop, Midhope, 58, 88 ; see also Mid- dope. Midlarghe, 74. Midle, or Mould, co. Salop, 75. Midleton, see Middleton. Midnight, in. Midway river, 47. Midwives, 46; charms and witchcraft used by, 31 ; licenses granted to, by bishops of Chester, 31. Mierscough, see Myerscough. Miggeall, \\hlliam, 57 (part IL), 99. Mighells, 81. Mihel, H., in. Milafesharh, 58. Milborne manor, 80. Milbourne, Luke, 64, 114; Rob., in. Mildestvic hundred, 80. Mildmay, Sir W., in; vSir Walter, 50; William, 44. Mileage money, 50. Milend, 82. Miles, Mr., 114; Robert, 46. Miles Platting, 69, 72. Mileson, — , 88. Milgate, see Millgate. Milham, 88; see also Milium. Milhouse, 88. Military musters, 92 ; outrages, 62 ; pro- ceedings in the civil war time, 92. Militia, term when first applied to soldiers, 50; uselessness of the, 44. Militiaman, arms of a, 39. Milk, 46. Milkmaid, in. Milkewalleslade, Ellen de, 47 ; John de, 47 ; Robert de, 47 ; Robert de, the younger, 47. Milkwall, 88. Milkwallslade, Milkewalslade, 47, 58. Mill, LIumphrey, in. Mill, at Catterall, 105; Garstang, 105; Manchester, grinding at the, 63. Mill-bridge, the, 65. Mill brow, 58, 94. Mill-gate, 42, 47, 57 (part VIL), 63, 65. Mill stones, 46, 58, 112; trundles, 46; wright, 46. Millans (fresh cod), 46. Millar, Horatio, 72 ; Lady, 45 ; Thomas, 94 - Miller, the, 46. Miller, — , 105 ; Chr., 105 ; John, 105 ; Joseph, 105; Lydia, 44; Mrs. Henry, 92; Richard, 92; Robert, 94; Samuel, 44, 69; Simon, ni; T. , 92; T. IL, 92; W. H., Ill; Thomas, 105; Thomas, of Preston, 60. Miller’s Huino'iirs of Oxford, 44. Miller’s Tale, in. Miller’s-lane, Manchester, 63, 65. Millers, Robert, 63. Milles, Th., in. Milles’ Catalogue of Honour, 80. Millington, 88. Millington, — , 88; Aydrop de, 112; Mar- gi'et, 57 (part VIL); Richard, 63; T. , in ; Worral, 47; see also Millyngton, and Myllington. 184 GENERAL INDEX. Millner, John, 69, 92. Millrigge, 88. Mills, 46, 58. Mills, Edmund, 57 (part VIE); James, 94; Mr., 44; Thos., 81. Mdls on the Irk, 65. Milium Castle, 88. Millward, see Milward. Millwood, 88. Millyngton, Geffrey, of Nether Whitley, 54; Koger, 54. Miln, Milne, or Mill, the, 74. Milne, — , 88; Alice, 96 (part III.); Charles, 57 (part I.); family, 103; Henry, 94; John, 69, 73, 94, 96 (part III.); Nathaniel, 57 (part I.); Rev. Richard, 96 (part III.); Robert, 69, 73, 94 ; the wife of, 74; Thomas, 69, 73, 94 ; Thomas Jones, 94. Milne-field, Lancaster, 74 (part II.). Milne-furlong, 58. Milnegate, 60, 73; lane, 42; see also Mill- gate. Milnegate, Hugh de, 68; Hugh of the, 58; John, 58; Jordan de, 68. Milne house, 54; in Adlington, 97. Milne Knolle, 47. Milner, — , 57 (parti.); George, 69; Henry, 46; Rev. Henry, 105; Katherine, 54; Law., 46; Nathaniel, 94; Nathaniel Dennis, 94; Rev. R. K., 105; Samuel, 69. Milneridyng, 58. Milnes, Jas., 57 (part VI.). Milneward croft, 58. Milnrow, 42, 57 (part I.), 96 (parts I. and HI.); chapel, 60, 82, 113. Milnsbridge, 94. Milnthorpe, 45. Milton Abbey, 46. Milton (Ireland), 54. Milton, — , 88; John, 64, iii, 114; Airades, 75 ; his testimony as to Brad- shaw, 37 (part V.); Paganus, dominus de, 80; Robert, 57 (part IL), 105. Milward, Edward, 105; Rev. Henry, 105; Richard, 69, 114; Robert 37 (part I.); T., Ill; Sir Thomas, 37 (part I.), 70. Minera, 112. Minera carbonum at Burn-hill in Ashton, 87. Almerva Britanna, iii. Mines and Minerals, 46. Minikin, 46. Minorities, the, 83 (part IV.). Minors, deeds and charters by, 80. Minshall, James, 42; Mary, 57 (part VIL); Thomas, 42, 57 (part VIL). Minshull, 82. Minshull, — , 82 88; Catherine, 31; Christopher, 54; Edward, 54, 83 (part HI.); Edward, of Minshull, 54; Elenor, 54; Geoffrey, 83 (part HI.); Geoffrey, of Stoke, 54; George, 54; George, of Minshull, 31; Hanna, 54; James, 54; Jane, 54; John, 54; Margaret, 54; Mary, 54 ; Richard, 54 ; Robert, 54 ; Robert, of Hulgreve, 54; Rondull, 54; Thomas, 47, 54, 58, 63, 83 (part HI.); see also Mynshull. Minstrels, 46 ; of Lyghe, 46 ; their de- graded condition, 50. Minton, — , 81. Mirandula, Picus of, 114. Mirescogh, Edmund de, 105; Laurentius, 95 - Mi rescough, see Myerscough. Miriscough, Gilbert de, 105; John, 105. Mirfield, John, no; John, of Tong hall, 54; Katherine, 60, no; Margaret, no; William, no; William, of Hoolley, 60. Mirfyld, Katherine, 99; William, 99. Mir r our of Complijnenis, III; Majesty, in; Mutability, in. Mirscogh, John de, 105. Mirson, Johannes, 95; Thomas, 95. Minim in Modum, in. Mise-gatherers, -layers, 63, 65. Miseria Curialium, ill. Miseries of Mavillia, in. Misies, or Musics, the, 58. Missale unum, usus Ebor., 60. Afisds Journal, 44. Misterton, 81. Mitchell, Sir Francis, 96 (part I.); G., in ; Henry, 92 ; Jennet, 92 ; Mr., 44 ; Thomas, 94; William, 63, 72. Mitford, Rev. John, 88. Mittens, 46; liquoring, 46; making, 46. Mitton, 46, 50, 57 (part IL), 74, 81, 88, 94, 99, 112; church, 60; Little, 58, 74, 81, 88, 95, 99; mill, 74; parish, no; pool, 74; tenants, 96 (part IV.). Mitton, — , 81; — , butcher, 62; Avota de, 105 ; George, 105 ; Rev. George, 105 ; Hugh de, 57 (part H. ), 92; Isabella, 105; John, 46 ; Jordan de, 105 ; Major- General, 70; Marie, 105; Mr., 46; Ran. de, 112; Thomas, 96 (part IV.). Moald, pedigree of the barons of, 80. Moald, Ralph de, 80; Sir Robert de, 80; Roger de, 80. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 185 Mobberley, 54, 81, 83 (part III.), 88, 96 (part I,), no; Harrington monument at, 60; parson of, 31. Moberley, — , 88 ; Joan, 95 ; Patrick de, 80; William, 95. Mock Beggar hall, 105. Modus, Gilbert de, 92. Modena, Leo of, 114. Moderation, Hist, of, ill; Life and Death of. III; receipt, in. Modesley, William, 54. Modesley, or Mawdesley, Quartermaster, 70. Modie, John, 113; Sir Richard, 54. Mody, Modye, John, 60, 113; John, chantry priest of Lathom, 60; John, rector ofEccleston, 60; Ralph, Fellow of Manchester College, 60; Richard, 113; Thurstan, 60, 113. IModys, Sir Rauffe, 54. Moeonice, in, Mofifatt, James, 94; T., in. Mohun, John de, 97; Lord, 105; Reginold de, Earl of Somerset, 80. Mode, Katherine, 54. Moine, Stephen le, 114. Mokock, of Brierclife, 74; de la Lowe, 74; del Moreclough, 74; of Brerecroft, 74. Molbreck, 88. Mold, 94; see also Moald, Moldesworth, see Mouldesworth. Moldyng, Hugh, 60. Molenesse, Johannes, 57 (part II.). Molenex, Edward, clerk, 60. Moles, Mouldewarpes, 46. Molesdale, 54. Molesworth, Hon. Edward, 44. Molesworth, see Mouldesworth. Molines, Adam, no; William de, no. Molineux, see Molyneux. Molinux, Johannes, 57 (part H.). Mode, John, 114; Robert, son of, 74 (part 1. ). Mollenex, John, 60. Mollineus, Thomas, 99. Mollington, 103 (part L). Mollington, Little, 99. Mollington Banastre, 99; manor of, no. Mollynge, 60. Molsfrellach, 42, Molyneus, Ric. de, 112. Molyneux, Molineux, Mollineux, Molly- nox, — , 57 (part HI.), 60, 81, 82, 88; Adam, D.D., bishop of Chichester, 60; Adam de, 58 ; Alexander, parson of Walton, 54, 113; Alice, 54, ni; Alice, daughter of Thomas Cranmer, 31; Ann, 60, 92 ; Ann, daughter of Sir William, of Sefton, 31; Anne, no; Anthony, 45, 113; Anthony, D.D., rector of Sefton, 54, 60; Anthony, M.A., 60; Caryll, Viscount, 61, 70, 75, 105; Charles, 69; Edmund, 105, 113; Edmund, of Mag- hull, 54; Edmund, Sergeant-at-law, 60; Sir Edmund, knt, 54, 60; Edward, 94, 113; Edward, rector of Ashton-under- Lyne, 54; Edward, B.D., rector of Sephton, 60 ; Sir Edward, executor of the Earl of Derby, 60 ; Eleanor, 37 (part IV.); Eleanor, daughter of Sir Richard, 31 ; Eleanor, daughter of Sir William, 31; Elizabeth, 61, no; Eliza- beth, daughter of Richard, of Plawkley, 31 ; Elizabeth (Stanley), wife of Sir Richard, 60; Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thos. Stanley, 31 ; Ellen, daughter of Richard, of Sefton, 60; Ellen, daughter of Sir Richard, 31; Elnor, no; family, 58; 75 ; Frances, 96 (part HI,); Francis, 113; Galfridus, 99; Gilbert, of Hawkley, 31; Sir Henry, priest, 60; Jacobus, 99; James, 46; James le, 105; James, Arch- deacon of Richmond, 60; Jane, no; Jane, daughter of George Ireland, 31 ; Jane, daughter of Sir William, 60; Joan, daughter of Sir Gilbert Haydock, 60 ; Joane, monument at Sefton, 97 ; Johanna, 105; Johannes, 99; John, of Melling, 54; John, 31, 37 (part IV.), 50, 57 (part HI.), 113; John, clerk, 60 ; John, M.P., 50; Lady, 31, 44, 96 (part HI.), in; Lord, 46, 47, 88; Margaret, 60, no; Margaret, daughter of Sir Richard, 31, 60; Margai’et, married to Sir P. Legh, 97 ; Mary Anne, 105 ; Maystris, 54; Mr., 31, 46, 54, 61 ; Mr., of Derbyshire, 31; Mr., of Hawkecliffe, 31; Mr., of Hawkley, 31; Sir Oswald, bart., 60; Rad’us, 99; Ralph, 92; Reginald, 57 (part VI.); Ricardus, 99; Richard, 31, 54, 70, 74 (part IL), 92, 95, no, 113; Richard, M.P., 31; Richard, son of John, of New Hall, 31; Richard, Viscount, 39, 62, 75; Richard, of Cunscowe, 54; Richard de Crosseley, 74 (part L); Sir Richard, 37 (part L), 46, 50 » 54 , 75 . 92, 96 (part HI.), 97, no. III; Sir Richard, of Sefton, 50, 54, 60; Rye, of Conscowe, 31; Sir Ryc- hard, 31, 57 (part HI. ); Robert, 37 (part IV.), 50, 54, 92, 113; Sir Robert, a pris- oner in Turkey, 60; Robertus, 95; Roger, B B 186 GENERAL INDEX. 31, 46, 92; Thomas, 31, 54, 57(partIII. ), 60, 74 (part 11. ), 92, 95, 99, no, 1 13; Thomas, of Clifton, 54; Thomas, of flawksley, 30; Thomas, of Haughton, 50, 60 ; Thomas, of Melling, 60 ; Thomas, sen. , 60 ; Thomas, son of Francis, of Teversall, 31; Sir Thomas, 60; Sir Thomas, priest, 54; Viscount, in; Viscount, of Maryborough, 31; William, 31, 50, 60, 91, 92, 94; Wil- liam de, 92; William le, 105; William, of Ormskirk, 54; William, of Sefton, 31, 75; Sir William, 37 (part II.), 54, 60, no, 113; Sir William le, 105; Wil- limus, 95. Molyneux fam., ped., 82, no; of Hawk- ley, ped., 81, 88; of Haughton, ped., 88; of Larbrick, 92; of Melling, ped., 81, 88; of New Hall, ped., 88; of Sef- ton, ped., 81, 88. Molyneux altar, 60. Mompesson, Sir Giles, 96 (part I.). Monasteries, downfall of the, 87. Moncaster, 88. Moncaster, Roger, 105. Moncriefif, Francis, 69. Mondewe, Adam, 54; William, 54. Money, 46, ni; praise of, in. Money, James, 54. Monice’s coffee-house, 114. Monins, Richard, 44. Monithornes, 58. Alonitor, The, 44. Monk Bretton, 112. Monk family, 58. Monk, General, 70, 83 (part I.), in. Monke, — , 88. Monkerode, Emma del, 112. Monkester, 81. Monketon, 99. Monkey, definition of a, 44. Monkey-house, 72. Monkshall, 47, 82, 88. Monmouth, 69, in. Monmouth, Duke of, 114; Lord, 61, in. Monne, Katheren, 54. Monopolies, in. Monro, Dr., 44. Alonsieur Oufle, 44. Monson, Mrs. Ann, ill; Dr. Henry, 44; J., Ill; Richard, 57 (part VIE). Montacute, Simon, no ; Viscount, in ; William de, 1 10. Montagu, Edward, M.P. , 44; family, 58; Dr. Richard, 114. Montague, Bishop, ni; Edward, in; E. W. and C., in ; Sir H., in ; Henry, Earl of, 75 ; Henry Russel, 73 ; John, second duke of, 44; Mr., 62; Richard, 64; Walter, 64, in. Montalt, Baron of, 97; John de, 97; Ro- ger de, 58, no. Montalt, Mold, castle of, no. Montanus, A., in. Montbegon, Adam de, 58 ; Roger de, 58. Monte-Alto, Barons de, 80. Monteagle, — , 81; Elizabeth, Lady Mor- ley, 31 ; Helen, daughter of Lord, 31 ; Lady, in; Lord, 31, 37 (part IV.), 39, 46, 54 , 72, 103 (part L), 105, in; Edward, Lord, 60, no, 113; Lord William Parker, 50; Thomas, Earl of, 37 (parti.); Thomas Stanley, second baron, 31, 50, 60; William Lord, 31 ; William Stanley, third baron, 31, 50. Montecuculi, Field Marshall, 1 14. Montferrant, Willielmus de, no. Montford, Elizabeth, 54 ; Robert of Bes- cote, 54. Monfort, Henry de, 83 (part IV.); Simon de, 58, 80, 83 (part IV.), 87. Montgomery, 46; castle, 62. Montgomery, Lady Barbara, ill; Coun- tess, in; Earl of, in; Sir Plugh, i n ; James, 114; Nicholaus, 99; Susan, in. Monthly Review, 44. Monton, 58. Montpelier, 44. Montreau, seige of, 60. Montrose, Jas., in; James, Marq. of, 114; Lord, 39. Monumentnm Regale, in. Moodye, John, chaplain to the Earl of Derby and rector of Eccleston, 60. Moon, Edward, 105 ; John, 105 ; Peter, in; Robert, 92, 105; William, of Brighton, 94. Moor, 94, 112. Moor and Marsh, 46. Moor dough, 42. Moor moss, 113. Moor hey, 74. Moore, Moor, — , 81, 82, 88; Ann, 92; Christopher, 96 (part IV.); Colonel Edward (John), of Bank Hall, 62 ; Edward, 73, 94 ; Edward, of Banck Hall, 75; Sir Edward, no; family, 75; Fr., ni; Gabriel, 39; George, of Beeston, 44 ; Henry, 94 ; Hugh, 96 (part IV.); John, 39, 42, 63, 96 (part IV.); John, of Goosnargh, 60; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 187 of Liverpool, 6o; Colonel John, 62, 92; John, F.L.S., 72; Joseph, 94; Margaret, 92, no; Mr,, 37 (part IV.) ; Richard, 58; Rev. Richard, 92; Roger, 61 ; Col. Samuel, 47; William, 319, 92, 114; see also More. Moore, of Bankhall, ped., 81. Moore Hall, 54, 88, 99, no. Moorecroft, Alex., 57 (part VI.); Henry, phisitian, 54 ; Richard, 69 ; see also Morecroft. Moores, Ant., 57 (part VI.); Elizabeth, 57 (part VIL); George, 54; John, 57 (part VI.) ; Joseph, 73 ; Mrs., 57 (part VH.); Richard, 57 (part VI.); Thomas, 73; see also Moors, and Mores. Mooreton, John, 83 (part HI,); Richard, 63, 65; see also Moorton, and Moreton. Moorhiles, 88, 103 (part I,). Moorland, 58. Moors, Mr. James, 72; Thomas, 57 (part VIL). Moorside, 47, 88. Moorside in Preston, 88. Moorton, Raffe, 96 (part IV.); Richard, 57 (part VL). Moosley, Robert 57 (part HI.). Moot Hall, Clitheroe, 45; Kirkham, 92. Mops, 46. Morando, III. Moravians, 44. Morchar, Earl of Northumberland, 80. Morcroft, Thomas, 54, 105. Mordacque, Louis Henry, 94; Louis Alex. Jos., 94. Mordan, Mr., 44. Mordant, — , 88. Mordaunt, Jane, daughter of William, wife of Richard Bold, 31 ; Jhon. , yeo- man of the buttery, 31 ; Jhon., butler, 31- Morden, W., 114. More, — , 88 ; Alan de, 112 ; Alice, no ; Alys, 54 ; Ann, 1 10 ; Anne, of Liver- pool, widow, will of, 54 ; Anthony, 54; Cecilia, 47, no; Christopher, 105; Sir Cleave, no; Dorothy, no; Edmundus, 99; Edward, 50, 57 (partlL), no, in; Elizabeth, 105, no; George, no; Sir G., in ; Henry, 64; Ur. Henry, in, 114; Hugo, 99; James, 54, no; Jane, 31, 54; Johannes de la, 95; John, 39, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 60, no; John, of Warrington, 60 ; John, son and heir of William, of Bank Hall, 31; Bishop John, 44; Colonel John, 54; Margaret, no; Mary, 54; Mr., 44; Rauffe, 54; Richard, no, in ; Richard de la, 47 ; Robert, 50, 54, 57 (part 1 1.), no, 113; Sir Robert, clerk, 45 ; Robertas, 99 ; Thomas, 54, 83 (part IV.), no; Sir Thomas, 64, 72, 90, 109, in, 114; Sir Thomas, knt. , 54; Thomas del, 92, 95; Willimus de la, 95; William, 54, 113; William de la, 47, no; William, of Bank Hall, 54; William, of More Hall, 50; see also Moore. More family, ped., no. Moreau, J., ni; Paul, 62, 70. Morecambe Bay 57 (part 11. ). Moreclou, 42. Morecroft, — , 88; Brian, priest, 60, 113; Edward, 113; Henry, 75; Master, a physician, 31; Robert, 57 (part 11.) ; William, 1 13; Moorcroft. Morecroft of Ormskirk, ped., 88. Morehall, see Moore Hall. Morehead, Alex., 72. Morehouses, 60. Moreland, Robert, 94. Mores, Hamnet, 54 ; Henry, 54 ; James, 113; Katherine, 54; Margaret, 54; Richard, 113; Robert, 54. Moreside, see Moorside. Moreton, 47, 94. Moreton, — , 88; Eustace de, 58; Gilbert, 99, 105 ; Gilis, 54 ; James, 54, 73 ; Jen- net, 54; Joane, 54 ; John, Earl of, 105, no; Johannes, Earl of, 99; Matthew Ducie, baron, 44 ; Matthew, second baron, 44; Rev. Mr., 44; Colonel Row- land, 44 ; Richard, 63 ; Robert, 50 ; William, 54, 73; William, of Moreton, 54 ; see also Morton, Mooreton, and Moorton. Moreton Underwode, 99. Mortonhampstead, 94. Morewood, Andrew, 69, 73; George, 69, 72, 73; John, 69, 73; Thomas, 69, 73. Morgan, — , 57 (part V.), 88; — , Dr., 44; — engineer, 62; Colonel, 47; J., in; John governor of Chester Castle, 61; Major, 70; Matthias, 94; Mr., 44, 114; Sylv., in; Sir Thomas, 109. Morgan’s Moral Philosopher, 44. Morgane, Captain, 31; Edward, of Golden grove, 31; William, citizen of Coventry, 31- Morgell, — , 88; John, 31, 54, 96 (part L). Morgill, Edward, 75. Moriana (Savoy), Earl of, 80. 188 GENERAL INDEX. Morice, Sir W., 114. Morinus, J. B, , 114. Morions, 50. Morison, Sir Charles, 75; Jane Sibilla, 83 (part II.); Sir Richard, 64, 83 (part II.). Morland, John, 105. Mori ay, see Morley. Morlesse, Lord, see Morley. Morley, — , 75, 81, 82, 88; Alice, 99; Caleb, 1 14; Edward, 60; Edward, Lord, 75; Edward Parker, Lord, 42, 90; Frances, 105 ; George, 64 ; Dr. G., 114 ; Henry, Lord, 31, 39; Hugo, 99; Jane, 105; Johan- nes, 95,99; Katherine, 83(partl.); Lord, 37 (part IV.), 46, 62; Mr., 31, 46; Ricar- dus, 99 ; Roger, 83 (part I.) ; Thomas, 57 (part HI.), 99; Uctred, of Braddyll, 54- Morley, 82, 88. Morley of Winnington, ped. , 88. Morleys, 42, 54, 81, 88, 96, no. Morleys Hall, 46. Morleys, Robert de, 87. Mornay, Philip de, 70, ill; Mysterie of Iniqiiitie, 38. Morning, in ; sacrifice, in. Morrasse, Richard, 105; Robert, 105. Morray, Paul, 70. Morres, Gyles, 54 ; Herries, 46 ; James, 54; John, 46; Mr., 92; — vicar of Blackburn, 92; Oliver, 46; Richard, 46, 54; Robert, 57 (part VL). Morrice, Giles, 46; James, 113. Morris, — , 88 ; Edward, 50, 94 ; James, 94 ; John, 69, 73 ; Lydia, 47 ; Richard. 57 (part VIL); Tho., 39; Thomas, 57 (part VIL), 70; William, clerk, 47. Morris pike, 50. Morrison, Dr., Commissary of Hunting- don, 47. Morrisse, — , preacher at Ashton, 46 ; Richard, 65; Thomas, 65. Morritt, Henry, 73 ; John Bacon Sawrey, 73. Morrys and Reece, in. Mors lane, 73. Morse, Matthew, 37 (part IV.). Morsten, Richard, chaplain, 54. “ Mort of pains,” 44. Mort, Morte, Adam, 31, 47, 50; Adam, of Preston, 54, 62 ; Elizabeth, 31 ; James, 57 (part VI.); John, of Dam House, 44; Jonadab, 69; Miss, 44; Mr. ,46; Mrs., 44,46; Nathan, 109; Richard, 57 (part VIL); Samuel, 57 (part VI.) ; Sister, 44; Thomas, of Dam House, 31; Thomas, 72. Mort, of Dam House, ped., 88; of Preston, ped., 88. Mortars, brass, 46. Morther, Richard, 46. Morthinge, William de, 74 (part H. ). Mortier, Marshal, 72. Mortimer, — , arms of, 83 (part IV. ) ; Cromwell, M.D., 44; Edward, in ; Sir Edmund, 83 (part IV. ) ; Hugh de, 58; Sir Ralph, 80. Mortimer’s cross, battle of, 109. Mortimeriados, in. Mortlack, H., in. Mortmain, 63; bill, 44; statute of, 58. Morton, 88, 94. Morton, — , 82, 88 ; Bishop, 31, 38, 70, 96, in, 1 14; Hugo de, 95; James, 105; James Bayley, 94; James Douglas, four- teenth Earl, 44; John, 37 (part I.), 73, 94; John, Earl of, 105; Rev. John, 42; Lady, 44; Margaret, 95; Mr., 44; Richard, 57 (part VIL), 63, 73; Samuel, 57 (part VI. and VIL); Thomas, 64. Morton Corbet, Salop, 88. Morttes (salmon), 46. Mortuaries, 46, 74. Mortuary rolls, 83 (part IV.). Moryse, Richard, alehouse keeper, 65. Mosborough, Mosborowe, 81, 82, 88. Moscroppe, George, 75. Mosedon, Henry de, 47. Moseley, 94. Moseley Wake Green, 94. Moser, G. E., 105. Moses' Miracles ^ III; song of, in. Mosley, 88. Mosley, — , 82, 88 ; Alexander, 42 ; Lady Anne, 42; Anne, 37 (part IV.), 42, 45, 54; Anthony, 42, 63, 68 ; Catherine, 68; Cyceley, 54 ; Edmund, 42, 68; Ed- ward, 42, 54, 60, 63 ; Edward, of Hough’s End, 54 ; Sir Edward, of Hough, 60 ; Edward, of Hulme, 60 ; Sir Pidward, 39, 42, 46, 47, 50, 54, 61, 68, 105, in ; Sir Edward, of Alport lodge, 62; Elizabeth, 45; Dame Eliza- beth, 42; family, 58, 63, 75, 103; Fran- ces, 42; Francis, 37 (part IV.), 42, 54, 57 (part VIL), 60, 63, 75, 114; Fran- cis, Fellow of Manchester College, 60; Henry, 61; Humph., in; Isabel, 57 (part VIL) ; James, 42 ; Jane, 57 (part VIL); Jenkyn, 42; John, 42; Rev. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 189 John, 68; Rev. Sir John, 68; John Par- ker, 63, 69 ; Sir John Parker, 42, 45, 68; Judge, 42; Margaret, 37 (part IV.), 42; Mary, 42, 54; Meriel, 42; Miss, 44; Mr., 37 (part IV.), 44, 46, 70; Mrs., 42, 44, 1 14; Nanny, 44; Nicholas, 42, 44, 46, 50, 57 (part VII.), 63, 65, 75; Nicholas, of Ancoats, 42, 60 ; Sir Nic- holas, knt. , will of, 42; Sir Nicholas, 42, 47, 50, 65, 68 ; Oswald, 37 (part IV.), 42, 47, 54, 57 (part VII.), 63, 65, 68, 69, 75, 103, 1 14; Oswald, junr., 50; Oswald, of Ancoats, 42, 44, 60; Os- wald, of Garrett, 42, 54; Oswald, of Rolleston, 60; Oswald, the younger, 60; Sir Oswald, 42, 44, 60, 63, 65, 68, 114; Sir Oswald, Family Memoh's, 31; Rich- ard, 42 ; Robert, 42, 54 ; Rowland, 42, 47, 54, 63, 65; Samuel, 54; widow, 42; William, 69. Mosley family, ped., 82; of Ancoats, ped., 88; of the Hough, ped., 88. Mosley chapel, Didsbury, 42; Muniments, 58. Mosleys, the, 46. Mosoke, — , 88; Thomas, 60. Moss, 46; getting, mossing, 46. Moss ditch, 58. Moss rents, 46. Moss Grange, 57 (part VII.). Moss Green, 42. Moss-Side, 42, 47, 58, 69, 72. Moss, — , carrier, 44 ; Henry, 57 (part VIL); Isabella, 105; J. P. F., 105; James, 61, 69 ; John, 42, 63, 69, 72 ; John, of Manchester, 60 ; Rev. John, 105; Richard, 60; Samuel, 37 (part IV.); Thomas, 44, 57 (part VH.); Rev. Thomas, 45; see also Mosse. Mosscroppe, George, stableman, 31. Mosse, — , 54, 88; Anne, 47; Cicely, 46; Ed- mund, 57 (part VH.) ; Henry, 57 (part VI.) ; Isaac, 57 (part VH.); James, 54, 57 (part VII. ), 63; Dom. John, conduct, Prestwich, 60 ; John, 46, 47, 63 ; John, of Liverpool, 60; Sir John, priest, 54; Margery, 46; Mostn, 54; Piers, of Tal- acre, 54; Nath., 57 (part VI.); Richard, 50; Robert, 47; William, 47, 54. Mosseley, Mr. Alderman, 46. Mosshulme in Farnworth, 58. Mossley, 74, 94. Mossley Common, 69. Mossley, Adam of, 74; Edmund, 65 ; Ny- cholas, 57 (part III.). Mossoake of Kenniscough, ped., 88. Mossok, — , 88 ; Thomas, 60 ; see also Mosoke. Mossy-halgh, 58. Mostin, Richard de, 68. Moston, 37 (part IV.), 47, 58, 60, 63, 65, 72, 82, 88, 96 (part IV.), 99 ; hall, 88 . Moston, — , 88; Alice, no; Henry of, 74; Hugh, no; Plugh, son of Richard de, 58; Hugo de, 37 (part IV.), 95; John, no; Ralph de, 42; Richard de, 42, 47, 58, 68, 80, no; Richard of, 74; Robert, no; Thomas, no; Wilimus, 95 ; William, no; William de, 47. Mostyn, Catherine, 96 (part HI.); James, 83 (part IL); Mr., 44; Piers, 83 (part II.) ; Sir Thomas, 96 (part HI.) ; Wil- liam, 73. Moswoodd, 54. Mote Hall, 88. Mother’s advice, in; Blessings in. Motlawe, John de, 80. Motley and Murrey (colours), 50. Motley (cloth), 46. Motoun, H., 112. Motte, — , bookseller, 44 ; Nicholas, 58, 99; Petur, 54. Mottershaw, Richard, 94. Mottershead, Miles, 69. Mottram, 37 (part IV.), 54, 57 (part II.), 69, 94, 95, no, 112. Mottram, Hugh, 42 ; James, 94 ; Peter, 94; Thomas, 42. Mottram of Mottram-St-Andrew, 97. Mottram-Andrew, 97. Mottershed, William, 54. Moulbrock, 88. Mouldbury, 82. Mouldesworth, 88, 95; Great and Little, 54 - Mouldsworth, Richard, 54. Moulin, Peter du, 64, 70; Anatomy of Arminianism, 38. Moulins, Roger de, 47. Moulsey, 82. Moulsoe, CO. Bucks, 60. Moult, Henry Thornely, 94 ; Robert, 69, 72. Moulton, 54, 94, 96 (part I.). Moulton All Saints, 114. Mounford, 96 (part I.). Mounson, — , 88; Sir T., in. Mount, John, 105; Rev. Mr., 92. Mount of Saynt John, 60. Mount Pleasant, 72. Mount vSion, 72. 190 GENERAL INDEX. Mountaigne, Abp., in. Mountain, — , 72; Mrs., 72. Mounteagle, see Monteagle. Mountebank stage, 44. Mountebank's Song, in. Mountford, Simon de, J^’^’-Montfort. Mountgarett, Lady, 61. Mountgomery, Nicholaus, 99. Mountjoy, Charles, Lord, 90; Lord, ill; William, 69. Mountlou, 58. Mourning cloth, cost of, 75 ; valediction forbidding, 90. Mouroyd, Radulphus de, 92. Moverley, John, 73, 94; Thomas, 94. Mowbray, Edward, Earl of, in ; Eleana, daughter of John, Lord, 58; John, 60; Robert, Earl of Northumberland, 80. MoM'breck, 74 (part IL), 81, 82, 88; chapel, in Kirkham church, 92 ; hall, 92; lords of, 92; old chapel at, 92. Mowing, 46; rushes, 46. Moxon, — , 88; James, 57 (part VL); John, 57 (part VIL), 63; Joseph, 105; Judith, 105; Mordecai, 57 (part VI.); Mrs., 57 (i)art VIL); Rachel, 105. Moyle, J., in; R., in; Robert, 105; W., in; William, 60. Moyston, Charles, 69. Mucegros, Robert de, 58. Much Hoole, no; see also Hoole. Muchelditch, Muchil-ditch, 42, 58. Muchill, Roger, in. Muchlande, 50. Muck, 46. Mud wall, 63. Muilman, Mr., 44, Muirhead, James, 73. Mu la, Richard, 92. Mulas, Robert de, 87. Mulcaster, Dr. Ric., in. Mulcture, 58; see also Multure. Mulgrave, Earl J,, in. Aliilieriwi Pean, in. Muller, a toll, 74. Mullineux, James, 39; Maister, 60. Mullinex, Richard, 39, Robert, 70. Mullinys, William, 54. Mullins, Archdn., 103. Mulmore, — , 88. Mulshall, 81. Multon, Alan de, 105; H. de, 105; Hu. de, 105; Tho. de, in. Multure, 46. Mulun, Avicia, 95; William de, 95. Mulyneux, Thomas, of Ilaughton, 50. Mumford, James, 64. Mun, Ricardus, 95. Muncaster, 37 (part IL), 88. Muncaster, Ric., in. Muncks, Henry, 54. Munday, Anna, 72; Anthony, in. Mundy, Mr., the herald painter, 31; Mary Whitaker, 72; Thomas, 72. Munford, Ann, 114, Joseph, 64. Municipal privileges, 58. Munkhall, 99. Munkister, Hugh, 57 (part VI.). Munro, Dr., 44. Murage, a toll, 58. Murdac, Henry, 80. Mure, Sir Archibald, in. Murford, Nicholas, in. Murgatroyd, — , 88. Murrain, 112 ; of sheep and cattle, 50 - Murray, — , 81, 88; A. (printer), in; Adam, in; David, in; David Me, 105; George, 68; George, B.D., rector of Bury, 70; Lord George, 44; J., in; Lord John, 44; Mr., 109; Mr., con- fectioner, 72; Rev. G. W., of Hands- worth, 94 ; Richard, warden of Man- chester, 39, 50, 75, 103, 113; William, 73 . 94 - Murrey, — , 88 ; Roger, 54. Murrey, the colour, 46. Murton, 50. Murtone, Mr., 46. Musbery, 88, Musbirry park, 74 (part I.), 112. Musbury, etymology of, 50. Musbury, Robertas, 99. Muscadine, 46. Muscleboroughfeilde, 81. Muscovy and Muscovites, 44. Musdene, 112, Muse, the, ni; in America, in. Mnses Elizium, in; Tears, in; Garden of, in. Museum Minervse, in. Musgrave, Christopher, 64; Fr., ni; Sir Philip, bart., 70; Sir Ric., in; Sir W., in. Musgreve, William, 46. Mushoe, 82. Music, in. Musicians, 46; of Chester, 46; of Halifax, 46; Mr. Atherton’s, 46 ; Mr. Tatton’s, 46 ; Mr. Edm. TrafForthe’s, 46 ; Mr. Warren’s, 46. Musket, George, 64. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 191 Musketeers, cost of their equipment, small allowance of gun-powder for, gradual displacement of Bowmen by, 50. Muskets, 46. Musophihcs, ill. Mussebury, Dom. Robert, priest, of Mid- dleton, 60. Mussell, — , 82, Musselborough, battle of, iii. Mussels, 46. Musson, Ob., iii. Mustane, 54. Mustard seed, 46. Mustell, — , 88. Muster, non-attendance at, 63. Muster places, 50. Musters, 46 ; general, 50 ; warrant for taking, 39. Muston, 72. Mustone, Ric. de, 112. Mutrie, N., 72. Muttlebury, John, 73. Mutton, 46; prices of, 46. Mutton, William, chaplain, 60. Muttresheide, John, of Knottesforth, 60; Thomas, of Ribchester, 60. Mutuum, 1 1 2. Mychel, J. (printer), ill. Mychell, Mr., of Foscrofte, 46; Richard, of Colne, 60 ; Sir Richard, priest, 54; Wm., 103 (part I.). Mychill, John, 109. Mycock, Samuel, 42. Myddelton, Charles Panton, 42, 73, 94 ; Davye, 54 ; Edward, 57 (part II.) ; Major-General Sir Thomas, 31. Myddilton, James, 96 (part IV.) ; John, 57 (part IV.). Myddleton, H. (printer), iii; Thomas, 57 (part II.), 69; Thome, 57 (part II.); W. (printer), iii. Myddylton, David, 54. Mydelar, John, 92; William, 92. Mydelton, see Middleton. Mydelton, Thomas de, of Legheton, 60. Mydlargh, 57 (part II.). Mydleton, Margaret, 31. Mydylton, Robert, of Chester, 54. Myers, George, 94; John, 44, 69; Joseph, 69; Thomas, 69; William, 63, 72. Myerscough, 46, 50, 54, 62, 74 (part II.), 88; hall, 45; park, 58. Mygcholl, Mychall, William, 57 (part II.). Mylbourne, — , 81; Rob., in. Myldmay, Sir Thomas, 75. Myle-end, 88. Myles, the, 81. Mylington, 54. Mylkwalslade, Robert de, 47 ; see also Milkwalleslade. I Myller, John, 105. Myles, Randle, 65. Myllfeld close, 42. Myllington, Jenkyn, of Knottesforth, 60; Nicholas, 60. Mylne, Edmund, 54 ; Elyenor, 57 (part II.); Henry, 60; John, of Mylne house, 54; Rich., 57 (part II.). Mylnegate, William, 63. Mylner, John, 54; Rauf, 60; Thomas, 54. Mylnerowe, see Milnrow. Mylot, T. , III. Mynshul, Edward, of Stoke, 80. Mynshull, Ann, 103; family, 44; Mr., 44; Rd., 103 ; Tho., apothecary of Man- chester, 103. Mynshull, of Manchester, ped., 88. Mynton, John, 54. Myre, 37 (part IV.). Myreschogh, Cecile de, 105; Laurence de, 105; Roger de, 105. Myrescoe, John, 105; Thomas, 105. Myrrha, iii. Myrroiire for Magistrates^ in. Myrskolawe, 60. Mystic interpretation, 44. Mystics and mystical writers, 44. Mytholm, 93. Mytton, see Mitton. N C., in; N., L., in; N., R. (prin- ., ter), in; N., S., in; N., T., in; N., W., in. Nab, Mr., 44. Nabb, Abraham, of Walmersley, 54; George, 73 ; Joseph, 94 ; Richard, 69 ; William, 73. Nabbe, Nicholaus, 99. Nabbes, Alice, 60; T., in. Nabbs, Oliver, 113. Nackbank, 88. Naden, 54. Nadin, John, 94; Joseph, 94; Thomas, 94 - Nailer, Alice, 46. Nailers, 46. Nails, 46. Nairn, Jas., in. Naish, Mr., 44. Naithes, Naves, 46. Nale-percell, Nail-piercer, 46. 192 GENERAL INDEX. Names, corruption of, 50 ; derivation of, 74; value of, 58, Names ^ Nursery of, iii. Namptwich, see Nantwich. Nanfan, Richard, 73. Nangreave, John, 69; Richard, 69; Sam- uel Wareing, 69. Nanney, David, 73; Rev. Richard, 44. Nantwich, 47, 50, 54, 62, 69, 73, 81, 83 (part L), 94, III, 1 12. Naogeorgus, extract from his Regni Papistici, 50. Napier, John, Plaine Discovery of the Revelation of St. John, 38; Robert, III. Naples biscuits, 46; the ultima thule of barbarity and ignorance, 44. Napleton, John, 58; Timothy, 69, 73. Naplouse, Gamier de, 47. Naps, Mr., 61. Naps upon Parnassus, iii. Narcissus, iii. Nardy, Robert, 60. Nai'rator, 112. Nasffield, — , 81. Nash, Joseph, 57 (part VII.), 94; Mr., 44; Samuel, 57 (part VII.) ; Sebastian, 73 ; Thomas, ill. Nasshington, 96 (part III.). Natchell, George, 60. Nateby, 57 (part II.), 81, 82, 88 ; Baptist chapel, 105; hall, 105; township, 105. Nateby, family, 105 ; Isabel, 105 ; Ralph de, 57 (part II.), 105; Radulf de, 57 (part II.); Thomas, 105; William, 105; William de, 57 (part II.), 105. Nathan, Joseph, 94; Lewis, 94. Nativi, 58. Nativity, The, ill. Nativus, 1 12. Nature's Embassy, ill. Natyler, 57 (part II.). Naujragius loculare, ill. Nau 7 nachia, ill. Naveret, no. Navy, 46; book of the, 75. Naworth, 96 (part III.); castle, 82, 88. Nayler, Hugo, 57 (part II.); Thomas, 60; William, 50, Naylor, — , 88; Benjamin, 63 (app. I.); James, 94; Mr., 44, 114. Neadham, — , 88. Neal, Thomas, 64. Neale, Sir William, 70. Neallson, William, 105. Neatby, see Nateby. Neat’s feet, 46; tongues, 46. Nebuchodonozor, in. Neborough, see Newburgh. Necklace, Dr. Anodyne, 44. Nedeham, Johannes, 99. Neden, George, 63 (app. I.). Nedham, family, 80 ; Charles, 57 (part VI.); Cornelius, 57 (part VI.); Sir John, 80; Robert, 96 (part III.); Sir Robert, 80. Needham, 114. Needham, Agnes, 54; Dr., 114; Elias, 73; Jerry, 44; Sir John, of Shavington, knt.j 54; Marchmont, 114; Mary, 105; Peter, 44. Needle’s Excellency, in. Needlework, in. Negro baptized, 37 (part IV.). Neifs, 58. Neild, — , 63 ; Anne, 57 (part VII.); Ed- mund, 63 (app. I.); Henry, 63 (app. I.); J., 57 (part VI.); James, 63; Miles, 44, 57 (part VIE), 63; Mrs., 44; Rich- ard, 57 (part VIE), 63; Robert, 57 (parts VI. and VH.) ; Roger, 44, 63 ; Sarah, 44 ; Thomas, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 63, 94; William, 63. Neile, Archbp. 103. Neilson, Daniel, 94; Robert, 94. Neland, a housebreaker, 61. Neld, Henry, 54. Neilson, Thomas, 39, 105. Nelson, — , 82, 88 ; Ellen, 44; Henry, of Croston, 60; John, 44, 113; Macksin, 105; Mr., 44; Richard, 50, 57 (parts H. and HE); Robert, 64; Roger, 113; Roger, of Liverpool, 60 ; Lady Theo- dore, 64; Thomas, 69, in ; William, 60. Nelson, ped., 81; of Fay rehurst, ped., 88. Nenna, Sir J. B., in. Nennius, 58. Nerford, Maud, 99. Nero, Strange Action of, in. Nervall, 46. Nesbit, Dr., 44. Nesh, SI., 57 (part VE). Nesklyffe, co. Salop, 75. Ness, Charlotte, 105; J. B., 105. Ness, manor of, 83 (part IV.). Nesse, 54. Nessefeld, Willimus, 99. Nest, Mr., 114. Neston, 54, 69. Nestrandge, co. Salop, 75. Nether Darwen, Netherderwent, Nether - derwine, 50, 95, 99. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 193 Nether draught-gate, 58. Nether Kellet, 50, 95, 99. Nether Knutsford, 42. Nether Peover church, 88. Nether Whitacre, 82, 88. Netherdale, 96 (part II.). Netherlands in Sussex, 82. Netherlands, iii; Wars in, ill. Netherton, 60, 88. Netherwiresdale, William de Lancaster, Baro de, 58. Netherwood, — , 58, 88. Nethorpe, 88. Nets, 46, 63. Nettelcombe, co. Somerset, 58. Nettleton, Mr., 44; Dr. Thomas, 44. Nettleworth Hall, 45. Neusum, 37 (part IV.). Neuton, John de, 47; Johannes, 95; Robertas, 95 ; see also Newton. Nevell, — , 81, 88; Mary, 60; Philip, 54. N'ever too Late, in. Nevet, Mr., 109. Nevett, vSamuel, 73. Nevile, — , 88; Alex., in; Sir Edward, 57 (part II.); Eleanor, no, 113; Abp. George, iii; Helen, no; Sir Henry, 31; Sir John, 57 (part IL); pedigree, 80; Ph., in; Richard, iio; Robert, no; Sir Robert, of Hornby, 31; T., in. Nevile’s Isle of Pines, 44. Nevill, — , 82, 88; Edward, no; Hugh de, 80; Sir John, 103; Margaret, no; Margareta, 95; Sir Osmond, no; Robert, Bishop of Durham, 60; Sir Robert de, 74; Sir Robert, no; Robert, 103 ; Robertas, 95 ; Sir Thomas, 80 ; Thomas, 95 ; William de, 74 ; Neville, Edmund de, 68 ; Lady Eleanor, 113; G. de, 112; George, Archbishop of York, 60, I n; J. de, 112; Ralph de, 58. Nevinson, .Stephen, in. Nevore, James, chantry priest, 60. New, Sir H., in ; Mrs., 57 (part VIL). New Bailey Bridge, 72. New Bigging, see Newbigging. New Brighton, 94. New Carr, 58. New Earth, 69. New Fleet, 65. New Hall, 65, 80, 81, 82, 88, 96 (part III.), no. New Hall in Eccles, no. New Intack, 47, 99. New Market buildings, 65. New Mills, 69, 73, 94. New morres, 58. New Orleans, 94. New Park, 46, 62, 63, 70; in Lathom, 31. New plecks, 58. New Spring Shadowed, in. New tavern, 63. New Testament, originality of the Greek text, 44. N'eiv Yeads Gift, in. New Year’s gifts, 46. New York, 37 (part IV.), 94. New Zealand, 94. Newall, Anne, 54; Dorothy, 54; EHn, 54; Elsabeth, 54; Jane, 54; Laurence, 54, 113; Peter, 54; Richard, 37 (part L); Robert of Lower Town House, will of, 54; Rychard, 54; Rev. Samuel, 42; Thomas, 54; William, 42, 54, 60, II3- Newam, no. Newark, 54, no, in. Newbey, Thomas, 57 (part VIL). Newbery, E., in ; Henry, 63 (app. IV.); Ralph, in ; T., in. Newberry, Thomas, 94. Newbigging, Newbiggin, 37 (part IV.), 57 (part II.), 74, 82, 88. Newbold, — , 96 (part III.) ; Edward, 96 (parts 1. and III.); Jane, 96 (part HI.). Newbolt, 99. Newborow, near Newcastle, 70. Newbould-Dacy, 88. Newbould, James, 57 (parts VI. and VIL). Newburgh, 46, 60. Newburgh, Edward, Lord, 39; J., 114; Lady, in. Newbury, 88; Battle of, in. Newbye, — , 88 ; T,, 57 (part VL). Newcastle, 47, 54, 69, 73, 81, 114. Newcastle-under-Lyme, 57 (part L), 58, 72, 94. Newcastle, Duke of, 40, 44, in ; Earl of, 37 (part V.), 62; Harriet, Duchess of, 40, 44 ; Marquis of, 70. Newchurch, 94, 96 (part 1. ). Newcomb, T., 1 1 1. Newcombe, see Newcome. Newcome, — , 72; Benjamin, 45; Henry, 42, 57 (part VIL), 64, 103, 114; Rev. Plenry, 37 (part IV.), 42, 47, 105; Henry Justinian, 94; Martha, 45; John, D. D., 44 ; Richard, 105. C C 194 GENERAL INDEX. Newcomen, Mr., 114; Thomas, 114. Newcom't, Ric., in. Newcrof’t, 95, 99. Neweland fish, 50. Newfield, 58. Newgate, treatment of prisoners in, its press yard, 61. Newgent, Margaret, 63. Newhale, Newhall, New Hall. Newhall, Peter, 83 (part III.). Newham, Daniel, 94. Newham, 63 ; Green, 47. Newhaven, 54. Newhoff, Theodore, Baron, 44. Newholme, 58. Newhouse, 88. Newhouse, William, 113. Newhowse, 57 (part II.). Newintake, see New Intack. Newland, 96 (part II.). Newland and Eyeton, 50. Newlington, 54. Newman hall, 88. Newman, — , 81 ; Daniell, 57 (part VII.); Dorman, 1 1 1 ; (^leoffrey, 58; (the printer), 1 14; Samuel, II4;T., in. Newmarch, John de, 58. Newmarket, fire at, 39. Newnham, 94. Newnham, Louisa, 97. Newnham, of Newtimber, family of, 97. Newparke, 96 (part I.). Newport, 70, 94. Newport, Alyce, no; Custance, no; Earl of, in; Edward, 54, no; F., Lord, in; Isabell, no; James, no; Rychard, no; William, 54, no. Newsam, Newsham, 50, 58, 63, 74, 82, 88 ; hall, 81. Newsam, Henry, 54; James, 54; Ric- hard, 63 ; William, 63, 65. Newsam, of Newsam hall, ped., 81. Newsham, — , 62 ; James B., 105 ; Jane, 105 ; Richard, 94, 105. Newsletters and newspapers, 44. Newsom, Edmund, vicar of Prestbury, 54 ; John, 60. Newspapers, meagreness of, 44. Newstead, 72, 88. Newsum, Johannes, 99. Newton, 37 (part IV.), 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57 (parts 1. and 11. ), 58, 60, 63, 65, 69, 72, 74, 81, 82, 83, 88, 94, 96 (part I.), 99, no; barony and lordship, 1 10; chapel, 97; church, 72; estate bought by Legh of Adlington, 97 ; manor of. no ; scene at an alehouse, 61 ; school, 97 ; township, no. Newton Heath, 47, 58, 72, 94. Newton-hunt story, 44. Newton-in-Bowland, no. Newton-in-Makerfield, 58, 60, 62, 74, 88, 1 10. Newton-in-Mottram, 60. Newton Lane, 63, 65. Newton near Middlewich, 80. Newton Moor, 57 (part I.). Newton with Scales, 50, 62, 92, no. Newton, — , 81, 88; Alexander, of New- ton, will of, 34; Alexander, Lieut. -Col., 70 ; Alexandre, 60 ; Alice, 54 ; Ann, 60; Anne, 54; Cecily, 60; Edmund, 73 ; Edward, 73 ; Elizabeth, 42 ; Emlyn, 54 ; ffrauncis, 54 ; George, 54 ; Gilbert de, 58 ; Henry, 83 ; Humfrey, 54 ; Humphrey, of Pownall, 80 ; Sir Isaac, 44, 114; J. de, 112; Jabez, 94 ; James Antrobus, 69 ; John 37 (part IV.), 42, 54, 57 (part VIL), 60; John, chaplain, 60; John, chantry priest, Dur- ham, 60 ; John Clifton, 69 ; Sir John, Fellow of Manchester College, 60; John of Newton, 60; Rev. John, 42, 44; Rev. Joseph, 42 ; Joseph, 94 ; Mar- garet, wife of John, 60; Margrette, 54; Marmaduke, 31, 75 ; Matthew, 31, 57 (part H.) ; Michael, 42; Mr., 44; Mr., of Cheshire, 31; Mr., of Whittingham, 50 ; Myles, 54 ; of Pownall, 97 ; of Wittingham, 57 (part HI.); Raphe, 54; Ricardus, 99 ; Richard, 54, 57 (part IL), 60; Richard de, no; Robert, 60, 94 ; Robert de, 31 ; Robert Nodes, 94 ; Robert Sacheverell, 69 ; Samuel, 94 ; Simeon, 69 ; T., in ; Sir Thomas, 54; Thomas, 31, 54, 57 (part VIL), 69, 96 (part I.) ; Thomas, of Butley, 97 ; William, 54, 69, 73, 80 ; William de, 60; William, of Pownal, 31. Newton of Newton, ped., 88. Newton’s Milton, 44. Nibthwaite, 50. Nicander, Matthias, 114. Niccols, Richard, in. Nice, Council of, 114. Nichol, John Ferriar, 94. Nicholas, Sir Edward, 70; Henry, 114; James, 105 ; Jane, 105. Nichole, 112. Nicholes, Jonathan, 57 (parts VI. and VIL). Nicholets, Charles, 64. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 195 Nicholls, Edward, 69 ; Michaell, 57 (part VII,); Rev. Nicholas, 44; Ric. , 46; Samuel, 72. Nichollson, ffrancis, 57 (part VII.); Nathaniell, 57 (part VII.). Nichols, — , 88; Rev. Benj., 44; Daniel, 69, 73, 1 14 ; Major-General, 72 ; Philip, 40. Nichols’s Queen Elizabeth, 31. Nicholson, — , 63, 72, 81, 82; Ambrose, of Reddish Green, 54; Dr. , 44; Edward, 72; Elizabeth, 54; Francis, 54, 64; Plelen, 39 ; Isaac, 47 ; Isabella, 45 ; Janies, 45; John, 37 (part I.), 94; Mr., 44 ; Nicholas, 63 ; Ralph, 42, 47 ; Richard, 42, 57 (part VI.); Theophilus, 42, 57 (part VL); Thomas, 42, 50, 113 ; Widow, 42; William, 42, 47, 94; William, jun,, 42. Nicker, Nico, ditch, 42, 47. Nickson, William, 54. Nicol, G., Ill ; Richard, 31 ; Rev. Wal- ter, 37 (part IV.). Nicolas, Armelle, 44. Nicoll, Seth, 54; Thomas, 95. Nicolls, William, D.D., 31. Nicols, Josia, 44; Dr. Philip, 44. Nicolson, Wm. , of Moston, 65. Nidd, Ann, 114. • Nield, Henry, 47, 94 ; Jonathan, 72 ; Ro- bert, 69. Nieuenhuis, Mr., 44. Niewport, Battle of, in. Nigel, — , 58; William, son of, 80. Niggill, J., 57 (part VI.). Night, III; Charm, 1 1 1 ; Shadow of, ill. Night caps, 46. Night hunters, 63. Night walkers, 63. Nightgall, Laur., 50. Nightingale, The, ill. Nightingale, Daniel, 73; William, 54. Nimphidia, in. Ninths, 58. Nisbet, Mr., 44. Nisbett, Thomas, 105. Nisselius, J. G., 1 14. Nisus, in; explanation of, 58. Nixon, Anthony, in. Nixon’s Cheshire Prophecies, in. Nixson, Thomas, 94. Noar, Will, 105. Noare, John, 105. Nobility /'m/. Ch. I., in. Noble, James, 94 ; John, 69 ; Mr. and Mrs., 44; Rev. Richard, 45. Noble, value of a, 46. Noblett, William, of Ingoll, 60. Nockes, Margery, 54. Nocton, 81, 82, 88, 99, no. Nociw'nal Lucubrations, in. Noddall, — , 46; John, 46. Noel, Adam, 74 ; Sir Clobury, 44 ; fam., in, 112; William, 37 (part I.). Noell, — , 88 ; Johannes, 95 ; Laurence, 95 ; Roger, 74 ; Roger us, 95 ; see also Nowell. Noggin, 46. Noke, John-a-, 109. Noke, Robert, 113. Nonarum inquisitions, 87. Nonetide, 58. Nony, Sir W. de, 112. Norays, William le, 42. Norbert, St., 57 (part II.). Norbery, John, 60. Norbury, Norburie, 37 (part IV.), 8l, 82, 88, no. Norbury Booths, no. Norbury, — , 81 ; James, 69; John, 60, 113; Mr., of Chester, 44; Roger de, Bis- hop of Lichfield, 42 ; Thomas de, 37 (part IV.); William, 54. Norcliffe, — , 72. Norcot (Northcotes), 112. Norcrosse, James, 105. Nordean, Sussex, 82. Norden’s ale, 114. Noreis, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James ffarington, knt., 60 ; PI ugh le, 74 ; Ma- bella le, 60; William le, 47. Noresse, Johannes, 57 (part II.). Noreus, William, 42. Norewe, Jordan, 42. Noreys, Rob. le, 112. Norfolk, — , 81, 88; Bernard, twelfth duke of, 31; Elizabeth, duchess of, 60; Lord of, no; Thomas, duke of, 60, 75, in; Thomas, second duke of, 54. Norfolk, 81. Norfolk Club, 44. Norfolk, Virginia, 73. Norgate, Edw., 39. Norhais, William, 42. Norham, John, 109. Norham, vicarage of, 54. Norice, Sir IL, ni;wSirJ., in. Norlegh, Adam, 99; Katherine, 99; Mar- geria, 99; Matilda, 99. Norley, Adam de, no; Sir Adam, 97; Katherine de, no; Margeria, no; Matilda, 1 10; Maude, 97, 1 10. 196 GENERAL INDEX. Norman, Elizabeth, 47; Hugh, 80; James, 47, 69 ; Sarah, 47 ; Thomas, clerk, cur- ate of Birch, 47. Normans in England, 58. Normanby, 54. Normansell, Isabel, 54 ; Katherine, 54 ; Master, 37 (part IV.); Robert, 94; William, 54. Normanton, Timothy, 69. Normanville, Thomas de, 58. Norram, Christopher, 96 (part IV.); John, 96 (part IV.). Norreis, — , 88; Alexander le, 42; Jordan, 47; William le, 42, 47. Norreis, of Middleforth, ped,, 88; of Speke, ped., 88. Norres, — , 88 ; Agnes, 60 ; Alan le, 58 ; Alexander, 39, 46; Alice, 60; Anne, 54; Beatrice, 60; Charles, 39; Christopher, 60; Edmund, 60; Edward, of Black- rod, 54; Edward, of Speke, 50, 54, 70, 75; Elizabeth, 54, 60; George, 50; Henry, 60; Hugh le, 58; James, 46, 60; Johane, 60; John, 31, 46, 60; Katharine, 44'; Katrine, 60; Lettice, 60; Margaret, 54, 60; Mr., 31, 46; Mr., of the Park Hill, 46; Mr., of the Speke, 46 ; Mrs., 46, 75 ; Richard, 60; Robert, 60; Robert le, 58; Thomas, 46, 60, 1 13; Thomas, of Orford, 54; William, 31, 57 (part H.), 58, no; William, a priest, 60; William, knt., 54 ; William, of Speke, 60 ; Sir Wil- liam, 57 (part IL), 60; Sir William, of Speke, 50, 75. Norres fam., 46; of Davyhulme, 75; of Speke, 75; of Tarlton, ped., 88; of West Derby, ped., 88. Norreys, — , 81 ; Alan le, 74 ; Clemence, wife of William, of Speke, 60, 99; Ed- ward, 57 (part HI.); Francis Lord, iii; Gilbert le, 74; Henricus, 95, 99; Henry, Lord, 90 ; Sir Henry le, 42, 83 ; Hugh, 95; Isabella, 99; Johannes le, 95; Jordan le, 42 ; Lady, Letter from Queen Eliza- beth, 90; Lettice, daughter of Thomas, 60; Mabel, 95 ; Nicholas, 95; Ricardus, 95; Robert, 95; Dom. Thomas, chantry priest of Halsall, 60; William, 42, 95. Norris, — , 82, 88, in; Alan, no; Alex- ander, 61; Alice, no; Bridget, daughter of Sir William, of Speke, 31 ; Christo- pher, 73; Clemence, no; Edward, 31, 42 ; Edward, son of Sir William, of Speke, 31 ; Father, 70; Gilbert, no; Henry, 44, 63, 72, 75, no, ni; Hugh, no; Hugh le, 60; J., 57 (part VI.); Sir J., 1 1 1 ; James, 69 ; John, 94, no; John Edward, 94; Rev. John, 44; Lettyce, no; Mabel, no; Mabella le, 60; Margaret, daughter of Sir William, of Speke, 31 ; Margery, no; Mary, in ; Matthew, 47 ; Rev. Mr., 42 ; Nicola, no; Richard, 113; Robert, no, 113; Samuel, 42, 63; Sylvester, 64; Thomas, no, 113 ; Thomas, of Speke, 61 ; Wil- liam, 39, 69, no, 113; Sir William, K.B., 31; Winifred, 47; see also Norays, Noreis, Noresse, Noreys, Norhais, Norice, Norreis, Norres, Norreys. Norris Hill, 42. Norros, William de, 47. Norroy, herald king at arms, 87. Norst, Jone, 47. North, — , 88; Sir Charles, and Catherine his wife, 58; J., ni; James, 94; John, 94; Lady, 42; Lord, in Manchester, 68; Lord, of Hacking, 31; Margaret, 105; Matthew, 69; Richard Ford, 94; Roger, 114; Sir Roger, baron, 90; Sir Thomas, 54. North Berwick, no. North-dene and -wood, 58. North Grimston, 73. North Kilvington, 88. North Meols, 50, 60, 73, 88, 95, 99, no, 112; see also Meols. North Repps, 47. North Rode, 97. Northampton, 47, 94, 99, no. Northampton, Henry, Earl of, 81 ; Mar- quess of, 81; Mary of, in. Northbreck, Rngerus, 95. Northbrook, 39, in. Northburgh, Northbury, Greg, de, 112; Roger de, 60, 103. Northbury, 37 (part IV.). Northcrosse, Roger de, 74. Northe, Edward, 50. Northen Etchells, 42, 69. Northen Ford, 42. Northenden, Northen, 37 (part IV.), 42, 47, 54, 60, 69, 80, 81, 94, 99, no. Northill, 114. Northman, Hugo, 105. Northmeles, see North Meols. Northmeles, Rob. de, 112. Northumberland, Algernon, tenth earl of, 70, Household Book, 31; Anne, countess of, in; George, duke of, in; Henry, earl of, in; Margaret, daughter of Henry, earl of, 31 ; Thomas, earl of, 65, in. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 197 Northumberland’s rebellion, 87. Northumbria, Edwin, earl of, no; Lucia, no; Morcar, no, Northwich, 46, 47, 54, 62, 69, 70, 73, 94. 1 1 2. North vvode, 112. Northwood park, 54, 83. Northyam, 82. Norton, 37 (part IV.), 47, 81, 82, 88, 99, no; manor, in; monastery of, 54; prior of, 83, 112; priory, 88, 96 (part III.) ; priory, seige of, 62. Norton, — , 72 ; C. J., 72 ; Dudley, in ; Felix, in; Eras. C., 72; G., in; J. (printer), in ; Mr., 44; (poet), in ; I Ricardus, 95; Thomas, in ; William, 69, in ; William de, 47. Norwardine, 80. Norwich, 47, 81, 88, 114; chapel, 113. Norwich, Benedict of, 83 ; Courtney, bishop of, 83 ; William, bishop of, 60. Norwych, John, 99. A^osce teipsiitii, in. Notary, 46. Notley, — , 72. Notona, see Notton. Nott, General Henry, 94. Nottingham, 69, 73, 94, in, 114; castle, no. Nottingham, Countess of, in; Dan., earl of, in ; Earl of, 90, in, see also Finch ; Henry de, 74 ; Lord, 44 ; Thomas, earl of, 37 (part L). Notton, Nottun, Editha, no; Gilbert de, 42, 58, no; William de, 42, 58, no. Notyngham, Radulphus, IIO^ Nourse, Mr., 44. Nova Scotia, 99, no. November, in. A^ovissima Tuba, in. Nowell, — , 81, 82, 88; Alexander, 44, 64, 99 ; Dean Alexander, 31, 50, 60, 65, 96 (part L), 103, in; Lt.-Col. Alexander, 45 ; Charles, 45, 50 ; Dowsabel, 31 ; Edward, 96 (part IV.); Elizabeth, 103, no ; Grace, 103 ; Henricus, 99 ; Rev. Henry, 45 ; Hugh de, 58; Johannes, 99; John, 31, 42, 50, 103, no; John, of Merely, 60; John, of Read, 60; Laurentius, 99; Maister, 60; Margery, 96 (part IV.); Maud, 103 ; Miss, 45 ; Mr., of Read, 46 ; Nicholaus, 99 ; Robert, 60, 105 ; Roger, 31, 39, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 96 (part IV.), 103, no; Captain Roger, 50 ; Roger, of Read, 62 ; Rogerus, 99 ; Susannah, 45 ; Thomas, 31, 50, 63 ; William, 45, 96 (part IV.). Nowell, ped., 82 ; of Great Merely, ped., 81; of Little Merely, ped., 8i; of Rede, ped., 88. Noys, Mr., 44. Nubury, see Newbury. Nuce, Thomas, in. Nuehye, John, 47. Nugent, — , 63 ; family, 103 ; Mrs. Mar- garet, 96 (part HI.); Michael, 105; Richard, 63, 65; Robert Craggs, 44; Walter, 63, 75. Nuisances, 63, 65. I Numeration, problem in, 44. Nunn, John, 94; Joshua Henry, 94 ; Wil- liam, 94. Nuptial Song, in. Nurnburgh, treaty at, 39. Nurseiy for Gentry, ill; of Names, in. Nurses, wages of, 46. Nurted, 82. Niirtiir for Servants, in. Nusam, William, 65. Nuthall, John, Newhall-hey, 60; lohn, of Cattenall, 31. Nuthall, of Tottington, ped., 88. Nuthurst, 47, 58, 81, 82, 88, 96 (parts I. and IL). Nuthurst-moss, 58. Nutmegs, 46. Nuton, see Newton-with-Scales. Nuts, 46. Nutshaw, tenants and rents of, 103. Nutshaw, George, a deacon, 60. Nutshaw, Nuthaw, or Nuttall, 60. Nutt, J., HI. ^ Nuttall, — , 9& (part III.) ; Alice, 54, 96 (part HI.); Anne, Agnes, of Nuttall, 54 ; Asheton, 65 ; Charles, 96 (part HI.); Christopher, 96 (part 1 .) ; Doro- thy, 96 (part HI.); Edward, 54, 96 (part HI.); Elizabeth, 54; Francis, 31, 63, 65, 96 (part HI.); George, 57 (part VL), 96 (part HI.); George, of Gollen- rode, 54; James, 63, 96 (part HI.); John, 50, 63, 73, 96 (part HI.) ; John, prebendary and dean of Chester, 31 ; Joseph, 94; Katherine, no; Maud, 96 (part HI.) ; Ralph, 54, 96 (part HI.) ; Richard, 96 (part HI.), 103; Susan, 45 ; Thomas, no; Thomas, of Totting- ton, 54; Widow, 57 (part VIL); Wil- liam, 73. Nuttawe, Thomas, 113. Nutter, — , 88 ; Edmund, 96 (part IV.) ; 198 GENERAL INDEX. Elis, 103; John, 46, 54; Law., 103; Margaret, 46 ; Mary, 46 ; Robert, 46 ; Steward, 46. Nutting, Mrs., 114. Nuttowe, Francis, 46; Richard, 54. Nuum Green, see Newham. Ny, Mr., 114. Nycholson, John, of Charnock-Richard, 60; Robert, of Liverpool, 60; William, of Kirkby Ireleth, 60. Nycholsone, Katharine, 42; Ralph, 42. Nycolson, William, 57 (part 11 . ). Nycson, Henry, 57, (part IL). Nye, Philip, 64. Nyghtingale, John, 60. Nyjupha Libeihris, 1 1 1 . Nyxon, Robert, of Liverpool, 60, O E., Ill; O., J., Ill ; O., N. (prin- ., ter), III; O., R. (printer), ill. Oakenbottom, 42. Oakenhead, 88. Oakenrode, 88. Oakes, William, 57 (part VII.). Oakmere, pool of, 83. Oakover, Mr., 44. Oaks, Mrs., 44. Oakwood, 46. Oatcakes, 46. Oates, Titus, 64, 105. Oath of the forest, rhymed, 58. Oaths, various, 63. Oatlands, 50. Oatmeal, 46; price of, in 1800, 92. Oats, 46, 60, 1 12. Oaturton, William, 57 (part II.) Obbet lands in Manchester church, 60 ; in Warrington church, 60. Oblivion, iii. Obrian, C., his letter, 44. O’Brien, — (actor), 72. O’Bryan, Frances, 105. Occleston, — , 80; John, 83; William, 83. Occleve, T., iii. Octavia, iii. Oculshagh, Johannes, 95. Odcombian banquet, iii. Odcroft, John,- 42, 47, 57 (part VIL). Odde birds, 46. Oddie, Thomas, 73. Odcricus Vitalis, quotations from, 80. Oeliiis Sejanus and Philippa the Cata- nian^ 70. Of, meaning of the word, 80. Ofenden, Thomas, 113. Offerings, 46. Offerman, — , 72. Offerton, 65. Offerton, Robert, 47. Officers, household servants, 46 ; neglect of duty by, 63 ; to be sworn, 63. Offington, CO. Sussex, 58. Otffey, Crew, 44; Elizabethe, 54; H., III. Offspringe, Edward, 96 (part I.). Ogdam, see Bydam, 57 (part VIL). Ogden, Abraham, 57 (part VII.); Adam, 54; Allixander, 57 (part VIL); Anthony, 57 (part VI.); Charles, 69, 73 ; Edmund, 94 ; Edmund Amos, 94 ; Frederick, 94; George, 37 (part IV.), 57 (part VII.) ; Isaac, 69; Jacob, 57 (part VI.);, 69; John, 37 (part IV. ), 42, 54; 57 (part L), 58, 69 ; Mr., 44; Nicholas, 96 (part L); Richard, 58 ; Robert, 63 ; Roger, 60 ; Samuel, 73, 95 ; Thomas, 69, 73 ; Titus, 69 ; Westby, 94; William, 54, 73; see also Ogdeyn. Ogden, 1 12. Ogdeyn, Richard, of Moston, daughter of, 65. Ogell, Henry, 54. Ogilvy, Mr., 44. Ogle, — , 82, 88; Col., iii ; Henry, of Whiston, 62, 75; Henry, 39, 70; John, 50; Robin, epitaph, 90; Tim., ill. Ogle, of Whiston, ped., 88. Ogleby, Lord, 62. Ogles, — , 82; Mary, 75. Oglethorpe, Gen., 44; Mr., 44. Ogre (land so called), 42. Ogull, Isabella, 99 ; Robertus, 99. O’Hara, Mr., 44. Oil, 46 ; nourishing quality of, 44. Ointment, 46. Okeden, Adam de, 58. Okeley, Francis, 44. Okell, Mrs., 47 ; Roger, 54, 60, 83, 113; Thomas, 69. Okelshawe, (jilbertus, 99. Okenbottom, 88. Okenheved, II2. Okenley, 5K Okeover, 82. Okeover, Dorothy, no; Humfrey, no. Okes, 1 . (printer), in ; Nich. (printer), in ; N. and J. (printers), in. Okey, Colonel John, 70. Old Alt, 74. Old Bailey, antiquity of the judicial sit- tings at, 61. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 199 Old Hal], 109. Old Man’s Lesson, III. Old marled earth, 47. Old Trafford, 94. Old Whig, periodical, 44. Oldam, see Oldham. Oldcastle, Sir John, 83. Oldcorne, Father, 50. Olde House carr, 74. Okie Thanes carr, 74. Oldeam, see Oldham. Oldefeld, see Oldfield. Oldeholme, see Oldham. Olden, 07 ' Ogden, John, 58 ; Richard, 58. Oldenburgh, Duchess of, visit to Man- chester, 68. Oldenburgh, Henry, 114. Oldfelt, \Villiam, 47. Oldfield, — , 88 ; Humphrey, 44, 57 (parts VI. and VH.); John, 57 (part VH. ), 63, 96 (part IV.) ; Mr., 44 ; Philip, 83 (part HI.); Rev. Robert, 42; Robert, 57 (part VII.); see also Ouldfield. Oldfield, 54, 80 ; Hall, 72. Oldham, 37 (part IV.), 42, 47, 50, 54, 57 (part I.), 58, 63, 69, 72, 73, 74, 81, 82, 88, 94, 96 (parts I. and H.), 103, no ; chantry in, 60 ; chapell, 60 ; church goods, 1 13; dispute about a chapel in the church of, 60 ; four bells in chapel of, 60; ornaments of, 60. Oldham, — , 81, 82, 88; Adam, 46, 63, 65,99; Alice, 47; Benjamin, 72; Charles, 94; Cycele, 54; Edward, 73; George, 57 (part VH.); Hugh, 73, 103; Hugh, bishop of Exeter, 60, 63, 65, 73, 87, iii; Isabel, 37 (part IV.); James, 54, 63, 69; John, 42, 69, 73, III; Joshua, 57 (part VH.); Margery, 54; Mr., 44; Ricar- dusde, 95; Richard de, 58, 74; Robert, 47, 54, 57 (part VIL), 63, 65; Roger de, 58, 68 ; Thomas, 42, 54; Willimus, 99; see also Ouldham. Oldham, of Manchester, ped., 88. Oldisworth, Giles, ill. Oldom, see Oldham. Oldroyd, 88. Oldys, Val., in. Oleander, 46. Olgreve, Thomas, 47. Olife, alias Hankyns, — , 82. Oliffe, Ric. (printer), in. Oliver, — , 112; Alexander, 72; Rev. George, D.D., 70; Richard, 42, 69; see also Olliver and Olyu’. Oliverson, Mr., 44. Olives, 46. 011a, 112. Oiler tree, 62. Oilers, or Alders, the, 58. Ollerton, 73, 80. Ollerton, Robert, kitchenman, 31. Ollier, Henry, 94; John, 94; Thos., 72. Ollis, John, 73. Ollivant, Henry Vincent, 94; James, 63. Olliver, John, 94; Joseph, 94. Ollston, 99. Olneswalton, 60; see also Ulneswalton. Olney, — , 88. Olres, Thomas of the, 58. Olton, Johanna, 54; John, 54; Sir Rauff, priest, 54; Robert, 54. Olyu’, James, 60; Thomas, 60. Omer, William, 54. O’Neal, Shan, rebellion of, 50. Oneby, Major, 44. O’Neill, Hugh, 90. “One-ly,” Lane, for lonely, 44. Onesworth, Randle, 54. Onions, 46; seed, 46. Onley, J., in. Onslow, Right Hon. Arthur, 44 ; Lord, 44. Onston Mylne, 83. Onyst seed, 46. Openshagh, Robert de, 68. Openshaw, Openshagh, 37 (part IV.), 42, 47, 58, 88. Openshaw, — , 88; James, 37 (part HI.); Samuel, 63. Openshawe, John, 109; Lamwell, 65. Oram, Mr., 39. Orange, William, Prince of, 70, in. Oranges, 46. Orator = one who prays, 39. Orbill, — , 88. Orbuston, see Osbaldeston. Orchan, Sultan, 114. Orchard, 46; in Deansgate, 65 ; in Shude- hill, 65 ; the, 65. Orcharde, Ralph, 65. Orchards, 63. Old, Henry, 44; Jemmy, 44; Robert, 44- Orders, Anglican, validity of, 64. Ordford, see Orford. Ordnance, 50, 62. Ordsall, 37 (part HI.), 47, 58, 68, 72, 81, 82, 85, 88, 95, 96 (part HI.), 99, 103, no; hall, 42, 72, 95, no. Ore (iron), 112; (lead), 112. Orel, Orell, see Orrel. 200 GENERAL INDEX. Orford, Earl of, 105 ; John, 42, 63 ; M. A., 105; R. and T., monument, 97; Thomas, 73. Orford, Orforth, 50, 81, 88, 95. Organ, organ ling, 46. Organ rode, 103. Organs, puritanical dislike to, 62 ; in church music, 113. Orgrave, 69. Orhull, Richard de, 58, 74 ; see also Orrell. Origen, Huet’s edition of, 114. Orlebar, Arthur Bedford, 94. Orm, Mr., 44. Ormbrode, — , 81. Orme, J., 57 (part VI.); Jonathan, 73; Joseph, 57 (parts VI. and VII.) ; Richard, 75 ; son of Ailward, 58 ; Thomas, of Wooton, 54 ; Widow^ 57 (part VII.); William, 73. Ormerod, 88. Ormerod, — , 88, 94 ; Charlotte Ann, 45 ; Ellen, 54 ; George, of Sed- bury, 31, 37 (parts I. and IV.); Dr. George, 60, 80, 81 ; Johannes, 99 ; John, 50; Laurence, 99, no; Martha Ann, no; Olin, 50; Oliver, curate of Birch, x’] ; Peter, 50, 105 ; Petrus, 99 ; Rev. Richard, 45 ; Richard, 54, 63. Ormerode, Adam de, 74, 112; Matth, , 112 ; Rob, de, 112 ; Tibbi de, 74. Ormeroid, John, 103. Ormeroyd, — , 88. Ormeschurch, Ormeschurtche, see Orms- kirk. Ormeston, — , 81, 82; Adam de, 47 ; Gil- bertus, 99; Johannes, 99; Thurstan de, 83 ; William de, 74. Ormeston, see Urmston. Ormond and Ossory, James, Duke of, 47; James, Earl of, in ; Lord, 83 (part L); Marquis of, 70; Thomas, Earl of, 60. Ormond and Wiltshire, Earl of, 31. Ormond, Countess d’, 58; family, in. Ormskirk, 37 (part I.), 39, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57 (part 11. ), 60, 62, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 88, 95, 103, no ; church, scene in, 105; church goods, 113; Cross hall in, 60; Derby chapel in, 75; measure of barley, 31 ; population, 60; parish, 50 ; vicars of, 105. Ormskirk, Ambrose of, 105. Ormston, — , 82. Ormysha, Sir Hugh, priest, 54. Orphar, William, 54. Orpharion, in. Orpheus Song, in. Orrel)y of Gawsvvorth, 97. Orreby, dementia, no; Philip, 99; Philip de, 80, no; Tho. de, 80. Orred John, 73. Orrel, or Orrell, 50, 54, 57 (part II.), 60, 74, 81, 82, 88 ; manor of, no. Orrel, or Orrell, — , 57 (part 11 . ), 81, 82, 88; Alexander, no; Anne, 54, no; Elizabeth, 47, 54, no; Ellen, 31, no; Frances, 47, no; ffrancis, 54; George, no; Henry, 46; Henry de, no; Hugh, no; Hugo, 95, 99; Isabel, no; James, 46, no; John, 50, 54, no; John, of Turton, 31, 63; Margaret, 31, no; Marie, no; Mary, no; Mr., 31, 46; Mrs., 46; Nicholas, 31, 58; Nicholaus, 95; Peter, no; Petrus, 99 ; Piers, 87 ; Rad’us, 99 ; Rafe, of Turton, no; Ralph, 58, no; Richard, 39, 54, no; Robert, 57 (part H. ), 60, no ; Robert, of Orrell, 31 ; Sarah, 54; Thurstan, no; William, 31, 46, 50, 57 (part HI.), 58, 63, 75, 109, no; William de, no; William, of Turton, 54, 63; William, son of Henry, of Orrell, 31 ; Willimus, 95, 99 ; see also Orhull. Orell family, ped., 82, Orrery, Earl of, 83 (part I. ). Ortings (? soot, &c. ). 63. Orton, — , 81, 88 ; Elizabeth, 50, 54, 65 ; John, 105. Ortoun, James, 105 ; John, 105. Orts, 103. Ortiis Vocahiilarinu, 60. Orwell, William, 42, 74. Orvvin, Tho. (printer), in. Oryll, see Orrell. Osbaldeston, 50, 54, 57 (part IL), 81, 82, 88, 95, 99. Osbaldeston, Osbaldestone, — , 81, 82, 88; Agnes, no; Alexander, 54, 95; Alexan- der, of Osbaldeston, 54 ; Alexander, of Preston, will of, 54 ; Sir Alexander, of Osbaldeston, 31, 54, no;Alyce, 54, no; Anne, 54, no; Cicely, 3i;Cuthbert, 54; Dorothy, 54; Edward, 31, 50, 54, 57 (partlll. ), 88; Sir Edward, 57 (part IL ); Elizabeth, no; Ellen, 31, 54; Ellinor, 54; Elynor, 54, no; Ellyne, no; Galfridus, 99; Geoffrey, 31, 46, 54; George, of Knutsford, 54; Hamlet, 31, 54; Harry, no; Henry, 54; Hugh, son of Alsi de, 54; Isabella, no; Jacobus, 99 ; Jane, 31, 54, no ; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 201 Johannes, 99; John, 31, 46, 50, 54, 60, 96 (part I.), no; John, chaplain, 60; John, of Osbaldeston, 54 ; John, of Salesbury, 60; Katherine, no; Lam- bert, in; Margaret, 31, 54, no; Mary, 54; Maud, wife of Edward, 31 ; Mawlde, 54; Mr., 31, 46, 75; Mr., of Sunderland, 54; Raffe, no; Ricardus, 99; Richard, D. D., 44; Richard, 54, 1 10 ; Sir Richard, recorder of Grays Inn, 54; Robert, 54, 96 (part I.); Siscelye, no; Thomas, 50, 54, 57 (part II.), no; Thomas de, 74; Thurs- ton, no; William, 54, no. Osbaldeston, of Osbaldeston, ped., 81, 82, 88; of Sunderland, ped., 88. Osbaldiston, see Osbaldeston. Osbaldiston, David, 94. Osbalston, Osbaston, see Osbaldeston. Osbalstone, John, of Salebury, 60. Osbert, Walter, son of, 58. Osberton, co. Notts, 60. Osbertone, a rat catcher, 46. Osbeston, see Osbaldeston. Osborn, Sir D’ Anvers, 44; Ruth, murder of, 72. Osborne, — , 57 (part VII.), 82, 88; — (bookseller), 44; Jo., 39 ; Thomas, Marquess of Carmarthen, 61. Osboston, see Osbaldeston. Osecroft, 58. Osgodby, 114. Osiander, Parthenius, III. Osmotherly, 50, Osmownderley, co. Lane., 75. Ossed for endeavoured, 39. Ossington, 88, no. Ostend, 94. Ostlers, 46. Ostrich egg garnished with silver, 60. Oswaldtwistle, Oswaldtwisell, Oswald- twysel, Oswaltwisill, or Oswentwysyll, 46 , 5Q, 54. 99, no- Oswalton, 81; see also Ulneswalton. Oswen, J. (pr.), in. Otes, Margret, 96 (part IV,). Otie, Henry, stableman, 31. Otley, 45, 46, 73, 94. Otley, Mary, of Otley, 54. Otrepol fishery, 74. Ottewell, — , 88. Ottiwell, Ottywell, Elizabeth, 47; James, 47; Joseph, clerk, 47; John, 47. Otuheri, Will, fil, 80. Otway, Geoffrey, 46; Sir John, 75; Mr., 44; Mrs., 44; the poet, 44. Otwise, Margaret, 75. Oughe boughe in Blackburn, 60. Oughtrington, see Outrington. Ouldam, George, 47. Guide, Fr., in. Ouldearthe, the, 47. Ouldfield, John, of Manchester, 60; Philip, 96 (part III.). Ouldham, James, 109; John, 47, 109; Robert, 57 (part VI.); Thomas, 37 (part IV.); widow, 109. Oulgrene, Thomas, 99. Oulgreue, Thomas de, 60. Oulton, 57 (part L), 83 (part 11 . ). Oulton, of Wrenbury and Oulton, 97; Thomas, 69. Oulwen, Walterus, 95. Oundle, 114. Ourajiia, in. Ouse moss, 47. Ouseboothe, 60. Ousel croft, Robert, 69. Ousels, 46. Out Raweliffe, 50, 54, 74, no; see also Raweliffe. Outile, 109. Outon, 58. Outram, Edmund, 73, 94; Rev. Dr., 69; Dr. William, 114. Outrington, Oughtrington, 69, 73, 88, Outwood, 37 (part IV.), 42. Outwood, the, 109. Ovangle, 60. Overbury, Sir Thomas, ill. Oven, 65 ; common, 63. Ovens, 46, 58. Over, 54, 73. Over-Ackers, 63. Over Alport, 65. Over Cotton, 69. Over Darwen, Over Derwent, 50, 99. Over Kellet, 50, 95, 99. Over Tabley, no. Over Wyersdale, 50. Overall, William, 54. Overbury, Sir Thomas, 90, 106. Overing, Thomas, 44. Overmast = uppermost, 103. Overseers, 46. Overton, 50, 95, 99 ; manor, 58. Overton, Col. in ; H. (printer), in ; Johannes, 99 ; John, 58 ; Richard, 46 ; Robert de, 105 ; Thomas, of Swynes- heved, 58. Ovid, in. Ovid’s versification, 44. D D 203 GENERAL INDEX. Owd Green Lone, 47. Owden, John, 54. Owen, — , 63, 88 ; Arthur, 94 ; Charles, 94 ; David ap, 80; Dr., 37 (part IV.); Ellen, 54; George, 63, 65, 94; George, receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster, 60; Hamlet, 113; Henry, 94; J., 44, iii ; James, 73 ; Job, 57 (part VH.) ; John, 64, 69, 72, 75, 96 (part HI.), 105; John, D.D., 44; Lawrence, 54, 63, 70; Molly, 72; Nath., iii; Peter, 73; Richard, 63, 65, 73 ; Robert, 47 ; Samuel, 57 (part VI.) ; Thankful, 64; Thomas, 39, 69, 94; W., 57 (part VI.) ; Widow, 57 (part VH.); William, 57 (part VL), 69, 70, 94. Owens, Master, 72. Owl, The, III. OzaPs A/manac^, ill. Ownsworth, Gilbert, 54; John, 54. Owsey, James, 57 (part VH. ). Owsley, Sir Thomas, 50. Owtway, John, 57 (part H.). Owyn, Thomas, 63. Ox bows, 46 ; cheek, 46 ; feet, 46 ; gangs, 46, 58; lay, 46, 50. Oxbalston, Mrs. S., ill. Oxcliffe, CO. Lane., 60, 75, 95. Oxcliffe, Oxclive, Johannes, 95; Willimus, 95 , 99 - Oxcroft, 58. Oxen, 46. Oxenholme, 94. Oxford, 37 (part IV.), 44, 46, 47, 54, 60, 70, 81, 88, 94, 103, no. III, 1 14; carrier, 46 ; Christ’s College, 37 ; legacy to, 60 ; Magdalen College, 60 ; printing press at, 114; proctor of University of, 60 ; provost and scholars of Oriel College, 60; University, 99. Oxford, Countess of, in ; Earl of, 37 (part V.), 74, 90 ; Edw., Earl of, in ; Hy. , Earl of, in ; Kate, in. Ox-galt, 112. Oxlie, Mary, in. Oxonia, William de, 92. Oxton, 113. Oxliffe, John, 60. Oxwall, 58. Oysters, 46. Ozenam’s jug tricks, 44. P D., in ; P., E. (printer), in ; P., ., G. (printer), ni;P., H., in; P., L., in ; P., M., in ; P., R., in; P., S., in ; P., T. (printer), in. Pace-egging, 92. Pacehouse, Mr., 44. Pachy, Rev. Mr., 42. Pack, Christopher, 114. Packington, 94. Packthread, 46. Pacock, John, 105 ; Roger, 95, 105. Padiham, 46, 50, 54, 60, 62, 82, 88, 103 (part I.), 112; chantry, 60, 103 (part I.); chapel, 60; fair, 46; lands and tofts in, 46; mill, 46, 103 (part L), 112; parliamentary meeting at, 50; sequestra- tions at, 39 ; strikes, 46 ; tenants, 96 (part IV.) ; tithe rents, 46. Page, Adam, 58 ; Anne, of London, 42 ; D., in ; Dorothy, 54 ; James, 57 (part VH.) ; Dr. John, 69; John, 46, 73; Laurence, 57 (part IL); Mr., 44; Richard, of Sudbury Court, 54; Robert, 54; Sam., in; Thomas, 60, 113; William, 63, 114. Paget, Rev. Mr., 37 (part IV.) ; Mr., 44; Thomas, incumbent of Blackley, 31 ; Lord W., in ; William, 113; Sir Wil- liam, Lord Paget, 54. Pagninus, Sanctes, his Lexicon, 114. Paige, Hugh, 113. Paillet, or Pallet, 46. Pains, penalties, 63. Painter, 46. Paisley, Lord, 44. Pakeman, Dan., in. Palace buildings, 47 ; inn, 47. Palden, 74 ; Legh, 74 ; Wood, 74. Palden, J. de, 112. Pale, a, 65. Palein, J., 57 (part VL). Palewood, 46. Palfroutt, Jacobus, 57 (part H.). Palgrave, Mary, 47 ; Nathaniel, clerk, 47 - Palingenius, in. Palinode, in. Pallady, — , 81. Pallavicino, Sforza, 114. Pallitt, Deodatus, 96 (part HI.). Palmer, — , 88; Dr., 46; George, prior of the White Friars, Chester, 54; Sir Jeoffrey, 37 (part I.); John, 83 (part IV.), 103 (i)art H.) ; Joseph, 69 ; Mr., 44 ; Roger, 64 ; William Cooper, 94. Palmer’s, John, Sie^e of Manchester, 58, 65 ; Lancashire MSS., 50. Palmistry, in. Palotta, Cardinal, 114. Paman, Roger, 44. VOLS. XXXI.-OXIV. 203 Pan (Pen, Parren, Peren, Pan ter), John, 46. Panaden, Thos., Bishop of, 60. Panarete, Anniversaries upon, ill ; Triiu/iph, III. Pan-cake Bell, iii. Pandochasus, 44. Pandora, in. Panell, Willimus, 99. Pannage, 58, 97, 112; in Forton, 57 (part II.). Panniers, 46. Pannus, II2. Pans, 46. Pansford, Mrs., 44; Miss, 44. Pantables, 46. Panthalia, III. Paper, 46 ; blotting, 46. Paper-spoilers, ill. Papias, St., 114. Papists, 46, 50 ; during the civil war, 62 ; penal enactments against, 42. Paploe, 88. Papworth, — , 88. Papworth, 114. Par, see Parr. Parabe, a compliment, 70. Paracelsus, 114. Paradin, Jan., ill. Paradise, in. Paradise of Dainty Devices, in. Paradise Lost, in. Paraments (hangings), 46. Parbold, 58, 60, 81, 82, 88, no. Parbold, Henry, of Parbold, 60. Parcel, J., in. Parchment, 46, 112. Pardon, letters of, 87. Parentage = kindred, 80. Pareus, J. P., 1 14. Parham, — , 88. Paris, 39, 54, 88, 94, no, 114; The Golden Sun, in. Paris, Apology for, in. Paris, Matthew, 80; Mr., 44; Mrs,, 44; Robertas, 37 (part I.). Parish hearse, hire of, 92 ; marriage, by civil power, 92; perambulations of, 92; priest’s duties, 37 (part III.); registers, 46, of Garstang, 105. Parishes, Lancashire, 96 (part I.). Park, the, 74, 81, 88, 95, 99, no. Park hall, 82, 88. Parkhead, near Whalley, 47, 88. Parkhill, Parkehill, 88. Parkhouse (Ordsall hall), 65. Park, Eliza, 45; John, 69; Rich., 92; Thomas, 69. Parke, — , 57 (part VII.), 72; — , oboeist, 72; Alex., 57 (part VI.), 60; Baron, 72; Rev. Benj., 92; Ellen, 92; Fr., in ; John, 73; Jonathan, 69; Miss, 72; Pres- ton, 72; Rauf, 60; Robert, 54; Thomas, 73, 105 ; William, 39, 60, 92, 105. Parker, — , 57 (part I.), 81, 82, 88, no; Alexander, 54, 92, 105; Alexander N., 105 ; Ann, 31, 97, 105 ; Anne, 54 ; Anthony, 31, 46; Anthony, of Radham, 31, 54; Banastre, 45; Bernard, 46; Brian, 5 o> 57 (P^i"! ni.), 105 ; Catherine, 45 ; C. H., 44; Charles, 31 ; Christopher, 31, 54, 92, 105 ; Colonel, 42, 61 ; Ed- mund, 50, 58, 92, in; Edmundus, 99; Edward, 37 (part IV.), 45, 54, 60, 75, 90, 103 (parti.), 105, in, 113; Ed- ward, chantry priest, 60; Edward, Lord Morley, 31 ; Edward, of Norton, 60 ; Edward, yeoman of the hall, 31 ; Ed- wardus, 99; Elizabeth, 37 (part IV.), 42, 92, 103 (part I.), 105, no; Elizabeth, Lady Morley, 31 ; Francis, 63; C. E., in; George, chantry priest, 60 ; Gerard, 105 ; Henry, 31, 37 (part IV. ), 46, 61 ; Rt. Hon. H., 11 1 ; Horace, 73; J-» 45; James, 92; Jane, 92, 105; Jo- hannes, 95, 99; John, 45, 57 (part HL), 92, 103 (part L), 105, 113; John, of Ext- wistle, 54; John Fleming, 45; Johnson, 94; Katherine, 105; Lord, 44; Marcus Aurelius, 73 ; Margaret, 105 ; Martin, in; Mary, in; Dr. Matthew, 64, 82, 96 (part I.) in, 114; Mr., 31, 44, 45, 46, 92; Mr., of Bradkirk, 62; Mrs., 45, 103 (part I.); Nicholas, 44, 46, 50, 96 (part IV.), 1 05 ;Nycholas, chantry priest, 60; P., in; Patrick, 105; Peregrine, 73; Philip, son of Sir Henry, 31; Rad’us, 99; Rafe, chantry priest, Goosnargh, 60; Sir Rauf, 54, 60 ; Richard, 50, 92, in; Robert, 42, 54,60, 69, 73, 105, no; Robert, of Browsholme, 46 ; Robert Townley, 45, 54 ; Roger, 96 (part IL); Samuel, 64; Thomas, 45, 46, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 63, 69, 92, 103 (part L), 105, 114; Thos. Lister, 45; To., 31; Townley, 1 10; Wentworth, 73; William, 31, 64, 54, 92, no; Rev. William, 105; William Edmondson, 94 ; William Henry, 94; Wilimus le, 95 ; yeom., 96 (part IV.). Parker of Bradkirk, ped., 88, 92 ; of Ext- wistle, ped., 88. 204 GENERAL INDEX. Parker’s charity, 105. Parkhurst, Bishop, ill; Rob. , 1 1 1 ; Tho. , III. Parkin, Ephraim, 94; George, 94; James, 105; T., and family, iii. Parkinson, — , 72, 88 ; Adam, 92 ; Alice, Slaidborn, 60 ; Ann, daughter of Edmund, 31 ; Ann, wife of George Talbot, 31 ; Ann, wife of James, 31 ; Christopher, 105 ; Edward, 57 (part VII.), 105; Elizabeth, 92, 105; Ellen, 42 ; George, 105 ; Henry, 105 ; James, 42, 105 ; Jane, wife of William of Wyersdale, 31 ; Jennet, daughter of John, 31 ; Joanna, wife of Richard, of Lickhurst, 31; John, 105, 113; John, of Claughton, 60 ; Laurence, 50, 105 ; Mr., 31, 61 ; Nicholas, 105; Philip, 105 ; Renolds, 47 ; Reynold, 65 ; Richard, 105 ; Rev. Richard, Byrom's Journal, 32, 34, 40, 44 ; Rev. Richard, 37 (part IV.), 42, 105 ; Robert, 105, 1 13 ; Rev. Robert, 92 ; Sir Robert, 60; Robert, chantry priest, Sefton, 60 ; Robert, of Fairsnape, 31 ; Rowland, 105 ; Dr. Thomas, 92 ; Rev. Thomas, 105 ; Thomas, 42, 105 ; William, 105. Parkinson, ped., 82. Parks, 46, 50, 58. Parks, James, 69 ; John, 69. Parkyns, Mr., 44 ; Sir Thomas, 44. Paries, Alanus, 95 ; Walter, 58. Parliament, 46, 90 ; action of, during the civil war, 62 ; barons of, 58 ; defective state of its reports, 44 ; the vindictive, 87 ; unconstitutional conduct of, 70. Parliament of Bees, iii. Parleton, Ric., 57 (part II.). Parlock Pike, 57 (part II.). Parmentary, a kind of cloth, 58. Parnam, or Parneham, Mr., 44. Parnasus, iii. Parne, Thomas, 44. Parocke, 46. Parr, 42, 50, 54, 81, 82, 88, 95; fold, 109 ; hall, 44. Parr, Parre, — ,81, 82, 88, 109 ; Alanus, 95; Alice, 109 ; Anne, 54; Bryan, 54; Dr., 114; Edward, 69; Elyn, 54; Henry de, 47; Hugh, 109; Jane, no; John, 42, 50, 109; John, M.D., 42; Katherine, in; Lord, in; Margaret, 54; Mary, 109; Mr., 72, 92; Peter, 105; Rad’us, 95; Richard, 113; Richard de, rector of Prestwich, 103 (part H.) ; Richard, bishop of Sodor and Man, 39, 70 ; Robertas, 95 ; Dr. Samuel, 45 ; Sarah, 57 (part VII.); Thomas, 60, 109, no, 113; Thomas, of Parr, will of, 54 ; Thomas le, 97 ; Thurstan, 54 ; William, 54 ; Wolstenholme, 69. Parr, of Kempnough, ped., 81. Parrot, Parrott, Henry, ill; John, 73; Sir T., in ; Thomas, 73. Parr’s Wood, 42, 45. Parry, Charles, 94 ; Dr., 50 ; James, 72 ; John, 73, 94; William, 69. Parryngton, Stephen, 83 (part IV.). Parrys, Ric., 57 (partll. ). Pars Oculi, 60. Parsells, Mr., 44. Parsivall, Edmund, 54 - Parsley, 46. Parsnip seeds, 46. Parsnips, pasmetes, 46. Parson, the tenants of the, 74. Parson, Thomas, 73. Parsonage-croft and stile, Manchester, 65. Parsons, Charles, parson of Culmyngton, 54; Edward, 54; Rev. G. L., 92; Jame.s, 92 ; Rev. James, 92 ; Lawrence, 61 ; Mr., 39, 44; Robert, 64, in; Thomas, alderman of Macclesfield, 54. Parsons’ Christian Directory, 44. Parson’s Pool, 57 (part IL). Parte, John, 47. Partheriches, Mr., 44. Part henia Sacra, in. Partington, 54, 88. Partington, Charles Edward, 94; Frederick Adolphus, 94; John, 46, 54, 69; Joseph, 69 ; Matthew, 37 (part IV.) ; Mr., 54 ; Peter, 69 ; Ralph, 63 ; Thomas, 69 ; Captain Thomas, 70 ; William, 54 ; William Henry, 94. Partizans, 50. Partlets, 46. Partrich, Miles, in. Partridge, John, in. Partridges, 46. Partynton, John, 54. Party wall, 63. Parys, Adam de, 92. Paschall, Mr., 114. Paslew, Paslow, — , 88 ; Alice, 46; Fran- cis, 46, 50, 96 (part IV.) ; Jennet, 50; John, 50, no; John, abbot of Whalley, 60, 103 (part L); Robert de, 58. Pasmith, John, 113; William, 113. Pasmych, Dame Margery, prioress of the Nunnery in Chester, 54. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 205 PasqnilVs Nightcap, III; Madcappe, iii; Palinodia, ill; Passe, III. Pasquin of Rome, iii. Pass, Crispin, iii ; Samuel, 94; Simon, III; \V., III. Passages, Los, 50. Passagium, 07 ' Passage, a toll, 58. Passelewe, see Paslew. Passing bells, 113. Passinger, T., iii. Passion and Discretion, iii ; of a Discon- tented 3 u ind, 111 of the So2irs Love, III. Pasteboard, 46. Pastime of Pleasure, ill. Paston, — , 88; Edw., in. Pasture, 58. Pasturing, 46, Patchelt, George Ellam, 94 ; Robert, 60. Pate, Sara, 54. Patefeld, William, 46. Pateley Bridge, 73. Patenson, Matthew, 64. Paterson, Euphronia, 92 ; Sarah, 92. Pates, J. (printer), in. Pateshull, Hugh de, 58 ; Peter, 83 (part IV. ). Pateson, James, 105 ; Captain William, of Ribbie, 62, 92. Pathnall, 99. Patience, in. Patin, Guy, \\\s, Epistles, 114. Patiner, Henry, no;Je]yan, no. Patinson, Rev. Henry, 105. Paton, Andrew, 94; fohn, 94, 1015. Patric, William, 80. Patrick, — , 82; Dr., shorthand writer, 44; John, 58, 64; Saint, 70; Dr. Simon, 47, 64, 1 14 ; Syssot, 74. Patrick stone, 65. Patricroft, 94. UaTpiKoi/ Sapor, III. Patriotism, 45. Patronage, church, 58. Patshull, 88. Patson, William, 105. Patten, — , 88; Anthony, 31; Colonel, 45 ; Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thomas Stanley, 31 ; George, 72; Rev. Henry, 105; John Wilson, M.P., 31, 105; Jonathan, 63; Mrs., 65; Peter, no; Thomas, 61, 105, no; Dr. Thomas, 44, 45, 69; Thomas, of Bank Hall, 44; Thomas, M.P., 31; William, 39, 61, 75, 92 ; Alderman \\hlliam, 31. Patten, of Warrington, pcd., 88. Pattei'U ofynstice and Mercy, in. Patterson, Samuel, 73. Pattfild, Rychard, 96 (part IV.). Pattison, Mark, 114. Patton, Anthony, candleman, 31. Paul, Dr., 44. Paulden, James, 73, 94. Paulden Wood, see Palden Wood. Paule, Mr., see Moreau. Paulet, Lord Giles, 88 ; Lord and Lady, in; William, 88, in; see also Pawlet. Paul’s Histoiy of the Council of Trent, 70. Paulum, Brito, 80. Pauncefort, Robert, 44. Pavage, a toll, 58. Paver, James, 57 (part VI.); Thomas, 46. Pavie, Mr., 44. Paving, 63 ; and paviours, 46. Pavyer, Tho. (printer), in. Pawding, James, 69. Pawforde, 81. Pawlet, Mr., 44; Lord Nassau, 44; see also Paulet. Pawsloe, — ,81. Pawtagh, 88. Pax, or pax board, 113. Paxton, Mr., 44. Pay of officers and soldiers in 1588 and 1598, 50. Payant, Charles, 73. Payler, Edward, of York, 31. Payne, Henry, 64; J., in ; Sir Law- rence, chaplain, 54; Mr., 44; Thomas, 54; William, 64. Paynes, Jas., 57 (part VL). Paynesley, 88. Paynter, — , 88 ; David, 69, 73 5 David Runwa, 73 ; David William, 73 ; Richard, 69. Peace, Edward, 63 ; Thomas, 94. Peace, celebration of, Oxford address, 44. Peacham, Henry, in. Peachey, Robert, in. Peacock, — , 88 ; Edward Pennant, 73 ; Henry Barry, 94; John, 37 (part IV.); Reginald, 64, 83 (part IV.) ; Thomas, 69 ; William, 37 (part IV.). Peacock hill, 105. Peak, the, in. Peak, James, 69. Peake, — , 88; Dr., 44; John, 54; Rev. Mr., 42; Mr., 44 ; Thurstan, 42; Wm., 57 (parts VL and VIL), in. Peak man, Joseph, 73. Peal, Richard, 69. 206 GENERAL INDEX. Pearce, a monk, iii ; John, 73; Mr., 44; Offspring, 69; Dr. Zachary, 44. Pears, 46. Pearson, — , 88 ; A. J., 64 ; George, 57 (part VII.) ; Rev. H., 97 ; Henry, 73 ; Dr., J., Ill ; James, 73: John, 43, 47, 64, 73; Rev. John, 44, 57 (part I.); Dr. John, 114; Leonard, 39; Mrs., 57 (part VII.) ; Oliver, 61 ; Rev. Robert, 57 (part L); Thomas, 39, 47, 94- Pease, 46, 90. Peasecods, 46. Peasfalong, no; see also Pesseferlong. Peashall, J. , in. Peastock, 8k Peat, 112. Peatson, Edward, 105. Peche, Richard, bishop of Chester, 80. Peck, Francis, antiquary, 44, 64; James, 94. Peck measure, 46. Peeke, Mr., 44. Peckham, — , 88 ; Edward, or Edmond, 75 ; Sir Edmund, 54 ; Sir George, 54, in; John, 44. Pedder, Edward, 94, 105 ; Eliza Jane, 105 ; Elizabeth, 105 ; Ellen, 105 ; family, 105 ; Isabella, 105 ; James, 73 ; Rev. James, 105 ; Jane, 105; John, 94, 105 ; Rev. John, 92, 103 ; Joseph, 105 ; Margaret, 105 ; Maria, 105 ; Ralph, 105 ; Richard, 105 ; Thomas, 94; Rev. Wilson, 105. Pede, Mr., 114. Pedlar, A., in. Pedley, Edmund, 113; Edward, vicar of Whalley, 60; James, 69, 72; James Thomas, 73; John, 54, 113; Rauff, 113 ; Richard, 63; Thomas, 42. Pedwardyn, Isabella, 95 ; Robertas, 95 ; sec also Penwarden. Peel, Peel moat, 42. Peel alehouse, 61. Peel castle, 47, 70. Peel Park museum, 68. Peel, the, 81. Peel, John, 94; Jonathan, 72; Joseph, 72 ; Lawrence, 72 ; Sir Robert, 45, 72. Peele, 46, 82, 88, 96 (part III.). Peele, — , 72, 88; George, 58, in ; John, 69 ; alias Wethers, Mrs., 54. Peend, T., in. Peerage of Elizabeth, 50. Pegg, Mr., 44. Pegge, Dr., 81 ; Dr. Samuel, 44. Peiresc, N. C. F. de, 114. Peirse, Dr., 114. Peirson, Agnes, 54 ; Jane, 54 ; John, 47, 54, 57 (part VI.); Kateryne, 54; Robert, 54. Peise, Edward, of London, 60. Pelagius, 76. Pelham, Mr., 44; Willielmus, no. Pelicanicidium, in. Pell, — , 88. Pellet, Theophilus, 105; Dr. Thomas, 44. Pelling, Edward, 64. Pelton, John, 57 (part VIL). Pelts, 4k Pelyn, manor of, 37 (part IV.). Pemberton, 50, 54, 5k 74 (part I.), 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no. Pemberton, — ,81, 62, 88 ; Ada de, 60; Christopher, 99 ; Edmundus, 95 ; Ellena, 95, 99 ; Gefraye, 54 ; Henricus, 95, 99 ; Hugh de, 60 ; Hugo, 95, 99 ; James, 54; Johannes, 99; John, warden of Liverpool, 60; Lady, 114; Laurence, 92; Mr., 44; Rad’us, 99; Ricardus, 95, 99 ; Rogerus, 95 ; Thomas, 95, 99 ; Thurstanus, 99 ; Willimus, 95, 99. Pemble, William, 64. Pembroke, 69, 73. Pembroke, Anne, countess of, 109, in, 114 ; Countess of, 74 (part I.) ; Henry, earl of, in; Lady, 44; Lord, 44; Lady Mary, in; Philip, earl of, 109, in; Philip, fourth earl of, 39, 70 ; W., earl of, in; William, first earl of, 109; William Mareschal, tlie younger, second earl of, 58 ; William, third earl of, 109. Pembroke college, 109 ; hall, Cambridge, 54, II4- Pembury, 69. Pemerton, 57 (part H.). Pen, Griffin, in ; see also Penn. Penal statutes, 50 ; laws, abrogation, 64. Penance controversy, 64. Pendarvis, Mr., 44. Pendelton, see Pendleton. Pendente, Mr., 44. Penderel, Richard, 70 ; William, 70. Pendilbury, Robert, of Horwich, 65. Pendilton, see Pendleton. Pendis, a, 65. Pendish, meaning of, 63. Pendle, 46, 109, 112; chapel, 60; chase, 58, 1 10; forest, 46, 50, 88, 96 (part IV.); forest, taxation of, 50 ; hall, 88 ; hill, 45, 46 ; new chapel, 60 ; witches, 45. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 207 Pendleburie, see Pendlebury. Pendlebury, 50, 57 (part II.), 73) ^i) 88, 94, 95, 99, no; manor, no. Pendlebury, — , 46, 81, 82; Adam, 47, 57 (part V.); Alice, of Ryvington, 60; Elias de, 47, 58; Galfrid, 57 (part II.); Jacobus, O (part II. ); John, 46,57 (part VI.), 69, 94 ; Judith, 57 (part VIE); Mary, 47 ; Nicholas, 46 ; Nycol, 57 (part II.); Ralph, 57 (part VI.); Rob- ert, 46, 58 ; Robert de, 47; Roger, 47, 57 (part II.); Thomas, 46; William, 69. Pendleton, 50, 58, 69, 72, 73, 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 96 (parts III. and IV. ), 1 10, 112; pole, 69. Pendleton, Great, 47 ; Little, 99 ; Magna et Parva, 50. Pendleton, — , 57 (part VII.), 82 ; Alice, widow of George, will of, 54 ; Alls, 65 ; Ann, wife of Dr. Edward, 60, 96 (part III.); Cicely, wife of Francis, 60; Cicely, daughter of George, 54 ; Dr. , 65, 75 ; Dr. Edward, 54, his will, 60 ; Edward, 57 (part VI. and VIE), 60, 1 13; Edward, schoolmaster of Man- chester, 60; Elizabeth, 60; Francis, 42, 50, 54, 60, 63, 65, 96 (part HE); Francis, of Manchester, 60; Francis, son of Dr. Edward, 60 ; Frauncys, 60 ; George, 54, 60, 63, 65, 75 ; Grace, 54 ; Henry, 60, 64, 96 (part II.) ; Henry, D.D., 6o;Jer., 57 (part V. ); John, 54, 73 ; Maister, 60 ; Margery, 54 ; Ralph, 54, 73 ; Richard, 57 (part V.) ; Robert, 54, 60; Samuel, 57 (part VIE ); Steven, 65 ; Thomas, 60 ; Thomas, of Man- chester, will of, 54 ; Thomas, son of Dr. Edward, 60 ; William, 54 ; Wil- liam, of Halewode, 60; see also Penilton. Penelope's Cojnplaint^ m J Web^ ill. Penhul, Rob. de, 112. Penhull, see Pendle. Penhulton, see Pendleton. Penhulton, Will, de, 112. Penieston, or Penyton, William de, 58. Penilbury, see Pendlebury. Penilton, Hugo, 99 ; Johannes, 99. Penington, see Pennington. Peniston parish, 37 (part IV.). Penitent Pilgrim^ m ; Publican, iii. Penitential Psalms, ill. Penke, William, 54. Penkefurthe brygge, 54. Penkesman, Perys, 54. Penket, Christopher, 54; Jane, 54; Mr., 105 ; William, 54. Penketh, 54, 57 (part HE), 58, 74 (part E), 76, 81, 82, 88, 95, no. Penketh, — , 81, 88; Sir Edmund, 83 (part IV.) ; family, 83 (part IV.); Lieutenant, 70; Richard, 60, 113; Robert, 113; Thomas, 54, 83 (part IV.), 99, 1 13 ; William, 60, 113. Penketh fam., ped., 82; of Penketh, ped., 81. Penks, Thomas, 54. Penkythe, William, clerk, 42. Penlington, — , 72. Penn, — , 88; Admiral, 83 (part I.); Mr., 44; William, 61, 64. Pennant, — , 88 ; Mr., 44 ; T., 114. Pennesley, 88; see also Pensley. Pennington, 42, 60, 69, 74, 81, 82, 88, 95) 99) in Lonsdale, 50; in West Derby, 50. Pennington, — , 81, 88 ; Alanus, 95 ; Catherine, 105 ; Ellen, 105 ; Francis, 105 ; Johannes, 57 (part IE), 95 ; Captain John, 70; Sir John, 57 (part IE), 105; Lawrence, 60, 113; Mar- garet, 105 ; Master, 60 ; Nicholas, 105, 1 13; Richard, 70; Robert, 105 ; Wil- liam, 37 (part VE), 60. Pennington of Pennington, ped., 88 ; of Wigan, ped., 88. Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 73. Penny, Edward, 69, 72 ; Henry, 69, 73, 94; James, 69; Rev. James, 105; Peter, 69, 73 ; Robert, 69. Penny Bridge, 94. Pennyfather, James, 60. Pennyng, Arnold, 60. Pennyngton, Arnold, 99. Pennyshutts, 88. Pennywan, — , 88. Penrice, Mr., 44. Penrith, 88. Penrose, Dr., 44. Penruddock, Captain, 47 ; Sir Edward, 31- Penry, John, author of some of the Mar- prelate lihels, 31, 65. Pens, 46 ; gold, 44. Pension bill, debate on, 44. Pensley, 81 ; see also Pennesley. Penson, — (actor), 72. Pentclein castle, 88. Pentifoxe, in Mamecestre, 58. Pentrey Madock, 88. Pentripant, 69. Penulbury, see Pendlebury. Penulbury, Henry, priest, 60. 208 GENERAL INDEX. Penulton, see Pendleton. Penwarden, Isabella, 105 ; Walter, 105; see also Pedwardyn. Penwortham, 39, 45, 54, 60, 62, 72, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96 (part III.), 99, 109, 112; barons of, 58 ; church goods, 113; light in the church of, 60; Lord of, 74 (part I. ) ; manor, 39 ; marsh, 39 ; parish of, 50 ; priory, 39, 60, 87, l lo. Penwortham-cum-Hotton, 50. Penwortham, Rad’us, 99. Penlyber’, Penylbur, &c., see Pendlebury. Penystreete, 99. Penyngton, Penynton, see Pennington. Peover, 73 (part III.), 80, 81, 83 (part III. ), 88, 96 (part III.), no, in, 112; Little, 80; Nether, 54; Over, 54, 80. Peover, William de, 80. Peper, Cuthbert, 46. Peploe, Elizabeth, 47; John, 47; Mr., 44 ; Samuel, bishop of Chester, 37 (part IV. ), 42, 44, 60, 68, 69. Pepper, 46, 90, 112. Pepper, Nath., 57 (part VI.). Pepys, Mr., 46, 109; Samuel, 45, 54? 114 ; his Shorthand Dia^y^ 44. Perambulation of forests, 58. Perch (fish), 46. Percie, Richard, 54. Perciful, Thomas, 69. Percival, — , 88 ; Dr., 45, 105 ; Edmund, 57 (part VI.) ; Elizabeth, 54; Galfride, 60; George, 54; Hamo, 83 (part IV.); Isabel, 54; Jane, 42; John, ^7 (part VIE), 73, 94; Sir John, 54; Sir John, Lord Mayor of London, 54 ; Matthew, 73 ; Maude, 60; Rich., 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 6i; Sir Richard, priest, 54; Robert, 54, 57 (part VI.) ; Roger, 57 (part VI.); T., 57 (part VL); Thomas, 57 (part W), 69; Thomas, M.D., 44, 72; Thomas, of Royton, 42, 44; Thurs- tan, chaplain, Middleton, 60 ; widow, 47- Percy, — , 81, 82, 88; Alg., in; Dorothy, in; Henry, 82, no; Lord Henry, in; Sir Henry, 6^ ; Lucy, ill; Bp. T., in ; Dr. T., in ; W., in. Percy’s Reliqnes and Folio, 37 (part IL). Perepont, Richard de, 47. Peresley, 95. Pereson, John, 96 (part IV.) ; Percivall, 96 (part IV.); Seth, 96 (part IV.); William, 58. Perfumes, 46. Perison, Robert, 54, Periis, Rob. de, 80. Perin, the wife of, 74 ; William, 64. Perkes, Alan, 74. Perkham, Robertas, no. Perkin, Thomas, 69 ; William, 69. Perkins, George, 94; John, 61, 94; W., 114; Dr. Wm., 64, 103, Worhes, 38. Perkinson, — , 82, 88. Perkyn, — , 82; Jevanus, no; Katherine, 54- Perkynsun, John, 54. Perles, John, 74 (part I.). Peron, Nycol, 57 (part H.). Perpetual blister, 44. Perponte, Richard de, 58, 74 ; Robert, 58 ; Thomas de, 58. Perpoynte, Ellen, 54 ; Sir George, 60 ; Henry, of Breerton, 54. Perren, Thomas, 57 (part VIL); William, 54- Perrier, M., 44. Perrin, J., in. Perrsage, John, 105. Perry, — , 88 ; John, 54 ; Samuel, 94. Perryfoot, 73. Perry hall. Staff., 88. Persall, Father John, 64. Persecutions, in. Persevall, Elizabeth, 47. Persivall, Anne, 57 (part VH.); Edmund, 47 ; George, 47 ; John, 47 ; Richard, Ml 57 VII.) ; Thomas, 47. Person, — , 81. Personal injuries, forfeitures for, 58. Persons, the- Jesuit, 60. Pert, Johannes, 99. Perth, Jane, countess of, in ; third Duke of, in. Perthyng hall, 57 (part H. ). Peryam, Sir William, 90. Perysfyld, 57 (part H.). Perysson, Nycol, 57 (part II.). Pes, 112. Pesage, pesarius, 58. Pesfyld, 57 (part H. ). Pesseferlong, 54; see also Peasfalong. Pestil, Th., in. Pestilence in London, 50. Pestles (legs) of pork, 46. Peter, I.ady Kath., in. Peter, St., in ; Coinplaint, in ; Ten Tears, in. Peterborough, 94, 96 (part HI.). Peterborough, Earl of, 88. Peterhouse, Cambridge, 114. Peter’s pence, 92, 103 (part I. ). VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 209 Peters, Miss, 45 ; Ralph, 45, 62. Petit, Edward, 64; John, De Abreviaturis, 44; Mr., 44; Samuel, 114; T. (printer), III. Petley, Ed. iii. Petowe, Henry, iii. Petraeus, Theodore, 114. Petrarch, iii. Petrie’s Momimenta Historica^ 58. Petronels, 50. Petronylla, ill. Pettie, William, 54. Petty, John, 46; Sir Wm., 114. Petty Pool hill, 83 (part IV.). Petzholdt, Sebastian, 114. Peutinger Table 58. Pever, see Peover. Peverell, family, 58 ; William, 58. Peverill, Alice, no; Edmund, no; Sir Robert, no. Pevor, Thomas, 54. Pew rents, 96 (part I.). Pews, 103 (part I.). Pewter, 46 ; can, 46. Pexhall, Sir Richard, 31. Pexhill, 112. Pexhull, 80. Peycocke, Pdyn, 54. Peyore, or Peyvre, notice of, 58. Peytenenyate, see Peytonyngate. Peyton, Henry, 44 ; Sir John, 90 ; Sir Thomas, 44, 105. Peytonyngate, le Pegfenengate, 42, 58. Phaer, Dr., in. Pharajius, Gregorius Abul, 114. Pharington, see ffarington. Pharoiinida, in. Pharum, J. , 44. Phazakerley, Robert, 57 (part HI.). Phelips, Sir Edward, 50 ; Fra., 39. Phelps, J. D., in. Phesantford, 88. Philip, King, in. Philip IL, 114. Philip, Capellano, 57 (part H.); Thos., 45 - Philipott, John, 96 (part HI.); Thomas, in. Philipps, Frederick, 94 ; John, bishop of Man, 31 ; Phineas, 73 ; Thomas, 42, 94 - Philips, — , 82 ; Anne, in; Catherine, 114; Daniel, 73 ; Edward, in ; F. A., 42; Francis, 42, 72; G. R., 72; George, 72 ; James, 94 ; John, 69, 72, 73 ; John Leigh, 72; Jonathan, 57 (part VIE); Mrs. K., in ; Miss, 45, 72; Morgan, 64; Nathaniel, 63, 69; Nathaniel George, 94; Peregrine, in; Robert, 72, 73; Samuel, 63, 72; J. T., 44; Teresia Constantia, 44 ; William, 69. Philips’ Park, 47. Philipson, — , 88 ; John, 60 ; Marg., 88 ; Miles, 57 (parts VI. and VH.). Philkin, Jane, 54. Phillipes, Jon., 57 (part VI.); Thomas, 54. Phillipps, Fabyan, 31 ; Sir Thomas, 57 (part H. ). Phillips, Charles, 94 ; Falkner, 72 ; John, 64, 69, 94; John, of Great Barrowe, 54, Lushington, 72; Mr., 42; Miss, 72; Shakspear, 72, 75; T., 72 ; Thos. Faulkner, 63 ; William, 94. Phillis, in. Phillpotts, Bishop, 94. Philoclea and Pamela, 109. Philomel, in ; Rape of , in. Philosopher’s stone, 44, in. Philosophers Dialogue, ill; Satyrs, in, Philotas, Tragedy of , in. Philpond, J., in.- Philpot, — , 82 ; John, 64, 69 ; the Martyr, in. Phippe, — , 88. Phishwich, Grace, 105. Phiton, Phitun, — , 81 ; Hugh de, 42 ; see also Fitton. Phoenix, in. Phosakerley, — , 88. Physiognomy, in. Pia-Desideria, in. Pica, the book called, 60. Piccadilly, Manchester, 72. Piccadel, 46. Piccop, Flenry, 105 ; John, 73. Piccope, Alice, 46 ; Rev. George John, 58, 88, 94, Wills and Inventories, 33, 51, 54; John, 46; Thomas Cranmer, 94 ; William, 60; William Morton, 94. Piccope bank, 88. Picherellus, Peter, 114. Pickerin, John, 54. Pickering, — ,81, 82, 88; Anthonie, 105; Sir Edward, 60; Frederick, 94; Henry, 105 ; Henry William, 94 ; Issabella, 99; Jacobus, 95, 99; James de, 105; Joan, widow of William Stanley, 60; Johanna, 99 ; John, 42, 44, 1 05 ; Mabilla, 99; Margareta, 99 ; Mr., 105 ; Robert, 54; Thomas, 42; William, 105. Picket, in. E E 210 GENERAL INDEX. Picket, Adam, 105 ; Matilda, 105. Pickford, — , 57 (parts I. and VII.), 58; Charles, 73 ; Charles Hampden, 94 ; family, 58 ; George, 73 ; Horatio, 94 ; John, 69, 94; Joseph, 44, 69, 73; Thomas, 69, 94; Thomas, of Adlington, 97 ; William, 69, 73. Picking of sheaves, 46. Pickmere, 80. Pickton, 82, 88. Picot, Rob. son of, 80 ; William, 80. Pidgells, Elizabeth, 37 (part IV.). Pidgeon, Charles, 73 ; Thomas, 73. Pie, John, 105 ; Sir Walter and Lady, III; William, 105. Piece = a plot of ground, 44. Piel Castle, 57 (part H. ). Pierce, in. Pierce, Dr., 44; Major, 44; Thomas, 64; Dr. Thomas, 114; Dr. William, 114. Piercen, Richard, 105. Pi elides, ill. Pierpoint, Lady Anne, in. Piers Plowman, in. Piers, Rev. Henry, 44; Archbishop John, 96 (part IL). Pierson, Francis, 46; Rev. Mr., 44. Pigeons, 46 ; house, 46. Piggins, 46 ; milking, 46. Piggot, George, 57 (part VIL), 62; Ralph, in. Pighell, 47. Pighells, Rev. Daniel, 37 (part IV.). Pighowt, 47. Pigne, N., in. Pigot, — , 88 ; Francis, of Whitchurch, 31; G., 42; George, of Manchester, 60; Gilib, 80; Rev. Henry, 105; J., Plan and Directories of Manchester, 68; Robert, 92 ; Robert, grant of Chelford to St. Werburg’s Abbey, 97 ; Thomas, 44, 60. Pigot, family, of Butley, Chetwynd, and Bonishull, ped., 97; of Preston, ped., 88. Pigott, George, 57 (part VH.), 92 ; Jane, 42 ; Thomas, 42. Pigs, 46. Pike (fish), 46 ; dog, 46. Pike End, 47. Pike House, 88. Pike, Jane, 54; John, 54; John (watch- maker), 44. Pikel = a pitchfork, 44. Pikemen, their equipment, 50. Pikes, 46, 50. Pikton, Sir William, 54. Pikworth, William, 83 (part IV.). Pile of Fouldrey, 50. Pilgrimage of Grace, 103 (part I.). Pil grinds Neu'- Year's Gift, in ; Pass, in; Pilgrimage to Paradise, in. Pilkington, 42, 46, 47, 50, 54, 58, 82, 95, 96 (part I.), 109 ; manor, 72, 105 ; Park, 39, 46, no; Rhodes in, no; water, 46. Pilkington, — , 82, 88 ; Adam, 42, 60, 65 ; Alexander, 99 ; Alexander de, 42, 47, 58, 74 ; Sir Alexander, 1 10 ; Alice, 99, no ; Arthur, 99, no; Carolus, 99; Sir Charles,- 103 (part I.), no; Ed- mond, 54 ; Edmund, 65, 95, i lO ; Edmundus, 99 ; Edward, 54, 65, 94, 103 (part L), no; Elizabeth, 99, no; Francis, 54; Genet, 54; George, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 65; Gilb., in; Henricus, 99 ; Hugh, 54 ; Isabel, dau. of Sir Charles, 60 ; Isabella, 103 (part L), no; James, Bishop of Dur- ham, 54, 60, 96 (part L), 103 (parts 1 . and H.), 113; Jane, 31, 54; Joan, 99, no; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 69, 73, 94; John, Archdeacon of Durham, 54; Sir John, 103 (parti.), no; Sir John de, 60, 109, no; Katherine, 96 (part L), 99, no; I.eonard, 113; Leonard, master of St. John’s College, Cam- bridge, 54 ; Sir Lionel, 44 ; Margaret, 58, 60, 63, 95, 99, 105, no; Margery, 99, no; Mr., 46; Nichol, 60; Nicholas, 58, 60; Nycolesse, 54; Rad’us, 99; Ric- ardus, 95, 99; Richard, 42, 64, 96 (part L), 113; Richard, of Rivington, 54, 60; Richard, of Salford, 60 ; Richard de, rector of, 103 (part H. ); Robert, 42, 47, 50, no ; Robert de, 58 ; Robert, of Rivington, 60 ; Robert, chantry priest, 60; Robertas, 95, 99; Roger, 54, 57 (part IL ); Roger de, 42, 58, 68; Sir Roger, 47, no; Rogerus, 95, 99; Samuel, 99; Thomas, 54, 58, 60, 63, 65, 69, 95, 99; Sir Thomas, 31, no ; William, 54, 65 ; William de, 92 ; Willimus, 95. Pilkinton, see Pilkington. Pillaton Hall, 88. Pille, 46. Pilling, 57 (part IL), 82, 88; assize of bread and ale, 105 ; chapel, 1 05 ; curates, 105 ; feast, 105 ; grange, 105 ; hall, 57 (part IL), 60, 88, 105 ; Haye, or Haize, 105 ; moss, 105 ; proposed abbey at, 105 ; school, 105 ; township, 105. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 211 Pilling, Emma, 105 ; Henry Barry, 94 ; Ralph, 113; William, 105. Pillingworth fieldes, 58. Pillory, statute of the, 58. Pillyns, Thomas, 54. Pilston, Katherine, 54. Pilstones, James, 63. Pimblett, Pimlett, Michael, 57 (parts VI. and VII.). Pimlott, James, 73 ; John, 44; Nat., 44. Pincerna, — , 88; Beatrix, no; Hamo, no; Richard, 80, 87, no; Robert, 87, no; Robert de Engelby, 87; William de, 57 (part II.), 105, no. Pinching staff, 50. Pinder, Pinders, 46, 63. Pinder, — , 88 ; Humphrey, chantry priest, Wimvick, 60 ; Sir Paul, i n ; William, 94. Pindley, J. (printer), in. Pine, J., in. Pinfold, 65. Pingo, medal caster, 44. Pingot, the, 47. Pingst, the, 37 (part IV.). Pink Pank lane, 47. Pinkerton, J., in ; Mr., 114. Pinketh, 50. Pinnace, 50. Pinnington, 46, 54. Pinnington, Margaret, 46; Robert, 54; see also Pynyngton. Pins, 46 ; for harrows, 46. Pinsone (a shoe), 46. Pioneers, equipment of, 50 ; levy of, 39. Piozzi, Mrs., 114. Pipa Parva stall in Lichfield Cathedral, 60. Piper, John, 44, 105 ; John le, 60. Piper of Garstang, 105. Pipers, 46, 65. Pipkins, 46. Pire, Johannes, 37 (part L). Pistolettes, 50. Pistols, 46. Pitch, 46. Pitchforks, 46. Pitman, Rev, Mr., 44, Pits, — , a Deist, 44. Pitscottie, — , 114. Pitseus, De Ilhistribus Anglice Scriptoribus, 80. Pitsligo, Lord, 44 ; Master of, 44, Pitt, John, M.P,, 44; Mrs., 57 (part L); Thomas, 44. Pittacium conventus, 57 (part IL). Pitts, Arthur, 64; John, 64. Pius V., epitaph, 90. Pixes of brass, 113. Pixley, Thomas, 54; William, of Chester, 54. P ker, see Parker. Place, Conyers, 44 ; Edward, 42, 63. Placette, de la, 64. Placita de quo warranto, 74. Plagiai'ism, in. Plague, the, 46, in ; in Chester, in 1654, 83 (part I.) ; in Kirkham, 1630-31, 92; in Manchester, 65 ; in Prestbury, 97 ; of 1603, in; of London, 114; pre- servative against, 114. Plaice, 46. Plain Dealer^ 44. Plaint, explanation of, 58. Plane irons, 46. Planets, in. Plankne, Mr., 54. Plant, Charles, 69 ; Edward, 69 ; John, 69 ; Samuel, 94. Plantagenet, Henry, Earl of Derby, 60. Plajitagenei, the Great, in. Plante, Laurence, 54. Plantin, Christopher, in, 114. Planting, 46. Planzye, — , 88. Plashing or pleaching a hedge, 46. Plasidas or Eustas, in. Plasterers, 46. Plat, Hugh de, 47 ; Margaret, 1 05 ; Roger de, of Holyngreve, 47 ; William del, 47. Plate, 46. Platel, Mr., 44. Platerus, — , 114. Platon, Wm., 92. Platt, 42, 47, 57 (part VIL), 63, 65, 81, 88, no; Bridge, 45 ; chapel, 47 ; hall, 42, 47. Platt, — , 88 ; Adam, 46 ; Adam del, 47 ; Alonia del, 47 ; Amabilia del, 47 ; Annes, 47 ; Cecilia del, 47 ; Constance, 47; Daniel, 73; Edmond, 54; Edmund, 47, 65 ; Elizabeth, 47 ; Ellen del, 47 ; Ellen del, the younger, 47 ; family of, 47 ; Geoffrey, 47 ; Henry del, 47 ; Henry del, the younger, 47 ; Isabella, 47; Jane, 47; Joane, 47; John del, 47 ; John, 37 (part IV.), 47, 58, 60, 63, 65, 94; Sir John, 92; Joseph, 69 ; Joshua, 69 ; Katherine del, 47 ; Loreta del, 47 ; Margaret del, 47 ; Nicholas del, 47 ; Ralph, 47 ; Richard, 212 GENERAL INDEX. 47 » 63, 65 ; Richard del, will of, 47 ; Robert del, will of, 47; Roger, 113; Roger del, 47; Samuel, 69 ; William, 47, 54, 57 (part VI.), 63, 69. Platte, — , 81 ; Plenry del la, 47 ; John, 42, 47 ; Richard, sen., 47. Plattes, William, 60. Plattinge, 47. Player, Lady Joyce, 114; Lady Rebecca, 1 14; Sir Thomas, sen., 1 14; Sir Thom- as, jun., 1 14. Players, 46 ; at Knowsley, 31. Playford, — , 88 ; George, 47 ; Henry, of Northrepps, 47 ; John, 47, 114; Mary, 47 ; Nicholas, 47 ; Richard, 47. Plays and playhouses, 44. Pleas and perquisites, 58. Pleasure^ Palace of, in. Pleasington, see Plesington. Pledges, 63. Plegemund, Archbishop, 58. Plesington, 50, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, 1 12. Plesington, — 81, 88 ; Alice, 105 ; Ann, 105 ; Elizabeth, 105 ; Ely, 92 ; Grace, 105 ; Henricus, 95, 99; Henry de, 105; Johannes, 95; John de, 105; Laurence, 105; Margaret, 105; Mr., 105; Olyver, 60 ; R. de, ill; Ricardus, 95 ; Robert, 50 j 57 (part HI.), 105; Robert de, 105; Robertas, 95 ; Thomas, 105 ; William, 105 ; Willimus, 99. Plesington, ped., 82; of Byre worth, ped., 105 ; of Dimples, ped., 81, 105. Plessetis, John de, 58. Plessington, Plesyngton, Pley.syngton, see Plesington. Ploket, Ad., 105, 112; Hugh, 112; Matilda, 105. Plombe, James, 60, 113; John, 113; Robert, 60; To., sub-groom of the Chamber, 31; Thomas, 113; Thomas, chantry priest, Childwall, 60. Plome, Thomas, 57 (part II.). Plompton, see Plumpton. Plomtre, William, chaplain, 60. Plot-entry, 63. Plottesob’ie, John de, 58. Plough, John, 64. Plough, 46 ; clouts, 46. Ploughing, 46. Plo7ighman'’ s Crede, III; Tale, ill; Vision, III, Ploughmen, in. Plovers, 46. Plowden, 88. Plowden, — , 88; E., 114. Pluckington, Matt., 61. Plumb weight (plome whitte), 46. Plumbe, Thomas, 60, no. Plumbers, 46. Plumley, co. Chester, 80. Plummer, Mr,, 44. Plumpton, 50, 57 (part H. ), 81, 82, 88 ; chapel, 60. Plumpton in Furness, 88 ; in Fylde, 62, 74 ; Little, 81, 82, Plumpton, — , 88 ; Homfridus, 60; Ric- hard, 92; Ricardus, 99; Robert, 105 ; William, 92 ; Willimus, 99. Plumptre, Dr., 44. Plums, 46 ; bullace, 46 ; damson, 46. Plumton, see Plumpton. Plumtre, William, chaplain, 60 ; Sir William, 83 (part IV. ), 87; Sir William, priest, 54, his will, 60. Plumtree, Mr., 44. Plundaynes, Adam, 95 ; Awardus, 95 ; Willimus, 95 Plungen, Wm., 57 (parts VI. and VII.) ; Widow, 57 (part VIL). Plungeon Field, 72. Plyers, 46. Plymmer, John, 113. Plymog, 96 (part HI.). Plymouth, 47. Poache, Hugh, 90. Pobson, Robert, 113. Pocinet, 112. Pocklington,*82, 94. Pocklington, John, 37 (part I.). Pocock, Mr., 44; Edward, 114. Pocula Castilla, in. Podington, 88. Podmore, Richard, 47 ; Thomas, 57 (part VI.), 69, 73 ; Thomas, barber of Man- chester, 44, 68; Widow, 57 (part VII. ). Poer, William, 105. Poesy, in. Poetica, De Re, in ; Stromata, in. Poetry, Ancient, in ; English, in. Poets, in. Poibel, Richard, 80. Poictiers, no, in ; battle of, 87. Poictou, Roger de, 57 (part I.), 58, 87, 92, 105, no. Pointer, Margaret, 105 ; Robert, 105 ; see also Morton. Pointon, see Poynton. Points, 46. Points, Robert, 64. Poiret, — , his Divine Econoniie, 44. Polack, Moses, 44. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 213 Poland, loan from the Queen of, 39. Polano, Pietro Soave, The Hiitorie of the Cotincel of Irent^ 38. Pole, Agnes, 54; Alys, 74; Cardinal, iii; Cicely, daughter of John Melling, 31 ; Dr., 54; Henry, 105; Jhon, 31; Johanna, 105 ; John, of Radbourne, 75 ; Major Mundy, 105 ; Randle, 87 ; Ranulph, clerk, 54, 60 ; Ranulph, fellow of Manchester College and rector of Hawarden, 60 ; Reynolds, 64 ; Sir William, 54, 105. Pole-axe, 50. Poleman, Mr., 114. Polemberg, or Poelenburg, Arnold, 1 14. Polixena, iii. Pollard, — , 88 ; Ann, 46 ; George, 96 (part IV.), 103 (part L); Henry, 103 (part I.) ; James, 46, 73, 103 (part I.) ; John, 54, 96 (part IV.); Mr., 44; Mar- garet, 46; Omffrey, 96 (part IV.); Tho., 57 (part VI.) ; William, 46. Pollarde, — ,81. Pollet, John, 31, 54; Richard, 69; Thomas, 54. Pollett, Rev. John, 42; W'illiam, 57 (part VH.). Pollexfen, Andr., iii. Pollit, James, 73 ; Maria, 109. Pollitt, James, 94 ; John, 73. Pollock, Prof, 1 14. Polychronicon, 80. Polyhymnia, ill. Poly-Olbion, iii. Pomander, 46. Pomegranate, 46 ; flowers, 46. Pomfret, 46, 88 ; see also Pontefract. Pomfret, George, 47; Raffe, 113; Thomas, 113. Pomis, or Pomarius, R., 114; Ben. Isaac de, 114. Pompyllion, 46. Ponden, — , 81. Pondus, Sir John, 72. Ponsonby, — (printer). III ; W., Ill, Pont, Mr,, 44. Pontage, a toll, 58. Pontalgh, 88, 99, 103 (part I.) ; manor of, no. Pontefract, 69, 88, 112; fair, 112; fee of, 74 ; see also Pomfret. Ponthalgh, see Pontalgh, Pool, Cardinal, 44 ; John, 92. Pool-bank, 88. Pool-fold, 65, 72. Poole, — , 81, 82, 88 ; — , a house- breaker, 61 ; Catherine, 31 ; Cicely, 31; Ellen, 57 (part VIL); Eliza- beth, 39; Erances, 37 (part IV.); Henry, 73 ; Rev. Sir Henry, 31 ; John, 3C 54» 57 (part VIL), 63, 70, 83 (part HI.), 96 (part HI.); Mabill, no; Margaret, 54; Mary, 57 (part VH.); Mary, daughter of Sir Rowland Stanley, 31 ; Matthew, 64, his Synopsis, 114; Maud, daughter of Sir William, 31, 54; Miss, 72; Mr., 31; Owen Anthony, 73, 94; Philippe, 31 ; Ralph, 57 (part VIL), 63; Raphe, 47; Rebecca, 105; Sir Ricardus, 37 (part I.); vSusan, dau. of Edward Fitton, 31 ; Thomas, 73 ; Sir Thomas, 31 ; Thomas, of Poole, 54; Walter, 96 (part 1. ); Walton, in; William, 87, 94; Sir William, no; Sir William, of Poole, 54 ; see also Halstead. Poole, 82, 96 (part HI.) ; in Wirrall, 88 ; Over, 54. Pooley, — , 88; Arthur, 94; Edward, 94; Frederick, 94; Henry, 94 ; Major John, 72; Mrs., in. Poolton, see Poulton. Poor, relief of the, 46 ; scholars, in ; the condition of, 65. Poor-laws during the i6th century, 65. Poor Man’s Passions, ill ; Robin’s Almanack, in. Pooton, see Poulton. Pope, — , 88; Alexander, 44, 45, in, 114; Walt., in; William, 47, 83 (part IV.). Pope, burning the, 75 ; alleged correspon- dence with Manchester clergy, 44. Pope John XXHL, 60. Pope’s pardoner in Lancashire, 60 ; su- premacy controversy, 64. Popelay, Willimus, 95. Popen, — ,81. Popery Tracts, Catalogue, 48, 64. Popham, Colonel, 39 ; Sir John, 90, in. Popish recusants, 50 ; in Kirkham, 92. Popma, Ausonius, 114. Poppithorne, 109. Popple, Edmund, 69 ; Miles, 69, 94. Poppoea, in. Population of England in the i6th cen- tury, 46 ; of Manchester in the i6th century, 65. Porci silvestres, 112. Pordurudinge, 58. Pore llelpe, in. 214 GENERAL INDEX. Pores, Lady, ^4. Pork, 46. Porpes (porpoise), 46. Porridge, 46. Porringer, 46. Port, Porte, — , 88; Elizabeth, no; John, 1 13; Sir John, 54, 75, 103 (part I.), no; Sir John, of Etwall, 31. Portague, a Portuguese coin, 31. Porteous, Capt. John, 44. Porter, — , 72, 88 ; Alice, 42 ; Charles, 73, 94; Edward, 57 (part VII.), 92; Endimion, in; George, 92 ; Grace, 92; H., in ; Henry, 69, 92; James, 92 ; John, 42, 69, 73, 92 ; Margaret, 105; Nicholas, 92; Phil., in; Ro- bert, 57 (part 11 . ), 73, 94; Rychard, 57 (part III.) ; Thomas, 73, 92; Wil- liam, 92. Porter of Lancaster, ped., 88. Porters, 46. Porteslade, co. Sussex, 58. Porteus, Beilby, bishop of Chester, 45. Portfield, 62, 88. Portfory, a, 60. Portingtcn, Captain Thomas, 70. Portland, Jerome, earl of, in; Rich., earl of, in. Portland Place, Manchester, 72. Portman, — , 88 ; Edward, baron, 88 ; Sir W., in. Portmanteau, 46. Portmore, — , 44. Portmote, 58, 63. Portsmouth, Duchess of, 114. Portsmouth, 83 (part I.), in. Portugal, no. Portwood, 42, 81, no. Posies, 46. Posket, Rob., in. Posse comitatus, 58. Post, Henrie, 54. Postage, 46. Post-Boy, 44. Postell’s De Fceniciim Litteris, and De Nativitate Mediatoris, 44. Postlethwaite, Dorothy, 105 ; Mr., of Lancaster, 42. Potation penny, 72. Potatoes, 46. Pothuin, Edward, 109. Pots, 46. Pott, Plenrie, 54 ; Laurence, 54 ; Roger, of Harrop, 54 ; Sir Roger, priest, 54. Pott Shrigley church and school, 97. Potter, 46. Potter, — , 81, 88; Archbishop, 44, 114; Benj., 72; Christopher, 64; Edmund, 105 ; Edw., 57 (part VI.) ; Edwin, 94; Elizabeth, 105 ; George, 73 ; James, 72, 94, 105 ; Rev. James, 105 ; John, 63,72; Mr., 44, 70; Michael, 94; Richard, 72, 94 ; Richard, of Walton, 54 ; Robert, 94, 105 ; Samuel, 94 ; Thomas, 63, 72, 94, 105 ; Thomas Smalley, 63 ; William, 60, 94. Pottersbury, 69, 94. Pottery, Roman, 68. Pottes, Mr., 75. Pottinger, Richard, 37 (part I.). Pottle, two quarts, 46. Potts, Edward, 109 ; Francis, 73; Wil- liam, 109. Poule, see Poole. Poulton, 50, 54, 57 (part II.), 60, 62, 69, 74, 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 96 (part L), 99, no, 114; chui'ch, 60, no; domestic chapel at, 60 ; hall, 82. Poulton Lanceton, 88. Poulton Magna et Parva, 60, 99. Poulton, Jo., 46; John, 105; Michael, 69; Nicholas, 105. Poultry, 46, Pound, breach of, 63. Pound, Mr., 50; Mr., of Manchester, 64; Thomas, 64. Pova, Elizabeth, 54; James, 54; John, 54 - Poverty, in. Powder and match, cost of, 39. Powder plot, in. Powell, — , 88; Alice, 54 5 m 5 Edward, 64; Francis, 94 ; Gabriel, 64; Gervas, 69 ; Henry, 94 ; Hugh, parson of Ecculston, 54 ; Humfrey (printer), in ; Sir John, 61 ; Joshua, 69; Miss (actress), 72; Mr., 31; Robert, 42; Samuel, 105; Stephen, 69; T. (printer), in; Thomas, of Horsley, 54 ; W. (printer), in. Powell’s Welsh History, 80. Power, — , 57 (part VIL), 88; George, 54 ; Walter, 58. Powes, — , 82. Powge, — , 81 . Powis, Earls 'of, 54 ; Lady Eleanor, in; Henrietta Maria, IIO; Lyttleton, 37 (part I.); Thomas, no. Powlains (Poulverain, Fr., a box for pow- der), 50. Powles, 8r. Powlett, Sir William, 105. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 215 Powley, Morgan, 109. Fowl ton, Robt., 57 (part II.)- Powltow, 82, Pownall, 54, 81. Pownall, Edmond, 54; John, of Hay- thorn, 60 ; Peter, 73 ; Captain Ralph, 70. Povvtalgh, 88, Powtoppe, 81. Powtrell, — , 88. Powys, see Powis. Poyde, Sir John, 54. Poynet, John, 64. Poynings, Michael, 83 (part IV.). Poynton, 37 (part IV.), 42, 81, 82, 83 (part III.), 88, 95, iio; church and school, 97. Poynton, John de, 47 ; Jos., 57 (part VI.) ; Samuell, 57 (part VII.). Poynts, — , 88. Prachet, John, 54. Praepositus, 112. Praers, Margeria, 99; Margery, 80, no; Ran’ de, 80; Robertas, 99, no; Wil- liam, of Baddeley, 80. Praiford, Edmund, 60. Praise of Vertuous Ladies, ill of all Wo- men, in. Pratt, Charles, first Earl Camden, 44 ; Dorothy, 96 (part I.) ; Edward, 96 (part I.); George, 94; John, 94; Os- bert, 96 (part I.); Oswald, 96 (part I.); Thomas, 94. Prayer, 1 1 1 ; in unknown tongue, 64. Prayers for scholars, in. Praying, various modes of, 70. Preachers, friars, 83 (part IV.). Precaria, 112. Precedence of dignitaries, 80. Precepts, in. Precinct, limits of, 63. Frees, John, 92 ; Margeria, 95 ; Nichol de, 95; Robert de, 92; William de, 92. Frees, 58, 81, 88, 95, 99. Preesall, 50, 57 (part II.), 81, 82, 88, 92, 99 ; sands, 62. Preese Plall, Kirkham, 92. Preestesplatteford, 42. Preistcot, see Prescot. Premett, John, 57 (part II.). Prentice, Archibald, 72. Prerogative, Plea for, in. Pres, Margaret de, 1 10. Presall, Presaw, see Preesall. Presbyterian ministers, alleged slaughter of, 70. Presbyterians in Manchester, 44. Prescot, 31, 46, 50, 54, 60, 62, 69, 73, 82, .88, 94, 95, 99, no, 113 ; chapel of Jesus in, 60 ; church goods, 113; church plate, 60; population in 1548, 60; rectory manse, 60 ; rectors of, 60. Prescot, — , 88 ; Edward, 69 ; Galfride, of Shevington, 60 ; George, 47 ; James, 50 ; James, alderman of Liverpool, 61 ; John, 113; William, chantry priest, Huyton, 60 ; William Henry, 94 ; William, of Ayrfield, 70. Prescott, John, 69, 72; Sir John, 54; Oliver, 61; Peter, 113; Thomas, 54; William, 46, 113. Prescott's Manchester Journal, 72. Prese, see Frees. Presentments, ungrounded, 63. Presents, 46. Press gangs, 44. Prest, Richard, 72. Prest money, 50. Prestall Lee, 42. Prestatyn, 95, 99, no. Prestbury, 54, 72, 88 ; church, 97 ; hall, 97 ; manor, 97 ; old vicarage, 97 ; oratory at, 97 ; parish. History of, 97 school, 97. Prestcote, see Prescot. Prestcote, Gilbert, 31. Prestcott, Jacobus, 99. Presthall, Adam, 58. Presthvvait, 58. Prestiche, see Prestwich. Prestland, Hugh, 54; Jane, 54; Margery, 54; Richard, 54; Thomas, 54; Wil- liam, ofWordhull, 54. Prestolee, 109. Preston, 37 (part IV.), 39, 42, 45, 46, 47 j 50 j 54 j 57 (parts H. and V.), 58, 60, 62, 69, 72, 73, 74, 81, 82, 88, 94, 95 ^ 96 (part HI.), 99, no; ancient customal, 58 ; chapel of St. Mary Mag- dalene, 60 ; church, 58, 105 ; civil war, 62; election in 1661, 105; fair, 46; fined in reign of Henry IL, 87 ; freres and freresses of, 60 ; friary, 83 (part IV.); guild, 44; guild in 1782, 45; hospital, 60 ; in 1647, 105 ; mayor and burgesses of, 60; muster at, 46 ; rebels, 44 ; recovered by Lord Derby, 70 ; rectory, 60 ; royalist preparations at, 50 ; siege, 92 ; vicarage, 105 ; vicars, 105. Preston, — , 81, 82, 88; Agnes, 96 (part HI.); Captain, 47; Christopher, 31, 216 GENERAL INDEX. 5^5 57 (p^rt III.)? 105 ; Christopher, of Holker, 70; Edouard, 57 (part II.); Elena, daughter of Sir Thomas, 60 ; Elizabeth, 92 ; Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Holland, 31 ; Elizabeth, dau- ghter of Sir Geo. Bowes, 31 ; Frances, 96 (part III.), no; George, 50, 105; Helen, daughter of Thomas, 31 ; Henry, 92 ; Henry, of Preston, 60 ; Sir Henry, chantry priest, Bayley, 60 ; Hugh de, 1 12; James, 63; John, 31, 50, 96 (part HI.), 105, no; John, D.D., 38, 114; Laurence, 92; Leonard, 57 (part H. ); Lord, 44; Margaret, daughter of John Westby, 31; Margery, 96 (part HI.); Mr., 31, 105; Mr., of Holker, 39; Mr., of Preston, 39; Nicol, 57 (part IL); Rev. Richard, 105 ; Richard de, 105 ; Sir Richard, vicar of Garstang, 54 ; Richard, of Wadgraves, 60 ; Robert, 105 ; Rober- tas, 99 ; Thomas, 50, 57 (parts 1 1, and HI.), 92, 105; Sir Thomas, 50; Thomas, of Baylrig, 60 ; Thomas, of I^evens Plall, 50 ; Thomas, son of Christopher, of Holker, 31 ; William, 73? 94? 96 (part I.), 105. Preston of Holkar, ped., 82, 88 ; of Pres- ton, ped., 82, 88 ; of Preston-Patrick, ped., 82 ; of the Mannour, ped., 88. Preston on the Hill, 88. Preston-Patrick, 57 (part IL), 81, 82, 88. Prestwich, 37 (part IV.), 47, 50, 54, 57 (part IL), 60, 72, 73, 81, 84, 85, 94, 95, 96 (part IL), 99, 103, 109, no, 114; advowson, 103 ; church, 58, 96 (part I.), 113; church goods, 113; manor, no; parish, 42; Kecio 7 's, catalogue of, 103. Prestwich, Prestwiche, Prestwyche, — , 81, 82, 88, 109 ; Adam de, 42, 58, 68, 95, 103, no, 112; Alice, 42, no; Alice de, 58; Ann, 96 (part IL); Anne, 96 (part I. ) ; Edmund, 42, 47, 50, 54, 57 (part HI.), 63, 65, 99, no; Edmund de, 58, 60 ; Edmund, of Holme, 31 ; Edmund, of Hulme, will of, 54 ; Edward, 58, 60, 105 ; Elias, 58, 60, 99 ; Elizabeth, wife of John Booth, 31; Ellen, 42, 54; Ellis, 154, no; Ellis de, 42; Ellis, of Hulme, 42; Isabel, 54, 63; James de, 47, 60, 72 ; John, fellow of All Souls’, Oxford, 54, 60, no; John de, 58; Margaret, 54; Mr., 47, 54; Mrs., 54; Mrs., of Hulme, 42; Nicholas, chaplain, 42; Nicholas de, 58; Radulphus, 47, 99; Raffe, no; Ralph, 54, 58, 105, no ; Ralph de, 42, 60, 72 ; Ralph, of Hulme, 42 ; Raphe, 96 (part IL); Rauff, 54; Richard, 60 ; Robert, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 113 ; Robert, chantry priest, 60 ; Sir Thomas, 54, 58 ; Thomas, 39, 68, 69, 96 (part III.), no; Thomas de, 42; Thomas, of Hulme, 60, 62 ; Tho. de, 103; Widow, 57 (part VIL). Prestwich, ped., 82; of Hulme, ped., 81. Prestwiche, see Prestwich. Prestwiches, Mr., 60. Prestwige, Roger, 57 (part VIL). Prestwyche, see Prestwich. Pretender, the, 39, 44. Prevot, Mr., 44. Price, Bulkeley, 42, 63 ; Charles, 94 ; David, 63, in; Francis, vicar of Black- burn, 60; H., in ; John, 69; Samp- son, 64. Price and Sene’s maps, 44. Prices and wages, 46; of arms and armour, 50- Prichard, — , 88 ; William, 72. Pricket, Mr., 44. Prickett, Raphe, 54; Mrs., 57 (part VH.) ; Thomas, of Aldford, 54. Pride, Colonel, 47. Pride, in ; Whip of , in. Prideaux, Ed., in ; Mr., 44; Humphrey, 64; Bp. J., in. Pridemore, Is., in. Priest Hutton, 45, 50. Priest-holes, at Mains Hall, 92. Priestley, Alice, 39 ; Dr., 45. Priestnall, John, 69, 73 ; Thomas, 69. Priestnalld, George, 73. Priests in concealment, 50 ; married, 87. Prig, a saucepan, 39. Prig pan (skellet), 46. Prime, James, 69, 73 ; Mr., 44. Primerol-sykes, 112. Primogeniture, 87, in. Primrose, G., in. Prince, — , 46 ; Charles, 94 ; James, 94 ; Jane, 61 ; John, 94; Robert, 94; Wil- liam, 69. Pi'ince's Looking- Glass, in. Priniac or Poniac Wine, 44. Prior, Edward, 44; Lodge, 94; M., in. Prisage, a prerogative custom, 58. Prisall, see Preesall. Priscot, Hector, of Ormskirk, 60 ; Peter, chantry priest of Ormskirk, 60. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 217 Prisoners, 46 ; calendar of names of, 39 ; lay, 50 ; treatment of, 61. Prissoe, J., 57 (part VI.)- Pritchard, Mrs., 44; Roger, 75; Thomas, 94 ; William, 73. Priveruddinge, the, 46. Privies, 63 ; dressing the, 46. Privy Council of Elizabeth, 50. Probey, Mrs., 57 (part VII.). Probin, Edward, 54. Probus, Valerius, 114. Probyn, Jane, 54; Margaret, 54; Randle, 54 ; Richard, 54. Process, delivery of, 46. Prod us, 1 1 4. Procter, R. W., 72 ; Thomas, 46. Proctor, — , 88 ; Agnes, 45 ; Ann, 105 ; Christopher, 105 ; G. H., 105 ; Jacob, 42; James, 105; John, 45, 50; Thomas, 105, III. Proctors, 46. Procuration, indenture of, 58, Prolusiones Poetias, iii. Prophet, Johannes, 95 ; Mr., 54. Protestant association, 50. Protestants, French, decree relating to, 1 14. Protestation by Parliament, 39; in 1641-2, 105. Proud bridge, Freckleton, 62. Proud, John Freer, 94. Proudeglove, Hugo, 72. Proudlove, George, 31, 50, 63, 65 ; John, 58 ; Mr., 42 ; Ralph, 63 ; Randle, 63 ; Ranulph, 47, 65 ; Rauff, 60 ; Richard, 65 ; Robert, 63 ; William, 63. Proudlow, George, 57 (part IIL), Proverbs, ill ; English, III. Proudluffe, see Proudlove. Provender, 46. Provincialisms, 44. Provision laws, 46. Provisions and necessaries, 46 Prowdelove, see Proudlove. Prowdlowe, Elizabeth, 54. Prowlaf, William, 54. Prudentius, iii. Prujean, Sir Fr., 114. Prunes, 46. Pryce, — , 72. Pryden, William, 80. Prymbett, .Sir John, 57 (part II. ); Thomas, chantry priest, Kirkham, 60 ; Thomas, 92. Prynne, Prinne, John, 109, feted at Chester, 70; William, 64, 92, iii. Prysot, Johannes, 99. Prytaneum, 114. Prytherg, Richard, 37 (part I.) Psalmanazar, — •, 44. Psalnies, Byrd’s, III. Psalms, 90, III. Psalter, ill ; in English, in. Psyche, ill. Ptell’, Joh. de, 80. Ptolemy, the geographer, 58. Puchercrofte, 57 (part II.). Puckerin, — , 81. Puckering, Pickering, Lord Keeper, no. Puckridge, 114. Puddington, 88. Pudley, Benjamina, 44. Pudsayes, Mr., 37 (part IV.). Pudsey, Henry, 99, no; Margaret, 99, no ; Margery, 99 ; Thomas, 99, no. Puer, gender of, 80. Pueriles, 46. Pngh, Dr., 114; Robert, 64; Thomas, 94. Pukes, 46. Pul, Thomas de, 58. Pulcrofte, 81, no. Puleston, Mr., 44; Roger, ofEmrall, 31, 54 ; Sir Roger, 54 ; Thomas, 54. Pulford, John, 83 (part IV.). Pulhowse, 57 (part IE). Pulle, Johannes, 57 (partll. ); William, no; William de, 92. Pullegrene, 58. Pullein, Sam., in. Puller, Mr., 114; Dr. Timothy, 114. Pullets, 46. Pulleyn, — , 64; Oct, in. Pulline, John, 73. Pulteney, Mr., 44; William, 44. Pulton, see Poulton. Pulton, Andrew, 64 ; Richard, clerico de, 57 (part H.) ; Robert, 57 (part H.). Pumps, 46. Pumps (thin shoes), 46. Puncharden, Loretta, 105 ; Richard, 105. Punchardin, John de, 95. Punch erdoun. Sir Richard de, 72; Robert de, 58. Pundre, William, 57 (part IL). Punishments, 46. Piipilla Ociili, 60. Puraston, William, 96 (part I.). Pure, Alan de, 57 (part IL). Puresey, — , 88. Purfle, 46. Purfoot, T. (printer), in. Purgatory Controversy, 64. F F 218 GENERAL INDEX. Puritans, 50, iii. Puritanism, iii. Purnell, John, D.D., 69; Rev. William, 44, 69. Purprestures, 58, 63. Purrs or stints (sea larks), 46. Purseglove, Rauf, 60 ; Richard, 47. Purses, 46. Pursett, Chr., Eii. Purslain, 46. Purslow, G. (printer), ill. Purston, William, 96. Purver, horse carrier, 44. Purvey, Major, 47. Purveyance and purveyors, 50. Puteson, James, 105. Puttenham, G., ill. Putti, Signor, 44. Puture and putary sergeant, 58. Pwllheli, 72. Pycher, John, 46. Pyckeryng, Richard, 54. Pycoppe, Edmund, 54 ; J. de, 1 12 ; John, and Ellonor his wife, 54. Pycroft, 58, 63. Pycroft, Edward, 75. Pycroft e, John, 97. Pycton, 54. Pyddeck, Mr., 44. Pye, Anthony, 105 ; Dr., 31 ; Grace, 54 ; James, 105 ; Johannes, 95 ; John, 105 ; Sir John, 105 ; Rev. Sir Robert, 44 ; Roger, 60 ; Thomas, in Ligeyate, 60 ; Sir Walter, 47 ; William, 64. Pyecroft, John, 65; Ralph, 57 (part VIE). Pygmalion, iii. Pygot, — , III. Pyg^tb John, 97. Pyke, Rt., 57 (part VI.). Pykering, George, 54. Pylkington, see Pilkington. Pylling, — , 103 (part I.). Pymlott, Hugh, 54. Pymond, William, 57 (part II.). Pynchebek, Thomas, 95. Pynchware, Sir Thomas, 54* Pynckok, Sir John, priest, 54. Pynchenegh, Richard, 60. Pyndesburye, David, 99. Pynghett (Pin-gate?), 72. Pynkeman, John, 60. Pynnyngton, 54. Pynson, Ric. (printer), iii. Pynyngton, Johannes, 95; Hugo de, no; Nicholaus, 95 ; Thomas, 95 ; William de, 87 ; see also Pinnington. Pyoine, 58. Pyper, Elyn, 54; Thomas le, no. Pyramus and Thisbe, in. Pyrmont water, 44. Q R., in. ., Qhalley, Abbot of, 54. Qhyttell, Rd., 103 (part I.). Quack, 46. Quack Doctor, in. Quadruple birth, 105. Quails, 46. Quakers in Kirkham, burial ground in Freckleton, 92. Quakers, 44 ; prosecution of, 105. Quarf, Thomas, 95. Quarles, Francis, in ; John, in ; Mr., 44; William, 114. Quarme, Rob., in. Quarrels, settlement of, 65. Quarter Sessions, 46. Quart ermar, Colin de, 74. Quarterstaff play, 72. Quatiwrdechyi Sermones, 60. Quay street, Manchester, 72. Queen Anne, of Denmark, 109. Queen Elizabeth, lease sued from, 46 ; money lent to, 46. Queen Isabella, Lady of Macclesfield, 97. Queen Mary, 109. Queen-hythe, customs of, 58. Queen-mother (Maria de’ Medici), 109. Queen’s players at Knowsley, 31 ; see also Players. Queen's Wake, in. Queensberry, Charles, third Duke of, 44 ; Duchess of, 44. Queleton, 95. Queloc, Thomas de, 80. Quency, see Quincy. Quenilde, vidue, 57 (part II.). Querderay, Hugh, 74. Quernmore, 50 ; forest, 74 ; park, 58. Questmen of Walton-on-the-Hill, 60. Quetington, 95. Quey, or whey, 46. Quia Emptoris, statute of, 58. Quickleswick, 63 ; see also Whickleswick. Quicks, 95. Quicksand pool, 57 (part II.). Quicksets, 46. Quicksilver, 44. Quillet of land in Rivington, 60. Quin, Walt., in. Quinbe, John de, 58. Quince, 46. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 219 Quincy, Hawys, 74 ; Margaret de, 74 ; Robert de, 74, 80 ; Saber de, 74, 80. Quindismes, 46. Quintal, 50. Quintillian, 103. Quips for Ge?itlewomen, in. Quittingham, Warin de, 92. Quivers, 46. Quo Warranto, statutes of, 58. Quodling (Codling), 46. Quorum nomina, writ of, 46. Qutington, Walter de, 42. Quyck, Richard, 1 1 3 ; Thomas, 1 1 3. Quyckleswyke, see Quickleswick. Quyssonday, 103 (part I.). Qwethede, Lawrence, 54 ; Thomas, 54. Qwikehaggedlonde, Le, 47. Qwithyndale, Thomas, 99. Qwycke, 54. Qwythull, Rauf, 60. Qwytlaw, Jacob, 57 (part II.) R D., hi; R., F., hi; R., G., hi; ., R., Lady E. and Sir J. , iii ; R., I. (printer), Hi; R., J. (printer), hi; R., Mr., 114; R., P., his letter to Mr. and Mrs. ffarington, 39; R., R., hi; R., S., hi; R., T., hi. Rabbards, Raph, Hi. Rabbinholme, 99. Rabbits, 46. Rabi, Jordan de, 47. Rabie, Robert, 105. Rabschay, 103 (part I.). Raby, 74. Raby, Henry, 57 (part II.) ; James, 105 ; Richard, 105. Rachdale, Rachedale, Rachedall, 60, 74, 99; see also Rochdale. Rachdale, Edward, 31; Robert, 31 ; Wil- liam, 31. Rachedalle, Henry, 31 ; Mr., Vicker of, 31- Racket, Mr., 44. Rackster, John, 64. Raclyffe, see Rawcliffe. Radbrock, 80. Radchenistres, and Radmanin, 58. Radcliff, Radcliffe, 37 (part HI. ), 42, 50, 54, 58, 60, 63, 65, 72, 73, 81, 82, 88, 94, 96 (parti.), HO, 113; bells, 113; bridge, 97 ; church, 58, 60 ; church goods, 113 ; hall, 62, 65; parish of, 50; quartered arms at, 97 ; tower, 72, 82, 96 (part I.), HO. Radcliff, — , 81, 82, 88; Agnes, 99; Alexander, 37 (part HI.), 99; Alicia, 99 ; Anne, 99 ; Cecilia, 99 ; Dulcia, 99; Edmundus, 99; Elena, 99 ; Elianora, 99; Elias, 99 ; Elizabeth, 99 ; Emma, 99; Galfridus, 99; Henricus, 95,99; Hugh, 105; Hugo, 99; Isabella, 95, 99; Jacobus, 95, 99; James, 60; Jane, 99; Johanna, 95, 99; Johannes, 95, 99; John de, of Ordsal, 47; Sir John de, knt., 60; Sir Joseph, bart. , 69; Katherine, 99; Katherine, wife of Thomas, 60; Major, 47 ; Margeria, 95, 99 ; Nicholaus, 99 ; Petrus, 99; Radulphus de, 47 ; Rad’us, 95 j 99 ; Ralph, 105 ; Ricardus, 95, 99 ; Richard, 54, 60, 74, 105; Sir Richard, of Winmerley, ^ ; Robertus, 95, 99 ; Rogerus, 95, 99 ; Rychard, 96 (part IV. ) ; Sibilla, 95, 99 ; Thomas, 99 ; Thomas, bishop of Dromore, 60 ; Thomas, of Winmerley, 60 ; William, 60, 95, 99. Radcliffe, Adam de, 58, 74 ; Alexander, 54, 90, 96 (part III.), 103 (part L), 105, ho; Sir Alexander, 31, 47, 50, 65, 113; Sir Alexander, C.B., 39; Sir Alex- ander, knt., 54 ; Alexander, of Leigh, 61 ; Sir Alexander, of Ordsall, 60, 62, 75; Alice, 54, 105; Ann, 60, 105, 113; Anne, 54, 103 (part 1.) ; Ant., iii ; Cecilia, no; Charles, 44, 50, 54; Christopher, 50; Edmund, 54, no; Edmund, of Todmorden, 31 ; Edward, 54, ho; Egremont, 75; Eleanor, 60; Elizabeth, 60, no; Ellen, no; George, 44 ; Sir George, 31, 96 (part H.) ; H., 75 ; Henry de, 58 ; Henry, earl of Sus- sex, K.G., 54; Henry, second earl of Sussex, 31; Sir Henry, 75; Houstoune, 69 ; Isabella, 60, 95, 99 ; James, 58 ; Rev. James, 92 ; Jane, wife of William, of Ordsall, 60; Joan, 60, iio; Johanna, ho; John, 54, 58, 63, 69, 73, 92, 96 (part IV.); John de, 58, 68; John, Lord Fitzwalter, 75; John de, of Chadderton, 42, 47; John, of Manchester, 42; John, of Oldham, 60 ; John, of Radclife, 42 ; John, or William, 31 ; John, of Hord- sall, 60; Rev. John, 81; Sir John, 57 (part HI.), 75; Sir John, Cardinal Langley’s treasurer, 60; Sir John, curate, 103 (part I.); Sir John, knt., 54; will of, 54; Sir John, marries Margaret Danyers, 97; Sir John, obtains Bradley manor, 97 ; Sir John, of Ord- sall, 50; Sir Joseph, 69; Katherine, 54, ho; Lady, 54; Margaret, 54, 75, no; Margery de, 58; Molyneux, 70; Mr., 46, 220 GENERAL INDEX. 54 ; Neoles, 54 ; Priscilla, 46 ; Radul- phus, 47, no; Ralph, 58, no; Ralph, clerk, vicar of Walton, 60 ; Ralph, of Smethills, 54 ; Sir Ralph, 47 ; Rauff, of Salford, 54 ; Captain Richard, 62 ; Richard, 50, 54, 58, 60, 75, no; Richard de, 58, T05 ; Richard, M.P. for Manchester, 68; Richard, of Chadderton, 54 ; Richard, of Manches- ter, 60; Richard, of Newcroft, 54; Richard, of Radcliffe hall, 50 ; Sir Richard, 105 ; Robert, 47, 54, 57 (part VII.), 60, 92 (part III.), no; Robert de, 58 ; Robert, earl of Sussex, 75 ; Sir Robert, a priest, 60; Sir Robert, knt., 103 (part I.); Robert, of Foxdenton, 73; Roger, 73; Savile, 50, 96 (part I.); Saville, of Todmorden, 39 ; .Simon, 58; Thomas, 44, 54, 57 (part VII.), 58, 99, 105 ; Sir Thomas, 60 ; Thomas, of Fox- denton, will of, 54 ; Thomas, of Win- mersley, 54 ; Thomas, third earl of Sussex, 50; W., 57 (part VL); William, 39, 42, 5o» 54, 58, 96 (parts I. and IV.), no; Sir William, 31, 47, no; William de, 42, 58, no; William, of Foxdenton, 31 ; Sir William, knt., 54; William, of Ordsall, 54, 60; Sir William, of Ordsall, 50; William, of Wimmersley, 31, 54. Radcliffe, of Manchester, ped., 82 ; of Radcliffe, ped., 88; of Todmorden, ped., 88 ; of Wimersley, ped., 81, 82 ; of Wordsall, ped., 81. Radcliffes, of Ordsall, 72 ; verses by Bar- rett, 68; of the Pool, 72. Radclive, Richard de, 47, 68. Radclyf, Thomas de, squire of John, Duke of Lancaster, 60. Radclyffe super Soar, 60. Radclyfife, — , 57 (part I.), 88; of Fox- denton, 57 (part III.); Agnes, no; Alexander, 63, 65 ; Alexander de, 60 ; Sir Alexander, 96 (part III.), no; Sir Alexander, of Ordsall, knt., 31, 60; Alice, no; Anne, no; Charles, 57 (part III.); Edmund, no; Elizabeth, no; Ellin, no; Elnor, no; Elys, 63; George, B.D., 60; James, 60, 65; Joanna, no; John, 37 (part III.), 57 (part III.), 63, 65, 103 (part II.), no; Sir John, 65 ; John de, rector of Prest- wich, 103 (part II.); Sir John de, of Ordesale, 60 ; John, of Chaderton, 60; Sir Joseph, 45 ; Katherine, 60 ; Lady, 46; Margaret, no; Mary, 45; Matilda, no; Owen, 63; Sir Ralph, no; Richard, 63, 1 10 ; Sir Richard de, 60; Rd. de, 103 (part 11.) ; Robert, 37 (part III.), 109; Sir Robert, no; Robert, of Foxdenton, 31 ; Robert, of Radcliffe, James his son, 65 ; Robert, schoolmaster, 31; Roger, 37 (part III.), no; Rychard, 57 (part III.); Saville, 103 (part 11. ); Sibilla, no; Thomas, no; Thomas, mercer, Elizabeth his wife, 65 ; William, 39, 60, 63 (app. I.), 65, no; William, rouge croix, 60; William, Lord of Ordsall, 37 (part III.); see also Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, Rat- clyff, Ratclyffe, &c. Radcote Bridge, 88. Raddling, 46. Radecleve, Ric. de, 112. Radeclive, — , 68 ; Richard de, 42, 47 ; William de, 47, 74. Radelee, 58. Radford, Dodgshon, 94 ; Elizabeth, 42 ; James, 69, 94; John, 69, 73; Joseph, 69? 73 ; Joshua, 73 ; Richard, 69, 94 ; Roger, 54; Thomas, 37 (part I.), 42, 69 ; Thomas Charles, 94 ; Sir Thomas, prebendary of Chester, 54; William, 69, 94. Radham Park, 88. Radiche, George, of Appleton, 60; John, 60. Radish seed, 46. Radishes, 46. Radleigh, — , 88. Radley or Ridley wood, 58. Radley, Daniel, 69; Janies, 69; John, 69; Joseph, 69; Ralph, 63; Samuel, 69; Thomas, 69; William, 69, 75. Radwinter, no. Radyche, Thomas, 60. Raffald, Anna, 72; Elizabeth, 68, 72; Emma, 72; George, 72; James, 72; John, 72 ; Mary 72 ; Mary Ann, 72. Ragland castle, 47. Raglands Niobe, in. Ragley, 114. Ragotzki, Geo., 114; Sigismund, 114. Railton, John, 72. Raine, Rev. Canon, 96 (part I.). Raines, Rev. Canon F. R., 37 (part II.), 54, 57 (parts 1. and III.), 74, 76, 96 (part III.), 105, 109, \\ Of', Examination towcheynge Cockeye Moor, 37 ; Wilson's Miscellanies, 44 ; Lancashire Visitation, 1613, 82; Visitation, 1664-5, 84, 85, 88; Chethain Miscellanies, 96, 103; Flower’s Visitation, 81 ; Lancashire Funeral VOLS. XXXI.-OXIV. 221 Certificates, 75; History of Chaiitries, 59, 60 ; N^ames of Gentlemen of best calling, 57 ; Rentale de Cokersaiid, 57 ; Stanley Papers, ■?!, 66, 67, 70: Notes to Gastrell, 97. Rainford, 58, 88, no, 113. Rainforth, 50, 54, 57 (part II.), 75, 82. Rainhill, 50, 58, 69, 74, 81, 82, no, Rainold, D. J., III. Rainolde, Ramolde, or Raveaid, Sir Nicholas, 58. Raiuow church, 54, 73, 97. Rainsford, Edw., ni; Mr,, 44. Rainsforth, Richard, 113. Rainshaw, Richard, 113. Raisins, 46, Rakes, 46, 58. Ralee, John, 58, Raleigh, — , 88; George, in; Sir Walter, 46, 70, 90, in, 114. Raleigh plot, 83 (part II.). Ralinson, William, 54. Ralph, Fitz Alan, 105; son of Luke, 112. Ralph’s Miscellany, 44. Ralston, William, 94. Ramestone, John, 60. Ramperes, 46, Rampside, 88, Ramsay, Alan, in; Chevalier, 44. Ramsay’s Tacheographie, 44. Ramsbotham, James, 96 (part III.); Richard, 42. Ramsbottom, Henry, 46; Thomas, 73 - Ramsden, — , 88 ; Mary, 92 ; Rowland, 92 ; William, 72. Ramsdeyn, George, 63. Ramsey, Lord, see Haddington, Lord, 39. Ramsey, Sir John, 75. Ramsgate, 73. Ramsgreave, 112. Ramsgreve, 88. Ramshed, 88. Ramus, Peter, 1 14. Ranby, Mr., 44. Rand, Sam., in. Randel, Earl Tho. , in. Randell, T., in; William, 92. Randilstown, 73. Randle, Earl, 37 (part I.). Randolph, Bernard, 65; Dr., 94; Thomas, III; Dr. Thomas, 44, 69. Randolphe, — , 81. Rands, W., in. Randyll, Lady Anne, in. Ranecars, 54. Ranelagh, 44. Ranelagh, Viscount, 54, 114. Ranisway, Isle of Man, 70. Rankin, Elizabeth, 57 (part 1 . ). Rankins, W., in. Rannats, Hughe, 54. Ranow, Ranovve, see Rainow. Ranshawe, Thomas, 63. Ransome, Frederick, 94. Rant, T., in. Ranulph, br. of Hen., 112. Rape, 63. Raphoe, 69, 73. Rapin’s Histoiy of England, 44. Rapiers, 46. Rasbotham, Doming, 45, 57 (part L), 69, 94; John of, 74; Peter, 45, 69 ; Robert, of the, 74; Rev. Mr., 72; the wife of, 74. Rasbotham, the, 74. Raspberry, 46. Rastall, John, 64. Ratafie, 46. Ratcatcher, 46. Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, see Radcliff. Ratcliff, Alexander, 69; Mr., 109; Richard, II 3 - Ratcliffe, — , 88 ; — , schoolmaster, 44 ; Alice, daughter of Sir William, 31; Anne, 31; Lady Br., ni; clerk, sex- ton, and surgeon dentist, of Leigh, 60 ; Edmund, 31 ; Edward, 47 ; Edward, of Todmorden, 31 ; Eleanor, daughter of Sir Alexander, 31; Jane, 31; Sir John, 31, 42; John, 31, 63, 72 ; Lord, in ; Margaret, 31 ; Marie, 31 ; Mr., 31 ; Richard, 31; Robert, 90; Sarah, 47; Thomas, 31 ; Thomas Wilkinson, 73 ; William, 31 ; Capt. William, of Ordsall, 31. Ratcliffe, of Leigh, ped., 88. Ratclyff, Alexander, knt., 60; Thomas, of Clitheroe, 60; Thomas, of Osberton, 60; William, 60. Ratclyffe, — , 88 ; Edward, of Clitheroe, 60; Sir John, 70. Rathband, Mr., of Prestwich, 42; Nath- aniel, 37 (part IV.), 47. Rathbone, — , 72 ; John, 60 ; Mr., 44. Rathmel, 47. Rathmell, Roger, 57 (part H. ), 105; Sy- mond, 105 ; William, 105 ; William, of Ribchester, 60. Ratley, William, 105. Ratreyke (? Ratrick), Ann, 46. Rats, 46. Ratsbane, 46. Rattclife, John, 57 (part VH. ). 222 GENERAL INDEX. Rattcliffe, Richard, 69. Rault, Rev. — , Correspondence with Rev. Thomas Wilson, 45. Rausson, Rauffe, 54. Rant, Roger, 60. Ravald, Ravalde, — , 63 (app. II. ) ; Edward, 57 (part VI.) ; Elizabeth, 54; John, 69; Oswald, 73; Richard, 54; Robert, 54; Robert, of Kersal, 54, 65; William, 63; William, of Prestwich, 54; William, of Kersall, 65. Raveald, John, 58; Nicholas, 58; Wil- liam, 58. Raven, Robert, 46. Raven’s Almanack, in. Ravenscroft, 88. Ravenscroft, — , 74, 81, 88; Peter Brook, 73; Thomas, of Bretton, 80. Ravenscrofte, George, 54 ; George, of Bretton, 54 ; Ralph, 54 ; William, 37 (part I.). Ravenshawe, 99. Ravensholm, 88. Ravensmeales, Ravensmeols, 74 j 99* Ravenstone Dale, 94. Ravis, Chris., ill; Dr., III. Rawbone, Mr., 109. Rawcliffe, 57 (part II.), 60, 88, 96 (part III.), 99, no; Upper, 81, 88. Rawcliffe Hall, 57 (part 11. ). Rawe, Henricus, 99. Rawlet, John, 64. Rawley, Johannes, 95. Rawling, 88. Rawlinge, Richard, minister, 47. Rawlins, in. Rawlinson, — , 88; Bryan, 57 (part VI.) ; Chr., 105; Isaac, 73; John, 63, 92. Rawlinson, of Carke, ped. , 88. Rawlinson’s booksales, 44; English Topo- grapher, 80. Rawlynson, Agnes, 60; John, 60; Rauf, 60; Richard, of Denton, 60; Robert, 60. Rawmere, 88. Raworth, R. (pr.), in. Rawson, — , 88; Ilenjamin, 69, 94; Brian, 57 (part VII.); Brook, 44; Jas., 57 (part VI.); John, 94; Ralph, 47; Thomas, 69; William, 94. Rawsthorne, 54. Rawsthorne, — , 88 ; Agnes, 39, 96 (part III.); Edward, 31, 39; Edward, of Newhall, 70 ; Holcroft, 96 (part III.) ; Laurence, 39, 60, 96 (part III.); Mary, no; Richard, 96 (part III.); Rev. Ro- bert, 1 10; see also Rosethorne. Rawstorne, Adam, 54; Adam, of Lumm, 54; Adam, parson of Byreham Newton, 54 ; Agnes, of Lumm, widow, will of, 54; Alice, 105; Anne, 54; Edward, 50, 545 57 (P^-rt III.) ; Edward, of Lumm, 54 ; Edward, of Newhall, 54, 62 ; Ellen, 54; Henry, 54, 57 (part VH. ); Henry, of Lumm, 54, of the Kyrcrofte, 54; James, 54; John, 54; L., 105; Laurence, 54, 105 ; Lawrence, 61, 69 ; Mr., 54; Richard, 54; Richard, of Lumm, will of, 54; Robert, 54; William, 54- Rawthmell, see Rathmell. Raycroft, S. (pr.), in. Ray, Clement, in; John, 44, 114. Raydom, 82. Ray (fish), 46. Raygill, 8^ Raylton, William, 105. Raymond, Elizabeth, 92. Raynall, — , 88. Rayneford, Dom. John (an acolyte), 60; John, of Hallyfax, 60; Richard, of Liverpool, 60. Rayne, Mr., 44. Rayner, Edmund, 57 (part II.), 105 ; George Fearns, 94; Mr., 44. Rayneville, Tho. de, 112. Raynford, Raynsford, see Rainforth. Raynhill, see Rainhill. Raynsford, Ch. Just., in. Raynshawe, Dom. X’poferus, chantry priest, Stretford, 60; Mr., the receiver, 60. Read, 46, 50, 74, 81, 82, 88, 96 (part IV.), 99. Read hall, 103 (part I.). Read-head, 62. Read, — , 88; Secretary, 70; Mr., great height of, 44; Sir Ralph, 96 (part HI.); Thomas, 64, 94; William, 44; William James, 94. Reade, Dr., 114; Henry, 47;, III; William, 54, 63, 65; William, jun., 63- Reading, 103 (part I.). Reading (Redings), Sir Nich. de, 112. Real Presence Controversy, 64. Reall, Alyson, 105. Reames, Colonel John, 105 ; Richard 105. Reaping, 46; hooks, 46. Reap silver, 112. Rearing day, 46. Reason and reasoning, 44. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 223 Reay, Charles Lucas, 94. Rebellion in Ireland, 50; of the North, 50, III. Rebellions, 63. Rebellions of 1715 and 1745, 68 . Rebels, 74 ; at Garstang 105. Recaldo, Juan Martinez de, 50. Receyvour, Ric. le, 60. Rechondon, 69. Recusants, 50, 62, 63 ; in Garstang, 105 ; in Kirkham, 92 ; meeting of, in Quern- more park, 105; method of dealing with, 97 - Redalbot, Roger, 57 (part II.). Redar, John, 105. Redbank, 63, 72. Red brook, 58, 94. Redcliffe, Elizabeth, 57 (part VII.); Richard, 105. Redding, — , 82. Reddish, 37 (part IV.), 42, 47, 50, 58, 81, 88, 96 (part III.), no; green, 42; hall, 42; manor, 42; mill, 42, 58; wood, 42. Reddish, — , 57 (part III.), 81, 88; Alex- ander, 37 (part IV.), 42, 50, no; Alice, 42, 1 10 ; Ann, 37 (part IV. ) ; Captain, 61 ; Catherine, no ; Cicely, no ; Clemens, no; Dorothy, 42; Edward, 42, 57 (part VII.); Elizabeth, 37 (part IV. ), 42 ; George, 42, 47, 54 ; Grace, 42, no; Henry, chantry priest, 60; Hugh, rector of Warrington, 62; Isabel, 42; Tames, 42, 47, 157 (part VH. ); John, 37 (part IV.), 69, 96 (part HI.), no; John, 42 ; John de, 60, 68 ; John de, chaplain, 60; Jordan de, 42; Joseph, 42; Margaret, 42, no; Mary, 37 (part IV.); Matthew de, 42, 47, 58; Mr., 46; Oates, Otes, 37 (part IV.), 42, 75, 99, no; Otewell, 42; Otho de, 68; Rad’us, 95; Ricardus de, 95; Richard de, 42, 47, 58 ; Robert de, 42, 47, no ; Roger de, 42; Sarah, 42, no; Stephen de, 47; Thomas, 42, 54, no; William de, 42. Reddish, of Reddish, ped., 81. Redditch, — , 88. Reddivall, 42. Reddivalls, 88 . Rede, Ricardus, 99; Robert, 103 (part I.). Redecima, 112. Redeforde, Richard de, 58. Redeman, Richard, 57 (part H.); William, 31; also Redman. Redemane, Adam de, 95 ; Ellena, 95. Redemayne, Margaret, 95 ; Richard, 57 (part IL); William, 114; see also Redmayne. Reden hall, 96 (part HI.). Reder, Richard, 50. Redevolces, 54. Redeworth, Richard, 58. Redfern, John, 47; Oliver Holt, 94. Redferne, Thomas, 54. Redford, — , 73; George, 69; John, 57 (part VH.) ; Nicholas, 73 ; Ralph, 65 ; Richard. 57 (part VIL). Redgate, Robert, a philosophical pedlar, 44 - Redhead, Edward, 73; Francis, 94; John, 73; Richard Milne, 96 (part HI.); Thomas, 73; Thomas Holland, 94. Redish, Rediche, see Reddish. Redig’, Robert, 47. Rediker, Elene, dau. of W., 112. Rediot, Edward, 47. Redish, Redishe, see Reddish. Red-Leigh, 88. Redman, — , 81, 82; Giles, 57 (part H.) ; John, 64; Richard, 50; Robert fpr.). Ill; William, 50, 57 (part HI.); Willi- mus, 99. Redmayne, family of, 57 (part H. ); J. (pr. ), in; Johannes, 57 (part IL); Ric., 57 (part IL). Redmer, Richard, in. Redmershull, 99. Redmond, Hubberte Bray Mark, 54. Red scar, 45. Redshanks, 46. Redych, Redyche, Redyshe, see Reddish. Redy Legh, 74. Redyson, Thomas, of Manchester, mer- chant, 54. Ree, Insula de, 54, 88. Reed see Read. Reed, John, 105 ; Sir John, 31 ; William, 44 , 94 - Reeder, Jennet, 105; Richard, 105; Tho- mas, 105. Reedley, 88. Reedlow, 88. Reeve, 58. Reeve, Henry the, 58; W., in. Reeves, — , 88; Dr., 44; the attorney general, 44. Reformation, the, effects of, 65 ; contro- versy, 64. Reformers of Germany, in. Regals, 113. Regicides, in. Reginaldus, receives lands from Paganus de Villars, 87. Regina Martyrum, in. 224 GENERAL INDEX. Register {of Martyrs^, 1 1 r. Regmaiden, see Rigmaden. Regnold, King, 58. Regraters, 63; officers for, 65. Rehearsal, 44. Reid, James, 73. Reidheid, Alyson, 54; John, 54; William, 54 - Reinagle, Joseph, 72. Reinfred, Gilbert, 105; Roger, 105. Reinsford, — , 82. Reisse, Mawde, 54. Reisner, — , 114. Rekingham, Elias de, 95. Reliefs, Relyves, 46. Reley, Thomas, 96 (part IV.). Relief, 63; definition, 58. Religion of a Physician, iii. Religion, order for establishing it and destroying vestments, &c., 87 ; state of, in deanery of Manchester in 1590, 96 (part II. ). Religious Enejnies, in. Religious enthusiasm, rationale of, 44 ; ministration to the army in France, 87 ; persecutions, 50 ; sects, ill; spirit of Salford Hundred, 62. Remeworth, see Rumworth. Remington, — , 81; John, 94; Richard, 94; Sir Robert, 31; Thomas, 46. Remshaw, — , 88. Remyngton, 81. Renaud, Frank, History of Prestbury, 97. Renolde, — ,81. Renshaw, Elizabeth, 42 ; Ellis, 57 (part VIE); Henry, 57 (part VI.); James, 57 (part VI.), 73; Jonathan, 47 ; John, 57 (part VIE); J., 57 (part VI.); Richard, 113; Thomas, 42; T., 57 (part VI.), 96"(part HE). Renshaye, Margaret, 63. Renstone, co. Stafford, 60. Rent, 63; bishop’s, 46. Rental of the manor, 58; of Ashton-under- Lyne manor, 74. Rentale de Cokersand, 57 (part IE). Rents, Shuttleworth of Gawthorpe, 46 ; and rent services, 58. Renwick, William, 73. Repington, Sir John, 114. Representing controversy, 64. Repton Grammar School, 75. Resbury, Nathaniel, 64. Rescue, Rescouse, 63. Resetters, 74. Resiants, 58. Resolutes, the, Le., reprises or back pay- ments, 60. Reste, John de, 92. Restoration, the, in. Resurrection, Hymn on the, in. Retchford, Rev. W., 114 Reve, ffrauncis, 54 ; Raffe, 54. Reved, see Read. Reved, R. de, 112 ; Rad’us de, 95. Revell, — , 8:; Hugh, 54. Reveller, 63. Revene, 88. Reveney, manor of, 1 10. Revenue, national, 46. Revet, 82. Revett, William, 73. Revington, 88. Rex Judceorum, in. Reyl-aker, 112. Reyley, — , 82 ; John, 69 ; Thomas, 92 ; Willi’mus, 95. Reymund, — -, in. Reynalds, — , 82. Reyne, Thomas, 54. Reyner, Clement, 64; Sam., in. Reynes, J., in. Reynold, Frances, of Strangeways, wife of Thomas Legh, 97; John, 113. Reynolds, — , 72, 88; Dr. ,46; D. J. , in; Edward, Explication of Psalm cx. , 38, 114, Treatise of the Passions, 38; Fran- cis, 44, of Strangeways, 60 ; H., in ; John, 64; Mr., 44; S. W. , 72; Thomas, 44; Thomas Atkinson, 94; William, 64. Reynolds’s Relioion of fesus Delineated, 44. Reynolles, H., in. Reynshall, John, 63. Rhanger, Michael, 64. Rhetoric, in. Rhoades, Abm., 57 (part VI. ). Rhode Island, North America, 73. Rhodes, 47, 96 (part 1 . ) ; in Pilkington, no; fields, 74. Rhodes, Charles George, 94 ; Charles Tyldesley, 94; Hugh, in ; James, 94; John, 73 ; Ralph Maxey, 73 ; Richard, 57 (part VIE) ; Thomas, 73, 94 ; Wil- liam, 69. Rhubeshawe, 62. Rhudlan Castle, no. Rhyme, in. Rhyme-Smith’s, the, annual verses, 45. Rhymer, Richard the, 42. Ribble, 54, 103 (part IE); bridge, Pres- ton, 62 ; fishing of, 39 ; fishery, 74 ; water, 62, barques in, 75. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 225 Ribblecestre, see Ribchester. Ribblesdale, Lord, 45 ; Lord (Thos. Lister), 37 (part IV.). Ribbleton, 50, 58, 74, 81, 82, 88, 99, no; mill, near Preston, 62. Ribbleton, — , 82; Avicius de, 105 ; Wil- liam de, 105. Ribbons, 46. Ribby, Stephen, 105. Ribby with Wray, township of, 92. Ribchester, 45, 50, 54, 57 (part V.), 60, 62, 88, 99, no, 114; church, 58. Ribchester, Hugh, 60 ; Ricardus, 99 ; Ricardus de, 95 ; Richard, 60. Ribera, F. 114. Ribilchester, Willi’mus, 95. Riblesden, 99. Ribleton, see Ribbleton. Ribleton, Ricardus, persona de Kirkham, 92. Rice, 46. Rich, Captain Barnaby, 50, ni; Mr., 44 ; Penelope, letter to Elizabeth, 90 ; Robert, Lord, 90; Robert Temple, 69. Richard I., 37 (part L), 57 (part 11 . ), in. Richard, II., 37 (part L), in. Richard III., 103 (part I.). Richard, — , 81, 82; ap Richard, 54; clerk of Halton, 112 ; filio Huctred, 57 (part 11 . ); John ap, 54; of Cirencester, 58; of Downham, 112; of the Well, 74; son of Benedict, 112; son of Hen., 112; son of Hugh, 60 ; son of Mawe, 74 ; son of Hamelot, 74 ; son of Robert, 60 ; the clerk, 92; Instaurator of Pendle 112. Richards, William, of Bardsley, 74. Richards, Rev. J. W. ,94; Rev. John, 69; Mr., 44; Richard, 37 (part I.) ; T. (pr.), in. Richardson, — , 72, 88 ; Bishop, Observa- tions and Explanations tipon the Old T(sta 7 nent, 38; Capt., 44; Charles, 94 ; Edward, 47, 57 (parts VI. ancl VIL); Rev. E., 114; George, 44, 47, 57 (parts 1 . and VI.) ; Henry, 50, 54, 73 ; Sir James, priest of St. Ursula chapel, 54; Jas., 57 (part VI.); Jennet, 105 ; John, 54, 69, 73, 75, 92, 96 (part IV.), 105; Martin, 45; Mary, 105; Marye, 54; Mr., 42, 44, 109 ; Mr., of the Temple, 114; Mr., of Myrescoghe, 54; Rev. Mr., 42; Mrs., 44; Nathan, 57 (part VIL); Ralph, of Brazenose, Oxford, 54; Richard, 105; Dr. Richard, of Bierley, 31; Roger, 72; Samuel, 44; Slater, 44; Sir T., in; ITomas, dean of Manchester, 54, 65 ; Thomas, 47, 63 (app. I.), 73, 96 (part H. ), 105; wife of Ilenry, Male, 60; W., iii; William, 54, 92, 105; Dr. William, 44. Richebery, John, clerk, 47. Richinson, maior or keeper of Newgate prison, 61. Richmond, 42, 46, 88, 94, no. Richmond, Anne, 105 ; Archdeacon of, 60; Arthur, Count of, 83; Bridget, 105; Charles, Duke of, 37 (part V.), 44; Dorothy, 105 ; Duke and Duchess of, in; Duke of, 109; Earl of, 60; Ed- ward, 105 ; Eliza, 105 ; Elizabeth, 105; family 105 ; Francis, 105 ; George, 105; Harold, 105; Henry, 105, Rev. Henry, 105; James, 105; Jane, 105 ; John, 105; Jonathan, 105 ; Langley, 105 ; Lsetitia, 105 ; Rev. Legh, 105 ; Margaret, 105 ; Mary, 105; Mary, Countess of, in; Mr., 105; Oliffe, 105; Peter, 105; Proc- tor, 105; Richard, 94, 105; Rev. Richard, 61, 105; Robert, 105; Sarah, 105; Syl- vester, 105 ; Rev. Sylvester, 105 ; Thomas, 105 ; Thomas Goodier, 94 ; Thomasin, 105. Richmond and Derby, Countess of, 103 (part 1. ). Richmont, Francis, 105. Ricihale, Richard de, 105. Rickards, Charles Hilditch, 94 ; Thomas Broome, 94; William Henry, 94. Ricote, 81. Ricroft, — , 88. Ricson, Thomas, 50, 57 (part 11 , ). Ridal, Ridale, 88. Ridall, Francis, 94. Ridding, — , 88. Ridding, 88; bank, 58. Riddings, 42. Riddles, 46. Riddlesden, Ridlesden, 82, 88. Ridehorn, Richard, 47. Ridell, Geffrey, 80. Rideout, Joseph, 94. Rider, co. Ebor, 88. Rider, — , 61, 88; George, 73; Bp. J., 114; John, 64; Joseph, 63, 73; Rev. Mr., 42; Tim., in; Thomas, 94. Ridford, Frumb de, 80. Ridgdalle, Richard, 37 (part I.). Ridge, CO. Derby, 88, no. Ridge, of Manchester, ped., 88. Ridge, J., 57 (part VI.) ; Jane, 47 ; Mr., 44. Ridge, the, 81, 82. G G 226 GENERAL INDEX. Ridgefield, 42. Ridgeway, John, 69, 73, 113; Jas., 57 (part VI.); Lawrence, 54. Ridgley, Dr., 114. Ridgway, Edward, 69 ; Humphrey, 83 (part I.) ; James, 69; Ralph, 57 (part VII.); Robert, 42 ; Thomas, 72. Ridynge, Hugh, 60. Riding charges, 46. Riding, Nathaniel S., 94; William, 92. Ridinge, Henry, 42, 46 ; Margete, 46 ; Richard, 46. Ridinges, Abednego, 47; John, 47. Ridings, E., 57 (part I.) ; John, 47 ; Royds, 1 12; Samuel, 63, 105. Ridleghe, see Ridley. Ridley, 82, 88, 96 (part HI.), no. Ridley, Bishop, 64; Johannes, 99; N., Ill; Nicholas, 64; Ricardus, 99; Willi- mus, 99; Yates, 94. Ridlington, Mr., 44. Ridman, — , 82. Rie corde, 46. Riederer, J. B. , 114. Rifle corps, 72. Rigalles, 113. Rigbey, John, 57 (part VIE). Rigbie, Edward, 47, 1 10 ; Henry, 42 ; John, 46 ; Major Joseph, 105; Mr., 31, 46; Nicholas, 31. Rigby, — , 82, 88; Adam, 31, 54; Alex- ander, 31, 39, 42, 47, 50, 54, 61, 62, 63, 70, 92, 96 (part HE), 105, in; Alexander, of Burgh, 50, 54, 75; Alex- ander, of Burgh and Layton, 62 ; Alexander, of Erley, 31, 54; Alex- ander, of Layton, 50 ; Alexander, of Middleton, 54, 62; Alexander, of Pres- ton, 50; Colonel Alexander, 31; Alice, 31 ; Anne, 31, 47 ; Arthur, 94; Cicely, 47 ; Colonel, 92, 105 ; Doro- thea, 54 ; Dorothy, 31 ; Edward, 3L 54, 73, 92, 94, 105 ; Edward, of Burgh, 50 ; Eleanor, 31 ; Elizabeth, 31 ; family, 57 (part H.) ; George, 54 ; George, of Peel, 50; Gilbert, 113; Hughe, 54; Hugo, 99; John, 42, 44, 96 (part HE); Rev. John, 31; John, of Writhington, 60 ; Joseph, 50, 72, in ; Joseph, of Aspull, 76 ; Lucy, 105 ; Major-General, 45 ; Major Joseph, 62; Margaret, 31, 92; Mr., 31; Nicolas, 31 ; Nicholas, 39, 47, 50, 61, 70, no; Nicholas, of Harrock hall, 31 ; Rev. Mr., 42; Ricardus, 95; Richard, 54; Robert, 73; Roger, 31, 92; Thomas, 31, 54, 61, 73, 92 ; Urian, 54; William, 54, 72. Rigby ped., 82; of Harrick, ped., 81, 88; of Layton, ped., 88; of Middleton, ped., 88. Rigbye, — , ped., 82; Alexander, 75; Alex- ander, of Burgh, 31; J., 39. Rigeston, Rixton, no. Rigg, — , 88; John, 94. Rigge, Margaret, 92. Riggeby vill., 58. Rigges, Rev. Brian, 92. Rigging houses, 46. Riggott, William, 94. Righerit, Edmund, son of, 80. Right of way, 63. Righway, Sarah, 47. Rigley, George, 73 ; Henry, 57 (part VI. ). Riglie, Mr., 46. Rigmaden, — , 88; Avella, no; Dorothy, 60 ; Edmundus, 95 ; Elizabeth, 95 ; Hugh, 105; Johanna, 95; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 39, 60, 105; John de, 60; John, of Wedacre, 60; Leticia de, 95; Margaret, 60; Marmaducus, 95; Nicho- laus, 99; P. de, no ; Ricardus, 99 ; Rogerus, 99 ; Thomas, 95, 99, 105 ; Willimus 95. Rigmaiden, John, 50 ; Thomas de, 57 (part IL). Rigmanden, — , 82 ; Jane, 105 ; John, 105 ; William, 105. Rigmayden, — , 81, 82; Agnes, 105 ; Alice, 105; Anthony, 105 ; Elizabeth, 92, 105; John, 57 (part IL), 105; John de, 92 ; Margaret, 92, 105 ; Marma- duke, 105; Mr., 54; Nicholas, 105; Thomas, 54, 57 (part IL), 105; Tho- mas de, 92 ; Walter, 57 (part II.), 105; William, 105; Rygmayden. Rigmayden pedigree, 81, 105. Rigway, Mawde, 54. Riland, Omfridus, 57 (part H. ). Rilandes, John de, 58. Rile, or Ryle, Henrie, priest, 60. Riley, — , 88; James, 92; John, 69; Mar- garet, 92 ; Matthew, 92 ; Richard, 92 ; S. W., the Itinerant, 72; Thomas, 92 ; William, 60, 105. Rillington, 94. Rillston, Anne, 54; Thomas, 54; James Edward, 65. Rimer, Ralph, in. Rimmer, Geoffrey, 113; Henry, 113; Oliver, 113. Rimmington, 99, 112. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 227 Ringers, 46. Ringing swine, 46, 109. Ringley, 37 (part IV.), 88, 109; chapel, 37 (part IV.), 42, 109; fold, 109; school, 37 (part IV.). Riot and rout, 63. Rioting in London, 44. Ripariis, Baldwin de, Earl of Devonshire, 80. Ripley, George, 1 1 1 ; Henry, 94. Ripon, 47, 94, 96 (parts II. and III.). Rippling flax, 46. Ripponden, 88, 94. Rishberry, John de, 83. Risheton, Rushbie, Rushton, William, chantry priest, 60. Rishforth, — , 82. Rishie field, 65. Rishley, John, 57 (part III.). Risholme, 60 ; see also Rusholme. Rishton, 50, 74, 88, 99 ; lordship, 60 ; manor, no. Rishton, — , 81,82, 88, no, 112; — , curate of Blackburn, 103 (part I.); Ad. de, 112; Alexander, 54, 57 (part III.); Alice, 92, no; Ann, of Crosshall, 60; Anne, 54, 103 (part I.); Degory, 31; Dr., 64; Edmund, 103 (part I.); Edward, 73, 94, 96 (part I.) ; Elizabeth, 54; Ellen, 50; Geoffrey, 50, 103 (part I.), 105; Gilbert, 50, 54, 57 (part III.), 99 ; Gillet, 50; Grace, 31, 54; Henry, 54, 99; Hen. de, 112; John, 46, 50, 103 (part I.), no; Mr., of the Sparthe, 46 ; Nicholaus, 99; Henricus, 95 ; Rad’us de, 95 ; Ralph, 31, 54, 99, 103 (part I.), no; Ric., 46; Ricardus, 95, 99; Richard, 54, 103 (part I.); Robert, 31, 99; Roger, 99, 103 (part I.) ; Susan, 103 (part I.) ; William, 54, 57 (part HI.); see also Rushton. Rishton ped., 82; of Dunnishope, ped., 88; of Pontalghe, ped., 88. Rishworth, — , 88 • John, 57 (part HI.). Risley, 82, 88. Risley, — , 82, 88, 1 10 ; arms of, 42 ; Captain, 39; Henry, no; John, 30; Mr., 42; Richard, no. Risky, of Risley, ped., 88. Risseton, Robert de, 74. Rissheton, see Rishton. Ritherdon, Amb., in. Rivers, Baron, of Strathfieldsaye, 31 ; Earl, 70 ; Earls and Viscounts, Col- chester, 54; Jaquctta, no; John Savage, earl, 31 ; Richard, earl, 60, 1 10. Rivet, Andrew, 1 14. Rivets, 46. Rivington, 42, 46, 47, 50, 58, 88, 96 (part I.), 99, no; chapel, 113; church, 113; church goods, 113; hall, 46; Pike, beacon on, 50; school, 54. Rivington, — , bookseller, 44 ; Richard, 105. Rixe, Samuel, 69. Rixton, 50, 58, 60, 74, 81, 82, 84, 88, no; chapel, 54, 60 ; choir in Warrington church, 60. Rixton, — , 8i, 82 ; Alan de, 58, 60, 74, no; Alice, 60; Gilbertus, 95; Isabella, 95 ; Johannes, 95 ; Katherine, 60, no ; Margaret de, 60, 1 10 ; Margery, 54 ; Mathius, 95 ; Mawkin de, 87 ; Nicholas de, 83; Nicholaus, 95; Randolphus, 99; Sir Richard, no; Thomas, 60; Tho- mas, of Great Sankey, will of, 54 ; Willimus de, 95 ; William de, 83. Rixton, of Sanky, ped., 81. Ro., Ric., in. Roa, Dr. Richard, 105. Roads, 46, 65, 112. Roanes, Roger, 54. Robarde, Ellyne, no, 113; William, no. Robart, Robert, Roberts, Agnes, 103 (part I.); Edmund, 103 (part I.) ; Ed- ward, 103 (part I.); Henry, 103 (part I.); James, 103 (part I.); John, 103 (part I.) ; Richard, 103 (part I.); Tho., 103 (part I.) ; see also Roberts. Robartes, Isabella, wife of John Legh, 97. Robarts, I. (printer), in ; John, in ; John, Lord, 114; Lord, in. Robber roll, Macclesfield forest, 97. Robberies, 46. Robbers, 112. Roberson, Thomas, 37 (part IV.). Robert, abbot of Cockersand, 105 ; Bea- trice Fitz, 105 ; del Holm, 74 ; Duke of Normandy, in; Edmund, 96 (part IV. ); Edward, 96 (part IV.); John, 46; (miller), 112; (parker), 112; parson of Garstaiig, 105; (shoemaker), 44; (smith), 112; son of Adam, 112; son of Gamelle, 112 ; son of Gilmuth, 42 ; son of John, 112 ; son of Mokok, of Briercliffe, 74 ; the heir of, 74; ap William, 54; Wil- liam, 54. Roberte, John, 30. Roberts, — , 82, 88; Brownlow, 94 ; Ed- ward, 44, 96 (part IV.); Francis, The 228 GENERAL INDEX. Key of the Bible, 38; Henry, 94; Henry Charles, 94; James, 73, 94; James (prin- ter), III; Jarvis, 94; John, 63 (app. I.), 83; Mr., 37 (part IV.), 44; Rowland, 92 ; William, 73, 94; William, of Hol- beck, 54. Robertshawe, Robertshay, William, 96 (part IV.), 103 (part I.). Robertson, William, 74, 113, 114. Robin Conscience, 1 1 1 . Robin-Hood, iii; games, objection to, 39; play of, 60. Robin redbreast, ill. Robins, Mr., 44. Robinson, — , 63, 81, 82, 88 ; Alexander, 54; Alice, 47, 72; Benjamin, 69; Bryan, 57 (part VII.), 44; Charles, 95; Chris- topher, 96 (part I V.) ; Christopher, of Barrowforthe, 54; Cornelius, 69; Uame, 70; Daniel, 69, 73; Dixon, 45, 74; Dy- con, 74; Edmund, 46 ; Edward, 46, 92, 105; Major Edward, 92 ; Elizabeth, 42; Ellis, 96 (part IV.); G., in ; G. F., 42; George, 54; George, chantry priest, Blackrod, 60 ; Sir George, 31 ; Sir George, priest, 54; Harrold, 69; Henry, 54, 73> 92, 94; Hugh Smythe, 73; Isaac, 73; Isabel, 109; J., 57 (part I.); Sir J., Ill; Jas., 37 (part IV.), 57 (part VI.); John, 47, 54, 57 (part VIE), 69, 72, 73, 92, 105; Josias, 45; Laurance, 45; Laur., 50 ; Laurence, Robert, his son, 65 ; Lawrance, 63; Lawrence, 57 (part HI.); Major, 39, 70; Major Edward, his pedi- gree, 62 ; supposed author of Discourse of War in Lancashire, 62 ; Margaret, 42 ; Mary, 45 ; Mr., 44 ; Nicholas, 44, 50; Ralph, 109; Ralph, of Kersley, 42; Rauffe, 54; Recorder, 44; Richard, 50, 69, 92, 105, III; Robert, 37 (part IV.), 42, 57 (part VIL), 63 (app. I.), 69, 72, 73, 74, 94, 105; Robert (printer), in; Robyn, 74; Samuel, 73; shorthand wri- ter, 44; Thomas, 54, 65, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 92, 94, 113; W., 57 (part VL); William, 39, 45, 57 (part VIL), 69, 72, 73, 74, 92; Wilkyn, 74. Robinson, of Buckshaw, ped., 88. Robotham, Peter, 69. Robson, John, 60; Scottish Field, 37 (part ID. Roby, 50, 74, 88, no. Roby, Christofer, 61 ; James, 113; John, 7'raditions of Lancashire, 75- Robynson, — , 88; Henry, of ffreklyngton, 60; John, 57 (part II.), 60; Ric., 57 ; (part IL); Simon, of Stalmyn, 60; Thomas, chantry priest, Huyton, 60; see also Robinson. Rochdale, Rachdale, 45, 46, 47, 54, 57 (part L), 58, 60, 62, 65, 69, 72, 73, 74, i 76, 81, 88, 94, 96 (parts 1. and II.), 99, 103 (part I.), 112; chapel in church, 60 ; church of, 60 ; church goods, 113; forces sent to parish of, 50; forest, 112; grammar school, 82, 96 (part L), 114 ; St. Katherine’s chantry, 60; mill, 112; parish of, 42. 82, no ; vicar of, 31. Roche alum, 46. Rocheleye, W. de (Instaurator of Traw- den), 112. Rochelle, 50. Rochester, 60, 73. Rochester, Sir Robert, chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 60, 113. Rochford, Lord, 44. Rock of Regard, in. Rock Savage, 31. Rockett, Dudley, 69. Rockley, 88, 96 (part HI.). Rockley, — 88; Anne, 83 (part IL); Gervas, 96 (part HE); Ralph, 83 (part IE) ; Robert, 96 (part HE). Rockliff, Mr., 37 (part IV.). Rocktree, 46. Roclif, Alan de, 112. Rodam, see Rodham. Rodas, — , 88. Rodburne, 88. Roddge, Mr., 92. Rode, 54, 80. Rode, of Rode, arms of, 97. Rode, Ran. , 54 ; Thomas, 54. Rodeman, Henry de, 57 (part IE). Rodes, fields, 74; hall, 88. Rodes, — , 81 ; Charles, a pseudonym of Dr. P. Nichols, 44 ; Francis, judge, 50 ; James, 60 ; John, 54 ; Mr., 46. Rodest, Ric. de, 80. Rodham, 81; park, 88. Rodilsworth, 99. Rodley, — , 63 (app. H.); Robert, 65; Stephen, 63 (app. E). Rodney, George Brydges, 45. Rodon, David de, 64. Rodyngton, 81. ' Rodyngton, Robert, 83. Roe, — , 88; Ambrose, 46; Elizabeth, 92; j Henry, 46 ; Hugh, 46; Ja., 46; James, 54, 69; John, 46, 58, 94; John, of the Crossbank, 46; Sir John, 90; of Maccles- field, 97 ; R., in; Robert, 69, 105; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 229 Thomas, 92, 105 ; Sir Thomas, 90 ; widow, 46 ; William, 105. Roebuck Inn, Rochdale, 44. Roefiekl, 45. Roest, Theodore, iii. Rogcroste, Rogecrofte (Ravenscroft), George, 1 10; Thomas, no. Rogekynson, John, 105. Roger, of Shrewsbury, 92 ; Amuria Fitz, 95 ; Avicia, 95 ; Cementario, 57 (part II.), Margaret, 95; Margeria, 95; Matilda, 95 ; Quenilda, 95 ; Richard, 95; son of Ralph, 74; Roger (smith), 1 12 ; clerk of Maunton, 42. Rogerley, — , 81, 82, 88; George, 54, 60, 92 ; Mistress, 57 (part III.). Rogerley ped., 82. Rogers, — , 88; Dr. Benj., 114; Dr., 44; Henry, 46, 64; J., in ; Jas., 57 (parts VI. and VII.); John, 64, ill; John, martyr, 65 ; Rev. John, 37 (part IV.); Matt., in; Mr., 31, 44; Mrs., 57 (part VII.); O. (printer), in; Richard, Seaveu Treatises, 38 ; Thomas, 47, 64 ; Hon. Wroth, in. Rogerson, — , 63 (app. II.), 88 ; Chris- topher, 92; Hugh, 54; J. B., 57 (part I.j; James, 72; Mrs., 50; Ralph, 54; Richard, 39; Roger, 63 (app. I.); Dom. William, Ormskirk, 60 ; William, of Chester, 54; William, 74; William, rector of Ashton-under-Lyne, 54, 60. Roggers, Nicholas, 54. Rogues, 46, 63. Rogue’s post, 105. Rohall, 57 (part H. ), 105. Roiley, — , 82. Rokade, Will, de, chantry priest, 60. Rokeby, 73; park, 73. Rokeby, James, 60; James, of Sleningford, 60; Thomas, of Rokeby, 60. Rokeby e, Mr., 46. Rokeden, Dom. Will, de, capell., 60. Rokedene, 60, 99 ; chaplain of, 60. Rokley, Robert, 54. Roley, 103 (part I.). Rolfe, Henry, 109. Rolleston, 42, 44, 68, 88; park, 42, 45. Rolleston, — , 88, Robert, rector of War- ton, 60. Rolls, 46; searching, 46. Romain, John le, 105. Romaine, Rev. William, 44. Roman altars found at Knot Mill, 68 ; at Hulme, 44 ; antiquities at Garstang, 105 ; at Kirkham, 92 ; fort at Man- chester, 68 ; scythe, found in Manches- ter, 68 ; numerals, 50 ; road through Manchester, 68 ; roads at Garstang, 105 ; roads in Kirkham, 92 ; stations, 58 ; stone found near Wooley Bridge, 68. Roman Catholics in 1590, 96 (part 1 1 .) in Lancashire parishes, 96 (part I.). Roman Emperors, Lives of, iii. Romara, Roger de, 80 ; William de, Earl of Lincoln, 80. Romaunt de la Rose, 1 1 1. Rome, 94, no; commendation of, 44. Rome, David, 94. Romesgrave, see Romsgreave. Romford, 81. Romilly feudatories, 87. Romish Church, controversy with Anglican Church, 64; rites, in. Romish Church, Errors of. III, Romley, Sir W,, in. Rommesbouth, John, 74. Romney, John, 73 ; Lord, 44 ; Mr., 44. Romsdene, George, 63. Romsbottom, George, 96 (part IV. ). Romsbotham, Sir Henry, priest, 54 ; James, 54. Romsgreave, 54, 74, 88. Ronceby, William, 58, Rondeau, — , 57 (part 1 .) ; Charles Frede- rick Augustus, 94 ; William, 94. Rondle, Robert, 113. Rondolphe, Barnarde, 54. Roo, Edward, 105 ; James, 54, Roodes, Thomas, 54. Rooe, — , 82. Roof-stones, 112. Rook, Ann, 105 ; G. , 44. Rookes, — , 88; Elizabeth, 42; John, 42 ; Marie, 42; Richard, 42; Robert, 42; William, 42. Rook’s nest, 45. Roos, Alice, no; Ellen, no; Sir John, no; Robert, 42; Thomas de, 74; Willi’ mus, 95. Roote, Henry, 37 (part IV.) ; Timothy, 37 (part IV.). Rootes, Ann (Jane), 105. Rootleach, Jane, 57 (part VIL). Rope, Laurence, 54 ; Mary, 54. Roper, A. (printer), in; John, 64; Roger le, 60 ; Thomas, 46. Ropes, 46. Roquelaure, Duke of, 44. Ros, J., in ; Robert de, 58. Rosa soils, or Rossolis, 46. 230 GENERAL INDEX. Rosaker, 62. Rosamond, in. Rosbotham, Rosbalham, 74. Roscarrock, Colonel, 70. Roscow, — , 63 (app. II.); James, 105; Peter, 54; Robert, of Bolton, 61. Roscowe, — , 88 ; John, 39 ; Roger, 39. Roscyndale, John, 60. Rosden, Geoffrey, 58 ; Geoffrey de, 42. Rose, the, in. Rose, — . 88; Ellinor, or Elyn the, 74; Joseph, 73; Richard, 60, 113; Thomas, 60. Rose Hill, 72. Rose water, 46. Rosehale, 57 (part V.). Rosemary, 46. Roses, 46. Rosethorne, — , 88; of New Hall, pedi- gree, 88. Rosin, 46. Rosington, co. York, 80. Rosley fair, 46. Roson, James, 57 (part VH.). Ross, — , 72; Alex., in; Mris. Ellen, 42 ; Malcolm W., 72. Rossall, 62, 82, 88 ; capture of Spanish ship near, 70. Rossall, Henry, 96 (part IV.). Rosse, Eliz., epitaph, 90; Lord, in ; Ric., 60. Rossendale, 54, 57 (part I.), 74, 112; chace, 58, no; forest of, 88, 96 (part IV. ) ; forest, taxation of, 50. Rossendale, Adam de, 58, 68. Rosset, 54. Rosshall, see Rossall. Rostherne, 47, 69, 99, 114; mere, 42. Rosthorne (Rawsthorne), 81, 82, 88. Rosthorne, — , 81, 82, 88; Alicia, 88; Captain, 62 ; Holcroft, 88 ; Laurence, 88 ; Thurstan, 1 13. Rostone, see Rostherne. Rosworm, Lieut-Colonel John, 57 (part V. ), 62,103 (part IL). Roter, Ran. de, 112; Sim. le, 112. Roterford, John, 54. Rothelsworth, 81. Rotheram, Dr. Cale, 47. Rotherham, 73. Rotherham, Abp., 103 (part L). Rotherley, 69. Rothery, Daniel, 73. Rothmell, Charles, 57 (part VI.). Rothwell, — , 72, 81, 88; Charles, 57 (part VH.) ; George, 73 ; Henry, 94 ; James, 73; John, 69, 92; John, of Bolton, 73 ; Leonard, 63 ; Margaret, 92 ; Philip, 47 ; Richard, 31, 94; Richard Rainshaw, 73; Robert, 61, 94; Rogerus, 95; T., 57 (part VI.) ; Thomas, 46, 57 (part VH.) ; William, 54, 73, 113. Rotterdam, 39. Rottington, 81. Rotiili Hiindredorum^ 74. Roucester priory, co. Stafford, 80. Roudon, CO. Somerset, 58. Rouen, 114. Rough Fields, 47. Roughsedge, Elizabeth, 44. Roumsgreve, see Romsgreave. Round Meadow, 47. Roundheads, in. Roundhey, le, 112. Rous, Lady Eliz., in; Hon. Fr., ni; J., in. Rouse, Francis, 64. Rourke, O., in. Routh, Richard, 105. Routhclyve, Richard, 105; Roger, 105. Routhestorn, see Rostherne. Routore [? Runcorn], 74. Rovenius de Repuhlica Christiana, 44. Rovington, 88. Row, Mr., 44. Rowall, Christopher, 105 ; Henry, 105 ; Isabella de, 105; John, 105. Rowbotham, Edward, 47; John, 69, 105; Mr., 37 (part IV.); Samuel, 42; Wil- liam, 42. Rowbottom, John, 57 (part VIL). Rowcrofte, William, 57 (part IV.). Rowe Chapel, or Dounshire Mausoleum, 114. Rowe, Edw., 61 ; John, 39 ; Mr., of Fox Denton, 44; Peter, 31; Richard, 94; Robert, 92; Thomas, 94. Rowell, 88. Rowes, — , 88. Rowland, James, 94; Robert, 94; Samuel, in. Rowlandson, Jankyn, 54. Rowleston, 88. Rowley, 82, 88. Rowley, Alexander, 72 ; Geoffrey, 47 ; John, 105 ; Rad’us, 95 ; Thomas, 113 ; W., in. Rowlinson, Jo., 92; Thos. , 105. Rowlls, John, 31. Rowson, Edward, 54; John, of Stockport, 54; Sibell, 54; Thomas, 54; Thurstan, of Stockport, 54. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 231 Rowyll, John, 105. Roxborough, Lord, ill. Roxburgh, A., 72; Adam, 73. Roy, Win., iii. Royal Arms, in; Exchange, 1 1 1 ; Geneal- ogy, in; Oak, 44. Royal Society meetings, 44. Royal Garland, 1 11; Romance, ill. Royalists in Lancashire, 50 ; plunderings at Warrington, 50. Roycroft, S. (printer), in. Roydon, INIatth. , in. Royhill, 82. Roylance, William, 73. Royle, 45, 82, 88, 103 (part III.), no, 112. Royle, — , 88; Edward, of Timperley, 54? J. E., 72; J., 57 (part VI. ); James, 72; Jeremiah, 73, 94; Jerry, 72; John, 69, 73, 94; Joshua, 57 (part VII.) ; Peter, 94; Richard, 54; Samuel, 94; Vernon, 72; William, 73, 94. Royston, — , 81; Rd., 103 (part II.), 114. Royton, 42,45, 54, 57 (part L), 58, 69, 73, 82, 96 (part L), no; see also Ryton. Ruan Lanyhorne, 114. Ruarus, Martin, 114. Rudd, Ellyn, 42; James, 42, 69; John, 42, 47, 58, 60; Joseph, 42; Richard, 60; Robert, 60; Thomas, 42, 60. Rudde, Robert, 58. Ruddeby, Pet. de, 112. Ruddiman, T., in. Rudding, Beatrice of the, 74; Thomas of the, 74. Rudersdorff, Madame, 72. Rudgate, 81, no. Rudge, Mrs. Bridget, in. Rudhall, Abraham, 37 (part IV.), 42, 113; Mr., 92. Rudyard, Elizabeth, 83 (part I.); Thomas, 83 (part I.). Rudyard, co. Stafford, 83 (part I.). Rudnygges in Wylaston, 80. Rue, 46. Rufford, — , 88. Rufford, 31, 46, 50, 57 (part II.), 60, 62, 72, 81, 82, 88, 96 (part IIP), 99, no, 112; chantries, 60; chapel, 31; house, 46; minister of, 105; priests of, 60. Ruffs, 46. Rufus, Bernard Fitz, 105. Rugaley, Dr., 114. Rugby, 94. Ruge, Jane, no; Rychard, no. lHenry, 46, 103 (part I.) ; Hugh, 46, 50, 96 (part IV.); Rev. Humphrey, 92; Hute, 62; James, 46; Jane, 46 ; Janet, 46; Johanna, 1 10 ; Johannes, 95 ; John, 42, 46, 73, 105 ; John, chantry priest, 60; John Spenser Ashton, 94 ; Katherine, 54 ; Lady, 46 ; Lawrence, 46, 99, 103 (part I.); Rev. Lawrence, 46; Margery, no; Marie, 39 ; Mary Elizabeth, 92 ; Mr., 45; Mr., of Ashterlee, 62 ; Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Myles, 57 (part VIL); Nicholas, 92, 103 (part I.); Colonel Nicholas, 62, 105; Nicholas, of Gawthorpe, 46; Nich- olas, of Forcet, 46 ; Nicholaus, 99 ; Philip Nicholas, bishop of Chichester, 46, 92 ; Philip Ugtred, 92 ; Ralph, 103 (part I.), no; Richard, 39, 42, 46, 50, 61, 88, 105 ; Richard, of Gawthorpe, 44, 75 ; Sir Richard, 46, 50, 60, 1 10 ; Richard, of Ightenhill park, 46; Richard Henry, 92 ; Colonel Richard, 46, 50, 62, 105 ; Robert, 46 ; Robertus, 99 ; Robinson, 45; Sergeant, 57 (part HI.); Thomas, 46; Thomas, of Padiham, 46; Thomas, of Symondstone, 46 ; Thos. Starkie, 45 ; Turner, 46 ; Ughtred, 46 ; William, 57 (part VL), 92, 94; Capt. William, 46. Shuttleworth family, 45, 46, 103 (part I.); of Asterley, ped., 88; of Bedford, ped., 88; of Gawthorpe, 70, ped., 81, 88; of Larbrick, 92. Shuttleworih Accounts^ 35, 41, 43, 46. Shynbane place, 99. Shypton, Thomas, chantry priest of Eccles, 60. Shyreburn, see Sherburn. Siat, 46. VOLS. XXXI.-OXIV. 245 Sibbale, William, 73. Sickles, 46. Sickness, 46. Sictore, William, 92. Sidal, Adam, 47. Sidall, James, 60; widow, 42. Siddal, 96 (part II.). Siddall, Alice, 47; Anne, 47; Edward, 47, 57 (part VII.); Elizabeth, 47; Ellen, 47; Genet, 47; George, 47; James, 69; Jhon, yeoman waiter, 31 ; John, 42, 47, 69; John, of Slade hall, 42; Rev. Joseph Lawton, 47; Katherine, 47; Martha, 47; Mr., of Slade, 47; Richard Lee, 73; Richard, 47 ; Thomas, 47, 57 (part VII.) ; Thomas, of Burnage, 47 ; Wil- liam, 47, 57 (part VII. ); see also Syddall. Siddall of Slade, ped., 47. Siddington, 83 (part III.); church, 54, 97; school, 97. Siddons, — , actor, 72. Sidebotham, Edward Lowe, 37 (part IV.); John, 37 (part IV.); Joseph, 69 ; Peter, 69; Rev. Mr., 72; William, 37 (part IV.), 54. Sidebottom, George, 73 ; Samuel, 44 ; Thomas, 69. Sidebright, 88. Sidenham, Dr., 1 14. Sides, Henry J., 105. Sideyard, 99. Sidgreaves, John, 105; Nicholas, 105. Sidgreve, William, 96 (part IV.). Sidney, Henry, epitaph, 90 ; Sir Henry, 50, III; Lady, iii ; Sir Philip, 70, 90, 96 (part III.), Ill; Ralph, iii; Sir Rob., III. Sidney College, Camb., 114. Sidway, John, 64. Siers, Robert, 69. Sieve, Syve, a measure, 46. Sieves, 46. Sighes, the, 82. Sigley, William, 94. Signs for alehouses, 63. Sigonius’ Livy, 44. Sikes, Thomas, 105. Silche, the fool at Bewsey, 87. Silcock, Henry, 105; Jenet, 105; William, 105. Silesio, Mariano, ill. Silesius, J. Angelas, 44. Silk, 46; weaving at Newton Heath, 72. Silkman, 46. Silkstone, Rob. de, 112. Sill, Geoffrey, 60. Sille, Thomas, 60. Silver plate, 39. Silverdale, 74 (part II.), 99. Sim, — , 88 ; Richard, churchwarden of Rivington, 60. Simcock, To., yeoman waiter, 31. Simcote, Ewan, 31. Simcox, Simon, 58. Simeon of Durham, 58. Simester, Thomas, 57 (part VH.). Simianus, Pol., in. Simister, James, 69, 94; John, 42; Mr., of Stockport, 42; William, 69. Simmister, James, 69. Simmons, S., in; William, 94. Simms, Charles, in; Charles S., 94; Edward, 94; James, 73. Simnel bread and cakes, 50. Simnel, Lambert, 50, 87. Simon le Geldhirde, keeper, 112. Simon, Old, in. Simon Magus, in. Simondestone, Ad. de, 112; Alice de, 112; Calf, de, 112. Simons, — , 88. Simonstone, 46, 50, 74, 88, 95, 103 (part I.); hall, 81; tenants, 96 (part IV.). Simony, in. Simpkin, Gerard, 75. Simpson, — , 57 (part VIL), 88; A. A., 105; Ann, 105; Charles Turner, 94; Christopher, 105 ; Edward, 65 ; Eliz- abeth, 105 ; James, 46, 105 ; John, 39, 63; Leonard, 105; Mr., 44; Richard, 42, 69, 105 ; Richard, a priest, 50 ; Robert, 105 ; Thomas, 69, 105 ; Tom, 44 - Simpson’s Chelys, the Division Viol, 44. Sims, J., Ill; Val. (printer), in. Simson, Anes, 96 (part IV.); G. (printer), in; Samuel, 69; Thomas, 95; William, 61. Simsonne, Henry, of Forcet, 46. Sinclair, Henry, earl of, in. Sine, James, 46. Singe, George, 64. Singeing house, 58. Singilton, Ann, wife of William of Broughton, 60; Thomas, of Goosnargh, 60; Thomas, son of Gilbert, 60; see also Singleton. Singing in taverns, 44. Single women, 65. Singleston, John, 46; Richard, 46. Singlet, Ellenor, 50. Singleton, — , 81, 82; A. de, 57 (part 11 . ), 246 GENERAL INDEX. 8i, 88; Alan, 54, 95, 99; Alan de, 31, 92, 105, 1 10 ; Alan, of Withgill, 54 ; Alice, 105; Alice, daughter of Thomas ffarington, 31 ; Ann, daughter and heiress of Allen of Wightgill, 60; Ann, of Middleton hall, 60 ; Ann, spinster, 31; Ann, wife of Robert Parkinson, 31; Arthure, 54; Christopher, 92; Cuthbert, 92; Cicely, 92; Edmund, 105; Edward, 60 ; Edward, of Broughton tower, 54 ; Elizabeth, 105; Ellen, iio; George, 31, 92; Gilbert, 92, 105; H. (printer), iii; Jacobus, 99; James, 58; Joan, 105; Johanna, no ; Johannes, 57 (part II.), 95> 99; John, 50, 57 (part III.), 92; John, of Shyngle hall, 60; John, son of William of Staining, 31; Leigh, 94; Margaret, 54, 92, 105 ; Mr., 31, 105 ; Mr., of the Tower, 31; Mrs., 57 (part I.) ; Nicholas, 58, 95, 105 ; Nicholaus, 99; Ricardus, 95, 99; Richard, 69, 92 ; Richard de, 105; Robert, of Brockhall, and Ann his wife, 31 ; Robert de, 92 ; Robertas, 95, 99; Thomas, 31, 57 (part III.), 60, 92, 94, 95, 99, 105, no; Captain Thomas, of Stayning, 62; Tho- mas, of Oxeforth, 54 ; Thomas, of Scales, 54 ; Thomas, of the Tower, 50 ; Thomas, fil Gilbert de, 74 (part II.) ; William, 50, 54, 60, 69, 105, iiO; William, of Brockhall, 60; William de, 92; Willimus, 95, 99; seealso Singilton. Singleton family ped., 81, 82; of Stayning, ped., 88. Singleton, 37 (part IV.), 50, 57 (part II.), 58, 62, 74 (part II.), 81, 88, 92, 95, 99, no; chantry in Kirkham, 60; chapel, 60, 92 ; church, 92 ; grange, 88, 92 ; hall, 88 ; monuments, 92; witch, 92. Singleton Brook, 72. Sion Abbey, co. Middlesex, 57 (part II.), 60. Sion College, 114; Library, 44. Sion and Parnassus, in. Sir, as a prefix, 80. Sirinx, A., in. Sisargh, 88. Sissons, — , instrument maker, 44. Sixle, or Sixhill, co. Lincoln, 58. Skairesbroke, see Scarisbrick. Skale, 88. Skale (le), a domestic chapel at, 60. Skalys, 57 (part II.). Skalys, — , Lord, 99. Skaresbrek, see Scarisbrick. Scaresbryge, see Scarisbrick. Skate (fish), 46. Skayling, 46. Skellet, skeel, skille, 46. Skellet, Mrs., 44. I Skellicorne, see Skillicorne. Skelmersdale, 50, 88, 95, no. Skelmersdale, Lord, 45. Skelmesden, Robert, 50. Skelton, no. Skelton, — , in; John, in ; Robert, 97; Thomas, 105. Skelycorne, see Skillicorne. Skerrowe, Christopher, 50. Skerowe, Edmundus, 99. Skerton, 50, 74 (part II.), 88, 95, 99; lands, 58. Skerton, Johannes, 95. Skesmere, 88. Sket, — , baker, 44. 2/c; Vane, 1 13; Vane, curate of Lever- pole, 60; see also Tomason, &c. Thomlynson, Henry, 57 (part IT), 60. Thomond, Father, 50; Mary, countess of, 54 ; see Thormond. Thompson, — , 82, 88; Christopher, of Lancaster, 60 ; Edward William, 94 ; Elizabeth, 92; Henry, 92, 94; Humph- rey, 105; James, 114; Jennet, 92; John, 57 (part VH), 75, 92, 94; Rev. John, 92; Mary, 92; Mr., 44; Mr., of Trumpington, 44; Mrs., 44; Nat., iii; Nyeholas, Liverpool, 60 ; Ralph, 57 (part VH) ; Richard, 46, 64, 94, 105 ; Robert, 92, 94 ; Samuel, 94 ; Thomas, 64, 92 ; Sir Thomas Boulden, of Herts, 94; Thomas James, 94; uxor, 60; Rev. W., in; William, 92, 94, 113; William Wetherell, 94. Thomson, — , 61; Adam, 74; James, 54, 69 ; James, Seasons, 44; John, 73, 94; Kenworthy, 94 ; Lawrence, 54 ; Sir Rauff, 54; Richard, 54; S., in; William, rector of Ashton, 54, 60. Thorald, — , 88. Thorally, John, chantry priest, Durham, 60. Thorber, Rafe, 60. Thoresby, John, archbishop of York, 92. Thorganby, Yorks, 94. Thorius, J., in. Thorl-clough, 58. Thorleigh, 99. Thorley, Cad man, 94; Edward, 94; John, 94; William, 94. Thormond, Henry, earl of, 105. Thorn, — , in; Simon, 44. Thornbacks, 46. Thornber, Robert Smith, 46; Thomas, 46. Thornborough, Thornborowe, Thorn- burgh, &c., — , 81, 82; Ann, daughter of William, 31 ; Christopher, abbot of Whalley, 60; Henry, chantry priest, 60; Isabel, 54; Mr., 54; Nicholas, 31, 54; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 267 Ralph, 6o ; Rauf, chantry priest, 6o ; Richard, of Preston, 6o; William, 50, 57 (part III.), 99; William, of Hamps- field, 31, 54. Thornbrandheved, Simon de, 74 (part L). Thornburgh’s Nihil aliqiud 0 /miia, 44. Thorncliffe hall, 94. Thornditch, Thornidiche, 47. Thorndyke, Herbert, 64. Thorne, 88. Thorneley, see Thornley. Thorneley, Dom. Oliver, chaplain, 60; Randle, 47. Thorneper, Christopher, 96 (part IV,), Thorner, Mrs., 46, Thornes, le, 95. Thornes, Marie, 54. Thorneton, see Thornton, Thornfeld Clerk, 99. Thornham, 58, 88, 96 (part II.). Thornhaugh family, 44. Thornhill, Fr., iii; Samuel, 42; Thomas William, 94. Thornicroft, John, 94. Thorniley pit, 37 (part IV.). Thorniley, John, 42; Thomas, 42. Thornlaye, Richard, 46, Thornley, 50, 75, 82. Thornley, James, 94 ; Jolm, 73; Thomas, 54 - Thornthwaite, 88. Thornton, — , 82, 88 ; Agnes, 99 ; Cath- erine, 97 ; Christopher, 50 ; Cicely de, 83 (part II.); Edmund, 105; Elizabeth, 99, no; George, 57 (part II,); Gilbert, 105; James, 73, 92; Johanna, 99; Jo- hannes, 95, 99; John de, no; John f. de Laurence, 74 (part II.); Katerina, 99; Laurentius, 99; Lucy, no; Margeria, 99; Mary, 105; Mr., 44; Mrs., 96 (parts I. and III.) ; Oliver, 105 ; Sir Peter, no; Randle de, 83 (part 11 . ); Ricardus, 99; Richard, 64; Simon de, 58; Thomas, 113; W. T,, 105; Rev. W. W,, 105; William, 50, 92, 99. Thornton, 54, 57 (part 11 . ), 58, 60, 74 (part II.), 81, 82, 88, 99; hall, 88. Thornton, Amounderness, 50, 60. Thornton-le-Holmes, 95. Thornton-le-Moors, rectory of, 83. Thornton, West Derby, 50. Thornton Sourby, 95. Thorowgood, Rob., in. Thorold, Sir John, of Syston, 31 ; Rev. William, 92. Thorough toll,rthe, 58, Thorp, Thorpe, 82, 88, 99. Thorp Arch, Yorks, 94. Thorp Ash, 73. Thorp, Isaachar, 69, 73 ; James, 47, 73 5 Jarvis, 73; Johannes, 99; John, 37 (part IV.), 73; Joseph, 73 ; Mr., 44; Robert, 73; T., in. Thorpe, — , 88 ; Adam, 109 ; Alice, 57 (part VIL); Daniel, 57 (part VIL); Dorethe, 54; Edward Hall, 73; George, 57 (part VIL), 64; Henrie, 34; Hughe, 54; Hugh, 63; J., in ; James, 94; James Bateman, 94; John, 42, 57 (part VIL), 72; Martha, 57 (part VIL); Michael, 46; Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Otiwell, 65; Phinias, 57 (part VILl; Richard, 57 (part VIL), 65 ; Robert, 37 (part IV.), 57 (part VI.), p, 73; Sir Robert, clerk, will of, 54 ; Samuel, 73; Thomas, 57 (part VL), 69; Sir Thomas, 60 ; William Henry, 94. Thorpe Salvin, 88. Thorpe Waterwill, 95. Thorpensty, 88. Thorton, — , 82; Richard, 42. Thou, see Thuanus. Thoyts, John, 73, 94. ThrafFe, thrave, 46. Thralls, a serf class, 58. Thralsall, — , 88. Thrapston, 44. Thraylles, co. Lane., 75; see Treales, Thread, 46. Three acres, 47. Three Houses, the, 74. Threfylds, 57 (part IL). Threlfall, Alice, 92; Ann, 92; Edmund, 61, 92; Elizabeth, 92; Jenet, 92; Jennet, 105; Johannes, 99; John, 92, 105; Rev. John, 92 ; Katherine, 92 ; Richard, 92; Robert, 54 ; Roger, 92 ; Thomas, 92 ; Sir Thomas, 54. Threlfall, 95. Threllford, Henry, 57 (part VIL). Threshing corn, 46. Thristcross, Dr. Timothy, 114. Throgmorton, Rob., in. Throckmorton, Job, 72; John, knt., 54; Sir William, 39, 62. Throp, — , stationer, 80. Thropp, Anne, 47; Ellen, 46, Richard, 96 (part IV.); William, 47. Throppe, — , 88 ; John, 54. Throstle Nest, celt of stone found near, 68 . Thrower, John, 46, 268 GENERAL INDEX. Thrower, wood turner, 46. Throxenby, 94, Thrushes, 46. Thuanus, J. A., on grief, 44; his History, 1 14. Thuckley, 99. Thunelly, Edmund, 105; Sophia, 105. Thurcaston, 69. Thurcroft, 88, Thursby, Cuthbert, iii. Thurland, 57 (part III.), 81, 82; castle, 60, 62, 81, 82, 88. Thurlbourn, William (bookseller), 44. Thurleby, 109. Thurloe, John, 114. 'fhurlow, Mrs., 1 14. Thurman, Edw., iii, Thurmond’s Apollo and Daphne, 44. Thurnham, 50, 57 (part II.), 88, 95; hall, 57 (part II.). Thursby, John Harvey, 44. Thurslington, 88. Thurton, see Turton. Thuschet, Simon de, 80. Thwaite, 88. Thweat, Mr., death of, 72. Thwellyn, Roger, 54. Thwenge, 82. Thwenge, — , 82, 88 ; Thomas, 105 ; William, 105. Thyer, E,, iii ; Robert, 44, 69, 72, iii. Thyestes, iii. Thynne, Fr., iii ; W., iii. Thyrland, see Thurland. Thystleton, Elizabeth, 92; Thomas, 92. Thystylton, see Thistleton. Tib, etymology of, 58. Tib, river, 72. Tib street and the reservoirs, 72. Tibbi de Ormerode, 74 (part I.) Tiberias, battle of, 47. Tickell, Mr., 44. Tickhill, 88. Tickle, Peter, 57 (part VH. ). Tideswelle, Robert, clerico de, 57 (part Tideswell, 94. Tidmarch, S., ill. Tidswell, 73. Tigh, Richard James, 94. Tikwitmyre, 74 (part H. ) Tilberthwayt, 95. Tilburgh, Mr., 44. Tilbury fort, 50, Tildeslegh, Tildesley, see Tildesley and Tyldesley. Tildesley, — , 57 (part VIE), 88; Alice, 109, no; Alice, daughter of Thurstan, 31; Anne, 105, no; Captain, of Goos- nargh, 62; Cecilia, 99, no; Edmund, son of Thomas, 31; Edward, 42, 47, 105, no; Elizabeth, 105; Elizabetha, 88; Ellyne, no; Hugo, 95; Jane, 42; Johannes, 95; John, 38; Lambert, 57 (part HI.); Margaret, IIO; Margaret, daughter of Edward, 31 ; Matheus, 99, no; Mr., 31, 47, 105; Nicholas, 95, 99; R. , 99; Ranulphus, 95; Ralph, 61; Randle de, 68; Ric., 46; Sir Thomas, 31, 62; Thomas, 57 (part VH.), 95, 96 (part I.), 99, 109, no; Thomas, of Morleys, 31 ; Thomas of Wardley, 31 ; Thurstan, 42, 47, 57 (part HI.), 60, 95, 99, 105, no; William, 10^', see also Ty\- desley. Tildesley, of Garret, ped., 88 ; of Morleys, ped., 88; of Wardley, ped., 81. Tillison, John, 60. Tillotson, Abp. , 37 (part IV.), 64, 82, 1 14; Mary, 82. Tilney, James, 113; Margaret, 113; Robert, 64; Thomas, 113. Tilsley, John, 57 (part V.), 113. Tilson, Eliz., in. Tilsons, the, 44. Tilston, 54; heath, 114. Tilston, Elizabeth, 54; Ellin, 54; Raphe, 54. Tilth, 103 (part I.). Tim Bobbin, 57 (part I.), III. Timber, 46, 65; treasure of, 90; storage of, 63. Timberlake, Hurst, 69; Richard, 69. Time, in; is a lurncoat, in. Time's Curtain Drawn, in. Timperley, Tymperley, 42, 54, 63 ; hall, 45; manor, 80. Timperley, — , 81; C. H., 72; James, 73; Joseph, 73, 94; Robert, 94; Thomas, 47, 94; William, 94; see also Tymperley. Tin, 46. Tinckenele, Rychard, 96 (part IV.). Tinctor, Adam le, 60; Adam, son of Robert le, 60. Tinctore, Alexander le, 68; Simon, 68. Tindal, Dr. Matthew, 44. Tindall, Mr., 54. Tingrave, Tingreave, 46, 81, 82, 99, lio. Tinker and his work, 46. Tinker, Thomas, 57 (part VII.), 69. Tinnecroft, 58. Tinsley, Jacob, 69. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 2C9 Tiplers, meaning of, 63. Tipper, Mawrisce, 61. Tipping, — , 82, 88; Anne, 54; Cicely, 54 ; Dorothy, 54 ; lainily, 103 ; Sir Henrie, 54; Isabel, 54, 65; James, 69, 73; John, 54, 63, 65, 73, 94; Miss, 72; Mrs., 31, 54; Richard, 63; Richard, of Manchester, 54, 65; Samuel, 57 (part VII.), 63, 65, 75 ; Thomas, 63, 72 ; see also Typpinge. Tipping hill, 46. Tireman, Thomas, 114. Tirwitt, Phillip, 99. Tiryngton, Hugh, 83. Tithe, 46. Tithe barn, 42, 57 (part II.), 92 ; calves, 46. Titheacre, 57 (part II.). Titherington, Jordan de, 97 ; Richard Ackers, 94. Titherington, Tithrington, Titterington, Tytherington, 73, 88; chantry chapel, 97- Titherton, 69. Tithes of Garstang, 105 ; of Kirkham, 1650, 92; in Prestbury parish, 97. Tithing, explanation of, 63. Titley, John, 54; Mr., 44. “ Titty mouse and tatty mouse,” 44. Tiviot Dale chapel, 42. Tixall, 96 (part III.). “To-night, ” for last night, 44. Toad lane, 57 (part VIL). Tobacco, III. Tobie, G. (printer), in. Tochet, Margaret, 54 ; Thomas, 83 (part III.). Tockhole, 72. Tockholes, 58, 74 (part I.), 88, 95, 99. Tockholes, Ad. de, 112; see also Tokholes. Toclier, Janet, her wages, 46. Tod lane, 63. Todd, Christopher, 72, 94 ; James Hen- thorn, 64; John, chantry priest, 60; John, 63; Joseph, 63; Richard, chantry priest, 60; Rev. Thomas, 42; Thomas, 94; William, 69. Todde, Ricardus, 99 ; Richard, 50. Tode lane, 65. Todelache, 96 (part L). Todhall, Todhull, 88. Todmorden, Todmerden, 72, 81, 82, 88, 94. 95. 96 (part I.), 99, no; chapel, 60, 113; free school, 92; hall, 88. Toeny, Roger de, 58. Toff, Johannes, no. Toft, 81, 82, 83 (part HI.), 88, 99, no, 112. Toft, Hugh, 80; James, 94; Roger de, 80. Tofte, R., in. Tofts, 46. Tofts, Mary, 44. Tokeholes, Tokholes, see Tockholes. Tokholes, Adam de, 74 (part I.); Johannes, 57 (part II.). Tol, 58. Tolentino, St. Nicholas of, 83. Toll, custom of, 58; illegal, 65. Toll, Nich., ni;T., jun., in. Toll lane, 58. Tollache, 47. Toller, Mr., 44. Tollhurst, — , 88. Tolls, 46; market, 58. Tolson, — , 81, Tomanson, William, Bispham, 60. Tomason, Wm., 92. Tomasson, John, 96 (part IV.). Tombeaus, vanity of, 44. Tombes, John, 64. Tomes, H., in. Tomison, John, 92. Tomkins, — , iii; Mr., 44; Nat., in. Tomkinson, George, 105. Tomlin, Thomas, 94. Tomline, Bishop, 45. Tomlinson, — , 82, 88; Dr., 44; Edmund, 57 (part H.) ; Elizabeth, 105 ; Gylbert, 57 (part H.) ; Henry, 46, 57 (part H.) ; Isabel, 92 ; James, 105 ; John, 54, 60; 105 ; Margery, 92; Mr., 61 ; Nicholas, 105; Richard, 92, 105; Robert, 54, 105; Roger, 57 (part H.), 105; Susannah, 105; Tho., 92; William, 60, 61, 73. Tomlynson, see Tomlinson. Tompson, — , 88 ; Alexander, 50 ; Ann, 42; Edward, 105; George, 105; Henry, 57 (part VI.) ; Humphrey, 105; James, 50; John, 42, 50, 57 (parts HI. and VI.); Katherine, 42; Nich., 92; Philip, 105; Ralph, 57 (part VI.); Richard, 50, 105 ; Robert, 57 (part VI.) ; Thurston, deacon, 60 ; Thurstone, 50 ; William, 57 (part VI.). Tomson, Gilbert, 65 ; Grace, 92 ; Hugh, 46; John, of Eccleston 46; John, of London, 54; Richard, 46. Ton, in composition, 58. Tong, see Tonge. Tonge, 58, 88, 95; castle, 88; hall, 88, 1 10; moor, 88, 103. Tonge, — , 82; Ann, of Rivington, 46; Dr. 270 GENERAL INDEX. Esrael, 64, 114; Gilbert de, 58; Henry, 50, 95, 113 ; John, 57 (parts VI. and VII.), 69, 103;, son of Elias, 58; Mr., 44; Richard, 95; Samuel, 57 (part VI. ); Thomas, 95; Thomas, Norroy, 54, 60, 103 (part 1.). Tong of Tonge, ped., 88. Tongg, Willimus, 99. Tongs, 46. Tongue, James, 69; Jeremy, 57 (part VII. ); Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Richard, 73 ; see also Tonge. Touisholme, manor of, no. Tonlay, Richard, ofTonlay, 31. Tonson, Jacob, 44, in. Tonsoii’ s Miscellany^ 44. Tonstall, 88. Tontall, Christopher, 105 ; John, 105. Toogood, Edward, 54. Tooke, B., in. Tooker, William, 64. Tookey, R., in. Tools and implements, 46. Tootell, — , 82. Tooth picks, 46. Toothill, — , 88. Tootle, Hugh, 64. Top-o’th-Bank, 42. Topclyf, Ric., in. Topclyffe, Richard, 31. Toper’s plea for drinking, 45. Topham, Mr., 44. Topham castle, 60. Topin, John, 105. Topley, Rautfe, 54. Topp, Thomas, 94. Toppin, Thomas, 105. Topping, — , 82, 88; jMr., 46; Serjeant, 45; William, 74 (part I. ). Toppinge, Hugh, 39. Toppyn, Lancelot, 114. Topsell, Edward, Time's Ijimentation^ 38. Torale, 112. Torbeck, see Torbock. Torbock, see Tarbock. Torbock, Torbocke, — , 81, 82 ; Adam, 54; Anne, 54; Dorothy, daughter of Sir George Cotton, K.G. , 31; Edward, 31, 50, 54; Sir Edward, knt., 54; Elizabeth, daughter of John, 31 ; Ellen de, 58; ffraunces, 54; Henricus, 95; Sir Henry, 31; John, 54; Katherine, 54; Margaret, daughter of Thomas, 31 ; Margery, daughter of Lord Stanley, 31; Mr., 31; Ricardus, 95; Richard, 31, 54; Robert, son of Henry, 31; Thomas, 54; William, 3 B 50? 54 j 1 13; Sir William, 31, 54; see also Tarbock. Torboke, Cecil, 73 ; family of, 83 ; Ric- hard, 83. Torbroke, Alice, 60; Thomas, 60. Torbroke badge, 60. Torfet, Dom. Will., 92. Torner, Johannes, 95. Torington, Alexander, 83. Torkington, John, 37 (part IV.); Joseph, 37 (part IV.) ; Thomas, 37 (part IV.). Tor-pen-how-hill, its name, 87. Torpin, Jordin, son of, 105. Torpurley, 54. Torquay, 94. Torrisholme, 50, 74 (part IL), 75, 88, 99 ; manor of, I lO. Torton, Thomas, 57 (part IL). Tortworth, 37 (part IV.). Torver, 50, 60. Tostatus, Alphonsus, 114. Totell, Jamys, 54. Totington, Alexander, 83. Totleworth, — , 82. Totleworth, 82. Tottell, Ric. (printer), iii. Tottenham, iii. Tottington, 54, 58, 74 (part I.), 88, 96 (part HI.), 99, no, 1 12; manor of, 50, 74; mill, 1 12. Tottlebank, 88. Totty, Johannes, 95. Touch box, 50. Touchet, — , 88; Ann, daughter of John, 92 ; George, 64; James, 45, 63, 72, 75; John, 45, 72, 75 ; Katherine, 54 ; Mr., of Manchester, 47; Sarah, 45; Thomas, 54, 69, 94. Toulnson, — , 57 (part V.). Toulson, George, 57 (part V.), 105 ; Thomas, 57 (part V.). Tounlay, see Towneley. Tounley's Ghost, ballad of, 68. Tournay, Flanders, 60. Towel, 46. Tower, the, 81, 88. Towers, Henry, 60; Margret, 54. Towersey, Dr., 44. Towerton, 88, no. Towesdale, Henry de, 83. Towler, John, 57 (part VIL). Town, Abraham, 73 ; Dr., 44. Town seal, 63. Town Spy, 44. Towne, — , 72. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 271 Towneley, Townley, 46, 58, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, 103, no, 112; altar in Burnley church, 60; chantry, 60; rent roll, 103 (part I.). Towneley, Townley, — , c;7 (part III.), 61, 74 (part I.), 81, 82, 88; Abraham, 61; Alice, 50; Anna, 99; Anne, 50, 70, 103, no; Mrs. Anne, 44; Barnard, 46, 50, 103; Bennet, 103; Blanclie, 46; Carolus, 99; Cecilia, no; Charles, 31, 54, 103, 1 10; Charles, of Towneley, 62, 74; Chris- topher, 46, 82, 88, 103, no; Elizabeth, 95, 103, no; Ellen, no; Frances, 103, no; Colonel Francis, 46, 68; Geoffrey, no; Sir Gilbert, chaplain 31; Grace, 103, no; Grace, daughter of Sir John, 60; Helen, 103, no; Henricus, 99; Henry, 46, 50, 57 (part HI.), 103, 105; Isabella, 95, 103, no; Isabell, 99; J., Ill; James, 69; Jane, 99, I lo; Joan, 103; Johanna, 95, 99, no; Johannes, 95? 99; Sir John, 60, 103, 105, no, 113; Sir John, of Towneley, 31, 54; John, 31, 39, 46, 50, 57 (part HI. 60, 103, 105; John, son of Charles, 31; John, of Hurstwood, 46; Laurence, 60, 99, 103, 105 ; Lettice, 103, no; Lucy, 50; Lucy, of Shackerley, 54; Margaret, 103, no; Maria, 99; Mary, 103, no; Mary, daughter of Sir Richard, 31 ; Mr., 31, 44, 46; Mrs., 46 ; Nicholaus, 99; Nicholas, 57 (part HI.), 82, 103, 105, no, 113; Ricardus, 95, 99; Sir Richard, 60, 103, no; Richard, 42, 46, 57 (parts I. VI. and VIL), 60, 82, 88, 103, 113; Richard de, 60, 112; Col. Richard, 57 (part I.); Richard Greaves, 69 ; Robert, of Barnsett, 54 ; Thomas, 54, 60, 73, 103, 105. Towneley family, 46, 60, 112; of Barn- side, ped., 88 ; of Dutton, ped., 88 ; of Hurstwood, ped., 88; of Oakenhead, ped., 88 ; of Royle, ped., 88; of Stone- hedge, ped., 88; of Towneley, ped., 88. Townend, Henry, 94; James, 94; Wm., 92. Towneson, William, 105. Towning, William, 105. Townley, Towneley. Townshend, Audrey, vicountess, 44 ; George, admiral, 44; Lee P., 83 (part Townsend, Captain, 44; H., 37 (part I.); Henry, justice of Chester, 54; Mr., 44; Wm., 92. Townson, — , 82 ; Henry, 57 (part VI.) ; Margaret, 105; Mr., 57 (part L); Mr., of Lancaster, 62; Rev. Samuel, curate, of Oldham, 42; Thomas, 105. Townwalscliffe, Johannes, 95. Towone, 46. Toxstath, Cicilie, 54* Toxtath, Rogerus, 95. Toxteth, 54, 88, 1 10 ; forest, 58 ; park, 114; turbary, 60. Toy, Rob, in. of an Idle Head^ in. Traces, 46. Tracey, Eben., in. Tracy, James, 65. Trade, 46. Trader, Inventory of goods at, 46, Tradition controversy, 64. Traduskin, J., 1 1 1. Trafford, 42, 44, 57 (part H.), 58, 65, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96 (parts 1. and III.); brigge, 54 ; chapel, 44, 60 ; hall, 42 ; moss, 42. Trafford, — ,81, 82, 88, 97 ; Adam, 99 ; Alexander, 54, no; Alice, 54, 60, 63, no; Alicia, 99; Lady Ann, 113; Anne, 1 10 ; Anthony, 54 ; Bartrin, 42, 68 ; Cecil, 42; Sir Cecil, 31, 39, 42, 62, 63, 96 (p'^i't III.) ; Cecilia, 99; Cicilay, 96 (part III.), IIO; Dulcia, daughter of Sir Edmund, 60 ; Sir Edmond, 31, 46 ; Edmund, 42, 47, 54, 57 (parts II. and HI.), 60, 63, 65, 96 (part III.), no, 1 13 ; Edmund de, 47, 60, 68 ; Sir Ed- mund, 42, 46, 47, 50, 57 (parts 11, and III.), 58, 60, 65, 70, 75, 96 (parts I. and HI.), 103 (part I.), no; Sir Ed- mund, of Trafford, lent., 54, 113; Edmundus, 95, 99 ; Edward, 42, 58 ; Sir Edward, 65 ; Elena, 99 ; Elizabeth, 54, 96 (part HI.), 99, no; Ellyne, no; Geoffrey de, 42, 47 ; George, 54, 65, 73, no, 113; George, will of, 54; George, of Garret, 54, 60 ; Sir Harry, no ; Henricus de, 95 ; Henry, 96 (part I.), 99, 112; Henry, clerk, 42; Henry, D.D., 60; Henry de, 42, 47, 58, 60, 68, 74 (parts I. and HI.), 96 (part HI.), no; Henry, of Trafford, 60; Henry, rector of Wilmslow, will of, 54; Sir Henry, 42, 47, 54, 60 ; Hugh de, 42, 58 ; Humphrey, 42 ; Sir Hum- phrey de, 31, 54; Isabel, 54; Jane, daughter of Sir Edmund, 60; Joan, wife of John Booth, 60; Johannes, 95; John, 42, 54, 96 (part HI.), 99; John, of Chorlton, 42; John de, 47, 58, 272 GENERAL INDEX. 6o, 68; John Randolphus de, 31 ; Sir John, 60, no, 113; Laurence, 54, 58, 63, no; Leigh, 94; Leonard, 63 ; Mar- garet, 42, 54, no; Margaret, daughter of Sir Edmund, 31; Margaret, daughter of Sir John Savage, 60 ; Margaret, of Garret, 60 ; Margery, 42, 99 ; Margery de, 96 (part III.), no; Dame Mildred, 42, 96 (part III.) ; Mr , 31, 46, 60, 65; Nicholas de, 42, 47, 68, no; Nicol de, rector of Prestwich, 103; Otho, 99; Peter of, 74; Sir Peter, 113; Ralph, 42, 54; Ralph de, 47; Ralph, of Garratt, 60; Raphe, 63; Raufif, 63; Richard de, 42, 47, 58, 68, 72, 96 (part III.), no; Ric- hard de, rector of Cheadle, 42, 47; Rob- ert de, 42, 47, 58, 68, no; Robert, the first of Clarret, 54; Thomas, 47, 54, 58, 60, 63, 74, 99, no, 113; Thomas de, 42, 47, 95; Thomassyn, 54, 60; William, 65 112, 113; William, will of, 54; William, ladie priest of Manchester, 60 ; Sir William, priest, 54. Trafiford family, 96 (part 1 .) ; of Trafford, ped., 88. Trafforth, see Trafford. Tragi- Comedia, n I . Trahaker, Adam de, 105 ; Alan de, 105 ; William de, 105. Trahern, Bartholomew, 64. Traifforth, see Trafford. Train band called out, 50; bands of Lan- cashire and Cheshire, 50. Trailbaton writ, 112. Tramarye, Richardus de, 37 (part I.). Tranmere, 54. Transubstantiation controversy, 64. “ Trap happiness,” 44. Trapp, John, Commentary on the New Testament, 38 ; Dr. Joseph, 44. Trappes-Birnand, — , 88. Travel in England, difficulties of, 44. Travellers Dialogue, in. Travelling, 46 ; expenses, 46. Travers, — ,81, 82, 88; Alicia, 99; Ellen, 105; Grace, 105; Henry, 60; Hugh, 63, Isabell, 105; Johanna, 95; John, 105; John, rector of Prestwich, 103; Joseph, bailiff of Liverpool, 61; Laurance, 105; Laurentius, 99; Lawrence, 74 (part IL); Mr., 42; Dr. Peter, rector of Bury, 70, 103 ; Roger, 57 (part H.), 95, 99; Rye., yeoman waiter, 31; Thomas, 74 (part H.), 92, 95, 99, 105; William, 105. Travers family, of Nateby, ped., 82, 105; see also Travis. Traves, — , 57 (part HI.), 82; Anne, 63; George, 54, 63; Hugh, 54, 63; John, 54, 57 (part VL); Katryn, 54; Mat- thew, 57 (part VI. ); Richard, 31, 60; Robert, 54; see also Travis. Traveys, — , 81. Travice, Mrs., 105. Travis, Anne, 54, 65, 105; Daniel, of Blackley, 54; Edmund, 57 (part VIE) ; Frances, 105; George, 47, 63, 65, 69; Henry, 94; Hugh, 63, 65; James, 57 (part VH.) ; Jervis, 65; John, 50; Rev. Joshua, chaplain of Manchester, 42 ; Matthew, 50, 57 (part VIL) ; Air., Cheetham Fold, 72; Peter, D.D., 70, 103; Richard, 50, 105; Richard (shoe- maker), 65 ; Samuel, 73 ; Thomas, 57 (part VIL), 94; widow, 47; William, 73; William, of Blakly, 60. Traviss, Richard, 47; Thomas, 47. Travisse, George, 63. Travor, Lady Margaret, 54. Travys, George, 63; Gervyne, 96 (part 1 .) ; William, 105. Trawden, 74 (part I.), 112; chase of, 58, no; forest of, 50, 96 (part IV.). Trayfforth, 'I'rayford, Trafford. Trays, 46. Treacle, 46 ; London, 114. Treales, 50, 62, 74 (part H. ), 75, 92. Treasure-trove, 63. Treasons, 63. Trees, 46, in ; cut down, 65; cutting down or lopping, 63. Trefeilir, 73. Trefusis, Mr., 44. Tregayan, 73. Trejorwerth, 73. Trelomer, 88. Trembley, Mr., 44. Tremeirchion, 114. Tremoille, Charlotte, dowager-duchess of, 70 ; Duke of, 70 ; Henrietta de la, 88 ; Louis Maurice de, 70; Mademoiselle de la, 70. Trenacre, 57 (part H. ). Trenarren, 45. Trenchard, John, 37 (part I.) ; Sir John, 61; Sir Thomas, 62. Trenchers, 46. Trenchmore, — , 88. Trener, Mode, 54. Trent, river, in. Trentham church, 88; priory, 80. Trentham, Thomas, 54. Treowen, 88. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 273 Tresale, Richard de, 92, Tresgor, Alexander de, 80. Tresliam, Francis, 62 ; Henry de, 58 ; Isabella, 99 ; Isabella, daughter of Sir James Harrington, 60; John, 99; Sir John, of Rushton, 60; William, 64, Trespass, 46. Trespassers, 74. Treveris, Peter (printer), ill. Treves, Rondull, 54. Trevillian, Robert, of Didsbury, 42. Trevor, Dame Katherine, 54; Sir Jo., 114; Lady, 31; Lord, 44; Sir Thomas, of Trevallin, 75. Trewlove, Henry, 83. Trickley, Arthur, 96 (part HI.); Mary, 96 (part HI.). Trigg, Mr., 44. Trikingham, Ivambertus, 95. TrUniner^ The^ ill. Trindle, 46. Tring, CO. Herts, 60. Trinity College, Cambridge, 44, 1 14. Trinity College Case, 44. Trinity, doctrine of the, 44. Trioche, Daniel, 70. Triphook, R. , iii. Triplett, Robert, 54. Tristram, Sir, ill. Tritameron of Love, 1 1 1 . Trithemius, J. , 114. Triumph of Justice, 1 1 1 . Troghden chace, see Trawden. Troilus and Cressida, iii. Trollege, Tho., 103 (part L). Trollope, Colonel, 39, 62, 70; Mr., 44. Tronage, 58. Trott, — , 88. Trotter, Edw., ill. Troughs, stone, 46. Trout, 46. Troutbeck, 60 ; possessions, 87. Troutbeck, Troutebeck, — , 88 ; Anna, 99; James Sudell, 94; Joannes, 37 (part I.); Johanna, 99; John de, chantry priest, Preston, 60 ; William, 37 (part I.), 83, 97, no ; Sir William, 87 ; Wil- limus, 99. Troy Town, 1 1 1. Trofs Lamentation, in. Troynouant, in. Trubshaw, Mr., 44. Trumbull, Sir Wm., 44. Trumpeter, 46. Trunks, 46. Trussel, J., in ; Sir William, of Cubles- don, 80. Trussell, — , 88; Johannes, 95; Petronilla, 95 - Truth, in. Truth'’ s Message, in. T ryon, T. , IVayto Health, 44; On Sheep, 44. Try ton, no. Tubs, 46. Tucker, — ,81; Mr., 44. Tuckey, Humph., in. Tuckney, Dr., 114. Tudor ap Carwar, 112. Tudor livery, 46, 50. Tudor, Owen, 83 (part IL); Tacina, 83 (part IL). Tue, Elijah, 57 (part VL). Tufton, Mr., 44. Tukker, — , 88. Tullamore, Lord, 44. Tulletes (birds), 46. Tully, George, 64; Thomas, 64. Tumblers, 46. Tumbrel, punishment of the, 58. Tumson, Jane, wife of Atkyn, 74. Tun, 46. Tunbridge, 45; school, 114; visit to, 44. Tunbridge, James, 94; Viscount, in. Tuncleez, Will, de, 42. Tundiheved, see Tyndehevyd. Tunicle, 113. Tunlay, 57 (part H. ). Tunnadine, Richard, 72, 73. Tunnlinson, William, 58. Tunstall, 47, 50, 57 (part IL), 60, 81, 95; castle, 62. Tunstall, — , 81, 82, 88; Alice, daughter of Sir William Radcliffe, 31; Ann, dau- ghter of Richard Bold, 31 ; Anthony, 73; Bishop, in; Cuthbert, 64, in ; Francis, 31, 50, 57 (part HI.) ; Henry, 69; Dr. James, 44; John, 54, 73; John, of Thurland, 60; Sir Marmaduke, 31, 50, 60 ; Dame Mary, 31 ; Priscilla, 96 (part IL); Sir Richard, 60; Sir Richardus, 37 (part L); Thomas, 95 ; Sir Thomas, of Thurland, 60; Willimus, 95 , 99. Tunsted, le, 95. Tunstus (Tunsted) in Pemberton, 81. Tunworth, 81, 99, 103 (part L). Tups, 46. Turbary, 46, 58, 74. Turberville, — , 88; Dr., 114; George, III; Henry, 64. Turbutt, Richard, 94. N N 274 GENERAL INDEX. Turdox, Abraham, 105. Turf, 46; pits, 42, 58; wain, 46. Turkeys, 46. Turkish Captives, iii. Turmeric, 46. Turnagh, Sir Robert, priest, 54. Turnbull, M., 72; Nicholas, 95. Turneleigh, 88. Turner, — , 88; Adam, his wages, 46 ; Ann, 1 14; Bishop, iii; Brian, 114; Charles, 69 ; Charles Hampden, 45 ; Dr., 44, 1 14; Edmund, 46, 94, 96 (part IV.); Edward, 46, 105, 114; Elizabeth, 54; Francis, 114; Galfrid, 60; Harriet, 45 ; Isaac, Reminiscetices of Ma7tchester Localities, 72 ; James, 46, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VII.), 69; Jane, 114; John, 46, 54, 64, 73, 1 13, 1 14; Mary, 1*14; Mr., 42, 44, 46, 61, 1 14; Mrs., Ill ; Myles, 54; Nathaniel, 42, 114; Nicolas, 54; Ralph, 63 ; Richard, 54, 94 ; Robert, 54, 64; Dr. T., Ill ; Thomas, 46, 60, 73, 1 14; Thomas, Letter to the Bishop of Manchester, 60 ; Timothy, 37 (part I. ) ; uxor, 46; Whichcote, 114; Widow, 57 part VH.); William, 46, 60, 64, 69, 105 ; Sir William, 114. Turnalgh, Robert, 113. Turnip seed, 46. Turnips, 46. Tumor, John, of Kirkby Ireleth, 60; Ry- chard, 96. Turnsole, 46. Turpentine, 46. Turpin, Matthew, 80 Miss, actress, 72 ; Mrs., actress, 72; Robert, 105. Turtle Doves, ill ; Triwuph, iii. Turton, 42, 46, 50, 58, 60, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96 (parts I. and HI.), 99, no; chapel, 88, 1 13; library, 38. Turton, — , 81 ; Cicely, no; Sir Henry, fellow of Manchester Collegiate church, 54; Sir John, 61; Nicholas, no; Nicholas, of Eccleshall, 75. Turvemosse, 42. Turvery (Turbury), 74. Turvey, co. Bedford, 60. Turvill, — , 88. Tushington, 54. Tuson, John, 57 (part H.); Roger, 57 (part II.). Tutbury, honour of, 58. Tutchet, Elizabeth, 54; John, 54; Thom- as, 54; see also Touchet. Tuthill, — , 81. Tutty, 46. Tuwytes, 46. Twamlow, Lidulf de, 80. Twantirford, 58. Twartford, 58. Tweeddale, John, 4th marquess of, 44. Twelve, diet of the, 63. Twemlow, John, 73. Twemlowes, 88. Tweng, — , 88. Twenge, Jordan de, 105 ; Lucia, 105 ; Margareta, 105 ; Marmaduke de, 105 ; Thomas de, 74 (part IL), 95, 105; William, 105. Twifeld, — , 82. Twiford, Twyford. Twine, J., ni; Lawrence, iii; T., in. Twinters, 46. Twisden, Mr., 44. Twisilton, John de, 74 (part IL). 'Iwisleton, 58, 88, 99, 112. Twisleton, Col. George, 39, 70; Hugh, son of John de, 72 (part I.). Twisse, Henry, 54; Isabel, 54; Laurance, 54; William, 54, 64. Twiston, 46, 50, 54, 81. Two Acres, 47. Two Oaks, 47. Twoyearolde, Thomas, 54. Twyford, 80. Twyford, — , 82, 88; Alice, 42; Anne, 42; Daniel, 42; Edward, 42; Elizabeth, 42; Ellen, 42; Frances, 42; Hugh, 94; John, 94; John, of Didsbury, 42 ; Margaret, 42; Martha, 42; Mary, 42; Richard, 42; Richard, of Didsbury, 42 ; Robert, 42, 63, 73 ; Rev. Robert, 42, 47; Robert, of Didsbury, 42 ; Roger, 83 ; Thomas, 94; William, 42, 69, 73, 94; Rev. William, 42, 47. Twys, Jordanus de, 95. Twysden, Sir Roger, 64. Twyselton, see Twistleton. Twyssylton, Thomas, 57 (part H. ). Twystefeld, Ricardus, 95. Twyvell, 88. Tyas, Baldwin, 74 ; Ebrard, 74 ; George Robinson, 94; Isaac, 94. Tybolot, Robertas de, 92. Tyburn, 37 (part V.), in. Tychborne, — , in. Tyckhill, Edward, 54. Tycle, Elyn, 54. Tydeswell, John, 83. Tyer, Peter, 57 (partVH.). Tyersall, 88. Tykel, John, 83. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 275 Tyldesley, — , 8i, 82 ; Ann, 105 ; Anne, 54, no; Christopher, 60, 75; Cuthbert, 105; Edward, 31, 50, 54, 65, 105; Ellen, 54; George, 54; Gilbert, 54; Hugh, 54; Isabel, 54 ; James, 54; Jane, 54 ; Lam- bert, 50; Lambert, of Garrat, 31; Margaret, 54, no; Margaret, wife of Sir P. Legh, 97; Mary, 54, no; Mrs. Mai'y, 54; Mr., 37 (part IV.); Mr., of Merscoe, 46 ; Nich. de, rector of Prest- wich, 103; Nicholas, 54, no; Richard, 54, no; Richard, a monk at Charter House, 54 ; Sir Richard, priest, 54 ; Thomas, 39, 50, 54, 63, 92, 105; Thomas, Attorney-General, 31 ; Thom- as, brother of Edward, 31 ; Thomas, of Morleys, 54 ; Thomas, of Wardley, 54, 63; Sir Thomas, 31, 39, 46, 54, 70; Sir Thomas, of Gray’s Inn, 54 ; Thurstan, 37 (part HI.), 54, 63, no; Thurstan, of Stansacre, 31, 54; Thurstan, of Wardley, will of, 54; Trustram, 60; see also Tildesley. Tyldesley fam., 46, ped., 82. Tyldesley, Tildesley, 42, 45, 47, 50, 57 (parts II. and HI.), 58, 74 (part IL), 81, 82, 94, 95, 99; township, no. Tyler, Evan (printer), in. Tyler, Wat., insurrection, 87. Tyll hill, 63. Tylle, Tywlle, twill, 46. Tylles, 31. Tyllesley, Tyllysley, Tylsley, Tyldesley. Tylson, Johannes, 57 (part IL). Tylysholme, 57 (part II. ), 105. Tymmes, Dr., 114. Tymperley, Henry, 42. Tyndale, Richard, 69; William, 64. Tyndehevyd, Ric. del, 74 (part I.), 95, 112. Tyndor, Willimus, 95. Tyngrave, Tyngreyff, see Tingrave. Typpet fields and house, 46. Typpinge, George, 54, 63; Hugh, parson of Assheton, 54; Isabel, of Manchester, widow, will of, 54; Mary, 54; Richard, 63; Samuel, 54; Thomas, Preston, 60. Tyrconnel, Lord, 44. Tyree, Ellis, a brewer, 31. Tyreham, Richard, chantry priest, Huy- ton, 60. Tyrehar’, Edmund, 57 (part IL). Tyrehare, Roger, chantry priest, Huyton, 60; William, Thornton, 60. Tyrel, Hugh, 37 (part IV.); John, 37 (part IV.). Tyrer, Ellis, 31 ; Frances, 105 ; Hamlet, 113; Mr., 105; Rev. Ralph, ni; Ric- hard, 105; Robert, 47; Thomas, mayor of Liverpool, 61. Tyrleton, township of, no. Tyrone, Earl of, at Knowsley, 31; Hugh, earl of, 54, 90. Tyrone’s rebellion, in. Tyrr, the wife of William, 74 ; Wilkyn, 74 - Tyrrel, — , 72. Tyrrell, Jonet, 54; Richard, 54. Tyus, Charles, in. U BBURKE, 46. Udall, Thomas, 57 (part VII.) Uffington, 114. Ufford, 88. Ugden, see Ogden. Ughtred, meaning of the name, 46. Ulgrene, or Ulgreve, Thomas, 58. Ullerston, see Ulverston. Ulleswalton, see Ulnes Walton. Ulmus, 114. Ulmon, Ridding, 99. Ulnebothes, 74 (part I. ). Ulnes Walton, Ulnez Walton, Ulneswal- ton, 50, 54, 57 (part II. ), 58, 60, 75, 99, 1 10; manor, 58. Ulric of Mamecestre, 58. Ulrick, Mr., 44. Ulsdeston, 58. Ulster, 83 (part I. ). Ulster, Hugh, earl of, 80. Ulswalton, see Ulnes Walton. Ulton, Hugh, earl of, 80. Ulverston, 50, 54, 57 (part II. ), 60, 73, 74 (part II. ), 94, 95 ; Abbot de, 95 ; Barons of, 58; stipendiary priest of, 60. Ulvesboth, Ullesbothe, 112. Umbles, 46. Umbrella, parish, cost of, 92. Umfrevil, Robert de, 58 ; Sir Robert de, 72, in. Umoch, Alexander, son of, 58. Uncrofte, 57 (part IL). Unctuous, not a modern term, 44. Underbank, 42, 94. Underhill, — , 88. Underley, co. Westmoreland, 60. U nderwood, Caleb, 69 ; Edmund, in; Thomas, 54. Undesworth, see Unsworth. Unedall, Thomas, 99. Uniacke, John Mainwaring, 69. Unite, William Hawe, 73. 276 GENERAL INDEX. Universal alphabet, 44. Universities, iii. University studies, iii. Unlawful assembly, definition of, 63 ; games, 63 ; weapons, 63. Unmarried women, 63. Unnesworth, Oliver, 54. Unsworn lieges, 63. Unsworth, 57 (part I.), 58, 88, 99, Unsworth, — , 88; Adam, 69; Anne, 57 (part VII.); Edward, 69; John, 94; Peter, 46, 96 (part L); Richard, 73; see also Unnesworth, Unton, Alice, 74; Mary, 31; Richard, 74; Robert, 74; Roger, 74. Unwin, Unwyn, — , 82. Upcher, H., iii. Upholland, Up-holland, 74 (part II.), 94, 99, no; house, 45; priory, 74 (part 11. ). Uplitherland, 74 (part II.). Upper Haddon, 94. Upper Racliffe and Tarnecar, 50; see also Rawcliffe. Uppingham, 94. - Upton, 74 (part L), 8i, 82, 88, no, 112. Upton, near Worcester, 39. Upton of Upton, fam. , 97, Upton, Amabella, 112; Charles, 69; Dobbe de, 112; Henry, 69; James, 69, 73 ; John. 37 (part IV.), 57 (part VI.), 63 (app, IV.) ; John Everard, 42, 69 ; Matilda, 112; Mr., 44, 61; Nich., in ; Richard, 69, 73; Thomas, 69; William, 94; Will, de, 112. Urania, in. Urbanity, Precepts, 90. Urdesale, Urdeshall, Urdsall, Ordsall, 58. 60, 95. Urinals, 46. Urith=earth, 103 (part I.). Urmeston, — , 82, 88, 99 ; Gilbert, no; Katharine, no; John, no; Johannes, 95. 99; Mr., 109; Thurstane, 95. Urmston, 50, 54, 57 (part I.), 58, 72, 81, 82, 88, no, in. Urmston, — , 81, 88; Adam de, 58; Anne, no; Beatriche, 54; Edward, 57 (part VI.); Elizabeth, no; James, 54; Jane, 105; John, 54, no; John, son and heir of Richard, 31; Katherine, 54, no; Mr., 31 ; Richard, 31, 50, 54, 57 (part III.), 105, no ; Sir Richard, of Leigh, 60; Robert, no; Sygreda, no; William, 105. Urmston of Westleigh, ped., 81, 88. Urmstone, Richard, 46; Roger, 46. Urmstones, the, 46, Urmystone, Roger, 54. Urry, J., in. Ursinus, Hannibal, in ; Zacharias, Siimvie of Christian Religion, 38. Urswick, 37 (part I.), 45, 81, 95. Urswick, — , 57 (part H.), 81, 88; Adam de, 95; Alicia, 95; Ellen, 60, 95; Isabel- la de, 74 (part H. ); Johannes, 95; Johan- nes, vicar de, 95 ; Sir Robert, 57 (part IL), 58; Sir Robert, sheriff of Lancaster, 60; Robertas, 95, 99; Thomas, 57 (part H. ), 95 ; Thomas de, 57 (part 11.) ; Sir Thomas, 60; Willimus, 95. Urswik, Urswyk, Urswyke, see Urswick. Urwilham, nr. Eccles, 57 (part H.); see also Irlam. Usher, Archbishop, 54, 64, in, 114; Body of Divinite, Anszver to a fesuifs Challenge, 38. Usherwood, — , 82; George, 69 ; John, 46, 57 (part VH. ); Margaret, 42. Ussher, see Usher. Usury, 46, 96 (part I.), III. Utkinton, Utkington, 37 (part IV.), 81, 83 (part I. ), 88, Utkinton Idbrary, in. ITley, James, 58. Uttrington, Richard, 83. Utterson, E. V., in. Uttoxeter, 47, 62, 114, Uvedale, Capt., in; Thomas, 88. Uxbridge, 37 (part IV.). Uxley, — , 88. V ACCARIA, 112. Vaccaries, 58. Vache, Barbara de la, 83 (part H.) ; Richard de la, 83 (part IL). Vado, Alan de, 57 (part 11. ). Vaeringjar, an early Norman people, 87. Vagabonds, 50; fraternity of, in. Vaghne, Rob., in. Vail, 113. Vaillant, — , bookseller, 44. Vails, 46; to servants, 44. Valances, 46. Valantyne, — , 81; Thomas, 50. Valence, Roger, 54; William de, 92. Valentina, Richard de, 42. Valentine family, 58 ; of Bentclifife, ped., 88 . Valentine, Elizabeth, 57 (part VIL); Jane, 54; John, 54, 57 (part VI.), 105; John, of Boston in New England, 54; Mrs., VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 277 57 (part VTI.) ; Richard, 54, 58 ; Sam- uel, 54 ; Thomas, 54, 57 (part III. ), 58, 99 ; Thomas, of Benclifife, 54; Thomas, of Franckford, clerk, 54, Valentine’s Day, 44. Valentyn, Johannes, 95; Ricardus, 95. Vale Royal, 88, 92, no; abbey, 83, 92; abbot of, 83, 92; monastery, 60. Valesius, or De Valois, Adrian, 114. Valmoute, Madame, 44. Vambraches, arm armour, 50, Van Dieman’s Land, 94. Van Helmont, B., 114; J. B., 114. Vanbobbert, James, 57 (part VII.). Vandergucht, Mr., 44. Vanderhaeck, — , bookseller, 44. Vander Noodt, John, iii. Vane, Sir Henry, 105; Thomas, 64. Vanity, in; Anatomy of, in; of Earthly things, in; of the Life of Man ^ in. Vannam, Mr., 44. Varey, — , 72; Joseph, 72. Varley, Edmund, 46; John, 73, 105; John Daniel, 94 ; Robert, 46 ; Samuel, 94 ; Sarah, 105; Thomas, 73. Varney, Greville, in. Varnish, varnes, 46. Varnone, Margerie, 54. Vasey, Elizabeth, 105. Vater, On the Hipp 07 nanes, 44. Vaudrey, Margaret, 42; Mr., 44; Robert, 65 ; Robert, of Reddings in Timperley, 42 ; Thomas, 44, 65 ; see also Vawdrey. Vaugelas, — , 114. Vaughan, — , 72, 82, 88, 96 ; Elizabeth, wife of Edward, Lord Monteagle, 60 ; H. , in ; Sir H., in ; J., in ; John, 42, 69 ; Lady Mary, ii i ; Miss, 44 ; R. (engraver), ni; Richard, bishop of Chester, 31, 65, 96 (parti.), 103 (part I. ), 113; Robert, in; Thomas, 44, 114; Sir Thomas, 60. Vaughan’s B^'itish Antiqicities^ 80. Vaughanne, William, 65. Vaulx, — , 82. Vans, see Vaux. Vaux, Anne, widow, 54 ; Gilbert, 60 ; John, 113; Laurence, 31, 50, 54, 60, 64, 65, 113; Lord, in ; Thomas, 69; — , wife of Dr. Thomas Barlow, 42. Vauxhall, 72. Vavasor, Sir J., Ill; John, 58. Vavasour, — , 82, 88 ; Ann, 45 ; John, justice of pleas, Lancaster, 60 ; Marmaduke, 94; Mary, 37 (part IV. ) ; Thomas, 37 (part IV.), 75; W. de, 112. Vavasours, 58. Vavassour, Robert de, 92. Vawce, see Vaux. Vawdrey, Alice, 54; Avyce, 54; Daniel, 73; Edward, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VII. ); Elizabeth, 54; Homfray, 54; John, 54; Margaret, 54; Nicholas, 54; Richard, 54; Sir Richard, 54; Robert, 54 ; Robert, clerk, 54 ; Robert, of Rid- dings, 54 ; Thomas, 54 ; Thomas, of Riddings, 54; William, 54. Vawdrve, see Vawdrey and Vaudrey. Veal, 46. Veal, George, 92. Veale, — , 82, 88 ; Abm., in ; Dorothy, 92 ; Edward, 39, 92 ; John, 50, 61 ; Laurence, 57 (part III.) ; Mr., 92. Veale of Whinneyheys, ped., 88. Veane, Henry, 39. Veer, Robertus, 99. Veevers, Richard, 105. Vegetables, 46. Veil, taking the, at Montpelier, 44. Veil, C. M. du, 64. Velvet, 46. Venables, — , 60, 81, 82, 88, no; Agatha, no ; Agnes, no ; Alex, de, charter to, 80; Alice, no; Barons of Kinderton, descent of, 97 ; Catherine, 97 ; Cecilia, no; Dulcia, no; Elizabeth, 54, 83 (part I.); Ellen, 95, no; Frances, 83 (part I.); George, 80, 83 (part I.); Gilbert, 83 (part I.) ; Gilbert de, no; Hugh, 83 (parts I. and IV.) ; Hugh, baron of Kinderton, 80; Sir Hugh, 83 (part I.), no; Isabella, no; John, 83 (part I.), no; Laurens, 60; Marye, 54; Peter, 83 (part 1 .) ; Piers, 83 (part I.) ; Raffe, 54; Richard, 83 (part I.), no; Robert, 80, 83 (part 1 .) ; Captain Robert, 62 ; Gen. Robert, 83 (part 1 .) ; Robert, of Anterbus, 54; Sir Roger, 83 (part I.) ; Rogerus, 99 ; Thomas, 37 (part H. ), 60, 83 (part L), no; Thom- as, of Antrobus, 54 ; Thomas, of Kin- derton, 54; William, 83 (part I.), no; William de, 80 ; William, of Bradwell, 97 ; William, of Kinderton, 54 ; Sir William, 83 (part I.); Sir William, priest, 54. Venebles, see Venables. Venison, 31, 46, 58. Venkerd, or Penketh, Wm., clerk, 60. Venn, Dr. Richard, 44. Vennar, Richard, 39. Vennard, Richard, in. 278 GENERAL INDEX. Vennel, 58. Ventriloquism, 44, Venus, III ; Palace of, iii ; Scourge of, III; Transit of, 114. Venyal, John, 92. Ver, Gilbert de, 47. Verdon, no. Verdun, — , 88; Bertram de, 80; John, 99; John de, 95 ; Sir John de, no; Mar- garet, 95, 99, no. Vere, arms of, 83. Vere, — , 81, 88; Colonel, 70; Edward de, in; Sir Edward, 70; Sir Fr., in ; Sir Horatio, in; John, 44; Lady, 114; Lady Mary, 105 ; Robert de, 37 (part I.); T. in. Verey, Robert, 65. Vergara, Fr., 114. Vergiesse, verjuice 46. Vergil, Polydore, see Virgil, Polydore. Vergose, Thomas, of Lyv’pole, 60. Vergresse, ? verdigrease, 46. Vergus, Jhon., yeoman of the waineryes, 3 !-. Veridicus, T. in. Vermin, 46. Vermynter (vermin killer), office of, 50. Verney, John, 37 (part I.) Vernon, — , 88 ; Admiral, 44 ; Agatha, 99, no; Agnes, 83 (part I.); Alice, 60; Captain, 44; Christopher de, 37 (part IV. ) ; Christopher, the, 74 ; Edward, 44; Elizabeth, no; Rev. F., D.D., 44; G. Ill; Sir George, judge, 39; Sir George, knt., 42; Gwarin de, 80; Harry, 44; Henry, 54; Sir Henry, no; John, 54; John Venables, 94; Lord, 105; Maria, 99, no; Margaret de, no; Mr., 44; Mr., of Haslingden, 54; Pen- elope, 57 (part I.); Sir Ralph, no; Randle, 83 (part L); Ric. de, 80; Richard de, 97; Sir Robert, of Hodnet, 62 ; Robert, of Warforth, 60 ; Thomas, 83 (part HI.) ; Thomas le, 83 ; Warin de, 80; Sir William de, 58; ’William, 54, 80, 105 ; Sir Nicholas, 83. Verra, Peter de, 83. Verstegan, Richard, in. Vert, 58. Vertue, G., in. Verzis Valor oi 1292, 58. Vesey, John, LL.D., Archdeacon of Chester, 60; Johe de, 92. Vestments, Ecclesiastical, 103 (part I.). Vesture of oaks, 58. Veterinary practice, 46. Veyle, Mr., 92. Veyrey, John, 54. Veysy, Johannes, no. Viana, Count, 44. Vicars, J., in. Vickars, Richard, 46. Vickers, Joshua, 94. Victor-penny at Manchester Grammar School, 72. Victoria park, 47. Victuallers, 50. Vidocq, 114. Viegde {Fr. voyage), 46. Vievar, Mr., 44. Vigor, Allen, 44, 69; Joseph, 44; Miss, 44; Mr. and Mrs., 44; North, 44; War- den, 44; William, 44. Vilars, Villers, Adam de, 87; Alexander de, 87; Beatrix de, 87, no; Emma de, 87; grand master of the knights of Rhodes, 87; John de, 87; Mathew de, 87, no; Paganus de, 58, 87; Richard de, 87; Robert de, 58, 87; Thomas de, 87; William de, 87. Vill and Villata, difference between, 58. Village Opera hissed, 44. Villani, definition of, 58. Villegas, — , in. Villeins, 63, 87; and Villeinage, 58. Villers, see Vilars. Villiers, — , 88; Col., in; Geo., in. Villett’s mirror, power of, 44. Vincent’s Corrections of Brook, 80. Vincent, Anth., in; Aug., in; Capt., in; Dr., 44; Mr., 44; Richard, 70. Vine, 46. Vinegar, 46. Vint, John, 72. Vintiner, an officer over 20 men, 50 " Violet, the, in. Viols, 46. Vipont, John, 72. Virgil, Polydore, Histor. Aziglic., 80, in. yFneid, in. Virgin Mary, in. Virgizzalia, III. Virginals, in. Virginia, in. Virinaria, Henry de, 83. Virtue, in; praise of, in. Virtues and Vices, in. Vision, a Melazzcholy, in. Visitation, episcopal, 44. Visitation of Lancashiz'e (i 533 )> 98 > no; (1567), 8 i ;( i 6 i 3),82; (1664), 84, 85, 88. VOLS. XXXL-CXIV. 279 Vilty, James, 94. Vives, Ludovicus, 114. Vivian, Ungh de, 58. Vlieger, Mrs. de, 44. Voce, Sir Laurence, see Vaux, Laurence. Voenius, O., iii. Volmarius, ill. Volunteers, old, and rifle corps, 72. Vose, Alice, 105; F., 105. Vossius, G. J., \ \\^ De Historicis Latinis, 80, De TJieologia Gentili, 114, De Qiiattcor Artibiis, 44. Vost, Richard 47; Thomas, 47. Voux, vintner at Oxford, 103 (part IL). Vox Pacifica, 1 1 1 . Voyders, 39. Voyages de Jacques Massie, 44. Voyle, Rev. W., iii. Vrmeston, see Urmston. Vychan, Llowarch, Lord of Anglesey, 80. Vyner, Charles, 73. Vyner stedes, 74. Vynes, Ric., in. W A., in; W.,C., in; W., G., in; ., W., H., in; W., J., in; W., N., in ; W., Lady, P., ni; W., R., in ; W., R. (printer), in ; W., S., in ; W., T. (printer), ni; W., W., (printer), in; W., W., a kinsman of the Earl of Nottingham, 61. \Va., Dr., 114. Wabbley, Radulph de Capel. , chantry priest, 60. Waburne, co. Norfolk, 80. Wac’, Hugh, 80. Wackfield, John, and Mary, 31. Waddell, Haynes, 73 ; Hugh, 73. Waddesworth, Joseph, 105. Waddin, Rev. John, 42. Waddington, 69, 74 (part II.), 80, 99. Waddington, — , 88; Greg, and Sim., 112; Henry, 46, 83 (part III.); John, 72; Robertas, 99; Walt, de, 112; see also Wadington. Waddow, 45. Wade, — , 88; Elsabeth, 54; General, 44; John, 92, 109 ; Philip, 46; Rob., 103 (part I.); Robyn, 54. Wadinton, see Waddington. Wadington, Thomas, 96 (part IV.) ; William, 75; Walter de, 74 (parts I and HI.) Wadley, 88. Wadmough, Laurens, 54. Wadsworth — , 88; Hugh, 54, 105; James, 64 ; Joseph, 105 ; Nicholas, 39, 105 ; Richard, 54. Wadsworth of Hayton, ped., 88. Wadyngton, — ,81, 88. Waelmsley, John, 105. Waferer, Myrth, 64. Wafers, 46. Wager of battle, 87. Wages, 46 ; household, 31. Waggon house, Newton Heath, 72. Wagstafif, Joseph, 37 (part IV.), 57 part VH) ; Thomas, 37 (part IV.); his Letter out of Lancashire, 61 ; William, 69. Wagstaffe, John, 57 (parts VI. and VH. ); Jos., 57 (part VI.); Peter, 57 (part VIL); William, M.D., 44. Wagstaffes of Manchester, 44. Waifs and strays, 63. Wain and cart drivers, 46. Wainewright, Richard, 72; William, 72. Wainewrighte, Ewan, 31 ; James, 31 ; William, 31. Wainewryght, — , 39. Wainhouse, Nathaniel, 63. Wainmar, John, 105. Wains, 46. Wainwright, Charles, 113; Henry, 113; John, 94; Samuel, 94; Thomas, 70, 73; W. le, 1 12; see also Wainewrighte and Waynwright. Waistcoats, 46. Waite, — , 88; Deborah, 57 (part VI.); George, 57 (part VIL); James, 57 (part VIL); John, 57 (parts VI. and VH.) ; Margret, 57 (part VH. ). Waithman, Rev. J. W., 105. Waitts, 46, 63, 65. Wake, Archbishop W., 44, 64. Wakefeylde, John, 54. Wakefield 45, 69, 70, 72, 94, 96 (part HI.), 99, 110, III; chantry, no. Wakefield, Ann, 105 ; Betty, 105 ; Edward, 94; John, 50, 105; Rev. Joshua, 42; Rob., in; Walter, 94; William, 39, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 105. Wakeman, — , 72. Wakerfeilde, John, 60. Wakerley, co. Northampton, 58. Wakeiyng, Johan, 95. Wakes, 50, 58, 96 (part I.). Wakfielcl, Henry de, chantry priest, Blakrode, 60. Wakfild, Master George, 42. Wakringe, Gilbart, 54. 280 GENERAL INDEX. Walbancke, Mat., in. Walbank, Mr., 44; Robert, 57 (part II.). Walbye in Warr, 58. Walche, Gilbert, 57 (part II.) ; John, 54. Walchemann, Alis, 65. Walchius, J. G., 114. Walchman, George, Kirkham, 60. Waldby, John, 83 (part IV.) ; Robert, 83 (part IV.). Waldegrave, Robert, 50, 69, 72, ill; Lord, 44. Waldegreave, Daniel, 69. Walden, Lord Theoph., in. Wale-house, meaning of, 63. Wales, Rev. Elkanah, 105 ; Isaac, 99 ; Johannes, 99. Wales, Prince of, as Earl of Chester, 37 (part I.). Wales, Worthiness of, in. Waleton, 112. Waleton, — , 81; John de, no; Margeria, no; Tho. de, 112; Warin, no; William de, 80. Waley, J., 1 1 1. Waleys, Hen. de, 112. Walford, 94. Walforden, Walfreden, 74 (part I.), 99 ; mill, 103 (part L). Walgherton, 69. Walgrave, — , 61. Walhyll, Robert, 105. Walintune= Warrington, 87. Walisey, 54. Walkaden, — , 82. Walkeden, — , 88. Walk miln, see Walke. Walkar, Johannes, 57 (part 11 . ). Walkden, 42, 63, 81. Walkden, Francis, 54; James, 69; Isabel, 54 ; Lees, 73 ; Rev. Peter, 105; Robert, 96 (part L); Robertas, 95; Roger, 46; Roger, of Foraxe, 54; Thomas, 57 (part VII.); William, 94. Walkdene, — , 81 ; John, 96 (part 11 . ). Walke mill, 58, 63, 65, 74 (part III.). Walkedeyne, William, rector of Clifton Campville, 31. Walker, — , 57 (part VIE), 72, 81, 82, 88; Alexander, 54, 69 ; Alexander, the elder, 42; Alice, 105 ; Ann, 45 ; Anne, 54, 105 ; Anthony, 105 ; Dr. Anthony, 114; Charles, 57 (parts VI. and VIE); Christopher, 46, 105; Daniel, 69, 73 ; Dr., 44, 72, 114; Edward, 57 (parts VI. and VII. ), 94; Sir Edward, 88; Elizabeth, 42, 47; Ellen, 57 (part VIE); Felix, 94; George, 47, 57 (part VIE), 64, 72; George Edward, 94 ; Gregory, 105 ; Henry, 46, 94, 105, 113; Henry, of Billesborough, 60; Henry, of Garstang, 60; Hugh, 105; Jacobus, 113; James, 47, 69, 72, 73, 105 ; James, of Man- chester, B. M., 60; Jerry, 44; Joan, 105; John, 42, 44, 45, 47, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 69, 72, 73, 92, 94, 105, 109; Dr. John, 103 (part IE); Rev. John, 42 ; John, of Altringham, 60; John, of Didsbury, 65 ; John Goldie, 42, 72 ; Joseph, 64, 73; Joseph, of Manchester, 60 ; Joshua, 57 (part VI.) ; Josiah, 57 (part VIE); Laurence, 105; Lawrence, of Didsbury, 42; Lovedy, 57 (part VIE ); Margaret, 92; Mary, 57 (part VIE); Mathias, iii; Michael, 57 (part VE); Mr., 44, 114; Mr., of London, 42; Mris., 42, 57 (part VIE); Nathan, 61 ; Nicholas, 105; Obadiah, 64; Peter, 57 (parts VI. and VH. ), 69, 109, 113; Philip, in; Rev. R., iii; Richard, 54 57 (part VE), 60, 69, 72, 73, 83, (part IV. ), 92, 94, 105, 1 13; Richard Clements, 73; Robert, 42, 47, 96 (part I.), 105; Robert, 74 (part HE); Roger, of Liver- pool, 60 ; Samuel, 42, 44, 69 ; Sara, 109; Thomas, 39, 47, 57 (parts I. VI. and VIE), 63, 65, 72, 73, 94, 105; William, 39, 54, 57 (parts II and VE), 74 (part III.), 92, 94, 105; Rev. William, 42 ; William, curate of Standish, 31. Walkeringham, 60. Walkers’ croft, 63, 65, 72. Walking feat, 72. Walkington, T., in. Walkley, T., in. Wall, — , 82, 88, Alexander, 60; Anthony, 99; Christopher, 60; D., 44; Dr., 54; Evan, 60, 105 ; Grace, 44; John, 39, 69; Mrs., 44; Moses, 114; Richard, of the, 74 (part IE); Robert, 54; William, 60; William, rector of Eccleston, 60; Sir William, chantry priest, Preston, 60; William, clerk, 54; William, mayor of Chester, 75 ; Dr. William, preben- dary of Chester, 34. Wall of Preston, ped., 81, 88. Wallace, Mr., 45; W., in. Wallaskotts, 81. Wallaskotts, — , 8i. Wallche, Mr., 46. Walle, Elugh, 39; Laurence, mayor of Preston, 75; Richard, 60. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 281 Walle-greene, 58. Walle-lode, 58. ^Vallenis, Walter, 92. Waller, Edmund, iii, 114; George, 57 (part II. ); Humfray, 46 ; Sir William, 64, III. Wallerynge poole, 46. Walles, Laur. , 50; William, 60. Wallesceeching, Adam de, 74 (part I.). Wallesey, 54. Wallet, Nycholas, 60. Walley, — , 88; Alderman, 88; Charles, 70; J., Ill; Mr., 44; Richard, 54; Rog. de, 112; Samuel, 69; Thomas, 63; Thurston, 92; William, of Danum, 54. Wallez, Christopher, 60. Walling and wallers, 46. Wallington, N., iii. Wallis, J., 72, III; John, 105, 114; Mr., 44; Robert, 90, 114; William, 113. Wallis, or Wallace, Samuel, 114. Wallop, Col. H., III. Walls, Alexander, 60; Evan, 1 13; James, 105; see also Wales, Walles. Wallshame, William, 96 (part IV.). Wallthall, Richard, 54; Roger, 54; see also Walthall. Wallwork, Laurence, chantry priest, Prestwich, 60; Thomas, 69. Wallworke, Edm., 109; Hugh, 57 (part VI.); John, 96 (part I.); Richard, 57 (part VI.); Thomas, 57 (part VI.). Wallworth, — , 88; Roger, 54, 75. Walmersley, 45, 69. Walmersley, Ricardus, 95; Rogerus, 95. Walmesfelde, 112. Walmesley, — , 82, 88; Bartholomew, 61; Edward, 54, 60 ; ffrances, 54 ; George, 46; Henricus, 99; Henry, 58 ; James, 54 j 99; James, of Turton, 60; Lawrence, 39; Mr., 46; Mr., of the Rogger Styde, 46; Mrs., 46; Nicholaus, 99; Nycholas, of Preston, 60; Raff, 54; Richard, 63; Robert, 60 ; Roger, 46 ; Serjeant, 46; Sir Thomas, 50, 103 (part I.); Sir Thomas, knt., justice of the Queen’s Bench ; 54 ; Sir Thomas, of Dunkenhalgh, 60 ; Thomas, 39, 50, 54, 105 ; Thomas, of Banister hall, 54. Walmseley chapel, 38, 113; library, 38. Walmisley, — , 88; Anne, 42. Walmsley, — , 88; Edwai'd, 105; Elizabeth, 105; John, 42, 69; Mary, 45; Matthew, 73 ; Mr., 109 ; R., 105 ; Richard, 105 ; Roger, 73 ; Sir Thomas, 90 ; Thomas, 105; William, 105. Walmsley, fam., 46, ped., 82; of Banister Hall, ped., 88; of Caldcotes, ped., 88; of Dunkenhalgh, ped., 88; of Showley, ped., 88. Walmysley, Sergeant, 57 (part III.); Thomas, 96 (part I. ). Walnuts, 46. Walnyde, Alexander, 46. Walocke, Ralph and Alice, 54. Walpole, Hon. Edward, 105; Horace, 44; Mr. 44; Sir Robert, 44. Walsall, 94. Walsall, Sam., ill. Walsch, Henry de, parson of Standish, 60. Walschay, John, 103 ( part I.). Walsche, Richard le, 58. Walsh, Henry, 105; Johannes, 99; Justice, 31, 54; Sir Nich., ill; Peter, 64; Sophia M. J., 45. Walsh-fold, 96 (part I.). Walsham, North, 88. Walshaw, 88. Walshe, — , 88; Edward, 96 (part I.); Mary, 96 (part I.); Richard, 74 (part II. ); Thomas, 54. Walshe-Whittle, see Welsh Whittle. Walshecroft, 99. Walsingham, Our Lady of, 54. Walsingham, secretary, 65; Sir Francis, 50, 64, 90, III; Lady, 75, III; Tho., III. Walsman, Evan, 105. Walson, Robert, 92. Walssh, Johanna, 95; Willimus le, 95. Walstein, Miss, 72. Walter, Bp. of Chester, 112; Henry, 105; Herveus, 105, no; J. T., 105; Matilda, 105; of Exeter, in; Tebaut, Matilda, wife of, 92; Theobald, 57 (part IL), 58, 92, 105, no. Walters, T., in. Walterus, frater de Vale Royal, 92. Walthall, — , 88; Alex., 37 (part IV.); Cicely, 37 (part IV.); Peter, 73; Richard, 73; Thomas, 94, in; see also Wallthall. Waltham, Edward, Lord Denny of, 83 (part IL); John, 83 (part IV.); Mr., 72. Walthew, — , 70, 88; Peter, 92. Walton, — , 82, 88 ; — , de Winwick, 57 (part II.); — , fil. Osberti, 57 (part II.) ; — , fil. Svani, 57 (part IL); Adam de, 60, 99; Agnes, 54; Ambrose, 105; Anne, 105; Baron of, 31; Barnard, 54 ; Brian, 64, 114; Christian, wife of James, of Preston, 31; Colonel, 47; 00 282 GENERAL INDEX. Cristopher, 6o; Elizabeth, 6o, 99; George, 50 ; Gilbert de, 60 ; Henry de, 92 ; Sir Henry de, archdeacon of Richmond, 60 ; Isaac, 83 (part I-); J-5 III; James, 37 (part IV.), 60, 69, 103 (part I.); James, the elder, of Preston, 60 ; Johannes de, 95; John, 60, 69, 99; John, of Altring- ham, 54 ; Sir John, priest, 54, 60 ; Margeria, 99; Mary, 105; Messrs., 37 (part IV.) ; Michael, 42 ; Mr., 44, 46, 62; Pierce, 113; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 46, 105 ; Richard de, of Liverpull, 60 ; Robart, 54 ; Robertus, 95 ; Roger, of Walton, 60; Samuel, 57 (part VI.); Symon de, 60, 74 (part II.); Thomas, 54, 92, 105; Thomas de, 74 (part H.); Thomas Richard Roe, 73; Warren, 99; Sir William, clerk, 60; William, 39, 54, 60, 69, 70 ; William, priest, 54; Willimus, 99. Walton of Walton, ped., 88. Walton, 37 (part IV.), 54, 60, 62, 69, 74 (parts I and IL), 81, 82, 88, 99, no, 1 14; chantry, 60; church goods, 113; copp, 62 ; hall, 45 ; parish, 50; parson, 31 ; rector or vicar of, 60. Walton-cum-Fazakerley, 50, 58. Walton-le-Dale, 39, 50, 54, 60, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no. Walton Leghes, 1 10. Walton on the Hill, 45, 54, 60, 88, no. Walton, Nether, 112. Walton- Wroe, Richard, 105. Walwell, Thomas, 60. Walwerk, William, 109. Walwork, Ellis, 109 ; Laurence, 109 ; Ralph, 109. Walworke, Giles, 113, Walworth, Capt. Nathan, 109; Ellis, 109; Hester, 109 ; John, 109 ; Mary, 109 ; Nathan, Correspondence, 109 ; Peter, 109; Richard, 54; Roger, 105; Samuel, 109 ; Sarah, 109 ; Sir William, 109 ; see also Wall worth. Wambwelle, W. de, 112. Wame, a measure, 46. Wandesford, — , 82, Sir Christopher, 31; Sir George, 31. Wanklyn, Edward, 94; James Plibbert, 94; John Bradshaw, 63, 94; William, 94 - Wanley, Rev. Nath., in. Wansford, 44; bridge, in. Wansleb, J. M., 1 14. Wantoe, wanton, wanty, 46. Wanton, Joseph, 94; Joseph Brenton, 73; Nich., in; William de, 58. Wape, wapentake, 46. Waple, Edward, B. D., 44. War, in. Warbeck, Perkin, 50. Warberton, see Warburton and Werber- ton. Warbleton, — , 81. Warboys, witches of, in. Warbrick, Warbreck, 72, 74 (part H.), Warburton, 72, 80, 99; parson of, 54. Warburton, — , 81, 88; Alan de, 105 ; Alicia, 83 (part IV.); Amelia, 83 (part H.) ; Ann, 72 ; Dame Alice, 31 ; Bishop, 114; Blanche, 54; Eliza- beth, 54, 72, 83 (part I.), 96 (part HI.), 113; Ellen, 99; Lady Eliza- beth, 72 ; Emma, 72 ; Frances, 31 ; Galfridus, 95, 99 ; Geoffrey, 95, 99 ; George, 31, 54; Sir George, 80; Harriot, 72 ; Henricus, 95 ; Hugo, 95 ; J. de, 112; Jane, 54; James, 54; Joane, 42; John, 31, 42, 69, 83 (part IL), III; John, of Bromfield, 54; John, Preston, 60; Sir John, of Arley, 31, 54; Katerina, 95, 99 ; Margaret, 54, 72 ; Mary, daughter of Sir John Holcroft, 31 ; Mary, 54; Mr., of Lincoln’s Inn, 46 ; Sir Nicholas, chapleyn, 54 ; Peter, 31, 37 (part I.), 54, 83 (parts I. HI. and IV.), 96 (part HI.), 99, 113; Peter, Serjeant-at-Law, 54 ; Peter, chief justice of Chester, 54 ; Arley, and Elizabeth, his daughter, 31, 54; Peter of Chester, 54; Sir Peter, 72, 80; Sir Peter, of Grafton, knt., 31; Petrus, 99 ; Sir Piers, of Arley, 54 ; Petronilla, no; R. E. Egerton, 72, 80; Richard, 54, 57 (part VH.), no; Richard, clerk, 54 ; Richard, rector of Lymm, 60 ; Robert, of Grange, 54; Thomas, 57 (parts VI. and VH. ); Thomas, parson of Warburton, 60; William, 31 ; William de, 105 ; Bp. William, 44; see also Werburton. Warburton family, 83 (part IV.); of Arley, fam., 80. Warbyton, Margery, 54. Warchbisbee, 58. Warche, or Ward le, 58. Warchleyside, 58. Ward, — , 72; Abel, M,A., 44; Abigail, 92; Alexander, 57 (part HI. ); Anne, 54; Elizabeth, 54; Henry, 57 (part H.), 94, III; Hugo, 95; Sir Humble, 31; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 283 Johannes, 95; John, 37 (part IV.), 70, 73, 94, III ; John, of Capesthorn, 54; John, of Gresham College, 44; John, M. P,, 44; John, Parliamentary agent, 44; John, Visct. Dudley, 44; Rev. Joseph, 97 ; Joshua, empiric, 44 ; Matthew, 54; Miss, 72; Mr., 44; Mrs., actress, 72; Micah, 57 (partVI.); Pep- loe, 69, 73; Ran., 58; Reginald, 57 (part II. ); Richard, 31, 42 ; Robert, 57 (part VL), 64; Roger, 54; Roger (printer), III; Sir Roger, 54 ; Sir Roger, chap- lain of Denton, 60 ; Seth, 64, 1 14 ; Thomas, 54, 57 (part II.), 64; William, 54, 73, 1 13; William, goldsmith, 31; William, of London, 60; Rev. William, 75; Rev. William, rector of Warring- ton, 54. Wardbroke, see Warbreck. Warde, 82. Warde, — , 81, 88; Alexander, 46, 50, 1 13; Andrew, 46; George, 113; Giles, 46; John, 37 (part I.), 83 (part III.) ; John le, 97 ; Margaret, 46; Mr., 46. Wardeley, see Wardley. W'^ardell, Edward, 54. Wardeman, Anthony, 31. Warden house, Newton Heath, 72. Warden, Werden, Weurden, — , 81 ; see also Werden, and Worden. Wardens (pears), 46. Wardens of Manchester College, 65. Wardgreene, — , 88. Wardgreene in Ribchester, 88. Wardle, see Wordel, Wordyll. Wardle, Alexander, 42; Mr., 37 (part IV.); John, 57 (part VIE). Wardleworth, 96 (part III.). Wardleworth, James, 57 (part VI.), 69; John, 94. Wardley, 42, 63, 81, 82, 88, 96 (part III. ), no; manor of, no. Wardrobe, 112. Wardship, 80, 112. Wardsley, 88. W^ardson, Johannes, p?. Ware, 81. Ware, — , 88; George, 72, 99, in; Dr. Hibbert, 114; Sir James, 72; see also Hibbert-Ware. Ware land, 46. Ware, or Warre, Elianor, 95; Johannes le, 95; Thomas la, 95, 1 10; see also Warre. Wareing, James Taylor, 94; John, 105; Robert, 94 ; Samuel, 45 ; Susanna, 45 ; Rev. Thomas, 105; William, 73, 94. Waren, Sir John, no. Wareton, or Waverton, Rd. de, rector of Prestwich, 103 (part II.). Wareyn, Edward, 95 ; Johannes de, 95 ; Margareta, 95; Nicholas, 95; Willeme, 95 ; see also Warren. Warford, 42, 80, 88; Great and Little, 80. Warhurst, Matthias, 69; Mr., 44. Warin, Waring, — , 58, 88. Wariner, Robert le, 58. Waring, Ann, 105; James, 69; John, 105; Nicholas, 105 ; Richard, 39, 92, 105 ; Rob., Ill; Rev. Thomas, 105; Thomas, 92; To., 75; William, 105. Waringe, Christopher, 54; Elizabeth, 54; Ellen, 105; Gilbert, 54; James, 46; John, 54, 60; Richard, 46, 54; Thomas, 105 ; William, 105 ; see also Wareing and Waryng. Warintoun, John, 46. Warke, 88. Warkehoppe, Sir William, 37 (part 11. ). Warley, Ralph, 46. Warmecham, Sir Thomas, 54. Warmeton, — ,81. Warmincham, 80. Warmincham, Humphrey, 31. Warmingham, 54. W^armingham, Jn., 61; Mr., 44. Warminster, 88. Warmore, 50. Warneford, Richard, M.A., 44. Warner, — , 88; Sir Edward, knt, 60; John, 64; Levin, 114; Ralph, son of, 80; William, in. Warneton, in Northumberland, 84. Warnham, 81, 82. Warning for Wantons, in. Warr in Lancashire, Discourse of, 62. Warre, Sir John la, 60; John de la, 74 (part IL); Loi'd la, 60, 65, 68; Richard West, Lord la, 37 (part IV.); Roger la, knt., 63; Thomas, 99; Thomas West, Lord la, 54, 74 (part HI.), 88, 90; Thomas West, ninth Lord de la, 63; William West, tenth Lord de la, 63 ; see also De la Warre, and Ware. Warren, free, 58. Warren, — , 81, 83 (part IV.), 88; Agnes de, 95; Ann, daughter of Sir William Davenport, 31; Anne, 54; Arthur, in; Charles, 37 (part L), 114; D., in; Earl of, 87, 112; Edward, 37 (part IV.), 42, 54, 75, 83 (pari HI.), 109; Edward, gentleman waiter, 31; Edward, son of John, of Poynton, 284 GENERAL INDEX. 31 ; Sir Edward, 42, 50, 92, 97 ; Elizabeth Harriot, no; Lady Eliza- beth, 44; Mrs. Elizabeth, 54 ; family, 46, 97; Francis, of Prestbury, 54 ; Sir George, 105, no; Sir George, of Poynton, 54; Sir Henry, parson of Stockport, 54; James, 73; Joan, 42; Johannes, 95, 99; John, 31, 37 (part I.), 92; John, and Isabel his wife, 54; John, of Poynton, 42, 54; Dr. John, 44; Sir John, 54; Sir John, parson of Stockport, 54; Sir John, of Poynton, 80; Judge, 37 (part IV.); Laurans, 54; Laurentius, 95; Lawrence, 42; Margaret, 42, 54, 95; Margaret, daughter of Sir Rd. Moly- neux, 31; Margaret, otherwise Mag o’ Dents, 63; Margery, 54; Mr., 44, 46 ; Mr., of Poynton, 31, 46, 54; Nicholas, 95 ; Richard, 63 ; Susan, daughter of Sir William Booth, 31; William, in. Warren and Surrey, William, earl of, no. Warrener, 112. Warrenner, Johannes, 95. Warrine, Mr., 92. Warrington, 39, 42, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57 (parts I. HI. and V.), 60, 65, 69, 70, 72, 73 , 74 (par-t H.), 81, 82, 87, 88, 94, 95 , 96 (part L), 99, no; Annals of the Lords of 87, 88; art gallery, 113; bay- liff and constables of, 60; Bredren of St. Austen of, 60 ; bridge, 62, 88 ; bridge, chapel at foot of, 83 (part IV.); chantry of St. Anne at, 60; church, 60; church bells, 113 ; church goods, 113 ; civil war at, 62, 70; coach, 44; commis- sion held at, 61; corporation of, no; earldom of, no; frei'e house, 54; freres from, 60; Friary ^ History of 83; hun- dred of, 58, no; manor of, 58; parson- age, 113; prior and freres, 54; purchase of, 57 (part HI.); rectors of, 60; rectory of, 54 ; rural dean of, 83 (part IV. ) ; school, 60; tolls of, 58. Warrington, Barons of, 58; Earl of, 37 (part I.), 64; George Booth, earl of, 44; Mary, countess of, 105. Wars, Rehearsal of in. Wars of the Roses, influence of, 65. Wars, Wars, Wars, in. Wartery, 88. Warth, Warthe, 47, 88; etymology of, 58. Warthebrek, Warthebridge, 46, 99. Warton, 50, 54, 57 (part II.), 62, 74 (parts I. and II.), 81, 88, 95, 99, no; church, 60, 92; parish of, 60; rectory, 60; school, 88, 92; stipendiary priest of, 60; township of, 92. Warton in Amounderness, 58. Warton in Lonsdale, 58. Warton, — , 81; Adam de, 95; James, 54; Johannes, 57 (part H. ); Lord, 31 ; Robert, of Formby, 60; Rev. T., 88; William, 54. Wartre, Wavertree, 50. Warwick, 88. Warwick, — , 82; Ambrose Dudley, earl of, 50, in; Lady Ann, n i ; Charles Rich, earl of, 114; Earl of, 109; George Neville, brother of Richard, earl of, 60; Guendrida, no; John de, no; Margaret, no; Sir Philip, 80; Richard, earl of, 60, n i ; Robert, earl of, in; Roger, earl of, no ; Thomas Beauchamp, earl of, 60. Waryn, Edmund, 57 (part H. ). Waryng, Henry, 57 (part IL); James, 54; Robert, 57 (part II.); Thomas, 57 (part IL). Warynge, George, of Kirkham, 60; Sir Richard, dean of Amounderness, 60; Roger, of Hoton, 60. Wase, Christopher, 114. Wasefield, Mr., 44. Washborn, Anth., in. Wash house meadow, 37 (part IV.). Washing, 46; at the conduit, 65. Washing tub, 46. Washington, 88. Washington, — , 81, 88; Agnes, 95; James, 94; Johannes, 99; Robert, 39; Robert de, 74 (part IL) ; Robertas, 95, 99; William, 73; see also Whashynton. Wasley, John, 57 (part VI.). Wasperton, 88. Wassail bowl, 46. Wassby, John, 57 (part VI.). Waste lands, 112. Waste, the, 58. Waste, the lords’, 63. Wastel bread, 50. Wastell, John, 83 (part IV.); Simon, in. Wastley, — , 88. Waswall, or Wiswall, 46. Wat Tyler, in. Watch and ward, 58. Watchet, a pale blue colour, 46. Watching and watchmen, 46, 63. Watcroft, 45. Water, 46. Waterback, — , 112. Watercourses, 63, 65, 72. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 285 Waterfall, Rev. G. H., 92. Waterhouse, Isaac, 31 ; Joseph, 57 (part VII.); Mr., 54; Nathaniel, 3] ; Ruth, daughter of Joseph Midgley, 31. Waterhouses in Harper Wollowe, 74 (part III.). Watering pool, 63. Waterland, Daniel, D.D., 44. Watermen of the Thames, 46. Waterpery, 82. Waters, Col. Rob., in. Waters, medicinal, 46. Waters of Life^ ill. Waterside, 88. Waterson, J., in; Simon (printer), ni. Water-street, an ancient road, 58. Waterward, Laurence, 113. Waterwarde, Andrew, 54. Waterworth, — , 88; Nathan, 109; Thom- as, 109; William, 39. Wath, 82, no. Watkins, Da., 39; Edward Malebone, 94; W. B., 72. Watkyns, Ric. (printer), in. Watkynson, William, 54. Watling street, 88. Watmogh, Hugh, chantry priest, 60. Watmough, — , 82, 88 ; Hugh, 96 (part I.); Hugh, rector of Bury, 50; William, 94. Watmough, fam., ped., 82. Watmoughe, John, 46. Watmouthe, — ,81, 88. Watry lane, 42. Watson, — , 63, 81 ; Daniel, 73; Dr., in; Holland, 37 (part IV.) ; Humfrey, 54 ; Isaac, 44 ; James, 73 ; Jane, 92 ; John, 44, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 69, 73 ; John, of Whalley, 46; Rev. John, 97 ; Joseph, 42; Juliana, 45; Katherine, 54; Mr., 70, 114; Richard, 64; Robert, 92; Dr. Robert, 44 ; Robert, parson, of Tilston, 54; Stephen, 105; Thomas, 50, 64, 73, in, 114; William, 42, 94. Watt, Joseph, 72; Joshua, 42. Watte, Richard, 54. Watteby, le, 58. Watterworth, Andrew, 31. Wattkins, Mr., 61. Wattmoss, 58. Watts, — (printer), 44 ; Anne, 54 ; Charles, 114; George, of Adlington, 97; Mary, 57 (part VH.) ; Mr., 44 ; Rev. Mr., 44, 92; Rev. R., 70; Thomas, 94; William, 72. Waugh, Sir Andrew Scott, 105, Wanton, see Wanton. Waverton, 73. Wavertree, 50, 69. Wavertree, Richard de, prior of Nostell, 60. Wawen, Edward, 96 (part IV.). Wax, 46, 112. Way to Heaven, in. Way to the true church, 113. Wayham, 88. Wayland, J. (printer), in. Waylot, Thomas, 63. Wayne, Thomas, 94. Wayneflete, John, 83 (part IV.). Waynflete, 88. Wayngham, 74 (part I.). Waynwright, James, 39 ; John, 54 ; Law- rence, 37 (part L); William, 54. Wayte, — , 88; Colonel, 62; James, 54. Weacklyf, Richard, of London, 54. Weames, Lady Cicily, in. Weapons employed in the Civil War, 62. Weardale, 47. Wearden, 88. Wearden, — , 88; Edmund, 62; Mary, 39. Weardley, 88. Weast, or tenement, 63. Weaste, 88, 94. Weather, Gilbert, 46. Weatherall, John, 94. Weatherley, James, 94. Weaver, 88. Weaver, — , 82, 88; John, 105, ni; Mr., 114; Thomas, 57 (part VII.), in; William, 105. Weaver, the Trmmphant, in. Weavers and weaving, 65. Weaving, 46, in. Webb, Ch., in; Dr., 44; John, 94; Mary, 42; Nath., in; W., in. Webber, — (actor), 72; family, 109; Dr. James, 92; Mr., 109; Rev. William, 92; Rev. William C. F., 92. Webe, Elin, 54. Weber, Henry, 37 (part II.). Webster, — , 82, 88, 96 (part II.); Alicia, 68; Anne, 54, 92; David, 73; Edniund, 60; Frances, 46, 96 (part IV.); George, 42; Henry, 105; J., ni; John, 94, 105, 113; John, alderman of Chester, 54; Katherine, 92; Laurence, 92; Margrett, 54; Mr., 45 ; Ric. (printer), in ; Ric- hard, 68, 75; Robert, 105; Samuel, 69; Samuel Charles, 94; Thomas, 64, 73, 94, 105; William, 73, 94, 105, in. Webster (weaver), 46. 286 GENERAL INDEX. Wedacre, 57 (part II.), 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no; hall, 57 (part II.), 105; mill, 105; spa well, 105. Wedacre, Edmunde de, 105 ; Johannes, 99; Roger de, 105; William de, 105. Wedakre, Hugh de, 105; Robert de, 57 (part II.). Wedderburn, fam., in; George, 94; William, 94. Wedding charges, 46; feasts, 63, 65. Weddings, officers for, 65. Wederall, Margaret, 54. Wedge, John Jacques, 94. Wedges, 46. Wedgewood, 47. Wednesbury, 94. Weeding, 46. Weedon, 114. Weekly Miscellany, 44. Weemes, John, Workes, 38. Weeping Lady, in. Weeton, 50, 54, 57 (part II.), 62, 74 (part II.), 95; barony of, 58; church, 92; hairy ghost, 92; manor of, i lO; town- ship, 92. Weeton, Thomas Barton, 94; Will., 92. Weever, Richarde, 54 ; Thomas, of Weever, 31; William, 105. Weights, 46; and measures, 63, 65. Welbie, W., in ; Walter, 54. Welburn, 96 (part II.). Welby, Mary, 103 (part II.); Roger, 58, 99. Welch, Captain, in; Emma Martha, 92; George, 92; Jane, 105; Thomas, 105. Welch Whittle, see Welsh Whittle. Weld, J., in; William, 83 (part III.). Welkin, in. Well hall, 45. Well-sinker, 46. Wellbank, Mr., 44. Welle, William de, 83 (part IV.). Wellensis, H. de, 80. Weller, Mr., 44. Welles, Adam, third baron de, 58; William de, 74 (part II.). Wellingborough, 82. Wellington, 103 (part II.). Wellmaker, Hugh le, 112. Wells, — , 88; Lady Agnes, in; Anthony, a porter, 31; Dymoke, 73; Edward, 69; Henry, 39; J., in ; Ric., in ; Sir Ric., in ; Ricardus, 99; T., in ; Wil- liam, 69, 83 (part IV.). Wells cathedral, 60. Welly, Lane, for “Well-nigh,” 44. Welneton manor, 80. Weloc, Hugh de, 80. Welsh Chro 7 iicle, 58. Welsh ponies, 112. Welsh, — , 72; John, 57 (partVL); Mat- thew, 57 (part VL); Richard, 58. Welsh-Whittle, 58, 60, 88, 99. Welshe, Edward, 96 (part IL). Welsheman, Thomas, 54. Welshpool, 46. Weltch, Rev. Mr., 39. Weltone, i.e. Walton, 112. Wem, 47, 69, 81, 88. Wemington (Wennyngton), 81. Wemyss, Edward, 94. Wenches, 46. Wendover, 114. Wendover, Johannes de, 37 (part I.). Wenitone, 80. Wennington, 57 (part H.), 81, 82, 88. Wenterbotham, Robert, 54. Wentworth, — , 88 ; — , actor, 72 ; Lady Anne, in; Lady Arabella, in ; Doro- thy, 92 ; Elin, 92 ; Miss, actress, 72 ; Mr., 44; Rev. S. E., 92; Hon. Thomas, no; Viscount T., in; W., in. Wentworth-Woodhouse, no. Weobley, 47. Werberton, — , 82 ; George, 54 ; Peres, knt., 54. Werburge, St., abbey of, 80. Werburton, Geoffrey, 87; Sir Geoffrey de, 87 ; Thomas, of Castell Norwiche, 54; see also Warburton. Werden, — , 88 ; Alice, no ; John, chap- lain, 60; Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Orskell, no ; Peter, 54. Werden, Werdon, 82, 88, 99, no; see also Worden. Werdon, Ralph, 54; Richard, 37 (part L). Were-wolves, in. Wereden, Ricardus, 99. Wereford, Nicholas de, 80. Weregilds, 58. Weremouth, Mr. Leys, rector of, 60. Werewell, 88. Werington, Alicia de, 83 (part IV.); Henry f. R. f. Henry de, 87 ; Henry fitz Robert fitz Radulf fitz Henry de, 83 (part IV.); Jordan de, 83 (part IV.); Ralph fitz Henry de, 83 (part IV.); Ro- bert, 83 (part IV.); William de, 83 (part IV.). Wermyjame, Sir Thomas, 54. Werneth, 37 (part IV.), 58, 81, 82, 88, 95, 96 (parts 1 . and II.). VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 287 Werrall, 88. Weryngton, Johane, 54 ; Robert de, 60. Weryngton, see Warrington. Wesfield, George, 57 (part VI.). Wesham, 50, 60, 88. Wesley, Charles, 44; Rev. John, 37 (part IV.), 42, 44, 68, 105; Myles, 60; Sam- uel, 44. Wesleyan college at Didsbury, 42. West — , 88 ; family, 58, 63 ; George, warden, 60, 65; Gilbert, 44; James, 57 (part VI.); John, 69; Miss, 45; Nathan- iel, 105 ; Nicholas, 64; Reginald, no; Reginald, fifth Baron, 58 ; Reginald, Lord de la Warre, 42 ; Reginaldus, 99 ; Ricardus, 99; Richard, 44, 68, 69, iii; Richard, Lord de la Warre, 37 (part IV.), 42, 58, 103 (part II.); Thomas, 68, 109 ; Thomas, Lord de la Warre, 42, 47, 58, 90, 103 (part 11 . ); Thomas, third Baron, 58 ; Sir Thomas, 37 (part IV.), 60; Sir W., 65; William, Lord de la Warre, 42. W^est of Borwick, ped., 88. W'^est Bradford, 74 (part III.). W^est Derby, 39, 57 (parts I. and II.), 88, 95, 99, 1 12; hundred of, 39, 50, 74 (part III.), 1 10; hundred, church goods, 1 13; wapentake, 74 (part II.); see also Derby. W’'est Derbyshire forest, 87. W^est Felton, 44. W’^est Hall, see Westhall. West Hallam, 82. W^est Houghton, West Orton, see West- houghton. W^est Kirby, 69; advowson, 54. West Leigh, see Westleigh. W’^est Newton, 94. W^est Twyford, in. Westbie, Elin, 92 ; John, 92 ; Mr., of Moulbreck, 62; Thomas, 75, 92. W’^estby, 50, 54, 60, 74 (part H.), 81, 82, 88, 92, 1 10; hall, 62, 92. Westby, — , 81, 82, 88; Cuthbert, 92; Dr., 62; Eleanor, 92; Eliz., in; Francis, 105; Henry, 92; James, 50; John, 50, 57 (part III.), 92; John, and Katherine his wife, 54 ; John, of Mow- breck, 31, 54; John, of Welbreck, 31; Margaret, 31, 54; Mary, 92; Mr., 75, 92, 105; Perpetua, 105; Thomas, 92, 105; Thomas, of Burne, 31, 70; Wil- liam, 50, 54, 92; Willimus, 99. Westby farn., ped., 82; of Mowbrick, ped., 81, 92; of Mierscough, ped., 88; of Rawcliffe, ped., 88; see also Westbie. Westcarre, Johannes, 99. Westchester, 60. Westclose, 46. Westeheade, Henry, kitchen man, 31 ; To., 31. Westfeild, George, 57 (part VH.). Westfeld, Johannes, 95. Westfield, 88. Westhall, 37 (part IV.), 81, 83 (part I.), 88, 95, no. Westhead, Joshua Proctor, 94. Weslheade, Gabriel, 39. Westheide in Ormskirk, 60. Westhend, 57 (part H.) Westhoughton, Westhalghton, 46, 58, 63, 69, 72, 81, 88, 94; common, 70, 83 (part L). W^estlaks, 54. Westleigh, West Leigh, 42, 50, 60, 69, 74 (part IL), 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 99, no. Westleigh, Roger de, 58. Westley Milles, 54. Westley, see Westleigh. Westmacott, R., 45. Westmeath, 94. Westminster, 37 (part IV.), 42, 45, 47, 54, 69, 81, 82, 88, 99, no, in; Abbey, 37 (part V.), 47, 113; courts held at, 61; hall, 90; statutes of, 58. Westminster, Marchioness of, 37 (part IV.); Marquis of, 37 (part IV.), 54; Mat., 80; Prebendary of, 60. Westmore, Richard, 105. Westmoreland, 57 (part H.) ; 94. Westmorland, Charles, earl of, ni; Francis, earl of, 105; Mildmay, earl of, in. Westmoughe, Hugh, 50. Weston, 54, 73, 80, 82, 88; in Kirkham, 62. Weston, — , 81; fam., in; Baron, 109; Dr., 75; Edward, 64; Hugh, 64; James, 44; Richard, 37 (part I.), 70; Robert, 94; William, 80. Westone, John, 50. Westrop, — , 81 ; John, 105. W^estwick, 88. Westwoode, no. Westwoods, 54. Wet, Sir John le, 54. Wetenhale, John de, 80. Wetenhall, 94. Wethale manor, 80. 288 GENERAL INDEX. Wetherall, Aaron, 94. Wetherby, 47. Wetherby, — , 81; Thomas, kitchen man, 31- Wetherley, — , 88. Wethers, 46. Wetnall, — , 81, 88; Roger, 54. Weton, see Weeton. Wetstein, John James, 44; T. L., 44. Wettenhall, Erne, 54; Gabriel, 54; Hughe, 54; John, of Yorkshire, 54; Robert, 54; William, 54. Wetting cloth, 65. Wetton, CO. Lane., 75. Wetton, CO. Stafford, 60. Wetton, Rd. de, rector of Prestwich, 103 (part II.). Wever, no. Wever, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, 54 ; Elizabeth, wife of Sir Edward, 60 ; j Robert, 54 ; Thomas, 97 ; Thomas, of j Wever and Alderley, 54 ; Sir Thomas, ! of Wever, 60 ; see also Weaver and Weever. Wevers, George, 54. Wexford, 94. Weyland, or Werlond, William de, 58. Whalebone, 46. Whaley, — , 88; Hugh de, 58, 92. Whaley, see Whalley. Whalley, 45, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57 (part I.), 62, 70, 73, 81, 88, 95, 96 (parts I. and 1 HI.), 99, no, 112, 113; Abbey, 45, 46, ! 57 (part H.), 58, 60, 74 (part HI.), 103 (part I.), no; Abbey arms, 42; chan- try, 103 (part I.); church, 45, 58, 60, 74 (part III.), 96 (part IV.), 103 (part 1.); convent, 60, 83 (part IV.); Coucher Book, 46; deans, 103 (part I.); Easter Rolls, 96 (part IV.); fight at, 62; par- sonage, 103 (part I.); school, 103 (part I.); tenants, 96 (part IV.). Whalley, Cheshire, 94. Whalley, Abbot of, 60, 74 (parts I. and IE), 83 (part IV.), 87, 95, 103 (part I.), 112. Whalley, — , 8 1, 88; Billy, 46; Charles Edward Roscoe, 94 ; Commissary- General, 47; Edmund, 113; Elizabeth, 45; Esther, 45; H., ni; Harry, non- juror, 44; Hen. de, 112; Henry, of the banke, 60; James, 45, 73; Johannes de, 95; Dr. John, 44; John, 45, 73; Major, 70; Mr., of Sparth, 60; Mrs., monu- ment to, 45; Richard, 46, 95; Robert, 45> 46, 92 ; Robert, of Ingoll, 60 ; Samuel, 69, 73; Thomas, 46, 54, 57 (part VI.), 88, 105; Thomas, or John, abbot of, 60; William, 61, 69, 92. Whalleye, — , 39. Whally, Samuel, 69. Whardle, Robert, 54. Wharledale, George, 96 (part I.). Wharles, 62, 88. Wharles (of a spindle), 46. Wharmbey, Samuell, 57 (part VH.). Wharmby, — , 63 ; Henry, 57 (parts VI. and VH,); Jonathan, 37 (part IV.); Robert, 65 ; Samuel, 57 (part VI.); Thomas, 57 (parts VI. and VH.) ; William, 57 (part VI.), 63. Wharmore, 62, Wharncliffe, Lord, in. Wharnlye, Brian, 105. Wharryer, Besse, 54. Wharton, Sir G,, in ; Henry, 64, 114; J. in; Lord, 47, 62, 70; Lord Philip, III; Ric., in; Tho., ni. Whashynton, Robert, 54. Whatcroft, 80. WhatmoLigh, chantry priest, 60. Whatton, John, 54; Mr., errors of, 58; William, 54. Wh ear’s Method of Reading, 44, Wheare, Deg., 64. Wheat, 46; cakes, 46; price of, 31, 50. Wheatcroft, 47, 88. Wheatears, 46. Wheatfield, Whitefield, 47. Wheatley, Mr., 44, Wheeldon, John, 94. Wheeler, — , 88; Charles, 72, 94; Henry, 94; James, 72, 73; John, 72, 94; Thomas, 94, no. Wheeler’s Manchester, 58 ; Manchester Chronicle, 72. Wheelock, Abraham, 114. Wheels, 46. Wheelton, Whytton, 50. Wheelwright, 46. Wheldale, West, 73. Wheldrake, 60. Wheler, Walterus, 99. Whelock, 80. Whelocke, Richard, 47. Whelton-cum-Hepay (Heparge), 58, 81. Wheltrough, 82. Whelwrighte, John, 47, 54. Whesso, CO. Durham, 60. Wheteacker, John de, 74 (part I.). Whetley, Robert, 54. Whetnall, Mr., 44. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 289 Whetston hill, 37 (part IV.). Whetstone, George, iii; Miss, 44. Whette serede (white cerate), 46. Whichcote, 114. Whichcote, Lady Ann, Benj., Dr. Benj., Charles, Christopher, father, Hephzibah, Jeremy, Sir Jeremy, and Sir Paul, 114. Whickleswicke, Whicleswych, Wildles- wick, Quickleswich, 58, 65, no. Whicksted, Thomas, 37 (part L). Whigs, and Whiggism, 44. Whiles' Supplication, in. Whilpshire, see Wilpshire. Whimbrel, 46. Whinizies, in. Whinberries, 46. Whinfell, 57 (part II.). Whinney Clough, 88. Whinneyheys, Whinney Haigh, 88. Whip, 46; cord, 46; sawe, 46; stock, 46. Whipp, — , 88 ; James, 46 ; John, 105 ; Robert, 96 (part IV.); Samuel, 69. Whippe, Oliver, 96 (part IV.) ; Thomas, 96 (part IV.). Whipton, Mr., 31. Whishaw, Mr., 44. Whissall, Elizabeth, 31. Whiston, 50, 54, 88, no. Whiston, William, 44, 114. Whitacre, Whitaker, and Whittacre. Whitaker, 46, 81, 96 (part IV.), 112; High, 46, 81 ; old hall, 46. Whitaker, — , 88 ; Rev. Charles, 54 ; Daniel, 63; Elizabeth, 72; Henry, 57 (part I.), 60; James, 46, 69; John, 46, 57 (part VIL), 63, 69 ; Rev. John, 47, 58, 68, 1 14; Joseph, 57 (part VIL); Laurence, 96 (part IV.), in; Lucy, 45; Mary, 72; Mr., 46, 47; Mr., of Burnley, 46; Richard, 47, 60, in; Robert, 57 (part I.), 96 (part I.); Rev. Robert Nowell, 45; Samuel, 94; Rev. T. D. , 31, 45, 46, 60, 74 (part HI.), 75, 88, 96 (parts H. and IV.), 103 (part I.), 109, in, 112, 114; Thomas, 46; Thomas, priest, 60; Thomas, of Holme, 60 ; William, of Burnley, 60; Dr. William, 31, 64, 96 (part I.), 103 (part IL), 114. Whitborne, Whittebourne, 47, 54, 88. Whitbroke, Hugh, of Bridgnorth, 42 ; Margaret, 42. Whitbrooke, — , 82, 88. Whitby, 54. Whitby, — , 81, 88; Mrs. Alice, 31; Daniel, 64, 114; Robert, 37 (part I.). Whitchcotes, — , 81. Whitchurch, 47, 54, 69, 70, 82, 88, 94. Whitchurch, Edw., in. Whitcroft, in Lancaster, 62. White, — , 57 (part VIL), 82, 88; Brad- shaw, 72; Charles, 45, 69, 72; Charles, F. R. S., 44; Christopher, 105; Christo- pher, of Claughton, 62; Dorothy, 105; Dr., 31, 44; Edw, in ; Bp. F. , in ; Francis, 38, 64 ; George Norman, 73 ; Gilbert, 45 ; Harry, ill; Henrie, 54 ; J., 109; James, 57 (part VIL); John, 44 , 45 , 64, 69, 96 (part I.), 105; John, patriarch of Dorchester, 114; John Bradshaw, 73; John, 38; Laur., in; Mary, 114; Mrs., 44; Nicholas, 105; Dean P. , ni; Peter, 92, 96 (part L); R., in; Richard, 60, 64, 73, 114; Robert, 105; Samuel, 73, 94; Sarah, 45; Taylor, 37 (part I.), 44; Thomas, 45, 57 (part VIL), 64, 69, 72, 73, 114; W. (printer), in; Walter, 74 (part L); Widow, 57 (part VIL); William, 44, 69, 94, 96 (part HI.); William Moor, 73 - White-hall in Didsbury, 42. White-Ladies house, 70. White Leigh, 74 (part HI.). White-meat, officers for, 65. White-Moss, see Whitmoss. White-Rooding, Middlesex, 60. Whiteacres, Richard, Capellanus, 47. Whitechapel, 37 (part IV.). Whitechurch, see Whitchurch. Whitefeilde, Thomas, 60. Whitefield, 37 (part IV.), 42, 99. Whitefield, Rev. George, 44, 68; Hugh, 113; William, 113; see also Whitfield. Whitegate, 73. Whitehalgh, 88. Whitehalgh, — , 88; Thomas, 60. Whitehall, 42, 61, 88, 96 (part HI.), 109. Whitehall, Mr., 44. Whitehall, in. Whitehall Evening Post, 44. Whitehaven, 62. Whitehawghe, Lawrence, 58. Whitehead, — , 88; — , of Forton hall, 57 (part H. ); Alls, 92; Anne, 92; Benjamin, 105 ; Daniell, 57 (part VH.) ; Dorothy, 105; Edmund, 47, 57 (part VIL); Rev. Edward, 92 ; Edward, 92 ; Elizabeth, 92; George, 94 ; Llenry, 92, 113 ; Jack, 44; James, 72, 92, 113; John, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 72, 92; Joseph, 73; Kitty, 44; Mr., 44, 105; Nathaniel, P P 290 GENERAL INDEX. tailor, 44; Nathaniell, 57 (part VII,) ; Paul, 44 ; Ralph, 69 ; Richard, 69, 92, 105, 1 13; Captain Richard, 105; Robert, 69, 92; Samuel, 94; Sarah, 44; Thomas, 37 (part IV.), 58, 69, 92, 105; Thomas, of the ffields, 54 ; Dom. Thomas, 60 ; William, 57 (parts VI. and VII.), 73, 92, 105; Rev. William, 92. Whitehead of Claughton, ped., 105; of Field House, 54. Whiteheide, Agnes, Liverpool, 60 ; John, Ligeyate, 60. Whitehill, 42 ; in the Wood, 74 (part I.) ; see also Whittle. Whitehouse, 88. Whitelawe, Robert, 87. Whitelee, near Colne, 69. Whiteleg, William, 42. Wiiitelegg, George, 42 ; James, 47 ; Thomas, 42, 47, 94 ; William Acton Okell, 94. Whitelegge, Benjamin Arthur, 94; Henry, 94 ; Mary, 42 ; William, 94 ; Rev. Wil- liam, 47. Whitelegh, Thomas of, 74 (part III.). Whiteleigh, Whitley, 88. Whiteley, 112. Whiteley, James, 72, 73; Richard, 94; Thomas, 69. Whitell, Richard, 63. Whitelock, Bulstrode, 114 ; Charles Robert, 94; Fiancis, 94; Henry Hut- chins, 94; Hugh Anthony, 94; James, 57 (part VI. j ; Richard, 94 ; Rev. Richard Hutchins, 42 ; Thomas Wil- liam, 94; William, 94. Whitely-Wood, Derbyshire, 69. Whiteman, Ellam Fox, 94. Whiteside, George, 92 ; Jane, 92 ; John, 92 ; Margaret, 92 ; Richard, 105 ; William, 92 ; see also Whytsyde. Whitestones, Richard, 60. Whitewasher, 46. Whitewell, Johannes de, 95. Whitewells, 94. Whitfeild, James, 57 (part VIL); Mr., king’s cardmaker, 61; Willimus, 95. Whitfeld, 95. Whitfield, 82. Whitfield, — , 82, 88, 96 (part I.); Mrs. A., Ill; Dr., 44; Edmund, 64; Edward, 94; Henry, 46; Hugh, 113; Sir Mat- thew, 46; Peter, 44; see also Whitefield. Whitford, D. , ill; Richard, 64. Whitforde, 54. Whitgift, Archbishop, 31, 42, iii, 114. Whithalgh, Robertas, 99. Whitham, 114. Whithead, Adam, 46; Anthony, 46; Ed- mund, 46; Florence, 46; Ja., 46; John, 46; Mr., of Garstang, 62; William, 46. Whitheade, Arihure, 54. Whithede, Edmund, 54. Whithington, James, 69; John, 69. Whithull, 95, no; see also Whittle. Whiticar, Edmund, 47; Hughe, 54. Whitland, Peter, 73. Whitle, alias Gilliam, 65. Whitle, Captain, 57 (part II.). Whitlings, fish, 46. Whitleswyke, 81. Whitley, 83 (part I.). Whitley, — , 57 part VII.), 88; George, 54; John, 57 (part VIE); Randle, 54; Roger, 70; Roger, of Peel, 80. Whitley Hey Park, 97 ; Higher, 70 ; Nether, 54, 80. Whitlow, George, 94; Timothy, 69. Whitmore, — , 82, 88; Anne, 42; Eliza- beth, 54; G. , III; John, 50; John, of Thurslanston, 54; William, 42, 83 (part HI.). Whit moss, 58. Whitnall, James, 69. Whitnash, 88. Whitney, 81, 114. Whitney, — , execution of, 61 ; Geffrey, 111; Margaret, 54. WhiLson-ales, 74 (part III.). Whiison-week, 31. Whittacars, Edward, 54. Whiltacre, — , 8i; Giles, 50; Jacobus, 99; John, 50; Laurence, 50; Lun., 50; Milo, 99 ; Nicholas, 50; Ricardus de, 95; Robertus, 99; Thomas, 50; see also Whitaker, Whittaker. Whiltacre of Whittacre, ped., 81. Whittaker, Christabell, 54; Daniel, 69; Humphrey, 54; James, 69; John, 54, 69; Lawrence, 54; Rev. Mr., 44; Myles, 54; Nich., 103 (part I.); Richard, 47, 1 14 ; Robert, 63, 69 ; Thomas, 54 ; widow, 47; William, 63, 69, 73; Dr. William, 103. Whittall, Henry, of Brotherton, 60. Whittekar, John, 57 (part VIL). Whitteley, Amabilia, 112; Ric. de, II2. WTittell, Edward, 73; Jane, 54; John, 54; Nicholas, 54; Richard, 54; Robert, of Abrame, 54; Thomas, 54; William, 54. Whittell, Walsh, Welsh- Whittle. Whittenbury, Jeremiah, 72. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 291 Whitteney, Nicholas, 46. AVhitticar, James, John, Joseph, and Robert, 57 (part VI.). Whittingham, 58, 74 (part III.), 81, 82, 88, 95, no. Whittingham, — , 82, 88; Alice, daughter of Roger, 92; Anne. 105; Bridget, 105; Captain, of Claughton, 62 ; Ellen, 105; George, 105 ; Jennet, 105 ; John, 69, 105; Katherine, 105; Marmaduke, 105; Richard, 54, 105, in; Thomas, 54, 57 (part III.), 105; William, 105. Whittingham of Claughton, 105; of Whit- tingham, ped., 81, 82, 88 ; see also Whytingham. Whittington, 37 (part IV.), 57 (part II.), 74 (part II.), 88, 95; in Arnounderness, 50; in Lonsdale, 50. Whittle, 54, 81, 88, 109; le- Woods, 50, 74 (part I.), 86, 95, 99; Whithull. Whittle, — , 8i ; James, 39; Rauf, 113; William, 39, 57 (part VL). Whittlebury forest, 88. Whitwall, Whitwell, 81, 82. Whitworth, chapel, 113 ; chapel in Roch- dale, 60; hall, 72. Whitworth, — , 82; Adam, 73; Alexander, 54; Anne, 54; Charles, 44, 94; Eliza- beth, 54; Frank, 44; Gyles, 60; Henry, 72; Flugh, of Manchester, 60; Jerry, 44; Johanne, 54; John, 47; Joseph, 72; Lord, of (dalway, 44; Mr., 44; R., 57 (part I.); Robert, 44, 72; Thomas, 73; William, 57 (part I.), 73; Zachary, 57 (part VIL). Whitworth’s Prospect of Manchester and Salford, 60. Whitworthe, John, 65. Whityngham, Edmundus, 99. Whilyngton, Johannes, 99. Whole Duty of Man, 64. Wholey, Edward, 39 ; Thurstan, 60. Whoredom, in. Whyatt, Richard, 42. Whye, a young heifer, 46. Whyksted, John, 54. Whynwra, Matthew, 57 (part II.). Whypp, Lyonel, 96 (part IV.); Robert, 96 (part IV.). Whytacre, 57 (part II.). Whytaker, Christopher, Laurence, Myles, Rychard, Thomas, William, 96 (part IV.). Mbyte, Gylbert, 57 (part II.). Whytefeld, — , 88. \Vhytehead, Arthur and Elizabeth, of Dearnlegh, 54; Arthur, son of Ralph, 54 ; Edmund, 50; John, 96 (part IV.) ; Nicholas, 103 (part II.); William, 96 (part IV.). Whythall, Robert, of the Stourpecliffe, 54- Whythead, Margery, 103 (part 11.) ; Nicol., 103 (part II.). Whytingham, Adam, 95; Willimus, 95. Whytmore, William, of Bexton, 54. Whytsyde, Robert, 57 (part 11. ). Whyttaker, Thomas, 96 (part IV.), Whyttell, Rauf, of Ryvyngton, 60. Whyttingham, Thomas, 50. Whyttokesmede, Johannes, 99. Wibbersley, 97. Wibenbury, Richard de, 1 10. Wibergh, John, 73. Wiche, Johannes del, 95. Wicherley, Mr., 61. Wichfield, 58. Wichford, or Whichford, 46. Wick, in composition, 58. Wicker, Mr., 44. Wickers, John, 105. Wickes, John, 114, Wickham, Henry, 44; Lamplugh, 73, 94. Wickham (Winckam), 95. Wickham-Brooks, in. Wickleswick, 58 ; see also Quickleswick, Whitleswyke, and Whickleswick. Wick ley, — , 88. Wickliffe, John, 70 ; William, 50; see also Wyclilfe. Wickins, Cosin, 114; Nicolas, 44. Wicks for candles, 46. Wickwar, co. Gloucester, 58. Wickyns, John, 114. Widacre, Adam de, 105. Widdall, Sir William, 63. Widdenstall, Sir Henry, curate of Leigh, 60. Widder, Thomas, 50. Widderington, Major-General Sir Wil- liam, 62. Widdow, John, 57 (part VIL). Widdows, — , 88; Lieut. John, 39; John, 57 (part VIL); Thomas, 57 (part VI.), 69. Widdowson, John, 94. Widdrington, Dr., 114; Lord, 61, 70; Mr., his evidence, 61 ; Sir Thomas, 88. Widenfeldt, Adam, 64. Widgeon, 46. Widnes, 50, 74 (parts I. and IL), 82, 88, 95j 99> 112; barons of, 58; manor of, 58. 292 GENERAL INDEX Widness, Ran. de, Ii2; Rog. de 112. Widows, laws respecting, 58. Widville, Anthony, 1 1 1; Jacquetta, iio; Richard, no. Wife^ Choice, of, in; scolding, in; of Bath, in. Wigan, 37 (part IV.), 39, 42, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57 (part V.), 58, 60, 62, 69, 70, 73, 74 (part II.), 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 96 (parts I. , II., and III.), 99, no; battle of, 39; chantry of St. Mary, 60; charter of, 58; church and manor of, no; church goods, 113; civil war at, 62, 70; disputed patronage of, 60; Dutch troop at, 61 ; fair, 46; incorporation of, 82 ; mayor of, 46; muster at, 46; orders made at, 39; parson of, 31 ; rectors of, 60; show of horses at, 46. Wigan, Elizabeth, 47 ; John, curate of Birch, 47; Lydia, 47. Wigan Lane, battle of, 54, 62, 70. Wigan Woodhouses, 88, no. Wiggans, Henry, 39. Wiggehalgh, 58. Wigginton, 50. Wiggins, — , 88. Wiggles worth, no. Wigglesworth, Rev. — , in. Wighorn, Mr., 44. Wight, Isle of, 82, 88, no. Wightband, Mat., in. Wightwick, Mr., 44. Wighull, John, 42. Wiglesworth, Rev. Henry, 45. Wigmaker’s Diary, 68. Wignall, Henry, 60; Hugh, 113. Wigs, manufacture and fashion of, 44. Wigsterson, 54. Wigtoft, 69. Wigtown, 94. Wik (in Thistleton), 99. Wilberforce, Bishop, 96 (part 1. ); William, 45 - Wilbraham, — , 88 ; Dorothy, 54 ; Eliza- beth, 65; John, 54; Lady, 31, 54; Lady Grace, 31; Margaret, 54; Mr., 46, 54 ; Randle, 44; Rauff, 54; Richard, 31, 54, 83 (part HI.); Richard, of Woodhey, will of, 54; Sir Richard, 31, 54; Ron- dull, 54; Thomas, 54, 83 (part III.), in; Thomas, of Woodhey, 31, 54; William, 54. Wilbraham, Great, 94. Wilbram, see Wilbraham. Wilcock, Jeoffrey, 105; Thomas, 73, 105. Wilcocks, William, of Chester, 54. Wilcockson, John, 57 (parts VI . and VH. ), Thomas, 57 (part VL). Wilcoxon, — , carrier, 44. Wild, Bertyn, 113; Edward, 94; J., ni; Jacob, 73; James, 69; John, 69, 94, 96 (part I.); Jonathan, trial and execution, 44; Joseph, 73; Ralph, 73; Richard, 37 (part IV.); Samuel, 69, 73; Thomas, 94; William, 69, 73. Wild ducks, 46; fowl, 46. Wildboarclough, 58; chapel, 97. Wildbore, Dr. Augustine, 105 ; Charles, 45; Elizabeth, 105; Ellinor, 105; Fran- ces, 105; Godfrey, 105; Jane, 105; John, 105; Robert, 105; Thomas, 105. Wilde, Alexander, 54 ; James, 42, 69 ; Joshua, 57 (part VIL); Miss, 72; Mr., of Rochdale, 47; Thomas, 69; William, 94; Zachary, 57 (part VII.). Wilderhurst, 58. Wildeyn, or Waldinge, Thomas, 60. Wilding, Isabel, 92 ; John, 92 ; Richard, 92; Richard, of Kirkham, 62; Richard, servant, 62. Wildinge, William, 105. Wildman, Major, 47. Wildynge, Edward, 54. Wilford, — , 88; Sir Jas., in. Wilhorn, Mr., 44. Wilkensone, Henry, 47. Wilkesworth, 99. Wilkin, Mr., 72. Wilkin, or Wilkyn, Elyn the daughter of, 74 (part HI.). Wilkinge, Jone, 92. Wilkins, — , 72, 88 ; — (printer), 44 ; Bishop, 44; Henry, 92; Dr. John, 114; Richard, 92. Wilkinson, — , 46, 57 (part I.), 81, 88; Ann, 105; Anne, 47 57 (part VIL); Anthony, 46; Dycon, 74 (part HI.); Elizabeth, 39; Francis, 46; George, 96 (part IV.), 105; Henry, 46, 54; 69, 96 (part IV.), 105; James, 94, 105; Jennet, 39; John, 47, 69, 73, 80, 94, 96 (part IV.) ; Joshua, 57 (part VI.) ; Miss, 45; Mr., 44; Nicholas, 92, 105; Richard, 46, 47, 57 (parts VI. and VH.), 74 (part III.), 105; Robert, 39, 46, 96 (part IV.), 105; Rychard, 75, 96 (part IV.); Thomas, 47, 69,92, 105; William, 46, 94. Wilks, Mr., 44. Wilkynson, Henry, of Little Eccleston, 60; James, 96 (part IV.); Robert, chan- try priest, Preston, 60 ; Thomas, 96 (part IV.); Thomas, of Kirkham, 60. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 293 lVi7/ of the Devil, 1 1 1. Willacy, Ellen, wife of Robert, 92 ; Mr., 92. Willan, Leonard, iii; Thomas, 94. Willasie, Elizabeth, 46 ; Ingram, 46 ; Thomas, 46. Willasill, Thomas, 96 (part IV. . Willaston, 54, 80. Willat, Thomas, 63. Willatt, Isabell, 54. Willcock, John, 73; William, 94. Willert, Paul Eerdinand, 63. Willes, Edward, 45 ; Rev. Edward, 45 ; Sir John, 45. Willesdale, 60. Willesey, — , 88. Willet, Andrew, iii, 114; IVorks, 38; Francis, 64. Willett, — , 88; Thomas, 65. William I., the Conqueror, 58; IIL, 61, 114. William, archbishop of York, 92 ; arch- bishop of Tyre, iii; dom, de Ebor, 92; of Cloudesley, iii; of Gloucester, Prince, 72 ; parson of Garstang, 105 ; reeve of Wortheston, 74 (part IIL); Robert ap, 54; son of Andrew, 1 12; son of Edde, 112 ; son of Gryffry, 112 ; son of Hawysia, 112; son of Hen., 1 12; son of Keelyn, 112; son of Margery, 112; son of Robert, 74 (part I.); son of Thomas, 74 (part I.) ; Sir William fitz, 83 (part IV.); Willimus, 95, William Field, Terre, 74 (part IIL). Williams, — , in ; Archbishop, 70, 114; Bishop, III ; David, 94; Dr., 44; Ed- ward, 92 ; Edward Kenyon Lloyd, 73 ; Eliza A., 105; Fr, (printer), in; Fred- erick, 94; Hu., 44; John, 44, 69, 73, 94, in ; Sir John, knt,, 69; Llewys, 54 ; Lord Keeper, 31 ; Mistress, 109 ; Mr., 44, 61 ; Owen Lloyd, 94; Phil., 44; Pier., 44; Lieut-Col. S., 105; Thomas, 63, in; Thomas Addlington, 94; Sir Trevir, ill; William, in ; William Ward, 72 ; Rev. William, 37 (part IV.); Sir William, 61. Williamson, — , 57 (part L); Alice, 46, 96 (part 11 .) ; Andrew, 57 (parts VI. and VIL); Anth., in; Dr., 61 ; E., ni; Elizabeth, 105; Ellen, 57 (part VIL); George, 57 (part VI. ), 69, 113; Henry, 105; James, 57 (part VIL ), 73, 96 (part 11 .) ; Jane, 96 (part II.) ; John, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VIL), 64, 73, 74 (part 11 . ), 96, 105; John, capellarius, 92; John, of Kirkham, 60 ; Lawrence, 57 (part VL); Randle, 96 (part 11 . ); Richard, 57 (parts VI. and VH.), 94, 105; Robert, 54, 113; Thomas, 42, 54, 69, 94, 96 (parts 1. and 11. ), 105 ; Thomas, vicar of Eccles, 31 ; Timothy, 96 (part IL); widow, 47, 57 (part VH.); William, 42, 54, 57 (part VL), 69, 94, 105. Willieson, John, 31. Willimot, Mr. 42. Willingham, 73. Willinson, Ellen, 47. Willis and Co., 37 (part IV.); General, in Manchester, 68; Henry, 94; John, 37 (part I.); Sir Ric., in; Richard, 45; Rev. Thomas, 92; Sir W., 44. Willisill, Tho. , 103 (part I.). Willison, Katerina, 95; Richard, 74 (part IIL); Tho., 103 (part L); Willimus, 95 - Willk, Jamys, 96 (part IV.). Willme, Rauf, Liverpool, 60. Willmott, Thomas, 94. Willobie, H., in. Willott, — , 63, in, Willotte, Edmund, and Isabel and Mary his sisters, 65; Edward, 65; Thomas, 50. Willoughby, — , 88; family, 80; Hugh, lord, 44, 61; James, 94; Joseph, 94; Lord, 81, III; of Parham, Lord, 39; Thomas, 94. Willows Roman Catholic chapel, 92. Willowsey, or Willacy, Robert, 105 ; widow, 105; Rev. William, 105. Wills, 46, 65; a}td Inventories, Lancashire and Cheshire, 33, 51, 54. Wills, General, 44; Mr., 44. Willson, James, 96 (part I.); John, 96 (part IV.). Willymat, Wm., in. Willys, John, 114; Lady, 114. Wilme, Thomas, 69, 73. Wilmersley (? Winmarley), 72. Wilmesley, Edmund, rector of Tattenhall, 54; Ellen, widow of George, 54; Ralph, 54 - Wilmore, Daniel, 57 (part VL). Wilmot, Captain, 39; John, 64; Lord, 70; Rob., in. Wilmslow, 42, 45, 54, 83 (part IIL), 88, 96 (part L); chantry, 60. Wilmslow, John, archdeacon of Middle- sex, 54; see also Wylmyslow. Wilpshire, 54, 74 (part I.), 99. Wilpshire-cum-Dinckley, 50. 294 GENERAL INDEX. Wilsford, — , 88 ; Mr., 44. Wilshaw, James, 94. Wilshawe, John, 57 (part VI.). Wilson, — , 57 (part I.), 72, 88; Adam, 74 (part in.); Alice, 54, 113; Ann, 105; Arth., Ill; Charles, 69, 94; Cuth- bert, 61; D., iii; Dr., 105, 114; Ed- ward, 45, 57 (part VII.), 69, 105; Elizabeth, 45; Ellen, 39; Erasmus, 44; George, 54, 61; Gulieh, 92; Henry, 46; Hester, 109; Isabella, 45; J. R., 72; James, 57 (part VH. ), 69, 72, 73, 109; Jane, 105; Johan., 103 (part I.); John, 46, 54, 57 (part VI ), 63, 64, 69, 105, 1 14; John, of the Mylne, 63; Margaret, 39, 105; Margret, 54, 57 (part VIE); Maria, 105; Matthew, 57 (part VIE), 69, 105; Morton Eden, 94; Mr., 44, 92; Mrs., 45, 57 (part VIE); Nich., 103 (part I.); Peter, 47, 57 (part VIE); Ralph, 105; Rauff, 54; Richard, 46, 63, 69, 72, 92, 94; Robert, 37 (part IV.), 69, 103 (part H.), 105, III; Roger, 46; Canon Stephen Lea, 97 ; Syssot, wife of Dycon, 74 (part HE); T., iii; Rev. Thomas, Miscellanies , \ Thomas, bishop of Man, 44; Thomas, 39, 42, 46, 54, 73, 92, 94; Thomas, of Tunley in Wrightington, 39; Thomas Fourness, 73; Thomas Needham, 73; Thomson, 44; To., yeoman of the pantry, 31; Walter, 63; William, 42, 45, 54, 69, 94, 96 (part E), 105, 109; William, clerk of Gandby, 103 (part E); Rev. William Munday, 42; Willyam, chantry priest, Manchester, 60. Wilsone, Margaret, 47. Wilton, 109. Wilton, — , 82, 88; Arthur, Lord Grey of, 83 (part IE); Earl of, 37 (parts HE and IV.), 42, 44, 45, 54, 69; Ed- mund, Lord Grey of, 83 (part H. ); Gilbert de, 47 ; Henry, Lord Grey of, 83 (part IE); John, 94; John, Lord Grey of, 60, 83 (part H.) ; Lord Grey de, 37 (part IV.); Reginald, Lord Grey of, 83 (part IE) ; Richard, Lord Grey of, 83 (part IE) ; Thomas, earl of, 31, 72, 83 (part IE), 96 (part HE); Wil- liam, Lord Grey of, 83 (part H. ). Wiltshire inferior to Lancashire, 44. Wimbell, Nicholas, 47. Wimbledon, 61, 1 10. Wimbles, 46. Wimbyshe, — , 88; Christopher, no; Frances, no; see also Wymbish. Wimerlegh, see Winmarleigh. Wimerley, see Winmarleigh. Wimersley, 42. Wimple, — , schoolmaster, 44. Wimisley, (George, LL.B., 54. Wimiley, 88. Wince brook, meaning of, 58. Winch, Mr., 114. Wincham, 83 (part I.). Wincham, — , 81. Winchcomb, J., in. Winchelsea, E., earl of, in. Winchester, 88, no, in ; cathedral, in; college library, in ; roll of, 74 (part HE); statute of, 87. Winchester, Earl of, 37 (part I.), 74 (part HE); J., Marquess of, in; John, bishop of, 92; Eady, in; Marquess of, 37 (part E), 88, in. Winckley, — , 82, 88; Edward, 105; Jo., 105 ; John, 105 ; Rev. John, 105 ; Nicholas, 37 (part IV.), 105; Sarah, 105; Thomas, 54, 105; Mhlliam, 105. Winckley of Preston, ped., 88; see also Winkley. Winckfield, Sir H. E., in. Wincle church, 97; grange, 97; Presby- terian chapel at, 97; school, 97. Wincley, Plenry, examination of, 39. Wincott, Ric., 46. Wind, J., in. Windar, John, 69. Winde corn seewer, 46. Windebank, Mr., 62 ; Nanne, Nanna, of the, 74 (part HE); Secretary, 70. Windebanke, ffrancis, 39. Windehulle, Windle. Winder, 88. Winder, Edmund, 105; John, 105; Lionel, 94; William, 94. Windermere, 57 (part H.), 94. Windet, J. (printer), ill; Dr. James, 114. Wind-fall wood, 58. Windham, Ashe, 44; Edmund, 70; John, 73- Windle, Windhil, Windhull, &c., 50, 54, 58, 60, 74 (part IE), 81, 95, 99, no; chapel and chantry, 60. Windle, a Lancashire measure, 31, 39, 46. Windle, Rd. de, 112; Richard, alderman of Liverpool, 61. Windlehouse, 88. Windleshaw, 75, 88. Windmills, see Mills. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 295 Windows, 46. Windress, William, 105. Windsor, 95, 114; castle, 88, no 114; dean and chapter, 114; St. George’s chapel, 103 (part I.), no. Windsor, Henry, Lord, 90; Lord, in; Mr., 44. Wine, 44, 46; prices of, 87; assise of, 58; for communion, 92; drinkers, in. Winequic, William de, 105. Winewall, 112. Wing, Mr., 44. Wingate, Mr., 109; Robert, 61. Wingfeild, Sir Henry, 61. Wingfield, 81. Wingfield, Mr., 44; Thomas Maria, 113. Winiffe, Dr., bishop of Lincoln, 114. Winington, see Winnington. Winkedlegh, Richard, 105. Winketlegh, Johannes, 95. Winkley, Winckley, 81, 82, 88. Winkley, — , 88; Thomas, 113. Winkley, ped., 82; see also Winckley. Winmarleigh, Winmarley, Winmerley, &c., 50, 57 (part IL), 81, 82, 88, 99, no; ancient remains in, 105; church, 105; township of, 105. Winmarleigh, family, 105; Gregory, 57 (part IL), 105; Hugh de, 105; John de, 57 (part IL); Lord, 105, no; Roger de, 105 ; Thomas de, 57 (part IL ); see also Wynmerlegh. Winn, John 57 (part VL); Peter, 70; Sir Richard, 70; William, 69. Winne, Peter, 39 ; Thomas, of Pentice Morgan, 54. Winnerah, James, 105. Winnerlegh, sec Winmarleigh. Winnick, see Winwick. Winning hill, 47. Winnington, 44, 60, 80, 88; hall, 42. Winnington, Agnes, 95; Sir F. , in; J., in; John, of Pyckmeyre, 54; Nicholas, 58; Ralph, 65; Richard, 95; Richard, of Winnington, 54; Sir T., in; see also Wynnington. Winnowing corn, 46. Winsor, Lady, in. Winstandley, Mrs., 57 (part VH.). Winstanley, 50, 54, 57 (part IL), 69, 74 (part IL), 81, 88, 95, 99, no; hall, 45, Winstanley, — , 57 (part IL), 8r, 88; Beatrice, daughter of Sir Edward, 92; Edmund, of Wigan, 31, 54; Edmund, of Winstanley, 31, 54; Ellen 37 (part IV.); Humphrey, 50, 57 (part HI.); J. A., 92; James, 92; John, 92; Lawrence, 57 (part VL); Mary, 31, 54; Thomas, 69, 73; see also Wynstanley. Winster, 47, 73, 94. Winter, in. Winter, Benjamin Luke, 63; Dr., 114; Gilbert, 63, 72, 75; Joseph, 63; Lady, in ; Mr., 61. Winterbotham, Jankyne, of the, 74 (part HI.); John, of the, 74 (part HI.); Rauffe, 113. Winterbottom, 88. Winterbottom, James, 69 ; John, 69 ; Nathaniel, 69. Wintering horses and cattle, 46; land, 46. Winteringham, Dr., 44. Wintersall, 88. Winterslaw, co. Wilts, 80. Winterton, Thomas, 83 (part IV.). Winton, statute, of, 58. Wintour, Anne, 83 (part IL); George, 83 (part IL ); Sir J., in. Winwick, 46, 54, 57 (part L), 60, 62, 69, 70, 88, 95, 96 (part I.), 99, no, 113; church, 60; church bells, 113; church goods, 113; monumental brass for Peers Gerard, 60; parish of, 50, IIO; parson of, 31. Winwick-with-Hulme, 50, 74 (part H.), 1 10. Winwick, John, 60; Walton de, 57 (part IL); William, clerk, 60; see also Wyn- quick, and Wynwike. Wiot, see Wyot. Wire, 46. Wiresdale, see Wyresdale. Wirksworth, 73, 99. Wirral, Dick, 54. Wirrall, 99; forest of, no. Wirrall, George, 63; Richard, 63. Wisbech, 69. Wisdom, Divine, in. Wise Sayings, in. Wise, Dorothie, 54 ; John le, 92 ; Law- rence, 114; Mr., of Windsor, 114. Wisewall, see Wiswall. Wisewalle, Rad’us de, 95. Wishawe, in Notts, 60. Wisket, a basket, 39. Wiskets, 46. Wiskett hill, 62. Wistaston, 37 (part IV.), 54, 81, 88. Wiston, 54, 88. Wiswall, 50, 58, 74 (part I.), 81, 88, 96 (part IV.), 99; tenants, 96 (part IV.). Wiswall, Willimus, 99. 296 GENERAL INDEX. IVi^, a Sporting^ m ; ^ Wilde 7 'ness, III. Wifs Fits and Fancies^ ill; Misery, III. Piloritnaoe, 1 1 1 ; Private Wealth, III; h'enchinonr, iii; Will, III. Witby, — , 82. Witch of Singleton, 92. Witch trial, 75. Witcham, 88. Witchcraft, 72. Witches, 46, 63, III; belief in, 44; list of, 39 - Witchford, 88. Witendall, John, 105. Witham, — , 82. Withenerod, 58. Withens, the, 47, Withenshaw, 42, 46, 69, 72, 81, 83 (part III.), 88; hall, siege of, 62. Wither, George, 64, ill; John, 54; Joseph, 57 (part VI.). Witherington, Lord, 39, 70. Withers, Mr., 44; Joseph, 57 (part VII.). Witherslack, 88, 114. Withgill, 81, 82, no. Withie, John, 82. Withingreaves hall, 42. Withington, 42, 47, 50, 54, 57 (part II.), 58, 60, 65, 72, 88, 94, 95, 99, no; bridge, 42; charities, 42; church, 42; clou, 58; green, 42; local families, 42; manor, 42; old, 54, 97; population, 42; rental, 58; tenants of, 58; township, 37 (part IV.), 42. Withington, Edward Milne, 73; Frede- rick, 94 ; George, 42, 73 ; George Bancroft, 94; Henry, 73, 94; John, 69, 73 > 94; John Fitzwilliam, 73; Joshua, 69; Mr., 42; Richard, 73; Richard Jones, 73; Thomas, 69; Thomas de, 58, 113; Thomas Scholes, 63, 73; Utred de, 42; Walcot de, 42; William, 73, 94. Withinhill, 81. Withinshaw, see Withenshaw. Withinton, Odo de, 42; Ingrith de, 42; William, son of Wulfrith de, 42; Wul- frith de, 42. Withmore, — , 82. Withnell, 50, 69; see also Witnill. Withnell, Thomas, 69, 94. Withom, or Wilhom, Mr., 44. Withrill, Richard, 50. Withton (Weeton), 74 (part II.). Withwell, see Withnell. Withycomb house, 96 (part III.). Withy grove, 63, 65. Withy-hey, situation of, 58. Withyngham, or Willingham, John de, 92. Witingham, see Whittingham. Witlock, James, 37 (part 1 . ). Witnesses, uncertainty of subscription of, 80. Witnessman, the term explained, 87. Witnill, 99. Wittingham, Richard, 105 ; Thomas, of Whitt;ingham, 62. Witton, 50, 74 (part I.), 88; park, 45. Witton, John, 63, 96 (part I.) ; Katerina, 95; Mrs., 46; Thomas de, 95; Willimus, 95. Woad, 46. Woade, John, 96 (part IV.). Wod, John, 103 (part I.). Wodall, William, chantry priest, 60. Wodcok, Seth, vicar of Leyland, 60. Wodcrofte, Isabel, 54. Wod, Alls, 92; James, 96 (part IV.); Ry- chard, 96 (part IV.). Woddecrofte, John, 46. Woderoffe, John, 46; Richai'd, 46. Woddes, Robert, a master cook, 31. Woddslands, 57 (part II.). Wode, Arthure, 96 (part IV.) ; John, 96 (part IV.); Will, del, II2; Willimus, 95; see also Wood. Wode-ende, 47. Wodecoke, Laurence, 60 ; Nicholas, 60 ; Richard, 60 ; Seth, chaplin of Leyland, 60; William, 60. Wodecroft, Mr., 54. Wodehouses, Christiana, daughter of Adam de, 112. Wodeholme, John de, 74 (part II.). Wodehulme (meadow), 74 (part 11 . ). Wodelcare, Robertas, 99. Wodenot, — , 88. Woderofe, Johannes, 95. Wodert, Henry, 105. Wodes, Adam de, 92; Johannes de, 95. Wodesley, 47. Wodeward, Henry, 74 (part II.). Wodey, — , 82. Wodfall, — , 88; Gilbert, 57 (part II.); William, 54. Wodheved, co. Rutland, 58. Wodhowse, 57 (part II.). Wodkok, Margret, 92. Wodroffe, Robert, 31, 6 1. Wodward, Radulf, 57 (part II.); Ranulph, 60; Thomas, 60; William, 57 (part II.). Wodwarde, — ,81. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. ‘297 Wogan, Colonel, 70; William, 44, Wogay, Sir John, 58. Wogher, William de, 92, Woking, 94. \Volden, Lyttel, 54. Woldhouse, 47. \Volf, 112. Wolf and Ass, in. Wolfage, Wolfeige, 81, 87, 99, no. Wolfage, CO. Northamptonshire, 60. Wolfall, 54, 82. Wolfall, Thomas, 54; William, 54. Wolfe, J. (printer), ni; Reynold, in. Wolfenden, — , 88 ; Abraham, 57 (part VI.), 94; Hugh, 113; John, 96 (part L); Jonathan, 57 (part VI.); Richard, 54; Robert, 96 (part IV.). Wolfenden Bothe, 54. W'olferstan, Fr., in, Wolfet, Jeffrey, 60. Wolf house, 88. Wolfius, J. C., 114. Wolfreden, 112. Wolfstanesclive, 74 (part III.), Wolfstanestheton, 74 (part I.). Wollaston, Francis, 44; Mr., 44. Wollawe, or Wollowe, 74 (part III.). Wollen, Edwarde, 31; Thomas, 63. Wollenstencrofte, Nicholas, priest, 60. Wolley, — , 88; Ed., 64; Sir J., in. Wolloon, 88. Wolmer, Daniell, 57 (part VIE), Wolpitgrave, Major de, 74 (part I.). Wolridge, 99. Wolsencroft, Nycholas, 113. Wolsey, Cardinal, 37 (part I.), 75, 97, in, 113. Wolsingham, 114. Wolson, see Wolston. Wolstan W'arner, 96 (part III.). Wolstanton, 47. Wolstencroft, John, 60; Rychard, 60. Wolstenham, Thomas, 54. Wolstenholme, 47, 88. Wolstenholme, Francis, 47; James, 73; Henry, 69; John, 54; Richard, 105; Thomas, 113. Wolstenhulme, John, 57 (part VIE). Wolston, 50, 54, 74 (part IE), 81, 82, 88, 95, 99, no; Parva, 50. Wolston, Hugo, 95; Ricardus, 95; Ro- bertus, 95. Wolstone, — ,81. Wolton, 54, 69, 95. Wolton, John, warden, 6 ^’, see also Walton. Wolveley, Wolverley, Agnes, 95, 99, no; Alicia, 95, 99; Johanna, 99; Margaret, 95> 99; Robert, 95, no; Thomas, 95, 99, no. Wolverhampton, 94, 114. Wolverley, see Wolveley. Wolwerke, Edward, 47; Thomas, 47, Wolzogen, Eouis van, 114. Woman, in. Woman’s beauty, in; apparel, in, I Womball, John, 61. Wombwell, — , 88. Women, in; Defence of ^ in, Wongh, meaning of, 63, Wontnell, J., in. Wood, the, 82, 88. W'^ood, — , 88; Abraham, 44; Adam, 54; Alexander, 42; Alfred Joshua, 94; Ann, 42; Anthony a, 76, 88, 96 (part IE), 103 (part IE), T09, in, 114; Barton, 72; Charles, 63, 72, 73; Charles H., 72; Elizabeth, no; Francis, 47; Rev, Francis, 37 (part IV.); Frederic Henry, 94; George, 63, 69; Sir George, 45; Gilbert, 69; Henry, 54, 57 (part VIE), 731 Hugh, 46; Hurd., 72; Jam., 69; James, 47, 69, 94; Rev. James, 45; Jenkyn of the, 74 (part HE); Jo., 46; John, 42, 47, 54, 63, 69, 73, 94, no; John of the, 74 (part HE); Jonas, 735 Joseph, 57 (parts VI. and VIE); Joseph Hadfield, 73; Joshua, 57 (part VIE); Rev. L. C., 92; Laurence, 54; Mary, 47; Matthew Bateson, 94; Matthew, vicar of Whybunbury, 54; Mr., 44, 114; Mrs., 57 (part VIE); Oteus, or Otes, 58; Nathaniel, 42; Nicholas, 42; R. H., 83; Fvalph, 65; Ralph of the, 74 (part HI.); Ralph (printer), ni; Raulin of the, 74 (part HE); Richard, 47, 50, 63, 113; Richard, of Kenyon, 54; Ro» bert, 54, 105, 114; Roger, 46, 109; Roger (printer); in; Samuel, 69, 72, 73, 94 ; Thomas, 42, 73, 94 ; William, 42, 46, 47, 54, 57 (part VE), 69, 94, 96 (part IE) ; William, and Margaret his wife, 65 ; William Rayner, 94 ; Willi* mus del, 95. Wood, family ped., 82 ; of Turton, ped,, 88 . Wood for fuel, 46, Wood Knowle, 47. Woodacre, 57 (part II.), 105; see also Wedacre. Woodall, Sir William, 113. Woodalle, William, chantry priest, Man* Chester, 6o» 298 GENERAL INDEX. Woodawis, Charles, 94; James, 94. Woodborne, Henry, Kirkby Ireleth, 60 ; John, Kirkby Ireleth, 60 ; Thomas, 54. Woodchurch, 69. Woodcock, — , a servant, 31; Edward, 54; John, 54, 94, 105; Thomas, 54, 88, 114. Woodcocke, — , 81 ; Sir Peres, parson of Sterston, 60; T., iii ; Thomas, of Cuerden, 60 ; William, of Leyland, 60. see also Woodcoke, Wodcok, Wudkok. Woodcocks, 46. Woodcoke, John, 60. Woodcrofte, 60. Woodcutters, 46. Woode, — , 81 ; Geffrey, 92 ; John, 96 (part IV.); Richard, chantry priest, 60; Thomas, 60; Thurstane, 60. Woodeley, John, of Chester, 54. Woodes, Ro., in. Woodfall, — , 81, 82, 88; John, 113; Mar- garet, 1 13; Thomas, 31. Woodfen, Richard, of Sutton, 80. Woodfield, 47. Woodfield, the, 74 (part III.). Woodfield, William of the, 74 (part III.). Woodford, 82; hall, 97. Woodford, Sam., ill, 1 14. Woodhall, 42. Woodhall, Robert, 94. Woodhead, — , 88; Abraham, 64. Woodhead, co. Line., 58. Woodhead, Huddersfield, 37 (part IV.). Wood-heye le, 58. Woodhouse, 88; the, 74 (part HI.); tenants of the, 74 (part III. ). Woodhouse, — , 88; Henry, 73; Joannes, 37 (part I.) ; John, 73, 92 ; Peter, 92 ; Sara, 92; William, 73, 92. Woodhouses, 42, 95. Woodie, 88. Woodiwis, see Woodawis, Woodiwiss, Francis, 37 (part IV.) ; Miss, 37 (part IV.). Woodman, — , bookseller, 44. Woodnet, George, 54 ; Lawrence, 54 ; Randull, 54. Woodplumpton, 42, 60, 62, 74 (part II.), 81, 94, 95, lOS- Woodray, 81. Woodroff, John, 42. Woodroffe, Benj., 64; John, 103 (part I.); Kit., Ill; Sir Nich., in. Woodroof, Isabel, wife of Nicholas Town- ley, of Royle, 31. Woodrove, — , 88. WoodrufFe, — , 82. Woods and forests, 46, 58. Woods, Augustine, 105 ; George, 75 ; Henry, 92 ; Ja., 105 ; James, 92, 113 ; Jephrey, 92; John, 62, 105; Ralph, 42; Rauffe, 39 ; Richard, 105 ; Seth, 92 ; William, 57 (part VII.). Woodsettes, 103 (part L). Woodson, 88. Woodstock, 45, 58. Woodthorp, — , 72, 82. Woodville, arms of, 42; Sir A., III. Woodward, — , 88; Alexander, 54; Cousin, 44; Dr., 44; Elizabeth, 44; Ellynes (Ellen), 46; George, 54; Sir J., in ; Jas. (printer), in; John, 54,94; Philip, 64; Ralph, 60; Ric., in ; Thomas, 73; William, 42 ; William, of Shevington, Woodward of Shevington, ped., 88. Woodworth, Richard, 39. Wool, 46, 1 12; fustian, 46; increase of trade in, 65; trade in, 50. Woolam, Estlin, 94. Woold, John, 57 (part III.). Woolfall, 88, no. Woolfall, Margaret, daughter of William, 60; Willimus, 95. Woolfall of Woolfall, ped., 88. Woolfe, John, 72. Woolfenden, Abraham, 57 (part VH. ). Woolfield, 88. Woolfield, — , 88. Woolfyt, Wolset, Wulfet, Dr. George, 60. Woollam, Edward Coppock, 94; John, 63- Woollen, 63; burying in, 44; cloth, 65. Woolley, Charles Birch, 94; James, 94; James Henry, 94; Joseph, 94. Woolmer, Rev. Edward, 42, 54. Woolright, Thomas, 69. Woolstenholme, James, 69. Woolstenholme, notices of, 58. Woolston, the sceptic, 44. Woolten, Sir H., in. Woolton, 69; Little, 37 (part IV.), 47, 88; Much and Little, 58. Woolward, — , 81; Elizabeth, 8l. Woolwich, excursion to, 44. Woorthington, James, 47. Woosencroft, Daniel, 47. Woosencrofte, Martha, 47. Woosey, Gilbert, 54. Wooton, J., III. Wooton, 54. Wootton Wawer, 88. Worall, 81. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 299 Worcester, 47, 57 (part I.), 73. 88, 94, III; battle of, 39, 54, 62, 70. Worcester College, Oxford, 37 (part Worcester, Charles Somerset, earl of, 54, 83 (part II.); Edward Somerset, earl of, 90, 96 (part III.); Earl of, ill. Worchlu, Will, de, 60. Worcop, Mr., 44. Worde, W. de, in. Wordel in Rachedall, 74 (part III.). Wordell, 54. Worden, 39, 57 (part II.), 96 (part III.), 99, IIO; chapel, 60; hall, 45, 60, 70, 96 (part I.); see also Werden. Worden, John, 57 (part VI.); William, of Clayton, 60. Wordhille, Ad. de, II2. Wordleston, 54. Wordley, 54. Wordsworth, John, 37' (part IV.). Wordyll, 99. Wordyll, Agnes, 54; Edmund, 54. Worhurst, Matthew, 69. Worke, John, 57 (part VII.). Workedele, no. Workedeley, Richard de, 47. Workedley, Workeslegh, see Worsley. Workeslegh, Richard de, 42. Workesley, Agnes, 99; Alexander, 95; Alice, 99; Annabell, no; Arthur de, 42, 95, 105; Edmund de, 47; Elias de, 47; Elizabeth, 95, 99; Galfridus, 95; Sir Geoffrey de, no; Henricus, 95, 99; Isabella, 99; Jacobus, 99; Johan, 99; Johannes, 94, 99; Margaret, 99; Myles, 99; Peter, 60; Ricardus, 99; Robertas, 95. 99; Robert, 47, 60; see also Worsley. Workesworth, Nicholas de, 68. Workhouse, Manchester, 58, 72. Workhouses, 50. Working classes, 46, 65. Workington, 81, 82, 88. IVorhnan’s Son^, 44. Worksley, see Workesley Worsley. Worksop, 103 (part I.), no. Worksop, Robert de, 83 (part IV.). Worlaye, 46. World, the, in. Worl(Vs Folly, III', Infancy, in. IVorldlings, in. Worley, Great and Little, 60. Worley, Mark, 60. Worlyche, — ,81. Worm seed, 46. Wormald, William, 73. Wormall, — , 88. Wormleighton, 88. Worm ley, — , 88. Wormley, 88. Wormyngton, 8l. Wornall, — , 70. Wornhill, 88. Worningford, 45. Wornitcham, 54. Worral, James Norton, 94. Worral Millington, 47. Worrall, 96 (part III.), no. Worrall, — , 82; Alice, 57 (part VII.); Alyce, 54; George, chantry priest, Eccles, 60; James, 44, 73; Joseph, 57 (part VIE); Miss, 42, 72; Robert, 57 (part VII.); Samuel, 44; William, 73. Worrell, Henry, of Wyssel, 39; Mar- garet, 39; Mris., of Wilmslow, 42; William, 39. Worsall, 88. Worseley, see Worsley. Worsik, John, 105. Worsle, Alles, 54. Worsley, 42, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57 (parts I. and II.), 58, 63, 65, 69, 72, 73, 74 (part III.), 81, 82, 88, 94, 95, 96 (parts I. and III.), no; hall. Roman remains at, 68 . Worsley, — ,81, 82, 88; Abraham, 57 (part VI.); Adam, 42, no; Alexander, 54; Alice, 39, 47, no; Ann, 46; Arthur, 42, no; Charles, 44, 47, =57 (parts VI. and VIE), 69; Charles, clerk, will of, 47 ; Charles, Major-General, 42, 47, 54, 68 ; Charles, of Manchester, will of, 54 ; Charles Carill, 42, 47 ; Cicely, 47; Clemence, 42,47; Clemens, no; Clementia, 47; Deborah, 47; Doro- thie, 47 ; Edmund de, 60 ; Edward, 42, 47, 54, 64 ; Edward, clerk, 47 ; Elias, no ; Elizabeth, 47, 54, no; Elizabeth Carill, 47 ; Elnor, no; Geoffrey, no ; Geoffrey de, 31 ; George, 47 ; Gylbert, no; Gylys, no; Hamnet, 54 ; Henry, no ; Henry de, 58 ; Hugh, 54 ; Isabel, 47; Isabella, no; James, 31, 42, 54; Johane, 54; John, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 76; John Carill, 47; Jordan, no; Mabell, no; Margaret, 54, no; Mar- tha, 47; Mary, 47, no; Mr., 42, 46, 47, 54; Mr., of the Boothes, 42; Mr., of Heild house, 47; Mr., of Wigan, 31 ; Nicholas, 47, 54, no; Othnell, 54; Otes, 47 ; Peter, 47, 60 ; Piers of, 74 300 GENERAL INDEX. (part III.); Ralph, 31, 42, 54, 57 (part VII,), 75, no, 113; Ralph, will of, 47 ; Ralph, of Chester, will of, 54 ; Raphe, 39, 47, 57 (part VII.) ; Raphe, clerk, 47; Rawfe, 75; Rev. Mr., 42; Richard, 54, 113; Richard de, 58; Robard, no; Robert, 42, 50, 54, 57 (part VI.), 58, no; Robert, of Booths, 31, 60 ; Sir Robert, 31, 54, 60; Sir Robert, of Booths, 50, 54; Roger, 47; Samuel, 114; Sarah, will of, 47; Seth, 54, 60; Thomas, 46, 47, 57 (part VL), 69, 73, no; Thomas Carill, 42, 47; Thomas, of Hovingham, 31; Sir Wil- liam, bart. , 31 ; William, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VII.), 94. Worsley fam., 46; ped., 82; of Crompton, ped., 47; of Manchester, ped., 88; of Platt, ped., 47; of Worsley Boothes, ped., 81, 88; see also Workesley and Worseley. Worsted, 46. Worsthorn, Worstorn, 45, 50, 74 (parts I. and III.), 88, 95, 99, 103 (part I.), 112; manor of, 74. Worston, Adam de, 74, 95; Guido, or Ydo de, 74. Worston, near Clitheroe, 50, 74 (parts I. III.), 88, 95, 112. Worswick, Alexander, 105. Worth, 88, 97; farm or hamlet, 46; in composition, 58. Worth, Worthe, fam., 97; Edward, 54; Francis, 54; Jasper, 31, 54, 97; Philip, 54; Richard, 54; Sewall, 54. Worthen, 109. Worthies and Unworthies, in. orthing (manure), 46, 114. Worthington, 58, 60, 81, 82, 88, 96 (part Will.), 114. Worthington, — , 81, 82, 88 ; Alexander, 54; Alice, 54; Andrewe, 54; Anna, or Ann, 114; Christopher, 99; Damaris, 114; Dr., 31, 42, 96 (part I.); Edward, 50, 57 (p^ii't III. )» 60; Elizabeth, 54; Esther, 47; Francis, 63, 114; Huane, 50; Hugh de, 58; Hugo, 99; James, 47; Johane, 54; Dr. John, 88; Dr. John, Diary, 36, 114; Rev. John, 44; John, 37 (part IV.), 47, 57 (parts VI. and VH.), II4; John de, 47; Katherine, 114; Law- rence, 39, 50, 92; Margaret, 54; Mar^ garet, daughter and heiress of Nicholas, 31; Mary, 114; Mr., 44, 46; Mris., 42; Nycholas, 57 (part III.); Petrus, 99; Kftd’us, 95; Ralph, 63, 99; Rauffe, 39; i Ricardus, 95; Richard, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VIE); Richard Burdett, 94; Richard, of Newborough, 70; Robert, 47; Roger, 63, 114; Roger, lector of Chorlton chapel, 42; Samuel, 57 (parts VI. and VH. ), 69; Sarah, 1 14; Thomas, 42, 57 (parts VI. and VH.), 63, 64, 69, 72, 96 (part HI.); Widow, 57 (part VH.); Mhlliam, 92; William de, 58; Willimus, 95, 99. Worthington family, 64, 114; of Blains- cough, ped., 81, 88; of Crawshaw, ped., 88; of Shevington, ped., 88; of Wor- thington, ped., 82, 88. Worthy, George Smith, 94 Worthyn, Leonard, no. Worthyngton, William de, 60. Wortley, Francis, 96 (part IT.) ; Sir Francis, 31, iii; Sir Richard, of Wort- ley. 31. Wosehowse (Westhurst), 81. Wosencroft, George, 69; James, 47. Wossall, Thomas, 39. Wotton, 82. Wotton, Dr., in; Sir Edward, 46; Sir Henry, 96 (part 11.), in, 114; Lord, in; T., in. Wotton Waven, 88. Woulton, John, 96 (part IV.); Lyonell, 96 (part IV.). Wousncrofte, Dom. Nicholas, 60. Woxhese, Richard, 58. Woxton, 58. W’pleton (? Whelton-cum-Hepay), 99. Wra, Adam de, 92; Gerard de, 92. Wraa, 95. Wrangham, — , 88. Wray, — (actor), 72; Rev. C. D., 42; Cecil, 94; Daniel, 45; George, 94; Henry, 94; Dr. Thomas, 44; W., 44; see also Ray. Wray in the Fylde, 62. Wray, the, 58. Wreckage, 112. Wrekin, etymology of, 58. Wren, Bishop, 114; Sir Christopher, 114; J., in; Jane, 54; Matthew, 114. Wrenbury, 47, 54, 97, 103 (part H.). Wrenbury, Margaret de, 83 (part IL); Richard de, 83 (part II.). Wrengh, Willimus, 95. Wrenshaw, Henry, 57 (part VIl.) ; Tho- mas, 57 (part VIL ). Wrexham, 46, 88, no. Wright, — , 88; — (painter), 44; Anne, 1 57 (part VIL); Rev. Benjamin, 92; VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 301 Cuth., in; Daniel, 57 (part VI.); Ed- mund, 42; Right Hon. Edin., in; Ed- ward, 57 (part VIE), 69; Rev. Edward, 105; Edward, Warrington, 60; George, of Meols, 46; Henry, 39, 69; Henry, of Ofiferton, 44; Henry Adderley, 45, 69, 73; Rev. Henry Offley, 44; James, 54, 69; John, 50, 54, 57 (part VII.), 64, 69, 73, 94, 113; John le, Capellanus, 47; Joseph, 69, 73; Lawrence, 54, 69, 73; Matthew, 54, 63; Mr., 44, in; Mr., of Winwick, 44; iMrs., 57 (part VIE); Neddy, 44; Peter, 69, 73, 92; Randall, 54; Rauff, 54; Richard, 54, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 69, 113; Richard, son of John, of Bickley, 31; Robert, 54, 57 (part VI.), 69, 73; Robert, the, 74 (part III. ) ; Robert, of Alt Hill, 74 (part HI.); Dom. Robert, of Warrington, 60; Roger, 54; Ronald, 105; Samuel, 69, 73; Serjeant, 31; Stretthill, 69, 73; Theodosia, 44 ; Rev. Thomas, 42 ; Thomas, 42, 54, 63, 69, 73, 92, in, 114; Thomas, clerk, curate of Birch, 47; Thomas, rector of Wilmslow, 62; William, 42, 69, 73, 94, in; ''Ahll., Capell., 60; William Henry, 69, 73. Wright of Mottram Andrew, 97. Wrighte, 81 ; Reynolde, 31 ; Robert, 58. Wrightington, 54, 58, 60, 65, 81, 82, 88, 95, 99; -cum-Parbold, 50. Wrightington, — , 81, 82, 88; Alexander, 54; Ann, daughter of John, wife of Ro- bert Dicconson, 31 ; Ann, daughter of Thomas, wife of Thomas Chisenhall, 31 ; Edward, 31, 39 ; Sir Edward, 39 ; Sir Edward, bencher of Gray’s Inn, 54; Geoffrey de, 58; Hugh, 58 ; Johannes, 99; John, 31, 50, 54, 57 (part HE), 58, 60, 75, 92, 113; John, of Wrightington, 54; Mary, 92; Mary, daughter of John, wife of Rev. William Leigh, 31 ; Mr., 39 ; Richard, 31, 54, 60, 113 ; Richard de, 158; Robertas, 95, 99; Thomas, 99. Wrights, workers in wood, 46. Wrightson, Chr., 57 (part VI.); Rowland, 57 (part VE). Wrigley, Edmund, 57 (part VIE); Ed- ward, 57 (part VE) ; Frances, 37 (part IV. ); Francis, 57 (parts VE and VIE), 94; Henry, 47, 57 (part VIE); Rev. Henry, 44, 70; James, 57 (part VIE), 69 ; John, 73 ; Rev. Mr., 42 ; Robert, 94 ; Dom. Roger, Prestwich, 60, 103 (part IE); Sir Roger, 54, 113 ; Samuel, 47; Sarah, 57 (part VIE); Thomas, 94. Wrigleyhead, 58. Wrigly, Isaac, 73. Wrinehill, 37 (part IV.), 96 (part HE). Wrington, 87, 94. Wriothesley, Henry, 90, in. Writhington, 60. Writing, condensed method, 44 ; minute, 44; sand, permanence of, 46; secret, 44. Writs, 46. Writtoun, J. (printer), ill. Wro, Edmund, 92; John del, 60; Richard de, 92. Wroe, Anne, 105; Christopher, 97; Doro- thy, 105 ; Elizabeth, 105 ; James, 54, 73 ; John, 39, 57 (parts VI. and VIE), 94; Joshua, 57 (part VIE ); Mary, 57 (part VIE) ; Peter, yeoman waiter, 31 ; Richard, D.D., 31, 37 (part IV.), 42, 44, 47, 60, 62, 72, 105, 109, 1 14; Richard, 54, 57 (part VIE), 105; Ro- bert, 69, 73, 1 13; Robert, of Heaton, yeoman, 54; Roger, 54; Roger Kenion, 105 ; Thomas Richard, 73 ; William, 105. Wroth, Sir Alex., in ; J., in; Lady, in; Sir T., in. Wrottesley, Wrotesley, Sir Walter, 99, 1 10. Wrove, Ambrose, 46. Wryght, Wryghte, see Wright. Wryghtyngton, John, son and heir of Thomas, 60. Wrygley, see Wrigley. Wryne, Merget, 54. Wuchin, John de, 83 (part IV.). Wudcok, Seth, clerk, 60; William, 60. Wuddes, Sir Thomas, 54. Wudmundeslei, 80. Wudnett, Jane, 54. Wudward, Sir Randolphe, chaplain, 60. Wulfeden, Rauf, 60. Wulfoo, William, 57 (part IE). Wulnet, Alan, 112. Wulsall, Roger, Mellinge, 60. Wurtemburg, 94. Wyat, J., in; Mrs., ill; Sir T., in. Wyatt, John, 72. Wybergh, 46. Wybergh, Christopher, 73 * Wybrants, William, 61. Wybunbury, 54. Wych, — , 72. Wyche, saff, 46. Wyche, Mr., 44; Richard, 54. Wychliswyke, see Whickleswick. I Wyclyffe, John, 60, in. 302 GENERAL INDEX. Wyddine, 47, Wydenton, 47. Wydlye, John, 46. Wydnes, ser Widnes. Wyer, Rob. (printer), iii. Wyer river, see Wyre. Wyersdale, see Wyresdale. Wyethes, Waitts, Waits, 46. Wygan, Will, de, 60. Wygan, see Wigan. Wyghell, John, 46. Wyghtkyll, no. Wyghtman, Agnes, 54; Bartylmew, 54; Esabel, 54; Jane, 54;Jhon., 54; Mawde, 54; William, 54. Wygnall, Henry, 57 (part II.); Johannes, 57 (part IL); Ric., 56 (part II.); Roger, 57 (part II.). Wvke, — , 81 ; Andrew, 57 (part VII.) ; Edward, 54; John, 54, 58; Nicholas, S4; Thomas de, 58. Wykes, 54. Wykes, H. (printer), in. Wyld, John, 60 ; Joshua, 57 (part VI.); Ralph, 57 (part VI.) ; Robert, 57 (part VIE). Wylde, Alice, 31 ; Henry, 37 (part IV.) ; Jamys, 54; John le, 103 (part IL); John, of Saddleworth, 31 ; Laurence, 31; Nicholas, 54; Tho. le, 1 03 (part IL); Thomas, 54. "Wyldeburflowre, 58. Wyldinge, Ann, 46. Wyldsnape, 58. Wyldyng, Henry, 57 (part II.); Johannes, 57 (part IL). Wylie, Rev. George, 92. Wylinton, Sir John de, 58. Wylkynson, Hugo, 57 (part IL); Johan- nes, 57 (part IL); Tynkyn, 37 (part VIL); Robert 57 (part IL), 105. Wylleshaghe, Anne, 54. Wylleson, John, of Clitheroe, 46. Wylley, 54. Wylliamson, Rauffe, 54; Roger, son of Richarde, 34. Wyllott, — , 81. Wyllysell, Ingram, 46. Wylmyslow, Wylmesley, George, Chan- cellor of Chester, 54, 60, 103 (part L). Wylson, — , 81 ; James, of London, 60; John, of Preston, 60; Margarett, 96 (part IV.); Robert, 54, 60, 113; William, 57 (part IL ). Wymbishe, — , 81, 82; P'rances, 99; Maria, 99; see also Wimbyshe. Wymerall (Windell), 81. Wymerley, Wymersley, see Winmarleigh. Wymondeshouses, 112. Wymyncham, alias Wyncham, 54. Wynard, John, 113. Wyncheon, Johannes, 1 10. Wyndehull, Wyndell, see Windle. Wynder, Edmund, 105. Wynderes, Robert 105. Wyndes, John, 105; Thomas, 105. Wyndewhike, Robert, 74 (part IL ). Wyndlishaw, see Windleshaw. Wyndson, Edmund, 105, Wyndyll, see Windle. Wynewic, William de, 58, 74. Wyng, 88. Wyngfeld, Humphrey, 60; Mrs., 75 > Thomas Maria, M.P., rector of War- rington, 60. Wynkeley, — , 81 ; Thomas, churchreve of Lawe and Samesbury, 60. Wynkley, — , 88; Adam de, 95; Thomas, 99; see also Wmckley a?td Winkley. Wynmerlegh, Christiana de, 105; Isabella, 105; Roger de, 105. Wynmerley, John de, 105. Wynn, — , 82; Bowyer Leftwicb William- son, 73 ; Rev. Ellis, 44; Ephraim, 44 ; John, 57 (part VIL); Dr. Owen, 44; Sir Richard, 47; Sir Watkin Williams, 44. Wynne, Godfrey, 31; Ithell, 54; John, 54; Llewellyn, 94; Robert William, 94; see also Winn. Wynnerhey, 47. Wynnes (? Widnes), 74. Wynnington, John, of the Harmytage, 54; John, of the Temple, 54; Perys, 54; Ranulph, of Offerton, and Raphe his son, 65; Robert de, 80; Rondull, 54; Thomas, 54. Wynnyngton, Reginald, 60. Wynquick, Sir Peers de, chaplain, 60; Peter de, 60; see also Winwick. Wynstanlegh, Hugo, 95. Wynstanlcy, — , 81; Edmund, 57 (part IL). Wynterton, William de, 83 (part IV.). Wynton, H., Epis. (H. Beauford), 95. Wyntre, Rogerus, 95. Wynwhyk, Ricardus, 95. Wynwike, Richard de, clerk, 60. Wynwyck, Master Richard, 60. Wyot, Adam de, 74 (parts 1 . and HI.), 1 12; John, 60; Ricardus, 99. Wyrall, — , 88 ; George, chantry priest, Eccles, 60. VOLS. XXXI.-CXIV. 803 Wyrdyn, Ric., 57 (part II.). Wyre river, 62, 75, 105 ; vale of, 57 (part II.). Wyresdale, 50, 57 (part II.), 62, 74 (part II.), 88, 105; barony of, 58; court leet, 105; fell, 57 (part II.); forest, 105; forester of, 105 ; manor, 105 ; Nether, township, 105; vacary, 58. Wyresdale, John, 105; Johannes, 57 (part II.); Robert de, 74 (part II.). Wyreside, 105. Wyrisbanke, W. de, II2. Wyrkesworthe, Nicholas de, clerk, 42, 74- Wyrley, Humphrey, 44, 47 ; Mrs, 47 ; Sybil, 47; William, in. Wyrmesley, Robert, 60. Wyrrall, 88. Wyrrall, Francis, and Edward his son, 65; George, chantry priest, Eccles, 60; George, and Henry his son, 65; Henry, and Robert his son, 65; Katherine, 54. Wyrrell, Thomas, 54. Wyrvyn, 54. Wyrvyne, Agnes, 54; .Sir Peris, priest, 54. Wyrysdale, John, 105. Wysall, 82, 88. Wyseman, Mr., 54. Wyston, see Wiston. Wyswale, Winswalle, 81. Wyswall, see Wiswall. Wytacres, Thomas de, 92. Wytacur, Rye., of Holme, 60. Wytaker, Henry, 96 (part IV.) ; Robert, 96 (part IV.). Wytfeld, Alice de, 47; Henry de, 47. Wythacres, 58. Wythall, Robert, of the Shourpeclifife, 54- Wyther, John, vicar of Tunstall, 60. Wytherhall-cum-Bothelsworth, 58. Wythes, Charles, 31; Dorothy, 31. Wythgyll, see Withgill. Wythingham, 74 (part II.). Wythingshawe, — , 81; see also Withen- shaw. Wythington, Wythyington, see Withing- ton. Wythington, Gilbert de, 105; Thomas de, 42. Wythinhull, 95. Wythinton, Richard de, 42. Wythnell, 54. Wythns, 1 12. Wythyngton, Alice de, 42. Wythynton, John de, 42. Wytington, Henry de, 83 (part IV.). Wyttaker, Roger, 54. Wytteworth, Richard, 54. Wyttgare, Kateryn, 54. Wytton, John (shoemaker), 65. Wyvell, Christopher, Chancellor of Lin- coln, 42. Wyvile, — , 88. Wyville, Sir Marmaduke, 44, 60; Major, 44. Y ALDE, or galde, 46. Yale, 54. Yale, Dr., 96 (part H.) ; Chancellor, 31. Yaniewicz, — , 72. Yannes, Rev. Mr., 42. Yannis, Alice, of Crompton, 42; Samuel, of Didsbury, 42. Yardfridus, baro de Widnes, 58. Yardley, — , 81 ; Anne, 54; Jane, 54; John, 54; Thomas, 94. Yarmouth, 47, 57 (part V.). Yarn, 46, 65; winding, 46. Yarranton, Andrew, 114. Yarrenton, Widow, 44. Yate, — , 81, 109; Chancellor, 42; George, 46, 96 (part IV.); Hamande, of Rixton, 60; Henry, 96 (part IV.) ; Hugh, 96 (part IV.); James, 46; John, 31, 50, 1 13; Mr., of Grays Inn Lane, 46; Ran- dolph, 1 13; Richard of the, 58; Robert, of (josenar, 60 ; Thomas, 46, 60 ; Try- stram, chantry priest, 60; William, 46. Yates, — , 88 ; — , a schoolmaster, 96 (part I.); Ambrose, 57 (part VH. ); Elizabeth, 92; George, 94; J., 72; James, iii ; John, 73; John, chantry priest, Lancaster, 60; Joseph, 44, 57 (parts VI. and VH. ), 63, 69; Joseph Brooks, Rights and Jjirisdiction of Ches- hire, 37; Lawrence, 94; Mr., 75; Mrs., 57 (part VIL); Ralph, 73; Richard, 94; Robert, 57 (part VL); William, 45, 57 (part VIL), 92, III. Yatinden, co. Berks, 81. Yealand, 50, 81, 95. Yealand Conyers, 95. Yealdhouse, see Yieldhouse. Yeardley, Ralph, of Caldecote, 54. Yeate, James, 54. Yeats, James, 105. Yede, Wm., 92. Yeelison, 88. Yeeme, 109. Yeland, see Yealand. Yeland, Redmayne, 57 (part 11. ). 304 GENERAL INDEX. Yeldhouses, 95. Yellinge Wood, 46. Yelly, John, 69. Yelverton, Chr,, in; Sir Christopher, 90; H., Ill; Sir Henry, 50, in. Yeinonde, Robert, 54, Yeok, Rob., 54. Yeomen, 46. Yerwood, William, 39. Yeton (Eaton), 81, Yeuvance (Evans), — ,81. Yew tree at Denton, 37 (part IV.). Yieldhouse, 42, 47. Yieldhouses, 47, 95. Yloop, M. , III. Ymber, o?- ember days, 50. Ynce, see Ince. Yngham, Agnes, 54; Edmund, 96 (part IV.); Edward, 96 (part IV.); John, 96 (part IV,) ; Robert, 46, 96 (part IV.); Thomas, 96 (part IV.); see also Ingham. Ynglysch, Robert, 57 (part II.). Yokes, 46. Yole Day, annual feast on, 74. Yong, Reyner de, 31; Ric., in. Yonge, Alys, 54; Anne, 54; Dr., 45; Elnor, 54; James, 54; Jane, 54; Mar- get, 54; Richard, 31; Thomas, 54; Sir William, 44. York, 37 (part IV, ), 44, 46, 54, 60, 62, 69, 70, 73, 76, 81, 88, 96 (parts I, and III.), 99, no; castle, 37 (part IV.), no; Corpus Christ! Guild, 103 (part I,); council of, 70; King’s rendezvous at, 62; minster, 60; mint, 60; prebends, 60, 112; priory of St. Leonard, 57 (part II.); royal standard raised at, 39; St. Mary’s Abbey, 60; seige of, 70; treat- ment of prisoners at, 61. York, Archbishop of, 44, 65; Archbishop of, letters from, 96 (part IT); Arch- bishops of, 80; Archdeacon of, 60; Duchess of, 60, 64 ; Edward, duke of, 60 ; Elizabeth of, 60 ; James, Union of Honour, 80; James, duke of, in; John, 46; Margaret, 105; Richard, duke of, 109; Thomas, duke of, 37 (part I.). Yorke, Nicholas del, 95 ; Rowland, in. Yorkshire, 57 (part II.); ancient extent of, 58; estates of the Earl of Lincoln, 112; power of the cavaliers in, 62. Young, — , 61, 88; — (actor), 72; Sir Charles G., 82 ; James, 60; John, 64, in; Miss, 72; Mr., 44; Pet., in; Dom. Ralph, 60; Rob. (printer), in ; Roger, 54. Youth, III; governance of, in. Youths beyond seas, 50. Yowleringes (birds), 46. Yrlond, Dom. Roger, 60. Z X., in. . , Zabres, or Asaveres, 50. Zanchy, Mr., 114. Zancthy, lawyer, 70. Zechendorfius, Johannes, 114, Zeruiah’s sons, 87. Zieman, — , portrait painter, 44. Zincks, Henry, 73, 94; John, 73, 94, Zink, — , miniature painter, 44. Zinzendorf, Count, 44. Zollman, Philip Henry, 44. Zonardus, 114. Zouch, — , 88, no; Alan, Lord la, 37 (part IV.), 60; Dr., 44; Matilda de la, 99 ; Maud, wife of Sir Robert de Holland, 60; Thomas, 94. Zouche, Archbishop of York, 60; Edward, Lord, 83 (part 11 . ), in; John, 83 (part IV.); Richard, in. Zuingerus Pcedoiat., 44. Zuinglius, Huld., in. Zutphen, in. Zwicker, Daniel, 114, Charles Simms and Co., Printers, King Street, Manchester. fn* >7 V-.'". "’■ : ■'*4 -.t^' r-v^f-S tT.-'- 'll. :■ at.-^'jf">l:. , b- wj^' ,.j::^^ . -. fife-.-.. - b] : S ' . »!|. :r« .>i^~i'';.- ■’ v.'iir'' ' ‘ 'r' . jr " V>W:- , •'■ -■•’■; . " . • -; 'a ^ ■ •» .-^aBili" i M ■H- .■a