v»-w A» J& - « ' THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 820,3 ir4 THE LIBRARY OF LITERARY CRITICISM ENGLISH AND AMERICAN AUTHORS VOLUME IV 1785 - 1824 EDITED BY CHARLES WELLS MOULTON ASSISTED BY A CORPS OF ABLE CONTRIBUTORS / THE MOULTON PUBLISHING COMPANY BUFFALO NEW YORK 1902 Copyrighted 1903 BY THE MOULTON PUBLISHING COMPANY E-SUMNER Company ND Bookmakers New York Iprofessor MilUam Zonc^ Ibarris, "liL. ®. INTRODUCTION. POETS Al He could songes make, and wel endite. —Chaucer, Geoffrey, 1387-93? Can- terbury Tales. Having bene in all ages, and even amongst the most barbarous, always of singular accounpt and honour, and being indede so worthy and commendable an arte ; or rather no arte, but a divine gift and heavenly instinct not to bee gotten by laboure and learning, but adorned with both ; and poured into the witte by a cer- tain 'Evdov(riacrfx6