782.8 C96 S /8i 3 N SERENATA, ©ompogefc in ftonor of tj)e JJftarriage of THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE PRINCE OF WALES AND THE PRINCESS ALEXANDRA OF DENMARK, PERFORMED AT HER MAJESTY’S THEATRE ON THE OPENING NIGHT, APRIL 11, 1863. THE WORDS BY JOHN OXENFORD, THE MUSIC BY W. G. CUSINS. LONDON : LAMBORN COCK, HUTCHINGS, & CO., (Late Leader and Cock,) 62 & 63 , New Bond Street, corner of Brook Street* Price Sixpence, of, // ~ /o>/f . ' 723.8 ^ % 5 .if l 3 PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS. MADLLE TITIENS. Sia GIUGLINI. MR. SANTLEY. j f ’ 'n !' ■ ' . > .;•> i \ ■ INTRODUCTION. REVELS OF NYMPHS AND TRITONS. RECITATIVE (baritone; AND CHORUS. Whose voice is sounding through our halls ? Who calls? Who calls? Who with lordly step advancing, Checks us in our heedless dancing ? He of race divine, I ween. Proud yet gracious is his mien. Robes of saffron hue he wears, In his hand a torch he bears. O’er our waves its rays are sparkling. As the sun ere night is darkling ; When he shakes his yellow hair, Far he scatters odours rare — Stranger, who art thou ? Declare ! 6 SONG. HYMEN. (soprano) The lord am I of wedded love Rever’d by men and gods above. And by my gentle might Two nations would I now unite. Two ancient nations known To all your race from zone to zone. To you do I confide A fair Princess, the Baltic’s pride. Who from her native home To your domain has come, Albert of Wales she seeks, — a royal bride. Receive her in your gentlest mood. And curb the anger of the flood. That she may safely go, And nought of your wild nature know. Let soft and prosp’rous gales Of Albert whispering fill her sails. Ne’er ocean’s nymphs before Across the waves a burden bore More priz’d, more lov’d than this. The bark then let them kiss Fondly, that carries her to Britain’s shore. 7 DUET. A NYMPH AND A TRITON. (soprano and tenor.) The pearl and coral of the deep. That in our lowest caves we keep, That busy Tritons ever watch Lest mortal greed our treasure snatch, Will not be priz’d by hearts more zealous, Will not be kept with care more jealous Than the bright jewel, thou to us hast brought. To honor mighty Albion’s name, And Denmark’s ancient fame. By Nereus are his children taught. RECITATIVE AND SONG. (baritone.) Assemble all ye dwellers in the deep. As ye are ancient seers, To Alexandra promise happiness, And happiness to Albert, Prince of Wales. Oh ! may he emulate the fame Of his lamented sire, whose name is writ In characters that may not be effac’d Upon the nation’s heart ; — whom all men call Albert the Good. 8 SONG. Above there is a star, whose ray Is ever clear and bright, ’Twill safely guide thee on thy way, If thou observ’st it right. The light of truth, the flame of love, Are blended in its glow. And though ’tis plac’d so far above, It warms the earth below. Think not that star will ever set, Or fade from Britons’ eyes, Its presence near they ne’er forget, Its distant light they prize. Though heavy clouds across it sail, Still, still it is in sight, And ever through the darkest veil Will shine serene and bright. RECITATIVE, (liARITONE.) Now let your voices swell with joyous strains, And dedicate this day to mirth and joy ; Yea, let the sound of spirit-stirring songs Across the wide expanse of waters sweep. CHORUS. Hail to Britannia, ruler of the waves, Honor to Denmark, the Sea-king’s home. Rise, Tritons, rise from your ocean caves, As on a gen’rous steed, ride on the billow’s foam, And let the sounding shell To earth and heav’n our rapture tell. 10 TRIO. (soprano, tenor, and baritone.) Danghter of the Baltic, hail ! May the pow’rs of good befriend thee* May all happiness attend thee. May thy life unruffled be. From all worldly trouble free. In Britain may’st thou find a home grief never can assail. There thy Albert longs to meet thee. There the Ocean-queen will greet thee, Victoria, Victoria ! There will her people lift their voice. And in their monarch’s joy rejoice, Shouting with us : — Hail ! Denmark’s daughter, hail ! chorus ( resumed .) Hail ! Denmark’s daughter, hail ! To joy thou art borne by the gale. Tritons, let the sounding shell. To earth and heav’n our rapture tell. We witness delighted Britannia and Denmark united ; To earth and heav’n our rapture tell. LAMBORN COCK, HUTCHINGS, & CO.’S LIST OF STMIB>MI0> wmm* EDITED BY W. STERNDALE BENNETT, Mus. Doc. and Professor of Music in the University of Cambridge. BEETHOVEN’S SONATAS For the Pianoforte. The only complete Edition, in Three Vols., handsomely bound, price 31s. 6d. each. Each Sonata published separately . MENDELSSOHN’S 66 LIEDER OHNE WORTE,” The Six Books, in handsome Cloth Boards, 12s., or in separate Books at 4s. each. Also in separate Numbers, at Is. and Is. 6d. each. BACH’S 48 PRELUDES AND FUGUES, The First Volume, containing 24, in Cloth Boards, 15s., or in Single Numbers, 2s. each. Six Numbers of the Second Volume are also published. J. S. BACH’S PASSIONS-MUSIK (According to the text of St. Matthew.) Vocal Score, with Pianoforte Accompaniment, now published for the first time in England, under the Editorship of Professor STERNDALE BENNETT. The English text adapted by Miss H. F. H. Johnston. Price One Guinea and a Half ; Chorus Parts, 5s. each. LAMBORN COCK, HUTCHINGS, & CO., (Late Leader and Cock), 62 & 63, NEW BOND STREET, Corner of Brook Street, LONDON.* Standard Works , published hy “THE MAY-aUEEN,” A PASTORAL , THE WORDS BY H. F. CHOKLEY, The Music composed by W. STEEUDALE BEIsTUETT, Mus. Doc. and Mus. Prof. Cantab. ♦ CONSISTING OF AN OVERTURE AND TEN VOCAL PIECES, Price ids. PIANOFORTE ARRANGEMENTS FROM THE ABOVE, BY Callcott , Osborne , W. H. Holmes , and Chalmers Masters . SEPARATE CHORUS AND RAND PARTS May be had. Lamborn Cock , Hutchings , Cb., 63, Afett? 2?owri Street. “UNDIN E ” Lyrical Legend , THE WORDS EY JOHN OXENFORI), The Music composed by JULES BENEDICT CONSISTING OF AN OVERTURE, MARCH, & TEN VOCAL PIECES, Price 21s, Pianoforte Arrangements from the above , BY CALLCOTT, KUHE, CHALMERS MASTERS, AND BR1NLEY RICHARDS. Separate Chorus and Band Parts may be had. Standard Works , published; by ODE Composed for the Opening of the International Exhibition, 1862, THE WORDS BY ALFRED TENNYSON, D.C.L. (Poet Laureate), THE MUSIC BY WILLIAM STERNDALE BENNETT, Mus. Prof. Cantab. With Organ or Pianoforte Accompaniment, 6s. The Chorale separately, on a Card , 6d, CHORUS AND SAND PARTS ARE PUBLISHED. “THE ROSE OF SALENCY” AN OPERETTA, Written and Composed by W. CHALMERS MASTERS. Expressly adapted for Amateurs, and Private Performances. Consisting of an Overture, Dance, and Fifteen Vocal Pieces. Price 15s. All the pieces published separately . Lamborn Cock , Hutchings, Co., 63, New Bond Street. “FREY AS GIF T,” AN ALLEGORICAL MASQUE, IN HONOR OT THE MARRIAGE OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES AND THE PRINCESS ALEXANDRA OF DENMARK, As performed at Covent Garden Theatre. THE WORDS BY JOHN OXENFORD, THE MUSIC BY GKEOJRGhlE -A.. Price 10s. 6c?. 1. Chorus, — “ By a heavy mist” 3 0 *2. Scena — “ Hither I come” — sung by Miss Louisa Pyne 2 6 *3. Ballad — “ An English home ” — sung by Miss Louisa Pyne .. 2 6 4. Chorus — ‘‘A rouse thee merrie England ” 3 0 5. Hymn — “N ational Danish/* and Finale 2 0 * Transposed editions of these songs may be had. Pianoforte arrangements from the above . The Airs — as Solos — by W. Hutchins Callcott ... 5 0 Ditto — as Duets — by ditto 6 0 Fantasia — on the favorite airs — by W. Kuhe 4 0 Ditto — ditto — by Jules Brissac 4 0 All applications respecting the Libretto of this i ' Work ( which is the Copyright of Messrs. Lamborn Cock , Hutchings, 8$ Co)., to be made to the Publishers, 62 8$ 63 , New Bond Street, corner of Brook Street, London. Walter Brettell, Printer, 33 Ga, Oxtord Street, near Kegent Circus.