Kansas Industrial Reformatory. Library Catalogue. Complete for 1906 . KANSAS INDUSTRIAL REFORMATORY. Library Catalogue. Complete for 1906. STATE PRINTING OFFICE, TOPEKA. C '» i l-O Kansas Reformatory. --7 ^ 'i? L_ Library Rules. ^ Elach inmate entitled to draw books from the library will be supplied with a card inscribed with his name and num- j ber. If you are moved from one cell to another, take this catalogue, your card and your library book with you, for you will be held responsible for the care of these. Selection of Books. Select from the catalogue not more than five books that you prefer to read. The class numbers are found at the right of each column, followed by the author’s initial and number. Fiction is ordered by the author’s initial and number and first letter of title. If you want “Harper’s Story Book,” by Jacob Abbott, write “A 11 h” on your card; if you want “Dictionary of American Authors,” by O. T. Adams, write “000 A 28” on your card. Care of Books. A record of the condition of each book is kept by the librarian. You will be held responsible for all books issued to you, and return of the same in as good condition as when you received them. Books and catalogues must not be marked or written in, torn, defaced or injured in any way, destroyed, loaned, or passed out of your cell. Exchange of Books. Books may not be kept longer than two weeks without special permission. On exchange days cards must be placed in the book which you have read ; the Librarian then exchanges the book for one which you desire. Do not leave book in the bars of door, as it may be pur- loined, or injured by falling. Lost library cards will be replaced upon the order of the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent. ( 3 ) 4 Reformatory Library. Penalties. Any one found guilty of violating any of the above rule will be reported to the Superintendent, also deprived of th use of the library until obedience can be secured. Geo. M. Tedrtck, Approved : Supt, of Schools and Librarian. E. E. Marshall, General Superintendent. BOOKS CONDEMN ED Log of a cow oy A 25 L Pink Mnrsh A 29 P Rose iu bloom A 35 R Steplieii Mitoheirs Journey A 37 S Pocket measure A 37 P Tip Lewis and his lamp A 37 T Mrs ScV mion Smith A 37 M Bob Burton A 43 B Ben’s nugget A 43 BE Light on shadowed path A 73 L Ten nights in a bar-room A 73 T Hattie and Marcus A 79 H The red Eric B 23 R A loyal traitor B 37 L Recoiling vengeance B 45 R Never never land B 45 N Crock of gold B 49 C Joan of the alley B 53 J Expatriates B 71 E Ba 5 'ard’s courier B 75 B The middle course B 81 M Stephen Deca ur B 105 ST A biographical sketch B 139 B The bondsman C 15 B Fables for the frivolous C 35 F The siege of youth C 51 S '^he crisis C 65 C Paul Traver’s adventures C 77 P Jeb Hutton ’ C 85 J His friend the enemy C95 H Footsteps of fate C 105 F The marvelous country C 107 M By bike and dyke C 119 by Kit Kennedy C 119 K A year from a reporter’s note book The Canadians of old The black wolf’s breed Micah Clark The white company A study in scarlet Man in the iron mask Prophet of the great smoky range Camp ventures The crystal hunters A double thread Captain of the gray horse troop Logan the Mingo Grimes household tales My double Bound in honor Yule logs Letters to the Joneses The torch Ramona The cronicles of Mr Bill Williams Wild western scenes My Mamie Rose Norman Holt Wolfville ^rjngtown on the pike The man on the box A dash for a throne When I was czar The heritage of peril A daughter of the velt A woman of yesterday John Henry Back to the woods I’m from Missouri Animals of AJsop Campmates The copper princess When wilderness was king D25 Y D 33 C D 51 B D 67 M D 67 W D 79 M E 19 P E23 CA F 19 C F 49 D G 13 C G 31 L G 49 H H 13 MY H 63 BOU H 63 YU H81 h H 87 T J 13 R J 35 C J 41 W K 25 M K 27 N E 19 W E 29 S M 1 5 M M 25 D M 25 W M 25 H M 27 D M 45 W M 61 J M61 B M 61 I M 105 A M 117 c M 117 CO P 23 W A lost liero The secret woman Quincy Adam Sawyer Gavroclu' The down East master's first school The two captains A three-stranded yarn The Cl a 3 homes Ivors( Voi 1 and 2 ) P 43 T P47 S P 51 Q P 71 G R 1 i D R 57 T R 57 1 H sue S 35 I I C E The bacillus of beauty The sculptor of Bruges John Godfrey's fortune The search for Andrew field Tinkham bros.’ tide mill The satin wood box From the earth to the moon Conjurer’s house 'i he emerald spray Nj< iher’s practical guide The law of psychic phenomena The occult world Thirteen years in the intinerancy Hosannas of the children Economics for the people Outlines of economics Outlines of school management Experimental sociology Words and their uses Roget’s thesaurus Atmosphere What Glddys saw Life and nature under tlie' tropics Modern mechanism Electric-toy making Standard electric dictionary Arithmetic of electricity Dynamo-electric machinery A history of the growth of tlie engin Armature and field-magnet winding S 77 B S 10 i fO T 13 j T 43 S T53 r T 53 S V V 17 F W 49 CO vv 75 000 B 14-2 100 H 76 100 S 56 200 M 24 200 M 56 300 BlOO-3 300 E 32 3 300 G 20 300 K 14 400 A 78 M 400 R 52-4 500 A 66 500 F 52 2 500 M 1 24 600 C 78 600 S 58 E 600 S 58 S 600 S 58 A 600 T 26 600 T 34 600 T52-2 Electricuy in modern life 600 T 58 Crochet uid quavers 700 M 26-2 The coiU)j)i-ntal monarchies 900 C 70 C The Pei( ;>onnesian war 900 D 12 Youth’s liislory of the rebellion 900 T 20 Y Pictures f travels 910 A 59 PI Among ihe Tidetans 910 B 83-2 Homes of the new world 910 B 111 H Exploration and adventure 910 B 100 Every day life in Korea 910 G 19-2 Cuba and Porto Rico 910 H 75-2 Capt. Cook’s voyages 910 L 44-2 In modern Spain 910 S 78 Expedition of C 3 TUS 910 W 31-2 Persian life and customs 910 W 63 -2 mmcdore Eainbr dge 920 B 37 C Eife and letters of Bayard Taylor 920 H 26-4 SLory of Washington 920 S 31-2W Story of Columou 920 S 31-2C Henry Clay by John Frost B C 11 F iYuraliam Lincoln by E S Brooks B L 10 B Abraham Lincoln by H Butterworth B L 11 B John Sevier by J R Gilmore B S 10 G Cl • k i Fiction Abbott, Jacob. Harper’s story book. A 11 h About, E. Man with the broken ear. A 17 m A. C. M. Reflections of a lonely man. A 21 r Adams, Andy. Log of a cowboy. A 25 - A Texas matchmaker. A 25 t Adams, F. U. John Burt. A 27 j Ade, George. Pink Marsh. A29p Doc. Horne. A29d Adeler, Max. In Happy Hollow. A 31 in Aguilar, Grace. The days of Bruce. A 33 d Alcott, Louisa M. Rose in bloom. A 35 Eight cousins. A35e Jack and Jill. A35 j Jo’s boys. A 35 jo Tall oaks. A 35 t Alden, Mrs. G. R. (Pansy). The Randolphs (two copies). A37r Stephen Mitchell’s jourgey. A 37 s>^ Pocket measure. A 37 p'-^ A new graft. A37n Tip Lewis and his lamp (two copies). A 37 t Mrs. Solomon Smith. A 37 m — Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy. A 39 s Stillwater tragedy. A 39 st Alexander, Mrs. Mrs. Crichton’s creditors. A 41 m ^ Brown, V. C. A 41 b ( 5 ) G Reformatoey Library. Fiction. Alger, J. R. Do and dare. A 43 d Rob Burton. A 43 b Ben’s nugget. A 43 be Allen, Anne S. Merry hearts. A 45 m Allen, Grant. This mortal coil. A 47 t Cruise of the Albatross. A 47 c Under sealed orders. A 47 u Allen, H. B. The great island. A 49 g Allen, Jas. L. Flute and violin. A 51 f Reign of law. A 51 r Summer in Arcady. A 51 s Choir invisible. A 81 c Kentucky cardinal. A 51 k Aftermath. A 51 a Allen, W.B. Navy blue. A 53 n Cleared for action. A 53 c Gulf and glacier. A 53 g AUshelter, J. A. In hostile red. A 55 i In circling camps. A 55 in A herald of the west. A 55 h Wilderness road. A 55 Before the dawn. A 55 Amber, . Rosemary and rue. A 57 r Andersen, Hans C. Stories and tales. A 59 s Only a fiddler. A 59 o Two baronesses. A 59 t A Danish romance. A 59 d A poet’s bazaar. A 59 p Andrews, Mary. Kidnapped colony (two copies). A 61 k Aneio, — — -. A victim of circumstance. A 63 v a- ^ Reformatory Library. 7 Fiction. Anstey, — — . Brass bottle (two copies). A 65 b Argyle, Duke of. Kit Carson. A 67 k Arnold, Sir E. Oriental fairy tales. A 69o Armstrong, Annie E. Three bright girls. A 71 t Arthur, T. S. Light on shadowed path. A 73 Ten nights in a bar-room. A 73 t^^ Ashton, Mark. She stands alone. A 75 s Atherton, Gertrude. Splendid idle forties. A 77 s Rulers of kings. A 77 r Aunt Friendly. Hattie and Marcus. A 79 h- Austen, Jane. Desmond’s hundreds. A81d A nameless nobleman. A81n Standish of Standish. A 81 s Mansfield park (vol. 1). A 81 m Mansfield park (vol. 2). A 81 m Avary, Myrta. A Virginia girl in the civil war. A83 V Bacheller, Irving. Dri and I. B lid Darrel of the blessed isles. B 11 da Eben Holden (two copies). B lie Badger, J. E. The lost city. B 13 1 Balch, F. H. Bridge of the gods. B 15 b Baldwin, Jas. Story of Roland. B 17 s Balestier, Wolcott. Benefits forgot. B 19 b Balfour, A. Vengeance is mine. B 21 V 8 Refoematory Library. Fiction, Ballantyne, R. M. The walrus hunters. B23w Norseman in the west. B23n Under the waves. B 23 u The red Eric. B 23 r-" Balzac, H. Pere Goriot. B 25 p The two brothers. B 25 t A start in life. B 25 s Cousin Pons. B 25 c Bangs, Jno. K. Pursuit of the house boat. B 27 p House boat on the Styx. B 27 h Enchanted typewriter. B 27 e Rebellious heroine. B 27 r Paste jewels. B 27 pa Peeps at the people. B 27 pe New waggings of old tales. B 27 n The idiot. B 27 i Mr. Bonaparte at Corsica. B 27 m Banks, Chas. G. In Hampton Roads. B29i Banks, Nancy H. Oldfield. B 31 o Round anvil rock (-two copies). B 31 r Barbour, R. H. For the honor of the school. B 33 f Kitty of the roses. B 33 k The halfback. B33h At the time appointed. B 33 a Barnes, Annie M. Little lady of the fort. B35 1 Barnes, Jas. For king or country. B 37 f A loyal traitor. B3T4-^ Barr, Amelia, E. Thyra Varrick. B 39 t Belle of Bowling Green. B39b Barr, Robt. Chicago princess. B 41c Over the border. B 41 0 Strong arm. B 41 s Woman wins. B 41 w Revenge. B 41 r Reformatory Library. 9 Fiction. Barr, Walter. Shacklett. Barrett, Wilson. Sign of the cross (two copies). Recoiling vengeance. Never, never, land. Barrie, J. M. Tommy and Grizel. A window in Thrums. Sentimental Tommy. Baring-Gould, S. Crock of gold. Winfred. Barry, Wm. The wizard’s knot. Bartlett, F. O. Joan of the alley. Baskett, J. N. As the light led. At you all’s house. Bateman, Geo. W. Zanzibar tales. Bateson, . Man in the calumet cloak, Beaconsfield, Earl of. Endymion. Beal, Mary B. The boys of Clovernook. Beard, Daniel C. Moonblight. Beard, W. L. Sand and cactus. Bell, Adelaide. King’s rubies. Bell, Lillian. Expatriates. Bellamy, Edward. Duke of Stockbridge. Benson, B. K. Bayard’s courier. Who goes there ? B43s B 45 8 B 45 B 45 m B 47 t B 47 w B 47 s B49c — B49 w B 5l w B 53 j-- B 55 a B 55 at, B 57 z B 59 m B 61e B 63 b B 65 m B 67 s B69k B7ie'^ B 73 d B 75 B 75 w 10 Reformatory Library. Fiction. Besant and Rice. All sorts and conditions of men. Besant, Walter. The alabaster box. The changeling. Bigelow, Mrs. P. The middle course. Bingham, Katharine. The Philadelphians. Bjorn son, Bjornstjerne. Absalom’s hair. The bridal march. A happy boy. Synnove Solbakken. Black, Alexander. Richard Gordon. A princess of Thule. Black, Wm. White wings. White heather. Kilmeny. Donald Ross of Heimrs. Sunrise. Judith Shakespeare. Three feathers. The strange adventures of a phaeton. In far Lochaber. Macleod of Dare. Yolande. In silk attire. Green pastures and Piccadilly. The new Prince Fortunas. Sabina Zembra. Maid of Killeena. A daughter of Heth. The wise women of Inverness. The penance of John Logan. Lady Silverdale’s sweetheart. Stand fast Craig Royston. Adventures in Thule. Strange adventures of a house boat. B 75 a B 79 a B 79 c B 81 m^ B83p B85a B85b B 85 h B85s B 87 r B 87 p B 89 w B 89 wh B 89 k B 89d B 89 s B 89 j B 89 t B 89 St B89i B 89 m B 89y B 89 in B89g B89n B 89 sa B 89 ma B 89 da B 89 wi B 89 p B 89 1 B 89 sta f B 89 a B 89 str Reformatory Library. 11 Fiction. Blackmore. R. D. Lorna Doone. Alice Lorraine. Blanchard, Amy E. A revolutionary maid. Daugfhter of freedom. Her very best. A gentle pioneer. A heroine of 1812. A girl of ’76. A loyal lass. Bolles, Frank. At the north of Bearcamp waters. Bonehill, Ralph. For liberty of Texas. Three young ranchmen. With Boone on the frontier. When Santiago fell. Bjnnehill, Geraldine. To-morrow’s tangle. Boyeson, H. H. Queen Titania. Gunnar. Falconberg. Boothby, Guy. My strangest case. Brady, Cyrus T. The Southerners. For love of country. Stephen Decatur. The records. Sir Henry Morgan. Hohenzollern. The grip of honor. When the blades are out. Braine, S. E. The princess of hearts. Brassey, Anne. Around the world in the yacht Sunbeam. Bremer, Frederika. The neighbors. B911 B 91 a B 93 r B93d B 93h B93g B93 he B 93 gi B93 1 B 95 a B 97 f B 97 t B 97 w B 97 wh B 99 t B 101 q B 101 g B 101 f B 103 m B 105 s B 105 f B 105 st B 105 r B 105 si B 105 h B 105 g B 105 w B 1Q7 p B 109 a B 111 n 12 Reformatory Library. Fiction. Bronson, Clark H. Twice a man. B list Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre (two copies). B 115 j Shirley. B 115 s Villette. B 115 V The professor. B 115 p Bronte, Emily. Wuthering Heights. B 117 w Brooks, E. S. With Lawton and Roberts. B 119 w A son of the revolution. B 119 s In defense of the flag. B 119 i Brooks, H. Daughters of desperation (two copies). B 121 d Without a warrant. B 121 w Brooks, Noah. The boy emigrants. B 123 b The boy settlers. B 123 bo Brown, Alice. % High noon (two copies). B 125 h The Mannerings. B 125 m Buchanan, Robt. Shadow of the sword. B 127 s Bulwer-Lytton, Lord. Last of the barons. B 129 1 My novel. B 129 m Devereux (two copies). B 129 d Kenelm Chillingly. B 129 k Last days of Pompeii. B 129 la Caxtons. B 129 c What will he do with it? B 129 w Ernest Maltravers. B 129 e The Parisians. B 129 p Paul Clifford. B 129 pa Pelham. B 129 pe A strange story. B 129 s Harold. B 129 h Rienzi. B 129 r Bungener, L. L. F. Bourdaloue and Louis. B 131 b Reformatory Library. 13 Fiction. Banner, H. C. Story of a New York house. Burges3-Irwin, . The reign of Queen Isyl. Barnett, Frances H. A fair barbarian. That lass o’ Lowrie’s. His grace of Osmonde. In the closed room. Surly Tim. Louisiana. Burnham, . A sane lunatic. A biographical sketch. Butterworth, H. Boys of Greenwood court. The patriot schoolmaster. The knight of liberty. The pilot of the Mayflower. Cable, Geo. W. Old creole days. The cavalier. Bylow Hill. Coffyn, Mrs. M. The minx. Caine, Hall. The prodigal son. The Eternal City. The bondsman. The Deemster. The Christian (two copies). The Manxman. Calkins, Frank W. Boys’ life on the frontier. Two wilderness voyagers. Campbell, W. C. A Colorado colonel. Canavan, M. J. Ben Comee. Candee, Helen C. An Oklahoma romance. B 133 s B 135 r B 137 f B 137 1 B 137 h B 137 i B 137 s B 137 lo B 139 s B 139 b"*^ B 141 b B 141 p B 141 k B 141 pi C 11 o C 11c C 11b C 13 m C 15p C 15e C 15 b' C 15 d C 15 c C 15 m C 17 b C 17 t C 19 c C 21 b C 23o —2 14 Reformatory Library. Fiction. Carey, Rosa N. Robert Ord’s atonement. Uncle Max. A passage perilous. The highway of fate. Cargill, J. T. The Big Horn treasure. Carleton, S. The Micmac. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s adventures in wonderland. Carruth, Frances W. Those Dale girls. Carry 1, Guy W. Fables for the frivolous. The transgressions of Andrew Vane. (Two copies.) The lieutenant-governor. Far from the maddening girls. Carson, Wm. H. Hester Blair. Carter, Mary N. North Carolina sketches. Caster, Andrew. Pearl island. Castle, E. The Bath comedy. The light o t thy. Marshfield the observer. » Young April. Catherwood, Mary H. Rocky Fork. Old Kaskaskia. Lazarre. The story of Tonty. Chambers, Robt. W. The cambric mask. The maid at arms. The maids of Paradise. In search of the unknown. A young man in a hurry. The king in yellow. Lorraine. C 25 r C 25 u C 25 p C 25 h C 27 b C 29 m C31 a C33 t C C c c 35 t 35 1 35 fa C 37 h C39n C 41 p C 43 b C 43 1 C 43 m C43y C 45 r C 45o C 45 1 C 45 s C 47 c C 47 m C 47 ma C 47 i C 47y C 47 k C 47 1 Eeformatory Library. 15 Fiction. Champney, Mr8. Howling Wolf and his trick pony. C49h Charles, Frances. The siege of youth. C 51 s- Chatfield'Taylor, H. C. The vice of fools. C 53 V An American peeress. C53a Chesnutt, Chas. W. The house behind the cedars. C 55 h The marrow of traditions. C 55 m Child, Frank S. The house with sixty closets. C 57 h Friend or foe. C 57 f Chipman, Wm. P. The young minute men. 0 59 y. A daring capture. C59d Cholmondeley, Mary. Diana Tempest. C61d The Danvers jewels. C 61 da Red pottage. 0 61 r Church, Rev. A. J. To the lions. C63t Lords of the world. C 63 1 Churchill, Winston. The crisis (two copies). C65c^ The crossing. C 65 cr Clark, H. H. The admiral’s aid. C 67 a Boy life in the United States navy. C 67 b Clark, Fred T. On cloud mountain. C69o Clay, C. J. Zelda Dameron. C 71 z Cleary, Kate M. Like a gallant lady. C 73 1 Clemens, Will. M. The gilded lady (two copies). C75g Clover, Samuel T. Paul Traver’s adventures. C77 p- CoflRn, C. C. The boys of ’76. C 79 b 16 Reformatory Library. Fiction. Collingwood, Harry. The pirate island. Connor, Ralph. The sky pilot (two copies). The man from Glengarry. Gwen. Glengarry school days. The prospector. Black rock. Connolly, Jas. B. Jeb Hutton. Conrad and Heuffer. The inheritors. Conrad, Jos. Lord Jim. Romance. Converse, Florence. The burden of Christopher. Cook, G. C. Roderick Taliaferro. Cook, Wm. W. His friend the enemy. Cooke, Grace McGowan. Huldah (two copies). Coppee, Francois. Coppee’s tales. Corelli, Marie. Ardath. Ziska. Wormwood (two copies). Costello, F. H. On fighting decks in 1812. Under the rattlesnake flag. Couperus, Louis. Eline Vere. Footsteps of fate. Cozzen, S. W. The marvelous country. C81p ' C 83 s C 83 m C83g C 83 gl C 83 p C 83 b C 87 i C 89 1 C89r C91b C 93r C95h' C 97 h C99c C 101 a C 101 z C 101 w C 103 o C 103 u C c 105 e 105 f C 107 m-^ Reformatory Library. 1^' Fiction. Craddock, Chae. E. Ttie frontiersman. The story of old Fort London. The champion. The young mountaineers. The prophet of the great smoky mountains. Crane, Stephen. The red badge of courage. The little regiment. Crawford, P. M. Children of the king. Mr. Isaacs. Cecilia. Via crucis. Saracinesca. Katharine Lauderdale. The heart of Rome. A cigarette maker’s romance. Creeltnan, Jas. Eagle blood. Crissey, Forest. The country boy. Tattlings of a retired politician. Crockett, S. R. The banner of blue. By pike and dyke. Kit Kennedy, lone March. The isle of the winds. The stickit minister’s wooing. Crowninshield, Mary B. All among the lighthouses. Crowninshield, Mary S. San Isidore. The archbishop and the lady. Crowley, Mary C. The heroine of the strait. Curtis, Chas. A. Captured by the Navajos. Curtis, Geo. W. Pru and I. C 109 f C 109 s C 109 c C 109 y C 109 p C 111 r C 111 1 C 113 c C 113 m C 113 ce C 113 V C 113 s C 113 k C 113 h C 113 ci C 115 e C 117 c C 117 t C 119 b C 119 by— C 119 k-— - C 119 i C 119 is C 119 s C121A C 123 s i C 123 a i C 125 h C 127 c C 129 p 18 Reformatory Library. Fiction. Custer, Mrs. E. B. Boots and saddles (two copies). C 131 b Cutting, Mary S. Heart of Lynne. C 133 h Cule, W. E. Mabel’s prince of wonderland. C 135 m Dahn, Felix. Felicitas. D 11 f Dallas, R. A master hand. D 13 m Dalton, Wm. The war tiger. D 15 w Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast. D 17 t School days and college life. D 19 s Daskam, Josephine D. The madness of Philip. D 21 m Davis, Edith S. Two. D 23 t Davis, Rebecca H. Frances Waldeaux. D 23 f Davis, R. H. The king’s jackal. D 25 k Ranson’s folly. D 25 r Our English cousins. D 25 o The Princess Aline. D 25 p Her first appearance. D 25 h A year from a reporter’s note-book. D 25 y - Captain Macklin. D 25 c Stories for boys. D 25 s The lion and the unicorn. D 25 1 Soldiers of fortune. D 25 so Gallegher. D 25 g Davis, Wm. S. Belshazzar. D 27 b Dawson, A. J. African nights’ entertainments. D 29 a De Foe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe (two copies). D 31 r De Gaspe, P A. The Canadians of old. D 33 c- Reformatory Library. 19 Fiction. Deland, Margaret. Dr. Lavander’s people. De Maupassant, Guy. The odd number. Denison, Mary A. An every day heroine. Depont-Jest, . The river of pearls. De Quincey, Thomas. ConfessioDs of an opium eater. De Saint Pierre, B. Paul and Virginia (two copies). Diaz, Mrs. A. M. The schoolmaster’s trunk. Dickens, Mary A. Cross currents. Dickson, Harris. She that hesitates. The black wolf’s breed. Dillon, Mary. The rose of old St. Louis. D ix, Beulah M. The making of Christopher Ferringham. Dix, Edwin A. Old Bowen’s legacy. Dixon, Thos., jr. The leopard’s spots. The one woman. The clansman. Dodge, Mary M. Hans Brinker or the silver skates. Douglas, Amanda M. In trust. In the king’s country. Douglas, Geo. The house of the green shutters. D 35 d D 37 o D 39 e D 41 r D 43 c D 45 p D 47 s D 49 c D 51 8 D 51 b^- D53r D 55 m D57o D 59 1 D 59o D 59 c D 61 h D 63 i D 63 in D 65 h 20 Refoematory Library. Fiction. Doyle, A. Conan. Micah Clark. D 67 m ^ The white company, D 67 w Uncle Bernac. D 67 u Rodney Stone. D 67 r A duet. D 67 d The refugees. D 67 re The adventures of Gerard (two copies). D 67 a The parasite. D 67 p The return of Sherlock Holmes. D 67 ret Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. D 67 me The hound of the Baskervilles (two copies). D 67 h A study in scarlet. The firm of Girdlestone. D 67 f The great shadow. D67g Drake, S. A. Watchfires of U6. D 69 w Myths and fables of to-day. D 69 m Dromgoole, Will A. The valley path. D 71 V Drummond, H. The monkey that would not kill. D 73 m Drysdale, Wm. Cadet Standish of the St. Louis, D 75 c The young consul. D 75y The beach patrol. D 75 b Da Bois, Constance. Martha Corey. D 77 m Columbus and Beatriz. D 77 c Dumas, Alexandre. Man in the iron mask. D 79 m Ten years later. D 79 t Da Maurier, Geo. The Martian. D 81 m Danbar, Paul L. In old plantation days. D 83 i The uncalled. D 83 u Dunn, Byron A. On General Thomas’s staff. D 85 0 Dye, Eva Emery. McLaughlin and Old Oregon. D 87 m Reformatory Library. 21 Fiction. Earle, Mary T. The flag on the hilltop. E 11 f Eastman, Chas. A. Indian boyhood. E 13 i Ebers, Geo. A thorny path (vol. 1). E 15 t A thorny path (vol. 2). E 15 t The emperor. E 15 e The burgomaster’s wife. E 15 b An Egyptian princess. E 15 a Eckstorm, Fannie H. The Penobscot man. E 17 p Egbert, Chas. Prophet of the great smoky range. E 19 p^^ Eggleston, Edward. Duffels. E 21 d The faith doctor. E 21 f Queer stories for boys and girls. E 21 q The mystery of Metropolisville. E 21 m Brant and Red Jacket. E 21b The Hoosier school master. E21h The Hoosier schoolboy. E 21 ho The Graysons. E21g Eggleston, Geo. C. Tecumseh. E 23 t The signal boy. E 23 s The bale-marked circle X. E 23 b The big brother. E 23 bi The master of Warlock. E 23 m A captain in the ranks. E23c The wreck of the Red Bird. E 23 w The last of the flatboats. E 23 1 Evelyn Byrd. E 23 e Camp ventures. E 23 ca ^ Dorothy South. E 23 d Eiloart, Mrs. A boy with an idea. E 25 b Eliot, George. Adam Bede (two copies). E 27 a Silas Marner. E 27 s Mill on the floss. E 27 m Felix Holt. E 27 7 22 Reformatory Library. Fiction. Ellis, E. S. From tent to White House. The young scout. The boy patriot. Blazing arrow. From the throttle to the president’s chair. Red Eagle. Ellis, J. B. Adnah. Eyster, Nellie B. A colonial boy. Erskine, Payne. When the gates lift up their heads. Evans, A. J. St. Elmo. Ewing, J uliana H. Jan of the windmill. Farley, Harriet. Happy hours at Hazel Nook. Farmer, Jas. E. Brinton Eliot. Farrar, F. W. Saint Winifred. College library. Farrington, M. V. Tales of King Arthur. Fenn, G. M. Vince the rebel. In honor’s cause. The crystal hunters. Feuillet, Octave. The romance of a poor young man. Field, Roswell. The romance of an old fool. The secret of Fontaine La Croix. Finley, Martha. Elsie’s kith and kin. Elsie at home. Elsie’s young folks. Elsie and the Raymonds. E 29 f E29y E 29 b E 29 bl E29 fr E 29 r E 31 a B33c B 35 w B 37 s B39 j F 11 h F 13 b F 15 s F 15 c F 17 t F 19 V F 19 i ^ F 19 c F 21 r F 23 r F 23 b F 25 (a) F 25 (b) F 25 (c) F 25 (d) Reformatory Library. 23 Fiction. Finley, Martha. Elsie on the Hudson. F 25 (e) Elsie^s girlhood. F 25 (f) Elsie yatching with the Raymonds. F 25(g) Elsie at Ion. F 25 (h) The two Elsies, F 25 (i) Elsie’s motherhood. F 25 (j) Grandmother Elsie. F 25 (k) Elsie’s friends at Woodburn. F 25 (1) Elsie at Viamede. F 25 (m) Elsie Dinsmore. F 25 (n) Elsie’s holidays. F 25. (o) Elsie in the South. F 25 ( p) Elsie’s womanhood. F 25 (q) Elsie’s widowhood. F 25 (r) Elsie at the world’s fair. F 25 (s) Elsie’s children. F 25 (t) Elsie’s vacation. F 25 (u) Elsie’s new relations. F 25 (V) Elsie at Nantucket. F 25 (w) Fisher, Geo. P. Out of the woods. F27o Fitts, Jas. F. Captain Kidd’s gold. F 29 c Flammarion, Camille. The unknown. F 31 u Flournoy, Thos. From India to the planet Mars. F 33 f Foote, M. H. The prodigal. F 35 p The Led-horse claim. F 35 1 Ford, Jas. L. The brazen calf. F 37 b Ford, Paul L. Janice Meredith, F39 j A house party. F 39h Ford, Simeon. A few remarks. F 41 f Forman, J. M. Monsigny. F 43 m Journey’s end. F43 j 24 Reformatoey Library. Fiction. Forsslund, M. Louise. The story of Sarah. F 45 8 Foulke, Wtn. D. Maya. F 47 m Fowler, Elliot. A double thread. F 49d The spoilsman. F 49 s Fowler, Ellen T. Concerning Isabel Carnaby. F 51 c Fox, John, jr. The Kentuckians. F 53 k The little shepherd of kingdom come. F 53 1 Crittenden. F 53 c Christmas eve on Lonesome. F 53 ch Fraser, Mrs. Hugh. The custom of the country. F 55 c The splendid Porsenna. F 55 s Frederic, Harold. In the valley. F 57 i The market place. F 57 m The deserter. F 57 d Fothergill, Jessie. The first violin. F 61 f Garland, H. We all. G13 w Boy life on the prairie. G 13 b Captain of the gray horse troop. G13c^ Jason Edwards. G 13 j Her mountain lover. G13h Gibbs, Geo. Pike and cutlass. G15p Gibbons, Wm. F. Those black diamond men. G 17 t Gibson, John. Monsters of the sea. G19m Glasgow, Ellen. The battle ground. G21 b Goldsmith, Oliver. The vicar of Wakefield. G 23 V Reformatory Library. 25 Fiction. Goodloe, Carter. Calvert of Strathore. G 25 c College girls, G 25 co Goodwin, Maud W. Four roads to Paradise. G 27 f White aprons. G 27 w Flint. G 27 fi The head of a hundred. G 27 h Gordon, Julian. Mrs. Clyde. G 29 m Gordon, H. R. Logan the Mingo. G 31 Goss, Chas. F. The loom of life. ^ G 33 1 The redemption of David Corson. G 33 r Goss, H. Lee. Tom Clifton. Goulding, . > Marooners’ island. The young marooners. Grant, Robert. The under current. Unleavened bread. Gray, David. Gallops. Green, Anna K. The circular study. The millionaire baby. The filigree ball. The mill mystery. Gray, Maxwell. Silence of Dean Maitland. G 45 s Griffis, Wm. E. Pathfinders of the revolution. G 47 p Grimm brothers. Grimms’ popular tales. G 49 p Grimms’ household tales. G 49 h'^ Grinnell, B. Jack the young ranchman. G 51 j Jack among the Indians. G 51 ja G37m G37y G39 u G39 un G41g G43c G43m G43f G 43 mi 26 Reformatory Library.- Fiction. Grohman, Bailie. Camps ia the Rockies. G53c Gunsaulus, F. W. Monk and knight. G 55 m Haggard, H. Rider. Swallow. Allan the hunter. Pearl maiden (two copies). H 11 8 H 11 a H 11 p Hale, Edward E. New England boyhood. Boys’ heroes. Mr. Taniger’s vacation. The man without a country. East and west. Stories of adventure. Stories of the sea. My double. H13n H13b H 13 m H 13 ma H 13e H 13 s H 13 St H 13 my Hale, R. W. The Dreyfus story. H 15d Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantin. H 17 a Hamlin, M. S. A politician’s daughter. H 19 p Hammond, L. H. The master word. H 21 m Hammond, Wm. A, On the Susquehanna. H 23 0 Hamp, S. F. The treasure of mushroom rock. H 25 t Harben, Will N. Abner Daniel. The substitute. H 27 a H 27 s Harding, Jno. W. The gate of a kiss. H 29 g Hardy, Thomas. Two on a tower. H 31 t Harland, Henry. The cardinal’s snuff box. My friend Prospero (two copies). H33c H 33 m Harland, Marion. Miriam. H 35 m Reformatory Library. 27 Fiction. Harraden, Beatrice. The fowler. H 37 f Hilda Stafford. H 37 h Ships that pass in the night. H 37 s Harris, Joel C. • A little Union scout. H 39 1 On the wing of occasion. H39o Balaam and his master. H39b Uncle Remus (two copies). H 39 u Mr. Rabbit at home. H 39 m Plantation pageant. H39p On the plantation. H 39 on Harris, Linnie S. Sweet Peggy. H 41 8 Harrison, Mrs. B. The unwelcome Mrs. Hatch. H 43 u Harte, Bret. Trent’s trust. H 45 t On the frontier. H 45 o Hawthorne, Julian. Garth. H 47 g Constance and Calbot’s rival. H 47 c ■ Bressant. H 47 b Sebastan Strome. H 47 s Haynes, H. A vanished nation. H 49 V A captain of irregulars. H49c Hazen, Jacob A. Five years before the mast. H51 f Healy, Mary. Lakeville. H 53 1 Hearn, Lafcadio. Kwaidan. H55k Hegan, Alice C. (see R 29 1.) Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. H 57 m (Two copies.) Henderson, W. J. The last cruise of the Mohawk. H 59 1 Afloat with the flag. H59a Henry, Alfred H. By order of the prophet. H61b An island cabin. H 61 a 28 Reformatory Library. Fiction. Henty, G. A. By England’s aid. By right of conquest. With Wolfe in Canada. The young Carthaginian. St. George for England. The cornet of horse. The dragon and the raven. The lion of St. Mark. In times of peril. The boy knight. For name and fame. With Clive in India. The young colonists. Bound in honor. Yule logs. At Aboukir and Acre. Under Wellington’s command. In the “reign of terror.” By sheer pluck. Among Malay pirates. Hewlett, Maurice. Richard Yea and Nay. A march on London. Heyse, Paul. In Paradise (vol. 1). In Paradise (vol. 2). Hickman, W. A. Sacrifice of the Shannon. Higgins, Elizabeth. Out of the West. Higginson, Thos. W. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. Adventures by land and sea. Hill, Grace L. An unwilling guest. Hobson, Anne. In old Alabama. Holland, Clive. Marcelle of the Quarter. H63b H 63 by H 63 w H63y H63s H 63 c H63d H63 1 H63i H 63 bo H63f H 63 wi H63 yo H63 bo H63 yu H63a H 63 u H 63 in H 63 b s H 68 am H 65 r H 65 m H67i H 67 i H 69 s H 71 o H 73 t H 73 a H 75 a H 77 i H 79 m Refoematory Library. 29 Fiction. Holland, J. G. Titcomb’s letters. Arthur Bonnicastle. Gold foil. Letters to the Joneses. Hooker, Le Roy. The Africander. H 83 a Hope, Anthony. The heart of Princess Osra. H 85 h The king’s mirror. H 85 k The prisoner of Zenda (two copies). H 85 p Rupert of Hentzau (two copies). H 85 r Hopkins, Herbert M. The fighting bishop. H 87 f The torch. H 87 t " — Horning, E. W. The shadow of a man. H 89 s Hotchkiss, C. C. For a maiden brave (two copies). H 91 f Hough, E. The girl at the Half-way House ( two copies ). H 93 g The law of the land. H 93 I The story of a cowboy. H 93 s Howard, Blanche W. No heroes. H 95 n Howard, O. O. Henry in the war. H 97 h Howells, W. D. The world of chance. H 99 w The rise of Silas Lapham. H 99 r The story of a play. H 99 s A boys’ town. H 99 b Ragged lady. H 99 ra A hazard of new fortunes (vol. 1). H 99 h A hazard of new fortunes (vol. 2). H 99 h The landlord at Lion’s Head. H 99 1 Hoyt, Eleanor. The misdemeanors of Nancy. H 101 m Hughes, R. The whirlwind. H 103 w H 81 t H 81 a H 81 g H 81 1- 30 Reformatory Library. Fiction. Hughes, Thos. Tom Brown’s school days (four copies). Hugo, Victor. The man who laughs. Les miserables (three copies). By order of the king. The history of a crime. Toilers of the sea. Inman, Col. Henry. A pioneer from Kentucky. Ireland, Mary E. An obstinate maid. Isham, F. S. Black Friday. The strollers. Under the rose (two copies). Jackson, G. Pretty Polly Perkins. Jackson, Helen H. Ramona. Between whiles. Zeph. Jackson, Margaret D. A daughter of the pit. The horse leech’s daughter. Jacobs, W. W. A master of craft. At Sunwich port. James, Henry. The awkward age. Janiver, Thos. A. The passing of Thomas. Stories of old and new Spain. Jenness, Theodora R. Above the range. Jepson, Edgar. The admirable tinker. Jerome, J. K. . Three men in a boat. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. H 105 t H 107 m H 107 1 H 107 b n 107 h H 107 t I 11 p I 13 a I 15 b I 15 8 I 15 u J 11 p J 13r J 13 b J 13 z W 15 d J 15 h J 17 m J 17 s J 19 a J 21 p J 21 s J23a J 25 a J 27 t J 27 i Reformatory Library. 31 Fiction. Johnson, Wm. H. The king’s henchman. J29k Johnson, Owen. Arrows of the Almighty. J31a Johnston, Mary. Audrey. J 33 a Sir Mortimer. J33s To have and to hold. J33 t Johnston, R. M. The chronicles of Mr. Bill Williams. J 35 c/-" Joaki, Maurice. Dr. Dummany’s wife. J37d Jones, Alice I. The Chevalier De St. Denis. J 39 c Jones, J. B. Wild western scenes. J 41 w*-^ Keays, H. A. M. He that eateth bread with me. K 11 h Kelley, Florence F. W^ith hoops of steel. K 13 w Kecnpster, A. The mark. K 15 m Keenan, . The iron game. K 17 i Kerr, A. M. Young heroes of wire and rail. K 19y Kent, Elizabeth. The house opposite. K21h Kenton, Edna. What manner of man. K23 w Kildare, Owen. My Mamie Rose. K25 m-- King, Gen. Chas. Norman Holt. K27 n A daughter of the Sioux (two copies). K27 d Ray’s daughters. K27 r The iron brigade. K27i Between the lines. K27b A conquering corps’ badge. K 27 c An Apache princess. K 27 a 32 Refoematory Library. Fiction. Kinkead, Eleanor T. Florida Alexander. K29f Kingston, H. G. Voyage of the Steadfast. K31 V Kingsley, Chas. Westward ho! K33 w Kingsley, F. M. The singular Miss Smith. K35s Kipling, Rudyard. Kim. K37 k Captains courageous. K37c Soldiers three. K37 s Plain tales from the hills. K37p Kirk, Ellen 0. Good-bye, proud world. K39g Knox, Thos. W. Capt. John Crane. K41c The lost army. K41 1 Dog stories. K41d John Boyd^s adventures. K 41 j Lane, Elinor M. Nancy Stair. L 11 n Lang, . Prince Prigio. L13p Lanier, Henry W. The romance of Piscator. L 15 r Lee, Jennette. A pillar of salt. L17p Lewis, Alfred H. Peggy O’Neal. L 19 p The boss. L 19 b The Black Lion inn. L 19 bl Wolfville. L 19 w Sandburrs. L 19 s Lewis, H. H. A gunner aboard the “Yankee.” L21g Liljencrantz, 0. A. The thrall of Lief the lucky. L23 t The ward of King Chanute (two copies). L23 w Lincoln, Jeanie G. A pretty tory. L25p Rfpormatory Library. 33 Fiction. Litchfield, Grace D. The moving finger writes. L 27 m Lloyd, John U. Warwick of the knobs. Stringtown on the pike. L29 w L29s^ London, Jack. The call of the wild. L31 c Long, Lily A. A squire of low degree. L33s Long, W. H. Naval yarns. L35n Loomis, C. B. Cheerful Americans. L37c Loti, Pierre. An Iceland fisherman. L 39 a Longhead, Flora H. The man who was guilty. L41m Louttit, Geo. W. The gentleman from Jay. L43g Ludlow, Jas. M. Deborah. L45d Luther, Mark L. The henchman. L 47 h Lyall, Edna. Knight errant. Won by waiting. A hardy Norseman. L 49 k L 49 w L49h Lyman, O. L. The trail of the grand seigneur. L51 t Lynch, G. A fighting chance. L 53 f Lynde, Francis. The master of Appleby. The grafters. L 55 m L 55 g Maartens, Maarten. The greater glory. God’s fool. Dorothea (two copies). M 11 g M 11 go M lid 34 Reformatory Library. Fiction. MacDonald, Geo. The princess and the goblin. M 13 p At the back of the north wind. M 13 a MacGrath, Harold. The grey cloak. M 15 g The man on the box. M 15 m- Maclaren, Ian. The days of auld lang syne. M 17 d Malet, Lucas. A counsel of perfection. M 19 c Malone, Jos. S. Sons of vengeance. M 21 9 Manning, Marie. Judith of the plains. M 23 j Marchmont, A. W. A dash for a throne. M 25 d - The price of freedom. M 25 p By right of sword. ^ 25 b When I was czar. M 25 w*^ The heritage of peril. M 25 h^ Marnan, Basil. A daughter of the veldt. M 27 s’ book of famous rulers. Fariar, Dean. Men I have known. Gibbs, H. Napoleon’s military career. Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors. Personal sketches of recent authors. Gunsaulus, F. W. Young men in history. Hamm, Margherita A. Builders of the republic. Hansen-Taylor, Marie. Life and letters of Bayard Taylor. 920 C 82 j 920 C 82 k 920 E 21 m 920 E 21 t 920 E 21 p 920 F 15 s 920 F 20 920 F 40 •^20 F 32-2 920 F 13-2 -^920 F 15-2 ^20 G 15-2 920 G 52 h 920 G 52 p 920 G 55 y 920 H 20 920 H 26-4. 102 Reformatory Library. Herbert, Wm. Memoirs of Henry the Eighth. Headley, Jno. T. Washington and his generals. Henderson, C. H. John Percyfield. Hinton, R. J. John Brown and his men. Hubert, P. G. Men of achievement. Johnson, Wm. H. The world’s discoverers. Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. Lodge, H. C. Certain accepted heroes. Melville, Herman. Heroes of the revolution. Parton, Jas. Captains of industry. Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. Pritchett, H. S. Authors and inventors. Rawlinson, Geo. Napoleon and the marshals of the em- pire. Rawson, E. K. Great men and famous deeds. Sage, L. Gil Bias. Schmucker, S. M. Catherine the Second. Seawell, Molly E. Midshipman Pauldine. Paul Jones. Seelye, Elizabeth E. Story of Washington. Story of Columbus. Sergeant, Lewis. John Wyclif. 920 H 64-2 920 H 54 w 920 H 59-2 920 H 76-3 920 H 111 920 J 29 w 920 L 18-2 920 L 30-2 920 M 71 he 920 P 24 c 920 P 24 p 920 P 66-3 920 R 12 n 920 R 12-2 g 920 S 8 920 S 24-3 920 S 29 m 920 S 29 p 920 S 31-2 920 S 31-2 920 S 32 Reformatory Library. 103 Thayer, Wm. M. Turning points in successful careers. Thwaites, R. G. Father Marquette. Wetmore, Helen C. Last of the great scouts. Walton, Jos. Brief biographies of some members of the Society of Friends. 920 T 20 t 920 T 34-2 f 920 W 40-2 920 W 10 104 Reformatory Library. Individual Biography. A. Adams, John Q., by John T. Morse. B A 8 m Adams, John Q., by W. K. Seward. B A 9 s Adams, Samuel, by Jas. K. Hosmer. B A 11 h Arnold, Benedict, by Isaac Arnold. B A 12 a Alfred the Great, by John S. C. Abbott. B A 13 a Alexander the Great, by Jacob Abbott. B A 14 a B. Boone, Daniel' by John C. Abbott. B B 8 a Beecher, Henry W., by J. H Barrows. B B 9 b Bonaparte, Napoleon, by John Frost. B B 10 f Benton, Thos. H., by Theodore Roosevelt. B B 11 r 0 . Caesar, Julius, by Jacob Abbott. B C 8 a Cleopatra of Ep^ypt, by Jacob Abbott. B C 9 a Columbus, Christopher, by E. S. Brooks. B C 10 b Clay, Henry, by John Frost. B C 11 f — Caesar, Julius, by W. W. Fowler. B C 12 f Cromwell, Oliver, by Wm. Herbert. B C 13 h Clay, Henry, by Carl Schurz. B C 14 s Cass, Lewis, by A. C. McLaughlin. B C 15 m Columbus, Christopher, by Irving. B C 8 i Cooper, Jas. F., by T. R. Lounsbury. B C 9 1 Cortez, Hernando, by John S. C. Abbott. B C 10 a Cyrus the Great, by Jacob Abbott. B C 11 a D. Dewey, Admiral George, by John Barrett. B D 8 b Darius the Great, by Jacob Abbott. B D 9 a Douglass, Frederick, by F. M. Holland. B D 10 h De St. Pierre, Bernardin, by Arvede Barine. B D 11 b Darwin, Erasmus, by Ernst Krause. B D 12 k Refoematory Library. 105 F. Farragut, Admiral, by Capt. A. T. Mahan. B F 8 m Franklin, Benjamin, by Benjamin Franklin. B F 9f Franklin, Benjamin, by John T. Morse.* B F 10 m G. Gladstone, Wm. E., by Hillis. B G 8 h Gladstone, Wm. E., by R. B. Cook. B G 9c Gladstone, Wm. E., by W. E. Russell. B G 10 r Greeley, Horace, by T. N. Zabriskie. B G 11 z Gallatin, Albert, by J. A. Stevens. B G 12 s Garrison, William L., by A. H. Grimke. B G 13 g Garfield, Jas. A., by W. R. Balch. B G 11b Grant, U. S., by E. S. Brooks. B G 15 b Grant, U. S., by J. T. Headley. B G 16 h Greene, General, by F. V. Greene. B G 17 g Goldsmith, Oliver, by Washington Irving. B G 18 i H. Hannibal of Carthage, by Jacob Abbott. B H 8 a Hanks, Nancy, by C. H. Hitchcock. B H 9h Hamilton, Alexander, by H. C. Lodge. B H 10 1 Houston, Sam, by Sarah B. Elliott. B H 11 e Henry, Patrick, by M. C. Tyler. B H 12 t Hawthorne, Nathaniel, by Woodberry. B H 13 w I. Irving, W., by C. D. Warner. B I 8 w J. Jackson, Andrew, by Wm. G. Sumner. B J 8 s Jackson, Andrew, by John Frost. B J 9 f Jefferson, Thomas, by John T. Morse. B J 10 m Jay, John, by Geo. Pellew. B J 11 p Johnson, Sir Wm., by Wm. E. Griffis. B J 12 g K. Keller, Helen, by Helen Keller (3 copies). B K 8 k 106 Reformatory Library. L. Lafayette, by E. S Brooks. B L 8b Lafayette, by P. C. Headley. B L 9h Lincoln, Abraham, by E. S. Brooks. B L 10 b— Lincoln, Abraham, by H. Butterworth. B L i 1—1 1-H Lincoln, Abraham, by C. W. French. B L 12 f Lincoln, Abraham, by Jno. T. Morse. B L 13 m Louis XIV, by Jno. S. C. Abbott. B L 14 a Li Hung Chang, by R. K. Douglas. B L 15 d M. Macaulay, Lord, by Jones. B M 8 j Morris, Gouverneur, by Theo. Roosevelt. B M 9 r Madison, James, by S. H. Gay. B M 10 g Marshall, John, by Magruder. B M 11m Morton, Gov. 0. P., by Wm. M. French. B M 12 f Marion, Gen. Francis, by Jno. Frost. B M 13 f Monroe, James, by D. 0. Gilman. B M 14 g N. Nero, by Jacob Abbott. B N 8 a Nelson, Horatio, by W. C. Russell. B N 9 r P. Phillips, Wendell, by C. Martyn. B P 8 m Pizarro, by F. H. Allen. B P 9 a Porter, Admiral, by Jas’. R. Soley. B P 10 s Peter the Great, by Jacob Abbott. B P 11 a Pyrrhus, by Jacob Abbott. B P 12 a Q. Queen Victoria, by the Marquis of Lome. B Q 8 1 R. Randolph, John, by Henry Adams. B R 8 a Robinson, Chas. , by F. W. Blackmar. B R 9 b Reformatory Library. 107 s. Scott, Sir Walter, by J. G. Lockhart. B S 81 Scott, Gen. Winfield, by M. J. Wright. B s 9 w Sevier, John, by J. R. Gilmore. B s 10 g-- Sherman, General, by Gen. M. Force, B s 11 f Sherman, General, by Henry E. Davies. B s 12 d Seward, Wm. H., by Lothrop. B s 13 1 Shakespeare, Wm., by W. J. Rolfe. B s 14 r Stephenson, Geo., by S. Smiles. B s 15 s Smith, Rev. Sidney, by Mrs. Austin. B s 16 a Sumner, Chas., by A. H. Grimke. B s 17 g Spurgeon, C. H., by R. H. Conwell. • B s 18 c T. Taylor, General, by O. O. Howard. B T 8 h V. Van Buren, Martin, by E, M. Shepard. B V 8 s W. Washington, George, by Jno S C. Abbott. B W 8 a Washington, George, by P. L. Ford. B W 9 f Washington, B T., by B. T. W. (two copies). B w 10 w William the Conquerer, by Jacob Abbott. B w 11 a Webster, Daniel, by John Frost. B w 12 f Whittier, Jno. G., by W. S. Kennedy. B w 13 k Washington, George, by H. C. Lodge. B w 14 1 Webster, Daniel, by H C. Lodge. B w 15 1 Webster, Noah, by H. E. Scudder. B w 16 s X. Xerxes the Great, by Jacob Abbott. * B X 8 a 108 Reformatory Library. (New books added.)