ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY H-TV\ ? 352- 077 INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVES OF ILLINOIS Prepared by The Historical Records Survey Division of Women's and Professional Projects Works Progress Administration No. lo CHAMPAIGN COUNTY (URBANA) <© Chicago, Illinois The Historical Records Survey January 1938 THE HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY LuTHKE H. Evans, National Director Howard E. Colo an, State Director DIVISION OF WOMEN'S AND PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS Eljuen S. Woodward, Assistant Administrator Mart GiiiLETTE Moon, State Director WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION Haery L. Hopkins, Administrator Charles E. Miner, State Administrator II cop. i FOREWORD The Inventory of County Archives of Illinois is one of a number of bibliographies of historical materials prepared throughout the United States by workers on the Historical Eecords Survey of the Works Progress Administration. The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the archives of Champaign County, is number 10 of the Illinois series. The Historical Eecords Survey was undertaken in the winter of 1935-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed historians, law- yers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of historical materials, particu- larly the unpublished government documents and records which are basic in the administration of local government, and which provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social history. The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of day-to-day administration by the officials of the county, and also the needs of lawyers, business men, and other citizens who require facts from the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in un- printed sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources. The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey attempt to do more than give merely a list of records — they attempt further to sketch in the historical background of the county or other unit of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and functions of the government agencies whose records they list. The county, town, and other local inventories for the entire country will, when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as well as a bibliography of local archives. The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records Survey, even in a single county, would not be possible without the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. The Survey was organized and has been directed by Luther H. Evans, and operates as a nation-wide project in the Division of Women's and Professional Projects, of which Mrs. Ellen S. Woodward, Assistant Administrator, is in charge. HARRY L. HOPKINS Administrator in OFFiaAL ROAD MAP OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY ILLINOIS V "^^Sl: 9 OV » t Jl S PREFACE The Historical Eecords Survey was initiated as a nation-wide undertaking in January 1936, as part of the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration. In Illinois the Survey became an independent unit in August 1936, but continued to operate as a part of the nation-wide project under the technical supervision of Dr. Luther H. Evans, National Director, and under the administrative supervision of the Division of Women's and Professional Projects. In compiling this Inventory of the Aechives op Champaign County, the Survey has sought to locate, describe, and classify all extant county records and to make them more easily accessible to county officials, the general public, and research workers. It is believed that this inventory will be useful in the preser- vation of this valuable material, and as a guide to the archives wherein may be found so much important information in the fields of history, sociology, political science, and economics. While some historians have realized this for many years, the general public has never been made aware of the intrinsic worth of this mate- rial. In the official documents of Champaign County is recorded the story of the coming into the wilderness of settlers who created a territory and later founded a state, bought and sold land, built roads, established schools, and created the rudiments of a simple frontier government. The Historical Eecords Survey has proved itself of invaluable aid to local and county governments in Illinois. Eecords have been rearranged and made more accessible, material believed to be lost has been located; indexing projects have been fostered, and county officials have been encouraged and induced to provide new equipment for their offices and better storage space for the records. In addi- tion, the program of the Archives Division of the State Library to locate, in- ventory, coUect, and preserve public records has been materially advanced by the work of the Survey. Information has been obtained leading to the drafting of new legislation for the handling of records. Valuable work has been done in the microfilming of records, in codifying county archives, and in preparing inventories of current and non-current records for the various state departments. Work on the survey of records of Champaign County, the tenth on the alpha- betically arranged list of the one hundred and two counties in Illinois, was begun April 1, 1936, and finished August 31, 1936. The inventory was taken by Everett W. Woodworth, David McKinney, Ealph Dye, Harley E. Eollius, Eugene Doty, and Sylvester L. Antrim, under the supervision of Kenneth C. Blood. Eechecking, in- cluding a thorough search for missing and incomplete records, was started June 17. 1937, and completed July 16, 1937. The inventory was prepared for publication by the state editorial staff of the Historical Eecords Survey at Chicago, imder the supervision of Herbert E. Eif- kind. Ably assisting were: Martine O 'Conner in charge of editing and reediting; Kathleen Summitt in charge of arranging and indexing; Theodore Nicholson in charge of rechecking; Edward J. McDonough in charge of format and collation; Alonzo D. Brewer in charge of research; and Irving E. Barnett in charge of cartography. In addition, too much credit cannot be given to the other members of the editorial and typing staffs for their intelligent and diligent cooperation in the compilation of this inventory. The various units of the Inventory of County Archives will be available for distribution to government offices, libraries, schools, and historical societies in Illinois, and libraries and governmental agencies in other states. Eequests for information oonceining particular units of the Inventory should be addressed to the state director. All of the oflScers of Champaign County cooperated in every possible way with the workers, and grateful acknowledgment of their aid is hereby made. The Sur- vey is also deeply indebted to E. J. Hughes, State Librarian; Miss Helene Rogers, Superintendent of Library Divisions; Miss Margaret C. Norton, Superintendent of Archives of the Illinois State Library; Theodore C. Pease of the University of Illinois; Charles E. Miner, State Administrator of the Works Progress Adminis- tration; Mrs. Mary Gillette Moon, State Director of Women's and Professional Projects; Harold Pogue, Director of District 4, Works Progress Administration; and Miss Marion Wait, Supervisor of District 4, Women's and Professional Proj- ects. Howard E. Coujan State Director January 3, 1938 The Historical Records Survey VI W. E. C. Cliftobd Hxjoh M. Rioney Senator, 24th District Congressman, 19th District Tom M. Gabman Representative, 24th District Everett R. Peters Eitward E. Sturdyvin' Representative, 24th District Representative, 24th District CHAMPAIGN COUNTY OFFICIALS Circuit Judge Johk H. Armstrong County Judge Chabubs M. We3KR County Clerk Elmer P. Hoggatt Circuit Clerk M. L. Flanfngam Recorder C. Ross Mills Treasurer Willaed G. Goodman Sheriff Clarencb W. Roth State's Attorney Fred B. Hamill Superintendent of Schools Ernibst M. Harshbaeoer •Superintendent of Highways R. F. Fisher Coroner Dr. Richard C. Shxtrtz •County Surveyor GoDrBET Sperling •Adult Probation Officer James Finch •Juvenile Probation Officer Lucile Rice •County Nurse Mart J. Feb •County Veterinarian A. H, Davison •Superintendent of Public Welfare Pehry Starkey •Superintendent of County Home Frank Mahannah •Superintendent of County Infirmary Avis Stebbins •Superintendent of County Tuberculosis Sanitarium Dr. Andrew Thomas Cole •Superintendent of County Huling Home Mildred Leaman •Appointed. LIST OF STANDING COMMITTEES FOR YEAR OF 1938 J. K. Jones, Chairman Elmer P. Hoooatt, Clerk Bond — Colvin, Messman, Knox, Atkinson, Olson, Parry, Waters. Claims — Johnson, Haworth, Sturgeon, Douglas, Murphy, Norris. Costs or Justices and Constables — Haworth, Hiller, Nelson, Taylor (F.). County Farm — Taylor (J.), Johnson, Haworth, Cole, Douglas, Olson, Strode. Dance Halls — Scullin, Tuvell, White (James). Educational — Bresee, Norris, Rewerts, Watson. Election Districts — Deck, Squire, Scullin, Watson, McClellau, Colvin. Fees and Salaries — Cole, Atkinson, Tuvell, Sturgeon, White (Jacob), Liestman, Parry, McClellan, Rewerts. Home for Dependent Children — Sturgeon, Reynolds, Rewerts. Hospitals, Asylums and Orphanages — Reynolds, Richards, White (James), Godsell. Jail — Strode, Johnson, Bresee, Nelson, Richards, Waters, Pearson. JUDIOURY — Scullin, Taylor (F), Earl, Hiller, Olson, White (James), Keeler. LbgisixA.tivb — Richards, Little, McClellan, White (Jacob), Pearson. License — Earl, Scullin, Colvin, Mohr, Murphy, Haworth. vii Noxious Weed Eradication — Nelson, Keeler, Pearson, Waters. Pauper and Pauper Relief — ^Taylor (F.), Cole, Keeler, Adrean, Parry. Pauper Statistics — Knox, Godsell, Adrean, Waters. Physicians' Claims — McClellan, Messman, Cole, K^werts, Murphy, Watson. Public Grounds and Buildings — White (Jacob), Squire, Bresee, Earl, Liest- man. Murphy, Rewerts. Public Health — Squire, Knox, Liestman, Hiller. Public Works — Earl, Taylor (J.), Douglas, Little. Strode, Relief of Blind — Deck, Colvin, Godsell, Adrean, Norris. Regional Planning — Lamb, Douglas, Atkinson. Relations With I. E. R. C— Taylor, (J.), Deck, Hiller, White (James). Right-of-Way — Tuvell, Johnson, Ijamb, Bresee, Adrean, Reynolds. Roads and Bridoes — Messman, Reynolds, Tuvell, Knox. Special Road Bon"d Issue — Knox, Messman, Reynolds, Squire, Taylor (J.), Scullin, Mohr, Watson. Stationery, Printing and Office Supplies — Atkinson, Little, Sturgeon, Lamb, Mohr, Deck, Cole. Tubercular Cattle — Taylor (F.), Haworth, Liestman, Nelson. Tuberculosis Sanitarium — Norris, Bresee, Olson, Keeler, Pearson. Ways anb Me:ans — Little, Taylor (J.), Lamb, Strode, Richards, Douglas, Godsell. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, ILLINOIS Term Township Name and Postoffice Expires Ayers — Fred A. Messman, Broadlands 1939-R Brown — R. A. Sturgeon, Fisher 1941-E Champaign— W. Merle Deck, 308 N. Garfield 1941-E City of Champaign— George E. Parry, 207 W. Park 1941-D City of Champaign— *Charles A. Lamb, 911 S. Fifth 1939-E City of Champaign— *B. E. Bresee, 107 E. John 1939-R City of Champaign— *Johu P. Scullin, 111 E. Springfield 1939-R City of Champaign — 'Joseph E. Atkinson, 1118 W. Williams 1941-E City of Champaign— *William J. Strode, 301 W. University 1939-E City of Champaign— *Ru8sell L. Earl, 618 W. White 1939-E City of Champaign— *Otis L. E. Norris, 210 W. Springfield 1941-E Colfax— James White, Jr., Ivesdale 1941-D Compromise — Elof Olson, St. Joseph 1939-D Condit — Jay 0. Reynolds, Thomasboro 1941-E Crittenden — John F. Keeler, Philo 1939-D Cunningham — Jacob C. White, 115 S. Race 1939-E Cunningham— *Harry A. Little, 211 W. Nevada 1939-E Cunningham— •Russell 0. McClellan, 107 W. Washington 1939-E Cunningham— "W. H. Richards, 202 W. University 1941-E Cunningham— "J. T. Colvin, 407 W. Green 1941-E East Bend — J. K. Jones, Dewey 1941-E Harwood — M. P. Quinlan, Ludlow 1941-D Hensley — Julius Nelson, Champaign, R. R. 3 -1941-E Kerr — James Murphy, Penfield 1941-D Ludlow — Warren II. Watson, Ludlow 1939-D Mahomet — Frank W. Taylor, Champaign, R. R. 3 1941-R Newcomb — C. 0. Liestman, Mahomet, E. E. 2 1939-D Ogdcn— W. J. HiUer, Ogden 1941-D Pesotum — C. W. Johnson, Pesotum 1941-E Philo— John Godsell, Sr., Philo 1939-D Eantoul — T. H. Rewerts, Thomasboro 1939-D Raymond — Frank Mohr, Longview 1941-D viii Sadorus— Walter E. Tuvell, Ivesdale 1939-R Scott — Russell D. Knox, Bondville 1939-R Sidney — Lloyd Cole, Sidney 1939-R Somer — Richard Squire, Champaign, R. R. 4 1939-R South Homer — J. C. V. Taylor, Homer 1941-R Stanton — Lee W. Waters, Urbana 1941-D St. Joseph — Claiborne C. Haworth, St. Joseph 1939-R Tolono — Charles Adrean, Tolono 1939-D Urbana — Roy Douglas, Urbana, R. R. 3 1939-D ^Assistant Supervisor. IZ TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Champaign County ant> Its Records System PAGE 1. Historical Sketch 1 2. Government Organization and Records System 3 Chart 6 3. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records 8 4. List of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes .... 12 B. County Officers and Their Records I. County Board of Supervisors 13 Proceedings of Board. Disposition of Accounts: Registers of County Orders; Cancelled County Orders. Pension Funds and Applications. Receipts. Bills and Claims. Management of County Properties: Proposals, Bids, and Contracts; Bond Issues; Insurance; Inventories; Petitions and Correspondence. Reports to Board. Jury Lists. II. County Clerk 20 Taxation: Lists of Taxable Property, Levies; Collection, Abate- ment; Judgment, Sale, Redemption. Vital Statistics: Births; Deaths ; Marriages. Licenses and Registers : Registers of County Officers ; Professional Licenses and Registers ; Patents ; Militia Roll ; Estrays ; Tavern Licenses. Fees, Receipts, Expenditures : Cash Books and Ledgers ; Financial Statements. Elections. Bonds of Officers. III. Recorder 34 Entry Books. Instruments Recorded : General ; Deeds ; Mortgages — Real Property; Mortgages — Chattel; Certificates of Levy; • Other Instruments. Maps and Plats. IV. County Court 40 Proceedings of Court. Dockets: Court Dockets; Justices' Dock- ets. Fee Books. Jury Records. Bonds. Probation : Juvenile and Mothers' Pension; Adult. Reports to the Court. Naturalization. V. Probate Court 48 Proceedings of Court. Probate Business: Wills, Bonds, Letters; Inventories and Appraisements; Widows' Relinquishment and Selection; Petitions, Decrees, Reports of Sale; Reports, Current and Final Accounts. Inheritance Taxes. Dockets: Court Proceed- ings ; Probate Business. Fee Books. VI. Circuit Court 54 Proceedings of Court. Transcripts. Dockets. Free Books. Reports to the Court. Jury Records. Bonds. Probation. Naturalization. Exhibits. Office Transactions: Receipts and Expenditures. Corre- spondence. VII. Juvenile Probation Officer 61 VIII. Adult Probation Officer 62 zi PAOE IX. Sheriff 64 Process. Jail Records. Motor Vehicles. Fees, Keceipts, Expendi- tures. X. Coroner 66 XI. State's Attorney 67 XII. Supervisor of Assessments 69 XIII. Board of lleview 70 XIA''. County Collector 71 Assessments. Collection, Settlement. Special Assessments. XV. County Treasurer 73 Receipts and Disbursements: Registers and Ledgers; Cash Books. Special Accounts: School and Probate; Inheritance Tax. County Orders. Bank Statements. Correspondence. XVI. County Superintendent of Schools 76 Accounts of School Funds. Sale of School Lands. Teachers' Rec- ords. Pupil Records. Reports. Registers of School Officers. Maps and Plats. XVII. County Superintendent of Highways 79 Construction and Maintenance Records. Claims and Allotments. Orders. Reports. Surveys. XVIII. County Surveyor 82 XIX. Special Drainage Commissioners 83 XX. County Department of Public Welfare 85 XXL County Nurse 86 XXII. County Home and Infirmary 87 Inmates and Patients. Charges Against Townships. Receipts and Expenditures. XXIII. County Veterinarian 89 Chronological Index 91 Subject Index 99 Xll (First entry, p. 15) 1. HISTORICAL SKETCH Champaign County dates its history from the year 1822, when the United States Government surveyors completed surveys of lands acquired by treaty from the Kickapoo Indians in 1819. The territory now comprising the State of Illinois became known to white men through the explorations of the French missionary, Jean Nicollet, in 1634. For more than a century thereafter it formed a part of the French domain in America, though claimed by Spain. The rule of France ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1763, which ceded the land to England, although French soldiers remained in Fort Chartres on the Mississippi for two years. Actual occupation by the British took place in 1768 and continued until the territory was claimed by the United States Government at the close of the Eevolutionary War, The first white resident in Champaign County was Bunnell Fielder, who in 1822 settled four miles northeast of the present side of Urbana. His log cabin served both as a dwelling and as a trading post for the Indians. About the same time came William Tompkins, who by some historians of the county is considered the first settler. In 1824, Henry Sadorus, one of the prominent men in the early development of the county, settled in an isolated timber patch at the head of the Kaskaskia River, his farm forming the nucleus around which the settlement of Sadorus Grove grew up. The first land entry in this regrion was made by Jesse Williams, February 1, 1827, five years after Fielder had squatted at the Big Grove and three years after Sadorus had stuck his stakes on the Okaw (Kaskaskia). In those days to make entry of land it was necessary to travel to Vandalia, the state capital from 1820 to 1839, over one hundred miles away. Before its establishment as an independent county Champaign was a part of Vermilion County, the eastern half being within the organized county, and the western half being known as "the Attached Part of Vermilion County." Because of the long distance to Danville, the county seat on the eastern side of the county, settlers in the western portion felt that the creation of a new county was urgent. One of the most active promoters of the plan for a new county was John W. Vance of Salt Fork, who had owned land in that area of Vermilion which later became part of Champaign. Vance was elected senator to the Eighth General Assembly, which met on the first Monday in December, 1832, and at that time introduced a bill for the creation of Champaign County, to be named after his home county in Ohio, and stipulating that the county seat be called Urbana, after the county seat of the same Ohio county. So untiringly did Senator Vance work for the formation of Champaign County that it was referred to as "Vance's county" among his colleagues. His efforts succeeded and the General Assembly passed the act creating the county of Champaign, February 20, 1833.^ The Act of creation established the boundary lines,* appointed a commission to locate the county seat, and ordered that an election be held, "at the place of holding as now laid off by Vermilion County in the said county of Champaign, on the second Monday of April next. ' ' Accordingly, on the appointed day and at the house of one John Light, three commissioners, Isaac Busey, Jacob Hartley, 1 Private Laws, 1833, p. 28. ' Beginning at the southeast comer of section 34, on the line dividine townships 16 and 17 north, range 14 west of the second principal meridian; thence west on said line to the east line of Macon County; thence north, with said line, dividing towns 22 and 23; thence east with said line to the northwest corner of section 3, township 22 north, range 14 west; thence south on section line to the place of beginning. [1] Historical Sketch (First entry, p. 15) and George Akers, a sheriff, John Salisbury, also to be ex-officio collector of the county, and a coroner were elected. The Act also directed that all courts meet at the house of Philip Stanford, located in what is now Somer Township, until public buildings could be erected. Here, the commissioners first met and appointed as clerk Thomas R. Webber, who held the office for over twenty years; the offices of assessor and treasurer were entrusted to one man, Moses Thomas. Thomas previously had been a justice of the peace of Vermilion County and was now appointed by the General Assembly to be probate judge, holding this office until 1837. On June 20, 1833, the first instrument was recorded, in the shape of a deed conveying thirty-three acres of land in the town of "Urbanna" to the county commissioners for use by the county; the deed was signed by Isaac Busey, one of the prominent settlers of the county, and his wife. The following day, June 21, a special session of the county commissioners' court was held to receive the report of the commission appointed to locate the county seat. They reported that after inspecting parcels of land to the north and south of the Big Grove, they had finally chosen the farm of Isaac Busey, located south of the Big Grove, as the site for the county seat. Critics of the day pro- tested vigorously against the commission 's selection, claiming that the site chosen was undeveloped, with no roads but bridle paths and Indian trails, and no popu- lation but the families of two settlers. Time, however, has proven the wisdom of this greatly criticized choice, for not only is Urbana the geographical center of the county, but together with its sister city Champaign, is the county's most populous area. The home of Isaac Busey served as the meeting place for the county com- missioners until March, 1835. Adjournment then was made to the house or store of I. II. Alexander, to whom the first merchant 's license had been issued. Here the first term of the circuit court in Champaign County was held on April 6, 1835. In January, 1836, the county commissioners ordered the building of a temporary courthouse of hewn logs on one of the county lots fronting on the public square. The September term of court was held in this first courthouse, but private residences were still employed as additional meeting places from time to time. A second courthouse of frame construction was completed at a cost of $340 in 1841, the circuit court first meeting there in May of that year. This building also served as a schoolhouse for the community. Seven years later, at a cost of $2,744, a more pretentious two-story structure of brick and wood, for the first time, provided offices that were used exclusively for county business. Here Abra- ham Lincoln came in 1854 to make a number of his famous speeches. Up to the time of completion of this building, Mr. Webber, the county clerk, had kept the county records at his home or at the store of Mr. Alexander, where he was man- ager. Eleven more years elapsed before the pressing needs of the rapidly growing county demanded a fourth courthouse. This was contracted for in the autumn of 1859, to cost $30,000, and to be built of brick and stone. In 1860, it was so far completed that the county offices were moved into the building. But not until the following year was the courtroom ready for the August term of the circuit court. With the building of a county jail in 1857 to replace the first log jail built in 1840, the building activities of the county ceased until the closing years of the century. Alterations and changes, however, were made at various times, to accommodate the increasing demands of county business. In 1898 construction of the present three-story brick and stone courthouse, planned on a large enough scale to be adequate for years to come, was begun. It [2] Governmental Organization (First entry, p. 15) and Records System was finished in 1900 at a cost of more than $150,000. A new jail was built in 1901, and an addition to the courthouse completed in March, 1937, under a grant of $75,000 by the Public Works Administration, a project sponsored by the Fed- eral Government. At the November election in 1859, the county adopted the township form of county government. In the election of 1861, supervisors were elected from four- teen townships.* Today there are thirty townships in Champaign County, with forty-one supervisors, including eleven assistants, comprising the county board of supervisors. The locating of the State University at Urbana in 1867 was one of the most important events in the history of the county. Illinois was the first state to realize upon an Act passed in Congress, July 2, 1862, which donated to the states, upon their acceptance, a tract of land for the purpose of establishing an agricul- tural college where agriculture and the mechanical arts were to be taught. Other scientific and classical studies, however, were not to be excluded. The grant to Illinois consisted of 480,000 acres of government land. A number of counties immediately began to struggle for the honor of having the imiversity located within their boundaries. Champaign County found itself in the fortunate position of being able to offer the partially completed building of the Urbana and Cham- paign Institute, and other donations of land and money to a total value of four hundred thousand dollars, as an inducement to locate the university there. Thus it was that the permanent location of the University of Illinois, now one of the largest in the country, was established at Urbana, May 8, 1867. Champaign County, located near the center of the state, is bounded on the north by Ford County, on the east by Vermilion County, on the south by Douglas County, and on the west by Piatt County and a corner of McLean County. It is primarily agricultural, being famed throughout the state for the richness and fertility of its soil, its abundant harvests, and fine cattle. In Champaign County are also included part of the great coal fields of the Middle West. The general appearance of the county, especially in the west, ia unsurpassed for the beauty of its landscape and its many fine groves of timber, its numerous streams, and hilly terrain. The area of Champaign County is 1,043 square miles, and its population is 64,373.* 2. GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION AND RECORDS SYSTEM The county in Illinois is a corporate body and an administrative unit of the state. In Champaign and other counties organized under the township plan, the towns comprise a unit of county government. The county board has general administrative jurisdiction of county and town affairs, including authority to raise revenue within statutory limits, control of public and semipublic funds, and management of corporate property. In Cham paign County, where it is composed of all the town supervisors, it ia known as the board of supervisors. This governing body has also power to appropriate money for roads and bridges. The countj' clerk is its ministerial and secretarial ' The original townshirs wore Ei\st Bend, Hale, Middlctown, Middle Fork, N'ewcorab, Pleasant Hill, Pera, Rantoul, St. Joseph, Sidney, South Homer, Sadorus, Tolono, Urbana, West Urban.i. In 1861 the name of Middle Fork was chanced to Kerr, Hale to Philo, Pleas- ant Hill to Somer, West Urbana to Champaign, in 1868 Pera to I..udlow, and in 1871 Mid- dietown to Mahomet. « U. S. Bureau of the Census, 19.10. [3] Governmental Organization (First entry, p. 15) and Records System officer.^ An early significant function of the board was the role it performed as board of review for the equalization of assessments. Since 1898, however, the chairman of the county board is the ex-officio chairman of this body. Two addi- tional members are appointed by the county judge. The fiduciary aspect of finances is represented by the county treasurer, who receives, has custody of, and disburses by order of the county board or with statutory authorization, all funds. In Champaign County, he also is ex-officio supervisor of assessments and county collector, bringing about a centralization of the revenue procedure. The county clerk, as one phase of his duties, binds to- gether the entire revenue procedure, originating certain records, collecting relevant information, and reporting from each officer or body concerned to the others.* Justice is administered by the following officers: two justices of the peace in each district, in Champaign County coextensive with townships; the county judge who also functions as the ex-officio judge of the probate court; three cir- cuit judges elected in the judicial district composed of six counties of which Champaign is a part. Appeals may be taken from the county or probate court to the circuit court. The records of the county and probate courts are kept by the county clerk as ex-officio clerk in both instances. The clerk of the circuit court serving Champaign County is elected by the county electorate. The adult and juvenile probation officers assist the county and circuit courts in the administra- tion of justice. The state's attorney, elected by the county electorate, serves as an agent for law enforcement and administration of justice in the county. The sheriff is the ministerial officer of all courts of record, and is the principal agent for the enforcement of law. The coroner shares many powers, as conservator of peace, with the sheriff. To the administration of justice pertains his major duty of holding inquests.' In the administration of education, the county superintendent of schools occupies an important central position. In the townships are boards of trustees of school districts, aided by the town treasurer and town clerk ; they have financial and executive powers, and responsibility to the superintendent in each. The super- intendent also exercises wide supervisory powers in all matters relating to schools and educational affairs. Above him are the following authorities: the county board exercising general financial control; the superintendent of public instruc- tion, representing state academic supervision; the state department of public health, the state fire marshal, and the state architect, advising in such matters related to schools as fall within their province. The superintendent reports on 1 Constitution of 1818, Art. Ill, sec. 3; R. S. 1845, p. 129-36; Constitution of 1848, Art. V, sec. 17, 19, Art. VIII, sec. 6; L. 1849, p. 63-65; L. 1851, p. 35-39, 46, 47, 50-63; L. 1859, p. 129; L. 1861, p. 236-38; L. 1869, p. 104; Constitution of 1870, Art. VI, sec. 18; R. S. 1874. p. 260, 273, 321-25; L. 1909, p. 160; L. 1911, p. 242. 243; L. 1925, p. 323. 'R. a. 1845, p. 136, 138, 139; L. 1851, p. 37-45; L. 1853, p. 14, 66, 77, 111; L. 1861, p. 239, 240; Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8; L. 1871-72, p. 664; L. 1872, p. 11, 14, 15, 19, 23, 41, 47, 55-58; L. 1873, p. 51; R. S. 1874, p. 323, 324; L. 1879, p. 241, 242; L. 1881, p. 133; L. 1885, p. 142-47, 234; L. 1895, p. 304; L. 1898, p. 36-45, 50; L. 1905, p. 360; L. 1911. p. 485: L. 1913, p. 516: L. 1915, p. 568; L. 1917, p. 654; L. 1919, p. 765; L. 1923, p. 495; L. 1927, p. 744; L. 1931, p. 747; L. 1932, p. 84; L. 1933, p. 898. » Constitution of 1818, Art. IV. sec. 4; R. S. 1845, p. 75, 76, 143-58. 323-26, 414-27, 615-18; Constitution of 1848, Art. V, sec. 7. 16, 17, 29; L. 1849, p. 51. 62-67; L. 1854, p. 16, 17; L. 1859, p. 95-97; L. 1861. p. 119; L. 1865, p. 79, 80; Constitution of 1870, Art. V, sec. 25, Art. VI, sec. 12, 13, 18, 20. Art. X, sec. 8; L. 1871-72, p. 189, 190, 325; L. 1872, p. 19, 32-34, 46, 55-58; R. S. 1874, p. 172-75, 260-64, 273, 281-87, 321, 329, 339-41, 989-92; L. 1877, p. 77-84; L. 1895, p. 206, 210. 211, 217; L. 1907, p. 213; L. 1909, p. 311, 335; L. 1919, p. 403; L. 1931, p. 388; L. 1933. p. 435-48, 451, 459. [4] Governmental Org^anization (First entry, p. 15) and Records System his supervision in the county to all these officers and bodies, thereby unifying the administration of education.* Public health services are similarly administered on all levels of govern- ment, with the county clerk figuring importantly. The state department of public health has authority over sanitation, exercised through district boards consisting of the town supervisor, assessor, and clerk. Each county clerk is the liaison officer in his county between the local and state agencies. The same department super- vises lodging houses; the supervision is effected in each county through reports collected by the county clerk. It also has supervision of the registration of vital statistics, in Champaign County exercised through the town clerks, who act as local registrars. But the county clerk is charged with keeping duplicate records and also with reporting thereupon to the department, thereby again acting as the agent of the state control in his county." A county nurse is employed for such public nursing duties as are required by the county board. The county veterina- rian is appointed by the county board. This officer cooperates with the state department of agriculture for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis. Public assistance duties in Champaign County are carried out by the county department of public welfare and the county home for indigents. The county department of public welfare is administered by the county superintendent of public welfare, an appointee of the county board. The superintendent functions mainly under the direction of the state department of public welfare. The man- agement of the county home is provided by the county board of supervisors. Public and semipublic works are administered by township, county, and state authorities. The (state) department of public works and buildings, through the county superintendent of highways, exercises technical supervision of the construc- tion and maintenance of township, county, and state roads, culverts, and bridges. The county superintendent of highways is also subject to the direction of the (state) chief highway engineer. He is required to keep a record of his duties prescribed by the department and the chief highway engineer. The said superin- tendent exercises powers over the township and county roads and bridges and is also granted supervision over state-aid roads in his county. Another aspect of this large phase of public works is the provision for drain- age districts, governed by quasi-corporate bodies of drainage commissioners. Or- ganized basically by towns, these commissioners have all powers necessary to the construction and maintenance of drains and ditches for agricultural, sanitary, and mining purposes. In some cases the town clerk, in others the county clerk, min- isters to the commissioners. The county surveyor is necessarily often employed in these public and semi- public works.* He also makes surveys for private persons, as a step in the creation of land records. His maps and plats, however, have no legal effect unless recorded by the recorder. The latter, whose duties are performed in Champaign County by the clerk of the circuit court in an ex-officio capacity, also ia charged with the recordation of instruments affecting title to land and the less important other classes of instruments conveying or establishing non-property rights.' The coordination of county government is effected through the county clerk. In addition to his many and dissimilar duties, already noted, he issues licenses, *R. S. 1845, p. 497-99; L. 1872, p. 702-5; L. 1889, p. 262-66; L. 1909. p. 342-50; I>. 1915, p. 628-35; L. 1919, p. 387. »L. 1877, p. 208-11; L. 1899. p. 355, 356; L. 1901, p. 301-6; L. 1903. p. 315-18; L. 1915, p. 660-70; L. 1917, p. 763-68; L. 1923, p. 480. •Constitution of 1870, Art. IV, sec. 31; R. S. 1874, p. 1050; L. 1879, p. 120-34; L. 1885, p. 73-113; L. 1913, p. 521-81. ' R. S. 1845, p. 305, 432, 606; R. 8. 1874, p. 833-35, 1050; L. 1885, p. 77; L. 1901, p. 307; L. 1915, p. 575; L. 1921, p. 6(;7. Governmental Organization and Records System GOVERNMENTAL ORG.MJIZATION County Super- intendent of Highvrays Supe r int endent of County Home County Nurse County Super- intendent of Public Welfare (a) County Board of Supervisors composed of Town elected one in each toivnship. (b) Composed of tvro appointees of County Court and chairman Supervisors acting as ex-officio chairman of Board of [6] (First entry, p. 15) OF CHAiMPAIGlI COUNTY, 1938 ELECTORATE County Super- intendent of Schools JUDICIAL DISTRICT ELECTORATE SPECIAL DRAIN- AGE DISTRICT ELECTORATE Coimty Collector Supervisor of Assessments Treasurer of Special Drainage District Adult Proba- tion Officer I County Surveyor 1 County Veteri- narian Supervisors, of County Board of Review. Special Drainage District Commis- sioners LEGEND Constitutional Office or Body Statutory Office or Body Shows ex-officio relationship [7J Housintr. Care, and Accessibility (First entry, p. 15) of the Records has custody of official bonds, keeps various registers, enters into the election pro- cedure, and acts for the board of review. This entire concentration of duties, statutory jurisdiction over which is vested variously in the county board, the county court, and other bodies, results in a considerable centralization of county government.* All the town offices and all the independent county offices, except surveyor, superintendent of highways, adult and juvenile probation officers, county superin- tendent of public welfare, county nurse, and county veterinarian are now filled by election, and most have been since 1848. The surveyor also was elected at one time, but he is now appointed by the county board, as are all the officers mentioned above, save the adult and juvenile probation officers, who receive their appointments from the circuit and county courts, respectively. Only a few of the present county offices and bodies were recognized by the first state constitution; but, except for the county court, established in 1848, the probation officer created in 1911, the superintendent of highways, created in 1913, the veterinarian in 1925, the county nurse in 1931, the superintendent of public welfare in 1936, all were established by law at a very early date and are recognized by the second, and present constitutions. The creation of such state agencies as touch upon county government is a later development, occurring since 1877. The quantity and character of county records are affected thereby, but not the system of records. More significant in its effect on records is the concentration of multiple and dissimilar duties in the county clerk. Making for uniformity in records are laws requiring county boards to supply books and forms in many cases. But the only uniformity between counties is ac- complished by the use of standard forms in a few cases required by state agencies. Legislation to extend this development has the support of local officers. Adequate statutory provision is made for rebinding and transcription of old records. The use of loose-leaf books has further improved records; statutory compulsion could extend the improvement. The legal requirement to destroy election ballots after two years is not always regarded ; new legislation, more extensive in scope as well as more stringent, would be valuable. 3. HOUSING, CARE, AND ACCESSIBILITY OF THE RECORDS Of modified Romanesque architectural style, the courthouse of Champaign County at Urbana, combines beauty with dignity. Erected in 1898, it is built of concrete and steel, and is faced with red sandstone and mottled brick. A base- ment, three full stories and an attic, combine to give a height of fifty-five feet to the building, which is one hundred and sixteen feet long and one hundred and eight feet wide. An ornamental clock tower rises three stories above the building proper. An addition to the courthouse, to provide greatly needed additional vault space, was completed in March, 1937, under a grant of $75,000 from the Public Works Administration; it is fifty-five feet high, sixty-six feet wide, and twenty- seven feet long. This addition is of fireproof construction, and includes a general storage vault on the first floor and a vault for the county clerk on the second floor; the courthouse itself is ninety-five percent fireproof. Total contents of both courthouse and addition are 787,050 cubic feet. »L. 1819, p. 25, 79, 206; L. 1845, p. 41, 42; L. 1861, p. 238; L. 1872, p. 380; R. 8. 1874, p. 32S; L. 1877, p. 209; L. 1885, p. 142. [8] Housing, Care, and Accessibility (First entry, p. 15) of the Records The courthouse contains the offices and most of the records of the county treasurer, circuit clerk, recorder, sheriff, county clerk, superintendent of schools, county nurse, juvenile probation officer, superintendent of highways, state's at- torney, county department of public welfare, adult probation officer, and county veterinarian. While the coroner has no office in the courthouse, some fifty percent of his records are contained in the county clerk's storeroom on the west side of the second floor. The sheriff keeps nine percent of his records, those current and in active file, in the jailor's office on the first floor of the county jail. The records of the county home and infirmary are housed in the offices of the institution located a short distance from Urbana. The county treasurer's office on the first floor is thirty-five by thirty-six feet, with a fourteen-foot ceiling; an adjoining room of much smaller size, is known as the treasurer's "workroom." The main office has plastered walls and ceiling; the floor is partly wood and partly marble over concrete. Eight large windows provide adequate ventilation and light. Artificial illumination also is ample, and accommodations for users are more than sufficient. In this office the treasurer keeps four percent of his records on portable metal racks, totaling sixty-three feet of shelf lengrth, along the north wall and against the center counter. There is plenty of room for expansion in this office, with or without new shelving. In the so-called workroom, which measures nine by twenty-four feet, the treasurer keeps his current records, which amount to three percent of the total. This room is not crowded. The treasurer also has two vaults on the first floor, the larger designated as the east vault, and the smaller as the south vault. In the former the treasurer keeps approximately eighteen percent, and in the latter sixty-one percent of Ms records. The county clerk also has one percent of his records in the east vault and two percent in the south vault. Shelving is of metal. While lighting and ventilation facilities of the east vault are satisfactory, because of two windows, the south vault lacks natural daylight and ventilation altogether. There are no accommodations for users of records. Fourteen percent of the treasurer's records are stored in the east storeroom in the basement. The circuit clerk's office on the first floor corresponds in size to the treas- urer's office. Here, the circuit clerk keeps six percent of his records on metal shelving of the roller type, arranged along the south wall of the room. Sixty-two percent of his records are kept in an adjoining vault, which measures twenty by sixteen feet and is provided with two large windows. Four hundred and twelve linear feet of metal shelving extend along three of the walls of this vault. Crowd- ing is evident here, and there is no room for expansion. However, two tables and six chairs are provided for users of records. Twenty percent of the records are kept on steel shelving in the recorder's vault on the first floor, and twelve percent in the east storage room in the basement. This storage room in the basement is shared by various county officials as a depository for their records; it is crowded, lacks proper lighting facilities, and there are no accommodations for users of records. This room is equipped with two hundred and sixty-four feet of wood racks. One volume only, a judge's miscellaneous docket, is stored in the sheriff's vault, also on the first floor. The recorder's office, on the first floor, has an area of one thousand square feet, and is similar in most respects to the treasurer's and circuit clerk's offices, but has six instead of eight windows. There is no crowding, and accommodations are satisfactory. One hundred and twenty-five feet of metal shelving are arranged along the east wall, to accommodate one percent, or the current portion, of the records. An adjoining vault measuring thirty by twenty-three feet contains eighty-eight percent of the records on two thousand two hundred and thirty-two linear feet of metal shelving, arranged along the four walls and in the center [9] Housing, Care, and Accessibility (First entry, p. 15) of the Recurds of the vault. This vault also houses twenty percent of the circuit clerk's records, and eighty-three percent of the surveyor's records. Due to the absence of win dows, the ventilation is poor. The vault is amply lighted by electricity, however, and the accommodations for users are satisfactory. No crowding exists and there are sufficient facilities for expansion without new shelving. The east storage room in the basement houses an additional eleven percent of the recorder's records. Dimensions of the sheriff's office on the first floor are thirty by twenty-five feet, or seven hundred and fifty square feet. There is an abundance of daylight and ventilation, as well as room for expansion. Five tables and as many chairs serve all needs of consultants of records. Thirty percent of the sheriff's records are kept on combination steel and wood shelving along the east and west walls. Sixty percent of the records are kept in an adjoining vault measuring sixteen by ten feet, with no windows and no accommodations for users of records; the ninety-six linear feet of shelving matches that in the office proper. There is no evidence of crowding and shelf capacity is far from fully utilized. Nine percent of the sheriff's records are kept in the jailor's office on the first floor of the county jail; the final one percent are housed in the county clerk's vault on the second floor of the courthouse. The jail is a two-story stone and brick struc- ture, which serves as a combination residence and jail. It was erected in 1901 and contains 110,160 cubic feet. It is located a short distance to the east of the courthouse. The county clerk's office, on the second floor, is divided into a main office, measuring thirty-six feet square, with an adjoining, smaller office, designated as the county clerk's "tax room." In the main office, flooring is partly marble and partly wood over concrete; in both offices walls and ceilings are plastered. Ten windows admit a flood of daylight, and insure all needed ventilation. Re- quirements of users of records are adequately met. Perforated roller-type metal shelving is used in both rooms, as well as in the series of vaults, known as the county clerk's vault, on the east side of the building, and extending into the new addition. All vaults have concrete floors and plastered walls and ceilings. Lighting and ventilation facilities are not at all satisfactory in the smallest and oldest vault; in the new larger vaults they are excellent. Accommodations for users of records are good. These vaults house twenty percent of the county clerk's records; sixteen percent are kept by the clerk in his main office, while three percent, or the current portion, are kept in the tax room. In the main office there is no room for future expansion. Twenty-two percent of the records are kept on old-type wooden shelving, in a crowded, windowless room desig- nated as the county clerk 's storeroom on the second floor, west ; in this store- room also are stored fifty percent of the coroner's records. Another thirty per- cent of the clerk's records are found in the east storage room in the basement. On the first floor of the new addition is a general storage vault in which are filed six percent of the county clerk's records. The county clerk also has desk space in the treasurer's office on the first floor, and one percent of his records are kept in the treasurer's east vault; the remaining two percent are found in the treasurer's south vault. The office of the superintendent of schools is on the second floor. One room, measuring thirty-seven by thirty feet, with eight large windovg, is designated as the superintendent's main office, while a smaller room serves as the superin- tendent's private office. One hundred and fifty-six linear feet of combination metal and wood shelving extend along the north, east, and west walls of the main office, holding ninety-five percent of the records. One percent of the records are kept i* the superintendent 's private office, on wooden shelves along the north, [10] Honsingr, Care, and Accessibility (First entry, p. 15) of the Records east, and south walls; the remaining four percent of the records are filed in the east storage room in the basement. The county nurse also keeps all of her records in the superintendent's office. The office of the juvenile probation officer on the second floor has an area of seven hundred and fifty square feet and is well lighted by three large win- dows; artificial lighting also is good. The floor is of wood, covered by a rug, wliile the walls and ceiling are plastered. There is no crowding, and ample room is available for expansion. Accommodations for users of the records are ade- quate. All records are contained in file cases within the office. On the third floor is the office of superintendent of highways. This is a large room, forty feet square, with nine large windows. Seventy-five percent of the records are kept on combination metal and wooden shelving arranged along the four walls and in the center of the room; twenty-four percent are kept in a large attic storeroom on the fourth floor, and one percent are housed in the county clerk 's vault on the second floor. Neither the office nor attic is crowded and there is ample room for expansion, even without new shelving. All other conditions are good. The office of the state's attorney on the third floor, occupies an area of four hundred and fifty square feet. The floor is of tile, and walls and ceiling are of plaster. Two large windows admit an abundance of daylight, while electric lighting is good. There is ample room for expansion. Accommodations for users of records are limited. All of the records of the state's attorney are in this office and consist mainly of unbound files. The county department of public welfare on the third floor covers an area of one thousand eight hundred square feet. Three doors afford admittance, while four windows provide daylight in abundance. The floor is of wood, and walls and ceiling are of plaster. All records are housed here, mostly in file boxes. There is ample room for expansion with new shelving. No accommodations are provided for users of records. Occupying the same room, the adult probation officer, and the county vet- erinarian have their offices on the third floor, with a floor area of three hundred an.d sixty square feet. Thus one window admits ample daylight and electric light- ing is also good. Here, the flooring is of wood, and walls and ceiling are of plaster. All records for both offices are housed here, consisting mainly of un- bound files; the adult probation officer has a greater number of record volumes. Accommodations for those wishing to peruse the records are sufficient. The coroner's office is on the second floor of the Charles Maurer Building at 213 North Neil Street, Champaign, a privately owned, two-story brick and stone structure, built in 1880. The office measures twenty by fifteen feet and has two large windows. In this office, equipped with metal shelving, the coroner keeps fifty percent of his records. The other fifty percent of the records are housed in the county clerk 's storeroom on the west side of the second floor in the courthouse. Located a short distance from the city limits of Urbana is the county home and infirmary. This is a red brick building, in architectural style, built in 1910. In effect it is a three-story building, but the ground floor is not considered to be the first story. The county home occupies the first floor and the county infirmary or hospital is located on the second floor. In the English basement or ground floor is the dining room and other utility departments of the institution. The structure is two hundred feet long and one hundred feet in depth, of fireproof construction. All records of tlie county home are found in a wall safe in the county home office on the first floor, mostly bound volumes. This office has two windows, a concrete floor covered with linoleum, and plaster walls [11] Liat of Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes (First entry, p. 15) aad ceiling. There is ample room for expansion with the addition of more steel shelving. Users of the records will find accommodations adequate. The infirmary oflSce on the second floor has an area of six hundred and sixty square feet. There are three windows and six doors. The floor is of concrete, and walls and ceiling are of plaster. All records of the county infirmary are filed on wooden shelves beneath the public service counter. With the addition of new shelving there is ample room for expansion. Accommodations for those seeking to use the records are sufficient. Records consist mainly of registers and ledgers. With but few exceptions, field workers found the records in good order and condition. Considerable rearrangement and resorting was necessary in the crowded east basement storage room. The cordial cooperation on the part of all county officials, however, expedited the taking of the inventory. The alphabetically arranged, separate index system ia used in the filing of the majority of the records of Champaign County. The bound volumes gradu- ally are being supplanted by the loose-leaf type, particularly the typewritten records. 4. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. SYMBOLS, AND EXPLANATORY NOTES alph alphabetical (ly ) arr arranged Art Article assr assessor atty attorney aud auditor bsmt basement bd board bdl bundle (s) ch chapter (s) chron chronological (ly ) cir circuit elk clerk coll collector cor coroner CO county ct court dept department ft feet f.b file boiCes) f.d file drawer(8) fl floor fm form hdw ...handwritten hdgs headings hwys highways ibid ibidem — the same (reference) i.e id est — that is lU.S.A Illinois Statutes Annotated in inch(e8) juv juvenile L Laws mL mile(8) no.(s) number (s) off office p page(8) pr printed pro probate probn probation pub public rec recorder R.L Revised Laws R.S Revised Statutes rm room sch school (s) sec 8ection(8) sep separate Sess ^Session sh. sheriff Sp Special strm storeroom supt superintendent surv surveyor treas treasurer twp.(s) township (s) U.S.R.S United States Re- vised Statutes U.S.S United States Statutes vlt vault vet veterinarian V volume(s) welf welfare — current [12] County Board of (First entry, p. 15) Supervisors 1. Despite inaccuracies in spelling and punctuation, titles of records are shown in inventory proper exactly as on volumes and file boxes. The current or most recent title is used as the title of the entry. 2. Explanatory additions to inadequate titles and corrections of erroneous titles are enclosed in parentheses and have initial capitals. 3. In the absence of titles, supplied titles are capitalized and enclosed in parentheses. 4. In the title set-up, letters or numbers in parentheses indicate the exact labeling on volumes or file boxes. If the volumes or file boxes are unlabeled, no labeling is indicated. 5. Title-line cross references are used to complete series for records kept separately for a period of time, and in other records for different periods of time. They are also used in all artificial entries — records which must be shown sep- arately under their own proper office or section heading even though they are kept in files or records appearing elsewhere in the inventory. In both instances, the description of the master entry shows the title and entry number of the record from which the cross reference is made. Dates shown in the description of the master entry are only for the part or parts of the record contained therein, and are shown only when they vary from those of the master entry. 6. Separate third-paragraph cross references from entry to entry, and "see also" references under subject headings, are used to show prior, subsequent, or related records which are not part of the same series. 7. Unless the index is self-contained, an entry for the index immediately follows its record entry. Cross references are given for exceptions to this rule. 8. Eecords may be assumed to be in good condition unless otherwise indi- cated. 9. On maps and plat records, the names of author, engraver, and publisher, and information on scale have been omitted only when these data were not ascer- tainable. 10. Unless otherwise specified, all records are located in the county court- house. I. COUNTY BOARD OP SUPERVISORS The most important functions of the county board, with little change from the earliest date, are: 1. The purchase, sale, and custody of the real and personal property of the county. 2. Examining and settling accounts against the county. 3. Settling accounts concerning the receipts and expenditures of county ofl&cers. 4. Supervision of elections, schools, and the selection of juries; construction and maintenance of roads and bridges; care of the indigent, infirm, and disabled. 5. Issuing orders on the county treasury in pursuance of the fiscal adminis- tration. 6. Appropriating funds necessary to the effecting of its functions, raising such sums through taxation, and in general the management of county funds and county business.^ The first state constitution (1818) made provision for the election of three county commissioners in each county, whose powers and duties were to be regu- »R. S. 1845. ch. XXVII. sec. 15, 17, 20, 25, 29, 34-8, 46, 47; R. S. 1874, ch. XL, sec. 25, 37. [13] County Board of (First entry, p. 15) Supervisors lated by law/ Tlie establishment of elected county commissioners was a distinct change from the centralization of government as practiced under the territorial government in Illinois prior to the formation of the state. The territorial laws had provided for the appointment of local officials by the territorial authorities. The local administrative officials, under these laws, performed the judicial func- tion within the limits of their jurisdiction. In 1819 the General Assembly provided for an administrative, non-judicial court to be composed of the three elected officers, and to be styled "the county commissioners' court."* Thus a change is noted in the separation of administra- tive from judicial function along the lines of the I'ennsylvania system of local government. Since Champaign County was established February 20, 1833, it came first under the administration of the county commissioners' court.* The mobility of population with attachments to different types of local government was an influencing factor in the development of local government in Illinois. The South with its large farms and plantations found the county unit the system best fitted for its needs. The northern industrial and marketing states on the other hand found the township system more advantageous. During the first decade of the state, following its organization in 1818, the disintegration of the early civil townships and the formation of districts and sub-districts for elections, roads, and other purposes, showed the influence of migration from the south. The arrival of township adherents into Illinois, particularly from the east, resulted from town lot speculation which began in Chicago and spread over the state. In addition to the marketing in Chicago of town plats for counties, vessels regularly carried plats of town lots to the New York and Boston markets. The ensuing speculation, which reached its peak in 1836, brought about an influx of settlers, and towns and marketing centers arose rapidly. These conflicting influences, together with compromises and adaptation to local needs, brought about state legislation enacted in 1849 for two types of county government. An administrative county court was established for each county of the state, ^vith the township plan optional at the acceptance of the county electorate.^ Champaign County, failing to elect the township plan in 1849, was gov- erned by the county court for the following decade (1849-1859). The legislation of 1849 delegated to this court the duties formerly performed by the county com- missioners ' court.' When so acting the powers of the county court were carried out by the county judge and two justices of the peace. The county court serving in this capacity met at special terms in each year and was distinct from the county court in its judicial function. In the latter instance the duties were per- formed solely by the county judge. In November 1859, the electorate selected the optional township plan of government. Under this plan the several township supervisors elected by the township electorate, composed the county board of supervisors, and this body became the successor to the administrative county court. In 1861 the board in 'Constitution of 1818, ch. VIII, sec. 4; L. 1819, p. 175. 'Under the laws of 1819, the commissioners were to serve until August, 1820; L. 1819, p. 100. Then in 1821 the term was made for a biennial period; L. 1821, p. 80, sec. 15; L. 1823, p. 66, sec. 32; R. L. 1829, p. 67, sec. 25; R. L. 1833, p. 255, sec. 25. * Private Laws, 1833, p. 28. 'The Constitution of 1848, Art. VII, sec. 6, had required the general assembly to pro- vide for an optional form of township organization of coundes. See L. 1849, p. 190-229, also L. 1851, p. 35-78; Constitution of 1870. Art. X, sec. 6. •Constitution of 1848, Art. V, sec. 17, 19; L. 1849, p. 62, 66. [14] County Board of Supervisors — (1. 2) Proceedings of Board Champaign County consisted of fourteen members. The present composition of the board is one supervisor from each of thirty townships and eleven additional super- visors elected on the basis of proportional representation from each township of over 4,000 of population. The additional supervisors are known as assistant supervisors.' The township law in Illinois closely patterned that of New York. Its main features were the decentralization of road administration and state functions, such as assessment and collection of taxes. However, the broader powers of trans- acting and administering county business remained vested in the county body it- self. In this respect the powers of Illinois town governments fell short of those of New England towns. The records listed in this section were kept in Champaign County, first, by the clerk of the county commissioners' court from 1833 to 1849; second, by the clerk of the county court, 1849-1859; and finally, by the county clerk in his ex-oflficio capacity as clerk of the county board of supervisors, 1859 to date. The major record kept by the clerk for the board is the minutes of its pro- ceedings. This heterogeneous record includes: orders to issue warrants on the county treasury; the board's consideration of and action on reports of commit- tees of its members on roads and bridges, indigent and infirm relief, schools, taxation, etc.; and its orders in regard to juries, licenses, and other matters within its jurisdiction.* The clerk also keeps separately, a register of orders issued on the county treasury and lists of jury venire, files and preserves all bills of accounts acted on by the board, and takes custody of reports required to be made to the board by the county treasurer, various school bodies, and a number of county oflScers.' PEOCEEDINGS OF BOAED 1. Supervisors' Papers, I860—. 58 f.b. (52 f.b. I860—; 6 f.b. I860—). Original papers and records of county business transacted by board of super- visors, including anticipation warrants, resolutions of committees, calls for meet- ings, bills, contracts, reports of officers, petitions, school reports, and highway orders. Also contains Blind Pensions, 1860-1914, entry 13. Arr. chron. No index. 4x9x24; lOVa x 5 x 13. 52 f.b. I860—, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. ; 5 f.b. 1860-1924, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; 1 f.b. 1925—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 2, Supervisors' Record, 1833—. 17 v. (A, 2-17). Title varies: County Com- missioners' Court Kecord. Eecord of proceedings of board of supervisors, including resolutions, reports of county nurse, physicians' contracts, bonds of county officers, appointments of justices and constables, reports on homes for dependent children, fees and salaries of election officers, emergency relief resolutions, reports of all county officers, organization of committees, audit reports, almshouse reports, tavern licenses, claims against county, county orders, surveyors' reports, and mothers' pension accounts. Also contains Minutes of County Board, 1859-97, entry 3, and Eecord of Applicants for Blind Eelief, 1833-1914, entry 14. Arr. chron. 1833-58, no index; 1859 — , indexed alph. by subject. 1833-98, hdw. ; 1899 — , typed. 400 p., 'L. 1861, p. 221; Smith-Hurd R. S. 1874, p. 1075; L. 1931, p. 905, 906; L. 1933, p. 1116. «L. 1819, p. 5, 6, 28, 77, 127. 334-38, 352; L. 1823, p. 145, 149; L. 1825, p. 130, 131; R. L. 1829, p. 126, 132-37, 151-53; L. 1831, p. 89, 90; L. 1835. p. 131, 132, 136, 200; L. 1839, p. 71, 72; R. S. 1845, p. 51-55, 287, 342, 403, 437; L. 1849, p. 66; L. 1861, p. 234-37; R. S. 1874, p. 323. eL. 1819, p. 201, 315; L. 1825, p. 147; R. S. 1827, p. 366; L. 1843, p. 169; R. 8. 1845, p. 136, 366; L. 1861, p. 237; R. S. 1874, p. 325. [15] County Board of Supervisor* — (3-10) Disposition of Accounts 650 p.; 12x8x2, 18x12x3. V. A, 2-15, 1833-1933, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 16, 17, 1934—, CO. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 3. Minutes of County Board, 1898—. 7 v. (3-9). 1859-97 in Supen-isors' Record, entry 2. Minutes of board of supervisors, showing roll call of supervisors, date of meeting, resolutions and motions voted on, reports, recommendations of committees, and action by board on all county business. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 200 p. 16x12x2. V. 3-8, 1898-1935, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 9, 1936—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. DISPOSITION OF ACCOUNTS REGISTERS OP COUNTY ORDERS (See also entries 1, 2, 364-366.) 4. Register of County Orders, 1861—. 12 v. (A-L). Register of county orders, showing number, date, amount, and purpose of order, to whom paid, and date cancelled. Volumes K, L, 1932 — , also serve as an index to Cancelled County Orders, entry 9. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 600 p. 17xl5y2x3. V. A, 1861-96, east strm., bsmt.; v. B-L, 1897—, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 5. Orders (County Road Fund), 1923—. 1 f.b. Orders on county road fund, showing number of order, date, amount, to whom payable, purpose, signatures of members of road and bridge committee of board of supervisors, and filing date. Arr. by order no. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 6. County Highway Warrant Register, 1932—. 2 v. Register of highway warrants, showing date and number of warrant, claim num- ber, to whom issued, fund drawn from, and amount of warrant. Subsequent to 1934 also serves as an index to Motor Fuel Tax, County Highway Claims, entry 402. Arr. by warrant no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 2. 1 v., 1932-35, CO. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. ; 1 v., 1936—, co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 7. Huling Home (Orders), 1925—. 1 f.b. Orders on county clerk for maintenance of Huling Home, showng number of order, date, to whom payable, purpose of payment, signatures of members of special committee of board of supervisors, and monthly salary list, with date, name of party, purpose or type of labor, amount, and certification by special committee. Arr. by order no. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. CANCELLED COUNTY ORDERS (See also entries 1, 2, 364-366.) 8. Warrant Stubs, 1898—. 96 v. Stub books of higlnvay warrants, county orders, blind relief checks, jurors' cer- tificates, and supervisors' certificates, showing number of warrant or order, name of payee, amount, signature of payee, and dates. Arr. by order and warrant no. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 150 p. 16 x 4 x 1. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. 9. Cancelled County Orders, 1899—. 43 f.b. Cancelled county orders showing name of payee, number and date of order, and amount paid; also includes jury certificates and checks for telephone, gas, and electric bills. Arr. by order no. 1889-1931, no index; for index 1932—, see entry 4. 9x4x24; lOVa x 5 x 13. 35 f.b., 1889-1931, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 f.b., 1932-34, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; 4 f.b., 1935—, co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 10. Cancelled Orders (Road Fund), 1922—. 4 f.b. Cancelled county orders on road, highway, bridge, and motor fuel tax funds, showing number of order, name of payee, date, and amount paid. Arr. by order [16] County Board of Supervisors — _ (11-18) PensionB ; Receipts ; Bills and Claims no. No index. IQi/o x 5 x 13. 2 f.b., 1922-34, co. clk.'s off., 2nd 11.; 2 f,b., 1935—, CO. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 11. Coroners' Orders, 1887—. 2 f.b. Missing: 1911-34. Coroner's cancelled jury certificates, showing date, order number, number of days served, amount paid per day, names of jurors and deceased, and signature of coroner. Arr. by order no. No index. 10^2 x 5 x 13. 1 f.b., 1887-1910, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; 1 f.b. 1935—, co clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 12. Supervisors' Certificates, 1935 — . 1 f.b. Cancelled travel certificates showing number, date, amount paid, names of super- visor and township, number of miles traveled, and signatures of county clerk and treasurer. Arr. by certificate no. No index. lO^.^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. PENSION FUNDS AND APPLICATIONS (See also entry 19.) 13. Blind Pensions, 1915—. 4 f.b. 1860-1914 in Supervisors' Papers, entry 1. Financial reports, examination certificates, and affidavits of examiner, showing name of blind person, date, result of examination, and name of examiner. Arr. chron. No index. lOVa x 5 x 13. 3 f.b., 1915-34, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; 1 f.b., 1935—, CO. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 14. Record of Applicants for Blind Relief, 1915—. 2 v. (1, 1915-29; 2, 1915—). 1833-1914 in Supervisors' Eecord, entry 2. Application for blind relief, showing case number, name and address of appli- cant, date of application, names and addresses of persons making affidavit as to need of applicant, date and result of examination, date, number, and amount of warrant, and to whom issued. Volume 1, 1915-29, transcribed into voulme 2, 1915 — . Arr. by case no. Indexed alph. by name of applicant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 X 12 X 3. V. 1, CO. clk.'s vlt, 2nd fl. ; v. 2, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. RECEIPTS 15. Miscellaneous Monthly Bills, 1931 — . 1 f.b. Receipts from Illinois Bell Telephone Company and Illinois Power and Light Service for county farm steam heating service, and miscellaneous bills for court- house and jail. Arr. chron. No index. 101^x5x13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 16. Tuberculosis Sanitarium, 1929 — . 1 f.b. Receipts for paid claims against sanitarium for payroll and supplies, showing name, date, amount, and nature of claim. Arr. chron. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For other records of sanitarium, see entry 215. BILLS AND CLAIMS (See also entry 2.) 17. Board of Supervisors (Claims to be Presented), 1937 — . 1 f.b. Claims to be presented to .board of supervisors for payment, showing name of claimant, meeting date, and amount and nature of claim. Filed by twp. No index. 101/^x5x13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 18. Board of Supervisors — Pauper Bills, 1933-35. 5 f.b. Subsequent records kept by each township. Pauper relief claims showing number and date of claim, itemized statement of account, and name and address of party making claim. Filed by twp. No index. lOVa X 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. [171 County Board of Supervisors — (19-28) Management County Properties MANAGEMENT OF COUNTY PEOPEETIES PROPOSALS, BIDS, AND CONTRACTS (See also entry 35.) 19. Publication Notices for Bids, Reports of Committees, 1933 — . 1 f.b. Certificates of publication of bids, reports of comniittce on county farm, reports of PWA (Public Works Administration) committee, bids for county audit, minutes of tubercular cattle committee, and blind relief applications. Arr. chron. No index. lOV:, x .T x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 20. Papers Pertaining to Building of Almshouse, Jail and Courthouse, 1899 — . 1 f.b. Specifications, bids, contracts, bonds, orders, blueprints, and receipts for claims paid. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2ud fl. 21. Miscellaneous Contracts, 1917 — . 1 f.b. Contracts for county physician, county farm, Huling Ilome, stationery and print- ing, publishing, fuel, auditing, paint and varnish, electricity, furniture, and repairs. Arr. chron. No index. 10^^x5x13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. BOND ISSUES 22. Cancelled Bonds, 1867—. 11 f.b. Missing: 1898-1924. County interest-bearing bonds issued by authority of board of supervisors for construction of hard roads, with interest paj'able semi-annually and principal redeemable at end of five years; also cancelled funding bonds. Arr. by bond no. No index. 4 x 6 x 26; 101/2 x ;1 x 13. 1 f.b., 1867-97, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; 10 f.b., 1925 — , treas.'s south vlt., Ist fl. 23. Bond Issue Proceedings, 1908 — . 2 f.b. Resolutions for assessment of taxes to pay interest and principal on bonds issued by park and sanitary districts, cities, villages, and hard road and school districts; also corporation and road bonds issued, showing date and amount of bond, pur- pose, and rate of interest. Arr. chron. No index. lO^^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 24. Bond Register — Champaign County, 1916-27. 1 v. Discontinued. Register of bonds issued for construction of hard roads, showing date and amount of bond, rate of interest, maturity date, and type and location of road. Arr. by bond no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 100 p. 18 x 14 x %. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. 25. Bond Register — County Road Bond Issue, 1923-25. 1 v. Discontinued. Register of bonds issued for maintenance of county roads, showing number, date, rate of interest, amount of bond, maturity date, and coupon number. Arr. by bond no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 10 x 14 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 26. Register of Bonds, 1917 — . 1 v. Register of corporation bond issues, showing number of bond, by whom issued, purpose, date of bond, amount, rate of interest, and maturity and filing dates. Arr. by bond no. Indexed by name of corporate body issuing bond. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 16x10x2. Co. clk.'s tax rm.. 2nd fl. 27. Anticipation Warrants and Miscellaneous, 1931 — . 1 f.b. Anticipation warrants showing amount and date of warrant, rate of interest, and names of purchaser, chairman of board of supervisors, county treasurer, and witnesses ; also receipts for money paid out to court reporter. Arr. by warrant no. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. INSURANCE 28. Old Insurance Policies, 1929—. 1 f.b. Insurance policies on county property and bank deposits, showing names of insurance companies, and amounts and dates of policies. Arr. chron. No index. IOV2 X 5 X 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. [18] County Board of Supervisors — (29-37) Reports to Board; Jury Lists INVENTORIES 29. Inventory of County Offices, 1934 — . 1 f.b. Inventories of equipment in each county office, showing name and number of each article, certification by custodian, and date of inventory. Arr. alph. by name of office. 10y2 X 5 X 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. PETITIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE 30. In Re: Hard Roads, 1933—. 1 f.b. Petitions for raise in wage scale for work on hard roads, showing names and addresses of petitioners, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. REPORTS TO BOARD (See also entries 1, 2, 19.) 31. Reports (County Officers), 1927—. 3 f.b. Annual financial reports of county clerk, superintendent of schools, circuit clerk, sheriff, coroner, treasurer, and recorder, to the board of supervisors. Arr. alph. by name of office. No index. IQi/o x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 32. Reconcilements — County Treasurer, 1933 — . 3 f.b. Financial statement of county treasurer to board of supervisors, showing deposits in banks of money received from tax collections. Arr. chron. No index. 10^ x 5x13. 1 f.b., 1933-34, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; 2 f.b., 1935—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 33. Reports of County Auditor, 1910 — . 1 f.b. Audits of all county offices reported to board of supervisors, showing itemized accounts, and balance for each office for a specified period of time. Arr. alph. by name of office. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For audit bids, see entry 19. 34. Overseer of Poor Reports, 1912—. 1 f.b. Reports of overseer of poor, showing name, age, sex, and marital status of pauper, itemized list of expenses, signature of supervisor, and name of township. Arr. alph. by name of pauper. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For records of county home, see entries 433-442. 35. Champaign County Farm Papers, 1931 — . 2 f.b. Quarterly reports on countj- farm, coal contracts, certificates of publication of bids, contracts for county physician, county nurse, and alcohol and narcotic permits to Champaign Academy of Medicine. Arr. alph. by subject. No index. lOVa X 5 X 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. For records of county home, see entries 433-442. 36. (Miscellaneous Files), 1838—. 23 f.b. Hospital reports, railroad elections, town assessors' and collectors' bonds, lists of officers elected, and primary election petitions. Arr. cliron. No index. 9 x 4 x 24. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. JURY LISTS (See also entries 8, 9, 11. 197, 198, 280, 283, 284, 364.) 37. Jury Lists, 1872—. 4 v. (A-D). List of jurors as made by county board of 8uper\-isors, showing name and address of juror, dates selected and drawn, and name and term of court. Arr. alph. by name of juror. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 250 p. 16 x 12 x 2%. V. A-C, 1872-1933, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. D, 1934—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. ri9] (Next entry 38. p. 22) II. COUNTY CLERK The county clerk has the most varied duties of any county official. To his office belong important duties relating to taxation, elections, vital statistics, licenses, bonds, and lesser duties in the operation of county government. Juris- diction in these matters is distributed to a number of state and county authorities and the clerk's relationship with these groups makes him a de facto chief execu- tive officer of the county. He is custodian of the county records, ex-officio clerk of the county court and ex-officio clerk of the county board of supervisors. The records he keeps in each case belong to his office, the county court, and the county board respectively. The early legal status of the county clerk was first as clerk of the county commissioners' court, an administrative, nonjudicial body.^ The clerk was in practice, the county clerk, as well as clerk of the county commissioners' court. An interesting change took place in this office under the Constitution of 1848 and the legislation of 1849. The clerk served as an officer of both an administrative body and a judicial court. His title was clerk of the county court." The administrative body was the county court (the county board) sitting at special terms and composed of the county judge and two justices of the peace. The judicial court was the county court administered by the county judge. The clerk of the court in its administrative function was successor to the clerk of the county commissioners' court. His office as clerk of a judicial body began in 1848. The ministerial duties as clerk of the county court extended also to the court's probate jurisdiction. For this county court function, the clerk performed the ministerial duties formerly performed by the probate justice of the peace. In 1859 another change was made in the governing body of the county. At the election in this year, township organization was voted on and accepted, and the new county board became the "county board of supervisors." The duties formerly commissioned to the county court for county transactions were trans- ferred to this board. The clerk however, retained his role as clerk of the county court and of the county board. The clerk when acting for the county was frequently referred to in legis- lation as the county clerk. However, the Constitution of 1870 titled the clerk, when so acting, as the county clerk. He was elected by the county electorate as the county clerk and retained his role as clerk of the county court and of the county board.' With the revision of the law in 1874, a careful distinction in terms came to be made. The county clerk, whenever he acts for the county court in its law jurisdiction, is referred to as clerk of the county court,* when he acts for the county board, he is expressly declared to be so doing." Thus the simple designation of county clerk is reserved for tlie officer when he performs that group of duties which belongs to his office alone, and which gives rise to the records in this section.* * The clerk was an appointee of the commissioners' court from 1819 to 1837. L. 1819, p. 175. In 1937, the office became elective with a term of two ye:irs. L. 1837, p. 49; R. S. 1845, p. 573. 'Constitution of 1848, Art. V, sec. 16, 18, 19; L. 1849, p. 63. Like his predecessor, an elected officer, but with a term of four ye.irs. 'Constitution of 1870, Art. VI, sec. 18, and Art. X, sec. 8. The clerk's term wa"! for four years. *R. S. 1874, p. 260. »R. S. 1874, p. 273. • The bond of the county clerk, however, covers also his actions as clerk of the county court and as clerk for the county board. The penal sum is fixed by the latter body, which also passes on the securities, and the bund itself is filed with the clerk of the circuit court. R. S. 1874, p. 821. [20] County Clerk (Next entry 38, p. 22) In review it may be said that the county clerk has served as the clerk of the county in Champaign County from its organization in 1833 to the present time. His earliest title was clerk of the county commissioners' court; later he was known as the clerk of the county court; then under the Constitution of 1870, he was titled the county clerk. As clerk of the county board he was first, clerk of the county commissioners' court; second, clerk of the county court as ex-officio clerk of the said court sitting in county transactions: third, clerk of the county court as the ex-officio clerk of the county board of supervisors; fourth, the county clerk as ex-officio clerk of the county board of supervisors. His office as clerk of a judicial court began in 1848 as clerk of the county court, both in civil and criminal matters, as well as in probate matters. Beginning with the Constitution of 1870 until the present the county clerk acting for the county court in its probate function has been referred to as the ex-officio clerk of the probate court. The clerk is required to keep an extensive group of taxation records. He has legal custody of the books used by the supervisor of assessments and compiles those used by the collector, obtains and prepares abstracts of assessment and collections, keeps records of the proceedings of special tax bodies, makes reports of delinquent taxes returned by the collector, attends all tax sales and prepares a list of all sales and issues duplicate reports thereof, and records affidavits of purchases of property for taxes; records tax sales, forfeitures, and redemptions in a book kept by him known as "the tax judgment, sale, and forfeiture record." ' In addition, various lists and receipts involved in the taxation procedure from beginning to end are required to be transmitted by him.® The department of public health in Illinois has charge of the registration of births and deaths but the county clerk keeps complete records of that category of vital statistics, as well as of marriages, the registration of which is regulated solely by statute. Marriage certificates are returned to the clerks by persons qualified to cele- brate ceremonies; copies of births, still birth, and death certificates are trans- mitted to him by the local registrars of the department of public health (in Champaign County, the clerks of townships). The clerk registers and files all certificates and records marriages, births, and deaths in separate books, and indexes each separately.* The clerk is involved in nearly every step of the election procedure. He issues and keeps a record of blank ballots; petitions, marked ballots, talb' sheets, and returns of elections are required to be transmitted to him by election offi- cials." Formerly the clerk originated the abstracts of returns; those currently found in his office are copies he is required by law to obtain from the election commissioners or judges of election. Canvasses were also originally made by the clerk alone, .but now the clerk, with the justices of the peace, audits votes by election precincts." 'L. 1819. p. 317; L. 1825, p. 173, 174; R. L. 1827, p. 327-33; L. 1839, p. 4-7, 12, 14; L. 1845, p. 9, 11. 12; L. 1853, p. 102; L. 1855, p. 35-37, 40; L. 1872. p. 19. 32-34, 46, 55; L. 1873, p. 51; L. 1879, p. 240-42; L. 1881, p. 133, L. 1885, p. 77, 192-97; L. 1898, p. 41, 47-50; L. 1915, p. 389; L. 1935, p. 1218. 'L. 1827, p. 330; R. L. 1837, p. 572; L. 1840, p. 4; L. 1843, p. 232; L. 1872, p. 56-58; L. 1885, p. 77; L. 1898, p. 40, 41; L. 1909, p. 311, 333. »L. 1819, p. 26, 281; R. S. 1845, ch. XVII, sec. 3-5, ch. LXIX, sec. 6; R. S. 1874, p. 695; L. 1877, p. 200-210; L. 1901, p. 301-4; L. 1903, p. 315-18; L. 1915, p. 660-70; L. 1917, p. 2-36, 763-66. "L. 1819, p. 25, 206; L. 1821, p. 77; L. 1828, p. 54, 55; R. L. 1829, p. 59, 60; L. 1845, p. 41, 42; L. 1871-72, p. 380; L. 1885, p. 142. "L. 1819, p. 96; L. 1885, p. 142. [21] Countr Clerk— Taxation (38-40) The bonds of a number of county officers ure required to be transmitted to the clerk and filed by him." He is required to keep a book in which is to be entered a minute of these bonds, and such other information as will serve to pro- vide an index to them." In practice, this book is sometimes broken down into several volumes, segregating information relating to bonds of separate officers. The clerk issues licenses to peddlers, taverns, ferries, etc., and is required to keep records thereof." In addition, ho keeps records of estrays, registers of phj'sicians and midwives, and lists of county officers, compiled from information sent to him to enable him to perform these and other duties of his office." Besides the papers he is required to issue and those he is required to file and preserve, the county clerk also is charged by law with the care and custody of all other books and papers pertaining to his office." Of this last group, arising indirectly in the performance of his other duties, he is required to keep alpha- betical indexes." TAXATION (See also entries 173, 187-189, 212, 219, 239, 240, 332-353, 362, 363.) LISTS OP TAXABLE PROPERTY. LEVIES 38. Docket of Valuations and Taxes, 1912 — . 5 v. (B-F). Docket of rates and amounts wanted, showing name of town, amount of assess- ment, kind of tax, valuation on lands, lots, and personal, telegraph, telephone, and railroad property, and total amounts. Arr. alph. by name of town. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 100 p. 18 x 16 x 2. V. B-D, 1912-27, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; V. E, F, 1928—, CO. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 39. Tax Levies, 1925—. 2 f.b. Lists of taxes wanted from each township, showing name of township, year and amount wanted, types of services or materials covered in estimate, and signature of county clerk. Arr. alph. by name of town. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd 11. 40. Assessors' Books, 1884 — . 1591 v. Missing: 1884-98 except Urbana Township. List of aU taxable real and personal property, showing name of person assessed, location and description of property, valuation, and amount assessed. City of Champaign Township was organized in 1920; Cunningham Township in 1930; and Mahomet Township in 1903. Arr. by sec., twp. and range. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 18 x 17 x 1%. Ayers Township, 1899 — . 50 v. 42 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Brown Township, 1899—. 63 v. 54 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v. 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 5 v., 1931—, treas-'s vlt., Ist fl. Champaign Township, 1899 — . 104 v. 91 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 11 v. 1927-35, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 2 v., 1936—, treas.'s vlt., Ist fl. " For citations to the laws so providing^, «ee the discussion of legal status under each office in this volume. " L. 1861, p. 238; R. L, 1874, p. 325. " L. 1819, p. 79; R. L. 1827, p. 320; R. L. 1833, p. 439; R. L. 1837, p. 175. " L. 1819, p. 206, 207; R. L. 1827, p. 190, 191; L. 1877. p. 209. " R. 8. 1874, p. 327. " R. S. 1874, p. 331. [22] County Clerk — Taxation (40) City of Champaign Township, 1920 — . 42 v. 18 v., 1920-26, east strm., bsmt.; 20 v., 1927-35, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd 1936 — , treaa.'s vlt., 1st fl. Colfax Township, 1899 — . 46 v. 38 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Compromise Township, 1899 — . 37 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt. 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Condit Township, 1899—. 55 47 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt. 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Crittenden Township, 1899 — . 45 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt. 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Cunningham Township, 1930 — 6 v., 1930-35, CO. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd East Bend Township, 1899 — . 46 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt. 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Harwood Township, 1899 — . 36 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Hensley Township, 1899—. 48 42 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt. 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Kerr Township, 1899—. 51 v. 44 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt. 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Ludlow Township, 1899—. 43 35 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt. 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Mahomet Township, 1903—. 52 v. 44 v., 1903-34, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-30, co. clk.s' strm., 2nd 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Newcomb Township, 1899 — . 55 v. 47 v., 1899-1934, east strm., l)smt.; 4 v., 1927-30, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Ogden Township, 1899—. 51 v. 44 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 3 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Pesotum Township, 1899 — . 53 v. 46 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 3 v., 1927-30, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Philo Township, 1899—. 35 v. 28 v., 1899-1930, e.-ist strm., bsmt.; 3 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd 1931—. treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Rantoul Township, 1899 — . 54 v. 45 v., 1899-1934, east strm.. bsmt.; 5 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Raymond Township, 1899 — . 53 v. 45 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v.. 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd 1933—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. 45 V. 4 v., 1927-30, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd 4 v., 1927-34, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd 55 V. 4 v., 1927-34, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd 9 v. fl.; 3 V. 1936—, treas's vlt., 1st fl. 54 v. 4 v., 1927-34, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd 44 V. 4 v., 1927-30, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd V. 3 v., 1927-30, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd 3 v., 1927-30, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd V. 4 v., 1927-34, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 6 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 3 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., fl.; 4 v., [23] County Clerk— Taxation (41-45) Sadorus Township, 1899—. 53 v. 45 v., 1899-1934, oast strm., bsmt. ; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s stnn., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Scott Township, 1899—. 45 v. 37 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., Ist fl. Sidney Township, 1899 — . 57 v. 46 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 3 v., 1900-1935 ,co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. ; 4 v., 1927-34, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Somer Township, 1899—. 51 v. 43 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. South Homer Township, 1899—. 48 v. 40 v., 1899-1934, east strm., .bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Stanton Township, 1899—. 52 v. 44 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. St. Joseph Township, 1899—. 52 v. 44 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931 — , treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Tolono Township, 1899 — . 52 v. 44 v., 1899-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 4 v., 1927-34, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 4 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. Urbana Townsliip, 1884—. 119 v. 97 v., 1884-1934, east strm., bsmt.; 17 v., 1927-35, eo. clk.'8 strm., 2nd fl.; 5 v., 1931—, treas.'s vlt., 1st fl. 41. Assessment and Statement of Taxes, 1873 — . 1 v. Record of assessments and statement of taxes sent to state auditor, showing year, valuation of land, amount of each tax, total tax, and signature of county clerk. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 150 p. 18 x 12 x 1. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 42. Abstract of Assessments and Taxes, 1874 — . 3 v. (2 not numbered, 2). Tabular statements showing totals of footings of the several columns of each assessment book, and grand totals of all books, with names of townships, and dates. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p., 400 p.; 16x14x1, 16x12x2. 1 v. not numbered, 1874-99, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; 1 V. not numbered, v. 2, 1900 — , co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 43. Railroad Tax Book, 1877 — . 3 v. List of taxable railroad property and taxes levied thereon, showing year of tax, location and description of real estate, itemized description of chattel property, amount of tax, and total assessment. Arr. alph. by name of railroad. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 350 p. 18x14x3. 2 v., 1877-1926, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; 1 v., 1927—, treas.'s ofi'., 1st fl. 44. Railroad Valuation, 1913—. 1 f.b. Reports of Illinois tax commission to county clerk, of railroad property assessed in county, showing date of report, year of assessment, name of railroad, type and class of property with valuation of each, and total tax. Arr. chron. No index. lOVa X 5 X 13. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 45. Certificates of Apportionment, 1927 — . 3 f.b. Copies of certificates for apportionment of special assessment fund, showing name [24] County Clerk — Taxation (46-54) of petitioner, name of special assessment for improvement, signatures of peti- tioners, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 46. Local Improvements (Special Assessments), 1890 — . 88 f.b. Petitions, orders, and decrees of election, order assessing tax, specifications, and amount of assessment needed for paving, sanitary sewers, lighting, sidewalks, alleys and street mdening, showing names of parties, and dates. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 48. 10y2 x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 47. Pavement Records: Special Assessment Record, 1892 — . 13 v. (1-13). Record of special assessment for local improvements, showing roll and report of assessment, legal description of property, name of owner, installment number, amount of installment, and total assessment. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. Indexed alph. by name of project; for separate index, see entry 48. 1892-1928, hdw. on pr. fm. ; 1929—, typed on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. 1-10, 1892- 1923, V. 12, 1928-31, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 11, 1924-27, v. 13, 1932—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 48. (Index to Local Improvements — Special Assessments), 1890 — . 1 v. Index to local improvements, showing name of improvement, docket and file num- ber, date confirmed, volume and page of special assessment record, date filed, date of certificate, date of completion, and number or letter of plan. Arr. alph. by name of improvement. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 8 x 14 x 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 49. (Saline Drainage District Special Assessment Roll), 1935. 2 v. (63A, 63B). Special assessment roll showing name of owner, location and legal description of lands, and amount of benefit or damages caused through drainage district im- provements. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. No index. Typed under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 16 X 12 X 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 50. Record of Assessed Valuation of Property in Taxing Districts — Cham- paign County, 1902-11. 1 v. Discontinued. Statement of assessment of property in cities and villages, and taxes levied thereon, showing name of city or village, valuation of property, rate of tax, total tax, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of town. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. Bind- ing poor. 100 p. 18 X 18 X i/o. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 51. Champaign Paving Sewer and Sidewalk Special Assessment Record, 1895—. 7 V. Missing: 1897-1924. Tax book showing description of property in city of Champaign benefitted by paving and sewer or sidewalk construction or repair, with amount of tax assessed individual property holders. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. Indexed alph. by name of city addition or street. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 321 p. 12x10^4x2. 1 v., 1895-96, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; 6 v., 1925—, treas.'s east vlt., 1st fl. 52. School Levies, 1935 — . 2 f.b. Certificates of levy for educational and building purposes, showing number of district, amount of levy, signatures of president and secretary of school districts, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 10V^x5xl3. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 53. School Maps, 1900—. 1 f.b. Maps of school districts used for taxation purposes, showing boundaries of new districts or changes in boundaries of old districts, number of district, and filing date. Arr. chron. No index. lO^/l. x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2ud fl. 54. Township School Map Record, 1871—. 2 v. (1, 2). Plat book used for taxation purposes, showing formation of new school districts, changes in old school districts, with old and new boundaries and filing dates. Arr. by district no. No index. Typed and hand-drawn on pr. fm. 300 p. [25] County Clerk— Taxation (55-57) 18x12x2. V. 1, 1871-1900, co. clk.'s tax rm., 2ud fl. ; v. 2, 1901—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 55. ViUage Maps, 1874-1907. 1 f.b. Plats of eat'h village in the county filed with county clerk, and used for taxation purposes, showing date, name of village, and filing date. Arr. alph. by name of village. No index. 10^x5x13. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. COLLECTION', ABATEMENT 56. Collectors' Books, I860—. 1109 v. Eecord of taxes levied and collected on all real and personal property, showing name of property owner, description of property, valuation, taxes assessed, and date collected. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 250 p. 17x14x2, 460 v., 1860-1913, east strm., bsmt.; 30 v., 1914, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; 412 v., 1915-27, general vlt., Ist fl.; 207 v., 1928—, co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. Ayers Township, 1886 — . 30 v. Brown Township, 1875 — . 36 v. Champaign Township, 1870—. 98 v. Missing: 1881. City of Champaign Township, 1920 — . 46 v. Colfax Township, 1869—. 33 v. Missing: 1880. Compromise Township, 1869 — . 34 v. Missing: 1876-79. Condit Township, 1870—. 33 v. Missing: 1881, 1890, 1891. Crittenden Township, 1863—. 32 v. Missing: 1881, 1891-98. Cunningham Township, 1930 — . 14 v. East Bend Township, I860—. 33 v. Harwood Township, I860—. 32 v. Hensley Township, 1867—. 33 v. Kerr Township, I860—. 33 v. Ludlow Township, 1860 — . 37 v. Missing: 1893. Mahomet Township, 1860 — . 37 v. Newcomb Township, 1861 — . 33 v. Missing: 1913. Ogden Township, 1876 — . 31 v. Pesotum Township, 1864—. 32 v. Missing: 1876-79, 1881. Philo Township, I860—. 35 v. Eantoul Township, 1860 — . 33 v. Raymond Township, 1868 — . 34 v. Sadorus Township, 1862 — . 37 v. Scott Township, 1862—. 37 v. Missing: 1880. Sidney Township, I860—. 34 v. Missing: 1880-82, 1889-98. Somer Township, 1868—. 34 v. South Homer Township, I860—. 39 v. Stanton Township, 1862 — . 34 v. St. Joseph Township, 1860 — . 37 v. Tolono Township, I860—. 39 v. Urbana Township, 1860 — . 59 v. Missing: 1880. 57. Abatement Lists, 1927 — . 600 sheets. Statement of real estate forfeited to State of Illinois, for taxes due and unpaid, showing general recapitulation, uncollected personal property taxes, error in extending taxes, real estate forfeited to state, railroad objections, real estate abatements, grand total, and dates. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. No index. 18 X 12. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. [26] County Clerk— Taxation (58-65) JUDGMENT, SALE, REDEMPTION 58. Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture Record, 1857—. 64 v. (A-Z, 1-38). Title varies: Tax Sale Record; Tax Sale and Redemption Record. LietB of lands and town lots reported by county collector upon which he has been unable to collect taxes and charges due thereon, showing judgment, order of sale, redemption and forfeiture for taxes, special assessments, interest, costs and penalty due, owner's name, description of property, valuation, tax and costs due, names of purchaser and party redeeming property, and dates. Also contains Forfeiture Record, entry 60. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. A-Z, 1-32, 1857-1930, co. elk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; V. 33-38, 1931—, co. elk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 59. Delinquent Tax List— Back Tax Record, 1871—. 549 v. Last entry 1922. Record of unpaid taxes classed delinquent, showing description and amount of taxes unpaid, and dates. Arr. by sec, tvrp. and range. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 150 p., 250 p.; 18x12x1, 17x14x2. 548 v., 1871-76, 1916—, east strm., bsmt. ; 1 v., 1877-1915, co. elk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 60. Forfeiture Record (Tax Sales), 1879-1915. 1 v. 1857— also in Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture Record, entry 58. List of lands and lots offered at public sale by county collector for taxes, and forfeited to state for want of bidders, showing location and legal description of property, amount of tax, special assessments, interest, penalties, and costs due and unpaid. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. elk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 61. Redemption of Forfeitures, Duplicate Tax Receipts, 1932 — . 3 f.b. Original documents regarding redemption of forfeited lands, shovdng name and address of party redeeming, amount of redemption, and forfeiture number; also duplicate tax receipts showing name of township, date, number of receipt, signa- tures of county clerk, treasurer, and collector, and filing dates. Arr. ehron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. elk.'s off., 2nd fl. 62. Redemption of Special Assessment, 1935 — . 2 f.b. Original papers in redemption of property forfeited to state for special assess- ments, showing certificate number, name of party remitting, forfeiture warrant, installment number, costs, total amount, and dates. Arr. by certificate no. No index. lOi/^ x 5 x 12. Co. elk.'s off., 2nd fl. 63. Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture Record (Special Assess- ments), 1932—. 4 V. (1-4). List of properties reported by county collector upon which he has been unable to collect assessments due, showing owner's name, description of property, valu- ation, tax and costs due, names of purchaser and party redeeming property, and dates. Also contains Record of Forfeited Taxes, entry 64, and Record of Redemption, entry 65. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. ISVa x 22 x 3. Co. elk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 64. Record of Forfeited Taxes (Special Assessments), 1929 — . 5 v. 1932 — also in Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture Record, entry 63. Special assessment forfeiture record showing name of party assessed, description of property, year of tax, assessed valuation, special assessment and total tax, amount of forfeitures, and dates. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 800 p. 15 x 20 x 5. Co. elk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 65. Record of Redemption (Special Assessments), 1929 — . 2 v. 1932 — also in Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture Record, entry 63. Special assessment redemption record showing name of party assessed, description [27] County Clerk— (66-73) Vital StatiBtica of property, year of tax, assessed valuation, special assessment and total tax, amount of forfeiture, date of redemption, and amount of interest. Arr. by sec., twp. and raiiKC. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 800 p. 15 x 20 x 5. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2iid i\. 66. Ledger (Tax Redemption), 1930—. 1 v. Ledger showing name of party redeeming, book and page of record, certificate number, date, and amount paid. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of party redeeming. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 150 p. 14 x 8 x i^. Co, clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 67. Tax Affidavits, 1857—. 11 f.b. Affidavits for tax sales, showing legal description of property, amount due and unpaid, date of tax, amount of judgment, date of sale, and signatures of county treasurer and clerk. Arr. chron. No index. 10^^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 68. Affidavit for Tax Deeds, 1857—. 6 v. (2 not numbered, 1-4). Title varies: Affidavits for Tax Titles. Copies of affidavits for tax deeds and titles, showing names of purchaser, and party assessed, date of sale, location and legal description of property, name of clerk, and date of redemption and date of filing. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of party assessed. 1857-81, hdw.; 1882-1922, hdw. on pr. f m. ; 1923—, typed. 200 p., 400 p. ; 12 x 8 x 1, 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 69. Certificate of Sale for Taxes, 1920—. 8 f.b. Tax sale certificates of purchase, showing number of certificate, book and page of record, names of purchaser and improvement, location, warrant number, to whom assessed, description, amount of tax and cost, signatures of county clerk and county collector, and dates of sale and filing. Arr. chron. No index. 10^4 x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 70. Tax Sale Ledger, 1887-1925. 4 v. Discontinued. Ledger of tax sales, showing name of purchaser, date, book and page number in Tax Sale, Forfeiture and Redemption Record, and amount of sale. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of purchaser. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 12 x 8 x 1. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For unbound certificates of sale subsequent to 1925, see entry 69, VITAL STATISTICS (See also entries 101, 104.) BIRTHS 71. Index to Births, 1878—. 2 v. Index to birth records, showing names of child and parents, book and page of record, and certificate number. Arr. alph. by name of child. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 600 p. 18 X 16 X 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 72. Births (Certificates), 1902—. 61 v. (1-61). 1897-1901 in Birth and Death Certificate of State Board of Health, entry 74. State board of health birth certificates, showing name of child, certificate num- ber, place of birth, names of father and mother, color or race, age of each, birth- place and occupation of each, and names of attending physician and registrar. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 71. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 9x9x2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 73. Birth Record, 1878—. 17 v. (A, 2-5, 1-12). Title varies: Register of Births (and Stillbirths). Register of births, showing certificate number, name of child, sex, color or race, date and place of birth, names, residence, occupation, and nationality of parents, date of return, name and address of medical attendant, and signature of clerk. Volume A, 1878-80 also contains Register of Stillbirths, entry 79. Arr. chron. [28] County Clerk— (74-81) Vital Statistics 1878-1901, indexed alph. by name of parents; for sep. index, 1878 — , see entry 71. 1878-1901, hdw. under pr. hdgs. ; 1902—, hdw. on pr. fm. 450 p. 18x12x3. Co. clk.'s off., 2ud fl. 74. Birth and Death Certificate of State Board of Health (Stillbirths), 1897- 1901. 1 f.b. State board of health certificates of births, deaths, and stllbirths, and coroner's certificates of death, showing name of child or deceased, and dates. Contains Births, entry 72, and Deaths and Stillbirths, entry 76. Arr. chron. No index. lOVaxSxlS. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. DEATHS 75. Index to Deaths (and StUlbirths), 1878—. 1 v. (1). Index to death and stillbirth certificates, 1914 — , register of deaths, 1878-1818, and register of stillbirths 1881-1901, showing name of deceased, book and page of record, and certificate number. Arr. alph. by name of deceased. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 18 x 16 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 76. Death and StiUbirth Certificates (Originals), 1902—. 33 v. (1-33). 1897-1901 in Birth and Death Certificates of State Board of Health, entry 74. State board of health forms in loose-leaf binding, showing names of county and town, place of death, full name, sex, color or race, date of birth, age and occu- pation of deceased, names of parents, place of burial, name and address of under- taker, cause of death, signature of medical attendant, and filing date. Arr. chron. For index, 1902-13, see entry 77; 1914 — , see entry 75. Hdw. on pr. fm. 600 p. 9 X 9 X 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 77. Index to Deaths (Certificates of Death), 1902-13. 1 v. Index to deaths showing name of deceased, book and page of record, and certifi- cate number. Arr. alph. by name of deceased. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 16 X 12 X lyo. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 78. Death Record, 1878-1918. 8 v. (A, B, 1-6). Discontinued. Title varies: Register of Deaths. Register of deaths, showing certificate number, date of report, name, color, sex, and occupation of deceased, date of death, marrtal status, nationality, place and cause of death, place and date of burial, and names of undertaker and physician. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of deceased; for sep. index, see entry 75. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 600 p. 15 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For loose-leaf certificates of death, subsequent to 1918, see entry 76. 79. Register of Stillbirths, 1881-1901. 1 v. 1878-80 in Register of Births (and Stillbirths), entry 73. Register of stillbirths, showing registration number, date of return, names of father and mother, place of birth, residence of mother, sex, color, and nativity of father and mother, cause of stillbirth, signature of medical attendant, name and address of person making return, name of undertaker, and place of burial. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by surname of father; for sep. index, see entry 75. Hdw. on pr. fm. 250 p. 16 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For loose-leaf certificates of stillbirths, subsequent to 1901, see entry 76. 80. Certificate of Burial of Soldier or Marine, 1916—. 1 f.b. Last entry 1931. Certificates of burial of soldiers or marines, showing name of deceased, cemetery and location, type and period of service, signature of burial official, and filing date. Arr. chron. No. index. 1014x5x13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 81. Soldier's Burial Record, 1916—. 1 v. (1). Last entry 1931. Record of soldiers* burials, showing name of soldier, regiment and company, rank, period of service, name and location of cemetery, and location of grave in ceme- [29] County CI«rk— (82-90) Licenses and Keeisters tery. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. l)y name of soldier. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. MARRIAGES (See also entry 215.) 82. Marriage Licenses, 1833—. 86 v. (1 not numbered, 1-39, 39A, 40-84). Copies of marriage licenses, showing names of bride and groom, father and mother of each, occupation, residence, color or race, number of marriages, place and date of marriage, names of witnesses, and signature of party solemnizing marriage. Subsequent to 1877, record consists of bound state board of health certificates. Arr. by license no. Indexed alph. by name of groom; for sep. index, 1833-56, see entry 83. Hdw. on pr. fm. 600 p. 16x12x2^^, 9x9x2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 83. Marriage Index, 1833-56. 1 v. Discontinued. Index to marriage licenses, showing names of bride and groom, and book and page of record. Arr. alph. by name of male. Hdw. 300 p. 12 x 8 x 1. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 84. Marriage Register, 1864 — . 12 v. Marriage register showing date, number of license, names of male and female, date of marriage, by whom certified, and date returned. Arr. chron. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 250 p. 16 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 85. Marriage Index — Male and Female, 1864 — . 6 v. Index to marriage register, sliowing names of male and female, and book and page of register. Arr. alph. by names of male and female, 3 volumes for each. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 16 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 86. Marriage Licenses (Applications), 1833-77. 10 f.b. Original marriage license applications, showing names and addresses of bride and groom, date of application and signature of county clerk. Arr. by license no. No index. lO^^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For subsequent record of applications, see entry 87. 87. Applications for Marriage License, 1878 — . 35 v. Missing: 1881-89. Eecord of applications for marriage licenses, showing names, residence, and ages of bride and groom, date, and signatures of county clerk and applicants. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p., 450 p.; 13x8x1, 18 x 12 x 2%. 34 v., 1878-1935, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; 1 v., 1936—, co clk.'s off., 2nd fl. For prior original applications, see entry 86. LICENSES AND REGISTERS REGISTERS OF COUNTY OFFICERS 88. Register of Commissions, 1855 — . 3 v. (1 not numbered, 1855-85; 3, 4, 1881—). Register of commissions of county and township officers, showing names of to^vn- ship and officer, date elected, date qualified, amount of bond, names of sureties, and term of commission. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 350 p. 18 X 12 X 2. 1 V. not numbered, co. clk.'s vlt.. 2nd fl.; v. 3, 4, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 89. Special Deputy Sheriffs' Commissions and Revocations, 1928 — . 2 f.b. Commissions and revocations of commissions of special deputies, showing names of sheriff and deputj', amount of bond, oath of deputy, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 90. Register of Notaries, 1872—. 2 v. (1, 2). Register of public notaries, showing name of notary, residence, dates of commis- sion and expiration, and date registered. Arr. alph. by name of notary. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 16 x 12 x 1. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. [30] County Clerk— (91-98) Licenses and Registers 91. Resignations and Appointments, 1916 — . 1 f.b. Certificates of appointment of deputy county clerk, supervisor, commissionerB of highways, town clerk and assessor, and resignation and appointment of police magistrate, justice of peace, and constable. Arr. chron. No index. lOi/^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. PROFESSIONAL LICENSES AND REGISTERS 92. Register of Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians and Registered Nurses, 1905—. 2 V. (B, C). Register of physicians, dentists, veterinarians, and registered nurses, showing name and address of party registered, certificate number, name of school, date of registration, filing date, and date attested by county clerk and superintendent of registration. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of party registered. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. For prior records of physicians, see entry 93. 93. Register of Physicians and Accoucheurs, 1877 — . 1 v. (A). Last entry for accoucheurs, 1910. Register of physicians and accoucheurs, showing dates of registration and diploma, registration number, name and address of physician or accoucheur, school of practice, number of years in practice in state, and certification by state board of health. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 94. Optometry Register, 1916—. 1 v. Last entry 1922. Register of optometrists, showing certificate number, name of optometrist, address, date and classification of certificate, and registration date. Arr. alph. ,by name of optometrist. No index. Hdw. on pr. f m. 150 p. 18 x 14 x 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 95. Register of Architects, 1897 — . 1 v. Last entry 1916. Register of architects, showing date registered, name and residence of architect, date of license, and expiration date. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 150 p. 16 X 10 X 1. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. PATENTS 96. Patent Record, 1866-72. 1 v. Discontinued. Copies of patent certificates, showing name and residence of person obtaining patent, description of article invented or improved, amount paid for patent, d.ate and number of patent, and filing date. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of patentee. Hdw. on pr. fm. 450 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. MILITIA ROLL (See also entry 149.) 97. Register of Soldiers, 1865. 1 v. Register of soldiers enlisting in the Civil War, showing number and name of soldier, tovrnship enlisted from, and amount of bounty paid by county. Arr. alph. by name of soldier. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 16 x 12 x 1. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ESTRAYS 98. Estray Record, 1833—. 3 v. Last entry 1912. Record of estrayed animals, showing date, by whom found, names of justice before whom taken, and appraisers, appraised value, and description of animal. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of finder of animal. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p. 16 X 12 X 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. [31] County Clerk— Feea, (99-106) Receipts. Expenditure* 99. Estrays and Road Plats, 1833-1912. 1 f.b. Record of publication of estrays, showing name of person takuig up stock, date, description of stock, appraised value, names of appraisers, and signature of justice of peace; also contains road plats of districts in county, showing township divisions, and lines of districts. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. TAVERN LICENSES (See also entrj' 2.) 100. Applications for Liquor Licenses, 1933 — . 2 f.b. Applications for liquor licenses, showing name, residence, place of birth, business address, and bond of applicant, application number, amount of license fee, and approval by county clerk. Arr. chron. No index. 10^^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. FEES, EECEIPTS, EXPENDITURES CASH BOOKS AND LEDGERS 101. County Clerk — Cash Book, 1895 — . 26 v. (1 not numbered, 1, 16 not numbered, 310). Ledger of receipts and expenditures, showing date, nature of receipt or disburse- ment, number, amount, from whom received, and to whom paid. Also contains Account Book — Birth and Death, 1895-1901, 1916 — , entry 104. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 16 x 14 x 2. 1 v. not numbered, 1, 1895- 1910, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; 16 v. not numbered, 3-7, 1911-31, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; V. 8-10, 1932—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 102. (County Clerk's Account Book), 1902—. 3 v. (1, 2 not numbered). Journal of fines, fees, and costs received and disbursed by county clerk, showing date, amount, purpose, from whom received, and to whom disbursed. This record is kept to assist the county clerk in drawing up his trial .balance and is not similar to his receipts and expenditures record. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 700 p., 250 p.; 12x16x4; 18x12x2. V. 1, 1 not numbered. 1902-29, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; 1 v. not numbered, 1930—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 103. Ledger (County Clerk), 1891-1926. 7 v. Discontinued. Ledger of fees received and expended, showing names of parties, type and amount of fee, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of account. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 150 p. 12x8 X 1%. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. 104. Account Book— Birth and Death, 1902-15. 2 v. (1, 2). 1895-1901, 1916— in County Clerk— Cash Book, entry 101. Birth and death account book of county clerk with physicians and village and town clerks, showing name and address of person reporting, date received, number of report, amount paid to party reporting, and date of certification. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of person reporting birth or death. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 16 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 105. Township Financial Statements, 1931 — . 1 f.b. Certificates of publication of receipts, expenditures, and balance on hand in township treasury, for each township and village. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 X 13. Co. clk.'8 vlt., 2nd fl. 106. Bank Statements, 1931—. 3 f.b. Statements of balance on hand in various banks in which county has money. Arr. chron. No index. 10%x5xl3. 1 f.b., 1931-33, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl.; 2 f.b., 1934—, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. [32] County Clerk— Elections ; (107-117) Bonds of Officers ELECTIONS (See also entries 36, 168-171.) 107. Certificate of Election and List of Officers Elected, 1922—. 1 f.b. Certificates of election and lists of officers elected, slioAving name of party elected, township, place of election, date, and certification by county clerk. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 108. Judges of Election, 1919 — . 1 f.b. Names of persons recommended to board of supervisors by committee to serve as election judges, showing name of township, and name or number of district. Arr. cliron. No index. 101/2 x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 109. Abstracts of Votes, 1884—, 2 f.b. Abstracts of votes in primary and general elections, showing name of each candi- date, number of votes for each, and date and purpose of election. Arr. chron. No index. 10^^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 110. Poll Books, 1912—. 1059 v. Register of electors of primary elections, showing name of township, number of precincts, dates of elections, and names of electors. Arr. chron. No index. 20 p. 14x9x%. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. BONDS OF OFFICERS (See also entries 2, 36, 152, 153, 173, 215.) 111. Assessors' (and Miscellaneous) Bonds, 1922 — . 1 f.b. Bonds of assessors, commissioners of highways, and supervisors of assessments, showing names of bonded person, sureties, and townships, amount of bond, ap- proval by county clerk, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 10^^x5x13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 112. Assessors' Bonds, 1898—. 3 v. (1-3). Copies of assessors' bonds, showing names of assessor and sureties, township, amount of bond, date, approval by board of supervisors, signature of clerk, notarial acknowledgment, and filing date. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of assessor. Hdw. on pr. fm. 350 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co, clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 113. Justice Bonds, 1921—. 1 f.b. Bonds of justices of peace, showing names of justice, town, and sureties, amount of bond, approval by countj' clerk, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 10^^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 114. Constables' Bonds, 1922—. 1 f.b. Copies of constables' bonds, showing name of constable, amount of bond, names of sureties and township, approval by county clerk, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. lOi/o x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 115. Police Magistrate Bonds, 1921—. 1 f.b. Magistrate bonds showing names of police magistrate, township, and sureties, amount of bond, approval by county clerk, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 101/2 X 5 X 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 116. Justices' and Constables' Bond Record, 1861 — . 3 v. (AC). Copies of bonds, showing name of justice or constable, amount of bond, names of sureties, approval by court, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of bonded person. Hdw. on pr. fm. 600 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 117. County and City Officers' Bonds, Commissioners of Highways, 1914 — . 2 f-b. Bonds of county and city officers, showing name of bonded person, amount of bond, names of sureties or bonding company, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. lOVa x 5 X 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. [33] Recorder (118-120) 118. Bonds of Treasurer of Highway Commission, 1914 — . 1 v. (1). Copies of bonds of treaBurers of highway commission, showing name of treasurer, amount and date of bond, names of sureties and township, approval by commis- sioner of highways, notarial acknowledgment, and date of filing. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of treasurer. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl, 119. Miscellaneous Bonds and Cemetery Reports, 1901 — . 1 f.b. Missing: 1902-16. Financial reports of cemetery associations within county, including bond of city commissioners and treasurers of cemeterj' association, and bond given for con- tracts, showing names of mayor, public administrator, and parties, amount of bond, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 120. Deputy Sheriffs' Record, 1924—. 2 v. (1, 2). Record of bonds and oaths of deputy and special deputy sheriff, showing name of deputy, amount of bond, signatures of sheriff and deputy, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. ,by name of deputy. Hdw. on pr. fm. 600 p. 18 x 12 1 3. Co. clk-'s vlt., 2nd fl. III. RECORDER Originally the county recorders were appointed by the governor by and with the advice and consent of the senate.^ Later, in 1835, the legislature provided for the election of the recorder by the county electorate. The term was set for four years and reduced to two years in 1845.* Another change was made under the second constitution which provided that the office of recorder should be filled by the clerk of the circuit court in an ex-officio capacity.* Then, under the Constitu- tion of 1870, this provision was continued for counties under 60,000 population. In counties of greater population the office was made elective with a term of four years.* Champaign County did not meet the population requirement for an elec- ted incumbent until 1930. Since 1930 the recorder is elected in Champaign by the county electorate. The general assembly early recognized the importance of this office. Espe- cially is this observed in the statutory requirements for the archives of the said recorder's office. The county commissioners' court was required to erect a fire- proof recorder's office, at the county seat, when the finances of the countj' justified such expenditure.* The county commissioners were also required to furnish the recorder with all the necessary books for the execution of the county recorder's duties.* In contrast to its legal status the duties of the office have changed little; they have developed in scope but not altered in nature. The basic function of the recorder is to record at length and in the order of their receipt all instruments in writing.* The recorder is required to keep the following records: 1. An ©B*ry book for the notation of the date and order of receipt of instru- ments, and the names of parties and location of property. >L. 1819, p. 18, 19. • L. 1835. p. 166; L. 1845, p. 28. •Constitution of 1848, .Art. V, sec. 19; L. 1849, p. 63-66. < Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8; R. S. 1874, p. 833. Bond is required in either instance in the sum of $10,000. »L. 1843, p. 210, sec. 1 ; R. S. 1845, p. 136, sec. 44. •R. S. 1845, p. 432. sec. 8; L. 1847. p. 69, sec. 2. »L. 1819, p. 18. 20; R. L. 1829. p. 116. 117; R. S. 1874. p. 834, 835. [34] Recorder— Entry Books: (121-123) Instruments Recorded 2. Books of recordation, with a single alphabetical index for grantor and grantee. Separate .books may be kept for different classes of instruments; a separate series denoted "B" for recordation of bills of sale, chattel mortgages, releases and extensions, etc. 3. A separate book to record certificates of honorable military, aviation, and naval discharges. 4. An index, arranged alphabetically by name of grantor, containing also name of grantee, and showing date and kind of instrument and the page of its recordation. 5. A similar index, kept by name of grantee. In practice tills and the above index are sometimes kept as one numbered series, but with no results con- trary to the intent of the law. 6. Other indexes, such as for instruments recorded by corporations, powers of attorney, chattel mortgages, etc. Sometimes duplicate "Grantor-Grantee Index," but recommended by utility. 7. An index to recorded maps and plats, based on location of property. Sometimes arranged by section, township, range, etc. 8. An abstract book, in effect indexing records by showing for each tract every conveyance or incumbrance recorded, its execution and filing date, and the book and page of its recordation. Series optional with county board.* ENTRY BOOKS 121. Entry Book, 1833—. 35 v. (A-Z, 1-9). Original and general entry list of all instruments filed by recorder, showing date of entry, number, names of grantor and grantee, kind of instrument, location and legal description of property, and date and to whom delivered. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 350 p. 17 x 11 x 2. Eec.'s vlt., Ist fl. INSTRUMENTS RECORDED GENERAL 122. Deed Index Grantor and Grantee, 1833—. 129 v. (A, 1833-46, grantor- grantee; 1-17, 1834-1928, grantor; 1-17, 1834-1928, grantee; 47 v. 1833—, grantor; 47 v. 1833 — , grantee). Index to deed records, showing names of grantor and grantee, kind of instru- ment, date of filing, consideration, book and page of record, and legal description of property. First 35 volumes, 1833-1928, transcribed into last 94 volumes. Arr. alph. by names of grantor and grantee. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 650 p. 18 x 13 x 3. Eec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 123. Deed Record (Miscellaneous), 1833—. 241 v. (A-V, Y-Z, 1-239, not consecutive). Copies of all deeds not segregated by type, showing names of grantor and grantee, type of deed, legal description, of property, consideration, and dates. Also con- tains Sheriff's Deed Record, 1903—, entry 126; Warranty Deed Record, 1833-62, 1865-89, 1902—, entry 127; Quitclaim Deed Record, 1909—, entry 128; Cemetery Deed Record, 1928—, entry 129; Mortgage Records, 1833-55, entry 132; Chattel Mortgage Records, 1833-59, entry 136; Release Records, 1833-55, entry 133; Plat Book, 1833-74, entry 154. Arr. by type of deed. For index to all deed records, mortgage records prior to 1842, and chattel mortgage prior to 1836, see entry 122; for index to mortgage records, 1842-55, see entry 131; for index to cemetery •L. 1819. p. 18, 20, 21; L. 1847. p. 69; L. 1853, p. 254; L. 1867, p. 148; L. 1869. p. 2; L. 1871-72, p. 645, 646; L. 1873, p. 144; R. S. 1874, p. 734-37; L. 1917, p. 652. L. 1925, p. 521; L. 1933-34, p. 214. [33] Recorder— (124-131) instruments Recorded deed records, 1856—, see entry 130. 1833-57, hdw.; 1858-1908 hdw. and hdw. on pr. fm., interspersed; 1909 — , hdw., typed, and hdw. and typed on pr. fm., inter- spersed. 640 p. 18 X 13 X 3. Eec.'s vlt., Ist fl. DEEDS (See also entry 123.) 124. Trust Deed Record, 1874—. 56 v. (23-331, not consecutive). 1856-73 in Mortgage Record, entry 132. Copies of trust deeds, showing names of grantor and grantee, purpose, legal description of property, exact terms with penalty in case of default, date, and signature of notary. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 131. Hdw. on pr. fm. 640 p. 18 X 13 X 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 125. Tax Deed Record, 1891—. 1 v. (89). Copies of deeds covering property sold for taxes, showing names of owner and purchaser, legal description of property, amount involved, court order authorizing deed, and dates. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 122. Hdw. on pr. fm. 640 p. 18 X 13 X 3. Roc's vlt., Ist fl. 126. Sheriffs' Deed Record, 1862-1902. 1 v. 1903— in Deed Record (Miscel- laneous), entry 123. Copies of shcriflf's deeds, showing names of plaintiff and defendant .legal descrip- tion of property, amount involved, court order authorizing deed, and dates. Arr. chron. For index, see entrj- 122. Hdw. on pr. fm. 640 p. 18x13x3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 127. Warranty Deed Record, 1863-64, 1890-1901. 15 v. (X, 1863-64; 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 104, 105, 107-9, 112, 113, 1890-1901). 1833-62, 1865- 89, 1902— in Deed Record (Miscellaneous), entry 123. Copies of warranty deeds, showing names of grantor and grantee, legal description of property, consideration, and dates. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 122. Hdw. on pr. fm. 640 p. 18 x 13 x 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 128. Quitclaim Deed Record, 1868-1908. 4 v. (12, 29, 91, 111). 1909— in Deed Record (Miscellaneous), entry 123. Copies of quitclaim deeds, showing names of grantor and grantee, legal descrip- tion of property, and consideration. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 122. Hdw. on pr. fm. 640 p. 18 x 13 x 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 129. Cemetery Deed Record, 1907-27 1 v. 1928— in Deed Record (Miscel- laneous), entry 123. Copies of deeds to cemetery lots, showing names of grantor and grantee, legal description of property, consideration, and dates. Arr. chron. Hdw. and typed. 640 p. 18 X 13 X 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 130. Index to Cemetery Deeds, 1856 — . 1 v. (1). Index to cemetery deeds, showinp deed number, names of grantor and grantee, date of filing, date of instrument, and book and page number of record. Arr. alph. by name of grantee. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 480 p. 18 x 13 x 2*^. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. MORTGAGES— REAL PROPERTY 131. General Index Mortgagor, Mortgagee, 1842 — . 24 v. (1, 2, 1842-73, mortgagor; 3-13, 1874 — , mortgagor; 3-13, 1874 — , mortgagee). Index to mortgage records, showing names of mortgagor and mortgagee, number of mortage, type and date of instrument, date filed, and book and page number of record. Arr. alph. by names of mortgagor and mortgagee. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 640 p. 18 X 13 X 3. Rec.'s vlt., Ist fl. [36] Recorder— (132-139) Instrnments Recorded 132. Mortgage Record, 1856—. 174 v. (AD, F, I, K, L, N, O, R-U, W, X, Z; 157 V. 1-304, not consecutive). 1833-55 in Deed Record (Miscellane- ous), entry 123. Copies of mortgages, showing names of mortgagor and mortgagee, legal descrip- tion of property, amount, dates of execution and filing, notarial acknowledg- ment, and signature of recorder. Also contains Release Record, 1856-65, entry 133; Trust Deeds, 1856-73, entry 124; Homestead Mortgage Record, 1856-72, entry 134. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 131. Hdw., hdw. on pr. fm., typed, and typed on pr. fm., interspersed. 640 p. 18 x 13 x 3. Rec.'a vlt., 1st fl. 133. Release Record, 1866—. 71 v. (Q, 10-340, not consecutive). 1833-55 in Deed Record, entry 123; 1856-65 in Mortgage Record, entry 132. Copies of releases, showing names of mortgagee and mortgagor, signatures, and seal of notary public, and dates of instrument and filing. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 131. Hdw. on pr. fm. 640 p. 18x13x3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 134. Homestead Mortgage Record, 1873-91. 1 v. 1856-72 in Mortgage Record, entry 132. Copies of homestead mortgages, showing names of mortgagor and mortgagee, consideration, legal description of property, date, exact terms with penalty in case of default, signatures of parties involved, and notarial seal. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 131. Hdw. on pr. fm. 640 p. 18 x 13 x 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. MORTGAGES — OHATTKL 135. Chattel Mortgage Index, 1836—. 8 v. (1-8). Index to chattel mortgages, showing names of mortgagor and mortgagee, number and date of instrument, and date of filing. Arr. alph. by name of mortgagor. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 650 p. 18x12x3. V. 1-6, 1836-1927, rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. ; V. 7-8, 1928—, rec.'s off., 1st fl. 136. Chattel Mortgage Record, I860—. 148 v. (1 not labeled, E, G, H, J, P, V, Y, 37 v. 3-203, not consecutive, 1860-1910; 63 v. 1-200, not con- secutive, 1881-1927; 40 v. 11-83, not consecutive, 1916 — ). 1833-59 in Deed Record (Miscellaneous), entry 123. Copies of chattel mortgages, showing mortgage number, names of mortgagor and mortgagee, description of property, amount, terms, and dates of instrument and filing. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 135. 1860-1913, hdw. on pr. fm.; 1914 — , hdw. and typed on pr, fm., interspersed. 650 p. 18 x 12 x 3. 108 v., 1860-1910, 1881-1927, east strm., bsmt. ; 40 v., 1916—, rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 137. Chattel Mortgages, 1934—. 6 f.b. Original chattel mortgages filed and recorded, showing names of mortgagor and mortgagee, dates, mortgage number, description of chattels, and stipulations for payment. Arr. by mortgage no. For index, see entry 135. 10 x 5 x 13. Rec.'s off., Ist fl. 138. Record, Chattel Liens and Index Book (Chattel Lien Record). 1921 — . 1 V. (1). Liens against automobiles showing names of claimant and defendant, description of car, cause for lien, amount claimed, date and amount of repairs and labor for car, claimant's oath, and signature of notary public. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. 600 p. 16 x 12 x 2^^. Rec.'s vlt., lat fl. CERTIFICATES OF LEVY 139. Sheriffs' and Masters' Certificates of Levy, Purchase, Sales or Redemp- tion, 1857—. 6 V. (C, 1857-78; D, 1869-1923; F, 1898-1931; 1, 1874- 1930; 1, 1921-31; 4, 1930—). Title varies: Certificate of Purchase Record; Certificate Record. Record of redemption, showing kind of instrument, case number, parties involved, [37] Recorder— (140-146) Instruments Recorded amount, legal description of property, court orders to sheriff or master in chancery, action taken, certificates of levy, purchase or sale of property and redemption of siime, with dates and signatures of sheriff or master in chancery and recorder. Arr. chron. For index, except v. C, see entry 140; for index to v. C, 1857-78, see entry 141. 1857-1929, hdw. on pr. fm.; 1930—, typed on pr. fm. 700 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 140. Miscellaneous Index (Index to Sheriffs' and Masters' Certificates), 1874—. 3 V. (1-3). Index of sheriffs' and masters' certificates of levy, purchase, sale, or redemption, showing names of parties, case number, filing date, and book and page of record ; also serves as index to Miscellaneous Record, entry 147. Arr. alph. by names of grantor and grantee. Hdw. on pr. fm. 450 p. 18 x 13 x 2. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 141. Index to Sheriffs' and Masters' Certificates, 1857-78. 1 v. Index to volume C, Certificate of Purchase Record, entry 139, showing case num- ber, names of plaintiff and defendant, kind of instrument, dates of instrument and filing, and book and page of entry. Arr. alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 18M. x 13 x 21^. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 142. Certificates of Levy, 1859—. 3 v. (B, E, F). Missing: 1882-85. Copies of certificates of levy, showing court order to sheriff to levy and sell to satisfy judgment, names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of case, legal descrip- tion of property, date of filing, and signatures of sheriff and recorder. Arr. chron. V. B, E, 1859-1920, indexed alph. by name of defendant; v. F, 1921 — , no index. 1859-1930, hdw. and hdw. on pr. fm., interspersed; 1931 — , hdw. on pr, fm. 635 p. 18 X 121/2 x 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 143. Sheriffs' Sale Record, 1858—. 1 v. (B), Copies of certificates of sale, showing names of pL-iintiff and defendant, legal description of property sold by sheriff, name of purchaser, amount paid, date of filing, and signatures of sheriff and recorder. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 635 p. 13x111/^x3. Rec.'s vlt., Ist fl. 144. Certificate of Sale and Redemption, 1861—. 1 v. (2). Copies of certificates of sale and redemption, showing names of plaintiff and defendant, case number, legal description of property, term of court, amount involved, date of filing, and signatures of recorder and sheriff. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 596 p. 16xl2x2V^. Bee's vlt., 1st fl. OTHER INSTRUMENTS 145. Stallion Record, 1910-27. 1 v. 1926 — in Miscellaneous Record — County Court, entry 173. Stallion certificate register showing number, name of owner, name, description, and .breed of horse, dates foaled and examined, registration number, name and report of examining veterinarian, date of expiration of license, signatures of secretary of state board of agriculture, stallion registration board, and recorder, and date of filing. Arr. by certificate no. Indexed alph. by name of owner. Hdw. on pr. fm. and typed on pr. fm., interspersed. 504 p. 18 x 13 x 2*^. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 146. Renewal Certificate of Stallion Record, 1911-17. 2 v. (1 not numbered, 2). 1918 — in Miscellaneous Record — County Court, entry 173. Renewal certificate of licenses for stallions, showing grade, certificate number, names of original owner, present owner, and stallion, certificate renewal for one year from date, date signed by secretary of state board of agriculture and stal- lion registration board, and date of filing and signature of county recorder. Arr. [38] Recorder— (147-155) Maps and Plats by certificate no. Indexed alph. by name of owner. Hdw. on pr. fm. 240 p. 18 X 13 X 3. Kec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 147. Miscellaneous Record, 1874 — . 24 v. (1-24). Miscellaneous record including incorporation and trusteeship records of lodges, societies, corporations and churches, partitions, foreclosure decrees, division of property in divorce cases, waiver of dower rights. Federal tax liens, and master in chancery sales. Arr. chron. For index, see entiy 140; for index to tax liens subsequent to 1925, see entry 148. 1874-1903, hdw.; 1904 — , typed. 640 p. 18 x 13 X 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 148. Federal Tax Lien Index, 1926 — . 1 v. (1). Index to liens as recorded in Miscellaneous Record, entry 147, showing name of taxpayer, residence or place of business, collector's serial number, date of filing of notice, amount of tax assessed, penalty, certificate of discharge of tax lien filed, number of document, page in record, and remarks. Arr. alph. by name of taxpayer. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 14 x 9 x %. Eec.'s vlt., Ist fl. 149. Soldiers' Discharge Record, 1861—. 4 v. (A, 1-3). Missing: 1866-1916. Copies of soldiers' discharge certificates, showing name, date and place of birth, age and description of soldier, date and place of enlistment, date and place of discharge, and record of service. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of soldier. 1861-1920, hdw. on pr. f m. ; 1921—, typed. 650 p. 18x12x2. Rec.'s vlt, Ist fl. For civil war militia roll, see entry 97. 150. Register, Names of Lands, 1916—. 1 v. (1). Register of cancellation or release of name rights to property, showing owner's name and residence as listed in county tax books, name of farm, location and legal description of land, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of owner. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 320 p. 17 x 15 x 2. Eec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 151. Corporation Record, 1925—. 2 v. (1, 2). Record of corporations, showing name of corporation, objective, date, place of operation, condition, duration, capital stock, amount of each share, number of shares, name and address of each subscriber, legal description of property, and signatures of incorporators, notary public, and recorder. Arr. chron. 1925-27, indexed alph. by name of corporation; 1928 — , no index. 1925-27, typed on pr. fm.; 1928—, typed. 640 p. 17 x 13 x 3. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 152. Register of School Treasurers' Bonds, 1890-1931. 1 v. Discontinued. Copies of school treasurers' bonds, showing dates, names of sureties and witnesses, and amount of l^onds. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of school treasurer. Hdw. on pr. fm. 480 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Rec.'s vlt., Ist fl. 153. Town Collectors' Bonds, 1872-1918. 3 v. (B-D). Discontinued. Copies of township collectors' bonds, showing name of collector, amount of bond, names of sureties, date, and signatures of town clerk, supervisor, and county clerk. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. bj' name of twp. Hdw. on pr. fm. 660 p. 18x12x3. V. B, C, 1872-98, east strm.. bsmt.; v. D, 1899-1918, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl. MAPS AND PLATS 154. Plat Book, 1875—. 7 v. (A-G). 1833-74 in Deed Record (Miscellane- ous), entry 123. Record of plats of surveys, showing location and legal description of roads, lota, lands, and cemeteries, and dates. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. Hand-drawn and hdw. 300 p. 20y2 X 19 X 2%. Rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. 155. Index to Plats, 1875—. 1 v. (A). Index to plats, showing name of estate or addition, kind of record, and book and [391 County Court (ISO page in plat book. Arr. alph. by name of estate or addition. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 14 I 9 I 2. Rec.'s vlt, 1st fl. 156. Plat Book (Cemetery), 1936—. 2 v. (1, 2). Plat book showing plats of location of burial places in Champaign Countj', with name of cemetery, and legal description of lots. Arr. by sec., twp. and range. Indexed alph. by name of cemetery. Hand-drawn. 100 p. 18 x 16 z 2%. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. IV. COUNTY COURT The county court was first established in lUinois by the Constitution of 1848 and the legislation of 1849.^ As a judicial court, the court was composed of a single judge, elected by the county electorate for a quadrennial term. The judge was stj-led the county judge of Champaign County, and was commissioned by the governor. His four-year term of service has remained in effect from the first legislation untU the present time.* The court was given originally the same civil and criminal jurisdiction as the justices of the peace. The county judge was the conservator of the peace for the county. He was given the same power and authority as the circuit court in pre- serving order in the court and punishing contempts offered the court while in session.* In addition to its civil and criminal powers the county court was vested with all the powers and jurisdiction of the probate court. In its probate function the court was given concurrent jurisdiction with the circuit court.* In Champaign County the county judge has served until the present day in his ex-officio capacity as judge of the probate court. The law jurisdiction of the county court in Champaign County, from 1874 to the present is concurrent with that of the circuit court in that class of cases, first, wherein the justices of the peace have jurisdiction where the value or the amount in controversy does not exceed one thousand dollars;* second, in all cases of appeals from justices of the peace and police magistrates; third, in all criminal offenses and misdemeanors where the punishment is not imprisonment in the penitentiarj- or death.* Appeals from the judgments and decisions of the county court may be taken to the circuit court.' To the appellate court or supreme court may be taken and prosecuted appeals and writs of error in proceedings for the sale of lands for taxes and special assessments, and in all common law and attachment cases, and cases of forcible detainer and forcible entry and detainer. Such appeals and writs of error are, when not otherwise provided, taken and prosecuted in the same manner as appeals and writs of error from the circuit court.* The records of the court are kept by the clerk of the county court. The county clerk is the ex-officio clerk of the county court. In addition to these » Constitution of 1848. Art. V. sec. 16; L. 1849, p. 62. 'L. 1849. p. 64; R. S. 1874, p. 339; L. 1933, p. 451. » Ibid, also L. 1859, p. 99. *L. 1859. p. 99. • Under the laws of 1872 the jurisdiction was in cases not exceeding $500. The revised laws of 1874 and subsequent legislation extended the jurisdiction to cases wherein the amount involved was not over $1000. •R. S. 1874. p. 339; L. 1877, p. 77; L. 1933, p. 448. 'R. S. 1874. p. 339. »R. S. 1874, p. 339; L. 1877, p. 77; L. 1881, p. 66. [40] County Court— (157, 158) Proceedings of Court statutory records described below, the clerk necessarily maiutains others in effect- ing the court's orders." For the court, the clerk keeps the following records: 1. Books of record of the proceedings and judgments of the court, with alphabetical indexes by parties. Proceedings are recorded at length only in cases designated by law, or when the court, at the motion and assump- tion of expense by one of the parties, so orders. In practice, the court record has been broken down from an early date into segregated types of proceedings and judgments. 2. "Plaintiff-Defendant Index to Court Eecorda'' and "Defendant-Plaintiff Index to Court Records." Intended to be separate records, but frequently combined in a single volume with the two indexes segregated in each volume. 3. A general docket, in which all suits are entered in the order they are commenced. 4. A judgment and execution docket, containing a column for the entry of satisfaction or other disposition. In practice an execution docket is fre- quently set up independently, highlighting the information for which the extra column of the larger record was intended. 5. Additional dockets, designated as the clerk's, judge's, and bar docket. In practice the bar docket has tended to drop out of use. 6. A fee book, in which costs and fees are to be entered under the proper title of the cause. In practice separate series of volumes are maintained under these titles of causes. 7. Transcripts of proceedings in appeals from justices' courts, dockets there- of, and transcripts of judgment for liens, etc., from justices' courts. 8. Naturalization records, including petitions, proceedings, final certificates, etc. The county courts in Illinois prior to 1906 met the requirement of Federal statutes to exercise naturalization jurisdiction.^" 9. Original documents used in court hearings and determinations. These documents are of particular importance because in a large number of cases the complete proceedings are not spread on court record." PROCEEDINGS OF COURT 157. Common Law Cases, 1872—. Ill f.b. Original common law documents in confession, assumpsit, mechanics lien, garni- shee, trespass on case, and scire facias to revise judgment, showing case number, names of parties and attorneys, type of action, decree, and dates. Cases numbered 1-6219. Arr. chron. No inde.x. lOVo x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For pending cases, see entry 215. 158. Criminal Cases, 1872—. 82 f.b. Documents in criminal law cases, showing case number, names of defendant and attorneys, nature of cases, type of action, court orders, and dates. Cases num- bered 1-6080. Arr. chron. No index. 10^ x 6 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For pending cases, see entry 215. •This category is obliquely recognized by law; though the form which such records take is generally determined by court order. L. 1849. p. 66; R. S. 1874, p. 263. " U. S. S. 1802, p. 153; U. S. R. S. 1874, p. 378. "R. S. 1845, p. 57, 323, 324, 414, 418, 419; L. 1865, p. 79, 80; L. 1871-72, p. 325; R. S. 1874, p. 262, 263, 339; L. 1877, p. 77; L. 1933, p. 448. 451; U. S. S. 1802, p. 153- 55; U. S. R. S. 1874, p. 378-80; U. S. S. 1906, p. 598-607; U. S. S. 1915, p. 736-38; U. S. S. 1926, p. 709, 710. [41] County Court— (159-167) Proceedingra of Court 159. County Court Record, 1872—. 12 v. (A-L3. 1834-71 in County Court Record (Probate), entry 216. Record of common law and criminal cases in county court, showing case number, names of parties, type of action, orders or decree of court, and dates. Arr. chron. 1872 — , indexed alph. by names of plaintiff and defendant; for sep. index, 1872- 1933. see entry IGO. 1872-1919, hdw.; 1920—, typed. 600 p. 18x12x2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 160. Index to Court Records, Plaintiff -Defendant, 1872-1933. 4 v. (1, 2, plaintiff; 1, 2, defendant). Discontinued. Index to court records, showing names of plaintiff and defendant, kind of action, date commenced, book and page of record, term disposed, and date and amount of judgment; serves as index to Judgment and Execution Docket 1872-73, entry 183; also contains Index to Probate Records, entry 217. Arr. alph. b3' names of plain- tiff and defendant, or estate. After 1933, self-contained index is the only one employed for County Court Record. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. 1, 1, 1872-96, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; v. 2, 2, 1897-1933, co. clk.'8 off., 2nd fl. 161. County Court Record of Confessions, 1905—. 2 v. (1, 1905-28; 2, 1927—). Record of confessions in vacation, showing date, case number, names of plaintiff, defendant, and attoniej's, amount of judgment, and costs. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by names of plaintiff and defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. 1, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 2, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 162. Default Record, 1874-1931. 1 v. Discontinued. Record of defaults, showing term of court, names of plaintiff, defendant, and attornej's, amount of judgment by default, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 250 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 163. Insanity Cases, 1859 — . 31 f.b. Writs of inquisition in insanity cases, showing petition for writ, warrant of com- mitment, and interrogatories and report by jury or commission. Arr. chron. 1859-98, no index; for index, 1899 — , see entry 164. 10y2 x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. For other insanity papers, see entry 215. 164. Entry Book, and Index Insanity and Adoption, 1899 — . 1 v. (1). Register of insanity and adoption cases, showing case number, name of insane person or ward, by whom adopted and date of adoption, or date of commitment and discharge; also serves as an index to Insanity Cases, entrj' 163, and Adoption Cases, entry 167. Arr. alph. by name of ward or insane person. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 165. Insanity Record, 1893—. 5 v. (1-5). Record of findings and orders of lunacy commission, showing case number, name of alleged insane person, date of examination, signatures of medical examiners, orders of confinement, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of alleged insane person. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 2. V. 1-4, 1893-1931, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 5, 1932—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 166. Record of Findings and Orders Feeble-Minded, 1916 — . 1 v. (1). Record of findings and orders in feeble-minded cases, showing names of alleged feeble-minded person, county clerk, sheriff, and examiners, date and result of examination, and order of committment. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of alleged feeble-minded person. Hdw. on pr. fm. 250 p. 18x12x1^^. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 167. Adoption Cases, 1871—. 14 f.b. Petitions, orders, and decrees of adoption, showing names of parents, child, persona [42] County Court— (168-175) Docketa adopting, and judge entering decree, and dates. Arr. by case no. 1871-98, no index; for index, 1899—, see entry 164. 101/2 x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 168. Village Organization Files, 1872 — . 1 f.b. Applications and petitions for the incorporation of villages, appointments of election judges, certificates of publication, and affidavits of posting notices, with names of parties and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co, clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 169. (Resolutions for Organization of Townships), 1916-24. 1 f.b. Discon- tinued. Resolutions and petitions for the organization of the township of the City of Champaign, reports of election districts, and sale of lots by county in Tolono Township. Arr. chron. No index. 10%x5xl3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 170. Miscellaneous — Sanitary District, 1903 — . 1 f.b. Petitions to organize sanitary districts, trustees' bonds, orders fixing boundaries, orders appointing judges and clerks of election, orders for election, resignations, trustees' oaths of office, abstract of votes, and proof of posting notices. Arr. chron. No index. 10^^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'8 vlt., 2nd fl. 171. Cities, Urbana, Champaign — Commission Form Civil Service, 1910-32. 1 f.b. Petitions to hold special elections for adoption of commission form of municipal government in Champaign and Urbana, court orders for such elections, election notices, city clerk's certificate of total votes cast for all candidates for mayor at election, and petitions to adopt municipal civil service for Urbana. Arr. chron. No index. lOiA x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 172. Assignments, 1872-86. 1 f.b. Discontinued. Petitions of assignee to drop assignment proceedings due to settlement out of court, showing names of assignees and creditors, amount of settlement or assign- ment, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 10^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 173. Miscellaneous Record — County Court, 1903 — . 1 v. (1). Record of county court, showing agreements, appearance bonds, power of attor- ney, revocation of power of attorney, proof of heirship, petition of administrator for order of partial distribution, petition by trustee to make repairs, petition for letters of administration, inheritance tax receipts, official bonds, and cemetery associations' annual report to county court. Also contains Stallion Record, 1928 — , entry 145, and Renewal Certificate of Stallion Record, 1918 — , entry 146. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. ,by name of party or subject. Typed. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 174. Petitions and Orders for Disposition of Liquor and Automobiles, 1924 — . 1 f.b. Petitions and orders for disposition or distribution of alcohol in possession of sheriff, to the various hospitals of the county, and to department of agriculture of University of Illinois; also petitions to release automobiles after investigation of engine number. Arr. chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. DOCKETS COURT DOCKETS (See also entries 241, 242, 244.) 175. Clerk's Docket (Common Law and Criminal), 1930 — . 1 v. Clerk's docket of pending cases, showing case number, names of attorneys and parties, kind of action, term date of court, book and page number of county court record, and summary of case. As cases are completed, the dockets are re- moved from binder and kept in the file drawers. Common Law (Clerk's Docket), [43] County Court— (17S-184) DockeU entry 176, and Criminal — Clerks' Docket, entry 177. Arr. by ease no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 600 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 176. Common Law (Clerk's Docket), 1909—. 1 f.b. 1892-1908 in bound form, Clerk's Docket, County Court, entry 178. Docket sheets of closed common law cases, transferred from docket of pending cases, showing case number, names of attorneys and parties in suit, kind of action, date of term,, book and page of county court record, and summarj- of case. Arr. by case no. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 177. Criminal — Clerks' Docket, 1909—. 2 f.b, 1892-1908 in bound form Clerk's Docket— County Court, entry 178. Docket sheets of criminal cases, transferred from docket of pending cases, show- ing number of case, names of parties, kind of action, summary, and dates. Arr. by case no. No index. 14x17x13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 178. Clerks' Docket — County Court, 1892-1908. 4 v. Discontinued. Clerk's docket of criminal and common law cases, showing case number, type of case, names of parties, action and order of court. Subsequent to 1908, Common Law and Criminal Dockets kept separately, entries 176, 177. Arr. by case no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 16 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s strm., 2ud fl. 179. Judges' Criminal Docket, 1909—. 3 f.b. 1874-1908 in bound form. Judges' Docket, entry 181. Docket of criminal cases showing case number, name of defendant, kind of action, abstract of proceedings and date. Arr. chron. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 180. Judges' Docket — Common Law, 1909—. 1 f.b. 1874-1908 in bound form, Judges' Docket, entry 181. Judge's docket of common law cases, showing number of case, names of parties, kind of action, summary, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 181. Judges' Docket, 1874-1908. 7 v. (1-7). Discontinued. Docket of criminal and common law cases, showing case number, names of attor- neys and parties, type of action, orders of court, and dates. Subsequent to 1908, Judges Criminal Docket and Judges Docket Common Law kept separately, entries 179, 180. Arr. by case no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 18 1 12 x 1. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 182. Plaintiffs' and Defendants' Index (Term Docket), 1909-29. 32 v. Dis- continued. Term docket of common law and criminal eases, showing names of plaintiff and defendant, case number, and term of court. Set up as a term docket but also used as an indirect index to common law and criminal records. Arr. alph. by names of plaintiff and defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 60 p. 17 x 12 x Ms- 29 v., 1909-27, CO. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. ; 3 v., 1928-29, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 183. Judgment and Execution Docket, 1872—. 11 v. (lH). Judgment and execution docket showing number of case, names of parties, date of judgment, type and amount of lien, kind of action, nature of judgment or decree, and sheriff's return. Arr. alph. by name of person againpt whom judg- ment is entered. For sep. index, 1872-73, see entry 160; 1874 — , indexed alph. by names of plaintiff and defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. 1-8, 1S72 1927. co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; v. 9-11, 1928—, eo. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 184. Judges' Insanity Docket, 1915 — . 1 v. Judges' insanity docket showing number of case, date, name of person alleged insane, kind of action, and order of court. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of alleged insane person. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2ndfl. [44] County Court— (185-193) Fee Books 185. Judges' Docket of Feeble-Minded, 1916 — . 2 v. Docket of feeble-minded cases, showing case number, names of feeble-minded per- son and petitioner, date of petition, dates of summons and return, appointment of commission, dates of interrogation, and decree and order of commitment. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of feeble-minded person . Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 18 X 12 X 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 186. Judges' Docket — Dependency, 1913 — . 1 f.b. Judge's docket of dependency cases, showing number of case, names of parties, abstract of proceedings, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. 13 x 18 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 187. Drainage Docket, Local Improvements, Miscellaneous, 1933 — . 1 v. Docket of cases in connection with drainage district improvements, showing name of drainage district, names of attorney's and commissioners, court orders, and dates; petitions for local improvements, with names of petitioners, type of im- provements, court orders, and dates; miscellaneous record of board of review tax objections, certificates of moral character, appointment of park commissioners, and cemetery association reports, showing names of parties, court orders, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 16 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 188. Judges' Miscellaneous Docket, 1895—. 12 v. (DO), 1 f.b. Docket of various cases, including insanity, mothers' pension, local improvements, special assessments, petitions for adoption, and certificates of moral character, showing court term, date, number, and type of case, names of parties, orders and decrees of judge, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. V. 300 p. 18 X 12 X IVs ; f.b. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 189. Judges' Petition Docket, 1895-1912. 2 v. (A, B). Discontinued. Docket of various petitions brought before court, including those for probate of wills, installment of drainage districts, additional assessment, appointment of conservator, revocation of letters, and release of bondsmen, showing number of case, names of parties and attorneys, kind of action, and orders of court. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 190. County Judges' Chattel Mortgage Docket, 1923-25. 1 v. Discontinued. Copies of chattel mortgages, with acknowledgment of judge, showing name of judge, date, description of property, names of parties, and amount. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. and typed. 300 p. 14 x 10 x 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 191. Bar Docket, 1892-98. 1 v. Discontinued. Docket of all county court cases, showing docket number, names of attorneys, plaintiff, and defendant, nature of case, date of trial, and judgment of court. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 150 p. 14 x 17 x 1. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. JUSTICES' DOCKETS 192. Justice Dockets, 1875-1934. 98 v. Subsequent dockets kept by local justices. Justice of peace dockets in common law and criminal cases, showing names of parties, type of action, fees and costs, summary of case, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 250 p.. 300 p.; 12 x 8 x li^, 16x10x2. Co. clk.'s strm,, 2nd fl. FEE BOOKS 193. Fee Book— Common Law, 1903—. 4 v. (5, 8, 11, 13). 1872-1902 in Fee Book (Common Law and Criminal), entry 195. Fee book in common Law cases, showing number of cases, names of parties, type of action, term of court, itemized list of fees, and amount and date received. [45] County Court— Jury (194-201) Records; Bonds; Probation Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Ildw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. elk. '8 vlt., 2nd fl. 194. Fee Book— Criminal, 1903—. 6 v. (6. 7, 9, 10, 12, 14). 1872-1902 in Fee Book (Common L;i\v and Criminal), entry 195. Record of fees in criminal cases, showing case numljer, name of defendant, type of action, term of court, itemized list of fees, and amount and date received. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 195. Fee Book (Common Law and Criminal), 1872-1902. 4 v. (1-4). Fee book in common law and criminal cases, showing case number, names of parties, type of action, term of court, itemized list and amount of fees, and date received. Subsequent to 1902, Fee Book — Common Law and Fee Book — Criminal kept separately, entries 193, 194. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of plaintiff or defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs, 300 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 196. Miscellaneous Fee Book, 1898 — . 4 v. (A-D). Register of miscellaneous fees in insanity cases, mothers' pensions, adoption, local improvements, dependency, delinquency, and drainage districts, showing case number, type of case, names of parties, items of costs, type of fees, amount, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of principal party. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 18x12x2. V. A, B, 1898-1925, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. C, D, 1926—, CO. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. JURY RECORDS (See also entries 8, 9, 11, 37, 280, 283, 284, 364.) 197. Petit Jurors, 1916—. 2 f.b. List of names of petit jurors drawn for circuit and county court, showing name of juror, residence, names of circuit and county clerk, for what term drawn, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of juror. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 198. Jury Record— County Court, 1912—. 1 v. (1). Jury record of county court, showing names of persons drawn for service as petit jurors, term date of court, whether summoned, not found, or excused, and date of attendance. Arr. alph. by name of juror. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p. 15 X 11 x 1. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. BONDS 199. Recognizance Record, 1872—. 2 v. (1, 1872—; 2, 1918-21). Recognizance bond record showing term of court, name of defendant, case num- ber, type of action, names and signatures of sureties, notarial acknowledgment, court approval, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant or surety. 1872-1917, 1922—, hdw. on pr. fm.; 1918-21, typed on pr. fm. 300 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 200. Recognizance Record in Probation, 1912 — . 2 v. (1, 2). Record of bond given to appear .before court, showing date, amount, names of judge, sheriff, clerk, state's attorney, defendant, and sureties, and case number. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 250 p. 18x12x1%. V. 1, 1912-30, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; v. 2, 1931—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. PROBATION JUVENILE AND MOTHERS' PENSION (See also entries 216, 301-305.) 201. Dependency, 1881—. 40 f.b. Application or petition and order for change of custody, affidavit and order for warrant, certificate of publication, consent and appearance, decree of court, [46] County Court— Reports (202-210) to Court; Naturalization monthly investigation report, and order to pay for care of dependent child by court. Arr. by case no. 10% x 5 .x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 202. Entry Book — Juvenile Cases (Index), 1881 — . 2 v. (1, 2). Entry book serving as index to juvenile cases, showing case number, name of child, whether delinquent or dependent, dates of petition, consent, and appearance, warrant date, decree of court, and file number. Arr. alph. by name of child. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 203. Adoption, Juvenile, and Mothers' Pension, 1921 — . 1 v. Eegister of adoption, juvenile, and mothers' pension cases, showing names of parties, number of case, kind of action, summary of case, and dates. Subsequent to 1933 mothers' pensions discontinued because of lack of funds. Arr. ,by case no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 204. Mothers' Pension, 1916 — . 10 f.b. Last entry 1933. Applications and petitions for pension, entry of appearance, monthly investiga- tion, and orders for payment by judge. Arr. chron. No index. lOV^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 205. Entry Book — Mothers' Pensions, 1916 — . 1 v. Last entry 1933. Entry book showing case number, name of mother, names, ages, and birth dates of children, date petition filed, and decree of court. Arr. by case no. Indexed alph. by name of mother. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. For other records, see entries 2, 188, 196, 203. ADULT (See also entries 200, 286, 287, 306-311.) 206. Probation Court Record, 1912 — . 4 v. (1-4). Record of requests to be released on probation, showing date, names of judge and defendant, and case number. Arr. alph. by name of defendant. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p. 18 x 12 x 2. V. 1-3, 1912-35, eo. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; v. 4, 1936—, CO. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. REPORTS TO THE COURT (See also entry 173.) 207. Justice of the Peace Report, 1936 — . 1 f.b. Reports of justice or magistrate to county court, showing date, name of party, charge, amount of fine, and action. Arr, chron. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. NATURALIZATION (See also entries 288-295.) 208. Naturalization Papers, 1851-1906. 3 f.b. Declaration of intention, final oath of adults, and minors' declaration and final oath. Arr. alph. by name of alien. No index. 10% x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 209. Naturalization Record— Adults, 1860-1906. 3 v. (A, 1860-89; B, C, 1878-1906). Naturalization record of adults, showing petition and final certificate of naturali- zation, with names of applicant, county, county clerk, and former country of allegiance, and dates. Also carries Minors' Naturalization Record, 1897-1906, entry 210. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of applicant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 18 X 12 X 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 210. Naturalization Record— Minors, 1866-96. 1 v. 1897-1906 in Naturali- zation Record — Adults, entry 209. Naturalization record of minors, showing petition, final oath, and certificate, with names of applicant, county, judge, sheriff, state's attorney, and county clerk, [47] Probmte Coart (211) term of court, and dates. Art. ehron. Indexed alph. by name of applicant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'a vlt., 2nd fl. 211. Naturalization Record — Soldiers, 1866-89. 1 v. Discontinued. Naturalization record of soldiers, sliowing petition, final oath, and certificate, with names of party, county, judge, sheriff, state's attorney and county clerk, term of court, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of applicant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. V. PROBxVTE COURT Probate courts have original jurisdiction in all matters of probate, the settle- ment of estates of deceased persons, the appointment of guardians and conserva- tors and settlement of their accounts; matters relating to apprentices; proceedings bj' executors, admini.strators, guardians, and conservators for sale <>i real estate; proceedings for the collection of taxes.* The jurisdiction has changed little in over a hundred years. The first General Assembly in 1819 gave probate jurisdiction to the county commissioners' court. In 1821 independent probate courts were established." The newly created courts of probate were composed of a judge elected by the General Assembly.' At the organization of Champaign County in 1833, probate matters were thus administered by the said court. Then, six years later, the "judges of probate" were succeeded by "probate justices of the peace." A probate justice was elected in each county by the county electorate for a quadrennial term, as of 1839.* Finally, less than a decade later, the second constitution transferred to the newly created county court all probate jurisdiction, and subsequent legislation required it to hold special terms for such matters." Champaign County court has retained probate jurisdiction from its creation until the present day. The early probate judges and justices were required to perform the ministerial function of the probate clerk.' Following the organization of the county court in 1848, the county clerk has served as ex-officio clerk of the probate court. The major records of probate courts are: 1. Journal of all judicial proceedings and determinations of the judge. 2. A judgment docket with direct and indirect index, former .by name of claimant against estate, latter by estate. In practice the reciuirenieiit of two indexes often leads to two dockets. 3. Books for recordation of bonds and letters of administrators, executors, and guardians; appraisements and sale bills; widows' relinquishments and selection of property of minors; wills and the probate thereof; annual and final reports of administrators, executors, and guardians. Generally each category of these probate business matters is recorded separately, but the segregation is not always carefully maintained. 4. Separate dockets of unsettled estates and claims against estates, and a ledger of the accounts of executors, administrators, and guardians. Note that the dockets of probate business matters are separated from dockets of court proceedings, just as are the books of recordation of the two cate- gories; the intention of the law to make this distinction is further shown > Constitution of 1870, Art. VI, sec. 20; R. S. 1874, p. 339, 340; L. 1877. p. 80. «L. 1819, p. 224; L. 1821, p. 119. ' L. 1821, p. 119; the manner of election of all judges of inferior courts, however, had been designated by the Constitution of 1818, Art. IV, sec. 4. * R. L. 1837, p. 176. •Constitution of 1848, Art. V, sec. 16, 18; L. 1849, p. 64. 65; R. S. 1874, p. 339, 340. •L. ISai, p. 120; R. L. 1837, p. 429. [48] ProbaU Court— (212-216) Proceedings of Court in its granting the clerk, during vacation of the court, power to receive petitions, accept bonds, grant letters testamentary, etc. 5. Files of original documents not the subject of recordation; indexes of such ; records of office transactions in pursuance of the court's orders to the clerk are necessary in the latter's settlement with that body.' PROCEEDINGS OF COURT 212. Estate Papers, 1833—. 603 f.b. Petitions for appointment of administrator, letters of administration, oaths and .bonds, certificates of evidence in proof of heirship, wills, affidavits of mailing, publication, and posting of adjustment notices, decrees of heirship, inventories of real and personal property, appraisement bills, petitions for probate of wills, orders assessing inheritance tax, inheritance tax returns, petitions and orders for sale of real estate to pay debts, claims against estate, sale bills, petitions and orders to make distribution, and reports and accounts of administrators. Cases numbered 1-9812. Arr. chron. IQi/a x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 213. Index— Estates, (Wills), 1833—. 2 v. (1, 1833-1923; 1, 1833—). Index to estates, showing case number, names of estates and administrator or executor, and dates of letters and discharge. Also indexes Copies of Wills, entry 220, "Volume 1, 1833-1923, has been recopied into volume 1, 1833—. Arr. alph. by name of estate. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 600 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 214. Entry Book— Estates, 1899—. 1 v. (1). Record of estates, showing estate number, names of estate and administrator or executor and dates of letters and discharge. Record also acts as an indirect index to estate papers. Arr. alph. by name of estate. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 215. (Pending Files — Miscellaneous), 1936 — . 37 f.b. Miscellaneous papers, including petitions for appointment of administrator, let- ters, affidavits for posting notices, certificates of publication and of mailing, constables' and justices' .bonds, school maps, bonds of treasurer and commissioner of highways, insane and feeble-minded cases, marriage licenses, inventories and appraisements, orders and decrees for sale of real estate, personal injury suits, letters of guardians, administrators, conservators, and executors, estate reports and claims, drainage files, county court common law and criminal cases, and tuberculosis sanitarium papers. Arr. chron. No index. 10^/^ x 8 x 14, 10^/^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 216. County Court Record (Probate), 1834—. 66 v. (1-66). Record of claim adjustments for probate court, with petitions for sale of real estate and personal property at private sale, decrees finding heirship, petitions for appointment of administrator and change of custody of dependent children, decrees of adoption, widows' relinquishments and selections, final reports of administrators, executors, and guardians, appointment of appraisers, applications for certificates of moral character, proof of execution of will, and petitions to establish drainage districts, showing court term, case number, name of estate or subject, judge's order or decree, signature of judge, and filing date. Also contains County Court Record, 1834-71, entry 1.59. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate or subject; for sep. index, 1872-1933, see entry 217. 1834-99, hdw.; 1900—, typed. 300 p., .500 p.; 16x17x1, 18x12x3. V. 1-6.5, 1834-1935, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 66, 1936—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 'L. 1821, p. 119; R. S. 1829, p. 21.5, 231; R. S. 1837, p. 429; R. S. 1845. p. 427, 428; L. 1851, p. 193; L. 1859, p. 92-94; R. S. 1874. p. 260-65; L. 1877. p. 83; L. 1933, p. 293. [49] Probate Court— (217-224) Probate Business 217. Index to Court Records (Probate), 1872-1933. In Index to Court Records, PlaintilT-Defendant, entry 160. Index to probate proceedings, showing names of estate, heirs, administrator, guardian, and executor, and book and page of record. 218. Probate Judgment Record, 1866-1900. 2 v. (A, B). Discontinued. Record of judgments in probate cases, .showing date and term of court, names of estate, judge, clerk, plaintiff, and administrator, case number, amount of claim, court order, and signature of judge. Arr. cliron. Indexed alph. by name of plaintiff. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 18x12x3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 219. Miscellaneous Record — Estates, 1918 — . 4 v. (1-4). Mi.scellaneous record of estate matters including bonds of executor, guardian, and administrator, petitions for probate of wills, entries of appearance, refusal to act as executor, consent to appointment of guardian, relinquishment of widows' awards, assignments of interest, inheritance tax receipts, petitions for appoint- ment of administrator, sale bills of estates, certificates of publication, oaths, letters of administration, assignments of contracts, with number of case, term of court, names of parties involved and judge, orders of court, filing date, and sig- nature of clerk. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of subject or party. Typed. 500 p. 18x12x3. V. 1-3, 1918-34, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 4, 1935—, co clk.'s off., 2nd fl. PROBATE BUSINESS WILLS. BONDS, LETTERS (See also entries 173, 212, 215, 216, 219.) 220. Copies of Wills, 1870—. 14 f.b. Copies of wills filed, showing name of estate, stipulations, codicils if any, names of witnesses, and filing date. Arr. by document no. For index, see entrj' 213. 10% X 5 X 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 221. Will Record, 1833—. 15 v. (2, 2-15). Record of wills, testaments, codicils, letters testamentary, and bonds of adminis- trator or executor, showing name of testator, term date of court, number of case, copj' of last will and testament, notarial seal and acknowledgment, filing date, and signature of clerk. Volume 2, 1851-65, also contains Administrator's Record, entry 222. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of testator. 1833-1903, hdw.; 1904—, typed. 500 p., 300 p.; 18x12x3, 16x7x1. V. 2, 1833-50, v. 15, 1937, CO. clk.'s off., 2nd fl.; v. 2-14, 1851-1936, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 222. Administrators' Record, 1866—. 16 v. (C-H, J-S). Missing: 1907-9. 1851-65 in Will Record, entry 221. Administrators' petitions showing oath, amount of bond, and letters of adminis- tration, with names of administrator, estate, judge, heirs, and sureties, amount of estate, notarial acknowledgment, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 223. Letters of Administration with Will Annexed, 1880 — . 4 v. (1-4). Transcripts of letters of administration with will annexed, showing term of court, names of judge, clerk, estate, administrator, and sureties, amount of bond, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 224. Administrators' Record with Will Attached, 1907—. 4 v. (1-4). Copies of petitions for appointment of administrator, showing oath, amount of bond, letters of administration, names of estate, administrator and sureties, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. [SO] Probate Court— (225-233) Probate Business 225. Executors' Record, 1868—. 14 v. (A-N). Copies of petitions for appointment of executor, letters testamentary, and bonds, showing dates, names of estates, executors, and sureties. Arr. cbron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. A-M, 1868- 1933, CO. clk.'s vlt., 2ud fl.; v. N, 1934—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 226. Guardianship (Papers), 1834—. 141 f.b. Petitions for and appointment of guardians, letters and bonds of guardianship, petitions to sell real estate in payment of debts, decrees for sale, reports of sale to probate judge, inventory bills, certificates of mailing notices, and final reports of guardian. Also contains conservators' papers. Arr. by case nos., 1-3620. IQi/^ X 5 X 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 227. Index — Guardian and Conservator, 1834 — . 1 v. (1). Index to files of guardians' and conservators' papers, showing case number, names of ward and guardian or conservator, date of letters, and discharge. Arr. alph. by name and ward. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 228. Guardians' Record, 1858—. 11 v. (A-K). Copies of petitions for letters of guardianship, and .bonds, showing amount of bond, names of sureties, guardian, judge, and clerk, names and ages of heirs, notarial acknowledgment, and dates. Arr. ehron. Indexed alph. by name of ward. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 229. Entry Book — Guardian and Conservator, 1834 — . 1 v. (1). Book of entries of guardian and conservator, showing case number, names of ward and guardian or conservator, dates of letters, and discharge. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 230. Miscellaneous Bonds and Letters, 1898 — . 5 v. (B-F). Bonds and letters of conservators, administrators de bonis non, and administra- tors, and guardians' bonds for sale of real estate of minor heirs, showing names of estate, conservator, administrator or guardian, judge, clerk, and sureties, date of instrument, and filing date. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. INVENTORIES AND APPRAISEMENTS (See also entries 212, 215, 216.) 231. Inventories Record, 1859—. 30 v. (A-Z, 1-4). Inventories of estates, showing description and valuation of real and personal property, names of estate and creditors, and amounts due, and total value of estate, certification of party making inventory, approval by judge, and dates. Also contains Guardian and Conservator's Inventory Record, 1859-71, entry 232. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 600 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 232. Guardian and Conservator's Inventory Record, 1872 — . 6 v. (1-6), 1859-71 in Inventory Record, entrj* 231. Inventories of guardian or conservator, showing case number, name of ward or alleged insane person, legal description and valuation of property, names of guardian or conservator, judge, and clerk, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of alleged insane person or ward . Hdw. on pr, fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 233. Appraisement Record, 1858 — . 14 v. (A-N). Copies of appraisers' warrants, oaths, and estimate and appraisement bills, show- ing names of estate, appraisers, judge, and clerk, itemized list of articles, value of each, total valuation, date of instrument, and filing date. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. 1858-85, hdw. ; 1886—, hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. Probate Court— (234-240) Inheritance Taxe« "WIDOWS' RELINQUISHMENT AND SELECTION (See also entries 147, 216, 219.) 234. Widows' Relinquishment and Selection Record, 1909 — . 1 v. (1), Eecord of widows' relinquishments, showing names of estate, widow, articles selected and valuation, total valuation of property, name of clerk, and filing date. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. elk. '8 vlt., 2nd fl. PETITIONS, DECREES. REPORTS OF SALE (See also entries 212, 215, 216, 219.) 235. Decree and Report of Sale of Real Estate, 1868—. 8 v. (AH). Petitions for sale of real estate to pay debts, decree of judge ordering sale; certificate of publication, and report of sale, showing legal description of land sold, amount involved, names of administrator and judge, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. 1868-1917, hdw. on pr. fms. ; 1918 — , tjrped. 500 p. 18x12x3. V. A-G, 1868-1935, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. H, 1936—, co clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 236. Sale Record, 1859 — . 4 v. (A-D). Last entry 1933. Notice of public sale by administrator, of personal property for payment of debts, showing number, date, names of estate, administrator, judge, and purchaser, description of articles sold, and terms and amount of sale. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 237. Personal Property Sale Record— Private, 1880—. 6 v. (A-F). Record of personal property sold at private sale, by administrator or executor, in settlement of estates, showing number of estate, petition for sale, names of estate, executor or administrator, and purchaser, description of articles sold, amount of sale, notarial acknowledgment, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. A-E, 1880-1922, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; v. F, 1923—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. REPORTS, CURRENT AND FINAL ACCOUNTS (See also entries 212, 215, 216.) 238. Probate Court Ledger, 1850—. 47 v. (1, A-Z, 1-20). Ledger of receipts and expenditures of guardians, conservators, administrators, and executors, showing number of case, names of estate and party making reports, itemized list of receipts and disbursements, financial status of estate, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. 1850-1933, hdw.; 1934 — , typed. 600 p. 18 X 12 X 3. V. 1, A-Z, 1-19, 1850-1935, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 20, 1936—, CO. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. INHERITANCE TAXES (See also entries 173, 212, 219, 362, 363.) 239. Inheritance Tax Record, 1912 — . 5 v. (4 not numbered, 1). Record of inheritance taxes, showing name and number of estate, names of attorneys, dates of death and hearing, amount of tax fixed, clerk's fees, value of estate, deductable allowance, disbursements, amount of exemptions, and rate of tax. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 18x12x3. 4 v., not numbered, 1912-35, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. ; v. 1, 1936 — , co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 240. Appraisers' Inheritance Tax Reports, 1906-32. 1 f.l). Appraisers' reports of inheritance tax, showing evidence, legal description of property and valuation, total amount taxable, and amount of tax. Arr. chron. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. [52] Probate Coart— (241-249) Dockets DOCKETS COURT PROCEEDINGS 241. Probate Judges' Docket (Transfer), 1934 — . 2 v. Docket of ponding probate cases, criminal and common law cases that appear on probate days, showing number of estate, names of attorneys, executor, and admin- istrator, summary of case, and dates. Completed cases transferred to Judges Pro- bate Docket, entry 242. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 700 p. 18 x 12 x 5. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 242. Judges' Probate Docket (Criminal and Common Law), 1922-33. 1 v. 1934 — in Proliate Judges' Docket, entry 241. Judges' docket of probate cases including criminal and common law cases that appear on probate days, showing number of case, name of parties, court pro- ceedings, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 400 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. 243. Clerk's Docket— Probate, 1928—. 8 v. 1852 — also in Clerk's Docket (Probate), entry 244. Clerk's docket of probate cases, showing date, case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, and entries of decree or orders of court. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 300 p. 16 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 244. Clerk's Docket (Probate), 1852—. 19 v. Last entry 1931. Title varies: Record of Minutes (Criminal and Common Law). Clerk's docket of probate cases showing date, ease number, names of parties, kind of action, and decree or order of court. Includes common law and criminal cases appearing on probate days. Also contains Clerk's Docket — Probate, entry 243. Arr. ehron. No index. Hdw. 400 p., 500 p. ; 16 x 12 x 2, 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl. 245. Probate Judgment Docket, 1859—. 13 v. (A-M). Judge's docket in probate of claims, showing claim number, filing date, names of parties, amount and class of claim, and order of court. Arr. alph. by name of estate against which judgment is entered. For index, 1859-1929, see entry 246; 1930—, no index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. A-L, 1859-1929, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. M, 1930—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 246. Probate Judgment Docket Index (Direct and Indirect), 1859-1929. 2 v. (A, B). Discontinued. Direct and indirect index to Probate Judgment Docket, showing claim and page numbers, and names of claimant and estate. Arr. alph. by names of claimant and estate, Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V. A, 1859-96, eo .clk.'a vlt., 2nd fl.; V. B, 1897-1929, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. PROBATE BUSINESS 247. Judges' Docket — Guardianship and Conservatorship, 1869 — . 1 v., 10 f.b. Judges' docket of guardianship and conservatorship cases, showing number of case, names of ward or alleged insane person, guardian or conservator, and attor- neys, summary of case, and dates. Arr. chron. 1869-73, indexed alph. by name of estate; 1874—, no index. V. 500 p. 18x12x3; f.b. 14x17x13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 248. Judges' Guardian and Conservators* Desk Docket, 1913 — . 1 v. Docket of guardians' and conservators' cases, showing case number, names of ward or alleged insane, conservator, and attorneys, summary of case, and dates. Completed eases are taken from this docket and filed in file boxes. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 700 p. 18 x 12 x 5. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 249. Claim Entry Book (Docket), 1898—. 2 v. (1 not lettered, B). Docket of claims, showing number of claim, filing date, names of claimant and [53] Circuit Court (250-253) estate, amount of claim, aud date allowed by court. Arr. chron. 1898-1905, no index; for index. 1906—, see entry 250. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 18x12x3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 250. Direct and Indirect Index (Claims), 1906 — . 2 v. (2, 3). Direct and indirect index to Claim Entry Book, showing number of claim, and names of claimant and estate. Arr. alph. by names of claimant and estate. Hdw. under pr. lidgs. 300 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. FEE BOOKS 251. Probate Fee Book, 1858—. 14 v. (A-N). Fee book of probate cases, showing term of court, number and names of estate, name of administrator, items of cost, amount of fees, and date paid. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of estate. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. V, A-I, 1858-1917. CO. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. J-N, 1918—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 252. Guardians' Fee Book (Guardian and Conservator), 1891 — . 4 v. (C-F). Record of fees, showing date, names of ward, and guardian or conservator, items of costs, amount and remarks. Contains Guardians' Fees, 1906 — , entry 253. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of ward. Hdw. on pr. f m. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 253. Guardians' Fee Book, 1867-1905. 2 v. (A, B). 1906 — in Guardians' Fee Book (Guardian and Conservator), entry 252. Register of guardians' fees, showing term of court, names of guardian and heirs, itemized costs, total amount of costs, and dates collected and paid. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of ward. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. VI. CIRCUIT COURT The circuit court has original jurisdiction of all causes of law and equity, and acts as a court of appeal in probate matters and causes cognizable by the county court and justices of the peace.* In addition, it is one of the courts capable, according to Federal statutes, of having jurisdiction of naturalization.* Originally held by the several justices of the state supreme court, chosen by the legislature, it is now composed of judges elected for six j-ears.' The clerk of the circuit court, first appointed by the presiding justice of the circuit, is now a constitutional and elected officer with a four-year term.* In effecting the court's orders, the clerk necessarily maintains nonstatutory records in addition to the following which he keeps for the court : 1. Books of record of the proceedings and judgments of the court, with alphabetical indexes by parties. Proceedings are recorded at length only in cases designated by law, or when the court, at the motion and assump- tion of expense by one of the parties, so orders. In practice, the court record has been broken down from an early date into segregated types of proceedings and judgments. 2. "Plaintiff-Defendant Index to Court Records," and "Defendant-Plaintiff Indexes to Court Records." Intended to be separate records but fre- quently combined in a single volume with the two indexes segregated in each volume. » Constitution of 1870. Art. VI. sec. 12. »U. S. 8. 1802, p. 153; U. S. R. S. 1874, p. 378; U. S. S. 1906, p. 596; U. 8. 8. 1913, p. 737; U. 8. 8. 1926. p. 709. •Constitution of 1818, Art. IV, sec. 4; R. 8. 1845, p. 143; Constitution of 1848. Art. V. sec. 7; Constitution of 1870, Art. VI, sec. 13; R. 8. 1874, p. 329; L. 1933, p. 435. * R. 8. 1845, p. 14C, 147; Con.stitution of 1848, Art. V, sec. 29; Constitution of 1870. Art. X, sec. 8. [54] Circuit Court— (254-257) Proceedings of Court 3. A general docket, in which all suits are entered in the order they are commenced. 4. A judgment and execution docket, containing a column for the entry of satisfaction or other disposition. In practice an execution is frequently set up independently, highlighting the information for which the extra column of the larger record was intended. 5. Additional dockets, designated as the clerk's, judge's, and bar docket. In practice the bar docket has tended to drop out of use. 6. A fee book, in which costs and fees are to be entered under the proper title of the case. In practice separate series of volumes are maintained under such titles of causes. 7. Transcripts of proceedings in appeals from justices' courts and foreign courts, dockets thereof, and transcripts of judgment for liens, etc., from the former. 8. Naturalization proceedings, from petitions to final certificates. Federal statutes allow circuit court to exercise jurisdiction. 9. Eeports to the court from its designated masters in chancery, the state's attorney, and the coroner's inquest juries. 10. Jury venires, summonses, certificates, etc. 11. Original documents used in court hearings and determinations. These documents are of particular importance because in a large number of cases the complete proceedings are not spread upon the court record.* PEOCEEDINGS OF COURT 254. Common Law Record Cases, 1856—. 411 f.b. (1-200, 1-211). 1838-55 in Criminal Cases (Common Law), entry 256. Original papers in common law cases, showing names of parties, attorneys, jurors and witnesses, nature of case, case number, verdict, and dates. Cases numbered 6028-16201, not consecutive. Arr. chron. For index 1856, see entry 257; 1857 — , see entry 255. 11x5x121/^. 200 f.b., 18565-92, rec.'s vlt., 1st fl.; 211 f.b., 1893—, cir. clk.'s vlt., Ist fl. 255. Index to Court Records; Common Law, Plaintiff, Comjnon Law, Defend- ant, 1857—. 10 V. (1-5, plaintiff; 1-5, defendant). Index to common law cases, showing names of plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys, nature and disposition of case, judgment docket, fee book, and execution docket page numbers, file box number and dates. Arr. alph. by name of plaintiff or defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 640 p. 19xl5y2x3. Cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl. 256. Criminal Cases (Common Law), 1838—. 156 f.b., 1838 — ; 1 wooden box, 1929. Original papers in criminal cases, showing names of parties, nature of charge, action taken, case number, dates, and judges' orders. Also contains Common Law Cases, 1838-55, entry 254; Indictment Records, 1895 — , entry 262. Cases num- bered 1-6971. Arr. chron. F.b. 11x5x13; wooden box, 18x15x24. 85 f.b., 1838-98, rec.'s vlt., 1st fl.; 71 f.b., 1899—, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl.; 1 wooden box, 1929, east strm., bsmt. 257. Index Criminal (Common Law, Chancery) and Index to Old Papers, 1838—. 3 V. Index to criminal cases and old papers, showing number of case, name of defend- ant, nature of indictment, term commenced, term and how disposed of, judgment 'R. S. 1845, p. 57, 323-26, 414, 418, 419, 518; L. 18G5. p. 79, 80; L. 1871-72, p. 325; R. S. 1874, p. 262, 263, 285-«7. 339; L. 1877, p. 77; L. 189,5, p. 206, 210, 211. 217; L. 1933, p. 378-80; U. S. S. 1802, p. 153-55; U. S. R. S. 1874. p. 278-80; U. S. S. 1906, p. 597-607; U. S. S. 1926, p. 709, 710; U. S. S. 1929, p. 154, 155. [55] Circuit Court — (258-255) Proceedings of Court docket and page, and fee book and page numbers; also indexes common law and chancery cases 1838-56, Arr. alpli. by name of defendant. 1838-77, hdw. ; 1878 — , hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 18l^ x 12 x 2. Cir. clk.'s vlt, Ist fl. 258. Chancery (Cases) and Chancery Claims, 1838—. 746 f.b., 4 bdl. (653 f.b., 1838-1930; 9 f.b., 1928; 2 f.b., 1930; 1 f.b., 1930-34; 1 f.b., 1931- 32; 1 f.b., 1932; 79 f.b., 1933—; 2 bdl., 1875; 1 bdl., 1876-81, 1 bdl., 1908). Original papers in chancery proceedings, cases numbered 1-10,000 with duplicates, and not consecutive, including disputes, old letters, divorce and partition proceed- ings, cases in equity including partition of property, trustee cases, bank failures, master-in-chancery evidence, and chancery claims. Arr. chron. For index, 1838- 56, see entry 257; 1857—, see entry 259. F.b. 11x5x12%, 16x19x28; bdL 14x10x20. 746 f.b., 1838—, cir. clk.'s vlt., let fl. ; 1 bdL, 1908—, cir. clk.'s off., 1st fl. ; 3 bdl., 1875-81, east strm., bsmt. 259. Index to Court Records (Chancery, Complainant, Defendant), 1857 — . 12 v. (1-5, plaintiff; 1-5, defendant; 6, 7, complainant). Index to court records, showing number of file, names of complainant and defend- ant, kind of action, dates, judgment, judgment docket and page numbers, fee book, remarks, disposition of cases, and satisfaction of judgment. Arr. alph. by names of complainant and defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 650 p. 18 x 13 x 3. Cir. clk.'s off., Ist fl. 260. Circuit Court Record, 1850—. 76 v. (A-Z, 1-50). Record of common law, chancery, and criminal cases, showing names of plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys, nature of case, jury verdicts, court action, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. .by name of defendant. 1850-1900, hdw.; 1901 — , typed. 644 p. 18^; x 13 x 3. Cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl. 261. Circuit Court Record of Confessions, 1869—. 4 v. (1-4). Record of confessions of judgments, showing names of parties and attorneys, nature of case, amount of judgment awarded by court, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 500 p. 18 x 13 x 3. V. 1-3, 1869-1921, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl.; v. 4, 1922—, cir. clk.'s off., 1st fl. 262. Indictment Records, 1873-94. 4 v. (1-4). 1895 — in Criminal Cases (Common Law), entry 256. Record of indictments by grand jury, showing case number, date, nature of indict- ment, names of jurors and witnesses, amount of bail, date of trial, and court rulings. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 640 p. 18 X 12^! X 3. V. 1, 2, 1873-78, east strm., bsmt.; v. 3, 4, 1879-94, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl. 263. Court Record (Default), 1859—. 2 v. (1, 2). Record of court cases in default, showing names of persons in suit, and attorneys, nature of case, amount of judgment awarded by court, and date. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 452 p. 18 x 12% x 2%. Cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl. 264. Decree Record, 1873—. 37 v. (1-37). Record of decrees, showing foreclosures, partitions, divorces, names of parties in suit, court action, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of plaintiff or defendant. 1873-1900, hdw.; 1901—, typed. 460 p. 18% x 13x3. Cir. clk.'s vlt., Ist fl. For other decree records, see entry 147. 265. Mechanics' Liens, 1887—. 6 f.b., 1887—; 1 bdl., 1897. Copies of mechanics' liens, showing dates and itemized accounts of work done, lumber or other materials furnished, total balance due, names of parties con- cerned, and seal of notary public. Cases numbered 1-1130. Arr. by case no. [56] Circuit Court— (266-273) Transcripts; Dockets F.b. 101/^x5x12%; bdl. 8x3x16. 6 f..b., 1887—, cii-. clk.'s off., 1st fl. ; 1 bdl., 1897, east strm., bsmt. 266. Mechanic Lien Record (Index), 1887—. 2 v. (1, 2). Index to mechanics' liens, showing case number, name of person filing lien, against whom filed, amount, date of filing, legal description of property charged with lien, and satisfaction of lien with date. Arr. alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. Binding very poor. 295 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Cir. clk.'s off., 1st fl. 267. Miscellaneous Record (Releases), 1934 — . 1 v. (1). Record of release of judgments, showing description and amount of judgment, to whom rendered and dates, names of grantor and grantee, legal description of property, amount, and date released. An-, chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Typed. 492 p. 18x13x3. Cir. clk.'s off., 1st fl. 268. Miscellaneous (Court Papers), 1844-1914. 20 packages. Subpoenas, indictments, dedimus warrants, affidavits, coroners' reports, valuation of property, recognition letters, and abstracts of title. Arr. chron. No index. 8 X 4 X 14. East strm., bsmt. TRANSCRIPTS 269. Transcripts of Judgments from Justice Courts, 1860 — . 98 bdl., 10 f.b. (bdl., 1860-1918; f,b. 1902—). Common law cases heard in justices' court, showing names of plaintiff, defendant, constable, and justice, nature of complaint, evidence, decision, total costs, by whom paid, dates, and number of case. Cases numbered 1-2499. Arr. chron. Bdl., 1860-1918, no index; for index to f.b., 1902-25, see entry 272; 1926—, no index. F.b. Ilx6xl2y2; bdl. 18x4x3. 10 f.b., 1902—, cir. clk.'s vlt., Ist fl.; 98 bdl., 1860-1918 east strm., bsmt. 270. Certificate of Evidence; Bill of Exceptions, 1876 — . 8 file cases. Transcripts of evidence of court reporter before master or judge, showing evi- dence of witnesses, title of case, case number, names of plaintiff, defendant, attorneys, and judge, term of court, and certificate of judge. Arr. by case no. No index. 32 x 28 x 24. Cir. clk.'s off., 1st fl. 271. Record of Justices' Transcript, 1867—. 7 v. (A, B, 1867-1920; 4-8, 1876—). Record of transcripts from justice of peace court, showing names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of proceedings, amount involved, court costs, dates, decisions of justice of peace, and copy of execution, with note as to satisfaction. Arr. by case no. Indexed alph. ,by name of defendant; for sep. index, 1902-25, see entry 272; 1867-73, 1876—, hdw. on pr. fm.; 1874-1920, hdw. and typed, interspersed. 480 p. 18 X 13 X 21/2. V. A, B, 1867-1920; v. 4-7, 1876-1919, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl.; V. 8, 1920—, cir. clk.'s off., Ist fl. 272. Index to Transcripts, 1902-25. 1 v. Discontinued. Index to transcripts, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, judgment docket and page, fee book and page, transcript record and page num- bers. Cases numbered 1687-2499. Arr. alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. Binding very poor. 200 p. 16 x 11 x 1%. Cir. clk.'s vlt., Ist fl. DOCKETS 273. Judges' Docket — Criminal — Common Law — Chancery, 1860 — . 106 v., 5 f.d. (V. A-Z, 70 not labeled, 1860-1913; 17, 19-22, 25-29, 1893-1913; 5 f.d. not labeled, 1914—). Docket of criminal, common law, and chancery cases, showing case number, names of plaintiff, defendant, attorneys, and judge, nature of case, date, term of court, book and page of record, and court entries. Arr. by case no. No index. Hdw. Circuit Court— Fee Booki; (274-281) Reports to the Court ou pr. fm. V. 75 p., 240 p.; 8 x 5 x %, 17x11x2; f.d. 16x14x26. 71 v., 1860-1913, cast strm., bsmt.; 10 v., 1893-1913, 18 v., 1904-7, rec.'a vlt., 1st fl.; 7 v., 1905-8, cir. clk.'s vlt, Ist fl.; 5 f.d., 1914—, cir. clk.'s off., Ist fl. 274. Clerk's Docket, 1878—. 47 v., 5 f.d. Docket of circuit clerk, showing number of case, names of parties, kind of action, dates, and final disposition of all cases before circuit court. 1878-1909 is a duplicate of Circuit Clerks' Docket, entry 275; 1910 — serves as a transfer docket. Arr. by case no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. V. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3; f.d. 16 x 14 x26. 36 v., 1878-1909, rec.'s vlt., 1st fl.; 11 v., 1903-9, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl. ; 5 f.d., 1910—, cir. clk.'s off., 1st fl. 275. Circuit Clerk's Docket, 1878—. 108 v. Docket of all cases heard by circuit court, showing names of parties and attorneys, date of commencement of suit, docket and term number, and final disposition. Arr. .by case no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. 56 v., 1878-1909, rec.'s vlt., 1st fl.; 52 v., 1910—, cir. clk.'s off., Ist fl. 276. Judgment and Execution Docket, 1836—. 37 v. (4 not labeled, 1836- 62; A-Z, 1858-1914; 1-7, 1915—). Judgment and execution docket showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, dates, amount and nature of judgment, against whom entered, fee book and page numbers, court record book and page numbers, total damages and costs, and disposition. Arr. alph. by name of person against whom judgment is entered. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 320 p. 18x12x2. 4 V. not labeled, v. A-Z, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl. ; v. 1-7, cir. clk.'s off., 1st fl. 277. Judges' Execution Docket, 1860-1929. 77 v. Docket of executions in criminal and common law cases, showing name of partj' against whom judj;uient is entered, amount of damages and costs, to whom issued, return, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of person against whom judgment is entered. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 240 p. 17 x 12 x 2. 43 v., 1860-95, east strm., bsmt.; 34 v., 1896-1929, rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. For prior and subsequent dockets, see entry 276. 278. Judges' Miscellaneous Docket, 1890-98. 1 v. Discontinued. Miscellaneous docket showing case number, names of parties, kind of action, and orders of court, bonds for sheriff and county clerk, names of sureties, and court approval. Arr. alph. by name of defendant. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm, 240 p. 14x9 xli^. Sh.'s vlt., Ist fl. FEE BOOKS 279. Fee Book, 1858—. 42 v. (2-30, 1858-1931; 31-43, 1904—). Record of common law, criminal, and chancery court fees, showing description and amount of fees, how assessed, by whom paid, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of plaintiff or defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 700 p. 16% x 12x2%. V. 2-30, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl. ; v. 31-43, cir. clk.'s off., 1st fl. 280. Fees to Jurymen, 1858 — . 53 v. Stub record of jury certificates, showing certificate number, to whom issued, mile- age, days served, amount paid, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p. 16y2x4xl. 42 v., 1858-99, cir. clk.'s vlt., 1st fl.; 3 v., 1900-1908, rec.'s vlt., 1st fl. ; 8 v., 1909 — , east strm., bsmt. REPORTS TO THE COURT 281. Master's Report of Sale, 1903—. 3 v. (F, 1903-22; H, 1920—; I, 1923—). Report of sales of property by master in chancery in pursuance of decree of cir- cuit court and submitted to judge for approval, showing case number, date, [58] Circuit Court— Jury Records: (282-288) Bonds; Probation; Naturalization parties involved, legal description of property, and amount realized. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. 1903-22, hdw. and hdw. on pr. fm., inter- spersed; 1920—, typed; 1923—, typed on pr. fm. 550 p. 18x13x21/2. V. F, cir. dk.'s vlt., 1st fl.; V. H, I, cir. elk.'s off., 1st fl. 282. Master's in Chancery Report, 1919—. 6 v. (1-6). Title varies: Mas- ter's Report Eecord. Copies of master in chancer}* reports to circuit court, showing case number, legal description of propertj', amount involved, detail of investigation, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Typed. 550 p. 18 x 13 x 2^^. Cir. elk.'s vlt., 1st fl. JURY RECORDS (See also entries 8, 9, 11, 37, 197, 198, 280, 364.) 283. Jury Record, 1905—. 2 v. Missing: 1912-29. Register of jurors, showing case number, names and residences of persons sum- moned as petit jurors, and date, names of persons selected, dates, days present, and amount earned. Arr. alph. by name of juror. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 188 p. 12x12x1. 1 v., 1905-11, east strm., bsmt. ; 1 v., 1930—, cir. elk.'s off., 1st fl. 284. Grand Jurors, 1922-31. 1 f.b. List of grand jurors drawn for circuit court, showing name and address of juror, from what township drawn, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of juror. No index. lOVa X 5 X 13. Cir. elk.'s vlt., 1st fl. BONDS 285. Circuit Court Record Recognizances, 1869 — . 5 v. (1-5). Title varies: Recognizance Record in Probation. Record of bonds for appearance in circuit court, showing date, case number, names of sureties, and amount forfeited and due state in case of non-appearance. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 250 p. 18x12x11/2- V. 1-4, 1869-1930, cir. elk.'s vlt., 1st fl. ; v. 5, 1931—, cir. elk.'s off., Ist fl. PROBATION (See also entries 206, 306-311.) 286. Probation Court Record, 1912—. 2 v. Record of bond or recognizance agreed to by defendant requesting release on pro- bation, showing circuit court term, name of defendant, number of case, nature of offense, conditions of probation, court action, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 250 p. 18 x 13 x l^^. Cir. elk.'s vlt., 1st fl. 287. Order of Discharge Under Parole Law, 1897-99. 1 v. Discontinued. Record of applications for discharge under parole law, showing term of circuit court, number of case, name of defendant applying for discharge, name of state institution recommending discharge, statement of case, date of discharge, and signature of judge. Arr. alph. by name of applicant. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 300 p. 18 X 121/2 X 2. Cir. elk.'s vlt., Ist fl. NATURALIZATION (See also entries 208-211.) 288. Naturalization Record, 1859-1930. 7 v. (1 not lettered, A, 5 not let- tered). Missing: 1904, 1905. 1931— in United States District Court, Danville, 111. Record of petition for naturalization of aliens, showing name, age, and nativity [59] Cipcwit CoBrt — ExhibtU of aliefB, leagtli of tiae in Uiut«>d Stat«6, residence, oeeapatioii, oatli of iateatiwi, final oatk, vitneeses. eoort order granting eitizenship. and datea^ AIw) eetition8 for naturalizati(», ahowing name, age, and nativity of alien, army service, residence, length of time m United States, oath of intention, and date; final oath, names of witnesses, court order granting eitizenship, and date. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of applicant. Hdw. on pr. fm. 292 p. 18 x 13 x 2. Cir. clk.'g vlt., let fl. 295. Judges' Naturalization Record Docket, 1873-1906. 1 v. Docket of naturalization, showing eaae number, names of petitions, asd wit- nesses, residence of petitioner, date of circuit court orders, final eertifleate of naturalization, and signature of judge. Arr. chrtm. Indexed alph. by name of alien. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 27-5 p. 16x 11 x 1^. Cir. clk-'s vlt., lat fl. EXHIBITS 296. (Exhibita, Master's Evidoice), 1912—. 5 drawers (.\-E). Exhibits and full summaries of cases and conclusions of master in chancery [60] Adnlt Probation Officer (301-305) his own custody.' He continues visitation to those children found to be neglected or dependent and allowed to remain in their own homes;' also he may be ordered to retain custody over those children found to be delinquent and not committed to an institution/ The records kept by the juvenile probation officer consist chiefly of case histories of the children investigated by him. For juvenile probation records of the county court, see entries 201-205. 301. Dependent Children, 1929—. 1 f.d. Files of open cases of dependent children, showing case number, name of agency, date child received, name, address, sex, nativity, and age of child, cause of dependency and commitment, physical defects and school grade, nativity, religion, and occupation of parents, family history, names and record of foster parents to whom child sent, date sent, and name of court. Arr. alph. by name of child. No index. 10 x 14 x 28. Juv. probn. off., 2nd fl. For files of closed cases, see entry 303. 302. Delinquent, 1929—. 1 f.d. Files of open cases of delinquent children, showing case number, names of child, parents, relatives, and attorneys, description of child, address, date and place of birth, education of child, court record, court order, date admitted to probation, reporting dates, and date of release. Arr. alph. by name of child. No index. 10 X 14 X 28. Juv. probn. off., 2nd fl. For files of closed cases, see entry 303. 303. (Delinquent and Dependent Files), 1913 — . 4 f.d. Files of closed cases of delinquent and dependent children, showing history of child and report on proposed foster home, names of child and parents, residence, ease number, probation record of child, history of case, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of child. No index. 10 x 14 x 28. Juv. probn. off., 2nd fl. For files of open cases, see entries 301, 302. 304. (Card Record), 1913—. 1 f.d. Record of children in Huling Home, Rantoul, showing names of child and parents, address, date of child's birth, name of home in which placed, dates, and remarks. Arr. alph. by name of child. No index. 7 x 9 x 16. Juv. probn. off., 2nd fl. 305. Correspondence, 1913 — . 1 file case. Correspondence relative to delinquent and dependent children. Arr. alph. by name of child. No index. 10 x 14 x 28. Juv. probn. off., 2nd fl. VIII. ADULT PROBATION OFFICER The office of probation officer for adult probationers was first established in Champaign County in 1911, in accordance with the legislation of that year which provided for the appointment of one such officer for each 50,000 of population, or fraction thereof.* To the present, the court has not found it necessary to appoint an additional officer, although population would permit. The probation officer is an appointee of the circuit court, but under the provision of the act giving to any court exercising criminal and quasi-criminal jurisdiction the power to deal with adult or juvenile offenders, he serves any such court in the perform- ance of his duties. In practice, his closest connection is with the circuit and county courts. He is required to give bond as determined by the circuit court in 'L. 1907, p. 74: L. 1911, p. 126; L. 1923, p. 181. »L. 1899, p. 133; L. 1901, p. 141; L. 1905, p. 152; L. 1907, p. 73, 74; L. 1911, p. 126; L. 1925. p. 187. ♦L. 1899. p. 134; L. 1901, p. 141; L. 1905, p. 153; L. 1907, p. 75; L. 1925, p. 187. >L. 1911, p. 280, 281. [62] Adult Probation Ofificer (306, 307) the sum not exceeding $5,000, and is subject to the rules of and removal by tlie appointing court. The probation officer is compensated at a rate determined by the county board of supervisors. In the performance of his duties, he is required to: investi- gate the case of defendants requesting probation; notify the court of previous conviction or probation; make reports to the respective courts; keep a set of records as described .below ; take charge of and watch over all persons placed on probation, also cases of probationers moving from another county into his county.' The reports made by the probation officer to the courts are kept by the clerk of the court trjnng the case. The court's probation records include orders granting or refusing release on probation, probationers' bonds, the reports of probation officers noted above, and discharge of probationer. The probation officer is required to keep complete and accurate records of investigated cases, including description of the investigated person, the action of the court, and the subsequent history of probationers. These are private records open to inspection only by a judge or by any probation officer pursuant to a court order, and may not be examined by the public* The probation officer under the above consideration should not be confused with probation officers appointed for juvenile cases and for cases of mothers' and children's aid. To differentiate the office created in 1911 from those de- scribed below, the former is designated as the "adult probation officer." Prior and subsequent to the creation of this office, the county and circuit courts were given, and have, authority to appoint pro,bation officers for that class of cases involving neglected, dependent, or delinquent children.* The appointees serve at the pleasure of the respective courts. In addition to the probation officers already noted, in the one instance prin- cipally for adult probationers and in the other for neglected or dependent children, the legislature has also created another office of probation officer under an act for aid to mothers and children.^ This act covers primarily aid to dependent children in their own homes. The county court is given jurisdiction in this group of cases and may appoint one or more probation officers to serve during the pleasure of the court. In Champaign County the juvenile probation officer handles all mothers' pension eases. For adult probation records of the county court, see entry 206; of the circuit court, see entries 286, 287. 306, Investigation Report of Probation Officer, 1932 — . 1 f.b. Copies of investigation reports made by probation officer, showing name of de- fendant, term date, charge, case number, residence, occupation, previous convic- tion, previous probation, personal characteristics, habits and associations, names of dependents, date and place of birth, physical condition, education, church, clubs, orders, unions, army, reputation, home environment, and history of offense. Arr. chron. No index. 8 x 12 x 14. Adult probn. off., 3rd fl. 307. Investigation Report of the Probation Officer, 1931. — 1 v. Record of probation officer's reports to the court, showing term date, name, address, and occupation of defendant, place and date of birth, personal history and statistics, previous conviction or probation, nature of charge, reasons given for offense, amount of restitution, and to whom paid. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 14 x 9 x 3. Adult probn. off., 3rd fl. »L. 1911, p. 281, 282; L. 1915, p. 381, 882. SL. 1911, p. 177-84; L. 1915. p. .378-84. « L. 1899, p. 133; L. 1907, p. 70. "L. 1913, p. 172; L. 1915, p. 243; L. 1921, p. Ifi4: L. 1935, p. 256. [63] Sheriff (SOS-311) 308. Regular Report of Probationer, 1931—. 1 f.b. Beports of probationer, showing date, name of probationer, place of reporting, present address, name of emploj-er, kind of work, earnings, savings, how spare time is spent, amount paid on costs, amount due, and signature of probationer; reverse side of report card shows instructions and conditions of probation. Arr. chron. No index. 5 x 6 x 14. Adult probn. oflf., 3rd fl. 309. Record of Probation Cases, Probation Officer, 1913-30. 1 v. Report record of probation cases, showing case number, name of probationer, date, term of probation, date of report made by probationer, residence at date of last report, and date of discharge. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of probationer. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 292 p. 18 x 12 x l'^^. Adult probn. off., 3rd fl. For subsequent unbound reports, see entry 308. 310. Official Private Record, Probation Officer, 1913-32. 1 v. Discontinued. Private record of probation cases, showing case number, names of probation officer and probationer, nationality, birthplace, age, time in county, residence, and physical description of probationer, father's name and residence, date of admission to and term of probation, and historj- during probation. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of probationer. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 299 p. 18 x 12 x IV^. Adult probn. off., 3rd fl. 311. (Cash Book), 1933—. 1 t. Probation officer's cash book showing name of probationer, amounts received, amounts paid to the court, and dati'S. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. 152 p. 12 x 10 x 1. Adult probn. off., 3rd fl. IX. SHERIFF The sheriff, by constitutional provision, has been an elected officer since Illinois was admitted to statehood.* The term was set originalh' at two years, and is now four years; bond in Champaign County is required in the sum of $10,000. The sheriff appoints one or more deputies as allowed by the rule of the circuit court.* Essentially without change for over one hundred years, the principal duties of the sheriff are: 1. Acting as conservator of peace, with power to arrest offenders on view. 2. Attending, in person or by deputy, all courts of record in the county, obeying the orders and directions of the court. 3. Serving, executing, and returning all writs, warrants, processes, orders, and decrees legally directed to him, 4. Selling real and personal property by virtue of execution or other process. 5. Having the custody and care of the courthouse and jail of the county.* In the course of the multiple detailed duties included in these broad pro- visions, the following records occur: 1. Data of identification, criminal and stolen property. 2. Calendar of commitments to jail. 3. Receipts of delivery of prisoner in changes of venue. > Constitntion of 1818, Art. Ill, sec. 11; Constitution of 1848, Art. VII, sec. 7; Con- stitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8; second amendment, November 22, 1880, to the Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8; L. 1819, p. 110; R. S. 1874, p. 989. "Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 9 ; R. 8. 1874, p. 990. Compare: R. L. 1827, p. 373. »L. 1819, p. 111. 112, 160-62, 314-17, 332, 333; L. 1821, p. 37, 63, 64; R. L. 1827. p. 247, 311, 344, 372, 373; R. L. 1829, p. 121; L. 1831, p. 103, 104, 106; R. L. 1833. p. 574, 575; L. 1839, p. 10, 12-14; L. 1845, p. 10. 19; R. S. 1845, p. 133, 134, 515-17; R. S. 1874, p. 989-91. The citations include references to duties which exceed the general outline noted. [64] Sheriff— Process ; (312-318) Jail Records 4. Dockets of executions. 5. "Books of Accounts." Include fees and disbursements required to be recorded by all county officers paid in whole or part by fees. 6. Copies of reports to county and circuit courts and county board.* PROCESS 312. Sheriff's Process Docket, 1867—. 22 v. (3 not labeled, 1867-93; 1, 2, 2, 2-14, 1884-1925; A, B, 1924-36; Bl, 1936—). Missing: 1868-71, 1883. Sheriff's process docket in law, chancery, and probate cases, showing names of parties and attorneys, type of action, name of court issuing process, dates re- ceived, served, and returned, name of person serving process, and sheriff's fees. Arr. alph. by name of plaintiff or defendant. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 16 X 12 X 3. 3 v. not labeled, v. 1, 2, 2, 2-14, sh.'s vlt., Ist fl.; v. A, B, and Bl, sh.'s off., 1st fl. 313. Sheriff's Criminal Docket, 1886—. 9 v. (1, 1 not labeled, 2-6, B,C). Missing: 1919-23. Criminal docket of sheriff, showing number of case, names of plaintiff, defendant, and attorneys, kind of process, name of court issuing, dates of receipt, service, and return, by whom served, and sheriff's fees. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of defendant. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 350 p. 16 x 11 x 2. V. 1, 1886-90, 1 V. not labeled, 1891-95, and v. 2-6, 1896-1918, sh.'s vlt., 1st fl.; v. B, C, 1924—, sh.'s off., 1st fl. 314. Sheriff's Execution Docket, 1872—. 14 v. (1 not labeled, 1872-82; 1-8, 1886-1918; A, 1924-29; A1-A4, 1926—). Missing: 1883-85, 1919-23. Execution docket of sheriff, showing case number, names of plaintiff and de- fendant, nature of case, name of court, amount and dates of judgment, execution, and return, amount of fees, and cash book and fee book reference. Arr. alph. by name of defendant. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 475 p. 18 x 13 x 3. 1 v. not labeled, v. 1-8, and v. A, sh.'s vlt., Ist fl. ; v. A1-A4, sh.'s off., 1st fl. 315. Miscellaneous Documents, 1923 — . 3 metal cabinets, 2 f.b. (cabinets, 1923—; f.b., 1934—). Summonses, search warrants, executions, certificates of levy, and warrants which have been served, photographs and descriptions of men wanted, fingerprints, identifications, and other criminal data. Arr. alph. by name of criminal. No index. Cabinets 33% x 18 x 38 ; f.b. 11 x 5 x 13. Sh.'s off., 1st fl. JAIL EECORDS 316. Card Record of Prisoners, 1935 — . 3 f.b. Record of prisoners, showing name, date received, history of case, list of personal belongings, term of confinement, physical description, place of arrest, charge, name of officer making arrest, and cell number, Arr. alph. by name of prisoner. No index. 4 x 5% x 14. Jailor's off., Ist fl., co. jail. 317. List of Prisoners of County Jail, 1934 — . 1 f.b. Roll of prisoners in county jail, showing name of person committed, cause of imprisonment, and date of commitment. Arr. alph. by name of prisoner. No index. 101^x5x13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 318. (Sheriff's) Jail Record, 1931—. 1 v. (1). Sheriff's jail record showing name and physical description of prisoner, charge, place of arrest, dates confined and discharged, and name of officer in charge. * L. 1819, p. 201. 317; L. 1821, p. 182; R. L. 1827, p. 240. 273; L. 1845. p. 11; R. S. 1845, p. 305; R. S. 1874, p. 566. 991. 992. 1096; L. 1907, p. 31619; L. 1909, p. 301; h. 1921, p. 500; L. 1923, p. 424; L. 1929, p. 649; L. 1931, p. 465; L. 1933, p 187-90. [65] Coroner (319-325) Arr. alph. by name of prisoner. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 404 p. 18 x 13 x 2. Jailor's off., 1st fl., co. jail. 319. Jailor's Account Book, 1934 — . 1 v. Jailor's account book showing boarding of each prisoner in the county jail, at twenty-five cents per meal with totals for each, grand totals, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 104 p. 14 x 8% x 1. Jailor's off., Ist fl., CO. jail. 320. Negatives of Criminals, 1935 — . 1 f.b. Envelopes with name of criminal and two negatives of convict. Arr. alph. by name of convict. No index. 6^/^x5xllM!. Sh.'s off., Ist fl. MOTOR VEHICLES 321. Stolen Cars, 1934 — . 1 f.b. Cards describing automobiles stolen from various states, showing date of theft, reward offered, and name of authority. Arr. alph. by make of car. No index. 6y2 X 5 X llVa. Sh.'s off., Ist fl. 322. Motor Vehicle Record, 1929—. 1 v. Record of motor vehicles found, seized, or taken, showing by whom picked up, date, from whom received and address, by whom towed or delivered and address, and where found, seized, or taken; also includes loose letters and clippings regard- ing suspected cars, altered licenses, and sales. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 104 p. 14 X 9 X 1. Sh.'s off., 1st fl. 323. Radio Book, Journal (Radio Reports), 1936—. 2 v. Record of radio reports on stolen automobiles, showing description of car, when and where taken, description of suspect, when and where last seen, and notes of radio reports. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 150 p. 13 x 8 x VL*. 1 v., 1936, jailor's off., 1st fl., co. jail; 1 v. 1937—, sh.'s off., 1st fl. FEES, RECEIPTS, EXPENDITURES 324. Sheriff's Cash Book, 1898—. 4 v. (2 not lettered. A, B). Sheriff's cash book showing date, names of plaintiff and defendant, case number, book and page of process or execution docket, and name of court ; volumes A, B, also include expenditures of sheriff. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 325 p., 250 p.; 18x12x2, 16x24x2. 2 v. not lettered, 1898-1924, sh.'s vlt., Ist fl.; V. A, B, 1925 — , sh.'s off., 1st fl. 325. Sheriff's Ledger, Common and Criminal Law, 1874-75. 1 v. Discon- tinued. Sheriff's ledger in common and criminal law cases, showing case number, names of plaintiff and defendant, description and amount of sheriff's fees, date paid, and how credited. Arr. alph. by name of plaintiff or defendant. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 318 p. 16 x 11 x IMj. Sh.'s vlt., 1st fl. X. CORONER The office of coroner in Illinois counties was originally established by consti- tutional provision in 1818.' The Illinois laws require the coroner to act as a conservator of the peace, with powers equal to the sheriff's in that respect, ser\-e as a ministerial officer of the courts in the absence or disqualification of the 'Under the Constitution of 1818, the tenure of office was set for two years; the term was extended under the Constitution of 1870 to four years. Constitution of 1818, Art. Ill, see. 11; Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8. [66] state's Attorney (326) sheriff, and perform all the duties of the latter when the office is vacant." In practice these duties are far less significant than the inquest function, the prin- cipal statutory duty of the coroner. Basically that procedure has hardly changed since a time antecedent to the formation of Champaign County; the coroner when informed of a death resulting or appearing to have resulted from violence or casualty, summons a jury to inquire into the manner of death and its cause.' To the custody of the clerk of the circuit court are returned the verdict of the jury, and such recognizances as may be given the coroner by witnesses whose testimony implicates any person as the unlawful slayer of the deceased.* In his own office the coroner files and preserves the record of such testimonj'." Addi- tionally the coroner keeps one record which he himself originates, the "inquest record." This record recapitulates all the data involved in the entire inquest procedure and includes an inventory and accounting of the personal property and money of the deceased.' For other coroner's records, see entries 11, 74. 326. Coroner's Record, 1865 — . 6 v. (3 not numbered, 1-3). Missing: 1906-15. Record of coroner's inquests, showing name of deceased, date, place, and cause of death, names of ^vitnesses and jurors, coroner's verdict, list of personal prop- erty, and disposal of same. Arr. chron. 1865-1905, indexed alph. by name of deceased ; 1916 — , no index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 550 p. 18 x 13 x 3. 3 v. not numbered, 1865-1905, co. clk.'s strm., 2nd fl.; v. 1-3, 1916—, cor.'s off., 2nd fl., 213% N, Neil St., Champaign, Illinois. XL STATE'S ATTORNEY The duties of the state's attorney were originally performed in Champaign County by a circuit attorney, an appointee of the governor. The appointed state's attorney attended each session of the circuit court in each of the counties of the circuit. He was required to commence and prosecute all actions in which the people of the state or any county within the judicial circuit were concerned.^ Under the Constitution of 1848 the office became elective by the electors of the circuit.^ Following the creation of the county court under the Constitution of 1848 and the legislation of 1849, the duties of the state's attorney expanded to include services in this court for actions involving the state or county. The Con- stitution of 1870 made the office an elective one in and for each county.' The state's attorney's four-year term has remained the same from the creation of his office until the present.* In each instance of appointment and election he has been commissioned by the governor. ^L. 1819, p. Ill, 160; L. 1821, p. 20-22; L. 1825, p. 63, 64; R. L. 1827, p. 246-50, 372, 373, 375; R. S. 1845, p. 515-17; R. S. 1874, p. 281, 282. The office is constitutional and elective (Constitution of 1818, Art. Ill, sec. 11; Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8) and the terra, formerly two years, is now four years (second amendment, November 22, 1880, to Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8). »L. 1821, p. 22-24; R. S. 1845, p. 517, 518; R. S. 1874, p. 282-84; L. 1879, p. 82; L. 1907, p. 213; L. 1910, p. 403; L. 1931, p. 388. *L. 1821, p. 24, 25 ;R. 8. 1845, p. 518; R. S. 1874, p. 284, 285. »L. 1821. p. 25; R. S. 1845, p. 518; L. 1869, p. 104; R. S. 1874, p. 285; L. 1907, p. 213; L. 1919, p. 293. •L. 1821, p. 26; L. 1850, p. 104; R. S. 1874, p. 285, 286. > L. 1819. p. 178, 204; R. L. 1827, p. 79; R. h. 1833, p. 98; R. S. 1845. p. 76. 'Constitution of 1848, Art. V, sec. 21, 28. •Constitution of 1870, Art. VI, sec. 22; h. 1871-72, p. 189; R. S. 1874, p. 172. *R. L. 1827, p. 79; R. L. 1833, p. 98; Constitution of 1848, Art. V, sec. 21; Con- stitution of 1870, Art. VI, sec. 22. [67] State's Attorney (327. 328) The duties of this office are: I. To commence and prosecute all actions, suits, indictments and prosecu- tions, civil or criminal, in any court of record in his county, in which the people of the state or county may be concerned. 2. To prosecute all forfeited bonds and recognizances and all actions and proceedings for the recovery of debts, revenues, moneys, fines, penalties, and forfeitures accruing to the state or his county, or to any school dis- trict in his county ; also to prosecute all suits in his county against rail- roads or transportation companies which may be prosecuted in the name of the people of the State of Illinois. 3. To commence and prosecute all actions and proceedings brought up by any county officer in his official capacity. 4. To defend all actions and proceedings brought against his county, or against any county or state officer in his official capacity, within his county. 5. To attend the examination of all persons brought before any judge on habeas corpus, where the prosecution is in his county. 6. To attend before justices of the peace and prosecute charges of felony or misdemeanor for which the offender is required to be recognized and to appear before a court of record, when in his power to do so. 7. To give his opinion, without fee or reward, to any county officer and to justices of the peace, in his county, upon any question of law relating to any criminal or other matter, in which the people or the county may be concerned. 8. To assist the attorney general whenever it may be necessary, and in cases of appeal or writ of error from his county to the supreme court, to which it is the duty of the attorney general to attend, he shall, a reasonable time before the trial of such appeal or writ of error, furnish the attorney general with a brief, showing the nature of the case and the questions involved. 9. To pay all moneys received by him in trust, without delay, to the officer who by law is entitled to the custody thereof. 10. To perform such other and further duties as may from time to time be enjoined on him by law. II. To appear in all proceedings by collectors of taxes against delinquent taxpayers for judgment to sell real estate, and see that all the necessary preliminary steps have been legally taken to make the judgment legal and binding.^ 12. To enforce the collection of all fines, forfeitures, and penalties imposed or incurred in courts of record in his county. The state's attorney re- ports on the collection of these moneys to tlie circuit court.' 327. (State's Attorney's Files), 1910—. 24 f.b. State's attorney's files of eases of circuit, county, police magistrate, and justice of the peace courts, showing names of parties, case number, date, type of case, and action by court. Arr. chron. 1910-19, no index; for index, 1920 — , see entry 328. 12 X 16 X 24. Off. of state's atty., 3rd fl. 328, Index to Files, County Court — Circuit Court, 1920 — . 2 v. (1 v.. County Court; 1 v., Circuit Court). Index to State's Attorney's Files, showing name of defendant, case number, type of case, date of information, and disposition. Three-way arrangement: alph. by •R. 8. 1845, p. 78; R. S. 1874, p. 172. •L. 1909, p. 342; L. 191112, p. 88; L. 1929, p. 474 • [68] Supervisor of AasessmenU (329-331) name of defendant; by case no.; and alph. by type of case. Typed. 125 p. 12 X 10 X 1. Off. of state's atty., 3rd fl. 329. (Caxd Record), 1932—. 21 f.d. Card record of state's attorney's eases, showing name of defendant, type and number of case, disposition, name of court, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of defend.ant. No index. 1 x 12 x 24. Off. of state's atty., 3rd fl. 330. Justice of Peace (Action on Transcript Cases), 1920 — . 1 v. Eecord of justice cases, showing name of defendant, type of case, date, and disposition. Arr. alph. by name of defendant. No index. Typed. 125 p. 12 X 10 X 1. Off. of state's atty., 3rd fl. 331. Daily Register, 1937. 1 v. State's attorney's daily record of business transacted, showing name and address of person making contact, and nature of case. Arr. chron. No index. 100 p. 12 X 10 X 1, Off. of state's atty., 3rd fl. XII. SUPERVISOR OF ASSESSMENTS The assessment function in Illinois counties has been controlled by various statutory provisions. Early laws fixed the value of the several categories of real and personal property, leaving to the assessing officer only limited discretion. Principally, the assessors annually revise the assessment of property and correct the same upon complaint and quadrennially assess real and personal property. The early statutes delegated the assessment function to a treasurer appointed by the county commissioners' courts to serve as ex-officio assessor.^ This pro- vision was tenable in Champaign County from its formation in 1833 until 1839. In the latter year, the legislature gave the county commissioners' courts power to appoint one or more assessors in their respective counties." Two years later, how- ever, the office of county assessor was created. The commissioners' court was to appoint but one assessor in its county.^ In 18-14 the county treasurer again became ex-officio county assessor.' After the election of the township organiza- tion plan in Champaign County in 1859, until the present day, the tovraship assessment officers have been responsible for the county assessments in their respective townships. Between 1859 and 1893 the township assessors reported their assessments to the county clerk. Then for the period of 1893 to 1898 the elected township boards of assessments reported their assessments to the county clerk. Finally, in 1898, the legislature created the ex-officio office of supervisor of assessments, filled by the county treasurer.** This latter provision remains in effect today. The supervisor of assessments functions primarily in a supervisory capacity over township assessors who make their reports to him. The records of his office are mainly the original schedules of the different categories of assessed property upon which reports in other l^m are made to the county clerk. Provision is made in only a few cases for the permanent custody of these records in this office.' For other taxation records, see entries 38-70, 173, 187-189, 212, 219, 239, 240, 336-353, 362, 363. >L. 1819, p. 315, 319; L. 1825, p. 173. * L. 1839, p. 4, sec. 5. »L. 1841, p. 34. < L. 1843, p. 237; L. 1845, p. 5; R. S. 1845, p. 438; L. 1849, p. 127; L. 1853, p. 46. »L. 1893, p. 73, 74; L. 1898, p. 37; L. 1908, p. 295, 296; L. 1923, p. 492; L. 1932, p. 66. «L. 1872, p. 16; L. 1898, p. 50; L. 1915, p. 568. [69] Board of Review (332-336) 332. Personal Schedules (Assessors' Lists), 1934 — . 20 f.b. Lists of personal property, showing name and address of owner, valuation, sig- natures of owner and assessor, and date. Arr. alph. by name of owner. No index. 12 x 16 x 26. Treas.'s south vlt., Ist fl. 333. Real Estate Schedules, 1931—. 1 file cabinet. Assessors' original schedules, showing name of party assessed, legal description, location and valuation of property, and date. Arr. by sec, twp., and range. No index. 53 x 16 x 25. Treas.'s south vlt., Ist fl. 334. Tax Schedules (Railroad), 1899-1927. 1 file cabinet. Schedules of all properties owned or controlled by railroads, showing name of railroad, date and classification, amount assessed, and amount of tax. Arr. by sec, twp., and range. No index. 14 x 17 x 13. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 335. Duplicates Returned to State Auditor, 1892-1930. 2 f.b. Schedules of railroad and corporation properties, showing detailed statement of property with assessed valuation, collector's credits, statement of state taxes collected, total taxes collected, and certificate of final settlement from state auditor. Arr. chron. No index. 10 x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s tax rm,, 2nd fl. XIII. BOARD OF REVIEW The duties of the board of review are essentially to assess, equalize, review, or revise the assessment of property. The function of the board of review prior to 1898 was performed by the county board and town boards of review. Early legislation provided for appeals from assessments to the county board.* The board was granted power to review and revise the assessment of real and personal property. The legislature in 1871 provided that town boards could annually revise the assessment of towns. The county board in accordance with the same legislation met annually to: 1. Assess omitted property. 2. Review assessments upon complaint. 3. Hear and determine the application of any person assessed on property claimed to be exempt from taxation. 4. Ascertain whether the valuations in one town or district bear just relation to all the towns or districts in the county.* In 1898 this authority was transferred to the newly created .board of review.* The board of review was composed of the chairman of the county board who was ex-officio chairman of the board of review, and the county clerk, and a citizen appointed by the judge.* Since 1923 the board has consisted of the chairman of the county board as ex-officio chairman of the board of review, and two citizens appointed by the county judge. The members of the board select their own clerk,* The two citizen members of the board are appointed alternately for a two-year term. The board may reduce or increase the entire assessment of property. For other taxation records, see entries 38-70, 173, 187-189, 212, 219, 239, 240, 332-335, 340-353, 362, 363. 336. Minute Book of Board of Review, 1898—. 11 v. Record of business transacted on each meeting day, showing date, place of meet- ' Appeals were made to the county commissioners' court: L. 1839, p. 7 ; L. 1843, p. 239; L. 1845, p. 8; R. S. 1845, p. 441. From 1849 to 1898, the appeals were to the county board of supervi.sors: L. 1849, p. 207, 208; L. 1871, p. 22. 'L. 1871, p. 23. »L. 1898. p. 54; L. 1923, p. 496; L. 1932, p. 75. *L. 1898, p. 54. »L. 1923, p. 496, 497. [70] County Collector— (337-340) AssessDienta ing, kind and type of business transacted, time of adjournment, and signature of clerk. Arr. chron. No index. 1898-1931, hdw. ; 1932—, typed. 150 p. 14x10x1. Co. elk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 337. Complaint Docket, 1917—. 9 v. (3-6, 6, 8-11). Docket of complaints, showing number of complaint, date presented, name of complainant, town in which property was assessed, legal description of property, valuation by assessor, alleged cause of complaint, and findings and orders of board of review. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 12x16x2. Co. elk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 338. Tax Objections, 1925 — . 3 f.b. Petitions for reduction of taxes by property owners, showing name of petitioner, amount considered excessive, reasons, description of property assessed, name of attorney, and date. Arr. chron. No index. lOV^ x 5 x 13. Co. elk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 339. Tax Levies (Joint School Districts), 1927 — . 6 f.b. Certificates of total equalized valuation of all taxable property of the joint school districts in Champaign and adjoining counties, showing number of district, equalized valuation of each county, total equalized valuation, amount of levy, rate, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. lOMi x 5 x 13. Co. elk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. XIV. COUNTY COLLECTOR The principal functions of this office are the collection of state, county, and other public corporation taxes as provided by law. The books used by the collector in effecting this procedure are prepared by the county clerk on the basis of the assessment and levy of taxes. The collector reports on the payment of taxes and the failure thereof. The collection duties were originally performed in Champaign County by the county collector appointed by the county commissioners' court.^ In 1843 the sheriff became, ex-officio, the collector.^ Then in 1859, following the election of the township government plan, the treasurer became, ex-officio, the collector of taxes.* In larger counties, town collectors are elected who are responsible to the county collector. In Champaign County, however, the county collector is ex-officio town collector of each town in his county.* Keports on delinquent property, and the treasurer's receipts for taxes col- lected, are required to be turned over to the county clerk. The records of this office are, therefore, largely confined to duplicates of receipts issued to taxpayers, state auditor's and county clerk's certificates of the county collector's settlement with them, and duplicates of the collector's reports to the county clerk." For other taxation records, see entries 38-70, 173, 187-189, 212, 219, 239, 240, 332-339, 353, 362, 363. ASSESSMENTS 340. Miscellaneous (Papers), 1920 — . 1 file cabinet. Tax statements of assessments, showing rates and amounts levied for school districts, township, roads and bridges, high schools, sewer, paving, and state funds; also annual budget statements of amount required by division of high- »L. 1839, p. 7. »L. 1843, p. 234; R. S. 1845, p. 8 : L. 1853, p. 99. » L. 1849, p. 204; L. 1851, p. 53; L. 1853, p. 14; L. 1871, p. 664. *L. 1933, p. 115. »L. 1819, p. 317; R. L. 1827, p. 373; L. 1839. p. 8-12; L. 1840, p. 3 ; L. 1845, p. 9. 11; L. 1853, p. 66, 77, 111; L. 1871-72, p. 32; L. 1873-74, p. 51; L. 1911, p. 485; L. 1917, p. 654; L. 1919, p. 765; L. 1931, p. 747. [71] County Collector— CoIIfction, (341-348) Settlement ; Special Assessments ways and county treasurer. Arr. chron. No index. 48 x 40 x 18. Treas.'s off., 1st fl. COLLECTION, SETTLEMENT 341. Abstracts of Taxes and Fees, 1918 — . 5 v. (1-5). Abstracts of taxes and collectors' fees, showing name of taxpayer, amount of real estate or personal tax, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of taxpayer. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 18 x 13 x 2. Treas.'s south vlt., 1st fl. 342. Personal and Real Estate Tax Receipts, 1932—. 234 bdl., 1932-34; 32 f.d., 1935—. Duplicate personal property and real estate tax receipts, showing name of tax- payer, legal description of property, amount, and date. Arr. alph. ,by name of property owner. No index. Bdl. 13x12x11; f.d. 13x3xl8i/^. Treas.'s south vlt., 1st fl. 343. Collectors' Certificates, 1931—. 1 f.d. Copies of collectors' certificates sent to state auditor on taxes collected, showing amount and type of tax, total amount collected, year of tax, and dates of cer- tificates. Arr. chron. No index. 5 x 9 x 15^. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2nd fl. 344. Collectors' Accounts — Cotinty Funds, 1905-15. 1 v. Discontinued. County collectors' account of taxes collected, showing date, from whom received and amount ; also contains accounts of receipts and disbursements of county funds, showing from whom received, items paid out, date and to whom paid, amount, and balance on hand. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 600 p. 18 X 12 X 3. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 345. Drainage Collection Register, 1906—. 9 v. (8 v., 1906 — ; 1 v., 1930—). Register of drainage payments, sliowing receipts of taxes for drainage, name of drainage district, from whom received, amount, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of drainage district. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 16 x 10% x 2^^. 5 v., 1906-23, treas.'s work rm., Ist fl.; 3 v., 1924 — , treas.'s off., Ist fl.; 1 v., 1930—, treas.'s east vlt.. 1st fl. 346. Address Book of Drainage District Treasurer, 1932 — . 1 v. Taxation list of resident and non-resident property owners in drainage districts, showing names and addresses of property owners, and location and description of property-. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of drainage district. Hdw. 470 p. 12x8x2. Treas.'s off., 1st fl. 347. Special Tax Receipt Book of Local Improvements, 1918 — . 118 v. (54 v., 1918-31; 64 v., 1927—). Receipt book of payments received from special assessments for local road paving and construction of sewers, sidewalks, and parks, showing name of taxpayer, legal description of property, and date. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 100 p. 5»4x9V^xi4. 54 v., 1918-31, east strm., bsmt.; 64 v., 1927—, treas.'s east vlt., 1st fl. 348. Paving, Sewer and Special Assessment Record, 1898-1917. 2 v. (A, 1 not lettered). Record of special assessments for Champaign and Urbana, showing construction and maintenance of paving, sewers, lights, and sidewalks, location of improve- ments, amount of tax, and dates. Other special assessments are by individual cities. Arr. by assessment no. 1898-1910, indexed alph. by name of street or addition; 1911-17, no index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 321 p. 14x81/^ x 21^. Treas.'s east vlt., 1st fl. For other special assessment records for Urbana, see entry 349. [72] County Treasurer (349-352) 349. Urbana Paving, Sewer and Special Assessment Record, 1918-33. 5 v. (3, 4 not numbered). Missing: 1924-26. Subsequent records kept by City of Urbana. Eecord of Urbana special assessments, showing assessments for paving, sewers, lights, and sidewalks, legal description of property, amount of tax, and dates. Arr. by assessment no. Indexed alph. by name of city addition or street. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 14 x 8 x 2. Treas.'s east vlt., 1st fl. For prior records, see entry 348. 350. Delinquent Special Tax, 1930 — . 1 v. Eecord of delinquent special taxes, showing name and address of taxpayer, de- scription of property, amount of delinquent tax assessed for paving, city side- walks, sewers, or drainage, with notation on disposition of the matter, and by whom tax was paid. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of town. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 16 x 11 x 2. Treas.'s work rm., 1st fl. 351. Delinquent Special Drainage Book, 1918 — . 4 v. Eecord of special drainage assessment, showing name and address of party de- linquent, legal description of land assessed, and amount of delinquency. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of drainage district. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 201 p. 181^x11x2. Treas.'s off., 1st fl. 352. Fountain Head Drainage District Book (Delinquent), 1931. 1 v. Tax book showing legal description and name of owner of property, delinquent tax, amount collected, from whom collected, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of property owner. No index. Hdw. 400 p. 12 x 7 x 1. Treas.'s work rm., 1st fl. XV. COUNTY TREASURER The county treasurer is a constitutional officer who receives the county revenue, keeps custody of its funds, and disburses them in accordance with orders of the county board, or by specific authorization of law.^ Originally the county treasurer was a statutory officer. He was first ap- pointed by the county commissioners' court (the county board). ^ The legislature provided in 1823 that the sheriff could not serve as the county treasurer. How- ever, in 1825, he was made successor to the treasurer and was to receive all the monies and records of said office. This provision was short-lived, for in 1827 the treasurer again became an appointee of the county commissioners' court.* In 1837 the office was made elective with a four-year term. With changes only in the tenure of office, the office has remained elective until the present day.* Bond was first set at $2000, but since 1827 the penal sum has been set by the countj' board." In Champaign County the county treasurer has been an elected officer since the formation of the county. The treasurer is required to keep books of accounts of all funds received and disbursed by him, maintain a register of county orders countersigned and paid, report annually to the county board on the financial transactions of his office, and settle his accounts with the board semiannually .° The last two require- > R. S. 1845, p. 138; L. 1861, p. 239; R. S. 1874. p. 323, 324. 'L. 1819, p. 315; L. 1823, p. 206. »L. 1825, p. 178; R. L. 1827, p. 329; R. L. 1833, p. 515, 516. * Office made elective with four-year term, R. L. 1837, p. 274; term reduced to two years, L. 1845, p. 28; office made constitutional without change of term, Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8; term lengthened to four years, second amendment (ratified Novemher 22, 1880) to the Constitution of 1870, Art. X, sec. 8. »L. 1819, p. 318; R. L. 1827, p. 329; R. S. 1874, p. 323. The bond is required to be filed in the office of the county clerk. •L. 1819, p. 318; R. L. 1837, p. 582, 583; L. 1846, p. 33; R. S. 1845, p. 136, 138, 139; L. 1861, p. 239, 240; R. S. 1874. p. 323, 324. [73] County Treasurer — (353-360) Receipts, Disbursements ments give rise to a number of segregated records of accounts beyond strict statutory requirements. In addition, reports are made to the treasurer by other county authorities in the process of transacting business with him, and finally, a large number of records arise from the requirements for collectors of taxes to settle their accounts with the treasurer.' RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS REGISTERS AND LEDGERS 353. Ledger of County Treasurer, 1873—. 24 v. (12 v., 1873-1926; 12 v., 1915—). Ledger of all accounts kept by treasurer and details of all monies received and distributed, including bank transactions, inheritance and dog taxes, institute, non-high-school, drainage, and miscellaneous funds, and payments of salaries of county officers and their assistants, showing names, dates, amounts, and totals. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of fund. Hdw. under pr. hdgs., and hdw. interspersed. 425 p. 16x10x1. 12 v., 1873-1926, east rm., bsmt.; 5 v., 1915-33, treas.'s east vlt., 1st fl. ; 7 v., 1934 — , treas.'s south vlt., 1st fl. 354. County Treasurer's Fund Account of Champaign County, 1933 — . 2 v. Fund account of county receipts and expenditures, showing total of each type of expenditure, balance on hand, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of account. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 19 x 14^4 x 1*/^. Treas.'s east vlt., Ist fl. 355. Orders to County Treasurer, 1906—. 3 v. Register of court orders to treasurer to receive trust funds, refunds on taxes and pauper relief fund, and allotments, showing amount, date, and how credited. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 104 p. 17x11^^x1. 2 v., 1906- 33, CO. clk.'s strm., 2ud fl.; 1 v., 1934—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. GASH BOOKS 356. Day Book, 1918—. 24 v. Entry of daily receipts and expenditures, showing dates, amounts, from whom and for wliat purpose received, and to whom and for what purpose disbursed. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 500 p. 16 x 7 x IVi- 7 v., 1916-26, east strm., bsmt; 5 v., 1927-30, treas.'s work rm., 1st fl. ; 12 v., 1931 — , treas.'s south vlt., Ist fl. 357. Cash Book (Treasurer's-County Collector's), 1931—. 7 v. Cash book showing daily receipts, amounts, from whom received and for what purpose; also expenditures, showing amounts, to whom paid, and for what account. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 500 p. 14 x 8 x 2. Trea8.'s south vlt., Ist fl. 358. Trial Balance Book, 1933—. 2 v. Record of treasurer's trial balances, showing amounts of debits and credits com- piled from office records, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 76 p. 16 X 101/2 X 1. Treas.'s south vlt., 1st fl. 359. Treasurer's Daily Balance Book, 1935 — . 1 v. Record of receipts and disbursements of all monies received daily, showing from whom received, on what account, amount, and how allotted to each county and state fund. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 215 p. 23% x 15^4 x 2. Treas.'s work rm., 1st fl. 360. Day Book and Journal of Drainage Districts, 1914-22. 2 v. Entry books of treasurer, showing receipts and disl)ursements of the various districts, amounts, from whom received and to whom paid, order or check num- 'L. 1B19, p. 317; L. 1821, r. Ifl3; R. L. 1827, p. 333; h. 1839, p. 8-10; L. 1846, p. 11; L. 1885, p. 142-47; L. 1895; p. 304; L. 1913, p. 516; L. 1933, p. 898. [74] County Treasurer — Accounts ; (361-368) Orders; Statements; Correspondence ber, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of drainage district. Hdw. 100 p. 12 X 8 X 1. East strm., bsmt. For other receipts and disbursements of drainage districts, see entry 353. SPECIAL ACCOUNTS SCHOOL AND PROBATE 361. Miscellaneous Files, 1927—. 10 f.d. Statements and orders pertaining to school and probate accounts, including orders and receipts for partial payments. Arr. chron. No index. 3 x 13 x ISy^. Treas.'s south vlt., 1st fl. INHERITANCE TAX (See also entries 173, 212, 219, 239, 240.) 362. Inheritance Tax and Tax Receipts, 1902 — . 9 v. Tax book showing name of estate, date of death, amount of inheritance tax, and when and by whom paid. Arr. alph. by name of estate. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs., and hdw., interspersed. 500 p. 14x9x1*4. Trea8.'B east vlt., Ist fl. 363. Inheritance Tax and Tax Receipts, 1931 — . 1 f.b. Files of receipts and levies, showing names of estate, beneficiaries, and payer, description and amount of tax, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of beneficiary. No index. 10 x 4 x 14. Treas.'s east vlt., Ist fl. COUNTY ORDEES (See also entries 4-12.) 364. Cancelled County Orders and Jury Certificates, 1905 — . 7 v. (3 9). Record of orders paid by treasurer, showing to whom and for what purpose issued, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 498 p. 16 x 11 xli^. V. 3-6, 1905-19, treas.'s off., 1st fl.; v. 7-9, 1920 — , treas.'s east vlt., 1st fl. 365. Register of County Orders, 1917—. 8 v. (1-8). Register of county orders, showing number, date, and amount of order, to whom and for what paid, total, and countersigned and paid by county treasurer. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 238 p. 17 x 18 x 3*4. V. 1-6, 1917-33, treas.'s east vlt., 1st fl. ; v. 7, 8, 1934 — , treas.'s south vlt., Ist fl. 366. County Highway Warrant Register, 1932 — . 1 v. Register showing date, warrant and claim numbers, and distribution of county highway funds, to whom and for what purpose issued, total amount, and date cancelled. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. and typed under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 141/2 X 13 X 2. Treas.'s east vlt., Ist fl. BANK STATEMENTS 367. Drainage (and Township) Bank Book, 1922 — . 5 v. Record compiled from bank statements, showing condition of bank accounts of the various townships and drainage districts. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of twp. Hdw. 194 p. 12 x 8 x 1. Treas.'s off., Ist fl. CORRESPONDENCE 368. Correspondence, 1935 — . 1 f.b. Treasurer's files of official correspondence with township officials. Arr. alph. by name of twp. No index. 11 x 16'/^ x 24. Treas.'s work rm., Ist fl. [75] (Next entry 369, p. 77) XVI. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS The superintendent of schools is a stautory officer, elected for a term of four years.* His principal duties are : 1. Selling township fund lands and issuing certificates therefor. 2. Examining the complete accounts of every township treasurer in his county and reporting irreguhirities of the township tnisteea. 3. Conducting a teachers' institute, holding quarterly examinations for teach- ers' certificates, and issuing such. 4. Holding examinations for normal and university scholarships. 5. Visiting the public schools in the coimty, observing methods of instruc- tion, making recommendations to teachers, advising school officers; observing sanitary and safety conditions, notifying trustees and state authorities of unsatisfactory conditions; inspecting plans and specifica- tions, and approving those meeting state regulations.' The office of superintendent of schools was originally filled by the county commissioner of schools. Later the office of superintendent became an elective one and the functions of the former school commissioner was fulfilled by the new officer. More accurately it may be said that the origin of the office of superin- tendent of schools was the establishment of the office of county school com- missioner. The office of county school commissioner was created in 1829. The principal duties of this officer centered around the sale of school lands.* His reports to the county commissioners' court (county board), of the sale of school lands, were recorded in the said court in a well-bound book kept for that purpose.* He also reported on his other transactions and on the school fund." In 1845 the county school commissioner became ex-officio county superin- tendent of schools.' The school commissioner became an elected officer in 1847, with a term of two years.'' In 1865 the independent office of county superintendent of schools was created with a tenure of office of four years.* The superintendent is required to keep the following records: three books denoted as A, B, and C, containing respectively petitions for the sale of school lands, records of sales of such, and accounts of all monies received and paid out; files of township treasurers' bonds and trustees' reports to him, files of poll books and returns of elections of school trustees when such elections do not coincide with township elections; map of school district boundaries; registers of certifi- cates granted and teachers employed in the county.' In addition he is required to make annual reports to the state superintendent of schools on such matters as the latter may designate, quarterly reports to the county board on his visits to schools, and annual reports to the board on the receipts and expenditures of his office. Copies of these are sometimes found among his records, along with »L. 1872. p. 702; L. 1909. p. 342; L. 1915, p. 628; L. 1923, p. 596. Term formerly ran two years, R. S. 1845, p. 497. »R. S. 1845, p. 498; L. 1847, p. 122; L. 1849. p. 156; L. 1909, p. 343-52; L. 1915, p. 635. »R. L. 1829, p. 150, 151. *R. L. 1829, p. 152, 153. »L. 1831, p. 175. •L. 1845, p. 54. »L. 1847, p. 120. «L. 1865, p. 112; L. 1871-72, p. 702; L. 1909, p. 342; L. 1923, p. 596. •R. S. 1845, p. 498; L. 1847, p. 121; L. 1849, p. 155; h. 1853, p. 55; L. 1889, p. 265; L. 1909, p. 349, 350; L. 1919, p. 387. [76] Superintendent of SchooU— (369-376) Accounts; Land Sales; Teachers' Records vouchers, special statements concerning the institute and other segregated funds, and similar current papers.^" ACCOUNTS OF SCHOOL FUNDS (See also entries 23, 361.) 369. Superintendent's Annual Reports, 1904 — . 1 f.d. Annual report of superintendent of schools to state on school funds, showing amounts and sources of funds received, amounts and to whom disbursements paid, attendance records, tuition costs, and amount of claim for state aid. Arr. chron. No index. 16 x 14 x 26. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS 370. Sale Book for School Land in Champaign County, 1836-73. 1 v. Dis- continued. Record showing date of sale, names and residences of purchasers, legal descrip- tion of land, number of acres, price per acre, and total amount of sale, Arr, chron. No index. Hdw. 105 p. 12^ x 8 x iy2. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. TEACHERS' RECORDS 371. Teachers' Permanent Record Card, 1932—. 3 f.b. Teachers' permanent record cards, showing name, age, sex, and address of teacher, date, kind of certificate received, from what high school graduated, qualifications, where teaching, salary, position, and amount contributed to Illinois teachers' pension fund. Arr. alph. by name of teacher. No index. 6 x 8 x 15. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 372. Teachers' Permanent Record, 1914—. 8 v. (A-F, 1914—; G, 1917—; H, 1914—). Teachers' permanent record showing name, address, sex, and age of teacher, district number, amount of time attending institution, date of graduation, kind of certificate, length of time teaching, dates, salary, examinations, and renewal of certificates. Arr. chron. For sep. index, v. A-F, 1914 — , see entry 373 ; v. G, 1917 — , indexed alph. by name of teacher; v. H, 1914 — , no index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 400 p. 16 X 10% X li^. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 373. Index Teachers' Certificates (Teachers' Permanent Record), 1914 — . 3 v. Index to Teachers' Permanent Record, volumes A-F, showing name of teacher, grade of certificate, date received, and book and page of record. Arr. alph. by name of teacher. Hdw. on pr. fm. 225 p. 14x11x2%. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 374. Teachers' Application Register, 1914 — . 4 v. (1-4). Register of teachers' applications, showing state certificate and application num- bers, teacher's name and address, type of certificate, date and how issued, and school district number for which certificate is issued. Arr. chron. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 14 x 10 x 1. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 375. Index to Applications, 1914 — . 24 v. Index to Teachers' Application Register, showing teacher's name, state certificate and application numbers. Arr. alph. by name of teacher. Hdw. 100 p. 10 x 8 x Vz. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 376. County Superintendents' Examination Record, 1861 — . 8 v. (7 not lettered. A). Title varies: Record of Teachers' Examinations; Com- missioners' Record of Examination of Teachers. Record showing dates of teachers' examinations, teacher's number, name and "R. S. 1845, p. 500. 501; L. 1847. p. 122; L. 1849, p. 156; L. 1855, p. 57; L. 1871- 72, p. 705; L. 1889, p. 265, 325; L. 1909, p. 347, 350. [77] Snp«rintcndent of Schools — (377-384) Pupil Records address of applicant, age, grades in various subjects, and grade of certificate. Arr. chron. 1861-73, no index; 6 v., 1874-1904, 1 v., 1915 — , indexed alph. by name of teacher; for sep. index, v. A, 1905-14, see entry 377. 1861-1914, hdw. on pr. fm. ; 1915 — , hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 300 p. 14x14^^x1. OS. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 377. Index Book Teachers' Certificates, (Index to Record of Teachers' Ex- aminations), 1905-14. 1 V. Discontinued. Index to county superintendent's examination record, showing name of teacher, and book and page of record. Arr. alph. by name of teacher. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 68 p. 14 X 81/2 x %. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 378. Teachers' Record, 1861-1928. 6 v. Discontinued. Record of teachers, showing name and address of teacher, dates and names of schools, enrollment of boys and girls, special subjects taught, number of pupils taking final examinations, and teacher's salary. Arr. alph. by name of teacher. Indexed by name of twp. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p. 18 x 3% x 1. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. PUPIL RECORDS 379. Non-High-School Record, 1917—. 2 v. Record of action of non-high-school board of education relating to pupils attend- ing high school in other districts, showing name, address, and age of pupil, dates, and amount of tuition. Arr. alph. by name of pupil. Xo index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 250 p. 11x9x1^4. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 380. Certificate of Attendance of Non-High-School Pupils and Claim for Tuition, 1924—. 5 bdl. Missing: 1929-35. Certificates of attendance of non-high-school pupils with claims for tuition pre- sented to non-high-school board of education by directors or non-high-school board members, showing name, address, and age of pupil, high school, course, time attended, amount of tuition, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of pupil. No index. 9 X 21 X 14. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 381. Applications for High School Privileges, 1924 — . 21 bdl. Applications of eighth grade graduates sent by their principal in non-high-school districts to county superintendent of schools, showing name and age of pupil, high school he wishes to attend, home district, certificate from high school prin- cipal stating amount of tuition, approval of non-high-school board, and dates. Arr. alph. by name of applicant. No index. 9x9x1%. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 382. Application for Non-High-School Privileges, 1932 — . 82 v. Copies of application for non-high-school privileges, showing date of entrance into high school, date of birth, residence in non-high-school district in Champaign County, names of school and former school, credentials, signature of clerk of home school district, and certificate of admittance by principal. Arr. alph. by name of applicant. No index. Hdw. on pr. f m. 250 p. 12 x 9 x 1^. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 383. Illinois Truant Officer's Record, 1920 — . 1 v. Truant officer's reports, showing name of parent or guardian, address, date of serving notice, name and age of child, charge, record of prosecution, dat« suit filed, date of trial, name of justice of peace, and disposition of case. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of parent or guardian. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p. 11 x 8^/^ 1 1. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 384. Truancy Cards and Notices in Process, 1934 — . 3 f.b. Truancy and work excuses of children over 7 and under 16, with findings of [78] Superintendent of (385-392) Higrhways truant officer and reports of advice given to parents or guardian. Arr. alph. by name of child. No index. 14 x 10 x 18. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. EEPORTS 385. Trustees' Annual Report, 1902—, 3 f.d. Township trustees' reports, showing attendance records, amounts and purpose of expenditures, source of funds, and tuition costs per pupil. Arr. chron. No index. 16 X 14 X 26. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 386. Local Managers' Records, 1896-1900. 8 v. Discontinued. Reports of the managers of scliool institutes in the various townships of the county, to the county superintendent of schools, on the programs and names of teachers present at the meetings. Arr. alph. by name of twp. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p. 8x6x1^^. East strm., bsmt. REGISTERS OF SCHOOL OFFICERS 387. School Officers, Directors, Treasurers, Trustees, 1910 — . 5 v. Register of school officers, showing names of the directors, treasurers, and trus- tees of each school, and tenure of office. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of officer. Hdw. 200 p. 12 x 7 x 1. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. MAPS AND PLATS 388. Map of Champaign County, 1918. 1 map. Map showing township numbers and school districts of Champaign County. Author and publisher, Hardacre Map Company, Indianapolis, Indiana. Physical. 40 X 55%. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 389. Common School Districts in Champaign County, no date. 1 map. Wall map of all districts in county. Printed. 53 x 37. Private off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 390. Four-Year High-School Districts and Non-High-School Territory of Champaign County, no dates. 1 map. Wall map of Champaign County showing all high school and non-high-school dis- tricts. Printed. 37 x 53. Private off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 391. County Superintendent of Schools Plat Book, 1936. 1 v. Plat book showing maps and plats of each school district with .boundary lines. Author, Templet, Danville, Illinois. Publisher, Liese and Ludwich. Arr. by twp. and range. No index. Blueprint, y^ in. to 1 ft. 36 p. 25 x 17 x 1. Private off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 392. Plat Book, 1896-98. 1 v. Plat book showing boundary lines of school districts in the various townships, and a printed list of names of teachers for the years 1896-98. Arr. by twp. and range. No index. Hdw. and hand-drawn and on pr. fm. combined. 13 x 11 x 1. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. XVII. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS The office of county superintendent of highways was first established in Illinois in 1913.^ Prior to this date the township boards of highway commissioners effected essentially those duties since performed by the county superintendent of highways. The superintendent is appointed by the county board. The board submits a list of three to five candidates to the state department of public works and build- ings. The department examines the candidates to determine the person best fit- [79] Superintendent of Hishways — (393-396> Construction, Maintenance ted for the office." The successful candidate holds office for six year and is remunerated in a sum fixed by the county board. The powers and duties of the county superintendent of highways are subject to the rules and regulations of the department of public works and buildings. He is, however, upon hearing, subject to removal by the county board. The superintendent is required, also, to perform such duties as may be prescribed under the direction of the state chief highway engineer.^ The said superinten- dent exercises supervision over township, county, and state-aid roads, l)ridge3, and culverts in his county. His principal duties are: 1. Preparing plans, specifications, and estimates for all bridges to be built by the county. 2. Supervising the construction and maintenance of county roads and bridges, and state-aid roads. 3. Inspecting the highways and bridges in each town or district of his county at least once a year. 4. Advising and directing the highway commissioners in each town or district as to the best methods of repair, maintenance, and improvement of high- ways and bridges. 5. Approving any purchase in excess of $200 for materials, machinery, or apparatus to be used in road construction in any town or district.* He is required to keep the following records : 1. Records of contracts, purchases, and expenditures authorized by himself, the county board, or township commissions, relating to roads and bridges. 2. Maps, plats, blueprints, specifications, etc., arising in his supervision of roads and bridges, or the planning of new construction. 3. Accounts of the funds handled by his office. 4. Reports from other officers of bodies touching the affairs of his office; copies of his own reports on the administration of his office; related papers." CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE RECORDS (See also entries 22-25, 30.) 393. Field Book, 1908—. 27 v. Notes on road conditions, construction, repairs, engineering, and surveying. Arr. by twp. Hdw. 60 p. 71/2 x 41/2 x 1/2. Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. 394. Ledger (Index of Surveys), 1908—. 1 v. (B). List of surveys in and outside of county, with book and page of field book. Arr. by sec, twp. and range. Hdw. 164 p. 7 x x M:- Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. 395. Miscellaneous Field Notes, 1923—. 64 v. Notes of speedometer readings, and road inspections for drainage, bridges, sur- veys, and materials; notes on dam site at Mahomet, and tile surveys. Arr. chron. Hdw. 80 p. 71/2 x4V2 X %. Off. of supt. of hwj^s., 3rd fl. 396. Copies of Township Contracts, 1915 — . 49 f.b. Copies of contracts with townships for oiling of roads and the purchase of road machinery and materials; also assignment slips for work relief, and names of • L. 1913, p. 524. ' Between the years 1913 and 1921 the list of prospective candidates was required to be submitted to the state highway commission. L. 1913, p. 524; L. 1921, p. 781; L. 1933, p. 960. »L. 1921, p. 781; L. 1933, p. 960. *L. 1913, p. 623-26. »L. 1913, p. 525, 526. [80] Sup«rintendent of Highways — (397-406) Claims and Allotments; Orders men assigned work by emergency relief commission. Arr. by twp. No index. 10 X 5 X 14. Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. 397. Minutes of the Special Bond Issue Committee, 1923 — . 3 v. Proceedings of special committees on roads, showing contracts awarded or peti- tions for improvements rejected, subject to approval of state highway depart- ment. Arr. chron. No index. Typed. 300 p. 91/2 x 11^^x1. Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. 398. Miscellaneous Road Work, 1922 — . 50 v. Highway department ledger showing orders on motor fuel tax fund and county highway fund, refunds, vouchers, payments for rights of way, cash receipts, and trial balances. Arr. alph. by subject. No index. Hdw. and typed on pr. fm. 150 p. 10 X 121/2 X 1. Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. 399. Miscellaneous Road Construction Work, 1932—. 20 bdl. Indenture of original bond issue, maps and posters, grading reports, data cards pertaining to bridge construction, voucher .blanks, and daily time cards. Arr. by twp. No index. 10 x 10 x 10. Attic, 4th fl. 400. Time Book, 1929. 1 v. Discontinued. Register of employees, showing name of employee, hours worked, description of labor, amount of tiling used, mileage and costs, amount earned, and date paid. Arr. alph. by name of employee. No index. Hdw. 150 p. 7% x 4i/^ x i/^. Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. CLAIMS AND ALLOTMENTS (See also entries 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 340, 366.) 401. Miscellaneous Highway Files, 1920 — . 24 f.d. Highway bills showing moneys paid for materials and labor, to whom paid, amount and dates, with surveyors' reports, inspectors' expenses, motor fuel taxes, and refunds. Arr. chron. No index. 15 x 15 x 26. Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. 402. Motor Fuel Tax, County Highway Claims, 1935—. 2 f.b. Highway claims against motor fuel tax funds and county funds, showing claim number, type and amount of claim, name of firm or department, date, and approval by county highway superintendent and committee. Arr. chron. For index, see entry 6. lO^^ x 5 x 13. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 403. Motor Fuel Tax Allotment Record, 1927 — . 1 v. Record of monthly allotment, showing source of motor fuel tax, amount, distribu- tion, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Typed. 200 p. 16 x 12 x 2. Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. 404. Motor Fuel Tax Allotment Record, Refund Record, 1936 — . 2 v. Allotment record of motor fuel tax fund, showing number of construction project, route and claim number, date, explanation of receipts and expenditures, amount received or disbursed, and balance on hand. Arr. by project no. Hdw. on pr. fm. 200 p. 10 X 12 X 2. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 405. Record of Our Allotment from the State, 1913 — . 1 v. Record of allotment from the state for payment of outstanding road bonds, and purchase of rights of way; also refund of unused emergency work relief funds. Arr. chron. No index. Typed. 200 p. 15 x 9 x 1. Off. of supt. of h^vys., 3rd fl. ORDERS (See also entries 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 366.) 406. Order Book of Various Townships, 1922 — . 32 v. Register of county orders issued monthly against township funds, showing order number, date, typo of fund, to whom issued, and address. Arr. by twps. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 200 p. 9 x 16 x 1, Off. of supt. of hwys., 3rd fl. [81] Coantr Surveyor (407-412) REPORTS 407. Miscellaneous Road Reports and Supplies, 1913 — . 40 bdl. Printing cuts or plates, road report cards, reports to highway department on labor performed, copies of I.E.R.C. and C.W.A. payrolls, contracts, and reports on bridge work. Arr. chron. No index. 6x6x6. Attic, 4th fl. 408. Miscellaneous Road Files, 1923. 1 f.b. Daily reports of surveys and office work, and general expense account of road construction work. Arr. chron. No index. 10^/^ x 4 x 10\^. Attic, 4th fl. SURVEYS 409. Notes of Miscellaneous Surveys, 1922 — . 2 v. Notes on county surveys of roads, showing fence lines, ditches, measurements, landmarks and name of surveyor. Scale, 1 in. to 100 ft. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 35 p. 7Mj X 4Mj x 1. Off. of supt. of hwjs., 3rd fl. 410. Plat Books, 1931—. 29 v. Plat books of roads by townships, showing location and description. Arr. chron. No index. Blueprints. 10 p. 33 x 21 x i^. Attic, 4th fl. 411. Miscellaneous Maps, 1915—. 43 f.d., 1915—; 1 file rack, 1923-33. Profiles and maps of roads, bridges, and lands, showing location and decsription. Scale: 1 in. to 100 ft. Arr. chron. No index. Blueprints. 33x4x44; 21 x 21 x 35. 43 f.d., 1915—, off, of supt. of hwj-s., 3rd fl. ; 1 file rack, 1923-33, attic, 4th fl. XVIII. COUNTY SURVEYOR The office of county surveyor was first established in Illinois in 1821. The incumbent was an appointee of the General Assembly.* In vacation, nominations were made by the county commissioners' court (county board) to the governor.* From 1835 to 1936 the county surveyor was an elected officer of the county electorate. Since September, 1936, he has been an appointee of the county board.* Thus in Champaign County, the county suneyor was first appointed by the Gen- eral Assembly; and then for a little over a century he was elected by the county electorate, until the instance of recent legislation when he became an appointee of the county board of supervisors. The surveyor is required by law to make all surveys within the bounds of his county that he may be called upon to make by persons interested or the county board. Such surveys include surveys of additions or subdivisions, and marking of county lines. Few changes have been made in the original statutory require- ments for the duties of this office. The county surveyor is required by law to keep a bound book in which he records all sur\'ey8 made by him, giving such information as the name of the person whose land is surveyed and descriptive data of the survey. He ia also required to preserve his field notes and retain copies of plats.* For surveyor's reports to county board, see entry 2. 412. Surveyors' Plats and Records, 1870—. 5 v. (2 not numbered, 1870- 1922; 3-5, 1912—). Missing: 1910-11. Surveyor's record showing plats and markings, date of survey, name of property owner, field notes, and signature of surveyor. Arr. by sec, twp., and range. »L. 1821. p. 62; R. L. 1829, p. 172; R. L. 1833, p. 591 > ThiA * Ibid. »L. 183.5. p. 166; L. 1837, p. 358; R. S. 1845. p. 524; R. S. 1874, p. 456, 1050; L. 1903, p. 349; L. 1933, p. 1104. ♦L. 1821, p. 634; R. L. 1829, p. 173; R. L. 1833, p. 582, 599, 600; L. 1845, p. 201; R. S. 1874. p. 1050; L. 1916, p. 575; R. S. 1935, p. 2416. [82] Special Drainage Commissioners (413) 1870-1909, indexed alph. by name of twp.; 1912—, no index. 1870-1925, hdw., hand-drawn, and typed, interspersed; 1926 — , typed on pr. fm. 400 p. I8V2 x 16^4 X 2. Rec.'s vlt., Ist fl. 413. Original Survey Book, 1869. 1 v. Original government survey of Champaign County, showing plat of each township with surveyor's markings and names of witnesses. Arr. by twp. No index. Hand- drawn and hdw. on pr. fm., interspersed. 100 p. 21 x 16 x 1%. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. XIX. SPECIAL DRAINAGE COMMISSIONERS The Constitution of 1870 delegates to the General Assembly a broad power to provide laws in regard to drainage.^ Owners of land may organize drainage districts whose corporate authorities have power to acquire rights of way, issue bonds, construct and maintain drains, ditches, and levees for agricultural, sani- tary, or mining purposes, and assess the property benefitted thereby.^ Drainage districts have been established in Champaign County upon peti- tions to the county court in accordance with the laws of 1879 and subsequent enactments. The dates of formation are dependent upon the petitions to the county court, and creation by county court orders of the various drainage districts. Drainage districts are of three kinds: regular, composed of property lying in a single town; union, where the lands to be organized lie in two towns in the same or different counties; special, with three or more towns involved.' The cor- porate powers of each district are vested in three commissioners appointed by town clerks except in special districts, where they are elected.* In regular dis- tricts the commissioners appoint one of their own members to act as secretary; in union districts the town clerk, and in special the county clerks act in an ex-officio capacity." The following records, however, regardless of how kept, belong to the drain- age commissioners : 1. Records of bonds issued. 2. Assessment books. 3. Petitions of owners of land to stay assessments, orders of commissioners thereupon, and other proceedings. 4. State auditor's certificates of interest due on bonds. 5. Tax lists showing pro-rata share of levy for bond interest (union and special districts only). 6. Copies of reports to county court on condition of district and estimated expenditures; and to county treasurer on delinquent lands; maps and plats, surveys and estimates; office transactions.* The first two records are required to be kept in separate books, the next three generally are known as the "Drainage Record," and the remaining records are kept desultorily. For other records of drainage districts, see entries 49, 187, 189, 215, 216, 345, 346, 350-352, 360, 367. > Constitution of 1870, Art. IV, sec. 31. 'First amendment to the Constitution, ratified November 29, 1878, incorporated in Con- stitution of 1870, Art. IV, sec. 31; L. 1879, p. 120, 124-28. •L. 1879, p. 123; L. 1885, p. 93, 94, 113. River districts, though not in this category, may be organized similarly and with like powers. L. 1885, p. 106. *L. 1885, p. 93, 95. »L. 1879, p. 123; L. 1885, p. 93, 95, 113. •L. 1879, p. 120-34; L. 1885, p. 78-104. [83] Special Drainag:e Commissioners (414-422) 414. Drainage Files, 1884—. 192 f-b. Commissioners' claims for fees, organization papers, assessment rolls, contracts, commissioners' bonds, oaths, and resignations, reports on drainage district condi- tions, jury instructions, verdicts of jurors, annexation of lauds, objections to annexation, maps, engineers' reports, appeals, agreements, election of officers, and posting of notices. Arr. chron. No index. 61^ x 4 x 11. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 415. Drainage Record, 1884—. 16 v. (1-16). Complete record of drainage commission, showing organization of drainage dis- trict, commissioners' reports, affidavit of posting notices, maps, specifications, orders confirming and verdicts of jury in special assessments, bonds and oaths of commissioners, certificates of mailing, engineers' reports, treasurer's bonds, tax lists, petitions to annex lands to district, with names of clerk and district, legal description of land, owners' names, number of each parcel of land, receipts and disbursements, names of sureties in case of bonds, amount of bonds, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of district. 1884-1907, hdw. ; 1908 — , typed. 550 p. 18x12x3. V. 1-15, 1884-1932, co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl.; v. 16, 1933—, co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 416. Drainage Files (Assessment Rolls and Plats), 1890 — . 1 file cabinet. Assessment rolls and plats of farms in drainage district, showing name of prop- erty owner, legal description of property, amount of assessment, and dates. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of drainage district. 36 x 48 x 30. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 417. Drainage Fee Book, 1907—. 1 v. (1). Fee book showing name of drainage district, amount of fees, items of cost, date, and by whom paid. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of drainage district. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 18 x 12 x 3. Co. clk.'s off., 2nd fl. 418. Repair Tax (Drainage District), 1917—. 3 f.b. Petitions for repair of drainage districts, records of proceedings of drainage commissioners on repair work, lists of repairs for each drainage district, and special assessment rolls. Arr. alph. by name of of district. No index. 10»^x5xl3. Co. clk.'s tax rm., 2ud fl. 419. Kankakee Drainage District Assessment Roll, 1883. 1 v. Record of rulings of commissioners of drainage district and assessment roll, showing name of owner, legal description of property, number of acres, amount of damages, benefits, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. Binding and paper poor; writing faded. 100 p. 14 x 8 x i/>. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 420. Record of Drainage District Number Three, 1909-18. 1 v. Record of lands annexed to St. Joseph Township from Urbana Township, plats of drainage districts, minutes of meetings, election of commissioners and their oaths, and map of district three. Arr. chron. No index. 1909-17, hdw.; 1918, typed. 350 p. 14 x 10 x 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 421. Swamp Land Record, 1853-82. 1 v. Discontinued. Transcripts of records in General Land Office at Washington, D. C, showing description and location of land, number of acres, date, and names of purchaser and patentee. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 250 p. 18 x 12 x 2. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. 422. Swamp Land Record — Tract Book, 1860-77. 1 v. Discontinued. Record of swamp lands, sliowing legal description and location of land, number of acres, date and name of purchaser; also contains accounts of the fiscal agent with list of deeds issued, showing date of deed, name of grantee, legal descrip- tion, location and number of acres of land, and dates. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 200 p. 12x8x1. Co. clk.'s vlt., 2nd fl. [84] (423) XX. COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE The Champaign County department of public welfare as it now functions was created under the laws of 1936. It consists of three commissioners, appointed by the county judge to serve without compensation, a superintendent of public welfare, and an administrative staff.* The superintendent is empowered to serve as a probation officer in welfare problems when appointed by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction.* The commission meets monthly to transact the .business of public welfare, and its members are allowed necessary traveling expenses. Legislation of the current year (1937), however, repeals this system. A single officer, the county superintendent of public welfare, will become successor to the county commission and its executive appointee, the present superintendent of public welfare.^ All duties delegated to the commission will be transferred to the newly created officer, who will be appointed by the county board of super- visors. This change in system affects only the county administrative unit, and not the function or records of the office. The new county department of public welfare will consist of the superin- tendent of public welfare and an administrative staff selected by him in accord- ance with and subject to the approval of the state department of public welfare. The county board of supervisors submits to the state department a list of five residents as candidates for the office of superintendent. The county board in Champaign County has submitted such lists which are pending approval. An eligible list from these candidates is prepared by the state department after competitive examination and certified to the county board. The board in turn makes an order appointing one of the eligibles.* The county superintendent of public welfare is in charge of all the executive and administrative duties and responsibilities of the county department of public welfare. He is subject to the rules of and removal by the state department." He has the power and it is his duty: 1. To have charge of and develop plans for the administration of old age assistance. 2. To investigate and study problems of assistance, correction, and general welfare within his county. 3. To cooperate with the state department of welfare in the operation of welfare plans and policies in his county. 4. To maintain its records in the manner prescribed by the state depart- ment and file with the said state agency all required reports. 5. To serve as agent and executive officer of the state department of public welfare in the administration of all forms of public assistance adminis- tered bv the said department.* All of the records of the county department are subject to the inspection and supervision of the agents of this central authority. 423. (Investigators' Cases), 1936 — . 4 f.b. Investigators' pending and closed case record of old age assistance applicants, showing name and address of applicant, amount and date of award, and statistical record of each case. Closed case records are transferred monthly to the Deceased (Inactive Card File), entrj' 428. Arr. alph. by name of applicant. No index. 4 X 5 1 12. Co. dept. of pub. welf., 3rd fl. ' Sp. 8e«8. Laws 1935-36, p. 70. ''Ibid, p. 73. 3 Sp. Sess. Laws 1935-36, p. 70-73; L. 1937, p. 451. ♦L. 1937, p. 452. » Sp. Sees. Laws 1935-36, p. 71, 74; L. 1937, p. 452. •Sp. Sess. Laws 1935-36, p. 72; L. 1937, p. 452, 453. [85] County Nune (424-430) 424. (Old Age Assistance Files), 1936—. 10 f.b. Files of applications for old age assistance, including investigators' reports and recommendations, withdrawals, transfers, rejections, cancellations, and state approval, showing name, age, address, financial, marital, and health status of applicant, and amount of award. Arr. by application no. 14 x 16 x 28. Co. dept. of pub. wclf., 3rd fl. 425. (Card Record and Index to Files), 1936 — . 2 f.b. Card record of old age assistance applicants and index to old age assistance files, showing name, address of applicant, application number, amount of award, date, and name of investigator. Arr. alph. by name of applicant. 4^x6x14. Co. dept. of pub. welf., 3rd fl. 426. (Register of Old Age Assistance Applicants), 1936 — . 1 v. Register of applicants for old age assistance, showing name, address, sex, and age of applicant, financial status, date and number of application, date of investi- gation, action taken, amount of award, and date approved. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 300 p. 10 x 16 x IVa. Co. dept. of pub. welf., 3rd fl. 427. Deceased (Files), 1936—. 1 f.b. Record of applicants for old age assistance, now deceased, including investigators' report and recommendations, and state approval, showing name, age, address, financial and marital status of applicant, date and amount of award, and date and cause of death. Arr. by application no. No index. 14 x 16 x 28. Co. dept. of pub. welf., 3rd fl. 428. Deceased (Inactive Card File), 1936—. 1 f.b. Card record of deceased, transfers, rejections, cancellations and withdrawals of old age pension applicants, showing name, address and sex of recipient, appli- cation number, amount of award, date case closed, reason, and name of investi- gator. Arr. alph. by name of applicant or recipient. No index. 4 x 6 x 12. Co. dept. of pub. welf., 3rd fl. 429. Correspondence (Miscellaneous), 1936 — . 1 f.b. Miscellaneous documents including statistical monthly report to state office, correspondence, requisitions for supplies, and payrolls. Arr. chron. No index. 14 X 16 X 28. Co. dept. of pub. welf., 3rd fl. XXI. COUNTY NURSE County nurses may be employed in Illinois under the Public Health Nursing Act of 1931.* Under the provisions of this Act, the county boards are authorized to employ nurses for such public health nursing duties as may be deemed neces- sarj- within the county, salaries to be paid from appropriations of county funds. The nurses appointed must be registered with the State Department of Registra- tion and Education, which examines and certifies applicants for public health nursing and keeps on file a list of certified nurses for the use of city councils and county boards.* The public nurses are required to make written reports to the Department of Public Health in the form and at times prescribed by the department, and with the consent of the county board of super^-isors.' For reports of county nurse to county board, see entry 2. 430. (Health Record Cards), 1922—. 4 f.b. Individual card record of health of pupils in the schools of county, showing >L. 1931, p. 732, 733. * Ibid. p. 732. *lbid. p. 733. [86] County Home and (431-433) Infirmary name, age of pupil, name of school, statistical record of physician, and date. Arr. alph. by name of twp. No index. 8 x 16 x 24. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. 431. (School Health Register), 1937—. 1 v. Record of health examinations of pupils, showing name and district number of school, name of pupil, grade, age, condition of nose and throat, glands, skin, teeth, vision, other defects, and immunization. Arr. by school district no. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 50 p. 12 x 10 x %. Off. of supt, of sch., 2nd fl. 432. (Miscellaneous Files), 1926—. 1 f.b. Correspondence with state officer, various hospitals, parents and schools, con- cerning health of children, and teachers' health bulletins. Arr. chron. No index. 12 X 16 X 24. Off. of supt. of sch., 2nd fl. XXII. COUNTY HOME AND INFIRMARY AH county poorhouses, poor farms, and institutions for the support and care of indigents, in Illinois, are known as county homes.^ Such county establishments have existed in this state for nearly a century under statutory provisions which have changed little since the original enactments. The county boards of the various counties may establish a county home and are granted the following powers : 1. To acquire by purchase, grant, gift or devise, a suitable tract or tracts upon which to erect and maintain a county poorhouse and other necessary buildings, and for the establishment and maintenance of a farm for the employment of the poor. 2. To receive gifts and bequests to ajd in the erection and maintenance of the poorhouse, or in the care of the indigents. 3. To make rules or regulations for same. 4. To appoint a keeper of the poorhouse and all necessarj- agents and servants for the management and control of the poorhouse and farm and prescribe their compensation and duties. 5. To appoint a county physician and prescribe his compensation and duties. 6. To appoint an agent to have the general supervision and charge of all matters in relation to the care and support of the poor and prescribe his compensation and duties. 7. To make the necessary appropriations for the erection and maintenance of the county home.^ Records of the county home are prepared and kept by the keeper (superin- tendent) of the home. He is required to keep an account, showing the name of each person admitted to the institution; the time of his admission and discharge; the place of his birth; whether his dependence resulted from idiocy, lunacy, intemperance, or other causes, stating the cause ; and is required, at the same time each year, to file with the county clerk of his county a copy of the same, together with a statement showing the average number of persons kept in the home each month during the year.* For other county home records, see entries 34, 35. INMATES AND PATIENTS 433. Record (Inmates of County Home), 1872 — . 5 v. Record of county home inmates, showing name, age, address, date of admission, » L. 1919, p. 699; R. S. 1935, p. 1058. 'L. 1839, p. 139; R. S. 1845, p. 404; L. 1861, p. 180; R. S. 1874, p. 787; L. 1917, p. 638; L. 1919. p. 698; R. S. 1935, p. 1057. 1058. » R. S. 1874. p. 758. [87] County Home and Infirmary — (434-442) Township Charges: Receipts, Expenditures health, occupation, nativity, religion, and birthplace, property, cause of pauper- ism, name of wife or husband, relative or friend, date discharged from hospital, and date of death. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 400 p. 16 x 16 x 21/2, 14 x 8 x 2. Home off., Ist fi. 434. Patient's Register, 1931—. 1 v. Register of patients in infirmary, showing name of supervisor, township, case history number, patient's name, address, nativity, religion, marital status, color, sex, age, occupation, and room number, date admitted, correspondent's name and address, doctor in charge, diagnosis at time of admittance and discharge, number of days in hospital, and date discharged. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 500 p. 14x20x21/2. Infirmary off., 2nd fl. 435. Entrance Ledger, 1931—. 1 v. Record of admittance to infirmary, showing name of patient, date of entry, rate of cost per day, number of days, and total cost. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw, 500 p. 14 X 10 X 2. Infirmary off., 2nd fl. 436. (Admittance Cards), 1931—. 1 f.b. Card record of inmates in infirmary, showing name, age, sex, occupation, nativity, marital status and religion of inmate, names of attending physician, relative or friend, and by whom physician is to be paid. Arr. alph. by name of inmate. No index. 5x6x4. Infirmary off., 2nd fl. CHARGES AGAINST TOWNSHIPS 437. (Claims Against Townships), 1935 — . 11 v. Record of claims against eleven townships that have sent inmates to the county home, showing name of township, name and address of supervisor, name of in- mate, number of days, amount claimed, and dates. Accounts of each township kept in separate volume, arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of twp. Hdw. 500 p. 12x8x2. Home off., Ist fl. 438. Township Journal, 1931 — . 1 v. Daily entry book of expenses incurred by inmates from various townships, show- ing date of entry, number of days, name of inmate, rate per day, total amount charged against township and set up as a claim against county, date, amount, and ,by whom paid. Arr. alph. by name of twp. No index. Hdw. 500 p. 14 x 10 X 2. Infirmary off., 2nd fl. 439. Journal (Doctor Fees), 1931—. 1 v. Record of medical fees charged to each township, showing name of patient, date, type of service, and amount of fee. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 300 p. 14 x 9x1. Infirmary off., 2nd fl. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES 440. Ledger (Entry Journal Accounts), 1931 — . 3 v. Ledger of expenditures for supplies and medicines for hospital, showing amount, purpose, to whom paid, and date. Arr. chron. Indexed alph. by name of vendor. Hdw. 300 p. 14 X 10 X 2. Infirmary off., 2nd fl. 441. (Payroll Record), 1927—. 2 v. Payroll record of nurses for infirmary, superintendent of farm, cooks, tray girls, housemaids, farm hands, foreman, and stenographer, showing amount and date paid. Arr. chron. No index. Hdw. 150 p. 14 x 6 x V2. Home off., Ist fl. 442. (Miscellaneous Bills and Reports to Supervisor), 1937 — . 2 f-b. Bills for various expenses of the county home and infirmary, showing dates, amount, name of payee and purpose of payment; also annual reports to board of supervisor on produce raised, showing kind and amount of produce, and estimated valuation. Bills arr. alph. by name of payee; reports arr. chron. No index. 4 X 14 X 14. Home off., 1st fl. [88] (443. 444) XXIII. COUNTY VETERINARIAN The office of county veterinarian was created by statute in 1905, in those counties adopting the "county area plan." Under this plan any county which is duly enrolled with the state department of agriculutre by signing a cooperative agreement for the control and eradication of bovine tuberculosis, and which pro- vides funds for the maintenance of the office, may employ a count}' veterinarian to conduct tuberculin tests within its borders.* The veterinarian is appointed by the county board of supervisors, subject to the approval of the state department of agriculture, in conjunction with which and under whose directions he works. His salary is paid by the county, but the county board may petition the state department for aid in furnishing funds for payment." The veterinarian conducts tuberculin tests, keeps records thereof, and reports his activities and findings to the state department of agriculture. This office was first established in Champaign Countj"^ in 1935. For minutes of tubercular cattle committee, see entry 19. 443. Champaign County Bovine Tuberculin Record, 1935 — . 1 v. Eecord of tuberculin tested herds, showing date, name and address of owner, number of cattle tested, passed, and reacted, number of cattle in infected herds, and cattle appraised. Arr. by twps. No index. Hdw. under pr. hdgs. 400 p. 16 X 12 X 2. Adult probn. off., 3rd fl. 444. Tuberculin Test— Herd Record, 1935—. 4 f.b. Card record of tuberculin tests, showing name of owner, town and township, date of test, number passed (pure bred or grades), number reacted, and total tested. Arr. alph. by name of twp. No index. 6 x 7 x 14. Adult probn. off., 3rd fl. > L. 1925, p. 3; L. 1927, p. 20; L. 1929, p. 7. »L. 1929, p. 8. [89] (1883-1858) CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 1830-1839 1833-56 1833-77 1833-1912 1833— 1833— 1833— 1833— 1833— 1833— 1833— 1833— 1833— 1834— 1834— 1834— 1834— 1836-73 183&— 1836— 1838— 1838— 1838— 1838— 1840-1849 1842— 1844-1914 1850-1859 1850— 1850— 1851-1906 1852— 1853-82 1855— 1856— 1856— 1856— 1857-78 1857— 1857— 1857— 1857— 1857— 1857— 1858— 1858— 1858— 1858— 1858— 1858— Marriage Index, 83 Marriage Licenses (Applications), 86 Estrays and Road Plats, 99 Deed Index Grantor and Grantee, 122 Deed Eecord (Miscellaneous), 123 Entry Book (Rec), 121 Estate Papers, 212 Estray Record, 98 Index— Estates (Wills), 213 Marriage Licenses, 82 Supervisors' Record, 2 Will Record, 221 County Court Record (Probate), 216 Entry Book — Guardian and Conservator, 229 Guardianship (Papers), 226 Index — Guardian and Conservator, 227 Sale Book for School Land in Champaign County, 370 Chattel Mortgage Index, 135 Judgment and Execution Docket (Cir. Ct.), 276 Chancery (Cases) and Chancery Claims, 258 Criminal Cases (Common Law — Cir. Ct.), 256 Index Criminal (Common Law, Chancery) and Index to Old Papers, 257 Miscellaneous Files (Co. Bd.), 36 General Index Mortgagor, Mortgagee, 131 Miscellaneous (Court Papers — Cir. Ct.), 268 Circuit Court Eecord, 260 Probate Court Ledger, 238 Naturalization Papers (Co. Ct.), 208 Clerk's Docket (Probate), 244 Swamp Land Record, 421 Register of Commissions (Co. Officers), 88 Common Law Record Cases (Cir. Ct.), 254 Index to Cemetery Deeds, 130 Mortgage Record, 132 Index to Sheriffs' and Masters' Certificates and Co., 141 Affidavit for Tax Deeds, 68 Index to Court Records (Chancery, Complainant, Defendant), 259 Index to Court Records: Common Law, Plaintiff; Common Law, Defendant (Cir. Ct.), 255 Sheriffs' and Masters' Certificates of Levy, Purchase, Sales or Redemption, 139 Tax Affidavits, 67 Tax Judgment, Sale, Redemption and Forfeiture Record, 58 Appraisement Record, 233 Fee Book (Cir. Ct.), 279 Fees to Jurymen (Cir. Ct.), 280 Guardians' Record, 228 Probate Fee Book, 251 Sheriffs' Sale Record (Rec), 143 [91] U>4a {iii»-imt 'ite Jad^raant Docket Index (Direct aid lAdneet). 246 N.-.aEalintioii Berord (Gir. Ct.), 288 C«rtifieates of Lerv, 142 Court Beeord (^ Default— C5r. Ct.), 263 Insanity Ca^s, 163 Inventories Beeord, 231 Probate Judgment Doeket. 245 Sale B<. 277 Chattel Mortgage Beeord, 136 Collectore' Books, 56 Judges^' Docket — Criminal — Coaunoa Law — Ckauteij, 273 Superri«)rB' Papers, 1 Transcripts of Judgnents from -Jofrtice Courts (Cir. Ct.), 26f Teaciers' Beeords, 37S Certifieate of Sale aad Bedempnon, 144 CooBtj Superinteadeats' ^T«iw»»«ti«» Beeord, 376 Justices' and Constables' Bond Beeord, 116 Begister of County Orders, 4 Stddicfs' Diaekarge Beeord, 149 1862-1902 Sheriffs' Deed Beeord, 126 1863-64. 1590-1901 Warranty Deed Beeord, 127 1864— Marriage Index- Male and Female, 85 1864— Marriage Begister. 84 Begister of ScddiOB, 97 Coroaer's Beem^ 326 Pateot Beeord, 96 Naturalization Beeord— Soldiers (Co. Ct.), 211 Soldiers' Naturalization Beeord (dr. Ct.). 294 Naturalization Beeord— Minors (Co. CL), 210 Probate Jadgneaft Beeord. 218 NaturalizatioB Beeord. Minor (Or. Ct.), 293 Administrators' Beeord, 222 Bekase Beeord, 133 Guardians' Fee BocJ^ 253 CaaeeDed Bonds (Boad). 22 Sheriffs' Proeeas Docket, 312 Beeord of Justices' Transeript (Cir. Ct.), 271 Qnitelaim Deed Beeord, 128 Decree and Beport of Sale of Beal Estate, 235 Eieeutors' Beeord. 225 Original Survey Book, 413 Circuit Court Beeord of Confessions, 261 Circuit Court Beeord Beeogaiaaaeea, 285 Judges' Docket — Guardiaadqp aad Cuawi i aterriup, 247 1860-1929 1S60— 1860— 1860— 1860— 1860— 1S61-192S 1S61— 1561— 1S61— 1S61— 1561— 1865 1S65— 1866-72 1866-89 1866-92 1866-96 1866-1900 1866-1906 1866— 1866— 1867-1905 1567— 1567- 1867— 186*^1905 1868— 1868— 1869 1869— 1869— 1869— 1870-1879 1570— Copiea of Wills, 220 1870 — Surrfyors' Plau and Beeords, 412 1871— Adoption Cases, 167 1871 — Deiinqneat Tax List — Back Tax Beeord, 59 1871— Township SdMol Map Beeord, 54 1872-86 Assigaaeats (Co. a.). 172 1872-1902 Fee Book (Common Law and Criminal — Co. Ct), 195 1872-1918 Town Cook, 249 — against estates, 212, 215 Highway, 402 Index to, 6 Pauper, 18 — against townships for county home, 437 — against tuberculosis sanitarium, 16 — for tuition, 380 Clerk (s) County, see County clerk — of courts, see under name of spe- cific court Dockets Circuit court, 274, 275 County court, 175-178 Probate court, 243, 244 — of election for sanitary districts, 170 Town, appointment of, 91 Coal contracts, see Contracts Codicils to wills, 220, 221 Collection of taxes, see Tax — for drainage, set Drainage; Tax Collector (s) County Accounts with county funds, 344 Books (lists of taxable property), 56 Cash book, 357 Certificates of collections, 343 Duties of, p. 71 Township Bonds, 36, 153 Fees, 341 Commission government in Champaign and Urbana, 171 Commission (s) Highway, treasurers' bonds, 118 Insanity, reports, 163 — to office Deputy sheriffs', 89 Register of, 88 Commissioners City, bonds of, 119 County, see County commissioners Drainage, see Drainage Highway, see Highway Park, appointment of, 187 Committment warrants, see Warrant Committee (s) — of county board of supervisors Recommendations, 3 Reports, 19 Resolutions, 1 — on road bond issues, minutes of, 397 Common law cases, see also Circuit court ; County court Appearing in probate court Dockets, 241, 242, 244 Ledger, sheriff's, 325 Complainant, see Plaintiff Complaint docket, 337 Confessions — in circuit court, 261 — in county court, 157, 161 Conservator (s), see also Insanity Accounts, 238 Bonds, 230 Dockets, 247, 248 Entry book, 229 Fee book, 252 Index, 227 Inventory record, 232 Letters, 215, 230 Petitions, 189 Constable (s) Appointment of, 2, 91 Bonds, 114, 116, 215 Resignation of, 91 Construction, see Bridge; Highway; Road [104] (Con-Cou) Contract (s) Assignment of, 219 County, 1 Building, 20 Coal, 21, 35 Nurse, 35 Physician, 2, 21, 35 — for printing, 21 Miscellaneous, 21 Drainage, 414 Highway, 396, 397, 407 Township, 396 Contractors' bonds, see Bonds Coroner (s) Death certificates, 74 Duties of, pp. 4, 66, 67 Office, p. 11 Orders, 11 Eecord, 326 Reports, 31, 268 Correspondence, see also Letters County nurse, 432 Department of public welfare, 429 Juvenile probation officer, 305 Treasurer's, 368 Corporation (s), see also Incorporation Bond issues, 23, 26 Eecord, 151 — of trusteeship, 147 Schedules, 335 Costs County clerk's account of, 102 Court, see Fee book under name of specific court County board of supervisors, see Super- visors County clerk (s) Account book, 102 — of births and deaths, 101, 104 Cash book, 101 Deputy, see Deputy Duties, pp. 3, 4, 5, 8, 20-22 First incumbent, p. 1 Ledger, 103 Office of, p. 10 Reports, 31 Count}' collector, see Collector County commissioners' court Early terms, p. 1 Establishment, pp. 1, 14 Record, 2 County court Clerk of Duties, pp. 4, 40, 41 Dockets Bar, 191 Clerk 's Common law, 176 Common law and criminal, 175, 178 Criminal, 177 Judge's Chattel mortgage, 190 Common law, 180 Common law and criminal, 181 Criminal, 179 Dependency, 186 Feeble-minded, 185 Insanity, 184 Miscellaneous, 188 Petition, 189 Judgment and execution, 183 Justices', 192 Term, 182 Fee books (court costs) Common law, 193 Common law and criminal, 195 Criminal, 194 Miscellaneous, 196 Files Assignments, 172 Adoption, 167 Index to, 164 Common law, 157, 215 Criminal, 158, 215 Dependency, 201 Index to, 202 Insanity, 163 Index to, 164 Jurisdiction and powers of, pp. 4, 40, 41 Records Adoption, juvenile and mothers' pension, 203 Common law and criminal, 159 Index to. 160, 182 Confessions, 161 Default, 162 Feeble-minded, 166 Insanity, 165 Jury, 198 Miscellaneous, 173 Probation, 206 Recognizance, 199, 200 County department of public welfare, see Public welfare County farm, see also Almshouse; County home; Poor; Public wel- fare; Relief Committee, reports of, 19 Contracts, 21 Papers, 35 County funds, see Funds County home and infirmary, see also Almshouse; County farm; Poor; Public welfare; Relief Admittance cards, 436 Bills, 442 Building, description of, p. 11 Claims against townships, 437 [105] (Cou-Dra) Entrance ledger, 435 Establishment and maintenance of, p. 87 Journal Accounts with townships, 43S Doctors' fees, 439 Ledger of accounts, 440 Payroll record, 441 Record of inmates, 433 Register of patients, 434 Reports to county board, 442 County jail, see Jail County nurse Contracts with, 3o Duties of, p. 86 Health record, 430 Miscellaneous files, 432 Office, p. 11 Reports, 2 County officers, see Officers County offices, see Offices County orders, see Orders County physician, see Physician County property, insurance on, 28 County seat, elections for, p. 1 County superintendent of highways, see Superintendent County superintendent of schools, see Superintendent County surveyor, see Surveyor County treasurer, see Treasurer County veterinarian, see Veterinarian Courthouse Buildings used, pp. 2, 3 Description of, pp. 2, 3, 8 Papers, 20 Courts, see County; Circuit; Probate Criminal cases, see also Circuit court ; County court Appearing in probate court, dockets of, 241, 242, 244 Sheriff's Docket, 313 Ledger, 325 Criminals Identification of, 315 Negatives of, 320 Deaths, see also Vital statistics Account book of, 101, 104 De bonis non, see Administrator Deceased applicants, old age assistance, 427, 428 Decrees, see also Orders, court — of adoption, 167, 216 — in dependency cases, 201 — of divorce, 264 — of election for local improvements, 46 — of foreclosure, 147, 264 — of heirship, 212, 216 — for mothers' pension, 205 )f partition, 147, 264 Record, circuit court, 264 —for sale of real estate, 215, 226, 235 Dedimus warrants, see Warrants Deed(s) Cemetery, 123, 129 Index to, 130 First recorded, p. 2 Grantor-grantee index, 122 Quitclaim, 123, 128 Record, 123 Sheriff's, 123, 126 Swamp land, 422 Tax, 125 Affidavits for, 68 Trust, 124, 132 Warranty, 123, 127 Default records Circuit court, 263 County court, 162 Delinquent Children, see Juvenile Taxes, see Tax Dentists, Register of, 92 Department of public welfare, county, see Public welfare Dependent children, see Juvenile Deputy County clerk, appointment of, 91 Sheriff Commissions and revocations, 89 Record (bonds and oaths), 120 Directors, school, register of, 387 Disbursements, see Receipts and ex- penditures Divorce Decrees, 264 Division of property in, 147, 258 Documents, 258 Dockets Court, see under name of specific court, also under name of docket — of valuations and taxes, 38 Doctors, see Physicians Dog tax, accounts of, 353 Dower rights, waiver of, 147 Drainage, see also Swamp lands Bank book, 367 Collection register, 345 Commissioners Appointment of, p. 83 Bonds, 414, 415 Claims for fees, 414 Duties and powers of, pp. 5, 83 Election of (Dist. No. 3), 420 Minutes (Dist. No. 3), 420 Oaths, 414, 415, 420 [106] (Dra-Fie) Proceedings on repair, 418 Receipts and disbursements, 415 Reports, 415 Resignations, 414 Rulings (Kankakee district), 419 District (s) Annexation of laud to, 414, 420 Petitions for, 415 Objections to, 414 Assessment rolls, 49, 414, 416, 418, 419 Collection register, 345 Daybook and journal, 360 Fountain Head, 352 Kankakee, 419 Maps, 415, 420 Number three, 420 Officers, election of, 414 Organization of, 414 Petitions — to establish, 216 — for (tax) installments, 189 — for repair, 418 Plats of, 416, 420 Repair of, 418 Saline, 49 Treasurers' address book, 346 Docket, 187 Fee books, 196. 417 Files, 215, 414, 416 Funds, see Funds Inspection, 395 Record, 415 Tax, see also Assessment rolls above Delinquent, 351 Education, see School Election (s), see also Votes Districts, reports of, 169 — of drainage commissioners, 420 Certificates of, 107 Clerks of. 170 — for commission form of govern- ment. Champaign and Urbana, 171 — for local improvements, 46 Judges of, 108, 168, 170 Notices, 170, 171 Officers, fees of, 2 Petitions, 36 Poll books, 110 Railroad, 36 Sanitary district, 170 Special, petitions for, 46, 171 Emergency relief, see Relief Engineers, drainage, reports of, 414, 415 Entrance ledger, county home and in- tirmai-y, 435 Entry book of instruments, 121 Equity cases, circuit court, 258 Errors in extending taxes, 57 Estate (s), see also Probate Court; Real estate Appraisement of, 215, 233 Assignments of interest in, 219 Claims against, 212, 215 Entry book of, 214 Index, 213 Inventories of, 212, 215, 231 Papers, 212 Record, Miscellaneous, 219 Reports on, 215 Sale record, 236 Estray records, 98, 99 Evidence Certilicates of, 212, 270 Master's, see Master -in-chanceiy Examinations, teachers', see Teachers Execution Dockets Circuit court, 276, 277 County court, 183 Sheriff's, 314 — of wills, proof of, 216 Writs of, 315 Executor (s) Accounts, 238 Bonds, 219, 221, 225 Letters, 215, 221, 225 Petitions, 225 Refusal to act, 219 Reports, final, 216 Exhibits, circuit court, 296 Expenditures, see Receipts Expense account, highway, 408 Explanatory notes to inventory, p. 13 Federal tax liens, 147 Index to, 148 Fee books Court, see under name of specific court Drainage, 196, 417 Feeble-minded cases Docket, 185 Documents, 215 Findings and orders, 166 Fees Collectors', 341 County clerk's account of, 102 Drainage commissioners', 414 — of election officers, 2 — of jurymen, 280 Ledger of County clerk's, 103 Sheriff's, 325 Phvsicians', 439 Field Book (highway), 393 Index to, 394 Notes (highway), 395 [107] (Pin-Imp) Flnauciul records, see Accouuts; Cash; Fees; Funds; Receipts and ex- penditures Financial reports, blind pensions, 13 Financial statements of townships, 105 Findings and orders Feeble-minded, 166 Ins.anity, 165 Fines, county clerk's account of, 102 Fingerprints of criminals, 315 Foreclosure, see also Mortgage Decrees, 147, 264 Forfeiture Records, 58, 60, 63, 64 Redemption of, 61 — for special assessments, 62-64 Statements, 57 Fountain Head drainage district book, 352 Funding bonds, see Bond issues Funds, see also Accounts; Cash; Led- ger; Receipts and expenditures Bridge, orders on, 10 County Collector's account of, 344 Treasurer's account of, 354 Drainage, accounts of, 353 Highway Ledger of, 398 Orders on, 10 Institute, 353 Miscellaneous, 353 Motor fuel tax Allotment of, 403, 404 Claims against, 402 Orders on, 10 Non-high-school, 353 Pauper relief, 355 Probate, 361 Road, orders on, 5, 10 School, 361, 369 Special assessment, apportionment of, 45 State, levy for, 340 Township, orders on, 406 Trust, 355 Work relief, refunds of, 405 Garnishee papers, 157 Grand jury, see Jurors Grantor-grantee index, 122 Guardian (s) Accounts, 238 Bonds, 219, 228 — for sale of real estate, 230 Consent to appointment of, 219 Dockets, 247, 248 Entry book, 229 Fee books, 252, 253 Index, 227 Inventory BiUs, 226 Record, 232 Letters, 215, 226, 228 Petitions, 226, 228 — to sell real estate, 226 Record (bonds, letters, petitions), 228 Reports, final, 216, 226 Health Record cards, 430 Register, school, 431 Heirship Decrees finding, 212, 216 Proof of, 173, 212 High schools, see Schools Highway (s), see also Roads Budget statements, 340 Claims, 402 Commission, treasurers' bonds, 118 Commissioners ' Bonds, 111, 117, 215 Certificates of appointment, 91 Construction and maintenance records, 393-400 Field book, 393 Index to, 394 Field notes, 395 Files, Miscellaneous, 401 Funds, see Funds Inspectors' expenses, 401 Ledger, 398 Motor fuel tax, see Motor fuel Orders, see Orders Plat books, 410 Revenue record, 405 Superintendent of, see Superintendent Surveyors' reports on, 401 Time book, 400 Warrants, see Warrants Homestead mortgage record, see Mort- gage Hospital reports, 36 Huling Home for children Contracts, 21 Orders, 7 Record of inmates, 304 Illinois emergency relief commission, payrolls, 407 Improvements, local Docket entries of, 188 Documents, 46 Index to, 48 Fees, 196 Petitions for, 46, 187 Rejected, 397 Tax receipt book, 347 [108] (Inc-Jud) Incorporation, see also Corporation Records of, 147 — of villages, 168 Indenture of bond issues, 399 Index Adoption, 164 — to applications (teachers ')> 375 Birth, 71 — to cancelled county orders, 4 — to cemetery deeds, 130 — to certificates of levy, purchase, sale or redemption, 140, 141 Chancery, 257, 259 Chattel mortgage, 135 — to claims Highway and motor fuel tax, 6 Probate, 250 Common law, 255, 257 — to conservators' records, 227 Criminal, 257 Death, 75, 77 Deed, 122 — to estate papers, 214 —to estates, 213 Federal tax lien, 148 Grantor-grantee, 122 — to guardians' records, 227 Insanity, 164 — to juvenile cases, 202 — to local improvements, 48 Marriage, 83, 85 — to master's evidence files, 297 Mechanic 's lien, 266 Mortgagor-mortgagee, 131 — to old age assistance files, 425 — to old papers, circuit court, 257 Plaintiif -defendant Circuit court, 255 County court, 160, 182 — to plats. 155 Probate judgment docket, 246 — to probate records, 217 — to special assessments, 48 — to state's attorney's files, 328 Stillbirth, 75 — of surveys, 394 Teachers' certificates, 373 — to transcripts, 272 — to wills. 213 Indictment (s) Original, 268 ■Record. 262 Infirmary, see County home Inheritance tax Assessment. 212 Ledger, 353 Receipts. 173, 219, 362. 363 Record, 239 Reports. Appraisers', 240 Returns. 212 Inquests Record of, 326 Reports, 268 Insanity, see also Conservator Docket, 184 —Entries, 188 Documents, 163, 215 Fees, 196 Index, 164 Record, 165 Inspectors' expenses (highway), 401 Institute(s) Funds, see Funds Reports of, 386 Insurance policies, county property, 28 Intention, declaration of, see Naturali- zation Interrogatories, insanity, 163 Inventory (ies) Bills, guardians', 226 Conservators', 232 — of county offices, 29 —of estates, 212, 215, 231 Guardians', 232 Record, 231 InveBtigation reports Old age assistance, 423, 424, 427 Probation Adult, 306, 307 Juvenile, 201 Jail, county Buildings used, pp. 2, 3 Description, p. 10 List of prisoners, 317 Papers pertaining to building of, 20 Record, 318 Jailor's account book, 319 Journal Doctors' fees, county home, 439 Drainage districts, 360 Judges Circuit, pp. 4, 54 County, pp. 4, 40 — ex-officio judge of probate court, pp. 4, 40 Dockets Circuit court Chancery, criminal, common law, 273 Execution, 277 Miscellaneous, 278 Naturalization, 295 County court Chattel mortgage, 190 Common law. 180 — and criminal, 181 Criminal, 179 Dependency, 186 Feeble-minded, 185 [109] (Jud-Lie) Insanity, 184 Miscellaneous, 188 Petition, 189 Probate court Common law and criminal, 242 Transfer, 241 Guardian and conservators' desk, 248 Guardianship and conservator- ship, 247 — of election, 108, 168 Judgment (s) Confession of, 261 Docket, Probate, 245 Index, 246 — and execution docket Circuit court, 276 County court, 183 — in justice courts, transcripts, 269 Eecord Miscellaneous (circuit court), 267 Probate, 218 — Sale, redemption and forfeiture record, 58 Special assessments, 63 Judicial system in county, p. 4 Jurors Certificates, see Jury Grand, 284 Petit, 197 Jury Certificates, 8, 11, 280, 364 Lists, 37 Records Circuit court, 283 County court, 198 Reports (insanity cases), 163 Verdicts (in drainage cases), 414, 415 Justices of the peace Appointment, 2, 91 Bonds, see Bonds Cases, action on, 330 Dockets, 192 Jurisdiction, p. 4 Reports, 207 Resignation, 91 Transcripts, 271 Index to. 272 — of judgments, 269 Juvenile, see also Adoption; Pension, mothers* Cases Entry book, 202 Index to, 202 Register, 203 Delinquency Correspondence, 305 Fees, 196 Files, 302, 303 Dependency Change of custody of children, 201, 216 Correspondence, 305 Docket, 186 Fees, 196 Files, 201, 301, 303 Reports on homes for children, 2 Home, see Huling Home Probation officer, see Officer Truancy, see Truancy Kankakee drainage district assessment roll, 419 Land(s), see also Real estate Annexation of — to drainage districtB, see Drainage Names of, Register, 150 School, sale of, 370 Swamp Deeds, 422 Record, 421 Tract book, 422 Ledger, see also Accounts ; Cash ; Funds; Receipts and expendi- tures County clerk's, 103 County infirmary, 440 County treasurer's, 353 Highway, 398 Probate court, 238 Sheriff's, 325 Tax Redemption, 66 Sale, 70 Letters, see also Correspondence — of appointment in probate, see un- der title of appointee Revocation of, 189 Circuit clerk's, 299, 300 Recognition, 268 Levy(ies) Certificates of, see Certificate School. 52 Tax. 39. 339 License (s), see also Certificate Liquor, Applications for, 100 Marriage, 82, 215 Applications for, 86, 87 Index to (82), 83 Professional, see under name of pro- fession Tavern, 2 Liens Chattel. Record. 138 Federal tax, 147 Index to. 148 Mechanic's, 157. 265 Index to (265), 266 [110] (Llgr-N«t) Lighting, special assessments for, 46, 348, 349 Liquor Disposition of, 174 Licenses, see License Lodges, incorporation and trusteeship records, 147 Lunacy, see Insanity Mahomet dam site, 395 Manager (of institutes) records, 386 Maps, see also Plats Champaign county, 388 Common school districts, 389 High-school and non-high-school districts, 390 Drainage districts, 414, 415, 420 Koad, 399, 411 School, 53, 54 Village, 55 Marines, burial certificates, 80 Marriage, see Vital statistics Master-in -chancery Certificates of levy, purchase, sale, or redemption, 139 Index to, 140, 141 Evidence, 258, 270, 296 Index to (296), 297 Eeports, 282 —of sale, 147, 281 Mechanic 's liens, see Liens Minors, see also Guardian Naturalization, 208, 210, 293 Minutes, see also Proceedings — of board of review, 33G — of county board of supervisors, 2, 3 — of drainage commissioners, 420 — of special road bond issue commit- tee, 397 — of tubercular cattle committee, 19 Miscellaneous Bills County board, 15 County home, 442 Bonds, 119 — and letters, 230 Contracts, 21 Deeds, 123 Dockets Drainage, improvements, 187 Judges * Circuit court, 278 County court, 188 Documents (sheriff's), 315 Fee book (county court), 196 Field notes, 395 Files County clerk's, 27. 36 County nurse's, 432 Highwav, 401 [11 Probate, 215 Koad, 408 Sanitary district, 170 Treasurer's, 361 Fund, see Funds Index (recorder), 140 Maps, 411 Papers Circuit court, 268, 291 County collector, 340 Records Board of review, 187 Circuit court, 267 County court, 173 Estates, 219 Recorder, 147 Road Construction work, 399 Reports, 407 Work, 398 Surveys, 409 Moral character, certificates of, see Cer- tificates Mortgage (s), see also Foreclosure Chattel, 137 Docket, 190 Index, 135 Record, 123, 136 Real estate Record, 123, 132 Homestead, 134 Releases, 123, 133 Mortgagor-mortgagee index, 131 Mothers' pension, see Pension Motor fuel tax, 401 Allotment record, 403 Funds Claims against, 402 Index to, 6 Orders on, 10, 398 Refund record, 404 Motor vehicle, see also Automobile Record, 322 Names of lands, Register, 150 Narcotic permits, 35 Naturalization Certificates Circuit court, 290-293 County court, 209-211 Declaration of intention Circuit court, 289, 293 County court, 208 Docket, circuit court, 295 Minors' Circuit court. 288, 293 County court, 208-210 Oaths Circuit court, 288, 290. 293. 294 Countv court, 208. 210, 211 n (Nat-Pau) Petitions Circuit court, 288, 290, 293, 294 Couuty court, 209-211 Soldiers ' Circuit court, 288, 294 County court, 211 Negatives of criminals, 320 Non-high-school, see School Notaries, Register of, 90 NurseCs) County, see County nurse — in county infirmary, payroll, 441 Register of, 92 OathCs) — for citizenship, see Naturalization — of probate appointee, see under title of appointee — of sanitary district trustees, see Trustee Objections — to annexation of land for drainage district, 414 Tax, see Tax Officers City — bonds, see Bonds County Appointments and resignations, 91 Bonds, see Bonds Commissions, Register of, 88 Elected, List of, 36, 107 Reports, 1, 2, 31 Salaries, 353 Drainage district, election of, 414 Election, salaries of, 2 Probation Adult Cash book, 311 Duties and powers of, pp. 4, 62, 63 Investigation report, 306 Office, p. 11 Official private record, 310 Record of cases, 309 Juvenile Card record, child placement, 304 Correspondence, 305 Delinquent and dependent files, 301-303 Duties and powers of, pp. 4, 61, 62 Office, p. 11 School, register of, 387 Truant— record, 383 Offices, county Audits of, 33 Elective and appointive, p. 8 Inventory of, 29 Location and description of, pp. 8-12 Official bonds, see Bonds [11 Old age assistance, see also Pensions; Relief Applicants Card record, 425 Deceased, 427, 428 Investigation of, 423 Files, 424 Index to, 425 Optometry register, 94 Orders County, see also Vouchers; Warrants — approved by county board, 2 — for county buildings, 20 Cancelled, 9, 364 Coroner's, 11 Highway, 1, 10, 398 Huling Home, 7 — against probate fund, 361 Register of, 4, 365 — against road fund, 10 — against school fund, 361 Stub book, 8 — against township funds, 406 — to county treasurer to receive funds, 355 Court, see also Decree — of adoption, 167 — for assessment of taxes, 46 — in dependency, 201 — for discharge of prisoners, 287 — for disposition of liquor and au- tomobiles, 174 — to make distribution from es- tates, 212 — in drainage proceedings, 187, 415 — in feeble-minded cases, 166 Inheritance tax, 212 — in insanity cases, 165 — for local improvements, 46 — for sale of real estate, 212 — in sanitary district proceedings, 170 — for special elections, 171 Organization — of drainage districts, 414 — of townships. Resolutions for, 169 Overseer of poor, see Poor Park(s) Districts, bond issues for, 23 Special assessments for, 347 Parole, discharge under, 287 Partition (s) Proceedings, 258 Record of, 147, 264 Patent record, 96 Patients' register, county home and infirmary, 434 Pauper, see Relief 21 (Pav-Pro) Paving, special assessments for, 46, 51, 340, 347-349 Payrolls County department of public welfare, 429 County home and infirmary, 441 I.E.R.C. and C.W.A., 407 Pensions, see also Old age assistance; Relief Blind, 1, 2, 13 Mothers', see also Juvenile Accounts, 2 Applications for, 204 Docket entries, 188 Entry book, 205 Fees, 196 Petitions for, 204 Register of, 203 Permits, alcohol and narcotic, 35 Personal injury suits, 215 Personal property Inventories, 212 Sale of, records, 216, 237 Taxes, see Tax Petit jurors, see Jurors Petitions — to adopt civil service in Urbana, 171 Adoption, 167, 188 — to annex lands to drainage districts, 415 — for appointments in probate, see under title of appointee — of assignee, 172 — for citizenship, see Naturalization — to county board of Supervisors, 1 — in dependency cases, 201, 216 — for disposition of liquor and auto- mobiles, 174 — for distribution from estates, 173 Docket, Judge's, 189 Election Primary, 36 Special, 46, 171 — to establish drainage districts, 216 — for incorporation of villages, 168 — for local improvements, 46, 187 — for mothers' pension, 204 — for organization — of Champaign township, 169 — of sanitary districts, 170 —for probate of will, 212. 219 — for reduction of taxes, 338 — for release of bondsmen, 189 — for repair of drainage districts, 418 Road Improvement, rejected, 397 Wage increase, 30 — for sale of real estate, 212, 216, 235, 237 [113] Trustees', 173 — for writ of inquisition, insanity, 163 Photographs of criminals, 315 Physician(s) County, contracts for, 2, 21, 35 Fees, county home, 439 Register of, 93 Plaintiff (complainant) — defendant index Circuit court, 255, 259 County court, 160, 182 Plat(s), see also Maps Books Cemetery, 156 Road, 410 School, 391, 392 Surveys, 123, 154 Index to (154), 155 — of drainage districts, 416, 420 Road, 99 Surveyor's, 412 Police magistrates Appointment and resignation of, 91 Bonds, see Bonds Poll books, see Election Poor, see also Almshouse; County farm ; County home ; Public welfare ; Relief Overseer of, reports, 34 Power of attorney, 173 Revocation of, 173 Printing, contracts for, 21 Prisoners, county Discharge of, see Parole; Probation List of, 317 Record, 316 Private sale, see Sale Probate Accounts, 361 Court Clerk of, p. 48 Dockets Claim, 249 Index to, 250 Clerk's, 243 Common law and criminal, 244 Judge's Common law and criminal, 242 Guardianhsip and Conservator- ship, 247. 248 Transfer, 241 Judgment, 245 Index, 246 Fee book (court costs), 251 Conservators', 252 Guardians'. 252, 253 Files Estate, 212 Index to, 213 Miscellaneous pending, 215 (Pro-Hel) Ledger, 238 Records, 216 Index to, 217 Judgment, 218 Miscellaneous, estates, 219 Funds, see Funds -Jurisdiction of county court, pp. 4, 40, 48 )f vrill, 189, 212, 219 Probation Cases, Record of, 309 Court record Circuit court, 286 County court, 206 Officers, see Officer Recognizance record Circuit court, 285 County court, 200 Probationer, Regular report of, 308 Proceedings, see also Minutes Bond issue, 23, 397 — of county board of supervisors, 2 Court, see Records under name of specific court Process docket. Sheriff's, 312 Public Sale, see Sale Welfare, County department of, see also Almshouse ; County farm ; County home; Feeble-minded; Juvenile; Pensions; Poor; Relief Correspondence, 429 Duties and powers of, pp. 4, 85 Office, p. 11 Payroll, 429 Records, see Old age assistance Reports to state department, 429 Works Administration committee re- ports, 19 Publication, certificates of, see Certifi- cate Pupils Applications for high-school privi- leges, 381 Certificates of attendance, 380 Claim for tuition, 380 Health records, 430. 431 Truancy records, 383, 384 Purchase, certificates of, see Certificate Quitclaim deeds, 123, 128 Radio reports on stolen automobiles, 323 Railroad Elections, 36 Taxes, see Tax Valuations, 44 Real estate, see also Estate ; Land Deeds, see Deeds Inventories, 212 Mortgages, see Mortgage Sale of, see Sale Taxes, see Tax Receipts — for claims paid, 20 Tuberculosis sanitarium, 16 — for county bills, 15 — and expenditures, see also Account; Cash ; Funds ; Ledger Circuit clerk, 298 County clerk, 101-103 — of county officers, reports, 31 Drainage, 360, 415 —for estates, 238 Motor fuel tax, 404 Treasurer (s) Daily balance 1>ook, 359 Day book, 356 Drainage, 360 Fund account, 354 Inheritance Tax, 219, 353, 362, 363 Tax, see Tax Townships, 105 Treasurer's, for partial payments, 361 Recognition letters, 268 Recognizance records Circuit court, 285, 286 County court, 199, 200 Recommendations of committees, 3 Reconcilements, county treasurer 's, 32 Recorder Duties and powers of, pp. 5, 34, 35 Office of, p. 14 Reports. 31 Records Housing, care, and accessibility of, pp. 8-12 Legislation concerning, p. 8 Redemption Certificates, 139, 144 Documents, 61 Ledger, 66 Record. 58 Special assessments, 62, 63, 65 Refunds — on highway bills, 401 Record, motor fuel tax, 404 — from relief funds, 355, 405 — on taxes, 355 Release (s) — of bondsmen, 189 of judgment, 267 Mortgage. 123, 133 — of name rights to property, 150 Relief, see also Almshouse; County farm; County home; Feeble- minded; Insanity; Juvenile; Old age assistance; Pensions; Poor; Public welfare [114] (Rel-Sch) Blind Applications, 2, 14, 19 Checks, 8 Reports, 13 Emergency Assignment lists and slips, 396 Payrolls, C.W.A., I.E.B.C, 407 Refunds, 355, 405 Reports, P.W.A. committee, 19 Resolutions, 2 Pauper Claims, 18 Refunds, 355 Unemployment, see Emergency above Work, see Emergency above Relinquishment, widows', see Widow Repair — of drainage districts, 418 Road, 393 Reporters, court, receipts for fees, 27 Resignations Constables', 91 Drainage commissioners', 414 Justices' of the peace, 91 Police magistrates', 91 Trustees' of sanitary districts, 170 Resolutions County board of supervisors, 2, 3 — on bond issues, 23 Committees', 1 — for organization of Champaign township, 169 Review, board of Certificates of equalized valuation, 339 Complaint docket, 337 Duties and powers of, p. 70 Minute book, 336 Miscellaneous records, 187 Petitions for tax reduction, 338 Revocation — of commissions of deputy sheriffs, 89 — of letters (probate), 189 — of power of attorney, 173 Right of way Payments for, 398 Purchase of, 405 Roads, see also Bridges ; Highway Bond issues, 23-25, 399, 405 Committee, minutes, 397 Conditions, 393 Construction, 393, 399, 408 Contracts, 396, 397, 407 Files Construction, 399 Miscellaneous, 408 Fund, see Funds Inspections, 395 Levies for, 340 Maps, 411 Orders, see Orders Plats, 99, 410 Reports, 407 Surveys, 393, 395, 409 Wage increase, petitions for, 30 St. Joseph township, lands annexed to, 420 Salaries — of county officers, 353 — of election officers, 2 Sale Bills, 212, 219 Certificates of, see Certificate Master's report of, 147, 281 — of personal property Petitions for, 216, 237 Private, 216, 237 Public, 236 — of real estate Bonds for, 230 Decree and report of, 235 Guardians, 226 Orders for, 212, 215 Petitions, 212, 216, 226, 235 — in Tolono, by county, 169 — of school lands, 370 Sheriff 's — record, 143 — for taxes, see Tax Saline drainage district special assess- ment roll, 49 Sanitarium, tuberculosis Miscellaneous files, 215 Receipts, 16 Sanitary district, papers, 170 Schedules, tax, see Tax School Accounts, 361 Bond issues, 23 Health register, 431 High- privileges, applications for, 381 Institute Fund, see Funds Managers' reports, 386 Lands, Sale book, 370 Levies, 52, 339, 340 Maps, 53, 54, 215, 388-390 Non-high Application for privileges, 382 Certificates of attendance, 380 Claims for tuition, 380 Record, 379 Officers, register of, 387 Plat books, 391. 392 Pujiils, see Pupil Rejjorts, 1 Superintendent of, see Superintendent Teachers, see Teachers Treasurers ' bonds, 152 [115] (Sch-T«x) Truancy, see Pupil; Truancy Trustees' annual reports, 385 Scire facias, writs of, 157 Search warrants, see Warrants Selection, widows', see Widow Sewer assessments, 46, 51, 340, 347, 348, 349 SheriffCs) Cash book, 324 Certificates of levy, 142 — Purchase, sale, or redemption, 139 Index to, 140, 141 Deeds, 126 Deputy, see Deputy Dockets Criminal, 313 Execution, 314 Process, 312 Documents, Miscellaneous, 315 Duties and powers of, pp. 4, 64, 65 Jail record, 318 Ledger, common law and criminal, 325 Office, p. 10 Record of prisoners, 316 Reports, 31 Sale record, 143 Sidewalk assessments, 46, 51, 347-349 Societies, incorporation and trusteeship records, 147 Soldiers Burial Certificates, 80 Records, 81 Discharge records, 149 Naturalization, see Naturalization Register of enlistment (Civil War), 97 Special assessments, see Tax Special elections, see Election Specifications — for county buildings, 20 Drainage, 415 — for local improvements, 46 Stallion Certificates, 145, 173 Renewal, 146, 173 State's attorney Daily register, 331 Duties and powers of, pp. 4, 67, 68 Files, 327 Index to, 328 Office, p. 11 Record of cases, 329 Stillbirths, see Vital statistics Street widening, special assessments, 46 Subpoenas, circuit court, 268 Suits, personal injury, 215 Summons, sheriff's, 315 Superintendent County farm, contracts, 21 Highway, county Duties and powers of, pp. 5, 79, 80 Office, p. 11 Huling Ilome, contracts, 21 Schools, county Annual reports, 31, 369 Duties and powers, pp. 4, 76 Examination record, 376 Office of, p. 10 Supervisor (s) — of assessments (County assessor) Books (lists of taxable property), 40 Duties and powers, p. 69 Schedules, 332-335 County board of Acting as board of review, p. 4 Appointment, 91 Certificates, 8, 12 Claims, 17, 18 Duties and powers, pp. 3, 13-15 Minutes, 2, 3 Papers, 1 Record, 2 Surveyor (s) County Appointed by board of supervisors, pp. 8, 82 Duties and powers of, pp. 5, 82 Plats and records, 412 Reports, 2 Road, reports of, 401 Surveys Lands Original, 413 Plat book of, 154 Roads Field notes, 393, 395, 409 Index to, 394 Reports of, 408 Swamp land, see also Drainage Records, 421 Tract book, 422 Tavern licenses, 2 Tax(e8) Abatement list, 57 Abstracts, 42. 341 Assessment (s) Abstracts of, 42 — and statement, 41, 340 Lists (assessors' books), 40 Special Apportionment certificates, 45 — for bond issues, 23 Docket entries of, 188 Drainage Collection register, 345 Delinquent, 350, 351 Jury verdicts, 415 [1161 (Tax-Tre) Bo11(b) Fountain Head district, 352 General, 346, 415, 416 Kankakee district, 419 — for repairs, 418 Saline district, 49 Forfeiture records, 63, 64 Judgment records, 63 Local improvements, 46, 47 Index, 48 Keceipts, 347 — in Champaign, 51, 348 —in Urbana, 348, 349 Redemption records, 62, 63, 65 Sale records, 63 Collection statements, 335 Collectors ' Books (lists of taxable property), 56 Certificates, 343 Credits, 335 Complaint docket, 337 Corporation schedules, 335 Deeds Affidavits for, 68 Record, 125 Delinquent Forfeiture record, 60 Judgment, sale, redemption and forfeiture record, 58 List, 59 Redemption Ledger, 66 Papers, 61 Sales Affidavits, 67 Certificates, 69 Ledger, 70 Special assessment, 62, 65, 350, 351 Docket of rates and amounts wanted, 38 Extension, errors on, 57 Federal — lien, see Lien Inheritance, see Inheritance Levies, 39. 339 Motor fuel, see Motor fuel Objections, 187, 338 Railroad Books (lists of taxable property), 43 Objections, 57 Sehednles, 334, 335 Valuations, 44 Rates, 38 Receipts Personal property, 342 Real estate, 61, 342 Refunds, 355 [1 Schedules Corporations, 335 Personal property, 332 Railroad, 334, 335 Real estate, 333 School district, 339 Settlement certificates, 335 State, 335 Valuation Dockets, 38 Record, 50 Teachers ' Application register, 374 Index to, 375 Examination records, 376 Index, 377 Permanent record, 372 Index, 373 Cards, 371 Record, 378 Term docket (county court), 182 Time book (highway), 400 Cards, 399 Tolono, sale of lots in, 169 Township Bank books, 367 Champaign, organization of, 169 Claims against, 437 Collectors, see Collector Contracts, 396 Financial statements, 105 Funds, see Funds Journal, expenses for county home inmates, 438 Offices, appointive and elective, p. 8 Order book, 406 Plan of government, pp. 3, 14, 15 Tract of book of swamp lands, 422 Transcripts from justice courts Documents, 269 Index, 272 Records, 271, 330 Treasurer (s) — of cemetery associations, bonds, see Bonds County Bond, see Bonds Budget statements, 340 Cash book, 357 Correspondence, 368 Daily balance book, 359 Day book, 356 Drainage, 360 Duties and powers, pp. 8, 112, 113 Ex-officio county collector nnd supervisor of assessments, p. 4 Fund account, 354 Ledger, 353 Miscellaneous files, 361 Office, p. 9 17] (Tre-Wri) Orders to receive funds, 355 Reconcilements, 32 Reports, 31 Trial balance book, 358 Drainage district Address book, 346 Bonds, see Bonds Highway commission, bonds, see Bonds School Bonds, see Bonds Register, 387 Trespass on case, 157 Truancy Cards and notices, 384 Reports of officers, 383 Trust deeds, 124, 132 Trustee (s) Cases, circuit court, 258 Sanitary district. Bonds, see Bonds Oaths and resignations, 170 School Register, 387 Reports, 385 Trusteeship records, 147 Tubercular cattle, see Cattle Tuberculosis sanitarium, see Sanitarium Unemployment relief, see Relief University of Illinois, location, p. 3 Urbana City Chosen as location for state univer- sity, p. 3 Named as county seat, p. 1 Petitions to adopt civil service, 171 Special assesments, see Tax Township, lands taken from, 420 Valuation of property, 268 Verdicts, see Jury Veterinarian (s) County Duties of, pp. 5, 89 Office, p. 11 Register of, 92 Village(s) Bond issued by, 23 Maps of, 55 Organization of, 168 Vital statistics. Births, see also Accounts Certificates, 72, 74 Record, 73 Index to, 71 Burial Certificates, soldiers' and marines', 80 Record, soldiers', 81 Death, see also Acx^onnts Certificates, 74, 76 Index, 77 Record, 78 Index to, 75 Marriage Licenses, 82, 215 Applications for, 86, 87 Index, 83 Register, 84 Index, 85 Stillbirth Certificates, 74, 76 Index, 75 Register, 79 Votes, see also Election Abstracts of, 109 Vouchers, see Orders, county; War- rants Waiver of dower rights, 147 Warrants, see also Orders, county; Anticipation, 1, 27 Appraisers', 233 — for commitment of insane, 163 Dedimus, 268 — in dependency cases, 201 Highway Register of, 6, 366 Stubs, 8 Search, 315 Served by sheriff, 315 Warranty deeds, 123, 127 Widows Awards, 219 —Relinquishments, 216, 219. 234 Selection, 216, 234 WilKs) Annexed, see Administrator Attached, see Administrator Codicils to, 220, 221 Copies of, 220 Index to, 213 Original. 212 Index to, 213 Probate of, 189, 212. 219 Proof of execution, 216 Record. 221 Writs — of execution, 315 )f inquisition for insanity, 163 -of scire facias, 157 [118] ;/■• ^:^-, m HECKMAN BINDERY INC. 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