^,,J&^'IM Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library m II i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/stjohnsuniversOhoff LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 0) ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA. A SKETCH OF ITS HISTORY ALEiiaS HOFF/^ANN, o. s. B. SUPERIORUM PerMISSU. F^EeOF^D PRESS, CObbEGEVIbbE. MINNESOT/r, 1907. c ?5 5^ I'b^-- PREFACE, The following pages })retend to be no more than a sketch, in the form of annals, of the history of St. John's. As such it is merely a compilation of events that will serve as working material for the future historian. Most of the information was drawn from the annual catalogues, the first of w-hich was published in 1870; from the files of newspapers, such as Dcr Wanderer^ of St. Paul, and the St. Cloud Daily Times; from the St. Jolni's University Record , private diaries and personal recollections. If many of the happv'^nings chronicled do not rise to the dignity of historical events, the writer's excuse is that he has addressed himself primarily to the alumni of the insti- tution, to whom the daily doings of college life are as in- teresting as the larger facts of history. For this reason too the forms of annals was chosen as a dress for the narrative. A. H. I ^ i. I 1 08^ ' CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Beginnings — The St. Cloud Priory — Transfers — Final Location, 1856-67 1 Prior Cornelius Wittmann 7 " Benedict Haindl 10 " Othmar Wirz 13 CHAPTER II. Reconstruction — Schoolyears 1867 -1875. 1867-68 19 1868-69 26 1869-70 29 1870-71 85 1871-72 37 1872-73 39 1873-74 43 1874-75 46 CHAPTER III. The Second Abbot and President 1875-89. 1875-76 50 1876-77 53 1877-78 55 1878-79 57 1879-80 59 1880-81 61 1881-82 : 64 1882-83 68 1883-84 72 1884-85 74 1885-86 78 1886-87 82 1887-88 85 1888-89 90 cox TENTS. CHAPTER IV. The A'htiinistnitiori of Abbot Bernard Lociiikar 1890-1894. 1889-90 94 1890-91 97 1891-92 100 1892-98 102 1893-94 104 CHAPTER V. The Administration of Abbot Peter Engel from 1894 to the Present Time. 1894-95 108 1895-9() 113 1896-97 115 1 897-98 117 1898-99 119 1899-1900 .121 1900-01 123 1901-02 120 1902-03 129 1903-04 131 1904-05. 133 1905-06 135 1906-07 139 CHAPTER VI. College Organizations. I. Religious 142 II. Literary 145 III. Musical 148 IV. Athletic 149 V. Alumni Association 152 CHAPTER VII. Conclusion 1 55 CHAPTER I. Beginnings — The St. Cloud Priory — Transfers — Final Location. — 1856 - 67. When, about the middle of last century, that part of central Minnesota lying west of the Mississippi was thrown open for settlement, such a stream of settlers poured in that in a short time the face of the primitive wilderness was changed. The Indian tribes had been induced to move northward and their former hunting-grounds were soon transformed into smiling fields ; roads were constructed across country; stage routes afforded facilities for travel by land and small steamboats passed up and down the Mississippi river between Minneapolis and St. Cloud. A great number of the immigrants who arrived in 1854 and '55 were Germans and Catholics, and their spiritual care at once became an important subject of attention. In all the northern part of the Territory of Minnesota there was at the time but one priest, the late Rev. F. Pierz, (fl880 at the age of ninety five years) who, in addition to ministering to the Indians in the northern and eastern parts of the Territory, was commissioned by the bishop of St. Paul, Msgr. J. Cretin (f 1857), to visit the German settlements in Stearns County. It was a laborious task for an old man who had already reached the age of three-score and ten, for he lived at Crow Wing on the upper Mississip- pi and could avail himself of no traveling facilities what- ever for his missionary journeys. Like a true apostle, he went afoot and sought for the members of his scattered flock in the forests and on the prairies, offered them the 1 2 St. John's University consolation of religion, and from the storehouse of his ex- perience gave them valuable guidance for their temporal pursuits as well. To him the settlement of Stearns and several other counties is chiefly due. In the year 1855 he held services at St. Cloud, St. Joseph, St. James, Rich- mond (Torah) etc. and at the two places first named, he organized congregations. The work now exceeded his powers and he yearned to return to the Indians to whose interests he had consecrated his life. Hence he appealed to the bishop of St. Paul to secure German priests for the new settlements. Ten years earlier, in 1846, Rev. Boniface Wimmer — who must be recognized as the actual founder of the insti- tution we are about to describe — had come from the ancient monastery of Metten in Bavaria to the United States and had founded the Benedictine monastery of St. Vincent's in Pennsylvania. Believing that the venerable Order which he had transplanted upon American soil was destined to exercise an apostolate in the interests of reli- gion, civilization and education as it had done so glorious- ly for many centuries in Europe until its activity was crippled by pernicious legislation, he accepted an invita- tion of the Bishop of St. Paul, to send some priests for the northern part of the St. Paul diocese and eventually to found a house of the Order in that diocese. Early in April, 1856, a small missionary band, composed of the Very Rev. Demetrius Marogna, Frs. Cornelius Witt- mann and Bruno Riss, both clerics in Minor Orders who had just completed their studies, and two lay brothers, Benno Muckenthaler and Patrick Greil, set out from St. Vincent's and after a tedious journey by steamboat down the Ohio and up the Mississippi, arrived in St. Paul on May 2. P. Demetrius, to whom the direction of the enterprise was entrusted, was descended from a noble family in the northern part of Italy and was born September 17, 1802 at Villa Lagarina, in the southern part of Tyrol. After the St. John's University 8 war of 1809, the Count de Marogna left Tyrol with his family and took up his residence in Bavaria, where the young Count Charles — the subject of this sketch — re- ceived an education suitable to his station and rank. While pursuing his studies, he began to realize the emptiness of a purely worldly career and resolved to devote himself to the sacred ministry. Having finished a seminary course in Mayence, he was ordained a priest in 1824 and during the following twenty-three years served as pastor in the dioceses of Mayence and Augsburg. In 1847 he left Bavaria to spend the remainder of his life in the missions of the United States where, as he had learned from periodicals and newspapers, there was a scarcity of priests, especially in the German settlements in the middle and western States. The first scene of his labors was western Illinois — Germantown and vicinity, where he served under the jurisdiction of the bishop of Chicago till 1852. To his serious and reflecting mind, the perils of missionary life were too great and he concluded to retire from the missions into monastic seclusion. He entered the novitiate of St. Vincent's, Pa. in 1852 and in less than two years from that time he found himself eleva- ted to the office of Prior of that monastery, a position which he occupied during a critical period and which he resigned when he was chosen to organize an establishment of the Order in distant Minnesota. Shortly after the arrival of the colony in St. Paul, the two clerics, Fr. Cornelius and Fr. Bruno, were ordained priests. On May 20, the party arrived in Sauk Rapids and on the following day for the first time visited St. Cloud, the county seat of Stearns County. This county was organized in the winter of 1854-55 and at the time of the arrival of the Benedictines, St. Cloud was the only village which it could boast. Some slight beginnings had been made here as early as 1852, it appears, but the place first began to attract attention in 1854 and '55, when settlers from Indiana and other middle States made their homes 4 St. John's University on the present site of the city. At that time there lived on two claims near the river and about 2 miles south of St. Clond, two brothers, Louis and William Kothkopp, both single and well advanced in years. Prompted, probably, by a desire to encourage the establishment of a house of the Order near St. Cloud, they had made an offer of their claims (320 acres) to the Fathers, who, in good faith, entered into possession. They, in turn, were required to support the two brothers for the rest of their days. Without delay the Fathers proceeded to establish a monastery on one of the claims: an humble makeshift of a monastery in point of buildings. The latter consisted of a log-hut, destitute of comfort and furniture; a small frame addition, to serve as a kitchen, was at once built. Late in fall a small stable was built for the two horses and the cow which constituted the entire live-stock of the community. From this point the Fathers visited the settlements in Stearns and neighboring counties, gathered the people, formed congregations, began erecting churches and schools and soon had the satisfaction to learn that their labors were not unrewarded, for the people responded eagerly, and soon log-chapels were reared, which in many instances named the settlements, as St. Joseph, St. Augusta, St. Wendel, St. Martin etc. The importance of the school was not ignored: the children were collected for instruction for a few months a year. At St. Cloud, P. Cornelius, who was the first pastor of the place, established a school in October 1856, on the south-west corner of Block 6, Wash- ington and Lake Streets; the school quarters were a frail shed built of boards. Such was the first school in Steams County. P. Cornelius held services for the congregation on Sundays and taught the school during the week until summer 1857. The Fathers realized that in course of time some pro- vision must be made for higher education; moreover, if the Order and its missionary work was to bo permanent in St. John's University 5 Minnesota, provision had to be made for training can- didates for the Order. For some time and as long as the monastery continued to be dependent upon St. Vin- cent's, it might rely upon that institution for help; but it was desirable, and very naturally so, that each new establishment be self supporting in every re- spect. No shrewd calculations were made in advance: a college was a necessity and whether it was to prove a financial success or not was a question that received no consideration. Like Abbot Boniface Wimmer, the Fathers were willing to admit students who lacked the means to pay their way through a course of study; they were convinced that their labors would be recompensed in one form or another. First of all it was important to secure corporate rights for the Order in Minnesota and a charter for the prospec- tive educational institution. The charter was drawn up and introduced into the House of Representatives (as House file No. 70) during the eighth session of the Terri- torial Legislature, on January 22. 1857, by Hon. John L. Wilson, of St. Cloud. It was A BILL For an Act to Incorporate the St. John Seminary. Whereas, It is highly important, that the youths of this new, but flourishing Territory, be not only instructed in the elementary sciences, but moreover, be also educated by sound, moral principles; And, Whereas, It is very desirable, that there be a cor- poration formed, in order to establish a scientific, educa- tional and ecclesiastical institution ; In consideration thereof, Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Terri- tory of Minnesota: Sec. 1. That the members of the religious order of St. Benedict, Demitri Marogna, Cornelius Wittmann, Bruno Riss, Alexius Roetzer and their associates and successors 6 St. John's University in office, which order is institutedfor scientific, educational and ecclesiastical purposes, be a body politic and corporate, to be known by the name and style of "Order of St. Bene- dict," and by that name shall have perpetual succession. Sec. 2. The principal object of this politic and corpo- rate body shall be the promotion of the instruction and education of youths, to the acquirement of which end the corporators named in this act shall be hereby authorized to establish and erect an institution, or seminary, in Steams county, on that portion of St. Cloud city, platted and recorded as Rothkopp's Addition to St. Cloud, to be known by the name and style of "St. John's Seminary." (Then follow eight other sections detailing the rights and duties of the corporation.) The Bill was launched upon a stormy sea and encoun- tered much prejudice and opposition from those to whom the existence of an educational institution controlled by Catholic clergymen appeared a menace to the public wel- fare. After being passed from the House to the Council with amendments in which the upper body refused to con- cur and to the elimination of which the House finally agreed, the bill was passed February 27. It was among the last bills reported and was signed by Governor Willis A. Gorman on March 6, 1857. Thus the new institution was given public recognition and the Fathers were encouraged to proceed in their enter- prise, the organization of the first private institution for higher education in Minnesota. They asked for no State aid and had no hopes of ever receiving assistance from that quarter. Pecuniary resources were slender and the year 1857 was marked by a financial crisis, to say nothing of the dire grasshopper visitation which had been disast- rous to the crops in 1856 and the ravages of which were still felt in this part of the Territory in 1857. St. John's University Pbiob Cornelius Wittmann On October 7, 1857 P. Demetrius retired from the prior- ship and upon invitation of the late Msgr. A. Ravoux, then administrator of the vacant see of St. Paul, accepted the pastorate of the Assumption church in the city of St. Paul. From January 1858 to June 1863 he labored in this position: then his poor health and advanced age in- duced him to retire from active service in the mission. During the next two years he served as chaplain of St. Joseph's Academy in St. Paul, until his steady decline in health compelled him to give up this work also. After spending the better part of two years at St. Augustine, Florida, in the vain hope of recovering his health he re- turned to Minnesota and died at St. Paul, March 27, 1869. On his retirement in October 1857, he was followed in the office of Prior by P. Cornelius Wittmann, hitherto pastor of St. Cloud, who now made his headquarters at the priory, but continued to hold services in St. Cloud on Sundays . The new institution had been chartered as a Seminary, but as that designation was not familiar to the public, the name "College" soon came into vogue. It was not a pre- tentious college; the buildings, staff and equipment were lacking, — but all beginnings are small and the founders were confident that its future was assured. The Prior of the community acted as ex-officio President of the College. When the College was opened Nov. 10, 1857, there was but one prof essor and five students : the prof essor was P. Cornelius and the pioneer students, Henry Emmel and Anthony Edelbrock (in later years Abbot and President of the institution) of St. Cloud, Henry Klostermann of Richmond, Andrew Stahlberger of Lake George and Jos. Duerr of St. Joseph. The simplicity of the institution may be. inferred from tlie following graphic memoir from the pen of one of the students of those days : "Think of the primitive log building 8 St. John's University about 12x20, then to this an additional structure about 14x20, in height one story and an attic — the latter weather boarded — situated about two miles below St. Cloud on the Mississippi river and you have a fine picture of St. John's in 1857. The whole building contained, besides kitchen and studio, three small rooms, one for the Prior, one for the professor and the third was kept for an occasional guest. In those days guests were few and far between. The term professor was used in the singular only, because there was but one and he taught all the branches. The Rev. Father Cornelius Wittmann, O. S. B. was the first to open a day school in St. Cloud and Stearns County, and he also was the first to fill the professor's chair at St. John's. He was at that time still in the twenties, nimble of foot, bright in mind, pleasant in company; the children and the young folks were especially fond of him : he was a zealous and amiable gentleman." P. Cornelius was a painstaking teacher and a strict dis- ciplinarian: but it was his considerate kindness that recon- ciled the students to the primitive conditions prevalent in the poor little college. Thus in a reminiscent mood one of the early students writes: "We were frontier lads, accus- tomed to ample elbowroom; broad prairies, little restraint and good meals suited us first rate. We had largely been our own bosses and to enjoy life was not at all the last or least of our aspirations. When therefore the reins were slowly but firmly put upon us, there were sour faces, and one or the other even doubted whether he ought not at once bid a long, lingering adieu to Apollo and the Muses. "The college regulations were read to us. We had to rise at five o'clock, say our morning prayers, attend daily Mass; then study and at seven o'clock breakfast: i. e. a cup of coffee and a slice of dry bread — no butter or molasses or sugar there. After breakfast free for one half -hour; at 8 o'clock classes began and lasted until 11; then dinner. After dinner, free time until one o'clock; then classes were resumed. At 3 we received a piece of dry bread. This, St. John's University 9 with fresh water, was relished with a gusto. From 4 to 6 we had to study; at 6 supper. From 7^ to 8| study time, then night prayers and to bed .... "There was poverty everywhere; a poor and miserable house, poor and scant food; poor and bad lights. The tallow candle was the only light in those days. Then no- body knew anything of kerosene, gas or electric light, the indispensable requisites of the modern school room. Must it not be a surprise to some people of our days, that in centuries gone by such great luminaries arose, illuminated only by the tallow candle? Yet such is the truth. The greatest men the world ever saw were surrounded by poverty and poor light. We had few books. The professor lec- tured; we had to write. Yes, we were started in on the European plan."* Meanwhile difficulties had arisen, involving the posses- sion of the two claims which the community occupied. To escape possible embarrassments from litigation. Prior Cornelius determined to transfer both the priory and the college to St. Joseph, eight miles west of St. Cloud. The transfer was made on March 5, 1858. Here the college was continued in a log structure, 25x30. Prior Cornelius turned his attention to the general direction of the affairs of his community and was succeeded in the management of the college by P. Alexius Roetzer, whose name appears in the charter as one of the corporators. He came to Min- nesota in October 1856 and had hitherto been employed in ministering to the missions of Stearns, Benton, Meeker and Wright counties. He was a man of imposing physical stature, with an emaciated countenance from which beamed a bright intellect; he was zealous and amiable, pious and talented, kind, yet strict. He carried into the class-room the same zeal with which he had visited the missions and enjoyed the love and confidence of his class. He was an excellent professor, still the number of students did not * S.J. IT. Record, vol. 1.62. 10 St. John's University increase during his regime. The times were too hard and the settlers too poor. He worked faithfully until June 1859 when his rapidly failing health compelled him to re- sign. He felt that he was doomed and returned East; on February 25, 1860 he expired at St. Vincent's at the age of twenty-eight. In September 1858 the first general chapter of the Order in the United States was held at St. Vincent's. Prior Cornelius and P. Benedict Haindl of the Minnesota mis- sion attended. At this chapter the St. Cloud priory was declared independent and authorized to exist as a separate community. P. Benedict Haindl was at the same time elected as first canonical Prior of the monastery, and his election was duly approved by a decree of the Propaganda Dec. 23. 1858. Prior Benedict Haindl (1858 - 62) who had joined the Benedictine Order at St. Vincent's and, since his ordination to the priesthood in 1849, had dis- played his abilities in several important capacities, came to Minnesota in April 1857. Since his arrival he had served in the missions of Scott, Le Sueur and Carver coun- ties, where he visited and organized a number of congrega- tions. When he entered upon the duties of his office late in 1858, P. Cornelius retired and was appointed pastor at Shakopee. Prior Benedict did not consider the late trans- fer of the institution expedient and in March 1859, both monastery and college were again removed to St. Cloud, i. e. to the Rothkopp's claim. After P. Alexius' retirement from the professorshii) in June 1859, he was succeeded by P. Anschar Frauendorfer, who, in addition to the work of the class room, attended the mission of St. Augusta twice a month. P. Anschar was a man of scholarly attainments and is remembered by his pupils as an excellent professor of the Greek language. He occupied the position of professor with much credit from St. John's University 11 September 1859 to November 13, 1860, when he became assistant to the pastor of the Assumption church, in St. Paul, and was followed in the professorial chair by P. Mag- nus Mayr who had arrived from St. Vincent's in August of that year. P. Magnus was an able teacher and the attendance during his administration was very satisfactory. He was assisted in the class room by Mr. John Daxacher, a student of theology and subsequently a wellknown clergyman in the diocese of Omaha (f Nov. 1904). Owing to the increase of attendance, the accommodations were insufficient and a new building, 22x54, was erected in 1861. It was the in- tention of the community to establish an ecclesiastical seminary distinct from the classical school. Bishop Grace on his return from an official visit to the settlements along the Red River, had encouraged the Fathers to make this im- provement and had promised students and substantial as- sistance. In fall, 1861, P.Magnus retired and was succeeded by P. Anschar Frauendorfer. P. Magnus did not remain a member of the community, but accepted an appointment as pastor in the diocese of St. Paul, in which he continued to serve at various places — Chanhassen, East Minneapolis and, finally, St. Walburga (Rogers P. O.), where he died June 29, 1888. Among his papers were several interesting notes which are embodied iti the present sketch. Troublesome days were drawing nigh: in spring 1861 the Civil War broke out and the excitement pervaded even the Arcadian seclusion of the frontier college. Still, work was not seriously hampered. The scholastics, or students who were preparing to enter the Order, were permitted to wear the habit of the Order, as was customary in St. Vincent's. Mr. Daxacher, who has been mentioned above, received the habit in December 1861, and on January 6 following, Fratres Benedict M. Duerr, Boniface Emmel, Willibald Michel, Augustine Marshall and Valentine Stimmler were invested as scholastics. They were not bound by vows and attended classes with the other students. 12 St. John's University Although the school near St. Cloud seemed to be pro- gressing satisfactorily, there was a sentiment favorable to a transfer of the institution into the more populous dis- tricts of the State and Shakopee was deemed an eligible locality. This project, however, was abandoned. When the institution was transferred to St. Cloud in 1859, the tenure of the Rothkopp claim was uncertain. Now, new complications set in. Mr. Geo. F. Brott, who had carried mail between Minneapolis and St. Cloud from 1855 - 58 and for this service was entitled to select public lands, laid claim to the premises held by the Rothkopps and had taken steps to make good his claim in Washington. There was a lively dispute which continued until February 20, 1862 when the commissioner of the general land office de- cided against Mr. Brott. The latter appealed from this decision to the Secretary of the Interior, Caleb B. Smith, who reversed the commissioner's ruling on April 25, 1862. Of the 320 acres in litigation, only 75 were awarded to Louis Rothkopp. The other brother had died in 1859. Troubles never come singly: during August 1862 the citizens of Minnesota had a rebellion of the Sioux Indians on hand. On August 21, the savages attacked New Ulm and perpetrated a dreadful massacre. "The counties along the Minnesota river" says J. Fletcher Williams,"^ "were not the only ones ravaged by the red devils during that week of blood. McLeod, Monongalia, Kandiyohi, Stearns, Meeker, Otter Tail, Douglas, Sibley, etc., were all overrun in whole or in part, and the inhabitants either butchered or driven away. The first blood of the outbreak had been shed at Acton, Meeker county Western and southern Stearns county suffered severely from the depredations of the red foe. About August 23d, they committed murders and other crimes near Paynesville. The people of that town erected a strong stockade, and the citizens and refugees from points further west sheltered themselves History of the Mississippi Valley. Page 147. St. John's University 13 therein. A part of the town was burned but no attack was made on the post. At Maine Prairie, St. Joseph's, Sauk Centre, Clear Water, Little Falls, and other places, similar stockades were built and held by a few determined citi- zens. At St. Cloud, which was filled with refugees, strong fortifications were built and preparations made to defend the place to the utmost, but no foe ever appeared, fortu- nately. A number of persons were murdered in the wes- tern and southern part of Stearns county, and houses burned." Most of the settlers who lived in the vicinity of St. Cloud fled to that town; the College, too, was seized by a panic and was forced to suspend work. Several of the students left; the rest, together with the community, took refuge in St. Cloud where work was continued as well as circumstances permitted. Prior Benedict's term of office had expired, much to his own relief, for he had lived through bitter days. At a chapter held at St. Cloud on October 15. 1862, a successor to P. Benedict was elected in the person of Very Rev. P. Othmar Wirtz. Prior Othmar Wirtz (1862-65) had, since his ordination to priesthood in 1857, been Direc- tor of the College and Prior at St. Vincent's, Pa. He was a pious and zealous religious and had nothing more at heart than the promotion of monastic life. He arrivedin St. Cloud November 17, 1862 and at once began to regulate the missionary work of the community. In consequence of the disturbance caused by the Indian outbreak, it was next to impossible to conduct college work. The class for some time was composed exclusively of candidates for the Order. The adverse decision of the Secretary of the Interior re- garding the Rothkopp claim was a source of great disap- pointment to the community: the fruit of five years' labor and expenditure was lost. Prior Othmar did not consider 14 St. John's University the place, suitable for a monastery, because it was too near what promised to be a large city in due course of time. Hence he resolved to abandon the place and transfer the community into what was then called the Indian Bush, the woods west of St. Joseph. Here the Fathers had taken up several "claims" years before and several Brothers had lived there, cutting down timber and preparing the soil for cultivation. Before taking the final steps, Prior Othmar petitioned the State Legislature for an appropriate modification of the charter, which had authorized the erection of a semi- nary in a definite locality. That body early in 1864 passed AN ACT To AMEND AN ACT TO INCORPOEATE THE St JoHN's Seminary, approved March sixth, 1857. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minne- sota: Sec. I. That section two of an act to incorporate the St. John's Seminary be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows; Section 2. The principal object of this politic and corporate body shall be the promotion of the instruction and education of youths, to the acquirements of which end the corporators named in this act shall be hereby author- ized to establish and erect an institution or seminary in Stearns County to be known by the name and style of St. John's Seminary." Sec. II. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 6. 1864. Shortly after the approval of this Act, the third transfer was made and operations were resumed in the heart of the Indian Bush, a short distance from the present College- ville station. There was no railway line west of the Mississippi at the time. St. John's University 15 • Here P. Benedict had caused a house to be built five years before. It was too small for the community, and a more pretentious frame building, also a neat little chapel had been built. A fair piece of land had been placed, under cultivation; there was water and fuel near by and the vicinity was gradually building up. This was the home of the community for almost three years. One building sheltered the religious and the few students. P. Wolfgang Northman, who had come from St. Vincent's as a cleric in 1862 acted as professor and disciplinarian. Late in 1864 Fr. Valentine Stimmler, the only scholastic remaining of the class of 1862, was sent into the novitiate at St. Vincent's, being the first novice from Minnesota. He returned towards the end of 1865 and continued his theological studies. On December 11, 1865, Prior Othmar retired from office and was succeeded, temporarily, by the former Prior P. Benedict. P. Othmar, who was suffering from some pul- monary malady, became assistant at the Assumption church, St. Paul, where after almost nine years of an exemplary, devoted life he died June 8, 1874. Prior Bene- dict had himself chosen the site on which the monastery stood in 1865 — section 31 of the township of St. Wendel — but less than two miles to the southwest there was what appeared to him to be a still more desirable location, at least for the buildings. It was rolling country covered with dense woods and its most attractive and useful fea- ture was a delightful lake about 400 acres in extent. With- out delay, he prej^ared for the fourth transfer. In January 1866 a site on an elevation on the northern shore of the lake was selected for the buildings; trees were cut down and as soon as spring set in, excavations for the base- ment were begun. The entire personnel of the monastery assisted in the work ; there were, besides, a number of paid laborers. The first building was constructed of boulders, or "nig- ger heads" picked up at or near the building site. Trave- 16 St. John's University lers through this part of the State may still see buildings of this apparently unwieldy material. The structure was 46x50 ft. and its unadorned front faced the rising sun. Besides the basement, there were two stories and an attic. The basement was intended for cellars, kitchen and din- ing room; the first and second floor as quarters — tem- porarily — for the Fathers, study and class rooms: the attic as a dormitory for the students. On the ridge of the roof was an open turret in which hung the college bell — that sweet-voiced bell which pealed for matin song from a small belfry near the Mississippi in 1857 and accom- panied the community in all its wanderings. And today fifty years after its arrival, its voice is as clear as it was then; and it hangs in the northwest turret of the college buildings, still doing service as a college bell. The jubilee class will most assuredly not forget to decorate the good old bell with a wreath of water lilies. Rt. Rev. Thomas L. Grace laid the foundation stone of the building on July 19, 1866; on February 1, 1867, the community left the "old farm" and made its home in the new structure. The buildings near St. Cloud had been destroyed by fire on February 20. 1866; the frame- house and chapel were taken apart and transported to the new site, and thus all immediate temptations to migrate were effectually disposed of. Abbot Boniface Wimmer, during his sojourn in Rome in 1865, negotiated for the elevation of the St. Cloud priory to an abbey; his efforts were successful and on August 8, 1866 the Holy See erected the abbey and authorized the Fathers to elect their first abbot. On December 12, 1866, they assembled at the old farm and elected the Very Rev. Rupert Seidenbush, then Prior of St. Vincent's abbey. This selection was approved by the Holy See March 15, 1867; two days later followed a decree authorizing the name of "St. Louis on the Lake" for the abbey. St. John's University 17 The Alumni The students before 1867 speak of themselves as students of "old" St. John's. Few in number, their deeds at college fill no volumes. No annual catalogues were printed; local newspapers preserve scarcely a trace of the early institu- tion. The first school-year was opened with an attendance of five pupils; for a few years this number did not grow appreciably. For a short time as many as twenty students were enrolled. In the absence of complete and authentic records, only a partial list of the early alumni can be given: A. and H. Berlemann; two brothers, had been students at St. Vincent's and returned to that institution when the Indian troubles broke out in 1862; Peter Droitcour; Henry Duerr; Joseph Duerr; became a schoolteacher and taught in various parts of the State; Stephen Engels; Anthony Edelbrock; subsequently Abbot; Joseph Edelbrock; deceased; Dan. Elberth; Louis Elberth; Henry J. Emmel, of Spring Hill; Louis Emmel, died as a druggist in New York city; Stephen Ethen, of Cold Springs, deceased; Sephen Fiedler, of St. Joseph ; Edward Francis ; Edward Goerger, of St. Cloud; Alfred Jordan ; John Kaufmann; Henry Klostermann; Christian Looser; Theodore Lueke; Conrad A. Marschall, became a schoolteacher; B. Michel; 18 St. John's University Frank Minar; Frank Molitor; August Mockenhaupt, of St. Cloud; died 1902; Gustav Mockenhaupt, of St. Cloud, attended about 1862: subsequently finished his studies at St. Francis sem- inary, near Milwaukee, and was pastor of Centralia, 111. at the time of his death, September 26, 1868; Paul Mockenhaupt of St. Cloud; at present a mer- chant in Chicago; Robert Mockenhaupt of St. Cloud, at present in Los Angeles, Cal. Henry Robbers, of St. Cloud; P. Ruppi; Henry Schmidt; Andrew Stalberger, of Lake George; Valentine Stimmler, now P. Valentine, O. S. B.; John Teller; Frank Vrabeck. Despite the poverty of the pioneer institution, its alumni have always cherished their Alma Mater and have shown their loyalty in word and deed. To some of them, espe- cially to Mr. H. J. Emmel, the present generation owes a debt of gratitude for reminiscences of the early days; among others a pencil sketch of the buildings at St. Cloud in 1861. CHAPTER II. Reconstruction — School-years 1867 - 1875 1867 - '68 The first abbot of St. Louis on the Lake was solemnly inducted into the abbatial ofiice by Bishop G. A. Carrell, of Covington, Ky. at St. Vincent's abbey on May 30, 1867, left for the West on June 1 and arrived at his abbey on the 13th of that month. On July 24 following, arrived P. Augustine Burns and the cleric, Fr. Alexius Edelbrock, who as Anthony Edelbrock was one of the first students of "old" St. John's. He had comeback to support the new abbot in the reorganization of the college, which during the last three years had all but gone out of ex- istence. Although the stone building was unassuming in appear- ance and fitted with few comforts, it was deemed quite an achievement forty years ago. But its isolation was con- sidered an invaluable advantage, despite the great distance which visitors, baggage, provisions etc. had to be carried over pioneer-day roads. Abbot Rupert lost no time in placing the institution into public view and both the Wanderer and North Western ChroJiicle, the only Catholic papers in the State, carried advertisements of the institution. That which appeared in the Chronicle of July 13, 1867 read as follows: "St. John's College. Lender the charge of the Benedic- tine Fathers, of the abbey of St. Louis on the Lake, situa- 19 20 St. John's University ted in the mo^ healthy rep^ion of the State of Minnesota, will commence its half-yearly regular course of studies on the Second Day of September. Admission Fee, $5.00; Yearly Pension $175. Payable half-yearly in advance. No extra charges except for medical attendance, medicine, books and stationery. For advice address Rt. Rev. Rupert Seidenbush, O. S. B., Abbot, Clinton, P. O., Stearns Co., Minn." (Clinton was the name of the post office at St. Joseph.) This advertisement was launched into publicity without an editorial comment or "send-off" of any descrip- tion. On September 2, as announced, the students assembled and the machinery of the "republic of letters" was set in operation. The abbot of the monastery was ex-officio President of the college: the management, however, was in the hands of the director, also styled President, the late P. Wolfgang Northman, who since his ordination in 1865 had been pastor at St. Joseph until he was called to the College in July 1867. Fr. Valentine Stimmler was discip- linarian and study-keeper. The teaching faculty consis- ted of P. Wolfgang, P. Alexius (ordained Sept. 29) Fr. Val- entine, two secular clergymen, Rev. Dr. Aylward, Rev. J. Kearney and a Mr. Stein. The curriculum comprised the following branches: Christian Doctrine, two classes; Latin, four classes; Greek, two classes; English Rhetoric; Grammar, two classes; Elo- cution; Reading and Spelling, three classes; German Rhetoric; German Grammar and Reading, two classes; French, two classes; Geometry; Algebra; Arithmetic, four classes; Book-keeping, two classes; History, two classes; Penmanship; Drawing; Music — Piano, Violin, Brass In- truments, and Vocal Music. P.Wolfgang chiefly taught Music; P. Alexius, Classics; Dr. Aylward, English branches; Rev. Kearney, Mathemat- ics; Mr. Stein, German, and the student, Andrew Schiffrer — who later entered the Order as Fr. Vincent — Drawing. From the range and variety of branches taught, it is St. John's University 21 evident the College from the first sought to meet the needs of the people in whose midst it was bnilt: there was a pre- paratory course for the young man who was satisfied to "plough his patrimonial fields," a book-keeping class for the youth preparing for commercial pursuits, a classical course for aspirants to the learned professions. That some of these classes enjoyed a very slender attendance, may easily be imagined. A special theological department had not yet been organized, but there were two students for the course — Jos. B. Cotter and Fr. Valentine O. S. B., who re- ceived private instruction in theology and kindred branches. Fifty-one students were enrolled during this year; they are: Abb, John Beez, Joseph Betzold, Joseph Bohn, William Brennan, William Broker, Ignatius Corrigan, Severin Cotter, Joseph B. Crever, Constantine DeMeules, Louis Doheny, Walter Donovan, James Dreher, Otto Erkens, Frederic Greven, Ignatius Griebler, Francis Helhacke, Joseph Hemmisch, Mat. Hofbauer, John Huhn, Martin Just, G. Kerst, Conrad Latsch, Francis Leuthard, Joseph Mclntire, Martin Mitsch, George Moosbrugger, Anth. Muggli, Edward Pendy, Alex. Pendy, John Pross, William Reiss, George Reitmeyer, Vincent Robbers, Henry Schaller, Francis Schiflfrer, Andrew Schleper, Tobias Schmit, Anthony Schmoeger, Max. Schott, Martin Schwartz, Frank Shanley, John Sheare, Sylvester Simonitsch, Mat. Stimmler, Valentine Stockard, John Tenvoorde, William Walz, Joseph Watry, Dominic AVeitzel, Joseph Williams, Charles. Of these, J. Abb is a priest of the diocese of Green Bay and chaplain of St. Vincent's Hospital in that city; Sev. J. Corrigan, is a well known Western physicist and astro- nomer, in St. Paul; L.J. DeMeules, a former president of the St. John's Alumni Association, is traveling sales- man for the house of G. R. Newell, Minneapolis, and re- sides at St. Cloud ; Otto Dreher for many years was teacher and organist at St. Joseph's church, Chicago; now retired from service; F. Erkens, whose son, Father Albert, is the present Director of St. John's, lives in Portland, Oregon ; 22 St. John's University J. Shanley is Bishop of Fargo, N. D.; George Mitsch sub- sequently graduated from a college of Pharmacy in Phila- delphia, was proprietor of a drug store in St. Paul, also for some time Fire Commissioner of that city and Presi- dent of the St. John's Alumni Association, he is still among the living; Vincent Reitmeyer died as a member of the Society of Jesus April 17, 1888 at Santa Clara, Cal; John Hofbauer, distinguished for his musical attainments, en- tered the Benedictine Order and after many years of use- ful service at the institution, died July 17, 1901. Joseph Leuthard, known in the Order as Father Meinrad, fell a victim during the small pox epidemic at Melrose Nov. 28, 1881. Frank Schwartz, in the Order Fr. Edmund, died of consumption before ordination Nov. 17, 1872. Fr. Valen- tine Stimmler, for a number of years pastor of various con- gregations in Stearns county and in St. Paul (1875-87) is chaplain in a convent at Frontenac, Minn. Dominic Watry, who was Fr. Placidus in the Order, died in the second year of his priesthood, August 25, 1876. Martin Mclntire and Max Schmoeger died before they had fin- ished their classical course. A. Moosbrugger became a prominent County ofScal of Stearns county and died 1897. J. B. Cotter is Bishop of Winona. Conrad Kerst of St. Paul, died 1891. Frank Schaller has made St. John's his home and is still in the employ of the institution. Classes began to recite at an early hour in the morning and each recitation consumed one hour. An oral examina- tion was held semiannually. One day each week — Thurs- day — was allotted for recreation, for which there was ample room in the broad forest and on the lake. One of the students of '68, C. J. Williams, thus describes conditions at and about St. John's: "Things were primi- tive in those days at that temple of learning. I remember this because on the morning after my arrival I heard of an Indian encampment along the lake-shore, some half mile distant from the college and being of an investigating turn of mind, resolved to visit it forthwith, which I did. St. John's University 23 On my return I was informed that I had been out of "bounds.' In the guilelessness of my childish nature, I asked where the line ran. As it was as imaginary as a parallel of longi- tude and much harder to find, and as it was easier for the authorities to forgive me than to answer my question, I was excused. Our base ball grounds were at the college gate. They were constructed like an angry porcupine's back. The frantic efforts of a fielder to chase down a ball in its crazy career through the array of maple stumps with which the diamond was studded, would be a revelation to the champ- ions at St. John's today. The multiiDlicity of caroms was appalling. There was some relief for the outs in the rule which retired a base-runner hit by a batted ball, for the man whose prowess at the home plate had sent the sphere on its wild course, was apt to find it going toward him be- fore he got very far on his journey. The woodman's axe has changed the face of nature in that locality now. I am reminded that sergeant John Pendy (see list above) of the St. Paul police, used to handle that implement very artis- tically and effectively. When the boys discovered a parti- cularly obnoxious monarch of the forest, John's Celtic brawn and genius was called into requisition, and like his ancestors in the old land, he cleared the way." In this way Mr. Wiliams continues unraveling the web of the past, describing impressions and experiences of a young man on the alert to mingle the monotony of class routine with all the enjoyments nature offered. The lake, especially, fascinated him and here is his account of an ex- perience. "It was upon this lake that I had my first ex- perience in fish-spearing. My entire loss of taste for fish dates from that hour. I don't know why it was necessary to choose a dark, dismal, shivery night for the purpose, but such it was. A 'scow' boat was used for transportation, probably because it was slower and could impart more doleful misery to its freight than any other known vessel. It was rowed by the unhappy oarsmen with an ac- 24 ' St. John's Univeksity tion and effect like that of an unreliable lever worked on a wabbly fulcrum against an obstinate counterforce. The moving spirit of the expedition stood, like ancient Neptune with his trident at the prow, only in fuller dress; he did the spearing. It is always necessary in order to clear the spear of its catch, to slop a quart of thirty degree lake-water in your neighbor's shoe or down his neck or to fondle him on his cheek with the slimy spoil. This I learned that night. I also learned the larger kind of turtle was a social animal, but of uncertain temper and with an unconquerable desire to hold on to something. The turtle is partial to fingers. After several hours of "sport" in company with the rest I regained the college, tired, wet, cold and sleepy, and with an uncomfortable knowledge that my appetite was wide awake and the butler fast asleep. Ever after I declined participating in this exhilarating pastime, preferring to spend my evenings with pagan poets whose society was a joyful relief after the company of a madman who wielded a successful fish-spear at night."* The lake had many attractive and many secluded haunts, each of which was dubbed with a special name — Caesar's Bay, Meier's Bay, Ignatius Lake, Doctor's Island. The name of this little island, upon which a chapel was built in 1873, was given in memory of Dr. Aylward, who, it seems, did not disdain to partake in the simple sports of that day. One report attributes the origin of the name to the Doc- tor's catching a 30 pound (?) fish near the island: another, that he dropped his gold-rimmed spectacles into the waves off the island and never recovered them. There was at least one great festivity during the school- year. Abbot Rupert Seidenbush had gone to Europe be- fore the college was opened in September 1867 and re- turned in April 1868. Faculty and students conspired to make his return memorable. They decorated the building with inscriptions, transparencies and garlands; the brass band, composed of some six pieces, took position in the * St. J. U. Record, Vol. II pp, 22 St. John's Univeksity 25 bell turret and with the perennially soothing strains of "Home, Sweet Home" gladdened his second entrance into the institution. Bon-fires brightened the sky in the evening. Towards the end of June examinations were held, there- suits of which were published in the N. W. Chronicle, issue of June 27, and of Der Wandered' of the same date. The Roll of Honor was headed by the name of John Shanley, followed by that of Martin Mclntire. The rela- tive excellence of the students in each class was marked by the terms "most distinguished" and "distinguished." Honors were awarded in thirty-six classes. June 24th was Commencement day or as it was familiarly called "Exhibition" day; for it was one of the fashions of the age to make an impressive demonstration at the close of the school-term. The students were prepared to make a fine exhibition but there was no hall for the great audience, no stage for themselves. A shady, sheltered place was selected on the south side of the building, towards the lake; here a stage was hurriedly improvised that savored of the best features of the early Grecian theatre. The North Western Chronicle reported the event in its issue of July 4, as follows: — "On Monday of last week the first annual exhibition of St. John's College, situated in Clinton , Stearns Co., Minn, took place under the most flattering circumstances. About 850 persons were assembled to witness the performance, which we are informed was high- ly creditable to both students and teachers. The Band belonging to the College, but a few months in existence discoursed most excellent music on the occasion. The exercises commenced at 9 o'clock A. M. The following is the programme in full: PROGKAMME Overture, St. Cl'oud Orchestra Introductory address: Jos. Cotter "Cherry Bounce": a comic piece preformed by M. Huhn F. 26 St. John's University Griebler, C. Kerst, H. Robbers, G. Mitsch, I. Broker Violin Solo-by J. Hofbauer A treatise on History-by J. Shanley Duett (comic)-F. Griebler and J. Hofbauer Nant© Strumpf (German comic)-performed by F. Schwartz, A. Moosbrugger and D. Watry. Music by the Orchestra Violin Solo-by J. Hofbauer Duett; "Hear Me Norma"- by F. Griebler and J. Hofbauer Harvest Storm, (a drama)-performed by W.Brennan, J. Donovan, C. Williams, C. Crever, J. Greven, F. Schwartz, J. Shanley, G. Reis, Jos. Waltz and J. B. Cotter Muaic by the Orchestra Die Vogelorgel (a German farcej-performed by A. Moosbrugger, F. Schwartz, G. Reis. Duett (Departing Friends)-by Griebler and Hofbauer Music by the Orchestra Farewell address-by A. Moosbrugger Music by the Orchestra Vacation began; the students departed for their homes; the Band went to St. Paul and furnished the music for the picnic of the Assumption parish on July 4th. There was no vacation at the College, however. The stone building had grown too narrow; an extension was added to the north side. Bowlder construction was abandoned for brick, which were manufactured in the immediate vicinity of the insti- tution. The addition was 100x40 feet, with cellarage, two stories and an attic. The style was severely simple-any- thing more elaborate would have been out of keeping with the wild grandeur of surrounding nature. For some time the first floor of the addition (at. present the southern wing) to which a story was added after the cyclone of 1894, served as a dining room for the students, the second floor as study halls and the attic as a dormitory and trunk room. 1868-69 The new building was not finished when the next class arrived in September. It was under roof, however, by November and was partly occupied. Two months after St. John's Univeesity 27 opening there were sixty-five students in attendance. {Der Wanderer, Nov. 7. 1868.) With the increase of accommo- dations, the rates for tuition were also raised: the sum payable for annual tuition was now $180; for instruction in music and use of the instrument per session, $10. It is a mistake to suppose the institution grew wealthy on such an income, for a number of the ecclesiastical stu- dents whose expenses were paid from diocesan seminary collections were given the benefit of a lower rate and there were not a few poor students who were unable to oflPer any pecuniary comi3ensation whatever. The stajBP of professors was increased by the arrival, in March 1869, of Fr. Ulric Northman, a brother of P. Wolf- gang and, like him, an accomplished musician. The stu- dents, Messrs. J. B. Cotter and E. Haase, were employed to teach penmanship and drawing. A theological seminary was organized in the fall of 1868. Thefirst students were Messrs. J. B. Cotter, K. Haase, J- Hesse, J. Holzer, J. McGrloneand the two clerics, Fr. Valen- tine and Fr. Ulric. Fr. Valentine was ordained priest in March. P. Alexius was instructor in Moral Theology and several other branches in the course, and Dr. Aylward in Dogmatic Theology. Dr. Aylward died on Good Friday 1887 at St. Patrick's rectory, Montreal. In March the State Legislature authorized the institu- tion to confer degrees. The Act is entitled "An Act to authorize the Trustees of St. John's Seminary to confer degrees and grant diplomas," and specifies: Sec. I. That the board of trustees of St. John's Semi- nary shall have the power to confer such degrees and grant such diplomas in their discretion as are usual in colleges and universities. Sec. II. This act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 5. 1869.* St. Patrick's day was celebrated with as much magnifi- cence as the simplicity of the West afforded. A report in * Special Laws of Minn. 1869 p. 363. 28 St. John's University the N. W. Ohronicle says: "The professors and students of the college, together with the Brothers of the Abbey cele- brated St. Patrick's day by attending High Mass in the morning, dispensing with study and labor during the day and indulging in the thoughts and memories that sponta- neously spring up as the hallowed associations of the past or the fond hopes for the future presented them to view. At 4 P. M. all sat down to an entertainment gotten up expressly for the occasion by the faculty of the institution and which was in every way worthy of the day, the place and those who presented it. During the feast the college band dis- coursed sweet music and the choir burst forth with the most rapturous songs, the joy of the college students celebrating, the eloquent and appropriate remarks of the speakers, the feast of reason and flow of soul of the professors, taken al- together served to transplant all into an enchanted place, where a spring of perpetual youth washed away all the ills that flesh is heir to." Which report, incidentally, bears witness that in those cradle days there were some scribes possessed of no mean skill in blarney. There was about this time a pet bear at the college: he answered to the name of Muro, was droll and playful and enjoyed the freedom of the place. Gus Beaulieu was his trainer. Muro would appear on the scene, in season and out of season, in the dining room, in the class room, in the dor- mitory. During the two years of his sojourn here he had not been known to do any harm, and every human being had instinctively been kind to him. Towards the end of the school year,-on June 2.-one of the students, Sylvester Sheare of St. Paul, happened to be playing with the beast; he struck the animal which, infuriated by such unusual treatment, pursued him, overtook him at the lake shore and bit him in the throat. The boy died almost immediately and was taken to St. Paul for interment June 5. Muro was promptly put out of existence by a musket shot. This sad episode cast a gloom over the closing weeks of the term, and seems to be the reason why the celebra- St. John's University 29 tion of St. Boniface day (June 5) was omitted this year. Nevertheless, the semi-annual examinations were held and the academic year was solemnly closed by an exhibition on St. John's day, June 24. A report of the results of the examination vas published in the N. W. Chronicle. In a spacious hall erected for the purpose near the lake about 700 ( ?) visitors had assembled. The programme in- cluded: "The Plot of Potzentausend, a comedy; "Nach Cayenne, a farce: "A Sudden Arrival," a farce; speeches and musical selections, followed by the distribution of "pre- miums." Among the visitors at the College during the annual commencement were the Rt. Rev. Bishop Grace, who arrived at the College from St. Joseph, where he had officiated at the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the new church; Rev. John Ireland, St. Paul, Rev. Jas. Gol- rick, of Minneapolis and several Benedictine Fathers from various points in Stearns County. During this year there were enrolled 84 students, 40 of whom were preparing for the sacred ministry and the rest for secular pursuits. Among the students were, "Gus" Beaulieu, some time deputy U. S. marshal and known as "the watchdog of the Chippewas" in the Indian country; John Caulfield, Secretary of the St. Paul Water Co., Francis Cotter, brother of Jos. B.; Wm. Markoe, who is prominent in Catholic movements in the West and is a fre- quent contributor to Catholic papers and magazines ; Fran- cis Mershman, who has been connected with the College as a professor ever since, and Nicholas Steil at present P. Gregory, Subprior of the Abbey. 1869 — 70. The two buildings hitherto occupied by the College soon proved close quarters. It was desirable to have the eccle- siastical seminary entirely separated from the other depart- ments; moreover, there was no sufficient supply of recita- tion rooms and, above all, it was necessary to separate the 30 St. John's University monastery from the school. Work was begun on a new building in the summer of 1869, but such difficulties were encountered in digging for the foundation that work pro- ceeded slowly and the building was not ready for use until fall 1871. In October 1869 five new members of the Order arrived: Frs. Vincent Schiffrer Edmund Schwartz, Bernard Locni- kar and Alphonse Kuisle, who had just finished the year of noviciate at St. Vincent's. These, together with Frs. Boniface Moll and Simplicius Wimmer, who had arrived in June, formed a welcome addition to the staff. A corres- pondent informs Der Wanderer (issue of Nov. 20, 1869) that the attendance by November 14 was 78; that the quar- terly examination had just been held and the reports sent to the parents of the students. New Year's day 1870 was saddened by the death of Max Schmoeger, one of the most exemplary and popular stu- dents of the classical course. From a brief obituary writ- ten for the press by Fr. Boniface, it appears that Schmoe- ger was in the twenty-second year of his age when he died. He had left his parents and home in Europe in February 1868 with the intention of becoming a religious and a priest, but a short and severe illness cut him off in the flower of his youth. He rests in the common cemetery at St. John's. Many years later his aged mother begged that a flower or some dust from the grave be sent her, that she might have some remembrance of her child that slept in a far distant country. On February 9 there was a public disputation, or debate, conducted by the seminarians in presence of the Rt. Rev. Abbot and faculty. Nine theses covered questions relat- ing to the marks of the Church, its infallible teaching authority, the Primacy of St, Peter and the authority and infallibility of the Roman Pontiffs. Record is also extant of a debate on February 24 of the question. Resol- ved, that capital punishment should be abolished. The disputants were J. B. Cotter, President of the Grace St. John's University 81 Literary Association, supported by two assistants, for the affirmative and J. Keenan with similar support, for the negative; while P. Wolfgang presided and decided the debate upon its merits. St. Patrick's day was not forgotten: High Mass was sung in the morning and the Rt. Rev. Abbot preached in the afternoon. Later there were speeches, songs and instrumental music. On May 8 young Ignatius Hole in the Day — orFairday, as his name appears in the college books — son of the famous Chippewa chief who was killed in 1868, and at the time a student at St. John's, was baptized by Rev. I. Tomazin. On the same occasion the student Robert Kelly received the sacrament of baptism; his father was present during the ceremonies. The St. Boniface Literary Association which was foun- ded in the fall of 1869 prepared a celebration of the great Apostle of Germany on June 6. "Spectator" informs the press that the Association then had about fort}^ members. In the morning of the feast the entire student body atten- ded at solemn High Mass and the members of the Associa- tion received Holy Communion. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in a picnic with music and declamations on the Eirenesos (Isle of Peace), known later as the "Bri- tish Isles." It had hitherto been customary to close school for the summer on St. John's day, June 24; the present year was an exception, for the exhibition took place on June 28. Several hundred people from the neighboring country flocked in to witness the event. Rain early in the morn- ing threatened to mar the joy of the day, but the sun blazed out from behind the clouds towards midday and the exhibition began. The students, preceded by the flag and band, marched to the hall where an entertainment was given, followed by the distribution of premiums. For the first time in the history of the College an Annual Catalogue was issued this year. It was a neat 32 St. John's University little publication from the press of "■The Wanderer^'''' 8t. Paul, and in its 24 pages affords an insight into the doings of the College thirty-seven years ago. In the opening statement is to be found the information that "St. John's is situated at a distance of eighty-six miles from St. Paul, seventy-four miles of which are accessible by the St. Paul & Pacific Rail Road, the remaining twelve miles by stage or private conveyance." St. Joseph, the nearest town, was the station for mail; there was no railway or telegraph line west of the river as yet. The attractiveness of the locality is described thus: "The highly picturesque grounds of the College border to the south on a beautiful lake, six miles in circumference and abounding in fish. To the west is Lake Watab from which flows the Watab River, beautiful in its windings through the valleys as the Peneus through the Thessalian Tempe of old." It announ- ces that "the main building now under construction, will be completed this year. It will be one hundred feet long by fifty feet wide and four stories in height. It is almost superfluous to add that the play-grounds are more than ample enough for all kinds of recreation." Under the heading of "Regulations" were rules regard- ing degrees, examinations and quarterly reports, permis- sion to leave College during the term, use of tobacco, and mail. The "Terms" for a session of five months were: for Tuition and Board, $90; for Washing and Bedding, |5; for Drawing, $8; for Music and use of instruments, |10. Not unfrequently colleges in those days specified with what articles of clothing and other effects the student should be furnished when entering school: some required that the student should furnish his own bedding; one, at least, suggested that each pupil have a full supply of postage stamps. In the catalogue under consideration is the provision: Every student must be provided with four suits of clothing, differing^according to the seasons: six shirts, six pairs of stockings, six pocket-handkerchiefs, six towels, two pairs shoes or boots, two pairs slippers, clothes LIBRAHY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS St. John's University 33 and blacking brushes, and one pair swimming drawers." Fortunately, the i^upil whose purse did not permit him to set up a wardrobe of such magnificent proportions as indi- cated in the above suggestion, was not refused admission. The "Course of Studies" is concisely stated on one page: it comprised three divisions — the Elementary School, the Classical Course, and the Theological Course. In the Elementary School instruction was given in Spelling, Reading, Penmanship, Arithmetic and Catechism. No time was specified in which this course could be finished; students were advanced into the other courses as their attainments warranted. The collegiate or Classical course comprised six classes: the Sixth, or lowest, was styled the First Class of Elements, and it was followed by the Second Class of Elements, Humanities. Poetry, Ehetoric and Phi- losophy. The branches studied in the lowest class of this course were Latin grammar, English grammar, German grammar, Bible History, Geography and Arithmetic. The Latin course was finished in five years; also the English and German courses. History was a subject throughout the entire course. Arithmetic was finished in the second year. Algebra in the fourth; Geometrj^ and Trigonometry were the highest branches of mathematics taught and occupied the fifth year. Greek was introduced in the third year and Rhetoric in the fourth. For students who did not intend to j^repare for the ministry there was a class in Bookkeeping. The first, or highest class studied mental and moral Philosophy. The theological course comj^rised Dogmatic and ]Moral Theology. Ecclesiastical History and Sacred Scripture, and was finished in three years. In the list of the Faculty, P. Wolfgang is styled Presi- dent and P. Alexius, Vice President; P. Valentine and Fr. Edmund are mentioned as disciplinarians. P. Ulric is mentioned as professor of Music, Latin. History etc; his name is followed by that of Rev. J. Meurs, a secular clergyman; then follow four younger members of the 34 St. John's University Order, Frs. Boniface, Simplicius, Alphonse and Bernard (subsequently Abbot and President). Mr. J. B. Cotter was employed as professor of Arithmetic and Penmanship^ Mr. J. B. Nealis, as professor of Algebra; Mr. W. Brennan, of Arithmetic, Mr. P. Mershman, of Geometry, Messrs J. Keenan and J. Leuthard as professors of Bookkeeping and Mr. N. Steil as teacher of Drawing and Architecture. Although the institution had been authorized to confer degrees early in 1869, the right had not hitherto been exer- cised. On June 24, 1870 the degree of Master of Arts was conferred on Fr. Boniface Moll and the degree of Bachelor of Arts on Fr. Simplicius Wimmer, Alphonse Kuisle, Bernard Locnikar and Messrs. J. B. Cotter and J. Nealis, both of St. Paul, Minn. Three student organizations are noticed in the Catalogue: the Sodality of the B. V. M., the Grace Literary Associa- tion and the St. Boniface Literary Association. A special chapter will be devoted to the history of the various orga- nizations, religious, literary, musical and dramatic. Space is also given the programme of the "Third Annual Exhibition," the leading features of which, aside from the music, were the Introductory Address by J. Caulfield: two farces, "The People's Lawyer" and "Lord McDonald"; a Latin essay on the utility of Philosophy by Mr. V. Reith- meyer, a Greek oration on Virtue by W. Maehren and a FreQch essay by N. Steil on the Study of Languages; the Valedictory was delivered by J. B. Cotter. Then follows the Catalogue of Students who were in attendance during the academic year '69-'70. It contains 94 names: 12 for the ecclesiastical and 82 for the classical course. Four of the Seminarians were destined to exer- cise the ministry in the diocese of St. Paul and one in the Vicariate Apostolic of Colorado. Of the classical stu- dents the bulk was furnished by Minnesota; the states of Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Kentucky were also represented. Premiums were awarded in 18 branches and 40 classes. St. John's University 35 1870-71 The following school year was inaugurated in the second week of September by a Solemn High Mass celebrated by the Rev. President; after which the rules and statutes of the College were read and explained by the President and classes began. Scanty shreds of history remain of this year. On October 5, feast of St. Placidus, the students marched to St, Joe in a body. A venerable old diary tells us there was midnight Mass on Christmas, and that on the three days following, Fr. Boniface Moil received the higher Orders in St. Paul. The number of students in attendance was gratifying: a correspondent of the press says there were 67 in attendance in the first week in October. When Pius IX had deen despoiled of his temporalities in 1870 by Victor Emmanuel and the Papal States had been pronounced a part of united Italy, millions of faithful Catholics raised their voices in protest against this act of violence. The "first protest from Minnesota" was drawn up and adopted at a meeting of the faculty and students of St. John's. The document fills nearly two columns of Der Wanderer (Jan. 21. 1871) and reads in part; "At a meet- ing of the superiors, faculty and students of St. John's College, on Sunday January 15, 1871 to express their sym- pathy with the Holy Father, addresses were delivered, a subscription of $44.65 was taken up, and the following protest read and adopted: 'We the Abbot, superiors, professors and students of St. John's College with utmost aversion behold the injustice done our Holy Father by Victor Emmanuel, the so-called king of Italy, and therefore we raise this solemn protest against the sacrilegious injustice and detestable robbery. We hope that every lover of justice, whatever his creed may be, will join us in raising a voice of protest against this in- justice; an injustice, a robbery greater than any that has ever degraded the human race. In making this protest, 36 St. John's University we maintain that no potentate of Euroije wears the crown with such a well established right as the Pope, whose title to the Patrimony of Peter dates from the gray past and is therefore venerable and sacred. The Holy Father does not hold this Patrimony for his own personal emolument, but for the benefit and interest of the entire Catholic world. . . . In union with 200 millions of Catholics we protest and as- sert that the injustice done the Holy Father, his rights, privileges and immunities arouses in us the same feelings as if our own and personal property had been in question." It is an eloquent and vigorous denunciation of a wrong that deeply affects the entire Catholic communion and stands as a monument of the zeal and loyalty of the class of '71. On March 4 died the scholastic Martin Mclntire after an illness of twenty weeks. At 7 a. m. of March 7 the office of the Dead was recited by the community, after which there was a solemn Requiem Mass, followed by a sermon by P. Alexius. The E-t. Rev. Abbot officiated at the burial. A Requiem was sung March 16 for a student, Michael Gruber of St. Joseph, Minn., who had died of typhoid fever at his home. The chapel furniture was increased by the installment of a reed organ of French manufacture on March 20. It did good service in the humble chapel and as late as 1886 in the present church. Fathers Wolfgang and Ulric were both able organists. St. Patrick's day was celebrated by a solemn High Mass, but as it fell on a Friday in Lent, the secular celebration was transferred to Tuesday following, which was the feast of St. Benedict. On May 18. six students, among them the Indian chief Ignatius Hole-in-the-Day, received their first Holy Communion. June 16, was the feast of the Sacred Heart and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Pius IX. There was solemn High Mass by Prior Benedict, P. Alexius and Fr. Alphonse. P. Alexius St. John's Univeesity 37 preached an appropriate sermon and the celebration was closed with a Te Deum, The closing exercises of the academic year took place on June 28. According to the catalogue, which in its main features is similar to that of the preceding year, the staff of professors was composed of seventeen members. The only degree conferred this year was that of Bachelor of Arts upon Messrs. Timothy Murphy, Vincent Reitmeyer and William Brennan. The programme of Exhibition day included music, vocal and instrumental, two comedies, 'The Photograph" and "My Cousin Coming forth from his Rural Retreat" and orations in four different languages. F. Cot- ter delivered the introductory address and Jos. Scbultethe valedictory. During the year the total enrollment of stu- dents was 96, of whom 15 were in the theological and 81 in all the other courses. 1871-72. On September 7. work was resumed: the staff had been increased by seven members, Frs. Meinrad Leuthard, Pla- cidus Watry, Francis Mershman, Pancratius Maehren, Paul Rettenmaier and Aloysius Hermanutz. Fr. Meinrad had taken a special course in an Eastern business college and now took charge of the commercial class ; Fr. Francis con- tinued to teach mathematics, Fr. Pancratius organized a class in natural philosophy and fitted up a physical cabinet in the stone building, while Frs. Paul and Aloysius con- ducted classes in languages. Joy and gloom alternated here as they do in the great world as well. St. Patrick's day was celebrated with speeches and music. In April a bowling alley was instal- led for the use of the students. On the 7th of the same month the scholastic John Bonne died and was buried on the local cemetery. When two days later the namesday of the Rt. Rev. Abbot was celebrated, there was no music, in token of respect for the memory of the deceased. At the entertainment on the feast of St. Rupert, the drama "Bishop Paulinus" was performed. 38 St. John's University For the celebration of St. Boniface day, June 5, a grove at the eastern end of the lake and for many years there- after called Boniface Place, was selected. There, under the shade of large oaks rustic tables and benches had been set up and there, after the ecclesiastical celebration, the day was to be spent in a gleeful picnic. To the disappoint- ment of all, a heavy rain marred this feature of the cele- bration and the exercises took place in the hall of the new (main) building. Addresses were delivered in German by Fr. Bernard Locnikar, Fr. Aloysius and Messrs. John Win- ter and Frank Schlick and a vocal quartette filled the in- tervals with selections. "On June 26," says a correspondent of Der Wanderer (July 6, 1872), "an exhibition was held at St. John's College. Many friends of the institution had appeared to witness the closing act. All lived in hopes that it would be a fine day, for, it is said, every carriage in St. Cloud had been engaged on the day before, but alas! at three o'clock in the morning of the 26th it began to thunder, lighten and rain The storm did not interfere with the customary High Mass, at which P. Alexius officiated, assisted by P. Valentine and P. Bernard. At the end of the service, prospects for a pleasant day were still doubtful. What is most surpris- ing is that the visitors who had not yet arrived were not deterred by the bad weather, but came despite rain and al- most impassable roads. About one o'clock p. m. the sky grew clear, and the doors of the new exhibition hall were thrown open." This new hall was a plain frame structure on slightly rising ground northeast of the College, was 110 ft. long by 30 wide, without any interior finish, but equipped with a spacious stage, drop-curtain and scenery. It served as an exhibition hall and for other gatherings as late as 1881 but was torn down in 1892. The programme consisted of musical selections, essays, a sacred drama-" Joseph in Egypt," the drama "Paulinus, Bishop of Nola" (in German) and a farce, "The Natura- list." Mas. Herman Erren pronounced the introductory St. John's Univeesity 39 address and Mr. P. Kenny the valedictory. Among the es- sayists were Mr. Alexander Christie, the present Archbishop of Portland and Mr. Max Wnrst, later rector of St. Felix's Church, Wabasha, Minn. The catalogue of 1872 records the name of 22 professors and 106 students; of the latter, 20 were in the theological course and 86 in all the other courses. No degrees were conferred during the year. During the vacation which followed, the clerics and scho- lastics who remained at the College built a chapel of brick on "Doctor's Island," which was henceforth to be called by the title of the chapel "Maris Stella." The building material was carried to the island on boats: on July 11, at four o'clock p. m. the corner stone was placed in position by Fr. Vincent and by the end of July the neat structure was finished. It was about 16 ft. long by 12 ft. wide, in the Gothic style, with ornamental brickwork and a wooden spire^ which was painted white. For some reason the interior was not finished at the time and no services were held in it. If it served no other purpose, it lent a soft charm to the landscape, as it gleamed from its deep green setting of foliage and was mirrored in the calm waters at its foot. In 1889 a floor was laid in it, the walls were plastered, a small altar erected and several pictures hung on the walls. Many a stroller on a summer's afternoon found his way to the humble shrine and spent a few moments in devotion to Our Lady of the Lake. The chapel was destroyed by fire in April 1903. P. Alexius Edelbrock was appointed President of the College at the opening of the school year. P. Wolfgang remained at the institution for some time after retiring from office, continuing to teach music and other branches. Classwork was resumed on September 7, but the formal opening, reading of the rules, etc. did not take place before the 9th. In the early days of the schoolyear, September 29, Fr. Simplicius Wimmer and Mr. John Nealis, were or- dained priests. Both are now dead: Kev. J. Nealis died in 40 St. John's University 1885 and P. Simplicins on August 5, 1905. On September 30, the students played a match game of base-ball at St. Joseph: there is no record of the score. On October 3, a solemn Requiem was sung for a deceased sodalist and former student, Christian Gassner, who had died of small pox at Chicago. The Sodality with pious solicitude has never in the long course of years failed to afford what solace it could to its deceased members, and the above instance is mentioned as typical of its practice in this respect. It is characteristic of the students of that day that they helped themselves and did not like, the redoubtable Cap- tain of Plymouth, "leave it to others," even in such an unro- mantic enterprise as leveling the campus. They plied the shovel and the pick with an energy that stimulated their appetite and made them feel proud of their handiwork. On October 30 the students ofPered their congratulations to P. Wolfgang on the eve of his namesday Addresses were delivered in Latin, German and English. For the first time since 1860 the institution mourned the loss of one of the members of the faculty. Fr. Edmund Schwartz, who had been a member of the Order since 1869 and had almost finished the studies of the theological course, was compelled by ill health to suspend studies. During the fall he spent a few weeks visiting his parents in La Crosse, Wis. and there he died November 17. The interment took place at La Crosse. On November 20 Fr. Bernard, although still a cleric with Minor Orders, was appointed Vice President of the College, which office he held to the end of the academic year. About this time the St. Vincent extension of the St. Paul & Pacific railway line was finished as far as Melrose. The line passed through the college lands, within a mile of the house, but St. Joseph became and for seven years remained the nearest passenger station. It was a great convenience St. John's University 41 in every respect not only for the College but also for the missionary priests. Early in 1878 the semiannual examinations, which con- sumed an entire week, were held. "Six classes — the exami- nation of each lasting an hour — were daily disposed of." These examinations were public for the greater part, and were held in the large study-hall, in the presence of all the professors. St. Boniface day was celebrated in the grove at Boniface Place and no rain came to dampen the pleasure of the oc- casion. Adam Steffes was marshal of the feast and among the speakers were J. Bassler, N. Steil. M. Wurst and Fr. Simplicius. June 26 was Exhibition day. The exercises began at 9 o'clock and lasted almost five hours. There was music, vocal and instrumental, followed by addresses, essays and orations, besides two plays, "The Ghost," in three acts, and "Inigo," a German drama in four acts, after which the premiums were distributed. The authoress, "Minnie Mary Lee" of Sauk Rapids, a frequent visitor on such occasions, wrote a report of the celebration for the N. W. Chronicle, from which a few extracts will not be entirely devoid of in- terest: "St. John's, where it is, is a happy surprise," she writes. "You may have heard its name called frequently — have heard that it was prospering, that it had many students — that it was situated some three or four miles from St. Joseph, a small town of little note — but you have no great expectations about it — the people all around about are a farming community, how can anything very aston- ishing in the educational line have arisen in their midst? Can any good come out of Nazareth? You receive a card invitation to the exhibition. You wonder if it is really worth your while to go. Were it a hundred miles away, you would be more inclined. But right here at home? Still, there is so little of other entertainments, and you start. It is a fine road leading to St. Joe (from St. Cloud,) through fine farms. White houses with green blinds have taken 42 St. John's University the place of many a primitive shanty and log-house. Leaving St. Joe, you take the college road which is up and down hill through a magnificent forest. The way does not seem so long, because it is so unusual a one for our State. You admire the tall, graceful trees, as do evidently also the squirrels and birds, whose twitter and music fill the air. There is a long line of carriages winding over hills in front of you and a stream behind as far as you can see. Carriages? Most of them are farm wagons, loaded to the brim with whole families I had thought to tell you something of the exhibition. After all, what is in a school or college exhibition that may be particularly described? Plays and dramas in English and German, well selected and very creditably acted; ora- tions in Greek, Latin, French, German and English, and oh ! such music, both plaintive and lively, and all sweet and beautiful. . . . No marvel the Germans turn out in crowds: they are proud of St. John's, their sons' Alma Mater, Though they may not go elsewhere, save to Mass, for all the year, they gather up their children and make the pilgrimage. They have something to look forward to and something to remember." — And if the exhibitions of those days with all the labor they involved brightened for a few hours the lives of the good people who came to the college on such occa- sions, they had some reason for their beini?. The catalogue, printed by the St. Cloud Press, contains few new features. Twenty professors are mentioned on the staff, among them Mr. Alexander Christie (now arch- bishop of Portland.) The degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred on Frs. Francis Mershmati, Aloysius Hermanutz and Paul Rettenmaier; eight students took the degree of Master of Accounts, which was this year conferred for the first tiaie. The first graduates of the Commercial class were Frank Schlick and William Hamm, of St. Paul, J. J. Byrnes, of Faribault, Peter Fehn, of St. Michael, Thos. Young, of Arlington, Adam Steifes, of Old Mission, Iowa, St. John's Univeesity 43 William Eversmann, c-f St. Augusta and Francis Cotter, of Winona. On the roll were the names of 113 students: 11 secular seminarians, 16 regular seminarians (clerics) and 86 students in all other departments — a slight increase over the last year. 1873-74 P. Bernard Locnikar was succeeded in the vice-presidency of the college by P. Ulric Northman, who held the office till spring 1885. Gifted with a sympathetic nature. Father Ulric won and retained the attachment and esteem of all the students year after year. He continued to teach mu- sic and developed the musieal organizations to such a de- gree of excelh^uce that they received many a word of com- mendation from critics. So quiet was the course of events during the schoolyear^ that chronists found little to note. The few newspaper ar- ticles still preserved are accounts of society elections, celebra- tions of annual recurrence or an occasional academic ef- fort of some aspiring journalist. From this dearth of data it may be inferred that everyone was seriously at work at the daily tasks in the intellectual workshop. There were, of course, the usual quarterly examinations, the vacations, the feasts to vary the sameness of schoolroom routine. On exhibition day, June 24, about 600 visitors are repor- ted to have been present: among them the Revs. Joseph Buh, Augustine Wirth, O. S. B., Aloys. Plut and G. Koering, and also "Minnie M. Lee,"* who has left us the * "MiN>'iE M. Leb" is the pseudonym of Mrs. Julia A. Wood, one of the few Catholic writers the Northwest has produced. From a sketch written at the time of her death by Mr. H. C. Waite, of St. Cloud, and published in the St. Cloud Daily Times March 10, 1903, we gather the following biographical data: — Mrs. Wood was born April 13. 1825 at New London, X. H. She received a fine literary and classical education in the schools of that state and, in 1849, she was married to the late W. H. Wood, who died in 1870. With her hus- band, she became a resident of Sauk Rapids as early as 1851 and continued to reside there to the end of her life. Under the "nom de plume" of "Minnie Mary Lee" she assisted her husband in the edito- 44 St. John's University following description : "Roads were fine, air pure, foliage fresh and fragrant: St. Joseph was reached shortly— thence the road to St. John's winds up hill and down, through forest as tall and southern-like, so varied and charming, so different from our usual scrub-oak tracts, that one thinks it wouldn't matter should it have no end. When, how- ever, the blue lake is discerned through the trees and the Abbey of St. Louis and the College buildings meet the view, one is but glad to alight and look around. Exhibi- tion Hall, a building by itself, is constructed in a unique and original style, which to be understood needs to be seen. ''The St. John's band has become so famous for its ex- cellence that it need not be dwelt upon in praise. Good judges who before never listened to it were surprised and delighted. The violin performer maybe regarded simply as a prodigy: one of those geniuses, which now and then arise gifted for astonishing and entertaining us every - day mortals. ''While Norma was being played, a certain lady remarked to her husband: 'There, that is the part I never get right.' — 'That! You never play that\ was the answer. This sug- gested to mo that we might all aver of the music generally — we never heard that before "In the grove ample dinners were served to all. Friends held social converse .... Some wandered off to the lake, looking out longingly at the gleam of the white chapel among the trees on the distant island. Some penetrated without leave or license into the pretty garden, where flowers in abundance bloomed." The closing words of this report recall the garden which rial management of the "New Era", a weekly paper published at Sauk Rapids. She was also a frequent contributor to magazines and wrote a number of books, chiefly of a controversial character, among others: "The Heart of Myrrha Lake," "Hubert's Wife," "The Brown House of Duffield," "Strayed from the Fold," "Story of Annette." She was a convert to Catholicity and always remained ardently attached to her faith. She died at St. Raphael's Hospital, St. Cloud, March 9, 1903 and was buried at Sauk Rapids. St. John's University 45 lay on the south side of the stone-building and which was in charge of the ''old gardner," Anton Schaefer. He raised not only garden-truck but bestowed some attention also on the cultivation of plums, crabs and grapes. If there were any moments of sorrow in his life, it was either when fruits refused to grow or when uninvited guests helped them- selves under the wings of night. For a quarter of a cen- tury he presided over the gardens belonging to the Abbey. The fine garden of 1874 with its pavilion and its orchard disappeared about 1886. The venerable old gardner died at St. John's in 1898. The catalogue of this year was printed by the >S'/. Cloud Journal. For the first time there is mention of a Scienti- fic Course, which, however, coincided largely with the Clas- sical Course, did not include Latin and Greek and substi- tuted the natural sciences. Opportimities were also given for the study of telegraphy. The number of professors was 22. The total attendance of students was 128 — 13 regular seminarians, IS secular seminarians, 97 students in all other courses. For the first time, also, there is mention of athle- tics, such as boating and base-ball, which will be treated in detail elsewhere in this sketch. Only the degree of Master of Accounts was conferred this year and the three gradua- tes were Jas. Kelly, State senator from 1890-94, Peter Engel, the present President of St. John's and Herman Erren, who is at present P. Othmar O. S. B. The programme for exhibition day was elaborate and rather lengthy. About nine o'clock in the morning the audience sat down to witness the performance of the five- act drama "St. Louis in Chains," which consumed almost three hours in acting. After an hour's intermission for dinner, followed five orations and as many pieces of music and the celebration closed with the conferring of diplomas and awarding of premiums. During this year the buildings were increased by the ad- dition of a three story wing extending north from the main building. 46 St. John s University 1874-75 If the attendance at a school may be considered a gauge of its excellence, the authorities had reason to congratulate themselves this year. Scarcely had two months passed before 125 names were on the rolls, and all the departments had a very gratifying number in attendance. A correspondent to a paper writes in December "that the season just passed has been in every respect singularly blessed." From his remarks we also learn that Cecilian music was cultivated at St. John's at that time. "The music on Christmas, as well as on the succeeding feasts, was most select and appro- priate and performed in a manner which reflects great cre- dit on the members of the choir. Witt's Mass In lionorem S. Francisci Xaverii was effectively rendered on Christ- mas night and Schweitzer's Mass Op. 11 was selected for the Grand High Mass which was celebrated the following morning." In February 1875 news arrived that Abbot Rupert Seiden- bush had been selected by the Holy See as Vicar Aposto- lic of the newly erected vicariate of Northern Minnesota which comprised "all that part of Minnesota lying north of the southern line of Travers, Stevens, Pope, Stearns, Sherburne, Isanti, and Chisago Counties and that part of Dakota east of the Missouri and White Earth Rivers and north of the southern line of Burleigh, Logan, Lamoure, Ransom and Richland Counties." Although Abbot Rupert had not been in direct contact with the work of the College, he was well known to the student body and enjoyed their esteem and veneration. He had been witness of their work and spoke many a word of paternal encouragement to them. Much as all were proud of his elevation they keenly regretted that he was to leave St. John's. On May 4 he resigned the abbatial office and on May 30 received episcopal consecration in the church of the Immaculate Conception, St. Cloud, at the hands of St. John's University 47 Bishop Heiss of La Crosse who was assisted by Bishops Louis M. Fink O. S. B. and Joseph Dwenger. On the following day these Rt. Rev. prelates and also Bishops Mrak and Hennessy and a number of priests who had assisted at the consecration ceremonies visited St. John's, where they were given a reception and serenade. Abbot Rupert Seidenbush was succeeded in office on June 2 by P. Alexius Edelbrock, who had been identified with the work of the institution since 1867. The second Abbot of St. Louis on the Lake had been a student of "old St. John's" during the first two years of its existence, had fled from Minnesota because his father opposed his in- tention of studying for the priesthood, and had entered St. Vincent's college in 1859, where he finished the classical course and became a member of the Order in 1864. Three years later he followed Abbot Rupert to Minnesota and since that day had given his best efforts to the promotion of the college. Its growth up to this time was in great measure due to him and he was no stranger to the task to which he was now set. On June 24 the commencement exercises took place. They were graced by the presence of Bishop Rupert Sei- denbush who on the morning of that day for the first time administered the sacrament of Confirmation to a class of twenty-five students. The exhibition exercises, as in the preceding year, occupied a good part of the day. A Christian drama: "Sebastian; or the Roman Martyr" was performed in the forenoon and after an intermission of one hour for dinner followed a programme of music and orations, and the distribution of premiums. The degree of Master of Arts was conferred on Frs. Francis Mershman and Paul Rettenmaier; that of Bachelor of Arts on seven and that of Master of Accounts on fifteen candidates. The catalogue, printed by the Pioneer Press Co. of St. Paul, contained a lithograph of the buildings as they w^ere to appear in their finished state. The group standing in 1875 was to be symmetrically completed by the addition, at 48 St. John's University the northern extremity, of a building similar to the stone- house at the southern end. Fortunately that plan was never carried into execution, Still the lithograph is valuable and does honor to the crayon artist. No photographic view of the buildings seems to have been taken before 1881 and no reproduction of a photographic view appeared in the cata- logues before 1889. On the list of professors are seventeen names, with a single exception members of the Order. The institution was outgrowing the primitive age when it was constrained to seek help from the outside. The total enrollment of students was 168 — 14 secular seminarians, 16 regulars, 138 in all other courses. Of the theological students, five were ordained during the year. From August 5-10 Bishop Seidenbush was at St. John's and during that time, for the first time in its history, the higher Orders were conferred there. Candidates for Orders had hitherto been sent to St. Paul and all, with the excep- tion of Fathers Cornelius and Bruno of whom mention was mad© in the opening chapter of this history, were ordained by Bishop Grace. It may be added that the Abbots of the American congregation of Benedictines are empowered to confer the Minor Orders on their own subjects. As Abbot Alexius' elevation to the abbatial office had not yet been approved by the Holy See (it was approved August 15.) Bishop Seidenbush conferred the Minor Orders. On Au- gust 5, Frs. Gregory Steil, William Eversmann, Willibrord Mahowald and Messrs. William Brockmeyer — who subse- quently became a member of the Order as P. Augustine — and John Mayer received Minor Orders. On August 6. the order of sub-deaconship was conferred on P. Paul Rettenmaier, Aloysius Hermanutz, Ignatus Wesseling, BonaventureSchloeter,E. P. Schneider and P. J. Lynch. On August 8. the same candidates, together with P. Francis Mershman, were ordained deacons, and on Aug. 10. P. Ignatius Wesseling, O. S. B., Bonaventure Schloeter, O. S. B., and Revs. E. P. Schneider and Patrick J. Lynch RT. REV. RUPERT SEIDENBUSH, O. S. B. LIBHAHY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS St. John's University 49 were ordained priests. "The event was a happy one to all concerned. On that occasion the esteemed prelate exer- cised, for the first time, the high prerogative of his distin- guished office, sending Levites to serve at the altar and la- borers to work in the Master's Vineyard: the professors witnessed with pride and pleasure, the honors conferred upon the objects of their long and anxious solicitude and regarded the event as the earthly reward of their labors and zealous care." On Wednesday, August 11, Father Lynch celebrated his first Mass in the College chapel. CHAPTER III. The Second Abbot and President 1875 — 1889. 1875 - '76 Abbot Alexius Edelbrock retained the«active presidency of the College during his entire administration which lasted till the end of the year 1889. The character of his new work did not permit him to continue on the teaching staff. But he kept a watchful eye upon the institution and addressed the students a number of times, especially when the quarterly or semiannual bulletins were publicly read. The fourth building was now finished and became the quarters of the religious community. A great part of the old stone house was taken up by seminarians' rooms, a music room and an infirmary; on the first floor of the second building were four small class rooms and a lavatory ; on the second floor were two study halls ; in the attic was a dormitory. In the basement of the middle building were two refectories and the kitchen which supplied both; (pn the first floor were a guest-room, two music rooms, two large class-rooms — one of which contained the libraries of the Sodality and of the two literary societies; on the second floor were the rooms of the principal officials and the stationery room; the third floor was a dormitory. Large and imposing as the buildings were, they still were lacking in many accommodations. No one seemed to miss the electric light and elevators, but of a cold winter's 50 St. John's University 51 day the insufficiency of an iron box-stove became apjparent. Moreover, there were no waterworks; drinking water was drawn from a fine well situated about fifty feet west of the second building, and water for domestic uses was brought in barrels from the lake. The present generation which finds every desirable convenience indoors cannot realize some of the little hardships incident to student life a quar- ter of a century ago. All this was soon to be changed. In the main, the order of daily exercises was the same as at present. The hour of rising was 5 oclock; at 5:30 morning prayers and Mass, followed by breakfast; recrea- tion till 7; studies or classes — one hour each — till 11; dinner; a short visit to the chapel; recreation till 1; classes till 3; lunch — a slice of dry bread; 4-6 classes; supper; recreation till 7:30: studies till 8:30; bed-time. On Sun- days the students rose at 5:30, attended High Mass and heard a sermon at 6; studies from 10-12; after dinner recreation till 2:30; afternoon services; 5-6 religious instruction (also on Thursdays). Thursday and Saturday afternoons were devoted to recreation, which was inter- rupted by studies from 2:30 -3 and from 5-6. On entering, the pupil was examined by either the Presi- dent or the Vice President and, according to his age or attainments, was placed in either the Senior or the Junior study-hall. Each of these halls was under supervision of a disciplinarian and an assistant. For some time students of the advanced courses were employed as assistant dis- ciplinarians. The formal opening of the schoolyear '76 took place on September 10 and a correspondent notes that the church choir did itself honor by its execution of one of Schweitzer's Masses for four male voices. Abbot Alexius was solemnly blessed and installed as Abbot on October 24 in St. Cloud, because there was no locality at St. John's large enough for such a function. Several former students from St. Paul on this occasion pre- sented him with a gold chain for his pectoral cross. 52 St. John's University On February 8, 1876 came the saddening news that P. Wolfgang, the former President of the College, had suddenly died at Meier's Grove. He was born at St. Louis, Mo., March 15, 1842, made the simple vows of the Order at St. Vincent's, where he had also pursued the classical course, in 1860. A few years later he had left for Minnesota, and was follow^ed at later periods by his two brothers, P. Ulric and P. Bede. Since 1875 he had been employed in the missions in the western part of Stearns County. His remains were brought to the abbey for burial. On Febru- ary 10, after the community had recited the Office of the Dead, a solemn Requiem was sung at which P. Ulric, brother of the deceased, officiated and a funeral sermon was delivered by the Kt. Rev. Abbot. Bishop Seidenbusch, officiated at the final ceremonies in the presence of the entire community, visiting clergy, and several hundreds of former parishioners of P. Wolfgang. His memory is revered to this day by all who enjoyed the privilege of his acquaintance. The annual exhibition took place on June 27; the wea- ther was pleasant and the audience large. At 10 oclock in the morning the academic exercises commenced with a production of the historical drama "Major Andre", written by the Rev. Leo Haid, O. S. B. of St. Vincent's College — now Vicar Apostolic of North Carolina — one of the most engaging pieces ever rendered on the college stage. After dinner followed the customary orations and the distribu- tion of premiums and award of diplomas. The valedicto- rian on this occasion was James Keane — the present Bishop of Cheyenne. At the grand Centennial celebration held at the fair grounds near St. Cloud, on July 4, the play above men- tioned was reproduced with the full cast of characters and enthusiastically received. There was a slight decrease in the number of professors during this and the preceding year. Only fifteen names appear in the list of the faculty, still the course of study St. John's Uxiveesity 53 was in no way curtailed. Degrees conferred: the degree of Bachelor of Arts on Fr. Peter Engel, O. S. B., and that of Master of Accounts on seven graduates of the Commer- cial course. On the list of students were 130 names — 17 secular seminarians, 14 clerics, and 99 students in all other departments. During the year, three of the clerics. Revs. Francis Mershman, Paul Rettenmaier and Aloysius Her- manutz were ordained priests. 1876-77 Bright as the signs for a prosperous future seemed to be for some time, the "hard times" which ensued upon the grasshopper visit of the Centennial year told upon the at- tendance at college, but not to any alarming extent. In February '77 a correspondent of the N. W. Chronicle says: "In spite of the hard times the collegiate attendance is very good; the names of 107 students are reported in the curriculum." In the fall of 1876 the march of improvements was in- augurated by the installment of the first system of water works; the pump was set up in a small brick building which is now a part of the laundry, and from here the water was forced up-hill into a reservoir a few yards north of the present water tower. From this point, which lies higher than the third floor of the college, the water was led down into the buildings. The water works were not appreciated as a convenient institution only; within a few months their necessity became convincingly evident. It was at two o'clock in the morning, March 22, that the stu- dents were roused from sleep by the noise of hurrying feet and cries of "fire". One of the rooms occupied by the seminarians in the old stone building was filled with smoke. A wild panic followed, excited students began pitching books and furniture out of the windows into the snow and a few dragged their trunks down stairs. The faculty were busy fighting the peril that threatened to rob 54 St. John's University them of a home. ''The fire had progressed considerably before it was noticed, but Father Ulric (Northman) who was one of the first to discover it, quickly got a Babcock extinguisher to playing on the flames and with the aid of a few of the priests and brothers, who turned on water from the new works, soon extinguished the fire. The loss will amount to about $200; no insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown." So reads a contemporary newspaper item. Father Ulric while plying the extinguisher had the misfortune to step into a hole in the floor and sustained a painful injury. The water supply proved a most welcome resource that critical night and demonstrated its utility beyond the hint of a doubt. After the fire the seminarians were removed from the stone building and quartered in a general study room on the second floor of the main build- ing, where they remained until 1886. In spring Abbot Alexius departed for Europe, where he spent several months visiting Germany, France and Italy. In June he was in Rome, was admitted to audience with Pius IX and h?d the pleasure of announcing to his breth- ren that the Holy Father sent his blessing both to them and the students in their charge. This news was received with cheers on the eve of exhibition day. The exercises on commencement day were a departure from the traditional fashion of celebrating that occasion. "At 1:30 p. m. June 27," says a report in Der Wanderer, "the students, preceded by the College Band, marched in procession to the beautifully decorated exhibition hall. They were followed by a great number of visiting friends, among others Professors Kiehle and Gray, of the Normal School St. Cloud, Prof. Burdick, of the Union school, Sen- ator Macdonald, Hon. L. W. Collins, ma5^or of St. Cloud, also Judges McKelvy and Brick, etc." The principal fea- ture of the exercises was a debate of the proposition, "That savage nations ]oossess a right to the soil." It was con- ducted under the auspices of the St. Thomas Literary As- sociation. P. Francis Mershman, the President of the St. John's University 55 Association presided, and Revs. Meinulph and Anthony, with Senator Macdonald and Profs. Kiehle and Gray were the judges. After a brisk dialectical struggle of about two hours, in which the disputants, Peter A. Schreiner, An- thony Mayer, J. F. Maloney and T. F. Cunningham re- vealed themselves not merely as orators but also as think- ers, the judges cast their votes in favor of the negative side. So much time was taken up by the debate that part of the programme could not be executed. The catalogue contains the names of nineteen professors, the junior of whom — Mr. John Katzner — is mentioned as professor of violin and stenography. This is the first time stenography is mentioned in the annual catalogues; the system taught was that of Gabelsberger. The degree of Master of Accounts was conferred on eight graduates. Only 117 students were enrolled during this academic year: 84 classical and commercial students, 18 secular seminarians and 15 clerics of the Order. Seven members of the graduating class in the seminary were or- dained at various times during the year. 1877-78 In addition to the courses already offered at the institu- tion, it was deemed expedient to organize a distinct Com- mercial course, Many young men in the northern sec- tioQ of the state contemplated embracing a business career, but there was no business college conveniently at hand. Hence the authorities concluded to meet the de- mand by adding this course to the curriculum According to the prospectus issued in December 1877, students of this course were also permitted to attend cer- tain classes in the literary and scientific departments. All the studies which contribute to make up a thorough ac- countant, were to be taught. The system of instruction was to be that in use at prominent business colleges, and J. C. Smith's National Accountant was to be the basic 56 St. John s University text book. The time required for finishing the course was to depend entirely upon the student's endowments aod progress; he might finish it in three months, if his pre- paratory studies were good. By paying the tuition fee of fifty dollars a scholarship could be procured, which en- titled tiie holder to an unlimited attendance in the classes of the department. Students were to be admitted at any time of the year, and no vacation given to interrupt studies. The department occupied the south half of the first floor in the first brick building — now the tailor's shop. The students of this course attended instructions in this hall daily from 8 a. m. till 3 p. m. but spent the remaining hours in the general study rooms. The late P. Norbert Hof- bauer, a skilled accountant and excellent penman, was the first Principal of the department, which was opened after the Christmas holidays, early in January 1878. Only two events, outside of the customary celebrations, are noted for this school year. On March 16 the late Hon. Ignatius Donnelly entered his son S. J. Donnelly as a student and was induced to address the students and faculty. He spoke in his usual eloquent and fascinating manner of the services the monastic orders had rendered to civilization. On June 26, before the commencement exercises P. Xavier White, the professor of belles lettres, was given a surprise by the pupils of his class,who presented him with a set of breviaries. The commencement exercises were simple in comparison to those of former years. Even the debate was omitted and only speeches and music filled the programme. Of the musical selections none was applauded more than the productions of the Haydn String Quartette. An original English poem entitled "After the Battle", was read by its author, Mr. Richard P. Heffron, subsequently rector of St. Paul's Seminary. Bishop Seidenbush presided at the dis- St. John's University 57 tribution of premiums, and a great number of friends of the institution witnessed the exercises. The catalogue contains besides the usual information, a statement concerning the Commercial course. Some of the specifications of the prospectus above mentioned were modified. Sixteen professors composed the staff of the entire institution. In this catalogue also occurs the first mention of a Prefect of Studies. The first to hold this position was P. Francis Mershman. While the Vice- President retained the chief supervision of college work in disciplinary matters, it was the duty of the Prefect of Studies to examine applicants for entrance, to assign them to classes and to superintend the conduct of classes. The degree of Master of Arts v/as conferred on Messrs. Jos. Hellrigl and Henry Plaster, and that of Master of Accounts on 23 graduates of the new commercial depart- ment, the first graduate being John Hoeschen, of Oak Station (Freeport), Minn. The total attendance was 125: 18 secular seminarians, 12 clerics, 95 students in all other courses. Twelve members of the sem.inary class were ordained during the year. 1878-79 Even the most modest expectations were defeated by the poor success of this school year. According to the cata- logue, only 94 students were enrolled in all departments — of these 18 were seminarians. The hard times were still making themselves felt. One cause of the decline in at- tendance was the establishment of an academy near Sauk Centre, which relied for its patronage on Stearns county. The authorities at St. John's hoped that a reduction of the rate for tuition and board would im_prove the situation, but neither that expedient nor assiduous advertising seemed to be of any avail. But where is there a sky with- out a cloud? Every institution reared by the hand of man has its vicissitudes; the hour of disappointment is the 58 St. John's University hour for gathering new strength and kindling new hope. The staff of professars had sixteen members. One of the professors, P. Aloysius Hermanutz, in November 1878 volunteered to serve as a missionary among the Chippewa Indians at White Earth, and has labored in that mission ever since without interruption. On June 1 the Rt. Rev. Abbot conferred on Revs. Bernard Locnikar and Francis Mershman the degree of Doctor of Divinity, and upon P. Peter Engel that of Doc- tor of Philosophy. For the final examinations in the several departments boards, each composed of three members of the faculty, were selected; among these the work of examining all the classes was distributed and they finished their task in three days. June 24 was exhibition day. According to a report ex- tant, the weather again worried all concerned, but eventu- ally everything was lovely and the great day passed into history and lives in memory like a rosy sunset. On the programme were speeches and musical selections: R. P. Hcffron delivered an oration on "Materialism and Modern Thought"; there were, moreover, German and Latin ora- tions. The degree of Master of Accounts was conferred on 12 candidates. In the course of the summer arrangements were com- pleted for the establishment of Collegeville station on the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba railway line. A pas- senger and freight station house was built in June 1879 and Mr. Henry Broker, who took up his residence in the large frame house on the north side of the track, was the first station agent. A new wagon road was cut through the woods and thus good old Bro. "Taddy's" daily stage trip was shortened five miles. Late in summer College- ville post office was opened, with station agent Broker as postmaster. For many years the need of an appropriate, commodious St. John's University 59 church had been felt, the humble frame chapel was no longer worthy of the great pile in the shadow of which it stood. During the summer of 1879 work on the new church was begun; the masonry of the basement was fin- ished in fall and on September 24 the cornerston^e was laid. 1879-80 "It's a long lane that has no turning". Whatever disap- pointment was felt during the last year, made way for cheerful and renewed effort as the attendance of the new scholastic term increased. During the winter a minim department was organized through the efforts of the Prefect of Studies. The defec- tive elementary education of many of the pupils who ap- plied for admission to the collegiate departments, rendered this step necessary. About fifteen students ranging be- tween 10 and 15 years of age formed the first class. Considerable sickness prevailed during the latter part of 1879 and the beginning of 1880; two of the students, J. Barthle and J. L. Brousseau died at college. In 1880 all the world was celebrating the fourteen hun- dreth anniversary of the birth of St. Benedict. The 4th, 5th and 6th of April of that year were red letter days and saw notable gatherings and events at St. John's. A con- cise account is given in the catalogue of 1880. "Distin- guished visitors graced the celebration. Rt. Rev. Bishop Seidenbusch, former superior of the Monastery and Col- lege, whose visits are always joyfully greeted, celebrated Pontifical Mass, administered Confirmation and conferred Minor Orders (on the first day). Rt. Rev. Bishop Marty, the zealous Vicar Apostolic of Dakota, officiated on the second day of the Triduum and preached a touching ser- mon to an appi^eciative and delighted audience. The laity was ably represented by Hon. H. C. Waite, a distin- guished convert to Catholicity, whose pleasing and instruc- tive lecture was the prominent feature of an afternoon f)0 St. John's University seaace". On the last named occasion the college© choir sang the jubilee song, the text of which was written by P. Xavier White and the music by P. Ulric Northman. A centennial ode, also written by P. Xavier, was delivered by one of the students. It is one of the few poetic efforts traceable to that estimable and gifted professor, and was assigned a place of honor in the catalogue. His dignified diction and power of description are well illustrated in these lines: 'Tis eastern brethren sing the feong That time through distance doth prolong, That echoes through this western sphere, And mingles with our matins here. It bears its onv/ard course amain; The east will hear the glad refrain, And then attune their evening prayer To our exultant matin air; For ere Cassino chant her evening lays Back shall resound our songs of praise, Till brethren with united voice In one grand harmony rejoice. After the celebration, the Rt. Rev. Abbot set out for Europe a second time, to attend the festivities at the tomb of St. Benedict at Monte Cassino, and did not return be- fore August. He was accompanied by P. Peter Engel, then professor of Philosophy and Chemistry. This sug- gests the fact that about this time Father Peter began ex- perim-enting in photography. The primitive studio he fitted up, developed into agallery of respectable dimensions in a short time and became a permanent institution. At first the studio occupied a corner in the chemical labora- tory and pictures were taken under Minnesota skylight, with scenery such as only the Author of the universe can paint, as background. For some time the gallery found shelter in a wing of the old frame house, was next trans- ferred to the fourth floor of the new college buildings and finally was given fine quarters in the third floor of the library building. The schoolyear closed on June 24th with very simple St. John's Univeesity 61 exercises; there was music, a salutator}^, a valedictory, several orations and the distribution of premiums. For the first time in the history of the college a gold medal was awarded; it was the gift of Rev. C. V. Gamache and George Doerenkaempsr was the fortunate captor. In all, 145 students were enrolled this year: 14 secular and 15 regular seminarians and 116 students in all the other departments. The old lithograph picture of the buildings was replaced by a double-page engraving from a sketch by Fr. Urban Fisher, then professor of drawing. It was a birdseye view from the northeast and comprised a goodly piece of coun- try. In the foreground is the new church, in the distance to the right are the now shops and other buildings, and near the lake shore, the laundry, which was built in 1878. 1880-81 Tovfards the end of xiugust the institution received a visit from the distinguished author and professor. Dr. Herman Zschokke, chaplain to the Austrian imperial court and subsequently rector of the University of Vienna. He perpetuated the memory of that visit in a series of sketches entitled "Nach Nord Amerika und Canada". How deeply he was impressed with the scenery here, is revealed by the following paragraph (translated): "On the other shore of the lake there stands surrounded by trees a small chapel — Stella Maris — built by the students in honor of the Mother of God, It was a sunset picture so exquisite, that one could not imagine anything more perfect. The sun, which had just disappeared below the horizon, poured a flood of orange-hued light over the western sky; the i)lacid lake caught and mirrored the glorious light which trans- figured the thick foliage of the forest; from its height the abbey looked calmly upon the scene; and when finally the bell sounded the Ave Maria and its voice was wafted over the quiet, peaceful landscape, finding many an echo 62 St. John's University in the woods, I found myself transported in spirit back into the early centuries, when the sods of St. Benedict penetrated with holy zeal into the wilderness, cut down forests, founded monasteries, enkindled everywhere the light of faith and gave Europe civilization", (p. 501.) Up to this time the public prints had little to say of the college: several times a year they were furnished with ela- borate reports of festivities, but of the doings in student circles in the class room and on the campus, scant reports found their way into publicity. P. Xavier was the first to venture to supply the press, particularly that in the imme- diate neighborhood, with college news. His reports enable the chronicler to present in closer detail the events of the time. The winter of 1880-81 was severe; for three days in Feb- ruary the college was effectually cut off from the rest of the world, trains were snow-bound for three days and no mail could be delivered. A list of pupils who merited first or second class honors at the fisrt term examinations was inserted in the Times and Der Wanderer. From this time forward such lists appeared regularly and served to stimulate the ambition of the students. The attendance was very gratifying and the reporter notes that in January "a lot of new furniture, desks, chairs, bedsteads, etc., were brought up from the depot. The institutiim is filling to its utmost capacity and the voice is 'still they come'." Shortly after he ob- serves: "Among the students we find the following na- tionalities: Russian, Dutch, French, Irish, German and American. 'Wise men from every nation'." The Com- mercial graduates generally received a word of commenda- tion and encouragement and the efforts of the orators were rewarded by the insertion of their papers in the Times. Thus the late Rev. Henry McGolrick's discourse on "The Existence of God," was printed in full, occupying about three columns of the paper; and about the same time ap- peared Fr. Urban's excellent essay, "Physiological Proofs 1 St. John's University 63 of the Unity of the Human Species". When the class in civil engineering had spent a day in the field ascertaining the height of a certain hill and grading a road through it, they found this humorous write-up about themselves: "They worked more lively than older hands and with won- drous exactitude. After three hours out-door work they returned very civil engineers, and with remarkable dexter- ity found the level of a heap of edibles in a very practical way". On another occasion "Messrs. Lawler and Doeren- kaemper gave an exemplification of the old proverb — errare humanum est. They were working a lunar and could not agree in the result. When the fray was at its hottest, Master Flock explained: 'Gentlemen, neither of you is far astray. One has the true altitude of the orb; the other, calculating parallax, has taken the shadow of the old man's beard as he sat on the edge of the disc making his toilet and using the Atlantic for a mirror'." In the meantime the new church building was progress- ing rapidly, despite numerous delays. During June the brick work of the towers was completed. May 22nd was the 25th anniversary of the advent of the Benedictines in Minnesota, but the celebration of the event was postponed to some more favorable time, chiefly because the church was not finished. The closing exercises on June 22nd were witnessed by a remarkably large gathering of clergymen, both Benedic- tines and secular. The chief feature was a debate of the question, "Can the United States be properly called a Catholic country?" A reporter of the exercises to the Pioneer Press observes: "This was one of St. John's best commencements; not because of tinselled brilliancy — of that there was none — but becuuse of solid work well done and plainly evidenced. The number of graduates was large and they well deserved the distinctions received. All the speeches were original — written by the pupils — and though none were of the brilliant style of eloquence, 64 St. John's University all were far above the medium — replete with solid thought, conveyed in clear, forcible language." Tho annual catalogue states that the classical course was extended to six years, instead of five; the first class in philosophy was detached from the ecclesiastical course and added to the classical course. In the ecclesiastical course there were 25 students, of these seven were ordained in course of the year. All the other departments had an attendance of 183, — total 158. The degree of Bachelor of Philosophy was conferred this year for the first time; there were 6 candidates; the degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred on 2 graduates and that of Master of Accounts on 25. Tw^o gold medals were awarded: one, for excellence in Christian Doctrine, the gift of Bishop Seidenbush, the other for general profi- ciency, the gift of R3V. O.V. Grdmache. The.^e prizes were taken by Geo. Doerenkaemper and Henry Flock. 1881-82 When the doors Vv^ere thrown open for admission of the silver jubilee class in September, only 60 students report- ed and work was jjromptly begun. On the staff of profes- sors V7ere P. Ulric Northman, the Vice-President; Fathers Norbert Hofbauer, Peter Engel, Francis Mershman, An- thony Kapser, Simplicius Wimmer. Vincent Schiffrer, Othmar Erren, Xavier White, John Katzner and the clerics Frs. Alfred Mayer, Jerome Heider, Thomas Bor- gerding, Conrad Glatzmaier, Urban Fisher, Placidus Win- gerter, Wolfgang Steinkogler, Alexius Hoffmann, Chrysos- tom Schreiner, Lawrence Steinkogler, James Capeilen and Timothy Vaeth. On the second day of the schoolyear, September 9, the Rev. Director of the Sodality, P. Francis, celebrated a Re- quiem for the repose of the soul of Rev. J. Breunig, '79, who died of consumption at Sheboygan, Wis., on Septem- ber 1. St. John's University 65 Less than two weeks after the opening of the school year, 85 students were enrolled and fears for an un- successful year were quickly dispelled. P. Leo Winter organized a singing society. "The boys take to it like kittens to milk," says the Times correspondent. Unfor- tunately, P. Leo was shortly after assigned to parish work and interest in the glee club flagged. The new church was slowly approaching completion; early in October work was begun on the steeples and the roof was covered with tin. Since the middle of July two of the basement chapels were in use, but owing to the distance of the chapels from the college building then in use, the students continued attending the frame chapel. A class in practical short-hand reporting was organized by Fr. Urban, who himself was an expert reporter, and the first impulse was given to the introduction of phon- ography into the commercial class. Also a class in practical astronomy was formed, despite the lack of ap- propriate instruments. Nor was the campus desolate; there is record of a game of base ball between the classics and the theologians which "went hard against the classics", score 9 — 0. Here is the comment of a reporter: ""Otium cum dignitate is the time to which the theologians play base ball, but 9 — is that to which the poor classics 'hold it down.' And worse than all, the theologians took the new ball. Classics, you are good players in some barn yard with a yarn ball." Early in the winter a movement in favor of military drill was inaugurated. A company of about 40 was formed and under command of Capt. Jos. Langan began operations. They did not succeed in securing arms and uniforms and in consequence the company was disbanded in the winter. An epidemic of small pox prevailed in the neighborhood during the winter. Sorrow and death reigned under many a roof. The priests in the stricken places made heroic efforts to bar the progress of the disease and their 66 St. John's University efforts were recognized by the State Board of Health. Only one priest fell a victim to the duties of his calling, P. Meinrad Leuthard, O. S. B., pastor at Melrose. He contracted the disease while attending to a member of his congregation and died November 28, 1881. He had been a studejit and professor at St. John's and was universally esteemed for his great piety and seriousness. In the midst of this visitation, the college remained unscathed. Dr. Hewit, secretary of the State Board of Health, made an examination of a great number of institutions includ- ing St. John's, in November. He found no trace of the disease here and com])limented the students upon their fine condition, '"The only disease the doctor found," says a reporter to the Chronicle, "was consumption of edibles which prevails to such an extent as to keep the cook and kitchen force working like hatters. The Doctor left a certificate with the Abbot to the effect that he found no other disease in the house." Fifteen years later the situation was more serious. Skating was exceptionally fine this winter: several hundred acres of skating rink is a privilege not accorded to the students of every year and so the best was made of the present opportunity. Those who would not trust themselves to the smooth surface and shining steel, re- mained on solid earth and kicked foot-ball, then a very simple game. There was no association, no gridiron, no rooting. When winter set in, it was customary to take up a collection for a foot-ball. Sides were chosen for every game; one man was placed to watch the "barrier" or goal, while the rest strove to kick the ball through the goal of the opposing side. Victory came to the best kickers and runners. After the Christmas holidays, a number of new students were registered. Room was growing scarce, and furniture running short, the carpenters were ordered to make new desks for the study halls and class rooms. ''During Holy St. John's University 67 Week the chapel was full at every service. Few of the pupils being absent on vacation it was made a point to carry out the ceremonies of the season strictly in com- pliance with the rubrics." Easter was the end of the second term for quarterly bulletins for some time. "To thank Almighty God for his merciful preservation from contagion during the late epidemic, a solemn High Mass was celebrated on Saturday (April 22) in the monastery church. Every member of the house felt him- self obliged to this grateful act for while all around, and even near by, many were stricken with the plague, houses were quarantined and much suffering and inconvenience followed, not a single case of sickness appeared among the two hundred inmates of St. John's. So marked a protection could not fail to make a strong and lasting im- pression." Once in a long while a news correspondent would chronicle the vagaries of the weather, which then as now fascinated and eluded a large school of prophets. Says one: "Just so, but who'd have thought of it? On the 21st of May, 1882 snow and hail! Cattle are under the sheds, birds sit on the leeward branches to avoid being blown away." In general the summer was pleasant, as is shown by the numerous visitors who came to spend an afternoon fishing at the college lake." The commencement services were held June 27 ; besides the usual formal salutatory and valedictory addresses and music there were two orations by graduates, an impromptu address by Col. S. J. Ahern of St. Paul and an address to the graduates by Hon. H. C. Waite. The latter was a very elaborate discourse worked out in scholarly style and fraught with many practical counsels, deductions from the experiences of a long and worthy life. Taking leave of his audience he said: "Forward, never backward; no delay stations on the road: no side issues to swerve you from the one sole purpose you have in view. OnVard and 68 St. John's University ever onward until the goal is reached. Such is the course of the trul}^ successful man. In so going you may not always win the applause of your contemporaries, but the final judgment will be in your favor. In this brave task you have set before you of living and being, you have already acquired many accomplishments. Still the greater task is before you. I would suggest no dis- couragements; these will come soon enough. I prefer to address myself to the splendor of your oppor- tunities. For myself I can say, I do love to live and enter into the constitution of the world's progress. I rejoice in such occasions as these, where young men emerge from the requirements of school discipline and take upon them- selves the manly duties of independent living. Let your attendance here never bring reproach upon the institution when in afterlife you have become merged in industrial or professional pursuits. Look back to her as a foster mother and extend to her that consideration she has so bountifully extended to you. Protect the reputation of the institution you have assisted in making and when you go hence, go forth bravely, boldly and wisely to your life tasks. As students, I bid you good afternoon, but as young men just leaving school and entering upon the active duties of life, I say, good morning." According to the catalogue the number of professors was 22 and the total student attendance 159 — 22 being seminarians and 137 students in all the other courses. The degree of Bachelor of Philosophy was conferred on 2 candidates, that of Master of Accounts on 35, and three gold medals were awarded. On July 25 nine graduates of the seminary were raised to the holy priesthood by Bishop Seidenbush in the base- ment chapel of the new church. "This was the largest number of priests ever ordained at one time in Minnesota and it brings the number of priests ordained from this house up to 98; of this number 41 belong to the Benedic- St, John's Univeksity 69 tint:* Order, the remaining 57 are secalars, who in 12 different dioceses are laboring in tlie vineyard of the Lord with credit to themselves and to their Alma Mater." The nine newly ordained were lievs. Martin Schmitt, Alfred Mayer, Conrad Ulatzmaier, Urban Fischer, ail Benedict- ines, and Revs, George Gaskell, Christoi^ht^r Murphy, Gregory Goebel, Patrick Boland aiid Nicholas JSchmitz, secular clergymen. In the aftcrnc^on of the same day, about 4 o'clock, a severe storm piissed over the house, causing great fear and excitement. Everything mov able was carried belore the wind. A part of the tin roofing of the church was carried off and the rain which came with the storm poured through the ceiling and somewhat damaged the plastering. 1882-88 '^Lonesome vacation days are gone and now again sleeping echoes waken in glad response to the merry shouts of joyous innocence, again the hum of busy workers drawing lore from leaves t[iat speak A ramble through the campus shows many old and many new faces, but many old ones, too, are missing. But whence these new" ones? Here are Minnesota's represen- tatives in miniature and members from Dakota side by side with those who represent" Illinois. Wisconsin and Iowa. Standing Rock and Fargo, Moorhead and Duluth, with many intervening posts, send in representatives from the North. Then from the iSouth come Iowa City, Madison, St. Paul, the Mill city with the long name, St. Cloud and Stearns generally. Various as are the places, as various are the faces, one thing is common to all — a desire to be learned, useful men." Thus the local re- porter sketches the opening days of the fall term. Events ran along "so quietly that one would not find out, without trying, that an army of students is posted in the estab- lishment. The fact is, business is being pushed on so 70 St. John's University lively that no one has time to be noisy or mischievous." October 24th was the day appointed for the consecra- tion of the new church. A great number of clergy and other friends, of the institution had assembled to witness the ceremonies, which began at 7 a. m. Bishop Seiden- bush was the principal oflSciating prelate; he consecrated the church and the high altar and celebrated pontifical High Mass. The two side altars were consecrated at the same time by the late Abbot Boniface Wimmer and Abbot Innocent Wolf. A discourse was delivered in English by Et. Rev. John Ireland, then coadjutor to the bishop of St. Paul and one in German by Rev. Dr. Otto Zardetti. On the same occasion the silver jubilee of the arrival of the first Benedictines in Minnesota was cele- brated and the first Alumni Association organized of which more extensive mention shall be made in another chapter. Towards the end of November, 25 were in the com- mercial class. During the month the college band played at the church fair in St. Cloud and executed a small musical program at the college on St. Cecilia's day. On December 16, before sunrise, the saw and grist mills on the Watab were burnt to the ground together with a considerable quantity of grain and timber. Since that time no effort has been made to rebuild the mills, but the dam remains and the boisterous waters rush down the rocks as they did a quarter of a century ago. Among the visitors at St.John's in the fall was the late Rev. Dr. Joseph Joerger, whose notes of travel over the nom de ;plume of Socius Fidelis were in their day read with great avidity. In his recollections of St. John's he writes: "/Si monumentum requiris, circumspicef (If you seek for a monument look about you) is said of the builder of St. Paul's in London. This monastery and church also are such a monumentum aere perennius. A part of the buildings is occupied by St. John's College, St. John's University 71 of which the Rt. Rev. Abbot is the President, assisted by P. Ulric Northman as vice-gerent and a staff of twenty professors. I shall never forget the genial hospitality of Fathers Othmar Erren, Xavier White and John Katzner. I will make no special mention of P. Ulric, for my love for him is as powerful as his size, sex cuhitorum et palmae.^^ Of the buildings occupied by the community in the farm up to 1867, only a two story loghouse was left on the spot; this structure was wiped out by fire on January 18, 1888. On the feast of St. Scholastica, P. Placidus Wingerter who had been one of the disciplinarians for two years past,celebrated his First Holy Mass in the new church. It was the first event of this kind in the new church. At a later hour in the day the students met in one of the class rooms, where they delivered congratulatory addresses to the new priest and offered him a valuable present. Since February of this year the institution bears the legal style and title of ''St. John's University". A bill for an act amendatory of the original charter was submitted to the State legislature by Senator H. C. Waite, passed by both houses and approved by the Governor February 17th. The document may be found in the Special Laws of Minnesota, chap. 85, p. 223 and reads: Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota; Section 1. That the act entitled an act to incorporate the St. John's Seminary, approved March sixth (6th), one thousand eight hundred a fifty-seven (1857), as well as the several acts amendatory thereof, and the title to the original act of incorporation, be and the same are hereby amended as follows: That wherever the word ''seminary" occurs in either thereof, the same be stricken out and the word "univer- sity" be substituted in lieu thereof. Section 2. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent 72 St. John's University with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. On March 9th, P. Peter Enfrel was appointed Prefect of Studies, which office he held until June 1895. June 26 was Commencement day. A number of friends of the institation, especially Alumni who had come to hold their first annual meeting, witnessed the exercises^ which were not of an elaborate character. From the catalogue we learn that the baccalaureate in philosophy was conferred on 4 graduates, and the degree of M. A. on 17. Five gold and one silver medal were awarded. 168 students were enrolled: 16 seminarians and 147 in all other departments. During the summer excavations were made for the foundation of the new college buildings — one, 160X60, was to be an entension of the main building, another, 110X60 was to be attached to the church ; both to run parallel and to be joined at their western extremity by a wing 100X50. The corner stone, a huge boulder, was placed in position August 22nd. 1883-84 Class work was resumed September 5th, and the at- tendance was flattering. Few events worthy of notice outside of the everyday occurrences, are at the disposal of the chronicler. A visitor in January 1884 reports: "A stately structure presenting 370 ft. front and a church that rivals the largest and most beautiful in the state, compose the present University buildings. But even this structure, large as it is, does not furnish the needed room, hence the foundations are laid and already raised one story high for other buildings whose entire length is 300 ft. and width 60 ft. Since 1870, when the first annual catalogue was issued, 1113 names are on the roll and this is for but one half of the years of the institution. The RT. REV. ALEXIUS EDELBROCK, O. S. B. mivmm of Illinois St. John's University 73 'annual' of this year will contain about 200 names. Of the entire number since 1870 there l.ave been 108 ordained to the priesthood and 237 have received di- plomas and degrees in the arts and sciences." Early in 1884 a figure familiar to the students of several years disappeared — that of the "old general." His name was Koronikolski. His conversation showed that he had enjoyed an excellent classical education. According to his own story he had been an officer in the army in Poland, had taken part in some insurrection and been compelled to flee. For many years he lived a solitary life in the woods beyond the Watab, was extremely poor and at the time of his death occupied a small room in the frame building, where one of the Brothers waited upon him. When the Easter class bulletins were issued, it was stated that the attendance exceeded that of any previous year. In the papers appeared a list of all those who had merited an average note of 75% in all their classes. The scholastic year closed on June 25. At 7 a. m. the faculty, students and invited guests assembled in the hall, and after an opening selection by the Band,, the Vice President read the final bulletins. The address to the graduates was delivered by Hon. J. W. Arctander, District Attorney of the twelfth judicial district of Minnesota. He began by relating the story of Aladdin's lamp. ''The old rusty copper lamp," said he, "according to my inter- pretation is knowledge. A person seeking knowledge meets with difficulties, as Aladdin did when sent for the lamp. The boy rubs against the lamp, that was his will power. This produced talent that conquered all other forces. Aladdin was sent to bring an old rusty copper lamp. To him it was a lamp and nothing more, he did not appreciate its worth. So too with a boy in search of knowledge. To him many branches of learning appear to be taught but to tease or plague; but this is a mistaken 74 St. John's University view, for every branch taught is a step forward, yes, every problem that you solve, every old classical author you lay aside, you pass another milestone, and every milestone that you pass brings you nearer and nearer to your des- tination." His ringing eloquence brought out round after round of applause. This was not the only occasion on which Mr. Arctander addressed the students; his services at the institution as a lecturer will be duly re- corded in the course of these annals. The staff of professors according to the catalogue con- sisted of 23 members, the total enrollment of students was 203; 23 seminarians and 180 students in the other de- partments. The degree of Bachelor of Philosophy was conferred on 2 graduates, that of M. A. on 23. Five medals of gold and one of silver were awarded. 1884-85 The frequency with which applications were made for the a