Hi ffi ■MB VBV Hr mm M ■ mm Hfl BM H BNiEl m maSBSSt WKttSBSSsM 11 WSSSSM MIM IIUCDCS-R-76-839 >%^Ci COO-2383-0035 X \tJ3f Future Developments in Stiff Integration Techniques - Stability of Methods that do not use an Exact Jacobian by C. W. Gear lecember 1976 UIUCDCS-R-76-839 Future Developments in Stiff Integration Techniques - Stability of Methods that do not use an Exact Jacobian* by C. W. Gear December 1976 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 *Written while on leave at Yale University, Department of Computer Science. Tbis work supported in part by the US ERDA under grant US ERDA/EY-76-S-02-283 and US AFOSR under grant 75-2854. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/futuredevelopmen839gear 1. Abstract Although there are many open theoretical questions for stiff (and non-stiff) variable order, variable step methods, it seems unlikely that there will be any major computational advances as far as integration methods for the general non-linear problem. The major drawback of many of the methods that have been proposed in the last few years is that they involve too many matrix operations, or operations on larger matrices than in some of the more straightforward techniques such as the backward differentiation formulas. However, advances in techniques for handling large, sparse matrices may affect the choice of integration method for very large problems, This paper examines possible improvements that might occur through the use of very inaccurate Jacobians. Such Jacobians might be chosen so that the LU decomposition is particularly simple. Some methods are shown to remain stable in spite of very large errors in the Jacobian. These results are preliminary, but suggest that further speed increases in very large problems are possible. 2. Introduction Although a large number of A-stable methods are known (for example, implicit Runge-Kutta - Butcher [3], multiderivative - Enright [6], Genin [9], Brown [2], extrapolation - Lindberg [16], and other clever techniques - Bickart and Picel [l], Liniger and Odeh [17], Rosenbrock [22], Skeel and Kong [24], Sloate and Bickart [25], and Watanabe [26]) the method used in the majority of large codes is based on the backward differentiation formulas which are not A-stable for order greater than two, and which do not have very small error coefficients. The principal reason that this is true, apart from the existence of fairly robust automatic software incorporating these methods but not the other methods (Hindmarsh [10], Hindmarsh and byrne [ll], Krogh [14], Shampine [23], and Gear [8]), is that most other methods either require exact values of the Jacobians at every step in order to achieve their accuracy (e.g. multiderivative methods and t'le Rosenbrock-like methods), or require that a larger system of non-linear equations be solved at each step, or both. While neither of these requirements presents a particular problem for small systems, small systems do not consume much computer time so there is little incentive to consider other methods if there is a reasonable subroutine in the library, particularly if it calls for no more than a minimum amount of programming on the part of the user. However, in large systems, such as those that arise in electrical network analysis, chemical kinetic problems coupled with fluid flow considerations, lasing, and spatial discretization of a system of partial differential equations to get a system of ordinary differential equations, significant amounts of time are spent in solving non-linear equations by repeated solution- of linear problems in a quasi-Newton iteration. The figure of 30% of the total solution time has been observed for systems of less than a thousand ODEs, and this figure increases with n. Considerable savings could be realized if better ways to handle the non-linear systems could be developed. Further, since, for problems which require modest accuracy and for which function evaluations do not cos.t much, one-step methods such as implicit Runge-Kutta methods may be superior, it may be that these methods will turn out to be superior when better matrix methods are developed. The improvement may be particularly significant in problems whose solution displays repeated transient regions (in which the solution varies rapidly) 2 separated by relatively quiescent periods in which the solution is slowly varying, as can happen in lasing problems. The reason for the potential advantage of one-step methods is that in variable step methods, the step gets large in the quiescent regions, and then a sudden transient looks , very much like a discontinuity that cannot be handled by current multistep methods. In this paper we will suggest some approaches that may lead to improved techniques for handling the non-linear systems of equations. This is a very preliminary report of ongoing work (which may encounter insuper- able difficulties and have no value) but it is hoped that the report will indicate some of the problems and possible solutions. 3. Why is a Jacobian needed? Consider the differential equation y f = a.[y - u(t)] + u'(t) (1) whose solution is y = u(t) + c.exp(at) If a << in the time scale in which u(t) is slowly varying, the problem is stiff. In fact, as a tends to minus infinity, the solution tends to u(t) with a boundary layer at t = in the case that y(0) # u(0). We can also write (1) as the singular perturbation problem ey ' - eu* = y - u(t) = g(y,t) (2) where e = 1/a. We see that for very small e we are really faced with the solution of the equation g(y,t) = at each time step. In the case of a non-linear differential equation we observe that if the Jacobian J = 3f/3y is very "large" (that is, has very negative eigenvalues), small deviations 3 of y from the value that makes f(y,t) almost zero lead to very large derivatives which will cause the solution to be returned near to the solution of f(y,t) = very rapidly (or the problem is unstable). Conse- quently whatever we do must amount to solving the non-linear problem f(y,t) = approximately. Many methods for the aporoximate solution of non-linear equations make some use of the Jacobian. The following simple predictor-corrector scheme for the problem y 1 = f(y,t) illustrates the use of the Jacobian. Let y and y' be approximations to y and its derivative n n J at t = t . A single step consists of Euler predictor p = y + 1 y' n+1 n n One-step corrector y = y + bhy' + (1 - b)hy' n+1 n n+1 n (3) If b :> .5 this is good for stiff problems. Since the corrector is implicit (as are all methods that have good stability properties for stiff problems) , we must decide how to solve for y . If we have an approximation A to the J n+l rK Jacobian 3f/3y, we can use one step of a Newton method starting from the predictor (as is done in most current codes) to get ^n +1 " P n+ 1 - [I " bhAl "' [ P„ +1 " *n " !*«W " (1 - h) < ] <4) (The dependence of f on t is not explicitly indicated where unimportant.) If f(y) = Ay, this solves the corrector in one step. If A is reasonably close to the Jacobian J of the system, the method may still have good stability properties. (See Klopfenstein and Davis [13] who consider some PECE methods which are stable for large values of J provided that A is close to J in a sense that requires the difference to remain of order 1.) To see what happens when the Jacobian of a system is very large, consider a sequence of systems with Jacobian c J . Replace J with cJ in (4) and take 4 the limit as c goes to infinity. Noting that f(y,t) will have to be replaced with cf(y,t) we get y ■ P - J~ l f(p , t ) (5) y n+i n+i vp n+i ' n+i K J which is a Newton step for the solution of f(y,t) = 0. This is no surprise, but it has been introduced to motivate consideration of some other tech- niques for the solution of linear and non-linear equations. First let us consider ways of solving the system g(x) =0. We will assume that all of the eigenvalues of g are strictly in the right half-plane. If g is linear and there is some knowledge of the location of these eigenvalues, there are a number of iterative methods that can be used. The recent thesis of Manteuffel [18] discusses a Chebyshev type of iteration that attempts to estimate the location of the critical eigenvalues, and references much of the literature in the general area. However, let us start with the simplest (and usually useless) iterative technique possible, functional iteration. The iteration x , = x - g(x ) m+1 m B m only converges if we can bound the norm of I - J to be less than one, where J is the Jacobian of g (that is, if the eigenvalues of J are strictly inside the unit circle centered at 1) . Since that is an unreasonable restriction^! we look for a circle of radius R centered at R that contains all of the eigenvalues of J. If they are all in the positive half -plane, such clearly exists. Then we can use the iteration x = x - R" 1 g(x ) (6) m+i m m It converges, albeit very slowly. We can view equation (6) as a quasi-Newton method where R is an approximation to the Jacobian. In fact, the rate of convergence is 1 - d/R where d is the smallest distance from the radius R circle centered at R to any eigenvalue of J. However, we are going to examine the application of a single iteration of this type to the corrector of a differential equation because we hope that we can get accuracy with a good predictor, and use the corrector only to achieve stability. Later, we will examine other iterative techniques that make use of a greater knowledge of the Jacobian than a bound on the eigenvalues. 4. Regions of Absolute Stability The region of absolute stability of a method is that set of values of ha such that the numerical solution of y' = ay decays when step size h is used. A method is A-stable if the region of absolute stability includes all of the negative half-plane. Many methods are not A-stable, but usually if the eigenvalues of the Jacobian are inside the region of absolute stability we will get reasonable error behavior. (See Odeh and Liniger [19] and Dahlquist [4], [5].) The region of absolute stability for the corrector in (3) is as shown in Figure 1. If b i .5 the method is A-stable. However, suppose that we try to "solve" the corrector with a single modified functional iteration as given in (4) using -R as an "approximation" to A in analogy with (6). (Strictly speaking, we must use -R times the identity as the approximation.) If we now consider the behavior of the linear scalar test equation y' = ay we get y = [1 + ha + [1 - bhR] _1 b(ha) 2 ]y or y . = [1 - bhR]" [1 + h(a - bR) + bh 2 a(a - R)]y n+l n 2 Because h a(a - R) appears in the numerator, while only hR appears in the denominator, this cannot be stable for other than a small region of the ha plane (of order 1). The problem occurs because the calculation of y' introduces a factor a. This happens because we are doing the equivalent of a PECE method. Suppose instead we look at a PEC method. If y and d are n n the numerical approximations to y(t ) and hy'(t ), we can write a PEC n n method in the form Predictor Evaluation Corrector n+l n n d 4., = " hR y 4., + t hR P J., + hf (P 4.,)] n+l n+l n+l n+l y = y + bd , + (1 - b)d n+l n n+l n (7) Here we have replaced the Jacobian by -R times the identity as before. The behavior of this process for the scalar linear problem y' = ay is described by -1 n+l n+l n+l -b - [1 + bhR] hR -1 1 - b h(a + R) h(a + r) y n d n_ 1 + bh(a + R) 1 - b + bh(a + R) ha ha + bhR *-. — y n d n = Sw (8) The numerator and denominator of all elements of S are linear in ha and hR, so it is possible that S is power bounded for large values of a (in particular, up to values of order R) . In fact, that is the case if b ^ .5. The region of absolute stability of (7) can be found by plotting the locus 7 of values of ha for which S has a unit eigenvalue for a fixed value of hi'. It has the form shown in Figure 2 provided that b >■ .5. The interesting aspect of this is that the region of absolute stability can be made arbitrarily large by choosing R large enough. This means that equation (7) is a first order (second order if b = .5) method that has a very large region of absolute stability. Unfortunately, very little comes for free, and an examination of the error coefficients reveals 1/2 a factor of (hR) in the error growth. To see this, apply equation (7) to equation (1) , setting the global error e to be a vector with components y - u(t ) and d - hu'(t ). A little computation shows that n n n n e , = Se + (1 + bhR) n+1 n + (1 + bhR) -1 2b - 1 - bh(R + a) _-hR(2b - 1) - h(R + a^ 3b - 1 - bh(R + a) h 2 u"/2 -1 h 3 u m /6 + OCh 4 ) (9) -hR(3b - 1) - h(R + a) where S is defined in equation (8). The truncation error, which is the last three terms in (9) , is bounded as R gets large because of the R in the denominator, and S is stable, so the solution of (9), which is N-l _N-n-l Q N e„ = l b q + b e n n=o 'N (10) where q is the truncation error in the n-th step, is bounded. However, the n N bound on S involves a factor R. This can be seen by considering the form of S for very large hR. It tends to the matrix 1 1 1 which is unstable. To find the growth as a function of hR we must look at the matrix more closely. We show in lemma 1 below that the matrix Q which takes S to a diagonal form via a similarity transformation is such that -1 1/2 jQ -|| MqII ■- 0(hR) can then deduce from (10) that If we assume that q is bounded by Kh , we i i -i n i i ||e N || * ||s N ||MKh 2 + ||S N -1 £ (KNh + lie II) I | Q = 0((Nh 2 + | |e ||) (hR) 1/2 (ID ,-1 LEMMA 1 If S is as given in equation (8) , hR is large, and Q S Q is — 1 1/2 diagonal, then ||Q | |q|) = 0(hR) is the smallest bound possible. PROOF The eigenvalues of S are not identically one when hR is finite. When hR is finite, det(zl - S) = (z - l) 2 , but when hR is finite, det(zl - S) is a monic polynomial in z with coefficients that are linear in (1 + bhR) because S = "l - — 1 1 + (1 + bhR) 1 "b 1 1 [ha ha - f] = A + ( 1 + bhR)" 1 B where B is a rank one matrix. Furthermore, since the constant term in det(zl - S) is det(-S) which is not identically one, we can conclude that -1/2 the eigenvalues of S are 1 + 0((hR) ) for large hR. (This can be seen by expanding the eigenvalues as as power series in an arbitrary power of hR.) The columns of Q are scalar multiples of the eigenvectors of S, and T it is easy to see that the eigenvectors of S have the form (1 p) , l/2 -1 where p = 0(hR) . From this we see that the rows of Q have the form (1 1/p) • No change of scale will avoid the term 1/p, so we conclude that ||Q _1 | I ||q|| = 0(p) ■ 0((hR) 1/2 ). QED The analysis above shows that if a, the eigenvalue of the method, 1/2 is small compared to R, the error has a component (hR) . However, if a is of the order of -R, then a similar analysis shows that the error does not depend on such a term. This means that in a system of equations with several eigenvalues, we will get large error terms in the components with small eigenvalues. This suggests that in equation (7) we should use a matrix A in place of R that has large eigenvalues corresponding to the large eigenvalues of J, but small (or zero) eigenvalues corresponding to reasonable size eigenvalues of J. To put this precisely, we can show that if such -an A were simultaneously diagonalizable with J and the eigenvalues of the two matrices corresponded in this way, the method would be both 1/2 stable and have an error term that did not include the (hR) term. Unfortunately, such matrices are not necessarily "simpler" than the original matrix J (by which we mean that they not necessarily easier to LU decompose). It appears to be important that A have eigenvectors that are close to the eigenvectors of J corresponding to the large eigenvalues. (See, for example, Lambert [15].) 5. Higher Order Methods The analysis can be extended to higher order methods. Consider the PEC scheme 10 p J. = £ n+l p d . = -hRy , + hRp ^ + hf (p . ) (12) n+l 'n+l *n+l Vl y , =bd , + I J n+1 n+l c where E and Z are linear combinations of past values of y and hy' for p c the predictor and corrector respectively. By considering y' = ay, we see that y , , - (1 + bhR)" 1 [Z + bh(R + a)Z ] n+l c p d ,, = (1 + bhR) [h(R + a)I - hRZ ] n+l p c Some straightforward calculation on this shows that if the value of ha for which an eigenvalue of the corrector process alone is y is written as ha = u (y) » and if the value of ha for which an eigenvalue of the conven- tional predictor corrector PEC process is y is written as ha = u (y) » then pc the value of ha for which an eigenvalue of the process in equation (13) is Y can be written as ha = u( Y ) = u ( Y ) + hR[ P ° ( > ° ] (14) c The region of absolute stability of equation (12) can be found by examining its boundary which is included in the set of values of ha given by equation i ft (14) with y = e . For many pairs of predictors and correctors, this region can be made arbitrarily large by increasing R. Unfortunately, a study of the error term similar to that in the k/(k+l) previous section shows that a factor (hR) appears in the error growth rate, where k is the step number of the method, so the higher order may not help too much. 11 6. Tentative Conclusioas The stability of these methods indicates possible approaches. in particular, two avenues seem to be worth exploring. One is to attempt to use the ideas of Chebyshev iteration which can hasten the convergence of iterative methods for linear equations (see Manteuffel [18]), and the other is to consider using different approximations R to the Jacobian J on dif- ferent steps. Such approximations could be chosen to "beat down" the eigenvectors corresponding to the large unwanted components in the Jacobian in the spirit of Lambert [15]. In fact, the alternating direction method is a form of this (see Richtmeyer and Morton [21], p. 176). In the ADI method, an approximation is chosen that has the same eigenvectors as J, and alternately damps the large eigenvectors corresponding to the x and y spatial directions. 7. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the US ERDA under grant AT (11-1) 2383, by the US AFOSR under grant 75-2854, and by Yale University Department of Computer Science. The author would like to thank Pam Farr for manuscript preparation, and to acknowledge especially Professor Eisenstat of Yale University for many helpful discussions. 8. References [ 1] Bickart, T., Picel, P., High Order Stiffly Stable Composite Multistep Methods for Numerical Integration of Stiff Differential Equations , 1973 Report, EE and Comp . E. Dept., Syracuse University. 12 [ 2] Brown, R. L . , Multiderivative Methods for the Solution of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations , Report UIUCDCS-R-74-672 , Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1974. [ 3] Butcher, J. C, "Implicit Runge-Kutta Processes," Math . Comp . , Vol. 18, pp. 50-64. [ 4 Dahlquist, G. , On the Stability and Error Analysis for Stiff Non-linear Systems . Part I, Report TRITA-NA-7 508, Dept. of Inf. Processing, Royal Inst, of Technology, Stockholm, 1975. [ 5J Dahlquist, G., Error Analysis for a Class of Methods for Stiff Non-linear Initial Problems . Report TRITA-NA-7511, Dept. of Inf. Processing, Royal Inst, of Technology, Stockholm, 1975. , 6] Enright, W. H., Studies in the Numerical Solution of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations , Report #46, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada, October, 1974. [ 7] Enright, W. H. , Hull, T. E. , Lindberg, B. , "Comparing Numerical Methods for Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations," BIT , Vol. 15, pp. 10-48, 1975. [ 8] Gear, C. W. , "DIFSUB for the Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations," Comm . ACM , Vol. 14, pp. 185-190, 1971. [ 9] Genin, Y., An Algebraic Approach to A-Stable Linear Multistep- Multiderivatjve Integration Formulas , Report R244, MBLE Research Lab, Brussels, Belgium, February, 1974. [l0] Hindmarsh, A. C. , GEAR: Ordinary Differential Equation System Solver , Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Report UCID-30001, Rev. 3, December, 1974. Program available from Argonne Code Center, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439. [ll] Hindmarsh, A. C, Byrne, G. D., EPISODE: An Experimental Package for the Integration of Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations , Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Report UCtD-30112, May, 1975. Program available from Argonne Code Center, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439. [12] Hull, T. E., Enright, W. H. , Fellen, B. M. , Sedgwick, A. E., "Comparing Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations," SIAM J. Numerical Anal . , Vol. 9, pp. 603-637, 1972. [13] Klopfenstein, R. W. , Davix, C. B., "PECE Algorithms for the Solution of Stiff Systems of Differential Equations," Math . Comp . , Vol. 25, pp. 457-473, 1971. 13 [14] Krogh, F. T. , VODQ/SVDQ/nVPQ - Variable Order Integrators for the Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Kquations , TU L)oc . CP-2308, NPO-11643, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA , May, 1969. [15] Lambert, J. D. , The Numerical Integration of a Special Class of Stiff Systems , Report //13, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Dundee, Scotland, November, 1975. [16] Lindberg, B. , "On Smoothing and Extrapolation for the Trapezoidal Rule," BIT, Vol. 11, pp. 29-52, 1971. [17] Liniger, W. , Odeh, F., "A-Stable Accurate Averaging of Multistep Methods for Stiff Differential Equations," IBM Journ. of_ Res. and Dev . , Vol. 16, pp. 335-347, 1972. [18] Manteuffel, T. A., An Iterative Scheme for Solving Non-Symmetric Linear Systems with Dynamic Estimation of Parameters , Report UIUCDCS-R-75-758, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October, 1975. [19] Odeh, F., Liniger, W. , Non-Linear Fixed-h Stability of Multistep Formulae , IBM Research Report RC 5717, Yorktown Heights, NY, November, 1975. [20] Prothero, A., Robinson, A., "On the Stability and Accuracy of One- Step Methods for Solving Stiff Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations," Math . Comp . , Vol. 28, pp. 145-162, 1974. [2l] Richtmeyer, R. D., Morton, K. W. , Difference Methods for Initial- Value Problems , Wiley Interscience , New York, 1967. [22] Rosenbrock, H. H., "Some General Implicit Processes for the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations," Comp . J_. , Vol. 5, pp. 329-330, 1963. [23"] Shampine, L. F. , Gordon, M. K., Computer Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations , W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, CA, 1975. [24] Skeel, R. D., Kong, A. K. , Blended Multistep Methods , in preparation, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, 1976. [25] Sloate, H., Bickart, T. , "A-Stable Composite Multistep Methods," J ACM , Vol. 20, pp. 7-26, 1973. [26] Watanabe, D. S., "Block Implicit One-Step Methods," to appear, Math . Comp . [27] Willoughby, R. A., ed., Stiff Differential Systems , Plenum Press. 14 ha-plane unstable stable Figure 1 Figure 2 15 ha-plane FormAEC-427 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION pXi 6 ?™ UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( S*e Instructions on Rmnrse Sid* ) 1. AEC REPORT NO. COO-2383-0035 2. TITLE Future Developments in Stiff Integration Techniques - Stability of Methods that do not use an Exact Jacobian 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): a. Scientific and technical report [~l b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference. Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): Ixl a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. I | b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. f~| c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Professor and Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801 Signature ^4^%^ f\ < a Date December 1976 FOR AEC USE ONLY 7. AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: 8. PATENT CLEARANCE: Cj a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. LJ b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. I) c. Patent clearance not required. 'bibliographic data SHEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-76-839 4. Title and Subtitle Future Developments in Stiff Integration Techniques - Stability of Methods that do not use an Exact Jacobian 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date December 1976 7. Author(s) C. W. G ear 8. Performing Organization Rept. No - UIUCDCS-R-76-839 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. COO-2383-0035 11. Contract/Grant No. US ERDA/EY-76-S-02-283 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address United States Energy Research and Development Administration 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Research 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts Although there are many open theoretical questions for stiff (and non-stiff) variable order, variable step methods, it seems unlikely that there will be any major computa- tional advances as far as integration methods for the general non-linear problem. The major drawback of many of the methods that have been proposed in the last few years is that they involve too many matrix operations, or operations on larger matrices than in some of the more straightforward techniques such as the backward differentiation formulas. However, advances in techniques for handling large, sparse matrices may affect the choice of integration method for very large problems. This paper examines possible improvements that might occur through the use of very inaccurate Jacobians. Such Jacobians might be chosen so that the LU decomposition is particularly simple. Some methods are shown to remain stable in spite of very large errors in the Jacobian. These results are preliminary, but suggest that further speed increases in very large problems are possible. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors stiff equations 17b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms 17e. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement unlimited PORM NTIS-35 (10-70) 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 19 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P7I m ?\m