for Christmas or General use; lor Chorus oC Mixed Voices, 5 opr ano, Alto, Tenor an A WITH ORGAN ACCOMPANIMENT Libretto by AVary Louise Dawson With Passages -from the Scriptures MUSIC BY . • William Lester Op. 63. CHICAGO CLAYTON F.SUMMY CO., 64 E. VAN BUREN ST. . , - - . 'JJ*, SyV £*'?• /Wrtjf IaV< v 'r> ’',»'[' > ®%k'V • lfk\£i*®‘yyZ* : tv; ::->t -,v i i t', I ■ ."W- ■ v-t •; ■ '7v U?- : 4 £?; Vw >4 .?•&’'• - =&*r -, , ; >4' 7> a. 1 ■' •'•<;/:' >- ; :> ; 4 *4 V : 4 v.Tv« ? 4ffi ; i - •: : Sgiyf ; .v ••^•jwc , : - • r ."' t; -Vi-' . A^'.. <\ * •> y r 'XV’ W' m W Wers&& Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library gg _uW . ’A ■ fi v - ' -4y:ki^ v*% " .-■ &&■ .. ■ ' /.;::, ..-v . • ' MARWM Mjy ■ 0 -t- ■ '^' a a 147 ’ ’ w A ?; A /; -x.J 1 a jm?a ■ \ v ' '\ ' " \ II# : ; T; - ^4^ J 40 mmm ■ ■: :■ ’• • 'S'Vr a SjSgS ,■’- ; fA VA* ***«& _- .- ■ W. * ;v,'4r : r, ;_•<;■ ’ A- - a ■ •V‘V> vl ■' A £v' fiA mmm i *'*!&■•. ■ <■ • i-U’TSl V >; V.-. v • v * - Dedicated to John Allen Richardson and the Choir of the SaintPaul’s Episcopal Church CHICAGO The Birth or love (k G for Christmas or General use; for Chorus of Mixed Voices, Soprano, Alto, Ten or an d B ass Soli, WITH ORGAN ACCOMPANIMENT Libretto by AY ary Louise Dawson With Passages Prom the Scriptures MUSIC BY William Lester Op. 63. CHICAGO CLAYTON F.SUMMY CO., 64 E .VAN BUREN 5T. WE EKES D CO., LONDON Copy riyht / Q/T by C/&y ton F. S ummy Co / n t e n n art i o n a / Copy nights. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from * University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates 3 The Birth of Love CANTATA For Christmas or general use, for chorus of Mixed Voices, Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Baritone Soli, with Organ accompaniment. LIBRETTO By Mary Louise Dawson, with passages from the Scriptures. MUSIC By William Lester, Op. 63. Dedicated to John Allen Richardson, and the Choir of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chicago, 111. Prologue: “The people that walked in darkness” I- CHORUS.* — Over a brooding world. II. (a) TENOR RECIT, —There were shepherds. (b) SEMI-CHORUS. — Dear little town of Bethlehem. III. (a) SOPRANO RECIT.— And they came with haste. (b) CHORUS (Women’s voices)— Sweetly the Holy Child. IV. (a) BARITONE RECIT.— And the shepherds returned. (b) CHORUS (With Soprano Recit) — Come ye faithful. V. (a) BARITONE RECIT.— Now when Jesus was born. (b) CHORUS (Men’s voices), with Baritone solo — Long, so long. (c) BARITONE RECIT.— And when they were come. VI. ALTO SOLO.— Sleep, sleep. VII. CHORAL RECIT.- Behold, I lay in Sion. VIII. (a) TENOR SOLO- The Star of the Ages. (b) CHORUS— Unchanging, unending. IX. CHORUS— Behold the Sun of Righteousness. PROLOGUE!— The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Isa. IX, 2. I. CHORUS :— Over a brooding world, Down to a waiting world, Where dreams were ne’er fulfilled, Enthralled in gloom and sin, God caused His wond’rous love to shine, God sent His Christ to teach His way, That doubts and fears be stilled. And make hearts pure within. II. (a-) TENOR RECIT.’— There were shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch o’er their flocks by night. Luke II, 8. And the angel said unto them, Fear not,* for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. For unto you is born this day a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke n, 10-11, The shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. Luke 11,15. (b) SEMI-CHORUS! (Or Quartet) Dear little town of Bethlehem, Time never can efface, The memories of that manger bare, Our Lord’s first biding place. Forever more the world shall sing, Of that glad Christmas Day, When Christ was born to reign with Love, And bless the world for aye. Dear little town of Bethlehem, We love to sing of thee, The birthplace of the King of Love, Shall ever sacred be. Dear little town of Bethlehem, Round thee must ever cling, The jnemories of a lowly fold, That sheltered Love’s first King. Dear little town of Bethlehem, The world was dark in sin, Till love came down from realms above, To make hearts pure within. Dear little town of Bethlehem, Truth came in humble guise, Within thy gates God sent the Way, That leads to Paradise. /A 4572 III. (a) SOPRANO RECIT. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. Luke II, 16. (b) WOMEN’S CHORUS,* With Soprano Solo:- Sweetly the holy child slept in a manger, Mary was near, Mary was near, Lullabies tender she sang, her watch keeping, Mother so dear, Mother so dear. Over the manger the angels were hov’ring, Ev’rywhere bright, ev rywhere bright, Light of heaven’s glory around them a-gleaming, Gladdened the night, gladdened the night. Softly so softly they spread out their pinions, Shining and white, shining and white, Shelt’ring the babe fast asleep in the manger, Angels of light, angels of light. Ever the love of the Christ-child enfolds us, Wond’rous and bright, wond’rous and bright, Carols we sing of the sweet Christmas story, On Christmas night, on Christmas night. IV. (a) BARITONE RECIT..' — And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Luke n, 20. IV. (b) CHORUS (With Soprano Recit.) Come ye faithful with thanksgiving, ’Tis the Christmas time again, List the message sent from Heaven, Of God’s wond’rous gift to men ! Long ago the humble shepherds Watching o’er their flocks at night Heard angelic voices singing, Whilst around shone heavenly light. And they heard the wond’rous message, Hearts of faith hath ever thrilled, Of the birth of Christ our Saviour - God’s own promises fulfilled! For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The ev- er lasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isiah IX, 6. Years have passed and still the message Fills each heart with faith and cheer, Come ye faithful with thanksgiving, For the Christmas time is here. Kneeling with the wond’ring shepherds, Hear the angels sing again, “Glory to the Lord of heaven, Peace on earth, good will to men.” V (a) BARITONE RECIT.!— Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem, say- ing, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him. Matthew n, 1-2. (b) CHORUS (Men’s voices), with Baritone solo:— Long so long a sign we’ve waited, Watched the sky by day and night, Now there gleams a wond’rous glory, Filling earth with heav’nly light. Long so long we’ve watched and waited, But our faith could never wane, See the light! it beckons onward, Tis the sign, faith is not vain. Waiting, waiting, often weary, Still the prophet’s words we read,* Now a star shines bright for us, By its light we shall be led. As we watch the light grows brighter, Let us hasten on our way, Seek the King, the great Deliv’rer At His feet our gifts we’ll lay. * ( This Chorus may be omitted if desired.) 5 Long- so long our souls in darkness, We have prayed for this glad day, In our souls faith’s star is gleaming, Gift from heav’n shall light our way. Long so long, but trusting ever, For God’s promise could not fail, See the light in all its beauty, Light of love that cannot fail. (c) BARITONE RECIT. : — And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. Matthew 13,11. VI. ALTO SOLO:- Sleep, sleep, O holy child, sleep, The angels will loving watch keep, Before Thee great visions will sweep, Whilst Thou in a manger doth sleep, Sleep, sleep, O holy child sleep. Dream, dream, O holy child dream, Heav’ns brightness around Thee doth gleam, To earth Thou didst bring joy supreme, Thy love all the world shalt redeem, Dream, dream, O holy child dream. Dream, dream, O holy child dream, A kingdom of loveThine shall be, Thy tiny hand holdeth the key, That leadeth to Light, and to Life, and Thee, Dream, dream, O holy child dream. VII. CHORAL RECIT..*— Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. 1st Peter II, 6. VIII .(a) TENOR SOLO:- The Star of the ages in radiance gleams, Still guiding the wise to the land of their dreams, The land that we see in bright visions afar, Can only be reached by the light of that Star. The light of the Star reaches out to the world, The faith of the ages in it is impearled, Enfolding each soul in its wonderful light, It guides weary pilgrims through life’s darkest night. (b) chorus:- Unchanging, unending, it shines near and far- God’s gift to His children, Heaven’s bright Morning Star; Hearts cling to thy faith, list the angels still sing, Still the light of the Star doth lead to the King. ix. chorus:- Behold the Sun of righteousness hath ris’n With healing in His wings! The One of whom the prophets told, Of whom the Psalmist sings, Behold the Sun of righteousness hath ris’n To heal the world of sin ! Lift up your heads ye mighty gates, And let the King come in ! Hallelujah ! A-men ! , Behold the Sun of righteousness hath ris’n, Hail to the New-born King ! Hearts bring your gifts and bending low, Adore your wond’rous King! Behold the Sun of righteousness hath ris’n, The Day-spring from on high! Hail to the heaven-born King of love, The Lord hath heard earth’s cry! Hallelujah ! A-men! 6 The Birth of Love Text from The Scriptures With Poems by MARY LOUISE DAWSON Cantata for Chorus of Mixed Voices , Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Baritone Soli , With Organ Accompaniment Music by WILLIAM LESTER Op. 63. C.F. S. Co. 1797.-34. Copyright 1917 by Clayton F. Summy Co. International Copyright C. F. S .Co. 1797-34. p ¥ 4 1 rail 5 PPP po e o -rrtz God sent His Christ to teach His way, And make hearts pure with - in. m ¥ i 5 -O 4 -&Q CQ - jmL icFmake God sent His Christ to teach His way, W - Ana make hearts pure wit h ~ in . Q 'l God * ~^ ^ sent His Christ to teach His wa y, And make hearts pure with - in. m aAJl *^2 oco rit. O ^ 2 Sw.- * £: ja XT 11.(0) Tenor Recit. C.F. S. Co. 1797-34. 10 it jr /C\=— Oi semplice 3 poco rit. ~ ’ — 1 Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, it The shepherds said one to anoth - er, Grt- Sw.- m $ ff r\ r\ Meno mosso C.F. S. Co. 1797-34. 11 £ zL P I Round thee must ev- er cling;Themem’ries of a lowly fold, That sheltered Love’s first King. * I 5 -ffQgQ vtt Round thee must ev- er cling, The mem’ries of a lowly fold ,That sheltered Love’s first King* 4- *ti-TT-irT-3 ex r i r r r- (i J J ^3 J. m m j i j ^ -Lj» r r 3^ C.F. S. Co. 1797-34. 4 * £ g a tempo -i T p « Jl r r r iJI J ff i man - ger bare, Our Lords first bid-ing place. For ev-er- more the world shall sing * I i-r-nrl-ll Jj jbJL J 'T r •nf £ r-r m m man - ger bare, Our Lord’s first bid-ing place. J — U 1 L-Jfr— o r r For ev-er-more the world shall sing jq tjiS-t rfrf I fel nr r T r * 8empre rail. m $ Of that glad Christmas Day, When Christ was born to reign with Love, And bless the world for £ • 0- f h-z-Om m fcr*r=tr Of that glad Christmas Day, When Christ was born to reign with Love, And bless the world for it it m f J - j — f=f — cr Ln j. j j ^ jP r nrr C.F.S. Co. 1797-34 13 i * 3 love came down from realms above/Io make hearts pure with - in. Dear lit -tie town of * ¥ m mf £ love came down from realms above,To make hearts pure with - in. Dear lit-tle town^>f gr-f - ¥ 1* J J ~n — ±— i IT ~ TT'TT 1 j J— J. J~3 j || f' -4- — "r ' h ^ — * ~T H'-r- h*-- J J i JU 1 1 fl 1 ^£rf - r r Beth-le-hem, Truth came in hum - ble guise, With - in thy gates God m=i=k ^5 Beth-le-hem, Truth came in hum - ble guise, With - in thy gates God ill | HJ — r turn m T *TT 1 F=TT — r~r~ ■*f — f- ‘■r p molto rail : J~ £ i sent the Way ? That leads to Par- a - dise, That leads to Par- a - dise. r-T--f sent the Way, That leads to Par-a - dise, That leads to Par - a - dise. t E m © p? r ; 1 1 = 4 J j i nj. C.F. S. Co. 1797 ”34. 14 jn. (a) Soprano Recit, f And they came with haste, Sw. ^ mp and found i I £ ?£- Ped-16' sempre mil _ ^ i £ Ma - ry, and Joseph, and the babe ly - ing in a man-ger -£G i =b*g~-- — g-" i 9 &i r — | — d g . . . # =H f=8== r -- T- — h o. m 33E Man. (b) Chorus of Women's Voices, with Soprano Solo j + Allegretto Graz to so non troppo allegro (J«=58) n $ n S OP. 1 i poco rit. I V±*rJr . — -r t v ■ ■ ■ ■ m r---r f =Ff i J: 4f i -n gp Sweet - ly the ho - ly child slept in a man-ger, SOP. n. J & ’ >P. H. , , ji J. Ma-ry was near, Ma-ry was near, m g J ]■ Jh h * — - — - — - — • Jj J 1 ^ * fQ ^ i 1 JUi^ •* Sweet- ly the ho - ly child slept in a man-ger, Ma-ry was near, Ma- ry was near, & P - ALTQ II. rTTfFrvijy i'Wj wj: il 111 (Chimes or Ch. Melodia.) J Sj u a tempo mf mm sempre mil ^ ¥ 9 Lul-la-bies tenaer she sang, her watch keep - ing ? Moth-er so dear, Mother so dear. ‘ « _. , . . , k — . ^ m * -m p nf r 4 p p /T\ * Lul-la-bies tender she sang, her watch keep - ing,Moth-er so dear, Mother so dear.^ 3 j 3 j g w 1 g g J* — j> « = 2 = £ C. F.S.Co. 1797-34. Soprano Solo Moderato con molto espressione J^=116 * 15 P P iu^4- - FlWi \ g w (St.Diap.and Flute 4') ' ^ • _r ^ - ?•- T Man. * 3 glad - dened the night. Soft- ly so so ft - ly they spre ad out their pin - ions, "3 a * m ft* Ch. , i- r - . r ^=i Con Ped. 1 poco rit. _ Shining and white, 4 ^ 4 + shin - ing and white, Shelt’ring the babe fast a k sleep in the man - ger, Ang-els of light, £ ang-els of light. * m ¥ Ch. m L ^ 4-J- Con Ped. r C.F. S. Co. 1797-34. 16 Chorus of Women’s Voices j a Tempo I a . ± t tri/uu ± I -|=f y r ? - er the love of the Christ child en - folds j Ji us, Wondrous and bright, * m Ev - er the love of the Christ child en - folds us> Wondrous and bright t w § § w j 1 § f m > 1 flu.- - F=l Chimes (or Ch. Flutes.) P poco rit. a tempo i £ % » I wondrous and bright, Ca-rols we sing of the sweet Christmas sto - ry 15=5 m & PP ^ fti) fp wondrous and bright', v j)- • *P — w • — ‘ -j p r *-*- Ca-rols we sing of the sweet Christmas sto - ry I Pi pPiPi: | . t ... r — i .. £. # jM=P.;::- — / — : rit. # tempo t 5 £ £ P On Christmas night, on Christ - mas night. Car - ols we sing of the SpEE 5=5=5 5 P / poco accel pp p r £ 5 On Christmas night, on Christ -mas night. Car - ols we sing of the PPPi 1 P tP- i i * £ s / Ch. =i erase. .ed accel . C.F. S.Co. 1797-34. 17 IV (a) Baritone Recit. C. F. S. Co. 1797- 34. 19 20 Sop. Recit. C.F. S. Co. 1797-34. C. F s. Co-. 1797-34. Ped. <3.F. S.Co. 1797-34 . 24 Baritone Solo C. F. S. Co. 1797-84. 25 sempre rail ¥ £= Now a star shines bright be-fore us, By its light we shall be led. Ch.,- f- r -f- P =^-iG=; ^ jjJ"- rail “ 1 - Illte Wi L ^ I tepee S S g=g= Con Ped. r f Man. m m m As we watch the light grows brighter, Let us hasten on our way, jo rit. Seek the King, the great De-liv-’rer, At His feet our gifts we’ll lay. — sempre rail Chorus of Mens Voices A i .a tempo m m m 3 P Long so long our souls in dark- ness, We have prayed for this glad day In our souls faith’s - — * mp 3 ¥ Long so long our souls in dark-ness,We have prayed for this glad day, In our souls faiths m 3m 3 m J.177 < Sw. ••Sc r i mm i « — C. E S. Co. 1797-34. 26 27 VI. Alto Solo Andantino con mo to J *=52 i w Ch. Flute 8' 111 JL A JL JL -J> A. A. Sleep, A. A. JL sleep, O \Mm mm p Sw. Soft Sitr. ff v ¥■ x.4 -fg— - -*• 7 ^: = - — ♦ red. Soft 8' O.E S.Co.1797-34. 28 Pin lento C.E S.Co. 1797- 84. 29 Thy love all the world shalt re - deem , Dream, dream, PPNSI ill fri • »* i *):g~X **-- ff J p . * Mp >■ 1 — ■ — m — _J J tyj * — m m *8 flft 'I r » H J -: =g 1 r-- r - 1 -22L *4 Tempo I J . 1 dream, dream, 51 1 O ho -ly child dream. fii P Ms Dream, Jt JL .. ch TV?.- 1 Sw. sempre rit. jgj i SI mp S =fe=* £ P Pe/d 8' — B- mm dream, O ho - ly child dream, p A A king/dom of Hi *. ? i Sw.- £ ^ > Love Thine shall be, pi Thy ti- ny hand holdeth the key ; Thy ti - ny hand HIS a i Era j^= f l£t r T pp & f F^d. il ■ mf JUT-4* pp li