cvi r^- cn v oc s 1 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PUBLICATIONS OF THE - > FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY BOTANICAL SERIES VOLUME II CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1900-1916.* *For actual dates of issue of each paper see Table of Contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGES Plantae Utowanae. (April 20, 1900.) C. F. Millspaugh i-i 10 Plantae Utowanae, Part lA. (August 15, 1900.) C. P. Millspaugh 1 13-136 Praenunciae Bahamenses. (February 17, 1906.) C. F. Millspaugh 137-184 Studies in the Genus Citharexylum. (January 25, 1907.) J. M. Greenman 185-190 Flora of the Sand Keys of Florida. (March n, 1907.) C. F. Millspaugh 191-245 New or Noteworthy Spermatophytes from Mexico, Central America and West Indies. (December 31, 1907.) J. M. Greenman 247-287 Praenunciae Bahamenses-II. (August 6, 1909.) C. F. Millspaugh 289-321 1. New Species Cuban Senecioneae 2. New Species . . . Spermatophytes . . . Mexico and Central America. (December 21, 1912.) J. M. Greenman 323-350 i I. The Genera Pedilanthus and Cubanthus, and other American Euphor- biaceae. C. F. Millspaugh * 2. Two New Stonecrops from Guatemala. Raymond Hamet. (December 30, 1913-) 353-381 Contributions to North American Euphorbiaceae-V. 1. Euphorbia adenoptera in North America. 2. Chamaesyceae Novae. 3. Notulas Hypericifoliaearum. (September 26, 1914) C. F. Millspaugh 383-397 i. Contributions to North American Euphorbiaceae-VI. ;' 2. Vegetation of Alacran Reef. (April 15, 1916). C. F. Millspaugh 401-431 It will be observed that this publication begins Volume II of the Botanical Series. A publication is in preparation for the completion of Volume I. FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM PUBLICATION 43. BOTANICAL SERIES. VOL. II, No. i PLANTS UTOWAN^. PLANTS COLLECTED IN BERMUDA, PORTO RICO, ST. THOMAS, CULEBRAS, SANTO DOMINGO, JAMAICA, CUBA, THE CAYMANS, COZUMEL, YUCA- TAN AND THE ALACRAN SHOALS. DEC. 1898 Td MAR. 1899. THE ANTILLEAN CRUISE OF THE YACHT . UTOWANA. MR. ALLISON V. ARMOUR, Owner and Master. BY CHARLES FREDERICK MILLSPAUGII, M.D. Curator Department of Botany. PART I Catalogue of the Species. CHICAGO, U. S. A. March, 1900. FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. PLATE XXV. Route of the "Utowana" Limits of the Antiliean Flora LIBRARV OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS. PLANTS UTOWAN/E. CHARLES F. MILLSPAUGH, M.D. Mr. Allison V. Armour, of Chicago through whose generous patronage the author made his first collection in Yucatan for this Museum during December, 1894, and January, 1895 wishing to advance the knowledge of the flora of that peninsula and to afford the opportunity of correlating its vegetation with that of the coastal region of the Greater Antilles, again planned his winter cruise in 1898-1899 that it might embrace as many as possible of the more important points at which the study of the question could be profit- ably conducted. He therefore placed his new auxiliary steam sail- ing yacht "Utowana" in commission, and invited Messrs. Jordan L. Mott, Jr., and Edward S. Isham, Jr., of New York, and Mr. Edward P. Allen, photographer of this Museum, and myself as his guests. THE ITINERARY. December 21, 1898, was set for sailing, but, delayed by the memorable fog that hung over the east coast during the 2ist, 22d and 23d, departure was not taken from the dock at the foot of West Thirty-fourth street, Nsw York, until eight o'clock on the morning of the 24th. The wind, which had been in the west during the morn- ing, fell in the afternoon, and using steam a course was laid from Sandy Hook for the Bermudas. During the evening and night a gale came up out of the southeast, and the next two days were spent beating against the wind and fighting the cross-sea of the Gulf Stream in weather so gloomy that satisfactory observations could not be made. Trusting to a faulty sight rather than reliable dead-reckoning, our captain missed the islands to the southward, and noon on the 27th found us sixty miles to the eastward of our intended port. As we came about, the wind, with Atlantic perver- sity, also shifted into the west, and we were compelled to fight our way back against even rougher water than before. During the mid- night watch the seas broke over us with such force that two of our 3 4 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. men barely escaped being washed overboard while setting the storm-staysail. We sighted the welcome light on St. George's at daybreak on the 28th and reached Hamilton harbor at noon. Taking one of the yacht's boats I visited a number of the islets in the bay (collecting nos. 1-35), and on the 2gth and 3oth continued work on the hills and in the boggy swales back of Paget's Landing (36-69). During the morning hours of the 3ist an excursion was made to the famous Walsingham district (70-7/5), and the afternoon until dusk was utilized in a search of the fields and woodlands north of Hamilton (116-139). We left the harbor at i o'clock on New Year's day and as we reached the offing, set all sail and laid a course for San Juan, Porto Rico, a distance of 840 miles, making that harbor on the morn- ing of January 5th. January 6th was spent in botanizing over the lowland border- ing the bay at Catano, opposite San Juan (140-193). January yth a carriage was engaged and a trip taken along the military road from Rio Pedras to Caguas, whence I returned to San Juan on the evening of the 8th (194-248). The afternoon of the gth was spent in the Catano region with Mr. E. E. Heller, who had just arrived in Porto Rico to collect for the New York Botanical Garden (249- 259). On the loth, again in company with Mr. Heller, the sand- dune coast region at Santurce was visited (260-305), and on the nth we worked the foothills near Bayamon (306-326, 338-358) collecting at Catano (327-337) while awaiting the departure of the train for that field. The shores of the bay of San Juan are quite distinct in their flora from the seashore, the sandy beach failing to yield those characteristic Antillean forms so predominant everywhere on the true sea coast: Cakile maritima, Ernodea littoralis, Suriana mari- tima, Tournefortia gnaphalodes, Sesuvium portulacastrum, and Euphorbia buxifolia, all of which are plentiful just outside the entrance. The flora of the bay shores consists principally of Wedelia trilobata, Bidens leucantha, Coccoloba uvifera, and Ipomcea pes- caprae. During our stay in this region heavy showers fell upon an average of every three hours; but as they lasted only a few moments, and the herbage dried almost as soon as the rain ceased, they inter- fered little with collecting. We left the harbor on the i6th, and steaming eastward against a heavy wind, spent the night making seventy odd miles to the bay MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 5 of St. Thomas, which we entered early on the morning of the iyth. Here the day was utilized in collecting about the bay shore and on the hillsides south of Charlotte Amalia (364-502). At four o-'clock on the morning of the i8th having been so fortunate as to secure the same man who acted as a guide for Baron Eggers in his St. Thomas trips I started across the island by way of the high mountain back of the town. My guide being familiar with the ferny nooks and deep woods where Baron Eggers found many of his more interest- ing species, the trip proved a very profitable one (503-565) and greatly enhanced the value of so short a stay at this island. We sailed at noon of the same day for the island of Culebras, a part of our new Porto Rican territory, and aided now by the trade winds, we made the twenty-five miles handsomely before too dark to effect an entrance to the excellent harbor on its southern coast. January igth was spent in work on the northern shores of the bay (566-635), and the morning of the 2oth on the seashore south- west of the bay (636-649). The shores of the island are clothed with a dense growth of cacti, agaves and low-spreading rubiaceous and leguminous shrubs covered with bromeliads; the cleared fields in from the coast are, however, fertile and productive, and in the pastures the backs only of the cattle can be seen as they graze upon the tall, fresh guinea grass. At 3 P. M. we weighed anchor, left the harbor, and passing to the eastward rounded Viejas Island and spent the night at sea, reaching Playa, the port of Ponc6, at seven the following morning. Taking the sailing launch we visited Ratones Island (650-661], which is being so rapidly washed away by the force of the sea that living clumps of Suriana are still standing in the water nearly a quarter of a mile from the receding shore. I walked back along the shore, collecting the coastal forms (662-684); and in the morning we left the port for Guanica, which was reached at noon. Guanica hill proved a very interesting collecting ground (685-710), and the plain and parched tangle of chapparal on the bay shore well repaid the exertion of an entire hot day on the 22d (711-754 and 755-768}. Leaving here at ten o'clock in the evening, we arrived off Mona Island at the same hour on the 23d, and drew into an anchorage at El Sardinero, where we attempted to make a land- ing in the dinghy, but without success, the waves being too high to allow us to approach the shore in safety. Reluctantly this coast was abandoned and we moved around the spit into Santa Isabella bay. Here another attempt was made which was again unsuc- cessful, and we were compelled to bear away for our next port 6 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. San Domingo which we reached on the morning of the 24th. I tobk a carriage and spent the day driving about the environs of the city (769-883). In the early evening we sailed for Port Antonio, on the northeast coast of Jamaica, which we reached on the morn- ing of the 26th. From here a trip was made to Kingston by rail, which afforded me a valued opportunity to visit the Hope Botanical Gardens, and meet the genial Mr. William Fawcett, Director of the Public Gardens and Plantations, but left no time for collecting as we returned to Port Antonio at noon the following day. The 2gth was occupied in field work about Port Antonio (884-1000), and in the evening we sailed for Santiago de Cuba, reaching there at noon on the 3oth. The afternoon was devoted to mails from home, and the 3ist to a trip down the coast in the yacht to visit the wrecks of the Viscaya and Almirante Oquendo. February ist was occupied in a study of the arid shores of the bay, which at this season present very few flowering plants (1001- 1024}; and the 2d in a trip to El Caney (1025-1041} and San Juan Hill (1042-1056). So little rain falls in this region at this season, that the scanty flora sustains insufficient characters to warrant extended collecting. On the 3d and 4th we visited Morro Castle {1057-1103) and "The Ovens" (1104-1126), the latter a gulch to the north, in whose rocky sides are many rounded cavities, large and small, which give rise to the name. At this point in the cruise Mr. Mott was called home by busi- ness necessities, and as better accommodations could be secured on a vessel leaving Port Antonio, our yacht was headed again for that place. This gave me a further opportunity to collect there, and the morning of the 8th was spent in a glen near the village (1127-1149). At 5 P. M. we followed Mr. Mott's steamer out of the bay and laid a course for Cuba at the point where the Cristobal Colon was driven ashore. We sighted her at about ten the following morning, and while the Utowana lay off and on, we boarded the wreck and spent some time upon her side. At Cayman Brae our next stopping place, we found an anchor- age on the north coast close to the rocky shore, near a little settle- ment known as ''The Creek." Here, in company with one of the natives, I spent the afternoon along the beach and on the plateau above (1150-1102}. A calm delightful evening followed and we retired early with a quiet sea, only to be rudely awakened at eleven o'clock by a horrible thumping. Rushing on deck we found the yacht in a screaming "norther," which, coming up without warning, was dash- MARCH, igoo. PLANT/E UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 7 ing the sea against the iron-bound coast with terrible fury directly under our stern. As soon as sufficient steam could be raised an attempt was made to leave the dangerous anchorage, but before the screw could gain a purchase upon the foam-lashed water our ship struck the rocks, once, twice, thrice, and in the awful suspense of the next moment, when we expected that each second would be our last, the leadsman's welcome cry of "moving ahead, sir," greeted us, sweet as a voice from home. In a few minutes more we were out of danger and the yacht was beating to sea like a frightened thing. Gaining the offing, we squared around the east end of the island and came to anchor again under its lee, where we found pro- tection from the storm. We shifted to a point farther west the next morning and resumed collecting (//pj-72/p). April and May being the principal floral months here, little was to be expected of plants in form for collection in February, and a tramp of several miles the fol- lowing day resulted in only eighteen species worthy of preservation (1220-1237}. Leaving Cayman Brae on the nth, we ran across to Little Cay- man, skirting its entire south shore in search of a safe landing-place, but finding none we finally stood off and ran to the sotithwest, reaching the harbor at Georgetown, Grand Cayman, after dark. Daylight .brought the health officer, who with many expressions of regret forbade us to land, as our last port was reported to be infected with measles.. However on being informed of the nature of our visit, he consulted with the authorities ashore and the Governor himself came out to us and courteously gave me permission to land at least a mile above the village, but cautioned me to keep away from any person or dwelling that I might encounter. Avail- ing myself of the privilege I made an extended trip along the shore north of the port and into the borders of the lagoon (1238-1265}. We made an attempt in the afternoon with our sailing launch to round Jackson Point south of the town in order to further search the shores, but the wind gave place to heavy rain squalls and we were compelled to work back to the yacht. These weather conditions were followed by a dead calm and other indications of a norther. At 5 P. M. a rising wind began to steadily shift to the westward, and at six it became strong and tended northward, where it continued during the night. In the early morning rain again fell in torrents, the wind instantly shifted dead north and blew a gale, and again we were caught on a lee shore. All hands were promptly on deck, and with steam and sail we crept away from danger. As the other shipping in the open roadstead made frantic attempts to secure safety 8 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. in flight, one pretty white schooner that lay near us was quickly blown high up on the rocks a wreck, and a large trading vessel from Belize, dragging her anchor, threatened to follow, but finally escaped with us around the point into the quiet water of Spot Bay. We were thus- driven by the storm to the very point we had failed to reach the day before, a place which, on going ashore, proved of particular interest in its flora. Eighty-eight numbers (1266-1354) were secured here. As I regained the yacht, which was rolling heavily in the sea that now ran in from the point, I arranged the plants in driers on my stateroom floor, a gymnastic feat in the performance of which I had become quite proficient. Tuesday, February 14 albeit a drizzling rain fell constantly dur- ing the morning Mr. Armour, Mr. Isham and myself made an extended excursion into the interior of the island (/J55-/jp/), where we encountered the great pest of the place, mosquitoes. While I am unacquainted with the entomological characteristics of this particular species, the horrible torture to which we ungraciously submitted on this trip I had never before experienced. Swarms of the large black creatures settled upon us drawing blood instantly; they refused to be brushed away, only yielding to death. As we neared the center of the island they actually drove us back, and with swollen faces, hands and necks, we fled to the open, conquered and in tor- ment. I was told by a merchant of Georgetown that in May and June these insects became so numerous and terrible that he always closed up his business and left the island. He further vouched for the fact that they killed many head of cattle during the summer and rendered the place uninhabitable except to those people hardened to their poison. In the early evening the weather signs warned us that the south coast was in its turn becoming dangerous, and learning that the norther had abated we ran around to our old anchorage off George- town. Here we learned that the Board of Health had decided to raise our quarantine and we were invited ashore. We found the main street along the water front a wreck from the storm and littered with debris from shore and sea. We were told that the norther had proved the worst the inhabitants had experienced for twenty years. After an hour spent in collecting about the streets and vacant lots, both of which are noticeably free from the usual weeds of civilization (/j>p2-7^o<5), I was summoned aboard by the yacht's whistle, for the wind had again shifted and the anchorage was becoming untenable. All sail was quickly set and we left this storm-beaten group on a course for the Isle of Pines. MARCH, igoo. PLANTS UTOWANTE MILLSPAUGH. 9 We landed at Pedernales Point at 3 p. M. of the i6th, and worked over the coastal field (14.07-1445} until evening, when we left for the extreme western point of Cuba Cape Corientes. Reach- ing the anchorage off the cape at 8 A. M. we went ashore and began our search of the coast for a mile or so each side of our landing- place. The coast here is of sharp, flinty coral, dry and forbid- ding, and the vegetation parched and almost characterless at this sea- son. Exhaustive search until evening only resulted in twenty-two num- bers (1446-1467}. Leaving on a course S. W. ^ W., we made a delightful sail of 150 miles to the Island of Cozumel, 10 miles from the east coast of Yucatan, and dropped anchor off the village of San Miguel at noon of Saturday, February i8th. We found the conditions about as they were four years before when with the yacht " Ituna" we visited the island. In the afternoon I made an exhaustive search of the open woodland along the coast north of the village (1468-1508}. The igth was spent in field work at the Caleta, a bight in the coral coast about three miles south of San Miguel, where the woodlands are moist (1509-1537^). In the evening our vessel rested as if in dry dock on the still, transparent waters of the only quiet anchorage on the whole Yuca- tan coast, and we enjoyed a calm delightful night of refreshing sleep. Early the next morning I started for an extended trip to the interior of the island accompanied by a Maya guide, an intelli- gent fellow who proved of great assistance in recalling to my memory the Indian names of such plants as I had collected here before, and- in naming new ones as they were gathered (1538-1575). Our anchorage was shifted in the evening to the shallow waters off the north shore in preparation for the next day's work. Soon after sunrise of the 2ist the entire party, well equipped with food and water, disembarked from the steam launch at the northeast point of the island for one of the most severe tramps of the cruise, a journey over ragged coral and deep sand, and through tangles of Sabal, Coccoloba, Suriana and Ernodea, to a ruined Maya temple eight miles down the east coast, which we under- stood had never before been visited. This coast is of great interest to the botanist, as the Gulf Stream sweeps its sands leaving masses of driftwood even to great tree trunks scattered along its beach, and would doubtless offer many interesting ecological lessons to one who could spend a month here during May, June or July (1576-1612}. ' In order that a full day's work might be done at Mugeres Island, 10 miles north from our anchorage, our captain was instructed io FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. to get under way at 4 A. M., at which hour we were suddenly awakened by a violent shock. In attempting to leave the shallows we had struck a coral head and were now thumping and grinding into its yielding crown with every wave of the sea. For four long hours every means was tried without avail to extricate the ship from its position, until just as we had about decided that the beau- tiful fabric was destined to remain aground until totally wrecked by a "norther," a roller considerably higher than any of its predeces- sors came over the sea and upon its crest we quietly slid into deep water. These repeated dangers convinced us that our vessel was too large to safely lie about such shores; we therefore abandoned our intention of stopping at harborless Mugeres and passed on to the eastward. Progreso, the seaport of Yucatan, was reached about noon on the 23d, whence we proceeded by train to Merida 25 miles inland, where we were entertained at the pretty Quinta of the American Consul, Mr. Edward H. Thompson. The objective point in Yuca- tan to be visited by the party was the ruins of the ancient Maya city, Chichen Itza, about sixty miles farther inland by rail and native wagon. In order that I might visit Dr. Geo. F. Gaumer who for the past four years had been collecting botanical material for this Museum, I started from Merida a day in advance of the party. From Izamal I was obliged to travel seven leagues in a volan that I might reach Tunkas and join the others who were to arrive direct from Merida by rail. The distance was covered in the unusually quick time of three hours, over a road so dry and hot that the cochero was compelled to drench the wheels at each watering-place to keep the tires from dropping off the felloes. The night at Tunkas was spent in the only accommodations of the village two bare rooms, whose sole furniture consisted of wooden pegs from which we hung the hammocks providently carried with us. Our breakfast the next morning consisted solely of chocolate and bread, a poor fortification for the five-league ride over the most rocky of roads in that most "rocky" of vehicles the volan coch6. At Chichen Itza we spent four days at the hacienda of Mr. Thompson, visiting the ruins and incidentally collecting such plants as I had not secured there on my previous trips (1616-1648}, and on Friday, March 3d, we returned to Tunkas. The night train from here proceeded only two leagues to Temax, a village so des- titute of accommodations for travelers that we sought the privilege of hanging our hammocks in the railroad freight house. Here we MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. n were lulled to sleep by the pattering fall of countless disappointed fleas which, in their vain attempts to reach us, dropped back upon the papers we had spread beneath our hammocks as a rug. At half after four in the morning we again boarded the train and reached Merida at half past nine. Later we enjoyed a swim in Mr. Thompson's irrigating tank and regained the yacht in the early even- ing. Divesting ourselves of our clothing on deck, that we might not contaminate our cabins with the various predacious insects with which we were covered, we soon luxuriated in cleanliness and creat- ure comforts. Rowing ashore at 4 A. M., March 5th, I spent the day tramping over two leagues of the lagoon border and arid scrub land south of Progreso (1643-1737). A condition peculiar in Yucatan existed at the time of this trip. Instead of the usual northeast trades the wind had been prevalent in the southeast, bringing more rain than had been known in the peninsula for twenty years. This rendered the herbage and shrub- bery of the wooded lands greener, and blooming plants more plenti- ful than I had seen in my previous visits, and served to render my col- lections at Chichen Itza and on the arid plains near Progreso espe- cially valuable. The "northers" did not begin on the Yucatan coast this year until our first experience with them at Cayman Brae on the 8th of February. The second one, which drove us out of the offing at Georgetown, Grand Cayman, on the I3th, dropped the temperature of Yucatan to 41 F. , the coldest known to the present generation. These moisture and temperature conditions formed an era in the life of the inhabitants that will be a tradition for decades to come. I returned to the dock about 5 p. M. The launch awaited me at a short distance, tossing on an angry sea raised since morning by a steadily increasing northeast wind to such a height that the Captain of the Port expostulated with us for attempting to make the four miles to the anchorage of the yacht. However with Mr. Armour at the helm, we started off into the wild wind and waves against which we fought our way to the vessel. As we drew near, the entire crew gathered at the rail and watched our coming with anxious faces. We finally gained the deck by leaping from the crest of a rising wave into the arms of the waiting officers. The captain, fearing a shift of the wind to the north, made immediate preparations to raise the anchor and put to sea, which all steamers in the offing were doing as rapidly as possible. At eight o'clock the wind veered full in the north, the barometer rose, the thermome- ter fell, and another "norther" burst upon us. It blew with fury all 12 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. that night and all the following day, during which we lay hove to about 25 miles from the coast. Monday night was spent in discomfort until about five in the morning, when the wind died down though the sea remained extremely rough and choppy. At eight o'clock we shaped our course as true as dead reckoning admitted, for the Alacran Shoals and spent the day searching for them. Circling sea-birds finally in- dicated their presence, and an hour later we dropped anchor in com- paratively quiet water under the lee of Perez Island where we spent the night. Mr. Armour accompanied me ashore before sunrise (March 8th), where a thorough canvass was made of every plant species (1738- 1757}. Later the entire party visited the other islets: Pajaros (1758- 1764), Chica aud Allison (1766-1771), collecting and photographing, and shooting snipe for the larder. The sea was too heavy to permit landing at the northernmost islet of the shoal, so we drew away from the dangerous waters as evening fell, and shaped our course almost due north for the jetties of the Mississippi. With a strong wind and all plain sail set we averaged 8*4 knots through the night, increasing to 10 knots during the following morn- ing and 14 in the afternoon, when at five o'clock a sudden and fright- ful shock thrilled the ship. Had we found rocks in water known to be 1,500 fathoms deep ! We rushed to the rail and found the sea brown with blood; we had struck a sleeping whale full broadside, evidently wounding him severely. He rose astern accompanied by his mate, where both blew and sank. The shock must have weak- ened our fore top-mast, for an hour later it broke short off at the masthead and went by the board. In this crippled condition, but without further accident, we entered the Mississippi at 2:30 on the afternoon of the loth of March, and steaming up the 100 miles of river during the night, reached the dock at New Orleans at 7 A. M., March nth, our eventful and profitable cruise ended. The foregoing outline is chiefly intended to fix the dates and extent of time devoted to each collecting station, and to give some slight idea of the weather conditions that prevail in the Antilles at this season of the year. A detailed account of the work and obser- vations made of existing conditions at each locality will be issued as a second part of this publication, which will also include the plates and indices. MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN.E MILLSPAUGH. 13 In the determination and classification of the species in the fol- lowing catalogue, the herbaria at Columbia and Harvard Universities were consulted by the author, and work in their special groups was cheerfully undertaken by the following botanists : Prof. B. L. Rob- inson, and Messrs. J. M. Greenman and M. L. Fernald, of the Gray Herbarium ; Profs. N. L. Britton and L. M. Underwood, Dr. J. K. Small and Miss Anna Murray Vail, of the New York Botanical Garden ; Prof. F. Lamson-Scribner, and Mr. Charles L. Pollard, of the United States National Herbarium ; and Mr. Geo. E. Davenport, Mr. Edwin B. Uline, and Mr. J. B. Ellis, each of whom are credited under the orders in which their aid was given. My thanks are due to these botanists for their generous co-operation, and also to Prof. Dr. I. Urban, of Berlin, for type portions of his Antillean species of Euphorbia, and Prof. Dr. Anton Heimerl, of Vienna, for notes upon the Nyctaginaceae. CHICAGO, January 20, 1900. Plants Collected by the Author in Bermuda, Porto Rico, St. Thomas, San Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, the Caymans, Cozumel and Yucatan, December, 1898, to March, 1899. ASPERGILLACE^:. Meliola Caymanensis E. & E. sp. nov. Plate xlix. Epiphyllous. Mycelium forming minute (i mm. or less) round black spots, subreticulately branched, threads 6-7 /* diam., capitate hyphopodia globose, subsessile 8 n diam., mucronate hyphopodia ampulliform, prolonged above into a cylindrical tip 7-8 /* long, not abundant; perithecia 200-250 /j. diam. collapsing, 2-6 on a single patch of mycelium ; asci obovate, subsessile 75-85 x 20-25 /* 2-4-spored, sporidia subfasciculate, oblong-cylindrical, 4 septate, not strongly constricted 25-30 x 11-13 ,. On leaves of Pharbitis cathartica (Poir) Chois. from the coast of Grand Cayman Island, near Georgetown (1403 part). MICROTHYRIACE^E. Asterella Erithalidis E. & E. sp. nov. Plate 1. Hypophyllous. Mycelium loose, spreading over the lower surface of the leaf without forming definite spots ; threads sparingly reticu- late-branched, capitate hyphopodia obovate, 15-20 x 5 //, mucronate hyphopodia elongated conical 12-15 x 5'6 ! J -\ bristles arising from the mycelium 150-250 x 5 // ; perithecia globose membranaceous, subasto- mous, 80-100 >j. diam., asci oblong, 20-30x8-10 , ; sporidia subbis- eriate oblong, uniseptate, hyaline, scarcely constricted 6-8 x 3-3.5 /a. On leaves of Erithalis angustifolia de C., shore of Grand Cay- man, north of Georgetown (1251 part). Asterella Crustacea E. & E. sp. nov. Plate li. Epiphyllous. Mycelium subcrustose, forming black orbicular patches 2-3 mm. diam., reticulately branched without hyphopodia or bristles ; perithecia lenticular thin, flat, 2.5-3.3 mm. diam., ostiola papilliform, sometimes compressed ; asci clavate oblong nearly sessile 70-80 x 15-20 IJL. Sporidia obpiriform, uniseptate, hyaline at first and with a hyaline envelope, strongly constricted, upper cell elliptical and broader, lower cell obconical 20-26 x 9-11 //., becoming brown. On leaves of Psidium Guajava L. from the center of the island of Grand Cayman (1378 part). 16 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. ASTERIDIUMMONILIFORMEE.&E. Jour. Trinidad. Field Nat. Club. , 1894. On leaves of Tetrapteris Mexicana H. & A. from near San Miguel r Cozumel (1484 part). DOTHIDIACE^:. PHYLLACHORA GRAMINIS (Pers. ) Fckl. Symb : 216. Spharia graminis Pers. On leaves of Panicum insulare (L.) Mey. Along the bay shore at Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (on 368). USTILAGINACE^:. Sorosporium Borrichiae E. & E. sp. nov. Plate Hi. Glomerules globose 30-80 ;j. diam. composed of numerous small (3 /*) globose, smooth, dark brown spores, nearly black in the mass. Filling the flower-heads and destroying the flowers of Borrichia argentea deC. , from the east coast of the island of Cozumel (1586 part). Vermicularia atricha E. & E. sp. nov. Plate liii. Spots orbicular, rust-colored, 2-4 mm. diam., with a darker cen- ter, perithecia amphigenous, innate minute (75-100 ,), perforated above, bristles obsolete; sporules lunate, acute 3-4-nucleate, i5-2ox 3 ,j., pale yellow, with a rather thick tuberculo-echinulate epi- spore, scantily paraphysate. Another form of the same, differing only in the more indistinct poorly defined spots without any raised margin. LYCOPERDACE^E. GEASTER LIMBATUS Fr. Syst. Mycol. 3:15. Plate Iv, fig. 4. On ground under shrubs growing on hummock in a bog near Paget's Landing, Bermuda (56). POLYPORACE^:. TRAMETES VENUSTUS Berk. Lond. Jour. Bot. 1845:55. Plate Iv, fig. 3. On dead wood on ground, moist woods center of the island of Cozumel (1613). PORIA VINCTA Berk ? Fung. St. Dom. 26:5. A thick form, probably of this species, on under side of dead limbs near Piste", Yucatan. MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 17 POLYSTICTUS ALBOCERVINUS Berk. Lond. Jour. Bot. 1856:234. Plate Iv, fig. i. On standing dead trees (leguminous) near the Caleta, Cozumel POLYSTICTUS SANGUINEUS (Linn.) Mey. Esseq: 304. Plate Iv, fig. 2. Boletus sanguineus Linn. On trunks of dead coco trees, at The Creek, Cayman Brae (1163); south shore Grand Cayman (1357). On living and dead coco trees, Cozumel (1614). POLYPORUS SIMILIS Berk. Fung. Braz: 6. On standing dead trees, near the Caleta, Cozumel (1615). AGARICACE.E. LENTINUS NICARAGUENSIS B. & C. N.Pac.Expl: 85. Plate Iv, fig. 5. On dead wood under edge of log, woodlands near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1356). In same situation, center of Cozumel, and near Piste", Yucatan. SELAGINLLACE^:. SELAGINELLA CUSPIDATA Link. Fil. Hort. Berol. : 158 (1841). Plentiful near the cenote Nohoch Chen, Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1620), called by the Mayas X-mux-coc, "dried pectoral," although no use is made of the plant in asthma, difficult breathing, or kindred complaints by the Mayas of the present day so far as I am able to determine. It is used as a remedy in catarrhal affections of the chest when expectoration is profuse. A literal translation of the Maya name is mux dried or desiccated; coc asthma, difficult or wheezy breathing, the prefix X simply denoting the feminine gender. Selaginella longis- picata Underw. Field Col. Mus. Bot., 1:287, is a l so called X-mux-coc; the two species are used indiscriminately in domestic medication. PTERIDOPHYTA.* POLYPODIACE^:. ASPIDIUM SCOLOPENDRIODES (Linn.) Mett. Aspid. 97. Polypodium L. Nephrodium Hook. Dryopteris Ktze. Shady rock clefts near Port Antonio, Jamaica (912, 1133). Good characteristic specimens of this species which holds a most unsatisfactory position. I have not yet been able to find any trace of an indusium in any specimens that I have seen. If one ever exists it must be " very fugacious " indeed. Its affinities are nearer to Goniop- teris, where Presl placed it. ASPIDIUM MOLLE (Jacq.) Swartz Syn, 49. Polypodium Jacq., Lastrea Bory, Nephrodium Desv. , Polypodium parasiticum Linn. Dryopteris parasitica (L.) Ktze., Nephrodium para- siticum (L.) Shimek. I have not been able to satisfy myself that A. parasiticum (L.) Swtz. (Polypodium parasiticum Linn.) is identical with *By Mr. George E. Davenport. i8 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. this species. Swartz kept them apart, and the figure in Rhede's Hort. Malab. t. 17, on which Linnaeus based his species, might very well stand for a much larger and different fern than our A. molle. Moist banks at Caguas, Porto Rico (243) and on the mountain above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (540), No. 540 is a fine specimen with caudiciform rootstock. ASPIDIUM PATENS Swtz. Syn. Fil. 49. Nephrodium Desv. , Dryopteris Ktze. Clefts of a ruined cellar wall on an islet in the bay of Hamilton (23) and in the water of a bog at Paget's (55) Bermuda. Exposed rocks of a railway cut at Bayamon, Porto Rico (344, 350), both juvenile. Mountain road in deep woods above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (542). Roadside (887) and moist rocks (901, 904, 906, 932, 954, 1131) near Port Antonio, Jamaica. Crevice of the masonry in the throat of an old well at Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1399) one individual only. Deep woodland, center of the island of Cozumel (1561), rare. This set forms a most interesting and valuable series of forms in all stages of development, some of which would be difficult to sep- arate from A. molle but for the creeping rootstock. ASPIDIUM CICUTARIUM (L.) Swtz. Syn. Fil. 51. Polypodium Linn. Sagenia Presl, "veins arcuate by anastomos- ing." Nephrodium Baker, Dryopteris Ktze. Rich soil in a deeply shaded glen near Port Antonio, Jamaica (1132). A single imperfect but quite characteristic frond of this fine species. NEPHROLEPIS ACUTA (Schkr.) Presl. Pterid. 1836. Aspidium Schkr. Sterile plants of a strongly pubescent form, found in rich soil under an overhanging bank (909), and full fruited tall form in a shady ravine (1000) near Port Antonio, Jamaica. NEPHROLEPIS EXALTATA (L.) Schott Gen. Fil. 1834. Polypodium Linn. Walls of a ruined cellar on an islet in the bay of Hamilton (22), and on an island in a bog at Paget's (59), Bermuda. Wooded hillside in a glen near Port Antonio, Jamaica (916, 1141). On a hummock in an upland swamp, center of the island of Grand Cayman (1376). Although the above specimens vary greatly in size, they fail to present characters that might enable me to separate them. DAVALLIA ACULEATA (L.) Smith. Mem. Acad. Turin 5: 415. Adiantum Linn. Rich soil under the trees of a Guava orchard near Port Antonio, Jamaica (1142). ASPLENIUM DENTATUM Linn. Sp. PI. 1540. On stone fences under the shade of trees (893) near Port Antonio Jamaica. These specimens have the pinnae much closer than in our slen- der Florida form, and are quite unlike the species as mostlyknown to American botanists; they however fit well the fine series of forms in MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. ig the Gray Herbarium, Cambridge. No. 1441 from pockets in the coral sea-wall of Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines, Cuba, is in every way a much larger and coarser plant than the Floridian form. ASPLENIUM PUMILUM Swtz. Fl. Ind. Occ. 3: 1610. Under the edge of loose stones in open woods near the north- west point of Cozumel (1485). The specimens show considerable variation in the serration of the margins. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES Linn. Sp. PI. 1540. Small plants from the crevices of a low rock ledge near a bog at Paget's, Bermuda (49). BLECHNUM OCCIDENTALS Linn. Sp. PI. 1534. Damp roadside bank near Caguas, Porto Rico (244). Deep moist high mountain woods above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (521, 544, 548, 550). Rich woods near Port Antonio, Jamaica (1145). A fine series of specimens showing the species to good advantage. WOODWARDIA RADICANS Smith, Mem. Acad. Turin 5: 412. Rich soil under overhanging banks near Port Antonio, Jamaica, (966). Fronds sterile, 114 cm. long. GYMNOGRAMMA* CALOMELANOS (L.) Kaulf. Enum. Fil. 76. Acrostichum Linn. Rich moist banks (shaded by rank low growth) near Caguas (229), open rocky bank, a railway cut near Bay- amon (311), Porto Rico. The first is a large weak growth, the second coriacious and very near var. tartarea (L.) Bom. & Ch. Fil. 236, and apparently uniting it with the species. I quite agree with Shimek (Ferns Nic. 191) that with a full series of forms no specific differences exist between G. calomelanos and G. tartarea Desv., and the above localities for Dr. Millspaugh's specimens seem to bear out Prof. Shimek's remark: "The difference in texture seems to be due to surroundings. Both forms are more coriaceous when growing in barren, exposed places. CHEILANTHES MICROPHYLLA (Swtz.) Syn. Fil. 127. Adiantum Swtz. Prod. On stone fences under shade of trees near Port Antonio, Jamaica (894). On dry ground in open scrublands near The Ovens, Santiago de Cuba (1106), the latter suffering from the dry conditions. ADIANTUM BELLUM WALSINGENSE Gilbert. Bull. Torr. Club. 25: 596. In the wall crevices of an old cellar on an islet in Hamilton Bay (18) and on the margin of a bog near Paget's (42, 55 in part), Ber- muda. If I am correct in this determination (and the specimens agree with those I have from Mr. Gilbert), the published descriptions need considerable revision: In the only two fronds I have of normal A. bellum, and for which I am indebted to Mr. Gilbert, the pinnules are *Original orthography. Gymnogramme of Kunze Flora. 2O FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. firmly adherent, and are mostly attached to the pedicel by a "short y-shaped furcation," as described by Moore, while in Mr. Gilbert's specimens of the variety, as well as in these of Dr. Millspaugh, there is at least a partial articulation as seen in the falling away of some deciduous pinnules, and the leaving behind of either a blunt apex, or a very short one-sided attempt at furcation. ADIANTUM CRISTATUM Linn. Sp. PI. 1558. Moist hillsides near Bayamon, Porto Rico (356). ADIANTUM DELTOIDEUM Swtz. Prod. 134. In the crevices of the dry walls of Diego Columbus' Castle, San Domingo (769). In a like situation on the walls of Morro Castle (1096, 1107, 1108), Santiago de Cuba; the latter station producing especially large and fine plants. ADIANTUM OBLIQUUM INTERMEDIUM (Swtz.) Shimek, Ferns Nic. 145. A. intermedium Swtz. Prof. Shimek (1. c. pp. 142-145, pi. 6-7) has, it seems to me, by an admirable series of figures, shown quite clearly the difficulty of keeping A. intermedium, A. Kaulfussii Kunze and A. obliquum H. & G. longer apart, and my own series of speci- mens, and the following plants, certainly appear to confirm his judg- ment. Deep rich woods on the mountain back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (549), and in rich shady woodlands near Port Antonio, Ja- maica (i 146). ADIANTUM PULVERULENTUM Linn. Sp. PI. 1559. ~; Rocky well-shaded ravine (907), moist deep glen (1134, 1147) and under a moist overhanging bank (1788) near Port Antonio, Jamaica. This whole series shows much variation, while 1788 has some sterile fronds greatly resembling A. obliquum intermedium. ADIANTUM TENERUM Swtz. Prod. 135. On dry rocks east of the river near San Domingo City (811), and in rich soil of a shaded glen near Port Antonio, Jamaica (905). The specimens plainly show that the latter situation is the health- ier for this species, for while the plant is fresh and clean, retaining its leaflet, the former is dry and has hardly a leaflet remaining on its depauperate stems. PTERIS AQUILINA Linn. Sp. PI. 1533. On a hummock in a bog near Paget's, Bermuda (57). The segments of this form are narrow, and the plant approaches variety caudata, but is only slightly pubescent. PTERIS AQUILINA CAUDATA (L.) Hooker. Spec. 2:1858. P. caudata Linn. In open moist woods in the center of the island, Cozumel (1551, 1565), where it is called X-ual-kanil, "yellow fly-brush," probably from its use for the purpose of keeping off flies. PTERIS LONGIFOLIA Linn. Sp. PL 1531. Rich, moist soil on hillsides near Bayamon, Porto Rico (310). MARCH, igoo. PLANTVE UTOWAN^ MILLSPAUGH. 21 Frequent on dry rocks near San Domingo city (812, 816). In rich soil of a rocky glen near Port Antonio, Jamaica (897, 935, 1789, 1790). The above specimens are mostly rigid, pubescent forms, of which 816 is very large ; but 812 is quite flaccid, tender and sterile. No. 1789 is a small plant having two of its sterile fronds with apical pinnae suppressed, the upper lateral pinnae on one of them much elongated, and one small frond with the upper pair of pinnae much elongated and the terminal one dwarfed into a small, roundish cordate apex. No. 1790 is an unusually interesting plant, showing one frond with a stipe a foot long bearing above several pairs of deeply pinnatifid pinnae. The whole frond young and tender and resembling in form, texture and pubescence a young Aspidium patens. This frond, if detached from the parent plant, would never be considered to belong to the species by any one. It is a remarkable variation similar to one described* as having been found in Polypodium pellucidum. POLYPODIUM ACHILLE^EFOLIUM Kaulf. En. Fil. 1 1 6. Rich, open field near Port Antonio, Jamaica (911). The specimens do not fully answer to the description in Synopsis Filicum (H. & B. 388), but agree so well with the illustration of this species in Kunze's supplement to Schkuhr's Farnnkrauter, t. 43, f. 2, that I am inclined to place them here. POLYPODIUM AUREUM Linn. Syst. Nat. 2:692. Deep mountain woods above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (557). Texture thin, areoles with flattened, free veinlets. POLYPODIUM LYCOPODIOIDES Linn. Syst. Nat. 2:691. Climbing Sabal trees near the Caleta, Cozumel (1534). POLYPODIUM PECTINATUM Linn. Syst. Nat. 2:691. Rare, in crotches of low trees near Port Antonio, Jamaica (896). POLYPODIUM PHYLLITIDIS Linn. loc. cit. In the crotch of a low tree on the high mountain back of Char- lotte Amalia, St. Thomas (546). On an old stump near San Domingo City (813). On trees near Port Antonio, Jamaica (999)- The only really distinctive character that I have been able to find between this species and P. repens is in the rootstalk, and where this is wanting it is not always certain in placing the specimens, as the venation varies in different, and sometimes in the same plants. Fournier, Mex. PI. Crypt. 85 makes P. repens Mett. a variety of this species, and Shimek considered it a synonym. I have placed the above specimens here on account of their very stout, almost globular rootstalk ; the venation in some instances cor- responds to that of repens, and in others to typical Phyllitidis. The rootstalk in repens should be long and slender. POLYPODIUM PILOSELLOIDES Linn, loc cit. Climbing the trunks and running the branches of trees, near Port Antonio, Jamaica (1143). *The author's paper read before the Joslyn Bot. Club, Waterville, Maine, in August, 1898. 22 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. POLYPODIUM REPTANS SwtZ. Fl. Ind. OcC. 1655. Completely lining the throat of an old well near Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1398). Plants mostly juvenile. POLYPODIUM TETRAGONUM Swtz. loc. cit. 1760. Moist, rich banks, foothills at Bayamon, Porto Rico (347, 351, 353). Moist, rich woods on the mountain heights above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (547, 553)- Rich woods near Port Antonio, Jamaica (1148), sterile, with large pinnae. Mr. Baker, in his recent Synopsis of Brazilian Ferns, has adopted Poiret's older name Androgynum for this species, but, as I have not been able to investigate this to my own satisfaction, 1 have retained here the Swartzian name which has been in use for nearly a century. Mettenius referred this, as well as P. reptans, to Phe- gopteris, in which he has been followed by Prof. D. C. Eaton and others, but I can only look upon both these as true Polypodiae of the Goniopteris section. POLYPODIUM THYSANOLEPIS A. Br. ex Klat. in Linn. 20:392. Quite large specimens, on trees near Port Antonio, Jamaica (890, 1787). POLYPODIUM VACCINIIFOLIUM Fisch. & Lang. Fil. 8, t. 7. Climbing small saplings on a hillside near Bayamon, Porto Rico (307)- N Imperfect specimens only, and somewhat doubtfully belonging here, but not safe to place elsewhere. My specimens resemble a smooth form of piloselloides. ACROSTICHUM AUREUM Linn. Sp. PI. 1525. In a bog near Paget's, Bermuda (52). In a brackish marsh east of Port Antonio, Jamaica (953). Springy bog in the center of the island Grand Cayman (1377). Also seen in the open mangrove swamp between Catano and Bayamon, Porto Rico, but could not be reached. No. 52 presents the upper portion of fertile frond with 14 pairs of erecto-patent obtuse pinnae and bifid apex ; no. 1377 consists of 3 large sterile pinnae on rachis a good inch in circumference, and a portion of a fertile frond with 6 pairs of pinnae, mostly with acute or cuspidate apices, but some obtuse, a good example of the non essen- tial character of the apical termination. No. 953 gives portions of fertile and sterile fronds, bright green in color; pinnae on the sterile frond long and narrow, suberect, obtuse, with cuneate stalked bases; those of the fertile frond sterile below and twice the length of the upper fertile ones. SCHIZ^EACE^E. ANEMIA ADIANTIFOLIA (L.) Swtz. Syn. 157. Dry banks near Bayamon, Porto Rico (315, 358), and same situ- ation near Port Antonio, Jamaica (910, 917). Near limestone boul- ders in open woods, center of the island, Cozumel (1563). The series shows quite a range in the size of the fronds, of which those of No. 917 are very large and fine. MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 23 ANEMIA WRIGHTII Baker Syn. Fil. 435. On limestone boulders (coraline) in open woods, center of the island, Cozumel (1564). The specimens are excellent examples of this very slender fertile- fronded dimorphous Anemia, the sterile 1 fronds of which might be mistaken for a delicate form of A. adiantifolia. CYCADACE.E. Zarnia Allison-Armourii sp. nov. Rootstalk semifusiform, amylacious, 20 cm. long, 3-5 cm. in diameter; leaves, 5, palmose, 75 cm. long; petioles glabrous through- out, trisulcate from the base; leaflets all alternate, 16 jugal, broadly linear-lanceolate, narrowed at the base, round-pointed and slightly sharp-serrate at the apex, not falcate, prominently and distinctly 26- veined, the median 18-20 cm. long, 1.3-1.5 cm. broad, the basal and apical leaflets 16 cm. long, 1.3 cm. broad, somewhat more promi- nently serrate, the margins not revolute. Male strobiles in anthesis 9 cm. long, 1.5 cm. diameter, cylindrical acute at the base and apex; peduncle 5 cm. densely rusty tomentose; peltae transversely ovate, rusty tomentose, 5x4 mm. arranged in 9 longitudinal rows. Type in Field Col. Mus. Herb. No. 60817. Near Z. augustifolia and Z. Portoricensis Urb. Syll. Antill. 291, but differing entirely in general and special habit. The nearest speci- men of Z. augustifolia is Wright's Cuban 1463, the leaflets of which are sub-falcate 13 x 1.8 cm., more or less 3O-veined, the veins indis- tinct, leaf sharply serrate from near the middle. Shady, moist banks of streams inland from San Domingo City {817). The rootstocks are gathered, boiled and eaten by the natives, who, however, have as yet made no attempt to cultivate the species. PINACE^E. JUNIPERUS BERMUDIANA Linn. Sp. PI. 1039. Throughout the Bermuda Islands. Hamilton, Paget's (4) and the bay islets (13) in full fruit. Notwithstanding the excellently dif- ferentiative treatment of this species by Dr. Maxwell T. Masters in Jour. Bot. 1899:1, I cannot specifically separate it from J. Virginiana Linn., though, in the absence of fuller specimens, I deem it best to retain the more local name. The differences shown by my fruiting specimens from many American coast specimens of Virginiana might well be due to environmental causes. TYPHACE^:. TYPHA DOMINGENSIS (Pers.) Kunth, Enum. 3. T. angustifolia Domingensis Pers. Margin of lagoon south of Progreso, Yucatan (1676), female spadix 14. 5 x i cm., interspace 5.3 cm.; male spadix 24.5 cm., leaves i m. x .6 cm. ALISMACE.E. SAGITTARIA LANCIFOLIA Linn. Syst. ed x: 1270. Ditches at the base of the foothills near Bayamon, Porto Rico 24 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. (306). Leaves 35 x 11.5 cm., flowering scapes i meter, fruit heads flattened globose, 1.5 cm. diam. ECHINODORUS CORDIFOLIUS (Linn.) Griseb. Goett. Abh. 7: 257. Alisma cordifolia Linn. E. rostratus Engelm. In drying mud, margin of the lagoon south of Progreso, Yucatan (1692). A special growth of the unusual rainy season. GRAMINACE^:.* Coix LACHRYMA-JoBi Linn. Sp. PI. 972. Roadside ditch near Caguas, Porto Rico (233), and in same situa- tion near Port Antonio, Jamaica (976). SORGHUM VULGARE Pers. Syn. PI. i: 101. A variety of the species, but with insufficient material to charac- terize, gathered in open plateau near the sea on the south shore of Cayman Brae (1224). ANTHEPHORA ELEGANS Schreb. Gras. 2: 105, t. 44. Sandy field near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1269). PASPALUM CILIATIFOLIUM MX. Fl. Bor. Am. i: 44. On a dry hummock in a bog near Paget's, Bermuda (65). Spike- lets 2 mm. long, ovate-elliptical obtuse, with 3-nerved outer glumes. PASPALUM FIMBRIATUM H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. i: 93. Roadside near Port Antonio, Jamaica (944). Paspalum paniculatum minor Scribn. var. nov. Culms slender, about 4 dm. high; spikes 3-20, 1-2 cm. long; leaves about 6-10 cm. long, 5-10 mm. wide. Dry field near Port Antonio, Jamaica (983), and roadside in Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1406). Paspalum Schaffneri (Fourn.) Scribn. comb. nov. Plate Ivi. Dimorphostachys Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 15. Sandy pathway in open woods, northwest shore, island of Cozumel (1480). Ex. char, agrees with no. 803 coll. by E. Hall in eastern Texas, 1872. PANICUM BARBINODE Trin. Mem. Acad. Pet. 1835: 256. Slopes of dry hills near Bayamon (324), and along road through Guanica (727), Porto Rico. PANICUM COLONUM Linn. Sp. PI. 84. Fields and pastures near La Mueda (214), railroad embankment near Bayamon (335), and ditches along the Guanica highway (732), Porto Rico. Fields along the south shore of Culebras Island (569). PANICUM COMPACTUM Sw. Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 552. Margin of a well at Chan Tzonot, Yucatan (1639). No. 984 from ditches near Port Antonio, Jamaica, is apparently this species but is possibly referable to P. lanatum Sw. *By Prof. F. Lamson-Scribner. MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 25 PANICUM DIVARICATUM Linn. Sp. PI. Ed. 2: 86. Mountain woods high above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (519). Environs of San Domingo City (842). Low scrub land bordering the Bay of Santiago de Cuba (1015). Fields on upper plateau north side of Cayman Brae (1172). South shore of Cayman Brae on low land near the sea (1226), and low land at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1422). PANICUM DIVARICATUM LATIFOLIUM (L.) Fourni Mex. PI. 2: 33. P. latifolitim Linn. With the previous species in St. Thomas (520). PANICUM INSULARE (L.) Mey. Fl. Esseq. 60. Andropogon insulare Linn. Shores of the bay at Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (368, 385), and hills high above the city (539). Plateau on north side of Cayman Brae (1153), where it is known as "Bitter Grass." On the rocky plain south of the lagoon near Progreso, Yuca- tan (1681). PANICUM MAXIMUM Jacq. Ic. Rar. i: t. 13. Dry creek bed near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (454). PANICUM PROLIFERUM Lam. Encyc. 4: 747a. Old fallow field near Hamilton, Bermuda (126). PANICUM PROSTRATUM Lam. Tabl. Ency. i: 171. An infrequent closely prostrate species found along a path about a mile north of Guanica, Porto Rico (454). Panicum Utowanseum Scribn. Sp. nov. Plate Ivii. A slender, glabrous and stoloniferous perennial, 2.5-5 dm. high, with narrow, elongated leaves and simple, contracted panicles 6-12 cm. long, sheaths compressed, those at the base strongly so, ligule a short ring of stiff hairs, leaves erect or spreading, 10-20 cm. long, 1-3 mm. wide, scabrous above and on the margins, very acute tapering, and becoming nearly involute towards the base, much narrower than the sheath; branchlets of the panicle more or less remote, 1-3 cm. long, appressed, spikelets glabrous, broadly lanceolate or oblong, subacflte, 2 mm. long, subtended by an awnlike bristle (a continua- tion of the branchlet) which is minutely scabrous, somewhat flexuous and about 4 mm. long; first glume 3-nerved, obtuse one-third to nearly one-half as long as the second, clasping at the base, the second glume obtuse, two-thirds as long as the spikelet, 5-nerved, the third glume oblong-obtuse, 5-nerved, equaling or slightly exceeding the fourth glume and furnished with a hyaline palea about one-half its own length; fourth glume smooth and slightly beaked or curved at the acute apex. No. 702, from a dry hillside near Guanica, Porto Rico, Jan. 22, 1899. Type in Field Col. Mus. Herb. No. 60702. Related to Panicum Reverchoni Vasey, but much more slender and at once distinguished by its smaller spikelets and stoloniferous habit. SYNTHERISMA SANGUINALIS (L.) Dulac. PI. Haut. Pyren. Panicum sanguinale Linn. Railroad embankment near Bayamon 26 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. (333)5 a d common in irrigated cane fields at Guanica (734), Porto Rico. Fields near San Domingo City (863). Rock-strewn arid plain south of Progreso, Yucatan (1700). CAPRIOLA DACTYLON (L.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. PI. 764. Panicum Dactylon Linn. Old fallow field near Hamilton, Ber- muda (125). On the sandbag earthworks in the fort of San Christobal, San Juan, Porto Rico (359). ICHNANTHUS FALLENS Munro in Bth. PL Hongk. 414. Panicum pal/ens Sw. Railroad embankment near Bayamon, Porto Rico (352). OPLISMENUS COMPOSITUS Beauv. Agrost. 54. Rich soil near Port Antonio, Jamaica (924). OPLISMENUS HIRTELLUS (L..) R. & S. Syst. 2: 481. Panicum hirtellum Linn. North shore of Cozumel Island (1483). Chaetochloa brevispica Scribn, nom. nov. Panicum verticillatum parviflo rum Doell. 1877 non Cenchrus parvi- florus Poir. 1804, which is Chaetochloa parviflora Scribn. Margin of bog at Walsingham (99) and old fallow field near Hamilton (127), Bermuda. CHJETOCHLOA GLAUCA (L.) Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. 4: 39. Panicum glaucum Linn. Sftaria glauca Beauv. On railroad em- bankment near Bayamon, Porto Rico (348). CHJETOCHLOA PERENNIS (Curt.) Bick. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 25:107. Chamceraphis glauca perennis Curt. Growing in crevices of a coral fence at Paget's, Bermuda (45, 50). CENCHRUS ECHINATUS Linn. Sp. PI. 1050. Old fallow field near Hamilton, Bermuda (134). Arid rock- strewn plain south of Progreso, Yucatan (1698). Cenchrus echinatus brevisetus (Fourn.) Scribn. comb. nov. Cenchrus brevisettis Fourn. Mex. PI. 2: 50. Sandy shore field near Catano, Porto Rico (163), same situation near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (438), where it is called "Bur-grass," and near "The Ovens," Santiago de Cuba (mo). Cenchrus insularis Scribn. sp. nov. PL Iviii. A rather stout, erect or ascending, branched annual 4-6 dm. high, short ciliolate ligules, narrow, lanceolate leaves, i-io cm. long, 5-10 mm. wide, and exserted spikes about 6 cm. long; glumes scabrous for a short distance below the spike, otherwise glabrous;- leaves glabrous beneath, scabrous above, axis of the spike flexuous and finely pubescent, burs, including the bristles, about 12 mm. long, 8-10- nerved to near the middle, the divisions silky villous towards the base, about 6 mm. long, outer bristles 6-7 mm. long, purplish, and downwardly barbed, bristles near the base of the burs numerous and slender and spikelets 2-3 in each bur, about 6 mm. long, first glume, MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWANJE MILLSPAUGH. 27 if present, about one-half as long as the second, i-nerved; second glume broadly ovate, obtuse, truncate, about two-thirds as long as the spikelet, 5-nerved; third glume obtuse, nearly as long as the flowering fruiting glume and with a palea nearly as long as itself, 5-nerved, palea distinctly 2-nerved and scabrous on the keels; flower- ing glume acute, pedicels of the burs short and densely pubescent. This species is allied to Cenchrus echinatus, but the burs are larger and the bristles more numerous and much longer. Pajaros Island. Alacran Shoals (1759). Type in Field Col. Mus. Herb. no. 61759. One plant only found, though being in full fruit others may appear from seed. This plant grew in the very center of the island where the booby nests are the thickest, and was the only representative of the species on the shoals. The species was also found on the sandy east shore of Gozu- mel Island, about four miles from the northeast point; rare (1607). CENCHRUS TRIBULOIDES Linn, Sp. PI. 1050. On sand dunes at Santurce, Porto Rico (289). Under Coco trees on north shore of Cayman Brae (1162), where it is called, as in the United States, "Sand-bur." Shores of Grand Cayman, north of Georgetown (1249), and southwest point of Perez Island, Alacran Shoal (1756). CENCHRUS VIRIDIS, Spr. Syst. i: 301. Fields south shore of Culebras Island (619). Sandy fields near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1268). East shore of Cozumel Island (1599), and arid plains south of Progreso, Yucatan (1682). A specimen gathered along the roadway near Guanica village (808) is doubtfully placed here. STENOTAPHRUM DIMIDIATUM Brong. Dep. Voy. Coc. Bot. 127. S. Americanum Schrk. On a small juniper-covered islet in Ham- ilton Bay, Bermuda (15). Waste grounds near the sea at Cape Cori- entes, Cuba (1459). SPOROBOLUS DOMINGENSIS (Trin.) Kunth. Enum. i: 214. Vilfa Domingensis Trin. Arid scrub-land south of Progreso, Yucatan (1713). SPOROBOLUS INDICUS (Linn) R. Br. Prodr. i: 170. Agrostis Indica Linn. Roadside banks at Walsingham, Bermuda (88), and near Port Antonio, Jamaica (936). SPOROBOLUS VIRGINICUS (L.) Kth. Rev. Gr. i: 67. Agrostis Virginica Linn. Covering the south end of Perez Island (1750), Pajaros Island, and a small patch on the west end of Allison and Chica Islands, Alacran Shoal. CHLORIS BARBATA (L) Nash. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 25: 443. Andropogon barbatus Linn, non C. barbata. Southwest shore of the bay at Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (410, 441); south shore of Culebras Island (573, 592); rare in cane fields near Guanica, Porto Rico (735); and on the dry hillside of Morro Castle, Santiago de Cuba (1064). 28 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. CHLORIS PETR^EA Sw. Prod. 25. Eustachys petrcea Desv. Dry upper plateau above "The Creek," Caymau Brae (1181); dry shores north of Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1255), and arid, rocky plain south of Progreso, Yucatan (1724). CHLORIS POLYDACTVLA (L.) Sw. loc. cit. 26. Andropogon polydactylon Linn. Sandy opens south shore of Grand Cayman, near Spot Bay (1271). CHLORIS RADIATA Sw. loc. cit. Banks of the military road near La Mueda, Porto Rico (215), and roadside banks near Port Antonio, Jamaica (891). ELEUSINE INDICA (L.) Gaertn. Fruct. 1:8. Cynosurus Indicus Linn. Roadside banks at Walsingham, Ber- muda (84); on irrigated lands only at Guanica, Porto Rico (737); dry scrublands at "The Ovens," Santiago de Cuba (mi), and sandy fields on the south shore of Grand Cayman near Spot Bay (1270). DACTYLOCTENIUM ^EGYPTIACUM (L.) Willd. Enum. 1029. Cynosurus sEgyptius Linn. Roadsides near Catano (256), and common in same situations at Guanica (736), Porto Rico, where it is very prolific. Sandy roadsides near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1267). ERAGROSTIS BAHIENSIS R. & S. Mant. 318. Sandy shores of the sea north of Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1240). ERAGROSTIS CILIARIS (L.) Link. Hort. Berol. 1:192. Poa ciliaris Linn. Railroad embankment near Bayamon, Porto Rico (321); dry sides of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1062), and dry fields of the plateau above " The Creek," Cayman Brae (1190). ERAGROSTIS PLUMOSA Link. loc. cit. Damp soil near the Caleta, Island of Cozumel (1528). CYPERACE^.* CYPERUS ACICULARIS Schrad. Boggy spot in open field at Caguas, Porto Rico (219). Agrees with Jenman 6051, coast lands of Br. Guiana, det. Clarke. CYPERUS BRUNNEUS Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. 1:116. Ratones Island, Port of Ponce" (654); low land at "The Creek," Cayman Brae (1182), and west shores of the Isle of Pines, Cuba (1427). CYPERUS DENSIFLORUS Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. 34. Borders of the lagoon south of Progreso (1671), and in deep woods at Chichen Itza (1637, 1773), Yucatan. CYPERUS FILIFORMIS Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 40. Ditches near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1296). 'Determined by Prof. N. L. Britton. MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 29 CYPERUS L^EVIGATUS Linn. Mant. 2:179. C. mucronatus Rottb. of Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 562. Moist banks and ditches at Guanica, Porto Rico (731). CYPERUS LIGULARIS Linn. Amren. Acad. 5:31. Boggy spot in open field at Catano, Porto Rico (156); low, sandy soil at Port Antonio, Jamaica (975, 978), and like situations, at Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1301). CYPERUS OCHRACEUS Vahl. Enum. 2:325. In shallow standing water in field at the Caleta, Cozumel Island (1519)- CYPERUS OTTONIS Breck. Linnaea 36:350. Dry field near Playa, Porto Rico (683). Dry, sandy soil south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (428). Seashores near lagoon, George- town, Grand Cayman (1248); in like situation near Progreso, Yucatan (1697), and on the southwest end of Perez Island, Alacran Shoals (1746); not on the other islets of the shoals. CYPERUS ROTUNDUS Linn. Sp. PI. 45. Roadside ditch at Catano (332) juvenile; and along railroad at Bayamon (319), Porto Rico. CYPERUS SURINAMENSIS Rottb. Desc. Nov. PI. 35. Moist roadside at Santurce, Porto Rico (299). CYPERUS viscosus Ait. Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 20. Borders of brackish lagoons at "The Creek," Cayman Brae (1171), north shore of Cozumel Island (1596), and at Progreso, Yucatan (1686). Cyperus sp. Prox C. viscosus Ait. Ditches along the Bodden Bay road be- yond Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1334). Mr. A. S. Hitchcock reports C. viscosus Ait from Grand Cayman in his Fl. Baham. p. 140; ours is, however, plainly not that species. HELEOCHARIS CAPITATA (L.) R. Br. Prod. 225. Scirpus capitatus Linn. Boggy spot in field at Catano, Porto Rico (175); boggy soil at the Caleta, Cozumel (1526), and borders of brackish lagoon south of Progreso, Yucatan (1687). FIMBRISTYLIS SPADiCEA (Linn.) Vahl. Enum. 2:294. Scirpus spadiceus Linn. Moist meadow at Catano (193) and Port of Ponc6, Porto Rico (664); also at Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (429). Borders of brackish lagoon north shore of Cozumel Island (1594)- DICHROMENA coLORATA (Linn.) Hitch. PI. Baham. 141. Schcenus coloratus Linn. D. leucocephala Michx. Rhynchospora stellata Gr. Bog back of Paget's, Bermuda (54, 60). . 30 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. DICHROMENA NERVOSA Vahl. Enum. 2:241. D. ciliata Vahl. Moist banks and ditches at Bayamon, Porto Rico (338), and at Port Antonio, Jamaica (927). DICHROMENA PUBERA Vahl. loc. cit. Moist meadow at Catano, Porto Rico (152). DICHROMENA RADICANS C. & S. Linnaea 6:28. Boggy soil, center of the island Grand Cayman (1375), and a similar situation on Cozumel Island (1562). SCLERIA COMMUNIS Kth. Enum. 2:340. 6". pratensis Nees. Schcenus latifoliusVah\. Moist place in deep woods, high on mountain back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (506), where it is called "Cut grass." PALMACE.E. THRINAX ARGENTEA (Jacq.) Lodd. in R. & S. Syst. 8:2. Palma Jacq. Fine groves of large, straight-trunked trees at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines, and Cape Corientes, Cuba ; also on the northeast point of Cozumel (1601). Low and shrubby on the west shores of Cozumel, and along the beach at Progreso, Yucatan (1718). Cocos NUCIFERA Linn. Sp. PI. 1188. Largely cultivated near Port Antonio, Jamaica, and on Cayman Brae and Grand Cayman, at which points the trees are very prolific. The tree must have been brought to the Yucatan coast by the Span- iards, as the Maya Indians have no name for it. BROMELIACE^:. TILLANDSIA RECURVATA Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2:410. Plentiful on low, leguminous shrubs, especially upon the branches of Pithecolobium unguis-cati, along the shores of Santiago Bay, Cuba (1016). TILLANDSIA VESTITA Cham. & Schl. in Linnea 6:52. On trees in forests of the center of Cozumel (15573.), in fruit only, very plentiful. Whole plant, 30 cm.; fruiting rachis 15 cm.; leaves, 15 x 1.2 cm. TILLANDSIA POLYSTACHYA Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2:410. On trees Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1362). Fruiting spike three- branched, 16 cm. long ; plant 52 cm. high ; lower leaves 28 cm., upper 16-24 cm.; fruits 1.8-2 cm. TILLANDSIA FLEXUOSA Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 56. On trees on margins of the lagoon southwest point of Cayman Brae (1219). Plants about 40 cm. high ; leaves 4 cm. broad at base, about 14 cm. long; lower internodes 3 cm., their bracts 2.8 cm.; up- per internodes 4.8 cm., their bracts 2.2 cm. Stems simple flexuous above the first flowering node; fruits, including pedicel, 2.4 cm., their bracts 1.8 cm. MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 31 TlLLANDSIA UTRICULATA Linn. Sp. PI. 286. In same situations as the previous species loc cit. (1294). Plants about 60 cm. high, heavily bulbous at the base, 6-10 cm. diameter. Leaves 3 cm. broad at base, 20-30 cm. long; spike compound, branch- ing at each upper internode for one-half its length; branches (16) lower, 8 (upper) cm. long; internodes of lower spike average 3.5 cm., their bracts 2.8 cm. long; fruits profuse at the ends of the branches ; bracts and sepals 2 cm. long, fruits 2.8 cm. long. COMMELINACE.E. COMMELINA NUDIFLORA Linn. Sp. PI. 4. C. agraria Kunth., C. Cayennsis Rich. Ditches at Walsingham, Bermuda (100); environs of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (439), and rich, moist soils near Port Antonio, Jamaica (1136). COMMELINA VIRGINICA Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2:61. C. elegans Kunth. Rich soil south shores Culebras Island (613); suburbs of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (406), and of San Domingo City (845, 877). Boggy soil center of Grand Cayman (1386). COMMELINA PALLIDA Willd. Hort. Berol. 2:87. Moist soils near the Caleta, Cozumel (1530); ditches near Pro- greso, Yucatan (1679). CALLISIA UMBELLULATA Lam. Illus. 1:130. Creeping in a boggy spot near the Caleta, Cozumel (1520). RHCEO DISCOLOR (L'HER.) Hance Walp. An. 3:659. Tradescantia discolor L'Her. Waste heaps Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1405); undoubtedly introduced, as it is grown in dooryards near by. Probably brought from Jamaica, where it is also an intro- duced plant. AMARYLLIDACE^:. HVMENOCALLIS CARiB^A (Linn.) Herbert App. 44. Pancratium Caribaum Linn. Plentiful on the dunes of the coast at Santurce, Porto Rico (295). AGAVE AMERICANA Linn. Sp. PI. 323. Shores of the Bay of Santiago (1013), the most striking vegeta- tion of the dry season, the flaming orange-yellow spikes rising 5-7 meters, overtopping most of the shrubby covering of the shores. CANNACE.E. CANNA EDULIS Ker-Gawl. Bot. Reg. 9, t. 775. Open, moist fields at Santurce (261), cane fields at Guanica, Porto Rico, and open woods at Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1636). ORCHIDACE.E. HABENARIA MONORRHIZA (Sw.) Rich. fil. vide infra. Orchis Sw. Grassy fields at Catano (257), and at Bayamon (309), Porto Rico. 32 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. SPIRANTHES ORCHIOIDES (Sw.)Rich. f. Fl. Cub. Fan. 2:252. Neottia Sw. , S. aphyllus Lindl. Deep woods near Pist, Yuca- tan (1616). Lselia Domingensis (Lindl. & Paxt.), comb. nov. Laliopsis Lindl. & Paxt. Flow. Gard. 3:155, Cattlya Lindl., Bletia G. Rich. Sand dunes and grassy fields near the sea, Catano and Santurce (277), Porto Rico. Tuber 2-leaved, leaves 18-24 x 4.2 cm., scape nude, whitish, 112 cm. high; flowers, few apical rose colored. SCHOMBURKIA THOMSONIANA Reichb. f. On trees in woods near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman ; not in flower nor fruit. BRASSAVOLA CORDATA Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1913. Dendricolous, in tufts and spiral lines on seaside trees at the Caleta, Island of Cozumel (1797); flowers creamy- white. CYRTOPODIUM ANDERSONII R. Br. Ait. Hort. Kew, 2:216. Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1426); dendricolous, flowers bright yellow, leaves 36 x 4 cm. ONCIDIUM CEBOLLETTA (Jacq.) Sw. Vet. Akad. Handl. Stockh. 21: 240. Epidendrum Jacq. Growing on decayed wood in soil of open forest at Piste", Yucatan (1617). Leaves terete, 30 cm. long, scape about twice the length of the leaves, flowers small, light yellow, spotted with brown. DENDROPHYLAX FAWCETTI Rolfe. Gard. Chron. Nov. 1888. In a Tamarind tree on the Bodden Bay road about a mile east of Spot Bay, Grand Cayman. Like most of the dendricolous orchids observed on the cruise, this species was neither in flower nor fruit. PIPERACE^:. PIPER UMBELLATUM Linn. Sp. PL 30. Rich, wet and shady places near Port Antonio, Jamaica (925). Stems marked with many prominent longitudinal ridges, every fourth ridge more marked and densely pilose; internodes 6-8 cm. long, peti- oles hairy, 19.5 cm. long, leaves ample, 28.5x29 cm. cordate, deltoid at the apex, n-nerved, umbels 5-rayed, peduncle 2 cm. long, pedi- cels .5 cm., aments 8 cm. long. PIPER HIRSUTUM Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. 1:60. Rich borders near Port Antonio, Jamaica (892). Branches zig- zag, internodes about 4 cm. rough pilose; leaves ovate-lanceolate, 16.5x8 cm., with a narrow point about 3 cm. of the apex, veins 5-jugal, base very unequal, whole leaf rough-papyraceous, petioles .7 cm., aments straight, 10 cm. long, peduncles about the length of the peti- oles and opposite them. PIPER MEDIUM Jacq. Ic. PL Rar. 1:2. Copses about Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1299). Branches some- what zig-zag, internodes about 3 cm. glabrous, petioles glabrous .4-. 8 MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 33 cm., leaves chartaceous, glabrous, ovate-lanceolate 8-10x3.5-4.5 cm -, point rounded-blunt, principal veins 3, with basal pair of shorter peduncles about 8 cm., aments about 4.5 cm. Peperomia crassiuscula Sp. nov. Root-stalk creeping, stems erect rooting at such of the lower nodes as may be in juxtaposition with the soil, glabrous, thick and succulent, columnar, appearing 8-winged when dry, branching vicari- ously at the lower or upper nodes; leaves whorled in threes, thick, smooth and juicy, nerves not evident either above or below, short petioled, ovate, tapering to the petiole below and to a rounded cuneate point above, 3x 1.8 cm., shrinking into many irregular keel-like folds when dry, margin sharp-cartilaginous. Aments thick, terminal densely floral about 10 cm. long, peduncle 2.5 cm., rhachis glabrous with about 8 lines of deep pits, bracteoles oblong, peltate, the edges peltate; fruit ovate, pointed above, laterally compressed, 1.2 x .1 mm., or with the persistent apical stigma and peltate style 1.5 mm. long, ventral side channeled below, forming an emarginate base. Growing from the bark of a fallen and decayed tree near the cenote of Nohoch Chen, at Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1628). When fresh the whole plant is lurid, thick and succulent. MORACE.E. DORSTENIA CONTRAYERVA HOUSTONIANA Bureau. Open woodlands (1623) and the walls of the Cenote Cafetal (1631), Chichen Itza, Yucatan. No. 1623 has narrow sagittate leaves 9 x 4.5 cm., with rounded cordate-auriculate base, and small flower- ing head 1.5 cm. in diameter; No. 1631 has broad hastate sharply basal-lobed leaves 22x20 cm., flowering heads 3 cm. in diameter. Ficus LONGIPES Miq. An. Mus. Bot. Lugd 3:298. Plate xxvi. One of the largest most umbrageous trees of the Yucatec penin- sula, plentiful in the deep woods about Chichen Itza (1630), where it is known as the ' ' Alamo " by the Spaniards and as the ' ' Copo " by the Mayas. This 1630 is the species doubtfully referred to as rubiginosa in Contrib. 1:14, and illustrated in plate I. URTICACE.E. URTICA URENS Linn. Sp. PI. 984. Old fields and ditches at Walsingham, Bermuda (112). URERA ELATA (Sw.) Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 154. Urtica Sw. Urera sinuata Wedd. Hedgerows in the suburbs of San Domingo city (774). Leaves 19x11 cm., widely sinuate. ADICEA GRANDIFOLIA (Linn.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 622. Urtica Linn. Pilea grandis Wedd. Borders of rills in moist fields near Port Antonio, Jamaica (913). ADICEA MICROPHYLLA (Linn.) Kuntze loc. cit. Pilea microphylla Liebm. P. muscosa Lindl. Densely covering 34 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. the older Dutch tile roofs at Caguas, Porto Rico (245). Rock crevices near small aguadas, San Miguel Cozumel (1473). BOEHMERIA RAMIFLORA Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 31. l~ River bank near San Domingo city (770). Leaves 7-13 x 5.5-10 cm., panicles 11-18 cm. OLACACE.E. SCHCEPFIA DIDYMA Wr. Griseb. Cat. PI. Cub. 119. Among the shrubs lining the higher beach dunes at Santurce, Porto Rico (285). In appearance a maytenus-like shrub with vac- cinium-like flowers. POLYGONACE.E. POLYGONUM PORTORICENSE Bert, ex Endl. Flor. Suppl. 4: ii, 47. Border of stream in pasture at Caguas, Porto Rico (241). ANTIGONON LEPTOPUS Hook. & Am. Bot. Beechy 308. Low field at Catano, Porto Rico (185), showing no indication of having been planted. Probably an escape. PODOPTERUS MEXICANUS Humb. & Bonpl. PI. Aeq. 2:89. Sand dunes at Progreso, Yucatan, in fruit only (1668). COCCOLOBA UVIFERA (Linn.) Jacq. Amer. Pict. t. no. Polygonum uviferum Linn. Sea shores throughout the voyage ex- cept on the Alacran shoals, Bermuda south of Paget's, San Juan Bay at Catano, and Santurce, Porto Rico (178), ripe dried fruit 1.2 cm. diam. Culebras Isl. (1786), leaves large and broad for a shrub, 10 x 15 cm.; St. Thomas at Whitewater Bay, Ratones Isl., Port of Ponce and the shores of Ponce" Bay, sandy shores of Guanica Bay, Porto Rico; Sand Point, Mona Island; Port Antonio, Jamaica; bay shores, Santiago de Cuba; south shore of Cayman Brae (1225); Spot Bay, Grand Cayman, and a large tree notable for its height and girth at Georgetown (1406). On the east shore of Cozumel (1590), and the beach at Progreso, Yucatan. CHENOPODIACE^E. CHENOPODIUM AMBROSIOIDES Linn. Sp. PI. 219. Waste places about Pagets, Bermuda (62). Waste ground and road sides south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (512). The species appears to be introduced in both localities. CHENOPODIUM MURALE Linn. Sp. PI. 219. Roadsides, where it is always found to be browsed upon by cattle, Guanica, Porto Rico (744). ATRIPLEX CRISTATA Humb. & Bonpl. ex. Willd. Sp. PI. 4:959. Leaves irregularly slightly and unevenly denticulate, or often entire, plainly mucronate, pale green above, silvery beneath, disk bi- or tri-cristate. Shore of lagoon south of Progreso, Yucatan (1721). MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 35 A few individuals in a group center of south end of Perez Island (1754), another small patch on Pajaros Island, and a quite large clus- ter on Chica Island, Alacran Shoals. SALICORNIA FRUTICOSA Linn. Sp. PI. ed. ii:5. Shore of islet in Hamilton Bay, Bermuda (17). Probably a variety of this species, but not in shape to characterize. Dondia linearis (Ell.) comb. nov. Salsola linearis Ell. Carol. 1:332. Suceda linearis Moq. Chenopo- dina linearis Moq. Borders of lagoon south of Progreso, Yucatan (1708); decumbent and spreading stems 20-30 cm., branchlets densely leafy. Shores of the bay at Guanica, Porto Rico (766). AMARANTHACE.E.* KOKERA PANICULATA (Linn.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 542. Celosia paniculata Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2:1762. non Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 1:1753. Achyranthes altissima Jacq. Enum. PL Carib. 17. Chamissoa altissima H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 197. Suburbs of San Domingo City (851), and of Port Antonio, Jamaica (919). CELOSIA PANICULATA Linn. Sp. PI. 206. Climbing among shrubs in hedgerows near Guauica, Porto Rico (686). Whole plant, including sepals and urticle, turns black in drying. Flowers 5 mm. long, the sepals scarcely exceeding the urticle ; leaves deltoid, lanceolate. Easily distinguished from C. virgata the only other species likely to be found in the same region by the shape of the leaves, and the larger flowers and utricle. AMARANTHUS HYBRIDUS Linn. Sp. PI. 990. A. hypochondriacus Linn. loc. cit. 991. A. chlorostachys Willd. Hist. Am. 34. A. chlorostachys hybridus Wats. Gray Man. ed. vi:428. . Frequent along the margin .of open woods at Walsingham, Ber- muda (104, no). Reade does not mention this species in his PI. Bermuda, nor does Kemp in his Winter Fl. Bermuda; Lefroy in his Bot. Bermuda cites it as an American species sine loc. This species is distinguished from A. TRISTIS, its nearest relative in the West Indies, by its much longer sharply aristate bracts, and . mucronate but not emarginate leaves. Very variable. AMARANTHUS POLYGONOIDES Linn. PI. Jam. Pugill 2:27. An erect, slender, pale green, branching, weed-like herb about 30 cm. high, plentiful about Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1068). AMARANTHUS SPINOSUS Linn. Sp. PI. 991. The only thorny amaranth. Frequent in waste places Catano, Porto Rico (188); outskirts *Edwin B. Uline. auct. 36 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (416), spines plentiful and well de- veloped. An old garden spot at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1425), spines few and poorly developed. Waste grounds about San Miguel, Cozumel (1468), spines plentiful; and outskirts of Progreso^ Yucatan (1736), spines short and very sharp. AMARANTHUS TRISTIS Linn. ex. Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 69. Willd. Hist. Amar. t. 5, f. 10. A. tristis Linn.? Waste grounds suburbs of San Domingo city (860), leaves small 3-4.5 x 1.5-2 cm. Roadsides near Port Antonio, Jamaica (1794), juvenile. Fallow and cultivated fields at "The Creek," Cayman Brae (1191), where it is known as " Callalu;" leaves large 6.5-8x4-4-5 cm., petioles as long as the lamina; another specimen from coco groves (1155) with more diffuse inflorescence and smaller (2.5-4 cm ) leaves on short petioles also occurs here. Old fields in the center of Grand Cayman (1390), leaves 5-6x3-4 cm. In all the above speci- mens the inflorescence is slender, in the following, however, it is thick and dense. Morro Hill (1058) and San Juan Hill (1044), Santiago de Cuba. Inasmuch as A. tristis Linn, has been referred to A. Gangeticus an Asiatic plant it is very doubtful whether this species, occurring as abundantly as it does in the West Indies, is not an entirely different plant from that of Linnaeus. It is easily recognized by its short bracts a little longer than the flower; otherwise very near A. hybridus. AMARANTHUS VIRIDIS Linn. Sp. PI. 1005. Old fields south shore Culebras Island (587). San Juan Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1045), depauperate; and along the Bodden Bay road, Grand Cayman (1347). Distinguishable by its three narrow short sepals and conspicuously rugose indehiscent utricle. CYATHULA PROSTRATA (Linn.) Blume Bijdr. 1825-6 =549. Achyranthes Linn. Sp. PI. 296. Dry sandy places near Port Antonio, Jamaica (918, 969). Seems to differ from the Brazilian C. achyranthoides chiefly in its longer, looser inflorescence. ACHYRANTHES ASPERA OBTUSIFOLIA (Lam.) Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 62. A. obtusifolia Lam. Diet, i: 545. A. aspera Moq. de C. Prodr. 13:314. Dry fields about Santiago de Cuba especially at El Caney (1050) and San Juan Hill (1080). Waste grounds near San Do- mingo city (790). South shore of Culebras Island (570, 633). Hill- sides back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (443, 514); and fields near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1272). This form appears to be the most abundant one of the species. It is characterized by its obovate very obtuse leaves, in contradis- tinction to the var. argentea Griseb., in which the leaves are long- acuminate; its flowers are not so long and sharp as those of var. argentea, while its bracts are more or less roseate-tinged. Achyranthes aspera simplex Millsp. var. nov. A form closely related to var. obtusifolia but of smaller, strictly MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 37 erect, unbranched growth 20-25 cm. high, very downy, pubescent, and simple terminal spikes only 7.5-12.5 cm. long. Prevalent in old fields on the hillsides south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (484). Type in Herb. Field Col. Mus. cat. No. 60484. ALTERNANTHERA Forsk. In determining the limits of this genus I prefer to accept the interpretation of Grisebach, Bentham, Otto Kuntze and others who made it to include Mogiphanes Mart, and Telanthera R. Br. excl. Litho- phila Sw., that is, all species of the Capitato-spicate Gomphronea with undivided stigma, and stamens which alternate with sterile filaments upon a more or less cup-shaped tube. ALTERNANTHERA BRAZILIANA (Linn.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 537. Gomphrena Braziliana Linn. Am. Acad. 4: 310. Mogiphanes Braziliensis Mart. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 2: 34. Philoxerus Braziliana Sm. Rees. Cycl. 27: 4. Mogiphanes straminea Mart. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 2: 35. Celosia altissima Salzm. ex. Moq. de C. Prod. 13: 381. Telanthera Floridana Chapm. Fl. So. U. S. 383. Alternanthera straminea Millsp. Field Col. Mus. Bot. i: 16. Climbing to a height of 6-12 feet supported by dense shrubbery, on all parts of Cozumel Island (1710). The wide range of this species includes southern Florida, the West Indies, coastal Mexico, Central and South America. Care should be observed to distinguish it from A. Costaricensis Kuntze, which is described as being more or less fascicul'ately pilose, the anthers glo- bose instead of oblong, and having staminodia laterally instead of apically pectinate. Alternanthera Culebrasensis Uline, Field Col. Mus. Bot. i: 420. Prostrata caulibus gracilibus, radicantibus, praecipue superne pube densa appressa vestitis; foliis rotundatis breviter pedicellatis, supra (nisi junioribus) glaberrimis, subtus densius pilosis, pilis caulium foliorumque verticillatim ramulosis, capitulis ovatis, densifloris sessi- libus, solitariis vel binis; sepalis dorso pilosis, pilis setigeris, exteriori- bus trinerviis, interioribus plicato-carinatis, omnibus brevissime ari- statis quam bracteis 2-plo longioribus; staminodiis filamenta fertilia aequantibus, usque 5-laciniatis, filamentis in ^ altitudine coalescen- tibus. Caules vix i mm. diametro, internodiis 3-6 cm. longis. Folia 1.5-2.5 cm. longa lataque, basi saepe inaequilatera, membranacea, in sicco laete virida, in axillis cristas lanosas gerentia. Capitula 4-6 mm. longa. Flores 3 mm. longi, 2 mm. lati. Antherarum thecce lineari- lanceolatae. Culebras Island, south shores, (607). Type in Field Col. Mus. Herb. Cat. no. 60607. Nearer A. (Telanthera} Sintenisii Urban /. c. than the preceding, but the pubescence on the leaf of the latter is described as "supra laxius subtus densius pilosis," upon which rests the chief difference in the above species. It may prove to be only a variety a question which only a comparison of the two plants can decide. 38 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. [ALTERNANTHERA SPINOSA Roem. & Schult. Specimen 268 of Combs, Santa Clara district of Cienfuegos. Although no details of pubescence characters are given in the descriptions of this species, it is safe to conclude that the verticillate branching of the hairs clothing the stem and under surfaces of the leaves has been overlooked. The heads are more strikingly spinifer- ous than the other West Indian species of Alternauthera.] ALTERNANTHERA PARONYCHIOIDES St. Hil. Voy. Bre's ii, 2: 43. Dry roadsides near Guanica, Porto Rico (725, 748). Not readily differentiated by its dense prostrate habit alone from A. repens, but widely removed in its flower characters. Stamens much longer than the short, wide, more or less dentate staminodia. LITHOPHILA Sw. Prod. Viq. Ind. Occ. 14 (1788). Lithophila muscoides Sw. Philoxerus R. Br. Prod. 416 (1810). The genus Lithophila seems so clearly denned in habit and floral structure as to deserve recognition apart both from Iresine and Alter- nanthera. Iresine it is true may sometimes have a capitate inflores- cence, but its flowers are never compressed as in Philoxerus; in cases of capitate inflorescence in Iresine the heads are never enveloped or subtended by leafy bracts as in Philoxerus and Lithophila; while the staminal cup of Iresine has always either the rudiment of a stamino- dium or a rounded or pointed elevation of the margin of the cup where the staminodium would otherwise arise. In Philoxerus as well as in Lithophila, which differs from Philoxerus essentially in having 2 to 3 stamens, the sinuses of the cup between filaments and filament- rudiments are so shaped as to preclude the theory of staminodia at any period of the history of their development. Bentham & Hooker's Genera Plantarum describes the cup of Lithophila as simple or den- tate between the filaments. Such dentations will probably be found to be rudiments of the deficient 4th and 5th stamens corresponding to the full number 5. For the proper interpretation of staminodia, it must be remembered that the rudimentary filaments arising on the cupule in the position of the deficient stamens in Lithophila are essentially different in their significance from the teeth or staminodia of Iresine and Alternanthera, which are alternate with the filaments and with the calyx segments, never opposite as in Lithophila. Dr. Kuntze in a discussion of the relationships of the group in his Revisio Plantarum ascribes staminodia also to Philoxerus; in a large number of specimens of Lithophila vermiculata (L) Uline examined, I have not found the slightest indications of them. Grisebach, Flora West Indies, also recognizes this entire absence of alternating staminodia both in Philoxerus and Lithophila as an essential generic character, but he goes a little further and keeps the two apart on the basis of the dif- fering number of stamens. This variability in number of stamens occurs elsewhere in the Amaranthaceae, and certainly can not be justifi- able as a genuine character. From a phylogenetic point of view the creeping or prostrate species of the group seem to be plainly depauperate forms adapting themselves to conditions offering meager nourishment, e. g., sea-shore, sandy or rocky places, etc. The result MARCH, igoo. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 39 is seen in (i) the great reduction in size of the plant and all its parts accompanied by the dense prostrate habit, (2) the disappear- ance of two or three stamens indicated by the sterile filaments which are found standing in the position of the fertile stamens with reference to the perianth segments. In the light of the above considerations the following revision of Kuntze's arrangement of the Gomphreneae is suggested, to the extent that it is affected by the changes here presented: A. Genera characterized by solitary or fasciculate flowers, Guillemenia, Cledothrix. B. Flowers capitate or spicate. a. Perianth segments+coalescent, Froelichia. b. Perianth segments free. a. Stigma capitate, Pfaffia, Gossypianthus, Alternanthera. ft. Style (i or 2) bifid. Fls. 4-merous, stamen i, Woehleria. Fls. 5-merous, stamens 2-5. Lvs. Alternate, Dicraurus. Lvs. Opposite. Stamineal tube lo-fid, i. e. , 5 fertile stamens with staminodia alternating, these sometimes much reduced, Iresine. Stamineal tube 5-fid, laeineae all antheriferous or a part abortive. Laeineae trifid, fimbriate or denticulate Gomphrena. Laciniae simple, Lithophila. The genus falls into two sections as follows: Sect. Philoxerus. Plant erect and robust; stamens 5. Sect. Eulithophila. Plant depauperate, stamens 2 or 3. Lithophila vermiculata (Linn.) Uline Comb. nov. Gomphrena vermicularis Linn. Sp. PI. 224. Sandy bare spots in fields at Santurce (270) and Catano (327), Porto Rico. Dry creek bed near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (452), where it is known as the "Bay-flower." Ratones Island (650). Shores of the bay of Santiago de Cuba (1018). South shore of Cayman Brae (1220), and shores of the lagoon near Progreso, Yucatan (1712). On a small bare sandy spot on Perez Island of the Alacran Shoals (1741), not on the other islands of the group. IRESINE LANCEOLATA Moq. in de C. Prod. 13: 347. Among the bushes above the beach at Cape Corientes, Cuba (1458 stipules herbaceous, lanceolate, conspicuously striate ; leaflets elliptical or occasionally obovate, obtuse, tipped with a prominent cusp, the midvein somewhat eccen- tric, 5.5-7 mm. long; petiolar gland discoid, stipitate ; flower large, .8-2 cm. in diameter; sepals membranaceous, very unequal; petals obovate, exceeding the sepals ; legume nearly straight, linear, com- pressed, the surface of its valves glabrous or with a few scattered hairs. Collected on roadsides at Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, January 17-18 (375). Type in the herbarium of the Field Columbian Museum, Cat. No. 60,375. Nos. 469 and 498, collected high on the mountain at the same place, are also to be referred here. The plant is a very distinct member of the large-flowered section of Chamsecrista, yet suggesting the nictitans group in its foliage and in the slender stipitate petiolar gland. CHAMSECRISTA GLANDULOSA (L.) Greene, Pitton. 4: 28. Cassia glandtilosa Linn. Sp. PI. 572 (1753). Under coco trees in an orchard near the sea at Santurce, Porto Rico (268, 286). Chamsecrista grammica (Spreng.) Pollard, comb. nov. Cassia grammica Spreng. Neue. Entd. 3:55 (1822). Dry sandy field near Playa, Porto Rico (682). Chamsecrista Millspaughii Pollard, n. sp. Stems branching, erect, shrubby, at least at the base, finely strigose subescent ; leaves pubescent or becoming glabrate with age, 2.5-4 cm - l n g> 5-i5-foliolate, the rachis sparsely hirsute; petiolar *This genus also by Mr. Charles L. Pollard. 48 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. gland cupulate, sessile ; stipules lanceolate, striate ; leaflets linear or oblong-linear, .8-1 cm. long, apiculate or sharply cuspidate, the midvein somewhat eccentric ; flowers of medium size, i cm. in diam- eter ; sepals linear-acuminate ; pod linear, slightly curved, strongly compressed, pubescent. Collected on a railroad embankment near Bayamon, Porto Rico, January n (312). Type in the herbarium of the Field Columbian Museum, Cat. No. 60,312. A member of the nictitans group but remarkable for its erect habit and sessile petiolar gland. I take pleasure in dedicating the species to Dr. Millspaugh, who has very kindly permitted me to determine the large and interesting collection .of Cassia and Chamaecrista col- lected by him in the West Indies. Chaxnsecrista virgata (Sw.) Pollard, comb. nov. Cassia virgata Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ., 66. Ex. char. South shore of Culebras Island (601). CHAMAECRISTA sp. Juvenile and without fruit characters. Sandy fields at Catano (189) and Santurce (293), Porto Rico. Krameria Ishamii sp. nov. Plate lix. Suffrutescent, strict, tomentose throughout, dense upon the leaves and branchlets. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate I.3-2X.3--4 cm. long-aristate at the tip tapering to the petiole which is one-third the length of the blade, flowers racemose? in the axils of the termi- nal leaves on all branches, pedicels short bibractiate near the base, bracts linear with a red awn one-third their length ; sepals 4 ovate acuminate, scaphoid, posterior petals sarcous, truncate-spatulate, sep- arate at the base, the posterior surface covered with white wax-like more or less regularly disposed maculae, anterior petals rutilant at the apex, united with themselves and the filaments at the base; stamens 4, in two pairs, the anterior pair shorter, anthers approxi- mate, style crassate cornuate. Fruits (excluding the spines) .7 cm. diameter, pericarp densely tomentose, spines deep red, 3.5 mm. long, retrorsely 6-g-barbed in three lines at the apex. Sea shore west of the Port of Ponce, Porto Rico (679). Named for Mr. Edward S. Isham, Jr., a member of the expedition, who ren- dered kindly and frequent assistance to the author throughout the trip. POINCIANA REGIA Boj. ex. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2884. Cultivated at Santiago de Cuba (Plate xxxvi). HiEMATOXYLON CAMPECHIANUM Linn. Sp. PI. 384. Plentifully planted as a hedge in the suburbs of San Domingo city (822, 824), largely introduced into Jamaica and Grand Cayman (1369, 1371) where it is now scattered all over the interior of the latter island forming, with Psidium Guajava, the main portion of the "brush" with which the old lands and fields are so heavily clothed. MARCH, 1900. PLANIVE UTOWAN.E MILLSPAUGH. 49 Plentitul and native in the scrubland south of Progreso, Yucatan (1669). OESALPINIA BONDUCELLA (Linn.) Flem. As. Res. 11:159. Plate Ix. Guilandina Linn. Snores of the bay of San Juan at Catano (181), shores of the bay near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, where it is called "Gray Nickars," and in great quantity on Culebras Island; Ra- tones Island (661) and, the shores west of Port of Ponce, Porto Rico. Sea shore south side of Cayman Brae, and north of Spot Bay. Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1250). The legumes of these specimens are different from any other specimens I have seen in that they are strongly pubescent even to the tips of the spines. Csesalpinia (Guilandina) Caymanensis sp. nov. Plate Ix. Shrub 6 feet high, more spreading than Bonducella and thorn, less, leaves golden-tomentose throughout, branches white-ciliate pinnae 6-jugal, leaflets y-jugal elliptical, strongly unequal at the base, mucronate, petiolulate, the stipules converted into a -pair of stout recurved thorns, lamina 2-2.7 x 1.571.8 cm., golden-pilose on the veins and margin. Flowers (?) not yet developed. Legumes pilose desti- tute of spines, thick pedicelled, 7x4 cm., strongly oblique at the base, seeds greenish-leaden 2 x 1.7 (average) cm., the zonal markings plain and regular. Sea shore north of Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1263). Type in Herb. Field Col. Mus. No. 61,263. Leaves 20 cm. long, pinnae (median) 9 cm. long, rachis internodes 3-3.5 cm. Differs from its nearest relative C. Bonducella in its smaller leaves and leaflets, thorn- less stem and spineless pods. C^ESALPINIA BIJUGA (Linn.)Sw. Obs. 166. Base of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (ion), and plentiful in the stony scrubland south of the lagoon six kilometers from Pro- greso, Yucatan (1644). C^ESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA (L.) Sw. loC. dt. Poinciana L. Escaped from cultivation at Merida, Yucatan, (1641 thornless, flowers flame-orange, 1642 flowers bright lemon-yel- low) and near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, where it is known as " Dudeldu." C^ESALPINIA MEXICANA Agr. Proc. Am. Acad. 5:157. Specimens evidently this species but larger in all characters were gathered in the arid stony scrublands south of Progreso, Yucatan, (1660). CROTALARIA RETUSA Linn. Sp. PI. 715. Grassy fields and pastures, Catano (149), 45 cm. high, ligneous at the base; Santurce (267) and Port of Ponce (672), Porto Rico. Suburbs of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (420), where it is known as "Rattle-bush." San Domingo city (771). Dry fields at Port Anto- nio, Jamaica (942) and at El Caney, Santiago de Cuba (1026). Not seen west of this station. 50 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. CROTALARIA VERRUCOSA Linn. loc. cit. Dry fields in the suburbs of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (371, 380, 393, 465, 488). Leaves in all our specimens blunt or crenate, reticulate, white-veined beneath, having much the appearance of an amaranth. CROTALARIA ANAGYROIDES H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 6:404. Dry hillside at the "Ovens" near Santiago de Cuba (n 19, 1125). CROTALARIA INCANA Linn. loc. cit. 716. Old field center of the island of Grand Cayman (1387). CROTALARIA PUMILA Orteg. Hort. Matr. 23? Center of island of Cozumel (1566). Reference doubtful in the absence of fruits. The doubt is, however, slight. CROTALARIA PUMILA OBCORDATA Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 180. Leaflets 3, mostly obcordate, much smaller than the species, ,6-1 x .5-. 7 cm., pods 1.2 x .6 cm. prominently beaked, habit more spreading, resembling Medicago lupulina. East shore of Cozumel Island (1578). MEDICAGO LUPUHNA Linn. Sp. PI. 779. Dry fields at Walsingham (76) and Hamilton (130), Bermuda. INDIGOFERA ANIL Linn. Mant. 2:272. Old fields, an escape from cultivation and apparently well estab- lished at Catano, Porto Rico (191), Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (435), San Domingo near the city (881) and near the base of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (noi). GLIRICIDIA MACULATA H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 6:393. Planted in hedge rows as an ornamental tree at San Domingo city (783), escaped from cultivation to scrublands at San Juan Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1055), and center of the island of Cozumel (1553) where it is called Xak-yaab: "very white," in allusion to the tree when in flower. BENTHAMANTHA CARIB^EA (Jacq.) Ktze. Rev. Gen. 3:53. Galega Caribaa Jacq. Select. Am. 212. Genus Benthamantha Alef. in Bonplandia 10:264 (1862). Dry fields south shores of Cule- bras Island (622). Rare. BENTHAMANTHA GREENMANNI (Millsp.) Britt. & Baker, Jour.Bot. 38:19. Cracca Greenmanni (Millsp.) Grassy plain and opens in scrub- land near San Miguel, Cozumel (1479). Type from Chichen Itza, Yucatan, collection by myself during the Allison V. Armour expedi- tion of 1895, No. 127. Type in Herb. Field Col. Mus. No. 39,003. CRACCA CINEREA (L.) Morong. PI. Parag. 79. Galega Linn. Tephrosia Pers. Low suffrutescent and trailing, scattered in sandy soil, environs of Catafio, Porto Rico (179) and Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (486), also at the "Ovens," Santiago de Cuba (1115), and near "The Creek," Cayman Brae (1158), where MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 51 it is called " Senna " by the inhabitants, who use the leaves in lieu of that drug in their domestic practice. East shore of Cozumel Island (1576, 1579, 1585), where at one place I found a large patch of about an acre solid of this species alone. A search of this patch, upon my hands and knees, with the greatest care, at 10 a. m., resulted in secur- ing but a single flowering or budding plant, and that with one flower only (1585). Returning to the patch at 3 p. m. I was astonished to find it almost wholly in bloom and many of the plants having well developed legumes (1576, 1579). STYLOSANTHES HAMATA (Linn.) Taub. Abh Bot. Ver. Brand 1889:32. Hedysarum hamatum Linn. 6". procumbens Sw. Dry fields and road- sides. Base of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1077), and along Bod- den Bay road, Grand Cayman (1335). All with simple legumes. The following specimens have a two-celled pod, each cell one seeded, much smaller leaves, less ciliate floral bracts, and more tufted growth, viz.: dry soils about Catano, Porto Rico (153), and road- sides near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (391). MEIBOMIA TORTUOSA (Sw.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 198. Hedysarum tortuosum Sw. Desmodium tortuosum de C. South shore of Culebras Island (571). MEIBOMIA SCORPIURUS (Sw.) Kuntze loc. cit. Hedysarum Scorpiurus Sw. Desmodium Scorpiurus Desv. Waste grounds near San Domingo city (868), and near Port Antonio, Jamaica omingo (788); center of Island, Grand Cayman (1354); and San Miguel, Cozumel (1573). Catano (173) and Guanica (749), Porto Rico. CEDRELA ODORATA Linn. Syst. ed. x: 940. Plentiful in woodlands throughout the peninsula of Yucatan. Plate xliii. MALPIGHIACE.E. TETRAPTERIS MEXICANA H. & A. Bot. Beechy. 281. In fruit only. San Miguel, Island of Cozumel (1484). STIGMAPHYLLON SAGRAEANUM A. Juss. Arch. Mus. Par. 3: 379. Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (400). Leaves oblong-lanceolate cordate, apiculate 5-7x1-2 cm., densely and strongly reticulate. Fields near El Caney, Santiago de Cuba (1036), leaves oblong trun- cate, apiculate 4-5x1.5-2.5 cm. Port of Ponce", Porto Rico (662); and Culebras Island (599), leaves ovate sub-cordate, apiculate 4-5 x 2.7-3 cm - STIGMAPHYLLON EMARGINATUM (Cav.) A. Juss. loc. cit. 382. Banisteria Cav. A small and somewhat depauperate specimen gathered in the environs of San Domingo city (835). STIGMAPHYLLON DIVERSIFOLIUM (Kunth.) A. Juss. loc, cit. 381. Banisteria Kunth. Santurce, Porto Rico (262), the large, broad ovate leaved form (11.5-14x7-8.5 cm.) similar to Sintenis 3843 from Guanica. Shores of the bay at Santiago de Cuba (1010), the small, narrowly oblong-linear leaved form like Wright's 2154, 2I 55> Cuba, leaves 3.5-4X.6-I cm. Isle of Pines at Pedernales Point (1419), leaves oval 6-7x2.5-3.5 cm. POLYGALACE^:. POLYGALA PANICULATA Linn. Syst. ed. x, 1154. Plentiful in dry rocky soils near Bayamon, Porto Rico (316). Simple or greatly branching, strict, racemes slender, many flowered. POLYGALA ANGUSTIFOLIA H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 5:405. Dry soil near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (464), rare, only one specimen seen. MARCH, igoo. PLANTVE UTOWAN^ MILLSPAUGH. 57 EUPHORBIACE^. PHYLLANTHUS CAROLINENSIS Walt. Fl. Carol., 228. Paths and old gardens near San Miguel, Cozumel (1487, 1488). PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI Linn. Sp. PI. 981. Dry sandy banks, walks and roadsides near Caguas (223), Baya- mon (320), and Guanica (729), Porto Rico; Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (499, 502); south shores of Culebras Island (1778); Port Antonio, Jamaica (938); Bodden Bay road (1339), and in the center of the island (1363), Grand Cayman; and near San Miguel, Cozumel mostly triglandular; 2-quoit shaped, opposite at the summit, i-lozenge shaped about midway of the upper surface. Pedicels short petiolar, bracteoles lanceolate entire throughout, nearly twice the length of the calyx tube, calyx lobes lanceolate attenuate about the length of the deep yellow corolla. Capsule ovoid, punctate, slightly hairy, seeds elongated-pyriform (lachrymate), slightly curved, the surface marked by sixteen longitudinal rows of minute rectangular pits; aril ovate-lanceolate, apiculate, one-quarter longer than the seed. Coco groves and waste grounds at "The Creek," Cayman Brae (1152), where it is known as "Cat-bush," and where the leaves are used in laundrying linen in lieu of soap; southwest point of the island in the same situation (1195, 1209). Type in Herb. Field Col. Mus. Cat. No. 61152. PASSIFLORACE.E. PASSIFLORA MINIMA Linn. Sp. PI. 950. Pagets, Bermuda (44). Distinguished from the next species to which it is referred by authors, by its longer petioles hairy in lines, the smaller and seldom trilobed leaves tending to a blunt apex, stipi- tate attenuate petiolar glands, and smaller general habit. Leaves ovate 3-4x1.4-1.7 cm., subentire or entire, petioles .5-. 7 cm. 78 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. PASSIFLORA SUBEROSA Linn. Sp. PI. 958. Cape Corientes, Cuba (1453). Leaves coriaceous, broadly ovate in outline, 4.5-6x5-6 cm., trilobate, pointleted-acute at the apex, petioles glabrous, .6 cm., glands subsessile opposite, close to the blade. PASSIFLORA LINEARILOBA J. Hook Trans. Linn. Soc. 20:222. Suburbs of San Domingo city (831, 854). Leaves mostly linear lobed, the lateral lobes divergent, all hairy, petiolar glands at the upper third, alternate, flowers larger than the last. PASSIFLORA FOETIDA Linn. Sp. PI. 959. P. ciliata Dryand. Shores of the bay (1003), and on Morro Hill (1065), Santiago de Cuba. CACTACE.E.* OPUNTIA TUNA (Linn) Mill. Diet. ed. viii:3. Cactus Linn. South shore of Culebras Island (648). East shore of Cozumel Island; and two low spreading clumps near the center of the north end Perez Island, Alacran Shoals (1757). RHIZOPHORACE.E. RHIZOPHORA MANGLE Linn. Sp. PI. 443. Forming "islands" and "swamp groves" throughout the re- gions visited except the Bermudas and Alacran Shoals. All along the inner bay shores and forming swamps at Catano, Porto Rico (363), where it seldom attains a growth of over ten feet in height. South- west point Cayman Brae (1211). COMBRETACE^E. BUCERAS CATAPPA (Linn.) Hitch. PI. Baham. 85. Terminalia L. The most striking tree of the streets of George- town, Grand Cayman (1316), where it is planted for shade and inci- dentally for its fruit, called the "Almond," to which it bears sotne likeness in both shape and taste. Also noted near San Miguel, Cozu- mel. CONOCARPUS ERECTUS Linn. Sp. PI. 147. In this species the leaves vary from broadly lanceolate to ellip- tical lanceolate, from glabrous to sericeous, and are not only biglandu- lar at the base, but also uniglandular at the juncture of each main vein to the midrib; this character is evident also in all the forms and varieties. The peduncles of the flower heads may be from one to four times the diameter of the head or sessile. Stamens usually 5, oftener less than more. The whole plant is erect and varies from a small shrub to a fair-sized tree. South shores Culebras Island, Porto Rico (596, 649). Shores of the bay of Santiago, Cuba, ^Although many cacti were observed, especially on the south shore of Culebras Island, at Santiago Ac C-iba. on the Cayman Islands, the Island of Cozumel, and in the arid scrubland south of Pro^rcs.1, the above was the only species found in bloom. MARCH, igoo. PLANIVE UTOWAN^ MILLSPAUGH. 79 leaves lauceolate acuminate, 8x2.5 cm - 5 light green, glabrous (ex- cept the juvenile), flower heads sessile, a large shrub (1012). Shores of Spot Bay, Grand Cayman, resembling the last, but with smaller leaves (5.5 X2 cm.), and peduncles from .5 to 2 cm. long. A fair size shrub, 1.5102.5 meters (1306); specimens from Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1428), are counterparts of this form. Three individ- uals of this species were found upon the south shore of Perez Island, Alacran Shoals, the largest of which I cut down for the woody por- tion. In these the leaves are small (4.3x1.5 cm.), and the head short peduncled. Low shrubs (i to 2 meters) established at this habitat 19 years according to the woody rings of the largest (1755). [Specimens in this Herbarium from Socorro Island, off Lower Cali- fornia (Anthony, 397), have leaves 8x 2.4 cm., and peduncles (in fruit) of the length of the cones; from Acapulco, Mexico (Palmer, 137), leaves 9. 5x2. 5 cm., peduncles one-third the length of the fruiting cones; from Biscayne Bay, Florida (Palmer, 159), leaves 5.5x1.4, peduncles 1.3 times the length of the heads: and from Indian River, Florida, (A. H. Curttss} with leaves elliptical-acuminate, 6 x 2.7 cm., and peduncles of the length of the flowering heads.] CONOCARPUS ERECTUS ARBOREUS Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 277. In this form the leaves are more broadly lanceolate, more inclined to be sericeous, obscurely petiolate, whole plant arboreous. Tree 9 meters, very abundant at the port of Silam (642 Gavmer), leaves 10.5 x 3 cm., peduncles about one-half the length of the ovate flower heads. CONOCARPUS ERECTUS SERICEUS (Forst.) Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 277. C. sericea Forst. An erect shrub with broadly lanceolate leaves covered with a light but persistent silky down, and with fruits twice the size of the species. Shores of the east coast of Cozumel, shrub 3 meters, leaves downy, 8.5 x 3.3 cm., fruits globular 1.5 cm. diam. sessile (1582). [Shrub 5 meters, coast of Yucatan at Progreso, like the last but with smaller leaves (6 x 2.5 cm.). Collected by Gaumer, 1164; and by Dr. Arthur Schott 264, 266.] CONOCARPUS ERECTUS PROCUMBENS (Linn.) Jacq. Am. Pict. 260, f. 22. C. procumbens Linn. A prostrate trailing shrub bearing but little resemblance, in the field, to the species, even when growing together as is often the case; the stem trails along the surface of the ground and the flowering branchlets become erect as they are produced. The leaves are thicker than in the species, ovate, and mucronate, the fruit large and sessile, and the stamens usually 2. Islets in Hamil- ton Bay, Bermuda, leaves 4.7 x 2.2 cm., sharply mucronate, fruits i cm. diameter (n); shores at San Miguel, Cozumel, leaves 5 x 2.6cm., sharply mucronate, (1472); shores of the lagoon south of Progreso, Yucatan, like the last but less mature (1717, 1720). Conocarpus erectus argenteus var. nov. A striking tomentose variety of the prostrate form, with broadly ovate acute densely silvery-villous leaves and sessile fruits. South- west Point, Cayman Brae, leaves 8 x 4.7 cm. (1212); east shore of 8o FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. Cozumel, leaves 6 x 3.5 cm. (1583), a beautiful and attractive object along the shore at rare intervals. MYRTACE^:. PSIDIUM GUAJAVA Linn. Sp. PL 470. Introduced into Grand Cayman from Jamaica, it has now run wild, as a shrub, throughout the fields and open woods of the central portion and become a veritable pest (1378). Leaves elliptical, 8 x 2.7 cm., bluntish, the midrib projecting as a curved point, veins very prominent beneath, the midrib very slightly puberulous. Jambosa Jambos (L.) comb. nov. Eugenia Jamb os Linn. Sp. PL 470. Specimens from deep woods on the mountain heights above Charlotte Amalia (511) and moun- tain sides near Port Antonio, Jamaica (1149). A large tree with glabrous branchlets and lanceolate-acuminate pointed leaves 19x4 cm., narrowed at the base to the short (i cm.) petiole, the veins quite prominent beneath; peduncles terminal 5-flowered, the flowers white or creamy, and large (8 cm. diameter), sepals brownish punctate. EUGENIA BARUENSIS Jacq. Coll. 3:183. Plentiful in scrublands upon the. table land above " The Creek," Cayman Brae (1157) where it is called "Strawberry bush." It yields at this season a large quantity of pleasant tasting though somewhat astringent and terebinthine edible berries, about the size of black cherries. EUGENIA MONTICOLA (Sw.) de C. Prod. 3:275. Myrtus Sw. Dry fields at Walsingham, Bermuda (96). Chytraculia Chytraculia (L.) comb. nov. Myrtus Chytraculia Linn. Calyptranthes Chytraculia Sw. At the Caleta, Island of Cozumel (1537). Our specimens agree with Wright No. 172 Cuba. A low glabrous-branched tree, leaves 7-9 x 3.5-4 cm. MELASTOMACE.E. CLIDKMIA HIRTA (Linn.) Don. Mem. Wern. Soc. 4:309. Melastoma hirta Linn. Hedgerows and partial opens about Port Antonio, Jamaica (1144). MICONIA PRASINA (Sw. ) de C. Prod. 3:188. Melastoma prasinum Sw. Fencerows and hillsides above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (517)- Leaves 10-16x4.5-5.5 cm., perfectly smooth and glossy above, slightly rusty-downy on the midribs beneath, margin minutely crenate with now and then one or more of the vein- lets, leading to the convexity of the crenations, projecting as a cusp, petioles 2-3 cm. long, those of the young leaves rusty-downy. MICONIA TRINERVIS (Sw. ) Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 257. Melastoma trinervium Sw. Roadsides and hedges near Caguas, Porto Rico (238). The specimens have a ferruginous tomentosity on MARCH, igoo. PLANTVE UTOWAISUE MILLSPAUGH. 81 the tips of the young branchlets, terminal petioles, and inflorescence, as well as on the larger veins beneath. ONAGRACE.E. JUSSIEUA PERUVIANA Linn. Sp. PI. 388. Oenothera hirta Linn. Syst. ed. x. 998. Jussieua hirta (L.) Vahl. Rich soil near the shore east of Port Antonio, Jamaica (934). JUSSIEUA LINIFOLIA Vahl. EC. Am. 2:32. J. acuminata Sw. , J. parviflora Salzm. and Mich. , J. micrantha Kuntze, J. nubica Hochst, Port Antonio, Jamaica (967), also found here by Fawcett, but not by Hitchcock. Although seven species of this genus are found in Jamaica, none seems so far to have reached the Caymans. JUSSIEUA OCTOVALVIS (Jacq.) Sw. Obs. Bot. 142. Oenothera octovalvis Jacq. Enum. PL Carib. , 19., J. salicifolia Kth., J. angustifolia Lam. In the Index Kewensis this species is included under the next, from which, however, my Jamaican forms are plainly distinct, the leaves being longer, far narrower and sharper pointed, the calyx lobes lanceolate, the fruits much larger, longer, and not subtended by the two awl-shaped bracts at the apex of the pedicel. Port Antonio, Jamaica (926). JUSSIEUA SUFFRUTICOSA Linn. Sp. PL 388. Grassy fields Port Antonio, Jamaica (996, 1791), at Bayamon (349) and Caguas (228), Porto Rico. UMBELLIFERACE^E. Hydrocotyle Yucatanensis sp. nov. Glabrous radicant, leaves peltate in the middle, orbicular, 2.5- 3.5 cm. diameter, widely and slightly crenate, veins 14-15, pedun- cles 12-27 cm., mostly longer than the petioles; umbels proliferous expanded, many flowered, the secondary umbels usually capitate, terminating the pedicels, flowers yellow, fruits truncate at the base, 2.3 mm. broad, .7 mm. long, carpids 3-ribbed, the intermediate prominent, the lateral corky. Muddy banks of a dried-out lagoon about 4 kilometers south of Progreso, Yucatan (1677). The long strictly-erect scapes and pe- tioles, yellow flowers, and venation of the leaves, immediately sep- arate this species from its cogeners. Type in Herb. Field Col. Mus. Cat. No. 61677. FOENICULUM FOENICULUM (L.) Karst. Deutsch. Fl. 837. Anethum F. Linn. Foeniculum vulgar e Mill. Escaped to the margin of open woodland at Walsingham, Bermuda (93). DAUCUS CAROTA Linn. Sp. PL 242. Sparingly introduced along roadsides at Hamilton and Walsing- ham, Bermuda (109). 82 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. MYRSINACE^E. JACQUINIA ARMILLARIS Jacq. PI. Carib. 15. At Port of Ponce 1 (684) and Guanica (717), Porto Rico. Leaves cuneate-spathulate, 4-5.5 x 2-2.7 cm., margins revolute, and apex emarginate. PLUMBAGINACE.E. PLUMBAGO SCANDENS Linn. Sp. PI. 2:215. Climbing among shrubbery on the bay shore south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, where it is known as "Blister-leaf;" racemes short, averaging about 9 cm. (446). Hedges in the suburbs of San Domingo (883), racemes 24 cm. Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1792), racemes 18 cm. SAPOTACE.E. CHRYSOPHYLLUM MONOPYRENUM Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 49. C. oliviforme Lam. non. Linn. Woodlands center of the Island Cozumel (1555), where it is called "Cainito Silvestre" (wild cayuito), and by the Mayas Chi-ce" or Chi-ze", which is not translatable. Leaves from 8-10x4-5.5 cm., ovate, pointletted, golden-tomentose beneath; fruits oliviform, i.7x.8 cm., mouospermous, olivaceous. GENTIANACE^:. EUSTOMA EXALTATUM (L. ) Salisb. Parad. Lond. t. 34. Gentiana Linn. E. silenifolium Salisb. Sandy soil along road from Progreso to Merida (near Progreso), Yucatan (1725), 45-65 cm. high, leaves 3.5-4.5x1-1.5 cm. In full bloom. LIMNANTHEMUM HuMROLDTiANUM (Kth.) Griseb. Gen. e. Sp. Gent. 347. Villarsia Kth. Ditches in pasture near Santurce, Porto Rico (302), in full flower. APOCYNACE.E. PLUMIERA ALBA Linn. Sp. PL 210. South shores of Culebras Island (604) on rocky hillside, trees 4- to 5 meters high, bare, only a few blooming branches found, and one tree in leaf. Peduncles 10-12 cm. long, flowers 7 cm. in diame- ter; leaves 20-25 cm - l n &5 2 - 2 "3 cm - broad, acuminate. PLUMIERA OBTUSA Linn. Sp. PL 210. South shores Cayman Brae (1229), infrequent in rocky wood- lands, leaves 6x4 cm. (juvenile). Most of the plants seen were bare, one or two bore flowers only, and one only bore a few leaves, but no flowers. VINCA ROSEA Linn. Syst. 10:914. Near dwellings and fully escaped into pastures at Catano (160} and Santurce (298), Porto Rico. Bodden Bay road, Grand Cayman (1331), far from habitations, and appearing as if native, though doubt- less introduced originally by man. MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWANVE MILLSPAUGH. 83 TABERNjEMONTANA CITRIFOLIA Linn. Sp. PI. 2IO. Margins of woods at San Miguel and the Caleta, Cozumel (1493,1511). Flowers creamy-white. The plant is called " Uoupek," "smell of the dog," by the Mayas. Thevetia Thevetia (Linn.) comb. nov. Cerbera Thevetia Linn. Sp. PI. 209. Frequent on the high mountains above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (529). ECHITES ANDREWSII Chapm. Fl. So. St. 359. E. neriandra Griseb. Open fields center of Grand Cayman (1373). Pubescent climber, leaves ovate-oblong, pale beneath, 6x4 cm., apex mucronate, truncate and sometimes slightly emarginate on the same plant, peduncles 2.5 to 6 cm. long, several-flowered, calyx lobes linear-acuminate (7 mm. long), slightly longer than the cylin- drical portion of the corolla tube, corolla downy, yellow, 3 cm. long, limb spreading 4 cm. Another specimen from the same locality (1366) has smaller leaves (4.3 x 1.8 cm.), more strongly pubescent on both surfaces, ovate-lanceolate, all mucronate, and flowers paler yellow (Prang Y, 3; the previous specimen being Y, i). ECHITES REPENS Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 13. Infrequent in shady opens near Port Antonio, Jamaica (974). Leaves 8. 5x 2.2 cm., peduncles 4 cm., pedicels 8 mm., calyx-lobes 4 mm., corolla tube, cylindrical portion 1.7 cm., expanded portion 2.2 cm., lobes 2 cm., stem glabrous, internodes about 10 cm. ECHITES ROSEA A. de C. Prod. 8:450. Dry hillsides, The Ovens, and Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1102, 1113). Stems slender, tortuous verrucose, leaves elliptical- ovate, 2x1 cm. (except near the base of one individual (1102) where the leaves were very large for the species, being 4.3x2.1 cm.), cor- date at the base, and strongly mucronate at the apex, prominently netted-veined beneath, smooth and coriaceous above, short petioled, peduncles axillary and terminal, about .5 cm. long, pedicels ^ the length of the peduncle, corolla tube: cylindrical portion 2 cm., ex- panded portion 1.5 cm., lobes about 1.3 cm. long, bright rose-lake (Prang R R V, i). ECHITIS UMBELLATA, Jacq. PI. Carib. 13. Fields about Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1243). Leaves large (6.5x4.5 cm.), strongly mucronate, corolla tube 3 cm. long, limb 2 cm. broad. NERIUM OLEANDER Linn. Sp. PI. 209. Pagets and Hamilton, Bermuda (66, 117). Although compara- tively a recent introduction in Bermuda, the plant is now so thor- oughly spread about all the larger islands as to take on the character of a more or less noxious weed. ASCLEPIADACE.E. ASCLEPIAS CURASSAVICA Linn. Sp. PI. 215. Dry roadsides at Paget's, Bermuda (40), pastures at Caguas, 84 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. Porto Rico (195), fields, south shore of Culebras Island (595, 6oo) r grassy upper beach south of Port of Ponce (669), and Guanica (698), Porto Rico, old weedy fields Bodden Bay Road, Grand Cayman (1323), damp meadow at the Caleta, Cozumel (1516), and dry sandy fields near Progreso, Yucatan (1691). These plants are all narrow and strongly petiolate leaved, leaves 4.3-7.5 x 1-1.5 cm., otherwise they agree with the following: Dry hillsides near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (434), old fields opposite San Domingo city (780), a very shrubby branching form; rich soils near Port Antonio, Jamaica (922), and old pastures near San Miguel, Cozumel (1495), in these the leaves are sub-sessile, larger and broader, lanceolate, 10-13x2.7-3.3 cm.; the plant is here called Xanal Kak, " Same as Fire," in allusion to the intense flaming-orange flowers. ASCLEPIAS NIVEA Linn. Sp. PI. 215. Fields opposite San Domingo city (834), flowers greenish-white, whole plant puberulous, petioles 1.3-1.5 cm., leaves narrowly-lanceo- late pointed 6 x 1.5 cm. Not in fruit. CALOTROPIS PROCERA (Willd.) Dryand, Ait. Hort. Kew. ed. ii., 2:78. Plentifully scattered over the mountain fields south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (390). Leaves 17-20 x 14-16 cm., sub-sessile, the auricles clasping the stem, pointleted, milky juice very profuse. Runs wild also on the south shore fields of Culebras Island, doubtless brought there from St. Thomas (635), where it is called "Silk Cat- tun ;" prolific and plentiful in fields along the coast of Porto Rico west of Ponce (666). This species is a native of Persia. The stem yields a good fiber, and the sap a caoutchouc that forms gutta-percha notable as being a good conductor of electricity. The bark bast also yields a fine white fiber. METASTELMA SCHLECHTENDALII Decne. de C. Prod. 8:513. Plentiful, climbing over shrubbery at southwest point Cayman Brae (1197). GONOLOBUS MARITIMUS R. Br. Mem. Wern. Soc. 1:35. Ibatia muricata Griseb. Fruits only, from roadsides near Guan- ica, Porto Rico (741). CONVOLVULACE.E. DICHONDRA REPENS Forst. Char. Gen. 39. Dry hillsides in open woods near Hamilton, Bermuda (121). Not in flower nor fruit. QUAMOCLIT COCCINEA (Linn.) Moen. Meth. 453. Ipomcea Linn. Climbing over shrubs, out of season and rarely seen. Santurce, Porto Rico (300), at the Caleta, Cozumel Island (1522), barely in flower. Ipomcea Antillana nom. nov. Ip. cymosa Lindl. Bot. Reg. (1843) :24, non G. F. W. Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. 99 (1818); nee Roem. and Schult. Syst. 4:241 (1819); Ip. MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 85 sidcejolia Chois. in Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 6:459 (1833), non Schrad. in Goett. Gel. Anz. 1:719 (1821). Glabrous, leaves cordate 7-9 x 5-7 cm., basal sinus 5-8 mm. pointed and mucronate or simply acute-mucronate, entire, petioles somewhat longer than the peduncle and about the length of the leaf, cymes many-flowered corymbiform, sepals oblong, bluntish, 6-8 x 3 mm., the interior one-third as long as the corolla, the exterior shorter, corolla short 2.5 x 2 cm. Guanica, Porto Rico (754)- Climbing over hedgerows suburbs of San Domingo (803, 878). IPOMCEA SINUATA Orteg. Hort. Matr. Dec. 84. Ip. dissecta Pursh, non Willd. Climbing over shrubbery at " The Ovens," Santiago de Cuba (1123). Leaflets 3 cm. long, being only half the size of those in specimens gathered at Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1285). IPOMCEA BATATAS (Linn.) Poir in Lam. Encyc. vi., 14. Convolvulus B. Linn. Cultivated at Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1290). IPOMCEA BONA-NOX Linn. Sp. PI. ii., 228. Climbing high over shrubs and trees near the coast shores of San- tiago Bay, Cuba (1001), and near Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1397). The great length of the internodes, petioles and corolla-tube plainly separate this species from the next. IPOMCEA CARNEA Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 13. Rocky scrubland south of the lagoons near Progreso, Yucatan, (1695). Branches thick and ligneous, short and thickly foliate, sepals 5 cm. long, corolla 8 cm., fully developed leaves 6x6 cm., point- leted, entire. IPOMCEA CARNOSA R. Br. Prod. 485. /. arenaria R. & S. Batatas lit tor alls Choisy. Ip. acetoscefolia R. & S. Sandy seashores on the upper beach at Santurce, Porto Rico (1798), south shores of Cayman Brae (1222), and Grand Cay- man at Spot Bay (1310). In none of the specimens from these local- ities can be found the lobed leaves so frequent in the plants of other localities. In these the leaves are oblong-lanceolate 2.5-5 x I " 2 cm - On account of the drifting of the sand the stems are always buried and seldom is any portion of the plant visible except now and then a leaf and flowering branch; the petioles of the stem leaves vary with the depth to which the stem is buried. When the burial of the leaves is of sufficient period to cause their death, rootlets are given off at their nodes, and the petiole is converted into a branch which forces its way upward through the sand, gives forth new leaves and finally flowers. IPOMCEA CILIOLATA Pers. Ench. Bot. 1:183. Rare, only one plant seen, in a sandy field at Catano, Porto Rico (250). IPOMCEA FASTIGIATA Sweet Hort. Brit. 288. Ip. cymosa Mey. non C. & S. //. stenocolpa Garck. Hedges 86 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. suburbs of San Domingo (852); over shrubbery at San Juan Hill, San- tiago de Cuba (1056); and in the center of Cozumel, where it is called by the Indians "H-ebil," meaning "Climber" (in the masculine gender). IPOMCEA MOLLICOMA Miq. Stirp. Surin. Sel. 132. Convolvulus umbellatus Linn, non Ip. umbellata Linn. Ip. umbel- lata Mey. Convolvulus sagittifer H. B. K. Over stone fences and shrubbery at Caguas (200), Catano (254), Bayamon (326), and Guan- ica (719, 745, 746), Porto Rico; south shore Culebras Island (618), and Bodden Bay road, Grand Cayman (1322). Leaves cordate-lan- ceolate 5-7 x 2.5-4 cm., pilose on the larger veins beneath. IPOMCEA PES-CAPR^E (L.) Roth. Nov. PI. Sp. 109. Convolvulus P. Linn. Ip. biloba Forsk. A very common seaside species throughout our range though rarely found in flower at this season. On sand beaches it is usually the first vegetation to be found beyond the littoral margin, and where the beach is steep-to and low its habitat on the coral rocks is the same. Islands in Hamilton har- bor, Bermuda, all the beaches about San Juan and its harbor, Porto Rico (260), where it trails seaward from the upper beach over the clear sand to the water line. Shore of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (425), rocky coast of San Domingo (805, 865), shore of Santiago Bay near Morro (1091), south shores of Cayman Brae (1228) and Grand Cayman; east shore of Cozumel, and the beach at Progreso, Yuca- tan (1651). IPOMCEA QUINQUEFOLIA (Linn.) Griseb. Mem. Am. Acad. 1863:526. Convolvulus q. Linn. Climbing over low shrubbery environs of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (374), and San Domingo (862). Ped- icels divaricate 1-1.5 cm., peduncles filiform 4 cm. long; corolla 2x1 cm., central leaflet 3-3.5 cm. x 4-8 mm. Ipomcea ruber(VahL) comb. nov. Convolvulus rufierVzhL Eclog. Am. 2:12. C. setifer Spr. Syst. I: 577> C. breviflorus Spr. Syst. 1:606, Ip. setifera Poir. Encyc. 6:17, Ip. breviflora Mey. Esseq. 100. Climbing high over tall shrubs at Catano, Porto Rico (146, 147, 158). Over stone fences outskirts of Port Antonio, Jamaica (946). Our specimens agree perfectly with the description, to which might be added from them: sepals 2 of the exterior 5-plaited, the other 3-plaited; oblong-acuminate 2.3 x i cm. aristate (aristae i cm. long), the keels of the plaits irregularly rounded-dentate; the 2 interior scaphoid cordate-deltoid aristate, 1.2 x .7 cm. aristae 2 mm. long. Leaves sagittate-hastate 8 cm. from petiole to apex, 10 cm. from apex to tip of auricle, 8 cm. from tip to tip of auricle-base, 2.9 cm. broad at constricted part above the auri- cles, 3.2 cm. broadest part (upper third) auricle-pointed, tip emar- ginate-mucronulate, petiole about the length of the leaf. Ipomcea Steudeli nom. nov. Ipomcea arenaria Stend. Nom. ed. 2, 1:815, non R- & S. Syst. 4:247. Exogonium arenarium Choisy. South shores of Culebras MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 87 Island (614) and Guanica, Porto Rico (763), just appearing in bloom and leaf. IPOMCEA TRILOBA Linn. Sp. PI. 161. Fields, creeping over low herbage center of the island of Grand Cayman (1385). Branches glabrous, leaves 4-5 cm , leaflets mucro- nulate, seeds glabrous, polished. IPOMCEA TUBA (Schl.) G. Don. Syst. 4:271. Convolvulus T. Schl. Ip. grandiflora Lam. non Jacq. South shore of Cayman Brae (1234), climbing over low bushes. In our specimens the leaves are often three lobed at the middle or tending to this form near the auricles, basal sinus deep and narrow (in Bona- nox it is shallow and broad). IPOMCEA VENTRICOSA (Bert.) G. Don. Syst. 4:274. Convolvulus v. Bart. Climbing over hedges near Port Antonio, Jamaica (980), probably planted. PHARBITIS ACUMINATA (Vahl.) Choisy de C. Prod. 9:348. Convolvulus acum. Vahl., Ipomxa acum. R. & S. One specimen only, that from the base of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1079). Sepals 2.5 cm. long, hispid-ciliate at the base and basal margin, corolla 9.5 cm. long, branches pilose. PHARBITIS CATHARTICA (Poir.) Choisy. loc. cit. 342. Ipomoea cathartica Poir. The most prominent character running through all of the following specimens is the deep madder-lake color of the corolla limb, which is broad (about 6 cm. diam.) in all; the calyx lobes are also constant. The variation in the leaf form is noted for each locality. Moist grounds near Port Antonio, Jamaica (933), leaves imperfectly 3-lobed n x 8 cm. outline cordate-acuminate. Dry sandy soil south shores of Cayman Brae (1227), leaves regularly 3-lobed, 7 x 6. 5 cm. (1235), leaves complete or slightly 3-lobed 5.5-7 x 4.5-6 cm. attenuate-acuminate. Dry sandy soil near George- town, Grand Cayman (1244), leaves cordate-orbicular complete or showing unilaterally an attempt at trilobation, 5-6 x 5-6 cm; similar situation (1246) leaves cordate-ovate acuminate, sinuately 3-lobed, 7.5 z 4.5 cm-; another (1403), leaves complete cordate-ovate mucro- nate, and hederaceously and deeply 3-lobed, 6-7 x 5-6.5 cm.; another from the center of Grand Cayman (1372) in woodlands, has the leaves varying from cordate-orbicular to 2-3-lobed, 6x5 cm.; rocky shores of Cape Corientes, Cuba (1452), leaves as in the last; woodlands of the center of Cozumel (1793), leaves all entire cordate-acuminate 7-8.5 x 5.5-6.5 cm. PHARBITIS NIL (Linn.) Choisy. Mem. Soc. Phys. Genev. 6:441. Convolvulus Nil Linn, as to Dill. loc. cit. f. 92, Ph. hederacea Choisy., Ipomcea hederacea Jacq., Ip. Nil Roth. Suburbs of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (418), the small slightly pilose-leaved form. Calyx lobes 1.8 cm. Jong, limb 2.5 cm. in diameter. PHARBITIS PURPUREA (Linn.) Voigt. Hort. Suburb. Calc. 354. Convolviihis purp. Linn. Ipomcea purp. Linn. Ph. hispida Chois. 88 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. Hedgerows near Walsingham, Bermuda (102); and climbing over shrubbery in fields near the center of Grand Cayman (1381). PHARBITIS TRILOBA Miq. Am. Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bot. 2:93. Convolvulus hederaceus Linn, as to Dill. Elth. t. 81, F. 93. (Ph. hederacea Chois. referred to Pharbitis Nil.) Roadside at Hamil- ton, Bermuda (139). This species is readily distinguishable from the next by its large flowers (corolla 7 cm. long, limb 4.5 cm. broad), attenuate erect calyx .lobes 2.5 cm. long, and short but distinct ped- icels. JACQUEMONTIA PENTANTHA (Jacq. ) Don. Gen. Syst. 4:283. Convohnilus pentanthus Jacq. J. violacea (Vahl.) Choisy. Exten- sively climbing over herbage and low shrubs. Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (403); south shores of Culebras Island (610), bay shores at Guanica, Porto Rico (701); roadsides near San Domingo city (850, 855); old garden shrubbery near San Miguel, Cozumel (1542), where it is called X-yaax h-ebil, "Green-climber;" and in the scrubland south of Progreso, Yucatan (1663). Convolvulus obcordatus sp. nov. Prostrate trailing, stems long terete glabrous, branches virgate appressed long-pilose, leaves small mostly 1.2 x 8 cm., a few 2 x 1.5 cm. obcordate the lobes mostly unequal, the sinister lobe the smaller, glabrous; petiole filiform about two-thirds the length of the lamina. Inflorescence solitary in the axils of all the leaves, peduncle about the length of the leaf and its petiole, bibracteate at or below the middle, bracts minute linear. Flowers small (7 mm.), white, slightly tinged with blue, calyx of three sizes of sepals, the two outer largest, inner smallest and the fifth mediate between the pairs, the outer ovate blunt above, half the length of the corolla, style 2-lipped at the apex. Capsule globose 2-valved 4-seeded, seeds glabrous, 2.2 x 1.6 mm., finely reticulate-tuberculate. In general habit similar to Evolvulus nummularius L. Along the bed of the railroad about 8 kilometers south of Progreso, Yucatan (1707), only one station found. Type in Herb. Field Col. Mus. Cat. No. 61707. CONVOLVULUS JAMAICENSIS Jacq. Obs. 3:6. * Southwest point of Cayman Brae (1198, 1205), and the scrubland south of Progreso, Yucatan (1726). CUSCUTA AMERICANA Linn. Sp. PI. 124. Moist ditches, running over various low and tall weeds near Char- lotte Amalia, St. Thomas (407, 495); and over weeds on the margin of an old clearing at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1439). BORRAGINACE.E. CORDIA CYLINDRISTACHYA R. & S. Syst. 4:459. Bay shores near Guanica (750, 767), in which location the species is supplanted by C. globosa in Cuba. MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 89 CORDIA GERASCANTHOIDES Kunth. H. B. K. , Nov. Gen. et Sp. 3:69. Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1273, 1300), where it is called "Span- ish Elm." CORDIA GLOBOSA Kunth., loc. cit. 76. A common shrub in the environs of San Domingo (792); and about the shores of Santiago Bay (1008) and Cape Corientes, Cuba. CORDIA SEBESTENA Linn. Sp. PI. 190. Upper beach and open woodlands Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1358), the usual elliptical leaved form with sparing dentation. Leaves densely pilose-scabrous 7-8x5-5.5 cm., apiculate, distantly repand denticulate, the calyx tube as long as that of the corolla and unequally 5-dentate. The following plants differ materially from the preceding and should be placed under C. speciosa Salisb. Prod. iii. The leaves are large, ovate to ovate lanceolate 12-20x7-13 cm., pointed, points often 2-3 cm. long, irregularly serrate, rounded at the base. The flower clusters in a large spreading corymbiform cyme, the flow- ers larger and longer pedicelled, the corolla tube one-third longer than that of the calyx, the limb spreading to 3.5 cm. Margins of salt lagoons south shore of Cayman Brae (1223); lagoon north of Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1261), and the east shore of Cozumel (1261). CORDIA ULMIFOLIA Juss. Dum. Cours. Bot. Cult. 2:148. Roadside south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas, (536). Shrubby, leaves bicolor, downy beneath, few scattered hairs upon the upper surface, upper half serrate, lower entire. TOURNEFORTIA GNAPHALODES R. Br. Prod. 496. On the beach line facing the open sea, very seldom, if ever, found in bays or where partially dry reefs guard the shore. Shores near Walsingham and the Flats, Bermuda. On the beach near Santurce, Porto Rico. Open beach north of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas. Free sea beach south shore of Culebras Island (638), Ratones Island, Port of Ponce", Porto Rico. West beach of Mona Island. Not noted at San Domingo, the coast about there being rocky and steep-to. The Creek, Cayman Brae (1177), where it grows from the crevices of the coral, and is known as "Sea Lavender." Spot and Bodden Bay shores Grand Cayman, also along shores north of Georgetown. Sandy beach at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1429), where it forms dense masses. Shores at Cape Corientes, Cuba. Plentiful along the beach on the east shores of Cozumel. North shore of Yucatan at Progreso (1650), where the shrubs are all small. A few clustered clumps about the center of the west coast of Perez Island (1745), and one shrub only, just appearing, on the south point of Pajaros Island, Alacran Shoals. HELIOTROPIUM CURASSAVICUM Linn. Sp. PI. 130. Sandy spots at Catano (330) and Guanica (716), Porto Rico. Sandy shores of the bay of Santiago de Cuba (1005), a large, leaved (3-7 x -5 cm.) straggling form, thick stemmed and very leafy, with 90 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. short (3 cm.) spikes. The same form from Progreso, Yucatan (1735), and the more usual short-leaved form, with a slaty-purple bloom on the leaves, from the latter station (1655). HELIOTROPIUM INDICUM Linn. Sp. PI. 130. Old fields near Caguas (211) and on south shores Culebras Island {647), Porto Rico. Suburban banks and fields Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (414). Low, stems woolly, leaves narrowing to the petiole irregularly repand crenate, 9x5 cm., spines 7 cm.; the same form from the suburbs of San Domingo (810), another (776) from the same locality is tall and shrubby with very long spikes 15-24 cm. Fields about El Caney, Santiago de Cuba (1029), a very low form (8 cm.) with large, pilose, cordate reticulate leaves 8 x 5.5 cm. and dwarfish spikes 3 cm. long. HELIOTROPIUM PARVIFLORUM Linn. Mant. 2:201. Waste ground south shores of Culebras Island (585) and Guan- ica (691), Porto Rico. Common in waste places about Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (436), leaves ovate blunt 1.7-3 x 1-2-2 cm., plen- tifully scattered-hairy above, spikes 6.5 cm. Environs of San Domingo (781), leaves as in the previous plant but acute and sparingly scattered-hairy above, developed spikes 12 cm. Shores of the Bay of Santiago de Cuba (102), leaves ovate lanceolate 4-5 x 1.7-2 cm. spar- ingly scattered-hairy above, strongly reticulate veined above and beneath. San Juan Hill (1049) and Morro Hill (1084), Santiago de Cuba, the former with lanceolate leaves 4.5-7 x 1.3-2 cm., acute and tending to apiculation, the latter with broadly lanceolate leaves 6-8 x 2.5 x 3.5 cm., acute, the upper surface subglabrous. Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1287), leaves small, lanceolate, acute strongly retic- ulate and scattered-hairy 2-4.5 x i.i-i., 9 cm., spikes slender, about 9 em. long when fully fruited. Woodlands and opens center of the island, Cozumel (1538), leaves broadly lanceolate, spikes short (7 cm. in full fruit), scattered hairiness reduced to a minimum. An infu- sion of this plant is used in domestic practice on this island in such cases of illness as are supposed to be due to a thick condition of the blood. It is called by the Indians "Ne-maax," or in the feminine gender, " X-ne-maax," " Monkey-tail," and by the Mexicans of Yucatan " Rabo de Mico," meaning the same, in allusion to the per- fect resemblance of the inflorescence to that appendage. A similar form collected along the roadsides of Progreso, Yucatan (1704), but with almost the hairiness of H. Indicum, and with large ovate-lanceo- late reticulate leaves 4.5-6.5 x 2.3-3 cm - VERBENACE^:. LANTANA ACULEATA Linn. Sp. PL 627. Plants shrubby, tomentose and more or less thorny with small recurved hook-like aculeae, leaves narrower ovate-lanceolate than those of involucrata and not so sharply acuminate and the peduncles much longer, leaves tomentose 3.5-5 x 1.2-3 cm., peduncles 4-6.5 cm. Flowers all chrome yellow, not changing to red. Scrub about Char- lotte Amalia, St. Thomas (401, 507, 530), old fields near San Domingo MARCH, 1900. PLANTVE UTOWANJE MILLSPAUGH. gi city (843), San Juan Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1054), and San Miguel, Cozumel (1496), this last being notable for its dense woolly pubes- cence and larger, broader leaves 6-7 x 4-4.8 cm. LANTANA CAMARA Linn. Sp. PI. 627. Islets in Hamilton Bay, Bermuda (19), with large sharply ser- rate leaves 5.8-7.8 x 3.8-4.8 cm. Dry hillsides at Bayamon (339), Caguas (207), and Guanica (747), Porto Rico. Suburbs of San Domingo city (799), hillsides about Port Antonio, Jamaica (979), rocky upper beach at Cape Corientes, Cuba (1449), leaves very strongly scabrous above. Southwest Point, Cayman Brae (1202, 1215), Bodden Bay Road in open fields, Grand Cayman (1320, 1332). From observations covering a large number individuals exam- ined during the trip, and from the material collected, I am fully satisfied that this species is distinct from L. aculeata. LANTANA HORRIDA H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2:261. Dry rocky shores of the lagoon south of Progreso, Yucatan (1673). Branchlets tetragonal, tomentose, sharply and strongly acu- leate; leaves ovate acute 4-5 x 3-4 cm., evenly crenate-toothed sca- brous-pubescent above, tomentose beneath; flower heads large, chrome -yellow. LANTANA INVOLUCRATA Linn. Amoen. Acad. 4:319. L. odorata Linn. Throughout the Bermuda islands the principal shrub there (5,14,79), leaves 2-3 x 1.3-1.7 cm. The usual form of this species is plentiful on the dunes at Santurce (282), and on the south shores of Culebras Island (590, 637^, where it grows to a tree-like shrub 20 feet high and 15-20 cm. in diameter; on the seashore fields of the Port of Poncd (678), and the steep dry hillsides at Guanica (715), Porto Rico. Plentiful about Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (427, 440), of more thrifty, cleaner and healthier appearance than the Bermudan specimens, leaves broader and larger, serrate 2.8-4.2x2.2-3 cm., odorous, especially the apical leaves and flowers. Base of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1795), P r depauperate specimens evidenc- ing the aridity of the winter season; leaves 1.3-2 x .8-1 cm. South- west Point, Cayman Brae (1218), a form with long petioled (1.5 cm.) leaves 2.^5-3.5 x 1.8-2.5 cm -> an d long peduncles (3.5 cm.) but with small flower clusters. Near Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1252), dwarfish and depauperate, the prey of some leaf-cutting insect; branches denuded, their tips only leafy. Cape Corientes, Cuba, fine, healthy, clean specimens, counterparts of those of St. Thomas (1451, 1454). Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1417), like the last. Bar- rens beyond the lagoon south of Progreso (1716), in this locality the leaves close up during the heat of the day. In all the above forms the base of the leaf is deltoid, while in the following it is truncate and broad: The Ovens, Santiago de Cuba (1109), clean and vigorous, not reduced like 1795 above, and east shore of Cozumel (1597). LIPPIA GEMINATA Kth. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 2:266. Open woodlands near Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1626). Heads large 1.7 x i cm., on long pedicels 3.2 cm. 92 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. LIPPIA NODIFLORA (L.) Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2:15. Verbena n. Linn. Ditches near Hamilton, Bermuda (i 18), a some- what depauperate growth as compared with the more southern forms, leaves 1.2-1.4 x -4 x -6cm., peduncles 2.5 cm., heads 4 mm. diame- ter. Two forms of this species occur at Catano, Porto Rico, one low and strongly prostrate with the peduncle the only strict part of the plant, and very small leaves 1.2 x .5 cm., peduncles 3.5 cm., heads .5 cm. (331); the other (176, 253) with the branches erect, leaves 3.5-5 x .7-1.3 cm., peduncles 5.5 cm., and heads .7-. 8 cm. in diame- ter. Center of island of Grand Cayman in a boggy soil (1365); bor- der of a brackish lagoon on the north shore of Cozumel (1595), leaves 2-2.5 x -8-1 cm., peduncles 5 cm. long, heads i cm. long, 6 mm. diameter. Sandy ditches near Progreso, Yucatan (1722), a form with broader leaves (2.5 x 1.6 cm.) and longer purplish heads (1.6 cm. long, 7 cm. broad). VALERIANOIDES JAMAICENSE (Linn.) Medic. Phil. Bot. 1:177. Verbena Jam. Linn. Stachytarpheta Jam. and Indica Vahl. Com- mon on the smaller islands in Hamilton Bay, Bermuda (17); dry fields and roadside banks at Catano (151); south shores of Culebras Island (581), and at Guanica (687), Porto Rico; under coco trees at The Creek, Cayman Brae (1173), where it is known as " Verveen " and used as a purgative; and fields in the center of the island of Cozumel (1568). These specimens all agree with the descriptions of Stachy- tarpheta Indica a.ndjamaicensis, while the following take on the char- acters given for 6*. strigosa Vahl. (= Valerianoides Jamaicense Indicum forma strigosum (Vahl.) O. Kuntze.), having the linear-acuminate setaceous bracts, which is the only character that in reality has any claim to permanence. The dentation of the calyx-lobes, sulcation of the rachis, and breadth of the bracts is very variable and too incon- stant to form even a varietal distinction; this, together with the fact that almost any dry field in the neighborhood of say Charlotte Ama- lia, St. Thomas, or the Island of Grand Cayman will yield all the species known as Indica, Jamaicense and strigosa, would indicate that these are all merely forms of one species. Paget's, Bermuda (39), hillsides above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (419), fields in the environs of San Domingo city (864), stony bed of a dry stream near Port Antonio, Jamaica (900), and fields along the Bodden Bay road, Grand Cayman (1340). PRIVA LAPPULACEA (L.) Pers. , Syn. ii., 1807. Common as a roadside weed at Catano, Porto Rico (337), Port Antonio, Jamaica (921); San Juan Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1043, 1048), tall and widely branching, branches attenuate. Spot Bay, Grand Cayman, (1286); low, compact and regular in form at center of Island of Cozumel (1548), where it is called Xpakunpak, " Stick- tight," alluding to the fruits. The Mayas use the bruised herb as a remedy for gonorrhoea. CITHAREXYLUM QUADRANGULARE Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 26. A tall tree along roadsides and about plantations near Hamilton, Bermuda (122), where it has all the appearances of an introduced MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 93 species, and was doubtless brought from Jamaica, as it here bears the Jamaican name " Fiddlewood." DURANTA REPENS Linn. Sp. PL 637. D. Plumieri Jacq. Hillsides bordering the Bay of Guanica, Porto Rico (757); in fruit only. ELATA Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 31. Fields and scrublands near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1281). A form with the twigs and inflorescence downy, leaves coriaceous, strongly reticulate-veined, 10-12 x 5-6 cm. PETITIA PCEPPIGII Schau. de C. Prod. 11:639. On the high tableland above "The Creek," Cayman Brae (1164), where the tree is called "Black Fiddlewood" and is used for ship timbers. Probably not distinct from P. Domingensis Jacq. CLERODENDRON ACULEATUM (Linn.) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 500. Volkameria Linn., Ovieda (L.) Hitch. Center of Grand Cayman (1380). Various coast situations in Porto Rico; the shrubs on the north shores are open, branchy and free flowering, those from the south shores compact and densely leafy. Culebras Island (591), Port of Ponce 1 (663), and Guanica (739, 752). CLERODENDRON FRAGRANS (Vent.) Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 659. Volkameria Vent. Borders of streams on hillsides near Caguas, Porto Rico (232). High up in mountain woods above Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (556), where it has so far escaped from the neighborhood of dwellings as to appear native. Hedges in the en- virons of San Domingo city (772). AVICENNIA NITIDA Jacq. Enum. PL Carib. 25. Growing on the dryer margins of mangrove swamps, where it asserts itself by its dusty white appearance. Shallow bays and lagoons, Bermuda Islands; swampy shallows near Catano, Bayamon; south shores of Culebras Island (582), and Ratones Island (657). Port of Ponce", Porto Rico. Shores of the bay of Santiago (1009, 1019), southwest point of Cayman Brae, and near Progreso, Yucatan. LABIATACE^:. TEUCRIUM INFLATUM Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 88. Moist hillside near Port Antonio, Jamaica (994). Differs from most specimens of the species in its larger leaves (6.5-9.5 x 4.5-5.5 cm.) and denser growth. GLF.CHOMA HEDERACEA Linn. Sp. PL 578. Nepeta Glechoma Bth. A few plants in woodlands and old fallow fields near Hamilton, Bermuda (129). LEONOTIS NEPETVEFOLIA (Linn.) R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. 3:409. Phlomis Linn. Fields, Walsingham, Bermuda (106). Mr. Reade,* writing in 1885, says of this species : "introduced in a few *" Plants of the Bermudas or Somers' Islands." 94 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. gardens ;" while not plentiful, I found it in several localities in Wal- singham district, one, at least, far removed from any dwelling, the others sufficiently distant to assure me that the plant is spreading and naturalized here. Plants low (30 cm.), leaves small, 4 x 3 cm., globose whorls small, 1.5-2.5 cm. diameter. Pasture lands at Caguas (218) and Guanica (723), Porto Rico. Fields south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (384); tall, well developed and native; leaves 9 x 6. 5 cm., heads 4 cm. diameter. Fields and roadsides about San Domingo (785), counterparts of the last. Hillsides near Port Antonio, Jamaica (965), doubtfully native, leaves 5 x 4, heads 2-4 cm. diameter. LEONURUS SIBIRICUS Linn. Sp. PI. 584. Fallow fields and pastures at Caguas, Porto Rico (196). Waste ground along a stream south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (386). The usual stout, erect puberulous, with even the uppermost leaves at least dentate. STACHYS ARVENSIS Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2:814. Old fields at Walsingham, Bermuda (113), introduced from Europe. Stachys arvensis Bermudiana var. nov. Annual, 15-35 cm., virgately branching from the rootstalk, glab- rous throughout, leaves ovate-cordate crenate, 2-2.6 x 1.8-2.3 cm. Sepals glabrous, the tips sharply and strongly long-aciculate. Old fallow fields near Hamilton, Bermuda (128, 133). Salvia Caymanensis Millsp. & Uline sp. nov. Stems strictly erect, .5-1 meter; canescent above, woody below, leaves ovate-lanceolate, 2.5-3x1-1.4 cm., pale and tomentose be- neath, pilose and dark green above, the lower cuneate, the upper sub- cordate at the base, acute, shallow crenate; petioles one-fourth the length of the blade; racemes terminal, strict, open, bracts lanceolate- acuminate, flowers pedicellate whorled, pedicels about half the length of the corolla, verticels 6-2-flowered, calyx glandular-hairy, 3- lipped, upper blue-green, blunt or pointed, 2 lower bright green apiculate, corolla blue, about twice the length of the calyx, style un- equally bilabiate, the anterior branch flat, curved, about twice the length of the slender falcate almost aristate lip, nutlets olivaceous, 1.95 x .925 mm. Sandy grassland and old pastures near Spot Bay, Grand Cay- man (1295). Type in Herb. Field Col. Mus. No. 61295. Differs from S. serotina in its habit, leaves and calyx. SALVIA OCCIDENTALIS Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 14. Common in fields about Catano, Porto Rico (141) ; Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (402), and in like situations near San Domingo (85g). Moist hillside pastures near Port Antonio, Jamaica (992), and dry hillsides at El Caney, Santiago de Cuba (1030). Roadsides near The Creek, Cayman Brae (1186), and at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1424). SALVIA SEROTINA Linn. Mant. 1:25. Fields and roadsides near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (504),. MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTO\VAN. MILLSPAUGH. 95 leaves I.8-2-5X 1.4-2.3 cm., strongly pubescent upon the larger veins beneath, whorls 2-flowered. Environs of San Domingo (809), leaves as in the preceding, but strongly pubescent above and below, whorls 3-6-flowered. Meadows near Port Antonio, Jamaica (928), leaves 2-3. 3 x 1.7-2.5 cm., pubescent on the veins beneath, whorls 3-6-flow- ered. On Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1074), leaves 3x3.5 cm., slightly pubescent beneath, whorls distant 2-3-flowered. About the streets of San Miguel (1469) and in the woods of the interior (1575) of Cozumel; leaves 2.5-3.5x2.2-3 cm., glabrous, petioles and branch- lets only slightly pubescent, whorls approximate 2-4-flowered. Forests of Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1634), leaves 1.5-2 x .9-1.3 cm., glabrous, branchlets long-pilose, racemes long-virgate, distantly few-whorled, whorls 2-4-flowered. Sal via serotina sagittaefolia var. nov. Differs from the species in its simple erect stem, long virgate branching inflorescence, sagittate leaves, 4 cm. long, 1.8 cm. broad at the base, densely pubescent beneath, linear bracts, and sagittate floral leaves. Dry fields center of the Island of Grand Cayman (1391). Type in Field Col. Mus. Herb. No. 61391. SALVIA TENELLA Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 14. Pagets (38) and Walsingham (86) in dry hillside pastures, Ber- muda. Low, with small leaves, 1-1.5 x .8-1.2 cm., deltoid, hoary. ,S". Micrantha Vahl. SATUREIA BROWNII (Sw.) Briq. Eng. & Prantl. Pflanz. iv, 3:300. T/iymusSw. Micromeria>ti\. Clinopodium Kuntze. Damp meadow near the Caleta (1517) and San Miguel (1474), Cozumel, where it is called " Poleo," the Spanish for "pennyroyal." MESOSPH^ERUM CAPITATUM (L.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 525. Clinopodium c. Linn. Hyptis c. Jacq. Waste grounds at Catano (170), and the most plentiful and striking weed at the settlement on Culebras Island. Environs of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (518), a proliferous form with from 2-4 smaller and sessile heads in the axils of the peduncles, peduncles 2.6 cm. long, heads 2.4 cm. diame- ter, accessory axillary heads 1.5 cm. diameter: another curious form from this locality (554) has peduncles 8 cm. long, and heads 1.5 cm. diameter, with leaves 13x8 cm., the plant leafy to the top, the uppermost leaves being lanceolate, 10x4 cm. Fields about San Domingo (814), leaves oblong-lanceolate, 5-5-7-5x2-3.5 cm., pedun- cles 3 cm., heads 1.5 cm. Old fields near Port Antonio, Jamaica (955), leaves 5-5-7 x 2.5-4 cm., peduncles 2.5 cm., heads 1.5 cm. In all these the upper surface of the leaves is furnished with scattering hyaline 4-6 jointed hairs. While the species was plentiful in every locality visited from St. Thomas westward to Jamaica, I failed to detect it at Santiago, or at any point from there westward to Yucatan. Mr. Combs found it (sparingly, however) in marshy grass lands near Cienfuegos, Cuba, hardly its natural habitat, and Mr. Johnson is credited, in 96 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. Biologia Central! Americana, with having gathered it in "Yucatan and Tabasco." MESOSPH^RUM PECTINATUM (Linn.) Kuntze loc. cit. Nepeta p. Linn. Hyptis p. Poit. A weed in old fields at Caguas, Porto Rico (205, 239, 240); south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (399). Fields and copses about San Domingo (829), a large growth with panicles over a meter in length. Base of Morro Hill, San- tiago de Cuba (1078). Fields common along Bodden Bay road, Grand Cayman (1341). Environs of San Miguel (1477), and old fields inland (1549) Cozumel, where it is termed in Maya "Xolt- xnuc," or "Old Woman's Staff." MESOSPH^RUM SUAVEOLENS (Linn.) Kuntze loc. cit. Ballota s. Linn. Hyptis s. Poit. Old fields near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (496), leaves ovate-cordate, simply serrate, 2.5- 3.5 x 1.5 X3 cm., petioles the length of the blade, densely large-flow- ered. Coco groves at The Creek, Cayman Brae (1154), loosely floral, leaves hairy, 2.5-3x2.2-2.8 cm., doubly-serrate, stems and branches pilose. The plant is here called "Spikenard." OCIMUM MICRANTHUM Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 630. Rich soil at Catano, Porto Rico (190). Suburban fields of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (508); roadsides near Port Antonio, Jamaica (971); old fields near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1266); opens near San Miguel, Cozumel, where it is called "Cac-al-tun," signify- ing in Maya a plant from which it is a wearying task to strip the leaves; application indeterminable. OCIMUM SANCTUM Linn. Mant. 1:85. Steep dry hillside at Guanica, Porto Rico (689), profusely bloom- ing and fruiting. SOLANACE.E. PHYSALIS ANGULATA Linn. Sp. PI. 183. Roadsides at Guanica, Porto Rico (699), and the south shore of Culebras Island (586). PHYSALIS PUBESCENS Linn. loc. cit. Ditches along roadways near Port Antonio, Jamaica (937). CAPSICUM FRUTESCENS Linn. loc. cit. 189. Old garden spot at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1423). SOLANUM ACULEATISSIMUM Jacq. Coll. I:IOO. Waste grounds at Port Antonio, Jamaica (903). SOLANUM AMAZONIUM Ker-Gawl. Bot. Reg. t. 71. A tall shrubby form at the Caleta, Cozumel (1514), low and dwarfed in the stony scrubland south of Progreso, Yucatan (1694). SOLANUM BAHAMENSE Linn. Sp. PI. 188. Scrublands near Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1445). SOLANUM CALLICARP^FOLIUM Kth. & Bouch. Ind. Sem. Hort. Berol. 1853. Stony scrubland south of Progreso, Yucatan (1702, 1719). MARCH, igoo. PLANTVE UTOWANA: MILLSPAUGH. 97 SOLANUM INCLUSUM Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 441. Open scrubland on the mountain back of Charlotte Amalia, St, Thomas (528). SOLANUM NIGRUM NODIFLORUM (Jacq.) A. Gr. Syn. Fl. 2, 1:228. Solarium nodiflorum Jacq. Wayside ditches near Charlotte Ama- lia, St. Thomas (483); shady places on Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1082), and Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1444); grassy fields along Bodden Bay road, Grand Cayman (1351); and streets of Progreso, Yucatan (1730). SOLANUM PERSIC^EFOLIUM Dun. Hist. Solan. 185. High woods back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (449), and at Guanica, Porto Rico (707), agreeing with No. 645 Sintenis from Cabo Rojo. SOLANUM PERSICVEFOLIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Dun. loc. cit. Rocky south shore of Culebras Island (620), agreeing with No, 646 Sintenis from Cabo Rojo. SOLANUM RACEMOSUM Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 15. Stony scrubland at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1415). SOLANUM SEAFORTHIANUM Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 504. Grassy fields east of San Domingo city (858). SOLANUM TORVUM Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 47. Old fields at Caguas, Porto Rico (197). SOLANUM VERBASCIFOLIUM Linn. Sp. PI. 184. Dry slopes of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1098); and dry opens in woods, center of Cozumel Island (1547), where it is called "Xaxox": "Distended Cat's-foot," referring to the form of the leaves, and claw-like spines. DATURA METEL Linn. Sp. PI. 179. Indigenous at Guanica, Porto Rico (712). DATURA STRAMONIUM Linn. loc. cit. Indigenous in dry fields south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (491, 505), where it is locally known as "Fire-weed." CESTRUM DIURNUM Linn. Sp. PI. 191. In coco groves and upon the tableland at " The Creek," Cayman Brae (i 192), and in open woods center of the island of Cozumel (1539). NICOTIANA TABACUM Linn. Sp. PI. 180. Apparently indigenous in scrubland at Pedernales Point, Isle of , Pines (1435). SCROPHULARIACE^:. VERBASCUM THAPSUS Linn. Sp. PI. 127. Frequent in dry fields near Walsingham and at Pagets, Bermuda; plants usually low, 20-40 cm. (68). gS FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. RUSSELIA JUNCEA Zucc. in Flora 15 (1832): 99. Hedgerow at Catafio, Porto Rico (183), probably planted, at least escaped. Monniera dianthera (Sw.) comb. nov. Lindcrnia Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 92 (1788). Herpestis chamce- dryoides Rth. Gathered with the next (1525) at the Caleta, Cozu- mel; rare. MONNIERA MONNIERA (L.) Britton Pterid. & Sperm. N. A. 292. Gratiola L. , Herpestis H. B. K. Moist places near the shore at Catafio, Porto Rico (177), and near the Caleta, Island of Cozumel CAPRARIA BIFLORA Linn. Sp. PI. 628. Dry fields about Hamilton, Bermuda (120), roadsides about Caguas (217) and Guanica (710), Porto Rico, and Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (421); fruits short pedicelled, leaves average 4 x 1.6 cm., sharply and evenly serrate, stem strongly pilose in the channels. Sides of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1076); fruit pedicels the length of the strongly ciliate calyx, sepals linear, one-third longer than the capsule, whole plant pilose, leaves sharply gross-serrate, 3 x 1.3 cm. About the Caleta, Cozumel, in forest and scrubland (1513, 1535); densely foliate, leaves 3 x 1.3 cm., sharply serrate above the middle, whole plant finely pubescent, pedicels filiform, nearly three times the length of the fruit. Interior of Yucatan at Chichen Itza (1625); whole plant canescent, leaves few and scatter- i n g? 3-5 x I -5 cm -> irregularly serrate, fruits very short pedicelled. Roadsides and open lands about Progreso (1732); plants low, densely large-foliate (6.5x3.2 cm.), canescent, pedicels nearly twice the length of the capsules, filiform. CAPRARIA SEMISERRATA BERTERII (A. de C. ) Bth. in de C. Prod. 10:429. Dry fields center of Grand Cayman (1364). Shrubby, stem whit- ish, branches scattered-pilose above the middle; leaves smooth above and beneath, narrowly lanceolate (averaging 4 cm. x 6 mm.), sessile or nearly so, narrowing to a sharp cusp, margins entire ciliate, pedi- cels filiform, thrice the length of the fruits, ciliate, /-^ from each leaf axil, sepals linear, at last shorter than the carpels, bracts as long as the flowering pedicels, carpels scrobiculate. SCOPARIA DULCIS Linn. Sp. PI. 116. Dry fields in the suburbs of San Domingo (807). VERONICA ARVENSIS Linn. Sp. PI. 13. Dry fields and meadows about Hamilton, Bermuda (137). Gerardia cereifera sp. nov. Annual, glabrous, leaves linear, 2. 5-3. 8 x. 25 cm., entire, sub-, opposite on the branches, scabrous above with white wax-like scabrae, which become massed at the free margin of the leaf, racemes few- flowered open, pedicels very short, about half the length of the calyx tube, calyx thin, prominently veined, the teeth deltoid, blunt, corolla about four times the length of the calyx, softly, densely and finely MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN^ MILLSPAUGH. 99 short-pubescent, the margins of the lobes short-ciliate, bracts as long as the pedicel and constricted lower portion of the calyx-tube. Plants 15-30 cm. high, diffusely branched and appearing some- what like G. peduncularis Bth., from which this species clearly dif- fers in its leaves, pedicels, and calyx. Dry, rocky, sun-burnt soils south of the lagoon near Progreso, Yucatan (1702). BIGNONIACE.E. TECOMA STANS Juss. Gen. 139. Borders of woodlands at Caguas, Porto Rico (246); above Char- lotte Amalia, St. Thomas (458), and on the west side of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1093). PITHECOCTENIUM AuBLExii Splitg. in Hcev. & De V. Tijd. 9:12. Climbing in high, open trees at Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1638), where the fruits are called X-tabay or " Wood-nymph," on the suppo- sition in fiction that the fairies use the pods as combs for the hair; a use that prevails even to-day among the Indian women. Leaves large, 10-12 cm., strongly cordate, the deltoid apex 2 cm. long by 1.5 cm. broad at the base. Fruits 14-20 x 5-7 cm.; seed, including the wings, 3-3.5 x 7-8 cm. TABEBUIA LEUCOXYLON (Linn.)deC. Bibl. Univ. Genev. 17:131,212. Bignonia Linn. Tecoma Mart. Shores of the lagoon at the south- west point of Cayman Brae (1214), and maritime rocks of Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1361). Agrees with Wright, Cuba, 1339. GESNERACE.E. RHYTIDOPHYLLUM TOMENTOSUM (Linn.) Mart. Nov. Gen. et. Sp. 3:39. Gesnera Linn. Seaside of Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1072). ACANTHACE^:. TUBIFLORA SQUAMOSA (Jacq.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 500. Verbena Jacq. Open woods, Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1622). In full flower and appearing like a primrose; flowers pink, large, 7 cm. diam., the appearance of the flower bracts vary greatly on the same plant, one spike having no ciliae at all on the margins of the bracts, another having all the bracts strongly ciliate; plants, as a whole, glabrous; spikes all simple and from the rosulate base. THUNBERGIA ALATA Boj. Sims. Bot. Mag. t. 2591. Hedgerows, environs of Caguas, Porto Rico (210) and San Domingo city (876); leaves small 4-5 x 2.5-3.5 cm.; sharply hastate, narrow at the sinus; petioles two-thirds the length of the laminae. Rich soil near Port Antonio, Jamaica (970); climbing over hedges near dwellings, leaves varying from reniform to strongly and sharply hastate 6-9 x 4.5-6 cm. THUNBERGIA FRAGRANS Roxb. PI. Corom. 1:47. Two forms collected on hedgerows near Port Antonio, Jamaica ioo FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. (914, 968); the first with the sharply hastate leaves short (5.5-7 cm.), bilobate at the base and apiculate at the apex (T. Dregeana?); peti- oles often longer than the leaves, and peduncles 6-10 cm. long. The other with lanceolate-cordate-hastate leaves, long pointed, 5.5-9 x 2- 3.5 cm.; petioles about one-half the length of the laminae. BRAVAISIA TUBIFLORA Hemsl. Hook Ic. PI. t. 1516. East shore of Cozumel Island near the ruined temple only (1580), and along the upper beach near Progreso, Yucatan (1733). This species grows as a spreading shrub about 4-6 feet high. I have never seen it even appear tree-like as Dr. Gaumer reported to Prof. Hem- sley. It is abundant where found, but its localities are infrequent. Blechum Blechum (Linn.) comb. nov. Ruellia B. Linn. Syst. ed. x:ii5O. B. Brownei (Sw.) Juss. Sub- urbs of Port Antonio, Jamaica (898); leaves 3.5-5 x 1.5-2.5 cm., stri- gose-hairy, margin of bracts ciliate. The Creek, Cayman Brae (1174); leaves 6-9 x 3.5-5 cm. Bodden Bay Road, Grand Cayman (1328); leaves 3-3.5 x 1.2-1.4 cm - Near San Miguel, Cozumel (1506); leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate 6x4 cm.; distantly strigose-hairy. RUELLIA TUBEROSA Linn. Sp. PI. 635. Pasture lands at Guanica, Porto Rico (730). Slopes of San Juan Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1052). Center of island of Grand Cayman (1388). These specimens only differ in the former being more nearly glabrous, in none is the capsule pubescent. RUELLIA PANICULATA Linn. Sp. PI. 635. Dry sandy fields and rocky barrens near Progreso, Yucatan (1685). TETRAMERIUM HISPIDUM Nees. de C. Prod. 11:^68. Plentiful in dry sandy fields near Progreso, Yucatan (1683); the usual form of the species. HENRYA COSTATA A. Gray. Proc. Am. Acad. 21:406. Ditches and along the lagoon at Progreso, Yucatan (1661). DIAPEDIUM ASSURGENS (Linn.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 485. Justicia a. Linn. Dicliptera a. Juss. Plentiful in fields about El Caney (1041) and at the base of Morro Hill (1095), Santiago de Cuba; at the Caleta (1521) and on the east shore of Cozumel Island (1602); and in the neighborhood of Progreso, Yucatan (1711). SIPHONOGLOSSA SESsiLis (Jacq.) Oerst. Kjoeb. Vid. Meddl. 159. Justicia Jacq., Rliytiglossa Nees. Dianthera Griseb. Dry fields near Progreso, Yucatan (1656), stunted specimens only at this season. JUSTICIA PERIPLOCJEFOLIA Jacq. Coll. Suppl. 5 t. 7. Adhatoda Nees. Roadsides south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (431); and south shores of Culebras Island (597). DIANTHERA RUGELIANA Griseb. Cat. PL Cub., 196. D. obtusifolia Griseb. in PI. Rugel. On old garden spot at Ped- ernales Point, Isle of Pines (1438). MARCH, 1900. PLANIVE UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 101 PLANTAGINACE^:. PLANTAGO MAJOR Linn. Sp. PI. 112. Roadsides and dry fields near Hamilton, Bermuda (123). PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA Linn. Sp. PI. 113. Fields and roadsides at Walsingham, Bermuda (90). RUBIACE.E. RACHICALLIS AMERICANA (Jacq.) Hitch. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard., 1893:92. Hedyotis Americana Jacq. R. rupestris de C. On the coral beach rocks of The Creek, Cayman Brae (1178); branches short, 4-9 cm., leaves small, 5-7 mm., and whole plant depauperate as compared with the dense tall masses that almost cover the coral rocks of the east coast of Cozumel. Coast rocks of Spot Bay, Grand Cayman, Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines, and Cape Corientes. RONDELETIA ARBORESCENS Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 327. Dry hillsides at Bayamon, Porto Rico (341). RANDIA ACULEATA Linn. Sp. PI. 1192. Rocky soil near Bayamon, Porto Rico (343). A large shrub with heavy branches and thick branchlets, very heavily armed with sharp strong spines 1.5-1.7 cm. long, leaves elliptical-ovate, 2.5x 1.5 cm. drying green, and fruits i cm. in diameter. In fruit only. Fields bordering Bodden Bay road beyond Spot Bay, Grand Cay- man (1319) leaves elliptical, coriaceous 3-5 x 1.5-2 cm. RANDIA XALAPENSIS Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. xi, 1:239. Border of the lagoon Southwest Point, Cayman Brae (1203), not in flower nor fruit. I GONZALEA SPICATA (Lam.) de C. Prod. 4:437. Lygistum spicatum Lam. Dry hillsides at Bayamon, Porto Rico (354), with racemes 30-35 cm. long. HAMELIA PATENS Jacq. PI. Carib. 16. Hedgerows near San Domingo city (823). Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1412). Margins of woodlands near San Miguel, Cozu- mel (1490). ERITHALIS ANGUSTIFOLIA de C. Prod. 4:464. Environs of Georgetown (1251) and Spot Bay (1360), Grand Cay- man. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or lanceo-spatulate, 2-3. 5 x i-i.5cm. ERITHALIS FRUTICOSA Linn. Syst. ed. x, 930. Ratones Island, Port of Ponce, Porto Rico (652, 653). The usual form, leafy at the ends of the branches, leaves ovate, 4-5. 5 x 2.5-3 cm. ERITHALIS FRUTICOSA ODORIFERA (Jacq.) Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 336. E. odorifera Jacq. A larger growth than the species, with odor- ous white flowers, and broadly-ovate leaves, 8.5-10.5 x 4-5.5 cm., rounded at the apex. Sand dunes at Santurce, Porto Rico (279). 102 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. CHIOCOCCA RACEMOSA Linn. Syst. ed. x:gij. Borders of a low swale at Pagets, in which position it appears natural, or at least seeded-in through the agency of birds, the loca- tion being far from dwellings or cultivated ground, Bermuda (47). Leaves ovate-coriaceous, 6-9x3-4 cm., inflorescence paniculo-racemi- form. Scolosanthus Sagraeanus (Griseb.). Comb. nov. Randia S. Griseb. Cat. PI. Cub. 122. S. crucifer Wr. Sauv. Fl. Cub. 67. Pagets, Bermuda (48). Only one plant seen, gathered from a dry beach. Dry rising beach on south shore of Culebras Island (646). STRUMPFIA MARITIMA Jacq. PI. Carib. 28. Plentiful on maritime rocks in the zone of spray where it grows from the driest crevices, Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines. The Creek, Cayman Brae (1069). Exceeding plentiful as the only vege- tation on the" coral shore line of the east coast of Cozumel (1588) where it forms in tangled masses of large extent. Myrstiphyllum horizon tails (Sw.). Comb. nov. (Psychotria horizontalis Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 44.) Center of the Island Cozumel (15560), where it is called by the Mayas "Xax- kanan." Leaves paler beneath, 9-11x3.5 4.5 cm., long pointed, the tuft of hairs in the vein-axils minute. MYRSTIPHYLLUM UNDATUM (Jacq.) Hitch. PI. Baham. 95. Psychotria undata Jacq. A seashore shrub at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1409). MORINDA ROYOC Linn. Sp. PI. 176. 4 Opens near Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1280, 1359), where it is called "Rhuburb," and is used in lieu of that drug, and as a yellow dye. A very narrow-lanceolate leaved form, 7-9x1-1.2 cm., Peder- nales Point, Isle of Pines (1411), the usual form with ovate-lanceo- late leaves, 7-11 x 2-2.5 cm. ERNODEA LITORALIS Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. 29. Sand dunes of Santurce, Porto Rico (266). Shores, southwest point Cayman Brae (1194), branches densely foliate, leaves 3. 5 x. 6 cm. Near Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1254). Upper beach, coast of Yucatan near Progreso (1715), leaves all fascicled at the tips of the branchlets, i.5x.4cm. DIODIA RIGIDA Cham. & Schl. in Linnaea 3:341. Dry fields at El Caney, Santiago de Cuba (1033). DIODIA TERES Walt. Fl. Carol. 87. Bodden Bay road, Grand Cayman (1338). BORRERIA VERTICILLATA (Linn.) Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. 83. Spermacoce Linn. Sandy spots in grassy bottoms at Catano (148, shrubby, 2 feet high), and Santurce (281), Porto Rico. The usual form of the species. MARCH, 1900. PLANTS UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 103 SPERMACOCE L^EVIS Lam. Illustr. 1:273. Our specimens from Port Antonio, Jamaica (948, 991), agree per- fectly with H. H. &G. W. Smith's from Mustique Island, Lesser Gren- adines, British West Indies. SPERMACOCE TENUIOR Linn. Sp. PL 102. Islets of Hamilton Bay, Bermuda (20, 21). The usual form of the species from dry soil along railroad near Bayamon, Porto Rico (340). Environs of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (437), and San Domingo city (866); roadside at Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1302); and San Miguel, Cozumel (1478); also in open woods at the Caleta, Cozumel (1531). In the Bermudan specimens the leaves are small, ovate-lanceolate, pointed, i.5-2.5x.8-i cm., and the plants low and spreading; in all the others the leaves are linear-lanceolate, 2.5-4X .6-. 8 cm., and the stems erect, except in No. 1478 the 'leaves are ovate-lanceolate, 3x1.3-1.5 cm. SPERMACOCE VERTICILLATA Linn. Sp. PL 102. Dry soils near Port Antonio, Jamaica (958), larger and more fully erect than another specimen from the neighborhood of San Miguel. Cozumel (1500). Leaves of the former 3X.7 cm., of the latter i.j\ .4 cm., heads i cm. diam., and in the latter .8 cm. CUCURBITACE^:. MELOTHRIA PERVAGA (Macf.) Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 289. Landersia Macf. Climbing over low weeds at Caguas, Porto Rico (206). MOMORDICA CHARANTIA Linn. Sp. PL 1009. Climbing over low shrubs at Catano (142), south shores Culebras Island (593), and at Guanica (693), Porto Rico. Fences and shrub- bery in the environs of St. Thomas (433). Leaves 4-5.5 cm. scat- tered short-strigose above and on the larger veins beneath, fruit soft-tubercled, peduncular bract i cm. from the axil. Suburbs of San Domingo (871), characters of the last except: Leaves 3.5-4 cm. and peduncular bract 2 mm. from the axil. Base of Morro Hill, Santi- ago de Cuba (1097), leaves glabrous 7-10 cm., peduncular bract 3 mm, from axil. Bodden Bay road, Grand Cayman (1329), characters as in the St. Thomas specimens. LUFFA CYLINDRICA (Linn.) Roem. Syn. Pepon. 63. Banks and low shrubbery at Caguas, Porto Rico (209). CUCUMIS ANGURIA Linn. loc. cit. Climbing over low herbs on rocky hillside south shore of Cule- bras Island (641). CUCUMIS MELO Linn. Sp. PL ion. In a washed-out stream bed far from habitations or cultivated lands on the south shores of Culebras Island (584). Apparently native though probably an escape. IO4 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. CAMPANULACE.E. LOBELIA BERLANDIERI de C. Prod. 7:367. Open woods at Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1624), agrees perfectly tvith Berlandier's 3177 from Matanzas, Mexico. LOBELIA CLIFFORTIANA Linn. Sp. PI. 931. Open fields at Caguas, Porto Rico (213, 222). Open waste places and banks near Port Antonio, Jamaica (990). Racemes 10-20 cm. long, pedicels i cm., leaves 2.5 x 1.2 cm. LOBELIA MARTAGON (Griseb.) Hitch. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 1893:103. Tupa Griseb. Rich grounds about Port Antonio, Jamaica (920). Specimens agree well with the characters given by Grisebach except that the flowers are green, not purple nor even lurid, the deltoid acu- minate calyx lobes rarely serrulate, the corolla tube thrice as long as the calyx lobes and the leaves larger than described. Calyx lobes 3.5 mm., corolla tube 11.5 mm., raceme 30 cm. long, cauline leaves 18-24 x 4"4-5 cm - ISOTOMA LONGIFLORA (Linn.) Presl. Prod. Lobel. 42. Lobelia L. Hillsides at Bayamon (308), and Caguas (242), Porto Rico, corolla 12 cm. long. Banks common about Port Antonio, Jamaica (908). The usual form of the species. GOODENIACE.E. SC-EVOLA LOBELIA Murr. in Linn. Syst. ed. xiii :i78. Lobelia Plumieri Linn. , S. Plumieri Vahl. Dunes of the coast at Santurce, Porto Rico (271). Fine specimens with very thick leaves, from the shores near Progreso, Yucatan (1647). One individual only on the Alacran Shoals near the foot of the grave on Perez Island (1765). . COMPOSITACE^:. VERNONIA ARBORESCENS (Linn.) Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. 2:1320. Conyza Linn. Mountain woods back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (551). VERNONIA ARBORESCENS DIVARICATA (Sw.) Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 353. V. divaricata Sw. Tableland above The Creek, Cayman Brae (1161), where it is called "Christmas-bush.'' VERNONIA PUNCTATASw. Wikst. Vet. Acad. Handl. Stockh. 1827:72. Mountain woods back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (522.) DISTREPTUS SPICATUS (Juss.) Cass. Bull. Soc. Philom. 1817:66. Elephantopus]uss. Sandy fields near Caguas, Porto Rico (198); mountain woods back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (555); near Port Antonio, Jamaica (982, 1127); the i-serial unequal pappus bristles, two of which are elongated and twice reflexed, together with the interrupted racemose-spicated inflorescence which gives the plants a far different habit aspect from Elephantopus seems sufficient reason for separating this genus. MARCH, 1900. PLANIVE UTOWANA: MILLSPAUGH. 105 ELEPHANTOPUS TOMENTOSUS Linn. Sp. PI. 814. E. scaber Linn. Sandy fields near Caguas, Porto Rico (194); mountain woods back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (552); and fields near San Domingo city (782). AGERATUM CONYZOIDES Linn. Sp. PI. 839. Moist ditches at Caguas, Porto Rico (208); and near Port Anto- nio, Jamaica (884, 962). EUPATORIUM CONYZOIDES Vahl. Symb. Bot. 3:96. Rich soil at Caguas, Porto Rico (203, 216); in the environs of San Domingo city (840, 857); El Caney (1035), bay shores near Santi- ago de Cuba (1004), and on the tableland above The Creek, Cayman Brae (1187), Old fields near San Miguel, Cozumel (1489). EUPATORIUM FCENICULACEUM Willd. Sp. PL 3:1750. Artemisia capillifolia Lam. Among the coast shrubbery at Peder- nales Point, Isle of Pines (1410). EUPATORIUM GUADALUPENSE Spreng. Syst. 3:414. E. paniculatum Schrad. Moist grounds near Port Antonio, Jamaica (902). Old pasture at Caguas, Porto Rico (224). EUPATORIUM HEBEBOTRYA Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Am. Bot. 2:95. Moist soil near the Caleta, Cozumel (1510), where it is called ^'Xtokabal," which may be freely translated "Bleeding Cherry," though the application is not so evident as that of Maya plant names in general. The plant here grows as a tree with a trunk 5 to 10 cm. in diameter, and a height of 3-8 meters. A decoction of the bark, leaves and flowers is used as a domestic remedy for gonorrhoea. EUPATORIUM IV^EFOLIUM (Linn.) Syst. PI. ed. x:i2O5. In the arid, stony scrubland south of Progreso, Yucatan (1688). Eupatorium Klattii sp. nov. Slender, erect, slightly strigose-villous above, branches slender, ascending; leaves sharply serrate except the truncate base, not glandular-dotted, trinerved, cuneate acuminate, strigose-hairy be- neath, heads few, i2-flowered, short pedicelled, receptacle globose, involucral scales rounded and ciliolate at the tip all alike, green 3- stiiate, the interior longer, achenium faintly angled, smooth between, not scabrous on the angles. Named in honor of trie late Prof. Dr. F. W. Klatt. Near E. conyzoides Vahl., from which it strongly differs in its slender habit, ascending densely foliate branches with a simple few- flowered corymb at the tips, its smaller heads and smooth achenia. Branches 10-25 cm., internodes 1-3 cm., petioles .5-1 cm., leaves 2.5 x 4 - 3 x 4.5 cm., corymbs 6-i8-flowered, peduncles .5-1 cm., pedi- cels .5-1 cm., heads 6-7 mm. long, 2-3 mm broad, achenia 3 x.3 mm. (in E. conyzoides 4 x .5 mm.) Shore of Santiago Bay, Cuba (1126). EUPATORIUM REPANDUM Willd. Sp. PI. 3:1767. Woodlands on the mountain back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (532). io6 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. EUPATORIUM SINUATUM Lam. Encyc. 2:407. E. canescens Vahl. Bay shores at Guanica, Porto Rico (694, 706). EUPATORIUM VILLOSUM Sw. Prod. Veg. Ind. Occ. in. Seashore upper beach at Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1401). WILLOUGHBYA GORDiFOLiA (L.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 372. Cacalia Linn. Mikania Willd. High mountain woods back of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (516). Willoughbya rauunculifolia (Rich.) comb. nov. Mikania A. Rich. Fl. Cub. Fan. 2:45. Stony shores at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1421). WILLOUGHBYA SCANDENS (L.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 371. Eupatorium Linn. Mikania Willd. Moist soil near Port Antonio, Jamaica (947, 956). ECLIPTA ALBA (Linn.) Hassk. PL Rar. Jav. 528. Verbesina Linn., Eclipta vesta L. , E. procumbens MX. Railroad embankment at Bayamon, Porto Rico (322); roadside near San Domingo city (815); and gravelly bank near Port Antonio, Jamaica (941). CRASSINA MULTIFLORA (L.) Kuntze Rev. Gen. 331. Zinnia multiflora Linn. Undoubtedly native; found far from habitations on the shore of Guanica Bay, Porto Rico (690). AGERATUM PALEACEUM Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Am. 2:83? Doubtfully placed here, from description, by Prof. B. L. Robin- son. Woodlands about Chichen Itza, Yucatan (1635). PARTHENIUM FRUTICOSUM Less, in Linnaea 5:152. Fide Prof. B. L. Robinson. Border of lagoon south of Progreso > Yucatan (1665). ALOMIA AGERATOIDES H. B. K., Nov. Gen. et Sp. 4:151. A very small leaved weak form from Isle of Pines, Cuba (1437). The usual form from San Miguel (1492) and the east shore (1603) of Cozumel. CONYZA AMBIGUA de C. Flor. Fr. Supp. 468. Non. H. B. K. On one of the small islets in Hamilton Bay, Ber- muda (119). Fide Prof. B. L. Robinson. BACCHARIS HALMIFOLIA Linn. Sp. PI. 860. Borders of a boggy place near Paget's, Bermuda (53, 58). AMBROSIA HISPIDA Pursh. Fl. Am. Sept. Suppl. 743. A. crithmifolia de C. At Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines, this species grows erect and strict about i meter high, but at the north- east point of Cozumel (1577) and on the coast dunes at Progreso, Yucatan (1645), it is prostrate on the sands, always extending itself toward the beach, sometimes 6 meters. PARTHENIUM HYSTEROPHORUS Linn. Sp. PI. 988. This species does not appear indigenous at any of the following MARCH, igoo. PLANTS UTOWAN/K MJLLSPAUGH. 107 localities, nor, in fact, at any place where I have observed it in the West Indies; although it is credited to these islands by authors, I have never met with it except in the streets of towns and villages: Walsingham, Bermuda (80, 115); Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (387, 475)j Guanica, Porto Rico (685); San Domingo city (778); Santiago de Cuba (1047), and San Miguel, Cozumel (1572). PLUCHEA CAMPHORATA (Linn.) de C. Prodr. 5:452. Erigeron camphoratum Linn. Conyza camphorata Ell. Opens at Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1440). Near the Caleta, Cozumel (1532); = E. petiolata Cass, the same form also from the bor- ders of the lagoons south of Progreso (1714). PLUCHEA ODORATA (L.) Cass. Diet. Sci. Nat. 13:3. Conyza odorata Linn. A conspicuous shrubby species, known in Yucatan as "Santa Maria" and used in domestic medicine as a febri- fuge as we use "Bone-set" in the north: Catano, Porto Rico (192); south shore of Culebras Island (577, 589); Ratones Island (656) and Guanica Bay (713), Porto Rico; shores of Santiago Bay, Cuba (1002, 1117); Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1414), and the Caleta, Cozu- mel (1503, 1512). LEPTILON CANADENSE (L.) Britton Brit. & Brown 111. Fl. 3:391. Erigeron Linn. Roadsides at Walsingham, Bermud^ (77); Bay- amon, Porto Rico (313); Port Antonio, Jamaica (940), and George- town, Grand Cayman (1259). SOLIDAGO SEMPERVIRENS Linn. Sp. PI. 878. On the islets in Hamilton Bay, Bermuda (8). BORRICHIA ARBORESCENS (L. ) de C. Prod. 5:489. Buphthalmium Linn. With the preceding (3), and shores of Grand Cayman near Georgetown (1239). BORRICHIA FRUTESCENS de C. loc. cit. Seashore at Santurce, Porto Rico (264), and Culebras Island (640). BORRICHIA ARGENTEA de C. loc cit. Seashore near Port Antonio, Jamaica (985); the shores of San- tiago Bay, Cuba (1017); coral rocks at The Creek, Cayman Brae (1176), where it is known as "Lavender;" sandy beach near George- town, Grand Cayman (1242, 1247), and on the coral rocks east shore of Cozumel (1586), the last being host of Sorosporium Borrichiae E. & E. sp. nov. WEDELIA BRACHYCARPA Baker Mart. Fl. Braz. 6, 3:181. Bed of a dry brook near its mouth, bay shore near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (366). WEDELIA BUPHTHALMOIDES (de C.) Griseb. Goett. Abh. 7:235. Anomostephium de C. Shores of the bay near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (405, 408). io8 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. WEDELIA LANCEOLATA de C. Prod. 5:541. Shores of the bay of Culebras (579) and the open sea on the south shore, Culebras Island (639). Our specimens agree well with the description, and have additionally very prominent cottony tufts of long strigose wool at the axils of all the larger veins beneath the leaf. WEDELIA TRILOBATA (L.) Hitch. PI. Baham. 99. Silphium Linn., W. carnosa Pers. The first vegetation on the bay beach at Catano, Porto Rico (143); sea beach and borders of brackish lagoon near Port Antonio, Jamaica (957, 993), and the shores at Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1245). AMELLUS ASPER(A) (Jacq.) Ktze. Rev. Gen. PL 305. Calea Jacq., Melanthera deltoidea Michx. South shore of Cule- bras Island (627), and near Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1395). AMELLUS NIVEUS (L.) Ktze. loc. cit. Bidens Linn., Melanthera Small, M. has tat a Michx. Barren places near Bayamon, Porto Rico (314); open dry ground center of the island of Cozumel (1545), and old fields near Progreso, Yucatan (1723)- SPILANTHES BECCABUNGA de C. Prod. 5:622. Open grassy places near San Miguel, Cozumel (1494). SALMEA PTEROBOIDES Griseb. Fl. Br. W. I. 375. Sandy open places on the south shore of Cayman Brae (1231), and near Georgetown, Grand Cayman (1404). VERBESINA ALATA Linn. Sp. PI. 901. Ditches along public road at Catano, Porto Rico (328). UCACOU(A) NODIFLORUM(A) (L.) Hitch. Fl. Baham. 100. Verbesina Linn., Synedrella Gaertn. Roadsides at Caguas, Porto Rico (220), and at Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1276). BIDENS ANDICOLA H. B. K. nov. gen. et Sp. 4:237. Islets in Hamilton Bay, Bermuda (16,24), fide Prof. B. L. Rob- inson. BIDENS PILOSA Linn. Sp. PI. 832. Ditches at Walsingham, Bermuda (81), and seashore at Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1275), where the plant is known as "Spanish Needles." BIDENS CYNAPIIFOLIA H. B. K. nov. gen. et Sp. 4:235. Ditches on hillside south of Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (501), fide Prof. B. L. Robinson. BIDENS LEUCANTHA (L.) Willd. Sp. PI. 3:1719. Coreopsis Linn. Roadside ditches at Paget's, Bermuda (43); sea- shore at Catano, Porto Rico (144, 166); near Port Antonio, Jamaica (945)5 with very large ray florets; at Cape Corientes, Cuba (1446, 1464). MARCH, igoo. PLANTS UTOWAN^E MILLSPAUGH. 109 COSMOS CAUDATUS H. B. K. nov. gen. et Sp. 4:240. Roadside in damp soil, center of island of Grand Cayman (1353.) TRIDAX PROCUMBENS Linn. Sp. PL 900. Dry hillside .at Morro Castle, Santiago de Cuba (1066). FLAVERIA LINEARIS Lag. Gen. et. sp. nov. 33. A very robust and foliose form collected in an open field south of Progreso, Yucatan (1652), and on the beach of Perez Island, Alac- ran Shoals (1753). BROTEROA TRINERVATA (Willd.) Pers. Ench. Bot. 2:498. Naumbergia trinervata Willd. Brotera Contrayerba Spr. Flaveria repanda Lag. Ditches near Progreso (1653) and along the railroad south of the lagoon crossing, Progreso (1699, 1731), Yucatan. Porophyllum Millspaughii Robinson* sp. nov. Shrub or undershrub; stems and primary branches terete, cov- ered with a purplish-gray smoothish cortex, widely and dichoto- mously forked (through the habitual tendency to abortion in the terminal bud); leaves elliptical, rounded at both ends, coarsely cre- nate through the intrusion on each edge of 2 or 3 shallow bays, membranaceous, thin, not paler beneath, 2.2 to 3.3 cm. long, 1.4 to 1.8 cm. broad; glands intra-marginal, the lateral lunate, subtending the bays, the terminal one linear, coincident with the apex of the midnerve, other glands upon the surface of the leaf wholly wanting; petioles slender, 5 mm. long; peduncles 1.3 to 1.8 cm. long, slender, scarcely thickened upward; involucral bracts oblong-linear, 1.2 cm. long, scarious-margined, usually browned at the tip; glands dark, linear; usually biseriate, heads usually nodding in anthesis; flowers about 18, greenish-white; corolla 9 mm. long, puberulent upon the outer surface; achenes purplish black, somewhat attenuate and (under a lens) upwardly hispid, 8 mm. long. Progreso, Yucatan, 5 Mar., 1899 (1648). Types in Herb. Field Col. Mus. No. 61648, and Herb. Gray. This species is obviously related to P. Ervendbergii, Gray, and P. nummularium, D. C. It is distinguished, however, by the absence of the irregularly distributed superficial glands which are present on the leaves of both, the species mentioned. It also has somewhat shorter peduncles, and larger leaves. PECTIS CUBENSIS (Rich.) Griseb. Cat. PI. Cub. 156, fide M. A. Fernald. Laurentia Rich. Fine full masses of this species were found in the sand of the roadside at Spot Bay, Grand Cayman (1279), but not seen elsewhere on the island. It is called "Flat-weed," and is used in infusion as a stomachic tonic. ERECHTHITES HIERACIFOLIA (L.) Raf. de C. Prod. 6:294. Senecio hieracifolius Linn. In an old field near Pedernales Point, Isle of Pines (1418). *Prof. B. L. Robinson, Gray Herbarium, Cambridge. Mass. no FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM BOTANY, VOL. 2. EMILIA SONCHIFOLIA (L.) de C. Prod. 6:302. Cacalia Linn. Railroad embankment and dry stony roadway near Bayamon, Porto Rico (303, 318); stony bed of a dry brook near Charlotte Amalia, St. Thomas (466). CICHORIUM INTYBUS Linn. Sp. PI. 813. Roadside banks at Walsingham, Bermuda (103). SONCHUS OLERACEUS Linn. Sp. PI. 794. Waste ground and open woodlands near Walsingham (74, 95), and near Hamilton (131), Bermuda. SONCHUS ASPER (L.) All. Flor. Ped. 1:222. 5". oleraceus var. asper Linn. Waste grounds at Paget's, Ber- muda (63). LACTUCA INTYBACEA Jacq. Ic. PI. Rar. i t. 162. Brachyramphus intybaceus de C. Tall specimens, 1.5 meters high, from hillside at the bay of Guanica, Porto Rico (759), and Morro Hill, Santiago de Cuba (1067, 1070). Small, but fully developed, speci- mens, 15-20 cm., simple stemmed, from grassland near Progreso, Yucatan (1701), together with taller branchy plants (1706, 1709) from the same locality. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA