£6i LI B R.AR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 016.9291 U6i Illinois historical Survey PUBLICATION NUMBER EIGHTEEN OF THE Illinois State Historical Library A List of the GENEALOGICAL WORKS IN THE Illinois State Historical Library Springfield, Illinois Georgia L. Osborne, Compiler Springfield, III. Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers 19 14 /L 949/ JM- ^^'mjlLJujl 1AU PREFATORY NOTE In preparing a list of the works on Genealogy to be found in the Illinois State Historical Library it must be taken into consideration that this Department of the Library was only begun in 1907. Previous to iliat time there had been collected many important works along this line, but no especial effort had been made to make a separate department of Genealogy. While our collection cannot yet be classed with such depositories as the Library of Congress ; the Wisconsin Historical Society at Madison ; the New England Genealogical and Historical Society at Boston; the collections at New York City, Albany, and the Genealogical department of the Newberry Library at Chicago ; still considering that we have been doing a special work along this line only for the last six years, we think our collection has been wisely and judiciously selected and that we have made a commendable start in what will prove, as time goes on, a great library for the genealogical student. There is no department in the Library except the Lincolniana, that is used and consulted more than the Genealogical department. We have students working day in and day out, from all parts of the State and other states, and we have many letters asking assistance and information on genealogical subjects. We try to meet fully these demands, but it would take the entire time of a very alert person to do the reference work desired by these correspondents. The State Library of the State of Illinois which is entirely separate from this Library has quite a collection also in the way of State records (Revolutionary records) town histories and local material which we hope eventually will be added to our collection, but as the two libraries are at present on the same floor in the Capitol building, these volumes can easily be consulted when the material asked for is not to be found in this Library. A valuable part of the work of this department, is the compiling of the list of Revolutionary soldiers buried in Illinois. This is the painstaking and careful work of Mrs. Edwin S. Walker, a member of the Committee on Genealogy and Genealogical Publications of the Illinois State Historical Society, assisted by members of the local chap- ters of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and is being published in the Quarterly Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, begun in the April Journal, 1912. These lists are compiled by counties, and no name placed on the list until it is verified and is absolutely correct. The following counties have been listed: Cass, Clark, Cook, Greene, Macon, Madison, Menard, Iroquois, Peoria, Sangamon, Morgan, and Warren, the latter being compiled by Mrs. Helen Nye Rupp, of Mon- mouth, 111. If it is found on further investigation that other names should be • ultlt'd to these county lisls. they will be published in subsequent issues of the Journal. (A 615652 We have made an appeal from time to time in our annual reports for contributions of the following nature to this Department: Old record books of early churches. Inscriptions on gravestones inx country burying grounds. Records copied from old family bibles. Manuscripts narrative of the pioneers of Illinois. Biographical sketches of pioneers, old diaries, letters, deeds, wills. Original papers on the early history and settlement of the Territory. Lists of soldiers of the War of 1812 who received bounty-land grants in Illinois. Information concerning family histories being compiled, or those already compiled that an attempt may be made to secure a copy for the Library. The works in this list are arranged alphabetically, first by states, second by family histories, third by general works and periodicals. The publications of the Illinois State Historical Library and Society contain a large number of articles useful to the genealogist; they are accounts of pioneer persons, places and events relating to Illinois and the old Northwest. While these cannot be classified as strictly genea- logical works they are very helpful to students working on the ancestry of Illinois and western families. A list of these publications of the Library and the Society may be found at the end of this volume. By co-operation of members of the Society in this work we hope to build up the Genealogical Department of the Illinois State Historical Library until in time it shall be classed as one of the great genealogical collections of the West. Georgia L. Osborne Assistant Librarian Illinois State Historical Library, and Chairman of the Committee on Genealogy and Genealogical Publications Illinois State Historical Society Springfield, 111., April, 1914. ALABAMA AKCHIVES AND HISTORY, DEPARTMENT OF— Alabama Official and Statistical Reporter, 1911. Thomas M. Owen, LL.D., compiler. 367 p. 8°, Montgomery, Ala., 1912. The Brown Printing Co., publishers. EARLY SETTLERS OF ALABAMA— By Col. James Edmonds Saunders, Lawrence County, Ala. With notes and genealogies, by his granddaughter, Elizabeth Saunders Blair Stubbs. Part. I. Col. James Edmonds Saunders. 530 p. 8°, New Orleans, La., 1899. L. Graham & Sons, publishers. MOBILE— The Founding of Mobile, 1702-1718. Studies in the history of the first capital of the Province of Louisiana, with map showing its relation to the present city. Peter J. Hamilton, LL.D. 104 p. 12°, Mobile, Ala., 1911. Commercial Printing Co., publishers. PICKENS COUNTY— History of Pickens County, Alabama; from its first settlement in 1817 to 1856. Nelson P. Smith. 272 p. 12°, 1856, Carrollton, Ala. Printed at the Pickens Republican Office. ARKANSAS ARKANSAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION— Vols. I, II, III, 1906, 1908, 1909. John Hugh Reynolds, Secretary. Published at Fayetteville, Ark., 1906-1909. CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA SOCIETY SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLU- TION— History, constitution, by-laws, membership. Col. A. S. Hubbard, compiler. 29 p. 8°, San Francisco, 1893. Published by the Society. THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF CALIFORNIA— Paper read before the California Genealogical Society, July 13, 1901. Pam. 8 p. 8°, San Francisco, 1901. The Murdock Press. CONNECTICUT BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North America; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. CONNECTICUT BETHLEHEM— See Woodbury, Conn. BRADFORD— See New Haven, Colony of. CHESHIRE— History of Wallingford, .Conn., from its settlement in 1670 to the present time, including Meriden, which was one of its parishes untft 1806, and Cheshire, which was incorporated in 1780. Charles Henry Stanley Davis, M.D. Published by the author, Mount Tom Printing House, Wallingford, Conn. 956 p. 8°, Meriden, Conn., 1870. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY— Vol. VIII. Rolls and Lists of Connecticut Men in the Revolution, 1775-1783. Vol. IX. Historical Collections French and Indian War Rolls. Vol. I, 1755-1757. Vol. X. French and Indian War Rolls. Vol. II, 1758-1762. Vol. XII. Lists and Returns of Connecticut Men in the Revolu- tion, 1775-1783. Published by the Society, Hartford, Conn. List of family genealogies in the Library of the Connecticut His- torical Society corrected to August 31, 1911. 42 p. 8°, Hartford, Conn., 1911. Published by the Society. FAIRFIELD— An Old New England Town. Sketches of life, scenery, character. Frank Samuel Child, 230 p. 8°, New York, 1895. Charles Scribner's Sons, publishers. See New Haven, Conn. British Invasion of. GUILFORD— The history of Guilford, Conn., from its first settlement in 1639; From the manuscript of Hon. Ralph D. Smith. Hon. Ralph D. Smith. 219 p. 4°, Albany, N. Y., 1877. Joel Munsell, printer. See New Haven, Colony of. By Robert Atwater Smith. See New Haven, Colony of. By Edward Lambert. HARTFORD— Historical catalogue of the first church in Hartford, 1633-1855. 274 p. 8°, Hartford, Conn., 1883. Published by the Church. Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. MERIDEN— History of Wallingford, Conn., from its settlement in 1670 to the present time, including Meriden, which wns one of its parishes until 1806. and Cheshire, which was incorporated in 1780. Charles Henry Stanley Davis, M.D. Published by the author. 956 p. 8°, Meriden, Conn., 1870. Mount Tom Printing House, Wallingford, Conn. CONNECTICUT MIDDLEBURY— See Waterbury, Conn. See Woodbury, Conn. MILFORD— See New Haven, Colony of. NAUGATUCK— See Waterbury, Conn. NEW HAVEN— The British invasion of New Haven, Conn., together with some account of their landing and burning the towns of Fairfield and Norwalk, July, 1779. Charles Hervey Townshend. 112 p. 8°, New Haven, Conn., 1879. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, printers. NEW HAVEN, COLONY OF— History of the Colony of New Haven, before and after the union with Connecticut. Containing a particular description of the towns which composed that government, viz : New Haven, Milf ord, Guilford, Bradford, Stamford, and Southold, L. I., with a notice of the towns which have been set off from "the original six." Edward R. Lambert. 216 p. 12°, New Haven, 1838. Printed and pub- lished by Hitchcock & Stafford. History of the Colony of New Haven to its absorption into Con- necticut with supplementary history and personnel of the towns of Brad- ford, Guilford, Milford, Stratford, Norwalk, Southold, etc. Compiled by Robert Atwater Smith, assisted by Bessie E. Beach and Lucy M. Hewitt. Edward E. Atwater. 767 p. 12°, Meriden, Conn., 1902. The Journal Publishing Co., publishers. NEW LONDON— History of New London, Conn., from the first survey of the coast in 1612 to 1852. Second edition, continued to 1860. Frances Manwaring Caulkins. 679 p. 8°, New London, Conn., 1860; 2d edition. Published by the author. NEW MILFORD— Two centuries of New Milford, Conn., an account of the Bi- centennial Celebration of the founding of the town held June 15-18, 1907, with a number of historical articles and reminiscences. Prepared under the direction of the historical committee by various citizens of New Milford and by the editorial department of the Grafton Press. 307 p. 8°, New York, 1907. The Grafton Press, publishers. NORWALK— Norwalk after two hundred and fifty years. An account of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the charter of the town, 1651, September 11, 1901. Including historical sketches of churches, schools, old homes, institutions, eminent men, etc., etc. Together with the record of soldiers and sailors enlisted in Norwalk, from 1676 to 1898. 8 CONNECTICUT NORWALK— 387 p. 8°, South Norwalk, Conn. C. A. Freeman, publisher. Published under the auspices of the Norwalk Historical and Memorial Association, 1902. See New Haven, Colony of. See also British Invasion of New Haven, Conn. NORWICH— History of Norwich, Conn., from its settlement in 1660 to 1845. Frances Manwaring Caulkins. 358 p. 8°, Norwich, Conn., 1845. Thomas^" Robinson, publishers. See Leffingwell Family. ORDERLY BOOK AND JOURNALS— Kept by Connecticut men while taking part in the American Revo- lution, 1775-1778. See Vol. 7. Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society. 385 p. 8°, Hartford, Conn., 1899. Published by the Connecticut Historical Society. OXFORD— See Waterbury, Conn. See Woodbury, Conn. PLYMOUTH— History of the Town of Plymouth, Conn., with an account of the centennial celebration, May 14 and 15, 1895. Also a sketch of Plymouth, Ohio, settled by local families. Francis Atwater, compiler. 41 p. 8°, Meriden, Conn., 1895. The Journal Publishing Co., publishers. See Waterbury, Conn. PROSPECT— See Waterbury, Conn. PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT— From October, 1776, to February, 1778, inclusive. With the Journal of the Council of Safety, from October 11, 1776, to May 6, 1778, inclusive. And an appendix Vol. I, Hartford, 1894. The Public Records of the State of Connecticut from May, 1778, to April, 1780, inclusive, with the Journal of the Council of Safety from May 18, 1778, to April 23, 1780. Vol. II, Hartford, 1895. 2 vols. 8°, Hartford, 1894-95. Press of the Case, Lockwood Brainard Co. ROXBURY— See Woodbury, Conn. SOUTHBURY— See Woodbury, Conn. STAMFORD— See New Haven, Colony of. SOUTHOLD— See New Haven, Colony of. CONNECTICUT-DELAWARE STRATFORD— See New Haven, Colony of. TORRINGTON— History of Torrington, Conn., from its first settlement in 1737. With biographies and genealogies. • Rev. Samuel Orcutt. 817 p. 8°, Albany, N.Y., 1878. Joel Munsell, printer. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR— Bureau of the Census. Heads of families at the first census of the United States, taken in the year 1790. Connecticut. 227 p. 4°, Washington, D. C, 1908. U. S. Government, publishers. WALLINGFORD— History of Wallingford, Conn., from its settlement in 1670 to the present time, including Meriden, which was one of its parishes until 1806, and Cheshire, which was incorporated in 1780. Charles Henry Stanley Davis, M.D. Published by the author, 956 p. 8°, Meriden, Conn., 1870. Mount Tom Printing House, Wallingford, Conn. WATERBURY— History of Waterbury, Conn. The original township embracing present Watertown and Plymouth and parts of Oxford, Wolcott, Middle- bury, Prospect and Naugatuck. With an appendix of biography, genealogy and statistics. Henry Bronson, M.D. 583 p. 8°, Waterbury, 1858. Bronson Bros., publishers. WINCHESTER— Annals and family records of Winchester, Conn., with exercises of the centennial celebration on the 16th and 17th days of August, 1871. John Boyd. 631 p. 8°, Hartford, 1873. Press of Case, Lockwood & Brainard. WOLCOTT— See Waterbury, Conn. WOODBURY— History of ancient Woodbury, Conn., from the first Indian deed, 1659 to 1854, including the present towns of Washington, Southbury, Bethlem, Roxbury, and a part of Oxford and Middlebury. William Cothren. 2 vols. 8°, Waterbury, Conn., 1854. Bronson Bros., publishers. DELAWARE BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North America; to the 1st of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton County, Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8 , I7»i. 10 DELAWARE-GEORGIA NEW CASTLE COUNTY— A calender of Delaware wills, New Castle County, 1682-1800. Abstracted and compiled by the historical research committee of the Colonial Dames of Delaware. Copyright, 1911. By Frederick H. Hitchcock. 218 p. 8°, Wilmington, Del., 1910. Frederick H. Hitchcock, publishers, New York. N SUSSEX COUNTY— Some records of Sussex County, Delaware. C. H. B. Turner, compiler. 387 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1909. Allen, Lane & Scott, publishers. WILMINGTON— The records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, Del., from 1697 to 1773. Translated from the original Swedish by Horace Burr, with an abstract of the English records, from 1773 to 1810. Papers of the Historical Society of Delaware, IX. Horace Burr. 722 p. 8°, Delaware Historical Society, publishers, Wil- mington, Del., 1890. GEORGIA BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North America ; to the 1st of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton County, Va., July 4, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. COLONIAL RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA— Compiled and published under authority of the Legislature. Vol. I, 1732, to Vol. XXII, 1739. Except No. 20. not vet compiled. Allen D. Candler, A.M., LL.D., compiler. Atlanta, Ga., 1904-1910. Har- rison Law Book Co., publishers. (The Franklin-Turner Co.) CONFEDERATE RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA— Vol. I, 1860, to Vol. IV, 1868. Vol. VI, 1868. Allen D. Candler, A.M., LL.D., compiler. Atlanta, Ga., 1909-1910. The Franklin-Turner Co., publishers. REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA— Vol. I, 1769, to Vol. Ill, 1784. Allen D. Candler, compiler. 8°, Atlanta, Ga., State Printer, 1909-1912. DEAD TOWNS OF GEORGIA— Charles C. Jones, Jr. 263 p. 8°, Savannah, Ga., 1878. Morning News Steam Printing House. EBENEZER— The Salzburgers and their descendants; being the history of a colony of German (Lutherans) Protest anis. who emigrated to Georgia in 1734, and settled at Ebenezer, 25 miles above the city of Savannah. Rev. P. A. Strobel. 308 p. 12°, Baltimore, 1855. T." Newton Kurtz, publisher. 11 GEORGIA-ILLINOIS HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF GEORGIA— ■ Containing the most interesting facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc., etc. Rev. George White, M.A. 688 p. 8°, New York, 1854. Pudney & Russell, publishers. HISTORY OF GEORGIA— 2 vols. 8°, Boston, 1883. Charles C. Jones, Jr., LL.D. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., publishers. History of Georgia; from its first discovery by Europeans to the adoption of the present constitution, in 1798. 2 vols. 8°, New York, 1847. Rev. William Bacon Stevens, M.D. Apple- ton & Co., publishers. LANDMARKS, MEMORIALS AND LEGENDS OF . GEORGIA— Lucian Lamar Knight. 1065 p. 8°, Atlanta, Ga. Byrd Printing Co., 1913. MIDWAY— History of the Midway Congregational Church. James Stacy. 283 p. 8°, Newman, Ga., 1903. S. W. Murray, printer. REVOLUTIONARY RECORDS OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA— Vol. I, 1769, to Vol. Ill, 1784. Allen D. Candler, A.M., LL. D., compiler. Atlanta, Ga., 1909-1912. The Franklin Turner Co., publishers. ST. MARY'S— Historical sketches of old St. Mary's, compiled from the files of the Southeast Georgian. J. T. Vocelle and others. 12 p. 8°, St. Marys, Ga., n. d. (A crudely printed local which was issued as a present to subscribers to a local news- paper.) SALZBURGERS, (THE) AND THEIR DESCENDANTS— Being the history of a colony of German (Lutheran) Protestants, who emigrated to Georgia in 1743, and settled at Ebenezer, 25 miles above the city of Savannah. Rev. P. A. Strobel. 308 p. 12°, Baltimore, 1855. T. Newton Kurtz, publisher. STEPHENS— Brief account of the causes that have retarded the progress of the colony of Georgia, in America, attested upon oath; being a proper con- trast to a state of the province of Georgia, attested upon oath; and some other misrepresentations on the same subject. Thomas Stephens. 101 p. 12°, London, 1743. publisher not given. ILLINOIS COUNTY HISTORIES OF ILLINOIS— Histories of the one hundred and two counties, contain biographical sketches of pioneers, and early settlements in the State, also war records. General histories of Illinois, contain biographical material as well as history of early settlements. 12 ILLINOIS Regimental- histories, War of the Rebellion. Contain material. Also separate histories of towns and cities and villages in the State are sources to be consulted. College and school catalogues, church directories, year books, and club programmes are also useful. CHICAGO, CONTINENTAL GUARD IN THE STATE OF ILLI- NOIS, HISTORY OF— Charter and by-laws. List of officers and members, together with the revolutionary services of their ancestors. Publication No. I. 24 p. 8°, Chicago, 1895. Compiled by the Adjutant of the Guard. David Oliphant, printer. DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, ILLINOIS SOCIETY— Annual conferences. Reports 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1911, 1912, 1913. No printed reports prior to 1905. Year books of the following chapters : Bloomington, Chicago, Dan- ville, Decatur, Galesburg, Jacksonville, Kewanee, Moline, Monmouth, Springfield. GENEALOGICAL NOTES OF CENTRAL ILLINOIS— For the years 1909, 1910. Milo Custer, n. p. Bloomington, 111., 1909, 1910. Typewritten copy. HOYNE'S— Annual Directory of Homoepathic Physicians in the State of Illinois for the "year 1879. Vol. I, No. 7, 31 p. 8°, Chicago, 1879. Vol. I, No. 10, 1882, 35 p. 8°, Chicago, 1882, T. S. Hoyne, publisher. KASKASKIA— Early settlers of. A directory, business mirror and historical sketches of Randolph County. By E. J. Montague. 245 p. 12°, Alton, 111., 1859. Courier Steam Book & Job Printing Co. LETTERS PATENT— Issued to Zadoc W. Flinn, of Morgan County, 111., David Clopton, Sangamon County, and Zadoc W. Flinn, assignee for John Doonigan, 14 numbers. Dated 1826, 1827, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1839, 1841. McLEAN COUNTY— Heads of families of McLean County, 111., at the census of 1840. (Taken by Jacob Spawr, 1,092 names.) Copied and re-arranged by Milo Custer. Bloomington, 111., 1911. Soldiers of the War of 1812 whose bounty land grants were located in McLean County, 111. Milo Custer, compiler, n. p. 8°, Bloomington, 111., 1912. Publisher not given. Some old family records, McLean County, 111. Milo Custer. Nos. 1 and 2, 1910-1911. Typewritten Mss. Some old gravestone inscriptions in Bloomington and Randolph townships, McLean County. Milo Custer. Typewritten Mss. 13 ILLINOIS MADISON COUNTY— Gazetteer of Madison County, 111. James T. Hair, compiler and publisher. 292 p. 8°, Alton, 111., 1866. MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS— Illinois Society of Mayflower Descendants. Publications Nos. 2 and 3, 1905, 1911. 4°, Chicago, 1905, 1911. Published by The Society. Oliphant Printing Co. R. R. Donnelly & Sons. MILITIA, RANGERS AND RIFLEMEN— War 1812. See Illinois War of 1812. Elliott, Isaac H. OBITUARIES— Central Illinois Obituaries, 1871-1880. (Compiled from old news- papers and other sources.) Milo Custer, Bloomington, 111., 1912. n. p. 8°, Bloomington, 111., 1912. Publisher not given. PENSION ROLT 1816-1835. 21 p. 8°. Place and publisher not given. PEORIA COUNTY— War of 1812. Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose bounty land grants were located in Peoria County, 111. Compiled by Milo Custer. 8°. n. p. Bloomington, 111., 1913. PIONEER MOTHERS. OF ILLINOIS— A collection of letters written by pioneer women of the State, col- lected for the Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; 18 letters. Mss. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS— See War of the Revolution. SANGAMON COUNTY— History of early settlers of Sangamon County, 111. "Centennial Record." John Carroll Power and Mrs. S. A. Power, compilers. 797 p. 8°, Spring- field, 1876. Edwin A. Wilson & Company. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION— Illinois Sons of the American Revolution. Organized January 14, 1890. Constitution and by-laws. List of members. Year Books, 1895, 1896, 1913. SONS OF THE REVOLUTION— Year Books, 1895, 1913. STEPHENSON COUNTY CATHOLIC CHURCH— The Golden Jubilee Souvenir, the history of Catholicity in Stephen- son County, 111. 212 p. 8°, Freeport, 111., 1896. F. Charles Donohue, printer. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— The army led by Col. George Rogers Clark in his conquest of the Illinois, 1778-79. A list of officers, non-commissioned officers and pri- vate soldiers, constituting the Illinois Regiment of Volunteers. 14 ILLINOIS WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— See Publication No. 8, 1903. Illinois State Historical Library, pp. 166- 178. Springfield, 111. State Printer, 1904. Illinois Ancestry among the Daughters of the American Revolution. Catherine C. Sparks (Mrs. Edwin Erie Sparks), pp. 137-143. In Pub- lication No. 7. Illinois State Historical Library, 1902. A list of non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Illinois Regiment and the Western Army under the command of General George \ Rogers Clark who are entitled to bounty in land. pp. 12-13. In Virginia Document No. 32. Published Richmond, Va., August 19, 1833. A list of officers of the Illinois Regiment who have not received lands for revolutionary services. See p. 11. In Virginia Document No. 32. Published Richmond, Va., August 19, 1833. A list of Captain Francis Charloville's volunteers entitled to 200 acres of land each. p. 29. In Virginia Document No. 32. Isaac Bowman, Lieutenant Illinois Regiment in the War of the Revolution. Petition of Isaac S. Bowman, son and executor of Isaac Bowman. See Mr. Rogers' report on Revolutionary Claims. U. S. House of Repre- sentatives, 33d Congress, First Session. Feb. 16, 1854. Pamphlet. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Cass, Warren, Henderson, Macon and Iroquois counties. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Sangamon County, 111. Tablet placed on the Sangamon County Courthouse bv Springfield Chapter D.A.R., October 19, 1911. Compiled by Mrs. Edwin S. Walker and Mrs. Helen Nye Rupp. See Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. V, No. 2, July, 1912. See Article on by Mrs. Edwin S. Walker in Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. V, No. 1, April, 1912. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Madison County. Tablet placed in Courthouse, Edwardsville, 111., by Ninian Edwards Chapter D.A.R. See Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. V, No. 3, Octo- ber, 1912. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Greene County, 111. Compiled by Mrs. Edwin S. Walker. See Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. VI, No. 1, April, 1913. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Clark County, 111. Compiled by Mrs. Edwin S. Walker. See Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. VI, No. 2, July, 1913. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Ogle County. By J. W. Clinton, Polo, 111. Vol. 6, No. 2, July, 1913, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Cook, McLean, Marshall, Ogle and Peoria counties. Peoria County prepared by Mrs. Clara K. Wolf, Historian, Peoria Chapter D. A. R. 15 ILLINOIS WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— McLean County prepared by Mrs. H. M. Rollins, Historian, Letitia Green Stevenson Chapter D. A. R., assisted by Milo Custer. See Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. VI, No. 3, October, 1913. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Morgan County. Compiled by Mrs. E. S. Walker. See Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 7, No. 1, April, 1914. Rock River in the Revolution. By William A. Meese. See pages 97-103, in publication No. 14, Illinois State Historical Library, 1909. Soldiers in the War of the Revolution, Illinois. (Doc. No. 32.) A letter to the executive of Virginia dated Richmond, August 19, 1833, signed John H. Smith, in relation to public lands and the rights of certain persons to them as land bounty for military services in the War of the Revolution of themselves or their ancestors as officers or soldiers in the Illinois or other western regiments. List of officers and soldiers entitled to such lands. 24 p. 4°, n. d. WAR OF 1812— MILITARY BOUNTY LAND. "MILITARY TRACT"— Set apart under an Act of Congress passed May 6, 1812, as bounty lands for soldiers in the War of 1812. The lands in Illinois embraced in this Act were situated between the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. The "Tract" embraced the present counties of Calhoun, Pike, Adams, Brown, Schuyler, Hancock, McDonough, Fulton, Peoria, Stark, Knox, Warren, Henderson and Mercer, with parts of Henry, Bureau, Putnam and Marshall. Bounty lands in the Military Tract advertised in the name of the original patentee and taxed according to the class to which they belong. See Illinois Intelligencer, Extra, Saturday, September 13, 1823. Gov- ernor Edward Coles' file. WAR OF 1812. DANA, E.— Bounty lands in the State of Illinois, description of, also the princi- pal roads and routes by land and water through the territory of the United States, etc. 108 p. 12°, Cincinnati, 1819. Looker, Reynolds & Co., printers. WAR OF 1812. EDWARDS— History of Illinois from 1778 to 1833; and Life and Times of Ninian Edwards. By his son, Ninian W. Edwards. 549 p. 8°, Springfield, 111., 1870. Journal Co., publishers. WAR OF 1812. THE EDWARDS PAPERS— Being a collection of the letters, papers and manuscripts of Ninian Edwards. Edited by E. B. Washburne. (Chicago Historical Society's Collection, Vol. III.) 633 p. 8°, Chicago, 1884. Fergus Printing Co. 16 ILLINOIS WAR OF 1812. ELLIOTT, ISAAC H.— Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831-32, and in the Mexican War, 1846-48. With an appendix giving a record of the services of the Illinois Militia Rangers and Riflemen in protecting the frontier from the ravages of the Indians, from 1810 to 1813. 343 p. 8°, Springfield, 111. H. W. Rokker, printer. 1882. WAR OF 1812. MILITARY BOUNTY LANDS, McLEAN COUNTY— Soldiers of the War of 1812 whose bounty land grants were located in McLean County, 111. Milo Custer, n. p. Bloomington, 111., 1912. Publisher not given. WAR OF 1812. MILITARY BOUNTY LANDS, PEORIA COUNTY— Soldiers of the War of 1812 whose bounty land grants were located in Peoria County, 111. Compiled by Milo Custer, 8°. n. p. Bloomington, 111., 1913. Publisher not given. WAR OF 1812. MILITARY BOUNTY LANDS. NICHOLAS BIDDLE VAN ZANDT— A full description of the soil, water, timber and prairies of each lot, or quarter section of the military lands, between the Mississippi and Illinois rivers, also description of Missouri Territory. Nicholas Biddle Van Zandt. 127 p. 8°, Washington City, 1818. Printed by P. Force, Penn. Avenue. WAR OF 1812. MILITARY BOUNTY LANDS— Vellum Document No. 7(587. Signed by President James Monroe, granting to Henry Corey 160 acres of land in the territory of Illinois for military services. Dated December 13, 1817. WAR OF 1812. MILITARY BOUNTY LANDS— Vellum Document No. 1963. Signed by President Janus Monroe, granting to John Oliver 160 acres of land in the territory of Illinois for military services. Dated December 13, 1817. WAR OF 1812. MILITARY BOUNTY LANDS, WOODFORD COUNTY— Soldiers of the War of 1812 whose bounty land grants were located in Woodford County, 111. n. p. Bloomington, 111., 1913. Publisher not given. WAR OF 1812. REYNOLDS' PIONEER HISTORY OF ILLI- NOIS— John Reynolds, 348 p. 12°, Belleville, 111., 1852. Also, 2d edition, 459 p 8°, Fergus Printing Co., Chicago, 1887. WAR OF 1812. STEVENS, FRANK E.— Illinois in the War of 1812-14. See pp. 62-197. In Publication No. 9. Illinois State Historical Library, 1904. Springfield, 111. Phillips Bros., printers. 17 ILLINOIS BLACK HAWK WAR, 1831-32— Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831-32, and in the Mexican War, 1846-48, containing a complete roster of commissioned officers and enlisted men of both wars, taken from the official rolls on file in the War Department, Washington, D. C, with an appendix giving record of the services of the Illinois militia, rangers and riflemen, in protecting the frontier from the ravages of the Indians, from 1810 to 1813. Isaac H. Elliot, Adjutant-General, State of Illinois. 343 p. 8°, Spring- field, 1882. H. W. Rokker, State Printer. Also Adjutant-General's Reports, Revised, Vol. IX. Illinois troops in the Black Hawk War. Original (Mss.) order book and muster rolls of the Illinois troops in the Black Hawk War. (Mss.) Order and letter book of Brig. Gen. Henry Atkinson, 1832. General Atkinson's report of his conduct of the Black Hawk War, written November, 1832. (Mss.) BLACK HAWK WAR, 1831-32— Orderly book of Governor John Reynolds, April-May, 1832. (Mss.) Militia Documents of Governor Reynolds, 1832. (Mss.) Order book of Lieut. Albert Sidney Johnston, 1832. (Mss.) Notes by Professor John Russell intended to be used in writing a history of the Black Hawk War. (Mss.) BLACK HAWK WAR, 1831-32— Stevens, Frank E. The Black Hawk War, including a review of Black Hawk's life. 323 p. 8°, Chicago, 1903. Frank B. Stevens, publisher. Stevens, Frank E. Stillman's defeat. See pp. 170-179 in Publication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library, 1902. Wakefield, John Allen. History of the war between the United States and the Sac and Fox nations of Indians, and parts of other dis- affected tribes of Indians in the years 1827, 1831-32. 142 p. 16°, Jacksonville, 111., 1834. Printed by Calvin Goudy. Also, Reprint of. By Frank E. Stevens. Published by The Caxton Club, Chicago, 1908. MEXICAN WAR, 1846-48— Record of the services of Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk War. 1831-32, and in the Mexican War, 1846-48, containing a complete roster of commissioned officers and enlisted men of both wars, taken from the official rolls on file in the War Department, Washington, D. C, with an appendix giving record of the services of the Illinois militia, rangers and riflemen, in protecting the frontier from the ravages of the Indians, 1810 to 1813. Isaac H. Elliot, Adjutant-General, State of Illinois. 343 p'. 8°, Spring- field, 1882. H. W. Rokker, State Printer, Also Adjutant-General's Reports, Revised, Vol. IX. — 2 H S 18 ILLINOIS MEXICAN WAR— ILLINOIS TROOPS IN— An account of the services of the Illinois troops in the Mexican War. Charles P. Johnson. See pp. 27-58, in Publication No. 9, Illinois State Library, 1904. MEXICAN WAR— ILLINOIS TROOPS IN— The Fourth Illinois Infantry in the War with Mexico. Ezra M. Prince. See pp. 172-187 in Publication No. 11, Illinois State Historical Library, 1906. ^ Illinois Association Mexican War Veterans. Reunion of Mexican War veterans, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879-93, 1909. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Adjutant General State of Illinois Reports, 1861-66. I. N. Haynie, Adjutant General. Revised by Adj.-Gen. J. W. Vance. 8 vols. Springfield, 1887. Also revised 1900-1902 by J. N. Reece, Adj.-Gen. 9 vols. Vol. 9 contains Records of Illinois Soldiers in Spanish American War 1898. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois. James Barnet, editor. 263 p. 8°, Chicago, 1865. J. Barnet, book and job printer. WAR OF THE REBELLION— County histories of Illinois contain war records. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Diary of Edward Crippen, 27th Illinois Vol., 1861-63. Edited with notes and introduction by Robert J. Kerner. See pp. 220-282. Publication No. 14, Illinois State Historical Library, 1909. WAR OF THE REBELLION— The Patriotism of Illinois. A record of the civil and military his- tory of the State in the War for the Union. Biographical sketches of many eminent citizens of the State and soldiers and officers. T. M. Eddy, D.D. 2 vols. 8°, Chicago, 1865-66. Clarke & Co., publishers. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Recollections of the War between the States. Major H. C. Connelly. In Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. V, No. 4, January, 1913, pp. 458-467. Vol. VI, No. 1, April, 1913, pp. 72-111. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Regimental histories and reunions of the following regiments : 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 21st, 24th, 31st, 33d, 34th, 36th, 39th, 45th, 46th, 47th, 50th, 55th, 59th, 73d, 74th, 75th, 81st, 84th, 85th, 86th, 89th, 92d, 93d, 95th, 96th, 102d, 103d, 104th, 115th, 117th, 124th, 125th, 130th, Infantry. Illinois Cavalry Regiments, 3d, 7th, 9th, 10th, 14th. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Richard Yates' Services to Illinois as War Governor. Dr. William Jayne. See pp. 143-147 in Publication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library, 1902. 19 ILLINOIS-INDIANA WATERMAN— Year Book of Waterman, DeKalb County, 111., for 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907. George Edward Congdon, compiler. 12°. Sac City, Iowa; Hiawatha, Kans. WOODFORD COUNTY— Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose bounty land grants were located in Woodford County, 111. A. F. Marshall, L. J. Freese, Milo Custer, compilers. 8°, n. p., Bloom- ington, 111., 1913. Publisher not given. INDIANA ALLEN COUNTY— History of the Maumee Biver Basin, Allen County, Ind. 2 vols. 4°, Indianapolis, Ind., n. d. Col. Robert S. Robertson, editor, assisted by others. Bowen & Slocum, publishers. BOONE COUNTY— Portrait and biographical record of Boone and Clinton counties, Indiana. 908 p. 8°, Chicago, 1895. A. W. Boone & Co., publishers. CAREOLL COUNTY— Recollections of the early settlement of Carroll County, Ind. Dr. James Henry Stewart. 372 p. 12°, Cincinnati, 1872. Printed for the author by Hitchcock & Walden. CLAY COUNTY— Counties of Clay and Owen, Indiana. Historical and Biographical. Charles Blanchard, editor. 966 p. 8°, Chicago, 1884. F. A. Battey & Co., publishers. CLINTON COUNTY— See Boone County. DEARBORN COUNTY— History of Dearborn and Ohio counties, Indiana, from their earliest settlement. F. E. Weakley & Co., publishers, 987 p. 4°, Chicago, 1885. DELAWARE COUNTY— Our county. Its history and early settlement by townships, entry of public lands, present owners, reminiscences of pioneer life, etc., with original poems. John P. Ellis. 194 p. 8°, Muncie, Ind., 1898. Neely Printing Co., pub- lishers. DILLON'S HISTORY OF INDIANA— From 1816 to 1856. John B. Dillon. 637 p. 8°, Indianapolis, 1859. Bingham & Doughty, publishers. 20 INDIANA EVANSVILLE— A history of Evansville and Vanderburgh County, Ind. Joseph P. Elliot. 499 p. 8°, Evansville, Ind., 1897. Keller Printing Co., publishers. PAYETTE COUNTY— Biographical and genealogical history of Wayne, Fayette, Union and Franklin counties, Indiana. * 2 vols. 4°, Chicago, 1899. Lewis Publishing Co., publishers. FRANKLIN COUNTY— Biographical and genealogical history of Wayne, Fayette, Union ^ and Franklin counties, Indiana. 2 vols. 4°, Chicago, 1899. Lewis Publishing Co., publishers. FRANKLIN— Franklin College. First half century Franklin College, Franklin, Ind., Jubilee exercises, June 5-12, 1884. 178 p. 8°, Cincinnati, Ohio., 1884. Journal and Messenger, 1884. HISTORICAL' SOCIETY, PUBLICATIONS OF— Vol. I, 1897, to Vol. IV, 1911. Published at Indianapolis, Ind., by the society. HOYNE'S— Annual Directory of Homeopathic physicians in the State of Illinois for the year 1879. Vol. I, No. 7, containing also an alphabetical list of homeopathic physicians residing in the states of Indiana, Missouri and Kansas. 31 p. 8°, Chicago, 1879. T. S. Hoyne, M.D., publisher. Also for the year 1882. Vol. I, No. 10. Chicago, 1882. INDIANAPOLIS— Pictorial and biographical memoirs of Indianapolis and Marion County, Ind. Together with biographies of many prominent men of other portions of the state, both living and dead. Goodspeed Bros., publishers. 466 p. 4°, Chicago, 1893. MARION COUNTY— See Indianapolis. OHIO COUNTY— See Dearborn County. OWEN COUNTY— See Clay County. PARKE COUNTY— History of Vigo and Parke counties, together with historic notes on the Wabash Valley. H. W. Beckwith, H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, publishers. 1293 p. 8°, Chicago, 1880. SAINT JOSEPH COUNTY— History of St. Joseph County, Ind. Charles C. Chapman & Co., publishers. 971 p. 4°, Chicago, 1880. 21 INDIANA SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, INDIANA SOCIETY OF— Register for 1908. With roll of members and their revolutionary ancestors. 163 p. 8°, Indianapolis, 1908. Published by the Society. UNION COUNTY— Biographical and genealogical history of Wayne, Fayette, Union and Franklin counties, Indiana. 2 vols. 4°, Chicago, 1899. Lewis Publishing Co., publishers. VANDERBURGH COUNTY— See Evansville, Ind. VIGO COUNTY— See Parke County, Ind. VINCENNES— Colonial history of Vincennes under the French, British and Ameri- can governments. John Law. 156 p. 8°, Vincennes, 1858. Harvey, Mason & Co., publishers. VINCENNES— A history of the city of Vincennes, Ind., from 1702 to 1901. Henry S. Cauthron. 220 p. 12°, copyright by Margaret C. Cauthron, 1902. Moore & Lange Printing Co., Terre Haute, Ind. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Indiana at Antietam. Published by the Indiana Antietam Monu- ment Commission. 153 p. 8°, Indianapolis, Ind., 1911. The Aetna Press, publishers. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Indiana at Shiloh. John W. Coons, compiler. 310 p. 8°, Indianapolis, Ind., 1904. William B. Byford, State Printer. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Indiana at Vicksburg. Henry C. Adams, Jr., compiler. 476 p. 8°, Indianapolis, Ind., 1911. Will- iam B. Byford, State Printer. WAYNE COUNTY— Biographical and genealogical history of Wayne, Fayette, Union ;iml Franklin counties, Indiana. 2 vols. 4°, Chicago, 1899. Lewis Publishing Co., publishers. WOOLLEN, WM. WESLEY— Biographical and historical sketches of early Indiana. 568 p. 8°, Indianapolis, 1883. Hammond & Co., publishers. IOWA ANNALS OF IOWA— Third Series. Vol. Ill, No. 8, January, 1899. Vol. IV, No. 1, April, 1899. Vol. V, 1901, to Vol. X, 1913. DesMoines, Iowa. Iowa Department History, publishers. 22 IOWA-KANSAS-KENTUCKY BAPTISTS OF— Historical sketches of Iowa Baptists. Rev. S. H. Mitchell, compiler. 504 p. 8°, Burlington, Iowa, 1886.* Bur- dette Co., publishers. IOWA JOURNAL OF HISTORY AND POLITICS— Vol. I, 1903, to date, 1914. Benjamin F. Shambaugh, editor, Iowa City, Iowa. Published by the Society. JOURNAL OF HISTORY— Published by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Lamoni, la. Vol. I, 1908, to Vol. VII, 1914, Lamoni, la. WAR OF THE REBELLION— Iowa and the Rebellion. History of troops furnished by Iowa. L. D. Ingersoll, compiler. 473 p. 8°, Philadelphia, Pa., 1866. J. B. Lip- pincott & Co., publishers. KANSAS EARLY DAYS IN KANSAS— Along the Santa Fe Trail. Green's Historical Series, Vols. I and II. Council City, 1854-55; Superior, 1856. Burlingame, 1856-64. Charles R. Green. Published 1912-1913. Along the Santa Fe Trail. Green's Historical Series, Vol. II. 8° 102 p., Council City, 1854-55; Superior, 1856. Charles R. Green, Burlingame, 1856-64. HISTORICAL SOCIETY, COLLECTIONS OF— Vol. I. to Vol. XII, 1886-1912. Topeka, Kans. Published by the society. HOYNE'S— Annual Directory of Homeopathic physicians in the State of Illinois for the year 1879. Vol. I, No. 7, containing also an alphabetical list of homeopathic physicians residing in the states of Indiana, Missouri and Kansas. Vol. I, No. 7, 1879. Also Vol. II, No. 10, 1882. Published Chicago, 1882. KENTUCKY BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North America ; to the 1st of November, 1790. John Asplund. Southampton County, Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. BUTLER'S HISTORY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF KEN- TUCKY— By Mann Butler, A.M. 396 p. 12°, Louisville, Ky., 1834. Published by Wilcox, Dickerman & Co. CAMPBELL COUNTY— History of Campbell County, Ky., as read at the centennial celebra- tion of 4th of July, 1876. Mary K. Jones. 16 p. 8°, Newport, Ky., 1876. Publisher not given. CATHOLIC MISSIONS— Sketches of the early Catholic missions of Kentucky from their commencement in 1787 to the jubilee of 1826-27. 23 KENTUCKY CATHOLIC MISSIONS— M. J. Spalding, D.D. 308 p. 12°, Louisville, Ky., 1844. B. J. Webb & Bros., publishers. COLLINS— Historical sketches of Kentucky; embracing its history, etc., with anecdotes of pioneer life. Lewis Collins, 560 p. 8°, Maysville, Ky., 1847. 2d edition revised and enlarged by Richard H. Collins. 912 p. 8°, Louisville, Ky., 1877. Published by Richard H. Collins. EBENEZER PRESBYTERY OF KENTUCKY— History of. See Rev. James P. Hendrick, D.D. Memoirs, with an appendix containing history of Ebenezer Presbytery and other papers. William J. Hendrick, A.M. 335 p. 8°, Cambridge," Mass., 1907. Printed at the Riverside Press. ESTILL COUNTY— History of Irvine County and Estill County, Ky. n. p. 4°, Irvine, Ky., n. d. E. C. Park, publisher. FILSON CLUB PUBLICATIONS— Publications Vol. I, 1884, to Vol. XXV, 1910. Louisville, Ky., 1884-1910. Filson Club, publishers. HISTORIC FAMILIES OF KENTUCKY— With special reference to stocks immediately derived from the valley of Virginia; tracing in detail their various genealogical con- nections and illustrating from historic sources their influence upon the political and social development of Kentucky and the states of the South and West. Thomas Marshall Green, First Series. 304 p. 8°, Cincinnati, 1889. Rob- ert Clarke & Co., publishers. IRVINE COUNTY— History of Irvine County and Estill County, Ky. n. p. 4°, Irvine, Ky., n. d. E. C. Park, publisher. KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY— Register of Kentucky State Historical Society, Frankfort, Kv. Vol. IV, No. 9, May, 1906. Vol. IX, No. 27, September, 1911. Vol. X, Nos. 28, 29, 30, January, 1912, to September, 1912. Vol. XI, Nos. 31, 32, 33, January, 1913, to September, 1913. Mrs. Jennie C. Morton, Secretary and Treasurer. 8° Louisville and Frankfort, Ky., 1906, 1911, 1912, 1913. Kentucky State Historical Society, publishers. LEXINGTON— The trial of Rev. John H. Brown, by the West Lexington Presby- tery, on charge of misrepresentation, fraudulent sale and unchristian character, etc. 234 p. with a synopsis of 6 p. and appendix of 64 p. 8°, Lexington, Ky., 1853. D. S. Goodloe, publisher. LOUISVILLE— The history of Louisville from its earliest settlement to 1852. Ben Casseday. 255 p. 16°, Louisville, 1852. Hull & Brothers, publishers. 24 KENTUCKY-LOUISIANA METHODISM— History of Methodism in Kentucky. 3 vols. 8°, Nashville, Tenn., 1868. Rev. A. H. Redford. Southern Metho- dist Publishing Co., publishers. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— History of the Presbyterian Church in the state of Kentucky ; with a preliminary sketch of the churches in the Valley of Virginia. Rev. Robert Davidson, D.D. 371 p. 8°, New York, 1867. Robert Carter, publisher. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, KENTUCKY SOCIETY— Year Book of the Kentucky Sons of the American Revolution, con- taining a roll of the officers of Virginia line who received land bounties ; a roll of the Revolutionary pensions in Kentucky; a list of the Illinois regiment who served under George Rogers Clark in the northwest cam- paign. Also a roster of the Virginia Navy. 286 p. 8°, Louisville, Ky., 1896. Published by The Society. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, KENTUCKY SOCIETY— Year Book of the Kentucky Sons of the American Revolution in the commonwealth of Kentucky, 1894-1913, and catalogue of military land warrants granted by the commonwealth of Virginia to soldiers and sailors of the Revolution. Compiled by Samuel M. Wilson, from records in the State Land Office of Kentucky. 363 p. 8°, Lexington, Ky., 1913. Published by The Society. I \ ; I ON COUNTY— History of Union County, Ky. 896 p. 8°, Evansville, Ind., 1886. Courier Co., publishers. WAR 1812— See Filson Club Publications, Nos. 15, 18 and li». Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Ky., Filson Club, publishers. Kontuckians in the Battle of Lake Eric. A. C. Quisenberry. Sec pp. 43-49. In the Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society. Vol. IX, No. 27, September, 1911. Kentucky's Part in the War of 1812. Samuel Wilson. See pp. 27-34. In the Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society. Vol. IX, No. 27, September, 1911. Letter of Samuel Overton to his father, Waller Overton, written during the War of 1812. See pp. 37-39. In the Register of the Ivn- t nek v State Historical Society. Vol. IX, No. 27, September, 1911. « LOUISIANA HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF LOUISIANA— Embracing translations of many rare and valuable documents relating to the natural, civil and political history of that state. Compiled with historical and biographical noics and an introduction by B. F. French. 25 LOUISIANA-MAINE LOUISIANA— Vol. I, 1846, published in New York, 1846, Wiley & Putnam, publishers. Vol. II, 1850, published in Philadelphia, 1850, Daniels & Smith, publishers. Vol. Ill, 1851, published in New York, 1851, D. Appleton & Co., publishers. Vol. IV, 1852, published in New York, 1852, Redfield, Clinton Hall, publishers. Vol. V, 1853, published in New York, 1853, Lamport, Blakeman & Law, publishers. * Second edition, Part II, published in 1850, Philadelphia, Daniels & Smith, publishers. HISTORICAL SOCIETY, PUBLICATIONS OF— Vol. II; Parts I, III, IV; 1897, 1900, 1901. Vol. Ill; Parts I, II, III; 1902, 1904, 1905. Vol. IV; 1908. Published by The Society, New Orleans. Essai Historique sur La Louisiane. Par. Charles Gayarr6, 2 vols, in one. N. O. 1830. 1831. Benjamin Levy. Histoire de la Louisiane. Charles Gayarre, 1st edition, 2 vols. 8°, New Orleans, 1846. Also editions of above in English, 1852 and 1903. Louisiana. Its colonial history and romance. Charles Gayarre\ 546 p. 8°, N. Y., 1851. HISTORICAL SOCIETY— OFFICIAL PROGRAMME— Official programme of the commemoration of the transfer of Louisiana from France to the United States. Commemorated by the Louisiana Historical Society at New Orleans, La., December 18, 19 and 20, 1903. James M. Augustin, editor and publisher, New Orleans, 1913. Picayune Job Print. MAINE BROOKSVILLE— History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville, Maine, including the ancient settlement of Pentagoet. George Augustus Wheeler, A.M., M.D. 401 p. 8°, Bangor, Me., 1875. Burr & Robinson, publishers. BUXTON— Records of the proprietors of Narraganset township No. 1, now the town of Buxton, York County, Maine, from August 1, 1733, to January 4, 1811; with a documentary introduction, by William F. Goodwin. Captain United States Army. 400 p. 8°, Concord, N. H., 1871. Privately printed. Press of Butterfield & Hill. BUXTON— Report of the proceedings at the celebration of the first centennial anniversary of the corporation of the town of Buxton, Maine, held at Buxton August 14, 1872. By J. M. Marshall. 288 p. 8°, Portland, Me. Dresser, McClellan & Co., publishers. CASTINE— History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville, Maine, including the ancient settlement of Pentagoet. MAINE CASTINE— George Augustus Wheeler, A.M., M.D. 401 p. 8°, Bangor, Me., 1875. Burr & Robinson, ppblishers. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY— Thirteenth annual report of the Maine Genealogical Society for the year 1896. Reports of the directors and officers presented at •the annual meeting January 9, 1897. Also by-laws, list of officers and members, etc. 45 p. 8°, Portland, Me., 1897. Smith & Sale, printers. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY— Reports of the directors and officers presented at the annual meet- ings, January 20, 1904, and January 18, 1905. Reports presented at annual meeting January 18, 1911. \ 2 vols. 8°, Portland, Me., 1905, 1911. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL RECORDER— Vol. IX, No. 2, February, 1898. S. M. Watson, editor. Published at Portland, Me., 1898. HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS— Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. I, 1831, Port- land, Me. Published by Day, Eraser & Co., 1831. Series II, Vols. VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, 1895-1899. Series III, Vols. I and II, 1904- 1906. 8°, Portland, Me. Published by The Society. LINCOLN COUNTY— The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Me., 1760 to 1800. Compiled and edited by William D. Patterson. 368 p. 8°, Portland, Me., 1895. Published by the Genealogical Society of Maine. PENOBSCOT— History of Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville, Me., including the ancient settlement of Pentagoet. George Augustus Wheeler, A.M., M.D. 401 p. 8°, Bangor, Me., 1875. Burr & Robinson, publishers. PENTAGOET— See Castine, Penobscot, and Brooksville, Me. POPHAM COLONY— Memorial volume of the Popham celebration, August 29, 1862; commemorative of the planting of the Popham Colony on the Peninsula of Sabino, August 19, O. S. 1607, establishing the title of England to the continent. Rev. Edward Ballard. 144 p. 8°, Portland, Me., 1863. Bailey & Noyes. PORTLAND— Portland Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Rebellion. By members of Bosworth Post, G.A.R. 56 p. 8°, Portland, Me., 1884. Printed by B. Thurston & Co. 27 MARYLAND BALTIMORE— The Chronicles of Baltimore; being a complete history of "Balti- more Town" and Baltimore City from the earliest period to the present time. Col. J. Thomas Scharf. 756 p. 8°, Baltimore, 1874. Turnbull Bros., publishers. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist denomination in North America ; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. MARYLAND CALENDER OF WILLS— Vol. I, Wills from 1635. (Earliest probated) to 1685. Vol. II, Wills from 1685 to 1702. Vol. Ill, Wills from 1703 to 1713. Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton), compiler. 8°, Baltimore, Md., 1904, 1906, 1907. Kohn & Polleck, publishers. MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY— Archives of Maryland. Proceedings and acts of the General Assem- bly of Maryland. April 1715-Augnst, 1716. 640 p. 4°, Baltimore, Md., 1910. Maryland Historical Society, publishers. Fund Publications. (Peabody Fund.) No. 1, 1867, to No. 37, 1901. (Maryland fund publications ceased with No. 37.) 8°, Baltimore, Md., 1867-1901. Maryland Historical Society, publishers. NORTH POINT AND FORT McHENRY— The citizen soldiers at North Point and Fort McHenry, September 13 and 14, 1814. Resolves of the citizens in town meeting particulars relating to the battle, official correspondence and honorable discharge of the troops. Also celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary, 1889. (Reprint.) Charles C. Saffell, publisher. 137 p. 12°, Baltimore, Md. n. d. SANDY SPRING, MONTGOMERY COUNTY— Annals of Sandy Spring or Twenty Years History of a Rural Com- munity in Maryland. William Henry Farquhar. 325 p. 12°, Baltimore, 1884. Cushings & Bailey, publishers. SIDE LIGHTS ON MARYLAND HISTORY— By Hester Dorsey Richardson. 2 vols. 8°, Baltimore, Md., 1913. Richardson & Richardson, publishers. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR— Bureau of the Census. Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790, Maryland. 189 p. 4°, Washington, D. C. U. S. Oovernment, publishers. 28 MASSACHUSETTS ABINGTON— History of the town of Abington, Plymouth County, Mass., from its first settlement. Benjamin Hobart, A.M. 453 p. 8°, Boston, 1866. T. H. - Carter & Son, publishers. ANDOVER— South Church of, historical manual of the South Church in Andover, Mass. 200 p. 12°, Andover, Mass., 1859. Printed by Warren F. Draper. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist denomination in North America ; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. BILLERICA— History of Billerica, Mass., with a genealogical register. Rev. Henry A. Hazen, A.M. 509 p. 8°, Boston. A. Williams & Co., publishers. BOSTON— Epitaphs from Copp's Hill Burial Ground, Boston, with. notes. Thomas Bridgman. 252 p. 12°, Boston & Cambridge. James Munroe & Co., publishers. History of South Boston; formerly Dorchester Neck, now Ward XII, of the city of Boston. Thos. C. Simonds. 331 p. 12°, Boston, 1857. David Clapp, publisher. Marriages of Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, A.M., Boston, 1717-1769. Transcribed by Rev. Anson Titus. Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for April and July, 1888. Old South - Church. (Third church) Boston, Mass. A historical catalogue of, 1669-1882. 370 p. 8°, Boston, 1883. Privately printed. Press of David Clapp & Son. Report of the Record Commissioners of the city of Boston, con- taining Dorchester births, marriages and deaths to the end of 1825. 392 p. 8°, Boston, 1890. City of Boston, publishers. Rockwell & Churchill, printers. Roxbury Town. History of Roxbury Town. Charles M. Ellis. 146 p. 8°, Boston, 1847. Published by Samuel G. Drake. BRIDGEWATER, PLYMOUTH COUNTY— History of the early settlement of Bridgewater, in Plymouth County, Mass., including an extensive family register. Nahum Mitchell. 400 p. 8°, Boston, 1840. Printed for the author by Kidder & Wright. CAMBRIDGE— The Register Book of lands and houses in the "New Towne" and the town of Cambridge. Cambridge, City of, publishers. 8°, Cambridge, Mass., 1896. 29 MASSACHUSETTS CHARLESTON— The Genealogies and Estates of Charleston, in the county of Middle- sex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1629-1818. Thomas Bellows Wyman. 2 vols. 8°, Boston, 1879. David Clapp & Son, publishers. COLONIAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS— Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts. Vol. I, 1892-1894, to Vol. 10, 1904-1906. 8°, Boston, Mass., 1895-1906. Pub- lished by The Society. DEDHAM— Published by the joint committee of the two churches. 1638-1888. Commemorative services at the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the gathering of the First Church in Dedham, Mass., observed November 18 and 19, 1888. 114 p. 8°, Dedham, Mass., 1888. Published by Joint Committee. DORCHESTER— Report of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Boston, con- taining Dorchester births, marriages and deaths to the end of 1825. Boston, City of, publishers. 392 p. 8°, Boston, 1890. Rockwell & Churchill, printers. See Boston. DOUGLAS— Historv of the town of Douglas, Mass., from the earliest period to the close of 1878. William A. Emerson. 359 p. 8°, Boston, 187*9. Frank W. Bird, publisher. DUXBURY— Copy of the old records of the town of Duxbury, Mass. From 1642 to 1770. Made in the year 1892. George Etheridge, compiler. 348 p. 8°, Plymouth, 1893. Avery & Doten, printers. History of the town of Duxbury, Mass., with genealogical registers. Justin Winsor. 360 p. 8°, Boston, 1849. Crosby & Nichols, publishers. EASTHAMPTON— History of Easthampton; its settlement and growth, its material, educational, and religious interests. Together with a genealogical record of its original families. Payson W. Lyman. 192 p. 12°, Northampton, Mass., 1866. Trumbull & Gere, publishers. ESSEX COUNTY— The Essex Antiquarian. A monthly magazine devoted to the biography, genealogy and history of Essex County, Mass. Vol. I, 1897, to Vol. XIII, 1909. (Publication ceased with Vol. 13, 1909.) Sidney Perley. editor. 8°, Salem, Mass., 1897-1909. FRAMINGHAM— A history of Framingham, Mass., including the plantation, from 1(540 to the present time, with an appendix containing a notice of Sud- 30 MASSACHUSETTS FRAMINGHAM— bury and its first proprietors; also a register of the inhabitants of Framingham before 1800, with genealogical sketches. Wm. Barry. 456 p. 8°, Boston, 1847. James Munroe & Co., publishers. GENEALOGICAL AND PERSONAL MEMOIRS OF MASSA- CHUSETTS— Wm. Richard Cutter and Wm. Frederick Adams, compilers. 4 vols. 4°, New York, 1910. Lewis Historical Publishing Co., publishers. GRAFTON— History of Grafton. Frederick Clifton Pierce. 623 p. 8°, Worcester, 1879. Press of Charles Hamilton. GROTON— Addresses delivered at Groton, Mass., July 12, 1905. By request of the citizens on the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anni- versary of its settlement. 100 p. 8°, Groton, Mass., 1905. Published by a committee of the citizens of the Town of Groton. HILLS, JOSEPH— Joseph Hills and the Massachusetts Law of 1648. Reprinted from History of Maiden, Mass., 1633-1785, for private distribution. 8°,' Boston, 1899. Pamphlet. HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS— Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1792-1896. Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1791 to 1909. First Series, 1791 to 1883,' with index. Second Series, 1884 to 1907. Third Series, 1907 to 1909. 59 vols. 8°, Boston. Published by The Society. HUTCHINSON, THOMAS— The diary and letters of his excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. B.A. (Harvard) LL.D. (Oxon) Captain-General and Governor-in-chief of his late Majesty's Province of Massachusetts Bay in North America. Peter Orlando Hutchinson. 2 vols. 8°, London, 1883-86. LEICESTER— Historical sketches of the town of Leicester, Mass., during the first century from its settlement. Emory Washburn. 476 p. 8°, 1860, Boston. Printed by John Wilson & Son. Contains also a brief sketch of the history of Leicester Academy. Part I. Emory Washburne. 158 p. 8°, Boston, 1855. Phillips, Sampson & Co., publishers. LENOX— History of Lenox and Richmond, Mass. Charles J. Palmer. 48 p. 8°, Pittsfleld, Mass., 1904. Sun Printing Co., publishers. MARRIAGE NOTICES, 1785-1794— For the whole United States, copied from the Massachusetts Centinel and the Columbian Centinel. Charles Knowles Bolton, compiler. 139 p. 8°, Salem, Mass., 1900. Eben Putnam, publisher. 31 MASSACHUSETTS MEDFORD— History of the town of Medford, Middlesex County, Mass., from its first settlement in 1630 to 1855. By Charles Brooks. Revised, enlarged and brought down to 1885. By James M. Usher. 592 p. 8°, Boston, 1886. Rand, Avery & Co., publishers. The Franklin Press. MIDDLESEX COUNTY— History of Middlesex County, Mass., containing carefully prepared histories of every city and town in the county, by well known writers; and a general history of the county, from the earliest to the present time. In two volumes. Samuel Adams Drake. 2 vols. 4°, Boston, 1880. Estes & Lauriat, publishers. NEW PLYMOUTH COLONY— Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England; Court Orders. Vol. I, 1633-1640. Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, M.D., editor. 202 p. 4°, Boston, Mass., 1855. Press of William White. PALMER— History of the town of Palmer, Mass., early known as the Elbow Tract; including records of the plantation district and town, 1716-1889. With a genealogical register. J. H. Temple. 602 p. 8°, Springfield, Mass., 1889. Published by the Town of Palmer. Clark W. Bryan Co., publishers. PITTSFIELD— History of Pittsfield, Berkshire Countv, Mass. Vol. I, 1734 to 1800. Vol. II, 1800 to 1876. J. E. A. Smith, compiler, under the direction of a general com- mittee. 2 vols. 8°, Boston, 1869, 1876. Published by authority of the Town. PLYMOUTH— Ancient landmarks of Plymouth. Part I. Historical Sketch and Titles of Estates. Part II. Genealogical Register of Plymouth Families. William T. Davis. 312 p. 8°, Boston, 1883. A. Williams & Co., publishers. REHOBOTH— Vital Records of Rehoboth, 1642-1896. James N. Arnold. 926 p. 4°, Providence, R. I., 1897. Narragansett Historical Publishing Co., publishers. RICHMOND— History of Lenox and Richmond, Mass. Charles J. Palmer. 48 p. 8°, Pittsfield, Mass., 1904. Sun Printing Co., publishers. ROXBURY TOWN— History of Roxbury Town. Charles M. Ellis. 146 p. 8°, Boston, 1847. Published by Samuel G. Drake. See Boston. 32 MASSACHUSETTS SCOTCH-IBISH PIONEERS IN ULSTER AND AMERICA—* Charles Knowles Bolton, 398 p. 8°, Boston, 1910. Bacon & Brown, publishers. SOCIETY OF THE C1NCINN ATI- Proceedings of the Massachusetts State Society ui' the Cincinnati from its organization. June 9, 1783, to July 4, 1811. Bound in copy of the Society of the Cincinnati. See General Works, Society of the Cincinnati. 112 p. 8°, Boston, 1812. Printed by Thomas B. Wait & Co. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, MASSACHUSETTS SOCIETY— Historical memoranda with lists of members and their revolutionary ancestors. 294 p. 8°, Boston, 1899. Published by The Society. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS OP MASSACHUSETTS IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR— A compilation from the archives prepared and published by Win. M. Olin, Secretary of the Commonwealth. 17 vols. 8°, Boston, 1896-1898. Wright & Potter, State Printers. SOWANS— • With ancient records of Sowans and parts adjacent. Illustrated. Thomas Williams Bricknell. 195 p. 4°, Cleveland, Ohio, 1908. The Arthur H. Clark Co., publishers. SPRINGFIELD— Annals of Chicopee Street, 1675-187"). Records and reminiscences of an old New England Parish for a period of 200 years. Clara Skeele Palmer. 87 p. 8°, Springfield, Mass., 1899. Henry R. Johnson, publisher. History of the First Church in Springfield. An address delivered June 22, 1875. With an appendix. 60 p. 8°, Springfield, Mass., 1875. Whitney & Adams, publishers. SUDBURY— See Framingham, Mass. By William Barry. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEEDS— Published by the authority of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Boston, acting as county commissioners for the county of Suffolk. Vol. I, 1880, to Vol. XIV, 1906. 8°, Boston, 1880-1906. Rockwell & Churchill, State Printers. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR— Bureau of Census. Heads of families at the first census of the United States, taken in the year 1790. Massachusetts. 363 p. 4°, Washington, D. C, 1908. U. S. Government, publishers. WATERTOWN, WALTHAM, WESTON— Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Mass., including Waltham and Weston. To which is 33 MASSACHUSETTS-MICHIGAN WATKKTOWN— appended the early history of the town, with illustrations, maps and notes, 2d edition. With a memoir of the author, by Horatio Gates Jones, A.M. Henry Bond, M.D. 2 vols, in one. 1094 p. 8°, Boston, 1860. N. E. Historical & Genealogical Society, publishers. WKSSANGUSSET— See Weymouth, Mass. WEYMOUTH— Historical Sketch of the Town of Weymouth, Mass., from 1622 to 1884. Gilbert Nash, compiler. In Vol. 2, Weymouth Historical Society Col- lections. 346 p. 8°, Weymouth, 1885. Published by the Town of Weymouth. Wessangusset and Weymouth. Historical address by Charles Francis Adams, Jr. Weymouth in its first thirty years. Gilbert Xash. Weymouth thirty years later. Charles Francis Adams. See Weymouth Historical Collections No. 3, 1905. Published by The Society. Weymouth Historical Society Publications, Xos. 1, 2, 3. Published by The Society, Weymouth, Mass., 1881, 1885, 1905. WOBTJBN— Woburn records of births, deaths, and marriages, 1040 to 1873. Round with annual reports city government of Woburn. Edward F. Johnson. 8°, Woburn, Mass., 1890-1894. WORCESTOR— History of Worcester in the War of the Rebellion. Abijah P. Marion. 578 p. 8°, Cleveland, Ohio, 1870. The Arthur H. Clark Co., publishers. MICHIGAN DETROIT— Early Days in Detroit. Papers written by General Friend Palmer, of Detroit. Reing his personal reminiscences of important events and descriptions of the city for over 80 years. 1032 p. 8°, Detroit, Mich., 1906. Copyright by Hunt & June. Printed by Richmond & Backus Co. Early Detroit. A sketch of some of the interesting affairs of the olden times. C. M. Burton. 52 p. 8°, Detroit, Mich., 1909. Speaker-Hines Press. Centennial Celebration of the Evacuation of Detroit bv the 'British, July 11, 1766-July 11, 189(5. Report of the Proceedings wjth the addresses of Col. H. M. Duffield, Senator J. C. Rurrows", and President James R. Angell. 179 p. 8°, Detroit, Mich., 1896. John F. Erby & Co., printers. —3 II S 34 MICHIGAN-MINNESOTA-NEBRASKA-MISSISSIPPI GRAND RAPIDS— Historical Society Publications. Parts 1, 6, 1906-11." Published at Grand Rapids, Mich. PIONEER SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN— Michigan Pioneer Collections, Vol. I, 1874, to Vol. XXXVIII, 1912 ; with Index Vols. I to XXX, 1874-1906. . 8°, Lansing, Mich. Published by The Society. MINNESOTA N MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY— Collections of, 18G4, 1867, Vols. I, III, V, VIII, IX, XII-XIV, 1872 to 1912. Published at St. Paul, Minn., by The Society. NEBRASKA INDIAN WAR OF 1864— Being a fragment of the early history of Kansas, Nebraska, Colo- rado, and Wyoming. Eugene F. Ware. 601 p. 12°, Topeka, Kans., 1911. Crane & Co., publishers. SOLDIERS— Soldiers, sailors and marines of the War of 1812, Mexican War, and the War of the Rebellion, residing in Nebraska June 1, 1893. John C. Allen, Secretary of State, compiler. 227 p. and index 20 p. 8°, Lincoln, Neb., 1893. State Printer. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS Transactions and Reports — Vol. I, 1885, to Vol V, 1893. Vol. I (second series), 1894-95, (Vol. I). Vol. I (second series), 1899, (Vol. III). Proceedings and Collections — Vol. XI (second series II, Vol. VI), 1906. Vol. XII (second series II, Vol. VII), 1907. Vol. XV (second series II, Vol. X), 1907. Vol. XVI, 1911. MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY— Fourth annual report, October 1, 1904, to October 1, 1905. 43 p. 8°, Nashville, Tenn. Brandon Printing Co. HISTORICAL* SOCIETY OF MISSISSIPPI— Publications of, Vol. X, 1909; Vol. XI. 1910. Edited by Franklin L. Riley, secretary. Published at University or Mississippi, Oxford, Miss. 35 MISSISSIPPI-MISSOURI HISTOBY OF MISSISSIPPI— From the discovery of the great river by Hernando De Soto, including the earliest settlement made by the French under Iberville, to the death of Jefferson Davis. Robert Lowry and William H. McGardle. 648 p. 8°, Jackson, Miss., 1891. R. H. Henry & Co., publishers. OFFICIAL AND STATISTICAL REGISTER OF MISSISSIPPI, 1904— Dunbar Rowland, compiler. 694 p. 8°, Nashville, Tenn., 1904. Press of the Brandon Printing Co. MISSOURI CREOLES OF ST. LOUIS— Paul Beckwith. 169 p. 8°, St. Louis, 1893. Nixon-Jones Printing Co., publishers. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI, ST. LOUIS— Collections of, Vol. II, 1900, to Vol. V, 1913. Published at St. Louis, Mo., by The Society. Missouri Historical Review. Vol. I, No. 1, October, 1906. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4, 1907-08. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-4, 1909. Vol. IV, Nos. 1, 2, 4, 1910. Vol. V, Nos. 1, 2, 1911. Vol. VI, No. 1, 1911-12. Vol. VIII, 1914. Published at Columbia, Mo., by Historical Society. HISTORY OF MISSOURI— From the earliest explorations and settlements until the admission of the state into the Union. Louis Houck. 3 vols. 8°, Chicago, 1908. R. R. Donnelley & Sons, publishers. HOYNE'S— Annual directory of homeopathic physicians in the State of Illinois for the year 1879. Vol. I, No. 7. Containing also an alphabetical list of homeopathic physicians residing in the states of Indiana, Missouri- and Kansas. T. S. Hoyne, M.D. 31 p. 8°, Chicago, 1879. T. S. Hoyne, M.D., publisher. Also Vol.. I, No. 10, 1882. PIONEERS OF MISSOURI AND ILLINOIS— See pp. 1-8 in Vol. Ill, No. 1, January, 1912, of the Utah Genea- logical and Historical Magazine. Francis M. Lyman. SPANISH REGIME IN MISSOURI— A collection of papers and documents relating to Upper Louisiana, principally within the present limits of Missouri, during the dominion of Spain, from the Archives of the Indies at Seville, etc., translated from the original Spanish into Knglish, and including also some papers concerning the supposed grant to Col. Georgr Morgan, etc. Louis Houck. 2 vols. 8°, Chicago, 1909. R. R. Donnelley & Sons, publishers. 36 MISSOURI-NEW HAMPSHIRE WAR OF 181^ BOONE COUNTY, MISSOURI— List of soldiers petitioning for pensions. See p. 102, in Vol. VI I J. No. 2, January, 11)14. Missouri Historical Review, Columbia, Mo. Published by The State Historical Society. \\ AW OK THE REBELLION— Missouri troops in service during Civil War. U. S. Government, publishers. Senate Document, Vol. 28, 57th Congress, 1st Session. 1901-1902. NEW HAMPSHIRE - AM I IKK ST— History of the town of Amherst, N. H., 1728 to 1882, with geneal- ogies of Amherst families. Daniel F. Secomb. 978 p. 8°, Concord, N. H., 1883. Evans, Sleeper & Woodbury, publishers. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist denomination in North America; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°. CANDIA— History of the town of Candia, Rockingham County, N. IK. from its first settlement to the present time. J. Bailey Moore. 528 p. 8°, Manchester, N. H., 1893. George W. Browne, publisher. CHARLESTON— History of Charleston, X. H., the old No. 4, embracing the par) home hv its inhabitants in the Indian, French and Revolutionary wars, and the Vermont controversy, also genealogies and sketches of families, from its settlement to 1876. Rev. Henry H. Saunderson. 726 p. 8°, Claremont, N. H., 1876. Printed for the Town by The Claremont Manufacturing Company. (UNCORD— The history of Concord, (N. H.) from its first grant in K ■-'•'» to the organization of the city government in 1853, with a history of the ancient Penacooks. (with map). Nathaniel Bouton. 786 p. 8°, Concord, 1856. Benning W. Sanborn, publisher. KI KST X K\V HAMPSHIRE REC I M K NT- War of the Revolution. History of the First New Hampshire Regiment in the War of the Revolution. Frederic Kidder. 184 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1868. Joel Munsell. HAVERHILL— History of Haverhill, X. H. Rev. J. Q. Bittinger. 442 p. 8°, Haverhill, N. H., 1888. Cohos Steam Press. 37 NEW HAMPSHIRE-NEW JERSEY PROVINCIAL AND STATE PAPERS OF \ K\V HAMPSHIRE— Vols. I to XXX, 1683-1768. Nathaniel Bouton, D.D., Isaac W. Hammond and Albert Stillman Batchel- lor, compilers. 8°, Concord, N. H. Published by the State, 1867-1907. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR— Bureau of the Census. Heads of families at the first census of the doited States taken in the year 1790. New Hampshire. 71 p. 4°, Washington, D. C, 1908. U. S. Government, publishers. NEW JERSEY ABCHIVES OF THE STATE OF NE*W JERSEY— Journal of Governor and Council. First Series — Vol. XIII, Vol. I, 1682-1714. Vol. XIV, Vol. II, 1715-1738. Calendar of Records. Vol. XXI, 1601-1703. Vol. XXII, Marriage Records, 1665-1800. Vol. XXIII, Vol. I, 1670-1730. Calendar of New Jersey Wills. Vol. XXIV, Vol. V, 1762-1765. Extracts from American news- papers relating to New Jersey. Vol. XXV, Vol. VI, 1766-1767. Extracts from American news- papers relating to New Jersey. Vol. XXVI, Vol. VII, 1768-1769. Extracts from American news- papers relating to New Jersey. Vol. XXVII, Vol. VIII, 1770-1771. Extracts from American newspapers relating to New Jersey. Sieond Series — Vol. II, 1778. Extracts from American newspapers. Vol. Ill, 1779. Extracts from American newspapers. Trenton, N. J., 1890-1906. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual Baptist register of the Baptist denomination in North America, to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. BERGEN— Annals of the classes of Bergen, of the Reformed Dutch Church, and of the churehe> under its care; including the civil history of the ancient township of Bergen, N. J. Benjamin C. Taylor, D.D. 479 p. 12°, New York, 1857. Board of Publi- cation of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. Hosford & Co., printers. CAPE MAY COUNTY— The history of Cape May County, N. J., from the ahoriginal times to the present clay. Lewis Townsend Stevens. 480 p. 8°, Cape May City, 1897. See Ludlam Family History. 38 NEW JERSEY CONTINENTAL LINE OF NEW JERSEY— In the Virginia Campaign of 1781. William S. Stryker. 45 p. 8°, Trenton, 1882. John L. Murphy, printer. ELIZABETH— Inscriptions on tombstones and monuments in the burying grounds of the First Presbyterian Church and St. John's Church at Elizabeth, N. J., 1664-1892. William Ogden Wheeler and Edmund D. Halsey, compilers. 355 p. 8°, New Haven, Conn. Press of Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor. ELIZABETH TOWN— The history of St. John's Church, Elizabeth Town, N. J., from the year 1703 to the present time. . Samuel A. Clark. 203 p. 12°, Philadelphia, 1857. J. B. Lippincott & Co., publishers. GERMANS OF NEW JERSEY— The early Germans of New Jersey, their history, churches and genealogies. Theodore Frelinghuysen Chambers. 667 p. 8°, Dover, N. J., 1895. Dover Printing Co., publishers. HACKENSACK— Historical discourse delivered on occasion of the reopening and dedication of "The First Reformed (Dutch) Church." Hackensack, N. J., May 2, 1869. Rev. Theodore Romeyn. 23 p. 8°, New York, 1870. Board of Publica- tion, R.C.A. Hosford & Sons, printers. HANOVER; MORRIS COUNTY— Church members, marriages and baptisms, at Hanover, Morris County, N. J., during the pastorate of Rev. Jacob Green, and to the settlement of Rev. Aaron Condit, 1746-1796. William Ogden Wheeler and Edmund D. Halsey, compilers. 32 p. 8°, Morristown, N. J., 1893. The Jerseyman Printing Office. See also Whippany and Hano.ver, N. J. HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF NEW JERSEY— Containing a general collection of the most interesting facts, traditions, and biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc., relating to the history and antiquities, with geographical descriptions of townships in the state. John W. Barber and Henry Howe, compilers. 519 p. 8°, Newark, N. J., 1855. Published by Benjamin Olds for Justus H. Bradley. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW JERSEY— A magazine of history. Biography and genealogy. 1894 to 1912. Incomplete file. 8°, Newark, N. J. Published by The Society. HUDSON COUNTY— History of the county of Hudson, New Jersey, from its earliest settlement to the present time. 39 NEW JERSEY HUDSON COUNTY— Charles H. Winfield. 568 p. 8°, New York, 1874. Kennard & Hay Print- ing Co., publishers. MORRISTOWN— History of the First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, N. J. Part I. Records of Trustees and Sessions, from 1742 to 1882. Part II. The Combined Registers, 1742 to 1885. 8°, Morristown, N. J., 1885. Published by the Board of Trustees, First Presbyterian Church, Morristown, N. J. OFFICIAL REGISTER— Of the officers and men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War. Printed by the order of the Legislature. William S. Stryker. 878 p. 8°, Trenton, N. J., 1872. William T. Nicholson & Co., printers. SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI— The Cincinnati, with the by-laws and rules of the New Jersey State Society. 78 p. 8°, New Jersey, 1876. Society of The Cincinnati, publishers. Roster of the New Jersey officers of the Continental line in the Revolutionary War, who were eligible to membership in the Society of the Cincinnati. 49 p. 8°. Published by the New Jersey Society of The Cincinnati, 1911. TRENTON— History of the Presbyterian church in Trenton, N. J., from the first settlement of the town. John Hall, D.D. 453 p. 12°, New York, 1859. Anson D. F. Randolph, publisher. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION- ISE Official Register. WHIPPANY, MORRIS COUNTY— Inscriptions on the tombstones and monuments in the graveyards at Whippany and Hanover, N. J., Morris County. William Ogden Wheeler and Edmund D. Halsey, compilers. 93 p. 8°, 1894. Place and publisher not given. WILLS— Index of Wills, office of Secretary of State, New Jersey, 1804 to 1830. By the surrogates of the several counties: Bergen County, 1804 to 1830 ; Burlington County, 1804 to 1830 ; Cape May County, 1804 to 1830; Cumberland County, 1804 to 1830; Essex County, 1804 to 1830 Gloucester County, 1804 to 1830; Hunterdon County, 1804 to 1830 Middlesex County, 1804 to 1830; Monmouth County, 1804 to 1830 Morris County, 1804 to 1830; Salem County, 1804 to 1830; Soraeraei County, 1804 to 1830; Sussex County, 1804 to 1830: Warren County, 1825 to 1830. 154 p. 8°, Trenton, N. J., 1901. The John L. Murphy Publishing Co., publishers. Printed under direction of the Secretary of State of New Jersey. 40 NEW YORK ABSTRACTS OF WILLS— On file in the surrogate's office. City of New York. 1665-1771. New York Historical Collections, 1892-1898 (7 vols.). 8°, New York Historical Society, publishers. ALBANY COUNTY— Contributions for the genealogies of the first settlers of the ancient county of Albany. From 1630 to 1800. Prof. Jonathan Pearson. 182 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1872. Joel Munsell, publisher. ALBANY— Contributions for the genealogies of the first settlers of Albany, with a key to the names of persons occurring in the early Dutch records of Albany and vicinity. From old church and other records. pp. 84-184, inc. 8°, Albany, n. d. ANNUAL REGISTER AND MILITARY ROSTER— Containing the names and rank of the principal civil officers of the government of the United States since its organization, and of the state of New York since the adoption of its constitution in 1777, including county officers, etc., also the names and rank of the militia officers of this state, now in office. B. Thalhiraer. 272 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1821. Printed by E. and E. Hosford. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North America; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. COHOES— History of Cohoes, N. Y., from its earliest settlement to the present time. Arthur H. Masten. 327 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1877. Joel Munsell, publisher. DANKBBS AND SLUYTER JOURNALS— Journal of a voyage to New York and a tour in several of the American colonies in 1679-80. By Jasper Dankers and Peter Sluyter, of Wiewerd in Friesland. Translated from the original manuscript in Dutch for the Long Island Historical Society, and edited by Henry ('. Murphy. 440 p. 8°, Brooklyn, 1867. Vol. I, Long Island Historical Memoirs. M'rllKSS COUNTY— General history of Duchess County, from 1609 to 1876, inclusive. Illustrated with numerous wood cuts, maps and full page engravings. Philip H. Smith. 507 p. 8°, Pawling, N. Y., 1877. Published by the author. DeLacey & Walsh, printers, Amenia, N. Y. I LATBUSH, KINGS COUNTY, LONG ISLAND— The history of the town of Flatbush, in Kings County. Long Island. Thomas M. Strong, D.D. 188 p. 12°, New York, 1842. Thomas R. Mer- oein, Jr., printer. 41 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK— Officers, committees, and members of the society, 1908. 40 p. 12°, New York, 1908. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, publishers. Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. I, 1870, to Vol. XLV, 1914. {Also Index Vol. I to Vol. XXXVIII, 1907.) 45 vols. 4°, N. Y., 1870-1914. Published by The Society. HAMILTON— The First Half Century of Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y. (1819-1869), or the Jubilee Volume, containing sketches of eleven hun- dred living and deceased alumni; with fifteen portraits of founders presidents and patrons. 505 p. 8°, New York, 1872. Madison University, publishers. Sheldon & Co., publishers. HISTORICAL SOCIETY— Collections of the New York Historical Society for the year 1814 Vol. II, N. Y., 1814. J Printed by Van Winkle & Wiley. Collections of the New York Historical Society for the vear 1821 Vol. Ill, N. Y., 1821. J Published by E. Bliss and E. White. Collections of the New York Historical Society. Second Serie« Vol. I, N. Y., 1841. H. Ludwig, publisher. Collections of the New York Historical Society. Second Series Vol. Ill, Part I, N. Y., 1857. D. Appleton & Co., publishers. Proceedings of the New York Historical Society for the vear 1846" X. Y., 1847. Press of the Historical Society. Collections of the New York Historical Society. Vol. I, 18(58, to Vol. NLIV, 1911. N. Y. Historical Society, publishers. 1868-1908. HUNTINGTON— Si Ins Wood's sketch of the town of Huntington. L. I. From its first settlement to the end of the American Revolution. Edited with genealogical and historical notes. William- S. Pelletreau, A.M. 63 p. 8°, New York, 1898. Francis P. Harper, publisher. KING'S BRIDGE— See Westchester County, N. Y. KING'S COUNTY— Genealogical Club Collections. Vol. I. X«». 1, .June, 1882, Vol. 1. Xos. 5, 6, 1894. 8°, N. Y., 1882, 1894. Kings County Genealogical Club, publishers. 42 NEW YORK LANSINGBURGH— History of Lansingburgh, N. Y., from (he year 1670 to 1877. A. J. Weise, A.M. 44 p. 8°, Troy, N. Y., 1877. William H. Young, printer. LESLIE'S HISTORY OF GREATER NEW YORK— NEW YORK CITY— Daniel Van Pelt. 3 vols. 4°, N. Y. Copyright, 1898. Askell Publishing Co. LINCKLAEN JOURNAL— Travels in Pennsylvania, New York, and Vermont, journals of John Lincklaen, agent of the Holland Land Company, with a biograph- ical sketeh and notes. John Lincklaen. 162 p. 8°, New York, 1897. G. P. Putnam, publisher. LITTLE BRITAIN— The Centennial Memorial, a record of the proceedings on the occasion of the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the A. R. Presbyterian Church of Little Britain, N. Y., etc. Archibald C. Niven, editor. 251 p. 12°, New York, 1859. Robert Carter & Bros., publishers. LONG ISLAND GENEALOGIES— Being kindred descendants of Thomas Powell. Mary Powell Bunker. 350 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1895. Joel Munsell Sons, publishers. MARRIAGE LICENSES— Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York, previous to 1784. Printed by order of Gideon J. Tucker, Secretary of State. Gideon J. Tucker, compiler. 480 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1860. Weed, Parsons & Co., publishers. M I \ UTES OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF NEW YORK- For detecting and defeating conspiracies in the state of New York. Albany County Sessions, 1778-1781. Vol. I, 1778-1779. Vol. II, 1780-1781. Victor Hugh Paltsits, editor. 4°, Albany, N. Y., 1909. State of New York, publishers. MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL— Of the province of New York. Administration of Francis Love- lace, 1668-1673. Vol. I. Minutes, collateral and illustrative documents.* 1-XIX. Vol. II. Collateral and illustrative, XX-XCVIII. Victor Hugh Paltsits, editor. 2 vols. 8°, N. Y., 1910. Published by the State. MONROE COUNTY— See Phelps and Gorham Purchase, New York. MORRISANIA— See Westchester County, ,N. Y. 43 NEW YORK NEW PALTZ— History of New Paltz, N. Y., and its old families, from (1678 to 1820), including the Huguenot Pioneers and others who settled in New Paltz previous to the Revolution. 593 p. 8°, Albany, 1903. Ralph LeFevre. Copyright, Ralph LeFevre. ONEIDA COUNTY— Annals and Recollections of Oneida County. Pomroy Jones. 893 p. 8°, Rome, N. Y., 1851. Published by the Author. ONONDAGA— Onondaga's Soldiers of the Revolution. Official records. Compiled by Frank H. Chase, Secretary of The Onondaga Historical Association. 47 p. 8°, Syracuse, N. Y., 1895. Published by The Onondaga Historical Association. OYSTER BAY, QUEENS COUNTY— A documentary history of the Dutch congregation of Oyster Bay, Queens County, Island of Nassau. (Now Long Island.) Henry A. Stoutenburgh. 40 p. 8°, New York, 1902. Eben Storer, publisher. PHELPS AND GORHAM PURCHASE— History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Pur- chase and Morris Reserve ; to which is added a supplement of the pioneer history of Monroe County. 0. Turner. 624 p. 8°, Rochester, N. Y., 1851. William Ailing, publisher. QUEENS COUNTY— History of Queens County, N. Y., with illustrations, portraits and sketches of prominent families and individuals. 576 p. 4°, New York, 1882. W. W. Munsell & Co., publishers. ST. MARK'S CHURCH ON THE BOWERY— Parish Annals. A sermon giving historical notices of St. Mark's Church in the Bowery, N. Y. (Prom A.D. 1795, to A.D. 1845) delivered in said church, May 4, 1845. Henry Anthon, D.D. 58 p. 8°, New York, 1845. Stamford & Sword, publishers. SAINT NICHOLAS SOCIETY OF NEW YORK CITY— Charter, constitution and by-laws. List of members. 98 p. 12°, New York, 1907. Douglas, Taylor & Co., publishers. Charter, constitution, and list of members of the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York, organized February 28, 1835. Incor- porated April 17, 1841. 113 p. 12°, New York, 1913. Printed by order of The Society. Douglas- Taylor & Co., publishers. Genealogical Records of the St. Nicholas Society. 335 p. 8°, New York, 1905. Published by The Society. SALEM— The Salem Book, records of the past and glimpses of the present. Prepared for publication by a group of Salem's sons and daughters. 44 NEW YORK SALEM— 250 p. 8°, Salem, N. Y., 1896. The Salem Press Review. Salem Sons and Daughters, publishers. SCHENECTADY— Contributions for the genealogies of the descendants of the find settlers of the patent and city of Schenectady, from 1662 to 1800. Rev. Jonathan Pearson. 324 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1873. Joel Munsell, publisher. A history of the Schenectady patent in the Dutch and English times; being contributions toward a historv of the lower Ifohawk V.-.lley. Prof. Jonathan Pearson, A.M. 466 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1883. Edited by J. W. MacMurray, A.M., U.S.A. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. SCHOHARIE COUNTY— History of Schoharie County and border wars of New York ; con- taining also a sketch of the causes which led to the American Revolu- tion; and interesting memoranda of the Mohawk Valley; together with much other historical and miscellaneous matter never before published. Jeptha R. Simms. 672 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1845. Munsell & Tanner, publishers. SHELTEB ISLAND— Historical papers on Shelter Tsland and its Presbyterian Church, with genealogical tables of the descendants of Brinley Sylvester. Samuel Hopkins, Joel and John Bowditch. Samuel Hudson, .John Havens, George Havens, Jonathan Havens, Jos. Havens, Henry Havens, Noah Tuthill, Thomas Conkling, Abraham Parker, Daniel Brown. Sylvester l/l [ommedieu, and others. Rev. Jacob E. Mailman, compiler. 332 p. 8°, N. Y., 1899. Printed for the Author. SOCIETY SONS OF THE AMEBICAM REVOLUTION OF \KW YORK— Year Book of the Societv of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York. 690 p. 4°, New York, 1899. Francis E. Fitch, publisher. STEUBEN COUNTY— History of Steuben County, N. Y. ; with illustrations and biograph- ical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Prof. W. W. Clayton. 460 p. . 4°, Philadelphia, 1879. Lewis, Peck & Co., publishers. SUFFOLK COUNTY— Historical and descriptive sketches of Suffolk County, and its towns. villages, hamlets, scenery, institutions and important enterprises; with a historical outline of Long Island, from its first settlement by Europeans. Richard M. Bayles. 424 p. 12°, Port Jefferson, L. I. Published by the Author. W. A. Overton, Jr., & Co. TYRON COUNTY— Annals of Tyron County: or the border warfare of New York, during the Revolution. 45 NEW YORK-NORTH CAROLINA TYROX COUNTY— William W. Campbell. 78 p. 8°, New York, 1831. J. & J. Harper, publishers. The Minute Book of the Committee of Safety of Tyron County, the old Xew York frontier, now printed verbatim for the first time, with an introduction by J. Howard Hanson, and notes by Samuel Ludlow Frey. 151 p. 8°, New York, 1905. Dodd, Mead & Co., publishers. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— History of Xew York during the Revolutionary War, and of the leading events in the other colonies of that period. By Thomas Jones, with notes, contemporary documents, maps and portraits. Edward Floyd de Lancey, editor. 2 vols. 8°, New York, 1879. New York Historical Society, publishers. Xew York in the Revolution as a colony and as a state. These records were discovered, arranged and classified in 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1898. James A. Roberts, compiler. 2d edition, 534 p. 4°, Albany, 1898. Bran- dow Printing Co. WESTCHESTER COUNTY— Early wills of Westchester County, X. Y., from 1661 to 1784, with a careful abstract of all wills recorded in Xew York surrogate's office and at White Plains, X. Y. Also the genealogy of "The Havi lands" of Westchester County, and descendants of Hon. James Graham (Wat- kinson and Ackerley families). William S. Pelletreau, S.A.M. 488 p. 8°, N. Y., 1898. Francis P. Harper, publisher. History of Westchester County, X. Y., including Morrisania, Kings Bridge, and West Farms, which have been annexed to Xew York City. J. Thomas Scharf. 2 vols. 4°, Philadelphia, 1886. L. E. Preston & Co., publishers. WEST FAKMS— Sep Westchester County, X. Y. WHITE PLAINS— See Westchester County, X. Y. NORTH CAROLINA ABSTRACT OF NORTH (AIM) LIN A WILLS— Compiled from original and recorded wills in the office of the Secre- tary of State. 670 p. 8°, Raleigh, N. C, 1910. E. M. Uzzell & Co., State Printers. BAPTIST CIH'IiCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in Xorth America : to the first oi November, 1790. Jchn Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. COLONIAL OFFICER, (A) AND HIS TIMES, 1754-1773— \ biographical sketch of Gen. Hugh Wftddell, of North Carolina. Alfred Wore Waddell. 242 p. 8°, Raleigh, N. C, 1890. Edwards * Broughton. 46 NORTH CAROLINA COLONIAL RECORDS OF NORTH CAROLINA— Published under the supervision of the trustees of the public- libraries. By order of the General Assembly. Vol. I, 1622, to Vol. XXVI, 1790. Vol. XXVII and XXVIII. Index A to L (2 vols.). William Saunders, Walter Clark and Stephen Wells, editors. Published by the State. Raleigh & Goldsboro, N. C, 1886-1905, 1910. GERMAN SETTLEMENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA— History of the German settlements and of the Lutheran church in North and South Carolina, from the earliest period of the colonization of the Dutch, German, and Swiss settlers to the close of the first hall of the present century. G. D. Bernhein. 557 pp. 12°, Philadelphia, 1872. The Lutheran Book Store, publishers. GREENSBORO, 1808-1904— Facts, figures, traditions and reminiscences. James W. Albright (collected by). 134 p. 8°, Greensboro, N. C., 1904. Joseph J. Stone & Co., publishers. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER OF NORTH CAROLINA— Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, January, 1900-October, 1900. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4, January, 1901-October, 1901. Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-3, January, 1903-July, 1903. J. R. B. Hathaway, editor and publisher. 8°, Edenton, N. C. HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF NORTH CAROLINA— From 1584 to 1851. Compiled from original records, official docu- ments, and traditional statements, with biographical sketches of her distinguished statesmen, jurists, lawyers, soldiers, divines, etc. John H. Wheeler. (2 vols, in 1.) 8°, Philadelphia, 1851. Lippincott, Grambo & Co., publishers. LINCOLN COUNTY— See Sketches of North Carolina. C. L. Hunter. MECKLENBURG COUNTY— See Sketches of North Carolina. C. L. Hunter. NATIONAL SOCIETY D.A.R. (OF NORTH CAROLINA)— The North Carolina Booklet. Vol. X, 1910, Vol. XI, 1911, Vol. XII, 1912, Vol. XIV, 1914. Raleigh, N. C, 1910-1913. National Society, D. A. R., publishers. NEW HANOVER COUNTY— A history of New Hanover County and the lower Cape Fear Region, 1723-1800 (I vol.). Alfred Moore Waddell. 232 p., Wilmington, N. C, 1909. Published by the Author. 47 NORTH CAROLINA-NORTH DAKOTA NORTH CAROLINA, 1780-1781— Being a history of the invasion of the Carolinas by the British Army under Lord Cornwallis in 1780-81. With the particular design of showing the part borne by North Carolina in that struggle for liberty and independence, and to correct some of the errors of history in regard to that state and its people. David Schenck, LL.D. 498 p. 8°, Raleigh, N. C, 1889. Edwards & Broughton, publishers. Revolutionary incidents and sketches of character, chiefly in the "Old North State." E. W. Caruthers. Two editions. 1st ed. 431 p. 12°, Philadelphia, 1854; 2d ed. 448 p. 12°, Philadelphia, 1856. Hayes & Zell, publishers. REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS IN NORTH CAROLINA— Under the Acts of 1818 and 1832. As reported by Secretary of State to Congress, 1835. See Vol. XXII, North Carolina Colonial Records. Walter Clark. Published by The State, Goldsboro, N. C, 1907. ROWAN COUNTY— See Sketches of North Carolina. C. L. Hunter. Rowan County Wills in North Carolina Booklet. Vol. X, 1910. Vol. XI, 1911. By Mrs. M. G. McCubbins. Sketches of prominent living North Carolinians. Jerome Dowd. 320 p. 12°, Raleigh, N. C, 1888. Edwards & Broughton, publishers. Sketches of Western North Carolina, historical and biographical. Illustrating principally the revolutionary period, of Mecklenburg, Rowan, Lincoln, and adjoining counties, accompanied with miscellaneous information, much of it never before published. C. L. Hunter. 357 p. 8°, Raleigh, N. C, 1877. The Raleigh News, State Printer. NORTH DAKOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF— Collections of the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Vol. I, II, III, 1906, 1908, 1910. Published by The Society, Bismark, N. D. KENSAL— History of Kensal, N .D., with Directory. 18 p. 8°, Carrington, N. D., 1910. The Carrington Record Press. NORTH DAKOTA— Quarterly Journal of the University of North Dakota. Vol, I, 1910, to Vol. IV, 1914. Published at University of North Dakota. 48 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL WD HISTORICAL SoclKTY OF OHIO— Publications of. Vol. I, 1887, to Vol. XX I II, 1914. Published by The Society, Columbus, O. ATIIKXS COUNTY— History of Athens County, Ohio, and incidentally of the Ohio Land Co., and the first settlement at Marietta, with persona] and biographical sketches of the early settlers, narrative- of pioneer adventure, etc Charles M. Walker. 600 p. 8°, Cincinnati, O., 1869. Robert Clarke & Co., publishers. BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL MEMOIRS— Of the early pioneer settlers of Ohio, with narratives of incidents and occurrences in 1775. By S. P. Hildreth, M.D. To which is annexed a journal of occurrences which happened in the circles of the author's personal observation in the detachment commanded by Col. Benedict Arnold, consisting of two battalions from the United States Army, at Cambridge, Mass. in A.D. 1775. By Col. R. J. Meigs, 539 p. 8°, Cincinnati, O., 1852. H. W. Derby & Co., publishers. BUTLER COUNTY— Pioneer Biography. Sketches of the lives of some of the early settlers of Butler County, Obio. James McBride. 2 vols. 8°, Cincinnati, 1869. Robert Clarke & Co., publishers. CINCINNATI— Cincinnati College Catalogue of Officers and students. is:>(>-37. Printed by N. S. Johnson, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1837. Cincinnati in 1841. Its early annals and future prospects. Charles Cist. 300 p. 12°, Cincinnati, 1841. E. Morgan & Co., publishers. Directory 1819. Oliver Farnsworth, publisher. 156 p. 12°, Cincinnati, 1819.. Sketches and statistics of Cincinnati in 1851. Charles Cist. 363 p. 12°, Cincinnati, 1851. William H. Moore & Co., publishers. Sketches and statistics of Cincinnati in C869. Charles Cist. 367 p. 12°, Cincinnati, 1859. COLUMBUS— Its history, resources and progrc— Jacob Studer, publisher. 584 p. 8°, 1873, Columbus, O. GEAUGA COUNTY— Revolutionary Boldiers buried in. See New Connecticut Chapter, Painesville, 0., D.A.K. HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF OHIO— By Henry Howe. 2 vols. 4°, Columbus, O., 1890. Also I he Ohio Centennial edition, 3 vols. Published at Cincinnati, 1904. C- J. Krehbiel & Co.. publishers. 49 OHIO HISTORICAL AM) PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO— The quarterly publication of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. Vol. Ill, No. 3, July-September, 1908. Vol. Ill, No. 4, October-December, 1908. Vol. IV, Nos. 1-4, January-December, 1909. Vol. V, No. 1, January, March, 1910. Vol. VIII, Nos. 2-3, June-September, 1913. 8°, Cincinnati, O. 1 1 1 STORICAL SKETCHES— Of our twenty-five churches and missions, and their work in mis- sions. Local growth and social life. With full directories of members to January 1, 1896. Edited by Rev. A. B. Christy, Pastor Lake View Congregational Church. 259 p. 8°, Cleveland, O., 1896. The Williams Pub. and Electric Co. KNOX COUNTY— The Biographical Record of Knox County, Ohio. To which is added an elaborate compendium of national biography. 218 p. 4°, Chicago, 1902. The Lewis Publishing Co., publishers. LAKE COUNTY— Revolutionary soldiers buried in. See New Connecticut Chapter, Painesville, O., D.A.R. \ EW CONNECTICUT CHAPTER, D.A.R., PAINESVILLE— A record of the revolutionary soldiers buried in Lake County, Ohio, with a partial list of those in Geauga County, and a membership roll of New Connecticut Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. 94 p. 8°, Columbus, O., n. d. The Champlin Press. OHIO ANNALS— Historic events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum valleys. Edited by C. H. Mitchener. 358 p. 8°, Dayton, O., 1876. Thomas W. Odell, printer. PLYMOUTH— See Plymouth, Conn. RECOLLECTIONS OF LIFE IN OHIO— From 1813 to 1840. By William Cooper Howells, with an intro- duction by his son, William Dean Howells. 207 p. 8°, Cincinnati, 1895. The Robert Clarke Co. SENECA COUNTY— History of Seneca County, containing a detailed narrative of the principal events that have occurred since its first settlement down to the present time; a history of the Indians that formerly resided within its limits; geographical descriptions, early customs, biographical sketches, etc. Consul W. Butterfleld. 251 p. 12°, Sandusky, O,, 1848. D. Campbell & Sons, publishers. H S 50 OHIO-PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN RESERVE— Pioneers of tlie Western llcserve. Harvey Rice, 350 p. 12°, Boston, 1883. Lee & Shepard, publishers. SOUTH CHARLESTON— Sketches of South Charleston, 0. Reminiscences of early scenes, anecdotes and facts about early residents. Albert Reeder. 39 p. 8°, Columbus, O., 1910. The New Frankliu Print- ing Company. PENNSYLVANIA A I {( ' 1 1 1 V ES OF PENNSYLVANIA— Vol. I, 1664, to Vol. XII, 1790, with appendix. General Index to Colonial Records and Pennsylvania Archives, 1 vol. Second Series, Vol. III. Second Series, Vol. VI. Second Series, Vol. XIII. Second Series, Vol. XIV. William Egle, M.D., and John Linn, editors. 8°, Harrisburg, 1875, 1887, 1890. Fourth Series, Vol. I, 1682, to Vol. XII. Fifth Series, Vol. I to Vol. VIII. Sixth Series, Vol. 1 to Vol. XIV. Vol. XV, Index in two parts to Series V. Names of persons who took the oath of allegiance to the state of Pennsylvania between the years 1776-1794, second series. Vol. III. Pennsylvania Archives. John B. Linn and William H. Egle, M.D., editors. 811 p. 8°, Harrisburg, Pa., 1875. B. F. Meyer, printer. Second series, Vols. XIII and XIV. Pennsylvania in the W;ir of the Revolution. Association Battalions and Militia. Vol. I, 1775-1783. Vol. II, 1775-1783. William H. Egle, M.D., editor. 8°, Harrisburg, Pa., 1887. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist denomination in North America; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplumi, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. BEAVER COUNTY— History of Beaver County, Penn., and its centennial celebration. Rev. Joseph Bausman, A.M. 2 vols. 8°, New York, 1904. The Knicker- bocker Press. BIOGRAPHICAL ANNALS— Deceased residents of the West Branch, Valley of the Susquehanna, from the earliest times to the present. J. F. Meginness (John of Lancaster). 272 p. 8°, Williamsport, Pa., 1889. Gazette & Bulletin Printing House. 51 PENNSYLVANIA COLLECTION OF NAMES— Collection of upwards of 30,000 names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, and other immigrants in Pennsylvania, from 1727 to 1776, with a statement of the names of ships, whence they sailed and the date of their arrival at Philadelphia, chronologically arranged, etc. Prof. I. Daniel Rupp. 495 p. 12°, Philadelphia, 1876. Ig. Kohler, publisher. COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA— Register of Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Instituted April 8, 1891. Incorporated July 13, 1891. 193 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1898. J. B. Lippincott Co., publishers. COLONIAL RECORDS OF PENNSYLVANIA— Vol. I, 1683, to Vol. XVI, 1790. With general index. Colonial Records and Pennsylvania Archives, 1 vol. 8°, Harrisburg, Pa. Published by The State. DAUPHIN COUNTY— Scraps of Dauphin County History. E. W. S. Parthemore. 16 p. 8°, Harrisburg, Pa., 1896. Harrisburg Publishing Co., publishers. EASTON— Some of the first settlers of "The Forks of the Delaware," being a translation from the German of the record books of "The First Reformed Church of Easton, Pa., from 1760 to 1852/' together with an historical introduction. In commemoration of the one hundred and fifty-seventh anniversary of the founding of the congregation, 1754- 1902. Rev. Henry Martyn Kieffer, D.D. 404 p. 8°, Cleveland, O., 1902. The Arthur H. Clark Co. FRENCH OCCUPATION IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 1631- 1764— Papers relating to. See Pennsylvania Archives, second series, Vol. VI. William H. Egle, M.D., and John B. Linn, editors. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, PUBLICA- TIONS OF— Vol. I, No. 1, January, 1895. Vol. I, No. 2, July, 1896. Record Series No. 1, July, 1896. Vol. I, No. 3, July, 1897. Vol. I, No. 4, December, 1898. Vol. II, No. 1, June, 1900. Vol. II, No. 2, May, 1902. Vol. II, No. 3, June, 1903. Vol. Ill, No. 1, January, 1906. ,. Un ' v ERsitv n Vol. Ill, No. 2, January, 1907. "-L'HOis ■ Vol. Ill, No. 3, June, 1908. UBKAft 52 PENNSYLVANIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, PUBLICA- TIONS OF— Vol. IV, No. 1, March, 1909. Vol. IV, No. 2, March, 1910. Pennsylvania Historical Society, publishers, Philadelphia, Pa. HUNTINGDON COUNTY— History of Huntingdon County, in the state of Pennsylvania, from the earliest times to the centennial anniversary of American Independ- ence, July 4, 1876. Milton Scott Lvtle. compiler. 316 p. 8°, Lancaster, Pa., 1876. William H. Roy, publisher. JUNIATA VALLEY— History of the early settlement of the Juniata Valley: embracing an account of the early pioneers, and the trials and privations incident to the settlement of the valley; predatory incursions, massacres, end ahductions by the Indians, during the French and Indian wars and the War of the Revolution. U. J. Jones, 380 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1856. Henry B. Ashmead, publisher. LANCASTER COUNTY— A biographical history of Lancaster County. Being a history of early settlers and eminent men of the county; as also much other unpuh- lished historical information, chiefly of a local character. Alex. Harris. 638 p. 8°, Lancaster, Pa., 1872. Elias Barr & Co., publishers. History of Lancaster County, Pa., with biographical sketches ol many of its pioneers, and prominent men. Frank Ellis and Samuel Evans, compilers. 1101 p. 4°, Philadelphia, 1883. Everts & Peck, publishers. LANCASTER— The Lancaster Barracks where the British and Hessian prisoners were detained during the Revolution. (Reprinted from Notes and Queries, Harrishurp Daily Telegraph.) Samuel M. Sener. 20 p. 4°, Harrisburg, Pa., 1896. Harrisburg Pub- lishing Co. LINCKLAEN, JOHN— See Travels in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont. MONONGAHELA OF OLD-: Or historical sketches of southwestern Pennsylvania, to the year 1800. James Veech. 259 p.* 8°, Pittsburgh, 1858-1892. (Publisher not given.) For private distribution only. Copyright, 1892, by Mrs. E. V. Blaine. Copy- right, 1910, by James Hadden. XOTKS AND QUERIES-r- Historical, biographical and genealogical, relating chiefly to interior Pennsylvania. Third Series (reprint). Vols. [, II. HI. 1895, 189fi. Fourth Series. Vol. I, 1893. Annual Volumes, 1896-1900, 5 vols. 53 PENNSYLVANIA NOTES AND QUERIES— William Henry Egle, M.D., M.A., editor. 8°, Harrisburg, Pa. Harris- burg Publishing Co. OATH OF ALLEGIANCE— Oath of Allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania, between the years 1776 to 1794. Names of persons. Pennsylvania Archives, second series, Vol. III. William H. Egle, M.D., and John B. Linn, editors. Harrisburg, Pa., 1875. State Printer. PE X X S V L V A X I A M A ( i AX I X E— Pennsvlvania Magazine of Biography and History. Vol. I, 1877, to Vol. XXXVIII, 1914. Philadelphia, 1877-1914. 8°, Pennsylvania Historical Society, publishers. PLYMOUTH MEETING— Its establishment and the settlement of the township, with histor- ical genealogical and biographical data from records of Friends. Ellwood Roberts. 235 p. 8°, Norristown, Pa., 1900. Roberts Publishing Co., publishers. SNYDER COUNTY— Snyder County Marriages, 1835-1899. Miscellaneous marriages, 18G8-1898. Rev. Casper's Marriage Record, 1839-1882. Rev. Shindel's Marriage Record, 1835-1888. Rev. C. G. Erlenwiger's Marriage Record, 1840-1875. With index of surnames. George Wagenseller, W.A.M., compiler. 266 p. 8°, Middleburgh, Pa., 1899. Wagenseller Publishing Co. TRAVELS— Travels in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont. Journals of John Lincklaen, agent of the Holland Land Company. With a bio- graphical sketch and notes. John Lincklaen. 162 p. 8°, New York, 1897. G. P. Putnam's Sons, publishers. UPLAND— The Record of the Court at Upland in Pennsylvania, 1676 to 1681. And a military journal kept by Major E. Denny, 1781 to 1795. 485 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1860. Pennsylvania Historical Society. VENANGO COUNTY— Centennial Discourse. A sketch of the history of Venango Count v. Pa., delivered at Franklin, Pa., duly I. L876. S. J. M. Eaton, D.D. 48 p. 8°, Eranklin, Pa., 1876. Venango Spectator Job Office. WAR 01 THE REVOLUTION— Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution. Associated Battalions and Militia, 1776-1783. Vols. I and II. Pennsylvania Archives, second series. Vols. XIII and XIV. 2 vols. 8°, Harrisburg, Pa., 1887-1888. William H. Egle, M.D., editor. 54 PENNSYLVANIA-RHODE ISLAND WASHINGTON COUNTY— History of Washington County, from its first settlement to the present time, first under Virginia as Yohogania, Ohio, or Augustus County until 1781, and subsequently under Pennsylvania. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Alfred Creigh, LL.D. 132 p. 8°, Harrisburg, Pa., 1871. B. Singerly, printer. WESTMORELAND— Old Westmoreland. A history of Western Pennsylvania during the Revolution. Edgar W. Hassler. 200 p. 8°, Cleveland, O., 1900. The Arthur H. Clark Co., publishers. WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY— History, charter, by-laws, and list of officers. Members, etc. Proceedings and collections of, Vol. Ill, 1886, to Vol. XII, 1912. Except Vols. VI and VIII. Published at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., by The Society. RHODE ISLAND ANCESTRY— Ancestry of thirty-three Rhode Islanders born in the Eighteenth Century; also twenty-seven charts of Roger William's descendants to the fifth generation; and an account of Lewis Latham, falconer to King Charles I, with a chart of his American descendants to the fourth genera- tion; other prominent Rhode Islanders. John Osborne Austin, compiler. 139 p. folio, Albany, 1889. Joel Munsell Sons, publishers. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North America ; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. BLOCK ISLAND— A copy of the old epitaphs in the burying-ground of Block Island, R. I. Edward Doubleday Harris. 66 p. 12°, Cambridge, 1883. Press of Jonn Wilson & Son. COLONY OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTA- TION— Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England. John Russell Bartlett, editor. Vol. II, 1664-1677. John Russell Bartlett, editor. Printed by order of the Gen. Assembly, Providence, R. I., 1857. 609 p. 8°. State Printers. GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY OF RHODE ISLAND— Comprising three generations of settlers who came before 1690 (with many families carried to the fourth generation). 55 RHODE ISLAND-SOUTH CAROLINA GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY OF EHODE ISLAND— John Osborne Austin. 443 p. 4°, Albany, N. Y., 1887. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. NARRAGANSETT— History of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett, R. I. ; including a history of other Episcopal churches in the state; with an appendix, containing a reprint of a work now extremely rare, entitled "America Dissected," by the Rev. J. MacSparran, D.D., with notes containing genealogical and biographical accounts of distinguished men, families, etc. Wilkins Updike. 533 p. 8°, New York, 1847. Henry M. Onderdonk. PROVIDENCE PLANTATION— History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation. From the settlement of the state, 1636, to the adoption of the Federal Constitution, 1790. In two volumes. Vol. I, 1636-1700; Vol. II, 1700- 1790. Samuel Greene Arnold. 8°, New York, 1860. D. Appleton & Co., publishers. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR— Bureau of the Census. Heads of families at the first census of the United States, taken in the year 1790. Rhode Island. 71 p. 4°, Washington, D. C, 1908. U. S. Government, publishers. WARREN— History of Warren, R. I., in the War of the Revolution, 1776-i783. Virginia Baker. 68 p. 8°, Warren R. I., 1901. Published by the Author. SOUTH CAROLINA BAPTIST CHURCH— • The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North America ; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. CHARLESTON— The Siege of Charleston, by the British Fleet and Army. Under the command of Admiral Arbufhnot and Sir Henry Clinton, which terminated with the surrender of that place on the 12th of May, 1780. 224 p. 4°, Albany, 1867. J. Munsell, publisher. COLLECTIONS OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA— Vols. I, II, IV, V, 1857-1897. 8°, Charleston, S. C, 1857-1897. South Carolina Historical Society, publishers. GERMAN SETTLEMENT— History of the German settlements and of the Lutheran church in North and South Carolina, from the earliest period of the colonization of the Dutch, German and Swiss settlers to the close of the first half of the present century. 56 SOUTH CAROLINA GERMAN SETTLEMENT— G. D. Bernhein. 557 p. 12°, Philadelphia, 1872. The Lutheran Book Store, publishers. GREENVILLE— The Greenville Century Hook; comprising an acconnl of the find settlement of the county, and the founding of the city oi Greenville, 8 I 162 p. 8°, Greenville, S. C, 1903. Press of The Greenville News. HISTORICAL AND GEN I. A LOGICAL MAGAZINE— Vol. I, 1900, to Vol. XV, 1914. 8°, Charleston, S. C., 1900-1914. South Carolina Historical Society, publishers. HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF SOUTH CAROLINA— Embracing many rare and valuable pamphlets, and other docu- ments, relating to the history of that state, from its first discovery to its independence in the year 1776. B. R. Carroll, compileV. 2 vols. 8°, New York, 1836. Harper & Bros., publishers. MARRIAGE NOTICES IN SOUTH CAROLINA GAZETTE AND ITS SUCCESSOR, 1732-1801. A. S. Salley, Jr., compiler. 174 p. 8°, Albany N. Y., 1902. ORANGEBURG COUNTY— The history of Orangeburg County, S. ('., from its tir>t settlement to the close of the Revolutionary War. A. S. Salley, Jr. 572 p. 8°, Orangeburg, S. C, 1898. R. Lewis Berry, printer. RAMSAY'S— History of South Carolina, from its settlement in KJ70, to the year 1808. David Ramsay, M.D. 2 vols. 8°, Charleston, S. C. Published by David Ivongworth for the Author, 1809. History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British province to an independent state. David Ramsay, M.D. 2 vols. 8°, Trenton. Printed by Isaac Collins, 1785. REVOLUTIONARY WAR— The History of South Carolina in the Ro\olution. Vol. I. 1775-1780. Vol. II, 1780-1783. 2 vols. 8°, N. Y., 1902. Edward McCrady. The Macmillan Co., publishers. South Carolina in the Revolutionary War: being I reply to certain misrepresentations and mistakes of recent writers, in relation to the course and conduct of this State. (By a Southron.) W. Gilmore Simms. 177 p. 12°, Charleston, S. C, 1853. Walker & Jones, publishers. The History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British province to an independent state. David Ramsey. 2 vols. 8°, Trenton, 1785. Printed by Isaac Collins. Revolutionary Soldiers of South Carolina, Copied and arranged by Mrs. Amos G. Draper. 5? SOUTH CAROLINA-SOUTH DAKOTA-TENNESSEE REVOLUTIONARY SOU >l K US- See Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, March, July, August, September, October, 1913. Published by The National Society D. A. R., New York. ST. THOMAS AND ST. DENIS PARISH— The Annals and Parish Register of St. Thomas, and St. Denis Parish, in South Carolina, from 1680 to 1884. Rev. Robert F. Clute. Ill p. 8°, Charleston, S. C, 1884. Walker, Evans & Cogswell, printers. A sketch of the history of South Carolina to the close of the pro- prietary government by the Revolution of 1719, with an appendix con- taining many valuable records hitherto unpublished. William James Rivers. 470 p. 8°, Charleston, S. C, 1856. McCarter & Co., publishers. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR— Bureau of the Census. Heads of families at the first census of the United State? taken in the year 1790. South Carolina. 150 p. 4°, Washington, D. C, 1908. U. S. Government, publishers. SOUTH DAKOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH DAKOTA— Collections of. Vol. I, 1902, to Vol. V, 1910. Published at Aberdeen, S. D., by The Society. TENNESSEE A \ NT ALS OF— Annals of Tennessee to the end of the Eighteenth Century, com- prising its settlement as the Watauga Association, from 1769 to 1777; a part of North Carolina, from 1777 to 1784. The state of Franklin, from 1784 to 1788; a part of North Carolina, from 1788 to 1790, etc. J. G. M. Ramsay, M.D. 774 p. 8°, Charleston, 1853. Walker & James, publishers. CIVIL HISTORY— The civil and political history of the state of Tennessee, from its earliest settlement up to the year 179G; including the boundaries of the state. John Haywood. 504 p. 8°, Knoxville, Tenn., 1823. Printed for the Author by Heiskell & Brown. SUMNER COUNTY— Historic Sunnier County, Tenn., with genealogies of the Bledsoe, Cage and Douglass families, and genealogical notes of other Sumner County families. Jay Guy Cisco. 319 p. 8°, Nashville, Tenn., 1909. Folk, Keelin Printing Company. 58 TEXAS-UTAH- VERMONT BOWIE, (COL.) JAMES; BOWIE, REZIN P.; CROCKETT, (COL.) DAVID; HOUSTON, (GEN.) SAM— The life of Col. David Crockett contains also sketches of Gen. Sam Houston, Gen. Santa Anna, Rezin P. and Col. James Bowie. Edward S. Ellis. 271 p. 12°, Philadelphia. Copyright 1884. Henry T. Coates & Co., publishers. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION— The Quarterly of the Texas Historical Association, Vol. Ill, July, 1899-April, 1900. Vol. IV, 1900, to Vol. XVII, 1914. 8°, Austin, Texas. Published by The Society. INDIAN WARS AND PIONEERS OF TEXAS— John Henry Brown. 762 p. 4°, Austin, Texas, n. d. L. E. Daniell, publisher. LETTERS FROM AN EARLY SETTLER OF TEXAS— W. B. Dewees, Clara Cardelle, compilers 2d edition. 312 p. 8°, Louis- ville, Ky., 1858. UTAH UTAH GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS— The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine. Vol. I, 1910, to Vol. VI, 1914. 8°, Salt Lake, Utah, 1910-1914. Utah Genealogical Society, publishers. VERMONT BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North America; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va., July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°, 1791. BENNINGTON— Memorials of a century embracing a record of individuals and events chiefly in the early history of Bennington, Vt.. and its first church. 408 p. 8°, Boston, 1869. Gould & Lincoln, publishers. BRADFORD— A history of Bradford, Vt., containing some account of the place of its first settlement in 17G5, and the principal improvements made, and events which have occurred down to 1874. A period of one hundred and nine years. With various genealogical records, and biographical sketches, etc. Rev. Silas McKeen, D.D. Montpelier, Vt., 1875. J. D. Clark & Son, publishers. FAIR HAVEN— A history of the town of Fair Haven, Vt. In three parts. Andrew N. Adams. 516 p. 8°, Fair Haven, Vt., 1870. Leonard & Phelps, printers. 59 VERMONT HARTFORD— History of Hartford, Vt., July 4, 1761-April 4, 1889. The first town on the New Hampshire grants chartered after the close of the French War. William Howard Tucker. 488 p. 8°, Burlington, Vt., 1889. The Free Press Association. LINCKLAEN, JOHN— Journals of. See Travels in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont. MIDDLEBURY— History of the town of Middlebury, in the county of Addison, Vt., to which is prefixed a statistical and historical account of the county. Samuel Swift. 444 p. 8°, Middlebury, Vt., 1859. A. H. Copeland, publishers. NEWBURY— History of Newbury, Vt., from the discovery of the Coos Country to present time. With genealogical records of many families. Frederic P. Wells. 779 p. 8°, St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1902. The Caledonian Company. ROYALTON— History of Royalton, Vt., with family genealogies, 1769-1911. Evelyn M. Wood Lovejoy. 2 vols. 8°, Burlington, Vt., 1911. Free Press Printing Co. Published by The Town and The Royalton Woman's Club. ST. ALBANS— A centennial history of St. Albans, Vt., organized July 28, 1788. Henry K. Adams. 149 p. 12°, St. Albans, Vt., 1889. Wallace Printing Co., publishers. TRAVELS— Travels in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont. Journals of John Lincklaen, agent of the Holland Land Company. With a bio- graphical sketch and notes. John Lincklaen. 162 p. 8°, New York, 1897. G. ' P. Putnam's Sons, publishers. •WAITSFIELD— History of the town of Waitsfield, Vt., 1782-1908. With family genealogies. Matt Bushnell Jones. 524 p. 8°, Boston, Mass., 1909. George E. Little- field, publisher. WAR OF 1812— Military lists and other documents relating to Vermont history, found among the papers of Captain Luke Parsons, who served as captain of cavalry in the War of 1812. Contributed by his great grand- son for permanent record in the Journal of American History, Carlos Parsons Darling. See Journal of American History. Vol. 6, No. 4, October-November-December, 1912. 60 VERMONT- VIRGINIA WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— Roll of Vermont soldiers in the Revolutionary War. n;:> to 1783. Published by the authority of the Legislature, John E. Goodrich, compiler and editor. 927 p. 8°, Rutland. Vt., 1904. The Tuttle Co., publishers. VIRGINIA ACCAWMACKE— Accawmacke, or tin- eastern shore of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century. Jennings Cropper Wise. 406 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1911. The Bell Book and Stationery Co., publishers. ALEXANDRIA— Christ Church. An historical sketch of Old Christ Church, Alexandria, Va. Together with a brief description of the cemetery services therein November 20 and 88, 1873. 30 p. 8°, Alexandria, Va., 1888. Press of Robert Bell's Sons. AUGUSTA COUNTY— Abstracts from the records of Augusta County. Ya. Extracted from the original court records of Augusta County. \] 1 .VI si m. Lyman Chalkley. Published by Mary S. Lockwood. Complete in 3 vols. 8°, Rosslyn, Va. The Commonwealth Co., publishers. Annals of Augusta County. Ya.. with reminiscences, biographical sketches. A dairy of the War 1861-65, and chapter on reconstruction, with a supplement volume. Joseph A. Waddell. 374 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1886. William Ellis Jones, publisher. Historical Register and Literary Note Book. Virginia, April. I860, Augusta County. 120 p. 8°, Va., 1850. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register oi the Baptist Denomination in North America; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund. Southampton. County, Va., July 14, 1791. BAPTIST MINISTERS OF VIRGINIA— By James B. Taylor. With an introduction by Rev. J. B. Jeter, D.D. In two series (Series I). 516 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1859. J.- B. Lippincott & Co., publishers. Also have earlier edition, published in Richmond, 1838. BARFORD, LAN (ASTER COUNTY— The descendants of Capt. Thomas Carter, of Barford, Lancaster County, Va., with genealogical notes of many of the allied families. Joseph Lyon Miller, MJ). 388 p. 8°. Whitlet & Shepperson, printers. Thomas, W. Va., 1912. 61 VIRGINIA BRISTOL PARISH— A history of Bristol Parish, Va., with genealogies of families con- nected therewith and historical illustrations. Rev. Phillip Slaughter, D.D. 2d edition. 237 p. 12°, Richmond, Va., 1879. J. W. Randolph & English, publishers. The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Va., 1720-1789. Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne. 419 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1898. Privately printed, copy No. 318. Wil- liam Ellis Jones, printer. ( IIALKLEY COLLECTION— See Augusta County Records. See Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish in Virginia. CHRIST CHURCH, MIDDLESEX COUNTY— The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va., from 1653 to 1812. Virginia National Society of Colonial Dames of America, publishers. 341 p. 4°, Richmond, Va., 1897. William Ellis Jones, printer. CHRONICLES OF THE SCOTCH-IRISH SETTLEMENT— Extracted from the original court records of Augusta County, i; I0-I8OO, 3 vols. (Complete in 3 vols.) Lyman Chalkley. Rosslyn, Va., 1912. Mary S. Lockwood, publisher. The Commonwealth Printing Co. CHURCHES IN THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA— History of the Presbyterian Church in the state of Kentucky ; with a preliminary sketch of the churches in the Valley of Virginia. Rev. Robert Davidson, D.D. 371 p. 8°, New York, 1867. Robert Carter, publisher. COLLECTIONS OF THE VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY- W\v Series, Vol. I-XI, 1882-1891. Published by The Society, 1882-1891. COLONIAL DECISIONS— The reports by Sir John Randolph and by. Edward Barradall of decisions of the general court of Virginia, 1728-1741. R. T. Barton, editor. 2 vols. 8°, Boston, Mass., 1909. The Boston Book Co., publishers. COLONIAL .MILITIA 01 V I \K\ I N I A, 1651-1776— William Armstrong Crozier, F.R.S. 144 p. 8°, New York, 1905. The Genealogical Association, publishers. COLONIAL PERIOD— Manors of Virginia in Colonial Times. Edith Tunis Sale. 309 p. 8, Philadelphia and London, 1909. J. B. Lippincott Co., publishers. COLONIAL YIKLINIA— J. A. Chandler and T. B. Thanes. 388 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1907. Times- Dispatch Co., publishers. 62 VIRGINIA COLONIAL VIRGINIA— A Trial Bibliography of Colonial Virginia, (1754-177G). Special report of the Department of Bibliography. Virginia State Library. See Sixth Annual Report of the Library Board, Virginia State Library, 1908-1909. Richmond, Va., 1910. State Printer. COLONIAL VIRGINIA REGISTER— A list of governors, councillors, and other higher officials, and also of members of the House of Burgesses, and the revolutionary conven- tions of the Colony of Virginia. Mary Newton Stanard and William G. Stanard. 249 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1902. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. county names- Two Hundred and Seventy Years of Virginia History. Charles M. Long, M.A., Ph.D. 207 p. 8°, New York, 1908. Neale Pub- lishing Co., publishers. CULPEPER COUNTY— Genealogical and historical notes of Culpeper County, Va., embracing a revised and enlarged addition of Dr. Philip Slaughter's history of St. Mark's Parish. Pt. I, 120 pp. Part II, 160 pp. Raleigh Travers Green. 8°, Culpeper, Va., 1900. Exponent Printing Office. EARLY IMMIGRANTS— Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-166G. George Cabell Greer. 376 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1912. W. C. Hill Print- ing Company. ECKENRODE, H. J.— See Revolutionary War. EMIGRANTS TO VIRGINIA— Some Emigrants to Virginia. W. G. Stanard, compiler. 79 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1911. The Bell Book and Stationery Co., publishers. FAIRFAX (LORD)— Or the Master of Greenaway Court. A chronicle of the. valley of the Shenandoah. John Esten Cooke. 405 p. 12°, New York, 1868. G. W. Carleton & Co., publishers. FREDERICK COUNTY— Shenandoah Valley Pioneers, and their Descendants. A history of Frederick County, Va. From its format ion in 1738 to 1908. T. K. Cartmell, compiler. 587 p. 8°, Winchester, Va., 1909. Copyright 1909, T. K. Cartmell. The Eddy Press Corporation. FIRST SETTLERS OF VIRGINIA— An historical novel. J. Davis. 284 p. 8°, New York, 1806. Printed for I. Riley & Co. 63 VIRGINIA GIST'S VIRGINIA REGISTER, 1777— Names of the captains and privates of Colonel Nathaniel Gist's Virginia Regiment in 1777. See also List of Virginia officers with the dates of their commission in 1776, pp. 285-289, in Records of the Revolutionary War. W. T. R. Saffell., N. Y., 1858. GLEANINGS OF VIRGINIA HISTORY— An historical and genealogical collection, largely from original sources. William Fletcher Boogher, compiler. 442 p. 8°, Washington, D. C, 1903. Copyright William Fletcher Boogher, publisher. GLENGARRY McDONALDS OF VIRGINIA— With an introductory sketch of the early history of the Glengarry Clan. Mrs. Flora McDonald Williams. 340 p. 8°, Louisville, Ky., 1911. George G. Fetter Co., publishers. HENING'S STATUTES OF VIRGINIA— Statutes at large; being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from first session Legislature, 1619 to 1792, 13 vols. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1809-1823. William Waller Hening; also continuation of same by Samuel Shepherd, 1792-1806. 3 vols. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1835- 1836. Vol. VII. Gives military list for a number of counties in Virginia, showing the names of the men serving in the French and Indian War. pp. 179-231. Vol. VII. The new Virginia Justice, comprising the office and authority of a justice of the peace in the commonwealth of Virginia. (Contains a list of the subscribers to the work.) 456 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1795. William Waller Hening. Printed by T. Nicolson. BBNBL0O PARISH— History of Henrico Parish and Old St. John's Church, Richmond, Va., 1611-1904. J. Staunton Moore, editor and compiler. 541 p. 8°, Richmond, Va. Addenda. The Vestry Book of Henrico Parish, Va., 1730-1773. From the original manuscript, with notes and appendix. Dr. R. A. Brock. 221 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1904. Williams Printing Company. HIGHLAND COUNTY— A history of Highland County, Va. Oren F. Morton, B.L. 419 p. 8°, Monterey, Va., 1911. Published by the Author. The Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co., Roanoke, Va. HISTORIC FAMILIES OF KENTUCKY— With special reference to stocks immediately derived from the Valley of Virginia. See Kentucky. Thomas Marshall Green. 64 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF VI K(il.\ I A— Containing a collection of the most interesting facts, tradition-. biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc., relating to its history and anti- quities, together with geographical and statistical descriptions. 'I'" which is appended an historical and descriptive sketch nf the District of Columbia. Henry Howe. 544 p. 8°, Charleston, S. C, 1849. W. R. Babcock. Historical Register and Literary Note Book, Virginia, April, 1850, Augusta County, Va. 120 p. 8°, Virginia, 1850. Publisher not given. History of the Presbyterian Church in the state of Kentucky ; with a preliminary sketch of the churches in the vallcv id' Virginia. Rev. Robert Davidson. 371 p. 8°, N. Y., 1867. Robert Carter, publisher. History of the Valley of Virginia. By Samuel Kercheval. 3d ed. Revised and extended by the author. 403 p. 8°, Woodstock; Va., 1902. W. N. Grabill, publisher. HUGUENOT EMIGRATION TO VIRGINIA— Documents, chiefly unpublished, relating to the Huguenot emigra- tion to Virginia and to the settlement at Manakin Town, with an appendix of genealogies. R. A. Brock. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1886. LYNCHBURG— Sketches and recollections of Lynchburg. By the oldest inhabitants* 363 p. 12°, Richmond, Va., 1858. C. H. Wynne, publisher. M'DONALDS OF VIRGINIA— See Glengarry McDonalds. MAGAZINE OF BIOGRAPHY AND HISTORY— Vol. I, 1893, to January, 1914. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1893-1914. Published by the Virginia Historical Society. MANAKIN TOWN— See Huguenot Emigration to Virginia. MANORS— .Manors of Virginia in Colonial Times. Edith Tunis Sale. 309 p. 8°, Philadelphia and London, 1909. J. B. Lippincott & Co., publishers. MEADE'S OLD CHURCHES— M misters and Families of Virginia. (Bishop) William Meade. 2 vols. 8°, Philadelphia, 1889. (Without index.) Index to names of persons and churches in Meade's Old Churches. By J. M. Toner, M.D. Revised by Hugh A. Morrison. 8°, Washington, 1898. Published by the Southern Historical Association. 65 VIRGINIA MEADE'S OLD CHUKCHES, ETC.— Wise's digested index and genealogical guide to Bishop Meade's Old Churches, ministers and families of Virginia, embracing 6,900 proper names. 114 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1910. The Evans Press. NEILL, EDWARD D.— See Virginia Carolorum. NEW KENT COUNTY— The Parish Register of Saint Peter's, New Kent County, Va., from 1680 to 1787. Parish Record, Series No. 2. National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia, publishers. 206 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1904. William Ellis Jones, book and job printer. NORFOLK— Historical and descriptive sketches of Norfolk and vicinity, including Portsmouth and the adjacent counties. William S. Forrest. 8°, Philadelphia, 1853. OATH OF ALLEGIANCE— Oath of Allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Signers of. See pp. 134-137. In Virginia Historical Collections, No.' 6, New Series. OFFICIAL RECORD— Official Records of Robert Dinwiddie, Lieutenant Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1751-1758, now first printed from the manuscript in the collection of the Historical Society, with an introduction and notes, by R. A. Brock. 2 vols. 8°, Richmond, 1883-84. Collections of the Virginia Historical Society. ORANGE COUNTY— From its formation in 1734 (O.S.) to the end of reconstruction in 1870; compiled mainly from original records. With a brief sketch of the beginning of Virginia, a summary of local events to 1907, and a map. W. W. Scott. 292 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1907. Everett Waddey Co., publishers. ORDERLY BOOK— Orderly Book of Gen. John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg. March 26- December 20, 1777. See Pennsylvania Magazine of Biography and History, January, 1911. PATRICIAN AND PLEBEIAN IN VIRGINIA— Or the origin and development of the social classes of the Old Dominion. Thomas J. Wertenbaker, M.A/ 239 p. 12°, Charlottesville, Va., 1910. The Michie Co., printers. — 5 H S 66 VIRGINIA PENSIONERS, WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— Roll of the officers of Virginia who received land bounties Revo- lutionary War. Also a roster of the Virginia Navy. See Year Book Kentucky Sons of the American Revolution, 189G. Louisville, Ky., 1896. John P. Morton & Co., publishers. See Spotsylvania County, Va. PORTSMOUTH— See Norfolk, Va. REVOLUTIONARY WAR— Eckenrode, H. J., Archivist. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Special report of the Department of Archives and History for 1911. Also supplement published in report of 1912. Richmond, Va., 1912-1913. State Printer. Virginia soldiers in the Revolution. A bibliography of muster and pay-rolls, regimental histories, etc., with introductory and explanatory notes. By C. A. Flagg, catalogue division, and W. 0. Waters, bibliography division, Library of Congress. See~ Virginia Magazine of Biography and History. Vol. XIX, No. 4, October, 1911. Vol. XXII, No. 1, January, 1914. Records of the Revolutionary War. W. T. R. Saffell. 8°, N. Y., 1858. Also, Index to same. Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War. McAllister data. J. T. McAllister. 337 p. 8°, Hot Springs, Va., 1913. McAllister Publish- ing Co., publishers. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY— A history of Rockingham County, Va. 466 p. 8°, Dayton, Va., 1912. Ruebush-Elkins Co., publisher. SAFFELL, W. T. R.— Records of the Revolutionary War. 8°, N. Y., 1858. List of Virginia soldiers in the Revolution. Also index to. 337 p. 8°, Hot Springs, Va. Copyright 1913. J. T. McAllister Co., publishers. ST. MARK'S PARISH— Genealogical and Historical Notes on Culpeper County, Va. Embracing a revised and enlarged edition of Dr. Philip Slaughter's St. Mark's Parish. Part I, 120 pp. Part II, 160 pp. Raleigh Travers Green, compiler and publisher. 8°, Culpeper, Va., 1900. Exponent Printing Office. 67 VIRGINIA SAINT PETER'S PARISH— The Pariah Register of Saint Peter's, New Kent Countv, Va., from 1 USD to 1787. Parish Record Series No. 2. National Society of . the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia, publishers. 206 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1904. William Ellis Jones, book and job printer. SELDENS— Seldens of Virginia, and allk'd families. Mary Selden Kennedy. 2 vols. 8°, New York, 1911. Frank Allaben Genealogical publishers. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE IN VIRGINIA— A Study in the Development of the Revolution. See Sixth Annual Report of the Library Board, State of Virginia, 1908-1909, under head Virginia State Library. SHENANDOAH VALLEY— The German Element of thei Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. John Walter Wayland, B.A., Ph.D. 272 p. 8°, Charlottesville, Va., 1907. The Michie Co., printers. SHENANDOAH VALLEY PIONEERS— See Frederick County, Va. SHEPHERDSTOWN— Historic Shepherdstown. Danske Dandridge. 362 p. 8°, Charlottesville, Va., 1910. The Michie Co., publishers. SKETCHES— Sketches of Virginia, Historical and Biographical. Rev. William Henry Foote, D.D. 2 Series. 2d edition. 596 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1856. J. B. Lippincott & Co., publishers. SOME PROMINENT VIRGINIA FAMILIES— In four volumes. Louise Pecquet du Bellet. 8°, Lynchburg, Va., 1907. J. P. Bell & Co., publishers. SOME VIRGINIA FAMILIES— Being genealogies of the Kenney, Stribling, Trout, Mcllhany, Mil- ton, Rogers, Tate, Snickers, Taylor, McCormick, and other families of Virginia. Hugh Milton Mcllhany, Jr., M.A., Ph.D. 274 p. 8°, Staunton, Va., 1903. Stoneburner & Pruber, printers. SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY— Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania County, 1721-1800. Being transcriptions from the original files at the county courthouse of wills, deeds, administrators and guardians' bonds, marriage licenses, and lists of revolutionary pensioners. William Armstrong Crozier, F.R.S. 576 p. 8°, New York, 1905. Fox, Duffield & Co., publishers. 68 VIRGINIA STATUTES AT LARGE— Being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from first session of Legislature in 1619 to 1792. William Waller Hening, compiler. 13 vols. 8°, Richmond, 1809-1823. Also Samuel Shepherd's continuation to Hening's statutes. 3 vols. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1835-1836. TRURO PARISH— The History of Truro Parish, Virginia. Edited with notes and addenda. Rev. Edward L. Goodwin and Rev. Philip Slaughter, D.D. 164 p. 12°, Philadelphia, 1908. George W. Jacobs Co., publishers. VIRGINIA CAROLORUM— The colony under the rule of Charles the first and second, a.d. 1625- a.d. 1685. Based upon manuscripts and documents of the period. Edward D. Neill, 446 p. 4°, Albany, N. Y., 1886. Joel Munsell's Sons. VIRGINIA COMPANY OF LONDON— An introduction to the records of the Virginia Company of London. With a bibliographical list of the extant documents. Susan Kingsbury, M.A.M., Ph.D. 214 p. 4°, Library of Congress. U. S. Government, publisher, 1905. Washington, D. C. History of ; to and from the first colony, never before printed. Edward D. Neill. 432 p. 12°, Albany, 1869. Joel Munsell, publisher. VIRGINIA CONVENTION OF 1776— A discourse delivered in the chapel of William and Mary College, July 3, 1855. Hugh Blair Grisby. 8°, Richmond, 1855. VIRGINIA STATE PAPERS— Calendar of Virginia State Papers and other manuscripts, 1652- 1781. Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond. Arranged and edited by William P. Palmer. 8 vols. 4°, Richmond, 1875. VIRGINIA STATE REPORTS— Digested index to the Virginia reports, containing ;ill the points argued and determined in the' Court of Appeals of Virginia, from Washington to second Randolph, inclusive. With a table of the names of the cases reported. Everard Hall. 654 p. 8°, Richmond, 1825. Published by Peter Cotton. Washington County, Va. History of southwest Virginia, 1746-1786. Washington County, 1777-1870. Lewis Preston Summers. Lewis Preston Summers. 921 p. 8°, Richmond, 1913. WESTMORELAND COUNTY, 1653-1912— Parts I and II. A Short Chapter and Bright Day in its History. T. R. B. Wright, compiler. 153 p. 8°, Richmond, Va., 1912. Whittet & Shepperson, printers. WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY— Vol. I, 1892, to Vol. XXII, January, 1914. (Except Vol. Ill, No. 1, July, 1894; Vol. VI, No. 1, July, 1897.) 69 VIRGINIA- WASHINGTON STATE-WEST VIRGINIA WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY— Concluded Lyon G. Tyler, M.A., editor. Williamsburg, Va., 1892-1914. William and Mary College, publishers. WILLIAMSBURG— The Orderly Book of that portion of the American Army stationed at, or near Williamsburg, Va., under the -command of General Andrew Lewis, from March 18, 1776, to August 28, 1776. Printed from the original manuscript, with notes and introduction. Charles Campbell. 100 p. 8°, privately printed. Copy No. 74, Rich- mond, Va., 1860. WASHINGTON STATE WASHINGTON STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY— The Washington Historical Quarterly. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, 1906. Vol. II, No. 1, 1908. Washington University, Seattle, Wash. Published by The Society. The Washington Historian. Vol. I, No. 1, September, 1899. WEST VIRGINIA ALER'S HISTORY— Aler's History of Martinsburg and Berkeley County, W. Va. F. Vernon Aler. 452 p. 8°, Hagerstown, Md., 1888. The Mail Publishing Company. DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY OF WEST VIRGINIA— Biennial reports, 1906-1910. Virgil Lewis, archivist. 8°, Charleston, W. Va., 1906-1911. State Printer. HISTORY— History of Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia. Wills De Hass. 8 6 , Philadelphia, 1851. HOW WEST VIRGINIA WAS MADE— Virgil Lewis. 337 p. 8°, Charleston, W. Va., 1909. SHEPHERDSTOWN— Historic Shepherdstown. Danske Dandridge. 362 p. 8°, Charlottesville, Va., 1910. The Michie Co., printers. WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL MAGAZINE— Published quarterly. Vol. I, 1901, to Vol. V, 1905. Published at Charleston, W. Va. " J. S. Hale, editor. W. S. Laidley, editor. WEST VIRGINIA, HISTORY— Natural Resources, Industrial Enterprises and Institutions. 390 p. 8°, Charleston, 1904. Virgil Lewis. Tribune Printing Co. TO WISCONSIN-FAMILY HISTORIES COLUMBIA COUNTY— The Family Tree of Columbia County, Wis. A. J. Turner. 142 p. 8°, Portage, Wis., 1904. The Wisconsin State Register, publishers. CUSHING FAMILY— Three Wisconsin Cushings. A sketch of the lives of Howard B., Alonzo H., and William B. Cushing, children of a pioneer family of Waukesha County. Theron Wilber Haight, 109 p. 8°, Madison, Wis., 1910. Wisconsin Historical Society, publishers. Wisconsin Historical Commission Original Papers, No. 3. 1 1 1 STORY OF THE CHURCHES AND MINISTERS— Connected with the Presbyterian and Congregational convention of Wisconsin, and of the operations of the American Home Missionary Society in the state for the past ten years. Rev. Dexter Clary. 128 p. 12°, Beloit, Wis., 1861. B. B. Hale, printer. MILWAUKEE— Pioneer History of Milwaukee, from first settlement in 1833 to 1841. James S. Buck. 2 vols. 8°, Milwaukee, 1890. Swain & Tate, publishers. Under the Charter, from 1847 to 1853. Vols. Ill, I Y. James S. Buck. 2 vols. 8°, Milwaukee. Simes, Swain & Co., 1884. WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY— Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Edited by Lyman Copeland Draper, LL.D., secretary of the society. Being a page for page reprint of the original issue of 1855; with the addition of a memoir of Dr. Draper, and the early records of the society, 1849- 1854. Reuben Gold Thwaites, secretary. 164 p. 8°, Madison, Wis., 1903. State Printer. Collections of the Historical Society of Wisconsin. Vol. XX, 1911. Madison, Wis. Published by The Society. Proceedings of, First, 1855, to 60th, 1912. 8°, Madison, Wis. WAR OF THE REBELLION— A bibliography of Wisconsin's participation in the War between the States. Based upon material contained in the Wisconsin Historical Library. Isaac S. Bradley, compiler. 8°, Madison, 1911. State Printer. FAMILY HISTORIES ABBE" GENEALOGY— From notes by F. J. A. Wallace. 12°, n. p. Frankfort, Pa., n. d. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. FAMILY HISTORIES ACKERLY— See Westchester County, N. Y. ADDISON— See Selden. ALDEN— John Alden, of Ashfield, Mass., and Chautauqua County, N. Y. His Alden ancestors and his descendants, 1620-1909. 84 p. 8°, Delaware, O., 1909. Printed for the Author for private circu- lation. Frank Wesley Alden, compiler. ALEXANDER— See Selden. ALLEN— See Selden. ALLERTON— A history of the Allerton family in the United States, 1585-1885. Walter S. Allerton. Revised and enlarged by Horace True Currier. 149 p. 8°, Chicago, 1900. Samuel Waters Allerton, publisher. AMERICAN GENEALOGIST, (THE)— Being a catalogue of family histories and publications. William H. Whitmore. 287 p. 8°, Albany, 1868. Joel Munsell, publisher. ANDERSON— Genealogy of the Hill, Dean, Pinckney, Austin, Barker, Anderson, Rhoads, and Finch families. Franklin Couch, LL.B. 129 p. 8°, Newburgh, N. Y., 1907. Newburgh Journal Co., publishers. See Hill. ANDREW— Discourse delivered before the New England Historical and Geneal- ogical Society, Boston, April 2, 1868, on the Life and Character of the Hon. John Albion Andrew, LL.D. Rev. Elias Nason, M.A. 76 p. 8°, Boston, 1868. New England Historical and Genealogical Society, publishers. ANTISDEL, ANTISDALE, ANTISELL— Genealogy of the descendants of Lawrence and Mary Antisell, of Norwich and Willington, Conn. Including some records of Christopher Antisell, of Sraduff Birr, (Kings County) Ireland. Mary Elizabeth Tisdel Wyman, compiler. 335 p. 8°, Painesville, O., 1908. The Champlain Printing Co., Columbus, O. A 1 1 MI STEAD— See Selden. A i:\ott— See McMillan. AUSTIN— Genealogy of the Hill, Dean, Pinckney, Austin, Barker, Anderson, Rhodes, and Finch families. 72 FAMILY HISTORIES AUSTIN— Franklin Couch, LL.B. 129 p. 8°, Newburgh, N. Y., 1907. Newburgh Journal Co., publishers. BAILEY— The Record of my Ancestry. Frederick W. Bailey, compiler. 4°, Worcester, Mass., 1892. Publisher not given. BALCH— See Peaslee. BALL— See Selden. BALLARD— Genealogy (reprinted from Essex Antiquarian). 16°, n. p., Frankford, Pa., 1911. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. BARKER— Genealogy of the Hill, Dean, Pinckney, Austin, Barker, Anderson, Rhodes, and Finch families. Franklin Couch, LL.B. 129 p. 8°, Newburgh, N. Y., 1907. Newburgh Journal Co., publishers. BARNEY— James Hayward. Born April 4, 1750. Killed in the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775; with genealogical notes relating to the Haywards. William Frederick Adams, compiler. 58 p. 8°, Springfield, Mass., 1911. Privately printed. BARRETT— Barrett Ancestry. Compiled by George Castor Martin, from works pertaining to the family, by Charles Edward Potter, Joseph Hartwell Barrett, A.M., William Barrett, Dr. James Savage, and others. 23 p. 12°, New York City, 1912. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. BARRY— Barry Family. Arthur Collins. 8°, n. p., Frankford, Pa., 1911. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. BARTLETT— Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville) and Dille, Cox, Custer (Custer of Pennsylvania), Evans and Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker, Piper, Short, Stinespring, Swartz, Zook (or Ziig), Webb. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Typewritten copy. Milo Custer. BASYE— See Cloyde. BAYLOR— See Selden. BEALE FAMILY— See Edwards. 73 FAMILY HISTORIES BEAULIEU— See Le Sage. BECKWITH— Beckwith Notes. A. C. Beckwith, editor. No. 2, 1899; No 3 1901; No. 5, 1904; No. 6, 1907. (Serial.) Elkhorn, Wis. Marvin Beckwith and his wife Abigail Clark, their colonial ances- tors and their descendants. A. C. Beckwith. 88 p. 8°, Elkhorn, Wis., 1899. BELAND— See Le Sage. BELLEVILLE— See Belvel. BELVEL (OR BELLEVILLE FAMILY)— Some old family records. Belvel (or Belleville), etc. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Typewritten copy. BENJAMIN— Benjamin families from Columbia County, N. Y. B. M. Benjamin, compiler. 32 p. 12°, Bloomington, 111., 1911. Para- graph Printing Co., publishers. BENTON— The Benton Family. By S. V. Talcott. Rearranged and published by Martin and Allardyce. 8 p. 12°, New York City, 1912. Martin & Allardyce. BERKELEY— See Selden. BEVERLY— See Selden. BIRDSELL— Genealogy of the Myers, Lindley and Birdsell families. In poems. 12°, place and publisher not given. BIRKBECK— Morris Birkbeck. Daniel Berry, M.D., See pp. 259-273, in Publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library, 1904. BLACKWELDER— Blackwelder, Scherer families. I. S. Blackwelder, compiler. Typewritten document. BLEDSOE— See Tennessee, Sumner County. BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS— Some old gravestone inscriptions in Bloomington and Randolph townships., McLean County, 111. Milo Custer. Typewritten manuscript. 74 FAMILY HISTORIES BOISSEAU— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. BOWDITCH— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. BRECKENRIDGE— See Seldon. BREWER— See Seldcn. BBINCKEBHOFF— The family of Joris Dircksen Brincfcerfaoff, 1638. 188 p. 8°, New York, 1887. Richard Brinkerhoff, printer. BROOKE— See Selden. BROOKS— Genealogy of the Greenlee families in America, Scotland, Ireland, and England. With ancestors of Elizabeth Brooks Greenlee and Emily Brooks Greenlee, also genealogical data on the McDowells, of Virginia and Kentucky. Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Robert Lemuel Greenlee, compilers. 744 p. 4°, Chicago, 1908. Privately printed. Copy No. 60. BROWN— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. See Selden. HI {OWNING— Genealogy of the Brownings in America. From 1621 to 1908. Edward Franklin Browning. 982 p. 8°, Newburgh, N. Y., 1908. Journal Print. BUCKLEY— See Thomas. BUNKER— See New York, Long Island Genealogies. By Mary Powell Bunker. BURLEY, BURLEIGH— Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh Family of America. Charles Burleigh. 8°, Portland, Me., 1880. Press of B. Thurston & Co. BURWELL— See Selden. BUTTERFIELD— The Arms of the Butterfield and Butterworth famili<-. 8 p. 12°, New York City, 1912. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. BUTTERS— Genealogical Registry of the Butters Family (with illustration-"). including the descendants of William Butter, of Woburn, Mass., 1665, 15 FAMILY HISTORIES BUTTERS— and their families of New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Iowa, and others bearing the name who. settled in America. 466 p. 8°, Chicago, 1896. David Oliphant, printer. BUTTERWORTH— See Butterfield. BYRD— See Selden. CADWELL. Dr. George Cadwell (Caldwell). By Richard W. Mills. See pp. 112-121 in Publication No. 10, Illinois State Historical Library, 1905. CAGE— See Tennessee, Sumner County. CALDWELL— The Caldwell Chronicle. Vol. I, No. 1, October 19, 1899. Vol. I, No. 2, November 2, 1899. Vol. I, No. 3, November 16, 1899. Vol. I, No. 4, December, 1899. Vol. I, No. 5, March, 1900. Augustine Caldwell, publishers. 5 Nos. 8°, Providence, R. I., 1899-1900. CALKINS— The Calkins Memorial Military Roster. William Wirt Calkins. 204 p. 8°, Chicago. Copyright 1903. M. A. Donohue, publisher. Calkins Memorial, Military Roster and Genealogy Supplement. William Wirt Calkins. 46 p. 8°, Chicago, 1909. M. A. Donohue & Co., publishers. CANTRELL— A biographical album and history of the descendants of Zebulon Cantrell, the immigrant, covering the period from 1700 to 1898. Carmi G. Cantrell, editor and compiler. 72 p. 8°, Springfield, 1898. Illinois State Register. CAPEN— The descendants of John Capen ( 1765-1849 )j and Rhoda Thomson, with some account of his ancestry. Charles L. Capen. 20 p. 8°, Bloomington, 111., 1901. Publisher not given. CAREY— See Morton. CARPENTER— Genealogical notes of the Carpenter family, including the autobio- graphy and personal reminiscences of Dr. Seymour D. Carpenter, Lieutenant Colonel, in the War for the Union, with genealogical and biographical appendix. 76 FAMILY HISTORIES CARPENTER FAMILY— Edwin Sawyer Walker, A.M., editor. 242 p. 8°, Springfield, 1907. Copy- right by George N. Kreider. Copy No. 18. Illinois State Journal, printers. CARR— The American Carr Families. Compiled from the works of several authors. 10 p. 12°, Frankfort, Pa., 1912. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. CARTER— The descendants of Capt. Thomas Carter, of "Barford," Lancaster County, Va., with genealogical notes of many of the allied families. Joseph Lyon Miller, M.D. 388 p. 8°, Whittet & Shepperson, printers. Thomas, W. Va., 1912. See Selden. CARVER— See Gilbert. CARY— See Selden. CASE— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. CASTOR— Castor Family. Holmsburg branch. Richard Allen Martin. 8°, n. p., Frankford, Pa., 1909. Martin & Allar- dyce, publishers. CHAPLINE— See Selden. CHEW— See Thomas. CHRISTLIEB— The Christlieb Family. Benjamin F. Christlieb. 52 p. 8°, 1895. Publisher not given. CLARK— See Morton. CLAY— See Filson Club Pub. No. 14. 215 p. 4°, Louisville, 1899. CLAYTON— See Selden. CLOYD— Genealogy of the Cloyd, Basye and Tapp families, in America, with brief sketches referring to the families of Ingels, Jones, Marshall and Smith. A. D. Cloyd, M.D. 297 p. 8°, Omaha, Neb., 1912. The Champlin Press, Columbus, O. 77 FAMILY HISTORIES COLCORD— Colcord genealogy. Descendants of Edward Colcord, of New Hampshire, 1630 to 1908. Doane B. Colcord, B.S., M.D. 42 p. 8°, Coudersport, Pa., 1908. Published by Mahlon J. Colcord. COLGATE— See Selden. COLLINS— The Collins Family. Genealogical record (in part) of the descend- ants of John Collins, Sr., from 1640 to 1760. A complete record of the descendants of William Collins and Esther Morris, from 1760 to 1897. William H. Collins. 184 p. 4°, Quincy, 111., 1897. Volk, Jones & McMein, publishers. CONGDON— Waterman Illinois Year Book, 1902, 1907. Contains Genealogy of the Congdon Family. George Edward Congdon, compiler. Published Sac City, Iowa, 1902. Published Hiawatha, Kans., 1907. The Smith Printing Co., publishers. CONKLING— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. CONNELLEY— See pp. 276-282, in Doniphan's Expedition and the Conquest of New Mexico and California. William Elsey Connelley. Topeka, Kans., 1907. Published by the Author. COOKE— See Selden. CORBIN— See Selden. COREY, HENRY— War 1812. Bounty Lands. Vellum Document No. 7687. Signed by President James Monroe, granting to Henry Corey 160 acres of land in the Territory of Illinois for military services. Dated December 13, 1817. COWLES— Alfred Cowles. By Dr. J. P. Snyder. See pp. 167-178, in Publication No. 14, Illinois State Historical Library, 1909. COX— See Some old family records, Bartlett, Bevel, Dille, Cox, etc. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. CROSHAW— See Selden. 78 FAMILY HISTORIES CUSHING— See Wisconsin History Commission Original Papers No. 3. CUSTER— The Custer Families. Milo Custer. 22 p. 8°, Bloomington, 111., 1912. Publishers not given. DANDRIDGE— See Selden. DAY— Stuart, Freeman, Day, Pyke, Families. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from Notes and Queries, July 13, 1912. DEAN— Genealogy of the Hill, Dean, Pinckney, Austin, Barker, Anderson, Rhoades, and Finch families. Franklin Couch, LL.B. 129 p. 8°, Newburgh, N. Y., 1907. Newburgh Journal Co., publishers. DELANEY— Life and public services of Martin R. Delaney, sub-assistant com- missioner, Bureau of Relief of Refugees, Freedmen, and of Abandoned Lands, and late Major of 104 Reg't. IT. S. Colored troops. Frank A. Rollin. 367 p. 12°, Boston, 1883. Lee & Shephard, publishers. DEMING— The Deming Family. S. V. Talcott. Rearranged and published by Martin & Allardyce. 8 p. 12°, New York City, 1912. DENTON— Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. DE PEYSTER— John Watts DePeyster, Vol. I. Frank Allaben. 323 p. 8°, New York, 1908. Frank Allaben Co., publishers. DERING— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. DEWEES, DEWEESE— Genealogical data, biographical facta and historical information collected by Mrs. Philip E. LaMimv.m. Ellwood Roberts, editor. 294 p. 8°, Norristown, Pa., 1905. William H. Roberts, publisher. DILLE— See Some old family records, Bartlott, Belvel, (Belleville) & Dille, etc. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. DILLMAN— See Houser. 79 FAMILY HISTORIES DOUGLASS— See Tennessee, Sumner Co. DOUGLASS— See New York Shelter Island Presbvterian Church. DUDLEY— Memorial of the reunion of the descendants of Governor Thomas Dudley. Dean Dudley. Appendix. 52 p. 8°, Wakefield, Mass., 1893. Published by the Author. DUFFIELD— See Gilbert. DtTMONT— See Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. EDGAR— John Edgar. See article on, by James H. Roberts, pp. 64-73, in Publication No. 12, Illinois State Historical Library, 1907. EDWARDS— Historic sketches of the Beall and Edwards families and their des- cendants, 360 to 1892. Albert S. Edwards. 47 p. 8°, Springfield, 111., 1910. H. W. Rokker, printer. EDWARDS— Historic sketches of the Edwards and Todd families and their des- cendants, 1523-1895. Georgie Hortense Edwards. 38 p. 8°, Springleld, 111., 1895. H. W. Rokker, printer. ELLICOTT— See Thomas. ENDICOTT— The Endicott Family. By Charles M. Endicott, Esq., of Salem. Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847. n. p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1911. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. ESKRIDGE— See Selden. EVANS— See Some old family records, Bartlett, Belvel, (Belleville), Dille, Evans, etc. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. FAIRFAX— See Thomas. 80 FAMILY HISTORIES FAIRFIELD— See Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. FIELD— Field Genealogy. Being the record of all the Field Family in America, whose ancestors were in this country prior to 1700. Emigrant ancestors located in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Hampshire, Virginia, all descendants of the Fields of England, whose ancestor was Hurbutus de la Field, from Alsace-Lorraine. Frederick Clifton Pierce. 2 vols. 8°, Chicago, 1901. Hammond Press, W. B. Conkey & Co. FINCH— See Hill. FISK, FISKE— Fiske and Fisk Family, being the record of the descendants of Symond Fiske, Lord of the Manor of Stadhaugh, Suffolk County, Eng., from the time of Henry IV to date, including all the American members of the family. Frederick Clifton Pierce. 654 p. 8°, Chicago, 1896. W. B. Conkey. publishers. FLINT— The Flint Genealogy. By J. Lawrence Bass. Rewritten from Mr. Bass' Flint Genealogy in the New England Historical and Genea- logical Register of 1860. 9 p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1912. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. FONTAINE— Memoirs of a Huguenot family; translated and compiled from the original autobiography of the Rev. James Fontaine, and other family manuscripts, etc. Ann Maury. 512 p. 12°, N. Y., 1872. G. P. Putnam & Sons, publishers. See Selden. FORD— Governor Thomas Ford in Ogle County. By Rebecca H. Kauffman. See pp. 107-114, in Publication No. 16, Illinois State Historical Library, 1911. Governor Thomas Ford and his family. By Dr. J. F. Snyder. See pp. 45-51, in Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society Vol. Ill, No. 2, July, 1910. J ' Also pp. 127-128, in Journal of the Society. Vol. IV No 1 April, 1911. FORDHAM— The Fordhams and La Serres of the English settlement in Edwards County, 111. By Walter Colyer. See pp. 43-54, in Publication No. 16, Illinois State Historical Library, 1911, . i y History. Compiled Norman G. & Lucius C. S. Flagg, 81 FAMILY HISTORIES FORREST— See Selden. FREEMAN— Stuart, Freeman, Parry, Pyke. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from Notes and Queries, August 26, 1911. FRENCH— The families of French, of Belturbet, and Nixon, of Fermanagh, and their descendants. Rev. Biddall Swanzy, M.A. 211 p. 8°, Dublin, 1908. Printed for private circulation. Alex. Thorn & Co., Ltd. FULLWOOD— See Halley, Parry, Pyke. GAMBLE— See Selden. GILBERT— The Gilbert Family, the Carver Family, and the Duffield Family. Joseph C. Martindale, M.D. 18 p.. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1911. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. GILPIN— The Name, Arms and Crest of the Family of Gilpin, n. p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1911. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. GOODRICH— The Goodrich Family. S. V. Talcott. Rearranged and published by Martin & Allardyce. 30 p. 12°, New York City, 1912. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. GOUDY— Goudy Family in Illinois. Ensley Moore, pp. 315-323. Transactions Illinois State Historical Society, 1907. GRAHAM— See Westchester County, N. Y. GRANT— The ancestry of General Grant, and their contemporaries. Edward Chauncey Marshall, A.M. 186 p. 12°, New York, 1869. Sheldon & Co., publishers. GRAVES— See Selden. GREENLEE— Genealogy of the Greenlee families in America, Scotland, Ireland and England, with ancestors of Elizabeth Brooks Greenlee and Emily Brooks Greenlee. Also genealogical data on the McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky. — 6 H S >te Family History. Compiled 82 FAMILY HISTORIES GREENLEE FAMILY— Ralph Stebbins Greenlee and Robert Lemuel Greenlee. 744 p. 4°, Chi- cago, 1908. Privately printed. Copy No. 60. GRESHAM— Biographical and -historical sketches of the Greshams of America and across the seas. 53 p. 8°, Hillsboro, 111., 1913. Alexander Taylor Strange, compiler. Pub- lished by the Compiler. GRISWOLD— See Lane. GUEST— See Romance of Genealogy, Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from Magazine of History, 1912. HALE— The Hale Family of Connecticut. Seymour Morris. 12 p. 8°, Boston, 1907. David Clapp & Son, publishers. HALL— Memoranda relating to the ancestry and family of Sophia Fidelia Hall. Mrs. Sophia Fidelia Hall Coe. 213 p. 8°, Meriden, Conn., 1902. Printed by The Curtiss Way Co. See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. HALLEY— Halley and Pyke Families. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from Notes and Queries, July 16, 1910. 1 1 .\ TENS— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. HAMELIN— See Le Sage. HAVILAND— See Westchester County, N. Y. HAYES— Descendants of Richard Hayes, of Lyme, Conn., through his son, Titus Hayes. Harriet Morse Weeks of Evanston, 111. Edited by Rollin Hillyer Cooke, Pittsfield, Mass. 192 p. 8°, Pittsfield, Mass. Press of The Eagle Publishing Company. HAYWARD— James Hayward, born April 4, 1750. Killed in the Battle of Lex- ington, April 19, 1775. With genealogical notes relating to the Haywards. William Frederick Adams. 58 p. 8°, Springfield, Mass., 1911. Privately printed. Copyright William Frederick Adams. 83 FAMILY HISTORIES HELMERSHAUSEN— Helmershausen Family. Autobiography of Henry Charles Frederick Helmershausen, Jr. pp. 531-534, in Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. VI, No. 4, January, 1914. HEMENWAY— The Massachusetts Hemenway Family. Descendants of Ralph Hemenway, of Roxbury, Mass., 1634. Rufus Hemenway. Compiled by Mary Hemenway Newton. Other lines collected and published by Clair Alonzo Newton. 41 p. 8°, Naperville, 111., 1912. Clair Alonzo Newton, publisher. HENDRIX— See Some old family histories, Bartlett, Belvel (Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer, Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, etc. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. HENRY— See Selden. HENSHAW— See Hinshaw. HILL— Genealogy of the Hill, Dean, Pinckney, Austin, Barker, Anderson, Rhoades, and Finch families. Franklin Couch, LL.B. 129 p. 8°, Newburgh, N. Y., 1907. Newburgh Journal Co., publishers. HINSHAW— The Hinshaw and Henshaw families. William Hinshaw. Edited by Milo Custer. 66 p. 8°, Bloomington, 111., 1911. Frank I. Miller Co., publishers. HOAR— See Parsons. HOMMEDIEU 'L— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. HOOVER— See Houser. IIOI'KIXS— The Name and the Coat of Arms. n. p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1911. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. See New York Shelter Island 1'ivsbyterian Church. See Thomas. HOUSER— Genealogy of the Houser, Rhorer, Dillman, [loover families. Dr. W. W. Houser. 239 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Pantagraph Printing Co., publishers. 84 FAMILY HISTORIES HUBBARD— One thousand years Hubbard history. Harlan Page Hubbard, publisher. (Sample pages — pamphlet.) HUDSON— See Le Sage. See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. HUGUENOT— Memoirs of a Huguenot family; translated and compiled from the original autobiography of the Rev. James Fontaine, and other family manuscripts, etc. Ann Maury. 512 p. 12°, N. Y., 1872. G. P. Putnam & Sons, publishers. HULLr- A record of the descendants of George Hull. Delos Hull, compiler. 53 p. 8°, Oak Park, 111., 1909. Publisher not given. HUNTER— See Selden. HUTTON— The life of William Hutton and the history of the Hutton Family. Edited from the original manuscripts, with the addition of numerous illustrative notes, original matter, examples of Hutton's poetical pro- ductions and notices of all his works, etc. Llewellynn Jewitt, P.S.A. 464 p. 12°, London, 1872. Frederick Warne & Co., publishers. INGELS— See Cloyd. JACKSON— The family history of Michael Jackson, emigrant from Treland, citizen of Hartford County, Conn., his descendants and collateral families, which whom they were connected. 116 p. 8°, Kansas City, Mo., 1909. Franklin Hudson Co., publishers. JAMES— The James-Stites Genealogy. E. J. James. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. XXVIII, October, 1897. Vol. XXIX, April, 1898. Pub. N. Y. 1897, 1898. N. Y. Genealogical and Biog. Soc. JESSUP— The ancestors and a summary of the events of fifty years. A paper read at the fiftieth anniversary, March 17, 1903. Armstrong Jessup and Mary Jane Van Duzer Jessup, 1853-1903. 23 p. 4°, Chicago, 1903. Publisher not given. JOHNSON— See Genealogical notes; containing the pedigree of the Thomas Family of Maryland. 85 FAMILY HISTORIES JOHNSON— Jacob Johnson, of Harpswell, Maine, and his descendants east and west. Rev. Charles Nelson Sinnett. 132 p. 8°, Concord, N. H., 1907. Rumford Printing Co. JONES— , See Cloyd. Some old family records, Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville), and Dille, Cox, Custer (Custer of Pennsylvania), Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, etc. Milo Custer. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Typewritten copy. Zenus Jones. War 1812, bounty lands. Vellum Document No. 3646, signed by President James Monroe, granting to Zenus Jones 160 acres of land in the Territory of Illinois for military services. Dated December 13, 1817. JUDD— The Name and the Arms. n. p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1910. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. KANE— Elias Kent Kane. Henry Barrett Chamberlin. pp. 162-170. In Publication No. 13. Illinois State Historical Library, 1908. Kane, Caroline Beers. See Appendix. KEIM— The Keim and allied families. De B. Randolph Keim, editor. Monthly Periodical No. 1 (Sample Copy). December, 1898. Harrisburg, 1898. KENNEDY— See Selden. KENTUCKY FAMILIES— . See Publications of the Filson Club. Louisville, Ky., publishers. KESTER— The Pound and Kester Families. John E. Hunt, compiler. 628 p. 8°, Chicago, 1904. Regan Printing House. KING— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. KINNEY— Some Virginia Families. Being genealogies of the Kinney, Strib- ling, Trout, Mcllhany, Milton, Rogers, Tate, Snickers, Taylor, Mc- Cormick, and other families of Virginia. Hugh Milton Mcllhany, Jr., M.A., Ph.D. 274 p. 8°, Staunton, Va., 1903. Stoneburner & Pruber, printers. 86 FAMILY HISTORIES KIRKE— See General Works. Canada. The First Conquest of Canada. Henry Kirke, M.A.B., C. L. Oxon. KNICKERBACKER, KNICKERBOCKER— The Knickerbacker or Knickerbocker Family. George Castor Martin from mss. notes by Mrs. Alfred H. Massey. 7 p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1912. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. KNIGHT— The Knight Family. Joseph C. Martindale, M.D. 16 p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1911. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. KOERNER— Gustavus Koerner. By Hon. R. E. Rombauer. pp. 286-307, in Publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Libra rv, 1904. McCormack, Thomas J.* Editor Memoirs of Gustave Koerner. 2 vols. 8°, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1909. Torch Press, publishers. LANE— Genealogical notes on the families of Daniel Lane, 2d, and Mary , Griswold Lane, married July 14, 1763. H. W. Lane and A. C. Beckwith, compilers. 12°, Elkhorn, Wis., 1899. See Selden. LA SERRES— The Fordhams and La Serres of the English settlement in Edwards County, 111. By Walter Colyer. See pp. 43-54, in Publication No. 16, Illinois State Historical Library, 1911. LAWRANCE, LAWRENCE— See Thomas. LAWRANCE— Pedigrees of Thomas, Chew, and fjiiwrance. A West River Register and genealogical notes. Rev. Lawrence Buckley Thomas. 136 p. 8°, New York, 1883. Thomas Whittaker, publisher. LAWRENCE— Genealogical notes; containing the pedigree of the Thomas family of Maryland and connected families, the Snowden, Buckley, Lawrence, etc. Lawrence B. Thomas. 197 p. 8°, Baltimore, 1877. Thomas B. Lawrence, publisher. LE BARON— Descendants of Francis Le Baron, of Plymouth, Mass. Mary Le Baron Stockwell, compiler. 521 p. 8°, Boston, 1904. T. R Marvin & Son, printers. 87 FAMILY HISTORIES LEE— See Selden. LEFFINGWELL— The Leffingwell Record, 1G37-1897. A genealogy of tlie descend- ants of Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell, one of the founders of Norwich, Conn. Albert Leffingwell, M.D., and Charles Wesley Leffingwell, D.D. 256 p. 8°, Aurora, N. Y., 1897. Leffingwell Co., publishers. LE SAGE— Memorial des Families divise en trois parties. Qenealogie Le Sage, avec annexe Tludon dit Beaulieu and Belaud. Genealogies Martin & Hamlin. Par Madame Caroline Hamlin, nee Martin. 227 p. 8°, Montreal, 1910. Publisher not given. LEWIS— Lewisiana or, The Lewis Letter, Periodical, relating to the Lewis Family, April, 1899. Pam. odd Nos. Carll A. Lewis, publisher. L'HOMMEDIEU— See Hommedieu. LINCOLN— Abraham Lincoln. An American Migration Family ; English, not German. Marian Dexter Learned. 149 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1909. William J. Campbell, publisher. Tli." Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. J. R. Hutchinson and J. Henry Lea. 212 p. 4°, Boston and New York, 1909. Houghton, Miffln & Co., publishers. Lincoln Families of Massachusetts. Notes on, with some account of the' family of Ahraham Lincoln, late president of the I r nited States. Solomon Lincoln. 10 p. 8°, Boston, 1865. David Clapp & Son, printers. The Parent* of Lincoln. Ida M. Tarbell. pp. 17-24. In Abraham Lincoln. Published by "The Lincoln Farm Association. February 12, 1907. A souvenir of Lincoln's Birthday. LOVELL— See Weymouth, Mass. Hist. Society Collections No. 1. Published by The Society, Weymouth, Mass., 1881. L1NDLEY— See pp. 187-196. In Poems by John F. Myers. Also Myers Family. LINDSLAY— See Selden. 88 FAMILY HISTORIES LINN— A history of a fragment of the Clan Linn and a genealogy of the Linn and related families. Dr. George Wilds Linn. 204 p. 8°. Copyright 1906 by George Wilds Linn. Report Print, Lebanon, Pa. LOGAN— See Morton. LUCE— See Some old family histories. Bartlett, Belvel (Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer, Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, etc. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. LUDLAM— Genealogical sketch of Ludlam Family, from the early settlement of Cape May County, N. J., 1692. Anthony J. Ludlam, compiler. 4°, Springfield, 111., 1878. H. W. Rokker, printer. LUNDY— The Lundy Family and their descendants of whatsoever surname. With a biographical sketch of Benjamin Lundy. William Clinton Armstrong, A.M. 485 p. 8°, New Brunswick, N. J., 1902. J. Heidinsfeld, printer. Benjamin Lundy, Pioneer of Freedom. By Geo. A. Lawrence, in Journal of the Ills. State Hist. Soc. Vol. 6, No. 2, July, 1913. pp. 175-205. LYLE— The ancestry and posterity of Matthew, John, Daniel, and Samuel Lyle, pioneer settlers in Virginia. Oscar K. Lyle, 361 p. 4°, New York City. Printed by Lecouver Press Co., 1912. LYON— See Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. McCLURE— Diary of David McClure, 1748-1820. Notes by Franklin B. Dexter. David McClure. Privately printed. 219 p. 8°, N. Y., 1899. The Knicker- bocker Press. McCORMICK— Some Virginia families, being genealogies of the Kinney, Stribling. Trout, Mcllhany, Milton, Rogers, Tate, Snickers, Taylor, McCormiok. and other families of Virginia. Hugh Milton Mcllhany, Jr., M.A., Ph.D. 274 p. 8°, Staunton, Va., 1903. Stoneburner & Pruber, printers. Mcdonald— The Glengarry McDonalds of Virginia. With an introductory sketch of the early history of the Glengarry Clan. 89 family histories Mcdonald family— Mrs. Flora McDonald Williams. 340 p. 8°, Louisville, Ky., 1911. George G. Fetter Co., publishers. Mcdowell— See Greenlee. McDowells— See Brooks and Greenlee. McILHANY— Some Virginia families, being genealogies of the Kinney, Stribling, Trout, Mcllhany, Milton, Rogers, Tate, Snickers, Taylor, McCormick, and other families of Virginia. Hugh Milton Mcllhany, Jr., M.A., Ph.D. 274 p. 8°, Staunton, Va., 1903. Stoneburner & Pruber, printers. MACKENZIE— See Some old family histories. Bartlett, Belvel (Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer, Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, etc. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. McLEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS— Heads of families of McLean County, 111., at the census of 1840. (Taken by Jacob Spawr.) Copied and re-arranged by Milo Custer. Bloomington, 111., 1911. Type- written manuscript. McLEAN— John McLean. By Capt. J. H. Burnham. Publication No. 8, Illinois State Historical Library, 1903, pp. 198-201. McMillan— McMillan Genealogy and History. A record of the descendants of John McMillan and Mary Arnott, C. E. McMillan, and W. F. McMillan. 353 p. 8°. Place and publisher not given. MACON— See Selden. McPIKE— See Eomance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. MARKHAM— See Marshall. MARSHALL— See Cloyd. The Marshall Family, or a genealogical chart of the descendants of John Marshall and Elizabeth Markham, his wife, sketches of indi- viduals and notices of families connected with them. W. M. Paxton. 415 p. 8°, Cincinnati, O., 1885. Robert Clarke & Co., publishers. MARTIN— See Le Sage. 90 FAMILY HISTORIES MASON— See Seidell. MATHEWS— See Morton. MAYO— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. See Randolph. MERCER— See Selden. . MERRYMAN— Walter Merryman, of Harpswell, Maine, and his descendants. Rev. Charles Nelson Sinnett. 123 p. 8°, Concord, N. H., 1905. Rumford Publishing Co. MICHAUX— See Morton. MILESIAN FAMILIES OF IRELAND— A genealogical history of the Milesian families of Ireland, with the monument to Brian Boroimhe; the chart of the Armorial bearings of the same families. B. W. DeCourcy, compiler and editor. 77 p. 12°, Cincinnati, 1880. W. F. Overdick and M. L. Riegel, publishers. MILLER— The Reverend Alexander Miller, of Virginia, and some of his descendants. Milo Custer. 36 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Publisher not given. MILTON— Some Virginia families, being genealogies of the Kinney, Stribling, Trout, Mcllhany, Milton, Rogers, Tate, Snickers, Taylor, McCormick, and other families of Virginia. Hugh Milton Mcllhany, Jr., M.A., Ph.D. 274 p. 8°, Staunton, Va., 1903. Stoneburner & Pruber, printers. MISNE— Sec Morton. MOFFAT— Moffat Genealogies. Descenl from Rev. John Moffat, of Ulster County, N. Y. R. Burnham Moffat. 158 p. 8°, Privately printed, 1909. Press of L. Middleditch Co., N. Y. MOORE— A history of the descendants of Shildes lioore, in America, covering a period of one hundred and fifty-nine years, from 1732 to 1891. George L. Moore. 156 p. 8°, Belleville, 111. Risdon Alexander Moore, publisher. Proceedings of the centennial reunion of the "Moore Family" held at Belleville, 111., May 31 and June 1, 1882. 91 FAMILY HISTORIES MOORE FAMILY— Dr. D. N. Moore and McCabe Moore, publishers. 82 p. 8 3 , St. Louis, Mo., 1882. A. R. Fleming, printer. See Selden. MORRIS— See Collins. MORSE— Descendants of Samuel Morse, of Worth ington, Mass. Harriet Morse Weeks of Evanston, 111. 56 p. Addenda. 8°, Pittsfield, Mass., 1907. Eagle Printing and Binding Co. MORTON— The Mortons, Venables, Michaux of Saurin, Mismes, France, Pochette of Holland, Carey, Woodson, Logan, Clark, Mathews. Miss Morton of Birmingham, Ala. See pp. 87-91, in the Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society. Vol. IX, No. 27, September, 1911. MOUNTAIN— See Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. MUNSON— Munson Family Reunion. Proceedings of the second Munson Family Reunion. 8°, New Haven, 1896. Publisher not given. M VERS— Genealogy of the Myers, Lindley, and Birdsell Families. In poems. John F. Myers. 12°. Place and publisher not given. NANCE— Zachariah Nance. Soldier of the Revolution. See Notice of the death of, in the Sangamo Journal, January 9, 1836. NEW HAMPSHIRE— Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire, in four volumes. Ezra Stearns, compiler, assisted by Edward E. Parker. 8°, New York, 1908. The Lewis Publishing Co., publishers. NEWTON— The Colchester, Conn., Newton Family. Descendants of Thomas tfewton, of Fairfield, Conn., 1639. Compiled by Clair Alonzo Newton. 134 p. 12°, Naperville, 111., 1911. Publisher not given. Richard Newton, of Sudbury, Mass., 1638-39. Also an account of the Indian Raid in Barnard, Vt, August 9, 1780. Rev. William Monroe Newton, compiler. Copy No. 83. 52 p. 8°, Woon- socket, R. I. Published by W. M. Newton & Son. See Selden. NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND FAMILIES— Genealogical notes of New York and New England families. FAMILY HISTORIES NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND FAMILIES— S. V. Talcott, compiler. 747 p. and index 39 p. 8°, Albany, 1883. Weed, Parsons & Co., publishers. NOBLAT, NOBLET, NOBLETT, NOBLIT, NOBLOT— Genealogical collections relating to the families of Noblet, Noblat, Noblot, and Noblets, of France; Noblet and Noblett, of Great Britain; Noblet, Noblett, Noblit and Noblitt, of America ; with some particular account of William Noblit, of Middletown Township, Chester County, now Delaware County, Pa., U.S.A. John Hyndman Noblit. 401 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1906. Printed for pri- vate circulation. Ferris & Leach, printers. OLIVER— John Oliver. War of 1812. Bounty Lands. Vellum Document No. 1963, signed by President James Monroe, granting to John Oliver 160 acres of land in the Territory of Illinois for military services. Dated December 13, 1817. ORENDORFF— See Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer, (Custer of Pa.), Evans, Vezzy, . Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, etc. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. PACA— See Selden. PAGE— See Selden. PARKER— Archelius Parker and his descendants. Milo Custer, n. p. 8°, Bloomington, 1912. George M. Adams Printing Co., publishers. See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. See Some old family histories. Bartlett, Belvel (Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer, Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. PARRY— See Stuart, Freeman, Pike, etc. PARSON— Genealogy of the family of Lewis B. Parsons (Second) Parsons- Hoar. Parsons, Springfiejd, Mass., 1636. Hoar-Gloucester, England, 1632. Lewis B. Parsons, 1900. 109 p. 8°, St. Louis. Press of Perrin & Smith. PEARCE— Pearce Genealogy. Being the record of the posterity of Richard Pearce, an early inhabitant of Portsmouth, in Rhode Island, who came from England, and whose genealogy is traced back to 972. Col. Frederick C. Pearce. 150 p. 8°, Rockford, 111., 1888. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers, Albany, N. Y. 93 FAMILY HISTORIES PEASLEE— History of the Peaslee, Balch, Stonebraker Family. Who as pioneers settled in the great woods of New York in 1838 ; the treeless prairies of Iowa Territory in 1844, and on the Sac and Fox Beserve, Kansas, in 1870. Taken from a book on Osage County history, entitled, "Annals of Lyndon," by Charles E. Green. 12 p. 8°, Lyndon, Osage County, Kans., June, 1897. Publisher not given. PECK— Selleck and Peck Genealogy. William Edwin Selleck. 69 p. 8°, Chicago, 1912. Privately printed. PENDLETON— See Selden. PENCE— History of Judge John Pence, and his descendants. Born in Shenandoah County, Virginia, January 15, 1775. Eesided in Cham- paign County, Ind., and Henderson County, 111. Kingsley Adolphus Pence. 126 p. 8°, Denver, Colo., 1912. Publisher not given. PEEBY— Our Perry Family in Maine. Its ancestors and descendants. Rev. Charles Nelson Sinnett. 127 p. 8°, Lewistown, Me., 1911. The Journal Print Shop. PINCKNEY— Genealogy of the Hill, Dean, Pinckney, Austin, Barker, Anderson, Ehoades, and Finch families. Franklin Couch, LL.B. 129 p. 8°, Newburgh, N. Y., 1907. Newburgh Journal Co., publishers. PINKHAM— Eichard Pinkham, of Old Dover, N. H., and his descendants East and West. Rev. Charles Nelson Sinnett. 308 p. 8:, Concord, N. H., 1908. Rumford Co., publishers. PI PEE— Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel, (or Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer, (Custer of Pa.), Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker, Piper, etc. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. PLEASANTS— See Eandolph. POUND— The Pound and Kester Families. John E. Hunt, compiler. 628 p. 8°, Chicago, 1904. Regan Printing House. POWELL— Long Island Genealogies, being kindred descendants of Thomas Powell. 94 FAMILY HISTORIES PoWKLL FAMILY— Mary Powell Bunker. 350 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1895. Joel Munsell Sons, publishers. PRESTON— See Selden. PRICE— John Price. Tlie Emigrant) Jamestown Colony, 1680. With some of his descendants. Rev. Benjamin Luther Price. 62 p. 8°, Alexander, La., September 1, 1910. Published by the Author. PR I CHARD— Descendants of William Priehard. A. M. Priehard, compiler. 59 p. 8°, Charleston, W. Va., March, 1912. Tribune Printing Co., publishers. PYKE— Halley and Pyke Families. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from Notes and Queries, July 16, 1910. Stuart, Freeman, Parry, Pyke. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from Notes and Queries, August 26, 1911. RAILEY— See Randolph. RANDOLPH— The Randolphs and their Railey Connections. W. E. Railey. See Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society, Vol I X . No. 27, September, 1911. Vol. 10, No. 28, September, 1912. W. E. Railey. See Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society, Vol. IX, No. 27, September, 1911. Vol. X, No. 28, September, 1912. RALSTON— James Harvey Ralston. Dr. J. F. Snyder. See pp. 215-235 in Publication No. 13, Illinois State Historical Library, 1908. REED— The Reed Family. S. V. Talcott. Re-arranged and published by Martin & Allardyce. 17 p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1912. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. REVERE— An outline of the life and works of Col. Paul Revere, with a partial catalogue of silverware bearing his name, also a description of New- buryport and other historic plan-. George B. Tilton, compiler. 63 p. 8°, Newburyport, Mass., 1909. REZEAIJ— See Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. RHOADES— Genealogies of the Hill, Dean, Anderson, Rhoades, and Finch families. 95 FAMILY HISTORIES RHOADES FAMILY— Franklin Couch, LL.B. 129 p. 8°, Newburgh, N. Y., 1907. New burgh Journal Co., publishers. RHORER— Genealogy of the Houser, Rhorer, Dillman, Hoover families. Dr. W. W. Houser, compiler. 239 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Pantagraph Printing Co., publishers. RIDDLE— See Selden. ROGHETTE— . See Morton. ROGERS— See Mcllhany. ROSS— See Selden. RUTHERFURD— Genealogical notes; containing the pedigree of the Thomas Family, of Maryland, and of the following connected families, Snowden, Buck- ley, Lawrence, Chew, Ellicott, Hopkins, Johnson, Rutherfurd, etc. Lawrence B. Thomas. 197 p. 8°, Baltimore, 1877. Lawrence B. Thomas, publisher. SACKETT GENEALOGY— 19 p. 8°, place and publisher not given. SAGE— See Le Sage. SALZBURGERS— The Salzhurgers and their descendants; being the history of a colony of German (Lutheran) Protestants, who emigrated to Georgia in 1734, and settled at Ebenezer, 25 miles above the city of Savannah. Rev. P. A. Stroebel. 308 p. 12°, Baltimore, 1855. T. Newton Kurtz, publisher. SANBORNE— American and English Sanbornes. V. C. Sanborn. 8°, Concord, N. H., 1895. SANBORNE, SANBORN— Genealogy of the family of Sanbome or Sanborn in England and America, 1194-1898. V. C. Sanborn. 692 p. 8°, privately printed for the Author, 1899. The Rumford Press, N. H. SAVOIE— La Genealogie de la Famille Savoie Origins acadienne. Par. Caroline Hamelin, nee Martin. 64 p. 8°, 1912. Publisher not given. SAWYER— Ancestry and life of Captain Thomas Sawyer. In Mninuiain. 96 FAMILY HISTORIES SAWYER FAMILY— Edwin Sawyer Walker, A.M. 27 p. 8°, Weedsport, N. Y., 1906. Publisher not given. See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. SCHERER— . Blackwelder-Scherer Families. I. S. Blackwelder, compiler. Typewritten copy. SCHIEFFELIN— Genealogical notes; containing the pedigree of the Thomas Family of Maryland, and of the following connected families: Snowden, Buck- ley, Lawrence, Chew, Ellicott, Hopkins, Johnson, Rutherfurd, Fairfax, Schieffelin, Tyson, and others. " Lawrence B. Thomas. 197 p. 8°, Baltimore, 1877. Lawrence B. Thomas, publisher. SELDEN— Seldens of Virginia and Allied Families. 2 vols. Mary Selden Kennedy. 2 vols. 8°, New York, 1911. Frank Allaben Genealogical Co., publishers. SELLECK— Selleck and Peck Genealogy. William Edwin Selleck. 69 p. 8°, Chicago, 1912. Privately printed. SEMPLE— Genealogy of Hon. James Semple. W. K. Anderson. 48 p. 8°, 1902. Place and publisher not given. SERRE— The Fordhams and La Serres of the English Settlement in Edwards County, 111. Walter Colyer. See pp. 43-54 in Publication No. 16, Illinois State Historical Library, 1911. SEYMOUR— The Seymour Family. A reprint from the Morris Genealogy. Tyler Seymour Morris. 8°, Chicago, 1900. Publisher not given. SHEPARDSON— The Shepardson Family. Branches of the family in the United States when the first census was taken in 1790. Francis Wayland Shepardson. 14 p. 8°, Chicago, August 15, 1912. Pub- lisher not given. SHORT— See Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer (Custer of Pa.), Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker, Piper, Short, etc. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 111. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. SINNETT, SINNOTTS— Michael Sinnett, of Harpsville, Maine. His ancestry and descend- ants. Also records of other Sinnetts, Sinnotts, etc., in Ireland and America. 97 FAMILY HISTORIES SINNETT FAMILY— Rev. Charles Nelson Sinnett. 137 p. 8°, Concord, N. H., 1910. The Rumford Press, publisher. SLADE— * Charles Slade. Dr. J. F. Snyder, pp. 207-210. Publication No. 8. Illinois State Historical Library, 1903. SLOO— Thomas Sloo, Jr. Dr. J. F. Snyder. See pp. 201-206. Publication No. 8. Illinois State Historical Library, 1903. Thomas Sloo, Jr. Isaac Joslin Cox. See pp. 26-42. Publication. Illinois State Historical Library, 1911. SMEDLEY— Smedley Family — Prospectus. 10 p. 8°, Lancaster, Pa., 1901. Wickersham Printing Co. SMITH— See Cloyd. Hannah Logan Smith. Quaker Genealogy. 326 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1839. E. G. Dorsey, printer. Genealogy of the Smith Family. Joseph Smith, Sr. See p. 760 in article by W. W. Phelps in The Times and Season. Published at Nauvoo, 111., 1844. See Filson Club. Publication No. 14, Louisville, 1899. SNICKERS— See Mcllhany. SNOWDEN— Genealogical notes; containing the pedigree of the Thomas Family of Maryland, and of the following connected families: Snowden, Buck- ley, Lawrence, etc. Lawrence B. Thomas. 197 p. 8°, Baltimore, 1877. Lawrence B. Thomas, publisher. SNYDER— Adam W. Snyder and his period in Illinois History, 1817-1842. John Francis Snyder, M.D. 437 p. 12°, Virginia, 111., 1906. E. Needham Bookseller. Illinois State Register, Springfield, 111., publisher. SPALDING— The Spalding Memorial. A genealogical history of Edward Spalding, of Virginia and "Massachusetts Bay, and his descendants. With a record of their military service in the Colonial, Revolutionary and Civil wars; together with information concerning various other branches of the Spalding Family. Charles Warren Spalding, A.M. 1276 p. 8°, Chicago, 1897. American Publishers Association. Revised and enlarged from the original edition by Rev. J. S. Spalding. — 7 H S 98 FAMILY HISTORIES SPOTTISWOODE— See Selden. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. FAMILIES— (Sample Pages.) 8°, Springfield, Mass., 1898. STANSBURY— The Descendants of John Stansbury, of Leominster, 1(570-1 895. Frederick Howard Wines, compiler. 55 p. 8°, Springfield, 111., 1895. H. W. Rokker, printer. STEPHEN— See Selden. STEPHENS— The Stephens Family, with collateral hranches. Edward Stephens Clarke, M.D. 185 p. 8°, Frankford, Pa., 1892. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. STINESPRING— Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer (Custer of Pa.), Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker, Piper, Short, Stinespring, etc. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. STITES— See James. STONEBRAKER— See Peaslee. STRANGE— Biographical and historical sketches of the Storage's of America and across the seas. Alexander Taylor Strange, compiler. 137 p. 8°, Hillsboro, 111., 1911. Published by the Compiler. STRIBLING— See Mcllhany. STUART— Stuart, Freeman. Day, Pyke. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from Notes and Queries. July 13, 1912. Stuart, Freeman, Parry, Pyke. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from Notes and Queries. August 26, 1911. STUBBLEFIELD— Robert Stubblefield and his son, John Stubbleiiehl. George W. Stubblefield. See pp. 525-530 in Vol. VI, No. 4, January, 1914, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. SWANZY— The families of French of Belturbet, and Nixon, of Fermanagh, and their descendants. Rev. Biddall Swanzy, M.A. 211 p. 8°, Dublin, 1908. (Printed for pri- vate circulation.) Printed by Alex. Thom & Co., Ltd. 99 FAMILY HISTORIES SWARTZ— Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer (Custer of Pa.), Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker, Piper, Stinespring, Swartz, etc. Milo Custer. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Typewritten copy. SYLVESTER— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. TAIT— The Ancestry of President Taft. Mabel Thacher Rosemary Washburn, pp. 413-428 in Journal of American History, Vol. V, No. 3, 1911. TAPP— See Cloyd. TASKER— See Selden. TATE— See Mcllhany. TAYLOR— See Selden. TAYLOR— See Mcllhany. THOMAS— Genealogical Notes. Containing the pedigree of the Thomas Family of Maryland, and of the following connected families : Snowden, Buck- ley, Lawrence, Chew, Elliott, Hopkins, Johnson, Rutherfurd, Fairfax, Schieffelin, Tyson, and others. Rev. Lawrence B. Thomas. 197 p. 8°, Baltimore, 1877. Lawrence B. Thomas, publisher. Jesse Burgess Thomas, Jesse Burgess Thomas, Jr., Richard Symmea Thomas, Jr. Forgotten Statesmen of Illinois Series. Dr. J. F. Snyder. Sec pp. 514-525 in Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1904. Pedigrees of Thomas, Chew, and Lawrence (Families). A West River Register and genealogical notes. Rev. Lawrence Buckley Thomas. 136 p. 8°, New York, 1883. Thomas Whittaker, publisher. THOMPSON— Our Thompson Family in Maine, New Hampshire, and the West. Rev. Charles Nelson Sinnett. 293 p. 8°, Concord, N. H., 1907. The Rumford Printing Co., publishers. See Selden. THURBER— See Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. From the Magazine of History, 1912. 100 FAMILY HISTORIES TISDALE, TISDEL— Genealogy of the descendants of Lawrence and Mary Antisell, of Norwich and Willington, Conn. Including some records of Christopher Antisell. of Sraduff Birr, (Kings Co.) Ireland. Mary Elizabeth Tisdel Wyman, compiler. 335 p. 8°, Painesville, O., 1908. The Champlin Printing Co., Columbus, O. See Antisell. TODD— The Virginia Todds. J. R. Witcraft, compiler, Merchantville, N. J. 34 p. 8°, Frankford, Pa., 1913. Dispatch Publishing House. See Edwards. TRAVERRIER (OR TRAVERSIER) — See Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. TREE— Tree Family and its connections in England and America. Josiah Granville Leach, LL.B. 108 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1908. J. B. Lippincott Co., publishers. TROUT— See Mcllhany. TUCKER— See Selden. TURNER— The Life of Jonathan Baldwin Turner. Mary Turner Carriel. 298 p. 8°, copyright 1911, Mary Turner Carriel. Place and publisher not given. TUTHILL— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. TYSON— See Thomas. VENABLE— See Morton. VEZZY— Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer (Custer of Pa.), Evans, Vezzy, etc. Mllo Custer. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. Typewritten copy. WADDELL— A Colonial Officer and His Times, 1754-1773. A biographical sketch of Gen. Hugh Waddell, of North Carolina. Alfred Moore Waddell. 242 p. 8°, Raleigh, N. C, 1890. Edwards & Broughton. WADE— The Life of Benjamin P. Wade. 101 FAMILY HISTORIES WADE FAMILY— A. G. Riddle. 310 p. 12°, Cleveland, O., 1886. William W. Williams, publisher. WALKER— The Story of My Ancestors in America. Also "Printers" copy manuscript. Edwin Sawyer Walker. 8°, Chicago, 1895. See Selden. WALLACE— See Selden. \\ ALLBRIDGE— Descendants of Henry Wallbridge who married Anna Amos, Decem- ber 25, 1688, at Preston, Conn. William Gedney Wallbridge, compiler. 369 p. 4°, Litchfield, Conn., 1898. WALTON— The Walton Family. Joseph C. Martindale, M.D. 12 p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1911. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. WASHINGTON— Home of Washington, or, Mount Vernon, its associations. Benson J. Lossing. 8°, N. Y., 1870. See Selden. WATKINSON— See Westchester Co., N. Y. WEBB— Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer (Custer of Pa.), Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker, Piper, Short, Stinespring, Swartz, Zook (or Zug), Webb. Milo Custer. Typewritten copy. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 1910. WELLS— See Romance of Genealogy. Eugene F. McPike. Reprinted from The Magazine of History, 1912. WEST— See Selden. WILL— Conrad Will. Forgotten Statesmen Series. Dr. J. F. Snyder. See pp. 351-377 in Publication No. 10. Illinois State Historical Library, 1905. WILLIS— See Selden. WILLOUGHBY— Sec Selden. 102 FAMILY HISTORIES WINSTON— i Seidell. WoRMELEY— See Seldcu. WOODSON— See Morton. See Randolph. \\ KIGHT— The Wright Family. S. V. Talcott. Re-arranged and published by Martin & Allardyce. 20 p. 12°, Frankford, Pa., 1912. Martin & Allardyce, publishers. YATES— Descendants of Michael Yates and his sons Abner and John. Gene- alogical Chart. Richard Yates, Jr., compiler. Folio, Springfield, 1910. H. W. Rokker, publisher. YOUNG— Richard M. Young. Forgotten Statesmen Series. J. F. Snyder. See pp. 302-327 in Publication No. 11, Illinois State Historical Library, 1906. ZOOK (OR ZUG)— See Some old family records. Bartlett, Belvel, (Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer, Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker, Piper, Short, Stinespring, Swartz, Zook (or Zug). Milo Custer. 17 p. 8°, Bloomington, 111., 1910.' Typewritten copy. ZUG— See Zook. GENERAL WORKS AMERICA HERALDICA— A compilation of coat of arms, crests, and mottoes, of prominent American families settled in this country before 1800. 2 vols, bound in one. Contain, Gore Roll of Arms, List of Mayflower passengers, plates. Also, supplement. E. De V. Vermont, editor and compiler. Folio, N. Y., 1887 and 1889. AMERICAN ANCESTRY— Giving the name and descent in the male line of Americans whose ancestors settled in the United States previous to 1776. Vol. I, 1887; to Vol. XII, 1899. Thomas P. Hughes. 12 vols. 8°, Albany, N. Y. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH GENEALOGIES— American and English Genealogies in the Library of Cong! Preliminary Catalogue. 103 GENERAL WORKS AMERICAN AND ENGLISH GENEALOGIES— 805 p. 8°, Washington, D. C, U. S. Gov. Pub., 1910. Compiled under the direction of the Chief Cataloguer. Library of Congress. AMERICAN EDUCATION SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS— Quarterly Register and Journal of the American Education Society. 15 vols. 8°, Boston, Mass., 1829-1843. AMERICAN GENEALOGIES— Index to American Genealogies and to genealogical material con- tained in all works such as town histories, county histories, local histories, historical society publications, biographies, historical periodicals and kindred works, alphabetically arranged. 5th edition revised and enlarged. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. 352 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1900. Also Supplement 1900-1908 to the Index to Genealogies published in 1900. 107 p. 4°, Albany, N. Y., 1908.' AMERICAN GENEALOGIST, (THE) — Being a catalogue of family histories and publications. William H. Whitmore. 287 p. 8°, Albany, 1868. Joel Munsell, publisher. Being a catalogue of family histories, a bibliography of American genealogy or a list of the title pages of books and pamphlets on family history published in America, from 1771 to date. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. 328 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1897. Also edition of 1900. AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY— Annual Address by the President, General Edward A. Moseley, Hotel San Reno, New ^ork, February 17, 1898. Gen. Edward A. Moseley. 19 p. 8°, New York, 1898. National Pub- lishing Co., publishers. AMERICAN PRISONERS OF THE REVOLUTION— Danske Dandridge. 504 p. 8°, Charlottesville, Va., 1911. The Michie Co., printers. AMERICANS OF ROYAL DESCENT— Index to intermarriages of Americans of royql descent. Charles H. Browning. 4°, Philadelphia, 1891. Publisher not given. Pamphlet. A X ABSTRACT— An Abstract of a Genealogical Collection, Vol. I. Malcolm Macbeath. 50 p. 4°, St. Louis, 1907. Nixon-Jones Co., publishers. \.\ ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY— An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian names, with an essay on their derivation ami import. William Arthur, M.A. 300 p. 8°, New York, 1857. Sheldon Blakeman & Co., publishers. AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT— Of the settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America prior t" (In 1 peace of 1783, together with notices of Highland regiments and bio- graphical sketches. 104 GENERAL WORKS AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT— J. P. MacLean, Ph.D. 459 p. 8°, Cleveland, O., 1900. The Helman-Taylor Co., publishers. ANNUAL REGISTER AND MILITARY ROSTER— Containing the names and rank of the principal civil officers of the government of the United States since its organization, and of the state of New York since the adoption of its constitution in 1777, in- cluding county officers, etc. Also the names and rank of the militia officers of this state now in office. B. Thalhimer. 272 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1821. Printed by E. and E. Hosford. BAPTIST CHURCH— The annual register of the Baptist Denomination in North Amer- ica; to the first of November, 1790. John Asplund, Southampton Co., Va„ July 14, 1791. 70 p. 8°. 1791. A history of the Baptists in the western states east of the Mississippi. Justin A. Smith, D.D. 420 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1896. American Baptist Publication Society, publishers. CANADA— Dictionnaire genealogique des families canadiennes depuis la fonda- tion de la colonie jusqu'a nos jours, 1608. L'Abbe Cyprien Tanguay. 7 vols. 8°, Montreal, 1871-1890. Eusebe Senecal, later Eusebe Senecal et Fils, publishers. The first English conquest of Canada, with some account of the earliest settlements in Nova Scotia and New Foundland. Contains bio- graphical sketches of Gervase Kirke and his family, particularly of his son David Kirke, born 1597, early American explorer. Henry Kirke, M.A. B. C. L. Oxon. 227 p. 8°, London, 1871. Benrose & Sons, publishers. CINCINNATI SOCIETY— The institution and proceedings of the Society of the Cincinnati; formed by the officers of the United States at the cantonment on the banks of Hudson's River, May 10, 1783; with the proceedings of the Massachusetts State Society of the Cincinnati, from its organization, June 9, 1783, to July 4, 1811. 112 p. 8°, Boston, 1812. Printed by Thomas B. Wait & Co. CINCINNATI SOCIETY, FRANCE— The Order of the Cincinnati in France, (L'Ordre de Cincinnatus) . Its organization and history; with the military or naval records of the French members who became such by reason of qualifying service in the army or navy of France, or of the United States in the War of the Revo- lution for American Independence. 243 p. 8°. Published by the Rhode Island State Society of the Cincin- nati, 1905. COLLECTION OF NAMES— Collection of upwards of 30,000 names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, and other immigrants in Pennsylvania, from 1727 to 1776, with a statement of the names of ships, whence they sailed and the date of their arrival at Philadelphia; chronologically arranged, etc. 105 GENERAL WORKS COLLECTIONS OF NAMES— Prof. I. Daniel Rupp. 495 p. 12°, Philadelphia, 1876. Ig. Kohler, publisher. COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA— Pennsylvania Society of, Pubs. Register of Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Instituted April 8, 1891. Incorpo- rated July 13, 1891. 193 p. 8°, Philadelphia, 1898. J. B. Lippincott Co., publishers. COLONIAL DAMES OF NEW YORK— Catalogue of the genealogical and historical library of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York. Miss L. Green, compiler. 518 p. 8°, New York, 1912. Published by the Colonial Dames of New York. Frederick H. Hitchcock, printer. COLONIAL FAMILIES— Colonial Families of the Southern States of America. A history and genealogy of colonial families, who settled in the colonies prior to the Revolution. Stella Pickett Hardy. 643 p. 8°, New York, 1911. Tobias A. Wright, publisher. Colonial Families of the United States of America. In which is given the history, genealogy, and armorial bearings of colonial families who settled in the American colonies from the time of the settlement of Jamestown, 13th May, 1607, to the Battle of Lexington, 19th April, 1775. George Norbury -Mackenzie, LL.B., editor. 3 vols. New York-Boston, 1907, 1911, 1912. The Grafton Press, Baltimore, and The Seaforth Press, publishers. COLONIAL WARS— Society of, Pubs. General Register of the Society of Colonial Wars, 1899-1902." Constitution of the General Society. 821 p. 8°, N. Y., 1902. A supplement to the General Register of the Society of Colonial Wars, a.d. 1906. 386 p. 8°, Boston, 1906. Published by The Society. CREOLES OF ST. LOUIS— Paul Beckwith. 169 p. 8°, St. Louis, 1893. Nixon-Jones Printing Co., publishers. CROZIER'S GENERAL ARMORY— A Register of American families entitled to coat armor. William Armstrong Crozier, F.R.S., editor. 155 p. 8°, New York, 1904. Fox, Duffleld & Co., publishers. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS OF COLONIAL DAYS— Geraldine Brooks. 284 p. 8°, N. Y., Copyright 1900. Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., publishers. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS OF THE YOUNG REPUBLIC— Geraldine Brooks. 287 p. 12°, N. Y., 1901. Thomas Y. Cowell & Co., publishers. 106 GENERAL WORKS DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION— Annual reports of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1890- 1912. Published by The National Society, D. A. R. N. Y. and Washington, D. C. U. S. Government, publishers. Directory of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1901, 1908. List of officers, members and chapters. National Society. D.A.R. Published by The Nat. Soc. D. A. R., Washington, D. C. 2 vols. 1901, 1908. See Nat. Soc. D. A. R. Lineage Book? of the National Socictv Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. I, 1890, to Vol. XXXVI, 1912. Brief History of the D. A. R. Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson, 1913. DIARY AND LETTERS OF THOMAS HUTCHINSON^ Diary and letters of his excellency, Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. B. A. (Harvard) LL.D. (Oxon) Captain-General and Govornor-in-Chiof of his late Majesty's Province of Massachusetts Bay in North America. Peter Orlando Hutchinson. 2 vols. 8°, London, 1883-86. DTARY OF DAVID M'CLURE, 1748-1820— With notes, by Franklin B. Dexter. Edited by John P. Peters. David McClure! 219 p. 8°, N. Y., 1899. ENGLISH SURNAMES— An essay on family nomenclature, historical", etymological and humorous. With several illustrative appendices. Mark Anthony Lower. 2 vols. 8°, London, 1875. John Russel Smith, publisher. FRENCH SOLDIERS— French soldiers and sailors in American Revolution. List of. Senate Document No. 77, Fifty-eighth Congress Second Session. 8°, Washington. D. C. U. S. Government, publisher, 1903-1904. GENEALOGICAL ARTICLES— Genealogical articles, list of titles in American periodicale and kindred works, giving the name, residence and earliest date of the first settler of each family and adding deficiencies in brackets. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. 165 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1899. GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY— Genealogical Dictionary of the first settlers of New England, show- ing three generations of those who came before May, 1692. on the basis of Farmer's Register. James Savage. 4 vols. 8°, Boston, 1860-1862. Little, Brown & Co., publishers. Also Index to Savage's Genealogical Dictionary. Compiled by O. P. Dexter, M.A., LL.B. 38 p. 8°, New York, 1884. O. P, Dexter, publisher. 107 GENERAL WORKS GENEALOGICAL REGISTER— Vol. I, 1913. Edited by William M. Mervine. 332 p. 8°, Lancaster, Pa., 1913. Printed by The Wickersham Printing Co. GENEALOGY AND THE WEST— Mrs. Harriet Taylor. pp. 67-85, in Publication No. 14, Illinois State Historical Library, 1909. HADDEN'S JOURNAL AND ORDERLY BOOKS— A Journal kept in and upon Burgoyne's Campaign in 1776 and 1777, by Lieut. James M. Hadden, Royal Art. Also orders kept by him and issued by Sir Guy Carleton, Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, and Major- General William Phillips in 1776, 1777 and 1778. With an explanatory chapter and notes, by Horatio Rogers. 581 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1884. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. HEADS OF FAMILIES— Heads of families at the first census of the United States, taken in the year 1790. The following states : Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, North Caro- lina, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia. 4°, Washington, D. C. U. S. Government, publishers, 1908. HEITMAN'S— Historical register and dictionary of the United States Army from its organization, September 29, 1789, to March 2, 1903. Francis B. Heitman. 2 vols. 8°, Washington, D. C, 1903. U. S. Govern- ment, publishers. Register of officers of the Continental Army during the War of the Revolution, April, 1775, to December, 1783; new, revised and enlarged edition. Francis B. Heitman. 685 p. and a calendar for the years of the Revolu- tion. 8°, Washington, D. C., 1914. The Rare Book Shop Publishing Co., publishers. HINTS FOR TRACING PEDIGREE— Hints for tracing an Anglo-American pedigree in the old country, with a list of wills, from 1700 to 1725, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, England, of testators living or dying in America, and the West Indies. John Matthews (Genealogist). 28 p. 8°, London, n. d. Mitchell, printer. HISTORY OF THE VIRGINIA COMPANY OF LONDON— To and from the first colony, never before printed. Edward D. Neill. 432 p. 12°, Albany, 1869. Joel Munsell, publisher. ILLINOIS CONFERENCE, D.A.R.— Illinois Conference, Daughters of the American Revolution. Annual reports, 9th, 1905; 10th, 1906; 11th, 1907 ; 12th, 1908; 15th, 1911; l<;th, 1912, 17th, 1913. Published by The Illinois Conference D. A. R. 108 GENERAL WORKS INDEX TO GENEALOGIES AND PEDIGREES— Index to genealogies and pedigrees in New England Historical and Genealogical Register for fifty years, January, 1847, to October, 1896. (Reprinted from Register, October, 1896.) William W. Wright, compiler. 8°, Boston, 1896. IRISH RACE— Biographical history of the American Irish in Chicago. Charles F. Ffrench. 808 p. 4°, Chicago, 1897. American Biog. Co., publishers. IRISH RACE IN AMERICA— Edward O'Meagher Condon. 316 pp. 12°, New York, 1887. Ford's National Library. JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE TO NEW YORK— And a tour in several of the American colonies in 1679-80. By Jasper Dankers and Peter Sluyter, of Wiewerd in Friesland. Trans- lated from the original manuscript in Dutch for~the Long Island His- torical Society and edited by Henry C. Murphy. 440 p. 8°, Brooklyn, 1867. Vol. I, Long Island Historical Society, Memoir. LIST OF GENEALOGIES— Being compiled by Semour Morris. 17 p. 8°, Chicago, 1896. Seymour Morris. Publisher not given. MAYFLOWER AND HER LOG— July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621. Chiefly from original sources. 375 p. 4°, Boston, 1901. Azel Ames, M.D. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., publishers. MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS— Mayflower Descendants, Illinois Society. Publications No. 2 and 3. See Illinois Mayflower Descendants. MAYFLOWER PASSENGERS— Genealogies of the Mayflower Passengers. George W. Chamberlain. The Magazine of History with Notes and Queries. Vol. IV, No. 2, August, 1906. Vol. IV, No. 5, November, 1906. William Abbatt, publisher. N. Y., 1906. NATIONAL SOCIETY, D.A.R.— National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books. Vol. I, 1890, to Vol. XXXVIII, 1913. Published by The National Society D. A. R., Washington and New York. Directory of the Society, 1901, 1908. See Daughters of the American Revolution. NARRATIVE OF THE INDIAN WARS— Narrative of the Indian wars in New England, from the first plant- ing thereof, in 1607 to 1677, etc., preface, 8 pages. 288 p. 16°, Boston, 1775. Printed by John Boyle. 2d American edition. 109 GENERAL WORKS NEW ENGLAND HISTOKIC-GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY— Memorial Biographies. Vols. I-IX, 1845-1897. 8°, Boston. New England Historic-Genealogical Society, publishers. NEW ENGLAND— The first settlers of New England, or conquest of the Pequods, Xarragansetts and Pokanokets, as related by a mother to her children. By a lady of Massachusetts. Lydia M. Child. 282 p. 12°, Boston, 1828. Munroe & Francis, printers. Historical and Genealogical Eegister. Vol. I, 1847, to Vol. I A VIII, 1914. 8°, Boston, 1847-1914. New England Historical and Genealogical Society, publishers. OLD NEW ENGLAND CHUECHES AND THEIR CHILDREN— Dolores Bacon. 442 p. 8°, New York, 1906. Doubleday, Page & Co., publishers. ORDERLY BOOK OP SIR JOHN JOHNSON— During the Oriskany Campaign, 1776-1777; annotated by William L. Stone. With an historical introduction, illustrating the life of Sir John Johnson, Bart., by J. Watts de Peyster, LL.D. M.A., and some tracings from the footprints of the Tories or Loyalists in America, con- tributed by Theodorus B. Myers. 273 p. 8°, Albany, N. Y., 1882. Joel Munsell & Sons, publishers. ORDERLY BOOK, (THE) — Of that portion of the American Army stationed at, or near Wil- liamsburg, Va., under the command of General Andrew Lewis, from March 18, 1776, to August 28, 1776. Printed from the original manu- script, with notes and introduction, by Charles Campbell. 100 p. 8°. Privately printed. Copy No. 74. Richmond, Va., 1860. PIONEER MOTHERS OF AMERICA, (THE)— A record of the more notable women of the early days of the country, and particularly of the Colonial and Revolutionary periods. Harry Clinton Green and Mary Wolcott Green, A.B. 3 vols. 8°, New York and London, 1912. G. P. Putnam's Sons, publishers. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN AMERICA— History of the Presbyterian Church in America, from its origiu until the year 1760. With biographical sketches of its early ministers. Rev. Richard Webster. 720 p. 8°, Philadelphia, Pa., 1857. Joseph M. Wilson. QUEENS OF AMERICAN SOCIETY— Elizabeth F. Ellet. 464 p. 8°, New York, 1867. Charles Scribner & Co., publishers. IIUCORDS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR— Containing the military and financial correspondence of dis- tinguished officers, and privates of regiments, companies and corps, with the dates of their enlistments; general orders of Washington, Lee, and 110 GENERAL WORKS KECOKDS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR— Greene, at Germantown and Valley Forge; with a list of distinguished prisoners of war; the time of their capture, exchange, etc., to which is added the half pay acts of Congress, etc. W. T. R. Saffell. 554 p. 8°, New York, 1858. Pudney & Russell, pub- lishers. Also Index to, by J. T. McAllister. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— Census of pensioners for revolutionary or military services; with their names, ages and places of residence as returned by the marshals of their several judicial districts, under the Act for taking the Sixth Census. 195 p. 4°, Washington, D. C. U. S. Government, publishers, 1841. Printed by Blair & Rives. United States Congress. Resolutions, laws, and ordinances relating to the pay, half pay, commutation of half pay, bounty lands and other promises made by Congress, to the officers and soldiers of the Revolu- tion; to the settlement of accounts between the United States and the several states; and to funding the Revolutionary Debt. U, S. Congress, publishers. 506 p. 8°, Washington, D. C, 1838. Printed by Thomas Allen. Walter S. Franklin, compiler. SCIENCE OF GENEALOGY— The growing interest in this study in the United States. John R. Totten. pp. 129-142. In the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. 41, No. 2, April, 1910. SCOTCH-IRISH— Scotch Highlanders in America. Prior to the peace of 1783. J. P. MacLean, Ph.D. 459 p. 8°. John Mackay, Glasgow, 1900. Scotch-Irish in America. Proceedings of the Scotch-Irish Con- gress, first session, 1889 to eighth, 1896. Published by order of the Scotch-Irish Society in America. Cincinnati, 1889-1896. Robert Clarke & Co., publishers. Scotch-Irish. In history, as master builders of empires, states, churches, schools and civilization. (Rev.) James Shaw, D.D. 438 p. 8°, Springfield, 1899. Illinois State Register, publishers. Scotch-Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America. Charles Knowles Bolton. 398 p. 8°, Boston, 1910. Bacon & Brown, publishers. Sketches of the life and correspondence of Nathaniel Greene, Major-General of the Armies of the United States in the War of the Revolution. Compiled from original material. William Johnson. 2 vols. 4°, Charles- ton, S. C, 1822. Printed for the Author by A. E. Miller. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION— National Register of the Society, Sons of the American Revolution. A. Howard Clark, editor. 1035 p. 4°, Washington, D. C, 1902. National Society S. A. R., publishers. National Society, S. A. R., Pubs. Year Book, 1907, 1908, 1910. Ill GENERAL WORKS NATIONAL SOCIETY S. A. R.— A. Howard Clark, compiler. 8°, Baltimore and Washington. Sons of the American Revolution Illinois Society of. See Illinois. WAR 1812— Bounty Lands. Zenus Jones. Vellum Document signed by Presi- dent James Monroe, granting to Zenus Jones 160 acres of land in the Territory of Illinois for military services. Dated December 13, 1817. Bounty Lands. Vellum Document No. 7687. Signed by President James Monroe, granting to Henry Corey 160 acres of land in the Terri- tory of Illinois for military services. Dated December 13, 1817. A List of Pensions of the War of 1812. Byron N. Clark, editor. 171 p. 8°, Burlington and Boston, 1904. Research Publishing Co., publishers. Military lists and other documents relating to Vermont history, found among the papers of Captain Luke Parsons, who served as captain of cavalry in the War of 1812. Contributed by his great-grandson for permanent record in the Journal of American History. Carlos Parsons Darling. (Journal of American History. Vol. VI, No. 4, October-November-December, 1912. ) Roster of soldiers, sailors and marines of the War of 1812, Mexican War and the War of the Rebellion, residing in Nebraska June 1, 1893. John C. Allen, Secretary of State, compiler. 227 p. 8°, Lincoln, Neb., 1893. State Printer. WTNSLOW, EDWARD— Governor Edward Winslow. His part and place in Plymouth Colony. William Copley Winslow. (Reprinted from N. Y. Genealogical and Bio- graphical Record, July, 1896.) WOMEN OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION— " Elizabeth F. Ellet. 3 vols. 12°, N. Y., 1848 and 1850. Baker & Scribner, publishers. WOMEN OF THE REVOLUTION— pp. 204-231, in Autumn Leaves. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. 8°, New York, 1854. Charles Scribner, publisher. PERIODICALS AMERICAN HISTORICAL REGISTER— And Monthly Gazette, of the Patriotic Hereditary Societies of the United States of America. September, 1894, to February, 1895 ; Marcb, 1895, to August, 1895; September, 1895, to February, 1896. 3 vols. Charles H. Browning, editor. 8°, Philadelphia, 1894-1896. The Historical Register Publishing Co. AMERICAN MONTHLY MAGAZINE— Vol. I, 1892, to date, 1914. National Society D. A. R., publishers. Washington and New York, 1892- 1914. 112 PERIODICALS CALIFORNIA REGISTER— Vol. I, No. 1, April, 1900. California Genealogical Society, publishers, San Francisco, 1900. CALDWELL CHRONICLE— Vol. I, No. 1, October 19, 1899. Vol. I, No. 2, November 2, 1899. Vol. I, No. 3, November 16, 1899. Vol. I, No. 4, December, 1899. Vol. I, No. 5, March, 1900. 8°, Providence, R. I., 1899-1900. Augustine Caldwell, publisher. ESSEX ANTIQUARIAN— A monthly magazine devoted to the biography, genealogy and history of Essex County, Mass. Vol. I, 1897, to Vol. XIII, 1909.. (Publication ceased with Vol. XIII, 1909.) Sidney Perley, editor. 8°, Salem, Mass., 1897-1909. The Essex Anti- quarian, publishers. GENEALOGICAL ADVERTISER— A quarterly magazine of family history. Lucy Hall Greenlaw, publisher, Cambridge, Mass. GENEALOGICAL BULLETINS— Nos. I and II, September 15, 1903 ; October 24, 1903. 8°, Boston, 1903. Research Publishing Co., publishers. GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE— Vol. I, No. 3, June, 1905. Eben Putnam & Stephen Sharpies, editors. 8°, Boston, 1905. Eben Putnam, publishers. GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY— Genealogical Quarterly and Magazine of New England Historv. Vol. I, Nos. 1-4, April, 1900-December, 1900. Vol. II, Nos. 1-4, April, 1901-December, 1901. New Series, Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-4, April, 1902-January, 100.;. Vol. IV, Nos. 1-4, April, 1903- January, 1904. . Vol. V, Nos. 1-4, April, 1904-January, 1905. 8°, Salem, Mass. Eben Putnam, editor and publisher, 1900-1905. HISTORICAL BULLETIN— Vol. VI, No. 38, February, 1905. Vol. VI, No. 40, April, 1905. Vol. VIII, No. 51, March, 1906. Newton L. Collamer. 8°, Washington, D. C, 1905-1906. HISTORICAL MAGAZINE— With Notes and Queries. Vol. I, 1857-1874. Series 1, 2, 3. 8°, Boston and New York., Morrisiana, N. Y. Henry B. Dawson, editor. C. Benjamin Richardson, publishers. 113 PERIODICALS HISTORICAL MAGAZINE WITH NOTES AND QUERIES— Extra Numbers I, 1907, to XXXI, 1914. Magazine of History. With Notes and Queries. William Abbatt, publisher, New York. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ANCESTRY— Vol. I, 1912, to Vol. IV, 1914. Lyman Weeks, editor. Pub. N. Y. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY— Vol. I, 1907, to Vol. VIII, 1914. 4°, New York, 1907-1914. Assc. Pubs, of American Records. Frank Alla- ben Genealogical Co., publishers. JOURNAL OF HISTORY— Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Lamoni, la. Vol. I, 1908, to Vol. VII, 1914. Published by The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Lamoni, Iowa. KEIM AND ALLIED FAMILIES— Monthly Periodical No. 1 (sample copy), December, 1898. De B. Randolph Keim, editor, Harrisburg, Pa., 1898. KINGS COUNTY, (N. Y.)— Genealogical Club Collections. Vol. I, No. 1, 1882, and Vol. I, Nos. 5, 6, 1894. 8°, New York, 1882, 1894. Kings County Genealogical Club, publishers. LEWISIANA, OR THE LEWIS LETTER PERIODICAL— Relating to the Lewis Family, April, 1899. Pams. Odd Nos. Carll A. Lewis, publisher. MAGAZINE OF HISTORY WITH NOTES AND QUERIES— See Historical Magazine with Notes and Queries. MAYFLOWER DESCENDANT— A quarterly magazine of Pilgrim Geneabgv and History. Vol. Ill, No. 4, October, 1901. 286 p. 8°, Boston, 1901. Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, publishers. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY— Proceedings of. Vol. I to Vol. VI, 1907-1913. Benjamin F. Shambaugh, editor. Published at Iowa City and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1907-1914. NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REG- ISTER— New England Historical and Genealogi3al Register. Vol. I, 1847, to Vol. LXVIII, 1914. 8°, Boston, 1847-1914. New England Historical and Genealogical Society, publishers. — 8 H S 114 PERIODICALS \K\V YORK GENEALOGICAL WD BIOGBAPfflCAL KB( <»i;i> Vol. I, 1870, to Vol. XLV, 1914. (Index Vols. I to XXXVIII. 1907.) 45 vols. 4°, N. Y., 1870-1914. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, publishers. NORTH CAROLINA BOOKLET— Published by the North Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution. Vol. X, 1910, Vol. XI, 1911, Vol. XII, 1913, Vol. XIII, 1914. 8°, Raleigh, N. C, 1910-1914. Published by The N. C. Society of D. A. R. OLD NORTHWEST GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLISHERS— The Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly, Vol. I, 1898, to date, 1913. 8°, Columbus, O., 1898-1913. The Old Northwest Genealogical Society, publishers. PENNSYLVANIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLICA- TIONS— Vol. I, No. 1, January, 1895; Vol. I, No. 2, July, 1890. Record Series No. 1, July, 1896. Vol. I, No. 3, July, 1897. Vol. I, No. IV, December, 1898; Vol. II, No. 1, .Tunc. 1900. Vol. II, No. 2, May, 1902; Vol. II, No. 3, June, 1903. Vol. Ill, No. 1, January, 1906; Vol. TIT, No. 2, January. 1907. Vol. Ill, No. 3, June, 1908. Vol. IV, No. 1, March, 1909; Vol. IV, No. 2, March, 1910. 8°, Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania Historical Society, publishers. PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE OF BIOGRAPHY AND HIS- TORY— Vol. I, 1877, to Vol. XXXVIII, 1914. 38 vols. 4°, Philadelphia, 1877-1914. Pennsylvania Historical Society, publishers. PENNSYLVANIA— Notes and Queries, historical, biographical and genealogical ; relating chieflv to interior Pennsylvania. Third Series (reprint), Vols. I, II, III, 1895-1896. Fourth Series, Vol. I, 1893. Annual Volumes, 1896-1900; 5 vols. William Henry Bgle, M.D., M.A., editor. 8°, Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg Publishing Co. PUTNAM'S MONTHLY AND HISTORICAL MAGAZINE— July, 1892; March, 1893; April, 1895; October, 1895. Eben Putnam, editor and publisher, Salem, Mass. SALEM PRESS— Historical and Genealogical Record. Eben Putnam, editor and publisher. I No. January, 1892. 115 PERIODICALS SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE— Vol. I, 1900, to Vol. XV, 1914. 8°, Charleston, S. C, 1900-1914. Published by The S. C. Historical Society. UTAH GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY PUBLISHERS— The Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine. Vol. I, 1910, to Vol. V, 1914. 8°, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1910-1914. VIRGINIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY— Vol. I, 1893, to Vol. XXII, 1914. Virginia Historical Society, publishers. Richmond, Va. WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE QUARTERLY— Vol. I, 1892, to Vol. XXII, 1914. (Except Vol. Ill, No. 1, July, 1894.) (Except Vol. VI, No. 1, July, 1897.) Lyon G. Tyler, M.A., editor. Williamsburg, Va., 1892-1914. William and Mary College, publishers. 116 PUBLICATIONS OF THE ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY AND SOCIETY No. 1. ♦A Bibliography of Newspapers published in Illinois prior to 1860. Prepared by Edmund J. James, Ph.D., and Milo J. Loveless, graduate student in the University of Chicago. 94 p. 8°, Springfield, 1899. No. 2. ♦Information relating to the Territorial Laws of Illinois, passed from 1809 to 1812. Prepared by Edmund J. James, Ph.D., 15 p. 8°, Spring- field, 1899. No. 3. *The Territorial Records of Illinois. Edited by Edmund J. James, Ph.D., professor in the University of Chicago. 170 p. 8°, Springfield, 1901. No. 4. ""Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1900. Edited by E. B. Greene, Ph.D., secretary of the society. 65 p. 8°, Springfield, 1900. No. 5. ♦Alphabetic Catalog of the Books, Manuscripts, Pictures and Curios of the Illinois State Historical Library. Authors, Titles and Subjects. Compiled by the librarian, Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber. 363 p. 8°, Springfield, 1900. No. 6 to 17. *Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Years 1901 to 1912. (Nos. 6 to 12 out of print.) ♦Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. I. Edited by H. W. Beckwith, Presi- dent Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, 642 p. 8°, Springfield, 1903. ♦Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. II. Virginia Series, Vol. I. Edited by Clarence W. Alvord. CLVI and 663 p. 8°, Springfield, 111., 1907. ♦Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. III. Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858. Lincoln Series, Vol. I. Edited by Edwin Erie Sparks, Ph.D., 627 p. 8°, Springfield, 111., 1908. ♦Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. IV. Executive Series, Vol. I. The Governors' Letter-Books, 1818-1834. Edited by Evarts Boutell Greene and Clarence Walworth Alvord. XXXII and 317 p. 8°, Springfield, 111., 1909. Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. V. Virginia Series, Vol. II, Kaskas- kia Records, 1778-1790. Edited by Clarence Walworth Alvord. L and 681 p. 8°, Springfield, 111., 1909. ♦Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. VI. Bibliographical Series, Vol. I. Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814-1879. Revised and enlarged edition. Edited by Franklin William Scott. CIV and 610 p. 8°, Springfield, 1910. ♦Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. VII. Executive Series, Vol. II. Governors' Letter-Books, 1840-18*53. Edited by Evarts Boutell Greene and Charles Manfred Thompson. CXVIII and 469 p. 8°, Springfield, 1911. Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. VIII. Virginia Series, Vol. III. George Rogers Clark Papers, 1771-1781. Edited with introduction and notes by James Alton James. CLXVII and 715 p. 8°, Springfield, 1912. ♦Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. IX. Bibliographical Series, Vol. II. Travel and Description, 1765-1865. Solon Justus Buck. 514 p. 8°, Spring- field, 111. ♦Bulletin of the Illinois State Historical Library. Vol. I, No. 1, Sep- tember, 1905. Illinois in the Eighteenth Century. By Clarence Walworth Alvord, University of Illinois. 38 p. 8°, Springfield, 1905. ♦Bulletin of the Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. I, No. 2, June 1, 1906. Laws of the Territory of Illinois, 1809-1811. Edited by Clarence W. Alvord, University of Illinois. 34 p. 8°, Springfield, 1906. ♦Circular Illinois State Historical Library. Vol. I, No. 1, November, 1905. Art outline for the study of Illinois State history. Compiled by Jessie Palmer Weber and Georgia L. Osborne. 94 p. 8°, Springfield, 1905. Publication No. 18. List of the Genealogical Works in the Illinois State Historical Library. Georgia L. Osborne, compiler. 8°, Springfield, 1914. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. I, April, 1909 to Vol. VII, No. 2, July, 1914. Journals out of print: Vols. I, II, III, IV. ♦ Out of print 117 APPENDIX These are a few valuable works, some of which have been added to the collection since the original manuscript was placed in the hands of the printer. CONNECTICUT, STATE— Hartford, Connecticut. Early Hartford Vital Records. Original distribution of the lands in Hartford among the settlers, 1639. See Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society. Volume XIV. 'ilG p. 8°, Hartford, Conn., 1912. Published by The Society. ILLINOIS, STATE— University of Illinois, publishers. The Alumni Record of the University of Illinois. Including his- torical sketch and annals of the University and biographical data regard- ing members of the faculties and the Boards of Trustees. James Herbert Kelley, editor. 921 p. 8°, Urbana-Champaign. The Lake- side Press. R. R. Donnelley, publishers, 1913. KENTUCKY, STATE— Bourbon County. History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas Counties, pre- ceded by a brief synopsis of the Blue Grass Region. 815 p. 4°, Chicago, 1882. William Henry Perrin, editor. O. L. Brackin, publisher. KENTUCKY, STATE— Franklin County, Kentucky, History of. By L. F. Johnson, B.A., M.A. 286 p. 8°, Frankfort, Ky., 1912. KENTUCKY, STATE— Harrison County, History of. See Bourbon County. KENTUCKY, STATE— Jessamine County. A history of Jessamine County, Kentucky, from its earliest settlement to 1898. By Bennett H. Young. S. M. Duncan, associate author. 288 p. 8°, Louisville, Ky., 1898. Courier- Journal, publishers. KENTUCKY, STATE— Muhlenberg County, History of. By Otto A. Rothert. 496 p. 8°, Louisville, Ky., 1913. John P Morton Co., publishers. KENTUCKY, STATE— Nicholas County, History of. See Bourbon County. 118 KENTUCKY, STATE— Scott County, History of. See Bourbon County. MAINE, STATE— History of the City of Belfast in the State of Maine, from its first settlement in 1770 to 1875. By Joseph Williamson. 956 p. 8°, Portland, Me., 1877. Loring, Short and Harmon, publishers. MAINE, STATE— History of the City of Belfast in the State of Maine. Volume II, 1875-1900. By Joseph Williamson. Completed and edited by Alfred Johnson. 69G p. 8°, Boston and New York, 1913. Houghton, Mifflin Company, publishers. NEW HAMPSHIRE, STATE— War of the Revolution. See Vol. XIV, XV, XVI, XVII. New Hampshire State Papers. NEW JERSEY, STATE— Cumberland County, New Jersey. Gouldtown. A very remarkable settlement of ancient date. Studies of some sturdy examples of the simple life, together with sketches of early colonial history of Cumberland County and Southern New Jersey and some early genealogical records. William Steward, A.M., and Rev. Theophilus G. Steward, D.U. 237 p. 8°, Philadelphia, Pa., 1913. J. B. Lippincott Co., publishers. NEW JERSEY, STATE— Gouldtown, New Jersey. See Cumberland County. NEW JERSEY, STATE— New Jersey as a colony and as a state. By Francis Bazley Lee. 4 vols. 8°, New York, 1903. Publishing Society of New Jersey. TEXAS, STATE— Early settlers and Indian fighters of Southwest Texas. By A. J. Lowell. 84"4 p. 8°, Austin, Texas, 1900. Ben C. Jones & Co., printers. VERMONT, STATE— War of 1812. A list of the pensioners of the War of 1812. Record kept by Wil- liam G. Shaw of Burlington, Vermont. Byron N. Clark, editor. 171 p. 8°, Burlington, Vt., 1904. Research Print- lag Company, publishers. VIRGINIA— Richmond, Virginia. Richmond, her past and present. By W. Asbury Christian, D.D. 618 p. 8°, Richmond, 1912. Manufactured by L. H. Jenkins. 119 WEST VIRGINIA— West Virginia and its people. In three volumes. By Thomas Condit Miller and Hu Maxwell. 4°, New York, 1913. Lewis Historical Publishing Company. FAMILY HISTORIES BREESE — See page 265. In American Monthly Magazine. Volume XVTT, May, 1913. Published Nat. Soc. D. A. R., N. Y. 1913. CASAD— The Casad and Stites Families. By Edmund J. James. See Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. Volume VIT, No. 2, July, 1914. CLENDENIN FAMILY— Synoptical family history, giving sketches of the Glendowyn, Glen- dening, Clendenin, Clendening, etc., family. Historical and Inferential. 20 p. 8°, Springfield, 111. n. d. Register Office, publishers. CONGDON— George Edward Congdon. One hundred thirty-eight generations from Adam, being a pedigree traced from Adam to the present time. 54 p. 12°. Herbert, printer, 1910. COONS— Coons family genealogical chart. By Percival Coons Wilbur. 311 Almo street, Palo Alto, Cal. CULLOM— Shelby M. Cullom. Fifty years of public service. Personal recollections; of Shelby M. Cullom. 467 p. 8°, Chicago, 1911. A. C. McClurg & Co., publishers. DOUGLAS— Autobiography of Stephen A. Douglas. Frank E. Stevens, pp. 323-342. Tn Vol. 5, No. 3, Oct. 1912. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. See also various lives of Douglas by — Brown, William Garrott. Carr, Clark E. Gardner, William. Johnson, Allen. Milburn, Rev. William A. Sheahan, James W. DUBOIS— Sketch of the Dubois family ; pioneers of Indiana and Illinois. By Helen L. Allen. See pp. 50-65 in Vol. 5, No. 1, April, 1912, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. 120 FAMILY HISTORIES FORDHAM— Elias Pym Fordham. Personal narrative of travels in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky; and a residence in the Illinois Territory, 1817- 1818. With fac-similes of the author's sketches and plans. Edited by Frederic Austin Ogg, A.M. 242 p. 8°. The Arthur H. Clark Co.. publishers. 1906. Cleveland, O. FORMAN— David Forman, 1745-1797. Jonathan Forman, 1755-1809. Thomas Forman, 1758-1845. Three Revolutionary soldiers. Mrs. Charles S. Fairchild and Charles Forman Corts. 28 p. 12°, Cleve- land, O., 1902. The Forman, Bassett, Hatch Co., publishers. GALLAHER FAMILY— See "An Old Tennessee Deed," Lansden. Journal Illinois State Historical Society. Vol. VI, No. 4, January, 1914. GLENDOWYN— Synoptical family history, giving sketches of the Olendowyn, Glen- dening, Clendenin, Clendening, etc., family. Historical and Inferential. 20 p. 8°, Springfield, 111. n. d. Register Office, publishers. HANKS— Nancy Hanks, the story of Abraham Lincoln's mother. By Caroline Hanks Hitchcock. 105 p. 12°, New York, 1899. Doubleday & McClure Co., publishers. KANE-*- Caroline M. B. Kane. Biographical sketch. See pp. 527-535. Tn Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. Volume V, No. 4. January, 1913. LINCOLN— The "Lincoln Poor White Legend." By Prof. Olynthus B. Clark. Address before the Illinois State Historical Society, 1913. LINCOLN— Nancy Hanks, the story of Abraham Lincoln's mother. By Caroline Hanks Hitchcock. 105 p. 12°, New York, 1899. Doubleday & McClure Company, publishers. LOGAN— John A. Logan. Life and services of General John A. Logan. By George Francis Dawson. 580 p. 8°, Chicago, 1887. Belford, Clarke & Co., publishers. MARTIN— Ephraim Martin, Esquire. Colonel of the Fourth New Jersey Regi- ment of the Continental line. By Edmund J. James. See Journal of the Illinois State Histc rical Society. Vol. VII, No. 2, July, 1914. 121 FAMILY HISTORIES OGLESBY— Eichard J. Oglesby. A sketch of Richard J. Oglesby, 1884. By Franc. B. Wilkin. Springfield, 1909. 21 p. 8°. PALMER— John M. Palmer. Personal recollections of John M. Palmer. 631 p. 8°, Cincinnati, 1901. The Robert Clarke Co., publishers. SEMPLE— General James Semple. By Mary Semple Ames Cushman. See pp. 62-74. In publication No. 10, Illinois State Historical Library, 1905. STITES— The Casad and Stites families. By Edmund J. James. See Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. Vol. VII, No. 2, July, 1914. TRUMBULL— Lyman Trumbull. The life of Lyman Trumbull. By Horace White. 458 p. 8°, Boston and N. Y., 1913. Houghton, Mifflin Co., publishers. WEMPLE— Family of Jacksonville, Kewanee and Waverly, Illinois. See New York Genealogical Record. Vol. XLIV, No. 3, July, 1913; No. 4, October, 1913. GENERAL WORKS GENERAL WORKS— Bibliographia Genealogica Americana. An Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees, etc. Daniel P. Durrie. Albany, N\ Y., 1886. Joel Munsell's Sons, publishers. 122 INDEX PAGE Abbe (family) Genealogy 70 Aberdeen, S.D 57 Abington, Mass., History of the town of. ..... 28 Accawmacke, Va., Eastern shore of Virginia in the seventeenth century 60 Ackerley Family 45, 71 Adams, Andrew N., History of the Town of Fairhaven, Vt 58 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., Wessangusset and Weymouth, Mass 33 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., Weymouth thirty years later 33 Adams County, III., In the Military Tract. . l'< Adams, Henry C, Jr., comp. Indiana at Vicksburg 21 Adams, William Frederick, comp. James Hayward. Killed in the Battle of Lexing- ton, April 19, 1775, with genealogical notes relating to the Hay wards 72, 82 Adams, Wm. Frederick and Cutter, Wm. Richard, comps. Genealogical and per- sonal memoirs of Massachusetts 30 Addison County, Vt 59 Addison Family 71 See Selden 96 Alabama, State Archives and History Depart- ment of : 5 Alabama State— Birmingham, Ala 91 Alabama State— Carrollton, Ala 5 Alabama State — Early settlers of Alabama.. 5 Alabama State— Mobile, founding of, 1702-18. . 5 Alabama State— Official and Statistical Re- port of 1911 5 Alabama State— Pickens County, History of. . 5 Albany County, N. Y.— First settlers of the ancient county of Albany from 1(>30-1800.. 40 Albany, N. Y 3, 6, 55, 56, 62, 92, 94, 102, 103, 104. 106, 107, 109 Albright, James W., Greensboro, N.C., 1808- 1904 46 Alden Family— John Alden of Ashfleld, Mass. 71 Alden. Frank Wesley, comp., John Alden of Ashfleld, Mass. and Chatauqua County, N.Y. His Alden ancestors and descendants 71 Aler, F. Vernon — History of Martinsburg and Berkley County, W.Va 69 Alexander Family 71 S««Selden 96 Alexander, La 94 Alexandria, Va.. Old Christ Church in, his- torical sketch of 60 Allaben, Frank— John Watts De Peyster Vol. I only 78 Allen County, Ind.— History of the Maumee River Basin, Allen County, Indiana 19 Allen Family 71 See Selden 96 Allen, Helpn L.— "The Dubois Family," Pioneers of Indiana and Illinois, See Append x Allen JohnC, Secretary of State of Nebraska. 34,111 Allerton Family 71 Allerton, Walter S.— History of the Allerton Family in the United. States 1585-1885 "1 Alsace-Lorraine, Germany 80 Alton, 111 12 PAGE Alvord. Clarence Walworth, editor, The Cahokia Records; Kaskaskiu Record! ernors Letter Books, 1818-1834; Illinois in the Eighteenth Century; Laws of the Terri- tory of Illinois, 1809-1811 116 Amenia.N.Y 40 America 11,74,75,76,80,81,82,92,95,96,100,106,107,11(1.111 America, Baptist Church in, see Asplund ..5,9,10,22,27,28,36,37,40,45,50,54,55,58,60,104 America, Colonial Dames of, New York So- ciety 105 America, Colonial Dames of, Pennsylvania Society 105 America, Colonial families of the Southern States of 105 America— Colonial Familes of the United States of America, by George Norbury Mackenzie 105 America Dissected by (Rev.; J. McSparran, D.D 55 America Heraldica, compilation of coats* of arms, crests, etc 102 America, Irish Race in, bv Edward O'Meagher Condon '. 108 America, Pioneer Mothers of 109 America, Presbyterian Church in, History of from its origin to the year 1760 109 America, Scotch Highlanders in, prior to the peace of 1783 103, 104. im America— Scotch-Irish in History, as Master Builders of Empires, States, Churches. Schools and Civilization, by Rev. James Shaw 110 America— Scotch-Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America, by Charles Knowles Bolton 110 America, Scotch-Irish Society in, proceedings of 11" American Ancestry— Giving the name and the descent in the male line of Americans whose ancestors settled in the United States pre- vious to 1776, 12 vols UH American aDd English Genealogies in the Li- brary of Congress 102. 103 American Education Society Publications- Quarterly Register and Journal of the American Education Society 103 American Genealogies, Alphabetic Index to by Daniel P. Durrie, See Appendix. American Genealogies— Index to American genealogies and to genealogical material con- tained in all works, such as town histories, county histories, local histories, etc., etc 103 "American Genealogist" (The)— Catalogue of familv histories and publications 71,103 American Historical Register 1894, 1895, 1896. Ill American Home Missionary Society, State of \V isconsin "0 American-Irish Historical Society— Annual address by the president, Uen. Edward C. Moseley 103 American Irish in Chicago, Biographical His- tory of 108 American Magazine with Notes and Queries 81,94,98 American Monthly Magazine, published by the National Society D. A. R Ill American Prisoners of the Revolution 103 123 INDEX — Continued PAGE American Revolution— Daughters of the American Revolution 3, 12, 14, 46, 49, 57, 106. 107, 108, HI Americans of Royal Descent, Index to inter- marriages of 103 Amherst, N.H., History of 36 Amos, Anna, Descendants of 101 Amos Familv, see Wallbridge 101 Anderson Family 71 , 72, 78, 83, 93, 94 Anderson, W. K. — Genealogy of Hon. James Semple 96 Andover, Mass., South Church of, historical manual 28 Andrew, (Hon.) John Albion, LL.D 71 Andrew Family 71 Angell, James B., President of the University of Michigan 33 Anglo-American pedigree in the old country, hints for tracing 107 Annals of Lyndon, Osage County, Kansas, by Charles R. Green 93 Anthon, Henry, D.D— St. Mark's Church on the Bowery, New York City, historical no- tices from A.D. 1795 to A.D. 1845 43 Antisdale Family 71 Antisdel Family 71 Antisell, Christopher , 71,100 Antisell Family 71, 100 Antisell, Lawrence 71, 100 Antisell, Mary 71, 100 Arbuthnot, ( A dmiral) Mariot 55 Archaeological and Historical Society of Ohio, Publications of 48 Archives and History, Department of Ala- bama 5 Arch ives of the Indies at Seville 35 Archives of New Jersey 37 Archives of Pennsylvania 50 Archives of West Virginia, Department of 69 Arkansas State— Fayetteville, Ark 5 Arkansas — Historical Association, proceed- ings of 6 Armistead Family 71 SeeSelden 96 Armstrong, William Clinton, A.M.— Lundy Family and their descendants of whatever surname, with a biographical sketch of Benjamin Lundy 88 Arnold, (Col.) Benedict 48 Arnold, James N., Rehoboth, Mass., vital records of, 1642-1896 31 Arnold, Samuel Greene— History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 55 Arnott Family 71 See McMillan 89 Arnott, Mary 89 Arthur, William, M. A.— Etymological diction- ary of family and christian names with an essay on their derivation and import 103 Ashfield, Mass 71 Asplund. John — Annual Register of the Bap- tist Denomination in North America; to the first of November, 1790 -.5,9,10,22,27,28,36,37.40,45,50,54,55,58,60,104 Athens County, Ohio, History of 48 Atkinson, Brig. Gen. Henry, Order and Letter Book of, in the Black Hawk War 17 Atkinson, (Brig. Gen.) Henry, Report of his conduct of the Black Hawk War 17 Atlanta, Ga 10, 11 Atwater, Edward E— History of the Colony of New Haven and its Absorption into Con- necticut, etc 7 Atwater, Francis— History of the Town of Ply- mouth, Conn., etc 8 Augusta County, Va., Annals of, with remin- iscences, biographical sketches 60 Augusta County, Va 54,60 Augusta County, Va., Court Records of, 1745- 1800 60 Augusta County, Va.— Historical Register and Literary Note Book, Virginia, April, 1850.. 60 PAGE Augustin, James M 25 Aurora, N. Y 87 Austin Family 71, 72, 78, 83, 93 Austin, John Osborne, comp. Ancestry of Thirty- three Rhode Islanders Born in the 18th Century, etc., etc 54 Austin, John Osborne — Genealogical Diction- ary of Rhode Island 54, 55 Austin, Tex 58 Bacon, Dolores— Old New England Churches and their Children 109 Bailey Family 72 Bailey. Frederick W., Comp. The Record of my Ancestry 72 Baker, Virginia— History of Warren, Rhode Island in the War of the Revolution 55 Balch Family 72,93 See Peastee 93 Baldwin, Jane (Jane Baldwin Cotton), Comp. Maryland Calendar of Wills 27 Ball Family 72 See Selden 96 Ballard, (Rev.) Edward— Memorial volume of the Popham celebration August 29, 1862 26 Ballard Family 72 Baltimore, Md 10, 27, 86, 95, 96, 97, 99, 105 Baltimore, Md.— Chronicles of Baltimore; being a complete history of Baltimore town and Baltimore city from the earliest period to the present time 27 Bangor. Me 25, 26 Baptist Church— Annual Register of the Bap- tist Denomination in North America; to the first of November, 1790, by John Asplund . .5, 9, 10, 22, 27, 28, 36, 37, 40, 45, 50, 54, 55, 58, 60. 104 Baptist Church, Iowa— Historical sketches of Iowa Baptists 22 Baptist Church— Western States, East of the Mississippi, History of, by Justin A.Smith, D.D 104 Barber, John W. and Howe, Henry, comps. Historical Collections of New Jersey 38 Barford, Lancaster County, Va 60, 76 Barker Familv 71, 72, 78, 83, 93 Barnard, Vt, Indianraid on August9, 1780 91 Barnet, James, editor, Martyrs and Heroes of JJlinois 18 Barney Family 72 See Hayward 82 Baron Family, See LeBaron 86 Barradell, Edward— Colonial Decisions of the General Court of Virginia, 1728-1741 61 Barrett Family 72 Barrett, Joseph Hartwell, A.M 72 Barrett, William 72 Barry Family 72 Barry, William— History of Framingham, Mass 29, 30, 32 Bartlett Family 72, 85, 89, 92. 93, 96. 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 Bartlett, John Russell, editor, Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 54 Barton, R. T. ? editor, Colonial Decisions — Reports by Sir John Randolph and Edward Barradell, General Court of Virginia, 1728- 1741 61 Bass, J. Lawrence— Flint Genealogy 80 Basye Family 72, 76 See Cloyd 76 Batchellor, Albert Stillman, editor, Provincial and State Papers of New Hampshire 37 Battle of Lake Erie, Kentuckians in 24 Battle of Lexington, April 19. 177"> 78, S2 Battle of Plattsburg, War of 1812 Ill See Clark, Byron, N., editor. Bausman, (Rov.) Joseph— History of Beaver County, Pa 50 Bayles, Richard M.— Historical and Descrip- tive sketches of Suffolk County, N.Y 44 124 INDEX — Continued PAGE Baylor Family 72 See Selden 96 Beach, Bessie E., assistant editor— History of the Colony of New Haven 7 Beale Family 72 Beall Family, See Edwards 79 Beaulieu Family 73, 87 See LeSage 87 Beaver County, Pennsylvania, History of 50 Beckwith, A. C, editor, Beckwith Notes 73 Beckwith, A. C. and Lane, H. W., comps.. Genealogical notes on the Families of Daniel Lane (2d) and Mary Griswold Lane 86 Beckwith Family 73 Beckwith, Hiram W., editor, History of Vigo and Parke Counties, Indiana 20 Beckwith, Hiram W., Editor of Illinois His- torical Collections, Vol. 1 116 Beckwith, Marvin 73 Beckwith, Paul— Creoles of St. Louis 35.105 Beland Family 73, 87 See LeSage 87 Belfast, Maine, History of the City of, Vol. I, 1770-1875; Vol. II, 1875-1900, See Appendix. Bellet, Louise Pecquet du— Some Prominent Families of Virginia 67 Belleville Family, see Belvel 72,73, 77,78.79,83,85,88,89,92,93,96,98,99,100,101,102 Belleville, 111 16,90 Beloit, Wis 70 Belvel (or Belleville) Family 72,73 77, 78; 79, 83, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 Benjamin, B. M., comp., Benjamin Families from Columbia County, N.Y 73 Benjamin Family 73 Bennington, Vt., Early History of 58 Benton Family 73 Bergen County, N.J., Wills, 1804-1830 39 Bergen, N.J.— Annals of the Classes of the Reformed Dutch Church 37 Berkeley County, W.Va., History of 69 Berkeley Family 73 See Selden 96 Berkshire County, Mass 31 Bernheim, G. D.— History of the German Set- tlements and of the Lutheran Churches in North and South Carolina, from the Earliest Period of the Colonization of the Dutch, German and Swiss Settlers, to the close of the first half of the present century 46, 55, 56 Berry, Daniel, M.D.— Morris Birkbeck, Arti- cle on 73 Bethlehem, Conn 6 See Woodbury, Conn 9 Beverly Family 73 See Selden 96 Bibliographia Genealogica Americana, by Daniel P. Durrie— See Appendix Billerica, Mass., History of 28 Birdsell Family 73, 91 Birkbeck Family 73 Birkbeck, Morris, by Daniel Berry, M.D.... 73 Birmingham, Ala 91 Bismark, N.D 47 Bittinger, (Rev.) J. Q.— History of Haverhill, N.H 1 36 Black Hawk War— Adjutant General's Re- port State of Illinois 17 Black Hawk War— Atkinson, (Brig. Gen.) Henry, Order and Letter Book. Report of his conduct on, 1832 17 Black Hawk War, 1831-32, Illinois Troops in 16, 17 BlacklHawk War— Johnston, Albert Sidney, Order book of, 1832 17 Black Hawk War— Reynolds, John -Militia Documents. 1832 17 Black Hawk War— Reynolds, John, Orderly Book of, 1832 17 Black Hawk War— Russell, (Prof.) John- Notes on the Black Hawk War 17 Black Hawk War— Stevens, Frank E.— The Black Hawk War, including a review of Black Hawk's life 17 PAGE Black Hawk War— Stevens, Frank E.— Still- man's Defeat 17 Black Hawk War— Wakefield, John Allen- History of the War between the United States and the Sac and Fox Nations of Indians and Parts of Other Disaffected Tribes of Indians in the Years 1827, 1831-32 17 Blackwelder Family 73,96 Blackwelder, I. S., comp., Blackwelder and Scherer Families 73, 96 Blaine, (Mrs.) E. V 52 Blanchard, Charles, editor, History of Clay and Owen Counties, Indiana 19 Bledsoe Family 57, 73 See Sumner County, Tenn. Block Island, R.I., Epitaphs in the burying ground of 54 Bloomington, Illinois 12 13, 16, 19, 75, 78. 83, 85, 89, 90,92,96,98,99,100,101 ,102 Bloomington, 111.— Daughters of the American Revolution, Year Books of Chapter 12 Bloomington, 111.— Gravestone inscriptions in Bloomington and Randolph Townships, McLean County, 111 73 Bloomington Township, McLean County, 111 . 12 Boisseau Family 74 Bolton, Charles Knowles— Scotch-Irish Pio- neers in Ulster and America 32, 110 Bolton, Charles Knowles, comp., Marriage Notices for the whole United States, 1785- 1794 30 Bond, Henry — Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Mass., Etc., Etc., with a Me- moir of the Author, by Horatio Gates Jones, A.M 32,33 Boogher, William Fletcher, comp., Gleanings of Virginia History 63 Boone County, Ind., Portrait and Biograph- ical Record of W Boroimhe, Brian, monument to 90 Boston, Mass 3,28,29,30,31,32,33,58, 59, 61, 71, 78, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 Boston, Mass., Epitaphs from Copp's Hill Burial Ground 28 Boston, Mass.— History of South Boston, Formerly Dorchester Neck 28 Boston, Mass.— Marriages of Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, A.M., Boston, 1717-1769 2* Boston, Mass.— Old South Church (Third Church). Historical Catalogue 1669-1882... 28 Boston, Mass.— Roxbury Town, History of . . . 28 Bourbon County, Ky.— History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison and Nicholas Counties— Su Appendix. Bouton, Nathaniel, D.D., editor, Provincial and State Papers of New Hampshire — 18,37 B outon, Nathaniel— History of Concord , N . 1 1 . from its first grant in 1725 to the organiza- tion of the city government in 1853, with a History of the Ancient Penacooks (with map) 36 Bowditch Family— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church 74 Bowditch, Joel « Bowditch, John 44 Bowie, (Col.) James 58 Bowie, Rezin P 58 Bowman, Isaac— Lieutenant Illinois Regi- ment War of the Revolution 14 Bowman, Isaac S.— Son and executor of Isaac Bowman H Boyd, John— Annals and family records of Winchester, Conn 9 Bradford, Conn.— See New Haven, Colony of. 6,7 Bradford, Vt., History of 58 Bradley, Isaac S., comp., Bibliography of Wisconsin's Participation in the War Between the States 70 Bradley, Justus n . .*. 38 Breckenridge Family 74 See Selden % Breese Family— See Appendix. 125 INDEX — Continued PAGE Breese, Sidney— Family— See Appendix. Brewer Family 74 See Selden 96 Bricknell, Thomas Williams— Ancient Re- cords of Sowans, Mass 32 Bridgewater, Mass., History of the early settlers of 28 Bridgman, Thomas— Epitaphs from Copp's Hill Burial Ground 28 Brinckerhoft Family 74 Brine kerb off, Jon's Dircksen 74 Brinkerhoff, Richard 74 Bristol Parish, Va., History of 61 Bristol Parish, Va., Vestry Book and Register of, 1720-1789 61 British Army 47 Brock, (Dr.) R. A.— Henrico Parish, Va., Vestry Book of, 1730-1773 63 Brock, R. A. — Huguenot Emigration to Vir- ginia, and the settlement at Manakin Town with an appendix of genealogies 64 Brock. R. A.— Official Records of Robert Din- widdie, Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1751-1758 65 Bronson, Henry, M.D. — History of Water- bury, Conn., the original township embrac- ing present Watertown, Plymouth and parts of Oxford, Wolcott, Middlebury, Prospect and Naugatuck, with an appen- dix of biography, genealogy and statistics. . 9 Brooklyn, N. Y 108 Brooks, Charles — History of the Town of Medford, Mass 31 Brooks Family 74 See Greenlee 81, 82 Brooks, Geraldine — Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days 105 Brooks^ Geraldine — Dames and Daughters of the \ oung Republic 105 Brooksville, Me., History of 25, 26 Brown County, HI.— In the Military Tract 15 Brown, Daniel — see New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church 44 Brown Family 44, 74 See Selden 96 Brown, (Rev.) John H., Trial of, by the West Lexington, Ky . Presbytery 23 Brown, John Henry— Indian Wars and Pio- neers of Texas 58 Brown, William Garrott — See Appendix. Browning, Charles H., editor, American His- torical Register, 1894, 1895, 1896 Ill Browning, Charles H.— Americans of Royal Descent, Index to Intermarriages of 103 Browning, Edward Franklin, comp., Genea- logy of the Brownings in America from 1621 to 1908 74 Browning Family 74 Buck, James S. — Milwaukee, Wis., Under the Charter from 1847 to 1853 70 Buck, James S. — Pioneer History of Milwau- kee from first settlement in 1835 to 1841 70 Buck, Solon Justus, editor, Travel and De- scription 1765-1865, Illinois Historical Col- lections, Vol. IX 116 Buckley Family 74,86,95,96,97 See Thomas. Bunker Family 74 Bunker, Mary Powell— Long Island Genealo- fies, being Kindred Descendants of Thomas 'owell 74, 93, 94 Bureau County, 111., Part of, in the Military Tract 15 Burgoyne's Campaign 1776 and 1777, Hadden'e Journal and Orderly Books 107 Burgoyne, (Lieut. Gen.) John 107 Burleigh, Charles, (comp.) Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh family of America 74 Burleigh Family 74 Burley Family 74 Burlington, la 22 PAGE Burlington County, N.J., Wills, 1804-1830.. 39 Burlington, Vt 5(1.11 1 Burnham, (Capt. ) J. H.— John McLean, Article on 89 Burr, Horace— Records of Holv Trinity (Old Swedes) Church Delaware from 1697 to 1773, Etc., translated by 10 Burrows, Senator, J. C, of Michigan 33 Burton, C. M.— Early Detroit 33 Burwell Family 74 See Selden 96 Butler, Mann, A.M. — History of the Common- wealth of Kentucky 22 Butler County, Ohio — Pioneer Biography Sketches of the Lives of some of the Early Settlers of Butler County, Ohio 48 Butter, William, Descendants of 74 Butterfleld, Consul W. — History of Seneca County, Ohio 49 Butterfleld Family 74, 75 Butterfleld Family, Arms of 74 Butters Family 74, 75 Butterworth Family 75 See Butterfleld 74 Butterworth Family, Arms of •. 74 Buxton, Me., Centennial Anniversary of 25 Buxton, Me.— Records of the Proprietors of Narraganset Township No. I, now the Town of Buxton 25 Byrd Family 75 See Selden 96 C Cadwell Family 75 See Caldwell. Cadwell, (Dr.) George, Article on, by Richard W. Mills 75 Cage Family 57, 75 See Tennessee, Sumner County. Caldwell, Augustine 75, 112 Caldwell, Augustine— Caldwell Chronicle 112 Caldwell Chronicle, 1899-1900 75, 112 Caldwell Family 75, 112 Calhoun County, 111., In the Military Tract.. 15 California State 5, 77, 112 California, State Genealogical Society of 5 California State Register— Published by the California Genealogical Society 112 California State— San Francisco, Cal 112 California State — Sons of the American Revo- lution 5 California State — Spanish Archives of Cali- fornia 5 Calkins Family 75 Calkins, William Wirt, Calkins, Memorial Mil- itary Roster with supplement 75 Cambridge, Mass 23, 28, 48 Cambridge, Mass.— The Register Book of Lands and Houses in the " New Town" and the Town of Cambridge 28 Campbell, Charles— Orderly book of that por- tion of the American Army stationed at or near Williamsburg, Va., under the com- mand of General Andrew Lewis from March 18, 1776 to August 28, 1776 69, 109 Campbell County, Ky . , History of 22 Campbell, William W.— Annals of Tryon County; or the Border Warfare of New York during the Revolution 44, 45 Canada, First English Conquest of. Etc 104 Canada— Kirke, Henry, M.A., B.C.L, Oxon., The First Conquest of Canada 86 Canada— Montreal, Can 87, 104 Canada— Tanguay, L. Abbe Cynrien, editor, Dictionaire genealogique des families cana- diennes. etc., etc 104 Candia, N. H., History of 36 Candler, Allen D., A.M., LL.D., comp., Colonial Records of the State of Georgia... 10 Candler, Allen D., A.M., LL.D., comp., Confederate Records of the State of Georgia. 10 126 INDEX — Continued PAGE Candler, Allen D., A.M., LL.D. . comp. . Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia 10,11 Canterbury, England— Wills, 1700-1725, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, England.. 107 Cantrell, Carmi C— Descendants of Zebulon Cantrell the immigrant, covering the period 1700 to 1898 76 Cantrell Family 75 Cantrell, Zebulon, Descendants of 75 Cape Fear Region, N.C.— History of New Hanover County and the Lower Cape Fear Region, 1723-1800 46 Cape May County, N.J., History of 37,88 Cape May County, N.J 37 See Ludlam Family History 88 Cape May County, N.J.— Wills, 1804-1830 39 Capen, Charles L., comp., Descendants of John Capen (1765-1849) and Rhoda Thomson 75 Capen Family 75 Capen, John 75 Cardelle, Clara and Deweese W. B., comps., Letters from an Early Settlor of Texas 58 Carey Family 75,91 See Morton 91 Carleton, (Sir) Cxuy 107 Carpenter Family 75, 76 Carpenter, (Dr.) Seymour D 75 Carr, (Hon.) Clark E.— Life of Stephen A. Douglas— See Appendix. Carr Family 76 Carriel, Mary Turner, Life of, Jonathan Bald- win Turner 100 Carrington, N. D 47 Carroll, B. R., comp., Historical Collections of South Carolina 56 Carroll County, Ind., Recollections of the Early Settlement of 19 Carrollton, Ala. 5 Carter Family 76 See Selden 96 Carter, (Cant.) Thomas, Descendants of 60,76 Cartmell, T. K., comp., Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and their Descendants. A History of Frederick County, Virginia from its for- mation in 1738 to 1908 62 Caruthers, E. W.— North Carolina Revolu- tionary Incidents and Sketches of Character Chiefly in the "Old North State" 47 Carver Family 76 See Gilbert 81 Carv Family 76 'See Selden 96 Casad Family— See Appendix. Case Family 76 Casper, (Rev.) Snyder County, Pennsylvania Marriages 1839-1882 53 Cass County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 3,14 Casseday, Ben.— History of Louisville, K v. from its Earliest Settlement to 1852 23 Castine, Me., History of 25, 26 Castor Family 76 Cathol ic Church, Ky.— Sketches of Early Cath- olic Missions of Kentucky 22, 23 Catholic Church— Stephenson County, III. Golden Jubilee Souvenir 13 Caulkins, Frances Manwaring — History of New London, Conn, from the First Survey of the Coast in 1612 to 1852 7 Caulkins, Frances Manwaring— History of Norwich, Conn, from its Settlement in 1660 to 1848 8 Cauthron, Henry S.— Historv of the City of Vincennes.Ind.. from 1702 to 1901 21 Cauthron, Margaret C 21 Cedar Rapids, la 113 Census or the United States, 1790— Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790.-9,32,37,55.57,107 Chalklev, Lyman— Augusta County, Vs., Records 1745-1800, Abstracts from 60 PAGE Chalkley, Lyman— Chronicles of the Scotch- Irish Settlement, Virginia 60.61 Chamberlayne, Churchill (iibson — Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Va., 1720-1789 61 Chamberlin, George W.— Mayflower Passen- gers, Genealogies of 108 Chamberlin, Henry Barrett— Elias Kent Kane Article on 85 Chambers, Theodore Frelinghuysen The Early Germans of New Jersey, their History, Churches and Genealogies 38 Chandler, J. A. and Thanes, T. B.— Colonial Virginia 61 Chapline Family 76 See Selden 96 Charlestown, Mass.— Genealogies and estates of Charlestown, in the county of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1629-1818 29 Charlestown, N. H., Historv of 36 Charleston S. C 57 64, 110, 114 Charleston. S.C.— Siege of Charleston by the British Fleet and Army 55 Charleston, W. Va 69,94 Charlottesville, Va 65, 67, 103 Charlottesville, W.Va 69 Charloville. (Capt.) Francis— List of Volun- teers of, Entitled to Land for Revolutionary Services 14 Chase. Frank H., comp., Onondaga, N.Y. Soldiers of the Revolution 43 Chautauqua County, N.Y 71 Cheshire, Conn., History of 6,9 See Wallingford, Conn Chew Family 76, 86, 95, 96, 99 See Thomas. Chicago, 111 3,12,13, 17. l-;. 19,20,21 ,22, 35, 49, 71 , 75, 80, 84, 85, 93, 96, 97, 101 . 108 Chicago, 111., American-Irish in. Biographical Historv of 108 Chicago, "PL. Columbian Exposition at, 1893. . 13 Chicago, 111.— Daughters of the American Revolution, Year Books of Chapter 12 Chicago. 111.— Historical Society's Collections, Vol. Ill, quoted 16 Chicago — University of Chicago 116 Child, Frank Samuel— An Old New England Town, Fairfield, Conn 6 Child, Lydia M.— First Settlers of New Eng- land, or Conquest of the Requods, Narra- gansetts, Pokanokets, Etc, Etc I"- 1 Christian, W. Asbury— Richmond, Her Past and Present — See Appendix. Christlieb, Benjamin F. The Christlieb Fam- ily n Christlieb Family W Christy, (Rev.) A. B.— Historical Sketches of Our Twenty-five Churches and Missions. Lake View Congregational Church, Cleve- land, Ohio 49 Churches— Baptist Denomination in North America, Annual Register of, to the First of November, 1790, By John Asplund . .5, 9, 10, 22, 27, 28, 36, 37, 40, 45, 50, 54. .55. 58, 60, 104 Churches— Baptist Church— Baptist Ministers of Virginia 60 Churches— Baptist Church, Iowa— Historical Sketches of Iowa Baptists 22 Churches— Catholic, Kentucky— Sketches of Earlv Catholic Missions of Kentucky 22,23 Churches Catholic Church, Stephenson Comity, (i olden Jubilee, Souvenir of 13 Churches— Congregational. Cleveland, Ohio — Lake View Congregational Church 49 Churches— Congregational Church, Midway. Georgia 11 Churches — Congregational Churches, Wiscon- sin 70 Churches— Elizabeth Town, N.J., St. John's Church 38 Churches— Episcopal— Christ Church, Alex- andria, Va CO 127 INDEX — Continued PACK Churches— Epicopal— Christ Church, Middle- sex, Va 61 Churches Episcopal, Henrico Parish, Va 68 Churches— Episcopal, Narragansett, R. I. Episcopal Church 55 Churches— Episcopal Church— Old St. John's Church, Richmond, Va 63 Churches— Episcopal— Parish RegisterofNew Kent County, Va., from 1680 to 1787 65 Churches— Episcopal, Saint Mark's Parish.Va- 66 Churches— Episcopal— Saint Peter's Parish Register 1680 to 1787 67 Churches— Episcopal — St. John's Church, Elizabeth Town, N.J 38 Churches— Episcopal — St. John's Church, Richmond, Va 63 Churches.— Episcopal— Truro Parish, Va 68 Churches— Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina 46, 55, 56 Churches— Methodist Church— History of Me- thodism in Kentucky 24 Churches— Mormon Church — Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, Lamoni, la.. 113 Churches— New England— Old New England Churches and their Children, by Dolores Bacon 109 Churches— Presbyterian Church in America from its Origin until the Year 1760 109 Churches— Presbyterian Church, Ebenezer, Ky 23 Churches— Presbyterian, Elizabeth, N.J., First Presbyterian and St. John's Church at 38 Churches— Presbyterian Church, Kentucky, History of 24, 61 Churches— Presbyterian, (West) Lexington, Ky 23 Churches— Presbyterian Church (First) of Morristown, N.J 39 Churches— Presbyterian Church, New York Shelter Island . . .44, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 90, 92, 96, 99, 100 Churches— Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N.J., History of 39 Churches— Presbyterian Churches, Wisconsin 70 Churches— Presbyterian Churches in the Val- ley of Virginia 24,61 Churches— Reformed Dutch— Bergen, N.J. , Annals of the Reformed Dutch Church of.. ' 37 Churches— Reformed Dutch— Easton, Pa., First Reformed Church of 51 Churches— (Reformed Dutch)— Hackensack, N.J., First Reformed Dutch Church 38 Churches— St. Mark's Church on the Bowery, New York City 43 Churches— Springfield, Mass., First Church in, History of 32 Cincinnati, Ohio 15, 19, 20, 23, 49, 89,' 90, 110 Cincinnati, Ohio— College Catalogue, 1836-37. . 48 Cincinnati, Ohio, Directory of, 1819 48 Cincinnati, Ohio, Early Annals of, 184i, Sketches and Statistics of 1851, 1859 48 Cincinnati, Society of, France, Order of the the Cincinnati in 104 Cincinnati Society of, Institution and Pro- ceedings of, May 10, 1783 104 Cincinnati, Society of, Massachusetts Society of 32, 104 Cincinnati, Society of— New Jersey State So- ciety of the Cincinnati 39 Cincinnati, Society of— Rhode Island Society of the Cincinnati 104 Cisco, Jay Guy— Historic Sumner County, Tenn., with genealogies of the Bledsoe, Cage and Douglass families 57 Cist, Charles— Cincinnati in 1841; Cincinnati in 1851; Cincinnati in 1859 48 Claremont, N.H 36 Clark, Abigail, Descendants of 73 Clark, A. Howard, comp.. National Register Sons of the American Revolution 110,111 Clark, Byron N., editor, List of Pensioners of the War of 1812 11 1 PAGE Ciark County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 3, 14 Clarke, Edward Stephens, M.D.— Stephens Family with Collateral Branches 98 Clark Family 76, 91 See Morton. Clark, George Rogers 13,14,24 Clark, George Rogers— Army Led by, in his Conquest of the Illinois 13 Clark, George Rogers — List of non-commis- sioned officers and soldiers of the Illinois Regiment and the Western Army under the command of, entitled to bounty lands. . 1 ) Clark, (Prof.) Olynthus B.— Lincoln Poor White Legend — See Appendix. Clark, Samuel A.— The History of St. John's Church, Elizabeth Town, N.J., from the Year 1703 to the Present Time 38 Clark, • Walter, editor, Colonial Records of North Carolina 46, 47 Clary, (Rev.)Dexter— History of the Churches and Ministers Connected with the Presby- terian and Congregational Convention of Wisconsin and of the Operations of the American Home Missionary Society 70 Clay County, Ind., History of 19 Clay Family— See Filson Club Publication, No. 14 76 Clayton Family 76 See Selden 96 Clayton, (Prof.) W. W— History of Steuben County, N.Y 44 Clendenin Family — See Appendix. Cleveland, Ohio 32, 33, 49, 101 Cleveland, Ohio, Lake View Congregational Church 49 Clinton County, Ind., Portrait and Biograph- ical Record of 19 Clinton, (Sir) Henry 55 Clinton, J. W. — Revolutionary Soldiers Bur- ied in Ogle County, List compiled by 14 Clopton, David, Letters Patent Issued to 12 Cloyd, A. D., M.D.— Genealogy of the Cloyd, Basye and Tapp Families in America, with brief sketches referring to the families of Ingels, Jones, Marshall and Smith 76 Cloyd Family 78 Clute, (Rev.) Robert F.— Annals and Parish Register of St. Thomas and St. Denis Parish in South Carolina from 1680 to 1884 57 Coats of arms— See America Heraldica 102 Coats of Arms , B utterfield Family 74 Coats of Arms, Butterworth Family 74 Coats of Arms — See Colonial Families of the United States of America, by Mackenzie.. 105 Coats of Arms, Crozier's General Armory ... 105 Coats of Arms, Gilpin Family 81 Coats of Arms, Hopkins Family S3 Coats of Arms, Judd Family 86 Coe, (Mrs.) Sophia Fidelia Hall— Memoranda relating to the ancestry and family of Sophia Fidelia Hall 82 Cohoes, N.Y., History of 40 Colchester, Conn 91 Colcord, Doane B., B.S., M.D.— Colcord Gen- ealogy—Descendants of Edward Colcord of New Hampshire, 1630-1908 77 Colcord, Edward, Descendants of 77 Colcord Family 77 Colcord, Mahlon J 77 Coles, (Gov.) Edward 15 Colgate Family 77 See Selden 96 Collamer, Newton L., editor, Historical Bul- letin 112 Collins, Arthur, comp., Barry Family 72 Collins, Family 77 Collins, John, Sr., Descendants of 77 Collins, Lewis — Historical Sketches of Ken- tucky 23 Collins, Richard II— Revised edition of Col- lins' History of Kentucky, by.. 23 128 INDEX — Continued PAGE Collins, William 77 Collins, William H.— History of the Collins Family 77 Colonial Dames of America — Delaware So- ciety ? 10 Colonial Dames of America— New York Soci- \ ety. Catalogue of the genealogical and historical library of 105 Colonial Dames of America, Pennsylvania Society of 51, 105 Colonial Dames of America— See Pioneer Mothers of America 109 Colonial Dames of America, Virginia, National Society of 61, 65, 67 Colonial Days, Dames and Daughters of, by Geraldine Brooks 105 Colonial Decisions of the General Court of Virginia, 1728-41 61 Colonial Families of the United States. - In which is given the history, genealogy and armorial bearings of the colonial families who settled in the American colonies from the time of the settlement of Jamestown, 13th ? May, 1607 to the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, by George Norbury Mac- Kenzie, four volumes 105 Colonial Militia of Virginia 1651-1776 61 Colonial Period— Manors of Virginia in Colon- ial Times, by Edith Tunis Sale 61 Colonial Records of the State of Georgia . . 10 Colonial Records of North Carolina 46 Colonial Records of Pennsylvania 50 51 Colonial Virginia, by J. A. Chandler and T. B. Thanes 61 Colonial Virginia Bibliography of, 1754-1776. 62 Colonial Virginia Register 62 Colonial Wars, Society of. General Register.. 105 Colorado State— Denver, Colo- 93 Columbia County, N. Y 73 Columbian Exposition at Chicago, 1893 13 Columbus, Ohio 48, 49, 50, 71, 76, 114 Columbus, Ohio, History of 48 Colyer, Walter— Fordhams and La Serres of the English Settlement in Edwards County, 111 80, 86, 96 Concord, N.H 25, 36, 37. 85, 90, 93, 97 Concord, N.H., History of, from its first grant in 1725 to the organization of the city government in 1S53, with a History of the Ancient Penacooks, (with map) 36 Condit, (Rev.) Aaron, Marriages and Bap- tisms, Hanover, Morris County, N.J., 1746- 1796 38 Condon, Edward O'Meagher— Irish Race in America 108 Congdon Family 19, 77 See Appendix. Congdon, George Edward, comp., Congdon Family 19, 77 See Appendix. Congdon, George Edward — Waterman, Illinois Y tar Books 19 Congregational Church— Lake View Congre- gational Church, Cleveland, Ohio 49 Congregational Church, Midway, Ga 11 Congregational Church, Wisconsin 70 Conkling Family— See New Yorif Shelter Island Presbyterian Church 44 , 77 Conkling, Thomas— See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church 44,77 Connecticut State— Baptist Church— Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America to the 1st June, 1790, Con- necticut 5 Connecticut State— Bethlehem, Conn 6 See Woodbury, Conn 9 Connecticut State— Bradford, Conn 6, 7 Connecticut State— Census, 1790— Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year, 1790, Connecticut. .9, 107 Connecticut State— Cheshire, Conn 6 See Wallingford, Conn 7,9 PAGE Connecticut State— Colchester , Conn 91 Connecticut State— Fairfield, Conn 6,7.91 Connecticut State— Fairfield, Conn— See New Haven, British Invasion of 6,7 Connecticut State— French and Indian War Rolls 1755-57, 1758-S2 6 Connecticut State— Guilford, Conn., History of 6,7 Connecticut State— Hartford, Conn 8,84 Connecticut State— Hartford, Conn., Early Vital Records of— See Appendix. Connecticut State, Historical Society Col- lections of 6, 8 Connecticut State Historical Society— Library list of family genealogies 6 Connecticut State— Litchfield, Conn MM Connecticut State — Lyme, Conn Connecticut State— Meriden, Conn, History of 6,8,9 Connecticut State— Meriden, Conn 8 See Wallingford 9 Connecticut State— Middlebury, Conn., His- tory of 7.9 Connecticut State— Middlebury, Conn 8 See Waterbury, Conn. See Woodbury, Conn. Connecticut State— Nauga tuck, Conn 7,9 See Waterbury, Conn. Connecticut State— New Haven, Conn 6, 7, 91 Connecticut State— New Haven, Conn., Brit- ish Invasion of, Etc 7 Connecticut State— New Haven, Colony of. .. 6,7 Connecticut, New London, History of 7 Connecticut State— New Milford, Conn., Two centuries of 7 Connecticut State— Norwalk Conn., after two hundred and fifty years Connecticut State— Norwich, Conn 8 t 71, 87, 100 Connecticut State — Norwich, Conn., llistorv of, from its Settlement in 1660 to 1845 8 Connecticut State — Oxford, Conn. — See Water- bur y , C onn 8, 9 See Woodbury, Conn 9 Connecticut State— Plymouth. Conn., His- tory of the Town of 8 Connecticut State— Plymouth, Conn.— See Waterbury, Conn 9 Connecticut State— Preston, (Onn lot Connecticut State— Prospect, Conn 8 See Waterbury, Conn 9 Connecticut State— Public Records of the State of Connecticut from October 1771 to February, 1778 8 Connecticut State— Roxbury, Conn.— See Woodbury, Conn Connecticut State— Southbury, Conn. — See Woodbury, Conn Connecticut State— Southold, Conn. — Set New Haven, Colony of 7,9 Connecticut State— Stamford, Conn.— See New Haven, Colony of Connecticut State — Stratford.Conn.— See New Haven, Colony of 7,9 Connecticut State— Torrington, Conn.. II tory of, from its first settlement in 1737, with biographies and genealogies 9 Connecticut State— Wallingford, Conn.. His- tory of, from its settlement in 1670 to the present time 6, 9 Connecticut State— Washington, Conn.- -See Woodbury, Conn 9 Connecticut State — War of the Revolution or- derly book and journals kept by Connecti- cut men while taking part in the American Revolution, 1775-1778 8 Connecticut State— War of the Revolution, Rolls and Lists of Connecticut Men in 6 Connecticut State— Waterbury, Conn., His- tory of 7,9 Connecticut State— Watertown, Conn.,— See Waterbury, Conn 9 Connecticut State— Willington, Conn 71,100 129 INDEX — Continued PAGE Connecticut State— Winchester, Connecticut, Annals and Family Records of 9 Connecticut State — Wolcott, Conn. — See Waterbury, Conn 9 Connecticut— Woodbury, Conn 6, 7, 9 Connecticut State— Woodbury, Conn., His- tory of 7, 9 Connelley Family 77 Connelley, (Maj.) H. C— Recollections of the War between the States 18 Connelley, William Elsey, comp., Doniphan's Expedition and the Conquest of New Mex- ico and California 77 Continental Army During the War of the Revolution, Register of Officers of, April, 1775 to December, 1783 107 Cook County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 3, 14 Cooke Family * 77 ■ See Selden 96 Cooke, John Esten— Lord Fairfax, or the Master of Greenaway Court. A Chronicle of the Valley of the Shenandoah 02 Coons Family. Coons Family Genealogical Chart, by Percival Coons Wilbur— See Ap- pendix. Coons, John W., comp., Indiana at Shiloh 21 Corbin Family -. 77 See Selden 96 Corey, Henry— Land Warrant for Services, War of 1812 16, 77, 1 11 Cornwallis, Lord 47 Cothren, William — History of Ancient Wood- bury, Conn., from the First Indian Deed, 1659 to 1854 9 Couch, Franklin, LL.B.— Genealogy of the Hill, Dean, Pinckney, Austin, Barker, Anderson, Rhoades and Finch Families 71 , 72, 78, 80, 93, 94, 95 Coudersport, Pa 77 ( 'owles, Alfred, Article on, by Dr. J. F. Snyder 77 Cowles Family 77 Cox Family ....72,77,83,85,88.89,92,93,96,98,99,100,101,102 Cox, Isaac Joslin — Thomas Sloo, Jr., Article on 97 Creigh. Alfred — History of Washington County, Pa 54 Creoles of St. Louis 35, 105 Crippen, Edward, Diary of, 27 III. Vol. Regi- ment, War of the Rebellion, 1861-63 18 Crockett, (Col.) David 58 Crowshaw Family 77 See Selden 96 Crozier, William Armstrong, F.R.S.— Colonial Militia ofVirginia, 1651-1776 61 Crozier, William Armstrong, F.R.S., editor, Register of American Families Entitled to Coat Armor 105 Crozier, William Armstrong, F.R.S.— Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania County, 1721- 1800 67 Cullom Family — See Appendix. Cullom, Shelby M., Family— See Appendix. Culpeper County. Va., Genealogical and His- torical Notes of. 62,60 Cumberland County, N.J.— Gouldtown, Set- tlement of, Ancient Date— See Appendix. Cumberland County, N.J.— Wills, 1804-1830. . 39 Currier, Horace True, History of the AUerton Family, revised and enlarged by 71 Cushing, Alonzo H 70 ('ashing Family 70,78 Cashing, Howard B 70 Cushing, William B 70 Cushman, Mary Semple Ames — General James Semple, Article on— See Appendix. Custer (Custer of Pennsylvania) Family 72,83,85,88,89,92,93,96,98,99, 100, 101, 102 Custer, Milo 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 72, 77,78,79,83,85,88,89,92,93,96,98,99,100,101,102 Custer. Milo, comp., Bloom ingt on and Ran- dolph Townships, Some Old Gravestone Inscriptions in 12, 73 Custer, Milo, comp. .Genealogical Notes of Cen- tral Illinois 12 Custer, Milo., editor, Hinshaw and Henshaw Families 83 Custer, Milo, comp., Illinois (Central) Obitu- aries, 1871-1880 13 Custer, Milo— McLean County, Illinois Census of 1840. Heads of Families of McLean County, III., at the Census of 1840 (Taken by Jacob Spawr), copied and rearranged by Milo Custer 89 Custer, Milo, comp., Old Family Records of McLean County 12 Custer, Milo, comp., Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in McLean County 12,16 Custer, Milo, comp., Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in Peoria County 13, 16 Custer, Milo, comp.. Some Old Family Re- cords, Bartlett, Belvel (or Belleville), Dille, Cox, Custer, (Custer of Perm), Evans, Vezzy, Hendrix, Jones, Luce, Mackenzie, Orendorff, Parker,Piper, Short, Stinespring, Swartz, Zook, (or Zug), Webb 72, 77, 78, 79. 83, 85, 88, 89. 92, 93 , 96 , 98, 99, 100, 101 , 102 Custer, Milo — Some Old Gravestone Inscrip- tions in Bloomington and Randolph Town- ships 12, 73 Cutter, William Richard and Adams, William Frederick, comps., Genealogical and Per- sonal Memoirs of Massachusetts 30 Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days, by Geraldine Brooks 105 Dames and Daughters of the Young Republic, by Geraldine Brooks 105 Dana, E. — Bounty Lands in the State of Illinois, Description, Etc 15 Dandridge, Danske — American Prisoners of the Revolution 103 Dandridge, Danske — Historic Shepherdstown 67,69 Dandridge Family 78 See Selden 96 Dankers, Jasper— Journal of a Voyage to New York and a Tour in Several of the American Colonies in 1679-80 40, 108 Danville, 111. — Daughters of the American Revolution, Year Books of Chapter of 12 Darling, Carlos Parsons — Military Lists and Other Documents Relating to Vermont History Found amount the Papers of Capt. Luke Parsons 59, 111 Daughters of the American Revolution, of Illinois Ancestry 14 Daughters of the American Revolution, Illi- nois State Annual Conferences, Reports).' 12,107 Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society 12, 14, 46, 49. 57, 106, 107 Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society, Annual Reports of 106 Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society, Brief History of, by Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson 106 Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society, Directory of 106 Daughters of the American Revolution, National Society, Lineage Books of 106 Daughters of the American Revolution, North Carolina Society of 46,114 Daughters of the American Revolution, Ohio New Connecticut Chapter D. A. It., Plainesville, Ohio 49 — 9 H S 130 INDEX — Continued PAOE Dauphin County, Pa.— Scraps of Dauphin County, History 61 Davidson,(Rev.) Robert— History of the Pres- byterian Church in the State o"f Kentucky, with a Preliminary Sketch of the Churches in the Valley of Virginia 24,61,64 Davis, Charles Henry, M.l). History of Wal- lingford, Conn;, from its Settlement in 1670, to the Present Time, Etc., Etc 6,9 Davis, J.— First Settlers of Virginia, An His- torical Novel 62 Davis, Jefferson 35 Davis, William T.— Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth 31 Dawson, Henry B., editor, Historical Maga- zine with Notes and Queries, 1857 18/4; also extra numbers (except No. 2) 1, 1907, to XXXI, mil; William Abbatt, editor.. 11 2. 11:! Day Family 78, 98 Dayton, Va 66 Dean Family 71, 72, 78,83, 08, 1 Dearborn County, Indiana, History of 19 Decatur, Illinois— Daughters of the American Revolution. Year Books of Chapter 12 De Courcy, B. W., comp., Milesian Families of Ireland, Genealogical History of 90 Dedham, Mass., First Church in, Two Hun- dredth and Fiftieth Anniversary of, 1638-1888 29 De Hass, Wills— History of Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia 60 DeKalb County, 111 19 De Lancey. Edward Floyd, editor, History of New York During the Revolutionary War. . 45 Delaney, Martin R., Life and Public Services of 78 Delaware County, Ind., History of 19 Delaware, Ohio 71 Delaware County, Pa 92 Delaware State — Baptist Church — Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America to the First of November, 1790, Delaware 9 Delaware State. Colonial Dames of 10 Delaware State Historical Society 10 Delaware State — New Castle County, Calen- dar Wills of, 1682-1800 * 10 Delaware State— Sussex County Delaware, Some Records of 10 Delaware State— Wilmington, Del. — Records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Del- aware from 1697 to 1773 10 Deming Family 78 Denny, (Maj.) E., Military Journal of, 1781 to 1795 53 Denton Family 78 I '.■liver, Colo 93 De Peyster, John Watts 78,109 DePeyster, J. Watts, LL.D.,M.A.— Historical introduction by, illustrating the life of Sir John Johnson 109 See Orderly Book of Sir John Johnson. DeSoto, Hernando 35 Detroit, Mich Early Days in, papers written by General I riend Palmer 33 Detroit, Mich., Early Detroit, by ('. M. Burton 33 Detroit, Mich.. Evacuation of, by the Britten, Centennial Celebration of, July 11, 1S96 33 Deweoa 1 Dewoese / Family 7s Deweese, W. B. and Cardelle, Clara, comps., Letten from an Early Settler of Texas :,s Dexter, Franklin B.— Diarv of David McClure 1748-1820, notes bv Franklin B. Dexter. .88 I". D-xter, 0. P., M.A.. LL.B.— Index to Sav- age's Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England.... 106 Pla rt aa Crfppen, Edward, Diarv of, 27 111. Vol. Regiment, 1861 -63 18 Diarios -Hutchinson, Thomas, Diarv and Letters of ". 106 PAGE Diaries— Waddell, Joseph A., Diary of, War of the Rebellion, 1861-65 60 Dictionaries — Canada — See Tanguay 104 Dictionaries— Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names 103 Dictionaries -Rhode Island Genealogical. Dic- tionary of Dictionaries. Savage's Genealogical Diction- ary of the First Settlers of New England. also index to same compiled by O. P. Dexter, M. A., LL.B 106 Dictionaries— United States Army Historical Register and Dictionary, from its < Organisa- tion September 29, 1789 to March 2, 1MB. ... 107 Dille Family 72. 77, 78, 79, S3, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99, inn. mi ,MU Dillman Family 78 8a Boater Dillon. John B— History of Indiana from 1816 to 1856 It Dinwiddle, Robert, official Records of. 17S1 Directories— Hoyne's Annual Directory of Homeopathic Physician* In the state of Illinois for the Year ls79 '. 12 Directories— Illinois — Church directories. town and city directories; sources to be consulted. 12 Directories— Montague's Early Settlers of Kaskaskia. A directory and business mir- ror, historical sketches of Randolph County, 111 12 District of Columbia Doniphan's Expedition and the Conquest of New Mexico and California 77 Doonigan, John 13 Dorchester, Mass.— Births, Marriages and Deaths to the End of 1825 28. 29 Dorchester Neck, Mass.— see Boston Douglas Family— See Appendix. Douglas Family— See New York Shelter Is- land Presbyterian Church 79 Douglas, Stephen Arnold, Family— See Ap- pendix. Douglas, Stephen A.— Lincoln Douglas De- bates 116 Douglass Family— See Tennessee, Sumner ( Scanty " ,: ■ "'■' Douglass, Mass.— History of the Town of Douglass, Mass., from the Earliest Period to the close of 1878 Dover, N.J Dowd.Jerome— Sketches of Prominent Living North Carolinians '7 Draxe, S imuel Adams— History of Middlesex ( '. unity. Mass 31 Draper. "(Mrs .) Amos ( ;. —Revolutionary Sol- di, rs of South Carol na Dublin. Ireland 81,98 Dubois Family— See Appendix. Duchess County, N.Y., History of, from 1609 to 1876 40 Dudley, Dean — Descendants of Gov. Thomas Dudley, Memorial of the Reunion of I 1 Hidlev Famil v *• Dudley, (Gov.) Thomas. Descendants of, Memorial of the Reunion of ''■' Duttield Family See Gilbert 81 Duffield.tCol.) II. M Dumonl Family ™ Duncan. S. M., associate author -History of Jessamine Countv, Ky.— Set Appe n d ix . Durrie, Daniel P.- Bibhographia Get Americana. An alphabetical Ind American genealogies and i >edigrees— See Appendix. Duxburv, Mass.-Copv of the old Records of the Town of Duxburv, Mass., from 1643 to 1770 29 Duxburv, Mass— History of the Town of Dux- burv, Mass.. with genealogical registers 29 131 INDEX — Continued E PAGE K;»sth:i!ii|)t(in. Mass. History of. Ita Settlement. growth, etc.. together with a genealogical record of its original families 29 Easton. Pa., First Settlors of, 'The Forks of the Delaware, "being a translation from the daman of the record books of "The First Reformed Church of Easton, Pa."...-. 51 Eaton, S. J. M., D.D.— Sketch of the History of Venango County, Pennsylvania 53 Bbenmar. Ga. — Salzburgers and their Des- cendants; being the history of a colony of < lermans (Lutherans) protestants. whoemi- grated to Georgia in 1734 and settled at Ebenezer 10,95 Eckenrode, H. J. Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia, List of, compiled by 62,66 Eddy, T. M., D.D.— The Patriotism of Illi- nois is Edenton, N.C 46 Edgar Family 79 Edgar, John, Article on, by James H. Roberts 79 Education — American Education Society Publications, Quarterly Register and Jour- nal of 103 Education — Chicago, University of 116 Education— Cincinnati, Ohio—College Cata- logue, 1S36-37 48 Education— Illinois— College and school cata- logues, sources to be consulted 12 Education— Illinois, University of, Alumni * Record, 1913. contains genealogical material — See Appendix. Education— Indiana— Franklin College, Franklin, Ind., first half century of 20 Education— Madison University, Hamilton, X.Y.. First half century of. 1819-1880 41 Education — Mississippi, State University. ... 34 Education — North Dakota. University of 47 Education — University of Chicago 116 Education — University of Illinois Alumni Record, 1913— See Appendix. Education— William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va 68, 69 Edwards, Albert S., eomp., Historic Sketches of the Beall and Edwards Families and their Descendants. 360 to 1892 79 Ed wards County, 111., English Settlement in. 86, 96 Edwards County, 111., Fordhamsand LaSerres of the English Settlement in 80 Edwards Family 79 Edwards, Georgia Hortense, eomp., Historic Sketches of the Edwards and Todd Families and their Descendants, 1523-1895 79 Edwards, Ninian— History of Illinoisfrom 1778 to 1888! and Life and Times of Ninian Ed- wards, by his son Ninian Wirt Edwards.. 15 Edwards. Ninian— Ninian Edwards Chapter D. A. R. place tablet in court house, Ed- wardsville, 111 14 Edwards Papers — Chicago Historical Societies Collection, Vol. Ill, edited by E. B. Wash- burne 15 Edwardsville, 111.— Tablet placed in court house to Revolutionary soldiers buried in Madison County, by Ninian Edwards Chapter D. A. R 11 Egle, William H., M.D. and Linn, John P.., editors, Pennsylvania Archives 50,51,53 Egle, William Henry. M.D., M.A., editor.. Notes and (Queries. Periodical 53,114 Egle, William H., M.D., editor, Pennsylvania Archives 50, 51,53 Elizabeth, N.J. — Inscriptions on tombstones and monuments in the burying grounds of the First Prosbyterian Church and St. John's Church, Elizabeth, N.J 38 Elizabeth Town, N.J. —History of St. John's Church, Elizabeth Town, N.J., from the Year 1703 to the Present Time 38 E lkhorn, Wis 73, 86 PAGE Ellet, Elizabeth F.— Queens of American Society 109 Ellet, Elizabeth F.— Women of the American Revolution Ill Ellicott Family 79,95,96 Set Thomas. Ell iott Family 99 Elliot, Isaac H.— Adjutant General, State of Illinois 13, 16. 17 Elliot, Isaac H. — Record of the Services of Illinois Soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1R31-32, and in the Mexican War, 1846-48, with an Appendix giving a Record of the Services of the Illinois Militia Rangers and Riflemen in Protecting the Frontier from the Ravages of the Indians, from 1810 to 1813.. W, 17 Elliott. Joseph P.— History of Evansville and Vanderburgh Countv, Ind 20 Ellis, Charles M.— History of Roxbury Town, Mass 28,31 Ellis, Edward S.— Life of Col. David Crockett 58 Ellis, Frank and Evans, Samuel, comps., Biographical History of Lancaster County, Pa 52 Ellis. John P.— Delaware County, Indiana, History of 19 Emerson, William A.— History of the Town of Douglass, Mass., from the Earliest Period to the Close of 1878 29 Endicott, Charles M., eomp., The Endicott Family 79 Endicott Family 79 England 26, 74, 80, 81,95, 100, 107 England — Gloucester, England 92 England— London. England 84, 104, 106, 107 England— Stadaugh (Suffolk County) 80 England, Suffolk County 80 English Genealogies— American and English Genealogies in the Library of Congress.. 102, 103 English Surnames — An essay on family nom- enclature, historical, etymological and hu- morous 106 E piscopal Church— Bristol Parish, Va 61 Episcopal Church— Christ Church, Alexan- dria, Va 60 Episcopal Church— Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va 61 Episcopal Church— Henrico Parish, Va 63 Episcopal Church — Narragansett, R.I 55 F:pisconal Church— St. John's Church, Rich- mond, Va -. - . - 63 Episcopal Church— Saint Peter's Parish Reg- ister, New Kent County, Va., from 1680 to 1787 65 Episcopal Church— Truro Parish, Va., History of 68 Erlenwiger, (Rev.) C. G., Snyder County, Pa. — Marriages, Snyder County, Pennsylvania, 1840-1875 53 F2skridge Family 79 See Selden 96 Essex County, Mass.— Essex Antiquarian Magazine, devoted to the history, genealogy, etc., of Essex Countv 29. 72, 1 \2 Essex Countv, N.J.— Wills, 1804-1830 39 Estill County, Kv.— History of Irvine and Estill Counties, Ky 23 Etheridge, George, eomp., Copv of the Old Records of the Town of Duxbury, Mass., from 1642 to 1770, Made in the Year 1892.. 29 Evans Family 7L\ 7'.i. '.'.93.96.98,99.100,101,102 F'vans, Samuel and Kllis, Frank., comps., History of Lancaster County, Pa 52 E vanstoii. Ill ., 82,91 Evansville, Ind., History of 20, 24 F Fairfax Family 79,99 See Thomas. Fairfield, Conn 6, 7,91 132 INDEX — Continued PAGE Fairfield, Conn— See New Haven, British Invasion of 6,7 Fairfield, Conn.— Old New England Town. . . 6 Fairfield Family 80 Fair Haven, Vt. , History of 58 Family and Christian Names, An Etymolog- ical Dictionary of 103 Farnsworth, Oliver 48 Farquhar, William Henry -Annals of Sandy Springs, or Twenty Years History of a Rural Community in Maryland 27 Fayette Count v. Ind. , History of 20, 21 Pavel teville. Ark 5 Ffrench. Charles F.— Biographical History of the Irish Race in Chicago 108 Field Family 80 Field, Hurbutusdela 80 Filson Club, Louisville, Ky., publications quoted 23. 21, 76,85,97 Filson Club. Publication No. 14, quoted.... 76, 97 Finch Family 71, 72, 78, 80, 83, 91, 93, 94 See Hill. Fisk j r ., Fiske/ Family 80 Flake, Symond 80 Flagg, C. A. and Waters, W. O.— Virginia Sol- diers in the Revolution. Bibliography of muster and pay rolls, regimental histories, etc., etc 66 Flatbush, Kings County, L.I., History of 40 Flinn, Zadoc W., Letters patent issued to 12 Flint Family 80 Fontaine Family 80 See Selden 96 Fontaine. ( Rev.) James 80, 84 Foote,(Rev.) William Henry, D.D.— Sketches of Virginia 67 Forgotten Statesmen of Illinois Series, refer- ence to 99, 101 , 102 Ford Family 80 Ford, Thomas— Governor Thomas Ford and his Family, by Dr. J. F. Snyder 80 Ford, Thomas — Oovernor Thomas Ford in Ogle County, by Rebecca H. Kauffman 80 Fordham, Elias Pym, Narrative of— See Ap- pendix. Fordham Family '.SO, 96 Fcrman, David— Revolutionary Soldier— See Appendix. Forman, Jonathan— Revolutionary Soldier- See Appendix. Forman, Thomas— Revolutionary Soldier— •See Appendix. Forrest Family 81 See Selden 96 Forrest, William S.— Norfolk, Virginia, His- torical and Descriptive Sketch of 65 Fort McHenry— The Citizen Soldiers' at North Point and Fort McHenry, September 13, 14, 1814 27 Foxcroft. (Rev.) Thomas, A.M.,— Marriages of Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, Boston, 1717-1/69.. 28 Fox Indians 93 Framingham, Mass., History of— including the plantation from 1640 to the present time. . .29,30 I ranee, Country of 25, 92 France— Cincinnati, Order of in. (L'Ordre de Clncinnatus) organization and history of 104 Frankford, Pa 70,72,76,79,80,81,83,86,94,98,101,102 Franklin County, Ind., History of 20, 21 Franklin, Ind.— Franklin College, First Half Century of 20 Franklin, Pa 53 Franklin State, Tennessee, A part of 57 Frederick County, Va 62,67 Frederick County, Va.— Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and their Descendants. A His- tory of Frederick County, Va., from its for- mation in 1738 to 1908 62 Freeman Family 78, 81, 94, 98 Freeport, 111 13 PAGE Freese, L. J., comp., Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in Woodford County, 111 19 French and Indian Wars French and Indian War Rolls— Connectteul . . 6 French and Indian War, Virginia Men li Vol. VTI, Hening's Statutes of Virginia 68 French Family of Belturbet 81,98 French Occupation in Western I'einisvlvania, 1681-1784 " 51 French Soldiers and Sailors in the War of Hie Revolution, List of 106 Frey, Samuel Ludlow, Minute Book of the Committee of Safety, Tryon County, N.Y., Notes by 45 Full wood "Family 81 See Halley, Parry, Fvke. Fulton County, Ill—In the Military Tract. ... 15 G Galesburg, 111.— Daughters of the American Revolution . Year Books of Chapter 12 Gallaher Family— See Appendix i ramble Family 81 See Selden 96 Gayarre, Charles— Essai Historique sur La Louisiane Gayarrfi, Charles— Hi stoi re de la Louisiane Gayarre, Charles — Louisiana, Its Colonial His- tory and Romance 25 Geauga County, Ohio, Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 48. 19 Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Massa- chusetts 30 Genealogical Articles— List of titles in Ameri- can periodicals and kindred works giving the name, residence, and earliest date of the first settler of each family, etc 106 Genealogical Bulletins— Nos. 1,11, September 15, 1903, October 24, 1903 112 Genealogical Collection — Abstract of Vol. I, Malcolm Maeboath 103 Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island. Genealogical Dictionary — Savage's Genealogi- cal Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, also" index to same 106 Genealogical Library— Colonial Dames of New York, Catalogue of 105 Genealogical Notes of Central Illinois 12 Genealogical Quarterly and Magazine of New England History 11-' Genealogical Register— See Browning, Charles H., editor HI Genealogical Register, Vol. I, 1913, edited by William M. Mervine 1"? Genealogical Society of Maine 26 Genealogical Society of New York 41 Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Publi- cations of 51 , 52 Genealogical Society of I'tah. Publications of. 58 Genealogies and Pedigrees, Index to. in New England Historical and Genealogical ister. for fifty years, January. 1M7 to her, 1896.. .."..' 108 Genealogy and the West, bv Mrs. Harriet Taylor. 107 George Rogers Clark Papers, edited by Prof. J. A. James 116 Georgia State— Atlanta, Ga 10, 1 1 Georgia State— Confederate Records of the State of Georgia 1° Georgia State— Colonial Records of the State of 10 Georgia State, Dead Towns of, by Charles C. Jones, Jr 10 Georgia State -Kbenezer, Ga.— Colony of Ger- man (Lutheran) Protestants in 95 Georgia State. Historical Collections of, (Rev.) George White, M.A.,comp 11 Georgia State— Jones, Charles C, Jr., LL.D.— History of Georgia, 2 vols 11 Georgia State, Landmarks, Memorials and Legends of U 133 INDEX — Continued , PAGE Georgia State— Midway, Georgia, Congrega- tional Church History of 11 Georgia State — Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia 10, 11 Georgia State— St. Mary's, Georgia, Historical Sketches of 11 Georgia State— Savannah, Ga 10,11,95 Georgia State— Stephens, Thomas— Brief Ac- count of the Causes that have Retarded the Progress of the Colony of Georgia, Etc 11 Georgia State— Stevens, (Rev.) William Bacon, M.D.— History of Georgia from its First Discovery by Europeans to the Adop- tion of the Present Constitution in 1798 11 German Element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia 67 German Settlement in Georgia 95 German Settlements in North Carolina.. 46, 55, 56 German Settlements in South Carolina. . .46, 55, 56 Germantown, Pa 110 G ilbert Family 81 Gilpin Family — name, arms and crest 81 Gist, (Col.) Nathaniel— Virginia Regiment, 1777, names of the captains and privates of 63 Glasgow, Scotland 110 Glengarry Family 63.88 Glendowyn Family— See Appendix. Gloucester County, N.J.— Wills, 1804-1830... 39 Gloucester, England 92 Goldsboro, N.C , 46, 47 Goodrich Family 81 Goodrich, John E., comp., Vermont Soldiers in the Revolutionary War, 1775 to 1783 60, Goodwin, (Rev.) Edward and Slaughter, (Rev.) Philip, D.D.— History of Truro Parish, edited with notes and addenda 68 Goodwin, (Captain) William F., U.S. A.— Doc- umentary introduction, to records of the proprietors of Narraganset Township No. I, now the town of Buxton, Me 25 Goudy Family 81 Gouldtown, N.J., Settlement of, Ancient Date — See Appendix. Grafton, Mass., History of 30 Q raham Family 81 Graham, (Hon.) James, Descendants of 45 Grand Rapids, Mich., Historical Society, Pubs 34 Grant Family 81 Grant, Ulysses S. , Ancestry of 81 Graves Family 81 SeeSelden 96 G reat Britain 92 Green, Charles R.— Annals of Lyndon, Kan. . 93 Green, Charles R.— Early Days in Kansas— Along the Santa F6 Trail 22 Green, Charles R., comp., History of the Peas- lee, Balch, Stonebraker Families 93 Greene County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 3,14 Green, Henry Clinton and Green, Mary Wol- cott, A. B.— Pioneer Mothers of America. A record of the more notable women of the early days of the country and particularly of the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods. . 109 Green,(Rev.) Jacob— Marriages and Baptisms of Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey 38 Green, (Miss) L., (comp.), Colonial Dames of New York, Catalogue of the Genealogical and Historical Library of 105 Greene, Evarts Boutell, Ph.D.— Illinois His- torical Collections, Vols. IV, VH.edited by. 116 Greene, (Gen.) Nathaniel, Sketches of Life and Correspondence of 110 Green, Raleigh Travers — Genealogical and Historical Notes of Culpeper County, Va., embracing a revised and enlarged edition of Dr. Philip Slaughter's, History of St. Mark's Parish 62, 66 Green, Thomas Marshall — Historic Families of Kentucky with special reference to stocks immediately derived from the Valley of Virginia 23, 63 PAGE Greenlaw, Lucy Hall, pub., Genealogical Advertiser, Magazine of Family Historv. . . 112 Greenlee, Elizabeth Brooks, Ancestors of... 74, 81 Greenlee, Emily Brooks, Ancestors of 74,81 G reenlee Family 74 , 81, 82 Greenlee, Ralph Stebbins and Greenlee, Robert Lemuel, comps., Genealogy of the Greenlee Famitios in America, Scotland, Ireland and England 74, 81, 82 Greenlee, Robert Lemuel and Greenlee, Ralph Stebbins, comps., Genealogy of the Greenlee families of America, Scotland, Ireland and England 74,81 ,82 Greensboro, N.C, Facts, Figures, Traditions, Reminiscences of, 1808-1904 46 Greenville County, S.C., First Settlement of. . 56 Greenville, S.C, Founding of the City of 56 Greer, Charles Cabell— Early Virginia Immi- grants, 1623-1666 62 Gresham Family 82 Grisby, Hugh Blair— Virginia Convention of 1776 68 Griswold Family 82 See Lane 86 Groton, Mass, Celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of 30 Guest Family 82 Guilford, Conn.— see History of the Colony of New Haven, by Robert Atwater Smith ' V Guilford, Conn, History of,from its firstsettle- ment in 1639 6 Hackensack, N.J., First Reformed (Dutch) Church 38 Hadden, (Lieut.) James, Journal and Orderly Books, 1776, 1777, 1778 107 Hagerstown, Md . . . 69 Haight, Theron Wilber— Three Wisconsin Cushings 70 Hair, James T., comp., Gazetteer of Madison County, 111 13 Hale Family, of Connecticut 82 Hale, J. S. and Laidley, W. S., editors, West Virginia Historical Magazine 69 Hall, Everard — Virginia State Reports, Di- gested Index to 68 Hall Family 82 See also New York Shelter Island Presby- terian Church 44 Hall, John, D.D.— History of the Presbyter- ian Church in Trenton, N.J., from the first settlement of the town 39 Hall, Sophia Fidelia, Memoranda Relating to the Ancestry and Family of 82 Halley Family 82,94 Halsey, Edmund D 38, 39 Halsey, Edmund D. and Wheeler, William Ogden, comps., Inscriptions on Tombstones and Monuments in the Burying Grounds of the First Presbyterian Church and St. John's Church, Elizabeth, N.J 38 Halsey, Edmund D. and Wheeler William Ogden, comps., Inscriptions on the Tomb- stones and Monuments in the Graveyards at Whippany and Hanover, N.J , Morris County 39 Hamlin, (Madame) Caroline— LeSage, Hudon, Beaulieu and Beland Families 87 Hamlin Family 82, 87 See LaSage. Hamilton, N.Y.— Madison University, First Half Century of, 1819-1869 41 Hamilton, Peter J., LL.D.— Founding of Mobile, 1702-1718 5 Hammond, Isaac W., editor, Provincial and State Papers of New Hampshire 37 Hancock County, 111.— In the Military Tract. . 15 Hanks Family— See Appendix. 134 INDEX — Continued PAGE Hanover, N.J. — Church members, marriages and baptisms at Hanover, N.J., during the pastorates of Rev. Jacob Green and to the settlement of Rev. Aaron Condit, 1746-1796. 38 Hanson, J. Howard— Minute Book of the Committee of Safety, Tryon County, N.Y., Introduction by ." 45 Hardy, Stella Prlckctt— Colonial Familios of the Southern States of America. A history and genealogy of colonial families, who settled in the colonies prior to the Revolu- tion 105 Harpswell, Me 85,96 Harris, Alexander— Lancaster County, Pa., History of 52 Harris, Edward Doubleday— Copy of the Old Epitaphs in the Burying Ground of Block Island, R.I 54 Harrisburg, Pa 50, 51, 53, 85, 113, 114 Harrison County, Ky.—See Bourbon, Appen- dix. Hartford County, Conn 84 Hartford, Conn 0,8 Hartford, Conn.— First Church in Hartford, 1888-1866, Catalogue of 6 Hartford, Conn., Vital Records of— See Appen- dix Hartford, Vt.— History of M Hass, Wills de— History of Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia— See DeHass 69 Hassler, Edgar W.— Old Westmoreland. A HiBtory of Western Pennsylvania during the Revolution 54 Hathaway, J. R. B., editor of, Historical and Genealogical Register of North Carolina M Havens Family 44, 82 Havens, George 44 Havens, Henry 44 Havens, John 44 Havens, Jonathan 1 1 Havens, Joseph 44 HarerhlU, Nil.. History of 36 Haviland Family, Gonealogy of 45, 82 See Westchester County, N. Y 45 Hayes Family 82 Haves, Richard, Descendants of 82 Hayes, Titus 82 Haynie, I. N., Adjutant General State of Illi- nois, reports, 1861-456 18 Hay ward Family 72, 82 Hay ward, James, Killed in the Battle of Lex- ington, April 19, 177') 72,82 Haywood, John— Civil and Political 1 1 istorv of the State of Tennessee from its Earliest Set- tlement up to the Year 1796, including the Boundaries of the State 57 Ha/en, (Rev.) Henry A., A.M.— History of Hillerica, Mass., with a genealogical register 2S Heads of familes at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 9. 27, 37, 55. 57, 107 II lit man. Francis B.. comp., Continent ll Army During the War of (lie Revolution. Register of Officers of, April, 1T7."> to Decem- ber, 1783, newrevised and enlarged edition.. 107 Heitman, FrancisB.— Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army from its Organization September 29, 1789 to March 2, 1903 107 Helmershaii8en Family 83 llelmerhausen. Henry Charles Frederick, Jr., Autobiography of 83 Hemenwav Family of Massachusetts 83 Heinenway, Ralph, Descendants of 83 Hemenwav, Rufiis, Descendants of •. 83 Henderson County, 111 15,93 Henderson County, III.— In the Military Tract 15 Henderson County, III., Revolutionary Sol- diers Buried in II Hendrick, (Rev.) James P., D.D.— Kbcnezer Presbytery of Kentucky, History of 23 PAGE Hendrick, William J.— Rev. James P. Hen- drick, I >.!>.. Memoirs, with an appendix containing History of Ebenezer Presbytery, Kentucky 23 Hendrix Familv 72,88,85, 88,92,93,96.98,99, 101, 102 Hening, William Waller— Statutes of Virginia, 619 to 1792: also continuation of the same by Samuel Shepherd, 1792 to 1806 63 Hening, William Waller— The New Virginia Justice. (Contains a list of the subscribers to the work) 63 II eurico Taris, Va.— History of Henrico Parish and Old St. John's Church, Richmond, Va., 181 1-1904 63 Henrico Parish, Va., Vestry Book of, 1730-177:j tvi Henry County, III., Part of, in the Military Tract 15 Henry F'amily 83 See Selden 96 Henry IV of England 80 Henshaw Family 83 See Hinshaw 83 Heraldry— America Heraldica — Compilation of coats of arms, crests, and mottoes of pro- minent families, etc. . etc 102 Hereditary Societies— American Historical Register and Monthly Gazette of the Patri- otic Hereditary Societies of the United States Ill Hewitt, Lucy M., comp., History of theColony of New Haven, etc., etc 7 Hiawatha, Kan 19,77 Hildredth. S.P..M.D.— Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio Biographical and Historical Mem- oirs of '. . . 48 Hill Family 71,75 94,95 Hill, H. H, Pub., History of Vigo and Parke Counties, Indiana 20 1 1 illsboro, III 82,98 Hills, Joseph Joseph Hills and the Massa- ( •lmsetts Law of 1648 30 Hinshaw Family 83 Hinshaw, William, comp., The Hinshaw and Henshaw Families 83 Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Publications of 49 Historical Bulletin, 1906, 1901, Newton L ( 'ollamer. editor 112 Historical Collections of New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia Se< Howe. Henry ". 38,48,64 Historical Magazine with Notes and Queries. Henry I?. Dawson, editor 118,118 Historical Sketches of North Carolina— See Wheeler, John H 46 Historical Sketches of our Twenty-five Churches and Missions. Rev. A. B. Christy. 49 Hitchcock, Caroline Hanks — Nancy Hanks. The Story of Abraham Lincoln's Mother— Set Appendix. Hitchcock, Frederick 11. A Calendar of Dela- ware Wills, New Castle County. 1083-1880 10 Hoar Family 83 See Parsons 92 Hobart, Henjamin. \ M . -History of the Town of Abiniiton, Plymouth County, Mass- sachusetts, from its First Settlement 28 Holland, Count rv of '.u 1 1 olland Land Co llommedieu 83 See 1/Hommedieu. See New York Shelter Island Presbyter- ian Church 44 Hoover Family 83,95 See House'r. 1 1 opkins Family 83,95, 96,97,99 See Thomas. See New York Shelter Island Presbyter- ian Church II Hopk ins Family— The name and the coat of arms 83 Hopkins, Samuel, Descendants of 41 135 INDEX — Continued PAGE Hot Springs, Va 66 Houck, Louis — History of Missouri from the Earliest Exploration and Settlements until the Admission of the State into the Union. . 35 Houck, Louis — Spanish Regime in Missouri. . 35 Houser Family 78, 83, 95 Houser, (Dr.) W. W., comp., Genealogy of the Houser, Rhorer, Dillman and Hoover Families 78, 83, 95 Houston, (General) Sam, Sketch of 58 Howe. Henry and Barber. John W., comps., Historical Collections of New Jersey 38 Howe, Henry— Historical Collections of Ohio !*> Howe, Henry— Historical Collection of Vir- ginia. To which is added an historical and descriptive sketch of the District of Columbia 64 Howells William Cooper — Recollections of Life in Ohio from 1813 to 1840 19 Howells, William Dean— Introduction to Recollections of Life in Ohio, by William Cooper Howells 49 Hoyne, T. S— Directory of Homeopathic Physicians in the State of Illinois for the Year 1879 12,20,2?,35 Hubbard, (Col.) A. S., comp., Californis Soci- ety Sons of the American Revolution, His- tory, Constitution, Etc 5 Hubbard Family 84 Hubbard, Harlan Page 84 Hudson Countv, N.J., History of 38,39 Hudson Family 84, 87 See LaSage. See New York Shelter Island Presbyter- ian Church 44 Hudson River 104 Hudson, Samuel, Descendants of 44 Hughes, Thomas P., editor, American Ances- try, giving the Name and Descent in the Male Line of Americans whose Ancestors Settled in the United States previous to 177«. 12 vols 102 Huguenot Emigration to Virginia, Documents Relating to 64 Huguenot Family, Memoirs of 80,84 Huguenot Pioneers and Others, who Settled in New Paltz Previous to the Revolution — See LeFevre 43 Hull, Delos, comp., Descendants of George Hull :. 84 Hull Family 84 Hull, George, Descendants of 84 Hunt, John E., comp., Pound and Kester Families 85, 93 Hunter, C. L.— Sketches of Western North Carolina 46, 47 Hunter Family 84 See Selden 96 Hunterdon County, N.J.— Wills. 1804-1830.. 39 Huntingdon County, Pa., History of 52 Huntington, L.I.— Silas Wood's Sketch of the Town of Huntington, L.I 41 Hutchinson, J. R.— Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln ^7 Hutchinson, Peter Orlando— Diarv and Let- ters of Thomas Hutchinson " 30, 106 Hutchinson. Thomas — Diary and Letters of His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq. 30, 106 Hutton Family 84 Hutton, William, Life of 84 1 berville, Pierre LeMoyne sieur de 35 Iddings, I., pub., History of Vigo and Parke Counties, Indiana 20 Illinois River 15, 16 Illinois State 3. 4, 1 1 , 12, 13, 1 4 , 15. 10, 17. is. 19, 20, 22. 36, 7:?, 76, 76, 77. 78, 79, SO, 81, 82. 83,84,86,88, 89,90,91,92,93,96.97,98,99, 101. 102, 107, 108, 110, 116 Illinois State— 111. Ancestry Among the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution 14 Illinois State— Bamet. James, editor, Mar- tyrs and Heroes of Illinois 18 Illinois State— Belleville. Ill 90 Illinois State — Bibliographical Series, Illinois State Historical Library 116 Illinois State— Black Hawk War, 1831-32, Illinois in 16, 17 Illinois State — Bloomington. Ill 72, 73, 83. 85, 89.95,98.99, 100, 101. 102 Illinois State— Bounty Land Grants 15,16 Illinois State— Cahokia Records, Illinois State Historical Collections, Vol. 2 116 Illinois State — Collections of, Executive Series, Bibliographical Series, Lincoln Series, Vir- ginia Series 116 Illinois State — Connelley, Maj. H. C. — Recol- lections of the War between the States 18 Illinois State — Continental Guard in the State of Illinois. History of 12 Illinois State — County Histories Containing Genealogical Material 11,12 Illinois State — Crippen, Edward, Diary of, 27 111. Vol. Regiment, 1861-63 18 Illinois State— Dana, E.— Bounty Lands in the State of Illinois, Description of, Etc., Etc. 15 Illinois State — Daughters of the American Revolution, Conferences of 12, 107 Illinois State— Eddy, T. M., D.D.— The Patriotism of Illinois 18 Illinois State — Education— College and school catalogues, etc 12 Illinois State — Edwards County — English Set- tlement in 80,86,96 Illinois State— Elliott, Isaac H., Adjutant General, State of Illinois 16,17 . Illinois State— Elliott, Isaac H.— Record of Illinois Soldiers in the Black Hawk War, Mexican War and War of 1812 16, 17 Illinois State— Evanston, 111 91 Illinois State — Forgotten Statesmen ol Illi- nois Series, Reference to 99, 101, 102 Illinois State— Genealogical Notes of Central Illinois, by Milo Custer 12 Illinois State — Governor's Letter Books 116 Illinois State— Haynie, I. N., Adjutant Gen- eral, State of Illinois 18 Illinois State — Henderson. County, 111 93 Illinois State— Hillsboro, III 98 Illinois State Historical Library 3. 4, 14. 15, 16, 17. 18, 73.7.3,77.79,80,81,85,86,89,94,96,97,101.102,116 Illinois State Historical Library — Committee on Genealogy and Genealogical Publica- tions ; 3 Illinois State Historical Library, Lincoln Collection in 3 Illinois State Historical Library Publication No. 7, 1902, quoted 14,17,1.8 Illinois State Historical Library, Publication No. 8, 1903, quoted 1 1 Illinois State Historical Library, Publication No. 9, 1904, quoted 16,18,71 Illinois State Historical Library, Publication No. 10, 1905, quoted 75, 101 Illinois State Historical Library, Publication No. 11, 1906, quoted 102 Illinois State Historical Library, Publication No. 12. 1907, quoted 79,81 Illinois State Historical Library, Publication No. 13, 1908, quoted 85,94 Illinois State Historical Library, Publication No. 1 1. 1909, guoted 15. 1*. 77. 107 Illinois State Historical Library, Puolieation No. 16, 1911,quoted 80,86.96,97 Illinois State Historical Library, Publications oi—see list 116 Illinois State Historical Society, Journals of, quoted 3, 14, 16, 18, 80, 83,98, 1 16 Illinois Stale Historical Society. Journals of. quoted, April, 11U2; July. 1912; October, 1912; April, 1913: July, 1913; October, 1913; April, 1914 14,15 136 INDEX — Continued PAGE Illinois State Historical Society, Journal of. Vols V and VI, January-April, 1913, quoted 18 Illinois State Historical Society, Journal of Vol. VI, No. 2, July, 1913, quoted 88 Illinois State Historical Society— Journal of, Vol. VI, No. 4, January, 1914. quoted.... 83, 98 Illinois State Historical Society, PuDlications of— See list .116 Illinois State Historical Society, Transac- tions of for 1904, quoted 99 Illinois State— Hoyne's Annual Directory of Homeopathic Physicians, 1879 12,20,22,35 Illinois State— Illinois in the Eighteenth Century, Bulletin, Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. I, No. 1, September. 1905 11G Illinois State — Intelligencer (Kxtra), Satur- day, September 13, 1823 (newspaper} 15 Illinois State— Tohnson, Charles P. — An Ac- count of the Services of the Illinois Troops in the Mexican War 18 Illinois State — Library 3 Illinois State— Mayflower Descendants, Illi- nois Society of 13 Illinois State— Mayflower Descendants, Illi- nois Society of. Publications of 13,108 Illinois State— Mexican War, Illinois Soldiers in IB. 17, 18 Illinois State Military Tract— Military Bounty Lands 15, 16 Illinois State— Montague's Early Settlers of Kaskaskia. A Directory, Business Mirror and Historical Sketches of Randolph County 12 Illinois State— Naperville. Ill 83, 91 Illinois State— Nauvoo, 111 97 Illinois State — Newspapers and Periodicals of 1814-1879, edited by Franklin W. Scott.... 116 Illinois State— Oak Park, IU 84 Illinois State— Obituaries (Central, Illinois), 1871-1880, Milo Custer, comp 13 Illinois State— Ogle County, III 80 Illinois State — Outline for the Study of Illi- nois State History, Circular, Illinois State . Historical Library, Vol. I, No. 1, Novem- ber, 1905 116 Illinois State— Pension Rolls, 1816-1835 13 Illinois State— Pioneer Mothers of Illinois, Col- lection of Letters of 13 Illinois State— Power's History of Early Set- tlers of Sangamon County 13 Illinois State— Prince, Ezra M.,— The Fourth Illinois Infantry in the War with Mexico. . 18 Illinois State— Reece, J. N., Adjutant General, State of Illinois 18 Illinois State— Regimental Histories, War of the Rebellion, contains genealogical mater- ial 12 Illinois State— Reynolds, John— Pioneer His- tory of Illinois 16 Illinois State — Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in, Lists by Counties, compiled by Mrs. E. S. Walker 3, 14, 15 Illinois State— Rockford, 111 92 Illinois State — Sons of the American Revolu- tion 13, 1 11 Illinois State— Sons of the American Revolu- tion, Year Books 13 Illinois State— Sons of the Revolution Year Books 13 Illinois State— Spanish-American War, Illi- nois Soldiers in 18 Illinois State— Springfield, III 4, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 79, 88,97,98, 110, 116 Illinois State — Stevens, Frank E. — Illinois in the War of 1812-14 16 Illinois State— Stephenson County— Catholic Church Golden Jubilee Souvenir 13 Illinois State— Travel and Description, 1765- 1865, Vol. IX, Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, edited by Solon J. Buck 116 Illinois State— University of Illinois— Alumni Record, 1913— See Appendix. PAOB Illinois State— Vance, J. W., Adjutant Gen- eral, State of Illinois 18 Illinois State— Virginia, III 97 Illinois State— War of the Revolution Army Led by Col. George Rogers Clark in his Conquest of the Illinois, 1778-1779 13, 14 Illinois State— War of the Revolution— Illinois Ancestry among the Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution, by Catherine C. Sparks 14 Illinois State— War of the Revolution— Sol- diers in the War of the Revolution, Etc l. r > Illinois State— War of 1812 4, 12, 15, 16 Illinois State— War of 1812— Soldiers of the War of 1812 whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in McLean County 12 Illinois State— War of 1812— Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in Peoria County 13 Illinois State — War with Mexico — Illinois As- sociation Mexican War Veterans 18 Illinois State— War of the Rebellion— Adju- tant General Reports, 1861-66 18 Illinois State — War of the Rebellion— Remin- iscences of,— See Connelley, (Major) H. C. . . 18 Illinois State — War of the Rebellion— Diary, 1861-63— See Crippen, Edward 18 Illinois State— War of the Rebellion -Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois— See Barnet, James. . 18 Illinois State— War of the Rebellion— The Patriotism of Illinois— See Eddy, T. M., D.D. 18 Illinois State— War of the Rebellion — Regi- mental Histories and Reunions of Illinois State — War of the Rebellion- -Richard Yates' Services to Illinois M War Governor 18 Illinois State— Waterman, Illinois— Year Hooks 19 77 Illinois Territory.'. ......'.".".'. ...A, 77\&% 92, 111, 116 Illinois Territory — Laws of the Territory of Illinois, 1809-1811, Bulletin of the Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. I, No. 1, June, 1906 11.. Illinois Territory— Territorial Records of, edited by Edmund J. James 116 Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1 7 J7 1 Uupp's Collect ion of Karnes of 51, 104, 105 Immigrants— Virginia— Early Virginia Im- migrants, 1623-1666 62 Immigration — Virginia, Huguenot Emigra- tion to Indianapolis, Ind 20,31 Indianapolis, Ind., Pictorial and Biographi- cal Memoirs of Indiana State — Allen County. History of.... 19 Indiana State — Boone County, Ind Ml Indiana State — Carroll County, Ind Indiana State — Champaign County, Ind 93 Indiana State — Clay County, History of 19, 90 Indiana State Clinton County, Ind 19 See Boone County. Indiana State— Dearborn County, History of.19, 20 Indiana State— Delaware County, Indiana, 11 istory of 19 Indiana State— Dillon, John B.— History of Indiana from 1816 to 1856 19 Indiana State— Evansville, Indiana, History of 20, 21 Indiana State— Fayette County, Indiana. History of '. 90,91 Indiana State — Franklin College, Indiana, First Half Century of 20 Indiana State — Franklin Countv, Indiana, History of 20, 21 Indiana State— Historical Society, Publica- tions of 20 Indiana State— Hoyne's Annual Directory of Homeopathic Physicians, 1879, List of Homeopathic Physicians in Indiana 20 Indiana State— Indianapolis, Ind., Pictorial and Biographical Memoirs of 20 Indiana State — Monument Commission 21 Indiana State— Ohio County, Indiana, His- tory of 19, 20 137 INDEX — Continued PAGE Indiana Stale — Owen County, History of 19 Indiana State — Parke County, Indiana, His- tory of 20, 21 Indiana Stat* — Saint Joseph County, Indiana, History of 20 Indiana State— Sons of the American Revolu- tion, Indiana Society 21 Indiana State — Terre Haute, Ind 21 Indiana State— Union County, Indiana, His- tory of 20,21 Indiana State — Vanderburgh County, Indiana H istory of 20, 21 See Evansville, Ind 20 Indiana State— Vigo County, Indiana, His- tory of 20, 21 Indiana State — Vincennes, Colonial History of 21 Indiana State — Vincennes, History of the City of Vincennes, Indiana, from 1702 to 1901 21 Indiana State— Wabash Valley Historic Notes on— See Vigo and Parke Counties, Ind 20 Indiana State — War of the Rebellion— Indi- ana at Antietam 21 Indiana State — War of the Rebellion— Indiana at Shiloh 21 Indiana Stat* — War of the Rebellion — Indiana at Vicksburg 21 Indiana State — Wayne County, Indiana, His- tory of 20, 21 Indiana State — Woollen, Wm. Wesley — Bio- Ohical and Historical Sketches of Early ana 21 Indian Raid in Barnard, Vt., August 9, 1780. . 91 Indian Wars of West Virginia — see DeHass.. 69 Indian Wars — Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England from the First Planting thereof in 1607 to 1677 108 Indians 52, 69, 91, 93, 108 Indians — Fox Indians 93 Indians — Indian Raid in Barnard, Vt., Au- gust 9, 1780 91 Indians — Sac and Fox Reserve, Kansas 93 Indians — Sac Indians 93 Ingels Family 76, 84 SeeCloyd 76 Ingersoll, L. D., comp., Iowa and the Rebel- lion 22 Iowa City, Iowa 22,113 Iowa State 21, 22, 75, 77, 86, 113 Iowa State— Annals of Iowa, published by the Iowa Department of History 21 Iowa State — Baptists of Iowa, Historical Sketches of 22 Iowa State— Burlington, la 22 Iowa State — Cedar Rapids, la 86, 113 Iowa State — Des Moines, la 21 Iowa State— Iowa City, la 22, 113 Iowa State— Journal of History and Politics. . 22 Iowa State— Lamoni, la 113 Iowa State— Reorganized Church of Latter Days Saints, Journal of History 22 Iowa Stat* — Sac City. la 77 Iowa State — War of the Rebellion— Iowa and the Rebellion 22 Iowa Territory 93 Ireland 71, 74, 81, 84, 90, 96, 100 Ireland— Dublin, Ireland 81, 98 Ireland, Kings County 71, 100 Ireland, IfUesian Families Of 90 Ireland— Sraduff Birr (Kings County) 71,100 Irish Race, American Irisli Historical Society 103 Irish Race— American Irish in Chicago, Bio- graphical History 108 Irish Race— Condon, Edward O'Meagher— Irish Race in America 108 Irish Race in America— See Scotch-Irish 110 Irish Race — Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America 110 Iroquois County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 3, 14 Irvine County, Kv— History of Irvine and Estill Counties, Kentucky 23 Island of Nassau (now Long Island, N.Y.).. 43 PAGE Jackson Family 84 Jackson, Michael, Descendants of 84 Jackson, Mississippi 35 Jacksonville, 111 12, 17 Appendix. Jacksonville, 111.— Daughters of the American Revolution, Year Books of Chapter 12 James, Edmund J., comp., The Casad and Stites Families— See Appendix. James, Edmund J.— Ephraim Martin, Esq., Colonel of the Fourth New Jersey Regiment of the Continental Line — see Appendix. James, Edmund J., comp., The James-Stites Families 84 James, Edmund J., editor, Nos. I, II, III, Publications of the Illinois State Historical Library 1 16 James Family 84 Jamestown, Colony of, 1620 94 Jamestown, Va., Settlement of May 13, 1607. . 105 Jayne, (Dr.) William— Richard Yates' Ser- vices to Illinois as War Governor 18 Jessamine County, Kentucky, History of— See Appendix. Jessup, Armstrong, Descendants of 84 Jessup Family 84 Jessup Mary Jane Van Duzer, Descendants of 84 Jeter, (Rev.) J. B., D.D., Introduction by, to the Baptist Ministers of Virginia 60 Jewitt, Llewellyn, F.S.A.— Life of William Hutton and the History of the Hutton Family 84 Johnson, Charles P.— An Account of the Ser- vices of the Illinois Troops in the Mexican War 18 Johnson, Edward F.— Woburn Records of Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1640 to 1873. . 33 Johnson Family 84, 85, 95, 96, 99 See Thomas 95, 96, 99 Johnson, Jacob, Descendants of 85 Johnson, (Sir) John, Orderly Book of, during the Oriskany Campaign, 1776-1777 109 Johnson, L. F., B. A., M. A. — History of Frank- lin County, Kentucky— See Appendix. Johnson, William, comp., Sketches and Cor- respondence of Nathaniel Greene 110 Johnston. (Lieut.) Albert Sidney, Order Book or, Black Hawk War, 1832 17 Jones, Charles C, Jr.— Dead Towns of Georgia 10 Jones, Charles C, Jr., LL.D.— History of Georgia, 2 vols 11 Jones Family 72, 76, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102 Jones, Horatio Gates, A.M. — Memoir of Henry Bond— See Water town, Mass 33 Jones, Mary K.— History of Campbell County, Kentucky, as read at the Centennial Cele- bration July 4, 1876 22 Jones, Matt Bushnell— History of the Town » of Waitsfield, Vermont, 1782-1908 59 Jones, Pomroy — Annals and Recollections of Oneida County, New York 43 Jones, Thomas— History of New York During the Revolutionary War 45 Jones, U. J. — Juniata Valley, Pennsylvania, History of the Early Settlement of 52 Jones, Zenus— Land Warrant for Military Services, War of 1812 85, 111 Journal of American History — quoted 59, 99, 111; 113 Journal of American History, Vol. VI, No. 4, October-November-I>!'('<45 •a W.stcliester County, N.Y. Kingsbury, Susan, M.A.M., Ph.D.— Virginia Company of London, An Introduction to the Records of, with a Bibliographical List of the Extant Documents 68 Kings County, Ireland 71, 100 Kings. County, L.l 40 Kings County, N.Y.— Genealogical Club Col- lect ions. . .*. 41, 113 Kinney Family 85, 88, 89, 90 Kirke, David— Early American Explorer, Born, 1897 104 Kirke Family 86, 104 Kirke, Gervase, Biographical Sketch of 104 Kirke, Henry. MAIL, C.L. The First Knglish Conquest of Canada 86, 104 Kirkland, (Mrs.) C. Ifu- Women of the Revo- lution HI Knickerbacker. 1 ., ., _,„ Knickerbocker. J* '""''i' & Knight Family 86 Knight, Lueian Lamar— Landmarks. Mem- orials a ,ul Legends of Georgia 11 Knox County, 111.- In the Military Tract 15 Knox County. Ohio, Biographical Record of.. 49 Kocrner Family 86 Koerner, tiusta'vus- Article on Gustavus • rner, by Hon. R. K. Rombauer 86 Koerner, Gustavus, Memoirs of, edited by Thomas J. McCormack 86 Kreider, George N 76 L Laidley. W. S. and Hale. J. S.. editors, West Virginia Historical Magazine. . 69 Lake County, Ohio, Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 49 Lake Erie, Battle of 24 139 INDEX — Continued PAGE Lambert, Edward R— History of the Colony at New Haven, before and After the Union with Connecticut, Etc 8,7 Lamoni, la 22, 113 Lamoni, la. — Reorganized Church of Latter Days Saints, Journal of History, published by 22,113 La Munyan, (Mrs.) Philip E. Dewees— Gen- ealogical Data Collected by, for History of the Dewees Family 78 Lancaster Barracks. Pa. — Where the British and the Hessian prisoners were detained during the Revolution 52 Lancaster Count v, Pennsvlvana, History of. . 52 Lancaster, Pa. . ." 50, 97, 107 Lancaster County, Va 60, 70 Lancey, Henry Floyd de, editor, History of NVw York during the Revolutionary War.. 45 Lane, Daniel (2d), Descendants of 86 Lane Family 86 See Seld'en 96 Lane, H. W. and Beckwith, A. C. (comps.), Genealogical Notes on the Families of Daniel Lane (2d) and Mary Griswold Lane 86 Lane, Mary < iriswold, Descendants of 86 Lansing, Mich 34 LaSerre Family 80, 86 Latham, Lewis, American Descendants of 54 Law, John — Colonial History of Vincennes under the French, British and American < i overnments 21 Lawrence] Family 86,95,96,99 See Thomas 99 Lawrence County, Ala 5 Lawrence, George A. — Benjamin Lundy, Pioneer of Freedom 88 Lea, J. Henrv— Ancestrv of Abraham Lincoln ST Leach, Josiah Granville, LL.B.— Tree Family and its Connections in England and America 100 Learned, Marian Dexter— Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration Family 87 Lebanon, Pa 88 Le Baron Family 86 Le Baron, Francis, Descendants of 86 Lee, Bazley— New Jersey as a Colony and as a State, 4 vols. — see Appendix. Lee Familv 87 SeeSelden 96 La Fevre, Ralph— History of New Paltz, N.Y. and its Old Families, from 1678 to 1820, in- cluding the Huguenot Pioneers and Others who Settled in New Paltz Previous to the Revolution 43 Leflingwell, Albert, M.D. and Leflingwell, Charles Wesley, D.D.— Leflingwell Record, 11^7-1897 87 Leflingwell Family 8, 87 l^eflingweJl, (Lieut.) Thomas 87 L'Hommedieti Family 87 See Hommedieu 83 See NewYork Shelter Island Presbvterian Church 44 L' Hommedieu, Sylvester 44 Leicester, Massachusetts, Historical Sketches of.. 30 Lenox, Mass.— History of Lenox and Rich- mond, Massachusetts ". 30,31 Le Sage Family 87 Letitia Grevn Stevenson Chapter Daughters of American Revolution, Bloomington. III.. 15 Letters— Cardelle Clara and Deweese, W. B., comps., Letters from an Early Settlrr of Texas " > Letters— Hutchinson, Thomas, Diarv and Letters of 30, 106 Letters— Illinois— Pioneer Mothers of Illi- nois, Collection of Letters of 13 Smith, John H.— Letter of John H. Smith to the Executive of Virginia, dated Richmond, August It), 1633 Ifi Letters — Samuel OverUm, to his father, letter of, written during the War of 1812 24 PAGE Lewis, (Gen.) Andrew— Orderly Book of that Portion of the American Army Stationed at or Near Williamsburg, Va., under Com- mand of Gen. Andrew Lewis, from March 18, 1776 to August 28, 1776 69, 109 Lewis, (aril A.— Lewfsiana, or the Lewis Let- ter, periodical relating to the Lewis Family 87,113 Lewis Family 87, 113 Lewisiana or the Lewis Letter — periodical re- lating to the Lewis Family 87,113 Lewiston, Me 93 Lewis, Virgil— Archivist, State of West Vir- ginia 69 Lewis, Virgil— How West Virginia Was Made 69 Lewis, Virgil— West Virginia History 69 Lexington, Battle of, April 19, 1775 72, 82 Lexington, Ky 21,24 Lexington, Ky.— Trial of Rev. John H. Brown by the West Lexington Presbyterian Church 23 Lincklaen, John — Travels in Pennsylvania, via New York and Vermont 42, 52, 53, 59 Lincoln, Abraham, Ancestry of, by Hutchin- son & Lea 87 Lincoln, Abraham — Clark, Olynthus B.— Lincoln Poor White Legend — See Appendix. Lincoln Abraham — Learned, Marian Dexter — Abraham Lincoln, an American Migration Family 87 Lincoln, Abraham — Lincoln-Douglas Debates edited by Edwin Erie Sparks, Illinois His- torical Collections, Vol. HI 116 Lincoln, Abraham — Lincoln, Solomon — Lin- coln Families of Massachusetts, Notes on, with some Account of the family of Abraham Lincoln 87 Lincoln, Abraham — Nancy Hanks — Story of Abraham Lincoln's Mother — See Appendix, Hanks. Lincoln, Abraham— Tarbell, Ida M.— The Parents of Lincoln 87 Lincoln Countv, Maine, Probate Records of, 17W to 1800 26 Lincoln Countv, N.C.— see Hunter's Sketches of North Carolina 46,47 Lincoln-Douglas Debates 116 Lincoln Family 87 See Appendix, Clark, Olynthus B. Lincoln i amily— See Hanks Family in Ap- pendix. Lincoln Family— Lincoln Farm Association. . 87 Lincoln Farm Association 87 Lincolniana, Collection in the Illinois State Historical Library, Reference to 3 Lincoln, Neb 34, 111 Lincoln Poor White Legend — See Appendix, Clark, Olynthus B. Lincoln, Solomon — Lincoln Families of Mas- sachusetts, Notes on, with some Account of the Family of Abraham Lincoln 87 Lindley Family 73, 87, 91 Lindslav Familv 87 See Selden 96 Linn Family 88 Linn, (Dr.) George Wilds — History of a Frag- ment of the Family of the Clan Linn and a Genealogy of the Linn and Related Families 88 Linn, John B. and Egle, William 11., editors, Pennsylvania Archives 50,51.53 Litchfield, Conn 101 Lockwood, Mary S 00. 61 London, England 30, ill, si, 104, 108, 107 London—Virginia Company of London and from the First Colony, never before printed. 107 Long, Charles M., M.A., Ph.D.— \ irginia County Names. Two Hundred and Sev- enty S'ears of Virginia History 62 Long' Island, N.Y ' 7, 40, 74 Long Island— Flatbush, Kings Countv, His- tory of 40 Long Island Genealogy, By Mary Powell Bunker 74 140 INDEX — Continued PAGE Long Island, N.Y.— Historical Memoirs, Vol. I, quoted 40,108 Lour Island Historical Society 40,108 Logan Family 88,91 See Morton. See Appendix, John A. Logan. Logan, John A., Life and Services of— See Appendix. Lossfng. Benson J. — Home of Washington, or Mount Vernon, its Associations 101 Louisiana State 5, 24, 25, 94 Louisiana State — Alexander, La 94 Louisiana State — Commemoration of the Transfer of Louisiana from France to llu> United State, Official Program of, Decem- ber 18-20, 1903 25 Louisiana State— Gay arre, Charles— Essai Historique de la Louisiane 25 Louisiana State— Gayarre, Charles— Histoire • de la Louisiane 2T> Louisiana State— Gayarr§, Charles — Louisiana Its Colonial History and Romance 25 Louisiana State, Historical Society Collections of 24,25 Louisiana State— New Orleans, La 5,25 Louisville, Ky 22, 23, 24, 63. 66, 76, 85, 89,97 Louisville, Kentucky, History of, from its " Earliest Settlement to 1852, by Ben Casse- day 23 Loveless, Milo J 116 Lovell Family— see Weymouth, Mass., His. Soc. Col., Vol. 1 87 Lovejoy, Evelyn M. Wood— History of Royal- ton Vermont, with Family Genealogies, 1769 -1911 59 Lowell, A. J.— Early Settlers and Indian Fighters of Southwest Texas— «ee Appendix. Lower, Mark Anthony — English Surnames and Essays on Family Nomenclature, His- torical, Etymological and Humorous 106 Lowry, Robert — History of Mississippi 35 Luce Family 72,88,89,92,93,96,98,99,101,102 Ludlam, Anthony J., comp., Genealogical Sketch of the Ludlam Family from the Early Settlement of Cape May County, New Jersey. 1692 88 Ludlam Family 88 Lundy, Benjamin— Benjamin Lundy, Pio- neer of Freedom, by George A. Lawrence. . 88 Lundy Benjamin— Lundy Family and their Descendants of Whatsoever Surname with a Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Lundy, by William Clinton Armstrong, A.M 88 Lundy Family 88 Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina 46, 55, 56' Lyle Family 88 Lyle, John, Ancestry of 88 Lyle, Matthew, Ancestry of 88 Lyle. Oscar K., comp., Ancestry and Pos- terity of Matthew, John, Daniel and Samuel Lyle, Pioneer Settlers of V irginia 88 Lyle, Samuel, Ancestry of 88 Lyman, Francis M.— Pioneers of Missouri and Illinois 35 Lyman. Payson W.— History of Easthamp- ton; its Settlement, Etc., together with a Genealogical Record of its Original Fam- ilies..... 29 I. vine, Conn 82 Lynchburg, Va., Sketches and Recollections of, by the Oldest Inhabitants 64 Lyndon, Kansas, Annals of 93 Lyon Family 88 Lytle, Milton Scott, comp., History of Hunt- ingdon County, Pennsylvania 52 M McAllister, J. T.— Index to SafTell's Records of the Revolutionary War 110 McAllister, J. T.— Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War 66 PAGE Macbeath, Malcolm — An Abstract of a Gen- ealogical Collection, Vol. 1 103 McBnde, James— Butler County, Ohio, Pio- neer Biography of some of the Early Set- lers of 48 McClure, David, Diary of, 1748-1820, with Notes, by Franklin B. Dexter, edited bj John P. Peters 88,106 McClure Family 88. 106 McCormack, Thomas J., editor, Memoirs of Gustavo Koerner 86 McCormick Family 67, 85, 88, 89, 90 McCubbins, (Mrs.) M. G., comp., Rowan County, North Carolina Wills 47 McDonald Family 63, 64, 88, 89 McDonough County, 111.— In the Militarv Tract 16 McDowell Family 71, si, sn See Greenlee 81 McDowells of Virginia and Kentucky 74,81,89 McGardle, William H.— History of Mississippi 85 Mel lhany Family 67. 85, 88, 89, 90 Mcllhany. Hugh Milton, Jr., M.A., Ph.l>- Some Virginia Families 67,85,88,89,90 McKeen, (Rev.) Silas, l> l> History of Bradford, Vermont. Containing some Ac- count of the Place of its First Settlement in 1765 58 Mackenzie Family ... 72, 89, 92, 93 96, 98, 99, 101, 102 Mackenzie, George Norbury, LL.B., editor, Colonial Families of the United States of America, 4 vols IDE McLean County, 111.— Census of lsio. Heads of Families of McLean County. Illinois, at the Census of 1840 (taken by Jacob Spawr). . 12, 89 McLean County, 111.— Inscriptions on old Gravestones in Bloomington and Randolph Townships 12 McLean County, 111.— Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 14, 15 McLean County, 111.— Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in McLean County, Illinois 12, 16 McLean Family ." 89 McLean, John, Article on, by Captain I. II. Burnham 89 MacLean, J. P., Ph.D.— Scotchi Highlanders in America, Prior to the Peace of 1783 . 103, 101, 1 10 McMillan, C. E., Descendants of 89 McMillan Family 89 McMillan, John, Descendants of 89 McMillan, W. F., Descendants of 89 MacMurray, J. W., A.M.— A Historv of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and Eng- lish Times; being a Contribution toward ■ History of the Lower Mohawk Vallev, edited by J. W. MacMurray, A.M .".... 44 Macon County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 3,14 Macon Family 89 See Selden 96 McPike, Eugene F., comp., Hallev and I'vke Families 82,94 McPike, Eugene F.— Romance of Qeneali 78.79,80,82,88,89,91,94,99, 10b. ml Mel'ike, Eugene F.— Stuart. Freeman, Day, Parry, Pyke Families 78, 98 McPike, Eugene F.— Stuart, Freeman, l'anv and Pyke Families 81, 94 MacSparran, (Rev.) J. D.D.— "America D sected" 55 Madison Countv, III.— Gazetteer of Madison County, Illinois, 1866 13 Madison County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 3, 14 Madison University, Hamilton, N.Y., First Half Century of (1819-1S69) 41 Madison, Wis 3,70 Magazine of Historv with Notes and Qoariaa 78, 79. 80, 81, 82, 88, 89, 91, 94, 98, 99, 100, 101 , 1 \>, 1 13 Maine State 25, 26, 74, 85, 93, 96, 99, 107 Maine State— Bangor, Me 141 INDEX — Continued PAGE Maine State— Belfast, Maine, History of, Vols. I and II, 1770-1900— See Appendix. Maine State — Brooksville, Maine, History of.25, 26 Maine State — Buxton, Maine, Centennial Anniversary of 25 Maine State— Buxton, Me.— Records of the Proprietors of Narraganset Township No. I, now the Townjof Buxton, York County, Maine, from August 1, 1733 to January 4, lMl.Etc, Etc...... 25 Maine State — Castine, Maine, History of 25,26 Maine State — Census of 1790. Heads of Famil- ies at the First United States Census, Maine 107 Maine State Genealogical Society, Reports of 26 Maine State— Harpswell, Me 85, 96 Maine State— Historical and Genealogical 1 iicord 26 Maine State, Historical Society Collections of 26 Maine State — Lincoln County Probate Rec- ords, 1760 to 1800 26 Maine State— Penobscot, Maine, History of. .25, 26 Maine State — Pentagoet, Maine, Ancient Set- tlement of 25, 26 Maine State— Popham Colony— Memorial Vol- ume of the Popham Celebration, August 29, 1862, Etc 26 Maine, State— Portland, Me 25, 26, 74 Maine State — Portland, Maine Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Rebellion 26 Maine State — York County, Me 25 Maiden, Mass., History of, 1633-1785 30 Mailman, (Rev.) Jacob E., comp., Historical Papers on Shelter Island and its Presby- terian Church 44 Manakin Town, Va — See Huguenot Emi- gration to Virginia 64 Manchester, N.H 36 Marietta, Ohio, First Settlement of 48 Marion, Abijah P.— History of Worcester, Massachusetts, in War of the Rebellion 33 Marion County, Ind.— Pictorial and Bio- graphical Memoirs of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana 20 Markham, Elizabeth, Descendants of 89 Markham Family 89 See Marshall. Marriage Licenses New York Previous to 1784 42 Marriage Notices, Pennsylvania, Snyder County 53 Marriage Notices, South Carolina, 1732-1801.. 56 Marriages, Massachusetts, Dorchester, 1825.. 28 Marriages— Massachusetts, 1717-1769 28 Marriages — New Jersey— Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey, Marriages and Bap- tisms, 1746-1796 38 Marriages — United States Marriage Notices, 17v. 1791, for the whole United States 30 Marshall, A. F., comp., Soldiers of the War of Lsl2, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in Woodford County, Illinois 19 Marshall County, 111., Part of, in the Military Tract 15 Marshall County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 14 Marshall, Edward Chauncey, A.M. -Ancestry df General Grant and their Contemporaries.. 81 Marshall Familv 78,88 .SVeCloyd. " Marshall, John, Descendants of Marshall, J. M.— Buxton, Maine, Centennial of the Anniversiary of, Report of the Pro- ceedings 25 Martin Family 89 SetLeSage 87 \ ppendix. Mar tin, (ieorge Castor, comp., Barrett Ancestry 72 Martin, George Castor, comp., Cnlekerbacker or Knickerbocker Family 86 Martin, Richard Allen, coiiip., Castor Familv, Hotmsborg Branch ". . 76 PAGE Martindale, Joseph C, M.D., comp., Gilbert Family; Carver Family and the Duflield Family 81 Martindale, Joseph C, M.D., comp., Knight Family 86 Martindale, Joseph C, M.D., comp., Walton Family 101 Martinsburg, West Virginia, History of 69 Maryland State 27, 69 84. 95, 107 Maryland State — Archives of Maryland, Pro- ceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland April 1715- August, 1716 27 Maryland State — Baltimore, Md 27, 86, 95 96, 97, 99, 1 05 Maryland State, Baltimore Chronicles of, by Col. J. Thomas Scharf 27 Maryland State— Calendar of Wills, 1685 to 1713, Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) comp 27 Maryland State— Census, 1790— Heads of Fam- ilies at the First Census of the United States, Maryland 27, 107 Maryland State — Fort McHenry— The Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Ft. McHenry, September 13, 14,1814 27 Maryland State— Hagerstown, Md 69 Maryland State Historical Society Publica- tions—Fund Publications (Peabody Fund) No. I, 1867 toNo.»37, 1901 ". 27 Maryland State — Montgomery County, Md.. 27 Maryland State— North Point— The Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Ft. McHenry, September 13, 14, 1814 27 Maryland State— Richardson, Hester Dorsey— Sidelights on Maryland History 27 Maryland State— Sandy Springs, Maryland, Annals of 27 Maryland State— Thomas Family of Maryland and Connected Families 74, 76, 79, 83, 84, 86, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100 Maryland State— War of 1812— see North Point and Ft. McHenry 27 Maryland State, Wills, Calendar of, 1635 to 1685, 1685 to 1702, 1703-1713 27 Mason Family 90 See Selden 96 Massachusetts Bay 97, 106 Massachusetts State . .23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 48, 59,61, 71, 72, 74. 79. 80,82,83,86,87,91,94,98, 103, 104. 107, 112 113, 114 Massachusetts State, Abington History of. . . . 28 Massachusetts State — Andover, Massachusetts South Church of, Historical Manual 28 Uassachusetts State — Ashfleld, Mass 71 Massachusetts State — Berkshire County 31 Massachusetts State — Billerica, Massachusetts History of 28 Massachusetts State— Boston, Mass 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 58, 61, 71, 78, 103, 104 105, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 Massachusetts State— Boston, Mass., Epitaphs from Copps' Hill Burial Ground 28 husetts State — Boston— History of South Boston; formerly Dorchester Neck, now Ward XII, of the City of Boston 28 Massachusetts State — Boston, Mass.— Old South Church (Third Church) Historical Catalogue, 1669-1882 28 .'husetts Slate- Bridtrewatcr, Massa- chusetts, History of the Early Settlement of 28 Massachusetts State — Cambridge, Mass 48, 112 Massachusetts State — Census of 1790— Heads of Families First United States Census. . .32, 107 Massachusetts State — Dentinal — Columbia Centinel | New -paper) 30 Massachusetts Slate Charlestown, Mass. — Genealogies and Estates of Chartoelowu, in the County of Middlesex and Common' wealth of Massachusetts, 1629-1818 29 Massachusetts state Colonial Society of, Publ leal ions of 29 142 INDEX — Continued PAGE Massachusetts State— Dodham, Mass., First Church in, Two Hundredth and Fiftieth Anniversary of, 1638-1888 29 Massachusetts State— Dorchester Births, Mar- riages, Deaths to the Bad <>f 1825 28,29 Massachusetts State — Dorchester Neck — See Boston 28 Massachusetts State— Douglass Massachusetts, 1 1 i story of 29 Massachusetts State— Duxbtirv, Massachu- setts, Copy of the old Records of the Town from 1012 to 1770, Made in the Year, 1892.. 29 Massachusetts State — Duxbury, Mass. — His- tory of the Town of Duxbury, .Massachusetts with Genealogical Registers 29 Massachusetts State — Easihainptou, History of, its Settlement, Growth, Etc, together with a Genealogical Record of its Original Families 29 Massachusetts State— Essex County, Mass. .at, 112 Massachusetts State — Framingham, Massa- chusetts, History of 29, 30 Massachusetts State — Genealogical and Per- sonal Memoirs of Massachusetts 30 Massachusetts state -Grafton. History of.. 30 Massachusetts State— Grotou, Massachusetts, Celebration of the Two Hundredth and Fiftieth Anniversary of 30 Massachusetts State— Hills, Joseph— Joseph Hills and the Massachusetts Law of 1648 30 Massachusetts State Historical Society Col- lections and Proceedings of 30 Massachusetts Stat* — Leicester, Massachu- setts, Historical Sketches of 30 Massachusetts state — Lenox, Massachusetts, 1 1 istory of 30 Massachusetts State— Maiden, Massachusetts, Blatory <>r. 1633- 1781 30 Massachusetts State— Med ford, History of... 31 Massachusetts State— Middlesex County, His- tory of 31 Massachusetts State— Newburyport, Mass... 94 Massachusetts State — New rivmouth Colony, Records of; Court Orders, Vol. 1, 1633-1640 31 Massachusetts State— Palmer, Massachusetts, History Of the Town of 31 Massachusetts State, Pittsfleld. Mass. .80, 31,82, 91 Massachusetts State — Pittsfleld, Massachu- set ts, History of 31 Massachusetts State— Plymouth County.. . Massachusetts State— Plymouth, Mass 31,86 Massachusetts State — Plymouth, Massachu- setts, Ancient Landmarks of 31 Massachusetts State — Rehoboth, Massachu- setts, Vital Records of, 1643-18M :U Massachusetts State— Box bury, Mass.. 28. 31, 83 Massachusetts State— Boxbury Town, His- tory of ". 38,31 Massachusetts State— Salem, Mass 30, 112, 114 Massachusetts Btate— Salem Press Historical and Genealogical Record 114 Massachusetts State — Society of tho Cincin- nati 32, 104 Massachusetts State Soldiers and Sailors of Massachusetts in the Revolutionary War.. :V2 Massachusetts State Sous of the American Revolution 32 Massachusetts state — Sowans, Massachusetts, Ancient Records of 32 Massachusetts State— Springfield, Massachu- setts :u, 72, 83, 83, Of) bUSettS State Springfield. Massachu- , Annals of Chicopee Street 32 Massachusetts State -Springfield, Massachu- setts, Families '.ts Massachusetts Btate— Suffolk County Deeds.. :<2 Massachusetts State -Wallham. Early Set- tlers of S3, 83 U busettS Stale War of the Revolution. Soldiers and Sailors of Massachusetts in 32 Massachusetts State— War of the Revolution- Sons of the American Revolution Society.. 32 PAOE Massachusetts State— War of the Bebellion Worcester, Slstoryofla 33 Massachusetts State— Watertown, Early Set- t lers of 32, 33 .■■husetts State w • ..33 Massachusetts state— Weston, Karlv Settlers of 33, 83 '•• Weymouth, Mass.. IC hUSOttl Slate- Wevmouth. Massachu- setts, Historical Sketch of, from 1622 to lssi :« Massachusetts State Woburn, Mass 74 Massachusetts State Worcester, Mass X?, 72 Massachusetts state- Worcester, History of, in War of the Rebellion '. 33 Massachusetts State -Worthlngton. Mass 01 an, Arthur EL— History of Cohoes. New York from its F.arliesl Settlement to the Present Time 40 Mathews Family 90,91 Sec Morton *. 'J 1 Matthews, John -Hints for Tracing an Anglo- American I'edigree in the Old Country with a List of Wills, from 1700 to 172."., in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, England. of Testators Living or Dying in America and the West Indies 107 Maumee River Basin, Allen County, Indiana 19 Maury, Ann— Memoirs of a Huguenot Family: Translated and Compiled from the Orig- inal Autobiography of the Rev. Jar Fontaine, and other Family Manuscripts etc Maxwell. Ilu and Miller, Thomas Condit — Wesl \ irginiaand its People- set Appendix. Mayflower Descendants, Illinois Society of. .13, 108 Mayflower Descendants, Illinois Society of. Publications Nos. 2 and 8 13, 1"\ Mayflower Descendant, Quarterly Magazine of Pilgrim Genealogy and History 113 Mayflower Passengers let America lleraldica 109 Mayflower Passengers, Genealogies of Mayflower .P as s en gers List of 103 Mayo Family M See Randolph. See New York Shelter Island Presby- terian Church 44 Mavsville, Ky 23 Meade, (Bishop) William— Meade's old Churches, Ministers ami Families of Virginia J. M. Toner, M.D., Index to 64 Wise's Index to, Morrison index to Mecklenburg County, N.C.— Sic Hunter's Sketches of North Carolina 16, 17 Modford, Massachusetts, History of the Town of, from its First Settlement in 1630 to 1886.. 31 Meese. William A. — Rock River in the Revo- lut ion l."> Meginness, J. F. (John of Lancaster}, Sus- quehanna Valley West Branch of, Bio- graphical Annals of Deceased Residents of .10 Meigs, (Col.) R.J 4s Menard County, III., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 8 Mercer County, 111.— In the Military Tract Mercer Family 90 See Selden 4J3 Merchant ville, N.J 100 Mcriden. Conn Menden. Connecticut. History of S,, Wallingford. Conn. Merryman Family 90 Merryman, Walter, of Harpswell, Maine and his Descendants 90 Mervine, William M. editor. < J enea logical Register. Vol. I, KM3 107 Methodist Church -Kentucky. History of Methodism In M Mexican War 16, 17, 18,34 Mexican War. Illinois Soldiers in 16, 17, Is Michaux Famih 90,91 See Morton 91 143 INDEX — Continued PAGE Michigan State— Detroit, Celebration of the Centennial of the Evacuation of 33 Michigan State — Detroit, Mich., Early Days in, Papers by G en. Friend Palmer 33 Michigan State— Detroit, Mich.— Early De- troit, by C. M. Bunton 33 Michigan State -Grand Rapids, Mich.— His- torical Society 34 Michigan State— Lansing, Mich 34 Michigan State, Pioneer Society of, Collec- tions Of 34 Middlebury, Conn, History of 7,9 Middlebury, Conn.— Sec Waterbury. Conn.. 9 Middlebury, Conn.— See Woodbury, Conn ... 9 Middlebury, Vermont, History of 59 Middlesex County, Mass 29, 31 Middlesex County, Massachusetts, History of 31 Middlesex Countv, Va. — ChristChureh Parish Register, 1653-1812 61 Middle-ex County, N. J.— Wills, 1804-1830.... 39 Middletown Township, Chester County, now Delaware Countv, Pennsylvania 92 Midway, Ga.— History of the Midway Congre- gational Church 11 Milburn, (Rev.) William A. — Life of Douglas — See Appendix. Milesian Families of Ireland 90 Milford, Conn 7 \ew Haven, Colony of. Military Bounty Land. State of Illinois 15,16 Military Roster— Civil Officers of the Govern- ment of the United States and of the State of New York, since the Adoption of its Constitution in 1777 104 Military Tract Illinois— Bounty lands in the military tract advertised in the name of the original patentee and taxed according to the class to which they belong 15 Miller, ( Rev. i Alexander — Custer, Milo, comp. Rev. Alexander Miller of Virginia and Some of his Descendants 90 Miller Family 90 Miller, Joseph Lyon, M.D. — Descendants of Captain Thomas Carter of Barford, Lan- caster County, Virginia, with Genealogical Notes of many of the Allied Families 60, 76 Miller, Thomas Condit and Maxwell. II u— West Virginia and its People— Sec A ppendix. Mills, Richard W.— Dr. George Cad well, Arti- cle on 75 Milton Family 87, 86,88,89, 90 Milwaukee. Wis. — Buck, James S.— Milwau- kee Under the Charter from 1847 to 1853 70 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Pioneer History of... 70 Minnesota State, Historical Society Collec- tions of 34 Misme Family 90,91 See Morton 91 Mississippi River 15. 16, 104 Ktppi State, Archives and History De- partment of 31 Mississippi State Historical Society, Publi- cations of 34 Mississippi State, History of, from the Dis- covery of the Great River by Hernando De- Soto, including the Earliest Settlement made by the French Under Iberville, to the Death of Jefferson Davis 88 Mississippi State — Jackson, Miss 35 Mississippi State, Official and Statistical Reg- ister of 1904 35 Mississippi State — Oxford, Miss 34 Mississippi State, University of 34 Mississippi Valley Historical Society, Pub- lications of 113 Missouri State 20,22,35,36,84,91 Missouri State— Boone County, Mo.— War of 1*12. List of Soldiers Petitioning for Pen- sions 36 Missouri State — Columbia, Mo 35 Missouri State— Historical Review, Published at Columbia, Mo 35 PAGE Missouri State Historical Society of, Collec- tions of, St. Louis, Mo 35 Missouri State— Houck, Louis— History of Missouri 35 Missouri State— Houck, Louis— Spanish Re- gime in Missouri 35 Missouri State— Hoyne, T. S., Ml).— Annual Directory of Homeopathic Physicians in the State of Missouri for the Year M79 20,22,35 Missouri State— Kansas City, Mo 84 Missouri State— Pioneers of Missouri and Ill- inois 35 Missouri State— St. Louis, Mo 35,91,92 Missouri State— Spanish Regime in Missouri, by Louis Houck 35 Missouri State— War of 1812— Boone County, Mo , List of Soldiers Petitioning for Pen- sions 36 Missouri State— War of the Rebellion, Mis- souri Troops in 36 Missouri Territory 16 Mitchell. (Rev.) S. H., comp., Historical Sketches o' Iowa Baptists 22 Mitchell, Nahum— History of the F^arly Set- tlement of Bridgewater in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, including an ex- tensive family register 28 Mitchener, C. H.— Historic Invents in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum Valleys 49 Mobile, Ala— Founding of Mobile, 1702-1718, bv Peter J. Hamilton 5 Moffat Family 90 Moffat, (Rev.) John, Descendants of 90 Moffat, R. Burnham, comp., Moffat Gene- alogies 90 Mohawk Valley, New York, Memoranda on. . 44 Moline. Til.— Daughters of the American Revolution, Year Books of Chapter 12 Monmouth, Til 3,12 Monmouth, 111.— Daughters of the American Revolution, Year Books of Chapter 12 Monmouth Countv, N.J.-Wills of 1804-1830 39 Monongahela, Pa.— Monongahela of Old or Historical Sketches of Southwestern Penn- svlvania $2 Monroe Countv, New York. History of 42.43 Monroe, (President) James 16,77.85.92, 111 Montague. E. J. — Early Settlers of Kaskaskia. A Directory Business Mirror and Historical Sketches of Randolph County 12 Monterey, Va 63 Montgomery, Ala 5 Montgomery County, Md 27 Montpelier, Vt 5 s Montreal. Can 87,104 Moore, (Dr.) D. N.— Moore Family Centen- nial Reunion, Belleville, 111., May 31 and June 1 , 1882 91 Moore, Ensley— Goudy Family in Illinois.. 81 Moore Family 90. 91 See Selden 96 Moore Family— Reunion, Belleville, 111., 1*82 90.91 Moore, George L.— Descendants of Shildes Moore in America 90 Moore. J. Bailey— History of the Town of Candia, New Hampshire 36 Moore, 3. Staunton, editor and comp.. His- tory of Henrico Parish and Old St. John's Church, Richmond, Va., 1611-1904 6:{ Moore, McCabe 91 Moore, Risdon Alexander 90 Moore, Shildes, Descendants of, in America, 1732 to 1891 90 Morgan Countv, 111 3, 12, 15 Morgan County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 3,15 Morgan, (Col ) George 35 Mormons— Journal of History, published by Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, Lamoni.Ia 22, 11 3 144 INDEX— Continued PAGE Mormons— Times and Seasons, Periodical of, published at Nauvoo, III 97 Morris County, N.J 38, 39 Morris County, N.J.— Wills, 1801-1830 39 Morris, Esther, Descendants of 77 Morris Family 77, 91 , 9fi See Collin's 77 Morris, Seymour— Genealogies being com- piled by, List of 108 Morris Seymour, comp., Halo Family of Con- necticut 82 Morris. Tyler Seymour— The Seymour Family a reprint of the Morris Genealogy 96 Morrisania. N.Y 45, 112 Morrison, Hugh A.— Index to Names of Per- sons and Churches in Meade's Old Churches, revised by CI Morri8town, New Jersey, First Presbyterian Church in. nistory of 39 Morse Family 91 Morse, Samuel, Descendants of 91 Morton, (Miss) comp., Morton, Vonable, Michaux of Saurin, Mismes, France, Ro- chette of Holland, Carey, Woodson, Logan, Clark, and Mathews Families 91 Morton Family 76, 88, 90. 91, 95, 100, 102 Morton, (Mrs.) Jennie C, Secretary of the Kentucky State Historical Society 23 Morton, Oren F.. B.L.— nighland County, Virginia. History of 63 Moseley, (Gen.) Edward A., President, Amer- ican-Irish Historical Society, Annual Ad- dress of 103 Muhlenberg, (Gen.) John Peter Gabrie', Order- ly Book of, March 26 to December 20, 1777. . 68 Munsell . Jool 6. 103, 106 Munsell, Jool. Pub. — American Genealogies, Index to, with Supplement 103 Munsell, Joel & Sons— Qenealoeiea' Articles, List of Titles in American Periodicals and Kindred Works, giving the Name. Residence and Earliest Date of the First Settler of Each Family, Etc 106 Munson Family 91 M"rphy. Henrv C, editor. Journal of Jasper Dankers and Peter Sluyter 40, 108 Muskingum Valley, Ohio 49 Myers Family ..." 73, 87, 91 Mvers, John F.— Genealogy of the Myers, Lindlev and Rirdsell Families 73. 87. 91 Mvers, John F., Poems of, Reference to. .73.87,91 Myers, Theodorus B 109 N Nance. Zachariah — Soldier of the Revolution 91 NaT>erville. Ill 83, 91 Narraeansett, Rhode Island, Episcopal Church in, History of 55 Nash, Gilbert. ooim>.. Historical Sketch of the Town of Weymouth. Mass 33 Nash, Gilbert, comp., Weymouth in its First Thirtv Years 33 Nashville. Tenn 3 1, 35 Nason. (Rev.) Elias. M.A.— Discourso De- livered before the New Eneland Historical and Genealogical Society, Boston, April 2, 1868, on the Life and Character of Hon. John Albion Andrew. LL.D 71 National Society— Daughters of the American Revolution 57. 106. 108, 11 1 National Society Daughters American Revo- lution—American Monthly Magazine, pub- lished b y 57.111 National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Annual Reports, Directory of. History of. Lineage Books .".106,108 National Society Sons of the American Revo- lution, Register of, Year Books 110,111 Naugatuek, Conn 7,9 Set Waterbury, Conn 9 Nauvoo, Til 97 Newberry Library, Chicago— Genealogical Collection 3 PAGE Nebraska State— Allen, John C. Secretary of State of, comn.. Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of the War of 1812, Mexican War and the War of the Rebellion, Residing in Nebraska. June 1,1893 31.111 Nebraska State, Historical Society Publica- tions of 31 Nebraska State— Indian War of 1864, Being a Fragment of the Early History of Kansas, Nebraska. Colorado arid Wyoming M Nebraska State— Lincoln, Neb" 34.111 Nebraska State — Mexican War, Soldiers and Sailors in. Residing in Nebraska, 1893 31 Nebraska State— Omaha, Neb 76 Nebraska State— War of 1*12. Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in, Residing in Nebraska, I - 34.111 Newburgh, N.Y 71. 72, 7 1, 78. 83 Nowburyport, Mass B I Newbury, Vermont, History of, from the Discovery of the Coos Country to Present Time. Etc Neill, Edward D.— History of the Virginia Company of London to and from tho FirRt Colony, never before printed 68, 107 Neill, Edward D.— Virginia Carolorum— The Colonv under the Rule of Charles the First and Second, A.D. 1625-1685 65, 68 New Castle County. Del.— Calendar of Wills of 1682-1800 10 New Connecticut Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, Painesville, Ohio.. 48. 49 New England, First Settlers of. Genealogical Dictionary of, by James Savage— also index to same, comp. by O. P. Dexter, M.A., LL.B New England, First Settlers of, or Conquest of the Pequods, Narragansetts and Pokano kets, Etc 1 09 New England— Genealogical and Historical Society at Boston 3 New England— Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families 91 ,92 New England -Genealogical Quarterly sod Magazine <>f New England History 112 New England Historical and ( i enealogical Register 79.uk, ua New England Historical and lienealogical Register Index to Genealogies and Pedi- grees ror Fiftv Years January, 1817 to October, 1896 108 Ni'W BngWld Historical and Genealogical Register of 1860. Reference to 80 New England -Historical and <; enealogical Register 1888, Reference to. 28 New England Historical and Genealogical So- ciety 3, 113 New England Historic and Genealogical - ciety -Memorial Biographies. 9 vols Mi New England Historical and Genealogical Society. Publications of 10J Now England Indian Wars- Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England from the First Planting Thereof in 1607 to 1677 108 New England— Old New England Churches and Their Children 109 New Foundland, Nova Scotia, Earliest Settlement in 101 New Hampshire state 86. 86, 37. 60, 77. M i. 86, W, 1 . 93, 97, 99, 107 New Hampshire state-- Amherst, History of 86 New Hampshire State Bantisl Church, An- nual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America to the Firs! of November. 1790, New Hampshire ..6,0.10,23 60, MM New Hampshire Btate— Candia, New Hamp- shire, History of 36 New Hampshire 8 tate Censasofl700- Heads of Families First (ensus.'rnited States, 1790 9. 32. 37, 55, 57, 107 New Hampshire State— Charlestown, New Hampshire, History of 36 145 INDEX — Continued PAGE New Hampshire State — Claremont, N.H 36 New Hampshire State — Concord, N.H 25, 36, 37, 85, 90, 93, 97 New Hampshire State— Concord, New Hamp- shire, History of, from its First Grant in to the Organization of the City Govern- ment in 1853 36 New Hampshire State— Genealogical and Family History of 91 New Hampshire State— Grants— Tho First Town on the New Hampshire Grants Chartered after the Close of the French War 59 New Hampshire State— Haverhill, New Hampshire, History of 36 Mew Hampshire State— Manchester, N.H... 36 New Hampshire State— Old Dover, N.H 93 New Hampshire State, Provincial and State Papers of 37 New Hampshire State— Rockingham County. N.H 36 New Hampshire State— War of the Revolu- tion—See Vols. XIV.XV, XVI, XVII, New Hampshire State Papers— See Appendix.. 38 New Hampshire State — War of the Revolu- tion, History of the First New Hampshire Regiment in 36 New Hanover County, N.C. — History of New Hanover County and the Lower Cape Fear Region, 1723-1800 46 Now Haven, Conn 91 New Haven, Conn., British Invasion of 6, 7 New Haven, Connecticut, Colony of— See At- water, Edward A. and Lambert, Edward R. 6, 7 New Haven, Connecticut, History of the Colony of, by Edward Lambert 6, 7 New Haven, Connecticut, History of the Jolony of, by Robert Atwater Smith 6,7 New Jersey State — Archives of the State 37 New Jersey State — Baptist Church— Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America, to the First of November, IT'.m). New Jersey ...">, 9, 10, 22, 27 28, 36, 37, 40, 45, 50, 54, 55, 58, 60, 104 New Jersey State — Bergen, N.J. — Annals of the Classes of the Reformed Dutch Church. . 37 New Jersey State— Bergen County— Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State— Burlington County, N.J. — Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State — Calendar of Records, 1715- 1738 37 New Jersey State— Calendar of Wills, 1670-1730 37 New Jersey State — Cape May County, N.J. .37, 38 New Jersey State— Cape May County New Jersey, History 'of 37 Mow Jersey State— Cape May County, N.J.— Wills, lso 1-1830 39 New Jersey State— Colony and State, 4 vols. — S(C Appendix. New Jersey State -Continental Line in the Revolutionary War, Officers of, who were Eligible to Membership in the Society of Cincinnati '. . 39 New Jersey State — Cumberland County— Gouldtown, Settlement of, Ancient Oate — 8a Appendix. New Jersey State— Cumberland County, N.J. —Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State — Dover, N.J 38 New Jersey State— Essex County, N.J.— Wills, 1 si 1 1 - 1 830 39 New Jersey State— Extracts from American Newspapers Relating to New Jersey 37 New Jersey State— Germans (Early) of New Jersey, their History, Churches and Gene- 80 . alogies 38 New Jersey State— Gloucester County— Wills, 1804-1830 39 New'Jersey State— Gouldtown— Cumberland County, New Jersey, Ancient Settlement of— See Appendix. PAGE New Jersey State— Hackensack, N.J.— First Reformed (Dutch) Church 38 New Jersey State— Hanover, N.J. —Church Members, Marriages and Baptisms at Han- over, New Jersey during the Pastorates of Rev. Jacob Green and to the Settlement of Rev. Aaron Condit, 1746-1796 38 New Jersey State, Historical Collections of.. 38 New Jersey State— Hudson County, New Jersey, History of 38,39 New Jersey State— Hunterdon County— Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State— Marriage Records, 1665- 1800— See New Jersey State Archives, Vol. 22 37 New Jersey State — Merchantville, N.J 100 New Jersey State— Middlesex County— Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State — Monmouth County — Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State— Morris County, N.J.— Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State— Morris County, N.J 38,39 New Jersey State — Morristown, New Jersey, First Presbyterian Church in, History of.. 39 New Jersey State— Salem County— Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey S tate— Society of the Cincinnati . . 39 New Jersey State— Somerset County— Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State— Stryker, William S — Continental Line of New Jersey in the Vir- ginia Campaign of 1781 38 New Jersey State— Stryker, William S.— Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War 39 New Jersey State— Sussex County, N.J. — Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Jersey State— Trenton, N.J 39 New Jersey State — Trenton, New Jersey, Presbyterian Church History of 39 New Jersey State— War of the Revolution Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War 39 New Jersey State — Warren County, N.J. — Wills, 1825-30 39 New Jersey State — Whippany, N.J.— Inscrip- tions on the Tombstones and Monuments in the Grave Yards at Whippany and Hanover, New Jersey 39 New Jersey State— Wills, Calendar or, 1670- 1730— See Vol. 23, New Jersey Archives 37 New Jersey State— Wills, 1670-1730 37 New Jersey State— Wills, 1804-1830 39 New Kent County, Va 65, 67 New Kent County, Va.— Parish Register of St. Peter's, New Kent County, Virginia, from 1680 to 1787 65 New London, Connecticut, History of, from the First Survey of the Coast in 1612 to 1852, second edition, continued to 1860 7 New Mexico 77 New Milford, Conn— Two Centuries of New Milford, Connecticut, Etc 7 New Orleans, La , 5, 25 New Paltz, New York, History of, and its Old Families from 1678 to 1820 43 New Plymouth Colony, Mass.— Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England- Court Orders, Vol. I, 1633-1640 31 Newspapers — ColumbiaCentinel (Newspaper) 30 Newspapers— Illinois Intelligencer (Extra) Saturday September 13,1823 15 Newspapers — Illinois, Newspapers and Perio- dicals of 1814-1879 116 Newspapers— Massachusetts Centi nel 30 Newspapers— Sangamo Journal January 9, Newspapers— South Carolina Gazette 56 Newton. Clair Alonzo, comp., Hemenway Family 83 Newton, Clair Alonzo, comp., Newton Fam- ily 91 -10 H S 146 INDEX — Continued PAGE Newton Family 91 See Selden 96 Newton, Mary Hemcnway, OOmp., Rufus llemenway I'amilv Newton, Richard, a Sudbury, Mass 91 Newton, Thomas, Descendants of 91 Newton. (Rev.) William Monroe. comp., Rich- ard Newton of Sudbury, Massachusetts, 1638-39 91 New York City, N.Y 11,25,39,40, . 15. 68, HI , 62, 64, 67, 72, 73, 74, 78, 81, 8 1. • ll, W, 102, 103, 105, 106, 108. 109,110,111, 112, 118 New York City, Genealogical Collection in 3 New York City, St. Mark's Church on the Bowery 13 (few York City, St Nicholas Society of H Now York State (i, 10, II, 13, 11, 15, 53. 58, 52,71. 72, 73, 71. 7:., 78, 77, 7s. 79, 80. si. s I. S5, s»o, '.il , <»2, 93, 91, 9,i, 96, 99, 101, 102, 183, 104, 10, r », 108, 107. lo.s, 109,110 111,112,113 New York State— Albany, N.Y 40, 15, 56. 63, 7 1 , 92, 94, 102, 108, 104, 106, 107 New York State- Albany County, New- York, First Settlers of the Ancient Counlv of 10 New York Stale -Amenia, N.Y 40 New York State, Annual Register and Mili- t ary Roster of HI New York State— Aurora, N.Y s7 New York State— Baptist Church— Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America; to the First of November, 1790. New York . .5, 9. 10, 22, 27, 28, 36, 37, 40, 45, 50, 54, 55, 58, 60, 104 New York State— Brooklyn, N.Y 108 New York State — Census of 1790— Heads of Families Taken at the First Census of the United States, 1790 57, 107 New York State— Chatauqua County. NY.. 71 New York Stato — Cohoes, New York, His- tory of 40 New York State, Colonial Dames of Cata- logue of the Genealogical and Historical Library of the Colonial Dames of the State of New York 105 New York State— Columbia County 73 New York State— Dutchess County, New- York, History of, 1609-1S76 ." 40 New York State— Flatbush, Kings County, Long Island, History of 40 New York B i logical and Biograph- ical Record 41, 113 New York State — Genealogical and Biograph- ical Record, July, 1*96, quoted Ill New York B logical and Biograph- cal Record, Vols. 28, 29, 1897, No*, quoted. . 84 New York State — Genealogical and Biograph- cal Record, Vol. 41, No. 2, April, 1910, quoted 110 New York State, Genealogical and Biograph- ical Society of 41 New York State — Genealogical Notes of New fork and New England Families 91,92 New York State Historical Society, Collec- tions of 40, 41 New York State — Huntington, Long Island, Silas Wood's Sketch of 41 New York State— Jones, Thomas— History of New York During the Revolutionary War. . 45 New York State-^King's Bridge, N.Y 11,40 New York State— K inns County, N.Y.— Gen- ealogical Club Collections 41, 113 New York State— Long Island Genealogies. . 74 New York State— Long Island Historical Memoirs 40 New York State— Long Island Historical Society 40 New York State — Madison University, Ham- ilton, New York, First Half Century of (1819-1869) 41 PAGE New York State— Military Roster, Civil Offi- cers of the Government of the Cnited States and of the Stale of New York since the Adoption of its Constitution in 1777 104 New York State— Mohawk Valley 41 New York State— Monroe Counlv, New York, History of 43 New York State— Morrisania, N.Y 16,113 Now York State— Newburgh, N.Y 71.72, 7 I. 7s. s3. 93, 95 New York State- New l*alt/., History of, and its old families from 1878 to 1S20 43 New York State— Oneida County. New York, Annals and Recollect ions of 43 New York State— Onondaga Soldiers of the Revolution, Official Records 43 New York State— Oyster Bay, OueensCounty. a Documentary History of the Dutch Congregation of 43 New York State— Pawling, N.Y' 40 New York State— Phelps and Qortaam Pur- chase — History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase and Morris Reserve 43 New York State— Queens County, New York. History of 43 New York State— Salem, N.Y'.— Records of the Past and Glimpses of the Present 43 New York State— Schenectady. New York, Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of 44 New York State — Schoharie County, History of 44 New York State— Shelter Island Presbyterian Church, Historic Papers on ...♦4,74,78,77,78,79,82 99,100 New fork State — Simms, Jeptha R. — History of Schoharie County and Border Wars of New York M New Y'ork State— Sons of the American Revo- lution, Society of 1 1 New York State— Steuben County, New York, 1 1 istory of 44 New York State— Suffolk County. New York, Historical and Descriptive Sketches of 44 New York State— Try on County, New York, Annals of 44,45 New York State— Tryon County, New York, Minute Book of the Committee of Safety on 45 New York State- lister County. N.Y 90 New York State— War of the Revolution - Annals of Tryon County; or the Border Warfare of New York during the Revolu- tion il. 16 New York State — War of the Revolution- History of New York During the Revolu- tionary War, by Thomas Jones I."> New York State -War of the Revolution — New York in the Revolution as a Colony and as a State. James A. Roberts, comp 45 New Y'ork State — War of the Revolution— Onondaga Soldiers of the Revolution New York Slat,' \\ eedsport. N.Y 96 New York State— Westchester Count v. New York. Early Wills of. from 1684 to 1784.... 45 New York State— -Westchester Counlv. New- York, History of 15,71,81,101 New York State-West Farms, N.Y 15 New York State— White Plains, New York, Wills Recorded at 45 New York State-Wills. Surrogate Office, City of N«w York, 1666 1 77 1 40 Nichols County. Ky— See Bourbon County, Appendix. Nixon Family of Fermanagh 81,98 Noblat Noblet Noblett Noblit Noblot Fain ily 92 147 INDEX — Continued PAGE Noblit, John Hyndman— Genealogical Col- lections Relating to the Nobtet Family 92 Noblit, William 92 Norfolk, Virginia, Historical and Descriptive Sketch of 65 North America— Baptist Denomination in North America; Annual Register of, to the First of November, 1790, by John Asplund 5,9. 10, 22. 27, 28, 36, 37, 40, 45, 50, 54, 55, 58, 60, 104. . North Carolina State 45,46,47,100,107,114 North Carolina State— Baptist Church— An- nual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America to the First of November, 1790 . .5, 9, 10, 22, 27, 28, 36, 37, 40, 45, 50, 54, 66, 58, 60, 104 North Carolina State— North Carolina Book- let, Published by tho North Carolina Daugh- ters of the American Revolution 46, 1 1 1 North Carolina State — Cape Fear Region 46 North Carolina State— Caruthers, E. W.— Revolutionary incidents and Sketches of Character, chiefly in the "Old North State" 47 North Carolina, Census of, 1790— Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States, 1790, North Carolina 9,32,37,55,107 North Carolina State, Colonial Records of 46 North Carolina State— Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution 46, 111 North Carolina State — Dowd, Jerome — Sketches of Prominent Living North Car- olinians 47 North Carolina State— Edenton, N.C 46 North Carolina State, German Settlements in 16 North Carolina State — Goldsboro, N.C 46,47 North Carolina State— Greensboro, North Carolina, Facts, Finures, Traditions, Re - iniscences of, 1808-1904 46 North Carolina State, Historical and Genea- logical Register of 46 North Carolina State— Hunter, C.L.— Sketches of North Carolina 46, 47 North Carolina State — Lincoln County, N.C. —See Hunter's Sketches of North Carolina. 46, 47 North Carolina State— Mecklenburg County, N.C— See Hunter's Sketches of North Car- olina 46, 47 North Carolina State — New Hanover County, History of 46 North Carolina State— Raleigh, N.C 45. 46. 47, 100. 114 North Carolina State — Revolutionary Inci- dents and Sketches Chiefly in the "Old North State"— E. VV. Caruthers 47 North Carolina State — Revolutionary pension- ers in North Carolina 47 North Carolina State— Rowan County, N.C— Src Hunter's Sketches of North Carolina 47 North Carolina State— Rowan County— Wills 17 North Carolina State— Schenck, David, LL.D. —North Carolina, 1780-81 17 North Carolina State — War of the Revolution, Pensioners in, North Carolina 47 North Carolina State— Wheeler, John H.— Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1584 to 1851 46 North Carolina State -Wills, Abstracts of, Compiled from Original and Recorded Wills in the Office Of the Secretary of State I", North Carolina State -Wilmington, N'.C 46 North Dakota State— Bismark, N.D 47 North Dakota State Carrington, N'.D 17 North Dakota State— Historical Society of, Collections of 17 North Dakota State Kensal. North Dakota, 1 1 istory of 17 North Dakota State, University of, Quarterly Journal of 47 North Point, Md.— The Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Ft. Mcllenry September 18, II, 1M 1 27 Norwalk, Conn— Nor walk after Two Hundred and Fifty Years 7,8 PAGE Norwalk, Conn.— see New Haven, Connecticut British Invasion of 7 Norwich, Conn 71, 87, 100 Norwich, Connecticut, History of, from its Settlement in 1660 to 1845 8 Norwich, Conn. — see History of the Leffing- well Family 87 Notes and Queries, Periodical, Philadelphia- William Henry Erie, M.D., editor.... 52, 53, 114 Nova Scotia, Early Settlement in 104 Oak Park, 111 84 Oath of Allegiance to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Signers of : 86 Ogle County, 111 14, 80 Ogle County, 111.— Governor Thomas Ford in Ogle County 80 Ogle County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in 14 Oglesby Family— See Appendix. Oglesby, Richard J., Sketch of— See Appendix Ohio County, Indiana, History of 19, 20 Ohio County, Va 54 Ohio State 8,32,33,48,49,50. 71.7.'), 76. 101,114 Ohio State — Annals of Ohio— Historic Events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum Valleys 49 Ohio State Archaological and Historical Society of 48 Ohio State — Athens County, Ohio, History of 48 Ohio State — Butler County, Pioneer Bio- graphy of some of the Early Settlers of 48 Ohio State— Cincinnati , Ohio . .23, 48, 49, 89,90, 110 Ohio State — Cincinnati, Ohio — College Cata- logue, 1836-37 48 Ohio State— Cincinnati, Ohio, Directory of, 1819 48 Ohio State— Cincinnati, Ohio, Early Annals of, 1841 48 Ohio State— Cincinnati, Ohio, Sketches and Statistics of, 1851, 1859 48 Ohio State— Cleveland , Ohio 32, 33, 101 Ohio State—Cleveland, Ohio— Lake View Congregational Church 49 Ohio State— Columbus, Ohio 48, 49, 50, 71, 114 Ohio State— Columbus, Ohio, History of 48 Ohio State— Daughters of the American Revo- lution—New Connecticut Chapter Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, Paines- ville, Ohio 48. 49 Ohio State— Day ton, Ohio 49 Ohio State— Delaware, Ohio 71 Ohio State— Geauga County, Ohio, Revolu- tionary Soldiers Buried in 48,49 Ohio State— Hildrodth, S. P., M.D.— Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio 48 Ohio State— Historical and Philosophical So- ciety of, Publications of 49 Ohio State, Historical Collections of, by Henry Howe 48 Ohio State— Howell s, William Cooper— Recol- lections of Life in Ohio from 1813 to 1840. ... 49 Ohio State— Knox County, Ohio, Biographical Record of 49 Ohio State— Lake County, Ohio, Revolution- ary Soldiers Hi tried in 49 Ohio State— Land Company 48 Ohio State— Marietta Ohio, First Settlement of 48 Ohio State— Muskingum Valley, Historic F. vents in 49 Ohio State I'ainesville. < >hio 48,49, 71 Ohio State I'ainesville. Ohio— New Con- necticut Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Ohio State— Plymouth, Ohio 8, 49 See atoo Plymouth, Conn •.... 8 Ohio State— Seneca Count-y, Ohio, History of 49 Ohio State -South Charleston, Ohio Sketches of 50 Ohio State— Tuscarawas and Muskingum Val- leys, Historic Events in 49 148 INDEX — Continued PAGE Ohio State— War of the Revolution— Revolu- tionary Soldiers Buried in Geauga County, Ohio 48,49 Ohio State, Western Reserve Pioneers of BO Old Dover, N.H 93 Old Northwest Genealogical Society, Publi- cations of 114 Olin, William M.— Secret ary of Slat i> of Massa- chusetts 32 Oliver, John, Land Grant for Military Ser- vices, War of 1812 16, 92 Omaha, Neb 7<> Onderdonk, Henry M 55 Oneida County, New York, Annals and Recol- lections of 43 Onondaga, N.Y. — Onondaga's Soldiers of the Revolution 43 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, History of 66 Orange County, Virginia, History of, from its Formation in 1734 to the End of Recon- struction in 1870 05 Oroatt, (Rev.) Samuel— History of Torring- ton, Connecticut, from its First Settlement in 1737 9 Order and Letter Book of Brig. Gen. Henry Atkinson, 1832 17 Order Book and Muster Rolls of the Illinois Troops in the Black Hawk War 7 Orderly Book and Journals kept by Connecti- cut Men while taking Part in the American Revolution 8 Orderly Book of General Lewis of that Portion of the American Army Stationed at or near Williamsburgh, Virginia, March 18, 1770 to August 28, 1770 69, 109 ( tnlerly Book of Sir John Johnson 109 Orderly Book of Gen. John Peter Gabriel Ifuhtanberg, March -ii December 20, 1777.. 65 < >rendorff Family 72. 92 93 96 98, 99, 101, 102 < >riskany Canipaign, 1776-1777— Orderly Book of Sir John Johnson 109 Osage County, Kan 93 Osborne, Georgia L 4, 1 16 Osborne, Georgia L., Compiler of Genealogical Works in Illinois State Historical Library. 4 Overton, Samuel— Letter to his Father Waller Overton Written During the War of 1812.. 24 Overton, Waller — Letter of Samuel Overton to his Father Waller Overton During the War of 1812 34 Owen County, Indiana, History of 19 Owen, Thomas M., LL.D.— Alabama official and statistical reporter 5 Oxford, Conn- See Waterbury, Conn.; Wood- bury, Conn 8,9 Oxford, Miss M Oyster Bay, Queens County, New York, Dutch Congregation of, Documentary His- tory of 43 Paca Family 92 See Selden 96 Page Family 92 See Selden M Painesville.Ohio 4S, 4't, 71 Painesville, Ohio— New Connecticut Chapter Daughters of the American devolution... 48,49 Palmar, Charles J. -History of Lenox and Richmond, Massachusetts! 30,31 Palmer. Clara Skeele — Annals of Chicopee St reel . 1676 1878 32 Palmer Family— See Appendix. Palmar, (General) Friend— Early Davs in Detroit 33 Palmer, John if., Personal Recollect ions of — See Appendix. Palmer, Massachusetts, History of the Town oL 31 PAGE Palmer, William P., editor, Virginia Stale Papers — Calendar of Virginia E and other Manuscripts, lii.',j- 1781, preserved in the State Capitol at Richmond 68 Park, K. ('., pub.— History of Irvine ami Kstill Counties, Kentucky 23 Parke County, Indiana, History of 20,21 Parker, Abraham, Descendants of 44 Parker, Archelius, Descendants of 99 Parker, Edward E.— Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire 91 Parker Family 8,99. 101, 102 Parry Family 81, 92, 94, 98 See Stuart, Freeman, Pike. Parson Family 92 See Hoar 83 Parsons, Lewis B.— Genealogy of the Family of Lewis B. Parsons (Second), Etc 92 Parsons, (Capt.) Luke— Captain of Cavalry, Vermont, War of I8U 59, Ill Patrician and Plebian in Virginia- 9m Wur- tenbacker Patterson, William D., comp. and editor. Pro- bate Records of Lincoln County, Maine, 1780 to 1800 ." 26 Pawling, N.Y 40 Paxton, W. M.— Marshall Family, or a Gene- alogical Chart of the Descendants of John Marshall and Elizabeth Markham 89 Pearce Family 92 Pearce, (Col.) Frederick C, comp.,Peai ( I enealogy Pearce, Richard, Descendants of Peaslee Familv Pearson, (Prof.) Jonathan- Contributions for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of the Ancient County of Albany, New York, from 1630-1800 40 Pearson, (Rev.) Jonathan Contributions for the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers Ofgthfl Patent and City of Schenectady from 1663 to isoo 44 Pearson, (Rev.) Jonathan— A'History) of the Schenectady Patent in the DutchTand Eng- lish Times; being Contributions Toward History of the Lower Mohawk Valley 41 Peck Family Pedigrees, Alphabetical Index to, by Daniel P. Durrie— ore Appendix. Pedigrees — Hints for Tracing an Anglo- American Pedigree in the Old Country 107 Pedigrees— Index to Genealogies and Pedi- grees in New England Historical and Gene- alogical Register for Fifty Years, January, Is 17 to October, 1S90....." 108 Pelletreau, William S., A.M. F.arly Wills of Westchester County, New York, from 1664 to 1784 ." IS Pelletreau, William S., A.M.- Silas Wood's Sketch of the Town of Huntington, Long Island, edited with notes by Pence Family Pence, (Judge) John. Descendants of 93 Pence, Kingsley AdolphOS History of Judge John Fence and his Descendants Pendleton Family 93 S«c Selden 96 Pennsylvania State ..33,60. 51,63,68, 54. 60,66. ."<>. 73, 76. 19, 80,81. 83, v 98, 100,101, in:-, 106, 107, 1"". 11 1 Pennsylvania state, Archives of Pennsylvania state, Baptist Church In- An- nual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America; to the l'it-t of November, 1 790. Pennsylvania ..6,9, 1". 33, 37, 28,36(37, K>, 15, 60 104 Pennsylvania State Beaver County, Penn- sylvania, History Of 50 Pennsylvania State— Casper, (Rev.)— Mar- riage Record, 1839-1882 53 149 INDEX — Continued PAGE Pennsylvania State, Census of, 1790— Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States, 1790 9,32,37,55,57, 107 Pennsylvania State — Colonial Dames of Amer- ica, Pennsylvania Society of 51 105 Pennsylvania State, Colonial Records of, 1683 to 1790 50 51 Pennsylvania State — Coudersport, Pa 77 Pennsylvania State — Dauphin County, Scraps of History of 51 Pennsylvania Stat* — Delaware County 92 Pennsylvania State— Easton, Pennsylvania, First Settlers of, Etc 51 Pennsylvania State— Erlenwiger, (Rev.) C. G.— Marriage Record, 1840-1875 53 Pennsylvania State — Frankford, Pa 70, 72, 76, 79, 80, 81. 83, 85, 86, 94, 98, 101 , 102 Pennsylvania State— Franklin, Pa 53 Pennsylvania State — French Occupation in Western Pennsylvania, 1631-1764 51 Pennsylvania State, Genealogical Society of, Publications 51, 52, 114 Pennsylvania State— Germantown, Pa 110 Pennsylvania State — Harrisburg, Pa 50, 51, 53, 85, 113, 114 Pennsvlvania State, Historical Society Pub- lications of 53, 65, 114 Pennsylvania State, Historical Society Pub- lishers of— Magazine of Biography and History 53, 114 Pennsylvania State— Huntington County, History of 52 Pennsylvania State, Immigrants to, German, Swiss, Dutch, French from 1727 to 1776, Rupp's Collection of Names of 51, 104, 105 Pennsylvania State — Juniata Valley, History of the Early Settlement of 52 Pennsylvania State — Lancaster, Pa 52, 97 Pennsylvania State— Lancaster Barracks 52 Pennsylvania State — Lancaster County, His- tory of 52 Pennsylvania State— Lebanon, Pa 88 Pennsylvania State— Li nek laen, John— Trav- els in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont 45,52,53,59 Pennsylvania State— Magazine of Biography and History, published by the Pennsylvania Historical Society 53, 65, 114 Pennsylvania State Marriages, 1835-1898 53 Pennsylvania State— Monongahela of Old., Historical Sketches of Southwestern Penn- sylvania 52 Pennsylvania State — Notes and Queries, Per- iodical Relating Chiefly to the Interior of Pennsylvania 52 53, 114 Pennsylvania State — Oath of Allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania between the Years 1776 to 1794, Names of Persons 53 Pennsylvania State — Philadelphia, Pa 22, 25, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 69,92, 97, 100, 103, 104, 105, 109, 111, 114 Pennsylvania State — Snyder County, Pa. — \rarfiages, 1835-1899— Miscellaneous Mar- riages, 1868-1898 53 Pennsylvania State— Susquehanna Valleyj West Branch of, Biographical Annals of I Nceased Residents of 50 Pennsvlvania State— Upland, Pennsylvania, Record of the Court at, 1676 to 1681 53 Pennsylvania Slate Valley Forge, Pa 110 Pennsylvania State — Venango County, His- tory of 53 Pennsylvania State- War of the Revolution — Old Westmoreland, a History of Western Pennsylvania During the Hevoltition 54 Pennsylvania State War of the Revolution — See Pennsylvania Archives, V ols. 1.'$ and 14.50, 53 Pennsylvania State- — Washington County, Pennsylvania, History of 54 Pennsylvania State— Westmoreland, Pa. — Old Westmoreland, a History of Western Pennsylvania During the Revolution 54 PAOE Pennsylvania State— Wilkes-Barre, Pa 54 Pennsylvania State— Wyoming Historical and : Geological Society Proceedings^ and Collec- » tionsof 54 Penobscot, Maine, History of 25,26 Pension Rolls, Illinois, 1816-1835 13 Pentagoet, Maine, Ancient Settlement of. ..25, 26 Peoria, 111. — Daughters of the American Revo- lution 14 Peoria County, 111.— In Military Tract.'. 15 Peoria County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers ► Buried in 3, 14 Peoria County, 111.— War of 1812— Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in Peoria County 13,16 Periodicals— Genealogical Periodicals 111-115 Periodicals — Times and Seasons, published by the Mormons at Nauvoo, 111 97 Perley, Sidney, editor, Essex Antiquarian. .29, 112 Perrin, William Henry, editor, History of fc Bourbon, .Scott, Harrison and Nicholas w Counties, Kentucky— See Appendix. Perry Family 93 Peters, John B., editor, Diary of David McClure, 1748-1820 106 Phelps and Gorham— Purchase and Morris, Reserve History of 43 Phelps, W. W.— Joseph Smith, Sr., Article on 97 Philadelphia, Pa 22, 25, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 69, 92, 97, 100, 103, 104, 105, 109, 111, 114 Phillips, (Gen.) William 107 Pickens County, Alabama, History of, 1817- 1856, by Nelson F. Smith 5 Pierce, Frederick Clifton, comp., Field Gene- Pierce, Frederick Clifton— Fiske and Fisk Family Genealogy 80 Pierce, Frederick Clifton— History of Grafton, Mass 30 Pike County, 111., In the Military Tract 15 Pinckney Family 71, 72, 78, 83, 93 Pinkham Family 93 Pinkham, Richard, of Old Dover, New Hamp- shire and his Descendants East and West . . 93 Pioneer Mothers of America by Harry Clinton Green and Mary Wolcott Green 109 Pioneer Mothers of Illinois, Collection of Let- ters of 13 Pioneer Society of Michigan, Collections of... 34 Piper Family 72,93,96.98,99,101,102 Pittsfield, Massachusetts, History of. 31 Pittsburgh, Battle of, War of 1812 Ill See Clark, Byron N Ill Pleasant Family 93 See Randolph 94 Plymouth, Conn.— see Waterbury, Conn 8, 9 Plymouth County, Mass 28 Plymouth, Mass 31, 86 Plymouth, Massachusetts, Ancient Land Marks of 31 Plymouth, Ohio-^see Plymouth, Conn 8, 49 Plymouth Township, Pennsylvania, Estab- lishment and Settlement of, with Genealogi- cal Data from Records of Friends 53 Polo, III , 14 Popham Colony, Me.— Memorial Volume of the Popham Celebration, August 29, 1862.. 26 Portage, Wis 70 Port Jefferson, L.I 44 Portland, Me 25, 26, 74 Portland, Me.— Portland Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Rebellion 26 Portsmouth, R.I 92 Portsmouth County, Va 65,66 Potter, Charles Edward, comp., Barrett An- cestry 72 Pound Familv 85,93 Powell Family 93,94 Powell, Thomas, Descendants of 93 Power, John Carroll and Power, (Mrs.) S. A., comps., History of Early Settlers of Sanga- mon County— Centennial Edition 13 160 INDEX— Continued PAGE Presbyterian Church— Kentucky— Ebenezer Kentucky Presbytery of 23 Presbyterian Church— Kentucky— History of the Presbyterian Church in Kentucky 24,61 Presbyterian Church— Kentucky— West Lex- ington, Ky 23 Presbyterian Church— New Jersey— (First) of Morristown, New Jersey. History of 39 Presbyterian Church— New Jersey— Trenton, New Jersey, History of 39 Presbyterian Church— New York Shelter Is- land Presbyterian Church ...44,74. 7ti, 77. 78, 70, B2, 83, 84, 85. 90, 92, 90, 99, 100 Presbyterian Church— Virginia — Presbyterian Churches in Hie Valley of Virginia. . . .* 24,61 Presbyterian Church, Wisconsin 70 Preston, Conn 101 Preston Familv 94 Set SeUl.n' 96 Price. (Rev.) Benjamin Luther— John Price — The Emigrant Jamestown Colony 1620, with Some of his Descendants 94 Price Family M Price, John, Descendants of 94 Prichard, A. M., comp., Descendants of Wil- liam Prichard 94 Prichard Family 94 Prince, Ezra M.— The Fourth Illinois Infantry in the War with Mexico IS Prospect, Conn.— See Waterbury, Conn 8,9 Providence, R.I 54, 55, 75, 1 12 Providence, R. I.— History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations from the Settlement of the State 1636, to the Adoption of the federal ('(institution 55 Providence, K.l. — Records of the Colony of Rhode, Island and Providence Plantation.. 84 Public Records of the State of Connecticut from October, 1776 to February, 1778 8 Putnam County, III., Part of, in the Militarv Tract 15 Putnam, Kben and Sharpies, Stephen, editors, Genoa logical Magazine 112 Putnam. Kben. editor, Putnam's Monthly and Historical Magazine . 114 Putnam's Monthly and Historical Magazine. . 114 Pyke Family 78, 81,94, 98 Queens County, New York, History of 43 Queens of American Society, by Elizabeth F. Ellet 109 Quincy, 111 77 Quisenberry, A. C— Kentuckians in the Bat- tle of Lake Erie 24 Railey Family 94 See Randolph 91 Railey, W. E.— Randolphs and their Railey Connection! 94 Raleigh, N.C 45, 46, 47, 100. 114 Ralston Family 94 Ralston, James Harvey, Article on, bv Dr. J. F. Border ." 94 Ramsay, David, M.D.— History of South Car- olina, from its Settlement in 1670 to the 1808 56 Ramsay, David, M.D. — History of the Revo- lution of Smith Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent Suite 50 Ramsay, J. <;. M. Annals of Tennessee to the end of the Eighteenth Century 57 Randolph County. UL— Montague's Early Set- tlers of Kaskaskia, a Directory and Business Mirror. Historical Sketches of Randolph County 12 Randolph Family 94 Randolph, (Sir) John — Colonial Decisions of the General Court of Virginia, 172S-1741 61 Randolph Township, McLean County, III. ..12.7.1 Randolph Township — McLean County, 111.. Gravestone Inscriptions in 12, 73 BO PAOE Red ford, (Rev.) A. H.— History of Methodism in Kentucky 24 Reece, J. N.— Adjutant General, state of Illi- nois, Reports, 1861-66, revised by II Reed Family 94 Reeder, Albert— Sketches of South Charleston, •Ohio Register and Militarv Roster (Annual >. Name and Rank of the Principal Civil Officers of the Qntted Btatee Government since Its or- ganization and of New Vork since the Adop- tion of its Constitution in 1777 104 Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Vital Records of. 1043-1808 |] Bel ere Family 94 Revere, (Cot) Paul. Life and Works of.. Reynold*, John, Militia Documents of, Ki2.. 17 Reynolds, John, Orderly Book of, Black Hawk War. 1888 .' 17 Reynolds, John— Pioneer History of Illinois.. 16 Reynolds, John Hugh — Secretary Arkansas Historical Association 5 kc/eau Family 94 Rhodes Familv 71. 72. 7S, 83, 93. 94, 95 Rhode Island State 54,55, 75, 80, 03, 107, LIS Rhode Island State — Ancestry of Thirtv- three Rhode Islanders Born in the Kigh- t couth Century .", t Rhode Island State— Arnold. Samuel Greene — History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 55 Rhode Island State— Austin, John Osborne, comp., Ancestry of Thirty-three Rhode Islanders Born in the Eighteenth Century . ."! Rhode Island State \ustin, John Osborne — Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island State— Baptist Church— Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America: to the First of November, 1790 ..5.0, 10. 22, 27, 28,36, 87, 40. 45.50, 54,55,58, 60, 104 Rhode Island State— Block Island. Rhode Island, Epitaphs in the Burying Ground of. 54 Rhode Island State. Census of. 17'.»0 Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States, taken in the Year 1790. .9. 32. 37. 56, 57. 107 Rhode Island State, Genealogical Dictionarv of 54, 55 Rhode Island State— Narragansott. Rhode Island. Episcopal Church in. History of 55 Rhode Island State— Portsmouth. R.I 92 Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Records of Rhode Island State— Providence, R.I.54,55,75,112 Rhode Island State— Providence. K.l. His- tory of the State of Rhode Island and Provi- dence Plantations from the Settlement of the State. 1838, lO the Adoption of the Fed oral Const it tit ion Rhode Island State— Providence. R. I.— Rec- ords of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Rhode Island StaU' Sociotv of the Cincin- nati 104 Rhode Island State — War of the Revolution, History of Warren, Rhode Island in H Rhode Island State -Warren, R.I. History of the War of the Revolution 55 Rhode Island State- Woonsoeket. K.I "1 lihorer Family Rice. Harvey— Pioneers of the WCstem Re- serve 50 Richardson. Hester Dorsey sidelights on Maryland History 27 Richmond, Massachusetts. History of Richmond, Va 14,15 84,108 Richmond, Va. — Richmond, Her Past and Present Sat Appendix. Kiddle, A. G.-Life of Benjamin Wade.... 100, 101 Riddle Family 95 den 96 Rilev, Franklin L.— See Mississippi Historical Society 34 :,t 151 INDEX — Continued PAGE Rivers, William James— Sketch of tho History of South Carolina to the Close of the Pro- prietary Government by the Revolution of 1719. etc 57 Robots, K 11 wood, editor, Dewees Family 1 1 istory 78 Roberts, Ellwood— Plymouth Meeting, its Es- tablishment and the Settlement of tho Township, with Historical, Genealogical and Biographical Data from Records of Friends 53 Roberts. James A.. Camp., New York in the Revolution as a Colony and as a State 45 Roberta, James H. — John Edgar, Article on.. 79 Robertson, (Col.) Robert S., editor, History of the Maumee River Basin, Allen County, I ml iana 19 Rochette Family of Holland 91, 95 See Morton 91 Rockford, 111 92 Rockingham County, N.H 36 Ruakingham County, Virginia, History of.. 66 Rogers, Sion Report on Revolutionary Claims. 1864 14 Rogers Familv 67, 85, 88, 89, 90, 95 SfeMcllh'any 89 Rogers, Horatio— Notes on Hadden's Journal and Orderly Books 107 Rollin, Frank A.— Life and Public Services of Martin R. Delaney 78 Rollins, (Mrs.) H. M. — Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in McLean County, list compiled by 15 Romance of Genealogy, bv Eugene F. McPike 79,*S0, 82, 88, 89, 91, 94, 99, 100, 101 Rombauer, (Hon.) R. E.— Gustavus Koerner, Article on SO Romeyn, (Rev.) Theodore — Historical Ad- dress Delivered on Occasion of the Reopen- ing and Dedication of " The First Reformed ( Dutch) Church" 38 Ross Family 95 Se«Selden 96 Rosslyn, Va 60, 61 Rothert, Otto A.— History of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky — See Appendix. Rowan County, N.C 47 See Hunter's Sketch of North Carolina . . 47 Rowan County, N.C— Wills of Rowan County North Carolina 47 Rowland, Dunbar, comp.. Official and Statis- tical Register of Mississippi 85 Roxbury Conn.— Sec Woodbury, Conn 8,9 Roxbury, Mass 28, 31, 83 Roxbury Town, Massachusetts, History of.. 28, 31 Royal ton, Vt.— History of Royalton, Ver- mont 59 Royalton. Vt.— Woman's Club 59 Rupp, (Mrs.) Helen Nye— Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Warren County, list compiled by 3, 14 Rupp, (Prof.) I. Daniel— Collection of Up- wards of 30,000 names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1770, Et.c. Etc 51.104, 106 Russell, (Prof.) John— Notes on the Black Hawk War 17 Rutherford Family ...."!!!!".!!!!!."" !95, 96, 99 Rutland, Vt 60 S Sac City, la 19,77 Sac Indians 93 Backet t < taneajogy 95 Saffell, Charles ('.-Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Fort Mcllenry, September 13, 14, 1814 27 Saffell, \V. T. R.— Records of the Revolution- ary War, also index to same by J. T. McAl- lister .63, 66, 109, 110 Sage Family— See Le Sage 87 St. Albans, Vermont, Centennial History of. . 59 PAGE St. Denis Parish, South Carolina, Annals and Parish Register of 57 St. .1 ohnshury, Vt 59 St. Joseph County, Indiana, History of 20 St. Louis, Mo 35, 91, 92, 105 St. Louis, Mo.— Creoles of St. Louis 35,105 St. Mark's Church on the Bowery, New York City, Historical Notices of, from A.D. 1?J5 toA.D. 1st". 43 St. Mark's Parish, Virginia, Dr. Philip Slaugh- ter's History of 62, 66 St. Mary's, G a.— Historical Sketches ol Old St. Mary's 11 St. Nicholas Society of New York 43 St. Peter's Parish Register 1680 to 17S7 67 St. Thomas Parish, South Carolina, Annals and Parish Register, 1680 to 1884 57 Sale, Edith Tunis— Manors of Virginia in Colonial Times 61, 64 Salem, Mass 30, 79, 112, 114 Salem, Mass.— Press Historical and Genealogi- cal Record s 114 Salem County, N.J.— Wills, 1804-1830 39 Salem, N.Y.— Salem Books, Records of the Past and Glimpses of the Present 43, 44 Salley, A. S., Jr.— Orangeburg County, South Carolina, from its First Settlement to the Close of the Revolut ionary War 56 Salley, A. S., Jr., comp., Marriage Notices in South Carolina Gazette and its Succes- sor, 1732-1801 56 Salzburgers and their Descendants— See Eben- ezer, Ga 10,11,95 Sanborn 1 ' „- Sanborne /Family 95 Sanborn, V. C— Genealogy of the Family of Sanborne or Sanborn in England and America, 1194-1898 95 Sandy Springs, Maryland, Annals of 27 San Francisco, Cal 5, 112 Sangamo Journal January 9, 1836 91 Sangamon County, 111 3, 12, 13, 14 Sangamon County, Illinois, Early Settlers of, History of 13 Sangamon County Court House Tablet Placed on, to the Soldiers of the Revolution Buried in the County, by the Springfield Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution 14 Sangamon County, 111., Revolutionary Sol- diers Buried in 3, 14 Santa Anna, (General) Antonio Lopez de 58 Saunders, (Col.) James Edmonds— Early Set- tlers of Alabama, by 5 Saunders, William, editor, Colonial Records of North Carolina 46 Saunderson, (Rev.) Henry IL— History of Charlestown, New Hampshire, the Old No. 4, Embracing the Part Borne by its Inhabitants in the Indian, French and Revolutionary Wars, Etc., Etc 36 Savage, (Dr.) James, comp., Barrett Ancestry 72 Savage, James — Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Showing Three Generations of those Who came before May, 1692, on the Basis of Farmer's Register, also index 106 Savannah, (ia 10,11,95 Savoie Family 95 Sawyer Family . . .—See New York Shelter Is- land Presbyterian Church 44,95,96 Sawyer, (Capt.) Thomas, Ancestry of 95,96 Scharf, (Col.) J. Thomas— Chronicles of Balti- more; being a Complete History of "Balti- more Town" and Baltimore City, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time 27 Scharf, J. Thomas— History of Westchester County, New York 45 Schenck, David, LL.D.— North Carolina, 1780 1781 47 Schenectady, New York, Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of 44 152 INDEX — Continued PAGE Schenectady, New York Patent, History of, in the Patch and English Times 44 Scherer Family 73, 96 SchiefTelin Family 96,99 Schoharie County, New York, H istory of 44 Schuyler County, 111., In the Military Tract. . 18 Scotch Highlanders in America Prior to the Peace of 1783 103 104, 110 Scotch-Irish in America— Proceedings of the Scotch-Irish Congress 110 Scotch-Irish in History as Master Builders of Empires. States, Churches, Schools and Civilization 110 Scotch-Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America32, 110 Scotch-Irish Settlement, Virginia, Chroni- cles of 60, 61 Scotch-Irish Society in America, Proceedings of 110 Scotland 74,81,110 Scotland— G lasgow, Scotland 110 Scott County, Ky. —See Bourbon County, Appendix. Scott, Franklin William, editor, Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois, 1814-1879, Illinois I li storical Collections, Vol. VI 116 Scott, W. W.— Orange County, Virginia, History of, from its formation in 1734, to the End of Reconstruction in 1870 65 Seattle, Wash 69 Secomb, Daniel F.— History of the Town of Amherst, New Hampshire, 1728-1882 36 Selden Family 67, 96 Selleck Family 93,96 Selleck, William Edwin— Selleck and Peck Genealogy 93,% Semplo Family 96 See also Appendix. Seraple, (Gen.) James, Article on, by Mary Semple Ames Cushman, — See Appendix. Semple, (Hon.) James, Genealogy of, by W. K. Anderson 96 Seneca County, Ohio, History of 49 Sener, Samuel M.— Lancaster Barracks where the BritishTand ' Hessian Prisoners were Detained during the Revolution 52 Serre Family 96 Seville— Archives of the Indies at Seville 35 Seymour Family 96 Shambaugh, Benjamin F., editor, Iowa Jour- nal of History and Politics 22 Shambaugh, Benjamin F., editor, Mississippi Valley Historical Society Publications 113 Shaw, (Rev.) James, D.D.— Scotch-Irish in History as master Builders of Empires, States, Churches, Schools and Civiliza- tion 110 Sheahan, James W.— Life of Stephen A. Doug- las^See Appendix. Shelter Island,*N.Y.— Historical Papers on Shelter Island and its Presbyterian Church 44, 74, 76, 77, 78. 79, 82. 83, 84,55, 90, 92, 96, 100 See New York Shelter Island Presbyterian Church 44 Shenandoah ( ioonty, Va 93 Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, German Ele- ment of 67 Shenando.ih Valley Pioneers and their De- scendants—See FrederickVounty, Va 62, 67 Shepardson Family 96 Shepardson, Francis Way land— Shepardson Family, Branches of, in the United States when the First Census was Taken in 1790. . 96 Shepherd, Samuel— Statutes of Virginia, a Continuation of Hening's Statutes 63, 68 Shepherdstown, Va 67, 69 Shindel, (Rev.) Snvder County, Pa.— Marriage Record, 1835-1888 53 Short Family 72, 96^ 98, 101, 102 Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., M.D., editor, Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England 31 PAGE Simms, Jeptha R.- — History of Schoharie County and Border Wars of New York: containing also a Sketch of the Causes which Led to the American Revolution, Etc 44 Simms, W. liilmore— South Carolina in the Revolutionary War 56 Sinnett, (Rev.) Charles Nelson— Jacob John- son o( llarpswell, Maine, and his Descend- ants East and West 85 Sinnett, (Rev.) Charles Nelson— Michael Sin- nett of Harpsville, Maine 96,97 Sinnett, (Rev.) Charles Nelson, comp., Perry Family in Maine 93 Sinnett, (Kev.) Charles Nelson, comp., Rich- ard Pinkham of Old Dover, New Hampshire and his Descendants East and West 93 Sinnett. (Rev.) Charl»s Nelson— Thompson Family in Maine, New Hampshire ana the West 99 Siimett, (Rev.) Charles Nelson- Walter Mer- ry man of Harpswell, Maine and his Descend- ants • 90 Sinnett l n ., Sinnotts painily 96 Sinnett, Michael, Ancestry of 96 Sinnotts Family 96 See Sinnett 96 Slade, Charles, Article on, by Dr. J. F. Snyder 97 Slade Family .".... 97 Slaughter, (Rev.) Philip— History of Bristol l v v J. B. Jeter.. 60 Temple, J. IL— History of the Town of Palmer, Massachusetts 31 Tennessee State 84, 85.87, 7:i Tennessee State— Annals of Tennessee to the End of the 18th Century— See Hamsay 57 Tennessee State — Havwood, John— Civil and Political History of the State of Tern from its Barllesl Settlement up to the Year 17'.m, including the Boundaries of the State. . .".7 Tennessee State— Nashville, Tenn 84,30 Tennessee State -Ramsay, J. O. M.— Annals of Tennessee to the F.nd of the Eighteenth Century 57 Tennessee State— Sumner County— Historic Sumner Countv, Tennessee Terre Haute, lnd 21 Texas State— Austin, Tex 58 Texas State— Cardelle. Clara and DsWBSSa, W. B., comps.. Letters from an Early Settler of Texas 58 Texas State— Dewee-e. \V. B. and Cardelle, Clara, comps., Letters from an Karly Set- t ler of Texas 58 Texas State— Early Settlers and Indian Fighters of Southwest Texas- .SV Appen- dix. Texas States — Historical Association, Quar- terly of 58 Texas State— Indian Wars and Pioneers of... 58 Thalliimer B. — Annual Register and Military Roster of the Principal Civil War Officers of the Government of the United States since its Organization and of the State of New York since the Adoption of its Con- st itut ion 1777 40, 104 Thanes, T. B. and Chandler, .1. A..— Colonial Virginia 61 Thomas Family Of Maryland.... M. 86, 95, 96, 97, 99 Thomas, Jesse Burgess, Jr., Article on, by Dr. J. F. Snvder 99 155 INDEX — Continued PAGE Thomas, Jesse Burgess, Sr., Article on by Dr. J. F. Snyder 99 Thomas, (Rev.) Lawrence Buckley — Gene- alogical Notes; Containing the Pedigree of the Thomas Family of Maryland, Etc 84, 86,95,96,97,99 Thomas, (Rev.) Lawrence Buckley — Pedi- grees of Thomas, Chew and Lawrence Families 76, 86,99 Thomas, Richard Symmes, Jr., Article on, by Dr. J. F. Snyder 99 Thomas, West Va 76 Thompson, Charles Manfred, editor, Govern- or's Letter Books, 1840-1853, Historical Collections, Vol. VII 116 Thompson Family 99 Sec Selden 96 Thomson Family 75 See Capen 75 Thomson, Rhoda, Descendants of 75 Thurber Family 99 Tilton, George B., conip., Life and Works of Paul Revere 94 Times and Season, Published at Nauvoo, Illi- nois, by the Mormons 97 Tisdale \„ ., inn Tisdel /Family 100 Titus, (Rev.) Anson— Marriages of Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, A.M., Boston, 1717-1769, transcribed by Rev. Anson Titus 28 Todd Family 79, 100 See Edwards 79 Toner, J. M., M.D.— Index to Meade's Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Vir- ginia 64 Topeka, Kan 22, 34, 77 Torrington, Conn.— History of Torrington, Connecticut, from its First Settlement in 1737 with Biographies and Genealogies 9 Totten, John R. — Science of Genealogy, Arti- cle on 110 Townshend, Charles Hervey— The British In- vasion of New Haven, Connecticut, Etc... 6,7 Traverrier or Traversier Family 100 Tree Family 100 Trenton, New Jersev, Presbyterian Church, History of 39 Trou t F am ily 67, 85, 88, 89, 90, 100 See Mcllhany 89 Trumbull Family— See Appendix. Trumbull, Lyman, Life of, by Horace Whit* — See Appendix. Tniro Parish, Virginia, History of 68 TrvonCo., N.Y 44,45 Tucker Family 100 Si i Selden 96 Tucker, William Howard— History of Hart- ford, Vermont, July t, 1761-April 4, 1889; the First Town on the New Hampshire Crants Chartered after the Close of the French War 59 Turner, A. J., of ColumbiaCounty, Wisconsin, Family Tree of . : 70 Turner, ('. H. P., comp., Sussex County, Delaware, Some Records of 10 Turner Family 70, 100 Turner, Jonathan Baldwin, Life of, by Mary Turner Carriel 100 Turner, O. — History of the Pioneer Settle- ment of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase and Morris Reserve, Etc 43 Tuscarawas Valley, Ohio 49 Tu thill Family 44, 100 Tu thill, Noah, Descendants of 44 Tvler, Lyon (i. M. A., editor, William and Mary Quarterly 68, 69, 115 Tyron County, N.Y.— Annals of Tyron Count y Error, should read Tryon 44, 45 Tyron County, New York, Minute Book of the Committee of Safety of 45 Tvson Family 96, 99, 100 See Thomas 99 U PAGE lister County, N.Y 90 Lister, Province of, Ireland— Scotch-Irish Pioneers in Ulster and America 110 Union County, Indiana, History of 20,21 Union Count \, Kentucky, History of 24 I " lilted Stat es Army 48, 107 United States Army — Historical Register and Dictionary of the United States Army from its Organization September 29, 1789 to March 2. 1903. See Heitman 107 United States— Census, 1790 — Heads of Fam- ilies at the FirstCensus, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont. Virginia 9 27, 32, 37, 55, 57, 96, 107 United States Census — Sixth Census — Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services 1 10 United States — Colored Troops, 104 Regiment, United States Colored Troops 78 United States Congress — H. R. 33d Cong., 1st Sess., 1854 14 United States Library of Congress 3,102, 103 United States — Library of Congress, American and English Genealogies in 102, 103 United States Congress — Resolutions, Laws and Ordinances Relating to the Pay, Half Pay, Commutation of Half Pay, Bounty Lands, Etc., to the Officers and Soldiers of the Revolution 110 Lnited States Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of the Census 9, 27 32, 37, 55, 57, 96, 107 United States — Louisiana Transferred from France to the United States, Commemora- tion of the Transfer, Official Program of, December 18-20, 1913 T5 University of Illinois — Alumni Record, 1913 — See Appendix. Updike, Wilkins — History of the Episcopal Church in Narragansett, Rhode Island 55 Upland, Pennsylvania, Record of the Court at, 1676 to 1681 53 Usher, James M. — History of the Town of Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement in 1630 to 1855 31 Utah State— Genealogical Society, Publica- tions of 58, 115 V Valley Forge, Pa 110 Vance, J. W., Adjutant General, State of Illi- nois, Reports, 1861-66, revised by 18 Vanderburgh County, Indiana, History of . .20, 21 Van Zandt, Nicholas Biddle — A Full IJescrip- tion of the Soil, Water, Timber and Prairies of each Lot or Quarter Section of the Mili- tary Lands between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers 16 Veech, James — Monongahela of Old, or His- torical Sketches of Southwestern Pennsyl- vania to the Year 1800 52 Venable Family 91,100 See Morton 91 Venago County, Pennsylvania, History of . .. 53 Vermont, E. lie V., editor and comp., America Herald lea., Compilation of, Coatiof Anns, Crests and Mottoes of i'rnminent American Families Settled in this Country before lsoo 102 Vermont State 53,68.59,60,107,111 Vermont State— Addison County, Vt 59 Vermont State— Baptist Church — Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North America to the First of November, 1790 . ..">, 9, 10. 22, 27, 28, 36, 37 40, 15. SO, 54, 55 58, 60, 104 Vermont State— Bennington, Vermont, F'.arlv ""' History of 58 156 INDEX — Continued PAGE Vermont State— Bradford, Vormout, History of 68 Vermont State— Burlington, Vt 59, 111 Vermont State, Census of, 1790— Heads of Families at the First Census "f the United States, 1790 9, 27, 32, 37, 55, 57, 96, 107 Vermont State— (Hark, Byron N., editor, \ List of the Pensioners of the War of 1812— See Appendix. Vermont State— Fairhaven, Vermont, His- tory of 58 Vermont State- -Hartford, Vermont, His- tory of 59 Vermont State— Lincklaen, John— Travels in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont. 42. 52, 59 Vermont State Middleburv, Vermont, His- tory of 59 Vermont State— Military Lists and other Documents Relating to Vermont History Found among the Papers of ('apt. Luke Parsons 59, 111 Vermont State— Montpelier, Vt 58 Vermont State— Newbury, Vermont, His- tory of 59 Vermont State— Royalton, Vermont, His- tory of 59 Vermont State— Rutland, Vt 60 Vermont State— St. Albans, Vermont, Cen- tennial History of 59 Vermont State— St. Johnsbury, Vt 59 Vermont State— Waitsfleld, Vermont, His- tory of the Town of, 1782-1908 59 Vermont State— War of the Revolution, Vermont Soldiers in 60 Vermont State— War of 1812, List of Pen- sioners of 59, 1 1 1 Vermont State— War of 1812, Military Lists and Other Documents Relating to 59, 111 . 'e/./v Family 72, 83, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 Vigo County, Indiana History of 20, 21 Vincennes, Ind. — Colonial History of Vin- ce n nes Under the French, British and American Governments 21 Vincennes, Ind— History of the City of Vin- cennes, Indiana, from 1702 to 1901 21 Virginia State 9, 10, 14, 15, 23, 24, 36, 37, 40, 45,50,54,55, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. 68, 69, 74,76,80,81, 85, 88, 89, 90, 93, 97, 103, 104 107, 109, 115 Virginia State— Accawmacke, or the Eastern Shore of Virginia, in the Seventeenth Cen- tury 60 Virginia State— Alexandria, Virginia, Old Christ Church in, Historical Sketch of 60 Virginia State — Augusta County, Annals of, With Reminiscences, Biographical Sketches 60 Virginia State— Augusta County Court Rec- ords. 1745-1800 60 Virginia State— Augusta County— Historical Register and Literary Note Book, April, 1850 60 V irginia State— Baptist Church— Annual Reg- ister of the Baptist Denomination in North America- to the First of November, 1790 ... .5, 9, 10, 22, 27, 2«, 36, 37, 40, 45, 50, 54, 55, 60, 104 . Virginia State, Baptist Ministers of 60 Virginia State— Bar ford, (Lancaster County), Va 60,76 Virginia State— Bellet, Louise Pecquet de — Some Prominent Families of Virginia 67 Virginia State— Boogher, William Fletcher, comp., Gleanings of Virginia History 63 Virginia State — Bristol Parish, History of 61 Virginia State— Bristol Parish, Virginia, \ es- try Book and Register of, 1720-1789 61 Virginia State — Campbell. Charles— Orderly Book of that Portion of the American Army Stationed at. or Near Williamsburgh, Vir- ginia, under the Command of Gen Andrew Lewis, printed from the Original Manu- scripts with Notes and Introduction 69, 109 PAGE Virginia Carolorum— The Colonv under the Rule of Charles the First and "Second. 162") to A.D 1685 65,68 Virginia State, Census of 1790— Heads of Fam- ilies at the First Census of the United States, 1790 9, 27. 32. 37, 55, 59. (»<;. HIT Virginia State— Chalkley Collection— See Au- gusta County Records; See Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish in America 61 Virginia State— Chandler, J. A. and Thanes. T. B.— Colonial Virginia 61 Virginia State— Charlottesville, Va.. 65. 67, 69, 103 Virginia State — Colonial Dames, National Society of, in Virginia 61,66,67 Virginia State — Colonial Decisions General Court of Virginia, 1728-1741 61 Virginia State— Colonial Militia of 1651 17W Virginia State— Colonial Virginia 61,03 Virginia State— Colonial Virginia, Biblio- graphy of, 1754-1776 62 Virginia State — Colonial Virginia Register, a List of Governors, Councillors and other Higher Officials, Etc , 62 Virginia State— Virginia Company of London. Introduction to the Records of, with a Bibliographical list of the Extant Docu- ments 68 Virginia Company of London to and from the First Colony never before Printed, His- tory of 107 Virginia State— County Names— Two Hun- dred and Seventy Years of Virginia History 62 Virginia State— Culpeper County, Virginia, Genealogical and Historical Notes on 62,66 Virginia State— Davis, J —First Settlers of Virginia, an Historical Novel 62 Virginia State— Dayton, Va 66 Virginia* State— Dinwiddie, Robert, Official Records of, 1751-5S 65 Virginia State— Emigrants to Virginia 62 Virginia State— Fairfax, Lord, or the Master of Greenaway Court, a Chronicle of the Shenandoah 62 Virginia State, First Settlers of, an Historical Novel 62 Virginia State— Flagg. C. A. and Waters, W. O— Virginia Soldiers in the Revolu- tion. Bibliography 66 Virginia State— Foote. (Rev.) William Henry, D.D.— Sketches of Virginia 67 Virginia State— Forrest, William S— Norfolk, Virginia, Historical and Descriptive Sketch of \ 65 Virginia State— Frederick County, Va 62,67 Virginia State — Frederick Couritv, History, from its Formation In 1738 to 1908 62 Virginia State— French and Indian War, Virginia Men in— See Vol. VII, Hening!s Statutes of Virginia 63 Virginia State— Gist. (Col ) Nathaniel— Vir- ginia Regiment !777. Names of the Captains and Privates of 63 Virginia State— Glengarry, McDonalds of. .63, 64 Virginia State— Goodwin, (Rev.) Edward L. —History of Truro Parish 68 Virginia State— Green, Raleigh Travers— Cul- peper County Virginia, Genealogical and Historical Notes of 62 Virginia State— Green, Thomas Marshall- - Historic Families of Kentucky, with Special Reference to Stocks Immediately Derived from the Valley of Virginia 63 Virginia State— Greer, George Cabell— Early % irginia Immigrants, 1623-lfitv; 62 Virginia State— Grisby, Hugh Blair— Virginia Convention of 1776 68 Virginia State— Hall, Everard— Virginia State Reports, Digested Index to 68 Virginia State— Hening, William Waller- New Virginia Justice, (The), (Contains a List of the Subscribers to the Work) 63 157 INDEX — Continued PAGE Virginia State— Hening, William Waller- Statutes of Virginia, also Shepherd's Con- tinuation of Same 63, 68 Virginia State — Henrico Parish and Old St. John's Church, Richmond, Virginia, 1611— 1904 63 Virginia State— Henrico Parish, Virginia, Vestry Book of, 1730-1773 63 Virginia State— Highland County, Virginia, History of 63 Virginia. State— Historical Register and Liter- ary Note Book, Virginia, April, 1850, Au- gusta, Comity, Virginia 64 Virginia State Historical Society, Collec- tions of 61, 65 Virginia State— Hot Springs, Va 66 Virginia State— Howe, Henry— Historical Collections of Virginia 64 Virginia State — Huguenot Emigration to Vir- ginia 01 Virginia State— Immigrants— Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666 62 Virginia State— Immigration to— Huguenot Emigration to 64 Virginia State— Jamestown Colony, 1620 94 Virginia State — Jamestown, Virginia, Settle- ment of, May 13, 1607 105 Virginia State— Kercheval, Samuel— History of ( he Valley of Virginia 64 Virginia State — Kingsbury, Susan M., A.M., Ph.D. — Virginia Company of London, introduction to the Records of, with a Bibliography 68 Virginia State— Lancaster County, Va 60, 76 Virginia State Library, Sixth Annual Report of 62,67 Virginia State — Long, Charles, M. — Virginia County Names, Two Hundred and Seventy Years of Virginia History 62 Virginia State— Lynchburg, Virginia, Sketch- es and Recollections of, by the Oldest In- habitants 64 Virginia State— McAllister, J. T— Virginia Mi- litia in the Revolutionary War 66 Virginia State — McAllister, J. T. — Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War, Index to Saffell's Records of the Revolutionary War 66 Virginia State, McDonald's of— See Glen- garry 63, 64 Virginia State— Mcllhany, Hugh Milton- Some Virginia Families 67 Virginia State— Magazine of Biography and History 64,115 Virginia State— Manakin Town, Va.— See Hu- guenot Emigration to Virginia 64 Virginia State— Meade's Old Churches, Min- isters and Families of Virginia, by Bishop William Mead, Index to same by J. M. Toner, M.D., Wise's Index ; 64,65 Virginia State— Middlesex County, Va. — Christ Church Parish Register, 1653 to 1812 61 Virginia State Military Land Warrants Granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia, to Soldiers and Sailors of tho Revolution. . . 24 Virginia State— Monterey, Va 63 Virginia State — Muhlenberg, (Gen.) John Peter Gabriel, Orderly Book of, from March 26, to December 20, 1777 65 Virginia State— National Society of Colonial Dames of America 61,65,67 Virginia State Navy, War of the Revolution, R nster of 24 Virginia State— Neill, Edward D.— History of Virginia; to and from the First Colony never before Printed :.. 68 Virginia State— Neill, Edward D.— Virginia Carolorum, the Colony under the Rule of Charles the First and Second, A.D. 1625 to A.D. 1686 65,68 Virginia State— New Kent County, Va 65, 67 Virginia State— New Kent County, Parish Register of, from 1680 to 1787 tio PAGE Virginia State— Norfolk, Virginia, Historical and Descriptive Sketch of 65 Virginia State. Oath of Allegiance to the Commonwealth of, Signers of. 65 Virginia State— Orange County, Virginia, History of 65 Virginia Stato— Palmer, William P., editor, Virginia State Papers, Calendar of 1652- 1781 68 Virginia State— Papers— Calendar of Virginia State Papers, 1652-1781 68 Virginia State— Portsmouth, County 65, 66 Virginia State— Presbyterian Churches in the Valley of 24, 6t Virginia State — Reports, Digested Index to.. 68 Virginia State — Richmond, Va 60,61,62,63,64,65.66,67,68,109 Virginia State— Richmond, Virginia, Her Past and Present— See Appendix. Virginia State— Rockingham County, Virgina, History of 66 Virginia State Rosslyn, Va 60,61 Virginia State— St. Mark's Parish, Dr. Philip Slaughter's History of 62, 66 Virgmia State— St. Peter's Parish Register, 1680-1787 67 Virginia State— Sale, Edith Tunis— Manors of Virginia in Colonial Times 61, 64 Virginia State— Scotch-Irish Settlement in, See Augusta County, Va 60, 61 Virginia State— Seldens of Virginia and Allied Families 67 Virginia State— Separation of Church and State in Virginia, a Study in the Develop- ment of the Revolution 67 Virginia State — Shenandoah County, Va 93 Virginia State— Shenandoah Valley, German Element of 67 Virginia State— Shepherd, Samuel— Virginia Statutes, Continuation of Hening's Statutes 63,68 Virginia State— Shepherdstown, Va.— Historic Shepherdstown 67 Virginia State— Slaughter, (Dr.) Philip— His- tory of St. Mark's Parish 62, 66 Virginia State— Slaughter, (Rev.) Philip, D.D.— History of Truro Parish 68 Virginia— Southampton County 5,9,10,22,36,37,50,54,55,58.60,104 Virginia State— Spotsylvania County— Vir- ginia County Records, Spotsylvania County, 1721-1800 67 Virginia State— Standard, Mary Newton and Stanard, William G.— Colonial Virginia Reg- ister 62 Virginia State— Statutes at Large— see Hening —see Shepherd 63 . 68 Virginia State— Staunton, Va 67,85,88,89,90 Virginia State — Sumners, Lewis Preston — History of Southwest Virginia, 1746 to 1786, Washington County, Virginia, 1777-1870.. 68 Virginia State— Thanes, T. B. and Chandler, J. A.— Colonial Virginia 61 Virginia State— Truro Parish, History of 68 Virginia State— War of the Revolution, Eckenrode, H . J., List of Revolutionary Soldiers of Virginia 63, 66 Virginia State — War of the Revolution, Pen- sioners of 66 Virginia State — War of the Revolution — see Saffell's Records of tho Revolutionary War 63 Virginia State— War of the Revolution— Vir- ginia Officers who Received Land Bounties 24 Virginia State— War of the Revolution, Vir- ginia Soldiers in 63,66 Virginia State— Waters, W. O. and Flagg, C. A.— Virginia Soldiers in the Revolution 66 Virginia State— Wertenbaker, Thomas J. M.A.— Patrician and Plebeian in Virginia, or the Origin and Development of the Social Classes of the Old Dominion 65 Virginia State— Westmoreland County, Vir- ginia, History of, 1653-1912 68 158 INDEX — Continued PAGE Virginia State, William and Mary College of.69, 115 Virginia State— William and Mary Quartelry, published by William and Mary College.. 68,69,115 Virginia State— Williamsburg, Va 69, 1 15 Virginia State— Winchester, va 62 Virginia State— Woodstock, Va M Virginia State— Yohogania County, Va 54 Vocelle, J. T.— Historical Sketches of Old St. Mary's, Georgia 11 W Wabash Valley, Indiana, Historic Notes on— See Vigo and Parke Counties, Indiana 20 Waddell, Alfred Moore— A Colonial Officer and his Times. 17">I-1773, a Biographical Sketch of (ien. Hugh Waddell 45, 100 Waddell, Alfred Moore — History of New Han- over County and the Lower Cape Fear Region, 1723-1800 46 Waddell Family 45, 100 Waddell, (Gen.) Hugh, Biographical Sketch of 45.100 Waddell, (Gen.) Hugh— Colonial Officer and his Times. 1754-1773, Gen. Hugh Waddell. 45, 100 Waddell, Joseph A.— Augusta County, Vir- ginia, Annals of, with Reminiscences and Biographical Sketches 60 Waddell. Joseph A.— Diary of the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65 BO Wade, Benjamin F., Life of 100,101 Wade Family 100, 101 Wagenseller, George W., A.M., comp., Sny- der County, Pa.— Marriages, 1835-1S99 53 Waitsfield, Vermont, History of the Town of, 1782-1908, with Family Genealogies 59 Wakefield, John Allen— History of tho War between the United States and the Sac and Fox Nations of Indians and Parts of other Disaffected Tribes of Indians in the Years, 1827, 1831-32 17 Walker, Charles M.— History of Athens County, Ohio and Incidentally of the Ohio Land Company, and tho First Settlement at Marietta, Etc 48 Walker. (Rev.) Edwin Sawyer, A.M. — Ances- try and Life of Captain Thomas Sawyer.. 95, 96 Walker, (Rev.) Edwin Sawyer, A.M., editor, < lenealogical Notes of the Carpenter Family "75,76 Walker, (Rev.) Edwin Sawyer— The Story of my Ancestors in America 101 Walkers, (Mrs.) Edwin S.— Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois, List of by Coun- ties, compiled by 3,14,15 Walker Family 101 See a/so Selden 96 Wallace Family 101 See Selden 96 Wallace, F J. A.— Abbe Genealogy 70 Wallbridge Family 101 Wallbridge, Henry, 1 >escendants of 101 Wallbridge, William Godiiey. comp., De- scendants of Hem y Wallbridge 101 Wallingford. Conn.— History of Walliimford. Connect toot, from its first Settlement in 1670 to the Present Time ii." Waltham, Massachusetts, Early Settlors of. .32,33 Walton Family 101 War of the Revolution 6, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, 15. 21,24,82, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54. 55, 66, 87 . 60,63.66,91, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109. 110, 111, 114 War of the Revolution. American l'risonersof 103 War of the Revolution— Bowman, Isaac, Lieut., Illinois Regiment, War of the Revo- lution 14 War of the Revolution. Census of Pensioners, taken from tho Sixth Census of the United States 110 War of the Revolution — Charlovillo's Volun- teers Entitled to Land, List of 14 PAGE War of the Revolution— Connecticut Men, Rolls and Lists 6 War of the Revolution— Continental Army, Register of Officers of April. 1775 to Decem- ber, 17X3 107 War of the Revolution Eliot, Elizabeth F.— Womenofthe American Revolution Ill War of the Revolution— French Soldiers and Sailors in 106 War of the Revolution— Georgia, Revolution- ary Records of 10 1 1 War of the Revolution Greene, iCii! thanicl. Sketches and Correspondence of., no War of the Revolution— Illinois Army I,ed bv Col. George RogersClark in his Conquest of the Illinois 13 War of the Revolution— Illinois— Daughters, American Revolution Annual Conferences, Reports of 12 War of the Revolution— Illinois— List of Offi- cers of the Illinois Regiments who have not Received Lands for Military Services 14 War of the Revolution -Illinois. Revolution- ary Soldiers Buried in, List of by counties 1,14,18 War of the Revolution. Illinois Soldiers in. .3. 14, 15 War of the Revolution— Illinois— Sons of the American Revolution. Year Books of 13 War of the Revolution— Illinois— Sons of tho Revolution Year Books 13 War of tho Revolution— Indiana Sons of the A mcrican Revolution, Society of 21 War of the Revolution — Kentucky, Sons of the American Revolution. Year Books of. .91,66 War of the Revolution — Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. — Women of the Revolution Ill War of the Revolution— Lancaster Uarracks, where the British and Hessian Prisoners were Detained During the Revolution 52 War of the Revolution— Land Warrants Granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia to Soldiers and Sailors L'l War of the Revolution— Massachusetts Sons of the American Revolution 32 War of tho Revolution— National Smietv Daughters of the American Revolution. Annual Reports, Directory of, Lineage Books " 106 War of the Revolution— National Society Daughters of the America.! Revolution. Brief History of, by Mrs. Adlai E. Steven- son 106 War of the Revo'ution— National Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Ri and Year Books 1 10, 1 1 1 War of the Revolution— New Hampshire — History of the First New Hampshire Regi- ment in 36 War of tho Revolution— New Hampshire in the Revolution— See New Hampshire State Papers. Vols. 11-17 37 See Appendix. War of the Revolution New Jersey -Official Register of the Officers and Men of New Jersey in the War of the Revolu' ion 39 War of the Revolution— New York - History of Daring 45 War of the Revolution— New York in the Revolution as a Colony and as a State 45 War of the Revolution — New York— Onon- daga Sol. Hers of the Revolution 43 War of the Revolution — New York Society, Sons of the American Revolution 44 War of the Revolution -New York in— see Roberts. James A 45 See Tryon County, N.Y 45, 46 War of the Revolution. North Carolina in .. 47 War of the Revolution— North Carolina Ma- tional Society, Daughters of the American Revolution . ." 46 War of the Revolution— North Carolina- Revolutionary Pensioners 47 150 INDEX — Continued PAGE War of the Revolution— Ohio— Soldiers Buried in Geauga County, Ohio 48,49 War of the Revolution— Orderly Book of that Portion of the American Army Stationed at or near Williamsburgh. Virginia under the Command of Gen. Andrew Lewis, from March 18, 1776 to August 28, 1776 69,109 War of the Revolution— Oriskany Campaign, 1776-1777, Orderly Book of Sir John Johnson 109 War of the Revolution— Pennsylvania State— See Pennsylvania Archives, Vols. 13, 14 ... 53 War of the Revolution— Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution 50,53 War of the Revolution, Pensioners of. taken from the Sixth Census of the United States. . 110 War of the Revolution— Pioneer Mothers of America 109 War of the Revolution — Rock River in the Revolution 15 War of the Revolution — Rogers' Report on Revolutionary Claims, February 16, 1854... 14 War of the Revolution— Rhode Island — War- ren, Rhode Island, History of, in the War of the Revolution 55 War of the Revolution— Saffell, W. T. R.— Records of the Revolutionary War: also Index to same by McAllister 63,66,109,110 War of the Revolution, South Carolina in.. 56, 57 War of the Revolution — United States Con- gress—Resolutions, Laws and Ordinances, Relating to the Pay, Half Pay, Commuta- tion of Half Pay, Bounty Lands, Etc., Etc., to the Officers and Soldiers of the Revolu- tion 110 War of the Revolution, Vermont Soldiers in. . 60 War of the Revolution, Virginia in 24.62,63,66,109,110 War of the Revolution — Virginia— Military Land Warrants Granted by the Common- wealth of Virginia to Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution 24 War of tho Revolution— Virginia, Navy Ros- ter of 24 War of the Revolution— Virginia— Officers who Received Land Bounties 24 War of the Revolution, Virginia in, Pension- ers of 66 War of the Revolution— Virginia— Revolu- tionary Soldiers in, List of 62. 66 War of the Revolution— Women of the Ameri- can Revolution, by Elizabeth F. Ellet 111 War of the Revolution— Women of the Revo- lution, by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland Ill War of the Revolution— Women of the Revo- lution—Pioneer Mothers of America 109 War of the Revolution, Zaehariah Nance Soldier of 91 War of 1812 4, 12, 13, 15, 16. 24, 27. 3 1. 36, 59, 77, 85, 92, 11 1 War of 1S12— Battlo of Lake Erie 24 War of 1812— Bat tie of Pittsburgh— Sfet'lark, Byron N Ill War of 1812— Bounty Lands... 12, 16, 18,77, 85, 111 War of 1813— Clark, Byron N'., editor, List of Pensioners of the War of 1812 ill War of 1^12 — Corey, Henrv, Land Warrant for Services in. .• 77, 111 War of 1813— Illinois— Military Bounty I>and, Military Tract ". . 12, 15, 16, 77, 85, 111 War of 1812— Illinois— Record of the Services of the Illinois Soldiers in, bv Isaac H. Elliott, ' 13,16,17 War of 1813— Illinois Soldiers in the War of 1812, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in McLean County 12 War of Is 12— Jones, Zenas, Land Warrant for Military Services in... 86,111 War of 1812, Kentucky's Part in 21 War of 1812— Maryland State— See North Point and Ft. Mcllenrv 27 War of lsl2— Militia, Rangers and Riflemen— See Illinois War of 1812 13 PAGE War of 1812— Missouri— Boone County, War of 1812, List of Soldiers Petitioning for Pensions 36 War of 1812, Nebraska in, Roster of Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in.. 34, 111 War of 1812— Oliver, John, Land Warrant for Military Services in 16,92 War of 1S12— Parsons, ((apt.) Luke, Captain of Cavalry In 59,111 War of 1812, Pensioners of, Vermont, Byron N. (lark, editor 1 1 1 War of 1812— Stevens, Frank E.— Illinois in the War of 1812-14 H War of 1812— Van Zandt, Nicholas Biddle— A Full Description of the Soil, Water, Tim- ber and Prairies of Each Lot, or Quarter Section of the Military Lands between the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, Etc., Etc.. 16 War of 1812, Vermont State in 59, 111 War with Mexico 16, 17, 18,34 War with Mexico- Illinois Association Mex- ican War Veterans 18 War with Mexico— Illinois— The Fourth Illi- nois Infantry in the War with Mexico, by EzraM. Prince 18 War with Mexico, Illinois Soldiers in 17, 18 War with Mexico— Johnson, Charles P.— An Account of the Services of the Illinois Troops in the Mexican W ar 18 War with Mexico— Nebraska Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines of the War of 1812, Mexican War and the War of the Rebellion 34 War of the Rebellion 18,21,22,34,36,60,70 War of the Rebellion— Connelley, (Maj.) H. C— Recollections of the War between the States 18 War of the Rebellion— Crippen, Edward, Diary of, 27111. Vol. Reg., 1861-63 18 War of the Rebellion— Diary of Edward Crip- pen W War of the Rebellion— Diary of Joseph A. W r addell 60 War of the Rebellion— Eddy, T. M., D.D.— The Patriotism of Illinois 18 War of the Rebellion— Illinois Adjutant Gen- erals' Reports, 1861-66 18 War of the Rebellion— Illinois— See Connelley, (Maj.) H. C— Recollections of 18 War of the Rebellion— Illinois— See Crippen, • Edward, Diary of 18 War of the Rebellion— Illinois — Patriotism of Illinois, by T. M. Eddy 18 War of the Rebellion— Illinois, Regimental Histories and Reunions of 18 War of the Rebellion— Illinois— See Yates, Richard, Services as War Governor 81 War of the Rebellion— Indiana at Antietam.. 21 War of the Rebellion— Indiana at Shiloh 21 War of the Rebellion— Indiana at Vicksburg.. 21 War of the Rebellion— Iowa and the Rebellion 22 War of the Rebellion, Missouri Troops in 36 War of the Rebellion— Nebraska Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of the War of 1812 and the War of the Rebellion, Residing in Nebraska. i*93 34 War of the Rebellion— Waddell, Joseph A., Di- ary of 60 War of the Rebellion— Wisconsin's Participa- tion in, Bibliography of 70 War of the Rebellion— Yates. Richard, Ser- vices as War Governor Of Illinois 18 Ware— Eugene F.— Indian War of 1864, being a fragment of the Barry History of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado 34 Warren County, III., In the Military Tract.. Ifi Warren County, 111., Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in.. ." 3,14 Warren County, N". J.— Wills. 1826-80 39 Warren, Rhode Island, History of, in the War of the Revolution 55 Washburne, Elihu B— -Editor of the Edwards Papers 15 160 INDEX — Continued PACK Washburn, Emory— 11 istorical Sketches of the Town of Leicester, Massachuset Is 30 Washburn. Mabel Thacher Rosemary— A n- cestry of President Taft 99 Washington, Conn.— See Woodbury, Conn... 9 Washington, County, Pennsylvania, History ol 54 Washington County, Virginia, History of, 1777-1870 68 Washington. D.C 9, 16, 27,32,37 55,57,63 68, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112 Washington, D. C— Library of Congress 68 Washington Family 101 S( e also Selden 98 \V ashington, George 68, 101 Washington State— Historical Quarterly, pub- lished by the Historical Society of Wash- ington 69 Washington State— Seattle, Wash 69 Watauga Association — Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century, com- prising its Settlement as the Wautauga Association from 1769 to 1777 67 Waterbury, Conn. — History of Waterbury, Connecticut 7, 9 Waterman, 111.— Year Books 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 19,77 Waters, W. O. and Flagg, C. A.— Virginia Soldiers in the Revolution 66 Waterman, Conn.— see Waterbury Conn 7,9 Watertown, Massachusetts, Early Settlers of, Etc 32, 33 Watkinson Family 45, 101 Watson, S. M., editor, Historical and Gene- alogical Recorder 26 Waukesha County, Wisconsin, dishing Fam- ily of 70 Waverly, Illinois, Wemple Family of— See .Appendix. Wayfand, John Walter, B.A., Ph.D.— Ger- man Element of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia 07 Wavne, County, Indiana, History of 20,21 Webb Family 72,101 Weber, (Mrs.) Jessie Palmer— Librarian Illi- nois State Historical Library; Secretary Illinois State Historical Society 116 Webster, ( Rev.) Richard— PresbyterianChurch in America from its Origin until the Year 1760, with Biographical Sketches of its Ministers 109 Weedsport, N.Y 96 Weeks, Harriet Morse— Descendants of Rich- ard Hayes of Lyme, Connecticut, through his Son Titus 1 1 ayes 82 Weeks, Harriet Morse — Descendants of Sam- uel Morse of Worthington, Massachusetts. . 91 Weils Family 101 Wells, Frederic P.— History of Ncwbii'v, Vermont, from the Discovery of the Coos Country to the Present Time 59 Wells, Stephen, editor, Colonial Records of North Carolina 46 Wemple Family— See Appendix. Wertenbaker,ThomasJ.,M.A. — Patrician and Plebian In Virginia, or the Origin and De\ at opment of the Social Classes of the Old Dominion 65 Wessangusset, Mass.— See Weymouth, Mass.. 33 \\ eetchester County, N.Y 45, 71, si, 101 Westchester County, New York, History of.. 45 Westchester County, New York, Wilis of, from 1664 to 1784 45 rn Reserve, Ohio, Pioneers of 50 West Family 101 See Selden 96 West Farms, N.Y 45 West Indies— Wills from 1700 to 1725 in Canter- bury, England, of Testators Living in America and the West Indies 107 Westmoreland County, Virginia, History of, 1653-1912 68 FAOE Westmoreland, Pa.— Old Westmoreland, a History of Western Pennsylvania during the Revolution 54 Weston, Massachusetts, Earlv Settlers of. West Virginia State ." 69, 75, 76,94 West Virginia State— Aler. P. Yen tory of Martinsburg and Berkeley Counties. 69 West Virginia State, Archives and History Department of, Reports of 69 West Virginia State— Berkeley County, His- tory of 69 West Virginia Stat.' Charleston, W.Ya... .69,94 West Virginia State— Dellass. Wills- History of Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia 09 West Virginia IS. and I.aidley, W. S., editors. West Virginia Magazine 69 West Virginia State Historical Magazine 69 West Virginia State, Indian Wars of— ue Del lass 69 West Virginia State— l^ewis, Virgil- How \\ .-st. Virginia was Made 69 West Virginia State— Lewis, Virgil- State Archivist 69 West Virginia State— Lewis.Virgil— West V ir- ginia History 69 West Virginia State— Mart insburg, West Vir- ginia, History of 69 West Virginia State— Shepherdstown, W.\ West Virginia State— Thomas. W.Va 76 West Virginia State— West Virginia and It- People, 3 vols.— See Append i x . Weymouth, Mass 33, 87 Weymouth, Mass.— Historical Collections... 33 Weymouth, Massachusetts, Historical Sketch of, by Gilbert Nash 33 Weymouth, Mass.— Historical Society Publi- cations 33 Weymouth, Mass.— Wessangusset and Wey- mouth— Historical Address by Charles Francis Adams, Jr 33 Weymouth, Mass.— Weymouth in its First Thirty Years, by Gilbert Nash 33 Weymouth, Mass— Weymouth Thirty Years Later, by Charles Francis Adams 33 Wheeler, George Augustus, A.M., M.l> History of Cast hie, Penobscot, and Brook s- ville, Maine.., Wheeler, John H.— Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1684 to 1861 M Wheeler, William Ogden, comp., Hanover, Morris County, New Jersey, < hurch Mem- bers, Marriages and Baptisms W heeler, William Ogden, comp., Whippany, Morris County, New Jersey, Inscriptions on the Tombstones and Monuments in t he ( ; ray ey ards at 39 Whippany, N. J.— Inscriptions on the Tomb- stones and Monuments in the Graveyards at Whippany and Hanover, New Jersey.. 39 White, Key. George, M. A.— Historical Col- lections of Georgia H White, Horace Life of Lyman Trumbull— See Appendix. White Plains, New York. Wills Recorded at.. 45 Whitmore, William II.— American Genealog- ist, a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications 71 , 103 Wiewerd in Friesland 40,108 Wilbur, Pereival Coons Coons family Gene- alogical Chart, Palo Alto, California, 1914— See Appendix. Wilkes Barre, Pa M Wilkin, Frac. B., Sketch of, Richard J. Ogfca- by — See Appendix. Will, Conrad, Art icle on by Dr. J. F. Snyder. . 101 William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Va 69,118 William and Mary Quarterly, published by the William and Mary College, Virginia 68,69,115 Williamsburg, Va 8t, 1 15 161 INDEX — Continued PAGE Williarasburgh. Va.— Orderly Book'of that Portion of the American Army Stationed at Williamsburg, Virginia, under Command of General Andrew Lewis, March 18, 1776 to August 28, 1776 69, 109 Williams, (Mrs.) Flora McDonald— The Glen- garry, McDonalds of Virginia, with an Introductory Sketch of the Early History of the Glengarry Clans 88, 89 Williams, Roger, Descendants of 54 WilUamson, Joseph — History of the City of Belfast, Maine, Vol. I, Vol. II, 1770-1900— See Appendix. Willington. Conn 71, 100 Willis Family 101 See Selden 96 Willoughby Family 101 See Selden 96 Wills.Canterbury, England, 1700 to 1725.... 107 Wills— Delaware, New Castle County, 1682- 1800 10 Wills— Maryland Calendar of Wills, 1635-1685; 1685-1702; 1703-1713 27 Wills— New Jersey Wills, Calendar of, 1670- 1730— see Vol. 23, New Jersey Archives 37 Wills— New Jersey Wills 1804 to 1830 39 Wills— New York Citv, Surrogate's Office Abstracts of Wills, 1665-1771 40 Wills — New York— Westchester County, New York Wills from 1664 to 1784 45 Wills— North Carolina — Rowan County, North Carolina Wills 47 Wills— North Carolina WiUs, Abstract of 45 Wills— Virginia, Spotsylvania County 67 Wilmington, Del.— Records of Holy Trinity. (Old Swedes) Church, Delaware, from 1697 to 1773 10 Wilmington, N.C 46 Wilson, Samuel, comp., Catalogue of Military Land Warrants, Granted by the Common- wealth of Virginia to Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution 24 Wilson, Samuel M. — Kentucky's Part in the War of 1812 24 Winchester, Connecticut, Annals and Family Records of 9 Winchester, Va 62 Wines, Frederick Howard, comp., Descend- ants of John Stansbury of Leominster, 1670- 1895 98 Winfleld, Charles H.— History of the Town of Hudson, New Jersey from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time 38, 39 Winslow, Edward— Governor Edward Wins- low his Part and Place in Plymouth Colony 111 WLnsor, Justin — History of the Town of Dux- bury, Massachusetts, with Genealogical Registers 29 Winston Family 102 See Selden 96 Wisconsin State— American Home Missionary Society in 70 Wisconsin State— Buck, James S.— Pioneer History of Milwaukee 70 Wisconsin State— Clary, (Rev.) Dexter— His- tory of the Churches and Ministers Con- nected with the Presbyterian and Congre- gational Convention of Wisconsin and of the Operations of the Home Missionary Society 70 Wisconsin State— Columbia County, The Family Tree of 70 Wisconsin State— Elkhorn, WiB 73, 86 Wisconsin State Historical Commission— Orig- inal Paper No. 3 70 Wisconsin State Historical Society 3,70 Wisconsin State Historical Society, Collec- tions of 70 Wisconsin State Historical Society, Proceed- ings of 70 PAGE Wisconsin State — Madison, Wis 70 Wisconsin State — Milwaukee, Pioneer His- tory of 70 Wisconsin State — Milwaukee under the Chart- . er from 1S47 to 1853 70 Wisconsin State— Portage, Wis 70 Wisconsin State — War of the Rebellion — Bibliography of Wisconsin Participation in the War between the States 78 Wisconsin State — Waukesha County, Wiscon- sin, Cushing Family of 70 "Wise. Jennings Cropper— Accawmacke, or the Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Seven- teenth Century 60 Wise, Jennings Cropper — Index to Bishop Meade's Old Churches, Ministers and Fam- ilies of Virginia 65 Witcraft. J. R.— Virginia Todds 100 Woburn . Mass 33, 74 Woburn, Mass. — Records, Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1640-1873 33 Wolcott, Conn.— See Waterbury, Conn 9 Wolf, (Mrs.) Clara K.— Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Peoria County, list compiled by . . 14 Women of the American Revolution, "by Elizabeth F. Ellet Ill Women of the Revolution, by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland : HI Women — Pioneer Mothers of America 109 Women — Pioneer Mothers of Illinois, Collec- tions of Letters of 13 Woodbury, Conn. — History of Ancient Wood- bury, Connecticut, from the First Indian Deed, 1659 to 1854, Etc 6,7,9 Woodford County, 111.— Soldiers of the War of 1812, whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in Woodford County 16, 19 Wood, Silas— Sketch of the Town of Hunting- ton, Long Island 41 Woodson Family 91, 102 See Morton. See Randolph. Woodstock, Va v . 64 Woollen, William Wesley — Biographical and Historical Sketch of Early Indiana 21 Woonsocket, R.I 91 Worcester, Mass 33, 72 Worcester, Massachusetts, History of, in War of the Rebellion 33, 72 Wormelev Family 102 See Selden 96 Worthington, Mass 91 Wright Family ^ 102 Wright, T. R. B., comp., Westmoreland County, Virginia, History of, 1653-1912.... 68 Wright, William, comp., Genealogies and Pedigrees, Index to, in New England His- torical and Genealogical Register for Fifty Years, January, 1847 to October, 1896 108 Wyman. Mary Elizabeth Tisdel, comp., Genealogy of the Descendants of Lawrence and Mary Antisell of Norwich and Willine- 'ton, Connecticut, including some Records of Christopher Antisell 71, 100 Wvman, Thomas Bellows— Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, 1629-1818 29 Y Yates, Abner 102 Yates Family 102 Yates, John, Descendants of 102 Yates, Michael, Descendants of 102 Yates, Richard, Jr., comp., Descendants of Michael Yates and his Sons Abner and John 102 Yates, Richard, Sr., Services to Illinois as War Governor, bv Dr. William Jayne 18 Yohogania County, Va 54 York County, Me 25 —11 H S 162 INDEX— Concluded PAGE pa<;k Young, Bennett H., comp. Jessamine County, 2 Kentucky, History of— See Appendix. Zook (or Zug) Family 72 101 l(P Young, Richard M., Article on, by Dr. J. F. Zug Family— See Zook Family '."■' ' 10> Snyder 102 " 163 ERRATA Charleston, Mass., read Charlestown, Mass., page 29. Douglas, Mass., read Douglass, Mass., page 29. Charleston, N. H., read Charlestown, N. H., p. 36. Tyron Co., N. Y., read Tryon Co., IN". Y., pages 44-45. Wisconsin State Historical Collections, read Vol. I, 1855 to XX, 1911, page 70.