Microcopy No, T-365 DESPATCHES FRCM UNITED STATES CONSULS IN BATHURST, 1857-1889 Roll 1 Volume 1 December 22, 1857 - August 17, 1869 THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE GENERAL SERVICES AIlflNISTRATION Washington: I960 wmmmm ^^wwT««mjii iiiivii -^'^rr^f^^^immmm ^-^^1^^^ ^/{ ^y 0^ I IIIIRPH 1/ ^y^^L. i^y^'l t- -' *■, X ■--c;^ /^'TJ ■ ' *^ yf " , - > X <^^^^^^^^^ ^/^K-^^ VUr-^fL^ ^-^^^t: ^rcr 5^;^..^ ^-^^'^>,r^*^. /^. ?:. >^zx) /!^.£^^-^ ^jt^^t^.*^ /^^^^c^4^^^ieit<^-^;^^^ J'Cf^>'x^K^ .^^e^>-^ ^^VV:<^ p4^^ >L^^^ >^^^^^ ;^^ ^ ^^<^ ^^^^^y v£,^^^ ^«-'^ V ■K ■n. 'V . 'i i. >v ^^^ ^^(ft X N s. V- .-^-^.^ Xti>> .z- ^fe>* V •• 1 "l ).. :.'. *, <» '*^' ^V-* * ' - ■^ ■ • ; V ■•.. c \ V X V •■ , •»■". V ^ •^,\."\ >> 7- ^ \- ■*, -^ '^. > \ V ~~^- \ ^^, " ■ > . -OV- iBk.*; ■ . *^. ■\--- ^ ■. V- -V '. ■-» .N-,X -T S \ -^ >'^ •;. iS:-- ^^^ ^'X, ii(^4iirf-i^ : *:'iftlfcji:^*''; jS;d^l»:-Hi^-^ ti«^4«6«L^^..-.^'^^i^S^.'<"£^il^.-; -/ 1 'V ■:.iaiJl!l'.--J,t. ^i'J^^i L.,»«*<- ;p t ^:^ ^Jc^-^ ts^^^^l^to^i^^ fcKia ^^^C^' r i!^' 9 A^l^p^^i^ 1^^;Af/f/P ^ 'y/i^^ /it<^i^J / ,/^/:^^^fi. ^^, /MiZe:> /^^^^ny v^ ^te^Se^^AJP^ I .^L a- ^^^^^e^^^^ ^/^^^ /^ ^ ^ X. ^ ^ ^ '^^',. ^ ^jryT^^ A '^ ^^/^^^^^ M^^ ^yC'^ry. ^^y^^^^^ ^y^ /y^^y-j -^^Y/^y^^<) <^/ , . > . . y^^^^^ y^y^^J>yLr^^y^ ny^>:^ "^^^^je^.^ I'^^/S^Uy ^^^e^^j^.^i^^^-a/^ ^ J^t^ ^^^^ ^AW-*^^ /^J ^!^^^fc«<=^e^ .€/ ^^^ @?^ /^^^^^;^L-^^£^^#^V^li^ ^:^y< .^^fe^ ^. Atrzrz^^ ^J^ 4^^Ai^j^, I I >r r' Vw««^ /^f y^ ^7T7^^ ^^. k/^^iHu^ji^^.^^^^^^^ I •.. v.. ? aja ! i ? ,.j ' aa ! L > BMP i» dz ^^2^ //^^'^^ ^r?-j1\ ^^, t^^ <e^^/^ k-s . -i'Sr "^ >m}^i-/i-/ i" A* \ ^ *^ ^ -..-,,. -- - .„l^.-4i2:i.i- ■A 1, ^ K*|. ' • *' / 4 :. 4,., ,^,.U..- . -. . / , J.^,.^'}jti^.^/C^i^;f%.pi t/j ■ ..\ :2i^ e.^ — ^.- — -atto...... / ,xv ■u. .J';..:....^ ■k^k)dsii-:/iJ^lf:JA^JK^A&JM'^Msiii,&^i:a^Ma^^M^Mi iliii.c>^'«.,i.,";;^'l^ii'£'ilt^ mmmmmmmmmifi^'fim^'V'y V O^. ^/ / / r /^/^. ^ ^^^Z^^"^^ ^ ^4S^ ^vCs'^^^'^^^^^i^ ^■ y^^r^te^ y^^^-f^^^^^^-^^f^t^ /u ^U-^tC^^^TLt.^.^^ I :%•-.., ,iS -*-:^ •Sf:iV-;^^^^^.:^^^tf?;rS:^ ^^^ r m I-*' JTtj ii% , / V:., #H '4 l^mMiZa^' d^^^ ^todtt^ ^J^a/^^ui/^^ \ % V * * f*. '^ " ' ^/m/, A / / / ' / •hit^^t^m&f^t^''-'^'- ••.imk!!i„i^ts^&<.^k^^,.!j^k^^md& ^Ki>^^£^<^ /AO^ ^:J^^^^^«»C^ v^:5^ ^t^^^^^ -;*.^ 5^>^^> ^^rt^e^/)& Q. >'^^^^ "^yu^y /S> QIMl«PPl!lLMPiQf M» JSj|»i»ir PF FEES re F FEES received oi ffls^ iS^M. cfer-- HMm , *?, ¥^<"'»!'^'9»f ^-."1 .* «•■? rA"j: .1 8 .. - I ' . fOj ....!" it. r" ... -.1*1 llir I •^PpHiu'". ^p»..s ioiit ■4''« *<#■<; -IS," ■aaa'.aag.ga^TBCa'?' M , iT»!««g«iwi i i nf iiii i ji II J He r '-t«fi ,i»>*nt<-' ■nri n i »i '.O .0- — tt^rri^ ^i«^ -j ii ;ni> ^i BSyTT 7. u<.*v t).^. ^■> ... .I /^ . .i^ :'? ■rr J..^ 1 j^ ~- % \ A^ '^. ': ■^- ^ ■^ V ^V ■■ i. ^ .CO' ♦V r; iri> ^^ . V'. rtv5 i , ,^J^,J^, f tt,J^^, .V.,. ^^ ^ «->#-^. v.t- w* ~^- - 4- ^- - •«- -t^ - -^ ■ .. .-v- ■ ^■— ■•♦■..-..^s.— WW *~, ;:X ' '%. ■ ■ ■; ■ ■> r ■ .}... *^ &< / ti^m ^^ff^W mmi ipipillllipipiiipp?!^^ i|piiii,i,iii|iiiyii jp IjMPPffH.ili'Viniipiif^Wi. ip'i ipiuu ■iipjilMmHy'''''' -" '""W"- ' "'■ ''^' ^"' i.n|w.'.;4i|)H|;i|ii ||K4«lt 4«R J!iBPABJrj[I«K»iOF^.i^ VESSELS at the United S S^|!JiR55B^»-T'n?^?^S'*^y8^^W«5^RfjV^wWT V ^'.i^Si: ..-il'nT'KSBiELS. r .^ a Jl A V/ T J .nifiilimiuQ . .ay'ih h.i* ■*»4'- o TOO" Wbereftom. .v!f. WhervbnUt. .U-i'jllh..; j.i > !i /■ Wher« beloi^Uig- Where bound. ,.■4 $■'■ OwnetB. -«^^^*^>^/ 4/k^^^ ^^ p^2<^ ^7^^ J 7-- -■-.^ . ,dfct:;.^**^^-"T"" ;* ES0XiiE£2i£Ui!r;'.'-'5E? ^^:'7:?la^y^^l^r^'^yg.'^_~■r:.^T.^^^a..'■■y .'->"•• j.X'''-'j'^t^-'-'' «^ -^ \'-^:5;.AV\ *^^***v^:^ :^ ^^ .^. ^'-?f^ '^'^'^> ^^c; J ..sx. * \, aW> -h \ ^t.- ¥■ - ■'^ \ x5r^ Xxv.■^i 1. -f- t ^^ ?"^'"\^. '^l v. % .i- . ^^% Atfimim^iiv'fmiimmtmmmmm mmmm'>f»>:^ 'mm'm^fS'm'mimf^'mtfi^. mm m" iS A j .»-^'.-„ - •^AfAj.y.*, .A-^LM, (■•^t^^ iERICAN VESSELS at the United States Consulate at ... _, from the '^y'^^^/y^ ESSELS. ^hcre built. Whoro belonging. Where bound. Owners. Masters. inrMTARD. Where produced. Where manufactured. Doi cription. Quantities. Values. / ' V I ^ /^ ^■^JX-^(^J^^y^JAJ /^^(2^^^^'^ ^My (y^/e '«< -C,' /f^y/,^y/y^^ £a: y^/z!^^^^ ^ ^^^-^'ant / 'u/^€' ^y^/ (' /-fu//^ ) r?^.y^.y/.^A:d. ■y7'C /c^^/ti^' .^4 / .^./, >i> L^^.(^/^ir4^ \//M^ 2/f9tt. ^Mf^i^^ ^'7*^^^^-N X' / X,. ^ > ^ ^^^^f/^ r^^/^l^^ . . 'A ■^ ^-..'X: ^•^ -wf^ ,vs3*-<(~' •«*■ ^^^s&^Z', ^*-- V / / ./ X^^^^.,.^^e,^^^ ^i'^^r/r-j ^A ^. ^^^^t^^7^^p-r^-z>^, >4 ^c^f^^,.^^ <^^ lc^:jty //.y ^^ ^^^z.^:^y ^^Z-'t-^'^^^'^tyj^ ^^i:t^t^C^r^J>t '**y'1 ^i^y< ^f^^ ^ ^C^U^^^^^^^-^^^ , /^^2^3>tyy ^^i^-^^^-^^ y^-^^^^<^-^^^ ^ y^^ ^^^^^^^,^.^^,^' ^/i'T^J f ^^^^-^zc^^^-^ — t*!!^ ^ y^^<^^^-^^^:*?^ ttssaeaattasssa&s 2Ss:!£sa£S3S MiaaaiaaiHaiii*lillili zW^i-i^^/^^-e-^ ^ / ^i /Z^r-/^ ^/t^^-Z^t^^//^^^^ C^^rz-c^^c^^^it'^^,/^ ^ y^^if^-Z^^ ^^TZ^^f^^^^^^c^ ^^ir^^!:^ ^ic^ y^-r-^ .^i^UZ-^^^^C^^ »«/ ^^^^^^^^^-^^-z^g^z.^ ^^l^^^^-^i^^^ jf>^.ti^^<^ ^^&i<^^^-y&-^ <^^^^ M^»ti'^L£.iui...'i.uiu iiuit;': O^^L ^ - ' ) / 1. ( '' i V^/^ r / ^ i^ c c^ ir ^< C' / c^^'' ^ <- r < /< /4> Y/,,.^. . {■ .i^^/. -7 ^ i / /■ r (/^r- >^ <2 t/-t^^'^^'*^^^- ^^i^f<^g,'^- ^, >f ^ c ^ /^^y^j ' f ^-^ ^ <^^. t c r e^-^Z . ^Zt^^i t r- e<-^Zg ^^^^ yy J^^^^ '£yy^A/'yy>^ y^^^^y'^^^ ^^ c^^ ^ ^^^ r-r r ^r^-^ y- y^ ^^y^^ y-^ y^ ^. -^ 2'^<^-^ _ .y^.^ >^«i^^^^%?S»r^^ €y^^^^. £i >^^i- /' .= /ii, .ri^J ' '^''"z ■ I-/ I / (l C /^/ r /a/ ^^^ /^' ^y /^/^ ^ /^ //. ^^^yif^/^^^^.y^'yyy//'^<. yy/yy^^/^yyy-r^ /y ^/<^/^;?^ /^ 3f2^ /'^^^^ ■> '■ f- ^ y^^!^-^/- /^ ^^<^^^ ^ t^^/^ ^g>t.^ , ^•<2^. <^^v^..^^^-^---^ ^^^^ %.. Jy / 4^ ^/^^^^-r^^eJ y/^^^^r /^ r^^r- f ^y^//r //^/>;. '-^ ^ /: --J /'/ //y^ev c ■^^^^y^^ ^^^ey ,^>r ^^.^^ ^y-- ^ u!^^-^^^ e^^^^-^^? Jy. .x:!^^^^^^ .^^ ^ ^^^yi >0/^^^^C^^^^A^^:^ .XC^^^^^^^ey >^^2^^^^^^^*^«^ A. ^ /- 3^ y^ y^> •>«^^y>rs4f A/ //{( y^//^^ ^ •^. ^y^^^^/'//'^ Y , ( ( /?/- ^ r ff<^-^f ^ ^ -/ y r ^/ r fy' /^^ ^-ri ^^^ ^Yr^' X///^/ y<,^ ^ / / / //r ///''^^^ //irr/^ /^? ^^.y.^^/ y.. ^ tc ^yy^ yZ f ^r y ^ /^ >tv ^^•'•^''■^ r-y c/xY^.. /#^<^ ^ /^^. <^^/V/^r'-<'«^— ^ /^//^ yy/ f^/ ^/<^^yXrry y^^ y^ /^ y^r ^ y X ■V^/- ^<'r' ^^ .^ y^ y^ y/ V/^^^e., ( ^y/fr /^ y / y^y^^ ^^^X/ ^fe>^-" y y ^ y ' / y ^ '^ y^A Ac A'--^ /^ y^e y^y^yy^ / y/ ^Af^ _-: J^ '^-^ ^^^^ J ^y*n(^ e^ to the -^-^/O/ -y^./C \'^ '^ '^ DATr. No. , Naino of vl'sscI. Name of the party payiiij. tlio tee. Nature of service rciulerei!. Amount of fees ' jiaid. Diilla. CIS. liKMAllKS. '■^^/^^^ n t <> 1 t/ ff /' // // /^ Jr. ^y/f ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^C^ y^^^^ y ^/> /r^ ^^ -I. .r^ /^^ //f^ t ^ -.^^y^^^k:^ ^ /^ /^ ^ 4i^!^c^.-t^-^ .^^^^^^ .^.^ (^:y^^j>.^:^-<^^^rz::^ . J .A^ /2, i (?) /ku /I. ^^ /rkT]^^ QUARTERLY RETURN AND STATEMENT 01 Name of Vksskl. i 1 Ceews. BtniDEN. 1 1 1 i 1 Inward. Outward. DiBoharged. Shipped. Tons. 1 No. No. Am's. jFor's. No. 1 No. lAm'g.iFor.'B. No. Am't. No. Am't. 1 Tonnago i Noting Fees. Marine ' Protest. ! I i I // /^C^c '^^^ /^^ / - / - DollB.ICts. I Dolls. ^ ^// -'■■ ■' •■- iJa-iinAi. 11 ilfr t„te k^-^ i^''>;:difeHs;9r.;-n«9ni<i!i^ ' -A.-^j--^ . i .-. — ^: . - ■..> ...i^ ■..>.■ -.-a-t. ^ , -■l-.™^...^v.3L'.i-ra..a4r.i m mmg^ .TEMENT OF FEES received on account of Vessels for ©ilicial Service fo Noting Murine Protest. I ;t8. ! Dolls. Extending ma- rine protest. Dolls. Cts. Issuing War- rantfl of Sot- veyonyessels, hatches, car- go, ai\(l stores, or either. No. ! Dolls. AimiBNTiCATiNa Cor^M of- AcmKNTtOAl Notes of Marine Exteuded Ma- Protests, rine Protests. Call, Warrant, and j Lctton, . Uivi utoiles, Beport of Survey on [ advettUWliK'iits, nc- vessels, hatches, car- ; countsof sales of vea- go, and Btorew, or ' sels, Cfti^, stores, or eitlicr. other docuMnntn. Report of SJ rey on vM8C| hatches, car iitore8,oreithl No. Dolls. No. Dolls. No. Dolls. Cts. Vo. Dol ("ts. No. DullsJ 7 J" ' .' i^w*i, r --" ■"F^-v^ ,'*7T¥r ^'^pr^f^-^^?pp^?«7iiw?fl»TT;^:? , ll'.',l. " 1.1 i'lplppy ^J^ fficial Sei'viceg, at the United States Consulate at , from toe .^ tcntories, ntf<, oc- Icsofves- Btorcs, or ents. AumKHTIOATINO Report of Sur- rey on vtasolfl, hatchog, cargo, BtoreB.oreither. Cts. No. DollB. SlONATUBKS TO— Estimate of repairs of vessel, acoonnt sales of ▼eesel , car- go, and stores, or eittier, or otljor documents. CSBTinOATKS — To Crew List and Shipping articles ; of desertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Debenture, ' in- voices, cnrrency, ownership, adver- tisements on bot- tomry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. Deviation from voy- age, canbelling ship'sregiiitier, ap- pointing new mas- ter, sea letter, con- sul' 8 decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. Recording Docu- ments in Consu- lar Records. Filing Docamente in Consulate. No. Dolls. Cts. No. I Dolls. Cts. i No. \ Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. ! Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. !- ^^^ Cts. Letters to authori- ties, seal and sig- natures of Con- Bula to clearance and papers, roll ; biU of health, &e. No. Dolls. Cts. Orders t< release prison. No. //^^^ ^mJt MliliMiiiiiiMl < - ■! Ll.^ ■^'^'ii|pj|wpi;ii)^^ipy>iwpi#j^i,^.ii>'-^i'w ,"'V-'»*"!'J»y^iB . V T ■ ■ , from the . r Form No. 44. "1 UJuirtlriy Btatoment of FeM.J m^^^^...., to the s>£^^ ^^^^^?^ 18^ - ■" -^ etters to authori- Orders tp send, and Acknowledgments Declarations and Total of Fees re- ties, seal and sig- release men from of Maaters or oaths of Masters ceived on ac- Datares of Coa- prison. Merchants to bot- to ship's bills, in- count of this ves- Date of Clearance. buIb to clearanoe tomry bonds, bills ventories, &c. sel. and papers, roll ; of sale, and other REMARKS. bill of health, &e. instruments of — ^~ writing. - ro. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. \ No. ji^lls. cts; No. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Month. Day. *y A .A.., %^ Mi&i, ijat^n^ii..^ bt^ii„&w,4jntltUi;.if?,.^iiMsi..., r. II!WJ"'1!W" JJIWPHWP' m'l'.'lll"". I. '>»™ fl^- T'"^.-"a-' ' ■^-'•'■■' ■■J3^,-i- ''-^^-TMT^^'ffiVm' '■'- ^^'"' ^•^^ Yi AND DJlEABTDii^iQF AMERICAN VESffil] 'T Ko. M' !}/■■ 'Dir* TESSELS '^MiiiK. Names. Wheml Whea buUt. Wlwra built. WheM beloDgiag. ■■i^ " * " •^'' ■• * ^-»- ■ ^. Jt.ef. Mm •^^ytc^-^ ^A^> ^^ /^^A^^,^./%£^ ^ l^!. /K^L -•»■■ ^/?2^^- /^' ^^^^ ^^.^ r"- A /A -♦-- ^^ / /i -T*** ■^^"1 DAN YEifillLS at^UieTlHlited States Consulate at LS. • Whele belonging. W here bound. Owners. Mas ten. It- Where produced. Where tniuiufiictv *-»^^ ^ /^^^^^/ir^ /jC^/^^^<^ //.^L^6t^ y^^l^ /i^C^^ j/y/^^i^^ 'a^^<^d»A ^.4t^Lj^^ t//^^My ^. J^^*:^^^^ /^.i k:iJ? r?r:KT^^*i3:ir:s*"«c saa ec*.ra!i)feKtS(s BsiatsEcrK£E-Bi2an.i3iiS3S;v aasjEiii: I. v.ifc*«r«-K-amgft--'iii.f .MERIOAN ym^S^ »*Stef '5J?^'fPip»»lM||.wf w '.i«ji*' ""^"fSpTIf^ ^i-^^r ij.'^^^'lR ; |»^'.?- • '*|^'-^ ^Wfri'J*-*^' .i«^>'' " 'feb^^toth CAU0aBS. '^./?^ r FoBM No. 14. 1 LQiMrtcrly Kvturat of Amerloan Vuuuli. J . ' f ' BU i " l 8 ii'. l!' i" Yaloai. OUTWARD. Wh«i« piodMtd. WlMN nuiufactl Description. Quantitiea. Values. Dati or Dkpabturi. Montli. Day. Jif/A^ J'y^.a^ y* f -y -4 w» > jr i c. i'^^j» j i^' -*• -» ..— - %^%^*.^ *^,- *■*•""**"'"■ "'OTT-'' «¥f _».». rt"— -** ■ ^ ^.^L4r^^Af^.^ 4^^^^ jfi^ i/ucy Z!^ f/ //:;f£o<^y2^ '^SS^ ^ajLLiU^ iBAa .i l, j f .l-i^ "— -T-.^ ,«1^ i. „^Aftr; *^. ril.. :.£ di:.. :^^ J.i^iiadil^ i^ltk ■rrm Mi;j.f...., JfctJ ite|^' ..::#■: w' ¥ 'Yimmm t 'jijummiW ktm < i. ,^.>^^//^^^^ >-^. ^M^/^ 1 /^ /; ^ '^ 9^c / CT/^r^^^^f^^*^ >^^^ ^<^ ~D / - ^.-^ ^ a)^./tA/^ lyfl^ /^f/^. ^crU. /- ^ ^yO/^^CCy^ ^/k^ ^^^^^t^^ ^1 ^-£-t-r^^^^^^^ ^^ X^T^^^^^f^.^:^ r-it ii^i r-i I 'i ijiiifeM I li ( • I'l ittoifaaiteh''^--*''^'^. - --■--•-■■- ■ ^^.- ->.---.----^-t^---.Liai*^ .-- ' .i,-, t ^•^4»ii^^^ .--. . . , .-..^.^^ -rl^J'., .■..■i--w ..^-i-',-...^.^i.'.-^ ^;C^ ^^y^' ^^Sf^'^^ /ru ^ '/4, /? ^f^!Z€f<£^(^aj ^ U^^ccJ /tJ ^ ise ^^itf^s^^o' AjZ^ii^^ ^^^^^k^ /^^^^^ ^~Z^ ^^C^c^i>^t^ ^^/^g^^^ic^ wtm /t . . v~ ■■■■■■MMiii ./• ^<*^ ,/ u ^W- /f /^ y /^u*/c^^,so/c^ ^yp^i^-CZ^e^^ ^^^CJ /Z^y /^ ■^ ^inn^ ^-"^-^^"^^"'^ ji^2i^:.i ;>>t>^^^ V?^^^4^^, .^^*X-^i^ ^z tiZ^^9^e^>^^ ^^^ ^S^t-Tt' 'if»tCp£:^C^<^ /€^^ *^4i^^^^^ /^^gr^^^-<^ ^^^rk^^-r? (^y^6-t^-i^ ^-^^ /^^^>*^^'\^%^Z^ ^ePc^^.-'r^'r^^'Z^z^^ ^yr^^^^^^c^C^ /f^?^ '^. ^^:^c-go' /^ j^^-^^^^ ^iC' c/ / \\\ /h^ y^f-tc£^ £^ Az^ ^^ ^Crz.^^^ J^^^ A^^ix^^ /Z^''^C't^'t.-t^X>> jAc^^^-^i^c^ .PC^^;^,^^ •^z^d--> f^^luc^At ^-a!^M^ ,^y^^^>£**^^,-^^^^^ — CJl^ ^^^'C^Ji^**^^ ^E— : M-1 . - » *.**«. *i*'j* <** ^^^Z-€y^^'^C^>^^u^^ty2!^^^z<,.-d^i^^..^^.^ xm i. !>•( ..wi»;:-./»vk*;-. ^'j'\m.*^ttl^-' X^ 'a^,0^^ C^9€,^ -k^^ £rz€^'»^ S?^:«/^i^ ^^^u^.0^ A^ /^2^^^//^^^ ^il^^^^ ^i^«^ 7 ^U-4^ '^U ■0^ ^ '.&Js,i.'' I» / ^ /Z.<£/C<^^ yC^ ^^"^i^^^U x^»^Zt>^ 'Vi2^'2c^C-«<<'>>'^%^^-.^ -j^^t2i*^i«^^^J«/ '^^^€^«zf*ii^^ ^^^J^insii^^f-g^r^ ; O^U<<^l£,^ o*^ j^r>Ce^f^ ^r^^i^ 0(!^<9€^0^^ f/^y^^rz^'W-^rs J /j^6e^^ .?5^^i^^5^^2^*^^^L^^ /i^^^^^^y^^, %f^£^^^. ^ irf/^Z7 /e<£.4^ /^tV^tji^ y>^5^^«-c/ ^r^^i^y^ ^^Cfz^!^i5^,^^^'^**< e^S'^t^^ /rt4^^%>«^«.oe*,.^ A.*^^ //^ /2^e.^^:x^^-*^e. ^t» , ^iix^ ^cc^^^e^ ^f^ A^ ^f^^,^)^ /i^^'Z'C/ -s*^*-.^^ ^^?aw*s^&^«i-^j> ^?^*<^^,V^ C^/f^^t^ ^^ ^ J ^i5c^ /^^ ^Z^^J:^^*cJe_» ^^i^^jz.^ ^^^t<^<.J^ ^^i^c-'^<~> <^^^<^^^^^^tf-^.-iS^ /^<.^c^ryy-:^<>y{!^ ^f'V^ ^^ — i -f^^g^ofc-^ rf'y ^ r-<-^ — J^^.^^ jt'^t'<^^C /€Ir^^^W^p«.c>' ^s4io4t-«-»^ JE^^^^!^_«..^f^ ^^i^^*^ ,iZ^~ / rcy ^^u^^«^y^^**/ yy^ A •fefc /y "< *&<-^j^ /^%r >^ ^>c-<-<. (2^'^tje^,.^^ ^^^^7^ '^y i//^ ^. ^/^^r^^^^/^ ^^^ ^.i^u,,-^{!:-^ii^^t^j:iuisi^-^-USt: i^^L^ ...»i.jU£i.^>^. -'i^Joi.... ..A., .. i^-i.l ..!„_ ^.-i-KA" .ticlji^ _,. ../':. -.iiiu ^4''' Ll-nu..-. t > \ . y / 1 ",_■' .• .-. V '• f .! / „■;//• y ' . V-,... .".•■■ ■- . ■ »i'»,*if*<: ./•'.;■"■ ■.■■ > ..•.• • * -it-*-- ^^/'i^.- ■ ^ -•'■•■- -:M:. , /„ .-. ' t . ; / s •• A S. "SilJstUL^ i.^tilkii ARRIVALS AND DEPARTUfiES .OF AMERICAN VESSELS i*!tt*'(liiaed States Consulate at ^.Q^^^^ tmmmta Bgfa Datb. 18 Month. Day. VEsacis. Classes. Names. // ^../' /f/jyY?CJ4-,r^.r^,.c. I. /• ^ J) /i' //^^ /^O^^ /^*^. /^ /k.y/ifi^e'^ ' Where monnfiict ^.(^Tp^ /H / J^. «- t^ tm-WKVio. DofcripUon. QnantlUee. Yaloea. : u tlVVWr AUD Where produced. Where manuftictured. ^. o^^e^^^L^- te^^ IT ■ I mu^ Lks^sg: ***v ■-!*!». Jii, /^ ■* Sitrsjsrar- .i^a^SK-^ : I I J/'Jlter MrdVf^ W/^/TV a^l>x&. JAm^l&uMi- ''M l>u>.,«,3«»^!?' "i _ _ • _ *( Z^ ^^ I- I Dcbcrtptloa. QimDtllics. DaTK or DlU'ARTCUB. ValucB. Munth. Day. // .^9 ^< <^ // < ^J 4^ifi^^y ^^ t/f>C^, 'f^ . ;4:^. i;^ Q4c^.)/y ^#- y'tJt?^'- I^-J v^A/f^ff '*!"&• - ■(lfc.;,.i ",'V; V. i':/ i^^i* 4' — _,£■ 4 Ji \ ' *i.fl .. ' " ^*' ' ffl V ^ » 1. .^ .4^ .4 i^li^'l^^^" ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF No, Datb. 18 Month. CllWBCg. l>uy. Names. Ton- nage. Where from. When built. %' h^ti ^^^^ -'^««^ mmmmm ilJS'^soS^K^^^S^BlF^ 0F FEES received on account of Vessels for Official Serxices, at the United States Consulate at /Q AuTiiKXTiiATiNo Copies of — I Cull, Wnrrant, tviitl Lottcrs, inventories, Notes of Marino ExtenileU Ma- Iteiiort of Survey on nilvcrtisetncutu, ac- IVotestB. fine I'roti'Stg. i vcuscla, hutches, car- cduntgof srtIc«of vo8- ] go, and Btores, or ■ sels, carfro, stores, or ! either. other (lociinicnts. AV ; Ml • 1 ICATlNli 1 \B»pc r Siir- !' ▼•)' 11 \rs-ll-ls, list' I.. -, rariro, JltOli J 1 rillicr. No. f Dolls, j No. Dolls. '■ No. \ Dolls, I Cts. ; No. Polls. * cts. ■ No. I>..lls. A/^ 4^//^ / 1 /yp //^i/ / t/^ / //^ j.^ /// / ///^ /ri^ //i^ ^ji^ /^^j ^/^/^ //'^ ^c,^^ y^^^i^^L,^ . XA/y ><»*«-• >^&>» ^^^^.■^^-«^ Sl(lX.Ml:ilK.-( ro- < "i i; rii 1. Ml I'jitiiniito of repairs ' 'I'd Criw l.i.st mil 1' in.il'ii \ ii, of vessel, aotx>unt I Shippilitcurtieles ; vnU-s. (inr.nv, sales of vesseO, ear- ' of iUser(ioii», nw iiri^]ii|i, nM\ ■ i CO, and Rtores, or deaths, and <'! lisru,, nl.- nu l.,,| either, or ollior | |>rotcete . 6/ )/ ,)/ .) / /^^ // />// /a^^ /^ J • ■ i.i'iiiiiiiiin ■''. i:llla'll iipniv,!;i.-t«;r, 'iiiliu^iiewD l,-.illrtti'r,l il - '!.vi-!ua( '> ;m1 I'll cinil N... Ili'lls. ; I'Is. ! No. DoIIh. ; cts No. 1),,1U i'(., n,, \),.\u ■ ■■ '■•W;"'wrwTr"'/-'"°^-r ^WWl Q>t the United States Oosfmlate a;t 81ONATURE8 TO- Estimate of repairs of vettel, acoonot nalM of re«M>l ,- car- go, widatorM, or «IUi«r, , or dUiur (locomcnta. CKmnoATsa— To Crew Uit and UtlpiilatarddM; of 4nM«kMit d«Mlw, and of protecM Aueri- Debenture,' in- 'mttoest Mirancy, rt«rir BUUmtDt of Vwa. J mw^^'WW^' ■ ^niUM<^i^^--ii^--i-^^u4^^y^--^M4l'l-~ilOt i kX ■ ' V ^- X ' .•V^N \. ^ x\X-• X^ t--.-. & vV'^ %, .v\X ■ -isi.-NV^VV '^ 1 ^ ■t I AmmuoJL ♦' E r^/' ^^ '^C/ ^^-ft/ yi^j^ 'XM^ ^/f^/f'^yif:^ ^yyy^^^^a^^y ^-z^y '^e^ j^^^y^. ^i^^^> y^^ f ^^*^~ -^^t^ f ^^^^Xf^^ ^y ^^y /^/^^t^ ^ t/iy x^-z^^v^ » ^ . * ^ \ \> \ N \ ■o^,/ ^i^/./^ffj /rjr/^'rAy- /^ye:^z^^ ^^^yc//2 y^ri^yA^ ^^^^JyA/^y^ ^ /^y y^, y^r^.y^A'^ Cy^/^r/tjy^, //Ay AQ, /z^f.£'ri:€^J J^^f ^^ y^^^^ry^' ^yiyy /i^i^^^t^^ ^'f^.'^'^^^^ y^ ^ /rox/'x />r- ^^:£^ ^z^^^-*' J^^^f^^c/^ /iJ-^ <^«-^^ ^^^ii-^^^^cyr y/^ J^e^ ^CJ^£;e,^^-€^ . ^t'^^^^ y^^i-^raac^^ »^. V V X v,,^ ^ ^ /' ^^^i^j/^ .^<^.<^ /^^'^iev^ /r<^ /^^^ *^^/<<^rr:.^^^ ' Xf^/r^ yi^^/7^ /Y^ t/^ ,^ t^i:^^/t^ 7 ^ t^ ^ '^■c-t/ ^ r^^^^ ^z*/' ^'^^t y^yf(^^f r >^ {y /^ /'^ >^< '_ V-^^i^^-rff^ ^ X^ y ' y y/^r/fjyt //Ay //(ty /Tz^f^f^z^^j j^f ^^ i^y^^/T' y '^/ ^' ^/<^ C^ ^^^<-^ ^--e/ ^tZ/ts-Z^C^-^ .<^<^^5^*'«it^'^«^ti^-«i-*s^^ /^if*. v^.«^-^:s^:.^ty ^^ ^^<^>^^^ e^ /il..€^ay€^y<^ ^^^ ^*<>' -4 . cy/^/S^a^^A/. .-) .::^ ^ /^.^--i^^^^^ ^^ y'tr^,^.^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^-^ ^^^^C^p ) / J/f.Sf/. /'/ '-^•^^K-^-'r''^t>^ ^j^,^^ /^ .e^rz^^^^^^i^-y/^'^^^'^-^^^ ^^^^ '^^ z^ if/"^^'L^ ,^^^^: ^^.^^^.^ .^ ^C-^-f-^^ iL' ^:^ i-t. y^ fr e-^ .^'C^^o '/ //^a^e*^ <*<*«' ^i^— ^ /JS^/^ //<^//j:| /^^J^J^ ^-^^. ^^^e^t-x-Xyty ^Zj£--*€yCti^^^'^^ ^' y^ix >%!4e^ (^^-£^, /fi'-z^cje^ ^« ^-^i ^/. .K^ £ / ^ y^^^ /^/ Sai^js /^p T^ y /^^ Zy/"^ yy^rt^^^) i«V' *<-^^ J? ^^-^^ ^^^x/^ ^^^^ iCt^ y^r- -y^ ,»\,.. >..-. •••ftJ, ■' ■■••',■ ,-*d,'*',^ltel.'ii, ■'. -«.•■»;...-"*#», .. •" ., . «,*.«ii*«l. .' aViK^S. .tr^»^3i^.u^ ii^ ,»A^'f; A.'^EtJutu^ ife ',.-^s..*(*t,..>_ V",^?*£ftig»'*'s,r>*',5-., « _* ' . i«i- J^^li>&, ", ■ ti^jipyr'-l r^.'Jjf^^smgt-Vfri^ -^ ■ • '^■-k HJ, » QQi rBN AND Sf A Daii or JuuuTjJi.. Month. D»y. TUkMM or Yb BOBIMV. IVnm. lamrd. Oatwaid. I -I > «N jAw'K *iipH- W«. Fo6S. WOf, let*. TiZ — '=>^^ ^/^y^ <\" V '•\ ^^^\ \1 Z / /'.s^ / I I 'A I \ ^^: cv \\V\|;;^ ^\\vv^ \ / --+. \ 1 1 nft-wr^i,"S" ■■-',' QF FEES received on account, oi^ ¥q^8i for Ofiicial Serviee% I a] mamBBamHm^SP=s' ■nfoaftmelM, go, MldstOMt, or either. AuTiuBTioATnia OonMLor — Notes of llufna Frotflrts. Dol]a. |8o. Dolls. rkuPMANtoi No. D9Uf> 0»il, Wwjtwat, w4 B^iort ot Surrey on Ttt i wig , h>tch^ CMT' go, and store*, or eltheb No. DoIU. CtB. Le^lf, In^tqries, adjtertllpi^Mn, ao- cotmtiof aite ofvee- sels, ditgp, itfpnh or No. DoUit Cts. AumRNTIOATIllO Ecport of 8ur^ voy on vcBBote, hatches, cargo, fitore8,or cither. No. Dolls. ,■* '-- ipj,'P:3M™yjBi'-W' rw^ ' ■iw" iipp!psp^E!i5i«p*ni|flpi*«f»^rri!?"^>rwwiw! sooun^i Of ¥««»(»l9i f««n!9il«8iit%'W8fc AcTHnnoATiiia Oofw oi — M»- 10, D9U«, QUI, Wancwt. wd, Bepoi^of ftimrqii go, aad stiores, or eithoi. No. f DolU. CU, Ko. I I ! Dolk. Cti. AxmaamounMa No. I l?oll|. ^Pw'^'^TIp W^ "H'fi^r'iS^^PSK -i^\q?r^?jr'--™!«»j(. »(ffliu r FoBuNo. 44. 1 L * r FfttifNo. 44. LOauMMrBtetmwt of Feci. ^0p^ OKA MH ijiafl ^ J-^afeiAH :>_ a^ Qrden to waqi and MM I .8'1'i'i relasM men! from imIm: iota. .fc ■ Aekno|rledgm«nta of llMten or MeT«^ntotobot- instHimeiito of ytritihg. Ni>'. DoW. Ot* ■j'J fXknu and of Haaten to dli^'f bills, in- reiltotlei. &«. Total <^( l^cs re- ceive^ to ac- count of i^iavea- »o>1 \^\\ ^.■.\ 9tia». Igu. Date of Clearance. Month. Day. f ^', '» ■ ^ 4 X'^'^l e-^.^^*^Y„^:z:> , ~3 7-1^* iv4diKu.a£M;W.. ^.r'^'.^^k'rj /Ay^ . ^ ^e^^ f^ .^j er-e < <^^ t/Z<^<^C tr^ * '" ^/^/t' ^' " ^y^ >V^ 'V^ A t-^ ^^(t-i t^/^^^^^.^XA:ffi^ / -I r-^^trrw-^ ^T*f.taws^,^5^ jTj^l^TlSf.'? •^TTi^- -^ii^^^m.^ • t7* F" ■■•I- :•■ '«1»(WP''*W^'''''':'*5: ARRIVALS AUD DEPARTUiffl^*dF AMElttOAII V No. Datb. 18 ^-f Month. Day. Irs^tiatii." ClMsett. I >- Kmum. Whcrafirom. ■J! ''•><.;; I !i.f Whm i When bnOt. WhMwboand. ..w.UUf-iec /^/it/y /^ >^^ (^:^^4^i*,i^/9^: .^r \^^^.^^^' ^j^ >^^; ^^c/ ^.^ ^: y^^^. ! I, yls y^Ct^/i i% %.. t ■'.;,; 1 " "- M ."'•■■''■I. ..- * ' If V '- '-' j"^-: "■*^. '.■'' ' ■iV ' *> "■«?.■ il _ v .. > .1»-..Itrt/.. j'»'T«a?''«T^P tfSfF" 4N YES^LS at the United States Consulate at i2m. fioiilbe Wliero belonging. Where bound. Owncre. llMten. IVWABO. rllPhere pfeidooeiL When manafiM^nnd. >,Rll»i^iVi; DesoripUon. QiuntiU««. V^Hn re^//^r,'A;^^/i^. /^^^..^ry^.A/' a' // /^/it c^ 7/r<:<'0^i/YP //r^-Kriyr^r^/iip />%,,/>J/..^ /^i^y/^ j^.JSLi:i;z^ /^.J^,t:ei:^/fc..^^!Lt,y^ %i r^Mm^ms^i iStS^. cr::. . •fc&xt;: ;jg's^'.Jl£^' : i7!(p!lff^!' ^^''''^!v'll|^ ^'^f!^.^^^msf-^> 1 iw'.."ip"ji^i',,'i. --7 r r ■ • T^- ^^^L^^^^^i;.^^: to the r Form No. 14. "1 LQuarterl^ Keturns of Amorlcan Vosseln.J CARGOES. QouitlUM. aWWARD. Where produced. Where manufoctured. Desoitption. Quantities. Yaluos. DATB of DWAUTl'llR. Month. Diiy. V . / // ^ .y..' 'y£r/ ^ ^ --f iiiidfiili dttiiiii!aiiililiffi;£^;bU>Mi&a6«&j^ ..'k-jjii8fctf:*jtfMi.ij«iM..fc. -..»;■:, k^ w'i'H;*'«'i",li;pflPii',:i r-'ii^ |HgB!»*J !Wi-nTcyi^', bAETDHES OF AMERICAN VESSELS afeiOi^aMited States Consulate at -X V ! V .-^. A.^..^,..^,.^... o,... i>c2A ^c/ M. (£V^^/^^ -X/^^ i^r ^^i/ / z^c^ t^ /^ ^tC //^2-^ t^/^ /({.^^ i/^lt^tt^ yC/ ^:^l^yiCP - ^-^ i'.-i-^v.-,..- ■■ .'..■■-. .- ...i.'..,j3:^^S-:< '!AH'i..hi-..^.-.^. ...^^.^.u^jt^L.,!- t „.*■>■ .a-i-i.,;:>"'<' . ,rt.-.. .-j^iftiii c V^ f/v ^^^.^^ /^^/^A' ^^/ie^^^X^^ y^- yy^^^y^^^ y6:^^yi^^ ^ y^y/ /y >^yr^.^y^.y^/^:i.-t>r c'-^'><- a 'y ^ /^Cc^^e^ /rc.e^ ^^^^--t-^-r — "/V ^^^4S^ ^c^-r^ y-t-^-^ /7 4^ ^f^^.yCy^^ y^^^£^y^jii-^^-^ '.^^^^sc^*-^^ yjr/i^i^7x>^Cty ^^^ys^^ /^ /(^ '^^: / 7/'- ^ yy, r..^ //y// , , y ^y^ ia8itea^..ri^-..J-,;iA.^.«.)itafe....^>;.,«...^,...,, .. ^ .w^W^ i ■ ^\' 1 V ^ X ^:1l^ ^iy ^ ^^ (. ^/fe , /y.\ 1 ^yy ^7 ^/ ^^ r^^.^ / k yy^r /Af r r -e^^O^^/ y^ '^y .-^^ ^ . ^ r^ /-' ^ 1 »«■ afflsv?^j , ^t^..,. QIMRIE^LT BEIGSN AND SHAXHOKfllQF F£ES re Datb or AaaiTAiN Month. 'P^. ■■i^& 1Va*s m Ttmm, 0»W»l|f Jmw Db7. ■ " I' T lHWI ' lf Toot. InwArd. No. Aih*B. No, Wk. I qit.' U),l1 li No. Aart;* No; An't. Dotfhir >Cto Doibt "TTT'il reyoii T eiw l * , hatchet, ou- go, Miditona, orelthor. iMUi <>' '«« : -t^. .^4..$:.:.-..:.-v-.- 1 i ^ W /^/^ I ( >^ ! I I ii ,8r / J^ ?. FEES rejipived on account%f *Vtefli fot ^^cfeP Skvic^,^ at the United^^ •I. wsmss TByem r eaw li , haldiei, oar- go, and itoiM, or either. ClW*%o/M'- ^DoM*' ih'ii' --nr AonuanoATaio'GbpSU^Ov-— .1 "I" " — "V" ■ — if^'i^', '.,/ ;ii t III Notes of Siarine Froteati. Ko. DoHb. riMltal«tli> 1 No. i f DoUi AotmwuJ '**^'^* R«p<>H,:,s( 5ii f > tin jipwjitortop, KepoTv.,s; m ^-•^^ >t?he»,o4«o^,: ittore8,or«lther. No. Dolls. BioHAtma ~ KstUoate of rep»Ua go,,fftfifer^, or either,, or other ilucuraents. No. Dolls. Ct«. To Slilp Of deatl profc oan I No. ^ I ' /-"'X / : I I J HI SI "-^'^Wf'' ^ It r Form No. 44. 1 IJiputtmij iitat«a«o( of Vmi. J ^:^5^..«^ ::.__1 S^: gtr * i -il'i l^ '^'-y'- - Mt ' 'Inilin'' Of teboi- 94. •Or i"* t ll i'^ BRMABKH w No. «. [JRNAND STATEMENT of Fees received at the United S&tes ^ulate at . DATE. NAME OP THE FIRM OB PARIT FOR WHOM THE SEBYIOE 18 SBHDBRBD. 8IGHES OF THE OATH. (WHO MUBT BE ONE OF THE FIBM.) NATURE OF THE SEBYICE. / ^r /f 9 *< ::>• jr»\ 2> ^ J^ *c<^Q^ / ...«j :• . . A«.rfSt;,.:> ii.. ■J^- "■■■ ~'7""- .< n-rpt-. from the , inclusive. ^^^ ^^^ to IE OF THE SEBYICE. PLACE. DATE. KIND OF GOODS. WHERE PRODUCED. VALUE OF. FEES. iwri If iiMiiiiitii- ■ nr miiti^iiliM ^Jl ™ w^ f'W^t ^ ] Al^lYAffl AND DEPABTUBflS OP AMERICAN YESSELI VsE^€^\ CSC^Slt^^^^/yTj —'*—'•'-"■*'•■ "- ■'^■■~^- l««M»4taM»^ y^k I y«r. 'T- IHM* Mi •%»< — L 4 II .^... '/^<^ /:p ^^#r>^^^ /^ .-».«-< ."« .-(» i. — '..4^ '■<- -.- -ft .ate'ji \ , . I. '*.. «■ ! i ' - i ■ ■■ *Sfl -"** St-- ,. ■ ^' ''I^Snk,' . .LVa^Ji^.,^ '* ': S(«a.wii S - -M, %^ Ji^4iW...«, J W. ■ 'W'P"'^' 'f!K'"'"'M!1|BPPW5S!P!W'-' ■!■' W.-J«W5W^*W» '"■'■*■ '■'^ -™«w!^ij(««jT-"i - -' w-'g^iw. ■ ' MMi OF AftltBWilf VIMIM. ,/^^<^h:^, " " ■■■■v;«,3"' ^ t^'^'i^ ' i- ^^^t^'^ic^^ii^^ ^/^ /^^^^^^C^^t>€^-*^ ;y^^^^^j^^ ^^i^i^^^i^ J^>. ■'^i #^ ^: r**' 2^ ...'^ /Y^^-.-M, a.a^jtfci>l-M #: -il ■■,f:' 4 ■ *v V , ' i ?-:'M X 1 \ ;' ( ^ o ^l^^^y^t!^ ^:Ky * <^^^^U^££. ^/Z^^ ^^,^:fc. ^. d. :; / ^z,^^/^^^ yi^^ '*ffr"- W^W^^'l^WmW,^^^'- -• ^J1 ^Y ^.Ji ^^ -f ^ ». *.,. -^^i-r^j^^^-^ ^^^^^^^f^^^z^<^^^Z':^ '■i, M 4>iLl^^^litSdJi^^B«M>^<.<3bl>:^JaJtl£kijB^M^^ .i:ik.j# .'.un4<''^'&dbhai<^',»<3^k.uU:&^i<<£it^o«.--E . ijuik^-wi^tA::>:ia-.^^ju.«l£^-'>t ^>i^i±* . r- 1 ;■!»>. ^v mi>r ' r--wir,rYf-^,««T.' ■■■■.-,;■- --;j»^-"'>wr?>'r-''- "^ ■ ■■•r-;!'^'. .■f^fpr^--^^' '«^- ..*«'5-' ' 3^"^^5WSi*"ftr**w^' '^^^^''•^ -,p>.-.T--- QM^ERLT RETTURN AND STAIWIBJgij OF Datb or AbutaXi. 'i-.-W4*«4^»4»«^+*^-*-^'-'''**'»'-— T- |i VAunH* Month. Day. BObdi ^|lM>v*'*o— ->.••• ^?n?BS !!!BS9S Cm^wB. Inwmrd. Touu No. No. Am'd^lor'i Oatmid. No. No. '■"iir I ., m MK lapped. ^^ Ap;«j Fee*. ilkiiU*. G*f- .1 .:.' :■• li**! Ijolh. ma Dol^; C^. - /^ /y-^^ »;.c^ fSS /.rp iiWSHi OF FEES received on accoui^ c^t T^§fl«te .-.I i. r I|oH8. •&st. *?• Doll^ Cft». as hi^diet, oir- go,aDdBlorai, or either. V.0. AuTHBTIOATnrg Q^IJUO^-;- AirnuRUiATiJuii MolMoflfurliM Firotecto. DoU*. Mo. DoQs. Mm. .■'-■■■•> |.»n No. DoUi. Vo, Dolliv C^. Ko. I>(4lft. Cto. No. Dolls. //^ iid^s ^ f,,' -%!!'5)wj-»^^-"«v''?ii-"i,'( -. ■-- ^esaels for Offlcifil Services, at tbeUniM States QamvlatesMi^/ ., thm popisa or- Av7Bi(>Tu;4TU|(^ rrant, apd t Survey on at<;hoa, can- •tore*, or Lotton, iaveutorlcs, adverllieiaents, ao couni%^ sole^ of vos' nda, cargo, qtpres, or other (locumonta. RejKHrt rtf Sur- ha^o}t«s, cargo, fitore(i^r«Uher. blls, I Ct«. No. EKjUb. 1 CtH. I No. DollB. Bioa^TWUffiAO — Estimate of repaLp of .Tewel, acoamt «)i*e{^«Wl» car- go^ aadstoKea, or eitb«f, or oUior documonts. No. DoUa. OtB. iiiwiii m iiww^w Cwmwjom^ To Crew Liat aad Shionliur artidaa : of, (i gpft rtt ix x ; dMtJu^ aq4l. of cwsQuniaa. No. DpUa. CUl No Debenture, ' In- volcea,. canwrnTt owiMWWt*fi««h ttifiinifiiitiolU. Cti. No, Dolls. Ct«. No. Dolls. Ctft Acknowledgments of Masters or Morchante to bot- tomry bonds, bills ' of aale^ and othor instmiments of writing. Declarations and oaths of Hiisters to ship's Mils, iA< ventories, Ac. No. DoUb. ^ ^7^ / c^^ / rif I I / \ m h Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. Total of Fees ro- oeived ■OO' ac- oonntofthisyes- tel. Dolls. Cts. Date of Clearance. Month. Day. REMARKS. ^33 i.. fK^ff^'^r^'ry^^fF''^'^.^^'- ' ■■Tr-«1Ijr»!:jflV','?7njg^;;i - T ■r ^'T --rr irrj^ . p^the _.„„_ . :._ „_ /to' the itbori- Itig- OOB- ith,&«. Cts. Orden to t^Md rel«aw men fi|pi priaon. Ko. Dolla. I Ota. No. Acknowledgmento of, Maaten or flNMuuitotobot- tomlik«d«,biUa of ^aSyaiid Cither Declaratioiu and oaths of liaatera to ahip'a bills, in- Tentoriea, &e. Dolls. Cta. No. Dolls. Gto. Total of Fees re- ceived on ac- oountofthisves- sel. Dolls. Cts. Date of Clear Month. ,^-' I I ,L^LJk^.^... .lit„».^.L,i.j.:^..z:it.x, i^Ei^ L\: * I ...jat>^ri^A.;itf^.-.-to'..v; ; .' .■^4atAI..v» .,.:,;.; „.. . *Mi.Li-.. ^ ' No. 5. URN AND STATEMENT of Fees received at the United States Consulate at . the DATE. / /a^«^ /i NAME OF THE BlRlf OS PAfiTT FOR WHOM THE SERVICE IS RENDERED. SIOMEB OF THE OATH. (WHO MUST BE ONE OF THE FIRM.) NATURE OF THE SERVICE. ^ /y • . / y !^'^i^^»^^:^^^f^7 ^n/!i£'^x>^€<€f ^^^fZi^^^^^^'^-^^u^ - - -.-.-■ -,....! _ . . — • - •— \ t ■ — - - -- - ■- - -■ — - / ' \ . • « . - >y ^ ^#i > g ^> <: •f — 1-: ^V..:",! - ■'.. V.A,- n,,,...,.-,,-,--™ .-.. from the J^/^. (^>^^i?^^^- , inclusive. y^^^ to OP THE SEBYICE. PLACE. DATE. KIND OF GOODS. isiSii^r^^^^iMo> /6^^^*^^ WHERE PRODUCED. VALUE OF. [' t^tg>eM^ /£ ^t<^/^^ /i^^/^^.^ 3J/d-4^.^ FEES. m lfcJ\ ...•wk ^<>jk;.. -.j.a'i4i.k,^^i. AiAi^i.-^iiMsaaM',L C^/t' /i& . J^^^Z.^^^^2^^^^^ ^!^'^ -*^^ .es^'afc^'*- XT- .^4? ^^ ^ ^ y^ /^; Atr^-^ <^^t ' -r ^^ ^r- ^ >r<;^^^^je^ ^ ^^ ^;? >'-»' te^ ^(^^t^,^ /^r-T^j^Ji j^^-g^- o ^^1L^^ ^ ^^ Z' i^ r* r ^* A^y M^^^ -^ * z f^ * < ^ ^J A ■.^ ^ '^.^ r /•/" . ' c ^. '^^i^^^^ —A./^e^^cf/^^^^/^ ^*^ ^^ra/r^i^^f^f ^i^5^^^ y^^/- ^ i/^r j'^ ,^J> - / C-P //^^ii-ce y^rzc^ /i^ y^ fy^^j-^c^ ^^y^^ y'/^^ /y/zt^nj A^y^^.y^^y^x^yy ^r< t& yc ^/^ / CC^ C/uf cg:^/ /y^yr- yfr w'^j ,. , y^^ /yf//r-/^y^<^. y'/^^y y y^^ /*y yyy^yyt:^^ Ac/^^Xyyz€ ^ /C^^^y:^ X^ y yy y^^^^^^ys: >^^ /^ . y^>. y^. ^,.„,^ .,,,,y, . ,,.„ '™ll™TT'!Wl«rW«>'^T>«?'-»-'n'=J^JISw'r^WW'l'!»W»»«!^;^^ /i^^^^ ^>^ y-^uf ^ ' ■■.■^■. ^^^ ^ r / ^PC- /t ^u^-*«/ ^i,*^^ ^^^^«X^^^^^«3&««<' ^Z^^K.-*'^^ >«e^ ^. ^'^^t^^^^^^^tT^ ^ '^[^^*-^rp^ ^y^S^:* fc.v« Sm 1 —4 »^-K.^h.^ia.a^teKfc&.ksl3^. < <^i>,r Ci/^ ^£^€.4t^£>/^t^ y%e^ i -■i.i ^^,cj£.ejt^ 4^«^a^^'. .«y..^-f;^'V(;Af||l(| ^ jp^r-zi, j^^^.^jt^^^ ^Z-//^^^^.*^^ >%-«^ ^ /t^^5«-t/"^<^V'^:i^*«-^^<-^^-^^ i^u^- ^^e,^ z' ^ti^x/ai4^ ^^^^f/ AT: — /0Z^rz^ >5w^ ^s;^'-**.*'^ mF /zti^.^C4^f^<^^ ^ ^ ^^j/!:^^'e'Z<.e^e^Af€-*<^ >«4=2:^:^5^ «^^ >s^S> ^^ >^^^ ^^^5^.*^:^. ^:a. .^i^t^-c^ ij-^ -***^:*^ -*^^^/^^^^:-.^<^-^ .^ /^ /i^i^^&.We>> .^i^y ^^^lit.^^^' ^f€^ ^t^CC^^!fU/ ^t^c^-g^t-^^^^ Mt'^^^ A^i^Sc.*»€^^-^K^'^^<^^ t^y/ ^fc^^^d^t.^1^ /!U€^^^^^ y/S^^,at^*^^*^ >a^V^ ./ ^^i^^'C^*^ ^^^t^C't'^^*^ ^r^/^Siy^ic^LJz^^^:^>*^^ ^^^^>^ -Artt^l^C^ 1 nil iirinliiiiiiliiitei''^^-- ■■.-.■>.«.« — ,j,....i..,^iai.t.-....=.-^t^^,..-:.j-*.w.,,.:...-.-i.,.j.,.A»....„^^jjt,,- . .i:;.ia.-j„>ja-«>.«^^'g..,.. ,, .,t^ki..^-.« ■..;.-. »■,. .«.i.^. ^ ^^^iCe^t^ .^t^^t^/^ ^!^ ^[<,cA^^t^^ -*J^**^rf-^ ^^irri^^T^ ^^SC>^^j£^^^^>^, .^^rfe^vf ^sa**-^^& ji^C^yiZ^/^c*^{Se^^ ^iOe^^^C'^^m^ ^^^^ C£^€^a^ jt-c-^iC'C'^i^ ^ii'^'C^^ /^zi^Lf Ut^ /SS^ ^/l^€<^''/ts^^//^it^/i^^ity'.^x^ ^t€?^t^^^ ^trz& . .^rf^*-<-^7'^ y /^^^^^^^^it.,^.^.^^ .^J^<'2»y^^^<:t^>^e^C^>4^^<^^:^^-«^<*<:-^ «^^z^^^b^^ &t^>^^^^^ ^>^^^s^*5^jfc7 ^^t.^^ ^€e^C^ ;2v^^^5d^ ^:2^ ^^^^£.^^^^ >£^;....,»tn^....:.^,..,.i^;£.^i^^'i^a;a^J^^:.>>;.^ri.,,AJ^ f.,^te.^.L^.^^,.^^.;;_....wu^.,...:.>f.^.^j.iAi Jsay,. ^^^^xJ , ' ^^ ^^gr:^^^ ^^^ ^^^£*^^^ ^C-^c^ ./^.^.trz^ ''V^ft^^-^f ^..^-A*ji-.. .^.uv...>i;:^fti)'afifl^^il^-.^yjk>:BU!Jl.:j^'' JttiBLlf^Mji^L^ii~^-ikacy,UlAkcii ^J&^^!kM *^^ ^^^g^^t^s-t^t.^ ^H^ ^^?^.^>«:^-»-*<;^^;^,**-^^J^*^6^^ lA,^.,.:.,,..-.-....,..^.,,,,..,^.,,,. ■ ^.■..•--^Aii.-^^'».^.-^.^...^'~.^.^..^..i«:.>-^i^'S^^.||7;^^^^^^^ ^ii.2*?&fc.-'"*lSS 4i^ii,y^ ,^z..>^ ^A^^T^^^ /s / j,^Z^^^±^ ^Ait-^i^ ^t^ y4^ X^^^' ^ ^1 i I I a .\ " ^'^ .^ Ni i \ .1 M ^ ^ \ '/^j^ -^^^jy^/y^/^^, ^^ ^^ s ^ \ 1^ ^ 1 1 t i^ ^ S i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "^ ^ ^ ^ I is -< /^/ ■ 6^/9^ yy^ c^-^^^^^ ^ \ _^;2gf^ ^'r:!^^*^.^^^;^^^^^^^^^^^^,^^ ^ X ^ ^ X ^ ^^^^^^ K^ > '^ ^ ^ '^ <^ '^ * * , * ^ ■«• ^ "^ ^ <^ ^ ^ ^ n H ^ ^ "^ * ^ ^ ^ r^^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ V ^• \N \\\xxnxn^x j.i,ja,^AiiftL:&2<. t£> -^«*^ ^-rf-sc jO-''>-^ auyC-c<^*^ ^^ /X^ ^'C^, e. ^' ^ ?^e^ Z -z^ ^^^ ^' ^ ^2.^ ^^ ^,79^ ^^Z -l^"^^ /^uPc c-y /Ltt.^**^ 'V*-*^ -Ue^e...,^ a,y^<£^ ^ ^^Og.-c--»C^ 5*>«^«-t^<-t/ ^ac<.y^ty%'i^ 'l^eta^L^.^x^ f^A-ty^t^ ^> ^^:<» <«:, y-e^t^ /■^z, ^a^^A^^yCt.-^^^ ^^^«^»^L^ ^■M-vi.^e^y A^ Cr^xJl^^i^^yL iW*-*^-^ -^.^c-iyt^*-^ ^ic^^-Cf »9<»««./«.'»«^ -«t «^»*c«^^ At^ ^■^'xyr ^x^ ac Ac^m-yOt^^t^ .t^iucc^Z-c^-Kj ^*^ 2t^^^c*-^ C%* -^^-6[rf. Ai ^ ^^ 1 K^f^L^ ''^^-^ ^^^t^t ^ tK^-d-^fi^ A ^M^ 'l'te<*t^<-fxi^ y^-t- (?o-«[^/ ai^v<-^ ^V-<>t>^ <*. ^^t^t^*/Jt^ ^^^^T'r^r-jr*,,^^ t?^ -f /» » -z ^y^^.^:^ ^^ ^^i -c -= y i.--»• » »- »-t C'*' »'»' ^t^ 'T t*-f^ . 7 a. (^-C-e^ JO-T-}^ ^>XZ' 'fl.ty^.^XoO-Tt^^^ <^^7 <^'?^ ^-X ll / <■ 4y( y A.t^ i^t^ f C^--}^A2-<-^^-r.,/2lfr^i-^^ i'lr iV/^,^^ X^ Co'/>>-«-«/^ ^^ ^^-t -t^ .^t^^^^-^^ ^^^ ^^-/ ^ ^-^ ^ /o ^ ^' ^ ■ ^ ^^^^^-e-,^^ f.^-^^-U^ J '—Y^'^f • -^ "^ '^ '^Jryi n y^^t- . L /t-yt^-z C . 'n-^A^ ,'7 i / / / t^t^^^iO 7 / j/fo 9 /( 2^rr .xT' '-^ / ■ ^ ^ ^ ^/ • £ ^ tf . 2 a ^^ ■ / ^ o / c /'io. /^ ,, ^ ■ Z . C ^ • •/ " ^ ^C/. ^ . !f. a Lr/<^i« -^.tC * <} ■ ff. J ■^•' >!•<'<*» e.'O-'V'-rc^'ri^ , _____^^^ c ■ ». c o J a. J?-

.«_^<- e-( *f^.y (O !-, f < f ,(r , /' r 'cf..-/< ^ >r V ^-it^n^ / _.- /l-t--?. t. <5 'f Ai7 >^ <*-^ '^/'x^'*^" *^yet^j^^^ja ^ 'A.«--« , ^t* /a f* . // / r« / ?. O a ■ / ^ •^^ O • ^^. OL-f*-^ /--f-Xt^t-CJ*.'^ t^^-C^ //Cc^^'t>%^ t-iyMjI^-i^ j^t^ A^-» Irf -«€-»« t/^;r ^ ^ < y^ >e4U^^J^ *»t^*«y<* »r-r-^.^<. /5?2 «-<^z/^ J^a^O- '^♦-/ ^ K-fc^ v't^ t^.^'t^d C- 1/ / A^ 4r M.A^ ) t^C Mt^^y^'^'-*'*^'-^ '^ -^<«*-.-»-t«' /*i. • '>. ■'HP"-"«Bflf"!™™''w™p((?t<, Ac- ■m.^»^^-^-»t^ etyi-t-t^ O^l^-^e^f tfi^ •*«- /1&- ^^y^^*r^^rt^ Jni.^^Af o^S«y *^"»t<^»^»,»*.^Cf--t. ) «,*^,»^ /-»t,^ ^~y.0t^vC t[». «*.-»-»-^-t^--/Cc>t^ die «.<..'«to ^^r-f-tt^r-^tjf^ ^i*t^*^ Ue^ ^^ €^^.^j^y>. — — — — ^*^ <■*-■*■ L.m^^t-.et^ e^^lf ^^ «.t-^ <» ^**-»<,V^4^ /frK./^^^^ (toyi^t^ £o-eC/XA B Ac-sc**.'-*^, «i^ yt^t^*-ty.»r^,y*^y> ^ ^i, a->-tnM^4y , et,vmy tt^ \jt^ct.'yi,^y^ , mya^ /*^ .c*-ym^y^t--^/i^'- ^^h^iA, ^\l<.t^ ^y^i-Y y.e^ ye-t)^ y^^ sr :zr' jL^y^M^*^ •^c»-»-*^ (^. j6W-vC *:5^^'»*. -^T/t. ^1/ -t::^<:-«-c^.^__* i^yiyf^t-^ y'. \ /e-f-n .^. TK^ _.?UT-*-^*»<^/ / d^,^^ G^y^.. i^,yyf^-A^^ / y / / / / /? /'/^^, /(./n^* '^^g^i '^ <^/^ a^ nfY /V' fi <^ ' / ■" * -^'z- /■' >^<'-' ./u- ^t-^e- ^■1.1. <'k.t&!bii.^^iidUM:;>:Llu..:^W^>^ :^^ .■..ii^\.\-:t-i A£i^-4B„^iX^ill.i,. ,:jix,LJ^^^ C'i^..,^.-. ■■^-&.~.. .-.Ar^iH^iiifiltUu ':^i^LL>L: ^..^i^.it.tV.'g •'Tfw:'?ft :^s?iO:?i!5i«e> ■ v^f^v4^ - . ../. „.„.„...-. ■ nV I i' wiir ■itiiiiffii'iiiii-MiilMiMJiiMtiifi- '"( „> ^ ,. ::i ..aj.^ar.'aifcv^^., ^i^j^K^^y^ "^'^^-^^ ,J:.,<^f'^^^ Airt^y/^ /^0i^^^7^ ,f?zt^:,^ ^^^^.'^^:^^5r. /zL^:^^^^^^ ^7!^>c^jf^t£^ Af^/^:^^^^ ;^i^ ^.^^S^^^i^^c^ ■Tlfl^'' -■"'" f^^^W^^T-^'-^W' H*Wmy''^'^'?rmf>''^>'^"''^-^^ QUABWEtLt RETURN AND SVATJ 0. DATE OF ARRIVAL. NAME OP VESSEL. Month. Day. BURDEN. Tons. Cbiws. Inward. Outward. ..^o. I No. No. Am'B. I For's. Am't. No. For* a. Diachwrged. No. Am't. Shipped. No. Am't. ToniMge Fees. Dolla. Ctfl. ^yr / :^k^i^^:,.z^^ /^7^/ <^ r "7 '/f-^. ^rt^ ^ /f' ^ /f? ^ \ / / ^^ j/> =.,.i _. _ ,.,-.-L.....«._..L. UNT OF FEES received on ace^unt of Vessels for Oflfieial Services, at the United States Consulate at ^2^^ Extending ma- rine protest. Issuing Warrants of Survey on ves- gels, hatches, cargo, and stores, or either. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. AuTBDiTioATuro Conv Not«s of Marine Protesta. No. Delia. Extended Ha- rinel^teate. No. Dolls. Call, Warrant, and Bepoft of Sumy on Tends, hatdiet, car- go, and ■toree, or either. No, Dolb. CU. Letten, InTentoriea, adrertiMmenta, ao- coonliof aalea ot Tce- ada, teigo, atoraa, or other dooumenta. No. DoUa. eta. AOTHUnCIATIHO SianAJtmam vy-^ Report of Bnr- Tejr on reaaela, batches, cargo, atorea,oraither. No. Dolls. Estimate of repairs of TMae), account aalea of Tsaael, oar- go, and atorea, or eitiier, or other documenta. No. DoUa. eta CaBTonoAXM — To Grew List and Shipping articles ; of desertions, deatha, and of protected Ameri- can aaamen. No. DoUa. Ota. Debenture, in- voices, currency, ownerahip, adyer- tiaementa on bot- tomry, aale of vessel, cargo, &c. No. Dolla. Ota. Deviation from voy- age, cancelling ahip'a regiater, ap- ptwting n«!W Quw- ter, aea letter, con- Bul'a dedaion and award on conduct of crew, &c. No. Dolla. Gta. Beoording menta ii lar Beoo No., DoL ! I ;\ I ! /2.f/9 /t^U^^^^ig, £^J^ >^e^^ yg;^^^^..£.^(-€^^^^ ^^^^^^3i^^^^ ' 'je.cJt<.^c^ .^c<£^:£i^^ij^p^:> ^S'ff I I I I -"■'■ -■■'■■■*■- ■ • ■-t»j;^i-.^<-»aiA.>.j.».^.»j..i«. irliiiiiifr'ili'ri ^ai>J4^v..'-«..fea>»A^^»>toi».a.^^»bMiaa.,,^L , from the , to the tttonfromToy- oanoelliDg I's register, ap- itingnewQuw- Mft letter, oon- I dedaioa and id oa conduct rew, &c. Dolls. Gts. Beoording Doca- ments in Ckmsu- lar Beoords. No. Dolls. Ots. Filing Documents in Consulate. No. Dolls. Cts. r ^' L QuarU ORM No. 44. Quarterly 8tat«iucat of Fcm. '^^y^^^ Letters to authori- ties, seal and sig- nalores of CSonsttls to dearanoe and papers, roll, bill of health, &c. No. Dolls. Gta. Orders to send, and release men from prison. No. Dolls, lets. Acknowledgments of Masters or Mer- chants to bottomry bonds, bills of sale, and other instru- ments of writing. DecIeuratioQS and oaths of Masters to ship's bills, iu- ventories, &c. No. £/^ Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cte. Total of Fees re- ceived on ac- count of this ves- sel. Date of Clearance. "^ Dolls, Ots. Month. Day. ^/ Jff 18^^ IlEMAllKS. cyfL £6^Sf ! I 1 1 i I I ! i I 1 i i I fcJajs. J. ^^,-d.^^-..&A .-JMJi ^'1 1" ffJf^fWiwtB^yip^i ' Nji' • No. NAME OF VESSEL. BUSDEN. Tons. Csawt. Inward. No. Am'f. No. Por's. Outwud. DiMlHagid. Shipped. No. For'a. ., -^:.i.^u..;..j:.{kj;^:S^.;;~^::.:::i;:as^??::^-^^3^^ saaEiMg:ikssfosaL..a.:fct5as:z Am*! «:^ W»<^^ ''^W^''''^ TV ■^ J H? s\ r'lw^ "^ QUARTERLY RBTURN AKfijnL!SraiBNT OF F££S tec Notiiig Ifwlne Protwl Eitondlng ma- lint protest. DoUt. DoUc Cte. Ho. Dolls. laraing Wsmukts ofBunrejonTes- ■els, hstches, 0Krgo,aad stores, or either. ^ ^,-£^ i t^" ^s^^ii^d^.^^ I t V^^ ilMKiSi ^^ ^gs^lggg^ OF FEES received on account of Vessels for Official Services, at the United States C( ding ma- protest. ImlBg Wsmnta irfBanreyonTW- ■els, Iwtohas, OHgo,«Dd stores, orcitiier. AcTHurriOATuio CoFUS or — Notes of Marine Protests. Extended Hsr rino Protest^. Dolls. Call, Warrant, and Beport of Sarrey on Teasels, hatdies, car- go, and stores, or either. No. Dolls. Cts. Letters, InTontories, adTertisements, ao- ooonta of sales of ves- sels, oargo, stores, or other documents. No. Dolls. Cto. AUTHENTIOATIMa Report of Snr- yey on vessels, LattfccB, cargo, stores, or either. No. Dolls. ^^^■0* ^■^ie»'i<^ ^^^ll^Zrfi- BlON&TUBES TO — Estimate of repairs of vessel, account sales of vessel, air- go, and stores, or either, or other documents. No. ! Dolls. CU To Crew List and Shippin); ivrtides ; of deBortions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can Buamen. DeH No. Dolls. ' Cts. No. ;;---+ ^4<^S!e*9^ ^ ^^^ 5- -4s;*«*-*<#^:^^^(3^ ^Vaiiss&«cijb«^ / e^ a at the United States Consulate at RfOXATUSn TO — Estimate of repaira of vewel, Bcooant ■klea of Tesiel, oar- go,~aBd itores, or either, or other documenta. No. DoUs. eta CEKTIFIOATn — To Crew List and Shipping articles ; of deaertiona, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. No. / Dolls. CU. Debenture, in- voices, currency, owneridiip, adrer- tisements onlwt- tomry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. No. Dolls. Cts. Deviation from voy- age, cancelling ship's register, up- pototlag new mas- ter, sea letter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. No. Dolls. Ots. Becording Dooo- ments in Cknisa- lar Records. No. Dolls. eta. Filing Docnmenta in Consnlate. ffo. DoUa. firoiii the «i ^ ^/^ ^ Jg^ Orders to I release u prinn. Ho. m DoUt. sr^fe^liiapAr.:: i':!'"! 3r,I!^.rt,C,??y'^r*: j ' ia. fe tf:g r"'' ' > ^ " lillpppii lillpillplpi^«iippii^^ iitotil the FoKM No. 44. Ooutorly MklMMot of fMt. , to the DdOt, Cto. Ordento zeleMe ., and from No. Dolb. Ote. Aokaowlodgneata of IfMtanorMtr- ohMilitoboMoniy twd^MMi fliri* , menii of writing. No. DoUs. Cti. DwditntkNM 'vA ofttht of llMton todiip'Bbnk,in- Toatoiies, fto. No. Dolto. Ots. Totol of FoM ra- oolTod on M- ooantofthls Ml. Date of OlearaDoe. Month. D.7. BEMARKB. m \f7 I I \T" -; -i-' < ^A^. , » In A I I! I i:^, Km 9*r""'r~,irtir » : / ! i"T'^tw.'t>i* - -r-ff i-^rW* rvi*"^""?^; ■'■■'^■fff"-~^"'^ff\~-;^ '5c^l"'.-.'i? ? » ^' '■ i'fl^v:**.**''*'*^ t*" Su-c cL ^\\AXa.>< "V*^ - r -. wVlA ^ /^ ^^ ^. 0^^^.:^^^ ^/^y '/^-^ ^^-<^^.^^^>^^^^^ y<^^^^^&^^^^^ /*^ X^. . XiS^ , / C-'^fZ-C^^^C^^fC^ ^;^^»t-*=*^y^,^ey^ «.^!^^^s^-,^'3«_- fe^rfV2«^<^^ ^■^-e.t.^i^ ^fO^Z-^^^ ^ /u 4ce- y^y-^ G^^^^^ ji^t^^y ^^^Z^J^^^^^/^^s^.^ ^ . >/^ <:^55^x:^^5«-^^ Z' r 9 » 'WiPPiPP Piiilil ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF AMERICAN YESSELS at the United States Consulate at Datb. VESSELS. CIllSSOS. Names. Month. Day. Ton- nage. Where from. When built. Where buUt. Where belonging. Where bound. Owners. Masters. IK Where produced. Where manufactured. 2/ /^.y^^^^ ^^^^ji^J/jds.^P^/£^ .^H^^ Tu/Zy ^ Z^^*^**^ 1 „ i :.ll-aiA^C-.^,i?yL2ji:^;^^..v^tww.'iiJi'-^L^£^ /..^n&i;m4*^i>x fi^l La£JW^at^i>A';.J--^-J,:--.t.g ..■ r.g''^- A .. i .^i-.V. ■ */ , from the to the CARGOES. r i''iiKAi Nu. 1 1. 1 LUuarlerly Ui.-(urii8 nf Aiiii'i ican Veaafla._] X/^^ I N IV A U D Where manufactured. Description. Values. OVTW AK£>. Whore produced. Where luauufactured. /^ '^u-^^ QuantitioB. Values. Datb of DEIWUTL'HE. Month. Day. A A ijia'.#s|f>7Wwtw^'J''^P-?'''^ ■ wTf-pr ■^T^f'^rry^^W-^-'-'V'^wjfm^imfT^yg^^ ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF AMERICAN VESSELS at the United States Consulate at Dat«. CI1V88US. 1 Nauius. Ton- nage. VESSELS. Where from. When built. Where buUt. Where belonging. Whore bound. Owners. Masters. I M(intli. Day. Where produced. Where manufactured. 1 %tn^ /Z /^ ^ht.,^.^^^^L^ /^V %^^ry^yUyi^^^*^//f»^4^iG^UgA ^^z^ ^^/^y^^ /^^M^ U.^/ii^ /^,^^^T^^. ■y '{.%.r^£/ /^^ ^-^^l^-rt*^ (*) /^ >4/*/i^fcr^ /Si$^'^(iL^.^ ./^^^c^^^c.^ A^*y^^ V^. ^^j^^^y ^^^^<1V Oi^iA^:^. J^ffTh^,^ ^y^^t,^^ 4i^fezt^— <2^^^..^. /iTf^d^/A //^^ Description. QiiantiticH. Values. DaTK of I)|.rAllTl'HR. Mouth. I Diiy. q/^ J4f/^A r . I mmmmtt H-- Si^%^^«^ ' !* s 'i ^^ mm > ^ Sv toite^Ti/Jiiil '"^.L-ilWIIHH"tf»;i|^!WipWFliii!>l MBifBi ,1 MJiij,|^mn^J.^>aE^ ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF AMERICAN VESSEl C lasses. Names. Ton- nage. Where from. When built. VESSELS. Where built. Where belonging. iSt-X- ^i-:^— ' . '^.<>^ t^^lt^i'^m^ 7 /a/Y^t/^^^^*^!^t^^*^4«.. A>oO AjC^i^^^^^^rz^ /^5^/^/^p*^*^nj^ ^ ^d/ ^ J/r. ^^^^^^i^^^'^ /^ >^.^^/:^/^^tr;^>^^,^.^^.v^ I 1 at the United States Consulate at , from the /d/..Q^. Where bound. Owners. Masters. IIV1VAB.D. Where produced. Where manufactured. Description. Quantities. Values. ^A.^^ ^^2^ ^^fc/5 .^ ri^t4j, '^^AJn.^/^'^jt^c^A^i^j^^/C/^:^Z^ ^^C^t^:Z^ Q^ii^ia^^ /6y^i^^^, tji^ /^/r/l^/Z^ 3^^^^'at^ ^^^• /Ci^^6^& i /h- I tt ( I /^.Q^. to the FuKM Nu. 14. _Uuikrt«rly Kelunis ul Amciiouu VcMcIa Z^Z^t i\t.\ CARGOES. Values. OVTMrARO, Where produced. I Where mauuf^tured. Deecription. -f Quantities. Values. Datk of DeI'ARTUBK. Month. Day. S^«^ />kiay £6.^r^ yj^/^^ Mj/^ J^ /^^>/«^?^s*y^>i^,.v^L^\ // ^f\ ^^^ /zc^.a^t^^--x::^ ^u^ ^^//M I ■'ii '1 ...... to the '• .. i r . Form No. 14. LQuAfUrly lUtorni of AmerlcMl ^ CARGOES. Xaiam. V hi ' / £m£2J .;<« .! f- OftTT'WAB.O. Where produced. Where mannfoctnred. ^, V ,^ ^^yL (TA^^.^ Deaocipion. I ■» , ■'v .• x ■^. ■..; Quantities. Values. Da« ^&iL »; Cy^Z^^ ^'^ S^ Vx ^y^. ^c^ 3 ^^ /S^ /_ X. (Q/^ ^^^tJU y^p7^c^^7-^^^^<^^e—^ \ 'T»3'™'3S wtiamt^ , I 5 S'tf^vT ^'~ * ' '^ffT' F [^ .14- .U/. iCfK'L I y.i *!QUARTBBLY RETURN AND STATIMJBNT OF FEES DATS OP ABBIVAL. Month. Day. NAIPB or YSSBBLu ^. /*• BWDWf. Tons. Cbswb. Inward. No. Am' 8. No. Fora. Outward. No. Am'g. ^^ No. For'a. IMaohaiged. No. Am't. Shipped. No. Am't. Tonnaga Feea. Dolla. CtL Hotfmf Bztgnding ma- rine protest. Dolla» DoUa. Cte. y^'j- / I -- \ 9 ^: / ! \ / ^ I . . . y '^^ . : . , . y^ i ' : . , y j^ I ■ ! ] ^- \ ^//^. ^y 1 , : t I humm mkk mmmmii^im^^^^tmki \ f I I I i j i [ i r 1 ^*T^^ ' i ■' '& No. Doll i...A.^.^U klM.&Jj..ii«. ■■"**^' .'" " " '^SpR'sP's^^rrTWJ^SIPrKw^TT^ unt of Vessels for Official Services, at the United States Consulate at ^je^z^jgL^i. i.„.j^^ ^jf^Stj&f.. uthknti(;atin(j Coi-ies or— ADTIIENTICAnKO Ma- «t8. Cull, Warrant, and Report of Survey on vcHStilK, hatches, car- );o, and stores, or either. Letters, inventories, advertisements, ac- counts of gales of ves- sels, cargo, storeB, or other documents. Report of Sur- vey on vessels, Latches, cargo, stores.or either. Ua. No. Dolls. Cts 1 No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. BlQMATDEBS TO — CSRTinOATEB — Estimate of repairs of vessel, aooOunt sales of Teasel, car- go, and stores, or either, or other documents. To Crew List and Shipping articles; of dsMrtions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Debenture, in- voices, cturency, ownership, adrer- tisements on bot- tomry, sale of vessel, cargo, ha. Deviation from voy- age, oanoelllng ship'a register, 1^ pointing new mas- ter, sea letter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. Baooiding Dooo- ments in OooiB- larBeootds. Filing Documents bt Cooiiilate. Le t a t I c \ No. Dolls. Cts No. Dolls. Cts. No. DoUs. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolk. OI(L Kg. Dolls. Ots. N / ^ >/ <^ J. ^J ^J- ^ / J. / a-tf .j_. ..-^-'..i^ W^'t^,^^ .-V' ' " '-"(^ ;■.•!.* -v' ,""■ ■■ ;"-' ■■%Ti '■•'.''■■' ^■^'rryijir'i'/'r " 'i' l^jf^:!tj&r.. firotn^the ..^..:...^^^ to the ..c>?^/ r Form No. 44. "I L Quarterly SUtament of Fee*. J a^ <^ ^ 18 <^/ ; ! I / ■-^■ : V L.1-.... I I ^ iwa«.» ( ! i I ~T" ^tliW wAiiii U-TjMiiiJii: ^fcliw ■AiiiAtA-*.'-*^ Mri^vi"' ^/ /4. ^^^. " ' I I ' \ ' I : i . i ^' ! ! ■ - i i ! !• i .' M iB a ^i.'-.^--nit*»f^^wh- **' ' -';^^ I^'^U'WMi^ii Filing Dooomenti Letten to nithori- Olden to aend, and Acknowledgments Declarations and Total of Fees. re- 1ft Oonnilkte. tiM, Mid rad lig- releMe men from fA Muten or Mer- oatlu of Masters ceived on ac- BMtmwofOeamls priaon. chants to bottomry to ship's bills, in- count of this ves- Date of Clearance. to dflannoe ud bunds, bUls of Side, ventories, ha. sel. pi^en, ndl, Ull and other inatra- REMARKS. ofliMlth,&o. 1 ments of writing. No. Dollik Oto. No. Dolb. CtB. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls Cto. No. Dolls. CtB. Dolls. Cts. Month. Day. Dati br Abktal. Month. Day. Naxb of YcflnL. QUARTERLY RETURN AND STAf^MElrt OF FEES CBBwa. PiURDEN. Tons. Inward. ! Outward. No. No. I No. i No. Am's. For'*. ' Am's. ! For'g DLKhorged. No. Am't. ttzteading ma- rine protest. Dolls. CtB. rants o vey on v batcbcg, go, and t or eithei No. D u ^ /f^t'XM^ /2^ SA>&c. C^-e^ T \A*»i^^i>ft*t '^ "'^ / u /ff f /^ // /^ j^jf /v /^ -A I .^ ,.^^ *!»*»,« I ,..«,*.!,!■ .,■„'■■• *.•».,*<*»*-«-»" f^, .l\ % / ^tf :^i^*.t^s^ /ir^je. .f"'. %, w^ ■1W"H" nwi(i^m,ftf,i!jii!iPy ' '-"■JSH^" ' «K' :y=w«i?y' ^ SrH OF FEES received on account .of Vessels for Official Services, at the XJuiU feztending ma- rine protest. Dolls, eta. lasulng War- rants of Bur veyonTcssels, batches, car- go, and stores, or either. No. Dolls. AUTIIESTIC.^TINQ COPIES OF — Notes of Marine Extended Ma- rrotests. rino lYotests. Call, Warrant, and Beport of Survey o» vessels, hatches, c4llr- go, and stores, or either. AUTHEBTU AT1N(J Letters, inventories, | Report of Sur- advcrtiaenients, ac- vey o^i' vr^sels, counts of sales of ves- i hatchM, -ugo, sels, cargo, stores, or ' store^j^; ither. other (loenmcnts. No. I Dolls. Xo. Dolls. I No. i' Dolls. Cts. ' No. Dolls. Cfs. i No 1>m11h. Sl(lN.\TUltKi TO — l".dtiiimto of roidilrs of vi'iSBfl, ucooimt s:ile8of vcsbel, car- sro, nnd stores, or eitluir, or otlior docimionts. No. Dolls, j CU. / /.^ ^ '^Jy ^=-^^^^j^&6^^4*:-^,^!^x^^^i^/^^^^;?'C^^:^ex:^ ^^!5«-^-«^. i f \i\ :Jhu£a^#%^.^^.i^.^..: .-. \,3£a^lk^^a£^-iA6^^iJju, l.W....,^.Ai^.,»i>.L '^i^iiMi^ ....... ■.ul».%...L^-8«i,. .i. . ■.-:..-,a.--.:lf^l.-»- IJU» I' I mmmgft^ Rvnppmn ^^mm^immmmmmmmmmigltmiii at the United States Odnsiifete at/lt^^i^^^^^i^^^^ ffiitf BiaNATURBS TO — Estlmato of repairs of veascl, acoonnt sales of vegiwl, car- zo, and stores, or either, or other documents. To Crew List and Shipping articles; of disertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. CEBTincAns- Debcnture, ' In- voices, currency, otrncrsWp, adrer- tisements on bot' tomry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. Deviation from voy- age, cancelling ship'ifeginUriH^ polntiagiMwnuw- ter.ses letter, con- | sal's decision and ■ award on conduct of crew, &c. Recording Docu- ments in Consu- lar Records. No. j Dolls. Cts. No. I Dolls. Cts | No. Dolls. Cts. I No. I Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. ,r_nTim3_a i<«ipg|>i Filing Documents in Oomulate. No. Doth. Cts. Letters to fA^iwcl' ties, s«4 IMnnHNNi s«ll 46 and bill of No. Dolls.4€Ng. J/i -^c^ J 7^' mmmmmum ^^ ^4, »v- ;-^, ^f J f f ^ ^' .^. "vK ^«« yM, ' ) i « i ii i iiipirf ■*»-H A^. f- ^ I- i ) r Form No. 44. 1 LQautarly BUtement of Vtct J WyT' r QU.ARXERLY RETURN ASD STA'mUBm OF lUn or Abbitai. Month. Day. Kaxi or Y: BUXDI Tons. Camn. Inward. No. Am's. pJo. mr'B. Outward. tCTo. 4 |Ko. Pofe. SiMharBid. He. fAA'l supped. Iflo. Wt Tbniuic* Feea. bolls. lot. Noting IbdM Piotet. DoUa. / ^^ ^^ y^L^j^^2^:p- r r %.^. /z ^.^^^^^ /r^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /^ ? J)^^ /^ ^^£^ y^^t,^.<^u^ J/f /^^^ //^ Ukwdingma- Iltolla. eta. i^^tuk i^^^^^^.*s^,^ ^^^^j?»^5H^ - t.. mSSm OF FEES received on account of Vesseb for Official Servieea, at Moving Wtdm VtotmL DoUa. XntaikHng mft- llXdls. Cto. ImilBg War- nntt of Sor- Te]r on Teasels, hatchei, o«r- go,Bndston«, or either. V^ I DoUb. ▲uTHmnoATiHa Copus oi — Notes of Muine Protests. iNo. I Dolls. Extended Ma- rine Ftotests. No. DoUa. Gall, Wanmnt, and Report of Surrey on venels, hatches, car- go, and stores, or eltiier. No. f DollB, Cts. Letters, inventories, advertisements, ao ooonts of sales of ves- sels, cargo, stores, or other documents. AUTHXNTH ATINO Report of Sur- vey on vesdols, hatches, airgo, stores,orsither. No. Dolls. Cts. I No. DollH. m •«k 1 at the United S^te^ Cj^oMtlat^ a^ f — ^.■^•t^' BlOaATOMI TO— Estiniate of rapoira of Teaael, ocoount sales of Teasel, car- go, and stores, or oitber, or other documents. No. Dolls. Ots. CUTUriOATS To Crow List and SUpjpiag articles; of deaertkms, deaths, and of protected Amerl- Debenture,' in- Tqioea, . ounenoy, oirtMrshIp,adver- tisomtots 00, bttt- tomiT, islft of TSssel, cargo, &c DevlatioD fh>m Toy- age, oaaoelUng ship's register, ^>- polntlBga— wsa ter,8e«leMsr,aoii» std's dedskm and award od oondoct of crew, &o. BeocMdlBg Docu- ments in Conso- lar Beoords. Filing Docaxnenli in Onuoltita. tisa, ssal aadjrig- rale ^^ ^'Z ^mSmKSW^^^^'^^^'^^W^ ■r%;--^--W y-.'r:>jfVT r Form No. 44. l LOwttoriy BtetMMot of f«wj QUARTERLY RETURN -AND STATEMENT OF F. NAME OF VESSEL. BURDEN. Cbbwb. Vottag Marine lo. DATE OF ARRIVAL. Inward. No. No. Am's. For's. Outward. Diioharg«d. Bhipp«d. Tooiukg* Feei. Extending ma- rine protest. Is s Ct Month. Day. Tons. No. Am'B. ^No. For'a. No. Am't. No. Am't. Dolb. Oti. Dolli. DollB. OU. 1 r ^"Txy V \ ' L , , I , , , j / 1 i -. A. (J..c^-,.«a^K, ^ji. -..-.-^Js^ai^.ikSx BMENT OF FEES received on account of Vessels for Ollicial Hottag lluis« Piotart Dolli. Sxtending ma- rine protest. AuTUENIlDATlNd Col'llM 0»- - Dolls. ou. Issuing Warrants of Survey on vos- sols, hatches, cargo, and stores, or either. No. Dolls. Notes of Marino Trotests. No. Dolls. Extended Ma- rino Protests. No. I Dolls. Call, Warrant, and : Ixittcrs, iiivciitoiicH, Report of Survey on advertiKcuicntu, uc- ▼ussols, hatches, car- countsof wilcHnf v(«. go, and stores, or hoIs, cMy,n, nUirvn, or either. I otiior (locuiiicnlrt. No. Dolls. CtH. No. DolJH. CU. V ^ '*"^''' ■Llilitll i ■'■■■■■■* ' -^■'-- a,aayiatt..>^ ...i,.. -i- i— i — .1 — A^ X J ■^« ii«i p y IPi «ii«il||.V||iiJI - - >iMI 4 ' W\ > MUgiPBIiSpipiliPfl t|iJjfk!ljP^lpip,ii||i ippi d oil account of Vessels for Official Services, at the United States Consulate at AlTlIKMH ATlNd COI'IKH OF-- Authenticating ' Marine F,x tended Ma- rine Protests. Cull, Warrant, and Letters, inventories, Ut'port of Survey on ' advertigemcnta, uc- resRols, liatcheg, car- counts of sales of ves- Ko, and stores, or sels, cargo, stores, or either. otlier documents. iDolis. No, Dolls. I No. Dolls. ' Cts. No. Dolls. Ct«. Report of Sur- vey on vessels, liatcbeg, cargo, storeSjOreither. No. Dolls. n;^ N SlONATnUM TO Certifioates — Estimate of repairs of vessel, account sales of Teasel, car- go, and stores, or either, or other documents. To Crew List and Shipping articles ; of deaertiona, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Debenture, in- Toioes, currency, ownership, adver- tiaemeniB cm bot- tomry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c Deviation from voy- age, cancelling ship's register, tjf- pointing new mas- ■ ter, sea letter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. Recording Doou- ments in Consu- lar Records. FUing Docum< in Consulatt 4 No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Ota. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. y^^ e^'S.^rz^ I . i .1 ■;•->:« ,,"A.^-.*- „.y.i;i , from the "^S^^ .J to the C^^ ling Doou- ite ia Oontu- Keoords. Dolla. Ct«. Filibg Documents In Coosolate. No. DoUb. Ct8. Letters to authori- ties, seal and sig- naiurea of Oonmls to clearance and papers, roll, bill of health, &c. Orders to send, and release men from prison. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls, i Cts r FoKM No. 44. 1 L Storterljr Statement of Kioi J ^:^^tL€^ 18^X Acknowledgments of Masters or Mer- ohants to bottomry bonds, bills of sale, and other inatru- ments of writing. No. DoHb. Cts. Declarations and oaths of Masters to ship's bills, in- ventories, &c. Total of Fees re- ceived on ac- ooontof this ves- sel. Date of Clearanco. No. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Month. Day. >^^ ^^ /S" /J/(^ UEMA15KS. i^^^MMk W. .U,J.^.„ ■='*^«»i':dy,'l*»,kftfi,Sa«J^Jitiaife»tM^(i^ ,^ikA.V-,;.J'«--~.-;*^*->: \<-^-'h.-^i:^^kj^-:-^~.-:\r>.^?.'^'..-^\'i.,Jjii^»J^ -:. .:k^-t?k^A-V- ..- 'V.Si ^-.- .i^|j .'-■■^.B^.-.^l i-^y^'^L'-^.^tL ',^.;*.,!«!^- .. i '■■■J^iESft*ii^a;aju'i^'.Cl-;--,,i.^Af..^...V*ife^fOffi&> .■„ ■ .rtVf.^t-rftiiju /" ^^^•c^ ^ . :^2 ^^^^^' ^^ /i^TtrV^' •^"^^^^^^z-^:^^^ . ^.^ ii^'Z-c^ ^ ^^ y..^. ^^^2^ '^^ /^f^Z^ (KT.^ /^^^f^^U^^t^^*^ i- ^^ -^^gl^i^.^:^^^^ r::^^ 4^ ^i:-'<^^^^'r>c) J^-€-^t ^/^ /^.^y^i^c^ ^^^^^^^^-^^^^^ ^i^^ti/^^^,^^ Z'^^^c^ '^ ^ (;^^^2^^^.^^^. A ^ f A \ ^' %^ .A ^U: //' ' ) '7 ^/ / f v' > / ■, ') f A / y^ » -^.•.^■•■.'/^.V /^.' •/ / ^ T \ ■ ^; 'A //^ ' 7 / > . /■^.<^./'^^^ . .^.'^r . '. ■ /r . -y r' y'/ y ' /' y '^ 7 ^ y^ , ^/'''' ■'' ■ ■ '■' ^ ' y^ryy.ry--.^ ' . -"-r^ ^^. '.^r.y r.yyr.^^ -r-.; / /V> ."/ y ' «- y. .-.'■/; / • >'V, '. ^ / y/ f ■ < < -.v./.v f . V ^'x/. ■/ yy^'" z"^/' f ,"-;:>/ '^. ' --, v./V / ^ ' / v: /// /-^ 4 / / 7/ ^- ^ ./.'' < ^v / y y r y^ ■ ' y .^ y ' / y / ' y / ' <^ / ,'>■ ,y^ ' .^y / y^ ( //'y y ■ r^-x / ^ y y< ' A' y i^ A 1 r r f , ' y / • / , V/'' r A r . y / .■■ ,-- ,- y y'^y^- < {^ y ^ ri . /' / / .Vr- ',' '/^ Za y'r^. 'X ) y y ■MtaaMMMiMH J^ .J^.^ if^yy.^^^ mgrngmrngmmm . //< ^-^^^^^ ^^' y/^A ■w*. / ^^___ , ' .^-^'^y^iCg£^^ ^^^i M^^^^^:;g^^l^^:Cg^ ^^^^^, ^-«^ <^^^=^^C?^ 2^ Miiid^MiMiliiillUiiiiMttiyMillMiiii rita^^A iiiiilliilliitlHiiHii 'W'vrmfimmm'iii^ mmmmw* ■^■\ •.;«:•.. .•'53' ' -^ ■ 'i';.i . '■:'* •"_ii'';.';*!^5»i» QUARTERLY RETURN AND STATEMENT OF I lATE OF AkUIVAL. Name of Vkssel. Burden. /■ Crews. Inward. Outward. I Discharged. M irith. I^i.v. Tons. No. No. No. ' No. 1 Ams. Fur's. 'Ain's. For'p. No. lAm't. Shipped. No. Am't. Tonnago Noting !Extcn~t^ ATEMENT OF FEES received on account of Vessels lor Ollicial Scrx Ai rm.M n'AiiMi Cni'iKS it A 1 in kI ago ' Noting 8. • Marine rrotcst. Issuing War- ' iiintH of Hut Extcn, it rino iirotcst. liatohcH, car- Notes of Marine KxtcniK-d Ma- llcport of Kiuvcy on adviTlisnunits, ar v.yuni go, and stovoK, I'l-oUsts. rinc I'rotcKts. vcsscln, liatclics, car- counts ol sales of \ <;; liat. U^ c r citlit r. go, and Htorcs, /3 ^>-f p""'T|;^-''K»y^ «' els for Official Services, at the United States Consulate at AuTniancATiNa Letters, inventories, [ Report of Sur- advcrtlscments, uc- voy on Tesscls, counts of saltMS of vea- I hatches, cargo, I or ! Belg, cargo, stores, or ! Btore8,()reithcT. other documents. 1 S1OHATVBE8 TO — Estimate of repairs of vessel, account sales of ressel , car- go, and stores, or either, or other documents. Cts. No. Tolls. I CtB. : No. I Dolls. No. I Dolls. 1 Cts. To Crew List and Shipping articles; of wwrtkxM, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Cbbtificatss — Debenture, ' In- Toioes, ctnrrency, ownership, adrer- tiaementson bot- tomry, inle of vessel, cargo, &c. Deviation Aram Toy- OMMnUlas ter,tMl*tM*tOoa- amcAiBlt <9bQdact of afcf , Ito. No. Dolls. Cts I No. Dolls. Cts. I Noif tioOt. (m- / Jl ffc^ J / ra- A / W* / JL ^7^ wamm rt-,5v-i.'j I J. J"' / I /^^^i;*^^ /f>^^^!!^ tiling ''l^ttoinBMiti lit (MHRiUite. a: "M' -I til«m toMthori- m Y, iMb. Ctik Ko. iHds. Oti I _^ ; Mpntj, nil ; blU^iki... .:_■' V /a ?'fif'' r^vL. ^T_t^i::v,liL .*Afi ^_(tj^' 2 3£j, \ii liAAitAl :H ^^^Jil}.±ML ' y-.^ ., to^the r Form No. 44. 1 L.Qiuurt«rljr BteUmtnt of r«ci.J 'mtSSSm toMthori- ^fefd and jdg- rolt: IMI*. Gtn. Orders to tend, and releaae m«n from prfton. No. Dolls. \ \ i ■ ', . , ■,<* ' * ■ .'■-?».: •,v, 'kA.^ Sisfeaa-ai-.; ■■ i/,: - . •■,*,.:. Ots. Acknowledgments of Masters or Mereliants to bot- tomry bonds, bills of a^e, and other instmmenta of writing. Declarations and oaths of Masters to ship's biUs, in- ventories, &c. No. Dolls. i ! Cts. No. Dolls. I i I Cts. Tot^il of Fees ro- ot ived on ac- oouiitoftkiavea- ■el. Dolls. Cts. Date of Clearance. Month. Day. REMAllKS. / J / J -rr (i^^- J~ J. \src. / ^ -J^^ *^»* ^ ^Af J> r? f-^r tf< 'ilM; A;/,;,-'!(AC»'': -.(rt'S. i 'Am';.!.^l,o. ■iittih •:» r FOUM No. s. j RECORD OF TREASURY FEES. ' Q^/<-e^tyyay -*^«^ >s received at the United Statea Consulate at c^^^-tyya^ ^^-e^-^^ey from // ■ CPey~\_ to the J"/ .^a ^ \H S / \ ' i ' i I ■ XT r I * I Amount of fe€» li DATE. I No. i Nameofves,el. ' Name of t.o party paj.ng , Nature of service rendered. j P»h1- IIKMAKKS. the lee. DulU. Oil'. /. y, ^, ^. ^. ^ ^. ^, •'>»— ««^-. ^^^ / * „ -» ^, ^, ^ ^, ^, -, yAyy^*^ i^ ^-:E>ei.«^ J-> •> •*/■ /.- ^- /^ /> ''.' ^' ^> -<- »• ^- •'• /■» y, «/^ ./> ^r y, •^'£> ^ .-, ^- 4/5^ /» * /J y' ^^^ iPiit^t^*^ ^^^^— t^ -"^"^^ A ^ /■ y^ //'■ ^r ^s^H y ^^^^^X^^^^^ ^. 5^ .-^^-....^..^^ ^- RECORD or TREASURY FEES. 'i'eea received at the United States Consulate at .. .cVi^?:?^ r Form No^-^ 1 LTranscrlpt of Fee Book.J frma y^^f2^^^^^-. to the jy^^J^^'. ^^i*-/'^^ Name of the party peying the fee. Nature of serrice rendered. Amount of fees paid. DolU. ! CU. ^^2A^^- ^^^i^i^ >^. 3\ ^^^a&.y'^^.^L, >+-' I ■' REMARKS. \. /' ^^ V r J ^A^^^^.g!kS^ ^^e^ /^^^^^^^ ^:i:z^ /('ce?.-f^,^.^. i ■f.. x.-.// y ^n.^^ /<^^ '*«^^-^ y^/\^ ^i^ii!'^ 9^ ^ '/lL^i,^4^ /Al ^»-r<^^— Z-^^A^if. /^^7-€^i^y( iTr^ ^Z^ ^y^^t^^r^ V /;^ ^^2^^ .<^ />^^^^£j£^ ^<. o v^P £-'. X^ X^- , "PMHHIIiaiiiWIiHPiiPiliPIIWHMII^ ^ I '/)ffuJuld/e Of m^^ Until d QJi^a/f^/ ^ . _.-^- C ^ c-^C.^ ^.'' iJ CuniyU^tyCW -J^ /-K-Q/ ^2^ (l/e/ClAy' yOUy CLOc/-oC.^ Cu/^i/t^ ^^^^^^ L/lf^ l^(rn4lol uAy/io^ y^^^iyrr^/ -/r^rrv r^ /r^(X^/e^ -^ /ur>V ^M f^^ /e^ae^t/ ^£.'/e:^iy ^c^i/rt^^'*%y tu^/€yv/ crC-z-fu/ y/i4nr- li-U^A.i''^t^l*U^^ '-.iS!? T'W,*. Qri/O^ua f^> CJ'Ttcce^ ^,/ft'CA/c/fOLoo^ CLocaO <^6t^c/*^ 'et^CfCA^ '^mcrr ®^-^ ><^^u^ (Stu4^ Oed/Kit/^o^it^ti^ aifiS^Jt^ ^^i^^fn^i^ ^ou^pit[ ^€^t9%^ PP!'r^' n^ .■X' -y'^r ■ C^ • OhiEuM t/^n^eO/dlSI'a/e^ ^^?i^4>U^ ^-rfJ^-^L.^-^ , \ 4 4 V: W!^; • . F'^lfH \:A\ '%'- J- . 'f*.. ». >~, ft? " ', « * ^ ,4. , ^ *-- ■ / « .:^:iV:: :S'Sl^.5»tii»S. .4.wC '•^..^. rf/V*'' ' ^'''■'. ^'^!-1 IS >'■' r-r -k, -t i»t, ■•^ * ^ i \ ^' .fi ' . ' H & '^ ai^ r it . ■ ( - ^^S V ss* Skj i; /^^. '(y(A^<^ .•'■■ c^^ t^^rxey y^co^ yujty' 0^^yr-rue^ J)&vl^^^ ^ry^ ^0 (JUr^^ l^y-l^fr-y^ ^6-t^ -^ ^-^^-^A?^^-. >s.\:.^ mmtk ^iiti^^tM^^jijMmmmmiiumi^ '"^iiPiW'''''?''!'?^^ QUARTERLY RETURN AND SWA' J OF FEES received on account of Vessels for DATE OF ARRIVAL. /e^z Month. Day. NAME OF VBBSEL. BURDEN. Tons. Cbswi. AVTHKNTIOATIMO COHBI OV — Inward. Ho. Am'B. So. For'8. Outward. Ko. Am'a. No. For'd. DMi««M. No. Am't. Jotrtty: JO MjcUtryuAL^ I /(PC 6 ^ /5 J/U/rrt^ernyf' /(/O /O u^t/y 4j /c 6 , 6 1 Call, Warrant, and Letten, I Report of %wmj on adT«rtlJ Teaab, halidkes, car- ooulits«i go, and stores, or 8ela.oa4| either. other da No. Dolls. Gts. No. B t t '■ € J for Offixjial Services: at the United States Calculate at \\ AuTlIMmCATINO LetteTB, inventories, advertisemento, ac- oounte of mIcs of \ea- sels, cargo, storeH, or other documentB. Bepoit of Sur- vey on veeselB, Lati Quanta twottowty bonds, Up^c^Mte^ «>d 9«1# inilra- ments oTwriting. No. iXXIe Ota. DecUuratlona and oaths of Hasten to ship's bills, hi- Tentoriea, &c. No. Dolls. Cto. Total of Fees re- ceived on ao- ooont of this ves- sel. Dolls. Ots. Date of Clearance. /d^ Month. Day. REMARKS. '^^ ■--- - ■ \ \ -4 , \ 1 / ! ; ! i i I ■ 1 i i ' ■•l?, ■'I ■•# " * Si ! , .:m:£:;^ii \.~. n \ii r ' J«.4^-u:^.' J.. ,L::^ r^^, c^..^.--J^S^i.h^-i^^^^UiAAtJrL-J^i}i^^^-!.-.lsSsS^ii::^ii JK..m 'h* J^ir RECORD OF TREASURY FEES. ♦H>M No. 8> "*"''r* "' ""ii Ifnn l f , ] received at the United States Consulate at __(?-^"^^r^::?^.^„._^ from t/ce^r>r^ -.2^ ^r^r* „ to the Z£^' ■^\^^. DATE. Name of the party paying the fee. Nature of service rendered. Amount of fees paid. Dolli. I cts. >*/- ^^z> ^* /> * /♦ A- <^^^--o ^^:^- ^ REMARKS. ^ 9M«i.^ i»mn» ^ 8ti« 'ign' 'iTtmmmmmBKmmmismmmmmmmm, UAXft M Awta. IN • -J Mo4th. IxHy. J&i4^^^ J^ ^^^ ^# -2^ i fo.> ^ V -1 I * f H ^ afT ** ' 'v. " ' ci:,,^y ^^0^^ f^^^J^/f4S. •«'»^. ■Si**- i«*p-- 1=^'- -^JK*. #* .-^ m ■\ -iii + *t," ■^ -.."t. » "' '1 '4^ (.^'" •','t^ ■^ifc-^ m0immtmmmm ^ XUwaul. An'* V < >: 'I * <*.-t / 9 y •^ / / / / < ' K. •^1 ' ^ rflor'i. r 9 -iH^ / / 1. / iTo. Aa^'t No 8U|q^ >V»^/ ^1 O ' I Ain't OF FJ ■iBlrBaagiiii ToniMgii F«et. DDlte. (i. •Noting iiktendi^g ma- ItoAie ^Hm protest. iMIs. IrDoIlR. Jets. c a^ I I -V c r ^ "i Sri rt^ w -^^sfV,. / '5 . .*?v »*-t->j«i43f'== i<^« ■aaca h-' b I -». ,L^ /J I' i':t> I* Ip- #■ i'- i«- i .i mi t *. % im .*J /fci fvirj^^^Tf- n account of Vessels for Official Services, at the United Stateis Consulate Itl 'TV r < -7," '^mif^ ry^-* •'FW|i'i^iif» ' "> ■ ^ ■'^•f.V.-- €^a^3^^aiy M^^s^^'mi^. % k "* , ^i&m the AlJTllESTICATINO CoPIM OF — I ' i Call, Warrant, and i Extended Ma- \ Ecport of Survey on I , rino I'rotiBts. j Tcssels, hatcfaea, car- i go, and Btores, or ! either. AOTHlMTICATIKa Letters, ioTontorieg, Report of 9ur- advertlseinents, ac- vuy on vetssela, counts of sales of ves- I hatchfti, cargo, sels, cargo, stores, or ! fitore8,or either, other docnments. ! No. I Dolls. No. I Dolls. Cts. j No. J Dolls. ^V •'I'v, ,-S ■>■■ 1 ^ r^ VI i ^tililMiM Cts. No. Dolls. SiOHATinin Estimate of repairs of vessel, aoooont sales of TeMel, car- go, and stores, or either, or other docaments. No. Dolls. 1 Cts. iHj-r-i": CnnncATBS — To Crew list and supping arttdea ; of desertions, deatiM, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. No. Dolls. Cts. Debenture, ' In- Toloes, correncjr, owjierdilp, adTvr- theiMBtion bot" tomry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. No. Dolls. Cts. ])eTl»ti(»fioin Toy- age, oaaodling nl's liirt sl ftii and awaid m oondnet, ofonnr, Ao. No. lyxii. / / / 1 ^ cyif \ Sir y X ^>-b 1^ / ^ ^y*' • n? / ^ ^^ i j \ £. a-9 ; 1 i / Cts. ifryniT BflGOidlng Doca- manto iii Ocoao* lar Becorda<. No. Dolls. Cts. FlUag Dooomente inOoMulate. No. Dolls. / ^ ^ ^^2-(^ ■ »*. ■^; rf^^^fmmi\l . ■ .' .^v^am^^ammt^m t • , ■mm Ots. Letters to authori- ties, soal and sig- i&ataies of Oon- B&la to dearance aud papers, roll ; billofbeaIUi,&o. No. Dolls. /\ i I m Mi cts. Orders to send, and release men from prison. No. / \ /k /\ S^ /i J'Bf X Dolls. I Cts. r Form No. 44. 1 |_()uarterljr 8tetcm«nt of Veca.J ^^^:^^^1h^T^^-. , to the '^i^yr x\- Orders to send, and Acknowledgments Declarations and Total of Fees re- ff- releue men from of Masters or oaths of jlIiMters ceived on ac- n- piiaon. Merchants to bot- toship'aUlU, in- countofthisvea- Date of Clearance. ce tomrj bonds, bills ventories, ice. ael. ( I; of sale, and other e. instruments of writhig. ' 1 1 ta. No. Dolls, eta. \ — . — . . No. Dolls. eta. i ' No. j Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Month. Day. 1 1 I I ■ t 1 1 r I i I ! 18^^ REMARKS. T^ m c c: ^.^^ ^^ ^^^^y Z^f C/OfiMf/fi'/f r ffic / ' ^(^ nu/'' J / ■ // ,v/y/ J/n/f. / r/, H ( f f r U )M^/ ( y /I f/i''i /n.i ^f^i ('■' < \^u a I Aa n/ / ^^o // / ^ // / y /P /' / yry^^'/ i^rx/L^ nfti^ u^^A. htyf^r a-AAar^riy cy / r^^t c OONm/f/A r/ //^c //^,v/y/ y/n/fJ r// /^/. / ji ( f f r r/ O / ' €. /j^y ''^'h^ ^i..//<^-^yy ^^-^ /^Co/ ^u^^-rt^^Ay^/ey 6^^ /f}iJi-/ UrTyc/ /7hii^ u^/Ay ihi/7/yY o^/iAa^ryn/^ cy / ^^'t a,'%^l(ri^y ^t /f/ic CUJ? ^X/l/h^>T/iyOc4 'CCCy Coo-y^Sc^ -/rr ft^^ ,:.,^.^^rta^ :j::Jm^^:^.....^^.^^^k^... .:^fe^^ cyffiL' (lijtCjtd<^^^\AJ t^f^ TC- n^rii^r ^f-o^rY^-^ J^-^^'^ '^^^^y C/y^/P^/^^^yC^^yTT^/t^^i^ {^ccAzcy &rnAJ^rii/^ V ^/ 1 , x; 7/'/f///t7rA^yy.^y /2rr^/^ry//'^r , ^ ■./ /^. ^^^ ^: ^^A /'f /y^i.^y ^ ^f<(^(^ ^^{ ,/ // r ^ /'k /^'^zj^i^/ ^ / (- ^ //^^ ^^^^ ^-^^ ^ /y^yr^;>^ ^ X ^ / / ^^ /^ ^ ^/--y/^'^/^^J ^c -> ~^ ^/^ •^rr^ ^^ ii^j^i^^c't f rcf. t^e A(r^l t^i / //t /? e^^/ (K i.rl / ) >->'i ^^i f t^ n- r^#1 /5^^, ^^ .^^ 4r^^^-^^r=»i fj ;t ~ -i^.w,.->.,>..-..->..^w^.'...-^^iaM» — ^.a.i;e,ji«ijia«ia^ j-...£iu^^i4L^fJi!S£i, 't/U^y:^ ^^£4^ -^^'/^ti^z:?!^^^M^^ I ^.^ / /'/^<^- yr //yr/ /^ r.^^y^f^f^t^ f*^ /v/f7^ff/fO>/^ //^ W^^yyfiyr^/e ^^ t>^y^ y/u?y^/<^^^ /f^^yy V/^S/ {^^^l irt^. y^<7 -yft^-t^ .^l^*^ t-€ ^t- f-^i e^ ^i^ yj^:^ ^rz>- r yrrJ^ry^y, ^^ ~y^^<' y'tyi>€y ^yf ^yyt^^e^ yi^ yyl^^^cy'/y%^^^ty^ ^^^ /^. J^^f<^ ^:^t^^A>x.t^ -^^^-^^t^&z^ c:jy^^~e!K..y^4S^ --r^e^ ^:^ ^^^.-^'^x3(^€?C'0^ ^T^^^J^^-^-^-^a^^ "^S^^'g^*-*^^*^ **^ ^ty iMiiilifa Miiiaifesafejaiigfes-gai r ^t.e^ y- A^ „> r * " K.-.. EECEI"VED, fpt, of Slate, . ( ^/^^1^/ -^-^ ^^^^-t>t>t ^^>^ ^'*^^^?i^^<::;>'^;v.^^;^,^^^ ;i It .^^ii^/^ ^^^^^W^ i 'I 1 ^•;-s**^-. •«.':.**• . ,»(,", 11. Mgl.-i.< jftJ —Will i^tai..i;l;ag'.A->lte':itUi^'«a:-i:: tfe.'WKAiTj^lP.'tfiJj-- .t^ z^ \^^n y/^ z^ ^<^2^ ^^^. ^ ^ ///^c/ ^%^^^^ z;;^^^^ ■faaaMMli ■*MMliiiHMi«aiikliliiUiHiliiiB^ ^/l ^i//f^ruA^ / ^ / e ^7 ^ A >^e^z^ Z^^^y (^^tr^^J'^^^Z^' KyyZ^^^ ^^^ z ^^ <^ A a^^ ■7 /^ a-^^ /?^ e- ^At^, ^ 1 ^^>^/^ /'^^ X') /^~ ^ ^^.^-^.i.^^^ ^^^..^^^<^^^^*^> lg^ ^^liiMii iMMiil — *'•- — J ■ \ ^J:Z.^J^^-'- _ _ ^-Jm Ml ii I II iini I ..-PsMB.'-'.^^^nMHlHHivj-;' ' - ^ ''*^ ^^ " ■■' """-^-^ — J — -/,. - ) ■o \ ^ y i!^ */j^^^i;>^^^ ,^^&^^ .^^-^^>5^^^ ^^^^!^^l^:^^f^i^>^'^.^^f^ yryu ^ <^ / '^^d::^^^j,^^^<^^ ^^a^^^^j^-^^^^ ^^ -^ t ^^-^^^^3^^^^i!Sr.r ) ^ ^^J^r J ^^^^- ^ /f^\ /j^ <^^^ ^^'^^j^i^Sj^ig^^r^ ^^^^ ^ /^^ ^^v^ ^^:f^'^J^^ ./^ .^1?^^^^. <^ >^ ^^. '^ .-'^se' ^-^^ z' >* ^ ^^r^ /^ ^ T '^/ '/^/^^-^J^Y^^r,Vr^^^ /^ ^ ^T ^ ^^r^r-cf-/ /^/^ /^^^ -^-^><^ ,^f^^^ ^^y^r t^^/r/y^y r ^ mil I 'iMMIll IIHIi II iM^iiiiiiill IMMiMUli^WfiriMita itftaMllMate ■HMMMiiiMiliiaiaiMa I^M^MM QtJARtERLY RETURN AND STATEMENT OF FEE^ Name of Vessel Burden. Crews. Noting Marine Protest. Extending Ma- rine Protest. Issuing Warrants of Survey on vessels, hatcluis, cargo and stores, or either. No. Date of Arrival. Inward. Outward. Discharged. Shipf>cd. Tonnagti Fees. Month. Day. Tons. No. Am's. No. For's. No. Am's. No. For's. No. Am't. No. Am't. DoUa. Cts. Dolls. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. ^^/ -1^ '^Mm (£aSiC /^'f"-- ^ ' ^'^ -^ ^,^iy JPJ-^ • f - /^ C^^. ^ (P^St^^ (^^^' / ^2/^ ^^ ^U/a Hy ny ^ -^ ^ Z' *^.tr'.^/U M/ //^ "/^ JD ^XtT / ^ I I I jr Official Services, at the United States Consulate at from the AUTHENTICATINU , inventories, rtisemeuts, ac- ts of sales of sis, cargo, stores, tier documents. Keport of Sur- vey on vessels, hatches, cargo, stores, or either. Dolls. Cts. No Dolls. Signatures to— Certificates — Esliniato of repairs of vessel, acconnt sales of vessel, car- go and stores, or either, or other doc- uments. To Crew List and Shipping Articles; of desertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Debenture, invoices, currency, owner- ship, advertise- ments on bottom- ry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. Deviation from voy- age, cancelling ship's register, ap- pointing new mas- ter, sea etter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. Recording Docu- ments m Consu- lar Records. Filing Documents in Consulage. Letters to authoi ties, seal and si natures of Co snls to clearatK and papers, rol bill of health, & No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Ct / Zr 4 ^Jl' u-k. ..^ .,« rom r Form No. 44. "I LQuarterly Statement of Fees. J , to the .-rr^Trtr^^^^^^f^^:.., 186<^ Its Letters to authori- Orders to send, and Acknowledgments Declarations and Total of Fees re- ■ ties, seal and sig- release men from of Masters or oaths of Masters ceived on ac- natures of Con- prison. Merchants to bot- to ship's bills, in-' • count of this Date of Cleuruuce. sols to clearance tomrj bonds, bills Tentories, &.c. vessel. and papers, roll; bill of health, &c. of 8^e, and other KEMAKKS. instraments of writing. 'ts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Month. Day. ^ c/^^ .^4Z^ ^ -r^ J^^ ^ / ( ^^ "1 ^ cJ^ J fi^ 'i_ I I ARRIVALS AM) DKPARTl^RKS OF AMERICAN VESSELS at the United States Consulate at ^/^/wtj/> / ■I'nll W her,. Irmi,, i,^,.,, VKSSK1,S. Where built. Where belouf^ug. Where bound. MMten. Where pruduc«d. Where nmuufftctared. r/ /?^-^<'' /V///^ r////^-^'^/' '<^^/y/y^^ /^^ (jm//^/^ ^^^/^ <^^^-A/^u^CC^^/^, y'/^/^A^ /^/f/f/^^/K/ ^f'^^^yoM^ C0V > /^/^../rrt .i^v^^^>^^-^ Xf>r^y^f^7y^ Jj^^ %r // r. /^ /^//r-Z/Z^W^-^/^^^^^ Z/^;.^^^ ^/jA?t ^^ <2^/^/^/^ .jC^^Z^'^^^^ Tfrt^^Ji/, ^//^^(^-^rr^^^d. ^Y -"^r.^/n-VfyS/jfr^/ Y^/^^^^^^i^^^^^/^ c c c e/^ ^,^^J-<^^'^ C < c • Y. } '/^///^u/ . fro in /¥^ I'.ILM \ I I to tho -^y / r /-^y/ZX/- t A lu ; (» K s . inWA KD. «»1 T W AK» hIucxh]. Where maoufftctared. !'• -(TJpUau Quaotitiea- Valu^w. Where productnl. Whet*)* niuiiifm-tiiriH] Mwn-riptio l^imiititit f^it '4r/ 7 ~77J^ I'M 1 .,, |., , Mill in M. ml, |i,> v:, • r? ^^^^5^^^ A ^^ yyy //y/ (3/^/t^ yr^ /y^ y<4^ mmimm ^y f^art^ y^^Atf y/$y^ "yf, y^^e^ ^j' y^ 1 1 1 1^^^ &^/^ /rr9 wk ^^^ ip?^ .^^mi?rf^ :s OP iff "fJm&tk at thetUto ^MMBMBBiaBSEgili t^X^r^ ri^ f r, ,ViB*-' iii.r- ■■•• ' ^»t. <^'' v.. \ . \ \ ■ V 1 ■ K KH ^■F w^. IJPp.; BBriji^ HR~ i^v^-Sif! ^^vl."4-') •m^mmmmmr /v^- Or z / ;^,^ r/ / /r//Tfy /^'^'y ^V"/^^////?^^ - ^ / XX /^ ^-^'^.r ^> /fl^/fr > -' i^ QUARTERLY RETURN AND STATEMEl No. Datk of Aurivai,. Month. Day. Name of Vf.ssel UlIRDEN. Tons. Crews. Inward. No. Am's. No. For' 8. Outward. No. Am's. No. For's. Discbarged. No. Am't. Shipped. No. Am't. Tonnage Fees. Dolls. Cts. Noting Marine Protest. Dolls. Extendi! Dolls. ^ ■fr^^tM- ^/^C^t4^^*^f ^^^lf~ . '. .^i.-iA^j,.wAii«'.-.i,.^ cJat— r ..tL^-«. ^ / /^ \ / / c^ J^i I I I I 1 " ■■:-.'■ I ^1 wji B^n Ji I JTs^v^v^r^.-^i^ t^x fe ■, at the United States Consulate at ^^:^.^^^^^^^!^^ , from the SlONATUnES TO — J>Htimate of repairs of vessel, account sales of vessel, car- ^o and stores, or either, or other doc- IllllUUtS. No. Dolls. c;ts. Certifioateh- To Crew List and Shipping Articles; of desertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. No. Dolls. LHs. Debenture, invoices, currency, owner- ship, advertise- ments on bottom- ry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. No. Dolls. Cts. Deviation from voy- age, cancelling ship's register, ap- pointing new mas- ter, sealetter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. No. Dolls. Cts. Recording Docu- ments in^Consn- lar Becordg. No. Dolls. Cts. Filing Docnments innI!onsuIate. No. Dolls. Cts. Letters to authori- ties, seal and sig- natures of Con- suls to clearance and papers, roll ; bill of health, &c. No. Dolls. Cts. Orders to send, and release men from prison. No. Dolls. Cts. Ac of tc oi in w No \ I ,_i j r Form No. 44. l LQnarterly8tat«inent of Feei. J 'r:^ to i\,^>fy-J^^ ^/^^^ \ 186 Orders to send, and release men from prison. No. Dolls. Cts. Acknowledgments of Masters or Merchants to bot- tomry bonds, bills of sale, and other instruments of writing. No. Dolls. Cts. I Declarations and oaths of Masters to ship's bills, in- ventories, &c. Total of Fees re- ceived on ac- count of this vessel. No. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. I Cts. I Date of Clearance. Month. Day. / ^j^^/i ^ik ■ -■'• '-tt^ihYMte w^-^'' ">-...-:-i.'.i*ia^? \i. r.k<;.i!>Jj43M . REMARKS. 'x-:i,.au^i^li.\C!:k.*^..,. .f.,,. ;::-... y^ dtVj^z^^ y^^y ^^^i^} /^ y^^^^'Z^€y^^ ^^-c^ .^^w^^^ yJc^a^- /^fty^oA^xf^^ ^/y^iS£^iu/ _ /w-'f • A. ^.■. v-a- ■■■■^ „k»nj...-.^a,.3aijLa^.>^ J.,1... .jAf.',-..:-^-^. . ^ .■.-^^■,^.. .. ■■ >■ •■. ,,.^...», ^umaai.O^f',-'^ .■ ^..'i^- ^/<^ Jl±21^I±l ^j^ ^.'m^y^// ^jT ^ r -P \i\,nwtm'- '-"um '^y^ /^/!!!y^/y/:j/'^^^^i^ cy^^^^-i^^ f^ ^^itf^ei/'^ y/( AaM//^ /^f -//^ .r^ ^e-t^y L fjft/j^lL^rf:^!^::...^ ' la u 7 #' QUARTERLY RETURN AND STAT Name of Vesski, Burden. Crews. lectin Marii Pjrotei No. Datk of Arrival. Inward. Outward. Discharged. Shipped. Tonnage Fees. .i Month. Day. Tons. No. Am'e. No. For's. No. Am's. No. For's. No. Am't. No. Am't. Dolls. ('t«. I — 1 — ■ ! y d/it^^y^^^S CA^/^ ^J y ^/ f J^C\ t ^ J^^...^/y>/ ^r/ ^^ ^^ /cz^.o J%H.^->^^/ ^4/^r ^^ /."f? yj^ -^- yj^ ^.^ iels for Official Services, at the United States Coisulate at Al TIIKNTICATINO :<1 ' Lettpi-K, invctitorics, in HdvcrtisMiiciit.s, iic- r- counts of (tftleB of jr vbhspIm, cargo, stolen, or idlinr documents. No. Ddlln. i ('t«. I{oport of Sur- vey on vc»f«ilB, hutches, cargo, stores, or eithtsr. DoHs SKiNATI'HF.i* TO- ICstiinato of rcpuirs of vessel, account sales of vessel, car- go and stores, or either, or other doc- uments. I)ol|.q CtH. CERTIFirATEH — To Crew List and Shipping Articles ; of desertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. , , . . . 1 Deviation from voy- lebenture, invoices,: ^^^ cancelling currency, owner- ship, advertise- ments on bottom- ry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. ship's register, pointing new mas- ter, sea letter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. No. 1 Dolls. Cts. ; No. I Dolls. Cts. No. : Dolls. Cts. Recording Docu- ments in Consu- lar Becurds. ^^ No. Dolls. Cts. I No i ^J^^ j.^ ^ ^ J. jd J2. J^ JJ' ^ M ^ ;^ ARRIVALS AM) DEPARTURES OF AMERICAN V'ESSELS at tlie Unitwl States Consulal - /-/ //' VKSSKI.S. When- iHiilt fH^l4)ll^illg. Wlierc 1)111111(1. Owners. Masters. ' / f r J y/ /-/ffC/-^ .."y/ , '//rf //■■/ r4,./^/^/ /^.,^,y///X/ /^. /■» ^/<^ (<^^ft(/'/ /s "' / \9 M nu.Lni^/.. /'^ ^^ ^fff /J'.e,fy /^>-Va^ V;^ ^Z. / s /"/ ./>/'. ^/ ^^ ^ ) S r^^^ \> V//r/s /) -^^J^/^ V^; ^z* ^/O r;/ f / / fr^c^f w /«f ^ ^ rf^fffj ^v/^rry^^^ Ai^ X^^//r ^/^ff r^^/^ , yA^^/////f ^y^/•/>*«.'» ■■.'■«•■ ''■f!'"'".',/"* ,^-r, . ■■■;;.i,y ' -^w ■ i~x-9'f^'--".:'^'' ■am ^m ^rx^c^-d.^ 2^ CpC^jf/f^rr^ ^^ry f^:^^6'S^rtS^Z4 ^l^^^id^MLr-rr V4" "*-^ /:»^^/3^ ^^^s^^ejnz-^f^oC ^^^^^ ^^i*::^ vi^^t? k^/^.J^ /^iu/ .^^>e ^^t'Z. i^^^ ^^ . _ J-r3r.c :3 i^ /f^ //i^:ifyi^^^.- A^^ ^7^4,^ /^^j- ^y^^ ^j^4>^j^ i^nj^aMjf-n^ '^v^^^t^.-Tr^^^^^ *>-.■■ '.?f T!'*^?»'''y* . V •;■.-.'■,"- -'■ : frv^TT" ' ^'^-^'i^^Jfyr- ' • ^*4;^ ^^^ r^ Y/:^ifrM^/ -J^^. i^^ae^*^ r^.<^...< _....^^*;W.&te;Ui&i,^.£«MluilJi^^ :. V ...■■■ ^.-^;>;kv....ii^Ai'^'^«^', fri^2^^^i^l ^£(^rr^^<^ :a^ /^Kwii^ ^^ v ^g^t Wyfi ^Z /^//^/ y:%^ /^//^ ^^jiJ^ -/^^ ^^^ VS*^. <;^i^' /::^^!*L^ia»^A^ ■«^ -r^ ^M^i^z^ c/y^ C<^/^^a^ OtY^ ^^ ^/^:f2^ Jl^<-a^^ >''W' '^T?*?W''»'f ■■;■*? : , "^^'i*?'"* - ■ ■\T-P' it;^#*; 36»:m.4><5? l^arftrt? ^?i?<^ ^.^^/iy^/j (M'tr^ t2^.^^/9y4/j 4^y^ ^^^/^fy^iin^Y^^ t£r" finf^iXA^Cs j^^tJd^:/^ ^^«^J^^4!^ ^ y^r^^ h >^^ .^gferC ^-^iiOriV C/:MUjf^^ ,' -- f^fe.r r^ '^^^ ^ 'a^ ^ >^ ^ ^fcggr ^^ ,(^^i^<^^-ilt^ ^ Sstst^iatr^i^e— ^-*- ^^^^^ ^^^^t^sZ^^j^^-jCita^ j€^^ >^^^ ^j^/^y >^y^/ ^A^yy ^^^i*^ '^^K^^^^^^^^ />^/€^^< /^^/r/y^/y /^y^ v *^/v>v f/ir^/jyiz, yf/ .yyyj^A y^jj^^^ / ^. f ^- ) /^ ^^^Z/^itJ / A^^^y^-*^ $-5*^*^^ ^Ji^^ ^^i:t y*^ J.V 'F ■-• COLONT "I ANJ .OF BATHUB8T. > ' To Wit. "W..?.--. ■ • ^■-■K-'-:, ;,-VV, .',V. ">•. ITXON indeiilQ^^eii for oui^Soveieign I^dy tbfe ^ueen ^ in the said Colony, yof y^^ ^y' : . ' '" " ^'fiff^^ ■• to" the 1' ■ r -i' |»f on said Lf»^y llbe Qufi^n, fj?t tie year of the reign of our Soverelga Lady Victoria, before Geoiieiitiaii, Corcmer , i* P(40n7> on view of the body of hen and there lying dead, upon the Oath of f/U<3 Sy^d^t^'.J^.^-^ ti i good and lawful men of the aaid Colony » duly chosoi, and who being then and there duly sworn and charged to inquire for our said Lady the Queen, when. how, and by what means the said M to hit death, do upon their Oaths say fr^St^ Ci^H^ ^^?i ^vS ^A^if ""^ ^ r5" ^tT^^'WTW'' •'■ 'W^Wt^^'^^\ yrtl"*"' ""^^^^ -»■ *«j^ ■ . ^MtiL.'i. . ■ ■ -rlM^i 'i II • i'f^ iifi' i rii I • ■ • ..Mi V- V if :''f >'w^ ,.,/'>-> -A have hereunto ae^ And sulnoribed tbilr luilids the diy and year int ilx)ve written* >; .■*h' ...f. * .' * 'f, •> I i \^ f^. -i "-v",- 'l K '■•>' '*' \lA? '•■ ' •: ^ " ' ' ' V J. IF." "^ 'i .<.*^ *»i o f ■.\\.Jii'4^a^r/;-.l* ST IN. ^ 53 pi- H c H Q e-^^^^^v •^-^ '<^^t<.*9^\ /^/»^^ o 7itX^Mr: — ^-S^/Ti ti^^ri^ /^/^i^Z/^ ^ ^^l^tyUl^ ^^yc^^-c-ey ^-ty^i^^ ^^o / S ^^n^^l^^l^ ^Ao ^t:Z^^ i^^^c^^^ e^^^^ry^ ^^^^^^ ^^^j^j^ jn^^^^e^^?^ /'/:^c^,^^i^^y^a^ ^t^^[^^ -^^^yi^^.c^ c^^^^t^iyi^ -^^r^^Z^yr'^^^ /t/^ '/C^^^^^'^^yO' . -^^^^>^'^-^ ^^^/^^€^6yiyzy '^^^^^^^''^i-ty ^i^C:-^-^^ ^ .A^es^idii ii«^;it!i>.t.^j....--.^.A«.a u (^' mm / It ') C^ ^/ I ■> <'/^:^«^ A/t^t^e^O^ ^££-yL ,^€^^7} <^j^^^^m4^ ^49^t^ n^ j^r V *^?t/ Ik, /^^^. ^A f^^^i rc<^ Tv'^ ri^^i/ /i^ Q? A L ^ ^ iy'!^C-'?^ C^ a^^ /yf^f t^€ /it^ ^Y^ ^^ ^?^^^ (::^^f^/^^ yYt/^/^ ,^. ya4 e^i^^ v^ ^^ iv X' .N' s. V t 4^ /^a^*^ c^i J_4iv- *t w.'.iu.j ,>iJ /?<; i /'u y^ c^ /i fC£;;^e^/ /^n/'^f-^ r?^c/rO' / t e^ ^..'ia>.a:a»-^.'.^» ■ «,;t=.i.!W.j.-M»u^-'fcn,«M , ■ .;fc.*::i>.J£M -7 r^-^i-',;--^ /r; '-''■; ■■fT't'T^: I ■ i I 'J * ^._-.-- -.^;--w>*-n:)|^^«^-i^-H«spi.-,:-- - ,.v,>^-- -». ^ - -y<^j^y\"^'i,t^t W^fr *jlflJBB«BIBBWw^5^ "'i>"''^ i^''^*^ "^T- T.'JfpP ■ ;vrr;t7 ^^ ^ - -r^"^^^ / / y \ J ^^^^J.. y *■- \ I ■.-.^■•^•.,^ i^:».^-M%^-l-^^tik''»i.-i'^.^ijiiiLri^A!^i'^AJ^i^ ^'^A^/i' (^yC^/r^/ ^/^-^^'/f ^^4^^'irr>^^-^ >^^^^'/^ ^ /-#-/• (^^'^/^e^y^^iiZa^ ^y/V///^ y^ ^ ^y^^c^/& ^-^e^i^^i^^ t^i^^t^ 3 ^^k'Z-e'^r :/^^M. .^i^c./^74^.C2^^^z>ci^.~7^ >JtM:U-^ \'£:l-^r:^{/. ^/-r' i^^A/fe'i^!^ i^(h ■irt'MiaiMMiUMhifc*!?'-- • - ■ it,'^. *.AW- .-;^^v.^*tt:,^:--Lta.'.t'.-i....'-'.>,;.^. i.-.^> -. % .j.'.. v.,.\. ---ii^^.Lt^ -,. ■■ - .^4 . ii.i^iiiiit'i.Vii.^'i^^'JL'. .L . ^.y-fj^i' ... jli^ .«:. ii\ . c-ii^ * aJ^n^^^/ / V ^^ / 4' , / /r 2^ ^, / y^ rt /^^^*^ /f 6' ^^ t> A i^'^i^ <^i1^ /' i^^- ^-- y / y^ ' y^ y ^^ yy^ y . At 1- ? J / ^^ c'^ ^^ ' ^^^ ym^x z^<^^ ^^^4^^^<^^ w^^ yy^ y^*t,/r^^^~y^^^/r ^^^t^^^/r ' .ycc cf^ z^^cA c2j>y£^y^:^' ^ ^e'f^/^e'i^ar ^/^r ^?«/-«^ r^'^^Sfc^^ c*^ **♦.*' « ; ..u. i,'., i'* .-^.. ::. ^■-^^'^^iM^.:.i JZ cl^ Yf ^V/r- \^2^a:'/4^ >jf£^ A../"^/^ .^v/^^ rjA^i^ r'.C ^^ ^ ^4^^/ f^ ''/VVy z' i^^^^ * y <:^ii<' <^y Z ^Aii^rk^ye^ Z'r y ^^^ / / -/<^ /;:' ^'j- i €^ ^Z/^ J ■ifi^^ai't:^-^ c. '^Z^, ^^€>^ ..^l^Or^X. ^■^/.^i V^- i^.^/^'^JL.i^i^gl^l!;^ v^^^^__.^^^a^ /: '/ ^'Z.JC^ ^^'7^'\i^^^ . ^JT^£ ^5^;fcrVi;t*v^r<^ I { - -Ji il/St-tf; ,*^^v. <'l>t^-^^//-f vr'/'^/^?^«l> ^ -^^v^i-v- '7 <^- ^h^t^ C- , /::^^i^y <-*^-'^-««t'V^fairrftfi-"ltfT^liiY^-V'^^ ^t'tf «t^K.«ifcaM^ - '*'>'>♦• 4^:^ A^ .^^u*^ '>^^^^ Vy/V/^ y'e^Jv//^^ -^^ Vf^/^ y^j^r^ . ^y^j^^ r^/Y Ai^j> (^/"v^ /^ ^y^/v-K^'V^?^ ^^-^v-<^ ^ /yy&- v'C^*^ i(^/:^^ ^ , i»'^^^' ^('^gry'^^ ^'ii^ieVi ^bitxt/C ^^ycyr >"' P^ <^2^ *w-«^. 4^^;^« '.^?^!>^ «fe.A..^;.±;.^.fe . ,.^.^-.... «.^s:■.■ui»iA..^^■>:■.^^^lat;^.«^-«i^.^^^^ ■ ■ -, ^ liiijii ,.^- Hy .;.,,^^gi||a|gy||;fe^ i^r^^2^^f ^ ^y^A»J> ^.i^e^^ p:W: :^^.j^ ii:iiitiiti^k^i^iiitd>^iia.i>6amJ6t,^ i^au^ji^Si(^^4;,k^a.&*>y^^ i^J^£^ ^^^t^ T ^'«1 V * ^iC^^v/i * * * », 4 .t „*-<■• .■'> .. '"v. .^ ^k^i.;;..tfiafefejfcA»iAs^.4^.^rf.^^ .^..ii.^^^^^ ^^^i^.^ ^ ^:i< c J^ "^r^^^TArS, ^^jtTft^? ^ig^e^^r^^g;^ '^^^^a^r^^ c^^tt^^^tfy r^^ ^^^^s^^-^^^- ^^f^ft ft^ ut^^ <^^// ' /^^l^t^w ^-^^ . ^^^•^^i(pif-f-r<9i^ 5i^3?^^:^]2>^.Z^?^^^ (i^r^^.«^^?^ /^r^ ^^A^/^Af^^r^i<' ..-^^^'i^ d;?:^^'i5^^8^^>y^^ »lJi«u^.l •- '. -.'. ■:i», ^A^ . ... v^ui».«i.-i'- i ji^i»t:^a.i.- : i^ia iiL J! KHitiiiiii^jiii jWjqp«pfiqipjpii,|ii«il'^6^ o!^:^J,i^Zs^Mm&^i^ / ^ Si:. 'X2ULU i/z mc k^- J^cZ/jcn. ^.^^c/ -^^L^iuJ??ii£/^x^^^^^^ OaL UazJ,:4tiJLl./.j.^**i«aii'5y^^.^ /^i4;ifcs*v-s«kifc,'..s„^.Aat' .Ai^..i.w^i> W. ^ -^ /* ^Ci^^^^PrJ^ '( ,'/^ y^. ^>.^ir < * w \ 1 I u| I l| I Mt 1 I l( I ^/y - Nttliien. Ton iiage. Where from. When built. VEjSELH. Wbie built. ■Where belou(^ng. Where bound. Owuera. Mastera, Where prodi // &t:^^ J/' d^ /^/e^l^■^cy/^^Jif/-7^C^^ MT /^y^ /ff/c^A c^f^i^j^t^ ^:2^^ -t-- • .1.1.1 r .itei ■*. Gonsulate at ^ly -rt t^^>^2^ , from the *J^ '(L^^^ (v ( ' A K ( i () 1". S . Maaten. INITABI*. Where produced. Where mwiufactured. Descri|itivu r^ fSy^ ^7^2^ ! i ■MHRMIIMIMI ■««■■« ^/<^ > \ to tl 10 r II I It. /'^;/",W'/ /#.r' j^ O I' T W A K ■> When' priMluci'il. Wliou' iiiiuiiiliK tiiri'cl hfsrviplioii. c^imntiiifs. \'iihi ^ z-^nf- >^^ c. '"^^^^if :■ r '.^'.V/' • itMpil|M|l PMi ^1 fi ■1 --4L. ■^- • ■/• -- - - 7 '--- , • -- ■ -' -^y: i ( I - i ^ ..:4.^-,rt -^ - Y' 'mc^Timc cu/t y/a/rJ r/r///yr/^rrf'' .y^^:.li^^^w..^Wfc.tjtlj.^^.j.u,^,;^,,,,,,^,ai»----^^^ ,^^.,,yr:ji^y.i»^J(i;.-fi.%^'i-^^ 1' : y'\ v>N. > •>^^ <^ ^J)*^ /r/y /^ /(ffft // V, ) r// //^/ Ol^C^^^ -^- ^ 1 ^ ^:^^eAi^^l^^^fftA '//c^t^a/'r /(. //V A . I A V l^ c •^ ■V V flc^^ c/j rY^^>i/^^/f^^ / /r / / rn r f^ . . ?^ / r- r \ :>^>>'>-^, Cy^'aZ^ .^ ;^ /T'r r/^^^ '^ ^ ^< I ri '/^w^e^^ <^y^ % y/' -^//'^^Tt' r I r.^y r^c -/^^<^ 7/^lir/\ ^ > V -v v^ vy^^c/ -C^l '^^/^^t^ ■'.:->-.- ■-? \- t--i- -— ' 1--T, ■fr-t^-^,7f!(V- '^eW f I'-frV^vr- '■■- "■-■yrrr.T ■'i'--.--^''!- ■9n-i"?'r-V'^'^'''-*^'i'''V-^f'r9ff^''i''^-V^T^-''l?^ QUARTERLY RETURN AND Slk it the United States Consulate at „ SlONATUHES TO- Ceetificates — :y,iw Cr- . ■ -'fy^ ., from ^e^^_c Estimato of repairs of vessel, account ■ales of Tessel, car- go and stoiea, or either, or other doc- uments. To Crew List and Shipping Articles; of aesertions, deaths, ^d of protected Anuuri- can seamen. Debenture, invoices, currency, owner- ship, advertise- ments on bottom- ry, sale of vessel, carg^o, &c. Deviation from voy- cancelUng ■Cip's register, iq>- pointine new mu- ter, sealetter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c Re|i jcordinff Docn- ^Jients in Consa- Becords. Filing Documents in Consulate. Letters to anthori- tiea, seal and sig- natniM of Con- suls to oleusnoe and VKftn, roll; biU of health, &c. Orders to send, and release men from prison. Acknoi of It Merchi tomry of sale instmi writinj I-WMirapppii LI :J IJ IJ IJIUIIHipU PBiprsw" ■^t^ffmfiimfrfl^'"' ' i'"V1 miajii . ii i Mi»i»nif«""'Tw«;f>n»"T»T»'"-"?"w~^«»i" ■"^■■•^^•^^(iw*^^ (" FoBM No. 44. "j LQuurierly Statement of Fedi(.J ..idl^iliLiiLi^M^ ^t:^^:^^^^t^^,^^^^C^ ^r^A '^^y^-r^t-'. ^9:>:7 e^t,^^^ ^^d^ yp.ecai>u^_^ y J^^±i /P^x /^i ^i^'iZ^^^m^m) ^^ ^^^:/:^^ y^-^i^yti^^yr^^^ ^^*^^<*^y^w 4^^^^^-^yyi^\ ^^ — _^ ~-^' "^ — — ^^r2LA^^ /^^^c^ -^M^--r^n^^ ^ //-^ /^>^. ^rt ^^^ ^' ^^e^t^iyty / ^S'^ i yy^^ ^^^/^ (??7y <^e '^^CyJt^ ^^^^i^^^^^m^^m) (^C4L^,^i^^ 0^ JLli' ^^'C«^ .j-.^ -.^.JWil ARRIVALS AND DEPARTIJRKS OF AMERICAN VESSE T..II \KSSK1,S. WliiTc built. Wh,r, b«l, ""(OOf. M.Mh |i;,v ^- ^ ^J^ ^y ^rr...J^y,:y/.^^/J^.^^ XXf/ . y/^.jAy J^^..i ^-/ ^^^ -^>^>^^^^^^-^'^/^--^^-/>.^r,^..4^ .^ ^^^'^ /f:£>^M//l.,. '^.- ^4< ../,:^//y/--,^.^ ,^^, ,S at the United States Consulate at Whtri' bouud. j Own«ni. I MMten. .rL .^, Where produced. I Where maoufftctured. '^ >5*^<5*^ 7^ /y. '> ^y, /tcf ^^ ^ (^^a.* '.^/Z' y ■' ^^^.^ ^it>A^ nir:r:r "-. -, 4w-. .■%'^ ---^^^^^ .ik^-i..,aji^.^4aaM<^.i:k.„ • \-' ^/^ ^/^>^,. f /^ , from the / ^'^^^^//^ ^^ '^ to the -^ l'..l;« N..^ 14 r "V .- -' ^ ^ X^ ( .\l!(;ui;s. ■ Kl VABB. |l'T W AH l» Where mauufKlured | |incri|]tioii. yusutitiM, V»liiv«, Whir.' |toJuiv.1. \S\^^•u■ mwi: ^/^ r /y /A./ ifmlUfml 1>.— Wiou. I h M I Ml |»f IMllII 1(1 M,„.l, !•..> '/ / .^ y y/ ' / / ' :;;<,^ ^ jiy/ .^ p^^ ^... ■ y'1^ ^//i^/f^ ie,*-*!*^ // y^./^jLy^ of/ (^^^^ : r/r/,,eM (Tyv, -»<>*^/ .V/^ ^^■^^aa ^:::^^^ x^^***^^ y^ jf.py^ ^^^^ .^^^p7,.^jr/^/r-^ ■ • "I'.'t-'V, ■■■' ■• ■■■■ . ARRIVALS AND D£PABTURES OF AMSRIOAN VESSELS at the United StdiM Goniyile VBB8EL8. UaII!. Muiith. Uu)'. Naniei. Ton- ! Wben froB. baUt. WkmbBlk. Vim* ^' •-^ /-«•!< ^ty M^^^^^ *^C^ W-a>^C^^/5^^<^ ,^».^ d:^^^^' .^^1^ ^ t-/^^' 5»»/^„^ ;.i .7' i*.ijiA-j'..^- " -■ .V^'iE' -r -./■=«^*' '-'f' , from the •'■ ,S/-«K. -^-(<^?^ CAU(H»KS. ■lfWA«». Ol'TWABD. Whm aMBafcatand. Qua&titks. i VaIuos. ' [' Wbeni prgduoed. | Wherv uuuiufiH'tunM]. Dwfiiption. Ijuttutitieft, ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF AMERICAN VESSE ,S at the United States Consulate at VKHHKL8. C Tom WIlFII M„,ll: I" WlMC* Whan bouDd. Owiwn. Muton. ./ / "J^ -^Y ^rrt^'^'-'^/f///.^^/.-A^>J^r^ /^>-^^ . /y^^^y J^c^^^^^^^^^i^e^ *^S Wb«re prodttoed. Where muiafactai /y. ^/^ / y^^'"j /r i^^A .d^/% '^^'^^^ -^^ ^^r/^i^^ /i'^/ ,^^,'e-^ ^J^&/^ /> V^J •>>^At^ s '^-^V ,^^ /"/^^/^C ^^^^'^^e^A^/r^/'^^.^ ^.^yi^^^^^t^^^*^ J(CL^; /-t^ I't^ ^' '/ y "'/ ^^^^^^^^ ^r/Ti ^r/r^ Sr/ jv^^^**' //^v^^^^ ^^ ^/ / // ^>^ <^'^.*.^i^>^^i?>" -^^^/^y^-^ .^.me^*^ 'c 7 \^0C::i^fr\>^a^di>^^ 4r^ ^/S, f /y i^^?1?=^«g*yf"f^TV-' -^ " TT-'r.T"':^'?''^^'^ ">'<;■". ?'.'■■ at ^€^f^ , from the /'^/^^^^''^ ^^ ^'^^^ to tlic - ^ ( AliiJoKS. inv>>»- Wlwre produeed. Where mumfsctored. Deecription. Quautitiee /y^ y/v' :> ,yjCyc /«Zt^ % : /'*' /'<^ f /y Vftlut*. Wherp product^]. Whpn- iiiiunitti.-tinfi /^y ^?^C(i' '^-^ ^^!0^^ ^///Cy^ ,1,^- ::-a (0^ (^^1^^^ i ^f^.^^0 / f^ /t^ dL»^. yt^t— f^^y^f^/'^-^ --//-' j 'y/ . ^ ^j>^^ ^/<".^ e, a^ ^>*^^ .v/<^ /r |-'l ^^^y^-^JT/^,^ <:^^^ '7 j^^X \J g^4^ 0lf f ' ■ > i ^^^ i.al ^ B'yy^ -"•■^■Wii'lS^^'i^i; ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF AMERICAN VESSELS at the United States Consulate at Daik. Month. I'uy. '/ / Naiiit Mge- VK88EL8. Where from. ^i™ I Whore built. Wban bound. | Ownsn. Mutan. Wbtre pruduotid. >/^y M-^y/^f^'- .y^ -2^;^ oJ/ ,^^,^ //r<^Y^2^,/y^'' .J^tTi^/^ J^^A^c:^:^^^^^^^ J'^'--^ ti^^ i X"e^ ^/ ^ Jd^^^^e^ ^,r ^/^-^ m^<^^%.^J^^^ ^^ '^e^ J^^A>>fi/4 ^^le^t^^ Y J^,,c -^y .fy 0^u^^ :^^iAS^J2^y ^y-e^ /Sifr .^&^^ ,,.^1/^ ^AM ■'^'3 ','.5.^* a^- /^.^ .fe ■■v-r^|- ^ 1 3 • * ,i- -. V.-,; . t~--^T-- I t'i^ .li^^i u&'d nsulate at , from the '^ o/^.v^^^'^^ to ,\...-y:*y^^-,.y:^' rAU(U>KS. INWABB. O I T W A H U Wbti* prwlooed. Where nuuiufftoturad (juuititiM- VftluM. WLeru pruduoeJ. Wlicri' nuuniftu-ttiretl lVf«'ripti<-ii i^uitiititit ^ Sp*^ /ry -^\ _.^. «• - —it rft-* __-. -. -..-..„ 1 " .^ ,. - — ^ _— w. ♦-. k- -^ — — -r .^"1 . *•< • •*- -■..,. J^ ,-_.- "i^^ I // ^ ARRIVALS AM) 1)KI'ARTIIRKS OF AMERICAN VESSELS at the United States Consulate at VKSSKl.S. VV n-ii .... , .,. W h«re , \\ lUTI* till I I , , JllllI i M-IUIl^lUg. \ ,y^ Where boiiud. i Owners Mao tent. I Where pruduced. I Where mauufftctured "/ -^Y ^rr,. ^-^A://.'^/ />.^r^ /11^ ./f^rjA J^4' '^/^^-yn/^y^''^ /y^ y/ V / /' 1^/ ^/^-^-^^ .'^J /^^r/T^^Y- A^r ,yf,.^,.4y ,j^^.. ^^te^^^yt^^ '^. >5>=*^e^P' ^^ V /i^ I'.HiM \ n f^ ,froin the/^"^^'''^^^^^^ to tlu--^ /^ <'^^'' ^ / ced. ' Where manufactunxl 1 'i-»cripUoL yu»iititie» Vilu ( ' A H( ; 1 1 1; s ^ • I T W A K W Whmi. |iri.^- ' .yJ^^/^-i-^ / ..^^-/ / t^yf^^ /^ / /. -V..^ ■^>^^^-' s fy/j.'' ^''"' -r ^^ /^/"-^ i-^^^'^'^^^ ^j^;^ ^Z" (^^^^:^^ >!^^ c:^^^!*e.^^ J^ <^^?^^^ /<^/7 \^^<(:j>i^ /^ *^^^y ^/P ^A^ * ^/ , y,^,^^ ^^^ '^/^ ^/«^ *»^^ ^//^ lar.e'Aa \ I . .1 ^1 '5 V >i-' '■s,'fj?''f/i.. -> > , J -- ( J ~*i ' . / : -i 1 o ■ 1 .^ ."1 -4^ i-ji^S ,< 9 *. ^ i ^ ARlin ALS AND DEPARTURES OF AMERICAN VESSELS at the United States Consulate at ♦ V ! : S H K 1. 8 . Ton- ..r, , When „,, i ,, W hen* r..„, WlHTe from. , .,, Where built- ■ ' "^f" ^ naf^u. built. belvufpng. Where bound. Owners Mwteni. Where pruduced. i Where \,'/ ' ■' • ^ ^^ 2-^,i -y/ , JZ-yr A C-*^ ^^^. ^^ .W^^^ /^ J^^/^^ ^^J^'.J^/ ,.^ /^ /^>>r .-y J^ .^J/'^//£^ yy/Y 7/^^.^. m^/ -r - r - y . ^^ /^;rv, , y^/?^/> J/^/ T/^y'r^ A^^ ,^^/^ , ^a^^ ^.^d.Jh, eyc^ f i •::^i^.. k.75^,. ■, i X. -Ui.~«-««.>.i.,-M ,Li.«..i; ., aa'^iiaa i ia4 K i i fii i ..i . , late at , from the y c^vr ,<.^^- //• /( rif ^ /y to the ' 'K -y ,<^ lAlMioK ■ N W ABD. « I ■!■ » .» , I WhttTe pruduced. ' Where miuiufaotareduc,/9)rdt^ r1^7J . ^y y.^ ^^3^>-y^<-^ J^ ( -^^i^g^u^t^'*^ ^.rr '^eai^^a^ ^ (^^ay^^/^^ ^JL ^ y^i:.ir.t^?^,^ J^^9 7^.^^^ ^*9 ^ •yjgji^ .^.^««*«^Ti Ic^^cdb'l^^K^ be^e-*^ 1^%;^ f4A^ m^f^^au \ AU #i*j4'*#^ -1%-' aw;' :■' ;. ,:fi'r''\,'^-'W^-'^'J* J ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF AMERICAN VESSELS at the United States Consulate i IHII. VK88EL8. '■'"" Where from. I ^'^'^ \ Where buiU. Where beloDf^ny. Where bound. Ownen. Muton. ^ y/ jf^^ ^rrJ^^r yyy/^^ :^// '•^^z^^' /A^/ \ ^^-^/z.' . V«^/ '/^C^jO^^^ -^ • '/ , . !"^ -^ .^ /^,rf/.v. ^/fM'y^ Vp/ V^^/^ ^^^ fJi^^<^ f^^^^rn^ ^/^-'<^^^^^^^»^y*^ (^^y^^A' //^\< '-/ra» /^<^ y^^z*^*l^ ,Mi:.^^'SSj&iMMl i States Consulate at (i^<^y^*i'\^^^ , from the / K.. to tlie.^/"^ .A^ry Owiwra. lluUn. CA-U(i(»KS. Wlwra pradnewl. Whan Bunlteliind. ■ RWAB*. DaMiiption. Ol'TWARD. Qiuotitiw. VftlUM. Where produced. Where uiiiuurtu-tured. I>«0cnptioii. IjUHiitities. ^^Lih^C^^^^A yO/ r f-. ^ AS //C/ 1 A XZ C2^£*!*f^!!i^^ //^\ i^if^^ 7:, ■ A ^ ^^^/"^ .^ ^>M»Bf^ : --^ ^*S^-:fi .-L ( i-^i^ ir-jr~?r 'r^/' ^ '/£/. s •"•^WMfJ"* (p*f*-ii --}r ,-ji, ...:,;.;,. ^ift^' . .: V- \' J ''"-»iV' ^ yl ^. '/^^ r^(//. ^r' /r(^/- I't'/f^^. c ^/ /^ /^ ^ ( / ^// '^S^^uT.^^r/^ /^/^€/J^y/?^^'^'^(i^i^-^<'/^^. . '^^J///y^/r^//r ///,/'^yf^ j^y^y^ t f£^__y^y:_ ^ r^t/ ^^^ y/r/^ '/^/ /^/'v^ V Cyr-r^^//^/^ (Ly f.-^yr^y^^ ■ /^^^t^yy* / y (yp^ ^'c^Z/f ^ ^ ~p o^^l - .-1 : .Mf^ '•C r. j^/^ ''^^<7//^yJL/:i^/^.^ X' r) :r^trt-Yy^ / ^y yc^ /^r/r y>/^ /r/^^y /^^^ /yy^yj6jrA ■^^ n^ A 4 >'M .■: ^S^' -A-n ■.'< i,..„^.j£&. a „A....AJ_i. A' nk^-.Ut .JI'i^jPf^' l*iit^!2i^vif,N'>aA..M:^'^lvit:. ' ' 1 A ? r,*. '): *>-^ - ^^^ e^^^^ *-^^^\/C^<^ y/^€yt^^€>€^^i^ •-'^^a^ ^^fi^rt. ^^y/i^^ '-^^ ^%- >«5r',^:;^,^^^^/^^5^^.^?5r-^>^^ ^»5^^52^<^^^^ ,--^ ;/5^fe!tf^rf>^^''^^^^^^^[^,,.,4^i^ t^-^ /^^<^ :^d>ty ip/'/T^^^^ --i^5»^S*< •3»»-^^ «5«-^ ■:¥€^**^ ^^^C^t^ ^>^^^^!**;S^€>^^ ^ - C ^/^l £/y^//a^^^ S%-P ^ 1 : . , ii •* -^ •■i £>; /• ■y*tj»- 1™^!*^''" ' X X ^ X ^**<» ^ 'y \^^^^ i^^'f^^ t^J^v^^^^^ vrx/%^ ^^^ CZ^^^^T^ i^'^^^«iM>^ * ^ *e^^t>^ T?**^ ^ ^ %^gf»^ ^ Z?:^ ^^t^^^t^K ^*#^ (3;!^X^ ^J'^^^^ Q-.^^^/^^>^ ^=:xZe^jg<^_ -,.• i '^V"^. *s.- a.,,. /' •• vr;'9\^ 7 ^ ;i- j.iatl. ^i.i. . ^ wf^mmimmmmmiiimimmmmm^m^imimmmmiimmfwmfmi'v "" '"T!V""m^»iP|P!i(wgiwsirw" ^(^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^T^i^r=f'^ ^i^^^ <^ ^ ^ /i^^^ ^??%::i^, y^ ^ (L^/^^;;fy(^:/'A^^^^i'97^7' ^ 2^^'^^ -<^^8<9 .K ,'.-:-:f.: ..»"irtti'*(.*(e*.>j»n ;^t,i^.»»ijM:X4».'---*&Tj^. J. _ ►.-**.-._- ■^■'•i^-^.'Jai. r ^ I 'i il'liltiiriiiir iHMMI '^>^^r<^y^ v-^T^y?^'^^-'-jr^VW"'' J 'y ^^F^^^^^T^IW?^^^?'''""'* T^'''»?">~^ QUARTERLY RETURN AND STATEMENT OF FEES received| HMiM ,J Date of Arrival. Name op Vessel. Burden. Crews. Tonnage Fees. Noting Marine Protest. j Extending Ma- rine Protest.] "- ■ - — ? No. Inward. Outward. Discharged. Shipped. Issuing Warrants of Survey on vessels, hatches, cargo and stores, or either. Notes of Marine Protests. i 1,' Month. Day. Tons. No. Am's. No. For's. No. Am'«. No. For'B. No. Am't. No. Am't. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. No. Dolls. J ..■«k,.A. *,..?;.l:j*i*'AAi1 iii-' /C^y I ! t ! vr I ^i. . — . — .Jm^^^a^Hi.-. -f'^ j& -^Oi^'^dS :#^Si-:-Jii'ii . ' • * v i I 1 * 1 i i ■ t ( 1 .' ■' ■ ■ ■ 1' ■ 1 i * "V " 1 ! 1 -■- \ 1 i ■ j — - — - , .-.i.„ ■ - t- ;- . iiiLjJ..^^ ti^iStSii. w§H .k-i.i-'i«if- i^ ±.^i^Ai^<^{ $ -.-..» # -. "'*<4|H - -M .jm rvices. IMTICATING at the United States Consulate at .. I of Sar- on vessels, lea, cargo, 1, or either. Dolls. Signatures to— Certificates — Recording Docu- ments in Consu- lar Records. L Estimate of repairs of vessel, account sales of vessel, car- go' and stores, or either, or other doc- uments. To Crew List and Shipping Articles; of desertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Debenture, invoices, currency, owner- ship, advertise- ments on bottom- ry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. Deviation from voy- age, cancelling ship's register, ap- pointing new mas- ter, sealetter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. Filing Documents in Consulate. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dollsv Cts. S C:> ■ 1- i t i 1 ... .1 1 •n ,.-. .|_ ■T W'!fm^mmp''^'m!^?^^ "^^'eTO'w s:'"'^^^n»rT^;7T"'WE^' TW^""^ T^V^ ^?m-"vx- Nferom the-:5?_r^^-^^^^ the .f:^l„.!rlf^^±::f^ 186^. ■.^ ^ r FobmNo. 44. 1 I Lotten to anthori- tiaa, maI uid aiv- BStoTM of Con- ' mb to olMurvnoe and pwen, loU; biU of health, Ac. No. DoUs. CU. Drden to aend, and \ release men from prison. Ho. Dolla. eta. Acknowledgments of Masters or Merchants to bot- tomry bonds, bills of sale, and other instmmenta of writing. No. Dolls. Cts. Declarations and oaths of Masters to ship's bills, in- Tentories, &«. ToUl of Fees re- ceived on ac- count of this vessel. Date t»f Clearance. No. DolU. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Month. R£MARK:S. Day. !/ i :^:^ i . ^ /^^ •■-t-- «.»iiil .. J/% ■- :'. *i;! J^ ..i 'ikl^ . '♦ .:*i> . ,J.- .'^ft . -■^\t»frfi.L*.^u-«jiJisii/'.i'!*f . I QUARTERLY RETURN AND ST ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^..^ ^^^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ No. Date of Arrival. Month. Day. Name of Vessel Burden. Tons. Crews. Inward. No. Am's. No. For's. Outward. No. Am'8. No. For'B Discharged. No. Am't. Shipped. No. Am't. Tonnage^ Fees. Dolts. Cts. looting Ifarine Protest. / ^ 'r ^ //> a- Z^ ^^1 ^^5^ 3 ^(^ Dolls. Extending Ma- rine Protest. \ Dolls. Cts. AlTHKXTHATINli Coi'lEsI Issuing Warrants of Survey on vessels, batches, cargo and stores , or either. Notes of Marine Protests. Extended Ma- rine Protests. Call, Warrant, Keport of SurvJ Vessels, hatchesl go and storij either. No. Dolls. No. Dolls. ' No. Dolls. No. Dolls. A._, J .■ ...^ ^.TEMENT OF FEES receiyed on account of Vessels for Official Services, at the United States Consulate at }^ 1 1 * Authenticating Copies of— Authenticating looting liftrine SotMt. [ i Exteuding Ma- rine Pc^8t. \ Issuing Warrants of Survey on vessels, hatches, cargo and stores, or either. Notes of Marine Protests. Extended Ma- rine Protests. Call, Warrant, and Report of, Survey on vessels, hatches, car- go and stores, or either. 0- Letters, inventories, advertisements, ac- counts Of sales of vessels, cargo, stores, or other documents. Eeport of Sur- vey on vessels, hatches, cargo, stores, or either. No Dolls. i DollB. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. No. Dolls. No. Dolls. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. Signatures to — Estimate of repairs of vessel, account sales of vessel, car- go and stores, or either, or other doc- uments. No. Dolls. Cts. Certikh'ates- To Crew List and Shipping Articles ; of desertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Debenture, invoices, currency, owner- ship, advertise- ments on bottom- ry, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. Deviation 1 ago. ship's 1 ter. seal sul's I avk-ard on of crew, 1 No. I Dolls, i Cts. I No. Dolls. Cts. , No. DolU c^^.- .7 /<^ ^• c)' ^j%:^t ^ : 1 ift^k^ i4^ -C Services, THENTICATINU port of Sur- •7 on vessels, latches, cargo, ores, or either. Dolls. at the United States Consulate at .J 1^ ^^^€>t^J 1 « A from ikuQy \ ^^!^^ SlONATUUES TO — Certificates— Filing Documents in Consulate. Letters to authori- ties, seal and sig- natures of Con- suls to clearance and papers, roll; biUof health, dtc. /> Estimate of repairs of vessel, account sales of vessel, car- go and stores, or either, or other doc- uments. To Crew List and Shipping Articles ; of desertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Debenture, invoices, currency, owner- ship, advertise- ments on bottom- ry, sale of vessel, :«»rgo, &c. Deviation from voy- age, cancelling ship's register, 1^ pointing new mas- ter, sea letter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. Hecordinff D^oca- menU in Cc>nsa- lar Ee^rds. Orders to send, and release men from prison. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. Cte. No. DoUs^ Cts. No. DoUs. Cts. No. Dolls. Ctfli fY ^^ ^• 6 «fr J^^ ..»..-_.._., i <^4r^ I I , 1 u_ ... +., ■i ■■- — t- - ^4- I .-.4.... -fr- ,.,^- ■•-f- bex?^r_;;^^f^fe;-/?^ '^^ ^^^€^ tfi^fyt^i-f^^/'C-^'^^C^ ^ '/^T^^ <3»»»/^>->^ «^^ ^>t^ i. ;4 «^t-- /^^^^ C^ rf^ ^^<^S^^/ ^^'^^ ^lini/^ '^y> -^^^e^ ^f^ ^ ^>^ c£^ «-^i^^^<^ z;'^^ *-^'jr/*^e^'^c^t^ ^*^ t^^*t^'^^£.<^^-(r~ O'^c^c^ e^t^ ZAre^^tyt 7 y -«?*5^lS«<^ £^~rt^ a-^ -»«-vit*'»^ ay ^ i-^PLre^ .^^^^e-*' oyte^"^ '-WS^A*^^^ ^Hf** '£?'**'J^.. 4t^*^-^^ ^!^ e^c^ ^^^fiP- T^^^^^e^ Ittfek^^i^ii^^^^^^^^^^^^^fiiM^^ '.y^e.-.-jL^yM? (^^^>C<.,^ Mc^,.,^ Z^ a <^' ^y ^^^(^i^e^ i.y^r^'^^ ^^^*^~^^^ C <^ ^"-^ <^ e^'^-i -^>* C-^C^ cx^*^ ^ ^:zi<^„^«.^-cS-?-»^^:«-<^ x^i^^^^^ t-yyie^ C-^^f^^^ >!^^ X^^^^'^iK^ ^'^<^ '/^W c-:^/^<^^. ^ea^ -?<^L*<;>&^^^^V'^ -"^^ "^"^y^ j^^i^^ignPfe?!^ / k- «rt t a^ g ■ I ..fi'.ii;.^* n.*t?*^^l.»*;<- •^.*^^_l^_. ..'^. A.A .T., ..tl^)&Sr. .._«._.. ^. /tt . ,. -r.J!Lal£L4.«L»tA.^i-,.-A^,*=«^*e<^ !*«-^- ^^<^. l^'22r*'.1^'t^l e^^^Si^e^ ■^ ^^*<-^ ^'^^cy^^^'*^^ ^ *-''^=«fvi^r^eW^^'^^t^-^^PC,^^**^--^<<; ^tr-^f^^»*^-^'^7*:^^«K — :^5-*< €'t'% ^ riiiTrMifiiin mi tinrlh-liiitmfiiiikimt r '■rwn^}-^^ ' ■.'y^-'r--'i^-' •■ u .Ih. , .^.".;..:>v / 7,v-j^'"-^.'.y^'^-,>^^>v«;,-'«x. .^,.iV -'V*.?,i., - '•'■''' i? ' v.. '•T^ . .fi^ ^^ ^^ .^.1 . i^k^^^^ ^»^5?^^^ ^^g^ ^ ^ ^^e<^ ^^^-^^i ■•■-.. ;T -■ ' .^^;'V« ^ ;',.^i^i^4i:i *t/fV7 %'^/;SB^y?t\;7;'?.;j;^;?»"iJ=,.y-r ,/'■•' , nt the United States Consulate at , from the -"■■: , -'.M j^;*"-: -■■v* ■ ■■■,t;, '"■\i'-r-'--' ,'•. ..^- - ';-^ . "■ . ^ to the FoKM No. 14. Quarterly Retuma of AinertoMn Vumelii., ^V CAEG0E8. Yaltiea. mWWAMl Where produced. Whem nuwrnfeetored. D«Mription. QuuititiM. Velaea. Date or Dbpaktubb. Month. D»y. M - ^ iJBiiir'iifiiiifiiif-iffiitiffil ik;.i%'.!,^lim "§ „ L ' — ■+-- if ',mi,Mistkik bfeAh,_jkdi£iilt£ ^i&i^aA i^s^^ I t ... ,r.t ^ >.. ujy..l ■'I -^ •■ M ,^•1 j^&£; I X ////'/^^7^Ci ^a^<^ y^^e^ :^^^:^^^^ /^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^y^,^^^ ^ ^^^^^ C^y^^ 6>t^^^^.^U 0^>C^^ Ki^C^^^^i^i^^z^/^,.^^ ^:-^i>^:-^e--(^y ^■^'■^^^^if*^^ ^'^^^c- C>^^>^ II, rj. C ^//*^ ^^^y ^rx/>-''^^^ ^y^ y/3y0yy^/(^^ ey ^^^^_^^'H^>^-''^? ^-y^ ^ «' --^^/^^ ^-r.x^<:^^^^-'c::^^ ^yyr :p^^ ^ (^^^$^.i^^^^ ^^/^ ^ y^/^^ ^^/^/^^ --S'^^^K. '^^;^i<:>' <^!^>*^ -^ r£^^^ ■'^^^'^^-I'^r /■( ^=t<;^^^ -^/fe^ i^^-^x^ .i::^^^;^ '''pp->^^^ l'" ^ /> ^^x /^y^^.' /'^leX. X-^' ^^ '^^y ^^^^^^e^ ^^e^^3^y^ ^^^a/ "/^ i^^^^^^^i^^^^^^"^*:^^^^ ^^^^ QUARTERLY RE^ Name of Vesskl UUKDKN. Crews. No. Datk of Aruival. Inward. Outwurd. No. No. Ani's. For's. Dischai No. I Month. I>"y. Tons. No. Ami's. No. For's. ■•m TW5<»{r5SW' '»S|''»?T«5»Bfll(Jf^SJWI? B's^'iW!!!?*?;?' ^^S^E^Ssiw'sWV'^PW at the United States Consulate at ^ r%^t\'^ J^J ■% SlONATURBS TO — CBBTiriCATBS— Estimate of repairs of vessel, account ■ales of vessel, car- go and stores, or either, or other doc- uments. To Crew List and Shippimr Articles; of aesertions, deaths, and of protected Ameri- can seamen. Debenture, invoices, currency, owner- ship, adveitisa- ments on bottmn- Tj, sale of vessel, cargo, &c. Deviation from voy- age, cancelling sup's n(ist•r,^>- poiatiI^rll•wln••- ier. ■aawttar* con- sul's "aoisioB and award on oondaot of crew, &e. Seoording Dobn- menU m Consa- lar Records. Filing DocninenU in Consulate. Letters to anthori- Ues, seal and sig- natures of Con- ' soltf to ohatance and papon, roll; bill ofhealth, &c. Orders to send, and release man from prison. Ac ol M to oi in w No. DoUs. CU. No. DoUs. CU. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. CU. No. Dolls. CU. No. Dolls CU. No. Dolls. CU. No. Dolls. CU. No ^d0 J ^£W,...,. ul. ^.-^. 3Ai^:ji--....:.ms-\^^j^.iimi. 'WW 'if^^ ■ -i 3*^' ' ■ •■ , to th r Form No. 44. "I LOnartarijr Statemant of IftM.J ri- Orden to send, and Aoknowledfrnents l)eclamttons and Total of Fees re- ff" release maa from of ' Masters or oaths of Masters ceived on ac- n- priaon. Iferehants to bot- to ship's bills, in. connt of this Date of Clearance. oe 11; ' tomiT bonds, bills of sua, and other Tentories, Ac. vessel. REMARKS. ^e. instruments of writing. ts. No. Dolls. Cto. No. Dolls. Cts. No. Dolls. CU. DoUs. Gte. Month. Day. •f^j.-T .Tw,-ifsrip'_ •'-.■^■i-~,iw>i'_'i!^^-'- '■ W*" Tip insulate at - I [ii> I fii CERTinrATES— Debenture, invoices, cnrrency, owner- Bhlp, advertiifl- ments on bottom- ry, sale of Tessel, cargo, &c. No. I Dolls. Cts. Deviation from voy- aee, cancelling anip't register, ap- pointbur new bum- ter, sealetter, con- sul's decision and award on conduct of crew, &c. Recording Docu- ments in Consu- lar Records. Filinr Doeuments inConsulate. Letters to antboH^'Grdeni tosead, and ties, seal auin Acknowledgments of Matters or Merduuits to bot- tomry bonds, bills of sale, And other instroments of writing. to. No. Dolls. Cts. Declanttons and oaths of Masters to ship's bills, in- ventories, &c. Total of Fees re- ceived on ac- count of this vessel. No. Dolls. Cts. Dolls. Cts. Date of Clearance. Month. Day. REMARKS. _^2_ i.^^ * -r- ._.^-.. ■- — ■ „,.,]._. / /■ , -.1 U - -i,-^-. . — I — — t- I — „,„i.. i ...._. U __L \.