s 14.GS: CIR221 c. 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director SAMPLING LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE DEPOSITS FOR TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS J. E. Lamar K.B. Thomson DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 221 1956 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/samplinglimeston221lama SAMPLINC LIMESTONE AND DOLOMITE DEPOSITS FOR TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS by J. E. Lamar and K. B. Thomson* ABSTRACT Interest in the amount of trace and minor elements in lime- stones and dolomites, especially those used for agricultural lime- stone, has raised the question of how the deposits and quarry prod- ucts may best be sampled. This investigation was made to evalu- ate tentatively a number of the problems involved. Two limestone deposits and one dolomite deposit studied were found to vary considerably, both laterally and vertically, in trace and minor element content. Clay overburden and clay partings of deposits were richer in many trace elements than were the lime- stone or dolomite with which they were associated. Eighteen sam- ples, taken on as many days from the commercial agricultural limestone of a quarry with a moderately high face, showed wide variations. Careful sampling at two or more places in a quarry, involv- ing sets of samples taken at about 1-foot intervals at each place, may give a reasonable idea of the trace and minor element con- tent of those parts of deposits currently being quarried. A single sample of a commercial product, such as agricultural limestone, appears unlikely to give dependable data on the trace -element con- tent of rock products produced over a considerable period, except possibly for some thin deposits. Equal amounts of commercial products, taken daily for about a month and combined into a com- posite sample, probably will afford fairly dependable information on the content of trace and minor elements in commercial products. INTRODUCTION Recent interest in the trace and minor element content of limestone and dolomite deposits, particularly in the trace element content of agricultural lime- stone, has resulted in the use of sampling procedures that have not been proved accurate or reproducible. This report presents the results of a preliminary investigation of this problem. All analytical data presented are spectrographic data. Some of the variations in the quantities of different elements reported are very small in terms of actual percentage by weight. What commercial sig- nificance these variations have is not a primary concern of this paper and such significance no doubt varies for each trace element and with the various uses of the stone. The assistance of Raymond S. Shrode, formerly of the Illinois State Geo- logical Survey, in sampling and sample preparation, and of J. S. Machin of the Survey in checking spectrographic data is gratefully acknowledged. * K. B. Thomson died in 1955. [3 ] 4 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PLAN OF STUDY Stone was studied from three Illinois quarries, two of which were lime- stone quarries and one a dolomite quarry. Selected relatively thin beds were sampled at two places in each quarry to show lateral variation in individual beds. A ledge or portion of the face of each quarry was sampled at vertical intervals of 3 feet or less. At one of the limestone quarries, commercial prod- ucts being made at that time also were sampled. Samples . - Samples taken from the deposits were pieces of stone about 5 to 6 inches in diameter. Analyses . - All spectrochemical data were obtained using a Bausch and Lomb large Littrow spectrograph. The excitation source was a National Spectro- graphs Laboratories Spec -Power. A Jarrel Ashe model 200 microphotometer was used for measurement of line densities. For minor and trace elements, measurements were made relative to calcium using the A.C. arc. Major constituents other than calcium were meas- ured relative to calcium using the spark to provide a correction for the calcium. DEPOSITS SAMPLED Limestone Deposit 1 At an active quarry an 18-foot thickness of limestone in 3- to 12-inch beds was sampled. The stone contained more than 90 percent carbonates. The samples were taken as described below within a period of three hours. Samples Tr 1-18. Taken at vertical intervals of 1 foot from an 18-foot thickness of stone. Sample 1 represents the uppermost foot. Samples Tr 21-38. Taken at vertical intervals of 1 foot from an 18-foot thickness of the same strata of stone mentioned above. Sample 21 represents the uppermost foot. The site at which samples Tr 21-38 were taken was 300 feet east of the site from which samples Tr 1-18 were obtained and the strata sampled were essentially equivalent stratigraphically. Sample Tr 19 was taken from the upper 6 inches of a 12 -inch bed and sample Tr 20 from the upper 6 inches of the same 12-inch bed but 50 feet to the east. Sample Tr 40 was taken from a 4-inch bed and Tr 41 from the same bed 175 feet to the east. Sample Tr 42 was taken from a 6-inch bed and Tr 43 from the same bed 175 feet to the east. Sample Tr 46 is minus 1-inch stone from the primary crusher of the quarry. Sample Tr 48 is similar material taken 30 minutes later. Sample Tr 47 is commercial agricultural limestone. Limestone Deposit 2 Limestone deposit 2 is of different geologic age than deposit 1. An 11- foot thickness of limestone containing more than 90 percent carbonates was sampled. Samples Tr 60 and 61 were taken from the same 10-inch bed but 100 feet apart. Samples Tr 62-66 were taken at approximately equal vertical in- tervals from the 1 1 -foot ledge. TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS 5 Dolomite Deposit 2 The dolomite deposit sampled was made up of beds 10 inches to 3 feet thick. A thickness of 2 1 feet was sampled. Noncarbonate impurities were not determined but are believed to be less than 10 percent. Samples were obtain- ed, as described below, from the top of the stone downward. Thickness repre- Sample sented, inches Tr 77 30 76 36 75 23 74 19 73 12 72 14 71 12 70 10 69 31 68 28 67 36 Sample Tr 68A was taken from the same bed and position in the bed as Sample 68 but 300 feet to the west. Sample Tr 69A was taken from the same bed and same position within the bed as Sample 69 but 300 feet to the west. Sample Tr 76A was taken from the same bed and same position within the bed as Sample 76 but 300 feet to the west. Samples Tr 78 and 79 are green and gray clay partings, respectively, along bedding planes. Samples Tr 82-99 are commercial agricultural limestone taken, through the courtesy of the quarry company officials, usually on successive operating days during an elapsed time of 27 days. The agricultural limestone includes stone which was not accessible for sampling and, therefore, was not included in Samples 67 to 77. PREPARATION OF SAMPLES Field samples were broken by hammer in the laboratory, and about 100 grams of chips that had not been in contact with the hammer were taken from the inside of the stone block for spectrographic samples. These were crushed to about 60 mesh in a porcelain mortar and then reduced further in an agate mortar. PRECISION OF SPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSES The precision of the A.C. arc data was about 10 percent. This figure increases markedly near the limit of detection for each element. Pb - lead Si - silicon Sr - strontium Ti - titanium V - vanadium Zn - zinc 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHEMICAL SYMBOLS For convenience a number of chemical symbols are used in the tables that follow. The meanings are as follows: Ag - silver Fe - iron Al - aluminum K - potassium B - boron Mn - manganese Ba - barium Mo - molybdenum Co - cobalt Na - sodium Cu - copper Ni - nickel VARIATION BETWEEN SAMPLES The variations in weight percent of the elements in the samples in- volves data ranging from the first to the fifth decimal place. Therefore, in order that subsequent discussions of compositional differences may be on a compar- able basis, it is the percentage variations between data on trace and minor elements that are considered rather than the weight percent differences. Thus 0.00002 and 0.00004 percent by weight nickel is considered to represent a 100 percent variation, as are weight percents of 0.20 and 0.40 iron. Lateral variation . - Table 1 and table 2 give the data on lateral varia- tion in trace and minor element content. Both samples of each pair came from the same bed but were taken some distance apart. However, each pair of sam- ples came from a different bed as described under "Deposits sampled." Samples 19 and 20, taken 50 feet apart, show reasonably good agree- ment. Sample 20 generally contains a somewhat greater percentage of trace and minor elements than sample 19 although sample 19 contains more boron and manganese than sample 20. Samples 40 and 41 were 175 feet apart. Sample 40 contains a greater percentage of all elements (except strontium) than sample 41. Samples 42 and 43 were 175 feet apart. The differences between sam- ples are not large except in the case of silver and boron. In general, sample 43 contains somewhat larger percentages of trace and minor elements than sample 42. Samples 60 and 61 were 100 feet apart. The percentages of all elements in sample 61 exceed those in sample 60, especially silver, copper, potassium, and sodium. Each of the two samples in the pairs 68-68A, 69-69A, and 76-76A were 300 feet apart. Although there is variation in content of trace and minor ele- ments in the two members of each pair, no member of any pair shows a great- er amount of all the elements. Of limestone samples 19 and 20 and 42 and 43, the higher numbered sample was the easternmost of each pair and was also generally the higher in trace and minor elements. This might be interpreted as indicating an east- ward increase in trace and minor element content in the deposit sampled. How- ever, samples 40 and 41 show the reverse of this trend. The data suggest that the lateral variations in the amounts of trace and minor elements are not neces- sarily consistent in direction in different beds. The similarity of the amount of strontium in all six samples is of interest. TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS Table 1. - Lateral Variation in Pairs of Samples, Each Pair from the Same Bed Sample No. Ag B Ba Cu Weight K percent Mn Na Ni Pb Sr Zn LIMESTONE 19 20 . 00009 .00015 .00033 .00029 .00074 .00078 . 00035 .00036 .042 .050 .13 .10 .021 .027 .00087 .00110 .00024 . 00030 .014 .016 n.d.* n.d. 40 41 . 00022 .00018 . 00066 .00033 .00140 . 00093 .00083 . 00058 .077 .060 .19 .13 .067 .045 .00200 .00130 .00051 .00037 .015 .015 n.d. n.d. 42 43 .00016 .00033 .00048 .00088 .00100 .00120 . 00074 .00071 .082 .089 .12 .14 .044 .054 .00150 .00130 .00031 .00038 .020 .016 n.d. n.d. 60 61 .00008 .00019 n.d. n.d. .0015 .0025 .00027 .00059 .78 1.46 .0037 .0051 .008 .049 .0014 .0023 .00012 .00021 .036 .039 .0047 .0075 DOLOMITE 68 68A - .0006 .0009 _ . 00034 .00043 .390 .282 .05 .05 .017 .012 .0024 .0022 .00019 .00006 _ n.d. n.d. 69 69A - .0007 .0009 _ .00014 . 00020 .482 .390 .04 .04 .016 .016 .0024 .0013 . 00007 .00006 _ n.d. n.d. 76 76A — .0016 .0011 - .00007 .00017 1.046 .746 .045 .044 .006 .007 .0020 .0028 .00015 .00020 - n.d. n.d. * n.d. - not detected. Co, As, Mo not detected in any samples. Table 2. - Percentage by Which the Larger of Any Pair of Values in Table 1 Exceeds the Smaller of the Pair Sample No. Ag B Ba Cu K Mn Na Ni Pb Sr 19 20 67 14 5 3 19 30 29 26 25 14 40 41 22 100 51 43 28 46 49 54 38 42 43 106 83 20 4 9 17 23 15 23 25 60 61 137 - 67 119 87 38 512 64 75 8 68 68A _ 50 _ 26 38 42 9 217 _ 69 69A - 29 - 43 24 85 17 _ 76 76A - 45 - 143 40 2 17 40 33 - 8 60 .032 Range Avg. . A STRONTIUM • .013-. 032 .0137 - .028 X .011 -.022 .0155 : .024 . 1- s UJ o UJ 0. .020 .016 " / \ \ \ \ \ V A - .012 - V i i i i i i i i i i 1 x'' > 1 1 1 I 1 - .0010 .0008 Z .0006 uj .0004 .0002 BORON Range Avg. • .00019 -.000110 .00055 x .OO025-.OO058 .00035 J I I L. _l_ J I I I I I L w" ; J I L Range Avg. .02700 • .00060 -.OOI3CX.02700) .00082 (without no.17; / .0( * .00062 -.0CH20 .00079 12 (without no.17; /\ 00228 with no.17) / « / \ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SAMPLE NUMBER Fig. 1. - Vertical variation in composition of samples taken 300 feet apart horizontally and at 1-foot vertical intervals from 18 feet of thin bedded limestone, deposit 1. For samples from top to bottom, read from left to right. TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS .55 |- .45 - .35 .25 .18 .16 .14 .12 .10 .08 i- .0004 - o= .0O02 - Range Avg. „ IRON ,x. • X7-.fi .34 _ - X \ X X X, / / 1 1 \ \ \ ;V x .29-.5I t \ t .\ .51 ,* ; - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 Range Avg. • .084 -.16 .12 P x .093- 17 .12 — - MANGANESE /\ ; - / \ / : A ' \ / / _ - x^X \ Ax' \ . / \ / - - •r "*"x X \ s x-— — x„ V x'\ / V x\ • V J >y "v-. / *x f.i \ - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i y i i i ~ LEAD Range Avg. • .00019 -.00046 .00026 x .00018 -.00039 .00025 Ronge Avg. .00075 -.00140 .00098 .00076-.00I20 .00096 .0004 r y .0002 - SILVER Ronge Avg. .00005 -J0002I .00012 00008-X300I9 .00012 .0016 - COPPER /\ l\ .0014 - J \ \ .0012 - . V^ \ 1 \ Range Avg. z .0010 /\sr V / \ • .00025-00170 .00085 UJ £ .0008 / > ^ %/ \ x .00025-00067 .00040 / \s \ t ~ .0006 .0004 .0002 i i i i i x i i i i i **' i i . ! I i • I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 x 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SAMPLE NUMBER Fig. 2. - Vertical variation in composition of samples taken 300 feet apart horizontally and at 1-foot vertical intervals from 18 feet of thin bedded limestone, deposit 1. For samples from top to bottom, read from left to right. 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY No over -all directional changes are evident in the dolomite samples 68, 68A, 69, &9A, 76 and 76A, although copper content is higher in the westernmost sample of each pair and potassium content in the easternmost. The consistency of the manganese content in each of the pairs separately and in the pairs togeth- er is striking. Additional light on lateral variation is shed by the data regarding sam- ples 1-18 and 21-38 shown in figures 1 and 2. Inasmuch as the samples repre- sented by the two curves are essentially stratigraphic equivalents, the lack of similarity between the curves indicates lateral variation in composition within a distance of 300 feet. The greatest lateral constancy of composition is shown by silver. Lead also is reasonably constant, and boron is reasonably so in the lower half of the strata sampled. The other curves show reasonable coincidence in places but differences, some of them considerable, at others. Table 3. - Averages for Samples from Deposit 1 Average , Element Samples 1 to 18 Ag .00012 B . 00055 Ba . 00228 Cu . 00085 Fe .34 K .50 Mn .12 Na . 024 Ni .00098 Pb . 00026 Sr .0173 Average , Samples 21 to 38 .00012 .00035 .00079 .00040 .38 .48 .12 .021 . 00096 . 00025 .0155 Percentage by which larger weight % is greater than smaller weight % Samples 1-18 21-38 57 189 113 14 2 4 12 12 Table 3 gives data on the average content of the two seis of samples from deposit 1. The close coincidence in the average amounts of a number of the elements in both sets of samples is noteworthy considering the vertical var- iations shown in figures 1 and 2. To what extent the situation is happenstance or truly characteristic of relatively pure limestone is not known. Nevertheless, other differences in the averages, such as those for boron, barium, and copper, indicate that lateral variation must be recognized as a distinct and significant factor in sampling limestone deposits for investigations of trace and minor ele- ment content. Vertical variations . - Figures 1 and 2 depict the vertical variations in trace and minor element content of two sets of 18 samples taken at 1-foot inter- vals from top to bottom of an 18-foot thickness of flat-lying limestone, deposit 1. Sample 1 is nearly the exact stratigraphic equivalent of sample 21, 11 of 31, and so on. The two sets of samples were from locations 300 feet apart in the quarry. All curves show considerable vertical variation in the amounts of the elements except the curves for silver and, to a lesser degree, lead. The copper TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS 11 .075 r IRON .025 .0075 r MANGANESE .00050 COPPER i I 1 L STRONTIUM .000100 r .00050 I ' 1 1 1 1 .0100 - SODIUM J I I .50 - POTASSIUM .30 66 SAMPLE NUMBER 62 63 64 65 66 Fig. 3. - Trace and minor element content of five samples taken at 2-foot vertical intervals from an 1 1 -foot limestone face. For samples from top to bottom, read from left to right. curve of samples 1 to 18 indicates great vertical variation in copper content. Lesser but considerable are the variations in the curves for samples 1 to 18 of potassium, sodium, barium, boron, strontium, and manganese. The curves of samples 21 to 38 generally show less vertical variation than the other curves but marked variations occur in the potassium and manganese curves. The vertical variations in the trace and minor element content of five samples, 62 to 66, taken from limestone deposit 2 are shown in figure 3. There is considerable variation in the amounts of all elements except lead and, to a lesser extent, iron and manganese. Figure 4 shows the compositional variations of 1 1 samples taken from a 24-foot thickness of dolomite. Composition is not vertically constant, nor does there appear to be a consistent relationship between increases and de- creases in the amounts of the various elements. 12 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CONSISTENCY IN AMOUNTS OF ELEMENTS Table 4 shows the difference in weight percent between the maximum and minimum amounts of various elements in the four sets of samples pre- viously mentioned. Computation of the range of trace and minor element content shows that the maximum percentage of a given element generally is double or triple the minimum percentage. Data for elements determined in all four sets of samples show that the maxi- mum potassium percentage is 2 or 3 times the potassium minimum; the maximum for iron, manganese, nickel, and lead was 2 or 3 times the minimum in three sets, but greater than 3 times in one set; copper and sodium are more variable than the other elements. Data for elements determined in three sets of samples show that the maxi- mum for strontium is 2 or less times the minimum; the maximum for boron is 2 or 3 times the minimum in two sets, and greater than 3 times in one set; silver and barium are more variable. EFFECT OF OVERBURDEN AND CLAY PARTINGS Quarry-face samples have certain inherent differences from the commercial grades of stone produced from the same face. The face samples do not ordinarily, and perhaps cannot, properly represent thin shale or clay partings along bedding planes or an unknown amount of contamin- ation from remnants of unremoved over- burden or other impurities that sometimes are unavoidably introduced into commer- cial stone during quarrying. For example, in a number of Illinois quarries working 10- to 20-foot deposits, face samples com- prised of pieces carefully taken at 1-foot Fig. 4. - Vertical variation in the composition i of 11 samples from 11 dolomite beds having £ a combined thickness of 24 feet. The spacing of the points on the curve is proportional to the thickness of the beds. For samples from top to bottom, read from left to right. 67 7b 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 SAMPLE NUMBER 50 100 150 inches Thickness Scale TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS 13 Table 4. - Difference betv »een Maximum anc 1 Minimum Percent^ ige of fclem< Percent by weight Element Samples 1-18 Samples 21- -38 Samples 62-66 Samples 6' Ag B Ba .00016 .00091 .02640 .00011 .00034 .00058 .00036 .00030 .00110 Cu Fe K .00145 .20 .065 .00042 .22 .042 .00042 .033 .16 .00041 .50 .739 Mn Na Ni .076 .043 . 00065 .077 .037 . 00044 .0025 .0095 .00117 .416 .010 .0035 Pb Sr . 00027 .019 .00021 .011 .00012 .012 .00046 or less vertical intervals almost always gave carbonate content figures 2 to 4 percent higher than did the commercial agricultural limestone produced from the same deposits. This is interpreted to mean that stripping was incomplete, other contamination occurred in quarrying, or clay partings in the deposit were not adequately sampled, possibly all three. It indicates a possible introduction of Z to 4 percent of materials which may be much higher in their trace element content than the quarry face samples, as is shown later. Table 5 gives the analysis of a mixture of incompletely removed clay overburden (Tr 44) and dust resulting from drilling, which ultimately would have been mixed with some of the crushed products from deposit 1. For com- parison, the average composition of the limestone deposit (samples 1-18 and 21-38) also is given. The overburden sample exceeds the average of the lime- stone samples in all the trace elements listed except manganese and strontium. The amount of boron, copper, iron, potassium, sodium, nickel, and lead in the overburden is five times or more greater than the amounts found in the lime- stone. Table 5 also indicates the composition of green shale (Tr 78) and gray shale (Tr 79) partings between the dolomite beds of deposit 3, and the average for 11 face samples taken from the same deposit (Tr 67-77). The clay samples consistently exceed the average of the dolomite by three times or more in boron, sodium, copper, iron, and potassium. The dolomite exceeds the clays only in its content of manganese. It is evident from the foregoing that overburden and clay partings may contribute to the trace element content of the output of a quarry and thus that they must be reckoned with in any sampling of a deposit for the purpose of deter- mining its trace element content or the trace element content of the commer- cial products made from the deposit. COMPARISON OF QUARRY SAMPLES AND COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS Table 6 gives analytical data on the average of the two sets of face sam- ples taken from deposit 1 and on a sample of agricultural limestone produced 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 5. - Comparison of Clayey Materials and Limestone and Dolomite Weight percent Deposit 1 Deposit 3 Ele- Glacial till & Avg. Composi- Green clay from Gray clay from Avg. Composi- ment drilling dust tion limestone bedding planes bedding planes tion limestone Tr 44 Tr 1-18 & 21-38 Tr 78 Tr 79 Tr 67-77 Ag .00023 .00012 - - - B .052 .00045 .0140 .0075 .0010 Ba .0021 .00154 - - - Co .001 n.d.* .002 .00057 n.d. Cu .0038 .00063 .0032 .00065 .00018 Fe 1.85 .34 3.70 2.3 .28 K 1.73 .049 6.56 4.02 .494 Mn .06 .12 .0093 .0047 .042 Mo n.d. n.d. .00037 .00041 n.d. Na .780 .023 .24 .12 .013 Ni .006 .00097 .0033 .0005 .0025 Pb .0022 .00026 - - .00022 Sr .0070 .0164 - - - Ti .i n.d. .23 .19 - V .005 n.d. .016 .0041 - Zn .05 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. * n.d. - not detected. Table 6. - Comparison of Face Samples and Commercial Products Element Avg. 2 sets of face samples (Tr 1-18 & 21-38) Agricultural limestone (Tr 47) Primary crusher product (Tr 46) Primary crusher product 2" hr. later than Tr 46 (Tr 48) Ag B Ba .00012 .00045 .00154 .00007 . 00045 .00082 .00010 .00076 .0013 .00012 .00052 .0011 Cu Fe K . 00063 .36 .049 .00034 .34 .046 .00042 .35 .083 .00070 .41 .078 Mn Na Ni .12 .022 .00097 .096 .017 .0010 .11 .041 .0013 .11 .037 .0014 Pb Sr .00026 .0164 .00022 .014 .00028 .016 .00031 .016 Co, Mo, Ti, V and Zn not detected. TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS 15 .00035 .00025 i '*, Copper f \ /\ Leod A / \ o / IW o Avg.^ N \ 4 1 1 * V V* 1 I V ^* - o 1 / o' \ / > / l< o t l 1 .00015 \ \ \ \ o-, "•*>' f 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 o- -,^*__»^ \Boron ^ 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 SAMPLE NUMBER Fig. 5. - Variations in composition of 18 samples of commercial agricultural limestone taken from the output of a dolomite quarry on as many days during a period of three weeks. 16 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY from the same deposit. Also shown are data on two samples, taken one-half hour apart, of the stone from the primary crusher. All samples were taken within a period of three hours so that they represent stone from essentially the same portion of the limestone being worked. The data for the agricultural limestone and the average of the two sets of face samples compare reasonably well from a practical standpoint. The amounts of some elements are almost the same in both analyses. The coinci- dence of the two analyses is rather remarkable in view of the variations be- tween the two sets of face samples that were averaged to give the data in the first column. In the two samples of the product of the primary crusher the amounts of most elements are in reasonable agreement, some of them surprisingly so. The same applies to a lesser extent to the crusher samples as compared to the face samples and the agricultural limestone. The foregoing data suggest that by taking enough sets of face samples from a restricted thickness of limestone, in this case 18 feet, data may be ob- tained that give a reasonable idea of the probable trace and minor element composition of the quarry products made from the same part of the deposit providing that stripping is clean. DAY-TO-DAY VARIATIONS FN COMPOSITION To determine the trace and minor element variation that may be present from day to day in the agricultural limestone produced from a quarry operat- ing a moderately high face, 18 samples of agricultural limestone were taken on separate days during a 27-day period. The deposit was dolomite. The re- sults of analyses of these samples are given in figure 5, and include data on silica and alumina. All curves show considerable variation except boron, with iron and manganese the next least variable. No attempt was made to determine compositional variations at different times during the day. Presumably these might vary according to the uniform- ity of the deposit and the number of shovels sending rock to the crusher. How- ever, the data in figure 5 suggest that a sample of agricultural limestone taken from current production on a given day from a moderately high quarry face is a doubtful basis upon which to try to establish dependable information on trace element content that can be considered valid for any appreciable period of time. There is a general similarity between the potassium, aluminum, and silicon curves, probably reflecting the presence of clay minerals, or perhaps potash feldspar, in the dolomite. The copper and lead curves, and to a lesser degree the iron and manganese curves, commonly fluctuate together, though not with the same amplitude. CONCLUSIONS The foregoing data may be summarized and tentative conclusions drawn as indicated below. The applicability of the conclusions to limestone and dolo- mite deposits in general is not known. The conclusions suggest, however, that there are many problems involved in the adequate sampling of limestone and dolomite deposits for the purpose of determining their trace and minor element content, and in the sampling of commercial products of a quarry to the same TRACE AND MINOR ELEMENTS 17 end. The conclusions below point out some of the pitfalls to be considered, and provide a preliminary basis for an evaluation of means to avoid them. Variation in Deposits 1. The individual beds in limestone and dolomite deposits vary appreci- ably in their trace and minor element content in relatively short horizontal dis- tances. 2. The trace and minor element content of the strata comprising lime- stone and dolomite deposits vary considerably from bed to bed vertically. 3. Clay or shale partings between the beds of a limestone or dolomite deposit, and clayey overburden or clayey quarry floor strata are likely to con- tain a greater percentage and possibly a greater variety of trace and minor ele- ments than do the limestone or dolomite beds, unless the stone is impure. Sampling Deposits 4. Careful sampling of a quarry face may be expected to give data that reasonably represent the composition of a limestone or dolomite deposit as it is exposed at the particular stage of development it is in when sampled. Sam- pling probably should include a series of samples taken at 1-foot or less inter- vals. It appears desirable to take several sets of such samples at different places in the quarry. The most informative and reliable data probably are to be expected from a sampling program in which the different lithographic units of a quarry face, or major units of different degrees of purity, are sampled in- dividually. 5. Special care should be exercised to include shale, clay partings, clay beds, or other impure layers in the samples, or to sample them separately, be- cause of their possible high content of trace and minor elements. Variation in Commercial Products 6. There is apt to be considerable day-to-day variation in the percent- age of various trace and minor elements in the agricultural limestone produced by a quarry unless the stone being worked has a greater vertical and lateral uniformity than the deposit investigated in this study. This may be less true for thin deposits than for thicker ones. 7. The possibility that the crushing and sizing of stones may cause a concentration of certain kinds of stones, for example softer, clayier stone, in certain commercial grades should be borne in mind in sampling commercial products and in attempts to relate information regarding the content of trace and minor elements in a deposit to their content in specific grades of stone. Sampling Commercial Products 8. A single sample of commercial agstone or .ther products of a quarry is likely to be of questionable value as a basis for obt. lining data regarding trace and minor element content that can be relied on to represent accurately the average output of the quarry, except possibly for a brief time. The trace and minor element content of samples taken at different times within the same day may vary, especially if the deposit being worked is not reasonably uniform lat- 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY erally and vertically. Probably this is especially so for large quarrying opera- tions in medium or thick deposits. 9. It seems possible that reasonably good data regarding the content of trace and minor elements in agstone may be obtained by multiple sampling. Multiple sampling may be achieved by taking from the daily production, over a period of 30 days, two or more equally sized samples weighing 5 or more pounds, and combining them into a single large sample that should be thoroughly mixed and quartered down to a size suitable for the analytical laboratory. 10. Sampling coarser quarry products may well follow the procedure mentioned above but larger samples should be taken in order to include a great- er number of pieces of stone in each sample. <£andof£vicofa/$ CIRCULAR 221 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA