Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/selectreadinglisOOpier A select reading list on California Compiled by Mary Turner Pierce Note. Excepting in the list of fiction the selection has been mainly limited to books and articles describing present conditions. D Indexes and catalogues consulted American catalogue. 1876-95. Annual American catalogue. 1896-97. Poole's index. 1882-92. "A. L. A. " index. A. L. I. index. 1892-96. Cumulative index. 1896-97. Dixson. Subject index to prose fiction; Bowker and lies. Books for girls and women. Oriswold. ITovels dealing with American life. Poore. :^escriptive catalogue of government publications. Ames. Comprehensive index of the publications of the U. S. govern ment. 1889-93. Crandall. Catalogue of the public documents of the 53rd Congress 9 (1) Maps and guides Eooks Rand McNally and Co*s new enlarged scale rail-road and county map of California., Chic. 1884, There are also good maps of Northern, Central and Southern California in Rand McHally and Co's atlases. Climatic map of California. San Pran. 1887. Published by the Southern Pacific R. R. Whi taker anrl Ray's map of California. Shows rail-road lines, county roads, land grants etc, Doxey's guide to San Francisco and the pleasure resorts of California. illus. maps. San Fran. 1897. Gotten up in attractive form and well il- lustrated. Periodical articles Relief map of the Pacific regions. (J. S. Hittel) Overland, new ser., vol.18, p. 144-50, Miip, with textual comments on (ae teorological features, etc. (2) :)escr ipt ion and travel Books Beyond the Rockies. (G. A. Stoddard) illus. N. Y. 1894. The story of a trip through the Southern and V/estern states. Has chapters on California. Grlimpses of three coasts. (H. H. Jackson) Bost. 1886 The first third of the book is devoted to Southern California and the California mis- sions. Part of the material appeared oirigiu ally in the Century, vol. 4 anu 5. Summer suns in the far West. (W. G. Blaikie) Lond. 1890. California from an iilnglish point of view. Across the plains. (]?. L. Stevenson) Y. 1892. Includes essays on the Chinese and Indians, San Francisco and Monterey. Mountains of California. (John Muir) illus. IJ. Y. 1894. Combines truthfulness of observation and beauty of expression. Periodical articles Camping out in California. (J. R. G. Hassard) illus. Century, vol. 11, p. 736-50. (3) Kxperionce of a camping party on Pine Mt. PicturesquG plant-life in California. (C. H. Shinn) ilLus. Century, vol.22, p. 834-45. Interesting to the horticulturist and botanist- Redwood logging camp, (Ernest Ingersoll) illus. Harper, vol.66, p. 193-210. Entertaining account of experiences. Wild flov/ers of the California alps. (B. F. Herrick) illus. Popular Science Mo., vol.51, p. 348-57. Study of the wild flowers of different seasons and localities. Earthquakes in California and elsewhere, (E. q. Holden) Overland, nev/ ser., vol. 11, p.o9-49. Observations made at Lick Observatory. Climat e Books Two health-seekers in Southern California, (N. A. Ed- v/ards and Beatrice Harraden) Phil. 1897. An unprejudiced study of the climate of Southern California. Mediterranean shores of America. (P, C, 7'emondino) illus, Phil. 1892. (4) Gives special attention to climate and health resorts , Periodical articles Wintering in California. (G. H. Shimi) illus. Outing, vol.15, p. 243-50, 352-60. V/inter health resorts all over California. Southern California revisited. (H. T. Finck) Nation, vol.57, p. 282-84. Tolls what are the most ideal resorts for summer and for winter. ijjfe in California Periodical articles Social changes in California.- (C. H. Shinn) Popular Science iMo. , vol.38, p. 794-803. Economic and educational progress and politi- cal retrogression. Real Utopias in the arid V/ost. (W. E. Smythe) Atlantic vol.79, p. 604-9. The socialistic side of California settlement colonies . (5) The California ranch. (2^^ G. Cummins) illus. Cosmopolitan, vol.4, p. 215-24. Stories and anecdotes of examples of this notable feature of California life. Western housekeeper and the Celestial. (May Hoskin) Lippincott, vol.59, p. 119-23, Trying and amusinij experiences with the heathen Chinee. Building and loan associations. (William Gorbin) illus Overland, nev/ ser., vol.29, p. 671-74. What they are doing in California. The good roads movement. (G. F. Johnson) illus. Overland, new ser., vol.29, p. 247-61, 442-54. The California Bureau of Highv/ays and its work. Education Books Story of the files. (E. S. ptummins ) illus. Chic. 1893. California writers and literature, past and present. Periodical articles (6) The new education in California. (G. D. Adsit) Education, vol.10, p. 118-26. Account of tho progress of manual training and the kindergarten in California schools. Schools of California. (M. L. Cheney) Overland, new ser., vol.12, p. 82-87. Carefully presented factfj and statistics. The university and practical life. (C. T. Hopkins) Overland, new ser., vol.19, p. 421-32. Estimate of the curriculums of the University of California and Leland Stanford Junior University. Literary development of California. (G. F. Athorton) Cosmopolitan, vol.10, p. 269-78. Several modern California writers and their work. Journalism in California. (M. H. do Young) Lippin- cott, vol.50, p. 566-71. Brief resume of California newspapers and their distinctive features. Agriculture Periodical articles (7) The conquest of arid America. (W. K. Smythc) illus. Century, vol.50, p. 85-99. Keviev/ of the work that irrigation has accomplished in the West. Co-operation among farmers. (S, F. Adaras ) Forum, vol.20, p. 364-76. Experiments of co-operation societies in California, -and their failures and sucesses. Agriculture as an occupation for women in California. Overland, new ser., vol.9, p. 652-58. Results of an investigation by a committee of college alumnae. Breadstuff s in California: production and trade. (Horace Davis) Journal of Political Econ. , vol.2, p. 517-35. Very careful study of the past and present of this branch of agriculture in California and outlook for the future. Fruit industry' in California. (C. H. Shinn) illus. Popular Science Mo., vol.44, p. 200-217. Its economic and practical aspects. Raisin industry in California. (J. T. Goodman) illus. Overland, nev/ ser., vol.19, p. 493-508. The progress of the industry, and methods of culture and curing. (8) California olive ranch. (E. Wallaco) illus. Overland^ new ser., vol, 21, p. 278-85. Methods and prospects in olive raising. Industries Periodical articles Our great Pacific commonwealth. (W. ?J. Smythe) Century, vol, 53, p. 300-307, A careful study of ultimate California, Labor in California? (C, 0, Plehn) Yale Review, vol.4, p. 409-25. Deals with present industrial conditions. Races and labor problems in California. (G. H. Fitch) Chautauquan, vol, 24, p. 427-32, Coraparitive estimate of the Chinese and European immigrants as laborers. Wine-growing in California. (William Roberts) Fort- nightly, vol.59, p, 394-403. Methods of wine-making and comparitive value of California wines. Upland pastures. (Ninetta Eames) illus. Cosmopol- itan, vol, 20, p. 513-29, The picturesue side of California sheep--^ยป--ncW\-ng . (9) Arcadian bee ranchin^j. (Ninetta Earaes) illus. Harper, vol.92, p. 509-18. Description of a typical Western apiary. California Indians and _the miss ions Books Native races of the Pacific coast. (H, H. Bancroft) 5 vol. Y. 1876. The standard work on the subject. Story of the old missions of California. (L. B. Powers) illus. San Fran. 1893. History of the missions, their present con- dition, and plea for their preservation. Periodical articles Among the old missions of California. (J. T. Connor) illus. Chautauquan, vol.22, p. 185-92, An entertaining description of California missions as they are. Missions and mission Indians of California. (H. W. Henshaw) illus. Popular Science Mo., vol.37, p. 465-85. Unfavorable view of the influence of the mission system on the Indian. (10) The California "Diggers". (M. L. Miller) illus. Popular Science Mo., vol.50, p. 201-14. Careful study of a tribe now disappearing. Northern California * Periodical articles Shasta of Siskiyou. (G. H. Shinn) illus. Outing, vol.17, p. 173-77, 252-53. Natural beaut/ on Shasta and in its vicinity. To Shasta's feet. (Ninetta Eames ) illus. Overland, new ser., vol.10, p. 561-76, and vol. 11, p. 1-22, Entertaining account of a climb up Shasta and a journey through the country and towns in its neighborhood. The redwood flora in April. (Carl Purdy) Garden and Forest, vol.9, p. 272-73. Flower-life in the woods round Mendocino. Ey northern rivers of California. (Uinetta Eames) illus. Overland, nev/ ser., vol.23, p. 225-40. The picturesque in the mountain streams of Northern California. The California lakes. (C. H. Shinn) illus. Overland, new ser., vol.18, p. 1-19. (li) A refutation of the idea that California has no lake regions. The Switzerland of California. (Stephen Power) Lakeside, vol.10, p.;639-45. Climatic advantages and scenic beauties of Lake County. Central California Books Bits of travel at home. (H. H. Jackson) Host. 1882. Has chapters on San Francisco, the Yosemite, e tc . In the heart of the Sierras. (J. M. Hutchings) illus. San Fran. 1897. A description of the Yosemite valley and the big trees. Periodical articles The city on the Golden Gate. (G. H. Fitch) illus. Chautauquan, vol.25, p. 659-68. Rather slight but entertaining account of San Francisco business and social life. Parks of San Francisco. (G. S. Greene) illus. Over- land, new ser., vol.17, p. 225-43. (12) Sketches of San Francisco's beautiful public grounds . San Francisco water-front. (G. S. Greene) illus. Overland, now ser., vol.19, p. 337-45, The picturesque in the oan Francisco harbor and docks. A nii_;ht in Chinatown. ((x. H. Fitch) illus. Cosmo- politan, vol.2, p. 349-58. The Chinese Quarter and the life of its inhab i tants , The Chinese drama. (F. J, Masters) illus. Chautau- quan, vol.21, p. 434-42. Includes an interesting account of the theatre*: in San Francisco. City of the oaks, (Cecil Hammerton) illus. Over- land, new ser,, vol.27, p. 674-704, Oakland and Alameda County. The college town of California. (F. E, Sheldon) Over- land, new ser., vol,?, p,581-91i Berkeley and its university. Wild gardens of the Sierra Nevada. (C. H. Shinn) Garden and Forest, vol.9, p,343. The beauty of the California mountains and (13) thoir vegetation. Treasures of the Yosemite. (John Muir) illus. Cen- tury, vol.18, p. 4 83-5 00. Valuable and entertaining. Camping tour to the Yosemite. (V/. Laidlaw) illus. Outlook, vol.56, p. 319-24. "Roughing it" in the Yosemite valley. Yosemite valley and the big trees. (Ronsvelle Wildman) illus. Overland, new ser., vol.28, p. 199-211. Interestingly written. Southern California Books Our Italy. (C. D. Warner) illus. Y. 1891. Much is said in praise and little in criticism of the American Italy and Mediterranean. Part of the material appeared originally in Harper, vol.81 and 82. A-birding on a bronco. (F. A. Merriam) illus. Best. 1896. Birds and their nests in Southern California. Southern California. (T. S. Van Dyke) {II, Y. 1886. The author is an authority on California. (14) California of the South. (Walter Lindley and ,T. B. =Vi(i-< ney) illus. IT. Y. 1889. The author's opinions on climate and healtri resorts are conservative and sound. Illustrated sketches of Death Valley, and other borax deserts of the Pacific coast. (J. K. Spears) illus Chic. 1892. Their features of romance and utility. All about Pasadena and its vivinity, (C. P, Holder) illus. Best. 1889. Climate, missions, trails and canons, fruits, flowers and game . Santa Barbara and around there. (Edwards Roberts) illus. Best. 1886. All that Mr. Roberts writes on California is careful and interesting. Periodical articles Impressions of Southern California. (Beatrice Harraden) Blackwoods, vol.161, p. 172-80. The author thinks that California must bo known before it can be loved. The Golden Hesperides. (C. D. Warner) Atlantic, vol. 61, p. 48-56. Southern California, its charms and its draw- backs . (15) Outdoor industries in Southern California. (H. H. Jackson) illus. Century, vol.4, p. 803-20. Considers the probable final effect of the climate on its industries and the people. Colony life in Southern California. (G. H. Fitch) illus. Cosmopolitan, vol.2, p. 151-58. Deals especially with Riverside and other colonies round Los Angeles. Forests of the California coast range. (P. M. Somers ) illus. Harper, vol.79, p. 652-60. Trees of the California coast from Shasta to Santa Monica. Explorations in the Sierra ?,Iadre . (C. Lurdioltz) illus. Scribner*s Mag., vol.10, p. 531-48. Its natural features, and its inhabitants, past and present. In the Sierra Madre with the punchers. Frederic Rem- ington) illus. Harper, vol.88, p. 350-57. Entertaining account of a hunting trip with cattlemen and Indian guides. Over the Santa Lucia. (M L. White) illus. Over- land, new ser., vol.20, p. 449-68. A drive over the mountains, and incidentally (16) a study of their Mexican inhabitants. Echoes in the City of the Angels. (H. H. Jackson) illus . Century , vol.5, p. 194-210, Los Angeles in the past and present. "La Fiesta" at Los Angeles. (H. G. Tinsley) illus. Illustrated American, vol.19, p. 692-94. Brief description of the brilliant carnival of 1896. Farm village in California. (W, C. Fitzsimmons) illus. Cosnopolitan, vol.13, p. 420-21. Riverside and its fruit industry. Autumn days in Ventura. (Ninetta Eames) illus. Over- land, new ser., vol.14, p. 561-80, and vol.15, p. 1-23. Includes an account of Caraulos, the home of "Romona" . Santa Barbara. (Edwards Roberts) illus. Overland, nev/ ser., vol.4, p. 569-75. In praise of the beauties of the town and its climate . Battle of Flov/ors at Santa Barbara. (Ronnsevelle Wildraan) illus. Overland, new ser., vol. 26, P. 50-63. (17) . Santa Barbara's "Fiesta". Across the Santa Barbara channel. (J. V/. Pewkes) American Naturalist, vol.23, p. 211-17, 387-94. Beauty in nature round the Santa Barbara coast and islands. An isle of summer. (D. C. Lockwood) illus. Illus- trated American, vol.20, p. 491-93. ' Santa Catalina Island and its attractions. Around San Diego Bay. (T. S. Van Dyke) illus. Over- land, nev/ ser., vol. 11, p. 113-22. The remarkable growth and development of San Diego, A partial list of f ict ion dealing wi th life in California The abandoned claim. (P. H. Loughead) Bost. 1891. Story of a farming enterptise in California undertaken by some children. Before the Gringo came. (G. F. Atherton) W. Y. 1894. Stories of California life beforci the Gringo, or American., came. Boy emigrants. (Noah Brooks) illus. IT. Y. 1891. A story for boys of the early overland travel- ers to California. (18) The cat and the cherub. (c. E. Fernald) N. Y. 1896. Amusing and clever tales of the San Francisco Chinese quarter. Came out originally in the Century, vol. 50-52. Counter-currents . (S. Weitzel) Bost. /889. A pleasant story of contemporaneous life. Danites in the Sierras. (Joaquin Miller) Chic. 1891. Morraonism in early California. Feud of Oakfield Creek. (Josiah Royce) Bost. 1887. A story of contemporary California. Forty-nine: the gold-seekers of the Sierras. (Joaquin Miller) Bost. 1884. Tale of love and adventure in the early mining days. Gabriel Conroy. (Bret Harts) illus. Y. 1876. The author was the first to celebrate the "forty-niners". The stories by him included here all deal with the pioneer period on the Pacific coast. Hilda Strafford. (Beatrice Harraden) illus. N. Y. 1897. A story of life on a lonely California ranch.. Appeared originally in Cosmopolitan, vol.20 and 21. Los Cerritos. (a. F. Atherton) N. Y. 1890. (19) "Los Cerritos" is an abandoned ranch in Calif- ornia, occupied by Mexican half-breed :3quat- ters. Luck of Roaring Gamp. (Bret Harte) Bost. 1894. Mrs. Skagg's husbands, and other sketches. (Bret Harte) Bost. 1872. Pasquita.the Indian heroine. (Joaquin Miller) illus, Hartford, 1881. A half-autobiographical story from the author* experiences of Indian life. Phillis of the Sierras; and. Drift-wood from Redwood Camp, (Bret Harte) Bost. 1888. Polly Oliver's problem. (K. D. Wiggin) illus. Bost. 1893. A charming story of a young girl*s career. Came out originally in St. Nicholas ^ ^^ol. to, Ramona. (H. H. Jackson) Bost. 1884. A tale of unjust treatment of the Indians "by the United States government. Rifle, rod and gun in California. (T. S. Van Dyke) N. Y. 1892. A sporting romance. Sappho of Green Springs. (Bret Harte) Bost. 1894. Silverado squatters. (R. L. Stevenson) Bost. 1895. Camping experiences in Napa Valley. Appear- (20) ed originally in the Century, vol.5. Stories of the foothills, (M. C. Graham) Bost. 1895. A record of the lives and doings of the poorer class of Californians settled around the foothills , A summer in a canon, (K. D. V/i/jgin) illus. Eost. 1890. Describes the life of a party of bright youn.:, people in a cainping trip in Southern California. Tales of the Argonauts, (Bret Harte) Bost. 1875. , i -