BY T. W. H. CROSLAND, AUTHOR OF “LITERARY PARABLES,” “OTHER PEOPLE’S WINGS,” ETC. : Bristol: J. W. Arrov^mith, n. Quay Street. London : Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Company Limited. All rights reserved. ' t All rights reserved PLEASANT ODES BY T. W. H. CROSLAND AUTHOR OF “LITERARY PARABLES,” “OTHER PEOPLE’S WINGS” ETC % BRISTOL J. W. Arrowsmith, ii Quay Street LONDON Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co. Limited 1900 .<=* ^ 4\a.a|S<4 CSV\* PLEASANT <1 ODES. CONTENTS. Page, Her Majesty the Queen 9 Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman ... ... 17 Lord Roberts... ... ... ... ... ... 27 Mr. Timothy Healy ... ... ... ... 39 Sir Redvers Buller 49 Mr. Arthur James Balfour ... ... ... 57 Mr. Rudyard Kipling ... ... ... ... 71 Dr. Leyds ... ... ... ... ... ... 79 Sir Edward Grey ... ... ... ... ... 91 Mr. W. B. Yeats ... ... ... ... ... 103 President Kruger ... ... ... ... ... 113 Mr. W. W. Astor 123 Commandant Cronje 133 The Clerk of the Weather 145 Several of the following pieces originally appeared in The Outlook , and are now reprinted by permission of the Editor of that journal. tbe Same Sutbor. LITERARY PARABLES. OTPIER PEOPLE’S WINGS. FIFTY FABLES. To Her Majesty the Queen . ii I. Madam, — My acquaintance among Queens is limited : I am fairly familiar With the late Laureate’s Queen o’ the May, mother ; Also, I have heard Of the Queen of Sheba, And Queen Elizabeth, And Queen Anne, And Queen cakes : But these are about all, Unless, For the sake of furnishing forth Another sparkling line Or two, We mention The Queen of hearts, And the Queen Of watering-places. 12 Pleasant Odes . II. Nevertheless, Having been born in your Majesty’s most excellent reign, Having been brought up in it, Having been married in it, Having spent a lot of money in it, Having done my best to render it a little more famous than I found it, And having, at sundry times and on divers occa- sions, nearly died in consequence, I feel that I may be excused If I indulge in an outburst Of unpremeditated, metrical loyalty. All the other poets have had a turn : Why not the present deponent ? To Her Majesty The Queen. To Her Majesty the Queen . 15 V. It occurs to me That, after perusing this ode, You will probably command me Into your august presence (Monday is my slack day). Were such a thing to happen, I should come, as in duty bound, Make my very best bow, And offer you my sincerest apologies. And if you were graciously to ask me What you could do for me, I should respectfully request To be sent back To the place from whence I came. To Her Majesty the Queen. *3 III. Do not be alarmed, 0 my liege Lady ! 1 am not going to attempt Uncouth rhymes for “Victoria,” I am not going to bid you “ hail ” In seventeen badly-constructed stanzas, Neither do I propose to dilate Upon your exceptional qualities of heart and mind, Nor upon the exceedingly able manner in which you have wielded the sceptre During the past sixty-three years. *4 Pleasant Odes . IV. Mine, Madam, is loyalty , The loyalty of the common subject ; It runs neither to protestation nor to slobber; It bares its head when the Queen goes by ; It bares its head when the band plays a certain tune ; It stands up at dinners, In Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Australasia, And says, “ The Queen ! ” and lifts its glass ; It stands up in less festive circumstances And says nothing, and takes whatever gruel may be stirring ; It expands its breast for a ball, Like the tenor in the opera ; And though they keep on shooting it down For two hundred and odd consecutive days, It is still there, and as ardent as ever : In fine, Madam, it is the loyalty •Of the Briton. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman . 19 I. My dear Sir H. C.-B., — When I behold you Trailing clouds of glory And fumbling for the next sentence, Or reading epigrams off a piece of paper, Or keeping up the Front-bench tradition With the assistance of a little Latin, Th’ unbidden tear Shines softly in both mine eyes — It does, really ! 20 Pleasant Odes . II. To be a leader of men Is (as you will admit, my dear Sir Henry) To be more or less great : On the other hand, To be the leader of a party, Especially when there is no particular party to lead, Is (as you will admit, my dear Sir Henry) To be more or less distinguished — It is , really ! Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman . 21 III. But speaking for myself, If I were leading a party (Even if it were only an excursion party), And it contained so many inharmonious elements As does your party, I ’m hanged if I would lead it — I am, really ! 22 Pleasant Odes . IV. That you should persist, That you should sit assiduously in your place, Patient, pathetic, uncomplaining, What time your nearest and dearest friends and supporters Give your position away to a winking Ministry, Speaks volumes for your sense of duty, Your sense of patriotism, Your sense of the sacrifices demanded from a successor of Gladstone, Palmerston, Peel, and the rest, Your extraordinary capacity for balancing your- self on the boniest of fences : (And your fence is a bony one, if ever a fence was bony — It is, really ! ) Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. 23 V. O, my dear Sir Henry, Nobody has greater respect for you than I have, Nobody sympathises with you more than I do, Nobody wishes you better wishes ! Will you be advised? Will you let me counsel you ? — I will do it free of charge ; And if you ever get a set of hints finer than the following, I should be much obliged if you would communi- cate with me — I should , really ! 24 Pleasant Odes. VI. Here you are : Hint No. i. Come off that fence! Hint No. 2. If the party don’t like it, never mind ! Hint No. 3. . . . On second thoughts, you had better send me the usual penny stamp, on receipt of which, I will forward you the balance of my superior hints by parcel post, I will , really ! Lord Roberts. Lord Roberts . 29 I. My dear Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar and Waterford, V.C., — There ’s a little red-faced man, Which is Bobs, Rides the tallest horse ” eh ? Well, I won’t if you had rather I wouldn’t : As a matter of fact, I forget the rest, And I can quite undei^tand That Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs, Bobs all the time as it were Does become a bit trying ; I also agree with you in the view That Kipling is a confounded But then, he is a poet, And so am I, So that we mustn’t be too hard on him. 30 Pleasant Odes . II. Besides being a poet, my dear Field-Marshal, I am a judge of most things, From cheap cigars to shorthorns, From pretty faces to gunpowder tea, And from infants’ socks to generals, And on the whole, sir, I am inclined to think That there is a certain amount of truth in the oft repeated statement That you Are A GENERAL. Lord Roberts . 3i III. Of course we have others — To be precise, one other — His name is Kitchener. Of him you know as much As I do : He appears to be a sort of contractor Who does things to time ; And as I never do things to time myself, I feel — if I may say so, dear Field-Marshal — That I like you More ’n I like him. 32 Pleasant Odes . IV. Howsomever It is not my intention, On this occasion, To draw invidious comparisons : My immediate business Is with you, And, by your kind leave, I will endeavour to get through with it Right away. Lord Roberts. 33 V. There can be no doubt That this South African row Is giving you an amount of pull in military affairs, Such as has not been enjoyed By any fighting person Since Wellington. The great British public Looks towards you Confidently ; It is you upon whom it depends For the prosecution Of the war to a successful issue (Or words to that effect). Not only so, But — unless I am hugely mistaken — It is on you That the great British public Will ultimately have to depend For the cleaning out Of certain of our army stables. 3 34 Pleasant Odes . VI. On this work You will probably be employed In the near future : That is to say, As soon as you have settled with Uncle Paul : Kitchener, of course, will help you, And I am writing to express the hope That, between you, You will do the job Once and for all, And with absolute Thoroughness. Lord Roberts. 35 VII. Don’t forget what I have said. 36 Pleasant Odes . VIII. Good-bye and good-luck ! Mr. Timothy M. Healy. Mr. Timothy M. Healy. 4i I. My dear Timothy, — To you, greeting ! Behold, I approach you with an ode ! Odes are not always the choicest of reading, acushla, But I can guarantee this one, Because ’tis myself that wrote it. 42 Pleasant Odes. II. Dear Timothy, What a man you are to be sure ! That hawk’s eye, That irate nostril, That implacable sneering lip, Those sarcastic teeth, That hiss, That look of tired bitterness ! — Who, becoming acquainted with these things, could forget them ? Who, understanding them, will not be moved ? (Sing, Muse, sing ! if ever you sang in your life !) The words in parentheses, Mr. Healy, Are not addressed to yourself, but to my Muse, Who, I am sorry to say, Has to be continually prodded To prevent her from stopping. Mr. Timothy M. Healy. 43 III. I sometimes think, O Timothy, That Erin must love you better than she loves anybody else in the House of Commons, Unless, mayhap, it be the Balfours ; For you have loved Erin With a love passing the love of woman, And you have hated — Jove, how you have hated ! I will back you to hate Against any man who fancies himself in the hating way On this sublunary planet : You hate, indeed, almost as hard as a woman. (Sing up, Muse, for Heaven’s sake !) 44 Pleasant Odes . IV. Singularly enough, O Timothy Michael mine, I have little to say to you : I might as well talk to the Hyrcanian lion, Or the crocodile of the Nile, Or a mad dog, Or Paulus Kruger, Rex. . . . There you are, with your love and your hate — More power to both of ’em, say I ; May your shadow never grow less, And may you live to a green and contentious old age! Mr. Timothy M. Healy. 45 V. All of which goes to show, Mr. Healy, That I am in the mood of the man who met with Napper Tandy And took him by the hand, Thereby setting a beautiful example For all Irish statesmen, Not to mention some English ones : For is it not kinder, pleasanter, And in every way more satisfactory To take a person by the hand Than by the throat ? I trow that it is, Timothy, And you trow, too, Timothy, In fact, we both trow, so to speak. (O, jade Muse, why this stumbling ?) 4 6 Pleasant Odes. VI. In conclusion, Mr. Healy, The Lady of whom we wot Has still a smile on her lip and a tear in her eye : Be it yours to consolidate that smile And to wipe away as much of that tear as possible : The nasty things you say at times Don’t appear, to me, to help much ; But — well, every man to his trade, you know ! (Muse, old girl, we are through !) Sir Redvers Buller. Sir Redvers Buller. 5 * I. My dear General Sir Redvers Henry Buller, P.C., G.C.B., K.C.M.G., V.C.,— When you see these touching lines You will probably ejaculate: “ Et Tu(gela ), Brute ! ” Yet be not perturbed, For there is precious little Brutus about me : In other words, I am neither an orator nor an assassin, But merely a poet Of 4.7 calibre, Like our mutual friend Mr. Gosse. 52 Pleasant Odes . II. Oftentimes during the present war, dear Genera], Have I thought that there must be a sort of affinity between your destiny and my destiny, And this chiefly because Retirement has always been a salient feature of my career. Before I made myself master of Fleet Street I was something in Surrey : To establish myself on the hither side of the Thames (Where most of the truly great newspapers are published) Became a passion with me : I tried all the drifts, Including Blackfriars, Waterloo, Hungerford, and Westminster, And every time (save the last time) I found myself compelled to fall back upon my base, Which I did in good order And without the loss of a pound of stores. Your last time of crossing the Tugela, dear General, Came in due time, Even as came my last time of crossing the Thames. Sir Redvers Butter. 53 III. And as for kopjes, You are more or less done with them : Albeit, there is no kopje in all South Africa Which is more acclivitous or fearfully fortified Than a kopje known to myself and our mutual friend Mr. Gosse As Parnassus ; Mr. Gosse and I Have been storming Parnassus Quite ten years — And we are only half-way up, even now. 54 Pleasant Odes . IV. Well, my dear General, Drake, he was a Devon man, And so are you : I feel that I ought to have been a Devon man, too, And then there would have been three of us. As it is, let me tell you frankly That I have ever had faith in you ; I believed all along that you would relieve Lady- smith In a thoroughly neat, able, and satisfactory manner ; I believed you had keys enough to fit any amount of locks, And I believed you would put the right key into the right lock sooner or later : Love laughs at locksmiths, So in the end did Buller — Whereupon we made a new proverb, To wit : — Buller laughs at Ladysmiths — Which was, I frankly admit, rather clumsy of us. Sir Redvers Buller. 55 V. And now All that remains to be done Is to create a new lord : “ Lord Buller who banged ’em ” Would sound very pretty, Wouldn’t it, now ? Ah, my dear General, A l sal vecht komen ; Be of good heart ! <*• Mr. Arthur James Balfour. Mr. Arthur James Balfour. 59 I. Dear Mr. Arthur James Balfour, I have been thinking about you ; And, between ourselves, I begin to incline to the opinion That you are Rather A notable Person. Co Pleasant Odes . II. Golf, people tell me, Is a great game : When I ask them why, They say : “ Well — er — well — You see — Mr. Balfour Plays it.” And then I say : “ Mr. Balfour, of course, Is not the only sensible man Who plays golf ? ” And they say : “ Oh, no.” Mr. Arthur Janies Balfour . 61 III. Now, Sir, Mr. Pinero Has lately demonstrated That a little logic goes a long way, And I, for one, Am prepared to argue That if golf be a great game Because Mr. Balfour plays it, Politics must also be a great game For precisely the same reason : Do you take me, Sir ? Or Do you not ? 62 Pleasant Odes . IV. Fortunately I have never myself Observed you In the act And process Of playing golf. I was once at North Berwick When you were doing it, But I declined to go and watch you, Because I felt That the spectacle Of a Minister of the Crown * And a philosopher Knocking a little ball about With the end of a stick Would not materially Edify me. Mr. Arthur James Balfour . 63 V. On the other hand, The pleasure of beholding you In the House of Commons Has been mine Many a time And oft. In that chamber Of oratorical horrors, Sir, You are, in a manner of speaking, One of the few objects Worth beholding And worth considering : You satisfy the eye With gracility (Gracility is one better than Rossetti’s “ gracile ”) And a talent for sitting on your shoulder-blades ; You satisfy the ear With an unobtrusive And slightly careless eloquence ; You satisfy what nowadays passes for the intellect, With a sort of affable reasonableness ; And you satisfy what may be termed the Parlia- mentary sense Because you play “ the game " skilfully and like a sportsman. 64 Pleasant Odes. VI. Sir, I have a high opinion of you. x:h hi. Mr. Arthur James Balfour. 6 5 VII. I used to be a Radical. 66 Pleasant Odes . VIII. I am a Radical sti)l : But if Arthur James Balfour Ever put up for the constituency in which I have the honour to reside, I should vote for Arthur James Balfour, And subscribe towards the Liberal or Radical candidate’s election expenses. Mr. Arthur James Balfour , 67 IX. Also, I am delighted to see you In the House O’ nights, And to note That you are looking Well and fit ; And as your wellness and fitness Are no doubt due To your golf-playing, I forgive you Your predilection In that direction (Who says I can’t rhyme ?). 68 Pleasant Odes . X. And now, my dear Mr. Balfour, In the parlance of the game that you love, We have “ holed the round.” \ Mr. Rudyard Kipling. Mr. Rudyard Kipling. 73 I. O Mr. Kipling, Mr. Rudyard Kipling, Dear Mr. Kipling, Hearken ere I die. For now the midday bustle Holds the street : The ’bus horse jibs The hansoms jingle past ; The p’liceman, With his shadow on the stone, Stands like a shadow Telling folks the time ; And there are many printers Out for Lunch. 74 Pleasant Odes . II. 0 Mr. Kipling, Mr. Rudyard Kipling, Dear Mr. Kipling, Hearken ere I die. Framed in a magic casement 1 can see A certain public-house ; Before it now {’Tis so, as I live!) A Roman matron turns The handle Of a patent Pianette — - Which instrument, Set on a decent car And fenced with felt To keep the weather off, Books very nice And very trim Indeed. Mr. Rudyard Kipling. 75 III. 0 Mr. Kipling, Mr. Rudyard Kipling, Dear Mr. Kipling, Hearken ere I die. What air is that The Roman woman flings Out of her instrument Into that public-house Over and over again, As if she liked it ? Ah, bad man , you know — You do you know — You know you know you do — It is the air Sir Arthur Sullivan made To fit those lovely verses About ssh ! We are observed ! ’Twere better not said out. So let us say Those verses that you writ On — well — 1 mean The ^*90,000 worth. 76 Pleasant Odes. IV. O Kipling, hear me yet before I die, Hear me, R. K., Hear me, for I will speak And fill five pages if I burst for it. What have you done ? What have you brought on us ? What yawp is this, of cooks and dukes and belt- ed earls, that several happy months agone Came wailing up From reedy Rottingdean ? And now is chained to all the pianettes, And all the bands, And all the musical Evenings at home ? Mr. Rudyard Kipling. 77 V. 0 Kipling, hear me yet before I die, Hear me, R. K., And do not laugh at me ; 1 will arise and go Unto my house, And, ere the stars come out, Talk with my wild young Missus ; for she says She never heard of Kipling, And is not Ashamed of the fact. Whether this be true I know not, But I know That wheresoe’er I am, By night and day, I ’m pretty tired Of Kipling. Dr. Leyds. Dr. Leyds. 81 I. Sir, — That is to say, your Excellency, — Of what are you a doctor ? and why are you excellent ? Eeally, truly, candidly, and without prejudice, And to provide a plain answer to a pair of plain questions, I do not know. 6 82 Pleasant Odes . II. On referring, however, To that Valhalla of undeparted greatness, Who's Who , I find you set forth pretty much as follows : — Dr. Leyds. 83 hi. Leyds, Willem Johannes , Minister Plenipotentiary Of the South African Republic Since 1898 : Born at Magelang, Java, 1859, Educated at Amsterdam University, Doctor of Law (cum laudej (Thanks, very much !) Attorney-General, South African Republic, 1884, Elected State Secretary, 1888, Justice of the Peace for the whole Republic, 1889, y (Just fancy !), Re-elected State Secretary, 1893 and 1897; Has written a book Called De rechtsgrond dev schadevergoeding voor pveventieve liechtenis (I beg that the printers will excuse me for quoting that title in full) ; Is the possessor of sundry recreations, Such, for example, As gymnastics, music, and art (Which hurt nobody). 8 4 Pleasant Odes. IV* The Editor of Who's Who , Who no doubt understands all about poets, Will, I am sure, pardon my attempt To infuse a little Attic grace Into his bald statement of facts ; And, that being taken for granted, I will proceed. Dr. Leyds. 85 V. Dr. Leyds, I am not going to abuse you, I am not going to throw mud at you, I am not even going to trouble you with words of wisdom, I (these capital I’s are getting rather thick !) I merely wish to point out, I merely wish to assure you (I think it desirable to assure you) That, on the whole, you are a thorough Javanese gentleman, And that one way and another — One way and another, mark me — You have been the saviour of the South African Republics. 86 Pleasant Odes . VI. For contact with you — Affording as it has done Opportunity for sizing you up, Opportunity for observing the integrity and straightforwardness of your methods — Appears to have convinced the diplomacy of Europe (Which Heaven bless !) That the South African Republics — Or at any rate the Governments thereof — Are not by any means so white, so innocent, and so lamblike As the genial Anglophobe would have us believe. Dr. Leyds. 87 VII. So that the diplomacy of Europe (Which Heaven bless, once more !) Finds that it can fight shy of intervention Without serious inconvenience to its conscience, And this, if I may say so, Is really charming of it* 88 Pleasant Odes . VIII. Go on, my dear Dr. Leyds, Keep on going on, as it were : I love you, I love you better than I love my brother (I haven’t got a brother, But never mind !) Dr. Leyds. 8g> IX. If you would kindly visit the United States And play your excellent, plenipotential, extra- ordinary Javanese game there, I should feel tremendously obliged, And you would be doing a distinct service To the Anglo-American Alliance (If there be such a thing). Sir Edward Grey. Sir Edward Grey. 93 I. My dear Sir Edward, — The copy-books beautifully remark : ’Tis an ill wind that blows nobody good,” And I think Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman’s cold, Which we all deplored, Has, on the whole, Been rather a good thing for you. 94 Pleasant Odes . II. “ Chance,” say the wise, “ Is a fine horse ; ” Some men can ride her, Some men can’t : You, Sir Edward, Are evidently an equestrian ; Your seat in the saddle At Nottingham Some months back Excited the admiration Of all beholders* Including the Daily News And Dr. Spence Watson — - “ Nay, do not blush, pretty one! ” Sir Edward Grey. 95 III. That last line, by the way — A really striking line, don’t you think ? — May be original, Or it may be “ lifted ” : I have a sort of recollection Of having seen it in print before, Hence its appearance between quotation marks : I am poor, but honest. Pleasant Odes .