PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY of FARMERS and BREEDERS Montgomery County, Illinois Published By PRAIRIE FARMER Illinois Oldest and - -* Farm f'aptr [ABLE DIRECTORY THIS BOOK BELONGS TO Russell Freemon Shelbyville, Illinois iR GAVE THE EAM PRODUCERS Us Tiat cow A FARMER said ^^ the other day, "I get three shots on my cows their cream, their calves and their manure. Oh, yes! I feed my hogs skim milk, and then I sell my cream weekly to Sugar Creek Creamery Co. "United States Food Administration License No. G-12992" FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY L. V. HILL, President ISAAC HILL, Vice-President [ J. A. SULLIVAN, Cashier State Bank of Taylor Springs Organized 1912 Incorporated 1917 Capital Stock $25,000.00 Conservative to the point of safety; liberal to the point of meeting any demand of our customers that will benefit them. We realize that 3'our prosperity is also ours; come in and let us talk over the problems in which we are both so vitally interested. DIRECTORS L. V. HILL. Hillsboro. AMOS FRAME, Hillsboro. JESS. O. BROWN, Hillsboro. M. ROSENFELD, Taylor Springs. TAYLOR SPRINGS T. H. KING, Hillsboro. W. E. BLACKWOOD, Hillsboro. W. T. SCHLUKEBIER, Hillsboro. GEO. DANCISAK, Taylor Springs. | ILLINOIS a B B B a^ FRANK I. CLOTFELTER Titan Tractor 10-20 Implements, Wagons, Tractors, Farm Seeds of all kinds, Cream Separators, Fencing, Pumps, Gaso- line and Kerosene Engines, Light- ning Rods, Buggies, Belting, Hog Troughs and Water Tanks, Barn Equipment, Manure Spreaders, Feed Grinders, Fertilizer Sowers. We sell and recommend the following Triple-G Goods: , Titan Tractors. ,1. H. C. Line of Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Hay Loaders. Weber Wagons. Sharpies Cream Separators. T. I. Case & Peru Plows. P. & O. and Oliver Tractor Plows. Osborn Discs and Harrows. C. B. & Q. Corn Planters. Deering Standard Twine. Emerson & Ohio Cultivators. American Fence. Can't-Sag Gates. I. H. C. Kerosene Engines. Deering Grain Binders and Mowers. Hayes Pumps. Quincy Electric Wheel Co. Trucks. I. H. C. Ensilage Cutters. We Specialize in all kinds of Repairs. Mutual Phone 85; Bell 228 HILLSBORO ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY DELCO-LIGHT- Electricity for every farm Safe, simple and convenient. Runs on kerosene or gasoline. Makes electricity cheapest of any farm plant sold. Any woman or child can operate Delco-Light. It is used in farm houses, halls, churches, stores, schools and garages. Furnishes power to run electric irons, washing machines, cream separa- tors, seed cleaners, milking machines, water pumps, churns, vacuum cleaners, grindstones, sausage grinders, and a hun- dred other pieces of light machinery around the farm and YOUR NEIGHBOR HAS DELCO-LIGHT Most of our sales have resulted from the fact that a neighbor has a plant and is well pleased with it. Below are a few of the users in this county and every one is a booster. Their experience will be yours. Talk the matter over with your neighbor and then call or write the dealer for demonstration and prices. A. H. Niemann.815 N. State St., Litchfield William Atterbury Hillsboro Herman Niemann Litchfield William Nobbe Farmersville John Whalen Farmersville Edw. F. Fuchs Farmersville A. White Farmersville T. P. Flood Farmersville Chris Miniken Farmersville Julius Boehme Litchfield Henry G. Gehner.... Mt. Olive Fred W. Mueller Litchfield Wm. H. Klekamp Litchfield Emil H. Niemann Litchfield Henry L. Sewing Litchfield Oscar Sutherland Atwater Walter Klaus Atwater Samuel Sorrels Raymond Blue Mound Church Raymond Otto King Raymond Bois-D-Arc Church Thomasville Wm. Eldred Thomasville Herman Schoper Thomasville Dr. J. B. Turner, Jr., Veterinary. . Butler J. B. Turner, Sr Butler Wm. Turner Butler Fred Lueker Mt. Olive James D. Perrings Farmersville Walshville Town 3 K. W. 110 Volt. . . Walshville tR. Grantham Butler yman Ware Butler H. S. Baker Butler Wm. H. Niemann Litchfield Caloris Glover ................. Harvel Others sold but not delivered at time of going to press. We handle a full line of fans, motors, irons, vacuum cleaners and other electrical accessories. House wiring done with neatness and dispatch. All kinds and sizes of National Mazda lampt, 32 or 110 Dayton, Delco and the New Delco Light Pre*. Sure Water System Pump* ALBERT H. NIEMANN Dealer ft^ASSrfiZ County Del-Home Light Co., 3317 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo., Distributor* FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY The Lansing Vitrified Tl C*l With the construction that's 116 OHO worthy of Vitrified Tile Built with the "Ship-Lap" joint tile twisted steel reinforcing continuous doorway equipped with dormer window, cone hiproof and steel chute fireproof. The "Climax" Ensilage Cutter Fill your silo in less time and with less trouble than any other cutter requiring the same power. ALBERT H. NIEMANN Dealer for Montgomery County 815 N. State St. Bell Phone 320-R; Mutual Phone 60-10 Litchfield, III Headquarters: J. M. Preston & Co., Lansing, Mich. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Q|[c!MSJii!Mi;!Ji3^ 1906 Built on The Rock 1918 .The Peoples National Bank of Hillsboro We feel we can offer to you the safest and most con- servative management of any funds intrusted to our care. Open an account with us and become one of our large family of depositors. We extend to the farmer every courtesy consistent with our safe banking methods. We are glad to talk over with you, the everyday banking problems which we all meet. Member Federal Reserve System 3% on Savings and Time Deposits Capital $60,000.00 Surplus $7,000.00 Officers J. M. Baker, President G. W. Grassel, Vice-President D. F. Brown, Cashier James A. Slater, Asst. Cashier c3Jii!JGMDM3I^^ 6 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY JllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuillltr 3Jntrobuctton IN this directory we have endeavored to give Montgom- ery county farmers a complete and reliable directory of the farmers, breeders and merchants of the county, with such other information as will make the directory a valuable reference book. The task of calling on every farmer in a county and collecting the information for such a directory is a tre- mendous one. We have received splendid co-operation from the farmers and business men of the county, without which the publication of such a directory would be impos- sible. In a very few cases we have found farmers unwilling to give the information requested, which accounts for a few names that do not appear. A few mistakes are bound to occur in a directory that involves so large an amount of work, but we have spared no effort or expense to make the information complete and accurate, and we believe that the mistakes are very few. We want to speak a word of appreciation for the ad- vertisers whose liberal support has helped materially to bear the heavy expense of publishing this directory, and ask that you favor them with your patronage whenever possible. We hope and believe that the publication of this direc- tory will be a real service to Montgomery county farmers and in line with PRAIRIE FARMER'S policy of service to the farmers of Illinois. We hope that the increased circulation of PRAIRIE FARMER in Montgomery county, which has resulted, will help in the movement for better farming, better farm living, and more prosperity for the county, and that our many new friends will become permanent members of the big PRAIRIE FARMER family. BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher, Prairie Farmer. rTllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh" 7 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Yield Better and Mature Well. I. LIPSHITZ & CO. NOKOMIS, ILL. Exclusive Ladies, Misses and Children's Ready to Wear Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Millinery, Furs, Waists, Corsets, Hosiery and Underwear. Reasonable prices and good dependable merchandise. We solicit your business. Phone Bell 233 You want corn that will give you the biggest yield and get ripe. That's what ours does. Send for Catalog of Pure-Bred Seed Corn. It's Free. E. G. Lewis Seed Co. Media, Illinois Seed Corn Breeders and Growers Witt's Newest and Most Progressive Dry Goods Store Specialists in Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Undermuslins, Underwear, Hosiery, Silks, Dress Goods, Table Linens, Curtains. First in Service, Courtesy, Efficiency, Quality, Style, Variety and Value. Complete Outfitters for the Children WITT ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARM ERS DIRECTORY Montgomery County, Illinois DIRECTORY OF THE FARMERS of Montgom- ery County, with valuable information about each farm. BREEDER'S DIRECTORY, giving full classified list of breeders of purebred livestock and poultry. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, giving list of all busi- ness houses in Montgomery County. Valuable statistics and general information. Copyright, 1918 By Prairie Farmer Publishing Company Compiled and Published by Prairie Farmer Publishing Company Chicago, Illinois PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Binder Troubles ana Adjustments By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois, in Prairie Farmer To have to await the services of an expert when every minute of the har- vest days is money is not only an ex- pensive practice, but in most cases is an unnecessary one if the operator will only use patience and good judg- ment and try to understand a few very simple principles of what seems a complicated machine. The purpose of this article is to aid the operator in his most common binder troubles. To cover the ground in the most log- ical and concise manner, let us con- sider troubles under the three general heads: general binder troubles, bind- er head troubles and knotter head troubles. Starting. If possible, start the new machine on a road or in a pasture before going into the grain field. Use plenty of kerosene and run the ma- chine empty for about five minutes, taking notice that every duct to bear- ings and every oil hole is open. Then apply lubricating oil. When you are readv to enter the grain with a new machine, raise the machine well up, tilt the platform forward; open the throat of the machine by throwing the butt adjuster forward and start in with about one-half of a full swath. After five minutes work the machine 4S ready for maximum results. If compelled to make a full swath at the start, cut the grain extra high. Never change the adjustment of a new binder head before going into the field. It may miss a few bundles at first, but do not adjust. Apply a lib- eral amount of coal oil to the knotter head and the trouble will usually dis- appear. New Machine Failing to Start. Oc- casionally a new machine fails to start due to some part sticking or catch- ing. Throw the binder out of gear and see that the bull wheel revolves without catching. Remove the eleva- tor chain and throw in gear. This will test the sickle. Next put- on ele- vator chain and throw off reel chains. This will test the rollers. Then con- nect and test the reel. This method will test one part at a time and should locate the trouble without difficulty. In testing out head for failure to re- volve, operate head by hand at back of machine through shaft which drives head from elevator chain. General Binder Troubles Chains. Undue wear in chains may be caused by the chain being run too tight or backwards. Run the chain with the hooks of the links leading and with the openings of the hooks out. The use of oil or grease on chains, if the binder is being run in a sandy country or under dusty con- ditions, is not to be recommended, for the oil will collect the fine parti- cles of grit and cause excessive wear. Under such conditions use dry graph- ite. Chain jumping is caused by the chain being too loose or by the sprocket being badly worn. If a worn sprocket is the cause for the trouble a new one will have to be supplied. Canvas Troubles. The creeping of canvases is caused by running them too loose or by the elevators not be- ing square. Test the elevators to see if they are square by means of meas- uring the diagonals, and then square by the special apparatus to be found for that purpose. Have the canvases of the same tightness on both sides. Canvases not elevating the grain may be caused by missing slats or loose canvases. Broken slats are gen- erally caused by the elevators not be- ing square, or by the canvases not being buckled evenly and thus the slat is forced to pass over the roller at an angle to it. Chewed slats may be caused by a projecting bolt or the canvas guides being out of shape. Heavy Draft. Heavy draft may be caused from lack of sufficient good lubricating oil, bull wheel being en- tered in quadrant wrong; chains, espe- cially main drive chain, being too tight; paint or varnish not being ^cut out of the bearings; or rollers binding. Apply lubricating oil to the bearings. Enter the bull wheel in the quadrant square. Have the proper tension in the chains. Coal oil will cut the paint 10 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY or varnish from bearing surfaces. When machine is empty, operator should be able to mov^ elevators by hand on elevator chain. Sidedraft. Sidedraft in a binder re- fers to such resistance of the platform end of the machine" as to cause a "dragging" of platform, and hence re- sults in a tendency to run the ma- chine into the grain. It may be caused by (a) grain wheel bearing too light; (b) grain wheel being out of proper adjustment; (c) sickle parts not cutting properly, resulting in a pulling off of stalks rather than cut- ting; (d) very light grain may give a condition where sidedraft is more no- ticeable, and (e^ a fast horse on the outside may lead the operator to be- lieve he has sidedraft. Remedies, (a) See that grain wheel revolves freely and perfectly on axle. If axle, bearings and wheel bell are badly worn, replace, (b) The inexpe- rienced operator cannot tell whether a grain wheel is aligned properly or not. It should lead gut of the grain slightly, and in case of poor align- ment here, an expert must be called, (c) Obvious, (d) Sidedraft here is an advantage rather than an objec- tion for it indicates the best construc- tion, (e) Put fast horse on inside. If difficulty is, experienced in get- ting far enough into the grain with a tongue truck attachment, make adjust- ments to increase the angle between the platform and tongue proper, i. e., without changing position of machine make adjustments to let horses away from grain slightly. If machine runs too far into grain, make adjustments to bring horses a little closer to grain line. These adjustments can be found between tongue and stub tongue on the McCormick and Milwaukee bind- ers, and in the truck axle braces on the Deering. If sufficient adjustment is not provided in the Deejing to per- mit a full swath, turn the tongue over. Badly Shaped Bundles in good grain are caused by improper manip- ulation of binder parts. Set the reel to strike straws about two inches be- low the heads. Run the butter as near at right angles to the rollers on tier shaft as possible, even if you have to sacrifice an inch or two in the position of the band on the bun- dle. Do not expect the butter to shove the straws down under the breast plate. Adjust the position of the head to bring the straws under the breast plate and then adjust the butter to smooth the butt of the bun- dle. In uneve^ grain the head, but- ter and reel must be shifted often to obtain the best results. In very short grain or in down grain leaning toward the elevators we have probably the worst conditions for good bundle making, especially for eight-foot bind- ers. First, do all possible to retard the heads by running the platform as level as possible and fllace a rope head-retarder across the platform, ty- ing the same to the outside divided frame. A rope head-retarder is often found to give better results than the retarding strap iron sent out with the machine, but if the latter is used, the operator will find that he gets very good results in retarding heads by bending up or crinkling the end of the strap iron. Throw the head as far forward as possible and run the butter as near perpendicular to the rollers as possible to still have the bundle se- curely tied. Tighten the front grain check. Badly Shaped Bundles in Long Tangled Grain can be remedied by loosening all grain checks slightly and by adjusting the head to tie a smaller, looser bundle. Getting Grain Down to Packers. Trouble is sometimes experienced in getting light, fluffy grain down to the oackers. See that the deck roller is working properly and lower the deck cover. Choking Down. Sometimes in heavy, fluffy and tangled grain, and often in flax, the head cannot dis- charge a bundle and is stopped by "choking." Adjust the head to tie a smaller, looser bundle, loosen all grain checks and loosen the tension on the compressor spring, which is the spring attached to the compres- sor rod. Bundles Too Loose or Too Tight. Tighten or loosen the trip spring shown in Illustration 1 and described below under "Binder Head Troubles." Do not attempt to make a tight bun- dle by tightening the twine tension on the twine can. The twine tension is not for the purpose of affecting the 11 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY TRIP SPRING STOP ARM. 006. tightness of bundles and if it is used for such purpose serious needle troubles will result. The twine ten- sion should be sufficiently tight to keep back slack in the twine between the can and needle. Bundles Too Large or Too Small. Move the compressor arm nearer or farther away from the needle. The compressor arm is that arm against which the bundle is formed and as it is moved in or out that space in which the bundle is formed is changed. Reel Troubles. Short oats is often the cause for considerable reel trouble, especially reel breakage on those ma- chines which have no outside reel support. The operator cutting short oats will necessarily have to tilt his platform well forward and run his reel low. This means that occasion- ally the reel slats will whip down onto the guards and result in broken parts. Farmers in some localities have solved this difficulty by tacking on to each reel slat a piece of heavy linoleum about six inches wide. The reel can then be run higher, for this extra piece on the slats serves ad- mirably to force the grain over onto the platform and at the same time is sufficiently flexible to give if the reel is whipped down on the guards. Binder Head Troubles Before taking up binder head trou- bles let us refer to the first illustra- tion and get clearly in mind the exact function of the oarts mentioned. Every operator is aware that his packer shaft revolves continually and that at certain moments it must drive the whole binder head while the bun- dle is being tied and cast. The dog, shown in the illustration, is that mechanism which throws the head in motion with the rest of the ma- chine, or it is that mechanism which momentarily engages the head with the continuous motion of the packers while the bundle is being tied. Suf- ficient pressure by the straw on the trip arm raises the stop arm, shown in the illustration, which allows the dog to be forced into the path of the continually revolving binder head driver. A little spring attached to the dog forces the doer into the path of this driver when the dog is released, and this same spring holds the dog in this path until the stop arm can drop back into place and force the dog back out of the way of the revolving drivers of the packer shaft. When the dog is thrown back out of the path of the binder head drivers, the motion in the head ceases and the dog, if properly working, must re- main engaged with the packer shaft until the discharge arms make a com- plete revolution. The continuity of motion in the head depends upon the dog. Discharge Arms Fail to Start or Fail to Revolve Completely. This is a dog trouble. See that the dog spring is in place and is of sufficient strength to hold the dog in the path of the binder head drivers when the dog is 12 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY released. See also that the striking faces of the dog and dog driver are not worn sufficiently to permit them to slip by one another. If the dis- charge arms revolve by jerks it is very probable that a worn condition in the striking faces is the cause. Discharge Arms Revolve Continu- ally. Before discussing this trouble a word should be said regarding timing. It will be noticed that every part of the binder head except the packers works at a certain moment in rela- tion to other parts The dog makes a certain number of revolutions before the stop arm is allowed to drop back into place to throw the dog out of engagement with the binder head drivers. Hence the relation between the stop arm and the dog is a set relation maintained through beveled gears. If for any reason these gears are separated and not put back in the original definite relation to each other, the head is said to be out of time. This means that the stop arm would not be in place at the proper moment to throw the dog out of en- gagement and a second revolution of the discharge arm immediately fol- lows the first. The timing principle holds true in all makes of heads and is obtained in a way more or less common in all types, though the mechanism will vary to some degree in its shape and position. If the dis- charge arms revolve continually the head may be out of time or the stoi arm face may be so badly worn that it allows the dog to slip by when the two come together. If the machine is out of time, i. e., if the stop arm is not in place to throw the dog out in the proper time, time the head by properly meshing the beveled gears between the packer shaft and the binder head counter shaft which runs up to drive the tier shaft. If the striking faces between the dog and the stop arm are so worn that they slip by one another, file the faces to their original form. If this allows too much play or looseness in the dog (which can be tested by taking hold of the discharge arms to deter- mine whether they are tight or loose) a new dog or perhaps a new stop arm must be purchased. Some ma- chines permit lengthening of the stop arm. Look for such adjustment and use same to hold the dog back tighter. Casting Very Small Bundles. There are two causes for this trouble. The dog may not be thrown out at the proper time, and the remedy for such a condition has been just stated above. Small bundles often appear in badly tangled grain when the case bundle is not cleaned from the machine and its weight trips the head again immedi- ately and a small bundle is cast which seems to be really a part of the first. Manipulate the machine to make a clean bundle, loosen the grain checks, adjust the trip spring to tie a looser bundle and adjust the compressor arm to tie a smaller bundle. . Discharge Arms Not Set Tight, or Dog Drive Strikes Dog. Usually these two conditions accompany one another and are due to extreme wear in gears and dog, or tier shaft lock may have become loosened. The tier shaft lock is usually a little dog working behind the tier shaft cam wheel at the end of the tier shaft. It holds the discharge arms in place when they are at rest. Examine your binder head for this mechanism and if it can be adjusted usually the trouble can be remedied by such ad- justment. If the cam track in tier shaft cam wheel acts as the lock, new parts may have to be added to relieve badly worn conditions, but this will not necessarily remedy the striking between dog and driver. If head is very badly worn and all gear- ing has considerable play, the dog may be advanced one cog which will bring the head into better time. Great care must be used in doing this, how- ever, for it often happens that a head so treated will work perfectly when operated by hand, but when driven by_the packer shaft under actual con- ditions the tier shaft is not compelled to complete its revolution and this is not "driven home" and locked. This will then result in the discharge arms dropping down and in greater inter- ference between dog and driver. It is sometimes found necessary to re- place badly worn gears, in order to entirely eliminate this trouble. Knotter Head Troubles All binders are very similar. They combine the same principles, and al- though the detail of the mechanism may differ somewhat, still for every vital part on one make of machine 13 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY KNOTTED BILLS , V DISC there can be found on each other tnachine a part similar in function, very similar in shape, and often very similar in position. This is particu- larly true in the knotter head or that portion of the binder head which ties the knot. In discussing these troubles then, let us bear in mind that every make of binder has in some form each part shown in the second illus- tration, and that the functions of these parts are the same though the position and shape may vary slightly. The disc is that part which holds the end of the twine while the bundle is being formed. The bills, also shown in the illustration, are those parts which tie the knot. It is the function of the needle to bring up the needle end of the band, place it over the bills and into the disc where the disc catches it and securely holds both ends. The bills then revolve, forming a loop about themselves, and after revolving part way they open, seize both ends of the band, as shown in the illustration, and hold the ends of the band while the stripper arm pulls the loop off the bills hence the ends of the band are pulled through the loop and the knot is tied. If these operations are kept clearly in mind .the operator will find his tying trou- bles greatly simplified. Each operator should be able to tell just where his trouble lies by ex- amining the failing band and noting where it is found. In the third illustration, Figure 1 found clinging to the bills with the simple knot tied around the bills and the loose end cut square and smooth, indicates that the disc spring is too loose and the twine tension is too tight. The same band found cast with the bundle instead of clinging to the bills would indicate that the disc is but slightly loose, yet too loose. The band indicating such trouble is shown in Fig 2. Fig. 3 found clinging to the bills 14 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY but t with the free end crushed and ragged indicates that the disc is too tight and that the twine tension is also too tight. Fig. 4 found cast with the bundle instead of on the bills indicates that the twine tension is perfect but that the disc is slightly too tight. Fig. 5 found with the cast bundle .and with both ends crushed and ragged indicates that the disc is very tight. Notice the bent crinkled ends in Fig. 6 and that the band is formed with the bundle. The ends have been in the knot but have pulled out. The bills may be too loose or the "hump" on the underside of the upper bill may be worn away sufficiently so that the bills cannot hold the ends of the band securely enough when the loop is pulled off. This probably has caused a loose knot which pulled out when the bundle spread. If the bills are too loose tighten the bills spring. If the little "hump" is worn away file away a little of the stock behind the hump, using a rat-tail file. Fig. 8 is the familiar band which seems to be tied perfectly when the bundle is first cast, but when the shocker grasps the bundle the band gives way and appears as shown. If the disc is at the proper tension, then the trouble is probably that the bills do not ooen wide enough to grasp both ends of the twine in the disc. If the bills cam roller on the back of the upper bill is worn one-sided, sup- ply new parts. If the whole bills shaft has dropped down due to wear below the bills, pinion gear, place a very thin washer under pinion to bring the bills up against the knotter head frame where they belong. It sometimes happens that a very loose twine tension allows sufficient slack in the twine to arch slightly over the bills instead of being pulled down tightly over them. The upper bill will then nose in between the bands' ends instead of grasping both of them and a simple 1 slip knot is tied instead of a hard knot. Fig. 9 indicates a needle trouble. For some reason the needle has not placed the twine in the disc. Most likely the needle has carried up some green stuff of some kind which mo- mentarily clogs the disc. If this band occurs frequently, however, then prob- ably the eye of the needle has be- come so badly worn back, due to too tight a tension, that the needle can not advance far enough to place the twine in the disc. The needle should advande until it just barely touches the stripper or breast plate. If it does not advance that far it is prob- ably slow and the needle pitman should be shortened slightly. Make all binder head and knotter head adjustments gradually. A quar- ter of a turn of the studs on the disc and knotter bills springs is ample to remedy most troubles in those parts. 15 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Corn Planter Adjustments By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois, in Prairie Farmer Not all of our implement troubles are to be found in the plow or in the binder. The corn planter has troubles of its own, and it is the purpose of this article to discuss some of the corn planter principles and troubles that are often misunderstood. Accuracy in Drop Some corn growers say that accu- racy of drop is not an important fac- tor with them because two kernels in one hill and four in the next gives an average of three kernels per hill and that is the number desired. The fallacy of this statement is very ap- parent when we stop to consider that in such planting we have not the de- sired three kernels in either hill; and if the soil is three-kernel soil, two kernels per hill are too few while four kernels are too many. The result is probably a loss in each hill. A certain soil may give the best yield with either two, three or four kernels per hill, but after it has been ascertained which number of kernels is best every effort should be made to secure that number in each hill where the soil conditions remain constant. The variable drop devices on planters afford ample opportunity to shift from two to three or from three to four kernels per hill as the soil conditions through the row may demand, but the advisability of permitting inaccuracy in drop from hill to hill is question- able. The first two requisites for accu- racy in drop are (a) seed of uniform size, and (b) the selection of the proper seed plate. Hand tipped and butted corn or machine sorted corn will give seed as uniform in shape and size of kernel as is practical, but unsorted seed may be relied upon to cause inaccurate dropping. Testing out the planter to make sure that the proper plate is used is to be strongly advocated. Last year's plate may not be the best one for this year's seed, for if there is a slight difference in the average size of ker- nels between the two years, a corre- sponding change may be necessary in the size of the seed pits in the plate used. The following table taken from laboratory tests shows the danger of carelessness in selecting the seed plate. The planter was set to drop three-kernel hills, and the plates "small" and "large" were plates next size smaller and next size larger than the proper or right sized plate found. Right Small sized Large plate plate plate Per cent of blank hill 9.34 .00 .00, Per cent of hills containing 1 kernel 29.36 .26 .28 Per cent of hills containing 2 kernels 37.54 8.66 5.3 Per cent of hills containing 3 kernels 20.48 88.12 81.28 Per cent of hills containing 4 kernels 2.66 2.84 11.48 Per cent of hills containing 5 kernels 62 .12 1.66 These figures tend to show that a slight mistake in plate selection may lead to a direct loss in stand. There may be but a very slight difference between two pairs of plates so slight perhaps that we can not detect the difference by eye but a test of the two pairs will quickly show that one of those pairs means a good drop while the other pair is dangerous and its use should be avoided. Testing can be done when time at the barn permits and will not only mean a sav- ing of time in the field but will also enable the operator to avoid a mis- take before it is too late. Each operator will have his own method of testing out the planter but he should heed these three rules: (1) Let each test consist of at least SO or 60 hills; (2) run the planter parts at field speed; (3) do not give up until the best plate is found. Probably the quickest way to test is to run the planter in the farm yard, providing the chickens do not get the corn be- fore we can count it. Rainy day test- ing on .the barn floor is a little more troublesome but can be very success- fully accomplished by two persons as follows: Jack the planter up over a blanket stretched tight on the floor so that the furrow openers will be about three inches above the blanket when 16 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY the depth lever is thrown forward. One man can then turn the drive wheel, trip the check arm and call out the number of kernels dropped, while the second person records the count. After each hill is dropped the kernels are brushed away by foot of the man turning the drive wheel. Glancing at the drop without recording the count simplifies the process but it is not an accurate method and should be avoided when possible. Accuracy of drop may be secured further by keeping the seed hoppers at least half full at all times. Blank Hills at the Ends of Rows Accuracy of drop depends also to some extent upon the speed of the valve. It sometimes happens that at one end of the row we will happen to stop the team just as the button on the check wire has begun to force the check arm. The valves work so slowly at such a time or stop at such a point that in some planters the seed at the top of the boot drops clear through to the ground instead of be- ing intercepted at the bottom of the boot. Two hills drop at once, then, and when we have turned around there are no kernels at the lower valve ready for the first hill on the return trip. On some planters we may overcome the difficulty by foot dropping one hill while the team is turning. On other planters the only remedy is to stop sooner at the end of the row or to drive ahead at usual speed until the wire has released the check arm. Accuracy in Check Considerable attention is usually given to securing accurate checking, but a word regarding the adjustment will not be amiss. Accurate checking means possibility of closer cultivation and less loss by cultivating out hills. The manufacturer has found that un- der usual conditions the check wire will travel from one to three inches across the field, and inasmuch as the slack will always be ahead of the machine, he designs his planter to drop the hill at a distance behind the button equal to one-half the travel. On the return trip the hill is again dropped behind the button and thus the hills should check in spite of the wire travel. It can readily be seen then that if our shoes or furrow openers are dropping nearer to or farther away from the button than half the wire travel, our system for securing good checking will be materially interfered with and adjustments must be made at A in Fig. 1. This tongue adjustment will vary on the different makes of planters. On some it is at the rear end of the tongue, but it will be found on all the popular makes. As a rule the front frame of the planter should be run level, and it can be so run with a properly drawn check wire. But different ten- sions on the wire drawn by different drivers may necessitate throwing the front frame slightly out of a horizon- tal position. If the planter drops too close to the button, make such tongue adjustment as will drop the furrow openers back a little toward the wheels. To some extent tightening the check wire will accomplish the same result in the check. Forcing the furrow open- ers a little ahead by means of the tongue adjustment will cause the hill Fig. 1. Tongue Adjustment to Secure Accurate Checking 17 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY A Spread Check Fork May Cause Stringing to be dropped A little close to the but- ton, or having the check wire a little more slack will have the same result in the check. In testing for accuracy of check by digging up hills, select hills pretty close behind the planter. Ad- justing the neckyoke straps will also affect the check. The adjustment shown in Fig. 1 is also a means of maintaining a good check when differ- ent heights of teams are used and when the difference cannot be compensated for by adjusting the neckyoke straps. Uniform tension in the check wire must be maintained if accurate check- ing is to result. Some drivers even go so far as to make allowance for the expansion and contraction of the check wire due to varying temperature from day to day, but this is getting too par- ticular to be practical. It is practical, however, where planting is being done up and down a slope, to pull the wire tighter when setting the high stake. Uniform Depth of Planting In planting over a rough field, a more uniform depth can often be se- cured by floating the furrow openers, but when this is done the operator should keep the openers under foot control so that the shoes may be forced to their depth in dry spots and kept from planting too deep in moist, soft spots. There are a number of shoe gauges now on the market which attach to shoes to insure uniform depth when floating is desirable. Such attachments should prove valuable if properly used where the conditions demand. String- ing of the hill may be caused by (a) dirt in the boot, and (b) by a spread check arm. Trouble from the first cause will probably be due to the team having set back on the planter while the shoes were still in the ground. Clean out the boot bottom thoroughly and the rest of the remedy is obvious. 18 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Trouble (b) is less easily detected. If the check arm is spread as is shown at B in Fig. 2, the wire button will let go of the check arm before the valves have been forced wide open, to the re- sult that the kernels will be strung out in the row rather than being dropped well together. By means of a ham- mer, drive the arm halves together to their original position, but in so doing care must be taken not to get the halves so closely together that binding of the wire will result. The check arm halves can be left straight as shown at A in Fig. 2. Some opera- tors find that stringing is due to a bad- ly worn shoe. If this is determined to be the cause, new parts must usually be supplied. Clutch Troubles Clutches on the various planters differ so widely in design that no spe- cific rules can be given that would apply to all makes. Failure of the clutch to grip or release can often be overcome by thoroughly cleaning the parts, and if the striking forces are worn round, new parts may have to be secured. On most planters this means but slight expense and a little patience. Timing the Plate Rims Breakage may necessitate removal of the rim which drives the plate. This rim is timed with the pinion on the shaft which drives the plates from the clutch, and when the rim is replaced on the machine the "time" must be re- established. If the plate rim is out of time with the pinion, inaccuracy will result because the plate itself will not stop at the proper time. On some machines the cog teeth of the rim and pinion are so marked or constructed that it is very easy to ascertain the proper relation between the two castings. Before removing the rim the operator should carefully seek any such guides so that he may know just how to replace the parts. If no guide is found on the arm and on the shaft pinion, make a mark on each by means of a cold chisel, and then in replacing parts bring these two marks into the same relation to each other as at first. It sometimes happens that after replacing a rim or adding a new one, it breaks as soon as it revolves. This is due to non-timing. The question is often asked : "Is the disc furrow opener preferable to the ordinary shoe runner?" The sin- gle disc opener has better penetration than the shoe and will cut through trash to better advantage, but it throws the soil to one side and cover- ing is made more difficult. The dou- ble disc has less penetrating ability than the single disc, but covering can be more easily accomplished after it. In hard, thrashy ground, then, the disc opener should prove preferable to the shoe opener, but in a well pre- pared seed bed, well free from surface trash, the shoe is strongly advocated because of its simplicity. The planter with disc openers cannot be consid- ered a heavy draft implement, but the discs carry bearings which must work in soil and one may always expect trouble with such a combination. MRS. LENA STEVENSON MANN Household Editor of Prairie Farmer 19 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Livestock Farmer s Medicine Chest By Dr. A. S. Alexander, in Prairie Farmer When a farmer can employ a com- petent graduate veterinarian at rea- sonable expense it always is best to do so, and in all serious cases such expert help should be used even if the expense will be considerable. Un- fortunately it is not always possible to find such an expert or he may live at such a distance that an ordinary or trivial case will not warrant the ex- pense of his employment, or the near- est veterinarian may not be a properly qualified practitioner, or is one in whom the stockman has no confidence. For these reasons every owner of animals should keep some simple remedies on hand, and these are nec- essary even on farms where profes- sional assistance can readily be had. It should be understood, however, that the untrained farmer should not attempt the administration of strong poisons, alkaloids and many prepara- tions used hypodermically by a gradu- ate veterinarian. Such preparations are extremely dangerous in the hands of the layman and are liable to do much more harm than good. The trained surgeon also should be de- pended upon for all major operations. A cupboard may be set apart for storing medicines in a cool, dry place and where freezing will not occur in winter. A glass graduate and scales will be necessary for measuring and weighing medicines. Powdered drugs should be kept in tightly closed glass fruit jars and should be plainly labeled. They may soon lose their strength if exposed to the air. Poisons should be kept on a separate part of a shelf partitioned off for the purpose and away from simple, harmless drugs. Ointments, with the exception of fly blister, should be made up fresh at time of use. Liniment may be pre- pared and kept indefinitely if well corked. The medicine case should also have a special division in which to keep a few instruments, bandages, suture silk and absorbent cotton ; or better still, these may be kept in a handbag for immediate use as required. The emergency bag should contain a roll of absorbent cotton, several rolle three-yard bandages of unbleache muslin in strips three inches wide, pound or two of oakum, a spool c strong suture silk, half a dozen sutui needles of assorted shapes and size most of them large; a half-ounc short-barreled, strong-nozzled hai rubber syringe, a two-ounce met; syringe, a cow trocar and canula f< tapping a bloated animal, a pair < curved shears, a combination opera ing knife containing a curved bistour a probe pointed bistoury and a stror straight scalpel, a few milking tub< and a teat bistoury, an artery forcep metal probe, castrating knife and pa of horse clippers. These will suffice, but there a: many other useful instruments sue as a clinical thermometer, horse tr car, catheter and dentistry "float which may be added from time time. Some of the medicines to 1 listed later may also have a place the emergency kit or bag, notab those needed for the treatment i wounds, and at hand should be strong quart drenching bottle and t< feet of quarter-inch cotton rope wi which to hold up a horse's head f< drenching. A veterinary force pun is added on a large farm, but its pla> may be taken by three feet of ne lawn sprinkling hose fitted with large tin funnel. This is used to gr a horse or cow a rectal injectio There should also be a six-foot pie of new half-inch rubber tubing fi use in giving a cow or mare a vagin injection. Simple necessary medicines mi best be listed under the following sp cial heads: Physics Epsom and Glauber Salts. Averaj dose for an adult cow, one pound three pints of warm water. Dose fi a horse, 12 ounces. Castor Oil. Especially useful f< young animals. Dose for a calf < foal, from 1 to 6 tablespoons ful sha en up in milk. 20 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Raw Linsed Oil (not boiled, which is poisonous). Average dose, one pint for constipation and to follow a dose of colic medicine, or contain medicine for colic. Barbados Aloes (freshly powdered). Average dose, one ounce, to be given to an adult horse as a "physic ball." Wound Medicines Keep in stock one pint each of car- bolic acid and coal tar disinfectant and a gallon can of the latter for dipping and disinfecting purposes. .Two tea- spoonfuls to a pint of water ordinarily makes a sufficiently strong solution. Bleeding is stopped by applying Mon- sel's solution of iron on oakum or cotton batting, or applying Monsel's powder. As a wound lotion also keep on hand a mixture of one ounce of sugar of lead and six drams of sul- phate of zinc in one pint of water. This is called "white lotion" and should be plainly labeled "poison" and well shaken before use. Dusting Powders A dusting powder of equal parts of slacked lime, charcoal and sulphur is useful for application to surface wounds and sores. Boracic acid also is needed and a little iodoform may be added to keep flies away. Liniments Keep on hand a pint (pound) each of turpentine and aqua ammonia. One ounce each of these mixed with a pint of soft water, in which two raw eggs have been shaken up and the mixture left for 24 hours, will make a good stimulating liniment; or one ounce of each may be mixed with 6 to 14 ounces of raw linseed oil to make a very strong or comparatively mild liniment. Lotions "White lotion" for wounds has al- ready been mentioned. Equal quan- tities of lime water and raw linseed oil make "carron oil," an excellent lotion for burns. Two to four ounces of Goulard's extract and one to two ounces of glycerine in one quart of soft water form a useful lotion for scratches and mud fever of itchiness and "gumminess" of the legs. A good lotion for inflammation of the udder is made by mixing together one part each of fluid extracts of poke root and belladonna leaves and one part of tur- pentine with five parts of sweet oil, melted lard or camphorated oil. It is made weaker or stronger as required. Anodyne lotion for painful swellings is made by combining equal quantities of tincture of opium, aconite, bella-. donna and druggists' soap liniment. A small quantity of chloroform may be added. Mouth lotion consists of an ounce of powdered borax or alum in a quart of soft water; eye lotion of half a dram each of sulphate of zinc and fluid extract of belladonna in a quart of soft water. Tonics Fowler's solution of arsenic is a good general tonic for rundown, thin, hidebound horses and those afflicted with chronic skin diseases or heaves (broken wind). The average dose is half an ounce (one ^ tablespoon ful) given night and morning until one quart has been given. The medicine may then be gradually discontinued, taking at least a week to the work. Dried sulphate of iron (copperas), dose one dram night and morning, is another good tonic, commonly com- bined with an equal dose of ground gentian root or ginger root, nux vomica, saltpeter and fenugreek as a condition powder. The dose is one tablespoon ful of the combination ,of drugs mixed in the feed night and morning for ten days. Omit sulphate of iron for pregnant animals. Nux is poisonous and must therefore be given with care. It is most useful as a nerve tonic and appetizer. Colic Medicines Keep in stock one pound each of laudanum (dose, 1 to 2 ounces) ; es- sence of ginger root (dose, 1 to 2 drams) ; sulpuric acid (dose, Yz to 1 ounce) ; turpentine (dose, 1 to 2 ounces) ; granular hyposulphite of soda (dose, 1 to 4 ounces). A dose of each of the first three medicines in a pint of water containing two ounces of hyposulphite of soda will prove effective for most colics. Two ounces of turpentine in a pint of raw linseed oil may be given for "wind" (flatulent) colic, or following the other medicine when the pain of "cramp" (spasmodic) colic has subsided. 21 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Fever Medicines Powdered saltpeter is an important drug for animals. It is given in the fever of influenza, founder (laminitis) or lymphangitis (milk leg, also for stocking of the legs and other large swellings. A dram is the average dose. Give it every four or six hours in fever, twice daily for swellings, or with tonics as a condition powder, and in double doses for founder or milk leg. Do not give it in colt distemper, when abscesses are forming. It may often be administered in drinking water or a bran mash or damp feed. It also is given in tablespoon ful doses once or twice daily for garget of the cow. Beware of aconite often given for fever. It is too dangerous a poison to be safely used by anyone other than a trained doctor. Blister An effective blistering ointment is made by melting together three parts of lard and one-quarter part of finely shaved, yellow beeswax, and then stirring it one part of powdered can- tharides (Spanish fly). Stir in a tin dish until cold, then store in a capped glass fruit jar. It improves with age. When using this blister clip off the hair, wash the skin clean, dry it per- fectly. Tie the horse up short in his stall, rub the blister in for fifteen minutes and then smear on some more blister. Wash the blister off in 48 hours and then apply a little lard daily. Do not cover a blistered part, or rub it on the loins, or on top of the hips, or use it after a poultice, or on irritated skin, or in very hot or cold weather. Absorbents Never be without tincture of iodine to swab on swollen glands, tumors, forming abscesses, bony growths, capped or puffed joints, indolent sores or wounds, canker of the mouth in pigs and ringwork spots. It also is useful to inject into abscesses, fistula and lump jaw cavities. Iodine oint- ment is made by mixing one dram each of iodine crystals and iodide of potash in one ounce of lard. This is used on swellings, sore necks and shoulders, puffs of all sorts, tumors, forming abscesses, ringworm spots and enlargements of the udder. As an absorbent blister rub up one dram of biniodide of mercury with two ounces of the fly blister already men- tioned and use on bony growths, such as splints and ringbone, callouses, indolent sores, tumors of the udder. Worm Medicines Gasoline is kept on most farms and in tablespoon ful doses in six ounces of milk is the best remedy for stomach worms in sheep. Lambs take less in proportion. Two ounces of turpen- tine in a pint of raw linseed oil is effective . as a starting dose for a "wormy horse." Follow with worm powders composed of equal parts of salt, sulphur and dried sulphate of iron. Dose, one tablespoonful night and morning for a week, then skip ten days and repeat. Omit iron for preg- nant animals. For worms of swine give one teaspoonful of turpentine in slop for three consecutive days for each eighty pounds of body weight ; or one dram of dried sulphate of iron in slop for five successive mornings for each hundred pounds of body weight. Where swine are known to be seriously infested with worms, give eight grains of santonin and five grains of calomel in a little slop for each hundred pounds of body weight. Divide the pigs into lots of five and give the medicine in a little slop after starving the animals for eighteen hours. Care must be taken to give only the doses here prescribed, else damage may be done. Disinfectants In the paragraph on wound medi- cines it has been advised to keep car- bolic acid and coal tar disinfectant in stock. To these may be added for- maldehyde, bichloride of mercury tablets and permanganate of potash crystals. In disinfecting a stable a solution of four or five ounces of for- maldehyde to the gallon, or a 1-1,000 of bichloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate) or a 1-30 solution of car- bolic acid or coal tar disinfectant should be used after a thorough clean- sing of the premises. For wounds a 1-1,000 solution of corrosive sublimate also is the most effective disinfectant and a 1-500 solution should be used for disinfecting when a spore-form- ing germ, like that of anthrax, is pres- ent. Permanganate of potash is a useful mild disinfectant (antiseptic 22 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY and deodorizer) in a 1-5,000 to a 1-50 solution. The weaker solution is used lukewarm for vaginal injection pur- poses, while the 2 per cent solution is useful for injection into cavities from which come bad-smelling discharges and for swabbing sores (cankers) of the mouth. As a wound lotion it is usual to employ a 2 to 5 per cent solution of carbolic acid, or lysol, or coal tar disinfectant. Carbolic acid is also much used as an internal disin- fectant in contagious abortion. Two drams of the acid is well diluted with water and mixed in soft feed for each pregnant cow every other night throughout pregnancy. Peroxide of hydrogen one part and clean water two or three parts is a popular dis- infectant for cleansing foul wounds. Scour Medicines The farm medicine chest would not be completely stocked without some remedies for diarrhoea or scours. A mixture of one part of salol and two parts of bismuth (first prescribed years ago by the writer) has become a standard remedy among farmers. The average dose is one teaspoon ful given two or three times a day and washed down with milk or water. The dose may be doubled in bad cases and for larger calves and foals. Prepared chalk, powdered alum, sulphur, pow- dered catechu, rhubarb and ginger root are also much used for diarrhoea. Administering Medicines Small doses of liquid medicine, such as the average two-ounce dose of a fever medicine or tonic solution, are best given by means of a half -ounce hard rubber syringe. Expert veteri- narians sometimes give such medicines of bad-tasting drugs in gelatine cap- sules, or in form of a "ball." Worm, condition and tonic powders are mixed in damp grain feed. A large dose of liquid medicine is termed a "drench" and is given from a strong, long-necked bottle. A few inches of rubber hose may be fitted on the neck of such a bottle. To drench a horse, back him into a stall, place a running noose of soft, small cotton rope or "clothes line" upon the upper incisor teeth, under the upper lip, . and draw the noose tight, with the knot of the rope to the front. Throw the loose end of the rope across an overhead beam, raise the horse's head, hold it there by means of the rope and pour the medicine into the mouth a little at a time until all is swallowed. Do not squeeze the throat of the horse when giving medicine and never pour the medicine into the nostril. If the horse will not swallow, pour a teaspoonful of cold water into a nostril and swallow- ing will instantly occur. To drench a cow, place her in a stanchion or tie her in a stall. Walk up on her right side (milking side). Pass the left hand across her face and into her mouth. Hold her head in a straight line forward and slightly ele- vated, not turned to one side. Pour the medicine very slowly into the right side of the mouth. Let the head down instantly if the medicine causes the cow (or horse) to cough. Fluid given too fast passes into the paunch and is practically wasted. Administered slowly, it largely goes to the third and fourth stomachs and absorption takes place in the latter. Sheep have to be very carefully drenched from a bottle to avoid chok- ing. Swine take medicine through a hole cut in the toe of an old shoe thrust into the mouth or from a short, strong rubber hose fitted in the neck of a strong bottle. Dogs take medi- cine in capsules inserted in meat or from a bottle or spoon emptied into a pouch formed of the lip and cheek. Avoid "doping" animals unneces- sarily. Medicine should only be given when the animal is sick, should be the right medicine, and is best pre"- scribed by an expert. VALUE OF LABOR The United States Department of Agriculture found in 1855 that it re- quired four hours and 34 minutes of human labor to produce a bushel of corn. At the Minnesota experiment station it has been found recently that 45 minutes of human labor is about the average time required for the same work. In other words, human labor is worth six times as much as it was 60 years ago, due to the use of better machinery, better varieties of corn and better soil management. 23 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY >ome Common u nsoundness By Dr. A. S. Alexander, in Prairie Farmer TAKE nothing for granted when buying a horse. One should make sure about doubtful things. If the eye cannot decide the mat- ter the hand may be employed to corroborate or disprove; but the eye should be the main dependence and the hand used only as a last resort. An Irishman does not like to buy a pig "in a poke." He wants to see and examine the "rint payer" and may even make the animal squeal to be sure that he is getting his money's worth. In just the same way one must make the most careful examination of every part of a horse, "size up" the entire combination of points and make sure that there is lack of vice, sound- ness of eyes, wind and limb, and perfect fitness for the special kind of work the animal will have to do. A famous veterinary teacher once called upon his senior students to ex- amine a lame horse and state in writ- ing what they thought was the cause of lameness. The horse had a splint, one sidebone and a small ringbone affecting the lame leg. To one or other of these three unspundnesses each student in turn attributed the lameness. But one learns best by making mistakes and this truth was soon "rubbed in" by the teacher. Having collected the reports he told the smith who was standing by, to remove the shoe from the lame foot. Then a majority of the students no- *ticed for the first time that the sole of the foot was covered with a thick leather pad. When the leather came off puss spurted from a nail prick wound which had been purposely hid- den. Lameness was due to the nail prick, not to splint, ringbone or side- bone, and the laugh was on the "boys." Never again would one of them be similarly caught and so a never - to - be - forgotten lesson was learned. Every intending purchaser should learn this lesson, too, and be a "doubting Thomas" until his hands have felt where, the eyes could not definitely decide a mooted point. Seek to deal with men of known integrity in business. If not expert, and the horse to be bought is a dear Splint Curb 24 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY one, it will be good policy to employ a veterinarian to make a critical ex- amination. Better visit the stable when not expected and see the horse in the stall. There some things can be learned that will not be seen when the horse is warmed up. You should be able to enter and leave the stall on the left side of the horse, without being received with a bite or expelled with a kick. Note, too, if the horse digs a hole in the floor by pawing, or chews his manger and hay rack, which may indicate cribbing and wind suck- ing, or weaves from side to side, or pulls back on the halter. Make him "stand over" and note if he jerks up a hind leg, or hops over. The hopping may indicate spavin lameness, which quickly disappears when the horse is warmed up. The jerking up of a hind leg may be accompanied by quivering of muscles and tail and such a horse is a "shiv- erer" or "crampy" and afflicted with incurable St. Vitus' dance. The symp- toms of the latter disease become more apparent as the horse backs out of the stall, but quickly subside with slight exercise. If the animal has "string halt" the jerking up of the hind legs is continued as long as the horse is in motion, he does not warm out of it. When a horse is brought out for inspection "on a run" or "dead jump" it is impossible to detect spavin lameness or chorea and even string halt may not be noticed. This will be more certainly the case if the horse is turned loose iflj deep snow, or plowed land, or in a straw bedded pad- dock. This commonly is done. Some- times an old plug that has scarcely animation enough to get out of its own way will kick up, strut and trot, proud as a peacock, when suddenly the halter shank, previously cut part way through breaks and the old pilgrim imagines he has broken loose by his own great strength. This trick is often tried. Never allow the dealer to keep the horse "in the air." After making an examination in the stall watch the horse for a while as he stands at ease on a level floor. Maybe he cannot stand at ease. If a foot hurts, soon that foot will be thrust forward ; if two hurt each will be thrust forward ; if two hurt, each will be advanced turn about ; if four hurt the horse will rest each foot in turn. And do not forget to walk around the horse that every part may meet the eye. Often one side is a pretty pic- ture, the other marred. See both sides, for often the animal is turned toward the wall if an eye is out, a big bare spot present or some unsound- ness there that had best be kept hid- den. A "watch" or "wall" eye can see, but it is unsightly. The tour of inspection around the horse discloses such blemishes. Remember about not buying a pig in a poke, so remove the blanket from all fancy harness and see that the halter has no springs and trusses to press down upon the nostrils to pre- vent high blowing and "roaring." Many a man has neglected to remove a horse's hood before buying and af- terward has discovered that it hid a cropped, lopped, or split ear, fistula of the base of the ear, a "poll evil" or some unsightly blemish. Don't get too close to the horse when making the preliminary exam- ination. Ex-Governor Hoard, of Wis- consin, once said that in farm business matters a man may hold a cent piece so close to his eye that it keeps him from seeing a big silver dollar a little further off. So if one rushes up and grabs a foot, before viewing what the French term the tout ensemble the assemblage of all points he misses the comprehensive estimate of the horse as a whole and that is of most importance. When one has looked the horse over from a little distance and from all points of view and has seen how the animal stands and be- haves it will be time enough to scru- tinize each component part of his an- atomy. First we shall see him move away and back, at a walk, then at a trot, and finally we shall gallop him. Be there when he stops and so decide as to the soundness of his "wind." It is not enough to test the "wind" by standing the horse close to a wall and suddenly threatening to strike him with a whip. The sudden fright may cause the animal to grunt loudly, but this does not necessarily prove that such a "bull" is unsound in wind. Many sound horses grunt when so threatened, or even when one goes to mount. In the latter instances it is a nervous "expression" and nothing serious. When watching the horse at rest one should note that he does not 25 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Sidebone Spavin heave at the flanks, cough or pass gas from the rectum. These are the symp- toms of "heaves" ; but the "heavey" horse may be "shut" or "doped" with drugs so that temporarily the symptoms do not show. Usually they will quickly appear if the horse is given all the hay and water he wants and then is gal- loped. Roaring sometimes is tempora- rily relieved by plugging the nostrils with a sponge or squeezed half lemon. Discharge is also prevented by this means. It is best to locate these at once than have them sneezed into the feed box when the horse is yours. At both walk and trot the horse should go straight, level and true, each joint perfectly fixed, the soles of the feet well turned up, as he goes away, and no "padding," "winging," in or out, "forging," stumbling or toe dragging noticeable. Lameness should be absent. If the horse passes muster when in motion and his style, action and conformation are suitable, he next may be critically examined as he stands at rest. He should stand square and firm on each foot. The profile. of the front and back of each leg should show no abnormal bends, curves, puffs, swellings, or lumps. If any one of these things is seen its nature will have to be carefully determined. The eyes should be sound and of the same color. The pupils should dilate in the dark and contract when the horse is brought into the light. Angular, wrinkled eye- brows and sunken eyes denote previous attacks of "moon blindness" (periodic ophthalmia). "Smoky" or "opaque," or "pearl grey," or "curdy" appearance of the cornea (anterior chamber of the eye) denote more serious stages of the disease or blindness from cataract or glaucoma. A brilliant sparkling prominent eye ("glassy eye") may be stone blind from paralysis of the ret- ina and optic nerve. The ears should neither be absolutely unused, nor ab- normally active. The former may in- dicate deafness ; the latter, impaired vision, nervousness or vice. See that a thread from ear to ear under the forelock, does not keep lop ears upright and that a leaden ball, suspended from a thread in the ear, is not preventing undue motion. The horse should let one handle his ears, his poll (back of ears), the top of the neck, where the collar will bear, and the withers, where fistulous openings or their scars so commonly are found. Fighting against such handling indi- cates a reason for fear and the rea- son usually is that a twitch has been used on the ear and the horse may be hard to shoe, have sore neck from the collar, poll evil or fistulous with- ers, or have suffered a previous opera- tion for such disease. Handle each part upon which har- ness will have to bear and see that it is sound and free from sores, tu- mors or abscesses. The nostrils should be large, under command of the will, rosy pink inside, not slit and free from abnormal discharge. See that the breath does not smell foul and 26 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY that the teeth are sound and the jaws not under or over "short." Examine the back. It should be strong, broad, straight, free from sores and well muscled. Pinching the loins is un- necessary. A ticklish horse will squat when so handled but the test does not detect weak kidneys. Note that the ribs are well sprung, the underline fairly straight, the abdomen capacious, the flank not tucked up and the coupling short and strong. See that no wounds or abscesses are present high up on the right flank, as the re- sult of tapping for flatulant colic. With the left hand on the horse's loin, as a support, stoop and examine sheath, or udder as the case may be, and other parts high up in the groins. Examine the tail, which should be strong, not artificial ("joined on") and not rubbed bare from itchiness. Lift it and see that the black skin below is free from tumors, the anus clean, well pursed up, free from scurvy substances or streaks of mucous ; or, in the mare, that the space between rectum and vulva is intact and that no discharge comes from the latter. Looking from the rear, compare one hip with the other. If one is "knocked down" that side will be steep. At each side of the tail is the tuberosity of the ischium. Like the point of the hip (ilium) this often is fractured, leaving one side depressed. All parts of the shoulders, neck, barrel and hindquarters should be smoothly and deeply covered with sound muscles. Now examine each hoof. Cracks, rings, ridges and meatiness should be absent, frogs and bars prominent, soles slightly concave, heels wide, coronets (hoof heads) open and strong, hoofs waxy, smooth and ample" in size. Ob- ject to a horse that has steep narrow heels with a deep cleft in frog, also one that has chronic corns, chronic thrush, "dropped" (convex) soles, or hoof walls showing toe or quarter cracks. Make sure that the elbows are free from hard or soft tumors or abscesses called "shoe boils" and that the knees are free from hairless scars and are straight, wide, deep and strong. All joints should be large, clean, bony and strong. This is of the greatest importance. The joints cannot be too large so long as the size is made up of large, clean sound bones, ligaments and tendons. Beware of puffs, meati- ness and bony growths which give the wrong sort of size. The knees should have perfect flexion, no matter what work the horse has to do. They should not be bent forward (buck knees) nor bent backward (calf knees). Splints close to the knee are serious ; but low down, on an adult horse, they are practically harmless, unless struck by a shoe. Splints, ring- bones and spavins are bony excres- censes. Splints come on the cannon bones, along the course of the splint bones (small metacarpals and metatar- sals). Ringbones are found high, medium or low, on the long pastern, and often involve the short pasterns. Bone spavins are found at the lowerj front, inner aspect of the hock joints. Bog spavins are soft bursal distensions of the hock joints, above and in front of the seat of bone spavins. Thoro- pins are bursal distensions seen at the sides of the hocks, towards the rear and when pressed on one side bulge out on the opposite side. "Wind galls" are similar puffs in connection with the tendons at and just above the fetlock joints. A curb appears as a hard enlargement giving a rounded bulging contour to the profile of the back of the hock joint, looking from the side. Splints are most easily seen by standing in front of the horse, then examining further by feeling the parts involved, first with the foot standing down firm, then with it off the ground. Ringbones are best seen from a side view of the profile of the long pas- tern. The hand may have to help in their detection. To examine for spav- ins look between the forelegs at the inner, lower profile of each hock. The hard "knob" on one hock probably will prove to be a bone spavin. A small spavin is called a "jack" and it is apt to prove serious and grow to be a large spavin. Spavin may also be detected from a quartering view of the hock, or from the rear. 27 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY gitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiii in iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiii? = I I Interlocking Cement Stave Silos Water Tanks and Cisterns Two 16x42J/2 Twin Silos Hugh McCormick Pawnee, 111. Own a Permanent Interlocking * Cement Stave Silo A Cement Stave Silo of the 1918 Model is the permanent silo. Our customers will tell you the experience they have had. See the man who owns one isn't that a fair proposition? then decide. Numbers have taken them in 5 years. Our Cement Stave Silo is not a bit more expensive than a wooden silo and less than other makes. They cannot burn or crack, or blow over, and need no repairs. Every Cement Stave Silo is sold fully guaranteed. You can't lose. R. W. SAATHOFF Manufacturer and Builder of Cement Stave Silos Member National Cement Stave Silo Assn. Bell Phone 256-R 702 E. Tyler Ave. LITCHFIELD, ILL. 28 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Montgomery County Farmers' Directory Abbreviations Used in this Directory a Acres; Ch Children; O Owner; T Tenant or Renter; R Rural Route; Sec Section; Maiden name of wife follows directory name in parentheses ( ); figures at end of informa- tion year became resident of county. Name of farm follows names of children in quotation marks. In case of a tenant, the farm owner's name follows the figures giving size of farm. EXAMPLE Adams, Frank (Sophia Helmbold) Ch Fred, *Louisa, *Caroline, *Anna, *Tillie; Rosemond Rl Audubon Sec8 O160a (1872) Bell Tel. Nokomis Means Adams, Frank Name. (Sophia Helmbold) Wife's maiden name. Ch Fred, *Louisa, *Caroline, *Anna, *Tillie Children named Fred, *Louisa, *Caroline, *Anna, *Tillie. Star indicates children not at home. Rosemond Rl Postoffice Rosemond, R. F. D. 1. Audubon Sec8 Audubon township, Section 8. O160a Owner of 160 acres. (1872) Lived in county since 1872. Bell Tel. Nokomis Telephone. Acree, Gilbert A. (Myra Grubbs) Ch MildredjLitchfield Rl North Litch- field Secl7 T117a Fern Holiday (1896) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Adams, Frank (Sophia Helmbold) Ch Fred, *Louisa, *Caroline, *Anna, *Tillie; Rosemond Rl Audubon Sec8 O160a (1872) Bell Tel. No- komis Adams, Jake T. (June Mclntyre) Ch Cledith; Raymond R3 Zanesville Secl4 T80a D. W. Starr (1912) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Adams, J. W. (Louisa Crow) Ch Mary, *Nellie, *Annie, *Nora; No- komis R4 Witt Seel T92a Mrs. Au- gusta Hand (1907) Adden, Mrs. Foskea Ch Edward, Al- ma; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl4 O120a (1893) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Adden, Otto (Lorena Johnson) Har- vel Rl Raymond Secll O120a (1903) Mutual Tel. Raymond Adden, Theodore (Hilka Arkebauer) Ch William, Marie, Albert, Anna, Clarence; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec8 O80a (1873) Mutual Tel. No- mis Adkins, Mrs. E. N. (Etta Maxwell) Ch Fern, Irvin, *George, *Pearl, *Byron, *Keith; Nokomis R2 Au- dubon Sec20 O120a (1903) Bell Tel. Nokomis Agnew, William (Olivia Leitch) Ch Howard; Irving Rl Witt SeclS T160a William Hand (1898) Aherin, M. C. (Laura Fitzgerald) Ch John, Vern; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec21 T120a M. Aherin Sr. (1883) Farmersville Tel. Farmers- ville Aherin, M. V. (Rose Clark) Ch Pearl, Emmett, Mary, Joe, Walter, Gen- evieve; Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec36 O80a T20a D. Aherin (1888) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Aikman, Harry E. (Grace L. Wallis) Ch James, Doris; Raymond Rl Zanesville Sec36 O30a (1882) 29 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Aikman, Herbert (Janet Burnett) Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec23 T120a J. M. Burnett (1878) Wag- goner Tel. Waggoner Aikman, Louisa Ch Warren, Nellie, "Herbert, *Harry, *George, *Gene; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec26 O40a (1878) Mutual Tel. Raymond Akeman, F. E. (Bertha Frame) Ch Wayne, Evelyn, Infant; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec35 T220a Dr. Barcroft (1915) Alderson, T. A. (Orrie Wilson) Ch Dwight, Mary; Hillsboro R4 Gris- ham SeclS T360a N. B. Wilson (1877> Bell Tel. Donnellson Alexander, Ida (Ida Butler) Ch Clay- ton, Lola, *Faye; Fillmore R2 Fill- more Seel O287a T40a Charlie As- kins (1871) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Alexander, Mrs. I. E. (Rose Lay) Ch Charlie, *Lilly; Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Secl6 T200a Mrs. E. R. Davis (1866) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Alexander, J. E. (Lula Chesnut) Ch Audrey, Harold; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec2 T254a Dr. Otto Hauser (1909) People's Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Alexander, J. J. (Eliza Butler^ Ch Wave, Belle, Noel, Raymond, Nel- lie, Ruby, Reva, Ned, *Jess; Fill- more Rl Fillmore Secl2 O160a (1869) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Alexander, J. K. (Nellie Hannabar- ger) Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec2 T240a Mrs. Elmer Marshall (1891) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Allen, Jonathan (Winnie B. McEl- fresh) Ch Catherine; Ravmond Rl Zanesville Sec22 TISOa J. W. Dris- kell (1892) Mutual Tel. Raymond Allen, O. K. (Mary Lows) Ch Vir- ginia, Kathryn, Robert L. ; "Home Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork SecSS T600a George Allen (1883) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Allen, Robert B. (Nettie L. Driskell) Ch Jonathan, Robert, Willard, Les- ter; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec22 OlSOa (1861) Mutual Tel. Raymond Allman, Edward (Bertha White) Ch Harold, Harry, Edith, Fay; Hills- boro R3 East Fork SecS T80a J. B. Boiringer (1874) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Almond, George H. (Lucretia West) Ch Edith O.; "Maple Lawn Farm" Virden R2 Bois D' Arc SecS O120a (1905) Tel. Virdin Altevogt, Edward (Laura Petra) Ch Harry; Irving R2 Irving Sec4 T80a Louis Altevogt (1892) Altevogt, John (Lettie Salmons) Ch Bertha, Hazel, Cathrine; Irving R2 Irving Sec9 O20a (1890) Altevogt, Louis (Anne Hidemann) Ch Henry, Fred., *Lois, *William, *John, *Edward, *Irving R2 Irving SecS O140a (1880) Altevogt, William (Cora Caulk) Ch Lydia, Grace, Clarence, Russell; Irv- ing R2 Irving Sec9 O40a (1883) Anderson, James (Emma Lee) Ch Ralph; Nokomis R4 Audubon Sec33 O37a (1906) Anderson, J. W. (Sadie Bote) Ch Gladys, Kenneth, *Chester; Noko- mis Rl Nokomis Sec29 O160a (1872) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Anderson, W. C. (Lottie C. Jones) Ch Mabel, Blanch, Lucy, Dorotha, Neva; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec6S O80a (1876) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Anderson, W. L. (Cora Windsor) Ch Carl, Omar, Ross, Fern, Thelma, Helen, Gladys, *Mae, *Tullius, *Earl, 'Clifford; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec35 TISOa Mrs. Lula Blades (1899) Angerstein, C. W. (Mary Edwards) Ch 'Illinois, *Thomas, *George; Hillsboro R2 Grisham Seel O370a (1860) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Applegate, A. W. Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Secl9 O40a Secl7-29 T160a Mrs. C. P. Applegate (1866) Applegate, Mrs. C. P. (Caroline Jones) Ch Arthur, Susie, *Abbie, *Rachael, *George, *Addison, *Gor- don; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl7- 29 O160a (1840) Applegate, George (Julia Ferguson) Ch *Maud, *Roy, *Ethel; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl7 O40a T120a M. T. Kiggins (1880) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Applegate, S. A. (Lottie Corlew) Ch Fern; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec20 OlSOa (1883) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Armentrout, C. L. (Ida Towell) Ch Inez, Leslie, John, Lethia, Dorothy, Velma; Irving Rl Witt Secl7 OllOa (1872) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Armentrout. G. W. (Ella Tucker) Ch Russell, Edith, *Homer, *Elbert; Irving Rl Witt Secl6 O250a (1855) Mutual Tel. Nokomis 30 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Armentrout, Jesse (Ida. Suits) Hills- boro R4 Hillsboro Sec22 T80a Mrs. Emily Suits (1871) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Armstrong, J. L. (Minnie- Young) Ch Wayne, Harry; Irving East Fork Sec2N T160a Mr. C. F. Laws (1869) Armstrong, Richie D. (Mary J. Har- bison) Ch Stella, Earl, Malcolm, Bertha; "Elm Avenue Farm" Litch- field Rl North Litchfield Sec30 O80a (1899^ Mutual Tel. Litchfield Armstrong, William H. (Agnes Ful- lenwider) Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec33 OI60a (1918) Arney, William (Johanna Spearman) Ch Agnes, Christina; "Pine Hill Farm" Hillsboro R3 East Fork Sec4 O148^a 0904) Arnold, Edwin W. (Amanda T. Mc- Williams) Ch *Lela; Litchfield North Litchfield Sec35 OlOla E. W. and G. M. Arnold (1883) Bell Tel. Litchfield Arnold, Willis E. (Ellen A. Furge- son) Ch George. Edgar; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec? O83a (1896) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Ash, Charles H. (Carrie May Potts) Ch Doroth, Milton, Jessie, Marion; Irving R2 Raymond Sec34 TlOOa Mrs. Martin Richie (1882) Mont- gomery Tel. Ash. Jesse (Hannah N. Mercer) Ch *Charley, *Harley, *Cora, *Richard S.; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec9 O140a (1859) Bell Tel. Litch- field , Ash, T. C. (Efne Corlew) "Orchard Ridge Farm" Honey Bend North Litchfield Seel TlOla Morgan Cor- lew (1870) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Ater, Frank L. (Agnes Myers) Ch Robert Raymond; Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec6 T120a Krinard Est. (1903) Mutual Tel. Harvel Atkinson, William (Ethel Bierman) Ch Eliza, Wilbert, Tommie, Bessie; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Seel T170a Fred Hucher (1913) Attebery, Charles W. (Dorothy Ed- ards) Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec21- 22-26-27-28 T470a William J. At- tebery (1890) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Attebery, David P. (Cora McAdams) Ch William, Elmer, Luella, Ruth, Feme, Mabel; Litchfield R3 Hills- boro Sec30-31 O155a (1864) Attebery, William J. (Lula Bailey) Ch Clara, Homer, Hazel, *Charlie; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec27 O586a (1861) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Ault, Mrs. Mary M. (Mary Corlew) Ch Verna, *Margaret, *Retta, *Vena; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec29 O470a (1851) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Austin. Jesse J. (Coralie Heckman) Ch Ethel E.. Ralph H., J. Elbert, Mildred B.; "Sycamore Slope Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec24S O56a (1908) Aylward, Ed (Marcella Dougherty) Nokomis R6 South Audubon SeclS O140a (1881) Bell Tek Nokomis B Baggett, H. Y. (Ruth E. Traylor) Ch Vera. Verne, Vaughn, Victor; Cof- feen R2 Fillmore SeclS T160a Ezra Wright (1905) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Bahlow, H. W. (Bertha Mittelstedt) Ch Lydia, Louis, Edwin; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec27 O120a (1915) Bailey, Mrs. Cordelia (Cordelia Black- wood) Ch Frank, *Edd, *Minnie, *Lula, *Eva, *Cora; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec35 O14a (1844) Bailey, C. H. (Carrie Rhinehart) Ch Grant. Alfred, Wilma. Ivan, Veda, Wanda. Charles R.. Alva. *Nollie; ''Lone Pine Farm" Irving Rl Irving Sec23 T120a A. A. Rhinehart (1883) Mutual Tel. Irving Bailey, Edgar (Amanda Barry) Ch Delia, Grace, Mabel, Edgar. Ruby, *Maude, *Mary; Hillsboro R4 Gris- ham Sec4 O140a T120a W. Atte- berry (1861) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Baker, Horace S. (Lorna Cary) Ch Flossie, Izella; Farmersville Rl Pit- man Sec8 O40a (1913) Mutual Tel. Girard Baker, H. S. (Amy Davis) Ch Pearl; , Irving Rl Witt Sec30 O283a (1848) Mutual Tel. Irving Baker, Jarvis (Nellie M. O'Brien) Barnett Rl Zanesville O145a (1904) Bell Tel. Carlinville PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Baker, M. D. (Ella Downs) Ch Ina May; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec3 O80a T40a Frank Herron (1907) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Baker, P. R. (Katherine Brookman) Ch Joe Lyng; Irving Rl Witt Sec30 T273a H. S. Baker (1888) Mutual Tel. Irving Bakley, Chris (Ollie Gile) Witt Rl Witt Sec8 O80a (1881) Mutual Tel. Witt Ball, Henry S. (Emma L. Sloman) Ch Samuel; "Poplar Drive Farm" Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec30 O80a (1874) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Ball, William A. (Lillie D. Thomas) Ch Ralph W.; "Meadow Brook Farm" Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Sec9 O116J4a (1908) Mutual Tel. Virden Bandy, Earl O. (Harriet Hart) Ch Mildred; Litchfield R2 North Litch- field SeclS T131a B. W. Bandy (1888) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Bandy, Elmer E. (Mamie Hoog) Ch Lucile; Litchfield R2 North Litch- field Sec21 TlOOa Joseph Hoog (1886) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Bandy, James P. (Lucy R. Shawn) Ch Joseph, Jesse, Benjamin, *Lester W.; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield SeclS O163% (1855) Bell Tel. Litchfield Bandy, Luie (Gertie Savage) Ch Fern, James, Leland, Bernard; Hillsboro R2 East Fork T220a Farm Hand C. D. Homes (1918) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Bandy, Orville B. (Anna Miller) Ch Opal, Gerald; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield SeclS O55a (1884) Bandy, Walter H. (Louisa B. Dris- kell) Ch Clyde, Kenneth, Thelma, Dale, Isabel; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec21 O20a (1880) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Barbee, J. W. (Annie Livingston) Ch Clyde. *Albert; Waggoner Rl Pit- man SeclS OlOOa (1865) Tel. Girard Barker, J. Biant (Lidia Ballard) Ch Harold, Minnie, *Elliott, *Orval, *Ezra, *Larmon, *Merrill, *Lulu, *Goldie, *Viola, *Lilly, *Lottie; Irv- ing R2 Irving Sec21-15 T23%a Mrs. M. Hinkje and A. C. Short (1898) Barnes, Irvin (Mary Hill) Ch Mil- dred, Bryce, Glenn; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec9 T160a Mrs. Dave Gris- ham (1884) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Barnstable, Henry (Katie Alice Fern) Ch Ernest, Ora, Gladys, Cecil, *Cora; Nokomis R2 Nokomis Seel T240a Ruth Grimes (1912) Bell Tel. Nokomis Barrett, W. F. (Rosa Hall) Ch Roy, *Edith; Butler Rl Hillsboro SecS OSS^a T18a Hamilton Bros. (1875) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Barricklow, Elizabeth M. (Elizabeth M. File) Ch Arlie, William, *Lee, *Harry, *Charles, *Grace, *Pearl; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec29 O21Ha Sec23 T25a Harry Barricklow (1848) Barricklow, L. A. (Hattie Young) Ch *Ernest, *Harry, *Fairy; Coffeen R2 Fillmore SecS OSOa T15a Jim Wright (1878) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Barringer, I. N. (Hettie Bost) Ch Whitten, *Lewy; "Willow Branch Farm" Fillmore R2 Fillmore SeclO OSOa (1860) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Barringer, S. E. (Lurena Otwell) Ch Edna, *Newell; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec26 OSOa (1857) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Barry, Mrs. Anna (Anna Mitchell) Ch Warren, *Olive; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec26 OlOOa Sec35 TISa Sumner Barry (1868) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Barry, Earl (Wilda Otter) Ch Vir- ginia, Elvina; Hillsboro R4 Hills- boro Sec35 T189a Sumner Barry (1885) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Barry, M. (Bridget Malone) Ch Bes- sie, Katherine, Anna, John, *Ralph, *Thomas, *Irene; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec22 p320a (1873) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Barry, Mrs. M. A. (Margaret McAd- ams) Ch "Jessie, *Mary. *Noi, *John; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec22 O296a (1847) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Barry, Sumner (Dora McLean) Ch Earl, *Nell. *Roscoe; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec35 O189a (1857) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Barry, Thomas Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec24 TSOa Thomas Malone (1890) Tel. Farmersville Barton, W. E. TAlthea Morse) Ch John, Walter. Eunice, Clara; No- komis Nokomis Sec23 Ola (1878) Bass, Edgar (Clara Neathery) Ch Vida, Eula, Marvin, Warren, Clar- ence, Merna; Oconee Rl South Au- dubon Seel OSOa T40a Mattie Whit- mer (1879) Mutual Tel. Oconee 32 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Bassham, Henry (Lela M. Harvey) Ch William F., Vera B., Zella P., Grace A.; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl2S O88a (1876) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Bateman, George W. Ch *Lorenzo, *Kerna, *Noah; Fillmore Rl Witt Sec35 O80a (1850) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Battiste, Marco (Emma Scanconie) Ch Annie, Frank, Edith, John, Amie; Irving R2 Irving Sec8 O95a Secl7 T30a Perry Fisher (1880) Battles, Earl W. (Lucile Hinton) Ch Beulah; Nokomis R4 Witt SeclO T240a B. S. Battles (1892) Bell Tel. Nokomis Battles, Edward (Edna Helderbrandt) Nokomis R4 Witt Secll T120a B. S. Battles (1895) Bell Tel. Nokomis Battles, Mrs. Olive (Olive Ransdell) Ch Lucy, *Ross; Nokomis R4 Witt Secll OlOOa (1868) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Bauer, Arthur, (Bertha Lee) Ch Lee; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec31 T120a Henry Pohler (1908) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Bauer, R. D. (Caroline Elmers) Ch Weert, William, Ernestina, Edwin, Margaret. Caroline, Reiner, Floyd, *Arthur, *Fred; Nokomis R3 Audu- bon Sec32 O220a T130a McNichols Sisters (1912) Bell Tel. Nokomis Bauman, F. C. (Lydia Peper) Ch Bel- ford, Laverne; Nokomis R5 Noko- mis Secll T160a William Stahlhutt (1893) Bell Tel. Nokomis Bauman, John (Lottie Gostes) Ch Or- ville J., Earl R. ; Nokomis R3 So- komis Secl2 O40a T80a F. C. and Dena Bauman (189P Bell Tel. No- komis Beal, J. K. (T^nnie McAdams) Ch Floyd, Otto. Gladys, Grace, Charlie, Russell; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec33 O246a (1872) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Beal, Newton (Nellie Short) Ch Mary, Josephine; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec33 T30a Frank McDa- vid (1872) Beaman, S. Rover (Edith) Ch Leo, Velma, Vivia. Paul. Ruth; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec33 O120a (1913) Bell Tel. Raymond Beaman, Varney (May Ludwick) Nokomis R6 Witt Sec2 T80a J. L. Beaman (1896) Beasley, Charles (Mabel Wallace) Virden R2 Bois D' Arc SecS T162j4a C. Richard (1895) Virden .Tel Virden Beattie, David Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec5 O80a (1905) Mutual Tel. Harvel Beatty, O. G. Raymond Raymond Sec5 O60a (1880) Beaty, Isaac (Martha Jones) Ch James, Marguerite, Halbert, *Orval, *Ruth; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Secll T160a T. B. Tony (1860) Tel. Vir- den Beck, C. G. (Ida Voiles) Ch Clarence; Walshville Rl Grisham Secl7 Tll8a Mrs. L. B. Harrison (1893) Mutual Tel. Sorento Beck, George M. (Anna McDavid) Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec22 T160a Nancy J. Beck (1867) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Beck, Roscoe E. (Loretta Sturgeon) Ch Emily; Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Sec36 O74a (1879) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Becker, Albert (Leah Sarah Kunz) Ch Berthold, Margie; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec23 O120a (1912) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Bederman, John A. (Clara Jones) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec6 O120a (1873) Bedinghaus, Clem (Elizabeth Stork) Ch Bernard, Elizabeth, Margaret, Helen, Anna, Clara, Josephine, Clement; Farmersville Rl Harvel SeclS T216a P. J. Gaul (1905) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Bedinghaus, Edward (Leona Ring- eisen) Harvel R2 Harvel Sec8 T120a Chris Specht (1916) Mutual Tel. Harvel Bedinghaus, William (Carrie T. Mar- tin) Ch Everett; Farmersville Bois D' Arc Sec25 TlOOa Mrs. Tom Le- han (1905) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Beeler, Edward (Alice Epps) Ch Garnett; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec23 O96a (1877) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Beeler, Harmon W. (Helena C. Weit- ekamp) Ch Ralph, Mary, Lawrence; "Elm Grove Farm" Raymond Rl Zanesville Sec24 T116a Valentine Beeler (1883) Mutual Tel. Raymond Beeler, Joseph (Johannah Moroney) Ch Veneta, Josephine, *Leon F.; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec32 O160a (1914) Bell Tel. Nokomis 33 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Beer, Jesse W. (Maggie Vayles) Ch Alma, Ralph, Milford; Litchfield Rl Zanesville Sec32 T160a Mrs. Eva Baker (1898) Belcher, Mrs. Florence Ch Delsia, Ola, *Grace; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec6S T65a William Williamson (1894) Belk, Russell N. (Pollie Brown) Ch Alice, Mary, Newman, * William; Donnellson Grisham Secl3 Farm Hand William. D. Boone (1884) Bell Tel. Donnellson Belk, William M. (Mabel M. Wil- liams) Donnellson Grisham Secl3 Farm Hand William D. Boone (1897) Belknap, Morgan (Mae Dunn) Ch Carl, Leonard, Helen, Glen, Hallie, Elmer, Marvin, Rex, *Harmon, *Ida- Harvel R2 Harvel Sec33 T240a Dr. Scherer (1917) Bell, Frank J. (Lena Rush) Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec7S O80a (1859) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Bell, Harry (Anna Morrow) Taylor Springs Hillsboro Secl3-26 O295a (1870) Bell, Hiram Jr. (Mary Munson) Ch Iva, Lee Otis, Hubert; Irving R2 Irving Sec9 O30a T90a Hiram Bell Sr. (1883) Bennett, Deleon S. (Sarah C. Everley) Ch Etta, Mabel, Rosella, *William, *Bertha, *Effie; Barnett R2 Zanes- ville Sec28 O30a (1878) Mutual Tel. Raymond Bennett, W. F. (Bertha Duff) Ch Ralph, Harold, Agnes, Wilma, Ber- tha, Florence; Harvel Rl Raymond Secl2 T120a C. B. Wiley (1881) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Benning, George (Henrietta Ripenz) Ch Louis, Walter, Edward, Frank; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec27 O239a (1865) Bell Tel. Butler Benning, Herman & Fred M. Ch Hel- en Marie; "Benning Homestead" Raymond R2 Zanesville Secl2 O200a (1883) Bell Tel. Raymond Benning, John H. (Amanda C. Vite) Ch Maynard; Raymond R3 Zanes- ville Seel O120a (1885) Bell Tel. Raymond Benny, Joseph (Barbara Huber) Ch Fred, *George, *Edward, *Francis; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec27 O29a (1861) Benny, William (Anna Benny, House- keeper) Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec35S O48Ha (1918) Benson, Henry (Catharine Clark) Ch William, Florence, Frank, Delia, *Mary, *Margaret, *Celia; Mor- risonville R2 Harvel Sec4 O80a (1878) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Bergeman, Henry (Caroline Bruen- bach) Raymond R2 Raymond Sec6 T144a (1882) Mutual Tel. Raymond Bergman, Henry (Sarah Kern) "Bungalow Bergman Farm" Litch- . field R3 South Litchfield Sec3 O15a (1909) Bergschneider, Theodore (Emma Nei- hause) Ch Viola, Raymond, Ruth, Theodore Jr.; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec29 T160a C. Doolin (1869) Berkenkamp, August (Charlotte Holl- mer) Ch Edward, Lillie, Theodore, Freda, Martha, Otto; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec20 O160a T80a Ebers Sisters (1866) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Berry, Frank M. (Grace Lingle) Ch Corinne, Verda, Kenneth; "Cedar Glen Farm" Irving Rl Irving Sec23 O103a (1862) Mutual Tel. Irving Besanceney, Jules (Emma Miller) Ch Lela, Essie, *Carson; "Shady Lawn Farm" Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec31 O160a (1881) Best, August C. (Sophia Noman) Ch Louis, Lottie; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec3 O80a Mutual Tel. Harvel Best, Carl (Edith Newport) Ch Al- berta, Wayne, Merle; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec8 O59^a (1916) Bell Tel. Butler Best, Carl F. Morrisonville R3 Roun- tree Sec4 O158a (1873) Mutual Tel. Harvel Best, Ernest D. (Louise M. Kraft) Ch Omar, Lelia, *Jesse, *Tillie; "Pleas- ant Home Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec30 O155a (1877) Bell Tel. Butler Best, Jacob Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec20 O60a (1916) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Best, Peter (Minnie Dewerff) Ch Elma, Wilma, Alice, Leona; Mor- risonville R3 Rountree Sec3 O80a (1874) Mutual Tel. Harvel Bethard, Benjamin (Geneva Pope) Ch Opal, Faye, Herrschel, Wayne; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec3 TlOOa D. W. Starr (1904) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Bethard, F. L. (Viola Pope) Raymond Rl Raymond Secl6 T80a Frank Todt (1908) Mutual Tel. Raymond 34 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Bethard, G. W. (Rosa Brown) Ch Bertha, Wesley, William, Benjamin, Levi, Mary, Hulda, Frank, *Arthur, *Luther, *Leona, *Leora, *Marie; Raymond Rl Raymond SeclS T240a William Hendrickson (1900) Bethard, Wesley (Nettie Freeman) Ch Aleidean, Oral, Ruby, Eldon, Hazel; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec26 T80a William Drury (1911) Bethard, W. J. (M. Boatwright) Ch Altypean, Oral; Harvel Rl Ray- mond Secl3 T80a Lou Wiley (1908) Mutual Tel. Harvel Betzold, Mrs. Anna Ch Ed, Charles, Joseph, Sophia, *Tillie, *Louisa, *Anna, *Adam, *George; Nokomis R2 Audubon Secl6 OlSOa (1889) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Betzold, G. F. (Nora Hilton) Ch Don- ald; "Center Hill Farm" Nokomis R2 Nokomis Sec24 T80a Betzold Est. (1883) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Bill, William F. (Martha J*. Burris) Ch *Mamie, *Edith, *Abe; Butler Butler Grove Sec28 O55a (1863) Billiter, Ellis E. (Agnes Potts) Ch Milford, Byron, Melvin, Thelma; Litchfield R2 Zanesville Sec27 O60a W. B. Potts (1884) Mutual Tel. Raymond Billiter, James A. (Pearl A. Williams) Ch Howard, Charles; Barnett R2 North Litchfield" Sec4 T80a H. W. Williams (1884) Mutual Tel. Litch- field Birkenkamp, Mrs. Clara Ch William, Edward, *August, *Frank, *Fred, *Minnie; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec34 O300a (1870) Birkenkamp, Frank (Lena Dickman) Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Secl7 O80a (1858) Birkenkamp, Fred W. (Etta Bruers) Ch Frank; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Secl7 O144a (1867) Birzele, Frank F. (Henrietta Tiefen- bruch) Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Seel TlOa C. H. Witherspoon (1910) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Bishop, Charles (Cora E. Bailey) Ch Ruth. Jewell; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec34 T106a S. E. O'Ban- nen (1867) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Bishop, F. E. (Ida Rosche) Ch Charles,- Dorothy, Franklin; Pana R3 Audubon Sec2 O160a (1858) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Bishop, John I. (Martha Brown) Ch Ernest I.; Litchfield South Litch- field Sec4 T33a I. T. S. and Mrs. Tim Mock (1867) Bishop, Wriley W. (Sarah Drake) Ch Hersey, Lawrence, Bernard, Vernie, Eugene, Dorothy, Sylvester, Stan- ley, Mary; Mt. Olive R14 Walsh- ville Sec9 T160a Sylvester Griswold (1900) Bitter, William (Carrie E. Cart- wright) Ch Doris, Alice, *John L.; Hornsby Rll South Litchfield Sec7 O120a (1866) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Black, Mrs. Alma L. (Leah A. Snow, Cousin) "Lingle and Black Knoll Stock Farm" Witt Rl Rountree Sec34 O320a (1869) Mutual Tel. Witt Black, A. F. (Stella Myers) Ch Al- bert, Mary, Robert; Donnellson Grisham Sec24 T97a A. J. Taylor (1881) Blackburn, Earl (Mary McPhail) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SeclS O15a T215a J. R. Blackburn (1888) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Blackburn, Elmer E. (Esta M. Hamil- ton) Ch Mildred A.; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec23S T80a L. & M. Siminion (1890) Bell Tel. Donnell- son Blackburn, Fred J. (Emma L. Rose) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SeclS O15a Secl6 T159a J. R. Blackburn (1889) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Blackburn, John A. (Sarah A. El- moe) Ch William C., Delbert, Fairy, John H., Alva L., Oscar; "Walnut Ridge Stock Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl4S T80a Pete Jones (1858) Blackburn, John E. (Carrie McGuire) Ch Horace; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec36 O20a Fillmore Sec8 TISOa Harrison Blackburn (1878) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Blackburn, J. R. (Mary A. Hart- groves) Ch Fred, *Earl; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl6 O285a (1856) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Blackburn, W. S. (Etta Mae Brook- man) Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec7S T160a W. L. Blackburn (1876) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Blackwood, W. E. (Alma Green) Ch Howard, Walter; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec35 O281a Grisham Sec2 TlOOa Conrad Wiegand (1871) Bell Tel. Hillsboro 35 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Blades, William A. (Christina Mans- holt) Ch Arthur, Clarence, Leona; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec29 T120a D. M. Blackwelder (1895) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Bland, David (Elizabeth Bland) Ch Tony, Clarence, Zola, Chester, Georgie; Nokomis R4 South Audu- bon Sec4 T40a John Williams (1917) Blankenship, Clyde O. (Edna Eaves) Ch Gladys, Earl; Fillmore R2 Fill- more Secl3 T50a Theodore Giller (1917) Blankley, Alfred R. (Madge Withing- ton) Ch Estella, Gladys; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec28 T12a T. P." Rose (1883) Bell Tel. Litchfield Blauer, Jacob Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl9-20 T140a Henry Messimore Est. (1910) Blizzard, E. S. (Cora Hubbard) Ch Morse, John, Kenneth, *Harold, Geraldine; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec7 T50a John Leetham (1911) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Boas, Fred (Agnes Braun) Ch Ray- mond, Freda, Evelyn, Vernon; Cof- feen R2 East Fork Secl3 O80a (1898) Bock, Martin (Minnie Hnber) Ch Martin, demons; Witt Rl Witt SeclO O290a (1898) Mutual Tel. No- komis Boden, A. J. (Angie Netherton) Ch *Bell, 'Albert, *Anna, *Henry, *Hazel; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Secl2 T86a Hy Hussy (1887) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Boehler, Anthony (Anna A. Goby) Ch Agnes, Ruth; Raymond R2 Zanesville Sec9 O78a C1876) Bell Tel. Raymond Boehler, Charles H. (Sadie E. Etter) Ch Hazel, Earl; "Silver Maple Farm" Raymond R3 Zanesville Secll O104a (1878) Bell Tel. Ray- mond Boehler, Joseph V. (Rebecca L. Mar- ten) Ch Sophia, Willie, Helen, Paul, Margaret; Raymond Rl Zanesville Sec24 O118a (1879) Mutual Tel. Raymond Boehler, N. P. (Mary Martin) Ch Raymond, Frank, Margaret, Lela, Ralph, May, Roy, Nicholas; Wag- goner Pitman Secl7 O160a (1914) Boge, John A. (Anna Wiegand) Ch Mildred, Marguerite, Jeannette, Elizabeth; Hillsboro R4 Grisham SeclO T159a C. Wiegand (1910) Bell Tel. Donnellson Bohlen, Ekke (Anna Schoen) Ch Mary, Agatha, Edwin, *Albert, *John; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Secl6 O240a (1883) Bollman, August (Vernetta Ash) Ch August, Ida, *Sam, *Richard, *James, *Charles, *Emory, *Min- nie; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec22 O55a (1862) Bollmann, William Ch Matilda; No- komis R5 Nokomis Sec2 T160a William Herzog (1909) Bell Tel. Nokomis Bolte, H. W. (Lydia Oltmanns) Ch Viola, Irvin, Willis, Vernon; Noko- mis R2 Nokomis Seel T2a Mrs. Grimes (1853) Bonnet, Paul Farmersville Rl Har- vel Sec6 O73^a (1867) Bonnet, tephen F. (Alice Jordan) Ch Merl Irene; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec8 O160a (1877) Mutual Tel. Har- vel Bonnett, David (Florence Jorden) Ch Blanch, Ross, Harlin. Bernice; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec2 O396a (1893) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Booher, Mrs. Hortense Ch King, Fern, Roy, *Dona E., *Henry S., "Ida B., *Jake, *John; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl3 O20a (1880) Booher, James Alvin (Minnie Lynch) Ch Raymond, Mildred, Earl, Harry; "Bliss Bald Knob Farm" Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec24 T420a C. W. Bliss (1880) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Booher, J. M. (Mabel Heckman) Ch Clifford, Marion, Pernecy B.; "Sun- ny Knoll Poultry Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec24S OlOa (1889) Booher, T. L. (Emma Harvey) Ch *Ethel, *Gertie, *Jacob; "Shady Nook Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec24S O70a (1858) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Booher, W. J. (Mary Brockman) Ch Paul, Pauline *Charles W.; "Oak Ridge Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec24 O40a (1864) Boone, Mrs. Margaret J. (Margaret Bishop) Ch Hattie, Harry, Perry, Teddy, *Carrie, *Daisy, *Ioda, *E1- mer, *William. *Pearl; Hillsboro R2 Grisham Secl3 O98a (1857) Bell Tel. Donnellson 36 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Boring, Martha E. (Martha Street) Walshville Rl Hillsboro Sec32 O205a (1845) Bost, Alex (Minnie Cress) Ch Elta, Daniel, Warren, Evert, *Dwight, *Leta, *Flake; Fillmore R2 Fill- more Sec8 O430a (1869) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Bost, Allen (Delia Reamy) Ch Mag- gie, Russell, Ruth, Opal; Irving R3 Irving Sec21 O60a T60a Elizabeth Bost (1878) Bost, B. A. (Julia Muzzy) Ch Earle Q.; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec5 O80a Sec6 T60a C. H. Bost (1864) Bost, Caleb L. (Tabitha Brown) Ch James O., *Frank, *Clara, *Daniel O.; Coffeen R3 East Fork SeclS O174^a (1875) Bost, Dwight (Alice Snell) Irving Rl Witt Sec21 T203a Ben Hoehn (1890) Bost, Frank P. (Charity L. Snow) Ch Orel L., Franklin E., Beulah I., *William L., *Thomas A.; "Shady Oak Farm" Coffeen R2 East Fork SeclS O35a (1874) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Bost, M. H. (Emma D. Whitlock) Ch Carlos D., *Florence; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec23 OlOOa (1861) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Bost, Ralph S. (Wilda Downs) Ch Ethel, Edwin; "Maple Lawn Stock Farm" Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec33 T330a V. A. Bost (1885) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Bost, Thomas L. (Marie E. Nuss- mann) Ch Ross; "Bost & Son's Farm" Nokomis R2 Rountree Sec28 O97^a (1863) Mutual Tel. Noko- mis Boston, Albert (Mary E. Neighbors) Ch Harry, Ray, Grace, Velma, Ar- dine; Eleanor, Wife of Reynolds Miller; Farmersville Rl Pitman Secl2 T160a Richard Carrol (1885) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Bottrell, Robert (Esther Hadden) Ch Harold, Alice; Morrisonville R2 Harvel Sec5 T160a Thomas Bottrell (1907) Mutual Tel. Harvel Bowles, Charlie L. (Ava M. Kurd) Ch John M., Ila L. ; "Buck Timber Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec23S T80a L. & M. Siminion (1889) Bowles, William E. (Flora R. Ritchie) Ch Ruth Ritchie, John Stanley; "Trail View Farm" Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Secl6 O135a (1872) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Bowman, C. E. (Amanda Whitworth) Ch Lois, Dayton, Neta, Forrest; "Mammoth Maple Farm" Waggon- er Rl Pitman Sec29 OlOOa (1874) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Bowman, Jesse M. (Lizzie McCul- lough) Ch James, Georgia, *Ada; Raymond R2 Zanesville Sec9 O78a (1878) Bell Tel. Raymond Boyce, Ralph (Mildred Grantham) Ch Robert; Irving Rl Irving Sec25 T160a George Bryce (1894) Mutual Tel. Irving Boyd, Asa Ch John. Henry, Clayton; Walshville Rl Grisham SeclS T210a George Boyd (1872) Boyd, D. W. (Bertha N. Bentley) Ch Charles, Thomas, Hughey, Mildred, *William, *Frank, *Mattie, *Car- rie; Walshville Walshville Secl2 O40a (1908) Boyd, Grant (Mary Sturgeon) Ch Ed- ward, Florence; Walshville Rl Gris- ham Sec7 T120a Strange, Frey & Millerner (1872) Boyd, H. J. (Ann J. Kirkland) Ch Charles F., Griffith, Edgar, Anna; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec23 T97a Manager T. W. Kinder (1917) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Sorento Boyd, J. C. (Lora Sovade) Ch Henry, May, *Jesse, *Lena, *Mollie, *Kit- tie, *Hattie, *Charlie; "John Boyd Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl4S O36a (1853) Boyd, W. A. (Virginia Lewis) Ch Valla B., Zonna, Lillian, Dora L., *Mary, *Iva; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec32 O160a (1880) Bradley, Oscar (Grace Marshall) Ch Royal, George, Robert, Lucile; Irv- ing Rl Witt Sec25 O80a (1918) Bell Tel. Nokomis Bradshaw, John H. (Anna Best) Ch Eunice, George, Eugene, Walter, Henry C., *Leslie, *Bessie, *Nellie. *Jennie; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec9 T120a T. T. Smith (1917) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Brackebusch, August (Bertha Green- wood) Ch Ester, Mabel; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl7S O193a (1873) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Brakenhoff, Henry G. (Sophia Bolte) Ch Edith, Lena, Virgil, Harold, Or- ville; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec8 T80a Mrs. H. Carstens (1874) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis 37 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Brakenhoff, John F. (Mamie Rup- precht)) Ch Margaret. Wilma, Vic- tor; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec7 T80a Eilert Brakenhoff (1885) Bramel, B. A. (Alice Marshall) Ch Homer, Eva, Elsie, Laura; Butler Butler Grove Sec4 OlOOa (1912) Bell Tel. Butler Bramel, Homer E. (Florida Seward) Ch Jerald; Butler Butler Grove Sec4 TlOOa Ware & Doyle (1912) Bell Tel. Butler Brandes, Frank H. (Alice M. Carev) Harvel Rl Raymond Sec23 T160a Frank Brandes (1877) Tel. Ray- mond Brandon, Walter (Marguerite F. Mc- Ward) Ch David W.; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec5 T240a George Good- win (1913) Brandt, William (Lizzie Smith) Ch Emma, Charley, Isaac, Albert, John, Mary, William; "Spring Val- ley Dairy Farm" Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Secl2 O200a (1868) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Braun, August L. (Mary Limper) Ch Leo, Leonard; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec2 4 T80a Xavier Braun (1884) Braun, Xavier (Elizabeth Braun) Cof- feen R2 East Fork Secl3 O220a (1874) Bray, Martin (Emma J. Fite) Ch Wil- lis, Nellie, Ruth, Mabel, Harold, Fred; Waggoner Rl Zanesville Sec4 O80a T80a (1873) Mutual Tel. Wag- goner Braye, Henry (Bessie House) Ch Lauvina, Floyd, Pearl; Harvel Rl Rountree Secl6 T24.0a George Wat- son (1895) Mutual Tel. Harvel Breiterback Bros. Harvel Rl Ray- mond Sec25 T200a William Sims (1883) Bremer, Henry Jr. (Hazel Hoes) Ch Helen; 'Bremer Hill Farm" Hills- boro Hillsboro Sec2 O66a T200a Henry Bremer (1888) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Bremer, J. H. (Alice Currier) Ch Jes- sie, Lawrence; "Bremer Hill Farm" Hillsboro Hillsboro Sec2 O400a (1848) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Bremer, Louis (Ruth Grantham) Ch Robert "Bremer Hill Farm" Hills- boro Hillsboro Sec2 O65a T200a Henry Bremer (1890) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Brewner, James W. (Mary J. Bass) Ch Frank, Maye, *John E., *Ger- trude; Nokomis R2 Audubon Secl6 O200a (1861) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Bridge, H. L. (Ella Jane Piper) Ch Helen, *May, *Ralph, *Frank, *Homer; Nokomis R4 Nokomis Sec25 O80a (1904) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Bridges, Willis (Cora Follis) Ch Har- old, Clarence; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec26 T80a C. St. Clair (1880) Briegel, John (Bertha Ludwick) Ch Roscoe, Ivan, Thelma; 'Nokomis R4 Witt Seel T220a Fred Law (1878) Bell Tel. Nokomis Briggs, Charles L. (Ellen Barker) Ch Maud, Leonard, *Samuel, *Myrtle, *Stephen; "Lockhart Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec38 O80a (1862) Bell Tel. Butler Briggs, Fred P. (Bessie Nivins) Ch Nancy; Litchfield R2 North Litch- field Secll O50a (1878) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Brinkman, Frank (Anna Hussmann) Ch George, Richard, Alma, Herman, Raymond, Marguerite; Nokomis Rl Rountree SeclS T240a Ernest Hays (1916) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Brockman Herman (Emma Jeager) Ch Evelyn; Farmersville Rl Pitman Secll T80a August Brockmeyer (1888) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Brockman, Walter (Anna Misenheim- er) Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Sec23 TllOa American Zinc Co. Bell Tel. Hillsboro Brockmeier, A. Ch Herman, Freda, *Henry, *August, *George, *An- nie, *Louis; Farmersville Pitman SeclO O640a (1878) Tel. Farmer's Mutual Farmersville Brockmeyer, Henry (Alvina Grosen- heider) Farmersville Rl Pitman Secl4 O80a T200a August Brock- meyer (1879) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Brockmeyer, William (Edna Wage- hoft) Ch Inez, Ailene; Harvel R2 Pitman Sec24 T120a A. Brockmeyer (1885) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Brohammer, Fred (Manda Ernst) Ch George; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec23 T160a Lester E. Berry (1884) Brohammer, Thomas A. (Anna Som- mers) Ch Lawrence, *Carrie. *Fred, * Agnes, *Anna; Coffeen Rl East Fork SecllN O120a (1881) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro 38 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Brokaw, Abram (Lillic A. Huggins) Ch Earl, Ophelia, *Ida, *Isaac, *Ed- ward, *Charles, *Grace, *Frank, *Fannie; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec20 O160a (1852) Brookman, E. O. (Jennie Rhinehart) Ch Mary, *Blanche, *Katie; Irving Rl Irving Sec23 O9a (1855) Browkaw, Charles H. (Alice Chancy) Ch Thurman, Helen, Abram; Litch- field R3 South Litchfield Sec20 OlOa (1875) Brown, Arthur (Lizzie Fireman) Ch William, Russell, LeRoy, *Ralph; Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec26 O160a Sec24 T80a Mrs. Pearl Mul- ligan (1907) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Brown, Charles (Elizabeth Meroney) Ch Elizabeth; Nokpmis R4 Noko- mis Sec36 T40a Elizabeth Fitzger- ald (1883) Brown, Charles A. (Ida Wright) Ch Cornelius; Nokpmis R3 Audubon Sec26 T90a Mrs. M. Weakly and Mrs. J. Kitchell (1910) Brown, Charles L. (Anna M. Hoehn) Ch Walter, Celia, Ray, Cleda; "The Maples Farm" Irving Rl Witt Sec29 OlSOa (1870) Mutual Tel. No- komis Brown, C. C. (Mary Elwell) Ch *Ethel, *Cora, *Lora; Pana R3 Au- dubon Secll-12 O240a (1867) Mu- tual Tel. Rosemond Brown, C. E. (Ollie Pyle) Ch Mar- guerite, Harold; Rosemond Rl Au- dubon Secll T80a Mrs. Belle Brown (1878) Mutual Tel. Rose- mond Brown, C. H. (Mary McLean) Hills- boro R4 Hillsboro Sec36 O15a (1853) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Brown, F. E. (Nora Rhoades) Ch Nova, Lorene; Nokomis R4 South Audubon Sec3 T40a Dave Hicks (1813) Brown, G. M. "Oak Grove Farm" Cof- feen Rl East Fork SeclOS O75a (1850) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Brown, 'James (Alice Hayes) Ch Mar- tin, Mary, Everett; Farmersville Rl Harvel Sec7 O213a (1873) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Brown, John (Hannah Coen) Ch Ha- zel, Loretta, Lelah, John, Jr., Ray- mond, Bernice, Elmer; Harvel R2 Harvel Secl9 O74a (1877) Mutual Tel. Harvel Brown, John Harvey (Anna Smith) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec6 Ol45a (1914) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Brown, John W. Ch Hazel, Velma, Melva, Everett; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl7 T160a Dave Deal (1917) Tel. Pawnee Brown, J. F. (Laura Summers) Ch Harold, *Charles, *Henry, *Blanch; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec30 O165a (1888) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Brown, J. F. (Tressa Coen) Ch James, Willard, Mary; Farmersville Rl Pitman Secl3 O80a T120a Brown Est. (1885) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Brown, J. H. (Mary Brown) Fillmore Rl Witt Sec35 T160a Mrs. Belle Webb (1900) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Brown, J. W. (Mary Belle White) Ch Olive, *Bertha, *Cora, *Elmer; Cof- feen R3 Fillmore Secl6 O169a (1858) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Brown, Lee (Laura Hard) Ch Melvin; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl2 O80a (1865) Bell Tel. Nokomis Brown, Orville (Elsie Blackburn) Ch Harold, Millard, Marshall, Ralph, Windell; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec20 TISOa "Rice Miller (1876) Brown, Otis (Ellen Brown, Mother) "Maple Wedge Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec28 T240a Ellen Brown and Amos Miller (1887) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Brown, Ralph (Mary Millburg) Far- mersville R2 Bois D 1 Arc Sec23 T80a Arthur Brown (1894) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Brown, Roland O. (Ida Turner) But- ler Butler Grove Sec28 OlOOa George W. Brown Est. (1877) Bell Tel. Butler Brown, R. G. (Anna Wilson) Ch Thomas, Frank, Hattie. Bertha, Hazel, Edna; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec33 O60a T80a Sarah Willfawn (1882) Bell Tel. Nokomis Brown, Tom J. (Anice Brown. Sister) Nokomis R4 South Audubon Sec7 O80a (1878) Bell Tel. Nokomis Brown, T. E. (Nancy Gary) Ch Ed- gar, *Oral, *Arnold; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec22 O120a Sec21 T30a John Wright (1862) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Brown, T. J. (Louvisa Campbell) Ch *Rosalia, *Victoria; Fillmore Fill- more Sec25 O51a (1894) Mutual Tel. Fillmore 39 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Brown, William J. (Carrie Broham- mer) Ch Kenneth, Earl, Marie; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec7 T320a Arthur Kinkead (1877) Browning, George W. (Effie Erisman Ch Alice, James, George, Francis, Laurel, Fern, Ruth; Farmersville Rl Pitman SecS O235a (1917) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Browning, J. W. (Nettie Street) Ch Eunice, Neil; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec20 O80a (1873) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Browning, Ray (Ethel Gerlach) Ch Raymond E.; "Midland Farm" Ray- mond R2 Pitman Sec27 T160a E. M. Browning (1888) Mutual Tel. Wag- goner Brubaker, Levi (Lena L. Browning) Ch Vesta L., Lula E., Winter E., Dale C, Neva E., *Glen E., *Clyde M.; Farmersville Rl Pitman SecS .O317a (1868) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Brubaker, Martin (Clara Williamson) Ch Eva, Margaret, Emmett, *Law- rence, *Gail; Waggoner Rl Pitman Secl9 O220a (1870) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Brummet, Jesse P. (Maggie Wright) Ch Opal; Nokomis R3 South Au- dubon Sec2 O205a (1890) Bruns, Heye (Clara Vibeck) Nokomis R3 Audubon SeclS T200a Mary Mc- Kowen (1915) Bruns John (Felicia Stanley) Ch Vivian; Rosemond Rl Audubon SeclO OlOa TlOa Mrs. A. Bruns (1898) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Bruntjen, Herman (Sarah C. John- son) Ch Heinrich J., Christian H. Frederick J., Frank, Leola; Mor- risonville R3 Rountree Secll O80a (1888) Bruntjen, J. G. (Mary Potter) Ch Melvin, Margaret, Hazel; "Maple Lane Farm" Harvel Rl Rountree Sec6 O160a (1884) Mutual Tel. Har- vel Bryce, George A. (Effie Harris) Ch Edith, Camilla, *Buelah, *Ralph; "Wolf Pen Dairy Farm" Irving Rl Irving Sec25 O247a (1866) Mutual Tel. Irving Bryce, William (Belle Lingle) Ch Hubert, Letha; Nokomis Rl Noko- mis Secl9 O167a (1871) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Buchanan, Ray (Edith Ninimo) Ch Juanita, Forrest, Bermie; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec26 T160a William Ninimo (1887) Mutual Tel. Wag- goner Bullard, Sarah Ch Anna, Robert Wil- liam, Mathew, John, Martha, Mary; Harvel Rl Raymond SeclS T160a Clarence McNaughton (1915) Bullard,- S. F. (Laura Morton) Ch Marie, Paul M., Silas E., *Frank R.; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec32 T160a J. G. Dorsey (1902) Mutual Tel. Harvel Burkaw, Isaac F. (Laura B. Beck) Ch Annabelle, Marguerite, George, Frederick, Julia, *Willber, ""Leslie; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec29 T120a F. Groves (1870) Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Burke, Edward A. (Minta Sanders) Ch Otis; Irving R3 Fillmore SecS TllOa J. L. Sanders (1873) Burke, James (Mary Lehan) Ch El- mer, Roy, *John, *James, *Mar- guerite, *Mary, *Mabel; Farmers- ville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec27 O240a Sec34 T80a Pat Burke (1875) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Burke, John S. (Eva Cross) "Maple Dale Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec30 T160a J. H. Rainey (1918) Burke, Michael (Kate McCarthy) Ch Marguerite, Katherine; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec30 T200a John Tohl- an (1888) Mutual Tel. Girard Burke, T. W. (Lola Upchurch) Ch Marie, Verna, Florence. Ralph, Henry, Lee, Susan, lone; Irving R3 East Fork Secl2 O80a (1873) Burkhardt, Albert (Juanita Dilley) Ch Harold, Albert, Elmo; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec36 O85a T40a Jasper Dilley (1915) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Sorento Burnet, C. E. (Cora E. Graham) Ch Franklin M.; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec26 T80a H. C. Burnett (1886) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Burnet, J. A. (Doris Graham) Ch Dorothy, Elmef, Virginia, James; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec26 T80a H. C. Burnett (1879) Mutual Tel. Wag- goner Burris, Charles D. (Edna Briggs) Ch Kenneth, Helen, Feme; "Plain View Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove SecS O160a (1875) Bell Tel. Butler 4C FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Burris, John R. (Laura Kime) Ch Marshall, Paul; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec30 T240a Edward Isett (1912) Mutual Tel. Girard Burris, W. C. (Mary C. Klemme) Ch Cleone, Paul; "Spring Valley Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove See? O201a (1877) Bell Tel. Butler Burris, W. Richard (Joan Anderson) Ch William, Audry, Kendrick; Paw- nee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl7 T160a Mrs. Minnie Barnett (1912) Tel. Morrisonville Burton, O. J. (Iva Spicer) Waggon- er Rl Pitman Sec20 T9Sa Mrs. E. Williamson (1890) Burton, W. W. (Laura B. Carroll) Ch Everett, Gladys, *Orville, *Vera; Waggoner Rl Pitman Secl9 O120a (1867) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Busby, J. A. (Amy L. Ware) Ch Le- land, Evelyn; "Grand View Farm" Butler Butler Grove SeclS O130a (1893) Bell Tel. Butler Busby, Vernon (Demaree Newberry) Ch Leroy; Witt Rl Witt Sec8 O5a (1894) Busby, William (Anna G. Hamell) Ch Joe, Muriel, *Andie, *Vernon, *Gail; Nokomis R6 Nokomis Sec23 T13a Luther Shoemaker (1892) Bell Tel. Nokomis Buse, Rudolph (Johanna Hildebrandt) Ch Louise, Frieda, Ruth, Emil, *Julia; Ohlman Audubon Sec4 O160a (1903) Buskey, Henry F. (Desina Engleman) Ch Elmer, Erna; Raymond Rl Zanesville SeclS T188a L. Niehaus (1912) Mutual Tel. Raymond Butler, H. B. (Centie Hutchison) Ch Helen; "Glenwood Farm" Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Sec29 O80a Sec30 TSOa Will Ault (1869) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Butler, Ralph (Polly Hicks) Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec2 T355a Joseph Weinstein (1894) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Butler, Wesley (Laura Thalls) Ch Ar- thur, Willard, Essie; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec30 O80a Secl9 T40a Archie Simpson (1854) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Calame, George (Anaise Calame, Mother) Ch Shirley Edward; Witt Rl Rountree Sec35 O40a TlOOa Carraiker Est (1875) Mutual Tel. Witt Calame, Paul (Anna Buckhagen) Ch Grace, lona, Marjorie; Witt Rl Irv- ing Seel O80a Witt Sec6 T40a (1877) Mutual Tel. Witt Caldicott, John (Flora Groseclose) Ch James, Walter; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc. Sec6 T75a E. Herlin (1914) Tel. Virden Caldwell, C. M. (Minnie Heinneman) Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec28 O93a (1903) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Callahan, T. J. (Abbie Applegate) Ch Grace, Gordon, Willie, Carrie, *Lil- lie; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec9 T170a Amos Miller (1883) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Calyar, James M. (Ada R. Gore) Ch Ola; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec32 O84a (1855) Campbell, Albert (Anna Smith) But- ler Butler Grove Sec27 T135a Frank Brown (1916) Bell Tel. Butler Campbell, Charles W. (Sarah Camp- bell) Ch Mary M.; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec31 O80a (1907) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Campbell, Earl A. (Myrtle Chance) Ch Lester Moore; Harvel R2 Har- vel Sec8 T240a Christian Specht (1912) Mutual Tel. Harvel Campbell, J. A. (Melissa McLean) Ch Jennie, Effie A *Carrie, *Archie, *John, *Robert; Hillsboro R2 Gris- ham Sec3 O70a (1875) Befl Tel. Hillsboro Campbell, Robert (Edna Denham) Ch Joyce; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Sec3 T40a J. A. Campbell Bell Tel. Hills- boro Canaday, Charles F. (Myrta White) Hillsboro Rl Butler Grove Sec31 T113a John F. White (1882) Mu- tual Tel. Hillsboro Canaday, E. F. (Mattie G. Perkins) Ch Virginia; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec35 O25a (1869) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Canaday, James Ch Bunyan, Mattie, Laila, 'Elizabeth; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec36 O83a (1834) Mutual Tel. Butler 41 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Cannon, H. (Martha Anderson) Ch Loraine; Virden R42 Bois D' Arc SeclO T140a Mrs. Bertha Shoer (1870) Mutual Tel. Virden Carey, Michael (Winnie Kilduff) Ch *Alice, *Jane, *Michael, *Leo; Ray- mond R3 Zanesville Sec26 O84a (1905) Mutual Tel. Raymond Carey, Pat J. (Margaret E. Sheedy) Ch William E., Alpha, Juanita; No- komis R5 Rountree Seel T160a A. M. Shepherd (1912) Carlock, Pleasant (Mary Jerden) Ch Charlie, *Ora, *Edward, *Mary, *Mahala, *Dora, *Jesse; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secl3 OlSOa (1898) Carnahan, W. E. (Mary Halbrook) Ch Mary, *Nettie, *Grace; Irving Rl Irving Sec24 T216a File Est. (1915) Mutual Tel. Irving Carr, Delbert C. (Genevieve Chausse) Ch Grace; Irving R2 Irving Sec3 T50a Rebecca Chausse (1891) Mu- tual Tel. Witt Carr, Dolphus (Alice Cline) Ch *Charley, *Logan, *Delbert; Irv- ing R2 Irving Sec3 O102^a (1866) Mutual Tel. Witt Carriker, C. L. (Frances Catherine Sechler) Ch Ina V., Ethel M., Har- ry G., *Orval, *Opha, *Lester, *Grace; Witt Rl Witt Sec9 O212a (1849) Mutual Tel. Witt Carriker, J. J. (Margaret Morain) Ch * Pearl, *Susan; Irving Irving Sec22 O200a (1864) Mutual Tel. Irving Carroll, C. C. (Grace Waddington) Ch Homer, Jennie, *Elby, *James, *Anna, *William, *Edwin, *Edna; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec25-36 O240a (1903) Mutual Tel. Oconee Carroll, Ed (Clara Hinton) Ch War- ren, Edith, Gladys, Wilbur, Nellie, Mabel; Oconee R2 Audubon Sec35 T320a C. C. Carroll (1903) Carroll, James M. (Hattie S. Pitch- ford) Ch James Jr., * William J.; "Green Mound Farm" Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Secl9 O120a (1866) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Carroll, John (Eliza Donnelley) Ch William, Floyd, Edna; Ramsey R3 South Audubon Secl4 O80a (1917) Tel. Ramsey Carroll, J. E. (Mary L. McNutt) Ch Grace, Carmen, Adrian, Millicent, Doris. Wavne, Harry; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec34 T205a Horace El- liott (1898) Bejl Tel. Nokomis Carter, William D. (Lillie Hennessy) Ch Isabel, William, Lillian, Alice. Louise, Olive, Daniel; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec20 O700a (1880) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Cartmel, L. T. (Mary Mathews) Ch Edna, Otto; Thomasville Bois D' Arc SeclS O80a T120a W. H. Mathews (1914) Case, Delbert (Nellie Duty) Ch Fay, Elmer; Virden R2 Bois D'Arc Sec4 O120a (1876) Mutual Tel. Virden Case, Harvey (Claudia R. Middleton) Ch Virginia, Howard; "Prairie Farm" Nokomis R5 Nokomis SeclS O290a (1898) Bell Tel. Nokomis Case, Otis (Clara Bowman) Ch Veda, Virgel, Orval, Paul, Marie; Virden R42 Bois D' Arc Sec4 O80a T160a M. Peariman and H. Schaper (1879) Mutual Tel. Virden Cashen, J. W. (Elizabeth Curtin) Ch Francis, Lawrence, Peter, Anna, Mary, Ellen, Agnes, Veronica, Vin- cent; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 O80a T40a Coen Est. (1906) Cass, O. B. (Anna Fromknecht) Ch Wilma; Butler Rl Butler Grove SecS O340a (1877) Bell Tel. Ray- mond Casseday, Albert B. (Emma Grimm) "Maple Lawn Farm" Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec27 T136a Mrs. B. B. Casseday (1889) Casselberry, W. H. (Rosella Gray) Ch Agnes K., Josephine. *Rosella C., *Ruth A.; "Ash Knoll Farm" No- komis Rl Nokomis Sec22 O80a (1877) Bell Tel. Nokomis Cassidy, B. J. Irving R3 Witt Sec26 O160a (1890) Mutual TeJ. Nokomis Cassidy Brothers (Sarah Oneill and Mary, Wife and Child of I. J. Cas- sidv) Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec3 O300a (1878) Cassidy, T. M. (Evelyn Golden) Ch Rosa, Lawrence, Edna, Joseph, Clement. Ruth, John, Mildred, *Mary. *Evelyn, *Jerome; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec3 OlOOa (1878) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Caulk, Lloyd W. (Lenna Weller) Ch Sylvia; "Orchard Grove Farm" Irv- ing R2 Irving Secl7 TllOa Miller & Son (1916) Mutual Tel. Irving Cave, Robert (Elmira Compton) Ch Roy, Lela, Herbert, *Asa. *Maud, *Alva; Litchfield R2 North Litch- field Sec9 T112a G. Nimmons (1917) 42 Cavett, William W. (Hattie B. Miles) "Ferndale Farm" Litchfield R3 South Litchtield Sec3 O47a (1913) Chadwick, John E. (Anna Yeager) Ch Ester; Litchfield R2 North Litch- field Sec36 T39a O. O. Omaley (1903) Chamberlain, L. M. (Mary Lay) Ch Inez, Edna, *Delbert; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec27-28 O580a (1862) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Chamberlain, Nathaniel W. (Essie M. Valentine) Ch Ruth, Mary; Litch- field R3 South Litchfield Sec8 O7a (1875) Bell Tel. Litchfield Chamberlin, J. D. (Stella Brodenback) Ch Ruby; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec26 T320a L. M. Cham- berlin (1893) Chambers, L. L. (Emma Pope) Ch Lyman; Raymond Rl Raymond SecS T80a Frank Luking (1898) Mutual Tel. Raymond Chance, Lewis Hornsby Rll South Litchfield Sec6 O159a (1858) Chandler, Fulton (Sonora Williams) Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec7 T38a S. A. Chandler (1890) Chaplin, Eugene Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec23 O120a (1913) Chaplin, Harry (Monta V. Lovelace) Ch Juanita; Raymond R2 Zanesville Sec2 TlOOa William Beattv (1904) Chapman, Albert (Veleda W.edekind) Ch Harry, Curtis, Earl, *Emma, *Keith; Raymond R2 Raymond SecS O91^a (1872) Mutual Tel. Raymond Chappelear, E. D. (Annie Bales) Ch Russell, Ruth, Rex, Mary, Tom, Charles; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Sec4 T160a Ed McDavid (1914) Chausse, A. E. (Amelia Bowers) Ch Daisy, *Nettie, *Walter; "Poplar Lawn Farm" Nokomis Rl Noko- mis Sec21-17-18 O480a (1864) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Chausse, Edgar (Edith Dixon) Ch Thelma, Mervin; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec27 O40a (1878) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Chausse, W. A. (Ellen Marley) Ch Gladys, Mary (deceased). John, Donald, Levon; Nokomis Rl Noko- mis Sec21 O80a (1882) Bell and Mutual Tels. Nokomis Chesnut, Charles A. (Ella R. Hosing- ton) Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec30 T398a E. Garret (1917) Bell Tel. Butler Chestnut, I. A. (Jessie Orton) New Douglas Rl Walshville T200a George Schoen (1918) Chesser, Mrs. Elizabeth (Elizabeth Johnes) Ch Philin Luther, *Wil- liam, *Louise; Irving Rl Witt Sec29 T40a Charles Brown (1844) Chisholm, James D. (Frances Jen- kins) Ch Marguerite, Ruth; "Lin- denview Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec33 O80a (1863) Bell Tel. Butler Cholewinski, S. T. (Catherine Lubeki) Ch Alphonso, Leonard, Zigmand, Virginia, Agon; Hillsboro R3 Irving Secl9 O130a (1908) Christian, Arthur (Odessa McClel- land) Ch Marie, Earl, Ben, Flora- bella; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec25 T273a J. C. Christian (1872) Mutual Tel. Coffeen .' Christian, Lawrence A. Irving Irving SeclO O180a (1883) Christian, W. R. (Ella Bell) Ch El- mer,- Blanche, Lula, Guy, Frank, *Roy; Witt Rl Nokomis Sec31 T220a Theo. Keller (1874) Christner, William L. (Kathryn Gu- dehus) Ch Eleanor, Eugene, War- ren; Rosemond Rl Audubon SeclO- 11 O120a (1878) Mutual Tel. Rose- mond Chumley, G. H. (Lizzie Prater) Ch Edward M., J. Byron; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl2S O103a (1891) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Chumley, Homer (Mary Roberts) Ch Hazel M., Harry R., Mabel E.; Cof- feen R3 Fillmore Sec7S T60a Illi- nois Chumley (1887) Chumley, Hugh (Roxie Spears) Ch Esther, Howard Pernina, Harold, Martha, Lewey, Herman, Helen, Ida, Newell, Kenneth; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec31 O140a Sec32 T50a James K. Chumley (1879) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Chumley, Joel (Ida Fravel) Ch Roy; Coffeen Fillmore ' Sec6S O264a (1875) Chumley, J. K. (Caroline Hightower) Ch *Hugh, *Joel, *Laura, *Ida; Cof- feen R2 Fillmore Sec32 O60a (1836) Cimbalista, John (Mary Bolazik) Ch Mary, Anna, Mike, Marguerite, Pauline, Agnes, Josephine; Hills- boro R3 Irving SeclS O34^a (1909) 43 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Clark, A. C. (Anna E. Martin} Ch El- mer, Joseph, Willard, Mary, Mar- tha; Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec25 T80a Mrs. M. Morrissey (1881) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Clark, John J. (Anna Barry) Ch James, Joseph; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec24 O164a Sec27-30- 32 T210a James E. Dunnegan, P. Burke and E. Tolan (1873) Clark, L. J. (Effie Kline) Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec? T160a W. H. Baum (1910) Mutual Tel. Virden Clarke, Frank J. (Dadie Carey) Ch Edward, Howard, Frances; Far- mersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 O60a T60a Martin Carey and Charles Lewis (1884) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Clarke, James E. (Margaret Fitzger- ald) Ch Raphael, Malcomb, Paul; Morrisonville R2 Harvel Sec4 O124a (1878) Christian Tel. Morrisonville Clarke, Mathew P. Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec36 O80a T40a Mrs. George McCranor and Mary Clark (1878) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Clarke, Patrick (Nora Quinlin) Ch Patrick, Helen, James, Edward, Francis, Rita; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec31E OlOQ^a T20a Mrs. E. Clarke (1865) Mutual Tel. Far- mersville Clarke, Thomas (Katherine Whalen) Ch Marie, Nellie, Grace, Thomas, Jr., Margaret, Joseph; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec31E OlOOa (1868) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Clayton, Arthur S. (Rosalie C. Hoog) Ch Lorraine; Hornsby Rll North Litchfield Sec31 TlOOa Casper Hoog (1916) Cline, Thomas (Dona Robertson) Ch Cecil, Claudia, Emil; Fillmore R2 Fillmore SeclO T95a Otis Whitten (1910) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Cline, W. G. (Sarah Stairs) Ch Au- drey Lee, Reginal G.; Mrs. Rebecca Stairs, Esta Stairs, Mother-in-law and Sister-in-law; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl9 T159a E. Black (1914) Mutual Tel. Raymond Clotfelter, J. A. (Sarah Barrisklow) Ch Laura, *Lillie, *Frank, *Flora, *Homer; Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Sec36 OlOOa (1839) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Clotfelter, R. J. (Ruth Field) Ch Ralph, Raymond; Hillsboro R2 Hiflsboro Sec24 O142a (1877) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Coen Bros. Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec31E T280a James Coen Est. (1875) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Coffee, Joseph A. (Norma Reeves) Ch Marrietta, Oleva; Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec2S O60a (1871) Coffey, J. T. (Luella A. Davis) Ch Helen Marie; "Coffey Heights" Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl8S O60a (1865) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Colclasure, James J. (Myrtle Nash) Ch Golden, Foya; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec4 T160a Andrew Weber (1915) Tel. Pawnee Cole, Abner R. (Dicy L. Williamson) Ch *Homer M.; Fillmore R3 Fill- more Secll O86a (1843) Cole, Elmer (Sarah Rufus) Hillsboro Hillsboro Sec24 Ola (1900) Cole, Hubert (Ida Hill) Ch Jack, Wil- lie; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secl2 T40a Cornelius Hill (1900) Cole, H. B. (Ethel Simmons) Ch Roberta May; Pana R3 Audubon Sec3 T160a E. Ullom (1914) Cole, R. S. (Ida Williams) Ch Fern, Verla; Fillmore R2 Fillmore SeclS T180a Frank Herron (1916) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Collins, Henry P. (Dena Compton) Ch Alvin W.; Witt Rl Nokomis Sec33 Ol5a T70a Joseph Haushki and Walter Grimes (1902) Comer, Fred (Anna Wanger) Ch Myr- tle, Delight, Ruth; Harvel Rl Ray- mond Sec3 T160a Louis Wolfer (1907) Mutual Tel. Harvel Commerford, Anna (Anna Carmody) Ch Dan, Joe, Lee, William, Cecilia, Margaret, Sarah, *Thomas, *Mary, *Elizabeth; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec31 O322^a (1868) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Commerford, T. M. (Julia Clarke) Ch Nelson, Francis, John, Anna, Jere- miah, Roger; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec31E T322^a Farm Hand Anna Commerford (1873) Compton, Clair (Pearl Coffman) Ch Oma, Margaret; Hillsboro R4 Gris- ham SeclS Tla N. D. Wilson (1893) Compton, Mrs. Jane (Jane Voyles) Ch *Sarah; Walshville Rl Grisham Secl9 O32^a (1856) Compton, J. W.. (Maude Neal) Ch Gladys, Goldie, Leonard, Loraine, Stacy; Myrtle, Sister; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secl6 O80a (1861) 44 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Compton, William G. (Eliza Mc- Curdy) Ch Charles D., Sarah B., William Abbott, *Jessie, *Ardenia, *Vira, "Lester E., *Myra L.; Witt Rl Witt Sec8 T160a William Ab- bott (1884) Convery. Frank (Stella Brown) Ch Eileen, John; Farmersville Rl Pit- man Seel T153a Mrs. Mary A. Con- very and Miss Mary Convery (1891) Cook, Fred (Alice Carlock) Ch Cleda; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secl3 T50a Mary Merriman and Pleasant Car- lock (1880) Cook, W. H. (Lola Halford) Ch Carl, Pauline, Verna; Ramsey R3 South Audubon Secl4 T60a V. B. Hal- ford (1913) Tel. Ramsey Coonrod, C. A. (Pearl McConathy) Ch Stella Loron; Harvel R2 Ray- mond SecS TlOOa Mrs. M. J. Mc- Conathy (1902) Cooper, J. J. (Lula Molohan) Ch Sadie, Corda, *Mabel, *Lou, *Bon- nie, *Lottie, *Cecil; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec30 T218a Mr. Truitt (1900) Mutual Tel. Raymond Corlew, Basil F. (Erne L. Bennett) Ch Lora, Morgan, Doris; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec23 T120a M. Corlew (1880) Mutual Tel. Raymond Corlew, Willis M. (Fannie L. BurnapJ Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec23 T80a Morgan Corlew (1884) Mutual Tel. Raymond Cornwell, William H. (Emma B. Behme) Ch Albert, Guy, "John, *Zana, *Henry, *Louisa; Atwater R45 Zanesville SeclS O252a Colby Est. (1907) Tel. Pumpkin Vine Cory, Thomas B. Ch Edna, Anna, *Ethel, *Tom, *Clayton; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec27 O160a (1851) Bell Tel. Butler Cory, Thomas H. (Vera I. Dyer) Ch Marion, Harfield; "Echo Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec21 TlOOa J. C. Barrett (1880) Bell Tel. Butler Cowan, Herman (Cora Hope) Ch Irene, Mary, Bessie, Bertha, Reba, Dorothea; Irving R3 East Fork Secl2W T160a Mrs. Deterding (1886) Cox, William A. (Frances Hoxie) Ch Margaret, * F r a n k, *William, *George, *Mary; Litchfield South Litchfield Sec2 O175a (1896) Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Cox, William A. Jr. (Mary Cooley) Ch Robert, Donald, Elaine; Litch- field North Litchfield Sec28 O228a (1896) Cramer, Gottlieb (Katie Hahn) Ch Eliza, Lena, Katie, Theo; Witt Rl Irving Secll O40a (1906) Cranfill, B. F. (Mintie Askern) Ch Lillie, Ben, George, Alva, *May, *Nellie; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec30 O93a (1895) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Crawford, George W. (Kathryn Dov- er) Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec33 O206a (1867) Mutual Tel. Litch- field Crawford, James E. (Etta A. Gris- ham) Ch Martha E. Charley E. Ruth C., Viola A., Leroy, James M., Ruby, Robert, Clyde, *Edith, *John, *Mabel, *Nellie; "Silver Crest Farm" Honey Bend Zanesville Sec34 O200a (1865) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Crawford, Samuel H. (Nettie Paisley) Ch May E.; "Shady Lane Farm' Honey Bend North Litchfield Sec3 O230a (1848) Mutual Tel. Litch- field Cress, Edward T. (Lilly Joyce) Ch Claire, Rex; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secll O148a (1873) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Cress, Frank E. (Jane Cress, House- keeper) "Clover Hill Stock Farm" Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec30 O542a (1880) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Cress, G. H. (Anna O. Cress) Ch Ada, Eitelka; "Cress Hill Farm" Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec22 O295a (1855) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Cress, Hubert (Etta Grassel) "Cress Hill Farm" Hillsboro Hillsboro Sec3 T220a H. A. Cress Sr. (1886) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Cress, H. E. (Nora Upchurch) Ch Orin, *Estelle; Irving R3 East Fork SeclN T280a Mrs. S. C. Cress (1876) Mutual Tel. Irving Cress, H. Frank (Sylvia Fish) Ch Roy, Orville, Parl, Esther; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec2 O140a (1875) Mu'- tual Tel. Fillmore Cress, James W. (Essie Webster) Ch Louise, Marian; "Cress Hill Farm" Hillsboro Hillsboro Sec3 T220a H. A. Cress (1889) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Cress, J. D. (Ada Bost) Ch Echard; "Kirkland Farm" Fillmore R2 Fill- more Sec2 O152a T60a Mark Mason and J. E. Cress (1883) Mutual Tel. Fillmore 45 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Cress, Lee (Jessie Hill) Fillmore Fillmore SecS O306a (1879) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Cress, P. W. (Mary Whitten) Ch Hoyt, Russell, Ross; Irving R3 Fill- more SecS O40a (1870) Cress, Walter W. (Maud C. Taylor) Ch Harold, Laura, Almyra; Litch- field North Litchfield Sec35 O20a (1881) Cress, W. Orin (Geraldine Blizzard) Irving R3 East Fork SeclS Resi- dent H. E. Cress (1897) Mutual Tel. Irving Cresswell, George (Ethel Bledsoe) Walshville Rl Grisham Sec20 TlOa Jake Vogel Est. (1873) Crihfield Anna Fillmore R3 Fill- more Sec4 O40a (1868) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Criner, Ambros (Ellen Henson) Ch Walter L., *William, *Charlie, *Nora, *Josephine, *Fred, *George; Coffeen R3 East Fork Seel IS O40a (1865) Criner, A. D. (Mary D. Boyd) Ch Dewitt T., Laura E., Emma J., Liz- zie B., Verna L., Grace W., Bertha A.; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl2S O90a (1866) Crissman, Homer (Margaret Satter- lee) Ch Marion, Howard; Irving R3 East Fork Sec3N O40a (1870) Mu- tual Tel. Irving Crites, Albert B. (Renie Miller) Ch George, Eula, Beulah, Mildred, Jef- ferson; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec30 O70a Secl9 T25a Frank Cress (1879) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Crites, J. D. (Sarah M. Myers) Ch Walter S., 'Albert B., *William G.; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec31 O50a (1855) Crites, R. E. (Fern Dickey) Ch Merl; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec21-16 T160a Mary E. Todt (1918) Croon, Cornelius (Foskea Braken- hoff) Ch Onno, "Henry, "Herman. *Etta; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec7 O80a (1868) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Croon, Henry (Elsie Janssen) Ch Carl, Walter; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec7 T80a Dick Janssen (1881) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Cross, J. T. (Francis Millberg) Far- mersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec27 T160a John Murnhy Sr. (1915) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Grouse, Alex (Nellie Bullard) Ch Mil- dred; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec21 T160a Mrs. E. Ward (1910) ' Mutual Tel. Virden Crow, J. A. (Lida Card) Ch *Noma, "Alfred; Nokomis R3 South Noko- mis Sec3 O40a (1863) Culp, A. L. (Jennie Young) Ch *Wal- ter, "Carl; "Megnog Farm" Noko- mis R3 Nokomis Sec25 O160a (1857) Bell Tel. Nokomis Culp, James C. (Josephine Twohey) Ch Harold, William, Lorrence, Fred, Donald, Hellen; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Secl9 T117a George Fisher (1912) Cumpton, Roscoe (Stella Waters) Ch Otis; Walshville Rl Walshville Secl2 T140a Mrs. Kennedy (1879) Cunningham, R. C. (Katherine B. Bllaw) Ch Alfred, Thomas. Jesse, Robert, *Charles, "Harry; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec29 O127a T120a S. E. Washburne (1897) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Curry, Lemuel (Lula Bell) Ch Leona; Pana R3 Audubon Secll T160a C. Ullom (1915) Mutual Tel. Rose- mond Curry, Phillip (Martha Walker) Ch *Roy, *Lemuel, *Abby, *Charles, "Tracey; Pana R3 Audubon Seel T80a Mrs. Emma Osborn (1912) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Curtis, Delbert (Eva Kessinger) Ch Wayne; Witt Rl Witt Sec7 T173a George W. Paisley (1887) Curtis, Orlando (Katherine L. Sim- mons) Ch Elmer D., *Delbert J.; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec27 O265a (1876) Curto, Daniel (Tressa Berton) Ch Louis, Prema, Angeline, Adaline, Coroline, Jennie, Mary, Ruby; Hillsboro R3 Irving Secl7 O35a (1913) 46 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY D Dahler, Charles (Ida Zeifang) Ch Clifford; Rosemond Rl Audubon Sec8 T160a Albert Dahler (1898) Bell Tel. Nokomis Dammann, E. L. (Ada E. Banes) Ch Tesse, Charles. Thomas; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec31-32 O120a T120a Charles Dammann (1887) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Dammann, Frank (Katherine Rupp) Ch Mary, Lottie, John, Fred, Net- tie; Hillsboro R2 Butler Grove Sec23 O240a (1855) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Dangerfield, Richard C. (Katherine Richerson) Ch *Queene, *Rachel; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec34 O87a (1897) Danials, E. B. (Grace E. Tompson) Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec22S T60a Joseph Savage (1905) Bell Tel. Donnellson Davenport, Thomas R. (Louise Hall) Ch May Beatrice, Richard, *Ralph, 'Dallas S., Wanda; Butler Rl But- ler Grove Sec38 T80a Emma Vroo- man (1874) Bell Tel. Butler Davidson, J. L. (Bertha Wayne) Ch Ruby, Wilbur, Victor, Jerry, Wayne, Given, Kenneth; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl2 O128a (1865) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Davis, Albert (Margaret Dickerson) Harvel R2 Pitman Sec24 T120a T. B. Richardson (1892) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Davis, A. M. (Eliza Banning) Ray- mond R2 Raymond Sec29 O70a (1858) Davis, A. M. (Stella Wheeler) Ch Bertha, Ester, Lucille, Lula, Cecil, *Corwin; Irving R3 Tla Easton Whitten (1908) Davis, Claire R. (Opal Ellington) Ch Kenneth; Donnellson East Fork Secl9 T80a Charles J. Davis (1891) Bell Tel. Donnellson Davis, C. J. (Eliza Cox) Ch Lyman K., Paul W., *Clare; Donnellson East Fork Secl9S O230a (1881) Bell Tel. Donnellson Davis, Frank B. (Alice G. Potts) Ch Glenn, Gertrude; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec3 T80a W. C. Davis (1890) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Davis, George (Matilda Marriman) Ch Bernell. Odell, William D.; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec9 T560a Farm Hand J. K. McDavid (1905) Davis, George D. (Angelina Cruze) Ch *Edd, *Gracie, *Pearl; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield SeclO OlSOa (1855) Bell Tel. Litchfield Davis, Harry (Rebecca Uhlry) Ch Stanley, Otto; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec21 T160a W. C. Mar- burger (1916) Davis, Mrs. Minnie (Minnie Webster) Ch Leona, William, Ethel; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl4 O80a (1885) Davis, O. B. (Sarah Osborne) Walsh- ville Rl Walshville SeclS T80a Burke Est. (1906) Davis, Sydney R. (Nora Bighorn) Ch Isabelle, Kathryn; "Evergreen Farm" Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec20S T300a Laura A. Bighorn (1881) Bell Tel. Donnellson Davis, Theodore (Susan Harlan) Ch Ruth, Chancey, Eldon, Helen, Mar- jorie. *Maud; Barnett Zanesville Sec31 O104a (1868) Bell Tel. Car- Davis, T. W. (Rachel Mariam) Ch Bonnie, Charles, Thomas, Marian, Edward, Harin; Irving Rl Witt Sec25 Lee Hamlin (1906) Davis, William J. (Tillie J. Godwin) Ch *William W.; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield SeclO O127a (1863) Davis, W. L. (Mary E. Blevins) Ch Myrtle, Oren, Alvia, Clarence, Fern, Genevieve; Walshville Rl Walsh- ville Sec22 T170a F. J. Johnson (1915) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Hills- boro DeBarr, Fay (Dorothy E. Doll) Ch Fred; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Secl2 TISOa John DeBarr (1915) Mutual Tel. Litchfield DeBarr, John (Jessie Lawton) Ch Thelma, Carl, John. Harry, *Fay: Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Secl2 O200a (1914) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Deist, William (Anna Keiser) Ch Melvin: Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec21 T120a Wm. Dewerff (1913) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Delong. James (Barbara Bremer) No- komis Rl Rountree Sec32 O80a (1899) Mutual Tel. Nokomis 47 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Denny, Earl (Alma Hughes) Har- vel Rl Raymond Secl4 T160a Ed Lessman (1897) Denny, Mrs. N. J. Ch Emma; Walsh- ville Rl Walshville Sec2 O20a (1847) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Hills- boro Denny, Oscar (Mary Alice Haynes) Ch Clarence, Earl, Lucy, Myrtle, Grace, Opal; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec24 T120a Frank Brandis (1888) Mutual Tel. Raymond DeMoulin, Rene S. (Lillie March) Ch Mary, Effie, Opal, Alorrence, Frank; Litchfield Rl North Litch- field Sec30 TlOOa Charles Nimmons (1879) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Dempsey, J. D. (Josephine Cooper) Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec28 T160a Mrs. Susan E Steidley (1918) Tel. Farmersville Derby, F. P. (Maude Richardson) Ch Rowena, Beulah; Raymond R2 Pit- man Sec26 T140a Tom Richardson (1874) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Detmers, Andrew (Lena Johnson) Ch Louise, Emma. Edna, Nora, Alva; Nokomis Rl Rountree SeclS O80a (1880) Detort, Thomas (Eliza J. Butter) Ch *Emma J., *Bertha A., "Thomas C., * Lillie M., *Lula M.; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec31 OSla (1852) 'Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen DeVaisher, WUliam W. (Gertrude Carature) Ch Charles. Emma; But- ler Rl Butler Grove Sec6 OlOOa (1881) DeVries, John (Mary Niehaus) Ch Adeli. Louis, Herman. Emil, Har- vev, Edna; New Douglas Rl Walsh- ville Sec31 O130a (1897) DeVries, Mrs. Mary Ch Anna, Louis, Louise, Otto, Walter, Carl, *Tena. *Lydia; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec29 T200a Mrs. Marnev (_1911) Dewerff, George (Hilda Meyer) Ch Melvin; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl3 O80a (1885) Mutual Tel. No- komis Dewerff, John (Tillie Meyer) Ch Har- old; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl3 O80a (1906) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Dewerff, William (Thresa Arkabauer) Ch Walter, Willis, Louis, Lester, Roy; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl3 O160a (1872) Mutual Tel. Nokomis DeWitt, Frank (Rachael Bonnett) Ch Eva, *Paul, *Clarence; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec2 O35a (1863) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Dickey, Homer (Lillie Jostes) Ch Earl, Lora; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec34 T160a R. H. McAnulty (1912) Dietb, Joseph (Mary Suterer) Ch Theodore, Edward, Edgar, *Au- gusta, *Gertrude, *Clarence; Cof- feen Rl East Fork SeclS O90a (1870) Dikerson, Harry M. (Pearl D. Stege) Litchfield R2 North Litchfield O80a (1914) Dillbeck, John J. (Lucy Williamson) Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl3 O62a (1914) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Dillon, Jack H. (Olive Giberson) "Fruit Farm" Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Sec7 OlOa (1868) Dinsworth, Michael (Marguerite Kearns) Ch Veronica; Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec26 O80a (1902) Dirks, John (Angeline Oltmann) Ch Etta Ida, Harvey John; Nokomis R2 Nokomis Seel T80a K. Oltman (1886) Bell Tel. Nokomis Divieley, John (Julia Emmert) Ch Camilla, Genevieve; Donnellson Rl Irving Seel Farm Hand W. H. Young (1913) Dixon, George (Mary Pollett) Vir- den R2 Bois D' Arc Sec7 T80a Sarah Tunnell (1916) Tel. Virden Dockery, S. A. (Mary Vogel) Ch *Doc, *Laura. *Minnie, *Ida, *A1- ma, *Myrtle. *Calvin; Hillsboro R2 Grisham Secl3 O84j^a (1855) Dodd, W. E. (Rhoda Morris) Ch Lil- ly, Austin, Rhoda, Thelma; Hills- boro R3 Irving Sec29 T16a Michael Walsh (1908) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Doehler, Paul (Hanna Keiser) Ch Al- fred, William, Edwin, Helen, Clar- ence; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville SeclS O200a (1896) Tel. Mt. Olive Doerr, A. T. (Alice Williamson) Ch *Harry, *Walter. *Mabel, 'William. *Nellie; "Walnut Grain, Feed and Stock Farm" Harvel Rl Raymond Seel O80a (1858) Mutual Tel, Har- vel. Doerr, Chris Harvel Rl Raymond Seel O40a (1871) Doerr, Peter H. (Lizia Smith) Ch Clarence. Gladys; Irving Rl Irving Secl3 O140a (1868) Mutual Tel. Irv- ing Doerr, Walter H. (Katharine Harvey) Harvel Rl Raymond Seel T40a A. T. Doerr (1882) 48 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Dohler, John E. (Laura Dammann) Ch Marjorie, Lawrance, Don; Irv- ing R3 Irving Sec32 O60a T112a C. Dammann & Paden (1910) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Doht, Henry A. (Gesine Keiser) Ch Edward, Anna, Walter, Alwin; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec8 O160a Sec7-8 T133a F. W. Hartke (1892) Tel. Mt. Olive Doiss, August (Frances O'Donnell) Ch John A., Francis J.; Nokomis R2 Audubon Secl9 O40a (1888) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Doll, Henry T. (Eva Rasor) Ch Ruth A., Mary J.; Litchfield North Litch- field Sec20 T120a Rasor Est. Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Doll, Mrs. Minnie Ch Fred, Louisa, *Martin; Litchfield R2 North Litch- field Sec29 T160a Joseph Suttle (1900) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Dollintine, W. R. (Minnie L. Voyles) Ch Glenn, Clarence, Lester, Lola, Mary, Earl, Wesley, Gladys, Victor; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec27 T253a Dan Bennett (1865) Donaldson, A. R. (Rosa Donaldson) Ch Kathryn, Torney, Ruth, Helen, Eva; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl2 T40a William Compton (1916) Donaldson, Dewey K. (Ruby Blay- lock) Ch Lawrence; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Seel T180a Jane Donald- son (1897) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Donaldson, H. E. (Ella Carter) Ch Freda, Naaman, Joseph, Lucille. Torney; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec36 T80a Cynthia Donaldson (1882) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Donaldson, J. G. (Lona Carter) Ch Bernell, Lavelle; Fillmore R2 Fill- more and Witt Sec36-l O40a Sec4 TlOSa Victor Wright (1918) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Doody, Tom (Mary Clark) Ch Electa, Ambrose. Margaret, Mavetta; Har- vel R2 Harvel Sec4 O90a (1868) In- dependent Tel. Morrisonville Dougherty, Philip (Mary Larkin) Ch James, George. Edward, Regina, *Marcella. *Irene; Irving R3 Witt Sec33 O160a (1863) Mutual Tel. No- komis Downs, Paul (Estelle Cress) Irving R3 Fillmore Sec7 T80a Tom Mc- Lean (1894) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Doyle, Lee (Emma McBride) Noko- mis R4 Nokomis Sec36 T80a Amos A. Doyle (1918) Doyle, Thomas Ch Lemar; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec29 O705a (1879) Tel. Raymond Dragoo, Williard L. (Ruby P. Smith) "Victory Farm" Pawnee R3 Bois D' Arc Sec4 T221a A. C. Dragoo (1891) Tel. Pawnee Drake, John O. (Ella N. Smitherman) Ch Stanley; Barnett Rl Zanesville Sec7 O40a (1900) Draper, G. Henry (Ida Fogleman) Ch Ethel, George, Leland, *Ruth; "Woodland Cottage Farm" Irving R2 Irving SeclS Ola (1865) Draper, William P. (Delia Wright) Ch Roy, Marie; Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Sec7 T80a Ebe Yonell (1905) Drennan, J. P. Irving Rl Witt Sec29 O60a (1878) Dressor, P. S. (Cora M. Fath) Ch Orin, Ester, Ellen; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec20 T80a Thomas Fath (1902) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Drew, Geo. E. (Bernice Granthan) Ch Leola. Norman; Irving Rl Witt Sec30 T190a Drew and Mrs. Lynd (1879) Mutual Tel. Irving Drewel Bros. William and Fred; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec3 T220a Katherine Drewel and Fritz Monk (1878) Driskel, John (Sallie Hunt) Opal, Ray, Orville. Everett; Morrison- ville R3 Rountree Sec3 T120a Mary Englehart (1915) Driskell, James M. (Ala A. Wylder) Ch *Louisa; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec21 O90a (1856) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Duckett, Levi (Melissa McClurg) Ch Ellen, *William, *Mary; Irving R3 Witt Sec31 O60a (1912) Duckett, Ora (Martha Oltmann) Ch Helen, Edward, Doris, Marie; No- komis R5 Nokomis Sec7 T80a Her- man Kaiser (1917) Mutual Tel. No- komis Duff, Sarah J. Ch Ellis, Abram, 'Ber- tha, *Burgess; Raymond R3 Zanes- ville Sec26 O70a (1859) Mutual Tel. Raymond Duffey, Edward Farmersville Rl Pit- man Secl2 O79a Harvel Sec4 T33a Pat Gall (1888) Dugger. Orvel (Fern McElroy) Har- vi -1 Harvel Sec28 Tla E. P. Babb (1916) 4V PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Dunkel, C. E. (Ellen McKinney) Ch Nora, Jesse, Edna, *Katie, *Minnie; Morrisonville R2 Bois D'Arc Sec33E T160a Sampson Bottrell (1914) Mutual Tel. Morrisonville Dunkirk, Fred Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec9 O80a (1913) Dunkirk, Henry (Maggie Peters) Ch Evert, Freda, Richard, Alice; Paw- nee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl3 O160a (1910) Dunlap, C. W. (Jane Graff) Ch Charles, Allie, Elmer, Walter, Flor- ence, Louise, *Frank; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl6 O440a (1908) Tel. Morrisonville Durand, Eugene (Mary Bonnet) Ch Edward, *Essie, *Stella; Farmers- ville Rl Harvel Sec6 O73a (1870) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Durbin, Christopher (Alice Basel) Ch Clarence, Arthur, Walter, *Stella; Hillsboro R3 Irving Seel? T65a L. McHugh (1915) Durham, Dave (Fannie Buckner) Ch Richard, William; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec28 T160a Mrs. Louisa Evans (1908) Mutual Tel. Girard Durston, A. E. (Lula Hodges) Ch John, Olan, Helen; Witt Rl Roun- tree Sec36 O80a (1881) Mutual Tel. Witt Durston, Edgar (Nellie Griffen) Ch Maggie, Carol, Wilma; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl^t T80a John McLean (1887) Durston, Joseph (Theresa Adler) Ch Harlan; "Lone Cedar Farm" Irving Rl Witt SeclS G120;i (1880) Mutual Tel Irving Durston, William H. (Nellie Hudson) Ch Earl, Guy. *Etta, *Edgar, *Pearl, *Lela; "Evergreen Brook Farm" Irving R2 Irving Secl6 O130a SeclS T40a William Hudson (1883) Ebe, Mrs. Sopha Ch Trena, George, Harry, *Charles, *Carrie; Pawnee R3 Bois D' Arc Secl2 O160a Sec7 T160a F. M. Hoppin (1879) Tel. Pawnee Eckhoff, Jesse W. (Ethel L. Gipson) Ch Esther, Elbridge, Helen; Noko- mis R4 Nokomis Sec35 T120a Mrs. E. Fitzgerald (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Eckoff, Kaspar (Mary Christner) Ch Otto, Louie, *Minnie, *Frieda; No- komis R4. South Audubon Sec8 O80a (1907) Bell Tel. Nokomis Eddington, Edgar (Rosa Eddington, Sister) Irving Rl Witt Secl9 O170a (1898) Mutual Tel. Irving Eddington, Edward (Rebecca Bals- ley) Ch Edna, *Vernon, *Ira; Witt Rl Irving Sec3 O90a (1882) Eddington, Elmer A. (Luella Comp- ton) Ch Vivian. Lucile. Evelyn, Marie; Irving Rl Witt SeclS T120a Arnold Dahler (1890) Mutual Tel. Witt Eddington, Harry (Lola Durston) Ch Russell, Nellie; Irving R4 Witt Sec20 O190a (1883) Eddington, Tames (Edith Mitchell) Ch Roy. Maud, Victor. *George, *Lora; "Citv View Farm" Witt Rl Nokomis Sec31 T160a W. R. Ed- dington (1896) Mutual Tel. Witt Eddington, Mrs. James (Eliza Ed- dington) Ch Ethel, Guv, *Oscar, *Rasa, *Edgar, "Nettie ;'lrving R2 Irving Secl4 O160a (1898) Mutual Tel. Irving Eddington, Jesse (Bertha Storm) Ch John, Ivan, Lela; Irving Rl Witt Sec20 O120a (1879) Eddington, Joe Sr. (Margaret Van- burkloe) Ch Otis, *Joe, "Jesse, *Harry; Irving Rl Witt Sec20 O85a (1847) Mutual Tel. Irving Eddington, Joe Jr. (Minnie Groner) Ch Homerj Lynn, Lois; "Brookdale Farm" Irving Rl Witt Secl9 O210a (1876) Mutual Tel. Irving Eddington, Oliver (Myrtle Toland) Ch Francis, Cecil, William; Butler Butler Grove Sec29 O138a (1910) Bell Tel. Butler Eddington, Oscar (Pearl Durston) Ch James, Grace; Irving Irving SeclO O160a (1892) Eddington, Richard (Laura Dean) Ch Benjamin; Irving R2 Irving SeclO O79a (1878) Eddington, Thomas (Sophia Edding- ton) Ch Harvey, Charley, Myrtle. *Elmer A.; Witt Rl Irving Sec3 O90a Secl4 T80a Mrs. A. E. Tucker (1888) Mutual Tel. Witt FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Edwards, J. Allen (Mary Schlucke- bier) Ch Gary, Arthur, Leroy, Fred, lone, Lena; "Old Edwards Homestead" Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec6S O338a (1866) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Edwards, Amos R. (Carry Beck) Ch Elizabeth C, Randolph B., Richard A., Kenneth B.. *Dorothy; "Elm- hurst Farm" Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec31 O450a (1864) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Edwards, Mrs. Flora (Flora Clotfel- ter) Ch Ralph, Mabel. Carl, *Ger- trude; Hillsboro R2 Grisham Seel O113^a (1871) Edwards, Hewey A. (Lila McLean) Ch Paul McLean; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec34 O22a (1888) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Edwards, Jesse (Maude Lindley) Ch Harold; Hillsboro R2 Grisham Seel O159a (1872) Bell Tel. Don- nellson Edwards, Justin A. (Mabel M. Morse) Ch Burrell T., Raymond B., Vir- ginia; Coffeen Rl East Fork SecSS T200a W. T. Edwards (1877) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Edwards, J. H. (Lucy Zenor) Hills- boro R2 East Fork Sec6S OlOOa (1857) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Edwards, J. T. (Sarah McPherson) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec20 O40a Sec21 TlOa Mrs. Mary Ault (1887) Edwards, J. T. (Lois E. Wray) Ch Wray, Ralph, Lucile, Wayne, Loraine, Roy; Harvel Rl Rountree Sec6 TllSa Mrs. J. Thunhorst (1908) Mutual Tel. Harvel Edwards, J. W. (Lou Arabelle Young) Ch Roscoe A., Hervey A., Gladys A.. Oscar A., Oliver B., Maud A.; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec32 O700a (1852) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Edwards, Lewis E. (Lill J. Lamb) Ch Irene. Jessie, Elsie. Aleen, Car- roll, Geneva. *Ora, *Elmer, *Clara. 'Flossie. "Hilda; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec30 TlOOa Robert Montgomery (1917) Edwards, Lynn ( Pearl Kimbro) Cof- feen Rl East Fork Sec33 T20a W. A. Boyd (1890) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Edwards, Mrs. Minnie (Minnie P,rice) Ch Ruth, Floyd; Hillsboro R4 Gris- ham Sec2 Resident J. A. Price (1881) Edwards, M. I. (Cynthia Root) VValshville Rl Grisham SeclS O80a (1868) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Edwards, Roscoe A. (Ella Heffner) Ch John W. Jr.; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec32 T250a J. W. Edwards (1885) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Edwards, S. H. (Mary J. Frame) Ch *Alva, *Lynn, *Ross, *Lucile; Cof- feen R2 East Fork Sec35 O86a (186P) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Egelhoff, Charles (Nora Schoen) Raymond R3 Raymond Sec22 T120a W. F. Egelhoff (1886) Mutual Tel. Raymond Egelhoff, Otto (Anna Schoen) Ch Nicholas; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Secl7 O200a (1873) Tel. Mt. Olive Egelhoff, Walter W. (Emma S. Bues- cher) Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec23 T160a William Egelhoff (1885) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Egelhoff, W. F. (Meta Johnson) Ch Walter, Charles, "Joseph, *John, *Otto, * Willis; Raymond R2 Ray- mond Secl9 O142a (1859) Mutual Tel. Raymond Eickhoff, Louis (Rose H. Weller) Ch Cleotis, Aloysius, Marie, Raymond; Raymond R2 Zanesville Secl4 O82a Bell Tel. Raymond Eliason, James (Jessie M. Curry) Ch Ethel, Perry, Lee; Farmersville Rl Pitman SeclS T160a John Minikin (1893) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Ellington, Alva F. (Edna E. Kinman) Ch Louise; Coffeen Rl East Fork SeclSS T55a Martha A. Ellington (1893) Bell Tel. Donnellson Ellington, A. L. (Lamirah C. Camp- bell) Ch T. Perry, Opal, "Clement L., *Ollie*B., "Ester M., "Ellen J.; "Maple Lawn Farm" Donnellson Rl East Fork SeclSS O140a (1867) Bell Tel. Donnellson Ellington, Claud (Nellie McCoslin) Ch Robert; Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec21S O95a (1882) Ellington, John D. (Elizabeth Harris) Ch Pearl, Ralph, Nora, Florence, Ethel, *John; Irving R2 Irving SeclS O109a (1875) Ellington, Holland (Grace Conn) Hillsboro R3 Butler Secl3 T65a Jess Osborne (1892) Ellington, William A. (Lela Goodwin) Ch . Alfred G.. Margaret L. ; Don- nellson Rl East Fork SecSS T160a William A. Ellington Sr. Est. (1882) Bell Tel. Donnellson 51 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Elliot, Louis (Edna Pierce) Ch Gay- lord, Walter, Virginia; Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec21 T225a Berry Est. (1906) Bell Tel. Butler Elliott, Arthur (Bertha Fox) Ch Ber- nice; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec27 T160a C. Elliott (1878) Bell Tel. Nokomis Elmore, E. E. (Eva Harvey) Ch New- ell, Eula, Lois, Carl; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl3 T120a Robert Bul- lington (1891) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Elmore, Frank (Minnie Boyd) Ch Pearl, Albert, Ina, Bernice; Fill- more R2 Fillmore Sec23 T119a Henry Hill (1875) Elmore, George W. (Clara Green) Ch Elvis, Ethel, Ralph, Earl; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl3 T80a Betty Smith (1878) Elmore, Robert (Emma Green) Ch Chester, Harry. *Ernest, *Opal; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec6S O147a (1882) Mutual Coffeen Elvers, Christ (Lena Tacke) Ch Viola Marie; Ohlman Audubon SecS O4a (1871) Elvers, Herman (Annie Rau) Ch Ro- berta; Ohlman Audubon Sec6 T120a Henry Elvers (1878) Bell Tel. No- komis Engelhart, Fred (Anna Best) Ch Lil- lie, Anna. Nellie. Jesse, *Emma, *Louis, *Edward E., *Edna, *Lottie, *Henry; Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec3 O240a (1887) Engelhart, Louis (Edna Engelhart. Sister) Nokomis Rl Rountree SeclO T80a Fred Engelhart (1896) Engeling, Fred (Cynthia Sanders) Ch Orval, John, Wilbur, *William, *Bert, *Lottie; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec24 O80a (1890) Engelman, Edward (Gertrude Elliott) Ch Ella, Paul; Nokomis R3 Noko- mis Secl2 T80a H. Krummell (1918) Bell Tel. Nokomis Engelman, George E. (Nellie R. Gil- bert) Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec23 T120a E. Engelman (1888) Mutual Tel. Raymond Engelman, Herman (Minnie Fried- hoff) Ch Irma; Nokomis R3 Noko- mis Secl2 O120a (1885) Bell Tel. Nokomis Engelman, H. O. (Stella Myrtle Briggs) Ch Otis, Lemar. Ilah; Har- vel Rl Raymond Secl3 TlOOa E. M. Engelman (1891) Mutual Tel. Har- vel Engelman, William M. (Anna J. Bau- man) Ch Lucile, Velma, Mildred, Harold, Willard; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec26 T114a E. M. En- gelman (1888) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Englis, Walter (Fern Jett) Ch Jett; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec20 T65a Clyde Overeen and S. J. Jett (1915) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Ennis, John (Martha C. Tackett) Ch Minnie, Chester, Byron. Lillian, Alma, Myrtle, *Olive, *Earl; Paw- nee R51 Bois D" Arc Sec7 T228a R. T. Briggle (1911) Tel. Pawnee Epley, Herman (Florence Nieft) Ch Lillian, Lena, Edward, Russell; No- komis R3 Witt Sec24 O140a (1888) Bell Tel. Nokomis Epley, John (Gustie Nieft) Ch Bertha. Lester, Jesse, Catharine, Julia, Thresa, *T o hn, *Will; Nokomis R4 South Audubon SeclS O311a (1866) Bell Tel. Nokomis Epps, Beverly R. (Martha J. Walker) Ch *Lloyd. *Ray, *Alice, *May, *Ora, *Blanche. *Sarah; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec34 OlOa (1871) Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Erb, Charles (Mary A. Williams) Ch Winfield, Clarence, Marion, George. Raymond; Litchfield R2 Zanesville Sec32 T160a Carl Schwecke (1915) Ernst, August (Mary Reckart) Ch Arthur, Edward, Mary, George, Louis, Agnes; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec24 O113a (1879) Mutual Tel. Ernst, August (Marv Bauman) Irv- ing Rl Witt Secl6 O40a (1868) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Ernst, Charles (Julia Mast) Ch Elin- ton, Charline; Irving R3 Fillmore Sec4 T160a C. A. Ramsey (1885) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Ernst Ed (Minnie Kellerman) Ch Vir- gil, Beulah; Witt Rl Witt Sec4 T200a Thomas Daly and Ben Hoehn (1884) Ernst, George (Barbara Benny) Ch Viola, Bertha, *William, *Frank. *Emma. *Manda, *Agnes; Cof- feen Rl East Fork Sec27 O200a (1874) Ernst, Henry Ch Herman, August, Walter; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec20 T160a Frank Grosenheider (1904) FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Ernst, H. C. (Ida Oberle) Ch Maude, Emma, Myrtle, Lester, Roy, *Wil- liam, *Edward, *Herman; Irving Rl Witt Sec23 O160a (1859) Bell Tel. Nokomis Ernst, Louis H. (Irene E. Elliman) Ch Ada; Butler Rl Butler Grove Secl9 T140a Ed Lane (1876) Bell Tel. Butler Ernst, William (Theresa Brown) Ch Lillian, Joseph, Elizabeth; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec27 O64a (1885) Ernst, William H. (Anna Maroney) Irving Rl Witt Sec29 T227a An- drew Miller (1883) Essick, William C. Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec3 T50a Mrs. D. M. Miller (1913) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Estell, William A. (Minnie Kolk- horst) Ch Clarence, Florence, Ros- coe; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec28 T160a F. Swank (1917) fitter- Lewis P. (Anna M. Wempen) Ch Marie; Raymond R2 Zanesville SecH O50a (1884) Bell Tel. Ray- mond Evans, J. F. (Anna Lindley) Ch Val- lee; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec35 O136j4a (1890) Farmers Mutual Tel. Sorento Evans, P. O. (Tetta Brakenhoff) Ch George, Dorothy, Anna Jane; No- komis Rl Nokomis Secl6 T40a Mrs. Mollie Collier (1885) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Evans, S. B. (Florence Blaylock) Ch Otis, Emil, *Grace; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec27 O62a (1860) Evans, W. J. (Winnie J. Jestes) Ch Audrey; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec35 O540a (1871) Farmer's Mu- tual Tel. Sorento Everts, H. (Louise Johantosettel) Ch Anna, *Edward, *John; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec20 T120a Frank Grosenheider Fardell, H. T. (Lou Hensen) Ch Dal- las, *Azelia; Walshville Rl Grisham SeclS O96a (1897) Paris, Charles (Gertrude Frensley) Ch Charlie, Myrtle, Alden, Laurel, Ralph; Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Seel T50a C. H. Witherspoon (1918) Farrelly, Nicholas (Anna Wentz) Ch Frank; Nokomis R2 Nokomis Sec4 O160a (1898) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Farris, G. V. (Lena Crites) Ch Dal- las; Hillsboro R3 East Fork Sec6 T90a Mrs. E. Hughes (1890) Path, Eugene (Tillie Kaburick) Ch Herschel, Melville, Maynard; Hills- boro R2 East Fork Sec20 O90a (1876) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Path, Luke A. (Kate Thacker) Ch Fairy. Kenneth; Hillsboro R3 Irv- ing Sec20 O60a (1867) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Fearn, Joseph (Millie Walker) Ch Ira, Joseph. Mary; Witt Rl Rountree Sec33 T160a Marshall Lipe (1904) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Fearno, Charles H. (Lena Stults) Ch Ina, Tullis. Eva; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec7 T160a C. V. Coyne (1914) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Felkel, George (Rosie Kessinger) Ch Ruth. Louise. George, Wilton, Ern- est. *Earle, *Clarence; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec26 OlOa T45a J. C. Hope (1856) Felts, George W. (Mary A. Ramsey) Ch Addie, *Effie, *Georgie; Litch- field South Litchfield Sec2 T46a B. Hubman (1889) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Litchfield Fenton, Oscar (Nora Johnson) Ch Creola, Velma; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec24 T140a (1912) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Ferguson, Fred (Daisy Rawling) Ch Lynn; Irving R3 Witt Sec22 T220a James Rawling (1881) Ferguson, George L. (Mary F. Kime) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec22 O97a (1864) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Ferguson, H. W. (Mary E. Poland) Ch *James P., 'Grace J., *Fred J., *Cora E., *Robert F., 'Harvey W.; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl9 T247a Montgomery County Farm (1855) Bell and Mutual Tels. Hills- boro Ferguson, John E. (Lizzie Loen) Ch Wanda, Bertha; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec2 O89a (1870) Ferguson, R. F. (Delia Davidson) Ch Burnell, Sheridan; Fillmore Rl Witt Sec36 T245a P. C. Able (1885) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Ferrari, Steve (Mary Summers) Walshville Rl Hillsboro Sec32 T207a E. Seymore (1911) 53 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Fesser, Frank (Hannah Keiser) Ch Melvin, Chester; Irving R2 Roun- tree Sec^l O160a (1878) Fesser, G. W. (Minnie L. Morain) Ch Viola, Georgie, Ivan, *Eita, *Lester; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec20 O310a (1869) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Fesser, Lester H. (Grace Cook) No- komis Rl Nokomis Sec28 O77a (1893) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Fesser, Louis H. (Emma L. Wage- hoft) Ch Carl, Earl; Witt Rl Roun- tree Sec26 O160a (1881) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Fesser, Ray (Pearl Wright) Ch Beu- lah; Fillmore R2 Fillmore SeclS Ol58a T160a Jennie and Albert Fes- ser (1885) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Ferjancic, Joe (Tracy Mruele) Ch Dainlla, Stefanije, Fredia, Edward; Walshville Rl Grisham Secl7 O80a (1910) Finley, D. E. (Polly Wright) Ch Cleo, Robert, George, *Pearl, *Mary; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec3 T160a Elige Whitten (1909) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Fireman, Albert (Agnes Baker) Ch Mildred, Mary; Farmersville Rl Pit- man Sec24 O60a T60a John Johnson and Mrs. M. McCormick (1886) Mu- tual Tel. Waggoner Fireman, Henry (Frances Wagahoff) Ch Bernard; Farmersville Rl Pit- man SecH O80a T120a Mike Fire- man (1882) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Fireman, William (Margaret Coen) Ch John J., Anna, Bernadine; "Ma- ple Grove Farm" Raymond R3 Ray- mond Sec28 O120a (1873) Bell Tel. Raymond Fish, Fred (Elnora Work) Ch Melba, Paul; Nokomis R4 Witt Sec3 T120a Martin Bock (1916) Fish, Mrs. Lydia (Lydia Wilson) Ch Roy, John, *Jesse, *Sylvia, *Fred, 'Charles; Bingham Rl Witt Sec36 O20a (1884) Fisher, Fred (Emma Eckhoff) Ch Harold, Mildred, Hilda, Grace; Bar- nett R2 Zanesville Secl6 T160a Al- bert Fisher (1881) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Fisher, Perrv Irving R2 Irving Secl7 O65a (1888) Fite, Benjamin ,F. (Fannie E. Bash- am) Atwater Rl Zanesville Sec6 (1868) Fite, C. E. (Mrs. Addie Brown, Housekeeper) Ch Morris, *Fay; Waggoner Rl Pitman Secl9 O120a (1864) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Fite, Samuel B. (Rosa L. Parrott) Ch Loren, Viva, Lee, Lemar; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec22 TISOa Mrs. Potts (1815) Fitzgerald, Frank Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec31 O80a (1901) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Fitzgerald, John O. (Mary Denneny) Ch Joseph, John, Leo, Robert, Mary, Marguerite, Eugene, *Laura; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Secl8 OlH^a (1907) Tel. Farmersville Fleming, John W. (Mary Cummins) Ch Elizabeth; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec22 T266a M. S. C. Crabb (1902) Fletcher, Albert E. (Rebeka E. Hold- away) Ch Jesse, *Emma, *William, *Albert, *James, *Edgar, *Zoe, * Victor, *Smith, *Ruth; Walshville Rl Walshville SecH O47a (1862) Flint, Earl W. "Twin Oaks Farm" Raymond Zanesville Secl2 O160a (1895) Bell Tel. Raymond Flitz, Fred (Grace Caspris) Ch John, William, Fred, Herman, Grace, An- na, Emma, *Reka, *Hannah; Litch- field R3 South Litchfield SeclS O180a (1914) Flitz, John (Anna Schmidt) Litch- field R2 North Litchfield Sec27 O40a (1903) Flood, Frank (Harriett Stevens) Ch Earl, Milton, *Blanche; Farmers- ville R2 Bois D'Arc Sec24 T160a Thomas Flood (1868) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Flood, T. P. (Margaret Burke) Ch Harold; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec34 T240a Thomas Flood, Sr. (1876) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Floyd, Eugene (Minnie Leonard) Ch Aileen, Glenn^ Raymond, Russell; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec21 O40a (1906) Flynn, William (Emma Lewis) Ch Alta, Manford, Hellen, Golda, Lil- lie, Josephine, *Anna, *Russell, *Irene, *Loretta; Raymond Rl Ray- mond Secl9 T220a Mabel McGow- en (1903) Fogle, Calvin (Nancy Westbrook) Ch Myrtle, *Thomas, *Wesley, *Roy, *Edwin, *Bertha, *Matilda, *Esther; Hillsboro R3 Irving Secl7 O50a (1902) 54 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Fogle, Thomas F. (Myrtle Law) Ch Pearl, Olin, Gladys, Melvin, Leon- ard; Pawnee R3 Bois D' Arc Secl3 T160a T. Murphy (1902) Fogleman, John F. (Mary A. Shef- fel) Ch Hellen, Morgan, *Arthur, *Jennie K. J.; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield SeclS O144a (1857) Bell Tel. Litchfield Fogleman, John S. (Gertrude Ault) Ch Bernice, Jessie, Nina, John, Frank, June; Irving R2 Irving Sec22 O30a (1873) Fogleman, Walter D. Hillsboro R3 Butler Grove SeclS TISOa James Watson (1871) Bell Tel. Butler Folk, Herman Nokomis R4 South Au- dubon SecS T124a Frank Craiger (1906) Fonke, August B. (Kate Korte) Ch Fred, Arnold, Ellanora, *Henry, *Ben, *Alvin; Barnett Rl Zanesville Sec33 T236a Mrs. A. Baker (1916) Forbes, Roy (Lena Badman) Ch Mar- jorie; Farmersville Rl Pitman Secl2 T160a H. Blaney (1896) Forsyth, D. M. (Etta Maud Cable) Ch Everett, Luther, Ralph, Bert, Ethel May, Dorothy, *Norma; Pana R3 Audubon Secl2 O80a (1900) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Foster, John F. (Lucy Seward) Ch Ada, Lester; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec26 O160a (1883) Tel. Butler Foster, Joseph O. (Mary Bennington) Ch Paul, Grace; Nokomis R3 South Audubon Sec6 T162a Pattengale Bros. (1870) Foster, Ross (Lena Brown) Ch Doro- thy, George, Russell, Theodore; Lucetta Foster, Mother; Noko- mis R4 South Audubon Sec6 O106a (1868) Bell Tel. Nokomis Fraley, Ed (Emma Ellet) Raymond Rl Raymond Sec30 T25a Louis Lessman Mutual Tel. Raymond Fraley, Everett (Mary Lisey) Ch Fern. Lionel; Irving R2 Raymond Sec36 T240a Joe Ochsner (1883) Bell Tel. Butler Frame, Amos (Hattie Williamson) Ch Preston. *Walter O., *Otis A.; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl9 O227a (1865) Bell and Mutual Tels. Hillsboro Frame. George C. (Maggie Weller) Ch Wayne, Bernice, Earl, Glenn; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl9 O204a (1871) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Frank, W. R. (Clara D. Tedrick) Ch Malvin, Murvil, Reva, Hellen; Cof- feen R2 Fillmore SecSS T60a Su- sannah Harris Est. (1918) Franklin, Thomas (Rose Martin) Ch Earl, Tom, Dolly, *Ernnie, *Ida; Irving Irving SeclO O20a (1868) Franks, L. C. (Marguerite Anderson) Ch Murry L., Elizabeth, Neil, Ro- berta, Maggie; Farmersville Rl Pit man Sec23 OllSa (1888) Franzen, Thees (Maggie Verhusen) Ch Etta, Louie, Anna Detmers, Grandchild, *Frank; Nokomis Rl Rountree SeclS OSOa (1890) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Fravala, Chris C. (Bertha Brown) Ch Milburn, Wilburn; Coffeen R2 Fill- more Sec20 T160a (1888) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Fravala, Jake Sr. (Minnie Lohouse) Ch Minnie, Jake Jr.; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec33 T200a William Wilson Est. (1916) Frazee, William (Mary Moore) Ch Myra, Emmarhetta, *Joseph; Vir- den R2 Bois D' Arc SecS T160a Dr. Bartlett Est. (1878) Tel. Virden Frazer, Louie (Maggie Goodinck) Ch James, Louis, Irene, Marguerite; Taylor Springs Hillsboro Sec26 O78a (1912) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Freeman, Oscar E. (Etta Pope) But- ler Rl Butler Grove Sec31 O40a (1881) Bell Tel. Butler French, Joseph Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec36 T160a MVs. M. E. Ma- canarey (1905) Frey, William W. (Hattie K. Olde- murtel) Ch Mamie, Evelyn, Elmer, Eva, *Edna, *Ethel, *Arthur, *Clara; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec28 TSOa Mrs. John Kelly (1907) Frick, Jacob (Margaret Jones) Ch William A., *Lona, *George, *Nina; Coffeen R3 East Fork'SeclOS O170a (1881) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Fricke, G. C. (Theresa Doerr) Ch Henrietta, Lester, Walter; Nokomis R5 Rountree Sec2 O160a (1872) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Fricke, William (Mollie Weller) Ch Lydia, Louise, Helen, Genevieve, Mary, Opal, Elizabeth; Harvel Rl Ravmond Sec25-36 O200a Sec35 TlOOa (1865) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Friend, George M. (Anna Guy) Ch Dora, Lester, Harold, Raymond, *Tda. *Goldie. *Bertha; Ravmond R2 Zanesville Secll TSOa T. L. Her- schelman (1893) 55 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Fromknecht, Max (Gertrude Hogsett) Fugate, L. M. (Mollie Riley) Ch Ch Ralph, Grace; "Northwestern Dairy Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec21 O120a (1876) Bell Tel. Butler Pearl, William H., Fred, Joseph, Rufus, Nellie, Katie; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc SecS O380a Farm Hand A. Heinkle (1918) Frye, H. H. (Carrie Day) Ch Ellis, Fugerson, Abe (Dell Kingston) Ch Mary, Nellie; Raymond R3 Ray- mond Sec31 T40a F. M. Drake (1917) Bell Tel. Raymond Fuchs, Adolph (Gesena Keiser) Far- mersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec22 T80a McCormick Est. (1887) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Fuchs, Edward F. (Ida A. Nobbe) Ch Leona; "Walnut Lane Farm" Far- mersville Rl Pitman SeclO T120a William Nobbe (1897) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Ch Alfred; Farmersville Rl Pit- man SecS T80a Mead Neal (1886) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Fuchs, Louis (Katherina Hein) Ch Edward, George, Louise, *Dora, *William, *Herman, *Henry, *Otto, *Lena; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec9 OlOOa (1873) Mutual Tel. Far- mersville Fuchs, Reinhard (Anna Schaefer) Abbie, Murrel; Walshville Rl Gris- ham Sec7 O42a (1888) Fulk, William (Dulcie Lee) Ch Ken- neth Lyle, John E. Lee, Father; Witt Rl Rountree Sec33 TSDa H. Weller (1917) Fuller, J. E. (Hattie Maria Hollen- bect) Ch Loye, *Essie, *Clyde, *Irene, *Josephine, *Carl, *Harry; "Shady Nook Farm" Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Sec25 T200a William Paisley (1858) Fuller, S. G. (Elizabeth Maddox) Ch John W., Willard G., Daniel W., Linly L., Jesse R., Edna C, Eliza- beth J., Charles B.; Coffeen R3 Fill- more SeclSS O220a (1868) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Furnace, Robert (Ethel Weller) Ch Opal, Fern, Ivan; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec29 T80a H. Weller (1888) Ch Edwin, Mary. Martha, Martin, Furness, Charles (Violet Eddington) Bertha, *Adolf, *Emma; Farmers- ville Rl Pitman Sec3 O228a (1881) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Fyffe, Don S. (Mary Boston) Ch Har- old, Steidley, Mary, Alva, Clarence; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 O37^a T122^a T. F. Fyffe Est. (1871) Tel. Farmersville Ch Clarence, Blanch; Irving R2 Irv- ing Sec9 O60a Sec3 T30a D. Carr (1884) Caddie, Ben (Noye Atkison) Ch Har- riett, *Claricy, *Walter, *Robert; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc SecS T160a Dr. Bartlett Est. (1898) Tel. Virden Gaines, Mrs. G. E. (Anna Snow) Ch May, Ruth, Katie, Mary, Georgie, *Beatrice, *Ruby; Donnellson Rl East Fork Secl6S O130a (1894) Bell Tel. Donnellson Gallup, J. R. (Delia Stokes) Ch Louise; Oconee Rl South Audubon Secl2 O120a (1903) Galyen, J. M. (Emma Lloyd) Ch Ira, Irene; Nokomis R4 Witt Secll T160a Jacob Gleich (1908) Bell Tel. Nokomis Gamlin, Joe (Wilma McCallum) Irv- ing R2 Butler Grove Sec4 T180a Tom Quarterly (1914) Bell Tel. But- ler Gardner, Frank (Bertha Whitten) Ch Charlene; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec4 O140a (1873) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Gardner, Fred J. (Tolah Pollard) Ch Mary, Fred, Warren; Butler Rl Butler Grove Secl9 O84a (1908) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Garnn, W. R. (Emily M. Brenner) Ch Eva, Charles, Julia, *Robert, *Lyman; Raymond R2 Raymond SecS O240a (1861) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond 56 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Garrison, J. A. (Sarah J. Holden) Ch *Elmer, *Charles, *Delphia; Litch- field R3 South Litchfield Sec36 T40a M. E. Garrison (1846) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Garrison, Mrs. Rowena (Rowena Hand) Ch Leona, Delpha, Florence, Howard; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec35 T20a Fulton Minor (1913) Gartner, Henry (Henrietta Hauser) Ch Elmer, Oren; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec8 O160a (1873) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Gartner, William F. (Ida Keune) Ch Hilda; Litchfield R4 South Litch- field Secl9 O200a (1877) Gass, J. H. (Fannie Strobe) Ch El- bert, Delbert, *Ona, Ina; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec24 O80a (1864) Gates, A. L. (Mary Lawson) Ch 'Gladys, *William, *Ruby, *Cora, *Lula, "Blanch; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec34 O4a (1868) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Gates, H. M. (Anna B. Blackburn) Ch Freda, *Warren. *Vaughn, *O1- lie; Coffeen R2 Fillmore SeclS OlSOa (1867) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Gates, J. P. (May Quails) Ch James; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secll T120a Neal McLean (1906) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Gates, Wood W. (Spray Whitlock) Ch Raymond, Virginia, Joseph; Cof- feen R2 Fillmore SeclS OlOa TlOOa Hardy Gates and Edd Landers (1887) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Gee, V. W. (Anna Baugh) Ch Myrtle, George, Nellie, Wayne, *Charlie, *Pearl; Harvel R2 Harvel SecS T160a E. A. Campbell (1911) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Gegg, Vincent Ch Dorothy; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec21 T19a Mrs. Whitworth (1888) Gerdes, Fred R. (Ricke Flitz) Ch Adolph, Freda, Verna. Marvin. Luther; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec22-23 T160a Mrs. Boll- man (1910) Gerhard, C. N. (Bessie May Fravers) Farmersvillc R2 Bois D' Arc Sec21 T200a L. M. Gerhard (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Gerhard, Henry C. (Ada Metzler) Ch Mary. Bcrnice, Helen. Melvin; Far- mersville Rl Pitman Sec7 O80a (1883) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Gerhard, John (Laura O'Connor) Ch John Cecil; "High View Farm" Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec21 T156a L. M. Gerhard (1881) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Gerhard, L. M. Ch Frank, Evart, *Nellie, *John, *Henry, *Chalmers, *Emma, *Samuel, *Ruth; Farmers- ville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec22 O960a (1867) Gerhard, S. L. (Grace Travers) Ch Leland; "Maple Grove Farm" Far- mersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec25 T160a L. M. Gerhard (1888) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Gerhards, George (Anna Braye) Ch Clarence, Mylo, Wilbert, Irene; No- komis R5 Nokomis Secl6 T40a Enoch Cook (1887) Gerhards, Henry (Anna Hahnen- kamp) Ch Lena, Henrv Fred, Lena, Theodore, Pauline, *Mary, *Anna; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl3 O80a (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Gerlach, Clyde (Edna Webb) Ch Elsie, Lucile; Harvel R2 Pitman Sec25 T120a Mrs. D. A. Gerlach (1888) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Gerlach, O. W. (Jennie Travers) Ch Ralph; Waggoner Rl Pitman Secl7 O120a (1872) Gerlach, Paul (Vera G. Burton) Ch Gordon; Harvel R2 Pitman Sec25 T80a John Gerlach (1890) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Getz, Ora (Mollie Bauerle) Ch Glen, Roy, Clifford, Ruth, Bertha; Noko- mis R2 Nokomis Sec3 T220a F. M. Burns (1909) Bell Tel. Nokomis Gifford, R E. Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec9 O67j^a (1906) Bell Tel. Butler Gilbert, C. H. (Anna Jacobs) Ch Car- rie, Florence, *Mildred; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec33 O40a (1900) Bell Tel. Raymond Gilbert, J. W. (Martha Langdon) Raymond Raymond Sec7 O14a (1903) Mutual Tel. Raymond Gilbert, Roy (Milla Kinerly) Ch Les- ter; Raymond R2 Raymond Secl6 T240a J. W. Gilbert (1903) Mutual Tel. Raymond Gile, George Ch *Libbie, *Ida, *Ollie; Irving Rl Witt SeclS O40a (1848) Oilman, Mrs. Flora (Flora Fox) Ch Gaylen, Harold, *Estelle; Waggon- er Rl Pitman Sec20 O80a (1869) Mutual Tel. Waggoner 57 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gilmore, John H. (Mary Barry) Ch Edward, Florence; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec30 T200a Russell Rice (1890) Mutual Tel. Girard Gilpin, W. G. (Edith Parson) Ch Her- man, Elsie, Flossie, Louise, Dora, George, Mary; "White Oak Farm" Pawnee R51 Bois D* Arc Sec6 T320a Montgomery & Peirceson (1917) Gimlin, Fred E. (Goldie J. Davis) Ch Eileen; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec26 T50a George Martin (1913) Gimlin, Wilber Raymond R3 Zanes- ville Sec23 T280a George Martin (1913) Gist, Harvey Ch Mildred, Myran, Orin, Coy, *Daisy, *Nellie; Far- mersville Rl Pitman Secl3 T120a H. Blaney (1915) Glen, Louis Hillsboro Butler Grove Sec36-25 O1400a J. F. Glen (1878) Glover, C. R. (Nellie Doer) Ch Glenn, Evert, Lore; Harvel Rl Raymond SeclO O160a (1917) Mutual Tel. Harvel Goby, Gus (Estelle Smith) Ch Gerald Kenneth; Raymond R2 Zanesville Sec2 TlSOa A. W. Goby (1900) Bell Tel. Raymond Goby, William R. (Winifred J. Jones) Ch Grace, Albert, Francis; Ray- mond R2 Zanesville SeclO T240a A. W. Goby (1888) Bell Tel. Raymond Goodman, C. A. (Fannie E. Gaskill) Ch Paul, George, Gladys, *Walter, *Evelyn; Nokomis R2 Audubon Sec20 O40a (1883) Bell Tell. Noko- mis Goodson, John T. Ch Sylva, Leila, Archie E.; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec30 T53a George Fisher (1918) Goodson, J, O. (Cora Travers) Ch Clayton. Hazel, Wavne; Farmers- ville Rl Sec36 T160a Farm Hand Mrs. John Tolen (1885) Gorman, Martin J. (Mary McGrath) Ch John, Merrick, Martin. Agnes. Rose, Florence, *Mary; Farmers- ville Bois D' Arc Sec25 O80a Sec35 TlOOa Frank Convery (1883) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Graden, Gettys E. (Birdie Winters) Ch Paul; Nokomis R2 Audubon Secl7-32 O160a (1879) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Graden, H. J. (Mabel Pray) Ch Gil- bert; Nokomis R2 Audubon Secl7 T320a J. L. Graden (1891) Graden, J. L. (Elmina Pocock) Ch Warren, Lottie, *Gettys, *Nora, *Harrison J.; Nokomis R2 Audubon Secl7 O320a (1865) Mutual Tel. No- komis Graham, F. N. (Ruby Toberrnan) Ch Erne Irene; Nokomis R3 Nokomis Sec24 T160a Gene Haller (1884) Bell Tel. Nokomis Graham, J. H. (Nellie Cress) Ch Verna, Vera, Marie, Earl, Dwight, Pauline, Lottie, Edna; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec3 T160a Isaac Hill (1878) Graham, J. M. (Margaret Stroud) Ch Rose, Edward, Roy, Ella, *Clar- ence, *Will; Harvel Harvel Sec33 O120a (1907) Mutual Tel. Harvel Graham, J. T. (Martha Barringer) Ch *Ray, *Fred, *Roy, *Olin; "Running Water Farm" Irving R3 Fillmore Sec8 O120a (1866) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Graham, Roy (Hannah Phillips) Ch John, Harry, Floyd, Lucille, Elmer; "Brookside Farm" Irving R3 Fill- more Sec4-5-6 O60a T30a J. T. Gra- ham (1886) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Graner, Charles (Anna Engelman) Ch Lucille, Alva, Clarence, Elda; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Secl6 T130a Tim Lyons and Mollie Colyer (1910) Tel. Nokomis Grantham, C. A. (Ellen Ault) Ch Gordon, Oliver; Irving R3 Irving Sec34 O60a (1904) Mutual Tel. Irv- ing Grantham, Jacob Ch *Lottie, *Dulcie, *Carrie. *Ellen; Irving R3 Irving Sec34 O109a (1836) Grantham, J. R. Josephine Bayer) Ch Winifred, Knoulton, Charles, *Ruth; Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec22 O492a (1869) Bell Tel. Butler Grantham, Otto (Maggie Grantham) Ch Mildred, *Lon: Irving Irving Sec26 T80a Bertha Lipe (1908) Grassel, Edward (Elizabeth Remen- snider) Ch Jessie, Arthur, *Nina; "Oak Grove Farm" Butler Rl But- ler Grove Sec31 O270a (1860) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Grassel, Henry C. (Louise Davis) Ch Clure D.; "Cedar Ridge Farm" Litchfield R2 Butler Grove Sec32 O236a (1857) Grassel, John C. (Mary Lotiey) Ch Harrv L., Albert. *Etta, Fred Sr.; "Hickorv Grove Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec32 O225a (1860) Bell Tel. Hillsboro 58 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Gray, Charles (Mary Ruppert) Ch Melvin Harold; Nokomis R5 Noko- mis Sec6 T80a Arnold Hahler (1910) Gray, John (Mary Meares) Ch Eve- lyn, Nellie, Marie, *Susie, *Ellen, *Ruby, *Fred; Pana R3 Audubon Secl2 Tla Rau Est. (1915) Gray, J. S. (Florence Paire) Ch Everett, Mildred; Nokomis R4 No- komis Sec36 O120a (1870) Bell Tel. Nokomis Gray, Walter (Florence Bevill) Ch May, Helen, Bessie; Witt Rl Noko- mis Sec31 T160a Clara B. Young (1907) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Gray, W. A. (Olive J. Chancy) Ch *George, *Albert, *Myrtle, *Essie; Butler Rl Butler Sec29 O73a (1855) Bell Tel. Butler Green, C. A. (Emma Moss) Ch Shar- on, Ralph, Mildred, Dorothy, Helen, Lois; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec33 O158a T250a Bepler Est. and Mrs. Laura Green (1875) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Green, Frank (Erma Lindly) Litch- field R3 South Litchfield Sec25 T217a Eva Corlew (1888) Green, Joseph (Florence Leetham) Ch Laura, Annis; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec26 O60a American Zinc Co. (1884) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Green, J. W. (Eva Bailey) Ch Lee. Doris, Ruth, Elbert, Kathryn, Clara; *Eva, *Irwin; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec34 O160a T50a Mans- field Bros. (1868) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Green, Mrs. Laura (Laura Montgom- ery) Ch *Arthur, *Alma, *Joseph; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec23 O220a (1872) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Green, Mary D. (Mary Eberline) Ch John, Green, *Kate, *Mattie, *An- nie; Walshville Hillsboro Sec32 O95a (1858) Green, W. S. (Victoria Bailey) Ch Beulah, Melvin, Clifford, Wilma, Vernon, Retta, *Iola; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec3 T160a Anna Barg- feld (1875) Greenwood, Arthur (Estella Smith) Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl7 T140a August Greenwood (1892) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Greenwood, Louis (Anna M. Becker) Ch Nellie, Bessie, Oliver, Hoyt, Freddie, Merle, Earl; "Red Clover Farm" Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl7 O170a (1881) MutuafTel. Coffeen Greenwood, Otto F. (Dora Brack- ebush) "Spring Valley Farm" Fill- more R2 Fillmore Sec23 O140a Sec22 T60a William Greenwood (1881) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Greenwood, W. C. (Rosa Schentzius) Ch Clara, Ida, Caroline, Hulda, Clif- ford, Raymond; Fillmore R2 Fill- more Sec23 O205a (1881) Mutual Tel. Mulberry Grove Gregg, Jehah Ch Blanch, Alberta, *Ward S., *Leslie S.; Butler Rl North Litchfield Sec25 T240a Smith Est. (1888) Gregg, William H. (Minnie Almond^ Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec2( TlOOa W. C. Arthurs (1888) Griffen, A. F. (Katie Freeman) Ch Charlie B.; Coffeen R2 East Fork SecllS O80a (1918) Griffin, David (Bessie Andrews) Ch Alvena; Coffeen Rl Fillmore Sec6S T200a Farm Hand Joe Chumley (1910) Griffin, James (Lizzie Lessman) Ch *Dora, *William, *James, *Nettie, *Clarence; Hillsboro R3 Irving Secl7 O155a (1890) Griffin, J. E. (Josephine Mercenheim- er) Ch Howard, Homer; Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Seel T20a C. W. Mil- ler (1886) Griffith, J. T. (Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Secl3 O120a (1846) Griffith, Sherman (Lillie Mills) Ch Cleora, Walter, Fern, *Gertie; "Branch Farm" Sorento Rl Walsh- ville Sec32 O90a (1866) Griffith, W. R. (Luella Price) Ch Wil- liam, Orval, *Myrtle; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec33 O80a (1895) Grigg, Ona D. (Bea Thompson) Ch Vivian; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec20 T137a (1911) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Grimes, C. E. (Eva Nelson) Ch Nellie Margaret, Charles C. ; Nokomis R3 Nokomis Sec35 O40a (1884) Grimes, Edward (Emma E. Sam- mons) Ch Ernest R. ; "Sunnyside Stock Farm" Raymond R2 Ray- mond Sec9 O280a (1866) Mutual Tel. Raymond Grimes, James E. (Nannie Sanders) Ch Irene, Ralph; Irving R3 Irving Sec28 O60a (1892) Grimes, J. C. (Delia Peacher) Ch Harry, Jesse, Charles; "The White O. I. C. Farm" Nokomis R4 South Audubon Sec4 O120a (1885) Bell Tel. Nokomis S9 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Grimes, Walter (Marcia Clark) Ch Grubb, Emma Ch Myrtle, Harry, Harry, Melvina, Lucie, Mark, Clara, Blanch, Gussie, Eunice, Gladys, William, Mary; Irving R2 Irving Bonnie, *Dorothy; Raymond Ray- Sec2 O230a (1899) Mutual Tel. Witt mond SeclS O15a (1904) Grimm, John A. (Ella Wright) Ch Grubb, Harry (Jennie Brown) Ch Fay, Noi, Mildred, Lester, Cecil, Phineas,- Raymond R2 Pitman Sec26 *May, *Emma; Litchfield R3 South T120a A. J. Brown (1904) Mutual Litchfield SeclO O40a Secll T40a J. Tel. Waggoner Rhodes (1878) Mutual Tel. Litch- Grubbs, F. A. (Ruhanna Self) Ch Min- field nie, Grace, *Anna, *Kate, *Joe, Grisham, j. J. (Alary A. Kessinger) *Myra, * William; Litchfield South Ch Earl, Otto, Wayne; Hillsboro Litchfield Sec9 O85a (1854) Mutual R4 Grisham Sec2 T168a W. P. and Tel. Litchfield Jane Baker (1904) Bell Tel. Don- Grubbs, William (Stella Smith) Ch nellson Grisham, W. C. (Lucy Evans) Ch Thelma; Litchfield South Litch- field Sec9 T118a M. Fought (1889) Irene, *Bertha; Walshville Rl Grubbs, W. S. (Annie Stoddard, Sis- Walshville Sec23 O92a (1906) Far- mer's Mutual Tel. Sorento ter) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SeclO O180a (1856) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Groner, Charles J. (Margaret Voiles) Guinn, John C. (Lena Bullard) Ch Ch *Chal, *Minnie, *Edgar, *Gert- Haskell, George, Delta, Dexter, rude, *Eva, *Grace; Irving Rl Witt Stanley; Butler Butler Grove Sec22 Sec31 O60a (1882) Mutual Tel. Irv- T140a John Wallis (1914) Bell Tel. ing Butler Gronewald, Henry (Lena Johnson) Gullidge, E. G. (Mary Rau) Ch Merle Ch Laverne; Nokomis R3 Nokomis J., Mildred J., Lyle L., Lafonda C. ; Sec25 T80a Herman Veters (1893) Pana R3 Audubon Seel T160a Mrs. Bell Tel. Nokomis John Rau (1882) Bell Tel. Pana Grooms, Albert L. (Sarah E. Allen) Guthals, Albert (Mary Schaefer) Ch Ch Virgil, Ray, James, Francis, Allen, Lena; Farmersville Rl Bois "Jessie; Barnett R2 Sec21 T300a W. D' Arc Sec35 O106a (1878) Mutual D. Carter (1911) Tel. Farmersville Grosenheider, Frank (Louisa Ernst) Guthals, John (Hannah Heien) Ch Ch Anna, *William, *Frank Jr., George, Pauline, Rose, Nora; Far- *Olivera; Litchfield R4 South mersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec23 Litchfield Secl9 O300a (1845) O160a T40a Sarah Whalen (1874) Grosenheider, Frank Jr. (Minnie Mutual Tel. Farmersville Prange) Ch Irma, Milton, Herbert; Guthals, Samuel (Sophia Hazeman) Litchfield R4 South Litchfield SeclS Ch Edna, Irene, Harold, Woodrow, Ester, Irwin; Sorento Rl Walsh- ville Sec33 T136a John Guthals (1880) Guthrie, Albert E. Ch Blanch, Charles, Willma, Marie, Ruth; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec36 O140a (1875) 'YJtchfieldT^ South' Lirehfield'~Sec8 Guthrie, J. H. (Georgie Brown) Ch T69a Aug. Smith (1893) Oral; Raymond R2 Raymond Sec8 Grosenheider, William H. (Lottie T240a J- M - Cam P 0873) Meyer) Ch Lorene, Oliver, Verna; Guthrie, Rev. J. O. (Mattie Wilcox) Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec20 Ch Donald W.; "Guthrie Farms" T180a Frank Grosenheider (1903) Raymond Harvel Sec32 T160a Eliz- Tel. Mt. Olive abeth Guthrie (1870) Guy, Jasper S. (Mary E. Junkins) Ch William. Halbert; Barnett Rl Zanesville Sec30 T80a C. R. Bran- don (1815) - T160a Frank Grosenheider Sr. (1881) Grosenheider, Fred F. (Emma L. Ch Henry, Otto, Delia; Litchfield Ch Eldred; 60 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY H Haake, Otto (Ulreka Yeske) Ch Ma- rell; Fillmore R3 Fillmore SeclS 0251a (1864) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Haake, Solomon (Effie Fesser) Ch Graydon, Maud; Fillmore R2 Fill- more Secl4 O390a (1867) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Haarstick, Mrs. Anna Ch Barney, Louise, *George, *Frank; Ray- mond Zanesville Secl3 O45a (1869) Bell Tel. Raymond Hadley, Thomas Jr. (Ada Smith) Ch Harry, William, David, Woodrow; "Meadow Brook Farm" Witt Rl Witt Sec9 O35a (1904) Hagemeier, Fred (Lena Bode) Ch Hulda, Oscar, Alvin, Frieda, ""Har- ry, *Louisa, *Minnie; Nokomis R2 Nokomis SecS T200a Mrs. C. Noll-. man (1894) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hagerman, William (Nora, Sister) New Douglas Rl Walshville Sec31 T160a Christ Ruther (1899) Hahn, Henry W. (Maggie Frisch) Ch *Tillie, *Frieda; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec9 T240a W. J. Lynn (1910) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Hahnenkamp, Fred (Louise Johnson) Ch Rosalanda; Sorento Walshville Sec25 T182a William Schoens (1917) Farmers' Mutual Tel. So- rento . Hahnenkamp, William (Mary Greena- wald) Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl6 T120a John Folkerts (1908) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hall, George (Sarah M. Clotfelter) Ch Dorothy, Dwight; Irving R3 Irving Sec36 O40a (1907) Hall, J. T. Ch George, Gordon, Rus- sell, Harlen; Irving R3 Irving Sec34 T120a V. Feraris (1912) Mutual Tel. Irving Hall, William (Rosa Garrett) Ch Glenn; Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec22 T6Sa Garrett and Young (1873) Bell Tel. Butler Hall, W. M. (Laura Rainey) Ch Lee, Ruth, Bertha, Mary, Ethel, *Lucy; Butler Butler Grove Sec21 T120a Elliman Est. (1870) Bell Tel. Butler Halladay, William (Hattie Caulk) Ch Dorothv; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec29 T60a (1893) Haller, M. B. (Ada Wiley) Ch Ruth Lucille; Nokomis R3 Nokomis Sec27-26-34-35 TSOOa Jacob Haller Est. (1877) Bell Tel. Nokomis Haller, W. R. (Nora Otter) Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec24 O70a (1868) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Hamby, John (Cora Schmitz) Ch Roy, Florence, Dean, Clarence, Lawrence, Mary; Walshville Rl Grisham Secl9 O40a (1853) Hamlin, Lee (Ida G. Scott) Ch Addie, Anna, Willie, Claude, *Maude; Fill- more Rl Fillmore Sec2 O400a (1874) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Hamlin, W. J. (Nora Adams) Noko- mis R3 Audubon Sec29 O320a (1878) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hammock, Walter Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl6 T2^a Albert Paden Hampkey, William (Lillie Kitchen) Ch Alice, Fred, Lizzie, Charles; Walshville Rl Grisham Sec7 O160a (1882) Hampton, John M. (Eva Meriwether) Ch John, Hadley, Helen; "Hampton Heights Farm" Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec22S O380a (1870) Bell Tel. Donnellson Hampton, S. T. (Melissa White) Ch Roy, Jade; Coffeen Rl East Fork SeclSS O40a (1858) Hampton, T. W. (Laura Cory) Ch Arline, Itelka; Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec22S O80a (1892) Bell Tel. Donnellson Hancock, Harry J. (Osie Gannon) Ch Julia O., Martha M., Hellen J., Edna; Hillsboro R3 East Fork SecS 078a (1860) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Hancock, John W. (Clara Pope) Ch Ralph, Lelia, Loy, Lucille, John, Marie, Albert; Harvel Rl Rountree SeclS T80a Ed. Rosenthal (1913) Mutual Tel. Raymond Hand, Charles (Margaret Stauder) Ch Winnifred; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec28 T160a William Hand (1885) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hand, Earl (Mary Ward) Ch Mabel; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl3 T240a John Hand (1885) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hand, Mrs. Ella (Ella Smith) Ch Vern, Leland, *Earl; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl4 O300a (1861) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hand, John Nokomis R4 Nokomis Sec36 O40a (1865) Hand, William Ch Emma, Augusta. John, *Laura. *Charles; Nokomis Nokomis Sec26 O180a (1888) Mu- tual Tel. 'Nokomis 61 PRAIR1B FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Handshy, David (Adelia Haycraft) Butler Rl Butler Grove Secl8 O78^a (1899) Hanneken, Herman (Margaret Rak- ers) Ch Vincent; Oconee R2 Audu- bon Sec36 T180a John Rakers (1916) Mutual Tel. Oconee Hanner, Harry (Pearl Jett) Ch Caro- lyn; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec3S O80a (1889) Hanner, Jeremiah (Cora Young) Ch Howe, Evelyn, Opal; Donnellson Grisham Secl4 T218a William Mil- ler (1883) Bell Tel. Donnellson Hanner, J. E. (Mary F. Hanner, Mother) "Spring Valley Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec33 T12^a Mary F. Hanner (1891) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Hantla, George E. (Leora I. Martin) Ch Ray, Frederick, Harold; Bar- nett R2 Zanesville Sec29 T240a W. D. Carter (1886) Happe, W. J. (Josephine Clevenger) Ch Ollin, Beatrice, Flossie; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc See? T160a Bartlett Est. (1912) Tel. Virden Harbauer, Joe J. (Anna Thomas) Ch Dorothy; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Seel? T80a Farm Hand William Seaborn (1918) Harbert, Thomas (Jennie Garvin) Ch Addie, Alma, Mildred, Charles, Carl; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec35 T240a D. W. Starr (1914) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Hardy, M. A. (Alice Downs) "Spring Dale Farm" Oconee Rl Audubon Sec26 O80a (1910) Mutual Tel. Oco- nee Harkey, W. L. (Mrs. Seymour, House- keeper) Hillsboro R2 East Fork SeclO T80a Frank Spinner (1870) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Harman, P. J. (Elza A. Neal) Ch *Julia, *Florence, *Blanch; Ray- mond Raymond Sec8 O40a (1859) Harp, Frank (Mary Nussman) Ch Emmons, *Grace, * Walter; Irving R3 East Fork Secl4 O39a (1889) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Harris, Ben (Ida Skinner) Ch Albert, Trou, Harry, Alta, Julia, *Ellis T., *Nettie; Witt Rl Witt Sec7 O40a (1913) Mutual Tel. Witt Harris, H. J. (Lula Bost) Ch Nola, Newell; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl6 O70a Sec9 T70a V. A. Bost (1873) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Harris, Ira A. (Bertha Rouk) Ch Veda M.; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec30 T12a Martin Brubaker (1913) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Harris, James H. (Mollie Coffey) Ch Elbert L.; Coffeen R3 Fillmore SeclSS OSOa (1886) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Harris, Ora (Nellie Alexander) Ch Laura, Norma, Lenora, Marie; Fill- more R2 Fillmore Sec34 T120a Marion Toberman (1913) Harris, W. J. (Nina G. Beck) Ch J. Edgar, Nellie, Vera, Neva; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec36 T160a John Beck Est. (1865) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Harrison, Asa (Leona Malloy) Ch Kathryn; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secll T80a Herschel Hill (1916) Harrison, Ira M. (Leona Whitten) Ch Leland, Denver, Fern; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec24 O80a (1915) Harrison, W. A. (Cynthia Donaldson) Ch Rawleigh, *Ora, *Ezra, *Ethel, *Bessie, *Eyerett, *Bennie, *Tony, *Relmon; Fillmore Fillmore Sec36 O26a (1878) Harshberger, Archie (Marie Bivins) Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec22 T340a Louis McWilliams (1916) Harshbarger, Isaac (Frances Bastion) Ch Clifford; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec21 T80a A. Rieves (1915) Bell Tel. Litchfield Hart, J. H. (Anna Colburn) Ch Mildred, Veta, Alvin, Howard; Thomasville Bois D' Arc Secl6 T117a Mrs. Marie Lloyd (1865) Tel. Virden Hart, Walter C. (Mary E. Martin) Ch Gertrude, *George, *Hattie; Litch- field R2 North Litchfield Sec20 T160a A. Harwood (1910) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Hartgroves, J. H. (Viola Jones) Ch Myrtle, Edna, Retta. Burrell, Tur- ner; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec29 OSOa Sec20-21 T95a Mrs. Mary Ault (1872) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Hartlieb, Amil (Amanda Klein) Ch Duane, Ivan; Witt Witt Sec7 T160a Joseph Hartlieb (1884) Hartlieb, Philip (Caroline Hoehn) Ir- ving Rl Irving Sec24 T120a Frank Husius and Joe Hartlieb (1886) Mutual Tel. Irving Hartman, Heie (Emily Kulow) Litch- field Rl North Litchfield Sec8 OSOa (1890) Mutual Tel. Litchfield 62 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Hartman, Herman (Augusta Kulow) Ch Minnie, Anna; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec8 O80a T80a Miss Mary Coyne (1889) Harvey, George E. (May Landers) Ch lone, Virgil; Coffeen R2 Fill- more SecS O82a Sec32 TlOa James A. Harvey (1872) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Harvey, J. A. (Martha Hicks) Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec32 O80a (1861) Harvey, T. R. (Sarah I. Snyder) Ch John, Aaron, *Lelia, *Grace, *Eva, *Inez; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec6 O86a (1859) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Hawkins, Marcus (Laura Blaylock) Ch Audrey, Evelina, Lawrence, Leon, Roland; Sorento Rl Walsh- ville Sec25 T26a C. Jarvis (1914) Haycraft, Barney F. (Mayme Chris- ten) Ch Raymond, Homer; Litch- field R2 North Litchfield Sec35 T80a G. L. Settlemier (1915) Hayden, Charley W. (Nanetta Downs) Ch Lena, Frank, Ruth, Roy; Irving R3 Fillmore Sec6 O60a T30a Frank Price (1904) Mu- tual Tel. Irving Hayes, A. G. (Stella Williams) Ch Scott, Dale, Robert, *Merle, *Or- ville; Butler R2 Butler Grove Secl7 O134a (1903) Bell Tel. Butler Haynes, William (Berty Snyder) Ch Baxter, Ernest, *Myrtle; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec20 OlOOa (1863) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Heater, Earl A. (Sophia Ostemier) Ch Francis, Earline; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Secll O160a Secl4 T160a Mary Clark (1911) Tel. Far- mersville Heckel, John (Louise Krummel) Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secll O200a (1879) Bell Tel. Donnellson Heckel, Mrs. Minnie (Minnie Hei- fers) Ch Bertha, *Louisa, ""Char- lotte, *John; Hillsboro R4 Grisham SeclO O180a (1868) Bell Tel. Don- nellson Heckman, Dell (Doie Tracker) Cof- feen R3 East Fork Secl3S O106a (1875) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Heckman, Sol. (Pernecy Jones) Ch Mabel; "Evergreen Farm" Coffeen R3 Fillmore SeclS OSOa (1871) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Heckman, William E. (Ida E. Otter) Ch Cleita, Kenneth M., Helen F., Beulah A.; "Sugar Hill Farm" Cof- feen R3 Fillmore Secl9S T135a Mary Heckman (1881) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Hedden, J. S. (Belle Hart) Ch Og- reita, *Lura, *Margaret, *Clara, *Lynda, *Bessie; Nokomis R3 South Audubon Sec7 OSOa (1905) Bell Tel. Nokomis Heeren, Harry (Tina DeVries) Ch Harold; New Douglas Rl Walsh- ville Sec31 T193a Herman Heeren (1885) Heffmgton, Clyde (Anna Hagerman) Ch Mildred, James, Mae, Eva, Roy, Kenneth, Robert; Harvel Rl Roun- tree Sec7 T80a Mrs. P. L. Heffine- ton (1918) Heffler, Charles (Bessie Bohen) Ch Bailey, Ida, Nellie, Helen; Irving R2 Irving Sec3 T80a Charles Hef- fley (1886) Hefley, Daniel (Maria Lipe) Ch *George, *Nelson, *Charles, *May, *Daniel; Witt Rl Irving Sec4 O140a (1844) Mutual Tel. Witt Hefley, George (Alice Parsell) Ch Ivy, Earl, Anna, Isbell, Minnie, Mary, Wilma, George, Kenton, *Ray E.; "Groveland Farm" Noko- mis Rl Rountree Sec21 OlOa (1874) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hegen, Herman (Lulu Leduc) Ch Ot- to, Ruby, Fay, Emma; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec23 O93a T76a B. G. Valentine (1882) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Heien, Heie (Annie Hohmann) Ch Martha, Edwin, Adolph, Lena, Dor- othv. Anna, *Emma, *Henry; Litch- field R3 South Litchfield Sec28 O240a (1875) Heien, Heie (Anna Temme) Ch Lau- ra; Morrisonville R3 Rountree SecS OSOa (1914) Mutual Tel. Harvel Heien, Henry (Frieda Hahn) Litch- field R4 South Litchfield SecS T160a Hei Heien (1895) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Heien, Martin (Anna Hoelmer) Ch Alfred, Arnold, Esther; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec30 O160a Sec29 T40a G. A. Mertz (1877) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Heim, J. A. (Alma W. Gordan) Ch Inez M., Luceil D.. Dorothea T.; Harvel R2 Harvel SecS OSOa (1885) Tel. Morrisonville 63 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Heim, Roscoe (Grace Lipe) Ch Nao- mi, Ramona; Harvel Rl Rountree Sec8-9 T240a Fred Heim (1891) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Heisman, Fred (Maggie Manske) Ch Edward, Maude, Anna, Elmer, Charles, *Lina *Ida; Walshville Rl Walshville Secl2 T350a Missemer Est. (1864) Held, Joe (Louise Guttenbefg) Ch Joseph J.; Raymond R2 Raymond Secl7 T80a John Held (1890) Held, John (Catherine Herman) Ch Florence, Stella, Anthony, Mary, Dorothy, *Joe, *Agnes; Raymond R2 Raymond Secl7 O240a (1865) Heldebrandt, Charles (Ethel Ammer- man) Ch Mildred, Carl, Russell, Ivan; Nokomis R3 Witt Sec24 O40a (1882) Bell Tel. Nokomis Heldebrandt, Henry (Caroline Nieft) Ch Elizabeth, *Louise, *George, "Charles, *Bertha, "John, *Edna, *Minnie; Nokomis R3 Witt Sec24 O290a (1871) Bell Tel. No- komis Heldebrandt, John (Anna Windrup) Nokomis R3 Witt Sec24 TlOOa Henry Heldebrandt (1892) Bell Tel. Nokomis Heifer, Fred (Maggie Nattleman) Ch *John; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secll O320a (1868) Bell Tel. Donnellson Heifer, J. T. (Maude Arnold) Ch Harold, Earl, Lloyd, Bertha, Opal, John; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secll T220a Fred Heifer (1884) Bell Tel. Donnellson Helgen, John (Leona Davenport) Ch Harold, Fern; Walshville Rl Walsh- ville Secl3 T260a Harm Helgen (1889) Helgen, Harm (Eintje Dirks) Ch Mary, Ida, *Minnie. *Annie, *Em- ma, *Herman, *John; Walshville Rl Walshville Secl3 OlOa U858) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Hemann, George (Lillie Arkebauer) Ch Oscar, Mabel, Glenn; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec27 O240a (1909) Hemken, George (Mary Alice Kit- chen) Ch Elsie, Marie, Charles, Les- lie, Mary Opal, Vanie Louise; Walshville Walshville Secl3 T127a Joseph Sommer (1876) Henderson, L. J. (Julia Card) Ch Ray. 'Charlie, *Harry, *Ethel; No- komis R3 South Audubon Sec3 OlOOa (1859) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hendricks, Brewer Morrisonville R2 Bois D' Arc Secl6 TlOOa Otto Hen- dricks and Mr. Merry (1887) Chris- tian County Tel. Morrisonville Hendricks, Frank (Rosa Dayton) Ch *Glenn, *Floyd; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec20 O80a T20a Mrs. Eliza- beth Hendricks (1865) Tel. Farm- ersville Hendricks, Glenn (Nola Smith) Farm- ersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec20 TlOOa Rola Simpnson (1888) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Henry, John W. (Ester Lyman) Ch Lyman, Willis, Ross, Helen; Farm- ersville R2 Bois D' Arc Secl9 T20a George Lyman (1873) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Henry, Ray (Naomi Gamlin) Ray- mond R3 Raymond Sec32 T270a Hugh Henry (1903) Bell Tel. Ray- mond Henry, Richard (Ruth Thomas) Ch Elmer, Elsworth; Butler Raymond Sec33 O120a (1911) Bell Tel. Butler Henson, M. M. (Beckie Thomas) Ch Hubert, *Nelia, *Maud, *Rawleigh; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Seel O40a (1893) Herman, C. O. (Theresa Schwab) Ch Joseph; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec26 T140a Artmiera Joyce (1890) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Herman, John W. (Ida Bartlett) Fill- more R2 Fillmore Secl3 O40a T35a Allen Osborn and Cornelius Hill (1898) Herman, Joseph F. (Louisa Thomp- son) Ch Aloysius, Frances, Rosa, *Andrew, *Ottq; Litchfield R2 Sec22 T155a Tohie Hogan (1893) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Herman, Peter (Mary Domer) Ch Tony, Margaret; Raymond R3 Ray- mond Sec27 O80a (1871) Bell Tel. Raymond Herman, Roman (Lena Obertfell) Ch Opal, Roman, Mary, Pearl; Ray- mond R3 Raymond Sec28 T80a Ab- bie Hartwich (1873) Bell Tel. Ray- mond Herman, Sarah E. (Sarah E. Smalley) Ch John, Harold. Herbert. Huld'a. Ethel, David, Theodore; Raymond Raymond SeclS O6a (1892) Herren, Dr. C. E. Ravmond Raymond Sec8 OSl^a (1870) Mutual Tel. Raymond Herrmann, Mrs. Dora E. Ch Christo- pher, Take; Raymond Zanesville Secl2 OllSa (1897) 64 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Herselman, George (Katie Walch) Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec3 O8a (1873) Mutual Tel. Harvel Herzog, Benjamin W. (Clara E. Reincke) Ch Wilbur O.; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl4 T80a William E. Redecker (1893) Mutual Tel. No- komis Herzog, John (Louisa L. Breiten- bach) Ch Alelia, Hilda. Arthur, Roy, Gladys; Waggoner Rl Zanes- ville Sec8 T160a M. C. Camp (1908) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Herzog, William (Emma J. Engel- man) Ch Edward, Florence, Har- old, *Benjamin, *William; Noko- mis R5 Nokomis Sec2 O160a (1891) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hesterberg, August C. (Anna E. Jung) Ch Mildred; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 O160a (1901) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Hesterberg, Carl (Caroline Bien) Ch Elmer, Reinhold, Paula, Wilfred; Farmersville Pitman SeclO T160a Deacon Carroll (1914) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Hesterberg, Fred (Margreth Hort- man) Ch Arthur, Alfred, Alfreda A. Farmersville R2 Pitman Sec2 T152a H. Rovey (1904) Hick, Winn (Kate Bird) Ch Grant, Emma; Walshville Rl Grisham Seel? T200a B. Scheron (1918) Hicken, William (Hannah McNelly) "Verdun Farm" Witt R2 Nokomis Sec33 O18a (1908) Hickman, Frank C. (Hattie A. Major) Ch Opal; Coffeen Rl East Fork SecSS O130a (1873) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Hicks, Fred (Etta Revis) Ch Oscar, Marie, Gladys, Verna, Sylva, Earl; Oconee Rl South Audubon Sec2 OlOa (1912) Hicks, L. E. (Rebecca Stokes) Ch Agnes, William R., Bessie, Clifford, Mildred, Norval, Lester; Nokomis Nokomis Secl6 T80a M. Ranolds (1900) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hicks, Rufus (Myrtle Livingston) Ch Amber, Eileen; Fillmore R2 Sec21 T3a Earl Flood Hicks, T. L. Chapman Fillmore SecS O40a (1871) Hicks, William (Nellie Miller) Ch Lester. Lois, Ila; Coffeen R2 Fill- more Sec32 O65a Sec28 T50a John Wetterer and Tom Hicks (1868) Higginson, J. B. (Lin Meyers) Ch Eugene, Herman; Raymond R2 Raymond Sec4 O160a (1913) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Hill, Asa (Lucy Wright) Ch Chester, Esther, Viola, Wilda; Chapman Fillmore Sec33 O80a (1874) Hill, Cornelius (Sapphire Garland) Ch William, Jesse, *Dora, *Ida, *Eli- jah, *Lafayette, *Hester, *Josie; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secl2 O380a (1841) Hill, H. C. (Hattie Hendricks) Ch Harold; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec22 O70a (1873) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Hill, John B. (Cordie Thacker) Ch Clifford, Iva; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec30 O2a SeclO T120a Noble Rog- ers (1884) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Hill, Lafayette (Julia Calhoun) Ch Ona, Chloe, Chalmer, Myrtle, *Ethel; Chapman Fillmore Sec28 O102a (1863) Hill, S. W. (Mary Hinton) Ch Lola, Alma, Grover, *Asa, "Idella, *Grace; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec28 O95a (1852) Hillman, Mrs. Kate (Kate Lang) Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec21 O60a (1868) Hilt, James (Blanche Weller) Ch Ada E.; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl6 T117a Edward Hilt (1889) Hilyard, Sam Ch Imo; Witt Rl Irving Seel T80a J. C. Pick (1908) Hines, Joseph (Agnes Gleich) Noko- mis R3 Audubon Sec28 T320a Mike Hines (1892) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hines, T. E. (Jessie Randel) Ch Randel Leo. Maggie Doris, Clement Darwin; Nokomis R2 Audubon Sec7 T99a P. O'Donnell (1882) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hinkle, A. L. (Emma Matlew) Ch Hele,n R.; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc SecS O380a 0874) Tel. Pawnee Hinkle, C. , M. (Ada Crocker) Ch Mabel; Pawnee Bois D' Arc SecS O167a T140a M. V. Hinkle (1875) Tel. Pawnee Hinsenbrock, Andy (Angela Loh- mann) Hillsboro R2 East Fork SeclS T80a Antone Hinsenbrock (1887) Hinsenbrock, Anton Sr. (Helena Hu- ber) Ch Lawrence, Helena. *Her- man, *Frank, *Anton Jr.; "Orchard Mound Farm" Hillsboro R2 East Fork SeclO O320a (1878) 65 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hinton, Ethan W. (Amy Brummet) Ch George F.; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec26 T60a James Carroll (1912) Mutual Tel. Oconee Hinton, R. J. (Anna Carter) Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec25 T40a R. J. Hin- ton (1870) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Hirch, Albert (Tracy Riefenberg) Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec27 O40a (1880) Hitchings, C. J. (Myrtle Reineke) Ch Herschel, Glenn, Lois; Harvel Rl Raymond Secl4 O120a (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Hitchings, J. C. (Eileen Pope) Har- vel Rl Raymond Sec3 O60a (1866) Mutual Tel. Harvel Hoard, Edward (Josie Smock) Ch Marguerite; Thomasville Bois D' Arc Sec8 T80a H. Clark (1893) Hoard, George W. (Dutchlen Thomp- son) Ch Earl, Grace, Albert, Annie, Lola, Elsie, "Edward; Thomasville Bois D' Arc Secl7 T400a McClean Est. (1890) Tel. Virden Hobson, Richard Ward (Sadie Sea- born) Ch Mary Ann; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec22 T120a Thomas Seaborn (1876) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Hodges, Arthur (Ina Fogleman) Ch Howard; Irving Butler Grove Sec2 O160a (1876) Bell Tel. Butler Hoefke, John (Anna Klein) Ch Hen- ry, Theodore, *Martin, *Rena, *Martha; New Douglas Walshville Sec29 T240a John Heeren Hoehn, Charles (Mary Singler) Ch Mary M.. Otto A., Stella E., Caro- line J., Irene C., Harry J., *Bertha F., "Ida L.; Irving Rl Witt Secl6 O200a (1875) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hoehn, C. B. (Clara J. Probst) Ir- ving Rl Witt Sec23 T160a M. Probst (1874) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hoehn, Henry (Lena Singler) Ch Viola. Olevia: Irving Rl Witt SeclS O120a (1876)" Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hoehn, J. A. Ch Edna, Alvin, Osca; Irving Rl Witt Secl6 OlSOa (1876) Hoehn, J. B. (Henrietta Nieft) Ch Lillie, Helen, Herbert, Pearl, Eu- gene, *Ed, *Walter, *Albert, "Flor- ence; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec36 O160a (1879) Mutual Tel. Oconee Hoehn, Martin J. (Mattie Moore) Ch Josephine; Irving Rl Witt SecS O120a Secl4 T240a John Hoehn (1882) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hoelmer, Henry Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec33 T70a Charles Huffing- ton (1898) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Hoffman, Albert (Luella Schniepp) Nokomis R5 Nokomis Secl4 T160a Julius Kettlekamp (1914) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hoffman, H. C. (Emma Schenker) Ch Nellie, Lillie, Dean, *Otis, "Ella; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec24 O124a (1882) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Hoffman, O. C. (Esther Hallford) Ch Helen; "Sunny Hillside Farm" Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec24 TSOa Henry Hoffman (1892) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Hoffman, Walter (Rhoda Forehand) Ch Rual, Lee; Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro SeclS O18a (1876) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Hoisington, Arthur (Anna Grubbs) Ch Lucille, Everett; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec3 T300a D. E. Hois- ington (1886) Hoisington, D. E. (Jane Cox) Ch Opal, Harold, "Bertha, "Alice, "Jo- sephine, "Arthur, "Edward; Walsh- ville Rl Walshville Sec3 (1855) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Holloway, B. C. (Dora Moody) Ch Marguerite; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec22 O120a Secl4-15 TSOa John Whitten and C. P. Hamlin (1880) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Holloway, G. E. (Katherine Kunz) Ch Raphael; Irving R3 Fillmore Sec7 O62a (1881) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Holloway, U. W. (Naomi Spears) Ch Lonnie, Byrd, Carrie, Jacob, Mabel; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec22 O40a (1880) Holmer, William (Dora Fuchs) Ch Vera, Luella; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec33 T155a Mat Leaker and Charles Huffington (1898) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Holmes. Mrs. Dora Ch Glenn, Stella. "Ralph R.; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec28 O237a (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Holmes, Edwin J. (Marie Eckhoff) Ch Lillian, Caroline, William, Al- bert; Nokomis R2 Nokomis Secl3 T320a W. A. Holmes (1885) Bell Tel. Nokomis 66 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Holt, James R. (Mabel M. Sampson) Ch Eulah, Russell, Susie, Permelia, Mary; Rosemond Rl Audubon SeclS T260a E. Ullom (1916) Mu- tual Tel. Rosemond Holthaus, Herman F. (Agnes Poll- man) Ch Paul R., Francis H.; Oco- nee R2 Audubon Sec56 T120a Thomas Lord (1913) Mutual Tel. Oconee Holtkoetter, August Ch Herman Emma, *Minnie; Farmersville Rl Pitman Secll T160a W. W. Hays (1885) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Hoog, Albert (Amelia Schwab) Ch Joseph, Barbara; Litchfield North Litchfield Sec29 T120a J. D. Francis (1874) Hoog, Carl (Lucy Bellin) Ch Viola; Litchfield North Litchfield Sec21 T80a Philip Bellin (1888) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Hoog, Joseph Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec20 O200a (1874) Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Hoole, Fred Irving R3 Irving Sec22 O5a (1880) Hoover, John (Mae Cook) Ch Rufus Paul, *Iva; Farmersville Rl Pitman Secl4 T160a Mrs. R. B. Holmes (1914) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Hope, J. C. (Mary E. Chamberlain) Ch Ethel, *Oscar, *Cora, *Lou, *Laura, *Pearl, *Howard; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec26 O270a (1851) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Hope, Oscar L. (Johanna Boo ie) Ch Ruby, Homer, Gladys. Edith, Mary; Hillsboro R4 Sec35 O70a Sec36-35 T80a J. C. Hope (1875) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Hopper, A. P. Coffeen East Fork Sec33 OlOSa (1868) Hoppin, Frank H. ''Maude Sloman) Ch Mark. Curtis, Fredrick, Ruth: Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec7 O152a Sec8 T240a C. C. Hoppin (1879) Tel. Pawnee Hoppin, F. M. (Mattie P. Pierce) Ch Daisy. *William P.; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec7 O260a (1902) Tel. Pawnee Hopwood, Edd (Maud Henson) Ch Earl, Clarence. Carl; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl4 T80a Hamilton Card (1904) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Hopwood, Martha (Martha Wade) Ch Guy. 'Charlie, *Edd, 'Martha, *Margaret. *Bill: Fillmore Fill- more Sec25 O20a T30a Joseph Hoff- man Mutual Tel. Fillmore Horn, Thomas (Dora Dunkirk) Ch William H., 'Richard, 'Lelia; Litch- field R2 North Litchfield Sec9 O160a (1907) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Houck, W. J. (Anna E. Adams) Ch Irene, Frank; Ohlman Audubon Sec7 T160a E. A. Burwell (1910) Bell Tel. Nokomis House, C. E. (Mabel Nussmann) Ch Ivan, Cecil, Lelah; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec30 T240a Sim Est. (1888) Mutual Tel. Raymond House, Hiram (Martha Shore) Ch Gladys, Clinton, Loretta, *Hugh, *Wifliam, *Ed, *Mary, *Scott, *Cleve, *Nellie, *Hattie, *Bessie. *Glenn; Harvel Rl Rountree Secl7 O120a (1876) Mutual Tel. Harvel House, Hugh (Katie Furnace) Ch Roxie, Ruby, Woodrow, Willard; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec28 O92a (1881) House, Scott (Maggie Williams) Ch Virgie, Blanch. Lora, Agnes, Wil- lis, Rexford; Harvel R2 Rountree Secl7 T120a George Watson (1888) House, William (Celia Hilt) Ch Opal, Faye, Hiram, Edward; Irving R2 Irving SeclO O80a T30a Perry Smith (1880) Houshka, Joseph (Mary Kancki) Ch Anna, Joseph, Jr.; Nokomis R4 No- komis Sec33 O30a (1874) Hosto, George (Lydia Prange) Ch Kenneth, Norma; New Douglas Rl Walshville Sec31 O120a (1914) Al- hambra Mutual Tel. Alhambra Howard, James R. (Rebecca Sorrells) Ch Aura, Francis, Berthol, Mary, Edith; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl6S T364a Emmet Stokes (1913) Bell Tel. Donnellson Howell, Albert (Mary Grimes) Ch Grace, Louis, Leona. Mary, Dale; Nokomis Nokomis Sec25 O120a (1898) Bell Tel. Nokomis Howell, C. L. (Susie Barding) .Ch Lula, Ida. Mildred, Francis, Anna, John; Nokomis R4 South Audubon Sec4 TllOa George Howell (1906) Howell, Ed. (Lottie Elwell) Ch Ves- ta, Florence; Pana R3 Audubon Secl2 O160a (1888) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Howell, Frank (Ida Sturgeon) Ch George Morris; Nokomis R3 South Audubon Sec9 T220a George How- ell (1904) Bell Tel. Nokomis 67 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hoxsey, James R. (Barbara How- ard) Ch Minnie, Vessie, John, Clar- ence, James W., Sylvia; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec26 T200a Vic Barcroft (1915) Huber, Albert B. (Lillie Meyer) Ch Joseph; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec26 O40a (1893) Huber, Miss Alice "Clay Hill Cot- tage" Nokomis R3 Nokomis Sec34- 35 O30a (1876) Huber, A. G. (Ella W. Pick) Hills- boro R2 East Fork Secl6 T120a Godfrey Huber (1890) Huber, Anthony L. (Clara Filling) Ch Irene, John; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec25 O190a (1887) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Huber, B. I. (Anna Huber) Ch Euris, Llewellyn, Ralph, Marcel, Herschel, Irwin; "Meadow Brook Farm" Fill- more R2 Fillmore Sec33 O180a (1874) Huber, Frank (Emma Benny) Ch Lorene, Harold, *Elta, *Guy; "Edgemont Farm" Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec2 O255a (1867) Mu- tual Tel. Hillsboro Huber, Frank (Lizzie Briegel) Ch Blaine, Raymond; Nokomis R6 No- komis Sec35 O65a (1876) Huber, Frank A. (Louisa Wanger) Ch Lillian, Walter; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl2 O200a (1876) Bell Tel. Nokomis Huber, Frank J. (Angela Tilling) Ch Ferdinand, Olivia, Clarence, Les- ter, Mary, Florence; Coffeen R2 East Fork Se.c25 O187a (1876) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Huber, George A. (Elta Huber) Ch Vincent, Marie, Ruth, Woodrow, Emma, Carl; Coffeen Rl East Fork Seel 5 O80a (1883) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Huber, Henry (Caroline Brown) Ch Michael, Joseph; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec 14 O80a also owns 25 acres of timber land in Sec25 (1871) Huber, Henry (Emma Huver) Ch An- drew; Witt Rl Witt Sec9 T166a Tony Soletto (1889) Mutual Tel. Huber, Henry J. (Lucy Kaburick) Ch Paul, Ralph, Margaret, Irene, Glen, Wema; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec23 T120a William Kaburick (1890) Huber, Joseph (Anna M. Spinner) Ch Charlie L., *Emma, *Edna; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl4 O160a (1868) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Huber, J. L. (Mary Hoehn) Ch Harry, Leo, *Charles; Irving Rl Witt Sec21 O130a (1882) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Huber, William (Ellen Bender) Ch * William, *John, *Katherine; Irv- ing Rl Witt SeclS O160a (1870) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Huber, William C. (Marie Seidel) Coffeen East Fork Sec34 T52a God- frey Huber (1894) Huber, William L. Nokomis R3 Witt Sec2 O160a (1888) Huber, William R. (Catherine Benny) Ch Cleo, Ester, Roy; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec35 O150a (1869) Hucker, Albert (Nettie Eddington) Ch Homer, Carrol; "Oakdale Farm" Irving Rl Irving Sec34 O80a Witt Sec31 T200a John Hucker (1882) Mutual Tel. Irving Hucker, John (Emma E. Eddington) Ch John, Olive, Elsie, -* Albert; "Rose Hill Stock Farm" Irving R3 Irving Sec36 O560a (1882) Mutual Tel. Irving Huddelson, W. (Mattie Sperry) Ch Inez, *Robert H., *Charles V.; No- komis R4 Witt Sec3 O80a Nokomis Sec32 O40a (1881) Bell Tel. Hudson, George J. (Nellie Harkey) Ch Mildred, Ilene; Irving R2 Irving Sec9 O60a Secl6 T20a W. Wiley (1878) Hudson, James (Candace Young) Ch James, Roy, Cleo, Claude, Mollie, Emma, Hazel, Fairy, *Pearl, *Char- ley, *William, *Effie, *Liddie, *Maude; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec20 O55a T40a Mr. Wiley (1888) Hueschen, Diedrich (Johanna Trauer- nicht) Ch Marie, Emil, Anna. Hele- na, Ida, Luella, *William, *Rose; Morrisonville R3 Rountree SecS OlSOa (1886) Mutual Tel. Harvel Hueschen, William D. (Josephine Fesser) Mrs. Mary Fesser, Mother; Witt Rl Rountree Sec26 O80a (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Hugh, Henry (Lula Cass) Ch Roy. Hellen; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec32 O270a (1903) Hughes, Andrew P. (Myrtle Short) Ch Lyman; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec32 OlOOa (1876) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Hughes, Daniel Gage (Frances Mc- Lean) Ch Mary, Leighton, *Albert, *Alma; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec32 O245a (1848) Bell Tel. Hillsboro 68 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Hughes, F. G. (Belle Grantham) Ch Joe, Willis, Hush, Kenneth; "Cedar Grest Farm" Irving R3 Irving Sec34 OlOOa (1888) Hughes, James (Rosa Kelgay) Ch Edward, Lucile, John, James, George; Irving Rl Irving Sec24 O40a (19in Hughes, James E. (Laura M. Boyd) Ch Ellsworth, Boyd, George W.; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Secl6 O280a T40a Sylvester Griswold (1915) Hulbert, W. F. (Lula Gage) Ch Sua- villa, Lloyd, Howard, Everett, Grace Edna, Ida Mae; Nokomis R3 Nokomis Sec27 O40a (1876) Bell Tel. Nokomis Hults, H. G. (Emma R. Shewmake) Ch Ivan H., *Anna R., *Forest, *Katie O., *Jesse C; Irving R3 Fillmore Sec7 O40a (1858) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Hunt, W. D. (Eliza J. Dennison) Ch Isaac M., Stephen L., Irene E., Clara, Gladys; Morrisonville R2 Rountree Sec3 T160a Mary Engle- hart (1912) Hunter, H. N. (Iva Glenn) Ch Vir- gil; Donnellson Grisham Sec24 T125a W. Hahn (1909) Hunter, J. S. (Bertha Liticker) Ch George D., Tessie, Irene, Mary E., Myrtle, Lura, *James, *Leo; No- komis Rl Rountree Sec20 O60a T80a Mary Liticker (1911) Mutual Tel. Raymond Hurd, Mose U. (Lovicy Davis) Ch Erne, *Frank, *Mabel; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec8 O60a (1844) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Kurd, William H. (Nettie Ellis) Ch Mary, *Etta, *Alex; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl7 O20a (1851) Husband, James Waggoner Rl Pit- man Sec30 O57a (1838) Husman, George (Tena Flitz) Litch- field R3 South Litchfield Secl3 O120a (1884) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Hutchinson, William E. (Kate Davis) Ch Blanche, Erma, Theodore; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec6 T163a W. C. Davis Est. (1891) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Hyme, John (Margaret E. Castle) Pana R3 Audubon Sec23-24 O80a (1865) I Idoll, John A. "Mentor Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec4S OlSQa (1915) loerger, Frank Farmersville R2 Secl3 T240a Mrs. Frederic loerger (1908) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Irwin, Ida O. Ch Harry, Elmer, Ray; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield SeclS T200a Mrs. M. A. Richie (1899) Bell Tel. Litchfield Isaacs, Carl (Maggie Isaacs, Mother) Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl9 T40a Maggie Isaacs (1887) Isaacs, William (Nellie Adams) Ch Velma, Clarence, Virgil, Mabel, Ethel, William; Nokomis R3 Audu- bon Sec20 T40a Ed Marley (1906) Isabel, Louis D. Honey Bend North Litchfield Sec3 O73a (1882) Isbell, Louis, Jr. (Lydia Alexander) Ch Rolla, Rena; "Oak Ridge Farm" Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secl2 O592a (1871) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Ishmael, B. F. (Neta Jacobs) Ch Earl, Walter, Lawrence, Ila; Rose- mond Rl Audubon Sec3 Tla A. M. Ohlman (1868) Ishmael, Guy (Bessie Forbes) Ch Florence, Mary, Vernie W., Nora- bell, Robert, *Loran Forbes; Ohl- man Audubon SeclO Tla Eck Ohlman (1903) Ishmael, S. M. (Sophia Davis) Ch *Lester Earl; Nokomis R3 Audu- bon Sec34 O15a (1854) Bell Tel. Nokomis J Jackson, Clayton A. (Lela E. Rob- erts) Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec9 T125a C. A. Cinclair (1894) Jackson, Dixon O. (Verna D. Strip- lin) Ch Myrl, Pearl Zella, Erva, Floyd, Harold, *Clayton, *Oran; Hornsby Rll South Litchfield Sec6 T126a G. L. Settlemire (1916) Jackson, M. D. (Mabel Grace Davies) Ch Raymond, Millerd, Grace, Ruth; Raymond Raymond Secl7 OlOOa (1917) Mutual Tel. Raymond Jackson, M. H. (Nellie Titsworth) Ch Paul; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec24 T120a Earl Major (1890) 69 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Jackson, Robert (Alice Rowe) Ch John, Lloyd, *Guy, *Lester; Morri- sonville R2 Harvel Sec9 T80a Eliza Heim (1911) Jacobs, John (Adelia Creed) Ch Edith, Lee, James, Euphrates, Cleo- tis; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec33 T80a M. Kenerly (1912) Jagosh, John (Agnes Jagodzinski) Ch Mary; Taylor Springs Hillsboro Sec24 O22^a (1912) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Janssen, Fred (Meta Watjies) Ch Dick, Fleie, Marie, Carl, Emma; No- komis R5 Rountree Secl2 T160a Dick Janssen (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Janssen, Heie D. (Anna Janssen) No- komis R2 Nokomis Sec9 O160a (1882) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Janssen, T. A. (Anna Duin) Ch Gretchen, John, Henry, *Arend, *Anna, *Lena, *Theodore, *Louise; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec9 O80a (1891) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Jarrett, R. A. (Flossie Kessler) Ch Helen, June; Irving R2 Irving SeclS T80a F. Lingle (1909) Mutual Tel. Irving Jeisy, John T. (Bertha Zimmerman) Ch Aileen, Opal, Ruth, Wilma; Raymond R2 Raymond SeclS T160a Mrs. Mary Hartwick (1916) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Jessup, Scott L. Ch Charles. Scott, Esther; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc T120a Mr. Jessup Est. (1910) Tel. Virden Jett, J. W. (Nancy Hickman. House- keeper) "White Oak Hill Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec24 O90a (1898) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Jett, S. J. (Erne Haynes) Ch Tom- mie, *Fern; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl9 O160a (1895) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Johijson, Anton (Sophia Johnson) Ch Theodore, Otto, Anna. *Frank, *Edward, *Tohn: Nokomis R5 No- komis SeclO O160a (1912) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Johnson, Arend T. (Mary Eiskamp) Ch Anita. Edna; "Maple Grove Farm" Nokomis R2 Nokomis Sec3 T160a Tony Johnson (1898) Johnson, Ben C. (Anna Gerhards) Ch Fannie, Lawrence, Margrete; Rose- mond Rl Audubon Sec6 T80a Charles Meinser (1886) Johnson, Ed (Phoebe Waite) Ch *Viola, *Charles; Walshville Rl Grisham Sec? O64a (1872) Johnson, Edward, Anna and Lottie Farmersville Rl Pitman Secl6 T99a Johnson Est. (1876) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Johnson, Edward H. (Anna Bruns) Ch Girard; Nokomis R2 Nokomis Sec8 T120a Augusta Taylor (1914) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Johnson, Frank (Tillie Mindrup) Ch John, Emma, Martha, Frieda; No- komis Rl Rountree Secll O240a (1874) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Johnson, F. J. (Gasena Saathoff) Ch Grace, Tilly, Mabel, Edith, John; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Secl6 O340a T65a W. W. Saathoff (1870) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Johnson, Henry G. (Dora B. Grote) Ch Irma Velia, Harold Henry; "Kerr's Mound Farm" Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec23 T160a George Johnson (1886) Mutual Tel. Noko- mis Johnson, H. C. (Cena Lindemann) Ch Christina, Clarence, Leona; Noko- mis R3 Audubon Sec30 T240a C. P. Hamlin (1881) Mutual Tel. Noko- mis Jonhson, John, Estate (Anna John- son) Ch John, Emma, Albert, Fred, Martin; Farmersville Rl Pitman SeclS O340a (1880) Farmersville Mutual Tel. Farmersville Johnson, John E. (Christine Giese- king) Ch Alfred; Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec2 T120a Mrs. Dora Kerr (1912) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Johnson, John J. (Margreta DeVries) Ch Albert, "John, *Fred; New Douglas Rl Walshville Sec32 O160a (1859) Johnson, J. W. Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec2 O160a (-1903) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Johnson, Pete (Myrtle Lucas) Ch Lloyd; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec33 T160a John Rubenking (1916) Bell Tel. Raymond Johnson, Theodore H. (Anna F. Mil- ler) Ch Norman; Nokomis R5 No- komis Secl6 T160a Fred Miller (1914) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Johnson, Ubbe (Anna Kassens) Ch Anna, John, Louis. Lena, Milo, Theodore, Elmer, *Fred, *Arendt, *Henry; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec6 O160a (1891) Mutual Tel. No- komis 70 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Johnson Walter (Eura Davis) Ch Mervin, Bernard; Nokomis R4 Witt Secll T160a C. H. Smith (1914) Johnson, William A. (Etta Croon) Nokomis R5 Nokomis SecS T80a C. Nollman (1893) Tel. People's Mu- tual Johnson, William G. (Edith Corns) Ch Everett, Vivian; Nokomis R2 Nokomis SecS T80a Louis Adden (1915) Johnson, William G. (Clara Schweiz- er) Ch Mildred; Nokomis Rl Roun- tree SeclO T80a George Johnson (1881) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Jones, Alva W. (Mary F. Hamilton) Ch Ruth, Ross, Eldon, Gladys, Daniel; Harvel Rl Raymond SeclO O230a (1872) Mutual Tel. Raymond Jones, A. E. (Corry Coffeey) Coffeen R2 Fillmore SeclSS O60a (1876) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Jones, Frank (Maggie Hudspeth) Ch Buryl; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec23 T160a F. M. Jones (1902) Jones, F. M. (Mary Fogleman) Ch Ralph, *Lucy, *Grace, *Thomas, *Frank, *Mary; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec23 O160a (1902) Jones, Hardy J. (Ida M. Adkison) Ch Mary G. ; "Fox Hollow Farm" Cof- feen R3 East Fork Secl3S O60a (1867) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Jones, John M. (Sarah E. White) Ch *Edward L., *Myrtle. *Eva; Cof- feen Rl East Fork Secl4S O80a (1854) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Jones, J. C. Hillshoro Rl Hillshoro Secl9 O78a (1871) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Jones, J. M. (Eliza J. White) Ch *Charlie M., *Nancv M., *Preston E., *Jacob L., *Alma, 'Rebecca A., *Lettie B., *Claud E., *Marv; Cof- feen R3 East Fork Secl4S O55a (1849) Jones, L. W. (Rhoda Henson) Ch William M., Faye, Martin, Edna, *George A., *Emma V., * Walter E. ; Coffeen R2 East Fork Secl2S T45a John M. Jones (1857) Jones Thomas F. (Bertha Grisham) Ch Harold, Luman, Orpha; Walsh- ville Rl Walshville Sec26 T140a Mrs. Grisham (1901) Farmer's Mu- tual Tel. Sorento Jones, W. R. (Amanda Hentley) Ch Amey, Mildred; Raymond R2 Ray- mond SecS T240a Mary Berry (1910) Mutual Tel. Raymond Jordan, Alex (Mary Caveny) Ch Mary, Joseph, Aloysius, James, An- na, Thomas, Monica, Jerome; Far- mersville R2 Bois D* Arc Sec31 O440a (1868) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Jordan, A. C. (Martha Cresswell) Ch Robert, Blanche, Grace, Irene, Mat- tie, *Alpheus, *Fred *Alice; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec6 O160a (1870) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Jordan, Edward Ch Catherine, Anna Loretta, Emmett, Alfonso L, *Joseph A., *James L., *Edward J., *Ellen, *Gertrude, *Mary; Mor- risonville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec32E O220a (1872) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Jordan, Henry F. (Mary E. Jackson) Raymond R2 Zanesville Secl3 T160a Watson Sisters (1862) Mutual Tel. Raymond Jordan, James (Elizabeth A. Wilson) Ch Mary U., Katie A., Angeline, John A., 'Elizabeth, 'Marguerite, 'Bridgie A.; Farmersville Rl Pit- man Secl2 O160a (1868) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Jordan, John T. Ch Edward, Mack, Lidia, *Mart, *Alva, *Axie; Hills- boro R2 East Fork Sec32 T80a Amos Edwards (1918) Jordan, Joseph A. (Bridget Aylward) Ch Liola, Bernard, Mildred, Marcel- la, Paul; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec33E O40a T220a Edward Jordan (1872) Jordan, Pearl (Lethia Pope) Ch Ida, Bertha, Zetta; Sorento Walshville Sec25 OSOa (1815) Jorn, Peter (Thresa Miller) Ch Anna, Tommy, Paul, John, Martin, Frank, Katie, Lucy, Ben, 'William. *Charlie; Coffeen East Fork Sec36 OlOa (1888) Jostes, L. H. (Liddia Eckhardt) Ch Archie, Ethel, Raymond, Roy, Helen; *Edward. *Clara, *Bertha. *Stella, *Lillie; Waggoner Rl Pit- man Sec34 T240a R. H. McAnulty (1912) Mutual Tel. Raymond Jouett, John L. (Myrtle Slighton) Ch Leslie, Goldie, Opal, Thurman; Barnett R2 North Litchfield SecS T236a Mrs. E. S. Baker (1915) Joyce, A. T. (Bellzorah A. Harper) Ch Joseph, 'Jennie, *Myrtle, 'Fiona, 'Mancel, *William; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec3S OS^a (1868) 71 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Joyce, J. R. (Daisy Bost) Ch Ray, Fern; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec33 T170a V. A. Bost and R. R. Joyce (1881) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Joyce, M. H. (Ethel Fath) Ch Mau- rice, Mory; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec20 T80a Margaret Borry (1888) Joyce, Noah (Ida Nevinger) Ch Paul, Reece, *Verne; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl9 O40a Sec21 T40a William Lynn Joyce, Robert R. (Betty Roberts) Ch *Wilburn. *Drew P. Jr., *John, *Taylor, *Belva; Chapman Fillmore Sec33 OlOOa (1868) Joyce, Taylor (Alice Maddox) Ch Edgar, Robert. Howard, Denver; Coffeen R2 Fillmore SecS O80a Sec28-33 T50a (1883) Joyce, W. T. (Cloe Libby) Ch Eldon, Jerald; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec28 T200a (1891) Jurgena, Charles E. (Emma Ernst) Ch Edward, Earl; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec27 TlOOa Ferdinand Tilling (1885) Jurgena, Heie (Elizabeth Guile) Ch Rubert, Stella, Wilbur, Etta, Mel- vin, Inez; Irving Rl Witt Secl7 O165a (1897) Mutual Tel. Witt Jurgena, Henry W. (Gertrude Dretl) Ch William; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec24 T70a Joe Spinner (1891) Jurgena, Richard (Eve Spinner) Ch Cleda, Bernadene, Mildred, Joseph; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec21 O40a (1881) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Kaburick, William (Margarett Klein) Ch Frank, Tessie, *Edward, *Mary, *Maggie, *Tillie, *Lucy; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec23-14-15 O270a (1869) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Kaiser, Joseph (Mary L. McElroy) Ch Tom, John; Hillsboro R3 Butler Grove Sec25 O240a (1865) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Kandle, A. K. (Lillie E. Fenton) Far- mersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec27 T40a Harry Mathews (1881) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Kastning, Dora (Dora Bockstruck) Ch Paul, Floyd, *Myrtle; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec23 O16a Secl4 T12a Frank Gardner (1875) Kastning, F. E. (Emma Brune) Ch Erne, Henry; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secl4 OllOa (1893) Kates, Walter (Mabel Bolding) Pana R3 Audubon Secl4 Tla H. & H. Rowe (1918) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Keagry, Arran S. (Jennie Pinkard) Ch Hannah, Martin, *William, *Olive, *Cecil; "White Oak Springs Farm" Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Secll O120a (1869) Keagy, J. C. (Pearl Arnett) Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec34 T240a Mrs. Margaret Barry (1895) Kean, Joseph F. Ch Frank, Cora, Far- rie, Harry; Honey Bend North T.itchfield Secll T80a C. W. Kean (1878) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Kean, Walter W. (Lillie M. Bandy) Ch Gilbert, Willis, Nellie, Lillie; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield T140a George W. Kean (1882) Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Kearns, Charles (Jennie Dunsworth) Ch Lula, Nellie; Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec26 O80a (1865) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Keepper, E. R. (Bessie Haywood) Ch Lester H., Wendell E., Mildred E., Keneth H., Howard W.; Irving R2 Butler Grove Seel T240a Herman Keepper (1906) Bell Tel. Butler Keepper, R. M. (Florence Major) Ch Clifford; "Catalpa Row Farm" Irv- ing R2 Irving Sec6 T120a Herman Keepper (1887) Bell Tel. Butler Keiser, Albert, Jr. (Mary Gerhards) Ch Elsie, Christena, John, Edna; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec23 T80a Albert Keiser, Sr. (1913) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Keiser, Albert F. (Frieda Scheller) Ch Oliver, Lucille. Raymond; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec7 O240a (1886) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Keiser, Herman (Tena Detmer) Ch Eileen; Witt Rl Rountree Sec24 T120 Albert Keiser. Sr. (1893) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Keiser, H. F. (Rebecca Oltmann) Ch Clarence, Pauline. Glenn; Nokomis R5 Rountree Seel T153a Henry Olt- mann (1882) Mutual Tel. Nokomis 72 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Reiser, John A. (Elta M. Fesser) Ch Leona Virginia; Nokomis Rl No- komis Sec30-20 O160a T160a Wil- liam Young (1884) Mutual Tel. No- komis Keith, H. C. (Effie Baxter) Ch Har- vey, Stella, *John, *Jennie, *Maud, *Byrle; Walshville Rl Grisham Sec8 O170a (1886) Keith, J. S. (Ruth Robinson) Ch Clar- ence, Ralph; Walshville Rl Walsh- ville SeclO T138a Charles Keune (1885) Kell, Orren (Ida Forsyth) Ch Dru- cilla, Malinda, Edna, Fern, Joseph- ine; Chapman Fillmore Sec32 O40a (1905) Kellenberger, August (Elizabeth Bon- nington) Ch Lester, Harrold; Litch- field Rl North Litchfield SeclS T171a (1884) Mutual Tel. Litch- field Kellenberger, Frank F. (Marie Rill) Ch Aloys; Litchfield Rl North . Litchfield Sec7 T124a Mary Kellen- berger (1889) Mutual Tel. Litch- field Keller, Frank (Jane Carey) Ch Wil- liam, Clarence, Celestine, Everett, Geraldine; "Green Lawn Farm" Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec28 O160a T40a Martin Carey (1886) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Keller, Joseph (Mary Jordan) Ch Helen, Herald, Herbert, Margaret, Alice, Theresa; "Walnut Grove Farm" Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec32E O200a (1886) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Keller, L. H. (Cathrine Cashen) Ch Mary, Sylvester, Hugh, Paul, Charles; Witt Rl Nokomis Sec31-30 O260a (1918) Mutual Tel. Witt Kelley, Jasper Clark Ch Coy, Harry, *Mauna, *Ina, *Elta; Irving R2 Irving Secl6 O50a (1906) Kellogg, Otis (Louise Schwartzley) Ch Gordon, Lillie, Bertha; "Maple Row Farm" Nokomis R4 South Au- dubon Sec5-8 T240a W. L. Kellogg (1897) Kelmel, Charles (Lugard Beeler) Ch Mary, Anna. Clarence. Earl; Rav- mond R2 Raymond SeclO O210a Seel T160a (1863) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Kendal, A. A. (Rosa T. Sorrells) Ch Marv. Hazel. Tames, Kenton, Hel- en; Harvel Rl Raymond Secll O80a (1869) Mutual Tel. Raymond Kerr, Charles Harvel Rl Raymond Sec22 O159J4a (1889) Bell Tel. But- ler Kessinger, Charlie (Wealthy Brad- shaw) Ch Claud, Dorothy, *Ross; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl3 OlOOa (1871) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Kessinger, J. M. (Margaret Docrea) Ch William, *Mary, *Solomon, *James, *John, *May; Donnellson Grisham Sec28 O109a (1868) Kessinger, Percy (Viola Pence) Ch Hazel; Walshville Rl Walshville SeclS T80a Emil Greybrook (1893) Kessinger, Roy (Essie Best) Ch Mar- garet, David; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec32 O89a (1882) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Kessinger, S. Z. (Margaret Heady) Ch Tom, *Addie, *Mary, *Vannie, *Viola; Panama Grisham Sec23 T500a Faudi Bros. (1858) Kessler, Ed (Inez Lyerla) Ch Lucille, Pauline, Mildred, Wendell, Benja- min, Russell; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec22 T160a Joseph Lipe (1906) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Kessler, J. C. (Maggie McBride) Irv- ing R3 Irving Sec26 T80a A. Kin- kade (1915) Kettlekamp, Ernest (Edith JohnsojLi) Ch *Minnie, *Louie, *Amelia, Jul- ius; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Secl4 OllSa (1902) Bell Tel-. Nokomis Kettlekamp, Frank S. (Bertha Hardy) Ch Elberta, Frank Jr., Lorna; No- komis R5 Nokomis Secl4 O80a (1900) Bell Tel. Nokomis Kettlekamp, S. R. (Emma C. Best)Ch Bernice, Carroll,, William, Ronald, Doris, Dwain; "Quality Hill Farm" Nokomis R2 Nokomis Secl3 O80a T80a William R. Kettlekamp (1898) Bell Tel. Nokomis Keune, Charles W. (Sophia Grosen- heiden) Ch Irma. Amos; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec32 O163a (1872) Tel. Mt. Olive Keune, Henry A. (Augusta White- house) Ch Norma, Lorine. Carl, Paul, Ralph; Walshville Rl Walsh- ville Secl4 O193a (1881) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Keune, Henry C. (Mary Loewenstein) Ch Irma; Litchfield R4 Walshville Sec4 T140a Andrew Keune Est. (1882) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive 73 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Kiefer, Mrs. Elizabeth (Elizabeth Hildebrandt) Ch Otto, "Lena, *Emma, *Ida, *John, *Carrie, *Mary, *Charles, *Walter; Noko- mis R3 Witt Sec24 OlOa (1871) Kiefer, Walter (Katharine Huber) Ch Robert; Nokomis R3 Witt Sec23 T2a Farm Hand John Stauder(1891) Kieslar, James E. (Cora Jones) Ch Alma, Ruth, John, Opal, *Fay; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Seel? O40a (1862) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Kieslar, Sidney (Laura B. Hall) Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro T120a Mrs. R. E. Elliot (1873) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Killpatrick, J. S. (Carrie Seymour) Ch Essie, Earl; Hillsboro R4 Hills- boro Sec4 O140a (1858) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Kilpatrick, David (Mary Anne Mc- Williams) Ch Ersest; "Maple Ridge Farm" Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec9 O120a (1833) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Kilpatrick, E. F. (Lulla Gresham) Ch Emory, Ross, Carl; "Elm Ridge Farm" Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SeclS O145a SeclO T35a George Seymour (1860) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Kilpatrick, William (Libbie Smith) Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec22 T108a Sam McAdams (1853) Kilton, S. W. (Mollie Tester) Ch Dar- rell, Sylvia; Morrisonville R3 Roun- tree SeclO OlOOa (1903) Mutual Tel. Harvel Kimbro, Jacob (Elizabeth Etchison) Ch Ada, Essie, Jay, Edna, Lester, *Earnest, *George, *Bert, *Pearl, *Grace; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec7S O40a (1909) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Kime, S. A. (Mary Johnson) Ch Fred; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec27 O103a (1857) Bell Tel. Hillsboro King, Bryant (Sharp) Ch Bertha, *Oscar, *Amy, *Ross; Atwater Rl Zanesville Sec6 O60a .(1864) Mu- tual Tel. Waggoner King, F. P. (Lizzie S. Schwing) Ch Etta, *Mary, *Oscar, * Walter; Irv- ing R2 Irving Secll O96a (1857) King, Ira C. (Jennie Wright) Ch Harold, Eunice, Toland, Wayne; Nokomis, R3 Audubon Sec22 T80a Mr. Zimmerman (1905) King, James M. (Nancy B. Rhodes) Ch Chester, Basel, *Lottie, *Wil- liam, *Clarence; Irving Secl6 O60a T40a Dobey Est (1853) Mutual Tel. Irving King, J. O. (Emma Mitts) Ch Ollie; Irving Raymond Sec35 O80a (1881) Bell Tel. Butler King, Ross (Prudence M. Minder) Ch Everett G. ; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec31 T55a Elbert Sharp (1889) King, Walter W. (Chlo Wright) Ch Hellen, Harold, Robert; Hillsboro R3 Irving SeclS O60a (1887) King, William J. (Elizabeth A. Brooks) Ch Justin, Olive, Willis; "Jersey Hill Farm" Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec26 O30a (1867) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Kinney, James R. (Anna McLean) Ch Mary Jane, Louis V.; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Seel T320a William Sandage, Agt. (1917) Virden Tel. Virden Kinney, John M. (Francisco Ossick) Ch Efnil, Earl, Leona, Olivia; No- komis R3 Audubon Secl9 O80a (1870) Bell Tel. Nokomis Kirk, Charles N. (Ethel Fox) Ch Anna M., Thomas G., Julia E. ; Far- mersville Rl Pitman Sec6 T160a Kirk Est. (1876) Mutual Tel. Far- mersville Kirk, John (Mary Perry) Ch Harold, Howard, Evelyn, Frank, Mildred; Farmersville Rl Pitman SecS T140a Grisham & Metcalf (1870) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Kirk, William (Mrs. Hester Fox) Ch Clarence, Willie, Hester, *Levi, *Ethel, *Roy; Farmersville Rl Pit- man Sec6 O80a (1896) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Kirkland, John Ch Eva. *Estella, *A1- bert; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec25 O180a (1865) Kirkland, Albert (Minnie Chestnut) Opal, Ruby; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec25 T180a John Kirkland (1885) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Sorento Kirkland, Samuel (Winifred Cooper) "Smoothing Ivon Farm" Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Secl3 O19^a (1918) Kirkner, John (Mary Neal) Ch Clyde; Walshville Rl Grisham Secl7 T30a V. M. Neal (1918) Kitchen, Fred (Alice Eleson) Walsh- ville Rl Walshville Sec23 T116a V. B. Barcroft (1880) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Sorento Klay, Christ (Louisa Souerson) Ch Rudolph, Lena. *Fred, *Walter, *Tacob; Rosemond Rl Audubon Secl6 T220a John Russell (1918) Mutual Tel. Nokomis 74 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Klein, Charles A. (Amanda Thomp- son) Ch Louis A., Ivan H., *Charles T.; "Willow Brook Farm" Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Secl6 OlOOa (1907) Mutual Tel. Litch- field Klein, G. J. (Amelia Delbridge) Ch Edna, Carl, George, Levenia; Har- vel Rl Raymond Sec2 T160a Best Bros. (1908) Mutual Tel. Harvel Klein, Henry (Hattie Klein, Sister) Mt. Olive Walshville Sec8 T180a Andrew Keiser (1880) Klein, John (Minnie Blanki) Ch Flora, Theodore, Ora, Elmer, Roy, Jesse; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec33 O160a (1870) Klein, William (Allie Wilhelm) Ch Ethel, Etta, Earl, *Edith; Irving R2 Rountree Sec31 T210a Mrs. P. Klein (1883) Klekamp, Henry H. (Minnie Krause) Ch Kate, Lena, George, Martin, Frank, Herman, Fred; Honey Bend North Litchfield Secl2 T130a James Clifton (1872) Klekamp, H. F. (Lena Fplkerts) "Dick Klekamp Farm" Litchfield R4 South Litchfield SeclS O80a (1874) Klekamp, John (Anna Brockmeyer) Ch Harold; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec30 O157a (1878) Klekamp, William (Ida M. Klocke) Ch Edward, Theodore; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec29 O158^a T20a (1861) Klemme, A. H. (Louisa Mitts) Ch Burt; "Sunny Summit Farm" Butler Butler Grove Sec9 O180a (1864) Bell Tel. Butler Kleoper, John A. (Bertha M. Wes- brook) Ch Augusta, Fred, Harry, Alice. *Susie, 'Albert, *Helen; But- ler Rl North Litchfield Sec24 T240a T. A. Prange (1911) Klimm, Mrs. G. Ch Mary, Richard. *Herman, 'Elizabeth, *Anna. *Mor- ton. *Henry; Harvel R2 Harvel SeclS O120a (1883) Klimm, Martin (Clara Langbein) Ch Geraldine; Morrisonville R3 Roun- tree Sec2 O80a (1889) Klindworth, Henry (Anna Weber) Ch Walter. Louis: Witt Rl Noko- mis Sec30 O120a (1893) Klindworth, Henry (Reka Heins) Ch Fred. Anna. *Maggie, *William; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec30 T160a R. P. Barnard (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Kline, Chris (Annie Zimmerman) Ch Edward, Ida, Lena, Edna, Bertha; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec36 T80a J. W. King (1878) Kline, Ernest (Alberta Smith) Ch Mabel, May, Roy, Helen; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc SeclS T160a Wil- liam and Josephine Sedentop (1914) Knag, Christ (Lois Blevins) Ch Ed- ward, Emma, *Chrwt; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Secl3 O260a (1878) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Knagg, C. H. (Maggie Ault) Ch My- ron; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SeclS OlOOa Litchfield Sec24 TSOOa Chris Knagg (1888) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Knetzer, Edward (Rosie Hoog) Hornsby Rll North Litchfield Sec31 T160a Casper Hoog (1890) Knodle, Geo. W. (Nellie I. Hanson) Ch William, lola, *Glen, *Mary; "Evergreen Corners Farm" Irving Rl Witt Sec20 O80a (1868) Knodle, Glenn (Lillie Hoffman) Q Kenneth, Marie, Wayne, Lucile: Irving Rl Witt Sec21 T240a Miller and Knodle (1884) Knowles, Ethel, and Florence Fill- more Fillmore Sec25 OlSOa (1862-73) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Knowles, Oscar (Alice Smith) Ch Cleda; Fillmore Fillmore Sec25 O65a (1860) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Kober, Mrs. Emma Ch Marion, Har- old; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec32 TlOOa Criss Kober (1878) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Kober, George D. (Susie Hoes) Ch Ralph: "Maple Lawn Farm" Butler Rl Hillsboro Sec4 O80a Sec4-5 T40a Hamilton Bros, and August Ye'ska (1870) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Kochis, John (Mary Madok) Ch An- drew. Joe, Mary, Anna, *John, Jr.; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec27 T30a F. Hardgrave (1910) Bell Tel. No- komis Kolkhart, Henry A. (Sophie Back- haus) Ch Wilma; Harvel Rl Ray- mond Seel T80a Henry Aull<1903) Mutual Tel. Harvel Kolkhorst, Herman (Lillie Safrit) Ch Wilbert; Harvel Rl Rountree Sec7 TllSa Joseph Forester (1885) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Koonce, G. C. (Edna Butts) Ch Marguerite. Frances. Helen. Allen, Lee, Virginia: Hillsboro R4 Hills- boro Sec34 T3a George Monroe (1887) 75 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Krager, Frank A. (Bessie File) Ch Kroenlein, Louis (Emma Gullidge) Frances Pauline; Harvel R2 Har- vel Secl7 O240a (1887) Mutual Tel. Harvel Krager, John (Mabel Molohan) Ch Ch Ambrose, Elvira, Melvina, Louis, Malcolm; Nokomis R2 Au- dubon Sec20-21-28 T240a T. M. Graden (1882J Bell Tel. Nokomis Amos, Bessie, Mildred, Louise, Kroenlein, William (Lorena Mitchell) John; Harvel Rl Raymond Secl2 T160a Henry Fensterman (1895) Mutual Tel. Harvel Krager, Joseph Harvel Rl Raymond Agatha Sommer, Foster child; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec24 T260a Mrs Martha Bates (1888) Mutual Tel. Oconee Secl3 O320a (1876) Mutaul Tel. Krummel, Fred, Jr. (Lottie Heckel) Raymond Krager, J. C. (Elizabeth Betinghaus) Ch Lena, Catharine, Frank; Harvel Ch Walter, Clara, Albert, Harold; Hillsboro R2 Grisham Secl2 O180a (1876) Bell Tel. Donnellson R2 Harvel Secl7-16 O240a (1880) Krummel, Philip (Lillie Fisher) Ch Mutual Tel. Harvel Kranich, Walter L. (Delia Stillwell) Ch Alfred, Mabel, Cecil, Russell; Harold, Ralph, Anita, Aretha; Fill- more R2 Fillmore Secl4 O80a (1915) Barnett Rl Zanesville Sec30 T240a Kruse, Mrs. Sophia (Sophia Feld- Harry Stuttle (1918) Tel. Carlin- mann) Ch William; Sorento Rl ville Walshville Sec33 O160a (1911) Krause, Otto (Hannah Keiser) Ch Kruthhaupt, Ben (Ida Osburn) Ch John, Henry, Edward, Hilda, Wai- Edgar, Willie, Fred, Leonard, Ray- ter, *Christine; Nokomis R5 Roun- mond; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc tree Seel O80a (1876) Mutual Tel. SecS O280a Farm Hand Al Hinkle Nokomis (1905) Kroeger, Henry (Mary Marley) No- Kulp, T. J. (Lelah Seyberts) Ch Wal- komis R3 Witt Secl3 O80a (1871) ter, Isabelle, Arline, Edgar, Ellenor, Bell Tel. Nokomis Jessie; Irving R3 East Fork Sec3 Kroeger, Joseph (Bertha Helde- T140a Bob Funk (1886) brandt) "Prairie View Farm" No- Kunz, Cayus (Blanche Harrison) Ch komis R3 Witt Secl4 T180a Frank Leo, Raymond; Fillmore Rl Fill- Kroeger (1883) Bell Tel. Nokomis more Sec2 TlOOa Herschel Hill Kroeger, Will (Catherine Hard) Ch (1893) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Genevieve Pauline; Nokomis R4 Kunz, John J. (Mamie E. Probst) Ch South Audubon SecS O80a T200a Clarence, Roy, Charles, Anna, May; Frank Kroeger (1886) Bell Tel. No- Irving Rl Witt Sec26 T160a Mick komis Probst (1887) Kutter, William (Lena Etter) Ch Marie, Earl, Chester, Allen, Gladys, Ray; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Secl2 O13a (1884) Lacy, Sam P. (Ora Long) Ch Eliza, Floyd, Joe, Rubert, Everett, Walter, Harvey, Othello, Esther; Farmers- ville Rl Pitman Secl4 T160a A. Mil- ler (1915) Lanigan, Dennis (Valeda Fath) Ch Lenard; Hillsboro East Fork Secl7 O80a (1863) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Land, Grover (Zora Allphin) Ch Ebert, Almeda, Ira, Ibra; Nokomis .Rl Rountree Secl4 TlOa E. Hays (1916) Lane, Henry (Irene Lake) Ch Virgil; Oconee Rl South Audubon Secl2 O80a (1912) Mutual Tel. Oconee Lang, Jeff (Bernice Hill) Ch Floyd, Henry; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec2] T60a Mrs. Kate Hillman (1888) Lang, L. M. (Minnie Felhi) Ch Hel- len May, Russel Louis, Howard Raymond; Harvel Rl Raymond Secll T80a Mary Phelps (1908) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Lange, Frank C. (Francis M. O'Con- ers) Harvel Rl Raymond Secll O40a Sec2 T40a F. J. Lange (1891) Mutual Tel. Harvel 76 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Langen, John (Margaret A. Todt) Ch Ralph H., Marie, Catharine, Albert W., Irene, Louise, Evelyn, *John L. in Service; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec20 O400a (1891) Mutual Tel. Harvel Langford, William (Esther Fuller) Ch Victor, Osmondj Wendel; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secl4 T40a Mrs. H. Flemming (1913) Langley, J. W. (Mary Slater) Ralph and Nellie Frazier, Grandchildren; Pana R3 Audubon Secll Tla E. N. Pray (1910) Lape, William (Anna Hancock) Ch Roy, Gailon, *Preston, *Fannie; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec22 T120a Ira Doyle (1888) Larkin, Mrs. M. L. Ch Kate, Stella, James; Irving R3 Witt Sec28 O160a (1878) Laswell, W. E. (Florence Godown) Ch Earl, Walter, Charles, Jessie, Viola; Laura, Bernice, Clint God- own; Irving Rl Irving Sec34 O40a (1911) Mutual Tel. Irving Laughlin, Arthur D. (Anna C. Smith) Ch Howard; Raymond R2 Zanes- ville Secl2 T80a F. A. Goby (1912) Bell Tel. Raymond Laughlin, William H. (Carrie Smith) Ch Harold, Archie, *Edward, *Lota, *Ruben; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec34 T200a William Abot (1903) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Laurent, Frank (Melinda Whitworth) Ch Frank. John, James. Eula, Lo- raine, Mary, Irving. *Amos, *George, *Anna, *Ethel; Hillsboro Rl South Litchfield Seel T195a Foot Est. (1913) Law, William (Leeta Parnell) Ch Myron, Cloud, Roscoe, Gerald, Wil- liam Jr.; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec21 T160a Farm Hand T. H. Murphy (1903) Laws, Charles L. (Florence Traylor) Ch Marion, Camilla, Lena, *Effie, *Joe; "Prairie View Stock Farm" Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec20S O460a (1862) Bell Tel. Donnellson Lawson, Wilson Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec22S T126a Arthur Bartlett (1862) Bell Tel. Donnellson Lav. John (Harriett Corlew) Ch Otto. *Albert, *Minte. *Letha; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec28 O220a (1853) Lay, W. B. (Nettie Livington) Ch Edith; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec23 O128a (1873) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Lazenby, Alvin (Nancy Jarvis) Ch Calvin, Hollis, Elva, Nellie; Litch- field R3 South Litchfield SeclO T65a Railroad Construction Camp (1913) Lazenby, J. G. (Rosa Clifton) Ch Ar- thur, Clara, Ruth, Marie, Nina, Edith, Opal; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec8 T260a A. C. William- son (1875) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Leach, Lilburn (Lottie Hunt) Ch El- mer, Lloyd; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec8 T320a Farm Hand Lewis I. Snodgrass (1917) Leahan, T. R. (Margaret McGraw) Ch John, Nellie, Mary; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec34 O240a (1863) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Lebeck, John H. (Louise E. Zimmer- man) Ch Melvin, Harold. Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec9 O80a (1892) Bell Tel. Butler Lee, Dan H. (Rachael Patton) Ch *Mattie, *Alice; Butler R2 Butler Grove SeclS T190a W. A. Young (1865) Bell Tel. Butler Lee, Harry (Anna Lock) Ch Bessie. Morris, Dale, Karl, Russell, *Pearl; Harvel R2 Pitman Sec24 T240a . Charles Troup (1882) Waggoner Mutual Tel. Waggoner Leetham, J. F. (Bertha Brown) Ch Lester, lone, *Florence; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec7 O50a Sec8 T170a Edd Harris (1898) Bell Tel. Butler Legg, Donn (Susie Brock) Litchfield North Litchfield Sec32 O40a (1915) Lehan, W. H. (Kattie Hoisington) Ch Maggie, Thomas, Katherine, Mabel, Marie, Mat; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec20 p!60a (1871) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Lehnen, Leo (Ollie S. Janssen) Ch Edward, Wesley, Jesse, Delbert; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Secl8-19 O83a (1902) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Lehnen, Leonard (Clara M. Pilgrim) Ch Ervin, Albert, Margureta; Noko- mis Rl Nokomis Secl9 T160a Dick Janssen (1902) Mutual Tel. Noko- mis Leighs, James (Elizabeth Souter) Ch *Thomas, *Emma. *Mary A., *Wil- liam, *Gertrude; Nokomis R3 Noko- mis Sec34 O20a (1905) Bell Tel. No- komis Leitchuh, Albert (Emma P. Markle) Ch Carl. Toney. Marie; Litchfield North Litchfield Sec31 T80a John Carrol (1882) 77 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Leivolf, Wilhelm (Josephine Erspam- er) Hillsboro R3 East Fork Sec6 O3a (1913) Lemay Mrs. Anna (Anna Rowe) Ch *Sarah, *Mina, *Stella; "Ash Hol- low Farm" Irving R3 Fillmpre Sec6 OSOa (1880) Lemon, F. B. (Sarah E. Kean) Ch Russel, Ruth; Honey Bend North Litchfield Secll T125a G. W. Kean (1873) Lemon, William (Lidie V. Goodwin) Ch Randel, William, Mynard, Hel- len, *Hazel; Honey Bend North Litchfield Sec2 T129a J. J. Carey (1869) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Lentz, W. W. (Anna L. Fath) Ch Grace, -Ruth; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl6 T160a J. C. Short Est. (1892) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Leonard, James (Sadie Brown) Ch Dennis, Ross, Lyle; Harvel R2 Har- vel Sec7 O280a (1873) Mutual Tel. Harvel Leonard, William (Tressa Brown) Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 OSOa (1882) Farmersville Mutual Tel. Farmersville Lessman, Ed (Minnie Neighause) Ch Mary, Eddie, Lester, Lemme, An- nabell, Luvine; Harold Rl Ray- mond Sec23 O275a (1888) Mutual Tel. Raymond Lessman, H. E. (Katie Feraris) Ch Myrtle, Ernest; Hillsboro R4 Hills- boro Sec29 O120a (1888) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Lessman, Joseph Raymond Rl Ray- mond Secl7 T300a H. H. Hitchings (1891) Mutual Tel. Raymond Lewey, Albert (Lavina Beeler) Ch *Oliver, *Charlie, *Everett, *Dan- iel; Hillsboro Hillsboro Sec28 OllOa (1850) Lewey, C. C. (Mary E. Blackburn) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec21 O169a (1855) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Lewey, Daniel LeRoy (Mae Louck) Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec28 T90a Albert Lewey (1885) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Lewey, L. F. (Mabel Gordon) Hills- boro R4 Hillsboro Sec25 TlOOa Guy Lane (1875) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Lewey, O. R. (Hester I. Hill) Ch Leo, Cecil, Cleo, Loyd, Victor, Carl, Seymore, Earl, Woodrow; "Ridge View Stock and Dairy Farm" Cof- feen R2 East Fork Sec25 T160a Ar- thur Christian (1872) Lewey, William A. (Lurenna Thack- er) "Mulberry Ridge Farm" Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Secl7 OSOa (1855) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Lewis, Albert (Melinda Howell) Ch John, *Sadeta, *Lavona; "Oak Ridge Farm" Butler R2 North Litchfield Sec36 O40a (1881) Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Lewis, B. R. (Alva Savage) Ch Her- chel, Joie, Ulis, Ina, Ralph, Clell, Gary, Merle, James; Coffeen Rl East Fork SeclS T240a James B. Barringer (1867) Lewis, Charles D. (Lula Releford) Ch Walter; Litchfield Rl SeclS T211a John Monke (1918) Lewis, H. C. (Georgia Brown) Ch Gladys, Hugh, James, Evelyn, Ken- neth, Kermit, Lillian, *Naomi; Cof- feen Rl East Fork Sec34 T137a T. J, McDavid (1871) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Lewis, Kate Ch Kate, John, Tom, *Sarah, *Mary; Harvel Rl Rountree Sec6 O154a (1871) Lewis, M. S. (Laura E. Green) Ch Laurell, Clarence, Guy, Harry, *Ella, *Sirena, *Lucy, *Emma, * Lizzie; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl9S OSOa (1867) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Lewis, Robert (Mary E. Shrock) Ch *Ralph, *Emma, *Etta; Raymond R2 Zanesville Secl3 T160a John Mc- Gown (1902) Mutual Tel. Raymond Lewright, Hart B. (Mollie Baxter) Ch Randolph, Bennett, Winford; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec8 OSOa (1865) Libbey, W. P. (Nancy J. Thacker) Ch Faye G., Edward A., *Cloe S.; Cof- feen Rl East Fork Sec2S O131a (1868) Mutual Tel Coffeen Lidiker, Mrs. Jane Ch Mary, *Bertha, *Hattie, *Clara; Nokomis Rl Roun- tree Sec29 OSOa (1848) Limper, Joseph (Tessie Kaburick) Ch Lessie; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl4 T120a William Kaburick (1892) Linane, John J. (Minnie Hicks) Ch Ida, Carra, Lewis, Joseph, Bertha; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec28 Tla Jenkins Est. (1905) Linane, Pete (Lillie Spring) Ch Frankie, Ruth, Howard. Edward; Oconee R2 South Audubon Secll OSOa (1918) Linane, William Nokomis R3 South Audubon Sec3 O120a (1908) 78 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Lindemann, Henry (Anna Suda) Ch Rosie, Carl; Witt Rl Nokomis Sec29 T140a Robert Dixon (1894) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Lindley, J. A. (Laura E. File) Ch Bertie J., *Otto L., *Oren E., 'Charles C, *Asa I.: Walshville Rl Walshville Sec26 O68^4a (1861) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Sorento Lindley, J. J. (M. C. Pence) Ch Winfred, Edith, Alva, Vernon, *Mamie, *Earl; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec25 O65a (1860) Lindly, L. E. (Roxanna Corlew) Ch Leone, Otto, *Mabel, *Harry, *Irma; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec36 O180a (1883) Lingle, H. G. (Viola Masters) Ch Martin A., Dorcas H. J.; "Sunny Brook Stock Farm" Witt Rl Roun- tree Sec35 O220a (1875) Mutual Tel. Witt Linville, James (Augusta Lyles) "Tall Pine Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork SeclS T90a E. N. Lyles (1875^ Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Lipe, Alvin O. (Ora Draper) Ch Wa- neta, *Cecil in Service; Witt Rl Rountree Sec35 O40a 0868) Mu- tual Tel. Witt Lipe, Charles E. (Hannah Copland) Irving Rl Rountree Sec31 O117a (1855) Bell Tel. Butler Lipe, Edward H. (Madge Kelly) "Woodside Farm" Irving R2 Irving SecS O149a (1877) Bell Tel. But- ler Lipe, Ephraim D. (Cora A. Cook) Ch Eva, Lucille, Mildred; Irving R2 Irving Secll O164a (1870) Mutual Tel. Irving Lipe, Glenn (Myra Compton) Ch Raymond, Wayne; Witt Rl Witt Sec7 T80a William Abbott (1893) Lipe, H. S. (Mary P. King) Witt Rl Irving Sec2 OllOa (1876) Mutual Tel. Witt Lipe, J. J. (Minnie Augusta Yeske) Ch, Esther May, Elizabeth Laura, Godfrey Martin, John Easton, *Edna Frances; Irving Rountree Sec34-35 O220a (1870) Lipe, Thomas L. (Vera Rupe) Ch Fern, Viola; Witt Rl Rountree, Sec27 O120a (1890) Mutual Tel. Rountree Lipe, Vernon F. (Cora F. Bond) Ch Vernon, Jr.. Lois, Betty; Raymond R2 Zanesville Secl4 T80a Will Sims (1881) Mutual Tel. Raymond Lippard, Tom (Nell Garret) Ch Ruth, Wayne; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl4 T323a Brewer Est. (1883) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Listen, George G. (Miry Graham) Ch William A., Harry F., *George E., 'Walter S., *Mary H.; Coffeen R2 Fillmore SeclS OlOa (1871) Listen, G. E. (Martha J. Williams) Ch Harold; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl6 T480a Manager William Welge (1876) Littleton, J. M. (Floro Harbert) Ch Ruby, Arthur, Flossie; Raymond R2 Raymond Secl4 T160a C. McNaugh- ton (1915) Mutual Tel. Raymond Litz, Christ (Minnie Schultz) Ch *Fred, *Ida, *Henry, *John, *Louisa; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec24 O70a (1891) Litz, Henry (Sophia Hauseum) Ch Rosa, Krist; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec24 O80a (1906) Litz, John L. (Katie Kroenlein) Ch Louis A., Homer K., Carl Emil; Pana R3 Audubon Sec24-23 O70a (1892) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Livingston, Harry (Mary Barry) Ch Barry, Margaret; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec26 O80a (1885) Livingston, Imer (Ruth Piatt) Fill- more R3 Fillmore Sec28 T200a T. M. Livingston (1894) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Livingston, T. M. (Alpha Gatewood) Ch Morris, Clyde. Ivan, Inez, *Lona. *Imer, *Eva; Fillmore Fill- more Sec28 O212a t lOa A. B. Cal- houn (1851) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Lloyd, Clarence (Gertrude Cole) Cof- feen Rl Fillmore Secl6 T280a Flora Williamson (1916) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Loen, Edward (Susan Miller) Ch Ed- ward C., Jesse, *Mary Babtist; Walshville Rl Walshville Secl4 OlOOa (1865) Loen, William P. H. (Mayma L. Sturgeon) Ch Katharine; Walsh- ville Rl Walshville Secll T47a Wil- liam Loen (1890) Loewenstein, William (Emma Nie- haus) Ch Wilma; "Brookside Farm" Walshville Rl O120a Walshville SeclS T160a Henry Loewenstein (1892) - Logsdon, C. L. (Mary V. Bailey) Ch Jewell, Blanch. LeRoy; Hillsboro R2 Hillsboro Sec36 T217a W. P. Thacker (1891) Bell Tel. Hillsboro 79 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Logston, John (Annie Bealer) Ch Daro, Ida, Jennie. Charles, Elmer, Ruby; Walshville Rl Grisham SecS O130a (1875) Lohaus, John (Julia Simon) Noko- mis R3 Nokomis Sec35 O20a (1902) Bell Tel. Nokomis Lohman, Fred Jr. (Nellie Reeves) Ch Earl, Marie; Farmersville Rl Pit- man Sec23 T185a Fred Lohman Sr. (1883) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Lohman, E. O. (Jennie Browning) Ch Edward, Garl; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec29 T400a J. M. Wag- goner (1885) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Long, Albert (Maggie Titsworth) Ch Ruth, Ruby; Walshville Rl Gris- ham Sec7 T80a Mrs. L. McPhear- son (1891) Long, C. F. (Sarah McCullough) Ch Paul, Wallace, Helen; "Pitman Farm" Raymond R2 Pitman Sec27 O160a T120a Mary Brubaker (1873) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Long, Fred S. (Edna Miller) Ch Ruth, Bernice, Miller, Claire, Arlene, Jun- ior; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec20 T40a Henry Long (1884) Long, Henry (Mary M. Troutman) Ch Gretta, *Fred, *Jeff; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec20 O134a (1861) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Long, John F. (Mary Plant) Ch Marie, Leonard, James, *Grace, *May, *Margarete, *John; Walsh- ville Rl Walshville Sec26 O104a T20a C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. (1860) Long, Joseph (Matilda E. McDaniel) * William, *Omer, *Dallas; Wag- goner Rl Zanesville SecS T170a W. H. Peck (1881) Mutual Tel. Wag- goner Losch, John H. (Spicy Brown) Ch Leota, Susie. Harold, *Florence, *Nettie, *Aral; Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Sec9 O91^a (1881) Loucks, Alva F. (Laura Hartgroves) Ch Roy, *Mae; Hillsboro R4 Hills- boro Sec28 O204a (1864) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Lounsbury, Ira R. (Rosa Wittman) Ch Ruby; Irving Rl Witt SeclS TlOOa Joseoh Lounsbury (1880) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Lounsbury, W. T. (Nettie Sperry) "Center Point Farm" Irving Rl Witt Sec22 O80a (1876) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Loveless, Riley (Rosa Perrine) Ch Samuel, Ruah, Oriel, Nona, Lina, Marvel, Ina, Babie, Nina, Mitchell, James, Johny; Barnett R2 Zanes- ville Sec33 O40a (1906) Loving, William O. (Clara Fuller) Ch *Roy, *Cora, *Guy M.; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec32 O80a (1868) Lowe, Jesse (Viola Webster) Ch Daisy, Mildred; Nokomis R3 Au- dubon Sec23 T160a J. R. Lowe & Kitchell (1880) Mutual Tel. Rose- mond Lowrance, James B. (Celia Frarer) Irving R2 Irving Sec6 T196a Susan Frarer (1891) Bell Tel. Butler Lubben, Albert (Dora Klotz) Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Secl9 T152a John H. Lubben (1918) Lubben, Herman (Ida Rovey) Far- mersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 T160a William Rovey (1917) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Luck, Mary M. (Mary M. Kilpatrick) Ch Homer, Roscoe, Lester; *Elisha, *Fred, "Sarah, 'Stella; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec29 O40a (1848) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Luddeke, Arthur G. (Maud E. Moore) "Windy Point Farm" Butler R3 Butler Grove Sec28 T160a C. J. Woland (1911) Bell Tel. Butler Luddeke, Theodore (Gertrude Moore) Ch Donald. Thelma; Irving R2 Irv- ing Sec20 O90a (1872) Farmer's Mu- tual Tel. Irving Ludenrick, F. M. (Louisa Whitten) Ch Lorena, *Clara. *Cora; Chapman Fillmore Sec4 O65a (1859) Ludewich, H. M. *Ina. *Elwood. *Maude; "Maole Hill Farm" Cof- feen Rl East Fork Secll O240a (1837) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Luedtke, Julius (Amalia Ruschke) Ch Charles. Albert, Alwina. *Minnie, *Ida, *Lena, *Bertha; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec31 O80a (1918) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Luenemann, Henry (Nora Buerger) Ch Anton. Marv John; Litchfield R4 Walshville SecS T180a W. C. Marburger (1891) Luker, Henry (Tillie Mansholt) Ch Herman, Irene; Nokomis R5 Noko- mis Secl7 T160a Mrs. H. Luken (1902) Lyerla, Ed A. (Elizabeth Stewart) Ch *Susia. *Ruby, *Burges. *Edna: Irv- ing R3 Irvine Sec27 O300a (1875) Mutual Tel. Irving 80 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Lyerla, Fred R. (Bell Vandever) Irv- ing R3 Irving Sec36 O92a (1879) Mutual Tel. Irving Lyerla, Thomas (Deta Young) Ch Ada, Ruth, Eldred, Nina, Marvin, Mima, Jane; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec3S O42a (1874) Lyerla, Wilson (Dora Sanders) Ch Zella, June, *Earl, *Una, *Audra, *Ray; Irving R3 Irving Sec26 T160a Dr. "Parkhill (1863) Mutual Tel. Irv- ing Lyerly, Richard (Serena Lyerly) Ch Cleta, Ava, *Fred, *Abbiegail, *Wood, *Katie; Irving R3 Irving Sec36 O468a (1863) Mutual Tel. Irv- ing Lyles, E. N. (Olive Nichols) Ch Es- ter, Loretta, *Augusta, *Angie, *Elsie; "Lyles & Nichols Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec2S O540a (1886) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Lyman, Corneilus S. (Lois Smith) Ch Elberta Alfreida, Mary, Allus, Cor- nelius; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Secl9 TlOSa W. A. Lyman (1903) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Lyman, E. (Clara Hendricks) Ch Marie; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec21 O80a Sec20 TlOOa F. K. Hen- dricks (1887) Farmersville Mutual Tel. Farmersville Lyman, Lewis (Elva Gottlob) Ch Etta; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl9 T140a George Lyman (1880) Farmersville Tel. Farmersville Lynn, H. G. (Clara Briggs) Ch Ralph, *Edward; Mulberry Rl Fillmore Sec21 O191a (1852) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Lynn, William J. (Annie Haynes) Ch Fairy, Lena, Mary, *John, *Guy; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec21 O299a (1849) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Lyons, James M. (Marguerite Cur- ran) Ch Helen Marie, Rita, John Bernard; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec20- 31 T160a John Lyons (1881) Mutual Tel. Harvel Lyons, John (Mary Bushel) Ch John, Ida, *James, *Katharine; Raymond R2 Harvel Sec31 O350a (1875) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond M Mack, Amos G. (Alice R. Scherer) Ch Evelyn L., Lester D., Ross D., El- mer L. ; "Mack Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove Seel 1-14 T120a D. W. Mack (1875) Bell Tel. Butler Mack, D. W. Ch Walter, *Jasper, *Carrie, *Dora, *Amos, *Bessie, *Oscar, *Albert; Butler R2 Butler Grove Seel 1-14 O200a; also owns 27a Timber Land in Irving; (1838) Bell Tel. Butler Mack, Jasper M. (Julia Dorsey) Ch Jennie, Irwin; Butler R2 Butler Grove Secll O80a (1868) Bell Tel. Butler Macrafic, Edwin (Dott E. Slayback) Ch Herschel; Butler Rl North Litchfield Sec25 T180a L. A. Slay- back (1917) Maddox, Wilson (Amanda Jane Brown) Ch Edna, *Allie, *Eliza- beth, ""Lafayette. *Dan; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec9 O180a (1859) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Madigan, Thomas (Sarah, Sister) No- komis R3 Audubon Sec29 O80a (1893) Maher, Phillip (Bridget Hogan) Ch Mae, Thomasj Raymond R2 Ray- mond Se'cl9 OlSOa (1864) Mutual Tel. Raymond Major, A. H. (Lillie M. Brown) Ch Velma, Josephine, *Chlorus; Cof- feen Rl East Fork SecSS O120a (1873) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Major, Charles R. Ch Mary, *James, *Edgar, *Joseph, *Charles, *Russell, *Samuel; Donnellson Grisham' Secl3 O130a (1865) Bell Tel. Don- nellson Malloy, William Ch Jerome, *Leona; "Walnut Ridge Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec23S O80a H864) Maninfior, John Sr. (Madiline Er- spammer) Ch Emma. Frank, Cath- erine, *Albina; Hillsboro R3 East Fork Sec6 O3a (1892) Maninfior, John Jr. CNatalina Breb- bia) Ch Joe, Rachael, Esther, Marie; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec20 O60a (1886) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Mann, Leslie I. (Mattie A. Specht) Ch Dorothy; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec6 O40a T40a Mrs. Maria Specht (1910) Mutual Tel. Girard 81 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Mann, Thomas (Jessie Alderson) Ch Agnes, Glenn; Thomasville Bois D' Arc Secl6 T195a M. W. Treadway (1915) Virden Tel. Virden Manning, Asberry (Mettie Alexander) Ch Claude, Irvin, Burdett, Morgan; "Maple Slope Farm" Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Secll T160a Earl Heat- er (1910) Pawnee Tel. Pawnee Manning, Mont (Flora Clark) Ch Chandler, Wilburn, Martha Belle, Herman A., Woodrow Wilson; Far- mersville R2 Bois D' Arc SeclS T160a William C. Luth (1910) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Manning, Tue (Audrey Cline) Ch Calvin, Kenneth; Morrisonville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec9 T120a A. Allen (1917) Pawnee Tel. Pawnee Mansfield, C. H. (Harriet Foster) Ch Merrill, Harold; Nokomis R3 South Audubon Sec3 O154a (1868) Bell Tel. Nokomis Mansfield, Henry (Alice James) Ch Ruth, Alice, Roy; Nokomis R4 South Audubon Sec6 O75a (1866) Manske, Miss Emma Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Secl7 O460a (1871) Marburger, Ed C. Ch Harry, Tillie; Mt. Olive Walshville Sec6 O180a (1865) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Marburger, H. G. (Sophia Gehner) Ch Otto, Amile, William, Lydia; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec31 O140a (1856) Tel. Mt. Olive Marburger, William (Emma 'White- house) Ch Theodore, Jesse, Alma, Freda, Alfred, Lucetta, Leo; Litch- field R4 South Litchfield Sec31 O380a (1868) Tel. Mt. Olive Marburger, W. C. (Emma White- house) Ch Theodore, Jesse, Elmer Elfreida. Alfred. Lusetta. Leon; Litchfield R4 Walshville Sec6 O230a (1865) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Marfell, William (Jane Herbert) Ch John, Ella, Ethel, Louise, Vera, William Jr.; Witt Rl Witt Sec8 O3a (1908) Marit P. S. (Treacie White) Ch Mur- rel, Wesley, Irene, Dwight, Mild- red; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec36 O26a (1877) Marley, James (Margaret Randle) Ch Margaret. Donald; Nokomis R2 Au- dubon Secl9 T231a John Marley (1878) Bell Tel. Nokomis Marsh, W. O. (Amie Sharp) Ch Fred. Trinel. Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec21 T150a John Waggoner (1905) Marshall, Edward (Ella Moore) Paw- nee R3 Bois D' Arc Sec4 T160a Mrs. Joseph Marshall (1883) Martin, Charles A. (Goldie Wade) Ch Glen; Witt Rl Irving Secl2 T200a John Martin (1904) Mutual Tel. Witt Martin, Edgar W. (Olive Burger) Ch Mary, Robert; Honey Bend North Litchfield Sec3 O69^a (1874) Martin, Mrs. Emma J. Ch Ernest, Silas, John, Ollin, Stanley, Cecil, Alma, Harold, Glenn, Lucile, Elbert, Pauline, *Buel; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec29 T160a W. H. Guthrie (1908) Mutual Tel. Harvel Martin, Everett (Katherine Meisen- heimer) Ch Lovine, Johnnie; Har- vel R2 Harvel Sec32 T160a J. O. Guthrie (1918) Martin. Frank O. (Emma Pickett) Ch Walter, Earl, Irene; Farmersville R3 Bois D' Arc Sec28 T80a Orin Martin (1887) Farmersville Tel. Farmersville Martin, Franklin (Lorena Huber) Ch Ralph, Helen, Edith, Frank Jr.; Far- mersville Pitman Sec5 TlOOa Henry Martin Sr. (1886) Martin, Henry Sr. Ch Lena, Martha, *Henry, *Katie, *Lizzie, *Frank; Farmersville Pitman SecS O200a (1866) Martin, Henry Jr. Farmersville Pit- man Secl6-17 O80a SecS T120a Henry Martin Sr. (1874) Martin, John H. (Harriet N. Elledge) Ch Rexford, Ethel, Blanche, Vesta, Homer; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec26 O40a (1870) Martin, Joseph W. (Eliza J. Ogden) Ch *Grover, *Moses; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec26 O140a (1867) Martin, Lee (Jane Coen) Ch Francis, Ruth, Bernard: Farmersville Rl Pitman Seel T160a Frank Martin and Paul Bonnett (1890) Farmers- ville Mutual Tel. Farmersville Martin, Otis (Gertrude Parrott) Ch Dale; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Secll O80a T66a E. B. Jordan & Son and William Davis (1911) Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Mason, Frank (Nora Dilworth) Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Sec7 OlOa (1882) Masters, A. T. (Josephine Casselber- ry) Ch *Minnie. *Vie, *Evans; But- ler R2 Butler Grove Sec21 O95a (1865) Bell Tel. Butler 82 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Masters, E. E. (Sybil Chapman) Ch Margaret, Nina; Witt Rl Rountree Sec36 T80a Tosephine Masters (1881) Mutual Tel. Witt Mathews, B. B. (Nora Casey) Ch nVillie; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl2 O12a Secll T16a Charlie Poland Mutual Tel. Fillmore Mathews, Harry E. (Virginia Simons) Ch Celestine, Maxine; Farmersville Bois D' Arc Sec27 O40a (1890) Far- mersville Tel. Farmersville Mathews, Oris B. (Pearlie Supinger) Ch Louie, Lonnie, Florence; Fill- more Rl Fillmore Secl2 O40a T20a Thomas Mathews (1908) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Mathewson, J. A. (Clara Bost) Ch Lyman B., Mary, *Henry; "Shady Nook Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Seel O35a (1895) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Matli, Alex J. (Kate T. Sullivan) Ch Paul, Margaret; Raymond R2 Zanesville Sec3 T80a Mrs. Rose Sullivan (1875) Matli, Bernard G. (Anna Kelenber- ger) Ch Verna, Bernard; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield SeclS T149a William Weigreffee (1883) Matli, Charles J. (Josephine Boehm) Ch Sylverias; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Secl7 T120a Mrs. Sarah Fisher (1889) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Matli, Frank (Louisa Holmes) Ch Mary, Lawrence; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec32 T80a Dr. Scherer (1866) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Matthews, Jesse (Mahla Carlock) Ch Harry T., Dewey B., Lena, Opal J., Oral, Vona; "White Oak Ridge Farm" Hillsboro East Fork Sec23S TlOOa P. Carlock (1897) Matthews, W. F. (Pansie Cole) Ch Russell) "J. J. Bost Farm" Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec8 T77 a J. J. Bost (1915) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Mauton, Frank (Helen Suterer) Ch Fred. Victor, Inocence, Justina, * Walter. 'Frank; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl4 T300a John McLean (1899) May. Charles H. (Dollie E. Sharp) Ch Ruth, Alfred; Litchfield R2 Zanes- ville Sec32 T80a W. P. Rogers (1882) Mutual Tel. Litchfield May, J. S. (Eva Crichfield) Ch *Lena, *Orin; Fillmore R3 Fillmore Sec9 O80a (1872) Mutual Tel. Fillmore May, Orin (Pluma Chesser) Ch Mil- dred; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec9 T80a J. S. May (1888) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Maybury, M. (Kate Carlock) Ch May, Everett, Mary, Resie, Johnnie; Ramsey R3 South Audubon Secl4 O20a (1906) Mayer, Andrew (Naomi Platt) Ch Melvina, Helen Naomi; Witt Rl Witt SecS T160a Mrs. Lind and Ursula Mayer (1886) Mayer, Joseph A. (Anna Reardon) Witt Rl Nokomis Sec33 O30a Sec32 T166a Ursula Mayer (1884) McAnarney Charles (Mary Coen) Ch Mary, Arthur, Leroy, Irene; Har- vey R2 Harvel Sec6 O40a (1864) McAnarney, Edward J. (Mary J. Walsh) Ch Leonard R., Harry E., *Gertrude F., *William A.; Farmers- ville R2 Harvel SecS O160a T63a Mrs. Redman and Dave Barnet (1904) McCain, W. H. (Rosa Ruff) Ch Viola, Latisha, Helena, *Pearl, *Iva, *Goldie, *John B., *Harrison; No- komis R3 Audubon Sec32 O5a (1906) McCallum, Arch (Jennie Scherer) Ch Pearl, *Wilma, *Mae, *Lela; Irving R2 Butler Grove Sec4 Ol60a (1858) Bell Tel. Butler McCalum, Hugh E. (Cordelia Mala- hon) Ch Edith, Johnrussel, Gerald; Harvel Rl Raymond Seel T240a John McCalum (1893) Mutual Tel. Harvel McCaslin, Louie A. (Nellie Ellington) Ch Pearl, Dwight; Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec20S T120a Mollie Hawking (1878) Bell Tel. Donnell- son McCaslin, William (Eva Brummet) Ch Pauline, Genevieve, Ruby; Oco- nee Rl South Audubon Sec2 T80a P. Hershey (1916) McConathy, Jacob T. (Lula Seago) Ch Clyde; Raymond Rl Zanesville Sec25 T152a Mrs. J. F. Kelley (1876) Mutual Tel. Raymond McConathy, Perry M. (Myra Husted) Ch Vera. Selma. *Letha: Harvel R2 Harvel Sec32 O80a (1872) Mutual Tel. Raymond McConathy, W. L. (Melinda E. Thomas) Ch Earl, Ellen Mareissa, Rosella. Myrtle; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Secl4 T160a Sam- uel Thomnson (1871) Mutual Tel. Litchfield 83 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY McCord, L. H. (Sarah L. White) Cof- feen R2 Fillmore Secl6 O120a T20a Floyd Miller (1913) Mutual Tel. Coffeen McCord, Robert (Fairy Fath) Ch Es- ther; Irving R3 Irving Sec29 T99a R. H. McCord (1886) Bell Tel. Hillsboro McCormick, John A. (Mary Firman) Ch Elbert, Willie, Loretta, Joseph, Mary; Farmersville Rl Bois D" Arc Sec27 O440a (1866) Mutual Tel. Farmersville McCullers, John ^Fannie Vanderburg) Ch Florence, Dorothy, Ethel, La- verne, *Anna, * Willie; "Hill View Farm" Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SecH O6^a (1890) Bell Tel. Hills- boro McCulley, E. H. (Mary Caulk) Ch Gladys, Lester, Erma; Irving R2 Butler Grove Secl2 T180a Watson Est. (1892) Bell Tel. Butler McCulley, George (Lillie Edwards) Ch Wayne R., Charles D., Opal L., Oscar L.; Witt Rl Rountree Sec34 T160a Clark Lipe (1885) Mutual Tel. Witt McCulloch, S. R. Donnellson Grisham Secl3 O332a (1867) Bell Tel. Don- nellson McCullough, Ben (Lena Padfield) Ch Alene, Keneth, Josephine, Nprma; "Lone Evergreen Farm" Pitman Sec8 T95a Dave Grisham (1879) Mutual Tel. Farmersville McDavid, F. L. (Erna Rafferty) Ch Clarence; Hillsboro Hillsboro Sec33 O333a (1877) Bell Tel. Hillsboro McDavid, J. L. (Mattie Newman) Ch *Gaillord, *Lyndom; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec34 O179a (1861) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen McDavid, J. T. (Edith Bond) Irv- ing Rl Irving Sec23 O160a (1851) McDavid, Mrs. Ollie Ch Thurman; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec28 O1241^a (1880) Bell Tel. Hillsboro and Mutual Tel. Coffeen McDonough, H. S. (Anna Ricke) Ch Theodore, Ruth, John Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec24 O120a (1864) McDowell, Charles H. (Bessie Ran- dies) Ch Herbert, Harold, Evelyn, Dorothy; Irving Rl Witt Sec30 T102a L. A. File (1886) Mutual Tel. Irving McDowell, James (Sarah Wubker) Ch Clarence, *Walter, *Edward, *Lo- gan, *Charles *Helen; Ii >ing Sec24 O126a (1861) McDowell, Walter (Katheryn Blair) Ch Marjorie, James; Irving Rl Irv- ing Sec24 T126a James McDowell (1872) Mutual Irving McElfresh, Jerome F. Ch Russell, *Winnie; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec27 OlOOa (1878) McElroy, T. B. (Lena Strahm) Ch Bertha, *Dalas, 'Clifford, *Mary; Hillsboro R4 Raymond Sec32 O80a Hillsboro SeclO T135a C. H. Tiffen (1898) . McGowan, George L. (Carrie Alexan- der) Ch Everet, William; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec34 T80a Mrs. Min- nie Jenkins (1917) Bell Tel. Butler McGown, Clayton C. (Anna E. Hut- son) Ch Frances, Geneva, Edward; Waggoner Rl Zanesville Sec7 T3a N. White (1892) McGown, Edward A. (Agnes A. Mar- tin) Ch *John. *Fairy, *Percy; "Lone Elm Dairy Farm" Raymond R2 Zanesville SecH O40a (1858) Bell Tel. Raymond McGown, Harlev E. (Lizzie B. Reed) Ch Velma, *Lelia May; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec20 TlOOa G. Booth (1867) McGown, John E. (Rebecca M. Thomas) Ch Victor, John, Homer, Thomas, *Clayton r *Viva; Atwater Rl Zanesville Sec7 O12^a (1864) McGuffie, John "Old Pry Farm" Wag- goner Rl Pitman SeclS T240a Tom- my Taylor (1910) Tel. Girard Mclntosch, J. B. (Ollie Baggett) Ch Virgil; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec24 O40a (1893) McKinney, Boyd (Myrtle Cryder) Ch Florence, *Aldine, *Jessie, *Frank; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Sec4 T200a Gudge McBride (1915) Virden Tel. Virden McKinney, William (Flora Govaia) Ch Claude, Earl, Ralph, Welma; Witt Rl Irving Sec2 T140a J. J. Car- riker (1875) McKowen, Joseph W. (Eva J. Black- welder) Ch Lisle, Florence, Ira; Raymond R2 Zanesville Sec23 O120a (1908) Mutual Tel. Raymond McLean, Mrs. Anna (Anna Hutchin- son) Ch *James, *Arthur, *Etta. *Charles; Butler Rl Butler Grove O80a (1865) Bell Tel. Butler McLean, C. E. (Julia Jett) Ch Owen. Loron: Donnellson Rl Ea'st Fork Sec20 T200a W. F. Schluckbier (1878) Bell Tel. Donnellson 84 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY McLean, Charles F. (Nellie D. King) Ch Robert, Mary; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec8 T80a Mrs. Anna M. Mc- Lean (1877) Bell Tel. Butler McLean, C. S. (Peachie Taylor) Ch Maurice; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl3 OSOa (1874) McLean, D. (Martha Marks) Ch Charlie, Willa, Maud, Gloyd; Cof- feen Rl East Fork Secl4 O300a (1851) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro McLean, Isaac Taylor Springs Hills- boro Sec26 O40a (1883) McLean, J. R. Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec35 OSOa Grisham Sec2 T40a (1858) Bell Tel. Hillsboro McLean, Mart F. (Bridget E. Comer.- ford) Ch William, Margaret, Eileen, Mazie, Joseph; Farmersville Pitman Sec4 T280a McLean Est. (1882) Mutual Tel. Farmersville McLean, William (Lula Brockamp) Morrisonville R2 Bois D' Arc Secl6 T80a M. E. Howard (1915) Chris- tian County Tel. Morrisonville McNish, John (Vina Ballinger) Ch Rosce; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Sec6 T152a Stella Lockwood (1905) Vir- den Tel. Virden McPeak, Andrew O. (Irene Par- sons) Honey Bend North Litchfield Seel T55a W. S. Parsons (1912) McPhail, Bert (Laura Cass) Butler R2 Butler Grove SecS OSOa (1882) McPhail, George Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec35 O40a (1878) McPhail R A. Ch Maggie, *Mary; Litchfield R3 .South Litchfield Sec36 O186a (1857) Mutual Tel. Hills- boro McPherson, A. S. (Olive Barry) Ch Albert. Glenn; Walshville Rl Gris- ham SecS T80a Mrs. T. Price and L. McPherson (1893) McPherson, James (Sarah M. Vogel) Ch Letha, Clara, Eileen; Walshville Rl Grisham Sec9 TlOOa Lewis Mc- Pherson (1890) McPherson, Lewis (Sarah E. Stevens) Ch Paul, *James, *Albert, *Lewis Jr.; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Sec9 O460a (1867) Bell Tel. Hillsboro McReynolds, Louis C. Ch James, Frances; Litchfield North Litchfield Sec34 O44a (1875) McWilliams, W. K. (Edna Murphy) Ch Meade, Neale; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Seel T320a J. A. Murphy Est. and W. M. Montgomery (1873) Pawnee Tel. Pawnee Mehlberg, Albert (Lizzie Hohmann) Ch John, Edward, Emma, August, Henry, Albert, *William, *Lena, *Adolph; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec22 O120a (1881) Mehlberg, William C. (Edna J. Hart) Ch Clarence; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield SecS T80a Joseph Beeson (1903) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Meier, August A. (Mary Johnson) Ch Alva, Walter, Everett; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec24 OSOa (1898) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Meier, Charles F. (Meta Jjuissen) Ch Harold H.; Witt Rl Rountree Sec24 T80a L. C. Weber (1905) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Meier, Ferdinand (Ruth Casselberry) Nokomis Rl Nokomis SeclS T170a J. B. Barringer (1903) Bell Tel. No- komis Meier, Walter (Ida Dewerff) Ch Ad- . dis Roefae; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec6 T120a Henry Slaughter (1916) Meiners, Hiram (Sarah Riser) Ch Albert; Irving Rl Witt SecS O57a (1871) Meiners, John (Tena Oltmans) Ch Louis, William, Walter, Lester, Lena; Nokomis R4 South Audubon Sec9 O78a (1862) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Meisenheimer, Clement (Nellie Noyes) Ch Carl, Archie; Witt Rl Witt SecS T95a Henry Stauder (1904) Meisenheimer, C. Ch Dorothy, *Clement, *Christian, *Declecia, *Frank, *Catherine, *Josephine; Witt Rl Witt SecS T120a Martin Hohen (1904) Mutual Tel. Meisenheimer, F. E. (Myrtle Gray) Ch Madeline, Maurice, Loeta; No- komis Rl Rountree Sec30 T20()a John Sims (1903) Melton, Elmer (Mother, Housekeep- er) Coffeen Rl East Fork SeclOS O118a (1892) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Melton, James C. (Rena Bandy) Ch *Lottie; Honey Bend North Litch- field Sec3 OSOa (1876) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Melton, Lonnie (Elsie Lyles) Ch Clyde L.; Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec2S O75a (1892) Mercer, Arnal (Lizzie Harland) Ch Alfred, Elizabeth, Alma; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Secll T220a J. M. Rhoades (1885) 85 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Meriwether, A. B. (Mattie Gerlach) Ch Lyman A.; Harvel R2 Pitman Sec25 O80a (1878) Waggoner Mu- tual Tel. Waggoner Merriman, William Elexader (Maud Owens) Ch Helen, Martha, Nancy, Harley; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec9 T240a Farm Hand Edward McDavid (1917) Mutual Tel. Hills- boro Mertz, Mrs. Mary Ch Leota, *Cora, *Henry; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 O80a (1883) Mutual Tel. Girard Mey, Dorris (Florence Harrison) Cof- feen R2 Fillmore Sec4 T80a Ben Toberman (1892) Meyer, Edward (Mary Schoen) Ch Arthur, Ruby; Witt Rl Rountree Sec24 T200a Mary Miller (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Meyer, John F. (Nora Lohr) Ch El- mer, Mary; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl7 T160a James Clotfelter Est. (1892) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Meyer, Joseph B. (Lizzie Fravla) Ch Jesse, Guy, Harold, Lillie, Edna, Nellie, Flossie, *Charlotte, *Lilfie; "Diamond Spring Poultry Farm" Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec35 T20a W. J. McDavid (1892) Meyer, Marion (Cora Conrow) Ch Clyde, Claud, Freda, Fern; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Seel TlOOa Louis Is- bell (1910) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Meyer, Otto (Harriett Hadley) Ch Vernon; Witt Rl Irving Seel T80a Manager Charles Fesser (1891) Mu- tual Tel. Irving Meyers, Grover (Jessie Williams) Ch Louie, Leon; Irving R3 Fillmore Sec8 OlOOa (1883) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Meyers, G. R. (Kate Grubbs) Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Sec9 T120a Mrs. J. R. Spraker (1890) Farmers' Mu- tual Tel. Hillsboro Meyers, J. D. (Nellie V. Wikoff) Ch Elsie, Pansy. Imogene, *Guy; Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Sec7 O48^a T50a William Abbott (1862) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Mevers, Robert C. (Marie Phelan) Ch William, Edward; Irving R3 Irving Sec21 O40a (1908) Meyers, William (Hannah Banning) Ch Willis, Harold, Minnie, *Anna; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec8 O160a (1883) Middleton, Mrs. M. E. C. Ch Lujea- nia, *Claudia; Nokomis R5 Nokomis SeclS O2a (1861) Mienhimer, M. (Maude Jenkins) Ch Earl, Hazel, May, Dwight, Daniel, Dorothy, Bonnie, Gerald; Hillsboro R4 Grisham SeclS O80a (1871) Mikulitz, Mike (Mary Tolvay) Ch . Mary, Annie, Julia, Katie, Paul, Johnnie, Pauline, George, Walter; Hillsboro Hillsboro Sec26 O20a (1909) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Milberg, Joe (Lizzie Walch) Ch Wal- ter; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec35 T200a R. H. McAnulty (1899) Ray- mond Mutual Tel. Raymond Miles, C. A. (Clara Kroenlein) Ch Veda, Mary; Pana R3 Audubon Sec23 T160a Louis Kroenlein (1911) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Miles, Tom (Ella Singer) Ch Melvin, Hilda, Catharine, Robert, Lester, Loevia, Raymond; Rosemond Rl Audubon Sec3 T220a Kitchell (1906) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Millburg, T. C. Ch Leo, Agnes, Tony, Mary, *Frank; Farmersville Rl Pit- man Sec2 T160a John Gelder (1898) Farmersville Tel. Farmersville Millburg, William (Rosa Walch) Ch Lawrence, Leona; Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec4 T80a Peter Best (1913) Mutual Tel. Harvel Miller, Blazuis (Ina Kelley) Ch Doris Virginia; Irving R3 Irving Sec36 TlOOa W. Redman (1891) Mutual Tel. Irving Miller, Albert R. (Alvena A. Eckhoff) Ch Bernice, Lawrence; Raymond R2 Zanesville Sec25 T172a Bertha Seppi (1880) Miller, Austin (Flora Rogers) Far- mersville Rl Pitman SeclS O640a (1856) Farmersville Mutual Tel. Farmersville Miller Bros, E. E. & A. W. (Rose Hueschen, Wife of Albert Miller) Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec6 T200a William Miller (1892) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Miller Bros. Harvel Rl Raymond Sec3 O160a (1898) Miller, Carl D. (Edna Turner) Ch Turner; "Woodland Orchard Farm" Irving R2 Irving Secl7 OllOa Mil- ler & Son (1916) Mutual Tel. Irving Miller, Charles ^Minnie Schneider) Ch Minnie, Mane, John, Irene; Irv- ing R2 Butler Grove Secl2 O160a (1875) 86 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Miller, C. W. (Minnie Linxwilder) Ch Virginia, Mary, C. H., *Lois; Hills- boro Hillsboro Secl3 O600a (1856) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Miller, David (Kate Bost) Ch Myrtie, Vida, Hoyt, *Verna, *Grace; Fill- more R2 Fillmore Sec35 O210a (1850) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Miller, D. F. (Lillie Snook) Ch Wal- ter, Russell; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secll O75a (1874) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Miller, Fred (Frances Carstens) Ch Elinor, *Anna, *Freda; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec9 T80a Fred Engle- hart (1868) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Miller, Fred (Lucy Wright) Ch Marie, Alvin, *Vern; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec20-21 OlSl^a (1891) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Miller, George A. (Emma L. Riden- hour) Ch Kenneth, Bernice, Carl, Irene, Ruey, Margie, Woodrow, Eunice, Clyde, *Edna; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec20 O80a (1865) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Miller, George W. (Sylvia Emery) Ch Zola, Renie, *Essie P., *Eva, *Isa- belle, *Joseph, *Vella; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Secl9 O140a (1849) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Miller, Harrison (Velma Kidd) Ch Mildred, Wilma, Helen, Agnes; Far- mersville Rl Pitman Sec22 T180a A. Miller (1890) Waggoner Mutual Tel. Waggoner Miller, Henry (Anna Helgen) Ch John. Ina. Sadie, Otto. Sena; Soren- to Rl W T alshville Sec25 O256a (1868) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Soren- to Miller. John G. (Minnie C. Benning) Ch Wilma. Herman; Waggoner Rl Za-iesville SecS O40a (1902) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Miller, Mike W. (Elizabeth J. Hans- ford) Ch *Geore:e A., 'William E.; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec20 O210a (1861) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Miller, P. J. (Grace Miller) Ch Clar- ence. Lawrence. Donald. Richard. Lilly, Fern. *Minnie, *Harry. *Getie, *Mayme *Joseph; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec21 T400a Martin Lee and George Taylor Miller, Samuel (Kate Crawford) Ch Madge, Charles. 'Frank. *)ohn, *Ester. *Ruth. . *George. *Fred: Ravmond Ravmond SeclS O60a (1898) Bell Tel. Raymond Miller, William (Maude Bailey) Hills- boro R4 Grisham Secl4 O218a (1879) Bell Tel. Donnellson Miller, William T. (Maggie Campbell) Ch Edna, *Nola Hoy, "Mattie Cur- rie; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec21 T160a James 'Chapman (1917) Milner, W. A. (Alma Hawkins) Ch Julia, Isaac, Marjorie, Alva G., *Eva; "Walnut Grove Farm" Don- nellson Rl East Fork Secl6S O298a (1874) Bell Tel. Donnellson Mindoup, John (Lena DeBoah) Ch Herman, Fritz, Fannie, Lena, Mag- gie, *Annie, *Tillie; Nokomis R4 Witt Sec3 O120a (1885) Bell Tel. Nokomis Mindrup, Richard (Louise Wolters) Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec7 O80a (1877) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Minor, D. F. (Purlina Lane) Ch *Pairlee, *Alva; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec2 T80a Frank Snow (1903) Minor, Reuben E. (Rebecca Russell) Ch Betta, Luther, Lorena, Chattee; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec6 T80a Mrs. R. J. Mitchell (1915) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Missimore, A. A. (M. P. Grisham) Ch *Earl; Walshville Walshville Secll (1852) Missimore, Earl (Alice' R. Ho'sinc- ton) Ch Lester, Gen; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec2 T140a A. A. Missi- more (1915) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Mitchell, Douglas J. (Tillie Groves) Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec35 O60a (1900) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Mitchell, W. W. (lona Donaldson) Ch Lowell, John, Ruby, Edith; Oconee Rl South Audubon Secl2 O80a (1906) Mutual Tel. Oconee Mitts, C. C. (Nettie Miller) Ch Flor- ence, *Kirby; Irving R2 Raymond Sec33 O40a (1857) Bell Tel. Butler Mitts, George W. (Lulu Hoes) Ch May, Norris; Butler Rl Butler Grove SeclS OlOOa (1866) Bell Tel. Butler Mitts, Henry (Ida McLean) Hills- boro R4 Hillsboro Sec35 O40a Gris- ham Sec2 T48a C. H. Shepard (1868) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Modla, Steve (Mary Pavlica) Ch Julia, Andv. Mary. Agnes, Steve. Georgie, Vernie; Tavlor Springs Hillsboro Sec24 O28a (1908) 87 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Molohan, J. A. (Sarah Baker) Ch *Cora, "-Walter, *Lula, *Mabel, *Jessie, *Cordelia, *Leroy, "'Ray- mond, *James, *Minnie; Raymqnd Rl Raymond Sec20 O65a (1879) Mutual Tel. Raymond Molohon, LeRoy (Mary Lessman) Ch Corrine, LeRoy; Irving Rl Butler Grove Sec3 T160a Lemuel Doyle (1898) Bell Tel. Butler Monahink, Charles (Anna Hauser) Ch Myrtle May, Earl Russel; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec32 T160a Fred Groves (1885) Bell Tel. Monahink, Fred H. (Anna Roy) Ch Charles, Harry, Perley, Lottie; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec32 O400a (1881) Bell Tel. Raymond Moniotti, John (Angela Maninfore) Ch Joseph, Josephine, Angelo; Hillsboro R3 East Fork Sec6 O21a (1907) Monke, H. H. (Mary Rueter) Ch Otto, Alvin, Amanda, lola, Ester, *Henry, *Louise, *Josie, "'Mathil- da; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec3 O360a (1887) Monke, William H. (Amanda Nie- mann) Ch Victor, Edgar; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec20 T160a John Monke (1888) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Monroe, George S. (Illinoi Mansfield) Ch G. Stuart; "Mansfield Farms" Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec34 O75a Sec27-34 T294a C. C. and G. N. Mansfield (1861) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Moody, C. D. (Florence Card) Ch James, Erva, Bliss, Elizabeth, Charles Jr., Alice; Fillmore R2 Fill- more Secl4 O420a SeclS T40a Lelia Moody Mutual Tel. Fillmore Moon, D. M. (Jennie E. Brown) Ch David M., Mitchel D., Owen S., Nancy C., *Alta G., *James G., "Oliver N., *Olive E., *Alva K.; "Orchard Grove Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec US O140a (1830) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Moore, D. W. (Alice Thacker) Ch *Mvrtle, *Mary, *Toney, *Tarney; Hillsboro R4 Grisham SeclO OlOa (1855) . Moore, Edgar (Ella Martin) Ch Maye, Bernard; "Maple Grove Farm" Ravmond R2 Raymond Sec9 O80a (1884) Mutual Tel. Raymond Moore, George C. (Mary C. Swan) Ch *Addie, *Mattie, *Corene, *Evert, *Mae; Irving R3 Witt Sec28 O120a (1870) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Moore, Guy L. (Edna Lyerla) Ch Olga, Marian; Irving Rl Witt Sec31 TlOa C. L. Groner (1896) Mutual Tel. Irving Moore, Henry S. Ch Winnie, Fern, Erma, John; Raymond R3 Zanes- ville Secll T80a Mrs. Connor (1915) Moore, J. E. (Ida D. Gatewood) Ch Orval, Merle, *Rossie L., *Claud E.; "Oak Grove Farm" Coffeen R2 Fill- more Sec31 O74J4a (1868) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Moore, M. A. (Bessie White) Ray- mond Rl Raymond Secl6 OlSOa (1865) Mutual Tel. Raymond Moore, M. A. Raymond R3 Raymond Secl6 OlSOa '(1891) Mutual Tel. Raymond Morain, William (Sarah B. Wiley) Ch *Mrs. Irma Whitten; "Ash Grove Farm" Irving Irving Sec22 O180a (1866) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Irving More, W. O. (Lillie Wilson) Ch Gladys, Evert, Oscar; "Oak Hill Farm" Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec31 O30a (1879) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Morehouse, H. B. (Ide Thompson) Ch Doris, Synthia, Henrietta, Charles, *Hazel; "Knoll View Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove Secl6 O160a (1904) Bell Tel. But- ler Morgan, Elmer W. (Alma Schneider) Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec20 T160a T. A. Keiser (1896) Morgason, S. D. (Edna Stephens) Ch Nellie Lucile; Oconee Rl South Au- dubon Sec2 Tla F. Taylor (1915) Moroney, John (Nellie Binder) Ch Francis, William, Paul, Russell, Sylvester, Mary; Nokomis R2 No- komis Sec4 T160a J. W. Johnson (1903) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Moroney, Lawrence (Mary Cassidy) Ch Miles, Evalee, Josie; Butler Butler Grove Seel T200a Watson Est. (1918) Morris, John (Ella F. Harrison) Ch Bessie, Edward, James, Irene, "'Liz- zie; Coffeen East Fork SeclS O20a (1858) Morrissey, Dennis (Anna Haley) Ch John, Dalbert, Marie, *Joseph; Far- mersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec33 OlSOa (1873) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Morrissey, Joseph (Gertrude Jordan) Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec36 TlOOa Mrs. Dennis Morrissey (1893) FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Mortimer, Arthur (Bertha Coultas) Ch Dorothy, Raymond; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc SecS T160a Dr. A. T. Bartlett Est. (1887) Virden Tel. Harvel Mortimer, Reginald (Winifred Lor- ton) Ch Jean, Lyle; Virden RZ.Bois D' Arc Sec6 T160a Bartlett Est. (1887) Virden Tel. Virden Mortimer, Mrs. W. & Sons; Ch Charles, Matilda, Oliver, *Selina, *Reginald. *Florence, *Arthur; Vir- den R2 Sec8 T200a Dr. Bartlett Est. (1887) Virden Tel. Virden Moss, Henry L. (Florence Losch) Ch Howard, Harold; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec36 T182a Mrs. Moss and McLean & Clotfelter (1882) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Moss, Mrs. Margaret (Margaret Clot- felter) Ch Henry, *Emma, *Bessie; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec36 O83a (1851) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Mueller, Henry L. (Anna Sewing) Ch Hulda, Esther, Dortha; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Secl9 T160a L. Settelmeyer (1917) Muller, Christeina Ch Fred, Henry, Anna; Raymond R2 Raymond Sec6 O240a (1858) Mutual Tel. Raymond Muller, Henry (Lena Howard) Ch Marie, Ester; Raymond R2 Ray- mond Sec6 T240a Mrs. Mullers (1870) Mutual Tel. Raymond Murphy, A. E. Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Secl2 T160a William F. Murphy (1877) Murphy, Charles H. (lona Drury) Ch Alice, Owen, Byron; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec30 O76a Sec30- 28 T156a J. A. Murphy Est. (1869) Farmersville Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Murphy, Clyde (Minnie Young) Ch Joseph, Mildred. Estel, Lewis; Paw- nee R51 Bois EM Arc Secl2 T160a J. A. Murphy Est. (1882) Pawnee Tel. Pawnee Murphy, John F. Farmersville Rl Pit- man Seel O40a (1868) Murphy, J. D. (Etta, Sister) Nokomis R5 Nokomis Secll T160a Mrs. Ellen Murphy (1878) Murphy, Thomas A. Farmersville Rl Pitman Seel O40a (1868) Murphy, Thomas P. (Margaret Quin- lan) Ch Joseph, Francis, Gertrude, Edward, Margaret, Catharine; Har- vel Harvel Sec6 T148a Thomas Ouinlan (1880) Murphv, Tisdal (Marguerete Moonev) Ch George, Daniel, William, John, Tanson, Marguerite^ Frank, Mary, Mabel, Letitia; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec30 O480a (1883) Farmersville Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Murphy, W. C. (Ella Dodson) Ch Laura: Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec23 O86a Secl3 T20a J. J. Murphy Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Myers, Peter Ch Frank, Leo, Dollie, *Lawrence. *Clara. *Alice. *Bessie, *Walter, *Jim, *Mavo, *Peter Jr.; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec21 Tl70a (1878) Mutual Tel. Raymond N Nail, A. S. (Eva Voyles) Ch Avis, Aline; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Secl3 T40a Abbot & Sims (1875) Nail, Edwin T. (Fannie Roach) Ch Harold, Eva, Russel, Garnet; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec25 T25a James Garret (1881) Nail, R. H. (Lucy Hooper) Ch Clar- ence, Myron, Irene, Henry, Edith, Kenneth; Waggoner Pitman Sec22 O160a Sec27 T80a R. H. McAnul- ty (1867) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Nance, Levi (Mary McKenzie) Ch Willard, Nellie. Herbert, Mabel, Bessie; Nokomis R4 Nokomis Sec34 T60a John Peiper (1915) Nance, Louie (Ola Neisler) Ch Don- ald, Hewett; Coffeen R2 Fillmore SecS T145a Mrs. Neil Nance (1882) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Nantkes, Jesse (Anna Meier) Ch W r ayne, Marvin, Imogene; Nokomis R5 Rountree Sec2 T80a John Lang (1912) Nantkes, Henry (Maggie Adden) Ch Willie, Pauline, Leona, Edward, Lawrence, *Hattie, *Jesse, *Garret, *Louie; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Secl8-7 O160a (1868) Mutual lei. Nokomis Nash, Franklin S. (Anna A. Rusher) Ch Sarah E., William F., George L., Giles R.; Litchfield Rl North Litch- field SecS T240a Marv Randle (1877) Bell Tel. Litchfield 89 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Nash, Harry (Mary Clause) Ch John B.; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec31 T71a Paul McWilliams (1915) Neal, Harvey (Myrtle Tittsworth) Ch Fern, Floyd, Claude, Norman; Walshville Rl Grisham Sec6 TUOa James Bailey (1883) Neece, A. B. (Lura Fish) Ch Ralph Burrell; Nokomis R2 Audubon Sec26 T180a Neece Bros. (1883) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Neece, Bert (Jessie Brown) Ch Lois, Vanda, Kenneth, Ethel, Helen, Dale; Pana R30 Audubon Secl3 O160a (1884) Mutual Tel. Rose- mond Neece, George C (Lola G. Sanders) Ch Opal, Ruby, Pearl, Emerald; Nokomis R2 Audubon Secl6 O240a (1875) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Neece, J. D. (Norma Wilson) Ch Russell, Pauline; Irving Rl Witt Sec21 O340a (1876) Mutual Ttel. Nokomis Neece, W. F. (Hattie E. Price) Ch Mary L., Melvin B.; Donnellson Rl East Fork SecSS O140a (1880) Bell Tel. Donnellson Neighbors, Charles (Edith Balsley) Ch Geneva; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec23 T160a Mrs. L. Ward (1898) Farmersville Mutual Tel. Farmersville Neisler, Mrs. Belle W. (Belle Drew) Ch Mae, Lloyd, Harold, *Ernest, *Maude, *Lester, *Stella, *Ruth; "Maple Wood Farm" Irving R3 Sec35 O240a (1875) Mutual Tel. Ir- ving Neisler, D. W. (Ora Knodle) Ch Ira, Beatrice, *Oscar, *Guy, *Earl, *George, *Walter, *Edgar; "Mound View Farm" Irving Rl Witt Sec27 O270a (1876) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Neisler, Earl (Corinne Moore) Ch Newell, Marlin. La Rue; Irving Rl Witt Sec27 T50a Dan Neisler (1884) Neisler, Edgar L.(Elizabeth M. Lash) Ch Clifford; "Hill Crest View Farm" Irving R3 Witt Sec27 T95a Dan Neisler (1893) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Neisler, George A. (Stella Lemay) Ch Mildred. Drexel; Irving R3 Fillmore Sec6 O90a Witt Sec36 T40a Joseph Neisler (1885) Neisler, H. L. (Marv B. Kelly) Ch El- len. *Edwin. *Harvev. *Clarence; Irving Irving Sec22 OSOa (1863) Neisler, Joseph L. (Mary C. Bost) Ch Ollie, William H., Luther A., Emilv. Leatha, Bessie; "The Fruit and Dairy Farm" Irving Rl Witt Sec27 O160a (1845) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Neisler, Lester (Bessie Bost) Ch Na- omi, LaNora Belle, Sylvia, Wanda; Irving R3 Witt Sec31 T160a Mrs. I. M. Neisler (1887) Mutual Tel. Ir- ving Neisman, Joseph (Fredereka Sudhole) Ch Alfonse, *Tony, *Alisias, *Lily *Anna, *Leo; Nokomis R2 Audubon SeclS O75a (1895) , Nelson, Clarence (Mary Spinner) Ch Estelle, Myrtle, Carl, Kenneth, Hal- don; Coffeen R2 Filimore SecS O60a Sec32 T30a Mrs. Martha Wil- son (1880) Nelson, Clark (Laura Dodson) Ch Guy, Fred, Roy, Eula; Coffeen R2 Filimore SecS O60a TlOa Louie Nance (1880) Nelson, O. E. (Fay Alexander) Ch Agnes, Ida; Filimore R2 Sec35 OlOOa TSOa Sarah Alexander (1884) Mutual Tel. Filimore Nelson, Robert (Emily Scagg) Ch Lillie, Adda, Alford, Becky, Hershel, Willie, Fred, Eddie; Farmersville R3 SeclS T320a Farm Hand Marsh Barry (1917) Nelson, Scott (Iva Kirk) Ch Doris, Lawrence; Coffeen R2 Filimore SeclO O40a T16a Oscar Nelson (1890) Mutual Tel. Filimore Nelson, W. H. Filimore R3 Sec4 T86a Torney Alderson (1887) Mutual Tel. Filimore Neunabergr, George (Emma Wolff) Ch Harry, Alvin; Harvel Sec33 Ola (1906) Mutual Tel. Harvel Nevinger, Oliver (Mamie Cable) Ch Claude; Coffeen R3 Filimore Sec21 T160a Webster Nevinger (1892) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Nevinger, Webster (Sarah Wright) Ch *Abbie, Oliver; Coffeen R3 Fill- more Sec21 OSOa (1878) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Newberry, R. R. (Mary F. Case) Ch Velma; Nokomis R3 South Audu- bon Sec3 O54a (1880) Newberry, William C. (Kate Nale) Ch Nillah, Frank; "Prairie Home Farm" Irving Rl Irving Secl3 O160a (1864) Mutual Tel. Irving 90 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Newcome, Rome C. (Melissa Ander- son) Ch Marion A.; "Cassellaun Farm" Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec2l T200a \V. H. Casselberry (1879) Bell Tel. Nokomis Newport, Abel S. (Nancy C. Martin) Ch Lela, Shirley, Virginia, Otis, Perry, *Neva; Barnett Rl Zanes- ville Sec29 O240a (1872) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Newport, J. S., (Myrtle Whitten) Ch Irene; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec3 T80a E. E. Newport (1907) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Newport, W. T. (May Butler) Ch Charlie, William, Leslie, Kathrina; Hillsboro Rl Hiilsboro Sec 8 O140a (1872) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Niehaus, E. H. (Anna Warner) Irving Rl Butler Grove Secll T80a Frank Niehaus (1895) Niehaus, Frank (Anna Gurdes) Ch Leonard, Clara, *Roy, *Edward; Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec2 O307^a (1869) Mutual Tel. Hills- boro Niehaus, Henry (Lula Eickhoff) Ch Earl, Lester, Lillie, Velma, Louvina; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec9 O80a (1902) Niehaus, Henry (Lizzie Bemsing) Harvel Rl Raymond Sec24 O200a (1878) Mutual Tel. Raymond Niehaus, Herman (Anna Marburger) Ch Arthur, Herman, Walter, Elle- nore; Hornsby Rll South Litchfield Sec6 O164a (1893) Niehaus, Lewis (Anna Fahl) Ch Opal, Cecil, Irene, Mildred, Bernadine, Louis; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec26 T160a Amos Miller (1876) Niehaus, Roy W. (Lulu Klein) Ch Frances, Ethel; Irving R2 Butler Grove Seel T107a Frank Niehaus (1892) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Niemann, E. J. (Kate Monke) Ch Jo- sephine; Litchfield R4 South Litch- field Sec33 T145a J. Niemann (1890) Mt. Olive Tel. Co. Niemann, Emil (Lydia Dieckmann) Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec32 T351a Mrs. J. Niemann (1891) Niemann, George (Louise Saathoff) Litchfield R4 Walshville Sec8 T160a Martha Niemann (1889) Niemann, Henry C. (Louise W. Loe- wenstein) Ch Alfred H.. Alice H.. Norma; Mt. Olive Walshville Sec6 O260a (1865) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Niemann, Mrs. Johanna (Johanna Siebers) Ch Elfrieda, *Emil; Litch- field R4 South Litchfield Sec32 O351a (1880) Niemann, Julius (Etje Ross) Ch *Paulina, *Edward, * Amanda; Litch- field R4 South Litchfield Sec33 O385a (1855) Mt. Olive Tel. Niemann, Louis(Hannah Oltmans)Ch John, Walter, Herbert, Louis, Viola, Rosetta, Alberta, Hilda, *Luella; "Hillside Farm" Litchfield R4 Walshville Sec8 O200a SecS T60a Anna B. Niemann (1877) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive, Niemann, William (Anna B. White- house) Ch William Jr., *Herman, *Albert H., *Ida; "Brookside Farm" Litchfield R4 Walshville SecS O320a (1858) Mt Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Niemeyer, Ernest (Lizzie Martin) Ch Clarence, Frank, Raymond, Arthur, Esther; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec4 T160a Dan Brown (1911) Niemeyer, H. H. (Lulu Crawford) Ch Earl, Herbert, Eva; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec34 Tl85a S. C. Waggon- er (1913) Raymond Mutual Tel. Raymond Niemeyer, Roy (Ora Jennings) Wag- goner Rl Pitman Sec31 T160a Hen- ry Haynes (1899) Mutual Tel. Wag- goner Niensted, Leonard (Sophia Johnson, deceased) Ch Ruth, Roy, John; No- komis Rl Rountree SeclO T160a H. Mindrup (1912) Niesman, Anton C. (Mary Sommer- korn) Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec7 T160a Mrs. Ganey (1889) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Niesman, J. H. (Anna Dahler) Ch Elvira, Alvin; Nokomis R2 Audu- bon Sec7 T70a Albert Dahler (1886) Bell Tel. Nokomis Nichelson, George (Susie James) Ch Irene, *Sarah, *Bertha; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec28 O5a (1913) Bell Tel. Nokomis Nicholas, Cyrus M. (Hattie C. Go- vaia) Ch Ruth, Mana. *Grace; Wag- goner Rl Zanesville SecS T160a Mc- Grady Est. (1909) Nichols, W. C. (Jones Haynes) Ch Mina I., *Luvena B., *Baxter G., *Willett; "G. Nichols Farm" Cof- feen R2 East Fork Sec2S O70a (1855) Mutual Tel. Coffeen 91 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Nimmons, George A. (Maria E. Aik- en, Mother) Ch George, Maybel E. ; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield SecS O175a (1889) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Nimmons, John J. (Elva Groves) Ch J. Leslie; Litchfield Rl North Litch- field SecS O106 2-3a (1873) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Nimmons, Robert T. (Grace M. Dav- is) Ch Evely; Litchfield Rl Litch- field Sec4 OlOSa (1880) Bell Tel. Nimmons, William H. (Nellie Pruitt) Ch Oliver, Edna; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec4 O94a (1874) Bell Tel. Litchfield Nobbe, Wm. (Tina Ross) Ch Linda, Louis, *Anna, *Ida; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec3-10 O320a (1862) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Norvel, James F. (Josephine Martin) Ch *Fred W., "Apple Grove Farm" Butler Butler Grove Sec28 O23a (1918) Bell Tel. Butler Norvell, Charles H. (Mary Briggs) Ch Muriel B., Frank, Claud, Hubert, *George, *Mary; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec26 T525a Jacob Cress Est. (1873) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Noyes, Charley (Eliza Bolen) Ch *Bessie, *Bertha, *Nellie, *Charles, *Anna; Irving R3 Irving Sec21 O14a T27a Fred Hoole, Rose Neley, Tri- pod Est. (1878) Mutual Tel. Irving o Oakley, John L. (Lou Pyle) Ch Mil- dred, Dorothy, John Wesley; Witt Rl Rountree Sec33 T260a John G. Friedmeier (1879) Mutual Tel. No- komis Oberle, Albert (Etta Durston) Ch Lela, Walter, Ada, Opal, Fay; Ir- ving R3 Witt Sec22 T160a William Oberle (1879) O'Brien Edmond (Cathryn Cassidy) Ch Emmett, Teresa, Clarence, Ol- ivia, Raymond, Irene, Lester; Nokomis R3 Witt Secl2 O160a (1892) Bell Tel. Nokomis O'Brien, P. S. (Lou Ward) Ch Osa, Laura, Floyd, Orville, Bruce; Nokomis R4 Nokomis Sec33 T210a Walter Grimes (1918) Bell Tel. No- komis O'Brien, W. H. (Nancy Mossbarger) Ch Jesse, Harry, Herbert, Curtis, Delbert, Emma; Nokomis R4 No- komis Sec34-35 T280a John Peiper (1918) Bell Tel. Nokomis Ogden, George G. (Lenie H. Lemon) Ch John, Henry, Roscoe, Rachel, Laura; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec27 O70a (1872) Oliver, Howard L. (Elsa Klein) Ch Leland, Ruth; Witt Rl Irving Seel T160a Manager H. Fesser (1883) Mutual Tel. Witt Oltmann, G. W. (Minnie Mieners) Ch *George; Nokomis R4 South Audu- bon Sec9 O60a (1864) Oltmanns, J. Harm (Mary G. Dahler) Ch Anna M., Lester A.; Rosemond Rl Audubon Sec4 T160a Henry Nollman (1909) Bell Tel. Nokomis O'Malley, Mike (Amelia Ernest) Ch Loy, Francis, *Lawrence, *Louis; in France; Nokomis R3 South Au- dubon SeclS O230a (1900) Bell Tel. Nokomis Orear, R. M. (S. J. Morell, Sister^ Pana R3 Audubon Secl3 T2a A. Welch (1847) Osborn, F. J. (Eva L. West) Ch *Otis *Ray in France; Pana R3 Audubon Secl4 T160a E. F. Osborn (1869) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Osborn, James M. (Nellie B. Wiley) Ch Ralph, James Jr.; "Ash Knoll Farm" Butler Butler Grove Secll O80a T80a J. M. Osborn (1879) Bell Tel. Butler Osborn, Jesse W. (Emma Ware) Ch Clarence, Harrold, Loren, *Wesley, *Grace; Butler Butler Grove Secl4 O448a (1865) Hillsboro and Butler Tels. Osborn, Wren (Lula Oldham) Ch Sylvia, William; Irving R2 Irving Sec3 T80a W. Moran (1915) Osborne, L. G. (Amanda Howard) Ch Herbert, Maude, M. C., Charles, *Bertha, *Clara, *Pat, *Emma; Ir- ving Irving SecS T164a Bess Brown (1914) 92 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Otter, Clem (Naomi Wright) Ch Nel- ma, Thurman; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec8 OlSOa (1878) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Owens, G. C. (Rebecca Westhoff) Ch Arthur, Russell, Elmer, Lee, Bettie Jane; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec28 T160a Anna C. Westhoff (1902) Mutual Tel. Harvel Owens, Homer (Cory Lynch) Ch Earl, Orvil, Harold, Arvin, Francis; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec7 T40a Shell Fuller (1915) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Owens, S. S. (Mariah Cundiff) Ch Rosston, Ernie, *Taylor, *Burrell, *Carl, *Fred; Fillmore R3 Fillmore Sec27 O40a T91a George Livingston (1864) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Paden, Albert M. (Dora Emery) Ch Carl, Bert, *Bertha; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl6-20 O145a (1864) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Paden, Champion O. (Minnie Brown) Ch Mabel; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec4 T160a Mrs. E. S. Paden (1873) Mutual Tel. Paden, Lester L. (Pearl Markel) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec21 T90a Rufus Paden (1890) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Paden, Rice (Norma Turner) Ch Ca- mille; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl7 TlOOa S. R. Paden (1887) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Paden, Rufus (Martha Lewey) Ch *Lester; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec21 O196a (1855) Paden, S. R. (Nellie C. Chamberlain) Ch Rice, "Maud; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl7 O200a (1860) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Paden, W. A. (Mary B. Howard) Ch *Newell, *William, *Mary, Cather- ine; "The Mound" Irving R3 Irving Sec32 O77a (1847) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Padgett, C. H. (Rosa Oiler) Ch Lill- ian, *Virginia, *Charles, *Howard, *Clarence, *Ray; "Padgett Farm" Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl7 O160a (1894) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Painter, Henry E. (Bertha Bennett) Ch Ellis, Carl,, Gladys, Lester, Thelma; Barnett R2 North Litch- field Sec3 T160a Charles Sinclair (1878) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Palmer, Albert B. (Olivia Tuttle) Ch Virginia; "Hilltop Farm" Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec32 T96a W. S. Palmer Est. (1864) Panska, Bernard J. (Emma Schweppe) Ch Ella; Barnett Rl Zanesville Sec32 T240a Abbie B. Fisher (1913) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Paris, Frank (Angelina Mangona) Ch Lena, Lee, Esther, Emma, Roy, Paul,. Virginia, *Ida; Hillsboro Hillsboro Seel OlOa (1902) Parish, Fred (Frona Youell) Ch Lindel; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec23 T160a B. O. McLean (1886) Parry, B. S. (Blanch Brown) Hillsbo- ro R3 Irving Sec20 O40a (1892) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Parry, Mrs. N. J. (Nellie Chavies) Ch George, Louise, *Bernard, *Lill- ian; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec30 O80a (1892) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Parsons, W. S. (Minnie Neal) Ch Irene, Vera, Arthur, Neil; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec35 TlOOa Wm. Fricke (1873) Patterson, H. G. (Ella H. Powell) Ch Helen M., Robert M., Florence L. f Richard J., Grace E.; "The Maples" Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec8 O133a (1902) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Patterson, J. M. (Anna Painter) Cof- feen Rl East Fork Sec6S T40a Mrs. Julia Major (1918) Pattinson, Samuel (Alma Chapman) Ch Reginald, Jane, Catherine, Dor- othy, Reba, Edith; Witt Rl Witt Sec6 T21a Deering Coal Co. (1906) Paul, L. J. (Josie Fowler) Ch May, Eva, Charlie, George, Joe; Paw- nee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec9 T120a Lee Paul (1875) Paul, W. F. Pawnee R2 BoxSl Bois D' Arc Sec9 O24a (1873) Christian Tel. Morrisonville Pearman, C. W. (Emma Vaughn) Ch William, *Edward; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec9 T140a John Herman (1858) 93 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Pease, Sanford L. (Anna M. Wolf) Ch Sidney, Harry; Butler Rl North Litchfield Secl3 O20a (1899) Pence, E. J. (Viola Martin) Ch Ina, 'Claude, 'Mabel, *Clyde; Harvel Rl Rountree Sec7 T145a Mrs. Este- brook (1915) Pence, Malacki (Annie Kuykendall) Ch Irvin, "Viola; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec26 O63a (1872) Farm- er's Mutual Tel. Sorento Perkins, Charles (Florence Mock) Ch Nolan, Ross, Mary, Mervin; Irving R2 Irving Secl6 O102a (1877) Mu- tual Tel. Irving Peters, Elmo (Augusta Reish) Ch Melba; Morrisonville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec28 T120a C. Wagehoft (1886) Christian Mutual Tel. Mor- risonville Peterson, Henry (Minnie Brewe) Ch Ida; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Secl2 T120a J. Peterson (1878) Bell Tel. Nokomis Petra, Ed (Lydia Edmons) Ch Esther, Ethel, Louis, Harry, Mary, Edwin, 'Laura; Irving R2 Irving SecS T20a P. Heldt (1872) Petree, William (Ella Brown) Ch Vivian, Glenn, Ted, Lester, Alma, Lorin; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Sec2 T320a Harry Bowes, George Bunn (1917) Virden Tel. Virden Pfeifer, Jacob (Millie Krumreich) Ch John, *Rosa, *Augusta, 'Noah, 'Ray; Coffeen R2 East Fork SeclS O80a (1897) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Phillips, Abe (Effie McGuire) Ch Dor- cas, Doris, Arthur, William, George; Nokomis R5 Nokomis SeclS T130a A. Monaham (1905) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Phillips, Allen D. Butler Rl Butler Grove SecS O130a (1871) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Pickerill, John F. (Daisy Dorcey) Ch Oren, Obert, Roberta, Robert; But- ler R2 Butler Grove Sec28 T20a Dan Lea (1906) Pickerill, J. W. (Bessie Cress) Ch James, Charles; Irving R3 East Fork Seel T187a Mrs. H. Price (1898) Mutual Tel. Irving Pickerill, R. H. (Loucetta Miles) Ch Clarence. *Naoma, Cora, 'Wendel, 'Lena; Irving R3 East Fork Sec3 T200a L. McDavid (1879) Mutual Tel. Irving Pickett, P. W. Ch Elmer, Lela, 'Em- ma; Harvel Rl Rountree SeclS T193a W. A. Johnson (1888) Mutual Tel. Rountree Pieper, Edwin (Grace Mahoney) Ch Donald; Rosemond Rl Audubon SecS T160a Mabel Monaghan (1892) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Pieper, Eugene (Olivia Whitmore) Ch Orville, Geraldine, Eugene Jr.; No- komis R2 Audubon SeclS T160a Frank Pieper (1892) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Pieper, John (Margaret Agnew) Ch Leo, Clements, Helen, *Mary, 'Es- ther, 'Edwin; Rosemond Rl Audu- bon Sec9 O320a (1883) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Pieper, Leon (Hilda Geng) Ch Fran- cis; Nokomis Nokomis Secl3 T193a Frank Pieper (1892) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Pier, Charles (Lula Barker) Ch Mil- dred, Charles, Joseph; "Cedar Hill Farm" Nokomis Sec28 T275a Har- ry Nathan (1889) Pierce, B. F. (Cora Henderson) Ch Edna, Winnie, Willard, Fern; Ray- mond R3 Raymond Sec22 T200a Fannie Berry (1888) Bell Tel. Ray- mond Pierce, Frank (Carrie Henderson) Ch Arthur, Flossie, Ruby; Raymond R2 Raymond Sec29 TlOOa Mrs. Berrie (1865) Bell Tel. Rayomnd Pierce, John E. (Lillie McCabe) Ch 'Charley. 'Bertha; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Secll O200a (1911) Pierson, J. W. (Delilah Cross) Ch Orville, Camilla, 'Merville; Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro SeclS T250a Hel- ston Bros. (1916) Bell Tel. Hillsbo- ro Pinson, William H. (Effie Hamby) Ch William V., Harry, Forrest, Farris, Jarrett; Fillmore Rl Witt Sec35 T160a C. H. Poland (1918) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Piro, D. (Florence Andrews) Ch Alice, Myrtle, Tressie; Coffeen R2 East Fork SecllS O40a (1913) Pitchford, Jesse E. (Alma C. Wells) Ch Lucille, Geneva: Raymond R2 Zanesville Sec3 T160a Geo. Fooks (1914) Raymond Tel. Bell Pitchford, Paul (Bessie Snow) Ch Homer. Ward; Waggoner Rl Pit- man SecZO T120a Martin Brubak- er (1916) 94 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Plyler, Rex R. (Pearl Wilson)) Ch Raymond; "Willow Spring Farm" Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec35 T230a J. T. Wilson (1883) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Pocock, Burrell, (Lulu Anderson) Nokomis R2 Audubon Sec33 O70a (1884) Bell Tel. Nokomis Pocock, Clyde (Eda Bradley) Ch Marguerite, Esther, Leora; Noko- mis R3 Nokomis Sec36 O120a (1887) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Pocock, C. S. (Ella M. Shoemaker) Ch *Clyde W., *Eugene M., *Roy M.; Nokomis R2 Nokomis Sec24 O200a (1866) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Pocock, Eugene M. (Minnie Dewerff) Ch Rolland; Nokomis R2 Nokomis Sec24 T200a S. C. Pocock (1890) Bell Tel. Nokomis Pocock, E. B. (Myrta Kellogg) Ch *Chester in France; Nokomis R3 Audubon Secl9-30-29 O280a (1868) Bell Tel. Nokomis Pocock, J. C. (Lugena Russell) Ch Leland, *Burrill; Nokomis R2 Au- dubon Sec21-32 O211a (1866) Bell Tel. Nokomis Poff, John (Minnie Brooks) Ch Har- ry, Ethel, Everett, Ralph; Farmers- ville Rl Pitman Sec9 T284a R. H. McAnulty (1913) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Poggenpohl, Frank (Minnie Weller) Ch Marie, Celia, Louella, Frank, Florence; Raymond R2 Raymond SeclO O240a (1872) Mutual Tel. Raymond Poggenpohl, John H., Sr., (Mary Go- etten) Ch Mary, Josephine, Carrie; "Maple Grove Farm" Harvel R2 Harvel Sec30 O286a (1861) Bell Tel. Raymond Poggenpohl, Joseph (Mary E. Young) Ch Lawrence, Edith, Freda, *John Jr.; Harvel Sec20 T160a A. Aull (1871) Mutual Tel. Harvel Poggenpohl, J. H. Jr. (Anna Sneer- inger) Harvel R2 Harvel Sec29 T160a Jasoer Fahranholtz (1892) Mutual Tel. Harvel Poggenpohl, Tony F. (Emma R. Ton- sor) Ch Frances, Dena, Fred; "Lone Elm Farm" Morrisonville R2 Harvel Sec9 p240a (1863) Chris- tian Tel. Morrisonville Pohler, Henry (Ida Huber) Ch Louis, Frank, *Minnie, *Anna; No- komis R4 Nokomis Sec36 O80a (1893) Poland, Charles H. (Maude Knowles) Ch Carroll, Roxie; "Hickory Grove Farm" Fillmore Rl Witt Sec35 O380a T40a Miss Almedia Poland (1861) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Pope, Daniel (Josephine Cam) Ch Oline, Willis, Etta, Nellie, Bertha, Joseph, Rallie, Geneva, Maud; Har- vel Rl Raymond Sec4 O160a (1868) Mutual Tel. Harvel Pope, Eddie T. (Ellen West) Ch Beu- lah; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec20 TlOOa John Ziefang (1918) Farm- ers' Mutual Tel. Irving Pope, George R. (Nettie E. Kessler) Ch Clarence, Madge; "Shady Nook Farm" Irving R3 Irving Sec28 O50a T135a C. W. Pope (1903) Mutual Tel. Irving Pope, George W. (Emma Tetley) Ch Walter; Oconee Rl Audubon Secl3 T160a Mrs. J. W. Kitchell (1904) Mutual Tel. Oconee Pope, Joseph E. (Nellie A. Heberling) Ch Harold, Ross, Keith, Lynn; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec4 T160a Daniel Pope (1885) Mutual Tel. Harvel Pope, Ransom (Lavina Miller) Ch Juanita, Willard; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec33 T40a Griffith Lewis (1916) Pope, Rollie (Elnora Bentley) Ch Loyde; Harvel Rl Raymond Secll . T80a C. McNauRhton (1888) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Pope, W. G. (Ella Hitchings) Ch Roy, Lamar; Harvel Rl Raymond Secl4 O120a (1876) Mutual Tel. Raymond Porter, Ben (Nettie Bond) Ch Har- old, Herman; Raymond R2 Zanes- ville Sec3 T148a E. Gerlach and Tony Gees (1896) Mutual Tel. Raymond Porter, Luther (Pruda A. Young) Ch Harley, Lille, Paul, Clyde, *Ora, *Sophia; Barnett Rl Zanesville Secl7 TlOOa Dug Price (1915) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Porter, U. A. (Maude Pitchford) Ch David, Elva, Chalcie, Russell, Clar- ence, Kenneth, Opal; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec36 T320a D. W. Starr (1895) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Potts, William B. (Olive B. Rushton) Ch. Joseph. *Agnes, *Henry, *May, *Leroy. *Alice, *Florence: Honev Bend Zanesville Sec34 O402a (1900) Mutual Tel. Raymond 95 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Powell, Daniel W. (Mellie Cadle) Ch Riley; Barnett R2 Zanesville Secl7 T240a Louis Johnson (1905) Powers, G. T. (Ada Harshbarger) Ch Katherin, Benjamin, Ralph, Grace, Alberta, Irene; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec 6 TlOOa Mrs. Lulu Hair (1915) Tel. Pawnee Prange, C. F. (Ada Beardsley) "Sil- ver Creek Farm" Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Secl9 T317a Frank H. Prange (1889) Prange, John F. (Minnie Niehaus) Ch Bertha, Frank, Edward, Lorine, Alma, *Henry, *Lydia, *Anna; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Secl9 O300a (1884) Prater, E. D. (Cora Supinger) Ch Mary, Dorothy, Charlotte; Fillmore R2 Fillmore SeclO O40a T40a Solo- mon Haake (1909) Pratt, Charlie, (Flossie M. Rivers) Ch Geraldine, Pearl; Waggoner Rl Pitman Secl9 T80a Robt. H. Pratt (1916) Tel. Girard Pratt, Joseph (Jossie Martin) Ch Carl, Ina; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec20 T70a Jap Witt (1903) Pratt R. H. (Anna Watts) Ch Elijah *Charley, 'Joseph, *Lilly; ' Waggon- er Rl Pitman Secl9 O240a (1901) Tel. Girard Pray E. N. (J. Etta Pray) Ch Helen, *Nellie *Hardin, *Gladys, *Mabel, *Pearl; Pana R3 Audubon Secll-12-13-14 O360a (1880) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Pray, Hardin (Grace Beattie) Pana R3 Audubon Secl3-14 T360a E. N. Pray (1892) Mutual Tel. Rosemond Presnell, William (Erne Richardson) Ch Cecil, Chester, Clara, Kenneth; Pana R3 Audubon Secl3 T80a A. Welch (1916) Price Albert Nokomis R4 Audubon SeclS 040a (1882) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Price, Albert V. (Lillie B. Brewing- ton) Ch Ana Bell, Minnie, Emma, Delia, Albert, Nora, *Richard, *Amanda; Litchfield R2 South Litchfield Seel T50a Brewington Est. (1889) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Price, John E. (Margaret Martin) Ch Mary, Edward; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl7 T80a George Arney (1847) Price, J. A. (Palmyra McWilliams) Ch Minnie, Fairy, Burrell; Hills- boro R4 Grisham Sec2 T182^a Shoal Creek Coal Co. (1857) Price, J. B. (Harriette Thacker) Ch *Inez, *Minnie, *Leslv; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec26 TlOOa W. H. H. Blackburn (1861) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Price, William (Mary L. Gray) Ch Elizabeth, Harry, ""Herbert. *Arth- ur, ""Charles; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec9 O24a (1906) Bell Tel. Litchfield Priddle, J. Ed. (Vonnie Chamberling) Ch George, Arthur, Florence, John; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec22 O80a (1908) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Priddle, Wyndham M. (Lora M. Ber- ry) Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec32 T213a Mrs. Murphy Hooper (1914) Pritchett, William O. (Martha Smith) Ch Rada; "The Old Angerstein Farm" Donnellson Grisham Secl4 T300a Tom Angerstein (1912) Probst, J. R. (Minnie Schwartzle) Ch Lois, Dorothy; Irving Rl Witt Sec26 T160a M. Probst (1882) Bell Tel. Nokomis Pruitt, James O. (Myrtle A. Tucker) Litchfield Rl Sec20 T80a A. Heien (1907) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Pyatt, Henry T. (Emma Chestnut) Irving R3 Fillmore SecS O95a (1873) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Pyatt, John F. (Essie Miller) Ch Rachel, Ethel, Frances, *Ruth; Irv- ing Rl Witt Sec28 O80a (1873) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Pyle, Glen (Amy Willoughby) Ch Leslie, Margaret, Mildred; Nokomis R3 Witt Sec2 O80a (1884) Bell Tel. Pyle, J. A. (Watie Brummet) Ch Martha, Roberta, Robert; Rose- mond Rl Audubon SeclO T160a Mrs. I. W. Kitchell (1874) Mutual Tel. Rosemond 96 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Quails, Curtis M. (Hazel Wilson) Ch Leroy, Marjorie, Vivian; Witt Rl Irving Secl2 T78a C. S. Cook (1904) Mutual Tel. Witt Quails, Foster (Maud L. Clore Sedg- wick) Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec34 T80a Frank Kinman (1882) Quattlander, William (Etta Janssen) Ch Minnie, Richard, Viola; Noko- mis R5 Rountree Secl2 O160a (1894) Quinlin, Thomas E. Farmersville Rl Harvel Sec6 O148a (1880) R Radcliff, Eli (Lulu Barker) Ch Elma, Elmer; Irving R3 Irving Sec21 T78a Mrs. J. H. Hickman (1901) Rademacher, Harm (Christina Kast- ning) Ch Lena, *Will, *Ben, *Her- man, *Lydia, *Laura; Fillmore R2 Fillmore SeclS O232a (1881) Rainey, G. W.. (Sarah M. Atteburry) Ch George, Marshall, Charles, Ma- bel, *Walter, *Elmer; "Wildwpod Fruit Farm" Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Secl7 O210a Sec31 T40a Lon McPhail (1879) Mutual Tel. Hills- boro Randle, Louis (Mae Hicks) Ch Paul- ine, Loraine, Lois, Kenneth; Hills- boro R4 Hillsboro Sec35 T7a James Hope (1889) Randle, R. H. (Alice Busby) Ch Om- er, *Alvah, *Maggie, "Jessie; Noko- mis R6 Nokomis Sec24 O40a (1903) Bell Tel. Nokomis Ransdell, E. H. (Dora Edwards) Ch Tarvin. Velma; "Illiwanna Farm" Witt Rl Witt Sec5 O41a (1873) Ransdell, Robert (Eva Garland) Witt Rl Witt Sec4 O98a (1877) Rashaw, D. L. (Lucy May Young) Ch Evelyn. Margarete, Lucy, James L., Katherine, Eileen; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Secl9 O160a (1903) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Rau, D. W. (Addie Verdin) Ch John, George, Mae; Pana R3 Audubon Sec2 O80a (1878) Mutual Tel. Rose- mond Rawling, Mrs. Thomas (Sarah Hand) Ch Nora: Nokomis R4 Witt Sec2 O240a (1868) Bell Tel. Nokomis Ray, J. W. (Luella Chestnut) Ch Ber- nice. Dwight. Reba; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec35 OllOa (1910) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Ray, Thurman J. (Pearl Snow) Ch Herald L.: Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl4S O60a (1886) Rayphole, T. W. (Lillian Palmer) Ch Alice, Murrel, Harold, Anna, Ethel; Walshville Rl Grisham Secl9 O35a (1909) Mutual Tel. Sorento Reagin, W. J. (Lylah Pentenney) Ch Opal, Paul, Ruth; Butler Butler Grove Sec9 TISOa J. N. Pentenney (1912) Bell Tel. Butler Grove Rebhan, W. C. (Eliza A. Kitchens) Ch Howard; Raymond Rl Ray- mond SeclS O240a (1880) Mutual Tel. Raymond Reckerd, Thomas (Mattie McCaslin) Ch Forest, Newell, Earl, Irene; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec20 T160a C. W. Miller (1885) Rector, Lester (Edna Woodall) Ch Bula, Mildred; Farmersville Pit- man Sec3 T240a Farm Hand Wil- liam Nobbe (1915) Mutual Tel. Fcirmcrs villc Redeker, W. E. (Tena Slaughter) Ch Louis, Elda, Walter, Wilma; Noko- mis Rl Rountree Secl4 O80a T240a W. F. Redeker (1876) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Redman, William C. (Maggie -Lyerla) Ch *Cora; "The Progressive Stock Farm" Irving Rl Witt Sec32 O390a Witt Sec29 T80a Mrs. Clara M. Ernst (1877) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Reed, E. W. (Letha Neisler) Ch Leonard, Irma, Howard, Thelma; "Hill Side Farm" Irving Rl Witt Sec27 O40a (1918) Reed, J. I. Ch *Eli. *Eugene, *Her- shel; Irving R3 Witt Sec27 O80a (1906) Reeves, L. J. (Ida Desart) Ch Ersa, Velma, Helen; Coffeen R3 Fillmore SeclSS O75a (1869) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Reeves, Mrs. Martha Ch Orvil. *Ar- thur, *Lenox, *Horace. *Norma; Coffeen R2 East Fork SeclS O40a (1880) 97 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Renken, Herman (Mary Oltmann) Ch Anna, Henry, Ella, Edwin, Leola; Nokomis R5 Rountree Seel O80a (1888) Reubart, J. V. (Laura Bost) Ch Leo- na, Claud, *Ida, 'William, *Ralph, *Elsie, *Vera; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec26 O71a (1855) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Reubart, William O. (Isabelle Miller) Ch Dorothy; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Secl9 O45a (1883) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Reynolds, Adolphus Ch Nettie, ""Char- ley, *Susie; Hillsboro R3 Irving Sec29 O91^a T133a Nettie Welge, F. B. Cranfield, D. C. Williams and John Williams (1890) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Rhine, William M. (Edna Pearl Bost) Ch Rossie, Leland, William, Jr.; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Secl9 T160a C. M. Rhine (1887) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Rhinehart, F. L. (Nancy Lawson) Ch Nellie, John, Kate, Ruth, Alice; Irving Rl Irving Sec23 T80a Mrs. Cummings (1868) Mutual Tel. Irv- ing Rhoads, William Marion (Alma M. Stanton) Ch William, Edith, Rue, *Ott, *Bruce; Hillsboro R3 Irving Secl7 TllOa C. E. Duff, John Wiley and E. Radcliff (1882) Mutual Tel. Irving Rhodes, Frank (Essie Range) Ray- mond Rl Raymond Sec30 O80a (1878) Rhodes, Riley (Lenora Stanley) Ch Ruth, Merle; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl3 T60a Rebecca Hill (1916) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Rhodes, Shelvy A. (Lenora M. Arm- strong) Ch Lorine, Olive; "Twin Hedge" Litchfield Rl North Litch- field Sec30 O80a (1883) Rhodes, T. A. (Sarah Cole) Ch Otis, Albert, *Sylvesta, *Hiram, *Rebec- ca, *Ida; Fillmore Rl Witt Sec36 T40a Mary Hard (1916) Rhodes, W. R. (Roxie Hill) Ch Thel- ma, Lewis; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec23 T120a William Rhodes "(1893) Mutual Tel. Raymond Rice, Charles F. (Clara E. Fite) Ch *Grover, *Madgre: Irving R3 Irving Sec21 OlOOa (1896) Rice, Fisher (Saddie, Keiser) Ch Gol- die, Stella. Lawrance: "Rosedale Farm" Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec31 OlOOa (1862) Rice, George Ch Glenn D.; Farmers- ville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 T200a Douglas Rice (1894) Mutual Tel. Girard Rice, Mrs. Ida (Ida Wiggs) Ch Floyd, Nellie, Mary; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec2 T25a Mrs. Neisner Rice, William H. (Elizabeth C. Mas- sa) Ch Lee; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec24 O20a (1876) Tel. Girard Rice, W. H. (Elizabeth Massay) Ch Levi; Waggoner Rl Pitman Secl9 O20a (1902) Tel. Girard Richards, E. C. (Agnes Rowen) Ch Irene Agnes; "Elmwood Farm" Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec23-24 O109a (1857) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Richmond, Kent (Hazel Smithdeal) Ch Margaret, Mary; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec23 T203a G. A. Rich- mond (1884) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Rickher, Louie (Lulu Voyles) Ch Carl, Irma, Lena; Panama Grisham Sec20 T94a C. H. Gramley (1912) Rieke Bros. Butler Butler Grove Seel O462a (1877) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Rieke, William (Lizzie Niehaus) But- ler Butler Grove Sec2 O121a (1872) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Riggins, George (Mary Heifers) Hillsboro R4 Grisham Sec9 O80a (1882) Rill, Aloys Ch John, *Frank, *Marie, *Tressa; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field SeclO O80a (1883) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Ringelstein, Charles (Anna Barth) Ch Anna, *Johana, *Rose, *Arthur; Litchfield North Litchfield Sec34 _O20a (1909) Rippen, Henry Louisa Rippen, Mother; Lydia Rippen, Sister; Mor- risonville R3 Rountree Sec2 O80a (1868) Ritchie, Albert L. (Anna Waldrop) Ch Maurice, Maynard. Velma Lee; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Secl6 O60a (1877) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Ritchie, James M. Litchfield R2 North Litchfield SeclS T170a Mary and Sarah Ritchie (1858) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Roach, Alvie (Rose Emmos) Ch Adell. Harry. Hellen: Irving R2 Irving Sec9 T40a M. Yob (1889) Roach, Samuel M. (Rosa E. Wyant) Ch Ira, Willie, Virgil, Stephen: Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec26 T80a Mrs. S. Carnes (1860) 98 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Roach, Walter E. (Lettie Barker) Ch Essie, Frank, Roy, Clifford, Grace, Walter, Russell; Irving R2 Irving Sec21 O32a (1884) Robb, Walter S. (Mathilda A. Hav- ron) Ch Nina, Gertie; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec24 T195a I. N. Jordan (1907) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Roberts, H. H. (Laura Harrison) Ch Richard, *Nell, *Bessie, *Kate. *Lucy, *Jamesj Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Sec8 O80a (1870) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Roberts, Jessie (Eva A. Demoulin) Ch Russell; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Secl7 T80a Morgan Cor- lew (1877) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Roberts, Walter (Eva V. Weather- ford) Ch James, Ida B'.; Honey Bend North Litchfield Sec2 TlOOa V. A. Roberts (1885) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Roberts, W. H. (Sussie Harris) Ch Elsie, Grace; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Secll T200a Elizabeth Eads (1917) Robertson, Aura C. (Bessie Simpson) Ohlman Audubon Sec4 O80a (1898) Robertson, Basil (Clara White) Ch Paul, Orvile, Geneva; Coffeen R3 East Fork SeclS T30a George Huf- fer (1888) Robertson, B. R. (Cassie McNutt) Ch Loelle, Max; Rosemond Rl Audubon Sec4 O81a (1904) Robertson, Frank H. (Viola E. Ward) Ch Francis; Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec28 T160a J. H. Ward (1885) Bell Tel. Butler Robertson, George O. (Mary E. Os- born) Ch Francis, Evelyn, *Ralph; "Locust Ridge Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec24 T160a M. L. Robertson (1876) Bell Tel. Butler Robertson, Mrs. Minnie L. (Minnie Masters) Ch Floyd, Josephine, Les- ter, Mildred, William; Butler R2 Butler Grove Secl4 O160a (1872) Bell Tel. Butler Robertson, O. A. (Clarissa Williams) Ch Willie, *Mabel, *Dona, *Myr- tle, *Basil, *Letha; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec24 T75a Rebecca Hill (1910) Robertson, Robert L. (Louisa Bar- nett) Ch Henrieta; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec34 O114a (1876) Robertson, William (Mary Runyon) Ch *Aura, *Rexford; "Blue Rib- bon Farm" Ohlman Audubon Sec5 O84a (1904) Bell Tel. Nokomis Robicky, Thomas (Anna Lanahan) Ch Louis; Helen Irene; Nokomis R4 Nokomis Sec26 T80a James Vericker (1896) Mutual Tel. Noko- mis Robinson, G. C. (Florence Johnson) Ch Cloyd, Mary Louise, Mervin, Merle, Baby; Walshville Rl Grish- am Sec8 T120a John Logston (1885) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Robinson, James F. (Emma Varner) Ch Russell Johnson; "Lindenwood Farm" Litchfield R2 North Litch- field Sec26 O198a (1872) Robinson, J. Q. Walshville Rl Gris- ham Sec7 T80a (1881) Robinson, Theophilus O. (Louisa C. Blair) Ch Beatrice, Lecha, Coy, Al- fred, Bernice, Calvin, Eileen, *Mamie; Waggoner R2 Zanesville Sec4 T80a John Johnson (1815) Rock, John (Antonia Dezelak) Ch John, Mary, Albert, Charlie; No- komis R5 Nokomis Sec3 T5a Kas- sady Bros. (1910) Rodems, W. J. (Delaney) Ch Wil- fred; Raymond R2 Raymond Secl6 T80a T. E. Delaney (1917) Rodenbeck, Egge (Martha Hanover) Ch Hannah, Eggie, Otto, Edward, Grace, Matilda, William, Thomas, George, Henry; "Orchard Farm" Litchfield R4 South Litchfield SecS O57a (1913) Bell Tel. Litchfield Rogers C. E. (Belle Wilcoxson) Ch Haden, Judge, Clay, Perry, Lihd- sey, Margaret, *Pearl, *Elmer, *Ray; Irving R2 Butler Grove Secl2 T300a Watson Est. (1915) Bell Tel. Butler Rogers, Elmer (Ellar Kirtley) Ch Gilbert C., Mary, James; Irving R2 Butler Grove T40a Wotson Est. 0918) Rogers, F. O. (Gracia Hackney) "Edgewood Farm" Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec31 O80a (1886) Tel. Mu- tual Rogers, G. V. (Caroline Gilman) Ch Verna; "Elm Brook Farm" Wag- goner Rl Pitman Secl9 O80a (1891) Tel. Waggoner Rogers, S. H. (Nanie M. Wood) Ch Dolen, Elist, Oltwell, Winter, *Au- brey, *Bennett, *Cleo; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec.^0 OlOa T60a Mary S Rogers (1867) 99 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Rogers, W. C. (Rosa Dively) Ch Noble, Georgie, Ruth; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec23 O80a (1903) Roland, L. G. Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 O160a (1862) Rolf, Robert (Mary Kiesler) Ch Hazel, Edith, Roberta; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SecS O117a (1873) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Ronk, Nath G. Ch *Minnie, *Bertha; Farmersville Rl Pitman Secl4 T80a Hy Bruckmeyer (1891) Root, J. L. (Virginia Bruce) Ch *Ar- kadelphia; Walshville Rl Grisham Secl7 O160a (1869) Mutual Tel. Sorento Roper, Otis (Olivia Lyerla) Ch Edith, Merle, Linda; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl2 T160a Thomas McLean (1893) Rosche, Charles (Nora Graden) No- komis R4 Nokomis Sec35 Witt Seel O236a (1888) Mutual Tel. No- komis Rosche, Fred (Sophia Stauder) Ch Alfred, Vivian, Geraldine, Doris; Nokomis R6 Witt Seel O78a Au- dubon Sec6 T80a Mrs. Fiorina Rosche (1881) Tel. Mutual Rosche, Mrs. Florena Ch Lillie, *John, *Mamie, *Phillip, *Ida, *Charlie, *Fred; Nokomis R3 South Audubon Sec6 O75a (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Rose, Charles E. (Lydia P. Welch) Ch Roy R., Clarence R., Walter E.; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Secl2 T320a M. Treadway (1914) Tel. Virden Rosenthal, Mrs. Augusta Ch Robert Schelp, Edward A., Esta D.; Har- vel Rl Rountree SeclS O290a ' (1867) Ross, Harry J. (Lillie Campbell) Hillsboro R3 Butler Grove Sec24 T130a W. S. Perkins (1912) Bell Tel. Butler Roth, Otto (Bertha Bitter) Ch Ar- thur; Litchfield R4 South Litch- field Sec7 O160a (1879) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Rottinghaus, John Ch John, Hilda, Wilma, Allie, Minnie, Henry, Wade, Marie; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec3 T80a Mutual Tel. Harvel Rouhslange, Charles (Katie Henslick) Ch Hilda, Ray, Levene; Hillsboro R2 East Fork SecS O80a (1880) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Rouhslange, William (Ada Cress) Ch Mary, Elizabeth; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secll O168a (1871) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Rouslange, Frank (Sarah Bertolet) Ch Frances, Mary, Margaret; "S""- mour Place Farm" Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secll T407a Mrs. C. W. Seymour (1889) Bell Tel. Hilisboro Rovey, Fred J. (Dorothea Jung) Ch Charles, Vernon, Dorothy; Farm- ersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec32 T240a William Rovey (1893) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Rovey, Otto (Minnie Haegemier) Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec20 T160a G. H. Rovey (1896) Rovey, William H. (Nannie Snapp) Ch *Fred, *Ida; Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec29 pl60a (1893) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Row, J. M. (Clara Burgan) Litch- field R3 South Litchfield Sec24 T80a Mrs. M. A. Blackburn (1870) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Rowe, Mrs. Mary Ch Hardy, Harry, *Bessie; Pana R3 Audubon SeclS TSOOa Mrs. John Kitchell (1896) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Rowland, J. H. (Sussan Malone) Ch Lula, Florence, Albert, Leonard, May, Lola, Leroy, Francis, *Marie; Thomasville Bois D' Arc SeclS T400a Mrs. Nora Ryan (1862) Rowland, Ralph M. (Creola Huff-* master) Farmersville Rl Pitman Bois D' Arc Secl2 T300a J. C. and H. H. Rowland (1881) Tel. Farm- ersville Rucker, John (Nina Fisher) Ch Har- old, Emma; Irving R2 Irving Sec7 O66a (1878) Bell Tel. Butler Rufuis, Clinton Hillsboro R4 Hills- boro Sec25 O2a (1901) Runyon, B. D. "Golden Rule Farm" Fillmore Rl Fillmore Seel O95a (1872) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Rupe, Roy (Mable Cain) Ch Clemen- tine, Cleta, Clinton; Irving R3 Irving Sec26 T186a Bohn Est. (1898) Ruppe, Charles (Louisa Schentzius) Ch Willie, Theresa, Edwin, Clar- ence, Esla, Harold; Mulberry Grove Rl Fillmore Sec22 O80a (1890) Ruppert, Peter (Mary Stonger) Ch Lillian, Aleene, Meryl, Velma; No- komis R2 Nokomis Sec4 T85a Nick Ruppert (1871) 100 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Ruppert, William (Emma Doerr) No- komis R2 Nokomis Sec4 T160a Mrs. S. Ruppert (1884) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Rush, Elmer E. (Gertrude Harrison) Ch Kenneth, Melvina, Ina; Fill- more R2 Fillmore Sec2 T170a Pete Cress and Louis Isbell (1917) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Russell, J. H. R. (Susie M. Sanders) Fillmore R3 Fillmore Sec27 O4a (1911) Ryan, J. H. (Maggie Chamberlin) Ch Hallie, Wayne, *Glenn, *Earl; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Secl4 O30a (1862) Saathoff, Hei (Nora Cruthis) Ch Ru- fus, Lloyd, Naomi; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec22 T80a Harm Hel- gens (1908) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Saathoff, T. W. (Line Hoefker) Ch Reinhart, Harry, Anna, *Gesina; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec22 O240a (1860) Saathoff, W. W. (Geske Saathoff, Mother) Walshville Rl Walshville Sec21 OlSla (1866) Safford, E. N. (Maud L. Lease) Ch Leora; Nokomis R3 Nokomis Sec24 T160a Mrs. J. H. Lease (1870) Bell Tel. Nokomis Sale, Jake (Kate Laughlin) Ch Will- iam, Sarah, Blanch, Hugh, Clar- ence; Witt Rl Witt Sec4 T120a * - 1 - ler Est. (1881) Mutual Tel. Noko- mis Salto, Anton (Domenica Bollero) Ch Lucy, Joie, Gabriella, Letizia, Gari- baldi, Irene; Coffeen East Fork Sec36 O40a (1908) Sammons, A. C. (Carrie A. Burris) Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec8 O186a (1868) Bell Tel. Butler Sammons, Charles P. (Nellie Norvel) Ch Stella, Levone, Effie, Roscoe, Fred, Paul, Pauline; Butler Rl But- ler Grove Sec7 T80a J. E. Sammons (1874) Sammons, Harry S. (Orilla Wash- burn) Ch Hellen; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec6 T160a Mrs. C. R. Brandon Sammons, James (Mina Masters) Ch Gus; Butler Rl Butler Grove Secl7 O195a (1865) Bell Tel. Butler Sanders, A. F. (Anna Hunter) Ch Olive, Alvin, Lavone, *Mintie, *Nonnie, *Edna; Irving R2 Irving Sec3 O80a (1860) Mutual Tel. Witt Sanders, J. A. (Carrie Bacon) Ch Mamie. Forrest, Nora, Helen; "Fair View Farm" Harvel R2 Harvel Sec21 O160a (1912) Mutual Tel. Harvel Sanders, S. H. (Ida Revis) Ch Luther, Harold, Carl, Pearl, Myrtle, Vester, Genevieve; Nokomis R3 South Au- dubon SecS T160a Anna Ward (1916) Satterlee, A. E.(Kathryn Scherer) Ch Elvin, Elbert, Dorothy, Jesse L., Kathryn, Kenneth, Carl; Nokorm's Rl Rountree Sec27 O160a (1882) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Satterlee, Benjamin F. (Marie L. O'- Hern) Ch *Anna, *Eula, *John, *Irby, *Della, *Thomas; Irving R3 Irving Sec22 T58a James M. Kelley (1906) Satterlee, Elmer C. (Lydia Wright) Ch Cyril; Coffeen R3 Fillmore SeclSS T120a Robert Coffee (1912) Satterlee, Walter E. (Mary C. Austin) Ch Derward, Emery, Orin, Wil- mith; "Hill View Farm" Irving R3 Irving Sec28 O85a (1884) Mutual Tel. Irving Sattgast, Fredrick W. (Elizabeth Tip- ton) Ch ^Herbert, *Emma, *Theo- dore, *May, * William; Hillsbora Rl Hillsboro Sec6 O166a (1891) Sattgast, William Edward (Josephine Grubbs) Ch Ruth, Evelyn; Hillsbo- ro Rl Hillsboro Sec6 T95a Fred Sattgast (1892) Mutual Tel. Hills- boro Sauer, Frank (Anna Wagahoff) Ch Marie; Raymond R2 Harvel Sec31 O80a (1874) Mutual Tel. Raymond Savage, C. A. (Ollie Cline) Ch Dew- ey,, Ruth, Fairy, Marjorie, *Flossie, *Goldie, *Oral; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec34 O20a (1869) Saxby, O. E. (Genevra Baxter) Ch Dorothy Jean; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield SecS T160a Edwin Sax- by (1892) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Sawyer, Mrs. S. E. (S. E. Brewer) Ch Nellie, Edgar, *Hubert. *Amos; Hillsboro Hillsboro SeclS OlOOOa (1838) 101 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Schaefer, William (Lina Beaman) Ch ""Herbert, *Homer, *Herman; No- komis R5 Nokomis Secl7 O80a (1908) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Schafer, Neil H. (Georgia Grainey) Ch Helen, Blanch; Butler Butler Grove Sec28 O160a (1915) Butler Tel. Butler Schaffner, E. G. (Emma Westphal) "Sunshine Knoll Farm" Nokomis R5 Nokomis Secl6 O120a (1897) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Scherer, John J. Ch *Kate, *Ella, *Robert; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec34 O44a (1837) Schimmelpfennig, Fred (Loretta Gal- vin) Barnett Rl Zanesville Secl9 T210a Renfrow (1918) Schleis Matt (Anna Wostatek) Ch Rosa, James, Andrew; Irving R3 Irving Sec28 O4a (1910) Schluckebier, William F. (Louise Heckel) Ch Nellie, Charles, Minnie, Mary, Grace, Jacob; Donnellson R2 East Fork SeclS O824a (1870) Bell Tel. Donnellson Schmidt, August (Minnie Sewing) Ch Mary, Bertha, Henry, Edna, Alma, August, Paul; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec8 T160a Mrs. G. C. Schroeder (1888) Schneider, Albert (Christina Schoen) Ch Charles, Mina, Anna, Clara, *Martin; New Douglas Rl Walsh- ville Sec30 T230a John J. Arkebau- er (1863) Schneidewint, William (Laura Win- del) Ch Annie, Loui, Lawrence. *Ada, 'Charles; Hillsboro R4 Gris- ham Sec2 O183a (1868) Bell Tel. Donnellson Schoen, Albert (Anna Schlomann) Ch Topka, Alma, Johnie, Victor; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec9 T160a Henry C. Niemann (1913) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Schoen, Ben (Lena Verhusen) Ch Amos; Harvel R2 Raymond Sec2 T160a John Smith Mutual Tel. Har- vel Schoen, Ben (Mary Linden) Ch John. William, Thomas, Fred, Mary; New Douglas Rl Walshville Sec31 T200a Anna Whitehouse (1878) Schoen, Cornelius (Emma Mary Dew- erff) Ch Louella. Wilma, Rudacyle, Udell; Nokomis Rl Rountree Secl3 T80a Margarete Dewerff (1881) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Schoen, Harm (Trientje Engelman) Ch Minnie, Anna, Herman, Tina, George; New Douglas Walshville Secl7 O130a (1874) Schoenweis, W. M. (Amelia Beck) Ch Rena, Herbert, Oregena, Hartwell, Jesse; Irving Rl Witt Secl7 T90a George Bote (1873) Mutual Tel. Witt Schrempp, H. J. (Mary Singler) Ch Raymond; Irving R3 Witt Sec26 T160a Richard Schrempp (1890) Bell Te!. Nokomis Schrempp, Joseph (Theresa Hoehn) Nokomis R3 Witt Sec24 O40a T80a Richard Schrempp (1879) Bell Tel. Nokomis Schubert, Emil (Isabelle Reid) Irving R3 Irving Sec2 T132a A. B. Mc- David (1913) Schuette, August (Anna Bohlmann) Ch Herman, Katherine; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec7 T170a Bohlmann Est. (1906) Schwab, Jacob E. (Lillian Senn) Ch Melvin, Irvin; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Secl7 T120a R. F. Ben- net (1895) Mutual Tel. Litch'field Schwab, Philip F. (Ruth Wilson) Ch Riley; Litchfield Rl North Litch- field Secl9 T160a Mary Graham (1889) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Schwartzle, Louis (Louisa Pilgrim) Ch Edward, Louis, Bertha Louisa; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec8 O80a (1870) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Schweizer, Gottliep (Hilka Hines) Ch Viola, Walter, Elmer, *Clara; Witt Rl Rountree Sec26 O200a (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Schweppe, Frank R. (Ella B. Duke) Ch Howard, Ruth; Butler Rl North Litchfield Sec24 T275a H. A. Schweppe (1875) Bell Tel. Butler Seaborn, William E. (Hilda Hanson) Ch Charles; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl7 O80a T80a Thomas Sea- born (1893) Tel. Pawnee Sedentop, Dennis F. (Mary Dufner) Ch Opal, Ladonna, Nona, Alice; "Brookside Farm" Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec34 p240a (1867) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Seelbach, George L. (Marie F. Todt) Ch George, Marie; Raymond Rl Zanesville SeclS OllOa T240a (1908) Mutual Tel. Raymond 102 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Seelbach, Richard (Myrtle Buhl- mann) Ch Leola, Loraine, Burna- dene; Harvel Rl Rountree Sec7 TllSa W. Lanen (1912) Mutual Tel. Harvel Seelbach, William (Mary Sheedy) Ch William E. and wife Clotilda, Mar- garet, Alvin, Alma, Alfred, *George, *John; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec30 T307a Reginia Poggenpohl (1909) Mutual Tel. Harvel Seffen, Fred Ch Charley. Fred, Eddie; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec20 T160a Charles Kelmel (1901) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Segrest, Jesse Monroe (Ellen Rop- per) Ch John, Etta, Charles, Roy, Jane, Pearl; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Sec3 O40a (1890) Seivers, John (Frances Moore) Ch John, Jr., 'William; Witt Rl No- komis Sec29 O80a (1878) Settle, E. F. (Helen Spinner) Ch Marcella; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec23 T120a John McCalum (1899) Mutual Tel. Raymond Settle, Harry (Florence Moore) Ch Thurman; Irving R3 Witt Sec28 T80a Mary Verricker (1891) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Settle, William H. (Laura Chumley) Ch Lila, Carlos, *Harry E., Tornie; Irving R3 Witt Sec28 O80a (1878) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Seward, G. L. (Bernice Winn) Ch George; Butler R2 Butler Grove Secl6 O80a (1883) Bell Tel. Butler Sewing, Edward (Frances Hein) Ch Anna; Litchfield R4 South Litch- field Sec7 O175a (1862) Mutual Tel. Litcbfield Sewing, George (Minnie Drewel) Ch Lydia, Edward, Walter, Bertha, Ed- na, Norma, Elmer, Theodore; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec28 O180a (1865) Sewing, Henry (Sofia Whitehouse) Ch Wilmer, Amanda; Litchfield R4 South Litchfield Sec29 O161^a (1875) Tel. Mt. Olive Sewing, Mrs. Jane E. (Jane E. You- ell) Ch Minnie D.; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec4 O184a (1843) Mu- tual Tel. Hillsboro Sewing, John (Barbara Wikoff) Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro SeclS O60a Sec7 T25a C. W. Grassel (1868) Sewing, Mrs. Mary (Mary Kotha) Ch Louis, Herman, Mary, Martha, *Edward, *George, *William, *Henry, *Theodore, *Minnie, *Lou- isa, *Anna, *Ida, *Bertha; Litch- field R4 South Litchfield Sec28 O335a (1862) Sewing, Theodore J. (Anna Niemann) Ch Selma; Litchfield R4 Walshville Sec4 T140a William and Julius Niemann (1879) Tel. Mt. Olive Sewing, William (Minnie Birken- kamp) Ch Laura, Freda, Esther, Arnold, William, Helen; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec34 TlOOa Mrs. Birkenkamp (1875) Sewing, William F. (Mary E. Man- ners) Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec7 T140a Jane E. Sewing (1865) Mu- tual Tel. Hillsboro Seybert, D. J. (Lydia Beal) Ch John Milton, Otto Newton, Ruth Isa- belle, Dorothy Frances, Bertha Irene; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec33 O93^a TSOa Frank McDavid (1873) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Seymour, Mrs. Flory Ch Ora, Eu- gene, * Lewis, *Vernon; Atwater Rl Zanesville Sec6 O60a (1868) Mu- tual Tel. Waggoner Seymour, Lewis W. (May Jarman) Atwater Rl Zanesville Sec7 O62a (1886) Shafer, Bert C. (Ruth M. Amos) Litchfield R2 Zanesville Sec33 T78a Charley Shafer (1914) Sharp, Celia A. Ch Benjamin, Wil- liam, *Leslie, *Ida; Litchfield South Litchfield Sec2 O135a (1903) Mu- tual Tel. Litchfield Sharp, H. L. (Hattie Anderson) Ch Laura, Mattie, Helen, *Dwight; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec9 T25a W. A. Sharp (1877) Sharp, James L. (Jannett Woods) Ch Mabel, Opal; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec29 O130a (1864) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Sharp, Leslie W. (Hazel A. Boden) Ch Wayne, Nellie, Robert; Litch- field South Litchfield Sec2 T65a Celia Sharp (1903) Sharp, Thomas (Kittie Boyd) Ch Mildred, Dewey; Coffeen R3 East Fork SeclOS T117^a Charlie Jfir- gena (1880) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Sheff, J. (Lilly Elliot) Butler R2 Butler Grove Secl6 T160a C. Ward (1918) Bell Tel. Butler 103 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Shelton, W. A. Hillsboro R4 Hills- boro Sec25 T21a Miss Flora Shel- ton (1887) Bell Tel. Hilsboro Shepherd, C. H. (Lena B. McCord) Ch Robert, Fred; Irving R3 Gris- ham Sec2 O40^a Resident R. S. McCord (1871) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Sherfy, C. C. (Lizzie Best) Ch Wal- ter, Alva, Polly, Alma, Milton, Vane, Bessie, *Mabel, *Gertrude, *Cornelius; Walshville Rl Walsh- ville SeclO T205a Marburger and Taylor (1918) Sherman, August and F. W. E. Rolf Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec4 O280a (1880-1896) Bell Tel. Butler Shoemaker, L. F. (Mildred Smith) Ch William, Lucille, Virginia, Mil- dred; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec29 Tl60a Hellen Young (1867) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Shoemaker, Sam (Mary C. E. Swaney) Ch *Minnie E., *Alice M., *Jennie M., *Olive B., *Mary C., *Elmer A. D., *Edgar A., *Samuel; Nokomis R4 Nokomis Sec26 O40a (1867) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Shoraga, August (Mary Casto) Ch Clara, Albert, Walter, Viola, George, Elda, Clarence; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec6 OlSOa (1870) Bell Tel. Nokomis Shoraga, William Ch Louis, Emma, *Henry, *August, *William, *Lena, *Minnie; Nokomis R2 Audubon Sec6 O190a (1865) Shore, Frank A. (Celia Lanahan) No- komis Rl Nokomis Secl6 O80a (1891) Bell Tel. Nokomis Shore, Frank E. (Jessie Cundiff) Ch Grace, Ivan, Clarence; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Secl6 TISOa J. S. Stuttle (1873) Mutual Tel. Litch,- field Shore, John M. (Kathryn Hilt) Ch Faye, Wilma, Russell, Paul; "Per- simmon Grove" Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec29 O160a (J881) Bell Tel. Hillsboro . Short, Grover (Ola Kellums) Ch Ed- na; Nokomis R3 South Audubon Sec2 T360a Ed. Mootz (1916) Short, Imon (Soohia Donaldson) Oconee Rl South Audubon Seel T40a A. L. Donaldson (1898) Mu- tual Tel. Oconee Short, James (Lorena Alexander) Ch Osie, Herman, Nellie, *Virgil, Jus- tin, *Bessie, *Austin, *Grover, *Tmon: Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec35 T360a Ed Mootz (1916) Short, Joseph (Fannie Voiles) Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Sec30 TlOOa Ed- mund Thompson (1862) Short, Robert F. (Iva Manley) Ch Marian, Elizabeth; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec5 T80a Mrs. A. A. K. Sawyer (1888) Bell Tel. Hilsboro Short, Wm. A. (Lula Liggett) "Ma- ple Grove Farm" Hillsboro R2 South Fork SeclO T80a Sarah Short (1854) Shoults, A. W. (Quincy Boyce) Ch- Opal, Ruby, Murriel; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec4 T160a A. S. Her- man (1912) Farmersville Mutual Tel. Farmersville Shraut, Ferdinand (Belva Booher) Ch Inez, Ida, Carl, Frederick; Cof- feen R2 Fillmore Sec4 O220a (1881) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Shufe, Philipp (Mrs. Mabel Bealer) Ch *Roy; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc SecS T160^a Mrs. L. Randolf (1902) Virden Tel. Virden Shuping, John E. (Hannah Hawks) Ch Grace, Rena. Daniel, *Beulah; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec24 Oll^a T12a E. C. Richards (1872) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Sielschott, William H. (Maud Friend) Ch Hazel E., William G.; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Secl7 O140a (1900) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Simmons, W. D. (Lillie Pratt) Ch Clyde, Roy, Mary, Ray, Charles, Lester, Milton, Ira. Alma; Waggon- er Pitman Sec22 T160a E. V. Per- rine (1902) Simon, George (Anna Seaborn) Ch Eldon, Virginia; Farmersville Bois D' Arc Sec28 O160a Sec21 T80a L. M. Gerhard and Harry Mathews (1884) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Simon, Howard L. (Tessie Chance) Ch Mary_, Frances; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec28 O80a T20a L. M. Gerhard (1882) Mutual Tel. Farm- ersville Simpkin, William (Emma Leigh s) Ch William, Alfred, Elizabeth, Harold. Tames; Nokomjs R4 Witt Sec3 T120a Nokomis Sec34 T80a Peter Felhauer (1908) Bell Tel. Simpson, A. D. (Alice J. Corlew) Ch *Roxalma; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec23 O252^a (1856) tual Tel. Hillsboro Simpson, A. D. (Bertha Hosington) Ch lona; Walshville Rl South Litchfield Sec36 O200a (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Hillsboro 104 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Simpson, J. M. (Ellen Massey) Ch Roy, Lela, Mae, Nora, *Baxter; Hazel and Ruth, Grandchildren; Walshville Rl Grisham Sec8 O35a (1840) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Sims, J. H. (Ida Hammond) Ch Mar- garet, James, June; Harvel Rl Rountree Secl9 O120a (1888) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Sinclair, Charles A. (Anna Spires) Ch Mary, Jane, Charles Spires, *John C. ; "Pleasant Prairie Farm" Bar- nett R2 Zanesville Sec21 O1200a Tla Charles A. Sinclair (1868) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Sinclair, John C. (Elfleda M. Sallee) Ch Frances Anna; "Maple Shade Stock Farm" Barnett Rl Zanesville Secl9 T320a C. A. Sinclair (1894) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Singer, T. G. (Minnie Bossier) Ch Otto, Franklin; Nokomis Rl Roun- tree Sec28 T160a John M. Lipe (1914) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Singler, Edward J. (Minnie Hilde- brandt) Ch Geraldine; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl2 T200a Frank Huber and Scott Keer (1896) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Singler, F. J. (Esther Larkin) Ch Harry, Irene; Irving Rl Irving Sec24 O130a (1884) Singler, F. W. (Cecilia Klein) Ch Evelyn; Irving Rl Irving Sec24 O133a (1883) Singler, Mrs. John B. (Margarette Reigel) Ch Emil, John, Anna, *Vic- tor, *William, *Mary, *Louis, *Le- na: Irving R3 Witt Sec34 O120a (1887) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Singler, Louis (Louisa Heldebrandt) Ch Roy, Lelia, Ethel, Harold; No- komis Rl Rountree Sec22 T200a Charles Westphal (1900) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Singler, Victor (Caroline Stauder) Ch Maude, *Ed^ard; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl4 O80a (1888) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Singler, William (Emma Hoehn) Ch Minnie, Leo, Esther, *Mary; "Mount View Farm" Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec3 O120a T40a Frank Herron (1890) Mutual Tel. Fill- more S : ngleton, Joseph (Marian Lee) Witt Rl Witt Sec9 O80a T30a Tony Se- lotto (1907) Skinner, Alonzo (Sinna Oiler) Ch Bessie, Stella, Dora, Ralph, Russel, Paul, *Mabel, *Leo, *Vernis; Litch- field R2 North Litchfield Sec3 T9/a Bowles Est. (1894) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Slaughter, Henry (Sarah Janssen) Ch John, Frank, Emma, Elmer; Noko- mis Rl Nokomis SeclS O160a (1896) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Slaughter, John (Theresa Braken- hoff) Nokomis Rl Nokomis SeclS O80a (1904) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Sloman, C. H. (Sadie K. Campbell) Ch Russell, Elsie; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl6 T156a Mrs. Laura Kelly (1903) Sloman, George (Mildred Wheeler) Ch Wheeler; Pawnee R3 Bois D' Arc Sec9 O40a Sec4-9 T340a Gar- retson Est., A. Sloman and M. Slo- man (1886) Sangamon Tel. Sloman, Ralph Pawnee R2 Bois D' Arc Sec9 O40a Sec4-9 T300a Gar- rettson Est., A. Sloman and M. Slo- man (1880) Sangamon Tel. Smalley, W. H. (Deliah C. Luther) Ch Thomas F., Harry L., Edgar R., Ruth V.; Nokomis R4 South Audu- bon Sec7 O160a (1905) Bell Tel. Nokomis Smith, Albert J. (Nancy J. Whit- more) Ch Grace, *Cleo O. S.; Litchfield North Litchfield Sec35 O20a (1857) Bell Tel. Litchfield Smith, Earl (Flora Hinkle) Ch Vic- tor, Frances, Alberta, Earl, Jr.; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec7 T35a Charlie Robinson (1887) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Smith, Edgar L. (Grace Burton) Ch Roy. Harry. *Ruby; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec22 T295a T. T. Smith (1866) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Hills- boro Smith, E. B. (Elizabeth Jane Thack- er) Ch *Laura; Fillmore R2 Fill- more Sec34 O98a George Richmond and Orville Young (1856) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Smith, Frank R. (Stella Cutshall) Ch Mabel. Onal, Paulina. Flora. Ber- nice, Maud, *Lula: Harvel Harvel Sec28 T240a E. P. Babb (1885) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Smith, F. M. (Miriam Cox) Ch Loren, Eula, *Etta, *Laurn. *Dovev *Ly- da, *Herman. *Elmer, *Henry: Farmersville Rl Pitman Secl6 T160a John White (1918) Farmers- ville Mutual Tel. Farmersville 105 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Smith, Harry (Blanch Flood) Paw- nee R51 Bois D' Arc SeclS TlOOa Susan M. Eldred (1912) Smith, Harry E. (Cora A. Redman) Ch Juanita, William, Le Mar, Fran- ces; "Golden Gate Farm" Irving R3 Witt Sec32 O240a (1907) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Smith, John (Pauline Heiberger) Ch Harriet; Donnellson Grisham Secll Tla D. Miller (1918) Smith, John E. (Eva F.' Whiteside) Ch *Burell R.; Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec27 O60a (1868) Bell Tel. Litchfield Smith, John H. (Ida M. Crites) Ch Viola, *Lester, *Eugene, *James; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Secl7 O30a (1888) Smith, John M. Ch Mary, *Joseph; Barnett North Litchfield Sec7 TISOa G. B. Cariso (1877) Smith, John W. (Lucy Evans) Ch Grace, Hazel, Nellie, Orvil; Don- nellson Rl East Fork Sec20 TlOOa L. A. Bigham (1877) Bell Tel. Don- nellson Smith, Matthew (Ruth Hill) Ch Sam- uel, Mabel, *CharIes, *Woodford, *Stella; Mulberry Grove Rl Fill- more Sec22 OlSOa (1880) Mutual Tel. Mulberry Grove Smith, Robert (Bettie Drye) Ch Hor- ace, Arthur, Annie, Ralph, *Bessie, * Watts; Hillsboro R3 Irving Secl9 T90a Willus Tester (1896) Smith, Stanford A. (Margaret A. Smith) Ch *George, *Calvin, *Charles, *Newton, *Albert, *Alice; Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec22 O220a (1854) Mutual Tel. Raymond Smith, Sylvester (Edna Toberman) Ch Kenneth; Irving Rl Witt Sec32 T90a Willus Tester (1896) Smith, T. T. (Lizzie A. Whitten) Ch *Florence, *Sylvester, *Ollie, *Christine; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec9 O60a (1899) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Smith, T. T. (Susan Sackett) Ch *Mary L., *Edgar, *John E.; "Ma- plewood Farm" Walshville Rl Walshville SeclS OSa (1858) Farm- ers' Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Smith, Vernon (Ida Guile) Ch Ira, Grace; Irving Rl Witt Sec30 O50a (1868) Smith, Wash. (Edna Breeden) Irving Rl Irving Sec25 O60a (1865) Mu- tual Tel. Irving Smith, William R. (Christine Conn) Ch Rose, *Etta, *Elmer, *George, * Viola, *Grace; Irving R2 Irving SeclS O78J4a (1850) Mutual Tel. Irving Smith, W. B. (Lora J. Titsworth) Ch Ernest B., Clarence A., Shirley Homer, Nancy J., *Bessie Fern; Walshville Rl Walshville Sec24 T80a Will Edwards (1801) Farm- ers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Smith, W. C. (Minnie Rieke) Ch John, Roscoe, *Erna, *Anna, *Es- tella; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec25 O160a (1861) Mutual Tel. Hills- boro Smithdeal, J. L. (Stella Haynes) Ch Ruby, *Hazel; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec20 O165a T40a (1868) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Smitts, K. C. (Murta Jacobs) Ch Mil- dred, Dorothy, Virginia; Raymond Rl Raymond Sec21 O80a (1880) Mutual Tel. Raymond Smothers, Robert (Elvira Gray) Ch Alfred, Archie, Ethel, Bobbie; Oco- nee Rl South Audubon Secll T300a W. E. Chaussee (1912) Snell Bros., Fred and Herbert Noko- mis R3 Witt Sec25 OlOOa (1883) Bell Tel. Nokomis Snell, Charles W. (Maggie James) Ch Howard, Harry, Walter, Everett. *Alice; Nokomis R4 Witt Sec25 OlSOa (1888) Bell Tel. Nokomis Snell, Harold A. (Effie M. Arnold) Ch Helen E., Donald H.; Irving Rl Witt Sec34 TllOa Mrs. H. M. Wol- ford (1879) Fillmore Mutual Tel. Nokomis Snider, Fred L. (Mary A. Dunham) Ch Inez, William, Neva, Edith, *Eunice, *Alma; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl2S O14a (1874) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Snider, Ora C. (Orah B. Green) Ch Ray L., Claud V., John W., Mar- guerite, Blanch, Wayne C., *Iva M.; "Home Farm" Coffeen R3 Fillmore SeclSS O53a (1880) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Snodgrass, Lewis I. (Callie Boyce) Ch Lorain. Earl, *Ethel, *Lucy; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Sec8 T320a Miss Mary Ann Clark (1917) Pawnee Tel. Pawnee Snook, Amos U. (Effie Graham) Ch Harold, Lily. Grace, Raymond: Fillmore R3 Fillmore Sec4 O40a (1878) Mutual Tel. Fillmore 106 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Snow, William (Delia Barton) Ch Bessie, Irene; Waggoner Rl Pit- man Sec20 T180a Brown, Burton, Barnett, Richardson (1913) Snyder, George (Lydia Wilson) Ch Alfred, George, Melvin, Lyman, Henry, Velma, Zelma, Nellie, Wil- mer *Martin, *Norwood, *Oso, *Ethel, *Bettie; Morrisonville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec21 T160a Charles Dunlap (1918) Christian County Tel. Morrisonville Snyder, Jacob (May Lingle) Ch Mar- tha, Orvilla, *Olin; Witt Rl Roun- tree Sec2S O320a (1851) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Snyder, John H. (Alice Wright) Ch *Samuel, *Oel, *Pearl; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl7 O280a (1857) Mu- tual Tel. Coffeen Snyder, Oel (Grace Barricklow) Ch Ila; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl6 T120a J. H. Snyder (1885) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Snyder, S. H. (Corda Hickman) Ch Louise, Eldon, Nellie; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec8 O125a Sec9 T70a Edd Landers and John Snyder (1883) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Snyder, S. L. (Ella Fuller) Ch *Oscar; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl6 O85a (1860) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Sorrells, Samuel (Sadie Ripley) Ch Merrell; Raymond R3 Raymond Sec27 O200a (1883) Bell Tel. But- ler Sparks, Robert E. (Grace Harkey) Ch Maurice. Russell; Nokomis R4 Witt SeclO T280a Mrs. James R. Brown (1910) Bell Tel. Nokomis Spears, Fred (Sallie Davis) Ch Ralph, Jesse, Kenneth, Elbert; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl4 T240a George Walcott (1914) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Spears, J. W. (Leann Goodrich) Ch *Lugena, *Otis, *Bessie; Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl2 T60a Thomas Spears (1878) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Spears, Otis (Ethel Hunter) Ch Ray- mond. Violet. Teddy, Otho. Laurel, Blanche: Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl2 T60a Tom Spears (1886) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Spears, S. S. (Tane Carlock) Ch Le- na. 'Frederick. *Willis. *Ora *Jes- se. *Ida. *Levv. *Roda: Fillmore R3 Fillmore Secl2 O36a T40a Aaron Butler (1906) Spears, W. T. (Nancy Barnes) Ch *Finis, *Naomi, *Belle, *Willie', Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec27 O40a (1868) Specht, Martin W. (Oda M. Harri- son) Ch Henry D., Harrison; Farm- ersville Rl Pitman Sec7 OSOa Mrs. Marie Specht (1888J Mutual Tel. Farmersville Specht, Ora O. (Fay Fite) Farmers- ville Rl Pitman Sec6 O40a T40a Mrs. Marie Specht (1892) Mutual Tel. Girard Speiser, P. F. (Florence Martin) Witt Rl Irving Secl2 T160a Mrs. W. M. Speiser, Sr. (1886) Mutual Tel. Witt Speiser, W. G. (Clara Bowlby) Ch Clara, Marie, Charles; Witt Rl Irv- ing Seel T80a Mrs. Susan Speiser, Sr. (1884) Mutual Tel. Witt Sperry, Clarence (Hattie Weber) Ch Lloyd, Mary, *Roy, *Carl; Noko- mis R3 Audubon Sec29 O120a (1871) Bell Tel. Nokomis Sperry, Milo (Margaret Barber) No- komis R4 Audubon Sec31 OSOa (1868) Bell Tel. Nokomis Spinner, Carl (Hellen Walz) Ch Liz- zie, Charlie, Mary, Minnie, Hellen; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec22 T240a Mrs. Edward Lane (1869) Spinner, Charlie (Josephine Meyer) Ch Mary H.; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl9 T120a George C. Frame (1879) Spinner, Frank (Mary Mast) Ch Leo, Clement, Francis, Celia. Raphael. Herman, Frank L. ; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec21 T200a Spinner Est. (1870) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Spinner, Joseph (Lena Huber) Ch Min"ie. Genevieve, George; "Hedge Wood Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec22 O244a (1869) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Spinner, Louis (Pauline Mast) Ch Cyril, Matilda, Urban, Gertrude, John; Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec23 O170a (1873) Spooner, C. B. (Ada Reid) Ch Vel- ma. Alice. Paul. Mildred. Reid: Witt Rl Irving Secll T160a C. F. Lipe (1906) Mutual Tel. Witt Stackamp, William (Louisa Marbur- p-er) Ch Walter, Henry, Rose. Leta, William. Paul: Litchfield R4 Soutl Litchfield Sec20 O200a (1863) 107 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Stamer, George (Anna Muelsehen) Ch Anna, Martha, John, Herman, Fritz, William, Henry, Christ, *Sophia; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville SeclS O160a T80a Frank H. Prange (1909) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Stanley, Homer (Lynda Hedden) Ch Lloyd, Bernice; Nokomis R4 South Audubon Sec8-16 TlOOa A. Lenahan (1887) Bell Tel. Nokomis Stanley, Mrs. Mary (Mary Agnew) Ch Jesse, Sadie, Estella, *Henry, *Fe- licia; Nokomis R2 Audubon Sec28 O120a (1899) Stanley, R. D. (Ida Hard) Ch Guy, lola, Edna, Myrtle, Ray, *Homer, *Luther, *Nora, *Dora, "Glen; Irv- ing Rl Witt SeclS T120a Mrs. An- nie Uzzell (1869) Mutual Tel. No- komis Stauder, Charles (Laura A. Ernst) Ch Frances, Isabell, Paul, *Sophia, *Margarete, *Amelia, *Helena, *Lu- la, *Anna, *Barbary, *Minnie, '"'Ja- cob, *Charles A.; "Crystal Spring Farm" Nokomis R4 South Audu- bon Secl7 OlOOa (1870) Bell Tel. Nokomis Stauder, Jacob Nokomis R4 South Audubon Secl7 T240a Mary Sharp (1888) Bell Tel. Nokomis Stauder, Louis (Annie Hoehn) Ch Philip, John, Lena, Leo, Hilary, Clement, Josephine, Elizabeth; No- komis R3 Witt Secl3 T160a John Stauder (1873) Bell Tel. Nokomis Stauder, Phillip (Anna M. Meyer) Ch Lawrence, Stella, *Arthur, *Eu- gene; Witt Rl Irving Secl3 OllSa Secl4 T48a J. Gleich (1876) Stead. Ben (Angeline Hicks) Ch *Norman; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec7 O280a (1876) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Stead, Chester A. (Mabel O. Street) Ch Eva E.; Waggoner R2 Pitman Sec7 O40a T40a Allen Ball (1888) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Stead, Clarence B. (Carrie Hill) Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec7 TllOa Mrs. A. M. Stead (1883) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Stead, Norman D. (Katie Murphy) Ch Olin, John, Earl; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec7 T280a Ben Stead (1880) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Stelter, John Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec20 O80a Sec28 T80a Henry Stelter (1875) Stephenson, A. D. (Fairy Lay) Ch Josephine, Ethel; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec3 T80a J. O. Miller (1884) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Stephenson, Bert (Lilly Suits) Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro SeclS O46a Sec6 T20a C. W. Grassel (1886) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Stephenson, E. F. (Martha Wright) Ch *Archie; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec20-21 T120a Mrs. M. L. Butler (1867) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Stettbacher, Conrad (Elizabeth Gran- tham) Ch William C., *Forrest; "Hazel Dell Farm" Irving Irving Sec27 O80a (1915) Stevens, C. C. (Hattie Hickmann) Ch Dona E., Lester; "Cannon and Stevens Farm" Donnellson Rl East Fork Secl7 O155a (1873) Bell Tel. Donnellson Stevens, Edw. (Ada Belle Rhodes) Ch Irene, John, Helen, Frances; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec3 T80a Lottie Stevens (1883) Farmersville Tel. Farmersville Stevens, John A. (Emma C. Swann) Ch George S., Sadie L., James O., *Bertha C.; "Happy Corner Farm" Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec9S O265a (1868) Bell Tel. Donnellson Stevens, Walter (Nellie Grammer) Ch Fern, Frankie, *Bennie, *Edna; Oconee Rl South Audubon Seel T20a Clark Craig (1914) Stewart, George L. (Alice Robertson) Nokomis R4 Audubon Sec31 O160a (1874) Bell Tel. Nokomis Stewart, James (Norma Whitmore) Ch Margaret; Nokomis R2 Audu- bon Sec29 O160a (1877) Bell Tel. Nokomis Stewart, Ralph (Anna Lehman) Ch Doris, Wallace, Harry, Mildred; Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec9 T120a A. Fricke (1909) Stewart, Wesley (Tillie Reisacher) Nokomis R4 South Audubon Sec6 T206a Mrs. Stewart (1881) Bell Tel. Nokomis Stewart, William E. (Ella N. Smith) Ch Carl, Earl, Cloyd, Mabel, Edna, Hazel, Luella, Henry; Wageroner Rl Zanesville Sec4 T240a E. Wood- man (1914) Stiefel, Jacob (Martha Clement) Ch Myra, Elsie. Ralph; "The Home Place Farm" Litchfield R4 South Litchfield SecS O80a T20a Mrs. I. M. Brokaw (1855) Mutual Tel. Litchfield 108 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Stiefel, Thomas A. Ch *Ira B.; Litch- field R4 South Litchfield SecS O80a (1858) Bell Tel. Litchfield Stieren, Louis (Marie Rowland) Ch Louis, Paul, Allen; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl7 T140a Sam Ren- iker (1917) Farmersville Tel. Farm- ersville Stillahn, Herman (Emma M. Hunt- man) Ch Ella, William, Nora, Mil- dred, Verna; Raymond Rl Zanes- ville Sec25 T180a J. Johnson (191/) Mutual Tel. Raymond Stillwagon, H. (Pearl Ferguson) Ch Iva, Ruby, Marguerite; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc Secl7 T80a Frank Hop- kin (1904) Pawnee Tel. Pawnee Stivers, R. L. (Melissa Crow) Ch Stanley, Jennie, Beulah, Bernie, *Homer, *Harley, *Harry; Noko- mis R4 Witt Secl4 T160a John Schrempp (1910) Bell Tel. Noko- mis Stokes, George (Dolly Porter) Ch Leo, Opal, Estel, Alena; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec22 T200a (1914) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Stokes, Jacob L. (Sarah Lemay) Irv- ing R3 Fillmore Sec6 O50a (1889) Stone, Albert (Katie S. Troyer) Ch Aileen, Juanita, Bonnevieve, Albert; Witt Rl Witt Sec9 T160a William Shannon (1915) Stone, Mary A. Ch Charley, Fred, *Wesley, *Jennie, *Enoch, *Wil- liam, *Sam; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Sec4 O80a (1892) Virden Tel. Vir- den Storey, Wiley O. (Emma From- knecht) Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec29 T170a E. O. Eichelroth (1905) Bell Tel. Butler Street, Herbert W. (Nora C. Hanken) Ch Dwight E.; Waggoner Rl Pit- man Sec31 O119a Sec32 TSOOa Mrs. S. E. Waggoner (1869) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Street, W. T. (Bessie L. Hanken) Ch *Errett, *Estell; Harvel R2 Pitman Sec23 T80a T. G. Richardson (1878) Waggoner Mutual Tel. Waggoner Studebaker. Henry A, (Eliza Oben- shain) Ch *Oscar, *Nona, *Bertha, *John, *Nellie; Litchfield Rl Zanes- ville Sec33 O120a (1868) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Stugeon, R. L. (Lorain Carlock) Ch Fred. *Charley, *Ethel: "East Brook Dairy Farm" Hillsboro R2 East Fork SecS T147a J. K. Mc- David (1861) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Stump, Daniel (Effie Kinser) Ch *Ma- bel, *Ethel, *Grace; Irving R3 Irv- ing Sec22 O6a Sec27 T25a Caroline Allen (1864) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Irving Sturgeon, Walter (Clara Platt) Ch Gerald, Clayton, Leona; Irving R3 Fillmore SecS T60a E. H. Sturgeon (1890) Stuttle, Frank (Rosa Blackwelder) "Cedar Grove Farm" Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec29 O154^a (1857) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Stuttle, Joseph S. (Mary Blankley) Ch Francis, Alfred, Ruth; "Maple Mound Farm" Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec28 T240a Joseph Stuttle (1879) Mutual Tel. Litch- field Suits, Mrs. Emily (Emily Brown) Ch Mary, *James, *Tom, *Richard, *Gideon, *Charlie, *Albert, *Ida; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec22 O80a (1853) Suits, G. F. (Anna Rolf) Ch Edward, Howard, Kenneth, Minnie, Ruth, Dora, Gertrude, Carrol; Hillsboro R4 Hillsboro Sec22 O190a (1863) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Supinger, Jesse (Joisey Sears) Ch Jo- sie, Jesse, *Pearle, *Cora, *Myrtle: Fillmore Rl Fillmore Secl3 O190a (1859) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Sutter, August T. (Mollena Berg- schneider) Ch Stephen,- Tony, Aug- ust J., Elizabeth, Agnes, *Mary, 'Theresa, *Otto, *Carl; Harvel R2 Harvel Sec33 T168a Minnie Bock- witz (1906) Sutton, Allen (Etta Martin) Ch Min- nie, Mary, Martha; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Secl9 T80a W. T. Burford (1895) Mutual Tel. Girard Sutton, Eld. L. Elmer (Emma Mas- ters) Ch Edgar, Earl, Lela, Virnie; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Secl9 T80a Mrs. Stutzman (1895) Mutual Tel. Girard Swaney, Jacob A. (Louisa Pigg) Ch Mary, Boyd, Rella, *Dennis, *Lu- ther, *Beulah; "Lookout Mountain Farm" Nokomis R2 Audubon SeclS O240a (1855) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Swartz, Mrs. Cathrine Ch Emil, *Blaze. *John; Irving Rl Witt Sec28 OlOOa (1887) Swetland, C. A. (Emma Herman) Ch Roy; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secl3 O33a (1874) 109 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Tabor, George (Alta Morrell) Ch Elsie, *Bertha; Oconee R2 Audu- bon Sec26 O80a (1888) Tarran, Christopher (Margaret Og- den) Ch Margaret, Christopher, Anna, Samie, *Elizabeth, *Edith, *Eunice, *Dora, *Thomas; Irving R3 Irving Sec27 O48a (1911) Taulbee, L. F. (Rosa C. Taylor) Ch Noah, *Ray V., *Dollie M., "Jesse C, *Ora M.; Donnellson Rl East Fork Sec22S O60a (1868) Taylor Charles (Alma Carriker) Ch Roy, Lester, *Nora; Hillsboro R3 Irving Secl7 O63a (1875) Taylor, Charles (lone Felkel) Ch Le- roy, Edward; Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Sec31 T50a Mrs. Mary Ault (1890) Taylor, Edw. (Mary Bryant) Ch Roy, Nellie, Earl, Lester, *Vineta; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc SeclS T359a Mrs. J. P. Henderson, James Murphy, Ed Bartland (1916) Mutual Tel. Virden Taylor, Fred V. (Mabel Weller) Ch Myrtle, Irene; Nokomis Rl Roun- tree Sec20 TlOOa Fred Rikie (1890) Taylor, F. (Alice Saffield) Ch *George, *Sophia, *Vernie, *Eu- nice, *Dwight, *Edith, *Lula; Noko- mis R3 South Audubon Sec2 O120a (1916) Taylor, Hays (Delia Wagner^ Ch Donald, Thelma, Drethy, Kenneth, Hazel; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec21 T160a Sarah Ripley (1915) Taylor, John B. (Daisy Mayberry) Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Secl9 T275a E. W. Bail (1909) Farmers- ville Mutual Tel. Farmersville Taylor, John W. (Vina Bishop) Ch John W., *Ora, *Ruby, *Mayme, *Bertha, 'Ritchie; Litchfield R4 Walshville Sec9 T280a Henry C. Nieman (1893) Mt. Olive Tel'. Mt. Olive Taylor, T. B. (Isabelle Kinnamon) Ch 'Geneva, *Hattie, 'Peachie; Witt Rl Irving Secl2 O37a (1892) Taylor, Walter (Mae Carriker) Ch Flossie, Howard, Carl, Ross, *Nel- lie; Irving R2 Irving Secl6 O40a (1878) Taylor, William H. (Lura Morris) Hillsboro R3 Irving Secl7 O20a (1873) Tedrick, F. D. (Theresa King) Ch Lucille, Esther, Ralph, Hazel. 'Ed- gar, 'Justin, *Clara; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec4 O80a Sec9 T40a C. E. Landers (1912) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Telfer, James (Elizabeth Smith) Ch *John, *George, Thomas; Litch- field Rl North Litchfield Sec30 T82a (1909) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Tenison, C. A. (Ida Ollen) Ch Sam- uel, Eda; "Oak Cress Farm" Hills- boro Hillsboro Sec3 O12a (1858) Tester, Charles E. (Anna Walsh) Ch Luella, Martha; Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec5 O140a (1872) Mutual Tel. Harvel Tester, Frank (Anna Johnson) Ch Edward, Earl, Glenn, Pauline, Gar- ris; Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec4-10-15-16 O257a (1876) Tester, James 'A. (Lois Stevens) Ch Raymond, Albert, Gladys, Florence, John, William; Morrisonville R3 Rountree Sec4 OlOOa (1868) Teter, David G. (Mary Wilfong) Ch Fannie, Nellie, Mildred, Dorothy, Cecil, Goldie; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec34 O120a (1903) Teter, M. J. (Sarah A. Jones) Ch Ruby Jane, Margaret Louise; Noko- mis R3 Audubon Sec32 Tla W. J. Hamlin (1918) Thacker, Dennis (May Whitlock) Ch Oscar, Nina, Albert, Evelyn, Har- old; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl2S O5a (1883) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Thacker, Fred W. (Hattie E. Logs- don) "Forest Lawn Farm" Donnell- son Rl East Fork Sec21S O88a (1871) Bell Tel. Donnellson Thacker, Martin V. (Lillie Snow) Ch Altha A., Goldie E., Norma A., Ima V., Amiel V., Paul E.; "Gravel Ridge Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec24S O108a (1866) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Thacker, William (Huldah Hamilton) 'Maud, 'Ethel. 'Illinois, 'Blanch, *Lester, *Eva, 'William; "Fair Lawn Farm" Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec3S O120a T1855) Thielen, George (Caroline J. Meis- ner) Ch George, Anna, Emma, Henry; Raymond R3 Zanesville Secl4 O80a (1867) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Thomas, Floyd (Blanch Hacknev) Ch Floyde. Harry; Waggoner Rl Pit- man Sec31 O95a (1917) 110 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Thomas, George H. Waeeroner Rl Pitman Sec30 OlOOa (1873) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Thomas, G. H. (Magie Mitchell) Ch Clyde, Velma; Raymond R2 Ray- mond See? O160a (1863) Mutual Tel. Raymond Thomas, Harry O. (Fannie E. Do- zier) Ch Russell, Henry, Paul; Vir- den R42 Bois D' Arc Sec4 O161a (1871) Mutual Tel. Virden Thomas, Mrs. Hattie (Hattie Loud) Ch Kenneth, Ida, Rowland, Eileen, Lewellyn, Stewart; Virden R42 Bois D' Arc Sec9 O160a (1901) Mutual Tel. Virden Thomas, J. E. (Sofronia Piggott) Ch Mary, Jennie, Margaret, Harold, Fred; Waggoner Pitman Sec23 O124a (1861) Waggoner Mutual Tel. Waggoner Thomas, Pryor (Edith Lysinger) Ch Russell; Raymond R3 Zanesville Seel T120a Gid Henderson (1916) Thomas, Samuel Dayton (Emma Dod- son) Ch *Anna, *LeRoy, *Aldine; "Maple Manor Farm" Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Seel 1-2 O493a (1864) Mutual Tel. Virden Thomas, Mrs. W. V. Ch Kenneth, Ida, Rollyn, Eileen, Lewellyn, Stuart; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Sec9 O161a (1901) Mutual Tel. Virden Thompson, G. T. (Ruby Landers) Ch Violet, Johnnie, Goldie, Mamie, Jes- sie, Baby; Pana R3 Audubon Seel Tla J. H. Limes (1918) Thompson, W. J. (Sarah Booher) Ch *Susan, *Bea; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec20 O8Sa (1875) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Thomsen, H. C. (Mary Whitehouse) Ch Paula, Omer, Velma; Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec20 T240a Miss M. Schroeder (1903) Thumb, Ralph (Emma Lipe) Ch Mabel, Mary; "Sunny Slope Farm" Witt Rl Witt Sec7 O120a (1871) Mutual Tel. Witt Thunhorst, Herman (Katie Neihaus) Ch Lydia, Lulia; Harvel Rl Roun- tree Sec7 O80a (1908) Mutual Tel. Harvel Thunhorst, Peter (Marv Parsel) Ch Anna, Chester, Grace, William, Jes- sie; Irving R3 Irving Sec22 O20a T20a Mrs. Eustus (1916) Thunhorst, Walter G. (Clara Gentry) Ch Eleanore, Georgia; Raymond R2 Raymond Sec9 T80a Frank Poken- poe (1918) Thunhorst, William (Winifred Coen) Ch Anna, Willis; Morrisonville Ro Rountree Sec8 T160a A. Hays (1917) Mutual Tel. Harvel Tiffin, Albert (Hattie Taylor) Ch Thomas, Orville, Joseph, Don, Gail, Russell, Genevieve, Harold; Walsh- ville Walshville Sec2 O280a (1869) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Tilling, Louis (Agnes Ernst) Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec23 T160a Ferd- inand Tilling (1891) Timko, Annie Ch Paul Louis; Hills- boro R3 Irving SeclS O80a (1910) ~ Tindle, Walter (Ida Busby) Ch Les ter, Floyd, Gladys*; Harvel R2 Har- vel Sec21 T160a Mrs. W. J. Zimmer- man (1903) Titsworth, W. L. (Ethel Neal) Ch William, Harvey, Fredia, Iva, Ruby *Nellie, *Ada, *Iona, *Laura; Walshville Rl Walshville Secl2 T175a T. J. Ray (1898) Tittsworth, John (Charlotte Johnson) Ch Noi, Evan, Elbert, Ellis, *Maude, *Orin, *Myrtle, *Maggie; Walshville Rl Grisham Secl9 O160a (1855) Mutual Tel. Sorento Toberman, Eliza J. (Wilson) Ch Zil- pha, *Lily, *Amos, *Sadie; Fillmore R3 Fillmore Sec4 O90a (1845) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Toberman, John (Lily Brown) Ch Dorothy, Una, Lewey, Bruce, Har- old, Howard, Esther, *Edna, ""Les- ter, *Ruby; Fillmore R3 Fillmore Secl6 T180a Charles Miller (1870) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Toberman, Lester E. (Olive M Smith) Nokomis Nokomis Sec25 T80a Ned Walton (1892) Toberman, Wesley (Bertha Richard son) Ch Guy, *Grover, *Hattie. *Cora; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec9 TlOOa Mary Miller (1855) Todt, F. A. (Alice Curran) Ch Eliza- beth, Elenora, Marie, Raymond, Ag- nes, Loretta, Bernard, Francis, Urs- lea, *Claud, *Margaret, *Joseph; Raymond Rl Raymond Sec21 O320a (1878) Mutual Tel. Raymond Todt, H. E. (Mary B. Brockamp) Ch Lucille Katharine; Harvel R2 Har- vel Sec21 T240a Mary B. Todt (1890) Mutual Tel. Harvel Todt, J. T. (Bertha Hoehn) Ch Har- old, Joseph, Herman, Charles; Har- vel R2 Harvel Sec20 O80a Sec20-17 T160a Mary Todt (1883) Mutual Tel. Harvel 111 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Todt, Mrs. Mary B. Ch Clarence, Lawrence, *John, *William, *Elmer, *Mary; Morrisonville R2 Harvel Secl6 O880a (1842) Mutual Tel. Harvel Tomamichel, B. Ch Basilic, *Joe; Irv- ing R3 Irving Sec26 O90a (1863) Mutual Tel. Irving Tomamichel, Joseph (Cleo Williams) Ch Mildred, Rollan, Joseph, Everett, Estel; Irving R3 Irving Sec34 T120a. V. Feraris (1877) Mutual Tel. Irv- ing Tosch, John (Lydia Bahlow) Ch Vio- let; Witt Rl Rountree Sec36 T80a Pete Bost (19ia) Mutual Tel. No- komis Towell, I. T. (Cara Ludwick) Ch Lloyd, Floyd, Frank, Paul; Chap- man Fillmore Sec33 T160a I. T. Towell Sr. (1878) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Towell, J. E. (Clara Ludewick) Ch Earle, Cecil, Ruth, Mattie, Thom- as; Chapman Fillmore Sec29 O40a T200a Coffeen Coal Co. (1881) Mu- tual Tel. 'Fillmore Travers, George E. (Anna L. Fritz) Ch Roy, Fred, Ellen, Mildred; "Plainview Farm" Waggoner JPit- man Sec27 T120a Ed Johnson and Clarence Bowman (1865) Travis, Adren (Minnie Jackson) Ch Pearl, Harry, Albert, Helen, Ray- mond, Dorothy; Irving Rl Witt Sec28 T80a John Neece (1914) Traylor, Caleb (Elizabeth Straub) Ch Johnie, May, Samuel, *Jane, *Ruthie, *Roscoe, *Ora, *Charlie, *Ezra, 'Claudia; Fillmore R2 Fill- more Sec23 O60a (1882) Traylor, Roscoe (Dora Milam) Ch Buell, Lester; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec7 T7a Chester Dreyhus (1882) Trimble, Louis (Bessie Knight) Ch Francis, Anna, Ida; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc Sec31 T160a Mrs. Dr. K. L. Hayes (1912) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Trinkle, W. P. (Hattie Stuckee) Ch Carl, Raymond, Almena, Harley. Charles; Raymond Rl Ravmond Sec7 T240a M. C. Davitt (1905) Trost, F. E. (Victoria G. Sutter) Ch . Bertha V.. Winfred E.. Harold A.; "Pleasant View Farm" Hillsboro R2 East Fork SeclO O120a (1888) Mu- tual Tel. Hillsboro Troutman, J. L. (Jennie Lyerla) Ch Bliss, Harry; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec29 O76a (1865) Mutual Tel. Fill- more Tucker, Mrs. Melinda Ch Hannah, Charlotte, *Ester, *Roy; Witt Rl Irving Secl4 O80a (1866) Mutual Tel. Irving Tudor, Herbert (Bertha Olson) Ch Jennie Elizabeth; Witt Rl Noko- mis Sec32 Tla Keller Coal Co. (1906) Bell Tel. Nokomis and Mu- tual Tel. Witt Tuetken, Herman (Maggie Meyer) Ch Ivan; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec24 O80a (1876) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Tuetken, J. H. (Mary Klopmeier) Ch Emma, Fred, Pauline, Ida, Edward; Witt Rl Rountree Sec23 O160a (1875) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Tuetken, Richard (Louisa Betzold) Ch Roy. Velma; Nokomis R6 Au- dubon Sec21 T80a Henry Best (1910) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Tunnell, James C. (Ida M. Pottorff) Ch Evelyn, Alberta, Helen, Clifford; Girard R43 Bois D' Arc SeclS O80a T180a Mrs. Sarah Tunnel and H Tunnell (1878) Virden Tel. Virden Turner, H. A. Ch Howard; "The Ma- ples Farm" Irving R2 Butler Grove Sec4 OlOOa (1881) Bell Tel. Butler Turner, John B. (Fannie B. Grobe) Ch Rhodolphus K.; "Evergreen Stock Farm" Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec20 O947a (1861) Bell Tel. Butler Turner, J. B. Sr. (Fannie Grobe) Ch Rudolph, *Nettie, *Fred, *Minnie, *Walter, *John, *Carrie, *Ida. *Myrtle, *Charles, "Howard. *Will; "Ever Green Farm" Butler Rl But- ler Grove Sec20 O940a (1862) Bell Tel. Butler Turner, J. B. Jr., Dr. V. S. (Harriet Washburn) Ch Jonathan, Josephine. Babette, Dorothy; "Crown Hill Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove Secl7 O280a (1872) Bell Tel. Butler Turner, W. H. (Wilma Ware) Ch Frank; "The Maples Farm" Irving R2 Butler Grove Sec4 OlOOa (1883) Bell Tel. Butler Tuttle. Marcus L. (Ruth I. Hensen) Ch Henry. Mark; "Mineral Springs Farm" Litchfield R2 Sec26 T89a Mrs. G. M. Faught (1892) Tyndale, T. W. (Emma Kelsay) Ch George Elwood: Witt Rl Witt Sec4 O80a (1900) Bell Tel. 112 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY u Uhrig, Thomas (Drucilla M. Haben- strit) Ch John, Gertrude; Raymond R2 Zanesville SeclS O164a (1902) Tel. Raymond Ullom, R. L. (Ethel Holsclaw) Pana R3 Audubon Sec2 O320a (1876) Bell Tel. Pana Ulrich, Fred (Olinda Rosenthal) Ch Marie, Verda; Sorento Rl Walsh- ville Sec32 T200a Rosenthal Est. (1918) Umberger, Mikel (Anamry Greer) Ch Moray, *Otho; Hillsboro R3 Butler Grove Sec24 O183^a (1906) Mu- tual Tel. Hillsboro Upchurch, E. H. (Mary Yenny) Ch Lee, Alice, *Harold, *Margrett, *Bell, *Nora, *Maud, *Joyce, *Lola, *Myrtle, *Lula, *Stella, *Kathryn; Irving R3 East Fork SeclN T128a J. M. Gleason (1866) Upton, Charles J. (Ada F. Barnett) Ch Aleta Feme; Barnett R2 North Litchfield Sec6 O142a (1877) Urbancek, Joseph (Susie Pastirik) Ch Joseph Jr., Elizabeth, Anna, An- drew, Demaris, Frank, Louis; "Elm Ridge Farm" Coffeen Sec36 O40a (1892) Vallbracht, Henry J. (Pearl Snyder) Ch Minnie N.; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec7S O80a (1904) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Vallbracht, William (Rosa Pfeifer) Ch George: Coffeen R3 Fillmore Secl7 T120a George Schwalen- stocker (1908) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Vancil, Frank M. (Annie Moore) Ch Benjamin, Marion, *Anna; Litch- field R2 North Litchfield Sec22 T80a (1917) Vanderburg, George ( Amanda Price) Ch Virgil Emamal, Vira May: Litchfield North Litchfield Sec36 T40a McClenin Bros. (1896) Vandoren, Clarence (Etta May Mc- Caslin) Ch Erwin, Waldo; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec21 O16a Sec20 T40a Gasper Harris (1912) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Vangeison, Oliver R, (Elizabeth Paul) Ch Dave, Florence, Cecil, Edith, Oliver, Everett, Chester, Lois. Stel- la *Russell; Pawnee R51 Bois D' Arc SeclS T348a F. M. Hoppin (1883) Pawnee Tel. Pawnee VanGeison, Russell (Mae Smith) Ch Helen. Earl, Irene, Leo; Pawnee RSI Bois D' Arc SeclS TSOa C. Simmson (1888) Farmersville Tel. Farmersville Vanhooser, Jesse A. (Clora S. Satter- lee) Ch *Sarah. *Walter, 'Ernest; "Fruitdale Farm" Hillsboro R3 Irv- ing Secl7 O40a (1856) Mutual Tel. Irving VanHyning, Pearl R. (Anna Z. Lewis) Ch Roland, Katherine, Anna; But- ler R2 Butler Grove Sec24 O120a (1883) Bell Tel. Hillsboro VanWinkle, H. C. (Birdie Wood) Ch Lewis, Dorotha; Farmersville Rl Bois D' Arc Sec33 T106a Albert Guthels (1915) Mutual Tel. Far- mersville Varner, Charles (Lou Nash) Ch *Maude, *Weslev *Otto, *EHor a r. *Roy. *Etta, *Willis; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secl6 O160a (1862) Varner, Mrs. Jenetta Ch DeForest, *Emma; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Sec3 O70a (1883) Varner, O. C. (Emma Hearlston) Ch Russel, Shirley; Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Sec20 O80a Sec32 T120a Mrs. Mary Ault (1884) Varner, Willis (Bertha Mansfield) Ch Willis Jr.; Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secl6 O79a (1897) Verhusen, Henry (Jennie Longpine) Ch Fred. Margarete, Simon; Noko- mis Rl Rountree Secl3 O80a (1869) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Vericker, Augustin (Katie Linane) Ch Leo, Agnes, Johnnie. Henry, Ger- trude, Mildred, Maurice; Irving Rl Witt Sec22 O80a (1881) Vicker, Edward (Minnie Spears) Ch Lillian, Clarence. Thomas; Irving Rl Witt Sec22 OSOa (1876) 113 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Waters, M. M. (Laura Voyles) Ch Geraldine, Myrle; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville SeclS T140a L. V. Hill (1900) Watkins, William D. (Lottie Melton) Ch Hellen, Lois, Edna; "Oddacre Farm" Honey Bend North Litch- field Seel O7a (1885) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Watson, Burl E. (Daisy Adkisson) Ch Joseph; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SeclS T120a Mrs. A. C. Adkisson and Lon McPhail (1886) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Watson, Charles (Ollie Evans) Ch Inez, Robert, Letha; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec36 O192a (1893) Far- mers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Watson, John O. (Nettie Losch) Ch Loretta; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Secl9 T80a Will Hall (1894) Watson, J. A. (Mary E. Starr) Ch Sophia, *Homer, *Burrell, *John; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec20 OlOOa (1859) Watson, Roy L. (Ora Taulbee) Ch Ethel, Dorothy; Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Secl9 OlOa Sec30 T20a Tom Watson (1893) Watson, Thomas D. (Josephine Fitz- patrick)Ch Frances, Fern, Roye, El- mer, Truman; "Spring Farm" Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Secl9-30 O103a T20a C. Griswold Est. (1865) Watson, William (Maude Moore) Ch Lowell, Kenton, Ruth, Ruby, Willa, Willma; Raymond R2 Zanesville Secl3 O120a (1863) Mutual Tel. Raymond Watters, W. D. (Amy Tittsworth) Ch 'William, *Stella; Walshville Rl Grisham SeclS O24j^a (1862) Wattjes, Richard (Lena Janssen) Ch Alvin; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec6 T160a Brunke Wattjes (1902) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Weatherford, George W. (Jennie Lovely) Ch Ira, Preston, Bennie Earl, George, Viola; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield SeclS TlSla Mrs. Cratty (1878) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Weatherford, Mrs. Jennie Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec34 O13a (1877) Weatherford, William M. (Hattie Wright) Ch Hazel, Blanch M.; Bar- nett R2 North Litchfield Sec4 T120a W J. Weatherford (1878) Weaver, J. A. (Elinor long) Ch Al- fred, Celesta; Sorento Grisham SeclS T80a Mrs. Biggam (1872) Webb, J. R. (Minnie B. Jacobs) Ch Ralph, Margurite, Walter, Bernard; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec26 T200a G. W. Waldorf (1908) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Webb, O. H. (Gertrude Booher) Ch Geneva; "Oakcrest Farm" Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec9 O140a (1882) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Weber, Albert (Katy Imme) Ch Her- man, Edward, Emma; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec9 T281a Henry C. Niemann (1913) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Weber, Mrs. Anna Ch Cornelius, Louis, Minnie, Lawrence, *Henry; In France; Witt Rl Rountree Sec25 O160a (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Weber, John B. (Lena M. Potts) Ch John, William; Harvel Rl Ray- mond Sec5 TlOOa Chas Lipe (1894) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Weber, Henry (Alma Meyer) Ch El- fie, Mildred; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec8 T120a Luke Weber (1887) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Weber, Luke C. (Katharine Johnson) Ch Emma, Herman, *Anna, *Henry; Witt Rl Rountree Sec25 O115a (1875) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Weber, Perry E. (Rosa Bowser) Ch Ora, Ruby; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl3 O140a (1868) Bell Tel. Nokomis Weekly, G. A. (Mattie Wilson) Pana R3 Audubon Secl2 Tla Charles Brown (1890) Mutual Tel. Rose- mond Weekly, Mrs. Margaret Ch *Nora L.. *John F. ; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec26 O40a (1865) Weerts, Charles Raymond R2 Ray- mond SeclS T60a John Mason (1898) Weerts, Richard J. (Petje G. Ocken) Ch William, Mary, *George, *John. *Henry, *Peter; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec36 OllOa (1893) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Wefenstette, George G. (Margurite Morrissey) Ch Florence, Nellie. May, John, Glenn, *Mary, *Roy, *Lee; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec3 O84a Sec2 T40a Wefenstette Est. (1865) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Weingand, Bert (lone Gannon) Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Sec2 T141a Mrs. Mary Cory (1886) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Weitekamp, Edward J. (Josephine Kallol) Ch Francis; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec36 O20a TlOOa Mrs. Christine Wei'tekamp (1889) Mu- tual Tel. Waggoner 116 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Weitekamp, Fred (Marq Kelmel) Harvel Rl Raymond Seel T160a Chas Kelmel (1885) Mutual Tel. Harvel Weitekamp, Henry (Mary Munster- man) Ch Ellen, Harold, Margaret, Agness, Joseph; Raymond R2 Pit- man Sec36 TlOOa Mrs. Christine Weitekamp (1886) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Weitekamp, Leo T. (Mother; Clara, Evelyn, Sisters) Raymond R2 Pit- man Sec36 T140a Mrs. Christine Weitekamp (1891) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Welch, I. K. (Lula Wright) Ch El- mer, *Georgej Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec4 T220a John Kaburick (1891) Welch, Samuel (Edna Jorden) Ch Clarence, Ralph, Owen, Francis, Zola, Clifford, Kennon, Garnet, Ruth, *Lloyd: Farmersville Rl' Pit- man Secll T200a Samuel Welch Sr. (1878) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Welge, F. C. (Mary Brown) Ch Ken- neth, Hellen; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec26 TlOOa S. B. Waldorf (1890) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Welge, Miss Nettie (Albert and Mil- dred Welge, Neice and Nephew, Residents) "Hillside Range Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec22 O220a (1871) Bell Tel. Butler Wellar, H. N. (Magdalena Bergman) Ch Evelyn, Henry, Wilma; Harvel R2 Harvel Secl9 O154a (1877) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Wellar, J. C. Harvel R2 Harvel Secl9 O160a (1878) Mutual Tel. Harvel Weller, Horace (Nettie J. Sullivan) Ch *Wesley, *Ethel; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec28 O68a (1862) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Weller, H. H. (Pearl Rebman) Ch Lois, Estelle, Jeannett; "Cedar Lane Farm" Irving R2 Raymond Sec36 OllOa (1878) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Weller, Jesse F. (Lelia Cruze) Ch Virginia, Donald; Irving R2 Irving SecS TllOa Louis Weller (1890) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Weller, Lewis (Mattie Perkins) Ch Grace, *Jessie, *Blanche, *Fern; Irving R2 Irving SeclS O211a (1865) Mutual Tel. Irving Weller, Mark (Mary Pope) Ch Ber- nice, Wilma; Harvel Rl Sec22 T160a Floy Est. (1876) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Weller, Noah (Minnie Smith) Ch Ralph; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec36 O80a (1872) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Weller, Otto (Anna Stett) Ch Mar- gie, Roy, Margaret; Harvel Rl Ray- mond Sec26 O80a (1882) Bell Tel. Butler Weller, Robert F. (Stella M. Chris- t tian) Ch Mable, Marie, Gladys, Ar- thur, Ruby, Hettie, Leo, *Alma, *Carrie, *Lenna, *Levon; Irving R2 Irving Secl6 O200a (1868) Weller, Wesley (Elizabeth McPeak) Ch Mary; Irving R2 Irving Sec3 T145a R. F. Weller (1889) Weller, William D. (Maude VanHyn- ing) Ch Earl, Selma, Oren; "Lone Oak Farm" Irving R2 Butler Grove Secl2 O53a (1871) Bell Tel. But- ler Wells, William (Emma McMillan) Ch Ruth, Hubert, Marguerite, Grace, Edith, Lillian; "Mapleside Farm" Irving Rl Witt Seol6 O76a (1910) Wells, W. W. (Clara E. Brown) Ch Glen; Irving R3 Irving Sec27 O60a (1.865) Mutual Tel. Irving Wempen, Riner H. (Augusta Henkle) Ch Minnie, *Henry, *Charley, *Rpy, *Annie; Raymond R2 Zanesville Secll O150a (1903) Wenke, August (Mamie Meeting) Ch Lena, Katie; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec32 O12a (1916) Wenner, John F. (Ida M. McLaugh- lin) Ch Herbert, Leland, Freeman, *Clara, *Frederick, *Justin; Ray- mond R2 Zanesville Secl6 T240a R. R. Parrish (1914) Mutual Tel. Ray- mon Wentz, Berthis J. (Louise Sewing) Ch Ida; "Walnut Home Farm" Litch- field Rl North Litchfield Sec29 O40a (1898) Werner Bros., Joseph A., Francis A., Peter J.. (Anna Blue, Wife of Francis A.) Ch Josephine A., Francis H., Louanna D., Martin A., August E., Katharine; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec26 O240a (1880) Bell Tel. Oconee Werner, Carl (Katharine Ettling) Ch Alvin, Arthur, Alfred, Aland, Alva, *Anna; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec25 T160a Mrs. McMurry (1886)) Wernsing, Edward (Anna Theen) Ch Burrell, Lyle, Howard; Harvel R2 Rountree Secl8-17 O80a (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Wernsing, Fred H. (Etta M. Verhu- sen) Ch Carrie. Aleck, Frieda, Ber- tha; Harvel Rl Rountree SecS O160a (1873) Mutual Tel. Harvel 117 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Waters, M. M. (Laura Voyles) Ch Geraldine, Myrle; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville SeclS T140a L. V. Hill (1900) Watkins, William D. (Lottie Melton) Ch Hellen, Lois, Edna; "Oddacre Farm" Honey Bend North Litch- field Seel O7a (1885) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Watson, Burl E. (Daisy Adkisson) Ch Joseph; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro SeclS T120a Mrs. A. C. Adkisson and Lon McPhail (1886) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Watson, Charles (Ollie Evans) Ch Inez, Robert, Letha; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec36 O192a (1893) Far- mers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Watson, John O. (Nettie Losch) Ch Loretta; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro , Secl9 T80a Will Hall (1894) Watson, J. A. (Mary E. Starr) Ch Sophia, *Homer, *Burrell, *John; Hillsboro Rl Hillsboro Sec20 OlOOa (1859) Watson, Roy L. (Ora Taulbee) Ch Ethel, Dorothy; Hillsboro Rl Hills- boro Secl9 OlOa Sec30 T20a Tom Watson (1893) Watson, Thomas D. (Josephine Fitz- patrick)Ch Frances, Fern, Roye, El- mer, Truman; "Spring Farm" Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Secl9-30 O103a T20a C. Griswold Est. (1865) Watson, William (Maude Moore) Ch Lowell, Kenton, Ruth, Ruby, Willa, Willma; Raymond R2 Zanesville Secl3 O120a (1863) Mutual Tel. Raymond Watters, W. D. (Amy Tittsworth) Ch "William, *Stella; Walshville Rl Grisham SeclS O24^a (1862) Wattjes, Richard (Lena Janssen) Ch Alvin; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Sec6 T160a Brunke Wattjes (1902) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Weatherford, George W. (Jennie Lovely) Ch Ira, Preston, Bennie Earl, George, Viola; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield SeclS TlSla Mrs. Cratty (1878) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Weatherford, Mrs. Jennie Litchfield R2 North Litchfield Sec34 O13a (1877) Weatherford, William M. (Hattie Wright) Ch Hazel, Blanch M.; Bar- nett R2 North Litchfield Sec4 T120a W J. Weatherford (1878) Weaver, J. A. (Elinor long) Ch Al- fred, Celesta; Sorento Grisham SeclS T80a Mrs. Biggam (1872) Webb, J. R. (Minnie B. Jacobs) Ch Ralph, Margurite, Walter, Bernard; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec26 T200a G. W. Waldorf (1908) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Webb, O. H. (Gertrude Booher) Ch Geneva; "Oakcrest Farm" Coffeeq R2 Fillmore Sec9 O140a (1882) Mu- tual Tel. Fillmore Weber, Albert (Katy Imme) Ch Her- man, Edward, Emma; Mt. Olive R14 Walshville Sec9 T281a Henry C. Niemann (1913) Mt. Olive Tel. Mt. Olive Weber, Mrs. Anna Ch Cornelius, Louis, Minnie, Lawrence, *Henry; In France; Witt Rl Rountree Sec25 O160a (1888) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Weber, John B. (Lena M. Potts) Ch John, William; Harvel Rl Ray- mond SecS TlOOa Chas Lipe (1894) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Weber, Henry (Alma Meyer) Ch El- fie, Mildred; Nokomis R5 Nokomir SecS T120a Luke Weber (1887) Mu- tual Tel. Nokomis Weber, Luke C. (Katharine Johnson) Ch Emma, Herman, *Anna, *Henry; Witt Rl Rountree Sec25 O115a (1875) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Weber, Perry E. (Rosa Bowser) Ch Ora, Ruby; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl3 O140a (1868) Bell Tel. Nokomis Weekly, G. A. (Mattie Wilson) Pana R3 Audubon Secl2 Tla Charles Brown (1890) Mutual Tel. Rose- mond Weekly, Mrs. Margaret Ch *Nora L.. *John F. ; Nokomis R3 Audubon Sec26 O40a (1865) Weerts, Charles Raymond R2 Ray- mond SeclS T60a John Mason (1898) Weerts, Richard J. (Petje G. Ocken) Ch William, Mary, *George, *John. *Henry, *Peter; Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec36 OllOa (1893) Mu- tual Tel. Raymond Wefenstette, George G. (Margurite Morrissey) Ch Florence, Nellie. May, John, Glenn, *Mary, *Roy, *Lee; Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec3 O84a Sec2 T40a Wefenstette Est. (1865) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Weingand, Bert (lone Gannon) Hills- boro Rl Hillsboro Sec2 T141a Mrs. Mary Cory (1886) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Weitekamp, Edward J. (Josephine Kallol) Ch Francis; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec36 O20a TlOOa Mrs. Christine Weitekamp (1889) Mu- tual Tel. Waggoner 116 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Weitekamp, Fred (Marq Kelmel) Harvel Rl Raymond Seel T160a Chas Kelmel (1885) Mutual Tel. Harvel Weitekamp, Henry (Mary Munster- man) Ch Ellen, Harold, Margaret, Agness, Joseph; Raymond R2 Pit- man Sec36 TlOOa Mrs. Christine Weitekamp (1886) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Weitekamp, Leo T. (Mother; Clara, Evelyn, Sisters) Raymond R2 Pit- man Sec36 T140a Mrs. Christine Weitekamp (1891) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Welch, I. K. (Lula Wright) Ch El- mer, *Georgej Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec4 T220a John Kaburick (1891) Welch, Samuel (Edna Jorden) Ch Clarence, Ralph, Owen, Francis, Zola, Clifford, Kennon, Garnet, Ruth, *Lloyd: Farmersville Rl Pit- man Secll T200a Samuel Welch Sr. (1878) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Welge, F. C. (Mary Brown) Ch Ken- neth, Hellen; Raymond R2 Pitman Sec26 TlOOa S. B. Waldorf (1890) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Welge, Miss Nettie (Albert and Mil- dred Welge, Neice and Nephew, Residents) "Hillside Range Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec22 O220a (1871) Bell Tel. Butler Wellar, H. N. (Magdalena Bergman) Ch Evelyn, Henry, Wilma; Harvel R2 Harvel Secl9 O154a (1877) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Wellar, J. C. Harvel R2 Harvel Secl9 O160a (1878) Mutual Tel. Harvel Weller, Horace (Nettie J. Sullivan) Ch * Wesley, *Ethel; Nokomis Rl Rountree Sec28 O68a (1862) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Weller, H. H. (Pearl Rebman) Ch Lois, Estelle, Jeannett; "Cedar Lane Farm" Irving R2 Raymond Sec36 OllOa (1878) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Weller, Jesse F. (Lelia Cruze) Ch Virginia, Donald; Irving R2 Irving SecS TllOa Louis Weller (1890) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Weller, Lewis (Mattie Perkins) Ch Grace, *Jessie, ^Blanche, *Fern; Irving R2 Irving SeclS O211a (1865) Mutual Tel. Irving Weller, Mark (Mary Pope) Ch Ber- nice, Wilma; Harvel Rl Sec22 T160a Floy Est. (1876) Mutual Tel. Ray- mond Weller, Noah (Minnie Smith) Ch Ralph; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec36 O80a (1872) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Weller, Otto (Anna Stett) Ch Mar- gie, Roy, Margaret; Harvel Rl Ray- mond Sec26 O80a (1882) Bell Tel. Butler Weller, Robert F. (Stella M. Chris- % tian) Ch Mable, Marie, Gladys, Ar- thur, Ruby, Hettie, Leo, *Alma, *Carrie, *Lenna, *Levon; Irving R2 Irving Secl6 O200a (1868) Weller, Wesley (Elizabeth McPeak) Ch Mary; Irving R2 Irving Sec3 T145a R. F. Weller (1889) Weller, William D. (Maude VanHyn- ing) Ch Earl, Selma, Oren; "Lone Oak Farm" Irving R2 Butler Grove Secl2 O53a (1871) Bell Tel. But- ler Wells, William (Emma McMillen) Ch Ruth, Hubert, Marguerite, Grace, Edith, Lillian; "Mapleside Farm" Irving Rl Witt Seol6 O76a (1910) Wells, W. W. (Clara E. Brown) Ch Glen; Irving R3 Irving Sec27 O60a (1.865) Mutual Tel. Irving Wempen, Riner H. (Augusta Henkle) Ch Minnie, *Henry, *Charley, *Roy, *Annie; Raymond R2 Zanesville Secll OlSOa (1903) Wenke, August (Mamie Meeting) Ch Lena, Katie; Litchfield Rl North Litchfield Sec32 O12a (1916) Wenner, John F. (Ida M. McLaugh- lin) Ch Herbert, Leland, Freeman, *Clara, *Frederick, *Justin; Ray- mond R2 Zanesville Secl6 T240a R. R. Parrish (1914) Mutual Tel. Ray- mon Wentz, Berthis J. (Louise Sewing) Ch Ida; "Walnut Home Farm" Litch- field Rl North Litchfield Sec29 O40a (1898) Werner Bros., Joseph A., Francis A., Peter J.. (Anna Blue, Wife of Francis A.) Ch Josephine A., Francis H., Louanna D., Martin A., August E., Katharine; Oconee Rl Audubon Sec26 O240a (1880) Bell Tel. Oconee Werner, Carl (Katharine Ettling) Ch Alvin, Arthur, Alfred, Aland, Alva, *Anna; Harvel Rl Raymond Sec25 T160a Mrs. McMurry (1886)) Wernsing, Edward (Anna Theen) Ch Burrell, Lyle, Howard; Harvel R2 Rountree Secl8-17 O80a (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Harvel Wernsing, Fred H. (Etta M. Verhu- sen) Ch Carrie. Aleck, Frieda, Ber- tha; Harvel Rl Rountree SecS O160a (1873) Mutual Tel. Harvel 117 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wernsing, Herman J. (Tena Verk- sen) Ch Oscar, Harry, Roy, Walter, Alma, Earl; Harvel Rl Raymond Secl2 O180a (1875) Mutual Tel. Harvel West, Bert (Ada Johnson) Ch Ethel Floyd, Orval, Owen; Oconee R2 Audubon Sec/4 T60a Frank Lehnen (1915) Westcott, Nathan H. (Grace Osborn) "Sassafras Knoll Farm" Butler R; Butler Grove Secl4 T295a Mrs. A. C. Westcott (1892) Bell Tel. Butlei Westphal, Charles H. (Barbara Ru- pert) Ch Ralph, Olivia, Irene, May; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Sec20-19 O320a (1869) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Wetherford, William J. Ch *William. *Mary; Litchfield Rl Zanesville Sec33 O154a (1860) Wetterer, John Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec21 TISOa Mrs. Sophia Wetterer (1880) Wetterer, Sophia (Sophia Hillman) Ch Mary, John, Katie, *Lena; Fill- more R2 Fillmore Sec21 O232a (1868) Whalen, Ed (Rose Brown) Ch * H a , Leta, Evelyn; Farmersville Rl Har vel SeclS TISOa Mrs. Martin Brown (1873) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Whalen, John (Cornelia Brown) Ch William, Anna, Mary, Irene; Far mersville Rl Pitman Secl2 O240a (1900) Mutual Tel. Farmersville Wheling, W. L. (Annie Grote) Ch Emma, Thelma; Litchfield South Litchfield Sec4 O16a T40a L. Set- tleman (1885) Whetstone, B. F. (Cora Raleford) Ch *Ethel; Harvel R2 Pitman Sec25 T160a William Starr (1914) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Whitaker, Charles D. (Etta Rice) Ch Laura, Georgie; Farmersville R2 Bois D' Arc Sec29 O160a (1885) Mutual Tel. Girard White Albert (Nellie McHugh) Ch Alberta, Bessie, Benny. Bertha, Wil- bur, Leslie, Wayne. William, Mar- jorie * Raymond *Gertrude: Irving R3 Irving O60a (1888) Farmer's Mutual Tel. Irvine White, A. (Emma Grisham) Ch James, Zetta, Pauline, Elizabeth, Harvey, Clarence, *Susie, *Roy; "White Home Farm" Farmersville Rl Pitman Sec9 O160a (1863) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville White Bros., Julius and Cowan; Hills- boro R4 Hillsboro Sec36 T200a Ed Lane Est. (1866) White, E. B. (Katie Hitchings) Ch Russel, Blanche; Harvel Rl Ray- mond Secl3 O120a (1903) Mutual Tel. Raymond White, Harry (Lula Jenkins) Ch James A., Marie, Eunice, Mary; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl3S O115a (1881) White, H. W. (Etta Varnp-^ Ch Carl, Varner, Fay; Walshville Rl Gris ham Sec8 O70a T80a Mrs. L. Eas ley (1884) White, Iva J. (Rettie Snow) Ch Len- ard, *Taylor, *Oscar, *Cleve. *Clara, *Charlie; Coffeen R. East Fork Secl3S O60a (1859) Mutual Tel. Coffeen White, James J. (Mary A. Savage) Ch Cora E., *Harry A. "Walnut Grove Farm" Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl4S O65a (1861) Mutual Tel. Coffeen White, John (Abbie Varner) Ch Clar- ence, Louis, Walter, Victor, Luthur; Panama Grisham Sec22 T40a John Vogel (1876) White, John F. (Luri Barry) Ch *Bes- sie, *Myrta, *Mabel; Hillsboro Rl Butler Grove Sec31 O113a (1866) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro White, Loy N. (Louise A. Wiegrieffe) Ch Paul; Barnett Rl Zanesville Secl7 T40a Fred Wiegrieffe (1882) Mutual Tel. Raymond White, Newton (Eliza J. Thomas) Ch Lura, *Loy, *Earl, *Rosa; Barnett Rl Zanesville Sec7 O12a (1878) White, Raymond (Declicia Meisen- heimer) Fillmore Rl Fillmore Sec24 T185a Jennie Whitlock and Knowles Sisters (1900) White, Roy A. (Martinette Baker) Ch Mary, Lydia; Farmersville Rl Pit- man Sec9 T60a A. White (1890) White, R. L. (Nancy M. Carr) Ch Ora, Stephen E., *Baxter, *Donnie, *Emma M.; Coffeen R3 East Fork Sec23S O80a (1864) White, S. C. (Cora Brown) Ch Fran- cis, Loraine; Hillsboro R4 Grisham SeclO T30a N. D. Wilson (1916) White, S. H. (Harriet M. Thacker) Ch Tom, *Gertie, *Myrtle, *Nova, *Ed- ward, ^Earnest; Coffeen Rl East Fork SecllS O183a (1858) Mutual Tel. Coffeen White, S. W. (Emma C. Kimbro) Ch Edward G., Emma G., Wesley, Jes- sie; Coffeen Rl East Fork Secl4S O65a (1879) 118 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY White, Wesley (lona Tittsworth) Cl Maude, Louise, Jaunita; Walshville Rl Walshville Seel TlOOa Charles Tolley (1889) Whitehouse, Charles (Anna White- house, Sister) Mt. Olive R14 Walsh- ville Sec? O194a (1874) Whitehouse, Edward H. (Fanny M. Brokaw) Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Secl6 T160a Mrs. Anna White- house (1883) Mutual Tel. Litch- field Whitlock, Charles L. (Marv E. Barry) Ch Harold B., Myron C., Mary L, Charles L. Jr., Frances, Ruth, Dor- othy L.; Litchfield R3 South Litch- field Secl6 O80a (1874) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Whitlock, Homer L. (Mildred L. Ful- ler) Ch Marion, Mabel; Waggoner Rl Pitman Sec31 TISOa Elbert Sharp (1887) Mutual Tel. Waggon- Whitlock, H. A. (Bertie Kimbro) Ch Dwight, .Denver, Nelma, Thelma; Coffeen PI East Fork Sec6S T200a J. W. Edmonds (1889) Whitlock, J. O. (Marv E. Snider) Ch Walter, *May. *Spray, *Arthur, * William J.; Coffeen R3 East Fork Secl2S O168^a (1868) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Whitlock, William J. (Velma Reeves) Ch Marion, Wayne; Coffeen R3 Fill- more Sec7 TlOOa J. O. Whitlock (1897) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Whitlock, W. L. (Tenpa C. Myers) Ch Myrtle J., Willis L.; Irvine R3 Fillmore Sec8 O84a (1871) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Whitlow, Guy (Grace Donaldson) "Pleasant Hill Farm" Irving Rl Witt Secl9 T93a John Whitlow (1895) Mutual Tel.. Irving Whitlow, John (Mary Poggenpohl) Ch Delia, *Ray, *Guv; Nokomis R2 Rountree Sec31 T20Sa Mrs. A. Fricke (1867) Whitlow, Ray (Irene Nieft) Ch Ruth. Marie; Witt Rl Rountree Sec36 T120a Mrs. Katie Doerr (1894) Mu- tual Tel. Witt Whitman, Carl F. (Bertha Bell) Ch Mildred, Robert; Irving Rl Irving Sec36 T160a J. W. Mowrey (1914) Whitman, Clarence (Anna McCrack- en) Coffeen R2 East Fork Secl3 T80a M. and U. McLean (1897) Whitman, C. J. (Fiona Joyce) Ch Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec28 T200a William Wilson Est. (1897) Whitman, J. F. (Sarah A. Jones) Ch *Cyrus J., *Clark R., *Cora E., *Clarence L., *Corry A., *Carter F.; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec34 T120a Mr. Evans (1915) Whitmore, Joseph Ch Hettie, *Mona; "Maple Crest Farm" Nokomis R2 Audubon Sec22 O160a (1847) Bell Tel. Nokomis Whitmore, O. F. (Mary Weaver) Ch Joy, Leota; Nokomis R4 Audubon Sec23 O40a (1874) Bell Tel Noko- mis Whitten, C. W. Coffeen R2 East Fork Sec24 T35a Whitten Est. (1866) Whitten, Easton Irving R2 East Fork Secl2 O234a Fillmore Sec7 T40a Hino O. Whitten (1888) Mutual Tel. Hillsboro Whitten, Elijah O. "Blue Mound Stock Farm" Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec3 O180a Secl2 T230a Denver and Irma Whitten (1885) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Whitten, Henry (Lena May) Ch Tar- ney, Alice; Fillmore R3 Fillmore Sec4 T120a John W. Whitlock (1883) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Whitten, John T. (Maggie Moody) Ch Mabel; Fillmore R3 Fillmore Sec26 O140a T40a George Perkins (1872) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Whitten, J. E. (Bessie Seaton) Ch Harry, Tony, Edna, Kenneth; "Spring Valley Farm" Fillmore Fillmore Sec25 T303a Ned Allen (1912) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Whitten, P. O. (Elizabeth E. Right- mire) . Ch Easton Woodford; "Round Mound Stock Farm" Cof- feen R2 Fillmore Sec9 O305a T25a Edd. Landers (1881) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Whitten, Rex (Kathryn Pudenz) Irv- ing R3 Fillmore Sec7 T200a H. M. Ludwig (1889) Whitten, S. C. (Chloe Cress) Ch Bon- nie, Joe. *Myrtie; Coffeen R2 Fill- more Sec31 O120a (1857) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Whitten, Tom (Agnes L. Williams) Ch *Forest D.; Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec.10 O30a (1861) Whitten, T. J. (Flora Prater) Ch Myrtie. Dewev: "White Oak Soring Farm" Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secll 0297a (1850) Mutual Tel. Fillmore 119 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wiegreffe, George W. (Cora Bowles) Ch Rachel, Mary, Homer, Lemuel; Barnett R2 Zanesville Secl6 TlOOa Fred Wiegreffe (1871) Mutual Tel. Raymond Wiegreffe, Walter E. (Esther M. Mil- ler) Ch Harry Miller; Raymond R2 Zanesville Secl4 T76a Ida Wie- Rreffe (1892) Bell Tel. Raymond Wiggins, Frank (Millie Baker) Ch Florence; WagRoner Rl Pitman Sec29 T160a Henry WaRRoner (1913) Mutual Tel. WaRRoner Wikoff, Ben M. (Lillie Alexander) Ch Howard, Ester; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec30 T160a G. L. Settle- meyer (1882) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Wikoff, Harry (Emma Sattgast) Ch Grace, Marion; Hillsboro Rl Butler Grove Sec31 T117a Mrs. L. John White (1884) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Wilburn, Emmett O. (Bertha Faw- cett) Ch Willard, Gerald; Farmer s- ville R2 Bois D' Arc Secl9 TlOOa Mrs. John Hendricks (1916) Mu- tual Tel. Farmersville Wiley, Charles H. (Alice Lee) Ch Vivian; "Red Elm Farm" Hills- boro R3 Butler Grove Sec27 O80a (1879) Bell Tel. Butler Wiley, O. H. (Mary Black) Ch Aus- tin, Lynn; "Pleasant Prairie Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove Secll OlOOa (1875) Bell Tel/ Butler Wiley, Mrs. Thomas (Rosa Cromer) Ch Ruby, Grace, Harriet; IrvinR IrvinR SeclS O80a (1863) Wiley, William H. (Julia A. Rober- son) Ch *Owen H., *Ora J., *Charles H.; "Mapledale Farm" Hillsboro R3 Butler Grove Sec26 OWtf* (1854) Bell Tel. Butler Wilhelm, William H. (Bertha Fogle) Ch Clarence, Clifford. Carl, Willis; Irving Irving Secl9 O80a (1879) Williams, Bertha Coffeen R2 Fillmore Sec31 O90a (1873) Williams, Calvin (Delia L. Bandy) Barnett R2 Zanesville Secl6 T80a Mrs. Smith (1870) Mutual Tel. Raymond Williams, D. F. (Hattie Ferguson) Ch Charles W.; Hillsboro R3 But- ler Grove Sec25 O32a (1869) Williams, Jess (Nella Williams) Ch Robert: Irving R2 Raymond Sec34 T160a Mrs. Reeves (1908) Bell Tel. Butler Williams, Preston H. (Emma Gran- tham) Ch Homer, *Cleo, *Forest, *Ester; "Brookside Farm" Irving Irving Sec27 O120a (1855) Mutual Tel. Irving Williams, Robert (Marthy C. Pitch- ford) Ch Aletha, *Jessie, *Otto, *Maggiej Raymond R3 Zanesville Sec36 O65a (1852) Williams, Walter B. (Louisa P. Corn- well) Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec33 T162a Sanders Est. (1916) Williamson, F. M. (Hannah Crow- croft) Ch Ada, George, *Ruby, *Charlie; "Hazel Hill Farm" No- komis Rl Rountree Sec32 O114a (1907) Williamson, John Edw. (Effie Barnes) Ch Fay, Everett, Edwin, William, Oren, Ruby, Dorothy, Harold; Virden R2 Bois D' Arc Sec6 T160a Fred Richard (1888) Virden Tel. Virden Williamson Richard (Martha L. Mc- Kitrick) Ch *J. Leslie, *Maud, *Val- lie; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec34 O160a (1915) Willis, J. R. (Mattie Smith) Ch Ray- mond Rl Raymond Secl6 T150a M. A. Moore (1917) Willoughby, George W. (Elizabeth Tinsley) Ch Jennie, Walter, *Clara, *Amy, *Dora, *Ralph; Nokomis R4 Witt Secl2 O140a (1880) Bell Tel. Nokomis Wilson, Allen B. (Hazel Morehouse) Butler Rl Butler Grove SeclS T87*/ 2 D. E. and N. E. Ward (1906) Bell Tel. Butler Wilson, Bert (Emma Gamble) Ch Reva, Geneva, Ellis; Fillmore R2 Fillmore SeclO T120a Elizabeth Prater (1916) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Wilson, C. E. (Ida Townsend) Ch Wayne; Irving R3 Irving Sec27 T73a R. J. Wilson (1874) Mutual Tel. Irving Wilson, H. M. (Gallic Brewer) Ch Edith, Mary, Edgar, Earl, *Allen; Butler R2 Butler Grove SeclO T235a Arthur Ware (1907) Bell Tel. But- ler Wilson, Jarvis (Ida M. Logdon) Ch Edith, Gladys. Pe^rl; Hillsboro R2 Grisham Secll O115a (1878) Bell Tel. Donnellson Wilson, John C. (Mary , E. Wether- ford) Ch Henry; Barnett R2 Zanes- ville Sec28 T160a M. P. Kelly (1878) 120 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Wilson, N. B. (Ida White) Ch *Or- rie, *Norma; Hillsboro R4 Grisham SeclS O420a (1857) Bell Tel. Don- nellson Wilson, O. N. (Jennie R. Logsdon) Ch Clement, Olive; Hillsboro R4 Grisham SeclS T281a James Wilson (1883) Bell Tel. Donnellson Wilson, R. J_. (Mary Lillard) Ch Cle- ment, *Myrtle, "Hazel, *Olive, *Parker, *Bailey; Irving R3 Irving Sec27 O73a (1854) Mutual Tel. Irv- ing- Wilson, Uriah (Ethel Hanner) "Lo- cust Grove Farm" Hillsboro R4 Grisham Secll O130a (1877) Bell Tel. Donnellson Wilson, William, Jr. (Emma Walch) Ch Temple, Irene; Morrisonville R2 Harvel Sec9 T160a Gretge Gol- den (1886) Mutual Tel. Harvel Winters, Marshal A. (Sue B. Stanley) Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec24 T40a B. T. Pensky (1913) Witherspoon, C. H. (Alice Gunning) Hillsboro Hillsboro Seel O152a (1846) Witt Bros. Raymond Harvel Sec30 O160a (1875) Mutual Tel. Harvel Witt, Henry (Ethel Scott) Ch Charles, Walter, Frances, Mabel; Farmersville Bois D' Arc Sec33 O200a (1880) Mutual Tel. Farmers- ville Witte, John W. (Sciota Arnold) Ch John; Litchfield R2 North Litch- field Sec35 OlOa (1885) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Wittnam, Hal W. (Carrie Grantham) Ch Walter, Rolla; Witt Rl Witt SeclS O85a (1876) Mutual Tel. Witt Wittnam, Lester (Lucy Battles) No- komis R4 Witt Secll TlOOa Mrs. Olive Battles (1887) Bell Tel. No- komis Wittnam, Oliver (Maude Neisler) Ch Cleda, Eva; Witt Rl Witt SeclS T124a Frank Wittnam (1881) Mutu- al Tel. Witt Wolff, Herman F. (Anna Hobbie) Ch Chester; Nokomis Rl Nokomis Secl7 T240a A. F. Weaver (1893) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Wolff, Otto (Matilda Hauschild) Ch Tvan; Witt Nokomis Sec29 T200a Fred Seivcr (1916) Wolford, Mrs. H. M. Ch Maude. An- na: Irving R3 Witt Sec34 O120a (1872) Mutual Tel. Nokomis Wolz, Joseph (Stena Wilcox) Ch Madeline, Francis; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec9 T240a S. E. Saw- yer (1883) Wood, A. B. (Clara Skaggs) Ch Lor- ren, Ruth, Laura, Dorothy; Ray- mond Rl Pitman Sec28 T240a Wag- goner Est. (1869) Wood, Ben P. (Mary Sullivan) Ch Leroy, Earl, Glenn, Clinton; Wag- goner Rl Pitman Sec32 O240a T160a J. Witt and E. Ball (1873) Mutual Tel. Waggoner Woods, Cleve E. (Faye Hoes) Ch Dorothy, John Scott, Marjorie; "Woodburn Farm" Butler Butler Grove Sec29 T85a C. E. Woods (1905) Bell Tel. Butler Work, Mrs. Jennie (Jennie Abel) Ch David, Mamie* Albert Donaldson, Grandchild, *Dick, *Robert, *Mag- gie, *Elnora; Irving Rl Witt Sec25 OlOOa (1900) Work Robert (Ardie Cook) Ch Helen; Irving Rl Witt Sec26 T40a A. C. Culline (1885) Worker, Edward (Dora Womack) Ch Herbert, Gladys, Fredie, Muriel; Sorento Rl Walshville Sec36 O92^a . (1911) Farmers' Mutual Tel. Sorento Works, G. E. (Eliza Neal) Ch *Sam- uel, * William. *Earl; Harvel Rl Rountree Secl9 nySa G. Pere- boom (1915) Mutual Tel. Raymond Wostatek, Wens (Galirielle Aucoutu- rier) Ch Raymond; Irving R3 Irv- ing Sec32 T54a Reynard Yeska (1909) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Wotters, Hugo (Ida Haake) Ch Pearl, *Lucy, *Elizabeth, *Fred- rick W. ; "Black Angus Stock Farm" Hillsboro R2 East Fork Secl6 O280a (1865) Wright, Benjamin F. (Corria M. Gil- bert) Litchfield R2 North Litch- field Sec25 T220a G. L. Stettmire (1892) Wright, Mrs. Cora B. (Cora B. Wal- ker) Ch Druecilla M., Feme I.; Butler Rl Butler Grove Sec8 Housekeeper Allen D. Philip (1906) Mutual Tel. Butler Wright, Mrs. Edith (Edith Wolford) Helen, Homer. Eunice. Marion; Fillmore Rl Witt Sec34 O40a Fill- more Sec4 T40a J. P. Wright (1872) Mutual Tel. Fillmore 121 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wright, Edw. J. (Rosie L. Wesbrook) Ch Gladys, Grace, Russell; Honey Bend North Litchfield Secl4 T60a F. E. Wright (1887) Wright, Isaac (Myrtle A. Joyce) Ch Estel; Coffeen Rl East Fork Sec20 T210a William Wilson Est. (1881) Wright, J. M. (Anna Lack) Ch *Isaac, *Alvin, *Jesse, *Earney, *Howard; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec31 T160a Geo. McGee (1908) Wright, J. T. (Elvira Thompson) Ch *Ora, *Naomi, *John, *Lora, *Gladys; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Seclb OlOOa (1855) Wyld, Jack (Lottie Richards) Ch El- sie, Lottie, *Ruth; Nokomis R2 Nokomis SeclO Tla Vincent Melo- na (1916) Wright, J. W. (Anna Landers) Ch *Inez, *Edith; Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec21 O131a (1863) Mutual Tel. Coffeen Wright, Lewis C. (Ruth A. Lipsey) Ch *Mary, *Jennie; Barnett Rl Zanesville Sec20 T240a R. P. Rog- ers (1913) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Wright, R. E. (Lilie Cress) Ch *Ther- na, *Zella, *Earl, *Chlo; Irving R2 Irving Secll T200a J. M. Clarkson (1855) Mutual Tel. Witt Wright, T. Clark (Pearl Cearlock) Ch Merle, Carl; Nokomis Rl Nokom's Sec21 Tla W. Chaussee (1916) Yard, Chester (Matties Miller) Ch Wayne, Loren; Farmersville Rl Pitman Secll T160a A. Attwood and J. T. Young (1888) Farmers- ville Tel. Farmersville Yeska, August (Mary Cober) Butler Rl Hillsboro Sec4 O127a (1874) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Yeska, Fred (Augusta, Heidemann) Ch Annie, Carrie, Frank, Walter; Irving R3 Irving Sec33 O135a (1873) Yeske, Herman C. (Lucia McDow- ell) Irving R3 Irving Sec34 O80a (1870) Yeske, Shirley (Viola Fesser) Irving R2 Irving Sec3 TlOOa W. J. Yeske (1898) Yeske, W. J. (Rana Smith) Ch Vera, Verna, *Shirley; Irving R2 Irving Sec2 OlOOa (1872) Mutual Tel. Witt Young, Charles W. (Cora Ladd) Ch Martha, *Clara, *George, *Milton. *Jessie, *Sylvia; Pawnee R3 Bois D' Arc Sec9 T340a Farm Hand Sloman Bros. (1912) Young, E. B. (Agnes Lindh) Ch Hes- ter Arlene; "Oakwood Stock Farm" Hillsboro R2 Grisham Secl2 O70a (1891) Bell Tel. Donnellson Young, Fred W. Ch Fred E.. "George E.: "White Leghorn Farm" Litchfield R3 South Litchfield Sec3 O21a (1880) Young, Herman G. (Bertha Ruther- ford) Ch Owen, Rachel, William, Hellenj Butler R2 Butler Grove Sec23 T240a Robert Grantham (1907) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Young, J. M. (Mattie E. Mann) Ch Blanche E., Ester M., Frances W., Sarah E.; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec29 O160a (1869) Bell Tel. Hills- boro Young, M. B. (Pearl Barraclough) "Evergreen Stock Farm" Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec7S T285a S. D. Young (1883) Bell Tel. Donnellson Young, O. B. (Lottie L. Mathewson) Ch Raymond, Roland; Donnellson East Fork SeclS O240a (1875) Bell Tel. Donnellson Young, Sam Coffeen R3 Fillmore Sec7 O40a (1864) Mutual Tel. Cof- feen Young, Stuart (Ethylle R. Clotfelter) Ch Harold, Henrietta; Hillsboro R2 East Fork Sec29 O80a (1875) Bell Tel. Hillsboro Young, S. D. (Eliza Wilson) Ch Ninta, *Douglas, *Florence, *Dita. *Runsey. *Bronta. *Ermer. *Dates, *Shay, *Ebey; Hillsboro R2 Grish- am Secl2 O297a (1916) Bell Tel. Donnellson Young, William A. (Emma Critch- low) "Lindenhurst Farm" Butler R2 Butler Grove SeclS O200a (1836) Bell Tel. Butler Young, W. H. (Mabel Woods) Ch Mary Elizabeth; Donnellson Rl East Fork SeclSS O380a (1864) Bell Tel. Donnellson 122 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Zaugg, Gottfred D. (Laura E. Case) Barnett R2 Zanesville Sec33 O40a (1893) Mutual Tel. Litchfield Zeifang, Andrew (Tillie Carsten) Ch Laura, Anna, Wallace; Nokomis R5 Nokomis Secl2 T80a John Zeifang (1866) Bell Tel. Nokomis Zeifang, August (Dena Engelman) Nokomis R2 Nokomis Seel O80a (1886) Bell Tel. Nokomis Zeifang, John (Minnie Schmidt) Ch Lo_uise, Fhpra, Bettie, Clarence, August. Eveline: Nokomis R2 No- komis Secl2 O120a (1909) Bell Tel. Nokomis Zeifang, William (Etta Carstens) Ch Elwyn; Ohlman Audubon Sec6 O80a (1871) Ziegler, Mrs. B. H. (Barbara Wasser) Ch *John, 'Christ, *Willie, *Millie, *Rose; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Sec24 OlOOa (1880) Mutual Tel. Fillmore Ziegler, C. F. (Pearl Finley) Ch Vir- gil; Fillmore R2 Fillmore Secl3 T80a B. H. Ziegler and W. C. Greenwood (1881) Zimmerman, Charles (Augusta Mehl- berg) Ch Charles, William, *Mary, *Annie, *Minnie, *Lizzie; Walsh- ville Rl South Litchfield Sec36 O113a (1857) Zimmerman, Edward J. (Minnie Bo- ettcher) Ch Louise and Husband, John H. Lebeck, *Edward, *Clara, *Charles; "Floral Dale Farm" Har- vel R2 Harvel Sec29 O160a (1883) Mutual Tel. Harvel Zimmerman, H. H. (Marie C. Tie- meyer) Harvel Harvel Sec33 Ola (1883) Mutual Tel. Harvel Zimmerman, John W. Jr. (Anna Schwendeman) Ch Mildred, Vir- ginia; "The Oaks Farm" Harvel R2 Harvel Sec28 T160a Mrs. Wade J. Zimmerman (1876) Mutual Tel. Harvel Zupancie, John (Josie Trupas) Ch Mary, Albert, Frank, Anton; Witt Rl Nokomis Sec33 O5a (1908) ERADICATING HEDGE By Prank I. Mann in Prairie Farmer. You can not kill a hedge fence entirely by burning or cutting off the tops during the winter or spring. There is so much stored material in the roots to be used in making growth that the roots or stumps will start buds and grow the coming sea- son. If you could cut it or burn it during late summer or early fall during August in this latitude after the growth has been made and before the wood has begun to harden, most of the plants will be killed, if not all. To get rid of a hedge, however, it is not a bad plan to burn it or cut it off close to the ground during the winter when there is more time to work at it, and depend on cutting off the new growth that comes once or twice during the next summer. One close cutting should be made in August, just before the wood com- mences to harden, so that this young growth is not permitted to store any food in its roots for another year. If all tops have been burned or cut close to the ground the new growth next summer may be kept down without much work by cutting off with a mower or heavy scythe. A close cut- ting throughout one summer and fall will usually kill all the hedge, though sometimes an occasional plant may show another year. If not allowed to mature any wood during the fall the hedge or any plant is easily killed. If your hedge is where you can per- mit it to grow it would pay to let it grow for posts. It will pay more per acre than your corn land. KILLING RATS. Prom Prairie Farmer. Saturate cloths large enough to fill the entrances of the holes with car- bon-disulphide, perhaps a large tea- spoonful to each cloth. Poke the cloth down as far as possible, then fill in with dirt. This gas is very heavy and when it evaporates it settles into the bottom of the holes, killing old and young. This gas is also very satisfactory in killing gophers and woodchucks. 123 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY PRAIRIE FARMER-chkago Illinois' Oldest and Best Farm Paper PRAIRIE FARMER was the first farm paper published in Illinois and has worked consistently for seventy-five years for the advancement of the welfare and prosperity of Illinois farmers. PRAIRIE FARMER was the first paper to endorse Dr. Hopkins' wonderful system of maintaining soil fertility, which is doing so much to increase the production of Illinois farms. PRAIRIE FARMER was the first paper to recognize the importance of the county advisor work in Illinois, and has sup- ported and pushed this work from the start. PRAIRIE FARMER is the only paper which has taken up political questions in Illinois from a non-partisan standpoint. Through the letters from "Bill" it has given farmers a view of the inside working of the state government, and revealed some of the causes of graft and inefficiency. PRAIRIE FARMER was the first paper to publish com- plete articles and authentic photographs on the first outbreak of the Foot and Mouth Disease. It also conducted a poll of the members of the Illinois Legislature that convinced farmers that their slaughtered stock would be paid for, thus removing the principal cause of opposition to the work of the State and Federal authorities. PRAIRIE FARMER stands for the Illinois farmer first and all the time, treating all questions fairly and honestly. PRAIRIE FARMER doesn't try to tell the farmer how he should farm. He knows his own farm better than we do. But we do try to give him the experience that other successful farmers and experiment station men have, so that he can learn their ideas and adopt any that may look good to him. The PRAIRIE FARMER is newsy, cheerful and always working for the farmers' best interests. These are a few of the reasons why PRAIRIE FARMER is subscribed for and read by more farmers in Illinois than any other farm paper published. 124 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Montgomery County Breeders' Directory This list includes all Farmers in Montgomery County who own one or more pure bred animals Star ( *) indicates farmers who raise breeding stock for sale. BEEF CATTLE ABERDEEN ANGUS BURKE, T. W Irving, R. 3 DAMMANN, FRANK Hillsboro, R. 2 LEE, DAN H Butler, R. 2 *LISTON, G. E Hillsboro, R. 2 LOWRANCE, JAS. B Irving, R. 2 *LUDEWICK,, H. M Coffeen, R. 1 LYERLY, RICHARD Irving, R. 2 *OSBORN, JAS. M Butler *RADEMACHER, HARM Fillmore, R. 2 REDMAN, WM. C Irving, R. 1 ROSENTHAL, RoBT. S. AND EDW. R. . Harvel, R. 1 *VoiLS, F. B Irving, R. 3 *WHITTEN, EASTON Irving, R. 2. *WOLTERS, HUGO Hillsboro, R. 2 POLLED DURHAM MAJOR, CHAS. R Donnellson *McCuLLOCH, S. R Donnellson RHOADS, W. M Hillsboro, R. 3 HEREFORD AHERIN, M. C Farmersville, R. 2 *ALEXANDER, IDA Fillmore, R. 2 *AYLWARD, ED Nokomis, R. 3 BLACK, MRS. A. E Witt, R. 1 JORDAN, J. A Farmersville, R. 2 LINGLE, H. G Witt, R. 1 MATLI, BERNARD G Litchfield, R. 1 MATLI, CHAS. J Litchfield, R. 1 MILLER, C. W Hillsboro SEDENTOP, D.' F Farmersville, R. 1 SNYDER, JACOB Witt, R. 1 *TURNER, JOHN B Butler, R. 1 WETTERER, JOHN Fillmore, R. 2 RED POLLED BENNING, GEO Harvel, R. 1 *GREEN, C. A Hillsboro, R. 4 McPEAK, ANDREW O Honey Bend RICE, WM. H Waggoner, R. 1 ROGERS, G. V Waggoner, R. 1 *STETTBACHER, CONRAD Irving YARD, CHESTER Farmersville, R. 1 SHORTHORN ALLEN, ROBT. B Barnett, R. 2 *ARMSTRONG, WM. H.. Waggoner, R. 1 BATTLES, EARL W Nokomis, R. 4 *BENNING, HERMAN AND FRED Raymond, R. 2 *BosT, RALPH S Fillmore, R. 2 *BosT, THOS. L Nokomis, R. 2 *BROWN, C. H Hillsboro, R. 4 BROWN, J. W Coffeen, R. 3 BROWNING, RAY Raymond, R. 2 BUCHANAN, RAY Raymond, R. 2 CALDWELL, C. M Fillmore, R. 2 *CASSELBERRY, W. H Nokomis, R. 1 CHAUSEE, W. A Nokomis, R. 1 CORNWELL, WM. H Atwater, R. 45 CRESS, J. D Fillmore, R. 2 *CRESS, LEE Fillmore GROUSE, ALEX Farmersville, R. 2 CURTIS, ORLANDO Butler, R. 1 *DERBY, F. P Raymond, R. 2 * DOYLE, THOS Raymond, R. 3 *DRAGOO, W. L Pawnee, R. 2 * EDWARDS, AMOS R Hillsboro, R. 2 *ENGELMAN, GEO. E Raymond, R. 3 *FESSER, FRANK Irving, R. 2 FESSER, RAY Fillmore, R. 2 FRALEY, EVERETT Irving, R. 2 GRASSEL, JOHN C Butler, R. 1 GUTHOLS, JOHN ... Farmersville, R. 2 HAND, EARL Nokomis, R. 4 HAND, H. J Fillmore, R. 1 HARRIS, H. J Fillmore, R. 1 HAYES, C. G Butler, R. 2 HEIEN, MARTIN Virden, R. 43 HINES, T. E Nokomis, R. 2 HOLMES, MRS. DORA. . .Nokomis, R. 1 HUBER, B. I Fillmore, R. 2 HUCKER, JqfiN Irving, R. 3 *HUESCHEN, WM Witt, R. 1 HUGHES, JOE Irving, R. 3 *!OERGER, FRED Farmersville, R. 2 JOHNSON, H. C Nokoirys, R. 3 JONES, JOHN M Coffeen, R. 1 JORDAN, ALEX Farmersville, R. 2 *KEEPPER, E. H Irving, R. 2 *KILPATRICK, DAVID Hillsboro, R. 1 *KRAGER, Jos Harvel, R. 1 KROENLEIN, WM Oconee, R. 1 *LANGEN, JOHN Harvel, R. 2 *LEWIS, B. R Coffeen, R. 1 LIFE, E. D ..Irving, R. 2 LOUCKS, ALVA F Hillsboro, R. 4 *LYONS, JAS. M Harvel, R. 2 *MANN, THOS Thomasville McNisH, JOHN Virden, R. 2 McPHERSON, LEWIS ...Hillsboro, R. 4 *MEIER, F Nokomis, R. 1 MORTIMER, ART Virden, R. 2 125 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY MORTIMER, MRS. W. AND SONS Virden, R. 2 Moss, H. L Hillsboro, R. 4 NAIL, R. H Waggoner NANTKES, HENRY Nokomis, R. 1 *NEECE, A. B Nokomis, R. 2 NEECE, W. F Donnellson, R. 1 NEWPORT, ABEL S Barnett, R. 1 *NOBBE, WM Farmersville, R. 1 *OAKLEY, JOHN L Witt, R. 1 *PHILLIPS, ALLEN D Butler, R. 1 *POGGENPOHL, FRANK ..Raymond, R. 2 *POGGENPOHL, F. T Raymond, R. 2' POGGENPOHL, Jos Harvel, R. 2 POPE, G. R Irving, R. 3 *POPE, W. G Harvel, R. 1 PRATT, R. H Waggoner, R. 1 *PYATT, HENRY T Irving, R. 3 *REYNOLDS, ADOLPH us. .Hillsboro, R. 3 ROBERTSON, WM Ohlman ROSE, CHAS. E Virden, R. 2 ROUSLANGE, FRANK Hillsboro, R. 1 SINCLAIR, CHAS. A Barnett, R. 2 SLAUGHTER, JOHN Nokomis, R. 1 *SLOMAN BROS Pawnee, R. 3 *SMITH, HARRY E Irving, R. 3 SNODGRASS, L. I Pawnee, R. 51 *SORRELS, SAMUEL Raymond, R. 3 *SPERRY, CLARENCE Nokomis, R. 3 *SPERRY, MILO Nokomis, R. 4 STURGEON, WALTER Irving, R. 3 TUETKEN, RICHARD .... Nokomis, R. 6 WADDINGTON, WM Nokomis, R. 3 WEBB, J. R Raymond, R. 2 WELCH, SAMUEL Farmersville, R. 1 WELGE, Miss NETTIE Butler, R. 2 WRITTEN, P. O Coff een, R. 2 WILLIAMS, PRESTON H Irving DAIRY CATTLE BROWN SWISS *BOWMAN, C. E Waggoner, *CRESS, J'RANK Coffeen, DAMMANN, E. L Hillsboro, DOHLER, JOHN E Irving, *HALLER, W. R Coffeen, HULBERT, W. F Nokomis, JOHNSON, H. C Nokomis, LYERLA, ED. A Irving, *MEYER, J. B Coffeen, STAUDER, PHILLIP Witt, WHITE, S. W. Coffeen, GUERNSEY HECKEL, JOHN Hillsboro, HECKEL, MINNIE Hillsboro, PLYLER, REX R Fillmore, FRANCE, C. F Mt. Olive, *SATTERLEE, W. E Irving, R. 1 R. 2 R. 3 R. 3 R. 2 R. 3 R. 3 R. 3 R. 2 R. 1 R. 1 R. 4 R. 4 R. 2 R. 14 R. 3 JERSEY BOYD, H. J Walshville, R. 1 CASE, HARVEY Nokomis, R. 5 CLINE, W. G Nokomis, R. 1 DILLON, JACK Hillsboro, R. 1 FLETCHER, ALBERT E. .Walshville, R. 1 *GRAHAM, ROY Irving, R. 3 GRIMES, C. E Nokomis, R. 3 HICKMAN, F. C Coffeen, R. 1 HUBER, B. I Fillmore, R. 2 *JORN, PETER Coffeen *LYERLA, THOS Coffeen, R. 1 *MACK, AMOS G Butler, R. 2 *MAJOR, A. H Coffeen, R. 1 McGowAN, GEO. L Butler, R. 1 REUBART, J. V Fillmore, R. 2 STEPHENSON, A. D. .. .Hillsboro, R. 1 WADDINGTON, RALPH Pana, R. 3 WATSON, BURL E Hillsboro, R. 1 WEINGAND, BERT Hillsboro, R. 1 WHITE BROS Hillsboro, R. 4 ZIMMERMAN, EDW. J Harvel, R. 2 HOLSTEIN ALEXANDER, J. E Walshville, R. 1 ALLEN, JONATHAN D.. Raymond, R. 1 *ALLEN, O. K Coffeen, R. 1 *ARMSTRONG, R. D Litchfield, R. 1 BILLITER, ELLIS E Litchfield, R. 2 BOYD, D. W Walshville, R. 1 *BROKAW, ABRAM Litchfield, R. 3 BROWN, ROLAND O Butler *CALDICOTT, JOHN Virden, R. 2 CARROLL, JAS. M Litchfield, R. 1 *CHRISTIAN, ARTHUR Coffeen, R. 2 CRAWFORD, JAS. E Honey Bend *CRESS HILL FARM Hillsboro DAVIS, CLAIR R Donnellson DAVIS, O. B Walshville, R. 1 DREWEL BROS Walshville, R. 1 EDWARDS, JUSTIN A Coffeen, R. 1 FLINT, EARL W Raymond *FOSTER, JOHN F Harvel, R. 1 GARDNER, FRED J Butler, R. 1 *GRAHAM, J. T Irving, R. 3 GRANTHAM, C. A Irving, R. 3 *GRIFFITH, SHERMAN Sorento, R. 1 HAARSTICK, MRS. ANNA Raymond HOFFMAN, O. C Fillmore, R. 1 *HOISINGTON, ARTHUR. Walshville, R. 1 HOSTO, GEO New Douglas, R. 1 *JACKSON, M. D Raymond KELLENBERGER, AUG. . . . Litchfield, R. 1 *KILPATRICK, E. F Hillsboro, R. 1 KING, J. O Butler *KiRK, CHAS. N Farmersville, R. 1 *KiRK, WM Farmersville KLEMME, A. H Butler *KOBER, GEO. D Butler, R. 1 KRUMMEL, FRED, JR. .. .Hillsboro, R. 2 *LESSMAN, Jos Raymond, R. 1 126 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY LYERLA, WILSON Irving, R. 3 *MACK, AMOS G Butler, R. 2 McGowN, EDW. A Raymond, R. 2 *MILLER, GEO. W Coffeen, R. 2 *MINOR, REUBEN E. .Farmersville, R. 1 MITTS, GEO. W Butler, R. 1 *MONDHINK, CHAS Raymond, R. 3 MONKE, H. H Walshville, R. 1 *MONKE, WM. H Litchfield, R. 4 *MORIAN, WM Irving NIEMANN, WM Litchfield, R. 4 OSBORNE, JESSE W Butler POWERS, G. T Pawnee, R. 51 PRIDDLE, W Litchfield, R. 1 SATTHOFF, T. W Walshville, R. 1 SHARP, CELIA A Litchfield SIMON, GEO Farmersville SIMPSON, A. D Walshville, R. 1 SMITH, EDGAR L Walshville, R. 1 *SNIDER, FRED L Coffeen, R. 3 STIEFEL, THOS. A Litchfield, R. 4 TEDRICK, F. D Coffeen, R. 2 THOMSEN, H. C Litchfield, R. 3 TOMAMICHEL, B .' . Irving, R. 3 VARNER, MRS. J Litchfield, R. 3 WALCHER, ALBERT Irving, R. 3 *WARD, L. A Butler WARE, ARTHUR Butler *WHITEHOUSE, EDW. H. Litchfield, R. 3 WHITLOCK, CHAS. L. .Litchfield, R. 3 HOGS BERKSHIRE ALLEN, ROBT. B Barnett, R. 2 *BLACKBURN, EARL Hillsboro, R. 1 BLACKBURN, FRED J. . .Hillsboro, R. 1 *CRESS HILL FARM Hillsboro HEIEN, MARTIN Virden, R. 43 NIEMANN, H. C Mt. Olive STEWART, WESLEY Nokomis, R. 4 *THOMAS, S. D Virden, R. 2 CHESTER WHITE *ALMOND, GEO. H Virden, R. 2 *AYLWARD, ED Nokomis, R. 3 BAKER, HORACE S . . Farmersville, R. 1 *BREITERBACK BROS Harvel, R. 1 *BROWN, C. H Hillsboro, R. 4 *CLINE, W. G Nokomis, R. 1 CROUSE, ALEX Farmersville, R. 2 CUNNINGHAM. R. C. . .Hillsboro, R. 3 CURRY, L. R Pana, R. 3 ELLINGTON. W. A. . .Donnellson, R. 1 FORSYTH, D. M Pana, R. 3 *FUCHS, EDW. F. .. .Farmersville, R. 1 *GIFFORD, R. E Hillsboro, R. 1 *GREEN, C. A Hillsboro, R. 4 *GRIMES, J. C Nokomis, R. 4 'HECKMAN, WM. E Coffeen, R. 3 *HOISINGTON, ARTHUR. Walshville, R. 1 HOPWOOD, MARTHA Fillmore *HO\VELL, C. L Nokomis, R. 4 HUBER, B. I Fillmore, R. 2 *HYME, MARGARET E Pana, R. 3 ISHMAEL, S. M Nokomis, R. 3 *JOHNSON, FRANK Nokomis, R. 1 JOYCE. J. R Fillmore, R. 3 *KELLENBERGER, AUG Litchfield, R. 1 *KRAGER, Jos Harvel, R. 1 *KROEGER, HENRY Nokomis, R. 3 KROEGER, WILL Nokomis, R. 3 KUNZ, JOHN J Irving, R. 1 LEE, DAN H Butler, R. 2 MAJOR, CHAS. R ' Donnellson *McCuLLOCH, S. R Donnellson McPHERSON, A. S... Walshville, R. 1 *McPHERSON, J. S... Walshville, R. 1 MCPHERSON, LEWIS .. Hillsboro, R. 4 MEYER, MARION Fillmore, R. 2 "MILLER, GEO. W Coffeen, R. 2 MOREHOUSE, H. B Butler, R. 2 *MORTIMER, R Virden, R. 2 *NEF.CE, GEO. C Nokomis, R. 2 *NEECE, W.- F Donnellson, R. 1 PRICE, ALBERT V Litchfield, R. 2 SANDERS, J. A Harvel, R. 2 H. B. SEARS AUCTIONEER Graduate Missouri Auction School Farm Sales, Real Estate and General Auction Work Pedigreed Stock. Sales Conducted Anywhere Modern Methods and Reasonable Terms Bell Phone 498K HILLSBORO, ILL. 127 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY SHERMAN, AUG. AND F. W. E. ROLF Hillsboro, R. 4 SIMON, H. L Farmersville, R. 2 SNELL, HAROLD A Irving, R. 1 TUNNELL, JAS Girard, R. 43 *VoiLS, F. B Irving, R. 3 *VoiLS, J. L.. Fillmore, R. 1 *WAGAHOFF, A. J Harvel, R. 1 *WERNER BROS Oconee, R. 1 *YOUNG, S Hillsboro, R. 2 DUROC JERSEY *AHERIN, M. C Farmersville, R. 2 ARMSTRONG,' R. D Litchfield, R. 1 *ARMSTRONG, WM. H.. Waggoner, R. 1 *BAUER, ARTHUR Nokomis, R. 3 BAUER, R. D Nokomis, R. 3 BECK, C. G Walshville, R. 1 BOWLES, WM. E Litchfield, R. 2 BRADSHAW. JOHN H. ..Fillmore, R. 1 *BROKAW, ABRAM Litchfield, R. 3 *CALDICOTT, JOHN Virden, R. 2 *CRINER, A. D Coffeen, R. 3 DAVIS, THEO Barnett *EDWARDS, J. ALLEN Hillsboro, R. 2 *ELMORE, E. E Coffeen, R. 3 *ENGELMAN, GEO. E Raymond, R. 3 ENNIS, JOHN Pawnee, R. 51 *HARDY, M. A Oconee, R. 1 HOUSE, WM Irving, R. 2 HUTCHISON, WM. E. .Litchfield, R. 2 KELLER, L. H Witt, R. 1 *KILPATRICK, E. F Hillsboro, R. 1 LOUCKS, ALVA F Hillsboro, R. 4 *MANN, THOS Thomasville *MCPHERSON, J. S Walshville, R. 1 McWiLLiAMS. W. K Pawnee, R. 51 MINOR, D. F Walshville, R. 1 MINOR, REUBEN E. .Farmersville, R. 1 *MONKE, WM. H Litchfield, R. 4 MURPHY, CLYDE Pawnee, R. 51 *OSBORN, JAS. M Butler PITCHFORD, JESSE E Raymond, R. 2 QUALLS, FOSTER Coffeen, R. 1 RANSDELL, ROBT Witt, R. 1 *ROBERTSON, B. R Rosemond, R. 1 *ROSE, CHAS. E Virden, R. 2 *RUNYON, B. D Fillmore, R. 1 SATTERLEE, A. E Nokomis, R. 1 SHELTON, W. A Hillsboro, R. 4 SHUFE, PHILLIP Virden, R. 2 SLOMAN BROS Pawnee, R. 3 *SMITH, HARRY E Irving, R. 3 STAUDER. CHAS Nokomis, R. 4 SUITS, G. F Hillsboro, R. 4 WHITE BROS Hillsboro, R. 4 *WHITEHOUSE. EDW. H. Litchfield, R. 3 *WHITLOCK, W. L Irving, R. 3 HAMPSHIRE *LEIVOLF, WM Hillsboro, R. 3 SATTERLEE, A. E Nokomis, R. 1 POLAND CHINA *ALEXANDER, IDA Fillmore, R. 2 ALLEN, ROBT. B Barnett, R. 2 *BALSLEY, CHRIS Witt, R. 1 BARRY, MRS. ANNA. . .Hillsboro, R. 4 BATTLES, EARL W Nokomis, R. 4 BAUMAN, JOHN Nokomis, R. 3 BEELER, Jos Nokomis, R. 3 *BENNING, HERMAN AND FRED Raymond, R. 2 *BosT, RALPH S Fillmore, R. 2 *BOWMAN, C. E Waggoner, R. 1 BROCKMEIER, A Farmersville *BROWN, C. H Hillsboro, R. 4 BROWNING, RAY Raymond, R. 2 CARROLL, JOHN Ramsey, R. 3 CH AUSSE, W. A Nokomis, R. 1 CHESTNUT, CHAS. A Butler, R. 1 CORNWELL, WM. H Atwater, R. 45 *CRESS, FRANK Coffeen, R. 2 *CRESS, LEE Fillmore *DERBY, F. P Raymond, R. 2 DICKEY, HOMER Raymond, R. 2 *DOERR, A. T Harvel, R. 1 *DOLL, HENRY T Litchfield *DOYLE, THOS Raymond, R. 3 *DRAGOO, W. L Pawnee, R. 2 *EDWARDS, J. W Hillsboro, R. 2 FESSER, G. W Nokomis, R. 1 *FITZGERALD, JOHN O. Farmersville, R. 2 FLINT, EARL W Raymond *GoBY, WM. R Raymond, R. 2 GOODMAN, C. A Nokomis, R. 2 *GRAHAM, F. N Nokomis, R. 6 *GRAHAM, J. T Irving, R. 3 *GRAHAM, ROY Irving, R. 3 GRANTHAM, C. A Irving, R. 3 *GRASSEL, JOHN C Butler, R. 1 *GUTHRIE, REV. J. O Raymond HANNEKEN, HERMAN Oconee, R. 2 HECKEL, MINNIS. Hillsboro, R. 4 *HIGGINSON, J. B Raymond, R. 2 HILT, JAS Nokomis, R. 1 HINKLE, A. L Pawnee, R. 51 HOOG, ALBERT Litchfield HOOVER, JOHN Farmersville, R. 1 HOPPIN, FRANK H Pawnee. R. 51 HOUCK, W. J Ohlman *!OERGER, FRED Farmersville, R. 2 JORDAN, ALEX Farmersville, R. 2 KEEPPER, R. M Irving, R. 2 KING, Ross Waggoner. R. 1 KIRK, WM Farmersville, R. 1 *LANGEN, JOHN Harvel, R. 2 *LEWIS, B. R Coffeen, R. 1 LINGLE. H. G Witt. R. 1 *LONG, C. F Raymond, R. 2 128 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY LUKEN, HENRY Nokomis, R. 5 LYM AN, LEWIS Pawnee, R. 51 *LYONS, JAS. M Harvel, R. 2 MARTIN, Jos. W Raymond, R. 3 *MARTIN, OTIS Litchfield, R. 3 MCANARNEY, Emv. .Farmersville, R. 2 MISSIMORE, EARL Walshville, R. 1 *MOLOHAN, J. A Raymond, R. 1 MURPHY, W. C Fillmore, R. 2 NEWPORT, ABEL S Barnett, R. 1 NIEMANN, EMIL Litchfield, R. 4 *NOBBE, WM Farmersville, R. 1 *OAKLEY, JOHN L Witt, R. 1 *O'MALLEY, M Nokomis, R. 3 PLYLER, REX R Fillmore, R. 2 POGGENPOHL, JOHN H. SR.Harvel, R. 2 *POPE, Jos. E .Harvel, R. 1 PRATT, CHAS Waggoner, R. 1 PRATT, R. H Waggoner, R. 1 PYLE, J. A Rosemond, R. 1 *RADEMACHER, HARM Fillmore, R. 2 *RASHAW, D. L. .. v .. .Nokomis, R. 1 REYNOLDS, ADOLPHUS. .Hillsboro, R. 3 RHOADS, W. M Hillsboro, R. 3 ROBERSON, FRANK H Butler, R. 2 ROBERTSON, WM Ohlman ROBINSON, JAS. F Litchfield, R. 2 RUSSELL, J. H. R Fillmore, R. 3 SATTGAST, WM. EDW. .Hillsboro, R. 1 SHERMAN, AUG. AND F. W. E. ROLF Hillsboro, R. 4 *SIELSCHOTT, WM. H. . .Litchfield, R. 1 SLAUGHTER, JOHN Nokomis, R. 1 *SLOMAN BROS. Pawnee, R. 3 SMITH, EDGAR L Walshville, R. 1 SMITH, W. B Walshville, R. 1 *SPERRY, MILO Nokomis, R. 4 STETTBACHER, CONRAD Irving STEWART, RALPH. .Morrisonville, R. 3 STIEFEL, THOS. A Litchfield, R. 4 *STUTTLE, Jos. S Litchfield, R. 1 UHRIG, THOS Raymond, R. 2 VOYLES, C. W Farmersville, R. 1 WALCHER, ALBERT Irving, R. 3 WALCHER, HOMER Irving, R. 3 WAPLES, C. E Nokomis, R. 3 WARNSING, D. J Nokomis, R. 1 WEITEKAMP, EDW. J... Raymond, R. 2 WELCH, SAMUEI Farmersville, R. 1 *WELLAR, J. C Harvel, R. 2 *WENNER, JOHN F Raymond, R. 2 WHITE, RAYMOND Fillmore, R. 1 WHITLOCK, CHAS. L. .Litchfield, R. 3 WHITLOCK, HOMER L.Waggoner, R. 1 WRITTEN, P. O Coffeen, R. 2 WIGGINS, FRANK Waggoner, R. 1 WILHELM, W. H Irving WILLIAMSON, JOHN E...Virden, R. 2 ZIMMERMAN, EDW. J Harvel, R. 2 FRENCH DRAFT *BOST, RALPH S Fillmore, R. 2 HARBERT, THOS Raymond, R. 2 JOYCE, TAYLOR Coffeen, R. 2 *LESSMAN, ED Harvel, R. 1 LYERLY, RICHARD Irving, R. 2 ROUHSLANGE, WM Coffeen.R. 1 LLOYD LINTON GELDING PRATT, Jos Waggoner, R. 1 PERCHERON *BENNETT, W. F Harvel, R. 1 *BosT, RALPH S Fillmore, R. 2 BREMER, HENRY, JR Hillsboro *BREMER, Louis Hillsboro CARROLL, ED Oconee, R. 2 *CRESS, FRANK Coffeen, R. 2 *CRESS, LEE Fillmore *EDWARDS, J. W Hillsboro, R. 2 HART, WALTER C Litchfield, R. 2 *JORDAN, ALEX Farmersville, R. 2 LESSMAN, H. E Hillsboro, R. 4 LINGLE, H. G Witt, R. 1 LIFE, ALVIN Witt, R. 1 MCWILLIAMS, W. K Pawnee, R. 51 MOLOHON, LEROY Irving, R. 1 _ i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i R. L. KELLEY ! Buyer and Shipper of Hogs and Cattle Agent for the Home Insurance i Co. of New York, the largest Fire Insurance Co. in America. Cash Capital $6,000,000. Fire and Windstorm. Phones: Bell 42; Mutual 58 NOKOMIS ILLINOIS i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHilllllllllllllUHIIII :l I * 129 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY NEECE, W. F Donnellson, R. 1 NEWPORT, ABEL S Barnett, R. 1 PHILLIPS, ALLEN D Butler, R. 1 *ROUHSLANGE, CHAS. . . Hillsboro, R. 2 *SAMMONS, A. C Butler, R. 1 *SLOMAN BROS Pawnee, R. 3 SPOONER, C. B Witt, R. 1 STEVENS, J. A Donnellson, R. 1 *THACKER, FRED W. . .Donnellson, R. 1 TUNNELL, JAS Girard, R. 43 YARD, CHESTER Farmersville, R. 1 SHIRE *THACKER, FRED W. . .Donnellson, R. 1 STANDARD BRED EDWARDS, J. W Hillsboro, R. 2 HAMLIN, LEE Fillmore, R. 1 *KiRK, CHAS. N Farmersville, R. 1 KLEIN, CHAS. A Litchfield, R. 2 VAN WINKLE, H. C. Farmersville, R. 1 WRITTEN, E. O Fillmore, R. 2 PONIES SHETLAND NEWCOME, R. C Nokomis, R. 1 ROBERTSON, B. R Rosemond, R. 1 SHORAGER, AUG Nokomis, R. 3 WELCH MASTERS, E. E Witt, R. 1 MULES JACKS CALAME, PAUL Witt, R. 1 *CRESS, FRANK Coffeen, R. 2 HAMLIN, LEE Fillmore, R. 1 JOYCE, TAYLOR Coffeen, R. 2 LOUCKS, ALVA F Hillsboro, R. 4 *ROUHSLANGE, WM Coffeen, R. 1 JENNETS *CRESS, FRANK Coffeen, R. 2 . MAMMOTH *EDWARDS, J. W Hillsboro, R. 2 SHEEP COTSWOLD *EDWARDS. J. W Hillsboro, R. 2 *KILPATRICK, DAVID ...Hillsboro, R. 1 POCOCK, J. C Nokomis, R. 2 *SHERMAN, AUG. AND F. W. E. ROLF Hillsboro, R. 4 OXFORD CORNWELL, WM. H Atwater, R. 45 *CRESS, LEE Fillmore LYERLY, RICHARD Irving, R. 2 SHROPSHIRE *ALLEN, O. K Coffeen, R. 1 BOST, THOS. L Nokomis, R. 2 BROWNING, RAY Raymond, R. 2 *BURTON, O. J Waggoner, R. 1 *CRESS, FRANK Coffeen, R. 2 FESSER, Louis H Witt, R. 1 GUTHOLS, JOHN ... Farmersville, R. 2 *LONG, C. F Raymond, R. 2 *PIEPER, EUGENE Nokomis, R. 2 *TURNER, JOHN B Butler, R. 1 DOGS FOX TERRIER CORNWELL, WM. H Atwater, R. 45 SCOTCH COLLIE STAUDER, CHARLES Nokomis, R. 4 CHICKENS ANCONA *BOWLES, CHAS. L Coffeen, R. 1 GRIGG, ONA D *... Coffeen, R. 3 *HUGHES, JOE Irving, R. 3 FRANCE, C. F Mt. Olive, R. 14 * VARNER, W Hillsboro, R. 4 ANDALUSIAN *COFFEY, J. T Coffeen, R. 3 LIGHT BRAHMAS *BASSHAM, HENRY Coffeen, R. 3 CRESS, J. D Fillmore, R. 2 KUNZ, JOHN J Irving, R. 1 LANG, JEFF Fillmore, R. 2 TURNER BROS Irving UMBERGER, MIKEL Hillsboro, R. 3 DARK CORNISH INDIAN GAME SMITH, HARRY E Irving. R. 3 130 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY SILVER SPANGLED HAM- BURG FRALEY, ED Raymond, R. 1 BLACK LANGSHAN *HITCHINS, J. C Harvel, R. 1 HOEHN, MARTIN Irving, R. 1 M ARLEY, JAS Nokomis, R. 6 POPE, DANIEL Harvel, R. 1 REBH AN, W. C Raymond, R. 1 STEPHENSON, A. D Hillsboro, R. 1 WARE, GEO. V Butler WHITE LANGSHAN MOOREHOUSE, H. B Butler, R. 2 BLACK SPANISH CALDWELL, C. M Fillmore, R. 2 HOUDAN BOST, B. A Coffeen, R .2 BROWN LEGHORN BEST, JACOB Coffeen,, R. 2 *BOWMAN, C. E Waggoner, R. 1 *DWARDS, H. A Coffeen, R. 1 *GILBERT, ROY Raymond^ R. 2 *HANNER, HARRY Coffeen, R. 1 *HARRISON, IRA M Fillmore, R. 2 HOPWOOD, EDO Fillmore, R. 1 KESSLER, ED Nokomis, R. 1 MCCULLOCH, S. R Donnellson MclNTOSGH, J. B Fillmore, R. 2 McPEAK, A. O Honey Bend MONKE, WM. H Litchfield, R. 4 NEECE, A. B Nokomis, R. 2 O'BRIEN Nokomis, R. 4 TOPE, G. R Irving, R. 3 RUNYON, B. D Fillmore, R. 1 TOWELL, J. E Chapman WADDINGTON, WM Nokomis, R. 3 *YOUNG, STUART Hillsboro, R. 2 BUFF LEGHORN ARMENTROUT, C. L Irving. R. 1 NEECE, W. F Donnellson, R. 1 VANDOREN, C Coffeen, R. 2 WRITTEN, E. O Fillmore, R. 2 WHITE LEGHORN *ALEXANDER, IDA Fillmore, R. 2 BRADSHAW, JOHN H Fillmore, R. 1 *EDDINGTON, E. A Irving, R. 1 GRANTH AM, J. R Butler, R. 2 HAYES, C. G Butler, R. 2 *HOOVER, JOHN Farmersville, R. 1 *JOSTES, L. H Waggoner, R. 1 KOBER, GEO. D Butler, R. 1 LYERLA, ED. A Irving, R. 3 MANINFIOR, JOHN JR.. .Hillsboro, R. 3 McCuLLEY, E. H Irving, R. 2 NEISLER, D. W Irving, R. 3 NEISLER, EARL Irving, R. 1 O'BRIEN, W. H Nokomis, R. 4 POLAND, CHAS. H Fillmore, R. 1 *RANSDELL, E. H Witt, R. 1 ROBERTSON, GEO. O Butler, R. 2 SHAKER, BERT C Litchfield, R. 2 SMITH, HARRY E Irving, R. 3 SNELL BROS., FRED & H. Nokomis, R. 3 SNELL, HAROLD A Irving, R. 1 TROST, F. E Hillsboro, R. 2 * VOILS, J. L Fillmore, R. 1 WARE, LYMAN Butler *WYLD, JACK Nokomis, R. 2 YOUNG, H. G Butler, R. 2 BLACK ORPINGTON PIER, CHAS Nokomis, R. 4 BUFF ORPINGTON *BENNETT, W. F Harvel, R. 1 * BOWLES, CHAS. L Coffeen, R. 1 BRIGGS, CHAS. L Butler, R. 1 *FOSTER, JOHN, F Harvel, R. 1 GETZ, ORA Nokomis, R. 2 *GRAHAM, ROY Irving, R. 3 *GRANTHAM, C. A Irving, R. 3 GUTHRIE, REV. J. O Raymond *HOWELL, C. L Nokomis M.cCuLLOUGH, BEN . . Farmersville, F. 1 MOOREHOUSE, H. B Butler, R. 2 NEECE, GEO. B Nokomis, R. 2 NEISLER, MRS. B. W Irving, R. 3 NEWBERRY, R. R Nokomis, R. 3 OAKLEY, JOHN L Witt, R. 1 PARSONS, N. F Harvel, R. 1 QUALLS, FOSTER Coffeen, R. 1 SAMMONS, A. C Butler, R. 1 *SANDERS, A. F Irving, R. 2 SEWARD, G. L Butler, R. 2 SMITH, HARRY E Irving, R. 3 SMITH, K. C Raymond, R. 1 WAGAHOFF, A. J Harvel, R. 1 *WAGEHOFT, CRIST. .Morrisonville, R. 2 WANGER, WM Harvel, R. 2 WARD, L. A Butler WEEKLY, G. A Pana, R. 3 WELLAR, H. N Harvel, R. 2 WILEY, O. H Butler, R. 2 WILEY, WM. H Hillsboro. R. 3 WHITE ORPINGTON GRUBB, F. A Litchfield HALLER, W. R Coffeen, R. 2 KETTLEKAMP Nokomis, R. 2 131 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY LYERLA, WILSON Irving, R. 3 *PRIDDLE, J. ED Litchfield, R. 3 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK *AHERIN, M. C Farmersville, R. 2 AHERIN, M. V Farmersville, R. 1 ANDERSON, W. L Litchfield, R. 3 *ARMSTRONG, J. L Irving BANDY, WALTER H Barnett, R. 2 BAUMAN, F. C Nokomis, R. 5 BERRY, F. M Irving, R. 1 *BLACKBURN, EARL Hillsboro, R. 1 *Bosx, RALPH S Fillmore, R. 2 BOST, THOS. L Nokomis, R. 2 * BOWMAN, C. E Waggoner, R. 1 BROWN, J. F Hillsboro, R. 3 BRUBAKER, LEVI Farmersville, R. 1 *BUEHLER, Jos. V Raymond, R. 1 *BULLARD, S. F Harvel, R. 2 BURRIS, JOHN R Girard, R. 43 BURRIS, W. C. Butler, R. 1 *BUSBY, VERNON Witt, R. 1 *BUSBY, WM Nokomis, R. 6 CALAME, GEO Witt, R. 1 CARROLL, JAS. M Litchfield, R. 1 CLINE, W. G Nokomis, R. 1 COLE, H. B Pana, R. 3 *CRESS HILL FARM Hillsboro CULP, A. L Nokomis, R. 3 DAVIS, WM. J Litchfield, R. 2 *DOERR, A. T ...Harvel, R. 4 1 DOHLER, JOHN E Irving, R. 3 *DOYLE, THOS Raymond, R. 3 DURSTON, A. E Witt, R. 1 * ED WARDS, AMOS R Hillsboro, R. 2 ELVERS, HERMAN Ohlman EVANS, P. O Nokomis, R. 1 FESSER, G. W Nokomis, R. 1 *FlTzGERALD, JOHN O Farmersville, R. 2 FROMKNECKT, MAX Butler, R. 2 GEE, V .W Harvel, R. 2 GERHARD, JOHN Farmersville, R. 2 GIFFORD, R. E Hillsboro, R. 1 GRAY, J. S Nokomis, R. 4 *GRUBB, EMMA Raymond GRUBB, F. A Litchfield *GUTHOLS, JOHN. Farmersville, R. 2 HAAKE, SOLOMON Fillmore, R. 2 HALL, WM Butler, R. 2 HALL, W. M Butler *HALLER, W. R Coffeen, R. 2 HANNER, J Donnellson HANTHA, G. E Barnett, R. 2 HARRIS, IRA A Waggoner, R. 1 *HARRISON, IRA M Fillmore, R. 2 *HART, J. H Thomasville HARVEY, GEO. E Coffeen, R. 2 *HEATER, EARL Farmersville, R. 2 HECKEL, JOHN Hillsboro, R. 4 HEDDEN, J. S Nokomis. R. 3 HICKS, RUFUS Fillmore, R. 2 HILL, H. C Fillmore, R. 1 HOLMES, EDWIN J Nokomis, R. 2 HORICK, W. J Ohlman HUBER, FRANK Hillsboro, R. 1 *HUBER, FRANK A Nokomis, R. 4 JORDAN, ALEX Farmersville, R. 2 *KEEPPER, E. R Irving, R. 2 *KILPATRICK, E. F Hillsboro, R. 1 *Knuc, CHAS. N Farmersville, R. 1 KOBER, MRS. EMMA Butler, R. 1 LEACH, LILBURN Pawnee, R. 51 LEE, DAN H Butler, R. 2 *LIPE, E. D Irving, R. 2 *LIPE, H. S Witt, R. 1 *LISTON, GEO. G Coffeen, R. 2 LOUNSBURY, IRA R Irving, R. 1 *LOUNSBURY, W. T Irving, R. 1 LUKEN, HENRY Nokomis, R. 5 MAKER, PHILIP Raymond, R. 2 MATHEWSON, J. A Coffeen, R. 3 MCELROY, T. B Hillsboro, R. 4 McKiNNEY, WM Witt, R. 1 MCPHERSON, A. S Walshville, R. 1 *MEISENHEIMER, C Witt, R. 1 *MONDHINK, FRED Raymond, R. 3 MILLER, DAVID Fillmore, R. 2 MOODY, C. D Fillmore, R. 2 MORRISSEY, DENNIS. Farmersville, R. 2 *MORTIMER, R Virden, R. 2 *NEISLER, Jos. L Irving, R. 1 NEWPORT, J. S Fillmore, R. 2 PARRY, MRS. N. J Hillsboro, R. 3 PLYLER, REX R Fillmore, R. 2 *POGGENPOHL, FRANK ..Raymond, R. 2 POGCENPOHL, JOHN H. SR Harvel, R. 2 *POPE, DANIEL Harvel, R. 1 POPE, GEO. W Oconee, R. 1 *POPE, Jos. E Harvel, R. 1 *POPE, ROLLIE Harvel, R. 1 *PRIDDLE, J. ED Litchfield, R. 3 *QUALLS, CURTIS M Witt, R. 1 RANDLE, R. H Nokomis, R. 6 ROBERTSON, B. R Rosemond, R. 1 ROBERTSON, WM Ohlman *ROCHE, FRED Nokomis, R. 6 SANDERS, J. A Harvel, R. 2 SCH AFFNER, E. G Nokomis, R. 5 *SHERMAN, AUG., AND F. W. E. ROLF ...Hillsboro, R. 4 SHORE, FRANK A Nokomis, R. 1 SHORE, FRANK E Litchfield, R. 2 *SHORE, JOHN M Hillsboro, R. 2 SHRAUT, FERDINAND Coffeen, R. 2 SIELSCHOTT, WM. H... Litchfield, R. 1 SINGER, T. G Nokomis, R. 1 *SMITH, T. T Walshville, R. 1 *SORRELLS, SAMUEL Raymond, R. 3 SPECHT, MARTIN W. Farmersville, R. 1 132 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY STANLEY, HOMER Nokomis, R. 4 STAUDER, CHAS Nokomis, R. 4 *STETTBACHER, CONRAD Irving TENISON, C. A Hillsboro TILLING, Louis Coffeen, R. 1 TOMAMICHEL, B Irving, R. 3 TRINKLE, W. P Raymond, R. 1 TUNNELL, JAS Girard, R. 43 TURNER, J. B. JR Butler, R. 2 WADDINGTON, FRANK Pana, R. 3 WELLER, H. H Irving, R. 2 WETTERER, SOPHIA Fillmore, R. 2 WHITE, RAYMOND Fillmore, R. 1 *WHITLOCK, W. L Irving, R. 3 WHITTEN, S. C Coffeen, R. 2 *WHITTEN, TOM Coffeen, R. 2 *WILLOUGHBY, CEO. W . . Nokomis, R. 4 *WOLFORD, MRS. H. M Irving, R. 3 WRIGHT, MRS. EDITH . . . Fillmore, R. 1 WRIGHT, R. E Irving, R. 2 *YoUNG, S Hillsboro, R. 2 BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK BURRIS, CHAS. D Butler, R. 1 GERHARD, C. N Farmersville, R. 2 *GERHARD, HENRY C Farmersville, R. 1 GERHARD, S. L Farmersville, R. 2 GOODSON, J. O Farmersville, R. 1 HAGEMEIER, FRED Nokomis, R. 2 *JOSTES, L. H Waggoner, R. 1 *MACK, MRS. A. G Butler, R. 2 McGuFFiE, JOHN Waggoner, R. 1 MILLER, WM T.. .,.. .Waggoner, R. 1 *PEARMAN, C. W Farmersville, R. 1 *SIMPSON, A. D .Litchfield, R. 3 STEAD, CHESTER A Waggoner, R. 2 STEAD, NORMAN D. .Farmersville, R. 1 COLUMBIAN 1 PLYMOUTH ROCK SMITH, EARL Hillsboro, R. 1 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK *ARMENTROUT, G. W Irving, R. 1 *AsH, JESSE Litchfield, R. 2 BROWN, C. E Rosemond, R. 1 CARTMEL, L. T Thomasville *CROUSE, ALEX Farmersville, R. 2 *DERBY, F. P Raymond, R. 2 GRADEN, H. J Nokomis, R. 2 *HIGGINSON, J. B Raymond, R. 2 KILTON, S. W Morrisonville, R. 3 MARTIN, CHAS. A Witt, R. 1 *MOORE, GEO C Irving, R. 3 NEISLER, EDGAR Irving, R. 3 NEUN ABER, GEO. JR Harvel NICHELSON, GEO Nokomis, R. 1 NIEMANN, JULIUS Litchfield, R. 4 *SATTERLEE, W. E Irving, R. 3 WATKINS, WM. D Honey Bend WELLER, OTTO Harvel, R. 1 WERNSING, EDWARD Harvel, R. 2 RHODE ISLAND RED *A YLWARD, ED Nokomis, R. 3 *BASS, EDGAR Oconee, R. 1 *BASSHAM, HENRY Coffeen, R. 3 BONNET, S. F Harvel, R. 2 BOTTRELL, ROBT Morrisonville, R. 2 BOWLES, WM. E Litchfield, R. 2 BRUBAKER, LEVI Farmersville, R. 1 BUSBY, J. A Butler *CARRIKER, C. L Witt, R. 1 CRANFILL, B. F Hillsboro, R. 3 CRESS, EDW. T Fillmore, R. 2 *CRINER, A., D Coffeen, R. 3 *DOWNS, PAUL Irving, R. 3 EDDINGTON, JOE JR Irving, R. 1 *ENGELMAN, H. O Harvel, R. 1 *FUCHS, EDW. F Farmersville, R. 1 GRANTHAM, J. R Butler, R. 2 GRIGG, ONA D Coffeen, R. 3 "HANCOCK, H. J Hillsboro, R. 3 HARRIS, H. J Fillmore, R. 1 HEIM, J. A Harvel, R. 2 *HUCKER, ALBERT Irving, R. 1 *HUCKER, JOHN Irving, R. 3 *KEAGRY, ARRAN S Litchfield, R. 3 KELMEL, CHAS Raymond, R. 2 KENDAL, A. A Harvel, R. 1 KOBER, GEO. D Butler, R. 1 KRAUSE, OTTO Nokomis, R. 5 McCyLLOCH, S. R Donnellson McCuLLOUGH, BEN. .Farmersville, R. 1 MILLER, GEO. A Fillmore, R. 2 ' NEECE, A. B Nokomis, R. 2 NEECE, GEO. C Nokomis, R. 2 *NEISLER, Jos. L Irving, R. 1 NEISLER, LESTER Irving, R. 3 OSBORN, JAMES M Butler PRATT, CHAS Waggoner, R. 1 PRATT, P. H Waggoner, R. 1 *RANSDELL, E. H Witt, R. 1 *REED, E. W Irving, R. 1 *REUFORT, WM. O Coffeen, R. 2 *SMITH, EDGAR L Walshville, R. 1 STEAD, CLARENCE B. Farmersville, R. 1 THOMPSON, G. T Pana, R. 3 VANDOREN, CLARENCE Coffeen, R. 2 VOILS, F. B Irving, R. 3 WARE, ARTHUR Butler WARE, LYMAN Butler WESTCOTT, N. H Butler, R. 2 WHITTEN, J. E Fillmore WHITTEN, J. T Fillmore, R. 3 *WHITTEN, TOM Fillmore, R. 2 WILEY, CHAS. H Butler, R. 3 WILSON, R. J Irving, R. 3 133 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY WILSON, URIAH Hillsboro, R. 4 WOLFORD, MRS. H. M Irving, R. 3 WRIGHT, J. W Coffeen, R. 3 BUFF WYANDOTTE COLE, ABNER R Fillmore, R. 3 COLUMBIA WYANDOTTE *DAMMANN, E. L Hillsboro, R. 3 *SATTERLEE, B. F Irving, R. 3 GOLDEN WYANDOTTE VAN HYNING, PEARL R... Butler, R. 2 SILVER PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE *SATTERLEE, B. F Irving, R. 3 WHITE WYANDOTTE 'ARMSTRONG, R. D Litchfield, R. 1 'BARNES, IRVIN Farmersville, R. 1 BECK, R. E Hillsboro, R. 2 BRADSHAW, JOHN H Fillmore, R. 1 'CASSELBERRY, W. H Nokomis, R. 1 CORY, THOS. B Butler, R. 1 *CRESS, WALTER W Litchfield FRAVALA, CHRIS C Coffeen, R. 2 HOLMES, MRS. DORA. . .Nokomis, R. 1 *JONES, A. E Coffeen, R. 3 JOYCE, TAYLOR Coffeen, R. 2 KEEPPER, R. M Irving, R. 2 KERR, CHAS Harvel, R. 1 LEE, DAN H Butler, R. 2 MANINFIOR, JOHN JR.. Hillsboro, R. 3 McCuLLEY, E. H Irving, R. 2 MONDHINK, CHAS Raymond, R. 3 NANTKES, HENRY Nokomis, R. 1 OSBORN, JAMES M Butler TAYLOR, JNO. B Farmersville, R. 2 TENISON, C. A Hillsboro TEUTKEN, RICHARD Nokomis, R. 6 WELLER, H. H Irving, R. 2 WELLER, NOAH Harvel, R. 1 WRIGHT, J. W Coffeen, R. 3 DUCKS BUFF ORPINGTON BLACK, MRS. A. L Witt, R. 1 INDIAN RUNNER 'HALLER, W. R Coffeen, R. 2 *HUGHES, JOE Irving, R. 3 PATTINSON, SAM'L Witt, R. 1 RUNYON, B. D Fillmore, R. 1 WHITE, R Fillmore, R. 1 MUSCOVY 'BETHARD, BENJ Harvel, R. 1 SMITH, HARRY E Irving, R. 3 PEKIN 'BETHARD, BENJ Harvel, R. 1 CARTMEL, L. T Thomasville FEARN, Jos Witt, R. 1 FRALEY, EVERETT Irving, R. 2 GULLIDGE, E. G Pana, R. 3 HICKEN, WM Witt, R. 2 HUCKER, JOHN Irving, R. 3 GEESE EMDEN 'ALEXANDER, IDA Fillmore, R. 2 BERRY, F. M Irving, R. 1 CRESS, EDW. T Fillmore, R. 2 *CRINER, A. D Coffeen, R. 3 GOODMAN, C. A Nokomis, R. 2 GULLIDGE, E. G Pana, R. 3 JOHNSON, AREND T Nokomis, R. 2 *KRUMMEL, FRED Hillsboro, R. 2 PRESNELL, WM Pana, R. 3 SMITH, HARRY E Irving, R. 3 GRAY BROWN, R. G Nokomis, R. 3 TOULOUSE BEDINGH AUSE, WM Farmersville 'BOEHLER, Jos. V Raymond, R. 1 BROWN, J. H Fillmore, R. 1 *BULLARD, S. F Harvel, R. 2 CASSIDY, T. M Nokomis, R. 5 FESSER, G. W Nokomis, R. 1 FRALEY, EVERETT Irving, R. 2 HUCKER, JOHN Irving, R. 3 KETTELKAMP, FRANK S Nokomis, R. 5 KROENLEIN Nokomis, R. 2 LIFE, ALVIN O Witt, R. 1 McCuLLEY, E. H Irving, R. 2 RHINE, WM. M Nokomis, R. 1 STAUDER, CHAS Nokomis, R. 4 WELLAR, H. N Harvel, R. 2 'WILLIAMSON, JOHN E Virden, R. 2 134 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY TURKEYS BEES BOURBON RED *YOUNG, STUART Hillsboro, R. 2 ITALIAN BRONZE FESSER, G. W Nokomis, R. 1 GOODMAN, C. A Nokomis, R. 2 *HUCKER, JOHN Irving, R. 3 McCoRD, L. H Coffeen, R. 2 WHITE HOLLAND RADEMACHER, HARM. . .Fillmore, R. 2 THURMAN, RAY J Coffeen, R. 1 *WILLIAMSON, JOHN E Virden, R. 2 CHAUSSE, EDGAR Nokomis, R. 1 HUBER, Miss ALICE Nokomis, R. 3 KEISER, H. F Nokomis, R. 5 KROENLEIN, WM Oconee, R. 1 MITCHELL, W. W Oconee, R. 1 SANDERS, J. A Harvel, R. 2 WERNER BROS Oconee, R. 1 SEED-CORN GUINEAS PEARL KETTELKAMP, FRANK S * Nokomis, R. 5 PATTINSON, SAM'L Witt, R. 1 SMITH, HARRY E Irving, R. 3 STAUDER, CHAS Nokomis, R. 4 DIAMOND JOE GRAHAM, J. M Harvel YELLOW DENT DOERR, A. T... Harvel, R. 1 SORGHUM NEISLER, EDGAR Irving, R. 3 Nokomis Machine Shop GEO. BRAYE, Proprietor Dealers in Engines, Boilers, Farm Machinery (new and second-hand), Blacksmithing, Engineers' Supplies. Everything for Thresherman and Power Users. Woodwork and Auto Repairing. Steam and Hot Water Pipe and Pipe Fitting, Belting, Packing and Hose DO YOU RAISE CORN The Dickelman Patent Rat Proof Metal Corn Cribs and Grain Bins are made in all sizes. They soon pay for themselves in the corn and grain they save. Both pre- serve and dry your grain. Our customers are pleased. Write for Prices. Montgom- ery county agency. We sell and recom- mend the following Triple-G Goods : Dickelman Patent Ventilated Corn Cribs and Grain Bins Independent Harvester Co. Full Line Farm Implements J. I. Case Corn Shelters, Tractors, Ensilage Cutters, Gas Engines and Threshing Machines Meyers Thresher Pumps NOKOMIS ILLINOIS 135 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY PROTECT YOUR HONEST DOLLAR j To Prairie Farmer Readers Don't buy cheap, unadvertised goods, but protect yourself when buy- ing by insisting on getting from your dealer only All Goods Advertised in Prairie Farmer are TRIPLE-G Goods. All Goods Advertised in This Directory are TRIPLE-G Goods. When the local dealer says in his advertisement: "We Sell and Recommend the Following TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods" as in any advertisement in Prairie Farmer or in this Directory, it gives you this TRIPLE-Guarantee 1st That the manufacturer of the goods stands back of them. 2nd That the Prairie Farmer stands back of them. 3rd That the merchant handling the goods stands back of them. TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods" 1918 Are the best value for the money. Safest to buy. And Satisfaction is absolutely insured. 136 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY 1 What Are "TRIPLE-G'^Goods? " I PF 1918 1I7OV should you ask ""* for them and refuse any other kind? TT7"HEN a reader of Prairie Farmer goes into a store * to buy, he is assured of getting full value for his money if he insists on buying only well known advertised goods and refusing to buy any unknown brand substitute. \\7 t-I V P Because advertised goods are well known goods that are backed up with the guar- antee of PRAIRIE FARMER and the manufacturer. If the goods are not as represented in the advertising, or do not give full satisfaction, this TRIPLE GUARANTEE means that you have only to make your complaint and that any just claim will be fairly considered and your money paid back in case the goods are not as represented. This is PRAIRIE FARMER'S FAIR PLAY POLICY with its readers. We back up every advertisement in PRAIRIE FARMER and guarantee honest treatment. No humbugs, swindles or cheap substitute goods (that are made to sell and get the customer's money on false pre- tenses) are advertised in PRAIRIE FARMER. Buy the goods advertised in PRAIRIE FARMER and in this Directory and you are taking no chances. You are guar- anteed satisfaction because all goods we advertise are TRIPLE-GUARANTEED GOODS 1918 Guaranteed by thu Manufacturer, the Dealer mnd the Publither. 137 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Professional Directory Law Office of WILLIAM ABBOT Real Estate Loans Abstracts of Title 204A So. Main St. HILLSBORO ILLINOIS JOSEPH M. BAKER Attorney -at- Law General Practice Mutual Telephone No. 52 Office, Union Block HILLSBORO ILLINOIS M. J. McMURRAY Attorney-at-Law 204A So. Main St. Phone Bell 360 HILLSBORO ILLINOIS J. EARL MAJOR Attorney-at-Law States Attorney, Montgomery County Phones: 'Bell 475; Mutual 4 HILLSBORO ILLINOIS J. H. RAGSDALE Attorney-at-Law Phone 234 HILLSBORO ILLINOIS GUY C. LANE M. J. BROWN JOHN L. DRYER Lane, Dryer & Brown Attorneys-at-Law 216 A S. Main Street Phones: Bell 88; Mutual 46 HILLSBORO ILLINOIS ED C. KABURICK Attorney-at-Law Frey Building Phone Bell 319 303 So. Main HILLSBORO ILLINOIS L. V. HILL J. T. BULLINGTON Hill and Bullington Attorneys-at-Law Phones: Bell 141; Mutual 66 HILLSBORO ILLINOIS TillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK 138 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Professional Directory Amos Miller John R. McDavid MILLER and McDAVID Lawyers Phones: Bell 13; Mutual 78 212A So Main St. HILLSBORO ILLINOIS DRS. W. W. and E. T. DOUGLAS Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Phone Bell 52-K 323A So. Main St. HILLSBORO ILLINOIS M. L. MOVER, M. D. Office: Over First National Bank Phones Office, 92-K; Residence, 92-W HILLSBORO ILLINOIS Dr. Harry L. Granier Dentist Office Hours: 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5:30 p. m. Phones: Bell 293; Mutual 14 Over Henley Alden's Store 304A So. Main St HILLSBORO ILLINOIS DRS. PLEAK & BOYD Osteopathic Physicians Offices: Opera House Block Phone Bell 320-W HILLSBORO ILLINOIS Z. V. KIMBALL, M. D. Surgeon Phone Bell 92-K HILLSBORO ILLINOIS Louis S. Brown, M. D. 21 3 A Main St. Phones: Bell 200; Mutual 84 HILLSBORO ILLINOIS PAUL McWILLIAMS Attorney and Counsellor at Law 311 Madison St. First Door North of Litchneld Hotel Phones: Bell 463-W Mutual 52 LITCHFIELD ILLINOIS -illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUI,,,- 139 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Montgomery County Business Directory BUTLER Barry & Ware Genl. Merchandise Brown, Geo. W., Jr.. Genl. Merchandise Ware Bros Grain CHAPMAN Smith, W General Store Stevenson, W General Store Toberman, Joel Grain COFFEEN American Exchange Bank. Berry, Dr. F. W Physician Blackburn, H. H Grocery Bost, F. P Shoe Repairing & Second Hand Store Bunton. John Livery Chumley, Joe. . .Elevator & Threshing Clover Leaf Mining Co Coal Mine Coffeen Hotel. Coft'een National Bank. Daily, Ella Millinery Edwards Mercantile Co Genl. Mdse. Fipps, H. T., & Son Barbers Force, E. A Pianos & Talking Machines Green, Jas. A Real Estate The Coffeen National Bank Member Federal Reserve System. We appreciate your business. Our service proves it. Avail yourself of this service. COFFEEN NATIONAL BANK COFFEEN - ILLINOIS Greenwood, A Hardware Harris, E. E . .Furniture, Undertaking & Hardware Hopson, J. J Creamery Idoll, J. A Pomologist & Horticulturist Lewey, C. A Meat Market McLean & Son Feed & Grain Montgomery Democrat Newspaper Near, H Barber Shop Newsome, R. E Drugs Orenstein, Max Genl. Mdse. Paddock Lumber Co Lumber Pfertner, W. F Dry Goods Schear, J. I Blacksmith Short, H. E Grocery Sills, J. N Bakery Toberman, B. E Garage Turney, Dr. H. C Physician DONNELLSON Allen, W. F Drugs Boone, D. W., & Son Hardware Cary, Dr. A. B Physician Davis, B Shoe Repairing Donnellson Farmers Equity. Farmers' Equity Co Grain, Feed & Coal THE FORCE MUSIC HOUSE E. A. FORCE, Proprietor Pianos, Player Pianos, Grafonolas, Sheet Music and Player Rolls Baldwin Pianos and Player Pianos. Phonographs and Rec- ords. We have machines to suit your taste and your pocketbook. Let us demonstrate to you. Easy terms of payment. Magazines of all kinds. COFFEEN ILLINOIS 140 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Harrison, H Grocery Haworth. Chas Veterinary Krumwell, F Genl. Mdse. Lewey, A , . Garage Martin, B Garage McCaslin & Hayworth Lumber McCracken, J Barber Schutt, John Grain State Bank of Donnellson. Swinderman, Geo Blacksmith Taylor, B. R Genl. Mdse. Volmer, J Grocery Wilson, J. E Hardware Wright, B. L General Mdse. FARMERSVILLE Baines, W. O Windmills & Contracting Black, Dr. W Physician Bray, M. E Restaurant Browning, J. O Insurance Brubraker, Glen Garage Burkes, Jas Grocery Carey, M. D Insurance Durham, Wm Barber Farmersville Bank. Farmersville Post Newspaper First National Bank. Galloway, H Hardware & Lumber Donnellson Farmers Equity DONNELLSON, ILLS. Grain, Feeds, Seeds, Flour, Coal, and other Farm Supplies The Donnellson Farmers Equity is organized by the Farmers and for the Farm- ers, and we solicit the Farmers trade. Bell Phone. Call on us for anything you may need. ^liiiiiiwiuiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiim | FIRST NATIONAL BANK of FARMERSVILLE " Farmersville, 111. Capital and Surplus $30,000.00 Government Depository Bank. Member of Federal Reserve Bank Is under supervision of the United States Government OFFICERS P. J. Gaul President Thos. R. Leah an Vice-President M. D. Carey Cashier Emil Helen Assistant Cashier HiimniinimiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiniiiiiHinninini piiimiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinMniiiiiiiiiiimiw I INSURANCE I on your buildings, livestock, grain or automobile with any of these three companies means Insurance. AETNA HOME OF N. Y. NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS Many farmers are paying same rates to weaker companies, often to agents 1 who are strangers. Are you one of them? A fire may cause you to regret it. M. D. CAREY, Agent FARMERSVILLE - - ILL. ?illlll!llllllltlllllll!l!l!!llllinillllHIIilllH!UIMIINIIIIimiimi 141 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY W. O. BAINES Dealer in Aermotor Wind- mills, Pumps and Engines, also supplies and repairs. All sizes. Farmersville I erect all kinds of wind- mills and wood silos. General carpenter con- tracting and re- pair work. Consult u s on your wind- mill needs. Illinois Drop a Postal Card or Phone Wilson Bros. Drug Store for any of your drug wants, and we mail Parcel Post the same day. East- man Kodaks and Supplies. Printing and Developing. Dr. Hess Sock and Poultry Remedies. Johnston's appre- ciated chocolates. Our prescriptions are carefully filled. Phone Mutual FILLMORE ILLINOIS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllfl Her.dricks & Son Hardware & Implements Johnson, L. W Drugs Lewis, Chas Barber Mathews, C. H ...Livery & Feed McAnarney, E. C Drugs McLean, D. F., & Co Dry Goods & Clothing Miller & Co Grocery & Dry Goods Naughton & Wheaton Autos & Tractors Schaffer, Ed Hotel Schultz, H Bakery Snyder, D Veterinary Surgeon Snyder, H. M Meat Market Wheaton, John Grain Yard, L Harness & Phonographs FILLMORE Allen, N. B Hardware Askins & Beaman Garage Bost, V. A Veterinary Fillmore Bank. Fillmore State & Savings Bank. Fish, Dr. W. O Physician Freeman, M Meat Market Fuller, C Hardware Hill Bros General Mdse. Isbell, Ray Restaurant Lane, T. L General Mdse. Lossin, W Livery Mason & Cress General Mdse. McFarland, E General Mdse. Strobel, L. F., & Co... Poultry & Feed Toberman, M. F Grain & Feed Walcott, Elmer Lumber Wilson Bros Drugs & Kodaks Wollerman, A. J Harness HARVEL Brown, Miss Hazel Millinery Farhenoltz, H. E Groceries Farmers Grain Co Grain & Implements Forrester, C. M Garage Gillispie, J. W Hardware Harvel Bank. Harvel Grain, Hay & Supply Co Grain & Implements Harvel Lumber Co Lumber Haughman, C. J Meat Market Kitchens, Miss Clara Millinery Huber, H General Mdse. Mackey, J Restaurant Redmond Bros Livery Tulpin, A. V Hardware & Harness Weber & Smock General Mdse. Whitworth, J. A. . .Restaurant & Hotel HILLSBORO ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Baker, Joseph M., 220 S. Main. 142 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Hillsboro Abstract & Investment Co., 323 South Main. Litchfielcl-Hillsboro Abstract Co., 107 S. Main. Montgomery County Abstract Co., 207 S. Main. AUCTIONEERS O'Daniel, R., 102 N. Main. Sears, Homer B., 317 W. Mechanic. AUTO LIVERY Brown, Geo. \v.. Jr.. 102-04 S. Main. Hillsboro Garage, 123 E. Wood. McDavid Motor Car Co., 122-24 E. Wood. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES Hillsboro Garage, 123 E. Wood. HillNboro Battery & Tire Shop, 109 S. Broad. BAKERIES Brungger, H., 231 S. Main. Egerer, C., 234 S. Main. Tidd, C. A., 1556 School. BANKS HillHboro National Bank, 200 S. Main. Montgomery County Loan & Trust Co., 212 S. Main. Peoples National Bank, 220 S. Main. BARBERS Loucks, G. E., 109 E. Wood. SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII Dry Goods, Shoes and Clothing Warner Corsets Topsy Hosiery and Underwear Adler Clothing Stetson Hats Douglas Shoes for Men Walton Shoes for Children Dorothy Dodd Shoes for Ladies Prices always lowest. We pay attention to the farmer and his trade. PENWELL & KLAR Mercantile Co. HILLSBORO - ILLINOIS "iiHiiiininiiiiHliiliitiiliiliiliiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii i i i i i i- GEO. W. BROWN, JR. Hardware Department Store Automobiles and Accessories Dodge - Overland - Franklin Penn Vac Cup Tires Many Exclusive Lines Big Stock and Prices Right HILLSBORO ILLINOIS 143 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC C. Norman Paine f'Jeweler" Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Cut Glass, China, Diamonds, Silverware, Fountain Pens and Fine Stationery. "Big Ben Clocks" "Community Silver" Watch Clock and Jewelry Repairing All Repairing done in Hillsboro HILLSBORO - ILLINOIS Moore, A., 225 S. Main. Risk, Wm., 308 S. Main. Rucker, H. G. t Shram City. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES Brown, Geo. W., Jr., 102 S. Main. BUILDING MATERIAL Brown, Geo. N., Jr., 102-04 S. Main. Dorsey, H. M., Lumber Co., 438 S. Main. Hill, Isaac, Lumber Co., 1401 School. BUILDING AND LOAN Hillsboro Building & Improvement As- sociation, 323 S. Main. CAFETERIAS Green, Miss Lola, 432 S. Main. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Zellman, J. P., 206 S. Main. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Cress, H., 109 S. Main. Davis, J. A., 319 S. Main. Henemeyer, W. H., 306 S. Main. Lewis, F. H., 433 S. Main. Serve-U-Well News Co., 227 S. Main. CLEANERS AND PRESSERS Gelfer, A., 230 S. Main. /MlllflllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllR Ramey, J. M., 101 S. Main. Reaves, W. D., 434 S. Main. TRADE MARK REGISTERED Official Willard Battery Service Station of Montgomery County Rent Batteries for All Cars All Makes of Batteries Repaired and Recharged Hillsboro Tire Hospital Expert Tire Vulcanizing and Repairing Oxy-Acetylene Welding of All Metals The weld that holds is the weld that pays. When in need, when in doubt, call on us. We can save you money. Phone 182 Bell F. J. REICHERT, Prop 109 SO. BROAD ST. m H. J. MUELLER, Mgr. ff ILLINOIS I 144 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY COAL (RETAIL) Dort, C. F., 1605 School. Hillsboro Coal Co., 1123 School. Kortkamp Mine, Kortkamp. Sims, A., Cor. Oak and Wood. CONCRETE PRODUCTS Neal, L. T., 320 Rollins. CONFECTIONER S Hillsboro Candy Kitchen, 232 S. Main, Thompson, J. H., 106 E. Wood. CONTRACTORS Adams, J. Q., (Concrete), Fern Hill. Brooks & Martin (Plumbing), 313 S. Main. Clotfelter Bros. (Cement), Wood and Oak. Cole, T. E. (Concrete), Hill Crest. Collins, C. H. (Carp.), 223 Hunt Ave. Gage, A. W. (Paint), 116 E. Seward. Johnsey & Nichols (Carp.), 305 Miller. Little & Hendricks (Sheet Metal), 113 E. Wood. Miles, W. D. (Gen.), 956 S. Main. Miller, W. H. (Plumber), 119 Miller. Morgan, J. T. (Gen.), 1018 S. Main. Personette & Weatherford (Dec.), 115 W. Seward. Sentel, E. H. (Plaster), 308 S. Hamilton. Simonin, J. J. (Carp.), 617 W. Fair- ground. Smith, E. (Carp.), 322 E. Vawter. Stokes, Chas. E. (Gen.), 122 E. Me- chanic. CREAMERIES AND DAIRIES Osborn, J. W., Ice Cream Co., 107 S. Broad. DENTISTS Colby, O. C., 320 S. Main. Fink, H. K., 106 W. Seward. Granler, H. L., 304 S. Main. Strange, E. B., 1-2 Fry Bldg. DRESSMAKERS Cooper, Miss Maude, 712 S. Oak. Gates, Miss Vaughan, 509 S. Main. Philipps, Miss Ray, 632 Jefferson. DRUGS Douglas Pharmacy, 221 S. Main. Stubblefield, E. N., 218 S. Main. Swingle, D., 202 S. Main. DRY GOODS Brown-Murdock & Co., 235 S. Main. Collavo, V., Kortkamp. Grand Leader, 431 S. Main. Henley-Alden Co., 304 S. Main. Karnes, T. F., 1600 School. Miller, C. W., 216 S. Main. Penwell & Klear Merc. Co., 203 S. Main and 108 E. Seward. Weber & Goad, 301 S. Main. ELECTRIC BATTERIES Willard Storage Battery, 109 S. Broad. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Hillsboro Electric Shop, 236 S. Main. Southern Illinois Light & Power Co., 200 S. Main. EXPRESS COMPANIES Adams Express Co., 110 S. Main. American Express Co., 106 E. Seward. National Express Co., 106 E. Seward. Strich & Zeidler Pianos Having been a Musician for over 40 years and a Piano Dealer for 30 years, I feel qualified to judge the qualities of pianos. With that experience I have sold for 1 6 years, and still offer the famous ^ Strich & Zeidler Pianos On Terms of Cash or Monthly Payments Send for Catalog and Further Particulars OTTO FUNK HILLSBORO ILLINOIS 145 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY The Woman's Style Store n I Henley Alden Company I Hillsboro, 111. Bell and Mutual Phones Distributort of Women's 1 COATS, SUITS, HATS , SHOES, I DRESSES, BLOUSES, SKIRTS. EVERYTHING in the line of WOMEN'S WEAR. In the "Basement Store" Excellent Staple Merchandise. MUSLINS, PERCALES, GINGHAMS, DRAPERIES, 1 COTTON BATTS, YARNS, BLANKETS and NOTIONS. Make our store your headquarters when in town J. H. RHODES MUSIC HOUSE Kimball, Mehlin & Sons, Emerson, Lyon & Healy, Pease, Adam Schaaf, and other makes of high grade pianos. Piano tuning by a reliable tuner. Kimball and Pathe talking machines and records. 228 S. Main Street Hillsboro Illinois Hill FLORISTS Pohlmann, B., 636 W. Tremont. FLOUR AND FEED McDavid, Jas. L., Co., 509 S. Main. Ware Bros., 217 Berry. FRUITS Mercuric Bros., 501 S. Main. FURNACES Little & Hendricks, 113 E. Wood. FURNITURE Evans Bros. Furniture Co., 320 S. Main. Welgre, Fred W., 423 S. Main. GARAGES Hillsboro Battery Shop, 109 S. Broad. Hillsboro Garage, 123 E. Wood. GLASS MANUFACTURERS Schram Glass Mfg. Co., Schram City. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Big Pour Store, 221 S. Main. Schram City Co-operative Society, Kortkamp. GROCERS Brown, T. M., 1101 School. Duff, C. E., 304 W. Fairground Ave. Goad, D. D., 214 S. Main. Hill, J., 739 E. Brailley. Hillsboro Co-operative Association, 719 S. Main. Jones Cash Store, 223 S. Main. Karnes, T. F., 1600 School. Kenney Bros., 1222 School. Kritikos, O., 1616 School. Liticker, H. A., 109 N. East. Ludwig & Sons, 505 S. Main. McDavid, Jas. L., & Co., 509 S. Main. Mollmann, Wm. M., 305 S. Main. Renshaw, J. F., 210 S. Main. Rivilis, Thos., Schram City. Rolf, Ed, 211 S. Main. Rupe, R. E., 965 Vandalia Road. Schalkle, A., 1331 School. Ware, L. J., 503 S. Main. Weber & Nelson, 300 S. Main. Weingand, A. E., 315 S. Main. Wright, E., Grocery Co., 1608 School. HARDWARE Brown, Geo. W., Jr., 102 S. Main. Latham, H. C., 312 S. Main. McDavid, C. I-., A Co., 215 S. Main. HARNESS Weingard, Fred, Jr., 305 Berry. HAY AND GRAIN Ware Bros., 217 Berry. HEATING Brooks & Martin, 313 S. Main. Little & Hendricks, 113 E. Wood. HOTELS Carmody Hotel, 102 N. Hamilton. Hillsboro Hotel, The. 122 E. Seward. Starr Hotel, 103 E. Seward. ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS Osborn, J. W., Ice Cream Co., 107 S. Broad. 146 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY IMPLEMENTS Clotfelter, Frank I.. 106 S. Main. INSURANCE Adkinson, Walter R., 405 S. Main. Eagle, C. R., 304 S. Main. McDavid, W. F., 216 S. Main. Strange, A. T., 3-4 Frey Bld&. Swart. C. O., 204 S. Main. ,ir.\\ Crawford. A. O., 108 B. Wood. Klar, C. W.. 311 S. Main. Noterman, Fred, 226 S. Main. Paine, C. Norman, 401 S. Main. JUNK Gudder, A., 630 Railroad. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Kallmeyer & Co., 307 S. Main. LAUNDRIES American Laundry, 200 Mill. LAWYERS Abbott, \\ m.. 204 S. Main. Baker, Joseph M., 220 S. Main. Hill & Bulllngton, 220 S. Main. Knliurick, E. C., 304 S. Main. Lane, Dryer & Brown, 213 S. Main. Major, J. Earl, 104 E. Seward. McMurray, M. J., 204 S. Main. Miller, McDavid & Miller, 212 S. Main. ^Farmers Attention!=- When in need of insur- ance on grain, live stock, on barn, dwelling, or any kind of insurance call on or tele- phone Thompson, at Hills- boro, 111. We write a more liberal policy and our rates are lower than traveling solici- tors. Ten years' experience and prompt attention to your needs. Fred E. Thompson General Insurance and Surety Bonds HILLSBORO - ILLINOIS C. L. McDAVID & CO. Hardware, Stoves, Bicycles, Auto Accessories, Guns and Ammunition, Seeds and Sporting Goods We sell and recommend the following Triple-G Goods: Quick Meal Stoves Ranges and Oil Stoves, Perfection Oil Stoves, DeLaval Separa- tors, Fairbanks-Morse E. Z. Gas Engines, One-Minute Washing Mach- ines, Diamond Edge Tools and Cutlery, Hoover Suction Carpet Sweepers. Meyers Pumps, Reed's Matchless Metal Ware, Winchester Guns and Ammunition, Rice's Garden Seeds. 215 SO. MAIN STREET HILLSBORO, ILL. Phone Montgomery County No. 34 Accurate Optical Work Phone (. Scientific Eye Examination W. T. THORP Optometrist Office over Weber & Nelson's Grocery Hillsboro Illinois IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr 147 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Itagsdale. J. i .. 104 S. Main. Ramey, F. M., 206 S. Main. LIVERY AND SALES STABLES Wilton, R. L., 108 S. Main. MARBLE AND GRANITE Hillsboro Marble & Granite Co., 1H W. Seward. MEAT MARKETS Burnett, Geo., 441 S. Main. Canady, J. S., 965 Vandalia Road. Herguth, F. F., 233 S. Main. Holmes & Williamson, 317 S. Main. Revelis, T., Schram City. Spinner, J., 1602 School. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Barringer & Edwards, 309 S. Main. Kallmeyer & Co., 307 S. Main. White, W. A., 325 S. Main. MILLINERS Kortkamp, Miss Louise, 320 S. Main. Shaner Hat Shop, 206 S. Main. MINERS' SUPPLIES Brown, Geo. W., Jr., 102 S. Main. MUSIC TEACHERS Root, Miss Bertha, 1002 S. Main. Seymour, Miss Ethel, 409 E. Tremont. Truitt, Miss Ida, 802 S. Main. Welge, Louise W., 305 Dearborn. White, Miss Ruth, 928 S. Main. Williams, Miss Margaret, 425 Round- tree. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Funk, Otto, 103 S. Main. Rhodes, J. H., 228 S. Main. NEWSPAPERS Hillsboro Journal, The, 110 E. Wood. Montgomery News, The, 106 E. Seward. NOTARIES Baker, Miss Jennie, 220 S. Main. Baker, Jos. M., 220 S. Main. Beckwith, H. M., 207 S. Main. Cox, H. L., 200 S. Main. Dunn, Geo., 207 S. Main. Fisher, G. H., 200 S. Main. Tiley, Miss Gladys, 207 S. Main. NURSES Card, Mrs. Mary, 409 Franklin. Hummitsch, Miss Helene, 138 E. Wood. _ OIL AND GASOLINE ['Independent Oil Co., Hill Crest. Standard Oil Co., 519 E. Tremont. OPTOMETRIST Thorp, W. J., 311 S. Main. Pleak, J. J. OSTEOPATHS 405 S. Main. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS Latham, H. C., 312 S. Main. PERIODICALS Serv-U-Well News Co., 227 S. Main. PHOTOGRAPHS Berner, Chas., 101 S. Main. PHYSICIANS Brown, Louis S., 213 S. Main. Clotfelter, Geo. A., 300 S. Main. Douglas, E., 221 S. Main. Douglas, E. T., 323 S. Main. Douglas, w. W., 323 S. Main. Hamilton, R. A., 405 S. Main. Klmball. Z. V., 104 W. Seward. Lindberg, A. W., 5-6 Frew Bldg. Moyer, M. L., 104 W. Seward. Seymour, H. A., 106 E. Seward. PLUMBERS Latham, H. C., 312 S. Main. POULTRY Bartlett, H. J., 101 N. Broad. REAL ESTATE Brown, Geo. W., Jr., 102-104 S. Main. Butler & Brown, 216 S. Main. Canady, S. D., 106 S. Main. Cress, A. A., 216 S. Main. Frey, J. J., Bond & Mortgage Co., 207 S. Main. Gordon, Ednah G., 204 S. Main. Grassel, C. W., 212 S. Main. Thompson, Fred E., 107 S. Main. White & White, 323 S. Main. RESTAURANTS Christy, W., 1620 School. Digman, F. M., 209 S. Main. Jones, I. B.. 443 S. Main. Lect & Duckworth, 229 S. Main. Reed, J. T., Schram City. Wilton, B. H., Ill S. Main. SECOND HAND STORES Bartlett, Harry, 436 S. Main. O'Daniel. R.. 102 N. Main. MUTUAL INSURANCE Pana Hillsboro Cyclone Company Montgomery County Fire Co. In business twenty-five years. About nine millions in force. Paid over 1,450 losses. Limited to farm and suburban property. All receipt of proof. A. T. STRANGE, Secy. 303a South Main St. Twenty-nine years experience. Insurance over two millions. Losses paid over $50,000. losses paid promptly on Hillsboro, 111. 148 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY SEWING MACHINES Carickcr, E. P Barber Singer Sewing Machine Co., 434 S. Main. Cockelreas, F. B General Mdse. SHEET METAL WORKERS offcy, C. C. Grocery Little & Hendricks, 113 E. Wood. offey, T. * Groceries Crawford, J. B., & Son SHOE REPAIRING Grain & Flour Corflo, Ed, 313 S. Main. File, Fowler & Lingle Hardware Hartline & Son, 105 S. Main. File & Gregory Grain Smith, Louis, 310 S. Main. Funk R L Grnrerv Stephenson, James, 447 S. Main. /, V??,?- y Grantham, Rose Millinery SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Green, Homer Blacksmith Lewey, E. A., Office, Court House. Haller, E. E Shoe Repairing Hammond, L. R Meat Market SHOES Irving National Bank. Brown & Battles, 206 S. Main. Kellv T R Grocerv Hartline & Son, 105 S. Main. ^ L.,' &' Co .'.'.' .'.':. G^w/ra/ Mdse. SMELTERS Kincaid, A Drug Store Lanyon, Robert, Zinc & Acid Co., E. Lingle & Son.... Garage Limits. Lyerla, E Veterinary McLaughlin, D. B Baker TAILORS Morain, W. E Real Estate Gelfer, A^ 230 S. Main Parkhill, Dr. W. V Physician Reaves, W. D, 434 S. Mam. Williams, W. B Real Estate TELEGRAPH COMPANIES ^! ls n ' ^ ' Y>' ^ Blacksmith Western Union Telegraph Co., 207 S. ^mans Dr P. H .Dentist Main. Winn & Tobias Lumber Yard TELEPHONE COMPANIES Montgomery County Telephone & Tel- egraph Co., 116 W. Water. People** Mutual Telephone Co., 405 S. Main. TINNERS Little & Hendricks, J.13 E. Wood. VETERINARIANS Harris, P. R., 405 W. Water. HONEY BEND Stears. Geo Grocery IRVING Barry, W. V Men's Furnishings Blatt, Joseph Harness Shop Bodkin Bros Restaurant LITCHFIELD BAKERIES City Bakery, 313 N. State. Home Bakery, 209 N. State. E. A. LEWEY County Superintendent of Schools Montgomery County Phones: Bell No. 25 Mutual No. Office Day Saturday Office at Court House HILLSBORO ILLINOIS PEOPLES MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY EXCHANGES KINGHAM, FARMERSVILLE, LITCHFIELD, HILLSBORO, FILLMORE, HARVEL, COFFEEN, IRVING. 405-A South Main St. Opera House Bldg. HILLSBORO, ILL. For information in rela- tion to rates for service call the secretary or local man- ager at each exchange. Complete County Service. EXCHANGES NEW DOUGLAS, WAGGONER, ROSEMOND, SORENTO, NOKOMIS, WITT, RAYMOND. 149 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY BANKS First National Bank, 324 N. State. Litchfield Bank & Trust Co., cor. Ryder and N. State. Litchfleld National Bank, 316 N. State. BARBERS Allen, Jos. R., 120 B. Kirkham. Bargfield. E. A., 220 N. State. Kelley, Dan, 117 W. Edwards. Ripley, Wm. H.. 105 W. Ryder. BLACKSMITHS Priddle, Rolla, 113 E. Edwards. Windels, P. H., 123 E. Union Ave. Wright, P. E., 602 N. State. BOILER SHOPS Wangler, Jos. BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Co-Operative Savings & Loan Associa- tion. BUSINESS COLLEGES Litchfleld Business College, 401 N. State. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Brawley Bros. Zuber, C. D., N. Jackson. CIGAR STORES Schalk, F. R., 411 N. State. Scholl & Hunt, N. State. Smith, A. V., 109 W. Ryder. Smoke Shop. CLEANING AND PRESSING Wessel, W. W., 212 N. State. CLOTHING Blackwelder, P. W., 305 N. State. Burgdorff, C. H., & Co., 321-323 N. State. Sterneck, N., 318 N. State, 308 N. State. Union Clothing Co., 320-322 N. State and 106 E. Kirkham. COAL (WHOLESALE) Wilton & Chapman, 106 N. State. COAL (RETAIL) Bartling, H. W., 124 W. Ryder. Buscher, M. J., & Co., 402 W. Edwards. Weigreffe, Wm., & Son, 110 N. Jackson. Welsh, Jas., 307 W. Edwards. COLLECTION AGENCIES O'Bannon & Kirkpatrick, 304% N. State. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Bennett, J. E., & Co., 304% N. State. CONFECTIONERS Litchfleld Candy Co., 314 N. State. CONFECTIONERY Union Bakers, 209 N. State. CONTRACTORS Angle, Claud (Concrete), 608 E. Tyler Ave. Bishop, John J. (Cement), 306 Park PI. Butts, Jas. (Plaster), 506 W. Sargent. Cassity, Sterling (Carp.), 918 N. Harri- son. Dunn, W. A. (Concrete), 324 N. Mont- gomery. Pellmer, Geo. C. (Carp.), 803 N. Jackson. James, W. C. (Carp.), 914 N. Jackson. Keese & Chamberlain (Brick), 904 N. Jefferson. Smith, A. P., 115 W. Ryder. Striplin, Edw. (Concrete), 212 W. St. John. CUT FLtfWERS McPheron, R. A., 1101 E. Union Ave. DAIRIES Litchfield Creamery Co., W. St. John. DENTISTS Baker, T. T., 115% E. Union. Graf ton, C. W., 223% N. State. Gray, L. R., 401% N. State. Snerley, R. D., State. DEPARTMENT STORES Bartling & Hussey, cor. Jefferson and W. Sargent. Cline, L. W., & Co., 415-417 N. State. Henley- Alden Co., 315 N. State and 112 W. Kirkham. DRESSMAKERS James, Miss Violet, 914 N. Jackson. Mock, Mrs. Sadie, 115% E. Union Ave. Roach, Miss Kate, 625 E. Edward. Smith, Esther, 615 Illinois Ave. Wayne, Mrs. I. K., 1119 N. Jackson. DRUGGISTS Holderread, "Walter, 223 N. State. Hood, Herbert S., 303 N. State. Kunkel & Frain, 403 N. State. Litchfield Drug Co., 302 N. State. DRY GOODS Towey Dry Goods Co., 307 N. State. Youell, L. E., 630-632 N. Chestnut. DYE WORKS Wessel, W. W., N. State. ELECTRIC COMPANIES Southern Illinois Light & Power Co., 107 W. Ryder. ELECTRIC RAILWAY Illinois Traction System, 108 N. State. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES Nieman, Albert H., 815 N. State. EMBALMERS AND UNDERTAKERS Carroll & Son, 114 E - Ryder. CoBtello, Don, 722 W. Ryder. Dodda Undertaking < > 108 W. Ed- wards. EXPRESS COMPANIES Adams Express Co., 304 N. Madison. American Express Co., 206-208 W. Ry- der. United States Express Co., 108 N. State. Wells Fargo Express Co., 304 N. Mad- ison. FARM MACHINERY is. .-.t. w. it.. 604 N. State. Eichelroth, E. O., 206-208 W. Ryder. Street Gate Co. Farm Equipments, 118 E. Ryder. 150 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEED Blackwelder, Chas., 107 Union. Jordan, Robt., 415-417 N. Jefferson. l l l n MILLS Harris, E. E., 1303 N. Jefferson. FLORISTS McPheron, R. A., 1001 Union Ave. FLOUR Hoog, E., 110 N. State. Litchfield Milling Co. Wand & Todt, 413 W. Union Ave. FLOUR MILLS Litchfield Mill & Elevator Co., cor. Ed- wards and Jackson. FRUITS Mercuric Bros., 208 N. State. GALVANIZED OIL CANS Buman Mfg. Co. GAR AGE: s Beardsley, B. C., 603 "W. Jackson. Brubaker, G. E., 606 N. State. Corzine, W. T., 109 W. Edwards. Litchfield Auto Repair Co. Saxby, W. R., 117 E. Union Ave. White, John C., cross from Litchfield Hotel. JOHN c. WHITE! International Trucks County Dealer Sub Agent at Hillsboro MR. P. ALROYD Bell Phone 84 Michal 54 \ Opposite Litchfield Hotel LITCHFIELD, ILL. Only Windmill Factory in County Water Supply Goods, Plumbing, Heating, Gasoline Engines We Solicit Your Patronage McDANIEL&SON - - - UTCHFIELD, ILL. 151 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY GENTS' FURNISHINGS Burgdorff, C. H., & Co., 321-323 N. State. Union Clothing Co., 320-322 N. State and 106 W. Kirkham. GROCERS (WHOLESALE) Litchfield Grocer Co., 403 W. Ryder. GROCERS (RETAIL,) Bishop, F., Montgomery and Taylor. Butler, Harry, 121 E. Union Ave. Edwards, J. E., cor. Clark and Van Buren. Emmons Grocery. Farmers' Exchange, 423 N. State. Gretzer, John L., 307 S. State. High School Grocery, 1101 W. Jefferson. Kaveney, Wm. P., 416 W. Sargent. Leak, Abram, 501-503 N. State. McBride Bros., 109 N. State. Mercer, J., 401 S. Jackson. Miller, Jackson. Neel, B. R., 501 S. Jackson. Neuber, A., 313 S. Hamilton. Owings Store, 1304 N. Monroe. Pearman, B. C., 610 E. South. Union Avenue Grocery, H. H. Van- Doren, 119 E. Union Ave. HARDWARE, ETC. Austin & Shrader Bros., 216 N. State. Fizzell, Robt., 112-122 W. Union . Schutt Hardware Co., 409 N. State. HARNESS Brell, Wm. F., E. Kirkham. Holderread, Henry, 108 E. Kirkham. HIDES AND WOOL, Friddle, Rolla, E. Edwards. Gudder, A., E. Edwards. Wright, F. E., 602 N. State. HOSPITALS St. Francis Hospital, 706 S. State. HOTELS City Hotel, 223-227 W. Ryder. Illinois Hotel, 223 W. Ryder. Litchfield Hotel, cor. Madison and Ry- der. Old Dobson Hotel, 201 W. Edwards. Post Hotel, W. Kirkham. Star Hotel, 215 N. State. ICE Bartling, H. W. Buscher, M. J., & Co., 402 W. Edwards.. INSURANCE Bray, M. E., 726 E. Union. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., room 5, Do- ran Bldg. Neuber, Arthur M., 313 S. Hamilton. O'Bannor, S. E., 306% N. State. Prudential Life Ins. Co., room 6, Doran Bldg. Rea, John W., Ill W. Kirkham. JEWELRY Hartwell Jewelry Co., 224 N. State. Lager Bros., 309 N. State. W r hite Jewelry & Art Co., 407 N. State. iiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiHiiiiHiiiiniiiiniiiiiBiiiiniiiniiiiiniiiiBiiii 1 Fine Monument Work of All Kinds Artistic Lettering and Carving Our Specialty All Work Guaranteed as Represented Litchfield Marble & Granite Works W. O. WHITE, Prop. 410 MONROE ST. LITCHFIELD, ILL. 152 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY JUNK Gudder, Alec, E. Edwards. Welsh, Jas., 307 W. Edwards. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Griswold, J. W., 106 E. Ryder. Munday, Chas., 729 S. State. LAMP MANUFACTURING CO. Litchfleld Lamp Mfg. Co. LAWYERS Atterbury, J. H., 109 E. Ryder. Kessinger, S. W., 106 E. Ryder. Kinder, D. R., 405% N. State. >i.-\\ iiii.-iinx. Paul, 311 Madison. Rives, Zeno J., 110 E. Ryder. Stuttle, Harry C., 226% N. State. LIVE STOCK Litchfleld Farmers' Grain & Live Stock Co., 503-505 W. Tyler. LUMBER, LATHS AND SHINGLES Taylor, F. I., Lumber Co., W. Union Ave. . _ MACHINE SHOPS Beindorf, W. C., 317 W. Sargent. Coulter, Wm., cor. Kirkham and Wash- ington. Litchfield Foundry & Machine Co., 308 S. Jackson. MEAT MARKETS Blades, S. E., 401 S. Jackson. Ulenhope & Co., cor. State and Sargent. COSTELLO Funeral Director Only Lady Licensed Em- balmer in the city Motor Hearse and Chapel MONUMENTS of every description Concrete Burial Vaults 111 W. Ryder St. UTCHFIELD,ILL. W. R. BOST Implements, Wagons, Bug- gies, Tractors, Silos, Fur- naces, Briscoe Automobiles. John Deere Full Line Implements. We carry a full line of John Deere and Johnson Repairs in Stock and can get any other repairs on short notice. We sell and recommend the following ii^-j g Kroeger & Arnold General Mdse. . H Kroeger, Arnold & Brockman Undertaking Distributors of Le S& Produce Co Poultry & Eggs MEN'S and WOMEN'S = Lipschitz, I. (The Fair) 1V1 I_*l^ *J ttllU TV \_7iVl L.1^ *J _ r . /~* j , , , , - ' ; . I , TT 7 f-i r^TiMr- iv/in f IMPOV ^ ..Dry Goods & Ladies Ready-to-Wear CLOTHING, MILLINERY, = Little B urrell Tailor Shop SHOES, HOISERY, UNDER- Miller, H. C .Attorney WEAR, SILKS, LINENS, DRESS | Mincevitch, A. , Meat Market GOODS of WOOL and Moose Hotel. POTTON RIIPS I IN Nobbe, H. J Grain Elevator TON, RUGS, LIN- Nokomis Coal Co Coal Mine OLEUMS, DRAPER- Nokomis Co-operative Store IES, SHADES. Grocery & Miners' Supplies Nokomis Machine Shops QUALITY and SERVICE I .Machine Work, Implements & ... H Nokomis National Bank. at all times. Nokomis Progress Newspaper Nokomis State Bank. Grain Bins j Make this store your head- Olmstead, D. E Tailor Shop quarters when in town Pachesa Bros Meat Market 1 Paddock, C. H., Lumber Co ^IllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllJlllllllIll Lumber, Paints & Building Material 156 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Panwitt, F. J., & Son Neal, H Barber . .Hardzvare, Furniture & Implements Reveli, G Restaurant Pauschert, A. P Photo Studio Romani, C General Mdse. Pereboom & Pereboom Schwartz, J General Mdse. Jewelry & Grafonolas Pier, John Coal & Hay RAYMOND Pleak, J. J Osteopath Beck, Geo. J . . . Ice Cream & Restaurant Pness, L. A Blacksmith Carlin & Jones Lumber Yard Robertson Bros. Hardware & Plumbing De Prima, Max Restaurant Rogers, Chas Garage Dirscoll, Dr. L Physician Rowe, C. E Dentist Doyle, Noah Garage Russell Mercantile Co. . .General Mdse. Drake, F. M Racket Store Schafer, Geo Drug Store, John '.'.'.'...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Shoes Schneider, L. J Dry Goods & Shoes Farmers Grain & Supply Co Grain Schutter, Geo Tin Shop First National Bank. Serenco, Harry Foster, A. W Dry Goods Dry Goods & Clothing Guthrie, D Jeweler Shaef er, David Groceries Guthrie, F Notion Store Smgler, Dr. Henry Dentist Haarstick, Geo Farm Implements Smith, Louis .Shoes Henderson, H. J Snedecker, R. W Garage Jewelry 6- Optometrist Snell, Wesley Restaurant Hendrickson, L. E Grocery Sprinkle, Dr. J. M Dentist Hines, I Furniture Sullivan, Edward Feed Store Hough, R. M Undertaking Tick, Henry Electrician Hughes, E Harness Shop Todd, John Kenton, Dr. J. R Physician Dry Goods & Women's Clothing Legg Produce Co Poultry & Eggs Turzak, Joseph Grocery Lipe, O. R Veterinary Surgeon Vaughan, Dr. C. W Physician Litch, Miss Susie Millinery Walcher, J. L Veterinary Surgeon Litchfield Creamery Co. Wallus, Jos Miners' Store }v, a . ' J as ,'.. Livery t'liiiiiiiiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiilnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniininiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'j Webster, W. G Attorney Weinstein, Jos. H., & Co Clothing Wells & Brown Clothing Columbia Grafonolas and Welsch, Con A Bakery Welsch, Jos Restaurant Records Player Pianos I Wilson, Dr. G. S Physician \ Wilson, J. D Attorney Watches Jewelery and Woltman, John, & Co General Mdse. Yackle, F Shoe Store Diamonds Young, Crickenberger & Kettlekamp.. Real Estate & Autos Zueck, Baptiste Meats Repairing Neatly Done OHLMAN Farmers Bank. Eyes Tested Free Grote, Geo. H General Mdse. ^ Paddock Lumber Co....... Ansco Cameras Lumber & Building Material Umpleby, J. F Grain Zimmerman Bros Grocery TjAXTAiwrA Pereboom & Pereboom PANAMA AzZ ! & r L'nzinni Bakery Jewelers and Opticians Bank of Panama. Everett Drug Store Drugs Kinzer & Pullen . . KTJ*\V SVAXIO it i YH.TSIYO McCracken, R Meat Market NOKOMIS - ILLINOIS Hardware & Furniture McReaken, C Restaurant ^iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiniiiiniiinuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ 157 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Get Your Footwear From LOUIS SMITH Maze, C. L Grocery & Meats McLean, G. C Dry Goods Oberle, A Implements Potts, L. L Newspaper Publisher Raymond State Bank. Raymond Tile & Cement Factory Tile & Blocks Reinecke, Roy Hardware Scherer, Dr. W Dentist Scholte, Steve Bakery & Restaurant Sellars, P. A Grocery Seward, R General Mdse. Seymour, W. L Drugs Southern Illinois Light & Power Co. Standard Oil Co. Stovenor, F Clothing & Dry Goods TAYLOR SPRINGS American Zinc Co. Bell, Harry Grocery Bonon, Fred Feed Store Brooks, Eli Confectionery Brownstein, H Clothing, Hardware & Dry Goods Brown-Murdock & Co... General Mdse. Cobetto, Frank General Mdse. Dancisak, Geo General Mdse. Freedman, D Dry Goods & Clothing Herman, Dr. E. H Physician ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Creamery that was organized by the Farmers, for the Farmers, = and of the Farmers. We buy your cream the year around. Our Co-op- | erative Payment Plan nets the Farmer the Highest Market Price for his Cream. Every Pair Guaranteed, for the Whole Family, and Johansen Shoes. Shoes Peters NOKOMIS ILLINOIS G. W. FESSER, President. J. W. ANDERSON, Sec. GEO. H. BOST, Mgr. and Treas. ESTABLISHED 1900 INCORPORATED 1901 Phones: Bell 177; Mutual 51 18 Years of Successful Business 158 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY iniiiliiliiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiir. NOKOMIS STATE BANK A State Bank Nokomis, HI. The Bank that plans to meet the ordinary needs of every one. Conservative Safe Consistent. 3% on Savings and Time Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. This is the Bank where we want you to feel at Home. OFFICERS J. L. Manning, Pres. V. C. Singler, Cashier C. H. Kerr, Vice-Pres. B. F. Zimmerman, Asst. Cashier. Our Growth in Deposits $46,897.96 1915 $76,986.46 1916 $138,228.35 1917 $218,965.43 1918 $390,335.37 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIII The 0. H. Paddock Lumber Co. "The Place to Buy Lumber" Lumber, Building Material, Cement, Paints, Millwork, Building Blocks, Sewer Pipe, Posts and Poles, Glass, Oils and Turpentine We sell and recommend the following Triple-G Goods: Cornell Wall Board. Vulcanite & Security Roofings. Can't-Sag Gates. Valdura Roof Paints. Acme Plaster and Plasterboard. Best Brands Cement. DeVoe and Lowe Bros. House and Barn Paints. Best Brands Millwork. DeVoe, Pratt & Lambert and Berry Bros. Varnishes. Medusa Water-Proof Cement. We have a large stock of goods on hand at all times. Nokomis, 111. Yards at Coffeen and Ohlman 159 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hardware, Furniture and Implements Builders Hardware We sell and recom- mend the following Triple-G Goods: Diamond Edge Tools Estate Stoves and Ranges Range Eternal Revenoc & Boss Oil Stoves Winchester Guns and Ammunition Sharpies Separators Myers Pumps and Hay Tools Fairbanks Z Engines Maytag Washing Machines John Deere Full Line Implements and Wagons See us when in need of Builders' Hardware. We carry a com- plete line of House Furnishings and Furniture. F.J.Pannwitt&Son NOKOMIS - ILLINOIS Grazeck, Henry Barber Guelpa, Fred Bakery Hill, Isaac, Lumber Co Lumber Hillsboro Co-operative Assn General Mdse. Jagosh, John Meats Kellar, T. C Receiver for C. & E. I. Coal Mine Properties Mazera, Mrs. Joe Grocery Mehrochko, Jdhn. . .Grocery & Meats Melic, Chas Barber Panschis, Jos Grocery & Meats Rosen f eld, M Clothing & Shoes State Bank of Taylor Springs. Swingle's Drug Store Drugs THOMASVILLE Drennan, Allen General Mdse. Thomas & Loyd Grain Wand & Todd Grain WAGGONER Bank of Waggoner. Gerlach, J. W Grain Hargraves & Lewis Lumber Co.. Lumber Kesslar & Son General Mdse. McGill, Dr. L. R Physician Norvell, C. S, Co General Mdse. Rice, R. J. . Hardware Shoptaw, H Blacksmith Thompson, W. A Barber LALLEY LIGHT! The Electric Light and Power for Every Farm. Pays for itself by the work it does. Let us demonstrate to you why you should have a Lalley. A message on the phone will bring it to your home. Power and light with the Lalley Light day or night. I A. 0. KETTELKAMP, Dealer Nokomis, III. | FiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiF 160 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Vignos, J. E Confectionery Wandt, Todd & Co Grain WALSHVILLE Barlow, T. M. & C. C. . ..General Mdse. Copeland & Canon General Mdse. Marburger, A. G Grocery McPhail, C. L Grocery WITT Adams, Dr. J. W Physician Avena, A General Mdse. Bathe, C. E Neivsstand Baxter, W Garage Benz, John Bakery Betty, J., & Son Tractors Buchko, John Grocery Carricker & Maxey Grocery & Hardware Coderre, T Drugs Dean, H. L Justice Peace Fesser Bros Meat Market Gruenwald, Dr. W Physician Hammack, H. L Dry Goods & Clothing Hargrave, Lewis, Lumber Co... Lumber Hoehn, F Garage Hubbard, Dr. E. D Dentist TIMES A PROFIT So many times a customer has come into your store and asked for a brand you do not carry. You tried to sell a competing brand, but could not. Did you then say, "Wait a moment and I'll get what you want," or, "I'll get what you want and send it to you?" The probability is you would make the sale at a loss, but such a loss is an investment to be realized on throughout your busi- ness life. It pays to please. Chas. L. Rogers GARAGE Auto Repairing Auto Accessories of all kinds Kokomo Tires Columbia Batteries Inland Piston Rings We buy and sell second hand automobiles. Bicycle repairs. " Bell Phone 339 Nokomis Illinois ^iiiiiiiniMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiHiiiii 1 ' | William A. Bote Insurance in All Its Branches ! Agency Fidelity Phoenix Co. Fire, Tornado and Windstorm. I Automobiles insured against Fire, Theft, Collision. Liability and Property Damage. New York Life Insurance Co., Hartford Live ! Stock Co., Kaskaskia Live Stock | Co. i Real Estate of all kinds. Notary Public. Phone Bell 241 NOKOMIS ILLINOIS I ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuuiiviuuuiuiiiiniinii? 161 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wm. F. Grauer Dealer, Buyer and Shipper of All Kinds of Hay Highest Market Price Paid Offices: Nokomis and Pal- mer, 111. Office at Nokomis With H. J. Bender |iiiiiuiuuuiniinuiimiiuiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuii!iHiiHinmiHiiiiii!iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiii'| = H J C. H. KEMPTON I >gxoJ^ Drugs, Stationery, Paints, Oils, Wall Paper and School Supplies. We are headquarters for win- dow glass, Dr. Hess and other standard stock foods. Drugs with a reputation. Our prescriptions are care- fully filled by a registered phar- macist. Phone Bell 83 NOKOMIS - - - ILLINOIS nnimraniuwtiii miinm niiifflnuinnimnmiimiiiun Keller Coal Co Coal Mine Lee, Samuel General Mdse. Lewin, R Gents' Furnishing Lockhart, Dr. C. H Physician Luderwick, R. S Attorney Martin, A. R Auctioneer McDowell, F Decorator Michael, Joe Real Estate Oland National Bank. Pailsey Mill & Elevator Co Grain Paslavsky, Sam.. Dry Goods & Clothing Pfertner, F. W..Dry Goods & Clothing Pyle, W Grocery Stauder & Hoehn Hardware Tarro, J. A Grocery Store Taylor, S., & Son Grocery & Meats Voytilla, J Grocery Walcher, Chas Veterinary Surgeon Witt Co-operative Store. . General Mdse. Witt National Bank. Witt Press Newspaper Witt Vulcanizing Shop Tire Vulcanising Wittman, Edw Harness Shop ZANESVILLE Hess, J. W Grocery Wandt, Todt & Co. .Grain, Hay & Feed HENRY J. NOBBE GRAIN BUYER AND SHIPPER Dealer in Flour, Shorts and Bran NOKOMIS ILLINOIS 162 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Automobile Directory of Montgomery Couuty This List Contains the Names of Farm Automobile Owners Only Name Adams, Fred Adams, Jake T. Adden, Mrs. F. Adden, Otto Adden, Theo. Aherin, M. C. Make Reo Ford Maxwell Buick Six Ford Postoffice Rosemond, R. 1 Raymond, R. 3 Nokomis, R. 1 Nokomis, R. 5 Harvel, R. 1 Aikman, Herbert Saxon Six Buick Farmersville, R. 2 Alderson, T. A. Reo Alexander, Ida Dodge Alexander, Mrs. I. E. Allen Allen, O. K. Farmersville, R. 1 Hillsboro, R. 4 Fillmore, R. 2 Oakland Maxwell Allen, Robt. B. Almond, Geo. H. Anderson, J. W. Anderson, W. C. Angerstein, C. W. Ford Armentrout, C. L. Studebaker Armentrout, G. W Studebaker Armstrong, R, D. Overland Armstrong, Wm. H. Mitchell Arney, Wm. Dodge Arnold, Edwin W. Ford Arnold, Willis E. Ford Ash, Chas. H. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 Overland and Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Ford Barnett, R. 2 Dodge Virden, R. 2 Nokomis, R. 1 Hillsboro, R. 2 Hillsboro, R. 2 Irving, R. 1 Irving, R. 1 Litchfield, R. 1 Waggoner, R. 1 Hillsboro, R. 3 Litchfield Waggoner, R. 1 Irving, R. 2 Name Make Attebery, Chas. W. Ford Attebery, Wm. J. Buick Ault, Mrs. Mary M. Ford Aylward, Ed. Ford Bahlow, H. W. Bailey, Edgar Baker, Horace S. Baker, Jarvis Baker, M. D. Ball, Henry S. Ball, Wm. A. Balsley, Chris Bandy, Jas. P. Bandy, Orville B. Ford Bandy, Walter H. Ford Barnstable, Henry Dodge Barricklow, Elizabeth M. Metz Barricklow, L. A. Ford Barringer, I. N. Ford Sedan Barry, Earl Barry, M. Bass, Edgar Battles, Earl W. Postoffice Hillsboro, R. 4 Hillsboro, R. 4 Hillsboro, R. 4 Nokomis, R. 3 Reo Raymond, R. 3 Ford Hillsboro, K. 4 Ford Farmersville, K. 1 Buick Barnett, R. 1 Ford Fillmore, K. 2 Chevrolet Litchfield, R. 1 Ford Virden, R. 2 Crow-Elkhart Witt, R. 1 Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Ford Barnett, R. 2 Nokomis, R. 2 Coffeen, R. 2 Coffeen, R. 2 Fillmore, R. 2 Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Overland Oconee, R. 1 Ford Nokomis, R. 4 TIME The automobile has quickened American life by making it possible to do more things every day. Without an automobile it is doubtful whether you can keep up with your opportunities. Overland and Willys Knight Autos Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tires Brunswick Tires United States Tires Veedol Oils Champion Spark Plugs Plowman 15-30 ALL STANDARD TRACTOR The per cent Reserve Power Tractor NAUGHTON & WHEALON FARMERSVILLE ILLINOIS 163 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Battles, Edw. Bauer, Arthur Bauer, R. D. Make Ford Ford Ford Postoffice Nokomis, R. 4 Nokomis, R. 3 Nokomis, R. 3 Bauman, F. C. Overland Nokomis, R. 5 Bauman, John Overland Nokomis, R. 3 Beal, J. K. Buick Four Hillsboro, R. 4 Beal, Newton Reo Hillsboro, R. 4 Beaman, S. Rover Ford Raymond, R. 3 Beasley, Chas. Chevrolet Virden, R. 2 Beattie, David Overland Morrisonville, R. 3 Beaty, Isaac Dodge Virden, R. 2 Beck, C. G. Ford Walshville, R. 1 Becker, Albert Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Bedinghaus, Clem Overland Farmersville, R. 1 Bell, Harry Ford Taylor Springs Benning, Geo. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Benning, Herman and Fred Maxwell Raymond, R. 2 Benning, John H. Ford Raymond, R. 3 Bergman, Henry Winton Six Litchfield, R. 3 Bergschneider, Xheo. Saxon Six Harvel, R. 2 Berkenkamp, Aug. Oakland Farmersville, R. 2 Berry, F. M. Ford Irving, R. 1 Besanceney, Jules Buick Barnett, R. 2 Best, Aug. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Best, Carl Ford Butler, R. 1 Best, Carl F. Maxwell Morrisonville, R. 3 Best, Ernest D. Chevrolet Butler, R. 1 Best, Jacob Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Best, Peter Jackson Mor,risonville, R. 3 Bethard, Benj. Briscoe Harvel, R. 1 Bethard, G. W. Ford Raymond, R. 1 Bethard, W. J. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Betzold, G. F. Maxwell Nokomis, R. 2 Billiter, Jas. A. Ford Barnett, R. 2 Birkenkamp, Fred W. Maxwell Litchfield, R. 4 Bishop, F. E. Overland Pana, R. 3 Bitter, W. Maxwell Hornsby Black, Mrs. Alma L. Jackson Witt, R. 1 Blackburn, Earl Dodge Hillsboro, R. 1 Blackburn, John E. Ford ' Coffeen, R. 2 Blackburn, J. R. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 Blackburn, W. S. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Blackwood, W. E. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Bock, Martin Reo Witt, R. 1 Boden, A. J. Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Boehler, Chas. H. Oakland Raymond, R. 3 Bohlen, Ekke Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Bonnet, S. F. Overland Harvel, R. 2 Bonnett, David Reo Farmersville, R. 1 Booher, T. L. Ford Coffeen, R. 3 Best, Alex Buick Six Fillmore, R. 2 Bost, B. A. Overland Coffeen, R. 2 Bost, Coles L. Ford Toffeen, R. 2 Bost, DwigM For': Irving, R. 1 Bost. F. P BuicU Coffeen. R. 2 Bost, M. II For,] Fillmotr, R. 1 Name Make Postoffice Bost, Ralph S. Briscoe Fillmore, R. 2 Bost, Thos. L. Ford Nokomis, R. 2 Bottrell, Robt. Ford Morrisonville, R. 2 Bowles, Chas. L. Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Bowles, Tom E. Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Bowman, C. E. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Boyd, W. A. Dodge Hillsboro, R. 2 Bradley, Oscar Cartercar Irving, R. 1 Brackebusch, Aug. Buick Coffeen, R. 3 Bramel, B. A. Dodge Butler Brandes, Frank H. Maxwell Harvel, R. 1 Braye, Henry Ford Harvel, R. 1 Breiterback Bros. Allen Harvel, R. 1 Bremer, J. H. Studebaker Hillsboro Bridge, H. L. Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Bridges, Willis Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Briegel, John Maxwell Nokomis, R. 4 Brockman, Herman Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Brockman, Walter Ford Hillsboro, R. 2 Brockmeyer, Henry Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Brockmeyer, Wm. Ford Harvel, R. 2 Brohammer, Fred Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Brohammer, T. A. Fqrd Coffeen, R. 1 Brokaw, Abram Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Brown, Arthur Overland Farmersville, R. 1 Brown, Chas. L. Studebaker Irving, R. 1 Brown, C. C. Crow Pana, R. 3 Brown, C. E. Dodge Rosemond, R. 1 Brown, E. H. Dodge Hillsboro, R. 4 Brown, Jas. Buick Farmersville, R. 1 Brown, John Overland Harvel, R. 2 Brown, John W. Maxwell Pawnee, R. 51 Brown, J. F. Buick Farmersville, R. 1 Brown, Ralph Reo Farmersville, R. 2 Brown, Roland O. Dodge Butler Browning, J. W. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Browning, Ray Buick Raymond, R. 2 Brubaker, Levi Ford (2) Farmersville, R. 1 Brubaker, Martin Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Bruns, John Ford Rosemond, R. 1 Bruntjen, J. G. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Bryce, Geo. A. Overland Irving, R. 1 Bryce, Wm. White Nokomis, R. 1 Buchanan, Ray Buick Raymond, R. 2 Bullard, Sarah Cartercar Harvel, R. 1 Bullard, S. F. Maxwell Harvel, R. 2 Brokaw, Isaac F. Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Burke, Jas. Overland, Chalmers and Maxwell Farmersville, R. 2 Burke, Michael Ford Girard, R. 43 Burnet, C. E. Overland Raymond, R. 2 Burnet, J. A. Dodge Raymond, R. 2 Burris, Chas. D. Overland Butler, R. 1 Burris, John R. Buick Girard, R. 43 Purris. W. C. Dodge Butler, R. 1 Burris, W. Richard Buick Pawnee, R. 51 Burton, W. W. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Busby, J. A. Maxwell Butler Buse, Rudolph Elgin Ohlman Butler, H. B. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 164 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Name Make Butler, Ralph Ford Butler, Wesley Ford Calame, Paul Ford Caldicott, John Ford Caldwell, C. M. Metz Campbell, Chas. W. Ford Campbell, Earl A. Reo Campbell, Robert. Overlanc Cannon, H. Ford Carey, Pat. J. Ford Carr, Delbert C. Ford Carr, Dolphas Maxwell Carriker, C. L. Vulcan Witt, R. 1 Carroll, C. C. Overland Oconee, R. 1 Carroll, John Hupmobile Ramsey, R. 3 Carter, Wm. D. Ford Barnett, R. 2 Cartmel, L. F. Overland Thomasville Case, Delbert Ford Virden, R. 2 Case, Harvey Winton Six Nokomis, R. 5 Case, Otis International and Ford Virden, R. 42 Cashen, J. W. Paige Farmersville, R. 2 Cass, O. B. Dodge Butler, R. 1 Casselberry, W. H. Franklin Nokomis, R. 1 Cave, Robt. Overland Litchfield, R. 2 Chamberlain, L. M. Overland Hillsboro, R. 4 Chaplin, Harry Ford Raymond, R. 2 Chapman, Albert Ford Raymond, R. 2 Chausse, Edgar Oldsmobile Nokomis, R. 1 Chausse, W. A. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Christian, W. R. Briscoe Witt, R. 1 Christner, W. L. Elgin Rosemond, R. 1 Chumley, Hugh Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Clark, John J. Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Clark, L. J. Ford Girard, R. 43 Clarke, Frank J. Overland Farmersville, R. 2 Clarke, J. E. Dodge Morrisonville, R. 2 Clarke, Patrick Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Clarke, Thos. Overland Farmersville, R. 2 Clayton, ArthurS. Ford Hornsby, R. 11 Clotfelter, R. J. Maxwell Hillsboro, R. 2 Commerford, Mrs. Anna Case and Overland Farmersville, R. 2 Convery, Frank Dodge Farmersville, R. 1 Cooper, J. J. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Corlew, Basil F. Ford Raymond, R. 3 Corlew, Willis M. Ford Raymond, R. 3 C^rnwell, Wm. H. Chevrolet Atwater, R. 45 Cramer Sisters Ford Witt, R. 1 Crawford, Geo. W. Ford Barnett, R. 2 Cress, Frank Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Cress Hill Farm Buick Hillsboro Cress, H. E. Case Irving, R. 3 Cress, J. D. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Cress, Lee F^rd Fillmore Cress, W. Orin Ford Irving, R. 3 Crites, Albert B. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Crites, J. D. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Fillmore, K. 1 Crites, R.E. Studebaker Harvel, R. 2 Hillsboro, K. 1 Croon, Ono Studebaker Nokomis ,R. 5 Croon, Henry Briscoe Nokomis, R. 5 Witt, K. 1 Crouse, Alex Maxwell Virden, R. 2 Farmersville , R. 2 Fillmore, R. 3 Curry, Lennul R. Reo Pana, R. 3 Curry, Phillip Ford Pana, R. 3 Butler, R. 1 Curtis, Delbert Ford Witt, R. 1 Harvel, R. 2 Dahler, Chas. Dammann, E. L. Ford Ford Rosemond, Hillsboro, R. R. 1 3 Hillsboro, Virden, Nokomis, Irving, v Irvine' K. R. R. R. H. 4 42 5 2 2 Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Albert C.J. Frank B. Geo. D. O. B. Ford Overland Ford Ford Ford Harvel, R. 2 Donnellson Litchfield, R. 2 Litchfield, R. 2 Walshville, R. 1 Davis, Sidney R. Dodge Donnellson, R. 1 Davis, Theo. Ford Barnett Dayis, W. J. Overland Litchfield, R 2 Davis, W. L. Ford Walshville, R. 1 DeBarr, John Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Deist, Wm. Dort Nokomis, R. 1 Delong, Jas. Studebaker Nokomis, R. 1 Denney, Earl Chevrolet Harvel, R. 1 Denny, Oscar Maxwell Harvel, R. 1 DeMoulin, Rene S. Chevrolet Litchfield, R. 1 Dempsey, J. D. Studebaker Farmersville, R. 2 D^rby, F. P. Dodge Raymond, R. 2 Detmers, Andrew Dodge Nokomis, R. 1 DeVries, John Ford New Douglas, R. 1 Dewerff, Geo. Dodge Nokomis, R. 1 Dewerff, John Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Dewerff, Wm. Reo Nokomis, R. 1 Dickey, Homer Buick Four Raymond, R. 2 Dikerson, H. M. Chevrolet Litchfield, R. 2 Dirks, John Allen Nokomis, R. 2 Dixon, Geo. Ford Virden, R. 2 Doehler; Paul Buick Mt. Olive, R. 14 Doerr, A. T. Overland Harvel, R. 1 Doerr, C. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Doerr, Peter H. Studebaker Irving, R. 1 Dohler, John E. Briscoe Irving, R. 3 Doiss, Aug. Chevrolet Nokomis, R. 2 Doll, Henry T. Ford Litchfield Doll, Minnie Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Dollintine, W. R. Studebaker Sorento, R. I Doody, Tom Dodge Harvel, R. 2 Dougherty, P. Reo Irving, R. 3 Downs, Paul Ford Irving, R. 3 Doyle, Thos. Jeffery Six Raymond, R. 3 Dragoo, W. L. Maxwell Pawnee, R. 2 Drake, John O. Ford Barnett, R. 1 Dressor, P. S. Maxwell Hillsboro, R. 2 Drewel Bros. Ford Walshville, R. 1 Dunlap, C. W. Buick Pawnee, R. 51 Durand, Eugene Overland Farmersville, R. 1 Durham, Dave Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Durston, A. E. Ford Witt, R. 1 Durston, Edgar Hudson, Maxwell and Oakland Coffeen, R. 1 Durston, J. J. Studebaker Irving, R. 1 Durston, W. H. Ford Irving, R. 2 Ebe, Mrs. Sopha Buick Pawnee, R. 3 Eckhoff, Kasper Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Eddington, Edgar Ford Irving, R. 1 165 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Eddington, Mrs. Jas. Fite, C. E. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Ford Irving, R. 2 Fitzgerald, Frank Dodge Farmersville, R. 1 Eddington, Joe. Sr. Flint, Earl W. Overland Raymond Reo Irving Flitz, John Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Eddington, Joe Jr. Pullman Irving, R. 1 Flood, Frank Buick Six Eddington, Oliver Ford Butler Farmersville, R. 2 Eddington, Roy Briscoe Witt, R. 1 Flood, T. P. Buick Farmersville, R. 2 Edwards, Amos R. Floyd, Eugene Ford Harvel, R. 2 Hudson Hillsboro, R. 2 Fonke, Aug. B. Empire Barnett, R. 2 Edwards, Henry A. Forbes, Ray Buick Farmersville, R. 1 Buick Coffeen, R. 1 Foster, John F. Dodge and International Edwards, Jacob T. Truck Harvel, R. 1 Ford Harvel, R. 1 Foster, Ross Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Edwards, J. Allen Studebaker and Ford Fraley, Everett Briscoe Irving, R. 2 Hillsboro, R. 2 Frame, Amos Ford Hillsboro, R. 2 Edwards, Lvnn Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Frame, Geo. C. Buick Hillsboro, R. 2 Edwards, M. I. Overland Walshville, R. 1 Franks, L. C. Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Edwards, Koscoe A. Fravala, Chris, C. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Buick Hillsboro, R. 2 Frazier, Louis Dodge Taylor-Springs Edwards, S. H. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Fricke, Gus. C. Reo Nokomis, R. 5 Egelhoff, Chas. Reo Raymond, R. 3 Fricke, Wm. Buick Harvel, R. 1 Eelhoff, Otto Briscoe Mt. Olive, R. 14 Friend, Geo. M. Ford Raymond, R. 2 Egelhoff, Walter W. Fromkneckt, Max Dodge Butler, R. 2 Ford Raymond, R. 3 Fuchs, Edw. F. Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Egelhoff, W. F. Dodge Raymond, R. 2 Fuchs, Louis Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Ellington, A. L. Dodge- Donnellson, "{. 2 Fuchs, Reinhard Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Ellington, W. A. Ford Donnellson, R. 1 Furnace, Robt. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Elliot, Louis Overland Butler, R. 2 Furness, Chas. Overland Irving R 2 Elliott, Arthur Maxwell Nokomis, R. 3 Fyffe, Don S. Ford Sedan Elmore, E. E. Ford Coffeen, R. 3 Farmersville, R. 2 Elvers, Christ Ford Ohlman Elvers, Herman Chevrolet Ohlman Gardner, Frank Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Engelman, Edw. Commonwealth Garnn, W. R. Dodge Raymond, R. 2 Nokomis, R. 3 Gartner, Henry Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Engelman, Geo. E. Gee, V. W. Ford Harvel, R. 2 Buick Raymond, R. 3 Gerdes, F. R. Overland Litchfield, R. 3 Engelman, Herman Gerhard, C. N. Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Dixie Flyer Nokomis, R. 3 Gerhard, Henry C. Engelman, H. O. Hupmobile Harvel, R. 1 Ford Sedan Engelman, Wm. M. Farmersville, R. 1 Maxwell Raymond, R. 3 Gerhard, John Overland Ennis, John Buick Pawnee, R. 51 Farmersville, R. 2 Epley, John Maxwell Nokomis, R. 4 Gerhard, S. L. Buick Six Ernst, A. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Farmersville, R. 2 Ernst, Chas. Ford Irving, R. 3 Gerhards, Henry Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Ernst, Ed. Ford Witt, R. 1 Gerlach, Clyde Reo Harvel, R. 2 Ernst, Ceo. Ford Coffeen Getz, Ora Ford Nokomis, R. 2 Ernst, Henry Ford Mt. Olive, R. 14 Gilbert, Roy Ford Raymond, R. 2 Ernst, H. C. Ford Irving, R. 1 Gilman, Mrs. Flora Ernst, W. H. Overland Irving, R. 1 Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Etter, Lewis P. Oakland Raymond, R. 2 Gilmore, John H. Evans, W. J. Maxwell Sorento, R. 1 Overland Girard, R. 43 Everts, H. Ford Mt. Olive, R. 14 Gilpin, W. H. Ford Pawnee, R. 51 Gimlin, Wilber Maxwell Raymond, R. 3 Glen, Louis Buick Hillsboro Farris, G. V. Overland Hillsboro, R. 3 Glover, C. R. Hudson Harvel, R. 1 Fearn, Jos. Ford Witt, R. 1 Fearno, Chas. H. Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Ferguson, R. F. Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Goby, Gus Ford Raymond, R. 2 Goby, Wm. R. Buick Raymond, R. 2 Graden, Gettys E. Ford Nokomis, R. 2 Ferrari, Steve Ford Walshville, R. 1 Graden, J. L. Overland and Ford Fesser, Frank Buick Six Irving, R. 2 Nokomis, R. 2 Fesser, G. W. Oakland Nokomis, R. 1 Graham, J. M. Ford Harvel Fesser, Louis H. Ford Witt, R. 1 Fesser, Ray Ford Fillmore,' R. 2 Graham, J. T. Dodge Irving, R. 3 Graner, Chas. Commonwealth Fireman, Wm. Overland Raymond, R. 3 Nokomis, R. 5 Fisher, Fred Ford Barnett, R. 2 Grantham, J. R. Maxwell Butler, R. 2 Fisher, Perry Staver Irving, R. 2 Grassel, Edw. Dodge Butler, R. 1 Fite, Benj. F. Ford Atwater. R. 1 Grassel, Henry Dodge Litchfield, R. 2 166 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Name Make Grassel, John C. Ford Gray, Chas. Ford Gray, Walter Ford Gray, W. A. Ford Green, C. A. Buick Green, Jos. Ford Green, J. W. Ford Greenwood, Arthur Briscoe Greenwood, W. C. Maxwell Gregg, Jehah Ford Gregg, Wm. H. Ford Griffin, Jas. Ford Grigg, Ona D. Maxwell Postoffice Butler, R. 1 Nokomis, R. 5 Witt, R. 1 Butler, R. 1 Hillsboro, R. 4 Hillsboro, R. 4 Hillsboro, R. 4 Coffeen, R. 3 Fillmore, R. 2 Butler, R. 1 Litchfield, R. 1 Hillsboro, R. 3 Coffeen, R. 3 Grimes, Edw. Hudson Super Six Raymond, R. 2 Grimes, J. C. Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Grimes, Walter Hudson Irving, R. 2 Grisham, J. J. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Grisham, U. C. Maxwell Walshville, R. 1 Groner, C. J. Ford Irving, R. 1 Grosenheider, Frank Sr. Oakland Litchfield, R. 4 Grosenheider, Fred F. Allen Litchfield, R. 4 Grosenheider, Henry Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Grubb, Harry Dodge Raymond, R. 2 Gullidge, E. G. Maxwell Pana, R. 3 Guthak, Albert Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Guthols, John Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Guthrie, J. H. Briscoe Raymond, R. 2 Haake, Otto Franklin Fillmore, R. 3 Haake, Solomon Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Hagemeier, Fred Ford Nokomis, R. 2 Hahnenkamp, Fred Overland Sorento Hahnenkamp, Wm. Ford Nokomis, -R. 1 Haller, M. B. Ford and Case Nokomis, R. 3 Haller, W. R. Buick Coffeen, R. 2 Hamlin, Lee Reo Fillmore, R. 1 Hamlin, W. J. Ford Nokomis R. 3 Hampton, John M. Overland Donnellson, R. 1 Hampton, T. W. Ford Donnellson, R. 1 Hancock, Harry J. Ford Hillsboro, R. 3 Hand, Earl Buick Nokomis, R. 4 Hand, Ella Buick Nokomis, R. 4 Hanner, Harry Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Harbert, Thos. Oakland Raymond, R. 2 Hardy, M. A. Ford Oconee, R. 1 Harp, Frank Ford Irving, R. 3 Harris, H. J. Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Harris, Ira, A. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Harris, Jas, H. Ford Coffeen, R. 3 Harris. W. J. Maxwell Coffeen, R. 2 Hart, J. H. Ford Thomasville Hartlieb, Amil Maxwell Witt Hartlieb, Philip Maxwell Irving, R. 1 Hartman, Heie Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Haycraft, Barney F. Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Name Make Postoffice Hayden, Charley W. Ford Irving, R. 3 Hayes, C. G. Dodge Butler, R. 2 Heater, Earl Overland Roadster Farmersville, R. 2 Heckel, John Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Heckel, Minnie For3 Hillsboro', R. 4 Heckman, Dell Flanders Coffeen, R. 3 Heckman, Sol Jackson Coffeen, R. 3 Heeren, Harry Reo New Douglas, R. 1 Hefley, Daniel T. Marion Witt, R. 1 Hefley, Geo. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Heffler, Chas. Ford Irving, R. 2 Hegen, Herman Overland Walshville, R. 1 Heien, Heie Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Heien, Martin Ford Virden, R. 43 Heim, J. A. Overland Harvel, R. 2 Heim, Roscoe Dort Harvel, R. 1 Heldebrandt, Chas. Ford Nokomis, R. 3 Heldebrandt, John Ford Nokomis, R. 3 Heldebrandt, H. Dort Nokomis, R. 3 Heifer, J. G. Grant Six Hillsboro, R. 4 Hemann, Geo. Ford Sorento, R. 1 Hendricks, Glenn Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Henry, Hugh Dodge Raymond, R. 3 Henry, Ray Dodge Raymond, R. 3 Herman, Jos. F. Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Herman, Peter Ford Raymond, R. 3 Herman, Roman Ford Raymond, R. 3 Herren, Dr. C. E. Dodge Raymond Herselman, Geo. Reo Morrisonville, R. 3 Herzog, B. W. Chevrolet Nokomis, R. 1 Herzog, Wm. Paige Nokomis, R. 5 Hesterberg,. Aug. C. Reo Farmersville, R. 2 Hesterberg, Carl Overland Farmersville Hesterberg, Fred Overland Farmersville, R. 2 Hickman, Frank C. Overland Coffeen, R. 1 Higginson, J. B. Maxwell Raymond, R. 2 Hill, H. C. Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Hilt, Jas. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Hilyard, Sam Ford Witt, R. 1 Hinkle, A. L. Buick Pawnee, R. 51 Hinkle, C. M. Reo Pawnee Hinsenbrock, Andy Ford Hillsboro, R. 2 Hitchings, C. J. Ford ind Buick Harvel, R. 1 Hitchings, J. C. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Hoard, Edw. Maxwell Thomasville Hobson, Richard W. Buick Farmersville, R. 2 Hodges, Artlmr Ford Butler Hoefke, John Ford New Douglas Hoehn, Chas. Studebaker Irving, R. 1 Hoehn, C. B. Maxwell Irving, R. 1 Hoehn, Henry Commonwealth ..Irving, R. 1 Hoehn, J. A. Studebaker Irving, R. 1 Hoehn, Martin Studebaker Irving, R. 1 Hoelmer, Henry Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Hoffman, O. C. Maxwell Fillmore, R. 1 Hoisington, Arthur Ford Walshville, R. 1 Hoisington, D. E. Ford Walshville, R. 1 167 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Holloway, B. C. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Johnson, H. C. Dodge Nokomis, R. 3 Holloway, G. E. Ford Irving, R. 3 Johnson, John E. Ford Morrisonville, R. 3 Holmer, Wm. Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Johnson, Pete Ford Raymond, R. 2 Holmes, Mrs. Dora Johnson, Theo. Ford Sedan Nokomis, R. 5 Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Johnson, Ubbe Dodge Nokomis, R. 5 Holmes, Edwin J. Ford n Nokomis, R. 2 Johnson, Wm. A. Ford Nokomis, R. 5 Hoover, John Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Johnson, Wm. G. Dodge Nokomis, R. 1 Hope, J. C. Dodge Hillsboro, R. 4 Jones, Alva W. Hudson and Buick Hoppin, F. H. Buick Pawnee, R. 51 Harvel, R. 1 Hopprn, F. M. Ford Pawnee, R. 51 Jones, A. E. Ford Coffeen, R. 3 Horn, Thos. Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Jones, W. R. Overland Haymond, R. 2 Houck, W. J. Overland Ohlman Jordan, Alex Studebaker Six House, C. E. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Farmersville, R. 2 House, Hugh Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Jordan, A. C. Ford Harvel, R. 2 House, H. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Jordan, Edw. Overland House, Wm. Ford Irving, R. 2 Farmersville, R. 2 Howell, Albert Ford Nokomis Jordan, Henry F. Ford Raymond, R. 3 Howell, Ed Elkhart Pana, R. 3 Jordan, Jas. Overland Farmersville, R. 1 Huber, Anthony L. Jordan, J. A. Studebaker Four Maxwell Coffeen, R. 2 Farmersville, R. 2 Huber, B. I. Buick Four Fillmore, R. 2 Jostes, L. H. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Huber, Jos. Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Joyce, M. H. Ford Hillsboro, R. 2 Huber, J. L. Studebaker Irving, R. 1 Joyce, Noah Ford Coffeen, R. 3 Huber, Wm. Overland Irving, R. 1 Joyce, Robt. R. Ford Chapman Hucker, Albert Ford Irving, R. 1 Jurgena, Heie Chevrolet Irving, R. 1 Hucker, John Crow Elkhart Irving, R. 3 Jurgena, Richard Dodge Coffeen, R. 1 Hueschen, D. Buick Morrisonville, R. 3 Hueschen, Wm. Reo Witt, R. 1 Kaburick, Wm. Dodge Coffeen, R. 1 Hunt, W. D. Overland Kastning, Dora Chevrolet Fillmore, R. 2 Morrisonville, R. 2 Kastning, F. E. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Husman, Geo. Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Keepper, E. R. Dodge Irving, R. 2 Hutchison, Wm. E. Keepper, R. M. Ford Irving, R. 2 Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Keiser, Albert Jr. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Keiser, Albert F. Dodge Mt. Olive, R. 14 loerger, Fred Reo Farmersville, R. 2 Keiser, Herman Ford Witt, R. 1 Isbell, Louis Jr. Maxwell Fillmore, R. 2 Keiser, H. F Ford Nokomis, R. 5 Keiser, John A. Overland Nokomis, R. 1 Kellenberger, Aug. Janssen, H. D. Studebaker Nokomis, R. 2 Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Janssen, T. A. Maxwell Nokomis, R. 5 Kellenberger, Frank F. Jessup, Scott L. Ford Virden, R. 2 > Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Johnson, Anton Ford Nokomis, R. 5 Keller, Frank Reo Farmersville, R. 2 Johnson, Arend T Keller, Jos. Reo Farmersville, R. 2 Maxwell Nokomis, R. 2 Keller, L. H. Hudson Witt, R. 1 Johnson, Ben C. Ford Rosemond, R. 1 Kellogg, Otis Reo Nokomis, R. 3 Johnson, Edw. Anna Kelmel, Chas. Oakland Raymond, R. 2 and Lottie Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Kessinger, Chas. Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Johnson, Frank Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Kessinger, Roy Hupmobile Nokomis, R. 3 Johnson, F. J. Buick Six Mt. Olive, R. 14 Kettlekamp, S. R. White Nokomis, R. 2 Johnson, Henry G. Keune, Henry A. Ford Walshville, R. 1 Maxwell Nokomis, R. 1 Keune, Henry C. Ford Litchfield, R. 4 W. R. SAXBY *=***- =5=5SSS 1 [HTT Chevrolet Autos America's Most tfBOBBBBBBa Popular Car. Bicycles and auto acces- M sories of all kinds. Auto repairing. Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting. dJ****"** / jffV&.\ We sell and recommend the -following Triple-G Goods: Veedol Oils ff$&^ Racine Horse Shoe Tires Rayfield Carburetors Red Seal Batteries 4G9 117 UNION AVENUE - LITCHFIELD, ILLINOIS 168 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Kieslar, Sidney Buick Hillsboro, R. 1 Lindemann, Henry Kilpatrick, David Dodge Hillsboro, R. 1 Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Kilpatrick, E. F. Overland Hillsboro, R. 1 Lindley, J. A. Ford Walshville, R. 1 Kilton, S. W. Moon Morrisonville, R. 3 Lingle, H. G. Allen Witt, R. 1 Kime, S. A. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Linville, Jas. Ford Coffeen, R. 3 King, Jas. M. Ford Irving, R. 2 Lipe, Alvin O. Reo Witt, R. 1 King, J. O. Ford Butler Lipe, Ed. H. Reo Irving, R. 2 Kinney, Jas. R. Mitchell Virden, R. 2 Lipe, E. D. Reo Irving, R. 2 Kinney, John M. Maxwell Nokomis, R. 3 Lipe, H. S. Buick Witt, R. 1 Kirk, Chas. N. Reo Farmersville, R. 1 Lipe, J. J. Carter Irving Klein, Chas. A. Maxwell Litchfield, R. 2 Lipe, Thos. L. Reo Witt, R. 1 Klein, G. J. Buick Harvel, R. 1 Lippard, Tom Ford and Hudson Klein, Wm. Ford Irving, R. 2 Hillsboro, R. 1 Klekamp, Wm. Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Litz, Henry Ford Oconee, R. 1 Klemme, A. H. Ford Butler Litz, John L. Ford Pana, R. 3 Klepper, John A. Ford Butler, R. 1 Livingston, Henry Max well Litchfield, R. 3 Klimm, Martin Chevrolet Livington, T. M. Reo Fillmore Morrisonville, R. 3 Lloyd, Clarence Overland and Ford Klindworth, Henry Coffeen, R. 1 Maxwell Witt, R. 1 Loewenstein, Wm.Ford Walshville, R. 1 Klindworth, Henry Logsdon, C. L. Ford Hillsboro, R. 2 Allen Nokomis, R. 1 Lehman, Ernest O. Kline, Ernest Case Girard, R. 43 Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Knag, Christ Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Lohman, E. O. Ford and Buick Knagg, C. H. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 Waggoner, R. 1 Knodle, Glenn Ford Irving, R. 1 Long, C. F. Nash Raymond, R. 2 Kolkhorst, Herman Long, Jos. Chevrolet Waggoner, R. 1 Ford Harvel, R. 1 Losch, John H. Maxwell Hillsboro, R. 1 Krager, Frank A. Ford Harvel, R. 2 Loucks, Alva F. Ford . Hillsboro, R. 4 Krager, John Mitchell Harvel, R. 1 Lounsbury, Ira R. Krager, Jos. Nash Harvel, R. 1 Maxwell Irving, R. 1 Krager, J. C. Ford Harvel, R. 2 Lounsbury, W. T. Kranich, Walter L. Reo Irving, R. 1 Ford Barnett, R. 1 Lowe, Jesse Ford Nokomis, R. 3 Krause, Otto Dodge Nokomis, R. 5 Lowrance, Jas. B. Kroeger, Henry Maxwell Nokomis, R. 3 Reo Irving, R. 2 Kroeger, Jos. Chandler Nokomis, R. 3 Lubben, Albert Dodge Girard, R. 43 Kroeger, Will Hupmobile Nokomis, R. 3 Luddeke, Arthur G. Kroenlein, Louis Chevrolet Nokomis, R. 2 Dodge Butler, R. 3 Kroenlein, Wm. Overland Oconee, R. 1 Luken, Henry Reo Nokomis, R. 5 Krummel, Philip Dort Fillmore, R. 2 Lyerly, Richard Buick Six Irving, R. 2 Kunz, Cayus Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Lyles, N. E. Buick Coffeen, R. 3 Lyman, E. Reo Farmersville, R. 2 Lyman, Lewis Buick Pawnee, R. 51 Lacy, Sam P. Buick Farmersville, R. 1 Lynn, H. G. Ford Mulberry Grove, R. 1 Lang, L. M. Dodge Harvel, R. 1 Lyons, Jas. M. Dodge Harvel, R. 2 Lange, Frank C. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Lyons, John Buick Raymond, R. 2 Langen, John Stephens Harvel, R. 2 Laws, Chas. L. Jackson and Grant Six Mack, Jasper M. Maxwell Butler, R. 2 Donnellson, R. 1 Maher, Philip Chevrolet Raymond, R. 2 Lay, John Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Major, A. H. Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Lazenby, J. G. Ford Hillsboro, R. 2 Major, Chas. R. Ford Donnellson Leahan, T. R. Rambler Maninfior, John Jr. Farmersville, R. 2 Ford Hillsboro, R. 3 Lee, Harry Overland Harvel, R. 2 Mann, Leslie I. Buick Farmersville, R. 1 Lehan, W. H. Reo Farmersville, R. 2 Mann, Thos. Buick Thomasville Lehnen, Leo Dodge Nokomis, R. 1 Manning, Asberry Ford Virden, R. 2 Lehnen, Leonard Chevrolet Nokomis, R. 1 Manning, Mont Dodge Farmersville, R. 2 Leonard, Jas. Buick Harvel, R. 2 Manning, T. Ford Morrisonville, R. 2 Leonard, Wm. Buick Farmersville, R. 2 Mansfield, C. H. Ford Nokomis, R. 3 Lessman, Ed. Ford and Buick Mansfield, Henry Maxwell Nokomis, R. 4 Harvel, R. 1 Marburger, Ed. C. Lessman, H. E. Buick Six Hillsboro, R. 4 Studebaker Mt. Olive Lessman, Jos. Dodge Ravmond, R. 1 Marburger, W. C. Studebaker Lewey, C. C. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 Litchfield, R. 4 Lewey, Daniel L. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Marley, Jas. Ford Nokomis, R. 6 Lewey, L. F. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Marsh, W. O. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Linane, Wm. Ford Nokomis, R. 3 Marshall, Eclw. Buick Pawnee, R. 3 169 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Martin, Chas. A. Ford Witt, R. 1 Martin, Mrs. Emma J. Saxon Harvel, R. 2 Martin, Frank O. Reo Farmersville, R. 2 Martin, Lee Overland Farmersville, R. 1 Masters, E. E. Ford Witt, R. 1 Mathews, Harry E. Ford Farmersville Mauton, Frank Ford Coffeen, R. 1 McAnamey, Edw. Overland Farmersville, R. 2 McCalum, Hugh E. Dodge Harvel, R. 1 McConathy, W. L. Maxwell Litchfield, R. 2 McCormick, John A. Buick Farmersville, R. 1 McCulley, E. H. Ford Irving, R. 2 McDavid, F. L. Hudson Super Six Hillsboro McDavid, Ollie Reo Coffeen, R. 1 McElfresh, Jerome F. Ford Barnett, R. 2 McElroy, T. B. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 McGown, Harley E. Buick Litchfield, R. 1 McKinney, Boyd Chevrolet Virden, R. 2 McKinney, Wm. Ford Witt, R. 1 McLean, C. E. Ford Donnellson, R. 1 McLean, D. Studebaker Coffeen, R. 1 McLean, Mart F. Buick and Ford Farmersville McNish, John Ford Virden, R. 2 McPherson, Lewis Briggs Detroiter Hillsboro, R. 4 McReynolds, Louts C. Maxwell Litchfield McWilliams, W. K. Buick Pawnee, R. 51 Mehlberg, W. C. Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Meier, Aug. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Meier, Chas. F. Ford Witt, R. 1 Meier, Walter Maxwell Nokomis, R. 5 Meisenheimer, F. E. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Meriwether, A. B. Allen Harvel, R. 2 Mertz, Mrs. Mary Maxwell Farmersville, R. 2 Meyer, Edw. Ford Witt, R. 1 Milberg, Joe Maxwell Raymond, R. 2 Miles, C. A. Overland Pana, R. 3 Miles, Tom Overland Rosemond, R. 1 Millburg, T. C. Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Millburg, Wm. Ford Morrisonville, R. 3 Miller, Austin Buick Farmersville, R. 1 Miller Bros. Buick and Ford Nokomis, R. 5 Miller Bros. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Miller, C. D. Ford Irving, R. 2 Miller, Fred Ford Nokomis, R. 5 Miller, Fred Overland Coffeen, R. 3 Miller, Harrison Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Miller, Henry Willys- Knight Sorento, R. 1 Miller, John G. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Miller, Samuel Overland Raymond Miller, Wm. Dodge Donnellson Milner, Mrs. W. A. Grant Six Donnellson, R. 1 Name Make Mindroup, John Ford Mitchell, W. W. Overland Mitts, Ceo. W. Dodge Mitts, Henry Dodge Molohon, Leroy Dodge Postoffice Nokomis, R. 4 Oconee, R. 1 Butler, R. 1 Hillsboro, R. 4 Irving, R. 1 Mondhink, Chas. Hudson Super Six Raymond, R. 3 Mondhink, Fred Willys-Knight Raymond, R. 3 Monke, H. H. Ford Walshville, R. 1 Monke, Wm. H. Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Monroe, Geo. S. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Moody, C. D. Hudson Super-Six and Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Moon, D. M. Overland Coffeen, R. 1 Moore, Edgar Ford Raymond, R. 2 Moore, Geo. C. Hupmobile Irving, R, 3 Moore, M. A. Ford Raymond, R. 1 Moore, M. A. Ford Raymond, R. 3 Morain, Wm. Mitchell and Maxwell Irving Moroney, Wm. Ford Nokomis, R. 2 Mortimer, Art Ford Sedan Virden, R. 2 Mortimer, R. Dodge Virden, R. 2 Mortimer, Mrs. W. & Sons Chevrolet Virden, R. 2 Moss, H. L. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Murphy, A. E. Ford Virden, R. 2 Murphy, Clyde Ford Pawnee, R. 51 Murphy, Tisdal Buick, Ford, Reo and Overland Farmersville, R. 2 Murphy, W. C. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Myers, Peter Ford Barnett, R. 2 Nantkes, Henry Chandler Nokomis, R. 1 Nash, Franklin S. Buick Litchfield, R. 1 Nash, Harry Overland Girard, R. 43 Neece, Bert Overland Pana, R. 3 Neece, Geo. C. Dodge Nokomis, R. 2 Neece, J. D. Reo and Reo Truck Irving, R. 1 Neece, W. F. Ford Donnellson, R. 1 Neighbors, Chas. Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Neisler, Mrs. Belle W. Dodge Irving, R. 3 Neisler, D. W. Reo Irving, R. 3 Neisler, Geo. A. Buick Six Irving, R. 3 Neisler, Lester Ford Irving, R. 3 Nelson, O. E. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Nelson, Scott Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Neunaber, Geo. Jr. Ford Harvel Nevinger, Oliver Overland Coffeen, R. 3 Newberry, Wm. C. I ~ (Chevrolet Irving, R. 1 Newcome, R. C. Maxwell Nokomis, R. 1 Newport, Abel S. Ford Barnett, R. 1 Newport, J. S. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Nichelson, George Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Nicholas, Cyrus M. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Niehaus, E. H. Ford Irving, R. 1 Niehaus, Frank Studebaker Butler, R. 2 Niehaus, Henry Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Niehaus, Henry Buick Harvel, R. 1 170 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Niehaus, Herman Ford Hornsby, R. 11 Pocock, E. B. Dodge Nokomis, R. 3 N'iehaus, Roy W. Ford Irving, R. 2 Pocock, J. C. Chevrolet Nokomis, R. 2 Niehaus, Lewis Buick Harvel, R. 1 Poff, John Mitchell Niemann, Emil Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Farmersville, R. 1 Niemann, Henry C. Poggenpohl, Frank Winton Mt. Olive Mitchell Raymond, R. 2 Niemann, Louis Hupmobile Litchfield, R. 4 Poggenpohl, John H. Sr. Niemann, Wm. Reo Litchfield, R. 4 Hudson Harvel, R. 2 Niemeyer, H. H. Dodge Raymond, R. 2 Poggenpohl, J. H. Jr. Niemeyer, Roy Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Overland Harvel, R. 2 Niesman, J. H. Dodge Nokomis, R. 2 Poggenpohl, T. F. Hudson Morrisonville, R. 2 Niensted, Leonard Poland, Chas. H. Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Studebaker Nokomis, R. 1 Pope, Daniel Dodge Harvel, R. 1 Nimmons, Geo. A. Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Pope, Geo. W. Overland Oconee, R. 1 Nimmons, Robt. T. Pope, G. R. Maxwell Irving, R. 3 Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Pope, Jos. E. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Nobbe, Wm. Hupmobile Pope, Rollie Ford Harvel, R. 1 Farmersville, R. 1 Pope, W. G. Buick Harvel, F. 1 Porter, Ben Ford Raymond, R. 2 Oakley, John L. Chevrolet Witt, R. 1 Porter, U. A. Ford Raymond, R. 2 Oberle, Albert Ford Irving, R. 3 Powell, Daniel W. Maxwell Barnett, R. 2 O'Brien, Ed Overland Nokomis, R. 3 Prange, C. F. Ford Mt. Olive, R. 14 Ogden, Geo. G. Maxwell "Raymond, R. 3 Prange, John F. Oakland Mt. Olive, R. 14 Oliver, Howard L. Pratt, Chas. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Chevrolet Witt, R. 1 Pratt, Jos. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Oltmanns, J. Harm Pray, E. N. Overland Pana, R. 3 Ford Rosemond r R. 1 Pray, Hardin Overland Pana, R. 3 D'Malley, M. Ford Nokomis, R. 3 Price, Albert Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Osborn, F. J. Buick and Ford Pana, R. 3 Price, Wm. Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Osborn, Jas. M. Ford Butler Probst, J. R. White Irving, R. 1 Osborne, Jesse W. Pruitt, Jas. O. Buick Litchfield, R. 1 Reo Butler Pyatt, Henry T. Elgin Six Irving, R. 3 Otter, Clem Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Pyatt, J. F. Ford Irving, R. 1 Owens, G. C. Maxwell Harvel, R. 2 Pyle, J. A. Ford Rosemond, R. 1 Paden, Albert M. Chevrolet Hillsboro, R. 1 Quattlander, Wm. Paden, Lester L. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 Overland Nokomis, R. 5 Paden, W. A. Briscoe Irving, R. 3 Panska, Bernard J. Rademacher, Harm Maxwell Barnett, R. 1 Oakland Fillmore, R. 2 Patterson, J. M. Buick Coffeen, R. 1 Rainey, G. W. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 Pattinson, Samuel Ransdall, Robt. Maxwell Witt, R. 1 Studebaker Witt, R 1 Rashaw, D. L. Overland Nokomis, R. 1 Paul, W. F. Buick Pawnee, R. 2 Rau, D. W. Ford Pana, R. 3 Pence, E. J. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Ray, J. W. Dodge Sorento, R. 1 Peny, M. Maxwell Walshville, R. 1 Perkins, Chas. Ford Irving R 2 Rayphole, J. W. Maxwell Walshville, R. 1 Rebhan, W. C. Buick Raymond, R. 1 Peters, E. Maxwell Redeker, W. E. Rambler Nokomis, R. 1 Morrisonville, R. 2 Redman, Wm. C. Reo Irving, R. 1 Peterson, Henry Dodge Nokomis, R. 5 Renken, Herman Overland Nokomis, R. 5 etree, Wm. Overland Virden, R. 2 Reubart, Wm. O. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Phillips, Abe Overland Nokomis, R. 5 Pickerill, John F. Ford Butler R 2 Reynolds, Adolphus Ford Hillsboro, R. 3 Pickett, P. W. Buick Harve^ R.' 1 Rhodes, S. Overland Litchfield, R. 1 Pieper, Edwin Saxon Rosemond, R. 1 Pieper, Eugene Commonwealth Rhodes, W. R. Elcar Harvel, R. 1 Rice, Fisher Dodge Girard, R. 43 NokomU, R. 2 Richards, E. C. Overland Hillsboro, R. 4 Pieper, John Reo Rosemond, R. 1 Richmond, Kent Hupmobile Fillmore, R. 1 Pieper, Leon Maxwell Nokomis Rieke Bros. Ford Butler Pier, Chas. Maxwell Nokomis, R. 4 Rieke, Wm. Ford Butler Pierce, B. F. Overland Raymond, R. 3 Riggins, Geo. Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Pierce, John E. Ford Virden, R. 2 Rippen, Henry Chevrolet Pierson, J. W. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 Morrisonville, R. 3 Piro, D. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Ritchie, Albert L. Chevrolet Litchfield, R. 1 Pitchford, Jesse E. Ritchie, Jas. M. Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Ford Raymond, R. 2 Roberson, Frank H. Plyler, RexR. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Buick Butler, R. 2 Pocock, C. S. Maxwell Nokomis, R. 2 Roberts, Walter Ford Honey Bend 171 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Roberts, W. H. Saxon Virden, R. 2 Sharp, Celia A. Ford Litchfield Robertson, B. R. Overland Rosemond, R. 1 Sharp, Jas. L. Studebaker Waggoner, R. 1 Robertson, Minnie L. Sharp, Leslie W. Ford Litchfield Dodge Butler, R. 2 Shoemaker, L. F. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Robertson, Robert. L. Shoraga, Aug. Reo Nokomis, R. 3 Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Shoraga, Emma Ford Nokomis, R. 2 Robertson, Wm. Willys Six Ohlman Shore, Frank A. Hupmobile Nokomis, R. 1 Robicky, Tom Studebaker Nokomis, R. 4 Shore, John M. Ford Hillsboro, R. 2 Rogers, C. E. Buick Irving, R. 2 Shoults, A. W. Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Rogers, Elmer Ford Irving, R. 2 Simon, Geo. Ford Farmersville Rogers, F. O. Dodge Waggoner, R. 1 Simon, Howard L. Rogers, W. C. Maxwell Fillmore, R. 2 Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Rose, Chas. E. Reo Virden, R. 2 Simpson, A. D. Paige Walshville, R. 1 Rosenthal, Robt. S. and Sims, J. H. Dodge Harvel, R. 1 Edw. R. Dodge Harvel, R. 1 Sinclair, Chas. A. Ford and Reo Roth, Otto Reo Litchfield, R. 4 Barnett, R. 2 Rottinghaus, John Ford Harvel, R. 1 Sinclair, John C. Chevrolet Barnett, R. 1 Rouhslange, Wm. Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Singer, T. G. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Rouslange, Frank Studebaker and Ford Singler, Ed. J. Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Hillsboro, R. 1 Singler, J. J. Ford Irving, R. 1 Ro^ey, Otto Ford Farmersville, R. 2 Singler, Mrs. J. B. Rowe, Hardie Overland Pana, R. 3 Ford Irving, R. 3 Rowland, Ralph M. Singler, Louis Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Reo Farmersville, R. 1 Singler, Wm. Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Runyon, B. D. Buick Fillmore, R. 1 Slaughter, Henry Rambler Nokomis, R. 1 Rupe, Roy Ford Irving, R. 3 Slaughter, John Studebaker Nokomis, R. 1 Ruppert, Wm. Hupmobile Nokomis, R. 2 Sloman Bros Ford Pawnee, R. 3 Sloman, C. H. Ford Pawnee, R. 51 Saathoff, G. W. Overland Smalley, W. H. Maxwell Nokomis, R. 4 Walshville, R. 1 Smith, E. B. Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Sale, Jake Reo Witt, R. 1 Smith, E. R. Buick Harvel Sammons, A. C. Chevrolet Butler, R. 1 Smith, F. M. Overland Sammons, Harry S. Farmersville, R. 1 Chevrolet Litchfield, R. 1 Smith, Harry Ford Pawnee, R. 51 Sammons, Jas. Ford Butler, R. 1 Smith, Harry E. Ford Irving, R. 3 Sanders, A. F. Ford Irving, R. 2 Smith, John E. Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Satterlee, A. E. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Smith, Matthew Ford Mulbery Grove, R. 1 Sauer, Frank Oakland Raymond, R. 2 Smith, Stanford A. Saxby, O. E. Chevrolet Litchfield, R. 1 Ford Barnett, R. 2 Schaefer, Wm. Dort Nokomis, R. 5 Smith, Sylvesta Ford Irving, R. 1 Schaffner, E. G. Dodge Nokomis, R. 5 Smith, T. T. Hudson Six Fillmore, R. 1 Schluckebier, Wm. F. Smith, T. T. Ford Walshville, R. 1 Case Donnellson, R. 2 Smith, W. B. Ford Walshville, R. 1 Schoen, Ben Ford Harvel, R. 2 Smith, W. C. Reo Harvel, R. 1 Schoen, Ben Studebaker Smithdeal, J. L. Overland Coffeen, R. 3 New Douglas, R. 1 Smitts, K. C. Dodge Raymond, R. 1 Schoen, Cornelius Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Snell Bros. Ford Nokomis, R. 3 Schrempp, H. J. Ford Irving, R. 3 Snell, C. W. Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Schwab, Jacob E. Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Snider, Fred L. Ford Coffeen, R. 3 Schwartzle, Louis Hupmobile Nokomis, R. 5 Snodgrass, L. I. Hupmobile Pawnee, R. 51 Schweizer, G. Reo Witt, R. 1 Snook, Amos N. Ford Fillmore, R. 3 Schweppe, Frank R. Snyder, Geo. Ford Morrisonville, R. 2 Dodge Butler, R. 1 Snyder, Jacob Jackson Witt, R. 1 Seaborn, Wm. E. Buick Pawnee, R. 51 Sorrells, Samuel Reo Raymond, R. 3 Sedentop, D. F. Buick Farmersville, R. 1 Sparks, R. E. Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Seelbach, Richard Ford Harvel, R. 1 Spears, Fred Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Seffen, Fred Ford Pawnee, R, 51 Spears, S. S. Chevrolet Fillmore, R. 3 Settle, Harry Ford Irving, R. 3 Specht, Martin W. Settle, Wm. H. Ford Irving, R. 3 Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Seward, G. L. Ford Butler, R. 2 Specht, Ora O. Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Sewing, Edw. Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Speiser, P. F. Ford Witt, R. 1 Sewing, Geo. Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Speiser, W. G. Ford Witt, R. 1 Sewing, Henry Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Spery, Milo Reo Nokomis, R. 4 ' Sewing, Jane E. Chevrolet Hillsboro, R. 1 Spinner, Frank Studebaker Hillsboro, R. 2 Sewing, Mrs. Mary Spinner, Jos. Buick Coffeen, R. 1 Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Spinner, Louis Chevrolet Coffeen, R. 2 Sewing, Theo. J. Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Stackamp, Wm. Ford Litchfield, R. 4 Seybert, D. J. Buick Hillsboro, R. 4 Stanley, Homer Ford Nokomis, R. 4 172 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, MONTGOMERY COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Stanley, Jesse Ford Nokomis, R. 2 Stauder, Jacob Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Stauder, Louis Commonwealth Nokomis, R. 3 Stead, Chester A. Ford Waggoner, R. 2 Stead, Clarence B. Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Stead, Norman D. Ford Farmersville, R. 1 Stevens, Edw. Overland Farmersville, R. 1 Stevens, J. A. Overland Donnellson, R. 1 Stewart, Geo. L. Reo Nokomis, R. 4 Stewart, Jas. Reo Nokomis, R. 2 Stewart, Ralph Chevrolet Morrisonville, R. 3 Stewart, Wesley Maxwell Nokomis, R. 4 Stewart, Wm. E. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Stillahn, Herman Ford Raymond, R. 1 Stillwagon, H. Studebaker Pawnee, R. 51 Stivers, R. L. Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Street, Herbert W. Chalmers and Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Studebaker, Henry A. Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Stuttle, Frank Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Stuttle, Jos. S. Overland Litchfield, R. 1 Suits, G. F. Buick and Ford Hillsboro, R. 4 Sutton, Eld. L. E. Ford Girard, R. 43 Swaney, Jacob A. Studebaker Nokomis, R. 2 Tabor, Geo. Ford Oconee, R. 2 Taylor, Edw. Ford Girard, R. 43 Taylor, Hays Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Taylor, John B. Ford Farmersville, R. 3 Taylor, W. H. Ford Hillsboro, R. 3 Tedrick, F. D. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Tenison, C. A. Dodge Hillsboro Tester, Chas. E. Overland Morrisonville, R. 3 Tester, Frank Ford Morrisonville, R. 3 Tester, Jas. A. Studebaker Morrisonville, R. 3 Thomas, Geo. H. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Thomas, Harry O. Buick Virden, R. 42 Thomas, Mrs. Hattie Studebaker Virden, R, 42 Thomas, Samuel D. Chevrolet Virden, R. 2 Thomson, H. C. Ford Litchfield, R. 3 Thumb, Ralph Ford Witt, R. 1 Thunhorst, Herman Commonwealth Harvel, R. 1 Thunhorst, Wm. Ford Morrisonville, R. 3 Tiffin, Albert Ford Walshville Tilling, Louis Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Tindle, Walter Jackson Harvel, R. 2 Toberman, John Chevrolet Fillmore, R. 3 Toberman, Wesley Ford Fillmore, R. 2 Todt, Mrs. Alice Ford Raymond, R. 1 Todt, H. E. Maxwell Harvel, R. 2 Todt, J. T. Oldsmobile Harvel, R. 2 Todt, Mrs. Mary B Oldsmobile and Chalmers Morrisonville, R. 2 Name Make Postoffic* Tomamichel, B. Ford Irving, R. 3 Tosch, John Reo Witt, R. 1 Towell, I. T. Ford Chapman Towell, J. E. Ford Chapman Trost, F. E. Ford Hillsboro, R. 2 Tucker, Mrs. Melinda Reo Witt, R. 1 Tuetken, Herman Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Tuetken, J. H. Reo Witt, R. 1 Tuetken, Richard Commonwealth Nokomis, R. 6 Tunnel, Jas. Ford Girard, R. 43 Turner Bros. Dodge Irving Turner, J. B. Jr. Crow Elkhart Butler, R. 2 Tyndale, J. W. Reo Witt R. 1 Uhrig, Thos. Dodge Ullom, R. L. Buick Upton, Chas. J. Ford Upchurch, E. H. Ford Raymond, R. 2 Pana, R. 3 Barnett, R. 2 Irving, R. 3 Voils, Walter Ford Irving, R. 3 Vancil, Frank M. Chevrolet Litchfield, R. 2 Vangeisen, Oliver R. Buick Six Pawnee, R 51 Vangeisen, Russell Ford Pawnee, R 51 VanHyning, Pearl R. Ford Butler, R. 2 Varner, Chas. Ford Hillsboro, R 4 Varner, Mrs. J. Hupmobile Litchfield, R. 3 Varner, O. C. Buick Hillsboro, R. 1 Verhusen, Henry Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Viehland, Herman Buick Farmersville, R. 2 Virden, Albert Rambler Nokomis, R. 3 Vogel, Geo. Ford Walshville, R. 1 Vogel, John L. Studebaker Panama Vogel, Wm. E. M. F. Panama Voils, F. B. Overland Irving, R. 3 Voils, J. L. Ford Fillmore, R. 1 Waddington, Frank Glide and Ford Pana, R. 3 Waddington, Ralph Overland Pana^R. 3 Wagahoff, Fred Studebaker Raymond, R. 1 Wagahoff, J. F. Ford Harvel, R. 1 Wagehoft, Benj. H. Ford Morrisonville, R. 2 Wagehoft, Crist Ford Morrisonville, R. 2 Walch, Frank Overland Farmersville, R. 2 Walch, Wm. Moon Morrisonville, R. 3 Walcher, John E. Overland Irving, R. 2 WaHis, Geo. W. Maxwell Litchfield Wallis, Wm. H. Ford Bamett, R. 2 Walton, N. A. Maxwell Nokomis, R. 4 Wanger, P. F. Maxwell Irving, R. 2 Waples, C. E. Ford Nokomis, R. 3 Ward, C. O. Ford Butler Ward, L. A. Chevrolet Butler Ware, Arthur Dodge Butler Ware, David Dodge Butler Ware, Geo. V. Franklin Butler Ware, Lyman Ford Butler Warmuth, Fftnk Ford Litchfield, R. 2 Warnick, Harvey Ford Farmersville, R. 1 173 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Warnsing, D. J. Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Whitlow, John Maxwell Nokomis Warnsing, Fred Ford Nokomis, R. 1 Whitlow, Ray Overland Witt, R. 1 Warnsing, Robt. B. Whitman, Clarence Maxwell Nokomis, R. 1 Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Watson, Burl E. Ford Hillsboro, R. 1 Whitman, C. J. Ford Coffeen, R. 1 Watson, Chas. Overland Sorento, R. 1 Whitten, Easton Ford Irving, R. 2 Watson, Wm. Ford Raymond, R. 2 Whitten, Henry Ford Fillmore, R. 3 Wattjes, Richard Ford Nokomis, R. 5 Whitten, P. O. Ford Coffeen, R. 2 Weatherford, Geo. W. Whitten, T. J. Buick Six Fillmore, R. 2 Ford Litchfield, R. 1 Wiegreffe, Geo. W. Webb, J. R. Reo Raymond, R. 2 Ford Barnett, R. 2 Webb, O. H. Dodge Coffeen, R. 2 Wiegreffe, Walter E. Weber, Mrs. Anna Ford Raymond, R. 2 Maxwell Witt, R. 1 Wiggins, Frank Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Weber, Henry Hupmobile Nokomis, R. 5 Wiley, O. H. Dodge Butler, R. 2 Weber, John B. Dodge Harvel, R. 1 Wiley, Wm. H. Buick Hillsboro, R. 3 Weber, Luke C. Buick Witt, R. 1 Williams, Calvin Ford Barnett, R. 2 Weber, Perry E. Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Williams, Preston H. Wefenstette, Geo. G. Ford Irving Dodge Farmersville, R. 1 Williamson, John E. Weitekamp, Edw. J. Ford Virden, R. 2 Maxwell Raymond, R. 2 Willoughby, Geo. W. Weitekamp, Fred Maxwell Harvel, R. 1 Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Weitekamp, Henry Wilson, R. J. Maxwell Irving, R. 3 Saxon S ix Raymond, R. 2 Wilson, Wm. Jr. Ford Morrisonville, R. 2 Weitekamp, Leo T. Witt, Henry Reo Farmersville Saxon Raymond. R. 2 Wittman, Lester Ford Nokomis, R. 4 Welch, Samuel Willys-Knight Wittman, Oliver Ford Witt, R. 1 Farmersville. R. 1 Wolff, Herman F. Oakland Nokomis, R. 1 Welge, F. C. Studebaker Raymond, R. 2 Wood, A. B. Ford Raymond, R. 1 Wellar, H. N. Ford Harvel, R. 2 Wood, Ben P. Ford Waggoner, R. 1 Wellar, J. C. Elcar Harvel, R. 2 Worker, Edw. Overland Sorento, R. 1 Weller, Horace Reo Nokomis, R. 1 Wotters, Hugo Reo Hillsboro, R. 2 Weller, H. H. Hudson Irving, R. 2 Weller, Jesse D. Ford Weller, Lewis Ford Irving, Irving, . R. 2 2 Weller, Mark Ford Harvel. R. 1 Weller, Noah Buick and Ford . -vsaeB**^*"*^ Harvel, I 1 J^ttfl S2S --. -: ,r- .. Weller, Otto Buick Harvel, R. 1 ^3?!3SSS H i Weller, Robt. F. Ford Irving, 2 1 SS3liii i Weller, Wm. D. Reo Werner Bros. Ford Irving, Oconee, R. R. 2 1 '^J*T**BaSB ,aEais5 OK 58 -2* ""''<) it Wernsing, Edw. Ford Harvel, R. 2 ; i 1 Wernsing, Fred A. Alfalfa ...................................................... acres 51 tons 147 Millet or Hungarian grass ................................... acres 280 tons 339 Montgomery County Buyers' Guide FOR "TRIPLE-G" GOODS Recommended to Prairie Farmer Reader Ask Your Dealer for Them Automobiles Chevrolet 168 Dodge 143 Franklin 143 Mitchell 151 Overland 143-151-163 Willys-Knight 163 Automobile Accessories Champion Spark Plugs 163 Brunswick Tires 151-163 Columbia Batteries 161 Inland Piston Rings 161 Kokomo Tires 161 Pennsylvania Tires 143-163 Racine Tires 168 Rayfield Carburettors 168 Red Seal Batteries 168 United States Tires 163 Veedol Oils 163-168 Willard Storage Batteries 144 Barn Equipment Louden 153 Binders Deering 3 I. H. C 3 Binder Twine Deering 3 l'l\ mouth 153 Builders' Supplies Acme Plaster 159 Cornell Wall Board 159 Devoe Paint 159 Lowe Bros. Paint 159 Vnldura Roof Paint 159 Vulcanite Roofing 159 Cameras Eastman Kodaks 142 Candy Johnson's Chocolates 142 Clothing and Dry Goods Adler Men's Clothing 143 Dorothy Dodd Shoes 143 Douglas Shoes 143 Walton Children's Shoes 143 Warner Corsets , 143 Corn Cribs Dickelman 135 Corn Planters C. B. & Q 3 Deere 160 Corn Shellers Case 135 Cream Separators De Laval 147-153 Sharpies 3-160 Cultivators Dccrc 160 Emerson 3 Ohio 3 Tower (Surface) 153 Discs Deen- 160 Osborne 3 Ensilage Cutters Climax 5 I. H. C 3 Ohio 153. Fertilizer Sowers Richmond 153 Van Brunt 153 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Furnaces and Boilers Caloric 153 Mueller 151 Feed Grinders Letz 153 Fences and Gates American 3 Can't Sag Gates 3-159 Kokomo 153 Gas Engines Aermotor 142 I. H. C 3 Grain Bins Dickelman 135 Grain Drills Superior 153 Gas Engines Aermotor 142 E. Z 147-160 Independent 135 I. H. C 3 Ingeco 153 Guns and Ammunition E.-Z 147-160 Winchester 147-160 Independent 135 Ingeco 153 Harrows Deere 160 Independent 135 Osborne 3 Harvesters Davis 160 Independent 135 Hay Tools Deere 160 Gearless Loaders 153 I. H. C. Hay Loaders 3 Independent Rakes 135 Household Supplies Big Ben Clocks 144 Community Silverware 144 Hoover Suction Sweepers 147 Reed Metal Ware 147 Lighting Plants Delco 4 Ingeco 153 Lalley 160 Manure Spreaders Deere 160 Independent 135 Milking Machines Hinman 153 Mowers Deering 3 I. H. C 3 Independent 135 Musical Instruments Grafonolas 157 Emerson Pianos 146 Kimball Pianos 146 Lyon & Healy Pianos 146 Mehlin & Sons Pianos 146 Strich & Zeeder Pianos 145 Adam Schaff Pianos 146 Pease Pianos 146 Pathe Talking Machines 146 Pumps Aermotor 142 Hayes 3-153 Meyers 135-147-154-160 Plows Deere 160 Case 3 P. & O. Tractor 3 Peru 3 Seeds Rice 147 Silos Cement Stave 28 Lansing Vitrified S Stock Remedies Hess 142-162 Stoves and Ranges Estate 160 Perfection (Oil) 147 Quick Meal 147 Threshing Machines Avery 153 Tractors All Work 179 Avery 153 Case 135 Moline Universal 153 Titan Plowman 163 Wagons and Buggies Emerson Buggies 1: Union City Storm Buggies 153 Weber 3 Straw Spreaders Perfection 153 Tank Heaters Cow Boy 153 Washing Machines Maytag 160 Meadows 153 One Minute 147 Wind Mills Aermotor 142 McDaniel & Son 151 Ind e x Automobile Owners' Directory of Montgomery County..* 163-175 Breeders' Directory of Montgomery County 125-135 Business Directory of Montgomery County 140-162 Farmers' Directory of Montgomery County 29-123 Tractor Owners' Directory of Montgomery County 176-177 General Information: Binder Troubles and Adjustments 10-15 Corn Planter Adjustments 16-19 General Farm Data for Montgomery County 181-183 Horses, Common Unsoundness of 24-27 Labor, Value of Livestock Farmers' Medicine Chest 20-23 Triple-G Goods 137 184 FARMERS AND BREEDERS. MONTGOMERY COUNTY Woodson & Fennewald Live Stock Commission Company OFFICE E. L. Ballard. L. L. Taylor, HOG DEPT. T. W. Finnigan, Fred F. E. Carson, C. S. Soule, H. Langley, Frutiger, T. J. Kesinger. E. Randle. SHEEP DEPT. S. H. Little. CATTLE DEPT. E. L. Woodson. F. C. Kirkpatrick, B. H. Fennewald, H. W. Throckmorton, John W. Sanders, F. G. Huninger, Al Weaver, J. J. Jennings, C. A, French, John Ayres, James Placek. Office Telephones: Cattle Yard Telephones: Hog House Telephone: Bell Phone, Bridge 640 Bell Phone, East 2676 Bell Phone, East 212 Kinloch Phone. St. Kinloch Phone, St. Clair 1782 Clair 1782 National Stock Yards, Illinois Sellers of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep " We Lead While Others Follow" During 1918 we have sold more carloads of cattle, hogs and sheep than any firm on this market. WHY? Because our sales and work is the kind that makes our customers money. If you are not already a customer, ask any one of our loyal band of satisfied customers, and they will tell you the kind of service we render. Give us a trial with your next shipment. We are pleasing others and know we can please you if you will only give us an opportunity. "WHY PAY FOR POOR SERVICE WHEN OURS COSTS NO MORE?" Our Motto: "Giving Satisfaction" 185 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY DODDS UNDERTAKING CO. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE AUTOMOBILE OR HORSE- DRAWN EQUIPMENT BOTH PHONES LITCHFIELD, ILLINOIS pa!i!i!i!iiiu:i!i!iiiiiiraii:iiiiinin Produce Maximum Crops You simply cannot make sour soil produce maximum crops. The remedy is COLUMBIA GROUND LIMESTONE. After you have applied our COLUMBIA GROUND LIME- STONE to your soil, every fertilizer you use will act better. Columbia Quarry Company Producers of COLUMBIA BRAND GROUND LIMESTONE and Distributors of GROUND LIMESTONE SPREADERS Plants at Krause, Columbia and Valmeyer in Illinois near East St. Louis General Office 710 Fullerton Building, St. Louis, Mo. 186 FARMERS AND BREEDERS. MONTGOMERY COUNTY [ JOHN W. REA GEO. E. TESTER j I REA & TESTER I INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE | I Farm Insurance issued against Fire, Tornado, Windstorm, Hail, and Property of all kinds. Live stock, death from any cause. Automobiles insured against Fire, Theft, Collision, Personal Liability, and Property Damage. We represent a number of the best companies writing these kinds of insurance. Farms Sold on Commissions Farm Loans Legal Papers Drawn Your Abstracting Solicited Notary Public Always in Office 114 West Ryder St. Litchfield, Ml. s & ' iiiiiiiiiimiimiimnuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiiiiiiii iiiiiiiniiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiii uiiimiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiininiii iiiiiiiiuniiiiuiiiiiiiiC Oland National Bank of Witt Invites you to open an account. The de- posit need not be a large one to begin with. Small accounts are welcomed just as much as large ones, and will be treated with the same care and courtesy. Three per cent paid on time and savings deposits Witt .... Illinois UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 977.3820025P884 C001 PRAIRIE FARMER'S DIRECTORY OF MONTGOMERY IN WAR TIME the same as IN PEACE TIMES- 3 01 12 025398147 This bank expects to co-operate with its customers. Beyond protecting their in- terests we expect to serve them in further- ing their financial interests. We are equipped for handling all branches of banking, but are Especially Equipped for Handling the Accounts of Farmers Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $70,000.00 HILLSBORO NATIONAL BANK The Largest and Strongest Bank in Hillsboro Furniture, Floor Coverings, Wall Papers, Draperies, Sewing Machines Undertaking Auto Hearse Auto Ambulance "THE HOU3E OF SERVICE" We sell and recommend the following Triple-G Goods: ? White Sewing Machines. Springfield Mattresses Bissell's Carpet Sweepers. Hartford Bigelow Rugs. Torrington Vacuum Cleaners. National Cement Burial Vaults. Hygenic Refrigerators. Pullman Davanettes. Green Castle Kitchen Cabinets. Birge Wallpapers. Simmons Beds. Phone*: Store 387; Residence 393 FRED. W. WELGE 421 SO. MAIN ST. HILLSBORO, IU