■1 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY B H3l(bck luimns mwggsMtt Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/completejournalOharr THE COMPLETE JOURNAL OF TOWNSEND HARRIS UBRARV OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Jrafe- s Hall ft pre- ay 20, >i> 03 o3 ~ rS U-i rv-r £ £ £ H^O •^ C _c £> o ■ ; jr^J- ■.• o^ « ; *tT* i' ,j^**^ ,; 00 i^:.s (rl « £ 1-sH Qu-^ ^ ^ o c cs & ; r ' CO ^ — % 5 OJ o o f~~*~£ ' p4 < -5 ox c <*" CO «5 Q id CO o c— « = < 0-f= 2 _^2 = £ -° 03 C pj ■5 £ o< (3 d_, CD KJ "it* ^f^- * , i * < d^' f Eco^x o, £ - '^g'"^ jr o ^ The Complete Journal of TOWNSEND HARRIS First American Consul General and Minister to Japan INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY MARIO EMILIO COSENZA, Ph.D, Professor of Classical Languages The College of the City of New York PUBLISHED FOR JAPAN SOCIETY, NEW YORK BY DOUBLEDAY, DORAN & COMPANY, INC. GARDEN CITY, NEW YORK MCMXXX COPYRIGHT, I930 BY MARIO EMILIO COSENZA, PH.D. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES AT THE COUNTRY LIFE PRESS GARDEN CITY, N. Y. FIRST EDITION 2 CD TO THE PEACE OF THE PACIFIC 761242 "J shall be the first recognized agent from a civilized power to reside in Japan. This forms an epoch in my life and may be the beginning of a new order of things in Japan. I hope I may so conduct myself that I may have honorable mention in the histories which will be written on Japan and its future destiny." Towns end Harris Journal, August io y i8$6 * VI 4 t*V i CHERISH THE KNOWLEDGE OF ANCIENT THINGS A famous saving of Confucius. Reproduced on silk, for this book, bv the brush of His Excellency Prince IYESATO TOKUGAWA, present Head of the House of Tokugawa and legal successor of Shogun IYESADA TOKUGAWA, who made the Treaty with Townsend Harris. UBRkRY of m ^*» WNERtfY OF UWOB PREFACE In 1916, the writer of this preface was appointed Deputy Director, and later Director, of Townsend Harris Hall, the Preparatory High School of The Col- lege of the City of New York. Immediately he became interested in learning why the school had been named after Townsend Harris. Preliminary researches revealed the two outstanding achievements of Townsend Har- ris's life: the first, that, as President of the Board of Education of New York City, he had been the driving force and chief inspiration for the founding of The College of the City of New York; and the second, that, by a particularly happy turn of the wheel of fortune, he had later been appointed our first Consul General for Japan, and had been successful in opening Japan and bringing her into the larger family of nations. The writer surrendered himself whole-heartedly to the alluring subject of the life and work of Townsend Harris. As a loyal alumnus of The College of the City of New York, he turned first to the study of Townsend Harris's connections with his Alma Mater, and accord- ingly, in 1925, he published a volume entitled The Establishment of The College of the City of New York as The Free Academy in 1 847. Townsend Harris. Founder. It soon became apparent that the available informa- tion about Townsend Harris was scanty, with much of it inaccurate. An irresistible urge to undertake the pres- vii ent task lay in the mass of source material at the writer's disposal. Some years ago, Miss Bessie A. Harris, grand- niece of Townsend Harris, presented to The College of the City of New York all the original letters, docu- ments, and papers of Townsend Harris then in her pos- session. The more the writer looked into this material, the more he became aware of the possibilities that lay in it. Here were four volumes of Townsend Harris's manu- script Journal; a dozen historic documents in the original Japanese and Dutch languages; a complete collection of Townsend Harris's various appointments, letters of credence, passport, etc. ; five large letter books, containing a complete file of his official correspondence not only with the authorities at Washington and at Yedo, but also with all persons who approached him on topics closely connected with his official duties; and, finally, hundreds of original manuscript letters received from many of the great men of the day — the ranking officers of our navy, the representatives of all the foreign powers accredited to Japan and to China, the many business men of all nationalities who early established themselves in China, in Siam, in Japan, and generally in the Far East; as well as the early British and American mis- sionaries to those countries, etc., etc. 1 This hasty enumeration is not by any means intended to be a full description of the priceless historical ma- terial owned by The College of the City of New York. Enough has been said, however, to indicate the wealth and the importance of this Townsend Harris collec- 1 Townsend Harris did not keep copies of the letters he wrote to his friends. It is very sincerely hoped that readers of this work will be good enough to send to the writer all manuscript material (or copies thereof) that they may possess, for use in future works on the diplomatic relations between the United States and Japan. Vlll tion, practically every item of which is historic and dip- lomatic material yet unpublished. Large use has been made of these tempting sources in the notes of this vol- ume, but only in so far as they properly illustrate passages of the Journal. In these days of ever-expanding foreign relations, when American destiny in the new Pacific is so closely linked with that of the nations on the western border of that ocean, the story of the beginning of our friendly relations with Japan is an all-absorbing one. That story is here reproduced directly from the original manu- script. Words underlined by Townsend Harris have been printed in italics, and abbreviations have been spelled out in full, but there have been no omissions from the text. The transcription is a faithful and complete one. The earlier portion of Mr. Harris's Journal (which includes his mission to Siam, and which is approxi- mately one third of the entire manuscript) is here pub- lished for the first time. The portion of the Journal re- lating to Japan was published (with omissions) in 1895 by Dr. William Elliot Griffis in his book Townsend Harris, First American Envoy in Japan. By express understanding with Houghton Mifflin Company, pub- lishers of Dr. GriffiYs book (long out of print), the text of the Japanese portion of the Harris Journal is now for the first time given to the public in its full and complete form. 2 The publication of the present volume is due to the kindly and continued interest which the officers of the Japan Society in New York have taken in it, and to their very natural desire that the complete Journal of Town- send Harris be made available to students of American 2 The Houghton Mifflin Company book is Copyright 1895, by William E. Griffis. IX relations with Japan and the Far East, as well as to the general public. It was, furthermore, peculiarly and his- torically fitting for the Society to undertake this pub- lication through its Townsend Harris Endowment Fund Committee — a Committee that bears the name of the man whom this volume delighteth to honor. It would be difficult for the writer adequately to convey his sin- cere thanks to the officers of the Society and to the mem- bers of this Committee individually. He trusts they will feel that they are all included when he expresses his deep appreciation of the kindness shown, and of the courteous assistance given, by Mr. Jerome D. Greene, the Chairman of the Committee; by Mr. Douglas L. Dunbar, its Secretary; and, above all, by Mr. Alexander Tison, the President of the Japan Society. This work, finally, has been signally honored by His Excellency Prince Iyesato Tokugawa, who has graci- ously contributed a silken scroll on which he has in- scribed an appropriate saying of Confucius. The pres- ent Head of the House of Tokugawa and the legal suc- cessor of Tycoon Iyesada Tokugawa, who made the Treaty with Townsend Harris, by this courteous act establishes still another spiritual contact with the deeds of his ancestors. To him, too, the writer expresses his sincere appreciation and gratitude. In 1891, Dr. Inazo Nitobe said that four thick quarto volumes had made known to the world the minutest de- tails of Commodore Perry's expedition, but that suffi- cient justice had not yet been done to the memory of Townsend Harris, whose candle was still kept under a bushel. It is hoped that the present volume may make a beginning of rendering unto Harris the justice that is due him in recognition of his great achievement — a task that was perhaps the most difficult in the history of American diplomacy. It is a source of high satisfaction to reflect that the establishment of friendly relations between the United States and Japan was providentially placed in the hands of Townsend Harris — a New York City merchant, endowed with so great skill and patience and with so sympathetic an understanding. In his careful evaluation of the pioneering but quiet and unheralded diplomatic work of Townsend Harris in Japan, Dr. Nitobe further says: "An oak falls noisily crashing through the forest; the acorns drop with scarce a sound. To generations after, the acorns prove the greater blessing. Men have not yet learned what conquests there are in peace and in silence." As the years glide silently by, the seeds of sympa- thetic understanding that were sown by Townsend Harris so many years ago — in a foreign, but congenial and fertile soil — are indeed proving the greater blessing to later generations. The human family, after the pass- ing of countless ages since its migrations from the plains of central Asia, is meeting again on the far-flung coasts of the greatest of waters. The Ocean Sea — first named from its mere size — is no longer an estranging sea. The modern argosies of commerce and of trade, as they cross and recross it from west to east and from east to west, are daily vindicating the prophecy of Magellan, who, as he emerged from the stormy Strait and found himself wafted by gentle breezes, glanced over the quiet waters ahead and hailed them as the Mar Pacifico. Mario Emilio Cosenza. The College of the City of New York. January 25, 1930. xi CONTENTS PAGE Quotation from the Journal of Townsend Harris vi Scroll by Prince Iyesato Tokugawa Facing page vi Preface vii List of Illustrations xv List of Abbreviations xix Introduction: The Appointment of Townsend Harris as Consul General for Japan i The Complete Journal of Townsend Harris: Journal No. I : May 21, 1855 to April 14, 1856 17 Journal No. 2 : April 15, 1856 to July 6, 1856 83 Journal No. 3 : July 7, 1856 to February 25, 1857 175 Journal No. 4: February 26, 1857 t0 December 7, 1857 315 Journal No. 5 : December 7, 1857 to February 27, 1858 477 Fragments 559 Appendices: I. President Pierce's Letter to the First King of Siam 565 II. List of Presents for the First King of Siam 566 III. List of Presents for the Second King of Siam IV. The Convention of Shimoda: concluded June 1 7, 1857 571 xiii V. The First American Flag made in Japan : Novem- ber, 1857 573 VI. Townsend Harris's Letter of Credence, or "Full Powers" : dated, Washington, D. C, September 8 > ^55 575 VII. President Pierce's Letter to the Emperor of Japan: dated, Washington, D. C, September 12, 1855 576 VIII. Letter written by Hotta, Bitchiu-no-Kami, to Townsend Harris : dated, Yedo, January 4, 1858 577 IX. The Treaty of Amity and Commerce: concluded at Yedo, July 29, 1858 578 Index 59 1 xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Townsend Harris in 1847 Frontispiece From a Bronze Tablet by Albert P. D'Andrea, of the Art Depart- ment of the Townsend Harris Hall High School — the Preparatory High School of The College of the City of New York. It is a gift presented by the Class of January, 1924, of the High School, and was unveiled on Charter Day, May 20, 1925, by H. I. M.'s Ambassador, His Excellency Tsuneo Matsudaira. Townsend Harris's Seal Title page This impression of Mr. Harris's stone seal shows three Chinese characters — Ha, Ri, S — somewhat conventionalized by the en- graver who made the seal. FACING PAGE Townsend Harris's First Commission as Consul General for Japan 24 Dated, Washington, D. C, August 4, 1855. A Holograph Letter from the Second King of Siam no Dated, Palace of the Second King, Bangkok, Siam, April 22, 1856. Townsend Harris's Manuscript Journal, August 19, 1856, in vol. 3, p. 25 196 At the top of the page may be read his hope to receive honorable mention in the ''Histories which will be written on Japan." View of Shimoda, from Kakizaki 212 From a drawing in India ink by Mr. H. C. J. Heusken, whose signature in the lower right-hand corner is clearly legible in the original. This drawing was enclosed by Townsend Harris in a letter to "Kate" Drinker (later Mrs. Thomas Allibone Janvier), dated Shimoda, Japan, November 21, 1856. For this letter and drawing, see the Janvier Letters and Papers, in the Manuscripts Division of the New York Public Library. XV FACING PAGl The U. S. Consulate at Shimoda in 1856 226 From a drawing in India ink by Mr. H. C. J. Heusken. This drawing gives the earliest and only authentic view of the grounds of the consulate, of its buildings, and of the flagstaff flying the first consular flag ever seen in Japan. See Journal, Thursday, September 4, 1856. Monument Dedicated to the Memory of Town- send Harris 268 This monument was erected in the courtyard of the Gyokusen-ji, near Shimoda — the home of the first American accredited re- presentative to Japan. It was unveiled on Saturday, October i, 1927. The front of the monument bears the English text; the back, the Japanese text. The Journal entry carved on the monu- ment is that for September 4, 1856, commemorating the hoisting of the first consular flag ever seen in Japan. Townsend Harris's manuscript Journal, vol. 4, P. 52 374 This illustration shows his comment on having concluded the Convention of Shimoda: June 17, 1857. Townsend Harris's Second Commission as Consul General for Japan 400 Dated, Washington, D. C, July 31, 1856. The First American Flag Made in Japan: No- vember, 1857 412 This flag is now framed and is hanging on the wall of the Direc- tor's Office, in the Townsend Harris Hall High School. See Appendix V. Townsend Harris's "Full Powers," or Letter of Credence 468 Dated, Washington, D. C, September 8, 1856. The Japanese Text of the Shogun's Speech 474 This speech was delivered at the First Audience granted to Town- send Harris, December 7, 1857. It is the earliest official and personal expression uttered by the Shoguns of friendly relations between the United States and Japan. Letter Written by Hotta, Bitchiu-no-Kami, to Townsend Harris 494 Dated, Yedo, January 4, 1858. See Appendix VIII. xvi FACING PAGE The Famous Ginkgo Tree at the Zempuku-ji (The Shrine of Peace and Prosperity) in Tokyo 514 This tree marks the site where once stood the first flagstaff erected by Townsend Harris in the Capital of Japan. Townsend Harris concluded the Treaty of Yedo on July 29, 1858; the Convention of Kanagawa on March 19, 1859; and opened the American Legation at Yedo (Tokyo) on July 7, 1859. The Harbor of Settsu 527 This drawing is by Townsend Harris's hand. The illustration is a reproduction of the manuscript Journal, vol. i, p. 112. XV!! LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE NOTES L. & P.: Refer to the volumes of manuscript Letters and Papers of Toiunsend Harris. L. B.: Refer to the volumes of manuscript Letter Books of Toivnsend Harris. In referring to the volumes of the Congressional Series, the numbers 35-2 (for instance), refer to the 35th Congress, 2nd Session. All other abbreviations and references in the notes are, it is thought, clear in themselves. XIX THE COMPLETE JOURNAL OF TOWNSEND HARRIS Introduction The Appointment of Townsend Harris as Consul General for Japan INTEREST in the strange and secluded country to which the American squadron under Commodore Perry was proceeding was very great and very general. Conse- quently many persons, both in the United States and elsewhere, moved either by scientific interest or by keen curiosity, importuned Perry for permission to go aboard the ships of his fleet and so have one of the earliest peeps at the people who, for more than two centuries, had kept the doors of their island empire so tightly shut. Commodore Perry met these importunate advances with dignity and with firmness. His position in the matter was clearly stated in the Second General Order which he issued while at sea, on December 23, 1852 1 1 "Entertaining the opinion that the talents and acquire- ments of the officers of the squadron, if properly directed and brought into action, will be found equal to a plain and practical examination and elucidation of the various objects pertaining to the arts and sciences that may come under their observation during the present cruise, and being aware of the limited accommodations of the vessels under my command, I have invariably objected 1 Perry, Narrative, 33-2, S. Ex. Doc, no. 79, vol. 1, p. 88. I to the employment of persons drawn from civil life to conduct those departments more immediately connected with science." In spite of the fact that these invariable objections of the commanding officer were well known, requests to accompany the Japan Expedition continued to pour in on Perry. Townsend Harris was in China at the time the American fleet reached that country. Perry first stopped at Hongkong and at Macao; from there he went to Shanghai, where he arrived on May 4, 1853, leaving again towards the end of the same month. It was during Perry's stay at Shanghai that Townsend Harris made his first definite effort to reach Japan. In a letter dated Macao, June 18, 1859, 2 Mr. S. Robertson congratulates Townsend Harris on his then recent and brilliant successes both in Siam and in Japan. In the course of his congratulations there appears this interesting para- graph : "I often smile to myself when I recollect how anxious you were at Shanghai to accompany Commodore Perry on his first visit to Japan, and your annoyance at his refusal. The 'C little thought at the time, that he was then refusing a man who would accomplish greater achievements and acquire more renown in Japan [than Commodore Perry himself] while he would at the same time throw additional lustre on the name of Perry. But so wags the world." This refusal to be permitted to accompany Commo- dore Perry did not discourage Townsend Harris. At 2 L. & P., vol. i, no. 175. about the same time (the spring of 1853), he applied for the position of American Consul at either Hongkong or Canton, describing himself a resident of Hongkong. 3 In his letter of recommendation addressed to the Hon. William L. Marcy, and dated New York, December 28, 1853, General Wetmore says that he had never met Har- ris's "superior in a thoroughly educated and accom- plished merchant," and says of him: "I think from his unusually extensive acquirements on all commercial sub- jects and his acquaintance with several foreign languages (such as Spanish, French, Italian) that he could not fail to render himself useful in a consular office." 4 Instead of either of these posts, President Pierce, by letter dated Thursday, July 27, 1854, nominated Towns- end Harris Consul, at $1,000 per annum, for the treaty port of Ningpo, China, to succeed Charles W. Bradley, who was being transferred to Singapore. This nomina- tion was received by the Senate on Tuesday, August 1st, and was duly referred to its Committee on Com- merce. On Wednesday, August 2, 1854, tne Senate con- sented to the appointment. 5 And here we begin to approach rather closely the matter of Townsend Harris's later appointment as Consul General for Japan. On Sunday, April 29, 1855, returning from his travels in India, Harris reached the home of his dear friend, Mr. Charles C. Currier, 8 Dennett, Americans in Eastern Asia, p. 348. 4 Files of the Bureau of Appointments, Washington, D. C. 5 S. Ex. J'l, vol. 9, pp. 369, 373, 379. Lamb's Biographical Dictionary and the American Encyclopedia are both wrong in stating that Townsend Harris was appointed only Vice-Consul for Ningpo. United States Consul at Pulo Penang, in the Strait of Malacca — Penang, "the primeval Paradise not altered at the Flood," as he himself says in the Journal entry for May 21, 1855. At Mr. Currier's residence he must have found awaiting him his commission as Consul for Ningpo. Instead, however, of proceeding to this post, which seems to have had no attractions for him, he set sail for the United States on May 21, 1855, a f ter having appointed the Rev. Dr. Daniel Jerome Macgowan his Vice-Consul for Ningpo. This gentleman, a medical missionary of the Baptist faith, carried on for a short while, but with great difficulty and under protest, as his long letters of complaint to Townsend Harris clearly prove. Harris himself never served a single day as Consul at Ningpo. In the meantime Townsend Harris's friends had been exerting themselves in his behalf. Mr. Sandwith Drinker, whose hospitality Commodore Perry and his officers had enjoyed both at Hongkong and at Canton, was a sailor of the old school and the most intimate friend that Townsend Harris had in the Far East. There is no doubt in our mind that Mr. Drinker im- proved every opportunity to praise Townsend Harris to Commodore Perry, who had already received Towns- end Harris's personal letter expressing a sincere desire to accompany him to Japan. In the United States Harris could count on the active assistance of Mr. W. H. Topping, of General Prosper M. Wetmore, and, through him, of the Hon. William L. Marcy, Secretary of State. We believe the following to have been the course of events. His appointment as Consul for Ningpo must have suggested to Harris the possibility of the far more responsible consulship to Japan — an ambition which could not have been much out of his mind since the days of Perry's Japan Expedition. There, in Japan, lay the greatest opportunity of the century for truly great and pioneer diplomatic work. The Perry Treaty received the approval of the Senate on July 15, 1854, an( l was signed by the President on August 7th. Ratifications were exchanged at Shimoda, February 21, 1855 ; and the Treaty itself was proclaimed June 22, 1855. On July 27, 1855, at 4 P. M., Townsend Harris passed the buoy on the Bar of New York, reaching home from far-off Pulo Penang in the Strait of Malacca after a voyage of more than two months. The appointment of an American representative to Japan was now in order. The Perry Treaty (concluded March 31, 1854) clearly stated (Article XI) : "There shall be appointed, by the Government of the United States, Consuls or Agents to reside in Shimoda, at any time after the expiration of eighteen months from the date of the signing of this treaty ; provided that either of the two Governments deem such arrangement necessary." The President undoubtedly consulted with Commo- dore Perry as to the best available man, and we have subsequent official testimony to the effect that the Com- 5 modore was one of the men who recommended Harris for the post. Townsend Harris's claims for consideration were truly outstanding and unique. He had resigned as Presi- dent of the Board of Education of New York City on January 26, 1 848. In 1 849, he sailed from New York and journeyed around Cape Horn to California as super- cargo of his own merchant vessel. With this voyage began his wandering trading expeditions from port to port — expeditions which extended over a period of six years and brought him into close contact with the many different races of the South Seas and of Asia. In the course of these voyages, he visited many islands of the Pacific, and many points on the mainland of the oldest of continents. He visited far-off New Zealand and the Philippines; he crossed the China Sea; he lived and carried on business in both North and South China, in Shanghai, Ningpo, Canton, Macao, and Penang; in Singapore, in Ceylon, and in India. These statements may seem of minor importance, but they become facts of primary importance when we con- sider their real significance in connection with the great life work which was to follow. This commercial wander- ing from place to place gave Townsend Harris the ideal training and preparation for his later diplomatic inter- course with the Japanese. It helped remove that feeling of shock or of puzzled attitude which takes hold of so many men when suddenly brought face to face with a different civilization and with strange manners and customs. It taught Harris to be tolerant and sympathetic, 6 and, above all, to be patient — for patience has ever been the supreme and special prerequisite for all successful intercourse with the peoples of the East. Finally, it gave him a knowledge of the life and the mind of the Oriental that even an extended course of reading of selected books could scarcely have given him. To repeat, then, these qualifications of Harris could not, we venture to assert, have been duplicated any- where in the United States of 1855. The Perry Treaty was not a commercial agreement, but merely a "wood and water" treaty, and it provided (as we have seen) for the appointment of consuls or agents. Harris's friends presented and urged his really exceptional claims to the post. On July 31, 1855 — only four days after his arrival in New York — the following letter was written to the President of the United States and signed by eight of the foremost citizens of New York: 6 New York, July 31, 1855. To the President of the United States : Sir: We desire to recommend for your most favorable notice Mr. Townsend Harris, formerly for many years an active merchant in this city, but more recently a resident in various parts of China and India. Mr. Harris possesses great business experience, ex- tensive and varied information on commercial subjects, and is unusually well qualified to discharge the duties of a consular or diplomatic situation in the East. Feel- 6 Files of the Bureau of Appointments, Washington, D. C. 7 ing confident of the great capacity and personal merits of Mr. Harris, we unite most cordially in commending him to your favor. With high respect (signed) Brown Brothers Co. Herman J. Redfield Isaac Townsend Schuyler Livingston R. Withers John J. Cisco John Romeyn Brodhead C. W. Lawrence It is interesting to note that Mr. John R. Brodhead, one of the signers of this letter, had himself been nomi- nated Consul General for Japan by President Pierce on Saturday, March 3, 1855. 7 And on August 1, 1855, Mr. John J. Cisco wrote this special letter of recom- mendation : 8 New York, August 1, 1855. In addition to what is contained on the preceding page, I desire to state that Mr. Harris, while residing here, occupied and deservedly a high position in the com- munity. He was an active member of the Chamber of Commerce, trustee of a savings bank, and for several years President of the Board of Education. These duties were all discharged with credit in the intervals of an active commercial life. As a politician he was a sound, reliable, and influential Democrat, and I have reason to know that his views have 7 S. Ex. J'l, vol. 9, pp. 440, 441. 8 Files of the Bureau of Appointments, Washington, D. C. 8 undergone no change ; that he is a true Democrat now as ever before. I give this testimony with much pleasure. John J. Cisco. Townsend Harris now went to Washington and had the privilege of several personal interviews with Presi- dent Pierce. We are not in a position to give the details of these busy days in the nation's capital. There are ex- tant, however, other extremely interesting documents re lating to this historic appointment. From Willards Hotel, Townsend Harris addressed to the President a very frank and touching letter : 9 Willards Hotel, Washington August 4, 1855. Sir: In consequence of letters which reached me last evening, I have postponed my return to New York, and remain at this hotel, anxiously awaiting Your Excel- lency's decision on my application. I have told Your Excellency that I have long had a strong desire to visit Japan ; and so deep has this feeling become that, if I was offered the choice between Com- missioner to China or Consul to Japan, I should in- stantly take the latter. I have a perfect knowledge of the social banishment I must endure while in Japan, and the mental isolation in which I must live, and am prepared to meet it. I am a single man, without any ties to cause me to look anxiously to my old home, or to become impatient in my new one : — You may rely, Sir, that I will not ask for leave 9 Files of the Bureau of Appointments, Washington, D. C. 9 to visit my friends, or resign the place for any reasons of dislike to the country, but will devote myself, zealously, to the faithful discharge of my duties. I have only to add, that I shall be much obliged by your early decision on my application. I have the honor to be With great respect Your obedient servant, Townsend Harris. To His Excellency Franklin Pierce President of the United States. The references in this letter to social banishment and mental isolation were a prophetic look into his future life in Japan — a presentiment of the long-continued isolation which later caused him such great pain and sorrow. The Secretary of State, William L. Marcy, who was at Old Point Comfort enjoying a brief respite from the oppressive heat of the capital, had known of the Pres- ident's indecision for some days; and on August 4, 1855 — the very same day on which Townsend Harris wrote his letter to the President — Secretary Marcy wrote a confidential letter to General Prosper M. Wetmore (an intimate friend of Townsend Harris), giving a clear picture of the President's hesitation — even quoting the President's own words from a letter which he had re- cently received from the White House. The letter proves that General Wetmore had enlisted the hearty cooper- ation of Secretary Marcy. The communication is marked "Confidential," but its presence to-day in the Harris Letters and Papers simply means that, after reading it, 10 General Wetmore (in accordance with Secretary Marcy's expressed wish) turned it over to Mr. Harris with his compliments. The letter 10 reads as follows : (Confidential) O. P. Comfort August^ 1855. My dear General: Your letter notifying me that Harris intended to come here arrived the next day after he left this place for Washington. Some days before I left home, the Pres- ident had assented to Harris's appointment, but when I sent him a commission to sign he hesitated, and I thought he was inclined to bestow the office on another. I think he retained that view when Mr. Harris had his first interview with him, but it appears by a letter I have just received from him that Harris has carried his point. From that letter I make the following extract, which I do not doubt will be very gratifying to you. "I had a short interview with Mr. Harris yesterday and he dined with me to-day. He is evidently a man of high character, and his large intelligence derived both from books and observation impresses me forcibly. My consultations with him have been very satis- factory, and you have not in my judgment overesti- mated his qualifications for the position of which we have spoken. I shall appoint him at once and think he had better sail as soon as possible." I rejoice as heartily as you can at this result. I cannot doubt that he will justify the favorable opinion we enter- 10 L. Sf P., vol. 1, no. 5. II tain of his eminent qualifications. Should Harris get the appointment, — as I think it is beyond contingency he will, — I have no objection you should read to him the above extract from the President's letter to me. Beyond that I wish it to be regarded as strictly confidential. I have been here nearly a fortnight and may remain some time longer. I brought work with me. The President says in his letter it is hot in Washington and urges me to remain until the weather changes, unless some emer- gency calls for my return. We are here "under an ardent Southern sun," as old Mr. Ritchie would say, but we are surrounded by water and nearly all the time fanned by ocean breezes. These breezes and the bathing are our comforts, — perhaps fish[ing] ought to be added thereto. Yours truly, W. L. Marcy. General P. M. Wetmore. President Pierce, then, had reached a final and favor- able decision before he received Townsend Harris's letter of August 4, 1855. Indeed, on that same day, Mr. W. Hunter, Assistant Secretary of State, sent Harris the following notice of his appointment : 1X Department of State 4th August, 1855. Dear Sir: I have the pleasure to inform you that the President has signed your commission as Consul General to Japan. He is desirous of conversing with you upon the "Z,. & P., vol. 1, no. 10. 12 subject and will receive you for the purpose at any time when he may not be otherwise engaged. Very respectfully Your obedient servant, W. Hunter. To Townsend Harris. Townsend Harris must have been in New York City by this time, as is proved by another interesting note by Mr. W. H. Topping, written August 5, 1855, which was addressed to him at New York, and which reveals two more persons who strove for the appointment of Harris as our first representative to Japan. 12 Washington, August 5, 1855. My dear Sir : Permit me to congratulate you on your success in obtaining the appointment you desired. I called on Mr. Webster, as I promised I would, and was informed by him that the President had concluded to give you the appointment, and I then called in at the Hotel, but you had flown. It is more than probable that you will be obliged to return here to receive your instructions, and, if so, I shall have the pleasure of seeing you again either here or in New York, at which latter place I shall be in the course of a few days. Present my regards to General Wetmore and his brother, and believe me to be Very respectfully and truly yours, W. H. Topping. Townsend Harris, Esq., etc. etc. etc., New York. 12 L. & P., vol. 1, no. 11. 13 This letter brought added joy to Townsend Harris, who must have hastened to communicate the good news to some of his dearest friends — for this we interpret to be the meaning of the names written in his own hand on the back of this letter — namely, Topping and Marcy (at Washington), Currier (at Penang), Barstow (S. L. M. Barlow?), and Drinker (in China). Mr. Sandwith Drinker, indeed, was particularly well informed about Harris's appointment. Writing from Canton, China, on December 3, 1855, 13 he says to Harris : "Mrs. Drinker received your note mentioning your appointment to Japan, and we shall all be glad to see you back again. . . . Your secrecy about your mission to Siam is rather amusing, as you say you do not wish it to reach China. We know all your movements better than people at home do. I have received two letters about your going to Siam, and have seen two or three others giving an account of your mission. I also knew, before you wrote, of your appointment to Japan, and knew Marcy consulted Commodore Perry about it. I knew Perry's answer. So you see we are well posted up here." As Mr. Drinker said, Secretary Marcy had in fact consulted Commodore Perry as to a properly qualified person for the post to Japan. But we are in a position to-day to give more authoritative information than Mr. Drinker had been able to gather from the letters which he had received. Curiously enough, it is information that Townsend Harris himself received only years later — 13 Z.. & P., vol. 1, no. 23. 14 after he had officially sent in his resignation as Minister Resident to Japan. In regretfully accepting this letter of resignation, the then Secretary of State, William H. Seward, bears testimony not only as to the persons who actually had recommended Townsend Harris for the position, but also to the satisfaction of the United States Government at the pioneer work he had accomplished in Japan. 14 No. 24 Department of State Washington, October 21, 1861. Sir: Your dispatch of July 10 (No. 29) has been re- ceived. You perhaps are informed now for the first time that your appointment as the first commissioner to Japan was made by President Pierce upon the joint recommenda- tion of Commodore Perry and myself. You will do me the justice, therefore, to believe that I sincerely sympathize with you in your suffering from ill health, and that I regard your retirement from the important post you have filled with such distinguished ability and success, as a subject of grave anxiety, not only for this country, but for all the Western nations. The President [Lincoln] instructs me to say that he accepts your resignation with profound regret, and to present to you an assurance of his entire satisfaction with the manner in which the responsibilities of your mission have been discharged. Mr. Robert H. Pruyn has been appointed to succeed you, and, I presume, will reach Yedo as early as January ^Dipl. Corr., 1862, pt. 2, p. 816. 15 next. You will, of course, remain in the discharge of official duties until relieved by his arrival. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, William H. Seward. Townsend Harris, Esq., etc. etc. etc., Yedo. So closes the history of Townsend Harris's appoint- ment as Consul General for Japan. He thus became the first representative of any country at any time to be accredited to the Island Empire of the Far East; and it was an extremely fortunate choice — fortunate not only for Japan but for the United States and the world in general. Japan feels deeply the debt of gratitude which she owes to the United States for all that Townsend Harris did for her in those early and troubled days when she first opened her ports to the Western world; and, on the other hand, the world has greatly profited from the fact that Townsend Harris built the diplomatic re- lations of Japan with the United States and the other members of the family of nations on the firm founda- tion of friendliness, mutual trust, and sympathetic un- derstanding. 16 Journal No. 1 Commencing May 21, 1855 Ending April 13, 1856— on page 60 1 At Penang, 1855. Having arrived here on the 29th ult. from my Indian trip, and being soon to start on my homeward voyage overland, I shall only record a few of the points and dates in my journey. May 21, 1855. Bade adieu to my most kind and hospitable friend Charles C. Currier, Esq., a true Amer- ican and an honor to his country; his praises are in the mouth of every gentleman who has visited Penang. 2 Dear Penang! a part of the primeval Paradise not altered at the Flood: here, an everlasting spring reigns; fresh flowers scent the air on each morning; its luscious fruits, — the pisang, mangosteen, durian, ramput, mango, rambutan, kachao, orange, golden fig, among others, — ■ and the whole family of palm fruits are some of them constantly in season. What lovely views! What a panor- iThis legend is written in Townsend Harris's own hand, on the first page of vol 1 of the manuscript Journal. As a matter of fact, Journal no. i ends (on p. 60 of the manuscript) with the entry for Monday, Apr. 14, 1856. 2 U.S. Consul at Penang ; sailed for the United States on July 1, 1859 : L. & P., vol. 1, no. 256. A thorough search of Hasse's Index has failed to find any mention of Mr. Currier as U. S. Consul. In a footnote to his letter to Charles Huffnagle, U. S. Consul General for British India, and dated Shimoda, July 6, 1857 (£• B-> vol. 2 i P« 39). Townsend Harris distinctly mentions Mr. Currier as U. S. Consul at Penang. 17 ama from the West Hill 2,800 feet high! What rides in its sweetly shaded valleys ! It is a land of delight, and the people are simple, warm hearted and hospitable ; so long as memory continues I can never forget them and their terrestrial Paradise. Go on board the steamer Singa- pore, Captain Baker, my old friend who commanded the steamer Pekin, when we were in fearful danger from a typhoon in the China Sea, October 2, 1851. May 2Q, 1 8 55. Arrive off Point-de-Galle (Ceylon) at 7 P. M. Cannot enter the harbor except by daylight, therefore we lie off and on all night, and enter at day- light on the 30th. May 30, 1855. Go on board the small steamer Bom- bay for Suez, — horribly crowded, and any quantity of ill-tempered children, speaking Hindostanee, Bengalee, Malay and "Pigeon English" — anything in fact but English — sallow-looking things they are, but time and the temperate zone will give them rosy cheeks, red lips and bleach the yellow stain of bile out of their skins. June II, 1855. Reach Aden, created by Shaitan 3 and abandoned by God. Is the most fearfully desolate place I ever saw. Volcanic in its origin, it looks as though it had not yet got cool. Go out to the cantonments five miles, situated on the actual bottom of the old crater. The side to the north is broken down, and through this opening runs the road to the neck which unites it with the land. Finish coaling at 8 P. M. and start for Suez. The weather is oppressive beyond anything I ever knew — it utterly prostrates one. 3 An Arabic word meaning Satan. 18 June 12, 1855. Last night will always be fixed in my mind as a night of horror. As we ran up the Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb (truly to us the "Gate of Tears") the simoon began to blow; at 1 A. M. the thermometer stood at 104 ; the air did not appear to possess any oxygen. Men — strong men — gasped for breath, — for something to satisfy the craving of their lungs. At last we passed the Gate at 5 A. M., and, joy of joys, we saw the blue waters of the Red Sea curling under a fresh breeze from the west. The relief was instantaneous — all were like men raised from a sick bed — and the thermometer fell to 87 . About two years ago, three females died from exhaustion alone, during a passage like that of last night. I would advise any friend to avoid the Red Sea from April to November. June IQ, 18^5. Reached Suez early this morning. I had the good luck to draw Van No. 1, consequently I leave in the first caravan of five carriages at 2 P. M. The other passengers will follow at intervals of four hours between each caravan. The Van is half an omnibus on two wheels, and drawn by two horses and two mules. Guards on horseback go with each party. The Arabs drive furiously and treat their brutes with great cruelty. About five miles from Suez, I had a fine sight of the "Moving Sand Pillars" so graphically described by Bruce. 4 There were four that I saw. They are simply occasioned by a small whirlwind which lifts up the burn- 4 James Bruce (Dec. 14, 1730-Apr. 27, 1794), African traveller and ex- plorer. The passage referred to is in Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, in the Years 1768-177 3, Dublin, 1790-91, in vol. 5, bk. VIII, ch. XI, pp. 318-19, 321. 19 ing dust of the desert, and, from its being confined to the vortex of the whirlwind, gives it the appearance of a solid body of great height and moving more or less rapidly over the desert. This no doubt is the origin of the Arab fables of the Jin whose heads reach up to the clouds. Afterwards had a fine mirage — the deception was perfect — a beautiful sheet of water — a noble and exten- sive palace raised its lofty white walls — palm trees were waving — and the green fields refreshed the eye. How much like the future of life in the eye of youth with its glowing anticipations! Alas! how much were the facts like the realities of life! The water was the sandy desert — the palace simply the low white stables where our horses stood — the palm trees a poor stunted "thorn acacia" and the green fields a few leaves that will grow in the desert despite its aridity. We have sixteen relays of cattle and eat three times on the road between Suez and Cairo. The coffee must be drunk to be appreciated. Distance, 83 miles; time, 16 hours. On reaching the hills that overlook Cairo, I saw the Great Pyramid by the light of the rising sun — a grand sight. It looked like a mountain. June 20, 1855. As the cholera was raging in Cairo, we drove at once to the steamer at Shubra, about three miles below Boulak. Here are a fine palace and beautiful gardens belonging to the Pasha, Said-Pasha. Not fearing the cholera [we] went to Cairo and visited the Citadel and the Tomb of Mehemet Ali. As Cairo is no novelty nowadays I do not describe it, merely remarking that the Mosque or Tomb of Mehemet Ali brought the glories 20 of Agra and Delhi to my mind from the similarity of style; but what a difference! Go and see the Taj Mahal and Moote Musjeed, the Tomb of Ackbar and the Jumma Musjeed and twenty other fine buildings at Agra; then visit Delhi, both old and new, and see her glories, and you would at once say that Mehemet's Tomb is mere cutcha. 6 Having time, I went to the Great Pyramid and went through the whole process of donkey bargaining with its attendant noise and cheatery ; was dragged up to the top of the Pyramid by four cutthroat looking rascals, and then came down again, woefully out of breath. I am sorry I ever saw it under any other light than that from the hills at sunrise. I would advise any friend visiting Cairo to go out there to see the sight. It will pay — as we say in America. Passed the night miserably enough in the small, dirty, hot and crowded steamer. The last passengers arrived at 8 P. M. June 21, 1855. Left Shubra at 6 :3c* A. M. for Kafirlis, or Cafferlis — seventy-five miles below Cairo. Pass through the great hydraulic work called the Barrage, intended to secure the inundation of the lands above it. It is a bold and noble work, but not yet complete. Reached Kafirlis at 4 P. M. and took the railway! Shade ^Musjeed (or masjid, mesjid, musjid) : a Mohammedan mosque. "Moti Masjid, or Pearl Mosque, is an equally perfect example of the Mahommedan style" ; Encycl. Brit., s. v. Agra. It will be noticed that here, and generally so, Townsend Harris anglicizes the spelling of foreign words: e. a., the long "i" of masjid he represents by a double "e." 6 The meaning is quite clear, even without knowing that cutcha is an Anglo- Indian word meaning a cheap lime used in building. 21 of Cheops! A railway in Egypt! Cars new and capital, we spun over the eighty-three miles to Alexandria by 8 130 P. M. Rose early and got a vapor bath — the first bath since leaving Ceylon. June 22, 1855. Went on board the steamer Euxine at n A. M. for England ho! via Malta and Gibraltar. View of Alexandria Harbor as you leave it is very fine. En route to Malta saw Cape Bon near Tripoli, and Captain Weeks like a good fellow sheered in so that we could make out the houses at Algiers as we passed. June 25, 1855. Arrive at Malta, visit the Church of St. John with its magnificent roof and pavement and noble monuments of the old knights ; also the old palace and armory of the knights; about one hundred suits of their armor are preserved in the armory. I was surprised at the smallness of it, but few of the corselets were large enough for my chest, although I am not very large. July 1, 1855. Arrive at Gibraltar early in the morn- ing. Visit the fortifications, which I think might be truly called impregnable, — so long as ammunition and food hold out, nothing but treachery or cowardice can cause its surrender. Capital apricots and other fruits. Pleasant to my ear it was, to hear the rolling sounds of the majestic Castilian language. I should have noted that, on our voyage from Malta, we saw snow on the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, and that among other places we had capital views of Velez-Malaga, Malaga itself, and the beautiful country between. Malaga must be a capital place for an invalid. We left the same day for our last stage, — Southampton. 22 July 6, 1855. On our voyage from Gibraltar we sighted Cape Trafalgar, Cape Finisterre and Ushant, of course observing Europa Point and Cape Spartel. We reached Southampton at 4 P. M. having passed be- tween the Isle of Wight and the villages of New Forest. I would here remark that, from leaving Penang until our arrival here, the weather has been good, so far as wind is concerned, and that we never had any sea that would endanger a common ship's boat. Passed my luggage at the Custom House and went to Radley's Hotel, a very good house, where we had beefsteaks, strawberries and other things that do not figure in the Asiatic bills of fare. July 7, 1855. Went up to London and on going to Baring Brothers & Co. I met the welcome of letters from my dear friends in New York. I had intended to go to Paris, but my letters were so urgent for my immediate return 7 that I took my passage for the Atlantic to leave Liverpool on the 16th inst. Went down to Liverpool on the 14th, passed the 15th in calling on Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Whittemore, and early on the 1 6th went on board the noble steamer Atlantic, Captain West ; and, being so placed and surrounded by plenty of countrymen, I felt as though I had already reached home. 7 Though there is no manuscript evidence, the writer feels sure that among these urgent letters from dear friends in New York there was at least one from General Prosper M. Wetmore, and perhaps one from William L. Marcy, the Secretary of State. The writer is even more sure that the reason for the urgency of Townsend Harris's return was that he might be present in the United States to plead his own cause and to make sure of receiving the ap- pointment as first Consul General to Japan. 23 We had a singular mirage on our voyage home. We saw Cape Race early in the morning, and at 3 P. M. land appeared nearly directly ahead and apparently some ten miles distant. Suddenly the line of the land stretched along nearly across our course and extended a long distance. Now, in reality, the nearest land in that direction was Cape Breton (I think) then some one hun- dred and ten miles (not knots) distant. The land soon began to show remarkable changes. Sometimes it would shoot up into high sharp peaks ; then the peaks would change to rounded hills; then the line of coast would be changed into distinct islets as quick as the changes of a kaleidoscope. It continued until 9 P. M. July 2J, 1855. At 4 P. M. we passed the buoy on the Bay of New York, which completed my voyage around the world. I expressed a hope to some of the passengers that I should never be required to leave New York for two hundred and fifty miles in any direction. 8 I omit the details of what I did while in the United States, merely noting that on the 4th of August I was appointed Consul General 9 for Japan. 8 The hope here expressed by Townsend Harris must have been due to the exuberance of his joy at reaching home again, — "dear old, inflammable New York" (as he elsewhere calls it), — after an absence of seven years, dating from the spring of 1849, when he left for California as supercargo of his own trading argosy. (See note 7.) 9 See illustration. It will be noticed that the word General was inserted by hand on a form intended for consuls only; secondly, that this first commission was addressed to "His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor of Japan," although, as a matter of fact, it was ultimately delivered to the Shogun at Yedo; and thirdly, that W. Hunter signed as Acting Secretary of State, in place of Secre- tary William L. Marcy, who was then at Old Point Comfort enjoying a short vacation. 24 0=3 < ex- m fig &< —« & 0=7 M EH ^ v *n Jf 1 * vs If! J 1 s § . ■ iff* © a. ' jj 3 & s i ^ ! S 3 s fi - = i\ 5 $ : , s f i i I '5 8 » | S > 1 1 •2 § I I 1 1 f S -8 S I ! i; K i h ■a I ft, I V •* , - 8 1 si 5 $ 1 ^ |f ft | § 5 1 ^ y < C- < ' — ^ C fe _" < pe=1 u: Z W c h-; LT) ^ 00 (x 1— i £ -t- C u 09 tj x 3 < < z «J d CO ~ X c s C 2 'jc c u £ h- -c 3^ Q E UFSARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS During the same month the President was pleased to entrust me with the making [of] a commercial treaty with the Kingdom of Siam, 10 a matter in which Mr. Balestier was unsuccessful in 1851. 11 10 The first information Townsend Harris received of this additional assign- ment was contained in a letter from Secretary W. L. Marcy, dated Washington, Sept. 6, 1855 (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 14). He was informed that he was to visit Siam with a view to negotiate a treaty, and was requested to go to Washing- ton as soon as possible in order to make the necessary arrangements. As is so often the case, the most interesting part of this letter is the postscript, which reads: "I advise that nothing should be said about the Siam negotiations. If it should become public, obstacles may be thrown in the way of it." We have already seen (in the Introduction) how well this state secret was kept. Townsend Harris informed Mr. S. Drinker of it by letter of Sept. 15, 1855. For, writing from Canton, China, on Dec. 3, 1855, Mr. Drinker was already in a position to say to Harris: "Your secrecy about your mission to Siam is rather amusing, as you say you do not wish it to reach China." Incidentally, there seems to have been no exception made in this instance to the rule affecting secrets. For, just as Townsend Harris, in spite of Secretary Marcy's injunctions, had within ten days seen fit to confide in his intimate friend Mr. Drinker, so had others (at least the "two or three others" referred to by Mr. Drinker) similarly confided in their friends in China. The two "Full Powers," authorizing Townsend Harris to conclude com- mercial treaties with Siam and Japan, are dated September 8, 1855, and are signed by President Franklin Pierce and by Secretary of State William L. Marcy. The special passport, signed by Secretary Marcy, is dated Sept. 12, 1855. (These three originals are at The College of the City of New York; cf. also L. & P., vol. 1, no. 15.) The President's letters to the King of Siam and to the Emperor of Japan (countersigned by Secretary Marcy), are dated Sept. 12, 1855 (L. & P., vol. 2, nos. 14 and 15). These five documents were sent to Townsend Harris enclosed in Secretary Marcy's Letter of Instructions, bearing date of Sept. 12, 1855, and directing him: Firstly, to revise the existing treaty with Siam, concluded by Edmund Roberts on Mar. 20, 1833; and Secondly, to make sure that missionaries from the United States would henceforth be free from molestation. (Dispatch No. 1 from the Department of State: L. & P., vol. 2, no. 16.) njoseph Balestier, of Massachusetts. He was nominated U. S. Consul for Rhio, Island of Bintang, Malagan Sea, on Jan. 21, 1834; referred to the Com- mittee on Commerce; consented to, Feb. 10, 1834 (Hasse, Index, pt. 3, p. 1720). He was nominated U.S. Consul for Singapore, July 2, 1836; referred to Com- mittee on Commerce; consented to, July 4, 1836; served in this capacity from 1836 to 1852 (ib. t p. 1712). From Aug. 16, 1849, to Feb. 15, 1851, he acted as Special Commissioner of the 25 It was arranged between the State and Navy Depart- ments, that the Steam Frigate San Jacinto would call at Penang, to which place I wished to proceed overland, and then take me to Siam and afterwards to Japan. I soon made the acquaintance of Commodore Armstrong 12 whose flag is on the San Jacinto, and Captain Bell 13 of the frigate. I put on board of her the presents for the Kings of Siam with my heavy luggage for Japan, with some few stores. I found the Commodore and Captain Bell very kind and accommodating, and I hope we shall prove to be good messmates. October IJ ', 1855. Embark on board the steamer Pacific?* Captain Nye, for Liverpool. For reasons that United States to Cochin China. Mr. Balestier's report to the Secretary of State of his unsuccessful efforts to conclude a commercial treaty with Siam is to be found in 32-1, S. Ex. Doc, no. 38 — in Serial no. 618 — a report which, with the accompanying documents, fills 125 pages. 12 Commodore James Armstrong: born at Shelbyville, Kentucky, Jan. 17, 1794. His official career was as follows: Midshipman, Nov. 15, 1809; Lieuten- ant, Apr. 27, 1816; Commander, Mar. 3, 1825; Captain, Sept. 8, 1841; Com- modore, Retired List, Apr. 4, 1867; died, Aug. 25, 1868 {cf. Callahan, List; and T. H. S. Hamersly, General Register). In 1814, he was captured by the British while serving in the Frolic; from 1855 to 1858, he commanded the East India Squadron, during which time (in 1857) he destroyed the Barrier Forts at Canton. 13 Captain Henry Haywood Bell: born in Orange County, North Carolina, in 1808. His official career was as follows: Midshipman, Aug. 4, 1823; Passed midshipman, Mar. 23, 1829; Lieutenant, Mar. 3, 1831; Commander, Aug. 12, 1854; Commodore, July 16, 1862; Rear-Admiral, July 25, 1866; Retired List, Apr. 12, 1867; Drowned at the mouth of the Osaka River, Japan, Jan. 11, 1868. (Cf. Callahan, op. cit.; and Hamersly, op. cit.) In early life he served on the Grampus in the expedition against the pirates on the coast of Cuba. In the destruction of the Barrier Forts at Canton, he commanded the San Jacinto. During the Civil War, he did distinguished service in the West Gulf blockading squadron under Admiral Farragut. In 1865, he commanded the East India Squadron with the rank of commodore. 14 This steamer (300 feet long and 46 feet wide) was a ship of 3,500 tons. The New York Tribune of Thursday morning, Oct. 25, 1849, in reporting the installation of her engines the preceding day, speaks of her as the largest steamer in the world and the future monarch of the ocean. 26 I will omit, the voyage was the most unpleasant I ever made. From unavoidable exposure I took a violent cold on the 24th. We arrived at Liverpool at 2 A. M. of Sun- day, October 28th. I visited Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Whittemore, and transacted some business with Messrs. Brown, Shipley & Co. and left for London at 4 P. M. of the 29th. Arrived at the Euston Square Station 15 and thence went to the Clarendon Hotel. I was very happy to meet here Colonel Osborne of the Madras Army, an old fellow passenger on the Indian side. The 30th and 31st were passed in arranging my money matters with the Messrs. Baring, calling on Mr. Buchanan 16 and making some small purchases. November I, 1855. Went to Paris via Dover and Calais, Lisle, Amiens, etc. etc. Reached Paris at 1 1 P. M. and went to the Hotel Meurice, where with great difficulty I got a room up 132 steps of staircase at five francs per day! I ordered some properly ornamented clothes to wear at the Court of Bangkok 17 , etc. etc., and 15 Townsend Harris arrived in London the same day — Monday, Oct. 29, 1855. (£• Sf P., vol. 2, no. 119.) 16 James Buchanan, then Minister to Great Britain, later President of the United States. Townsend Harris called at the American Legation on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 1855. Among other reasons, he called to have his passport duly vised — which was ac- cordingly marked, Bon pour La France, and was signed by John Appleton, Secretary of Legation. On the same day, he visited also the Consulate General of France in London, and for the same purpose. His passport was here marked Bon pour un an pour France. The next day, Oct. 31, 1855, he paid Mr. Buchanan a visit of leave. {Journal, Monday, Mar. 9, 1857.) By a strange coincidence, Buchanan was destined, as President of the United States, to receive officially, at Washington, the first Japanese Embassy that, in i860 and at the instance of Townsend Harris himself, left the Island Empire for a visit to the Western countries — seeing America first. 17 0n a small scrap of blue paper (endorsed "Uniform Regulations"), Town- 27 purchased a good supply of shoes. I visited the great Exhibition, the Louvre and all the great collections of works of art, besides going to the opera as often as I could. November 15, 1855. The great Exhibition was closed to-day, with all the imposing ceremonies that the French know so well how to arrange. On arriving in London I found the steamer for India was full and that a passage could not be had at any rate. I therefore took my passage by the steamer of the 20th from Southamp- ton (I to go via Marseilles), although this will compel me to wait in Ceylon some fifteen days. I should have reached Penang just as soon by taking the steamer of the 4th of December, but I wished to avoid even the appear- ance of loitering, though, for that matter, the steamer of the 4th of January, 1856, would have taken me to Penang in ample time for the San Jacinto 18 , as Captain Bell told me he did not expect to reach Penang before the 20th of February. send Harris wrote the following memorandum of the uniform he was to wear at Court (L. & P., vol. 2, no. 7) : Uniform A blue coat lined with white silk, straight, standing collar embroider[e]d with gold, single breasted, straight or round button holes, slightly embroid- er[e]d — Navy button — cuffs embroider[e]d in the manner of the collar, white cassimere breeches, gold knee buckles, white silk stockings, and gold shoe buckles — a chapeau bras, black cockade and gold eagle — sword. 18 The San Jacinto left New York for Pulo Penang on Oct. 25, 1855, eight days after Townsend Harris sailed on the Pacific (William Maxwell Wood, Fankivei: or the San Jacinto in the Seas of India, China and Japan, p. 15. London and New York, Harper & Bros., 1859). She arrived at her destination on Mar. 21, 1856, at 11 A. M., 149 days out from New York (L. B., vol. 1, p. 14), having on board Mr. Heusken, Townsend Harris's Dutch Secretary for Japan, and the numerous presents for the two Kings of Siam and for the Emperor of Japan. (P. J. Treat, The Early Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Japan, p. 56.) 28 November 26, 1855. My cold, contracted in the Pacific, has not left me, indeed I do not know how it could, as I have only seen the sun twice since I have been in Paris, — fog, drizzle, rain, mud and misery. I am glad to start for the clean skies and bright suns of the tropics once more. I called frequently on Mr. Mason 19 and Mr. McRae, 20 our Consul at Paris. I was most happy to meet Mr. Vesey, 21 our Consul for Havre, and Charles Huffnagle, Esq., 22 United States Consul General for British India. The latter is an old Indian acquaintance, and we passed many happy hours together in Paris. Mr. Huffnagle left on the 19th to go to the Crimea, promising to join me at Alexandria and so go on with me to Ceylon. I left Paris early this evening and travelled all night 19 John Young Mason, of Virginia: Apr. 18, 1799-Oct. 3, 1859; Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to France, 1853-59. He was Secretary of the Navy (President Tyler), Mar. 14, 1844 to 1845; Attorney General (President Polk), Mar. 5, 1845, to Sept. 9, 1846; again Secretary of the Navy, Sept. 10, 1846-49; commissioned Minister to France (President Pierce), Oct. 10, 1853 ; nominated Minister on Dec. 6, 1853, in place of William C. Rives, who was recalled at his own request; died at his post in Paris, Oct. 3, 1859. (Hasse, Index, pt. 3, p. 1798, and Encycl. Brit.) 20 D. K. McRae, of North Carolina, Consul at Paris, 1854-55. He was nominated on Feb. 4, 1854, in place of S. G. Goodrich, recalled; consented to, Feb. 13, 1854. (Hasse, Index, pt. 3, p. 1723.) 21 William H. Vesey, of New York, Consul for Havre, France, 1853-59. He was nominated Consul on Mar. 9, 1853, in place of L. Draper, recalled; reported, Mar. 14th; consented to, Mar. 21st. (Hasse, Index, pt. 3, p. 1722.) 22 Charles Huffnagle, of Pennsylvania. He was nominated Consul for Calcutta on Dec. 22, 1847, m place of J. B. Higginson, recalled; reported, Dec. 23, 1847; consented to, Jan. 3, 1848; served till 1853. He was nominated Consul General for British India on Mar 7, 1853; re- nominated, July 7, 1856; consented to, July 31, 1856; served till 1861. (Hasse, Index, pt. 3, p. 1704.) 29 to Marseilles — passing Lyons, Vienne, Avignon, etc., etc., — arriving at 5 P. M. Next day called at the Amer- ican Consulate — the Consul, Mr. Hodge, 23 I left in Paris. Got my passport, etc., en regie and finally left Marseilles on the 29th. The new harbor of Marseilles is a noble work; passed quite close to the celebrated Chateau d'lf or Monte Cristo's Island. I am in the Vectis, a small but very fast steamer which is com- manded by Captain Norris, an old China acquaint- ance. November 2Q, 1855. Pass between Corsica and Sar- dinia and have a fine view of both islands, and on the morning of the 30th we see the coast of Sicily. Pass the Island of Maritima, celebrated for its prison for political offenders of the olden time. It looks bad enough, but it is a pleasure garden when compared with Aden. Have a capital view of the town of Marsala and afterwards some other places on the coast, — coast high and pictur- esque. At 3 P. M. passed Girgenti, and on the 30th of November at 6 A. M. reached Malta. Called at once on Mr. Winthrop, 24 U. S. Consul; afterwards went on an- other pilgrimage to the noble church of St. John and to the ramparts of Civita Vecchia. 23 J. L. Hodge, of Pennsylvania, Consul for Marseilles from 1850 to 1856. He was nominated Consul on Jan. 4, 1850, in place of D. C. Croxall, recalled; reported, Aug. 2, 1850; consented to, Aug. 27, 1850. (Hasse, Index, pt. 3, p. 1722.) 24 William Winthrop, of Massachusetts, Consul for Malta from 1834 t0 1869. William Winthrop was the same individual as W. W. Andrews. As An- drews, he was nominated Consul on Dec. 10, 1834, in place of P. Eynard, removed; referred to the Committee on Commerce, Dec. 15, 1834; consented to Dec. 30, 1834. He changed his name to William Winthrop about Sept. 2, 1845; died at his post, July 3, 1869. (Hasse, Index, pt. 3, p. 1709.) 30 The U. S. Frigate Constellation left yesterday for Sicily. We leave at noon for Alexandria. December 4., 1 855. We reached Alexandria at 3 P. M. and am sorry to learn my friend Huffnagle has not ar- rived, so I shall lose his agreeable company. Mr. De Leon, 25 the U. S. Consul General for Egypt, is in Cairo. The Vice-Consul called on me in the evening. December 5, 1855. Leave Alexandria per railway at 7 A. M. for Cafferlis. Had we been one day later we should have been able to go all the way to Cairo by rail, which would have been more agreeable than the small dirty Nile steamers. The steamer from Southampton (November 20th) reached Alexandria one hour before us. This shows that a person saves eight days by going to the East via Marseilles. Among my fellow passengers is the Hon. Chisholm Anstey, 26 late M.P., now Attorney General for Hongkong, and Mr. Gregory, M. P. for Dublin, both agreeable persons. Arrived at Cafferlis at half-past ten and did not leave till half-past twelve. A 25 Edwin De Leon, of South Carolina, Consul General for Alexandria, Egypt, from 1854 t0 1861. He was nominated Consul General on Feb. 4, 1854, m place of R. B. Jones, recalled; reported, Feb. 13, 1854; consented to, Apr. 18, 1854. (Hasse, Index, pt. 3, p. 1752.) He was author, journalist, and diplomat. Born May 4, 1818, in Charleston, South Carolina, he resigned his office in 1861 in order to go with the Confed- eracy. In his Thirty Years of My Life on Three Continents, he gives many pleasing reminiscences of distinguished persons whom he met in Europe and in the East. He died in New York City, Dec. 1, 1891. (Nat. Cycl. Amer. Biogr., vol. 4, p. 94.) 26 The Hon. Thomas Chisholm Anstey, 1816 to Aug. 12, 1873. After a stormy career in English home politics, which scarcely gave him any claim to govern- ment office, he was none the less appointed Attorney General for Hongkong in 1854. His endeavors to reform radically the entire administration of Hong- kong brought him into serious collision with Sir John Bowring, the Governor; and finally, in 1858, he was suspended from his post by Sir John — a suspension later confirmed by the home government. (Diet. Nat. Biogr.) 31 most unpleasant trip — steamer small, dirty and crowded ; and, going upstream, do not reach Cairo until half-past two on the next morning. I found Mr. De Leon at the hotel and am indebted to him for a most agreeable day. Revisited the Citadel, Tomb of Mehemet Ali, and some of the chief bazaars. Leave Cairo at midnight. December J, 1855. Reached Suez at 4 P. M. and, after three hours' search after luggage, I go on board the fine steamer Bengal. I had applied for a sofa when I was in London, but they were all engaged and I was compelled to take an upper berth, which is very un- pleasant in a hot climate. I was most agreeably surprised, on going on board, at being told that sofa No. 95 was assigned to me — one of the best places and cabins in the ship. I find a large and pleasant company on board ; but the steamer is so large and roomy and so well ventilated, that we are very comfortable. I here meet Mr. Stirling, late Attorney General for Hongkong, who is going to Ceylon as Puisne 27 Judge. He has Mrs. and Miss Stirling with him. Among the passengers whose names I wish to preserve were Mr. Mitford, Civil Judge, Ceylon; Major Durand, 28 Bengal Engineers; General Lockyer, Commander of the forces, Ceylon, with his amiable wife and daughters. We left Suez during the night. The sunsets in the Red Sea are glorious beyond any description I can give. At 5 P. M. the atmosphere appears to be composed of liquid gold — more glorious even than 27 Junior, younger or inferior judge. From the old French fuh-ne; Latin, post natus, meaning therefore "born later," and giving our English word "puny." 28 Sir Henry Marion Durand, 1812-1871. (See Diet. Nat. Biogr.) 32 Turner's landscapes which excited so much criticism. It then changes to green, violet, purple and other hues that make a combination "that must be seen to be appreciated." December 1 3, 1855. Off Mocha; pass the Calcutta steamer Oriental bound to Suez. She is forty-eight hours behind her time. Have a capital view of Mocha. I omitted to state that both in going up in June last, and now in coming down the Red Sea, I had a very good view of the peak of Mount Sinai and of Mount Hor. Arrive at Aden December 8th, 8 A. M. I did not intend to land, but at nine o'clock I received a letter from Mr. Alley, an American who has established himself here in business. He invited me to his house and said his carriage was waiting for me at the wharf. I accepted his kind offer and passed some hours very pleasantly with him. We left Aden at half-past two P. M. with a fresh breeze from the south. Thermometer 8 1 °. What a contrast to my visit here last June! Sunday, December 16, 1855. Divine service in the morning by Mr. Brown of the Scotch Kirk, and in the afternoon by the Rev. Mr. Daintree, son of the Bishop of Madras. Among our passengers, beside those noted before, are Colonel Chester, Bengal; Colonel Spottis- wood, 29 do.; Major Tombs, 30 Bengal Cavalry; Mr. Far- quarson, Bengal Civil Service; and Captain Crish, of Maulmain. A Miss De Quincey, daughter or sister (?) of the "Opium Eater" ; she is going out to India to meet 29 Arthur Cole Spottiswoode, 1808-74. (See Diet. Nat. Biogr.) 30 Sir Henry Tombs, 1824-74. UM 33 her betrothed. She has a sweet voice and sings charm- ingly. I shall long remember her intelligent face. Miss Stirling gave the following as a good reason for. not marrying : E. E. xx Matrimony, e e XX. December 24, 1 855. At 6:30 anchor off Point-de- Galle to wait for daylight. The next morning I take leave of Captain Black of the Bengal, with thanks for his attentions, and go on shore and proceeded to my old quarters at Bogar's Mansion House. Call on Captain and Mrs. McDonald. The Bengal leaves for Madras and Calcutta at 5 P. M. I dine with Dr. Clarke (LL.D.), Acting Judge. The guests, besides myself, were Judge Mitford, Mr. Clarke, the Presbyterian clergyman, Mr. Black, 31 U. S. Consul, and wife. Mr. Clarke is a tee- totaler, — of which class the number is increasing in the East. While in France I drank the delightful mild wine of the South, but after leaving Marseilles I came back to my old Asiatic habit — tea and cold water. December 26, 1855. Call on John Black, Esq., U. S. Consul — he [was] absent at Colombo. Saw Mrs. Black and her three fine children. Afterwards I see Staff Sur- geon Cowen and the Rev. Mr. Garstin, Colonial Chap- lain, and Mr. W. C. Forbes, all of whom called on me first. What a difference a title of office makes in this world of ours! Mr. Forbes invited me to dine with him on New Year's Day, which I accepted. December 2J, 1855. Breakfast chez moi. Afterwards go to reading room, where my name has been kindly inscribed. See a grand match at billiards played between 31 John Black (cf. entry for Dec. 26, 1855). 34 Major Lilly, Commander at Point-de-Galle, and Cap- tain Vanderspaar, of the Ceylon Rifles. A deal of betting by the players and bystanders. How fond the English are of a bet! Home to dine and early to bed. Sleep well. December 28, 1855. Breakfast and dine with Cap- tain and Mrs. McDonald, my old Hongkong friends. They kindly give me a standing invitation to breakfast with them every day and also to dine, when they are not engaged out themselves. Write to Judge Mitford and J. O'Halloran, Esq. Mr. H. Sonnerkalb, Consul for Hamburg, called on me to- day. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 28, 2Q and 30, 1855. Did not leave the hotel. Read The New- comes. This, like the other works of Thackeray, leaves a very unpleasant sensation. In his eyes the whole world is base, black and faithless; he ignores everything like benevolent action based on principle, and disbelieves any other motive of action than egoism. On Monday the 31st the steamer from Calcutta for Suez comes in. Mr. Baker, formerly of the Sandwich Islands and now of Calcutta, desires to be remembered to S. N. Greene, 32 (fat Sam), of Penang. Write to N. Dougherty of New York. 33 32 Samuel N. Greene, an intimate friend of Townsend Harris, of whom we shall hear more later. He was a business partner of Charles C. Currier, U.S. Consul at Penang. (Wood, op. cit., p. 133.) Mr. Greene's wife and two children sailed for Scotland on the P. & O. Malabar on Oct. 22, 1859 (£• & ?•* v °l- *> no. 256). He was a cousin of Captain W. C. Nicholson, of the U.S.S. Mississippi, {lb.) 33 Nathaniel Dougherty, a very intimate friend of Townsend Harris. He served as Townsend Harris's clerk while the latter was in the earthenware business in New York from Oct., 1838, till the winter of 1847-48. (See Nathan- 35 Monday, December 31, 1855. The steamer from China comes in. Hear of the death of Commodore Ab- bott, 34 U. S. N., at Hongkong. Call on Mrs. Black and Mrs. McDonald. Go to reading room ; look over China and India news- papers; return The Newcomes, and take out The Caxtons. January 1, 1856. Happy New Year! I would much like to be in New York to-day to call on the few friends that Death has left me. This bids fair to be an important year to me. I have important matters entrusted to my charge, and, if I am successful, I may connect my name with the history of my country. But, if unsuccessful, no matter what ability I may display in my negotiations, I shall sink just as much in proportion as I should rise if successful. In other words, the world judges solely by results. Finis coronat opus is the motto of our day and generation. The steamer from China (Noma) sailed for Bombay at 6 :30 A. M. Call on Captain and Mrs. McDonald. Finish and re- turn The Caxtons. How much the later works of Bulwer excel his early productions; what a difference in the iel Dougherty's letter to General Prosper M. Wetmore, dated New York, Mar. 24, 1855, now in the files of the Bureau of Appointments, Washington, D. C.) During the early part of 1847 Townsend Harris devoted very much of his time to the establishment of The College of the City of New York, to the neglect of his own business. He resigned as president of the Board of Edu- cation of New York City by letter dated Jan. 26, 1848, and in May, 1849, sailed for California. Mr. Dougherty continued independently as an importer of earth- enware at 101 Water Street, New York; and during Townsend Harris's absence in Japan frequently acted as his American agent in financial matters. (L. B., and L.& P., passim.) 34 Commodore Joel Abbott, of Massachusetts; died at Hongkong, Dec. 14, 1855. (Hasse, Index, pt. 1, p. 7.) 36 morals and philosophy of My Novel and The Caxtons and that of Pelham, Eugene Aram, Paul Clifford, etc., etc. Dine with Mr. Forbes, Governor's Agent for this place. His bungalow is outside the Fort, on a pretty hill overlooking the Fort and Harbor. Met Captain and Mrs. McDonald, Major Lilly and two subaltern officers. These military men cannot talk anything but shop. The Indian officers are, many of them, much better informed than those of FJer Majesty's service. The latter talk only of horses, dogs, billiards and cards — that is, beyond the gossip of the regiment and station. Mrs. Forbes is a very charming person, daughter of a judge, born and educated in Ceylon; she has never been one hundred and fifty miles from her birthplace, yet she is well informed and most pleasing in her manners. The dinner was somewhat different from the usual English one in the colonies. A great number of excellent Cinga- lese plates made their appearance: among others, the cabbage, as it is called, of the cocoanut tree, dressed half a dozen different ways, — the meat of the cocoanut which has just begun to germinate, in which state the cavity is quite filled up with a sweet, crisp, vegetable substance that is quite agreeable. The Malay curries of Mrs. Forbes were unexceptionable. Hulwah, an Arab sweet- meat, made of rice, sugar and camel's milk, figured at the dessert among a regiment of Cingalese and Hindo- stanee preparations of fruit and sugar. January 2, 1856. I meet for the first time with the works of the Rev. C. Kingsley: Alton Locke, Yeast, Hypatia, and Westward Ho! I shall read these. I took 37 out the Adventures in the Punjab by Major H. M. Lawrence, the most remarkable man of India at the present day. He resembles Lord Clive in energy, fertility of resources and indomitable courage, while he has none of the vices that stained the glory of Clive. Also took [out] Anti-Coningsby. 35 January 3, 1856. Up at 5 A. M. and go out to a rock temple (wiharree) , sitting and recumbent figures of Budh — the last, twenty-five feet long. Plenty of the sacred tulsi of the Hindoos growing here. This plant is the "sweet basil" of Europe and America — the purple variety. The Hindoo legend is that "Tulasi," beloved of Krishna, was changed by him into this plant. The first avatar of Vishnu was in the form of a fish, and a fish forms a part of the Royal Arms of the Great Mogul, the King of Oude, and other potentates of the East. When a new Governor General comes out to India, that "shadow of a shade," the "Great Mogul," presents him with a patent of nobility giving him various titles, among others that of "Bahaudor" 36 or "Lord of the Sword." This patent bears the impress of two crossed fishes as a seal. Sacred trees here, as in India, are decorated with red and yellow flags. I cannot but admire the brilliancy and blue tinge of Sirius, the Dog Star, as seen both in India and Egypt. It shines more brightly than Venus with us. Major Durand told me that when he was stationed at Z5 Coningsby: or The Nen ■■/'. ..^f/ntA >'/(" '<,?„, f " /fie ft. J. &x, ff //** m,V« // 4^,. //„,, t „.„ "//i>> r?< net //«• t/#t4,r / / tiff//. / ft /-st t-Af- /•. // / / '6**, Arts tt<>< >< *// ft * Off J //// A (ttt.J'ttt *' /f'f / f'fj/tt //* t*Mf/ rf>- /' / / / . ■ J ' * . J //n< &HttciA/tfitt< //>, £/£ a /■/■/»//■/. ', / . , ■/ , ///// t'tj/ fetJAiJ ' /■/ tJ(t a//// /At Vttl/ftMfH V / / / ,/ /*< ''/a**,,,, UffLt, ,„« / •&*»> Auk » < e/ t t'/'/ht ('/// t'S/Mf' t ,(f'/tt /ft ttftti , . 'A/ //, r, , '/A, /,,,//_ W^ '//,,',< ;./„,/. / r j/ [/*e*M*£ >/< '*> e (At A HOLOGRAPH LETTER FROM THE SECOND KING OF SIAM Dated, Palace of the Second King, Bangkok, Siam, April 22, 1856. OF THE UNIVERSmr OF ILLINOIS ThTs evening 120 I started accompanied by Dr. Mattoon, Dr. Wood, Lieutenant Carter and my secretary, in two barges to pay a private visit to the Phra Klang, Minister for Foreign Affairs. His Ex- cellency received me very kindly, offered us segars and thea [tea], 127 usual reception in Siam. His palace is built in a mixed European, Chinese style, the reception room [is] covered with carpets, and furnished with chairs, sofas, large mirrors, etc. 128 I explained to him the nature of my mission, the extent of my powers, titles etc. [He] inquired after the usual form of addressing the President. I told him his title was merely "The President of the United States," this being the highest rank in our country and equivalent to that of Emperor or King. He suggested that, Siam being a small country and the United States a good, friendly and powerful nation, to include in the treaty to be made an article wherein the United States should bind themselves to act as arbiter in case of any difficulty arising between Siam and any other nation. I replied that the United States would al- secretary. Mr. Heusken was a Hollander, and, though not perfect in his Eng- lish, had been hired as secretary by Townsend Harris with a view to his future services in Japan, where a knowledge of the Dutch language would be and was essential. 126 Meaning at about 4 p. m. (See above in this day's entry.) 127 Mr. Heusken had originally spelled this word "thee," then changed it to "thea" — a confusion due to his knowledge of French. 128 This visit to the Minister of Foreign Affairs is more fully reported by Mr. Wood, op. cit., pp. 174-77. The Minister himself is thus described (ib., p. 175) : "The Prah Klan, about forty years of age, was a heavy, solid, sober-faced man, dressed in a blue figured silk mantle, fastened around the waist by a yellow silk sash, and received us in an easy and dignified manner, but seemed disappointed that a larger number of officers had not come, and immediately inquired the reason." Ill ways willingly act in the above mentioned capacity, and consider it as the highest honor that could be paid to the wisdom and power of their government; so even they offered to act as mediators between the now belligerent powers of France, England, Turkey and Russia; and that, by making it an Article of the Treaty, would infer that the Government of the United States were only willing to act in the capacity of arbiter conditionally, which, considering it as a high honor they are always ready to accept, makes the Article in question quite superfluous. From there we called on Krom Luang Wong [Sa] Tirat Sanit, the King's brother and Chief Physician to the royal family. 129 His Highness seems to be fifty years old, has a very benevolent face, his features are quite Bourbonic and [bear] a striking resemblance to those of Louis XVI. After explaining to him my titles and mis- sion, he kindly suggested to write a note to the Phra Klang, [asking] on which of the nobles I had to call be- fore my public audience to the King in order to give no offence to His Majesty and to conform myself to the rules of Siamese etiquette. He spoke about the Siamese being a jungle people, and not so advanced in civilization as the nations of the West, hinted at Mr. Balestier's mission and said the old bridge being a bad one, he was confident that the new one was strong and sufficient to 129 We have already given the full name of Prince Krom Luang. Again Mr. Wood gives a full description {op. cit., pp. 177-78), and says of the Prince [ib., p. 177) : "Prince Wongsa was a short and very fat man, with a broad, benevolent and somewhat jocular face, though at the time of our call the expression was rather sad." 112 carry us over, anticipating the good result of the Treaty. [He] was highly delighted at making Dr. Wood's acquaintance (he, the Prince, having received some years ago a doctor's diploma 130 from the New York faculty), and requested to consult him on his brother's disease. I told the Prince I had heard of him many and many times before I ever dreamt of visiting his country, and left him most favorably impressed with his reception and manners. Paid a visit to Khun Phra Nai Wai, Prime Minister. 131 The magnificence of his house exceeded my 130 Mr. Wood more accurately says that Prince Krom Luang was a member of the New York Academy of Medicine {op. cit., pp. 150, 177, 247) ; while Max von Brandt states that in the Prince's reception room there hung his diploma as an M. D. from Philadelphia {Dreiunddreissig Jahre in Ost-Asien. Erinnerun- gen eines deutschen Diplomaten, 3 vols., Leipzig, Georg Wigand, 1901, vol. 1, p. 255). 131 This is an error for Phra Kalahom. Compare Wood, op. cit., pp. 178-82. This officer was, by general consent, considered the chief diplomat of the Siamese Court. We have already ascribed to the Rev. Dr. Samuel R. House document L. & P., vol. 2, no. 61. On page 3 thereof he says: "The Prime Minister, Chau P'ya Pra Kalahom, or P'ya Sri Suriwongsa as he is sometimes called, understands English but little, and with him an inter- preter will be necessary. He is a man of great ability and shrewdness — the very embodiment of Siamese address and intrigue — has a great deal of energy of character — to his enterprise Siam owes her numerous square- rigged merchant vessels that have taken the place within the last sixteen years of her junks, and to him mainly, alone I had almost said, is owing the success of the late British negotiations for a liberal treaty. . . ." So much for a characterization of his official conduct. Mr. David O. King, the enterprising American merchant who had recently established himself at Bangkok, gives equally interesting sidelights on his personal conduct and in- fluence, in the course of a letter to Townsend Harris, written at Bangkok on Jan. 28, 1856 (L. & P., vol. 2, no. 23, pp. 2 and 4) : ". . . but the country is really ruled by the Prime Minister, a wily, deep, rapacious fox; and, as the King was placed on the throne by his family, they have gone on increasing in wealth and importance until they now fill every post of importance in the land; with all their wealth and influence they are extremely jealous of foreigners. . . . This Prime Minister's family were at the bottom of the ill treatment Mr. Balestier received here. . . ." 113 most sanguine expectations. It is built quite in the Euro- pean style, large mirrors, encased in frames richly gilt, cover the walls ; pendules, thermometers, engravings of the London Exhibition, and the illustrated battles of the everywhere-to-be-found Emperor Napoleon. His ante- chamber leads into a spacious hall supported by pillars, his bedroom [is furnished] with silk mosquito nettings and crimson curtains of state. A Sharpens rifle hangs on the wall ; fine bath and washing rooms. His house must be two hundred feet deep, — the annexed brick houses of his retainers, which form a whole street, not included. His Excellency received me in as dignified a manner as any Prime Minister of a European Court. He was suffering from his nervous system and apologized for not re- ceiving me at my arrival at the house prepared for my reception. He made the same remarks about mediation as the Phra Klang had previously done. I told him that my conditions for the Treaty were entirely based on that made with the English, with a few exceptions. He re- plied that so much as they possibly could concede was conceded to the English; that he had no fear of the Treaty [not] being made to the satisfaction of both parties; but, no such a thing as law being known in Siam, he was afraid of its conditions [not] being kept. I told him it would prove beneficent to both nations. He replied he was perfectly well aware of that, [but] to make the people understand it was another question. His most ardent desire was to make the people happy. He confessed their ignorance and inferiority to the nations of the West. I told him to hope and persevere and good 114 would come of it at last. [I] threw out a hint about the tin mines, — if American citizens found and worked them, to pay 10 per cent. ; he was satisfied to include this in the Treaty. Workmen, Chinese or Siamese, could always be found when paid high wages. He was afraid the Siamese were too indolent. I made a comparison with the pepper trade on the coast of Sumatra, how much better it might be got in Siam. He told me the taxes were too high to sell it, but even at the price, taxes included, he calculated it would amount to considerable. I assured him the Siamese pepper would find eager buyers. [I] hinted I wanted no monopoly in opium trade. On being asked if there were often changes in the dynasty, he uttered the real republican sentiment that kings who claim their title by right of birth, often forget they originated from the people, consider themselves as superior beings and don't lend an ear to the sufferings of their subjects, — so there was often a change at the fourth generation of princes of the same dynasty. On taking leave, the soldiers were drawn out. On gliding down the peaceful waters of the Menam, silvered by a bright moonlight, in our stately gondolas pulled by thirty oarsmen, one would almost fancy to be on a visit to the city of St. Marcus, and if, instead of floating bam- boo-houses and Chinese shops lighted with fanciful paper lanterns, the stately palaces of Venice's patricians had lined the shore, the illusion would have been com- plete. A fine effect was produced by the graceful pagodas with their fine tapering spires, shaming in elegance the most refined works of Grecian architec- ts ture. Each king builds himself a pagoda for his mem- ory. 132 Thursday, April 24, 1856. Received a visit 133 from the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Prince Krom Luang Wong Sa Tirat Sanit. Entertained them with music and had the guard drawn out when they left. Sent my secretary with a letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs before he called, inquiring 134 when I should be received by the King, and also as to what princes and nobles I could visit with propriety before my public reception. 185 At the visit before noted, I was told I was to have my audience on Wednesday next, and also that I was re- quested to visit two princes to-morrow morning. In the note of yesterday evening at the Foreign Min- ister's, 136 it is omitted that I was then informed that the President's letter would be received in the same manner as was that of Her Britannic Majesty. This was most welcome news to me, as it quieted my mind about an absurd question which ruined the mission of Mr. Balestier. I gave Prince Wong Sa, etc., a copy of my full 132 Heusken had written "for his last resting place"; Townsend Harris cor- rected it to "for his memory." Though it is quite certain that Townsend Harris wrote the original draft of his Journal (he at least jotted down the rough notes), his secretary seems to have been permitted a good deal of liberty in writing the clean copy of the Journal into the blank books in which it has come down to us. 133 Compare Wood, op. cit., pp. 182-83. 134 Beginning with this word, the manuscript is again in Townsend Harris's hand. 1S5 See L. B„ vol. 1, p. 21. 136 Referring to the series of visits which he paid on Apr. 23rd, setting ou at about 4 P. m. (i-*A* ^)"*ta.A^L 4^4~n*£J 4IW f tt-fjCu*^ Z*ju~ j£*4Ct^ jLn~ S**?r*y Pr^o^ty zf^ycA* tf?***jt.9ltfJZ U^tn^ Uj*l*

V &L &*4*~ ******* &~u~Q . UrjiUjts ''JrtHHe**- $<**«*"*• '£ ^&+* ^ *0 TOWNSEND HARRIS S MANUSCRIPT JOURNAL, AUGUST 19, 1856, IN VOL. 3, P. 25 At the top of the page may be read his hope to receive honorable mention in the "Histories which will be written on Japan." UBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ,LUM0 * veys made by Lieutenant Silas Bent, U. S. N., is situated latitude 34° 40' N., longitude 138 50' E. A mistake has been discovered in working the time; and our longitude, instead of that noted above, was E. 133 20', and the run was 255 miles. Distance from Shimoda about 344 miles. A strong current sets in to the channels forming the islands Kyushu and Sitkoff. 257 So strong was it that from 6 P. M. we steered due East. Another lovely night, bright moon and stars, with a delightful breeze. The air full of oxygen, so different from the tropics. I feel the stimulating and bracing effects of it sensibly. The mountain "Siri Jama," 258 8,000 feet high on the west coast of Japan, is covered with snow the year round, while "Foosie Jama," 259 12,500, is bare during five months ; cause : the cold wind from Kamchatka on the west, while the east is protected from it by the range of mountains which runs through the Island of Niphon, and the winds from N. E. to S. W. are tempered by the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. 266 The Survey of the Harbor of Shimoda made by Flag-Lieutenant Silas Bent is given in full in the official account of The Japan Expedition, 33-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 97, vol. 2, pp. 383-85. On p. 384, Centre Island is said to receive its name from its being the point from which the treaty limits are measured. This island may be seen in the illustration facing p. 425 ; and is clearly indi- cated also in the chart of the Harbor of Shimoda in Plate 13 of the same volume. 257 Shikoku. In at least two places in the official account of Perry's expedition this island is called Sikok (33-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 97, vol. 2, map facing p. 354; and Plate 2-3). But much nearer the spelling used by Townsend Harris is the form Sikopf, found in the map facing p. 364 of the same volume. 258 Shiroyama or Hakusan (Hakuzan; or Haksan, as in Plate 2-3, op. cit.). Mt. Haku, meaning the "White Mountain" (Griffis, Townsend Harris, p. 30), is on the boundary line between the provinces of Kaga and Echizen. In Japa- nese, Yama (the same as Jama, with the "J" pronounced as in the German lan- guage) and San mean mountain. 269 Fuji Yama. 197 Wednesday, August 20, 1856. Fine morning. Wind very light. We steered due east all night, but at day- light, having got out of the influence of the indraught, we steer N. E. half E. We hope to see Cape Idsu 260 this evening, but it is doubtful if we make it before morning as the weather is so light. Commodore Armstrong de- sires me to purchase some Japanese articles for his wife, would like the "rare and beautiful." These purchases to be made as opportunities offer, and he will take them on his next visits. See numbers of albatross this morning. They are of the brown back and white head varieties, and are called "Gories" or "Quaker" albatross by whalers. They are not of the largest kind as seen off Cape Horn. Run, 181 miles, and 130 miles from Shimoda. In the afternoon we pass quite a number of Japanese junks. They are small — say forty tons — one large square sail and a small lug sail on a short foremast — no mizzen. Sails are made of some kind of white cloth and have various black marks — like private signals. This is a common mode among the Chinese fishermen of marking the vessels belonging to each company or hu~wi. We ran for some of the Japanese junks at first, desir- ing to speak them — but they showed such evident alarm and anxiety to avoid us that we gave it up, and they would sheer off so as to allow us to pass them at one or two miles' distance. We shall be up to Cape Idsu (ten 260 Idzu. 198 miles from Shimoda) about two A. M. to-morrow, if nothing happens in the meantime. Dr. Wood, the Fleet Surgeon, has given me a torniquet for use in case of an accident to Mr. Heusken or myself, and some instructions regarding the use of quinine. At nine P. M. meet many sail, which it is diffi- cult to avoid, so stopped engines and hove ship to for the night. The ship lies-to very nicely. Squalls of rain during the night. Thursday, August 21, 1856. Six A. M. find our- selves in sight of land, which proves to be Cape Ome- Saki. 261 Large numbers of fishing boats, near seventy; [I] like the appearance of the Japanese, clean and well- clad, cheerful looking, pretty fish-boats. At seven and a half A. M. under way. Showery. Write letters announcing my arrival to the Governor of Shimoda 262 and Minister of Foreign Affairs 263 — sending to the latter a letter from Mr. Secretary Marcy. Mr. 261 Omaesaki, or Omaye Saki — Cape Omaye. In Japanese, the word Saki or Zaki means Point, Cape. This Cape is called Omaesaki in Plate 2-3, referred to above. 262 L. B., vol. i, p. 92. Townsend Harris announces that the San Jacinto, commanded by Commodore James Armstrong, etc., etc., has arrived, bearing him as the Consul General for Japan; and he encloses two letters for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, hoping that the Governor will forward them to Yedo as quickly as possible. The letter is dated "U. S. Frigate San Jacinto, Shimoda Harbor." The Dutch translation of this letter is to be found in L. B., vol. 1, pp. 94-95. 263 L. B., vol. 1, pp. 91-92. Townsend Harris announces his arrival and en- closes: (a) a letter from Secretary Marcy to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, notifying the latter of Townsend Harris's appointment; and (b) a Dutch trans- lation thereof. Townsend Harris's own letter to the Minister closes with an expression of the sincere friendship existing between the two nations. The Dutch translation of this letter is to be found in L. B., vol. 1, pp. 93-94. For the effect of these letters upon the Yedo authorities, see James Murdoch, A History of Japan, vol. 3, p. 624. 199 Heusken makes Dutch translations of these various letters. When at the mouth of the harbor, a boat with the American Flag at the bow and Japanese flags (stripes white, black, white, horizontal), came off bringing a pilot, 264 who soon took us into the petite harbor of Shimoda. 265 It is rather a bight than a harbor, and not more than three vessels like the San Jacinto can moor at the same time in the inner harbor. The outer harbor is nothing more than a roadstead. Soon after we anchored, three officials and two Dutch interpreters 266 came off from the Governor, with his compliments on my arrival, asking after my health, how long a passage I had, etc., etc., offering to supply water and food to the ship. They also asked when I proposed to land. In reply I said that, as the weather was wet, I would not land 264«This boat brought us a pilot, a short, full-faced, respectable individual, in straw sandals, blue stockings. . . . This functionary drew from the folds of his gown a box in which, carefully protected by several wrappers, was his commission as pilot for American vessels, given him by Commodore Perry, and printed in English and Dutch, by the 'Japan Expedition Press.' He spoke but a few words of English, and none of us spoke Japanese, but he gave us to understand, by the waving of his hand, when we were to go to starboard, or port, or ahead." (Wood, Fankwei, pp. 299-300.) The three pilots appointed by Commodore Perry were Yohatsi, Hikoyemon, and Dshirobe. Their Commissions were signed by Silas Bent, Flag-Lieutenant, and were approved by Commodore Perry, at Shimoda, June 22, 1854. (33-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 97, vol. 1, pp. 487-89; and Article 8 of the Additional Regula- tions, ib., p. 480.) 265 The Japanese chronicle of this momentous event says, very simply and pithily: "During the same [7th] month an American named Harris arrived at Shimoda in Idzu, bearing a letter. He stated that he was entrusted by his nation with full powers, and that he was instructed to reside in Japan. He also requested leave to present his credentials to the Shogun." (Kinse Shiriaku: A History of Japan from the First Visit of Commodore Perry in 1853 to the Capture of Hakodate by the Mikado's Forces in 1869. Translated by Sir Ernest Mason Satow, Yokohama, 1873, P« 6.) 26C Meaning, of course, two Japanese officials who had learned the Dutch language. 200 to-day; but, if the weather was fair, would do so on the morrow, asking what hour it would suit the Governor to receive my visit. In reply to this they said they would ask the Governor and make known his answer to-day. When asked what "provisions" could be furnished, they said "the Governor would answer." I asked if a house had been prepared for me? They said again "the Governor would answer," adding that Shimoda was a very poor place; that it had not yet recovered from the effects of the earthquake of December, 1854, when every house in the place except fourteen was de- stroyed. 267 These persons soon after left. Some of the officers went on shore this afternoon and were much pleased with the appearance of the little place and the people. The houses are all new and fresh looking. They found quite a lot of coal here for us, say some two hun- dred tons. At five P. M. the officials again came off and said that the letter I had given them for the Governor of Shimoda was then being translated, and that the two for Yedo had been already sent off and that it would take five days for thern to reach Yedo ; that the Governor would be ready to receive my visit at one P. M. of to- 267 This earthquake occurred on Dec. 23, 1854. It was felt on the whole coast of Japan, did some injury to Yedo, completely destroyed Osaka, and caused great ruin at Shimoda. At this last place the real damage was caused by a great tidal wave, which first receded and then engulfed the town. The Russian Frigate Diana, Admiral Count Euphemius Poutiatine, happened to be in the Harbor of Shimoda and was so seiiously damaged that it sank shortly after- wards. The holding-ground of the harbor was entirely swept away by the waves, leaving no bottom but naked rocks. (See 33-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 97, vol. 1, pp. 509-11 ; vol. 2, p. 210; Captain Sherard Osborn, A Cruise in Japanese Waters, 2nd ed., pp. 107-11; and David Murray, The Story of Japan, p. 8, note 3.) 201 morrow. The interpreters were in constant trepidation and fear, and large drops of perspiration stood on their foreheads, while every word of question and answer was written down by two of the party. The Commodore is quite unwell this evening. Friday, August 22, l8j6. The officers off again this morning to inquire after the Commodore's health; and, finding he was too unwell to go on shore to-day, they said the Governor begged to be excused from seeing me to-day, as he was unwell, etc. I said to-morrow would do as well. They asked if the Commodore would be well enough to go with me to-morrow. I answered I could not say, but that my visit was entirely independent of the Commodore; that, when he was well enough, he would himself call on the Governor. I found that it was their plan to delay my visit until the Commodore was well enough, so that they might afterwards deny having received me on my individual account, but solely as one of the Commodore's suite, and this was proved by their saying that when the Governor was well enough to see me he would send me word. I then said this was a matter concerning the dignity of my government, that the Governor should write to me excusing himself on account of illness, and that I would send that letter to my government, and leave it for its adjustment. This proposition greatly embarrassed them. The Governor was sick, therefore no letter was re- quired. I insisted. They then offered to write to that effect themselves; this I declined. I finally closed the discussion by saying that if the 202 Governor wrote his excuse to me before noon of to- morrow, I would be satisfied, but that otherwise I should come on shore to-morrow at one o'clock to visit him. The Governor sent off ten bonita and some small cray-flsh as a present to the Commodore. Captain Bell gave them some seeds of a creeper and a large sort of squash, which they at first accepted; but, when they were just leaving the ship, they brought them back to the cabin, their courage having failed them. They went ashore, promising to let me know to-day about the visit to the Governor, etc. Visited the village of Kakizaki, 268 opposite Shimoda. The temple of this place — Yoku- shen 269 of the Shinto sect — is set apart for the accommo- dation of Americans. The rooms are spacious and very neat and clean, and a person might stay here for a few weeks in tolerable comfort. Near this temple is the American cemetery, 270 which contains four neat tombs and prettily fenced in. It is very small, only about fifteen feet by ten feet. Kakizaki is a small and poor fishing village, but the people are clean in person and civil in manner. You see none of the squalor which usually at- tends poverty in all parts of the world. Their houses are as clean as need be. Every inch of ground is culti- vated, as the ground is very [rolling], rising up in 268 The name means Oyster Point (Griffis, Towns end Harris, p. 36, note 1). 269 Though the name of this temple is not given, its location is clearly indi- cated by the word Temple in the chart of the Harbor of Shimoda, Plate 13 in 33-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 97, vol. 2. 270 See Plate 13, op. cit. When Perry visited Shimoda, one of the sailors of the Powhatan fell from aloft and died soon after. A burial place was accord- ingly provided by the Japanese, located near the village of Kakizaki. See 33-2, H. Ex. Doc., no. 97, vol. 1, p. 425, and the illustration facing that page and entitled "Shimoda from the American graveyard." 203 pinnacles of lava or indurated clay ejected from vol- canoes, and so steep as not to be arable. It is a pity goats are not introduced here. These pinnacles afford fine grazing for goats, and their habits of climbing would make them at home on them. Their milk would be nutritious food, and cheese might be made from it also, and this would be an object to the Japanese even though they might not eat the flesh. The views from the ship present a series of serrated hills rising up to fifteen hun- dred feet high — most of which are covered with fir, spruce and cedar trees. 271 The Temple Rioshen at Shimoda is also set apart for the use of Americans — perhaps I may have to reside in it until a house can be prepared for me. Late this afternoon the officers again came off, but I declined to see them, so Mr. Heusken heard what they 271 This was the first visit of Townsend Harris on the soil of Japan. In con- nection therewith, it is interesting to read the grim humor of the hope ex- pressed by William M. Wood, Fankzvei, pp. 300-01 : "As the knowledge of Japan seems to stop with old Kampfer [Kaempfer], I am not sure that there would be any great want of charity in hoping that the Japanese would give our Consul General [Townsend Harris] and his observant secretary [Heusken] a cage journey throughout their sealed em- pire. Of course we should promptly avenge their wrongs, shake down the walls of exclusion, and make peace by shaking hands with Siogoon on his throne in Yedo, and then, for once, we should know all about modern Japan. Indeed, the interesting revelations and observations the prisoners would be able to make, the wonderful stories they would have to tell, might go far to shorten the duration of our national anger." The diplomatic tact and skill of Townsend Harris will be demonstrated more and more clearly as this story is unfolded — a story that is very far re- moved indeed, from the ''cage journeys" in Mr. Wood's mind. He was think- ing of those grim days of the captivity of the Russian Captain Golownin and his companions (1811-13), or of the mutinous sailors of the New Bedford whaler Lagoda, who were the cause of the relief expedition of the U. S. Steamer Preble, Commander James Glynn, in 1849. 204 had to say and reported it to me. The purport was that the Governor was really unable to see me to-morrow, and they offered to bring a doctor's certificate to that effect and earnestly begged me to postpone my visit until another day. I caused them to be told that I was most anxious to do all I could to oblige the Governor, and that I wished to be on friendly terms with him. I would, therefore, consent to postpone my visit until Monday, that no visits could be paid on Sunday or any business transacted on that day. They were also told that Commodore Armstrong would not visit the Gov- ernor until after I had seen the Governor, and that we should not come together to pay a visit to the Governor. The officers were most urgent to see me, and their anxiety on this point appeared to increase with my refusals, but I persisted, and at last they left quite chap- fallen. It is now understood that I am to visit the Gov- ernor on Monday at ten A. M. Some of the officers have been on shore and report a very pretty bazaar has been opened with a great display of lacquered ware, etc., etc. 272 Saturday, August 23, 1856. Go on shore with Cap- tain Bell and Mr. Heusken. Visit the Temple Rioshen. It is badly placed for hot weather, being at the foot of a steep hill that shuts out the S. W. wind entirely, and is surrounded by stagnant pools and other disagree- ables. We afterwards visited six or seven other temples. 272 For a description of this bazaar and of the manner of conducting busi- ness there, see Wood, op. cit., pp. 304-09. 205 They are all built after one pattern; some a little larger and in better order than the others, and having more agreeable situations, but beyond this they are exactly alike. We afterwards walked up the valley some two miles. Saw a large enclosure containing some twenty detached buildings — all new, and in fact some were not yet completed. I learn this is the residence of the Governor. In the afternoon I went again to Kakizaki. I find the temple there has been cleaned out, apparently to prepare it for my reception. I have thought much about my accepting this temple for my residence. The building is as good [as], if not better than any of the others, but it is isolated, and the approach is through the narrow and crooked alleys of a very poor fishing village. I should here be unseen and unknown to the people, and to go to market my servants in bad weather could not cross in a boat, and the road to go and return would be nearly five miles. Again, — the Treaty says, and my commission says, I am to reside at Shimoda. Now, Kakizaki is not Shimoda. I, therefore, think I shall refuse this temple as my place of residence. Weather delightful. Barometer, 30.10. The air is like that of the United States, full of oxygen. Sunday, August 24, 1856. Do not leave the ship. In the afternoon the Japanese come off and desire to see me ; I decline to see them or to hear their message, for the reason that it is Sunday. They urge me at least to hear their message, saying it is very important and from the Governor. They also say that when Commodore Perry was here, he made no difference for Sunday, 206 etc., etc. 273 I adhere to my previous determination, tell- ing them (through Mr. Heusken) that they can come off to-morrow morning as early as they please and then state their message. Monday, August 2$, 1856. The officers came off at 8 A. M. with a message that the Governor will be ready to receive me at ten o'clock. At that hour, go on shore accompanied by Captain Bell and some ten others. I go in the Commodore's boat, having my secretary with me. The three boats preceded me so that the officers could land and form in order before I landed. When my boat had pulled well off from the ship a salute of thirteen guns was fired, waking up the grandest echoes among the hills. On landing I found the streets thronged with persons collected to see us pass. I was conducted to a new building nearly in the center of the town. As I shall hereafter have both time and better knowledge of this building and of the manners and dress of the people, I shall not now describe anything beyond my interview with the Governor. I was politely received by the Governor and Vice-Governor. Asked after my health, when I left the United States, etc., etc. They asked in whose honor the salute was fired and were told 273 This statement of the Japanese does not agree with that in the official report of the Japan Expedition (33-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 97, vol. 1, p. 240) : "The next day was Sunday (July 10, [1853]), and, as usual, divine service was held on board the ships and, in accordance with proper reverence for the day, no communication was held with the Japanese authorities." Later in the day, Perry refused to receive on board some Japanese officers. Strenuous military preparations were made on land: "Everything, however, remained on board the ships tranquil and without interruption, as befitted the Christian day of rest." 207 that it was in mine, when I perceived that I instantly rose in their estimation. The Governor said he should like to see such guns fired, whereupon Captain Bell invited him to visit the ship on Saturday next, as they are now paint- ing on board and he feared they might soil their clothes. Refreshments were served up in Japanese style. The cooking was excellent and served up with extreme neat- ness and cleanliness. I am much prepossessed in favor of their cooking. I asked the Governor when I could see him on business. He said I could enter on business then if I pleased. I replied that it would not be good breeding to enter on business on a visit of ceremony. He then said the Vice-Governor would attend me the next day, at the same hour and place, and that the Vice-Governor could act as well as [he] himself, etc., etc. Our visit lasted nearly two hours, and we were all much pleased with the appearance and manners of the Japanese. I repeat, they are superior to any people east of the Cape of Good Hope. 274 Tuesday, August 27 [26], 1856. I omitted yester- day to state that a superior interpreter appeared at my interview. He is attached to the office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs; a good interpreter, of most agreeable manners and a true courtier. Seven scribes recorded our sayings and doings yesterday. To-day ashore at ten with 274 At the end of this entry, we desire to emphasize the importance of this date. Here was the first day of real negotiations between Townsend Harris and the Japanese — a day of momentous importance not only for the United States, but even more so for the Empire of Japan, which began to make her entry into the family of Western nations. "... A courteous and amicable reception was given to a resident repre- sentative of a foreign power, and that power one of the youngest among nations." (Wood, op. cit., p. 309.) 208 Mr. Heusken. Met the Vice-Governor and the person from Yedo, who evidently has come down since our arrival was reported there, although they say the journey cannot be made under five days from here to Yedo. My interview was long and far from satisfactory. To sum it is all I shall attempt. They did not expect the arrival of a Consul, — a Consul was only to be sent when some difficulty arose, and no such thing had taken place. That Shimoda was a poor place and had been recently desolated by an earthquake; that they had no residence prepared for me; that I had better go away and return in about a year, when they hoped to have a house ready. The Treaty said that a Consul was to come if both nations wished it; that it was not left to the simple will of the United States Government. 275 Would I land at Kakizaki, and take up my residence at the temple there, and leave the question of my official residence to be settled by future negotiations? Yedo was also in a ruinous condition from an earthquake ten months since, therefore they could not offer me a house there while building one here. 276 275 Perry Treaty, Art. XI: "There shall be appointed by the Government of the United States consuls or agents to reside in Shimoda at any time after the expiration of eighteen months from the date of the signing of this treaty; provided that either of the two governments deem such arrangements necessary." The Japanese text, unfortunately, had it that both governments had to deem it necessary to appoint a consul. (J. H. Gubbins, The Progress of Japan, pp. 68-69.) 276«This great earthquake is graphically described in a well-illustrated book, entitled The Tribulations of Ansei (year period, 1854-59). Most of the dead, alleged to number 104,000, were buried in or cremated near the one enlarged temple-yard of E'Ko In, where also the alleged 166,000 victims of the seismic disturbances of 1656 had been interred or inurned." (Griffis, Townsend Harris, p. 43, note.) 209 The foregoing is the substance of their remarks and propositions, made and renewed and changed in every possible form and manner during three mortal hours. I need hardly write that I courteously but firmly negatived all their propositions. They earnestly pro- tested against the idea that they refused to receive me, or that they meant in any way to break the Treaty. They at last begged to adjourn the business until to-morrow at the same hour, to give them time to consult. The sales in the bazaar cannot be much under two thousand dollars. The prices are most exorbitant. They appear to raise them at each new arrival of a ship here. Ordered spars to make my flagstaff; one of fifty feet, twelve inches by eight, and the other thirty feet long, seven inches by four inches, and four small pieces. Wednesday, August 2J , 1856. On shore at ten A. M. by appointment, to meet the Governor or Vice- Governor, but neither of them made his appearance. Ten persons were present, including the Yedo official. They said the Governor was very ill the previous night with a violent headache, so they were unable to consult with him. They then said that the Treaty provided for a Consul, but not a Consul General ; that the Additional Articles had not been sent out as ratified; 277 that they expected the Government of the United States would send out an Ambassador with the ratified Articles, and then enter on negotiations about sending a Consul. 277 The "Additional Regulations" were concluded by Commodore Perry and the Japanese Commissioners at Shimoda, June 17, 1854 (33-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 97, vol. 1, pp. 479-81). 2IO I told them I was surprised that the Vice-Governor should not appear after making an appointment with me; that I considered it as want of respect, and that I must decline entering into any conversation about my affairs with anyone but the Governor or Vice-Gover- nor; that I would go on board the steamer and consult with Commodore Armstrong, and then he would deter- mine whether he would take me up to Yedo and there get satisfaction. The officer from Yedo said he was of higher rank than the Governor and asked why I should object to negotiate with him. I replied that I could only know the official authorities of the place, and with them only have any official intercourse; that for himself I had a high esteem, based on what I had seen of him, but that personal feeling could not give him that status which my official business required. They urged me to proceed in the matter, but to some questions they put, I said I had no answer to give them. They constantly renewed, and urgently, the request that I would proceed with them. I as constantly declined. They then said they would report on what had occurred to the Governor, and re- quested me to meet them to-morrow at the same hour to meet the Vice-Governor. I told them that, as the Vice- Governor had broken his appointment with me, I could not consent to make another appointment, until I had some explanation or apology for his absence of this morning. That I wished the Governor or Vice-Governor to 211 write me a letter and send it to me on board the steamer, stating whether they would receive me in Shimoda or not, and whether they would assign me a house to reside in ; that I desired this letter to be sent to me either to-day or to-morrow morning. They were anxious to know whether I was resolved to go to Yedo if not received here. I said that would be settled after consultation with the Commodore. They were greatly agitated when I mentioned the going up to Yedo. Thursday, August 28, l8$6. The Vice-Governor, the high person from Yedo and a large suite came off this morning. The Vice-Governor explained his absence yesterday by saying the individual from Yedo was of higher rank than [he] himself and had full powers from the government to act in my matters. He then said that he was ready to receive me with all the honors due to my high place, and to assign me the only place that was habitable for my residence — the Temple of Jock- send 278 at Kakizaki; that Kakizaki was in point of fact a part of Shimoda, subject to the same governor, magistrates, police, etc., etc.; that the name was only local to distinguish it as a part of Shimoda, as the suburbs of Western cities receive distinctive local names; that the Goyoshi was, as its name indicated, an "imperial seat" built solely for the reception of strangers of distinction who came to Shimoda; that the 278 Townsend Harris time and again writes foreign names phonetically. Jocksend represents Yokushen, with the accent on the first syllable, and with the J of Jocksend pronounced as in German. This is Gyokusen-ji. 212 bt> 2 S , 2 t < < u s c < Q o ■f- c « _ c I— M txi: ,g 'C ~ £ O C U n £- "> « -a o ra *- e 5 ^ o c ° h u. • - <=- UBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY » ' LUN018 Governor had no power to use it for himself, or to authorize its use by others; that I must see how deplor- ably the place had been injured by the earthquake ; that, as to the temples in Shimoda, they were all actually occupied as places of worship and for cemeteries; that it would be an outrage on the feelings of the people who worshipped there, or who frequently went there to offer [prayers] at the graves of their ancestors, to find the place used for secular purposes; that the temple at Kakizaki was not of this character; that its purpose was the accommodation of parties who went out to make a religious holiday; that its occupation by me would be inconvenient, but would not be a desecration; that the Government at Yedo could not give me any other answer, even if I went up there in the steamer; that my residence was to be considered as only temporary and until they could erect a proper building for me, and that they would adapt the building, as much as they could, to my wants ; finally, that they had offered me the best they had, and, if I did not. accept it, I could not say they had refused to receive me or to furnish me with quarters. I told them I would send my answer on shore in two hours by my secretary. Accordingly, I instructed Mr. Heusken to say to the Governor that I was most anxious to avoid any difficul- ties; and, although I feared my Government might blame me for accepting a residence at Kakizaki instead of Shimoda, I would accept it with the full understand- ing that a suitable house was to be prepared for me as soon as possible, and that I must have a boat and 213 men constantly at my command for my use while there. I also gave notice that I should want two large boats on Saturday to take my things on shore, and men to take them from the landing to the house, with proper persons to watch them until I came on shore, etc., etc. In the afternoon a spar thirty feet long, seven inches by four inches, was sent off to me; price, five dollars; and word was sent that to get the spar fifty feet long, they must go to the mountains to cut it and would require three or four days to get it, and that would cost eighty dollars. Sent the carpenter on shore to select the best one he could find, even if short of the fifty feet. Friday, August 2Q, 1 856. Mr. Heusken goes on shore with the carpenter to aid him in selecting a spar, etc., and afterwards to go over to Kakizaki to indicate what alterations, etc., are required in the temple to fit it for my residence, etc. The Governor informs me that three rooms in my house will be required for Japanese officers who are to be with me night and day "to await my pleasure." I return a message that I require all the rooms, and that under no circumstances would I permit any Japanese (except servants) to be in my house, or even to enter it without my permission. The carpenter comes off at three P. M. saying he cannot find a stick that will answer for my flagstaff. Mr. Heusken at six P. M. informs me that the Japanese say they have cut three trees that will answer, but they cannot be got to the ship before Mon- day morning. The authorities have agreed to give me all 214 my rooms, and to withdraw their threatened police force. Dr. Wood, Fleet Surgeon, tells me a story which strongly illustrates the determination of the authorities to prevent the people from having any intercourse with us, except what is unavoidable. While in the bazaar a man came to him for medical advice for a cutaneous affection; after examination, the doctor wrote a pre- scription and gave it to the man, telling him (through the interpreter) to take the paper on board the San Jacinto, when medicine would be given to him which would cure him. The man, with many thanks, took the paper and went away. An hour afterwards he returned, sweating like a bull and looking much alarmed. He came to the doctor and gave him a paper, which he found to be the prescription. The doctor made signs that he should take the paper to the ship; the man shook his head and again forced the paper into the doctor's hands, making significant motions with his finger that his head would be cut off if he took the paper to the ship!!! 279 For the last three days the thermometer has stood as high as 84 , but the air is so pure, and the barometer being at 30.10, I do not feel it as much as I did 78 at Hongkong, or in fact anywhere in the tropics. A shower at eleven P. M. I have been making lists of my packages on board and preparing to send them on shore on Mon- day, at which time boats are to be sent for them with 279 Mr. Wood concludes his version of this occurrence with the remark that the native's argument was powerful and conclusive. {Op. cit., p. 307.) 215 proper officers to protect them from damage or plunder. Saturday, August 30, 1856. Busy writing letters until one P. M. After dinner the Yedo officer came off with five others. The Governor sent his compliments to me and requested me to visit him at the Goyoshi at ten A. M. of Monday. I accepted. They then asked if the Commodore would come off with me. I said I presumed he would if well enough, and as he was better to-day I had no doubt he would come. They then asked when the Governor could visit the ship, and Tuesday was suggested. I discovered that the invitation to me was a ruse to get the Commodore to visit the Governor first, and then the Governor could visit the ship. I told them frankly that, by the rule of our country and all Western etiquette, the commander of a ship or squadron makes the first visit, and the reason the Commodore had not already visited the Governor was the illness of the Commodore in the first place, and then afterwards the illness of the Governor. This gave them great satis- faction. The Commodore came in afterwards and he accepted the invitation for Monday, and at the same time told them that he should have gone with me at my first visit. This startled and pleased them, for they evidently had not forgotten that he had told some of them that he would not visit the Governor until after I had been received. 280 Then it was settled that the Governor would visit the ship on Tuesday at eleven A. M. I was requested not to 280 See above, Journal, Aug. 22, 1856. 2l6 land until as late a day as possible, in order to give them the utmost time to prepare the temple for my reception. Wednesday morning was named, and they then told me that they would be there to receive me in due form. I am compelled to pay $78 for a spar to make my flagstaff, — an enormous price! Learn that some great personage has arrived at the residence of the Governor, as a long procession was seen by some of our officers, preceded by heralds bearing the coat-of-arms, then a number of norimons, one very large 281 — a led horse — servants bearing luggage, etc., etc. Sunday, August 31, 1856. A lovely day. Write many letters. Japanese come off to see me. I refuse to see any- one on Sunday. I am resolved to set an example of a proper observance of the Sabbath, by abstaining from all business or pleasures on that day. I do not mean I would not take a quiet walk, or any such amusement. I do not mean to set an example of Puritanism, but I will try to make it what I believe it was intended to be — a day of rest. Captain Bell says we found blue water in the Gulf of Siam (the upper part) while the soundings are only thirty to forty-five fathoms. This proves clearly that deep water is not a necessary condition for blue water. Monday, September 1, 1856. List of letters bearing 281 Griffis (Townsend Harris, p. 50, note 1) explains that "The large norimono or palanquin of officers of rank had the needlessly large and heavy bearer's beam curved on top." 217 date to-day and sent to Russell & Co., Shanghai, by the San Jacinto, to be forwarded as directed: 282 Armstrong & Lawrence General James Keenan Charles HufTnagle C. C. Currier Mrs. S. B. Drinker D. J. Macgowan S. Drinker Henry Grinnell P. M. Wetmore Robert C. Murphy Baring Brothers & Co. Joseph Evans Commodore M. C. Perry Mrs. Langlois Sir John Bowring Wm. Hunter, Ass't Sec'y State Richard Schell N. Dougherty Russell & Co., Shanghai 282,) To Armstrong & Lawrence, at Hongkong (L. B., vol. i, pp. 95-97), Townsend Harris sends an order for supplies and provisions of various kinds, relates incidents of the voyage from China, and de- scribes the harbor and the village of Shimoda. 2) To Charles Huffnagle, U. S. Consul General for British India, at Calcutta. Acknowledged by letter dated Calcutta, Nov. 18, 1856 (L. ST P., vol. 1, no. 45). 3) To S. Drinker. Acknowledged by letter dated Hongkong, Apr. 3 and 4, 1857 (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 62). 4) To Robert C. Murphy, U. S. Consul at Shanghai. Acknowledged by letter dated Shanghai, Oct 7, 1856 (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 44). 5) To Baring Bros. & Co., London (L. B., vol. 1, p. 99). Townsend Harris says that his drafts for salary payments will be calculated from Aug. 21, 1856 — the day on which he arrived at Shimoda and consequently entered upon his duties as Consul General to Japan. 6) To Sir John Bowring, Governor of Hongkong. From Sir John Bow- ring's answer to this letter (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 43, dated Hongkong, Sept. 27, 1856), it is evident that Townsend Harris had described to 218 At ten A. M. go on shore with Commodore Armstrong and a suite of officers. At the Goyoshi meet the new Governor and Vice-Governor, [and] the other Gover- nor. It appears there are two Governors and two Vice- Governors for this place. They pass six months in Shi- moda, then six in fedo. The new one arrived in pursuance of this rule. The conversation began with complimentary inquiries about health, etc., etc. Then I was asked what was the secret object of my Government in sending me to Japan. I answered that I knew noth- ing beyond the fact of my appointment and our treaty rights. I was asked if I should go to Hakodate? I replied that would depend on circumstances. If I was wanted there, I should go. They then run over all the old objections, and civilly ask me to go away ; and, on my declining to do so, they asked the Commodore if he had no power to take me away. That was answered by saying that he was a military man. His orders were to bring the Con- sul General to Shimoda and land him there, and then his part was done. They asked would he take a letter from the Japanese Government to the American Gov- ernment explaining their embarrassed position, and asking for my removal. The Commodore answered that all communications for his Government from the him the charms of change and of climate at Shimoda, had complained of its unsuitability as a port, and had invited him to visit Shimoda. 7) To Russell & Co., at Shanghai (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 98-99). Asks if they will negotiate his bills upon the account opened in his favor at BariDg Bros. & Co., London, by the Secretary of State of the United States, for his salary of $5,000 per annum. 2IQ Japanese would of necessity come through the Consul General. Next, would the Commodore write to his Govern- ment, explaining the reasons why the Japanese refused to receive the Consul General? This question, cover- ing as it did a positive intention to refuse me, excited much surprise and received a positive negative. I was then asked would I forward a letter from the Japanese Government to the American Government? I answered I would if it was written by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Would not the Governor of Shimoda do as well? He had full powers to treat with me; there- fore it was the same thing. I replied that it might be the same thing to them, but it was not in our eyes. Would I write to my Government asking for my own removal? This was declined. It was now twelve o'clock — two mortal hours having been frittered away in renewing and twisting the foregoing into all possible forms. Re- freshments were served. The Governors retired for a short time; and, after their return and the tiffin being over, the Commodore and his suite, except Fleet Sur- geon Wood, retired, leaving me with the doctor and my interpreter. They now took another turn, — apologized for delaying and wasting so much time in trivial ques- tions, but their excuse was their want of knowledge of such matters. That it was a new thing, etc., etc. They asked me if I had any new negotiations to propose? I answered none at that time. Did I intend to make new regulations about sailors who were shipwrecked, or should I change the place of the consulate without giv- 220 ing notice to them? I answered, "No." They inquired what were my powers and privileges as a Consul? To which I gave a short synopsis of both. They then begged me again to write to my Government the strong objec- tions they had to receiving a Consul at this time, stating that they had opened Shimoda to the Dutch and Rus- sians, and that they would send a Consul here as soon as they knew I was received here (this was news) , 283 I re- plied that I could not write any formal letter ; that, if I did, it would not be attended to on such a point ; that I should, as a matter of course, give my Government an ac- count of all that had occurred here, but they might be sure it would not elicit any reply ; that, if they wanted to communicate with the Government of the United States, let their Minister of Foreign Affairs write a let- ter, and he might depend on receiving a speedy answer. 283 The Russian Treaty with Japan was signed at Shimoda, Jan. 26 (Feb. 7), 1855. Art. Ill of this Treaty opened up to Russia the three ports of Shimoda, Hakodate, and Nagasaki. Art. VI provided that the Russian Government could appoint a Consul (when it should deem it necessary) for one of the first two of these ports, — therefore, either for Shimoda or Hakodate; while in the Ex- planatory Articles (agreed upon the day the Treaty was signed), it was dis- tinctly stated (ad Art. VI) that Russia was to appoint her Consuls beginning with the year 1856 (J. H. Gubbins, op. cit., pp. 236-38). The Preliminary Convention between The Netherlands and Japan was signed at Nagasaki, Nov. 9, 1855. Art. IV of this Convention provided that, in case one or more ports of the Japanese Empire were then opened or would thereafter be opened to one or more other nations, exactly the same privileges were immediately to be granted to The Netherlands. This Article of the Preliminary Convention was repeated almost verbatim in Art. IV of the final Dutch Treaty with Japan signed at Nagasaki, Jan. 30, 1856. (See J. H. Gubbins, op. cit., pp. 246, 251; compare, too, the short note from the Japanese authorities to Donker Curtius, given ibid., p. 266, and an- swering a communication from the latter regarding the port of Shimoda, said Japanese note being dated in the 8th month — Hachigwatsu — of the 4th year of Ansei.) Since the Perry Treaty of Mar. 31, 1854, opened the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to the Americans (Art. II), by virtue of Art. IV of their Treaty also the Dutch were therefore to be permitted to come to Shimoda. 221 They said their laws forbade it. Here for the third or fourth time, they begged me not to be offended with them. They were acting under orders. The matter was new to them, and from their ignorance it appeared the more alarming. It being now near two, I prepared to leave them. 284 I should remark that at tiffin time I was told the boats were ready to go to the frigate to bring off my luggage, and asked if they should go. I answered in the affirmative. Now this fact took place during a discussion in which they had, in fact, declared they would not receive me, and it convinced me they were acting a part in which they did not even hope to suc- ceed. The people are of a genial disposition and are evi- dently inclined towards intercourse with foreigners; but the despotic rule of the country, and the terror they have of their so-called inflexible laws, forbids them to express their wishes. I do not like the looks of the new Governor; he has a dark, sullen look, like a bandog, and I fear I shall have trouble with him. I much regret the change. 2843 Got on board near three P. M., and commenced at once sending off my traps. All of the supplies — furniture and some 284 For a parallel account of this day's interview, see Wood, op. cit., pp. 309-17. This day's discussion is typical of the many that were to follow. Townsend Harris's task was one of peculiar difficulty, because, as J. H. Gubbins points out {op. cit., pp. 68-69), ne was the fi fst foreign representative to deal with the Japanese Government on equal terms: "In that capacity he had to bear the brunt of obstruction so ingeniously and constantly exercised that, had he not been plentifully endowed with patience, he must have relinquished his task in despair." 284a The new Governor was Inouye, Shinano-no-Kami, who soon became one of Harris's best friends. 222 heavy luggage — was sent off, and all in pretty good order except a hat in a leather box, which was destroyed. Tuesday, September 2, 1 8 $6. The new Governor and the old, and [the] Vice-Governors, our Yedo friend and a large suite came on board at ten A. M. Men were exercised at the guns and went through all the manoeuvres of an action. Marines put through the manual and marching, etc., and a salute was fired. Then to table; and their performances in the way of eating and drinking were noteworthy. What was not eaten was carried away. Ham, tongue, salt beef, and such pre- served food as is found on board a ship, seemed all of it to suit their appetites. The new Governor was cold and rude; not even the raw brandy which he and others drank seemed to warm his heart, or thaw him towards us. 285 They asked when I would land, and were told to- morrow at five P. M. I was informed that two officers of rank would be sent to escort me to my new residence. The spar for my lower flagstaff only reached the ship at one P. M. The carpenter says it shall be done to-mor- row. Wednesday, September 3, 1856. Go on shore and select spot for flagstaff to stand. Return and write let- ter to Secretary of State, twelve foolscap pages. 286 Four 285 Wood, op. cit., pp. 317-18. 286 Dispatch No. 15, L. B., vol. 1, pp. 105-16. This long letter announces his arrival and then gives an outline of all that had happened since Aug. 21st — practically a synopsis of the entries in the Journal thus far. Townsend Harris's kindly policy towards the Japanese is clearly enunciated near the end of this dispatch: "I have deemed it prudent to let a few weeks elapse before I open to the Japanese the matters contained in your Instructions. I wish to let the alarm 223 P. M. ; instead of the flagstaff being ready at noon, it is not yet completed, and there is a fair chance it will not be sent ashore to-night. Mr. Heusken was taken ashore to interpret about the bills, etc., with a positive promise he should be brought back at half-past twelve. At half- past two P. M. he procured a shore boat and came off. So much for promises. I decide to land to-day, so send off all my remaining traps; and, attended by two officials, leave the ship at five P. M., having taken a kind leave of all. As I left the ship the men manned the rigging and gave me three hearty cheers. The men in my boat responded, and a counter cheer of two more came from the ship, and then the band on the quarter deck struck up "Hail, Columbia." I was both flattered and touched by this mark of attention. It showed at least that I had so conducted myself while on board the San Jacinto (off and on five months) that I had secured the good will of all on board — and so I came on shore for my final landing in Japan. On reach- ing my temple, I found the Vice-Governor and a suite of officials awaiting my arrival to welcome me, which they did in very good terms, at the same time showing me a present of fowls, eggs and lobsters from the Gov- ernor. Two things I must note which caused me some regret in the San Jacinto: the first, that Commodore occasioned by my arrival subside ; to convince them by my quiet conduct of my friendly disposition; and, by such friendly intercourse as I may have, establish a kindly feeling towards me." On the very day that Townsend Harris penned these sentiments of "quiet conduct," "friendly disposition," and "kindly feeling," Sir Michael Seymour, in command of the Barracouta, the Winchester, and the Pique, forced an en- trance into the inner harbor of Nagasaki. (J. M. Tronson, Personal Narrative of a Voyage to Japan . . . in H.M.S. Barracouta, pp. 397-99.) 224 Armstrong was again quite unwell with considerable fever; and the other, that he and Captain Bell refused to permit me to pay anything for my mess while I was on board, saying I had not cost the mess one cent extra; that I never drank any wine, nor had called for any different cookery; that I had not given any trouble, nor added to their expenses. They therefore declined receiv- ing anything from me. This was contrary to agreement as, before I left New York, I agreed with both the Commodore and Captain Bell that I should be allowed to pay my share of the mess. We were up until after mid- night in getting copies made of my dispatches. The spar came on shore just at dusk, too late to put up my staff. 287 Thursday, September 4, 1856. Slept very little from excitement and mosquitoes, — the latter enormous in size. At seven A. M. men came on shore to put up my flagstaff. Heavy job. Slow work. Spar falls ; break cross- trees; fortunately no one hurt. At last get a reinforce- ment from the ship. Flagstaff erected; men form a ring around it, and, at two and a half P. M. of this day, I hoist the "First Consular Flag" ever seen in this Empire. Grim reflections — ominous of change — un- doubted beginning of the end. Query, — if for the real good of Japan? 288 The San Jacinto left at five o'clock, 289 287 Wood, op. cit. t p. 318, wrongly states that this task was completed on Sept. 3rd. 288 An interesting chapter might be written on this query of Townsend Harris's, for it is a thought which occurred time and again to the early visitors and representatives to Japan from the Western powers. 289 The San Jacinto left for Shanghai, where she arrived on Sept. n, 1856 (35-2, S. Ex. Doc, no. 22, pt. 2 — in Serial no. 983 — p. 963: Commissioner Peter Parker to Consul Caleb Jones). 225 saluting me by dipping her flag which was answered by me, and then she left me "alone in my glory," not feel- ing very sad, for in fact I was too busy in opening boxes, searching out eatables and mosquito nets, to think of be- ing downhearted. Go to bed at eight P. M. and sleep well. Friday, September 5, 1 8 56. Busy all day in open- ing packages, arranging contents, ordering various articles from the Japanese. Get an old belfry made into a nice pigeon house in which I installed my four pairs of pigeons. Clear all day. Saturday, September 6, 1856. Same employment as yesterday. Am getting things to look a little com- fortable. Find that the ichibu is equal to 1,600 seni or cash. This takes two thirds off the prices of everything I buy, as the Japanese have only allowed us 1,600 seni for the dollar, although the dollar weighs three times as much as the ichibu, 2 ™ consequently is worth 4,800 seni. Moriama, 291 the Yedo official, visited me to-day on a 290 This word, spelled in such a variety of ways in the early accounts, stands for ichi-bu, meaning one bu, or part. "To talk of 'a hundred ichibus' is as though a Japanese were to say 'a hundred one shillings.' " (Lord Redesdale (Mitford), Tales of Old Japan (London, 1908), p. 262, note 1.) 291 Moriyaraa Yenosuke (Mr. Mountain Grove), a Samurai and chief in- terpreter of the Foreign Office of the Shogunate at Yedo. He took a prominent part in all the early contacts between Japan and foreign nations, and is con- stantly mentioned in all the narratives of the first visitors to Japan. His first appearance on the stage of the diplomatic relations between the United States and Japan is dated Sept. 2, 1848, when he visited the imprisoned sailors of the whaler Lagoda, at Nagasaki. One of these sailors, Robert McCoy, in the sworn statement of their captivity, made on Apr. 30, 1849, t0 Commander James Glynn, of the Preble, calls our interpreter Moreama Einaska (32-1, S. Ex. Doc, no. 59 — in Serial no. 620 — p. 17). Moriyama was involved in so many important historical events that a biography of him would not only make an interesting monograph, but would constitute a valuable contribution to the history of our Japan relations. A good beginning could be made with Lewis and Murakami, Ranald MacDonald, p. 208, note 237 ; cf. also the index. 226 c/3 b/0 l> C/2 ^ C \o hH 3 M = •- C r- z p ~ - < ■s^C Q jc +3 a C c <*- ' -, S . ° 0, r- ». OJ £ Z £c/3 CO (A — 3 3 e qj c/3 ^ H . CJ 03 < 1 — ' ~~* w o-S-S H • <*. c < a: ° £ -J . «3 c/3 2 CO Z by M groun g ever c u e-S* C3<— « c/: ^ °3 c £ £ ■^.2 o c > " p wing i entic e first H ^ ~ -3 05 SX rt ^ 3 >v3 O o v c 2 UBRAHY OF THE UHWWSW OF UW018 mere visit of friendship, as he said. Gave him u cakes and champagne." My tailor is proving to be a desperate character. He will not work and says he does not care how much I cut his wages. He is the first Chinese I ever saw who was indifferent on this point. I gave him a serious lecture. Told him if he expected to eat that he must work; that I had the power of put- ting him in jail and causing him to be fed on very spare diet, and also might order him to be whipped every day; that I would give him until Monday to reflect which he would take, — work, wages and good food, — or prison, hunger and whipping. Hear a curious insect of the cricket tribe to-night. Sound was precisely like a miniature locomotive at great speed. Bats in rooms. See enormous tete de mort spider; the legs extended five and a half inches as the insect stood. Unpleasant discovery of large rats in num- bers, running about the house. Light showers in the night. Sunday, September 7, 1856. No work to-day. Hoist my flag, which is to be flown on Sundays, holidays — Japanese ditto — and when foreign ships are here. The Japanese were much pleased when I told them I would hoist my flag in honor of their holidays, and gave me a list for six months. The wind fresh all day from the west. Thermometer 84 , but there is so much vitality in the air that one does not feel oppressed by the heat. My flag badly made, the wind has whipped out the end hem and frayed the bunting in many places three inches 227 — so badly is all government contract work done. The sealing wax sent me from the Department is so bad it will not run or even drop. It appears to be composed of rosin and tallow, no wax or shellac in it. When a stick is lighted it will burn to the end like a pitch pine splinter. No rain. Monday, September 8, 1856. Weather same as yes- terday. Get on very slowly in fitting up the house with shelves, closets, tables, etc., etc. Every carpenter that comes to do anything is attended by an officer. It may be to keep him from stealing, but more likely to prevent any communication between us. I have required my poultry to be all hens or pullets. They inform me that in Japan fowls are always hatched in pairs — one cock and one hen — therefore, they must give them to me in the same manner. Send to each of the first Governors two five-pints of champagne, one quart brandy, two quarts whiskey, one cherry bounce and one anisette. This after- noon we discover a Russian cemetery with three tombs of the same patterns as the Americans'. They are of persons who belonged to the Russian Frigate Diana, and died in 1854 and 1855. One tomb is evidently that of an officer, but I cannot read the letters to make out his name or rank. This tomb is decorated with two crosses deeply cut in the stone. One is four inches, the other about sixteen inches long. The presence of these crosses serves to prove that the Japanese of the present day have not that exces- sive hatred of the cross that was said to animate them formerly. On Saturday last I showed Moriama my 228 Mitchell's Atlas, the frontispiece of which contains a colored engraving of the "Landing of Columbus," in which a large cross is prominently engraved. Moriama paid no attention to it, or rather said nothing. Spalding says that he asked a Japanese for his auto- graph, which he was about to write in his (Spalding's) prayer-book, but, discovering a cross in the frontispiece, he with great trepidation refused to write. 292 No rain. Tuesday, September Q, 1856. I applied on Friday last (5th) for two boys as house servants. Am told to- day that they must write to Yedo about them. Get measures of distance from Japanese (see record book). 293 Weather fine, but little wind. Thermometer at noon 82 , but it is not oppressive. I am anxious to get my house arranged, so that I may begin to wander about the country and see how it looks, which I cannot now do, being constantly wanted for directions, etc., etc. At nine o'clock a heavy thunder shower. The lightning was as vivid as I ever saw out of the tropics, and the thunder appeared to be interminable, so long 292 J. W. Spalding, The Japan Expedition, New York, Redfield, 1855, pp. 222-23 : "They would present their fans on which they desired some sentiment to be written. . . . Their own cards were presented. . . . They were very polite in writing names in Japanese characters in our books. I requested one to write a name on the title-page of a Book of Common Prayer, which happened to have a steel engraving of the cross upon it. He had dipped his camel's-hair pencil into his portable inkstand, passed the point through his lips, and was about to write when his eye rested upon the cross; he in- stantly shook his head, threw the book upon the table, nor could he be induced to touch it again." 293 We do not know what Townsend Harris meant by Record Book. There is extant, however, his manuscript copybook entitled Common Place Book, on p. 8 of which are found not only the Japanese measures of distance, but also the cloth measure. 229 were the echoes prolonged among the hills. The ther- mometer marked 8i° during the whole shower. There was not much wind with the shower, which lasted forty minutes. At eleven P. M. another shower, without lightning. Wednesday, September 10, 1856. Quiet rain set in, in showers at three A. M. and continued until eleven A. M., closing with some few claps of thunder. The wind then came from [the] east and the thermometer fell to 70 . Much trouble with the lock of the iron chest. Pro- cure mechanics to open it; and, after removing a load of mortar placed over the lock, find it cannot be re- paired. Caution: Never buy an iron chest with a patent lock of Mr. Gaylor's or any other man's make, especially if you are going to a semi-civilized country. I can close and bolt the chest, but not lock it. It is a protection from fire (soi disant) , but not from thieves. 294 Moriama and suite visited me this afternoon. He said he came from the Governor to inquire if I was frightened by the thun- der of last night — a Japanese ruse. He quietly diverged to the subject of Japanese servants, which I had asked for last week. Said there were none at Shi- moda; must write to other places; that they had to reflect on every new proposition a long time; that they could not decide as quickly as the men of the West, etc., etc. I replied that I believed that servants could at once be procured for me in Shimoda ; that it was treating me 294 This perverse iron chest had been purchased in New York from the Japan Contingent Fund. "Sepr. 24th [1855]. Paid J. E. Van Antwerp for an Iron Safe for the Consulate at Shimoda $87.75." (£• B. t vol. 1, p. 5.) 230 improperly to leave me to wait on myself. I showed him my blistered hands, which had so become by my being compelled to do work in fault of proper servants. He then begged me to give them some more time to pro- cure them ('«. e., to invent lies to deny them if they think best to do so) . I said I did not wish to appear impatient, and would wait for the remainder of the week. I com- plained of the very great delay there was in executing my orders. I had for many days been expecting a num- ber of slight things to be done (naming some of them), and, although time enough to do them four times over had elapsed, yet none of them had been done; that I felt that I was neglected and expected it would be remedied. He at once began blowing up the officers who were with him and gave me some of their excuses. A greater tissue of lies was never heard. The matter was closed by an assurance on his part that I should have the matters attended to in the morning. After this he got quite jolly on champagne. At ten P. M. the thermometer marked 77 . Wind east. Thursday, September II, 1856. A fine breezy morn- ing. Thermometer, 75 . Wind N. E. Men are here working on various matters for my house. Had a flare-up with the officials, who told me some egregious lies in answer to some requests I made. I told them plainly I knew they lied ; that, if they wished me to have any confidence in them, they must always speak the truth ; that, if I asked anything they were not authorized to grant, or about which they wished to con- sult, let them simply say they were not prepared to an- 231 swer me, but that to tell lies to me was treating me like a child, and that I should consider myself as insulted thereby; that in my country a man who lied was dis- graced, and that to call a man a liar was the greatest insult that could be given him ; that I hoped they would, for the future, if they told me anything, simply tell me the truth, and that I should then respect them, which I could not do when they told me falsehoods. Send Mori- ama an Atlas as a present. 295 Friday, September 12, 1 8 $6. As lovely a morning as I ever saw. The wind fell before daylight, and we have light airs from the west with a sky so blue it looks like ultramarine. Thermometer, 79 . The Vice-Governor and Moriama, with the usual suite. The object of the visit was my demand for two boys as house servants. It was a rare scene of Japanese deceit, falsehood, flattery and politeness. I at last got them cor- nered, and they were compelled to promise me to supply my wants by the 16th. They fought hard to have the boys leave at sunset and return at daylight, but I was firm and carried my point. I may here remark that at all these visits they readily drink all I offer them, — wine, cordials, brandy, whiskey, etc., etc., and many of them drink more than enough. Spirits of all kinds they drink raw. Saturday September 13, 1856. To-day is the anni- versary of the Patron Saint 296 of Shimoda, and is one of 295Very likely his copy of Mitchell's Atlas, which he had showed Moriyama on Sept. 8, 1856. 2 96 Ushijiwa no Jinja (Griffis, Townsend Harris, p. 64, note). 232 their greatest holidays ; but, as my house is not in order, I remain at home arranging books, etc., and trying to eradicate the cockroaches, which I have brought from the San Jacinto by thousands. They are a pest of the most disagreeable kind. Mr. Heusken went out to see what was doing, and says he saw a large procession bear- ing a metal mirror and pieces of white paper (emblems of the Shinto religion) ; a large drum borne by three men was beaten by one. The fashion of the drum was like the Chinese, — i. e. f a cylinder with one parchment head. He did not see any change of dress; a number of per- sons were throwing themselves into extravagant atti- tudes and shouting or screaming loudly. The procession went to a temple where a large quantity of holy water was showered on them by the attending priests. After their devotions they visited another temple, after which he left. He did not see any of the theatricals referred to by Kaempfer, Fischer, and Heer Doeff. A fine day. Wind from west. Thermometer, 84 . Sunday, September 14, 1856. A smart thunder shower at five A. M., but the day has been a fine one. Some of my Chinese servants went out to walk. They were followed by three policemen. They offered to purchase some fruit, but were refused, and finally, on asking for a drink of water from a man who was by a well, he re- fused, and ran away with the drinking vessel. Monday, September 15, 1856. Commenced raining at four A. M. with a raw wind from north, although the thermometer is 82 in our open rooms, but protected from the wind. I expect the Governor to visit me to-day, 233 as I wrote him on Saturday asking him to order the proper officer to receive from Mr. Heusken $500 in sil- ver coin, and to give him the same weight of Japanese silver money. 297 I am sure he will refuse, as they have heretofore refused to take the dollar for more than their ichibu, or quarter of a tael of silver. The value of the tael is about $1.36. The ichibu is therefore worth 34 cents. We have heretofore paid nearly 200 per cent, over price, — from their only allowing us 34 cents for our dol- lar. But this must have an end, and I am fully instructed by my Government to insist on our money being taken at its proper value. In the afternoon Moriama and the third Governor and suite visited me, bringing two boys of the ages of fifteen and sixteen years. Their names are Ske-zo and Ta-ki-so ; 298 the latter I take for my servant, and the other for Mr. Heusken. On showing Kaempf er's work on Japan to the Gover- nor, he at once pointed out the place of his and Mori- ama's house in Yedo, showing the general correctness of the plan of that city. I tried in various ways to get at the population of Yedo from them, but without any suc- cess. They said it was a large place; that there was such a large number of persons going and coming daily, that it was out of their power to state the population, etc., etc. Complained to the Governor that my servants on 297 In the same letter (L. B., vol. i, pp. 116-17), Townsend Harris states that he had received a letter from Captain Bell complaining of the poor quality of the coal that had been furnished the San Jacinto, and transmits the Captain's desires as to future supplies. The Dutch translation of this letter is to be found in L. B., vol. 1, pp. 99-100. 298 Sukezo and Takezo (Griffis, Townsend Harris, p. 65). 234 Sunday last had been followed by policemen; that they had been refused fruit which they offered to buy, and even denied a drink of water. I remonstrated sharply against such conduct as disgraceful, inhospitable, etc., etc., and they promised that the matter should be in- quired into. Constant rain until four P. M. Got some fine, ripe grapes and persimmons to-day and am promised a regular supply, so long as they are in season. They have constantly denied to me having any such fruits here, and it was only after my cook had seen them in the streets on Sunday and I charged them with false- hood about fruit that they would bring them to me. Tuesday, September 16, 1856. A fine bright morn- ing. Sky as blue as sapphire. Wind light from northwest. Thermometer, 76 ° at eight A. M. At eleven o'clock go out for a walk. The paths lead over towards Yedo Bay, and the views were enchanting. Sky clear — water blue — whitecaps cresting the waves. High lands on the oppo- site side of Yedo Bay (northeast side) dimly seen. Jap- anese junks with their large square sail scudding merrily before the wind. Ground here is cultivated wherever water can be procured to irrigate it. It appears to be equally rich on the steep hillsides as on the little plains. A streamlet of water is found running down the gorge be- tween two hills. The ground is cut into terraces, then the water is led from the highest part right and left from the stream to the upper terraces, thence it trickles down to the next, and the next, until all the terraces have been watered down to the foot of the hill. I never saw such fine crops of rice, or rice of so good a quality as here. Rice is 235 the chief produce ; some maize, millet, a little wheat, bar- ley and buckwheat are also grown. A great variety of pulse and lentils are also grown. I see [that] many oleaginous seeds of whose names I am ignorant are also cultivated. A bulbous root — the taro of the South Seas — is also grown here. We pursued our pleasant walk until we reached the highest hill in this vicinity, — say some 2,800 feet ; and from that we could just see the top of the celebrated Fusi Yama, the highest mountain in Japan, which is 1 2,500 feet high and not many miles from Yedo. It is said that this mountain is always crowned with snow, but the distance from which we viewed it was too great to permit us to say whether it was so covered or not. This mountain is the most celebrated spot in Japan. It is the seat of their most terrible volcanoes. It is cele- brated in the histories of their gods as the scene of many remarkable events, and its picture figures on everything that is highly decorated. 299 299 The annual celebration at The College of the City of New York known as Charter Day took place in the year 1925 on May 20th. The speaker of the day and the guest of honor was His Excellency Tsuneo Matsudaira, who had courteously consented to unveil a bronze tablet of Mr. Townsend Harris. Having read the Ambassador's address, Baron Takashi Masuda, who, at the age of fourteen, had served in the Bureau for Foreigners, was stirred to write his Reminiscences of Townsend Harris, which he sent to the Japanese Am- bassador at Washington, who, in turn, caused them to be translated and then, with exquisite courtesy, presented them to the writer. From these manuscript Reminiscences we quote the following interesting lines: "Before the departure of Harris from Japan, Mr. Ando [Tsushima-no- Kami] said to him, 'I wish to express my sincere gratitude for your friendly advice on our international policy, and although I am very anxious to give you a present, I am sorry that there is nothing I can give you which is equal to the value of the help you have been to us. I wish I could give you Mt. Fuji, but I am sorry that it is impossible.' " Remembering the role played in Japanese mythology, history, legend, and art by the famous Fujiyama, we realize that Ando Tsushima-no-Kami was offering the very heart of Japan to the man who had won it. 236 We reached home at three P. M. much pleased with our walk. Our distance out [and] in was about eight miles. Very nice grapes are furnished to us to-day at the rate of about two cents per pound. Pears, shaped like apples and of the exact color of russets, are also brought; not good to eat raw, as they are hard, dry and tasteless, but they cook very well. Persimmons, fully ripe, are now brought to us. Our poultry has been taken with some disease during the last few days and is dying off rapidly — while we are afraid to eat any of it that is not ap- parently sick, for fear it may have the seeds of disease in it. I charge the Japanese with selecting all the sick fowls they have and bringing them to me. They deny it, and say the poultry all around is dying off in the same manner. Cleaning up exterior of house. Oven, extraordinary affair — cut out of solid stone!! New paper on our win- dows, by the way of glazing them anew. Wednesday, September 17, 1856. Not pleasant this morning. Cloudy. Wind N. E. Thermometer, 74 at eight A. M. Tuesday, September 23, 1 856. Yesterday at four P. M. the wind began to blow fresh from E. S. E., with rain. The wind continued to freshen until at eight P. M. it became a heavy typhoon which continued up to mid- night, when it moderated. The wind at four P. M. was S. S. E., and continued to haul to S. S. W., at which point the gale was heaviest. After midnight the wind stood at W.N.W. I was under much apprehension that my house would 237 be blown down, as it shook in every post and beam, and swayed to and fro as the heavy gusts struck it. My kitchen was partly unroofed. Flagstaff blown over so as to stand at an angle of 65 . In the harbor every junk was cast ashore and many lives lost and much property de- stroyed. In Kakizaki, full one half the houses were blown down and some persons killed. The landing jetty and breakwater at Kakizaki are totally destroyed. At Shimoda, the bazaar part of the Goyoshi is totally destroyed, and a large amount of beautiful lacquer and inlaid ware lost. One hundred houses blown down and twenty lives lost. The Japanese say it was the severest storm ever known at this place. 300 Wednesday, October I, 1856. The Dutch Steam Frigate Diana \Medusa~\, Captain Fabius, arrived here to-day from Hakodate en route to Nagasaki. 301 I went on board and was kindly received by Captain Fabius, who gave me a salute of eleven guns on leaving. Captain Fabius informs me that a mine of superior coals has been discovered at Hakodate, which will greatly reduce the price of that article at that place be- 300 Mr. Heusken's Diary says that this storm took place during the night from the 20th to the 21st of September. (G. Wagener, Aus dem Tagebuche Hendrik Heusken's, in the Tokyo Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Natur — und Volkerkunde Ostasiens, Mittheilungen, June, 1883, vol. 3, p. 376.) On Sept. 25th, Townsend Harris wrote to the Governor of Shimoda (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 117-21), protesting at the merely verbal answer given to his written communication of Sept. 13th (see Journal for Sept. 15th), refut- ing the Japanese arguments for refusing to provide him with Japanese coins, and renewing his battle for evaluating the dollar at three ickibus. (The Dutch translation of this letter is to be found in L. B., vol. 1, pp. 101-04.) Finally, Heusken mentions a letter dated Sept. 25th and sent to Yedo to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Wagener, op. cit., p. 376). This is an error for Oct. 25th. 301 See Heusken's Diary, loc. cit. 238 sides giving a superior quality. Captain Fabius also says that two steam vessels are now being constructed in Hol- land for the Japanese, which are to be paid for as fol- lows : say one-fifth part in each of the following articles — copper, lacquer ware, etc., wax, camphor; and money or bullion for the remaining 20 per cent. Dutch mechanics of every branch connected with shipbuilding have been brought out for the Japanese, and they are now giving instruction to the Japanese in all the various branches above referred to at Naga- saki. 302 It appears that for some years the Dutch have received a part of the returns of their annual cargo in money or bullion. The King of Holland has, as it is said, written a letter to the Emperor of Japan, strongly urging him to open his kingdom to the commerce of all nations. 303 302 Here is the beginning of the building of the mighty fleets of Japan ! We are strongly reminded of the prophetic words of the imprisoned Russian Captain, Golownin, who, from observations made more than forty years before, had written (Memoirs, 2nd ed., 1824, vol. 3, pp. 33-34) : "However deeply a horror of everything foreign may be impressed on the Japanese and Chinese government[s], yet a change in their system is not in- conceivable: necessity may compel them to do that to which their own free will does not impel them ! Attacks, for example, like that of Chwostoff, often repeated, would probably induce them to think of means to repel a handful of vagabonds who disturbed a nation. This might lead them to build ships of war on the model of those of Europe; these ships might increase to fleets, and then it is probable that the good success of this measure would lead them also to adopt the other scientific methods which are so applicable to the destruction of the human race." 303 Dr. Daniel Crosby Greene, Correspondence between William II of Hol- land and the Shogun of Japan, A. D. 1844., in Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. 34, part 4 (June, 1907), pp. 99-132. In this scholarly article, Dr. Greene gives both the versions through which the letter had to pass before it could reach Shogun Iyeyoshi: the original Dutch text, on pp. 104-09; and the Japanese translation, on pp. 124-29. The English version appears on pp.no-14. 239 Friday, October 3, 1856. The Diana [Medusa] sailed to-day for Nagasaki. As she will not go to Hong- kong I do not write by her. Saturday, October 4, 1856. I am fifty-two years old to-day. God grant that the short remainder of my life may be more usefully and honorably spent than the pre- ceding and larger portion of it. 304 Sunday, October 5, 1856. The American Schooner General Pierce arrived here from Hakodate. Left no American vessels there, as it is too early for them. She comes here to complete her trading. 305 Both the Diana [Medusa] and General Pierce were in the typhoon of the 22nd ult. 306 Thursday, October Q, 1856. The General Pierce left to-day. Wrote by her to : The letter of the King of Holland was dated Feb. 15, 1844; Japonice, the 27th day of the 12th month of the 14th year of Tempo. To return to the Journal. Oct. 1st being the beginning of a new quarter, Townsend Harris duly sent an order for supplies to Armstrong & Lawrence (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 104-05) ; and, on the matter of his salary for the broken quarter ending Sept. 30, 1856, he wrote to Russell & Co., at Shanghai (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 121-23), and to Baring Bros. & Co., at London (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 123-24). 304 Townsend Harris lived to the age of seventy-four. He died of congestion of the lungs at 263 Fourth Avenue, New York City, on Monday, Feb. 25, 1878. His funeral took place at Calvary Church, Fourth Avenue and 21st Street, on the morning of Thursday, Feb. 28, 1878. He is buried in Greenwood Ceme- tery, Brooklyn, N. Y. This entry in his Journal, written in Townsend Harris's own hand, settles the moot point of the exact date of his birth, which is variously given in the encyclopaedias, and which is wrongly given even on his tombstone. 305 The General Pierce arrived with a cargo of ammunition, which the Japanese did not permit to be landed because it was found to be too old (Heusken, in G. Wagener, op. cit., p. 376). She left on Oct. 9th, bound for Hongkong (L. B., vol. 1, p. 125). 306 Compare above, entry for Sept. 23, 1856, and note 300. On Oct. 7th, Townsend Harris had an interview with the Governor of Shimoda, at which he discussed the currency question. (L. B., vol. 1, p. 126.) 24O The Secretary of State and Russell & Co., N. Dougherty of Shanghai, sending P. M.Wetmore a bill for my salary S. Drinker up to 30th ult. on S. B. Drinker Baring & Co. for Armstrong & Lawrence them to negotiate. 307 Wednesday, October 22, 1856. I have not been well since the 17th of September. I am suffering from a bad wound in my left foot caused by treading on a large nail, and also from a total loss of appetite, want of sleep and depression of spirits. I attribute all but the wound to two causes : first, in- ability to take exercise in the open air; and second, smoking too much. The latter I must break off. As I am now much better, I shall begin to go out for exercise and r i) To the Secretary of State: Dispatch No. 16 (L. B., vol. i, pp. 124-25). Townsend Harris reports that he has already made progress in the matter of evaluating the dollar, which makes him feel sure that the making of a commercial treaty is only a question of time. Furthermore, the storm of Sept. 22nd proves that Shimoda is an unsafe harbor and should be exchanged for another. 2) To S. Drinker: Acknowledged by letter dated Hongkong, Apr. 3 and 4, 1857 (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 62). 3) To S. B. Drinker: Mrs. Susannah Budd Drinker, whose maiden name was Susannah Budd Shober. 4) To Armstrong & Lawrence: L. B., vol. 1, p. 124, which speaks of finances and supplies. Though not mentioned in the Journal, on this day Townsend Harris wrote at least two more letters: 5) To the Governor of Shimoda (L. B., vol. 1, p. 126), going over the ground covered during the interview of Oct. 7, 1856, and again main- taining that the silver dollar was worth three silver ichibus; 6) To Captain H. H. Bell, in answer to one from him regarding the poor quality of the coal that had been furnished the San Jacinto (cf. L. B., vol. 1, p. 116, Townsend Harris to the Governor of Shi- moda, Sept. 13, 1856; and see above, Journal for Sept. 15th, and note 297). We have not found this letter to Captain Bell. Both this lost letter and Townsend Harris's letter to Captain Bell of Dec. 10, 1856 (likewise lost), are acknowledged by Captain Bell by letter dated Whampoa, Jan. 10, 1857 (£• ® P»* v °l *» no « 54) • 24I hope to be in robust health again. The climate here is delightful. The thermometer since September 16th has not been above 8o° nor below 6i° Fahrenheit. The Japanese have three times sent me the flesh of what they call a wild hog. 308 I find on examination that it is the baibarossa, or hog deer of India and the Indian Archipelago, and I am much surprised to find it so far to the north. The flesh is peculiar. It is very tender, juicy and of an excellent flavor. The taste is something between delicate veal and the tenderloins of pork. I am promised a full supply during the cold weather, which will be a great relief to my housekeeping. The typhoon destroyed all the grapes, but I have been well supplied with a great variety of the persimmon, some as large as a pippin and all of good quality. Chestnuts have also been sent to me. To-day a horse was brought to me to examine the saddle, bridle, etc. They are queer affairs, but I have ordered a horse and trappings to be sent to me from Yedo, — not only for actual use, but to give me increased importance in the eye of the natives. For the same reason I have ordered a norimon. The Japanese officials are daily becoming more and more friendly and more open in their communications with me. I hope this will grow and lead to good re- sults by and by. My poor pigeons have all been killed in one night by 308 See comment by Griffis, in Tonvnsend Harris, p. 71, note. 242 my cat. I have sent up to Yedo for more. The itats, a species of large weasel, is a sad enemy to my hencoops. Thursday, October 23, 1856. A lovely day. The weather is as balmy and mild as in New York in Oc- tober, but we have no smoke or haze in the air, and at night the thermometer does not fall below 6o°. Took a walk of some five miles. The country is very beautiful — is broken up in steep volcanic cones, but every possible spot is terraced and cultivated like a garden. The labor expended in cutting down the rock to form some of these terraces is something wonderful. My walk led me first to Vandalia Point, the most southeastern part of the land. From this I had a view of the vast Pacific, and it was a curious thought that, looking due south, there was no land between me and Australia, some five thousand miles! Turning more to the eastward I saw the Island of Oho Sima, 309 with its volcano smoking on its summit. The day is almost calm, so the smoke arose like a mighty pil- lar for thousands of feet. It then spread out forming a vast white cloud. This volcano has been in action for some centuries, and occasionally treats us here to an earthquake, as it did in December, 1853, 310 when a mighty wave rolled in on Shimoda, encountering as it entered a flourishing town of some eight thousand to ten thousand souls. When the wave receded, it left only fourteen houses standing; 309 Oshima or O Shima (Great Island), also known as Vries Island. 310 A slip of the pen for Dec, 1854; see above, Journal for Aug. 21, 1856, and note 267. 243 all the rest, — temples, bazaars and a large number of the inhabitants, — were swept into the bay by the reflux of this mighty wave, which was said to have been thirty feet high. Four times it returned, but the deed of de- struction was perfected by the first one. I passed through the village of Satora on the Yedo Bay, thence, through another village back of Kakizaki whose name I do not know, home. I saw to-day cherry, peach, pear and per- simmon trees, grapevines, ivy, althea, — the last just put- ting out new leaves. Blue privet — very pretty; many ferns; pine trees in variety; cedar, spruce, fir and cam- phor trees. Camellia Japonica forms the jungle here and is cut for fuel. I saw a few bushes of the common rose, but no flowers were on them. Among flowers whose names I know I found : blue bell, Canterbury ditto, Scotch thistle — the first I ever saw in the East — heart's-ease, yellow sham- rock, daisy and others whose forms are familiar but whose names I do not know, and then many that were strange to me. How much I wish I was a botanist. The fine clear bracing air, the high cultivation you see everywhere, combined with views which are of the most picturesque kind and which are constantly chang- ing, make a walk here a thing to be desired and long remembered. 311 311 While Townsend Harris was thus living Arcadian days, events of gieat importance were taking place in China. On Oct. 22nd, Captain Andrew Hull Foote, of the U.S.S. Portsmouth, landed eighty of his men at the Canton Fac- tories to protect Americans and their property; on the 23rd, British troops were landed, and Sir Admiral Michael Seymour captured all the Canton Forts, from the Bogue Forts up, took also the Factories, and demanded an interview with Yeh. A few days later the walls of Canton were breached, and Captain Foote issued a proclamation of American neutrality. For these and many other 244 Friday, October 24, 1856. The Japanese brought me the entire carcass of what I have supposed to be the baibarossa, but it proves to be simply a wild hog. It has seven molars on each side of the upper jaw, while the baibarossa has only five. The incisors are not developed scarcely at all, or have been broken off. The baibarossa has four incisors on the upper jaw; again, the baibarossa has two large tusks which protrude through the upper jaw and sweep backwards in a curve which brings the points nearly in contact with the skin just below the eye. This boar had only small tusks in the lower jaw. Walked to the top of the hill that overlooks the har- bor, about one thousand feet high ; has a wooden cannon, about twelve pounder, bore. It is strongly bound with bamboo hoops from end to end, the hoops are close to- gether. Here also are two old iron guns, nine pounders, bearing the shield of the Dutch East India Company. These guns are only for signals. A lookout house is erected here and a guard is always here from daylight to dark. It commands a vast range of vision, and a ship could, in clear weather, be seen some twenty miles off. On my return I met a mountain-priest, — one of a class whose vow binds him to ascend all mountains he can meet with. He bears a staff surmounted with a circle of iron; within is a trident like that of Siva, four loose rings are attached to the circle, two on each side. These make a jingling noise when the priest shakes his staff. stirring details of the capture of the Barrier Forts and of Canton, see the very long letter by Captain Bell to Townsend Harris, written at Whampoa over a series of days and dated Jan. 10, 18, 26, 28, Feb. 20, 25, 1857 (L. £f P., vol. 1, no. 54). 245 I get 4,800 of the small copper coin of Japan for one dollar. Ten of these given to the priest produced a long prayer and a great jingling of his rings. The priest was of a good pleasant countenance and very robust in appearance. Saturday, October 25, 1856. The Vice-Governor visited me to-day. He borrowed the Treaties of the United States with Foreign Nations, for the purpose of having it translated. It will be a heavy work for them, as they will have to do it by means of a dictionary in English and Dutch. The two Kamis, who are Governors here, are to visit me on Thursday next. I have visited the prison of Shi- moda. It corresponds generally with Golownin's de- scription of the prisons at Hakodate and Matsmai, 312 but what he calls cages are simply cells made of squared joists of timber, placed some three inches apart. I am sure they are larger and not so solitary as the stone cells in the prisons of the United States. Imprisonment as a punishment for the Japanese is unknown. The punish- ments are either death or whipping, and the accused is only in prison until he can be tried. The Japanese code is somewhat sanguinary. Death is inflicted for murder, arson, burglary, grand larceny and for violent deport- ment towards a father. The parent cannot put his children to death; but, on 312 Wassily Michailovitsch Golownin, a Captain in the Russian Navy. The reference is to his famous work: Memoirs of a Captivity in Japan during the Years 1811, 1812, and 1813, with Observations on the Country and the People. Second edition, in 3 vols., London, Henry Colburn & Co., 1824. There are, of course, other editions. 246 complaint of disobedience of his children, the govern- ment will punish the child with whipping or death, ac- cording to the nature of the offence. The Japanese de- clare that infanticide of legitimate children is unknown in Japan. In cases where the parents are too poor to bear the incumbrance of an additional child, the government makes an allowance to them for the purpose. Paupers are placed with their relatives, and an allowance made for their support; but, if the pauper goes out begging, the allowance ceases. There is no law to prohibit begging, and in fact it would be difficult to frame one in a coun- try where all the priesthood, besides a large number of monks, hermits and nuns, live solely on charity. There were three prisoners in the jail awaiting trial: two for gambling, and one for a small larceny. They were to be tried to-day, and will either go home acquitted or else well whipped to-night. Whipping is inflicted with a small bamboo or rattan over the shoulders or back. The Japanese cannot understand our imprisonment for pun- ishment. They say for a man to be in a good house and have enough of food and clothing cannot be a punish- ment to a large portion of men, who only care for their animal wants and have no self-respect; and, as they never walk for pleasure, they cannot think it hard to be deprived of wandering about. 313 313 On this day, also, Townsend Harris wrote to the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs (L. B., vol. i, pp. 127-29), stating that he had a letter from the President of the United States for the Emperor of Japan, and that he had concluded to go to Yedo, accompanied by his secretary, Mr. Heusken. He fur- ther requested that all necessary arrangements be made for this visit; sends a Dutch translation of his Treaty with Siam, and makes the tempting statement that, when in Yedo, he will inform the Japanese Government of the intentions of the British Government toward Japan. 247 Monday, October 27, 1856. A lovely day; bright, clear sky and the thermometer at 72 . Took a walk over the hills and up the valley of Shi- moda, making a circuit of some ten miles, part of it on the road to Yedo. This is simply a foot or bridle path of some six to eight feet wide, and is only practicable on foot or on horseback. Every new walk I take shows me more and more of the patient industry of the Japanese, and creates new admiration of their agriculture, while the landscape from the top of the hills, overlooking the terraces rising one above another like the steps of a giant staircase and running over the rich fields of the valley and terminating with a glimpse of the blue water of the sea, forms a series of charming landscapes which are well worthy the pencils of able artists. So far as buildings or monuments are concerned, there is nothing to mark the age of the country. There are no venerable ivy-grown ruins, no temples bearing the marks of the tooth of time on their stones. The temples and houses are from necessity built from wood or bamboo wattles plastered with clay, as a stone edifice would be very dangerous in a country so fre- quently visited with violent earthquakes. In my rambles over the hills I have met with some proofs that Shimoda has been settled for many centuries — I mean in the stone quarries. The stone is a soft and light colored sandstone which is easily wrought. In many places you see the face of the quarry in a smooth perpendicular wall of one hundred fifty to two hundred feet high, cut down in quarrying the stones. 248 The great number of these quarries, their vast size and the fact that the debris in many places is covered with trees of the largest size, all go to prove the antiquity of the place. This stone is used for foundations, for flag- ging, for ovens and cooking places; for tombstones, for altars, for images, and, in fact, for all the purposes (ex- cept houses) that stone can be applied [to]. I see that some of it is shipped away to other places. The cotton here is a second crop which springs up just before the first is taken from the ground ; the stool and bolls are small and the latter few in number, but the staple is long, strong and fine. The hemp of Japan is probably the best in the world. It is water rotted, and for this purpose a small rivulet is dammed up to give sufficient depth to immerse the hemp, which is neatly put up in cylindrical bales of some thirty-two inches long by fourteen in diameter. There are quite a number of water mills on the prin- cipal stream of Shimoda. They are driven by undershot wheels, and are used for grinding rice, buckwheat, etc. Rice being the staple food of the country is, of course, the chief occupation of the mills. The water is sadly mismanaged, and a small increase of labor would con- vert many of the mills to an overshot power, but they appear to be either ignorant of the difference of power, or indifferent as to its application. There are deer, wolves, hares and wild monkeys among the hills of this place. I was much moved to-day on finding in the woods a bachelor's button. This humble flower, with its sweet 249 perfume, brought up so many home associations that I was inclined to be homesick, — i. e., miserable for the space of an hour. I am trying to learn Japanese. I have begun with some words to my servants and can give them all the orders necessary for my attendance. Tuesday, October 28, 1856. Another lovely day, which I improved by walking some eight miles, skirting the shores of the Bay of Shimoda, and from Vandalia Point turning east until I came on the village of Sazaki, — a very ancient place, to judge by the vast number of heavy stone terraces for supporting temples, houses and gardens. The aggregate labor is very great, and all this among a village population of five hundred to six hun- dred souls. Thence I walked over the hills, and so along to the village of Satora on the Bay of Yedo. From here we cross over to Kakizaki by a valley which runs en- tirely across the peninsula, save a small hill just back of my residence. In this route I passed through the village of Wenoyama, celebrated for its terraces cut out of the living rock. I do not know what to think of the seasons here. I have before mentioned that the althea was putting out new leaves, being before completely bare. To- day I found flowers on the tea shrub and also cherry blossoms. Found a new variety of heliotrope and mayflower both in blossom, besides many flowers quite unknown to me. To-day I saw a camellia Japonica grown into a large tree. The boll was quite twelve inches in diameter, and the tree thirty to forty feet high. 250 I wish I could send bouquets of the wild flowers of Japan to some of my female friends. Neither flowers nor fruits appear to be cultivated anywhere in this vicinity. The last crop of rice is now being harvested, and they are planting sweet potatoes on all the cotton grounds. We have had sweet potatoes ever since the 21st of August. The cotton boll of Japan is divided into three cells, each containing three or four seeds, mostly four. These rambles over this broken country, climbing the steepest of possible hills, descending on a similar plane, is improving my health very much. My appetite im- proves and I begin to sleep better, though not as well as I could wish. Certainly a more genial climate than that of Shimoda, so far, is not to be found in the world. All that is wanted to make me quite happy is society. I hope when I have made some further progress in the language I shall find some pleasure in the society of the upper classes here. By a law of Japan no high officer can invite me to his house. 314 He may make friendly visits to me, but he can 314 Townsend Harris's comment proves that the relations between him and the Japanese had developed to the point where a friendly visit to his home was no longer a matter of idle speculation. In fact, only two days later — on Thurs- day, Oct. 30, 1856 (see below) — he was visited by the two Governors of Shi- moda, accompanied by the Vice-Governor. This was indeed a red-letter day; for, as Treat says (Early Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Japan, p. 59), on this day (Oct. 30, 1856) commenced "the process of instruc- tion in Western affairs — beginning with an account of the coast-surveying operations of the maritime powers." An even more significant day, however, was Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1857; for, on that day, Townsend Harris was at last freed from the regulation of having to meet the high officers at the Shimoda Goyoshi, and was permitted to enter on terms of parity the home of two Japanese Daimyo, the Governors of Shi- moda — namely, Inouye, Shinano-no-Kami, and Okada, Bingo-no-Kami. (Cf. also Journal for March 7, 1857.) 251 only see me in return at the Goyoshi, a sort of "Hotel de Ville" or City Hall. Wednesday, October 2Q, 1856. The Japanese are much surprised to see me bathing in cold water, and particularly when the thermometer stands at 56 , as it does this morning. The Japanese are a clean people. Everyone bathes every day. The mechanic, day laborer, all male and female, old and young, bathe every day after their labor is completed. There are many public bath houses in Shimoda. The charge is six seni, or the eighth part of one cent! The wealthy people have their baths in their own houses, but the working classes all, of both sexes, old and young, enter the same bathroom and there per- form their ablutions in a state of perfect nudity. I can- not account for so indelicate a proceeding on the part of a people so generally correct. I am assured, however, that it is not considered as dangerous to the chastity of their females; on the con- trary, they urge that this very exposure lessens the de- sire that owes much of its power to mystery and diffi- culty. Toko Juro, one of my interpreters, says that Yedo contains more than a million of houses, and that the city is twenty-four Japanese ri in circumference. This is more than fifty-eight miles, English measure. In my walk to-day I visited a cove lying to the south of Shi- moda, but quite secluded on a pretty cove [sic]. In front of a decayed old temple (mia), I found two statues bearing marks of a higher antiquity than anything I had seen in Japan. 252 The figures represent a short, thickset human being, the lobes of the ears long and resting on the shoulders. Most of the features were so much obliterated by time, that it was difficult to determine whether they were taken from Japanese, Chinese or Indian types. But the most singular thing about them was that they were shadowed by two cobras capello, — after the same man- ner that Siva is so often represented in India. The tale runs in India that one day Siva was about perishing from excessive heat, no shelter or shade being obtain- able; on a sudden, he felt a sense of grateful coolness and a shadow was spread over him. On looking around he discovered that two enormous cobras were standing erect behind him; and, having spread or inflated their hoods to the greatest possible extent, they approached their heads together and then hung over him. For this benevolent act the cobra became sacred to Siva and his followers to this day. But no trace of any such worship can be found in Japan, nor is the serpent known here. The Japanese imperial flag is white, black and white in horizontal stripes of equal width. The national flag of Japan is an orange sun (without rays) on a white field. Thursday , October 30, 1856. This will be remem- bered hereafter as an important day in the history of Japan. The laws forbidding the Imperial Governor of a city to visit any foreigner at his residence is to-day to be broken, and I am to receive the two Governors, with the Vice-Governor, in a friendly and informal way. They arrived about noon with a large suite, but only 253 four came into my private apartments with the two Governors and Vice-Governor. These Governors are of the highest rank of any men in Japan after the vassal Princes, being no-Kami, — i. e., men so learned that noth- ing can be taught them, and so sublimated in goodness that they rank in name — Kami — with the demi-gods or saints of Japan. This word — Kami — has a variety of meanings, — e. g., demi-god, noble, paper and hair. Moriama was the interpreter on the occasion. The Governors were very anxious on the subject of coast surveys, and inquired where Lieutenant Rodgers 315 was, whether he would return here to survey; whether the American Government had given orders for any new expedition to survey the coasts, etc., and if I knew what the English intended doing in the matter of sur- veys, etc., etc. I told them that Lieutenant Rodgers had returned to the United States, and that I did not know of any in- tended expedition here for a similar purpose, and that the English had no such squadron out here at present. They wished me to promise to order off any vessels that might come here for such a purpose, but I told them that would be out of my power. I then informed them that the United States Government and all the other governments of the world expended large sums in sur- 315 Lieutenant John Rodgers, who was in command of the United States Sur- veying Expedition to the North Pacific Ocean, consisting of the U.S.S. Vincennes, the Fenimore Cooper, and the steamer Hancock. He was Midshipman, Apr. 18, 1828; Passed Midshipman, June 14, 1834; Lieutenant, Jan. 28, 1840; Com- mander, Sept. 14, 1855; Captain, July 16, 1862; Commodore, June 17, 1863; Rear-Admiral, Dec. 31, 1869; died May 5, 1882. (Edward W. Callahan, List of Officers of the Navy of the United States ; T. H. S. Hamersly, General Reg- ister; and Griffis, Townsend Harris, p. 81, note.) 254 veying their coasts and harbors, and that those surveys were published with charts so that any nation in the world could have them; that the whole world was sur- veyed except Japan; that these surveys made many books, and that all shipmasters purchased these books (for they were sold freely to all) before they went on any voyage to a part of the world that was new to them; that all this was done for the security of ships, it being the great object of all civilized nations to encourage commerce, which next to agriculture was the great spring of prosperity of nations; that, for the same rea- sons, both America and England (as well as other nations) had hundreds of lighthouses on their coasts, and the channels leading into their harbors were care- fully marked out with buoys, etc., etc. All of this aston- ished them much, and appeared to remove some of their anxiety, although at the beginning they told me that it was a matter of life and death to them, as they must per- form the hara-kiri, or "happy dispatch" (suicide), if the surveys went on. Moriama has been fasting for some fifty days on this account, but he was so much consoled by what I said that he ate flesh most heartily. He thanked me warmly for my friendly deportment towards them, and got down on his knees and prayed fervently for my welfare. My com- pany partook of my refreshments (which were prepared in our manner) without any hesitation, and by their eat- ing showed their approval. They drank punch, brandy, whiskey, cherry bounce, champagne and cordials, but the punch and champagne were their favorite drinks. 255 The last Governor warmed entirely and showed him- self (like the other Japanese) of a most genial temper. They did not eat or drink to excess in any respect, and their conduct during the whole visit was that of well- bred persons. I made the second Governor a present of a Colt's pistol of five discharges, with which he was much pleased. After staying about four hours they took their leave with abundant thanks for my hospitality. This P. M. they brought me a leg of real venison. It is ex- cellent, tender, juicy and well flavored. Tuesday, November 4, 1856. Yesterday it rained steadily all day and only cleared up at daylight this morning. At eight A. M. we had an earthquake. It seemed like a heavy blow, which shook the house as though some ponderous thing had fallen, and was accompanied with a corresponding sound. Two or three light vibrations followed the great shock. The weather was clear and calm, and the adjacent volcano on Oho Sima did not show any increased action. The sound and vibrations seemed to come from the S. E. and proceed towards the N. W. Got my stove in order. It is a poor affair; it will not draw. The plates warped and cracked the first time a fire was kindled, although only a handful of charcoal was put in. I have now a smoky house, but luckily no scolding wife. 316 The stove appears to be a patent one and made by Abbott & Lawrence of Philadelphia. So miserable is it that bituminous coals go out even when the blower is up. Let sl6 See Proverbs, 10: 26 ',21:9 and 19. It may be added that Townsend Harris never married. 256 me avoid all the works of Abbott & Lawrence as I would those of the evil one. A fine wild boar brought to me to- day. I take the saddle. It is the best flesh meat in the world!! Wednesday, November $, 1 8 56. A lovely day, superior to the American Indian summer, the sky clear and blue and the air balmy. At midday the thermometer stands in the shade at 62 to 65 . During the month of October the average temperature taken at eight A. M., noon, four P. M. and ten P. M. was as follows: mean, 6435/100; highest, 77 ; lowest, 51 . The weather was as follows : Heavy rain three days Showery five " Cloudy five " Fine eighteen Thirty-one days. Walked to-day about five miles up the Valley of Shimoda and nearly all the way by the banks of Shimoda River, or creek, as we would call it in America. I have no doubt from the size of the stream that the Val- ley must continue some fifteen or twenty miles fur- ther. The scenery is of the same character as heretofore described in my previous walks. The hamlets are almost continuous. You are never out of sight of a temple. The people are now in the middle of the rice harvest; and, except the rice fields, the ground is covered with green crops. Most of the deciduous trees have lost their leaves, but many of them are putting forth new ones. 257 I saw to-day some specimens of artemisia, but not equal to those of China. I do not see here any specimens of flower gardens of which so much has been written by Kaempfer and others. But this is a poor place, where all are poor and have enough to do to live without looking to the ornamental. But they live comfortably, are well fed according to their wants, and are abundantly clad, and their houses are clean, dry, and comfortable. In no part of the world are the laboring classes better of! than at Shimoda. Visited a hot sulphur spring about three miles from Shimoda. A tank about twelve feet square, paved and lined with stone, contains the water which bubbles out between the interstices of the stone. The water is beau- tifully clear, about three feet deep, and is about 150 Fahrenheit in temperature. Some few bubbles of gas arise to the surface. The whole tank is covered with a building, and is a favorite bath for the Shimodeans. No charge is made for its use. It is held in high repute for its medical properties in cutaneous and rheumatic affec- tions. Rice is cleaned from the straw by a machine exactly like the hetchel used for cleaning flax with us. This is done by the women and children. They take a small number of rice straws (not over thirty) , draw them through the iron teeth which stand upright on a board. They are six inches long and they are usually some twelve in number. The straw is drawn once or twice through these iron teeth, which effectually strips every grain of paddy from the straw. 258 The process is a slow one, but the straw is of more value than time; and, as the former is uninjured by this process, it is not likely the Japanese would adopt a more rapid process, if the straw would be injured thereby. Thursday, November 6, l8$6. The thermometer at eight A. M. stood at 50 , being the lowest point it has reached as yet. I still continue my cold baths, much to the amazement of the Japanese. Walked to-day around the point "Vandalia" to Suzaki, thence over the hills to Satora and home. Lovely weather. Saw many blossoms on the cherry trees. Saw some fine specimens of camphor trees. They grow wild about the hills of Shimoda. Friday, November J, 1856. Two hours of dirty work with my wretched stove. Happily I cannot make it worse by any experiments I may try with it, and some lucky hit may improve it. Went in a boat to a sand beach about three miles south from Shimoda, where I landed, and then had a fine ramble over the hills and through the valleys. What a field for an artist! Every half mile gives a new view well worth drawing. The weather is balmy, clear and pleasant. As usual the hamlets are most numerous in every val- ley or cove along the shore. Saw a village called Kisami or "the place of assured assistance." Saw some new varieties of artemisia. The Japanese name of this flower is keraye. The sandstone is curiously hollowed out by the action 259 of the water in every place around here, and the Jap- anese have aided nature by cutting out stones for use from these places; thus, in the course of time, curious grottoes, caves or chapels are created, — and they are sometimes used as mias or small temples, at others as receptacles for fuel, boat gear, etc., etc. The general formation is either lava, sandstone, or else a conglom- erate or pudding stone, composed of the debris of various rock, lava, sand and alumine, — the whole cemented so as to form a compact stone. It is the con- tents of craters which have been vomited forth by the projectile force of steam, gas or whatever composes that terrible force in volcanoes. Saturday, November Q, 1856. 317 The Russian Cor- vette Olivuzza, Commodore Possiet and Commander Korsacoff. 318 She brought with her a schooner built by the Russians at the River Amur for the Japanese, and is a present, as I understand. 319 The schooner is built on the same lines as the one before seen by me, and makes an aggregate of five schooners (all on the same model) now owned by the Japanese. Commodore Possiet is the bearer of the Ratified Treaty made with Japan and will probably remain here 317 The correct date is Saturday, Nov. 8, 1856. 318 Townsend Harris was very careless in the spelling of proper names, even in the case of Mr. Heusken, his own private secretary. The names of the two Russian officers were Captain Constantine Possiet (of the Olivuzza) and Cap- tain W. Rimsky Korsacoff — captains of the first and the second rank in the Imperial Navy, respectively. 319 Similarly, in commemoration of the Treaty between Great Britain and Japan (concluded Thursday, Aug. 26, 1858), Lord Elgin, in the name of Queen Victoria, presented the Tycoon with a charming little screw yacht of 318 tons and mounting six guns, called the Emperor. The Japanese later renamed her the Dragon. 260 some weeks. 320 I went on board the corvette soon after she anchored, and was much pleased with the officers. The corvette is a poor affair, old in age and older in model. She is armed with old-fashioned carronades, and looks to me like one of the old ships of the Russian American Company, 321 although she now wears the im- perial flag. I was not saluted by the corvette. I also went on board the schooner. She has a pretty cabin, very handsomely furnished; has oilcloth on the floor, tables of fine woods, and the hangings are of mazarine blue velvet. She is commanded by Lieutenant Kolaxaltsoff. I pre- sume she is intended as a present on the exchange of rati- fications. 320 The Treaty between Russia and Japan had been signed at Shimoda by Admiral Poutiatine, on Feb. 7, 1855 (Russian style: Jan. 26th; Japanese style: 21st day, 12th month, 1st year of Ansei). Ratifications were exchanged at Shimoda on Dec. 7, 1856. For the French text of this Treaty and of the Ex- planatory Articles accompanying it, see John Harrington Gubbins, The Prog- ress of Japan, pp. 235-39. While Admiral Poutiatine was negotiating the Russian Treaty early in 1855, Commander H. A. Adams of the Powhatan (who had returned from the United States with the ratified Perry Treaty) was likewise negotiating with the Jap- anese authorities, and the Ratifications of the Perry Treaty (concluded Mar. 31, 1854) were exchanged at Shimoda on Feb. 21, 1855 — exactly two weeks after Japan had concluded the Treaty with Russia. The Shogunate, therefore, was fast accumulating a great deal of valuable experience in dealing with foreign diplomats. These earlier dealings, indeed, constituted a preliminary course to the thorough-going and long-continued instruction they were about to receive over a series of years from the American Townsend Harris — the first representative of any country to be accredited to the Island Empire. 321 This is a reference to the Russian American Fur Company, established in the reign of Catherine II. All the islands lying between Kamchatka and the then Russian part of the Northwest Coast of America were granted to them in perpetuity. The principal depot of the Company was Alexandria (on Kodiak Island), so named after Alexander I, who had greatly extended the privileges of the Company and had declared himself their immediate patron. Many of the early contacts between Japan and Russia are linked with the names of Resanoff, Chwostoff, Davidoff, etc., and with this Company's pursuit of the fur trade; similarly, our own early contacts with Japan were due to the American seaman's pursuit of the whale. 26l Commodore Possiet promised me a copy of the Rus- sian Treaty with Japan, 322 and, in return, I am to give him the American and [the] Dutch Treaties with J apan, and the Treaty with Siam which I made when at Bangkok. 323 The Japanese have excellent provisions for watching fire, although the appliances for extinguishing it are not so good. In every street of length, there is a small build- ing occupied by the fire police, who perambulate the streets in turn from dark to daylight, and they warn the people to be cautious about fire by striking two pieces of bamboo or some resonant wood together; and, on hear- ing this noise, all are reminded to be careful. Doeff 324 says that once, when he was in Yedo, a fire broke out which burned over ground 9 miles long by i^ miles wide, equal to I3>4 square miles, equal to 8,640 acres 322 Which Townsend Harris received on Nov. nth. 323 The American Treaty referred to was the one concluded by Commodore Perry on Friday, Mar. 31, 1854. The American Treaty with Siam was concluded by Townsend Harris at Bangkok on Thursday, May 29, 1856. At the time Townsend Harris penned these words, there were only two agreements between The Netherlands and Japan: 1 ) A preliminary Convention, concluded by Jan Hendrik Donker Curtius, and signed at Nagasaki on Nov. 9, 1855. (English Text in J. H. Gub- bins, The Progress of Japan, pp. 245-50; some good notes and re- marks, in J. M. Tronson, Personal Narrative of a Voyage to Japan, etc., pp. 47-5 1. ) 2) A Treaty of Commerce, likewise signed at Nagasaki, on Jan. 30, 1856 (Gubbins, op. cit., pp. 250-55). 324 Hendrik Doeff, Warehouse Master and Superintendent (Opperhoofd) at different times, from 1799 to 1817, of the Dutch Factory on the Island of Deshima, in the Harbor of Nagasaki. His memoirs were published under the title: Herinneringen vit Japan, Haarlem, 1835, 4to. The great fire at Yedo here referred to and described by Doeff broke out on Apr. 22, 1806, at 10 A. m.: Charles MacFarlane, Japan, p. 349; Richard Hildreth, Japan and the Japanese, pp. 447, 451-52; Quarterly Review, July, 1836 (vol. 56), p. 420. 262 American measure. In American cities, where the lots are larger than in Japan, this extent of ground, after taking out the streets, would give the enormous aggre- gate of 1,038,800 building lots! (120 lots to the acre.) Now, supposing only half the number of lots were built on and allowing only 5 persons to each building, it would give the astounding number of 2,597,000 per- sons who were rendered houseless by this fire. All the accounts I can gather of the extent and popula- tion of Yedo are so extravagant that I cannot give them credence. The Government of Japan carefully conceals all the statistics of population, agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and of the military. I am, however, con- vinced that what is called Yedo covers, or rather in- cludes, a greater extent of ground in its enceinte than any city of the world ; but whether this space is all built on or not I cannot decide. Monday, November 10, 1856. The Russian officers, — Captain of the First Rank Possiet (he is not Commo- dore), Captain of the Second Rank Korsacoff, and Lieutenant KolaxaltsofT, — I find them very agreeable persons and very friendly. We had much conversation about Japanese affairs, but nothing worthy of particular note except that the ratification of the American Treaty was not signed by the Ziogoon, or, as we [call] him, the Emperor, but by the Chief of the Government. The ratification stated, in terms, that it was signed by the Chief by the express order of the Ziogoon. I learn that the Ziogoon has written two letters to the 263 King of Holland, and Captain Possiet informs me that within the last eighteen months the Japanese officials have written nearly fifty letters to the Russians. The Captain promises to loan me a barometer and some other instruments until mine arrive from Hong- kong, and I am to turn them over to the Russian Consul who is expected to arrive here next spring. I am told the Russian Consul for Japan speaks English very well, and that he is very friendly to the Americans. I am in- clined to think he will bring a family with him. After the foregoing, I had a visit from three of the young gentlemen of the ship. I am very much pleased with them; their dress was neat, and their address superior. Tuesday, November II, 1856. Captains Possiet and Korsacoff, the Lieutenant commanding the schooner, and three other young officers dined with me to-day. Previous to this I had a visit from two of the young officers. They spoke French very well. I never passed a more agreeable evening. The Russians behaved like polished men of the world, and at my table they did not merit the charge so often brought against them of being hard drinkers. They ate with good appetites (and my dinner was both good and abundant), and took their wine in moderation. I do think the same number of American or English officers would have drunk twice the quantity of wine the Russians did. Captain Possiet informed me that the Vice-Governor told him that he wished him not to pay any money at present, for that the American Consul General had made a demand on the 264 Government to have a just value put on the dollar, and that they expected a favorable answer in a few days. Captain Possiet brought me a copy of the Russian Treaty with Japan, which I have had translated from the Dutch (he gave me a Dutch translation), and shall send it to the Secretary of State. My company left me at an early hour, say half-past nine, and went on board. It was a glorious night, with a bright moon and clear, blue sky. Wednesday, November 12, 1 8 56. I was starting from my house to visit the Russians, when the sound of the corvette's guns told me that the Governors of Shimoda were visiting the ship. I therefore went over to the Goyoshi which is opened in a temple just behind Rioshen, and examined the wares they have opened for the Russians. I saw some new things, and a greater quantity of articles with the fine rattan work. I told them they would do well to have some bronze articles, some fine porcelain, and some of their prettiest toys against the arrival of another American ship, as those things would be liked by the officers. I went on board the corvette a little after four P. M. (the Japanese having previously left). Captain Possiet kindly offered me one of the boats of the Diana as a present. I thanked him for his kind offer, but the boats are all too heavy for my use, as none of them pulls less than six oars. I told the two Captains my washman should wash their linen for them, if they would send it on shore, as the Japanese do not know how to wash. I also said that I was sorry I could not offer the same compliment to 265 all of the officers, but my washman had no assistance. Captain Possiet is to send men on shore to set up the rigging and stays of my flagstaff in the morning. He also promises me some potatoes and spirits of turpentine, neither of which is to be had in Shimoda. Captain Possiet said the Japanese had again to-day referred to the money question, and repeated that they soon expected a favorable answer. The Japanese all say that their country must sooner or later [be] opened to foreign commerce, and that they are anxious to have the period arrive. Thursday, November 13, 1856. The Russians came on shore this morning early to arrange my flagstaff. The Captain Possiet made me a visit quite alone. He desires that our visits should be without ceremony, and as be- tween friends; that I should make myself at home with him, and he will do the same with me. All this I was quite willing to accede to. We had much conversation about the harbor of Shimoda, its insecurity, its small size, the incapacity of Shimoda to furnish supplies even to one ship-of-war, and the total absence of a commercial population. We agreed on the absolute necessity of an exchange of Shimoda for another port. Captain Possiet gave me a copy of a letter he wrote, by order of Admiral Poutiatine, after the wreck of the Diana frigate, 325 on the subject of the harbor of Shimoda, to the Japanese authorities. 325 The Diana was the Russian frigate in which Admiral Poutiatine had come to Shimoda to negotiate his Treaty with Japan (concluded Feb. 7, 1855; see above). The Western Pacific Ocean, at the end of 1854, was the scene of tremendous 266 Captain Possiet informs me that, had the Diana not met with her misfortune, she would have examined a number of harbors on the east coast of Japan, and he is of opinion that an exchange would have been made of Shimoda for some more eligible place. The Russian disturbances — from Japan to the Bonin Islands (see the letter by Messrs. Reed and Dougherty to the editor of the San Francisco Herald, reprinted in the New York Herald of Oct. 15, 1855, p. 1, coll. 5-6). The Harbor of Shimoda was visited by a terrible storm which lasted from Dec. 13 to Dec. 18, 1854, and which left the Diana almost a complete wreck. The even worse earthquake which shook Japan on Dec. 23, 1854 (a week later) hopelessly crippled not only the Diana, but the entire village of Shimoda and its harbor, rendering the latter absolutely unfit as an anchorage. (For a splen- did description of this storm, see Captain Sherard Osborn, A Cruise in Jap- anese Waters, 2nd ed., pp. 107-11; David Murray, The Story of Japan, p. 8, note 3; and Kinse Shiriaku — translated by Sir E. M. Satow, ed. 1873 — p. 51. The latest description of this storm and earthquake written prior to Townsend Harris's arrival at Shimoda, is by the American Commander H. A. Adams, in Perry's Narrative, 33-2, S. Ex. Doc, no. 79, vol. 2 — in Serial no. 770 — p. 210.) A few references to the subsequent fortune of these shipwrecked Russian*, give a clear insight into the dangers of travel in those days. After the storm, the Diana foundered at sea as she was being towed around to Toda (or Hey-da) Bay for repairs (Satow, Cambridge Modern History, vol. 11, p. 830). The Japanese of Shimoda immediately gave their willing aid to the Russians in building a new ship, the Heda, in which the latter planned to return to Russia (Mechnikov, L Empire Japonais, vol. 4, p. 649). In the meantime, our enterprising Americans, Messrs. Reed and Dougherty, had, immediately upon hearing of the conclusion of the Perry Treaty, chartered the schooner Caroline E. Foote, and had loaded her with all manner of ship chandlery, intending to carry full supplies for the American whale ships which (they thought) would immediately flock to, and pass the winter at, the splendid port of Hakodate — the opening of which was provided for in the Perry Treaty. The C. E. Foote sailed from Honolulu on February 13, 1855, and arrived at Shimoda on March 15th. There they found the shipwrecked Admiral Poutiatine, Captain Possiet, and the rest of the officers and crew of the Diana. The date for the opening of Hakodate was still in the future; and so, after some negotiations, the cargo was landed; and the Foote, having been chartered to the Russians, sailed for Petropaulowski with Admiral Poutiatine and other officers and men of the crew. (New York Herald, morning ed., Monday, Oct. 15, 1855, p. 1.) Later, the brig Greta (Mr. Luhdorf, supercargo), of the Bremen Free State, visited Shimoda, and the rest of the officers and men of the Diana sailed away in her. On Aug. 1, 1855 (during the Crimean War, that is to say), they were captured by the English man-of-war Barracouta when near their destination, and were finally taken to Ayan, in Siberia, which had recently been taken by the English from the Russians. (J. M. Tronson, Personal Narrative of a Voyage to Japan, etc., pp. 139-43* 146-47, 227; and Henry Arthur Tilley, Japan, the A moor and the Pacific, p. 222.) 267 sailors finished work on my flagstaff about four P. M., when they left. I gave them a dinner, with plenty of brandy and tea, and I gave one dollar to each of the five men who were employed in the work. 326 This evening Captain Possiet sent me a bag of Hakodate potatoes, about one picul in weight. A great addition to my housekeeping. Friday, November 1 4, 1856. I dined with Mr. Heusken on board the Corvette Olivuzza. 327 Captain Possiet gave me a salute of thirteen guns, although by the rules of the Russian service a consul general is saluted with eleven guns. Captain Possiet told me that he gave me thirteen guns so that I should not receive less than he gave the Japanese Governor of Shimoda. I passed a very agreeable evening. The more I see of the Russian officers the more I am pleased with them. They are polished in manner and exceedingly well in- formed. There is scarcely one of them that does not speak two or more languages. They speak in high terms of French generals and soldiers. They say the first have skill equal to any in the world, and the last are unsurpassed in military courage and enthusiasm. The English, on the contrary, they put directly opposite : generals without skill, and men without one of the prerequisites of a soldier, except mere bulldog courage; that to deprive an English army 326 L. B., vol. 1, p. 135: "Paid to 5 Russian sailors for setting up flagstaff, $5." (This memorandum is, however, dated Nov. 15th.) 327 Townsend Harris must have enjoyed this dinner heartily; for, writing to Commodore Possiet the next day, he complained of a headache caused by his overeating (L. B., vol. 1, p. 129). 268 OF THE UNIVERSE OF ILLINOIS of its full supply of food and comfortable quarters is to demoralize it; that an English soldier dreads an attack on his belly more than a blow aimed at his head. A current remark at Sebastopol during the siege was that A or B had been out on so many occasions of sorties; the question was instantly asked against which force? If against the English, the querist would shrug his shoulders and say, "That was nothing"; but if against the French, he would say, "Oh! then [he] had some- thing to do." Constant conversations are held by Captain Possiet with the Japanese on the subject of finally and fully opening Japan to the commerce of the world. All agree that it is only a question of time, and Moriama Yen- osky 328 goes so far as to place it less than three years distant. All these things will help to prepare the way for me in my attempt to make a treaty which shall at once open Japan (at different dates for different ports) to our commerce. I left the ship about eight P. M.; a bright moon shining; and a fresh breeze from the N. E. brought the thermometer down to 50 Fahrenheit. Saturday, November 1 5, l8$6. Wrote a chit to Captain Possiet sending him a few pounds of coffee, a Siamese sarong, and specimens of the three silver 328 The name of this historic interpreter is variously spelled. William S. Lewis and Naojiro Murakami, in their very beautiful and scholarly work, Ranald MacDonald (publ. by The Eastern Washington State Historical So- ciety, Spokane, Wash., 1923), use both Moriyama Einosuke and Murayama Ycanoske. 269 coins of Siam which are circulated in that country. 329 I also sent a set of coins to Captain Korsacoff, — viz., one tical, one salung, one fuang. I am glad to find anything I can present to the Rus- sians as a small return for their favors to me. In the afternoon, was visited by Captain Korsacoff and the surgeon of the corvette. This afternoon the Japanese brought me two small dogs, which are very fine ones. 330 They have the round, bullet-shaped head, short nose and large protuberant eyes of "King Charles spaniels," but the ears are small and short, and the hair on them is also short, otherwise they resemble those dogs closely, and I do not doubt they are the original stock from which those spaniels were bred. Sunday, November 16, 1856. I regularly read the service of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States every Sunday. 331 I am probably the first 329 L. B., vol. z, pp. 129-30, which, in addition to the information given in the Journal, also thanks the Commodore for his hospitality on board the Olivuzza the night before. While these social pleasantries were going on at Shimoda, the British were haying trouble with Yeh, the Chinese Commissioner at Canton. Also the United States Squadron was fired upon (Nov. 15, 1856), and in the following days Commodore James Armstrong silenced the Barrier Forts on the river between Whampoa and Canton. (The best and most minute description of the American action on this occasion is the very long letter — still unpublished — to Townsend Harris by Captain H. H. Bell, of the U.S.S. San Jacinto: L. & P., vol. 1, no. 54.) 330 These dogs Townsend Harris forthwith named Yedo and Miako, in honor of the two capitals of Japan — that of the Shogun and that of the Em- peror, respectively. These names, as well as a longer description of the dogs themselves, are given by Townsend Harris in a letter to Miss Drinker: see the Janvier Letters and Papers, folder 2, letter no. 1, in the Manuscripts Division of the New York Public Library. 331 The writer has seen the Prayer Book used by Townsend Harris while in Japan. It has been rebound in red morocco. On one of the flyleaves in the front of the book, and on the left-hand side, is written "Townsend Harris, New York," in Townsend Harris's own handwriting. On the same page, and. 27O resident of Japan who ever used that service. How long will it be before that same service will be used in Japan in consecrated churches? It is to me one of the pregnant facts that grow up daily under my observation, and which are the natural result of my residence here in a protected capacity. The Japanese brought me this evening the finest specimen of a male golden pheasant I ever saw. I shall measure it to-morrow. Beak to end of tail feathers, forty-four inches; tail, thirty inches; wings from tip to tip (across body), twenty-six inches. 332 Monday, November IJ, 1856. The Japanese brought me a very extraordinary production. It is a stone about six inches by three inches of irregular form, having some six pipes standing perpendicularly on it, somewhat like a coral formation, and out of these pipes spring bunches of what appear stiff horsehair, or rather like strong spun glass. This substance is of a snowy whiteness, is elastic and quite strong. I supposed at first it was artificial; but, on examination, I found it to be natural. On putting the fibers into the flame of a candle, they fly into minute pieces with some little noise. The pieces sparkle to the eye, no smell accompanies the burning; underneath the above, there is another entry, stating that the book was the property of Mrs. Helen Kearny Harris Vreeland, grandniece of Townsend Harris. This precious Prayer Book of the man who (to use his own words) was "probably the first resident of Japan who ever used that service" was (in 1927) in the possession of Mrs. Henry Devereux Whiton (nee Gwendolen Whiton Harris), of Glen Cove, Long Island. 332 This pheasant was destined to be the piece de resistance at the dinner which Townsend Harris gave to Commodore Possiet and his officers on the night of Wednesday, Nov. 19th (L. B., vol. 1, p. 131). 271 the remainder is hard, gritty and quite like minute particles of lime. The Japanese name for it is hoszuki — horsehair shell. I should have noted before that the fibers are from twelve to eighteen inches in length, and the sockets from which the bunches spring are some five inches high; but the Japanese tell me that when taken out of the sea the tube covers all the fiber, except about one inch, and that they remove a part of it to show the beauty of the fiber. I am inclined to think this an entirely new marine production. I knpw it is a very beautiful one. The Japanese say it is found in the Bay of Yedo near Ura- gawa, but I place but little reliance on their statements. The Governor has sent special word to the village of Satora that all should go to work to procure me specimens of the marsupial fish, which is said to be found there. 333 Tuesday, November 18, 1 8 56. I wrote to the Gov- ernor yesterday urging a reply to my letters on the subject of the currency. 334 To-day the Vice-Governor, a high official, and my old friend Moriama Yenosky, came to visit me. They apologized for their long ab- 333 On this day, Townsend Harris also wrote the following letters: 1) To Commodore Possiet, inviting him, Captain Korsacoff, and four other officers (to include the surgeon) to dinner on the night of the 19th, at 6 p. m. (L. B., vol. 1, p. 131) ; 2) Two letters to Secretary William L. Marcy, both on financial mat- ters (L. B., vol. 1, p. 156, Dispatch No. 17; and ib., pp. 155-56, Dis- patch No. 18). 334 L. B., vol. 1, pp. 130-31, in which Townsend Harris emphasizes the fact that his former two letters on the currency question (dated Sept. 25th and Oct. 9th) are still unanswered; and, considering the time elapsed, he hopes that he may soon be in a position to inform his Government of the favorable settlement of this vexed question. 272 sence saying the arrival of the Russians had kept them much occupied, etc., etc. They brought me a cage con- taining six pretty tame pigeons, a present from the Governor, and they told me that he had written to Yedo expressly for them, as they are scarce in Japan. I knew the visit of ceremony and the present were all a pretence, and that something else was behind, and a short time brought it out. They (as if casually) said my letter of yesterday to the Governor had been at once forwarded to Yedo by a "Special Post"; and that, as soon as an answer was re- ceived, the Governor would let me know it. I told them I was happy to see them at all times, but I could not consent to receive verbal answers to, or notices of, my written communications. I told them that I knew that the Ziogoon had written at least two letters to the King of Holland; that the high officers of Japan had written more than thirty letters to the Russians, within the last two years ; and that numerous letters had been written also to Captain Fabius of the Dutch Steam Frigate Medusa when he was here. 335 That I could not consent to be treated with less for- mality than they had shown to the Russians and Dutch, and therefore I must insist on written answers to my letters. Wednesday, November IQ, 1856. Commodore Possiet, his First Lieutenant, Surgeon and two junior officers dined with me. Captain Korsacoff could not come, as both he and the First Lieutenant cannot both 835 See above, entry for Oct i, 1856. 273 leave the ship at the same time. I had a nice dinner, and the party was a very pleasant one. The Commodore says that the Japanese only give 1,500 seni among them- selves for the ichibu, while they allow 1,600 to foreigners. The Russian ruble is taken by them at 1,200 seni — the same ratio as the dollar at 1,600. Thursday, November 20, 1856. The Russians send me two barometers, but they are only marked for 730 millimeters, a little over twenty-eight inches, conse- quently of no use except when the height of mountains is to be measured. The Commodore sends me as a present a new kind of thermometer — on the principle of the expansion and contraction of metals by heat and cold. It is in the form of a large sized watch, and both back and front are covered with a thick plate of glass. The metal acts on the small end of a quadrant, fixed on a pivot, and the periphery is cut into ratchet teeth which work a cog- wheel, moving a needle indicator. It is graduated for Reaumur, Centigrade and Fahrenheit. It is one of the prettiest things of the kind I ever saw. Made by Richter at St. Petersburg. I am informed that the horsehair shell is only found in detached tubes. These the Jap- anese fasten together in clusters on a stone so naturally that it is almost impossible to detect it on a close examination. Friday, November 21, 1856. Busy in writing letters to go by the corvette. 838 Captain Korsacoff visited me. 336 Sorae of the letters bearing the date of the 21st were: 1) L. B., vol. 1, pp. 132-33, to Commodore Possiet, returning thanks for the thermometer and the two barometers received the day before; 274 Wants me to cash some bills for them. This I cannot do, but offer to lend him $1,000 to be returned at Hong- kong on the corvette's reaching that place, to my agents Armstrong & Lawrence. The Japanese sent me yesterday some singing birds which I asked for about the ioth of September — so long does it take them to determine whether any new demand of mine shall be granted or refused. The birds are a pair of canaries, of course these are exotic birds, although they now breed them in Japan; a pair of bull- finches; a pair of birds much like a small sparrow in form, but the tail is very short, plumage a mixture of yellow, green and black; and a curious bird called the mountain bird. Its plumage is very pretty, has a black hood, a mask and ruff of tawny, wings a bright steel and black, breast a dull red, or rather Spanish brown. Its bill is long and sharply pointed. It feeds on hard seed, and in breaking the shell it makes a constant noise like the hammering of a woodpecker. As the cages are too small I ordered new ones made. To-day I am told that three of the four cages wanted must be procured from Yedo, as they cannot be made in Shimoda. I ordered some four quires of a soft cheap paper for waste, blotting, etc., etc., and to-day I am told that the 2) L. B., ib., p. 134, to Armstrong & Lawrence at Hongkong, praising the climate of Shimoda and giving them an order for household supplies and sundries (for the list of these, cf., ib., pp. 189-90) ; 3) And, most important of all, a very long letter to Catharine Ann Drinker, who many years later married Mr. Thomas Allibone Jan- vier. In this letter Townsend Harris describes the climate, the geog- raphy, and the people of Shimoda, and gives lengthy extracts from his own Journal. Above all, he describes his house — the first Ameri- can Consulate in Japan. (See the Janvier Letters and Papers, folder 2, letter no. 1, New York Public Library, Manuscripts Division.) 275 paper must be ordered from Yedo, as the quantity de- sired cannot be had in Shimoda! ! ! Whether this is an untruth, or that the place is so de- plorably anti-commercial that four quires of common paper cannot be furnished, I cannot say. Nor can I see any object they have in telling a falsehood about it, as it is to be furnished. Saturday, November 22, 1856. The Russians have presented to the Japanese all the guns that were on board the Frigate Diana. They consist of: 18 short 24-pounders 30 long 24-pounders 4 Paixhan 68-pounders, shell guns. The Russians are assisting the Japanese in getting up all the fittings necessary for mounting the guns properly, such as screws, quoins, etc., etc., all of which were lost when the Diana sank. 337 Monday, November 24, 1856. The Goyoshi people came to inform me that my cook and tailor went to the apothecaries' shops in Shimoda yesterday, and asked for opium, and were told they had none; but, the Chinese characters being on the drawers, they dis- covered it and demanded it in my name and with a show of violence. They took the whole they found in two shops, which was all the opium there was in Shimoda. They said to me that opium was only used as a medicine, 337 0n this day, Townsend Harris wrote: 1) L. B., vol. 1, p. 133, to Mrs. Drinker, at Macao, introducing Commo- dore Possiet, who will shortly visit that city on his way back to Russia ; z) L. B., ib., p. 134, to Mr. Patrick Stewart, at Macao, likewise intro- ducing the Commodore. 276 and that it was unjust that two men should have the whole of it, particularly as it was not wanted for medical purposes. They respectfully asked that I would order the Chinese to restore the greater part of it. I gave orders that the whole should be taken from them. Mr. Heusken got a lump of some six ounces from the tailor, but the cook had dissolved his in water to refine it in the Chinese way, so as to make it fit for smoking, and refused to give it up. I went to him myself ; he was very surly, and after some time brought me a dish containing a small quantity of sediment and water. I demanded the filtered liquid, and it was not until I had given him his choice between a prison and the surrender of the drug that he gave it up. The lump was restored to the Jap- anese, but they said they could do nothing with the solution, so that was thrown away. I directed the officers to tell the shopkeepers that my people were not to be supplied with opium, saki, or any kind of intoxicating beverage. Tuesday, November 2$, 1856. Evacuation day in New York! What recollections of my "soldier life" this day brings up! My marching up and down Broad- way, Bowery, Hudson Street, Greenwich Street — to the Battery, to the Park, and there firing off "real guns," as Mr. Mantilini said. Commodore Possiet visits me. He took a long walk on Friday, twelve miles to the village of Matsusaki on the bay to the west of Yedo Bay, and he remained there all night. He speaks in such high terms of the beauty of the road that I shall take the same walk, as soon as the Russians leave here. He 277 had a message from the Governor on Monday, request- ing him to give orders that none of the officers should sleep on shore. The Commodore told them that he would give orders to his officers that if any of them went to a greater distance than seven ri, then they must not sleep there, but that, within the distance of seven ri, he claimed the right for himself and all other Russians to sleep on shore as often as it suited their con- venience. 338 To-day finish a letter of fifteen sheets to my friend General Wetmore. 339 The Japanese bring my breeding cage for my canary birds. 340 Wednesday, November 26, 1856. I have taken a violent cold; have pains in my head, bones; and some little fever. Take some Brandreth's pills, and diet. I do not give up to it, but employ myself in writing letters to go by the Olivuzza. 338 Art. V of Perry's Treaty (concluded Mar. 31, 1854) for the first time established the principle that shipwrecked men and other citizens of the United States "shall be free at Shimoda to go where they please within the limits of seven Japanese miles (or ri) from a small island in the harbor of Shimoda marked on the accompanying chart hereto appended." 339 In the entry for Dec. 10, 1856, Townsend Harris gives the date of this letter as Dec. 9, 1856. Commodore Possiet's delay made it possible for Town- send Harris to add to this letter, and very likely he then redated the entire letter. 340 Other letters bearing this day's date were: 1) L. B., vol. 1, pp. 157-60, Dispatch No. 19, to Secretary Marcy, in which Townsend Harris informs Mr. Marcy of Commodore Possiet's arrival as the bearer of the ratified Russian Treaty, of which he encloses an English translation; and adds that the Russians agree with him that the port of Shimoda is absolutely unfit either for supply- ing ships or for commercial purposes; 2) L. B., vol. 1, pp. 1 60-68, Dispatch No. 20, to Secretary Marcy, in which Townsend Harris points out that the friendship of the Jap- anese is increasing, as are also the prospects of an early abandonment of their exclusion policy, giving four evidences of the changing times. Very significant, too, is his report of the intentions of Sir John Bow- ring (Governor of Hongkong, and recently appointed Plenipotentiary to Japan) to impose a new treaty on the Japanese, whether peaceably or forcibly. 278 Moriama Yenosky came to see me, as he said, with a message from the Governor. Three horses have been offered, but none suits the Japanese; one is too old and clumsy, one too young and vicious, the third is too ill- looking for me. The Governor is a good judge of a horse and has promised to select one that will suit. He says he is re- sponsible for my personal safety to both the American and Japanese Governments, and if I should be killed by a vicious horse, he would have to perform the hara-kiri. I told Yenosky that I would be satisfied with any horse the Governor might select, etc. Commodore Possiet and Mr. Heusken took a walk southwest from Shimoda, and were followed by a Gobanyosi. The Commodore, in a decided and stern manner, ordered him to go about his business and not to follow him; and the man left them. But soon afterwards he reappeared and pertinaciously kept with them. The Commodore then seized the man and gave him a thorough shaking, and when he was released, the Gobanyosi started off running like a deer and no more appeared. The First Governor's name is Inowouye Sinano no Kami. The Second Governor's name is Okado Bingo no Kami. First Vice-Governor's name is Matsmoura Chiwousiro. Second Vice-Governor's name is Wakana Miwosabra. 341 341 These names are better written as: Inouye, Shinano-no-Kami ; Okada, Bingo-no-Kami; Matsmura Chiwusiro; Wakana Miwosabra. 279 Thursday, November 2Q [27], 1 8 56. Somewhat better to-day ; medicine has operated well. Busy writing letters to go by the Russian corvette. Japanese bring me a basket of fine grapes to-day, which came from Kyushu. They look and taste like the Malaga muscatel grape, and have the same bloom on them. The price, 1,800 seni for about twelve pounds. Cheap enough. 342 Saturday, November 2Q, 1 8 '56. Quite recovered, and am still occupied with my letters, of which I have five to write to the State Department, and one of them explaining my action in trying to get to Yedo is of necessity a long one. 343 I keep copies of all my letters to the State Department in my [private letter book, — which see. 344 My washman washed some clothes for 342 A slight proof of the very practical aid which the American Townsend Harris (as Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Japan) now gave to Commodore Possiet of Russia (as, later on, in far greater measure, to Lord Elgin of Great Britain, and to Count Friedrich von Eulenburg of Prussia) is the fact that on this day (Nov. 27, 1856) he sent the Russian Commodore four books on Japan — having already sent him a copy of Kaempfer's famous work. These books were a good selection, to wi:: J. W. Spalding, The Japan Expedition, New York, Redfield, 1855. (A volume on the Perry Expedition.) Charles MacFarlane, Japan, New York, George P. Putnam & Co., 1852. Richard Hildreth, Japan as It Was and Is, New York, J. C. Derby, 1855. Richard Hildreth, Japan and the Japanese. (Which edition is uncertain.) These books, to which Townsend Harris refers very briefly (L. B., vol. 1, p. 135, Memorandum), undoubtedly were from among the books which he had procured for his own use when in New York in Aug. and Sept., 1855. Similarly, Commodore Possiet, who had learned of Townsend Harris's in- disposition, was equally courteous in offering him the services of the ship's surgeon. (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 47, dated Friday, Nov. 28, 1856.) 343 This was L. B., vol. 1, pp. 160-68, Dispatch No. 20, outlined above, see note 340. 344 The passage which I have enclosed in square brackets ("private letter book . . . table purposes," Nov. 29 to Dec. 1, 1856) was written on a dif- ferent kind of paper by Miss Bessie A. Harris. This sheet, numbered 113, is inserted in the original manuscript Journal of Townsend Harris in place of a page that was carefully cut out, and that must have been numbered 113 280 Commodore Possiet and Captain Korsacoff, for which they sent him three dollars. I direct him to refuse to take the money, not from any feeling of pride, but I wish to make them all the returns I can for their kindness to me; and his case is different from that of the Russian sailors, to whom I made a present for their labor. He is my private servant. They are in the employ of the Sovereign of Russia. 345 Monday, December I, 1856. Engage another ser- vant, Kooski. His duty will be to scrub floors, sweep the compound, bring coals and do all the coarse heavy work about the house; is to come at sunrise, eat his food (which he is to furnish himself) here, and leave after sunset; wages 400 seni per diem. Present to the officers of the Russian corvette three bottles of Surat recto, and 114 verso. In other words, the material bracketed in this Journal entry gives Miss Harris's text, replacing a much longer original by Townsend Harris. What was in the passage thus deleted? Miss B. A. Harris made a manuscript copy of the entire Journal, which copy is now in the possession of The College of the City of New York, to- gether with the original. In her copy, Miss Harris did not hesitate to correct words misspelled in the original, to change "would" to "should," etc., to recast entire sentences, and to delete remarks that were somewhat too uncom- plimentary or that, in her opinion, were for various reasons to be suppressed! For instance: she omits entirely the entry for Jan. 21, 1857; and the entry for Jan. 8, 1857, in her version, ends thus: "but words will not do — I must have acts." 345 The intimacy and the cooperation between the Russian and the American representatives were growing apace. On this day, Commodore Possiet wrote to Townsend Harris telling him that he (the Commodore) was to see the Gov- ernors of Shimoda at noon, and asking Townsend Harris for the status quo of the currency question (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 48). On the same day Townsend Harris answers that he will be glad to inform Commodore Possiet of all his (Townsend Harris's) conversations with the Japanese; that he has not discussed the currency question with the Japanese since Possiet's arrival; and that late in the afternoon he will either call in person or send his secretary, Mr. Heusken, to get the news of Possiet's visit to the Japanese authorities (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 136-37). This is a perfect, and the earliest, example of the cooperation among the foreign representatives in Japan, which later almost became the general rule. 28l oil, 346 they having none; have been using common, Jap- anese oil for table purposes.] Visit the corvette, but am soon interrupted by a lot of Japanese officials who come to see the Commodore on the subject of boat landings. Commodore Perry's Ad- ditional Articles provided that certain landing places should be provided at Shimoda and Hakodate, 347 and the Japanese now wish to confine us to landing at these places alone. I resist the propositions, as does the Com- modore. On my return home I send to Commodore Possiet letters of introduction to : Patrick Stewart, Esq., Macao, dated November 22, 1856 Mrs. Drinker " " " " " I also send to Captain Korsacoff letters of introduction addressed to : Patrick Stewart, Esq., Macao, dated November 22, 1856 Mrs. Drinker " " " " " Mr. Sandwith Drinker, 348 Hongkong, dated December 1^856. 346 Surat is a district in the province of Bombay, India. 347 Article II of the Additional Regulations (signed at Shimoda, June 17, 1854) : "Three landing-places shall be constructed for the boats of merchant ships and whale-ships resorting to this port; one at Shimoda, one at Kakizaki, and the third at the brook lying southeast of Centre Island" (J. H. Gubbins, The Progress of Japan, p. 230). 348 0f the letters here mentioned, those introducing Commodore Possiet to Mr. Stewart and to Mrs. Drinker have already been noticed (under their proper date). The two introducing Captain Korsacoff have not been found, but must have been practically identical. "Not found" also is the letter ad- dressed to Mr. Sandwith Drinker, who, by letter dated Hongkong, April 3 and 4, 1857, answers five of Townsend Harris's letters, dated Sept. 1, Oct. 9, Nov. 25 (21st?), Dec. x, and Dec. 10 (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 62). There is extant also a letter by Captain W. Rimsky Korsacoff of this date (Dec. 1, 1856, L. & P., vol. 1, no. 49), which expresses appreciation of Town- send Harris's offer of assistance (see Journal, Nov. 29, 1856), and also acknowledges receipt of the two letters of introduction just mentioned. 282 Get a further supply of the nice grapes from Kyushu. I find they have no pips or seeds. Tuesday, December 2, 1856. The Third Governor, or Governor of Kakizaki, visits me to-day. His visit is on the important subject of the oil furnished for my lamps, which I have had difficulty in procuring of a good quality, or rather a regular supply of a good article, as on some days we have a capital article sent; then will follow some that will not burn for two hours. Told the [Third Governor] it was wanted for my lamps and not for eating. He promises a full supply of what I want now [that] they fully understand my wishes. I told the Governor that it was high time the jetty or boat landing of Kaki- zaki was repaired; that it was destroyed on the 22nd of September, more than seventy days ago, that all the materials for its repair were still there, and that it was a great neglect to leave it so long. He promised it should be immediately attended to. 349 In order to have a clear understanding about the orders I give, I have procured a book in which I write every order, and there are columns left in which to enter 349 Townsend Harris describes the terrible damage caused by the hurricane of Sept. 22, 1856, in his entry for Sept. 23rd. He is consistent in the date of the typhoon here and elsewhere in his correspondence — e. g., to Secretary Marcy (L. B., vol. 1, p. 158) and to Captain H. H. Bell (L. B., vol. 1, p. 143). Mr. Heusken, however, says that the storm took place during the night from the 20th to the 21st of Sept. {Diary, in Wagener, op. cit., p. 376.) The Diary was written by Mr. Heusken in French; the text just referred to is in German; and it was published the following year in an English trans- lation in the Japan Mail, Jan., 1884. It would be a great good fortune and a distinct boon to students of the early diplomatic days in Japan to find and to publish the entire Diary of the martyred Heusken, the first secretary of the American Legation in Japan. 283 the name of the interpreter to whom the order was given, with the date of it, and another column for the date at which it was executed. By this means I shall know whether my orders have been given by Mr. Heusken, or forgotten by him, and also whether the in- terpreter neglects them after he has received them. So far it works to a charm, and I have had more done in the last two days than in the previous fortnight. Still busy writing letters to go by the Olivuzza. Wednesday, December 3, 1856. Captain KorsacofT calls to see about my barometers, to try to get them into working order. I fear it is a bad job. 350 Still occupied with my letters. I have had a very bad cold and sore throat for the last four days. This arises from the habit Mr. Heusken has of never putting any fuel on the fire. During the day I attend to the fire myself and it is well kept up, but in the evening I get busy, and, as Mr. Heusken is on the side of the fire, I neglect it; and, being made with char- coal, it soon goes out, and with our paper windows and loose joints of the house, it soon becomes like sitting out of doors. I believe that Mr. Heusken only remembers when to eat, drink and sleep, — any other affairs rest 350 Though he does not mention it in his Journal, Townsend Harris on this day wrote on this very subject to Lieutenant Maury, U.S.N., at the Hydro- graphical Bureau, Washington, D. C. (L. B., vol. i, pp. 137-40). In this letter, Townsend Harris states that when in Washington in Aug., 1855, he had been unsuccessful in obtaining meteorological instruments from either the Navy Department or the Smithsonian Institution (cf., his letter to Joseph Henry, of the Smithsonian, L. £f P., vol. 1, no. 18, dated Aug. 20, 1855). He now renews his application, and sends Lieutenant Maury readings of the thermometer, and observations on winds, rains, etc., at Shimoda from Sept. 15th to Nov. 30, 1856 — material that was quite new to our Hydrographical Bureau. 284 very lightly on his memory. Busy to-day in writing letters. Thursday, December 4, 1856. Commodore Possiet and two officers came in this evening about half-past seven, having taken a long walk on the side of Yedo Bay. They were very hungry, and I gave them such re- freshments as my poor larder offered. They told me that they had seen some thin plates of ice in a high bleak place. The first I have heard of, as at my house the thermometer has not fallen be- low 42 . The Commodore told me that coals of a fair quality had been discovered at three points on the Amur River and also in the Island of Sakhalin, adding another im- portant source of this important mineral. Friday, December 5, 1 8 $6. The Commodore sends me word that the ratified treaties are to be exchanged on Sunday next, and invites me to "assist" on the occasion. I much regret that I cannot attend. I am suffering from a very severe cold and great hoarseness; but the most important reason is that I cannot consistently "assist" in any such matter on a Sunday. From the time of my arrival I have refused to attend to any kind of business on that day, 351 and after a short time the Jap- anese ceased to ask it of me. Should I now join the Rus- sians, I shall contradict all my previous acts on this account, and lose my character for consistency, a point that cannot be too carefully watched in dealing with 351 Compare the entries for Aug. 22, 24, and especially 31, 1856. 285 people like the Japanese. They delight to convict a man of inconsistency. Sunday, December 7, 1856. About eight last night we had several distant, but very heavy claps of thunder with some vivid lightning, which preceded violent squalls from the west, and heavy rain succeeded, which continued through the night. The barometer fell from 30.50 to 29.72. About the same time I had a violent ex- acerbation of bile; severe vomiting for two hours, and purging which lasted all night. It was a bright clear morning, with a true old-fashioned American north- wester, blowing a gale. The corvette fired a salute as the Commodore landed about eleven A. M., and at one fired a salute of twenty- one guns in honor of the exchange of ratifications. 352 The Russian, American and Japanese flags were hoisted from the three masts, from noon until sunset. After the exchange was completed, the Commodore and the Japanese commissioners proceeded to the place where the guns of the Frigate Diana were placed. The guns have been neatly furbished up and a double guard of honor composed of Russians and Japanese were mounted over them. The guns were then formally pre- sented to the Japanese. The commissioners then at- tended the Commodore to the corvette, where they re- ceived a salute and a dinner, and thus completed the ceremonies of the day. Monday, December 8, 1 8 56. The Third Governor, Moriama and some others visited me to-day. After kind 352 See note 320. 286 messages and inquiries on behalf of the Governors, they said they had been ordered to inform me of the exchange of ratifications, etc., etc. Moriama was quite communi- cative and oracular; said that a great change was im- pending in Japanese affairs (as it relates to foreign in- tercourse), and that it would surprise all, when it took place, from its suddenness, etc., etc. The Governor and Moriama told me that the largest Japanese vessels were about 200 tons burden, and that, enumerating all vessels of 60 tons up to 200 tons, the aggregate number was about 100,000!! This aggregate was so astounding that I made them repeat it in different forms, so that I might be sure there was no misunder- standing as to their meaning, but they all adhered to it, remarking that if they had counted all their craft of 50 tons down to fishing boats, the number would be enormous. They said they had seen 700 junks all over 60 tons in Shimoda Harbor at one time!! If these figures be correct, the tonnage of Japan ex- ceeds that of any nation in the world. Tuesday, December Q, 1856. Up at seven A. M. to go on board the corvette to see the Commodore before he meets the Japanese to-day on the subject of the cur- rency. I got him to agree that he would refuse to pay, except on the basis I had named, — viz., one dollar to pass for three ichibus; that he would pay that amount to them; and, if they were dissatisfied, he would place the difference in my hands (until the arrival of a Russian Consul) to await the final settlement of the question. I 287 am much pleased with this, as it will greatly strengthen my demands for the adjustment of the question. Am told the corvette will leave on Friday next, and am invited to dine with them for the last time on Thursday next. I shall send two pairs of nice, pet fowls (for Mrs. Stewart 353 of Macao) on board the ship on Wednesday, and embark my rascally tailor on Thursday. The Com- modore is anxious to get away, as this strong north- wester, which still blows, causes the ship to drag, and she is so situated that she cannot "cut and run." Busy closing up letters to go by the ship. 354 Wednesday, December 10, 1856. Begin to make up my mail. It consists of letters as follows: 355 Secretary of State, five, Numbers 17 to 21. S. Drinker, two, November 21st and December 1st 353\vife of the Patrick Stewart mentioned in the entry for Dec. i, 1856. 35 *On this date, Townsend Harris wrote a second letter to Armstrong & Lawrence, at Hongkong (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 141-43; cf., p. 190), which, there- fore, went off together with that of Nov. 21, 1856 {q.v.). In addition to routine matters of accounts, Townsend Harris urgently begs Messrs. Armstrong & Lawrence not to permit opium to be sent to any of his servants in Japan. This, of course, was the result of the incident described by him under date of Nov. 24, 1856. Townsend Harris was playing fair with the Japanese: he now extended to China the same interdict which he had only two weeks before given to the Goyoshi of Shimoda, and which later he in- corporated in his Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (concluded July 29, 1858), Art. IV, in the historic words, "The importation of opium is pro- hibited," etc. 355 0f the twenty-three letters here listed, eleven have been outlined above under their respective dates — namely, those addressed to Secretary Marcy (5), Armstrong & Lawrence (2), Miss Kate Drinker, Lieutenant Maury, Captain Bell, and Sir John Bowring. The remaining twelve have not been found. The answer, however, to Townsend Harris's numerous letters to Mr. Sand- with Drinker is extant (see above, note 348). Likewise, the letter to Mrs. Pat- rick Stewart (of Nov. 21, 1856) must have told her that he would send the gifts mentioned in the present entry of the Journal; while still another letter to Captain Korsacoff dated this day (not listed in the Journal) begged him to take these gifts to Mrs. Stewart at Macao (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 140-41). 288 I. Harland November 21, 1856 Dr. Lorraine a 21 a Armstrong & Lawrence " 21 a a , a December 9 u General Keenan November 25 a Mrs. Stewart u 21 a Mrs. Spooner K 30 a Mrs. Drinker u 30 a Kate Drinker a 21 a three sheets Joseph Evans a 29 u Lieutenant Maury December 3 u Captain Bell a 10 a P. M. Wetmore a 9 a sixteen sheets N. Dougherty a 9 a three sheets Sir John Bowring a 10 a S. Drinker (for gun) 10 a Send on board the Russian corvette a double coop with two pairs of pet fowls for Mrs. Stewart of Macao. Also send twenty-five catties each of rice and paddy, and some gravel for the fowls. Thursday, December II, 1856. Send my tailor 356 on board the Russian corvette. He had the impudence to ask me to give him a good character! Who can ever hope to fathom the want of moral principle in a Chinese? Captain Korsacoff called this morning and I loaned him $1,000, — 1,000 Mexican dollars to be repaid in the same coin to my agents Armstrong & Lawrence at Hongkong, the Captain taking duplicate receipts 356 In the letter which this tailor took aboard with him (L. B., vol. i, pp. 152-53), Townsend Harris gave Captain Korsacoff some good advice as to how to treat the "rascally" servant. 289 for the payment, one of which he is to forward to me. 357 The weather is the most lovely ever seen at this season of the year in a similar latitude. The sky is as blue as a sapphire, and a light air from the west raises the thermometer to 53 . Last night the thermometer fell to 38 . My black pet hen commenced to incubate on the 9th inst., therefore I shall look for some chicks from her about New Year's Day. 358 Friday, December 12, 1 8 56. Dine on board the cor- vette. After dinner see the process of lacquering per- formed on some boxes of Commodore Possiet. Saturday, December 1 3, 1 8 56. Go on board the cor- vette to see her off, but the wind being so unfavorable she could not get out of the harbor. Not feeling well, I bid adieu to all and go on shore. 359 Sunday, December 14, 1856. The corvette went to sea early this morning. 360 The Commodore paid one- 357 Townsend Harris's letter of this date to Armstrong & Lawrence (L. B., vol. 1, p. 154) gave them the necessary instructions in connection with this loan. 358 On this day, Townsend Harris acknowledges receipt from Commodore Possiet of a mountain barometer, for delivery to the Russian Consul when he should arrive in Japan (L. B., vol. i, p. 153). 359 Owing to the different valuation set upon the Russian and the Japanese currency, Commodore Possiet and Townsend Harris finally agreed (in the course of this visit of leave) that the Russians pay their accounts according to their own reckoning and leave the balance in Townsend Harris's hands against the time when the currency question should be properly adjusted (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 50, Commodore Possiet to Townsend Harris, Dec. 13, 1856). Further financial dealings just previous to the departure of the Russians obliged Townsend Harris to write a second note to his agents at Hongkong, Armstrong & Lawrence, in which he revised the figures in the letter written on Dec. 11, 1856, to read $1,835.50 (L. B., vol. 1, p. 155, dated Dec. 13, 1856). 360 Heusken's Diary states that the corvette sailed on December 15th (Wag- ener, op. cit., p. 376). 290 third of the Japanese bill for pilotage and boat hire, 361 and sent the other two-thirds to me to await the final settlement of their accounts. I am quite ill. I find my complaint to be "Saint Anthony's Fire." Face and fore- head much swollen, and burning hot and itching. Thursday, December 18, 1856. Have drenched my- self with purgative medicines, but my complaint is but little relieved. To-day the Vice-Governor called ; and, being anxious to settle the question about the guards, I admitted him. I demanded the immediate removal of the people who have been in my compound from the day of my arrival. The Vice-Governor said he would report it to the Gov- ernors. I complained that the shopkeepers of Shimoda would not sell anything to my people or even give the prices. I added that I had before complained of this and had been promised redress, but things went on just as they did before. I also demanded ten silver ichibus to make presents to my Japanese servants on Christmas Day, according to the custom of my country. The Vice- Governor said that orders to the shopkeepers should again be given. As to the ichibus, he must report that to the Governors. Saturday, December 20, 1856. At last my horse has arrived. It is not a high mettled racer, but will answer my purpose. The price is nineteen kobangs, about 361 0n Commodore Perry's visit to Shimoda, three Japanese pilots were ap- pointed and the scale of charges agreed upon — on June 22, 1854 (Perry, Narrative, 33-2, S. Ex. Doc, no. 79, vol. 1, p. 488, note). The Pilot Regulations for the Harbor of Shimoda were signed the next day — June 23, 1854 — and the English and the Dutch versions thereof are given ib., p. 487, note. 29I twenty-six dollars. The saddle and bridle are real curi- osities and cost thirty kobangs, about forty-two dollars, or about 60 per cent, more than the horse! The groom to attend the horse costs me seven ichibus per month, about one dollar [and] seventy-five cents. The horse is shod with straw sandals, which last about an hour on the road. 362 Monday, December 22, 1856. I am refused the ten ichibus. I am told I must give orders on the Goyoshi, and the money will be paid to the bearer of the order. I reply that such a proposition is offensive and must not be renewed, and I do not get the money. I renew my complaint about the guards and demand their imme- 362 The Englishman Robert Fortune visited Yedo after Nov. 30, 1857, and enjoyed Townsend Harris's hospitality. In his book (Yedo and Peking, London, John Murray, 1863, pp. 200-01) he gives this interesting anecdote: "Mr. Harris related an amusing circumstance connected with the shoeing of horses in Japan, which illustrates the ready way in which the people of the country adopt foreign customs when seen to be improvements on their own. I have already had occasion to mention the marked difference which exists between the Chinese and the Japanese in this respect. 'Oula custom' — old custom — is the barrier to every foreign introduction in China, while the Japanese adopt with promptness every improvement which is set before them. When Mr. Harris first went to reside in Yedo, his horse was shod with iron shoes in the usual way. Up to this time the horses of the Japanese either wore straw shoes, or were not shod at all. One day an officer came to Mr. Harris and asked him to lend him his horse, and to be good enough to ask no questions as to the purpose for which the animal was required. This strange request was good humouredly complied with, and the horse, after being away for a short time, was duly brought back. The officer to whom it had been lent came to the American Legation a few days after- wards, and told Mr. Harris, as a great secret, that the Prime Minister had sent for the horse to examine his shoes; and now, he said, the Minister's horse had been shod in the same way, and all the horses of the other officers were likewise being shod!" We are indebted to Mr. Fortune for this delightful anecdote for which Townsend Harris found no room in his Journal — for those were the busy, fruitful days of his first visit to Yedo, when he was giving daily lessons to the Japanese authorities in everything pertaining to the politics, finance, and international law of the Western World (cf. below, Journal for Oct. 5, 1857). 292 diate removal. I am told it must be referred to Yedo for settlement. Tuesday, December 23, 1 8 $6. Mr. Heusken walked out to-day alone and unarmed. On the road he met a Japanese wearing a coat-of-arms on his sleeve. As soon as he saw Mr. Heusken, he flourished a long stick he had in a threatening manner and then drew his sword, which was also flourished. Mr. Heusken at first halted and then, being unarmed, turned back. [I] directed him never to go out unarmed again. Thursday, December 2$, 1856. Merry Christmas! How happy are those who live in lands where these joyous greetings can be exchanged! As for me, I am sick and solitary, living as one may say in a prison — a large one it is true — but still a prison. I will here note where I have been on Christmas Day for the last eight years : Christmas, 1849, at sea in the North Pacific Ocean 1850 " Manila 1851 ' Pulo Penang 1852 ' Singapore 1853 " Hongkong 1854 ' Calcutta 1855 " Ceylon 1856 i n Japan The weather here is as fine as one could desire. The fields are very green with wheat which has been largely planted or "sowed," and the camellias begin to appear. Friday, December 26, 1856. Moriama Yenosky has gone to Yedo to see about the currency question and to 293 try to hurry a decision. I have given notice that I will not allow any spies to come into my presence or even on my premises; that, when they wish to see me, I will only receive the principals and interpreters, excluding spies and secretaries. The Japanese term for spy is "a looker across." 363 Wednesday, December 31, 1856. The last day of the year. How many events of great importance to me have occurred during this year! I am very low spirited from ill health and from the very slow progress I am making with the Japanese. However, I must keep up my spirits and hope for the best. My pet hen has presented me with five chicks, — the merest mites of chickens ever seen. The weather this month has been very fine. The ther- mometer was as follows: mean for the month, 48 9/10; highest, 69 ; lowest, 36°. First white frost, December 1 2th. Rain on no days, showers on four days, clear twenty-seven days. January I, 1857. Happy New Year! What a busy day in dear old New York, what universal joy appears on the faces that throng the streets, — each hurrying along to get through "his list of calls." It is a good custom and one that I hope will never be given up. How many friendships are then renewed which, without the occurrence of this day of "oblivion of neglect," would otherwise die a natural death. I pass the day in calling, in imagination, on my friends; but, as to Japan, not a soul has darkened my door. I could only exchange greetings with Mr. Heusken, and present my Chinese 36S The Metsuke, or (with the honorific prefix) Ometsuke. 294 servants with the expected cumshaw. 3Gi All my New Years since Christmas, 1849, were passed in the same place as my Christmas, except New Year's Day of 1855, which was at Benares in northwestern India; the pre- ceding Christmas was at Calcutta. 365 Saturday, January 3, 1857. Assam, my butler, goes to Shimoda. Is refused a few cakes he wished to buy for refreshment. Monday, January 5, l8$J. Vice-Governor calls to say that orders have been given to all the shopkeepers to give prices or sell anything my people may ask for. I asked when those orders were given? He said they had been frequently given, but were specially renewed eight days ago. I then told him what had occurred on Saturday, and added that I did not believe one word they said; that it was an infraction of the Treaty, etc., etc. I also told him that I demanded the instant removal of the guards; that their presence made me in reality a prisoner and was a gross outrage and open violation of the Treaty. The poor Vice-Governor shook in every joint, and 36 *Anything given as a present or as a tip. The word itself is a corruption — a pidgin (z. e., business) English pronunciation of the word "commission," current in China. 365 On this day, Townsend Harris wrote: 1) Two routine letters to James Guthrie, Secretary of the Treasury (L. B., vol. 2, p. 10, Dispatches Nos. i and 2) ; 2) Three letters to Secretary of State Marcy — of which two merely sent duplicates of former Dispatches (L. B., vol. 2, pp. n and 12, Dis- patches Nos. 22 and 23), and the remaining one transmitted an ac- count of disbursements under the head "Contingent Expenses in Japan," for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1856 (ib., p. 12, Dispatch No. 24) ; 3) A letter to Baring Bros., at London, informing them that he had drawn upon them for £258. 5. 3. — his salary for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1856 (L. B., vol. 1, p. 174). 295 the perspiration streamed from his forehead and that of the interpreter. I also complained of the insult to Mr. Heusken, and demanded the arrest and punishment of the offender. The Vice-Governor begged me to believe that everything should be done to give me satisfaction that lay in their power; that they wished to keep the Treaty faithfully, and that he would hurry over to the Governor's at once, etc., etc. Tuesday, January 6, 1 8 57. Invited to meet the Governors at the Goyoshi to-morrow. Although quite ill I consented. Wednesday, January J, 1857. Went to the Goyoshi at noon and there met Bingo-no-Kami and Shinano-no- Kami, or the Prince of Shinano and Prince of Bingo, the two Governors of Shimoda. The two Vice-Gov- ernors were present, but no secretaries. 566 The business commenced by the Governors inform- ing me that they had been directed to give an answer to my letter of October 25th to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I inquired if it was a written answer? They said it was not. I told them I must decline any verbal answer (delivered by a third person) to a written letter from me. They asked if I objected to their rank? I told them, "No." They told me that the laws of Japan forbade the writing of letters to foreigners. I told them I knew better ; that letters had been written by the highest offi- cials, and even by the Emperor himself, to Commodore Perry, to the Russians, and to the Dutch; that to assert such palpable falsehoods was to treat me like a child ; 366 For the full names of these officials, see Journal for Nov. 26, 1856, and note 341. 296 and that, if they repeated it, I should feel myself in- sulted. They not opening any other matter, I then re- peated what I had told the Vice-Governor on the 5th about the guards and the shops, and enlarged upon it, telling them that it was not only a breach of the Treaty, but a violation of the laws of nations, and that my Gov- ernment would never submit to such treatment. The Governors were in great trouble. They gave me their private word of honor that the complaints about the shopkeepers should be instantly attended to, and begged me to wait until they could write to Yedo about the officers which are stationed at my house; that I mistook their nature; that they were there simply to protect me against intrusion from the Japanese; that the Shimoda people were very rude, and would be sure to give me cause of offense if the officers were not there to keep them away; and closed by saying they had no power to remove the officers, but must refer to Yedo. In reply I told them they could not disguise the fact of my being under guard by a mere change of name; that I had no fears of the Shimoda people, who I knew were friendly when not under the eyes of their officials ; that I would not consent to the delay of one day longer as to the guard ; that more than three months had elapsed since I had requested their removal ; and finally, so long as they remained, I declared I should consider myself a prisoner and would not leave the compound, and that I would write to my Government the manner in which they had treated me. The trouble of the Governors in- creased. Finally they told me the officers should be re- 297 moved. "When?" said I. "Very soon," was the reply. "How many days?" They hesitated. I repeated firmly that, now [that] I had so strongly brought the matter up and that they had consented to the removal of the guards, every day they remained was a new outrage, and they must abide the consequences. They then said that the officers should be removed to-morrow. Knowing their duplicity, I told them the removal must be real and not nominal ; they must not post them near, or even in sight of, my house; that, if they made any such at- tempt, I should consider it as an aggravation of the wrong already done me. They assented to the justice of my remarks and said the officers should be brought back to the Goyoshi. They then said they hoped I would not let what had passed interrupt the good feelings heretofore existing between us; that they were most anxious to give me every proof of their friendship, etc., etc. I told them they had a queer way of showing friend- ship and hospitality; that I had been in the country four months and a half, and had never yet been invited to enter the house of a Japanese, 367 and that they had even refused to dine with me on my New Year's Day, making a flimsy excuse ; that in my country New Year's Day was kept as it is in Japan, by making friendly visits, 387 In his Journal for Oct. 28, 1856, Townsend Harris had expressed the hope that he would some day find pleasure in the society of the upper class — if only he could be invited to the home of some high officer (cf. above, and note 314). On this day (Jan. 7, 1857) Townsend Harris makes what are certainly some very pointed remarks on the subject. Mr. Heusken, the inferior officer, managed to visit the home of a Japanese gentleman as early as Jan. 21, 1857; while Townsend Harris himself finally received full recognition — both official and social — on Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1857 (q.v., and also Mar. 7, 1857). 298 etc., etc., but not a single Japanese came near me on that day, and closed by saying that in America such con- duct would be called inhospitable. I then asked if the man that threatened Mr. Heusken had been arrested. They said they did not know who it was; therefore, could not arrest him. I told them the person was one of a small class ; that he had a crest on his clothes and wore a sword; and that, if they did not arrest him, I should have a right to think the person was acting either under direct orders from them, or ac- cording to their secret wishes, adding that hereafter we should go out armed and any insult would be promptly punished by us, since they were either unable or un- willing to punish such persons. I then remarked that with such a system of espionage as they had, I well knew that everything that occurred to us in our walks was reported to them. I then inquired about the currency question and re- ceived the old reply, "Waiting for decision from Yedo." I told them that it had the appearance of a determina- tion on their part to postpone the question indefinitely. They eagerly assured me that it was their wish to close the matter as speedily as possible. So, after four hours of stormy debate, I went home, where I was agreeably surprised to find the officers and guard packing up to leave, and, in effect, they did leave in the evening. So much for showing them a bold face. 368 368 0n the very day that he was thus firmly maintaining his stand in Japan, Townsend Harris was elected Corresponding Member of The China Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society, whose headquarters were at Victoria, Hong- kong: L. & P., vol. i, no. 53. 299 Thursday, January 8, 1857. Quite ill. Write a letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs about the verbal answer offered to me (see private letter book). 369 Bingo-no- Kami, one of the Governors, goes to Yedo to-day. I suppose in consequence of the flare-up of yesterday. I am determined to take firm ground with the Japanese. I will cordially meet any real offers of amity, but words will not do. They are the greatest liars on earth. 370 Monday, January 12, 1837. There is a fine show of a bulbous flower around my house. It has but little scent, is of a pale yellow, and is, as I think, a species of jonquil. It gives a cheerful look to everything. The camellias are increasing in number and the wheat fields are as green as emeralds. I noted in October that the althea was putting out new leaves. These fell after the frost of December. The Japanese cannot pronounce the letter L, but substitute the letter R. This is exactly the reverse of what the Chinese do. They cannot articulate the R, S69 This was a very important letter (L. B., vol. i, pp. 172-74). In addition to what is stated in the Journal, Townsend Harris with this letter begins to lay down very definite lines indeed of the course he is going to pursue to obtain a treaty from the Shogunate. He rather vaguely hints at dire calamities that are threatening Japan and that emanate from a government other than that of the United States. He concludes with the statement that already it may be too late; and therefore urges that the authorities make arrangements without delay for his visit to Yedo, where he may confer with them on these impending dangers. 370 In spite of this inauspicious beginning, a thoroughly sincere and mutual esteem gradually grew up between the Japanese authorities and Townsend Harris. Indeed, when Townsend Harris resigned his position, the Shogunate made every effort to retain their first and best friend, and expressed their deep regret at his going. (Letter by Kuze, Yamato-no-Kami and Ando, Tsu- shima-no-Kami, to Secretary William H. Seward, dated May 5, 1862: Diplo- matic Correspondence, 1862, pt. 2, p. 812.) For some sane remarks on this subject, see J. H. Longford, in Jas. Murdoch, A History of Japan, vol. 3, p. 627, note 1. 300 but substitute the L for it. Thus, instead of rice, they say lice. This may be added to the many other proofs that the Japanese are not a cognate people with the Chinese. The English preposition of becomes no in Japanese. Example: Shimoda-no-Minato, Bay of Shimoda; Yedo-no-Mitisi, the road of Yedo; Shinano- no-Kami, Prince of Shinano. It is a singular coin- cidence that this is the very word used in the South Sea Islands. When Captain Cook was in Ulietra, one of the Friendly Islands, the chief asked him the name of his burial place. Cook told him, "Stepney." The chief then repeated many times to his people, "Stepney Marai No Toote," "Stepney is the burial place of Cook." Thursday, January 15, 1857. Ill, ill, ill. I have cured the "Saint Anthony's Fire," but I am constantly wasting away in flesh. I have a relax that takes me every four or five days, and continues about the same time. I am most careful in my diet, but all is of no avail. I use exercise now in my compound, walking from five to six miles every day. My liver acts well, and what it is that ails me I cannot say. I left Penang on the 2nd of April last, and am now forty pounds lighter than I then was. 371 We are well supplied with wild boars' hams, some 371 0n Apr. 2, 1856, Townsend Harris left Pulo Penang on the San Jacinto, on the way to Bangkok to negotiate the new Treaty with Siara. It was surely due to Townsend Harris's well-founded anxiety over his fre- quent illness that almost exactly a week later than the present entry, on Jan. 23, 1857, he appointed Mr. Heusken Vice-Consul, "to discharge all Consular Duties within the Consulate of the United States of America within the Empire of Japan, during such period as I may be absent or unable to discharge the Duties of said office in Person." (For the full text of this Document, see L. B., vol. i, p. 175.) 301 venison, plenty of fine golden pheasants, and large and good hares. Friday, January lb, 1857. Walked to Vandalia Point, but the climbing the steep hills knocks me up. I have no wind. I must continue my exercise in the compound. Sunday, January 18, 1857. First snow seen on the hilltops. I cannot sleep nor can I study. I have laid aside the Japanese entirely, my reading is unsatisfactory; I have a craving for something I cannot define. Wednesday, January 21, 1857. First ice seen at my house. Mr. Heusken reports some queer examples of Japanese manners. To-day he entered the house of a respectable Japanese, who received him quite cordially, gave him tea, etc., etc. He then began to inquire the names of various things in English — parts of persons — hand — arm — eye. I should have noted that there was present the mother, wife and daughter of the man, who [had] gathered around so as to see and hear all. After asking many names of things, the man opened his dress and taking his privities in his hand — in sight of all the females — asked the names of the various parts in English! On another occasion Mr. Heusken went to the Hot Springs and found three men, entirely naked, lying in the tank; while he was looking on, a young female some fourteen years of age came in, coolly stripped herself to her "birthday suit" and lay down in the bath in close proximity to a young fellow of some twenty years of age. I asked the Vice-Governor if this promis- cuous bathing was not rather injurious to the chastity of 302 their females. He said it sometimes did so happen. I then inquired what a man did when he married a female who was supposed to be a virgin, but on consum- mation he found she was not one. "Nothing," replied the [Vice-] Governor. "What can he do?" and then naively added, "I was once served in that way myself, but what could I do? It was not my fault." Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 26, 27 ' , 28, 1857. Festival of the Japanese New Year. Everyone released from labor; all in their best clothes; faces shin- ing with saki and everybody paying visits of ceremony to everybody. Persons of rank put on their camissimo or dress of ceremony on these occasions. 372 1 went out on Thursday to see the decorations of the houses. Ever- greens, rice in the straw, oranges, radishes, etc., etc., were festooned about the front of every house. Before each house was a pine or cypress branch planted in the ground to represent a tree, while at the base of the tree a quantity of firewood some fourteen inches long was set on end, forming a bulk of some seven feet in cir- cumference. The fuel was kept in its place by straw ropes. At some houses wheat straw was neatly twisted into the form of a cornucopia, in others the universal shoe of Japan, — i. e., a straw sandal, — was hung up. Everyone appeared under the influence of saki, while but few were intoxicated and none quarrelsome. Saturday, January 31, 1857. To-day closes the first month of the year. I wish I could say that my health and spirits were as good as the weather is fine, as the follow- 372 The Kami-shimo. or ceremonial dress of Old Japan. 303 ing summary will show: mean temperature for the month, 45 i/io; highest, 54 ; lowest, 32 . Rain two days, showers one, cloudy three, fine twenty-five days. A good return for the month of January in latitude 35 north. All writers on Japan speak much about the fogs. As yet I have not seen one. Ice formed on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 29th of this month. Monday, February 2, 1857. Ice this morning at the Consulate three quarters of an inch thick, but it is much sheltered; while in the valley, where the north wind has a fair sweep, it freezes oftener and harder than at the Consulate. Friday, February 6, 185J. I made an effort to-day and walked some seven miles up the valley of Shimoda, as it is level ground. This was in part a new walk to me, never having gone so far before in that direction. The vegetation improves as you recede from the seacoast, and I found the bamboo quite green in many places. Hamlet succeeds hamlet in quick succession; the houses, temples and cultivation all of the same character as at Shimoda. The hills are equally steep; sometimes they all but close the valley, only leaving a passage for Shimoda-no-gawa, or Shimoda River. Tuesday, February 10, 1857. A violent attack of cholera morbus, — being the third I have had since last December, and it has so happened that I ate potage a la puree on each of those days. I shall, therefore, with great regret give it up. First snow on the level ground to-day, about one inch, but it soon melted and by eleven o'clock was all gone. 304 Monday, February 16, 1857. Bingo-no-Kami, now at Yedo, sends me from thence a present of English wal- nuts and dried persimmons. They call the latter figs and, indeed, the best quality of them is very like a good dried fig. I am daily expecting his return here, when I hope I shall be able to bring our pending matters to an amicable conclusion. Thursday, February IQ, 1857. Rain, sleet and snow. Learn that Bingo-no-Kami, with one of the Vice-Gov- ernors and Moriama Yenosky, chief interpreter, has returned from Yedo. Friday, February 20, 1 8 57. The Vice-Governor and Moriama call on me on their return from Yedo. Saturday, February 21, 1857* Bingo-no-Kami, one of the Governors of Shimoda, calls on me on his return from Yedo. After the usual compliments, he presented me with two pieces of Japanese crepe, a really good article, and a Japanese sword!! It was in a common, white wood scabbard, and had a handle to slip on of the same. In fact, was simply a packing case. He told me the blade was one he had worn for some years; that it was by the first swordmaker of Japan, etc., etc.; that, having procured another blade, he had shifted the scab- bard and mountings to it, and therefore presented me with the blade; that no foreigner had ever before ob- tained such a blade, etc., etc. ; and to all this I made the required replies. The blade is really a superb one 373 and 373 0n the occasion of his Audience of Leave (Apr. 26, 1862), the Tycoon pre- sented Townsend Harris with another splendid sword, which Townsend Har- ris, in his turn, later presented to Lieutenant General U. S. Grant for having saved "my beloved country from the ruin that threatened her." (See the manu- 305 has the "shark teeth mark" the whole length of it. This, I am told, is not a mere surface mark, but extends through the metal like the pamom in some Malay krisses. The Governor invited me to visit him and Shinano-no-Kami, at their private residence, which I accepted. He then asked me if I would have European or Japanese cookery. I selected the latter. So I am at last to see the inside of their residence. 374 Tuesday, February 24, 1857. Norimons were sent at nine this morning, but I did not leave until eleven, when I proceeded with quite a train of attendants. The norimon is a horrible affair. The only position you can assume is to sit on your heels, Japanese fashion, or else cross-legged. It is only four feet long and about three and a half feet high. I was received with all formality by the two Governors in an ante-room. I was then con- ducted to an inner apartment furnished with seats, bra- ziers, etc., etc. After drinking a cup of tea and smoking three whiffs of tobacco, I was again conducted to the room of my entertainment. This room, out of compli- ment to me, was furnished with seats and tables. On the table before me were pipes, tobacco, a brazier, etc., etc. My seat was on the left of the Governor and close to the toko, 375 or sacred place, and consequently the seat of honor. The meal consisted of fish cooked in every pos- script letter, L. & P., vol. i, no. 322, dated Union Club, New York, Nov. 15, 1865; and General Grant's courteous answer, ib., no. 323, dated, "Headquar- ters Armies of the United States, Washington, D. C, Nov. 23, 1865.") 374 See above, Journal for Oct. 28, 1856, and Jan. 7, 1857, and notes 314 and 367- 375 The toko-no-ma. 306 sible Japanese way, and fish raw; the latter cut from a large fish which was brought to me to see. It was in a large dish, decorated with a mast and sail, the colors of the latter indicating welcome. A pate made of lobster was very nice; sweet potatoes and radishes served up in various forms were the vege- tables. Contrary to my expectations, neither rice nor bread was served with the dishes. Some ten courses were served, all brought to me in wooden cups brightly lac- quered. On a table placed across the foot of the room was a dwarfed cedar tree, decorated with storks cut out of radish and neatly colored. These were fastened to the tree by springs of twisted wire, which continued any motion for a long time. Flowers also, both real and artificial, were used to decorate the dishes of cakes, bon- bons, etc., etc., which were also placed on this table. I was told the storks were a wish for my longevity, and that the various flowers had a complimentary meaning in them. After all the fish dishes were done, rice was served without salt or any other condiment. Saki was the beverage, but I plead ill health and only drank tea. When the heavy part of the meal was over, Shinano-no- Kami had brought to him the prettiest toy tea-making apparatus I ever saw. It was in a neat, plain, wooden case, which when opened displayed a tiny furnace for boiling water, teapot and two cups, a jar of tea, mats for the teapot and cups, a scoop for the tea, and a curious machine for heating the tea over the fire before it is put in the water. Shinano-no-Kami then proceeded to boil the water, measure and heat the tea, place it in pot, 307 pour on the boiling water, and then pour out a cup and hand it to me with his own hands; whereat all the Japanese fell into immense admiration, and then the matter was expounded to me, — that the making of tea by the Prince of Shinano and serving it with his own hands was a proof of friendship only given to those of exalted character and position, and I was requested to view it in that light, whereupon I agreed so to regard it. Then Shinano requested my acceptance of the whole concern as a proof of his great regard, and this was also agreed to. 376 The conversation now took the usual Japanese turn. The lubricity of these people passes belief. The mo- ment business is over, the one and only subject on which they dare converse comes up. I was asked a hundred dif- ferent questions about American females, as whether single women dressed differently from the married ones, etc., etc. ; but I will not soil my paper with the greater part of them, but I clearly perceived that there are particulars that enter into Japanese marriage contracts that are disgusting beyond belief. Bingo-no-Kami in- formed me that one of the Vice-Governors was specially charged with the duty of supplying me with female society, and said if I fancied any woman the Vice-Gover- nor would procure her for me, etc., etc., etc. I was asked if their people could receive some instruc- tion in beating the drum when the next man-of-war came. I replied I had no doubt the commander would be will- ing to gratify them on that point. They said they had 376 This was the Cha-no-yu, the tea ceremony so characteristic of Japan. 308 brass drums copied from the Dutch. They asked me about the various signals given by beat of drum, which I answered as well as I could. Then — oh, shame! They asked me if we had not a beat of the drum as a signal to our soldiers to go to the houses of ill fame, and I em- phatically replied no. They evidently did not believe me ; for, said they, "We know the Dutch do so at Nagasaki, and all your armies are much the same." I gladly took my leave at three P. M. and reached home quite jaded out. Omitted : 376a Monday, February 23, 1857. I applied to the Jap- anese to fire a salute for me on "Washington's Birthday" ; but, as it fell on Sunday, I wished the salute to be on Monday. 377 This was agreed to, and this morning they 376a r p ownsenc j Harris thus indicates that he omitted to write the entry for February 23rd in its proper, chronological order. 377 Again Heusken's Diary differs slightly from that of Townsend Harris in wrongly dating the firing of this salute on Sunday the 22nd (Wagener, op. cit., p. 376). The friendly policy here followed by the Japanese was quite in accord with the advice given them by the Dutch in the beginning of 1857, t0 tfte effect that the Japanese should not enter on a policy of hostility with the foreigners lest they go the way of China ten years before (Wagener, op. cit., p. 375). And it was at just about this time (some time between Jan. 25 and Feb. 22, 1857) that "the ex-Chiunagon of Mito declared his unwillingness to have any further share in public affairs. This resolution was attributed to his dissatisfaction with the course pursued towards foreigners by the Bakufu" (Kinse Shiriaku, transl. by Sir E. M. Satow, ed. 1873, P- 7)« In connection with the salute here fired by the Japanese in honor of Wash- ington's Birthday, we are reminded of the astonishment felt by the officers of Commodore Perry's expedition, when they first, on Monday, Feb. 20, 1854, talked with the Japanese and learned that the name of George Washington not only was not new in Japan, but, indeed, that it was a name already re- spected and esteemed. Dr. Francis L. Hawks, in Perry's Narrative of the Japan Expedition, expresses himself thus (33-2, S. Ex. Doc, no. 79, vol. 1, p. 333) : ''They seemed perfectly acquainted with the name of the great father of our country, and expressed a desire to participate in celebrating the occasion [Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1854], asking to be permitted to come off to see the guns fired. They were, of course, politely invited, and [were] requested to 309 sent over two handsome brass howitzers, exactly copied in every respect from one Commodore Perry gave them ; every appointment about the gun, down to the smallest particular, was exactly copied : percussion locks, drag ropes, powder or cartridge holder and all. The cartridges were made of paper, and for wads they used wood. The firing was good, quite as good as I have seen among civilized persons. Judging from the report, their powder is much better than that of the Chinese or Siamese. The Japanese say they have made 1,000 howitzers like those used at the salute!! But they are great liars, consequently you do not know when to believe them. Wednesday, February 2$, 1857. Met the Governors at the Goyoshi at noon to-day. They brought in, with great ceremony, a box which was reverentially placed be- fore me. Then a Vice-Governor opened the box, which I bring their ladies with them; the latter part of the invitation they, however, jeered at as a very amusing but quite an impracticable joke." Writing many years later, in Sept., 1890, Mr. John S. Sewall (who in 1853 and 1854 had been Captain's Clerk on the Saratoga in the Japan Expedition) gave a very good explanation of this knowledge of George Washington on the part of the Japanese. He asks ( The invincible armada, in The New Eng- lander and Yale Review, Sept., 1890, pp. 207-08) : "Whence came all this knowledge? We naturally credited it to the Dutch, the only nation besides the Chinese which had for the last three centuries maintained its hold upon the good graces and the commerce of Japan. But it appears that the Japanese printers had been in the habit of reprinting in Japanese the manuals and text-books our missionaries had prepared for the use of their schools in China. Their [the Japanese] knowledge of America came straight from Dr. [Elijah Coleman] Bridgman's History of the United States, which had been published in China, and which had enjoyed what Dr. Bridgman had never dreamed of, a wide circulation in the Mikado's dominions. That book had already prepossessed them in our favor." There is further interesting material on this small History of the United States. It had a truly wonderful adventure, and its fate constitutes a shining example of the Biblical behest to cast one's bread upon the waters, 310 found to contain five pieces of a very poor satin damask, which I was told was from five members of the Regency at Yedo, — one piece from each person. This over, another box was brought which, as I was told, contained an answer to my two letters to Yedo, and at last they mustered courage to open it and unfold a sheet of paper about five feet long by eighteen inches wide, written quite full and bearing the seals and signatures of the following Princes who are members of the Regency: Hotta Bittsyu-no-Kami . , ~ t , , . A - , T J T r . with a Dutch translation Abe lsen-no-Kami , - - . - - of the same, which they placed in Mr. Heusken's hands. 378 Makino Bizen-no-Kami Kuze Iamato-no-Kami Naito Ku-no-Kami I directed Mr. Heusken to put the letter and transla- tion in the box and close it. The Governors wished me to have it translated into English at once. This I declined, saying I should prefer having it done at leisure, and that in the meantime I should like to hear their answer on the currency question. Now ensued a scene quite Jap- 378 This letter (written in classical Japanese) is in the possession of The College of the City of New York. It is endorsed (in Townsend Harris's own hand) : "Letter from the Council of State, Yedo, February 1857." It was signed by: Hotta, Bitchiu-no-Kami; Abe, Ise-no-Kami ; Makino, Bizen-no-Kami; Kuze, Yamato-no-Kami ; Naito, Kii-no-Kami. In addition to what is stated in the Journal, the original letter pointed out that the Shogunate had appointed special Governors for the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate from the moment these ports had been opened to foreign trade; and that, inasmuch as Yedo placed complete confidence in these Governors, Townsend Harris should communicate with them, for this would be the same as if Townsend Harris were to communicate directly with Yedo. This letter from the Great Council was written in answer to Townsend Harris's two letters dated Oct. 25, 1856, and Jan. 8, 1857. Townsend Harris wrote a dignified protest to the Great Council on Mar. 28, 1857. (See above notes 313 and 369.) 311 anese, which occupied full two hours. The substance of it was that they admitted the justice of my demand in part, but said my offer (five per cent.) to pay for recoin- ing was not sufficient; that they should lose by it, and they therefore begged me to reconsider it and make them an increased offer. I asked them what was the cost of coining money in Japan? They gravely replied twenty- five per cent. ! ! Twenty- five per cent. I told them it was simply impossible ; that the cost in Europe and America for such labor was not one per cent. ; that I would bring competent moneyers from the United States who would do the whole work for five per cent., or even less. They said the laws of Japan forbade the employment of for- eigners about their coinage. I endeavored to elicit a direct offer from them, but without success. Among other statements made by them was this: that gold and silver before coinage had no value; that it was the mint stamp that gave it its value, etc., etc. I told them their Government had an undoubted right to deal with the precious metals produced in Japan as they pleased, but they had no such right over a foreigner, and that to attempt to exercise such a right over him would in effect be a confiscation of his property ; that they might stamp pieces of paper or leather, and compel their own subjects to take them in lieu of gold and silver, but they could not expect the foreigner to take them in exchange for his merchandise, or to have his coin measured by the intrinsic value of such worthless tokens. This ground was traveled over and over again, the Japanese always reasoning in a circle and trying to 312 gain their point by simple pertinacity. I passed four weary hours and left at four P. M., appointing the next day to meet again. On reaching home, Mr. Heusken translated the Dutch copy of the letter, and found it to be a simple announcement that all business was to be transacted with the Governors of Shimoda or Hakodate, and not one word in reference to the President's letter to the Emperor of Japan, of which I told them I was the bearer. See Journal No. 4- 379 379 The title-page of the fourth volume of the manuscript Journal reads: "Journal No. 4. Commencing February 26th, 1857, and Ending December 7th, 1857." (In Townsend Harris's hand.) 313 Journal No. 4 Commencing February 26, 1857, and Ending December 7, 1857 Thursday, February 26, 1857. On reaching the Goyoshi to-day, the Governors asked me if I had pe- rused the letter from the Regency, etc., etc., and said they had something to add, which was that they had full pow- ers to receive from me any propositions I had to make, and to treat on all the matters referred to in my two letters to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, 380 and then be- gan to question me as to certain matters contained there- in. I told them I was not yet ready to answer, but rather to ask questions, and that I wished to know the nature of their powers. Could they give me answers at once on all matters I might propose without waiting to hear from Yedo? They assured me in the most solemn manner that they could. I then asked could they make a new treaty without such reference? Their answer soon proved what I before suspected, — that, in any minor matter, they could decide, but, on any important one, they could only hear and report. I then said, "I have some matters under the Treaty which properly come under your jurisdic- 380 See above, Journal for Oct. 25, 1856, and for Jan. 8, 1857, and notes 313 and 369. 31s tion, and will now proceed to open them." They wished to renew the discussion of the currency, but I told them, unless they had some new matter, or a distinct propo- sition to make, I should prefer leaving that for the present. I then stated that the Port of Nagasaki had been opened to the Russians as a place where their ships could obtain necessary supplies and coals for steam- ers, 381 and I demanded the same rights for the Ameri- cans. This was finally agreed to. 382 My next was, that American ships in want of supplies and not having money, that goods should be taken in payment. 383 They said this was already granted by our Treaty. 384 I told them, if that was the case, of course they could have no objection to reaffirming it, and this was agreed to. 385 My next was that Americans committing offences in Japan should be tried by the Consul and punished if guilty ac- 381 The Treaty between Russia and Japan (signed at Shimoda, Feb. 7, 1855) provided for the opening of the three ports of Shimoda, Hakodate, and Nagasaki. Art. Ill of the Treaty continues as follows (J. H. Gubbins, The Progress of Japan, p. 236) : "Dans ces 3 ports, les navires russes pourront reparer leurs avaries, s'approvisionner d'eau, de bois de chauffage, d'aliments et autres objets necessaires, de charbon de terre meme, la ou il s'en trouverait; ils paieront tous ces objets en monnaie d'or ou d'argent, ou a defaut d'especes, en raarchandises de leur chargement." 382 r phis matter became Art. I of the Convention of Shimoda, concluded by Townsend Harris on June 17, 1857. Indeed, this article is a translation of the corresponding portions of the Art. Ill just quoted from the Russian Treaty. 383 This represents the rest of Art. Ill of the Russian Treaty; compare Art. V thereof. 384 The Perry Treaty (concluded Mar. 31, 1854) provided in Art. VII: "It is agreed that ships of the United States resorting to the ports open to them [at that time only Shimoda and Hakodate] shall be permitted to ex- change gold and silver coin and articles of goods for other articles of goods," etc. 385 This matter became Art. V of the Convention of Shimoda. 3*6 cording to Japanese laws. 386 To my great and agreeable surprise this was agreed to without demur. I next told them that I demanded the right for Americans to lease ground, buy, build, repair, or alter such buildings at their pleasure, and that they should be supplied with materials and labor for such purposes whenever they might require it. I told them I founded this claim on the 12th and 13th Articles made with the Dutch at Nagasaki on the 9th of November, 1855, by which all the ground at Deshima was leased to the Dutch and the buildings sold to them; and that they also had the right to build, alter or repair, etc., etc.; 387 that I claimed those same privileges under the 9th Article of the Treaty of Kana- gawa. 388 386 This is a slip of the pen for "according to Americans laws." This matter became Art. IV of the Convention of Shimoda, and was later repeated in Art. VI of the Treaty concluded by Townsend Harris on July 29, 1858. "Consular Courts" thus agreed upon (already to be found in Art. VIII of the Russian Treaty and in Art. II of the Dutch Treaty of Nov. 9, 1855) were to be the cause of endless and most serious trouble till abolished by treaties concluded many years later. (For the United States, compare the Treaty of 1894, Articles I and XVII.) 387 The Treaty between The Netherlands and Japan, concluded by Jan Hendrik Donker Curtius, reads (Gubbins, op. cit., pp. 247-48) : Art. XII— "Except the outer wall, the guard-houses, and public buildings of Deshima, all the dwellings and warehouses shall be sold, through the intervention of the Governors of Nagasaki, to the Netherlands Factory, and the ground of Deshima let. They shall be under the direction of the highest Nether- lands officer dwelling there, and be maintained at the cost of the Nether- lands Factory." Art. XIII— "For the performance of the necessary repairs, the building or pulling down of warehouses or dwellings, or for making alterations and improve- ments therein, the Netherlands Factory shall be at liberty to employ Jap- anese tradesmen and to buy Japanese materials, for which payment shall be made in kambang money. Previous notice of these operations shall be given to the Governor of Nagasaki." 388pe rr y Treaty, Art. IX : "It is agreed that if at any future day the Government of Japan shall grant to any other nation or nations privileges and advantages which are not 317 The Governors were amazed. They never heard of any such convention. 389 It did not, it could not, exist. When, where and by whom was it made? I told them. It was not known to the Government at Yedo ; had never been ratified, and therefore had never gone into effect. I then read the 29th Article which declared the Conven- tion should go into full effect on the 1st of January, 1856, and extended the time of exchange of the ratifications to the 9th of November, 1857; 390 but the ratifications had been exchanged, and that I had with my own eyes seen the ratified Japanese copy. They then asked where the ratifications were exchanged, and where it was I saw it? I told them Captain Fabius of the Dutch Navy brought the Dutch ratification to Nagasaki in August or September last, and that when he came here in the Frigate Medusa he had the ratified Convention on herein granted to the United States and the citizens thereof, that these same privileges and advantages shall be granted likewise on the United States and to the citizens thereof, without any consultation or delay." The introduction of this "most favored nation" clause in the Perry Treaty is said to have been due to Dr. S. Wells Williams, for many years a missionary- printer in China. 389 Meaning, of course, the Treaty concluded with the Dutch at Nagasaki, Nov. 9, 1855 (see below). 390 The pertinent portions of Art. XXIX of the Treaty with The Netherlands, read (Gubbins, op. cit., p. 250) : ". . . and the ratifications signed by high officers empowered thereto on both sides, shall be exchanged at Nagasaki within the space of two years from the date hereof [Nov. 9, 1855]. "All the stipulations of this Convention come into immediate operation with the exception of the following Articles: "Art. I. The freedom therein granted comes into operation on the 1st December, 1855, and Articles IX, XII, XIII, XIV, XVIII, XX, and XXVI come into operation on the 1st January, 1856." 318 board, and that what I held in my hand was an authentic translation of it. 391 Now, will it be believed that during all this time (more than one hour) the Governors had an authentic copy of that very Convention lying before them in a dis- patch box? It was so; and all this barefaced falsehood was a fair specimen of Japanese diplomacy. They then took new ground. The Dutch had been in Japan more than two hundred years; that these were old matters and had no relation to the present state of affairs. I replied that I claimed none of the rights the Dutch had before the Treaty of Kanagawa was signed ; that I only claimed the same new rights as had been 391 The Medusa, Captain Fabius, had been at Hakodate; and, on the way to Nagasaki, stopped at Shimoda on Oct. i, 1856, sailing away for Nagasaki on Oct. 3, 1856 (see above Journal, under these dates). Though the Preliminary Convention of Commerce concluded with the Dutch on Nov. 9, 1855, went into operation in the manner provided in Art. XXIX (from which we have just quoted), it was never duly ratified. (Gub- bins, op. cit., p. 66). Only a short time elapsed before the Dutch signed at Nagasaki a second Treaty of Commerce — Jan. 30, 1856. Townsend Harris, in his discussions thus far with the Governors of Shimoda, quotes entirely from the Dutch Treaty of Nov. 9, 1855. It would seem, therefore, that when Captain Fabius visited Shimoda in Oct., 1856, he was quite generous in giving Townsend Harris the text of the Dutch Treaty of Nov. 9, 1855, because he was aware that this Treaty had already been superseded by the one of Jan. 30, 1856; and the terms of the latter Treaty he seems to have felt himself bound to keep secret until such time as the ratifications thereof should have been exchanged. This last took place at Nagasaki, Oct. 16, 1857, about eight months after Townsend Harris's present discussion with the Japanese. In other words, Townsend Harris, not knowing the full facts, was at a dis- advantage with the Japanese Governors, who, in their manoeuvring for diplomatic position, could well adhere to their statement that the Dutch Treaty of Nov. 9, 1855, had never been duly ratified and that therefore, to all intents and purposes, it did not exist. And, of course, they did not give the slightest inkling of the existence of the later Dutch Treaty of Jan. 30, 1856. Townsend Harris finally received a copy of the Dutch Treaty of Jan. 30, 1856, and from the Governor of Shimoda himself, only on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1857 — on the eve of his departure for his audience with the Tycoon at Yedo. (See his entry in the Journal for that date, and his remarks on this very point of leasing ground and buying buildings at Deshima.) 319 granted to the Dutch ; that under the old regulations the Dutch lived in Deshima simply on sufferance, had no written rights and were liable to be ordered away at any moment, but the Convention of November 9, 1855, placed them on new and secure ground. They had ac- quired fixed and indefeasible rights, and among others that of permanent residence in Japan. Again the ground was shifted. The privileges granted to the Dutch were in effect to the Dutch Government, represented by a factory, and not to the Dutch burghers at large; that as I had told them the Government of the United States never engaged in trade, of course it could not have a factory; and, as a natural consequence, the claim on my part was ill founded. I replied that it was a privilege of trade and residence granted to Dutch- men, no matter whom they represented ; that the effect was the same, whether they traded for themselves or for the Dutch Government. Four o'clock having arrived, I left them to meet again to-morrow at the same hour. 392 Friday, February 2J, 1857. At the Goyoshi at noon. The Governors opened the business by travelling over the same ground as yesterday (on my last proposition) 393 S92 While Townsend Harris was thus ably presenting the point of view and the claims of the United States, his good friend Nathaniel Dougherty, in far-off New York City, was drawing up a memorial in behalf of Townsend Harris, praying compensation for him ($12,000) for the successful conclusion of the American Treaty with Siam. This memorial was presented to the Senate on Friday, Feb. 27, 1857, by another friend of Townsend Harris — Senator Wil- liam H. Seward. It was referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed (34-3, S. Misc. Doc, no. 52, pp. 1-2). 393 Namely, "the right for Americans to lease ground, buy, build, repair, or alter such buildings," etc. 320 for nearly two hours, not one new idea or argument be- ing started. At last, when they questioned the correct- ness of my translation, I suddenly asked them to give me a copy of [the] 12th and 13th Articles according to their version, which they promised to do — apparently for the moment forgetting their denial of any knowledge of such a Convention only yesterday. I next claimed the right to have purchases made for me by any person I mighty employ, and that payment should be made directly to the seller without the inter- ference of any Japanese official. 394 I also claimed that the limits of seven ri and five ri at Shimoda and Hako- date did not apply to me as Consul General, but that the whole Empire of Japan was included in my Consu- late. 395 The arguments with which I supported this claim will be found at large in my private letter book. 396 There was less falsehood in their replies to this point than there was to the preceding one, but this arose from the want of opportunity rather than the want of inclina- tion. Two hours were thus consumed, and I left at four 394 This was breaking new ground. The Russian Treaty (of Dec. 7, 1856) distinctly said in the Explanatory Articles (ad Art. V) : "Les Russes . . . effectueront le paiement ou l'echange des raarchandises dans le dit entrepot par Tentremise des employes japonais." (Gubbins, op. cit., p. 238.) Townsend Harris v\ n his point, and this matter became Art. VII of the Convention of Shimoda. 395 This matter became Art. VI of the Convention of Shimoda. 396 These arguments were indeed given "at large" in the lengthy letter which Townsend Harris addressed to the Governors of Shimoda, dated Mar. 13, 1857 (£• B>> vol. 1, pp. 182-88, and vol. 2, pp. 1-3). Incidentally, this reference, made on Feb. 27th, to a letter that was written on Mar. 13th, is but one of many proofs that Townsend Harris first wrote a rough copy of his Journal and copied it into the present manuscript volumes some time thereafter — in the present case, two weeks later at least. 321 P. M., they promising to send me their version of the 1 2th and 13th Articles of the Dutch Convention. Saturday, February 28, 1857. At home all day, and very glad to rest after the vexing labors of the last three days. The weather this month was as follows: ther- mometer, mean 45 5/10; highest, 63 ; lowest 32 . The thermometer is noted at eight A. M., noon, four and ten P. M.; but at four A. M. on the nth, the thermometer stood at 28 . Ice on 2nd, 3rd and nth; and it snowed on the 10th and 25th. It rained four days, showers on four days, cloudy four days and clear sixteen days. The mean of the coldest day this winter was 36 25/100 on the 2nd of February. Monday, March 2, l8$J. Moriama Yenosky comes here to-day with their version of the 12th and 13th Articles of the Dutch Convention. They agree in every essential with my version! Moriama informs me he was promoted one step when last at Yedo, and has a place in the Revenue Board. He says his name is now changed to Moriama Tatsitsio, in place of Moriama Yenosky; that each time a man rises a step in office, he takes a new name. He introduced the "currency question" by saying how very anxious he was to have it settled, and tried to persuade me to open the question with him. He assured me that he knew of his own knowledge it did cost twenty-five per cent, on all their coinage; and, on being pressed, he admitted that a whole army of officers were quartered on the mint; that some of them had very large salaries, etc., etc. I inferred from what he said that the mint is a sort of pension estab- ^22 lishment for the Empire. On inquiring of him as to the revenue of Japan, I could get no satisfaction; nobody knew, most of the dues were paid in rice. But this I did learn: that all the lands in the imperial domains are crown property, and the tenants are perpetual lease- holders; the rent paid varies from forty per cent, to thirty per cent, and twenty per cent, of the gross product of the land. All rents are estimated as rice; although wheat or any other cereal or green crops are raised, it is all estimated as rice. The tenant may pay his rent in kind or in the money value of the place on the day he pays it. This applies to the imperial domain. As to the domains of the vassal princes, I could not get any satisfactory answer. No publication of any kind as to public affairs is ever made in Japan. The head of a department knows only what belongs to that department; and under such a jealous government as this, surrounded by spies on every hand, he may well tremble even at the idea of seek- ing information that does not directly and officially per- tain to him. For these reasons nothing can be accurately known as to the amount of their army, or navy, or police, or the number of officials, or of the paid spies. The same remarks will apply to their tonnage and the action of trade. As to the latter I much doubt if the Gov- ernment keeps any statistics of its action. 397 Tuesday, March 3, 1857. Met the Governors. The 397 On this date, Senator William H. Seward wrote to Secretary Marcy, asking (among other things) whether the Department of State would recom- mend additional compensation for Townsend Harris for his services in con- cluding the Treaty with Siam (L. & P., vol. i, no. 59). On the same day, Secretary Marcy gave a favorable answer (ib., no. 55). 323 currency question was introduced, and they at last made a distinct offer. They said that heretofore the dollar had been taken by them for 1,600 seni (or cash) ; that this was not right. They proposed to weigh coins brought here by Americans — gold coins with Japanese gold coins, and silver coins against Japanese silver coins — weight for weight, and from the amount of Japanese coin to deduct fifteen per cent, to pay for the loss of melting and coining. I told them the demand was un- reasonable and that I could not agree to it. They then asked me to give them a counter proposition. I accord- ingly made three distinct offers : i st, The dollar in silver to pass by tale for three ichibus or 4,800 seni ; 2nd. Weighing the coin as proposed by them and de- ducting five per cent. ; 3rd. That inasmuch as they said their coin was com- posed of pure silver or pure gold and without alloy, — that, if that statement was correct, I would allow them ten per cent, discount, and that any alloy found in their coin should be deducted from that allowance, and that any in- crease of alloy in the coins brought by Ameri- cans, over the present standard, should go to swell the discount. The third proposition was instantly rejected with such manifest trepidation that I am convinced that their coin contains a large amount of alloy. They also said that to weigh the coin would be more just than to have it pass by tale, as from wear or other causes old coins 324 were never as heavy as new ones. We then went over the ground again on my two last propositions. At last I told them I had something of great importance to com- municate confidentially, and to them alone. To my great surprise the room was at once cleared of all but the two Governors and Moriama Tatsitsio. I then read to them an extract from a letter to me from the Secretary of State, which was to the effect that, if the Japanese sought to evade the Treaty, the President would not hesitate to ask Congress to give him power to use such arguments as they could not resist. The fluttering was fearful — the effect strong. They thanked me for the confidence I had placed in them by reading that part of the Secretary's letter, and asked if they might communicate the same to their Government. I told them they could do so. They then asked me to give them a written translation of the paragraph so that they might make a correct transla- tion. This I declined, but told them I would have it translated and that Moriama might use that paper in my presence to translate it to them, but that the paper must be returned to me. This ended our proceedings for the day at half-past four P. M. 398 Wednesday, March 4, 1857. Met the Governors at noon. The room was cleared and I then handed them the Dutch translation referred to yesterday, and it was care- fully translated into Japanese by Moriama, and then the paper was returned to me. Travelled over the debates of yesterday, like a horse in a mill. I finally demanded a 398 Secretary Marcy's letter to Senator Seward (dated Mar. 2, 1857) was read to the Senate and was ordered to be printed (34-3, S. Misc. Doc, no. 55, P- x). 325 categorical answer to the three points open, — viz., cur- rency, residence of Americans, and the Consular rights. They requested me to place all my propositions in writ- ing. This I declined, telling them that, once I had placed my name to a paper, it could not be modified and that I wished to leave a door open by which we might arrive at a solution of the questions. It was finally agreed that Mr. Heusken, as from himself, would give them an unsigned paper containing the substance of my demands, the paper to be sent to the Governor's residence in the morning of to-morrow, and that we should meet again for the dispatch of business on Friday, the 6th inst. Friday, March 6, 1857. Met the Governors at the usual place, — i. e., the Goyoshi. I asked them if they were prepared to give me answers to the points remaining unsettled, and soon found they were anything but ready. They said these were im- portant matters and must be calmly considered ; that the Japanese took a great while to consider every question; that in this respect they differed from the Americans, who decided promptly on all questions. The currency question again came up and was again gone over for the twentieth time. At last I told them my mind was made up and that I would not allow more than five per cent, for re-coinage; that their demands were exorbitant, etc., etc.; that their plea that it cost twenty-five per cent. I had fully met by offering to have it done for five per cent, and that it appeared as though the Government wished to squeeze the Ameri- cans who came here, etc., etc. This elicited a direct offer 326 on their part of taking our coins at six per cent, discount. To show how great a step this was in our favor, it should be remembered that heretofore the dollar passed for i, 600 seni, but the last offer of the Japanese would give 4,670 for the dollar, or nearly two hundred per cent, more than they formerly allowed. I refused to advance from the five per cent. The Gov- ernor, the Prince of Shinano, rose from his seat and came to me; and, while standing, begged me as a per- sonal favor to him to yield the one per cent, of differ- ence; that they were most anxious to have the matter settled, but that it was impossible for them to go fur- ther than they had done, and {mark this) that, if they took the coin of the Americans at less than six per cent, the Government would lose by the operation of re-coin- age. Contrast this with their solemn assurance that it cost twenty-five per cent, to coin the money of Japan. The mendacity of these men passes all human belief. We finally adjourned to some day next week. I am really ill, yet I am forced day after day to listen to useless debates, on points that have been exhausted, and are only varied by some new phase of falsehood ! Saturday, March J, 1857. On looking over my Jour- nal for February 25th, I find I have omitted two im- portant matters. On the 4th of October, 1855, the Secre- tary of State wrote me 399 that the Navy Department had 399 Townsend Harris made two copies of this Letter of Special Instructions (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 21 ; and vol. 2, no. 21). In addition to what is stated in the text, Secretary Marcy suggests an additional article to the Perry Treaty, which should establish the right of temporary residence in Japan; discusses the currency question, and the establishment of a Consulate at Hakodate; and closes with the hope that the Japanese will reciprocate in kindly feelings and 327 received dispatches from Lieutenant Rodgers to the effect that Reed and Dougherty, two Americans who had gone to Japan to establish themselves there, had been ordered away from Shimoda and refused permis- sion to land at Hakodate. 400 Lieutenant Rodgers also wrote that the Japanese version of the seventh Article of Commodore Perry's Treaty contained the words "such as may be necessary for them" in connection with the agreement to permit Americans to make purchases of goods in Japan. I was informed by the Department that these words were not contained in the English, Dutch or Chinese versions of the Treaty, and I was directed to inquire into the matter and see if they were actually inserted in the Japanese version. I asked the Governors if they had an authentic copy of the Treaty of Kanagawa; and, on their answering in the affirmative, I requested them to turn to the seventh that consequently Townsend Harris will succeed in procuring greater privi- leges than were procured by the Perry Treaty. The question of residence was completely settled by Article II of the Con- vention of Shimoda (June 17, 1857), which provides "that American citizens may permanently reside at Shimoda and Hakodate," etc. 400 Messrs. W. C. Reed and T. T. Dougherty (and party) had left Shimoda in the American schooner Caroline E. Foote, Captain A. J. Worth, early in June, 1855. Arriving at Hakodate, they tried in vain to land and establish in that city their store for general ships' supplies for the American whaling fleet — in vain, in spite of the help rendered by Lieutenant John Rodgers, who had arrived at that port a few days before them in the U.S.S. Vincennes, of the U. S. Surveying and Exploring Expedition to the North Pacific Ocean. (See Lieutenant Rodgers's letters to Messrs. Reed and Dougherty written at Hakodate, June 19 and 25, 1855.) The C, E. Foote therefore left Japan on June 27 or 28, 1855 '» P ut m at Guam for supplies on July 15th ; and left on July 31st for San Francisco, where she arrived safely on Sept. 17, 1855, bringing: firstly, dispatches from Admiral Poutiatine, who had just (Feb. 7, 1855) con- cluded the Russian Treaty with Japan; and, secondly, the first cargo ever imported directly from Japan to the United States. (Read the copious corre- spondence of this unsuccessful commercial venture to Japan by Messrs. Reed and Dougherty in the New York Herald, Morning ed., Monday, Oct. 15, 1855, p. 1, columns 2-6; and see above, note 325.) 328 Article of the Treaty, and then asked them if the words above noted were contained in it. They at once said they were not in the Article. I then told them that, when Lieutenant Rodgers was here, the Governor had assured him that those words were contained in the Japanese version of the Treaty. With unmoved faces they assured me they never heard of any such statement ; that the Governor could not have said so, and that there must be some mistake about it. I then complained of the ordering away of Messrs. Reed and Dougherty from Shimoda and refusing them per- mission to land in Hakodate. They answered that that was wrong, that they ought not to have ordered them away from Shimoda, nor have refused them permission to land at Hakodate. I also omitted a description of the interior of the houses occupied by the Governors. These are some twenty to thirty buildings in one grand enclosure, all of which are occupied by the various officials of this place. The houses are all of wood covered with tile roofs. The sides of each room are a series of paper windows some six feet high, and have sliding shutters to close them in during storms or cold weather. The houses are very open and are only warmed by charcoal braziers. The rooms are covered with very soft and beautiful mats. These mats are the same size all through Japan, — i. e., six feet long and three feet wide. At the outer door the Jap- anese take off their straw shoes and walk into the house in their stockings, consequently the mats are always clean. The mat serves as a seat by day and a bed by night. 329 In cold weather they wrap themselves in a thickly wadded blanket made with sleeves; a wooden pillow three inches high supports the neck (not the head) , and prevents the hair being tumbled. At their meals a stand of lacquered wood about one foot high and some eight- een inches square serves as the table of each person, and their food is served entirely in wooden vessels, except tea and saki, which are drunk from porcelain cups. No sofa, chair, table, sideboard or other furniture is to be found in the rooms. In the bedrooms some chests or cabinets contain their clothes, arms, books, etc., etc. The walls are sometimes decorated with paper hang- ings, with trees, flowers, storks, etc., drawn on them, but generally they are the plain wood or simple figured paper. Their wardrobe is always a small one, as the quantity of clothes required or rather allowed by their sumptuary laws is limited. I do not think the world con- tains a people so truly frugal and plain in matters of diet and dress as the Japanese. No jewelry is ever seen on a man. Gold is chiefly used to decorate their swords. In some particular cases, gold brocades are used with scar- let or yellow, but these are rare cases. They form the exception and not the rule. The colors of the dress are either black or gray; the material for the nobles is of silk, [for] all others it is cotton. They are a people of but few wants. Sunday, March 8, 1857. A cannon from the Signal Hill announced a foreign ship at noon to-day, and caused emotions of sincere pleasure. On ascending a height near the Consulate I saw the blessed Stars and Stripes 33o flying from a barque, which was standing towards the inner harbor, having a signal for a pilot flying, and the pilot was seen pulling off to her, but as the pilot neared her she filled away, stood off until she was fairly in Yedo Bay, and then stood southward. What does it mean? It was like the Flying Dutch- man. Monday, March Q, 1857. At nine this morning the barque again made her appearance and anchored in the outer harbor. Mr. Heusken went on board, and when he returned he brought with him Captain Homer of the Barque Messenger Bird, from Boston via the Sand- wich Islands and Guam. Mr. Edward F. Hall, the supra-cargo, presented a letter of introduction writ- ten by the Hon. David L. Gregg, U. S. Commissioner to the Sandwich Islands. 401 Captain Homer has his wife and two children on board — one an infant born at sea off the Caroline Islands. Mr. Hall having come via San Francisco, I got news- papers up to the 8th of November, or six months later than my last dates. So, Mr. Buchanan is President. When I last saw him in London on the 31st of October last, I told him that I had no doubt he would be the next President. 402 I am glad to hear it, and trust that under his administration peace and quiet will settle on 401 Mr. David L. Gregg had been consulted by Messrs. Reed and Dougherty (who, it will be remembered, had sailed for Japan from Honolulu on Feb. I3> X855 ) and had expressed his opinion that they were quite within the terms of the Perry Treaty in trying to establish themselves at Hakodate. 402 Townsend Harris had visited James Buchanan, then Minister to London, on Oct. 31, 1855, when, on his way back to the Far East as Consul General to Japan, he had gone to the American Legation to have his passport vised. (See note 16.) 331 the land; as the newspapers were only from the 20th of October to the 8th of November, there is a large hiatus in details, and Mr. Hall being only eighteen years of age could not give me many particulars. Mr. Hall informs me that he has an assorted cargo and wishes to trade here, and that he shall then proceed to Hakodate and thence to the Amur River, at which last place he is to establish himself in business as a ship chandler. I told him that I was still negotiating with the Japanese about the currency, and told him he could depend on not losing over six per cent, on the money he should ex- pend here, which gave him great satisfaction. Sent word to the Governors that I wished to see them to-morrow. Tuesday, March 10, 1857. Met the Governors. Told them the arrival of a ship required a settlement of the currency question. They stuck at the six, and I at the five per cent. I proposed that this ship should settle at the six per cent, but that it should not be used as a precedent. They said they required ten days to settle the cur- rency question, as they must send to Yedo. They then opened on ground that even astonished me, used as I am to Japanese falsehood. They roundly declared the Dutch Convention did not exist, that it was a false re- port. I told them with some sternness that I had seen it with my own eyes, on board the Dutch Frigate Diana [Medusa] in October last. They then said it had not been ratified. This I also stopped by saying that it did bear the ratification of the Japanese Government. This 332 point was asserted and re-asserted by them time and again and as often met by a plain statement of the truth by me. 403 Now came a new turn. They said the 12th and 13th Articles had been stricken out of the Japanese copy. In reply I asked, if that was so, how was it that they gave me a correct version of the 12th and 13th Articles from their copy? Bingo-no-Kami said he got a copy made for himself when at Yedo before it was acted on by the Government. I asked to see his copy, when lo! it was a printed, and not a manuscript copy! I called their attention to this fact, but they made no reply. 404 I then said that the evidence of the authenticity of my version was quite satisfactory to me, and that it would be so to my Government, who would act on it as authentic. They then repeated that those two Articles never went into operation, etc., etc. I told them that Captain Fabius of the Dutch Navy had informed me that the buildings at Deshima had been sold to the Dutch, and the ground 403 See above, Journal, Feb. 26, 1857, and the discussion in the notes on this moot point, especially note 391. 404 The document in the hands of the Governors of Shimoda must have been a printed copy of the first Dutch Treaty — that of Nov. 9, 1855. Therefore, the text of Art. XII and XIII was bound to be the same as that in the copy which Townsend Harris had received from Captain Fabius. The Japanese naturally made no reply, because the only reply possible under the circumstances would have revealed the existence of the second Dutch Treaty, in which (as was justly maintained by the Japanese) the privileges granted in Art. XII and XIII of the first treaty had been withdrawn. (Articles XII and XIII of the Dutch Treaty of Nov. 9, 1855, became Art. XII of the Treaty of Jan. 30, 1856.) 333 leased to them. They vehemently denied the truth of that statement. I told them that negative proof was nothing against credible, positive testimony. It was now past four, and I closed a very stormy interview with an appointment for the next day. Wednesday, March II, 1857- I went yesterday on board the Messenger Bird, and saw Mrs. Homer, a nice person indeed, with a bouncing baby in her arms. This home sight almost made me homesick. At the Goyoshi at half-past eleven. The Governors again wished to open the currency question. I told them if they would give me satisfaction on the other unsettled points, I would satisfy them in the matter of the cur- rency. After a great deal of debate, in which, however, they did not repeat the barefaced assertions of yester- day, they requested me to put the two claims of residence of Americans and consular rights on paper, and give them time to consider about it, as it was a matter of much gravity, etc., etc. I assented to this and so closed our busi- ness for the present. Again visited the barque, and after chatting for an hour went home. Captain and Mrs. Homer and Mr. Hall are to break- fast with me on Friday noon. Friday, March 1 3, 1 8 57. Breakfast party as above. Walk to a place where [we] can see Oho Sima. 405 Day fine, and pass it most agreeably. Company leave at five P.M. In the evening write letter to the Governors on the two 405 Oshirna. 334 points, which I support with a few of the strongest argu- ments (see private letter book) . 406 Saturday, March 14, 1857. Mr. Heusken has trans- lated Mr. Hall's lists of merchandise and goes with him to assist as his interpreter. Sunday, March 1$, 1857. I have never been so ill for seven years as I am to-day; vomited a quantity of fresh blood. Monday, March 16, 1857. Gave Captain Homer a list of some supplies I wish to purchase from him. 407 Thursday, March IQ, 1857. I have been and still am very ill. Earthquake at ten P. M. Heavy rumbling sound ; house rattles. Comes from S. S. E. and goes N. N. W. Lasts about three seconds. Saturday, March 21, 1857. Better to-day. Weather fine. Wheat grows beautifully. Japanese busy in plant- ing potatoes, etc. I have a camellia tree in my yard which is some twenty feet high. It is now in full flower, and has perhaps thousands of flowers out — the finest 406 See above, Journal, Feb. 27, 1857, and note 396. This very long letter ends with the following threat (L. B., vol. 2, p. 3) : "Your Excellencies will bear witness of [to] my anxious efforts to secure the present friendly relations between Japan and the United States, and how carefully I have avoided giving offence myself, or allowing any mem- ber of my family to do so. It is my earnest hope that, after a careful ex- amination of what I now communicate, you will give an evidence of your wish to preserve the friendly relations between the two countries. "At the same time candor compels me to say, as I now say to Your Excel- lency [sicj, that a refusal of these two points will endanger the good feeling now happily existing and may lead to results that I am sure Your Excellen- cies would deplore as deeply as I should lament." On this day, ratification of Townsend Harris's Treaty with Siam was advised by the Senate with Amendment (S. Ex. J'l, vol. 10, p. 256). 407 On this day, Townsend Harris's Treaty with Siam was ratified by the President. 335 sight of the kind I ever saw. It commenced blooming about the 5th [of] January, and is now in full flower. Monday [Sunday], March 22, 1857. Mr. Hall can- not sell anything to the Japanese, and no wonder, for his prices are most exorbitant. Tuesday, March 24, 1857. Mr. Hall has completed his purchases. Instead of over three thousand three hun- dred dollars which they would have demanded under the old rates, he paid them about one thousand one hun- dred and fifty dollars; this saving of over two thousand dollars is owing to my action. Wednesday, March 2$, 1857. Get a portion only of my supplies from the Messenger Bird, the remainder is stowed either quite forward or quite below a large quantity of cargo. This is bad management. A vessel on such a voyage should have her cargo so stowed that any portion of it may easily be got at, so as to be ready for trade, however small, at any port. 408 Thursday, March 26, 1857. Pa Y m Y bil1 10 Mr - Hal1 in silver at very high prices, and in return he wished to pay me in gold, which entails a loss of seventy-five per cent, to me here in Japan, as their ratio of gold as to silver is only three and one seventh to one, instead of sixteen to one, as with us. It takes a New England man to do such things. Saturday, March 28, 1857. Moriama called and wished to discuss the two points, which I decline. In an- swer to my questions as to the state of public opinion at 408 Here Townsend Harris is speaking from personal experience. See Introduction. 33<> Yedo regarding intercourse with foreigners, he says that, taking ten persons in authority, three would be in favor of opening the country at once, two would be in favor but with delay, three would refuse so long as force is not used, but would yield to such a demonstration with- out fighting, and two would fight to the last. Moriama says the Prince of Shinano wishes to call on me to- morrow. I request the Prince to excuse me on Sunday, but that I shall be very happy to see him on any other day of the week. 409 Sunday, March 2Q, 1857. The Barque Messenger Bird went to sea early this morning, bound to Hakodate and the River Amur. Monday, March SO, 185J. The Prince of Shinano visited me to-day. He was attended by a very large train, but only a Vice-Governor and the interpreters were admitted to my private rooms. I have completely broken up the system of having a cloud of secretaries and spies crowding into my private rooms. All are delighted except the writers and spies. Gave the Prince a Colt's revolver, one of three that was put into the case of arms I purchased for the Kings of Siam in lieu of discount. Tuesday, March 31, 185J. This has been a fine 409 This reservation of Sunday is quite in keeping with Townsend Harris's early expressed resolve to keep holy the Sabbath Day. (See Journal, entries for Aug. 22, 24, 31, Dec. 5, 1856, and Feb. 15, 1858.) On this day, Townsend Harris wrote to the Governors of Shimoda, acknowl- edging receipt of their letter of Mar. 26th (?). He expresses surprise that they must needs refer to Yedo the two points which he had raised by letter of Mar. 13, 1857; and states his belief that they are simply trying to procrasti- nate. Such delay he considers tantamount to a denial of the points raised. He closes with the statement that he is daily expecting the arrival of an American man-of-war, by which he will have to send reports to the United States (L. B., vol. 2, pp. 4-5). 337 month. The mean of the thermometer was 51 6/10; highest, 63 ° ; lowest, 38 . Had rain on five days, showers on four, cloudy two, clear twenty. This month the wind sometimes had southing, the first time for sixty-four days. Wednesday, April I, 1857. Dispatch letter dated March 28th to Council of State in reply to their letter received February 25th (see private letter book). 410 I have delayed writing this letter so long in the hope of bringing things to a quiet close here. 411 Friday, April 3, 1857. Busy putting seeds in my little garden; have doubts about their vitality. Gover- nors wish to see me. Go to Goyoshi at two P. M. They 410 L. B., vol. 2, pp. 5-9. On Feb. 25, 1857, Townsend Harris received from the Council of State a letter in reply to two of his — namely, to those dated Oct. 25, 1856, and Jan. 8, 1857. In his reply of Mar. 28, 1857, Townsend Harris repeats the arguments of his two former communications (see Journal, entries for those two dates, and notes 313 and 369) ; points out the great discourtesy of the Japanese Government in insisting on receiving the President's letter through the Governors of Shimoda — a discourtesy which he forgives on account of their ignorance of Western procedure; says that he cannot make communi- cations through the Governors of Shimoda, because they have not been given full powers; and that he will reveal his knowledge of the intentions of the British Government only at Yedo. He again closes (as in his letter of even date to the Governors of Shimoda, note 409) with a statement designed to bear pressure — namely, that he is daily expecting the arrival of an American man-of-war, by which he will have to send reports home. 411 0f this date, also, are the following routine reports: 1) To Hon. James Guthrie, Secretary of the Treasury: Dispatch No. 3: L. B., vol. 2, p. 11 " No A.' u " " u u u No. 5: « " " " pp. 14-15 2) To Hon. William L. Marcy: Dispatch No. 25: L. B., vol. 2, pp. 12-13 No. 26:" " " " p. 15 3) To Baring Bros., of London: L. B., vol. 2, p. 13. These dispatches transmitted reports for the quarter ending Mar. 31, 1857; that to Baring Bros, was a draft for his salary for the same quarter — £258. 5. 3. 338 wish to know the contents of my letter to Council of State. Sorry, but it would be improper in me to disclose it. They ask the meaning of certain words in [the] 12th Article of [the] American Treaty. 412 I ask for a piece of ground for a garden, which is promised. Saturday, April 4, 1857. Busy enclosing duplicates of dispatches to Department of State, also returns of fees to Secretary of Treasury for quarters ending 31st December 413 and March 31st. Send to Secretary of State my accounts of contingent fund for the same quarters. Monday, April 6, 1857. Moriama calls about garden spot. Have given me the piece asked for, about one eighth of an acre. Rent six ichibus per annum, or two dollars and ninety-seven cents. Tuesday, April J, l8$J. Moriama again. Brings me a gardener, the occupant of the land I have hired. Have a chat with Moriama as he is quite alone and there- fore more communicative. He says that I will soon have an answer to the two points, and that it will be satis- factory to me; 414 that I must not hurry them too much; 412 Art. XII of the Perry Treaty is the last Article, and deals with the man- ner of ratifying the Treaty itself. 413 For the reports for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1856, see Journal, Jan. 1, 1857, and note 365. 414 The long letter in which Townsend Harris presented his "two points" to the Governors of Shimoda was dated Mar. 13, 1857 (L. B., vol. 1, pp. 182-88 ; and vol. 2, pp. 1-3). The "two points" were: first, that American citizens should be allowed to lease ground, buy, build, repair, or erect buildings for their use at Shimoda and Hakodate (Townsend Harris basing his claim on what he at this time supposed to be the ratified Treaty concluded with the Dutch on Nov. 9, 1855) ; and, second, that the American Consul General should be allowed to make purchases anywhere in Japan and without the intervention of Japanese officers. Compare Townsend Harris's reference to these "two points" in Journal, Apr. 20, 1857. Also, see above, Journal, Feb. 27, 1857, notes 393, 394, 396; and Mar. 13, 1857, note 406, where the closing vigorous paragraphs of this long letter are quoted. 339 that but a short time need elapse before a commercial treaty can be negotiated, etc., etc. He says the letter to me was signed by the whole of the High Council of Regents, 415 the power next [to] the Ziogoon; that there is another council of five to seven persons who are under the Regents. The Regents are not hereditary officers, they are appointed by the Ziogoon and hold office during his pleasure alone ; that the story of an appeal lying to [rest- ing with] the Princes of the Empire when there is a difference of opinion between the Ziogoon and his Regents (when the defeated party, if a Regent, per- forms the hara-kiri; if the Ziogoon, he resigns), is not true; no appeal from the Ziogoon exists, — his veto is final. If a Regent proposes a measure which is nega- tived by the Ziogoon, no harm arises ; but if he renews the recommendation and it is again rejected, then the Regent does perform the hara-kiri. No reports of the Treasury, War, Marine or Com- merce. The results are only known to the Ziogoon and Regents and the heads of each department. Moriama says "it would be considered impolite for a person to make any inquiries concerning a department with which he is not connected." The English of it is that he dare not make such inquiries. I put down the information I get from time to time from [the] Japanese. I know there is much falsehood, but I cannot at the time separate the true from the false. 415 This was the letter which Townsend Harris received on Feb. 25, 1857. See note 410. 340 Simonoski, one of the interpreters, told Mr. Heusken that all the buildings at Deshima had been sold to the Dutch. 416 Wednesday, April 8, 1857. Plant four rows of Irish potatoes in my new garden. The seed grew at Hakodate. A peach tree in my compound just begins to bloom. The blossom is very double, and of the color and size of the "Cinnamon Rose" of the United States. Cherry trees in full bloom, but no fruit comes from the peach or cherry blooms. Why, I cannot say. My grand camellia is still in fine bloom. Busy filing papers and making out my re- maining quarterly reports. Men employed to recover the mats that have become worn or soiled. These mats may properly be called mattresses. They are made on a frame and composed of layers of mats, the coarsest at the bottom, until they are about two inches thick. The ordi- nary exterior cover has quite the appearance of Chinese matting. They make a very good bed. Easter Sunday, April 12, 1857. I have kept a very good account of the festivals of the church since my arrival here. It has served to bring up many pleasant recollections and association of ideas in my mind. The day is a lovely one; the fields around me are green with the waving wheat, or finely decorated with flowers. An 416 The significance of this remark is that it served to confirm Townsend Harris in his wrong opinion of the status quo of the Treaty concluded with the Dutch at Nagasaki, on Nov. 9, 1855, and particularly in his belief in the concessions supposedly made by Art. XII and XIII thereof. (See above, Journal, Feb. 26, 1857, and notes 387-391, 393.) The concessions which Townsend Harris assumed had been granted to the Dutch by those two Articles are in- cluded in the "two points" he himself was now seeking to obtain from the Japanese. 341 abundance of violets grows about here. Thermometer, 6 9 °. Monday, April 1 3, 1857. A strong wind and driv- ing rain from the S. W. serve to inaugurate Easter Mon- day at Shimoda. Moriama calls on me, nominally to see me, but in reality to settle the wages of my two Japanese boys, which is at last settled at six ichibus per month, or about two dollars. The Vice-Governor last December wanted me to pay them sixteen dollars per month. Moriama tells me as a most profound state secret that the Prince of Satsuma is father-in-law to the Ziogoon. I knew this last October. Moriama says that, although the Ziogoon has the supreme power to ap- point or displace the members of the High Council, yet he is influenced by a cabal of six persons or families, to wit: three princes of the blood, and three powerful nobles; among the latter is the Prince of Satsuma. In other words, that an oligarchy governs Japan. Moriama says that Japan will be opened to foreigners within the year. He admits that the Japanese are now negotiating a commercial treaty with the Dutch, 417 but I should greatly distrust the provisions of a treaty so made. The Dutch are altogether too fond of monopolies to make a treaty suited to the present wants of the commercial world. Moriama informs me that the guns presented to the 417 In his Journal for Apr. 15, 1857, Townsend Harris states that Moriyama said that the Japanese were not negotiating a commercial treaty with the Dutch. 342 Japanese (fifty-two in number) 418 have been taken to Yedo ; that eight or nine of them are to be mounted on a corvette they have built on the Western model. The corvette is 120 feet keel. Tuesday, April 14, 1857. The chief of the Goyoshi came to see me to-day. At last they have brought me my accounts for seven months. The total looks alarming, as it is 2,087,009 of their coins, but luckily that is fully liquidated with the sum of $447. My servants (/. e., the Chinese) are the heaviest item of my expenses here, as their wages amount to more than $700 per annum, that is for four men, and I also give them their food and lodg- ing, while for five Japanese I pay $132 per annum and they board themselves. The Goyoshi man also brought me a Japanese dic- tionary and promises in a few days to bring me some school books, works of fiction and history. In my account for the last seven months are many things that I shall not have to renew, such as furniture, norimon, horse, etc., etc., all of which amount to $144, — so that leaves about $300 as my expenses for seven months. But my bread, tea, sugar, spices, pickles, coffee, etc., etc., are all brought here and are a very considerable item. I think however that $2,000 per annum will cover all my expenses; but, had I not brought them to terms about the currency, I should have found my salary insufficient for my sup- port. 418 These were the guns that had been removed from the crippled Russian Frigate Diana before she set sail from the Harbor of Shimoda for that of Toda (or, Hey-da), whither she was going for repairs. (See note 325. For the caliber and names of these guns, etc., cf. Journal, Nov. 22, 1856.) 343 Wednesday, April IS, l857- Moriama visited the Consulate to-day. I had proposed to the Governors that, when the next American man-of-war came here, salutes should be exchanged after our fashion. Moriama says the Governor would be much pleased by such a mark of friendship as would be indicated by a salute of the Flag of Japan, but proposed to return it in the Japanese manner, — i. e., after the salute, to send a high officer dressed in his camissimo, or robes of cere- mony, to return thanks for the salute. I told him that would hardly be satisfactory; that our custom was to give gun for gun, the ship being a visitor to salute first, and then to have it returned from the land. I told him that I was anxious that the Japanese should take their place among the civilized nations of the world, and that all these small things were so many steps in that direction. I then entered at large into the system of salutes, and explained the manner in which they were given and returned. The Governors having expressed a wish for books on all branches of military and naval science, as taught at West Point and at the Naval School, I sent them word that, if they would address me a letter on the subject, I would at once forward it to the Secretary of State, and that I had no doubt the books would be at once sent. Moriama then said that he wished to ask me a question, and that he wanted me to consider it as a dream, — i. e., to forget it. The query was: "Suppose the Governors of Shimoda should wish to make a commercial treaty with you, what would you do?" I replied that I should first 344 ask to see their full powers, and if those were satisfac- tory, that I would then show them mine, and after that we would go to work at a treaty at once. He said if that was so, that they had misunderstood me, that they sup- posed that I would only negotiate at Yedo and with the High Council. I told him that they had confounded two things; that what I had to say confidentially as from my Government could only be said at Yedo, so also the President's letter could only be delivered by me at Yedo and in the im- perial presence, etc. That negotiations were a different thing; that I was ready to negotiate with any person of proper rank who could show me the requisite full powers, etc., etc. He de- clared that they were not negotiating with the Dutch a commercial treaty; that, as soon as they were ready to negotiate on that point, they would negotiate with me. Moriama says that almost all the books of Japan are simple reprints of Chinese classics, such as Confucius, Mencius, etc., etc.; but that I shall have copies of such purely Japanese works as they have. My young pigeons fly from the parent nest and "sit up for themselves," be- ing thirty-six days old. Moriama says that firearms were first introduced into Japan 300 years ago; that they were first introduced in the South, at the Island of Tanagasima; 419 that a pistol to this day is called Tanagasima by the Japanese. The place and date both serve to support the assertion of 419 Tanegashima, an island south of Kyushu. 345 Mendez Pinto that he first taught the Japanese the use of firearms. Saturday, April 18, 1857. I have been overlooking my accounts from the Japanese, which they have now rendered to me for the first time. Although they charge me double prices for everything they furnish to me, yet my bills to them for food, fuel, lights, etc., etc., will not exceed $500 per annum. My servants are the heaviest charge, as I am compelled to pay three times the wages to my Chinese servants that they receive in China. My servants cost me nearly $700 per annum. To this I must add, for my full expenses, the cost of flour, tea, sugar, hams, butter, lard, bacon, salt, beef, pickles, spices, etc., etc., etc., which will amount to some $500 per annum more. But Mr. Heusken pays me $365 per annum for his board, washing, etc., which reduces my expenses to less than $1,500 per annum. Clothing, books, and the wine I must use when I have guests will probably leave the full outlay about $1,750 per annum. 420 My servants consist of a butler, cook and his mate, washman, two house boys, one water carrier, one sweep- er, one gardener, one groom, — in all ten persons, and not one that I can do without. I am well supplied with fine pheasants at about six- teen cents each, and so large that one makes an ample dinner for Mr. Heusken and myself. 420 The attention to financial matters both here and in the entry for Apr. 14th was doubtless due to the numerous reports Townsend Harris had had to prepare on matters financial, both for Secretary of State Marcy and for Secretary of the Treasury Guthrie, for the quarter ending Mar. 31, 1857 (see above). 346 The day is a lovely one. How I wish my dear friends in New York were here to enjoy it with me. I am much concerned at the non-arrival of the San Jacinto. Commodore Armstrong promised to be here in March, and now more than one half of April has slipped away.My last letters from the United States were dated March 17, 1856. More than thirteen months ago. How much may have happened in that time. My health is not good. On the 16th I had a violent attack of cholera morbus and I have an almost constant relax. I wish the frigate would arrive that I could have some medical advice. Monday, April 20, l8$J. A miserable wet day. Send word to the Governors that I wish to meet them at the Goyoshi to-morrow at noon. I wish to engross the Articles already settled with them, and have them make their translation, as the last is always a work of much time, and thus I shall be able to expedite the whole mat- ter the more promptly when I get a decision on the "two points." My hen pigeon that has just raised a pair of young, commenced hatching a new nest to-day. Sharp work, as her last brood came out of the shell on the 1 2th of March, or thirty-nine days ago. In my previous statements of my expenses of living here, I have en- tirely omitted rent. As yet I have not paid any, but when I shall occupy a house specially built for me, I shall of course have to pay it. This item will probably bring the total to a little over two thousand dollars per annum. Tuesday, April 21, iSff. Met the Governors at noon at the Goyoshi. Agreed to settle the wording of the 347 points already agreed on. Told them I should write them a formal letter requesting them to give me their version of the seventh Article of the Treaty of Kana- gawa, as, when Lieutenant Rodgers was here (May, 1 855 ) , they had interpolated the words "Such as may be necessary for them" after the words "agreeing to trade." 421 I told them I should also ask them for an ex- planation of the sending away of Reed and Dougherty from Shimoda and refusing them permission to land at Hakodate in 1855. 422 I inquired when I was to receive an answer on the "two points"? They could only repeat that they were anxiously looking for it to arrive here from Yedo. I found the matter of salutes, mentioned to Moriama on the 15th, is a perplexing matter to them, so I let it rest where it is for the present. I requested the Governors to order the Goyoshi officers to answer certain questions which I had received from my Government concerning cotton, its production in Japan, etc., etc., which they promised should be done. I called their attention to the breakwater of the jetty now erecting at Kakizaki ; that it is so short, that at low water of spring tides it will not give any protection to boats. 423 I left at two P. M. After 421 Townsend Harris is quoting Art. VII of the Perry Treaty loosely. The only place where the quoted words could be interpolated is after the words "for other articles of goods." (See also Journal, Mar. 7, 1857.) 422 For the story of the unsuccessful venture of Messrs. Reed and Dougherty, see notes 325 and 400. 423 It will be remembered that the hurricane which swept over Shimoda on Monday, Sept. 22, 1856, had totally destroyed the landing-jetty and breakwater at Kakizaki. Townsend Harris had appealed to the Additional Regulations concluded by Commodore Perry, and had, on Dec. 2, 1856, insisted with the 348 my return home wrote the letter to the Governors as referred to in the beginning of this entry, and settled the wording of the Articles. Wednesday, April 22, 185J. The seeds I brought from the United States will, as I fear, prove to be a total failure. I put eighteen sorts in the ground on the 3rd inst., but only some few peas have as yet come up. It will be a sad drawback to my comforts if they should fail. To-day put in the ground a few grains of corn, watermelons, cucumbers and eggplant seeds procured from the Japanese. Twenty grains of corn and seven watermelon seeds were all I could procure! They said all their seeds were planted. My canary has hatched a new brood of young. Friday, April 24, 1857. My canary has again abandoned her nest. I cannot account for her unnatural conduct. I separated her and the male the moment she commenced to incubate, and have not only kept him out of sight but out of hearing. I can only suppose I have fed her too high. She had yolk of egg every day. Saturday, April 25, 185J. I have given some lessons in English to the Imperial Surgeon, who attends the Governors here. I did this at their request. I found him very apt. He has been absent for some weeks to visit his sick father at Yedo, and to-day came to renew his les- sons. I did not give him anything but a letter to the Gov- ernors, in which I told them that I should be very happy to give instruction in English, after I had been per- Third Governor, or Governor of Kakizaki, that this boat-landing be re- paired, receiving from him the promise that it would be immediately attended to. (See notes 300, 347, 349.) 349 mitted the full exercise of my rights as Consul, but, so long as I was denied any of those rights, I must decline the lessons. 424 I cannot see what it is that keeps away Commodore Armstrong. If I had a vessel of war here, I should have speedy answers to my demands on the two points, but I feel sure they will not be settled so long as no ship-of-war comes here. The Commodore promised to be here in March, yet April has nearly passed away and no ship has come. 425 My last letters from the Department of State were dated in October, 1855, 426 more than eighteen months ago. It is too long a period to leave me here alone, and some order should be given to ensure more frequent communication with me. Monday, April 2J, 1 8 57. The rhododendron, althea, is now in beautiful flower, colors chiefly pink. I have planted some of them in the cemetery where the four Americans are buried. Flowers of the peony, — China poppy, flowered peony and "Tree Peony" — brought me to-day. Very splendid. 424 L. B., vol. 2, p. 17. 425 Aside from the natural desire to see his countrymen — a desire rendered more acute by his isolation — Townsend Harris must have felt real diplomatic concern at the long delay in the arrival of the San Jacinto. He had held the threat of its arrival over the heads of the Japanese in two recent letters — both written on Mar. 28, 1857: one, to the Governors of Shimoda, in connection with the "two points"; the other, to the Council of State at Yedo (see notes 409 and 410). If, after he had thus brought pressure to bear, no American man-of-war should appear to give added weight to his words, Townsend Harris would soon have "lost face" with the Japanese negotiators. It was not until Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1857, that a vessel of the United States Navy finally appeared at Shimoda — the sloop-of-war Portsmouth, Captain Andrew Hull Foote. 426 This was the Letter of Special Instructions, dated at the Department of State, Oct. 4, 1855, which enclosed the necessary documents referring to the Reed and Dougherty case. (See note 399.) 3SO Moriama calls for verbal explanations about the wording of the Articles already agreed on. Find it is a cunning attempt to interpolate words of different mean- ing. Moriama says very coolly that "it is a very different thing to say a thing or to write it." In other words, they are always at liberty to deny anything they have said or promised, so long as it is not in writing. Tuesday, April 28, 1857. Plant some more po- tatoes of the seed procured from Hakodate. Those planted on the 8th inst. are coming up. The Japanese say the season is unusually backward and the weather colder than they ever knew in April. The thermometer aver- ages much lower than I expected for this month in the latitude of 35 north. All the winds from the northward are quite chilly. The Seville orange trees in front of my house do not show a single leaf as yet. Busy to-day in making indexes of the correspondence and documents of the Consulate. Have now got all my papers in perfect order, and only await the arrival of a ship to dispatch a large amount of correspondence. I feel sure that what I have accomplished will give satis- faction. I have settled the currency so that one dollar goes as far almost as three did when Commodore Perry left the question. I have opened the Port of Nagasaki to American ships wanting supplies. Americans are only to be amenable to American authority for offences committed in Japan. American ships in distress and who have no money can pay for all necessary supplies by barter. The great point of residence of Americans is still 35i pending; and, although it may not now be admitted, yet I have placed it on a footing which must ultimately secure it. The consular rights and franchises stand on the same ground as the rights of residence. I have fought the battles ; and, although / may not re- ceive the victory, yet victory will come and will be owing to my labors. 427 Wednesday, April 2Q, 1857. Moriama visits me and brings the Dutch version of the Articles agreed on. I find it correct at last. One would think the translation of a paper to be a simple process, but it is not so with the Japanese ; for, besides their duplicity and constant efforts to vary the substance, they are so absurd as to wish to have every word placed in the Dutch version exactly in the order it stands in the Japanese. It is very difficult to explain to them the idioms of language, or the gram- matical structure of it, or to get them to see that, although the placing of the words does not correspond with theirs, yet the meaning is the same. Their knowledge of Dutch is imperfect. They have learned the language as spoken by traders and sailors, and the Dutch they use is not only that of two hundred and fifty years ago, but it is limited to the subjects above referred to; hence we have great difficulty in conveying an abstract idea to them, and it is almost impossible to speak figuratively to them. The Japanese have fixed days for their change of clothing. The law settles the matter beforehand, and 42T In this entry, Townsend Harris outlines the Convention signed two months later at Shimoda — on June 17, 1857. 352 no inclemency of weather can postpone the change. The following are the periods and changes of their dress for our year 1 857 : On the first day of the fourth month, April 24th, they threw off their wadded clothes and put on unwadded ones, but of thick materials. On the fifth day of the fifth month, May 23rd, they will put on their summer clothing. On the first day of the ninth month, October 18th, they will resume the same clothing as that put on on the 24th of April. On the ninth day of the ninth month, October 26th, they will put on their winter clothing. This is made of the same material as the previous change, only it is thickly wadded with cotton or silk wadding. As a specimen of the cool mendacity of the Japanese, even about things that are tangible to the sight, I note the following: the Island of Oho Sima is in plain sight of Shimoda and some twelve or fifteen miles distant from us, so that it comes within the limits of seven ri, or sixteen and five-eighths miles as settled for the Ameri- cans. Yet the Governors coolly tell me that Oho Sima is twenty-five ri, or fifty-nine and three-eighths miles distant from Shimoda ! ! Kaempfer speaks of a superior fish, said to be taken in Yesso, which the Japanese call sukee, but he could not find out what kind of fish it was. I have discovered that it is salmon. Thursday, April 30, 1857. The thermometer this morning at daylight was as low as it has been at any 353 time this month, — about 43 . The temperature has been very low for such a latitude. My health is very unsatisfactory. I am unable to cure my acid stomach arising from indigestion. I have re- duced my food to bread, rice and the flesh meat we get here, having left off butter, oil, fruit, and all vegetables except potatoes. Still my indisposition continues and I am constantly growing thinner and thinner. I walk every day from six to eight miles. Perhaps the machine is wear- ing out, and these are premonitions of the approaching end. I have slept comparatively well for the last ten days. The thermometer has stood as follows : mean for the month, 57 2/10 ; highest, 67 ; lowest, 43 ° ; rain on four days, showers two days, cloudy three days, and fine twenty-one days. Light earthquake on the fourteenth of April. Friday, May 1, 1857. May Day! A fine day indeed. Thermometer, 69 . Mr. Heusken brought me a bunch of violets which gave out a fine fragrance. Generally the flowers here have but little perfume. Moriama brings a letter from the Governors in answer to mine of [the] 22nd of April. 428 It is anything but what I expected, and quite different from what they said to me at our con- 428 There is no mention of such a letter in Journal, Wednesday, Apr. 22, 1857. The entry, however, for Tuesday, Apr. 21st, does speak of such a letter. Townsend Harris had wrongly dated the latter entry "Tuesday, April 22nd," correcting it later to "April 21st." In other words, the reference in the entry for May 1, 1857, was made back to the earlier date before Townsend Harris corrected the earlier date from the 22nd to the 21st. The text of this letter to the Governors is not found; but its contents are pretty well indicated in Journal, Apr. 21, 1857. The answer of the Governors (undated) was received May 1, 1857 (cf. also Townsend Harris's letter to Shinano-no-Kami, dated June 3, 1857: L. B., vol. 2, p. 18). 354 versations on the subject in February last. It is all of a piece with their falsehood and duplicity. I do not think that any Japanese ever tells the truth, if it can possibly be avoided. He prefers using falsehood when the simple truth would answer just as well. The Japanese cycle consists of twelve years which are named as follows : I St Year Ne or the Rat 2nd u Oo-s << u Bullock 3rd a Tora a it Tiger 4th a Uh! a a Hare 5th a Tat's u it Dragon 6th a Mi a u Serpent (1857) 7th u Um-ma n a Horse 8th a He-'tsu-zi u it Sheep 9th 11 Sarru a a Monkey oth a Tory a a Cock ith a E-noo it it Dog 2th a E a a Boar The Japanese divide the day into two parts, each six hours long, — the day is six hours and the night six hours, — but, as the length of the day and night is con- stantly changing, so the Japanese hours vary in the num- ber of our minutes which they contain. Thus, at the Equinoxes, the hour in Japan both night and day is 120 minutes ; but, on the twentieth of June, the day hour at Shimoda is 143 minutes long, and the night hour is 97 minutes. On the twentieth of December, the length of the hours is reversed from what it was in June, as the day hour is 97 minutes and the night hour becomes 355 143 minutes. They have a mode of equalizing this monstrous difference between the Equinoxes and the longest and shortest days, but it is very inexact. The hours begin to count from the meridian, or twelve o'clock noon, or midnight, so that six o'clock of our time be- comes the sixth hour with them. The following is the name they give to divisions of time, corresponding with our hours: 2 o'clock with us i s the Japanese 9th hour I " u a c i u a W 11 2 " a a ( i a u 8 a 3 " a a i 1 a u 7^ a it a a < i a a a 4 7 5 " a a i i u a by 2 a 6 " a a ( i a a 6 a 7 " a a i 1 u a 5/ 2 a 8 " a a i t u a 5 a 9 " a U i t u a 4^ a o " a a t i a it 4 a i " a a i 1 a u 3K a And from 3 J /> hours it rises at once to 9 hours, so that there is no 1, 2, or 3 o'clock with them. The Japanese have no names for the signs of the zodiac, nor do they designate or distinguish days by any particular name; nor do any number of days receive any distinctive terms, — e. g., "a week," etc. They say the "fifth day of the 10th month of the year of the Dragon." Our "Friday, May 1, 1857," would read in Japanese "the seventh day of the fourth month of the year of the Serpent." 356 Saturday, May 2, 1857. I have made another trial of some of my garden seeds by putting them in a most favorable position for sprouting, and afterwards they can be transplanted if they germinate. A most lovely day. Thermometer, 70 . Tuesday, May 5, 1857. It is now eight months and three days since the San Jacinto left here. 429 Commo- dore Armstrong promised me he would be here again in six months. I am a prey to unceasing anxiety. I have not heard a word from Washington since I left the United States, say October, 1855. 430 What can be the cause of this prolonged absence of an American man-of-war? Where are the English? Where the French? And, above all, where is the Russian Con- sul? He should have been here before this. I am only nine days distant from Hongkong, yet I am more isolated than any American official in any part of the world. I have important intelligence to send to my Govern- ment — intelligence that will give an immediate spur to our trade with Japan; yet here it remains, month after month, without my being able to communicate it to my Government, or enabling my countrymen to benefit by it. The absence of a man-of-war also tends to weaken my influence with the Japanese. They have yielded noth- ing except from fear, and any future ameliorations of 429 The San Jacinto had left Shiraoda for China on Thursday, Sept. 4, 1856 {cf. Journal), and had arrived at Shanghai one week later — Sept. nth. (See letter by Commissioner Peter Parker to Consul Caleb Jones, Shanghai, Sept. 13, 1856, in 35-2, S. Ex. Doc, no. 22, part 2 — in Serial no. 983 — p. 963; cf. p. 1206.) 430 See note 425. 357 our intercourse will only take place after a demonstra- tion of force on our part. I will not suppose this apparent neglect arises from indifference or idleness on the part of our naval com- manders out here. I, therefore, am left a prey to all sorts of imaginations as to the detaining causes. 431 Wednesday, May 7 [6], 1857. My young fowls have commenced laying eggs at the age of eighteen weeks. I do not know how soon they usually begin the great business of their lives "to increase and multiply," but it appears to me that this is a tender age to take up the "cares of maternity." I have the greatest difficulty in breeding fowls, pig- eons and birds. For enemies I have the cats, the rats, the foxes, the weasels, the itats (a ferocious brute of the weasel tribe) , hawks, owls and crows. Out of three nests my pigeons have only raised one, — i. e., one pair. I had a fine nest of thirteen eggs, which would have been hatched in three days, when the brood hen was almost murdered by a rascally tomcat; so the poor thing refused to go back to the "post of danger," and gave me another lesson on the folly of "counting our chickens before the eggs are hatched." I have recorded the shortcomings of my canary, and how she cruelly abandoned two nests of her callow young. She is now incubating a third nest of eggs, and I have put her on a low diet, and separated her from her mate, hoping by these measures to keep the "devil of 431 Not only the American men-of-war, but also those of the allies, were wag- ing the so-called Second Opium War in China. For a few details of the Ameri- can participation in these hostilities, see note 311. 358 concupiscence" out of her little body, until her young can feed themselves. The cat in Japan is from the Indian Archipelago, as is proved by its having the preposterous screw tail that peculiarly marks the cats of that part of the world. They are capital mousers and are afraid of nothing in the shape of a quadruped. Saturday, May Q, 185J. We have had six days of the most unpleasant weather I have experienced since I arrived here. It has either rained or been cloudy for a week. Moriama brought me to-day $283.50, American gold, which was paid to the Japanese by the purser of the San Jacinto. I redeemed it (as he promised to do) by giving them silver for it; but, instead of paying them a silver dollar for each gold dollar, I give them a silver ichibu for each dollar of gold. I have called on the Governors of Shimoda to redeem the promise they made me before I landed, — that "all my supplies should be furnished at the same rates as were charged to the Japanese." I am satisfied that I have been constantly and systematically overcharged, and I sent to the Governor a list of prices at which I am charged, and against these I placed the prices that I have obtained from time to time from Japanese who are not connected with the Government. The difference is very great. 432 For the last few weeks I have seen the only attempt 432 There is extant a memorandum in Townsend Harris's hand (a Dutch translation of which was sent to the Governors) of his objections to the prices he had been charged. The memorandum is dated May 2, 1857, an ^ was sent the same day (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 65). 359 of Japanese boys at amusement of any kind. They have no games, no plays, do not congregate together, have no hoops, no skip ropes, no marbles, no tops, and, I fear, nothing else; but I have been relieved by the sight and sound of kites lately. I say sound of kites ; they affix some thin slips of bamboo on the back of the kite, which give out a sound like the iEolian harp ; and, the kite being made to plunge violently, gives out the sound constantly. Monday, May II, 1857. Went over to the Goyoshi to select some articles for Mrs. S. N. Spooner, 433 who gave me seventy-five dollars in August last to invest for her. I was not pleased with the articles offered to me. I think we have overrated the habit of the Japanese in making elaborately fine articles of any kind. The genius of their government seems to forbid any exercise of in- genuity in producing articles for the gratification of wealth and luxury. Sumptuary laws rigidly enforce the form, color, material and time of changing the dress of all; so, as to luxury of furniture, the thing is unknown in Japan. I do not hesitate to say that the house of a Prince of the Empire does not contain half the value of furniture that you will find in the house of a sober, steady mechanic in America. Simplicity and frugality is the great maxim of this country, and it is enforced in a most surprising manner. It would be an endless task to attempt to put down all 433 See note 240. 360 the acts of a Japanese that are regulated by authority. This is no country for modistes, tailors, jewelers and the whole army that batten on the imaginary wants of the West. I have said nothing about my health lately. I have left off the use of tobacco, and have come down to plain boiled rice, fish and chicken, — but all is of no avail. I use a great deal of exercise, but it cannot reach my liver, and that is the source of my trouble. Oh, for a foreign ship to come here with a good doctor!! 434 Saw the first land crab to-day since last October. I suppose I may put this down as a proof that the summer has now actually commenced. The large Camellia Japonica in my compound, which first showed its blossoms on the 5th of January, is now going out of bloom. It has been a splendid sight and has, I have no doubt, produced some thousands of roses! Wednesday, May 1 3, 1857. For the purpose of as- certaining whether gold is really as cheap in Japan as the Japanese pretend, I ordered two mustard spoons to be made of pure, unalloyed gold. They wished me to give them coin to make the spoons from. This I de- clined, as it would defeat the object I have in view. After some days, a formal message was sent to me by the Governors, stating that, by the laws of Japan, gold could only be used to ornament their swords, and that its use by the people in any other form was ab- 434 This worry concerning his personal health was a very weighty reason to be added to the diplomatic concern that he felt over the long delay of the San Jacinto (see note 425). 361 solutely prohibited. 435 A greater falsehood was never uttered. It is true that the Japanese use but few orna- ments, or indeed articles of luxury of any kind ; but gold is used in weaving brocades, in decorating saddles, in making a small chain which secures a small basket which contains a cloth with which they wipe perspiration from their faces, and for women's ornaments. I told the messenger to say to the Governors that I knew that gold was used for many purposes besides swords ; but, even if that was not the case, it was nothing to me, as I was not a Japanese, nor bound by Japanese law. Moriama comes to say that Bingo-no-Kami has re- ceived orders to go to Yedo and that he is to leave early to-morrow morning; that he is unable to call in person to take leave of me, and begs me to excuse his apparent neglect. I send him messages wishing him a pleasant journey to Yedo and a favorable reception on his arrival. Thursday, May 14, 1857. I have received a circular from the United States Patent Office asking for a great variety of information about cotton, the whole being put in the form of twenty-seven questions. These I had translated and gave them to the Japanese, requesting them to give me the desired information. To-day I have their return. It is a beautiful specimen of Japanese craft, cunning and falsehood. Their great object appears to be to permit as little to be learned about their country as 435 W. E. Griffis quotes the following extract from a Japanese source: "The use of gold or silver in making utensils of all kinds was prohibited" — in 1855. {Towns end Harris, p. 155, note.) 362 possible ; and, to that end, all fraud, deceit, falsehood and even violence, is justifiable in their eyes. It is true that this is the most difficult country in the world to get in- formation; no statistics exist; no publications are made on any subject connected with industry. No man makes experiments to improve his implements, or to increase the product of his lands by new modes of culture. As his father sowed and reaped, so does he; and if the crop is large, it is his good fortune; if it be poor, it is his misfortune. As in everything else in Japan, the motto is Quieta non movere; the cultivator never measures his produce to see how it compares with that of his neighbor, or with his own on previous years. He is en- tirely ignorant of the mode of culture or crops produced at places not twenty miles distant from him. The great mass of the people are literally tied to the spot on which they were born. Of course, government officials, priests, pilgrims, etc., are exceptions. It may be that some few of the traders may go from place to place in pursuit of their calling, but such men, in Japan, have no eyes for anything but their traffic. Saturday, May 16, 1857. I ordered a small bel- vedere to be erected on the top of a hill near the Con- sulate, so that I might enjoy the cool air during the hot season, and also have a view over the whole of the harbor. To-day they brought me some plans and ele- vations very neatly done, with estimates of the cost of the work. It seems to be a most important matter to them, as they have been a number of days about it and many persons were engaged on it. I was satisfied with 363 their plans and accepted them. The price is fifteen dollars. I am collecting specimens of natural history, 486 but they are but meagre, as the Japanese will not bring me one, on the national principle of concealing everything. Tuesday, May ig, 1857. To-day I paid the Japa- nese for the gold I received from them on the 9th inst., as well as for a draft on me from Purser Bradford of the San Jacinto. In this case I paid them one ichibu for each dollar of the account, and my dollars were weight against silver ichibus, deducting five per cent, for re- coining. This made my ichibus cost me thirty-three and eighty-three one-hundredth cents each. The allowance of five per cent, is not a fixed one. I offer them five per cent., they ask six. When the Messenger Bird settled her bills, she paid at the rate of six per cent. 437 1 am to settle all my bills since my arrival here at five per cent. The next settlement is to be at six, and so on, five and six at each alternate payment, until the matter is finally closed. The amount of the accounts settled to-day was $452.50, but I paid it with $153.50, thus saving $299!! The wheat in the vicinity begins to assume a golden hue, and will soon be ready for harvesting. I find that the Jap- anese do use a few incense sticks in their temples. They 436 In collecting these specimens, Townsend Harris must have had in mind his best friend, Mr. Sandwith Drinker, then in China, who was a member of The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. In fact, in a letter dated Hongkong, Apr. 3 and 4, 1857 (but which was received only on Oct. 20, 1857), Mr. Drinker asks Townsend Harris for some specimens of Japanese ferns, etc., that he may send to the Academy (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 62). 437 The Messenger Bird left on Sunday, Mar. 29, 1857 {q.v.). For the terms of the settlement, see Journal, Mar. 9, 1857. 364 are made of some fragrant material, but are far inferior to those of China; and, as to number, what a contrast with China! There one may say truly that hundreds of thousands are burned every day in a city like Canton. They are kept up night and day, and the perfume is as obvious as possible the moment you approach a Chi- nese town. Thursday, May 21, l8$J. Nine mollis to-day since I arrived in Japan, and I am still without any communi- cation with home. Where is Commodore Armstrong? 438 The Japanese brought a horse for Mr. Heusken to- day. It is dearer than mine, although not so good looking, but this is Japanese custom, always advance the price, but never lower it. Saturday, May 23, 1857. The weather is very bad indeed, almost constant rain and a raw unpleasant wind from the northeast. The Japanese say that "the oldest inhabitant" does not recollect such a miserable May as this is. We have, how- ever, enjoyed eight months of as fine weather as anyone could wish for, so we may put up with the present with- out grumbling. Tuesday, May 26, 1857. To-day I have a reply from the Governors about the prices charged to me by the Goyoshi people. 439 438 See above, May 5, 1857, and note 429. 439 See above, May 9, 1857, and note 432. The letter of the Governors, written in Dutch, is L. & P., vol. 2, no. 68. In his reply to the Governors, dated Monday, June 1, 1857, Townsend Harris takes note of their refusal to alter the prices to conform to those paid by the Japanese (as promised) ; and he gives notice that he will demand from the supreme Government of Japan repayment of all overcharges ( L. B., vol. z, pp. 17-18). 36s It is plainly and unequivocally a full support of the Goyoshi rascality in all of its ramifications. They do not regard the promise they gave me last August as worth the breath it cost them to utter it. How- ever, to lie is, for a Japanese, simply to speak. Wednesday, May 2J, l8$J. To-day being the fifth day of the fifth month is a great festival among the Japanese, and is attended to by abstaining from labor, putting on their best clothes, and by flying their musical kites, which sometimes remind you of a distant organ. I do not see any special religious attendance. I must say that I never was in a country so abounding with priests, temples, mias, statues, etc., etc., where there was so great indifference on religious subjects as there is in Japan. I believe all the higher classes are in reality atheists. These festivals are kept on the first day of the first month, the third day of the third month, and on the fifth day of the fifth month. These (I think) are the principal festivals of the Japanese except those of the new and full moons, neither of which is observed by abstaining from labor. My canary left her nest, leaving her eggs unhatched, although she had set for twenty days. On breaking the eggs I could not discover any sign of young in them; apparently the eggs were not impregnated by the cock bird. Friday, May 2Q, 1857. The wheat harvest is now being actively carried on. On counting the grains I find from five to sixty grains in one head. 366 Moriama informs me that Bingo-no-Kami is not to return to Shimoda, having been appointed "Superin- tendent of Repairs" at Yedo. His successor is not a Kami, but will be made one before he comes here. He is said to be a mild and amiable man. If so, I am glad to change Bingo-no-Kami for him, as the former is anything but a friend to foreigners, and besides he is the most in- veterate liar I ever met with. At a temple on one of the hills near the Consulate, the Japanese mariners make an ex voto offering of the tuft of hair which completes their headdress. This is in consequence of some vow made in a moment of peril, and when he arrives safely he cuts off the hair and hangs it up, although it is a great sacrifice to a Japanese to cut it off. Sunday, May 31, 1857. I have walked this month, for exercise, over three hundred and fifty miles. I have entirely quit the use of tobacco in all its forms. I have brought down my diet to plain boiled rice and a little fowl. I tried fish for some days, but that was worse than the fowls. I cannot eat bread, either fresh or of the American biscuit. I have taken any quantity of blue pill, but all is of no avail. I suffer horribly from acid stomach and am getting leaner day by day. What is very singular is that my appetite is uncommonly good; but, my digestion being so much out of order, my food does not do me much good. The weather this month has not been as pleasant as on the previous ones. The mean tem- perature was 64 ; highest, 73 ; lowest, 55 . Had rain eleven days, showers two days, cloudy six days, fair 367 twelve. We had an earthquake at 8 130 A. M. on the 2nd of May. Where, oh, where is Commodore Armstrong? I am sick and weary of looking out for him. Monday, June I, 1857. The Japanese have said that strawberries grew around here, and that, as soon as they were ripe, I should have a good supply of them. At last they brought me some itsigo, or strawberries. They prove to be a kind of raspberry, of a pale straw color and of an insipid taste, quite without aroma or flavor; and these are their promised strawberries. I have found in the woods a fruit of the size, shape, color, leaf, etc., etc., of the real strawberry, but the fruit is not edible, having a decidedly unpleasant flavor. I saw the same fruit in the north of China, during my wanderings there in 1853. The varieties of the laurel family here are almost innumerable. I am sure a botanist would find many new things here to repay his trouble. How often do I regret my ignorance of botany. Gener- ally speaking, however, wild flowers are not abundant here, and scarcely none are cultivated, and but few have any scent. How much I miss that Queen of Flowers, the Rose that is now in full bloom in New York; I should not be sorry to have a few sprigs of champacka from Penang, the tuberose from Macao, or the jessamine from Cal- cutta, to please my sense of smell. Tuesday, June 2, 1857. Moriama brings me Mr. Portman's Dutch version of the Treaty of Kanagawa, as well as their Dutch version made from the Japa- 368 nese. 440 1 wish to have a copy to save the trouble of con- stant reference by means of letters asking for copies of parts of Articles. Moriama says that in reality Bingo- no-Kami is in disgrace, as his new appointment is two grades lower than the post of Governor; that his salary is a mere trifle compared with what he enjoyed here, and that he is now excluded from all knowledge of for- eign affairs, nor can he even have interviews with the members of the High Council. The causes of this dis- grace are said to be various; but the chief one was that he did not agree better with me, the Government ap- parently holding him responsible for all my complaints, and for my recalcitrations against their various attempts to restrain me and deprive me of my just rights. Bingo- no-Kami did not carry his honors meekly. He was (to the Japanese) haughty and overbearing, and did not practice the usual Japanese suaviter in modo — hence he had made many small enemies, who no doubt did all in their power to prejudice him with the Government at Yedo. The only real outcasts in Japan are tanners, who also make all work that has any leather about it. They live in villages by themselves ; they cannot intermarry with any other class, nor can they enter the house, eat or drink, even with the poorest Japanese. Voluntary beggars are outcasts while they continue beggars, but 440 Mr. A. L. C. Portman, a native of Holland, had been Dutch interpreter for the Perry Expedition. Later, he was of great service on the occasion of the visit of the first Japanese Embassy to Washington, in May, i860; and, after Mr. Heusken had been slain by the Japanese (Jan. 15, 1861), he became the Dutch interpreter for Townsend Harris at Yedo. 369 they can restore themselves to society whenever they please. Of course religious mendicants are not outcasts. Public executioners are not outcasts. They are of the body of the soldiery, and associate with their equals in rank, without reference to their calling. Malformations and distortions of the spine, etc., etc., are known in Japan. Infants malformed are not put to death; on the contrary, the poor rickety child appears to receive a double portion of affection from its mother. As a general principle a Japanese may follow any calling he likes, as he is not compelled to follow the trade of his father, although he generally does so. Jap- anese cannot remove from their district to another, ex- cept on special permission from the Government, and those permissions are rarely granted. A man wishing to perform a pilgrimage must procure a passport for that purpose, which runs from one to eight months, ac- cording to distance. Merchants trading from city to city must also obtain passports. There are no internal octroi, or transit duties in Japan. Oasaca, Oaxaka or Oasaka is, according to Moriama, a fine town of from five hundred thousand to eight hun- dred thousand inhabitants. It has a large and secure harbor and enjoys a large commerce. It communicates with Miako by means of a river which is navigable with boats 60 (sixty) feet long. The thin porcelain so much admired by foreigners is only made in Fizen. There are three places in this island celebrated for this fabric, the most noted of which 37o are Imari and Firando. The first named is the best. Mikado is the only title of the Spiritual Sovereign. Dai-ri means "Spiritual residence," — i. e., residence of the Mikado, who is "brother to the sun and father of the moon." Ziogoon is the only title of the political ruler of Japan. It means "General of the Kingdom, Lieutenant General, or Generalissimo of the whole Empire." Tuesday, June 2, 185J (continued) . Took a walk to the southwest of Shimoda towards Cape Idzu. It is of the same character as the other parts seen. Every pos- sible spot is cultivated, and as many inhabitants as can be, supported. I find that what I considered as jungle on the steep hillsides, is actually all planted. Trees, bam- boos, rushes, etc., etc. All are renewed as they are cut off for use. No spot is neglected. I have never seen a person that had the appearance of want marked on his countenance. The children all have faces like "full moons," and the men and women are quite fleshy enough. No one can for a moment suppose (after see- ing the people) that they are not well fed. Every day increases my regret that I have no know- ledge of botany. I am sure there are many curious plants here, and have no doubt that many are quite new. I saw to-day a peach tree nine inches high which had some full grown fruit on it. The peaches are not ripe, therefore I cannot speak as to their quality; but the ap- pearance of them is not in their favor. The Japanese, like the Chinese, pluck and eat the fruit before it ripens. 37i Wednesday, June 3, 1857. Walked up the valley of Shimoda towards Matsusaki. 441 Visited a new hot spring. It is arranged as a bath house like those before described, but the water is much warmer and more strongly impregnated with sulphur. I found a woman in the bath with her child. She was not in the least dis- composed, but gave me the usual "Ohio" (good-morn- ing) with a smiling face. Her skin was very fair, nearly as white as a Circassian. On my return homewards I called on the Prince of Shinano and passed a very agree- able hour with him. He presented me with some superior tobacco from Yedo, but, happily, I do not now use it. On my walk home I picked up (on the beach) some pure white fuci. I find nothing in my books analogous to this. It was not an isolated specimen, as abundance of it was found. It is quite as white as the best quality of the celebrated "Edible Bird's Nests." The quantity of edible seaweed (fuci) that is col- lected at Shimoda is quite large, and it appears to form one of their articles of export to Yedo. The trees about Shimoda are chiefly laurels, arbutus, and the varieties of the pine family. Saturday, June 6, 1857. To-day I paid the Jap- anese my account for my household expenses, including some articles of furniture, a horse, saddle, etc., etc., a norimon, together with the Government bill for my flagstaff material, 442 the accounts of my Chinese ser- 441 Matsuzaki. 442 For the "First Consular Flag" ever raised in Japan, see Journal, Sept. 4, 1856. 372 vants, and also for seventy-five dollars of lacquer articles purchased for Mrs. S. N. Spooner. The accounts begin about the 30th August, 1856, and end May 22, 1857. The total presents the alarming amount of 3,476,594. But these are Japanese seni, and I settled the whole for $699. Had I paid the accounts on the basis admitted by Com- modore Perry, the amount would have been $2,173, so that $1,474 was saved by my arrangement of the currency with the Japanese. Monday, June 8, l8$T. I omitted to enter the ar- rival here of the new Governor, who comes in place of Shinano-no-Kami. His name is Nakamora Dewa-no- Kami, or Nakamora, Prince of Dewa. I have at last carried every point triumphantly with the Japanese, and have got everything conceded that I have been negotiat- ing for since last September. Among my papers will be found a copy of the Convention 443 which contains the following provisions : 1st Opens the Port of Nagasaki to American ships; 2nd Gives the right of permanent residence to Americans at Shimoda and Hakodate, and the right to appoint a Vice-Consul at the latter port ; 3rd Settles the currency, so that where we paid $100 we now pay only $34.50; 4th Americans to be exclusively under the control of their Consuls and to be tried by American law; 5th Concedes the right of the Consul General to go where he pleases in Japan, and to be furnished with Japanese money to enable him in person, or by his servants, to make his purchases without the intervention of any 443 The text of this Convention of Shimoda will be found in Appendix IV. 373 Japanese official. This is even more than I was in-* structed to ask for by my special instructions dated October 4, 1855. 444 No class of Americans is named in the second Article, so that missionaries may actually come and reside in Japan. Am I elated by this success? Not a whit. I know my dear countrymen but too well to expect any praise for what I have done, and I shall esteem myself lucky if I am not removed from office, not for what I have done, but because I have not made a commercial treaty that would open Japan as freely as England is open to us. Besides, it is so easy to criticize, and so agreeable to condemn. It is much more pleasant to write imbecile, ass or fool, than to say able, discreet and competent. Wednesday, June 10, 1857. The rice is now being rapidly transplanted, and, as the crop begins to be har- vested in October, it gives about four months for the growth of the rice crop from the time of transplanting, or five months from the time the paddy is placed in the sprouting grounds. Wednesday, June 17, 1857. To-day we signed the Convention, 445 having been some nine days in settling 444 See notes 399 and 426. 445 0nly two days before this, on June 15, 1857, the ratifications of Town- send Harris's Treaty with Siarn had been exchanged at Bangkok, by Charles Wm. Bradley, Sr., who bore credentials signed by President James Buchanan. For this, and for the letter written (in English) by the First King of Siam to accompany the ratified Treaty, see Wood, Fankiuei, pp. 236-40; for former Consul Charles W. Bradley, Sr., see notes 55 and 210. Returning to the Convention of Shimoda, it should be noted at once that when the Shogun later informed the Emperor at Kyoto of what he had done, the latter was pleased to accord his consent, and it is so stated in the Shogun's address to the Emperor delivered in Nov., 1865 (Francis O. Adams, The His- tory of Japan, vol. 2, p. 25), even though the Choshiu clan rightly complained that the Shogunate had not received the sanction of the Emperor beforehand (Gubbins, The Progress of Japan, p. 169). 374 "« ' >'^*^ ^ ^ <,;„£ A,*^, z&& («.^ • ' '-• /t;**X. *'*t& /.*++.* 4H*j£ 7t /,,, >' /if 4* «< t f t tt I /// I ■ 1 1 fit / *1 xy /r,/,is//y // Sitlj/^/*t i t A*< , S,. t *< Ctf * • ^/, y > *> < - ^ v /4 <* < *t, ~£* »/> A* -. . />«' 7# . , c< ///» <-,// t, x s/l. .■/< ty y/ * , t , r/ r. , , , , /< t. f/U && y HH 11/ f \ dtt , , /H(*L gi'fvtA, &%fV *¥**•*** *rf.*~~ J/* ty /./, t .t St*/ t V^'"' y -f a/V/ ' V 7 St &/ tr tAts+~ 6rtiy %f/&**C ?— /fc-^^y a s/7T*,*& y*^ *$u rt m**-*JL t . /*/> ,*. a \ s 'A&^ 1 I s » I ■< 3 a. o s 1 ji 1 i 1 I 1 i 1 -I 1 x H^ ■3 "S I i «-* I'l | I a •? I I ( « o < w z w w 13 co Z CO O . •D >, o w O -g /h CD O £ U Q W CO CO "co < Q CO LIBKARV OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS i6th, September 22nd, October 15th, November 12th, November 26th, all 1856, and March 18, 1857. From my other dear and valued friend, General Wetmore, I have letters dated June 9th, July 21st, and November 10th, 1856. I received in all twenty-eight letters, 481 but not one word from the Department of State 482 about my Treaty with Siam, 483 or one word in answer to some of mine that it was important to me to receive answers. All the letters from the Department were printed circulars, 484 except one dated August, 1856, and relating * 81 Not one of these seven letters from Mr. Nathaniel Dougherty and of the three from General Prosper M. Wetmore has been found. It will be remem- bered that Townsend Harris himself informed us that his letters to Mr. Dougherty, General Wetmore, and other private friends in New York and elsewhere were not copied into his Letter Books {Journal, July 6, 1857). Similarly, not all the letters received from his friends are to be found in his Letters and Papers. There are extant, however, a great many of the let- ters included in this total of twenty-eight. 482 From the Department of State, Townsend Harris received Secretary Cass's dispatch dated Mar. 6, 1857, which informed him of the appointment of Mr. Cass to the office of Secretary of State. In acknowledging receipt of this communication, Townsend Harris concludes with the familiar cry: "Your letter is the first that I have received since I arrived in Japan" (L. B., vol. 2, pp. 98-99, dated Oct. 20, 1857). On the same day, and together with the communication from Secretary Cass, Townsend Harris received also the second copy of his Commission as Consul General for Japan, signed by President Franklin Pierce and Secretary William L. Marcy, and dated July 31, 1856. This second copy of his Commission has the title "Consul General" printed in full in the body of the text, and the wording differs here and there from that in the first copy of the Commission, dated Aug. 4, 1855, and signed by President Pierce and by W. Hunter, the Acting Secretary of State. The second copy was issued to Townsend Harris because his appointment as Consul Gen- eral was confirmed by the Senate on July 31, 1856 (S. Ex. J'l, vol. 10, p. 131). Both originals of these Commissions are now in the possession of The College of the City of New York. 483 See note 467. 484 In his Dispatch No. 19 to Secretary Cass, dated Oct. 20, 1857 (L. B., vol. 2, p. 100), Townsend Harris acknowledges receipt that day of the following circulars from the Department: 1) Statutes at Large for 1855-56. 4OI to a debt contracted by two Americans, Reed and Dougherty, with the Japanese. 485 Nor am I more for- tunate in receiving answers to my letters [which] I wrote to Henry Grinnell and Joseph Evans. 486 Saturday, October 24, 1857. I And that the President was strongly inclined to reward my services in making a commercial treaty with Siam, by removing me from my office of Consul General at Japan. It appears that the Treaty reached Washington on the 17th of Sep- tember, 1856, and on the same day the New York Times published what it said was the actual Treaty. The Pres- ident held that it was I and I alone that communicated it to the Times, and was for my instant removal. This was only prevented by the friendship of Governor Marcy and the untiring labors of my kind friend Gen- eral Wetmore. The President appeared to think the best mode of proceeding would be to punish me first, and then call 2) Act to regulate the Diplomatic and Consular Departments, Aug. 18, 1856. 3) Regulations for Consular Officers, 1856. 4) List of fees chargeable by American Consuls. 485 This letter from the State Department was dated Aug. 19, 1856; it was numbered 34; was signed by Secretary William L. Marcy; and authorized a special credit on bankers for $3,000 to cover the debt incurred by Messrs. Reed and Dougherty. (For a copy of this letter, see L. & P., vol. 2, no. 65; cf., L. B., vol. 4, p. 38; for the Reed and Dougherty affair, see above, notes 325 and 400; and Mar. 7, 1857, and notes.) 486 0n this day Townsend Harris wrote to Secretary Cass acknowledging receipt of Circular No. 16, dated Nov. 8, 1856; and stating that he had duly filled in the enclosed bond for $10,000, which he was therewith sending to his agent in New York, Mr. Nathaniel Dougherty (Dispatch No. 18: L. B., vol. 2, p. 99). In his letter to Mr. Dougherty, of even date, Townsend Harris requests him to attend to all the details as soon as possible (L. B., vol. 2, p. 106). On Oct. 21, 1857, he wrote Dispatch No. 20 to Secretary Cass (L. B., vol. 2, pp. 100-01) ; and on the 22nd Dispatch No. 21 (ib., pp. 101-02). For Joseph Evans, see note 52 ; to Henry Grinnell, Townsend Harris had written on June 8, 1856: see Journal, July 23, 1856. 402 on me for my defence. This mode of procedure is quite common among Oriental despots, but I am inclined to think that the Western rule is to hold every man innocent until he is proved to be guilty. Had the President, in his ardent desire to punish the guilty, given orders to compare the publication in the Times with the official copy in the State Department, he would at once have seen that the Times's version could not have emanated from me, nor from anyone who had an opportunity of copying the Treaty ! I ! The Times uses the words "American subjects" in twenty places ; the Treaty reads, "American citizens." The Preamble is entirely omitted. Article i. The last clause is not in the Treaty, and omits a very important provision. Article 2. Omits a reference to the Treaty made by Mr. Roberts in 1833. Article 3. The closing paragraph is not in the Treaty. Article 8. Omits an important provision regarding the prohibition of the export of rice, besides also omitting a reference to the Treaty of 1833. Article 9. The closing paragraph not in the Treaty. Article 12. Alters the sense of the original entirely, as the Treaty went into operation the moment it was signed. The Regulations of Trade, which form an integral part of the Treaty and consist of six articles, are omitted. Various verbal alterations run through the whole Treaty as published in the Times. I wonder the Times correspondent was so inexact, as he could easily have procured an accurate copy. 403 After I had engrossed the English version of the Treaty, the Siamese asked to have it for the purpose of comparing it with their version ; and, as they were bound to accept the English version (see Regulations, Article 6) as the original, their request was reasonable and could not be refused. It was some days in their posses- sion, and their chief interpreter showed it freely to all who desired to see it, and I was told it was seen by Americans, English, French and Portuguese residents, and a single tical would have purchased the right to copy it. Everyone who has had anything to do with Oriental Courts knows that the idea of secrecy as at- tached to negotiations is absurd. The thing is unknown and is impracticable. Monsieur Montigny, 487 the French Plenipotentiary, succeeded me at Bangkok about two months after my departure. He set out with a full determination to keep his negotiations and the results a profound secret, and how did he succeed? Mr. Mattoon, U. S. Consul at Bangkok, wrote to me under date September 15, 1856, as follows: "There was an attempt made on the part of the French to have everything secret, utterly refusing to discuss any ques- tion in the presence of others than French and Siamese. The attempt was perfectly futile in such a place [as] this, even had there been any reasonable motive for secrecy. The Treaty was on its way to Washington and London nearly, or quite, as soon as to Paris." 487 He concluded a Treaty with Siam on July 8, 1856. It was on his nomi- nation that Townsend Harris, on Sept. 23, 1859, was elected a member of the Societe Imperiale Zoologique d'Acclimatation of Paris (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 233). Mr. Mattoon's letter, from which Townsend Harris quotes in this entry and which he had received only four days before (Oct. 20, 1857), is L. & P., vol 1, no. 99. 404 Wednesday, October 28, 1857. Moriama appeared at my house this morning, having just returned from Yedo. He brought a message from Dewa-no-Kami, re- questing to meet me at the Goyoshi at noon to-day. Moriama brought me a box containing files of the Singa- pore Free Press, Illustrated London News, and Java Bode, which were forwarded to me from Nagasaki on the 14th of August by Mr. H. Donker Curtius by sea, and had (of course) passed by Shimoda and been taken to Yedo. Moriama informed [me] that it was true that publications had been made concerning my visit, and added that the Government had suppressed them, as they contained so many mis-statements. On going to the Goyoshi, Dewa-no-Kami showed me various ground plans of the buildings where my audience was to take place, and explained their views of the ceremonies to be had, etc., etc. I accepted the whole program with one exception. They proposed that, after my audience was over and I had retired, I should return to the Audience Chamber, not as the representative of the President, but in my private capacity; that, instead of proceeding to the place I formerly occupied, I should stop at the place where I made my first bow; that the Ziogoon would then address me, to which I was not to reply, but simply bow and retire. It struck me that there was some petty scheme of glori- fying themselves at my expense in this proposition, and I avoided it by saying that I could not divest myself of my character of Plenipotentiary which had been con- ferred on me by the President, and that, so long as the 405 President pleased, I must maintain that character. They were evidently chagrined at this and tried to persuade me to alter my decision, assuring me that it was meant as a personal honor to me, etc., etc. I replied that I was gratified for the intention; and that, if the Ziogoon wished to see me at a private audience, I would cheer- fully attend him, .but that it must always be in my official character. To-day I am told that Ziogoon is not the proper ap- pellation of their ruler, but that it is Tykoon. Ziogoon is literally "Generalissimo," while Tykoon means "Great Ruler." The genius of the people shines out in this. For more than a year I have spoken and written Ziogoon when referring to their ruler, and they never gave me any explanation; but now, when I am on the eve of starting for Yedo, they give me the real word. My departure is fixed for Monday, November 23rd. They proposed Friday, November 20th, but as that would cause me to pass Sunday among the hills, I de- clined it and fixed on Monday, which will cause me to pass my Sunday at Kawasaki, a town about fifteen miles from Yedo, on the banks of the river that brought up Mr. Bittinger, Chaplain of the Susquehanna, when he made his dash at Yedo in 1854/ 488 488 It was on Mar. 14, 1854, that Mr. Bittinger had been prompted by his curiosity to see more of Japan and to walk beyond the usual four or five miles permitted by the Japanese authorities to the men of Perry's squadron. He had pushed on from Yokohama to Kanagawa, and then to Kamasaki (or, Kawasaki), where he was overtaken by a messenger from Commodore Perry ordering him back to his ship immediately. (Perry, Narrative, in 33-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 97, vol. 1, pp. 359-60.) On Oct. 28, 1857, Townsend Harris wrote Dispatch No. 24 to Secretary Cass: L. B., vol. 3, pp. 5-6. 406 Friday, October $0, 185J. To-day is the anniversary of the first visit paid to me by the Governors of Shimoda ; and, according to appointment, Dewa-no-Kami, or the Prince of Dewa, visited me attended by one of the Vice- Governors, the Mayor or Prefect of Kakizaki, the Com- missary of Shimoda and his private secretary, besides a large train of officers, guards, etc., etc., but the above were all that were admitted into my private rooms. After an hour of pleasant chat we sat down to a very good dinner provided in our style, and they did full honor to my cheer, both solids and fluids. As soon as this was done, the dishes were removed and I gave them a second one in Japanese style. Still they ate, but nature has its limits; they did what they could, but fell far short of their first performance. They left me at five P. M., full of fun and good cheer. Their conduct at table would have passed in any society of New York, Paris or London. An enormous umbrella has been added to the para- phernalia of my tail for Yedo. Saturday, October 31, 1857. I am truly grateful for improved health. I begin to recover a little of my lost flesh. Weather report for the month : Thermometer : highest, 79 ° ; lowest, 54 ; mean, 65. 8°. Extreme daily range, 14 . Rain one day, showers six days, cloudy two days, fine twenty-two days. Last year October was: thermometer, highest, 77°; lowest, 51 ; mean, 64.3 . Extreme daily range, 15 . Rain three days, showers five, cloudy five days. Fine eighteen days. 407 Monday, November 2, 1857 . Moriama gave me the following as the prices at which copper and camphor are sold to the Dutch at Nagasaki, with the mode of cal- culating the money. The seni and ichibu are real coins, the others are mere imaginary Chinese coins and are only used in the accounts of the Dutch. 10 seni make i candereen; 10 candereen make i mas; 10 mas make i tael; 16 mas i ichibu, but in account with the Dutch, the tael is reckoned n mas, and the ichibu at i tael 5 mas. Copper per picul in a/c , 8 ichibus & 50 seni " " " silver, 4 " " 25 " Camphor " " " a/c ,0 " " 600 " " " " silver, o " " 300 " It strikes me that there must be some misunderstand- ing in the above. Either the picul is short weight, or the price is erroneous. Moriama says the copper costs the Government ten kobangs per picul, — that is Macoto, day-nigh, or a great [?] Tuesday, November J, 1857. The poor despised porgy of New York here becomes a capital boiling fish, weighing frequently seven to ten pounds. The same char- acter attends him in the South Pacific, in Australia, New Zealand and other parts. He is called a "snapper," in Australia. Wednesday, November 4, 1857. A beautiful day. Thermometer, 70 . Rode down towards Cape Idsu as far as was possible on horseback, and over roads that would startle any English steeplechaser. The country 408 looks far more beautiful than it did at this time last year, as the typhoon of September 22, 1856, destroyed nearly all [the] vegetation. Rice crop is about one-third harvested and looks very well. Buckwheat in full bloom. Saturday, November 7, l8$7- I paid my bills to the Goyoshi for my bills with them for four months, amount- ing to 754 ichibus, or $260; but this covers a good deal of carpenter's work and other extras. My bills with the Japanese for supplies will be about $700 per annum. To this add supplies from Hongkong, say $500, servants $650, gives a total of $1,850 per annum, less $365 per annum paid by Mr. Heusken as his share of household expenses, — leaving my outlay about $1,500 per annum. But, at the rate of exchange against the United States, which varies from thirty to forty-five per cent., I can remit to New York some $6,000 per annum as my sav- ings out of a salary of $5,000! Besides, I have made a little sum of about $2,500 by taking from the Japanese foreign gold at the rate at which they took it, — i. e., 34^2 cents per dollar. This I send to Hongkong to be disposed of by remittance to New York or for sale, as may be most for my interest. Wednesday, November 18, 1 8 57. I have got every- thing packed up and ready for my journey to Yedo, 489 489 Among other things, Townsend Harris had prepared two letters of Instructions which were to be used during his absence from Shimoda: one addressed to any United States Naval Commander that should visit Shimoda (L. B., vol. 2, pp. 86-89) ; the other to any merchant captain (ib., pp. 89-90). He had, furthermore, issued a warrant to the Japanese authorities for the ar- rest of any of his Chinese servants that might attempt to leave Shimoda while he was away at Yedo (L. B., vol. 3. pp. 6-7, dated Nov. 3, 1857), and had, in a covering letter to Dewa-no-Kami, provided for the comfort and security of the American Consulate {ib., p. 7). 409 which is to begin on Monday next, the 23rd. Visited the Prince of Dewa at Nakamura to take leave of him before my setting out, according to Japanese custom. The Governor gave me a copy of a Treaty made with the Dutch in January, 1856. It is only a recapitulation of the substance of the Dutch Convention of November, 1855, except it withdraws the right of the Dutch to lease the grounds and buy the buildings at Deshima. 490 Friday, November 20, 1857. Went to the Goyoshi at the special request of the Governor, who gave me copies of Additional Articles made with the Dutch, October 16, 1857, and with the Russians on the 24th of the same month. 491 The only points of importance in these Articles are those contained in my Convention of June 17th. A curious Article is inserted in the Dutch papers, — viz., "The Dutch shall have the right to exer- cise their own, or the Christian religion, in the build- ings occupied by them at Deshima." It would appear from this Article that the "Dutch religion" is not the Christian religion. 492 490 See notes 387-391, inclusive, and 393. 491 For the Additional Articles to the Dutch Treaty, and for other material connected with the ratifications that were exchanged on Oct. 16, 1857, see Gubbins, The Progress of Japan, pp. 255-66. For the Supplementary Treaty with Russia signed at Nagasaki, see ib., pp. 239-45. The full text of this Supplementary Treaty, written in the Dutch language, is to be found in L. & P., vol. 2, no. 70. Admiral C. E. Poutiatine, who had negotiated the Russian Supplementary Treaty, sailed from Deshima for Shanghai on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1857 (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 74). On November 20th, Townsend Harris wrote Dispatch No. 25 to Secretary Cass, forwarding copies of these Treaties and discussing their contents: L. B. t vol. 3, pp. 22-24. 492 Additional Articles, Art. XXXIII (Gubbins, op. cit., p. 262): "The Netherlanders are at liberty to practise their own or the Christian religion within their buildings and at the burying-places appointed for them." It seems to us that the phrase "or the Christian religion," instead of being (as Townsend Harris says) an alternative to the phrase "their own [religion]," 4IO Sunday, November 22, 1857. This morning I re- ceived a package from Mr. J. H. Donker Curtius, Dutch Commissioner at Nagasaki, in answer to my letter of August 27th. He sends me copies of the Dutch and Rus- sian negotiations of October last, and a copy of the Over- land Mail of August 10th. All of which are very ac- ceptable. 493 Monday, November 23, 1857. At eight this morn- ing I start on my journey to Yedo. I went on horseback ; the morning was very fine, and the idea of the im- portance of my journey and the success that had crowned my efforts to reach Yedo, gave me a fine flow of spirits. The American Flag was borne before me, and I felt an honest pride in displaying it in this hitherto secluded country. 494 At Nakamura (about one mile from my house) I joined the main cavalcade, and we started in the follow- ing order. My avant courier was Keekoona, 495 a mili- is in apposition to it and explains its meaning. We feel sure that the Dutch so meant it. Indeed, in the postscript to a letter dated Deshima, Nov. 6, 1857 (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 76), Curtius says to Townsend Harris: "The Japanese have agreed, too, to abolish the custom of trampling the cross of our Lord." Occurring as it does in a letter which speaks of the recently concluded Addi- tional Articles, this postscript sounds very much like a commentary on Art. XXXIII, and we think it fair so to consider it. Townsend Harris received Curtius's letter on Nov. 27, 1857, when he had reached Odawara on his jour- ney to Yedo; but, in spite of this postscript, he had not changed his mind on the meaning of the phrase in question by Jan. 25, 1858, q.v. Before passing on, it should be emphasized that the words of Curtius quoted above constitute the first authentic statement of the abolition of the odious custom of trampling on the Cross — the Fumi-ye; and, further, that this important statement appears in a brief postscript: Servus servorum Dei! 493 See letter by Curtius to Townsend Harris, Nov. 6, 1857: L. & P., vol. 1, no. 76. 494 For the history and significance of this flag, see Appendix V. 495 The Japanese words in this entry should be written: Kikuna; Shi-ta-ni- iro; Kago, Kabi-ya. (Griffis, Towns end Harris, ad he.) 411 tary officer with a rank corresponding to captain. He had his horse and norimon and the usual bearers and attendants, but before him went three lads each bear- ing a wand of bamboo with strips of paper attached to the top; they cried out, alternately, Stanee-hiro, that is, "Sit down," "Sit down." They kept some four hun- dred yards in advance, and their cry sounded quite musical. Next to Keekoona came the American Flag guarded by two of my guards. Then I came on horseback with six guards, next my norimon with its twelve bearers and their headman; bearers of my shoes, etc., etc. Then Mr. Heusken on horseback with two guards, then his nori- mon, bearers, etc., etc. Next followed a long retinue bearing packages containing my bedding, chairs, food, trunks, and packages containing presents; my cook, and his following. The Vice-Governor of Shimoda fol- lowed, with his train, then the Mayor of Kakizaki, and lastly the private secretary of the Governor of Shimoda. A Dutch interpreter was carried in a cango in Mr. Heusken's rear. The whole train numbered some three hundred and fifty persons. All the bearers of luggage, etc., etc., were changed every two ri, or about five miles, and I was glad to see that these men were all paid for their labor. My "standard bearer" was clothed in a long kabyya, or gown made of brown and white calico, of a particular pattern, and open at the sides like a herald's coat, from the hip downward. My guards were clothed in silk dresses, and had the 412 GO "5 0^ I y z w < 8.2 ow St ° u Is < %v fe §^ < s < :§ pei S Pn <£ w * w S E- .2 50 UBfcARV OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS arms of the United States on the right and left breast of their upper garment; each man wore two swords. The norimon of Japan appears to have been made after the model of the iron cages said to have been invented by Cardinal Balue, in the reign of Louis XI of France. They are so low that you cannot stand upright in them, and so short that you cannot lie down at full length. To one who has not been accustomed to sit with his legs folded under him, and the whole weight of his body pressing on his heels, the posture is more painful than can be easily imagined. I previously had a norimon made for me, which was six and a half feet long (like the palanquin of India) , which enabled me to avoid the tor- ture of the Japanese norimon. The packages containing my bedding, clothing, etc., were covered with black cotton cloth with the arms of the United States neatly put on them. The other pack- ages were neatly put up and had a little pennon with the United States arms flying from a short bamboo, which was placed upright on each package. My norimon bearers were dressed in dark blue, with the arms of the United States on the back. These were picked men (twelve for me and eight for Mr. Heusken) , and very tall for Japanese. My men wore a peculiar ornament, which is prohibited to any below the bearers of princes. It is made of cotton cloth, gummed very stiffly and folded back and forth in folds about three inches wide. It is about thirty inches long, and has one end stuck in the girdle at an angle below the right shoulder, with the upper end projecting a little beyond 4i3 the right side of the body. Across the upper end two white stripes run diagonally across all the folds. The motion of the body causes the folds to open and close, something like the action of a fan, and is con- sidered as being very beautiful by the Japanese. My route to-day was only fifteen miles; it continued along the river of Shimoda, the ground gradually rising and the river diminishing to a mere thread of water, until we crossed a hill some four hundred feet high which sepa- rates the watershed of Shimoda from the Valley of Nasimoto. 496 Our midday halt was at Mitskoesi. 497 The last part of the ride gave us the sight of some noble cypress and camphor trees, — one of the latter was of enormous bulk, and the Japanese said it was many hun- dred years old. Nasimoto is a small village of about one hundred houses, very prettily situated. My quarters for the night were in a temple which commanded a most beautiful view of the hills and valley, and of the village which lay some one hundred and fifty feet abruptly be- low us. I have remarked that throughout the Catholic and Pagan world, the most picturesque positions are always selected for churches and temples. I found that much attention had been paid to the path (for it cannot be called a road) over which I passed to-day. Bridges had been built over every stream, the pathway mended, and all the bushes cut away so as to leave the path clear. At the temple I found that a bathroom and water closet had 496 Nashimoto. 497 Mitsukuri (Griffis, Townsend Harris, p. 185). 414 been built for my special use, and every attention paid to my comfort. Tuesday, November 24, 1857. Started at eight A. M. Our route to-day was over the mountain Amagi, which is some 3,500 feet above the level of the sea. The path was very difficult, — so much so that I was compelled to leave my horse and enter my norimon; and it was no easy mat- ter to carry that, even with eight men bearing it, as the road was sometimes at an angle of 35 , while the zigzags were some of them not so long as the pole or beam of my norimon, which is twenty-two feet long. Amagi is clothed with noble trees, consisting of cypress, pine, camphor and others of the laurel family, besides many of whose names I am ignorant. The orchidea were numerous, and offer a rich harvest to the experienced botanist. We halted on the top of Amagi, whence we had a fine view of Shimoda, Oho Sima and its volcano, with the Bay of Suruga, the Gulf of Yedo, etc., etc. The descent is not quite so abrupt as the ascent was, and about two-thirds of the way down I mounted my horse once more. As I descended, the valley opened and gave some beautiful views; on the south side of Amagi I saw a very pretty cascade. Passing through a village, I saw some camellias which were already in full bloom, both white and red, but the flowers were all single. Passing through the village of Yugasima 498 to go to my quarters at a temple, I turned to the right from the 498Yugashiraa. 41s road and in a few moments I had my first view of the Mountain Fusi Yama. 499 It is grand beyond description ; viewed from this place the mountain is entirely isolated and appears to shoot up in a perfect and glorious cone, some ten thousand feet high; while its actual height is exaggerated by the ab- sence of any neighboring hills by which to contrast its altitude. It was covered with snow, and in the bright sun (about four P. M.) it appeared like frosted silver. In its majestic solitude it appeared even more striking to me than the celebrated Dwhalgiri of the Himalayas, which I saw in January, 1855. 1 found the temple at Yugasima prepared for me in the same manner as that at Nasimoto. Wednesday, November 2$, 1857. Left Yugasima at eight A. M. and, as our road lay over a plain, I mounted on horseback. As I proceeded the plain widened, until in many places it was three miles across it. The scene was very pleasing. The plain was covered with a heavy crop of rice, of which the harvest had just commenced; and it reminded me of the golden wheat fields of old Ontario. The houses of the people, the mode of cultivation, the dress of the people, and all minor particulars were ex- actly like Shimoda. We halted at noon at a hamlet called Ogiso; 500 and when I mounted my horse I pushed on in company with Keekoona and Mr. Heusken more rapidly than my attendants could do. This brought me to 499 Fujiyama. 500 Ohito. 416 the town of Missima 501 at three P. M. This town is on the Tokido,™ 2 or great road of Japan, and is the route trav- elled by the Dutch when they go to Yedo. I may here remark that the Dutch have not been to Yedo for the last ten years, their tribute having been delivered at Naga- saki to the Japanese. The Dutch thus avoided the great expense of the journey; but this has not relieved them from the presents they made on the occasion of those visits, as they are regularly demanded and given at Nagasaki. Missima contains about nine hundred houses, and the description of it by Kaempfer in 1696, after making due allowance for high coloring, will apply to it now. It had a fine temple situated in a fine square and surrounded by noble trees, but it was totally destroyed by the great earthquake of December, 1855. I went to see its ruins; and, in my walk, I was surprised at the numbers of the people, which were apparently far more numerous than the whole population of the place. On asking for an explanation, I was told that the time of my arrival was known many days ago, and that all those who could pro- cure permission had come to Missima to see me; that some had come more than one hundred miles. The people were perfectly well behaved, no crowding on me, no shouting or noise of any kind. As I passed, all knelt and cast their eyes down (as though they were not worthy even to look at me) . Only those of a certain rank were 501 Mishima. 5( > 2 Tokaido. 417 allowed to salute me, which was done by "knocking head" or bringing the forehead actually to the ground. In the temple grounds are some fine tanks swarming with fish. A small pagoda of three stories was so much shaken by the earthquake that it totters to its fall. Even the bridges leading over the small canals of the temple grounds, with the stone wall which surrounded the en- closure, have all been overturned. My rest place to-night was at a honjin, or rest house for persons of the highest rank, such as the princes, etc. Even the Vice-Governor of Shimoda could not stop here. There are two or three classes of houses of entertainment for persons of rank and government of- ficers, and these are distinct from the public hotels, which are also of various grades, but all are open to those who have money to pay the higher prices. I found myself very comfortable. In the rear was a garden, with dwarf trees, miniature mountains and other rock work; diminutive ponds with bridges over which nothing grosser than a fairy could walk, etc., etc. In criticizing Kaempfer's description I must bear in mind the difference there is in the standards of splendor, etc., as they existed in 1 696 and in 1 857. What was splen- dor when he left Holland about 1685 would not be en- titled to any adjective of praise in 1857. So, when he speaks of stately castles, noble palaces, and magnificent temples, we should remember what class of buildings elicited those terms of praise one hun- dred and seventy years ago. I have had Fusi Yama in view all day, but alas! like many other things in this 418 world, the nearer approach does not add to its beauty or grandeur. It is now connected with a range of hills, one of which, Hakone, is some forty-five hundred feet high, which takes away the air of solitary majesty which the view from Yugasima has. " 'Tis distance lends enchant- ment to the view." To-morrow I have to cross over the mountain Hakone, 503 and, as the road is very bad for horses, I shall proceed in my norimon. Dignity (even if health permitted) forbids my going on foot, which I should prefer to riding in my norimon. Thursday, November 26, 185J. As our march to- day is a weary one, I start at half-past seven. I stop in the suburbs to visit a temple. It is approached by a noble flight of eighty-five stone steps. There was nothing to mark the difference between this and a Chinese Bud- dhist Temple except that the Japanese affair was less gaudy and much cleaner than its Chinese fellow.We were now on the great road of Japan ; it is from thirty to forty feet wide and is bordered by very noble cypress, pine, fir and camphor trees. Many of the cypresses are of extraor- dinary size. The typhoon of September 22, 1856 (see my Journal of that date) 504 made sad ravages among these fine trees. I found marks of its effects almost every hun- dred yards. We soon began to ascend the spurs of Hakone. The road up the mountain is paved with flat stones ; and, from the total absence of wheel carriages, or 503 Not to be confused with Hikone. 504 The reference to this typhoon actually occurs in the entry for Sept. 23, 1856; cf. note 300. 419 of horses that are shod with iron, the stones are quite polished and so slippery that it is dangerous riding a horse over them. The ascent is bad, but not so vile as that over Mount Amagi. Near the top of the mountain I was taken to a temple built by Yeyas, 505 the founder of the present dynasty of Tykoons. From the top of Ha- kone we had a fine view of the City and Bay of Suruga. Fusiyama was quite near, and altogether a different affair from the glorious view at Yugasima. A short dis- tance on the north side of Hakone, and about one mile from the top, stands the village of that name. Here is the celebrated pass into the Yedo district, and a rigid search is made of every norimon, and each person is examined as to his passport. Here the Vice-Governor of Shimoda, after a vast deal of circumlocution, informed me that, when the great Princes of the Empire passed here, the door of the norimon was opened and an officer looked into it, with- out stopping the bearers; that it was a mere ceremony, but the ancient laws required it, etc., etc. I replied that, as I was not a Japanese subject, and being as I was the diplomatic representative of the United States, I was free from any such search; that they knew what was in my norimon, and could inform the officers at the pass that there was nothing forbidden in it. The Vice-Governor tried for some time to change my determination, and at last proposed that I should ride through on horseback, and then permit the search of the empty norimon, I decidedly declined this, telling 505 Iyeyasu Tokugawa. 420 him that it was the search under any form that I ob- jected to. He then said that we must stop until he could send to Yedo for instructions, which would only take five days. I told him I should not wait five days nor five hours; that if the search was insisted on I should at once return to Shimoda. The poor Vice-Governor was in great tribulation and finally went to the guard house, and after a delay of two hours returned with word that it was all settled and that I should pass unmolested. The honjin where I stopped was on the bank of a pretty lake about two miles long, but it is notorious for its insalubrity. The water here is very bad, and the cold winds that rush down the sides of Fusi Yama are well calculated to produce sickness. Directly north of the "Gate of the Pass" is a temple which contains in its court some noble and colossal copper figures of Buddh. About two thirds of the way down the mountain I stopped at a perfect little bijou of a "rest house.'* Everything was in miniature. The house was new and nothing could exceed its cleanliness. A miniature gar- den adorned the rear, and from a wall of rocks some tiny cascades tumbled down like threads of silver, with a pleasing murmur. The trees were dwarfed into the smallest of possible sizes and into the queerest of forms. Some tiny canals were filled with water of crystal clear- ness, and the bottoms were paved with white pebbles. In these canals some enormous gold and silver fish were swimming. One of them was more than two feet long. A carp of some thirty inches long was the patriarch of this finny family. A number of small tortoise (the Jap- 421 anese emblem of longevity) lazily crawled on some tiny rock work and over bridges of some eighteen inches' span. Among other refreshments served to me were living fish and tea leaves made up with sugar as bonbons. The sweetmeats were in great variety and of excellent quality. Owing to the loss of time I did not reach Odowara 506 until long after dark, but I was not sorry for the delay, as the effect of my train with an immense number of flambeaux made from bamboos presented a curious and novel appearance, as it wound and turned in the descents of the mountain, making a figure like the tail of an imaginary fiery dragon. Beyond the walls of the town I was met by the officials, with an army of lanterns of all imaginable sizes, shapes and colors, all decorated with the arms of the owner. For nearly a mile before reaching the place I heard occasionally a hearty booming sound, the cause of which I could not divine. After reaching my resting place, these sounds increased in frequency and were now attended with a sensible jar which caused the sliding doors and windows to rattle sharply. I was told it was the surf breaking on the beach, and such I found it to be afterwards. The Gulf of Yedo is bifurcated by Cape Sagami, and the Bay of Odowara extends westerly and northerly, while the Gulf con- tinues its course nearly north by east.The ground swell of the Pacific Ocean rolls in full majesty up the Bay of Odowara and breaks heavily on its beach. It was so late when I arrived that I could not see much of the town. I 506 Odawara. 422 was told it contains 700 houses, while Kaempfer gave it 1,000 in 1696. If his account was correct, the town has lost three-tenths of its houses during the last 160 years. I should here remark that the principality of Idsu ends at Missima. Idsu, in which Shimoda is situated, is one of the poorest provinces of the Empire. It is so mountain- ous that only a very small portion of it can be culti- vated, and it has no resources to support any large population. It has no town of 10,000 inhabitants, and the mountain Amagi cuts off the rest of the world from it, except by a painful and troublesome journey over it. The Japanese showed their astuteness in getting Com- modore Perry to accept Shimoda for the Americans, as they were completely isolated by land, and they could easily keep away any undue number of Japanese craft. In fact, since I have been at Shimoda, I have never seen 1 50 vessels at one time in that harbor, while the Japanese assured me that a short time before my arrival it was not unusual to see 300 to 400 at a time, and that, during a gale of some days, 700 vessels had been there at one time. Friday, November 2J, 1857. Left Odowara at half- past eight, and at noon halted at Ohiso. 507 We were fer- ried over the river Banyugawa, 508 which is now some 200 yards wide, but in the rains of May and June it is over one mile wide. The land on either side is a mere bed of sand, and the river is filled with quicksands. These sands [and] the great width of the river during the floods, 507 Oiso. 508 Banriugawa (Griffis, Townsend Harris, p. 193), 423 joined to the very low banks, render the bridging of the stream very difficult. This river with the broad sands and low banks reminded me of the River Sone 509 in India. Reached Fusisawa 510 at six P. M. From Odowara to Fusisawa it is almost one continuous village, as the hamlets are only separated a few hundred yards from each other. Kaempfer speaks of the crowds of travellers, priests, pilgrims, nuns and beggars which thronged the Tokido when he was in Japan. Nothing of the kind was seen by me. I have not as yet seen a dozen travellers on the road, nor met any of the great trains that attend the princes when they travel. In the towns and villages the shops are all closed except the cookshops. The people are collected in large numbers in front of their houses and are silent and motionless as I pass. The authorities of each village conduct me to the bounds of their village, where they are relieved by those of the next. They salute me on leaving by a prostration, which is also made by my new conductors. The road has not only been repaired and put in order for my reception, but it is actually swept only a few hours before I pass over it. 511 The sosSon. 510 Fujisawa. 511 Happily, we know to-day far more than Townsend Harris himself could know of the careful preparations made by the Japanese to do him honor on his journey to Yedo. The series of Japanese documents containing the necessary instructions was entitled: "Visit of the American Ambassador to the Castle of Yedo in the loth month of the 4th year of Ansei (1857)." The original Japanese version of these documents was obtained by the American Dr. David Murray (who was then serving Japan as educational adviser) from the successor of Hotta, Bitchiu-no-Kami. Lord Hotta, in 1857, had been Chief of the Great Council, or Gorogio. Dr. Murray presented the documents to Mr. D. W. Stevens, Secretary of the U. S. Legation, who caused them to be translated into English by Mr. Thompson, interpreter of the Lega- 424 crossroads and paths leading to the Tokido are closed by ropes stretched across them. At the entrance of each village small cones formed of earth are erected, each having a small green sprig in the top of it. This is in honor of me. It reminds me of the "Shiva Lingas" of India. 512 All the people I see are clad in their holiday costume, but, as noted at Missima, it is only those of rank that salute me. All below that rank kneel and avert their eyes from me. At each place where I halt, the front of the house is decorated with long cloths festooned over the gates and doors and with the Imperial colors, — i. e., tion. In the letter forwarding the translations to the Hon. William M. Evarts, Secretary of State, and dated Mar. 25, 1879, Mr. Stevens says: "It is understood that the literary executors of Mr. Harris are engaged in collecting material for his biography. I have no doubt that they would find facts worthy of notice in this account of his first visit to Yedo." The account referred to is given in 46-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 1, pt. 1, pp. 621-36, in Serial no. 1902. To give an idea of how thoroughly everything was antici- pated, we shall outline some of the documents reported: 1) Notification to Honda, Mino-no-Kami, that the Shogun will grant an audience to Townsend Harris at an early date. 2) Appointment of six Commissioners to take charge of Townsend Harris's journey to Yedo, directing them to make all the necessary preparations. 3) A special notification to the officials in charge, emphasizing the fact that, inasmuch as Townsend Harris's visit will be the first, it will necessarily serve as a precedent, and hence the need of special care! 4) Notices to the Ometsukes regarding the care of the roads, houses, and people; and to the inspectors of roads. 5) A careful plan of the route to be followed on arriving at Yedo; on en- tering the Shogun's Castle ; on going to the house of Lord Hotta. 6) A notice to the overseer of the Buddhist and Shinto Temples in Yedo, to be ready to provide new quarters in case anything (presumably fire) should happen to Townsend Harris's abode. 7) A notice to Inouye, Shinano-no-Kami, ordering him to Shimoda to con- sult with Governor Nakamura, Dewa-no-Kami, relative to the ap- proaching visit to Yedo. 8) A notice from Lord Hotta to Lord Honda, asking him to notify Yedo when Townsend Harris was ready to leave Shimoda. 5X2 Linga, a Sanskrit word for the phallic symbol, which represents one of the aspects under which the god Siva is worshipped in India. 42s black and white stripes; and a stake is always found placed to which my flagstaff can be attached. As I mounted my horse after being ferried over the Banyu- gawa, my vicious brute of a horse both bit and kicked me. The little finger of my left hand was very painful and I ordered some leeches to be applied. The doctor ap- proached with great trepidation, while large drops of perspiration stood on his forehead. I asked what ailed him; he said that he had never approached any person of such exalted rank before, and he was terrified at the idea of drawing blood from me. He was told to forget all about rank, and to apply his remedy as quickly as pos- sible. The leeches are very small and of course not very efficient. Excellent leeches are found in every part of the tropical East. A tank like those of Pulo Penang would be a pretty fortune to a man if he had it in New York. I have known the bites of those leeches to bleed for twenty-four hours. The doctors of Japan are of two classes : the one following the European mode so far as they understand it; the other continues the old Chinese practice. Their medicines are generally of a simple kind. No violent chemicals are used, and calomel is un- known. Rhubarb and gentian are their chief internal remedies, while the moxa or cautery with scarification, is applied externally in local inflammations, rheuma- tism, etc. Tropical bleeding by leeching and cupping is also used. Vaccine matter was introduced by the Dutch a few years ago. I was informed that about one-tenth of the population have been vaccinated. They do not inoculate the smallpox. Still the ignorance of the Jap- 426 anese of the true mode of treating the diseases of chil- dren in particular is shown in the frightful statement made to me by the Prince of Shinano, that out of ioo children born no more than 30 reach the age of twenty years. My surgeon, having finished his labor, retired a proud and happy man; happy that he had pleased me, and proud that he had been called on to attend a person occupying my position. 513 Saturday, November 28, 1 8 57. Left Fusisawa at seven A. M. The road is very pleasant, as the plain gradu- ally widens as we approach Yedo. The Tokido from Odowara runs quite near the shore, except where it crosses the Peninsula of Sagami. See many marks of the typhoon of September, 1856, along the road. Fusi Yama begins to improve in appearance as we recede from it. The villages are larger and more closely connected than on yesterday's route. The people, all in holiday costume, are kneeling on mats in front of their houses, as I pass. At noon stop at Kanagawa, at a pretty konjin placed at the water side. This is an interesting spot to me as it was the scene of Commodore Perry's negotiations. From my house I look across the bay to Yokohama, the place where his fleet was anchored. I was much sur- prised by the sight of three ships of European build and rig, which with two schooners were lying about mid- way between Kanagawa and Yokohama. 513 The Western, or Dutch, learning found its way gradually into Japan through the small Dutch window at Deshima. A splendid picture of this scientific infiltration in the fields of mathematics, geography, medicine, etc., is presented in Osada's Life of Takano Nagahide, translated and edited with an introduction by D. C. Greene, D.D., in Transactions of The Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. XLI, part III, Aug., 1913, pp. 379-492. 427 These ships have been purchased from the Dutch by the Japanese, as the beginning of a navy. To the north- east from Kanagawa I saw the steamer which the Dutch presented to the Japanese. 5133 Kanagawa has the air of a flourishing town and has much increased since Kaempf er described it. It is the nearest harbor to Yedo, and must become a place of great importance whenever Yedo shall be opened to foreign commerce. I left Kanagawa with regret and pursued my road to Kawasaki, where I shall pass Sunday. Ever since I have been in this country I have refused to transact any business on that day or even to receive a message from the Japanese. They now fully understand my motives, and they re- spect me for them. The village authorities are now preceded by a body of policemen, each bearing an iron rod some half an inch thick and six feet long. Four or five iron rings are attached by eyes to the top of the rod, which make a loud jingling noise as the foot of the rod is struck on the ground by the policeman at each two or three steps. They alternate the time of striking the rod on the ground by a regular measure, and this, with the different tones of the rings, makes a species of music. The number of people seen increases. They are all fat, well clad and happy looking, but there is an equal ab- sence of any appearance of wealth or of poverty, — a state of things that may perhaps constitute the real hap- 518a This was the steam paddle-wheel corvette of six guns, the Soembing, presented to the Bakufu by the King of The Netherlands in 1855, and renamed the Kanho. She was possibly the first ship to hoist the Hinomaru — the Red Sun on a white ground — which was at this time adopted as the national flag (Murdoch, A History of Japan, vol. 3, p. 616 and note 1). 428 piness of a people. I sometimes doubt whether the open- ing of Japan to foreign influences will promote the gen- eral happiness of this people. It is more like the golden age of simplicity and honesty than I have ever seen in any other country. Security for person and property, universal frugality and contentment seem to be the apparent condition of Japan at present. Reached Kawasaki at half-past four P. M. The honjin prepared for my reception I found to be in a sadly dilapidated condition. Doors and windows would not close, the paper in many places broken, so that the wind played freely through the rooms, while an air of dirty slovenliness reigned over the whole. This was the first instance of a dirty house I had ever seen in Japan, and it struck me all the more forcibly as I was to pass Sunday here; the condition of the house became a serious matter, and I soon determined to have better lodgings if they could be found in the place, as the idea of lodging in a honjin would not protect me from the actual discomfort of the place; so, after much grave remonstrance on the part of the Vice-Governor, Mr. Heusken sallied out to look at the hotels of the place. He soon returned with word that he had found a house pleasantly situated and that it was neat, clean and com- fortable. I decided at once to accept it. The Vice-Gov- ernor implored me not to think of going to a tavern, but, rather than I should do so, he would give up his quar- ters and go to the tavern himself. I told him I could not think of disturbing him; and, as to my dignity, that was my affair, and I would take good care of it. So to the 429 hotel Mannenya, or "the felicity of ten thousand years," I went, and a very good change it was, for I had a bright, clean and comfortable house in place of the dark, dirty and uncomfortable honjin. Among other reasons ad- vanced by the Governor why I ought not to go to the Mannenya was the very grave fact that at all the honjins the floor of the room occupied by me was raised some three inches higher than the other rooms; that to place me on a floor of the same level as the others was to derogate from the respect due to me; that the most positive orders had been issued by the Tykoon that I should receive all the marks of honor in my journey that were bestowed on persons of the most exalted rank in Japan, and for that reason I had always been lodged in honjins on a raised floor which was covered with mats of the finest quality, and bordered with a binding of a particular pattern, etc., etc. I answered him that what he said was no doubt very true and very proper, but he had forgotten that I sat on chairs that raised me much higher than even the favored floor of the honjin, and that, as to the "mats and binding," my being a foreigner would allow me to dispense with those considerations while I was at Kawasaki, and so that matter ended after consuming nearly three hours. My cook served me up some very delicate teal and delicious quail for my dinner. I had this man (who is a Japanese cook) instructed in the Western manner of cooking for some five weeks before I left Shimoda. His cookery is inferior to Delmonico's, but much more to my taste than the Japanese cuisine. 43o I pay for my food and lodgings (and for the hire of my guards and bearers, grooms, etc., etc.) while on my journey. The Government furnishes all the coolies that are em- ployed to transport my luggage, etc., etc. I am informed that on my arrival at Yedo I am to be considered as the guest of the Tykoon, and that my lodg- ings and table will be furnished by him. This Kawasaki is the place that "brought up" Chaplain Bittinger, the Chaplain of the U. S. Steamer Susquehanna, when he made his dash to see Yedo, as the Japanese refused to ferry him over the River Logo, which runs on the north side of the town. 514 The Japanese say that the reverend gentleman made all sorts of efforts to cross the river, and finally drew his sword, which he was flourishing with considerable en- ergy, when Commodore Perry's positive order to him to rejoin his ship immediately reached him. The Jap- anese slyly added that they presumed he only flourished his sword "for amusement." It is rather a novel thing for an American clergyman to resort to his "carnal weapon" instead of relying on the "sword of the spirit." The policemen are dressed in a uniform; the back and breast of the jacket is frequently red, sometimes blue, but in all cases it is covered with characters which look vastly like the cabalistic signs which used to decorate the robe of the astrologer. The Fire Depart- ment is an important one in Japan, and each village has one or more stations for their engines. These might be 514 See note 488. 431 better named a good sized squirt. They are made entirely of bamboo and wood, and by means of arms projecting beyond the ends of the machine, they are carried by two men on a brisk trot to the place of conflagration. 515 Sunday, November 2Q, 1857. The first Sunday in Advent. I read the whole service for this day with Mr. Heusken as my clerk and congregation. I experienced some peculiar feelings on this occasion. It was beyond doubt the first time that ever a Christian service on the Sabbath was read audibly in this place, which is only thirteen miles from Yedo, and this, too, while the law punishing such an act with death is still in force! 516 My rooms look out on a pretty garden filled with the usual miniature pieces of water, tiny bridges, and rock work with the invariable dwarfed trees. I occupy a 515 It has several times been told to the writer that Townsend Harris in his younger days belonged to the New York City Fire Department, which, as everyone knows, was chiefly composed of volunteer organizations in the early 'forties. No proof of this fact has yet come to our notice. If it be true, then this and other entries of his Journal (e. g., Nov. 29, 1857) ta ^ e on a more sympathetic coloring. 816 The earliest of these dreaded and oft-repeated edicts on the subject of Christianity in Japan was aimed against the Portuguese, Shogun Iyemitsu saying in June, 1636: "The whole race of the Portuguese, with their mothers, nurses and whatever belongs to them, shall be banished to Macao" (Lewis and Murakami, Ranald MacDonald, p. 127, note 137; Hildreth, Japan, p. 192, citing Kaempfer). The decree of death instead of expulsion seems to have been issued in 1639. And when, in defiance thereof, a Portuguese ship from Macao arrived at Nagasaki in 1640, the entire crew (with the exception of thirteen) was killed. The survivors returned to Macao with the following written message: "So long as the sun warms the earth, any Christian bold enough to come to Japan, even if he be King Philip himself, or the God of the Christians, shall pay for it with his head." See Robert P. Porter, Japan, The Rise of a Modern Power, The Clarendon Press, 1918, p. 77; compare Captain Sir Edward Belcher, Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang, etc., p. 42; and Kenneth Saunders, Foreign Mis- sions in Japan, in Japan for Aug., 1923, p. 22. 432 pavilion detached from the main house, and it is only occupied by me and my immediate attendants. Kaempfer and all other writers on Japan state that their rooms were invariably in the rear of the house, and they all add their belief that this was done merely to prevent their seeing anything of the people, etc. Had these writers better understood Japanese customs they would have drawn very different conclusions from the same facts. The Japanese houses of the best class are all built entre cour et jardin, as the French say. The buildings fronting on the street are used as offices and for the servants. A large gateway opens in the center of these buildings, and discloses a court of greater or less ex- tent, according to the size of the house. It is some fifteen to forty yards from the gate to the door of the real residence of the occupant, and the most honorable rooms are in the rear, where they open into or overlook the garden. Now, in Japan the higher the rank the greater is the seclusion in which the individual lives. This is a great and fundamental principle with them, and it therefore follows that they would of course occupy the most secluded rooms of the house, for that follows as a necessity from the principle. I now learn, beyond doubt, that the solitude of the great road is caused by positive orders issued by the Government, prohibiting any travel over the road dur- ing my journey; and, as my route for each day was fixed some time before, they could make their arrangements, and by my punctuality the stoppage of traffic was only 433 for one day on each day's route. 517 In the afternoon I went out for a little exercise, and visited a very noble temple situated about one and one-quarter miles from the Tokido, towards the bay. The roof is of copper (the first I have seen in Japan). There is some little gild- ing on the ends of the rafters and beams which project some eight feet beyond the walls and form a pent house on every side. (This is also the manner of building the roof for all kinds of edifices.) In the temple were a multitude of lanterns, some of which were fully ten feet in diameter, and all were prettily decorated with Chinese and Japanese characters in various [colors]. I found some very good castings of copper, among the rest a shrine in the vestibule of the temple showed much merit. It was supported by figures of demons, the varied expression of whose faces was capital. On the outside of the shrine the zodiacal signs (Japanese) were well done in bas-relief. The altar shone resplendently with an infinite number of objects all in fine brass and as bright as gold. I was told they were a present from the late Tykoon. 518 The High Priest was clad in purple silk, with an embroidered alb about his neck. The attending priests were all in yellow. The temple and everything pertaining to it was exquisitely clean. The consoles and ends of the rafters and beams 517 See note 511. 518 Iyeyoshi, the twelfth of the Tokugawa dynasty, who died Aug. 25, 1853 — in other words, soon after Commodore Perry had sailed away from Yedo for the first time. The coincidence of the Shogun's death and of the visit of the American squadron was duly noted both by those who favored the opening up of Japan, and by those who fought against it might and main — not to speak of the significance which the Shogun's death bore for the superstitious. 434 were carved into grotesque masks and heads, which were executed in a spirited manner. In the courtyard in front, an enormous bronze bell was suspended. The tone of the Japanese bells is in gen- eral very fine ; they are struck with a wooden pole some ten feet long and from three to six inches in diameter. The pole is suspended in a horizontal position, and the bell is struck by simply pulling back the pole and then letting it fall by its own motion against the outside of the bell. In Commodore Perry's journal of the first night he passed in Japan, he speaks of the bells that were struck during the night, and he supposed them to be alarm or signal bells. They are still struck in the same manner, not only during the night, but the day also, and are simply to note the hour. 519 On my return I saw a number of the largest storks I ever met with. The tameness of all kinds of wild animals 519 Townsend Harris was not in a position to know exactly what took place when Perry's Squadron entered the Bay of Yedo, about 5 p. M. of July 8, 1853. In tne pages of Inazo Nitobe (who undoubtedly used Japanese sources) we have a very vivid description of the terror that seized the inhabitants of Yedo {The Intercourse between the United States and Japan, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1891, p. 46) : "No sooner had 'the black ships of the evil mien' made their entry into the Bay, than the signal guns were fired, followed by the discharge of rockets; then were seen on the shore companies of soldiers moving from garrison to garrison. The popular commotion in Yedo at the news of 'a foreign invasion,' was beyond description. The whole city was in an uproar. In all directions were seen mothers flying with children in their arms, and men with mothers on their backs. Rumors of an immediate action, exagger- ated each time they were communicated from mouth to mouth, added horror to the horrorstricken. The tramp of war-horses, the clatter of armed war- riors, the noise of carts, the parade of firemen, the incessant tolling of bells, the shrieks of women, the cries of children, dinning all the streets of a city of more than a million souls, made confusion worse confounded." The italics in the above quotation are ours. We cannot help feeling that Nitobe's words are a description of what must have actually taken place. 435 (even including the cautious crow) in Japan is surpris- ing and proves that the Japanese boys are not so given to destructive habits as the Caucasian races. The stork re- mains here all the year round, and the wild goose takes up his winter quarters here, both of which facts establish the mildness of the climate. The weather has been very fine, for not a drop of rain has fallen or a cloud obscured the sun for the last twelve days. I passed by some gardens which had a good show of artemisias, and some curiously trained pear trees. About six feet from the ground the branches are tied down to a horizontal frame. The new wood that grows during the summer is of course upright, but the next winter so much as is required is tied down to the frames, and the re- mainder cut off. In a short time this makes a verdant room, quite impervious to the sun's rays, and forms a pleasant retreat in the hot weather. The Japanese pear is not a nice fruit, in fact I cannot eat it until it has been preserved. It is from two and one-half inches to four inches in diameter, and shaped and colored exactly [like] the russet apple. In the towns and villages I have passed through, wooden tubs filled with water are placed at short dis- tances from each other, to use in case of fire. Here these tubs are made of copper. The firemen wear helmets; these and their hooks and ladders quite put me in mind of dear old inflammable New York 520 Monday, November $0, 1857. To-day I am to enter Yedo. It will form an important epoch in my life, and a 520 See note 515. 436 still more important one in the history of Japan. I am the first diplomatic representative that has ever been re- ceived in this city; and, whether I succeed or fail in my intended negotiations, it is a great fact that will always remain, showing that at last I have forced this singular people to acknowledge the rights of embassy. I feel no little pride, too, in carrying the American Flag through that part of Japan, between the extremity of Cape Idsu and into the very castle of the City of Yedo. I left Kawasaki a little before eight A. M., and was ferried over the River Logo, 521 which even now is both broad and deep. I proceeded to-day, after much de- liberation, in my norimon. My wish was to go into Yedo on horseback, and the Vice-Governor eagerly en- couraged that idea. This excited my suspicions; and, after much difficulty, I discovered that none but the Daimyo, or Princes of the highest rank, can enter Yedo in their norimons; all below.that rank enter the city on horseback or on foot. This fact, coupled with the Jap- anese idea of seclusion and respectability being equiva- lent terms, determined me very reluctantly to proceed in my norimon. The distance from Kawasaki to Sinagawa 522 is seven and one-half English miles, and the houses form almost a continuous street the whole way. Just before entering Sinagawa I was shown the execution ground, which is at the water's edge. Kaempfer describes the sight as a very revolting one as seen by him, with human bodies 521 Rokugo (Griffis, Tovjnsend Harris, p. 200) . 522 Shinagawa ? 437 lying about on the bloodstained ground, while dogs, kites and crows Held o'er the dead their carnival. Nothing of the kind was seen by me, and the only in- dication of the place was an unusual number of kites and crows, but those congregate in a similar manner about the places for burning the dead in India, Burmah and Siam. The honjin of Sinagawa was not pleasantly placed. It was at the bottom of a deep court, and, as its garden was surrounded by the blank walls of buildings, we had no prospect whatever. I was much disappointed as I ex- pected to have found it on the water side. We remained at Sinagawa more than an hour, and at last started on the final stage of our journey. Sinagawa is defended by seven batteries, four on the land and three built up on shoals. The latter are placed at three hundred to eight hundred yards from the shore. I am led to think that the guns of those batteries are not of heavy calibers. From here I again saw the steamer. She was about five miles in an E. S. E. direction from Sinagawa. The channel after passing Kanagawa gradually trends to N. N. E. to N. E. and by N., so that a ship of large burden cannot approach either Kawasaki or Sinagawa nearer than about five miles, as the flats extend fully that distance from the shore. This renders the batteries of Sinagawa of no avail, as her guns can- not reach to the channel. When they were first erected, the channel was near Sinagawa, and Kawasaki was a 43 8 port of entry, but at present large ships cannot proceed with any advantage above Kanagawa, as that is the last harbor up the bay. Had the boats of Commodore Perry sounded the bay two miles further up they would have struck the flat that may be said to fill up the whole upper part of the bay, and thus prevents the approach of large vessels nearer than some six miles to Yedo. I did not discover the "noble palaces" or "stately castles" of Sinagawa mentioned by Kaempfer. The buildings form one continuous street from Sinagawa to Yedo, and no one can tell where the former ends and the latter begins unless it be specially pointed out to him. At Sinagawa our procession was reformed. The Vice- Governor now led the way, and all my coolies, etc., etc., were kept in line, and the whole cavalcade was nearly half a mile long. We proceeded with a slow and stately step along an unpaved street, some forty to fifty feet wide and bordered with wooden houses, none more than two stories high and mostly covered with tiles. Every Jap- anese town is divided into streets of one hundred and twenty yards long, and this district is responsible for the conduct of all in it. It has a captain called the Ottono, 52 * and he has policemen under him. From Sinagawa I found that these divisions were marked in an unmistak- able manner, a strong stockade is erected each one hun- dred and twenty yards across the street and has a pair of wide and strong gates. These gates are shut at a certain hour in the evening, and a wicket of some two feet square 523 0-tono. 439 is opened for the passage of those who have the right to pass after the closing of the main gates. At many places in Yedo this stockade is double; that is, a second one is erected some fifteen yards distant from the regular one. When both the stockades are closed it makes quite a strong defence against anything but artillery, and is admirably calculated to stop the advance of a mob, or secure the arrest of criminals. Again, Yedo has between eight thousand and nine thousand of these streets, so that after a certain hour it is cut up into that number of little forts. From Sinagawa the people no longer knelt, nor did they avert their eyes. The authorities made their prostrations as before, but the people remained standing. As the authorities were changed every one hundred and twenty yards, there was a constant "knocking of heads." A large proportion of the assemblage wore two swords, showing they were of some rank, and almost all had on the camissimo or dress of ceremony. The number admitted into the streets through which I passed formed a rank of five deep on each side of the way. Every cross-street had its stockade closed to prevent too great a crowd ; and, as I looked up and down those streets, they seemed a solid mass of men and women. The most perfect order was maintained from Sinagawa to my lodgings, — a distance of over seven miles. Not a shout or a cry was heard. The silence of such a vast multitude had something appalling [in] it. Lord Byron called a silent woman sleeping thunder. I calculated the number of persons that lined the street from Sinagawa to my residence at one hundred and 440 eighty-five thousand. I called the distance seven miles; that each person occupied two feet of front in his line, and that the lines were five feet deep on each side of the way. This calculation excludes all those who were in the cross-streets or on the tops of the houses. In front of the lines of the spectators stood men about ten feet apart and armed with a long white stave like the marshals' staff in the courts at New York. These men wore clothes of various colors, some green, some blue, black, gray, etc., while the coats-of-arms were so various that it easily ap- peared that they were the retainers of persons of rank, who "kept the ground" in the vicinity of his residence. The people all appeared clean, well clad and well fed ; indeed, I have never seen a case of squalid misery since I have been in Japan. A large number of officers of police attended the pro- cession. In addition to his two swords each one bore an iron truncheon about two feet long and one inch in diameter, — a savage and dangerous weapon in the hands of a passionate or violent man ; but there was no use for them nor any apparent need of the constant cry of Satu, Satu, — "Keep back," "Keep back," which was constantly shouted forth by the street keepers. In this manner I went on passing over seven bridges, the fifth was the Nippon Bas, or Bridge of Japan. 524 It is from this bridge that all distances are reckoned in this country. After passing the bridge some few hundred yards, we went on in a nearly N. N. W. direction, and after a while we reached a broad moat on the opposite 824 Nippon Bashi, sometimes found as Nihonbashi: Bridge of Japan, 44I [side] of which rose a stone wall varying from twenty to forty feet in height according to the make of the ground. The road followed this ditch for more than a mile, when my bearers started on a full run, rushed through a gate- way, across a court and ended by bearing me into the house. 525 This was doing the matter in the most honorable Jap- anese manner. Mr. Heusken had to leave his norimon at the outer gate. As I got out of mine, I was warmly wel- comed by my old friend the Prince of Shinano, who conducted me to my rooms and pointed out the arrange- ments made for my comfort. It will sound queerly when I say that these consisted of a bedstead, some chairs and tables, but the Japanese never use one of these articles. Their rooms are destitute of a single article that we would call furniture. The universal mat serves as chair, couch, table and bed. Their food is served on stands or trays from three to ten inches high, and is contained 525 We cannot refrain from quoting at this point some keen remarks by Tyler Dennett, Americans in Eastern Asia, pp. 355-56: "Notwithstanding the handicaps laid upon him and the obvious intentions of the authorities to thwart his purpose, we see him [Townsend Harris] entering the capital city of Yedo (November 30, 1857) five and a half months after signing the Convention [of Shimoda], with the promise that he should be permitted to deliver in person the letter from President Pierce to the Shogun. It was an extraordinary achievement in which he had surrendered no particle of the official dignity of his position and had won his way by argument and by absolute candor. The contrast between Commissioner Ward's entry into Peking and Consul General Harris's entry into Yedo is striking. The honor accorded to Harris was, however, a mark of the greater political astuteness of the Japanese Government as well as of the finer diplomatic skill of the New York merchant. Yedo had read correctly the designs of Russia, while Peking, wholly deceived, had taken the Russian envoy to her bosom; the mere intimation [by Townsend Harris] of British intentions in Japan had been alarming, while the destruction of the Taku forts in 1858 by the allied British and French forces had been dismissed by the Manchu Government with fatuous indifference." 442 chiefly in wooden bowls lacquered. Porcelain is only used for drinking tea and saki from. The Prince even pointed out a water closet copied from mine at Shimoda. The bathroom was close to my sleeping apartments. I had set apart for my special [use] a bedroom, sitting room and dining room. 526 Mr. Heusken's rooms ad- joined mine and consisted of a bed and sitting room. In addition to this I was shown my reception rooms, which could be increased to any size by merely removing the sliding doors. In fact, every Japanese house may in a short time be converted into a single room by this simple and expeditious process. The building is very large. It is government property and was formerly used as a col- lege. 527 It is situated within what is called "the castle"; that is, it is the outer one of four circles (rather irregu- lar ones) , the center one of which is the residence of the Tykoon. My house runs up to the road that runs along the ditch, and on the opposite side it fronts on a wide street. From my rooms I see the stone wall before men- 526 When, later, the British Mission under Lord Elgin arrived at Yedo, they too were surprised to see how carefully the Japanese had forestalled their wants. Mr. Laurence Oliphant gives the following as the reason for the Japanese knowledge of European wants {Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, New York, Harper & Bros., i860, pp. 374-75) : "They [the Japanese] had first been made acquainted with the require- ments of Europeans in the matter of furniture through Mr. Harris. Prior to that gentleman's visit [to Yedo], the government had sent privately to Shimoda to have exact copies made of his furniture, so that, on reaching Yedo, he found, to his astonishment, chairs, tables, and beds, in a city where all such articles had been previously unknown." 627 Griffis, Toivnsend Harris, p. 205, note: "In this structure, originally the 'Office for the Examination of Barbarian Books,' *. e., from Europe and Amer- ica, lay the germ of the present magnificent Imperial University of Tokio. . . . The edifice in which Mr. Harris lodged was on the west side of the old Kai- Sei-Jo inclosure near the Kudan, fronting the Castle moat, and not far from the Shimidzu gate. Significantly, coming from Shimoda (low field), the district in Yedo where he lived was named Kanda (high or divine field)." 443 tioned and the buildings occupied by two of the brothers of the Tykoon. It is a "court" part of the city, and none but persons of rank reside in it. This over, the Prince informed me that the Government had been in a fever of anxiety all day for fear of some accident; that the people were wild with curiosity to see my entry; and that, had the Government not used the most stringent measures, the people would have rushed to Yedo "by millions" (those are his numbers) to see me; and finally the whole of the inner gates of the city had been closed ever since the previous night to keep away the crowd and thus prevent accidents; that they were all much re- joiced at my safe arrival, etc., etc. He then informed me that, as I came as the representa- tive of so great a nation, the Government had appointed eight persons of distinguished rank as "Commissioners of the Voyage of the American Ambassador to Yedo." I did not exactly understand what was meant by this move. I was assured that it was solely in honor of me, and that nothing connected with their duties could give me any umbrage, etc., etc. I told him that with this explana- tion I had no objection to make at present. The Prince then gave me a list of the Commissioners, which was as follows: 528 No. i Toke Prince of Tamba " 2 Hayasi Prince of Daigak 828 The names of these eight Commissioners (osetsu-gakari) were: Toke,, Tamba-no-Kami; Hayashi, Daigaku-no-Kami; Tsutsu, Hizen-no-Kami; Kawase, Saiyemo-no-Kami; Inouye, Shinano-no-Kami; Uyedono, Mim-bu Shoyu; Nagai, Gemba-no-Kami ; Tsukagoshi, Tosuke (Griffis, Towns end Har- ris, p. 206; cf. Murdoch, A History of Japan, vol. 3, p. 634). 444 No. 3 Tsoetsoe Prince of Hizen " 4 Kawasi Prince of Saiyemo " 5 Inawouye Prince of Shinano " 6 Woedono Mimbosioyu " 7 Nagai Prince of Gemba " 8 T'sukagosi Tooske Numbers 2 and 6 were Commissioners with Com- modore Perry at Kanagawa in 1854. 529 I was then informed that the next morning an Am- bassador from the Tykoon would wait on me to con- gratulate me on my arrival, etc., etc. The Prince of Shinano, having been informed by me that my first official step after my arrival would be to write to Hotta, Prince of Bittsu, informing him of my arrival at Yedo, that I was the bearer of a letter from the President of the United States to His Majesty the Tykoon, and asking when I could have an audience of His Majesty for the purpose of delivering that letter, etc., etc., now asked if I could send that letter by him at once. As the letter had been previously prepared at Shi- moda and only required to be dated and sealed, that matter was soon dispatched. (See private letter book for copy.) 530 529 The Preamble to the Treaty concluded by Perry mentions as two of the Japanese Commissioners: Hayashi, Daigaku-no-Kami; and Udono, Member of the Board of Revenue. 530 This letter is L. B., vol. 2, p. 93 ; it is followed by a Dutch translation, pp. 93-94. The original English version is dated "U.S. Legation, City of Yedo, November 30, 1857." This is, therefore, the first American communication dated from our Legation in the Capital of the Shoguns, and is, at the same time, the first of a distinguished series addressed by Townsend Harris to the different officers of the Shogunate. 445 A sumptuous repast (after the Japanese fashion) was now served to me and Mr. Heusken. Mr. Heusken's stands or trays were four inches high. The trays for my use were ten inches high. After the dinner was over, I told the Prince that it was my wish to pay all the ex- penses of my table, etc., etc., and that such was the fashion of all parts of the world ; that otherwise I should not feel at liberty to order such articles of food as best suited me; that it would be a point of delicacy to eat whatever was sent without making any remarks, etc., etc. He replied that I could not be permitted to pay for anything sent to me, but he thought there would not be any objection to my people buying anything I might wish to have prepared by my cook that I had brought from Shimoda. This was just what I wished, and gave me full satisfaction. At last the Prince left me to repose after the fatigue and excitement of this (to me) import- ant and eventful day. The distances of my route from Shimoda here are as follows : 531 531 The manuscript Journal (vol. 4, p. 113) does not indicate the distances in this table. We have, however, found a small scrap of very thin rice paper, on which Mr. Heusken kept note of the distances — the paper having the en- dorsement (in Townsend Harris's hand) : "Route from Shimoda to Yedo, November, 1857." The record is in Dutch, and reads thus (in part) : Mitsoekoeli Nasimoto 6Ri Amagi Agasima 6Y 2 Oohito Misima 8 Hakone Odawara 8 Ooiso Hoezisawa %V2 Hodogaja Kawasaki 8 Sinagawa Yedo SV2 446 a u Shimoda to Nasimoto ri or English miles Nasimoto to Yugasima Yugasima to Missima Missima to Odowara Odowara to Fudsisawa Fudsisawa to Kawasaki Kawasaki to Sinagawa 3 Sinagawa to the Nippon Bas 2 Totals Tuesday, December 1, 1857. The "Commissioners" of my voyage to Yedo paid me a visit of ceremony this morning. Their various retinues amounted (in the aggregate) to some hundreds. Each one had his pikes, or ensigns of his dignity, borne before him, and led horses followed his norimon. The caparisons of the horses bore the "coat-of-arms" of the noble owner. Among others, each "following" had fan bearers, slipper bearers, cane bearers, etc., etc. Each one had his camissimo or dress of ceremony brought with him in neat lacquered boxes, and his "portfolio" was neatly wrapped up in silk and slung over the back of a par- ticular bearer. After they arrived they went at once to rooms where they put on their camissimos, and then they proceeded to the Audience Chamber. As soon as they were ready I was informed, and I also went there attended by Mr. Heusken, the Prince of Shinano and a long following of Japanese. On my entry I found them drawn up in a line and standing. I took my place in front, and then we ex- changed profound bows. 447 Toke, Prince of Tamba, was their spokesman. He began by saying that, to do proper honor to me as the representative of a great nation, His Majesty the Tykoon had sent them to congratulate me on my arrival at Yedo, and to inquire after my health; to this he added the personal respects of himself and of his colleagues. I made a suitable reply, and then each of the Commis- sioners was separately presented to me. As Hayasi, Prince of Daigak, and Woedono Mimbosioyu were pre- sented, I was told that they were among the Commis- sioners who negotiated with Commodore Perry at Kanagawa. The Prince of Hizen assisted in making the Russian Treaty. 532 As soon as these particular presentations were over, I told them that I was happy to become acquainted with persons of their distinguished merit, and that I hoped our intercourse would prove mutually agreeable. They returned this compliment. Then followed more stately bows, and I retired attended as on my entry. The Com- missioners are rather intelligent looking men taken together, while some of them bear faces that are capital introductions to your respect. The Prince of Shinano in- formed me that the arrival of the "Ambassador" of the Tykoon was delayed by the wish of His Majesty to examine personally the present, which, by the laws of etiquette of Japan, was to be presented to me by the Tykoon; and he then added that, after it had been ex- 532 The Russian Treaty referred to is the one signed at Shiraoda, on Feb. 7, 1855 (Russian style, Jan. 26th), by Admiral C. E. Poutiatine; Tsoutsoui- Khizenno-Kami (Tsutsui, Hizen-no-Karai) ; and Kavadzi-Saiemonno-Dzio (Kawaji, Sayeraon-no-jo) : Gubbins, The Progress of Japan, pp. 237-39. 448 amined in the Palace, it had to be taken to the Great Council for their examination. In answer to my in- quiries, I was told that the Tykoon cannot make or re- ceive the smallest present until they have been exam- ined and approved by the Council of State!!! That single statement convinced me that the Tykoon was a mere "lay figure" of government, and that he did not possess a single particle of political power. He is even more restricted than was the Doge of Venice by the "Council of Ten." Before the Ambassador arrives I will explain a particular part of the Audience Chamber. In all Japanese houses the upper end of one or more of the best rooms has an alcove running across. The al- cove is about three feet deep and has a floor raised about four inches. It is divided into unequal parts — say in the proportions of four to five or four-ninths and five- ninths. The smaller portion contains two shelves — the upper one of which is closed with little sliding doors; the lower one is in two parts, one part being lower than the other by some six inches, thus - = — The ends are fastened to the wall and partition, and the centers are fancifully connected by a hanging scroll. The larger alcove is called the toko, and in private houses contains the shrine of the lares or domestic deities. In a building like the one I occupy it is vacant. It is a place of honor, and seats in the room are more or less honorable as they are in close or distant proximity to it. A little after midday I was told of the arrival of the "Ambassador"; and, on entering the Room of Au- dience, I found him to be Toke, Prince of Tamba, who 449 is a person occupying a high position at Court, and, so far as I could understand the matter, somewhat analogous to the office of chamberlain at the Courts in the Western world. In the toko, and placed on a tray of white wood, stood a box some three feet high which was tied with a broad, green, silk braid. 533 I took my place near the toko, while Toke stood opposite. We then saluted each other, and the Prince said that His Maj- esty, knowing that I had come from a far distant land, had sent him to inquire after my health and whether I had made my long journey without accident. He then added that His Majesty had sent "a small present" for my acceptance. This ended, the Prince went three steps down the room and from that place paid his personal compliments to me and made inquiries after my health. This over, he returned to his first standing, and I made a proper reply to the kind message of His Majesty and returned my thanks for this mark of his kindness. As I spoke of the present I turned towards the box and bowed. When I began to thank the Prince for his personal civilities, he again retreated the three steps, so that he might occupy a lower position when hearing what I said in relation to himself than the one he stood in while hear- ing what I said in relation to the Tykoon. 533 We have already described the series of Japanese documents referring to Townsend Harris's visit to Yedo (see note 511). One of those documents was addressed to the Ometski, Toke, Prince of Tamba, and directed him to deliver this very cedar chest or box of bon-bons (46-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 1, pt. 1, p. 624, in Serial no. 1902). The same story is related by Townsend Harris in a letter dated July 3, 1858, and addressed to "My dear [N. Dougherty]": reprinted from the Washington Union of Jan. 15, 1859, * n LfrtelFs Living Age, vol. 60, Feb. 26, 1859, pp. 567-71. 450 As soon as the interpretation of what I last said was finished, he again returned to his original place, and we exchanged bows and thus the ceremony ended. When I reached my private apartments the present was brought in. On opening it, it was found to contain four trays of Japanese bon-bons made of sugar, rice flour, fruit, nuts, etc. They were arranged in the trays in a beautiful manner, and the forms, colors and decora- tions were all very neat. The quantity was about seventy pounds of weight. I am very sorry I cannot send them to the United States, but they will not keep for so long a voyage. In my conversations with the Prince of Shinano to- day, he enlarged on the difficulties that he had over- come and the great labor he had performed to enable me to come to Yedo. He spoke of his anxious days and sleepless nights; that care and anxiety had taken away his appetite, so that he had become lean in his person; and that his blood had frequently gushed from his nose from his great agitation; that he had done all this from his friendship for me, etc., etc. Something of this had been before hinted at, but never so fully expressed as now. I replied that I was duly grateful to him for his friendship for me; but, as he appeared to be under a great error as it regarded my visit to Yedo, I must now fully explain myself on that point. I told him that I came to Yedo as the representative of the United States and not in my private capacity; that the United States did not ask anything from the Government of Japan as a favor; that it only demanded its rights, and that 45i nothing would be accepted on the ground of favor ; that my mission had for its object the good of the Japanese Empire ; and that it was no favor to me or to my country that they should listen to my advice, but that it was the Japanese who should feel grateful to the President for the friendship he had shown to Japan by the messages with which I was entrusted. That for myself, individually, I had no wish to come to Yedo, and that I only came here because my official duty required it; that I hoped he now fully understood not only my object in visiting Yedo, but that he would clearly see that it was not any favor to me either in my private or in my official capacity to receive me at Yedo. The Prince was quite chapfallen at this, as it was the evident wish of the Japanese that I should look on my reception here as an unprecedented favor to me, both personally and officially, and thus they would establish a claim on my gratitude, which might be of great use to them in the negotiations that might be commenced here. However, the Prince confessed that my view of the matter was a just one, and that he had only looked at the question from one point of view, and that point was on the Japanese side. I omitted in my journal of November 30th to state that we halted to rest our bearers three miles from Ka- wasaki at a village called Oomoorie. 634 1 was taken to a 534 Omori. . 452 very pretty tea house, situated in a fine garden of plum trees. These trees are grown, not for the fruit, but for the flowers, which are considered as very beautiful by the Japanese, and sometimes are immensely large. The petals of these flowers are preserved in various ways, with sugar, salt, etc., and are made up as conserves, or drunk as tea. The garden had the usual little ponds, canals, tiny bridges, rock work, etc. It also had a very pretty minia- ture temple. I was shown what to me was a very great vegetable curiosity, — that is, bamboos that were per- fectly square. I never saw anything of the kind before, and at first supposed it was the result of artificial means, but I was assured that it was simply a natural production and that art had nothing to do with it. I saw some mallards with very beautiful plumage, almost as fine as the "Mandarin Duck" of China. They were swimming about in one of the tiny ponds of the garden. The name of the place is Bay-reen-kiu-sabro, or "plum tree house," and is a favorite resort in the flower season for the Yedo people. After entering Yedo, I observed some high structures of framework, having a platform on the upper part and a large bell hung there, exactly like the fire "lookouts" of New York, and on inquiry I found they were erected for that very purpose. I have mentioned that, some time after passing the Nippon Bas, I struck one of the moats of the castle, and that, turning to the right, my road ran along the banks of this moat for more than one mile. 453 In this part of my route I passed a number of open spaces bordered with trees and quickset hedges. These are called ba-ba, or "horse course," and are for the purpose of military exercises of various kinds. Wednesday, December 2, 1857. This morning at half-past ten A. M. I felt a smart shock of earthquake, not severe enough, however, to do any damage. In the afternoon I received a letter from Hotta, Prince of Bittsu, Minister for Foreign Affairs, informing me that he had received my letter and communicated its con- tents to his master the Tykoon, and that His Majesty had fixed on Monday next, the 7th inst., for my public audience. 5343 The Prince of Shinano is considered as my host (I do not know but keeper would be a more correct term), and he visits me daily. To-day he informs me that the Great Council of State has heretofore consisted of five members, but, since it had been determined to receive me at Yedo, the number had been increased to six, and that the Prince of Bittsu, in addition to his position of first member of the Council, is now created "Minister of For- eign Affairs," and that all correspondence with foreign envoys will be conducted in his name. It appears that there remain eighteen of the great landed Princes of the Empire, who date from before the establishment of the present dynasty, — say about 1605; that after Yeyas, the 534a Hotta's letter, dated the 16th day of the ioth month (Dec. 2, 1857), was in answer to Townsend Harris's, dated the 14th day of the ioth month (Nov. 30, 1857). The day fixed for the audience was the 21st day of the ioth month. The text of Hotta's letter is given in 46-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 1, pt. 1, p. 624, in Serial no. 1902. 454 founder of the dynasty, had suppressed the rebellion that broke out during his reign, he created over three hundred territorial princes, whose lands consisted, in part, of the forfeited estates of the revolted princes, and in part of the Imperial domains; that all the landed princes form that class of nobility which are called Daimyo; and that from the class last created (i. e., the three hundred) the Council of State is chosen. None of the original eighteen Princes are eligible to that office, nor any of the Kami or titular Princes. The Kami form the next rank, and from them are selected the Governors of Imperial cities, provinces and all the high offices about the Court. These men do not possess either hered- itary rank or estates. Nominally the Tykoon appoints the Council of State, Governors, etc., but in reality (as far as I understand it) Japan is ruled by an oligarchy composed of the Daimyo or landed hereditary Princes. But these again are ruled by the rigid and hitherto un- alterable law of Japan. The families of all the Daimyo, all the Kami and of some ranks of officers, must reside in Yedo and form the hostages for the good conduct of those classes. The Daimyo only visit their domains at certain short periods; the remainder of their time is spent at Yedo. The Kami who are appointed to office out of Yedo pass from six to twelve months at the place of their appointment, and then return to pass a corre- sponding period of time at Yedo. None of the Daimyo, Kami or other officers are allowed to take any of their females with them, nor may they form any connection or have any intercourse with women while away from 455 Yedo. Hence the search and examination at Hakone. 535 Thursday, December J, l857- Wrote to the Min- ister of Foreign Affairs enclosing copy and translation of the President's letter to the Tykoon. I also wrote him that I would pay him a visit of ceremony whenever he should be ready to receive me. 536 In the evening I re- ceived an answer to my letter, and he wrote that [he] would be happy to receive my visit to-morrow. (See my private letter book.) 537 Had my usual visit from Shi- nano-no-Kami, and a good deal of conversation ensued. He was very anxious to have me make promises not to visit about the city, saying that Yedo contained a great many bad people who might insult and maltreat me, and thus the Government would be plunged into serious difficulties with that of the United States. I replied that I could not make any promises that would circumscribe my undoubted rights under the laws 535 On the system of government here described, consult Gubbins, The feudal system in Japan under the Tokugaiva Shoguns, in Transactions of The Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. XV, pt. 2 (Sept., 1887), pp. 131-42; and cf. pp. VII-VIII at the end of pt. 2. 536 See L. B., vol. 3, pp. 9-10. 537 This parenthesis by Townsend Harris refers only to the letter which he wrote to Hotta (see preceding note). Hotta's reply is dated the 17th day of the 10th month, and is found in 46-2, H. Ex. Doc, no. 1, p. 624. It contains more than is reported in this entry of the Journal. He acknowledges receipt not only of the Japanese and the Dutch translations of the President's letter, but also of the address to the Tycoon which Townsend Harris intended to deliver at the audience ; and it concludes with the appointment for the next day — the 18th day of the 10th month, or Dec. 4, 1857. It should be noted, in passing, that the President's letter was not addressed to the Tycoon, but to the Emperor of Japan. Two important dates were now fixed — Dec. 4th for the visit to Hotta, and Dec. 7th for the audience. Accordingly, we find in the collection of Japanese documents pertaining to this visit, the necessary memorandum to this effect; and also an order issued by Lord Hotta to the Ometskis that everything con- nected with the Audience should be ready by 9 a. m, (46-2, H. Ex. Doc., no. 1, pt. 1, p. 624, in Serial no. 1902). 456 of nations; that I had no fears for my personal safety, as I had gone boldly and freely through many cities of the East where the population was of a much worse character than that of Yedo, and where I had no official character to protect me ; that they must and might rely on my age and discretion that I should not do anything to cause them any embarrassment, but I must be left free to act in all respects according to the dictates of that discretion; and that I could not give them any pledge or promise of any kind that might afterwards be used by them to limit me in my freedom of action, etc., etc. I also told him that exercise in the open air was the daily practice of all Western people, and was necessary to the preservation of health ; that I wished the Government to point out some place, either in the wide streets or in a ba-ba, where Mr. Heusken and I could take the requisite exercise. This appeared to cause much trouble, but it was so just and reasonable that he could not urge anything against my demand, except his fears of the populace. I told him he might remember that, when I demanded the removal of the guards from my residence at Shimoda, he had told me that the people of Shimoda were the worst in Japan and that the pres- ence of the Japanese officers at my house was absolutely indispensable to protect me from outrage by day and robbery at night; that, notwithstanding his remon- strances on that occasion, I had insisted, and the guards were removed fully eleven months ago, and that he well knew that nothing unpleasant had occurred since; that I had no doubt his fears about the conduct of the good 457 people of Yedo were equally unfounded. Poor Shinano looked confused when I referred to the Shimoda affair; and in his reply said that what he then told me was by express orders of the Government, but that I might rely on the truth of what he now stated about the people of Yedo. He concluded by saying he would report my wishes to the Government and hoped to have the matter arranged to my satisfaction. 538 Friday, December 4, 1 #57. I start on my visit to the Prime Minister at ten A. M., the Prince of Shinano act- ing as my escort. My retinue is composed in the same manner as it was on my entry into Yedo, excepting my luggage, cook, etc., etc. I went southwardly over the same road that I came on my entry for about one mile, when we crossed the moat on a new bridge about one hundred feet long and passed through a gate into a square of some fifty or sixty feet formed by stone walls about twenty-five feet high. A gate in the wall running at right angles with the gate of entrance gave us exit from the quadrangle, and we entered into the third enclosure of the castle by a broad street, having the outer wall on our left and a line of houses on our right. After a short time we turned to our right (or westward) still proceeding through fine streets lined with the houses of the Daimyo and Kami, etc. These houses were all built of wood, roofed with tiles, and correspond to the description of a Japanese 538 The dangers which threatened the life of Townsend Harris during this, the first visit to Yedo of an accredited representative from a foreign country, were very real and very serious. They will be spoken of below, under the entry for Jan. 25, 1858. 458 house given under date November 29, 1857. The streets were unpaved and scrupulously clean. The streets' keepers were the retainers of the Princes and each wore the arms of his master ; the crowd was not so great as in passing through the city, — still, vast numbers were col- lected, especially when we came to the frequent open spaces or squares. The observers were the servants and retainers of the nobles and gave a lively idea of the mag- nitude of the households of those personages. The build- ings on the street have projecting windows, like the houses at Cairo and Alexandria. Through the grass screens to these openings we saw plenty of fair faces, and it would appear that Mother Eve's failing is fully inherited by her daughters in Yedo. Every possible part of the window, from its sill to the top, was plastered with a female face; as no part of their dresses could be seen, I am unable to describe them. After a while our road turned again to the westward, and then again to the south. We passed by a causeway and short bridge over a canal. Here the water had a fall of about six feet and appears to prove that the city is built on ground that rises gradually from the shore of the bay. At length we entered a street running westwardly which brought me to a second moat and stone wall ; this we crossed by a bridge about one hundred and fifty feet long, into a quadrangle exactly like the previous one, and through a gate placed at right angles to the first we entered into the second circle or enclosure of the Castle. Our route was now westward, now southward, again westward un- til we reached a third moat. Our route was southward 459 along the banks of this moat until we reached the house of Hotta, Bittsu-no-Kami, or Hotta, Prince of Bittsu. Measuring the distance by time, I made it more than one mile from the first bridge to the Minister's house, and less than one mile from the same bridge to my residence, — or in other words, it was about two English miles between my starting place and the residence of His Ex- cellency the Minister. All the norimons, except mine, were stopped at the outer gate. My bearers mended their pace at some hundred and fifty yards from the gate, and by the time they reached it they were at a full trot, dashed through the gate across the court, and plumped me down close to the edge of some clean mats that had been placed there for my reception. On getting out of my norimon, my "shoe bearer" gave me a new pair of un- soiled patent leather shoes which I put on. The Jap- anese of all ranks enter a house in their stockings alone, leaving their straw sandals outside. And there is a good reason for this ; for, as I have before noted, the mat serves as chair, couch, table and bed. In the vestibule some thirty persons, dressed in camissimos, were seated in Japanese fashion, and saluted me by bringing the fore- head down to the mat. I passed to the right and soon met the "Commissioners of my Voyage," who saluted me, and through Toke, Prince of Tamba, inquired after my health, etc., etc. I was now conducted into a room where I found chairs made after our pattern for Mr. Heusken and myself, with comfortable braziers rilled with burn- ing charcoal. In a few moments two tables were brought in on which were placed pipes, tobacco and fire. 460 Soon afterwards the Japanese great tea luxury was served to me. 539 It is made of very fine tea reduced to a powder, on which boiling water is poured and forms what may be called a tea gruel, — the taste was much better than the looks. As soon as I had drunk my tea I was asked if I would then see the Minister; and, on my replying in the affirmative, the sliding doors were opened, and here I met the Minister. We saluted each other in silence, and he then led the way into a fourth room where I found two chairs on one side and ten black lacquered stools on the other. We again saluted each other, when the Min- ister courteously motioned to me to be seated, and, wait- ing until I was seated, he sat down himself. The Com- missioners of my Voyage now entered the room and again saluted me, after which they also took their seats on the black stools. The Minister courteously inquired about my health; and, after my reply and the requisite counter inquiry, he expressed much admiration at the long voyage I had made through so many different countries (for he per- fectly understood what is called the overland route to India). I made the proper answer, adding that I con- sidered myself as a fortunate person, as I was the first foreigner who had ever visited the great city of Yedo in a diplomatic capacity. Tables were now brought in by servants who carried them elevated as high as pos- sible and marching with a stately step and with a meas- 539 Again the cha-no-yu: see Journal, Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1857 — the day when Townsend Harris first entered the private residence of the Governors of Shimoda; and note 376. 461 ured cadence. Then followed pipes and tobacco, tea and trays of refreshments. The trays of the Minister and myself were of the same height, both being some inches higher than those served to the others. The Minister courteously urged me to partake of his refreshments, and begged me to excuse his not smoking, as he never used tobacco. He afterwards said he did not offer me saki, as he understood I did not drink wine or saki when I could avoid it. After some little conversation I presented him with a copy of my intended address to the Tykoon on the day of my audience, adding that I had made it very short so that no unnecessary topics should be introduced. 540 The Minister requested leave to withdraw for a short time in order to have the paper translated. He accordingly left me with Shinano-no-Kami, — the Commissioners of my Voyage going with the Minister. The interior of this house exactly corresponds with the one I occupy. The posts, plafond and crossbeams in which the sliding doors run are all of unpainted wood. The windows of white paper and the sliding doors or movable partitions are covered with paper hangings of the Greek scroll pattern in ultramarine blue and white patterns. The agitation of the Japanese interpreter is beyond anything I ever saw, — he trembled all over his body as though he had an ague fit, while large drops of perspira- tion stood like beads on his forehead. 540 In the letter to his friend Nathaniel Dougherty, Townsend Harris states (on p. 569) that Hotta on this occasion gave him a copy of the answering speech which the Shogun would deliver at the audience. (See note 533, and also the text below.) 462 My seat was placed nearest the toko, and I was warmed by a lacquer and copper brazier. In place of ashes, the brazier contained pulverized spar of a snowy whiteness neatly formed into a representation of the celebrated Fusi Yama, the top being opened like the crater of a volcano to admit the coals. In about half an hour the Minister returned and told me that my address was quite satisfactory and at the same time he handed me the Tykoon's reply! 541 showing clearly that His Majesty would utter exactly what the Council should dictate. The Minister informed me that, as the interpreters could not be admitted into the Im- perial Presence, he had furnished me with a copy of the reply so that, by having it translated, the presence of the interpreter would not be required. My business be- ing ended I rose and we again bowed, the Minister fol- lowing me to the same spot where he first met [me], where we again bowed; beyond that I found my Commissioners, who again saluted me. The two who had made the Treaty with Commodore Perry inquired very kindly after him, and requested me to inform him of the 541 The Tycoon's reply (handed on this occasion to Townsend Harris) must have been written either in Japanese or in Dutch. When Townsend Harris returned home, he set Mr. Heusken to work upon its translation. The original half sheet of paper upon which Mr. Heusken wrote the English version is still extant (L. & P., vol. i, no. 78), and reads: "Pleased with a letter sent with the embassador [sic] of a far distant coun- try, and likewise so with his discourse. Intercourse shall be continued for ever. A true translation H. C. J. Heusken." This version differs in only very minor details from that given by Townsend Harris in Journal for Dec. 7, 1857. The original manuscript by Heusken is endorsed by Townsend Harris: "Speech of the Tycoon of Japan. Received November 4, 1857." The date is, of course, a slip for Dec. 4, 1857. 463 fact whenever I might write to him. 542 In the vestibule I found the same persons seated who salaamed to me as on my entry, and from thence I once more entered my norimon. The Minister 543 is about thirty-five years old, short in stature, of a pleasant and intelligent countenance; his voice is low and rather musical. I returned by the same route, and have nothing to add except that there was not the least attempt at military display of any kind. At the gateway («. e., in the quadrangle) was a small building in front of which some half dozen spears were placed, and from three to five persons were seated on the mats. The great gates have a strong look with their heavy hinges and the broad-headed bolts that half cover them; but a very slight examination shows that it is all show and no substance. The doors are made of pine or cypress. The hinges, instead of having their sockets in stone, are merely driven into pine posts, and the broad- headed studs are merely shams in form, having a little tack on the under side to hold them to the gate. A six- pound howitzer charged with powder alone would de- stroy any one of these gates. The bridges over the two great moats were both new. They are neatly built of wood, and the posts are crowned with copper caps. There is nothing about them worthy of remark. I was told at Shimoda that new bridges were being built on account of my visit, but I supposed it was only a Jap- anese ... to excuse delay. The exterior walls and B42 See note 529. 543 Hotta Bitchiu-no-Kami. 464 fences of [the] Japanese are all blackened with sepia, of which fish enormous quantities are taken in Japan. The second story is made of wattles covered with clay, and this is whitened. The tiles on the roof have a number of white stripes which are regulated by the rank of the owner. I have not as yet learned the rule that regulates them. The enceinte or third wall of the Castle is nearly pear shaped, the length running north and south. My house is over against the northern and stem-end of the pear. Saturday, November [December] 5, I&57' To-day we have rain and snow. The first stormy day since the 20th of November. Yedo is about 5 colder than Shi- moda, but it has a most delightful climate. Nothing in Italy equals it. Sunday, December 6, 1857. This is the second Sun- day in Advent. Assisted by Mr. Heusken I read the full service in an audible voice, and with the paper doors of the houses here our voices could be heard in every part of the building. 544 This was beyond doubt the first time that the Eng- lish version of the Bible was ever read, or the American Protestant Episcopal Service ever repeated in this city. What a host of thoughts rush upon me as I reflect on this event. Two hundred and thirty years ago a law was promulgated in Japan inflicting death on anyone who should use any of the rites of the Christian religion in Japan; that law is still unrepealed, and yet here have I 544 According to Townsend Harris's own prayer-book, this service consisted of: for the morning, First Lesson, Isaiah, 5; Second Lesson, Luke, ? , v. 39; for the afternoon, First Lesson, Isaiah, 24; Second Lesson, Rom., 12. 465 boldly and openly done the very acts that the Japanese law punishes so severely! 545 What is my protection? The American name alone, — that name so powerful and potent now cannot be said to have had an existence then, for in all the wide lands that now form the United States there were not at that time five thousand men of Anglo-Saxon origin. The first blow is now struck against the cruel per- secution of Christianity by the Japanese; and, by the blessing of God, if I succeed in establishing negotiations at this time with the Japanese, I mean to boldly demand for Americans the free exercise of their religion in Japan with the right to build churches, and I will also demand the abolition of the custom of trampling on the cross or crucifix, which the Dutch have basely witnessed for two hundred and thirty years without a word of remonstrance. 546 This custom has been confined to 545 See note 516. 546 Griffis, Toivnsend Harris, p. 224, note: "This custom of trampling (fumi) on a ye (engraved copper plate with representation of the crucifix) was abolished by the Japanese government in 1853, tne y ear before Perry's second arrival. As the Kindai Geppio states, 'From this year, the practice of fumi-ye at Nagasaki was abolished.' Most of the American sailors shipwrecked on the Japan coasts, and cared for by the government until shipped away, seem to have had no compunctions about treading on the copper plate, thereby proving they were not Portu- guese." This practice had continued for more than two centuries, and it was not abolished at one stroke. Towards the end of 1853, lt was quietly allowed to lapse, no official action being taken in regard to it. In April, 1856, however, "official orders were at last formally issued to discontinue the enforcing of the annual Fumi-ye. . . " (Murdoch, A History of Japan, vol. 3, pp. 616-17). The clearest case of this Fumi-ye by Americans which occurs to the author is that of the mutinous sailors of the New Bedford whaler Lagoda. When finally released by the Japanese, they testified, on April 30, 1849, t0 Commander James Glynn, of the U.S.S. Preble, as follows: Robert McCoy: "They made me trample upon it, and they made all the others trample upon it — first putting the left foot on the cross, and then 466 Nagasaki; had it been attempted at Shimoda, I would have remonstrated in a manner that would have com- pelled the Japanese to listen to me. I shall be both proud and happy if I can be the humble the right foot. We were afterwards told that, if we had refused to do this, we would have been put into a small iron house, from which we would never get away." Jacob Boyd: ". . . and told us that in going into the door of the town- house, he wanted us to step on something. We inquired what it was; and he said an image, or an iron plate. In going in, they pointed it out to me on the gravelled walk, and I perceived that it was a crucifix. Seeing I was not willing to step on it, two of the Japanese took hold of me and forced me to tread on it. First I merely trod on one edge, but they pulled me back, and made me trample on it with both feet." John Martin: "That at Nagasaki we were taken into the town-house, and on entering the door we found there had been placed on the floor a metal plate with the figure of our Saviour upon it. This they compelled us to step upon, both feet together. I saw John Bull, who was right before me, put one foot on it, and they hauled him back and made him put both feet on together." Melcher Biffar: ". . . on going into the town-house at Nagasaki, there was a crucifix in the way, and we were told to step on it. We disliked to do it. They then told us that it was no harm; but if we did not do so, they would think we were Portuguese, and it would be told to the governor. We tried to avoid stepping on the crucifix, but a man having hold of each of our arms, forced us to trample on it." For this and other testimony, which surely reveals a goodly degree of com- punction, see 32-1, S. Ex. Doc, no. 59 — in Serial no. 620 — pp. 9, 20, 22, 24. We think it fair, after quoting these passages, to add one more clear state- ment on this subject, from the pen of the missionary Guido Fridolin Verbeck (GrifBs, Verbeck of Japan, p. 129) : "Herewith inclosed you will please find a picture of a crucifix, and one of Christ with the crown of thorns. They are exact copies of the two pieces that for about two hundred years have been used in the annual 'Ceremony of trampling on the Cross' in the vicinity of this place. It will be something to show in addresses on missions, etc. The ceremony is mentioned in nearly every book on Japan, as you know; but I think writers on Japan have much mistaken the object of the shameful wicked act. It was not so much, if at all, to abuse and disgrace the Saviour, as to find out who were Christians and who not. It was known that no good Christian would trample on the image of Christ; therefore, at the annual census of the people, these images were produced to discover secret Christians." Considering, however, the penalty in store for those who refused, we are of the opinion that even some "good Christian" might have been forced to commit the act of Fumi-ye — unless, indeed, he were of the stuff that martyrs are made of. 467 means of once more opening Japan to the blessed rule of Christianity. My Bible and Prayer Book are priceless mementos of this event, and when (after many or few years) Japan shall be once more opened to Christianity, the events of this day at Yedo will ever be of interest. Monday, December 7, 1857. I started for my audi- ence about ten, with the same escort as on my visit to the Minister, but my guards all wore camissimos and breeches which only covered half the thigh, leaving all the rest of the leg bare. My dress was a coat embroidered with gold after the pattern furnished by the State De- partment: blue pantaloons with a broad gold band run- ning down each leg, cocked hat with gold tassels and a pearl handled dress-sword. 547 Mr. Heusken's dress was the undress navy uniform, regulation sword and cocked hat. Our route was by the same street that I have mentioned on my visit to the Minister, but we crossed the moat by a bridge that was about half a mile from my house. The gateway with the quadrangular building was precisely like those de- scribed in my Journal of the 4th inst. ; so also the appear- ance of the streets, buildings, people, etc., was exactly the same. On arriving at the second moat all were re- quired to leave their norimons except the Prince of Shinano and myself. We crossed the bridge, passed the gate and quadrangle, and pursued our course, and every- thing was so exactly like what I then saw that nothing 547 L. & P., vol. 2, no. 7, is a scrap of notepaper, written in Townsend Harris's own hand and having the "Regulations as to the Uniform to be Worn." 468 / ia/?t A fi / < /,-V t <-( tt/t (J( ; i f oi fa <■ "? tc /e {/.<* //a fa/ U-t^. m' CAe^AA^ 'tt> " aJhjLt*, M4aJz> Ovu^UtJlAj ayi, ' / ■ f '■■ = t'Jn-^ at - t. ■<*<-&« / ,*/'c'a<. yt'i.ic^/ii fAe^^Le-/*. I (f. /■/<,„.:,., , t/l 'A,. .), Hotta made a return present to Townsend Harris, and in his accompanying letter said that he had read Townsend Harris's letter, "sent on the last 9th day" (L. & P., vol. 2, no. 67). In the Japanese calendar Dec. 24, 1857, was the 9th day of the nth month. 49O Friday, December 18, 1 8 57. After an incredible amount of talk and difficulty, the Japanese have given me a map of Yedo. I am not to give it away or suffer it to be copied. 569 Sunday, December 20, 1857. The last Sunday in Ad- vent. Read service as usual. Yesterday had an earth- quake — not very sharp. Quite unwell these three days. Monday, December 21, 1857. To-day the Commis- sioners of my Voyage call on me for the purpose of re- ceiving information. 570 The chief point of their inquiries related to the object of sending Ministers to foreign countries; their duties, their rights under the laws of nations. All these ques- tions were as clearly answered as possible. I added that, when a Minister gave serious offence to the Court to which he was appointed, the government might suspend intercourse with him and order him to leave the country; that the usual mode was to complain of his conduct to his own government and to request his recall. The Commissioners asked questions also respect- ing commerce, and what I meant by trade being carried on without the interference of government officers. This I also succeeded in explaining to their full satisfaction. They said they were in the dark on all these points and 569 For the fate of Siebold under similar circumstances, see note 564. 570 Lord Hotta did not go himself, but sent five of the eight Commissioners (for whose names see note 528). The purpose of their visit was to seek further particulars on the substance of the conversation between Townsend Harris and Hotta on Dec. 12, 1857. Complementary to the brief statements here made, is the full and detailed account to be found in 46-2, H Ex. Doc, no, 1, pt. 1, pp. 631-34, in Serial no. 1902: "Account of a conversation with Townsend Harris in the Banshe Shirabejo [a kind of Foreign Office] on the 6th of the nth month." This date corresponds to Monday, Dec. 21, 1857 {cf. note 527). 491 therefore were like children; therefore I must have patience with them. They added that they placed the fullest confidence in all my statements. I gave them a written paper containing* the basis of a commercial treaty which I explained to them article by article, and told them I wished that paper might be taken into serious consideration. I then gave them champagne, which they appeared to understand and to like. Friday, December 25, 1857. Merry Christmas! I little thought on last Christmas to pass the present one in Yedo. If I could pass one in Pekin, it would make my different places of passing the day a remarkable list. I ask every day when I may expect an answer to my great communications. The invariable reply is that a great many persons are to be consulted: the brothers of the Tykoon, all the Daimyo and some other great men; that letters have to be written and answers received, and then the old story, — "the Japanese do not decide important affairs until after long deliberation." Wrote to the Minister for Foreign Affairs transmit- ting a memorandum pointing out the most obvious articles that will form the elements of foreign com- merce, and showing how these articles may be in- creased in production, etc., etc. (See private letter book no. 3.) 571 671 The letter to Hotta is L. B., vol. 3, p. 16; the Memorandum enclosed therein is ib., pp. 17-19, and the "most obvious articles that will form the elements" of trade between the United States and Japan are lacquerware, silks, tea, and copper. The writing of these letters on Christmas Day was a rather 492 Sunday, December 2], 1857. Snow and a gloomy day. I cannot get one word out of the Prince of Shinano as to my prospects of success, nor a hint as to the existence or non-existence of any obstacles. This state of uncer- tainty joined to indifferent health greatly depresses my spirits. Thursday, December 31, 1857. An earthquake to- day. I have not had a visit for three days from the Prince of Shinano, [which fact,] joined to the uncertainty that hangs over my negotiations, causes me to pass this, the last day of the year, in a melancholy manner. I fondly hope that the year now about to commence will give me more frequent opportunities of communi- cating with the outer world than I enjoyed during the present one. In truth I was most shamefully neglected by the Navy in the East. 572 Friday, January 1, 1858. I desire to return thanks to Almighty God for permitting me to see the beginning of a New Year. With my poor health, and over half a century of years, I cannot promise myself that I shall see another. I am thankful that I have been able to accomplish so much prosaic occupation, and yet a good example of the saying "the better the day, the better the deed." Indeed, only two days before, Townsend Harris had writ- ten a long (and private) letter to Mr. E. E. Rice, American Commercial Agent at Hakodate, in which, after telling of his audience and his hopes, he discusses in detail not only the two Dutch Treaties with Japan (Nov. 9, 1855, and Jan. 30, 1856), but also the Additional Articles signed by the Dutch and the Russians (L. B., vol. 3, pp. 12-15). Treaty making was verily the one task of Town- send Harris's life during these busy months. 572 And in spite of his "melancholy manner," he dutifully, on this last day of a long and weary year, wrote Dispatch No. 27 to Secretary Cass, transmit- ting the number and the dates of all his dispatches to the Department of State for the year 1857 (L. B., vol. 3, p. 35). 493 as I already have done for the honor of my country dur- ing the past year, and I hope that I shall be able to effectually open this country before the present one closes. I was visited in honor of my New Year's Day by the Princes of Toke and Shinano; both came in dresses of ceremony and brought me some trifling presents. Had some very pleasant conversation, but nothing was said on business. 573 Saturday, January 2, 1 8 $8. A very sharp shock of earthquake. People much alarmed, and all ran out of their houses. I am told the earthquake of December, 1856, killed over ten thousand persons in Yedo alone, and that one-third of the houses in the city were either thrown down or so much shaken that they had to be taken down. To add to their afflictions, fire broke out in an immense number of places among the ruins of the fallen houses. A very intelligent Japanese told me the motion was perpendicular and the shocks followed each other almost instantly. This is the motion that is most injurious. The billow or wave motion does but little in- jury, comparatively. Monday, January 4, 1858. Hotta, Prince of Bittsu, sent me a present of some pretty lacquerware and some fine crepes. 574 573 Townsend Harris found time on this day to write five routine dispatches to Secretary Cass (L. B., vol. 3, pp. 35-36, Dispatches Nos. 1-5) ; two to the Hon. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury (ib., p. 37, Dispatches Nos. 1 and 2) ; and one to the bankers Baring Bros., at London (ib., p. 37). 574 These presents were accompanied by a letter addressed "To His Excel- lency Townsent [sic] Harris, Plenipotentiary and Consul General of the United States of America, etc., etc., etc." It was dated the 20th day of the nth month, Mi. A copy of the English translation of this letter (the copy being made by Mr. Heusken himself) shows that the original translation into English was 494 4 it It Jr k ffi A- Ik k I j: If ^ x r if */ ' a & f 4 1 A ' * $ Si v s ^ i ii LETTER WRITTEN BY HOTTA, BITCHIU-NO-KAMI, TO TOWNSEND HARRIS Dated, Yedo, January 4, 1858. See Appendix VIII. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS To-day I procured some specimens of the square bamboo. Earthquake to-day. Tuesday, January 5, 1858. Earthquake. 575 Saturday, January Q, 1858. To-day the Prince of Shinano visited me for the first time in three days. I determined to bring about a crisis, and therefore began by saying that it was now twenty-nine days since I had made some very important communications to the Min- ister of Foreign Affairs, of which no official notice had since been taken; 576 that they would not even name a period within which I should have a reply; that such treatment could not be submitted to ; that the President had sent me to Yedo on a most friendly mission, having solely the benefit of Japan in view; that the United States asked nothing for themselves; that the trade of Japan was no object to us ; that all we cared for was that our ships could make repairs and get supplies in their harbors, and that we had already got that point; that they must open their eyes and then they would see that I made and signed by Moriyama Takitsiro, the interpreter. At the bottom, the letter is countersigned: "A true translation, H. C. J. Heusken." (L. & P., vol. 2, no. 67.) For a reproduction of this letter, see illustration; for the text as given by L. & P., vol. 2, no. 67, see Appendix VIII.) 575 Though silent as far as this Journal entry is concerned, Townsend Harris on this day took another forward step in his negotiations. On Dec. 12th (g. m m Y draft.) I replied that to suspend a treaty for three years was an unheard-of thing and showed a most unfriendly spirit on their part. They hastily replied that they did not mean the Treaty, only that the Minister should not be sent before that time. I answered that was even worse than the other; that the object of sending a Minister was that he could promptly settle any small difficulties that might arise, whereas, if they were neglected until word could be sent to America, they might grow into grave and serious matters. I added that the proposition manifested a spirit quite at variance with the Preamble of the Treaty. 594 They then asked me to give them my secret promise that the Minister would not be sent before that time. I told them such a promise was be- yond my power, as it was the President and not the Plenipotentiary that had that matter in his power. They then requested me to write to the President, making known their wishes on this head. I told them I would write to the Secretary of State, who would make their wishes known to the President, and this satisfied them. They then insisted that the consuls should not have the right to travel in Japan "except on business." I pointed out to them that to accede to such a clause would put every consul at once in the power of each local governor, who would have the right to in- quire into his business, etc. ; that if the consul wished 594 Especially with the words: ". . . desiring to establish on firm and lasting foundations the relations of peace and friendship now happily existing between the two countries, and to secure the best interest of their respective citizens and subjects by encouraging, facilitating, and regulating their industry and trade. . . ." 514 the tion 859. < C = " w > tC &H Pn .2 e ^ X LI w X ^> H £ C « M ;<- Sj ° c D PL. H 2 >- s S3 v: 1— L) i— i „, <""**! w p4 .2-5 « a CO "-o-S h T3 O O O O " w Q o.2 c c^ Z h < £-0°° c '5 c - z a, *-*= 3d O a U -5H S co - S 2 c cs rs q c « a < - O M fe «3 rt C X "3 £ CS H U"o UBRAHY ygNBSfil OF tLUH0» to make a journey for his health he could not do so, with other objections. They said that, as the Treaty was to be read by all the Daimyo and great nobles, they did not wish to have it appear that every consul had the right to travel in Japan ; that the words "on business" were proposed as a mere cover to conceal the extent of the rights actually conceded ; and that no governor or other official should ever inquire into the nature of the business on which a consul might be travelling. I said that implied that the consul would be willing to tell a falsehood when he wished to travel and had no official business ; that such conduct was not according to our customs; that a liar was looked on with the greatest contempt, besides which it was a sin by our religion for a man to utter a false- hood. Finding we could not agree at present on this point, I requested them to lay it aside for the present and pro- ceed with the other Articles, which was agreed to. Article II provides that the President will act as the mediator of the Japanese when asked to do so, and that American men-of-war and consuls should assist Jap- anese vessels and their crews so far as the laws of neutral- ity permitted. There is nothing in this Article that requires a treaty stipulation, but I inserted it to produce an impression on the Government and people, and it had that effect. This Article was accepted without hesitation. Article III, the Sebastopol of the Treaty, was now taken up, and the debate continued until the hour of our 5i5 adjournment. In the draft as proposed by me I claimed Hakodate, Sinagawa, Oasaca, Nagasaki, another port in Kyushu near the coal mines, Firato, and two ports on the west coast of Nippon, making together eight har- bors, and I also claimed the cities of Yedo and Miako should be opened to the Americans. They went over the old ground of objections so often stated before. In answer I said that to secure the peace, honor and prosperity of Japan, a satisfactory treaty must be made ; that the freedom of trade was an essential part of such a treaty, and without harbors it was absurd to talk of any trade being done. I repeated the remark I had made to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, that there was a distance of 400 ri on the west coast in which not a harbor was opened. The discussion continued until dark, when the Commis- sioners said that my arguments were so important they must have a day to take them into consideration, and therefore they could not meet me until the day after to- morrow. Thus making good what I have before noted, — that, in reality, I am negotiating with the whole Gov- ernment and that the Commissioners can only repeat what has been told them and report what I say. The two Japanese secretaries are constantly employed in taking down every word that is uttered. Wednesday, January 2J , 1858. I was shown some Japanese radishes of a wonderful sort. One was eighteen inches long, fifteen inches in circumference, and weighed four pound five ounces ; the other thirty-four inches long and one and one-quarter inches diameter. Procured seed 516 of both these sorts to send to the United States Patent Office. The Japanese preserve them by drying. Thursday, January 28, 1858. The Commissioners arrive at half-past one P. M. They go to "the Castle," — 1. e., the Council of State, at nine A. M., and leave at one ; eat a hasty meal and then are ready for business. They opened proceedings by saying that half the Daimyo were at Yedo and the other half in the provinces, and that, when the half in the provinces returned to Yedo, the other half went to the provinces also; that the Govern- ment was compelled to consult the Daimyo on all im- portant matters; and if the Government attempted to carry any important measure against their advice, it would cause "confusion," — i. e., rebellion, — therefore the Government must defer to their opinions. The an- swer of the Minister of Foreign Affairs on harbors was final. No doubt more will be opened by and by, but not at present. The merchants and common people are no doubt in favor of opening the country, but the Daimyo and Military oppose it. The civilians at the head of the Government under- stand these matters better. They have learned a great deal since you have been in the country, 595 therefore they are in favor of a treaty, which they see will make the country prosper and the Government rich and powerful. This is not a refusal to open more harbors! It is only a statement of the condition of the country. Coals have been discovered within three ri (seven and a half miles English) of Nagasaki, so that the other harbor asked for 696 Townsend Harris is here reporting the trend of the Japanese argument. 517 in the Island of Kyushu is not wanted. The Island of Firato is small and poor, and only produces porcelain, therefore a port in that island is not needed. Miaco is not the true name of that city. It is Kyoto. The meaning of Miako is Capital. (This is another instance of the extraordinary secret- iveness of the Japanese; for more than three hundred years they have permitted foreigners to call it Miako, 596 instead of Kyoto!) Kyoto is comparatively a poor place. The population, instead of being five hundred thousand as stated by Kaempfer, does not contain two hundred and fifty thousand. It is merely a city of priests and temples. No large manufactures are carried on, nor [is] any lacquer- ware made there. Silk is not woven in more than twenty houses. (They spoke almost contemptuously of the Mikado, and roared with laughter when I quoted some remarks concerning the veneration in which he is held by the Japanese. They say he has neither money, political power, nor anything else that is valued in Japan. He is a mere cipher.) 597 596 Kaerapfer distinctly said that Miako meant simply the town or metropo- lis: see the quotation in Thomas Rundall, Memorials of the Empire of Japan in the XVI and XVII Centuries, London, The Hakluyt Soc, 1850, p. 96. Is this not a parallel to the Roman ad urbem, and to the Stamboul ( els t^j x6Xiy) of the City of Constantine? 597 Of the relations between the Mikado and the Shogun, Masaoka says (in Japan to America, p. 224) : "A long time ago, Townsend Harris, the first consular representative in Japan of the United States, said, in effect, that nothing taxed his brain so much as the Mikado of Dai Nippon." An interesting study could be made of the slow, but constantly growing, realization in the minds of the early diplomats to Japan as to where the real power rested — whether in the Yedo Shogunate, or in the remote Emperor at Kyoto. 518 As to Sinagawa, it is no harbor, as no large ship can come within two and a half ri (six and a half miles) of it. Kanagawa is the nearest to Yedo of any harbor, and that is already opened to you. Kanagawa Post House is seven and a half ri from the Nippon Bas 598 (eighteen and three-quarters miles English) . Osaca is fifteen ri (thirty- seven and a half miles) from Kyoto. To my surprise, after the beginning of this speech of theirs, they wound up by offering me the harbor of Nee- e-gata 599 in the province of Itsigo on the west coast of Nippon. The city has a large river running through it and contains 60,000 inhabitants. On further inquiry I found that only nine feet of water was found on the bar of the river, and from their charts the outer harbor is more like an open roadstead than a harbor. They assured me that no good harbors like Hako- date, Nagasaki and Kanagawa could be found on the west coast ; that all the harbors were so rilled up with mud that vessels of large size could not enter them. They added that, if a better harbor than Nee-e-gata could be found on the west coast, it should be given in exchange for it. On these terms I took Nee-e-gata. I then told them that my way of doing business was plain and straightfor- ward; and, to give them a proof of my friendly feelings and to facilitate our business, I would withdraw the claim to Firato, 600 one harbor on the west coast, another 598 See note 524. 599 Niigata, in the Province of Echigo. 600 Townsend Harris must have put in a claim for Hirado for sentimental reasons, thinking of the olden days before the captivity at artificially built Deshima in the Harbor of Nagasaki; of the days when the Japan trade was free and open to all comers; of the days when at Hirado there mingled (in 519 harbor in Kyushu, making three harbors withdrawn. That to give ample time to prepare for these changes, I would fix the opening of the various places as follows : Yedo to be opened January i, 1863 (with Sinagawa) Osaca " July 4 1861 Nee-e-gata " July 4 i860 Kanagawa " July 4 1859 and Shimoda should [be] closed January 1, i860 Nagasaki to be opened July 4, 1 859. In answer to their often repeated assertion that all these places would be opened by and by, I replied that between nations verbal assurances had no value; that it was written stipulations alone that were considered as of any value; that a written promise to open a harbor in four years would be far more satisfactory than a verbal promise to open it in two years. The Commissioners said they did not see how the difficulties to Yedo and Osaca could be overcome. They thought it impossible. They therefore required a day to think of it, and would meet me on Saturday, the 30th inst. Saturday, January 30, 1858. Meet at the usual hour. They promptly offer to open Yedo and Sinagawa, but the Americans to reside at Kanagawa and Yokohama. The Americans only to purchase articles in a small way at Yedo. They have a class of large merchants called toyas who keep immense establishments and are ready not too friendly an intercourse, to be sure) the Dutch from Java and the banks of the Texel, the Spanish from the Philippines, the Portuguese from Goa and Macao, and the English of the famous East India Company. 520 to buy anything and to any amount. These merchants will open establishments at Kanagawa where the Amer- icans can buy and sell what they desire. They here en- tered into a long argument showing that the residence of Americans in Yedo for the purposes of trade was unnec- essary, and then, to my great surprise, they added that the American may buy where he can best suit himself as to quality and price, and sell to whom he pleases without the intervention of any government officer. This is a complete abandonment of the leading principle of the Dutch and Russian Treaties, and is one of the chief points I have so long contended for. 601 I now entered into arguments tending to show that, to expect Americans to go to Yedo from Kanagawa and to return the same day (thirty-seven and a half miles) and to do business in Yedo, was a physical impossibility ; that such a regulation would prevent their selling anything in Yedo; that to limit their sales to the toy as was in fact 601 The Explanatory Article to Art. V of the Russian Treaty (signed at Shimoda, Feb. 7, 1855) reads: ". . . Les Russes, apres avoir choisi dans les boutiques les marchandises et objets qui leur conviennent et etre convenus de leur prix avec les vendeurs, effectueront le paiement ou Pechange des marchandises dans ledit entrepot par l'entremise des employes japonais." (Gubbins, op. cit., p. 238.) Additional Articles to the Treaty of Commerce (concluded Jan. 30, 1856) between The Netherlands and Japan were signed at Nagasaki, Oct. 16, 1857. Number VII states: "After inspection of the goods for sale, the sales take place at the Treasury, which receives and takes care of the purchase money unless goods are received in payment by the sellers. . . ." (ib., p. 257.) And, finally, the Treaty concluded by Townsend Harris at Yedo, on July 29, 1858, clearly provides (Art. Ill) that: "Americans may freely buy from the Japanese and sell to them any articles that either may have for sale, without the intervention of any Japanese officers in such purchase or sale. . . ." (ib., p. 271.) 521 creating a monopoly in favor of that class; that every person of rank and wealth resided a part of every year in Yedo, while the families of all these classes resided there. That the quantity of foreign articles sold at Yedo alone would, at the beginning of the trade, be more than all the rest of the Empire ; that most of the articles were not even known by name to the Japanese; that they must first see them, learn their use, etc. ; and after one person had pur- chased a thing, it would be the means of inducing others to buy of the same article ; that, to do this, the Americans must bring their goods to Yedo to show them, and this, of course, involved the necessity of their having their warehouses and residence in Yedo. That it was idle to think of trying the experiment of free trade so long as the Americans were excluded from Yedo and Osaca, — two of the greatest cities of the Em- pire, etc., etc. I offered to withdraw Sinagawa as a port, and that American ships should not go above the harbor of Kanagawa, but for this I must have Yedo and Osaca open for trade. Monday, February I, 1858. Meet the Commis- sioners at the usual hour. They open business by the fol- lowing proposition : "The permanent residence of Americans shall be at Kanagawa, and, after [the] first of January, 1863, one street shall be opened in Yedo for the temporary residence of Americans to buy and sell." Nearly three hours were occupied in making, discussing various propositions regarding Yedo, — the Japanese making strenuous resistance to any concessions beyond <22 the above. I finally made them the following pro- position: "On the first of January, 1863, the city of Yedo shall be opened to Americans for the purposes of business. The place they shall occupy for their business shall be settled by the American diplomatic agent and the Gov- ernment of Japan." The Japanese take until to-morrow to consider this proposition. Tuesday, February 2, 1858. Meet at the usual hour. The Commissioners object to the word "business" and wish the word "trade" inserted in lieu of it. As this in its literal sense would deprive the American of cook, clerk, medical aid, and in fact of all assistance, I objected to it; at the same time I told them the word used by me would not justify the residence in Yedo of any persons who were not either directly engaged in trade, or in the employ of such persons. After a vain attempt to come to an understanding, I propose to lay Yedo aside for the present and to take up Kyoto and Osaca. They produce a map of Kyoto. (The map in Kaempfer is an exact copy.) They give the size of the city to be thirty-six and one-half streets long, or 4,380 yards, and seventeen and a half streets wide, or 2,100 yards. If their measurement be correct, the whole area of the city, including the ground occu- pied by the Palace of the Mikado and the Castle, both large enclosures, is 190 acres, each 4,840 square yards. Kaempfer gives the population at 500,000, which would be 2,631 souls for each acre! or less than sixteen and a half square feet of ground for each living soul. 523 The Commissioners said that there were insurmount- able objections to opening Kyoto to the Americans as a place of residence, which were connected with their re- ligion ; that if it was only extremely difficult they would say so, but in reality what I asked was impossible; that it was no place of business, as the American Minister could satisfy himself whenever he should visit the city. To attempt to open the place for the permanent residence of foreigners would excite a rebellion; that they were sure, when I reported this to the President, that he was too good a friend to Japan to insist on a thing which was of no real value and would at the same time introduce anarchy and bloodshed into Japan. They made the most solemn asseverations that what they said was true. They then offered to open Sak-kai, a town containing 150,000 souls, situated on the Bay of Set-tsu, and distant by land only three ri (seven and a half miles) from Osaca, the second city of the Empire. Osaca lies on a river, and by that route it is five ri (twelve and a half miles) from the bay. Ships going to Sak-kai or [to] Osaca anchor nearly at the same spot ; but, owing to shoals or mud banks, ships like the Americans' cannot come nearer than one and one-half ri (three and three-quarter miles) to Sak-kai or two ri (five miles) of the mouth of the river leading up to Osaca. Osaca has never been opened to foreigners as a residence, and its proximity to Kyoto renders the opening of it to them very objectionable to the Japanese. If I do not like Sak-kai, they offer me Hio-n'go on the same bay and lying ten ri (twenty- five miles) to the westward of Osaca River. It is about the same size as 524 Sak-kai, but it has a bold shore and a good artificial har- bor, built many hundreds of years ago at a vast expense. (See next page for a rough draft of the harbor of Set-tsu.) Tuesday, February 2, 1858 (continued) . I insisted on having Osaca opened for the permanent residence of Americans. A long time was passed in debating a pro- position of theirs that Americans should reside at Sak- kai, but have the right to visit Osaca, to buy and sell there, and to rent houses for that purpose, etc., but not to sleep in Osaca. I strongly insisted on the unfriendly and inhospitable appearance such an Article would bear, and told them I could not understand why they should have greater objections to opening Osaca than they had to opening Yedo. I said that difficulties would constantly arise under such an arrangement, and gave as an illus- tration that, suppose an American late in the day should be taken suddenly and violently ill and quite unable to return to Sak-kai, the authorities of Osaca, acting under stringent orders, would place the sick man in a norimon and send him off to Sak-kai. On the road the man dies. The Americans, indignant at such inhumanity, would make a very strong and possibly exaggerated statement of the transaction. This would be sent to the Minister, and copies to the United States. A very serious difficulty might thus arise between the two nations. As to the vicin- ity to Kyoto, I was willing to let the lines run at the full distance from that city, so that difficulty was imaginary. I also told them to remember that the seventh Article of the Treaty claimed, for every well conducted Amer- 525 fiySdLuL^lt^ $7'/^A*J£,i£*r>~ £tf*o~.&u&f& |F_j *^f^» /'t^ /A»**, j^^m rln+ltJ \ X3 -A^fc 526 ican who had resided one year in Japan, the right to travel as freely as the Japanese. The Commissioners told me that the seventh Article and the opening of Kyoto were two impossibilities ; that they could not be granted without producing rebellion. Many other pro- positions of the Treaty were excessively difficult, but still might be carried into effect, but the two points were ab- solutely impossible. And here they made a very sensible remark. They said if foreign nations would go to war with them on account of those two points they must make the best they could of the calamity, but under no circumstances was war from abroad so much to be feared as intestine commotion. Lamps had been introduced by me; and, as we had been steadily at work, the Commis- sioners told me I had fairly beaten them out in my powers of endurance, and they must therefore beg to be excused for the evening. I urged them to reflect seriously on what I had laid before them, remarking that the present was the turning point of the Treaty, and that one false step might utterly destroy our labors. No meeting to-morrow. Wednesday, February 3, 1858. This morning at an early hour the Prince of Shinano called to have some private conversation. He said there was an intense excitement among the old party at the Castle; that the concessions already made had greatly exasperated them, and he feared, if I per- sisted in insisting on Kyoto being opened and on the right of the Americans to travel in the country, I should run a great risk of losing the whole Treaty; that what had 527 already been conceded excited his wonder, for when I arrived at Yedo he did [not] dream that I could use any arguments that would secure so much. He said better secure what you have obtained than risk it for the attain- ment of what is [of] but little or no value even if you do get it. He said that, if we would be patient and let the present Treaty work its work quietly among the people, he had no doubt the two disputed points would be granted without difficulty by the time named for the opening of Yedo ; that the two points were not refused by the Government, but merely postponed to await a favorable period for carrying them into effect. He closed by saying that he was very unhappy and implored me to consider the wisdom of following his advice. I gave him to understand that, if all the other parts of the Treaty were arranged to my satisfaction, I would try to suit them on the two points. Meet at eleven A. M. A long debate on the seventh Article. At last I offer to withdraw the objectionable clause provided they would open Osaca as a place for the permanent residence of Americans. I also offered to limit the boundaries at Osaca in the direction of Kyoto to two ri (five miles) . The Commis- sioners inform me that my request to have a salute fired in honor of the birth of Washington had been acceded to, and that I would be conducted to the battery on the twenty-second instant, when a salute of twenty-one guns should be fired. 602 They added that Commodore Perry had made them a 602 See note 377. 528 present of a brass howitzer gun; that they had made many after that model, and that the salute should be fired from their copies of the American gun. 603 Meet again at two P. M. and take up the Articles seriatim. Three and four, accepted. Article V relates to the currency, and contained a clause giving the Japanese Government an agio of six per cent, on all foreign coin paid to them, and prohibited the exportation of Jap- anese coin. To my utter astonishment, they gave up the six per cent, and permitted the free exportation of their coin ! and also declared that all foreign coins should pass freely in Japan. They did astonish me. Article IV gives to the United States Government [the right] to land stores free of duty for the use of its fleet at Kanagawa, Hakodate and Nagasaki. By this I have secured the choice of three good harbors for our Naval Depot in the East, in a country that has the most salubrious climate in the world, where the men cannot desert, and with a power that is sufficiently civilized to respect our rights, and above all not a power with whom we might have a rupture, like England. I consider this 603 This story of the Japanese making copies of the brass howitzer given them by Commodore Perry reminds us of one equally interesting. It is told by L. Adams Beck {Unbroken Ways in South Japan, in Asia for Apr., 1923, p. 272) : "Here too [at Shimonoseki] was the destiny of Japan again decided when the allied fleet of the United States, England, France and Holland in 1864 thrust the civilization of the West in the face of her repulsion. A relative of my own, still living, was present. ... I stood by the swirling, dangerous currents of Shimonoseki and marvelled, remembering that to the hand of this man who still lives was given the first breech-loading Winchester rifle turned out by Japanese workmen, with the request, proudly made, that he would show it to the British Admiralty. He did this and adds: 'But I do not recall that any interest was taken in the circumstance.' Admiralties are not intuitive; one would think [that] that rifle might have interested them a little." 529 clause of immense importance, as now the depot can be removed from that wretched place Hongkong, and the stores out of the power of England. We finished our day's work with Article V, and adjourned until the sixth inst. Saturday, February 6, 1858. We take up Article III. To my surprise they proposed to build a lazaretto out- side the walls of Osaca for the use of any Americans that might suddenly be taken sick while on a visit to Osaca from Sak-kai, — and still excluded Americans from a residence in the city. I was indignant. On page 1 1 6 1 have noted the terms on which I agreed to withdraw the two difficulties in the way of the Treaty, and it was fully un- derstood that was the basis on which the matter was to be arranged. 604 I told them that their proposition was so very offensive that I would not consent to have it again interpreted to me. I taxed them roundly with bad faith, and gave them notice that I renewed the clause in the seventh Article (right to travel) and also the claim for Kyoto. The Commissioners stammered and boggled for some time, partially admitting that the proposal was none of their making, and that they would consult over it (i. e., report its rejection at the Castle). They then proposed to take up the Articles of the Treaty. Article VI, agreed to. Article VII, postponed until Article III is settled. Articles VIII to XV inclusive, all agreed to with some slight verbal alterations not calling for any remark. Article XVI (The family name of the Tykoon is Minamote E-yea-Sada). 605 The Article provides for 604 Page 116 was the page of the manuscript Journal immediately preceding the page bearing the present entry. 605 Minamoto Iyesada, or Iyesata. 530 the exchange of ratifications, and they proposed, if I was willing, to send an ambassador in their steamer to Washington via California for that purpose ! I told them nothing could possibly give me greater pleasure. That, as the United States was the first power that Japan ever made a treaty with, I should be much pleased that the first Japanese Ambassador should be sent to the United States. The Article was accordingly altered and also amended so as to make the Treaty go into effect, if from any unforeseen accident the ratifications should not be exchanged by that time. The regulations of trade (ex- cept the tariff) were informally accepted. I gave them notice that I wished to introduce a clause giving the right to American ships to employ Japanese as seamen on board American ships, giving bonds to return the men to Japan within three years, except in cases of death or desertion. The Commissioners agree to meet me on Mon- day at eight A. M. and to work the whole day; adjourn at seven P. M. Received a present of a very handsome round chow- chow box called by the Japanese hogy. It is of rich lac- quer, with handsome plates of yellow chased metal, bound with a rich scarlet silk cord with heavy tassels. They carefully told me that none but Daimyo were al- lowed to use the hogy. It contained 260 eggs packed in black beans of a very small size. Monday, February 8, 1858. Meet according to agreement at eight A. M. The Commissioners propose various Articles on the subject of Osaca, and at last the following is agreed on : 53i On the first of January 1863 the city of Yedo, and on the . . . day of . . . 18 ... the city of Osaca shall be opened to Americans for residence and trade. The special place within which they may hire houses in each of these two cities, and the distance they may walk, shall be settled by the American Diplomatic Agent and the Government of Japan. The Japanese showed me maps of Sak-kai and Osaca. Sak-kai contains 270 streets. Osaca contains 600 streets. Sak-kai produces twenty-two articles, among which are metal works, silk stuffs, arms, rattan work, etc., etc. I inform them I wish for both Sak-kai and Hio-n'go, — the latter for its good harbor, and the former from its proximity to Osaca. They positively refuse both places. I then claim Hio-n'go according to their original offer to me of either Hio-n'go or Sak-kai. They replied that offer was made by them in lieu of Osaca, and that I did not include Sak-kai or Hio-n'go in my original draft. After much debate, I tell them I will withdraw the claim, as they will be quite willing to open Hio-n'go by the time Osaca is opened. We at last fix the dates on which the various places shall be opened : Kanagawa July 4, 1859 Nagasaki the same Nee-e-gata January 1, i860 Yedo January 1, 1862 Sak-kai January 1, 1863 Osaca January 1, 1863 Adjourned at one P. M. for their dinner, and meet again at two P. M. The whole of this P. M. was spent in a 532 vain attempt to fix the boundaries of the various places. They were so unreasonable and so inconsistent that I could not help suspecting the champagne which I sent to them had not operated favorably. Adjourned at five P. M. to meet to-morrow at eight A. M. Tuesday, February Q, 1858. Meet at nine A. M. Take up Articles regulating trade. In the Treaty with the Rus- sians, the regulations were imperfect and oppressive. Fines of the most outrageous character were imposed, and ship and cargo both were confiscated for light of- fences, and the innocent were thus punished for offences in which they neither participated, nor had any know- ledge of, or power of preventing. 606 1 pointed out the in- justice of such laws to the Commissioners, and they ad- mitted the force of my objections. They said they were entirely in the dark on the subject, not having any ex- perience to guide them. They said I had evidently taken much pains in draw- ing up the code now before them ; that they thanked me for my kindness, and, as they had perfect confidence in my integrity, they would accept them.' 607 606 Compare the Supplementary Treaty with Russia, signed at Nagasaki, Oct. 12/24, 1857, Art. IV, XIV, XXI (Gubbins, op. cit., pp. 239-45). 607 There is corroborative evidence in Mr. Heusken's Diary, though the date of his entry is February 2nd — exactly a week earlier than this of Townsend Harris's. The weight of evidence favors the date given by Townsend Harris. Mr. Heusken's Diary reads (Wagener, Aus dem Tagebuche, etc., p. 386, note 1— one of the three passages which Wagener cites in the original French era- ployed by Heusken) : "Aujourd'hui les commissaires disent que, comme M. Harris leur assure que les regulations du commerce ont ete proposees dans le seul but d'assurer le revenu du Japon, et qu'ils sont sur les bases de celui d'Amerique et d'Angleterre, ils acceptent aveuglement." For information on Mr. Heusken's Diary, see note 349. 533 They then examined the figures of some fines that had been changed at their request from kobangs to dollars, and found them all right. I now took up the tariff. I began by stating the objections to all tonnage dues, and showed that they only served to check commerce, were unequal in their operation, and injurious to revenue. I then stated the objections to export duties, saying that it was a burden on the industry of their own people, was vexatious to the merchant, led to great expense to prevent smuggling, and was not of much benefit to the revenue. I then quoted the example of England and the United States, two of the greatest commercial nations in the world, neither of which levied tonnage dues or ex- port duties. I closed by saying that commerce could bear a certain burden and no more, and, whether that was col- lected under one or three forms, only a certain tax could be paid; and concluded this branch by urging the sim- plicity and economy of collecting their revenue from imports alone. I then took up the tariff and explained the various classes and my reasons for making different rates of duties, etc., etc. They say the tariff is out of their province and must be submitted to the Chamber of Ac- counts They also inform me that the 14th instant is their New Year, and that they cannot meet me again before the 17th ; that they usually take seven days for these holi- days, but on account of my long detention here they will only take three. It was agreed that clean copies of the Treaty should in the interim be drawn out and the amendments and 534 alterations translated into Japanese. The Commissioners inform me that orders have been sent to Hakodate to allow women to American sailors at that port. Adjourn at half-past twelve o'clock. Friday, February 12, 1858. The Prince of Shinano visited me to-day. He said they were all very busy in preparing their annual reports for the close of the year, but that he would pay me a short private visit. 608 He soon afterwards introduced the boundaries of the opened places, and the right of consuls to travel in the country; and, from his frequent mention of the Daimyo, I am prepared to have difficulties with them on those subjects. Saturday, February 1 3, 1 8 58. Busy in writing. I find I have omitted any notice of the loneen since the 25th of January. On that and the following night I was much annoyed by the noise kept up by the "grand rounds," who patrolled every half hour. As soon as the point of the residence of the Minister in Yedo was settled, the rounds and noise ceased. This adds to the belief always held by me that the whole matter was a mere "arrow- 608 The Japanese authorities in general, and Shinano-no-Kami in particular, were very anxious for Townsend Harris's safety. Mr. Heusken tells us in his Diary that the Prince of Shinano called in the afternoon, and that his chief purpose was to beg Harris and Heusken not to go out on the streets on February 14th — the Japanese New Year's Day (Wagener, op. cit., p. 386, note 2). The excited state of men's minds over the pending negotiations and the rapidly approaching opening of the country, might easily, on such a festive day, have brought about precisely those disasters that shortly afterwards became so common — and only because these ordinary rules of precaution were in many cases haughtily disregarded. The early foreigners and diplomats who went to Japan had, unfortunately, been brought up in the far different atmosphere of Canton and the other treaty ports of China. (See Journal, Jan. 25, 1858, and note 592.) 535 smith," got up to frighten me and, failing of its pur- pose, it was then abandoned. 609 Sunday, February 14, 1858. Japanese New Year's Day. The houses here are dressed up precisely in the same manner as described in my Journal for January 1, 1857, at Shimoda. The streets are filled with the long trains of the Daimyo and nobles going to the Castle to pay their compliments and carry presents. This reminds me of the New Year's festivities in New York. 610 Monday, February 15, 1858. The Tykoon sends presents of boiled cakes on New Year's Day to all those he wishes to honor, but, hearing I did not eat those cakes, he sent me a large basket of oranges from Kyushu. The present came yesterday, but I declined receiving it on that day — it being Sunday — and I was glad of an op- portunity of showing the Japanese that not even for the Tykoon would I alter my strict rule for that day. 611 I receive presents of fans from Higo-no-Kami and others. Shrove Tuesday, February 16, 1858. A snowstorm to-day which fell some eight inches. The sight reminded me of home and dear old New York. 612 The Prince of 609 This delusion persisted in Townsend Harris's mind; but, considering the fact that he did not, and could not, know what was going on behind the "mirror" and the "fan," the delusion itself was natural enough. On the present occasion it was further strengthened by the unfortunate coincidence with the discussion on the residence of the American Minister in Yedo. 610 Heusken, in his Diary (Wagener, op. cit., p. 386), tells us that Iwase Higo-no-Kami, one of the two Treaty Commissioners, on this day brought Townsend Harris several fans as New Year presents. (See entry for Feb- ruary 15, 1858.) 611 See note 409. • 12 Townsend Harris would have been cheered in the midst of these arduous negotiations had he known that in far-off Washington he was the subject of daily conversation. On Wednesday, Feb. 10, 1858, President Buchanan had 536 Shinano sends me word he will meet me to-morrow at noon. P. S. ( 18th) I was in error as to the quantity of snow, — nearly twelve inches fell on the 16th instead of eight inches. Ash Wednesday, February I J, 1858. The Commis- sioners, instead of meeting me at noon, as they had ap- pointed, did not arrive until near five P. M. They com- menced by giving a history of my negotiations from the day of my audience up to the ninth inst., repeating many parts three or four times and constantly referring to the Daimyo and their opposition to any change in the ancient customs of the land, by permitting the resi- dence of foreigners in Japan, etc., etc. This lasted for more than an hour, without their giving me any infor- mation as to what they desired. I plainly saw that there was a hitch somewhere. They then proceeded to say that on the eleventh inst. the Treaty, as it then stood, had been submitted to the Daimyo and instantly the whole Castle was in an uproar. Some of the most violent declared that they would sacrifice then lives before they would permit such great changes to be made. The Council of State had labored incessantly to enlighten these men ; had pointed out to them not only the policy, but necessity there was to make the Treaty if they would avert the ruin of the Kingdom, etc. They had brought over some, but others still re- mained obstinate ; that the Government could not at once transmitted to the Senate the Convention signed by Townsend Harris at Shiraoda, June 17, 1857. The President's Message (undated) was received and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. This Committee, on Feb. i6th, reported the Convention without amendment (S. Ex. J'l, vol. 10, PP- 3<>3, 304, 307)- 537 sign such a treaty, except at the expense of bloodshed ; that they were sure the President did not wish to bring any such evil on Japan, etc., etc. 613 I at last discovered that they wished to delay the signing of the Treaty until a member of the Council of State could proceed as "Ambassador to the Spiritual Emperor" at Kyoto and get his approval; 614 that the 613 For some Japanese material on the confusion caused among the Daimyo by the proposed opening of the country to the Westerners, read the extracts from the Bakumatsu Givaikodan given in Gubbins, The Progress of Japan, pp. 289-91. And Heusken, under date of February 12, 1858 (Diary, in Wagener, op. cit., p. 386, note 2) quotes the interpreter Moriyama on the wrath of the Daimyo: "Moriyama ne pense pas qu'il y aura plus de difficultes sur les regulations. Tour l'argent,' dit-til, 'il n'y a pas de difficultes. Les Daimios ne regardent pas l'argent, les taxes et les douanes ; ils ne disent rien du tout. Nous ne com- prenons rien au commerce, et vous qui nous assurez sur votre honneur que les regulations sont pour le bien du Japon, nous devons vous croire. Mais pour les grandes concessions du traite, voila des choses ou le danger est avec les Daimios.' " 614 Gubbins, op. cit., pp. 71-72: "There was no necessity for this reference. The supremacy of the Shogun in all administrative matters is clearly laid down in the constitution, or arrangement, established in 161 5. Long custom had confirmed the rule then made. And before that date the Crown's concern in such matters had never extended beyond a formal recognition of accomplished facts. Moreover, the Treaty had not yet been signed, so reference to Kioto was in any case premature. But on the occasion of Perry's first visit the Shogunate, in order to conceal its embarrassment, had revived the obsolete formality of Im- perial concurrence, extending at the same time its application. The same course was pursued now, and the minister who had taken the most promi- nent part in the negotiations, Hotta Bitchiu-no-Kami, was sent to Kioto to obtain the imperial consent. Hayashi Daigaku-no-Kami had been sent a month previously to explain matters, but the Court had signified its dis- approval of the negotiations." Leaving Yedo on January 25th, Hayashi had arrived in Kyoto on Feb. 5, 1858, accompanied by the censor Tsuda Hanzaburo as Deputy Delegate (Pay- son J. Treat, The Early Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Japan, 1853-1865, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1917, p. 98; and Japan and the United States, 1853-1921, Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1921, p. 39; Murdoch, A History of Japan, vol. 3, pp. 646- 47). Hayashi's task was to convince the Emperor's Court of the necessity of conforming to the changing spirit of the times and to gain the Emperor's con- sent to the Treaty. Though a memorial had been presented to the Imperial 538 moment that approval was received the Daimyo must withdraw their opposition; that they were content to take the Treaty substantially as it stood, having only some slight verbal alterations to suggest, and solemnly pledged their faith that the Treaty should be executed as soon as the Ambassador returned from Miako, which would require about two months. Having concluded this extraordinary conversation, I asked them what they would do if the Mikado refused his assent. They replied in a prompt and decided manner, that the Govern- ment had determined not to receive any objections from the Mikado. I asked what is the use then of delaying the Treaty for what appears to be a mere ceremony. They replied that it was this solemn ceremony that gave value to it; and, as I understood, it being known that the Mikado [had been] thus gravely appealed to, his decision would be final, and that all excitement would subside at once. Cabinet at Kyoto in the 12th month of the 4th year of Ansei (Jan. 14 to Feb, 12, 1858), the exclusion (or Mito) party at the capital had had such great influence that no answer was given even as late as the first month of the following (or 5th) year of Ansei (Feb. 13 to Mar. 13, 1858). He was so confi- dent of success that he told the Daimyo of Echizen that ten days in Kyoto would be ample time for the accomplishment of his purpose. He set out on Mar. 6th, reached the Emperor's capital on Mar. 19th, and was back again in Yedo on June 1st — "a very chastened and humbled man." (Murdoch, op. cit., pp. 648-49, 652.) When this first failure had been reported to Yedo, Premier Lord Hotta himself was sent to Kyoto. As H. Satoh says (Agitated Japan, Tokio and New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1896, p. 59) : "Pressed on one side by Mr. Harris, the American representative, and urged on the other side by his anxiety for his country, Baron Hotta now went in person to the Imperial Capital. There he did his best in explaining the impossibility of adhering to the old tradition, but the influence of the opposing party in Kyoto was too great. The result was that he received instructions to consult further with the princes of the Tokugawa Family and with the Barons of the land, before again submitting the question to the Imperial Cabinet." 539 They proposed that we should go on with the Treaty until it was completed and engrossed. That I could amuse myself by going about, and, if I wished to make a trip to Shimoda, the Government would send me down and bring me back in their steamer. In answer I said that what they had told me was un- precedented in the history of negotiations ; that it was much like the acts of children and unworthy of wise statesmen like those who rule Japan; and that it was a trifling with a serious matter, that would be sure to give the President great concern ; and that it would have been far better not to have negotiated with me at all, than to refuse to sign a treaty which had cost so much labor, for so very trifling a reason, etc., etc. I added that the mere act of signing the Treaty might be kept as secret as they chose, as I should not divulge it in Japan. They replied that it was impossible to keep anything secret that passed between us (and I have no doubt they spoke truly) ; that they were acting in good faith, and I might rely that the Treaty should be executed. I finally told them I had no power to compel them to execute the Treaty; that I could not then give them an answer to their propo- sition, but I proposed to put that matter aside for the present and proceed to complete the Treaty, but they must clearly understand that I did not agree to accept the delay asked for. This was agreed to, and they opened the Treaty with the first Article, over which they wasted time (and with an evident intent to do so) until eight o'clock, when they said they were weary and begged to adjourn until day after to-morrow, — Friday, 19th. Their 540 plan evidently is to spin out the time, until I either assent to their wish or the Ambassador has returned from Kyoto. I have before noted that they had agreed to fire a salute on Washington's Birthday. They now informed me the salute would be fired between Sinagawa and Kawasaki, some eight miles from my residence, adding that was the nearest place where cannon could be fired. In answer I said I could not go so far as that; that if they had any objections to firing the salute, I would with- draw my request; that a salute under such circumstances would be anything but an honor; that I had heard how- itzers fired every week since I had been in Yedo ; that I was so accustomed to such sounds that I could very well judge of the distance; and that the firing had frequently been within sixteen streets of my residence (one mile). They said that must have been the guns of the Daimyo. They then said they could themselves fire the salute. I replied they, of course, could fire when they pleased, but I should not consider it as being fired in honor of the day. They then proposed that Mr. Heusken should ride to the place. I answered that he was not the representative of the United States. They said the discount of six per cent, was to be paid by me until the new Treaty went into effect. Thursday, February 18, 1858. I have made no en- tries in my Journal of my having gone out of my house for any purpose, except on official business, since De- cember 17, 1857. In fact I have not gone out of the en- closure of the premises but once since that date, and that 54i was on the occasion of my visit to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the 16th of last month. My reasons for this seclusion have been twofold. I have frequently referred to the fact that the Japanese connect the idea of seclusion with high rank, and that the one is the measure of the other. The Government had proclaimed me to be, from my official position, a person of exalted rank, as they termed it, and caused all the ceremonies of my journey from Shimoda here to cor- respond with that idea. I felt that my influence with this singular people greatly depended on my maintaining that opinion. I also knew that a large majority of the Daimyo were violently opposed to the object of my mis- sion, and that some were exceedingly violent. I appre- hended that, were I to go out frequently for recreation, I should meet the trains of some of these persons, and that difficulties might arise from their claiming from me some acknowledgment of their rank that I might not be willing to concede. Or, that from my ignorance of their complicated etiquette, I might unwittingly give um- brage that might create much angry feeling among this class, who from an esprit de corps would embrace the cause of their brother Daimyo, whom they might sup- pose I had wantonly insulted, thereby creating difficul- ties to the object of my mission, give power to the opposition, and embarrass the Government of Japan. 615 1 615 This common sense and broad-minded policy of Townsend Harris evinced a world of sympathetic understanding of the tremendous difficulties which beset the Government of Japan. And, as all students of Japanese history know, it was precisely the non-observance of these simple rules by the newly arrived Westerners that resulted in many of the murders mentioned above, among the most famous of which were those of Richardson, Lieutenant Bird, and 542 have taken exercise by walking some miles every day in the court on which my rooms open. I walk from three to eight miles per diem, yet my health has sensibly suffered and I am become exceed- ingly thin. I also feel the want of food properly pre- pared, as my Japanese cook is extremely deficient in many points. The Prince of Shinano visited me to-day, and we had a long talk over my business. He says that I may rely that the Government is acting in good faith and is anxious to make a treaty with me; that the mission to Miako will be successful in obtaining the assent of the Mikado; 616 and that when that assent is promulgated the opposition [of] the Daimyo will instantly cease. The Prince informed me that of the 18 Great Daimyo 4 were in favor, and 14 opposed to the Treaty; that of the 300 Daimyo created by Iyeyasu, 30 out of every 100 were in favor, and the remainder opposed ; that the Govern- ment was constantly working on these men and, when they could get them to listen, they frequently convinced them, but many — like the obstinate of more enlightened countries — refused to listen to a word of reason, argu- ment or explanation. This last class will only yield to the opinion of the Mikado when it shall be promulgated. I made the following suggestion to Shinano. Let us Major Baldwin (see note 592). It was the same lack of understanding and sympathy that at a later crisis made the foreign representatives (Sir Ruther- ford Alcock and Duchesne de Bellecourt) abandon Yedo for Yokohama (Kanawaga), while Townsend Harris, true to his principles and steadfast in his faith in the Japanese, remained alone in Yedo — literally and splendidly alone. 616 As we have already seen, even Hotta's mission was not successful in ob- taining the consent of the Emperor to the Treaty. 543 proceed and complete the Treaty as soon as possible and have it engrossed and ready for signature. Then, let the Council of State, or the Minister for Foreign Affairs, write me a letter saying that the Commissioners ap- pointed to negotiate with me a commercial treaty be- tween the United States and Japan had completed their labors, and that the Treaty was now ready for signature, but, for certain important reasons, the signing of the Treaty must be postponed for sixty days, on or before the expiration of which time the Treaty, as it now stood, should be signed. Thereupon I would return to Shimoda to prepare my dispatches for my Government; that at the end of fifty days (if not before) the Government should send their steamer to Shimoda for the purpose of bringing me again to Yedo, for the purpose of executing the Treaty. The Prince was much pleased with the idea, and told me he would communicate it to the Government at once and speak to me about it to-morrow. I do not see what I can do better under the peculiar circumstances in which I am placed. If I can get the written promise of the Government, that the Treaty (not a treaty) shall be signed by a certain day, I do not see but it is as bind- ing on them as the signature of the Commissioners to the Treaty itself. Friday, February IQ, 1858. Toke, Prince of Tamba, sent me a beautiful present of a plum tree in full bloom, having more than one thousand blossoms! The stock is four [inches] in diameter at the bottom, and eighteen inches high. Nearly thirty grafts have been inserted in 544 the stock, and these have grown up some twenty-four to thirty inches high, and branching out give more than fifty sprays. Not a green leaf is visible, but all the sprays are covered from end to end with fragrant white blos- soms. At two P. M. the Prince of Shinano visited me and brought a beautiful China pot of bulbs of the daffodil family, in bloom. The Japanese name is "Happy Longevity," and is a favorite New Year's gift. He tells me that their laws regarding [mourning] have been greatly modified during the last two hundred years. Formerly, an officer, on the death of his father, resigned his employments and lived retired for three years. Now he does not resign, and mourns for fifty days full mourn- ing, that is, does not attend to any business or shave his head or beard during that time. After the fifty days are expired, he resumes his duties and shaves, etc., but for one year he must not attend any festivities. The Daimyo who have sovereign rule in their do- minions are seven or eight, of the original eighteen of that rank. The Prince of Ca-ga (or Kaga) has the largest principality and is the most powerful and wealthy of any of his class. Not even the Tykoon may send a per- son into the dominions of these Daimyo without their consent "first had and obtained." The Japanese pre- tend that any officer of the Imperial Government in- truding without such leave would instantly be put to death. Did not meet the Commissioners until nearly five P. M. They informed me that the proposition I made to Shi- 545 nano-no-Kami yesterday was accepted by the Govern- ment; and that the letter pledging the faith of the Gov- ernment that the Treaty should be executed within sixty days from this date would be signed by Hotta, Prince of Bittsu, Minister for Foreign Affairs; and that the steamer should be sent to Shimoda ten days before that time to bring me to Yedo. 617 617 Fortunately there are extant both versions of this historic letter: first, an original copy made by Heusken of the Dutch version sent by Hotta (L. & P., vol. i, no. 81) ; and second, an original copy (also made by Heusken) of the English translation thereof (L. & P., vol. i, no. 82). This letter is so important that it merits being reproduced in full: "To His Excellency Townsent [sic] Harris, Plenipotentiary and Consul General of the United States of America, etc., etc., etc. "The negotiations between you and the Commissioners of the Treaty of the United States and of Japan is ended, and this Treaty is completed and made ready to be signed. But from a very important cause, an embassy from His Majesty the Tycoon will be sent to Kyoto to present it respectfully to the consideration of His Majesty the Spiritual Emperor; thus it is im- possible to sign the Treaty until the return of the Embassy, wherefore a time of two months will be required, on or before which time the Treaty shall be signed. "Represented with respect. "The 5th day of the first month of the fifth year of Ansei. (signed) Hotta Bitsunocami. "For Dutch translation: (signed) Moriyama Takitsiro. "A true translation: H. C J. Heusken/' The Japanese date is equivalent to Feb. 17, 1858. Townsend Harris endorsed the letter in his own hand: "Letter from Minister of Foreign Affairs. Yedo, Feb. 18, 1858. Concerning the postponing of signing the Treaty." There is a certain amount of confusion in these dates. The substance of this (then only proposed) letter was first outlined by the Japanese Commis- sioners on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17th. On the 18th, Townsend Harris agreed with the Prince of Shinano that such a letter be written by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he suggested its contents pretty definitely. On Feb. 19th, at 5 p. m., the Commissioners informed Townsend Harris that his proposal of the preceding day had been accepted by the Government, and that the letter pledging the faith of the Government would be signed by Prince Hotta. This letter is again referred to on Feb. 22nd. Just when Townsend Harris received this letter, however, is not certain. We sadly miss the item "Re- ceived" (with the date) which he so frequently put into the endorsements of his letters. Prince Hotta left for Kyoto some time after Feb. 17 (the date of this letter), arriving at the Emperor's Capital on Mar. 19th. On Mar. 4th, Townsend Harris wrote to General Cass, Secretary of State, stating that he had received Hotta's letter, and enclosing for the Department of State a Dutch original 546 We then took up the Treaty for final consideration, and after much consideration the Preamble was ac- cepted. A long debate arose on the right of "All diplo- matic and consular [officers] shall have the right to travel freely in any part of the Empire of Japan." 618 After much time wasted over it, I offered to strike out the whole clause, and leave those officers to claim their rights under the laws of nations. This they also objected to, wishing to restrain Consuls to their consular dis- tricts, which I as strongly refused to do, or to insert any clause which might deprive them of a right they could claim under the laws of nations. I had at one time serious doubts that the whole Treaty might be wrecked on this point. They went over the old ground of objections : the claims of the Daimyo to exclusive jurisdiction in their own principalities; their furious objections to any in- fringement of their ancient rights ; and the certainty that serious difficulties would arise from the clause. At last they said that they would consent to insert [that] the Minister and Consul General should have that right, and an English translation thereof — in other words, L. & P., vol. i, nos. 81 and 82, referred to above. The contents of Hotta's letter run closely along the lines suggested by Town- send Harris on Feb. 18th, and it is therefore difficult to believe that this letter was written, in its present form at least, before the 18th. We are inclined to believe that the following was the sequence of events: first, that a version of this letter already existed in written form on Feb. 17th, when the Japanese Commissioners first hinted at the possibility of referring the matter to Kyoto; that it then received slight modifications, in order to harmonize with the suggestions made by Townsend Harris on the 18th; that the original date (Feb. 17th) was left untouched; and that Townsend Harris received the letter before Mar. 4, 1858, the date of his Dispatch No. 6 to General L. Cass, Secretary of State. Indeed, if we may trust implicitly a statement made by Mr. Heusken in his Diary, this letter was given to Townsend Harris by Shinano-no-Kami on the evening of Mar. 2, 1858 (see Journal, Feb. 27, 1858, and note 628). 618 Art. I of the Treaty. 547 but to exclude other Consuls. I at last consented to accept their proposition, but not to insert the words "other consular officers." At last they accepted it after a struggle to get the insertion of a clause requiring the Minister and Consul General to give notice to the Government of their intention to travel etc., etc., and also to strike out the word "freely" from the connection "may freely travel in any part," etc. Both propositions were rejected by me, and finally the clause was accepted as above amended. The counterpart for "Japanese Diplomatic Agent, etc., in the United States" was made to corres- pond with the grant to us. The whole Article was now finally accepted. Article second: after an attempt to strike out the word "request" from the first paragraph, — "The President of the United States will at the request of the Japanese Government act as a friendly mediator," on inquiry I found they had translated the Dutch word verzoek, "to beg." After an explanation of the true meaning of "request," they consented to take the clause as it stands in the original draft. The Commissioners now wished to adjourn, promis- ing to meet me at noon to-morrow. I am told that for- merly, on the death of one of the Daimyo, numbers of his domestics or officers performed the hara-kiri, — i. e., rip- ping themselves up, but that custom has been abolished. Earthquake at 1 1 130 P. M. Saturday, February 20, 1856. Snow this morning. I am told the Prince of Ca-ga "goes on" like a lunatic about the Treaty. He says [that], while the Tykoon gov- erns by the ancient laws, he will be his subject, but, when 548 he departs from them, his allegiance ceases. (I do not by any means place full faith in what the Japanese tell me about these matters. I know enough of them to be aware that to lie is the rule ; to tell the truth is the excep- tion.) I am told the Tykoon is in favor of the Treaty, saying that he is convinced it is for the good of the country. The smaller Daimyo dare not openly oppose the Govern- ment, but they shield themselves under the opinions of the greater Daimyo. They say that two papers will be presented to the Mikado, one in favor of the proposed Treaty, and the other against it; that after examining both, he will approve of one, and that approval is bind- ing on all ; that even those most violently opposed to the Treaty will say (if he decides in favor of the Tykoon), "God has spoken; I submit." This does not agree very well with the almost contemptuous manner in which the Japanese speak of this potentate. I am told that large sums of money have already [been] distributed among the officers of the Mikado, and that still larger sums will be applied in the same manner. 619 Meet the Commissioners at two P. M. and continue un- til seven. A very discouraging meeting, the whole time was passed in noting down their proposed amendments to the first eight Articles. Many of these are absurd, 619 By comparing this entry with Heusken's Diary (Wagener, op. cit., PP« 387-88), we are sure that the source of all this gossipy news was Mori- yama, who paid Townsend Harris a morning visit. In addition to what the Journal says, there was also a discussion on the relative command of the Dutch language held by Moriyama and Heusken. (See also Journal for Feb. 21st.) 549 others childish, and some fatal to the working of the Treaty. Sunday, February 21, 1 8 56 [1858] . The first Sunday in Lent, and a lovely day. I am quite disheartened and low spirited about the Treaty. I greatly fear that I shall altogether fail in making a treaty that will be acceptable to the President. To add to my difficulties, their Dutch interpreter is very imperfectly acquainted with the idioms of that language, [while] his self-sufficiency is in the exact ratio of his ignorance. The Japanese language does not possess either singular or plural, has no relative pro- noun, nor is the use of the antecedent known. Neither has it any possessive case. These defects require the constant repetition of nouns and verbs, and at all times make the meaning vague and obscure. I never shall get to the bottom of the deceptions of the Japanese. I now learn that the "three brothers of the Tykoon" are merely titular brothers. They are of the family, but the re- moves by birth carry them beyond the list of parentage as known by us. They are the Princes of Owaru, of Izu (or Izeu), and of Mitu. These men are called the "first brothers" of the Tykoon, and he also has three "second brothers," who are also merely titular relations. 620 620 The reference is to Go-Sanke, the three Tokugawa houses descended from three sons of Iyeyasu, and from which a successor to the Shogun had to be chosen in the event of failure of issue in the direct line. The three houses were: the Owari, descended from the sixth son of Iyeyasu; the Kii (or Kishu), descended from the seventh son ; and the Mito, descended from the eighth son. The three "second brothers" constituted the Go-Sankyo — three branch houses that were added to the Go-Sanke, and from which an heir to the Shogunate had to be chosen in case no suitable heir was furnished by the Go-Sanke. These three houses were: the Tayasu, the Hitotsubashi, and the Shimizu. 550 Monday, February 22, 1 858. Meet at nine A.M. Only Shinano-no-Kami present. I note the proposed amend- ments to the Treaty offered by him, but do not enter into any discussions about the merits of them. They are of various classes. Some are absurd, others mischievous, and not one that is of the least benefit to Japan by adding to her security or honor. The insertion of some would make obscure what is now clear, and many would excite laughter. The tone of all the amend- ments is unfriendly, and haughty, and calculated to make the Treaty unacceptable. They have not as yet decided on the tariff, conse- quently the subject of tonnage dues, import and export duties, and fines was all passed over, they promising an answer to those points on the 24th. The next meeting is to be to-morrow at two P. M. when both Commissioners are to be present. They promise to give me an amended copy of the letter which is to be written to me by Hotta, Prince of Bittsu, after the negotiations are closed. Tuesday, February 23, 1858. Met both the Com- missioners at one P. M. I opened the discussions by saying that I had care- fully considered all their proposed amendments. Some were a mere change of words, others rendered the mean- ing obscure, many will open the door for disputes and difficulties; that the change of a word in one Article sometimes required the alteration of many Articles, as all must agree; that many of the amendments showed a (David Murray, The Story of Japan, p. 277; Captain F. Brinkley, A History of the Japanese People, The Encycl. Brit. Co., 1915, New York and Lon- don, pp. 591-92.) 551 very unfriendly spirit, and that the insertion of what they proposed would cause the Treaty to be rejected. I closed by saying that such amendments as were reasonable or necessary should be adopted. We then took Article VII, concerning the limits of the various ports, and to my agreeable surprise they accepted my proposal for Hakodate and Nagasaki. They now give me Hio-n'go for Sak-kai, and the boundaries are arranged. Nee-e-gata is postponed until it is deter- mined whether that port, or another on the west coast of Nippon, shall be accepted; and, lastly, we settled on the Nagasaki boundaries. The Treaty must be referred to for the particulars. We then took up their proposals in the order in which they relate to the Articles and rapidly disposed of them, so that at five P. M. the Treaty was agreed on. The regula- tions were then taken up. They accepted the penalties, and agreed that tonnage duties should not be levied, but they gave me notice that they should levy export and im- port duties. I then informed them that the levying of export duties would require an alteration of Article X and the striking out of Article XI of the Treaty. Which they assented to. They informed me that the report on the tariff and export duties could not be ready before the 25th inst., — on the morning of which day they would hand me the tariff as they propose it, and meet me at one P. M. Thus closes this Journal with an account of the most satis- factory day's business I ever had with them. They seemed to be in earnest and acted promptly and reason- 552 ably. 621 Two of the three theatres of Yedo were burned last night (say rather one A. M.) . They stood very near to each other. A number of tea houses and private dwel- lings were also destroyed. The Japanese name for theater is seebyya. Wednesday, February 24, 1 8 '58. (At the City of Yedo, Japan.) Do not meet the Plenipotentiaries to- day. Memo, obtained from Keekoona. 622 The titular brothers of the Tykoon are called, — say : The first three are named Go-san-kio. The second three are named Go-san-kee. 623 The whole number of Daimyo or nobles of first rank is 360. The second rank, including the Kami, [are] called Shotnyo and number 8,000. All the families of these two classes reside constantly in Yedo, and are never al- lowed to leave it. The retainers of the eighteen Great Daimyo, which are with them at Yedo, will average over 10,000. The average number of retainers of the second class, or Shotnyo, will average 200 each. 621 It is not clear just what Townsend Harris meant by the words "Thus closes this Journal." This statement appears on the cover-leaf of the manu- script volume used by Townsend Harris, which page he numbered 140. It is clear that he had run beyond the capacity of the blank-book. The words may have been intended to mean, "Thus closes this volume of my Journal" which would agree perfectly with the fact that Townsend Harris actually labelled his volumes, "Journal No. 1," "Journal No. 2," etc. Unfortunately, the Journal as a whole practically does end at this point. The rest of the entry for Feb. 23rd seems to have been an afterthought, and was added at the foot of that same page 140. The strange thing is that the entries for Feb. 24th, 25th, and 27th are written on loose sheets of paper (numbered 141 to 144, inclusive), of precisely the same quality, size, etc. (though unruled) as the preceding pages. Townsend Harris, therefore, must have owned an additional blank-book of the same format from which he tore the additional sheets. 622 For Kikuna, see Journal, Nov. 23, 1857. 623 See note 620. Townsend Harris has inverted the order of seniority of the two groups. 553 This would give for Yedo a population of these two classes alone of: Daimyo — 18 at 10,000 each is 180,000 Daimyo — 342 " 2,000 " " 684,000 Shomyo — 8,000 " 200 " " 1,600,000 2,464,ooo 624 Thursday, February 25, 1858. The Commissioners sent me their proposition for duties. With the exception of a few articles, they propose an import duty of twelve and a half per cent., and an export duty of the same amount on all articles exported, whether of Japanese or foreign production. Such an export duty would crush anything like prosperous trade. 624 On this day of comparative leisure Townsend Harris wrote a long letter to Sir John Bowring, Governor of Hongkong (L. B., vol. 3, pp. 90-96). In this letter (marked "strictly confidential"), Townsend Harris repeats the substance of this entry of the Journal, and describes in great detail the difficul- ties which attended his negotiations. The most interesting part of this letter, however, is the skillful way in which Townsend Harris quoted to the Japanese a passage from one of Sir John's own letters, written Mar. 18, 1857 (•£• & P-> vol. 1, no. 58). Townsend Harris says that he had taken the liberty of reading to the Japanese the following extract (L. B., vol. 3, pp. 90-91): "Japan, of course, occupies much of my thoughts; and, if I had reason to know that I should have a becoming reception and a disposition to give me such a treaty as I could accept with propriety, and which would satisfy the reasonable expectations of my country and of the world at large, I have no desire to be accompanied by so great a fleet as to cause alarms and ap- prehensions; but, at the same time, you must be aware that commercial relations must be put on very different foundations from the present, and that it is altogether for the peace, prosperity and permanent interests of Japan to satisfy reasonable demands." Townsend Harris passes his own comment on his reading of this extract: "This extract forcibly supported one of the lines of argument I had adopted, and the reading of it produced a marked sensation; they eagerly asked me if the letter was signed by you. I answered that it was not only signed, but the whole letter was written by you." The mention of great fleets, alarms and apprehensions must have aroused recollections (by no means vague in Japanese minds) of the "black ships" of Commodore Perry in 1853 and 1854, and of the opium war in China in 1842. 554 Met the Commissioners at two P. M. Stated my ob- jections to their tariff. I have been anxious not to have any export duties, but I am forced to abandon the idea. We at last agreed on an export duty of five per cent, on all articles of Japanese production exported as cargo. The import duty is to be five per cent, on all articles required for ships, whalers, etc., etc., and some other articles, including living animals of all kinds, bread and breadstuffs, and salted provisions, etc. Intoxicating drinks of all kinds, thirty-five per cent. All other articles (except as below) , twenty per cent. Gold and silver, coined or uncoined, with the cloth- ing, books, furniture, etc., of persons who come to re- side in Japan, — duty free. The duties are to be subject to revision, if the Japanese desire it, five years after Kanagawa has been opened. I informed them that Ministers, Consuls General, etc., did not pay duty on any articles for their own use. They agree to write to the Governor of Hakodate to act with Mr. Rice in selecting the place where Americans shall erect their buildings, etc., at that place; also, that Mr. Rice is to be furnished with Japanese money. I gave them Mr. Rice's complaints about high prices at Hako- date, and they promise to inquire into it. 625 625 These complaints were presented by Mr. Rice in his letter of Dec. 15, 1857 (L. & P., vol. 1, no. 72). The letter was received by Townsend Harris at Yedo, Jan. 20, 1858, and answered Feb. 1, 1858 (L. B., vol. 3, pp. 18 bis-22; and note 587). On Feb. 26th, however, and chiefly because of the negotiations that had been going on during the intervening weeks, Townsend Harris wrote two more letters to Mr. Rice, going into the details of the agreements reached on each of his complaints, and quoting part of Art. Ill of the Treaty then being negotiated (L. B., vol. 3, pp. 24-26, marked "Official"; and pp. 27-28, marked "Private"). 555 They still wish me to write to my Government asking that a Minister shall not be sent to Japan before Janu- ary i, 1 86 1. They gave me notice they should write me a letter requesting that copies of the Treaty should be transmitted to the English and Russians by the Secretary of State. We made some slight verbal amendments and then agreed that a fair copy should be made for examination, prior to its being engrossed. 626 They still stick to the six per cent, discount on money in my case, — rather small for a government that pro- fesses to have such a contempt for money. Saturday, February 2J ', 1858. Last evening gave clean copy of Treaty to the Japanese. To-day the Com- missioners send me word they will require until Tues- day next (March 2nd) to examine with the Council of State the final draft of the Treaty. If any doubt had existed in my mind that I was in reality negotiating with the Council, and that the Commissioners had no real full powers, this significant circumstance would re- move it. They tell me it will take the steamer two days to run from Kanagawa to Shimoda (not over seventy nautical miles). If this be true, it must be a very poor af- fair, and will hardly take their Ambassador to San Francisco. Busy yesterday and to-day in writing letters. One 626 The "fair copy" was given to the Japanese Commissioners the following day: see Journal, Feb. 27, 1858. 556 to Mr. Rice, one to Mr. Donker Curtius, and other private letters to my friends in America. 627 Since the 16th inst, when the snow fell so deeply, the weather has been remarkably cold for the latitude of 36 . Until to-day, the thermometer has never risen above 33 , although the days have been generally fine. A fresh wind from N. W., bringing the frosty air from Kamchatka, has constantly blown. 628 « 27 As we have just seen, Townsend Harris wrote two letters to Mr. Rice on the 26th. This reference must be to the one marked "Official." The letter to Mr. Curtius is not extant. Of the private letters to his friends it will be remembered that Townsend Harris did not keep copies. It is hoped that read- ers of this work will be good enough to send to the writer all such material (or copies thereof) as they may possess, for use in future works on the diplomatic relations between the United States and Japan. 628 Here ends the Journal of Townsend Harris considered as a continuous narrative. We are indebted to the scanty extracts published from the Diary of Heusken (Wagener, op. cit., p. 388) for the sad information that on this very day, Feb. 27th, Townsend Harris fell sick. On Mar. 2nd Townsend Harris was so ill that he asked to be sent back to Shimoda by boat. In the evening he signed both copies of the Treaty, retaining one and giving the other to Shinano, who in his turn gave Townsend Harris a written statement to the effect that the Treaty would be signed by the Government in two months. (See note 617.) In spite of his illness, Townsend Harris wrote a very long report to Secretary of State Cass on Mar. 4, 1858 (L. B., vol. 3, pp. 58-72), which closes thus: "Not feeling well, I shall return to Shimoda in two or three days. The Japanese send me down in their steamer, which they are to send for me in April next, to bring me again to this place." Coincidences sometimes are of great importance, and sometimes are mere coincidences. But we cannot resist the temptation to mention at this point the fact that, at almost the same moment, Commodore Perry died of rheumatism of the heart at his home in New York City, on March 5, 1858, at 2 A. M. (Griffis, M. C. Perry, Boston, Cupples & Hurd, 1887, p. 390.) On arriving at Shimoda, Townsend Harris fell very ill — so ill that there was a perfect blank in his memory. The crisis came on Saturday, Mar. 13th ( Heusken' s Diary, in op. cit., p. 388). On Mar. 28th he recovered sufficiently to know that he was sick (Townsend Harris to Nathaniel Dougherty, July 3, 1858, in Littell's Living Age, vol. 60, p. 570). This long illness is more than sufficient to explain the breaking off of the Journal at this point. Neither could Mr. Heusken, his faithful secretary, spare any time from his devoted nursing. It is gratifying to know that, in the course of these long negotiations and in spite of diplomatic differences of opinion, the Japanese authorities had become quite attached to Townsend Harris personally. The Council of State wrote anxious letters; the Tycoon sent presents 557 and wishes for a speedy recovery. Harris's own words, written to a friend on July 8, 1858, are particularly touching: "Two days after my return to Shiraoda, I was seized with a very dan- gerous nervous fever, which soon after showed symptoms of putrid fever, and I remained in a critical situation until the first of April last. "His Majesty the Tycoon and the Council of State manifested a deep concern on hearing of my illness. Two of the best of the Imperial Physicians, who had been taught by the Dutch surgeons at Nagasaki, were sent at once from Yedo to this place. "The Tycoon constantly sent me very kind messages, accompanied with presents of such things as he thought might aid my recovery. Daily bulletins were sent by the physicians to Yedo, and on the receipt at that place of a bulletin stating that my case was hopeless, the doctors received peremptory orders to cure me, and that, if I died, they would themselves be in peril. "I mention these particulars to show the kindly disposition of the Jap- anese. Perhaps I might add that it proved that my three months' residence in Yedo had not made an unfavorable impression on the Japanese authorities." What a world of eloquence in these simple words! To those who have read this Journal and who remember not merely the political but also the social isolation visited upon Townsend Harris during his first year in Japan, no comment is necessary. 558 Fragments 629 Tuesday, May IS, 1858. 630 Interview with Higo and Shinano-No-Kami. 631 Higo has a message to me from 629 These additional entries are written in pencil on both sides of a large piece of Japanese paper, 16^2 inches by 10. It is clear that such a very methodical man as Townsend Harris was, must have resumed keeping his Journal the moment his health permitted it. The stray sheet of paper containing these Fragments represents, first of all, the rough draft of Townsend Harris's Journal. There are many proofs in the body of the Journal that Townsend Harris did not write at once in the blank- books that are extant, but first made a rough draft on scrap paper of various kinds. Furthermore, this stray sheet is written very much in the nature of brief notes that were evidently meant to be written up more fully when finally transcribed (in ink) in the blank-books of his Journal. Just how many of these sheets there were, and why they were not transcribed into blank-books is a mystery that we are not able to solve. Perhaps this is the only sheet of the rough copy that in some inexplicable way remained among Townsend Harris's Japan Papers, and perhaps the rest were duly transcribed. If so, what has become of the missing volumes of the Journal? The last entry in the connected narrative is for Feb. 27, 1858; Townsend Harris did not leave Japan until May 8, 1862, more than four years later. We are morally certain that Townsend Harris kept a Journal for the whole of this time. During the years that elapsed before his departure from Japan, Townsend Harris witnessed the arrival of the representatives of Great Britain, France, Prussia, Russia, and The Netherlands. He witnessed, also, the influx of the business men of these nations. He witnessed the growth of divergent, nay, conflicting, diplomatic aims; of national and international rivalries; of suspicions and hatreds. During all these latter years, which contrasted so violently with the peace and isolation of his Shimoda days, Townsend Harris, as dean of the diplomatic corps in Japan, could and did exert a steadying influence ; could, thanks to his long experience and to his maturer and sympathetic judgment, distinguish right from expediency. This play of intellect upon intellect is clearly shown in his correspondence, which from this period on becomes more and more voluminous. And it would have been a consummation devoutly to be desired had his Journal continued up to the end of his career in Japan. Townsend Harris, the bachelor, lived the last years of his life away from friends, away from relatives, in an unassuming boarding house at 263 Fourth Avenue, New York City. When he died on Feb. 25, 1878, he must have been surrounded by his books and papers. He was buried on Feb. 28th. What happened to his belongings in those few days before and after his death? In 559 Hotta, Bittsu-no-Kami. The matters at Miako are more difficult t.han words can express. The throne of the Tykoon has existed in full power for 300 years. During that period only three embassies have been sent to Miako, and heretofore they have only remained ten days until this time. A conspiracy exists at Miako to murder Hotta, Bittsu-no-Kami; and placards threatening his death have been posted on the walls of Miako. The population of Miako and the adjacent districts are in a state of great excitement. The Mikado said, "When you have got the consent of the Daitnyo, I will give my consent." 632 The Tykoon and the Council still adhere to the Treaty. Agree to wait the action of Government for twelve days. the general confusion, were the concluding volumes of the Journal misplaced? Were the loose sheets, perhaps, lost in the general, unthinking and hasty clearing-out process that so often follows such visitations? Let us hope that somewhere someone may yet discover these precious "lost books" — books that would throw such important light on the early history of friendly relations between the United States and the Empire of Japan — a history the shaping of which, providentially, lay so largely in the kindly hands of Townsend Harris! 630 This date really fell on Saturday. The confusion is inexplicable. 631 After his illness was over, and though still so weak that he had to be carried aboard the Japanese steamer that called for him, Townsend Harris returned to Yedo. His Treaty was still unsigned. On May 20th, he gave the Japanese a copy of a letter which he had written to China, asking that a warship come to Kanagawa (Heusken's Diary, in Wagener, op. cit., p. 389). 632'phis was not all the Emperor had said. Akimoto {Lord Ii Naosuke and New Japan, 1909, p. 153) gives the substance as follows: "The first question Lord Ii placed on the tapis was whether the Imperial message which Lord Hotta had brought back from Kyoto should be made public. Much opposition was offered on the ground that the step was pre- mature. Lord Ii insisted that it should be [made public] and had his way. Copies of the message were then distributed among the clan lords. The purport of this message was that the signing of the commercial treaty with the United States being too serious an affair, the views of the clan lords and nobles in general should be consulted once more. If no decision could be arrived at even then, His Majesty would proceed to the Imperial shrines to invoke the aid of the gods." 560 Monday, June J, 1858. Interview with Shinano and Higo. [They] ask delay of three months, as was to be expected from my interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Saturday, 5th inst. 633 Wednesday, 8 m [1858].* 9 * [Their] propositions re- jected. I propose two months. Letter from Council and Tykoon. [I require] them not to sign any other treaty until thirty days after [the] American [Treaty] is signed. Thursday, June Q, 1858.™* [They] refuse to accept two months. [They] try hard to get rid of [the] thirty days required by me before they are to sign any other treaty. I adhere, and they give way, and I give up the month, so the Treaty is to be signed on the fourth of September, 1858. 633 Hotta returned from Kyoto on either June ist or 2nd, 1858. On June 4th or 5th, the Lord of Hikone — Ii Kamon-no-Kami — was appointed to the position of the highest responsibility in the Shogunate Government, namely, that of Tairo (Akimoto, op. cit., pp. 149, 152; cf. Gubbins, The Progress of Japan, p. 107). Heusken tells us {Diary, in Wagener, op. cit., p. 389) that Townsend Harris insisted that the Japanese sign the Treaty now, but date it three months later. 634 The original is clearly so dated. The date should be either Tuesday, June 8, 1858, or Wednesday, June 9th. 635 Again: the date should be either Wednesday, June 9th, or Thursday, June 10, 1858. 561 APPENDICES APPENDIX I President Pierce's Letter to the First King of Siam (L. fcf P., vol. 2, no. 14) Franklin Pierce, President of the United States of America To His Majesty, the Magnificent King of Siam. Great and Good Friend : Having long been aware of the extent of Your Majesty's dominions, of the richness and variety of their productions, and of the desire of Your Majesty's subjects to receive in exchange for them the production of other countries, it has occurred to me that the existing Treaty between the United States and Siam might be so amended as to secure greater facilities for that purpose. I have accordingly made choice of Town- send Harris, Esquire, the Consul General of the United States for the Empire of Japan, and a citizen of this country, who is the bearer of the present letter, to confer upon the subject with such Ministers or other officers as Your Majesty may designate. I trust that they may agree upon the terms of a treaty which will strengthen and perpetuate the bonds of amity between the United States and Siam, as well as in- crease the commercial intercourse between them to their mutual ad- vantage. I trust that Your Majesty will receive Mr. Harris with kindness, and will place entire confidence in all the representations which he may make to Your Majesty in my behalf. I pray God to have Your Majesty in His safe and holy keeping. To these presents I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed, and have subscribed the same with my hand, at the City of 565 Washington, on the twelfth day of September, in the year of the Christian Era, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. Franklin Pierce. By the President: W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State. APPENDIX II List of Presents for the First King of Siam (L. & P., vol. 2, no. 41 ) Presents for the First King of Siam No. 1. Two splendid mirrors, very thick plates, measuring 80 inches by 56 inches, with frames finely carved out of solid wood and richly gilt. No. 2. Two superior solar chandeliers, each eight lights, ormolu gildings, after the premium [prize] models of the World's Exhibition in 1851. 36 cut glass globes for the same. 36 cut glass chimneys for the same. 72 dozen of lampwicks for the same. No. 3. One compound achromatic microscope of the most approved form for the magnifying of minute objects, with three eye- pieces of different powers. Four sets of achromatic object glasses of different focuses, double mirror, moveable stage, diagonal eye-piece, condenser, dissecting instruments, box of objects ; and camera lucida, by which an accurate drawing of any object viewed in the microscope may be taken. No. 4. Solar microscope, by which a magnified image of an object is represented on a white wall or screen ; has three rack ad- justments, three-inch condensing lens, three object glasses of different magnifying powers, and three objects finely pre- pared. No. 5. A small box containing twelve finely prepared objects for the solar microscope. No. 6. A small box containing twelve finely prepared objects for the compound achromatic microscope. 566 No. IO. No. ii. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 7. A book descriptive of the objects most interesting for the microscope, with many plates. No. 8. One Sharpe's patent primer rifle, octagon barrel, globe sight, number 32 gauge, and German silver mounted. Two thou- sand of Sharpe's primers. One hundred cartridges. No. 9. One extra-fine finished, engraved, richly gilt, ivory handle Colt's five-inch pistol, in rich, brass-bound rosewood case, velvet lined, with fine extra-plated flasks, moulds, wrench- key, etc. ; best percussion caps, powder, balls, etc., etc., com- plete. One portrait, life size, of General Washington. One portrait, life size, of President Pierce. One Republican Court or Society in the Days of Washing- ton, illustrated and splendidly bound, scarlet Turkey mo- rocco, full gilt. One American Scenery, or Principal Views in the United States, with full description ; bound antique morocco. One illustrated description of the works of art, etc., exhibited at the New York Exhibition, bound Turkey morocco, gilt. One Iconographic Encyclopedia, or The Arts and Sciences Fully Described and Splendidly Illustrated, bound Turkey morocco, gilt. No. 16. One Webster s American Dictionary, unabridged, bound in scarlet Turkey morocco, full gilt and lettered, "Presented to His Majesty the King of Siam, by Franklin Pierce, Presi- dent of the United States of America." No. 17. One colored view of the City of Washington. One do. do. of the City of New Orleans. One do. do. of the City of New York, from St. Paul's Church. of the City of New York, from the Bay. of the City of Boston, of the Senate Chamber at Washington, of the City of Philadelphia, of West Point. of the Crystal Palace, New York, of the City of New Orleans. One view of an express railway train. No. 18. One Map of [the] United States from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans, on rollers. 567 One do. do. One do. do. One do. do. One do. do. One do. do. One do. do. One tinted do. APPENDIX III List of Presents for the Second King of Siam (L. fcf P., vol. 2, no. 42) Presents for the Second King of Siam No. 1. One splendid oval mirror, very thick plate, with frame finely carved out of solid wood and richly gilt. No. 2. (a) An electrical machine of the latest and most approved construction, and possessing extraordinary power, hav- ing a thirty-inch glass plate excited by four rubbers, hav- ing adjusting screws, brass conductor supported on four glass pillars set in brass sockets. (b) A spotted Leyden jar; within, the dark is singularly luminous in receiving or discharging its electricity. (c) A jointed discharging rod for taking out the electricity from the Leyden jar. (d) A set of five fine-tuned electrical bells, which are arranged to be rung by the power of electricity. (e) An insulating stool having a polished mahogany top, and glass legs set in brass sockets. By standing on this stool, a person can be filled with electricity from the machine so that his hair will stand on end and his person will give off the fire when touched by another. (f ) The quadrant electrometer for showing the intensity of the electricity by the raising of the ball. (g) A glass cylinder containing pith balls. These are made to dance rapidly up and down by the electrical influence. (h) One dozen extra pith balls, to supply any loss from the instruments requiring them. (i) A thunder house, to illustrate the effect of lightning on a house if struck by it, and to show the use of the light- ning rod in buildings. (j) The man with long hair, showing that electricity will make the hair stand up. (k) Electrical sawmill, a very curious model worked by electricity. (1) Electrical firehouse, for showing that electricity can set on fire a house. 568 (m) Electrical sportsman: some feathers attached to small strings are fastened to a Leyden jar, the electricity causes them to fly in the air, the discharge of electricity from the sportsman's gun causes them to drop as if shot. (n) Radiating feathers: several feathers attached by small strings to a brass ring on a glass stand are made to fly about by the electricity. (o) Electrical orrery, or earth, moon and sun, made to revolve by electricity. It is mounted on a stand having a spiral within the tube, which is beautifully luminous when electricity is passed through it. The electrical spiral tube, when electricity is passed through the spiral, is brilliantly illuminated, — a flash of light passing from each metallic spot. (p) The electrical rotating bellglass, showing the wonder- ful power of electricity in causing the motion of bodies. (q) Electrical eggstand, to make an egg luminous by electricity. (r) Electrical mortar, to explode hydrogen gas by an elec- trical spark, and make a great noise thereby. (s) Apparatus for firing spirits, ether, etc., by electricity. (t) Electrical image plates, having adjusting rods; small images placed between these plates and electrified will dance up and down rapidly. (u) Two pith images for using with the electrical plates. (v) Magic picture for giving an electrical shock to a per- son unexpectedly. (w) Revolving electrical chase of six horsemen mounted in a glass stand. The horsemen all move when electrified, chasing one another but not overtaking one another. (x) An electrical battery of four Leyden jars for the ac- cumulation of electricity in great quantity for experi- ments. (y) One pound of amalgam for anointing the rubbers of the machine. (z) An optical experiment, — color blender, for showing that the union of all colors in their proper proportion will produce white. No. 3. One portrait, life size, of General Washington. No. 4. One portrait, life size, of President Pierce. 569 No. 5. One extra-fine finished, engraved, richly gilt, ivory handle Colt's five-inch pistol in rich, brass-bound rosewood case, velvet lined, with five [fine] extra-plated flasks, moulds, wrench-key, etc.; best percussion caps, powder, balls, etc., etc., complete. No. 6. One Sharpe's patent primer carabine, round barrel, 32 gauge, globe sight, German silver mounted. Two thousand Sharpe's primers. One hundred cartridges. No. 7. One Republican Court or Society in the Days of Washing- ton, illustrated and splendidly bound, scarlet Turkey mo- rocco, full gilt. No. 8. One American Scenery, or Principal Views in the United States, with full description; bound antique morocco. No. 9. One illustrated description of the works of art, etc., ex- hibited at the New York Exhibition, bound Turkey morocco, gilt. No. IO. One Iconographic Encyclopedia, or The Arts and Sciences Fully Described and Splendidly Illustrated, bound Turkey morocco, gilt. No. 11. One Webster s American Dictionary, unabridged, bound in scarlet Turkey morocco, full gilt, and lettered, "Presented to his Majesty the Second King of Siam, by Franklin Pierce, President of the United States of America." No. 12. One Map of the United States from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans, on rollers. No. 13. One colored view of the City of Washington. One do. do. of the City of New Orleans. One do. do. of the City of New York, from St. Paul's Church. of the City of New York, from the Bay. of the City of Boston, of the Senate Chamber at Washington. One do. do. One do. do. One do. do. 570 APPENDIX IV The Convention of Shimoda Between the United States and Japan June 17, 1857: concluded. February 10, 1858: is received by the Senate, and is referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. February 16, 1858: is reported without amendment. June 15, 1858: is again referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions. June 15, 1858: ratification is advised by the Senate. June 30, 1858: is ratified by the President. June 30, 1858: is proclaimed. Note: This Convention was executed in quintuplicate, each copy be- ing written in the English, Japanese, and Dutch languages, but it was agreed "that the true meaning shall be found in the Dutch version of the articles." (See Arts. VIII and IX.) For the purpose of further regulating the intercourse of Ameri- can citizens within the Empire of Japan, and after due deliberation, his Excellency Townsend Harris, Consul General of the United States of America for the Empire of Japan, and their Excellencies Ino-oo-ye [Inouye], Prince of Sinano [Shinano], and Nakamura, Prince of Dewa, Governors of Simoda [Shimoda], all having full powers from their respective Governments, have agreed on the following articles, to wit : — I. The port of Nangasaki [Nagasaki] , in the principality of Hizen, shall be open to American vessels, where they may repair damages, procure water, fuel, provisions, and other necessary articles, even coals, where they are obtainable. II. It being known that American ships coming to the ports of Simoda [Shimoda] and Hakodate cannot have their wants supplied by the Japanese, it is agreed that American citizens may permanently reside at Simoda [Shimoda] and Hakodate, and the Government of the United States may appoint a vice-consul to reside at Hakodate. This article to go into effect on the fourth day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight. III. In settlement of accounts, the value of the money brought by the Americans shall be ascertained by weighing it with Japanese coin (gold and silver itsebues [ichibus]), that is, gold with gold, and 571 silver with silver, or weights representing Japanese coin may be used, after such weights have been carefully examined and found to be correct. The value of the money of the Americans having been thus ascertained, the sum of six per cent, shall be allowed to the Japanese for the expense of recoinage. IV. Americans committing offences in Japan shall be tried by the American Consul General or Consul, and shall be punished according to American laws. Japanese committing offences against Americans shall be tried by the Japanese authorities, and punished according to Japanese laws. V. American ships which may resort to the ports of Simoda, [Shimoda], Hakodate, or Nangasaki [Nagasaki], for the purpose of obtaining necessary supplies, or to repair damages, shall pay for them in gold or silver coin ; and, if they have no money, goods shall be taken in exchange. VI. The Government of Japan admits the right of his Excellency the Consul General of the United States to go beyond the limits of seven ri, but has asked him to delay the use of that right, except in cases of emergency, shipwreck, etc., to which he has assented. VII. Purchases for his Excellency the Consul General, or his family, may be made by him only, or by some member of his family, and payment made to the seller for the same without the intervention of any Japanese official, and for this purpose Japanese silver and copper coin shall be supplied to his Excellency the Consul General. VIII. As his Excellency the Consul General of the United States of America has no knowledge of the Japanese language, nor their Excellencies the Governors of Simoda [Shimoda] a knowledge of the English language, it is agreed that the true meaning shall be found in the Dutch version of the articles. IX. All the foregoing Articles shall go into effect from the date hereof, except Article II, which shall go into effect on the date in- dicated in it. Done in quintuplicate (each copy being in English, Japanese, and Dutch), at the Goyoso [Goyoshi] of Simoda [Shimoda], on the seventeenth day of June, in the year of the Christian Era eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-first, corresponding to the fourth Japanese year of Ansei, Mi, the fifth month, the twenty-sixth day ; the English ver- sion being signed by his Excellency the Consul General of the United 572 States of America, and the Japanese version by their Excellencies the Governors of Simoda [Shimoda]. Townsend Harris. [L. S.] APPENDIX V The First American Flag Made in Japan (See Journal, November 23, 1857) When Townsend Harris had been put ashore by the U. S. S. San Jacinto, an American Flag had been given to him, and this flag had been raised with due ceremony on the flagstaff at the American Con- sulate at Shimoda — as described by Townsend Harris himself in the Journal. But Shimoda was a windy place; and, by November, 1857, the flag left by the San Jacinto had been torn to shreds. The best pos- sible impression, on the other hand, had to be made on the journey to Yedo and on the Tycoon himself. In this difficulty, Townsend Harris (or perhaps Dewa-no-Kami ) must have turned to the natives of Shimoda and requested them to make a new flag for him. And they did. It was this new flag which was proudly borne before Townsend Harris on his triumphal journey to Yedo, and it is this flag of which we give a photograph, as it appeared before it was framed. Let us look at this flag, and let us dream dreams. Count its thirty- one stars, and think of the United States in 1857 — before the election of Lincoln, before the great trial of battle, before Bull Run, before the victories of Lee and of Grant. This was the American flag that was first seen in awe and wonderment by countless Japanese. Picture the thoughts of those countless men, women and children, who formed a rank five feet deep on each side of the way ; who peeped from the win- dows and doorways of the City of Yedo for a distance of over seven miles — and all in absolute silence ! Picture, if you can, the indelible im- pression made by this flag upon the keen and active minds of the beholders as, in the midst of the appalling silence of such a vast multitude, the Stars and Stripes were carried along slowly, and in front of a man whom the Japanese could not even see, hidden as he was in the respectable aloofness of his norimon,. Let us remember that Townsend Harris was the first accredited 573 representative of any foreign government to be granted an audience in Japan ; that his visit to Yedo was the first ever made by an accredited representative of a foreign government to the capital of the Tycoon. Let us emphasize the fact that the flag which was borne before him on this occasion was the first American flag ever made in Japan by (perhaps) a Japanese Betsy Ross who is as yet unknown, unhonored and unsung; that this flag was not merely the first American flag, but the first flag of any foreign nation to be seen in the interior of Japan for many centuries back ; and that it was the first flag of any nation officially carried into the Shogun's capital and into his very Palace. Townsend Harris himself was, and with very good reason, de- votedly attached to this flag. In a letter to Mr. Nathaniel Dougherty dated Shimoda, July 3, 1858 (Littell's Living Age, vol. 60, pp. 567- 570, he says (p. 569): "A new flag, made of Japanese crepe, was carried before me. This flag is the first foreign banner that was ever carried through this great city [Yedo] , and I mean to preserve it as a precious relic." Again, in a letter dated December 23, 1857, an( i addressed to Mr. E. E. Rice, U. S. Commercial Agent at Hakodate, he says (L. B., vol. 3, p. 14): "The American flag was carried before me for more than 100 miles through this country. I displayed it in the streets of this great City, and it daily waves before my residence, so that we can say that the first foreign flag ever hoisted in this City was the Stars and Stripes. On the day of my audience [December 7, 1857], tne Flag was borne into the great Castle and up to the gate of the Audience Hall." And, finally, in a letter dated Shimoda, July 16, 1868, and addressed to Catherine A. Drinker (the late Mrs. Thomas Allibone Janvier), Townsend Harris says: "On the Monday week after my arrival, I set out for the Palace. My train blazed out in new silk dresses, and a new flag made of Japanese crepe was displayed — by the way, the American flag is the first foreign banner that was ever 'flung to the breeze' in this great city." 574 This precious relic both time and fortune have spared. A most precious relic it is — it would be difficult to find one more dear and more significant to American hearts. The writer was for ten years Director of the Townsend Harris Hall High School — the only monu- ment in this country that recalls the memory of our first Ambassador to Japan. At the writer's instance, this historic flag was duly and prop- erly framed, thus seconding the wishes of the great man whose name the school is proud to bear. The flag now adorns the north wall of the Director's Office and bears the following inscription : The Townsend Harris Flag The First American Flag made in Japan 1857 Framed by the Faculty and the Students of the Townsend Harris Hall High School June 1921 APPENDIX VI Townsend Harris's Letter of Credence, or "Full Powers" : Dated Washington, D. C, Septem- ber, 8, 1855 Franklin Pierce President of the United States of America To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Know Ye, that, reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity, prudence and ability of Townsend Harris, Consul General of the United States for the Empire of Japan, I have invested him with full and all manner of power and authority for and in the name of the United States to meet and confer with any person or persons duly authorized by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, being invested with like power and authority, and with him or them to agree, treat, consult and negotiate of and concerning general commerce between the United 575 States and the dominions of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, and all matters and things connected therewith ; and to conclude and sign a Treaty or Treaties, Convention or Conventions, touching the premises, transmitting the same to the President of the United States for his ratification by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof. In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand at the City of Washington, the eighth day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five and of the Independence of the United States the eightieth. Franklin Pierce. By the President: W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State [Seal of the United States] APPENDIX VII President Pierce's Letter to the Emperor of Japan : Dated Washington, D. C, September 12, 1855 Franklin Pierce President of the United States of America To His Majesty The Emperor of Japan. Great and Good Friend : It has occurred to me that the existing Treaty between the United States and Japan might be so amended as to secure greater facilities for the exchange of the rich and varied productions of Your Majesty's vast Empire for those of the United States. I have accordingly made choice of the bearer of this letter, Townsend Harris, Esquire, a citizen of this country, who has already been accredited to Your Majesty's Minister for Foreign Affairs as the Consul General of the United States, to confer upon the subject with such Ministers or other officers as Your Majesty may designate. I trust that they may agree upon the terms of a treaty which will strengthen and perpetuate the bonds of 576 amity between the United States and Japan as well as increase the commercial intercourse between them to their mutual advantage. I trust that Your Majesty will receive Mr. Harris with kindness, and will place entire confidence in all the representations which he may make to Your Majesty in my behalf. I pray God to have Your Majesty in His safe and holy keeping. To these presents I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed and have subscribed the same with my hand, at the City of Washington, on the twelfth day of September, in the year of the Christian Era, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five. Franklin Pierce. By the President: W. L. Marcy, Secretary of State. APPENDIX VIII Letter Written by Hotta, Bitchiu-no-Kami, to Townsend Harris (L. fcf P., vol. 2, no. 67) To His Excellency Townsent [sic] Harris, Plenipotentiary and Consul General of the United States of America, etc., etc., etc. I have to acknowledge that I have read Your Excellency's letter, sent on the last 9th day, and that I have thankfully accepted Your Excellency's cordial presents. The book, exactly describing all the ports of the United States of America, the West Indies and South America, is found exceedingly useful. In acknowledgment of this favor I send you herewith a trifling pres- ent, as per list. Should Your Excellency wish to accept the same, it shall be very agreeable to me. Represented with consideration and respect, the 20th day of the nth month, Mi. (s) Hotta Bittsiunokami (s) Moriyama Takitsiro A true translation. H. C. J. Heusken 577 Note: The above is written entirely in Mr. Heusken's hand. It bears the following endorsement, also in his hand: 1858. Hotta Bittsiunocami letter accompanying presents. Yedo, January 4, 1857. [sic] Received, do do APPENDIX IX The Treaty of Amity and Commerce Between the United States and Japan July 29, 1858: concluded at Yedo. December 7, 1858: date of President Buchanan's letter transmitting the Treaty to the Senate. December 13, 1858: is received by the Senate. December 15, 1858: ratification is advised by the Senate. April 12, i860: is ratified by the President. May 22, i860: ratifications are exchanged at Washington, D. C. May 23, i860: is proclaimed. Note: "This Treaty is executed in quadruplicate, each copy being written in the English, Japanese, and Dutch languages, all the ver- sions having the same meaning and intention, but the Dutch version shall be considered as being the original." (See Art. XIV.) The President of the United States of America and His Majesty the Ty-Coon [Tykoon] of Japan, desiring to establish on firm and lasting foundations the relations of peace and friendship now happily existing between the two countries, and to secure the best interest of their re- spective citizens and subjects by encouraging, facilitating, and regulat- ing their industry and trade, have resolved to conclude a Treaty of Amity and Commerce for this purpose, and have, therefore, named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: the President of the United States, his Excellency Townsend Harris, Consul General of the United States of America for the Empire of Japan; and His Majesty the Ty- Coon of Japan, their Excellencies Ino-oo-ye [Inouye], Prince of Sinano [Shinano], and Iwasay [Iwase], Prince of Hego [Higo] ; who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and con- cluded the following Articles : 578 Art. I. There shall henceforth be perpetual peace and friendship between the United States of America and His Majesty the Ty-Coon of Japan and his successors. The President of the United States may appoint a Diplomatic Agent to reside at the City of Yedo, and Consuls or Consular Agents to reside at any or all of the ports in Japan which are opened for American com- merce by this Treaty. The Diplomatic Agent and Consul General of the United States shall have the right to travel freely in any part of the Empire of Japan from the time they enter on the discharge of their official duties. The Government of Japan may appoint a Diplomatic Agent to reside at Washington, and Consuls or Consular Agents for any or all of the ports of the United States. The Diplomatic Agent and Consul General of Japan may travel freely in any part of the United States from the time they arrive in the country. Art. II. The President of the United States, at the request of the Japanese Government, will act as a friendly mediator in such matters of difference as may arise between the Government of Japan and any European Power. The ships-of-war of the United States shall render friendly aid and assistance to such Japanese vessels as they may meet on the high seas, so far as can be done without a breach of neutrality; and all Amer- ican Consuls residing at ports visited by Japanese vessels shall also give them such friendly aid as may be permitted by the laws of the respective countries in which they reside. Art. III. In addition to the ports of Simoda [Shimoda] and Hakodade [Hakodate], the following ports and towns shall be opened on the dates respectively appended to them, that is to say : Kanagawa, on the 4th of July, 1859; Nagasaki, on the 4th of July, 1859; Nee-e- gata [Niigata], on the 1st of January, i860; Hiogo [Hyogo], on the 1st of January, 1863. If Nee-e-gata [Niigata] is found to be unsuitable as a harbor, an- other port on the west coast of Nipon [Nippon] shall be selected by the two Governments in lieu thereof. Six months after the opening of Kanagawa, the port of Simoda [Shimoda] shall be closed as a place of residence and trade for American citizens. In all the foregoing ports and towns American citizens may permanently reside ; they shall have the right to lease ground, and purchase the buildings thereon, and may erect dwellings and warehouses. But no fortification or place of military strength shall be erected under pretence of building dwellings or ware- J79 houses ; and, to see that this Article is observed, the Japanese authorities shall have the right to inspect, from time to time, any buildings which are being erected, altered, or repaired. The place which the Americans shall occupy for their buildings, and the harbor regulations, shall be arranged by the American Consul and the authorities of each place, and, if they cannot agree, the matter shall be referred to and settled by the American Diplomatic Agent and the Japanese Government. No wall, fence, or gate shall be erected by the Japanese around the place of residence of the Americans, or anything done which may pre- vent a free egress and ingress to the same. From the 1st of January, 1862, Americans shall be allowed to reside in the City of Yedo; and from the 1st of January, 1863, in the City of Osaca [Osaka] , for the purposes of trade only. In each of these two cities a suitable place within which they may hire houses, and the distance they may go, shall be arranged by the American Diplomatic Agent and the Government of Japan. Americans may freely buy from Japanese and sell to them any articles that either may have for sale, without the intervention of any Japanese officers in such purchase or sale, or in making or receiving payment for the same ; and all classes of Japanese may purchase, sell, keep, or use any articles sold to them by the Americans. The Japanese Government will cause this clause to be made public in every part of the Empire as soon as the ratifications of this Treaty shall be exchanged. Munitions of war shall only be sold to the Japanese Government and foreigners. No rice or wheat shall be exported from Japan as cargo, but all Americans resident in Japan, and ships, for their crews and passengers, shall be furnished with sufficient supplies of the same. The Japanese Government will sell, from time to time at public auction, any surplus quantity of copper that may be produced. Americans residing in Japan shall have the right to employ Japanese as servants or in any other capacity. Art. IV. Duties shall be paid to the Government of Japan on all goods landed in the country, and on all articles of Japanese production that are exported as cargo, according to the tariff hereunto appended. If the Japanese Custom House officers are dissatisfied with the value placed on any goods by the owner, they may place a value thereon, and offer to take the goods at that valuation. If the owner refuses to accept the offer, he shall pay duty on such valuation. If the offer be accepted 580 by the owner, the purchase-money shall be paid to him without delay, and without any abatement or discount. Supplies for the use of the United States navy may be landed at Kana- gawa, Hakodade [Hakodate], and Nagasaki, and stored in warehouses, in the custody of an officer of the American Government, without the payment of any duty. But, if any such supplies are sold in Japan, the purchaser shall pay the proper duty to the Japanese authorities. The importation of opium is prohibited ; and, any American vessel coming to Japan for the purposes of trade having more than three catties (four pounds avoirdupois) weight of opium on board, such surplus quantity shall be seized and destroyed by the Japanese authorities. All goods imported into Japan, and which have paid the duty fixed by this Treaty, may be transported by the Japanese into any part of the empire without the payment of any tax, excise, or transit duty whatever. No higher duties shall be paid by Americans on goods imported into Japan than are fixed by this Treaty, nor shall any higher duties be paid by Americans than are levied on the same description of goods if im- ported in Japanese vessels, or the vessels of any other nation. Art. V. All foreign coin shall be current in Japan and pass for its corresponding weight of Japanese coin of the same description. Amer- icans and Japanese may freely use foreign or Japanese coin in making payments to each other. As some time will elapse before the Japanese will be acquainted with the value of foreign coin, the Japanese Government will, for the period of one year after the opening of each harbor, furnish the Americans with Japanese coin in exchange for theirs, equal weights being given and no discount taken for re-coinage. Coins of all description (with the exception of Japanese copper coin) may be exported from Japan, and foreign gold and silver uncoined. Art. VI. Americans committing offences against Japanese shall be tried in American Consular courts, and, when guilty, shall be punished according to American law. Japanese committing offences against Amer- icans shall be tried by the Japanese authorities and punished according to Japanese law. The Consular courts shall be open to Japanese cred- itors, to enable them to recover their just claims against American citizens; and the Japanese courts shall in like manner be open to American citizens for the recovery of their just claims against Japanese. All claims for forfeitures or penalties for violations of this Treaty, or of the Articles regulating trade which are appended hereunto, shall 581 be sued for in the Consular courts, and all recoveries shall be delivered to the* Japanese authorities. Neither the American or Japanese Governments are [sic] to be held responsible for the payment of any debt£ contracted by their respective citizens or subjects. Art. VII. In the opened harbors of Japan, Americans shall be free to go where they please, within the following limits: At Kanagawa, the River Logo [Rokugo] (which empties into the Bay of Yedo between Kawasaki and Sinagawa), and 10 ri in any other direction. At Hakodade [Hakodate], 10 ri in any direction. At Hiogo [Hyogo], 10 ri in any direction, that of Kioto [Kyoto] excepted, which city shall not be approached nearer than 10 ri. The crews of vessels resorting to Hiogo shall not cross the River Enagawa, which empties into the Bay between Hiogo and Osaca [Osaka]. The distance shall be measured inland from Goyoso [Goyoshi], or town hall of each of the foregoing harbors, the ri being equal to 4,275 yards American measure. At Nagasaki, Americans may go into any part of the Imperial domain in its vicinity. The boundaries of Nee-e-gata [Niigata], or the place that may be substituted for it, shall be settled by the American Diplo- matic Agent and the Government of Japan. Americans who have been convicted of felony, or twice convicted of misdemeanors, shall not go more than one Japanese ri inland from the places of their respective residences, and all persons so convicted shall lose their right of per- manent residence in Japan, and the Japanese authorities may require them to leave the country. A reasonable time shall be allowed to all such persons to settle their affairs, and the American Consular authority shall, after an examination into the circumstances of each case, determine the time to be allowed, but such time shall not in any case exceed one year, to be calculated from the time the person shall be free to attend to his affairs. Art. VIII. Americans in Japan shall be allowed the free exercise of their religion, and for this purpose shall have the right to erect suit- able places of worship. No injury shall be done to such buildings, nor any insult be offered to the religious worship of the Americans. Amer- ican citizens shall not injure any Japanese temple or mia, or offer any insult or injury to Japanese religious ceremonies, or to the objects of their worship. The Americans and Japanese shall not do anything that may be cal- 5 8 2 culated to excite religious animosity. The Government of Japan has already abolished the practice of trampling on religious emblems. Art. IX. When requested by the American Consul, the Japanese authorities will cause the arrest of all deserters and fugitives from justice, receive in jail all persons held as prisoners by the Consul, and give to the Consul such assistance as may be required to enable him to enforce the observance of the laws by the Americans who are on land, and to maintain order among the shipping. For all such service, and for the support of prisoners kept in confinement, the Consul shall in all cases pay a just compensation. Art. X. The Japanese Government may purchase or construct in the United States ships-of-war, steamers, merchant ships, whale ships, cannon, munitions of war, and arms of all kinds, and any other things it may require. It shall have the right to engage in the United States scientific, naval and military men, artisans of all kinds, and mariners to enter into its service. All purchases made for the Government of Japan may be exported from the United States, and all persons engaged for its service may freely depart from the United States : provided that no articles that are contraband of war shall be exported, nor any per- sons engaged to act in a naval or military capacity, while Japan shall be at war with any Power in amity with the United States. Art. XL The Articles for the regulation of trade, which are ap- pended to this Treaty, shall be considered as forming a part of the same, and shall be equally binding on both the Contracting Parties to this Treaty, and on their citizens and subjects. Art. XII. Such of the provisions of the Treaty made by Commo- dore Perry, and signed at Kanagawa, on the 31st of March, 1854, as conflict with the provisions of this Treaty are hereby revoked; and, as all the provisions of a Convention executed by the Consul General of the United States and the Governors of Simoda [Shimoda], on the 17th of June, 1857, are incorporated in this Treaty, that Convention is also revoked. The person charged with the diplomatic relations of the United States in Japan, in conjunction with such person or persons as may be appointed for that purpose by the Japanese Government, shall have power to make such rules and regulations as may be required to carry into full and complete effect the provisions of this Treaty, and'the pro- visions of the Articles regulating trade appended thereunto. Art. XIII. After the 4th of July, 1872, upon the desire of either the American or Japanese Governments, and on one year's notice given 583 by either party, this Treaty, and such portions of the Treaty of Kana- gawa as remain unrevoked by this Treaty, together with the regulations of trade hereunto annexed, or those that may be hereafter introduced, shall be subject to revision by Commissioners appointed on both sides for this purpose, who will be empowered to decide on, and insert therein, such amendments as experience shall prove to be desirable. Art. XIV. This Treaty shall go into effect on the 4th of July, 1859, on or before which day the ratifications of the same shall be exchanged at the City of Washington; but if, from any unforeseen cause, the ratifications cannot be exchanged by that time, the Treaty shall still go into effect at the date above mentioned. The act of ratification on the part of the United States shall be veri- fied by the signature of the President of the United States, counter- signed by the Secretary of State, and sealed with the seal of the United States. The act of ratification on the part of Japan shall be verified by the name and seal of His Majesty the Ty-Coon, and by the seals and signa- tures of such of his high officers as he may direct. This Treaty is executed in quadruplicate, each copy being written in the English, Japanese, and Dutch languages, all the versions having the same meaning and intention, but the Dutch version shall be con- sidered as being the original. In witness whereof, the above-named Plenipotentiaries have here- unto set their hands and seals, at the City of Yedo, this 29th day of July, in the year of Our Lord 1858, and of the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-third, corresponding to the Jap- anese era, the 19th day of the 6th month of the 5th year of Ansei, Mma [year oi the horse]. [L. S.] Townsend Harris. Regulations Under Which American Trade Is to Be Conducted in Japan Regulation i. Within 48 hours (Sundays excepted) after the arrival of an" American ship in a Japanese port, the captain or com- mander shall exhibit to the Japanese Custom House authorities the re- ceipt of the American Consul, showing that he has deposited the ship's register and other papers, as required by the laws of the United States, at the American Consulate, and he shall then make an entry of his ship, 584 by giving a written paper, stating the name of the ship, and the name of the port from which she comes, her tonnage, the name of her captain or commander, the names of her passengers (if any), and the number of her crew, which paper shall be certified by the captain or commander to be a true statement, and shall be signed by him ; he shall at the same time deposit a written manifest of his cargo, setting forth the marks and numbers of the packages and their contents, as they are described in his bills of lading with the names of the person or persons to whom they are consigned. A list of the stores of the ship shall be added to the manifest. The captain or commander shall certify the manifest to be a true account of all the cargo and stores on board the ship, and shall sign his name to the same. If any error is discovered in the manifest, it may be corrected within 24 hours (Sundays excepted) without the payment of any fee ; but for any alteration or post entry to the manifest made after that time, a fee of 15 dollars shall be paid. All goods not entered on the manifest shall pay double duties on being landed. Any captain or commander that shall neglect to enter his vessel at the Jap- anese Custom House within the time prescribed by this regulation shall pay a penalty of 60 dollars for each day that he shall so neglect to enter his ship. Regulation 2. The Japanese Government shall have the right to place Custom House officers on board of any ship in their ports (men- of-war excepted). All Custom House officers shall be treated with civility, and such reasonable accommodation shall be allotted to them as the ship affords. No goods shall be unladen from any ship between the hours of sunset and sunrise, except by special permission of the Custom House authorities; and the hatches, and all other places of entrance into that part of the ship where the cargo is stowed, may be secured by Japanese officers, between the hours of sunset and sunrise, by affixing seals, locks, or other fastenings ; and if any person shall, with- out due permission, open any entrance that has been so secured, or shall break or remove any seal, lock, or other fastening that has been affixed by the Japanese Custom House officers, every person so offending shall pay a fine of 60 dollars for each offence. Any goods that shall be dis- charged or attempted to be discharged from any ship, without having been duly entered at the Japanese Custom House, as hereinafter pro- vided, shall be liable to seizure and confiscation. Packages of goods made up with an attempt to defraud the revenue of Japan, by concealing therein articles of value which are not set forth in the invoice, shall be forfeited. 585 American ships that shall smuggle, or attempt to smuggle, goods in any of the non-opened harbors of Japan, all such goods shall be for- feited to the Japanese Government, and the ship shall pay a fine of 1,000 dollars for each offence. Vessels needing repairs may land their cargo for that purpose without the payment of duty. All goods so landed shall remain in charge of the Japanese authorities, and all just charges for storage, labor, and supervision shall be paid thereon. But if any portion of such cargo be sold, the regular duties shall be paid on the portion so disposed of. Cargo may be transshipped to another vessel in the same harbor without the payment of duty; but all transshipments shall be made under the supervision of Japanese officers, and after satis- factory proof has been given to the Custom House authorities of the bona fide nature of the transaction, and also under a permit to be granted for that purpose by such authorities. The importation of opium being prohibited, if any person or persons shall smuggle or attempt to smuggle, any opium, he or they shall pay a fine of 15 dollars for each catty of opium so smuggled or attempted to be smuggled ; and if more than one person shall be engaged in the offence, they shall collectively be held responsible for the payment of the foregoing penalty. Regulation 3. The owner or consignee of any goods, who desires to land them, shall make an entry of the same at the Japanese Custom House. The entry shall be in writing, and shall set forth the name of the person making the entry, and the name of the ship in which the goods were imported, and the marks, numbers, packages, and contents thereof, with the value of each package extended separately in one amount, and at the bottom of the entry shall be placed the aggregate value of all the goods contained in the entry. On each entry the owner or consignee shall certify, in writing, that the entry then presented ex- hibits the actual cost of the goods, and that nothing has been concealed whereby the Customs of Japan would be defrauded ; and the owner or consignee shall sign his name to such certificate. The original invoice or invoices of the goods so entered shall be pre- sented to the Custom House authorities, and shall remain in their possession until they have examined the goods contained in the entry. The Japanese officers may examine any or all of the packages so entered, and for this purpose may take them to the Custom House, but such examinations shall be without expense to the importer or injury to the goods; and, after examination, the Japanese shall restore the goods to their original condition in the packages (so far as may be 586 practicable), and which examination shall be made without any un- reasonable delay. If any owner or importer discovers that his goods have been damaged on the voyage of importation before such goods have been delivered to him, he may notify the Custom House authorities of such damage, and he may have the damaged goods appraised by two or more competent and disinterested persons, who, after due examination, shall make a certificate setting forth the amount per cent, of damage on each separate package, describing it by its mark and number, which certificates shall be signed by the appraisers in presence of the Custom House authorities, and the importer may attach the certificate to his entry, and make a corresponding deduction from it. But this shall not prevent the Custom House authorities from appraising the goods in the manner provided in Article IV of the Treaty, to which these regulations are appended. After the duties have been paid, the owner shall receive a permit authorizing the delivery to him of the goods, whether the same are at the Custom House or on shipboard. All goods intended to be exported shall be entered at the Japanese Custom House before they are placed on shipboard. The entry shall be in writing, and shall state the name of the ship by which the goods are to be exported, with the marks and numbers of the packages, and the quantity, description, and value of their contents. The exporter shall certify in writing that the entry is a true account of all the goods contained therein, and shall sign his name thereto. Any goods that are put on board of a ship for exportation before they have been entered at the Custom House, and all packages which contain prohibited articles, shall be forfeited to the Japanese Government. No entry at the Custom House shall be required for supplies for the use of ships, their crews, and passengers, nor for the clothing, etc., of passengers. Regulation 4. Ships wishing to clear shall give 24 hours' notice at the Custom House, and at the end of that time they shall be entitled to their clearance; but, if it be refused, the Custom House authorities shall immediately inform the captain or consignee of the ship of the reasons why the clearance is refused, and they shall also give the same notice to the American Consul. Ships-of-war of the United States shall not be required to enter or clear at the Custom House, nor shall they be visited by Japanese Custom House or police officers. Steamers carrying the mails of the United States may enter and clear on the same day, and they shall not be re- 587 quired to make a manifest, except for such passengers and goods as are to be landed in Japan. But such steamers shall, in all cases, enter and clear at the Custom House. Whale ships touching for supplies, or ships in distress, shall not be required to make a manifest of their cargo; but if they subsequently wish to trade, they shall then deposit a manifest, as required in Regulation I. The word ship, wherever it occurs in these Regulations, or in the Treaty to which they are attached, is to»be held as meaning ship, barque, brig, schooner, sloop, or steamer. Regulation 5. Any person signing a false declaration or certifi- cate with the intent to defraud the revenue of Japan, shall pay a fine of 125 dollars for each offence. Regulation 6. No tonnage duties shall be levied on American ships in the ports of Japan, but the following fees shall be paid to the Japanese Custom House authorities : for the entry of a ship, 15 dollars ; for the clearance of a ship, 7 dollars; for each permit, \y 2 dollars; for each bill of health, 1^2 dollars; for any other document, ij^ dollars. Regulation 7. Duties shall be paid to the Japanese Government on all goods landed in the country according to the following tariff : Class 1. All articles in this class shall be free of duty. Gold and silver, coined or uncoined. Wearing apparel in actual use. Household furniture and printed books not intended for sale, but the property of persons who come to reside in Japan. Class 2. A duty of 5 per cent, shall be paid on the following articles : All articles used for the pur- Salted provisions of all kinds. pose of building rigging, Bread and breadstuffs. repairing, or fitting out of Living animals of all kinds. ships. Coals. Whaling gear of all kinds. Zinc. Timber for building houses. Lead. Rice. Tin. Paddy. Raw Silk. Steam machinery. Class 3. A duty of 35 per cent, shall be paid on all intoxicating liquors, whether prepared by distillation, fermentation, or in any other manner. 588 Class 4. All goods not included in any of the preceding classes shall pay a duty of 20 per cent. All articles of Japanese production, which are exported as cargo, shall pay a duty of 5 per cent., with the exception of gold and silver coin and copper in bars. Five years after the opening of Kanagawa the import and export duties shall be subject to revision if the Japanese Government desires it. [L. S.] Townsend Harris. 5 8 9 INDEX INDEX Abbott & Lawrence, 256, 257. Abbreviations used in the notes, xix. Ab6 Ise-no-Kami, 382 and 382 n. Accounts, Harris's, 343, 346 and 346 n.; Harris pays, 175, 37 2 ~373> 409. Acknowledgments, ix, x. Adams, Captain H. A., 261 n. Adams, J. H., 51 n. Additional Articles to Dutch Treaty with Japan, 410 and 410 n., 411 n. Address, Harris's, to the Shogun at Yedo, 475; to King of Siam, Harris composes, 123; to King of Siam, text of Harris's, 134; to Second King, text of Harris's, 135-136. Aden, Harris describes, 18. Adultery in Siam, 88. Adventures in the Punjab, 38. Age, Harris's, 240 and 240 n. Agriculture, Japanese, 235-236. Albatross, Harris sees, 196, 198. Alcock, Sir Rutherford, 69 n. Alley, M., Harris visits in Aden, 23- Alsop, Wetmore & Cryder, 178 n. Alton Locke, 37. Amaral, Governor, 169 n. Ambassador, Japanese propose to send, to Washington, 531. American Messenger, the, 512 n. Americans in Eastern Asia, extract from, on Harris's entry into Yedo, 442 n. Amusements of Japanese boys, 359— 360. Andrews, W. W., see Winthrop, William. Animals, 61, 87, 249, 359. Anna Maria, the, 73. Anstey, the Honorable Chisholm, 31 and 31 n., 45, 46, 175. Anti-Coningsby , 38, 40. Appleton, John, Secretary of Legation, 27 n. Archer, Joseph, 178 n. Armstrong, James, Commodore, 68, 75, 76, 77, 78 n., 81, 93, 103, 124, 126, 130, I3 1 * *33> i37> Ho n., 163, 165-166, 168, 172, 180, 181, 185, 187, 192, 193, 199 n., 205, 207, 219, 220, 224, 225, 270 n., 347, 350, 357, 365, 377, 379, 381, 386, 387, 388, 39 2 ; Harri s makes acquaintance of, 26; career of, 26 n; Harris writes to, 53; private visit of, to Second King, 127; Gover- nor of Shimoda sends presents to, 203; invited to visit Governor of Shimoda, 216. Armstrong, Mr. (of Armstrong & Law- rence), 165. Armstrong & Lawrence, 46, 186, 240 n., 275 and 275 n., 289, 389; Harris settles accounts with, 175; Harris writes to, 180, 181, 185, 187, 288 n., 290 n. Artemisia, 258. Ashe, Captain's Clerk, 137. Ashmore, the Rev. William, 107 and 107 n. Ashmore, Mrs., 107 n. Assam, Harris's butler, 182, 295. Atlantic, the, Harris takes passage on, 23- Atlas, Mitchell's, 229. Auckland, the, 79, 81, 90, 107, Audience with Shogun, date set for, 454; dinner served to Harris on oc- casion of, 478, 481; fan used at, 481. See also under Harris, Townsend, Shogun, and Yedo. Audience with King of Siam, 129-135, 133 n.; order of procession, 130-13 1; Harris's address, 134. Audience with Second King of Siam, Harris's, 135-136; order of proces- sion, 130-13 1, 135; Harris's address, 135-136. Audience Chamber at Yedo, Harris describes, 449. 593 Ba-ba offered to Harris for horseback riding, 489; Harris rides in, 490. Bachelor's button, 249-150. Baibarossa, 245; flesh of, sent to Harris by Japanese, 242. Baker, Captain, of the Singapore and Pekin, 18,41. Baker, Mr., 35. Balestier, Joseph, 25 and 25 n., 79 n., 99 and 99 n., 107 n., 113 and 113 n., 116, 118; reception of, by Siamese, 94 and 94 n. Bamboo house prepared for Harris by Siamese, 88. Bangkok, Harris arrives at, 79-83; Sir John Bowring's house at, 83-84; temperature in, 90; old saying in, 90; Harris's arrival at, 93-94; weather in, 123; floating houses of, 128-129; Harris's departure from, 159-162. Banka, the, 184 and 184 n.; burns, 182- 183; inquiry into loss of, 183-184. Baring Brothers & Co., 23, 27, 218 n., 219 n., 240 n., 295 n., 397 n.; dis- patches to, 338 n., 494 n. Barracouta, the, 224 n.; captures the Diana in Crimean War, 267 n. Barrage, the, 21. Barrington, George, notorious pick- pocket, 67 and 67 n.; couplet written by, 67 and 67 n. Barstow (S. L. M. Barlow?), 14. Batavia, Bishop of, stories told by, 46. Bath houses in Japan, 252. Bathing customs in Japan, 252. Bats, 227. Bazaar, Japanese, 205 and 205 n., 210. Beche-de-mer, 145 and 145 n. Beck, L. Adams, quotation from book by, 529 n. Beetles, 63. Bell, Henry H., Captain, of the San Jacinto, 26 and 26 n., 28, 75, 76, 77, 81, 126 n., 137, 141, 143, 154, 157, 159, 165, 166, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 187, 202, 205, 207, 217, 234 n., 245 n., 288 n., 387 and 387 n.; gives presents to Japanese officers, 203. "Bellevue," 73^ Harris describes view from, 56-57. Belvedere, Harris orders, 363. Bells, Japanese, 435. Bengal, Harris goes aboard the, 32; his fellow passengers on, 32; leaves for Madras, and Calcutta, 34. Bent, Lieutenant Silas, 197 and 197 n., 200 n. Bhusties, definition of, 47 n. Bigandet, Pere, 49 and 49 n., 76-77. Bingo-no-Kami, 300, 305, 308; goes to Yedo, 362; appointed superintend- ent of affairs, 367; in disgrace, 369. See also Shimoda, Governors of. Birds, 63-64, 81, 196, 198, 271, 436; sent to Harris by Japanese, 275. Birthday, Harris's, 398. Bittinger, Mr., 406 and 406 n., 431. Black, Captain, of the Bengal, 34. Black, John, 34 and 34 n., 41. Black, Mrs. John, 34, 36. Bland, Rev. Mr., 49, 51. Blundell, Governor, of Penang, 66-67 and 66 n., 77. Boa constrictor, 62-63. Boats, in River Menam, 100-10 1; Kanyu, 95-96, 96-97. Bobbachee, definition of, 47 n. Bogar's Mansion House, Harris goes to, 34- Bombay, the, Harris goes aboard, 18. Bon-bons presented to Harris on ar- rival at Yedo, 450 and 450 n., 451. Bond, Captain, 45. Books, read by Harris on journey to Penang in 1855, 35, 36, 37, 40; sent to Harris by Possiet, 280 n.; in the Pali character, Harris describes, 42. Bondin, Harris visits, 145. Boulderson, Captain, 49, 55. Bourboulon, M., 169 n. Bowen, M., 137, 146. Bowring, Sir John, 31 n., 51 n., 69 and 69 n., 83, 106, 109, 120, 121 n., 146 n., 148, 151, 161, 164, 165, 166 and 166 n., 167 n., 175, 278 n., 288 n.; describes Somdet Oong Noy, 118 n.; Harris writes to, 554 n. Bradford, T. O., Purser of the San Jacinto, 75 and 75 n., 77, 364, 389 and 389 n. Bradley, Charles William, 51 and 51 n., 55> 7°> 77 an d 77 n -> 7^ n., 128 n., 165, 167 and 167 n., 172, 374 n.; extract from letter to Harris from, 77 n., 78; Harris gives passport, dis- patches, and Siamese Treaty to, 173; 594 starts for home, taking Treaty with Siam to Washington, 177 n.; extract from letter to Harris, 177 n.; takes Siamese Treaty to Bangkok, 390. Bradley, the Rev. D. B., 102 and 102 n., 107, 122, 131, 137 n., 153. Bradley, Mrs., 137 n. Bronze tablet of Harris in 1847, frontis- piece. Brooke, Sir James, 99 and 99 n. Brown, Mr., minister of the Scotch Kirk, 33. Brown, Alexander, 49, 55, 70. Brown, Daniel, 107 n. Brown Brothers Co., 8. Brown, Shipley & Co., 27. Bruce, James, 19 and 19 n. Bryant, Lieutenant, 137. Bryant, Mr., 146. Buchanan, James, 27 and 27 n., 374 n.; becomes President of the United States, 331 and 331 n. Burra Beebe, defined, 66 n. Buttery, Mr., 74. Cadiz, the, 40, 41, 45, 68. Cambodia tributary to Siam, 86. Camphor, 408. Canaries, Harris's, 275, 349, 358-359, 366. Canton, the, 176. Caroline, the, 55. Caroline E. Foote, 328 n.; carries ship- wrecked Russians back to- Russia, 267. Carrington, Edward, 178 n. Carter, Lieutenant, III, 137; Harris dines with, 127. Cass, Secretary^ 397 n., 401 n., 406, 475 n.; extract from dispatch to, 386 n.; Harris sends dispatches to, 392 n., 484 n., 493 n., 494 n.; Harris writes report to, 557 n. Cassia oil, Captain of American clip- per embalms wife in, 1 71-172. Casuarina littorea, 97. Cats, Japanese, 359. Caunter, Mr., 49. Caxtons, The, 36, 37. Cayu-puti, 60 and 60 n. Cemetery, Russian, in Japan, 228. Chandler, Mr. John H.„ 107 n., 126, 131, 140 n., 141. Chandler, translates Royal Commis- sion, 140, 140 n., 141. Chantibon, products of, 86-87. Chaplain, Colonel, 34. Charles I, 40. Charter Day, celebration of, at The College of the City of New York, 236 n. Chau Phaya Rawe Wongee Maha Kosa Dhipade, 79 n. Cherry trees, 244. Chester, Colonel, 33. Chilo, the, 48. Chilton, Robert, extract from letter from Harris to, 156 n. Chinese, trouble with, 270 n. Cholera, in Cairo, 20. Cholera morbus, Americans seized with, at Bangkok, 104-105; Harris has attacks of, 304, 347. Christian religion, article on, in Dutch Treaty, 512-513 and 513 n. Christianity, 465-468; edicts against, 432 and 432 n. Christmas Days, Harris's, 293. Church of St. John, Malta, Harris visits, 22. Chusan, the, 70. Cinnamon tree, 60. Cisco,. John J., letter to President Pierce from, 8-9. Clarendon, Lord, 81 n. Clarke, Captain, 49. Clarke, Mr., Presbyterian clergyman, 34, 4 1 - Clarke, Dr., 34, 40. Clayton, the Hon., 94 n. Clove tree, 60. Coal, 285. Coal furnished San Jacinto, poor qual- ity of, 234 n., 241 n. Coast Pilot Blunts, 489. Coast surveys, 254-255 and 254 n. Cobra cape I (0, 62. Cobb, tne Hon. Howell, 397 n.; Harris writes dispatches to, 494 n. Cocoanuts, Harris receives present of, from Somdet Oong Noy, 122. Cockroaches, 233. Coffer, 61. College of the City of New York, The, 36 n.; Townsend Harris and, vii; Townsend Harris material pre- 595 sented to, by Miss Bessie A. Harris, viii. Commissioners, Japanese, 444-445 an d 445 n. Commissioners, Siamese, 150. Commissioners, Treaty, appointment of, 499. Commissioners of Voyage, of the Amer- ican Ambassador to Yedo, 460, 484; list of, 444-445, 444 n.; visit Harris, 447, 49 x ~492, 49 J n - Comstock, Mr., of Heard & Co., 179 n. Confucius, 53, 508-509; famous saying of (illustration), facing vi. Coningsby y 38, n., 40. Constellation, the U. S. Frigate, 31. Constellations, Harris comments on, 38-39- Consul, Russian, 264. Consul General to Japan, Harris's first commission as (illustration) 24; Harris nominated, 172 n.; nomination as received by Senate, 175 n.; con- firmation of Harris's appointment as, 182 n.; Harris's second commission as (illustration), 400. Consular rights, 321, 326, 339 n., 487- 488 and 488 n., 507, 513, 514-515, S3S> 547, 548. Consulate, U. S., at Shimoda in 1856 (illustration), 226. Convention with the Japanese (Bri- tish), 81 n. Convention of Shimoda, 316 n., 317 n., 321 n., 352 n., 374 n., 410; provisions of , 373-374; signing of, 374; com- ment of Harris on conclusion of (il- lustration), 374; President Buchanan transmits, to Senate, 536 n., 537 n.; text of, 571-573. Cook, Captain, 301. Cooking, Japanese, 208. Copper, 408. Corbit, Lieutenant, 74. Cotton, Japanese, 249, 251, 362. Cotton, United States Patent Office asks information on Japanese, 362. Cotton tree, 100. Council of State, Japanese, 455; Harris writes to, 338 and 338 n. Courtship, Eurasian, 64-66. Cowen, Staff Surgeon, 34. Crimean War, 267 n. Crish, Captain, 23' Cross, Captain, 48-49. Cross, Japanese practice of 411 n., trampling on the, 466-467, 466 n., 467 n.; practice of trampling on the, abolished, 512. Crucifixion in Japan, 483-484. CumshaWy 295 and 295 n. Cunningham, Edward, 173 and 173 n. Cunningham, Howard, 179 n. Cunningham, Randall, death of, 178- 179. Currency question, 224, 234, 238 n., 241 n., 266, 272 and 272 n., 273, 274, 281 n., 287-288, 290 n., 293- 2 94, 299, 311-313, 316, 322-323, 3 2 4"3 2 5, 3 26 -327 and 327 n., 332, 334, 408, 556; agreement on the, 529. Currier, Charles C, 17, 35 n., 47, 48, 53, 5^> 70, 76, 170; Harris visits, on return from India, 3. Curtius, Jan Hendrik Donker, 50 n., 74 n., 186 n., 384 and 384 n., 394 n., 399 n., 41 1 n., 513; sends Harris news- paper files, 393, 405; Harris receives package from, 411; Harris writes to, 557 and 557 n. Customs, Japanese, 329-330. Cycle, Japanese, 355. Daimyo, 455, 545, 547, 548, 549, 553, 554- Daintree, the Rev. Mr., ^- Dalhousie, Lord, 71 and 71 n., 72. Danen, Captain, 45, 48. Daniel Sharpe y the, 70. Daniels, Dr., 131, 137. Darmasalmkase Sirisoman Tisse, 42- 43-. Da Silva, J., 109 n. David, Dr., 188. Davis & Lawrence, 47 n., 389 n. De Courcy, Comte Rene, 169 and 169 n. De Leon, Edwin, 31 and 31 n., 32. Dennett, Tyler, quoted, on Harris's entry into Yedo, 442 n. Dent & Co., 50 n. Department of State, Harris receives letters from, 401-402 and 401 n. De Quincey, Miss, 33-34. Dewa-no-Kami succeeds Shinano-no- Kami as First Governor, 373; Harris 596 meets, 405, 410; visits Harris, 407. See also Shimoda, Governor of. De Witt, Rev. Dr., 50 n. Diana, the, 201 n., 228, 238, 240, 265, 286, 376 n.; wreck of, 266-267 and 266-267 n.; Russians present guns of, to Japanese, 276. Dickson, Ensign, 49. Diplomacy, Japanese, deceitfulness in, .319. Diseases, Japanese treatment of, 426- Disraeli, Benjamin, 38 n. Divorce in Siam, 87. Dixon, Mr., sends North China Herald to Harris, 173. Doctors, Japanese, 426. Dogs, Japanese present to Harris, 270 and 270 n. Dolphin, the, 68 n. Dougherty, Nathaniel, 35 and 35 n., 68, 78, 180, 186, 328 and 328 n., 462; draws up memorial in behalf of Har- ris, 320 n.; Harris gets letters from, 400-401; extract from letter from Harris to, 574. See also Reed & Dougherty. Dow, Mr., 48. Dress, Japanese, 330, 352-353. Dress, Court, Japanese, Harris de- scribes, 471-472. Drinker, Catherine Ann, 47 n., 50, 169 and 169 n., 275 n., 288 n.; Harris sends drawings to (illustrations), 212, 226; extract from letter from Harris to, 574. Drinker, Henry Sandwith, 25 n., 47 n., 50, 78, 166 and 166 n., 168, 179, 180 and 180 n., 187,282 and 282 n., 288 n., 364 n.; intimate friend of Harris in the Far East, 4; letter to Harris from, 14; Harris gets letter from, 51; Harris writes to, 70, 74, 75; extract from letter to Harris warning him against David O. King, 102 n.; extract from letter to Harris from, 166 n.; writes to Harris of failure of Wetmore & Co., 178 n. Drinker, Mrs., 46, 47 n., 50, 187, 241 n., 276 n., 282 and 282 n. Drinker, Mrs. Susannah Budd, 241 n. Drinker, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sand- with, children of, 47 n. Drought, Commander, of the Auck- land, 81. Drum signals, Harris is asked about, 308-309. Dunbar, Douglas L., acknowledgment to, x. Durand, Major, 32 and 32 n., 38. Durian, 122 and 122 n. Dutch language, Japanese knowledge of, 35 2 - Du Thune, Madame, 48. Duvall, Captain, 85 and 85 n., 107. Earthquakes, 201 and 201 n., 209 and 209 n., 256, 266-267 n., 33S t 354, 368, 378, 380-381, 383, 454, 482, 491, 493, 494, 495, 497, 5°5, 548. East India Company, annexation of Kingdom of Oude to, 71-72, and 71 n. East India Squadron, 26, notes 12 and 13- Elephants in Sumatra, 46. Elephants, white, 87. Elgin, Lord, 69 n., 260 n., 280 n., 377 n., 433 n. Endicott, Captain J. B., 168 and 168 n., 169, 178. Esperanza, the, 376 n., 387 n., 388 n. Eugene Aram, 37. Eulenburg, Count Friedrich von, 280 n. Eurasians, 64-67. Euxine, the, Harris goes aboard, 22. Evans, Joseph, 50 and 50 n., 402. Evarts, Hon. William N., 425 n. Fabius, Captain, of the Medusa, 1 86, 238- 239, 273, 3i8, 319 n ->. 333 and 333 n. Fan used at audience with Shogun, 481. Farquarson, Mr., 32. Farragut, Admiral, 26 n. Feather bamboo, 100. Ferns in Penang, 59. Festival, Rak-na, Harris describes, 137- 138. Festivals, Japanese, 366. Fiery Cross, the, 51, 75; purchased by Shimadzu Saburo, 51 n. Financial matters, 389 and 389 n. Fir trees, 204. Fire in Yedo, 553. Fire bell, 453. Fire Department, Japanese, 431-432. 597 Fire Department, New York City, 432 n. Fire protection in Japan, 262. Fire prevention in Japan, 436. Firearms in Japan, 345-346. Fireflies, 124-125. "First Consular Flag" hoisted, 225. Fishing boats, Japanese, 199. Fishing stakes, 92. Flags: king of Siam's, 85-86, 92; Siam- ese, 91-92; American, on ships in River Menam, 101; consular, 227- 228; Japanese, 253; illustration of first American, made in Japan, 412, 573-575- Flagstaff, Harris's, 223, 224, 372; find- ing wood for Harris's, 214; price of, 217; erection of, 225; Russians help to set up, 266, 267-268; illustration of, 226; tree marking site of (illus- tration), 514. Flagstaff's in Bangkok, 1 29. Fleets of Japan, 239 n. Flowers, 244, 249, 250, 293,300,335, 341, 342, 350, 415- Flying lizard, 62, 74. Foote, Captain Andrew H., of the Portsmouth, 76 n., 350 n., 387 and 387 n., 388; lands men at Canton Factories, 244 n.; offers to advance money to Harris, 389; divides stores with Harris, 391. Forbes, W. C, 34, 37, 40, 42, 75. Forbes, Mrs., 37, 42. Foreigners in Japan, list of attacks on, 511 n-512 n. Fortifications, in the River Menam, 93. Forts, in River Menam, 143. Fortune, Robert, 292 n. Free trade, right of, granted, 498. Frolic, the, Commodore Armstrong serves on, 26 n. Fruits, 17, 122, 234, 237, 242, 244, 305>368,37i- Fryer, A. H., 41. Fuci, 372. Fujiyama, 197 and 197 n., 236 and 236 n., 416, 418-419, 4^o, 421, 463. Full Powers, 25, 137 and 137 n., 147 n. 575-576; Harris's, or Letter of Cred- ence (illustration), 468; Harris hands copy of, to Minister for Foreign Af- fairs, 499; Harris's exchange of, 499, 501-502, examined by Japanese, 501; Japanese examined by Harris, 501- 502. Furniture, in Japan, 360. Gabrielle, 103 and 103 n. Gar fish, 81. Garden, Harris's, 349; Harris plants, 33 8 , 34i, 35 1; Harris asks for, 339. Garstin, the Rev. Mr., 34, 40, 41. Gautier, M., Consul de France, 77 and 77 n. General Fierce, the, 240 and 240 n. George Washington, Prince, calls on Harris, 107-108. Gibraltar, Harris visits fortifications at, 22. Ginkgo Tree, the famous, at Zempuku- ji, in Tokyo (illustration), 514. Glynn, Commander James, of the Preble, 204 n., 226 n. Gold, first discovery of, in Australia, 67 n.; use of, in Japan, 361-362; Harris pays Japanese for, 364. Gold spoons, Harris orders, 361. Golownin, Captain, 204 n., 246 and 246 n.; extract from Memoirs of, 239 m Government, Japanese, system of, 455- 456 and 456 n. Governor General of India, titles of, Goyoshi, the, 251 n., 252; Captain Foote and his officers visit, 390 and 390 n. Grampus, the, Captain Bell serves on, 26 n. Grapes, given to Harris by Japanese, 280. Great Mogul, Royal Arms of, 38. Great Pyramid, Harris visits, 21. Greene, Dr. Daniel Crosby, 239; quotation from Osadas Life oj Takano Nagahide, book edited by, 483 n. Greene, Jerome D., acknowledgment to, x. Greene, Miss Maggy, Harris's god- daughter, 57. Greene, Samuel N., 35 and 35 n., $6, 73, 74, 76, 77, 170- Greene, Mrs. S. N., 57. Greetings, Arabic, 48 and 48 n. Gregg, David L., 331 and 331 n. Gregory, Mr., M. P. for Dublin, 31. S9 8 Greta, the, 376 n., carries officers and men of Diana, back to Russia, 267 n. Griffis, Dr. William Elliot, ix; quoted, on Harris's residence in Yedo, 443 n.; quoted, on Japanese practice of tram- pling on the Cross, 466 n., 467 n. Grinnell, Henry, 402. Griswold, J. N. A., 51 n. Grosbeak, 63. Guest, Lieutenant J. N., 182 and 182 n. Guimaraes, Governor, 169 and 169 n. Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume, 40. Gulls, 81. Guns, Russians give, to Japanese, 276; presentation of the Diana's to Jap- anese, 286; from the Diana, 343 and 343 n. Guthrie, the Hon. James, 295 n., 346 n.; dispatch to, 338 n. Gutzlaff, the Rev. Charles (Karl), 69 n. Gyokusen-ji, Harris's residence at Kaki- zaki, 204, 212 and 212 n.; monument erected in courtyard of (illustration), 268. "Half-caste," use of phrase in Penang compared with use of word "convict" or "transport" in Australia, 67. Hall, Edward F., 331, 332, 335, 336. Hara-kiri, 255, 340, 482, 549. Harbors, 519-520, 529; opening of, 498, 499, 506, 515-516, 517-518. Hargraves, Edward, 67 n. Harris, Miss Bessie Anne, presents Townsend Harris material to The College of the City of New York, viii; 168 and 168 n.; her editing of Harris's Journal, 280 n.-28i n. Harris, Mrs. Eliza, 168 and 168 n. Harris, Mrs. Sarah W., 91 n. Harris, Townsend, illustration of bronze tablet of, frontispiece; illustration of his seal, title-page; quotation from his Journal, vi; Townsend Harris Hall High School named for,v\\; Journal of , viii, ix; is congratulated by S. Robert- son, 2; applies for position of Ameri- can Consul at Hongkong or Canton, 3; General Wetmore recommends him to William L. Marcy for consular office, 3; is nominated American Con- sul, to Ningpo, China, 3; Senate consents to appointment, 3; visits Charles C. Currier on return from India, 3; sails for United States after appointing Rev. Dr. Daniel Jerome Macgowan his Vice-Consul for Ningpo, 4; reaches United States from Pulo Penang in 1855, 5; his qualifications for post of Consul for Shimoda, 6-7; his trading expedi- tions, 6; is recommended for Far Eastern post by New York citizens, 7-8; and by John J. Cisco, in special letter, 8-9; goes to Washington, 9; writes to President Pierce regarding his application for post of Consul to Japan, 9-10; notice of appoint- ment as Consul General to Japan sent to, 12-13; W. H. Topping con- gratulates him, 13; letter from Wil- liam H. Seward to, 15-16; describes Penang, 17-18; his journey home from Indian travels in 1855, 17-24; illus- tration of his first commission as Consul General for Japan, 24; sails for Liverpool in 1855, 26; arrives in London in 1855, 27; goes to Paris, 27; his uniform at Court of Bang- kok, 27-28 n.; sails from Southamp- ton for Penang, 28; travels in Europe, 29-30; books read by, on journey to Bangkok, 3^ 3 6 > 37, 4°; journey to Bangkok, 30-47; describes dinner at Mr. Forbes's, 37; does not bet, 40; describes drive with Mr. Ronaine, in Ceylon, 41: arrives at Penang, 47; makes calls, 48-49; attends St. George's Church, 51; on the Roman Catholic Cochin-Chinese College, 52- 53; describes Chinese New Year, 53- 55; describes Charles Scott's house, 55; describes view from "Bellevue," 56-57; describes thunderstorm, 58- 59; on vegetation, animals, insects, birds of Penang, 56-64; describes Malayan-Chinese children, 64; on Eurasians, 64-67; on sodomy, 70; on Kingdom of Oude, 71-73; arrives at Singapore, 77; his anxiety over his negotiations with Siamese Court, 78 n.; describes trip to Bangkok, and arrival, 79; extract from letter to the Rev. Stephen Mattoon, 80 n.; his letters to the First and Second Kings of Siam, 84 n.; extract from 599 a letter to E. E. Rice, 85 n.; awaits summons from King of Siam, 86; converses with Mr. Mattoon regard- ing his mission, 86; bamboo house pre- pared for, 88; his interest in slavery, 87 n.; has letter from Siamese Minis- ter of Foreign Affairs, 88; replies, 88; his presents to King of Siam, 91; goes up river to Bangkok, 92-102; reception of, by Siamese, 93-94, 102; his house at Bangkok, 102-103; American missionaries call on him, 106-107; finds King of Siam in un- favorable mood, 107; is called on by Prince George Washington, 107- 108; King of Siam refuses him a private interview, 109; receives let- ter and present from Second King of Siam, 109-110; calls on Phra Klang, 111-112; calls on Prince Krom Luang, 112-113; calls on Phra Kala- hom, 113-116; is visited by Phra Klang, Phra Kalahom, and Prince Krom Luang, 116; calls on Somdet Oong Moy, 117; calls on Somdet Pia Yumarat, 117-118; visits Dr. Mattoon, 118; receives present of sugar from Prince Wong Sa, 118; calls on French Bishop, 118; visited by Somdet Oong Noy, 11 8-1 20; con- verses with Mr. King on Treaty, 120; discusses Treaty with Prince Wong Sa, 120-121; receives pres- ents from Somdet Oong Noy and Second King of Siam, 122; attends divine service at Dr. Bradley's, 122 and 122 n., 139; composes address to King of Siam, 123; his audience with King again postponed, 123; calls on Prince Wong Sa, 125; makes good impression on Somdet Oong Noy, 125; dines at Mr. Mattoon's, 127; describes wats, 127-128; his audi- ences with Kings of Siam, 129-136; describes festival Rak-na, 137-138; writes to King of Siam, 139; invited to audience with King, 140; attends service at house of the Rev. Mr. Smith, 140; visits wats, 141-142; goes up and down the River Menam, 143-144; meeting with Siamese Com- missioners, 146-147; offers to withdraw amendments to his Treaty with Siam, 149; visits Wong Sa, 150; meeting with Commissioners, 1 51-152; meets Wong Sa, 152; receives present from First King, 152 n.; his opinion of the Siamese, 153; gives notice of departure from Bangkok, 153; re- quested by Wong Sa to delay his de- parture from Bangkok, 154; writes letter to Wong Sa, 155; informs Phra Klang of Mattoon's appointment as Consul, 155; settles accounts with Heusken and Mattoon, 157-158 and 158 n.; visits Second King, 158-159; his departure from Bangkok, 159- 162; returns to the San Jacinto, 162- 163; describes thunderstorm, 163; returns to Hongkong, 162-165; writes dispatches to Marcy, 163 n., 164 n., 166 n., 172 n., 175 and 175 n., 182 n., 185 and 185 n.; stays with General Keenan, 165; letters sent by him June 23, 1856, 167-168; starts for Macao, 168; calls on French Legation at Macao, 169; nominated Consul General for Japan, 172 n.; prepares to leave for Japan, 173; hires ser- vants, 173, 175, 176; stays with the Drinkers, 177 n.; reads book by Abbe Hue, 180 and 180 n.; confirmation of his appointment as Consul Gen- eral for Japan, 182 n.; describes voyage to Japan, 188-200; illustra- tions of pages of his manuscript Jour- nal, 196, 374, 527; Governor of Shi- moda postpones meeting with him, 201; visits Kakizaki, 201-202; Temple of Rioshen suggested for his residence, 206; meets Governor of Shimoda, 207-208; first real day of negotia- tions with Japanese, 207-208 and 208 n.; has unsatisfactory interview with Japanese, 209-210; refuses to negotiate with Yedo official, 211; accepts temporary residence at Kaki- zaki, 213; requested to visit Governor of Shimoda, 216; meeting with new Governor and Vice-Governor of Shi- moda, 219-222; his policy toward Japanese, 223-224 n.; send-off on leaving San Jacinto, 224; hoists "First Consular Flag," in Japan, 225; getting settled, 226; sends pres- ent to Governors of Shimoda, 226; 600 insists on Japanese officials telling him the truth, 231-232; complains of treatment of his servants, 234-235; tablet of, unveiled at Charter Day celebration at The College of the City of New York, 236 n.; death of, 240 n.; age of, 240 and 240 n., de- scribes flesh of baibarossa, 242; horse sent to, 242; his pigeons, 242-243, 2 73> 345> 347> 35% "> visits Shimoda prison, 246; begins to learn Japanese 250; development of friendly rela- tions with Japanese, 251 n., 253; describes statues seen on walk near Shimoda, 252-253; gets American stove, 256; visits sulphur spring, 258; visits the Olivuzza, 261; visited by Russian officers, 263-265; offers ser- vices of his washman to the Russian officers, 265-266; dines with Heusken on the Olivuzza, 268; likes Russian officers, 268 and 268 n.; illustration of monument dedicated to the memory of, 268; receives dogs from Japanese, 270 and 270 n.; sends his tailor away, 288, 289; makes loan to Korsacoff, 289-290 and 290 n.; engages another servant, 281; writes to Lieutenant Maury on subject of meteorological instruments, 284 n.; visits Possiet on currency question, 287-288; com- plains of guards and shopkeepers, 291, 295; his horse arrives, 291-292; meets Governors of Shimoda, 296- 299; appoints Heusken Vice-Consul, 301 n.; visit of, to Governors of Shimoda on their return from Yedo, 306-309; First Governor makes tea for him, 307-308; meets Governors of Shimoda, 310-313; receives answer from Regency at Yedo to his letters, 311 and 311 n., 313; discusses treat- ies with Governors of Shimoda, 315- 320; again meets Governors on Treaty questions, 320-321 and 321 n.; reads Secretary Marcy's letter to Gover- nors, 325; meets Governors on Treaty questions, 323, 325, 326; complains to Governors of ordering away of Reed and Dougherty from Shimoda, 329; describes Governors' houses, 329 330; meets Governors on currency question, 332, 334; writes letter to Governors, 334~33S> 33S n -» .337 n -5 plants his garden, 341; receives ac- count from the Goyoshi, 343; his anxiety over non-arrival of San Ja- cinto, 347, 350 and 350 n., 357, 361 n., 365, 368, 377; meets Governors, 347-349; Moriyama brings him let- ter from the Governors, 354 and 354 n.; Moriyama brings him American gold, 359; objects to overcharges, 359 and 359 n.; orders belvedere erected, 363; collects natural history speci- mens, 364 and 364 n.; visits hot spring, 372; pays account, 372- 373; his success, 373-374; abandons hope of seeing Armstrong, 379; re- ceives letters from Rice, 383; gets letters and newspapers by the Ports- mouth, 387; dines on the Portsmouth, 390; gives Foote his dog Yedo, 392; sends presents to Captain Bell and Commodore Armstrong, 392; re- ceives newspapers from Curtius, 393; meets Governors, 394; to visit Yedo, 394-396; his birthday, 398; gets new horse, 398; illustration of his second Commission as Consul General for Japan, 400; receives sup- plies and letters from Hakodate, 400-401; meets First Governor (De- wa-no-Kami), 405; preparations for his audience with the Shogun, 405, 406; pays account to the Goyoshi, 409; receives package from Curtius, 41 1 ; starts on journey to Yedo, 411; describes cavalcade, 411-413; his journey to Yedo, 411-442; is injured by his horse, 426; his entry into Yedo, 436-442; arrangements made for his comfort at Yedo, 442-443 and 443 n.; his meals at Yedo, 446; visited by Commissioners, 447; dangers threat- ening him on visit to Yedo, 456- 458 and 458 n.; explains object of his visit to Yedo to Shinano, 451- 452; sends copy and translation of President's letter to Japanese Min- ister of Foreign Affairs, 456; describes journey to Prime Minister's house, 458-459; his meeting with Prime Minister of Japan, 461-464; presents him with copy of intended address to the Shogun, 462; Prime Minister 601 hands him Shogun's reply, 463; il- lustration of his "Full Powers," or Letter of Credence, 468; his uniform at audience with the Shogun, 468; goes to audience with the Shogun, 468-469; describes Palace, 470-471; describes Court Dress, 471-472; de- clines to rehearse part at audience, 472-473; his audience with the Sho- gun, 473-477; his address to the Sho- gun, 475; the Shogun's reply to his address, 475 and 475 n.; debate on his diplomatic rights, 487-488 and 488 n.; refuses to dine at Palace after audience, 478; describes Shogun's appearance at audience, 479-480; leaves Palace after audience, 478- 479; writes to Minister for Foreign Affairs after audience with the Sho- gun, 481; visits Minister for Foreign Affairs, 484; statement made by him on visit to Minister for Foreign affairs after audience with the Sho- gun, 484-486, 485-486 n.; teaches Japanese elements of political econ- omy, 490; rides horseback, 490; answers questions of Commissioners of the Voyage on duties and rights of Ministers in foreign countries, 491- 492; writes Minister for Foreign Affairs on foreign commerce, 492 and 492 n.; Japanese delay in replying to his communications, 492, 495- 496; Japanese give reasons for delay, 496-497; his third visit to Minister for Foreign Affairs, 497-498; answer to his communications, 497-499; at- tempt on his life, 512 n.; drawing of harbor of Settsu by, 527; his seclusion during Treaty negotiations, in Yedo 542-544, 542 n-543 n.; his suggestion to Shinano regarding completion of Treaty, 544; Harris's proposition to Shinano on completion of Treaty accepted, 545-546; disheartened over Treaty, 550; discusses tariff with the Commissioners, 554; receives tariff proposition from the Commission- ers, 554; serious illness of, 557 n., 558 n.; his last days, 559 n.; returns to Yedo, 560. Hayashi, Daigaku-no-Kami, 444 and 444 n., 445 n., 448; failure of, to gain Emperor's consent to the Treaty, 538 n-539 n. Hazlett, Captain, 49. Health, Harris's, 15, 27, 29, 146, 149, i5 2 > 153, 241-242, 278, 280, 284, 285, 286, 290, 291, 296, 300, 301 and 301 n., 303, 304, 335, 347, 354, 361, 3 6 7, 378, 381, 385, 393 396-397, 398, 407, 480, 481, 49 x , 493, 543, 557 n- Heard & Co., 179 and 179 n. Heerjeebhoy Rustumjee, 50. Hemp, 249. Hen, Harris's, 290, 295. Henna tree, 39. Heusken, Harris's secretary, 28 n., 50 n., 93, 106 n., no n., in n., 116 and 116 n., 117 n., 130 and 130 n., 140 n-, 153, J 55, l68 , I7 2 an d 17 2 "-, 180, 183 and 183 n., 185, 188, 199, 200, 204 and 204 n., 205, 207, 209, 213, 214, 225, 233, 247 n., 260 n., 268, 279, 283 n., 284, 290 n., 294, 298, 30 2 , 309, 3ii, 3*3> 3^6, 331, 33Sy 34i, 346, 3 6 S> 378 n., 381, 383, 388, 39°, 39*, 393, 398, 409, 412, 413, 4i6, 4 2 9, 43 2 , 442, 443, 446, 447, 457, 460, 474, 477, 481, 489, 494 n.-495 n -> 497, 5 OI ,.5°4, 534 n-, 536 n., 542, 558; drawings by (il- lustrations), 212, 226; Harris settles accounts with, 158 n., arrives at Macao, 170; has encounter with armed Japanese, 293, 296; appointed Vice-Consul, 301 n.; slain by Japan- ese, 369 n.; translates reply of Shogun to Harris's address, 463 n.; his uni- form at Harris's audience with Sho- gun, 468; slaying of, 511 n. Higginson, J. B., 29 n. Higo-no-Kami, 537, 561; asks delay on Treaty, 561. Hildreth, Captain, of the Sancho Panza, Hio-n'go, Harris claims, 532. History of the United States, Dr. Elijah Cole Bridgman's, 310. n. Hodge, J. L., 30 and 30 n. Hogs, wild, 61. Holland, King of, 239, 240 n., 264, 273. Hollis, Captain, of the Chilo, 48. Holograph letter from Second King of Siam (illustration), no. 602 Homer, Captain, of the Messenger Bird, 33*> 334, 335- Homer, Mrs., 331, 334. Hongkong, Harris returns to, in 1856, on the San Jacinto, 162-165. Hongkong Government Gazette, 81 n. Horse, Harris's, 291-292, 381.; Japanese to select, for Harris, 279; Heusken's, 365> 3*3-. Horsemanship, Harris's and Heusken's, 399; Lieutenant-Colonel May's, 399; Japanese, 39 8 ~399- Horses, Japanese, 399; shoeing of in Japan, 292 n. Horseshoes, Japanese, 398 and 398 n. Hospitality, Harris complains to Jap- anese of lack of, 298-299. Hoszuki given to Harris by Japanese, 271-272. Hotta, Bitchiu-no-Kami, 81 n., 445, 454, 456 n., 460, 491 n., 500 n.; Harris receives letter from, 454 and 454 n.; created Minister of Foreign Affairs, 454; description of his house, 462; hands Harris Emperor's reply to his address, 463; Harris describes, 464; at Harris's audience with the Sho- gun, 474; letter written to Harris by (illustration), 494; sent to Kyoto to obtain Emperor's consent to the Treaty, 538 n-539 n.; signer of letter pledging execution of Treaty, 546 and 546 n.; copy of his letter prom- ised to Harris, 551; conspiracy to murder, 560; returns from Kyoto, 561 n.; letter from, to Harris, 577. House, the Rev. Samuel R., 86 n., 113 n. House, Harris's, at Bangkok, 102-103. Houses, Governors', description of, 329-330; Japanese, 329, 433, 458- 459, 469-470; Japanese, furnishings of, 442-443; floating, in River Me- nam, 101; floating, Bangkok, 128, 129; raft, in River Menam, 101. Howitzers made by Japanese, 309-310. Hue, Abbe, Harris reads book by, 180 and 180 n. Huffnagle, Charles, 29 and 29 n., 31, 45, 77» J 86, 187; appointments of, 29 m Hunt I., & Co., 389 n. Hunter, Governor, 68 n. Hunter, William, 24 n., 133 n., 170; sends Harris notice of appointment as Consul General to Japan, 12-13. Hunter, W. C, 180 and 180 n., 181. Hunter, Mrs. 169. Hypatia, 37. Ianthe, the, 101. Ibis, white (paddy bird), 92-93. Illustrated London News, Harris re- ceives files of, 405. Imperial surgeon, Harris gives lessons in English to, 349~35°- Inazo Nitobe, extract from book by, 435 "• Incense, 364-365. I no, the, 80, 81. Inouye, Prince of Shinano, see Shinano- no-Kami, and Shimoda, First Gover- nor of, and Shimoda, Governors of. Insects in Penang, 62. "Instructions to Consuls," 186. Interpreter, Japanese, 462. Interpreter, Portuguese, for Harris at Bangkok, 103-104, and 103 n. Invocations to Buddha, 43-44. Ipecacuanha shrub, 61. Isherwood, Mr., 130, 137. Iyesada Tokugawa, Shogun, x. Iyesato Tokugawa, His Excellency Prince, acknowledgment to, x. Iyeyoshi, 434 and 434 n. Janvier, Thomas Allibone, 169 n. Janvier, Mrs. Thomas Allibone, see Drinker, Catherine Ann. Japan, gratitude of, to United States, 16. Japan to America, extract from, 518 n. Japan, Emperor of, 28 n., 247 n., 313, 371, 456 n., President Pierce's letter to, 133 n., and text of, 576-577- Japan Expedition, the, 1, 2, 207 n. Japan Expedition, The, extract from, 229 n. Japan Society, acknowledgment to officers of, ix. Japanese, curiosity of, to see Harris's entry into Yedo, 444; Harris teaches them elements of political economy, 490; right of America to employ as seamen on American ships, 531. Java Bode, Harris receives files of, 405. Jephcott, Sir William, 74. 603 Johnson, the Rev. Mr., 165. Jones, R. B., 31 n. Townsend Harris's manuscript, pages from (illustrations), 196, 374, 527; Journal, closing of, 552, 553 n.; missing volumes of, 559 n., 560 n. Journey from the Great Wall to Canton, Harris reads, 180 and 180 n. Junks, Japanese, 198; wrecks of, de- scribed by Harris, 189-193. Kaempfer, 353, 417, 418, 423, 424, 428, 433, 437, 439; Harris shows his work on Japan to third Governor of Shimoda, 234. Kaga, Prince of, 545. Kakizaki, Governor of, visits Harris, 283. Kakizaki, Harris visits, 201-202, 206; Harris accepts temporary residence at, 213; repairs to boat landing of, 283; landing stage at, 348 and 348 n. Kami (titular Princes), 455. Kanyu boats, 95-96, 96-97. "Katy," see Drinker, Catherine Ann. Kawaji, Sayemon-no-jo, 445, 448 n.,473. Keenan, General James, 85 and 85 n., 165, 173, 176, 180, 185, 186; gives dinner party, 172. Key, Francis Scott, 188 n. Khansamar, definition of, 47 n. King, David O., Bangkok merchant, 101 n., 102 and 102 n., 103, 107, 109, 117, 126, 131; extract from letter to Harris from, on the Prime Minister of Siam, 113 n. King, Mr., Harris talks on Treaty with Siam with, 120; goes up river with, 143. King & Co., 80. Kingdom and People of Siam, The, etc., 69 n. Kingsley, Charles, Harris meets with works of, 37. Kincardine, see Elgin. Kincobs, defined, 480 n. Kites, 360. Kitmagars, definition of, 47 n. Kleczkowski, Count Michel, 169 and 169 n. Kolaxaltsoff, Lieutenant, 261, 263. Koran, the, 44. KorsacofF, Captain W. Rimsky, of the Olivuzza, 260 and 260 n., 263, 264, 270, 272 n., 274, 282 n., 284, 288 n.; Harris's loan to, 289-290 and 289 n. Krom Luang, Prince, 113 n., 116, 133 n.; Harris calls on, 112-113; description of, 112 n. Kyoto, 517 and 517 n.; Japanese object to opening of, 524; Japanese refuse to open, 526; Harris renews claim for, 531; difficulty of matters at, 562. Lagoda, the, 204 n., 226 n.; testimony of sailors of, on Japanese trampling on the Cross, 466 m-467 n. Langlois, Mrs., 50. Language, Dutch, used by Japanese, 375; Japanese, 550; Siamese, 123. Law, Japanese, 246-247. Lawrence, Major H. M., 38. Leaf insect, 6^. Leang King Kwa, 180 n. Leeches, 426. Letter from Second King of Siam to Harris, no; illustration of holograph letter from, no. Letter of Special Instructions, 350 and 350 n. Letter from President of the United States to the Emperor of Japan, 375- 376, 394 and 394 n., 477 n.; text of, 576-577. Letters, writing of, to foreigners, by Japanese, 296-297; Harris receives, from Hakodate, 407 and 407 n.; written by Harris, list of, 167-168; list of, 218; list of, 241 and 241 n.; list of, 379 n-380 n.; written by Har- ris, 272 n., 274 n-275 n., 276 n., 278 and 278 n., 282 and 282 n., 288-289, 288 n., 289 n., 295, 384-385, 384 n-; to Yedo, answer to Harris's, 311 and 3" n-> 3*3- Levant, the, 165, 166 and 166 n. Lewis, the Hon. W. T., 48, 50, 75. Lewis, Lieutenant H. H., 76, 159, 393, and 393 n. Lewis, Miss, 50. Lewis, Mr., 182. Life oj Lord Metcalj , 40, 41. Life oj Sir Harry S. Parkes, 69 n. Life oj Takano Nagahide, Osada's, ex- tract from, on Von Siebold, 483 n. Lightning, the, 51. Lilly, Major, 35, 37, 40, 41. Lilly, the, 168, 172, 177, 178, 179. 604 Lincoln, President, 15, 182 n. Livingston, Schuyler, 8. Lizards, 62, 63, 74. Loan to Korsacoff, 289-290 and 290 n. Lockyear, General, 32. Loneen (ronin) 509-511, 509 n., 511 n., 535 and 535 n. Loureiro, Mrs., 169. Louvre, Harris visits, 28. Lowera, the Rev. Mr. (Senator Walter Lowrie), 80 and 80 n. Lowrie, Senator Walter (Rev. Mr. Lowrie), 80 and 80 n. Luhdorf, 376 and 376 n. Macao, Governor of, 180. Macao, Harris starts for, 168. McCoy, Robert, 226 n. McDonald, Captain, 34, 3$, 36, 37, 40, 42, 45> 75- McDonald, Mrs., 34, 36, 37, 40, 41. Macedonian, the, 68, 77. Macgowan, the Rev. Daniel Jerome, 50 and 50 n., 78, 166 n., 187 n.; ap- pointed Vice-Consul for Ningpo, China, by Harris, 4. Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. K. R., 74 and 74 n. Macpherson, Captain, 45. McRae, D. K., 20 and 20 n. Madras, the, 50. Magellan, prophecy of, being vindi- cated, xi. Mail, bi-monthly from England to Hongkong, 180. Malabar, the, 35 n. Malay, the, and Chinese, Harris de- scribes children of, 64. Mangoes, 122. Mann, Captain, 49. Manners, Japanese, Heusken reports examples of, 302-303. Map of Yedo given to Harris, 491. Marcy, William L., Secretary of State 4, 10, 14, 23 n., 25 n., 50 and 50 n., 51 n., 68, 75 and 75 n., 78 n., 117 n., 133 n., 147 n., 166 n., 175, 185 n., 265, 272 n., 278 n., 288 n., 295 n., 346 n., 475 n.; General Wetmore recommends Harris to, for consular office, 3; letter from, to General Wetmore, on Harris's appointment as Consul to Japan, 11-12; Phra Klang sends letter to, 162; Harris writes dispatches to, 163 n., 164 n., 166 n., 172 n., 175 and 175 n., 177 n., 182 n., 185 and 185 n., 223-224, 338; recommends additional com- pensation for Harris, 323 n.; his letter to Seward, 325 n.; Harris reads letter from to Governors of Shimoda, 325; Letter of special instructions to Harris from, 327-328 and 327 n.- 328 n.; extract from Harris's dis- patch to, 377 n. Marriage in Siam, 87. Martin, Pere N., 48 and 48 n., 49 n. Masaoka, quoted, on relations between the Mikado and the Shogun, 518 n. Mason, John Young, 29; career of, 29 n. Mats, Japanese, 341. Matsudaira, Tsuneo, His Excellency unveils tablet of Townsend Harris, frontispiece and 236 n. Mattoon, the Rev. Stephen, 79 n., 80 and 80 n., 83, 86, 88 n., 89, 95-96, 106 n., 107 n., 109, in, 130, 131, 137 n., 143, 149 and 149 n., 150, 153, 154 and 154 n., 155-156 and 156 n., 159, 160; extract from let- ter from Harris to, 80 n.; translates Phra Klang 's letter to Harris, 88 n., 90; preaches on board San Jacinto, 90; taken ill at Bangkok, 106; Harris visits, 117, 118, 145; recommended by Somdet Oong Noy for American Consul, 121; calls on Harris, 123, 124; Harris dines with, 127; Harris attends divine service at house of, 139; Harris dines with, 142; ap- pointed American Consul for the Kingdom of Siam, 155-156; ap- pointment of, as American Consul for the Kingdom of Siam, 157; Harris settles accounts with, 157-158 and 158 n.; Harris eulogizes, 164 n., 404 n.; extract from letter to Harris from, on Treaty with Siam, 404. Maury, Lieutenant, 284 n., 288 n., Harris writes to, on subject of mete- orological instruments, 284 n. May, Lieutenant-Colonel, his feat of horsemanship, 399. Medusa, the, 186, 273, 318, 319 n. Mehemet Ali, Tomb of, Harris visits, 20, 32. 605 Mehter, definition of, 48 n. Memorial in behalf of Harris drawn up by Nathaniel Dougherty, 320 n. Menam, the River, Harris describes scenery along, 100; Harris describes return down, from Bangkok, 115— 116; Harris describes trip up and down, I43 _I 44- Mencius, 53. Mendee, henna tree, 39. Messenger Bird, the, 364 and 364 n.; arrives at Shimoda, 331 ; Harris visits, 334; Harris's supplies from, 336; leaves Shimoda, 337. Meteorological instruments, 284 and 284 n. Miako, see Kyoto. Mikado, the, 518 and 518 n.; consent of, to Treaty, 560 and 560 n., See also Japan, Emperor of. Milk tree, 60. Miller, Mr. and Mrs., 23, 27. Minamoto Iyesada, 531 and 531 n. Minden, the, 187, 188. Mines, Harris discusses, with Somdet Oong Noy, 119. Minister of Foreign Affairs (Siamese), writes to Harris, 88. Minister of Foreign Affairs (Japanese), 199 and 199 n. Minister of Foreign Affairs, 208; Har- ris writes to, 247 n., 300 and 300 n.; Hotta, Prince of Bitchiu, created, 454; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Harris sends copy and translation of Presi- dent's letter to, 456; Harris visits, 484; Minister of Foreign Affairs, re- plies to Harris's speech, 486-487; Harris's third visit to, 497-498. Mirage, Harris describes, 20, 24. Missionaries, American, call on Harris at Bangkok, 106-107 and 107 n.; Baptist, Harris visits, 117, 118. Mississippi, the U. S. S., 3$ n. Mitchell, Mr., Sr., 48. Mitchell, T., 48. Mitford, Judge, 32, 34, 35. Money, Japanese, 226 and 226 n. Monkeys, 61. Montigny, Monsieur, 404 and 404 n. Montravel, Commodore, 78. Monument dedicated to the memory of Townsend Harris (illustration), 268. Moor, A. F., Portuguese Consul, calls on Harris, 109; Harris calls on, 117, 118. Moriyama Yenosuke, 226 and 226 n., 228-229, 234, 254, 255, 272, 286, 287, 293, 325, 336-337, 348, 351, 362, 370, 408, 475 n.; Harris sends him an Atlas, 232 and 232 n.; prophe- sies as to opening of Japan to world commerce, 269; spelling of his name, 269 n.; visits Harris, 279, 339-340, 342 and 342 n., 350 n.; promotion of, 322; converses with Harris, on sa- lutes, the Treaty, Japanese books, firearms, 344-345; brings Harris letter from Governors, 354 and 354 n.; brings Harris American gold, 359; brings Harris Dutch versions of Dutch Treaty, 368-369; brings Har- ris newspaper files, 405. Mosquitoes in Japan, 225. "Mount Ellenborough," Currier's bun- galow, 76. Mourning, Japanese laws of, 546. "Moving Sand Pillars," Harris de- scribes, 1 9-20. Murphy, Robert C, 51 and 51 n. Murray, Dr. David, 424 n., 474 n. My Novel, 37. Nagai, Prince of Gemba, 445. Nagasaki, Port of, open to American ships, 351. Nairne, Mr., 49. Nankin, the, 176 n. Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, extract from, 378 n. Narrative of the Japan Expedition, ex- tract from, 309 n-310 n. Nathan Dunn & Co., 178 n. Natural history specimens, Harris col- lects, 364 and 364 n. Nautical Almanac, Harris gives King of Siam, 162. Navy, Japanese, beginning of, 428. Neale, Frederick Arthur, 129; his book on Siam, 128 and 128 n. Neem tree (Persian lilac), 39. Negotiations with Japanese, first real day of Harris's, 207-208 and 208 n. Nepenthe (pitcher plant), the, 62. Netherlands, King of the, 428 n. 606 Netherlands, the, and Japan, Prelimin- ary Convention between, 221 n. New Englander and Yale Review, The, extract from article by John S. Se- wall in, 310. New Year, Chinese, 53-55. New Year, Japanese, 303, 535 n., 536. New York Times, publishes inaccurate copy of Harris's Treaty with Siam, 402-403. New York Tribune, article on building of Siamese steamer in, 91 n. Newcomes, The, 36. Nicholson, Captain W. C, of the Mis- sissippi, 35 n. Niigata, harbor of, offered to Harris, 519. Nipah palm, uses of, 97, 98. Nitobe, Dr. Inazo, x; quoted xi. No-Kami, defined, 254. Norimon, custom of search of, 420-421. Norimon bearers, Harris's, 413. Noma, the, 36, 68, 69, 70. Norris, Captain, of the Vectis, 30. North China Herald, sent to Harris, Nutmeg tree, 60. Nye, Captain, of the Pacific, 26. Oasaca, 370. See also Osaca. O'Halloran, J. 3$. Oliphant, Laurence, 377 n.; quoted, on Japanese arrangements for comfort of Europeans and Harris, 443 n. Olivuzza, the, 260, 284; 728, Harris goes on board the, 261. Omesaki, Cape (Cape Omaye), San Jacinto sights, on voyage to Japan, 199 and 199 n. Opening of places to Americans, 520. Opium, 288 n.; extract from article on, in Bowring's Treaty, 147 n.; Harris's Chinese servants take from Shimoda shops, 272-276. Oriental, the, 32, 45; Harris's fellow passengers on, 33-34. Osaca, agreement on opening of, 531- 532; Harris insists on opening of, 523; Harris for opening of, 528-529. Osada's Life of Takano Nagahide, quo- tation on Von Liebold from, 483 n. Osborne, Colonel, of the Madras Army, 27. Oude, King of, 72, 73. Oude, Kingdom of, 71-73; annexation of, to East India Company, 71-72 and 71 n. Outcasts, Japanese, 369-370. Overland Mail, Harris receives copy of, 411. Pacific, the, 29; Harris embarks on, 26. Paddy bird (white ibis), 92-93. Paknam, Governor of, 80-81. Palace, Emperor's, Harris describes, 470-471. Pallegoix, Jean Baptiste, Bishop of Mallos, Harris visits, 118; sends Harris his dictionary, 118 and 118 n. Palms, 41, sSy 97, i<»» 122. Palmer, Mrs. 48. Palmyra palm, 122. Pandamus spiralis, 100. Parker, Captain, of the Daniel Sharpe, 48, 70. Parker, Dr., Peter, 78 n., 166 and 166 n.; letter to Wang from, 179 n. Parkes, Mrs. Harry S., 137, n. Parkes, Sir Harry S., 68-69, 84, 89, 109, 117, 137 n., 142, 146 and 146 n.; discusses American Treaty with Siam with Harris, 89; salute for, 89; his letters annoy King of Siam, 106; wearies King of Siam with his letters, 139; after bringing back ratified copy of Bowring's Treaty, leaves Bangkok, 146 n. Patron Saint of Shimoda, anniversary of, 232-233. Paul Clifford, 37. Peacock, the, 158. Peasantry, Siamese, houses of, 98. Pekin, the, 18. Pelham, 37. Penang, Harris arrives at, on journey home in 1855, 17; Harris describes, 17-18; Harris arrives at, 47; churches in, 52; scenic effects in, 58-59; animals, 61-63; insects, 63; Harris describes thunderstorm at, 58-59; birds- in, 63-64; temperature in, 70, 73-74; sodomy in, 70-71. Pentateuch, the 44. Perry, Commodore, 14, 15, 79 n., 197 n., 200 n., 210 n., 309 n., 310, 406 n., 607 423, 43 J > 43 8 » 463, 5° 2 and 5° 2 n -» 506, 528, 529 n.; quoted on refusal to allow civilians to join his expedi- tion to Japan, 1-2; refuses to allow Townsend Harris to join Japan Expe- dition, 2; recommends Harris for consular post at Shimoda, 5-6; extract from letter from Harris to, 164 n; scene of his negotiations, 427, 434 n.; his first night in Japan, 435 and 435 n.; death of, 557 n. For Perry Treaty, see Treaty with Japan, Perry's. Perry's Japan Expedition, 5. Pheasant given to Harris by Japanese, 271 and 271 n. Phra Kalahom, 113 n., 116, 163; in- terest of, in American ships, 84-85; Harris calls on, 113-116; opposes Harris's Treaty, 147; advances prop- osition regarding Treaty, 1 50-1 51. See also Prime Minister of Japan. Phra Klang, 106, 116, 137 n., 143, 153; Parkes recommends Harris to apply for house of, 89; welcomes Harris, 102; brings Portuguese interpreter to Harris, 103-104 and 103 n.; ques- tions Harris as to his mission, 104; description of, in n.; Harris calls on, 111-112; sends letter to Marcy by Harris, 162. Phra Nai Wai, 83 and 83 n., 91, 95, 96; meets Harris at Bangkok, 94. Pierce, President Franklin, 10, 25 and 25 n., 78 and 78 n., 79 n., 117 n., 147 n., 160, 161, 164, 247 n., 313, 475, 477; nominates Harris American con- sul to Ningpo, China, 3; consults Perry as to best man for consular post at Shimoda, 5-6; letter from citizens of New York, to, recommend- ing Harris for post in Far East, 7-8; letter from John J. Cisco to, 8-9; extract from letter from, to Secre- tary Marcy, 11; letter from, to King of Siam, 131, 133 and 133 n.; text of, 565-566; nominates Harris Consul General for Japan, 172 n.; wishes to punish Harris for publication of Treaty with Siam in New York Times , 402-403; letter from, to the Emperor of Japan, 445 and 445 n.; text of letter, 576-577. Pigeons, Harris's, 273, 345, 347, 358. Pilots, Japanese, 200 n. Pique, the, 224 n. "Plum tree house," Harris describes, 453- Pluto, the, 70. Poem, Cingalese, translation of, 44-45. Point-de-Galle (Ceylon), Harris arrives at, on homeward journey, 1855, 18. Policemen, Japanese, 428, 431. Political economy, Harris teaches Jap- anese elements of, 490. Polyandry in Ceylon, Harris on, 39-40. Pope, Captain, John, 68 and 68 n., 70, 75- Porcelain, Japanese, 370-371. Porgy, the, 408. Porter, Mr., 85, 107. Portman, A. L. C, 368, 369 n. Ports, Japanese, opening of, 316 and 316 n. Portsmouth, the, 76 n., 350 n., 391 and 39 1 n -> 393 and 393 "•> 39®; arrival of, at Shimoda, 386 n., 387; Purser of the, brings money to Harris, 389. Portuguese Consul, granted audience with King of Siam, 146 n. Possiet, Captain Constantine, of the Olivuzza, 260 and 260 n., 263, 264, 265, 269, 271 n., 272 n., 276 n., 278 n., 279, 281 n., 282 and 282 n., 290 n.; brings Ratified Treaty from Rus- sia to Japan, 260; Harris's exchange of copies of treaties with, 262; visits Harris, 266, 277, 285; is requested by Governor of Shimoda to give or- ders that Russian officers shall not sleep on shore, 278; books given to Harris by, 280 n. Pottinger, Sir Henry, 69 n. Poutiatine Admiral, Count Euphemius, 201 n., 261 n., 328 n. Powhatan, the U. S. S., 48 n., 261 n. Prayer Book, Harris's, 270 n. Preble, the, 226 n. Presents, to King of Siam, Harris's, 91, 92; King of Siam's to Harris, 91; from Somdet Oong Noy to Harris, 122; from Second King of Siam to Harris, 122; for Kings of Siam, 124 and 124 m, 125-126; Harris's to the Kings of Siam, 133 n.; First King of Siam sends tamarinds to Harris, 1 52 n.; Harris's to King of Siam, and from 608 King of Siam to Harris, 162; from Second King of Siam to President Pierce 170, 175 and 175 n.; to Gov- ernors of Shimoda from Harris, 228; from Harris to Second Governor of Shimoda 256; from Governors of Shi- moda to Harris, 256; Possiet to Har- ris, 268; Harris to Possiet, 269-270; Harris to Korsacoff, 270; Japanese to Harris, 270; from Japanese to Harris, 271-272, 273; Russian to Harris, 274, and 274 n.; Japanese to Harris, 275, 280; Possiet to Harris, 280 n.; Harris's to Russian officers, 281-282; Harris to Mrs. Patrick Ste- wart, 288, 288 n., 289; Japanese to Harris, 305-306 and 305 n.; from five members of the Regency at Yedo to Harris, 310-31 1; Harris to First Governor 337; Harris to Captain Bell and Commodore Armstrong, 392; Harris to Emperor of Japan and Min- ister at Yedo, 399-400; to Harris on arrival at Yedo, 448-449, 450 and 450 n., 451; from Shogun to Harris, 468; from Harris to Emperor of Japan, 482 and 482 n.; from Harris to Minister for Foreign Affairs, 489 and 489 n- 490 n.; from Hotta to Harris, 494; Princes of Toke and Shinano to Har- ris, 494 and 494 n.; from Harris to Commissioners of Voyage, 504; Har- ris to Emperor of Japan, 504; Com- missioners to Harris, 504-505; from Japanese to Harris, 531; New Year, to Harris, ^ an d S3^ n J Shogun to Harris, 536; from Higo-no-Kami to Harris, 536 and 536 n; Toke to Harris, 544-545; Shinano to Harris, 545; for First King of Siam, list of, 566-567; for Second King of Siam, list of, 568-570. Priest, Japanese, Harris meets, on walk, 245-246. Prime Minister of Japan, Harris visits, 458-459; Harris's meeting with, 461- 464; Harris writes to, after audience at Yedo, 481-481 n. See also Phra Kalahom. Princes, Japanese, 454-455. Prison at Shimoda, Harris visits, 246. Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute, extract from, 309 n. Pronunciation of Japanese and Chinese, 300-301. Prow, defined, 57 n. Pruyn, Robert H., successor to Harris in Japan, 15. Quarries, 248-249. Radishes, Harris procures seeds of, 516-517. Railway, Egyptian, Harris travels on, 21-22. Rak-na, Harris describes, 137-138. Rattan, the, 59-60. Rawle, S. B., 169 and 169 n., 180. Reception of Harris by Siamese, 93- 94, 102. Red Sea, Harris describes sunsets in, 3*~33> Redfield, Heman J., 8, 175 and 175 n. Reed, Mr., 328, 328 n. Reed and Dougherty, 376 n.; sending away of, 348; charter the Caroline E. Foote, to carry supplies to American ships at Hakodate, 267; ordering away of, from Shimoda, 328-329 and 328 n. Regency at Yedo, signatures of mem- bers of, 311; Governors of Shimoda question Harris on letter from, 316. Regents, 340. Rehearsal of part at audience with Sho- gun, Harris declines, 472-473. Reminiscences of Townsend Harris, extract from, 236 n. Rent, Harris's, 347. Residence of American Minister in Yedo, 513; demand for, of Minister at Yedo, granted, 498; of American Ministers in Yedo, possible dangers arising from, 509-510; of Americans, 520-526, 530, 532; question of Harris's in Japan, 209, 212-213; in Yedo, Harris's, 442-444, 443 n. Residence rights, 317, 326, 334, 351- 3S*> Revenge, The, play by Dr. Young, 68. Rhio, Island of Bintang, Balestier nominated United States Consul for, 25 n. Rhodes, Captain, of the Anna Maria, 73- 609 Rice, E. E., 555 and 555 n.; extract from letter from Harris to, 85 n;. Har- ris receives letters from, 376 and 376 n.; Harris sends letter to, 392 n.; Harris receives letter from, 503; ex- tract from letter from, 503 n.; Harris writes to, 557 and 557 n.; extract from letter from Harris to, 574. Rice, 249, 251, 257, 258-259, 374. Richards, Mr., of the Spartan, 81. Rifle, first breech-loading Winchester made by Japanese, 529 n. Rioshen, Temple, 204, 205; suggested for Harris's residence, 206. Roberts, Edmund, 79 n., 145, 152, 153, 178 and 178 n. Robertson, S., congratulates Town- send Harris, 2. Rodgers, Lieutenant, 254 and 254 n., 328 and 328 n., 348. Roman Catholic Cochin-Chinese Col- lege, 52-53. Ronaine, Mr., 41. Ronin, see Loneen. Rose, Mrs., 48. RoseofShiraz, 61. Route to Yedo, 453-454. Royal Commission, 142. Royal Commission, Siamese, Chandler translates, 140. Royal Seat Siamese Steam Force > 162. Royal Umbrellas, 128. Ruparell, the, 168 n. Russell & Co., 184-185, 240, 389 n. Russia, Supplementary Treaty with, 410 n. Russian American Fur Company, 261 and 262 n. Russian officers, Harris offers services of his washman to, 265-266, 280- 281; their opinion of French and English soldiers, 268-269; dine with Harris, 273-274. Rutledge, Lieutenant, 130, 137. Sabbath, Harris's observance of the, 51, 122 and 122 n., 139, 140, 149, 206-207, 217, 270-271, 309, 337 and 337, n., 428, 432, 465 and 465 n., 487, 491, 496. "St. Anthony's Fire," Harris has, 291. St. George's Church, Penang, Harris attends, 51. Sak-kai, Japanese offer to open, 524- 525; Harris claims, 532. Salutes, in honor of Mr. Parkes, 89- 90; of American Flag, at Bangkok, 95; in honor of Fourth of July, 378; in honor of Harris, 92, 96, 135, 207- 208, 238, 268, 389-390; on signing of American Treaty with Siam, 156; on Washington's Birthday, 309-310 and 309 n.; Harris explains system of American, 344; in honor of Wash- ington's Birthday, 528, 541. Sam WilletSy the, 173. Samshew y defined, 54 n. San Jacinto y the Steam Frigate, 26 and 26 n., 28 and 28 n., 40, 53, 68, 74 and 74 n., 75 and 75 n., 76 and 76 n., 77, 78 n., 79 and 79 n., 83, 126 and 126 n., 159, 162-163, T 7 2 an d 172 n., 173, !74, 178, 179 and 179 n., 180, 182 n., 185 and 185 n., 186, 187, 192, 199 n., 200, 233, 234 n., 301 n., 359, 3 6 4, 3 86 > 387> 3&9> 39°; delayed in sailing for Japan, 176, 176 n.; Harris leaves, 224; leaves Japan, 225-226, 225 n.; Harris's anxiety over non- arrival of, 347, 350 and 350 n.; 357- 358, 357 n., 361 n., 365, 368, 377. Sandstone, 259-260. Saracen y the, 92 n. Schooner given by Russia to Japan, 260. Scorpion, care for bite of, 61. Scorpions, 62. Scott, Charles, 49, 70; Harris describes house of, 55. Scott, Walter, 49. Seal, Townsend Harris's, title-page. Seals, on document appointing Commis- sioners to negotiate Treaty, 146 n. Semple, Dr., 76 and 76 n., 137, 159. Senate Square, house falls in, 181. Sepoy Rebellion, 394 n. Servants, Harris's Chinese, 233, 346; Harris hires, 173, 175, 176; he com- plains of treatment of, 234-235; re- fused opium, 276; Harris's tailor, 288, 289; wages of, 343, 346; Harris pays accounts of, 373; Harris's Jap- anese, trouble in getting, 230-231, 232; hires another, 281; wages of, 281, 342, 343; requests silver ichibus for presents to, 291; his cook, 430. 6lO Settsu, rough draft of harbor of (draw- ing by Harris), 527. Seward, William H., Secretary of State, letter from, to Harris, 15-16; writes to Marcy, 323 n. Seymour, Sir Michael, Commander of the Barracouta, 85 n., 224 n., 388; captures Canton Forts, 244 n. Shamrocky the, 179, 180. Shanghai, high prices in, 173-174. Shaw, Mr., 55. Shimadzu Saburo, purchases the Fiery Cross, 51 n. Shimoda, view of, from Kakizaki (il- lustration), 212; U. S Consulate at, in 1856 (illustration), 226; bath houses in, 252; climate of, 242, 251, 275 n.; harbor of, survey of, 196-197 and 197 n.; Harris describes, 200; Harris visits prison at, 246; high prices in, 173-174; Japanese chronicle of Har- ris's arrival at, 200 n.; laboring classes at, 258; tidal wave destroys, 243- 244. Shimoda, Convention of, see Conven- tion of Shimoda. Shimoda, Governor of, 199 and 199 n., 205, 272 and 272 n.; sends officials to meet Harris, 200; postpones meet- ing with Harris, 207; sends presents to Commodore Armstrong 203; Har- ris meets, 207-208; breaks appoint- ment with Harris, 211; arranges to visit the San Jacinto, 216; requests Possiet to give orders that Russian officers shall not sleep on shore, 278. Shimoda, Governors of, 332, 338 n.; meetings with Harris of, 219-222, 296-299, 310-313, 3 2 °-3 2l > 347- 349, 394; Harris sends present to, 226; visit Harris, 253-254; visit the O/ivuzza 265; names of, 279 and 279 n.; limit of powers of, 315; Harris discusses treaties with, 315-320; Har- ris writes to, 337 n.; reply to Harris's letter on overcharges, 365-366, 36^ n.; of anniversary of their first visit to Harris, 407. Shimoda, new Governor of, arrives, 373. Shimoda, Third Governor of, 286, 287. Shimoda, Vice-Governor of, 208, 209, 232, 429, 430, 439; receives Harris, 207; Harris has unsatisfactory inter- view with, 209-210; breaks appoint- ment with Harris, 211; welcomes Harris to Japan, 224; visits Harris, 291, 295-296; attempts to search Harris's norimon on journey to Yedo, 420-421. Shinano-no-Kami, 222 and 222 n., 233, 427, 444 n., 445, 446, 447, 448, 458, 462, 472, 473, 482, 484, 488 n., 493, 559- Shinano visits the San Jacinto, 223; Harris wri tes to, on exchange of money, 233-234; makes tea for Harris, 307- 308; calls on Harris, 337; goes to Yedo, 380; returns from Yedo, 385 and 385 n.; welcomes Harris at Yedo, 442; expression of his friendship for Harris, 451; host to Harris, 454; visits Harris, 456, 494, 495, 496, 497, 504, 527, 535 and 535 n., 543, 545; at Har- ris's audience with Shogun, 474; com- pliments Harris after audience with Shogun, 481-482; his fears for Treaty, 527-528; assures Harris of Emperor's consent to Treaty, 543, offers proposed amendments to Treaty, 551; asks delay on Treaty, 561. See also Shimoda, Governor of, and Shimoda, Governors of. Shogun, appellations of, 406; ambas- sador from, to greet Harris on arrival at Yedo, 445; restricted power of, 448-449; date for Harris's audience with, fixed, 454 and 454 n.; his reply to Harris's address handed to Harris, 463; Harris goes to audience with, 468- 469; Japanese text of his speech at First Audience (illustration), 474; his reply to Harris's address, 475 and 475 n.; Harris describes his appear- ance at audience, 479-480; his answer to Harris, 497-499; family name of, 530 and 530 n.; titular brothers of, 550 and 550 n., ^3; concern of, over Harris's illness, 558 n. 559m Shomyo, 553, 554, ^' Ships, Siamese, 101-102. Shipbuilding, Dutch mechanics sent to Japan to teach, 239. Shiroyama, the mountain, 197 and 197 n. Shrike, 81. Siam, making of commercial treaty 6ll with, 25 and 25 n.; flag of, 84; tides, 86; Cambodia tributary to, 86; di- vorce in, 87; marriage in, 87; slavery in, 87-88, 89; sodomy in, 88; adultery in, 88. Siam, First King of, unfavorable mood of, 107, 137 n., 138; Harris sees letters of, 42; presents to Harris from, 91; presents from Harris to, 90-91; full name of younger brother of, 106 n.; refuses private interview to Harris, 109; Harris's audience with, post- poned, 123; Harris composes address to, 123; text of Harris's address to, 134; Harris's audience with, 129- 135; conversation with Harris, 135; gives festival, 137; Harris writes to, 139; Harris's opinion of, 145; signa- ture of, 146 n.; visits forts, 157; grants Harris audience of leave, 158; presents to Harris from, 162; list of presents for, 566-567. See also, Siam, Kings of. Siam, Second King of, no n., 137, 139 n., 146; sends letter and present to Harris, 109-1 10;. letter to Harris, no; holograph letter from (illustra- tion), no; sends Harris present, 122; Harris's audience with, 135-136; text of Harris's address to, 135-136; signature of, 146 n., visits forts in River Menam, 154; extract from letter to Commodore Perry from 156 n.-i57 n.; Harris visits, 158-159; presents for, from President Pierce, 170; presents to President Pierce from, 175 and 175 n.; list of presents for, 568-570. See also Siam, Kings of. Siam, Kings of, 84; Harris carries pres- ents for, 26; presents for, 28 n.; Harris's letters to, 84 n.; names of, in Harris's treaty, 84 n.; Harris's audiences with, 129-136. See also Siam, King of, and Siam, Second King of. Siam, Prime Minister of, visits the San Jacinto, 83-85. Siamese, the, Harris's opinion of, 153. Siamese customs, Harris describes, 143, 144. Siamese ideas on reciprocity, 1 50-1 51. Siamese Steam Fleet, The, 83. Siamese Steam Force, The, 91, 137. Signal Hill, ships sighted from, 330- W, 3*J, 385-386. Simonoski, 341. Singapore, Balestier nominated United States Consul for, 25 n.; Harris ar- rives at, in 1856, 77. Singapore, the, Harris goes aboard, 18. Singapore Free Press, Harris receives files of, 405. Siva, 253. Ske-zo, Heusken's servant, 234. Slavery, in Siam, 87-88, 89; Harris's interest in, 87 n. Slidell, John, 391 n. Smith, the Rev. Samuel J., 107, 107 n., Harris attends divine worship at house of, 140. Smith, William, Captain of the Levant, 107, 166. Snakes, 62, 79. Snake story told by Bishop of Batavia, 46. Snipe, 63. Sodomy in the East, 70; in Siam, 88. Soembing, the, 428 and 428 n., 438. Somdet Oong Noy, Harris visits, 117; visits Harris, 11 8-1 20; described by Sir John Bowring, 118 n.; recom- mends Dr. Mattoon for American Consul, 121; sends present to Har- ris, 122; favorably impressed by Har- ris, 125. Somdet Phra Paramendr Maha Mong- kut, Major King of Siam, 132. Somdet Pia Yumarat, 160 and 160 n.; Harris visits, 117-118. Sonnerkalb, H., 3^, 40, 41. Spalding, J. W., 229 and 229 n. Spark, the, 168, 185. Spartan, the, 92 and 92 n. Spooner, Daniel N., 184 and 184 n. Spooner, Mrs. E. E., 180, 184, 185. Spooner, Mrs. S. N., 360. Spottiswoode, Colonel Arthur Cole, 33 and 33 n. Spruce trees, 204. "Star-Spangled Banner, The," 187- 188 and 188 n. State Umbrellas, 86, 132-133, 141. Statistics of the United States, Harris gives Somdet Oong Noy, 119. Stevens, W. D., 424 n.~425 n. 6l2 Stewart, Patrick, 169 and 169 n., 180, 276 n., 282 and 282 n. Stewart, Mrs. Patrick, 288 n. Stick insect, 63. Stirling, Mr., 32. Stirling, Mrs., 32. Stirling, Miss, 32. Stirling, Sir James, 81 n. Stone, Mr., of King & Co., 80, 102. Storks, 435~43 6 - Stove, Harris's American, 256-257, 259. Strachan, Mr., 166, 187. Strawberries, Japanese, 368. Sugar, Harris discusses, with Somdet Oong Noy, 1 19-120. Suite, list of Harris's, 105. Sulphur spring near Shimoda, 258. Susquehanna, the, 406, 431. Sweet potatoes, in Japan, 251. Swords, presented to Harris by Japan- ese, 305-306 and 305 n. Syces, definition of, 47 n. Syle, the Rev. E. W., 397 n. Tailor, Harris's Chinese, 187, 227, 236 n., 288, 289. Ta-ki-so, Harris's servant, 234. Tariff, Commissioners send Harris proposition on, 554; Harris discusses, with Commissioners, 555. Tattnall, Commodore Josiah, 85 n. Tea, 61. Tea-making, Harris describes, 307- 308. Tea ceremony, 461. Tea gruel, 469, 477. Telford, the Rev. Robert, 107 and 107 n., 152; Harris breakfasts with, 142; Harris attends divine worship at home of, 149. Temples, Japanese, 414, 419, 434; Harris visits, 205-206. Tete de tnort spider, 227. Thackeray, William Makepeace, Har- ris comments on works of, 35. Thermometer in Bangkok, 90. Thermometer given to Harris by Cap- tain Possiet, 274. Thunderstorm, 229-230; at Penang, Harris describes, 58-59; over Bang- kok, Harris describes, 90. Time, Japanese divisions of, 355-356. Times, the London, 50 n. Timor, Governor of, 46. Tison, Alexander, President of the Japan Society, acknowledgment to, x. Toke, Prince of Tamba, 444 and 444 "•; 449> 45°> anc j 45© n.; 460; spokesman for "Commissioners," 448; irrival of, at "visit of ceremony," 449-450; visits Harris on New Year's Day, 494. Toko Juro, 252. Tokugawa, Head of the House of, reproduction of scroll by, facing vi; acknowledgment to, x. Tombs, Major Sir Henry, 33 and 33 n. Tonnage, Japanese, 287. Topping, W. H., 4, 14; note of congrat- ulation from, to Harris, 13. Torture, in Japan, 484. Toucan, 63. Townsend, Isaac, 8. Townsend Harris Endowment Fund Committee, acknowledgment to mem- bers of, x. Townsend Harris, extract from, on custom of trampling on the Cross, 486. Townsend Harris Hall, reason for name of, vii. Townsend Harris Hall High School, bronze tablet by Albert P. D'Andrea unveiled at, frontispiece. Trays, used at dinner to Harris, 481; to carry presents for the Shogun, 482 and 482 n. Treaties of the United States with For- eign Nations, Vice-Governor of Shi- moda borrows, from Harris, 246. Treaty with Japan, Dutch, 221 n., 341 n., 394 n., 410, 506 and 506 n., 512, 521 and 521 n.; extracts from, 317 n., 318 n.; Dutch, dispute as to ex- istence of, 318, 319 and 319 n., 332- 222; Additional Articles to, 410 and 410 n. Treaty with Japan, Townsend Harris's, 74 n., 263, 288 n., 316; draft of, to be handed the Commissioners, 499- 500; Harris hands Commissioners Dutch translation of, 502; Harris's, translation of, 502-503; Japanese sug- gest three-year suspension of, 513- 613 514; ratification of, 530-531; opening of various places, dates of, 532; trade regulations, 533; tariff, 534, 552; Japanese wish to delay signing of, 538-540; Harris refuses to accept delay, 540; letter pledging execution of, 546 n.; final consideration of, 547; Preamble of, 505, 51 4; acceptance of Article II, 515; opening of negotia- tions for, 505; Harris's reply to Jap- anese discourse on, 507, 508; Shogun favors, 549; Shinano-no-Kami offers proposed amendments to, 551; Har- ris agrees to adoption of reasonable or necessary amendments to, 551- 552; agreements on, 552; Harris gives clean copy of, to Japanese, 556 and 556 n.; signed by Harris, 557 n.; date fixed for signing of, 561. Treaty of Amity and Commerce Be- tween the United States and Japan, text of, 578-589. Treaty with Japan, Perry's, 5, 104 and 104 n., 209, 221 n., 261 n., 267 n., 278 n., 316 and 316 n., 339 and 339 n., 421 and 421 n., 445 n., 507; a "wood and water" treaty, 7; ex- tract from, 209 n.; Additional Ar- ticles to, 210 and 210 n.; Additional Articles to, 282 and 282 n.; Harris complains of breach of, 297; extract from, 317 n-318 n.; Secretary Marcy suggests additional article to, 327 n.; Japanese version of Article VII of, 328. Treaty with Japan, Russian, 221, 260, 261 n., 265, 266 n., 278 n., 285, 286, 316 and 316 n., 321 n., 328 n., 448 and 448 n., 506 and 506 n.; 521 and 521 n.; trade regulations in, 533 and 533 n. Treaty with the Japanese, Admiral Stirling's, 81. Treaty of Kanagawa, see Treaty with Japan, Perry's. Treaty with Siam, Sir John Bowring's, 51 n., 69 and 69 n., 78 n., 146 n., 151; article on opium in, 147 n. Treaty with Siam, French mission con- cludes, 176 n. Treaty with Siam, Harris's, 78 n., 79 n., 172 n.; Parkes and Harris discuss, 89; Phra Klang makes suggestion regarding, no; Harris talks of, with Prime Minister of Siam, 114-115; Harris intends to bring leasing of Siamese mines into, 119; delays over, 140 and 140 n.; Harris completes pro forma of, 1 42-1 43; clauses in, promising American aid to Siamese vessels, 147 n.; substance of amend- ments to, 147 and 147 n., 148 and 148 n.; Harris's, reason given for rejection by Siamese of amendments to, 148-149; Harris's, Prince Wong Sa wishes to have "farrago of non- sense" inserted in, 150; Phra Kal- ahom advances proposition regard- ing, 1 50-151; Harris's, Wong Sa wants to change preamble to, 153; signing of, 156; ratification of, 335 n., 390 and 390 n., 391 n.; ratifications exchanged, 374 n.; successful work- ing of, 391; inaccurate copy of, ap- pears in New York Times, 402-403; Siamese ask for English version of, 404. Treaty with Siam, Mr. Roberts's, 148 and 1 48 n.; Mr. Roberts's, Americans in error with regard to concessions secured by, 149-150; Preamble to, 152 and 152 n. Treaty of Peace between France, Eng- land and Russia signed, 70. Treaty Commissioners, 500-501 and 501 n.; See also Shinano-no-Kami and Higo-no-Kami. Trees, 39, 45, 55, 60, 97, 100, 202, 244, 250, 259, 33$, 341, 37i, 372, 414, 4 1 5» 4i9, 421, 4 2 7» 43 6 > 453- Tribune, New York, 26 n. Troplong, Mr., 169, 181. T'sukagosi, Tooske, 445. Tsutsu, Prince of Hizen, 444 n., 448 and 448 n. Tuckerman, Charles K., 55. Tulasi, legend of, 38. Tutsi, sacred Hindu plant, 38. Turner, C, 175. Twiss, Horace, 45 and 45 n. Twiss, Quintin William Francis, 45 n. Twiss, Captain, R. A., 39 and 39 n., 175. Tycoon, see Shogun. Tykoon, see Tycoon and Shogun. 614 Tyler, Lieutenant, 75, 130-131. Typhoons, Harris describes, 237-138, 283 and 283 n., 419. Udono, Mimbosioyu, 445 and 445 n., 448. Udumber, Cingalese tree, 45. Unbroken Ways in South Japan, quota- tion from on first breech-loading Win- chester rifle made by Japanese, 529 n. Uniform, description of Harris's, at Court of Bangkok, 28 n. Uniforms, worn at audience with Sho- gun, 468. United States Surveying Expedition to the North Pacific Ocean, comman- der and ships of, 254 n. Van den Heuvel, Mr., 131, 137. Vandalia, the, 68 n. Vanderspaar, Captain, 2 Si 4°« Vectis, the, 30. Verbeck 0/ Japan, extract from, on Japanese custom of trampling on the Cross, 467 n. Vesey, William H., 29 and 29 n. Victoria, Queen, 81 n., 164 n., 260 n. Vincennes, the, 328 n. Vixen, the, 166 n. Volcano, on Oshima, 243. Von Siebold, Dr. Philipp Franz, 188- 189 and 188 n., 482; quotation from Osadas Life of Takano Nagahide on, 483 n. Vreeland, Mrs. Helen Kearny Harris, 271 n. Walker, Judge, 56. Walker, Mr., 46. Walker, Mrs., 55. Walks, Harris's, 235-237, 243-244, 245, 248-251, 257-258, 259, 304, 371, 372; statues seen on, 252-253. Wallace, Mrs., 48. Wang, Viceroy of Min and Cheh Prov- inces, letter from, to Commissioner Parker, 179 n. Washington, George, Japanese knowl- edge of, 310 n. Washington's Birthday, salutes on, 309- 310 and 309 n. Wat, meaning of, 139. Water mills, 249. Wats, Harris describes, 127-128; Harris visits, 141-142. Weather, Harris's comments on, 18; 19, 29, 56, 79, 90, 123, 167, 168, 169, 171, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 194, 195, *$& 197, 198, 199, 200-201, 206, 215, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, *33, 235, 2 37" 2 38, 243, 248, 256, 257, 265, 269, 285, 286, 290, 293, 296, 304, 337-338, 342, 35 1 , 354, 359, 3^5, 367-368, 378, 382-383, 385 and 385 n., 397 and 397 n., 407, 465, 557. Webster, Mr., 13. Weeks, Captain, of the Euxine, 22. West, Captain, of the Atlantic, 23. Westward Ho! 37. Wetmore, General Prosper M., 4, 10, 13, 23 n., 50 and 50 n., 75, 172, 278; recommends Harris to William L. Marcy, for consular office, 3; Marcy writes to, on Harris's appointment as Consul to Japan, 11-12; Harris gets letters from, 401. Wetmore, L. Sheppard, 178 n. Wetmore, Samuel, 178 n. Wetmore, William S., 178 n. Wetmore & Co., 47 n.; failure of, 178 and 178 n. Wetmore, Williams & Co., 178 n. Wheat harvest, 366. White, Mr., 74. White elephant, Harris presents model of to Catherine Ann Drinker, 177 n. Whiton, Mrs. Henry Devereux, 271 n. Whittemore, Mr. and Mrs., 23, 27. "Wildcat" brought to Harris by Chinaman, 1 70-1 71. Willamette, the, 176 and 176 n. Williams, the Rev. Mr., 140. Williamson, Mr., 146. Williamson, Lieutenant, 137. Wilson, Daniel, Lord Bishop of Cal- cutta, 75-76 and 75 n. Winchester, the, 224 n. Wind Table, 397 n. Winthrop, William, 30; appointments of, 30 n. Withers, R., 8. Women, Siamese, 95. Wong Sa, Prince, 142, 148, I49 n., 151, *53» J 54, 155; Harris visits, 150; sends Harris present of sugar, 118; 615 Harris discusses Treaty with Siam with. 120-121; Harris calls on, 125; Harris dines with, 136 and 136 n. Wood, William Maxwell, 75 and 75 n., in, 113, 124, 130, 180, 190, 199, 220; Harris dines with, 127; quoted on Harris's first visit to Japan, 204 n. story told by, illustrating determina- tion of Japanese authorities to pre- vent avoidable intercourse with Amer- icans, 215. Worth, Captain A. J., of the Caroline E. Foote, 328 n. Wrecks of junks, see Junks. Yacht Emperor given to Shogun by Queen Victoria, 260 n. Yeast, 37. Yedo, Harris refuses to negotiate with official from, 211; statistics of, 263; Governors of Shimoda return from, 305; Harris receives answer to his two letters to, 311; Harris to go to, to present to the Shogun letter from President of the United States to the Emperor, 394; arrangements for Harris's visit to, 395-396; prepara- tions for Harris's visit to, 399-400, preparations for Harris's journey to, 409-41 o; Harris starts on journey to, 411 n.; Harris's journey to, 411-442; Dutch route to, 417; Japanese prep- arations for Harris's visit to, 424 and 424 n. -425 n.; Japanese prepara- tions for Harris's journey to, 433-434; Harris's entry into, 436-442; Harris welcomed at by Shinano-no-Kami, 442; arrangements for Harris's meals at, 446; distances of Harris's route to, from Shimoda, 446-447, 446 n.; Harris explains object of his visit to, 451-452; dangers threatening Harris on visit to, 456-458, and 458 n.; map of, given to Harris, 491; Harris passes Christmas in, 492; letter writ- ten by Hotta, Bitchiu-no-Kami, to Harris (illustration), 494; Jap- anese offer to open, 520; Harris's proposition on opening of, 523; fire in, 553- Yokushen, see Gyokusen-ji. Young, Dr., 68 n. Ziogoon, see Shogun. 616 oo . w UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA B.H316C1C C001 THE COMPLETE JOURNAL OF TOWNSEND HARRIS III III llllillL ■ lii "IIL imp I