5 C | GiO< S<+jioih STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS Charles A. Ross ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY John C. Frye, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 351 1963 ifHil ILUN01S GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY m 5 WW STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS Charles A. Ross ABSTRACT New observations from field relations and surface and subsurface data in southernmost Illinois suggest that several episodes of recurrent faulting along the. fault system cutting the Paleozoic rocks have displaced Cretaceous and younger strata. Isopachous and structural contour maps of post-Paleozoic sedi- ments and a pre-Cretaceous geologic map based on the availa- ble data suggest that a late Cretaceous episode of renewed fault- ing caused the downward displacement of the America Graben and the Dixon Springs Graben. Another episode of faulting caused additional downward movement on the America Graben after Eocene deposition. Faulting and associated earthquakes along this sys- tem of faulting in historic times suggest that some anomalies in the "Lafayette" Gravel may be the result of continued warping and faulting in this area. This study suggests that the surface upon which the Cretaceous was deposited was one of relatively low relief and that the present relief is largely the result of later movements of the faulted blocks of Paleozoic rocks underlying the area. INTRODUCTION The tip of Illinois south of the broad valley drained by Cache Creek and Bay Creek (fig. 1) is an area where the resistant Paleozoic rocks that dominate the geology of the area to the north are covered by a relatively thin veneer of younger, unconsolidated strata that are part of the Mississippi Embayment sediments that thicken southward. Thus, the southernmost tip of Illinois is of considerable geo- logical interest because it is the meeting ground of these two distinctly different kinds of sediments of which the younger unconsolidated sediments are not found farther north in Illinois. However, the repeated faulting and buckling that can be interpreted from the younger sediments in southernmost Illinois appear to be direct- ly related to the structural framework of the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District that lies to the northeast and to the zone of faulting that cuts across the southern end of the petroleum -rich Illinois Basin. 1 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 The southern tip of Illinois is covered by unconsolidated sands and clays of late Cretaceous and early Tertiary age (Lamar and Sutton, 1930; Pryor, 1960; Pryor and Glass, 1961; Pryor and Ross, 1962) that form the head of the Mississippi Embayment (fig. 2). This embayment is along a broad, nearly symmetrical syncline, called the Embayment Syncline, that plunges toward the Gulf of Mexico and that lies between the Nashville Dome on the east and the Ozark Uplift on the west. It extends across the Pascola Arch, and its northern boundary laps onto the southern end of the Illinois Basin. The Embayment Syncline is the youngest of the major tectonic features in this area and dates from late Cretaceous time. It is bounded on the south by the Monroe Uplift and Jackson Dome. The Embayment sediments conceal a beveled northwest trending structural arch of late Paleozoic age to which the name Pascola Arch (Grohskopf, 1955) is ascribed and which connects the Ozark Uplift and the Nashville Dome. The Embayment sediments form a wedge of deposits that thicken southward from an erosional edge in southern Illinois to more than 3000 feet near Memphis, Tennessee (Stearns, 1958; Steams and Marcher, 1962). These shallow marine sed- iments originally extended a few miles farther northward, but they have been eroded to their present position and are now found at elevations as high as 500 feet above sea level in southernmost Illinois. This implies considerable uplift of the Missis- sippi Embayment area since deposition of the sediments. In this report several working hypotheses that generally have been followed in earlier interpretations of the northern part of the Mississippi Embayment Area and the southern part of Illinois are reexamined. The first of these hypotheses holds that the faults cutting the Paleozoic rocks in southern Illinois are post- Pennsylvanian — pre-late Cretaceous in age and that the Cretaceous rocks are not 1 - Physiographic map of the southern tip of Illinois and adjacent areas show- ing the uplands. The portion of Illinois outlined by rectangle is area in which exposures and well records were studied for this report. STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 3 faulted. If there has been renewed movement along some of these faults, as is suggested in this report, a second hypothesis that holds that the relief on the sub- Cretaceous surface is entirely pre-Cretaceous erosional relief also needs to be reexamined. It is suggested here that much of the relief is related to faulting which postdates the deposition of the Cretaceous and which, in part, postdates the dep- osition of the Eocene. As shown by Moneymaker (1960, p. 2022), Stearns and Marcher (1962, p. 1939), and McGinnis (1963), the Mississippi Valley from Cairo southward to Mem- phis (essentially the axis of the Embayment Syncline) has been the site of numerous recorded earthquakes, and locally, as near Reelfoot Lake, faults have displaced Recent alluvial terraces (Fuller, 1919). The implications, when viewed in the light of the structure of southern Illinois, suggest that the fault system, which cuts the Paleozoic strata at the head of the Embayment, extends for a considerable distance southwestward beneath the Embayment sediments and has remained active to the present. This suggests the possibility that some of the locally anomalous levels Fig. 2 - Generalized tectonic and structural map of the Mississippi Embayment area and adjacent tectonic features. (Adapted from the "Tectonic Map of the United Ststes, " 19 62). Zones of bending and faulting within the Embay- ment Syncline are those suggested by Stearns and Marcher, 1962, p. 1391. Diagonal shading outlines area of Pennsylvanian outcrops. 4 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 of the "Lafayette" Gravels may also be the result of renewed movements along part of this fault system. Acknowledgments This study is partly an outgrowth of recent quadrangle mapping in the Padu- cah and Smithland Quadrangles (Ross, in preparation), and the Illinois parts of the Cairo, LaCenter, and Thebes Quadrangles (Pryor and Ross, 1962), which together form the five southern quadrangles in Illinois. I am indebted to J. C. Frye and H. B. Willman for their enthusiasm, valuable suggestions, and pertinent discussion concerning many of the various problems and questions connected with the study. I am grateful also to Elwood Atherton, J. E. Lamar, J. W. Baxter, and D. H. Swann for many helpful discussions about the stratigraphy of the area, and to W. A. Pryor, Gulf Research Corporation, T. W. Lambert, U. S. Geological Survey, and G. A. Desborough, University of Wisconsin, for helpful discussion during the field work. B. C. Moneymaker, Tennessee Valley Authority, kindly made available test boring information for a number of areas along the Ohio River. STRATIGRAPHY The general stratigraphic succession of southernmost Illinois is shown in figure 3. In contrast, the Paleozoic rocks that underlie the unconsolidated Creta- ceous and younger sediments are competent strata that form the "basement" of the north end of the Mississippi Embayment. Cambrian and early Ordovician (Canadian) rocks are penetrated by only a few wells in southernmost Illinois and their distri- bution and stratigraphy is not thoroughly known. They are believed to be 4000 to 4500 feet in combined thickness and are overlain by almost 5600 feet of younger Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian strata. The overlying Creta- ceous strata are locally about 500 feet thick, and the early Tertiary strata are lo- cally about 400 feet thick. The late Tertiary (Pliocene) gravels may reach 50 feet in thickness, and the Quaternary Pleistocene valley-fill deposits are locally 250 feet thick. Paleozoic Strata Ordovician System The oldest strata encountered beneath the Cretaceous in southernmost Illi- nois belong to the Kimmswick Limestone of the Champlainian Series. The Kimms- wick is composed of coarse, light-colored fossil fragments in a coarsely crystalline calcite cement, and it has thin bands of dark chert (Pryor and Ross, 1962, p. 4). Overlying the Kimmswick is the finer-grained Cape Limestone that is 8 to 10 feet thick in its outcrop area along the Mississippi River bluffs. The Cape Limestone passes conformably upwards into 150 to 220 feet of shale and siltstone of the Maquoketa Group, which forms the top of the Cinncinnatian Series in this area. STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS QUATERNARY PLEISTOCENE CHESTERIAN MISSISSIPPIAN VALMEYERAN KINDERHOOKIAN STE. GENEVIEVE £i^fe: NEW ALBANY ALTO-LINGLE GRAND TOWER DUTCH CREEK CLEAR CREEK MOCCASIN SPRINGS SEXTON CREEK ALEXANDRIAN CHAMPLAINIAN Fig. 3 - Sequence of strata underlying southernmost Illinois. 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 Silurian System The lowest formation of the Silurian Alexandrian Series is the Girardeau Limestone, a very fine-grained, sublithographic limestone that is medium gray and grades downward into the underlying Maquoketa Group. The Girardeau is irregular in distribution and forms lenses on the top of the underlying Maquoketa Group. The Girardeau is assigned to the Silurian on the basis on Savage's (1913) study of its fauna (Pryor and Ross," 1962, p. 10). The Edgewood Formation lies unconformable above the Girardeau and thick- ens and thins from to 15 feet filling depressions on an irregular erosional surface. The Edgewood is a silty and dolomitic limestone. Overlying and locally overlapping the Edgewood are 20 to 50 feet of dolomitic, cherty, fine-grained, fossil-debris limestone of the Sexton Creek Formation. This widespread unit commonly contains glauconite and green shale partings. The Niagaran Series is divided into the St. Clair Limestone at the base and the Moccasin Springs Formation above. In the area of outcrop along the Mississippi River bluffs, the St. Clair is a 50- to 80 -foot, pink to red, fine-grained limestone and shale containing fossil fragments and is separated from the underlying Sexton Creek Limestone by a 1- to 6-inch bed of green silty shale. The upper part of the St. Clair consists of 30 to 40 feet of red-brown and green-gray calcareous shales and shaly limestone. The overlying Moccasin Springs Formation is a green calcar- eous shale about 100 feet thick with limestone lenses in its upper part. It passes conformably through several feet of transitional beds into the overlying early De- vonian Bailey Limestone. Devonian System In the western part of the area the Lower Devonian is made up of the Bailey Limestone, a limestone with considerable amounts of siliceous silt and interbedded siltstone and chert (Lamar, 1953; Pryor and Ross, 1962). It reaches 350 to 700 feet in thickness and passes gradationally into the overlying Clear Creek Chert. In outcrop, particularly near the major fault zones, the Bailey is silicified and little limestone remains. The Middle Devonian Clear Creek Chert has more mas- sive chert beds and is about 300 feet thick. The Backbone Limestone, which far- ther north near Grand Tower separates this chert from the underlying massive cherty upper part of the Bailey Formations, is absent in the southern part of the outcrop belt, and the name Clear Creek is commonly applied to the entire succession of massive-bedded cherts in many well sample studies in Alexander and Pulaski Counties. The Dutch Creek Sandstone is up to 10 feet thick and has a major uncon- formity at its base. It passes upward into the Grand Tower Limestone, which is gray massive-bedded, and 120 feet thick. The subsurface distribution of the Grand Tower is not thoroughly known in southernmost Illinois. It thins southward from its type area, apparently as a result of erosion, and is missing in the outcrop belt south of Jonesboro. However, it is present in some wells in the LaCenter and Paducah Quadrangles to the southeast. Above the Grand Tower in outcrops in the western part of the area, thin shale, sandstone, and limestone, which may reach 50 feet in thickness, are complexly intertongued in the Alto-Lingle Formation. In the LaCenter and Paducah Quadrangles, well records indicate that the Alto-Lingle thickens to as much as 80 feet. The Upper Devonian includes most of the New Albany Shale Formation (Workman and Gillette, 1956), which thickens eastward from about 80 feet in the outcrop belt to over 300 feet in the Paducah Quadrangle. STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 7 Mississippian System The early Mississippian Kinderhookian Series is thin, about 5 feet thick, and includes the upper part of the New Albany Shale and the thin, brown, silty, dolomitic Chouteau Limestone (Buschbach, 1952). The lower part of the middle Mississippian Valmeyeran Series, the Osage Group, consists of three intertonguing and gradational rock types: the shaly, calcareous, siliceous Borden Siltstone at the base; the silty, calcareous Ft. Payne Chert; and the light gray, crinoidal- fragmental Harrodsburg Limestone. This sequence thickens from about 600 feet in the western outcrop belt to over 800 feet in the subsurface of the Paducah Quad- rangle. In general the siltstone forms the lower part of the succession, the chert the middle part, and the limestone the upper part. The upper part of the Valmeyeran Series, the Meramec Group, consists of (1) the Salem Limestone, a fine-grained, dark, dolomitic limestone in its lower 300 feet and a brown, fossiliferous lime- stone with scattered oolites in its upper 400 feet (table 1); (2) the St. Louis Lime- stone, a dark gray, medium-grained limestone with bands of fossil fragments about 350 to 400 feet thick; and (3) the Ste. Genevieve Limestone (Lamar, 1959), about 200 feet thick, generally a light gray, coarse-grained limestone with sandstone lenses, particularly in its upper part. The late Mississippian Chesterian Series is about 1000 feet thick and con- sists of about 12 alternations of sandstone, shale, and limestone in nearly cyclic repetition (Weller, 1920; Weller and Sutton, 1940; Lamar, 1925, p. 26-77). Ches- terian sediments grade into the underlying Ste. Genevieve Limestone and the series is unconformably overlain by Pennsylvanian sediments. Pennsylvanian System Although not found south of the Cache Valley in southern Illinois, Pennsyl- vanian sediments unconformably overlie Chesterian strata (Siever, 19 51) to the north and to the east across the Ohio River in Kentucky. In the Shelterville Quad- rangle in Kentucky, the Rock Creek Graben exposes shale, siltstone, and sand- stone units of the Caseyville Formation. Mesozoic Strata Pre -Cretaceous Unconformity The rocks immediately underlying Cretaceous strata commonly have a well- defined weathered zone called the Little Bear Soil with bands and nodules of limo- nite or hematite in residual carbonaceous clay (Pryor and Ross, 19 62). Because it is widespread ( see fig. 8), this soil profile forms an extremely valuable marker bed. It is developed on strata from Mississippian to Ordovician in age. Cretaceous In southernmost Illinois, the Tuscaloosa Formation overlies the Little Bear Soil, or in its absence, unweathered Paleozoic strata. The Tuscaloosa is thin and is composed of multicolored clays, coarse sands, and gravels consisting of black and gray chert pebbles. It locally thickens to about 20 feet. The local thickening and the extensive occurrence of the Little Bear Soil suggest that the Tuscaloosa filled shallowdepressions on an otherwise fairly smooth erosion surface. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 Summary of log of Rigney & Dodson Oil Company, J. H. Lewis no. 1, SW%, SW%, NE%, sec. 18, T. 16 S., R. 7 E., Pope County. Samples studied from 60 to 971 feet by E. Atherton, drillers logs from 1400-4100 feet. Elevation 351 feet. No samples Recent alluvium and Pliocene "Lafayette" Gravel Mississippian System Meramec Group Salem Limestone Limestone, dark gray to brown, sublitho- graphic, cherty; trace of oolite near base Limestone, dark gray to brown, fine to coarse grained, cherty, fossiliferous (possibly includes some Harrodsburg) Osage Group Harrodsburg Limestone Limestone, light gray, fine to coarse grained, fossiliferous, cherty near base Ft. Payne Chert Limestone, brownish gray, cherty to very cherty, very silty, fine to coarse grained, fossiliferous Limestone, brownish gray, cherty, mostly coarse grained, fossiliferous; some parts are mostly chert Limestone, black to dark gray, silicified, very cherty, fine grained No record Borden Siltstone Limestone, dark gray to black, silicified, silty, gray near base Devonian System New Albany Formation Shale, black and dark gray Devonian (undifferentiated) Limestone and dolomite, gray to light gray; salt at base Limestone, light gray, cherty Limestone, sandy Limestone, silicified Devonian, Silurian, and Ordovician (?) Limestone, sandy Ordovician System Maquoketa Group (undifferentiated) Shale, gray; contains thin lens of limestone Galena Group Kimmswick Limestone Limestone, light to medium gray 429 130 492 128 373 1400 1530 1925 2417 2545 2918 3520 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 9 The concept of a large amount of relief on the pre-Tuscaloosa surface, which is commonly suggested to account for the marked differential thickness of Cretaceous strata (Pryor and Ross, 1962, p. 17), is now questioned because the basal Creta- ceous gravels are widespread (see fig. 8) and are not marked by locally thick depo- sits, and numerous gravel lenses are not found in the overlying McNairy Formation. Where thick, the Tuscaloosa is predominantly gravel, and where thin, it is clay and sand with scattered chert pebbles. Marcher (19 61) and Marcher and Stearns (1962) show the Tuscaloosa thickening eastward from the eroded and beveled Pas- cola Arch in western Tennessee (fig. 2) and passing into near- shore marine deposits near the eastern edge of its present outcrop area in Tennessee. East of Metropolis, it locally grades vertically into the McNairy Formation through several feet of coarse and fine sand beds. The McNairy Formation, where protected by overlying sediments, may reach 500 feet in thickness, but it thins irregularly from its area of thickest deposition near Olmstead. It is composed of very fine sand, silt, and clay (Lamar, 1948; Lamar and Sutton, 1930; Potter and Pryor, 1961; Pryor, 1956, 1960; Pryor and Glass, 1961) and near the middle has a lignitic pyritic member about 175 feet above its base. The Owl Creek Formation, which disconformably overlies the McNairy, is about 15 feet thick fn southernmost Illinois. It is a glauconitic, micaceous, green- gray clay (Pryor, 19 60) . Cenozoic Strata Tertiary— Paleocene Series In southernmost Illinois the Paleocene Series consists of the Clayton and Porters Creek Formations. The Clayton is a light to dark green, glauconitic clay with sand, and it has scattered pebbles in its lower foot. It is 10 to 20 feet thick and is quite uniform in thickness in its area of distribution. The Porters Creek Formation conformably overlies the Clayton and is composed predominantly of \- to 2 -foot beds of dark gray to buff-colored banded clays that reach a thickness of nearly 170 feet (Lamar, 1928; Pryor and Glass, 19 61; Pryor and Ross, 1962). Tertiary— Eocene Series The Eocene Series consists of the Wilcox Formation, which unconformably overlies the Porters Creek Formation and which in turn is unconformably overlain by Pliocene gravels and Pleistocene deposits. It reaches about 250 feet in thick- ness beneath Cairo and is composed of interbedded, micaceous, lignitic clays and fine sands (Shrode and Lamar, 1953; Pryor and Ross, 19 62). Tertiary— Pliocene Series The Pliocene Series is represented by the "Lafayette" Gravel, a chert gravel that commonly reaches 30 to 40 feet in thickness. It is commonly cemented by limonite and hematite, which give the gravel a distinctive brown, red, or orange coloration. The pebbles and cobbles are up to 3 inches in diameter and the gravels are cross-bedded. Their widespread and relatively thin sheet-like distribution suggests that these gravels were deposited in broad, braiding channels. Although commonly widespread in parts of southernmost Illinois, small patches of similar gravels occur locally beneath glacial deposits farther north (Horberg, 1946, 19 50; 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 Lamar and Reynolds, 1951; Leighton and Willman, 1948, 1949). Potter (1955) studied the petrology of these gravels in southernmost Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri in the areas where they have nearly continuous distribution. Strati- graphically these gravels lie on a major unconformity in southernmost Illinois that cuts across strata from Ordovician to Eocene in age, and topographically they cap the higher hills. Leighton and Willman (1949) recognized three erosional surfaces on which typical "Lafayette" Gravel is preserved: the highest, called the Lancaster surface and typically developed between 580 and 600 feet elevation in southern Illinois, is probably equivalent to the Williana surface of Fisk (1944); the second, called the Smithland surface and between 450 and 500 feet elevation in southern Illinois, is probably equivalent to the Bentley surface of Fisk; the third surface, at about 400 feet, was referred to the Havana Strath of Horberg and the Montgomery terrace of Fisk. Younger Pleistocene terraces locally contain large concentrations of re- worked "Lafayette" Gravel. Quaternary System Pleistocene deposits form the Quaternary strata of the area and consist of three types. The Loveland, Roxana, and Peoria Loesses, up to 50 feet thick, are found on the higher hills and only the Peoria Loess is found on the highest Pleis- tocene terrace (Leighton and Willman, 19 50; Leonard and Frye, 19 60; Frye and Willman, 1960). Water-deposited silts, sands, and pebbly sands in the Metrop- olis area are 20 to 40 feet thick and form terraces. Sand and gravels derived from glacial outwash streams and rivers in the Cache Valley and Cairo areas reach 250 feet thick in the Pleistocene alluvial valleys of the major rivers. The distribution of these deposits is complicated by relatively recent shifts in the courses of both the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers from their former deep alluvial valleys into narrow bedrock channels. The Mississippi River shifted from its former course west of the Benton Hills into the Thebes Gorge. The Ohio River shifted from its former course in the Cache Valley southward into the lower reaches of the Cumberland River and then westward into the Tennessee River along a bedrock channel. Sub-Cretaceous Areal Geology The Paleozoic rocks beneath the overlapping Cretaceous sediments are poorly exposed south of the Cache Valley except for a few scattered outcrops and for the high area along the Cache Valley and Ohio River bluffs near Bay City. The sub-Cretaceous geologic map shows an interpretation of the distribution of the Paleozoic strata that underlie this area (table 2, fig. 4 and 5) based largely on well data and the southward projection of outcrop data. In general, the oldest rocks (fig. 6) are found to the west and dip gently to the northeast toward the Illinois Basin so that progressively younger rocks appear eastward. Nearly the entire Paleozoic succession, except for the Cambrian, lower Ordovician, and Pennsyl- vanian, in places lies directly beneath the Cretaceous sediments. The Paleozoic strata are broken by numerous faults that are, for the most part, the southwestward extension of the structural pattern of the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District, which lies adjacent to the northeast corner of the area of the STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS map (Weller, 1920; Butts, 1925; Weller, 1940; Clark and Royds, 1948; Stonehouse and Wilson, 1955; Weller, Grogan, and Tippie, 19 52; Weller and Sutton, 1951; Heyl and Brock, 1961). The major faults generally strike northeast and are aligned to form a series of subparallel grabens in which the beds generally dip irregu- larly northward causing marked changes in their stratigraphic displacements along the strike of the bounding faults . These faults persist farther than the main displacement of the downwarped grabens and appear to take up the main displace- ment in a narrow, extremely complex fault zone, where the displacement of Fig. 4 - Location of areas in southern the main grabens diminishes, as in the Illinois mapped in Bulletins, southwestern extension of the western Reports of Investigation, and fault zone on the Rock Creek Graben. Circulars of the Illinois State In addition to the northeast trending Geological Survey. fault system, there are a few northwest trending faults. Four major graben belts are recognizable across the southern tip of Illinois: the Dixon Springs Graben extends into the area from the northeast; the Rock Creek Graben also extends under the Cretaceous sediments from the northeast; a poorly exposed graben, here named the Paducah Graben, extends toward Paducah, Ken- tucky, and is only a narrow complex fault zone in its Illinois length; and a fault complex that may be several closely spaced and related grabens, here named the America Graben for the village of America in the area north and east of Mound City. The thin remnant of possibly another major graben is seen in outcrop near Aetna Hollow in the SE|, sec. 28, T. 15 S., R. 3 W. , about one mile northwest of Fayville. This graben appears to widen and to form a part of the southern slopes of the Benton Hills on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River. Faulting near the mouth of Orchard Creek in the NWi, sec. 21, T. 15 S., R. 3 W., appears to be the north end of another major graben that may extend southwestward into the Benton Hills. In addition to these major grabens, the intervening areas are commonly broken by faults that have considerable displacement and that generally parallel the the bounding faults of the grabens. The displacements on these faults are seldom as great as on those bounding the major grabens. DISTRIBUTION OF CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS Figure 7 is a structure contour map drawn on the base of the Cretaceous and figure 8 is an isopachous map of Cretaceous sediments, where they are over- lain by Paleocene strata. In general features, these two maps are closely parallel. Where the structure contours show structural lows, the sediments thicken; where the contours show structural highs, the sediments thin. In addition, a comparison of figures 7 and 8 with the sub-Cretaceous geologic map (fig. 6) shows that the (Keyed t ! 5 by county and number) lient Camp no. 1 NW% NW% t :ate no. 3 NE% SW^; I 1 (Cario Electric light and ALEXANDER COUNTY Ozark Farm no. 1 Wdk NW^; £ Arnold & Middleton, Hodges no. 1 SE% SE% B Schneider, G. C. Droge no. 1 SE% NW% IS Gould, Bourland no. 1 SEh, SE% £ Prindle & Vick, Petty no. 1 SE4; SW% J Gould, Transier Halliday estate Halliday i power) 8th and Washir R.1W. E. W. Halliday (1903) no. 4 SW^;, sec. 25, Vick, Smith no. 1 NW^; NW% NW%, £ MASSAC COUNTY Smith Cunningham, A. J. Bunchman no. 1 SW% SW^ NE^;, s Smith Cunningham, M. G. Roberts no. 1 SW% SW% NE%, s Glen Kahle and others, Harvick no. 1 Sfc^ SW% SW%, i Fred Foss, Foss no. 1 SE^ SEi; SE%, i Clark, Wm. Croft no. 1 sec. 5, T.14S, Campbell, Teckenbrock no. 1 SW% NW% NW%, s Wittig, Davidson SW% SE%, sec. Layne Western, Compressor Station #7, no. 1 . . .SE% SW%, sec. Layne Western, Compressor Station #7, no. 2 . . ,SW% SE%, sec. Wittig, School District #17 SE% SE% NE%, i Layne Western, Electric Energy no. 4 NW% SW% SWi, < Laynei Western, Electric Energy no. 2 SW% NW% SW%, .■ Smith Cunningham, Joppa Grade School SE% NW% SE%, ! Layne Western, Electrical Energy Plant no. 3. . .SWk SWk NW%, : Layne Western, Electric Energy no. 1 SE% NE% SW%, i Layne Western, Missouri Portland Cement no. la. .NW% SW%, sec. 35, T.15S , R.2W. 18, T.16S , R.1W. 19, T.16S , R.1W. 19, T.16S , R.2W. 24, T.16S , R.2W. 2, T.17S. R.1W. Smith Cunningham, Smith Cunningham. Smith Cunningham. Smith Cunningham. Metropolis Natl., Smith Cunningham. Smith Cunningham. Smith Cunningham, Smith Cunningham. Marie Wilson no. 1 sec. 23, Joppa Colored School no. 1. . .NE% NE% J. Weinke SE% SE% L. Chick no. 1 SE% NW% Allied Chemical no. 1 NE% SE% Wade no. 1 NW% SE^ Hansman NE% SW^; L. C. Johnson NE% SWk Powers School NE% NE% NW%, : 26. Wittig, Country Club. ,Wk NE^;, . 15, T.17S., R.2W. . 14, T.14S., R.3E. . 14, T.14S., R.3E. . 23, T.14S., R.3E. . 1, T.14S., R.4E. R.4E. . 29, T.14S., R.4E. , T.14S., R.5E. i, T.15S., R.3E. >, T.15S., R.3E. . 10, T.15S., R.3E. . 14, T.15S., R.3E. . 14, T.15S., R.3E. . 14, T.15S., R.3E. .. 14, T.15S., R.3E. :. 15, T.15S., R.3E. ., T.15S., R.3E. R.3E. :. 23, T.15S., R.3E. :. 4, T.15S., R.4E. :. 7, T.15S., R.4E. .. 34, T.15S., R.4E. .. 35, T.15S., R.4E. :. 5, T.15S., R.5E. .. 20, T.15S., R.5E. :. 29, T.15S., R.5E. I, T.15S., R.5E. TABLE 2 - Continued Smith Cunningham, G. Gurley SEk S\lk NE%, ; Smith Cunningham, Massac Co. Orchard SUh, NW% NE%, , Metropolis National Well, St. John's Church. . . NE^; NW% NE%, : Wittig, School District #36-A NE% NW% NW%, : Marshall, H. McGhee no. 1 NE% NE% NE^;, i Diehl Pump & Supply, Metropolis Power and Light. SE% NE% NE%, ,• Luth, Metropolis City NW% NE% NE%, i Wittig, Luke SW% NE% NE^, i Tennessee Valley Authority, Paducah Dam Site Borings POPE COUNTY Smith Cunningham, P. Arensman Tennessee Valley Authority (a) Dog Island Dam Si borings (c) Lower Smithland Dam Site borings Rigney & Dodson, J. H. Lewis no. 1 31, T.15S., R.5E. 32, T.15S., R.5E. . 34, T.15S., R.5E. , T.16S., R.5E. , T.16S., R.5E. L, T.16S., R.4E. L, T.16S., R.4E. i, T.16S., R.6E. SE^ SE% mk, sec. ] ;e borings (b) Uppei 5, T.14S., R.5E. Smithland Dam Sit SW^, SW%, m\, sec. 18, T.16S., R.7E. PULASKI COUNTY Ullin, Anderson no. 1 SWh. SEk SWk;, sec. 26, T.14S Mississippi River Coram., Crippin SEh, NW^ NE^, sec. 26, T.14S Columbia Quarry, Campbell no. 1 SE% SE% SW%, sec. 7, T.14S., R.1E. Campbell, Ragsdale no. 1 NE^; SW\ NE%, sec. 18, T.14S Sergent, C. Kraatz no. 1 NW^; NW% NWfc, sec. 27, T.14S Gould, Transient Camp no. 1 NW% SE^ SE^, sec. 14, T.14S Sergent, C. Richardson no. 1 SEk SE^; SWk, sec. 32, T.14S Weldon, Illinois Central R.R SW^ NE% NW^;, sec. 15, T.15S Weldon, A. 0. Pawlisch Wk SE% SW%, sec. 27, T.15S Schneider, Whelan NE% SE^ SW^;, sec. 34, T.15S Schneider, Hay SE% NW% SE^;, sec. 34, T.15S Weldon, Aldrich sec. 35, T.15S., R.1W. Moore, Endicott no. 1 NE% NW% SE%, sec. 36, T.15S., R.1W. Sergent, H. Richard no. 1 SWh, SEk SWk, sec. 4, T.15S., R.1E. Williams, W. L. Richey no. 1 NW^ SE^; SWi, sec. 9, T.15S., R.1E. White, J. Goza no. 1 NE% SW% SE%, sec. 20, Case Engr., Olmstead City SE% SE% SW^, sec Wittig, Grand Chain SU\ SE^; SE%, sec U. S. War Dept., Lock and Dam 53 SE^ SW^; NW^, sec Schneider, Wheeler SE% SW% mk, sec Vick, Boyd no. 1 NW% NE^; SW^, sec Schneider, Hansicker mk SVk NW%, sec Cache, G. Moses no. 1 SWk NE% SWk, sec Miller, J. Moses no. 1 SW% SE%, sec. 17 Ice Plant Well, Mound City sec. 36, T.16S., Vick, Roberts no. 1 NW% SW^ SWk, sec T.15S., R.1E. T.15S., R.1E. T.15S., R.2E. T.15S., R.2E. T.16S., R.1W. T.16S., R.1W. T.16S., R.1W. T.16S., R.1W. R.1W. '.16S T.16S., R.1E. al Resource Records, Illii State Geological Survey open file. 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 341 STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 15 .5 £ 3 o c5 c <: 51 I a s£ 16 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 I ) STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 17 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 most prominent structural low is located over the America Graben. For the America Graben area, the structural contour map of the base of the Clayton Formation (fig. 9) indicates the top of the Cretaceous in that area. There are several possible explanations for the present relief on the sub- Cretaceous surface: (1) the relief represents topographic configuration of the surface before the deposition of the Tuscaloosa and McNairy Formations; (2) the relief is the result of post-Tuscaloosa faulting and warping; or (3) the relief is a combination of the two preceding possibilities. Several lines of evidence suggest that the sub-Cretaceous surface had rela- tively little relief. The Little Bear Soil is widely distributed except in a narrow area on the west side of the America Graben. The Tuscaloosa Formation, a basal conglomerate, is widely present but is thin, locally reaching as much as 20 feet in thickness but usually less than 15 feet thick. The McNairy is composed of fine sands, silts, and clays with only a few pebble bands in its upper part. If the relief on the sub-Cretaceous surface was as great when the Cretaceous strata were deposited as it is now, the Tuscaloosa should locally be much thicker, and its distribution more irregular. Thus it seems probable that (1) the pre-Cretaceous surface with its Little Bear Soil had only slight relief at the beginning of Cretaceous sedimentation and (2) the structural contour map mainly depicts later structural adjustments that were made after the start of Cretaceous deposition or after the end of Cretaceous deposition. The lack of coarse sand or gravel within the McNairy suggests that these adjustments postdate the deposition of the McNairy. The close parallel between the major structural features of the sub-Cretaceous geologic map, the structure contour of the base of the Cretaceous, and the projected trends of exposed structures indicates that the faults and the fault zones bounding the major graben blocks of Paleozoic strata were sites of renewed movement after Cretaceous deposition and that this mechanism can account for these different features. DISTRIBUTION OF PALEOCENE AND EOCENE SEDIMENTS Paleocene and Eocene sediments reach into Illinois only in a relatively small area from Dogtooth Bend northeast nearly to Levings and then southeastward to the Ohio River (fig. 9) . Within its area of distribution, the Clayton Formation has a fairly uniform thickness of 10 to 20 feet and dips toward the south- southeast at about 50 feet per mile (fig. 9). The overlying Porters Creek Formation has nearly the same dis- tribution and dips as the Clayton, but it is overlain unconformably by Pliocene "Lafayette" Gravel for the most part, except in a small area near Cache and to the south where it is overlain by Eocene sediments. A comparison of Paleocene distribution with the Cretaceous structural features (fig. 7) and the sub-Cretaceous geologic map (fig. 6) shows that the distribution of Paleocene sediments closely approximates the area of the America Graben. The structural contours at the base of the Clayton also show a similarity to the sub-Cretaceous structural contours, although the Clayton structure is weaker. The uniformity of both the Clayton and Porters Creek sediments suggests that these marine deposits had shorelines con- siderably farther north of their present distribution. The distribution of the Eocene Wilcox Formation shows that it was largely confined to a small area north of Cairo and west of Mounds (fig. 8). Isolated STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 19 ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY MAY 5 1993 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 remnants of probable Wilcox are known as far north as Olmstead, but these are thin and discontinuous beneath the Pliocene gravels, and it is only near Mounds that the dip of the Wilcox carries it continuously beneath the level of Pliocene gravel deposition. The distribution of the Wilcox is similar to that of the Clayton and restricted almost entirely to the area just west of the major structural sag in the America Graben. DISTRIBUTION OF PLIOCENE GRAVELS The Pliocene "Lafayette" Gravel presents several special problems. It is widespread on hilly divides between the Cache Valley and the Ohio River Valley and caps most hills above 450 feet. Locally, similar deposits occur at considerably lower elevations. Isolated occurrences of gravels of this general type occur in scattered outcrops in southern, central, and northern Illinois and in the Ozark area. Southward along the edges of the Mississippi alluvial valley similar gravels are widespread on several erosional surfaces (Fisk, 1944, 1951). In southernmost Illinois, exposures are not continuous and these gravels commonly are found at different elevations within rather short distances. The grav- els, being more resistant than the underlying sediments, may readily move down hill slopes as colluvial material, and it is commonly difficult to determine from small or isolated exposures whether the gravels are in place or are slumped. Exposures in the bed of a small creek (SE* SE* SW7 sec. 28, T. 14 S., R. 5 E.) show the Cretaceous McNairy Formation and "Lafayette" Gravel with steep dips, which apparently result from faulting with vertical displacement of more than 20 feet. Whether this post- "Lafayette" faulting also is younger than the Pleistocene terraces is difficult to ascertain; however, it may be responsible for the locally ir- regular surface on some terraces north of Metropolis. Post- "Lafayette" faulting has also been reported along the Thebes gorge in Missouri (McQueen and others, 1939). Faulting of this type introduces the possibility that other anomalous "levels" of "Lafayette" Gravel may also be the result of faulting, particularly in those areas adjacent to or overlying the major grabens of the northeast trending fault system. In the area near the village of Round Knob, about 6 miles north of Metropolis, there are marked changes in the elevation of the "Lafayette" Gravel within short distances, suggesting a faulted situation near the edge of the Dixon Springs Graben. With more than one surface or depositional level of "Lafayette" Gravel, it is difficult to demonstrate how extensive such faulting may be with the available information. On the other hand, in areas where post- "Lafayette" faults are suspected, it is dif- ficult to assign each gravel exposure to a particular erosional level based only on its elevation. If, as is indicated by the Cretaceous sediments and their distribution and the amount of recorded earthquake activity (Moneymaker, 1960; McGinnis, 1963), the fault blocks beneath the Embayment have had several intervals of renewed dis- placement and are currently active, there seems no reason to expect that these blocks have ever been completely inactive since their initial faulting. Thus, some of the anomalous patches and local lack of consistent elevation for the "Lafayette" Gravel surfaces may be the result of faulting, and some of the broader flexures may be the result of warping. STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 21 Shift of River Courses In glaciated areas, the major changes in the large river courses commonly can be attributed fairly directly to causes such as filling and obliteration of older courses by glacial drift or the establishment of new paths of major drainage in front of the ice sheets. On the other hand, the changes in the courses of both the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers in southernmost Illinois present several questions. In both instances, these two major rivers shifted from broad alluvial valleys into narrow bedrock chan- nels. Both of these rivers apparently changed their channels at about the same time, that is after the establishment of a 330- to 340 -foot terrace level and before the end of Peoria Loess deposition. A high river level, called the Kankakee Flood, associated with the rapid glacial retreat in the later part of the Woodfordian Substage of the Wisconsinan glaciation and particularly prominent in the upper Illinois and Kankakee Valleys, may have caused the shift of the Mississippi River into the Thebes Gorge (Leighton and Willman, 1949; Pryor and Ross, 1962). The same event may have raised the level of the Ohio River so that it overflowed the low divide between the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers in the Paducah Graben area. Fisk (1944, p. 39, 40) believed the Tennessee River flowed northeastward from Paducah into the Cumberland River and hence into the Cache Valley of the Ohio River near Bay City. However, the Cumberland River is entrenched in a meander valley that closely parallels the Cretaceous-Paleozoic contact and the Tennessee River is similarly entrenched in a valley that closely parallels the Cretaceous-Ter- tiary boundary in this area, suggesting that the Tennessee River flowed westward across the southwestern extension of the Dixon Springs Graben and that the Cum- berland River flowed northward to the Cache Valley. The transfer of the Ohio River, thus, was up the Cumberland River, across the divide near Hamletsburg, and down the lower reaches of the Tennessee River. This divide is abreast of the Paducah Graben and in line with faults farther to the southwest that are known to have been active in relatively recent time. It is! suggested that renewed movement on this structure could be in part responsible for such a drainage transfer. RELATION TO ADJACENT AREAS As shown by the continuity of many structural features such as grabens and by the general similarity in the northeast- southwest alignment of other faults, (fig. 2), southernmost Illinois is structurally a part of the same system of faulting that forms the Fluorspar District. Movement along these fault systems was largely post-Penn- sylvanian and pre-Cretaceous. However, Currier (1944, p. 48) believed that re- lated northeast-trending faults in Kentucky displaced strata as young as Cretaceous; this also appears to be the case in southernmost Illinois. Weller, Grogan, and Tippie (1952, p. 78-83) considered that the northeast margins of the major grabens in the Fluorspar District commonly were formed by a zone of complex faulting in which high angle reverse faults were important. Most of these complexly faulted zones are aligned northeast, but they curve abruptly eastward as they join the Shawneetown-Rough Creek Fault Zone. The Shawneetown-Rough Creek Fault Zone is a major zone of high-angle re- 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 verse faults, trending east-west, that enter Illinois from Kentucky. The south side of the zone is upthrown as a sharp anticline, which may have an overturned north flank adjacent to the faults. Horizontal components are known on this fault zone, but most of the displacement is vertical. Stratigraphic displacement is as much as 2000 feet and the movement was probably mostly post-Pennsylvanian and pre-Cre- taceous in age. The Cottage Grove Fault Zone continues this fault trend to the west but with diminished displacement. It is difficult to trace west of the DuQuoin Mono- cline, which forms the western break in slope of the Illinois Basin. The Ste. Gene- vieve-Rattle Snake Ferry Fault Zone, along the northeast flank of the Ozark Uplift, is approximately parallel to the Cottage Grove Fault Zone but offset to the southwest. Movement has been dominantly vertical and reversals in the direction of displace- ment have been noted by Desborough (1957, 1961) on faults associated with this fault zone. Faulting has been intermittent since middle or late Devonian time. North of the Shawneetown-Rough Creek Fault Zone, a set of nearly symmetrical horst and grabens, collectively termed the Wabash Valley Fault Zone, trend northeast and appear to continue the same trend of faulting that is seen in the northeast trend- ing grabens of the Fluorspar District. The ages of these various structural features are difficult to determine. They may represent renewed movement along Precambrian structural patterns, or they may all be younger and of different ages. The persistent northeast trend of the Wabash Valley faults and the Fluorspar District faults suggests that this is the oldest trend, which was later broken by the nearly east-west Shawneetown-Rough Creek Fault Zone. If this is true, then it seems likely that much of the displacement caused by high-angle reverse faulting along the Shawneetown-Rough Creek Fault Zone was ac- commodated by diverting part of the displacement onto the fault planes bounding the northwest sides of the grabens in the Fluorspar District. Later relaxation of stresses apparently caused many of the uplifted blocks to drop back to a lower position but not necessarily along exactly the same faults or fault planes. The later movements- such as those after the Cretaceous, or those after Eocene, and perhaps those con- tinuing at present-may well be the result of shifting of these blocks caused by slight changes in the overall stress system. The stratigraphy and subsurface relations of the upper part of the Mississippi Embayment area have been discussed recently by Pryor (19 60), Stearns (1958), Marcher and Stearns (1962), and Stearns and Marcher (1962). Grohskopf (1955) studied subsurface relations in the Missouri part of the Embayment and Caplan (1954) studied the Arkansas part. Marcher (1961) and Marcher and Steams (1962) showed that the distribution of the Tuscaloosa Formation in Tennessee and across the Pascola Arch is east of the crescentic outcrop pattern of the Devonian chert for- mations. North of Memphis, Tennessee, the Cretaceous and early Tertiary sediments are predominantly fine sand, silt, and silty clay and, in part, are near- shore shallow water deposits . They are poorly compacted and uncemented and thicken toward the axis of the Embayment Syncline and toward the south. Marcher and Stearns (1962, p. 1380) believed that the present configuration of the Mississippi Embayment Syncline is the result of a progressive westward shift in the axis of greatest deposition from Tuscaloosa time into Paleocene time. This shift, accomplished by downward bending of a beveled pre-Tuscaloosa surface that was perhaps reduced to a peneplain, crosses former structural features such as the Pascola Arch and the southern end of the Illinois Basin. Stearns and Marcher (1962, p. 1393), in discussing the changes in the shape of the pre-Tuscaloosa sur- face, showed that two areas of flexures and faulting probably account for the move- STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 23 ments. The first is a zone along the axis of the Mississippi Embayment Syncline (along the present course of the Mississippi River) from southern Kentucky into northern Mississippi, and the second a zone that trends north-south along the east- ern edge of the Embayment (along the western valley of the Tennessee River). Mon- eymaker (1960) and McGinnis (1963) illustrated the pattern of recorded earthquakes which closely parallel these flexure zones in this area. The flexure zone along the axis of the Mississippi Embayment has a similar trend to the faults of the Fluorspar District and it seems likely that this system of faults continues southwestward and in part forms the zone of flexure and faulting along the axis of the Embayment. The Reelfoot Lake Fault Escarpment is along this trend and is still traceable after its movement of 1811 and 1812 (Fuller, 1919). McGinnis (19 63) suggested that high water conditions may be a triggering mechanism for these earthquakes. Intrusive Rocks Intrusive igneous rocks are locally associated with the major zones of faulting (Diller, 1892; Rust, 1937; Weller and Grogan, 1945; English and Grogan, 1948; Clegg, 1955; Clegg and Bradbury, 1956; Bradbury, 1962). Two general types can be recognized: breccia pipes composed of fragments of many different kinds of rocks including quartz and feldspathic minerals; dikes and sills consisting of basic alkaline rocks, such as lamprophyre, and basic olivine-rich rocks, such as perid- otite, and possibly pyroxenite. The strike of most of these intrusive bodies of Il- linois is to the northwest (Currier, 1944; Clegg and Bradbury, 1956) nearly at right angles to the lineation of major fault blocks and thus presumably along small tension faults. Because most of the basic igneous intrusives are commonly of about the same composition, it has generally been held that they represent related intrusions. Weller, Grogan, and Tippie (1952, p. 78-83) have shown that the intrusions of the Fluorspar District both occupy fault planes and are cut by faults. This suggests that the intrusions occurred after the fault pattern was established but before move- ments ceased. Kidwell (1951) showed that similar intrusive rocks intrude late Cre- taceous strata near the axis of the Embayment Syncline from Memphis north to the New Madrid-Reelfoot Lake area. SUMMARY OF STRUCTURAL HISTORY The structural framework of southernmost Illinois is closely related to the structure of the Illinois -Kentucky Fluorspar District and to the structure of the Mis- sissippi Embayment. The northeast-trending system of faulting that dominates the structure of southernmost Illinois apparently was recurrently active, and perhaps it was never completely inactive after its initial development. Of particular note are renewed displacements in latest Cretaceous time after the deposition of the McNairy Formation and before the deposition of the Owl Creek Formation. Move- ment after Eocene deposition, but before the deposition of "Lafayette" Gravel, aided in preserving a portion of the Wilcox Sand north of Mound City. Evidence suggests that locally some faulting has displaced beds as young as the Pliocene "Lafayette" Gravel. Earthquake activity in the upper part of the Mississippi Embayment suggests that this system of faults is still active. 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 351 REFERENCES Bradbury, J. C„ 1962, Trace elements, rare earths, and chemical composition of southern Illinois igneous rocks: Illinois Geol. Survey C ire. 330, 12 p. Buschbach, T. C, 1952, The Chouteau Formation of Illinois: Illinois Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 45, p. 108-115. Butts, Charles, 1925, Geology and mineral resources of the Equality-Shawneetown area: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 47, 76 p. Caplan, W. M., 1954, Subsurface geology and related oil and gas possibilities of northeastern Arkansas: Arkansas Div. Geol. Bull. 20, 124 p. Clark, S. K., and Royds, J. S., 1948, Structural trends and fault systems in Eastern Interior Basin: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull. , v. 32, p. 1728-1749. Clegg, K. E., 1955, Metamorphism of coal by peridotite dikes in southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Re pt. Inv. 178, 18 p. Clegg, K. E., and Bradbury, J. C, 1956, Igneous intrusive rocks in Illinois and their economic significance: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 197, 19 p. Currier, L. W., 1944, Geological and geophysical survey of fluorspar areas in Hardin County, Illinois; Part 1. Geology of the Cave-in-Rock district: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 942, p. 1-172. Desborough, G. A., 1957, Faulting in the Pomona area, Jackson County, Illinois: Illinois Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 50, p. 199-204. Desborough, G. A., 1961, Geology of the Pomona Quadrangle, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 320, 16 p. Diller, J. S., 1892, Mica -peridotite from Kentucky: Am. Jour. Sci., 3rdser., v. 44, p. 286-289. English, R. M., and Grogan, R. M., 1948, Omaha pool and mica -peridotite intru- sives, Gallatin County, Illinois, in Structure of typical American oil fields: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, v. 3, p. 189-212; Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 130. Fisk, H. N., 1944, Geological investigation of the alluvial valley of the lower Mississippi River: Mississippi River Comm., U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tech. Mem. 3-273, p. 1-78. Fisk, H. N., 1951, Loess and Quaternary geology of the lower Mississippi Valley: Jour. Geology, v. 59, p. 333-356. Frye, J. C, and Willman, H. B., 1960, Classification of the Wisconsinan Stage in the Lake Michigan Glacial Lobe: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 285, 16 p. Fuller, M. L., 1919, The New Madrid earthquake: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 494, p. 1-119. Grohskopf, J. G., 1955, Subsurface geology of the Mississippi Embayment of southeastern Missouri: Missouri Geol. Survey and Water Resources, 2nd ser., v. 37, 133 p. Heyl, A. V., Jr., and Brock, M. R., 1961, Structural framework of the Illinois- STRUCTURAL FROMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 25 Kentucky mining district and its relation to mineral deposits: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424D, p. D3-D6. Horberg, Leland, 1946, Preglacial erosion surfaces in Illinois: Jour. Geology, v. 54, p. 179-192. Horberg, Leland, 1950, Preglacial gravels in Henry County, Illinois: Illinois Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 43, p. 171-175. Kidwell, A. L., 1951, Mesozoic igneous activity in the northern Gulf Coastal Plain: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Societies 1st Ann. Meeting Trans. , p. 182-199. Lamar, J. E., 1925, Geology and mineral resources of the Carbondale Quadrangle: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 48, 172 p. Lamar, J. E., 1928, Preliminary report on the fuller's earth deposits of Pulaski County: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 15, 31 p. Lamar, J. E., 1948, Clay and shale resources of extreme southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 128, p. 51-73. Lamar, J. E., 1953, Siliceous materials of extreme southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 166, 39 p. Lamar, J. E., 1959, Limestone resources of extreme southern Illinois: Illinois State Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 211, 81 p. Lamar, J. E., and Reynolds, R. R., 1951, Notes on the "Lafayette" Gravel: Illinois Acad. Sci. Trans., v. 44, p. 95-108; Illinois Geol. Survey C ire. 179. Lamar, J. E., and Sutton, A. H., 1930, Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments of Ken- tucky, Illinois, and Missouri: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 14, p. 845-866. Leighton, M. M., and Willman, H. B., 1948, Outline of the Late Cenozoic His- tory of southern Illinois [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 59, p. 1335. Leighton, M. M., and Willman, H. B., 1949, Itinerary of field conference - late Cenozoic geology of Mississippi Valley, southeastern Iowa to central Louisi- ana [auspices of State Geologists; Urbana, Illinois]: Illinois Geol. Survey, 86 p. Leighton, M. M., and Willman, H. B., 1950, Loess formations of the Mississippi Valley: Jour. Geology, v. 58, p. 599-623; Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 149. Leonard, A. B., and Frye, J. C, 1960, Wisconsinan molluscan faunas of the Illi- nois Valley region: Illinois Geol. Survey C ire. 304, 32 p. Marcher, M. V., 1961, The Tuscaloosa Gravel in Tennessee and its relation to structural development of the Mississippi embayment syncline: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424B, p. 90-93. Marcher, M. V., and Stearns, R. G., 1962, Tuscaloosa Formation in Tennessee: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 73, p. 1365-1386. McGinnis, L. D., 1963, Earthquakes and crustal movement as related to water load in the Mississippi Valley region: Illinois Geol. Survey C ire. 344, 20 p. McQueen, H. S., and others, 1939, Notes on Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic stratigraphy of southeastern Missouri: Kansas Geol. Soc. 15th Ann. Field Conf. Guidebook, p. 59-76. 26 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURREY CIRCULAR 351 Moneymaker, B. C, 1960, Earthquakes felt in Kentucky from 1776 through 1959 [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull. , v. 71, p. 2022. Potter, P. E., 1955, The petrology and origin of the Lafayette Gravel: Jour. Geology, v. 63, p. 1-38, 115-132. Potter, P. C, and Pryor, W. A., 19 61, Dispersal centers of Paleozoic and later elastics of the upper Mississippi Valley and adjacent areas: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 72, p. 1195-1250. Pryor, W. A., 1956, Groundwater geology in southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Sur- vey Circ. 212, 25 p. Pryor, W. A., 1960, Cretaceous sedimentation in upper Mississippi embayment: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 44, p. 1473-1504. Pryor, W. A., and Glass, H. D., 1961, Cretaceous-Tertiary clay mineralogy of the upper Mississippi embayment: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 31, p. 38-51. Pryor, W. A., and Ross, C. A., 1962, Geology of the Illinois part of the Cairo, La Center, and Thebes Quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 332, 39 p. Ross, C. A., Geology of the Illinois part of the Smithland and Paducah Quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ, in preparation. Rust, G. W., 1937, Preliminary notes on explosive volcanism in southeastern Missouri: Jour. Geology, v. 45, p. 48-75. Savage, T. E., 1913, Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Alexandrian Series in Illinois and Missouri; Part I: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 23, p. 67-161. Shrode, Raymond, and Lamar, J. E., 1953, Sands and silts of extreme southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 184, p. 12-19. Siever, Raymond, 1951, The Mississippian-Pennsylvanian unconformity in southern Illinois: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 35, p. 542-581; Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. In v. 152. Steams, R. G., 1958, Cretaceous, Paleocene, and lower Eocene geologic history of the northern Mississippi embayment: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 68, p. 1077-1100. Stearns, R. G., and Marcher, M. V., 19 62, Late Cretaceous and subsequent struc- tural development of the northern Mississippi Embayment area: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 73, p. 1387-1394. Stonehouse, H. B., and Wilson, G. M., 1955, Faults and other structures in southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 195, 4 p. Weller, J. M., 1940, Geology and oil possibilities of extreme southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 71, 71 p. Weller, J. M., and Grogan, R. M., 1945, An occurrence of granite in Pope County, Illinois: Jour. Geology, v. 53, p. 398-402. Weller, J. M., and Sutton, A. H., 1940, Mississippi border of eastern Interior Basin: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull. 24, p. 765-858; Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 62. x STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK OF SOUTHERNMOST ILLINOIS 27 Weller, J. M., Grogan, R. M., and Tippie, F. E., 1952, Geology of the fluorspar deposits of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 76, 147 p. Weller, Stuart, 1920, The Chester Series in Illinois: Jour. Geol., v. 28, p. 281- 303, 395-416. Weller, Stuart, and Krey, F. F., 1939, Preliminary geologic map of the Mississippian formations in the Dongola, Vienna, and Brownfield Quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 60, 11 p. Weller, Stuart, and Sutton, A. H. 1951, Geology of the western Kentucky Fluorspar District: U. S. Geol. Survey, Mineral Inv. Field Studies, MF2, map and dis- cussion. Workman, L. E., and Gillette, Tracey, 1956, Subsurface stratigraphy of the Kinder- hook Series in Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 189, 46 p. Weller, J. M., and Ekblaw, G. E., 1940, Prelim. Geol. map of parts of the Alto- Pass, Jonesboro, and Thebes Quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 70, 26 p. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 351 28 p., 9 figs., 2 tables, 1963 Printed by Authority of State of Illinois, Ch. 127, IRS, Par. 58.25. CIRCULAR 351 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA