Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/symmetricaldiisoOOIoch SYMMETRICAL DTISOPROPYL-HYDRAZINE AND RELATED COMPOUNDS BY HARRY LOUIS LOCHTE B. A., University of Texas, 1918 THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMISTRY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, 1922 URBANA, ILLINOIS V I J 1 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THE GRADUATE SCHOOL May 23 192-Z - I HEREBY RECOMMEND THAI' THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVI SION BY HAMY_ I^OU IS LOCHTE ■ ENTITLED _S:UL£ET.RI CAL DI-IS OPHQPYL-IIYDPAaTRS AND RELATED COi^OlT JDS BE ACCEPTED AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF D octor of Philo sop)i;^ >- In Charge of Thesis ; ^ uCAAA^ ^ Head of I^Iepartment r Recommendation concurred in* pA ^ ^ ] i*‘ 4^ Committee on Final Examination* Required for doctor’s degree but not for master’s .. 'v»'ri4 ’i-VJl'is'. I <^vt ,t> J J I i <. / T I I ^ ' H V I M I "" ../ M}vhm mi V ' tr ? A » 1/t£| , oCPt 4r~- »■ •■' '.’ H.;l(iV.!» -xiiTi it» t *i /.m;)" i/ifjti, ■■ . j iiy, S-, A’' - WW.'i .A‘ /Jtil'is '■ ■ ' ,' -'/i cis ' (- -yi m ' 'te' ," . ; «. r,i,-v .W'iy.iJti- -j'i , i>r4t/T; J -‘ifSW . '-laMi . 'v 'A--. ,. fi-., in'^\)i sij , i. r ,yki:..:tri \,.k/ ■ ■;■ . V;'snl> * T ( ^ 'T ' u."*' \ yffw i ...’'I • • r-i’^ .* t' *^11 jftAT ■"' ‘ ■ ' ’ *'- ' W'# I '»“ •■-jtt A ' ‘ ^ ■>*' ■’ W' * '■ ' '“):i • 4 I,’ AC K w 0 'iiv' LiliD GElVi^l''! T The writer wisxies to express his appreciation of the inspiration and the helpiul suggestions of Professor W.A.l^ioyes under whose direction tiiis investigation was carried out, he also wishes to express iiis gratitude for the never- failing help of Professor J.R, Bailey, of the University of Texas, at whose suggestion Luis invest/igaoion was begun and under whose direction tue first part of tiie work was carrieu out. ji i^lS^l^sad7i^:p ’■Nn ^ w f"-., ~w V ■ .:♦ M.f ^', M' ^ • :>j> V. r • s . j • . ■ j!' '.iS ■.f ' '^'Vm '^r ^bg^m \ jiA .•-, "■ '"<■ ,! . '''< ’ ' . J - ■ ' ' 1 i *. .J ^ c^r* ;■ . M . r«A«.rv''*:,wffJ.'iiLV.'\ ' *•’ > ■ % ■ >x • .’»»*' ‘ ‘ 'V/. ".1 • IS ? ^ ,' • ■' '■“* - ,ffVrn i,,'pi:^:^^:.Kriqi^,- ^ Jr sfefJPlW . ')- lli. jcj^f'^c i>. ;x«X'J^4ir . KT. Ic' l~- ic ■* ' ■ ^iv'. I’^u' :o/fjrz w ‘'i • ■,:**% .V s >* ti ira ■’ ' \: 7 . rfi’ I IwiHUDUUTIUN When reports on Lhe success of catalytic metnoas of re- duction, using platinum or paliauium as catalysts and nyarogen gas as reducing agent, showed more and more cases in wnich complexes could be reuuced tiiat had not been reducible before, professor Bailey, of txAe University of Texas, suggesieu tiie reduction of cHj dimethylketazine,-':^c.-'^-'^ - , oy uas me chod. Although all old methoas haa iailea, catalytic reduction proved comparatively easy. The problem was then transferred to the University of Illinois where the work was continued under the direction of Professor W.A.iMoyes. The preparation and study of vai’ious derivatives of the hydruzo compound (symmetrical diisopropylxxydrazine ) was next undertaxen because neretofore alipnatic hyarazines nave been too difficult to prepare to study tnem in detail. Tne mono-nitroso uerivative of symmetrical diisopropyl-iiyurazine was prepared and proved very interesting because, conorary to expectations, it of forms a sodium salt. The quesLion of the strucLure^ni troso-hydra- A zines ana tiieir metal salts is tnus raised again. Both tiie azo and tiie hyurazone compound corresponding to the symmetrical hydrazine were prepared as the first case of iso- lation of both tautomers of purely alipiiatic compounds of this type. Primary isopropyl-hyarazine was prepared by reduction of a mixture of equimolecular amounus of acetone, hydrazine-hyarate , and hyurociiloric acid^ by the acid iiyurolysis of acetone- isopropyl- . r ' V % I - ^ > • » ST^ tT •«*v‘*^v** •' ^ .**r.-<*ai r's^A*: yV-vj.',r ’i A i, X '■'V 'to j '■ Iv ’ aJ ; .■ .if«, . . ,, 1* ■ -in*] a?''ot /..'I ^af» c, ' ~r.iar- u.vXa*-'‘'“ *, *■ t . - fC'5 . i» • «» 1 J Va', 1-i X*-' »■* , xi/j p' tvEaio / ' " t7«fi‘X ^ofi w j-rll O 7 » 1 h. t' ■• :'-ii.;/uo‘i >if*’ !‘**v’‘Ss5S4v;.'' . ‘ 1 f tt 7 A. 7 ! 1 •> k '- -^ . .■.: t\ ill ‘vu,: i\ \ iot’ ' 51“^ t‘ » *; 'T ■ , • £ ,.< 4 w' X.i •'* ’.i<'rf i f i \ <^ 1 • ^ t?-, . *- • z- ' 1 ml v;a/.\.'.H'' - fl'fi.*, ,\C*' ’rh[ I ^ 1. • _ _ I '••• --- „ i : X> • , rci -£j pn-sifx \ ~i .V. OHC vTJ JTP.i'^v'i^o » i ^ «■ f iUiLD.lo: ’if» *rfp' i%- • .i: ij 'ZO .l)’..Tk .xU\n y^fr.,,4. • ; “v tiC; c' ''' '• I ' .\t. l*> ►•■i ' ’•-^ 1 '^..- ■ • . I l.'ff irVr.r.^l * 1 ;. - -T.:,.i 2 T=.x 5 rr • 2 iiyd.razine7 and by tne acid nydrolysis of 2 , 2 * -azobispropane . II THEOKETICAL Since the discovery of nydrazine oy Gurtius,^ and tiie 2 development of a metxiod^by Kascnig , by means oi which hydrazine and its salts may now readily be made at reasonable cost, the interest in tne many types of nydrazines ana tneir derivatives has grown constantly, Emil I'ischer'^ made the first derivative of hydrazine when he prepared and studied, in great detail, the poisonous base, di piienyl-hydrazine , made; by him througix the reduction of^azo- A benzene, Metiiods of preparing aromatic hyarazines are quite numerous and these compounds have long been tnoroughiy stuaiea, for tiie alipnatic hyarazines, nowever, few methoas of pre- paration are known and almost without exception the yields obtained by methods known before tne discovery of the method used in this investigation, are poor, I'or the preparation of the unsymme trical secondary hydra^-^ 4 zines Emil riscner worked out a method tnat gives fair yields. He prepared the nitroso compounds of secondary amines and reduced these with zinc dust and acetic acid. Another metnoa or preparing unsymmetrioal hyarazines was developed oy tne same chemist and may De expressed by the equatioii^, KBr — ^ C .H^(h)iM-NH 9 ,HBr , Txiis method is usually O -j 2 DO used only to prepare mixed disubstituted hydrazines. . r i" j 0 -w .'i - t >• V..1 O ri'v \.u » i . , i r ' I • ■ ' *•■ ... If ' 1 J . UJ . A.' '"Ivil -.'if.*‘ " !i J 1 ,. fiii-.c./'.'.i ,a .V' '^‘.w ). '.O LA^.-H\ ^ .. '.<• 1 >Xiv ‘>w ..'i - • \ . ...w''. I ' -> . i l n^.i i «,..... . • . .. • . * ■** ^. w a ^ ^ ^ \ t) wl * X .to jj * - . .wlil J '^3 k .' . . X Iff ^ I vff • j ‘^ii'i - L ^ V. to to. .... I - J *. to».i/.'';5 VyjiA. -• f Iff. .. fft.r.-' : t :‘ i to, r. * t |, '. .' -t.'/f p.'jn.' .i Ai- ' j-aq 'jc r *.. .-.i? ,;■ •'.. ae a i O'O; tjjj.''a lii-’.-v oc*?*. . x ' > .•;.-i' + xi ,«i.* imto'.i’to .aj .ia.to^lx. \,.., x. .•.v.fto. , . .ia .-..o •». ’ • “’ • -•■ 1 -- . au f m to c I j\ fcito*„ to-.ltoOr. to'.' . to. /...to { to. ,,.*A- X .'./.Tto. 4 i.',\ ' V 90/ .* a . 1. to C j ■ ^ \ to^to '...to c . i\ iff.ff ••ffto^to* • .*•■ -. • ','.( 'i'.. 'X I'l. to .j.'\. i to itoi -•to.'i toiwA . ito jij i.toi'to -to . . < . to ■ .i.3 ?>! ' 'i> .• ■’ t . S j- 'i.jf i.to. to Atoto to i.J ,,. I /I u,M , . to to . •? -1 A i 'to.l *■ to. to J 3 ; i,. . . » »*to , ' itoV:.*.^.n iJ-t" . to/’. - I. >1 '•.■•, 3 i.ia » to ^ j At. ■ I J ,f f 0 .'-8 U-i . , -•'5^'- t '.rt- - 3 - For tne preparation of simple primary ujurazines, Fiscner also developed a metxioa. It may be iilus orated by; Re auction &: KWH Ri\H :u=o ni\iO Kivn Alkali RiMHp + K- w -w 0 Acid Kw Him H o ^CrO KRH RN NO RNnNHp T b Alkali or^ --..-i ^ HgN IN Hr NH. ^2 acid — 'o For symmetrical disubs LituLed hyarazines the use of alKyl halides (usually the bromide) yields a mixture of symmetrical and unsymmetrical hyarazines wnich may usually be separated with more or less difficulty. A more serious difficulty exists through tne fact oiiat it is almost impossible to prevent tiie formation of the 7 quarternary ammonium compounds, i'he safer and more economical method of preparing these nyarazines oy alxylation protects tne second H on each nitrogen atom uy acetylation or formylation. Then the alkyl groups must go to uifferent nitrogens and thus produce tiie symmetrical seconuary xiyurazines. This is the metnOd tuat was used 8 with some success oy Harries ana coworxers . Tney were aole to pre- pare the symmetrical dimethyl ana dietnyl nydrazines by; ChO-N-n-ChO » GhO-(R^iM-iM(R)-ChU > KNH“i\iHR Vb The yield was low tiiough and tney were aole to do little more 9 than isolate tne aoove compounus. Htolle also did much work on this method of preparing aliphatic nyarazines and he and coworkers were able to aajust conditions so as to obtain a certain, if 9 small, yield of symmetrical hyarazines. Buscn was aole to prepare under these conuitions, small quantities of primary isobutyl- hyarazine and smaller yielus of tne corresponaing symmetrical and unsymmetrical seconuary compounus. f .i I i •- ^ j, ‘* ' ' A U * ^ - KR ' GH-im-iMrCRK ‘ 2H5r Tii.e hyarazone tnus lormeu is buen uydroly zea , ii uiie primary hyurazine is to be formed. Catalytic reuuction anouiu easily re- duce the same rijurazone to one symmetrical seconuary iiyurazine. finally, Gurtius anu. student s"^^ found tiiat hyurazine hydraxe and aluenjaes or xe tones condense to lorm simple hydra- zones; KK ’ CrO -hK;j;U“hH2 .HoO — >KK’C-W“ wH 2 2 H2O. Tnese Gompounus are very unstaule ana are eitner hyarolyzeu to the original suustances or they react with anotxxer mol of alaeiiyde or keLone to produce azines; Rk’CZI\i-NH 2+ 0^5=CKR‘ — > KR'GsK-H=CRR' -v H2O Althougn Gurtius auid others were aole oo reduce benzalazine and some OLner aromatic azines, Lhey found txiai. tne aliphai-ic azines are perfectly staole towards alKaline reducing agents v/nile no ' 4 I' - i •/)<; iw A - r. if)v fjiDJeit Qi- ic \iiiu: .. r ! . 1 . I . ■ .• • ' i r> < . i- f tj -4 ^jFa t D I ^ 0 i '1 V c .ipi ^ i ^ V nj i j i xji(£ fe 4 Jv ',3 L’fii.iO'Uj.tf &C ?[;.? :'V ~”' ^ nnri 1 .y ** '>’ * -■ j.'v i i' J '1 f- V r- ; .' t ^ Cvy "' Cr * i f 0 w • 'i i* f. 0 V . -I'-l 'c ■■'.■, t-.: /li :> f • ;. • / : l.f,' i J , r r;,' ; ' J. a' £ C* *t * j, ^ V< ^ .'•I .'. i c, : e ■ • XyX(. 11 .x a fj, f.’ t \ , ^ .1 c FfV '•■'[). o .^«V '. . ■ K (•' ■ u* *; . ^ UXaAX V i 'A i : t ‘/ If!. lJ •' j { ; f > h >.;. . . ! .* • *i ■ n ^ A 4 ^y '.A X. V ' A ( ^ ^ 'X r> ; i;'f" i • .:o/i *0 f\X •a~*xLw aX-'X • » • <« r, ; ) * X"' ix'l ; , 1 1 o ' * 4 -■ » ■ ’. .. ,* o ■r -i fV; '•».T a jl fj U A 0 X «;■ t. x -4 Aj/isy.*j£::o<. ^* ' '*'- ij ^ *.1*'/ ■.-* * fc'li'- *s '4» iy.' » o *ff *-Z i >■■ * •■• 1- "* X -«’.£■' 'A.- . <* ’ .j j. j ^.L L ti \S t ‘1 ^ ' * •- I '' •y '. fy/v.'.V f*A ~c:> h M' r /..«.. i-Jii .» .'I } i' • b t'il . -'■ '■ 0 «. vr.*^-y .fi Ot.‘,. 4 ■ - > ''^'< J ■ f f> 1 s'.r. ’.i.c •'..'? V *•.»€ i i'uf' ''.00 ret '• -• r ’■ ■ J'- ' /.* i-wJ .‘rf-T - V'.'-.i "0 . fr.iji,v;c c X ' fo.r.f. l-' c . - r - .. .>. ;rtf 'j. • ; ■ i C ' V f . ; U ' J./ ■/=.■ • =: ■ <'•,,■ t •■v..f/iy 1 £ji tr i:..' ( . :ji },';V ' < '.f jC i'i <;■._•: ;.yi,*.A.w ' ' '' >• I" ■ i i »fi.' -bf.- ;, .\ ■ iii /,'./: ' .... i;\f '• *>, ;.o:.^ c. ftn : t» Mr f b reducing agents couia be usea in un aciu meaium because the azines are reaaily h^droi jzed by acias. 13 Gurtius as well as Vvonl and uesterlin made primary benzyl- hydrazine by paroial reaucLion o! benzalazine and hyurolysis oi the hyarazone lormed, Dimetuyl-ketazine ,on reduction, yielas symmetrical diisopro- pyl-hycirazine and tnis , in turn, yields azobispropane and other inLeresting compounds. Always xiopaogLhat tne reduction could be effected in som.e way, a number of chemists have recorded failures in attempts to reauce this compound. Curtius^"^ trieu to reduce the ketazine by alKaline reuucing agents, out found it peneculy stable Lowarus L-iiese. ixiieie could noL reauce ii by an eiectrolyLic method with which he had just reduced benzalazine to tiie corres- 1 K ponaing hyurazo compound. He also aLtempiea to prepare the symmetrical hydrazine ne iiad nopea to obtain by reduction of aime thyl-ketazine through the elimination of 2 molecules of carbon dioxide from hydrazo-isobuty ric-acid, . ^ 'Go dH y G O dn V/ieland reports tnat tne alipnatic alGazines are 'noL reducible. 18 kailhe was able to affect the reduction, but the product obtained consisied of a mixiure of mono and di isopropyl-aonine instead of the hydrazo compound he sougnt to obiain. In the course of the present investigation many unsuccess- ful attempts were made to reduce dime tnyl-ketazine by various common reaucing agents, acid, neutral, and alkaline. Althougii a few, such as sodium amalgam(4/j) , sodium in alconol, and aluminium amalgam gave small amounts of reduction proaucts tixat were basic t - 6 - none oi Liiem were idenLical wIlu uhe symmeLricai h^arazine uhau was oeing prepared, in the meantime, the catalytic method described hereailer. Otiier reducing agenos sucn as zinc in aciu solution, potassium hydroxide and aluminium, iron witn hydrochloric aciu or aceLic acid, and reauction oy stannous ciiioride; all failed to give any nooiceaoie reauCLion oi the ketazine. In tesLing for a possible basic product formed during one of tue unsuccessful attempts descriueu above, white needles of a dii'ferenL compound separax-ed out on aading benzoyl ciiioride in Lxie hope 01 obtaining a benzoyl compound ox the reduction product. Ine melting point, appearance, and analyses indicate that tiie product formed is the benzoyl derivative of 5-methyl-5-dim.ethyl- H -C C — GH^ pyrazoline, " lb GH . I'i i'i— OQ— G ' il Gurtius and cowSrxers, i^ranke, and j?rey and Hoiiman found that ketazines, if they have a metnyl group next to tiie G=i\i complex, readily rearrange, when under the influence of dilute acids to form pyrazolines. Dimetnyl-ketazine , tiius treated, rearranges to form o-metuyl-b-uimetnyl-pjrazoiirf©. Hven maleic acid is aole to cause tuis rearrangement in tne case of tnis 19 ketazine, Gur tius anu Wirsing i ounu tuat tiie same pyrazoline is also formed wnen mesityl oxide is treateu witn hyurazine.They prepareu a benzoyl derivative of the compound tnus prepared. The properties given by tnem agree witn those found in the present investigation. The small acid concentration due to liydrolysis and to formation of the derivative is then sufiicient to produce tiiis rearrangement of dimetxiyl-xetazine , .. icoLJiieui o*...* nviJ otu. '''•^r.'jO.t r;i j'\,ir.1i3C '• '■2t ■ , t.-riiJ n;>r’m r>nJ' ri «i;’3 qo*\q sfo r. ■ tx OP. leriJC. .TeJiAsiba ; 5 if o«ei. n' » r.i; .^ivs n,,n ^ . i uir, k.na ncxrxs.ox. cq ,f.C'Iux'XC «./' f ' ‘ ■ il/, '■ tI O' i.x.lt' aij '.U'X'f'l t ''*» ^vicx oJjiCXJ IC JJII; ^ ♦ X\fc‘wCA Vj*^ OXwt^^OiilC' 4 ^. XV. C ^ i ., -rri'i T'.'-*?.-- ac i ‘Viq U xcv. -s '^c. i. y^'i ' ■f’ i ’’i C h'. ) ' ?•'*' ffJ'j-i t I !*■ V ' ''X L-/*i i ' ' X t< £^r («>' >'j/i s>>M> <3 XS/t-a»oOt> 4 > c« i 'JJ X . 0 X ; o". .t"*" ‘r.w .'.vf^ r"- o' /i j. i j.L '■' V.'. . r . :- V fj; > c ^;''' .w- ojirt. x ^iiAX 'xca: '-lc x.|t. < .'k -i rr’ ' J^A/v. t-’x . ^e. X t'x- - . uj:h':3;x..; >i \ ■’ * ^ • o c jL k'lXi/ ^ J rti i»l o I j X)tC’ i(j z •i I fjt.j \t'^ ' .j\ - , ATti LC. .'T.-> /' pi*-.- . ./j. r.n ii flj* t -*«*') . i o i .3 l^ ^ ' .1 ^ -J ,'3r;j‘ if -'jio I. eoV;/!!' tc 0 Ir* ^ ’-'-jjv.f v ) y> 3 ri i ,.:•: iqu / f t.) f , ii< ciV'ito A - > "f j ■ <'i:iva ivjrfiJj «t li) i u-f ^*/X .i ~ rr-rr *cr ' .(05 **•) ^ •• - .-, va/- 3 - f ry r-^ *;i\Oi OJ Uj .^ io * •• } i :'•*• r.- h/i-a o: *>[.-. cX »j2 t.ii' -(T >^2 '’rfJ ;irr. ^.• 7 . c i , t\i^ . 3 ;-ii r A'j.‘ ,;.ff rJ.tr Jra.-Kcrf’ j i i'i ihoi/i n >fl-* x»«t: ) . i ubifi ' . -*’r ■ . 6 «;r + ftp. J ; ‘^i v,'.'iw« *• oe ogj J 't. ; 0 Mr.-' -1 "IX'^ “?cr .f lK*.t?^ **« '"niU > ci .-i.lJTr.qO C'''.'i i Ir, 'i.*^ 4 ; c«^ *L,t- 'TiJ.'jT rrr u .co IIxtu f^T . rx 2 .i/?ni i 80 V J ■ * ‘ •* ■ • * r -"i ■• t ^ ? r * T ♦ j > ... * i, > i j . - r »/ j j> 't(' xr.ci;? .tt/ i - 7 - 2(1 Zlehl attempted the cataijLio n^urogenation (SkiLa methou) of a series of compounas of niLrogen. Among these were; iminotriazomeLxiane — • and aiazoaminobenzene. He was HH2 not able 10 reduce any of tiie wro or h=iM complexes shown. In experiments with isocyanides ne was aule uo reduce the eom- 1 pounus to trie uorresponuing methji-amine aerivatives only in case the isocyaniaes were so stable Liiat no formic acid was formed. In the case of iminotriazomethane iie could observe no aosorbtion of hydrogen, although he found that campnor oxime could readily be reduced to bornyi- amine, Quite recently, Staudinger, using a catalytic raetnod of re- ducLion, reduced diazo compounds ana obtained hydrazones, but did not reduce these lo Lhe nyurazine. In view of tne lact that, as will ce Siiown later, saliiication 01 oixe base formed during the reducLion is essential to success in cue reaucLion of most such compounas, it is possiule cxiciL ne, too, could uave reauced the G;N complex readily ii he nad run txxe last step of 'lxiIs reauccion in an acid soluLion, ine worx on Lnis problem snows tnat the re auction of di- metnyl ketazine, and prouably oi otxxer azines, can be carried out with very satisiactory yielus tnrough the use of catalytic methods of reduction employing finely divided platinum or palladium eitner as the platinum or palladium black, or in form 01 the pro- tected coiloia of eiuxer metal, GataiyLic reauction by cue use oi Lhese me cals ua.s been xnown lor over ixaif a cencury, buL tne possiuilities of these meLhoas were noc recognizea until afcer oixe year lyOO and inten- I ' l! 1 il t - * t ^ V J Si ^ Mi '**" ^ , X - * ' /. * • tj $ i i.*»’U \* ..' * ■ *' ' * . i C ,^.V .*v i *. M .' i - t -Hf * '. r .' \[, j V *. 'i •» St .* . - M «. 1 t <• _ ' M .« T. . f " i -.r r ■ j. ■ . V ... A '' ' 'is.- J 1*4 I 3 . » - sJ I r .' 4 i ( -, V. s s » V V. .. V i .. ~ « j.iJ'ti*:'' V x.s. ; ' 'i.j.A.C ‘5 \ (.-•.. M V >i4w 4 . . .. , rr rx . n - ' s ‘ ~ ,1 • 5'.. 04 fj? ''s ‘ « v't 4 . .>1 ...4... ^ ...... 4, ; '> fV. jDil. 4/4*.".. 4..1.J X.) fC4./ .ix 4 SljS.A'to s. -..',4. 'mV X W . ^ C>i3' .. hi 4 ;yn/i . .*vi .. f .' I .. ; If'/H 4iv. » ' « 4- I V fli xV.^ S4. .' 4 ... »;, ../•V. J il'fe; 14 I-' -44 ’.* 4 1 «' ,J4i %..< i t ' 4 . »-. t '- • ■ J .'. > .'i.'Jl I .,i It >“ - ‘ I ■15a il. ... -,oj ' IV.. I- . -i i I >44 4.4*. t. «.*^ j 1 l.'i ; K. I'. -t A 5 * *. i -.14-; x. » •- .5 . I „ .1 • 4 .. ~ i.J V 4 - -4 V i.iAaV A i M ^ ..... j i .. J .' 1 3 J J J I ]) . > 5 V t4 1 < / i .r. i 1 • M .».,.■ 4. V _ J < .. i> ‘♦_ - 4. X '>V 3 uC / ;> I .: i«L.^ j.:_*. M- -:9 . t •’/.4 4 1; XX. I ‘ *] iA- C4^ J i ^0.7*4 .'tV Ji'A# M444 1.-* 4. 4.- i - A J 4, _ . .VV .if" •■-i , L V l 3 1 A V J r .t V A .. i j rt - - 4 u: i»Mn }<.i*~.x - ' . . L^w i|vl «# J T -!W ‘ • <-1- - *• - V . _ .-'.s. JK . .-. . .,J a;i -.a-r -^-aa .11 - 8 - sive investigation or txiese metnoas was not oegun until alter 1907, oince tnen turee main metnoas nave oeen worKed out; (1) tne 22 Willstatter metnou, using platimim olack prepared according to the metnou oi Loew^ bhe paal methoa ^*^employing colloiaai platinum or palladium protected the soaium salt ol eitner protaluinic acid or lysaibinic acid, availaule only for reduction in alkaline or , . 25 neutral solutions j ( b) the 3kioa metnou uses gum arabic instead of the sodium salt of •• ; s'J 'ir'^ '-O. ( .» ?. 1. VJ: L •jjrv ’•> ■! f-tn. I'.'X 1 4 i> ' V* " II mm ^ V- ^ r*''< VC^ r\* .4/J^. -• /' Tc '» L .. , , ic. '■■•/Ij c Jlze tiuJi . I ; 'V . I. ®fii - . 'Vi ^ .V ; ^ ■• w... :■' i ^ i:i * C X i)uro*x 'ir, ) I. 1. 1** ' ■ i''/ . -^C'vXi^'V ri'«.^ : ’ ■ ■*T '» C4 I. ;. .<■ Ugreater concentration of acid woula diminish the yielas obtained. Later it was iound that, in spite of tixe claims of Curtius and others that ketazine is immeaiateiy nydroiyzed oy mineral acids ,tne addition of tixe theoretical amount oi acia ac tne ueginning of the run in no way diminishes tiie yielu of yu-yo/o of tixeoreticai (based on the amount of xecazine usea) wnicn is obtainea wnen the - 10 - neuLrallzation is aone in steps. Since tiiis unexpected result seems to inaicate that dimethyl- ketazine is not hy aroiyzea to an appreciable extent by the diluLe mineral acid under the conuitions oi tiie experimen’^, it appeared iikelj' that reduction ox a mixture of one mol of nydrazine nyarate, one mol of nydrocnioric acid, and two mods of acetone woulu give the same results while, at tne same time ooviating Lxxe isolation, witn ratner unsatisfactory yields, of the xetazine. In tnree runs, where ih each case, 25 g. of hydrazine hydrate in 250 c.c, of water were employed, tne reduction required 5-4 iiours and the yields were 7s, 80, and 74 g. of tne nyurochloride oi symmetrical diisopropyl- nydrazine, Altnough only once recrystallized and oiierefore not pure, samples Oi txiis salt meiteu ac, 19 7-8'^, had a chlorine content of 25.8 % (by titration witn silver nitrate uy MOhr’s method), and 5 iodine titrations gave an average purity of 95.5/0 (2 atoms o± iodine to 1 mol of the ixydrazine) tuus indicating a yield that is practically quantitative. The hydrazo compound formed in tne reduction of dimethyl ketazine is similar, in the main, to otner symmetrical hydrazines. AS is often tne case with aliphatic nyurazines, it is difficult to obtain the base completely anuj,urous. Like symmetrical dili€n 3 .*ji , and in contrast to symmetrical dimethyl and diisobutyl hydrazines 27 , , . , ^ wnich form uoch neutral anu c».cid salts , tne uase uerived xrom dimethyl ketazine, in all reactions so far observed, is monobasic. The behavior towards mild oxidizing agenus iso different from tnat of the corresponding dimethyl ana uietnyl compounds. i ' IP- ‘ I . J ; ' V . 'v *. t --. . ' .1 "i 'iC-i- ^ j . ., 'J '. .: j Li-'.- ■..' .!?■ *< J /) ; (.W AC ■ >ij ) ( . ,i ' y . iV I '^nfl- *U’ibCl •>!. ' / V - i i 11 iiie preparauion of Lhe usual simple SialLs and aerivaLives of nyurazines ofiers no uiifiouiLies in tue case ol Lne symmelrical hydrazine, except in the case of une oenzoyl derivative which does not appear in satisfactory crystalline form uut as a smear which could not ce made to crystallize. This cenavior of the benzoyl aerivative is ratiier common, however, in Lne case of uydrazo compounds. most easily preparea derivatives of symmetrical diisopropyl-hyura- zine, txie oxal .abe is orouulesome cecause, as in a number of ocher 29 oxal .ates of ayarazo compounus, it seems to form a mixture of salts. In tne case of tne case unuer consiueration the aonormal results ODtained on analyses seem to iiave ueen due to tae fact caat the salt consisted ox a mixture, possiDlj ox tae simple ana tae douule oxalJates. After 6-8 recrystallizations from alconol tae product obtained has a melting point of 200° and analyses show tiiat tae compound has the formula; ^ Waen a mono-alxyl hyurazine is createu with nitrous acid, the imide hydrogen atom is sucstituted as is seen from the fact that these nitroso-hyurazines still condense with alueayaes. In the presence oi c^myl nitrite and alkali cxie nitroso mono-alxyl ayara- form an isoazo cate,K— NshOna, xae raono-arjl-ayarazines here, as in most ocaer respeccs do not uiffer greatly xrom cae alipnatic ones. In tae case of paenyl- Altaouga it is one of cue most beauciful ana one of tiie zines can ox ten be made to react again with nitrous acia to I f I I 12 hydrazine and its suustilution produces and in tiie case or benz^l- iijQrazine, sodium sal os are lormed from oxie nirroso compounds, mis meral may tixen readily ue replacea vj alkyls v/nen alkyl naliue;; are per.iiotea oo react witn tixe salts* Tne structure of onese sodium salts has not jet ceen deiiniteiy established, probauly two or more tautomeric forms exist in equilibrium, somewhat as in the case of acetoacetic ester or in trie oximes. In the case ni trosophenyl^hjdrazine a sodium salt is formed wnen the base is allowea to react witxi sodium methylate in the ab- sence of water, ihe sodium replaces an H from phenylhydrazine , but tixe exact hyarogen atom involved xias not yet been uefinitely de- termined, Tne salt could ue formed by any one of the x-ollowing reacLions j 1) GfeKaH— NHgt- i Cy-i^-W GK5OH hO 2) Cmui'isNh -I- naUUH^ — ^ -J— CH 5 OH 1 imUH wQWa 5) CgH-NH-WrwUH+kaOGH3 — > C^H5-wh-i'j=N0Wa4bn30h 4) K — ri4kaOCH. — v G^fHr. Ciir^OH ' IMOH ^ ^ iMQNa The Lnira form is maue extremely unlikely because of the similarity of ni trosophenyl-hyurazine to alkyl nitrosohydrazines, especially nitrosobenzyl'-xjLjurazine , in wnicu tixe presence of an amino group is established txxrough the condensation oi the ni troso-nydrazine with aldehydesi?^ Moreover, careful oxidation of the nitroso com- pound witn cupric sales leaas to a uyuroxylamine uerivacive. Tiiis compound could naraly lorm unless tne siruciure were tnai given in 32 1) unaer tne condieions oi the experiment , Finally, the reduction of the uenzoyl uerivative of niirosopnenyl-hydrazine leads to,*^^ C. C». . V. H H i f . ■ ‘ ‘ .Vlf , a* f i |'.‘>|J|'' - > . f ■■ . o^' /» II li N>> Vi • ’ I ' I ^ . •;'■! ( ;< , r . .,x!' ,. '. ' y \ ' i > ^ e-i.J nr /. I --I • . •■' . ,j tr *> ’ ur r . . - I * ! ' . ‘Tjlt’. -'»v. '■ '■• . j. • ^; ,'x^ ji , ■ * t‘’-» ■ »• . "ill fv- **' ;i ji I;. . f #■' A J* t 1,1, ^ rj I c oTfai if T Lr* lo 5 b Fischer in nis original investigation oi nitroso-pnenj 1- iij'urazine, consiuerea tnat it was a normal nitroso compouna oe- cause;^l) reduction leads to aniline indicating that txie nitroso group is not attacheu to tne benzene ring, ana (2) in amines nitroso compounds are only formed with secondary amines, i.e* those with an imide hydrogen atom. From tnis ne concludea that the secondari- nitrogen of pnenjlhi'drazine is the one to which the nitroso group is attached. Ke also pointed out tixat unsymmetrical secondary hydrazines which iiave no imide hydrogen atom do not form nitroso nyurazines, uut are promtly decomposed on treatment with nitrous acid. In nis opinion txxe lormation of pxierijlazide on treatment of nitroso-pxxenyinyurazine with dilute alnali snows that water splits out between txie nitroso and txie amino group , again showing that the nitroso group is attacixoa to tne seconuary nitrogen aoora, Tixieie'^*)^^’ ^ in view oi new evidence, did not entirely ; agree witn Fiscxier, He consiuerea that tnere naa to be some sort of tautomerism to account lor some oi the facts oDserveu, If txie i structure of ni troso-pxxenylhyurazine were accurately expresseu by NK2 unuer all conuitions it would oe hara to avoid the as- wU sumption that the formation of a sodium salt is due to the activa- tion of one of txxe two hydrogen atoms of txxe amino group — an as- sumption that seems ixardly reasonaole, Furtxxermore ixxiele pointed out tnat txxe quantitative elimination ox. i\i^O from txie phenylhyara- zine derivative uj simple heating is uiflicult to understand on the basis of the Fiscxxer formula alone* Moreover, ooth oenzaldehyde and acetaldehyde uo not react normally with nitroso-pxxenylxxydrazinoj G0H^-iN-W=CH-CgK5 34 3i' but yield the tetrazine. C6H5-iM-i\i-CH-CbH5 and ' H *7 ^ r ■’ i, »■ I ' #kW A r y 'll :' -\ -..iJ 1H . ■* V, \i; !**»• lU 'I -< iv I V C l (,■ ' < ~ •■ *•• H"' V., V 'n^riWMUv •(»• 4 *^' , '■ ' _. ,V'‘ L ' oq t . _ , i cpr <5*vifti .[Tirt , , u C l 'Jfr A ,•'4 .iS, ivr ; iVi. , c ■ Cw cji. ,j^ ' r«* c . ^! 0 J| .'I I ) ^ ■< « ( . X . M IJ £ 4 i .] jg^jt 14 respectively. UurLius ±ound tnat ni troso-uenzylhyarazine wiiicn also xorms a souium salt ana in OLner lespecLa is closely' related to nitroso-piienjlnjarazine in properties xorms normal condensation pro- r-» -T ducts with the same alaenju.es. 56 Tiiiele found that the elimination of NgO is common to doth the aromatic and the alipnatic primary n^urazines, while not a trace of eliminated from the secondary nyurazines such as nitroso- 37 di-denzylnyarazine . Tniele and Sieglitz explain tne reaction of denzoyl cnloriue on nitroso-phenylnydrazine by; hO ^ ^ JMO 0 ^ bnuic ^ bp gob H1M02 All Of tnese facts coniirm liscner’s conclusion that the nitroso group is attached lo the secondary nitrogen atom as one form of tne nitroso compouna, but, to explain tne lormation of NgO ana other reactions observed, it appears tnat we nave to agree witn Tniele in nis assumpuion txiat anotner form oi the nitroso ^ 56,57 . , compound consisLS of a tnree membereu ring wnich exiscs as an intermeuiate form in some of tne reactions encouniered . The formation or aziaes ana the elimination or if 0 from nitroso (a hydrazines woula then ue explaineu by the following steps; K-N — NHo^: — » R“W— -N-K < — ) K-NK-W-H ^ KNH NO ^ n5h wo 2 2 hamberger suggested yet anotner lorm wnich may exist as a tautomer of tne original f'ischer formula, JPecause iie found tnat ni troso-pnenylnyurazine forms a copper salt wnicn on treatment witn either acetic aciu or ammonia yielus a compounu of tne formula; or G^n^-iii-hUn. Kizis , one oi rhiele's 4 15 stuaenLs^ poinLeu oul unaL Lue reaaj' trans formation oi' oC-nitroso- oc- benzyl-^ -metnylhjurazine io <-nitroso- oC -methyl-j3-benzyili^ urazine as well as the lormation of o(-nitroso- oC -methyl-J3 -Denzilidineiiydra- zine by oxiciafion of o( -niLroso- o(^ - benzyl- -methylnyurazine ai l orbs a sLrong proof of Lhe existence of one three tauoomers mentioned, since Lne rearrangemen os aoove may tnen be readily shown by one following reac Lions ana rearrangements; G.H, -GHo-N — WfiCh^- o 5 ^ X,-. o i'lO G^n -Gri^ -i'j iM-Gh-r i'jQn -X^CeH^-GKg-N^N -GK^ N OH G .H(--GKo-NrH — GK„ > C Hj- -GH. , -HH-N— CH The sodium salts oi sucn compounds can Lixen ue expressed by either of tixe following Lxxree foimuiae; (1) (2) = (5) HO Na hONa hOHa It is very uixficult, if noL impossiule , lo uetermine at the present time whicn oi tnese turee possible forms exist ana which is the one tnat is found as one major produco at any Lime. Ghemical reac- tions offer little iiope ior Lne soluLion oi tnis problem and physical meLhoas nave so lar not seen developed far emoLigh LO warrant tneir use in tne case of ni orogen compounds of onis type, P An interesting confirmaoion of the assumtlon that bhe oxime form exists in Lne case of nitroso hydrazines is brougxxo oul tnrougii the fact Lnat seconucxry niLroso nyurazines give an in- tensive blue color witn ferric chloride in aqueous solution, a green color in alooiiolic toOluoion, ana a red soiuoion in solution of a non-dissociaLing solvent sucn as i^enzene, cnloroiorm, and "'iV ether, Alternaue uudiLion of wafer or aiconoi brings auOUL Lne r t < if * ji i \ 16 corresponding oiiocnges or color. Tnis uenavior seems to indicate racner aeiiniteiy uuat tne color is due to a strong ii^droxjl ion formation in aqueous solution, a lower one in alcoholic solution, ana tiie aDsence of Luis dissociation in such solvents as uenzene ana ether. The same color changes are prouuced in ihe case of the nitroso aerivative csl s^'mmetrical aiisoprop^'l-h^'drazine although the color rapidly faaes cecause of the rapid reduction of the ferric salts formed. Tnese color cuanges can nardlj oe understood on tne assun^^tion that tne I’iscner iorrrn*ia is the only form in wnich tiiese compouiius exiot. Aituough Lue proof is not y jt con- clusive it appears very liii.eiy tuat tne salts of nitroso-hydra- zines exist eitner as formula (2) or as (o) page 16, while the ni troso-uyurazine as sucii may normally exist maixily in the form assume a Cy liscner. Nitrous acia reacts wl symmetrical disuhs ti tutea iiyarazines in two aiiferent ways. In most cases the mono-nitroso hy compound is formed . In some cases, nowever, especially where acia salts of the base are staule, the dinitroso compound is iormed if an excess of nitrous acid is employea. ^he mono-nitroso derivative may also be formed by tue alky la Lion of the correspond- . , .69 mg primary nitroso nyurazme The more interesting oi the two types of ni trsos<> compounds of symmetrical nyurazines is the ui-nitroso derivative because it decomposes readily to iorra an azo compound and 2 mods of nitric oxide. Tuis reaction takes place even in tue cold in tne case of tue dinitroso aerivative of uydrazome thane. 17 In Liie oaae oj. s^mmeLrical u.iisopropj injurazine, ohe mono- nitroso oompouau xias, t>o i'ar, ueen Lhe only nioroso (jompound iso- laLed, Tne xact liiai inere is, in txie case oi the uerivative pre- pared wiLh acet-ic aoiu and an excess oI sodium nitrite, always a consiaeraoie amount oi evolution oi gas even alter tiie excess of acid lias been neubralized may inulcate tnat there is always form- ation of a small amount oi tue di-nitroso compound whicn would prouauly be very unstaole and decompose before it could be isolated Cooling slows dov.n tne gas evolution out uoes not stop it, and on warming tue reaction continues at tue former rate for several hours oeiore linall^ slowing uown ana stopping entirely. The properties oi tue nitroso compound agree, in the main, with tuose of ooaer nitroso compounds described in tue literature. The intensely olue color with ferric cnloride, and the Lieberman reaction are louiid uere, as in otuer nitroso compounds. Peculiarly enougii, however, nitroso-Sj'mmetrical diisopropyl-iiydrazine yields a sodium salt when treated with a concentrated solution of alcohol- ic sodium hydroxide. It is impossible to say at this time v;nich 01 tiie structures advanced for such compounds (page 15) is the most probable one for this sodium salt, but it seems reasonable to hold tnat the oxime structures auvanced bp rhiele and hamuerger arc more likelp to be tiie ones iound uere uuan tue xormula assumea uy i-iscuer, Keuucbion of one nitroso uerivative leads to ammonia and symmetrical ui isopropyl-hydrazine instead of to tue amino cora- CK. /Ch^ pound, Gh-i,M“NK-b;H • CHJ' hKg CH5 " ■ :0rsnir^. T’^^ j/tr *jir;i w J™ IWf il ■■' ^ tti'# - ' 'f* ■ -?r ■.. f >,. 4 ^ j ' ■ ' ' . ' ■' ' ' ■'4 ^ I^. .;. ';^ ' .' 'h • ' *.■• -^v-j ^ •*> , i. « A \V* 5 ;Ati «» a Set •-'Xi ••It jk-/'* €| •. '')'•».'•<■■• .■ '■ "Vf •’ 5 *'‘■^^^^^i^e's^&:; ^ !f ■ KS i * ' * t# ^&Jijltti 'V, ^ X -'.’ v'.ti •i^ . /, 1 o*.r^ 7, ' i 3 - . 'inv. ,.,iM BR, , ^'' ^ *. ■ , ,. li"' . '* ;.u. a*. # 1 ^ i;f 44 '«^ 0 '‘'l^ . li '.t ; Vj. - . ;fr- - '^<; r l.£ iJvJ • A '.t.-'.'j V-UiUt l* ^ ' / i '^f\ iii'*'. J.L/iJU /I . •■- ii -'irx- V T . 4. ^ , , r '^ * ,K W^iT*-.; ./>*■ #^'l^4ii'^' , ,-r ^ ;, y ^ J i/L?/! i t ' -4, j ,. »i M V ^u %fk^i t.fii;, $k' *:i-- ' ■' ‘ > . V-' " ' ■'■ p. ' .. :t j , ;j ^ 3^ I > .<>/'_■' t i f' kiiihL »- t i r ■ ■ ■JQ® - - “^^ A Vt u - IB - Wiien tne ury lijarochioriae oi tne nj-arazo oomp^u is mixed wiLu an excess of copper oxide, a peculiar sweeLisn odor is oDserved in auouo 15 minutes. In the course oi an uour, ii tlie excess of cooper oxide is not Loo great, some moisture may be observed on the crystals, by nexu morning the mass is uistinctly moist while the odor lias become much more nouiceaule. A! oer 5-4 days the mass is so wet thau it may ue pourea irom txie flask in wnich the oxidation tooK place. After anotxxer day or two tixe reaction mixLure in tiie original flask is distilled in a water uath. If the xieat is applied slowly the ruby red crystals oi an unstable copper sale wxxich is firsi ouserved on the seconu or ixiiru uay of ixxe oxidation process, are found to change suddenly from red to greenish wniie at 8B.5°. At oxxe same time i.ue oxidation pfoauct distills over as a yellow oil 01 a nauseatinglj sweet oaor, from y2-9B° tiie disbillate is composeu largely of waier wxiich xorras a separate layer underneath txxe oil layer* The yellow liquia is reaaily uried over calcium chloride and is pure afier one f ractiona bion. The analyses and tiie molecular weigiit deuerminauions show that the compound has the empirical iormula, G-H-. This lormula applies to 2 ,2 ’ -azobispropane and b -L4: ^ to the tauLomeric acecone isopropyl-hyurazone , The determination of the structure of tixis compound constituted one of tiie most diificult parts of this investigation. Aromatic azo compounas have been known lor almost a 4u century and have been txiorougniy stuuied, hixed aromatic-aliphauic azo compounas are known and are interesLing uecause txxey of uen cnange over very readily to the - ly - 45 tautomeric sLrucuure • Kyurazines oi tne tjpe represented, by symmetrical di- benzylnyurazine are usually oonsiaered as alipiiatio hyarazines although their properties uiTfer considerably, in some cases, from tne purely aliphaxic compounds represented by such compounds as symmetrical ui-meUiyl-nydrazine and Lne hydrazo compound prepared in txiis investigation, ihe uiiierence in properties is probaoly due tO tne proximity oi the phenyl group. Symmetrical hyurazines of ail types tenu to yield stable, slightly colored or colorless , . 44 azo derivatives, hone OI the azo compounds so far xnown are very closely related to Lhe product to be expected on mild oxida.tion of the hydrazo compound derived from uimetiiyl xetazine, Azo metnane is is tne only homoiogue of 2,2 ’-azobispropane known so far, IL has a very faint straw color in txie liquid state, but is colorless as 59 a gas (hence often erroneously called a colorless compound). As is indicated by a boiling point of only 1,5°, its properties may differ considerably from tiiose of tne higher homologues because it is a well Known fact that the properties of the first members of a homologous series are often markedly different from those of member witii five or mors carbon atoms. The light straw color tnat is observed in every specimen prepared, tiie neutral reaction, tiie immiscibili ty witn water, dilute alkali and diluLe acid, and tixe unexpected stability Lo- wards nyurolyzing agents wnicn maxes it necessary to employ a solution of 1 part of water to 1 part of concentrated hyarociiloric acid if tixe hydrolysis is to oe completed within an hour of n •’ i'i . i : ' ‘ ■ 1 1 i. ■> * » . ■"? ■ -lAi 4llN '• ■fc. \ jj|j3 j ^ lU* ^ . ^- . ■ '•tar" ,1’ ".' ’'V v^> •’•i.jtrJ ■'.'5 i n .» \ 1 ykc^Xu (> X ,. t- » j C ■ ' » "A ^ ” " ,fr li. lili V >• { • •' .. I vnc'. -rJ' ..vp - / - I ■ . .- .vl'i’ ... I e.i.^ • I •• / 4 ' tU'- .: . w 1 . ■'■. ■ • I ■ i o .:. -ijU ' if-;i.’u ■ ' ‘ ■ ■ < ' . . > 1 i ■ .-.■V) a^i'JU.y- 'A'/' -^Tvrq c 4 *y ' . ,y4|4ii * Stl X '■0 *C\A..-l' - . , ..a C.i. xC 1 ?» li . '.fi .•> ■ 1 . f '.oliri-i, . . W w 4 k '■.ffjJ. - 1 ■ .v'ir.-o ‘ip, V, '; ; ! ... ••■. '-.i . . 1 N ^ UOT^iO'iS^ t '■* xi- ^ ®JuXJ.Ai ^ . ■'>•'■. J . i ) . T n' I ■ i. . j ... ; i. V . IT J’/. X 0 » i rTAK i.' 20 boiling unuer reflux, all inuicaleci ouab lue oxidalion product, is actually tne azo compounu. An examination ox tne t^-pe of tauoomerism snowed tnat tne properties mencionea, although thej' led to a strong presumption that Liie azo compound nad teen formed, did not aosolutely excluv:ie tne possibility that the substance niigiit be the hyurazone in spite or inaicauions to the contrary, xhe i allowing uiscussion snows wnat basis there was for any un- certainty in regard to the structure of tue oxidation product. ae Alipiiatic azo compounus tena to ^ompose in two different ways. One is an actual aecomposi tion, the otner is a rearrangement. (1) Azo compounds may rearrange from the azo to the hyarazone structure; -CHg-hsb-n »■ -Ch-h-hH-K (2) Tiirougii elimination of one molecule of nitrogen gas, azo compounas may uecompose to form hydrocarbons; h-Nsh-R * K-K-/- ^2 Among cases so far observes tixe nydrazone seems almost always to be trie more stable form, altiiouj^n , in the case of symmetrically substituted hyarazines the azo is usually stable enough to be isolated, while some, lixe azomethane are stable enough to with- stand rather nigh temperatures without showing any sign ox re- arrangement to tne lijurazone form. 43a i’ischer was the lirst to observe a case of this kind of isomerism wnen he notices tnat acetalcehyde-pnenylnydrazone is formed readily wnen phenylazoe thane is treated witn acids or alkali. In many C 0 .ses, isolated since, it nas not been possible to isolate It. , 'I. a ' sj - ' t' i. * 1 ': I » ■■ c.V'j likit * i»» ^ : 'r; 6 xu , . .' : • f ^t< I » fLi r : .-r sjaefe ■| J 21 the azo compouna txxau is supposed to De an intermeuiate in the oxi nation of a symmetrical n^drazine to tne hyurazone Inat is 45 iinally isolaied. In tne case of uiphenyl and tripiienyl metna^v? derivaiives tne azo compound is also not stauie, Put in ouese cases cLe com- position of the final products shows chat the second type of de- composition of azo compounds has c-aken place, i.e. nitrogen gas 3S and a iiydrocaroon are the products. In Liie case oi Kiscnner's spuLhesis of nyurazones of tne . . 44 type, R-hH-h-R , ine in uermeuiace azo compound is nou isolated • Azo isobutyric acid and tue dinitrile irom which it is formed are stable uecause tney cannot rearrange according to oixe first Lype of rearrangement. Wiien, ni^ver, caruon dioxide is eliminated from , . . . 4lc tne compound it rearranges immeuiaoeiy to tne iiydrazone. Wnether tne same rearrangement wouiu taxe place ii two, in^teau of one mol or waroon dioxide , were eliminated could not oe snown by Tiiiele.The compound obta.ined on oxidation of the hydrochloride of 2,2 ' -hydrazobispropane, shows that the rearrangement would not iiave taken place ii’ 'iniele hau been able to eliminate both mole- cules of carbon dioxide at tiie same oime. irom a consideration of the rearrangements just discussed, it may readily oe seen ^nat a compound wnicn, like the oxidation product under discussion, may be refluxeu for ixOurs and may even be treated with sodium alcoholate for severul uours at a time at 110° witnout any notice- able cnange, mi^^iit well be mistaken for a uydrazone in spite of the other properties mentioned. Since absorption bands could not be de- IT’ > 22 tec ted in tne visiDle spectrum on examining the oxidation proauct ior sucii bands, ana since Lne refractive constants for nii-rogen in compounus nave not been aetermined for compounds of txiis typ® wii-n sufficient accuracy to make them useful in proving cxie struc- ture of a compouna fixe 2,2 ' -azobispropane , physical means did not seem to offer any xxope of being aole to prove the structure at all conclusively by their aid. The only 'lvw f easily methods left now were; (l}The preparation of a aerivacive of the oxiaation produce, and (2) the preparation of tixe xx^arazone itseli by some otxxer metxxou, Oi txxese, tixe xirse gave little xxope of success since if became apparent, after a series of experimenes, that no derivaeives that would be of value in proving its structure could oe obtained fron tne oxidation product. Possibly' sucxx derivafives may some day oe prepared by mecxious enat were not tried in metnod xxelu out equally small nope at xirst fxiis worn. Txxe as , in as mueix. A second in spite of numerous trials under varying condifions no xxydrazoixe could be isoiafea alfxxougii the ouor of a new compound coulu be nofeu. in a numuer of f rials. ji ^ heddelien’s metxxod of condensing aromatic amines with aldehyues and ketones fo lorm aniles proved to be the only metxxod that gave a good j'ield oi tiie h^'drazone. Zinc cxxloride is very oi ten used as a dexiyurat ing agent since it is one of txxe most hygroscopic of suustances. Moreover, txxe vapor pressure of water over moist zinc cxxloride at 25*^is only 0.85 mm while at 50^it is still only 2.99 ram. Since txxe adsorbed '-'. . *' V-I/ »?i7 hit. e ■ * )■■• I ) ~ '■ ■ I s 4 U . -L2,^'^V\ ,'»■« V ■■ , iL •'Ji|||B. i ' m t' ■' ■ 1 ,^ . >7 , , *^''■ f'V-'*'^ \ ■'■ •’ - 7»{^ . fc ■,.*-♦< ''Hi '' *'*^' " i7 S ^ ■ I ■ « .- 0 >* .: ,■ , J'Viifti^'lS'' Cjl ‘V V- jL L ' " ,p" '1^' \iij ’ L» , '■J ^ ■ '.. Aav Ai^C ■ -■ •^♦V ■ Vi TH^I^L. > 4ll /-j^'', ; '. . '■■ ■ ' . ■■.^ '5'^,y ■! : ' ^ y ■\'^ ' ■’" ^ ( *) ■ ^tJT* *i,,' « ,1 . V ‘ f ;' ^ 4 *■■«»" ^ ’ - ■ > * . jg.^ **‘ ^ Lf _ , 'J .vl:., ,. • V, A .« J,, , :,vi^ . Ai./. i c i -^t’'i4 r'Aii y^x j.-.^-' .' »: ■ . ■ ^'i ■ ■ T ^. ■ r ,^A i;t, l ’'^ •'■ ■■'"' ^ ty >. I .j; t ' ; . '' 2 ■'■'■ ' ' ’ » •. v' I ■ ‘ ^ '^> ■ ^- V i^i-. a^is V V. . •r, ■w% — . . '«.yj‘ J’’ , VVy’-'J ilBi. : '^»* ■ ■ ■' ‘ J '*^i'‘ ■ •" ^ ? ‘1 ■ - '• * •“ ;'f ^ •' '« '^ ■ .. *Jft. • . It ■MiiJ>, i J.f ^ ','^*^ * *'■ t^' '. . . r. ^-"•'i - . 'ji ' "W 25— waLer is noL given oif unoil one meioing point is reacheu at 2yu- o , . ' . 297 , tuis salt , in manj' cases , oe used as a aehyarating agent irom wnich one tiie dried substance may oe di skilled directly Naourally, une tendency of zinc cnloride to form complex salts with amines and many otner substances must ue taxen into account, Keddelien made one peculiar ooservation that, in the pre- paration of anileSjthe zinc cnloride does not act so much as a aexiydrating agent as in me capacity of a catalyst; i.e.the salt does not ’’bind” the water, out immeuiately li cerates it as steam o at the temperature of 170-180 employed oy this investigator in his condensations. Tnus,in the preparation of benzophenone-anile, he employed l/40 mol of zinc Cuioride to 1 mol of eacn of the otner reagents, and ^et obtained a very satisfactory yield of the anil . Tnere is nere tuen here some sort of catalytic action similar to tnat of iodine when it is used as a condensing agent in tne preparation of the same type of compounds. makes Anotner interesting observation tnat Heddelien^n tnis con- nection, is tne fact tnat tne zinc Culoriue acts as a catalyst only in cases in wnich the uases concerned form a definite compound with the zinc salt. If sucn a salt is not proauced the zinc chlor- ide acts simply as a denyarating agent; one moi oi uhe zinc salt must be used to one mol of the uase and tne reaution must be run a a nigner temperature than in tnose cases where the zinc salt acts as a catalyst, 4? The work of 2 oeppritz and Dimrotii ma^^ tnrow some light on the mechanism of tnis type ox condensation reaction. They claim I i I I i; I ! • »r* 24 : i/iiao anile (and presumaul^ also u^drazone) xormaLion takes place in ovvo SLeps; \ ^ /C 3 O 4- Kj^N-K > C— K-k > ^C-K-k (k = aromatic.) k H H n -f- K^O Tney isolated tne intermeoiate proauct. It is very easily decompose ed uj heat eitner inco tue original subsLances or into tne de- sired anile, xne lact tnat tne lirsL step coulu not be ouserved in the preparation ox ace Lpne-isopropyl-hydrazone may mean that in xnis case, Lnis suusLance is so unsLauie cnat it immediately eliminaLes wacer and cixanges co tne hyarazone even at 40-60^ at which this reaction is run with besc yields. Contrary to the experience oi neudelien who naa to heat nis i reaction mixtures to 170-180 uegrees, it is found tnat tne re- ' action mixture of acetone, zinc cnloride,and primary isopropyl iiyarazine heats up spontaneously and has to be coolea to xeep tne I temperature irom rising auove 40-b0 degrees with too much loss of ' acetone on boiling. Zinc chloride reauily forms a compound with the primary hydrazine, but, as only a small amount of zinc salt is : employed the amount of complex salt lorned uoes not greatly lower : I'he yield of nyurazone obtained. The product is distilled directly ' witnout attempting to filter tne zinc salts that are found in the ' mixture. There is a slignt lowering of yield due to this dis- 1 tillation xrom tne salts, out this loss is not as great as that uue to attempiing to filter off the gelatinous zinc salts tnat are ■ iormed in txie reaction, me pro^auct Outaineu on distillation is mixed with an equal voiume of ury etner and dried over anhyurous 25 soaium sulphate for 5-4 uays. uistillation now gives a yiela, sometimes as nign as of the calcuiaLea yield of the color- less hydrazone boiling between 125-and 135°. On refrac oionation of this part almj::.t ail of the producL comes over between 132 and 154°, a Thus prepared the hyarazone isy^colorless , basic, liquid witn sting- ing menthol odor. It is extremely sensitive lo any nydrolysing agent, even water reauily nydrolyzing it into its original components. Ixiis explains vnhy it was so difficuiu Lo obtain tne product in Lhe earlier experiments made in an attempt to produce tnis hydrazone as a part of this investigation. All attempLs to make the benzoyl, tiie phenylmustard oil, the cyanic acid, or the hyarocyanic acia uerivauives of Lue h^arazones failed for the same reason. Tne prouuct obtainea was always tiie derivative of tne primary nyurazine — one oi tne ny aroly sis products. The hydra- zone is the lirst one tiiat has been isolated among the purely alipxiatic series of nitrogen compounus while the azo compound is the second azo compound tnat nas ueen prepared in this series. The azo and xiydrazone stand also as the first case in wnich both txie azo and txie hydrazone corresponding to a single aliphatic symmetrical ixydrazine nave been Isolated. A comparison of txxe properties of txxe two tautomers leaves no doubt as to the structure tnat must be assigned to each, For convenience these properties are arranged in tabular form as Table I on page 26., 26 TABLii I • Tabular Arrangement ox tne Most Important properLies or 2,2 ’ -Azouispropane and Acetoneisopropyl-Kydrazone , Property — — 2,2 ‘ -Azobispropane — Acetone-Isopropyl-Aydrazone Color — _ _ rainL Straw — — _ Colorless boiling Pt, — — 68.5^ — _ _ _ 132-4° Density t/4 — — - .7408 — — — _ ^ ,8223 Iwol.Wt _ _ _ _ 114 (110,119)- _ - 114 (106,108,104) Mol, Volume _ _ _ 154 — _ _ _ _ 138.7 ^ (Abbe) _ _ _ lo3890 _ _ _ _ _ 1.4560 Carbon fa (63, lo Calc)_ 63.18,63.02, 63.02 — 62,69,63.00 Hyarogen/o( 12 ,28 “ )-12,03,12,0b,12,46 — 12.47,12,56 Hitrogen;>i( 24, 56 '• )- 24,67 — _ _ — 24.98, 24.34 Odor — _ _ _ Synthesis Nauseatingly Sweet _ Oxidation of GHv CH3 Stinging, ken tiiol CKv /GH'i- CH3 ■ ''CH3 behavior towards j Water _____ Insoluble _ _ _ _ Soluble. Hydrolysis Dilute acids — — - — _ _ _ » Dilute base — — “ — — — — Solution and slower hyurol jsis Gone. Alxali and Heau- Partial hearrange- — ho change to azo, any ment Lo ii;iurazone conairions . heauction _ - Sasily to Hyarazo basily to Hydrazo Oxidation — _ - Staule oruinury , weak. — Decoraposi tion.ned color. I c I I c - om i I I tl ■I - 1 27 VVLen one azo oterivacive ox symmetrical aiisopropyl-uydra- zine is uoilea un^er refiax witn b0;50 hydro'cnloric aciu and wauer one supernatant oily layer of azo compound gets thinner and tninner and aiLer about 30 minutes uisappears entirely. After auout 30 rainuLes more the tixe condenser is arranged i'or distillation and tne aceoone distillea oif . Tne rest of the the liquid is distilled off under^vacnum of a water pump until the resiaue has uecome syrupy . If the syrup is now coolea in an ice oatu the wnoie mass turns solid. The fine crystals are filoered off rapidlji uy suction and the xiltrate concentrated some more ana i/ne same procedure repeateu unoil only a few c.c, of filtrate remain, Xhe last residue of one iiydrochloride of primary isopropy^l-ixydra- zine may be removed irom inis filtrate now by adding a few drops oi alcohol and several c.c, of etner, Unlixe the nyarochloride of the symmetrical nydrazine ihe resiuue snoula noi ue evaporated to dryness because the iiydrochloride apparently uegins lo decompose lefore it crystallizes out of a syrupy solution like one one ob- r . • . tainea on concentration of ohe hydrolysis mixture. The hydrochlor- ide is puriiied by rocrystallizaiion irom a very small amount of alconol, or from a mixture ox a very small amount of alcohol to whicn wnile not etner is auaed to tne first permanent cloudiness, pie hyarochioriae prepareu tnru hyarolysis oi the azo compound by 2 onc. acid as described above is very hygroscopic , wnile the one obtained by either of tne other metnods mentioned in the next -wo paragrapiis is not hygroscopic or at most only slightly so. ,30 bh salts yielu tiie same case on treatment with a concentrated soluLion oi souium iiydroxide, probably tne iiygroscopic salt is 2a tiie acid salt since iz is prepareu in one presence of tne fairly concentrated acid and since tne aciu salt is usually tne more ii^'groscopic salt, decause oi tne aiii'icultj of wonting witn an exLremely nygroscopic salt, no attempc was made to analyze tne ii^'groscopic salt, uut the neutral salt was analyzed and proved to de normal. Primary iso^.ropyl-hydrazine is also obtained wnen the hydrazone syntiiesized above is nydrolyzed by dilute acid or even by water. The products formed here, as in the case above, are acetone and tne primary nyurazine. Tne acetone was identified in each case by means of the benzilidine derivative, by means of tne iodoform test, ana finally uy the souium ni troprusside color test. and best A txiir^t^rae txiod oi preparing tixe same primary hydrazine consists in reducing an equi-moiecular mixture of acetone, ny urocnioric acid, anu njurazine nyurate in exactly tiie same manner tnat the symmetrical aisuusti tuted hydrazine is pre- pared. The isolation of tne ny drocnloriae is accomplisneu in txc same manner for any of the three metnods described. n The simple xiyurazone, was prepared by the metiiod of (jur tius'^'^, but is too unstable to be used in obtaining the physical constants of tnis class of nitrogen compounus. tiie dibenzoyl and the phenyltniosemicarbazide derivatives are readily prepared and were analyzed in connection witn the positive identification of primary isopropyl-h^ urazine , primary isopropylnyurazine may be liberated from tiie // ■ ^ f f > 4 M j G ■ ' i.\ . -vj ' J' / . ' i' ' f t ( , I' i'. I I'. ■ /< .4' ,/ -i - I M I \ '^1 » *■ — dF ir ^ V lijurociiloride in tue usual manner oy vorj concenLraLeQ alKali which causes it to rise to the surxace to lorm a supernatant la^er ol jellovi/ oil, Tiiis la^er is then uriea lirst witxx i'useci. potassium j.i^'Q.roxiu.e and Lnen wiori aluminium amalgam, Tne amal- gam is slow in ios action, ouu the case is tiiorougiily dried by it, Melanie sodium is found to be satisfactory and ver^' fast in its acbion in drying tne symmeLrical hydrazine, but it seems to decompose part of the primary liyarazine if an attempt is made to use it here. In every case the base produced from the iiyaro- chloriue constantly gives ofi' oin^ bubbles of gas even Wixen the i'ij drazine hecs been tnorougiily dried and dist-illed in an atmos— piiere of nitro^^en, kiscimer reports tne same beiiavior in the case of neptyl ana ocLylhydrazines. No satisfactory analyses were Obtained on tne xree base and a determination, of its pxiy’sical constants is eviuently useless since refractive inaex determina- tions show Lnat the compound gradually uecomposes. The boiling point is between 104°anu lOG^for the fresnly uistillea base. The primary hjdrazine was definitely iaentixied tlirough analyses of the hydrochloride and oi the dioenzoyl and phenyltiiiosemicarbazidte derivatives. compounds uifiering in only small details, an attempt was made to determine as many physicaj. constants as possible on all com- pounds tuat are stable enough to permit a reasonauly accurate I ■ >? ^ , ... ■ ' ' i" ^ i, >.iUjoJ , . . ' . js I. X \,u'iJO, .1 ■ -I ’J '• I • ' ' ‘ I • j ' '•..M 4 - ,• ' ^ j’ t ) j 50 de lerminaiion oi sucn constanos. Tiie results of Lhese ueLermina- Lions,as far as completed, are here offered as tne^ were obtained witiiOuL any attempt at generalization. It is hoped, uowever, tnat, wuen the corresponuing constants xor otiier series of such com- pounus oecome availaole generalizations of value maj be arrived at • P. W' * ■% ” ' ' J L;,-, I ^ < r • _ ■''**; '■'i< •* j s‘ ■ i I V y T 'W « 5 . o|C»A -C - > -4» Jr-.»-, . U*. **l-( . .. } ■ . -V ' 7 ^ ,' ^ ' Mp M-r-- -‘ t>*-:^Do4w ''^i« ;Vtft wu.r.i/vf;,. ‘ ' h'i.“ •■'WjSIik:- j'jr *’ . 7 ‘ • ’ ■■/' ^ 1 ^ 50 II iiiXPJihiMiii'j ixU-i DlkiiTHxL ti-iilTAZINE.- Tiiis compouna V\^as prepared according to tiie IBd method oi Curtiub and Zinkeisen • _ue -ieid was not satisfactory at any time. Vi/iiile the method, as given, gives a yield ox 60-70;;'o ana a slignt moaix'icaLion ox the metnod^i.e. the use of a excess Ox acetone, increases tue ^ielu to 70-75;3, uhis yield can not De consiuered satisxactory in view of the nigh price of hydrazine at L,nis time. Tne use of sodium hydroxide was abandoned for a while and sodium carbonate suostituted for it buL the yield remainea the same. A rea oil was always obtained as a residue after Lhe 128- 135^ fraction nad ueen uistilled off. -ne residue, wnen hot, ig- nites on contact witn air, showing InaL tiie substance is very easily oxiutzea. Tne yield was coo small nowever to permit iso- lation and iuentif ication of che oil. ATTEkP^'8 TO iiEDUOS xHE KETAZINS. - Altnough not much hope of suc- cess v/as entertained since a number ol chemists nau tried and failed to reauce uimetnyl xetazine, anotner series of attempts were made to reduce the xstazine with common reducing agents through alter tiie reauction products v;ere known^euuc Lion of the ket- azine uy a metnou uescribed later. It was hopea txiat a knowledge ox" tne compouna to ue expected would permit cne iuentix ication of a small amount of riydrazo compouna tnat mhgnt nave escaped the attention ox earlier investigators, oouium as amalgam^ and as metal in alconol; alum-inium as amalgam^ and as xree metal in the pre- sence of potassium hyuroxiue, gave traces of reduction compounds c* . ri- .M tf - ' r r--iJ ■ .1 -ip. be ■•^-11 • .! V'*' %. 7-( . SJ / • I 11^ I'Ti .i ^• iH- * '*•' '. <*■ , ?■ iO ii itJ sTitni* -yr. *tiit(i^ L:.,\ i / i .<-82i) Af. Lg 00-1 ^^■: !tl. i:: : oiij; y*'. I Lane -*i-‘ -u-Jtj i ■■> '- i) - 'tU tXy« .. j T. iVi -32- Out tne h^urazo compound could not oe iuen tilled among them. Zinc witn various acids, iron v^ith acido, ana stannous cnioride laiiad to give anj reduction products ol the ketazine. H 3-lViETHiL- 5-dDviiii'KYL PxKAZOLINii, K-cf Yhien a II lew drops ol uenzojl chloride l\i were added i'j— H to a lew c.c, ol tiie reuuction mixture ootaihea in one ol tiie unsuccesslul attempts to reuuce dimeoxijl keuazine, a crystalline compound melbing at 228-y*^ was oucained. iVielting point, appearance, and analysis showed that the suostance is the oenzoyl uerivative ol 3-metiiy 1-b-uimetnyl pyrazoline wxiicn was originally prepared Idh Oy (jurtius and Zinkeisen Analysis: CalculaLed, lor , N » 12,96^o round; (humas) N = 12.92;6 Tne acid lormed during the reaction ana dy hydrolysis ol denzoyl chloride is thus strong enough to elfect txie rearrangement 18d 18c SLudied by Curcius, I’rey and Hoiiuian , and Iranxe , AEjij'JriOw Ol riihxiiiixL niiTAZiuEo- Ss.ica's metiiOd ox reduction by iiydrogen unuer one cataljtic inlluence oi colloidal platinum protected ijy gum arable was ±inally useu with oomplece success in tue reduction ol tue azine. Tile apparacus used at lirst was modelled alcer the one 25a descriseu by oxi oa , but was later modilied so as to be less expensive and, especially, also less space consuming. The use ol the troublesome pressure regulator oi Skita was also avoided. Tne linal lorm ol the apparaous is sixo.n in ligure I. 33 Figure I 54 Trie open-cop mercurj manomeber iias a ientjCu oi 200 cm so that a height consiaeraoly in excess of 180 cm of mercur^y or over two atmospheres excess pressure may safely be employed in bhe apparatus. The capacity of the tank, T, was so regulated by m means of a small amount of distilled water tnat was placed in the bottom to seal all stopcocxs and at the same time to pro -vide for a flexiule capacity of the ^as hoiuer, Vuien tuo capacity is about 20 liters the average running pressure of the apparstus will ue suCii that the drop ox' 1 mm in pressure is equal to 10 c.c. as an average. The exact values represented by a change of pressure of 1 ram at any desired temperacure and any desired total pressure (atmospheric plus extra) a^ e read uirectiy from a chart made when the tank was calibraced with the wauer level fixed permanently. In tuis way it is possible to use only tlie tiieoret- ical amount of gas to complete tiie reduccion desired, tlius avoiding incomplete reduction Liirougn stopping tne snaker too early, or over-reouction tiirough adding more hydrogen than de- sired. The shaker is fastened to the wall by a strong hinge, by tnis arrangement tiie shaker occupies little space when in use, and practically no space when not in use as it may be folded back against tne wall. The hinge and board are fastened to the wall at an angle oi about 45 degrees as shovm in the figure. Tiiis angle is found to proviue the most efficient stirring and shak- ing when Lhe arm is swung cacx and forth by a common motor driven snaker. The rocking arm oi tu.e shaker is xastened at tij.e pointy n. -f • — 1 * •*11 X fa; 'iHi... . t/i., k. . / i '-TH/ .y '*••*“ V .* t/jJUj 0 V l(? ^• i _ — •• •>- LUi tr 4 j: Tgs \jr ts^i i ( ' i ' ■< »% - o5 - j.ne i'labk is lasoeneci in a rapid and verj satisfactory aianner Dy means of two screen door springs tnaL are hooked into rings behind tiie board© To prevent poisoning of catalyst due to con- Lact of tiie liquid with Liie brass or copper tuoing, the coiled Luce is cemenLed into a piece of glass Lubing wnich ohen passes through tiie rubber stopper of tiie pressure flask© The rubber SLopper is iield in place securely even unaer more than 2 atmos- pheres of extra pressure, by means of the yoke damply© PEOCkhUKE.- In maxing a reduction run for tiie first time tae acetylene tank,!', is first evacuated, oiie open end of the copper coil , v¥W ' , ueing closed bj lasuening into tae empoy pressure ilask, Vhien txie pressure aas dropped as low as the wauer pump will take it (20-30 mm|- the tiiree-way SLopcock ,5, is burned so as to connect v/itii"G"' instead of with "v". "C” is connected to the Hydrogen cylinuer by means of a snort length of ruboer pressure tubing of not too great strength so that in case the pressure is accidentally raised too high due to carelessness in ma.ni- pulation of the valves or to stoppage of some passage, tiie pressure will ce indicated by the bulging of tae tubing and the eventual blowing out of the tubing, liien the tension of the tubing, as ielt by tae aand, inaicates taac tiiere is a slight pressure in tae system, biie gas is Lurned off again, the three way stopcock turned back to ‘'V“,and tae evacuabion repeated. Yaien again evacuated and refillea wita gas until a slight pressure is inuicaLed by tae tuuing leaaing from tiie cylinuer to the tank, the vaive 2 wnich iias been closer, up to now, is opened ana the pressure in tae tanx permitLed to rise slowly to a total 56 pressure oi‘ aoout 2500 mrn oi' raercur^’. Tixe valves 1 anu 4 and the stopcock 5 are tiien cioseu and the xlask disconnected from the tuDing and cnarged for tiie run. Tiie usual charge consists of 50 100 c.c. of 15^ hj'drochloric acid, c.c, of ketazine, 100 c.c. of water, ^10 c.c. of a solution oi platinic cliioride, and .5 g of gum arabic dissloved in hot . water. To tnis mixture is then added the "seeding” colloid pre- pareu eitner accoruing to tiie direcbions of oxiLa hj heating a few cubic centimeters ox a palladous chloriue solution to boil- ing and then, v/hile removed from tiie flame , allowing a slow stream ox h^-drogen gas to pass througii the soluLion to reduce the mexal to tue colloidal state, or oy parcially reducing 2--3 cc of chloroplatinic aciu hj making it alxaline, heating to boiling, and adding a few crysdals ox n^drazine cnloriae or of tne iiy urocnloride of symmetrical diisopropyl-h^drazine . As soon as the mixture uuurns ulack it is rapidly poured into the pressure flask where the alkali is neutralizeu by the acid present The flasK is tiien connected to tne system again and evacuated until tne acetone starts to boil. The air is tnen sufficiently removeu to permit ti^e reduction to proceed. The gas is aamitted to tne flash by opening valve 1 as soon as possible after the valve 4 nas been closeu to cut off tixe vacuum. lx" the acetone vapors are perrniLued to condense, in any amount, in the coiled tube, the catalyst may oe poisoneu by txiis liquia wnen the gas pushes it uach into Lne flask in course of the run. for this reason tne gas suould ue Lurneu on us soon as possiole aiter the evacuation is completed, if the desirea amount oi pressure is now in the system tue snaner is soarteu ana Ghe total pressure, i; !■ (• i' tC t X ' - - ^ - * ■ r -■ -' .".. DfeA i - . .‘i.'j ‘. -Sj I *' '.flu . h « .. 11J I.^.UT ;C rc« f.: klOi ' Vi i^un in 1 ' * I .'uaCl^ ^.- j >r-^‘ - lA.I'Oai :. V) ; \ ■ ■•■ '. T.b%ii , i , I ■ 'a tij\.' ■ ■ ^ 'I ua .•■ ‘ i ’■ < ■ .'>a.t /ir n l'.*'"-j . I' ' ^ u. . . ., - ( - ' t ’ 4. .. I . . I ■ ' . • ’ . ‘ ‘ i.u;-0«r • . iT»J ’' it^JL * ' . !' I -•. r -f i.Jpir ( ^ I >» : sn’i 1 ! r ^0 • !=■ ev . ' / L» .^> lOl'xa • ■-• nt^c;j:iv (1 - ’1 -u if \*r ' • n ifcMfAKHW *■ - --*• 4<.'c, ,:siirlt4. - 67 - ana temperamre read and recoraed, i*'or a lew minuLes iirtie, ii anj , absorbLion is nouiceu. ir tue acetone xias oeen properly purified aosorbtion v^ill start in a few minutes and grov; steaaily more rapid for about an hour when it reaches its maximum and gradually slows down only to stop enitrely when the ketazine has been all reduced to the symmetrical nydrazine. Tnis may take only 3-4 hours if no anti- caralytic suostance is present, usually Lnere will be enougn of sucn substances present as impuribies so maberially slow dOY/n Liie run so thab 6-8 hours are required, unless bhe snaKer is stopped alter the aosorobion slows down noticeably and more platinum solution adueu, Tne rate of reduction aepends on tne amount of catalyst present so that , presumably , the reduction could be carriea out in muca.i less tuan 3 nOurs if we were willing to use more platinum tuan necessary. Usually one additional addition of 10 c.c. of cnloroplatinic acia suificeu to reduce a regular charge in 3-4 xiours. In som.e sucn runs absorb Lion uook place at tne rate of over 12000 c.c, an nour for over a hour at a time. The solution in the flask warms up considerably when reduction proceeds as rapidly as this. If it uoes not heat up to about 40 ^ it is advisable to place a very small flame some 6 a' 8 incnes below the flask to neat it to tne temperature of about 40^ at wnicn aosorotion ../takes place at txie maximum rate. Should tixe temperature in any run rise to the boiling point of acetone the reduction wohld be materially sloweu down because of the acetone vapor wnicn woulu not permit tne nydrogen to get in con- tact witn txie liquid rapidly enougn to sustain the original rqte of reauction li an atterapL is made to use 'cn.e acetone of commerce disappointmenLs are almost sure to come. In airaosL all cases in wnich t,ne acetone is lo ue used in caLalytic reduction pro- cesses it nas to Pe purified to make it suitable for use. The im- purity manifests itself curing a reduction run by preventing absorption of hyurogen entirely, ii there is much catalyst poison present, or, in case only a small amount of anticatalyst is found, the aosorbtion may start but almost immediately reach a maximum, far oelow tne maximum reached wuen pure acetone is em- ployed, and tnen rapidly arop off until no gas is ausorbed. . . ^ . 49 jO puriiy Uiie acetone one metuou of dhipley and Werner was found satisfactory. If sodium iodide and acetone are refluxed for an hour or more a very concentrated solution of sodium iodide is oorained. un cooling the solution down to -10° or even to -].5 ° . if convenient, tiie sodium iodide-acetone addition compound precipitares out as large reddish needles, Tliese are sucKed off rapidly on a large iiucuner funnel without filter paper. The needles are so large that they do not pass through tne funnel, me needles are then placed inro a distilling flask and tne acetone is uis billed off. It practically ail comes over between 5b. 5 and 56.6 at 750 mm and is apparently now entirely free from anticatpLly tic acrion. The filtrate and tue residue of sodium iodide from the distillation are mixed and ano 'v. . .r small amount of aceu^n. aude^. Inis mixLure is refluxed as before and a seconu quantity of pure acetone obtained irom it. If Lne acetone as obtained fi’om stock is fairly pure, the puriiying process may If' •sicrs ■!- ,1/ -r -s, ’ .:e9rt£l f jb'/ rv'' u „ I A » *_ C/fl % a fit . ,fjn . CiO C ■' ■ p s. '■** '. ■ \ '• ©ij ^ ■> *1 . , . I . - 1 J. <■•• _ I ' . 1. . . . 1 ' ,1 , t ■ ^, '- i *4, ■' c I ■ ->^- - * • ' ■" ' ’“* I ' '*. • . '- .-. t A'-- • t. I ■#<' I ■■ ■ >. . ■ .1- li-‘. it}^\ .». ' v'ftn .*»' j i'. t -’■t ir :nrpt;u' :iOj;i ac-, ;f-.. ■ • ua: w a i ^ ‘) . '! ■f.J a t-t - 39 - De repeateci. as mucii as 5-6 times before cleaning the iodide, TO purify tne sodium ioaide so as to be able to use it again for similar work or for other reac --ions the acetone is all distillea off on a wai-er bath. The wee residue is then poured into an enamelled pan W’here iL is lurLher dried by g^entie heat. V/ii^n Lhoroughly ur^' txie neocb is gradually increased until all organic mauter nas seen carsonized. Thus igniceu iL is ready for use in acetone purii icaoion. For OLner chemical wor^v it must obviously be puriiieu uy recr^ stallization before use, 1 A few early runs were run using the mixture of ketazine water, and catalyst as descriued on page 37. The reduction was lounu too slow iiowever and ane reuucLions as next modified gave better yields in snorLer oime.It was observed that one addition 01 Ciiioroplatinic aciu always produced a rapid rise in absorbtion. Tiie quesLion arose wnetner Luis rise could occur as suddenly as it did if tne extra platinum audeu were the only factor trial in- creased the rate of absorution of nydrogen. A small amount of hy urociiloric acid was next lOunu to nave tne s:me effect, in case no anticataiysL was present, as tne addition of cnloroplatinic acid. By adding small portions at a Lime Lhe time of reduction was soon cut down ta less tiian a uay. Tne neAb step v/as to add tiie tneoreLical amounL of aciu, needed to salify all of tiie base formed , aL one start. The first run failed oecause b^ie platinum reiuseu to be reduced to the colloidal staLe unuer Lhese condiLions . In subsequenL runs tne reduction was allowed to proceed for a xew minutes anu Liie auiu tnen ull auueu. at one time. Tne yielu was practically quanLiLative . - 40 - Since Ine resuiLs snowed tnac Uie aadiLion or blie caicu- latea amount of hyarocnloric acid in one 'lot . did not reduce tiie yields and even shortened tue time requireu, tue question or hyurolysis Oi tne ketazine was eliminated. The next step xor- waru was txie used of oa mixture of acetone and hydrazine hydrate instead of xetazine. This avoiued tue step that yielded txie lowest yield -- tne preparation of dimetnyl keLazine. 2.2 mol of acetone, 1 mol of hydrazine hydrate, and 1 mol of nydrochloric with the original amounts of cnloroplatinic caid, gum arable and ’’seeding” colloid now constitutes a regular run after dilution wiLn 100 c#o. of uistilleu water. In tnree runs on wnicn u.ie yieluS,Dy Lnis metnou,were ouLained, 25 g of nyarazine hydrate tiie i'oilowing results wer^e outainea,- I. 25 g n^drazine gave 78 g of hydrochloride in 4 nours, II. 25 g iiydrazine gave BO g of hydrocxiloride in 5.5 ” III. 25 g hydrazine gave 74 g of hydrochloride in 6 hours. The salt was weighed after it nad been recrystallized once from alcOiioi and uad uean x^ept on paper ovei- night. Its melting point was 107-8 unsharp for eacn baten, a cnlorine ue terminations oy Mohr’s meti.oa gave 23.8;^y Cl, anu titration witn n/ 10 iouine gave an average purity of for the salt. These show tnat the salt was practically pure anu tne yielu almost quantitative. The more usual yields lay between 88 and 9i5yo xiowever because the above runs were made on especially purified reagents. Evai 9 0;i is a nignly satisiactory yielu nowever wnen the isolation of the Ketazine is avoiueu entirclj. ' f . V i, — * i\ vi (M y|’ . - -■ d/. i(i ;T* • '4 i !' *’j * »i CjPAt.' '.■ ■ / - - Wnen poisoning of Lue catalj'Si- does occur, as shown oy the phenomena descriuea previously, the poisoning , if it is slight. , may oi ten te overcome by une use of an excess of catalyst. If the poisoning oe severe Lhou^u it is eest to recover the iiyarazine as urocnloriae and as much of tixe acetone as possible and stare- out on a new run. The origin of the poison is often very difficult to locate, in fact, in many cases subsequent runs with the same reagents prove to be normal. In a number of cases wnere txie catalyst lost ius acLiviuy more ana more, apparently tiirough exiiaustion of its catalytic acti vi ty_^ wiiatever tnat may be uue to, attempts were made to revive tne catalyst by shaking it in contact witxi air for varying perious of time. Even on sxiaxing for as long as two xiours no revival of activity could be detected in any case. IbOLATIOh OF IKB REDuCiIOK PROhoCrSo- Wnen the theoretical amount of iiydrogen has ueen acsorued, the valve 1 is again closed so as to save the gas in tfie tank for future runs and to avoid the preliminary evacuation of tne tank. The flask is disconnected from the system ana allowed to stand for a fev^ minutes. If the colloid is still homogenous, and equal volume of acetone is added to the mixture and tue contents ^ i the flask shaken violently for a few minutes. The colloidal soiUbion will now usually be broken up into large flakes which soon settle out, leaving the rest of tiie mixture clear. In many cases tne colloia is found to nave broken ao n wnile* the reaucoion was still going on. In such cases, 01 course, no aadi .i nal acetone is adaed. In eit..er case it is oest to let tne mixture stana overnight w.ien the clear n <- t- cL t i •'.‘1 f i: i; ■■ i > A' ■y : 0 .; L'f ■ t i,' I I / 1 If? / I' 42 liquid, may Lhen be poured througii a large pleated filter in a few minutes and the mass tnat nas settled out will urain within an hour or less after it has been piaceu on tiie x'iltero If an attempt is made to fiiber the mixture immeaiatel;, after tue colloia lias been broken or ii suction is applied in an attempt to save time it is very difficult to filter at all as tue black mass oi flakes cannot be filtered unuer such conditions witn any uegree of satisfaction. To isolate tiie reduction proauct, tue solution is made acid to Congo , unless already auiu.. In case acetone was used to breau the colloidal state, the acetone is how recovered tiirougu distillation. Tue remainder oi the solution is evaporated down in vacuum on a steam ba-.h. As tue solution becomes more and more concentrated fine long uairlike needles oi tue uyurochloride begin to crystallize out on the walls of the flask. If some lots of pure product are uesired, the residual solution is now well cooled in an ice bath anu the mass oi' crystals tuat separate out are filtered of oy suction. Tue filtrate is con- centrated further in vacuum and anotner lot of pure crystals obtained, finally tne iiltrate is evaoprated to dryness to get the remainder of tue hydrochloride since it is very soluble in water. If no special batches are uesired the evaporation is carried to dryness in tne first place anu the time consumed in cooling and filtering saveu. hkbOVuRY Of Tiik Cal'ALMoT;- To recover tiie platinum the filter and clacK mass of precipitate are permitteu to ury tuoroughly before attempoing to work witn them. The ury filter is burned ■ 1 " 45 over a porcelain disii. To keep irom cracking tne uisn,ik is uest LO nolci tne liiLer wiLu a pair oi glass roas until tne ashes crop ox'r into tue clish. me asnes ana caroon in t^ie uish are tuen careiully scrapeu into a crucicle ana ignited wiLh a clast lamp. liie metal is nexL dissolved in aqua regia. Tixe first solution is evaporated aown on a water uatii, water adaed, evaporateu to dry- and ness again, iiydrocnloric acia auaea,y<^evaporated again. This alternate treatment witii water and witu K^drochloric aciu is re- peated until tue platinum solution nas ceen evapprat ed, three ^ times witu the acid. Water is again adaeu and the final evaporation carried out in vacuum. The residue odtainea now is dissolved in a few^ drops of water ana finally uilutea to tiie same color that the original solution uad. It is now readj^ for use as a catalyst in reduction runs. Tiic loss per recovery is small, Out when the same platinum goes through dozens of runs the loss geos more , and mors noticeaole. SfMvikThICmj DIIdOPhOPYLwHfDhAZIh'E.- Tne hyurochloride obtained on evaporation of tue reduction mixture is recrystallized a few ; times from small quantities of alcoiiol or from acetone, before liberating the base in case anciiyses are to be run on the sample obtaineu. IT ohe uase is to oe useu for tne preparation of ae- rivatives the puriiication is unnecessary, in either case the base is liberated by means oi very concentralea sodium or potassium uydroxide. It floats as a layer of yellow oil. x'his is separatea from tiie water layer and the latter extracued twice witii ether. The oil ana etiier extract are united and dried for ■ 44 at least 24 hours witn fuseu potassium u^aroxiue. Tiiis re- moves most 01 the waver. Alter the alkali u.r^'in^ is complete, Lhe mixture is pourea oil bue pooassium ujdroxiae and into anotner tuoe.Tiie odor oh Lhe oxiuation produc L is easily noteu along with tne ammoniacal ouor ox hue case. Tne iinal urying is done by freshly preparea aluminium amalgam prepared irom clean pieces of aluminium foil ana mercuric unloride. _ne amalgam is allowe::. to react witn the base for a week or more, during this time tiie jeilovj color and tne azo ouor uisappear as tne oxiaation prouucts is reauced to the nydrazine again. This face makes aluminium amalgam far superior to any of the oxide crying agents sucii as barium oxiae and calcium oxide, ine same result - drying and reduction - obtained ver^- much more rapidly by metal- lic sodium but it is more uifficult to get rid of the slimy sodium compounds tha u are formea during the crying and reduction. At the ena of the drying period, tiie base is carefully poured off the aluminium hydroxide and unciianged amalgam and distilled from a small distilling ilask thru wnicn cry nitrogen gas nas been passing for some time, to urive :.ut all oi the air, Tiie stream of gas is kept going curing tne distillation. When the tempera- ture reaches 124*^ tiie xirst reciever is removeu ax ter tne flame nas seen removed to prevent loss curing the cuange ox re- ceivers, nefore heating attain tne surf am of nitrogen is sent througn tne nev; reciever for acout 10 minutes to remove all air. On again heating- and distilling the remainder of tne base it is found to practically all come over between 124 and 125° as a mouile, colorless liquid of ammoniacal ouor. Titration by iodine - 45 - or 'oj hj'uroCiiioric acid anows Lnac the case is not quite pure ( 97 - 8/0 purity.). To obtain a ver- pure sample lor deoermin- acion ol cue various pny sical consianos, une last trace of oxida- tion product (azo compound) is removed uj using a small aosoro- 53 tion apparaLus ol tne tppe u.escriDeu by Noyes aiad Alter the 124-5° Iraction nas been collected in tuis small reciev- er under tne usual precautions, the dry nitrogen gas is allowed to continue bubbling throw^ue absorber until tiie inu.ex ol reirac- tion remains constant curing 15 minute intervals. There is some loss ol symmetrical hyurazine along .vitn the azo compound tnat is volatilizeu , hut the loss is far smaller and the purity greater than by any otner metuoa tried. Analysds, by ra.piu iodine titra- tions, showed that tue purity ol tiie base is ecout 99. 5;^, "'o preserve the pure product, the absorber I 3 errptied, with the gas still passing, into a small nitrogen iilleu bulb which is then rapiuly seaieu by a blast lamp. Apparently the base thus collect- ed may be kept indefinitely^ wnile in contact with air it is im- mediately Qxiuizea partially, i^ven in viell stoppered tubes the decomposition is consiuerable . Q ana The pure base boils at 124.5 at 751 mm pressure ^is a colorless mobile liquid with an ammoniacal odor. It reduced ammoniacal silver nitraie, aqueous silver nitrate, and lehling's solution in the cold. The inaex ol refraction (Abbe instrument.) is - 1.4125 D The density , found- by picnometer, is D31/4 ....0,7712 c - - 46 - ketnods or Anaiybis.- The most oonvenienL metixoas of analysis of bii6 iree nj-arazines , ana tne metnoas mosL commonly used in this investigation, are volume uric metnoas. loaine tirations accord- bO ing to tiie meLhOv^ ox otolle are especially convenient and accurate, the rea.Cbion. proceeas accoruing to; C^hl 6 iM 2 ^2 — ^ 2 HI , xiie oxiaation product is tne azo compound^ identified dj ouor, inuex of refracuion, and soiling point, otolle assumed that tne use of nis meuiiod in tne caae of primary njdrazines leaa to nj-drazo derivatives. In view of the fact tnat in the present wort; the iiyu.razo compound is titraLed with iodine under che conuitions emplo^ea uy Sbolle, it is far more prodadle Lnat the reaction in tne case of primary njurazines proceeds according to; 2RmI“Im2 + 2 Ig ^ n-K -v* 4 HI , which is uhe normal De- havior oi' primary n^urazines towards mild oxidizing agents. Another volumetric metnoa tnat ^ives good results, -results tiiat may later be cnectea oy an iouine tiLrarion on the same sample, - consists in tiuraoion oy H /lO nydrocnloric acid using methyl red aS indicator. To cnecic one results odtainea by titrations^ coraDustion analyses were also resorced oo and proved to oe very troudle- some au first, xne compound, as well as most of its derivatives, is very easily partially Onidized, out some of one prouuccs formea in tne parcial oxiaation seem to ue very staule. laej pass over tne long la^er of copper oxide without cnange unless Lne oxiue iias seen heatea to a pink color, Even thexi the de- composibion must be very carex'ully regulaoea bO prevent pushing r - 47 - tiie ^ases over Ghe oxide aL too rapid a rate. In Liie Dumas nitrogen ue terminations Liie results were always uign if the decomposition proceedeu too fast xor even as little as a min- uu-e 01 time. On tne otner hanu., caroon ana iijOrogen determinations v;ere always low unuer tne same conuitions. After more tiian twenty failures with the usual comdustion furnaces, an old fur- nace was remodelled to fit the special conditions. The heavy iron ^'OKes supporting ti^e uom.bustion tube were replaced by a 40 inch length oi angle iron. Tiie extra lengtii of bea permitted the use of an extra burner outside of tne end supports, thus making tne xurnace auout ^ incnes longer than it xi.ad been. The tiles along botn sides of tne bed were so arranged tliat txie^ are readily remov^able in case decomposition tnreatens to be- come too fast. Six inch sections of asbestos board are used as a roof I or the furnace. By removing the section above tlie sample it may be rapidly cooled. To provide lor cases in which the removal oi tiie tiles and roof sections uoes not bring tne decomposition into immediate and accurate control, ice is Kept available so tnat on an instants notice a small block of ice may be rubbed along the lower side oi one ued. This radical cooling was found necessary on m.any occasKions. The tendency to very rapid decomposition is ver^ pronounced in nearly all of the compounds studied. With tiie furnace as uescribed and witn very slow and carexul uecomposi tion tne results are as reliable and accurate as tiiose on more easily burned suuSuances. Altnough tiie use oi oxygen during the decomposition in carbon ana hydrogen determinations results in small explosions, one of wnich vias severe enough to wreck the comoustion tube, air may be - 4:6 - safely used to provide for a constant and even movemenL of ciie gaseoufc) aecomposi Lion prouucus. Anal y ses* OalculaLeci xor f Gjdffhwh'fDnAZIh2, - The neutral hyurocnloride of tnis nyurazine is outaineu as outlinea in the isolation oi tne reauction prouucts. -ne crude salt is recrystal- lizeu 3-4 Limes from very small amounts of alconol to wnich etner may be adueu to complete tne precipitation oi the salt, Otner recry stall! zing agents tnat give good results are acetone ana etnyl acetate. TTie salt is very soluule in water, and alcohol; insoluble in ether and in petrolic ether; and slightly soluble in all otner comm.on solvents. The ny urocnloride is non-hygroscop- ic and has markea crystallizing properties, sometimes arranging in long hairlike needles that twine along tiie sides of the container for several Incnes. The substance melts at 198. 5°( corr . ) Conductivity determinations revealeti tiie ract tnat, at nigh dilutions, tne hydrociiloride is appreciably hyarolyzed. since the nyarazine is only as strong a case as nyurazine itself, this be- havior of tne nyurociiloriue is not unexpected. 51 j^ji3.1 j'SOS# oS-IcllIs-X/Gcl iy*o5j 01^ ^ ^ rOunu.- Gl,(Carius) 22,99; (iviOhr' s) 25. 77 ; 23. 75; 23. 78; 23. 69)i N, (uumas) 18.21j'i ; (Vyet keLuoa) , 18.15;6 liie remaris.aule results ouoainea with kohr's metnou are interest- ing, since three diiferent, indepenuently standardizeu silver nitrate solutions were used ana yet the results are all unii'ormly iiign in spite oi tne fact txial the samples analyzed were also entirely different ones. PKlil'J YLTiilOSEivilOxttliJiiZIljE Of 8YiViMhxri.lC^iL DIiSOPrtO?yL“hy^PatZIi\iS, - ixiis derivative is preparea liy aading 1.25 mols of pxxenylmustard oil to 1 mol of txxe free hjurazine. ro avoid overxieating , the mixture is cooled until tixe reaction slo is doun. a good yield of a yellowiSii crystalline precipitate is Obtained. ohS cTerlva- uive putidied for analysis by recrystallization from absolute alcohol or irom acetone, fxxe corrected melting point of tne 0 pure substance is 129.4 , It is insolucle in water, but fairly soluule in txxe otxier common solvents. Analyses.- dalculated for G. ,:-K N,,b, N rl6.747o; S = 12. 75;^, found; 3, (Garius) 12.45; 12.45. N,( Dumas), 16.73;b DEKZO^L DERIVATIVE.- A num.ber of attempts to prepare the benzoyl derivative of tixe symmetrical xiyurazine failed because the pro- duct was always a smear wnicn could not be obtained in a satis- factory crystalline state. The 3cho Lten-nauman metnod and variations, as well as the franzen metnod, using a benzene sol- ution of tixe base instead Ox an alxaline solution is preparing the derivative, were tried during txxis work. oEIvIIGAR-'jAZI DS Of of ivilvin'i'-LiOAL DllnOf RO?lj_i-KlDi:.AZIx'iiE, - lixis f 52 aerivat-ive is very reauily preparea, aiificult lo purify ior analysis. 1 mol of bhe hydrociiloriae of tne base is dissolved in a little v;ater to produce a saturated solution. lO Lliis mix- ture is aadea a mol of potassium emanate. After a few minutes tne mixture sudaenly v«arms up to about 40*^ and a half crystalline half oily mass lises to the surface. On cooling the whole turns crystalline. Kecrystallization, in turn, irom uot alconol, from etner ana petrolic ether, irorn alcohol and peLrolic etner, and from eLnyl acecate, finally prouuces a prouuct that melts at 100°!^ corr . } . lurther iieating to as iiigh as 225^ produces no cnange in Lixe melted substance. 11 not purixlea by the number of different cecrystallizations described above, the melting point of the substance is unsharp usually beginning at 65^ and finally melting at 85-90*^. Analyses.- ualculated f.^r Nr 26.41/o hound, N = 26.26;^ and 26,lb/o. OXALiis-TE.- The oxallate is the most ueautiiul and tiie most easily prepared salt of tne hydrazo compound, but, at the same time, the most difficult to obtain in the pure stale, free base, liberated as usual, is mixed with 10 volumes of dry ether and anhydrous oxaliic acid acia auueu slowly until 1.2 mol of uhe acid has been aduea to tv/o mols of tne base. The wnole mixture is a mass of snow wnite crystals as tne precipitate lorms immediately and is ratner voluminous, final puriiication is accomplished by six or more recrystallizationx. from alcohol followed by drying 51 at 100° for 2 nours in a gtoren drying tuue evacuated by a good water pump. The salt tnus puriiiea and dried melts at 200° and appears to ue penectly pure, altnougn the cruue product is .. M 4 0 ' " 4 I u I )■ ,1 » t i II I I I A • ' t • ( 'Jl ,?) 'J : ( if I Q t'' I I ( - 53 - composed or a mixLure o± suostances InaL nave ver^ nearly tlie same properties. Analysis.- calculated lor N r IV. 39^ pound .- Wet method. Sulphuric acid- potassium dichromate mixture, heateu to hoillng. N = 27.4;^ Alter 4 passages over hot copper oxide the apparent per cent, of nitrogen decreased to 20;6. I II Wet meLnod, same oxiuation method, Out no external heating. N = 17.43> III. Same metiiod. Same proceuure . K = 17.51/0 Tne analyses snovi/ Lhat tne ¥ salL has the ® 6o 6o .on.. ^ o dilr- o formula; GH^ u GH5 GH-:: H GKi: o o AGTlOh Or ALKiL HALIDES.- Among derivatives that were m.ade only as test tube trials is the metnyl iodide derivative. On heating a mixture of meth^'l iodide, and the free dry base slightly the tvi/o react, with consiuerable evolution of heat, to form a mass of white cr jScals.The composition oi this derivatives nas not been SLuuiea. I L is very soluble in water ana in alcohol. Isopropyl iodide or bromide refuse lo reacL with the iree base unuer ail conuiLions tried. Sven wnen a mixture of .i-propyl alcohol, dry base, ana isopropyl bromide a^e heateu, in a closed tube to 110^ for tnree nours no sign 01 a reaccion product be de Lee fed. t I ' I' w' 1 I I 1 I > fj-j'-iw ,iOUC I 04 iviOiMU-i\i I TROSO Diijiil VAj- I VR Oi-' oi^IvUvifJTRloiAj j^ilSuPrvOPYi- xi^iJiLAZli'lR , - Early in Liie wortc wilu Ine n^urazo compound Llie reaction of nitrouB aciu on tue uo.se was shown to proauce a straw colored light oil, tnat was oDtained in variable ^ield under tne con- ditions then selected. The product uecomposed within a few hours and the compound was left lor future stud^. Wnen the stua^ of tue derivative was taken up systematically two metnods of preparation were developeu. i*lrst Metnod Twenty grams of th ; nyurocuioride of the symmetrical ny urazine are uissolveu in the least amount of water tnat -ill just dissolve the salt at room temperature. To this solution, 15 c.c. of alcoriol are addeu and tne resulting mixture cooleu by a freezing mixture and vigorously stirred by a motor stirrer. When tiiorougniy cold a saturated aqueous solution of 25 g of soaium nitrite is aaaea, and tuen, arop by drop, 15 c.c. oi glacial acetic acid. ii thiCK la^er of oil separates out as the reaction pro- ceeds. When ail of tne acetic aciu has been added the super- natant layer of yellow oil is separated from the lower layer. The mixture of salts and water is tuen extracted repeatedly witii ether and tne ether solution adaed to the separated oil. The final volume of tne etner mixture should not exceed 100 c.c. This solution contains , ac> tue most troublesome impurity a considerable amount of ucetic acid. To remove the acid a few cc Oj. wauer are addeu to tne euner excracc and che acid neutral- ized by means of souium carbonate. After again separating the nitroso compound from txie lower layer, tne lormer is now dried for about 15 minutes witu lumps of fuseu calcium chloride. 1 •W 'V \ 4 b ! V- ♦:*.'» Oiu’ ., I «*}U : . U4J^ ktf ■ I >■ '<' %t , ' ■ ' ./. ; *• ^ - i tr VO I aL biie ena Oj. I'linubes tue calcium cuioriae is replaced bj i'resn lumps wnicn are allowed to stay in contact witn the ether extract for 1-2 hours. The liquiu is then poured off and is reauy for the final drying. Second Method .- Txie second methou of preparing the nitroso de- rivafive consists in thoroughly mixing molecular amounts Oi ury souium nitrite and dry hydrochloride oi tue hydrazo compound, To the well rnixeu po’-'aer, water is adaeu undil a thin paste is formed, rhis paste is then warraea in a water batn to 70 degrees ana kept at tnat teraperaLure for 1-1,5 iiours. Although tnere is no noticeaule reaction oe tween the nltrice and the hydrociiloride at room temperature, tue reaction proceeas smootly at 70'^. If the temperature is raiseu to 80-00*^ the product is uiscoloreu and the yielu materially decreased due to decomposition. In tlie case oi tne product outaineu oy txie lirst method heating to as much as 40^ during txie period wuen gas is li aerated in tne solution txie whole lot oi the product suddenly decomposes ; with evolution oi neat and white iumes. This behavior has not j been oDserveu in case of the more stable product obtained by tne second method. Tne layer of yellow oil is separated and tne lower layer extracted with etuer as in case of the first raetiiod. Tne etner solution is not drieu with calcium chloride hovxever, but is cooleu in a Ireezing mixture to remove ..s much of t.iS i. -lOiiano'Sd n^ULrociiioride as possible, :iiis is the main impurity obtained by tne seconu metnod, and is reauily removed on distillation. The yielu is not quite as good (60-65/0 instead of 60-70/O in case of lirst metnod) as tnat obtained by tne first metnod I 'j [» i . “ .A a. v'lr*; ' ■ 'i ■ 'A. s Jj6iJ'00)! •’ T“ . ^‘1 -'i',:' .,-. ij>z^ 56 The treatment of Lae nitroso derivative obtained by the Lwo methods is identical alter tne calcium chloride treatment 01 the product obtained by the first metnod and the removal of the uncii‘'nged h^'urochloriae found in the product oi tiie second metaoa. iaej^L/ier exLract is dried over night over an- hyarous soaium sulphate and kept cool, in tiie meantime, in an ice box. Tne decomposition oi Lae small amouno oi di-nitroso compound LaaL seems to be formed by tne lirst metnod snould be complete uy next morning. The ice cooling is then dis- continued, cut tae extract leit in contact witn the sodium sulphate ior 3-4 aays longer. ’Waen tae liquid is then carefully pourea off the soaium sulpaate and distilled in vacuum the etner is readily removed witnout exoernal ixeating, although time is saveu by aeating tne solution to 25° by a water oath during tiiis part of tne distillation. As soon as all of the etner is removed, tne yellow residual oil is distilled under a higher vacuum. At 6-8 mm the main protion oi the liquid distills over On between 64 and 66 . On reaistiallat ion about 9dfo of the oil comes over between 65 and 66° at 7-8 mm pressure, Txiis pure product has a ueep straw color, a peculiar sweetish odor, anu is now stable at room temperature. Attempts to distill tne oil at atmospheric pressure siiowed that this is impr au ticaole since decomposition starts at aoout 150° and at tne apparent boiling point of 16u-2° the nitroso uompound de- composes ratner rapidly with evoluuion of wni ce fumes. The yield of crude product could not well ue determined anu that oi tne pure oil is variaole since tne losses during drying and distillation are variable, on normal runs the jielu of pure II ( I 1 II I II ‘i I f • -‘in / . f-.o ^ 1 '- f f - b7 - nitroso derivative ranged Irom 60 to an occasJiional 70^^ or the calculated jlela. The product is iairly soluble in water, slightly soluble in benzene and in petrolic ether, and readily soluble in alcoiiol, ethyl acetate, and eLher. Tiie derivative gives tue Lieosrman reaction, and shows otuer properties or . nitroso compounds. Ii a arop of ferric chloride is added to an aqueous solurion ol a lew drops ol tne derivative a blue-violet color is proaucea, in case oi an alcoholic solution ferric chlor- ide proQuces a green color, while a solution in chlorof orm( or even tne diluce solution in oenzene ) shows a reu coioracion. Analyses: dalculatea for , h = 2 b. 96 ;tJC= 49 . 65 j H=10. found; C , 49.65, 49.39;oJ h, 10.43, 10.22)bJ N , 28.66, 28,20/o = 1.4420 D 22/4 = .9440 oODIUm salt Of THE i\iITK0S0 HiDhAZIbE.- If the nitroso compound made, preferably, by tiie seconu metnod is diluted with ether and then treated wicn a sauurabed soiuLion of sodium hydroxide in alcohol, the whole soluuion Lyrns to a mass of very fine crystals aiter standing for a few nours. the same result is outaineu wnen soaium metriyiaue or ethylate is used insteau of tne saturateu alcoholic solution of rne hydroxide. The mass of needles is lilterea oif oy suCLion, wasxieu with ether and dried for 2-3 hours in a vacuum dessicator before tne analysis is attempted. Since no solvent was i'ouiid from wnich tne salt could ce recrystallized, tne analytical results are only approximate, but suificienciy close to leave no douct as to the corapuund ob- taineu. e < P6f!c U'C - I i. . :C‘. : ■. ? il/ . M . ' t I ■i - ;f; - 5b - tlnalj'ses; baicuiatea lor Gj.K-|_^i\i;^Ul'}a, Na r 13. 77^^; N,= ki6.15/o I'ounu.; Na = ; i4.54;^(? J N - 23.97;^o Tiie sodium was u.eLermined aja tne suipiiaoe. A peculiar reacLion Lnat was always observed wnen the nitroso derivative was neateu in tiie presence oi alkali or when iL stooQ in contact witxi Lne alnali lor longer periods or time, is rue lormarion o± a small amount ol an isonicrile. An extort was made ro isolate ruis prouuct^ uut uue ^iela is too small to isolate or uerect the carbylarnine except by its odor. It would thus ue impracticable ro prepare enougii of the nitroso compound Lo be able to iuentiiy tue isonitrile obrained from it. A number of attempts were made to reduce the nitroso compound to oxie con ssponding amine, but, as is usually rhe case wnen rnis type of nitroso compounu is reducea, the only re- ducLion proaucts rnab could oe isolaceu were ammonia and the ori^jinal hyurazo compound. Attempts to afiect tne reauction by means of catalysis failed, apparently because tne plarinum catalyst is immediately poisoned uy braces ox free nitrous acid present, lu was uopea Ixxal reduction of txie souium salt by means of Liie cataljbic mernou would ue a success, but only 4-5;^ of tiie theoretical amount of n^urogen gas was auosrued. CH^ ^dii^ 2 .2 ' -Azobispropane , uK-N::N-chi .- Twenty grams of dry hydro- chloride of tne symmeLrical nyarazine are treated witn a 50)i excess of ury po-wuered copper oxiue. The substances are then thoroughly mixed by suaking tne ilask in which the reaction is allowed to lake place. After about 15 minutes a peculiar sweet- ' J. . < v fe •• \ o.".'.:f; '■>1 !ie oi; ■' -I - 59 - isii odor becomes noticeable, aixer an iiour or two a crace of mois- ture may be noLiced on some ox tne crystals, next morning the WiiOle mass is aisLincoiy moist and Liie ouor of tne oxiaation pro- auct is mucn more marxed. After 2-o nays tne mass is so wet tnat it may be poured out ol tne reaction xiask as a tnick paste. Alter several days more, one reaction may be consiaerea complete and Lne xiask is connecLed to a condenser und heated gradually in a water batn. li tne temperature is raiseu gradually, tne large cubical ruu,/y red crystals of. an unstable copper salt, observed on tne walls of one flask witiiih o6 hours ax oer the oxidation mixture was made up, suddenly change from reu to greenish white while, at the same time, at 88.5^, tne oxidation product begins to distil over as ligbt, straw colored oil vjith a nausea oingl^ sweet and very cxiaracteriztic odor — an odor tnat may be used as a ver^' sensitive test for the hyurazo compound or its nydrochloridf . Tiie fraction distilling over between 92 and 98° is composed lar^^ely of water wnich forms a separate layer at tiie bottom of tiie reciever, Tiie oil is readily separated irom the water layer, the latter tnen extracted several times witn etiier,and the mixture of etner extract and oily layer dried for 24 iiours over fresh fused calcium cnloride.(Jn reuistillation tne product almost all distills over beoween 88 and 89° as a mobile liquid witii a faint straw color. The fact tnat the same intensity of color is obtained with ever^' sample, snows tnat tne color is not uue to some trace of impurity', tne corrected boiling point at 750 mm is 88.5° at which temperature over 90/o of the oil discills over. “ 60 Tne pure oxidation product is neutral lo litmus, is insoluble in acius ana uases, and miscible wiLh all oi the common organic solvents, ho derivabive could be outaineu witn aqueous hydro- cyanic acid, wiun pouassium emanate, witn ororaine, and witn oLher reagents that often aua on Lo uouble uonds, Tlie product in a 10 dm tuoe showed no aosorution bands in tiie visiole part of the spectrum wnen examined with a good spectro- scoije. At Lhe extreme vioiet end of tne visible spectrum a slight absorbtion seemed to occur, cut no attempt was made to determine whether there is aosorbtion in the ultraviolet or not, since suit- able apparatus was not available at the time. The index of refraction for sodium light wnen an Abbe 25 ref ractom.eter was useu 'was ^ : 1.5690. On a number or otner samples of the pure proauct this value was obtained so txiat it is the most accurate value determ.ined on an^ of the compounds. - .7408 as determined by means of a modij.ied Oprengel pic- nometer. -.lie yield of oxiuation prouuct from 20 g of tiie pure hydrochloride is 21 cc of Liie moist and 19 cc of Lhe pure oil. The calculatea yicla is 20 cc so tnat tiie yiela obtained is practically quantitative. Tne oxidation product is oest prepareu by tue me Luod de- scribee, cut tnere are a numoer oi otner methods available for the preparation. As inaicateu previcusly, ioaine titration goes quantitatively to* tne azo compound. Oxidation by means or any weak oxidizing agent prouuces ti^e azo compounu altxiough the yield may oe poor. Even such powerxul oxidizing agents as ■ . ••«':»- *v. tm; . % ,.• . .” .•■■‘'•tj * V ' X. ■ • ;'.'i i'- I I ' f . ai liJ-.-L ^ nH<~ f -t'v — ^ , . ■’ 'M • ■ ■ ' . tV'( < ' • ■'.'A'' It »« » ■ <' ’-'f a . .. it S, , •I ' a 'V' .iX I ■. •*- i. , .1 -I 61 potassium per^manganate anu pouassium uiciiromaue prouuoe a small amount oj. azo compound^ as suov/n oj one oaor • In case a small amo- nt ox one oxioialion proauc o is needea on short notice it may oe prepareu witn a :,iei^ of 60 Lo 70;t oy oxidizing the ease by meoins oi^lKaline copper salt solution. Copper ace Late appears to give one ueso resuio. xne ny urocnloride anu copper acetc^oe are piacea in a aisoillin^ liask. A uilute solu..tion ox souium nydroxiae is oi.en audeu and tne contents oi trie ilask neateu. on a steam bath. Tne azo compound distills over as in case ol one copper oxiu.e- oxdiation experiments and i is puriiieu as in case 01 tiie regular metiiou. Analyses; calculatea for C = 63.15p; ri round ; G = 65.18/c;; 63.3S/o; 63.02p: H = 12.03 ; H a 24 • 67^ _ fv'iOlecular '?jeight uetermina oions; (j^reezing point Galculaoed r 114 ; round 110 anu 119. - 12.28^; K=24.56/o 12.45; 12.46;y iov^eringjjyenzene ) neuuction of tne Azo Derivative ; Two cubic centimeters of azo compound reduced in a small reduction apparatus, absorbed the calculatea amount of nyurogen in less txian an nour unuer tne in- fluence of colloidal platinum us catalyso. iteuucoion with sodium amalgam or witn sodium in alcoxiol yields tne same produco, one symmetrical diisopropyl Ujuiazine. H^.drolysis of Liie Azo oompounu .- me azo comp^una aoes not change to any uppreciaole extent after rexluxing for an nour with a 2% solution of nyurocliloric acid. Alter 4 hour of rexluxing with a 4 ^ solution of the same acid no change could oe noted, al oer 4 iiours of refluxing w'itii a 10;b solution Ox the acid Lnere was a considersujle aecrease in volume of the iioating la^er oi azo -'^ ' '■i'Ui .U9 / ^ ^ I i : '4 i ^rabe of n^urol^'sis aL least 3 nours more would nave seen requirea to complete the hyarolysis. After one hour of ireaLment witii a 20^3 solution of concentrated acid in water, tne oily layer naa practically all oe usea up. The compound is now nydrolyzed by refluxing with a mixcure of 1 part of concen- traceu n^ arociiloric acid ana 1 pare oi wacer. V/iUi this concencrat ea solution tne layer oi oil aisappeara wiLhin naif an nour of reiluxing. An excra half nour is usually used to be sure that the hydroi^'sis is complete, he mixture is then concentrated in vacuum until- the resulting syrup becomes slightly colore a. The hydrochloride of prima.r^- isopropyl hydrazine cr^-stallizes out as small white needles on cooling the s^rup in a freezing mixture. The salt is iiltered off rapidly and o^ie filtrate concentrateu iurtner until again st'rup^ .The fhedzihgj. out and concentration processes are '"e-oeateu. until Qni^ a verj small amount or resiuual solution is left, rhe small amount of h^arociiloride left in this is precipitated b^ means of a mixture of a few drops oi alcohol and about 5 c.c. of ether. The h^ arochloriae maj' then be purifieu ana analyzed or the ease ma^' be liceratea from the salt and tue dibenzoj/1 derivative made in identiij'ing this n^-arol^sis pro- duct . To identify acetone - the otner iiyurolysis product- a second lo-t of azo derivative is hydrolyzed bj a 10 % solution of hydrochloric acid. This does not cause as much loss Ox acetone as the more concentrated solution oi acid does. After the hydroly- sis is complete, the acetone is simply distilled off and iaenti- lieu by means of the uenziliuine compound, by tiie iodoform test. - 63 - and. 'Dj tne souium ni Lroprussiae color lest. Conversion Lo tlie Hydra zone IT the azo compound stands lor a week or more over strong alkali or if it is heaueo. for a few hours au 180*^ with concentrated potassium njuroxide,in a closeu. Luije,Lhe azo u6: ivative is partially converbed to one u”drazone as evidenceu bj' tne nydrazone odor, the greaLly changeu index oi refraction, and txie boiling point of lOO’ to 118 '’lor tiie resiuue left on dis- tilling off tne unciiange^. azo compound. Since only a small amount could be obtained in a run of this Kind tne n^'arazone could not be analj'zeu because rhe purificacion of such a small amount of prcducu is too uiificul'^. Tue iucc LuaL even sucn arastic treac- ment as iieating bo 180° only parxiaily converbs tne azo to the iijuiazone uerivuLive snows tnai tne azo derivative oi symmetrical diisopropjl iij-urazine is an uncommonly stable compound. All at- tempts to effect the reverse rearrangement - h^'drazone to azo- f ailed. P reparation of Di - isopropylj >’ in tetra substituted liyarazines =tnd in a few symmetrical disubsti tubCn nyura tines oxidation or heat tenu to uecompose tne azo compounds to produce nitrogen gas along with the dialkyi compouuu produced tnrougix reuniting of the two alkyl rests, in spite oi a large number of uifferent experimiOxits carrieu out in an attempt to find a practical method of uecomposing the azo compound obcaineu in tuis worn into nitro- gen gas and di-isopropyl, none o± the metiiods trieu gave more than traces df paraffins. . 64 PKSPAKii'i'luw UF iviUWU ISO'^PrLUPYijhyjjKAZIi'^E. - Tile primary liyurazine majf' be prepared oj laree dilierent metiiods. Two of tixese, the hjdrolj'sis 01 tne azo aerivabive and oi Lne hj-drazone are similar and nave ueen parbly uescribea. The ujdrol^sis ol tixe ixydrazone id eifecteu by verj dilute acids, even water iiyurolyzes cnis compound, so tae preparation of tiie primary' a^'urazine from Ixiis compound is exorern ly simple. Vuietixer produced bj hyarol^sis of tne hydrazone or of 2 , 2 ’ -azobispropane the ayarolysis mixture is concentrated in vacuo as describeu before, tne iiydrocaloride is isolateu,and purifiea uy recrystallization, and tlien dbcompQsed by means of concentrated alkali. The taird ana best melixod of preparing the primary hydrazine consists in the catalytic reauction of a mixture of 1 mol of pure acetone,! mol oi ayurazine iiyarate, and 1 mol of hydrochloric acid in exactly tae same manner tnau tne reduction of ketazine was efiectea. Tne procedure tarougiiout is the same except that the aydrocnloride of primary isopropyl ayarazine decomposes too easily to permit tae evaporation to uryness of tae reduction mixture even in vacuo. Accordingly i^ne iiydrocaloride is isolated by cooling the syrupy solution of Lhe hyarociiloride in a freez- ing mixture to freeze out as m.ucii as possible oi the salt at a time. The mass ox fine needle-like crystals is then filtered by suction. The xiltrate is concentrated furtaer and the freezing and iiltcring repeated until the amount of syrup leit aoes not exceed b to 8 cc wnen the rest of the salt is • precipitated by m^eans of a little alcoaol ana a large excess of ether, ny waat- ever one of tne taree metaods mentioned, the salt may nave been Ca-O. n 1,. I i * ■ ir* V ^ 1«. u i. ) . , t ^ ® ; - '.yjO f ‘ etner, ana petrolic ether. N r 20.09^^ Analyses: Calculated 1‘or G Nr^S , 13 J-O o Found. (Dumas) N z iy»B6 and 20.23/5. Di-uenzoyl Derivative of Fnimar.y Isoprop.yl - H.ydrazin e . CH3 ^CH-NK-F^ Two mols oi' benzoyl ciiloride C1I3 ^“C,,n3 0 ^ are aaued to a concentrated sol- ution of tue iiyarociiloride in waper. Sodium uarbonape, in excess is aaue^ to this. After a lew minutes of lively stirring a react- ion occurs with evolution of consideraole heat. A- first no pre- cipitate or otiier- product can ue uetecced. Ax ter stirring and ruDbing tne smear witn sodium carbonate a few minutes the deriv- ative sudaenly crjStailizes out, Puriiication is accoraplisneu witn alcouoi and vvater in exactly uhe same manner as in tne case of the phenyl thiosernicarbazide aerivative. Tne pure product con- sists of beautiiul white needles melting at 161 . o'^( corr . ) The dioenzoj'i ueriva. uive insoluole in water, ether, and petrolic ether Wiiile it is sofuufe in c^fcoiiOl, etiijl acetate, anu. cenzene. Analyses: Calculated for C^3 H^qK 202> N r 9.93/5 Found: (Dumas) 9.85/5 and 10.09/a N • Even When only one mol of oenzo^l chloride is added to 1 mol of the base the same derivative is formxSd wnile tne remainder of tne Case is not affected. Other derivatives ; Test tube trials show tnat the oxallate, the picrate, tiie seinicar uaziue , and the aromatic aldehyde derivatives can readily oe prepared. To prepare tne aliphatic aldehyde and ketone uerivatives, a condensing agent appears to be necessary. *«rj j j . iW. 1 f I y - 69 - CH A A fV PKiiPAKiiriulT OP AGPiONE I^OPAOP VL-HYl)RAZONE, ^ GH-NH-N=C; CHg o Although preliminary trials had shown that a small amount of a new compound was ourained when the prim_ary ayarazine and acetone were m.ixeu, the yield' was too small to permit tae isola- tion and iaentii icarion of rhe new suustance. As it was very urgently desired to make the condensation proauct of acetone and rne primary ayarazine, to prove , ii possiule , rne strucLure of tne oxiaaLion proauct obtainea from tne hydrocaloride of the symmeorical hydrazine, a long series of experiments were carriea out in an elforr to aeuermine wnetaer the condensation product could ue produceu in good enouga yiela to permit, au least , its isolation and identii ication. The only metaoa taat aas seen triea taat gives good yields is tae one aevelopea cy Aeddelien for tne preparation of aniles. 1.5 mols of acetone of acetone are added to a solution of 1 mol of primary isopropyl hydrazine in 10 volumes of etaer that has been carefully dried. No reaction can be noticed. A small piece of anhydrous zinc chloride (less that ,5 g) is added to the mixture. Immeaiately tiiere is a violent reaction with vigorous heating and euulitian of acetone. To prevent too large a loss of acetone oxie small flash is cooled unuer tne tap until the reaction slows aoim, Tne mixture is again aeated almost to tae uoiling point oi tne excess acetone and taen allowea to stand for an hour or two. a.t tae end of tais time the reaction pro- duct is distilled directly off tne liquid and clieesy zinc salts. Tlie disLillate is taen dried over iresaly ariea anhydrous sodium sulphate lor 3-4 days before iractionating tne mixture, up to 70 65° UiG etner and excess acetone come over. At auout 65° the tiiermometer suadenij rises until a temperature oi 132° ia reached. The rest oi tne liquid distills over uetween 132 and 134 uegrees. The residue left aiter tuis, as 'well as tiie first distillation is a deep red liquid containing zinc salts as some of the residual substances, nhese substances were not examined in detail. The pure hjdrazone is a colorless, mobile liquid with a stinging menthol odor that seems to be characteriztic of ketone and aldenyde condensation proaucts v/itii primary isoprop^l-nydra- zine, as it was also encountered in test tube experiments with benzaldeiiyde and witii salicylaldehyde , The density was found ; =,8225 22 The refractive inaex ; T\ - 1.4360 Analyses; Calcuiateu for G = 63.15; K = 12.28; N r 24.56^S i<'ound; G z 62.69 and 63.00)^; H = 12 . 47 , 12,5570 ; h r 24.98,24.347b IviOlecular weight ue termination , Lowering of freezing point of benzene. found t 105,108, 104 . Theoretical ; 114. The hy drazone is very easily hydrolyzed even by water. This f8.ct explains why it nas been so aifficult to obtain alipiiatic hyurazones in tue past. Tlie prouucts of iiydroiysis were identified in the sam.e way tlxat tuose obtaineu from the azo compound were iaentiiied. Reduction to tne hyarazo compounu v^as readily effected by means of colloidal platinum anu uydrogen as in tne case of tne azo compound. .Jie product obtaineu was iuentixied by the melting point of tne nydrocuioride and uj the odor oi tiie azo compound 71 ODtaineu on Lreaoing Lne arociiioriue vjiun powderea copper oxide, AbtempLs oo prepare one uenzoyl, tue puenjlmustara oil, and tile semicar uazide aerivatives failed because , owing lo moisture periiaps, Lne final proauct obfaineu was always the corresponding derivative of the primary isopropyl hyarazine. It is possible tnat some of . these may be obfained tarougir^the use oi’ some de- hydrating agent, VAiilOuo DEsEiraViIbAi IONS xb'Mb IviE'friObo; - me inuex of refraction of tne uifferent compounds was aeferminea by means of an Aube ref ractometer with daylight as tne source of iigxiL, liie instrument waa frequenLiy ciiecked against water. The remperarure was obtainea by means of a Kormal tnermometer . The specific gravity was determined, in each case ,by means of a small moaiiieu Sprenkel type picnometer. because of the small amounts of pure material preparea,in most cases, at one uime, one capacity of the picnometer was made only 1,6219 cc at 4 degrees. The instrument was always filled to the mark on the j-ine capillary side arm at the temperature at which ohe sample and instrument nad been kept for some hours. This temperature was Known anu was higher than that of the balance case. When tne weigiiings were carried out the liquid drew av/ay Irom the tip of the instrument thus preventing loss due to evaporation. To determine tne strength of tiie symmetrical hydrazine, and if possible, tnat o± tne primary nyurazine, conductivity measurements were carried out. The temperature of tiie tnermo- stat w^'S kept constant at 25 + .01*^, hie ceil nad platinized ( , t t • 1 . '^v *■' n>''5 c '^VWl ’jjbw. ii ’'1^^ -ty i.0^., jrti'iw • ' ' i'> t - > i- 72 electrodes faslenedjto a verLical uoudle v;ire inlet tube, parallel to eacn otner and at a distance ol 2.5 mm. A stopcock az zne bottom of tiie cell permitted the withdrawal of 5 cc of so_^ tion alter eacii dilution wnile tiie added water was added irora an accura.tely calibratod pipette. As the samples had to be kept in an atmosphere of nitrogen, a strong capillary tube reaciiing into the bottom of the cell served as an inlet for the nitrogen wnich served as a stirring device as well as in the capacity of an inert atmospnere. This proveu very satisiaciory as trie buuDles SLirred me solution txioroughly witnout endanger- ing the adjustment oi tne electroaes. Tiie sourse of aluernaiing current was a special alterna- tor furnishing 1000 cycles a second. Tne conductivity water was preiDarea by means of the regular conauciivity water still. AS tiie iiydrociilorivxe is appreciably hydrolyzed at nign uilutions , x^reuig's metiiod of calculating the value of /\^was employea, ho claim of great accuracy is maae for tne deterraina-1 j lions in view of the fact that it is very diificult to prevent tne base from oxiaizing to some extent and the assumption that hydrolysis does not enter in in the conuuctivity determinations on tne iiydrociiloride below 256 volumes is also hardly justifiable. In view oi tne limitations places on tne conductivit work by tne nature of the base, tne fact tnat the strength of the symmetrical ease is very close to txxat of hydrazine, is all that was hoped i or tne determinations. The primary rij^drazine pioved to be extensively nydrol- yzeu even at 16 volumes of water to 1 of oase. 75 TAiiXjiii XX* Conauctivity , at Variouy Concentrations, Of tne Hydrociiloriaes Of Some nitrogen Voi'ojiies of 'jyater per Gram oaXt • 6 of lij'aroculoride of 2, 2 ‘ -Hydrazo- propane NpK. (CK 5 )piMH 82.1 --- o GK^wHp 16 102.0 — — — — 52 116.2 111.5 106.5 126.5 115.4 64 150.0 114.6 109.7 129.8 116.9 128 140.0 117.8 112.6 152.8 119.9 266 160.0 120.6 114.0 135.0 122.6 512 175.0 122.5 116.2 156.4 123.8 1024 182.0 125.0 117.5 157.9 125.1 jata, except for 2 ,2 ‘ -iiydrazopropane( 5^'mmetrical diisoprop^'l 52 iiyuraz3)n^, from oreaig#' y 1 • 1 / I r t; ./> . I t*,' ' i C r 0 ^ ^ if. » •» , V V • 74 T A3LIL III |0O Values of(Yir;^y7 ior a Kumber of Nitrogen Bases at Various Goncentrations . Base Volumes r 8 16 32 64 128 256 Average Hydrazine • 00044,0005 . 00023 ,00021 .00020 .00021 .00027 3 ym. Di-iso Propyl-hydrazine .00023.00022 •00019 .00018 .00019 .00020 Aniline ,15V ,165 .162 .159 « 156 .152 .158 I-Propyl-amine .052 .054 .054 . 053 .052 .051 .053 Ammonia .0023 .0023 .0025 .0023 .0023 .0024 .0023 kethyl- amine .052 .052 .051 . 050 .049 .047 , 050 Dime 1-amine .074 .074 .074 .074 . 0?'4 .074 .074 T rime thy 1-amine .0069 .0073 . 0075 .0076 .0075 .0074 .0074 Bata, except for sjmmefricai biisoprop^ l-xiydrazine^ f rom Bredig^52 j Y5 IV SUMwArtY. 1) Tiie reuacLion or (limeLliji ketazine to symmetrical diiso- propyl iiyurazine nas Deen accompli sixea oy means or catalytic reduction using colloiaal platinum as a catalyse . k) rue resulting hydrazine and its common derivatives have been studied. o) 2 , 2 ’ -Azobispropane lias been prepared by oxidaeion of the hyurociiloride or tne symmetrical h^u.razine. The use or copper oxiue as an oxidizing agent to prepare alipnatic azo compounds constitutes a new metuou oT oxiaaeion ol sucn nierogen compounds. 4) Acetone-isopropyl hyurazone , a new zype o± alipiiaeic compound xias ueen prepa.reu ana studied. The isolaeion or both rne azo and the uydrazone derivaoives or tne symmetrical hydrazine represents an acnievement tnar has not Heretofore been accomplisned in the rield ox purely alipnaric hydrazines. 5) Tne mono-nitroso derivative of symmetrical diisopropyl- hyurazine nab been prepared and stuv^ied. 6 ) The rirst sodium salt purely aliphacic nitroso - hydrazine iias been prepared in the x orm of the sodium salt of theimono-nitroso ^erivaoive of the Syrnwetrical hydrazi-ne. 7) The previously unknown primary isopropyl hydrazine has boen prepared by the following metnods; (a) hy reduction or a mixture of 1 mol of acetone and 1 mol of nydrazine nydrate to wxiicn 1 mol of hydrochloric acid nad been auued. (b} hy acid xxydrolysis ox acetone isopropyl hy drazone. (c) hy auid xiyurolysis or 2,2 ' -azobispropane. 76 TABLii I V Relations Between tiie Dii'ierenL Proaucus ..-jtuuien in tBe i X ;-.sent InvcstijaLion. ■/'m^ ' ,,y.i / 'i . > ^.t, . 4 - m 1 • it •,. ^ ^;i^* ,u >r... ■ t %'^ ^4 t\fiui^:<§t. Miim -. ■ .JH . . , ■' fr; ’■" 't«f. vl‘ "iA ''' ’i w'>' ’ f '* '* ** _ m '•» *< iy'y f ■d: ,v#'A ■ r (■ . tJ ' r/ 4M .Si ,'f. •_.. A *f ' M: ■''./ \h y." -v- . , ■" - ''' '■♦^ . ’/i !,'(l'! fitf I v.,j <,lk^’ •*. * ’ 1 1 '.' tA / .'■■ / ' ■ L ■f^'fi ■ ',i^ , '’. -V. ■ »W g » ^ " ~ * ' . ■ ---».• ,J"" ^ i4Juu;i ' Ujii/..Vg *^ -^-! a "- --: 76 iJlBLIOuiiAPii i . 1. Curtius, J. prakt .(Jhem, , ( 2 ) ^,531 (1888) 2. Raschig, 3er.^, 4587 (1907) 3. i‘lscher, Ann« , 190 ,71 (1878) 4a. i'lscher, Ann., . 190 , 77 (1878) 4b, risciier, Ann., 199 , 308(1879) 4c. Riscner, Ber., 2i71(1880) 5a. Rischer, Ann. , 199 , 325 (1879) 5b. RisCiier, ibin. , 190 ,102 (la78) 6. RiscAer and jrillning, Ann. , 253 , 5 (1889) 7a. Rischer, Ann. , 199 , 330 (1879) 7b. i-i'i sober, 8er .,29,793 (1896) 7c. Harries and Haga, 8er.,_^, 58 (1898) 8. oLolle and j-jenratb, J.prakt .Gnem. , ( 2 ) 70,263( 1904) 9. Ruscn, DisserLaLion , Heiaeluerg, 1904, 10. Kisclnner, J. prakt .onem. , ( 2 ) ^,113 (1901) lla, Curtius, J. prakt .Ciiem. , ( 2 ) ^,44 (1889) llb. Gurbius and Pi lug, J , praKt .Gnern. , ( 2 ) (1891) 12a, Curtius, J. prakt. .Guem,(2) 62 , 83( 1900 ) 12b, Thiele, Ann. 376 , 261 (1910) 12c . Curtius ,?ropfe, and Haager , J. prakt .Gxiem. , (2)^, 164(1891) 13a, Curtius, J. prakL .Chem. ,( 2 ) 62 , 83( 1900) 13b.Vvohl and Oesterlin, cer ., 33, 2736 ( 19 00 ) 14, Curtius and Tnun, J.praKL.Ghem. , ( 2) 44,161(1891) 15, Thiele, Ann., £^,262 (1910) 16, Thiele and Iieusser , Ann. , 290 ,30(1896) 17, Wieland, "hie Hydrazine, Rerdinand Enke , Stuttgart , 1913.p 94 =‘- " ♦ I V ■■ J \ . I - 77 - 18. Iviailiie, Compt.rena. , 170 ,1265 (1920) iBa. Gurtius ana l'Oersterling,oer .27, 77Q( 1894) 18b. Gur Lius ana Zinkeisen, J.prakl .Giiem. , ( 2 ) 58, bl0( 1898) 18c .i-’ranke , konaLsh. ,£0, Bb5( 1699 ) 18d. krey ana Horfman, konatsh. , 22, 762(1901 ) 19. Guruius and Wirsing, J. prakt .Guem. ( 2 ) bO, 546( 1894) 20. Zieiil, Dissertation, Gdttingen, 1914. 21. otaudinger, Helv. Giiim. Acta, 4,212,217,239(1921) 22a. Kaufrman, Der.^, 123 (1918) 22b.Willstatter, 8er. ,^,767(1918) 22c.Rosenmund,Der. 680(1916) 22d. WillsLdater,and kayer, xier . ,41, 1475( 1908) 23a. Loew, per. ,2 5,2 89 ( 1890) 25b. Yv'illstdtter,ana KaLt, 3er . ,46,1471(1912 ) 24a. Paal ana ^pnberger, per. ,37,124(1904) 24b. Paal, Per .46 , 2221 ( 1912 ) 24c.porsche,x_.er . , 62, 2077( lyl9) 26a. Skita and keyer. Per . 3513, 5679 , 3689 ( 1912 ) 25b. Uaoe, per. ,46, 2166 1 , 1912 ) 25c. 3kita, per. , 42 , 1627( 1909 ) 25d, Skita, per. ,62,1620(1919) 27a. Harries, per. ,27,2279(1894) 27b. Harries and Klamt, per. 28, 504 ( 1895) 27c. knorr and £tthler,per . ,39,3259(1906) 2 7d. Thiele, Ber . 2577 ( 1909 ) 27e. Harries and Haga, 3er. 31 ,62(1898) 28a. Korte, DisserLarion , Heiaelberg, 1903. / L' u'h; t 9 I - 78 - 28b, busch, ber. ,^,loy( 1905) 29a. Dr . J.K.Oailej,. Private Pcmrrur ication. 29b, harries ana iiaga, oer. , 51, 64( 1898) 29c, Harries, i^er .27_,22v6( 1894) 50a, liiiele, Her . , 41, 28Qb( 1908) 50b. Thiele, Her., 41, 2681 (1908) 50c. Stolle, Ber., ^,2811(1908) 51. Ourtius, per. , 55, 2562 ( 1900) 52 ,_;amberger and hausser, Ann. , 575 , 519 ( 1910) 55a. Voswinkel, Ber. , 55, 1945( 1910) 54,. pecuman, Ber. 26, 104 7(1 89 5) 55. Bamcerger, Ber. , 55, 758( 1902 ) 56. Thiele , Ann. , 576 , 245 (1910) 57. Kizis, Dissertation, Strassburg, (Date not given) 59. Wieland, loc.cit.page 44. 40. Baeyer, Ber . , 2 , 685( 1869 ) 41a. Gomberg, rUin. , 500 , 60 ( 1898) 41b. Sciimiltman, DissertaLion, Heidelberg, 1914) , 4lc. Thiele and Heusser, Ann., 290 , 261(1896) 42. kiitcherlich, Ann . 12 , 511 ( 1854 ) 45a. Fischer, Ber . , 29 , 795( 1896) 45b. Bamberger and Pemsel , .^er . , 56, 56( 1903) 43c.ElDers, Ann. , 227 , 554(lb85) 45d. ihiele, Ann. 576 ,267( 1910) 44fe. Thiele and Heusser , Ann. , 290 , 6( 1896) 44b.nantscn and Lilscndtz , Ber. , 45, 5016 ( 1912 ) - 7y - 46a. Eibers, Ann., 227, 564( IdbS ) 46b. iniele,iinn. ,676, 267( 1910) 45c. Kischner, J.prakt .Ohem. ,^, 424 (189 6) 45d. Kischner, J.prakt,Ohem. ,(2)64,125(1901) 46a. Headelien, 8er .42,4759( 1909 ) 46b. Reddelien, 6er. ,^,2479( 1910) 46c .Kedaelien, ibnn. ,588,170(1912) 46a. Lachowiez,iv.onaosh. ,^, 510( 1912 ) 46s. keadelien, oisseriation ,Leipzig( 1912 ) 47. DimroLh and Zoeppritz, ber. ,56,984(1902) 48. W-ieland, J^er . ,41, 5606( 1902 ) 49.3iiipley anaV/erner, J.pnem. Soc. , 105 , 1255( 1898) 50. otolle. J.prakL.ohem. , (2) 66,552(1902) 61. Storch, aentralbl. 1895, I ,915. 52. ijredig. J .prakt .Ohem. 15, 508( 1891) 55. Noyes, J.A.0.3. ,43,1779(1921) ■si y ? * A t / , I I BlOCri-l/uPi-iV Tlie Witter was uorn in G-iilespie Gounty, Texas, on OctoDer 18tn, 1892, He >^rauuateu rrom tue 3outiiwest Texas Normal ocxiool in 1913, witn History as tlie major stua^. In 1918 iie re- cieved a B.A. degree i'rom tne University of Texas v/Here He served as student assistant in 1917-18, and as tutor in 1919-20. Previous to and between nis years of study at the University of Texas, he taught for four years in various public schools of Texas. From April 1918 to September 1919, he served in the hospital corps of the U.S.Navy, in clinical laboratory work. he vifas a graduate assistant in (jnemistry during 1920-21 anu a Fellow during 1921-22 at tiie University of Illinois, he is co-author of two articles, - 1) "The Conversion of kethyleneaminoacetonitrile to Iminiaceto- nitrile" by J.R.nailey and li.L.Locnte, J.A.C.S. ^,2443 (1917) 2) "Symmetrical ui-Isopropyl-Hydrazine and Its derivatives." A preliminary article by the writer witn J.rc. Bailey and W.A. Noyes. J.A.C.S. 43,2597 (1921) i'« it 1 > '• ) 1 . i < ■ ( I i > j I .F • , i i ( 1 1 I j-^r > i 5i