North -Western College 9 BECA USE — MAIN HALL OF NORTH-WESTERN COLLEGE NORTH-WESTERN COLLEGE NAPERVILLE, ILL. A Co-educational School under Christian Auspices CARNEGIE LIBRARY WHERE SHALL I ATTEND COLLEGE? ^ I A HIS question comes to every earnest High School student. There is no need of emphasizing the advantages of a col- lege training. These are admitted on all sides. But where shall I attend? Let us help you decide this question. COME TO NORTH-WESTERN COLLEGE, 1 . BECAUSE the College is a small college not a large university. You will not be lost in a large multitude. Classes are kept small purposely. You will come into personal touch with your instructors. You will have your full share in all college activities. G0LDSP0HN SCIENCE HALL 2. BECAUSE all the departments are in charge of competent Instructors of un- sullied Christian character. Instruction is not entrusted to immature graduates, who act as understudies to some investigator, whose literary products have made for him a name. Our instructors are men and women, who after thorough preparation make teaching their sole life- profession. The instruction is adapted to the individual needs of the student. 3. BECAUSE of the democratic col- lege spirit prevailing. Our students are all on the same social footing. We tolerate no fraternities to vitiate all spheres of college activities with aristocratic tendencies. All our honor men win recognition because of merit only, not because of fraternity affiliation or social standing. PHYSICAL LABORATORY— SCIENCE HALL 4. BECAUSE the College offers ample facilities for all the courses offered. We have at North-Western A. — MAIN HALL, with offices for officers of administration, chapel, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. rooms, Y. M. C. A. reading room, twelve reci- tation rooms, seven music rooms, three rooms for the commercial department, museum and herbarium, art studio, four literary society halls, College Chronicle office and bindery, all fully equipped in a building practically fire- pi oof. B. — GOLDSPOHN SCIENCE HALL, re- cently erected through the liberality of Dr. A. Gold- spohn, of Chicago, modern in all its appointments, adequate in all its equipments with four large lecture rooms, four commodious student* laboratories, four private laboratories, four store-rooms, three dark- rooms, weighing rooms, &c. CHEMICAL LABORATORY— SCIENCE HALL C. -CARNEGIE LIBRARY, with its carefully selected volumes for collateral reading and original research in all courses, two large reference and read- ing rooms, fully supplied with scientific, economic and literary and other departmental journals. Students likewise have free access to the Chicago Free Library, one of the largest in the country. D. — NICHOLS HALL. The gymnasium is fitted out with standard gymnasium apparatus, shower baths, lockers, etc. Our basket-ball floor is admittedly unsurpassed by any floor in or about Chicago. E. —A CENTRAL HEATING PLANT, from which all the buildings are heated. The capacity of the plant is ample for twice the number of buildings heated. NICHOL’S HALL -THE GYMNASIUM 5. BECAUSE of the high standard of scholarship maintained. The entrance requirements are as high as those of the best colleges and universities. The requirements for graduation are equally rig- orous. Our diploma therefore stands for recognized achievement and admits our graduates to post-graduate courses of the largest universities of this country and Europe without examination. The work done in science receives full recognition at Rush Medical College and other similar institu- tions. Our graduates are sought after as teachers in High Schools, and principals of schools. MUSEUM SPECIMEN— BEAVER 6. BECAUSE of the splendid record of our Alumni. A larger percent of our graduates enter the learned professions than of other colleges. The following is the record of the last 200 stu- dents graduated: Teachers in public schools, high schools and colleges .... 58 Clergymen . . . . . . 57 Post-graduate students at present . . .16 Missionaries in Foreign Countries . . 10 Doctors ....... 8 Lawyers ...... 7 In Commercial Pursuits .... 6 Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. Secretaries . 3 Editors ....... 2 Graduate Nurse ..... 1 Married (former Lady-students) . . .21 Unclassified ...... 7 Died ........ 4 Total . . . 200 WINNERS IN ORATORY AND DEBATE 7. BECAUSE of our record in inter- collegiate competition. Wherever our students enter into intercollegiate contests, they acquit themselves creditably. We have had seven joint debates with students of Ripon College, Wheaton College, Lombard College, Milliken University and Illinois Wesleyan University and have won six. We have entered seven oratorical contests of the Northern Illinois Oratorical League. We won first place four times and second place three times, by far the best record made by any college in the league. Our athletic record is equally good. Our basket- ball team was undefeatet on the home floor for the last two years, although they met and defeated some of the strongest teams in or about Chicago. Our track team won out in all the track meets entered last year. Baseball victories are numerous. Tennis courts are maintained in sufficient number. COLLEGE CHAPEL 8. BECAUSE of the Christian atmos- phere of the College. Robert E. Speer said of North-Western College: “I have known North-Western College for the last nineteen years, and I know of no school where deeper spirituality prevails. The spiritual atmosphere of your institution tends to the development of the very best kind of character, the kind of character so much in demand in this age.” 9. BECAUSE of its location . Naper- ville, 111., is a beautiful suburb of Chicago and has 4000 inhabitats. We have all the conveniences of modern cities. We have all the advantages of the metropolis of the Middle West within reach, yet are afflicted with none of its disadvantages. Naperville is an ideal college town. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 1 0. BECAUSE expenses are moderate and opportunities for self-help are numerous. Scholarships entitle the holders to instruction in all literary departments of the college. An additional incideneal fee of $ 1 2 per semester is charged. Labor- atory fees are reasonable. Rooms can be rented at rates ranging from $8 to $12 per term for each student. Board can be had at boarding clubs at a cost of $2.25 to $2.50 per week. The total expenses per semester will range from $ 1 00 to $ 1 50 according to the personal habits of the student. THEREFORE, WOULD you prepare for the learned professions. DO you crave higher culture as a good in itself. WOULD you study Art, Music, or pursue a Com- mercial Course with all the advantages of college surroundings, COME TO NORTH - WESTERN COLLEGE , NAPERVILLE , ILL . HEATING PLANT NORTH-WESTERN COLLEGE comprises the following departments : COLLEGIATE V. II. PREPARATORY VI III. ACADEMIC VII. IV. GERMAN VIII. COMMERCIAL MUSIC ART PHYSICAL CUL TURE Work is offered in the following general subjects: Greek Philosophy Mathematics Physics History Astronomy Political Economy Physiology Botany Psychology Biology Geology Chemistry German Rhetoric Literature French Latin Sociology Public Speaking Commercial Branches Music Art Physical Culture For further information address: L. M. Umbach, Acting President, or F. W. Umbreit, Treas., Naperville, 111.